diff --git "a/combined_train.csv" "b/combined_train.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/combined_train.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,52708 @@ +code_frames,text,label +13,Va. and Md. Reject Ban On Smoking,12 +7,"Ross Clayton Green, a 20-year-old resident of nearby Hollywood, S.C., is charged with murder in the death of Patrolman Steven B. Hiott and assault and battery with intent to kill in the wounding of Patrolman Michael A. O'Connell on Oct. 29.",6 +7," In St. Louis, several area police chiefs said the streets would become more dangerous for both police and the public if the proposal is passed.",6 +3,that it would be an honor to die for his crimes,2 +5," is not entitled to immunity under Florida's ""stand your ground"" law, a judge has ruled.",4 +1,Safety checks at Mexican border take toll on 2 cities' economies,0 +5,can be addressed again by another judge in the future.,4 +5,"ut juries all over Florida are realizing it's not far from the truth, shifting some of the legal blame from the weak wills of smokers such as Rizzuto to cigarette makers.",4 +4,"Va. history of bias cited in same-sex nuptials case +",3 +5,"2 Detectives' Killer Is Ineligible for Capital Punishment, U.S. Judge Rules",4 +11,It has been my experience that most gun owners are not the sort of people who can be spotted by their table manners or their disposition to brawling,10 +3,Methodist who was punished over gay nuptials joins D.C. church,2 +12, accepted,11 +5,Retailers often get enmeshed in litigation tied to guns they sell that are then used in crimes.,4 +5, sidestepped a possible death penalty yesterday in a plea bargain with Jefferson County prosecutors.,4 +13,Justices' politics fade on bench,12 +13,States loosen concealed carry gun laws,12 +1,Hawaii Tourism Boost,0 +9," +The city of Durham might join Chapel Hill and Carrboro as the only municipalities in North Carolina to provide health and dental benefits to employees' domestic partners.",8 +11,Gun-control stats tell different story,10 +5,"""plainly unconstitutional."" Mr. Barnes is an attorney.",4 +6,"The expired ban was shredded with loopholes, which gun dealers easily exploited. ",5 +5,"The theme of Actors' Studio's third season, ""Love and Honor,"" gave Lipkin an opportunity to respond to the 2008 passage of California Proposition 8, which overturned the state Supreme Court's ruling that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry",4 +13,2000 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE: Panel chairman refuses vote on child-safety gun bill,12 +13,"""Voting for Obama was a great feeling and to know that immigrants have shown their strength in this election was even better,"" said Jaime García, an Ecuadoran immigrant who has been a U.S. citizen for 10 years.",12 +3,"If all of our religious leaders in Atlanta would adopt the same clear-minded reasoning, we would drastically reduce the hateful rhetoric piled on homosexuals by many so-called Christians.",2 +7,"who was convicted of the contract killing of Darrell Ruestman of Joplin in 1982. Bannister, 35, of Chillicothe, Ill., was paid $ 4,000 for the murder. +",6 +13,"Absentee voting is to begin Tuesday on the measure, which was referred to the ballot by the Republican-led Legislature. +",12 +7,"The police said they were not disappointed with the results of the gun collection to date, and added that they expected many other gun owners, like late tax filers, to come forward just before the deadline. Those who do not come forward, the police said, would receive visits from precinct officers to collect the weapons, either voluntarily or through court orders.",6 +13,"For the new political order taking shape in Washington, however, H-1Bs aren't quite welcome.",12 +5,Va. offers gun permit on the Web,4 +13,EDGAR SEEKS BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS,12 +13,"The photo doesn't have to have been PhotoShopped. It could be Obama ran out to have a picture taken after many people questioned whether he had shot a gun before. Just another political, staged photo. +",12 +5," but that's their right as citizens of the state of Texas,""",4 +13,"said Kaine, who opposes gay marriage",12 +6,KEY PROVISIONS OF DEATH PENALTY LEGISLATION,5 +12,An informal poll by KTRK-TV in Houston indicated 27 percent of Texas stations would televise the execution.,11 +1,"Thousands descend upon Florida from their northern hideaways, bringing with them the cooler air and the seasonal jobs that follow them down the coast.",0 +5,High court to review English-only laws,4 +9, doctors and other health care providers for asking patients or their parents whether they have a gun at home.,8 +13,"And once again, despite some Republicans' signals that they'll consider limits on ""bump stock"" devices such as the ones that helped the Las Vegas shooter kill 58 people and injure hundreds of others, few expect much meaningful legislation from Congress and the president - an outcome caused by the power of the National Rifle Association.",12 +5,Ohio Court Limits Power Of Localities On Gun Laws,4 +7,Execution date is set for man who killed wife Lawyer says he'll seek restraining order until suit is resolved,6 +6,S.F. MAY SANCTION SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,5 +5,"Nadine Smith, executive director of Equality Florida, wrote in a press release on March 27 that she was hopeful the Supreme Court would move to end the federal ban on same-sex marriage: +",4 +7,"The two, who came to be known as the Lonely Hearts Killers for preying on lonely widows, were electrocuted in Sing Sing.",6 +5,"A D.C. woman filed suit in U.S. District Court yesterday, claiming that the city would not let her register a pistol because of its color.",4 +5,"According to court documents, the judge was aware at the time that in the seven years prior to being awarded custody",4 +6," I'm sick to death of fellow liberals wringing their hands and whimpering about gun violence in one breath then conceding that nothing can be done in the next. We heard these same tired arguments against reforms involving wearing seat belts, smoking in public, school yard bullying, date rape and a host of other destructive behaviors that had been accepted for decades in our culture. Those arguments include: It's a right that has to be respected, it's too widespread to be stopped, the forces against reform are too strong or too well-funded.",5 +6,Federal agents could only watch as the crazy quilt of loopholes that passes for gun control in this country enabled dozens of suspects to stock their personal or group armories.,5 +10,N.J. bill would add benefits for partners,9 +4,Peterson tells court he's innocent,3 +10,"Beyond the humanitarian questions of deporting people to a country with which they have little or no connection or experience,",9 +5,As he wades into a high-stakes debate over the Second Amendment,4 +5,CONVICTED KILLER BEARS HEAVY BURDEN OF PROOF,4 +5,DA RULES OUT DEATH PENALTY,4 +5,"Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Harold Cohen rejected the industry's requests for extra time to submit more arguments for dismissing the four racketeering counts, saying he plans to rule soon.",4 +3,Targeting teens,2 +11,Most Californians are non-smokers,10 +13," are all the Republicans think they need to polish him off. ""That's the whole campaign,"" a chortling GOP strategist told me, unable to contain his delight. ""You watch, that's how the campaign will unfold.""",12 +6,Other voices: E-cigarettes: A regulated risk worth taking,5 +5,"""I simply do not know what might loom out there on the legal horizon which would place Terry Nichols' federal conviction in jeopardy,"" he said.",4 +5,"Jurors had trouble with the instruction that an act is malicious only when ""the mind of the actor is under control of reason.""",4 +15," +Illegal Immigrants",14 +13,Gun Games in the House,12 +13,"Vice President Dick Cheney, who has said states should handle the issue of gay marriage, now says he would support President Bush if he proposes a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.",12 +3,"The bishops and cardinals didn't use the term to describe a shift in their thinking. Rather, in the provisional report of the Synod on the Family, they invoked gradualism in recognition that even those who strive toward a moral ideal tend to fall short; for all of us, morality takes time and practice. They urged appreciation of the good in relationships that don't meet the church ideal of monogamous, til-death-do-us-part marriage. +",2 +6,"PLAN TO LET SKILLED WORKERS ENTER / CONGRESS IS STUDYING A COMPROMISE. IT WOULD LET MORE FOREIGN WORKERS WITH COMPUTER SKILLS INTO THE COUNTRY. +",5 +9,"FOCUS ON CAMPUS SAFETY, COUNSELING",8 +7,Judge imposes death penalty on man convicted of killing German tourist in San Jose,6 +4,"In immigration debate, gay rights come to the fore",3 +6,"""It's time to recognize these bills for what they are, which is a sham."" At issue are attempts to pre-empt city and county tobacco ordinances that are more strict than state law",5 +5,"Under the plan, the traditional license will be available to everyone, including illegal immigrants. The two other types will be available only to citizens and legal immigrants - and all require proof of identity.",4 +13,2 Friends Reach Across the Aisle on Immigration,12 +7,244 With Criminal Records Face Deportation in Sweep,6 +7,* Bannister has been on death row for 15 years and was once within two hours of execution.,6 +5,U.S. citizenship's tangled web,4 +5,"But in the eyes of the law, he is an illegal immigrant.",4 +5,", Abrams's store lost its firearms license",4 +7,Killer of Chesterfield jeweler in 1991 will be executed Jan. 29,6 +13,"Six weeks ago the Senate rejected a constitutional banon gay marriage. Last week the House did the same by a vote of 236 to 187. Now that this little partisan sideshow is behind them, maybe Republican congressional leaders will decide to get down to serious business.",12 +7,Texas Executes Man Who Killed Woman After Abducting Her,6 +6,Those laws prevent any municipality in Missouri from establishing any gun control regulations stricter than those of the state.,5 +1,Tobacco Farmers Need Aid,0 +7,Pennsylvania State Police confiscated one of the weapons in January 2014 from an unidentified passenger during a traffic stop on I-95. Williams had reported the gun as stolen several months before.,6 +6,New Hampshire defeats bill on gay marriages,5 +12,"The coordinated walkout was organized by Empower, the youth wing of the Women's March, which brought tens of thousands to Washington last year.",11 +5,The high court's ruling - that executing retarded killers violates the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment - immediately sent Bruner and defense attorneys nationwide scrambling to review files in death penalty cases. Prosecutors across the country said they're bracing for a flood of challenges by defendants in pending and even concluded capital cases.,4 +10,"HER LIFE already in ruins,",9 +1,GUN SALES JUMP 18.9 PERCENT IN 1993,0 +5,"The Georgia Constitution granted the parole board the authority to lift such a restriction, Nahmias wrote. The board, he added, also has recognized that the right to keep and bear arms is a civil right by specifically excepting the right to possess a firearm when restoring other civil rights to convicted felons in separate cases.",4 +5,"JURY CLEARS CIG MAKERS RULES THAT SMOKE KILLED PLAINTIFF, WHO ACCEPTED RISK",4 +5,THREE MEN TO STAND TRIAL IN FATAL FIREBOMBING,4 +5, The death sentence will be appealed automatically,4 +13,A subcommittee of the Florida House's Criminal Justice Committee has done the right thing with regard to assault weapons: It has voted to ban them. Now if the full committee will just stand fast . . .,12 +3,"'MARRIAGE' OR 'UNION,' COMMITMENT THE SAME",2 +5,"It is time to stop compromising and to insist on licensing guns in a nationwide system the way cars are, refusing to grant licenses to people with criminal records or mental illness.",4 +5,Court reversal skyrockets tobacco suit stakes,4 +13,"The House included the act in its crime legislation, but the Senate excluded it. + +The bill is in a conference committee to work out differences. +",12 +15,A worthwhile weapon,14 +9," The debate continued, with the New York student saying those gun owners lack the training to make a snap judgement and could actually exacerbate the crisis.",8 +13,the sentiment could not keep gun-control legislation from collapsing on the House floor. All that was left this afternoon was a cloud of dust and a bitter political debate over who killed gun control in the House.,12 +1,Board says no money remains for Nichols,0 +12,In the NRA's Line of Fire,11 +11,"A Harvard University study last year found that 25 percent of U.S. colleges ban smoking in dormitories, and the number is rising.",10 +13,"One expectation of anyone running for governor of Texas is that he or she must grab a gun and shoot something. So in 1994, George W. Bush, then the Republican candidate for governor, borrowed a 20-gauge shotgun and invited a group of reporters on a dove hunt.",12 +1, gun shows,0 +12,"Popular support for tighter gun laws, always high, jumped higher in the months after Columbine",11 +1," The corporation agreed to withdraw an application for a federal license to sell rifles and shotguns at that branch, under pressure from antigun groups and community leaders.",0 +15,A COMMUNITY PRESENCE,14 +9,"A body of an Asian man was pulled from the sea off Queens yesterday by the United States Coast Guard, the police said.",8 +7,A police report from that 2003 incident indicates Tilghman was arrested after his mother told police he punched her several times during a dispute over a vacuum cleaner.,6 +7,"d. Men May Face Death Penalty in Killing +",6 +13,GUNSHINE STATE POLS TARGETING FLORIDA DEALERS,12 +8,concealed-weapons permits,7 +13,SENATE PASSES IMMIGRATION BILL,12 +12,Emma González Leads a Student Outcry on Guns: 'This Is the Way I Have to Grieve',11 +13, Anti-Gun Lobby Lists Pro-Gun Contributions,12 +13,"After school shooting, Florida leaders propose new gun laws",12 +13,"SMARTER & SAFER Obama praised for pushing hi-tech guns Plunge in deaths, crime seen",12 +6,"Legislators again seek to nullify federal gun laws +",5 +5,"From January 2000 to August 2003, 160 of the 40,009 active licensed holders were listed among the dead but kept their NYPD-issued gun permits - a lapse that the city controller's report called dangerous.",4 +1, bars and eateries.,0 +5,Both sides eager for Pa. gay-marriage ruling,4 +13,"Opponents, most of them Democrats",12 +5,Same-sex couples race injunction,4 +3,"'SAVAGE REVENGE' IS NOT PUNISHMENT +",2 +6," which includes tighter security at the border, crackdowns on businesses that knowingly employ illegal immigrants, and streamlined processes for foreign students, family members and highly skilled workers, as well as ""a pathway to earned citizenship.""",5 +7,TENS OF THOUSANDS ALLOWED TO BECOME CITIZENS WITHOUT CHECK OF CRIMINAL RECORDS,6 +13, Norton noted that D.C. voters overwhelmingly rejected a local death penalty law in 1992.,12 +11,Building a Dialogue on Gun Control,10 +9, Smoking is dying,8 +5,N.J. task force seeks exceptions to gun law,4 +7,"Mr. Abu-Jamal had been sentenced to death for the 1981 murder of Daniel Faulkner, who was 26.",6 +5,"The defense attorney said the case would be appealed to the state Supreme Court. That Happ was tried twice for the same crime is a strong point in his favor, Pfister said.",4 +5,Justices Reject Call to Halt Gay Marriages in Oregon,4 +15,Gay Marriage in the States,14 +13,"Citing Gun Control Efforts, Bradys Endorse Torricelli",12 +7,"Gambino said people may correct their records any time, as long as they stop misusing false or fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers. Such use is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. If people do not correct their records, future earnings will not be credited toward higher Social Security benefits.",6 +9,Execution takes nearly two hours,8 +13,VA. HOUSE REJECTS GUNS COMPROMISE,12 +5,2 Sue to Void Ban on Same-Sex Marriage,4 +5,Death row inmate to receive new hearing,4 +5," At Hearing, Voices From a Cigarette Maker",4 +13,NRA TAKES AIM AT PRESIDENT OF FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE,12 +7,"Many big questions remain unanswered, particularly regarding any criminal background that could have flagged authorities about the extremely dangerous person in their midst.",6 +5,The jury of eight men and four women rejected the death penalty after deliberating five hours over two days.,4 +10,"They owned a house in Franklin County, had joint bank accounts and regularly attended church together.",9 +13,"Corey Stewart has enjoyed many titles during his political career: longtime Republican chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, Virginia state chairman of Donald Trump's presidential campaign (until he was fired), current Republican candidate for Virginia governor.",12 +11,ON THE AIR FROM DEATH ROW,10 +15,ZERO TOLERANCE,14 +13,"The first person the committee will single out is Hiram Monserrate, the Queens Democrat who has filed as a candidate in a special election to reclaim the seat he lost after the Senate expelled him this month.",12 +5,Bellis ruled Thursday that argument would be best made in a motion later in the process and is not grounds to dismiss the lawsuit.,4 +5,"The ruling was a setback for Kevin G. Johns Jr., who was trying to have his murder case moved from Baltimore County, where prosecutors have sent more murderers to death row in recent years than any other jurisdiction in the state.",4 +12,"The fight to end national discriminations against gay people features the ACLU and other stalwart progressive voices, but they are joined by a remarkable range of people.",11 +6,S.J.'S 'JUNK GUNS' BAN: WILL IT DO ANY GOOD?,5 +12,"5 years later, backers of Brady bill hopeful",11 +9,and I really view it more as a health issue,8 +5,"Death sentences in Illinois are automatically appealed to the state Supreme Court, which affirmed Hall's death sentence Thursday. Chief Just ice Moses Harrison of Fairview Heights filed the only dissent. Harrison, an outspoken death penalty opponent, has frequently dissented in death penalty reviews.",4 +5,"District Attorney Lynne M. Abraham said she was gratified that the Supreme Court had denied the defense request for a new trial. ""This means that Mumia Abu-Jamal's murder conviction stands, and he lost his appeal,"" Abraham said in a statement. +",4 +10,Coe could face a shaky future.,9 +13,NRA-backed Sen. Pat Roberts: 'Nobody under 21 should have an AR-15';,12 +5," will get a new penalty hearing because prosecutors made statements during closing arguments the jury never should have heard, the court said.",4 +10,"""They are really short of rice over there,"" said Mark, 59, a nanny who lives in Manassas. ""My brother said the [price of] rice is going up. So what I did, I said, 'All right, I'll look for rice that is cheaper over here.' """,9 +5,Spann's attorney Rory Little told the judge his client did not want him to argue for a life sentence.,4 +7,"The focus on research studies conducted by the companies, and the fate of documents describing those studies' findings, could shed light on whether the industry fraudulently misrepresented the effects of its products.",6 +13," Former President Clinton praised the efforts of gun control activist Sarah Brady at a party in Manhattan to celebrate publication of her new book, ""A Good Fight.""",12 +13,"The Leagues' positions underscore the challenges facing Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), the District's non-voting House member, and Democratic congressional leaders as they take up the bill, which would also give Republican-leaning Utah another congressional seat. +",12 +10,Concealed carry on campus is a bad idea,9 +13,Gay-marriage bill set for hearings in Wash.,12 +7,"Those citizens on the watch lists apparently haven't commited any felonies, or they would already be in jail",6 +12,"Mobilizing against the Definition of Marriage Act, a ballot measure more commonly known as the Knight initiative. +",11 +3,NRA convention wraps with praise for hero,2 +13,State Rep. Ray Rose's bill to amend the language of Amendment 22,12 +8," +Terrified by an intruder who had broken into her Walton County home this month, Melinda Herman grabbed a .38-caliber pistol to protect herself and her two children.",7 +5,"At a conference with prosecutors and defense attorneys Tuesday, Judge T. Jackson Bedford set a bond hearing for Harwood Sept. 5.",4 +12,"CONFESSIONS OF AN ILLOGICAL, TOBACCO-HATING VOTER",11 +5,"Council member Wyc Orr, a Gainesville attorney, offered the only opposition to filing the motion. + +""I cannot interfere with the right to council because of ... chronic underfunding,"" Orr said in an interview, referring to the agency's $4.5 million budget to defend ""somewhere between 70 and 90 death cases. The only appropriate course of action is to object to this and refuse to be a party to it.""",4 +5,Attorneys challenge research on smoking,4 +5,"John Pierotti, Workman's attorney, said the stay issued late Friday by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati will be in effect until the U.S. Supreme Court rules on two specific issues involving Workman's right to a fair trial.",4 +13,The two assault weapons bans before Congress are co-sponsored by 195 Demo-crats and 0 Republicans,12 +6,GUN LAW CHANGE TRIGGERS DOUBTS BUSINESSES MUST DECIDE IF FIREARMS ARE ALLOWED INSIDE,5 +3,"In All Flavors, Cigars Draw In Young Smokers",2 +13,". It passed with wide majorities in both the Illinois House and Senate, but was firmly opposed by nearly all Metro East lawmakers.",12 +5,GUNS BANNED IN COURT AREAS JUDGES ISSUE ORDERS THAT VARY BY COUNTY,4 +1,"For District, wedding bells ring ka-ching",0 +9,"""public safety ",8 +4,"If the argument were made that people who smoke or drink cost companies more in health insurance premiums, employers could similarly target women with children, people who have inherited diseases or people who have been treated for previous serious illnesses.",3 +5,". It also brings novel legal issues before the courts, particularly whether unconstitutional government censorship exists when a public broadcasting outlet makes programming decisions partly in response to complaints from political figures.",4 +1,Expensive or inexpensive,0 +13,Obama pledges to work on ending partisan gridlock,12 +9,"Each of the major tobacco companies has long maintained internal and external research teams that developed new manufacturing technologies and, in some cases, investigated the pharmacological properties of nicotine.",8 +13,"CITY COUNCIL REJECTS BOYCOTT, OKS RESOLUTION",12 +11,'There's reason for hope': Stephen Colbert praises Parkland students' campaign for gun reform,10 +3,Shift the blame,2 +10,"His mother, Julia Shell, pleaded with Broome to reject the jury's vote.",9 +7,10 detained in ATF stings targeting gunrunning in Camden area,6 +5," +In all, 37 states and the federal government have Defense of Marriage acts that say marriage can only be between a man and a woman.",4 +13,was defeated by the House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday night.,12 +7,Condemned South Bay killer gets off California's death row,6 +13,House Republicans choose Californian to lead immigration committee,12 +1,"Without reform, though, the presence of what may be six million illegal aliens in this country exacts an economic and social toll. No one knows how high that toll is, either, or how much of it is offset by the advantages society gains from a low-wage work force that cannot receive benefits available to citizens.",0 +6,"The New York Police Department, where Timoney was second-in-command, has a strict policy of ""no smoking in uniform in public,"" an NYPD spokesman said yesterday. A Los Angeles police spokesman said that department's policy was virtually identical.",5 +3,Richmond: Catholic Charities opens comprehensive services center for needy,2 +3,Mother Teresa has appealed to a Pennsylvania judge to spare the life of a convicted child-killer,2 +12,The National Rifle Association tracks the legislation online and has praised the new state laws.,11 +11,"Delaware, Continuing a Trend, Becomes the 11th State to Allow Same-Sex Unions",10 +13,"The House approved the bill, 231-198, largely along party lines. Six Democrats voted yes, while 14 Republicans voted no.",12 +15,Marriages by couples ring true,14 +13,"And whether there is a law probably will have little to do with the fallout over the shooting in Atlanta and more to do with the political sensitivities of Washington, some members of Congress said",12 +5,KILLER GETS REHEARING ON SENTENCE,4 +6,The bill defines pellet and BB guns as firearms as well as rifles and shotguns from which shot or bullets are propelled by exploding gunpowder.,5 +13,"The president's proposal calls for a renewed assault weapons ban, universal background checks and restrictions of the sizes of ammunition magazines, as well as new school safety and mental health programs. +",12 +13," +The White House announced the proposals while Obama was vacationing in Hawaii. +",12 +13,Coleman said he wants,12 +1,"Calif. faces tax increases, budget cuts",0 +1, Such devices generally cost $ 5 to $ 15,0 +7,48 hours before he was expected to be sentenced to prison.,6 +7,"Teenagers working undercover succeeded in buying cigarettes illegally from nearly half of the Northern Virginia store clerks and vending machines they tested, according to a survey by two state health agencies.",6 +1,STUDY: PA. AMONG LEADERS IN GUN SHOWS,0 +13,GAY MARRIAGE DEBATE: YOU BE THE JUDGE,12 +1," An Iowa college known for liberal activism is welcoming an unlikely neighbor: one of the nation's largest suppliers of high-capacity ammunition magazines and accessories for assault rifles and other guns. +",0 +1,A WORKING START Program boosts immigrants into workforce quickly,0 +15,Open Debate on Guns,14 +11,"Mr. Blumenthal cited worries about the spiraling use of tobacco among younger and younger people, particularly girls.",10 +13," Within hours of the massacre, President Barack Obama was lamenting the absence of progress on gun control. A particular Democratic (and media) lament was Congress' failure to pass anything after Sandy Hook.",12 +12,Gun rights group targets House speaker with mailer about rape,11 +5,A. SUPREME COURT STAYS EXECUTIONS OF TWO MEN ,4 +3,"Pastors in Ohio, North Carolina, Florida and other swing states are readying Sunday sermons inveighing against same-sex unions, while activist groups have begun laying plans for social media campaigns, leafleting drives and other get-out-the-vote efforts centered on the same-sex marriage issue.",2 +11,"During 2000, 77,211 applications to buy handguns or rifles were submitted to state or local law enforcement agencies, a 1.1 percent increase over 1999, according to a study released last week by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics. +",10 +3,"Almost three-quarters of African-Americans said the country is losing its ""moral compass"" by removing prayer in school and fighting the display of the Ten Commandments in public, as did 62.3 percent of respondents overall.",2 +1,"The taxes would sharply increase the price paid for cigarettes bought in Indian stores and could have a huge impact on the economies of some tribes, like the Shinnecock Nation in Southampton, which relies heavily on cigarette sales for its support.",0 +7,"A May 15 execution date was set Thursday for Darrell Gene Devier for the 1979 kidnapping, rape and murder of a 12-year-old Adairsville girl, Mary Frances Stoner.",6 +15,Tobacco's New Troubles,14 +13,"In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, is standing by his 2012 veto of a measure to allow gay couples to marry and is refusing to free Republican legislators to follow their conscience on an override vote. Mr. Christie is imposing a large ideological tax on thousands of couples and their families whose interests he is supposed to protect. He is depriving them of federal benefits, which their tax payments help underwrite. +",12 +13,"The bill previously passed the state Senate and now heads to Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, who is expected to sign it into law. +",12 +7,"But while Michael Boggess Sr. testified in intimate detail Thursday about his sexual abuse of Todd and also of another son, Michael Boggess Jr., he was not permitted to tell jurors that he was a pedophile who had sexually victimized up to 2,000 other young boys. +",6 +10, convey benefits. The truth is that benefits may be conveyed in a myriad of ways.,9 +7," +CONFESSED KILLER CONVICTED IN TEXAS SLAYING",6 +7,deporting undocumented immigrants,6 +11,"The choice of a naturalization ceremony for Friday's event was symbolic, said ARC spokeswoman Julie Ralston. + +""It more reflects that we are existing in a global marketplace and attracting people here for jobs from all over the world,"" she said. ""Newcomers drive our growth.""",10 +5,"The defendants include John Ashcroft, the former attorney general, and Robert S. Mueller III, the former F.B.I. director. + +A lawyer for the plaintiffs said the ruling sent a powerful message. +",4 +10,Doctors hoping to reduce the exposure of smokers' children to secondhand smoke have found that putting nicotine monitors in the home seems to help persuade parents to smoke less around their children.,9 +13,Royal Palm to support gun-control resolution;,12 +7,Boulder murder sends investigators to Mass. Family of suspect in clothing-store slaying being interviewed,6 +3,"the late Pope John Paul II. +",2 +14, I don't want to sound like the European telling Americans how to deal with their own country.,13 +2,MOFFETT WRONG - HIGH IMMIGRATION UNTENABLE,1 +5," Executions had been postponed while the United States Supreme Court considered a similar challenge to injection procedures in a Kentucky case. In October, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which granted the reprieve, halted the execution of Heliberto Chi on the same issues. The Chi case has still not been resolved.",4 +5,so long as the Second Amendment is not infringed,4 +5,"Cobb District Attorney Pat Head was attending a conference Wednesday and unavailable for comment, but in previous statements to the media he has supported his office's prosecution of McNeil and denied any racial motivation.",4 +13,"Gov. Christie followed through on his promise to veto a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, but did it with a twist Friday:",12 +5,"Since court records have been sealed by District Judge Paul King, Moore said, he could not discuss specifics of the investigation or arrests.",4 +7,"As of Friday, 708 of the approximately 1,000 people on the government list had been arrested under what is being called the Alien Absconder Apprehension Initiative, INS official Nancy Cohen said.",6 +4,Griffin maintained his innocence,3 +7," Concealed handgun laws reduced murder by 8.5 percent, rape by 5 percent and severe assault by 7 percent.",6 +6,Lethal injection should replace electric chair,5 +5,Triple Jeopardy,4 +11,But it can still be the city of guns.,10 +1,If you were considering refinancing your mortgage,0 +12,major victory for those who oppose same-sex marriage and underscoring the deep and passionate divisions surrounding the issue.,11 +13," +Reacting to the assault, Bush asserted his independence from the 3.5 million-member NRA and was noncommittal toward relieving gun manufacturers of liability.",12 +5,Fulton County Superior Court Judge Constance C. Russell said the state's voters must first decide whether same-sex relationships should have any legal status before they can be asked to decide whether same-sex marriages should be banned.,4 +5,"Wilson told the seven-man, five-woman jury.",4 +3,"Contrastingly, Pressley Sutherland, interim pastor at the Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa, calls the singer's tweets brave. +",2 +5,Gay marriages deemed legal in Pennsylvania,4 +13,legislators ,12 +1," ""Employers have discovered that these benefits help attract and keep the best workers, a critical consideration in the current tight job market.""",0 +13,Trump is not alone in foreign hiring,12 +13,"At the White House, President Trump has on several occasions used the bully pulpit to highlight some of the most sensational crimes by immigrants, and he met in the Oval Office with family members of their victims. +",12 +7,Trump: Immigration crackdown begins,6 +6,SMOKING BAN BILL AIMS TO CLEAR THE AIR,5 +6,"In addition to banishing many current restrictions, House Bill 981 would prevent police or the National Guard from disarming people during states of emergency, and it would allow citizens to sue if that occurred.",5 +11,"Over the next 17 months, Reggi, 40, and Emanuel, 42, organized six more bus trips to Iowa. Today marks the eighth. It was to head out before dawn with 14 couples on board. When they arrive at the Johnson County Administration Building in Iowa City today to get their marriage licenses, the number of couples taking the bus trips from St. Louis will surpass the 100 mark",10 +5,It makes little sense to issue firearms hunting licenses to persons forbidden by law from possessing firearms.,4 +9,AGENCY PROPOSES CHANGES IN TAR AND NICOTINE TESTING,8 +6,Gay-marriage bills stalled in Pennsylvania,5 +5,"""We are ending our pursuit of the death penalty in this case only because we are compelled to do so by a change in the law after we filed charges, and how it has been interpreted in this case.""",4 +13,"Opponents of gay marriage concede victory will not be swift in their attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution, even after prevailing in all 11 states where the issue was on the ballot last month.",12 +5,"While federal officials said they were studying their options, several said they considered the Virginia courts to be the most likely to try the case first.",4 +1,"ban cigarette vending machines, limit sales to behind the counter and tighten advertising",0 +9,"Immigrants made up one-quarter of Americans who lacked health insurance in 2003, up from one-fifth a decade earlier, the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute reported Monday.",8 +5,"r. Lucas, who had been charged with killing the unidentified woman while committing or trying to commit aggravated rape, showed no emotion as the verdict was read. +",4 +15,Got a license for that loaded jalopy?,14 +15,Westville: Unlikely first in South Jersey,14 +13,Sen. Ron Teck of Grand Junction said he drafted Senate Bill 10,12 +6,": gun vio-lence restraining orders (GVRO), in which law enforcement agencies, families and household members can quickly remove firearms from individuals deemed unstable or unfit to own them",5 +13,Senate OKs gun-business protections Suit barrier NRA priority,12 +12," asked Alice Miller of New York City. She works against the death penalty for Amnesty International USA, and travels to sites of executions across the nation to protest.",11 +3, a Catholic,2 +5,"The weapons ""on trial"" are not sporting guns. They have no function except to kill. In 1791, did the authors of the Bill of Rights imagine the war zone the country would become?",4 +10,The Numbing Toll of So Many Guns,9 +13,"Supporting comprehensive immigration reform is a good start, if the GOP is sincere and isn't doing it just to garner more votes. But it's far from a done deal.",12 +1, to cut the budget,0 +9,"""We're on lockdown and we're not allowed to leave,"" the staffer said. ""Somebody heard a gunshot down in the garage."" +",8 +10,"By the time Walter Morris walked into 2-year-old Dustin Gee's world, the toddler's life was already a living torment.",9 +5," +Lower courts need not weigh an issue simply because two Supreme Court justices believe it is important. But comments from even one justice on novel legal questions have sometimes spurred state and federal judges to study them and take conflicting positions, leading to a formal Supreme Court ruling. +",4 +10,"''There is some relief, but my family is still gone,'' Dr. William A. Petit Jr., whose wife and two daughters were killed, said after the verdict. ''It doesn't bring them back. It doesn't bring back the home that we had.''",9 +13,California legislators seek new gun restrictions,12 +6, proposal to ban the sale of guns within the St. Petersburg city limits,5 +5,Attorneys for both declined to comment.,4 +7,"Alfonso Lopez Jr. said he was given the gun to deliver to someone else for $40 to use in what Lopez described as a ""gang war.""",6 +13, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) called for a review.,12 +5,"GUN INDUSTRY SUITS SHOW ILLINOIS, MISSOURI SPLIT",4 +13,"In a statement, the 69-year-old congresswoman said that she will miss some work in Washington but is not planning to step down or take extended leave.",12 +5,Plea Deal for Testimony on Smuggling,4 +14,Out of State Guns,13 +13,RUBIO SHOULD FOLLOW NELSON'S LEAD,12 +13,The gun-rights referendum has drawn most of the attention.,12 +13,"The Senate voted to send the bill back to committee. Because the panel is not scheduled to meet again before the legislature adjourns Saturday, that effectively delays action for at least a year. + +",12 +7,Tame the White Panthers,6 +1,against the tobacco industry,0 +13,Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania brokered the deal and were scheduled to announce it during a news conference at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT) Wednesday.,12 +8,He previously has advocated changes that would allow people who know about preparations for terrorist acts but fail to report them to be charged as accomplices.,7 +5,Justices' Halt to Gay Marriage Leaves Utah Couples in Limbo,4 +7,A Lawrenceville man who was once a member of the Serbian paramilitary force during the Bosnian War has pleaded guilty to federal charges.,6 +12,Californians go to 'war' over proposed gay-marriage ban,11 +15,"Thomas E. Workman Jr. -- Lawyer, 73",14 +10,"""What was surprising and was cool about the whole thing is that it was so effective for the families where there was a parent who smoked,"" she said. ""It may be that waiting for a nonsmoking seat backs up their words with an action, even if they can't quit.""",9 +5,"One side (of the same side) are celebrity lawyers Theodore Olson and David Boies, who have urged that bans on same-sex marriage should be met with a swing-for-the fences challenge to convince federal courts that the restrictions are unconstitutional. +",4 +4, committed to tolerance and justice is crucial.,3 +12,A 17-mile march in protest of gun lobby,11 +6,". Clearly, the only result of such bans on the private ownership of firearms is a populace",5 +5,"The Supreme Court review is automatic for death-penalty cases, and Flor raised 11 issues for appeal. The court rejected all but one.",4 +11,"Witnessing real-live executions in the entertainment and marketing setting of television would further cater to that anxiety, violate the right to privacy in the most intimate moments of life, such as death, subject the families involved to further anguish and heighten the international embarrassment already created by the fact that we export 30% more violent programs than we even air at home. +",10 +12,Backers of Gay Marriage Ban Use Social Security as Cudgel,11 +7, He could get the death penalty.,6 +5,Federal court may not stop state executions,4 +13,DEMS DUEL GOP OVER GUN BILL,12 +2,"The city's marriage license supervisor, Guy Sabelli, predicted an ''onslaught'' of applications on Wednesday and said that the office would remain open three hours longer than usual",1 +14," But by citing the experience of the rest of the world,",13 +6,BILL TO STIFLE SMOKING GETS BREATH OF LIFE,5 +7,Timothy McVeigh must die.,6 +3,"In prison, Patterson said, he became a religious Christian, and he deeply regrets his violent past. ""The crimes really tear at my heart,"" he said. ""My prayers constantly go out to the family members of the victims.""",2 +11,Study: Anti-smoking ads encourage teen use,10 +13,"Florida House refuses to debate guns, declares porn dangerous",12 +13,The Trump administration's phaseout of a program,12 +15,IMMIGRANTS SPARED THE ISLAND TEST,14 +12,The event was organized by several gun rights groups that advocate for the open carrying of long guns - rifles and shotguns - which is allowed under Texas law.,11 +13,"In 1997, the Legislature's frustration at the slow pace of executions reached a crescendo. To make the office of Capital Collateral Representative more responsive to political pressures, it was broken up into three regional offices and the Senate was given the power to approve the director for each region.",12 +13,Why take the Trump stunt seriously?,12 +3," +Religious Conservatives Cheer Ruling on Gays as Wake-Up Call",2 +5,"The judge scheduled a hearing today and said that if he keeps the suit in St. Louis, he would immediately consider an injunction.",4 +13,Gun control campaign renewed,12 +5,"After finally getting U.S. visa, Pakistani grandma reunites with family in Somerset, Wis.",4 +5,Officer accused in woman's death won't take stand,4 +11,Ads could politically trump the Big Game,10 +6,'It was way too easy': Parents call for gun purchase 'cooling off' period in son's obituary,5 +5, A federal judge declared the federal death-penalty law unconstitutional Tuesday in a ruling defense lawyers said could provide a new argument for challenging capital cases across the country.,4 +12,"The turnout at today's rally may provide a barometer of the vitality of the immigrant rights movement, which sent millions to the streets this spring but has generated less public attention in recent months. Local organizers said they expect hundreds of thousands of demonstrators from the East Coast, but protests this week in Phoenix and Chicago drew disappointing crowds.",11 +13,"That incongruity has been a hallmark of Cuccinelli's seven years as a GOP lawmaker from Fairfax County, where by his own admission, conservatives of his stripe are an ""endangered species."" The unusual blend of politics and geography will come into sharp focus, in ways favorable and not, when he runs statewide this year as the Republican candidate for attorney general. + +Critics and fans of Cuccinelli, 40, say he is a shrewd and hardworking campaigner with a record of winning in enemy territory and a loyal following among home-schoolers, antiabortion activists and others in the conservative wing of the party. That base helped push Cuccinelli over the top at the recent Republican convention, where he secured the nomination from among three competitors.",12 +13,Maine to vote on gay marriage,12 +5,HOUSING AGENCIES TO SUE GUN MAKERS,4 +6,"Among other controls, the bills would limit gun purchases to one a month and would require gun owners to promptly report lost or stolen firearms.",5 +3, A minister ,2 +7, unwitting criminals.,6 +15,"HOT ISSUES INCLUDE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, ABORTION",14 +11,Table tennis players share love for sport Influx of foreigners gives club a boost,10 +5,"""It is time for these proceedings to end,"" state lawyers wrote in a 33-page brief opposing a stay of the Supreme Court's historic ruling earlier this month.",4 +8,"The temporary measure is a response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, which allegedly were carried out by 19 Middle Eastern men. +",7 +11," +Former astronaut Mark Kelly,",10 +5,JUDGE IN COLEMAN CASE FAVORS PROCEDURE OVER FACT,4 +13,"Editorial: When crisis looms, Trump is the master of distraction",12 +1,"But the bill's opponents say that Altria, which makes the world's most popular cigarette, Marlboro, has more mercenary motives, namely locking up its 51 percent market share of the cigarette business. Because the bill could limit tobacco marketing, Altria's competitors question how they will be able to woo new customers.",0 +11,"This article should not have been in the editorial section, it should have been in the comic section. Bogus writes about a book by Michael A. Bellesiles, Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture. In the book, Bellesiles, a history professor at Emory University, claims that guns were scarce, the majority of American men did not care about guns, the militia was ineffective, and very few men hunted back then. These are just a few humorous claims contained in his book.",10 +13,SOME CAPITOL HILL COMMON SENSE,12 +11,"The Breakfast Meeting: Gun Laws May Trip Up NBC, and a Third Act for Some Stars",10 +3,"""If marriage means everything, it means nothing,"" Dobson said. ""And we must defend the traditional definition of marriage as being exclusively between one man and one woman.""",2 +10,Gay couples begin saying 'I do',9 +13,"To Rand Paul, Legal Immigration Is Also a Concern",12 +14,"Here's how the world is responding to Trump's ban on refugees, travelers from 7 Muslim nations",13 +6," to reinstate, in tightened form, the national assault weapons ban that it let expire in 2004.",5 +10,"The parents of Trayvon Martin, a teenager who was shot and killed a year ago by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, had asked the task force to change the 2005 law to make it harder for someone who starts a fight to use a self-defense argument.",9 +5,"For months, Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran (D) has been saying the state has one of the strongest cases against cigarette makers in the nation. But he said yesterday that he would be meeting with the state's lawyers in the coming days and hoped to make a decision by the middle of next week.",4 +15,Gay Rights in California,14 +7,"McVeigh, 32, is set to be executed by injection at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind.",6 +8, and anti-terrorism experts,7 +5, pleaded guilty,4 +13,"But after his successful reelection in November, political analysts say, Sweeney is positioning himself for a gubernatorial run - touring the state talking Hurricane Sandy, for example - and could face a primary from the left, perhaps from Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop. +",12 +6,Here's who President Obama's executive order on immigration could help,5 +5,Bill to Bar Suits Against Gun Industry Stuns Crime Victims,4 +15,MR. MCNARY'S ONE-HOUR TEACHING CAREER,14 +12,"supporters of the initiative, including myself, recently turned in more than 634,000 signatures",11 +9,Some immigrants may not know the New River is badly polluted. Others don't care,8 +5,"Marriage Licenses for Same-Sex Couples Force Issue to Fore in New Mexico +",4 +10,"SMOKING IS A AN INFORMED, PLEASURABLE CHOICE",9 +15," +SIS FIGHTS GUN LAWS",14 +13,Gov. Jerry Brown ordered county clerks to begin issuing the marriage licenses.,12 +13,"Johnson's departure leaves a newly expanded Democratic Senate majority looking for a new leader, and backers of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage declaring resounding victory.",12 +9,"The bullet shattered John Paulding's jaw and passed through the back of his head, narrowly missing his spine. Paulding survived but lost teeth and still suffers from seizures because of bullet fragments in his neck.",8 +6,FIRST PRO-GUN BILL PROPOSED FOR 2017 SESSION,5 +13,Trump hints at changes in gun laws,12 +12,while launching an anti-death-penalty campaign closer to home.,11 +13,CONSERVATIVES DRAW A BEAD ON IMMIGRATION BILL,12 +8,winding down two wars ,7 +5,"Arkansas court suspends gay marriage ruling +",4 +5,"said a state amendment would block the Legislature from eroding Wisconsin's so-called pre-emption law, which bars communities from enforcing gun-control ordinances stricter than state law. +",4 +5,"The request to the Supreme Court that the decision be stayed came instead from the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage.",4 +13,Candidates join civil unions' cause,12 +13,"From remarks by Rep. Chet Edwards (D-Tex.), whose district includes Killeen, at an Oct. 17 press conference in Washington on the failed gun legislation:",12 +7,"Prosecutors also are seeking the death penalty for Spann, 26, of West Palm Beach, who began serving a 13-year prison sentence in October after pleading no contest to a reduced manslaughter charge for killing a Tallahassee man two months before Perron's abduction and murder",6 +10,compared with her fear of making her relationship with Thea Spyer public only 10 years ago.,9 +5,"ourt Rebuffs Georgian on Death Row +",4 +13,Sweeney: Mistake not to vote on gay marriage,12 +5,"Monday is the deadline for filing motions for summary judgment in the case, and attorneys for both sides said they will submit papers in U.S. District Court here. The case could produce a landmark ruling on the protections given to homosexuals and lesbians. +",4 +5,Supreme Court to Weigh Award in a Smoker's Death,4 +7, Hard time for this man is the proper punishment on Earth.,6 +7,deportation,6 +11,"Our deadlockeddemocracy +",10 +3,Separtists convicted in Jewish site killings,2 +6,"Those who run K-12 schools and county courthouses were explicitly named in the state law and accorded that power, but universities were not.",5 +9,health coverage.,8 +12,About 100 local people add their voices to calls coming from across U.S.,11 +13,"Berglund then ripped the nation's elected officials: ""What Congress did was dumb. It makes me angry."" +",12 +5,KACZYNSKI'S INTRANSIGENCE ECHOES THAT OF OTHER DEFENDANTS / EXPERTS SAY CLIENTS HAVE FIRED THEIR LAWYERS TO AVOID BEING PORTRAYED AS MENTALLY ILL.,4 +13,Obama Decries Senate's Rejection of Gun Safety Measures,12 +11,A DIFFERENT FAMILY RITUAL: HOT POT; COMING TOGETHER AROUND A CONTAINER OF BOILING BROTH,10 +5,"Now, with Dixon headed for trial, the government has been forced to acknowledge that its sole witness at first told a different story about what happened June 26, 2000.",4 +13,Leaders see new gun laws,12 +6,"The Pierce County ordinance prohibits all tobacco advertising that can be seen from the street, with the exception of signs outside stores of plain design that list only cigarette prices. Even those signs are banned within 1,000 feet of schools and other areas frequented by minors.",5 +10,"''I've been checking my mail every day, but I haven't heard anything,'' said Francisca Fiero, 73, a Mexican immigrant in Las Vegas. ''I'm starting to get very worried.''",9 +3,"""It's the right thing to do, plain and simple.""",2 +13,Katie Mulcahey was soon vindicated. Mayor George B. McClellan vetoed the measure two weeks after it was enacted.,12 +6,and we earnestly enforce it in all public places and specifically in restaurants.,5 +1,ordered the company,0 +7,in their battle against gang violence.,6 +13,POLITICS: THE ISSUES; Dole's Immigration Stance Splits G.O.P.,12 +7,"Henry was convicted of three killings. He stabbed his girlfriend, 28-year-old Patricia Roddy, 20 times in 1976 while her children were in the back seat of her car. He pleaded to second-degree murder and served a little over seven years. When he got out, he married Suzanne Henry. He killed her in December 1985 in Zephyrhills, stabbing her after an argument while her son 5-year-old son, Eugene Christian, was nearby. He killed the boy later that day with the same knife and dumped him in a field.",6 +10,Immigrants Suffering in U.S. Custody,9 +12,Maine and Maryland became the first states in which voters approved gay marriage.,11 +9,The annual studies are part of campaign by the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute to educate children about the perils of smoking,8 +5,Court rejects gay marriage ban,4 +7,Immigrant-Smuggling Case Against Driver Goes to Jury,6 +5,But his attorneys say Thursday's U.S. Supreme Court decision banning the execution of the mentally retarded appears to guarantee that he will live out a natural life in prison.,4 +13,A separate attempt to address a new policy emerging in Washington failed when Republicans in the House of Delegates refused to allow the introduction of legislation dealing with Internet privacy.,12 +13,"By a vote of 50 to 48, the lawmakers beat back an attempt by Senator Phil Gramm, Republican of Texas, to remove the ban from an omnibus crime bill. The action broke a three-week deadlock that had stalled final passage.",12 +13,HOW THEY VOTED,12 +7,"2 accused of selling visas for up to $30,000",6 +13,The House GOP lawmakers said the bill,12 +13,Ask the... County Commissioners Chairman,12 +5,"Two hours later, Gov. Mark White of Texas refused to grant a 30-day reprieve. In more than five years of appeals, his case was reviewed 11 times and he won four stays, one just 11 hours before he was to have been put to death.",4 +4," Byrd, who is black, argued unsuccessfully that he had been the victim of a jury from which blacks had been excluded.",3 +6,GUN CONTROL IS A NUANCED IDEA,5 +6,Concealed handgun law triggers no barrage,5 +11,"The headlines are blazing, Twitter is lit up, the political press is all hot for the kind of story it loves to tell: two huge celebrities attacking each other. +",10 +13,"The notion that gun control was responsible for the Democrats' debacle 15 years ago was floated by Richard Gephardt, the former Democratic House leader, and other pols and commentators after the '94 election. But it was Bill Clinton who gave it current credence. ''The N.R.A. could rightly claim to have made Gingrich the House speaker,'' Mr. Clinton wrote in his 2004 autobiography, pumping up the gun lobby and, not incidentally, himself by attributing the body blow to his party to his principled leadership on guns. +",12 +14,"The state of Texas notified Missouri Gov. Bob Holden on Wednesday that concealed-weapons permits issued in Missouri will not be honored in the ""Lone Star"" state.",13 +13,NO PARTY LINE ON GUN-CONTROL VOTES,12 +1, Violators could be fined $250.,0 +3,"it makes you think: Is that what they deserve?""",2 +14,U.S. Urged To Escalate Tobacco War,13 +5, Arguments about protecting the Second Amendment are a canard; the Supreme Court has said states can regulate guns for lawful users.,4 +5,"Only Massachusetts and Connecticut allow same-sex marriage. Connecticut, New Jersey, New Hampshire and Vermont allow same-sex civil unions.",4 +4,"Because of that history of discrimination, the decision properly treats sexual orientation as a ''suspect classification'' entitled to the sort of heightened legal scrutiny applied to distinctions based on race or sex.",3 +5,Kelly revokes Obama order shielding immigrant parents of U.S. citizens,4 +13,- President Bush's crusade,12 +15,"From a discussion on ""Think Tank,"" broadcast on WETA May 27:",14 +13,"The Senate Judiciary Committee announced Friday that Mark Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) -- who was shot and seriously injured in a Jan. 2011 assassination attempt -- and Wayne LaPierre, chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association, will headline a panel of five witnesses.",12 +1," +Gay heirs win Gov OKs tax refunds for married survivors",0 +13,"Brushing aside the veto threat, the bill's supporters described the letter as an important concession by the Administration. Saying that the letter marked a ""shift in position,"" Mr. Schumer asserted it ""indicated for the first time that the President is not opposed to the concept of the bill per se."" +",12 +9,"Would constitutionally banning gay marriage threaten benefits for thousands of Floridians -gay, straight or even siblings living together - who depend on their domestic partnership to pay for health care?",8 +5,"The justices themselves made it difficult for lower court judges to determine where the ruling leads. The full impact of the ruling, spelled out in four separate opinions, likely will not be known until lower courts begin to interpret it.",4 +3,"""Is it morally irresponsible for the state to execute someone when there is reasonable doubt that he can make good judgments,"" said Rita Linhardt of the Missouri Catholic Conference.",2 +9,Dangerous 'Ground',8 +5,SECOND JUDGE BLOCKS CALIFORNIA MEASURE AGAINST ILLEGAL ALIENS,4 +11,For the first time in more than 40 years,10 +13,"New York Senate votes to legalize gay marriage +",12 +5,JUDGE NUDGES STATE'S TOBACCO LAWSUIT ALONG,4 +13,"But unless her preferred politicians make gun registration, licensing and locks a must, she says she won't vote for them come November.",12 +7,Courthouse Shooting Heats Up Debate on Gun Bill,6 +5,"Also Wednesday, four same-sex couples sued in federal court in Madison seeking state recognition of marriages that took place over the summer.",4 +4,UPHOLD MARRIAGE EQUALITY,3 +15,Getting around gay marriage,14 +9,"To reach his conclusion, Price studied Medina's brain cells and examined evidence of Medina having a heartbeat after the electricity was applied. +",8 +7, Existing gun laws need to be aggressively enforced and abuses prosecuted to the fullest.,6 +13,as socially conservative Democratic-Farmer-Laborites in the Senate became more comfortable voting against it.,12 +7,The penal law imposes sentences on convicted felons to achieve three aims. One is to deter people from breaking the law. One is to prevent further victimization. And one is to inflict punishment.,6 +5, But now these rights seem to be at odds with each other and have caused bitter exchanges between interpreters of the Constitution.,4 +5," +Accused Killer Appears in Court",4 +3,A RELUCTANT 'HERO',2 +5,"The California Supreme Court on Wednesday removed any lingering legal doubts about whether same-sex couples can marry in California beginning June 17, setting the stage for a rush of gay nuptials that morning.",4 +10,Trayvon Martin's mother targets 'stand your ground' law,9 +5,"Superior Court Judge Mary C. Jacobson, in a ruling Thursday, said the state had failed to make its case that a stay was merited. +",4 +13,"This kind of progressive thinking was, well, unthinkable and certainly not spoken aloud by self-avowed conservatives just a few months ago. +",12 +10,"Our Gay Marriage, for Love and for Principle",9 +13,Nickles is among a handful of senators who oppose the buyout and who sit onthe negotiating committee whose task is producing a compromise tax bill with the House that may include a buyout.,12 +5, a former prosecutor.,4 +3,"""He has the heart of cold steel and God help him,""",2 +11,"Not only was he raised around guns, hunting with his grandfather, but he knows what it's like to feel the barrel of a gun pressed against his head. +",10 +13,"Giffords was an Arizona congresswoman when she was shot at a public event in January, 2011. She officially retired from Congress a year later.",12 +14,"Christoph Prantner of Austria's Der Standard bemoans American insistence on Second Amendment rights, ""even when this freedom occasionally has a very high price and, in a bloody perversion, fatally impairs the freedom of others.""",13 +5,"Kokesh has refused to participate in the legal proceedings against him. +",4 +5,"With those denials, the latest of more than 70 rejections of challenges to gun regulations, the justices have made it clear that reasonable gun-control laws arefully consistent with Second Amendment rights.",4 +11,"It is unclear just how many Queens residents chew paan. But as the number of Pakistan, Indian and Bangladeshi immigrants in the borough grows, the sight of a rotten, russet-stained mouths has become common. The number of Queens residents who identified themselves as Asian, most of them immigrants from South Asia and China, rose from 5 percent in 1980 to 18 percent in 2000.",10 +7,He offered no final words and was pronounced dead six minutes after he was dropped through a trap door.,6 +7,"In Pursuit Of Freedom, Only to Find Prison Bars; Immigration Officials Try to Discern Those Fleeing Persecution",6 +11,"Making a Killing examines different forms of gun violence, including suicides, unintentional shootings, domestic abuse, urban gun violence and mass shootings. As the title suggests, the movie explores the National Rifle Association's role in blocking gun control legislation.",10 +11,"Editorial: Another landmark mass shooting elicits predictable thoughts, prayers, surrender",10 +1, WAL-MART (YES. WAL-MART) TO OFFER SAME-SEX HEALTH BENEFITS,0 +10,Man guilty in railroad murder wants to die,9 +11,"John J. Donohue, a gun control advocate and opponent of the death penalty, presented his analysis of gun-related violence and other negative social factors that lead to it during the third in a series of Safe Oakland talks organized by District 4 Councilwoman Libby Schaaf. The programs are being held at Holy Names University on Wednesday nights. Donohue spoke on May 1.",10 +5,Law teachers ask court to dump gay union ban,4 +11,A Surge Forward on Marriage Equality,10 +5,ARKANSAS DEATH ROW INMATE SUES FOR RIGHT TO WORSHIP SATAN,4 +5,The man sentenced to death here was represented by court-appointed lawyers who have represented scores of other indigent defendants. They were paid an absurdly small amount to defend him in the face of the ultimate punishment.,4 +13, Donald Trump further roiled the waters of the Republican campaign when he called for repealing the amendment.,12 +5,Pa. high court upholds killer's death sentence,4 +7," Bennie Demps, 49, was put to death Wednesday at Florida State Prison near Starke for the fatal stabbing of a fellow prisoner.",6 +13,"The bill, known as the Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013, faces votes on a series of amendments, most prominently one proposed by Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa. +",12 +12,"I am a $25-a-year, rank-and-file N.R.A. member, although there is a lot that is shrill and extreme about the group I do not admire.",11 +11," ""The United States,"" he said, ""does not have a monopoly on crazy people."" +",10 +6,"The law is supposed to solve problems, not create them. Laws should provide for as much clarity as possible, not expand the realms of ambiguity and subjectivity. Laws ought to bring about the practical results their promoters claim they'll achieve. And at its best, the law can help us to live together more harmoniously.",5 +13,White House plans 'all-out'assault on guns,12 +5,Suit wants tobacco to fund quitting,4 +13,The White House yesterday previewed three campaign ads -- a year before the general election contest is in full swing -- designed to show that President Clinton is tough on crime.,12 +11,Fact of Life: Many Here Carry Guns,10 +1,"PHILIP MORRIS ADS, AIMED AT GETTING CHILDREN NOT TO SMOKE, DRAW FIRE",0 +12," Many a person who had been supported by the NRA would not even do that.""",11 +12,who noted Coloradans rejected a similar proposal four years ago.,11 +8,History checks for gun buyers begin Nov. 30,7 +10,The pain that they have inflicted on the families and friends of their victims far outweighs any pain that the executed may feel.,9 +7,"Seven others were gunned down in South Jersey in the eight-week period. Even bucolic Burlington County had an attempted murder last week. +",6 +6,"prompting even some leading death penalty supporters to question its benefits. +",5 +10,"On Feb. 21, 1991, I traveled to the Spring Street state prison in Richmond to say goodbye to Joseph Giarratano, ",9 +10," +``What I was able to do for them, I did,'' she said of her five children.",9 +13,"It was unclear Monday night how that information was passed on to other government agencies, including the White House, the official said. +",12 +13,South Carolina Congressman Pulls Out Gun at a Meeting With Voters,12 +3,"Several national evangelical Christian groups have labeled Sunday ""Marriage Protection Sunday"" and are urging pastors to discuss marriage and the amendment from the pulpit.",2 +11,"Behind the Cover Story: Jo Becker on Reporting the Fight for Marriage Equality +",10 +4,"But for Fairouz, detaining someone without explaining why isn't ""an ideal way to treat people."" +",3 +13,Immigration Reform Growing at the Grassroots,12 +8," This is merely the latest effort by the Trump White House to let the Customs and Border Protection (CPB), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and every other Department Homeland Security-affiliated agency do whatever they want when it comes to border control.",7 +13,"- were appointed by a Democratic governor. The majority-opinion writer, Justice Barry T. Albin, is a Democrat. +",12 +6,The solution: an instant-check system similar to one in operation in Virginia where a call to an 800 number makes available the criminal record of would-be gun owners. ,5 +13,"Sellier said he plans to work with the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials and Georgia's two other Hispanic state lawmakers, state Reps. Pedro Marin (D-Duluth) and David Casas (R-Lilburn). But he said he will not necessarily agree with them on every issue.",12 +5," they'd be scurrying to issue (death) warrants,"" said Kent Gipson, a Kansas City lawyer for Rodden.",4 +10,would rather be executed than endure another trial or a life prison sentence.,9 +12,Minnesotans' views on boosting gun control run the gamut,11 +5,"She oversees a team of 12 lawyers, who provide legal advice on humanitarian issues for people inside and outside the United States.",4 +6,"With three months to go before New Jersey's domestic-partnership law takes effect, the state is still working out the details of how same-sex couples will register.",5 +10,BROTHER ACCEPTS KILLER'S SENTENCE,9 +5,"Last month, a lawsuit filed in federal court in New Jersey accused Wal-Mart of knowingly using companies that hired undocumented workers. The claims are based in part on records unsealed by a federal judge in Arkansas from a U.S. investigation of cleaning contractors hired by Wal-Mart. The retailer settled the probe in March by agreeing to pay $11 million and to improve oversight of its contractors.",4 +6,"The measure, which backers refer to as ''right to carry,'' would grant permit reciprocity across every state except Illinois, the District of Columbia and two territories, which all ban concealed weapons. States have varying standards in granting permits for carrying concealed weapons.",5 +9,"After yesterday's collapse, however, the construction workers and advocates for immigrants were raising questions about unsafe conditions at construction sites, especially in Williamsburg, which is undergoing a building boom to accommodate a growth spurt, driven in large part by Hasidic Jews, who typically have large families.",8 +13,State legislators voted Wednesday,12 +5,"Murderer should face death, jury says",4 +1,Grill steamed that bar still OKs smoking,0 +13,California Legislature Passes Ban on Assault Weapons,12 +5," That, and the fact that Kaine once handled a few cases for the American Civil Liberties Union,",4 +7,"MCVEIGH IS CONDEMNED TO DIE / THIS IS NOT A DAY OF JOY, SAYS PROSECUTOR",6 +7," +He was sentenced to die for the 1991 Putnam County shooting death of his estranged wife while their 15-year-old son watched.",6 +12,Students were at the center of the March for Our Lives rally in Atlanta,11 +13,"Barr has asked the chairman of that panel, Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.), to investigate whether Laster acted on her own or whether this is part of a "" department policy to lie to Congress.""",12 +15,Metro & Obituaries,14 +7,"PAROLEE DENIES MURDER, RAPE",6 +5,Va. Inmate's Death Sentence Is Overturned,4 +7,dwarfing the violent uses by criminals. ,6 +8,Gun Rights for Terrorists,7 +10,"""We've gone as far as we can to protect ourselves,"" said Burch, who works for a nonprofit hospice in Marlton. ""But there's a lot more we'd like to do.""",9 +4,A standfor equality,3 +1,"The increases vary by industry and region but in many cases wages will rise by $3 or $4 an hour. The professional associations suing, which represent such groups as foresters, crawfish processors and hoteliers, claim the extra payroll costs will force them to hire fewer people and pass on added costs to customers.",0 +3,"THE 1.3-MILLION member United Church of Christ endorsed same-sex marriage this week, the first mainline Protestant denomination to do so.",2 +13,"Obama Endorses Same-Sex Marriage, Taking Stand On Charged Social Issue",12 +7,"The U.S. has every right to deport illegal aliens, of course",6 +7, alleged killer of a San Francisco policeman,6 +1,campaign contributions,0 +12,"Other gun control proposals poll well, but universal background checks has long been ""incredibly popular,"" winning support from 80%-90% of respondents in a host of recent national polls, noted Margie Omero, a pollster who studies the issue.",11 +13,"""The fact that this problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing nothing,"" Obama said in his most detailed comments on guns since Friday's killing of 20 schoolchildren and six adults in Newtown, Conn. ""The fact that we can't prevent every act of violence doesn't mean we can't steadily reduce the violence.""",12 +11,"Former Raven says four NFL players may come out as gay +",10 +1,Tobacco Escapes Huge Penalty,0 +6,The bill proposes to bar federal courts from ruling on the constitutionality of a 1996 congressional act declaring marriage the union of a man and a woman.,5 +7,Convicted killer Stephen Douglas Hill was executed by lethal injection last night,6 +13,Mr. Clinton will praise the efforts,12 +13,CONGRESS CORRECT TO LET WEAPONS LAW SUNSET,12 +13,"Both chambers of the Legislature are controlled by Democrats. Gov. Linda Lingle, a Republican, has declined to comment on the bill, and it is unclear whether she would veto it.",12 +5,A decision may be months away.,4 +13,"Of course Dole was playing politics, catering to the American Legion at whose convention in Indianapolis he was speaking last week.",12 +5,"In the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, which covers Texas, the law has been interpreted to mean a defendant must show that there is a ""substantial need"" for such services.",4 +5,"CONCEALED GUN PERMITS BIG IN BOCA, PALM BEACH",4 +1,cost $ 200 million to develop after years of research.,0 +5,Jurors see video of dying woman,4 +12,"Voters in 10 of 11 States Are Seen as Likely to Pass Bans of Same-Sex Marriages +",11 +11,"Stick barns originated in the late 19th century in North Carolina's Old Belt, the region northwest of Raleigh, said Michael Southern, historian with the N.C. State Historic Preservation Office.",10 +6,THE IMMIGRATION DEBATE Immigration amnesty backfired,5 +10,Same-sex benefits proposed in Springs City has struggled with issue for years Same-sex benefits proposed in Springs City has struggled with issue for years,9 +5,Lawyer Robin Shahar made front-page news in 1991 when she was fired by state Attorney General Michael Bowers after revealing plans to enter into a lesbian marriage.,4 +9,"""We just can't sit here and let this kind of carnage go on",8 +7,"Days after the Connecticut elementary school shootings,",6 +12,Seeing gay nuptials bill via constituents' eyes,11 +11," It seems to be part of prosecutorial machismo in many places, especially in the South. In East Baton Rouge, 75 miles away, the district attorney celebrates death sentences with office parties, replete with steak and Jim Beam.",10 +4, it's open season for law enforcement on anyone who looks the part - meaning anyone who looks Hispanic.,3 +9," after a handgun in his possession discharged accidentally in a New York nightclub early Saturday, wounding him in the thigh.",8 +13,Clinton Tells Colorado Youths He'll Stand Fast on Gun Control,12 +5,"But as Judge Frank Easterbrook of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit explained in the Highland Park case, the Constitution not only guarantees rights, but also ''establishes a federal republic where local differences are cherished as elements of liberty, rather than eliminated in a search for national uniformity.''",4 +7," +Mr. Jones was the 38th inmate in the state to be put to death by lethal injection, according to the Georgia Department of Corrections. Sixty men and one woman have been executed in the state since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. +",6 +12,GUN ADVOCATES DON'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP,11 +7, He was condemned for killing a gas-station attendant near Waco in 1995.,6 +13, Colorado Democrats Press Case on Guns,12 +11,"Nearly half of college students smoked cigarettes or used other tobacco products as recently as a year, a higher proportion than in the general population, a study has found.",10 +11, It also calls to mind the endless loop of identical and repetitive days being played out across the country after each new mass shooting like the slaughter in Las Vegas on Oct. 1.,10 +5,"California Attorney General Bill Lockyer said it was his duty to defend laws that said the state recognized marriages only of a man and a woman. But whether such laws are constitutional, he said, is becoming ""one of the great legal and civil rights issues of our day"" and ""must be answered by our courts."" +",4 +10,"Immigrants reach out, touch home through long-distance phone shops",9 +11, even as crime rates fall.,10 +1,"Georgians are paying more in state taxes on cigarettes and cigars, and the state is planning to spend less to get them to stop smoking.",0 +1," typically because they can't afford the $680 application fee, don't realize the fee can be waived",0 +13,"IF ENOUGH CITIES BAN CHEAP GUNS, MAYBE THE LEGISLATURE WILL LISTEN",12 +5,"t issue is the date of Muhammad's formal ""arrest"" on capital murder charges in Fairfax -- part of numerous charges filed against Muhammad in the October 2002 Washington area sniper slayings. Under Virginia law, a jailed defendant must be tried within five months of being arrested. +",4 +5,The court ruled in November that same-sex couples have a right to marry in the state. The court gave the Legislature six months to pass a law that complies with the ruling.,4 +5,"Arapahoe County prosecutors have asked the Supreme Court to reverse District Judge Stanley Brinkley's order that they disclose the residential addresses of the law enforcement officers who may testify in the sentencing phase of the death penalty case against Alejandro Perez, 29.",4 +6,"The bill, which would impose fines and criminal penalties on employers who hired illegal aliens, has aroused intense concern among Hispanic groups, labor unions, civil libertarians, business organizations and farmers dependent on foreign workers.",5 +13,Some feel wounded by Salazar gun vote Senator backs bill to limit suits against gunmakers,12 +13,LIEBERMAN COUNTERS PRO-GUN LOBBY,12 +12,"We say peaceful protests because the violence and destruction committed by small numbers of protesters -- vandals, really -- in Oakland and other cities have no political legitimacy.",11 +5,State's top court won't remove Nichols judge,4 +5, Suit on Partnership Benefits,4 +7,"Evans is on death row for the April 28, 1983, slayings of David Scott Piechowicz and Susan Kennedy, who were motel clerks in Pikesville.",6 +12,"Three veteran activists are staging a hunger strike in front of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception this week,",11 +5, to allow more time to review claims the condemned inmate is mentally retarded and insane.,4 +7, whose husband was killed and son wounded by a deranged gunman on the Long Island Rail Road.,6 +13,PRESIDENT UNVEILS GUN BUYBACK PLAN,12 +5,High noon at the high court,4 +5,"Freer said she plans to appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court. ""I am disappointed by the narrow view of the court,"" Freer said, ""in that by upholding the lower court's decision their interpretation prevents me from speaking or visiting with my children, and curiously has the power over who I can live with and be a parent [to].",4 +7,MAN WHO KILLED BOY ASKS HOLDEN TO REDUCE SENTENCE,6 +13,The Brown campaign is bolstering the charge with excerpts from news stories through the years. Garamendi is never quoted directly as opposing the death penalty. But the politician portrayed in the articles is considerably less single-minded about capital punishment than the candidate who has been running for governor these last few months.,12 +5,SO WHY DOES AGRICULTURE OVERSEE GUN PERMITS?,4 +10,A STATE OF LIMBO RULES THE LIVES OF POLISH ALIENS,9 +13,Clinton Tells Science Group Of Need to Cut Teen Smoking,12 +10,"The Dec. 1 Fed Page article ""LGBT baby boomers face hurdles at retirement time"" was a fairly comprehensive look at the hardships faced by many older, married lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples, especially those who have been denied Social Security survivor's benefits due to a state's failure to recognize their same-sex marriage. +",9 +7,"Incidents of violent crime have declined for the eighth straight year, and this year saw a record low for murders of police officers.",6 +12,"Mr. LaPierre said that gun owners would make up a political counterweight to the mayor. ""We have people all over, millions of people, sending us $5, $10, $15, $20 checks, saying, 'Stand up to this guy that says we can only have three bullets,' which is what he said,'' Mr. LaPierre said. "" 'Stand up to this guy that says ridiculous things like the N.R.A. wants firearms with nukes on them.' I mean, it's insane, the stuff he says.''",11 +10, It was a blow not only to survivors of Virginia Tech's dead,9 +13,"Completing a stunning political comeback, Gov. Pete Wilson on Tuesday rode middle-class fears about crime and illegal immigration to a new, four-year lease on the governor's office.",12 +10,Blog: Political Insider; Jones and Cardwell say yes to domestic partner benefits for federal employees,9 +12,"About 3,000 people initially gathered at Sunken Gardens Park, but the crowd grew to nearly 10,000 during the march, organizers said. Denver police refused to give a crowd estimate.",11 +12,"""Two-thirds of Americans favor a guest worker program with a path to citizenship,"" according to Maurice Carroll, director of Quinnipiac's Polling Institute. ""Maybe a lot of Americans think back to the stories of their own immigrant families.""",11 +6,Florida curbs death row appeals,5 +5,"In neither case did the court make an overall statement either in favor of or against same-sex marriage. And in a sign that neither victory was complete for gay rights, the high court said nothing about the validity of same-sex marriage bans in California and roughly three dozen other states. A separate provision of the federal marriage law that allows a state to not recognize a same-sex union from elsewhere remains in place. +",4 +9,"CANCER SOCIETY NOT 'SELLING' NAME, ONLY FIGHTING TOBACCO",8 +5,WHAT IS THE LEGAL STATUS OF GAY UNIONS?,4 +5,Secondhand smoke sparks neighbor to sue,4 +1,"The news follows Reynolds American Inc.'s announcements last week that it would test-market a spitless tobacco called Camel Snus (pronounced ""snoose"") and would buy Conwood, a private smokeless tobacco company, for $3.5-billion. +",0 +1,"The law exempts undocumented students who attended and graduated from Maryland high schools from paying out-of-state or out-of-county rates at colleges in Maryland. +",0 +13," +Then legislators, under fire from tobacco and other lobbyists who feared suits against other businesses would follow, passed a bill to repeal the law. But Chiles vetoed that measure. + +Throughout the year, Associated Industries of Florida, the state's biggest business lobby, and tobacco lobbyists have waged a high-profile campaign to override the veto.",12 +5,"Lawyers at Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, which represented the seven same-sex couples who filed the landmark lawsuit, are poised to appeal a second case to the Supreme Judicial Court on behalf of out-of-state gay couples now barred from marrying here.",4 +8,"boost border enforcement by adding 5,000 more agents and 14 miles of triple fencing near San Diego",7 +1,"Tobacco Associates, a group of Southeastern tobacco growers, has spent + +$3.36 million in federal money helping government-owned cigarette monopolies",0 +7,The end of the death penalty in Maryland,6 +1,"The plain language of the 1968 act would prohibit these imports, yet the A.T.F. appears to be relying instead on standards in the 1994 assault weapons ban to approve them. The 1994 law banned the domestic manufacture, sale and possession of 19 kinds of assault weapons and barred the manufacture and sale of other semiautomatics with certain military characteristics such as bayonet mounts, grenade launchers and flash suppressors.",0 +13, political ,12 +5,"For Gorsuch, a consequential start",4 +5, right to own guns.,4 +13,Bush Expected to Endorse Amendment on Marriage,12 +5,"With the expected addition of Californians after Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling,",4 +3,"A friend, she said, gave her the card, affirming the bond they had formed as members of a discussion group opposed to the death penalty. In recent months, members of the group have been promoting a ""Declaration of Life,"" urging people to sign a form saying that if they are murdered during a violent crime, their killer should be spared the death penalty.",2 +7,"After Newtown Massacre, N.R.A. Proposes 'Absolute Protection'",6 +3,Legalizing same-sex marriage ruins traditional institution,2 +15,TRULY ONE OF THE FINEST,14 +13,"The move will increase pressure on Mr. Obama and lawmakers to pass a comprehensive overhaul, rather than taking on the debate over immigration in smaller pieces to try to gain more support among Republicans.",12 +7," putting criminals where they belong, behind bars.",6 +13,"Mr. Cuomo, speaking at a news conference at the Capitol, said he wanted to avoid a repeat of the last push to legalize same-sex marriage, in December 2009, when a measure was brought to the floor of the Senate and suffered a stinging defea",12 +7,Police department data suggest that there may be substantially more guns in Chicago than in other cities. The presence of these weapons could make ordinary disputes more violent and more lethal.,6 +13, Republicans cannot choose to do nothing in the face of that reality.,12 +5,A Ruling Gives Gay Couples Hope for Financial Equality,4 +1,"Wall Street reacted favorably to the agreement. Shares of New York-based RJR Nabisco, which makes Camel cigarettes, rose 1/2 to 35 13/16, while shares of Philip Morris, maker of Marlboro cigarettes, rose 15/16 to 45 1/4 in late trading.",0 +13,NEWT GINGRICH appears to have joined Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) and other leading conservatives in backing down on his initial plan to deny welfare and other benefits to legal aliens,12 +5,Detaining Asylum Seekers Is Illegal Prodigality,4 +11,"The population of illegal immigrants leveled off after peaking in 2007 at 12 million, then dropping sharply over two years to 11.1 million in 2009, according to the report, which is based on census data. The declines occurred primarily because fewer people from Mexico and Central America came illegally to the U.S., Pew concluded.",10 +5,"The bill is completely unconstitutional, so the courts are going to have to throw it out.""",4 +13,"Bush's amnesty plan draws bipartisan fire; Permanent legality for many of the 3M illegal Mexican immigrants is an ""old, failed program""",12 +6," concealed guns would have been allowed in the state Capitol, state office buildings, psychiatric facilities, child-support enforcement offices, veterans' homes, the Missouri School for the Blind, the Missouri School for the Deaf, buildings at the Missouri State Fair and other state-owned or operated properties.",5 +13,Mizeur and other advocates are asking O'Malley to make same-sex marriage part of his legislative agenda in January - a move that would signal he intends to put the weight of his office behind it.,12 +11,D.C. gun laws: A timeline,10 +5,City to join same-sex marriage court case,4 +13,"In Largely Symbolic Move, N.A.A.C.P. Votes to Endorse Same-Sex Marriage",12 +9,"And it means she'll probably be around a little bit longer to take care of this old man.""",8 +9,"""We focus on trying to prevent injuries before they occur rather than after they occur,"" he said. ""We use a scientific approach to try to find out what works for prevention.""",8 +5,"Their thinking is, Don't confuse me with facts. So all of you self-appointed constitutional lawyers, answer this question: Why is it that the NRA never challenges gun control laws on Second Amendment grounds?",4 +7, the Philadelphia-based journalist convicted of killing a police officer and in jail on death row since 1982.,6 +8," In the aftermath of 9/11, they can be unsettling reminders of how porous U.S. borders are. ",7 +13,announced by Senate Finance Committee Chairman William V. Roth Jr. (R-Del.) after negotiations among the panel's Republicans and Democrats,12 +4,"McVeigh Lawyers, Seeing Fraud, Ask Judge for Stay of Execution",3 +7,"Law enforcement officials in Mississippi said Sunday that they had arrested four people after the fatal shooting of two police officers in Hattiesburg, and that two of the suspects had been charged with capital murder. +",6 +13,California lawmaker pitches big cigarette tax hike,12 +11,Preparing for the Roll,10 +3,"""Every time you see a child, you wonder how they are still alive,""",2 +5, voting rights measure,4 +13,Biden gun push in Conn.,12 +13,"POLS FLIP STANCE, BACK SAME-SEX MARRIAGE",12 +7,"Then officers searched Overby's house. Inside were a handgun and 500 rounds of ammunition. +",6 +15,DEAD WOMAN WALKING,14 +5,"The ruling sets the stage for a potential trial in a lawsuit that alleges racial profiling in the patrols in Maricopa County, Ariz., and would further limit Sheriff Joe Arpaio's immigration authority after Washington yanked his federal powers this month.",4 +10,"The Chastine family was poor and Kirby Chastine was disciplined with occasional ``whippings,'' Ola Mae Chastine said. But she said he was never abused by his stepfather and she described the family as loving and strongly moral.",9 +7," Atkins was convicted in 1996 of killing a U.S. airman in a carjacking and robbery in Virginia. +",6 +7,Curbing the carnage that's caused by guns,6 +3,Colorado clergy on opposing sides of the gay-marriage debate will implore their flocks this weekend to contact their U.S. senators as a vote looms on a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between one man and one woman.,2 +6,U.S. could let Haitians stay here a while; Undocumented might get temporary permits because of disaster.; 81 from various nations to get citizenship today.,5 +3,"""I could not in good conscience ask a jury to kill somebody, but I think it would be wrong for me to say we're not going to enforce the law,"" he said. ""It's a very difficult area . . . for Catholics.""",2 +5,"''A lawsuit was filed the very next day to enjoin the village from enforcing that law,'' notes Morton Grove's Corporation Counsel, Martin Ashman. The plaintiff, Victor D. Quilici, a lawyer who lives in the village, charges that the ordinances violate the Federal and State Constitutions. Both the National Rifle Association in Washington, D.C., and the Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue, Wash., are helping to pay for the lawsuit, Mr. Quilici says.",4 +2,Workers put a stalk into a series of cups on the wheel and remove the first grade of leaf. Others around the wheel remove the next two grades of leaf. And still others put the leaves into bales and keep tobacco in the wheel and removes stalks.,1 +13,"A political action committee headed by former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, also vowed to target gun-control opponents.",12 +3,Faith-Based Views Veer Off a Straight Political Line,2 +5,2 ROAD RAGE CASES YIELD NO CHARGES,4 +9,Most effective treatment of COPD is quitting smoking,8 +11,"One saw the beginning of public affection, uncensored. One saw the beginning of a family. One saw the beginning of the end.",10 +3,"Today, 2,500 conservative members of the American Anglican Council meet in Dallas to consider whether they can remain in a denomination, the Episcopal Church USA, that not only accepts a newly confirmed gay bishop but also permits gay marriage blessings. +",2 +2,New York Strains to Handle Surge in Child Migrants,1 +13,"House Speaker Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin, says he hopes that the House and Senate will find consensus on a permanent legislative solution for young immigrants.",12 +13," +Mr. Leahy's plans will also be closely watched by senators with their own gun control legislative agendas, lawmakers who may decide to push their own bills if the committee process does not yield the results they seek.",12 +12,"Van Cleave, the president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League",11 +11,Dreaming of a greater St. Louis,10 +13,"The only compromise that the proponents of guns will accept are those full of loopholes, which give the cosmetic appearance of control and accomplish very little. ",12 +15,"Not Just Firearms, but Helmets and Bottles, Too",14 +4,"""It's not about equality,",3 +10," +Her dog, a white bichon frisé named Benji, woke her, so Fletcher scrambled in the dark for the 9mm Glock handgun she bought in February. She keeps it in the nightstand next to her bed.",9 +11,"And during a concert in Quebec City on Sunday night, Stevie Wonder announced that he would not perform in Florida until the Stand Your Ground law is repealed. He added, ""Wherever I find that law exists I will not perform in that state or that part of the world.""",10 +1,"At Whole Foods, a Welcome Sign For Immigrants Seeking Jobs",0 +5,Lawyers spar over same-sex marriage before federal judges,4 +5,COURT: BLUES CAN STAY IN SMOKERS SUIT,4 +13, The president should follow through on his pledge as the Senate prepares to vote on renewal of the ban.,12 +4," Eliminating these discriminatory laws isn't the first step toward permitting same-sex marriage. Rather, righting these wrongs is recognition that these discriminatory laws affect thousands of Minnesotans and undermine our state's commitment to fairness.",3 +13,"Early this month, the Bush administration floated a plan to grant legal status to the 3 million Mexicans in the country illegally. ",12 +6,"""'If our foreign competitors had conspired to contrive a scheme to slow us down, I doubt that they could have come up with a better way to do that than the immigration law revision that is in the works today,""' says Andrew S. Grove, chief executive of Intel",5 +13,"This week, Isakson and Georgia's 10 other House members will cast important votes on new gun control. For Isakson and a majority of the Georgia delegation, some of whom campaigned against Congress' adoption of the assault weapons ban in 1994, the votes will be their first on the controversial topic since joining Congress.",12 +1,"U.S. Tobacco Industry Looks Longingly at Chinese Market, but in Vain",0 +13,"Reps. Alisha Thomas Morgan, D-Austell, and Rashad Taylor, D-Atlanta, said, despite the fact that the 2012 legislative session is almost over, gun legislation has to be reined in. In the time remaining in the session, the General Assembly is debating a bill that would lower the age to carry a gun to 18",12 +5,The suit charges Schaub and Cline furthered a conspiracy to convict,4 +6,"Opponents of the bill argued that its restrictions would make it all but impossible for law-abiding residents to buy guns and would not reduce crime or mass shootings. The state already has some of the nation's toughest gun laws. +",5 +4,"""We're on our way to being treated like everybody else,"" ",3 +9,It recommended admitting that smoking,8 +15,VITAL STATISTICS,14 +13,"""We probably have the best chance (of passage) that we've had in three or four years,"" said Rep. Mike Weaver, R-Mattoon, sponsor of the first bill. He believes the measure will make violent criminals think twice about their attacks. ""The general public is getting very frustrated at being moving targets out there.""",12 +13,The House and Senate are weighing Obama's request for $3.7 billion to address the crisis. GOPers want to alter a 2008 law that hinders quick deportation of children to Central America. Democrats do not.,12 +9, likely has reduced the suicide rate of older Americans.,8 +9,The chemical nature of nicotine addiction is a tragedy but not a mystery. Scientists understand nicotine addiction quite well.,8 +3,Only one major U.S. Protestant group has endorsed same-sex marriage outright. That's the United Church of Christ.,2 +1,MOLD THREATENS TOBACCO IN SOUTHERN WISCONSIN,0 +13,"The announcement came just hours after Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., who is considering a presidential run in 2008, unveiled his own immigration bill -- a week after President Bush offered more detail on his vision for immigration reform. House Republican leaders have said their approach to immigration will start with border security.",12 +6,Control of guns draws big heat,5 +5,"END BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP FOR MIGRANTS, GROUPS URGE",4 +7,Yet in our nation's capital exists the highest murder rate in the nation,6 +3,"The Rev. Don Southworth's decision to stand behind his convictions and refuse to sign any marriage licenses until he can do so on both heterosexual and homosexual unions is among the more moral and courageous acts I've heard of in some time. +",2 +9,MIGRANTS' ARDUOUS JOURNEY ENDS IN TRAGED,8 +5,A jury convicted Clemons without physical evidence of rape,4 +13,RYAN MEETS WITH RELATIVES OF ILLINOIS DEATH ROW INMATES,12 +5,"SHOOT DOWN COURT RULING ON GUNS, MORGY URGES",4 +1,Colorado will receive about $ 100 million a year for the next 25 years.,0 +5,Harmon ignored the defendant's comment and told him an appeal of his death sentence was automatic and he would appoint attorneys to handle the appeal.,4 +13, tapping into influence among Republicans to soften opposition to a pathway to citizenship.,12 +7,"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives",6 +13,"""We're going to keep on fighting until the law no longer treats committed partners who've been together for decades like they're strangers,"" Obama",12 +5,etch their opposition of gay marriage into the Constitution,4 +12,"The protest, one of many gay rights protests held across the country, accused The Post of a ""double standard"" because it prints engagement and wedding announcements for heterosexual couples but not homosexual couples.",11 +1,"Colorado is slated to receive some $5.5 billion by 2045 under that settlement. But there are a lot of ""ifs"" in that projection. Last week the big tobacco companies won an arbitration ruling that they are losing market share to small competitors who don't make the payments. Big tobacco thus wants to reduce the $6.5 billion payment due the states later this month by $1.1 billion. Such a cut would drop Colorado's 2006 take by $15 million, to $75 million.",0 +13,Another Broken Promise on Immigration,12 +9,"Women who smoke may be reducing their chances of having a baby, a new study finds. Exposure to even a small amount of a class of chemicals in cigarette smoke may destroy a woman's eggs in the ovaries, researchers wrote in Nature Genetics",8 +12,"""I was at a hearing and this lady sitting next to me was mocking the smart-gun legislation. I did some research and found out she was from the NRA.",11 +7,I've always held that the kid did most if not all of the shooting.,6 +13," Now, it's being employed by Democratic members of Congress to overcome Republican obstructionism.",12 +2,here's how many applications the city received by day's end: one.,1 +5," +""The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid,""",4 +14,will go to the District or neighboring counties,13 +13,"Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney sought on Sunday to revive his party's contentious debate over illegal immigration, hoping to remind voters in New Hampshire of the issue that stoked conservative anger and nearly derailed Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign last summer.",12 +3,PREACHING TO A BIG CHOIR,2 +7,A man convicted of murder after a head was found buried in his backyard has admitted killing five other men,6 +5,"Feds get judicial scolding Judge exasperated at new delays in immigrant's citizenship quest Zuhair Mahd, a blind Palestinian computer programmer, has been in the U.S. legally for 17 years and passed his citizenship test in 2004.",4 +5,AG duel with Bam gun foes,4 +6,"Congress has failed to close the gun-show loophole, and pro-gun Republicans and Democrats alike continually try, at the NRA's urging, to repeal sensible measures such as outlawing guns on college campuses, in bars and in national parks.",5 +13,E. J. Dionne: Mayor won't give up on guns,12 +1,HIT 'EM IN WALLET,0 +12,Families Touched by Tragedy Plead for Handgun Bill,11 +13,"This city's rarely dull political scene has produced yet another oddity -next week's recall election, an attempt to unseat Mayor Dianne Feinstein that stems from her support for guncontrol legislation.",12 +1,"However, almost every serious study finds that immigration has only modest effects on the wages of native-born Americans, and those mostly involve high school dropouts in the short term. In the absence of immigrants, employers probably would substitute machines for workers in some jobs or invest in other lines of business rather than pay much higher wages to the native born.",0 +1,"""A guy in Elk River bought them,"" Rivard said. ""He will refurbish them and resell them.""",0 +13,"The committee endorsed it earlier this month, but now committee chairwoman Sen. Dottie Wham, R-Denver, would like to see the bill strengthened, and she's counting on a fight from the gun lobby.",12 +5,Langberg: Tech visas come with obligation for valley leaders,4 +5,state Attorney General Bill Lockyer said Wednesday.,4 +12,VOICES/Do you think we need stronger gun-control laws?,11 +10,"``Non-smokers have become quite accustomed to being the ones who are uncomfortable and the ones who have to make the adjustments to try to get out of the situation,'' Husmann said. ``But when it's right where you live, it's really hard to escape it without moving.''",9 +5," McClain has defended killers on Florida's Death Row for nearly a decade, putting him in an elite league of attorneys.",4 +7,"Bucks officer was executed, the D.A. says",6 +7,Lawyer Is Convicted of Murder in Rampage,6 +13,"A host of law enforcement groups - including the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Major Cities Chiefs and scores of individual state and local chiefs of police - have written letters urging Congress to reject the proposed changes in federal gun laws. +",12 +13,Corbett compares same-sex unions to sibling marriage,12 +7,"for killing Coburn, a 25-year-old Hernando County deputy,",6 +12,Young People at the Forefront of Gun Control,11 +7,Few Arrestees Found to Be Illegal Pr. William Chief Issues Report on Crackdown,6 +5, for expert witnesses requested by public defenders and attorneys representing indigent criminal defendants.,4 +5,That friendly greeting is followed by 400 words of lawyer's duct tape,4 +1,for profits:,0 +3,It is unconscionable to discuss the recent shooting by a 6-year-old and include increased gun-control rhetoric in the same context,2 +5," There are legal issues, of course, but there are far broader ones as well:",4 +5,Gay marriage became legal in Maine in December.,4 +1," reducing their long-term use of Social Security, Medicare and other federal benefits.",0 +13,NRA Withholds Endorsement in Va. Race,12 +9,"In six subsequent tests, conducted between 1970 and 2000, Graham scored 62 to 66. To be medically diagnosed as mentally retarded, a person must score a 70 or below.",8 +5,"A day after cigarette makers and the attorneys general of seven states proposed a historic agreement to settle claims against the tobacco industry, legal experts predicted that even if the proposal overcomes hurdles in Congress, it is certain to be tied up in years of litigation.",4 +13,"Democrats said that given the party's increasingly powerful control of the Legislature - they now control two-thirds of the seats, in both the Assembly and the Senate - they were confident that the legislation could pass swiftly and hoped it would set a model for other states around the country.",12 +13,Wash. state lawmakers pass gay marriage bill,12 +7,Gun violence unlikely to prompt any changes in federal law,6 +11,Los Gatos: Ellis Island experience brought to life by local students,10 +5,U.S. court panel rules in favor of D.C. gun law,4 +2,"Unless illegal immigrants are wanted for crimes, federal authorities generally do not hold them because detention space is limited.",1 +5,Calif. court to consider same-sex marriage,4 +6,Ruben Navarrette: The wrong debate on immigration,5 +5,Putting Judge Alito's Dissent in Context,4 +13," Rep. Russell Capps, R-Wake, said before the House voted 100-4 Monday to allow the measure to be filed.",12 +9,GUN MAKERS AGREE ON SAFETY LOCKS,8 +13,Immigration bill faces Senate blitz,12 +12,Why not put handgun control to a referendum?,11 +5,JUSTICES SHOOT DOWN RULINGS ALLOWING FELON TO REGAIN GUN RIGHTS,4 +7,NUMBERS KEEP GUN-LAW VIOLATORS AT LARGE / AN ODD CHORUS OF PRO- AND ANTI-FIREARM FORCES IS CALLING FOR TOUGHER ENFORCEMENT,6 +6,The Delaware Department of Justice says the state does not have an exemption for family gifts.,5 +7,Clerical Error Cited in Children's Slaying,6 +7,"""The current practice raises the possibility that the police are arming street criminals,"" Maloney said. ""Most responsible law enforcement agencies will agree that this needs to be stopped.""",6 +6,Undoing the crime bill's crimes,5 +6," +The commission grouped its nine revisions into different categories, some with more than one idea. Seven would change more than one part of the constitution. In addition to those nine proposals, the Legislature put four other amendments on the ballot. The election will test voters' attention spans.",5 +6,Prop. 8,5 +12,Gabby's org. fights ghost guns on web,11 +5,"U.S. District Judge William Sessions said recent cases, including a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that found juries and not judges must hand out death sentences, have rendered existing death-penalty law unusable.",4 +14,"Mexican President Felipe Calderon chastised President Bush yesterday, accusing him of doing too little to stem the causes of illegal immigration and failing to curb the U.S. appetite for illegal drugs.",13 +12,The plan has drawn angry reactions from conservative groups,11 +12,"The pro-gun advocates turned in about 1,800 signatures gathered on petitions over the weekend at a gun show held at the county-owned Expo Center in San Mateo. The petitions ""vehemently oppose"" the gun ban, scheduled to take effect next January.",11 +13,STATES SAY `BRADY'-TYPE LAWS WORK,12 +13,N.Y. Senate presses ahead with vote on gay-marriage bill,12 +6,A sound approach on guns,5 +15,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,14 +5,Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the defendants held without bail pending further hearings.,4 +3,"'C rucify him! Crucify him!""",2 +7,"""Somebody who's disturbed or a crook -- they're not going to care (if it's illegal to carry a gun in certain locations),""",6 +1, City blows $1M on 'low IQ' cop killer,0 +11,"""Guns: Loaded Conversations"" came about after the shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in June 2016, which left 49 dead and 53 wounded.",10 +10,"Urs married death-row inmate Joseph O'Dell on July 23, 1997",9 +13,"Valley legislators back gay marriage, it's just hard to tell",12 +12,The voices against gay marriage;,11 +10,"Well. Not only had Ms. Murphy shared a modest ranch house in Austin, Tex., with Sara Barker for nearly 30 years, not only had she cared for Ms. Barker through two terrible final years of illness, but the two were indeed legally married. +",9 +13,Cuccinelli Sticks to His Guns in Statewide Race,12 +5,"Falcon Heights has become the latest Minnesota city to approve a domestic partnership registry as the state moves closer to voting next year on a constitututional ban on same-sex marriage. +",4 +3,"The real threats to the family unit are the high rates of illegitimacy, domestic violence and divorce",2 +5, not by a court,4 +13,"Jeb Bush's team, which has looked for many of its advisers to pledge fidelity to his all-but-declared campaign, has at least one who is still involved in multiple projects.",12 +7," Jacine Gielinski, a student at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, was killed April 29, 1997.",6 +11,Same-sex divorce rate not as low as it seemed,10 +5,Visas for seasonal work could double,4 +13,Obama would not,12 +5,"Weston, 41, is scheduled to appear for arraignment Wednesday in U.S. District Court. When he appeared in court last month, he was heavily bandaged and in a wheelchair.",4 +1,"at a Lewes, Del., gun shop.",0 +5,"Chief Judge William B. Traxler Jr., writing for the majority, found that the Maryland law ""significantly burdens the exercise of the right to arm oneself at home"" and should have been analyzed using a more stringent legal standard.",4 +14,Mexico to aid undocumented immigrant youths at 50 consular offices across U.S.,13 +1,Roll-Your-Owns Cut Taxes,0 +5,COURT BACKS BILLBOARD BAN FOR CIGARETTES,4 +7,Hispanic Leader Indicted in Las Vegas; Abuse of Amnesty Program Is Alleged,6 +6,Bill would restore missing part of gun law,5 +13,Giuliani Repeats His Call for National Gun Licensing,12 +1,It also gives statistics on how a smoking ban could hurt tobacco industry jobs and cut government tax revenue.,0 +15,Now Alabama,14 +9,Electronic cigarettes push the FDA's buttons,8 +6,LAW RECKLESS IN SPEEDING EXECUTIONS,5 +1,"JUSTICE SEEKS BILLIONS FROM TOBACCO FIRMS THE DEPARTMENT WANTS TO RECOVER HEALTH COSTS AND TAKE AWAY PROFITS IT SAYS WERE ""ILL GOTTEN"" THROUGH DECEPTION.",0 +14,Russia and the far right's cozy affair;,13 +6, The death penalty has been undergoing greater scrutiny,5 +15,The Issue That Goes Ignored,14 +5, The lawsuit approach will allow all concerned to go on happily profiting at the expense of remaining smokers.,4 +7, Two Inmates Executed In Virginia and Texas,6 +13,"On guns, it's time to be like Mike",12 +13,"The 14 GOP senators who backed the plan included Kirk and Sens. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and John McCain of Arizona, who also are trying to hold on to their seats in November.",12 +13,The last-minute maneuver caps a weekslong fight between de Blasio and Mark-Viverito over the money.,12 +13," But the issue divides Republicans and Democrats, something that especially matters in the GOP-controlled House, where many Republicans represent safe GOP districts that leave them more vulnerable to primary threats than general election challenges.",12 +5,Prosecutor's Prize,4 +5,The Supreme Court ruled in 1986 that executing an insane person would violate the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment.,4 +1,"""I know how tough this is. My dad owned a grocery store and I worked behind the counter,"" ",0 +13,"The mayor said he believed doing so could hurt the city's lawsuit against the industry. +",12 +5,Wisconsin man challenges concealed-carry denial,4 +7,San Mateo County boosts punishment for selling smokes to kids,6 +9,"Chewing tobacco regularly increases the risk of developing oral cancers; recent studies have associated heavy use with increased odds of pancreatic cancer, as well. The European Union banned sales of an earlier formulation of Snus in 1992 after a World Health Organization study determined the product could cause cancer. Snus is still sold in Sweden, where it originated, and in Norway.",8 +1,The $30 price would spike to $38 with the state fee increase.,0 +12,"Harlon B. Carter, Longtime Head Of Rifle Association, Dies at 78",11 +6,Gun Control Today Has Proved a False Prophet,5 +11,"Marvel Comics' superheroes have met their match: a 7-year-old. + +The comic book giant is eliminating cigarette and cigar smoking from its superheroes trading cards because of a complaint from Sammy Blum. + +Sammy wrote to the New England Journal of Medicine, which printed his letter in today's edition. + +""I collect Marvel Masterpieces,"" Sammy wrote. ""So do some of my friends and my brothers. I found five out of 100 cards that were smoking!!"" + +Sammy listed the offending characters, both heroes and villains: Blaze, Gambit, Kingpin, Nick Fury and Red Skull. + +""Why do they make cards for kids that show people smoking?"" wrote Sammy, the son of family physician Alan Blum, who is chairman of a Houston anti- smoking group called Doctors Ought to Care. + +In a reply printed below a copy of Sammy's letter, Marvel Entertainment Group President Terry Stewart, whose company owns such characters as X-Men, Captain America and Spider-Man, announced it would eliminate smoking from future cards. Marvel spokeswoman Pamela Rutt said Sammy's letter ""really did open our eyes."" She said the company had no plans to reconsider the use of smoking characters in comic books, ""but . . . it might come up.""",10 +11,Up in arms,10 +13,"Thanks to developments in recent weeks, including Bush's call for the amendment and 3,400 same-sex marriages in San Francisco, marriage was the dominant topic at the all-day conference.",12 +11,"I mean only slight disrespect. The Temperance movement had many virtues - at least until it became overly politicized and fanatical, rather like what's happening lately to the anti-smoking cause.",10 +1,Two cigarette industry representatives say the White House told them last week that three crucial concessions must be made in the proposed $368.5 billion tobacco settlement to win President Clinton's approval.,0 +7,concentrating on putting more police officers on the street and fighting drug abuse.,6 +8,FBI SOFTWARE CRASH HALTS GUN SALES NATIONWIDE AS INSTANT BACKGROUND CHECKS,7 +2,"But because the total will be smaller, the actual number of spots for skilled workers will go down from the present 140,000 a year to something in the 75,000 to 100,000 range. +",1 +5,"* Attorneys general for Rhode Island and Connecticut plan to issue legal opinions today on how their states should handle the issue. +",4 +9,An average of 14 children and teen-agers are killed with guns each day.,8 +6,The ballot measure would amend the state constitution to confine marriage to a union between a man and a woman. ,5 +1," +Dealers: Talk of gun control boosts sales",0 +9,"RIMARY +",8 +11,elderly individuals,10 +7,"The man, Ricardo Aldape Guerra, was sentenced to death in 1982 for the killing of a Houston police officer and once came within three days of execution.",6 +12,"About 200 students gathered on the Stanford campus in the afternoon to protest the decision, and more crowds were expected at evening protests in San Mateo and Palo Alto.",11 +5,Cuban Boy's Father Meets INS Officials In Havana,4 +13,"Even Lyle Blanchard, the legislative analyst in the D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs",12 +5,"It's an issue expected to spark an INS appeal to the Supreme Court. A source at the Justice Department, which oversees the INS, said ""the matter is under review.""",4 +13,Candidates Cower on Gun Control,12 +13,"Vice President Biden committed the ultimate political offense over the weekend: He revealed his honest opinion, in this case about same-sex marriage.",12 +9," and away from our children and schools,""",8 +6,"The Brady law, which took effect in 1994 after bitter controversy in Congress and strong opposition from the National Rifle Association, was enacted to combat a nationwide ""epidemic of gun violence.""",5 +5,Supreme Court dismisses killer's appeal,4 +5,"The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals gave no explanation Tuesday for issuing its stay of execution. Death penalty lawyers noted that Carr's federal appeals have yet to be considered by the U.S. Supreme Court --- a step that is taken in all capital cases. On Wednesday, the state Attorney General's Office asked the appeals court to lift the stay.",4 +6,"As for Florida laws on gun control, they are a joke! What good are restrictions on gun dealers when we have no restrictions on gun shows or private citizens selling guns in newspaper ads?",5 +1,"On drug treatment, he could not say how much more he would spend.",0 +7,Two of four suspects in the November torture-killing of a Watsonville nursing-home owner,6 +5,referring to a lawsuit due before the state Court of Appeals tomorrow that focuses on five same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses in New York City.,4 +7,Police chiefs have been speaking out against it.,6 +5,HIGH COURT OVERTURNS KEY PART OF BRADY ACT RULING:FEDERALLY MANDATED BACKGROUND CHECKS ON GUN BUYERS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL.,4 +7,Death Penalty Paradox,6 +3,'Eye for an Eye' Challenges Faithful,2 +11,"Wake up, people! The United States, the world's No. 1 arms trafficker, is killing itself with its own products.",10 +5,Kaczynski pleads guilty to all charges,4 +9,saying her father is clearly delusional.,8 +7,Brooklyn Man Is Charged In Fatal Bodega Robbery,6 +7,"3 arrested in McFrugal slayings Robbery the motive, police say Mayor will ask DA to seek death penalty",6 +1,In Pursuit of the 'Pink Dollar',0 +7,"And, most recently, authorities in Upstate New York announced that they have linked Gary to a cold case there from 32 years ago. Syracuse, N.Y., police say they have matched Gary's DNA to that left at the scene of 40-year-old Marion Fisher's 1975 rape and strangulation.",6 +6,TALE OF TWO INITIATIVES,5 +7,A 22-year-old woman was accused of pretending to be a Federal immigration officer in a money-making scheme in which she took aliens to an Immigration and Naturalization Service office to be fingerprinted.,6 +10," But there will also be celebrations by neighbors and co-workers. Many marriages will be by couples in their 30s, 40s and 50s who have lived together for years.",9 +1,"nd blamed legislators for not adequately funding the agency. +",0 +5,"In a 6-1 decision, Chief Justice Mary Ann McMorrow said Ryan's intention was clear.",4 +7,"Holsey was arrested a few hours later sitting in his car outside his sister's house. Several months later, a stainless-steel .38 revolver that police identified as the murder weapon was found by a man mowing his yard for the first time since winter.",6 +10,"Sitting among dozens of family members of the victims, the Rev. Sharon Risher said she ""felt like my heart was going to pop.""",9 +1," The price of patches, at $ 4 a patch, for eight weeks would be $ 224; the cost for 12 weeks would be $ 336.",0 +7,"Agents arrest four, say group smuggled immigrants in L.A.; SENIOR INS OFFICIAL WHO WORKS AT AIRPORT ACCUSED IN SCHEME",6 +5,Justices to hear Brady Act case,4 +7,Sheriff's stand on assault rifle ban a puzzler,6 +5,Trial Opens for Rowan in Shooting of Trespasser,4 +10,Nonprofit trains Bay Area immigrants to become baristas,9 +13, Can the politics of this question change? The answer is plainly yes.,12 +6,"The GOP bill ""lowers everybody's standards to the lowest in the union,""",5 +12,Gun-control advocates -,11 +10,It was personal.,9 +12,Town Set to Defy Governor On Same-Sex Marriage Issue,11 +7,". They will be moved to Potosi later, Moore said. Two women facing the death penalty are at a prison in Fulton. Prison officials had been planning to move the male death-row inmates to Potosi for several months but kept details of the move quiet for security reasons. Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers and a patrol helicopter were used in the move, Moore said. ''It went very smooth,'' he said. ''The inmates were cooperative.'' The Potosi Correctional Center was officially opened in November. With the addition of the death-row inmates, the 500-bed center now has a population of about 270 inmates.",6 +5,"Last month, the Indiana Supreme Court rejected a similar request from Mr. Williams, saying that the testing could not prove him innocent and that there was other strong evidence against him. +",4 +13,The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously today to expand the city's domestic partners policy despite congressional pressure that already may have cost the city millions of dollars.,12 +10,DAYTON REINTRODUCES BILL FOR SAME-SEX BENEFITS,9 +5, that a court erred in striking a ban on gays in the Boy Scouts.,4 +5,"The suit, filed in Bronx Supreme Court, charges Paterson exceeded his authority and contends it makes the Legislature's definition of marriage as involving a man and a woman ""irrelevant.""",4 +12,Private-school heads urge 'common-sense gun laws',11 +1,"Opponents of gay marriage, warning of many negative consequences, now include economic ones (""Gay marriage bill advances; GOP points to costs,"" March 14)",0 +13,CLINTON'S BUDGET WILL INCLUDE MORE EFFORTS TO REDUCE GUN VIOLENCE,12 +5,"The antitrust investigation also comes as 30 cities and counties have filed lawsuits against gun manufacturers, wholesalers and retail dealers. Some cases are expected to soon reach the discovery phase, during which lawyers for the municipalities hope to uncover documents showing the gun industry was aware that its sales practices helped make it easy for criminals and juveniles to buy handguns. The suits against the gun makers charge them with failing to incorporate safety devices and negligently marketing their guns so that criminals can buy them.",4 +6,"HAS COMMON sense on gun laws broken out in Washington? Probably not, but over the past couple of weeks there have been a couple of minor but welcome victories in the quest for reasonable gun regulations.",5 +1," +Wilson and Democratic legislative leaders have been saying for weeks that they expected relatively easy budget approval this year because they intended to count on $3.1 billion in federal immigration aid.",0 +10,"Simple benefits for spouses, which involve Social Security, immigration, inheritance and taxes, cannot be secured by state law or contract. Can we please accept the fact that marriage, regardless of sexual orientation, is about security, love, commitment and trust?",9 +13,"Wednesday's action differed significantly from two previous attempts to get a waiting-period law in Hillsborough. Over the last two years, commissioners have voted down both a two-day and a three-day cooling-off period.",12 +13,POLITICAL BRIEFING,12 +13,LUGAR AD TARGETS ASSAULT RIFLES,12 +1,"Officials estimated the annual cost to taxpayers would be less than $ 400,000",0 +12,Capitol Focus Activists hope to influence legislators as the U.S. Senate debates changes,11 +13,Smoking-ban foe to run for governor,12 +12,"AMERICANS FAVOR TOUGHER GUN CONTROLS, POLL FINDS",11 +7,POLICE BREATHE SIGH OF RELIEF: FEWER GUNS MEAN SAFER CITY,6 +13,GOP Fears Agenda Drift as 2000 Elections Near,12 +5,THE HOLSEY MURDER TRIAL,4 +13, Mr. Bush,12 +1," +""It's the economy, both a push and pull,"" said University of Michigan demographer William Frey, an expert on immigration. ""Our economy is looking better to people from outside. . . . And the need for labor here is high at both the low-skilled and high-skilled end.""",0 +5," +Senate plan could double high-skilled worker visas",4 +13,BAM'S QUICK DRAW Wants gun law in 2013,12 +4,"HIS EXECUTION DAY IS HERE, YET QUESTIONS OF INNOCENCE PERSIST",3 +7,"McLeod and Hayes were charged with selling guns to felons and selling a silencer, which is illegal. Each pleaded guilty in March to one count of firearm-related conspiracy.",6 +5," ""The constitution is one of the documents that draws up the fundamental aspects of our society. Marriage needs to be in there as one of those fundamental aspects.""",4 +5, Courting gay-marriage laws,4 +13,Clinton announces 'Net checks for gun dealers,12 +5,How to avoid being asked to 'show your papers',4 +6,ASSAULT ON ALL SENSE Squirt gun ban near RNC But packing heat OK in 'event zone',5 +7,"IN FLORIDA, A WAITING LIST TO WATCH EXECUTIONS",6 +7," +Pennsylvania now has 237 convicted murderers, including Banks, awaiting execution on the nation's fourth-largest death row, behind California, Texas and Florida.",6 +9,McClain included statements from two doctors who say Medina did not die immediately and suffered intense pain. Corroded copper screens in the head-piece started a fire that ignited Medina's death mask.,8 +9,His eyes remained closed as he gasped twice when the chemicals began flowing into his arms.,8 +11,"Once Banned, Now Loved and Loathed: How the AR-15 Became 'America's Ri-fle'",10 +7,"Earlier reports had up to 10 cult members dead, but authorities now are counting only the confirmed dead.",6 +8,probably would have qualified to carry a concealed handgun into the workplace under the law that Mr. Bush signed in Texas and a proposal Mr. Ashcroft backed in Missouri.,7 +5,"The defense also suggested that Mr. Page did not fire any shots at all in the incident, which occurred not far from his building. +",4 +13,"He also had some scathing words about gun control for government officials, including President Trump, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.",12 +11,Stop sucking up to 'gun culture.',10 +6,banning smoking altogether. Others are allowing smoking just about anywhere.,5 +5,"Since that ruling, Virginia prosecutors have been seeking to convict Wolfe under a new set of indictments. Defense attorneys have been pushing to have the case dropped for good, arguing that a fair trial is now impossible.",4 +13,"The D.C. bill, which would give the city a representative with full voting rights in the House (and give another House seat to GOP-leaning Utah), has been stuck in neutral since February, when the Senate passed the measure but added an amendment that would repeal most of the district's gun-control laws. The move angered local leaders, but pro-gun rights measures command strong support in both the House and Senate, making it difficult for Democrats to move the voting rights bill on its own.",12 +13,Obama's economic case for an immigration overhaul in 3 charts,12 +1," +It marked the first time R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. has paid damages in a case brought by an individual smoker for injuries caused by cigarettes.",0 +5,Ashcroft Sees No Halt in Executions,4 +15,"Weekend Gun Report: October 18-20, 2013 +",14 +11,"Gay marriage equality box spreads on social media +",10 +13,NRA cash helps stay gun control efforts;,12 +12," gun control proponents decry as the nation's ""most extreme example"" of efforts to gut gun laws.",11 +12,"Polls indicate minor shifts in views on guns, laws",11 +5,"Two weeks ago, a state judge in Palm Beach sided with the state. Ruling that the attorneys' demands were ""unconscionable and clearly excessive,"" Circuit Judge Harold Jeffrey Cohen ordered the attorneys to arbitrate their fees. The dissidents have since sued to have the judge removed from the case. +",4 +7," +Man charged in immigrant fraud case",6 +1,Labor dispute over U.S. Open in Merion intensifies,0 +7,"We could have incarcerated him in a secure facility,",6 +13,"""It's time we stepped out on the issue,"" Mr. Weicker said.",12 +10,US West to offer same-sex benefits State's largest employer joins trend,9 +7,What are ICE raids accomplishing?,6 +5,"ECORATED VETERAN COULD BE NEXT TO BE EXECUTED SUPREME COURT REJECTS ARGUMENTS FOR KILLER WOUNDED IN VIETNAM +",4 +6,"A wider ban will be easier to enforce than one that is more selective, said City Manager James Keene. The ordinance is expected to be in place by mid-July.",5 +12, after gun-rights groups held a series of demonstrations openly carrying unloaded weapons.,11 +13,MISSOURI MAKES PLANS TO MOVE EXECUTION CHAMBER TO FULTON,12 +5,"Just a few weeks ago, an Alameda County judge sentenced an Oakland man to death",4 +13,If two state senators have their way,12 +3," +Hoosier Mercy",2 +7," +From the suburbs to the Iron Range, bars took advantage of the loophole, drawing national attention. On March 5, Magnan announced that the ""performances"" violate the statewide ban. Many ceased the performances; many did not. +",6 +7,Reno said the Justice Department's inspector general was investigating the problem with the criminal background checks.,6 +13,"Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the highest-ranking Latino lawmaker in Congress and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the president shouldn't wait.",12 +5,has asked the court to award him,4 +7,"In fact, unless you're a police undercover agent, it is hard to think of any good legal use for a snubbie.",6 +13,"Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican presidential candidate",12 +10,"Latisha Espinosa, daughter of farm workers, is a high school senior who has spent much of the last two years patiently raising twin brothers on her own. Her father, a Mexican-born man who has toiled the fields of the United States much of his adult life to provide for his children, made a mistake in 1993",9 +14,AUSTRALIAN WON'T FACE DEATH PENALTY,13 +7,"The north half of the squat pink home served as one of a dozen brothels in South Florida since 1996, according to a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. attorney's office. FBI and Border Patrol agents arrested Rogerio Francisco Cadena, 50, of Veracruz, Mexico, two weeks ago for smuggling at least 23 women and girls and forcing them to pay for their delivery to Florida by selling their bodies.",6 +7,COPS AGAINST GUNS,6 +1,"has gotten just over $60,000 from the NRA since 1998, according to the analysis.",0 +5,Court ruling creates possible crack in Wisconsin ban on benefits for gay couples,4 +10,"Leopard claims the ads affected millions of people, and that he is wracked with guilt.",9 +7,"For the first time since 2005, Arkansas executed a death-row inmate. Now the state is turning its attention to three more executions planned for the coming days.",6 +9,", endangering the welfare of a child ",8 +13,Democrats Assail Allen In Pitch for Female Vote,12 +13,"""He's not advocating for a shutdown in any way",12 +7, A suspected illegal immigrant - arrested and released by Denver police five months ago - has been charged with murder in the death of a woman dragged behind a truck by her neck for more than a mile.,6 +5,In the short time since a Baltimore circuit court declared the state's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutiona,4 +14,FLORIDA BECOMES ANTI-SMOKING MODEL,13 +13,"SENATOR WOULD DISARM U.S. FOREST, REFUGE PATROLS",12 +13,'Go home and get in line': Fact-checking Kris Kobach on DACA,12 +5,"He said the ordinance conflicts with federal labor law, attempts to regulate interstate commerce in violation of the Constitution and violates two other federal laws that were the focus of the hearing:",4 +6, that would impose mandatory standards for lawyers appointed to capital cases and withhold federal prison funds from states that fail to meet those guidelines.,5 +7," many of them crime-related,",6 +13,Six Republicans etched their names onto the wrong side of history Thursday night when they killed a bill that would have allowed for civil unions in Colorado.,12 +1, they represent only about one-third of the 223 million firearms manufactured or imported for sale in the United States from 1899 to 1993,0 +13,the politics of gay marriage did,12 +13, The measure has already passed the State Assembly and now heads to the governor's desk.,12 +7,"""With a butcher knife. Is there any more coffee?"" Castro said, according to a transcript of the confession.",6 +1,"Philip Morris leads the way in aggressive marketing to young women, dating back to its sponsorship of the Virginia Slims tennis tour. Now, the tobacco giant has underwritten a Virginia Slims Woman Thing record label and concert series. On Friday, at Atlanta's Cotton Club, the series will make its fifth stop on a 10-city tour.",0 +13,Gov. Mitt Romney's efforts ,12 +5,"The prosecution also cannot comment on the letter because of the gag order, said Erik Friedly, spokesman for the Fulton County district attorney's office. Friedly said the gag order applies to Al-Amin as well as the attorneys, but only a judge could determine if the letter is a violation of the order.",4 +13,CONGRESS LEFT town having failed to pass the comprehensive reform of immigration laws that President Bush claimed to want but didn't do much to promote at crunchtime. ,12 +8,Secure borders are citizens' right,7 +9,"We as physicians are the witnesses to the human toll of this disease,"" Megan Ranney, an emergency-medicine special-ist at Brown University, said at the meeting.",8 +11,"U.S. population tops 290M, could reach 300M by 2007 +",10 +5,Both groups say their attorneys have assured them they are within the law.,4 +11,Premium Cigars Roll Back Into Favor,10 +5,Penalty Phase of Sniper Trial Nears End,4 +13,"The Senate narrowly approved the measure today, the last day of the regular legislative session, on a 21-16 vote, but it failed in the Assembly.",12 +1,"""They've been heavily promoted by the tobacco industry"" and the casino industry as a way to welcome both smokers and nonsmokers, Repace said.",0 +11,"David Kessler of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said he wants to put new controls on cigarette sales to minors. Statistics show 90 percent of smokers get hooked on nicotine as teens, according to one government scientist.",10 +5,Mr. Williams was convicted and sentenced to death. Mr. Castille went on to serve on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.,4 +11,"I believe cigarette manufacturers are in cahoots with TV producers and the motion picture industry. An awful lot of stars seem to be smoking on TV, which gives the public the idea that smoking is cool, fashionable and sophisticated. I've kept track of these TV shows, and so far, I've seen smoking on ""Roseanne,"" ""Law and Order,"" ""NYPD Blue"" and Stephen King's ""Longaliers."" There's a lot more smoking on TV than there used to be, and this is no accident. Please look into this.",10 +13,Gunning for votes,12 +5,"And, they did. Just before 5 p.m., on a day of the unexpected, the Berkeley couple whose case brought down the Proposition 8 ban exchanged vows on live television at San Francisco City Hall. +",4 +7,Control The Violence By Controlling Guns,6 +5,"Judges in Texas and Kentucky this week added their endorsements to those voiced in the past three months by colleagues in New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah and Virginia. +",4 +5,A predicament on citizenship ,4 +5,"Speaking somberly, and at times passionately, from the bench in a marble-paneled courtroom at the federal courthouse here, Judge Matsch voiced contempt for Mr. McVeigh's crimes and surprised even some government lawyers who had predicted that he would grant Mr. McVeigh at least a short reprieve.",4 +10,CALLERS PATCH-ED THROUGH TO COMMISH FOR CIG ADVIC,9 +6, legislation seeking to prevent gay marriages -- by defining marriage in federal law as the union of a man and a woman,5 +9,Smuggling Death Toll May Drop,8 +9,Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Colorado on Monday said it is offering same-sex partner benefits to companies with one to 50 employees.,8 +5,"No guns at the St. Louis Zoo, judge rules",4 +10,S.F. takes step toward same-sex matrimony,9 +11,"SAG Awards: From Julia Louis-Dreyfus to Mahershala Ali, here are the many (many) political statements",10 +6,Amendment to highway bill sideswipes Little Tobacco,5 +13,The NRA regains its edge Group gears up for fall elections,12 +5,Board of Probation and Parole,4 +7,"The Bloomberg administration insists that enforcement has not been increased, but the number of smoking violations citywide rose last year by about 70%. +",6 +13,Gov. Blunt's immigration moves upset Hispanics here,12 +5,"In a lawsuit seeking to hold gun manufacturers liable for shootings with illegally obtained handguns, an economist testified yesterday that the plaintiffs' main contention was based on flawed statistics.",4 +13, President Barack Obama,12 +4,"When a person lives and works in a foreign country, that person should receive the same benefits as citizens",3 +13,"U.S. lawmakers from Pa., N.J. look at gun measures",12 +5,Free for All,4 +9,"""If your IQ is above that, you don't even get to be evaluated, no mental health check, and no psychiatrists can examine you and see what your childhood was like,",8 +7,"But it was really about clamping down on Espinoza. +",6 +5,"Although Herbert has appealed the judge's order, he has virtually no chance of having it overturned, and his attorney, Maura Jaite, described him as ""totally devastated"" yesterday. He has been in INS detention for 17 months.",4 +4,Immigration Rules and Fairness,3 +1,"Their assignment is to sell Congress on the $ 368.5 billion tobacco settlement, negotiated by tobacco lawyers and state attorneys general, which would shield the industry from future lawsuits filed by smokers. In return, these politicos get a big cut of the whopping $ 30 million that the tobacco industry has spent on lobbying this year.",0 +9, gun safety.,8 +10,"""He killed us all,"" she said. ""He destroyed my whole family. We just fell apart.""",9 +5,Theater Gunman Is Spared Death in Aurora Case,4 +9,They won't make us instantly safer.,8 +5,D.C. government won't appeal concealed-carry rights case to the Supreme Court,4 +9," +Illegal Immigrants Die in Field Fire",8 +1,Execs: Gay marriage ban costly,0 +11,"With his laptop before him on the bar at Mission Taqueria, Jesse Bacon, 39, picked at his salsa and chips. He chose to patronize this Center City restaurant, he said, because it gave its Latino staff the day off, with pay, in support of the "";Day Without Immigrants""; protest.",10 +11,THERE'S NO NEED FOR CITIZEN MILITIAS IN 1994 AMERICA,10 +7,DRIFTER WHO MURDERED ELDERLY MAN IN MADISON COUNTY PREPARES FOR EXECUTION,6 +1,"""We realize this is a controversial topic, so we're giving them the opportunity to give us comments,"" spokesman Mike Bazinet said.",0 +5,Court flooded with marriage applications,4 +15,In brief,14 +5,Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kern issued that order as she refused the co-op's request to order Diane Wells to stop smoking.,4 +11,"States already have executed 32 prisoners this year, 14 in Texas alone, and more than in any year since 1962.",10 +13,Outgoing Illinois Gov. George Ryan turned death to life for all 156 of his state's Death Row inmates yesterday.,12 +13,"President Obama? Hillary Clinton? + +No, it was Donald Trump.",12 +4,"110 Wrongful Convictions, and Counting",3 +3,Clerics need not sanctify gay rites,2 +5,"ut much of that evidence was never heard. Prosecutors rested their case early without calling more than a dozen inmates listed as witnesses. +",4 +7,"A mayoral commission is recommending the NYPD ban cops from carrying their guns off-duty if they are drinking. +",6 +12,ONLY IN THE AJC MARCH FOR OUR LIVES;,11 +3,"or a genuine change of heart,",2 +7,enforcement efforts,6 +13,SENATE COMMITTEE SKEPTICAL OVER TOBACCO AGREEMENT,12 +5,"VOWS OF 3,000 GAYS, LESBIANS VOIDED OPPOSING SIDES DISAGREE ON FUTURE OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGES IN OREGON",4 +4,"'We're dealing with a dual justice system,'' says Andrews, speaking calmly and precisely at the Utah state prison. ''There is no balance.'' + +In his case, the defendants were black. The victims, police, prosecutor, judge and jury were all white. +",3 +5,California: Reversal On Same-Sex Marriage Trial Tapes,4 +15,PARENT & CHILD,14 +8, refuse to protect their citizens from gun violence.,7 +5,"""We don't charge people for the crime of being illegal,"" Huggins said. ""That's just not something we do.""",4 +9, Perhaps they didn't want to see what a handgun wound can do to a human being.,8 +1,We see the $368.5 billion,0 +5,Judge sets man's bond in teen's slaying,4 +13,"Ms. Bush is the latest child of a prominent Republican leader to embrace same-sex marriage, long considered anathema to the conservative movement. ",12 +5,"Santa Clara County sheriff draws legal fire for way she hands out concealed-gun permits +",4 +15,GIVE IT A SHOT,14 +2," German-born Rebecca Schneider was one of about 300 people in line outside the Immigration and Naturalization Office in Charlotte, waiting to get their visas before Monday's deadline for staying in the country.",1 +10,Domestic partner benefits,9 +6,"What's in a name? A lot, if your name includes the term ""gun control."" ",5 +1,The money is coming from Virginia's share of a 1998 national tobacco settlement. The General Assembly has designated 10 percent of the total to fight youth smoking. It is the first time that Virginia state money will be used for an anti-smoking campaign.,0 +5,"The Georgia Supreme Court this week overturned the conviction of Ronald Dexter Radford, 35, because a deputy who testified in the trial also served as a bailiff who escorted and guarded the jury. +",4 +5,"The aliens now can be deported without a hearing before an immigration judge, if they are not permanent U.S. residents and don't qualify for any program that would allow them to stay in the United States.",4 +13,BROKEN PROMISES ON IMMIGRATION BREAK THE LAW,12 +7,Man Who Killed 33 Is Executed in Illnois,6 +13,"Sens. [Joe] Manchin and [Pat] Toomey - as well as Majority Leader [Harry] Reid and Sens. [Chuck] Schumer, [Mark] Kirk, [Susan] Collins, [John] McCain and others - deserve real credit for coming together around a compromise bill that struck a fair balance, and President Obama and Vice President Biden deserve credit for their leadership since the Sandy Hook massacre.",12 +6,"Changing gun laws may not be the answer, though. +",5 +7," It is, however, going to perpetuate the death penalty",6 +5,5 citizens sue over tactics used in immigration raid,4 +5,"But Pete Holmes, a city attorney, said he hopes that someday cities will be permitted to create their own gun controls. ""It's just wrong, and it is something that can be fixed at the state level,"" Holmes said.",4 +11,History repeats until it doesn't: How mass movements change the equation,10 +5,.S. Adds to Charges In Sniper Shootings;,4 +7,"Wood, a cashier at Kmart in 1991, told detectives that she saw Bishop buying garbage bags at the store at about the same time Schiffman was killed.",6 +7,"NOBODY ELSE CLOSE TO EXECUTION IN MISSOURI, ILLINOIS",6 +9,Where is the Obama administration housing the immigrant kids?,8 +13,Obama's action fuels worry about immigration scams,12 +3,Injustice prevails in 750th execution,2 +13,"How can we solve the gun violence problem when Republicans and Democrats can't seem to come together on anything these days, let alone on an issue as politically divided as gun control?",12 +4,"""Today a jury affirmed the right of people of every background, race and religion to walk the streets of America without fear,"" said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League.",3 +5,"But officials at the Justice Department, which administers immigration law through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, have continued to bar entry to this country of people infected with AIDS.",4 +13,"""These senators made their decision based on political fear and on cold calculations about the money of special interests like the National Rifle Association, which in the last election cycle spent around $25 million on contributions, lobbying, and outside spending,"" she said.",12 +5,The New Mexico Supreme Court today upheld,4 +6,GAY COUPLES PRESS FOR MARRIAGE FROM NEW YORK CITY TO OREGON,5 +13,Editorial: Killings provide more fodder for anti-immigration debate,12 +11,American Nightmare,10 +3,"For decades, many religious groups have voiced strong public opposition to capital punishment, believing that every human being is given life by God and that only God has the right to deny life",2 +13,Advice from a survivor of the Florida school shooting: It's time to start ignoring Trump;,12 +5, In doing so he swiftly aligned the military with the Supreme Court's ruling in June striking down the Defense of Marriage Act's denial of federal marriage benefits to lawfully married same-sex couples.,4 +13,Perzel to protest French city's honor for Abu-Jamal,12 +13,"It won praise from advocates of stiffer restrictions, including Obama and New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg (I), reflecting the eagerness on that side of the debate to score concessions after months of intense opposition from the National Rifle Association. +",12 +7,Jury sentences man to death in Sept. 11 revenge slaying,6 +13,"On this, Democrats in the Florida Legislature are absolutely correct:",12 +5,"It caps off a 2013 when, in early spring, West registered his relationship with Bias on Tampa's newly minted domestic partnership registry. +",4 +13,"It was the morning after Columbine, and the Colorado House majority leader had slid into the bus lane on his way to the Capitol.",12 +13,"California voters in 2008 approved Proposition 8,",12 +13,But Bush may veto the handgun bill if his proposals,12 +8,on its own firearms purchase background check system operated by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.,7 +7,"A 50-year-old Glassboro man, who turned his home into an arsenal with hundreds of guns, has pleaded guilty to selling an assault firearm to an undercover state trooper and possessing other illegal weapons, authorities said Tuesday.",6 +1,Burley growers get top dollar,0 +12,Aggressive Strategy By N.R.A. Has Left Its Finances Reeling,11 +4,Donald Trump's moment of racial reckoning has arrived,3 +13,Same-sex wedding ban bill advances in N.C. Senate,12 +13,The debate that roiled the nation this spring is far from over.,12 +8,"U.S. Takes Steps to Tighten Mexican Border +",7 +13,Pro-gun lobbyists cut back in Annapolis,12 +4," these 12 ""survived despite the criminal justice system, not because of it. . . . One must wonder how many others have not been so fortunate.""",3 +12,Support Grows for Execution Safeguards,11 +13,Courting the Suburbs With Gun Control,12 +6,"The bill's greater importance will be symbolic. For years, the National Rifle Association has used intimidation and misrepresentation to stifle any serious discussion of gun-safety laws in this country. No longer.",5 +1,"In many cases, the association found, states have used money from the tobacco settlement to plug budget gaps. The sluggish economy and new anti-terrorism spending have opened huge deficits for many states.",0 +13,"The Senate dealt a double setback to gay-rights activists Tuesday, voting to reject same-sex marriage in federal law and killing a separate bill that would have barred job discrimination against gays.",12 +13,"""New York is doing exactly what democracies are supposed to do. There is a debate; there is deliberation,"" he said, refusing to declare a view on the bill or encourage other states to take similar action.",12 +11,Not just Disney.,10 +13,Republicans Seek Probe Of Immigration Program; Accelerated Naturalization Process Criticized,12 +1,"Target yanks tobacco Decision a financial one, retailer says",0 +7,"Weber seems to think that people are clapping their hands at the 260-year prison sentences meted to the terrorists who bombed the World Trade Center. Not I, but I would have done so had they received the death sentence and had that sentence been implemented immediately. +",6 +7,N. Dakota officer's killing sparks effort to tighten gun laws,6 +13,Specter starts in Phila. on immigration road trip,12 +5,Another Pr. George's indictment,4 +6,Smoking Ban Is Defeated,5 +12,"Gun-Control Advocate Edward Welles, 85",11 +7,"Sonja Larson, Tracy Paules, Manny Taboada, Christi Powell and Christa Hoyt were murdered in August 1990. The killings included a beheading, mutilation and sexual assaults. + +Rolling confessed to all five murders in February 1994. He was sentenced to death three months later.",6 +7,HIS WEAPONS WERE LEGAL,6 +11," +CULTURE DIVIDES SIDES IN TUG-OF-WAR OVER GUNS",10 +13,"A three-way battle is shaping up in the House over the same issue that snarled the Senate in bitter debate the last week: gun control. + +Most Democrats and some Republicans seem willing to copy much of what the Senate adopted when it passed a major juvenile-justice bill Thursday. Democratic leaders are pushing for a House vote as soon as next week. + +Republicans leaders such as Tom DeLay of Texas want to put off a vote at least until next month, but Republican rank-and-file members are at odds over how far to go in imposing new restrictions. Some are downright opposed to any additional controls; others are sympathetic to many of the same approaches as most Democrats. + +Hard-liners in each party, meanwhile, appear content simply to demand all or nothing - and take the issue to voters in next year's elections. For them, the issue is seen as an opportunity to retain or seize control of the closely matched chamber - where Republicans hold a slim six-vote majority - in the elections next year. + +Many Democrats who support gun control are encouraged by polls that show a majority of Americans supporting stricter gun laws. On the other hand, many remember that the last time Congress passed major gun-control legislation - in 1994 - it ended up costing the seats of several House Democrats who were targeted for defeat by the National Rifle Association, a giver of millions of dollars to congressional campaigns over the years. + +",12 +13,County plans new Office of Immigrant Relations,12 +13,"In N.J., battle lines remain intact",12 +6,Success of Anti-Gun Program Disputed,5 +13,"Clinton, by now, lends an aura of insincerity to every issue he addresses. Just as he doesn't really believe in the Republican welfare reform he signed last week, he probably doesn't really believe in his anti-smoking crackdown.",12 +15,"Golly, Wally, that's one stunning stogie",14 +11,"The Chamblee library, near Buford Highway's international corridor in the state's most ethnically diverse county, is used by many immigrants. Library officials estimate that one-third of their Chamblee patrons are immigrants.",10 +4,FACT-CHECKING O'MALLEY'S CLAIM THAT HILLARY CLINTON FLIPS ON GUN ISSUES 'EVERY ELECTION',3 +5, to place any regulation of a waiting period or gun safety training is to violate the American Constitution.,4 +12,"and that has sent crime to the top of residents' concerns about the city, the poll showed.",11 +11,Guns on the Range,10 +8,background checks at gun shows,7 +13, U.S. Rep. John Lewis is unmoved by a Republican effort to punish Democrats for participating in a headline-grab-bing sit-in over gun control earlier this summer.,12 +13,GOVERNOR RECASTS SAME-SEX STANCE,12 +11,The president shed tears on behalf of a grieving nation.,10 +11," even though they are the fabric of our society,",10 +13,The governor vetoed a bill yesterday,12 +5,DEAD STILL LICENSED TO CARRY Audit reveals gun snafu,4 +5,Ashcroft Blocks FBI Access to Gun Records,4 +1, tobacco companies,0 +12,"Gun-control advocates pushed back a tough year at the state level, and they'll take the win;",11 +2,America Can't Afford More Huddled Masses; Enforce Current Laws,1 +7,"About 1,000 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents with search warrants entered plants owned by Swift & Co., of Greeley, Colo., charging that ""large numbers"" of workers illegally assumed the identities of U.S. citizens or legal residents by using their Social Security numbers to get work, ICE officials said",6 +5,Vega realized last year that he could qualify for permanent residency by requesting a suspension of deportation.,4 +5,The 7-2 decision also clears the way for the family of Rose Cipollone to present their case before a New Jersey jury.,4 +13,The NRA usually opposes nearly all gun control measures.,12 +1,"The analyst, who asked to remain unnamed, said: ""No one wants to see a billion-dollar verdict scroll across the tape while you own tobacco stocks.""",0 +13,"As the full Senate engages in intensive deliberations over a landmark immigration bill this week, proponents are scrambling to maintain crucial bipartisan support in the face of Republican demands to strengthen border security. +",12 +11,"America, as has been said often, is a nation of immigrants. Our culture, our economy and our identity are all the richer for it.",10 +13,"The Republican, who left office Monday after one term in office, also defended his decision to commute the sentences of 167 death row inmates.",12 +6,"The editorial was all take and no give: amnesty, or ""reform,"" for illegal immigrants but no security to maintain the border and spare the United States additional amnesties in the future - except for a rather ugly reference to turning the border into an ""armed camp."" I think most Americans would tolerate this amnesty if it were absolutely the last amnesty instead of one in a never-ending series. + +So here is a quid pro quo. Build a complete, double fence now along with granting amnesty. A fence is the only thing that would work, which is why the open-borders crowd doesn't even want to discuss an American border fence - or the border fence Mexico is now building along the Guatemalan border. There it is: a favor for a favor that both sides can unhappily live with. +",5 +13,"Glendening Won't Commute Murderer's Death Sentence +",12 +7,"This summer, D.C. police officers are planning to carry semiautomatic rifles while on patrol. D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier says: ""We want to be prepared. I want officers to have what they need to be safe.""",6 +4,civil rights advocates,3 +8,Trustees said they thought the new rules were necessary in light of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Several of the terrorists implicated in the attacks had come to the United States on student visas and remained after their credentials expired.,7 +10,"Fiorella was a computer trainer who had previously been a grade school principal, an Episcopal school headmaster and a high school history teacher.",9 +3,Marriage still core value,2 +10,"allowed gay couples, as couples, to adopt children,",9 +7," The plane landed Friday evening in Florida, and the detainees have been sent to immigration detention centers in Miami and Moore Haven, Fla.",6 +5,"but they denied him a permit to carry his guns, and it took a five-year court fight to get one.",4 +5, dissented from both decisions. Judge Kelly is so far the only jurist in state or federal court since,4 +13,"The task: navigating a delicate balance between competing in a Republican primary where conservatives hold sway and appealing to the rapidly growing Hispanic population, whose support is seen as critical to the GOP's effort to win the White House. In 2012, candidate Mitt Romney won just 27 percent of the Hispanic vote in his failed bid against President Obama.",12 +13,"The Media, Immigration and G.O.P. Donorism",12 +7,"If they are illegal and they are working, then the companies that employ them are breaking the law and should be fined to the fullest.",6 +1,BEFORE WE INVITE 'GUEST WORKERS',0 +11,"The 2011 states are Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Washington State, as well as the District of Columbia.",10 +13,Long road begins on gun debate,12 +5,RIGHTMARCH.COM CLAIMS DREAM ACT WOULD PROVIDE AMNESTY TO TWO MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS,4 +4,"""Civil union status is not clear to the general public, which creates a second-class status,"" the report said.",3 +15,How We Respond to Illegal Immigration,14 +5,"The court, however, has asked the Florida Supreme Court to consider the issue. +",4 +7,"Camden Police Chief Scott Thomson signed off on two gun permits in July for a Camden city councilman with a criminal record that bars him from purchasing a firearm under state law, according to law enforcement sources and documents. +",6 +3,One resolution to be considered by Episcopalians here would allow individual dioceses to decide whether to ordain gays and allow their priests to officiate at same-sex unions.,2 +5,Ruling Throws Out Part of Tobacco Suit,4 +13,"Cruz dons face paint in appeal to hunters, gun owners",12 +9,"For smoker, death came before jury award",8 +7,"Immigration issue is solved with fines, jail time",6 +5,"Stanislaus County District Attorney James Brazelton stated: ""Jurors in Stanislaus County have not made up their minds . . . and will wait until they hear evidence in court.""",4 +3,Vote on gay marriage is shameful and bigoted,2 +13,Virginia gun debate grows,12 +5,"High court rejects immigration, Redskins cases",4 +15,'LOOK ME IN THE EYES',14 +9,Guns to Protect,8 +15,SOFT LOGIC OF HARD FACTS ON GUNS,14 +5,The high court's marriage jitters,4 +1," He gave us a $3.8 billion figure culled from a February 2009 report, ""The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Floridians,"" published by the Federation for American Immigration Reform.",0 +5,Guilty verdict in murder of Manayunk Brewery owner,4 +12,NRA TAKES AIM AT BACKERS OF GUN BAN,11 +5,"The ""family reunification"" doctrine of our immigration laws makes it difficult for people from countries (such as England, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Holland, and Scandinavia), whose emigrants arrived in previous centuries, to come to the U.S. because they are less likely to have close relatives here",4 +5,W URGES BAN ON GAY NUPS Wants amendment to the Constitution,4 +5,Md. to recognize same-sex marriages from other places,4 +13,"NRA backs Deal, touts his record in Congress",12 +7,"In simultaneous raids, federal agents hit two Bladensburg businesses yesterday, arresting 71 workers suspected of being illegal immigrants and bringing the total arrested this year in Maryland to 188, more than double the number arrested in the same period last year.",6 +10,E-Cigarettes and Children,9 +6,"AMTRAK RESPONDS TO PASSENGERS, BANS SMOKING ON SHORTER ROUTES",5 +6,"The legislation covers only same-sex domestic partners who are not married, because marriage largely is not available to them. For federal purposes, the Defense of Marriage Act limits marriage to heterosexual unions. Married same-sex couples and unmarried opposite-sex domestic partners are not covered by the bill, which must be approved by the full Senate and the House.",5 +11,TV Barred From First Sniper Trial,10 +13,Dinkins Favors Proposal to Ban Assault Rifles,12 +9,who announced last year that he had symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's disease,8 +7,Officials to Review Immigrants' Solitary Confinement,6 +12,"But it was the voices of the elementary, middle and high school students who took turns at the microphone that trans-fixed a packed audience of about 800 at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria.",11 +9,mental problems.,8 +7,"After 23 years on death row, Wayne Tompkins has hours to live.",6 +12,Schwartz called death penalty opponents ``a feeble minority.'',11 +9,"Warner Bros. follows a similar move by MCA Inc. in May 1992, which was the first major Hollywood entertainment company to offer health benefits to same- sex domestic partners.",8 +13," The National Rifle Association endorsed President Bush for re-election Wednesday, promising millions of dollars for ads, phone banks and other get-out-the-vote efforts.",12 +13,CLINTON'S GUN INITIATIVE,12 +7,The two suspects were killed after they had shot two FBI agents to death.,6 +1, merchants carrying money from their stores to their cars,0 +1,"When the costs for education and social services are counted against the short-term boost to the economy - about $ 10 billion a year - and long-term contributions of immigrants to Social Security and federal taxes, the ledger shows a profit from immigration.",0 +13,CANDIDATE COMES UNDER FIRE FOR STANCE ON ASSAULT WEAPONS GUBERNATORIAL HOPEFUL TOM RIDGE SAYS HE HAS ALWAYS SUPPORTED A BAN. NOT EVERYONE AGREES.,12 +6,But a section of an immigration reform bill passed by the U.S. Senate last week could yet give him a chance at enrolling in the college of his choice.,5 +1,"LOTS AT STAKE FOR NRA, FIREARMS INDUSTRY",0 +9,Doctor chose specialty because he saw a need,8 +13,"Legislation to give the District of Columbia a full vote in the House of Representatives stalled when Republicans unexpectedly injected the volatile issue of gun control. Democrats decided to put off action indefinitely on the voting rights measure, which had appeared to be moving toward passage though President Bush had vowed to veto it. Republicans, protesting the delay, sought a quick vote on their effort to repeal the District's ban on handguns. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty said there was no local support for repeal of its tough gun-control laws. He said that when people learned that residents had again been denied voting rights, ''I think it is going to backfire on those who have done this procedural maneuver.'' +",12 +5,"said the decision to legalize or ban it should be left to the states. +",4 +7,A man convicted of killing two restaurant employees 10 years ago was executed by injection at the state prison here early today.,6 +5,"A prosecutor on Friday outlined the details of the mass shooting at a salon in Seal Beach, adding that the death penalty should be considered in this case.",4 +13,"Has the Clinton administration given U.S. citizenship to as many as 100,000 immigrant criminals in the past year to get their votes in next month's elections?",12 +6,prison officials banned the contact visits.,5 +13,N.H. Panel Opposes Gay Marriage,12 +6,"are attempting to circumvent the Freedom to Breathe Act,",5 +5," +Fogel concluded Thursday that the state's change to the usual execution procedure would protect Morales' right to be executed without the risk of unconstitutional pain and suffering. But Morales' lawyers disagree, saying the execution should be halted to allow a full-blown examination of the state's lethal injection procedure, which is similar to execution methods being challenged around the country. +",4 +13,This is how the NRA 'politically weaponized' its membership,12 +3,"The Feb. 10 Commentary article by lesbian Amy Adams Squire Strongheart was the most ridiculous theology I have ever read. Her delusion that the term ""eunuch"" could possibly mean gay - thus affirmed by Jesus - is absurd. It is not a point of biblical interpretation; it is simply garbage theology. + +The Holy Scriptures do clearly state that homosexuals are people of a depraved mind (Romans 1), so this would explain her interpretation and the fact that this blasphemy was allowed in the Post-Dispatch. Homosexuality is condemned by God and will only yield death and eternal damnation for these people. Homosexuals need to confess their sins and receive forgiveness, not attempt to rationalize it with nonsense theology. + +It is time for Christians to offer tough love to a people who have a life expectancy on this Earth of less than 40 years, and an eternal life in hell. The homosexual lifestyle is a ticket to destruction. Rev. Dale J. Pritchard Hillsboro, Ill. Amy Adams Squire Strongheart's Feb. 10 Commentary article about same-sex marriages made a case to prove homosexuality is affirmed in the Bible. She is wrong again. The eunuchs the book of Matthew 19:4-12 is referring to are men who were castrated by other men as a punishment or converted men of a pagan religion priesthood or men born impotent. Never, in any case, does it describe the gay lifestyle. Theo Parmer Sr. Florissant For some time, I have been following the obvious overexposure of the sexual orientation of Amy Adams Squire Strongheart in the Post-Dispatch. I have been trying to determine what purpose the paper has in publishing these outlandish articles by an avowed lesbian. I now realize that succeeding articles have become nothing more than succes de scandale. +",2 +6,THIS ILLEGAL SHOULD BE LEGAL,5 +13,Senate budget chief J.D. Alexander,12 +13,"Lawmakers debate gay-marriage ban Schultheis, Carroll spar on whether state should recognize homosexual unions",12 +6,BILL WOULD SNUFF LOCAL POWER TO HIKE CIGARETTE TAX,5 +13,"Congress has shamefully caved in, yet again, to the gun lobby and abandoned the effort to grant the long-suffering District of Columbia a voting representative in the House. Hopes for passage were high this year, until the historic measure was poisoned in the Senate with an amendment to strip the district's government of its power to enact responsible gun control laws.",12 +10,Such a gesture would go a long way in letting us know that we are indeed welcome.,9 +11,"""He definitely ranks among some of the most notorious murderers that we had in Pinellas County during that time,""",10 +13,Councilman: Tougher gun sales law needed,12 +12,Louisiana votes to ban gay unions,11 +12,Woe at the NRA,11 +11,"The Philadelphia poet, painter, musician, and activist Aja Beech spent the Memorial Day weekend - whose official observance commemorates those who died serving their country - finalizing the annual ""Execute Art Not People"" event",10 +12,"But NRA officials said the rule hurt gun rights. +",11 +10,Troubled unions,9 +13,"Gay marriage battle, round 2, coming to Minnesota Capitol",12 +7,A man convicted of killing a convenience store clerk who ignored his demands to open the cash register was executed tonight,6 +13,Commissioner Roberts?,12 +15,McClellan's Crazy Idea That Might Work,14 +5,GOETZ'S LAWYER PRAISES THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS,4 +5,"A 1996 Illinois law already prohibits same-sex marriage, but opponents fear that law could be overturned by the courts unless the Illinois Constitution is changed.",4 +12,The great and powerful NRA,11 +7,"Delap, 45, has spent the past 17 years and two months on Death Row in the + +Florida State Prison near Starke. He was twice convicted of the June 30, 1975, kidnapping and fatal beating of Paula Diane Ethridge, a 23-year-old Okeechobee Junior High School teacher.",6 +13,"Obama urged the gay and lesbian community to be patient, reminding them that his administration is only six months old. Ironically, the administration has been criticized for moving too quickly on too many other big issues.",12 +7," after mass shootings in Aurora, Colo., and Newtown, Conn",6 +3,"The vigils are called Stations of the Cross in honor of Christ's 14 Stations of the Cross, which correspond to 14 events that happened to Christ on Good Friday, Inglis said.",2 +5,Court Weighs Voters' Will Against Gay Rights,4 +5," the U.S. Supreme Court struck down laws against gay sex,",4 +1, the revenue department will accept joint tax returns that mirror those of the federal Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service.,0 +13,Senate panel approves gun background check,12 +13,"The Senate voted 23-15 on Wednesday, mostly along party lines and drawing praise from Senate President Joe Negron, R-Stuart.",12 +6,for the Smoke-Free Air Act,5 +5,"The case involved last September s decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in which the full circuit ruled 8-7 in the combined appeals of Daniel Binderup, of Manheim, Lancaster County, and Julio Suarez of Gettysburg.",4 +11,What does it take for Fox News stars to turn on Trump?,10 +7,"""Madam, you mustn't,"" the arresting officer reportedly said. ""What would Alderman Sullivan say?"" + +""I am,"" she was said to retort, ""and I don't know.""",6 +13,"In often-emotional speeches, Democrats and Republicans presented diametrically opposing views, with supporters casting the proposal as a historic stand against discrimination and opponents denouncing it as an anti-democratic attack on moral values.",12 +5,"Attorneys for prisoner Bobby James Moore, 57, contend that the state's highest criminal court, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, ignored current medical standards and required the use of outdated standards when it decided Moore isn't mentally disabled. That ruling removed a legal hurdle to Moore's execution for the shotgun slaying of a Houston grocery store clerk in 1980.",4 +8,Gun checks by the CBI draw fire,7 +5,Group looking for right case to challenge background checks,4 +12,It is a common sense approach that 76 percent of Americans support.,11 +13," +SENATE BACKS REPEALING LOCAL GUN LAWS",12 +1,ABU-JAMAL FUND MAY SKIRT TAX LAWS,0 +6,Should felons get guns too?,5 +10,"Except that nicotine water will be an addict's elixir, letting them take their drug anywhere and everywhere smoking has been banned. You can swig on the jogging track. You can chug-a-lug while watching TV in bed without worrying about starting a nasty house fire. You can sip to your heart's discontent while sitting at your desk in a smoke-free office",9 +14,"The American note, sent May 24, said that until Cuba agreed to their return the United States would continue to refuse immigration visas in Havana to Cubans who did not have close relatives who were American citizens.",13 +3,Company uses high-nicotine tobacco after assuring government it wasn't,2 +12,MOST AMERICANS believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to become guest workers under a process that would eventually lead to citizenship.,11 +6," Florida's Stand Your Ground self-defense law, along with the 20 similar laws across the country, effectively removes that accountability.",5 +6,Federal highway bill forces Fremont 'roll-your-own' cigarette store to close,5 +14,"After a five-year break, delegations from the two countries met in New York on Tuesday to resume immigration talks designed to ""promote safe, legal and orderly migration between Cuba and the United States.""",13 +5," An appeal of the conviction was planned, he said.",4 +8,"Every day, a computer at the sprawling FBI crime information center in rural West Virginia kicks out the names of 100 or more convicted felons and others who, though barred by law from owning a gun, tried to buy one anyway by lying on their firearms application.",7 +12,Debate over onstage smoking burns at both ends,11 +12,National School Walkout: Thousands Protest Against Gun Violence Across the U.S.,11 +15,Bill Blass Onstage: Does the Suit Fit?,14 +13,Immigration Announcement May Overshadow Romney Bus Tour,12 +5,"The Supreme Court, by a 7-to-22 vote, turned down a plea to spare Mr. Henry and allow further review of his case. +",4 +5," In Capital Murder Trial, 2 Versions of Encounter",4 +7,"A review of the illegal immigrants selected for deportation in jails in Harris County, Tex., shows that the biggest categories of offenses were drunken driving and drug possession, mostly misdemeanors.",6 +11, Times staffers Chris Zuppa and Eve Edelheit talked with four couples who will be affected by the rulings. The interviews have been edited and condensed for space. The other two couples are on the back page.,10 +7,"""We won't get lax in our enforcement,"" vowed Hopewell principal David G. Oliver. ""I have spent lots of time in the bathrooms.""",6 +10,"David Scott, a lawyer for Rutgers University, said the school is constrained by the state ban from offering benefits to domestic partners. +",9 +5,"Last month, his lawyers put the case on the Internet computer network: photographs, stories about the case, a copy of the clemency petition and a recording of Mr. Davis saying he was ""not a murderer.""",4 +13,Rove sees potential support for gay marriage,12 +1, for all sales at gun shows.,0 +7,GEORGIA HARVESTER IS FINED $1 MILLION IN ALIEN SMUGGLING,6 +1,Chewing tobacco maker agrees to settlement,0 +13,"Republican Sen. Jeff Brandes, who sponsored the bill",12 +11,Face the Facts USA: Same-sex households less than 1 percent,10 +13,"""There's a number of things that we're going to work on together, trying to keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals by getting law enforcement all the tools they need to keep them off the street,"" Gillibrand said.",12 +5,The nation's second- and third-largest cigarette makers apparently have bowed out of direct negotiations with state attorneys general trying to reach a national tobacco settlement.,4 +5,"In a 20-page court filing, Brazelton challenged arguments made by Peterson's Los Angeles defense attorney, Mark Geragos, that Modesto is too small and prejudiced against Peterson to assure him a fair trial.",4 +10,Vital at 50: Does Lifestyle Matter?,9 +14,"For Bush, any immigration pact with Mexico is only half the battle; American and Mexican presidents may make agreement, but Congress controls changes in laws",13 +7,State panel demands builders act as immigration cops,6 +13,Josh Mandel taking heat from the in-laws,12 +5,Legal status of tenants shielded,4 +1,Immigrant groups will kick off a week-long economic boycott Sunday to push for immigration reform with the support of business owners and associations.,0 +11,"That question, answered in the affirmative, was the focus of a short post by the philosopher Roger Scruton and the theologian Philip Blond at The Spectator on Monday.",10 +6,The law forbids the sale of specified military-style rifles and pistols to private residents and requires Californians who already own such weapons to register them with the state,5 +13,", but the exceptions are the president and a majority in Congress.",12 +5,California high court plans to hear gay marriage arguments,4 +1," Oddly, the store then denied ever offering the gun, despite evidence to the contrary. +",0 +9," Since the two Israeli guns, as modified from the military versions, do not have a requisite number of the banned characteristics, they were approved by the A.T.F.",8 +3,When Your Beliefs and My Civil Rights Collide,2 +9,"It was the day my Uncle Tony's wife was physically restrained and taken to what they called the ""insane asylum"" in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. I asked my mother why Aunt Margie went crazy and she told me.",8 +7,"John Ruthell Henry, 63, is set to be executed Wednesday for his wife's murder after 27 years on death row.",6 +5, legally.,4 +13, Congress did not renew the ban once it expired in September 2004.,12 +5,"The Orange County District Attorneys Office, which said it did not track what it spent to prosecute Dekraai, noted it is more concerned with justice than with costs.",4 +7,Execution is by lethal injection in Texas,6 +1,$9.6-billion buyout for tobacco farmers gains,0 +5,Assistant State Attorney Richard Barlow has said he intends to seek the death penalty again.,4 +5,"Richard Samp of the conservative Washington Legal Foundation says the court's action sends a strong signal to federal judges that they cannot hatch bogus reasons for delaying executions. +",4 +9," ""intellectually disabled"" ",8 +13,"But unlike the earlier action on same-sex marriages, which has led religious conservatives to consider launching a recall against Gonzales and possibly other council members, the mayor's latest move does not appear to be causing a backlash.",12 +9,"But the combination of secondhand smoke and his own smoking caught up with him. In 2005, cancerous cells were removed from his right lung, and he continues to receive chemotherapy. ''Doctors were amazed I didn't get cancer sooner,'' he said. He also has diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure and neuropathy.",8 +10,Boggess Sr. tells jury he abused young sons,9 +1,"Even more, workers",0 +7,"This was perhaps the most heinous crime I have had occasion to preside over in my 10 years on the bench,"" Seigel said. ""There are no winners here, only losers, and the biggest loser is Casey."" +",6 +8,Expanding background checks on gun buyers,7 +5, struck down by a federal judge last month.,4 +5,* An application form completed under oath.,4 +13,"But the House could not agree on gun control, because some members thought the various proposals were too strict, other proposals too lenient. So the House version included nothing about gun control.",12 +1,"Spouses Denied Social Security Survivors' Benefits +",0 +5,"Assistant U.S. Attorney Buddy Parker said he had not decided whether to appeal. ""But the likelihood of that is yes,"" he said.",4 +7,"Alcala, a pervy photographer on California's Death Row for killing four women and a 12-year-old girl, is charged with slaying TWA stewardess Cornelia Michel Crilley and Hollywood heiress Ellen Hover.",6 +13,Immigrant Advocates Say Fight Isn't Over,12 +11,Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. said the newspaper ran its first Page 1 editorial since 1920,10 +15,CBS BIGS FACE TOBACCO ROW GRILL,14 +10,"Lizandro Claros Saravia, 19, is a standout soccer player who had secured a scholarship to play college soccer in North Carolina. His brother, Diego, 22, took extra classes to graduate from Quince Orchard High School on time and ""has a heart of gold,"" a former teacher said.",9 +5,HOCKEY'S IMMIGRANTS CAN OFTEN GET CAUGHT UP IN PAPER CHASE,4 +10,LESBIAN & GAY PRIDEFEST SIGN IS DEFACED FOR SECOND YEAR,9 +5,His conviction and death sentence were upheld by courts three times before Melendez was released from prison in 2002 after his attorneys discovered a taped confession by Baker's murderer.,4 +5,"I agree that the state should be in the business of documenting civil unions, not sanctifying marriage, and this standard should apply to any two people, gay or straight, who wish to commit to sharing their lives.",4 +1,PROSPECT OF FAST VERDICT IN PHILIP MORRIS SUIT PULLS STOCK PRICE DOWN,0 +4,COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN GUILT OF THOSE EXECUTED,3 +13,NRA ducks out on Prez town hall,12 +9,"""We're not disputing that there is a plausibility that secondhand smoke could cause breast cancer,"" says Harmon Eyre, the American Cancer Society's chief medical officer. ""All we're saying is that the evidence has just not reached that level."" The disease kills 40,000 women each year in the USA.",8 +7,LAWYER FACES DEATH IF HE HIRED HIT MAN,6 +7,SHOOTING REKINDLES GUN CONTROL DEBATE,6 +5,according to testimony yesterday in Loudoun County General District Court.,4 +13,"Bush says no gay marriages, but . . .; He appeared open to same-sex unions at the state level, but also open to a federal ban.",12 +5,"""Will you join me,"" he asked colleagues online last year, ""and refuse to legally marry people?""",4 +2,The mounting difficulty in obtaining lethal drugs has already caused states to furtively scramble for supplies.,1 +13,"President Obama hit the right notes when he made the case for overhauling the immigration system in a speech in Las Vegas on Tuesday. He spoke one day after a bipartisan group of eight senators released their own blueprint for a comprehensive reform bill, and the back-to-back events gave the odd sensation -- rare during the Obama administration -- of seeing Congress and the White House moving in more or less the same direction.",12 +7,". Police arrested two demonstrators for disorderly conduct. +",6 +1,"' said a manager at Pete's Gun Shop in Adams, Mass., and he hadn't noticed an additional uptick in business this week.",0 +4,a matter of simple justice.,3 +5,Legal precedents may well be on the state's side,4 +1,over the fee,0 +5,The problem with 'stand your ground' law,4 +5,fter having been charged with murder in November ,4 +1,"When he announced the plan, he asked backers in Safford, 130 miles northeast of Tucson, for donations to help him build up a $ 5,000 legal fund.",0 +9,Addiction Key Links Cocaine With Nicotine,8 +1,mom-and-pop taverns won't have to fear that their clientele,0 +5, Now he's suing for $ 100-million.,4 +15,IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL DENIES BEING RUSHED,14 +13,"The Clinton administration will propose a sharp increase in the federal licensing fee for gun dealers in an effort to reduce the number of people selling weapons, Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen said Monday.",12 +5,Lethal injection halted over competency issue,4 +5,"But the appeals court said that was the wrong approach. Rather, it said, the defense, the prosecution and the judge should develop a way to present to the jury statements from the al-Qaida witnesses that would support Moussaoui. The defense must have a major role in crafting such a compromise, the court said.",4 +13, politicians ,12 +13,"Dozens of Republican lawmakers signed a letter Friday calling on Gov. Terry McAuliffe to provide legal counsel to defend Virginia's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. +",12 +5,"Brown's first trial ended in a hung jury in March, when a single juror held out against conviction after three days of deliberations.",4 +5,Illinois Drops Murder Case Against 4,4 +7,"is the only person in the nation to have been executed since that day. +",6 +12, believing it to be overwhelmingly popular with urban voters weary of gunfire in the streets.,11 +13,Spitzer seemed to underscore the same point two weeks ago when he questioned former President Bill Clinton's decision to spend his early political capital in 1993 on the issue of gays in the military.,12 +1,"It's not all advertising, of course.",0 +5,"Two court attempts to overturn the ban have failed, as the constitutionality of the measure was upheld by both the United States Court of Appeals and the Illinois Appellate Court within the last year. The National Rifle Association is considering an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. +",4 +5,Court says gun-ban law went too far,4 +11,Rogue's gallery of shootheads Paintings show senators in gun lobby grip,10 +5," however, has said he intends to appeal the case, so an appellate court could still put the weddings on hold.",4 +5,"Plowman said he has not decided whether to pursue the death penalty in the case. But he said Hall was charged with capital murder because prosecutors ""don't think he deserves anything less than a life sentence"" -- the minimum penalty for capital murder.",4 +9, Illinois defines mentally retarded as having an IQ of 75 or less.,8 +5,"The jury found that 15 of the 25 gun makers that were sued distribute their product negligently. The 15 included Beretta USA Corp., Colt's Manufacturing Co. and Jennings Firearms Inc. The jury linked nine of the 15 companies to one or more of the three shootings. Smith & Wesson Corp. and Sturm, Ruger and Co. were among those cleared.",4 +1,Branching out: MoneyGram expands reach overseas,0 +13,"A popular bipartisan bill intended to stem illegal immigration is stalled in Congress and isn't likely to be acted on until at least next month, House Republican leaders say. +",12 +10,Enrollment falls in line with that of other area agencies offering benefits to domestic partners.,9 +1,"The fact the tobacco settlement brings Florida in excess of a half-billion dollars a year makes neglecting the anti-smoking program even more inexcusable. Like other states, Florida has diverted the tobacco windfall to fill other budget gaps and to continue handing out tax breaks. +",0 +12,"Thirty years ago, I was a mostly pro-life, mostly fiscal conservative. If you had asked me if same-sex marriage should be legal, I would have said ""no.""",11 +11,TV SMOKES OUT A TRENDY NEW ARCHVILLAIN: TOBACCO AND ITS PURVEYORS,10 +13,The measure now appears dead for the session.,12 +12,CU students with concealed-carry permits voice concerns,11 +11,"One chapel, created by the New York-based firm Z-A Studio and called ""Kiss,"" is made of honeycomb cardboard and resembles an open helix. The other, designed by the firm ICRAVE, also based in New York, is constructed from rainbow ribbons that couples will be able to tie in a knot during their wedding ceremonies and take with them after the event.",10 +7,"Before that, Moore, 31, had been imprisoned twice - for shooting up a house and for firing an Uzi in a North Philadelphia shoot-out. His eight other arrests died in local courts.",6 +5,"The Supreme Court would not have ruled on gay marriage until early next year, and then it would have almost certainly affirmed it.",4 +13,yan ,12 +13,Trump's reckless call to 'Second Amendment people,12 +7, More than four months after the massacre at Columbine High School,6 +4," ""Whether you support or oppose capital punishment as a remedy, there is no conceivable rationale for putting the wrong person to death.""",3 +13,Obama's Gun Play,12 +6,saying Florida already has more handguns than any other state,5 +7,KILLER OF 2 CHILDREN EXECUTED,6 +7,"TIP, TRAP NABBED SUSPECT IN NOTORIOUS SMUGGLING CASE AGENTS SAY MAN ADMITS ROLE IN HIGH-SPEED CHASE",6 +11,PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITION,10 +5,filing suit,4 +1,"If adopted, New York's tax on a pack of smokes would jump to $1.06, bringing the average price to about $3.50. New York City adds an additional 8-cent surcharge.",0 +5,"The sentencing hearing for Aileen Wuornos got off to a slow start Monday, as a judge decided whether the accused serial killer could waive her right to appear in court.",4 +7,Colorado shooting prompts gun bills in big states,6 +5,"IMMIGRATION-LAW OFFENDER GETS TEACHING PERMIT IN SETTLEMENT +",4 +6,"From all appearances, the bill's ambiguous language is likely to invite dispute. It bars recognition, for any purpose, of same-sex relationships that are ""treated as marriages in any jurisdiction, whether within or outside the state of Florida.""",5 +7, The shooting deaths of an estranged Tampa couple 10 days ago,6 +11,A&E Explores 'Guns in America',10 +5,"ithin days, authorities in Virginia, Maryland and the District filed murder charges against the pair. Muhammad was shipped to Prince William County on Nov. 7, 2002, for his first prosecution; Malvo went to Fairfax. +",4 +6, a bill to allow gay marriage is heading to the floor of the Legislature - ready or not.,5 +5,"Sweeping Measure Expanding Rights of Gun Owners Is Signed Into Georgia Law +",4 +13," +The Democratic Party took an initial step toward supporting same-sex marriage for the first time in its party platform.",12 +7,Officials arrested 184 passengers and said an unknown number of others got away. Ten crew members also were arrested on suspicion of smugging illegal aliens.,6 +12,"Outside NRA headquarters, hundreds gather in vigil and protest",11 +5,Grueling Questions in Brothers' Murder Trial,4 +13,"President Clinton signed it just seven months before the April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing.",12 +6," Mr. Obama steers clear of structural changes in social welfare programs, which make up about 60 percent of the budget. But he proposes substantial savings in Medicare, including cuts in payments for nursing homes and home health agencies.",5 +13,Lobbyists can't win on immigration;,12 +1,"""wages low, the unions suppressed and their gardens well tended,"" in addition to being filled with left-wing multiculturalists. Mr. Helprin also described economic arguments about small immigrant effects on wages as ""the kind of nonsense economists speak.",0 +12,GROUP PUSHES FOR GUN SENSE,11 +5,"During an hour-long argument in a crowded chamber of the Court of Appeals in Annapolis, attorney Kenneth Y. Choe of the American Civil Liberties Union invoked the civil rights struggle and said the ability to marry is a fundamental right that belongs to all Marylanders, not only to those for whom that right has always been recognized.",4 +13,Senate debate heats up over legislation to control tobacco,12 +7, gun violence,6 +9,"law-abiding citizens will continue to be helpless prey for murderers, rapists and thieves",8 +13,The governor-elect is expected to resume executions.,12 +6,legislation ,5 +5,"Sully can ask the 9th Circuit to reconsider the appeal with an 11-judge panel, or petition the U.S. Supreme Court. But he may face long odds -- the opinion was written by Judge Sidney Thomas and joined by Judge Marsha Berzon, two of the 9th Circuit's more liberal judges who are ordinarily receptive to the legal arguments of death row inmates.",4 +11,"In 1791, Americans were understandably leery of standing armies. The Revoluti on had been fought against King George's professionals, many of whose officers were quartered in colonial homes against the will of the inhabitants. The war, indeed, began when the British marched to Concord, Mass., to seize arms in the possession of local militias.",10 +5,RULING ALLOWING GAY MARRIAGES IS PUT ON HOLD BY JUDGE IN HAWAII,4 +5,"Attorneys with the Arizona-based Alliance Defending Freedom claim in the petition that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit acted prematurely and unfairly Friday when it allowed gay marriage to resume by lifting a hold that had been placed on same-sex unions. +",4 +7,"This time Stuchiner was charged with the correct offense -- possessing documents for making false instruments -- and was duly sentenced, the commission said",6 +7,"THE MOST WANTED man in America was charged Monday with killing a Riverside, Calif., cop in an ambush that could earn him the death penalty, authorities said. + +And video surfaced of Christopher Dorner, 33, shopping for scuba gear before he went on the warpath, allegedly murdering three people, reports said. + +The revenge-seeking ex-cop was still at large Monday. The father of the man at the center of Dorner's vendetta urged the former LAPD officer to end his alleged spree. ""He should turn himself in,"" Richard Gettler told the Daily News. Dorner was fired after he claimed a colleague kicked Gettler's son during a 2007 arrest. +",6 +5,State high court fulfilled its role,4 +13,President Barack Obama's administration appealed to the Supreme Court Friday,12 +5,"The couples, who are being represented by the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, contend in the suit that New Jersey's statutes define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, effectively preventing them from seeking a marriage license and enjoying the many benefits that marriage carries with it, including tax breaks and other pension, health and educational benefits.",4 +9,including the American Lung Association and the American Heart Association.,8 +15,"Calm returns, but tensions still high",14 +11,"In recent years, though, immigrants from West Africa have carved a rich ethnic niche in the borough's landscape, bringing new merchants, vendors, a church and other institutions that cater to their tastes and needs. They have arrived at a time when other immigrants, like Indians and Filipinos, have also settled on the island.",10 +6,"America has weak and laxly enforced regulations. No one knows how many handguns are privately held in the United States. About a quarter of U.S. families admit to owning them. But the actual number of handguns in circulation is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. +",5 +12,"MASSACHUSETTS RULING SPARKS LOBBYING/ BY SUPPORTERS, OPPONENTS OF GAY MARRIAGE",11 +5,"Mr. Kozak is now a party and witness in a class-action lawsuit that has meandered through the Federal courts for 15 years and charges that Mr. Trump owes $4 million to the union welfare funds for the work the Poles performed. Filed in 1983, the suit has been bogged down by a torrent of motions and appeals of judicial decisions and by the deaths of a judge, a lawyer, the original lead plaintiffs, an important witness and two of Mr. Trump's co-defendants.",4 +9,to keep locked-up rifles and shotguns.,8 +1,and Philip Morris,0 +5,Kane won't defend controversial gun law,4 +13,Virginia and Guns,12 +5,Villavicencio was tried for capital murder and acquitted in a separate trial.,4 +13,Sponsors on the House Judiciary Committee voted Saturday to amend the original measure after it became apparent that it was likely to fail in a House vote.,12 +13, Gay partner issues aimed at fall ballot,12 +11,PRIDE HONORS FOR LGBT CONTRIBUTIONS,10 +13,Cases may test Obama's 'evolution' on same-sex marriage,12 +3," +""Love crosses time and tradition,"" said the officiant, the Rev. Tom Ewald of Macalester Plymouth United Church, to those gathered. ""Our Creator is present wherever love is present.""",2 +12,advocates of same-sex marriage were clinging to hopes that a surge of support from uncounted votes could still overcome the ban.,11 +13,"State Sen. Barbara Buono (D., Middlesex), Christie's opponent in the November election, called his opposition ""spineless."" +",12 +13,"As it also is taking place in virtually every state legislature in the nation, the Minnesota House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee will hold three days of public hearings next week on a slew of firearms-related bills.",12 +6,"The right kind of immigration policy means more jobs for Americans at home and greater competiveness for American companies abroad. Unfortunately, that's not the policy we now have. But we know what it would look like.",5 +3,Boston Marathon bomber apologizes for the first time,2 +9,"Bannister, 39, was pronounced dead at 12:05 a.m.",8 +13,"Even as Minneapolis is being held up by the White House as a community that's been ahead of the curve in pushing the conversation on gun violence, city leaders here are clamoring for Congress and state lawmakers to implement tougher gun laws. They say it is a necessity to further reduce the epidemic of gun violence in their city.",12 +13,The Gun Debate,12 +6,"Same-sex marriage has been against the law in Minnesota for decades,",5 +7," +A big bag of pot. A drug dealer and his customer who each say the other guy tried a rip-off. A gun no one admits to owning. A whole bunch of stoned witnesses.",6 +5,Phila. gun-law case appealed to high court,4 +5,Gun Bill Would Test Limits in Nullifying U.S. Law,4 +11,7-YEAR-OLD BRINGS SUPERHEROES TO THEIR KNEES,10 +7,"Lonchar was convicted in 1987 of killing Margaret Sweat, Charles Wayne Smith and Steven Smith and wounding Rick Smith over several thousand dollars he allegedly owed them for a gambling debt.",6 +5,"Joe Frolik, a spokesman for Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty, said he had no comment on the reports. +",4 +1,State Senate OKs income tax break for cigarette plant,0 +5,"Even the lawyers seeking the stay seem to recognize the facts aren't on their side. They're trying to use the well-being of gays and lesbians to help make their case, apparently lacking even a speck of evidence that gay marriage hurts anyone or anything. While their concern is touching, the decision to get married amid legal uncertainty should be made by the two people involved -- not by courts or special-interest groups. +",4 +5,"I don't agree with the court's decision. Marriage should be between a man and a woman. +",4 +5,A federal appeals court took up an issue Wednesday with broad implications for how executions will be carried out nationwide: whether Virginia's method of lethal injection induces an agonizing death.,4 +6," would ban the sale, transfer, manufacturing or importation of more than 150 specific firearms, including semiautomatic rifles or pistols that can be used with detachable or fixed ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and have specific military-style features, including pistol grips, grenade launchers or rocket launchers.",5 +1,"""The gum is not cheap",0 +3,The Land of Guns and Honey,2 +13,Clinton Again Delays Execution of a Murderer,12 +11,Conference examines institution of marriage,10 +9,"The chance of death is increased by bringing guns into homes where curious children sometimes look through their parents' drawers, where depressed teenagers sometimes think suicidal thoughts and where married couples sometimes fight.",8 +5,APPEAL DROPPED,4 +7,But the issue of undocumented immigrants being victimized by crime and then being too afraid to report it to police is of deep concern to him and other law officers.,6 +6,"The act prohibited Florida doctors from asking routine questions about their patients' gun ownership, unless that information was deemed relevant to patient care or the safety of others.",5 +13,"Education Secretary Betsy DeVos stirs confusion, faces criticism over gun re-marks",12 +1,A study last year found that the county spent at least $3 million providing services to illegal immigrants.,0 +6,"details of the city's benefits program - and who qualifies for the registry - remain to be worked out. The council and the public will have ample time to review and debate Cauthen's plan, he said. +",5 +6," But the scales of justice hang unbalanced, tilted against the poor, the uneducated and the marginalized, especially when they are also people of color",5 +6, It will expand the roster of places where gun owners who hold concealed-carry permits can take their weapons to include bars. Critics said its scope created new dangers.,5 +12,A call to arm schools decried,11 +7, Mr. Summerlin was convicted of a brutal murder in 1982,6 +9,Screening for lung cancer prompts some smokers to quit,8 +13,The debate was pure political theater.,12 +3," +The business owners cited religious beliefs in declining to provide services celebrating same-sex relationships. And in each case, they were sued. +",2 +8,"On a Border in Crisis, There's No Bolting a Busy Gate",7 +4, Law enforcement should be condemned for treating these drivers differently merely because of their undocumented status.,3 +5,NRA sues California over assault rifle ban,4 +12,YWCA is embroiled in dispute with US gun enthusiasts,11 +7," that Tokars had his wife, Sara, killed to prevent her from divorcing him and to collect $ 1.75 million in life insurance.",6 +13,The report was made public as the Trump administration seeks to promote its accomplishments despite a growing scandal over the firing of the FBI director and the sharing of classified intelligence with Russian officials.,12 +13,GOP FIGHTS RETROACTIVE GUN BAN,12 +6,Committing journalism without a license within 500 feet of school or on a school bus would bump the penalty up from a misdemeanor to a felony. Journalists with felony or domestic battery convictions would be prevented from getting licenses. And unlicensed people would still be able to engage in journalism on property they own or rent.,5 +13,"Such a ""rejectionist attitude"" is a formula for defeat, it added. ""It guarantees that liberals alone benefit from growing anti-tobacco sentiment.""",12 +13," +The prospects for House passage of an anti-crime measure appear good. It is unclear, however, whether any gun control legislation will be approved.",12 +13,Obama Rebukes Bush on 'Stuff Happens' Reaction to Oregon Shootings,12 +13,THE GUN LOBBY VS. THE GOVERNMENT,12 +13,George F. Will: A need for compromise on immigration,12 +7,'Need' is no excuse for helping to break the law,6 +9,Ex-tobacco exec tells of smoking ills,8 +5,A jury convicted him of first-degree murder and sentenced him to death.,4 +12,Not the NRA way,11 +13,"Amendment supporters knew they did not have the votes to pass it. But with pressure from conservative groups outraged by same-sex marriages inMassachusetts and earlier this year in San Francisco, supporters said they wanted to put lawmakers on the record on the issue.",12 +3,"""Are they serious?"" he said. ""Do we really think that thousands of families whose lives have been shattered by gun violence do not have a right to weigh in?""",2 +6,MEDIATOR: MARTIN TEACHERS SHOULDN'T SMOKE ON CAMPUS,5 +13,AVERY FIGHTS FOR GAY RIGHTS,12 +3,Churches debate conflicting beliefs,2 +6,"Under the bill, smoking would not be allowed in dining areas of large restaurants, but would be permitted in restaurants' bar areas. Restaurants with a capacity of 50 patrons or less would not be affected, said Brian Pleva, policy adviser to state Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, who wrote the bill.",5 +13,"A bipartisan Senate group that is developing immigration reform legislation had asked the AFL-CIO and Chamber to come up with an agreement over a potential guest worker program, a controversial provision that has helped sink previous attempts to overhaul immigration laws. +",12 +6,PLEA ON BANNING GAY MARRIAGE,5 +7,"SMOKING OUT ILLEGAL SALES TEEN PROBERS GET BEER, CIGS",6 +13,"Democrats have a strong chance to retake the Senate in November and narrow their margin in the House, improving the odds to pass a broad overhaul of immigration laws, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Friday.",12 +5,"The initiative, according to the title, would ""eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry.'' Proponents argued unsuccessfully in court to use the phrase ""limit on marriage.""",4 +5,HIGH COURT SAYS TOBACCO INDUSTRY STILL LIABLE DESPITE WARNING,4 +8,"FORTRESS AMERICA First in a four-day series on border control As the U.S. builds walls and trains agents to bar its southern door from the rush of illegal immigrants, some see only a policy of prison shackles and razor wire.",7 +6,Weapons laws miss the mark,5 +6," +Thomas Sowell: Proposed gun control laws are a farce",5 +5,Gay marriage ban supporters seek second review by circuit court ruling,4 +13,"A deceptively simple question on Connecticut's ballot next month is stirring up rallies against gay marriage, counterdemonstrations, demands for direct initiatives and fears of big-money lobbying campaigns by right-wing groups. +",12 +5,Legally Bought Guns Do Plenty of Mayhem,4 +13,"Trump wrote in a 2000 book that he ""generally"" opposed gun control but ""I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.""",12 +7,Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr,6 +1,from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance,0 +5," +Before gun owners can apply for permits,",4 +7,Other voices: A misguided crackdown on sanctuary cities,6 +1, Tobacco Accord Adds Anti-Smoking Programs,0 +13,"It was a sickening display of swamp-like servitude to the gun lobby by abody whose committee and caucus leaders overwhelmingly hail from the more uber-conservative, rural districts in our state.",12 +7,"The phrase means inmates must commit a murder to join the gang and can leave only when they die,",6 +9,"A new study gives anti-smoking efforts major credit for cutting the country's death rate from cancer. +",8 +7,The Schiebers' daughter Shannon was 23 when she was murdered in May 1998 by a serial rapist in Philadelphia.,6 +1,"VENDING COS. ON BRINK BUSINESSES, JOBS MAY GO UP IN SMOKE",0 +8,This latest outrage is proof of that. The few store owners who used firearms to ward off looters were justified in their actions. ,7 +5,"The 2-1 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in an appeal out of New Jersey, runs counter to an August decision on the same issue by the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, and thus provides context and a reason for review by the U.S. Supreme Court.",4 +6,Vermont's law allowing gays to enter into civil unions.,5 +4,"40% on Death Row Are Black People, New Figures Show",3 +13,Council Members Not Giving Up on Domestic-Partners Law,12 +11,"Their factory, at Howard Avenue and Beech Street (today spelled ""Beach""), eventually became one of Tampa's largest producers. It also earned the distinction as the only U.S. factory appointed ""purveyors of Havana cigars to the Royal Court of Spain"" by King Alonso XIII in 1915.",10 +7,"slaying of FBI analyst Linda Franklin outside a Home Depot. +",6 +6,I support a ban on assault weapons,5 +7,GURU OF BIG OREGON COMMUNE FACING DEPORTATION,6 +13,""" said state Sen. David Scott (D-Atlanta), a longtime proponent of gun control legislation in the Georgia General Assembly.",12 +5,A LOOK AT . . . The Tobacco Settlement,4 +5,"A Florida law that makes it easier for the state to prevail over tobacco in court seemed safe Friday night as the Legislature moved toward adjournment without acting to eliminate that law. + +Preservation of the law would be a major victory for Gov. Lawton Chiles, its prime architect. And it would be another blow to the tobacco industry, which faces legal action from Florida and other states in connection with the costs of smoking-related illnesses. + +Chiles' war with tobacco lobbyists loomed over the 60-day session, but tobacco companies were never able to muster enough votes to wipe the law they hate most off the books.",4 +13,"BOUND FOR STATE OF THE UNION +",12 +7," +Law enforcement leaders want to see the money invested in early childhood prevention and after-school programs that they say would prevent smoking and reduce crime.",6 +12,- will help inspire others as his family donates a pair of his shoes for a national protest against gun violence.,11 +5,"That's a difficult claim to prove. Jack Baker and Michael McConnell are described in some historical texts as the country's first, same-sex couple to be married after having obtained a marriage license",4 +5,The Missouri Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday morning in a case that could allow same-sex partners of state employees to receive death benefits from a state pension system.,4 +7,'Right to Carry' Gun Laws Help Deter Crime,6 +13,Candidates Back Proposal To Raise Md. Cigarette Tax,12 +13,Ruben Navarrette: Both candidates dreadful on immigration issues,12 +5,Court tosses tobacco verdict,4 +6, Proposition 22 bans recognition of gay marriages should any other state allow them to be performed.,5 +6, to ban semiautomatic assault weapons,5 +1,"Keeping that statistic in mind, representatives from InterContinental Hotels Group, Hilton and Hyatt said they have no plans to eliminate smoking rooms throughout their chains, though those rooms may represent as little as 1 percent of inventory.",0 +13,Sen. Dianne Feinstein urged President Bush on Tuesday to support her,12 +6,Lethal injection is a just option (Cain't fry 'em? Jes' stick 'em),5 +12,"Nevertheless, we think our tally gives us a useful pool of information to better understand political mobilization in the United States - particularly, how reports of crowds change from month to month.",11 +10,A young woman suggested that gay men and lesbians should be allowed to marry because they have an inherent right to happiness.,9 +5,"READERS COME TO DEFENSE OF GUNS, 2ND AMENDMENT",4 +12,The N.R.A.'s List,11 +11,"California, the most populous state, is home to the most [illegal immigrants]: nearly 2.5 million undocumented immigrants. Texas is home to nearly 1.7 million. Six states - Maine, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia - have fewer than 5,000 undocumented immigrants. Nationally, there are 11.2 million such immigrants in all. +",10 +13,Why Obama shouldn't act alone on immigration,12 +4,the latest in a string of victories for those working to extend marital rights to gay and lesbian couples.,3 +5,"After a warning from New Jersey's attorney general, the city of Asbury Park stopped accepting applications for marriage licenses from same-sex couples on Wednesday and said it would temporarily freeze all applications in progress.",4 +13,DONATIONS BLAST MIKE' STANCE,12 +7,"4 Arrested After 2 Mississippi Police Officers Are Killed During Traffic Stop +",6 +1,"The buyout of tobacco growers and holders of government ""quota"" rights to market tobacco would give at least $1 million to 463 companies, individuals or estates, the report found, and would provide more than $8 million to one North Carolina company",0 +13,"But several Republicans attacked it. + +""From what I see so far, I'm afraid the Congress may have flunked its most important crime-fighting challenge,"" said Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole of Kansas. The crime-prevention section of the bill ""could have been concocted by a university sociology department rather than by those concerned with effective law enforcement,"" Dole said. ""Many of the tough provisions are gone,"" he alleged.",12 +7,Death row escape plot unstrung,6 +5,"U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White weighed in on the federal law after Karen Golinski -- a 49-year-old lawyer in San Francisco -- challenged it when she was denied the right to include her wife, Amy Cunninghis, under the family health plan offered by her employer, the federal court system.",4 +15,A revision under roundabout attack,14 +13,"Though smoking ban is imminent, fight rages on",12 +13,Akin,12 +1,including the economic downturn in the United States,0 +1, hurt local restaurants and bars,0 +5,Court backs U.S. curb on under-21 gun sales,4 +13,New Jersey Senate Defeats Same-Sex Marriage Bill,12 +13,Today the consensus-building processes of democratic persuasion,12 +11,Rapper Killer Mike says NRA misused interview as 'weapon' against marchers,10 +13,"""I see no reason to have the mayor here",12 +13,"Government, not NRA, enforces gun laws",12 +13,"Says Mitt Romney flip-flopped on an assault weapons ban. + +Democratic National Committee on Monday, November 28th, 2011 in a campaign advertisement",12 +5,SURPRISE ALLEGATION REVIVES OLD CASE,4 +13,"Murkowski becomes third GOP senator to back gay marriage +",12 +13,Mercury News editorial: Gov. Jerry Brown's veto of gun law a missed opportunity,12 +5," So it is no surprise that last week U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke, a George W. Bush appointee, threw out the law.",4 +11,Make English the official language? How about just learning to use it correctly?,10 +13,Senate Vote on Delay in Handgun sales,12 +5,"Koster made the comments in a speech at the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis conference at the Lake of the Ozarks. +",4 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court has never directly addressed the question of same-sex marriage, and most think that the case is headed there after it is appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.",4 +5,Licensing illegals,4 +13,Rep. Nita Lowey (D-Westchester) is drafting after a Daily News expose.,12 +4,Bigoted law should have been vetoed by Chiles,3 +7," Nine people were sentenced to die in 2008, according to an annual review of capital punishment cases by the group, the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty",6 +12," +NRA taps 'Moses' to part sea of critics",11 +5,Settlement May Be Near In 8 States' Tobacco Suits,4 +5,"Upheld a Louisiana killer's death sentence, further restricting federal court access for all state prison death row inmates whose initial round of federal appeals fail.",4 +5,"Plato Cacheris, Hanssen's lead attorney, said he would not discuss the indictment. ""We are withholding all comment until court appearances,"" he said.",4 +7,Two men working as security guards for a company under contract to the Border Patrol were arraigned Wednesday in federal court here on charges that they had agreed to accept a bribe to smuggle two illegal immigrants into Los Angeles instead of returning them to Mexico.,6 +13,Same-sex marriage bill could get O'Malley's stamp,12 +7, Bannister was a hitman hired to kill Ruestman. Bannister claimed he shot the man by accident during a scuffle.,6 +7,"In a hearing Monday before Hillsborough Circuit Judge Donald Evans, Gonzales said he ""tried to leave"" but Brooks grabbed him. He shot Brooks in a struggle, he said.",6 +7,Baumhammers was arrested Friday after allegedly shooting and killing a Jewish woman who lived next door to him; an Indian man at a grocery; two Asian men at a Chinese restaurant; and a black man at a karate school.,6 +15,California Scapegoats,14 +7,Condemned killer Frank J. Guinan was put to death by lethal injection early today at the Potosi Correctional Center,6 +12,Vote for Md.'s Question 6,11 +11,IMMIGRANT ART ENRIQUE CHAGOYA,10 +11,TALKS AIM TO CURB TEEN-AGE SMOKING,10 +7,"The man who killed a suburban Kansas City, Mo., gas station attendant in front of the worker's 8-year-old stepdaughter in 1994 was put to death just past midnight on Wednesday at the state prison in Bonne Terre, the ninth execution in the Missouri this year.",6 +9,"Guns, a Health Threat",8 +4," Though it showed glaring racial and geographic disparities in the state's application of the death penalty, he chose to ignore it",3 +5," The man was never charged, but he had to wait months before prosecutors made the decision",4 +6,to exclude the five owners from the designation and set a public hearing for April 14.,5 +12,the measure won ,11 +5,"The stay was granted at one minute to midnight by the Supreme Court, which earlier in the evening had refused to halt the execution on a vote of 5 to 4",4 +7,Violence triggers gun plan,6 +5,Circuit Judge Michael J. O'Malley entered the guilty verdict based on a stipulation signed by Young admitting his role in the killing of convenience store clerk Jerry D. Blackwell.,4 +5,"piller asked jurors to find Marshall, 25, guilty of first-degree murder. Then, he wants them to recommend that Marshall be sentenced to die in + +Florida's electric chair. +",4 +8,Timothy J. McVeigh and Terry L. Nichols,7 +7,"Mr. Darden, who was convicted of killing James Carl Turman on Sept. 8, 1973, arrived at death row Jan. 29, 1974. He was supposed to have been one of the first men executed in the state. +",6 +4,"""People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into.""",3 +9,"Clifford M. Sloan, a lawyer for Mr. Moore, said there was no doubt that his client suffered from intellectual deficits. ''It's undisputed, for example,'' Mr. Sloan said, ''that at the age of 13, Mr. Moore did not understand the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons, how to tell time, the principle that subtraction is the opposite of addition or standard units of measurement.''",8 +5,A Smoking License? Sparks Fly,4 +8,that background checks are bad for public safety.,7 +13,causing a dramatic shift in the nation's debate over capital punishment.,12 +13,"Vice President Biden on Thursday continued to make the case for the Obama administration's new gun control agenda, imploring participants in a Google ""fireside hangout"" to reach out to their members of Congress on the issue.",12 +10,"An Immigration Lottery Won, Then Dreams Lost",9 +13,WHEN SMOKE GETS IN YOUR AYES,12 +13," the President of the United States abjectly fails, while New York's governor steps up.",12 +5,"his attorneys yesterday laid the groundwork for a legal attack on the constitutionality of New Jersey's death-penalty law. +",4 +3,a small minority has struggled to balance religious beliefs against business interests.,2 +5,With the Supreme Court only days away from major rulings on same-sex marriage,4 +6," +Area events call for increased gun control laws",5 +10,"Kee will discuss the loss of her sister, a wife and a mother of two, and her experiences in the legal process.",9 +7,"Mertz was sentenced to die in February 2003 for killing Shannon McNamara, whose mutilated body was found at her off-campus apartment across the street from where Mertz lived.",6 +15," +Q&A",14 +6,Gay marriage in Fla. may be near,5 +1,LATINOS GET THE MOST NEW JOBS,0 +15,Why I Resigned,14 +13,"Obama's gun control proposals have run into resistance on Capitol Hill, leaving their fate in doubt. Efforts by Senate Democrats to reach compromise with Republicans over expanding required federal background checks have yet to yield an agreement, and conservatives were promising to try blocking the Senate from even beginning debate on gun control legislation.",12 +5,he double-jeopardy issue was raised because ,4 +1,neediest,0 +9,"That's why we agree with the surgeon general's focus on prevention to discourage tobacco use among young people. That's why we're skeptical, too, about the FDA's consideration of the designation of nicotine as a drug - a move that would effectively eliminate any legitimate market for most tobacco products, even for adults.",8 +14,"The weapons, exported to Asia, South America and countries elsewhere and still available around the world, have generally not been allowed back into the United States, though there is a legal exception that permits the import of equipment classified as ""curio or relics."" +",13 +13,Has Republican Tom Ridge committed the gubernatorial campaign's first flip- flop on a major issue?,12 +11," the identification of legitimate gun ownership solely with the sporting uses of firearms, such as target shooting and hunting.",10 +4,Prop. 8 trial: San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders says lesbian daughter should have right to wed,3 +5,The appeals court's ruling centered on specific questions about jury instructions at the trial and did not go into potential conflicts between church and state.,4 +1,"Bar owners are taking the concerns to heart, in part because advisory neighborhood commissions have significant influence when the time comes to renew alcohol licenses.",0 +5,Md. charges pair with murder,4 +12,Gun control gains wide support,11 +5,handgun permits.,4 +1,"Compensatory damages sought: $3 million for pain and suffering, plus $2.1 million in economic losses. Total: $5.1 million. +",0 +12,"Eighty percent of all Hispanics said immigrants strengthen the United States because of their hard work, while 14 percent said they are a burden because they take jobs, housing and health care. + +In addition, 56 percent of Hispanics said they favor a temporary worker program that would let illegal immigrants continue to live and work in the United States for a number of years before returning home.",11 +4,Does Race Bias Taint the Death Penalty?,3 +5,"Hours after a federal judge declared California's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional on Wednesday, Phil Ting, San Francisco's assessor-recorder, stood on the steps of City Hall and addressed a cheering crowd. +",4 +13,California's Governor Signs Series of Anti-Gun Measures,12 +5,IN COURT'S CROSS HAIRS,4 +13,The bill was passed earlier this year during controversy over death-row inmate Guinevere Garcia.,12 +8,"I am sorry not to be able to assist Defense Secretary Jim Mattis,",7 +11,History in Real Times,10 +7,"In a back bedroom, the officers found four dead children under a sheet on a bed. A fifth body was face down in a half-full bathtub. +",6 +1, $30 billion,0 +11,But only three inmates have been executed since the federal death penalty was reinstated in 1988.,10 +5,Stage set for courtroom showdown / Prosecutors must weigh death penalty,4 +7,"The case started in 1986 when Terrance Williams and a friend, both 18, beat Amos Norwood, 56, to death with a tire iron.",6 +6,LOGIC SHOULD DICTATE SMOKE-FREE SCHOOLS,5 +13, to be introduced in the City Council next week,12 +13,Campaign Misfiring,12 +1,FedEx Ends Deal for N.R.A. but Says It's Not Because of Pittsburgh Shooting,0 +11,This has to be an evolution,10 +5,ATTORNEY: DOMESTIC PARTNER REGISTRY OKAY,4 +5,Smith & Wesson implemented those measures in exchange for a promise that a lawsuit against it would be dropped. Any other gun maker that agreed to the plan also would be given preferential treatment.,4 +10,"CAPANO CALLED 'DEVASTATED,' BUT DETERMINED, AFTER JURY URGED DEATH",9 +13,SPINELESS Dithering D.C. pols let NRA win again,12 +7,"Joella's father, Rodney Reaves, was sentenced in February to life in prison, with the possibility of parole after 14 years, after being convicted of felony murder, aggravated battery and two counts of cruelty to children for his role in his daughter's death.",6 +13,HANDCUFFED BY HANCOCK,12 +1,yet the gun industry continues to supply these dirty dealers.,0 +11,'Mort the Mouth' Downey Jr. Dies,10 +15,GAY TEACHERS CAUTIOUS,14 +8,Concealed carry is not a threat,7 +7,"Federal authorities told the university that Almassari's detention is ""related to a visa violation for drug issues that he has had,"" Arkans said.",6 +13,. For Congress to devise these answers in response to a need for real reform in law enforcement and the courts is worse than mere politics. It's a crime.,12 +5,Attorney General Dan Morales,4 +4,"One of the two main sponsors of the vetoed bill, state Sen. Ken Arnold, R-Westminster, said he thought it was ""rather strange"" that the ",3 +6,"After Tucson, more regulations on firearms?",5 +1, abolish the death penalty to cut costs.,0 +9,adults have an obligation to make sure that kids cannot use the family gun.,8 +5,Raising questions about gun laws,4 +5," +The case involves a New York woman who sued after her same-sex spouse died and she was denied a marriage exemption on federal estate taxes.",4 +5,The jury -- the same seven women and five men who two weeks ago found Nichols guilty of conspiracy and manslaughter but acquitted him of first-degree murder -- met for nearly five hours without reaching a decision. The panel was scheduled to resume its deliberations at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.,4 +6,If Concealed-Carry Laws Go National,5 +6,GUN CONTROL Explain the logic in restriction argument,5 +13,GOP out of the gate with gun bills Three proposals on carry permits apt to rile Dems,12 +9,"Maryland's secretary of health and mental hygiene resigned yesterday, saying he would devote more time to developing anti-smoking efforts, probably at a university.",8 +5,A U.S. District Court judge in Colorado has issued a split decision in the federal case of a same-sex couple who alleged that Loudoun County Supervisor Eugene A. Delgaudio's conservative advocacy group illegally used the couple's private engagement photo on anti-gay-marriage campaign fliers in Colorado.,4 +5,SECOND AMENDMENT: Defenselessness is not a good feeling,4 +14,A Pact With Russia Limits Gun Imports,13 +5,He told Lindsey he will probably bring the case to trial in May.,4 +1,"Funding of anti-smoking campaigns also makes sense, but the notion of sharing the settlement money with tobacco farmers and allotment holders makes about as much sense as the government giving money to marijuana growers when their fields are discovered and burned.",0 +5,"A prosecutor who fails to prove a defendant's previous conviction, or ""strike,"" at a first trial can try again, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.",4 +13,could gain campaign currency.,12 +15,GARAGIOLA STRIVES TO SMOKE MYTH,14 +6,"Supporters said the proposal was similar to local laws adopted across the state, including laws in New York City, Albany, Rochester, and in Westchester and Suffolk Counties.",5 +15,Civil Union Door Opens to Same-Sex Couples,14 +13,"In 1996, as a freshman member of the House of Representatives",12 +7, criminal ,6 +5,"""This law chills practitioners' speech in a way that impairs the provision of medical care and may ultimately harm the patient,"" Cooke wrote in her 25-page ruling. ""The state, through this law, inserts itself in the doctor-patient relationship, prohibiting and burdening speech necessary to the proper practice of preventive medicine, thereby preventing patients from receiving truthful, non-misleading information. ... This it cannot do.""",4 +12,ELECTION 2004: Metro & state: STATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS: Voters OK ban on gay marriag,11 +11,"that such unions ""actually elevate the institution of marriage by reinforcing its importance for all families, even untraditional ones.""",10 +7," Hours later, at 12: 31 a.m., Texas officials executed murderer James Edward Smith, 37, who refused to support his mother's legal appeals.",6 +7,"Deported, divided",6 +5,Lesbian fired by Bowers will have day in court,4 +11,"South Carolina has not executed a woman since 1947, when a woman got the electric chair for bludgeoning her husband to death. + +South Carolina has executed only 29 women in the past 278 years, according to Espy. + +Since 1608, Espy says, there have been 18,808 legal executions in the United States - including 514 women, or less than 3 percent.",10 +11,"The spreading pattern of violence grows from many sources, not simply guns. These include television news coverage, video games and movies, as well as family and community dynamics. +",10 +6,AIR IN LAMBERT FIELD TERMINAL WILL BE TESTED FOR NICOTINE BEFORE SMOKING BAN IS CONSIDERED,5 +9,VITAL STATISTICS,8 +6,"New York's new gay marriage bill,",5 +7,Canadian's arrest shows law's fallout,6 +1,"Building managers said Wells, who was raised Jonathan Cheney, has ignored their pleas to address the problem and owes $42,544 in building fees.",0 +5,Pa. justices question roots of NRA-backed law,4 +11,Common Response After Killings in Oregon: 'I Want to Have a Gun',10 +1,"""As a business man,",0 +7,2 CONVICTED IN BRONX COP KILLING,6 +13,"Colorado's gun debate was being watched closely because it's considered a swing state with both a gun-loving frontier past and an unfortunate history of mass shootings, including the 1999 Columbine High School attack.",12 +13,Crist backs off ban on same-sex marriage,12 +11,Olympic target-shooting or hunting guns.',10 +12,Gay and Immigrant Rights Groups Join Forces on Marriage Issue,11 +14,"Nation's gun laws vary widely from state to state +",13 +13,"On Wednesday, the St. Paul City Council voted 4-3 on a resolution banning gun shows on city property.",12 +12," +Wagner plans to present his petition to the governor, while the Sutherland Institute said its purpose is to galvanize public opinion against the ruling. +",11 +7,"It's been six months since a gunman killed 20 schoolchildren and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.",6 +9,"Parenthood Denied by the Law +",8 +13,"who was the scheduling secretary for then-Gov. Tom Carper, now a U.S. senator.",12 +7,MAN CHARGED IN SHOOTING AT ST. PAUL GUN SHOW,6 +5,Supreme Court Upholds Bar to Texas Execution,4 +13,"House Bill 48 is intended to allow license owners to avoid ""undue hardship,"" said the sponsor, Rep. Ron Maag.",12 +1,BIG BUCKS ON BOTH SIDES,0 +6,Weighing inon same-sexmarriage bill,5 +5,"a judge ruled. +",4 +5,"An attorney for the defendants, Justice Poswa, said the killing was politically motivated and that the defendants, who had been ""swept up"" by the emotional fervor, deserved a lighter sentence.",4 +1,sale of cigarettes,0 +7,whose husband was killed and son wounded on the Long Island Rail Road six years ago,6 +5,"Group insurance benefits are provided under a state law that defines dependent to include an employee's spouse, Bearrows wrote in a memo, and Illinois law defines spouse as a legal wife or husband.",4 +5,LAWYERS TRADE BARBS IN CIGARETTE TRIAL,4 +5,"HAVING survived a legal challenge in State Supreme Court earlier this month, the county's tough, new anti-smoking ordinance is now due to take effect on Sept. 1. Passed by the County Board of Health, the measure is considered one of the strictest in the state.",4 +9,U.S. high court blocks execution of killer described as retarded,8 +6,"HB 1198, sponsored by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Fort Morgan, declares marriages between persons of the same sex ""absolutely void.""",5 +11,"I am now in the process of creating an outreach campaign, Moms Against Guns, that will organize citizens to push harder for stricter gun registration laws in Pennsylvania. When the campaign launches, we will ask people to answer the question in Yant Kinney's column: ""Who'll stand up to fight city gun violence?"" We're hoping the answer will be, ""I will.""",10 +6,STATUS OF GUN BILLS,5 +7,"Simmons disappeared from Raleigh in April 1979 on her way to Tennessee. Her car was found at an Iredell County rest stop. A year later, her skeletal remains were found in woods off N.C. 151 in Candler.",6 +13,"Voting in favor of the immigration bill were 37 Democrats, seven Republicans and one independent. Voting against: 38 Republicans, 11 Democrats, one independent.",12 +10,SMOKED OUT ON 2ND AVE. Bar spillover mess,9 +13,SENATE OKAYS SELF-DEFENSE BILL,12 +10,"""They don't understand, and no one could help her in Uzbekistan,"" said Kayumova from her apartment in Richmond Hill. ""She couldn't go to school there because they don't have special schools.""",9 +4,"MORE EARNINGS o Those with lighter skin have higher salaries, study shows",3 +7,AN ARREST TAKES CUFFS OFF DEBATE,6 +6," +The House bill, like one passed by the Senate in August, tries to halt the influx of illegal aliens by forbidding employers to hire them. The bills would establish civil and criminal penalties for knowingly hiring illegal aliens, but they would also offer legal status to several million illegal aliens who entered the United States before 1980.",5 +7,First arrest made under new gun law,6 +9, safe storage is required under penalty of law.,8 +6," +Time for More Gun Regulation",5 +4, to ensure that poor defendants have a chance to have the kind of expert assistance that wealthy defendants and state prosecutors could afford.,3 +5,Gun Law Amendment,4 +7,"Illegal guns ""are part of the criminal underworld,"" said Camden County Police Chief Scott Thomson, whose force patrols the city. ""They are being used in street crimes. They are being used by gangs to facilitate their drug trade and the violence that goes with it."" +",6 +6,"Such a policy would ''control costs'' in a system that is now 40 percent over capacity, Mr. Mauer told the task force, and would ''bring the United States more in line with other industrialized nations.'' +",5 +13,Obama calls for measures to restrict weapons access,12 +9, could not find an accessible vein to insert the IV that delivers the lethal drugs.,8 +12,The forces rallying against smoking - in public or private - are getting stronger and more insistent:,11 +15,Tobacco institute teaches about growers,14 +5,"'Downloadable Gun' Clears a Legal Obstacle, Alarming Some Activists",4 +5,"On Wednesday, the court will consider the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, which prohibits gay and lesbian married couples from receiving the same federal benefits afforded heterosexual couples.",4 +2,The only thing in short supply was the tobacco.,1 +5,except now it's proper in the eyes of the state,4 +6,Gun law targets public data,5 +7,"eight men have been executed for murders committed when they were minors, Streib said. None of those executions were in Georgia.",6 +1,by Philip Morris' actions,0 +12,"whether society's growing acceptance of same-sex unions warrants constitutional protection. +",11 +5,"The Bill of Rights and the constitutions of 43 states protect gun rights in the USA. That's why, just this month, the state court in Colorado overturned as unconstitutional a ban on so-called ""assault weapons"" in Denver. + +A ban on guns not only kills your right to own a firearm, but it could kill you.",4 +15,'Ashes to Ashes',14 +14,States turn to Texas for execution guidance,13 +5,"The other case will settle California's Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in that state after a court had ruled it was legal.",4 +13,BRITON REBUTS REAGAN ON USE OF GUNS AND THE DEATH PENALTY,12 +13,Obama open to middle-ground deal with GOP on immigration,12 +13,"Ban on same-sex unions appears likely on Ore. ballot +",12 +8,mandated background checks.,7 +7,", born of the shooting deaths at Virginia Tech,",6 +13,Trump open to gun limits,12 +7,Bite out of crime,6 +1,which seeks unspecified damages,0 +7,"EXAN IS EXECUTED FOR KILLING OF SIX +",6 +13,N.J. BANS SEMIAUTOMATIC RIFLE SALES,12 +7,BEATINGS BY DEPUTIES SHOCKED THEIR BOSS SHERIFF VOWS PROBE WON'T BE A COVERUP,6 +5,"would change the state Constitution to read (additions marked in bold, deletions marked with strikeout):",4 +13,"Assembly bill sponsor Daniel O'Donnell called on the Senate to show the same ""courage"" his chamber has in passing the bill three times in recent years.",12 +13,PARTNER REGISTRY UNDER POLITICAL SIEGE CLINTON ADDS AMMUNITION TO THE SHELLING SUPERVISORS FACE OVER SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS,12 +13, President Clinton's decision last week to allocate $ 15 million in federal funds so police departments can expand those programs was justified.,12 +4," I will do everything in my power to provide them with a world without hate and legislative discrimination. +",3 +5,"Following up on a six-week pilot program in Baltimore and Denver, immigration authorities will begin suspending cases at immigration courts across the country.",4 +11,"The Latino community and the immigrant community are not going to believe him.""",10 +7,Crimes were committed long before handguns were invented,6 +13,Perdue to NRA: 'Choose wisely,12 +12,Which Americans support the Second Amendment?,11 +11,"Ted Nugent says Parkland students 'have no soul,' calls them 'mushy-brained children'",10 +11,FORECASTS SHOW LEGAL ALIENS TO RISE IN '96< THE INS SAYS THERE WILL BE 41 PERCENT MORE< IMMIGRANTS - A LARGE INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR.,10 +1,"In 1998, the tobacco industry agreed to pay the states almost $ 250 billion and to stop advertising on billboards or on signs posted in shopping malls, arenas and stadiums. The agreement allowed stores that sell cigarettes to display outdoor signs of no more than 14 square feet.",0 +13,"Despite intense lobbying, a dozen Democrats refused to support a bill by Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, that would have allowed tens of thousands of same-sex partners to marry, a controversial act that would have given the couples expanded rights to health care, Social Security, and military benefits.",12 +7,"When Worrell walked into Brock's gun shop, he lied about never having been indicted for a felony, but he supplied his real name. At that point, his past caught up with him --- and a victim who waited more that three decades finally has a chance to see justice done. DNA evidence links Worrell to at least 24 other rapes.",6 +1,"At Mozilla, a Chief's Support of Gay Marriage Ban Causes Conflict",0 +14,"United Nations officials insist that this conference is not about taking guns away from Americans, but about keeping hundreds of millions of weapons out of the hands of child soldiers and pickup armies, often in the poorest countries.",13 +9,A DRUG BY ANY OTHER NAME,8 +7,A UC Berkeley student senator and six other illegal immigrant students arrested at a San Bernardino rally Tuesday were released from custody early Wednesday without triggering a hold from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.,6 +13,SENATE'S FOCUS: SAFETY,12 +3,he kept a Bible at his desk,2 +5,"Six South Florida same-sex couples filed suit in Miami-Dade Circuit Court on Tuesday, seeking to overturn Florida's ban on gay marriage. +",4 +13,"On the Republican side of the aisle, lawmakers approached by the Daily News stared icily at a reporter and ducked into a senators-only elevator at the Capitol building. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) didn't even break stride or glance at the headline as a reporter thrust it in his face.",12 +7,and the armed robber who has spent most of his life in prison or selling drugs.,6 +5,"Second Amendment absolutists certainly can. These are the folks who misinterpret the Constitution as guaranteeing Americans the right to pack heat, while prohibiting the government from doing much, if anything, about it.",4 +10,Nicotine's power hard to overcome,9 +13,Three Council Members Call for Lawsuit Against Gun Makers,12 +9,"The fall occurred about four miles north of the border here, at Otay Lakes Dam, on a route often used for border crossings. A Border Patrol agent fell to his death there last year.",8 +6," is to focus on dismantling the senseless obstacles impeding the bureau's day-to-day functioning. +",5 +6,Ban on gun sales proposed by mayor of St. Petersburg,5 +12,and is based on citizen complaints,11 +13,Congress leaves Washington with no action on gun control or school safety,12 +14,when United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan lent his support to a massive petition aimed at banning capital punishment around the globe,13 +1,"The president of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, has said that the company was not endorsing the seminars, merely providing food at them.",0 +1,"Liggett, the tobacco arm of Brooke Group Ltd. and the sixth-largest cigarette maker in the United States, is raising prices on its premium cigarettes by 40 cents a carton, to $11.19, effective Friday for shipments on Monday, a spokeswoman said. Liggett's premium brands include Chesterfield, Eve, Lark and L.& M.",0 +4,pardon based on innocence allows Williams and Jimerson to pursue compensation for false imprisonment ,3 +9,Be prepared for hospital hassles,8 +7,". This morning, the Jordanian national is due on the 12th floor of 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan for a deportation hearing.",6 +9,THE REAL PROBLEM IS THE SMOKE NOT THE SMOKER,8 +11,Skin color deeply influences immigration debate,10 +2,U.S. IMMIGRATION DELAYS GROW AS FOREIGN AIR TRAVEL SKYROCKETS,1 +7, who killed two college students from Japan during a 1994 carjacking.,6 +5,"After 40 minutes of deliberation, a jury found Charles E. Reddish guilty of capital murder in the hatchet killing of his girlfriend. +",4 +5,States' rights exist,4 +8,LAWYER NAMED 'BORDER CZAR',7 +13,"Democrats control the Senate by 23-17, normally giving them the power to advance bills without GOP support. + +But the three Democrats from more rural districts who voted against this plan - Senate Majority Leader Stephen Sweeney (D., Gloucester) and Sens. Fred Madden (D., Gloucester) and Jeff Van Drew (D., Cape May) - said their constituents' interests differ from those of the big-city Democrats pushing the proposal.",12 +4,PA. HIGH COURT ASKED TO LOOK INTO ALLEGED DEATH-PENALTY BIAS / AN ADVOCACY GROUP SAYS CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS METED OUT DISPROPORTIONATELY TO BLACKS.,3 +15,"Reaction to Tancredo, Lamm as predicted",14 +5," Mr. Stoker was allowed all the due process available to him, which was rejected by the reviewing appellate bodies.",4 +12,"Almost three in four Americans believe it's inevitable that same-sex marriage will be legalized in the United States, including a majority of people who most ardently oppose it, according to a new poll released Thursday. +",11 +7," Laws was sentenced to life in prison in two other murders - that of Woodrow Wilson Elliott, 65, of Allenton, who was dismembered, and of Elizabeth Roderique, 85, of Washington County.",6 +12," For their sense, the National Rifle Association (NRA) and others on the pro-gun side have pilloried them, ruining careers and stopping needed research with the help of a cowed Congress",11 +5,that protects gun dealers from lawsuits ,4 +4,"""divisive and discriminatory efforts to deny rights and benefits to same-sex couples.""",3 +13,'Will he immunize these gun manufacturers or will he demand they act responsibly?' Cuomo asked during a telephone press conference.,12 +5,Appeals court throws out death penalty in slayings,4 +9,"In execution by lethal drugs, a prisoner is injected with one or more drugs, which can include anesthetics, barbiturates and muscle relaxants. +",8 +7,Texas killer's final plea,6 +11,"Movement on Same-Sex Marriage and Other Social Issues: Examining a Graphic +",10 +6,The new law addresses a nonexistent problem.,5 +14,Cuba praised the U.S. decision,13 +5,"It took so many turns I didn't expect. People don't really realize or remember that this was a case that was really opposed by the gay rights legal establishment. So the people who brought this case were really outsiders. Same with the DOMA challenge, which was the challenge to the federal law that prohibited the federal government from recognizing marriages performed in states for same-sex couples. +",4 +12,N.R.A.'s 'Fiercest Warrior',11 +1,THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING,0 +1,Chick-fil-A Draws Huge Crowds for Appreciation Day,0 +13,"For months, Obama has insisted his position on gay marriage is ""evolving"" but has not shifted from his previously stated view that marriage is between a man and woman. But in a coincidence of timing, the president arrived at a downtown Manhattan hotel for a long-scheduled fundraiser put on by gay and lesbian activists as the legislature in Albany was on the verge of voting whether New York will become the sixth state to allow gay marriage.",12 +15,Two men of like mind on gun control,14 +10,An Immigrant's Four-Year Fight to Become a Lawyer Ends in Celebrations,9 +1,NATHAN DEAL SAYS IMMIGRATION COSTS GEORGIANS MORE THAN $1 BILLION,0 +1," financial pressures from an increasingly vicious and competitive workplace, and",0 +13,I don't believe the Clinton administration's effort,12 +13,"Obama in way on immigration, Boehner says",12 +7,"A Gwinnett County jury Wednesday found Khalid Adem guilty of circumcising his young daughter when she was 2 years old. Adem, a native of Ethiopia, was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison and five years' probation for using scissors to circumcise his daughter. Adem had denied he committed the act.",6 +1,"North Carolina tobacco growers also stand to benefit from a voluntary agreement with tobacco companies, which is expected to put $1.9 billion into the pockets of farmers and allotment holders.",0 +5,. Abu-Jamal's lawyers responded by announcing they would file an appeal Friday in federal court in Philadelphia.,4 +7,Police chiefs group seeks to keep assault rifle ban,6 +13,The Go-To Congresswoman on Gun Control Packs It In,12 +12,More than 40 people are waiting to witness executions for the state.,11 +13,"We've heard that before; what we'd rather know is when the bill is coming, what it will look like and what he is going to do to get it passed. Enough with the talk.",12 +13," transforming the ho-hum primary into a heated campaign. The third Republican candidate, State Sen. Joseph Pennacchio of Morris County, also has taken shots at Estabrook in the past days.",12 +7,"After the shooting, Adams simply went back to his truck and waited for police. Rodriguez said that's a sign that there wasn't any premeditation or even rational thought process.",6 +5,"The state Attorney General's Office received a copy of the ruling Monday and was studying it, said John Bason, spokesman for the office.",4 +5,Casey signed 21 warrants during his eight-year tenure.,4 +7," Mark Asay, 53, is scheduled to die by lethal injection after 6 p.m.",6 +13,No one involved in the heated debate over allowing Missourians to carry concealed weapons is concealing the emotions involved,12 +10,EXECUTION FOES IGNORE FAMILIES' PAIN,9 +5,Judge J. Allen Walker referred White's case for grand jury action.,4 +4,"In Texas, there have been 54 exonerations based on DNA test results, including those of two inmates on death row, according to the National Registry of Exonerations.",3 +13,"In health-care law, a victory for NRA",12 +15,"POTTER WIZARD: NO ASK, NO SPELL?",14 +12,"a local anti-smoking organization, gathered more than 1,000 signatures",11 +3,All are true and all are the utterances of consciences that have learned to easily cleanse bloodshed by declaring only the shooter to blame - not their dogmatic belief that they have a God-given right to watch others die.,2 +15,ABOUT LONG ISLAND,14 +13,"Democratic opponents have charged that the amendment is a political poke at Democrats, timed to make headlines just before the party's national convention convenes in Boston to nominate Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., for president. Even its backers doubt that the measure will get the 67 votes needed for approval or even the 60 senators needed to cut off debate and force a final vote. The amendment is scheduled to come to the floor the week of July 12.",12 +9,school safety advocates.,8 +4,"NOW, YOU'RE SENSITIVE?!",3 +7,College President Fined for Smoking In the Bathroom,6 +5,APPEAL OR TRIBUNAL COULD RESTORE 9-11 EVIDENCE IN MOUSSAOUI CASE,4 +13,Domestic abuse bill hits snag Gun control issue could kill measure,12 +13,That existential lamentation created a ready-made political opportunity -- and Mr. Cuomo seized on it,12 +13,GAY MARRIAGE RESOLUTION UP FOR VOTE BY MAYORS,12 +10,HELP'S IN LINE FOR IMMIGRANTS,9 +9,"""That is an astounding, almost incomprehensible statistic,"" Waxman said. ""Imagine our nation's outrage if two fully loaded jumbo jets crashed each day killing all aboard. Yet, that's the same number of Americans that cigarettes kill every 24 hours.""",8 +13,"In their drive to ban gay marriage, legislators have gotten tangled up in whether to protect 'domestic partnerships.'",12 +7,"King, 24, is an ex-convict with a history of involvement in a racist prison gang.",6 +5,Illinois: Same-Sex Civil Unions Legalized,4 +6,Timoney tells city police: No smoking while in uniform,5 +12, that was passed by the state's voters in November.,11 +7,"Juan Raul Garza, convicted seven years ago of three drug-related murders in Texas, was scheduled for execution Aug. 5.",6 +12,At least a dozen men jailed by the Washington office of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service are participating in a hunger strike to protest government,11 +13,"A pair of pro-gun senators announced a compromise plan Wednesday to expand background checks for many firearm purchases. +",12 +8, but would require background checks for the sale or transfer of grandfathered weapons,7 +7,"The state Department of Corrections said Lonchar, 45, will be put to death Nov. 13 for the slayings of Margaret Sweat, Charles Wayne Smith and Steven Smith over a gambling debt in DeKalb County in October 1986.",6 +8,"If the Brady waiting-period bill were law, ",7 +10,"As a mother of a wonderful son who is gay and the mother-in-law since last year of our brilliant new son-in-law, I am writing in strong opposition to Proposition 8. I am hoping that when California citizens vote they will remember families like ours who are composed of gay and straight family members.",9 +11,Gay-marriage amendment: Former Minnesota Viking Matt Birk speaks out for ban (w/ video),10 +13,The Georgia House will set aside $8 million in bond funding to pay for school security improvements in response to growing concerns about keeping public schools safe from mass shootings.,12 +12,THOUSANDS PROTEST CIVIL UNIONS FOR GAYS,11 +4,violates a fundamental right to marry as well as the Constitution's equal-protection clause.,3 +10,"In youngsters' graduation, a win for immigration program",9 +5,"The Supreme Court decision changed how three Chesterfield County residents envision the future. +",4 +6,A.C. partially bans smoking in casinos,5 +11,"Mr. Sullivan, 36 years old, had lived on death row longer than any other inmate in the country.",10 +6,"While the law outlaws assault weapons, it contains a line saying, ""Any person who desires to purchase, possess and carry a machine gun or assault firearm in this state may apply for a license to do so."" It then goes on to impose stiff regulations on who can qualify for a license.",5 +5," Florida Marriage Protection Amendment,",4 +13,question for the legislature to resolve. Two measures on the issue have been introduced in the legislature this year.,12 +7,MANN EXECUTED - 32 YEARS LATER,6 +5,"I recently read an article about the Supreme Court taking another look at the ""right to bear arms"" in the U.S. Constitution.",4 +5,"As you know, in December, I did not exercise my authority to supersede you in the prosecution of Michael Vernon . . . I accepted . . . your representation that your decision not to seek the death penalty was based on your ""statutory discretion.""",4 +3,An execution will not equal justice,2 +13,Lumping all Latino voters into one group is crazy,12 +5,Mud-Hut Muddle: Visas Denied for Museum Workers,4 +6,"The Bloomberg bill takes major steps toward national gun registration. Under current federal law, when you buy a gun at a store (or from a licensed dealer at a gun show), you must fill out a form specifying your name, race, address, and so on, along with the serial number of the particular gun you bought. The licensed dealer keeps these records, which are available for law enforcement conducting criminal investigations.",5 +6,Metro bus and light-rail passengers won't be able to carry concealed guns on the Missouri half of the transit system after Oct. 11 despite changes in state gun laws.,5 +15,Cigarettes in Buildings,14 +6,"Would it not be more practical, workable, reasonable and acceptable to attack the criminal misuse of firearms, rather than dreaming up pie-in-the-sky, highly expensive and complex social experiments designed to do the impossible: prohibiting or severely restricting these inanimate objects.",5 +7,"Four years ago, she was convicted of conspiracy for being a bit player in a drug-smuggling ring. Her husband, a U.S. citizen and repeat offender, received 10 years in prison; she got probation. She was ordered to appear at a deportation hearing, but she skipped it. +",6 +5,Don't leave out key word in this battle: 'Illegal',4 +9,"As I watched my brother die - it was a very painful death, lung cancer -",8 +13,Nearly every potential Republican presidential contender will be speaking today on a single issue: gun rights.,12 +5,"But lawyers on both sides of the case have worked to keep discussions of politics and immigration out of the courtroom, focusing instead on the shooting itself.",4 +5,Is It Our Right to Own Guns?,4 +6,INTERIM DIRECTOR NAMED AT IMMIGRATION OFFICE,5 +15,Editorial Observer,14 +3,"Yet, while these folks expend much fervor in the war against civil unions, little attention seems to be focused upon crusading against non-Bible-based divorce laws which many might consider societally disruptive. If agenda-driven gays should not be allowed to flaunt biblical standards, why should some defiant Christian heterosexuals be permitted to take advantage of easy divorce and unload their partners without biblical justification?",2 +4,"On Death Row, but by Mistake",3 +3,Pastor re-creates act of defiance Gay nuptials re-enacted on eve of church trial,2 +9,Public health advocates said yesterday that the proposed $206 billion tobacco settlement being reviewed by the states falls short of delivering a comprehensive approach to discourage smoking.,8 +13,LOCAL IN-DEPTH GUN DEBATE;,12 +1, the store while customers shopped and supported the merchant.,0 +13,Politics in play at gay awards,12 +11,Guns: The South's loaded issue,10 +6,WHY GIVE GOVERNMENT A MONOPOLY ON GUNS?,5 +10,The Killer Who Wants to Die,9 +13,"outline his own tobacco policy in an Oval Office speech on Wednesday, White House officials said today. + +Mr. Clinton will insist that his chief goal ",12 +11,". It certainly is a historic day for us.""",10 +5,"A federal appeals court in Atlanta on Wednesday refused to extend a stay on same-sex marriages in Florida, meaning that unless that court rules in favor of the current ban on such marriages or state officials can win a stay from the U.S. Supreme Court, Florida gay and lesbian couples can legally marry beginning Jan. 6. +",4 +9,What else do you call it when millions die from using a product the makers knew to be addictive and cancer-causing?,8 +6,"And because it was Arizona, Loughner also was able to carry a concealed weapon without a background check. Arizona last year joined Alaska and Vermont as the only states that allow this.",5 +12,"""I don't believe in gay marriage,"" said Wynn, 71, who participated in the poll of 800 likely voters from Monday through Wednesday. ""One man, one woman. That's what I believe in.""",11 +13,"After Las Vegas, Democrats are jumping straight into the gun-control debate",12 +11," +Mr. Kemler frequents the Peace Pipe, one of four smoke shops on the five-square-block Poospatuck Reservation, population 220, about 70 miles east of Times Square. The Unkechaugs are one of many Indian nations, including the Seneca Nation in upstate New York and the Shinnecock Nation in Southampton, that take advantage of their right as sovereign nations to buy and sell cigarettes without paying or charging the hefty taxes from the state and the city. +",10 +9,"Doctors fight back, share stories after NRA tells them 'to stay in their lane'",8 +5, is considering commuting the sentences of Maryland's four remaining men on death row,4 +13,candidates for most of the seats in the General Assembly.,12 +13,Playing the politics of distraction,12 +5,Gun rights vs. other rights,4 +6,They argued that the loophole is necessary because the permit-application process in Pennsylvania is too strict. But that's not a fault; it's a good thing.,5 +4,"The law also covers unmarried heterosexual couples ages 62 and older. It does not legalize gay marriage and offers far fewer rights than those given to straight married couples. +",3 +1,Steeper tax on cigarettes is urged,0 +13,Speaker disturbed by hate e-mail He urges colleagues to use their words and actions to help calm tensions created by the immigration debate.,12 +7,"A fourth brother, Armando, named in court documents, has not been charged. Assistant U.S. Attorney John Ware would not comment about that aspect of the case.",6 +13,"Va. seeks closure on gay marriage +",12 +13,"People who met with Mr. Obama asked the same thing. His response: Get some Republicans on board, then we'll discuss it. The fate of immigration reform, then, hangs on its ability to win Republican votes. In today's Washington, that's enough to make anyone want to reach for the plug and pull it.",12 +9,AILING SMOKERS WIN ONE FROM CIGARETTE MAKERS,8 +12,MOTHER'S DAY 2015 Moms rage at gun fools,11 +13,Pro-NRA Repub taunts Cuomo,12 +5,"Luzerne County District Attorney David Lupas said he would appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. Defense attorney William Ruzzo said the decision will spare Banks' life for at least ""a few years"": ""As a practical matter, a new penalty phase is like a new trial. We could raise every issue we raised at trial, including his sanity and his competency.""",4 +9,"ased on an examination by a neurophysiologist of photos taken immediately after his execution, Allen Lee ""Tiny"" Davis experienced pain while in the electric chair. +",8 +13,"Florida Democrats pounced on Republican U.S. Senate candidate Carlos Beruff after he told a gathering of Broward County Republicans on Monday night that he doesn't want to let ""anybody from the Middle East into this country.""",12 +3,"""Barring a miracle, the family as it has been known for more than five millennia will crumble, presaging the fall of Western civilization itself"" unless the U.S. Constitution is amended, Dobson wrote, charging that for more than 40 years, gay Americans have pursued a master plan ""that has had as its centerpiece the utter destruction of the family.""",2 +13,1 BUSH OKS EXECUTION AS OTHER DEFENDS 134,12 +15,A Pause From Death,14 +8,Stop arming the enemy,7 +5,Gun ruling: A threat or a right,4 +9,Ammonia Linked to a Type of Nicotine,8 +13,"Asked if Trump should follow through on campaign pledges to end DACA, Ryan told WCLO in his hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin: I actually dont think he should do that. I believe that this is something that Congress has to fix.",12 +6,l Allow concealed weapons to be carried in bars and restaurants,5 +12,The voice of the people must be heard in Raleigh louder and stronger than other voices advocating incentives for the tobacco industry.,11 +7,COPS AND SMUGGLERS,6 +3,"It is not easy,"" Bush said Wednesday. ""I have done a lot of thinking about it and a lot of reading to make sure I am comfortable with the circumstances. And I am, and I signed them. But there is no joy in this at all."" +",2 +14,"President Vicente Fox urged Secretary of State Colin Powell and other visiting U.S. Cabinet members Tuesday to restart stalled negotiations on improving immigration rules between Mexico and the United States, but Powell offered no hope of early progress on the divisive issue.",13 +13,Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Friday signed his first bill of the legislative session ,12 +13,Howard snuffs out bill that blocks anti-smoking laws House had just approved measure,12 +13,A decision on whether a vote will be held on same-sex marriage appears to be at hand.,12 +7,LOUISIANA KILLER IS ELECTRCUTED,6 +5,"Into the courts, away from Congress",4 +13,Give Obama credit for setting sights on gun control,12 +3, So perhaps we should keep guns out of the hands of irresponsible people,2 +6,"By a tight margin, Largo leaders adopted a policy that prohibits employees from smoking or using other tobacco products during work on city-owned property. Workers can smoke during their lunch breaks only if they leave city properties to do so.",5 +9, the little girl was so badly hurt that she required surgery.,8 +5, Federal courts began ruling that a supposedly inhumane electric chair violated the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment.,4 +12,MOTHERS RALLY FOR A SHOT AT TIGHTER GUN CONTROL LAWS,11 +10,Va. Fires Up Teen Anti-Smoking Effort,9 +12,Rallies Against Gun Control,11 +8,'FRIENDLY' BORDER UNDER NEW SCRUTINY VEHICLES CROSSING BETWEEN U.S. AND CANADA FACE UNFAMILIAR SEARCHES AND LONG LINES,7 +7,Former NYPD officers arrested in gun probe,6 +3, will ensure the traditional version of marriage is protected.,2 +13, concerned that the measure might die in the Senate after winning approval in the House with broad support.,12 +11,Same-sex marriage rulings: a timeline,10 +13," +TOBACCO LOBBY TEMPTS WEAK-WILLED LAWMAKERS",12 +12,"As an employee of the National Rifle Association at the time, I thought it rather easy to refute and promptly did so. +",11 +13,Wash. state Senate passes gay marriage,12 +6,new policy of having state agencies honor same-sex marriages that have been performed outside New York.,5 +10,The Cons of Smoking,9 +12,"The rallies, organized by the Washington State-based Second Amendment Foundation, will now be held one day later on Dec. 15, which happens to be Bill of Rights Day.",11 +5,OUR OPINIONS: No shortcut to driver's license,4 +13,"St. Louis same-sex marriage challenge is politically tricky for Koster +",12 +9,The World Health Organization plans to urge smoking bans worldwide based on a landmark California study that was the first to add breast cancer to a list of diseases caused by secondhand tobacco smoke.,8 +14," Allow powerful firearms purchased in the United States to ""walk"" across the Mexico border",13 +5,"The court put its 2-1 ruling on hold pending an appeal, meaning same-sex couples won't be allowed to marry in Oklahoma for now. +",4 +11,"New on DVD: 'The Immigrant,' 'Doris Day: The Essential Collection,' 'Cenk Batu: Undercover Agent,' 'Masterpiece Mystery: Grantchester,' 'Sharky's Machine'",10 +5,'This is really unprecedented': ICE detains woman seeking domestic abuse protection at Texas courthouse,4 +15,"PULL UP A CHAIR, BUT DON'T GET TOO COMFORTABLE",14 +12,"""Americans are saying, 'We're willing to move pretty far on this issue, we're much more tolerant than we used to be, but don't mix it up with religion and God,' "" said Boston College political scientist Alan Wolfe, director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life.",11 +13,"Senate rejects curbs on guns +",12 +11," +The traditional family has provided our culture social stability during times of traumatic change. Beyond anecdotal evidence, there are no extant data showing that role simulation and surrogate parenting can serve as well. +",10 +13,but he won't let a bill go to the floor unless he's privately lined up enough votes.,12 +3,"The Maryland Catholic Conference on Tuesday called a new same-sex marriage bill introduced by Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) a distraction from more important issues and dismissed language in the legislation that seeks to clarify religious exemptions as ""ambiguous.""",2 +5,"Some of the illegal immigrants had been working 10 hours a day, seven days a week. Those cases will be referred to the U.S. Department of Labor to see if the businesses violated any labor laws.",4 +6,"The Illinois General Assembly this year passed a bill banning smoking in bars, restaurants, work places and most other indoor public areas, including casinos. Gov. Rod Blagojevich plans to sign it. The smoking ban will save many lives, and it should not be weakened.",5 +5,"After two days of deliberation, the jury ruled for the tobacco industry on all counts. +",4 +10,"""I never thought it would get like this,"" said Roberts, manager at Smoke Cheap/Metro PCS in St. Petersburg. ""For the people that live here, it's a big shock wave.""",9 +5, and opponents have taken their objections to court,4 +5,"MAN GUILTY IN SLAYING OF FOSTER AUNT ROBERT R. KLINE JR., 21, FACES THE DEATH PENALTY OR LIFE IN PRISON AFTER THE AUG. 1998 STABBING.",4 +10,A win for the living,9 +5," +1976 Law Is Just One in D.C.'s Maze Of Gun Rules +",4 +12,"Students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are traveling to the state capital today and declaring ""never again.''",11 +5,CLEMENCY FOR MEXICAN CONVICTED OF '93 MURDERS,4 +11,A tender account of a gay marriage,10 +5," A local family court judge ruled Monday that a 6-year-old Cuban boy should remain in the USA for now. +",4 +4,"DR. KING'S DAY BRINGS HOPE, TEARS AND JEERS",3 +5,Judge's Hiring of Illegal Alien in 80's Did Not Violate Immigration Law,4 +13,FULTON COUNTY GOVERNMENT: Domestic partners back on agenda,12 +13,Pistol-whipped pols,12 +13, Sen. Chafee's,12 +3,Humanity Still Blooms in a Desert Bordering Mexico,2 +10,How I Stopped Smoking,9 +13,Legislation to that effect has been proposed by Senator Kennedy and Representative Rodino.,12 +13," +Conservative legislators attached a controversial measure",12 +3,We as a society try to execute humanely. Not for the sake of the criminal but for society's own sake because it is supposed to be about justice and not revenge.,2 +7,FEDS ARE SET TO DEPORT CABBIE ON OLD GUN RAP,6 +6,"The legislative session is only days old and already a raft of proposed legislation to expedite state executions is on the agenda. One of the worst ideas so far is a new specialized criminal appellate court, designed to speed defendants into the electric chair with nary a nod toward justice. +",5 +5,"David Brooks: Gail, it probably won't surprise you to learn that I'm a pretty big fan of Anthony Kennedy - center-right moderation and all that. Today he outdid himself with some basic common sense on the subject of gay marriage. +",4 +5,"This latest stay comes after the state went four years without an execution,",4 +13,"FALL ELECTIONS, DEFICIT MAKING OFFICIALS GUN-SHY",12 +5,"Senior U.S. District Judge Wiley Y. Daniel found that the plaintiffs - New Jersey couple Tom Privitere and Brian Edwards, and photographer Kristina Hill, who took the original image - have a ""plausible copyright infringement claim"" but dismissed their allegation that the couple's likenesses had been illegally misappropriated.",4 +8,"VESSEL BEGINS VIGIL FOR ALIENS TODAY ,",7 +11,A Timeline of key events,10 +5,"The decision to bypass the intermediate appeals court was not a surprise, because the Court of Appeals sometimes takes cases directly when new and important legal questions are at stake.",4 +1,"The R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., whose brands include Camel and Winston cigarettes",0 +7,"Dennis Martin, president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police in Washington, said he sees nothing wrong with the raffle.",6 +5,"New York Allows Same-Sex Marriage, Becoming Largest State To Pass Law",4 +7,INS BAGS UP 9 FOR TRIP HOME,6 +1,"Joining the Gun Debate, Facebook Bans Private Firearm Sales",0 +13,"SIMON FACES QUESTIONS ON ABORTION, GUN CONTROL",12 +5,Ms. Reno said the Government would seek the death penalty under a law that made it a capital offense to take a life in connection with destruction of Government property.,4 +7,"300,000 immigrants sent home In 2 years since tough law approved, number returned more than doubled",6 +6,Death penalty weighed,5 +5,"Even as the district attorney moves toward trial, Nichols' attorneys are trying to get him removed from the case. They have argued in court motions that Fulton County prosecutors can't remain objective because the crime occurred at their workplace.",4 +7,"Daron Josephs, of the first block of Herzol Street in Brooklyn, is charged with three counts of first-degree murder, attempted murder, conspiracy and weapons offenses.",6 +6,"It must have been a hastily assembled package. Some provisions were already covered under existing laws, such as security requirements for dealers. One provision, to have local police contact handgun dealers holding federal licenses, was something the police had started doing months earlier.",5 +13,Florida gun sales soar: Is Obama top reason?,12 +9,"Traveling companions revived him, draped his arms over their shoulders and pulled him along. Each time they crossed a road, they urged him to stay behind, flag down the next vehicle and turn himself in. Each time Diaz refused, even after the ghastly sight of a man, woman and child huddled in lifeless embrace in the desert made clear the risk of continuing.",8 +6,"The state-by-state report is a progress check on state efforts to meet a federal law that requires states to reduce their sales of tobacco to minors over the next few years to 20 percent of those who try to buy it. The deadline varies by state, depending how far they have to go, but all states must reach that goal by 2003 or lose federal grants for substance abuse and mental health programs.",5 +13,"In two centerpieces of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promises to bring back jobs that have left the U.S. economy and to crack down on immigration.",12 +6,"White House proposal to ask immigration status in Census could have chilling effect, experts say",5 +13,"By a one-vote margin, the Senate Agriculture Committee passed 'shall-issue' legislation Tuesday that would require county sheriffs to issue concealed weapons permits to eligible citizens.",12 +6,"WHEN did the assault weapons ban expire? +",5 +13,"Booker, African-American senator-elect as of last Wednesday, then said, ""I wouldn't be where I am if people before me didn't stand up for the same principles and ideals about how we're all supposed to be equal in this country under the law."" +",12 +5,The law is currently such that it punishes those who repeatedly cross the border illegally by barring them from ever becoming legal residents,4 +6, legislation that would have raised cigarette prices by $ 1.10 a pack over five years to try to discourage children from smoking.,5 +11, She would be only the second woman executed in the United States since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.,10 +12,is a reason that some antismoking activists,11 +13,Will Democrats punton same-sex marriage,12 +4,RACE DISPARITY IN FEDERAL DEATH CASES REQUESTS FOR THE DEATH PENALTY FOR MINORITIES FAR EXCEEDS THEIR POPULATION PROPORTION.,3 +1,"Keeping gamblers spending their money without bathroom breaks will more than make up for any loss of revenue from losing gamblers who smoke. + +At the same time, casino worker",0 +6,"that would give the Food and Drug Administration authority to regulate the tobacco industry for the first time, including the power to block or approve new products.",5 +13,"U.S. Reps. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., and Seth Moulton, D-Ma., also announced they were introducing a House bill that would do the same.",12 +13,"The efforts by Kabel, who is gay, and Mara, who is straight, underscore the division over same-sex marriage between many of the city's 30,000 registered Republicans and the national party leadership.",12 +7,Columbine dad switched parties,6 +1,TAX COLLECTOR:HIRING RULE WON'T EXTEND PAST SMOKING,0 +5,Ruling on Criminal Immigrants,4 +5," +The Illinois Supreme Court on Thursday strongly upheld the death sentence of a Charleston man convicted in the 2001 rape and murder of an Eastern Illinois University student.",4 +13,House G.O.P. May Seek to Punish Democrats for Gun Control Sit-In,12 +10,their disturbing portrait of Chastine's upbringing,9 +5,"Montco: Pa. gay-marriage ban unconstitutional +",4 +13,THEY'D STILL BE DEAD - TRUMP Sneers at tighter gun laws No point screen psychos,12 +9,"Healthy human lungs look a lot like blue cheese, off-white in color with some dark blue veins visible on the surface. By contrast, the lungs of a longtime smoker look like leather: dull, black, weathered and hard, like an old satchel.",8 +1,"The Mercer survey found the percentage of large employers, those with 500 or more workers, offering same-sex domestic-partner coverage rose to 16 percent this year from 12 percent in 2000. And among the largest companies, with at least 20,000 workers, the rate grew to 34 percent from 24 percent.",0 +5,"""It's hard to say,"" said Municipal Court Judge Harry Schwartz. ""Probably both. I listen to both parties' testimonies and then I make a decision on the evidence. If they don't like the decision, they can appeal to a higher court and try again. We're very generous in this country.""",4 +11,The American way: entitled to one's beliefs - and to one vote,10 +6," +CONCEALED-CARRY WOULD JEOPARDIZE FIGHT AGAINST CRIME",5 +5,High court halts N.C. execution - for now,4 +3, and it is not immoral,2 +15,Immigration Service Keeps a Wary Eye on Its Newark Office,14 +7,"The execution of Russell M. Cox was scheduled for March 17. He killed Evelyn Heath Brown, 33, and Tina Brown, 17. Both were stabbed and slashed with a knife and scissors in their high-rise housing project on North 11th Street.",6 +7,Rapist-slayer facing death penalty,6 +6,"As Push for Gun Control Grows, Strict New Jersey Firearm Laws Are Likely to Be Toughened",5 +3,Killer was once man 'full of love',2 +13,"""The fight on behalf of the LGBT community is part of a broader fight on behalf of all Americans,"" Obama said. ""It's a part of a history of trying to make this union a bit more perfect.""",12 +1, the casino bosses will become popular again with both their investors and their workers,0 +13,Wisconsin lawmakers push to repeal 48-hour waiting period for handgun purchases,12 +11, has pushed to the forefront another of the cultural issues that increasingly define the great political divide in America.,10 +5," +The Court's Immeasurable Impact +",4 +6,"Faced with a proposal to ban tobacco from all school district property,",5 +11,"Littleton - With much of the city's population easing into retirement and leaving jobs and schools behind, leaders are looking to the newest residents - immigrants - as the weavers of a new community tapestry",10 +9,"The 29-year-old man, believed to be from Honduras, died at DeTar Hospital Navarro in Victoria, southwest of Houston, from complications from heatstroke. The toll is believed to be the deadliest in recent U.S. history.",8 +12, Mr. Tooher was incredulous.,11 +10, seven of the massacre's survivors,9 +13,"Ted Cruz's Iowa Bus Tour: Loaded Pizza, and Loaded Guns",12 +1,"""Her document is disappointing because it does not give an amount, and five years is too long,"" said Vinny DeMarco, executive director of the Maryland Children's Initiative, which is pushing to increase the tax on cigarettes by $ 1.50 a pack.",0 +5,"A Baltimore County jury, which convicted Oken of the 1987 slaying of Dawn Marie Garvin, sentenced him to die. +",4 +6,"The Conservation Department also allows hunting for squirrel, rabbit, groundhog, raccoon and coyote with handguns chambered for the 9mm and .45 cartridges.",5 +9,He was pronounced dead at 9:09 p.m.,8 +13,Zephyrhills to tackle controversial issues,12 +5,"thanks to New York's law legalizing same-sex marriage, signed by the governor Friday.",4 +1,"With the tax money gone, the state would have lost nearly $2 billion",0 +5,COURT HALTS MURDER TRIAL,4 +5,"The Massachusetts Supreme Court this week struck down a state law banning same-sex marriage, more proof that gay marriage eventually will be legal",4 +11,"Though American writer-director James Gray is best known for crime dramas such as The Yards, We Own the Night, and Blood Ties, his 1994 debut, Little Odessa, about Jewish Russian émigrés in Brooklyn, showed he had a talent for capturing the peculiar rhythms of immigrant communities and the dynamics within first-generation families.",10 +5," A federal judge dealt a new setback Friday to the immigration enforcement efforts of America's self-proclaimed ""toughest sheriff,"" barring his deputies from detaining people based solely on the suspicion that they're in the country illegally.",4 +7,Woman Gets Life in Killing of Stepmother,6 +5,"The other dispute, with potentially greater impact, tests California's 2008 ban on same-sex marriage. Challengers urged the court to break the ban and rule that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry. But during arguments in March the justices appeared likely to rule in a way that would affect only Californians. Lower federal courts struck down Proposition 8, and it is improbable that a majority on the high court would reverse that trend and endorse the ban.",4 +3,Many who base opposition in religious belief remain to be persuaded. ,2 +12,"While the poll found several areas of disagreement between foreign-born and native Hispanics, both groups showed high support for immigrants in general.",11 +1,"PETS CAN GET INSURANCE AT PBCC, PARTNERS CAN'T",0 +13,"That hedging merely fuels suspicions that Mr. Bush is trying to gain credit with soccer moms for backing reasonable gun control, while counting on members of his party to perform the dirty deed of blocking the ban's extension.",12 +1,"than I do as a tax issue,",0 +7,Marin County jury sentences serial killer Naso to death,6 +13,Donald goes nuts for guns,12 +8,citing state confidentiality rules about applications and background investigations,7 +5,"In granting a preliminary injunction, Judge Robert S. Lasnik of Federal District Court in Seattle wrote that Mr. Wilson's First Amendment rights ""are dwarfed by the irreparable harms the states are likely to suffer if the existing restrictions are withdrawn and that, over all, the public interest strongly supports maintaining the status quo through the pendency of this litigation.""",4 +7,Shooting at Rowan's Pool Creates Mighty Ripples,6 +10," flanked by parents who lost children in the December rampage in Newtown, Conn.",9 +6,a measure that would allow employees to keep guns in their workplace parking lots.,5 +1,Argus pub,0 +6,Pasco County sets its sights on gun loophole,5 +12,Rallying Voters and Relishing a Leading Role,11 +5,Federal court to weigh Md. ban on certain semiautomatic guns,4 +11,Gay marriage equality box spreads on social media,10 +11,"he New York Times,",10 +5,New Jersey Court Vacates Death Sentence,4 +5,"The ""Protect the Second Amendment"" license tag",4 +9,"Joella Reaves, 11, was found dead in her room Dec. 1, 2003.",8 +13,sound rebukes of Trump's rhetoric on immigration.,12 +7,"Compliance is encouraged by fines, starting at $200 and shooting up to as much as $2,000 for a third offense in a year, and by the risk of losing licenses to operate.",6 +9," +THE BLACK COLT AR-15 up on the wall was a scary-looking machine, able to bore 20 holes of nine millimeters each into anything you want to kill as fast as you can pull the trigger a score of times.",8 +5,Attorney General Don Stenberg said,4 +12,"Despite the protests,",11 +3,"Donald and Evelyn Knapp are apparently ordained ministers who run The Hitching Post, a chapel in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, at which they conduct weddings. (This strikes me as quite similar to many ministers' practice of charging to officiate weddings when they are invited to do so at other venues.",2 +13,Immigration vote stuns Senate supporters,12 +11,Affirm marriage's historic meaning,10 +13,Christie takes action on backlog of bills,12 +9,Eastview High students win anti-smoking video contest,8 +3," because of their refusal to remain within the Church of England and their insistence on a simpler, less structured faith and the formation of a separate church.",2 +13,PANEL OKS 7-DAY WAIT FOR GUNS,12 +1,"Fighting such suits has cost gun makers $100 million, said Gary Mehalik, communications director for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, in Newtown, Conn.",0 +5,"On Friday, the state Supreme Court, which would have heard the appeal, issued a unanimous decision to deny the administration a stay of Jacobson's order to allow same-sex marriages beginning Monday. +",4 +13,"In a sign of the potential trouble for the president, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), an immigration hard-liner and early Trump supporter, wrote that if reports of a potential immigration deal are accurate, the president's ""base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible.""",12 +12,Fairfield: Low turnout for 'kiss in' at Bay Area's sole Chick-fil-A,11 +7,"Firth illegally transported guns across state lines for resale in Kentucky. + +Many DEC officers bought and resold their guns without filling out mandatory state police reports. + +Five of the guns were resold to unlicensed buyers, and were only confiscated months or years later by state probers. + +Eight of the resold weapons 9-mm. and .357 magnum handguns haven't been located by state investigators. + +Firth used agency staffers to transport and dispose of guns illegally.",6 +8,"Border-monitoring movement survives, expands",7 +13,"Last year, the state House passed a resolution calling for a moratorium, but it was never brought to a vote in the Senate.",12 +13,Bush is not unique in this role. Texas politics sometimes degenerates into contests in which candidates try to outbid each other in the number of people they promise to execute.,12 +12,Activists march downtown for workers' rights,11 +15,Hair trigger,14 +6,"That's the law under attack - even though it's working just great, thank you.",5 +1,Spending for Immigrants,0 +5,"For the second time in less than a year, the Missouri Supreme Court has struck down a death sentence over concerns that St. Louis County prosecutors removed blacks from juries for ""racially discriminatory reasons.""",4 +15,The Machinery of Death,14 +1,"against tobacco companies - posed the idea of buying Knight Ridder, United Press International, or some other media outlet. + +Knight Ridder is the parent company of The Inquirer and the Daily News. + +The documents were found among 33 million pages of private tobacco company papers",0 +7,"Indeed, New York City as a whole has experienced a 30 percent drop in murders and shootings this year, a phenomenon that is being attributed to - among other things - drug dealers' worry about being caught with their guns (and penalized under stiff anti-handgun laws).",6 +5,"No state now allows same-sex marriages, but Hawaii may permit them by the end of next year because of a pending court case, those on both sides say.",4 +5,"After the hearing, Lawrence said only that the defense would ask the state Supreme Court to review the case. And the lawyers have asked the U.S. Supreme Court, which refused in October to hear the case, to reconsider its decision. +",4 +10," But it has also offered new hope to people like Mr. Cardinal who are stuck in a marriage they cannot dissolve. +",9 +5,ou may convince some court of your innocence on appeal.,4 +13,Debate Over Gun Control Is One-Sided in Idaho,12 +12,"Immigrant rights advocates condemned a decision that they said would plunge thousands of families into uncertainty. +",11 +4,"By those measures, it has seemed to us that the arguments are strong for allowing committed gay and lesbian couples to enjoy the benefits and obligations that accrue to civil marriage",3 +15,THE REGION,14 +6,Is it fair to call them 'assault weapons'?,5 +5,Tigar will pass on state case,4 +11,"The company co-sponsored the tournament as part of its 'Tobacco is Whacko - If You're a Teen' program, but the efforts were sure to backfire, critics say.",10 +9," Mr. Summerlin, who is mentally ill and functionally retarded, was sentenced by a judge who was using drugs heavily, who made incoherent comments during the case, who may have confused the facts of his trial with another capital case before him and who was later disbarred",8 +7, have been among the 246 people executed in the state,6 +6,"Gun violence panel focuses on parental neglect, other woes Toy gun buy-back program and summer job initiative emerge from three-hour discussion, are small steps toward reversing epidemic. +",5 +7, prosecute gun criminals.,6 +13,That is what state Attorney General Michael Bowers,12 +13," +CLINTON FEELS `NO GUILT' OVER KILLER'S EXECUTION",12 +12,The gay marriage movement scores new victories in Utah and Indiana,11 +13,"To Curb Gun Violence, Clinton Has a Plan for Possible Executive Action",12 +12, NRA,11 +5,"""We are very anxious to get this case into court as soon as possible,"" Gibbons said. ""We are ready to go to trial now.""",4 +12, gay and lesbian activists,11 +9, I just want my patients to be safe.,8 +1,"Mr. DeLoca, 63, is the forthright and amiable owner of the Seneca Sporting Range in Ridgewood, Queens, which has a shooting area for 15 in the rear, for serious target training.",0 +6,"Gore cited a surgeon general's report that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer and other diseases in non-smokers. ""Secondhand smoke isn't just unpleasant. It is a risk to the public health,"" Gore said.",5 +13,The Brooksville resident said she was hearing from many of her elderly constituents who were worried that illegal immigrants were depriving their grandchildren of jobs.,12 +3,Presbyterian panel calls for same-sex union ban,2 +13,"Conflicted and uneasy, they are members of a closely watched, endlessly lobbied and emotionally frazzled club in the State Senate these days: the Undecided Eight, whose votes will determine whether New York this year becomes the largest state in the nation to allow gay couples to wed.",12 +5,"is attorneys argued for moving the retrial away from Camden County, saying that the extensive publicity surrounding the case would make it impossible to select an impartial jury. Baxter declared a mistrial last November when Neulander's jury could not reach a verdict. +",4 +11, We have over 300 million guns in this country,10 +5,"When coming from abroad, those workers require so-called H-1B visas. To qualify, a foreign national must have a job offer in an occupation requiring specialized knowledge and training and expert skills.",4 +5,The Legislature's own lawyers issued an opinion Thursday that declared unconstitutional a plan to allow public college and university presidents a say on whether guns would be allowed on their campuses.,4 +1,"''We just don't feel that it gives us the ability to effectively compete for the business of adult tobacco consumers,'' said David Howard, a spokesman for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, which makes Camel cigarettes.",0 +13,"will go to both chambers for a vote Friday, the final day of the 2003 session.",12 +13, HOUSE VOTE DEALS A STINGING DEFEAT TO GUN CONTROLS,12 +5,Singleton's defense argued that the Arkansas inmate was in a precarious situation,4 +5,Judge declines to drop death penalty for Fort Hood shooter,4 +9,"It was a strange week of contrasting news about cigarette smoking and nicotine. Two studies cautiously found benefits in nicotine, although neither says they outweigh the toxic effects of smoking. Three other studies came down hard on smoking and the effects of secondhand smoke.",8 +13,Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin says Trumps move is wrong and we must right this wrong.,12 +5,"Thomas Hardiman, possible Supreme Court nominee, seen as 'Second Amend-ment extremist'",4 +4,"Davis, who is black, has repeatedly denied he fatally shot white off-duty Savannah cop Mark MacPhail on Aug. 19, 1989.",3 +6,California's progress this summer has been nothing short of remarkable. Just last month the state enacted the country's toughest ban on assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition clips. It also cracked down on gun trafficking by limiting individual handgun purchases to one a month -- a sensible idea that has gone nowhere in Washington. Then last week Governor Davis directed all state agencies to destroy confiscated and other out-of-service firearms instead of selling them.,5 +5,"""Confusion reigns, your honor,"" Robert Rubin, of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights in San Francisco, told U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan during a hearing in Washington.",4 +12,Poll Watch: Americans Fear More Terrorist Attacks but Have Mixed Views on Gun Control,11 +13,Democrats push to legalize same-sex marriage in New Jersey,12 +1,DEALERS IN WAIT-SEE STANCE,0 +15,A Clear Path to Curb Smoking,14 +12," +The results show 69% of Democrats said same-sex marriage should be legal, compared with 56% last year. Among independents, 59% were in favor, compared with 49% last year. Republican views on the issue didn't budge from the 28% who said they support gay marriage last year.",11 +15,Gays and Marriage in America,14 +5,THE sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court,4 +5,"A lawyer briefed on the administration's internal debate said that when it came to that category, ""some of the policy people were pushing too hard to do things the lawyers thought were questionable."" Ultimately, the lawyers won.",4 +12,"Students are rallying. Voices are saying ""enough.""",11 +1,$ 1.43 billion,0 +7,"However, because of misdemeanor convictions in the 1990s -- domestic violence for Valente, and drunk and disorderly conduct and resisting arrest for Manuel -- both received deportation summons in 2008",6 +13,"The veto by Democratic Gov. Jeanne Shaheen, which was expected, came a day after the Senate passed the measure, 14-10, endorsing a House vote taken in March.",12 +13,"The race, in which Senator Dianne Feinstein, a liberal Democrat, is seeking re-election in the face of a strong challenge from Representative Michael Huffington, a conservative Republican from Santa Barbara, was marked in its final hours by more bitter exchanges over illegal immigration.",12 +5,"Murray Bring, Philip Morris's general counsel, said at a news conference in Washington.",4 +5, Five have hired lawyer John Grandoff,4 +5,"Since 2003, seven states, including three that border New York, have legalized same-sex marriage. But in two of the seven -- California last year and Maine last month -- statewide referendums have restricted marriage to straight couples, prohibiting gay nuptials.",4 +5,The ruling by Circuit Court Judge John K. Moore means the 12 jurors picked to decide Novak's guilt in an upcoming capital murder trial would make no recommendation on his punishment.,4 +5, legal,4 +1,"At first glance, the billboard above a busy intersection here about eight miles west of downtown has all the markings of a classic cigarette advertisement. Expansive skies, mesquite-covered hills and bronzed cowboys, pausing on their horses for a trail-side chat, paint a picture of Marlboro country.",0 +12," +PRIMARY",11 +6,Bill takes aim at special treatment for gunmaker,5 +12,"Do you have a question on the news - local, national or international?",11 +1,"ars, restaurants and bingo halls.",0 +1,"The project, called the Northern Wisconsin Tobacco Exposition, has received $46,500 in state grants to help participants maintain their vines.",0 +5,Oxendine ordered to honor domestic-partner insurance,4 +9,CIGARETTE MAKERS OPEN TOP-SECRET LIST OF CHEMICALS,8 +1,North Carolina taxpayers were paying the bill,0 +7,"State police expect to reject only about 10 percent of the total requests, Hackenberg said.",6 +15,Where's The Apology,14 +5,"Prosecutor Rob Spencer sought to strike him as biased against the death penalty because he wrote ""killing is always wrong"" on a jury questionnaire and he said that he only left the ACLU, which advocates abolishing the death penalty, out of a desire to save money.",4 +5,"Common sense applies to 2nd Amendment, too",4 +1,Tobacco Industry's Dogged Nemesis,0 +5,"Two Bay Area law professors predict Supreme Court will invalidate both Prop 8 And DOMA, but on narrow grounds +",4 +13,Obama makes push for 'smart guns',12 +13,"Obama's history-making use of the word 'gay,' and why it matters",12 +6,Bill's failure lights a fire under no-smoking push,5 +5,"Fargo, N.D. / Hearing sought in Sjodin-case appeal +",4 +15,Nico-teens,14 +4, Schlup says he has new evidence showing his innocence,3 +5,Black Journalist Granted Stay of Execution by the Judge Who Sentenced Him,4 +13,"Obama Campaign Pushes the Issue Of Gay Marriage +",12 +12,Hecklers mar ceremony for shooting heroes,11 +3,"Anthony Medearis II, the father of Williams' other victim, Anthony Medearis III, 22, said simply, ""Justice is served."" Medearis was an acquaintance of Williams who Williams tried to rob.",2 +11, Georgia's conservative majority,10 +5,SWIFTMUD AT FAULT IN GUN CLUB CASE,4 +10,In nine minutes filled with tension and the muffled sobs of a dead woman's suffering mother,9 +15,No way home,14 +5,Sierra LaMar: Lead detective gave false testimony in another murder trial,4 +5,Aspiring Castro Valley rapper pleads guilty to killing four in Virginia,4 +13," +Pro-gun pols to muzzle debate +",12 +5,Plea deal reportedly near for accused Cleveland abductor,4 +13,One big challenge in Obama's immigration plan? ,12 +5, A Madison County judge,4 +6," But I honestly believe that we can save someone's life down the line by trying to come up with common-sense, reasonable regulations on military-type assault weapons. ..",5 +5," +Split decision in Delgaudio copyright lawsuit",4 +5,"Regulation is out, litigation is in",4 +13,"Here is what Mr. Obama told Robin Roberts of ABC News in May: ''What you're seeing is, I think, states working through this issue in fits and starts, all across the country. Different communities are arriving at different conclusions, at different times. And I think that's a healthy process and a healthy debate. And I continue to believe that this is an issue that is going be worked out at the local level, because historically, this has not been a federal issue, what's recognized as a marriage.'' +",12 +5,following the acquittal of George Zimmerman,4 +5," +The ruling stated that the defendants' argument that bans on marriage for same-sex couples promotes ""the welfare of children, by encouraging good parenting in stable opposite sex families,"" had no evidence of to support it. +",4 +5," The case does not involve the inmate whose death warrant the governor signed, but the judge's order may hold up all executions, including the one now scheduled for November.",4 +5,"Geragos criticized the preliminary-hearing process, which allows police to testify about statements witnesses made during the investigation, without those witnesses being subject to cross-examination. +",4 +5,Court hears same-sex wedding case,4 +9,"Bill Tuttle, a former American League outfielder who waged a campaign against the use of chewing tobacco after developing oral cancer that left him disfigured, died Monday at a hospice in Brooklyn Center, Minn. Mr. Tuttle, who lived in Anoka, Minn., and who had been battling cancer since 1993, was 69.",8 +3,"Against a backdrop of the first week of legal gay marriages in California, the nation's largest Presbyterian denomination opened its biennial meeting in San Jose on Saturday amid deep divisions over whether gays and lesbians should be ordained and same-sex marriages recognized.",2 +6,Future of firearm laws no better than the past,5 +9,ANTIDEPRESSANT URGED TO HELP SMOKERS QUI,8 +1,A Pennsylvania tax idea goes up in smoke,0 +5,Testimony makes no case for 'stand your ground',4 +7, Bacon is scheduled to die Friday by lethal injection.,6 +5," +LAWYERS SEEK DELAY OF KILLER'S EXECUTION",4 +7,Accomplices In Killing Of Policeman Are Sentenced,6 +5," +COURTS",4 +12,Most of California's Black Voters Backed Gay Marriage Ban,11 +15,FOCUS ON TOBACCO COUNTRY,14 +13,"But McKinley, 17, and Johnson, 16, are not politicians. They're not professional lobbyists, citizen activists, concerned parents or State House staffers. They're students at Prince George's Potomac High School who spent six days tracking bills, running errands for the county's senators and delegates and even testifying at committee hearings.",12 +9, State officials said the suspension was prompted by a concern over public safety. ,8 +11,"And the euphoria spread to the streets of San Francisco, where about 1 million people reportedly joined the celebration at the city's 41st annual pride parade.",10 +12,Herhold: Prop. 8 foes are wrong on boycott,11 +9," More children 13 and under are killed by drowning than by handguns. In fact, more children 5 and under are killed by poisoning than by handguns.",8 +1," contributed $10,000 to the National Organization for Marriage,",0 +7,"He could still encourage many of New York's 1 million illegal immigrants to put their names, addresses and photographs into the Department of Motor Vehicles database - providing an invaluable resource for law enforcement.",6 +5,CALIF. KILLER INDICTED IN '70S SLAYS OF 2 MANHATTAN WOMEN,4 +5,CHALLENGE TO BRADY LAW IS BIGGEST CASE BEFORE HIGH COURT,4 +13,"Pols seek to curb crisis +",12 +4,ruled that gay and lesbian couples have the same rights as married couples,3 +6, a bill that would force the state police to destroy records of gun purchases shortly after the sales are made.,5 +13,"Mr. Moynihan, Democrat of New York,",12 +5,"JURY RECOMMENDS DEATH PENALTY IN KILLING OF LINDELL TRUST GUARD +",4 +5,JUSTICES EXTEND FIREARM RIGHTS IN 5-TO-4 RULING,4 +9,Mentally retarded killers also are exempted from execution in the federal justice system.,8 +1,"who has received more than $ 350,000",0 +12,Even as an armed group staged a protest at a federal building in Oregon,11 +13,"The chances of a comprehensive deal passing Congress remain doubtful, advocates cautioned, and they worry that the legislative process will spill into 2014, presenting new complications in a year when lawmakers face reelection battles. +",12 +7,CALIF. WILL LET GAY CONS WED FREE PARTNERS,6 +13,Senators pass youth gun bill,12 +11,Mr. Antone was the 12th person executed in the United States since the Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment eight years ago.,10 +5,"Unfortunately, argued Howard Baum, a Government lawyer, the law makes no such provision. In this case, ruled Judge Henry Bramwell, it does.",4 +13,Concealed-gun law clears House panel,12 +6,"It sounds like a recipe for trouble. Ban all forms of tobacco in a prison where 80 percent of the more than 1,200 inmates and half the guards smoke or chew tobacco.",5 +5,Judge: State must allow gay marriages,4 +1,"with more than 11,000 pounds of flue-cured tobacco allotted to his farm.",0 +3," ""I believe the state has a role in defining the standards of morality for our culture. Some people say, 'You can't legislate morality.' We make statements on morality in all of our laws.''",2 +7,"Customs Jails 1,000 Suspected Gang Members; 11 in D.C. Area Arrested; MS-13 Is a Main Target",6 +13,". Will Colorado voters oust either, both, or neither of the Democrats facing a recall election? Colorado state Senate President John Morse and state Sen. Angela Giron face recall elections Tuesday in a campaign that has shaped up as referendum on gun laws. Both voted for new gun-control measures this year, setting the stage for the opposition to seek to remove them from power. ",12 +15,Same-sex marriage tense topic for Kaine,14 +11,Texas scheduled to execute its 300th inmate since 1982,10 +13,Military burial ban faces House hearings,12 +5,An attorney,4 +6,"""But we don't think the ban",5 +13,"Still, Yee had one other tobacco donation to answer for:",12 +5," ""But I know defending the Second Amendment is the right thing to do. And so I've led the charge year in and year out to do just that.""",4 +5,"On Voting Rights, A Missed Opportunity",4 +13,A Different Kind of Gay Marriage Debate,12 +11,"American arrests of illegal crossers from countries other than Mexico -- mostly from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador -- more than doubled along the southwest border of the United States last year, to 94,532 from 46,997 in 2011.",10 +13,Republicans may finally be feeling the heat on guns,12 +7," +The charges stem from a string of gruesome sex-torture killings in",6 +7," the first Pentagon officer killed in the line of duty in the agency's 61-year history -- an ""enormous blow"" to the police force.",6 +5,Supreme Court real culprit in tragedy,4 +6,Anti-Smoking Law Moves On Over Objections,5 +13,CHRISTIE: DON'T EXPECT ME TO EMBRACE N.Y. LAW,12 +7, It seems to me that crooks acquiring firearms from their friends and family have circumvented the Brady law. Crooks clearly are still getting guns.,6 +4,"DEPUTIES, PROSECUTORS FACE TRIAL IN WRONGFUL CONVICTION CASE",3 +11,"Gay civil rights activist and Super Bowl champion Brendon Ayanbadejo says a heterosexual couple - his Irish-American mother and Nigerian father - sparked his interest in marriage equality and LGBT issues. +",10 +6, where concealed handguns are permitted.,5 +6,Fighting Same-Sex Policy Seems to Be Uphill Battle,5 +5,"Lawyers in the case have written 10 briefs on the subject. Fairfax Circuit Court Judge Jonathan C. Thacher, who is considering the issue, said last week that he would decide soon whether the capital murder charges in Fairfax should be dismissed.",4 +7,Is the death penalty worth it?,6 +7, was literally a life or death moment for many Florida inmates awaiting execution.,6 +5,"Justice Major Harding, whom Mr. Cantero will replace. Justice Harding had urged the governor and Legislature to consult with the court before the special session on the death penalty. They didn't.",4 +13,Putting the gay marriage debate to rest,12 +12,and the national debate over the issue was catapulted forward,11 +15,The Guns of Virginia,14 +5," +EDGAR GIVES PARDON TO 2 EX-RESIDENTS OF DEATH ROW",4 +5,Appeal filed for Rolling,4 +13,I hereby indict the legislators who oppose gun control ,12 +13,"Given the strong emotions and aggressive lobbying that have surrounded gun-control initiatives in Maryland and elsewhere, some legislators are predicting a tough battle over the Glendening plan when the legislature convenes in January.",12 +13,"Stutzman declined to clarify Schwarzenegger's statements on the constitutional amendment Monday night. ""I think his words were clear,"" he said in an e-mail",12 +5, Gay marriage ruling a disappointment,4 +12,BUCKING THE NRA,11 +13,Minority caucuses push for bill that limits cooperation on immigration,12 +5,"But ""personal opinion"" aside, Bloomberg said city lawyers think the state Constitution explicitly bans gay marriage.",4 +4,". Either she had a fair trial or she was robbed of an adequate defense by a hard-drinking, ethically challenged lawyer who kept her as a client despite having a conflict of interest that weakened her case.",3 +4,"As Andrews' execution nears, the NAACP has launched a campaign demanding ''equal justice.'' ''Everything he did was hideous,'' says Alberta Henry, 71, head of the NAACP of Salt Lake City. ''I don't care what sentence he gets - as long as it's not death.'' +",3 +2,GAY-MARRIAGE CRUSH LIKELY AGAIN TODAY,1 +5,"Gay ruling not his to make +",4 +5,The state Supreme Court yesterday upheld the murder conviction and death sentence of Ambrose Harris in the rape and slaying of a Bucks County artist.,4 +9,Immigrants who were injured in the crash were treated at local hospitals. ,8 +7,"The barrage drove the intruder out of her home, where he was later arrested. +",6 +7,GO AFTER ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS' EMPLOYERS,6 +13,Opinion: Democrats no better on immigration than GOP,12 +13,Republicans on immigration reform: Before and after,12 +11,"Amy Schumer is riding high as America's new ""it"" girl, comedy genius and feminist icon.",10 +11,Apple's Emoji Gun Control,10 +7,"irl's killer is given sentence of death ""There are no winners here, only losers,"" judge says +",6 +9,"""We are here talking about people who have lost their lives. I am concerned that I may end up being one of those people."" +",8 +7,"Or, for that matter, make it a little harder for the next thug to cut someone down on the streets of Brownsville or the South Bronx.",6 +5,"Ruling's impact on Georgia gay couples unclear, for now",4 +7, the measure maintains a provision that allows for taking badges away from officers who lie in murder cases without having to convict them.,6 +5,"Legal same-sex weddings in Florida could be just 30 days away, after a federal appeals court decision this week that also has implications for Georgia's ban on gay marriage.",4 +9,"Zick says he knows it causes cancer, but he isn't worried. And Zick says he could quit anytime.",8 +13,"Senate Democratic aides said that unlike debates in recent years on health-care reform and fiscal policy, Reid is likely to step back on the gun issue, allowing longtime gun control advocates, including Sens. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), to steer legislation to consideration by the full Senate.",12 +7,"These are tough times for law enforcement officers, whose lives are increasingly threatened by heavily armed criminals. Now the General Assembly wants to put police at even greater risk.",6 +10,"''I guess some people feel I should abandon her,'' Hawkins said. ''To me, it's like she was dying of cancer or anything else. I want to be with her as much as I can.''",9 +12,Marriage question to go before Ariz. voters,11 +13,"And with its last few few days in session this year, Congress is debating the best way to regulate this new technology as it renews a law that bans weapons security systems can't detect.",12 +13,"The announcement, which came at the 37th annual New Jersey Conference of Mayors convention, was made by Atlantic City Mayor James Whelan, president of the group.",12 +8," If people want to play with such tools, they should join the military,",7 +5,Judge Rules Against Tobacco Companies in U.S. Lawsuit,4 +8,'We have to harden our schools': Trump makes arming teachers his top safety goal,7 +7,Call the police when you have an intruder in your house or when you're getting mugged in the grocery store parking lot.,6 +7,"Wright's execution came hours after another triple-murderer, Michael Torrence, 35, was put to death in South Carolina. + +Before his execution, Wright issued a statement of remorse for the death of a 10-year-old Portland boy he claimed to have abducted and killed in 1984. +",6 +7,LIFE TERM FOR DUI SLAYINGS MURDER-CASE JURY REJECTS DEATH PENALTY,6 +7, crime to negligently leave a handgun,6 +3,"Hill, 40, claimed that killing abortion doctors like John Bayard Britton is divinely sanctioned and portrayed himself as a martyr.",2 +13,Wexton defends vote on guns deal criticized by Democratic opponent,12 +6,His ballistics fingerprinting proposal would require dealers and gun-makers to send to a state lab a test bullet and shell casing from every handgun they sell in the state.,5 +11,"More than 30,000 immigrants have arrived in New York City from the Soviet Union in the last eight years, and while many older Russians retain their Slavic language and customs, nearly all the younger Russian immigrants are hurrying to adopt the manners and habits of native New Yorkers. I'll make a brand-new start of it in old",10 +13,"Last Tuesday, she dramatically confronted Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) at a town hall meeting for voting against expanded background checks. +",12 +5,FLORIDA HIGH COURT UPHOLDS DEATH PENALTY LAW,4 +5,"""Mr. Giarratano has received the benefit of exhaustive legal review,"" Ms. Terry said in a statement issued by her office. ""I am convinced Mr. Giarratano committed the crimes. He is not entitled to a new trial.""",4 +6," +U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo., launched the proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution, saying the nation needs to protect the institution of marriage. + +Carroll said the state should not be involved in the fight over defining marriage. He said state lawmakers should be focused on how to put thousands of Coloradans back to work and how to improve health care and housing for all citizens. +",5 +13,"Coleman made the statement in response to a reporter's question during a conference call Coleman initiated to talk about Sen. John Kerry's voting in advance of Kerry's visit to the Twin Cities today. +",12 +15,EYE OPENERS,14 +7, They were charged in an indictment alleging a conspiracy to bring up to a dozen guns illegally into New York City at a time.,6 +13,"Reviving one of California's most contentious political issues, the state's voters in November will have their first opportunity in more than three decades to consider",12 +13,"In his years as mayor, Mr. Giuliani became a national leader in pushing stricter gun laws, lobbying Congress to outlaw most military-style assault weapons, joining lawsuits against the gun industry and complaining about lax gun laws in the South. Before he spoke, someone, perhaps from an opposing campaign, had left leaflets highlighting some of Mr. Giuliani's past comments, including an interview he gave Charlie Rose in 1995.",12 +13,Gilmore was attacking the Senate's sweeping tobacco bill,12 +5,Lawsuits Against Handguns,4 +12,Group tries to stop challenge to gun law,11 +7,Lesbian seeking marriage license arrested,6 +6,The laws enacted by the federal government and many states in 1994 ostensibly to ban certain classes of assault weapons have mostly misfired.,5 +9,A Dying Smoker's Tale,8 +11,Ask Amy: Brother's Smoking Singes Sister,10 +5,Ruling upholding gay-marriage ban makes little sense,4 +13,White House Plan on Immigration Includes Legal Status,12 +13,Fulton County commissioners call for additional gun measures,12 +11,IMMIGRANT IMAGES; A young photographer hits the road to find and photograph 'the real face of Minnesota.',10 +13, House members planned a tour,12 +7,"Slawson, 34, faces four counts of first-degree murder and one count of manslaughter in the April 12 deaths of Gerald and Peggy Wood, their two children and their unborn son. +",6 +5,"The state and the Tyler school district appealed to the Supreme Court. The case, Pyler v. Doe, No. 80-1538, has set off emotional debate throughout Texas, with state officials arguing that Texas should not be made to bear the financial burden of providing social services to those who are in the country only because of the Federal Government's failure to enforce the immigration laws.",4 +3,SAME-SEX COUPLES TRADE VOWS AT LINCOLN MEMORIAL,2 +5,City to shield ID card holders,4 +1, is planning to test,0 +1,CIG FIRMS LOSE TO INSURERS,0 +13,Among the priorities of a new Virginia congressman: Void D.C.'s strict gun laws;,12 +1,"SSA ""is now processing some retirement spouse claims for same-sex couples and paying benefits where they are due,""",0 +5,"And the court decides on its own that the Second Amendment doesn't invalidate the carrying ban: +",4 +8,who demonstrate a need to be able to carry a gun to protect themselves. ,7 +9,The Dying Room,8 +5, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decreed gay marriage a right ,4 +11,Amy Schumer steps into gun control debate,10 +6,Waivers are not what is needed here; action to wipe this legislation from the books is the remedy that we should demand.,5 +8, terrorism trials,7 +7,Fine the Employers Of the Exploited,6 +3," ""evolving standards of decency""",2 +13,"In 2013, Bloomberg infuriated Democrats by paying for television ads attacking Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), one of a handful of Senate Democrats who helped defeat legislation to expand background checks for gun purchases.",12 +6,Immigration bill hurts more than it helps,5 +6,Brady takes effect for long guns,5 +1,mostly for economic reasons.,0 +5,"On June 17, the couple's attorneys responded that the couple had taken no action to merit being sued, that the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the suit, and that the suit sought only ""an advisory opinion.""",4 +7,POLICE BLAST COST OF GUN CHECKS SOME SAY CRIME FIGHTING WILL BE CUT TO OBEY BRADY LAW,6 +11,Replace smoking with a new ritual,10 +9,"""I am sure people in the city are dying of secondhand something every day.""",8 +13,McCollum backer uses past decision to attack Nelson,12 +11,Not far from the site of one of the worst gun massacres in San Francisco history,10 +5,The language is from the Second Amendment to the Constitution and serves as a mantra to people who insist that the Government may not take away their guns.,4 +6,"The second truth is that our current immigration practice amounts to letting anyone stay who is lucky, clever or desperate enough to get in and not get caught for a serious crime. This practice is neither careful nor thoughtful. Moreover, it contradicts our legal position, which is never a good strategy. Consequently, an effort to rationalize our policies is a very good idea.",5 +4,Divide and Discriminate,3 +5,4TH JURY SAYS MORGAN GUILTY OF STUART WIDOW'S MURDER,4 +13,"Gore talks tobacco, state politics",12 +9," And now here I was, watching the clinical, calculated procedure used by the state of California to kill a man. +",8 +5,"The licensing division has been the subject of a Federal inquiry since November, when the bigamy case of a gun dealer raised allegations of improprieties in license issuing.",4 +13,"The White House's statement was issued as Trump spent time at Trump International Golf Club here, about 35 miles from Parkland.",12 +7,enacted after the back-to-back assassinations of Sen. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. in the spring of that year.,6 +13,"Ryan began the reform process in January 2000, when he declared a moratorium on executions.",12 +13,"In many countries the government in power has determined that its citizens don't need the right to gather in peaceful demonstrations, don't need to elect officials democratically, and don't need to publish newspapers with anything other than government-sanctioned ideology.",12 +5,A Rush for Work Visas Even as Demand Dips,4 +6,"Anyone wanting to carry a concealed handgun legally under North Carolina's new law must meet certain requirements, including: + +* Must be a U.S. citizen at least 21 years old and a resident of North Carolina for at least 30 days. + +* Must successfully complete an approved firearms safety and training course that covers, among other things, state laws regarding use of deadly force. + +* Cannot suffer from a physical or mental infirmity that prevents safe handling of a gun. + +* Cannot have any previous felony conviction. + +* Cannot be under indictment for or be subject to a finding of probable cause involving a felony. + +* Cannot have a history of criminal violence. + +* Cannot have a history of mental illness. + +* Cannot have a history of alcohol or drug abuse. + +* Cannot be a fugitive from justice. + +* Cannot have been discharged from the military under conditions less than honorable. + +* Cannot have been convicted within the past three years of driving while impaired. + +* Cannot have a trial, appeal or sentencing pending for a crime that would disqualify the applicant from obtaining a concealed handgun permit. + +* Cannot have entered a prayer for judgment for a crime that would disqualify the applicant from obtaining a concealed handgun permit. + +Those who meet the requirements must submit to their local sheriffs: + +* An application form completed under oath.",5 +6,Bill on same-sex marriage stalls,5 +5," +Liability limits at issue in tobacco settlement",4 +11,ATLANTA PRIDE FESTIVAL,10 +5,TOUGH QUESTIONS FOR POTENTIAL STEELE JURORS,4 +13,"In 1988, the bill was defeated in the House by 36 votes. Last year, House Speaker Thomas Foley blocked the bill from the floor, and a second vote. + +Supporters said this year they have Foley's assurances of a floor vote, which they expect before Memorial Day. + +A Senate fight still looms. ''Right now it's an uphill battle. After this endorsement, that could change,'' said Sen. Paul Simon, D-Ill. + +Gun control opponents, meanwhile, minimized the impact of Reagan's endorsement. + +''It seems he doesn't understand how the bill will operate,'' said Larry Pratt, executive director of the Gun Owners of America.",12 +11,former smokers,10 +10,"Keebler's grandmother, Nita McCulty, testified that her grandson was born out of wedlock to a mother who was 17 and a father who never acknowledged that Keebler was his son.",9 +12,Few mourned his execution.,11 +7," +Hill's execution had been scheduled last July.",6 +5,His lawyer believes he had a strong case for citizenship.,4 +5,suing,4 +10,and spend more evenings with his family.,9 +5,"amending the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage outright. +",4 +5,"However, a decision last month by a federal appeals court will leave one of the state's neediest groups with no coverage for prenatal care: undocumented, pregnant immigrant women. +",4 +5,"The highest court, the Court of Appeals, gave no indication of how it would rule.",4 +15,Soliloquy in the shower,14 +5," Jurors doubted the testimony of three teens who placed Alfred ""Heavy"" Rivera at the scene of a double murder and acquitted the former death row inmate.",4 +3,CONDEMN GAY NUPS Clergy bring 'biblical view' to City Hall rally,2 +1,RJR unfazed by rejection of offering,0 +13,"The vote was significant because it was supported by Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the committee's senior Republican, signaling that the measure may well pass the full Senate this spring. +",12 +6,BROAD TOBACCO BAN REJECTED,5 +13,Some social conservatives contend that it is only a matter of time before a federal court attempts to force the federal government or the other 49 states to recognize the same-sex marriages that Massachusetts began sanctioning in mid-May.,12 +9,GROUP FILES FOR DELAY IN GARY HEIDNIK EXECUTION / IT SAYS THE MURDERER IS MENTALLY INCOMPETENT TO DECIDE WHETHER HIS SENTENCE SHOULD PROCEED.,8 +13,"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, one of the most outspoken defenders of Wall Street, has sided against one of the financial industry's biggest critics in a hotly contested Senate race in his native Massachusetts.",12 +12," said Felix Sparks, director of the anti-gun PUNCH organization.",11 +5,Ex-lobbyist to testify against gun industry,4 +12,Effort to block gay marriages likely to revive fervent debate,11 +13,CONGRESS LIKELY TO TAKE UP HIGH-PROFILE GAY UNION ISSUE,12 +13," President Barack Obama memorialized on Sunday the victims of the Washington Navy Yard shooting by urging Americans not to give up on a transformation in gun laws . ""There is nothing inevitable about it - it comes about because of decisions we make or fail to make,"" Obama said.",12 +15,On the defense: Criminal science,14 +13,Democrats' new gun-control strategy: Flatter Trump on TV;,12 +13, November ballot initiative,12 +13,"Those deaths loomed as the annual fight over gun control heated up Wednesday on Capitol Hill with introduction of ''The Felon Handgun Purchase Prevention Act'' by Rep. Harley Staggers Jr., D-W.Va.",12 +9,"""We have looked at the data . . . (and) it does not convince me that smoking causes death,""",8 +3,Banning gay marriage doesn't seem like a Christian thing,2 +7,"Three accused of selling beer, tobacco to minor",6 +6,"The law would apply to active-duty personnel. Retired military workers could be returned to active duty on order of the military services and court-martialed on espionage charges, making them subject to the death penalty. But the law would not be retroactive.",5 +4," It has to be examined on its merits -- on the basis of fairness, justice and practicality.",3 +15,REGISTRY SET FOR APPROVAL,14 +9,"""We're experiencing overcrowding in the ERs throughout this county and others in the region,"" Erickson said. ""I propose that funds be earmarked to increase the number of beds in our hospitals.""",8 +13,Immigration Is Lead Topic As Leaders Are Gathered,12 +5,Massachusetts has been embroiled in a heated constitutional battle because of it,4 +9, CDC: Ads may have spurred teen smoking,8 +10," +Using the Luebke standard, a homeowner could rent out a room to someone in exchange for domestic partner status, or an illegal alien working for the county could extend his benefits to whatever buddy happens to be staying with him. And where does this all leave the poor guy who is ""committed"" to having sex with two women and a 15-year-old boy for spice?",9 +13,PARENTS OF SLAIN STUDENT VISIT CLINTON,12 +6," the legislation sent a ""very loud and clear message"" to criminals.",5 +11,"The marksmanship program dates to 1903, when it was started because military officials were startled by the number of soldiers in the Spanish- American War who couldn't accurately fire their weapons.",10 +9,"Fortunately for all, the teen-ager was only slightly wounded",8 +5,"Citizenship For 6,000 In Ceremony In Queens",4 +5,"n the night Keller refused to keep the court open, Michael Richard's lawyers had asked to file a last-minute appeal. They appealed through the federal system instead, and the Supreme Court turned down his case. ",4 +13,Obama Said 'I Don't.' He May Just Mean It.,12 +9,"The cause was congestive heart failure, his son, Ross Jr., said. +",8 +1,California budget: Gov. Jerry Brown unveils state earned income tax credit and UC tuition deal,0 +13,PRO-WEAPON POL STIRS FURY IN NEWTOWN,12 +7,To encourage the illegal sale of guns on the one hand,6 +7,ndrews didn't kill anyone.,6 +5,"In Minnesota, the state's second-largest law firm, Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi, of Minneapolis, handles virtually all of the day-to-day legal work for the Minnesota attorney general, including reviewing millions of pages of internal tobacco industry documents handed over in the litigation.",4 +12,AMNESTY GROUP CONDEMNS EXECUTION OF FLORIDA KILLER,11 +13,FERRER HITS BACK ON AMNESTY CALL,12 +7,"Lincoln, 71, who was convicted for manslaughter and two counts of first-degree assault, is serving two life sentences at Jefferson City Correctional Center for the crimes. +",6 +13,If President Obama wins re-election,12 +12,"Opposed by the National Rifle Association,",11 +1,"The cost to rent City Hall for a wedding is $125, and a renewal of vows costs $75. +",0 +9,devising a plan to advance important public health goals,8 +9,"It is unclear how rigorous the hunger strike is. Inmates said they are sustaining themselves on water and an occasional bite. Lewis Barlow, the jail superintendent, said that the strikers have been refusing meals but that most have been purchasing soup and snacks at the jail's commissary.",8 +1,"Other bars on the list include Antonio's Nut House in Palo Alto; Club 4, Southside Cafe and Original Joe's in San Jose; Lil' Otto's in Campbell; and Los Gatos' Boulevard Tavern. Two other bars on the list, Courts Lounge in Campbell and Xinh Xinh Cafe in San Jose",0 +13,Senate Rebuffs Same-Sex Marriage Ban,12 +13,"How the sausage is made: Hired guns, backroom deals",12 +1,Retail dealers who sell tobacco products,0 +5,"Florida law does prohibit a firearm registry, based on Florida Statute 790.335:",4 +7,NORRISTOWN MAN SENTENCED TO DEATH / JONATHAN FISHER WAS CONVICTED OF FATALLY SHOOTING A FELLOW DRUG DEALER IN 1998,6 +1,"The state welcomes undocumented workers to do essential jobs that legal residents have shunned -- - jobs in the poultry, agricultural and construction sectors. According to Teodoro Maus, the Mexican consul general in Atlanta, 99 percent of the illegal immigrants in Georgia are employed, but few can get to their workplaces via public transportation",0 +15,"City Hall Steps: Pulpit, and Now an Altar",14 +5,Jury may be sworn in today for murder trial,4 +9,Study shows e-cigarettes are helping smokers quit,8 +13,Hunt,12 +13,Obama Talks to Pro-Gun Senator,12 +7," +Missouri executes killer of jeweler",6 +13," Of senators representing states in the 11th District, only Georgia's Wyche Fowler Jr. voted against him.",12 +11,GUESS WHICH ONES CARRY GUNS,10 +5,"A U.S. District Court judge yesterday derailed Montgomery County's efforts to end gun shows held for the past decade at fairgrounds in Gaithersburg, ruling that the county cannot enforce its new gun show law within that city's borders",4 +5,But the sharply divided court avoided the broader question at the heart of one of the country's most passionate debates: whether a state has a right to forbid gay couples from walking down the aisle.,4 +13,BUSH SEEKS SOLUTION TO GUN-CONTROL ISSUE,12 +3,OUR OPINIONS: R.J. Reynolds stalks young women,2 +8,"Background checks would weed out the mentally ill, felons and drug users.",7 +5,GAY MARRIAGE BAN OK'D BY HOUSE SENATE PANEL TO TAKE UP CONSTITUTIONAL MEASURE,4 +13,"His three Republican challengers - dentist Charles Norwood, former legislator Bill Jackson and businessman Ralph Hudgens - jumped on the news quickly.",12 +4,"Finally proving Henry and Leon's innocence was a great victory, but what I cannot forget is that this case is, above all, a tragedy. Two innocent men - both intellectually disabled - spent three decades of their lives being, essentially, tortured by the state of North Carolina.",3 +12, The National Rifle Association,11 +5,The case the Court accepted today requires the Justices to decide whether the special circumstance of a sentence of death merits an exception to the general rule against requiring states to assist inmates with multiple appeals.,4 +13,California Dems pained to find names on tobacco list,12 +15,Loss of meaning,14 +13,"After the full House gave final approval to a measure by Rep. Doug Friednash, D-Denver,",12 +15,Don't fear immigration,14 +7,"For reasons that remain a mystery, a man walked into Gray's office at the shelter on a Friday morning earlier in November and shot him to death. +",6 +12,Most think legalizing of gay unions is inevitable,11 +5,"The arguments before the court yesterday focused on Friedman's decision to remove a juror after deliberations had begun, and on his instructions to the jury.",4 +11,"The number of permits issued in the state increased more than 70 percent, from roughly 12,800 in all of 2002 to more than 22,100 since May 28, 2003, when the law took effect. That's fewer than half of the 50,000 permits that lawmakers had estimated would be given out in the first year. +",10 +3,"""Papers or no papers, we are all human beings and part of one community ... a family,"" she said.",2 +13,"""It is important for me personally to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married,"" Obama said.",12 +11,"In Rarity, a Player Speaks Out for Gay Rights",10 +1,"Still, she said, money spent on anti-smoking efforts is a long way from the minimum of $33 million a year recommended by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",0 +13,NEW CONGRESS MAY ERASE IMMIGRATION HARD LINE,12 +13,"Gallegly said he would oppose any form of amnesty, and he pledged to quickly hold hearings to scrutinize the Obama administration's approach to work site enforcement and to expand the use of E-Verify, a program for employer screening of workers' immigration status.",12 +7,McConnell was stabbed four times in the chest in Buncombe County and thrown in a river.,6 +13,Senate Votes to Require Safety Locks on Guns,12 +9, from child-safety locks,8 +1,OLDIES BUT GOODIES: N.R.A.'s Big Spending Plans,0 +3," The signers include many influential evangelical Protestants, a few rabbis and an official of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.",2 +12,Calif. Gay-Marriage Ban Appears to Lose Support,11 +9,for the health consequences,8 +8,"Many fretted that the shootings were an al-Qaeda plot, coming as they did so close to the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. People avoided going outside and avoided self-serve gas stations.",7 +10," ''I am disappointed that the family of the victim, Junny Rios-Martinez, will have to continue to wait to see justice done.''",9 +13,The NRA has all the resources and powerful political allies it needs to dispense its fear-mongering nonsense to the public without the assistance of The Post.,12 +6,"STRENGTHEN PLANS, ADD GUN LIMITS",5 +13,POLITICAL HACKERY MAY TURN ANTI-TOBACCO FLACKER,12 +3,Man and woman are made for each other and marriage as defined by God. Homosexual marriage creates new national policy.,2 +5, A preliminary hearing that was scheduled for last week was delayed so Miller could undergo a mental evaluation.,4 +13,"Florida's governor, Charlie Crist, a Republican",12 +13,Bipartisan Senate plan for illegals nears vote,12 +12,approved by voters in a referendum,11 +1,Tobacco Firms Make 'First Installment' In Release of Secret Industry Documents,0 +1,"Fight for tobacco payout looms Owens' plan would settle for $ 800 million, use 10% to fix budget +",0 +1,the company supported,0 +5,Why should governments be sanctioning marriage --- any marriage --- in the first place?,4 +1,and economic,0 +7,"Nichols is charged with murder, conspiracy and weapons-related counts in the April 19, 1995, bombing that killed 168 people. If convicted, he faces the death penalty.",6 +7,Suspected Illegal Workers Found at Halliburton Job Site,6 +12,The same sentiment was voiced by city residents sitting in a crowded office awaiting the police interview required to obtain a carry permit.,11 +7,"The city has investigated 3,500 smoking complaints and issued 3,300 violations since the law took effect March 30, 2003.",6 +5,LAWSUIT TO MAKE GUN INDUSTRY PAY FOR SHOOTING DEATHS BEGINS,4 +7,"ILLINOIS PREPARES FOR EXECUTION +",6 +13,GOP legislators and same-sex marriage opponents hope to put a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage on the 2012 state ballot. Dayton couldn't block that effort because legislators can send constitutional amendments to voters without a governor's consent.,12 +13," The allocation of revenue required a two-thirds vote of approval, which the Legislature's supermajority of Democrats delivered.",12 +11,How Long Can We Afford to Glorify the Frontier Mentality?,10 +7,"The INS has long maintained only a token enforcement staff in the Tar Heel state. But the agency is raising its profile in response to a surge of immigration this decade to North Carolina, primarily from Latin America.",6 +7,"Convicted killer, 74, is executed",6 +5," +The death penalty phase of the trial is scheduled for May",4 +5,"New York City is creating its own official identification card, which is excellent news for immigrants without papers and other New Yorkers who hope to make their city a more secure and navigable place",4 +7,"who had been scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection at 6 p.m. local time in Huntsville, Tex., for two shotgun murders in 1995 in Houston.",6 +13,"Gov. Christie will get his first chance to change state gun laws after the Senate granted final approval Monday to several bills. +",12 +3,"IN EXECUTING BUNDY, WE MADE OURSELVES LESS HUMAN",2 +1, tax dollars could not be used to finance gun buybacks.,0 +11,IMMIGRANTS CHANGING FACE OF CITY,10 +5,"Now, three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit - all appointed by Democrats and two of whom joined in the civil rights ruling this year - are set to hear arguments Monday on same-sex marriage bans in Hawaii, Idaho and Nevada. +",4 +10,"he morning bell sounded, and the locks on the 120 cells in Virginia's Powhatan Correctional Center cranked open. It was 6:30 on March 3, 1985. Inmates began to saunter out, heading to the showers or breakfast. David Dunford, 28, who was doing a 15-year stretch for burglary, lingered in his 8-by-10-foot cell. +",9 +9,"Former White House press secretary Jim Brady dies JAMES BRADY, 1940-2014",8 +7,Evidence that Chilcote was tortured and robbed before he was killed,6 +3,Why not ban divorce as worst threat to families?,2 +6,"It would allow Denverites to officially record their partnerships to qualify for insurance benefits some companies offer to the 'domestic partners' of their workers. And, for same-sex couples, it would allow their unions to be acknowledged, if only nominally, by local government.",5 +6,It looks like you're trying to add gun controls. ,5 +1,But enclosing the space could be too expensive,0 +1,"Mostly, Quinn is keeping his focus on a budget deficit now estimated at up to $9 billion.",0 +13,there has been an evolution in the political approach,12 +5,Mistrial motion delays phase of smokers trial,4 +12,Protest outside Falls Church gun store doesn't stop shoppers,11 +5,Hughes told Floyd that Bowe was one of the city's best death-penalty lawyers. She said she had monitored the defense team's work and was confident Floyd would get a fair trial.,4 +6, to preserve an Obama administration program that protects DREAMers from deportation.,5 +4," +NICOTINE ADDICTS JUST WANT A LITTLE FAIRNESS ON TAXES",3 +6,Editorial: Immigration reform on hold. So is sanity on drug war,5 +13,"ANTI-TERROR BILL PASSES SENATE, LEAPS TO HOUSE",12 +13,Governor passes on bold leadership,12 +13,Assault-Weapon Ban Passes,12 +1,"""This is just the beginning for Philip Morris, and depending on the success of this new product ... we expect the company to organically launch a full range of other smokeless tobacco products,"" Citigroup analyst Bonnie Herzog said in a report. Organic growth typically refers to growth that is not fueled by mergers and acquisitions. +",0 +13,"Gun vote will be close: pol +",12 +5,Davis did not testify at his trial. This week prosecutors said he has not been offered any deal for his testimony against Robinson.,4 +15,WHERE THE CONTROVERSIAL TOBACCO DOCUMENTS HAVE TURNED UP,14 +13,Mr. Bush's bad deal,12 +7,"Sara Tokars, 39, was killed by a shotgun blast to the head in front of her two small sons on Nov. 29, 1992, after the three were abducted from their suburban Atlanta home.",6 +5,"Yesterday, Camden County Superior Court Judge Frank M. Lario Jr., after hearing from Reddish, defense attorneys and a prosecutor, decided that Reddish did not fully understand how his case could be harmed if he acted as his own attorney.",4 +5,"but the Supreme Court issued a stay until it could review his case. +",4 +10,"Like any parent, one of his first thoughts - once he could again think clearly - was of their child. +",9 +5," +Atlanta's immigration court is among the toughest in the nation for asylum seekers, denying more than 8 out of every 10 requests over the past six years, a recent study shows.",4 +5,. Testimony involved ,4 +15,WEIGHING IN ON CALIFORNIA PROPOSAL,14 +13, The House may take a final vote on the gun proposal next week.,12 +3,Citing the Bible doesn't work because we don't make our laws based on what some people believe about the Bible.,2 +2," +About 500 to 800 people a day visit the INS, housed now in an aging building on Forsyth Street in downtown Atlanta.",1 +3,"So says one of the more infamous shirts being sold for the Timothy McVeigh execution, along with a picture of a syringe. Others shirts say, ""Die! Die! Die!""",2 +5,Lawyers for convicted killer and death row inmate Todd Charles Boggess hope a jury foreman's words will backfire.,4 +1,"""We are anticipating that we will provide financial support to those who share our views,"" Philip Morris",0 +7,"Devier, employed by a tree-cutting service, was working near the girl's home and had seen her getting off the school bus several times. Co- workers said Devier had talked about his desire for sexual relations with the youngster.",6 +10,S.F. LAW REQUIRES FRINGE BENEFITS FOR UNWED PARTNERS,9 +4,despite a federal appeals court's unusual admission that it made a mistake in denying one of the man's earlier appeals.,3 +7,Cartel Gunmen Buy American,6 +7,It's time to get tough on illegal gun users,6 +1, getting $ 100 million from Congress to help erase the city's budget deficit this year.,0 +5,Md. Court Stays Execution to Weigh Defense Claims,4 +11,Rosie says she's waiting to remarry Kelli,10 +12,backed by the NRA and the Kansas State Rifle Association.,11 +5,beyond those established in the Minnesota state settlement ,4 +5," On cross-examination by Assistant Circuit Attorney Dwight A. Warren, Horace Adkins conceded that his position would be different if his children were the victims.",4 +5,A Federal immigration judge ruled yesterday that an Egyptian man kept in solitary confinement for the last three years on the basis of secret evidence allegedly linking him to a terrorist organization should be freed from jail.,4 +7," +Immigration Crackdown",6 +13,His anguished letter to the president,12 +4,Immigration: Reform proposals send immigrants to the back of the bus,3 +6, bills that would allow civil unions for gay couples.,5 +4,argue judicial error to save his life.,3 +13,George W. shows quite a callous side when he talks about death,12 +12," wrote Carole J. Mahnke, Brenham, Texas, in an attached letter",11 +11,1 in 4 Americans has handgun,10 +6,Opinion: A gun owners call for banning assault weapons,5 +3,immoral.,2 +11,Oliver North blames school shootings on 'culture of violence.',10 +5,His attorney indicated today that he would likely pursue a psychiatric defense.,4 +7,three or more people have been killed in a workplace shooting.,6 +10,Children get fired up for lessons,9 +9,"""We have laws that require safety caps for medicine"" to protect children but no laws to keep guns away from children.",8 +6,Yet we as a society are devoting considerable energy on those two so-called solutions.,5 +6,a ban on the sale and ownership of semiautomatic weapons and the multiple-bullet gun clips,5 +11,"Immigration levels balkanize nation +",10 +13,First District candidates woo gayborhood,12 +11,St. Paul Saints game to go smoke-free,10 +13,"HILES REVIEWS DEATH WARRANT +",12 +11,Vince Vaughn: Guns in schools would prevent mass shootings,10 +13,Ire over Romney's PAC donation to anti-gay marriage group,12 +5,"With no signature ceremony or any other procedural formality required, the Missouri Constitution will change today to define marriage as a union solely between a man and a woman.",4 +7, It will mean that more criminals who use handguns and those who sell guns to criminals will go to jail.,6 +13,Giffords's group set to spend big in state,12 +7,"Gun-control advocates losing ground despite recent rampages +",6 +7,"The first inmate executed under the new policy was Charles Warner, who was put to death at the state penitentiary in McAlester",6 +13," The Georgia Senate also ignored the concerns of police, passing Senate Bill 396 with no discussion about the wisdom of encouraging people to use deadly force when the option exists to flee or call police. Now, the bill goes to the House, which has never met an NRA-backed bill it didn't like.",12 +7,"In state with tough gun laws, shooter somehow escaped scrutiny",6 +5,Court OKs assault arms ban,4 +14,Help Haitians Help Haiti,13 +10,"Immigrants' experiences,in their own words",9 +13,"During a Statehouse news conference, Lautenberg said ",12 +5,"Prosecutors won't seek the death penalty against actor Robert Blake if he is convicted of murdering his wife, the district attorney's office said Thursday.",4 +1,GUN 'COURSE' WAS EXPENSIVE JOKE,0 +7,"On a graffiti-smeared block in North Philadelphia, Tyrone ""Rico"" Tidwell trafficked in drugs and guns and hired assassins to kill his rivals.",6 +5,Reno imposed a new system in 1995 requiring lawyers with the U.S. Attorney's Office to get her approval for all death sentences after a review of each case by a team of senior Justice officials.,4 +7,Columnist Who Shot Trespasser To Face Gun Possession Charges,6 +5,Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants?,4 +15,"In Trek North, First Lure Is Mexico's Other Line",14 +13,Senators give final approval to crime bill,12 +7,Human trafficking plagues even Minnesota,6 +11,Gay marriage looms large for '04,10 +13,"Many liberals instinctively want to stand with the Latinos and others who have been staging huge, semi-spontaneous pro-immigrant rallies across the country recently.",12 +12,NRA member sets sights on fighting guns,11 +4,'I am not a crisis actor': Florida teens fire back at right-wing conspiracy theo-rists;,3 +13,"The measure, scheduled for a vote this afternoon, was slipped without notice to District officials into a stack of other amendments approved Tuesday night by the House Rules Committee for consideration in the debate on national gun control legislation.",12 +13, But our senators supported action to ban lawn darts because the Consumer Product Safety Commission felt it was necessary. But our senators would not support permitting the same Safety Commission to include within its function a study of the ''hazardous substance'' of the deadly handgun. Eugene P. Schwartz University City,12 +7,"Smugglers ordered the Golden Venture, a freighter, to be run aground off Queens last year in a desperate effort to land its human cargo of nearly 300 immigrants after plans to meet smaller craft went awry. Ten passengers drowned while trying to swim ashore.",6 +1,"store counters, to be kept behind the counter.",0 +6," If you overlook the ""no smoking"" signs outside Harlan A. Philippi Hall, you can't miss the signs at the door: ""This is a smoke-free building."" + +The University of Southern Maine in September banned smoking in its dorms, forcing smokers to walk at least 50 feet away from the buildings to light up. Next fall, they'll have to go even further. + +The school is among the growing number of colleges and universities finding new ways to restrict smoking on campus",5 +4,Latino Groups Lobby for More Rights,3 +10," +""I thought she was adorable,"" Amy remembers. ""And there was just an instant rapport and connection. I just thought she was a really cool chick and she had her stuff together.""",9 +13,San Francisco Gun Vote: Tough Law or Thin Gesture?,12 +13,POLITICAL HEAT ABOUT SMOKING BAN CRUSADE IS LONG OVERDUE,12 +11,"Included in Brown's list of hard-to-crack outlets was this: ""I think on the cable networks, the coverage has not been great at all. Even on Fox News, we find it difficult to get broadcast time airing our views.""",10 +7,"Never mind that Adam Lanza used the same type of rifle in December 2012 to slaughter 20 first-graders and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.",6 +13," +Bush defends immigration bill, says critics preying on fears",12 +13,"As Senate Democrats grapple with how much of President Obama's broad gun control agenda is politically achievable, or even desirable, Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, chairman of the committee with jurisdiction over gun laws, said that moving to tighten background checks should be a top priority.",12 +13," +Baldwin, who made the closing argument for Democrats in their unsuccessful attempt to defeat the bill, spoke loudly, pointing her finger at times. But she made no mention of her own sexual orientation.",12 +4,"Immigration order helps Asians and Africans, too",3 +5,Catholic Charities said in the lawsuit filed Tuesday that it is exempt from provisions of a state law that lets gay and straight couples form civil unions that give them many of the same rights as traditional marriage.,4 +4,The latest research suggests the percentage is almost half of what Sanders cited.,3 +5,": The 1986 legalization law required entry to the United States before 1982. +",4 +13,Loaded anti-crime bill sails through Senate,12 +7,A prisoner's teeth may be a vital factor in whether he is indicted for murder in the death of a prison guard and whether he is the first person in four years to face the death penalty in New York State.,6 +5,"Over the objections of defense lawyers, a San Jose federal judge Thursday approved the state's plan to allow a doctor in San Quentin's execution chamber to monitor condemned killer Michael Morales as he is put to death by lethal injection next Tuesday. +",4 +6,SMOKING POSTERS MAY BE BANNED CONCERN EXPRESSED OVER RISING NUMBERS OF ADDICTED TEENS,5 +5,"The Suffolk County district attorney filed misdemeanor charges of assault, endangering the welfare of a child and violating an order of protection. +",4 +13,"Philadelphia City Council President Darrell L. Clarke summed it up in a word: ""Ridiculous.""",12 +13,"[T]he battle may have been lost today to ban assault weapons. I hope the war will be won tomorrow. As members of Congress hear from folks back home who are outraged by what happened in Texas, in California and in other mass murders across this country, I think the tide is going to turn, and this war will be won. I certainly hope so.",12 +7,OFFICER'S SLAYING IN QUEENS IS DESCRIBED AS 'EXECUTION',6 +13,"It was the second time in his 16 years as governor that Governor Hunt, a Democrat who is to leave office in January, had commuted a death sentence.",12 +5,"COURT DECLINES REQUEST TO HALT GAY WEDDINGS LACK OF ACTION A SETBACK FOR CONSERVATIVES +",4 +15,Leading by example on guns?,14 +5,"Erik Klein (""Gun permits infringe on constitutional rights,"" Letters, Dec. 12) conveniently ignores the phrase ""well-regulated militia"" from the preamble to the Second Amendment.",4 +5,That letter asks McAuliffe to commute Morva's death sentence to a term of life without parole.,4 +1,"$22,000",0 +5,Top State Court's Ruling on Gay and Lesbian Marriage Is Awaited,4 +11,occurred in a state with the toughest gun-control laws in the nation.,10 +5,Kavanaugh feels for those he rules against;,4 +7,"In 1997, he couldn't account for 45. In 2001, it was 133. In 2003, there were 422 firearms missing -- more than a quarter of his inventory -- including semiautomatic assault rifles, 12-gauge shotguns and Glock 9mm pistols, according to federal investigators. + +This year, a decade after he started losing track of guns",6 +13,The budget was passed Aug. 2 on a split vote because some felt relying on gun-permit money would be risky.,12 +7,"The crew had apparently intended to bring the boat just close enough to the dock for the passengers to jump off and run, said Donald Radcliffe, district director of the immigration service.",6 +10,Should Our Daughters Come to Our (Gay) Wedding?,9 +11,Dinner with a .38 on the side?,10 +10,"It just feels good to be out,"" ",9 +6,Proposition 10 raises the state tax on a pack of cigarettes from 37 centsto 87 cents. That's in addition to the 35-cent price increase expected as part of a major tobacco lawsuit settlement.,5 +5," State Attorney General Grant Woods, whose lawsuit accuses tobacco companies of contributing to the delinquency of minors, staged a counter-event Monday at a miniature golf course.",4 +3,two ministers,2 +5,"Hill's lawyer, D. Todd Doss, argued that Florida's procedure is unconstitutional because it is cruel and unusual punishment. +",4 +6,Metro Briefing Connecticut: Hartford: Gay Marriage Bill Passes,5 +7,make it easier for prosecutors to detain people before trials and allow officials to seek civil injunctions that would bar gang members from specific neighborhoods or activities.,6 +9,Boys' deaths add urgency to Conn. gun debate,8 +9,a university nurse,8 +9,The Many Fronts In the War on TB,8 +5,"Gay Marriage Is a Right, Massachusetts Court Rules",4 +1,power to block or approve new products.,0 +7,"Sixty-four-year old John Errol Ferguson was convicted of killing eight people in South Florida in 1977 and 1978. Six victims died in a drug-related, execution-style mass killing in Carol City. Ferguson also was convicted of killing two Hialeah teenagers on their way to a church meeting.",6 +9,aimed at increasing school safety ,8 +9,"Smoking even a few cigarettes a day appears to stunt the growth of teen-agers' lungs, a Harvard University study has found.",8 +13,"And while it is uncertain how the proposal will be changed by Congress and the White House, it is also not clear whether all the states will sign the accord. +",12 +1," As the number of jobs in technology fields declines, students from India and other countries are having trouble finding employment.",0 +11,"What is new are the successes and failures experienced by residents and officials in coming to grips with radical change - and the suspicion that clouds every event, on both sides.",10 +13,"REAGAN AGREES TO PRESS FOR IMMIGRATION BILL +",12 +9,"Some receive health coverage through employers, about 800,000 receive state health care of some kind and others are treated in emergency rooms and public clinics, whose costs often hit taxpayers.",8 +6,Westminster College will ban smoking on campus as of July 1,5 +7,PAIR SENTENCED TO LIFE IN MURDERS OF THREE WOMEN,6 +9,"Confirmation of the health hazard posed by second-hand smoke a it causes an estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths per year among nonsmokers a has prompted bans in most states on smoking in public places and businesses. The widespread exposure to tobacco smoke shown by the CDC study supports arguments for tightening such bans.",8 +5,REJECT CHANGES TO 'STAND YOUR GROUND',4 +8,BORDER PATROL TARGETS SMUGGLERS OF HUMAN MISERY,7 +3," They believed in ""an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"" even if that left everyone blind and toothless.",2 +6,Gun curbs are no answer,5 +15,Two Roads to Gay Marriage,14 +5," with the Supreme Court's decision to strike down a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act, and some are finding that the changes they may have to make are more complicated than expected.",4 +5,"Seeking a new venue in which to contest the verdict, the nation's largest cigarette manufacturers -- including Philip Morris, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco, the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Lorillard and Liggett -- sought to transfer the Florida case to federal court. But last week, a federal judge rebuffed the attempt and sent the case back to state court. The award was then upheld on Monday.",4 +13,THE GAY MARRIAGE VOTE,12 +6,"But many are now discovering that the president's Nov. 20 action, while stopping deportations that take illegal immigrant parents away from their children, does not allow families divided between the United States and their homelands to be reunited except for brief emergency trips. +",5 +5,"Pleasant Hill wants judge to toss out firearms lawsuit +",4 +10,CRASH KIN MAY LOSE HOPE FOR GREEN CARD,9 +12,Seventy-two percent of those surveyed oppose outlawing the death penalty; only 28 percent favor ending it.,11 +5,Court narrows appeals,4 +4,REPORT CRITICIZES WOULD-BE D.A. / IT SAYS JACK MCMAHON SYSTEMATICALLY EXCLUDED BLACKS FROM JURIES. HE QUESTIONS ITS ACCURACY,3 +14,The Hawaii case triggered an ugly backlash that led Congress and some 30 states to pass measures to avoid honoring gay marriages in the event Hawaii courts permitted them,13 +7, criminals.,6 +11,"Not only are the demographics of the United States changing in profound and unprecedented ways, but so too are the very notions of assimilation and the melting pot that have been articles of faith in the American self-image for generations.",10 +1,"RJR, B&W merger revitalizes old Winston-Salem cigarette plant",0 +1,"""People do not have to come into my restaurant,"" Nowak said. ""They choose to because they enjoy it.""",0 +1,"Under the settlement, tobacco companies would pay $ 368.5 billion over 25 years, partly for anti-smoking programs, and would make certain marketing concessions.",0 +13,"COUNCIL CLEARS THE AIR NIXES SALOON SMOKING, THEATER CELL CALLS",12 +13,"Linda Chavez, the conservative commentator whom President-elect George W. Bush had selected to be secretary of labor, withdrew her name from consideration today, saying that questions over her decision to shelter an illegal immigrant in her home in the early 1990's had made her a ""distraction."" +",12 +13,Gun measures stir Ga. debate,12 +8,'WE SIMPLY CANNOT REMAIN A NATION WITHOUT BORDERS',7 +9,"''Given the harm that tobacco causes,",8 +5,"Nine months after the Court of Appeals halted Steven H. Oken's execution, the judges split 4 to 3 in denying his claim that Maryland's law was no longer constitutional. A decision in Oken's favor could have upended sentences for at least seven other inmates. +",4 +5,"'Winston Man' claims he was duped, seeks $65M",4 +4,"You may also remember how heated and emotional some of the rhetoric became. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and probably the most influential of conservative religious leaders, reflected the tone quite well in his April 2004 newsletter. +",3 +10,"""He was the kindest, most gentle man I've ever known,"" said Klug's niece, Denise Mitchell of Imperial. ""It hurts as much today as the day I heard it on TV. That's how we found out that my uncle was gone. It's not fair. No one person should be able to take a life away.""",9 +1,Some gun shops see more interest in pistol accessory,0 +9,"Ending decades of government neglect, the Federal Trade Commission is now investigating whether cigars should carry a U.S. surgeon general warning label to alert consumers about the product's deadly consequences.",8 +5, The defense also wants the possibility of the death penalty eliminated.,4 +7,Capital Murder Charge Filed in Slaying of Sterling Woman,6 +13,"- Mike Pence on Sunday, September 4th, 2016 in an interview on Meet the Press",12 +9,"""I'm looking forward to continuing my efforts to fulfill my health pledge of creating healthy people in healthy communities in my future endeavors,"" Wasserman said in a statement.",8 +5,Judge rules killer Harris won't die,4 +10,"Smoke Freely, or Breathe Free?",9 +6," that would have allowed unmarried couples, gay or heterosexual, to register with the state and gain some of the rights married couples have. California would have been the first state to enact such a law. +",5 +5,"The judge did not rule on whether the questions violated the law, but was skeptical the questions were relevant.",4 +13,Mr. Lautenberg has filed three amendments on gun issues,12 +6,and government efforts at regulation,5 +13,"Ferens, 41, of Dupont Circle, was president of Log Cabin DC, an organization of gay and lesbian Republicans, in 2001-2002 and said he helped raise $20,000 for Schwartz's campaigns. +",12 +13,The measure foundered in a Senate committee in the last legislative session but is expected to galvanize lawmakers in the next.,12 +10,Partner benefits on rise,9 +13, And how was the Democratic congressman rewarded? By re-election in 1992 with 66 percent of the vote.,12 +1,Tobacco deal to alter visual landscape Billboards must be gone Thursday,0 +13,"Bush Goes Slow on Immigrant Amnesty; Resistance in Congress Forces Gradual Steps +",12 +13,"Bush, Pushing Crime Bill, Bends Again on Gun Control",12 +1,Costs of Illegal Immigration,0 +11,"With all the special interests asking Hollywood to satisfy a particular agenda, what's an independent-minded film maker to do? Our suggestion is to think seriously about at least one request: Stop glamorizing smoking for impressionable kids.",10 +5,Former death row inmate gets life sentence in plea,4 +13,Gov. Charlie Crist's,12 +5," the federal law that prohibits gay marriage is the biggest barrier to change. +",4 +1,The tax implications of same-sex marriage,0 +6,A Broad Death Initiative,5 +11,"A surge in Hispanic immigration over the past decade has dramatically altered the racial and ethnic composition of the region's youngest residents, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures released today.",10 +1,"A businessman wants to market a product. The risks are great and the investment high. Others have tried and failed, but potential profits are immense. So he and 10 others invest $12 million and work hard for two and a half years with no return. Then a conglomerate buys their company for more than a billion dollars, netting each a profit of $100 million. Rejoicing ends when the government declares the profits excessive and asks arbitrators to determine a fair return.",0 +15,PLEADING IN A BIG WAY FOR THE SMOKING TO END,14 +5,"The case was submitted to the jury earlier in the day, following five months of testimony. The judge's instructions took only a half hour because there is only a single charge for jurors to decide: guilty or innocent of second-degree murder.",4 +5,"That assumption was wrong. From California to Maryland, lawyers for death row inmates have mounted challenges to the use of lethal injection in virtually every state with capital punishment. And this week, California takes center stage in a widening legal battle over lethal injection that may be destined for the U.S. Supreme Court.",4 +13,Congress Heads for Showdown Over Gun Control,12 +5, and legal challenges to sentences imposed by judges,4 +1,"""The farmers can make a very convincing case to you that they need money today and not 10 years out,"" said Rep. Gordon Allen, D-Person, the chairman of a subcommittee considering how to establish a trust fund to help farmers.",0 +7,drug dealers,6 +7,Autopsy of Man Who Killed 23 In Texas Finds No Drugs or Tumor,6 +13," +'This is the moment': Dreamers fight for immigration deal",12 +13,"Norcross is the latest in a string of metro Atlanta cities and counties --- including Alpharetta, Clayton and Duluth, among others",12 +5,Former Peninsula cop's death sentence upheld in bodies-in-barrels murder case,4 +9,mentally incompetent,8 +6,"The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Act was a landmark event for gun control in this country. The law bans the manufacture of semi-automatic rifles, handguns and shotguns with features common to military-style assault weapons.",5 +5,"It is the broadest federal rule change to come out of the landmark Supreme Court decision in June that struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and a sign of how quickly the government is moving to treat gay couples in the same way that it does straight couples. +",4 +13,Three reasons you should expect congressional gridlock on gun control,12 +5,"MURDER DEFENDANT'S LAWYER SEEKS DISMISSAL OF CHARGES +",4 +1,Philip Morris CEO James Morgan said Tuesday that the company had rounded up about half of the potentially contaminated cigarettes.,0 +11,"Freud once said that occasionally a cigar is merely a cigar. In the movies, at least, a cigarette has never been merely a cigarette, although the meanings and uses of cigarettes have changed over the decades. + +Compare two movies 50 years apart. In ""The Maltese Falcon"" in 1941, Humphrey Bogart rolls his own. The tobacco pouch that proclaims his toughness and masculinity dangles from his jacket pocket. In ""Regarding Henry"" in 1991, the wages of chain smoking are having your brains splattered on the floor of a convenience store. Harrison Ford wouldn't have been shot in the head if he hadn't gone out to buy a pack of cigarettes -- almost literally his coffin nails. + +The movies, of course, have always played the dual role of reflecting and shaping what society considers proper. With this year's Great American Smokeout scheduled for Nov. 19, many Americans are deciding that it is time to shred that cigarette into the garbage disposal, to rub out the embers in the ashtray, to toss the pack into the trash. On screen, villains still have the habit, but real heroes no longer smoke. + +""I would not have any protagonist smoke in a movie unless it was a period film,"" says the producer Daniel Melnick, who was off nicotine for eight years until he bummed a cigarette from a crew member when he was making ""Air America"" in Thailand in 1989. ""Audiences want the ability to idealize themselves in the stars.""",10 +5,Florida jury slams tobacco company,4 +11,Ever Think About the 2.5 Million New Yorkers Who Smoke?,10 +13,"Debate it, don't duck it",12 +12,Let the people decide,11 +5, District Attorney Wes Lane said he would pursue 160 first-degree murder charges and other counts against Nichols.,4 +8,A 'neighborhood watch' at the nation's borders,7 +12,Poll says voters in N.J. support gay marriage,11 +15,Stance on Same-Sex Marriage Brings Surprises for Paterson,14 +9,"Many states also focused on catching mental-health issues among children. Nebraska created a pilot program to set up mental-health screenings for some secondary school students. Texas instituted training for school staff to identify mental-health problems; Utah will offer a seminar on the issue for parents. And Minnesota passed bills to improve mental-health services linked to schools. +",8 +1,"The women producing crafts are paid $10 per hour for what they create regardless of sales,and that means that after a few years, the founder and executive director is still unpaid despite a huge investment on her part to sustain the program.",0 +13,"Gingrich, Romney decry 'amnesty'",12 +1,But both are raising -- and spending -- money like there is no tomorrow.,0 +6,it is proof positive that gun-control laws don't work.,5 +5,"The recommendation is the result of a 23-day trial before Verkuil last summer. New Jersey was allowed in 1993 to ""sue"" New York in the Supreme Court because the nation's high court sometimes invokes its ""original"" jurisdiction to resolve disputes among states.",4 +5,"But his intellectual achievements will not be a part of the consideration. The fact that he's smart or dumb, or black or white, cannot be considered as a matter of law.""",4 +7,Philadelphia does not release inmates or detainees to immigration officials without a federal warrant. Philadelphia also bars its police officers from asking people about their immigration status.,6 +7,Reddish is serving a life term for the murder of his girlfriend in Burlington County in 1995.,6 +13,Gay-marriage foes avoid lobby rules,12 +13,"Republicans: Gun rights, tax cuts dominate debate",12 +7,"Guy Westmoreland is accused of participating in a plot to kill Debra Abeln in December 1997. Her husband, Richard Abeln, has pleaded guilty to planning the murder and will spend life in prison.",6 +3,Methodists' court mulls gay unions,2 +7,"The Mohawk Indian reservation along the St. Lawrence River here has long been called Smugglers' Alley, an easy path to sneaking contraband into or out of the United States",6 +13,"""He's not going to demagogue this issue, which is commonly done in this business,"" said Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, who has worked on bills with Thompson in the past and says he ""has a great deal of respect for the members on our side of the aisle.""",12 +13,"Romney was in Lakeland to speak at the Polk County Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner. Earlier in the day, he held a town hall meeting in Jacksonville and met privately with supporters in Lakeland. +",12 +7," ""sanctuary"" jurisdictions ",6 +13,Mitchell Stays Flexible In Gun-Control Debate,12 +12," Neither is there any doubt what the people want. Opinion polls consistently show overwhelming support for the sort of ""cooling off"" period proposed by Amendment 2,",11 +15," +Pass the chaw",14 +5,"Caroline Young, 51, displayed little emotion when the verdicts were read after only 1 1/2 days of deliberation by an Alameda County Superior Court jury in Oakland.",4 +14,"Cuban and United States officials began discussions in New York yesterday about immigration issues, including the possible return of 1,000 Cuban refugees who came to the United States during the 1980 boatlift, a Reagan Administration source said last night.",13 +5,"Jurors didn't think so. Neither did the circuit judge who sentenced Tompkins to death, nor the long list of state and federal judges who have denied the inmate's litany of appeals.",4 +11,"The transformation of cigarettes from one of America's stylish pleasures to a stigmatized symbol of exploitation continues to make stunning progress. +",10 +7,Gwinnett firm pleads guilty to harboring illegal immigrants,6 +13,GUN LOBBY HAS GOP BLIND TO REASON,12 +13,"California lawmakers have approved the toughest ban in the nation on assault weapons, and this time the votes were not even close.",12 +11,"The rate of increase also remained the same in 2013 as it was in 2012. Even then, the total number of juveniles attempting to cross the border - unaccompanied and otherwise - never returned to the pre-recession levels of the mid-2000s.",10 +13,"As the Democrats' candidate, she is the de facto standard bearer for the party, but she was a lonely voice Thursday in calling for an immediate override of Christie's 2012 veto of a gay-marriage bill. +",12 +12,SENIORS BACK ANTI-GUN EFFORT,11 +10, grant benefits to state employees' same-sex domestic partners.,9 +13,voters by a comfortable margin approved,12 +9,"Opponents emotionally exclaim that if you allow lawful residents to possess firearms on public transportation and in establishments where alcohol is served, there will be mass carnage",8 +11," More important, immigration reform is needed to relight our national ethos - which fear for the past few years understandably has blurred.",10 +11,"Johnny Roventini, 86, Bellhop Who Called for Phillip Morris",10 +5,CITY MAY LIGHT CIG SUIT,4 +9, said the blood came from a nose bleed and added that the electric chair worked normally.,8 +3,"The Eames Commission called on U.S. dioceses to stop electing gay bishops and blessing same-sex unions while Anglican leaders study the report and try to reach some consensus. If U.S. bishops fail to comply, the commission asked them to consider staying away from Anglican meetings, but did not ban them.",2 +5,SEX OFFENDER CHALLENGES DENIAL OF HANDGUN PERMIT,4 +3,"Once again, it's people, not guns, who kill",2 +12,NRA backs deadly force measure,11 +5,"Regardless of how the 9th Circuit rules, Tuesday's ruling is expected to be only a prelude to further legal skirmishing that ultimately is likely to wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court.",4 +5,"Cities and public universities are exercising their constitutional authority when they declare themselves ""sanctuaries"" ",4 +5,Lawsuit aims to change gun law,4 +8,Border Officers To Weigh Pleas Of Illegal Aliens,7 +5,DA drops plan to seek death penalty for suspected San Jose cop killer,4 +6,Tucked within the hundreds of pages of legalese are provisions that would make it much more difficult - and at times impossible - for high-tech companies to hire top university researchers or transfer key employees to the United States.,5 +13,NRA CALLS ON HESTON TO FIGHT AMENDMENT REGULATING GUN SHOWS,12 +6,"""When states weaken limits on concealed weapons, they may be giving up a simple and effective method of preventing firearm deaths.""",5 +1,"As the first legislation modeled on the proposed $ 368 billion settlement with the tobacco industry makes its way to Congress, state Medicaid officials are receiving a letter from the federal Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA, pronounced ""hicva""). The letter reminds them that the Social Security Act requires states to pay the federal government a share of any money they recover in Medicaid-related actions -- including present and any future settlements with tobacco companies.",0 +9,Philadelphia officials have often cited the easy access to guns in attempting to explain the city's high homicide rate.,8 +5," +The suit argued that the amendment violates the state constitution's single-subject rule by pertaining to issues besides marriage, such as civil unions and the jurisdiction of Georgia courts. It also contended that the ballot question that voters will see is misleading because it asks voters about marriage without disclosing the whole amendment. +",4 +14," Since South Africa abolished the death penalty earlier this year, the United States is one of a handful of countries in the industrialized world that executes killers.",13 +8,"""A new law in the Sunshine State authorizes nervous or frightened residents to use deadly force.""",7 +13," +President Bush's push for the constitutional ban on same-sex marriage that is being debated in the Senate this week comes as many Republicans and rel",12 +14,As China goes on the death penalty . . .,13 +13,ILLINOIS HOUSE PANEL REJECTS EFFORT TO OUTLAW TOBACCO USE BY MINORS,12 +13,What commitments Mexico might make to win Congressional approval of the loan guarantees in the United States has become a sensitive political issue in both countries.,12 +10,"Making Meals for Immigrant Workers, One Dormitory at a Time",9 +5," +Moreover, the dissenting justices wanted the court to go further than the majority did - unsuccessfully urging a construction of the state constitution that would have conferred on gay couples not only the full rights of marriage but the label of marriage as well. + +",4 +10,"""Grown-ups should be trying to stop us, but I can't think of how they could,"" says the high school sophomore, who is willing to talk only if her name is not used.",9 +13,"The Senate bill is sponsored by Greg Evers, R-Baker, and the House's version is co-sponsored by eight Republicans.",12 +5,A D.C. Superior Court judge ruled Thursday that same-sex marriage opponents do not have a right to call for a referendum to determine whether such unions should be legal in the District.,4 +5,"David Kairys, a professor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University, said that the laws Council is expected to enact today should be valid because of the city's Home Rule Charter. But the charter's power is diminishing, he said.",4 +13,But Democratic politicians weren't far behind.,12 +8," +3. McCARTHY AMENDMENT Would require background checks for people buying guns at gun shows through the national instant check system, allowing three business days to complete any additional investigation that is required.",7 +5,Cecil Sutherland's defense attorney told jurors on Monday in Belleville that he would prove that 10-year-old Amy Schulz was murdered in 1987 by her stepgrandfather.,4 +13,"As the congressional debate moves forward, Obama told The New Republic that gun-control backers need to understand the different ways in which urban areas and rural areas view guns.",12 +13,The reasons against capital punishment,12 +13,"The more rigid standards-- routinely violated by hundreds of thousands of families and enforced only sporadically by the government-- apply to candidates for hundreds of powerful posts, notably the assistant secretaries who run Cabinet agencies on a day-to-day basis.",12 +4,"""I have refused to confess to murder and I have refused to confess to theft by taking because I am innocent,""",3 +5,San Francisco sues state over same-sex marriages,4 +7,"et with family members of about 40 death row inmates Friday,",6 +5," +Lawyers for the accused men, Robert Simon and Charles Staples, seized on that point to argue that neither defendant should be eligible for the death penalty. But yesterday, The Associated Press reported, Judge Joseph F. Lisa of Gloucester County Superior Court denied the defense motion to dismiss the capital punishment counts. +",4 +13,Governor rejects death-penalty repeal,12 +3,"Roberts spent his final day meeting with two nuns, who were his spiritual advisers, his mother and a mortician, and watching a Kevin Bacon movie, ""Hollow Man.""",2 +15,"As information flows, so does immigration",14 +1,"Offer information on the basics of financial and business institutions to immigrants through a partnership with the Itasca Project, a coalition of CEOs of the state's largest corporations. It would inform immigrants about such topics as income tax credits, home ownership opportunities and business start-up suggestions. +",0 +5,Cobb murderer escapes death by one juror's vote,4 +9,"Cigarette smoking may play a major role in more than half of the cases of severe gum disease in adults nationwide, suggesting that one of the main causes of tooth loss could be prevented, a government study shows. + +While it has long been known that smoking can help cause gum disease, this is the first national study to show how widespread the problem is, said Dr. Scott Tomar, a researcher with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. + +Current smokers were about four times more likely than people who never smoked to have periodontitis, but ex-smokers who had abstained for 11 years faced no increased risk, according to Tomar, whose findings were published in the May issue of the Journal of Periodontology. Overall, 52.8 percent of periodontitis in the study was attributed to current and former smoking. + +Periodontitis, advanced gum disease that destroys the tissue and bone surrounding the teeth, is generally caused by bacteria contained in plaque buildup.",8 +10,Baker says he has changed the way he treats crime victims in the line of duty. ''People just don't care about victims.'',9 +12,"GBPI says it is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, though it is supported by and has received funding from groups advocating ""progressive"" social change and activism.",11 +13,JEB BUSH SAYS A LAW PASSED UNDER BILL CLINTON BANNED GUNS AT MILITARY RECRUITING OFFICES,12 +6,NO LAW STOPS CRIMINALS' GUN SHOPPING,5 +13,"The governor's office would not comment further, but officials said he would announce a decision on Monday, possibly only hours before Mr. Williams's scheduled execution",12 +8,Keep Guns Locked,7 +15,Passive smoke gets more study,14 +13,Passed.,12 +13,"Rep. Mike Andrews, D-Texas, the sponsor, said, ""Tobacco is a killer, and the tax needs to be raised to offset some of its cost to society.""",12 +5,"The Supreme Court refused to hear a previous Nichols appeal, which charges that the government withheld relevant information during his trial. +",4 +7,raided,6 +11,That's what Ortega did when he started carrying his shotgun to Colorado Springs City Council meetings. He showed just how exposed Americans are because of our lack of sane gun laws.,10 +5,"PARENTS GUILTY IN BOY'S DEATH +",4 +13,NRA taking fresh aim at Brady law,12 +12,"Now let's look at a tough anti-NRA ad sponsored by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, an umbrella organization of 48 religious and other organizations.",11 +12,High-rise murder survivors form gun-control group,11 +6,"Since the ban will apply statewide, mom-and-pop taverns won't have to fear that their clientele will drive to the next town to an establishment that allows smoking.",5 +13,POLS SNUFF OUT BID TO WEAKEN SMOKING BILL,12 +13,House Republicans and Democrats gave a chilly reception Wednesday to President Bush's proposal to grant temporary visas to an unlimited number of foreign workers.,12 +13,"''The meeting brought the conversation forward in the sense that each side understood the other better and exchanged views about it,'' Mr. Rosenkranz said. ''The attorney general had no change of stance and repeated his publicly articulated views on same-sex marriage.'' + +Mr. West, who could not be reached by telephone for comment, will not resume the solemnization of such marriages because of the restraining order, Mr. Rosenkranz said.",12 +10,said he wanted to die.,9 +12,which was passed in 2006 with the support of 57 percent of voters.,11 +7,"More fraud is being found in visa programs that permit foreigners to work in the United States, State Department and immigration officials told a House panel Wednesday",6 +13," And so does an impressive majority of the House -- not just ""urban"" members, as the NRA spokesteam was emphasizing yesterday as part of its attempt to belittle the breadth of support for Brady.",12 +8,"""There were people at the borders who let these people in even though they didn't have proper papers to get into this country,"" Mr. Kean said of immigration inspectors who allowed the hijackers into the United States.",7 +6,The proposed Chicago ordinance would provide fines of $500 and six months in jail for persons found in possession of unregistered guns. Mr. Brzeczek said this was the maximum penalty the city had the authority to mete out.,5 +7,"An article in your April 12 edition related the shooting deaths of three elderly persons and the suicide of the shooter at a low-income senior citizens housing facility in Chula Vista, Calif. The article comprised an area 1 inch by 2 1/4 inches on Page A11. Two other articles within the past several weeks concerning shootings at high schools in the same area were prominently featured with, of course, pictures. Deaths in the two high school incidents were fewer than those at Chula Vista.",6 +7,U.S. threatens to fine Disney,6 +11,Edwards' wife sets tone for S.F.'s gay pride parade,10 +3,"Laws Aside, Some in Clergy Quietly Bless Gay 'Marriage'",2 +2,The wait is over.,1 +1," The Internet is quickly becoming a gun owner's dream market. Hundreds of sites offer everything from high-powered weapons to custom holsters --- many at discount prices. +",0 +10,Immigrant Refugees Improve U.S. Quality of Life; They'll Stay Forever,9 +1," would add $42 million to the state's economy and $3 million in tax revenue in the first three years,",0 +7,who was arrested for riding a segregated merry-go-round in Glen Echo Park in 1960.,6 +6,"A reasonable, permanent immigration policy needed",5 +5,Another Florida judge rules against the state's gay marriage ban,4 +11,"Over the last five years, only 2,200 people have died from handguns.'",10 +7,"""They're feeling out the soft spots,"" said Joseph Brandon of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. ""It's a very lucrative business. . . . They are trying to find the routes of least resistance.""",6 +6,"If we keep doing what we've always done (enacting useless gun-control laws), we'll get what we've been getting (people who find a way around them and still commit crimes).",5 +1,"That message has started to catch on, though it's no match for the hundreds of millions of dollars that tobacco companies have poured into marketing their smokeless products. One key test is in Maryland, where lawmakers are considering a bill that would raise levies on various tobacco products - including smokeless ones, cigarillos, small cigars and the like - so they are on par with the $2-a-pack level at which cigarettes are taxed.",0 +5," ""I haven't once used (the permit)",4 +6,"The bill, the Smoke-Free Environment Act of 1993, is similar to policy being considered by the Labor Department that would use safe-workplace laws to ban all smoking in public buildings except in areas with separate ventilation systems. The bill also states that designated smoking areas must not admit children under age 15 into the area.",5 +13,"Armed with documents showing R.J. Reynolds tried to lure 13- and 14-year-old smokers, President Clinton told the Republican-led Congress on Saturday that he would ""sit down with (lawmakers) anytime, anywhere"" to work out tough anti-tobacco legislation. +",12 +9," California regulators will decide today whether to accept a controversial new finding that secondhand smoke causes breast cancer, a decision that could lead to even tougher anti-smoking regulations.",8 +9,Georgia's law for those raising intellectual disability claims stands alone.,8 +12,"In what was dubbed National Same-Sex Kiss Day, thousands were expected to lock lips at the company's restaurants to demonstrate to the Atlanta-based chain that it has gay customers, and that they want their relationships valued.",11 +4,but an overwhelming number think the executions are unfair.,3 +1,Bar owners weigh in on need for smoking ban exemptions Drinking establishments don't want to lose business to competitors that allow customers to take a puff.,0 +3,Tobacco ads still aimed at children?,2 +3,"This is what Richard Trodden the Roman Catholic thinks about the death penalty: It's not immoral, like slavery, and ""there are good arguments on both sides."" But, he adds, ""I don't think Jesus would do it.""",2 +13,"The final House vote was 231 to 198, with six Democrats in favor of and 14 Republicans against the bill.",12 +6,. 'It would lead to a lot of people losing their license for minor infractions.',5 +8,"The law gives broad legal protections to a person who is attacked not only at home, but ""any other place where he or she has a right to be,"" and removes a common-law duty to retreat in the face of attack. A person being attacked will have ""the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force,"" not only at home but in public places.",7 +6,"""The intent is to make sure these people follow the state laws that any other gun dealer has to follow,"" Mayor Rita Garvey said Monday, after hearing of the new policy. ""It's a policy I would agree with and wholeheartedly campaign for.""",5 +6,The gun is a banned assault weapon under the definition of the federal crime bill passed last September,5 +5,"Prosecutor Steven Goldman told the jurors Dr. Cavaness pleaded guilty to deceptive medical practice in 1980, and was fined $1,000 and sentenced to two years probation for drunken driving in a traffic accident in which two people died.",4 +5,SUIT AGAINST GUN DISTRIBUTOR ILLOGICAL,4 +13,"Amid Wave of Pro-Gun Legislation, Georgia Proposes Sweeping Law +",12 +5,"That legal right may exist as early as May only in Massachusetts, where the state's Supreme Court ruled earlier this month that denying same-sex couples a marriage license violates the state constitution's equal protection clause.",4 +13,"President George W. Bush's embrace of compromise immigration legislation has split the Republican Party, as several GOP presidential candidates quickly came out against the deal and the conservative base reacted with fury.",12 +5," +Death penalty sought in drownings",4 +13,Bush Weighs Position On Senate Gun Action,12 +7, Melendez would have been executed.,6 +8,"""Our investigation has revealed that none of these individuals had any ill intent against the United States,"" Gonzalez said",7 +5,Obama's illegal move on immigration,4 +1,"But that coverage comes at a cost. +",0 +13,President Clinton gave a nod to the continuing power of gun control opponents when he congratulated House members who demonstrated extraordinary courage in the face of extraordinary political pressure to walk away.'',12 +12,"UBLIC UNCONCERNED ABOUT KILLERS' PAIN +",11 +3,"""We don't have to agree on everything,"" added Curtis, whose church is the second-oldest in Harlem. ""I don't agree with my wife on everything.""",2 +11,"prepubescent girls are lighting up in droves, and the rate of women dying from lung cancer continues to climb. The rate for men is heading down.",10 +5, Having won a Supreme Court ruling establishing a right to keep a firearm in the home,4 +11," +The execution was Virginia's third of the year, with six more scheduled before the end of April. Virginia executes more people than any state except Texas.",10 +6,"That ban would include all indoor public places, including bars, restaurants and casinos. +",5 +13," +The committee is split between 10 Democrats and eight Republicans -- meaning the Democrats should be able to approve most of the legislation on a party-line vote.",12 +6,"The House version specifically banned ""marriage between persons of the same sex.""",5 +13,Partner rights panel named 'Same-sex' foes protest exclusion,12 +13,"Sens. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) have introduced the bill, and earlier this month, President Trump signaled his support.",12 +1,Big Tobacco will spend $40 million this spring to convince Californians that Proposition 29's $1 per pack tax increase on cigarettes is a fiscal fiasco. Even some objective analysts are quibbling about how the money might be spent.,0 +6,Concealed-gun bill advances Columbine dad fights measure,5 +13,Gay Marriage: Log Cabin Republicans,12 +13,"A defiantly independent Democrat, Karpan was among the gun bearers. The cameraman filming her pro-gun TV commercial was hidden from the jogger's view by a tree.",12 +13, Mayor Mike Rotkin said,12 +9,"Paul Lavrakas, field director for the coalition, said: ''If people are going to have the things, which we don't favor at all, at least they can be taught to properly store them and not just keep them loaded in the dressers.''",8 +7," onslaught of criminals,",6 +3,"Therefore, I am of the opinion that, in future strategic ballot plans, cost should not be the critical element again. Instead, moral arguments should be at the forefront, predicated on the injustice and fatal flaws in this barbaric sentence.",2 +12," Meanwhile, a Gallup poll showed that support for making gay sex legal fell from 60 percent before the Supreme Court decision to 48 percent after it. Opposition to gay unions also jumped to 57 percent from 49.",11 +13,Why passing an assault weapons ban in Congress will be difficult,12 +15,Anti-gun letter was without substance,14 +4,giving unscrupulous employers an unfair advantage.'',3 +7," +Johnny Frank Garrett, 28, was scheduled for execution Tuesday morning. He was convicted of raping and killing Sister Tadea Benz, 76, in an Amarillo convent in 1981. Garrett was 17 when he was arrested. +",6 +5,A third Superior Court judge has denied a request by opponents of same-sex marriage to overturn D.C. Board of Elections rulings against a referendum on the issue.,4 +12,Producing this ground shift of public opinion was one of the pillars of the strategy,11 +5,STAND YOUR GROUND LAW IN ACTION,4 +5,Putting judges through the motions Death penalty lawyers hatching novel ways to try to derail cases,4 +15,Cigarette Machine's Fate Could Decide Many,14 +1,"""Those are the kinds of small businesses where immigrants are playing a particularly strong role.""",0 +5,"Earlier, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jay Richardson had said Roof was beyond saving.",4 +13,Gun control sit-in: Democrats end their protest,12 +13,The young get political,12 +7,TOUGH TALK FROM DA ON GUN LAW,6 +5,"Kitchen won an $ 11 million lawsuit against Kmart in 1993. The trial was in West Palm Beach, because that was a convenient location for the attorneys.",4 +11,young teenagers,10 +12,"The latest CBS News-New York Times poll tracked a 15-point increase in the share of Americans saying gun control laws should be more ""strict,"" up to 54 percent from 39 percent in April. This matches a 14-point jump in desire for stricter laws in a December Gallup poll (from 44 to 58 percent). The NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll finds only a four-point rise from a year ago but arrives in a similar place as others with 56 percent saying laws should be stricter than they are now. +",11 +12,"Abrams, a member of the National Rifle Association's board of directors",11 +13,Democratic Rep. William Delahunt of Massachusetts,12 +13,New York legislators had voted just hours before to legalize same-sex marriage,12 +15,Letters: Too many guns,14 +13,That will be up to President Trump and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.,12 +7,"Graham, now 22, and Sullivan, now 33, are in Florida prisons, which hold more than 70 percent of juvenile defendants locked up for life for crimes other than homicide.",6 +10,"At one point, before dozens of the migrants were offloaded by human traffickers, more than 100 people - possibly many more - were crammed into the trailer's lightless, nearly airless interior, baking in the South Texas summer heat and taking turns to suck air through a hole in the vehicle's side",9 +13,Fulton County has gone on record supporting pending federal legislation that attempts to control access by juveniles to handguns.,12 +1," creates a low-skill worker program and significantly increasesvisas for workers in fields with high demand, a victory for the technology industry.",0 +7,Rape suspect charged with murder,6 +13, Mayor David Fischer's,12 +10,"Families split as migrants are turned back, those waiting on refugees left without answers",9 +5,"Legal challenges to state bans filed systematically nationwide have prevailed in every test since the Supreme Court in June 2013 struck down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as only between a man and a woman. +",4 +9,Patient's AIDS ban claim disputed,8 +15,PULSE; Immigration,14 +5,"A federal appeals court refused Thursday to release videotapes of the trial challenging the constitutionality of California's same-sex marriage ban. Siding with backers of the ban, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision of a district court judge to release the tapes, citing promises made to litigants by United States District Judge Vaughn Walker that the tapes would stay sealed. After the 2010 trial, which was open to the public and followed closely by news media, Judge Walker struck down the ban as unconstitutional. The Ninth Circuit Court has yet to rule on that decision.",4 +7,"OFFICERS RIP MISSOURI GUN PROPOSAL ... POLICE, SHERIFFS, TROOPERS UNITE",6 +1,An investment to end smoking,0 +9,"The report in the newest edition of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives looked at more than 30 infants with the conditions referred over 18 months to Children's Hospital in Oakland, Calif. The researchers said they found 27.3 percent of the mothers with PPHN children had smoked during pregnancy, compared with 14 percent of the mothers in the normal control group.",8 +5,"Defense attorneys in the past two weeks have filed about 30 motions in D.C. Superior Court asking judges to dismiss gun-carrying charges against their clients based on the Bush administration's assertion that the Second Amendment gives them the right to bear arms. + +But judges so far have been turning aside these pretrial motions -- three rejections to date -- and are saying a 15-year-old D.C. Court of Appeals decision upholding the District's gun ownership ban is a binding local precedent. + +Robert Levy, senior fellow for constitutional studies at the Cato Institute, a D.C.-based nonprofit think tank, said the rulings shouldn't quiet concerns that the city's gun law might be vulnerable. The motions, he said, are just the first step. + +""These guys will be convicted. They'll go up to the Court of Appeals. And the next step is the Supreme Court,"" Levy said. He agrees with U.S. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft's statement that gun bans violate the Second Amendment. + +But Mathew Nosanchuk, litigation director for the Violence Policy Center, a gun-control advocacy group, said that as cases go through the court system, ""the Ashcroft Justice Department will not be able to continue speaking out of both sides of its mouth on the Second Amendment issue."" + +People on both sides of the gun control issue have long argued about the meaning and intent of the Second Amendment, which states: ""A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."" +",4 +10," Now, a mother will always remember her child's birthday as the day her husband died. It can't get more tragic than that.",9 +9,The WHO will announce today at the 13th World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Washington that the study by California's Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) will be the scientific basis for recommendations due in September.,8 +5," It is true, as the gun enthusiasts often say, that the overwhelming majority of these weapons are owned by law-abiding citizens and do no harm",4 +12,"""This is an issue that needs to be decided by the people",11 +13,"""She didn't use it politically.",12 +13,"In came three of Gottlieb's friends from the Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club, also eager to hear what the president had to say in the aftermath of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. +",12 +13,accusing the City Council ,12 +6, new restrictive laws,5 +3,"Using Biology, Not Religion, to Argue Against Same-Sex Marriage",2 +13,"The bill, introduced in Virginia and elsewhere at the behest of the National Rifle Association, was approved in the Senate today without debate by a vote of 32 to 8. The measure passed the House last month and will now be sent to Gov. James S. Gilmore III (R), who is a champion of gun rights and has appeared in an NRA advertisement. A Gilmore spokesman said the governor had not yet indicated a position on the issue.",12 +5, but the Florida State Supreme Court denied an appeal from Davis earlier this week.,4 +1,"``We couldn't figure out what the success of Marlboro was,'' said David Bernick, a Brown & Williamson attorney. ``We couldn't figure out why it was that Marlboro was taking off in sales.''",0 +11,"Major Web sites such as America Online's home page, as well as newspapers and TV commentators, have signaled that the decision puts the gay-marriage debate in high gear. The Washington Post's front page trumpeted, ""A debate on marriage, and more, now looms."" And Newsweek's July 7 cover asks: ""Is Gay Marriage Next?""",10 +13,"Short of Votes, Clinton Presses Fight for Assault-Gun Ban",12 +1,"They don't want guns in their establishments, yet few are willing to post a sign banning them. And some bar, restaurant and shop owners are queasy about telling a customer with a gun to leave.",0 +7,"Tuesday that Wright shot his former live-in girlfriend four times, twice in the back, after she refused to let him inside her Fort Pierce house in June 1986",6 +13,"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, speaking at a rally in Wilmington, N.C., on Tuesday, appeared to encourage gun owners to take action if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who oppose gun rights.",12 +13,Historic step by Obama on gay marriage,12 +7," Further, there is no doubt why we are seeing such an outpouring of gun-related violence",6 +7,". If convicted, Malvo, 18, could get the death penalty. He is being tried in the killing of FBI analyst Linda Franklin, who was shot outside a store in Falls Church.",6 +1,"Brown & Williamson, which used to pay Wigand $ 300,000, calls him a liar.",0 +5, has asked a judge to allow him to plead guilty on the condition that he receive a sentence of life without parole rather than the death penalty.,4 +11,"Last year, a dozen states executed 59 prisoners, six fewer than in 2003, according to the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics.",10 +10,N.M. child killer says he wants to die,9 +5,"Bowman's lawyers maintain that she did not kill the girls, though they acknowledge she is guilty of abusing them. Public defender Alan Drew said the defense would appeal the murder convictions, but he declined to comment further.",4 +10,"has helped a million people stop smoking since becoming available without prescription in 1996, according to company spokeswoman Nancy Lovre. + +But it also has helped a small percentage of people trade an addiction to cigarettes for what they feel is a dependence on the nicotine in Nicorette. + +Hess is extreme even in that group. + +""I was addicted to Nicorette,"" she said. ""It's easy to get out of control with them."" + +For some former smokers, the gum has become so essential - and so expensive, at about $50 for a ""starter kit"" containing 108 small pieces - that it is a popular shoplifting target in drugstores nationwide. + +""The gum is not cheap,"" said Bruce Sigman, president of the Montgomery County Pharmacists' Association, adding that theft of Nicorette had been a problem where he works, Weldon Pharmacy in Glenside. ""Anything that's a high-ticket item and small enough to conceal,"" he said, is a shoplifting target in supermarkets and pharmacies.",9 +9,"Some of the children reported that they suffered from nausea, dizziness and vomiting, all symptoms of nicotine poisoning.",8 +9,"Dr. Jim Nethercott, a dermatologist and director of the division of occupational health in environmental health sciences at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Nethercott cites an American College of",8 +7,"A Pakistani, Kamran Akhtar, who was jailed in July after videotaping buildings in Charlotte, was sentenced to time served and turned over to immigration authorities for deportation to Pakistan.",6 +13,President Bill Clinton said Thursday,12 +12,A survey released this May by Johns Hopkins University found that almost 60 percent of gun owners support laws that require safe storage.,11 +13,"Hours later, lawmakers in neighboring New Hampshire also voted to allow gay marriage and sent a bill to Gov. John Lynch. The Democrat, who opposes allowing gays to marry, has not said if he would sign it.",12 +6,Scores of communities and some states thus have restricted smoking in various settings. And a bill now in the House would ban it in most buildings open to the public.,5 +13,Bush Fears for Nation's Soul,12 +13,"Tancredo stumps in key presidential primary state TESTING WATERS? Aides say the 6th District congressman, up for re-election, is just pressing the immigration issue.",12 +13, given Christie's potential 2016 presidential hopes.,12 +11," as the study authors observed, ",10 +4,"If you or someone you know was a victim of this type of discrimination, civil rights experts suggest reaching out to an advocacy organization, such as Lambda Legal, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, or the American Civil Liberties Union. They can help assess the strength of your claim, and chart the best course of action based on where you live. +",3 +7,"Pete Edlund, 69, who is retired from the Kansas City Police Department, led the investigation into Ann Harrison's death. Taylor, 47, and Roderick Nunley were convicted of abducting, raping and killing the 15-year-old girl in Kansas City in 1989. +",6 +7,"The Texas teenager known for using an ""affluenza"" defense in a fatal drunken-driving accident likely won't return to the United States anytime soon because of a Mexican judge's decision to delay his deportation Wednesday, but a Mexico immigration official said his mother was being flown to Los Angeles.",6 +6,'Stand Your Ground' Could Get Worse,5 +13," the first lady said she did not want to discuss the ""politics and policies"" surrounding handgun ownership",12 +9,AROUND THE NATION; 26 Aliens Found Locked In Railroad Car in Texas,8 +9,"He said the abnormalities appeared to be tied to Mr. Ross's natural growth rather than caused by a traumatic injury. +",8 +5,"U.S. District Judge Charles Lovell yesterday set the proceeding for 2 p.m., paving the way for Kaczynski's transfer to Sacramento by next week.",4 +13,The Illinois bill passed the House Transportation Committee on a 16-5 vote that cut across party lines and relied heavily on downstate legislators for passage.,12 +7,"convicted felons, drug abusers ",6 +6,The approach of the Ramsey County smoking ban,5 +12,"Opposition to gay marriage has dropped significantly among Americans in recent years, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.",11 +15,Order brings gay rights to fore,14 +7,Immigrant Fraud Case May Reach Beyond Va.; Arlington Lawyer Accused of Filing Bogus Labor Forms,6 +13,"And last November's enactment of a law that languished in Congress for more than a decade marks what could be a significant shift in the nation's attitude toward gun control, they say.",12 +15,CIGARETTE FLICKERS DRAW MORE FIRE,14 +1,MOM TAKES AIM AT BIG GUNMAKERS,0 +1,Meanwhile residents may still sell and own a pistol in Morton Grove.,0 +13, Gov. Rick Scott's,12 +7,Owners of El Balazo taqueria chain sentenced for immigration and tax fraud,6 +5,"Moore based his ruling on state laws governing juveniles who are tried as adults in Circuit Court. + +Moore also postponed the trial to March 2.",4 +5,The court rejected Mitchell's claim that he was entitled to a fitness hearing to determine if epilepsy medication he was taking made him mentally unfit to stand trial.,4 +9,"And the part that says: ""Exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and lung cancer."" + +What part of ""health risk"" don't these people understand? If we were to follow their logic, we would do away with all restaurant health and safety regulations because they inhibit free choice. Rats in the kitchen? Let the workers decide. Food left unrefrigerated? Let the customers avoid the place if they are worried about getting sick. +",8 +13,"Gore, Clinton Aides Shine Spotlight on Family Values",12 +13,"Nebraskans will vote this Election Day on the country's most sweeping effort to bar gay unions, a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that not only bans gay marriages but also declares same-sex civil unions and domestic partnerships invalid.",12 +13,Governor hints at deal with FDA on teen smoking,12 +5,U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Chicago ban in key gun-rights case,4 +13,The panel Wednesday approved the resolution in a slightly different form than a version already approved by the state Senate.,12 +5,"The companies want U.S. District Judge Frank Bulock to put an immediate stop to Philip Morris' ""Retail Leaders"" marketing program, which they say violates federal and state antitrust laws. It was unclear whether Bullock would issue an oral ruling at the hearing's conclusion, which may come today, or rule in writing later.",4 +12,moved Thursday to force a second statewide vote on the marriage question.,11 +1,TOBACCO FIRM ACQUIRED,0 +7,Immigration melee due to command breakdown,6 +11,"A University of California, Berkeley, study, ""1990 California Tobacco Survey,"" states ""researchers found that smokers who worked in communities with strong ordinances were 38 percent more likely to quit smoking than smokers in communities with no ordinance."" + +Study after study by states that have gone smoke free show that cessation rates increase.",10 +12,California's voter-approved,11 +13,"Bush's Democratic rival, Bill Clinton, also backs the bill, saying it's ''ridiculous'' for Bush to oppose it.",12 +3,"Durham priest wins pope's plea for life of condemned man +",2 +5,Ga. court rejects same-sex bond,4 +13,Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Nassau),12 +12,NEO-NAZIS AND members of a black conservative group found common ground backing Chick-fil-A in the cultural war over gay marriage.,11 +15,Check Your Sidearms at the Door,14 +5,"They wanted to know if Boggess might be set free someday, jury foreman Herbert Titus subsequently told a newsman.",4 +10," Everything was set for Jesica's funeral: schoolchildren were preparing a parade, a teacher wrote a poem in her honor, volunteers spruced up her burial plot. +",9 +11,with teen-agers,10 +15,The thrill of the chase,14 +9,"In the past five years alone, roughly 60,000 people have been killed by guns",8 +7,Schneiderman to Advise 'Sanctuary Cities' How to Resist a Trump Deportation Push,6 +1,Sales of premium cigars -- those costing more than $2.50 each -- have jumped 29 percent in the last three years,0 +12,"Voter turnout exceeded forecasts by as many as 400,000. The big increase, in a primary dominated by Democrats, helped advocates of the amendment leap past a far better financed opposition to win.",11 +5,to study the agreement closely,4 +7,"f the ruling stands, Simmons will spend the rest of his life in prison. +",6 +13,"Obama will still get plenty of opportunity for healthy debate at the George Mason University event, where Second Amendment advocates as well as gun control supporters will participate.",12 +1," at taxpayer cost,",0 +10,"But few victims and survivors of the bombing are so intent on removing themselves from the execution. +",9 +10,He had said he would rather die than spend the rest of his life in prison.,9 +5," Since then, attorneys say, Scott's case has gone to the Florida Supreme Court six times and to federal judges twice.",4 +5,The plan would give guest-worker status to the immigrants and eventually could lead to permanent legal status to some of the 3 million Mexicans now in the United States unlawfully.,4 +12,"Most voters favor legalizing undocumented workers if they pay their taxes, have no criminal record and learn to speak English, according to a nationwide bipartisan poll released Tuesday.",11 +1,TOBACCO TAXES MAY HAVE STATE HOOKED,0 +5,to turn over the documents within 10 days,4 +10,"""We try to keep a straight face for Scott, and it keeps getting worse. We can't imagine it getting any worse -- for him to be put to death,"" Caudillo said, her voice breaking. ""The bottom line is, I don't think my parents are going to make it if he goes.""",9 +9,Handgun control necessary for citizens' safety,8 +3,Christianity and the debate over civil unions,2 +1,Moore went to Kmart headquarters to ask why the discount store chain stopped selling handguns but still sells their bullets.,0 +5," is unconstitutional, and has directed the Justice Department to stop defending the law in court, the administration said Wednesday.",4 +7,"""Mitch is going forward fully committed to bringing Mr. Garcia back to Colorado to be prosecuted,"" she said.",6 +5,IMMIGRANT IS AMNESTY SUCCESS STORY,4 +3,"The organization says placing children with unmarried, cohabiting couples violates the Catholic faith. Catholic Charities wants to be allowed to refer unmarried or gay couples to other agencies, as it's done for years.",2 +4," he was represented by two novice lawyers who had never tried a murder case or any serious felony. They failed to fully investigate the case, missed significant evidence of innocence and failed to mount a serious challenge to dubious scientific testimony offered by the state.",3 +13," making it an explicitly political space.""",12 +6,Md. should embracemarriage equality,5 +7,McCarver is scheduled to die by injection at 2 a.m. March 2 at Central Prison.,6 +11," +GUN OWNERS HEADED THE WAY OF SMOKERS",10 +13,Gun provision holds up parks bill,12 +5,"Nearly 30 years after the high court reinstated the death penalty, justices now appear more ready to step in and deal with its excesses, some court watchers say.",4 +13,"Robert J. Kabel, the chairman of the D.C. Republican Committee, and Patrick Mara, a rising star in the local GOP, have begun urging party members in Congress not to oppose the D.C. Council's bill to allow gay couples to marry in the District. +",12 +5,Immigrant Nannies And The Law,4 +6,"Mehlman criticized a broader swath of immigration policy, calling President Bush's ideas about a guest-worker program for what are now predominantly illegal immigrant workers a recipe for ""indentured servitude.""",5 +9, Tracy had undergone brain surgery and walked with a cane,8 +5,IMMIGRATION ISN'T AN ISSUE FOR THE STATES,4 +9,SCHOOL SHOOTINGS BRING CRY FOR TOUGHER GUN LAWS,8 +3,Mr. Cathy's comments were not news. The Cathys have long been public about their religious beliefs; anybody with a Google toolbar could easily surmise that Mr. Cathy opposes same-sex marriage.,2 +5,"Justices uphold execution of ""Black Widow'",4 +13,Jeb Bush Adviser at Odds With Him on Immigration Action,12 +9, for smoking-related ailments such as cancer and heart disease.,8 +6,Arizona's new immigration law is understandable -- and dreadful.,5 +7,Police Chief Richard Lucero said at the meeting his department has been and remains committed to equally serving the city's diverse community.,6 +13,"YAN MEETS WITH RELATIVES OF ILLINOIS DEATH ROW INMATES +",12 +13,"You saw it with guns even as the second term officially began. Already you see members of the President's own party running away from a ban on large-capacity magazines and assault weapons when that should be the easy part of this, for any politician with real guts, that is. +",12 +1,tobacco products and rob tobacco companies of future customers.,0 +7, spearheaded a police and public-relations crackdown on firearms crime in Philadelphia,6 +7,"Normally a case like this would have long disappeared from public awareness, lost in the city's crime statistics and recalled only by the victim's family and friends. But the slaying in Bedford-Stuyvesant is once more in the spotlight, as a subject of a potentially precedent-setting lawsuit against the gun industry. Opening arguments in the suit could begin today in United States District Court in Brooklyn.",6 +13," the president delivered a tightly written paean to the city's resilience, serving notice with his almost-jaunty greeting -- ''Hello Boston!'' -- that he was there as much to fight as to grieve. +",12 +5,"Roberts: ""All you're interested in here is the label, and you insist on changing the definition of the label.""",4 +15,MORE SMOKE ON SMOKING,14 +4,There are potholes on the uneven road to equality,3 +12,Hear these calls for gun control,11 +13,Day's Work in House Takes Week in Senate,12 +7,"The controversy started after a Kennesaw State police officer stopped Colotl on March 29 for allegedly impeding traffic on campus, an offense that carries a $111 fine. She also was ticketed for driving without a license, which carries a maximum punishment of two days in jail and a $700 fine.",6 +7,"The police department's budget was increased from $100,000 to $180,000 to pay for patrol car rentals and reserve officer salaries. The department also wanted to hire a narcotics officer.",6 +5,"For Second Amendment absolutists, any restrictions qualify.",4 +11,"Top Hats and Two Grooms on a Cake, but no Licenses",10 +14,TWO CITIES LOOK AT REGISTRY FOR DOMESTIC PAIRS,13 +11," compared the 12 states that have been regularly executing people with the 13 states that have no capital punishment: Between 1976 and 1986, the rate was exactly double: 106 murders per million people in states that are executing against 53 per million in states that aren't.",10 +8,Va. leads nation in giving records to gun database,7 +5,"Justice Sotomayor, who joined the court this month, dissented along with three members of its liberal wing, Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer. The court's brief order offered no reasoning, and the dissenters merely said they would have granted Mr. Getsy's application for a stay of execution.",4 +15,"Draw a new bead on guns +",14 +7,"Prosecutors Say Defendant in Immigrant Smuggling Case Ran an Underground Empire +",6 +5,"As the clock tolled midnight on Sept. 1, ushering in New York's death penalty law, prosecutors and defense lawyers began holding their breaths, expecting that a murder resulting in the first capital case would be hours, or at most, days away.",4 +6,Same-sex couples welcome new law,5 +6," It calls for 75 percent of gaming floors to be nonsmoking and for up to 25 percent of the casino space devoted to smokers. The ordinance becomes effective April 15. - Inquirer staff +",5 +5,The Wiggins case also involves a technical issue -- what standard should be used in evaluating ineffective counsel claims.,4 +9,Statistics saves lives,8 +12,said he was disappointed with the results.,11 +5,Firearms technology and the original meaning of the Second Amendment,4 +3,SALVATION VIA A RADIO SHOW ON DEATH ROW,2 +13,The letter came on the heels of the White House announcement that it would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court,12 +3," +Gay Catholics, gay Republicans and the general public are not served well by these myopic positions, based on fear, prejudice, ignorance and lack of Christian compassion.",2 +11,An Internet company tried to earn the right to publicly broadcast the execution over the World Wide Web.,10 +13,Support for same-sex marriage jumps among lawmakers,12 +6,The trouble with changing gun laws -- in 1 chart,5 +6,Revive Assault Weapon Ban,5 +3,Death with a smile,2 +5,"After hearing arguments this week, the U.S. Supreme Court could issue a ruling on same-sex marriage that proves as historic --- and as polarizing --- as Roe v. Wade or Bush v. Gore. Or perhaps, as some legal experts suggest, the court will choose not to make history just now, ruling more narrowly or skirting the issue altogether.",4 +6,Lethal Injection Methods Weighed,5 +7,Death penalty possible for Ark. pair Men charged with multiple rapes and murder of 13-year-old boy,6 +7,"The report leaves the authorities still struggling to determine a motive for the killing rampage by George J. Hennard Jr., said Sgt. Michael DeHart, a spokesman for the Killeen police.",6 +13,Gay Marriage and Our Leaders,12 +9,and mental retardation.,8 +15, Familiar Rhetoric Of Gun Control,14 +5,"No plea was entered, and customs prosecutor Kalimuthu Balakrsihnan told Magistrate Tay Lee Ly that the attorney general ordered the charges withdrawn.",4 +10,"Nothing generates anger like raised expectations transformed into dashed hopes. + +I'm sure there is very little mood for solace-taking among the people who worked so long and hard to get Atlanta's city government to follow in the footsteps of more than a dozen other cities and a growing number of corporations in adopting such policies for domestic partners. But there are ",9 +5,"""It is time to stop the bickering and move the tobacco fights out of the courthouse and into the street,"" Christine Gregoire, Washington state's attorney general, said here in announcing the plan. + +At the end of the day, at least a dozen states - including Pennsylvania - already supported the deal, reached during five months of secret negotiations. The others were California, New York, Washington, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Colorado, North Carolina, Iowa, Utah, Arizona and Arkansas. + +New Jersey officials indicated that they, too, intended to join in. + +Leaders in remaining states have until noon Friday to decide whether to sign on to the deal. Negotiators want a majority of the 46 eligible states to go along",4 +1,"Native-born Americans lost more than a million jobs while foreign-born workers gained hundreds of thousands of jobs as the country emerged from a painful recession, according to a new analysis of economic trends",0 +11,"Historic moments have occurred before - the 1969 Stonewall riots in Greenwich Village, when police raided a gay bar and met resistance; the 1973 declaration by the American Psychiatric Association that homosexuals were not mentally ill - but none can match the sheer velocity of events that seemingly began with a nationally televised kiss between two male composers at Broadway's Tony awards. +",10 +6,"The Post did not mention how such an apparently 'sane' requirement would be enforced. Technically, no one is going to know how firearms are stored in private homes, unless one enters private homes, looking for improperly stored guns. As to SAFE's age-restriction initiative, all I can say is: Bring on Robyn",5 +12,of antismoking efforts,11 +5, The substantive case against gay marriage collapsed in the U.S. Supreme Court last week.,4 +8,Sniper Sentencings Scheduled for Same Day,7 +5,"As the courtroom waited for Judge Carlos Samour Jr. to review the verdict, only the sound of him turning pages could be heard.",4 +9,Lethal Injections May Not Have Enough Anesthetic,8 +10,"Arm people with emotional resilience, not guns",9 +13,Democrats still aren't being ruthless about gun control,12 +2,High tide of immigration overwhelms USA // Lack of money and direction add to woes,1 +5,but the Supreme Court issued a stay until it could review his case.,4 +13, major new gun control legislation is still not likely to pass in Congress.,12 +8,BICKERING FOLLOWS BOMBING,7 +12,"Minuteman demonstrators, who numbered less than 100, castigated an immigration bill before the Senate next week that would give millions of illegal immigrants a chance at American citizenship.",11 +13,"Swarmed by autograph seekers and admirers, actor Charlton Heston easily won a National Rifle Association board election Saturday, a key test for the gun lobby's embattled leadership. +",12 +13,GOP pounds out a platform,12 +13,"Cuomo is leading the polls in the five-candidate race for the state's chief law enforcer and is trailed by Democrats Mark Green, Charlie King and Sean Patrick Maloney and Republican Jeanine Pirro.",12 +1,"Since then, Legacy has used the tobacco industry's money to produce dozens of TV and print ads, many of them portraying the industry and its executives as liars profiting from a product that kills their customers.",0 +9," ''Moreover, each of these medical syndromes provides a basis for a showing that Gilmore's capacity to deliberate was severely impaired at the time''",8 +13," illustrating the eagerness of Democratic legislative leaders to challenge the Trump administration over undocumented immigrants, refugees, health care and other issues.",12 +13," the tenor inside the House was hushed, as lawmakers opposed to it, overwhelmingly Democrats, spoke with trembling voices and teary eyes, delivering the most emotional speeches.",12 +2,"lorida is building a new Death Row, one with 336 cells that will open next year and will more than double the population of inmates awaiting execution. +",1 +4,"It's just the right thing to do, and we commend those regents who had the backbone to look at the issue as it really is - an issue of fairness and of health care.",3 +3,Presbyterians narrowly reject a redefinition of marriage RELIGION,2 +5,"'AFFAIRE MUMIA IN COURT, JUDGE SABO IS HIS OWN WORST ENEMY. +",4 +7,"Soldier Gets 90 Years in Rape, Killing of Iraqi Girl",6 +5,The Man Who Helped Indict Smoking,4 +13,"Already an icon to Americans who are fed up with illegal immigration, Gilchrist ran for an open seat in the U.S. House on the single issue of getting tough on illegal immigration. Despite running as a third-party candidate, he managed to win 25 percent of the vote in a district dominated by regular Republicans.",12 +13,GOP fuels gay marriage ban,12 +10,GUNS AND COLLEGE STUDENTS A BAD MIX,9 +12,The capitulation capped an hour-long protest by more than 200 union members and supporters outside HIP's offices at 7 W. 34th St. Demonstrators called for the company to intervene and rehire more than 200 cleaners whose employment with SBL Cleaning Corp. was terminated last month.,11 +7, Do local police think this is a good idea?,6 +11," +Passionately invoking the end of slavery, the civil rights movemen",10 +5,"Now, briefs just filed by Solicitor General Theodore Olson in two cases currently being appealed to the Supreme Court indicate that Mr. Ashcroft's personal opinion has become that of the United States government. This posture represents an astonishing challenge to the long-settled doctrine that the right to bear arms protected by the Second Amendment is closely tied to membership in the militia.",4 +7," As a result, Michael Richard was executed about 8:20 that night. ",6 +11,"""We live in a distressed community,"" Fire Capt. Thomas Raines says. ""Our demand for services is a little larger."" +",10 +5,Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said he would consult with the victims' relatives before deciding whether to seek capital punishment.,4 +13,"Why Bill Clinton is right on guns +",12 +13,Open-carry bill narrowly passes House committee,12 +5,"But public housing buildings aren't merely public installations; they are homes in which every resident is supposed to feel secure from unreasonable and warrantless searches, as spelled out in the Fourth Amendment. There would be no practical way to impose a gun ban and enforce it without breaching individual rights.",4 +13,The Wisconsin senator said he is prepared to work with,12 +13,"''He did what he could do. Now we have to take it from here,'' says Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif. +",12 +4,A panel appointed by Ryan has recommended 85 changes to improve the system and reduce the chance of an innocent person being sentenced to die.,3 +7,City lauded for enforcing teen anti-smoking policies,6 +12,"Martinez's call for Americans to show their support for gun control measures aimed at curbing the drumbeat of mass shootings was picked up by a group called Everytown for Gun Safety, which has helped generate more than 2 million of the ""Not One More"" postcards from people across the country.",11 +5,"O'Brien added that ""the attempt here is not only to blur, but ob literate, the line that separates public nuisance claims from those based on product liability law."" + +Courts in some states, including Illinois and Massachusetts, have allowed such suits to proceed, the judge wrote. In Missouri, gun regulation in manufacturing and sale is reserved by statute to the Legislature, O'Brien said. + +Efforts Tuesday to reach city officials were unsuccessful. The city could appeal O'Brien's ruling.",4 +5,"udge Sharon Keller's relentless tough-on-crime approach earned her the nickname ""Killer Keller,"" and condemned prisoners in Texas know she is unlikely to spare them from a lethal injection. +",4 +6,A 'perfect storm': Missouri lawmakers pass a dangerous gun bill,5 +7,A NATION CHALLENGED: DETAINEES; Civil Rights Groups Allowed to Visit Two Jails in New Jersey,6 +5,The Vermont Supreme Court is considering a case filed by three same-sex couples who want to marry.,4 +6,Gun Control Laws Aren't Enough,5 +6,Historic law is approved in Maryland,5 +15,"Coincidence packs a punch +",14 +4,FATHER WRONGFULLY IMPRISONED FOR 21 YEARS SEEKS $35 MILLION,3 +12,"Among the demonstrators were members from several human rights organizations, including Georgia Detention Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia.",11 +5,Wave of lawsuits targets bans on same-sex marriage,4 +5,"St. Louis death penalty case goes before jury Woman says she was raped, boyfriend was stabbed to death.",4 +1,"Roughly $28 million would be spent on those weddings, the analysts figured, plus about $14 million in tourism-related spending by out-of-town guests. That activity would yield roughly $3 million in tax revenue for state and local governments, the report said. +",0 +5," +The decision overturned lower-court rulings in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky and makes the 6th Circuit the first appeals court to uphold state bans since the Supreme Court struck down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 2013. +",4 +13,N.H. DEATH-PENALTY REPEAL VETOED,12 +5, But his lawyers raised a strong claim that Texas' penal law precluded the jury from fairly considering any factors that called for mercy and a life sentence. The Texas law makes death virtually mandatory if the jury finds that the murderer constitutes a continuing threat to society.,4 +5,Constitution doesn't give everyone right to pack a pistol,4 +7,"After Sumrall shot him, Mr. Whitehead said, ""He stood over me and told me to stand up. He said, 'I bet you can't get up now.' """,6 +11,gay and lesbian audience he invited to the White House to mark the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion,10 +5,World Briefing Asia: Japan: Bobby Fischer Loses Appeal,4 +13, But he also recognized the long odds of leading the legislation out of the Senate subcommittee.,12 +13,Now the bill goes to a committee of legislators who will try to reconcile differences between the Senate and House versions. The Senate bill is both tougher and weaker than the version the House passed Wednesday.,12 +9,"Such a ''bright line'' I.Q. cutoff has been roundly rejected by mental-health experts, who say that the diagnosis of intellectual disability is complex and I.Q. tests are approximate measures but do not provide a complete picture. There is no magic score above which intellectual disability doesn't exist. +",8 +1,"Most smokers by nature are risk-takers. So when it comes to cigarettes, about the only image most brand-conscious smokers care about is whether it's a stoic cowboy or cartoon camel.",0 +7, 2 convicted killers scheduled for execution a day apart,6 +13,"When West goes to the polls in today's Super Tuesday presidential primary, he'll have his pick of get-tough remedies. Republican candidates have been talking about immigration with a forcefulness that resonates even here - hundreds of miles from America's porous borderlands.",12 +7," +WARMED-OVER RESPONSES TO CRIME",6 +13,INFLUX OF KIDS FUELING DEBATE,12 +1,firearms sales.,0 +1,$ 4 billion,0 +12,'Second Amendment Sisters' plan march,11 +13,",five Republican state legislators who supported the gay-rights law were defeated in Tuesday's primary, while four other Republicans and one Democrat who backed the law won. +",12 +12,SLAIN MAN'S SHOES MARCH IN THE WAR AGAINST GUNS,11 +11, It's the language barrier for the most part.,10 +5,Virginia favored on sniper trial list,4 +7,McDonough man charged with running guns ATF agents seize dozens of pistols during two raids,6 +8, the departed seeking help from an immigrant advocacy agency.,7 +6," But what of Canada or Australia? In those nations, like ours in heritage but with tight gun laws, handgun murders in 1992 were 128 and 13.",5 +13,"O'Malley to seek tougher gun laws +",12 +7,"Many of these unnecessary arrests stem from the discredited idea that a draconian crackdown on the most minor offenses -- littering, selling loose cigarettes, biking on the sidewalk -- will prevent more serious crimes. This model of policing, known as broken windows or zero tolerance, helped to drive mass incarceration. Its next cost could be mass deportation.",6 +5,"quickly ordered that marriage licenses be issued to same-sex couples as soon as a federal appeals court lifts its hold on the lower court ruling, potentially next month.",4 +10,The Palm Beach Gardens couple will not see any immediate benefits from the ruling,9 +6,Toughening Md.'s gun laws,5 +10,"""It's the one bright spot that we had in our lives,""",9 +12," By large majorities, they are voting in favor of marriage equality. +",11 +5,"In a written brief filed this week, attorneys for the ban's opponents argued that a lower court was right to rule that two subjects --- a ban on gay marriages and a ban on civil unions --- should not have been put on the ballot in one all-or-nothing constitutional amendment.",4 +5,"DEATH OR LIFE: PENALTY PHASE ALL-IMPORTANT / THE ""SECOND TRIAL"" WAS KEY TO REVIVING CAPITAL PUNISHMENT",4 +5,"Jon Davidson, who is helping represent 12 suing couples as an attorney with Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, said that Lockyer ""is putting up a vigorous defense.""",4 +7,Immigration officials say America's ability to control its borders is being tested by an international smuggling operation responsible for sneaking a ship into San Francisco Bay and dropping more than 180 Chinese near the Golden Gate Bridge.,6 +5," Named the ""Marriage Protection Amendment,"" the proposal states that ""no other legal union treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.""",4 +3,"Bishop Martin McLee, who oversees 500 churches in New York and Connecticut, on Monday also announced a moratorium on church trials, opening the door for pastors to officiate at gay weddings without fear of reprisal. +",2 +7,It would make it a crime to negligently leave a handgun in easy reach of minors.,6 +12,"The Coalition for America's Families said tuition breaks shouldn't be a priority as Wisconsin copes with a $1.6 billion budget deficit. Its 30-second spots, airing in Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay, have a Hispanic woman presenting the group's side.",11 +13,"Five Southern governors, led by Georgia's Roy Barnes, negotiated the final details of the trust fund in Raleigh. +",12 +13,"But supporters say the chances of immigration legislation advancing in the GOP-controlled House remain a source of concern, and that concern has shaped the Senate negotiations from the outset.",12 +5,"Scarnati, a conservative whose north-central and northwest district is one of the state's most rural, added: ""I am concerned that this is just another attempt by liberals from Philadelphia to limit the rights of gun owners and those who wish to become a gun owner.""",4 +13,"The chief spokesman for the Florida Republican Party, who is Hispanic, is leaving his job and joining a conservative organization due to differences with GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.",12 +7,"Julio N. Paredes, 43, is in federal custody, accused of conspiring with others in a series of armed robberies across the state. The robberies began shortly before the slaying and continued until August. At least four of the six businesses that were struck catered to a Latino clientele, as did the variety store in Silver Spring.",6 +6,Among measures under consideration are a Senate bill that would strip localities such as Alexandria of their ability to prohibit weapons in public buildings and a House bill that would eliminate a law barring people from carrying concealed handguns in restaurants that serve alcohol.,5 +5,"St. Louis County Circuit Judge Maura McShane scheduled sentencing for Oct. 2. +",4 +7,"eulander, 60, is accused of arranging the 1994 murder of his wife, Carol. ",6 +11,"More youth are smoking now than ever, particularly among African-American youth. The issue is getting out of hand,"" Lord said.",10 +8,"Then on April your paper published an article by James Harper (Survey gives gun owners due credit), factually stating that in excess of 2-million crimes a year are prevented because of citizens responsibly owning guns. In fact, the greatest majority of crimes were prevented not by shooting, but by an authoritative presence to discourage the crime.",7 +13,The authorization was given at a closed board meeting but not re-voted on or entered into regular minutes.,12 +5,Same-Sex Newlyweds Sue Utah After Series of Rulings,4 +12,DACA immigrants fight for U.S. lives,11 +6,Why have gun laws if criminals ignore them?,5 +5,Prop. 8 trial: Judge troubled by lack of evidence from defense,4 +5,"Petaluma attorney Steven Lubliner, who represents Beardslee, said he would ask the 9th Circuit to reconsider the ruling with an 11-judge panel. He expressed disappointment that the court did not overturn Beardslee's death sentence, which he believes is badly tarnished by poor representation and prosecutor misconduct.",4 +8,Accessory for a U.S. Border Fence: A Welcome Mat for Foreign Loans,7 +11,The Insider: Gun lovers unite,10 +7,"At the same time, rioters were breaking into gun stores and pawn shops throughout Los Angeles and carting away what officials now estimate were thousands of weapons of all sorts.",6 +5,"ACLU, Lambda Legal, file suit challenging Va.'s gay marriage ban +",4 +5," +Chris Lloyd, senior media instructor at Blair and general manager of WBNC-TV, the school station that produced the program, said he and his students would meet with their lawyer today to discuss their next move.",4 +5,"On Monday, the high court declined to intervene in the case, a move that allows the prosecution to move forward. A hearing in the case is set for March, but no trial date has been set.",4 +6, House bills do nothing but wave a bloody shirt,5 +11,"Time magazine and CNN suspended columnist and TV host Fareed Zakaria on Friday after he acknowledged that he plagiarized sections of another writer's article about gun control. +",10 +5,She argued that couples who were married could be harmed if the validity of their license was called into question,4 +5,"The high court's action sent the message that the Supreme Court was content to let same-sex marriages proceed in a piecemeal manner. The justices refused to review decisions from courts of appeals for the 4th Circuit in Richmond, the 7th Circuit in Chicago and the 10th Circuit in Denver.",4 +7,"and it would take an inspection force the size of a small army to police them all, all the time",6 +5," +This means that in three-fifths of the states plus the nation's capital, gay marriage would be considered a constitutional right. I'd call that a tipping point.",4 +13,GOP to try to undercut Brady bill,12 +7,Recent violence pushes gun debate for Georgia colleges,6 +3,"Once again, gun owners are being demonized",2 +5," +State executions have been on hold since last year, when lawyers for Michael A. Taylor,",4 +6,Smoking in recreational facility remains a murky issue,5 +9,imposing on my health,8 +3," Death is an inhumane punishment for adolescents and mentally ill people, who lack the judgment, experience and restraint of most adults.",2 +11,"""I like living here,"" said Gonzalez, 24, as she pushed a stroller holding her sleeping 1-year-old daughter and bags of purchases from a dollar store in the blue-collar Highlandtown neighborhood. ""They don't look at you weird because you don't speak English.""",10 +15,We must say 'no more,14 +13,"e has until Jan. 13, his last day in office, to decide. +",12 +11,Leyland's smoking has teacher fuming,10 +3,"Gay Marriage And The Bible +",2 +9,"Darrell Goff, a Border Patrol agent in Baton Rouge, said Mr. Marie ''claims he fears some kind of persecution if he goes back to Syria.''",8 +8,LIGHTS TO SHINE ON BORDER INSTALLATION AIMED AT ILLEGAL CROSSINGS,7 +7,"that he murdered Nicole Brown Simpson, 35, and Ronald Goldman, her 25-year-old friend and an aspiring model, outside Nicole Simpson's townhouse June 12.",6 +7,Prosecution in Darkness,6 +13, California is the key to this fight,12 +5,Cox cited the constitutional amendment ,4 +11,"In the 1920's, Lucky Strike introduced the slogan ""Reach for a Lucky Instead of a Sweet,"" using celebrity endorsers like George M. Cohan, Amelia Earhart and Helen Hayes to bring the message home. The fight-fat campaign made a giant stride toward capturing a new market of female smokers, already primed by the daring Chesterfield campaign that showed a male smoker and his sweetheart spooning under -- what else? -- a June moon. ""Blow Some My Way,"" the caption read.",10 +5,TAKING BACK 2 GUN PERMITS PROVES EXACTLY NOTHING,4 +14,Iraq charges raise rare specter,13 +5,Georgia and Alabama are asking a federal appeals court in Atlanta to stay legal arguments over their new immigration laws pending a U.S. Supreme Court decision on a similar measure in Arizona.,4 +13,House panel to vote on gun bill,12 +3,ETHICS,2 +13,"Introduced this week by Rep. Larry Justus, R-Henderson",12 +5,GUN OWNERS AREN'T ONLY ONES WITH RIGHTS,4 +9,"When I asked C. Everett Koop, the former Surgeon General, if he thought Goldstone was actually evil, he answered, ""Is it evil to know that the product you sell is going to kill one-third of your customers, and then sell it anyway?"" +",8 +7,The state of Utah used five riflemen to execute John Taylor who raped and strangled an 11-year-old girl. The state of Delaware hanged Billy Bailey for murdering an elderly farm couple.,6 +7,Face-off: Capital punishment,6 +5,"The $43 million suit filed by Windle Turley, a Dallas lawyer, asserts that pistols such as the $19 weapon that crippled Mr. Clancy are, by their nature, unsafe, hazardous products and that the manufacturers and sellers should be liable for injuries or deaths that result from them.",4 +5," +Indiana Death Row Inmate Gets Support for DNA Test From Unlikely Source: His Prosecutor",4 +5,His lawyers also said they would ask the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the execution.,4 +3,Setting a Bad Example,2 +5,The key issue for the jury panel will be to determine if Morris was legally sane - whether he knew the difference between right and wrong - at the time. Defense attorneys have claimed he is psychotic; prosecutors say Morris' claims of mental illness are bogus.,4 +11,"""If you live in Illinois, it's like the Civil Rights Act of 1964,"" said Todd Sivia, an Edwardsville lawyer who is gay and represents same-sex couples in family issues that will be affected by the new law. ""This is like Brown vs. the Board of Education."" + +",10 +6,Gun Control Proposed for Charter Revision,5 +15,NATION IN BRIEF,14 +9,that smoking caused cancer,8 +5," In a separate case, he also asserted a right to view docket entries that were sealed without explanation in a suit challenging the legality of Missouri's execution protocol.",4 +2,The state list is currently backlogged with tens of thousands of people.,1 +8,"Now, the Islamic State has spelled out its position in writing.",7 +5,R.I. Court Torn Over Whether It Can Divorce Lesbian Couple,4 +9,SMOKING MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR SKIN,8 +13,"POLITICIANS, FOLLOW CORPORATE LEAD",12 +6,"Earlier this year, smoking was banned on almost all U.S. air flights; some municipalities passed anti-smoking ordinances and banned cigarette sales from vending machines.",5 +13,Chiles said,12 +14,French television made the latest court decision on Mumia Abu-Jamal the lead story on the nightly news.,13 +11,Refusing To Be Late On Gay Marriage,10 +3,"Keep performing your beautiful ceremonies, Rev. Southworth, and leave the double-standard to somebody else. +",2 +10,"Middleton and Kenny, who have been together for 48 years, raised children in Virginia and pursued their careers, working hard and living quietly, always careful about revealing their relationship to anyone.",9 +5,deal to settle state lawsuits,4 +3,"REFORM RABBIS SUPPORT CIVIL MARRIAGES FOR GAYS, LESBIANS",2 +5,State's Highest Court Tosses Out Death Sentence in Killings at a Queens Wendy's,4 +4,"Since 1982, 28 death sentences have been leveled against black defendants and 22 against defendants of other races. Many of the sentences have been reversed. There currently are 11 men on death row: five white and six black.",3 +13,Obama asks unity on border reforms,12 +12,"Several hundred gun rights activists armed with rifles and shotguns rallied outside of the Alamo on Saturday in a demonstration that broke a long-standing tradition of not staging such events at the enduring symbol of Texas independence. +",11 +13,Owens seeks school gun ban,12 +12,Undocumented kids cheer vote on tuition,11 +7,"p to the moment that a lethal injection took his life in the early morning hours of June 21, 1995,",6 +6,"Hammer said the bill is necessary to protect such gun owners from harassment by police when they accidentally reveal concealed weapons in public. A 2011 compromise that tweaked existing regulations to remove penalties for those who unintentionally expose a gun has not been sufficient protection, she said. As a result, the NRA has reverted to its original goal of open carry for concealed-weapons permit holders.",5 +3," If 20 slain first-graders didn't move Congress, the killing of a dozen adults - a depressingly ordinary event in this violence-numb nation - wasn't about to change the equation.",2 +5,Texas death sentence overturned Ruling is 2nd stopping retarded man's execution,4 +11,"She found the impossible-to-wrinkle blouses at a table that also featured Native American necklaces, not far from a jeweler selling $7,500 timepieces, across from a table of high-powered rifles, around the corner from herbal aromatherapy heating pads and .45-caliber handguns and a pop-up DVD store whose categories included ""WWII at Sea"" and ""Napoleonic.""",10 +9,"Perry made another try Friday, hammering the former Massachusetts governor for supporting a health care plan in his state that included a requirement that individuals buy health insurance.",8 +9,''It was caused by a breakdown in the public mental health system. The question is why wasn't this individual dealt with when everyone around him apparently saw there were very real issues.'',8 +13," +In the last installment of this melodrama, Senate leaders failed to find the courage to foil the Republicans who had lighted the fuse on amendments intended to blow apart a pale and fragile compromise. Meanwhile, nervous and defensive Democrats wrapped the bill tightly in a procedural blanket.",12 +11,"We can decide other countries are reprehensible, thanks to political documentaries (see ""The Cove,"" which, no doubt, raised awareness about a small Japanese village's annual slaughter of dolphins, which Caroline Kennedy, American ambassador to Japan, spoke out against this week in what could easily be considered a diplomatic no-no). We can question the Bush administration's post Sept. 11 actions in Moore's ""Fahrenheit 9/11""c and have constructive conversations on what we may or may not have learned.",10 +3,'MORAL BANKRUPTCY': SISTER PREJEAN SPEAKS HERE AGAINST DEATH PENALTY,2 +3,Religious right fired up over Obama,2 +12," +But if Adam Kokesh follows through with his July 4 plans - 2,500 people have signed up for the cause - he and his makeshift band will be met on the Arlington Memorial Bridge by two police forces packing guns of their own. +",11 +8,NEW ANTI-TERRORIST LAW TAKES EFFECT,7 +5,Needed: A foe of death penalty on the court,4 +15,"For Movement, A Key Setback",14 +5,"as directed by the courts,",4 +9,"Kids of illegal aliens face bully treatment +",8 +13,"President Barack Obama made an emotional plea to lawmakers Thursday to strengthen the nation's gun laws. +",12 +1,"""I'm probably getting a lot of business for this, just because this is the only place around here you can smoke,"" he said. ""But that money is not worth getting the civil liberties of business owners and smokers trampled.""",0 +5,Asylum Claims: Dealing With Fraud and Backlogs,4 +5,The 3rd District Court of Appeal made the right decision Wednesday in a huge class-action lawsuit Florida smokers brought against tobacco companies.,4 +3, while allowing religious leaders who oppose such marriages to refuse to perform them,2 +10,No one can be happy at the thought of federal agents wrenching a 6-year-old boy from the arms of caring relatives. Neither can Americans who believe in a rule of law tolerate mob action to keep a young son from the arms of a loving father.,9 +13,"On Gay Marriage, Bush May Have Said All He's Going To",12 +1,SMOKING SUITS WOULD JUST BURN MONEY,0 +13,Issue Vs. Expertise In Race For Board; Immigration Stand Hovering Over Pr. William Ballot,12 +8,"President Bush called last night for sending as many as 6,000 National Guard troops to help protect the U.S.-Mexican border, a proposal that highlighted the first prime-time Oval Office television address of his presidency devoted to a domestic issue. +",7 +7,convicts on California's death row,6 +13,"Congress reacts to Obama's gun control proposals +",12 +12,But he's imagining the disapproval,11 +5,"The order was given by Common Pleas Court Senior Judge Albert F. Sabo, who has been hearing Abu-Jamal's request for a new trial over the last three weeks. The judge said he granted the stay because Abu-Jamal's need for more time to appeal was ""obvious.""",4 +1, shopping periods at the malls,0 +13,Senate Balks at Obama Pick for Health Post,12 +5,Leesburg Killing Testimony Heard,4 +3,"""Our Church's teaching recognizes the right of legitimate government to resort to capital punishment,"" the bishops wrote. ""But it challenges the appropriateness of doing so in a society now capable of defending the public order and ensuring the public's safety.""",2 +13,"The ""Loves the green"" remark, he said, was a dig at Rangel's ethical lapses, including failure to pay taxes on a vacation house and the misuse of his office to get donations, for which he was censured by the House of Representatives in 2010.",12 +13,"Presiding at yesterday's pep rally was Mayor David N. Dinkins, who summoned up passion that he too frequently suppresses. He also demonstrated political maturation, by not announcing -- as he had four times during a similar pitch last fall -- the telephone number of House Speaker Thomas S. Foley, who supporters of gun restrictions pestered with hundreds of calls.",12 +7,"Investigators are also in the process of seizing all the Tsarnaev brothers' computer hard drives, thumb drives and any other electronic footprints they left behind.",6 +1,$5.7 Million Released for Tobacco Plan,0 +5,Liggett Group has been ordered by a judge to retrieve any secret documents on nicotine addiction and other legal issues that may have been distributed after he ordered them sealed.,4 +5,Inserting marriage into Colorado's constitution,4 +8,"Key elements of the federal government's new strategy include deployment of hovercraft and horseback units to patrol the All American Canal, stepped up helicopter surveillance, extended testing of non-lethal pepper ball launchers, and installation of six ""rescue beacons"" in the desert outside Yuma, Ariz.",7 +13,"In Pennsylvania, state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe declares that gun-control advocates have ""gone far enough."" And in North Dakota, state Rep. Roscoe Streyle says, ""We know what's right for our citizens."" +",12 +5," +The ruling ended a class-action lawsuit that was originally filed in 2000 and that went to trial last month. Jurors were into their fifth day of deliberations.before the judge declared the mistrial.",4 +15,False Alarm Against Gun Control,14 +7,"Execute them anyway, guilty or innocent.",6 +5," As Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods pointed out,",4 +6,Blame lax gun laws,5 +13,An anti-crime bill that combines expanded use of death sentences and gun controls whisked through the Senate on Thursday after three weeks of political brinkmanship.,12 +13,"The D.C. Council voted overwhelming Tuesday to legalize same-sex marriage in the District, a key step in a process that could enable gay couples to marry in the nation's capital by the spring.",12 +13,"President Clinton wants to sign the bill, but he opposes the schools proposal. Republican candidate Bob Dole supports it. The idea is similar to California's Proposition 187, the 1994 ballot measure currently tied up in court appeals, that would deny benefits to illegal immigrants. +",12 +9,MINNESOTA TO IMMEDIATELY PURSUE DISCLOSURE OF FIVE TOBACCO TOXINS,8 +13,"His comments to ABC News came three days after Vice President Joe Biden declared himself ""absolutely comfortable"" and left White House and campaign officials struggling to explain the president's previous position that his views on the subject were ""evolving.""",12 +12,"The irrepressible Marietta activist who staunchly opposes illegal immigration revealed that he's been hiring ringers to support his cause at a rally staged outside the state Capitol. In what has become an all-too-common practice, King admits he paid homeless people who regularly congregate downtown to hold up placards and look generally disgruntled for the assembled media. The 14 protesters-for-hire earned $10 apiece for their services at Monday's rally.",11 +6,CLINTON'S REFUGEE PLAN WOULD BRING MARIEL III,5 +3,"Gay marriage landmark? Minnesota pastor who conducted 1971 ceremony thinks so +",2 +13,"But in the waning days of the race to become New Jersey's next governor, Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, a Republican, has taken a sharp turn to the right as polls show that she is well behind her Democratic opponent, Philip D. Murphy, a former Wall Street banker.",12 +5,EXECUTION IS PUT ON HOLD FOR KILLER FROM GERMANTOWN,4 +1,Old Belt tobacco `a real quality crop',0 +9,Too Hot to Be Safe,8 +1,Workers in Silicon Valley Weigh in on Obama's Immigration Order,0 +5,The Social Security Administration is rejecting marriage documents issued for heterosexual couples in four communities that performed weddings for same-sex couples earlier this year.,4 +14,"U.S., in a Shift, Backs U.N. Move to Curb Illicit Trade in Guns",13 +8, Waiting periods and background checks aren't enough. ,7 +6,MANY IGNORE STATE LAW ON SMONKING,5 +5,"Prop. 8 group files emergency motion +",4 +13,"Gun Bill Is Unsnagged, Making Passage More Likely",12 +13,"In a statement Friday afternoon, Herbert's office said",12 +12,", the National Rifle Association responded with a gun appreciation day Sat., Jan. 19.",11 +1,"But soon after he got the job on March 24, word spread that Eich had donated $1,000 to a campaign supporting Prop. 8, the 2008 California referendum defining marriage as between a man and a woman. +",0 +12,"As Victories Pile Up, Gay Rights Advocates Cheer 'Milestone Year'",11 +6,legislation that would strip local governments of the ability to enact anti-smoking ordinances.,5 +9, except Floridians dying from smoking-related diseases.,8 +13,Stab at illegal immigrants simply a fabrication to beat Dems at polls,12 +13,"San Francisco became the epicenter of the gay-marriage debate when Mayor Gavin Newsom gave the go-ahead for the ceremonies Feb. 12, prompting several other cities and towns to follow suit and angering conservatives across the country.",12 +13,"Now that it has lost a fight in Congress that it tried desperately to win, the NRA's reputation as unbeatable is gone. Congress has rejected, for the first time, the NRA position that there is nothing that can or should be done to reverse the growing influence of guns on American society. Now we can begin to talk about gun topics intelligently.",12 +5,State: Montco same-sex marriage licenses meaningless,4 +11,"Ads, fliers, billboards and a Web site are part of a campaign by a national gun control group to warn visitors ",10 +6,New effort is sought on smoking ban St. Charles Co. Council may decide whether to set a countywide vote on the proposal.,5 +13,"Carnahan also cited Ashcroft's support for Proposition B, last year's failed proposal to allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons.",12 +13,GUN POLITICS,12 +13,THE 1994 CAMPAIGN: BALLOT MEASURES,12 +12,Amendment advocates believe,11 +13,"Later this week, Bloomberg and Rep. Charles Rangel (D-Harlem) will speak with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other big city mayors about gun violence.",12 +11,when the public radio network first planned to broadcast Mr. Abu-Jamal's commentaries from prison.,10 +14,", two foreign governments announced Wednesday that they had made significant progress on restricting access to firearms.",13 +13,GOP-LED HOUSE SHOOTS DOWN CURBS ON GUNS,12 +1,vacated the $10.1 billion,0 +5,DEATH CASES HANDLED RESPONSIBLY,4 +8,temporarily banning entry into the United States for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees from around the world.,7 +6,Smoking legislation a bad piece of work,5 +12,The latest New York Times/CBS News poll has found widespread support for an amendment to the United States Constitution to ban gay marriage.,11 +13," +Just how tricky the issue may be can be seen in the nuanced rumba Bush and his leading Democratic challengers have performed around the explosive subject for the past year. Bush has denounced same-sex marriage while resisting demands from some conservatives that he push aggressively for a constitutional ban. Yesterday he said, ""We must do what is legally necessary to defend the sanctity of marriage.""",12 +5,"By declining a lower court case, the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday effectively allowed gay marriage in California. +",4 +13,President Donald Trump made a splash Wednesday,12 +13,"Mayors Against Illegal Guns. +",12 +5,"A judge yesterday spared the life of a 36-year-old former insurance executive, the first woman to face a possible death sentence in Bucks County.",4 +9,"The statistical cancer risk to nonsmokers is higher than that of virtually any other toxic chemical the EPA regulates, and this doesn't take into account the even greater risk of heart disease. According to another EPA study that the tobacco lobby did manage to suppress, secondhand smoke contributes to more than 37,000 heart-disease deaths each year. That's more than 12 times the number of innocent cancer victims.",8 +13,"For Second Time, Kaine Delays Execution of Va. Triple Killer",12 +7," He might not be facing electrocution,",6 +15,FROM KOOLS TO COOL,14 +5, Yet his defense attorney was unable to establish an insanity plea and failed to introduce other evidence of childhood abuse and a history of depression and attempts at suicide.,4 +3,"He was raised a Mormon and recalls himself as the kid who ""had to go out and bring in the wayward souls.",2 +6,BRADY BILL TARGETS CRIME BUT MISSES THE MARK,5 +4, Reconciling such a system with fair standards of justice is difficult,3 +5,"Execution warrants against Cox, 37, have been stayed twice previously by Pennsylvania courts. - AP",4 +5,S.J.'S GUN BAN STANDS LOCAL POWER: STATE HIGH COURT WON'T HEAR KDSFHKSF DSKFH APPEAL.,4 +13,Congress Fetches for the Gun Lobby,12 +10,"Michael and Robert, then 10 and 6, were told to go to a friend's house and play baseball until dark.",9 +5,". Friday, when 12 new jurors were given a chance to decide his fate again on an appeal, they, too, chose death.",4 +13,ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDS FINALIST FOR ANTI-SMOKING ADS,12 +4,Fairness for immigrants,3 +7,"The shooting yesterday at Buell Elementary School, near Flint, Mich., is the latest episode of gun violence in schools",6 +12,"Melina Waldo, leader in parents of gay people group +",11 +13,Trump slump?,12 +13,"ov. Bush signs his first death warrants +",12 +13,"It was sent out during the weekend, and legislators started getting calls Monday.",12 +5,Judge denies removal call after juror departs trial,4 +12," A survey sponsored by Human Rights Campaign also indicated majority support for ending the so-called Defense of Marriage Act,which bars federal recognition of legally married gay couples.",11 +5,"The ruling, issued Tuesday, was considered a small victory for defense attorneys. +",4 +5,Trial date is set for Bolin,4 +5,"A plea agreement between prosecutors and ""the alleged abductor when the abductor's bargaining chip is the safe return of the victim will not be enforced,"" Justice Hughes wrote.",4 +7,"Signs warning shooters that their murder weapons weren't welcome didn't stop perpetrators at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University or the University of Alabama.",6 +9,health problems of Medicaid recipients,8 +12,"""I think it's something ultimately that people throughout the country will accept, but it's not an easy issue."" ",11 +13,"Meanwhile more than 100 House Democrats plan to co-sponsor a bill banning assault weapons when Congress comes back in session next week, according to an email being circulated among members of the caucus.",12 +7,Criminals would continue to carry guns illegally.,6 +13," +MINNESOTA AGAIN DEBATING MERITS OF DEATH PENALTY",12 +3,"""Are we ever going to stop the killing?"" he said. ""This is just causing bloodlust. Here we are in the buckle of the Bible Belt, and people want to see him die. When they walk to church on Sunday with a Bible under their arm, they're forgetting things like 'Thou shalt not kill.' """,2 +1,Unlicensed gun dealers claiming to sell 'private collections' may sell their wares at gun shows,0 +13,House Vote Moves Washington State Closer to Gay Marriage,12 +4,Flawed argument,3 +13,"The key lesson for President Obama and others on the pro-gun safety side, Mr. Waldman told me on Thursday, is the need to ""keep at it,"" just the gun lobby did."" +",12 +5,"DEFENSE LAWYERS UNPREPARED, BUT MURDER SENTENCING BEGINS",4 +5, But state prosecutors with equally unlimited resources have joined the fight as have class-action suits seeking to represent all smokers.,4 +6,"Close Chabot gun range, officials advise",5 +7,DNA test puts convict at murder scene,6 +12,POLL FINDS SUPPORT FOR LEGALIZING IMMIGRANTS,11 +5,Terry Nichols guilty of killing 161 in Okla.,4 +9,Botched Oklahoma execution threatens Americans' preferred form of capital punishment,8 +5,"The decision sets the stage for the biggest federal capital murder case since Timothy McVeigh went on trial for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. +",4 +1," +The co-owner of a dockside Baltimore restaurant has revealed that nearly his entire kitchen staff resigned",0 +12,"I have come to the conclusion that the National Rifle Association must be a mystical, all-powerful entity that no one can challenge, sort of like the wizard in The Wizard of Oz ",11 +5,now cooperating with plaintiff's lawyers.,4 +2,Plan to add visas for high-tech and skilled workers dropped,1 +12,"Previous polls have made clear that a majority of Americans, especially older people and men, oppose giving homosexuals a legal right to marry. Opposition to homosexual marriage ran 57 percent to 30 percent in an Associated Press poll in June. +",11 +13,BRADY BILL HITS A TYPICAL MADE-IN-WASHINGTON SNAG,12 +6,Stalled Corporate Tax Bill Gets $10 Billion Sweetener,5 +13,Gay-marriage ban a no-win deal for Bush,12 +12,SAME-SEX NUPTIALS SPARK S.F. FRENZY,11 +8,"Not Gun Control, but Alarms, Cameras and Bulletproof Doors",7 +5,"Until Wednesday, just three of the 33 states that ban same-sex marriage had not been sued over those policies. But same-sex couples sued Montana that day and South Dakota on Thursday, leaving only North Dakota's unchallenged.",4 +7,"The agency ""may not have the personnel to carry out all these investigations,"" he said. ""If we don't do it and someone gets killed as a result of it, we might be left holding the bag. I don't know if you want ATF to handle these cases, but I don't know how we get out of it."" +",6 +5,"Gay marriage is legal in only a handful of states,",4 +3,"Righteous rage and an impulse for revenge are emotions that huddle like black umbrellas above the barricades in the endless argument about the death penalty. Here, in a small church that has pushed out front in the national campaign against capital punishment, they are acknowledged as integral to the debate.",2 +5,"Under current law, denial of a gun license is automatic for abusers in domestic violence and stalking cases.",4 +13,Resolution supports handgun measure,12 +5,"Monday's Colorado Supreme Court ruling rejecting a proposed constitutional amendment on illegal immigration is outrageous for two reasons: The decision is transparently arbitrary and subjective, and it took the court more than five months to decide the case.",4 +1," Carter and Ventura said because many companies are offering the same-sex partner benefits, the state must do so to remain competitive for top workers.",0 +7,"When the FBI wanted to interview Habib Zacarias Moussaoui last weekend in its ongoing terrorism probe, agents didn't have far to look. +",6 +7," Farouk Abdel-Muhti may be the last one who has not been deported, released, charged with a crime or classified as a material witness.",6 +13,"Votes Saturday as the House, on a 70-62 vote, approved sending a constitutionalamendment banning gay marriage to 2012 voters. Voting yes were 68 Republicans and 2 Democrats. + +Voting no were 4 Republicans and 58 Democrats. + +REPUBLICANS VOTING YES + +Abeler (Anoka); Anderson, B. (Buffalo Twp); Anderson, D. (Eagan); Anderson, P. (Starbuck); Anderson, S.(Plymouth); Banaian (St. Cloud); Barrett (Shafer); Beard (Shakopee); Benson, M. (Rochester); Bills(Rosemount); Buesgens (Jordan); Cornish (Good Thunder); Crawford (Mora); Daudt (Crown); Davids(Preston); Dean (Dellwood); Dettmer (Forest Lake); Doepke (Orono); Downey (Edina); Drazkowski(Mazeppa); Erickson (Princeton); Fabian (Roseau); Franson (Alexandria); Garofalo (Farmington); Gottwalt(St. Cloud); Gruenhagen (Glencoe); Gunther (Fairmont); Hackbarth (Cedar); Hamilton (Mountain Lake);Hancock (Bemidji); Holberg (Lakeville); Hoppe (Chaska); Howes (Walker); Kieffer (Woodbury); Kiel(Crookston); Kiffmeyer (Big Lake); Lanning (Moorhead); Leidiger (Mayer); LeMieur (Little Falls); Lohmer(Lake Elmo); Loon (Eden Prairie); Mack (Apple Valley); Mazorol (Bloomington); McDonald (Delano);McElfatrick (Grand Rapids); McFarlane (White Bear Lake); McNamara (Hastings); Murdock (Ottertail);Myhra (Burnsville); Nornes (Fergus Falls); O'Driscoll (Sartell); Peppin (Rogers); Petersen, B. (Andover);Quam (Byron); Runbeck (Circle Pines); Sanders (Blaine); Schomacker (Luverne); Scott (Andover);Shimanski (Silver Lake); Stensrud (Eden Prairie); Swedzinski (Ghent); Torkelson (Nelson Twp); Urdahl(Grove City); Vogel (Willmar); Wardlow (Eagan); Westrom (Elbow Lake); Woodard (Belle Plaine); Zellers(Maple Grove) + +REPUBLICANS VOTING NO + +Kelly (Red Wing); Kriesel (Cottage Grove); Murray (Albert Lea); Smith (Mound) + +DEMOCRATS VOTING YES + +Dittrich (Champlin); Koenen (Clara City) + +DEMOCRATS VOTING NO + +Anzelc (Balsam Twp); Atkins (Inver Grove Heights); Benson, J. (Minnetonka); Brynaert (Mankato);Carlson (Crystal); Clark (Minneapolis); Davnie (Minneapolis); Eken (Twin Valley); Falk (Murdock); Fritz(Faribault); Gauthier (Duluth); Greene (Minneapolis); Greiling (Roseville); Hansen (South St. Paul);Hausman (St. Paul); Hayden (Minneapolis); Hilstrom (Brooklyn Center); Hilty (Finlayson); Hornstein(Minneapolis); Hortman (Brooklyn Park); Hosch (St. Joseph); Huntley (Duluth); Johnson (St. Paul); Kahn(Minneapolis); Kath (Owatonna); Knuth (New Brighton); Laine (Columbia Heights); Lenczewski(Bloomington); Lesch (St. Paul); Liebling (Rochester); Lillie (North St. Paul); Loeffler (Minneapolis);Mahoney (St. Paul); Mariani (St. Paul); Marquart (Dilworth); Melin (Hibbing); Moran (St. Paul); Morrow(St. Peter); Mullery (Minneapolis); Murphy, E. (St. Paul); Murphy, M. (Hermantown); Nelson (Brooklyn Park); Norton (Rochester); Paymar (St. Paul); Pelowski (Winona); Persell (Bemidji); Peterson, S. (NewHope); Poppe (Austin); Rukavina (Virginia); Scalze (Little Canada); Simon (St. Louis Park); Slawik(Maplewood); Slocum (Richfield); Thissen (Minneapolis); Tillberry (Fridley); Wagenius (Minneapolis);Ward (Brainerd); Winkler (Golden Valley) +",12 +14, But the Iranian government reversed course and announced the U.S. team would not receive visas,13 +13,Mike rips Congress over lax gun laws,12 +1,NO CORPORATE CONSPIRACY TO SMUGGLE ILLEGAL ALIENS,0 +13,But it wasn't the first time a powerful GOP voice defied the gun lobby.,12 +1,"In addition to the new statutory authority, the administration is seeking $ 23.8 million in additional funding for ATF enforcement activities in the fiscal 2000 budget, including the hiring of 120 agents who will investigate illegal sales at gun shows.",0 +4,"erhaps it is not relevant that he is reputed to see things the prosecution's way. +",3 +9,"Same-sex parenting's effect on children is largely unknown +",8 +5,"The Anti-Defamation League, Mexico and the governments of several Central and South American countries filed court papers Wednesday in support of efforts to halt Georgia's tough new immigration law.",4 +5,same-sex marriages become legal in Maryland in less than a week.,4 +5,"Hawaii's highest court has taken a long step toward making the state the first in the country to recognize marriages between couples of the same sex, ruling that a ban on such marriages may well violate the State Constitution's prohibition against sex discrimination. +",4 +12,generated wide support among Americans,11 +5,COURT CALL-IN FROM DEATH ROW,4 +5," +Court overturns death sentence",4 +12,Philly rally celebrates decision against Arizona immigration law,11 +10,"But it set off a wave of fear among the country's 11 million undocumented immigrants. +",9 +5,Ark. court suspends gay marriage ruling,4 +5," +The two said some of Wisconsin's laws pose inconveniences to gun owners, namely how guns must remain unloaded and apart from ammunition while in a vehicle.",4 +7,"In the third case, Maurice Saustegui, 38, of Springfield, along with Marcelino Fernandez-Martinez, 40, and Luz Victoria Rosas, 36, both of Mexico, were charged with conspiracy to transfer false resident alien cards. They also were charged with two counts each of transferring false resident alien cards.",6 +12,Wednesday's word that a major same-sex marriage advocacy group was getting cold feet about going to the ballot next year came as a relief to Silicon Valley activists who worry that trying to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban only two years after voters endorsed it under Proposition 8 would be too risky.,11 +9," +Many St. Louis-area school superintendents say they don't want guns in their schools regardless of a new state law that allows designated teachers to carry them.",8 +13,The Gun Lobby's Long Shadow,12 +13,Assessing the political feasibility of gun control,12 +13,Thurman votes to overturn gun ban,12 +13," None of this year's Republican candidates took that approach Tuesday night. Instead, the current crop competed to prove their allegiance to - and even possession of - firearms.",12 +15,Marriage Postscript,14 +13,"WITHOUT A WORD, PANEL VOTES TO FIRE TEACHER WITH GUN",12 +10,Let communities decide on benefits,9 +11, About two dozen states have followed suit.,10 +7," The police, allies for 50 years, jumped ship.",6 +11,"Atlantan's saga travels around World Wide Web: Internet abuzz with rebukes, support in TB case",10 +5,"The governor has the power to grant clemency to all of the 160 inmates facing execution in Illinois, but he has said repeatedly that granting clemency to all is not likely.",4 +7, the death penalty's application,6 +12,"The only bright spot in the poll is that 11 percent of the Floridians questioned say they are undecided, and the undecideds usually break toward the anti-gay vote.",11 +3,Gay Marriage And a Moral Minority,2 +15,"Good Cigars, but a Lot of Smoke",14 +5,A federal appeals court announced Friday that it will not revisit some of the strict D.C. gun-registration requirements that it struck down last fall.,4 +6,"TIME TO CLOSE GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE +",5 +11,"Keep in mind that the ""vast array of family types"" across the millennia includes our own: a man, a woman and their progeny. With all its problems, that structure has been more effective than any other structure in the procreation and nurture of our next generation. Marriage and family are simply too important to abandon or redefine merely to demonstrate a trendy sensitivity toward the homosexual lifestyle.",10 +1,"Firm considered tobacco-based candy, memo says",0 +7,"Erickson, 62, executive director of Delaware County, is running against Melissa H. Maxman in the March 20 special election to fill the 26th Senatorial District seat vacated by F. Joseph Loeper, who is to be sentenced today for obstructing a federal tax investigation.",6 +1,Immigration bill envisions new farm worker program,0 +5,"A three-judge panel, in a unanimous decision, rejected arguments that testimony from Washington's fellow prison guards should not have been allowed.",4 +1,"""Since there is no funding involved, departments have a choice to make,"" s",0 +8,"NRA study suggests trained, armed school staffers +",7 +11,The Perfect Place To Make a Good Cigar,10 +13,Think about that when you vote for governor this November. We have an anti-gun president. Do we need an anti-gun governor too?,12 +13,"After Oregon Shooting, Rudy Giuliani Bashes Obama on Gun Control",12 +5,Superior Court Judge Warren Ettinger upheld the jury's decision that the cigarette maker Philip Morris was partially responsible for Betty Bullock's cancer,4 +5,"A federal judge allowed gay marriage to continue in Utah on Monday, rejecting a request to put same-sex weddings on hold as the state appeals a decision that has sent couples flocking to county clerk offices for marriage licenses. +",4 +7,"Federal authorities have arrested three people accused of arming gang members and street criminals with more than 1,700 handguns over the past four years. James Larry Simmons, a 55-year-old truck driver from Temecula, was indicted on 21 counts of federal firearms violations, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms announced. Lynnette Groves, 62, of Whittier and Sambeth So, 28, of Long Beach, were also charged. ""We've probably eliminated several future murders and assaults by taking this guy off the streets, but God knows how many will happen from the guns he already peddled,"" said Ismael D. Cabrera, head of the ATF office in Santa Ana. Simmons' lawyer said the indictment, handed down Thursday by the federal grand jury in Los Angeles, amounted to little more than poor record keeping.",6 +7,No Immediate Charges For Death Row Killing,6 +5,"Stuart Finz, who represented Apostolou's family, branded the verdict ""unjust"" and planned to ask presiding Justice Herbert Kramer to set the verdict aside. Finz also pledged to appeal.",4 +9,"""Education is the key,"" said Chief Deputy Sheriff Diego Civello, who will teach the class. ""When you purchase a firearm, not a lot of education comes with [it].""",8 +12," +""Certainly, their supposition is that support for homosexual marriage will increase over the years,"" said Larry Pegram, president of the Values Advocacy Council in San Jose, which led the local campaign for Proposition 8. ""I do not believe they will be successful in '12 simply because a majority of people in California, as well as nationally, believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. We're continuing with our organizing efforts. The coalition is still in place. We know it's not a question of if, it's a question of when. We're staying battle-ready.""",11 +5,"""We meddle with the Constitution to our own peril,"" he said in prepared statement. ""If we begin to treat the Constitution as our personal sandbox, in which to build and destroy castles as we please, we risk diluting the grandeur of having a Constitution in the first place.""",4 +13,"McCarthy said if Frisa voted for repeal today, ""I would do everything I could to make sure he didn't win reelection, and if that means me running against him, I will.""",12 +13,"For now, at least, Gov. Scott Walker's administration isn't accepting the same-sex marriage certificates that are being forwarded by county registers of deeds.",12 +13,"Senators approved the bill by 28-22 on Wednesday after an emotional, hour-long debate.",12 +13,If the City Council approves,12 +5,r. Page's lawyers responded ,4 +14,". Researcher David Kopel has found that the only country in the world to come even close to making illegal guns more than a slight inconvenience to obtain is Japan, and Japan confiscated civilian firearms 400 years ago.",13 +1,"The first city in the nation to provide domestic partner benefits to its employees is on its way to holding its contractors to the same standard, the ",0 +7,"Sajjad Naseer, the 29-year-old Denver man swept up in a federal immigration-fraud investigation of his family, has been deported to Pakistan, officials said Thursday.",6 +7,"F.B,I., in Shift, Proposes Backing Gun Control",6 +13,"Rand Paul mentions non-human marriage while discussing gay marriage, says it was joke",12 +12,"Smokers, Owners Balk at Bar Ban",11 +5,"Judge Vaughn Walker's decision Thursday to let gay weddings resume -- but not until next week, allowing time for an appeals court to step in -- was a disappointment to many. ",4 +4,"Seeking the Right to Marry, and the Rights of Marriage",3 +5,"The plea stunned prosecutors, who said they had not expected one so early in a trial expected to last at least three weeks.",4 +13,"Vacation over, Obama looking at ways to reduce gun violence",12 +5,GAY MARRIAGE,4 +13,"""If Congress sends me a bill that mandates those steps, I will sign it,"" Clinton said. ""Our administration will sit down with them anytime, anywhere to work out bipartisan legislation.",12 +7,Cop killings merit the extra attention,6 +15,"And the American government exists for the benefit of, who?",14 +5,"Simmons' lawyer said the indictment, handed down Thursday by the federal grand jury in Los Angeles, amounted to little more than poor record keeping.",4 +12,"Thousands of students gathered in front of the White House, holding signs and cheering in support of gun control.",11 +13,FOR THE RECORD,12 +5,U.S. OBLIGINGLY PROVIDES FAKE I.D.,4 +13,"In the gay marriage battle, Cuomo and his team pushed four organizations to unite this month under one banner and message - and then they hired one of his best friends.",12 +5,DA WON'T SEEK CON'S DEATH,4 +5,Justices Pass On a Case Challenging Gun Laws,4 +13,COUNCILMAN PROPOSES CRACKDOWN ON YOUTH SMOKING,12 +5,"Breyer was joined by Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Kennedy was joined by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.",4 +12,Buzz and bullets: Gun fans cheer Starbucks' policy,11 +7,"Mr. Schwab was sentenced to death in 1992 for the kidnapping, rape and first-degree murder of the boy a year earlier.",6 +12,"Outside the rural prison, about 20 death penalty protesters and relatives of Chandler's held a prayer circle as the execution hour approached. They declined to talk to reporters.",11 +5,'STAND' DECISION MAY NOT HOLD UP,4 +11,More teens in tobacco's grip,10 +1,"But the difference between existing levels of state spending and current receipts is still $3.8 billion, a gap Wilson would bridge by so-far unspecified cuts, by borrowing, or both.",0 +12," and hundreds of protesters demanding same-sex marriage rights rallied outside City Hall. +",11 +13,Civil Union Vote,12 +7,Fremont declares itself a 'sanctuary city',6 +12,"Readers Respond to the 'Armed Society' Series +",11 +5,"The next trial, in the murder of Faith Davis, 17, is scheduled for September. +",4 +13,Bill on gun buys faces new battle Senator wants measure toughened up,12 +1,"``They are singing a very tired old tune,'' he said. ``They seem to be engaged in nothing more than finger pointing and name calling. I would think they would have something better to do with their $5 million.''",0 +13, Senator Edward Kennedy,12 +13,Obama Continues Evolving,12 +15,FOR THE RECORD,14 +4,EXPOSING 'WRONGS' DONE TO CHINESE IMMIGRANTS,3 +11,"The Brother is a fresh and fast-paced study of one of the most important crimes of the 20th century. Sam Roberts, a New York Times reporter, concentrates on the betrayal that put the Rosenbergs in Sing Sing's electric chair. It was done by none other than Ethel's favorite brother, David, with the help of his wife, Ruth -- two very unappealing stool pigeons.",10 +5,City agencies won't cooperate with ICE,4 +5,after the California Supreme Court ruled capital punishment unconstitutional.,4 +9,CONVICTED MURDERER'S SUICIDE STIRS MEMORIES AND REFLECTIONS,8 +5,", with the subsequent promise of legalization",4 +13,Congress moves to quash D.C. laws,12 +1, The manufacturers also have signaled their willingness to talk - which immediately boosted tobacco stocks. Willing? They should be thrilled.,0 +7,". George and Michael Krull, brothers from Pennsylvania, died by electrocution after being convicted of kidnapping and raping a 53-year-old Chattanooga woman.",6 +1,FARMERS GET $3.5 MILLION TO PROMOTE U. S. TOBACCO ABROAD,0 +9,Firearm restrictions protect kids,8 +5, her mother testified Tuesday.,4 +5,Suit Seeks to Block State Policy on Same-Sex Unions,4 +5,"The other states that allow same-sex couples to wed are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire and New York. The District of Columbia also allows the practice",4 +9,that secondhand smoke is deadly,8 +7," A Southern California couple charged with killing a retired schoolteacher at her Hercules home Oct. 5 fled a Pinole robbery in a stolen pickup shortly before fatally stabbing the woman, prosecutors say.",6 +10,"But all other factors are never really equal, and where it is in a child's interest to be adopted by a same-sex couple, a state should not maintain unnecessary procedural hurdles simply to avoid recognizing certain domestic living arrangements.",9 +9,"''We are either going to keep these weapons of war off our streets or we are not,''",8 +5,"""We have really gotten to the point in the case of Steven Oken that any claim with any legitimate merit has been litigated,"" said Stephen Bailey, deputy state's attorney for Baltimore County. ""We felt very comfortable that the Supreme Court was not going to overturn this.""",4 +5,Jury to consider death penalty in case,4 +6,"Backers of concealed-guns legislation say it will give law-abiding citizens a psychological edge because would-be lawbreakers might not commit crimes if they thought a potential victim was armed. But foes say increasing the number of guns being carried can only lead to bloodshed. +",5 +12,Poll: Va. about evenly split on gay marriage,11 +12,The NRA is riding the populist wave,11 +13,Brown signs same-sex marriage bill into law,12 +5,"Billy Joe Logsdon, now 16, is scheduled to stand trial Jan. 12 on charges of rape, sodomy and murder.",4 +5,"On Friday, having studied a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation, Judge Gergel ruled that Mr. Roof was competent. The standard for competency is low under federal law, merely a determination that the defendant is not suffering from a mental defect that renders him unable to assist in his defense or understand the consequences of the case.",4 +1,"Based on current numbers, offering equal benefits will cost the district about $200,000 more this year, roughly $348 a month per employee enrolled.",0 +8,Loopholes for Terrorists,7 +15,A LESSER DEGREE,14 +5,Prosecutor flouts Illinois gun law,4 +5,The family disputes that account and has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Lower Merion Township and its police department.,4 +13," +Members of the state House had voted 97 to 19 in favor of the measure earlier in the week.",12 +1,"Nat Sherman's retail store and warehouse on Oct. 30,",0 +5,But much recent legal scholarship supports an interpretation favoring some form of personal right.,4 +6," +Parts made by 3-D printers may stymie gun-control efforts",5 +12,"But the NRA shows great resiliency in ignoring the majority. On Wednesday a couple hundred self-proclaimed ""gun nuts"" converged on the Missouri Capitol, demanding that legislators do an end-run around the Proposition B defeat and pass laws that would allow almost any adult to carry a gun. These protesters do not speak for a majority of people who voted on the issue in our state.",11 +9,The biggest weapon of death or largest arsenal on the streets of the USA is not a high-powered gun or case of large-caliber ammunition. It's the automobile.,8 +10,Smokers are put out as firms crack down,9 +9,"Girl, 10, with cerebral palsy released",8 +13,DEATH-SENTENCE LAW SIGNED,12 +1,Tobacco tax increase serves special interests,0 +7,"Kevin Neal, 44, was armed with what authorities believe were two high-powered rifles that he made himself when he opened fire Tuesday on homes, cars and an elementary school around his tiny hometown of Rancho Tehama Reserve. A deputy finally shot and killed him.",6 +5,"''It means that Marcello's latest attempt to avoid deportation has been unsuccessful,'' said John Volz, a United States Attorney. ''The deportation order, arguably, is now back in effect.''",4 +15,Big bets placed on Md. ballot,14 +7,'Has our country become a police state?',6 +15,Don't snuff out success,14 +10,but I hate coming home reeking of cigarette smoke,9 +9,"UNWED COUPLES GAIN ACCESS, AID RIGHTS IN ILLNESS",8 +7,"She was convicted Saturday of rolling her car into a lake Oct. 25 with her two young sons strapped in their car seats. +",6 +5,The nation's high court refused to reinstate an amendment to the Florida Constitution that voters had approved in 1998.,4 +13,"The Senate gave final approval to the measure Wednesday, following the House's passage March 26.",12 +13,"Trump, speaking to reporters before surveying hurricane damage in Florida, pushed back against Democratic leaders who claimed there was a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative. He also said his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border would come later. +",12 +9, until it removes a potentially harmful ingredient known as trans-fatty acids.,8 +6,"Sadness Aside, No Shift Seen On Gun Laws",5 +5,Justice O'Connor on Executions,4 +5,D.A. won't seek death for Byrd,4 +1,Pleasant Hill: Gun Works store closing this summer,0 +15,SUNNYSIDE DUO FOR FREE NUPS,14 +9,"""We have 33,000 people every year who die from guns.""",8 +1,NOT ALL BUYERS ARE MATURE ENOUGH TO BEWARE,0 +13,"""This will subside because the majority of my constituents agree with me,"" Swett said. ""If they look at my record across the board . . . I think the trust is totally intact.",12 +1,Tobacco promotions still on rise in U.S.,0 +6,delayed action on the landmark effort,5 +8,Unabom Case: U.S. Is Seeking Death Sentence,7 +13,"Bradley is a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which will help craft the health-care reform bill.",12 +3,discussing the mobilization of church support for the measure,2 +7,"The state, meanwhile, said it will proceed with the execution of Gerald Stano, convicted in 1983 of killing three women near Daytona Beach.",6 +13,Assembly approved,12 +1," +STABLE JOBS WANTED",0 +10,Texas lethal injection ends life of sadness,9 +7," +GUNNING FOR A KILLING",6 +13,The Senate passed nearly identical versions of the bills earlier in the week.,12 +7,We didn't connect the dots with Nikolas Cruz,6 +11,"But this Rockland County community of 22,000 is unlike most suburban villages, with a steady stream of immigrants, most of them from Haiti, Jamaica, Guatemala and El Salvador, adding to the mostly black or Jewish population.",10 +13,"IMMIG BILL VICTORY. Senate OKs, but big battle looms",12 +11,"An estimated 68 percent of Utahans own guns. Some schools close down for the opening of deer season, and residents with a clean record can easily get a permit to carry a concealed weapon nearly anywhere.",10 +5,in which some plaintiffs ,4 +13,The Cheney Schism,12 +7,Sheriff in Oregon shooting has spoken out against gun control,6 +11,"Michael Moore is a troublemaker, as well as a filmmaker.",10 +14,"''If the United States is ready to discuss this on a basis of absolute equality and mutual respect,'' it said, ''the Cuban Government will accept such an initiative, but it rejects any attempt whatsoever at a unilateral solution in this field.''",13 +5,"NO PERMIT IS NEEDED FOR CONCEALED GUN IN CAR, GROUP SAYS",4 +15,"Ask, tell, just don't get married",14 +12,"Rival moms pledge pro-gun march, rally",11 +7,"In the past few months around Los Angeles, authorities have discovered more than 650 illegal immigrants being held captive by smuggling rings -- inside trucks and motel rooms, in squalid bungalows without electricity, even at a brothel where they were being forced to perform sex acts for their freedom.",6 +7,EX-CLERK ADMITS SELLING FAKE IDS,6 +5,"The state Supreme Court ruling overturned CU's longstanding campus ban on concealed weapons, and now those who have concealed-carry permits are allowed to bring guns on campus and to class.",4 +5,NO THIRD REPRIEVE GRANTED FOR KILLER,4 +4,SYSTEM HAS A FLAW,3 +12,because he senses disapproval,11 +13,"House majority leader, Hite discuss Phila. cigarette tax",12 +13, Clinton's failure?,12 +10,"'We talked about why people shouldn't smoke - like lung and mouth cancer. Everyone knows someone who has had one or the other. We tried to reinforce what they already know and gave them some tips to overcome stress and an alternative lifestyle that incorporates exercise and good nutrition,'' said Noeth.",9 +5,Can the new statute be applied to cases that had not yet gone to trial before it became law in June?,4 +12,Biking for Newtown,11 +1,"campaign ""bundlers,"" who amass contributions from others",0 +1,"The two are Santa Clara's Woodhams Sports Lounge on Stevens Creek Boulevard and the Claran Cocktail Lounge in Franklin Mall. Instead of merely fines, they face possible penalties of up to six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine if convicted.",0 +3,"PRESBYTERIANS FORBID GAY COMMITMENT RITES MEASURE MUST BE RATIFIED BY MINISTERS AND ELDERS OF THE CHURCH +",2 +13,"NRA endorses Hogan in Md. governor's race, drawing more attention to guns issue; +",12 +7,"Calling themselves the Park Avenue Boys, Morales, Mendez and Diaz confronted Gillespie the night of March 14, 1996, after a car chase. Diaz shot and killed Gillespie while Mendez shot at other cops and fled with Morales.",6 +13,"Democrat incumbent Ted Deutch, 52, of Boca Raton, met with Parkland victims and families and hosted a town hall in April. Deutch said he ""couldn't believe that Congress could not come together and pass any gun control legislation after the Parkland shooting. Deutch, a longtime gun control advocate, supports a ban on assault weapons and bump stocks and has also pushed to expand background checks and raise the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21.",12 +1,NRA MAKES A KILLING Flood of donations after Sandy Hook $10M more to pro-gun 'fearmongers',0 +13,"Senate Bill 593, sponsored by Sen. Emmett W. Hanger Jr. (R-Augusta), now goes back to the Senate floor, where lawmakers are expected to reject the changes passed by the House. It will then go to a conference committee of lawmakers from both chambers who will try to work out a compromise before the General Assembly's March 9 adjournment.",12 +5," Even if he appeals the decision against him, he will remain incarcerated pending the scheduling of his appeal, if the present policies of the Immigration and Naturalization Service governing arrivals from Afghanistan are allowed to stand.",4 +13,"Voters, pay attention: On guns and 'dreamers,' Republicans reveal who they are",12 +3,Morality is easy when it costs nothing.,2 +13,Crackdown on troops smoking takes new form: Senate wants to squash discount,12 +7,The 'Deportation Force' Takes Shape,6 +7,METRO DATELINE; Doctor Is Charged With AIDS Fraud,6 +5,"he prosecution presented a written statement, the video tapes and two tape recordings in which Mr. Lucas, who has said he has killed up to 360 people, confessed that he strangled the woman. Mr. Lucas repudiated the confessions in pretrial motions. +",4 +1,Doubling of Cigarette Tax Grows Near in New Jersey,0 +12,LATINO GROUP ASKS CONGRESS TO PROTECT MEXICAN WORKERS,11 +5,Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson said yesterday that the state's new death penalty law would mean nothing in the Bronx: He has no intention of seeking to have any killer there executed.,4 +12,"As Executions Increase, Appeals Go to the Public",11 +7,Gun Killings Rise as Controls Ease Across Missouri,6 +7,Best strategies to combat crime,6 +13,"Cautioning against a federal solution to the controversy over gay marriage, Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson on Friday applauded a Florida group for ""taking care of business at home"" by seeking a statewide ban on same-sex marriages.",12 +13, The governor ,12 +7,Staring into face of Pa. gun violence,6 +5,"A Superior Court judge dismissed the suit last December, but lawyers for the couples appealed to the state's highest court, which will hear arguments from both sides today.",4 +14," Importers obtained permits to ship in 600,000 modified guns last year, and applications were pending for an additional million",13 +11,"Domestic partner enrollment jumped to 46, from 12 last year.",10 +5,"In response to the judge's decision last week,",4 +13,"The statewide task force to review Florida's ""stand your ground"" law will begin its work today, but a state senator who formed his own task force is recommending the law be rewritten to make it more difficult for defendants to claim self-defense. +",12 +13,"Councilman Michael Julian Bond, the lead sponsor of the legislation, expressed hope that state Rep. Rashad Taylor (D-Atlanta) would support the idea. Bond conceded that Moore might be right about the bill's likelihood of passing. Still, Bond said it's important for city and state leaders to talk about gun safety issues that are more troublesome in urban areas.",12 +11," A Cigarette, a Precious Relic",10 +7,Letter: Help stop shootings in Pa.,6 +5,a Colorado Supreme Court decision that struck down CU's gun ban.,4 +13," +With both the state House and Senate under GOP control, ""it becomes an even longer process,"" she said. +",12 +9,"By the way, during the two hours you spend playing bingo tonight, 40 Americans will die from lung cancer. Have fun!",8 +5,NEW CHARGES IN WENDY'S MASSACRE,4 +13,"And that, unfortunately, appears to be the tactic of choice for some Senate Republicans, who don't want to lose Hispanic votes by opposing a bipartisan immigration bill but don't particularly want it to pass either.",12 +7,A man who said he was sleepwalking when he stabbed his wife 44 times and held her head under water in their swimming pool was convicted Friday of murder and could get the death penalty.,6 +13,"Former Gov. George Ryan said Aaron Patterson promised not to get in any trouble when they met in Chicago about a month ago. +",12 +5,"The suit will seek an injunction against the Brady bill the day it takes effect. Mack says two attorneys, one from the National Rifle Association, are working on the matter",4 +2,U.S. visa program hits quota,1 +11, a fever dream of America as verging on Mad Max anarchy - while smearing Brooklyn as home to superstorm Sandy lawlessness.,10 +7," A provision in the state's penal code blurs the distinction between killer and accomplice, allowing for someone who did not pull the trigger - or order that the trigger be pulled - to get a murderer's sentence",6 +12,Softer Attitudes About Death,11 +13,"For two decades, the National Rifle Association has argued that ""guns don't kill - people do."" Now, a major study by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) suggests that the NRA may be right, even if their proposed solution - longer jail terms - is flawed.",12 +13,DEUTSCH BACKS BILL AT ODDS WITH HIS IMMIGRATION POLICY,12 +13,"And yet, as Newtown disappeared further in the political rearview mirror, the same politics that had turned guns into a dormant issue on the national political stage for much of the 1990s and 2000s began to take hold.",12 +13,Clinton's flood visit was prelude to a backstab,12 +13,"The subject of contracts and gay marriage came up while the lawmaker, Representative Jim DeMint, was traveling with the president and the rest of the South Carolina Republican delegation on Air Force One last week. He described the conversation, first reported in the new issue of Time magazine, as politicians ""shooting the breeze"" rather than an in-depth policy discussion.",12 +5,"IRS SUIT TACKLES GAY MARRIAGE ACTIVIST, PARTNER SEEK TO AFFIRM 1971 LICENSE",4 +13,"The campaign of Attorney General Ernie Preate charged Ridge with ""more than a simple flip-flop. It is a great leap that severely damages Congressman Ridge's credibility in this campaign.""",12 +6,6 Gun Dealers Will Allow City New Oversight,5 +5,Juror urges sparing of death-row inmate,4 +11,"WEB SHOWS SMOKER TRYING TO SNUFF HABIT +",10 +5,Florida considers civil marriages officiated by judges to be valid in the same way it accepts marriages officiated by clerg,4 +6,If the Fulton ordinance becomes law - it goes to the county health department for public hearings before a vote - Fulton would become the largest local jurisdiction in Georgia to limit smoking in public places.,5 +13,CHILES' LEGACY LOST UNDER SUCCESSORS' PRODIGIOUS TAX CUTS,12 +13,8 Senators Support Bill Tightening Gun Checks,12 +5,MIKE FIRM ON NUPS APPEAL,4 +5,"San Francisco sues state, in official challenge to Calif. gay-marriage ban",4 +3," ""The institution of marriage, obviously, is the bedrock of our foundation. It's been under attack; it's been weakened for many, many decades now. I'm not going to play a part in further weakening this incredibly important institution.""",2 +7,"Today, Jimmy Davis faces sentencing in Anniston, Ala., in the murder of a store clerk in a holdup. His judge's choices are life in prison without parole, or death.",6 +6,. The ineffectiveness of these laws then becomes the argument against any further laws.,5 +13,Mayor's cry in St. Pete: Ban gun sales,12 +5,Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackackaus said he would meet with Samantha's family as well as Avila's attorneys before making the decision.,4 +5,Franco's attorney Manuel Guerrero will tell a three-judge panel today that there was insufficient evidence to convict his client of gross negligence and to prove that she was the driver of the minivan that crashed into the school bus.,4 +7,"Steven Douglas Hill, 25, died by injection Thursday night for the 1984 shooting of a state police investigator",6 +8,"What is border security, exactly?",7 +5,STATE POST EMPTY FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER,4 +11,"What's lost in those debates, invariably, is that opinions on the subject of gun control are more nuanced than people tend to recognize.",10 +11,6 Q's About the News,10 +9,Teri's campaign is backed by the Eastern Missouri Chapter of the American Lung Association. She is one of three students in the St. Louis region involved in a pilot program sponsored by the Lung Association.,8 +15,Readers debate same-sex unions,14 +9,spent treating sick smokers,8 +7,"A researcher for Philip Morris Co. found in a 1983 study that nicotine was addictive, but the cigarette-maker squelched publication of the study, Rep. Henry A. Waxman charged yesterday. + +""The nation's largest tobacco company has had relevant information for years about the important role nicotine plays in preventing smokers from quitting,"" said the California Democrat, who chairs a subcommittee looking into whether the Food and Drug Administration should regulate cigarettes as an addictive drug. +",6 +13,"Immigration Bills May Split Republicans; Bipartisan Call for Guest Worker Program at Odds With Push to Secure Borders +",12 +13," +A split emerged among Senate Republicans on Monday over the wording of a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. And Democrats accused the Republican Senate leadership of promoting the issue strictly for political gain. +",12 +13," +White, of Hayden, is competing with Rep. Randy Baumgardner of Cowdrey for the GOP nomination in the newly drawn northwestern Colorado Senate district. The gun group backs Baumgardner.",12 +6,"In Colorado, gun-control laws form a quilt-like pattern across the state, since most towns, cities and counties have passed their own versions of laws that permit or prohibit the possession of guns under a variety of conditions. If you possess a gun permit in one town, you might be violating the law when you drive through another.",5 +13,Unending gun debate gets fresh fodder,12 +7,A GUN'S BLOODY TRAIL LEADS TO VA. - AGAIN,6 +6,"Smoking is now prohibited in all areas of West Valley College in Saratoga and Mission College in Santa Clara, except for parking lots that are least 25 feet away from buildings and pathways. +",5 +7,"Fults is scheduled be the fourth man put to death in Georgia this year. He is set to die in a small, cinder-blockroomattheGeorgiaDiagnostics and Classification Prison near Jackson at 7 o'clock tonight for murdering his 19-year-old next-door neighbor 20 years ago.",6 +8,Securing the border is a fundamental test of a nation,7 +6,passing smoking bans across the country.,5 +5,"During Thursday's arguments, Justices Barbara Pariente and Peggy Quince called the case against Swafford highly circumstantial. They wanted to know about the activities and whereabouts of James Michael Walsh on the day of the murder. Walsh was the original murder suspect. +",4 +1,"The tax, proposed by Mayor Nutter, is projected to raise $89 million in its first year as part of a package to close the School District's $304 million funding gap.",0 +5,Court curbs lawsuit options of disabled state employees,4 +12,"""This is just a really giant leap forward,"" said Monica Meyer, executive director of OutFront Minnesota, which has been working on behalf of LGBT Minnesotans for more than 20 years. +",11 +7,ON DEATH ROW,6 +5,and the latest laws concerning the gunner's Second Amendment rights,4 +13,"At the Democratic Convention, an Emphasis on Social Issues",12 +14,Honduran officials today demanded that Arizona halt the execution of a citizen who they say was denied his rights under an international treaty.,13 +13,IT'S A GOOD THING LEGISLATORS ARE FOCUSED ON PRESSING ISSUE OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,12 +5,"While Mr. Zimmerman's defense team did not invoke Stand Your Ground in the courtroom, the trial focused attention on the law, which some opponents say makes prosecuting self-defense cases in the state difficult.",4 +3,Vow of support Some black revs dislike Bam's gay wed view but still back him,2 +13," Thus Mr. Herring seamlessly blends the role of political opportunist, building his mailing and fundraising lists for a future electoral campaign, ",12 +6,who are part of a state-funded anti-tobacco program,5 +5,Getting whiff of tobacco settlement,4 +5,Delay Sought For Visa Cases That Involve Same-Sex Spouses,4 +10,"New Country, New School -- Immigrant Student's First Day; Experiment In Teaching Immigrants Gets Rolling",9 +4,PROSECUTOR IN CIA CASE ACCUSED OF BIAS,3 +5,". It was the beginning of a bond with gun rights activists that led to McDonald v. City of Chicago, a dispute that will be argued before the Supreme Court on Tuesday and could reshape firearms regulations nationwide.",4 +1,"""Stay in a hotel. Buy flowers, clothes, meals or whatever. It's good for the economy.""",0 +7,"should be executed for killing two Mercer University students in January 1995 at Lake Juliette. +",6 +6,"While citizens, too, must generally be residents of a state in order to buy weapons there, the 90-day rule does not apply to them. ",5 +12,Guns and Voters,11 +3,God and immigration reform,2 +13,"No Easy Path for Obama's Gun Safety Agenda +",12 +8,Editorial: Missouri accidentally made the case for gun background checks,7 +5,32 Indicted on Racketeering Charges in Manhattan,4 +13, wants Gov. Jim Hunt and the General Assembly to review the fairness of the death penalty before executing another prisoner.,12 +13,"No Immediate Push to Raise Minimum Age for Buying Assault Rifles, Trump Says",12 +5,"At the request of Florida lawmakers, the state attorney general, Robert A. Butterworth, offered model legislation this week that would delay the awarding of punitive damages in any Florida lawsuit until all compensatory damages in the action were resolved. Doing so in the Miami case could delay a punitive judgment for years, since compensatory damages must be considered individually and hundreds of thousands of people are involved.",4 +7,Woman convicted in brothel case,6 +5,The intent to appeal was filed with the Minnesota Court of Appeals and was one of several requests Hatch made. Hatch asked the Minnesota Supreme Court to consider an expedited review of the case.,4 +11,"Did straight men save gay marriage? +",10 +5,The private law firms,4 +9,on smoking-related diseases,8 +8, so long as the weapons are needed for self-defense.,7 +13,The Donald quacks: Guns for everyone!,12 +6,The bill would override some states' prohibitions on carrying concealed firearms. Many states do not recognize other states' concealed weapons permits.,5 +14,"The request for the precedent-setting ruling has rekindled a debate here over whether a country with no death penalty should send people to possible execution elsewhere and whether Canada could become a haven for fugitives who face capital punishment in the United States. +",13 +13,"GOP returns to illegal immigrants Legislators seek to deny bail to those accused of repeat DUI or other serious crimes. +",12 +1,"""Oh, my God, working at Mar-a-Lago is my dream job,"" said Sky Chester, a job hunter with experience in the service industry. ""I would do anything: make beds, scrub toilets, whatever they need. Just to get my foot in the door at Mar-a-Lago would be amazing. That place is the top of the top.""",0 +7,"""an important tool in the fight against gun violence and crime.""",6 +1,The No. 1 tobacco maker is said to be planning an upscale touring train that would cater to smokers and might operate as a kind of rolling resort.,0 +11,"""We're changing a basic fabric of society.",10 +15," +What to do about guns",14 +8,"""My wife lives alone five days a week in a rural area in upstate New York,"" he shouted. ""She has a right to defend herself when I'm not there, son. And don't you ever forget it.""",7 +6," This ordinance prohibits carrying a concealed or unconcealed dangerous knife or carrying a concealed deadly weapon. It does not ban all knives, nor does it ban firearms.",5 +7,The police have enough trouble,6 +6, Sensible gun control laws have to be part of the solution.,5 +6,upheld a new state law allowing employees with concealed weapons permits to take guns to work and lock them in their cars but ruled that businesses can prohibit customers from taking guns on their property.,5 +1,"""New York City has gone from the city that never sleeps to Sleepy Hollow,"" said Tom Carrube, manager of Sharkey's Sports Bar and Grill on Staten Island. He estimates that revenue has plummeted 60% as regulars stay home or head to nearby New Jersey for a beer and a smoke.",0 +13,Harry Reid's Conscience,12 +12,SPEAKERS WITH A CAUSE,11 +5,"""Some things that make up our society are so fundamental that changing them should rest with the Legislature,"" DeAlmeida told the justices.",4 +12,NRA'S STOCK ANSWERS FALL SHORT THIS TIME,11 +12,Rally May Gauge Future of Immigration Movement,11 +5,Silenced Inmate Files Lawsuit Against N.P.R.,4 +5," and similar statutes in a court case in Massachusetts, citing the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the ban on same-sex marriage.",4 +13,Senate panel backs assault-weapons bill,12 +6,Why we need a marriage act,5 +6,Take menthol out of cigarettes,5 +5,"This is what happened after the Supreme Court passed on same-sex marriage cases +",4 +12,"Tom Mauser, whose son, Daniel, was killed in the Columbine shootings, said the effort that has failed in the Legislature must be taken to the streets. Mauser is a full-time lobbyist for SAFE. +",11 +7,"U.S. Arrests 10 as Members of Big Cigarette Smuggling Ring +",6 +1," +Tobacco firms offer deal to FDA",0 +7," two teenagers shot 13 people to death and killed themselves at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. +",6 +12,PONDER MOMS' IDEAS,11 +4,amend other laws they say harm minorities.,3 +11,that look like rave fliers.,10 +1,Alliance links up to defend leaf quotos,0 +5,Legalize or Bust,4 +6,Hole in Gun Control Law Lets Mentally Ill Through,5 +5,"Voters will decide Nov. 3 whether the state constitution should include the right to keep and bear arms, an amendment a pro-gun activist says his group could use to lobby for abolition of Wisconsin's ban on carrying concealed weapons.",4 +6,a bill,5 +12,Mothers on the March,11 +13,DYING TO GET TRUTH Years of near-zero funding for gun study Pols bow to NRA but give plenty to car safety,12 +9,fearing for their health.,8 +3,"Church conservatives voiced relief at the bill's defeat. ""I am pleased that the Holy Spirit still prevails on some votes in the Episcopal Church,"" said the Rev. Jack Iker, bishop of Fort Worth, Texas.",2 +13,REP. FRANK SPEAKS ON AMENDMENT GAY LAWMAKER URGES HIS PEERS TO REJECT IT,12 +12,Support For Gay Unions In Calif,11 +13,"President Bush last week urged Congress to send to the states a proposed constitutional amendment ""defining and protecting marriage as a union of a man and woman as husband and wife.""",12 +13,"Each side says the fight was forced upon them by the other, and now the climactic showdown is at hand",12 +7, Mr. Autry had said such a broadcast would allow his death to deter crime.,6 +5,New York's Court Interpreters: Overworked Link,4 +13,Here is the 239-186 vote Wednesday in which the House passed the Brady bill,12 +13,"Bob Barr, who wrote the legislation defining marriage as between a man and a woman for purposes of the federal government, and who sought the presidency in 2008 as a Libertarian Party candidate, announced on Thursday that he would seek an open House seat in Georgia. +",12 +5,N.J. gay-marriage ruling due today,4 +8,requiring background checks for more gun sales,7 +7,"Bronshtein was convicted in the 1991 deaths of two Philadelphia-area jewelers. In 1994, he received the death sentence for one of the murders, that of Valley Forge store owner Alexander Gutman, who was shot in the face and robbed of $60,000 worth of jewelry. +",6 +5,"""makes no mention of our authority to hear habeas petitions filed as original matters in this court,"" Chief Justice William Rehnquist observed.",4 +1,"against Jeffrey Wigand, a former research executive",0 +13,"The bill passed, 32-14, after a contentious debate led by Philadelphia lawmakers, who said it would intimidate local municipalities trying to find ways to deal with gun violence.",12 +9,"""Quest is an intriguing curiosity,"" said Kenneth Warner, a public health professor and director of the University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network, which studies smoking and health. ""Whether it could be used by smokers to consciously wean themselves off smoking remains to be seen but is worthy of study.""",8 +13,"George Stephanopoulos, the White House communications director, said that in view of the uproar over the nomination of Zoe Baird and federal District",12 +9,"""I CAN'T BELIEVE I SHOT HER""",8 +15,A Way Out of the Same-Sex Marriage Mess,14 +7,"Delap was convicted in the 1975 beating death of Paula Diane Etheridge, a 23-year-old Okeechobee Junior High School teacher.",6 +13,Ga. keeps ban on gay marriage,12 +11,READERS' LETTERS: Tobacco use just isn't cool,10 +9,"""Are you telling us that paranoid schizophrenics don't slip in and out of competency?""",8 +10,Family of man on death row hopes desperately for reprieve Victim was grandmother of condemned man,9 +4," warned prosecutors against trying to stack juries on racial lines and, in the latest case, put defense attorneys on notice: Poor lawyering is unacceptable.",3 +9," has long preached about the dangers of cigarette smoking, particularly for children.",8 +6,"Waiting periods work. In California, a 15-day wait allows law enforcement officials to thwart nearly 6,000 illegal gun sales a year. Similar results are reported from New Jersey to Oregon to Georgia.",5 +11,researchers found that 6 percent of 12-to-19-year-olds had the syndrom,10 +12,Recent polls have shown supporters and opponents of the Knight initiative in a statistical tie.,11 +5,"That law is being challenged by a New York woman who was legally married to her female spouse but was forced to pay more than $300,000 in federal estate taxes when her wife died, taxes that a heterosexual spouse would not have had to pay. +",4 +5,"Justice Elena Kagan to Cooper when he tried to argue men and women who marry after 55 could procreate: +",4 +5,"It looks like the Supreme Court will have to chime in on same-sex marriage after all +",4 +5,"But the decision was nonetheless significant for another reason. The Justices' responses to the unusual facts, in the absence of a directly applicable law, made the case almost a litmus test for how individual Justices think the balance should be struck between the interests of death row inmates and the interest of states in carrying out death sentences.",4 +1,"The agreement calls for the industry to pay $368 billion over 25 years in part to fund major new antismoking efforts. In return, the industry would get some protection from legal liability.",0 +1, that the $368.5 billion,0 +5,"A lawyer for gun companies said the decision will be used to try to defeat the 17 similar lawsuits filed by 27 cities or counties across the country. Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami are among the cities suing.",4 +12,Coats' decision won praise from local advocates of rights for gays and lesbians.,11 +13,"March is also the month that Quinn is expected to ask fellow Democrats to back him for another term, in the 2014 primaries. Among his arguments is likely to be that he tried hard to mitigate concealed carry.",12 +9, The life you save may be your own.,8 +12,and public relations ,11 +11,"Behind the spotlight on gay marriage +",10 +13,GAY MARRIAGE HEARING SPLITS TOWN PANEL LIKELY TO OK CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT,12 +1,"PRIMARY +",0 +5,tobacco settlement in 1998. The ruling applies,4 +13,"Checking the raw politics, the amendment could be in trouble: Sixteen GOP senators voted last week to proceed to debate on gun legislation, but several of them and some moderate Democratic senators said they are unlikely to support most, if not all of the bill's proposed amendments. +",12 +15,The attack issuethat never showed up,14 +4," The requirements are identical for married couples. + +",3 +1,cigar industry,0 +5,Jurors deliberated for six hours over two days before finding Ottis guilty just before noon Sunday.,4 +5,INS TURNED BACK IN APPEALS CASE ON DEPORTATION,4 +6, law's provision denying federal recognition of same-sex marriages performed in states,5 +5,Nichols indicted,4 +5,"Earlier Tuesday, a federal court in Pennsylvania declared aspects of President Obama's executive actions on immigration policy unconstitutional.",4 +5, Death Penalty Ruled Out In Atlanta Slayings Case,4 +5,Let no court rend asunder,4 +7,"Crime is destroying this country, yet there is always someone who wants the guilty to get off lightly, and so society reacts with laws that punish us all. There are fighter plane races that use planes that were designed to kill. Do you want to ban that too?",6 +9,"""It's a matter of health,"" Rivard said. ""As a clinic and hospital organization, we need to live up to our mission. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the nation. We also need to protect everyone, including workers, from the hazards of second-hand smoke.""",8 +14,Mass shootings: How U.S. gun culture compares with the rest of the world;,13 +13,Inaction by Congress on gun proposals is decried,12 +10,"Indeed, some are amused to find themselves students once again. ""I was a teacher at elementary school and high school,"" said Yevgeniya Radun, 31, who lived in Moscow before she moved to Bensonhurst about a year ago. ""Now I'm a student again because I have to elevate my knowledge, to learn the difference between the two cultures.""",9 +13,ASH CRASH PRESIDENT PROPOSES A BOLD PLAN TO FIGHT TEENAGE SMOKING,12 +5,Lesbian Pair Wins Ruling Over Refusal Of Ceremony,4 +5,Ohio Hints at Legal Tangle That Could Befall Va.,4 +13,"Tell that to Senator Marco Rubio, who comes from Florida, where there is broad public support in polls for ending workplace discrimination, but who is going to vote against this bill because he wants the Tea Party crazies to support him for president. +",12 +5,"Court records state he was upset because she had filed for divorce and planned to keep custody of their daughter, Lisa Ann, who was 2 years old at the time.",4 +13,"The legislation, put together by a Senate Democratic task force on tobacco,",12 +13,CANDIDATES ARE DIVIDED ON BANNING GAY MARRIAGE,12 +2,"The nationwide court backlog is documented in a recent study by Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a research organization that monitors the federal government. The study says the number of pending cases in Georgia reached an all-time high of 7,046 this summer. The vast majority of those were deportation cases. Nationwide, there were 247,922 immigration cases pending as of June 21, another all-time high. Georgia ranks 10th among states based on its pending caseload.",1 +12,FDA's proposed e-cigarette rules draw mixed reviews,11 +9, have known about the health hazards of smoking for a very long time.,8 +6,Gun problem needs a national solution,5 +6, to close the gun-show loophole and take other steps to reduce gun violence.,5 +5,Pa. high court: NRA can't challenge local gun laws,4 +12,Georgians to Vote on Marriage,11 +1,MORE STATES PRODDED ON TOBACCO DEAL / A DOZEN STATES SUPPORT THE $206 BILLION PLAN TO SETTLE LAWSUITS.,0 +15,"IN ENGLISH, IT'S HOOEY",14 +7,Mother Who Smoked Near Family Gets Jail,6 +9,Court bans death penalty for retarded,8 +13,What's this - GOP pols with guts?,12 +7,Man charged with violating Brady law,6 +5,"""These people will be pursued, and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.""",4 +11,First Woman Executed Since 1957,10 +12,Artists across U.S. take to stage to protest Trump policies,11 +7,"Stephen Honickman, 51, reportedly pleaded, ""Enough already, take what you want."" The robbers took rings and watches, including items being worn by Florence Honickman.",6 +5," By a 5-4 vote, the justices rejected an emergency request aimed at keeping Bundy alive until a formal appeal could be filed.",4 +13,Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R),12 +3,"When leaders of the United Methodist Church's Northern California and Nevada region meet here on June 15, they will begin grappling with the unusual decision of whether to charge 68 ministers with violating church law for having jointly blessed a same-sex union in January. + +The ceremony was public, held in the convention center here, with more than 1,000 people attending and wide news coverage. + +A church spokesman said that never before had so many ministers faced the possibility of a formal charge of disobedience, which could lead to a church trial. Trials themselves, in which a conviction can carry penalties as severe as removal of ministerial credentials, have been rare -- until recently -- in the denomination, which has 8.5 million members. + +In March, the Rev. Greg Dell, a minister in Chicago, was suspended from office by an ecclesiastical court after it found him guilty of violating church law for having blessed the union of two gay men. + +A year earlier, the Rev. Jimmy Creech, of Omaha, Neb., was acquitted after conducting a ceremony for two women. But Mr. Creech's bishop removed him from his pulpit. An official complaint, which can lead to a trial, has been filed against Mr. Creech for a same-sex union he recently performed in North Carolina. + +These events illustrate the escalating tension within many mainline Protestant churches over how to respond to gay and lesbian members. Among Methodists, the second-largest Protestant denomination after the Southern Baptist Convention, the debate has focused on clergy members' blessing same-sex unions. +",2 +7,"Mr. Morrison served 10 years in prison after firing a shot at an Ulster police officer in 1975. He was 19 at the time and caught up in the IRA cause. After completing his sentence, Mr. Morrison came to the United States.",6 +13,Look where anti-immigrant advocates have taken the GOP,12 +13,Obama Defends Call on Invocation,12 +12,N.R.A. Joins Questioning of Florida Sheriff in 'Stand Your Ground' Case,11 +13,"Governors will be elected in both states this fall, though neither race is expected to change the gun debate. +",12 +15,BULLET POINTS,14 +6, the ban,5 +10,should not try additional ways to keep an addictive product,9 +11, Roy Bean lives!,10 +5,"The Poses sued Lysons for stinking up their dining room and kids' playroom. + +""The conditions were bad enough that they felt they had no choice but to start this litigation,"" said lawyer John Churneftsky.",4 +5,Judge 'Killer Keller' cultivates reputation,4 +8,"The clampdown, which began in October 1994 has been extended to cities in Arizona and Texas that are hot spots for illegal crossings.",7 +13,"On Monday, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a letter to Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) that he would push for the legal expenses to come out of the Justice Department's budget. +",12 +13,It looks like a foreign sounding name didn't matter to St. Paul-area Republicans in the primary.,12 +5,Prosecutors argued,4 +13,SENATE OPENS DEBATE ON CRIME LEGISLATION,12 +13,"Boehner (Ohio) and other House GOP leaders have said that they think immigration reform should be passed this year, but several other prominent conservatives have said that doing so before the fall midterm elections would hurt Republicans' chances of winning control of the Senate.",12 +13,"Gore contended that Bush is under the control of the National Rifle Association, pointing to a law Bush signed that prohibits Texas cities and counties from suing gunmakers. ""He has passed virtually everything that the NRA has asked him to pass,"" Gore said.",12 +6,Time for collaboration on gun studies,5 +13,Gay Marriage Ban Fails in Senate,12 +7,Man arrested in slaying no longer faces charges,6 +13,"Durbin says Congress, through inaction, 'complicit in the next killing'",12 +13,"Marijuana, gun background checks qualify for Nevada votes",12 +10," +DEATH-ROW INMATES SEEK HUMAN TOUCH PRISONERS AND THEIR FAMILIES WANT 'CONTACT VISITS' RESTORED. ",9 +5,"The city rejected the order, which can be enforced only if the state wins its lawsuit",4 +9,The Hidden Gun Epidemic: Suicides,8 +1,"Attacks on the tobacco industry lately have come from all partisan corners in Congress, with both chambers recently voting to undo a provision of the balanced budget agreement that would have provided the industry a $ 50 billion credit.",0 +9,"``I often think of them as producing less risk in terms of lung cancer than with cigarettes,'' said Michael Burnstein, 30, of New York City, who quit smoking cigarettes but still enjoys an occasional cigar.",8 +13,"His idea, which he first expressed Saturday, drew strong opposition from the Mayors of Philadelphia, Boston and Minneapolis.",12 +3,"For those who are not familiar, as a denomination, what is the focus of the Metropolitan Community Church? +",2 +5,Lawyer Ellis Rubin filed a lawsuit Wednesday that seeks to force Florida and the federal government to recognize a same-sex marriage performed in Canada.,4 +9,revealed that the agency understood these dangers and deficiencies yet repeatedly renewed contracts with these facilities.,8 +5,A marriage ruling that counts me in,4 +9,"Pick your poison, but don't pick mine",8 +7,FREMONT WOMAN CHARGED IN IMMIGRATION FRAUD SCHEME,6 +1,"According to the records, the NRA in 2014 doled out roughly $812,460 to 222 national contenders",0 +12,Why I Now Support Gay Marriage,11 +12,Advocates Struggle to Reach Immigrants Eligible for Deferred Action,11 +5,COURT KILLS BAN ON GUNS IN HOUSING PROJECTS,4 +13,"The legislation easily passed the Rhode Island House in January, and the Senate vote was considered the true test. The bill passed 26 to 12 and now returns to the House for a largely procedural vote, probably next week, before going to Gov. Lincoln Chafee (I), who supports the legislation. +",12 +5,"""Another intended change is to lay the foundation for future arguments that sodomy is a fundamental right,"" the six opponents said in motions filed before the Supreme Court.",4 +5,"""She doesn't have the authority to make law,"" said Richard E. Gardiner, attorney for the plaintiffs. Gardiner also represented a group of Fairfax County residents who last year successfully challenged a county order banning firearms on county property.",4 +8,as well as clear a fingerprint background check.,7 +1,"In addition to the national settlement, started to address health care costs caused by smoking, tobacco companies created a $5 billion fund to help tobacco growers and quota holders in 14 states. North Carolina's share of that fund is $2 billion over 12 years.",0 +5,"Kramer denied a request Monday from Deck's attorneys to reduce the sentence to life in prison. +",4 +7,Crime and punishment,6 +13, He skipped a conference call held by Vice President Joe Biden last week in which Biden solicited views on gun violence.,12 +12,Calls for gun control stir little support,11 +7,Nazi Suspect Loses Appeal In Fighting Deportation Order,6 +5,'People' have the right,4 +13,North Carolina's Ban on Gay Marriage Appears Likely to Pass,12 +1,Rivals Attack Cigarette Marketing Plan,0 +6,"RIMARY +",5 +5," +Arkansas' highest court halted the distribution of marriage licenses to same-sex couples Friday as it suspended a judge's ruling that struck down the state's same-sex marriage ban.",4 +13,"After a marathon of impassioned speeches, behind-the-scenes political maneuvering and an 11th-hour filibuster, Massachusetts legislators were unable Thursday to reach an agreement on gay marriage and shelved the issue for a month.",12 +10,But never before had her visit begun in handcuffs and humiliation,9 +13,"The defeat, which followed a stirring, tearful and at times very personal debate, all but ensures that the issue is dead in New York until at least 2011, when a new Legislature will be installed.",12 +12,"In a break with tradition, armed gun supporters stage rally at Alamo +",11 +11,Filmmaker joins gun debate Local group drops Gibson image from Web after Sony complaint,10 +3," +William Martin, pastor of Northeast Presbyterian Church in St. Petersburg, says the Bible denounces homosexuality in both the Old and New Testaments.",2 +9, Having too many airplanes in the sky at once constitutes a grave threat to public safety. So does having too many guns on the ground.,8 +6,"A government that does not enforce the law is no government at all. What good is a government that does not govern? +",5 +7,"The order crackled over a loudspeaker from two sheriff's deputies crouched behind the doors of police cruisers, semiautomatic rifles at their sides.",6 +13,"Meanwhile, in Texas, the right-wing fringe - in this case the state G.O.P. - is peering longingly into the past. +",12 +10,Inmate fights to bitter end,9 +7,"Last week a police officer named Kevin Gillespie was slain while on duty in the Bronx. There is no hint of any mitigating circumstances. It was a cold-blooded murder that occurred in the course of a carjacking. A second police officer was wounded and three bystanders were shot. The men arrested have long prison records for violent crimes. +",6 +13, As the state Assembly considers whether to override the governor's veto of a bill ,12 +3,"Many of the 250 clergy attending the Minnesota Pastors Summit on Thursday pledged to pray, preach and petition their congregations in support of an amendment that would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.",2 +11,Nix on gun safety a bad joke - stars,10 +13,"Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law a sweeping package of gun-control measures on Tuesday,",12 +1,"Even as opponents of the measure officially conceded defeat on Thursday, California business owners -- particularly those in the marriage business -- were trying to determine how many wedding cakes would now go unsold and how many tuxedos unrented.",0 +7,"Police previously said the predator labeled the immigration rapist attacked five women in 1994 and 1995 in Corona, Elmhurst and Astoria.",6 +7," He also wants to make it a crime for felons to even attempt buying a gun --- for what he described, half-jokingly, as ""criminal stupidity."" Current law prevents them only from completing the purchase.",6 +5," +Prince William Law Seen As a Test; Board Considers What to Deny to Illegal Immigrants",4 +7,"The number prosecuted for perjury to date: none. +",6 +9,but the two sides have argued about access to details about Mr. Holmes's mental health.,8 +14,"""I don't understand why the United States must take such a repressive attitude toward us,"" said Agustin Melgar, 45, who works in the same open-air market as Martinez near Chapultepec Park in the city center. ""It's insulting. We all know there's a mutual demand: The gringos need our cheap labor, and we want better pay.""",13 +5,California constitutional amendment,4 +6," The package also included a lifetime concealed carry permit and added provisions for a ""stand your ground"" law in Missouri, giving people the legal right to defend themselves if they feel threatened.",5 +10,'THIS IS MY CASE. THIS IS MY LIFE',9 +5,Windy City snubs Supreme Court,4 +5,", said his attorney, Kent Gipson of Kansas City",4 +13, supports the Clinton administration-era suit.,12 +5,4 counties yield on gay marriage licenses,4 +12,Gay activists laud inaugural speech They praise Obama but call for action,11 +5,U.S. STIFFENS LICENSING FOR FIREARMS DEALERS,4 +13,"Gays and lesbians are running for legislatures in Alabama, Arkansas and Oklahoma and for re-election in Idaho, Iowa, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Utah -- all states whose residents voted predominantly for President Bush in 2004.",12 +7," +In a handwritten letter, the so-called ``Happy Face Killer'' had told prosecutors how he had met a woman at a truck stop and gave her a ride before strangling her and dumping her body near the Pacheco Pass on Highway 152. +",6 +13,Gun research should be a bipartisan cause,12 +13,"""This issue is not a winner for anybody,"" said Charles Francis, a Bush family friend and the co-chairman of the Republican Unity Coalition, an influential gay-straight political alliance. ""Unfortunately, same-sex marriage seems to be headed for center stage next year. But marriage panic is not good for the political process or the country.""",12 +5,Missouri Supreme Court weighs case on gun shop liability,4 +12, Polls show that support for gay marriage in Texas lags behind the approval level nationwide.,11 +8,The proposal for expanded background checks - which includes a requirement for sellers to keep records of sales ,7 +1,"On that day, voters will be asked to hike Missouri's cigarette tax to 72 cents per pack from the current 17 cents. The current tax is among the nation's lowest, which helps make suicide-by-cigarette more affordable.",0 +13,Reloading the gun-control debate,12 +4,"MARRIAGE EQUALITY ADVANCES +",3 +13,California Democrats demanding defiance weigh Feinstein's reelection bid,12 +5,"""They didn't make a big deal of it or anything,"" Sedillo said. ""They just sent me a notice that said they'd cover Tony, and on the paperwork it said 'spouse.' It was such a great moment. I'm married, and they couldn't really dispute it.""",4 +9,most of whom are cancer survivors and their families,8 +13,Senators in Bipartisan Deal On Broad Immigration Bill,12 +7,"By the time Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold died by their own hands at Columbine High School, no fewer than a dozen gun-control laws had been violated in their plot to massacre their classmates.",6 +7,"Johnston already faces a death sentence for killing LeAnne Coryell, a Northdale dental assistant, in 1997. +",6 +3,"The omissions weren't surprising, argues Thane Rosenbaum in his well-written new book, ""Payback: The Case for Revenge."" No matter how heinous the crime or how evil the perpetrator, he says, the idea of vengeance makes Americans ""squeamish and intellectually dishonest.""",2 +13,"A spokesman confirmed Labrador's intentions, which were announced after he left a meeting of the ""Group of Eight"" held Wednesday evening in the U.S. Capitol. A fuller statement was expected later, but the spokesman confirmed that the congressman decided to step away amid concerns over provisions of an emerging agreement regarding immigrant access to health-care. +",12 +11,"The strategy appears to be working. The latest surveys show that 23 percent of high school girls in the United States smoke compared to 18.1 percent of adult women. And while roughly half of those adults who smoke are women, among Camel smokers only about 30 percent are women.",10 +12,"Gun rights advocates say that's not true. To prove the Fairfax County Democrat wrong, they are planning to bring guns into restaurants in his district each Saturday in April.",11 +6,That Montgomery County Smoking Ban,5 +13,Sen. Richard Burr apologizes after Clinton 'bull's eye' remark;,12 +5,"It would also seem to mean that the high court would not itself decide the issue in its term that ends in June. +",4 +5,"Over the years, the case against Davis had steadily withered as seven of the original ""witnesses"" recanted their testimony, while others came forward providing exculpatory information in the defendant's favor.",4 +5, would also have a better chance of passing what may be difficult court challenges.,4 +4,pointing to strong evidence of racial bias during jury selection.,3 +1,"The campaign would have cost about $10 million, but the design and ad spaces are being donated.",0 +5,The five students who brought the lawsuit against Florida education officials were born in this country.,4 +12, but there was an unexpected absence of angry confrontations between gay couples and gay-marriage opponents - only a few solitary protesters.,11 +13,LAWMAKERS CHALLENGE NYPD STOP-FRISK PRACTICE,12 +13,"The president's reversal - he had said previously that while he could not support same-sex marriage, his views on the issue were ""evolving"" - was a significant move. No sitting president had ever before said that gays and lesbians should have a legal right to marry. +",12 +3,"So, instead of taking a procession through the neighborhood, parishioners carried statues and a diorama of the holy family from one side of the church to the other, singing about being given posada - the Spanish word for inn or a place to stay. +",2 +6,"An instant system would give all 275,000 Federally licensed gun dealers access to confidential F.B.I. files, a dangerous thought, and could cost up to $500 million. But fantasy was the point: while Washington ponders instant identification, gun running may proceed as usual.",5 +5,"A jury in Starke acquitted three guards of Valdes' slaying in February, after several weeks of testimony from guards and inmates. A judge declared a mistrial for a fourth guard.",4 +6,"Experiment With Life, Not Death",5 +13," +Leaders lacking on immigration -- again",12 +11,"Nearly 70% of AfricanAmericans were against it, and nearly 50% of women.",10 +5,"When the court reversed itself in 2003, Justice Antonin Scalia was apoplectic. ""Do not believe it,"" he wrote of the majority's assurance that its ruling did not involve the right to marry. ""Today's opinion dismantles the structure of constitutional law that has permitted a distinction to be made between heterosexual and homosexual unions, insofar as formal recognition in marriage is concerned.""",4 +6, Bill not designed for gun control,5 +5,Gay weddings go on as opponents file suit,4 +11,"''Even for the country, it's not good,'' he added, explaining that he thought the order could deny entry to some of ''the tens of thousands of people who can contribute to the making of America.''",10 +8,carrying concealed weapons.,7 +4, equality in immigration law.,3 +7,15 out-of-state gun shops that had been the sources of numerous illegal weapons used in crimes there.,6 +7,"The agency also filed a police report alleging theft, malicious mischief and trespassing.",6 +13,RALLYING THE BASE,12 +11,"Immigrants who live in Aurora shouldn't feel like foreigners in their new community, says Barbara Shannon-Banister, chief of the city's community relations division.",10 +13,The Bush administration has been coming under fire from anti-smoking activists for being much friendlier to the tobacco industry than the Clinton administration -- especially after the Justice Department last week announced it would try to settle a federal lawsuit against tobacco companies.,12 +7, The defendants are accused of taking Forrest's gold championship ring and diamond Rolex watch.,6 +3,The March of Empty Shoes,2 +8, of defending themselves and their nation.,7 +13,"Gun-control advocates are quietly acknowledging that Fenty (D) is in a difficult spot. Across the country, many of them and their attorneys have been meeting in conference rooms to analyze the potential damage that could be done nationwide if the D.C. law falls apart.",12 +15,SMOKE CLOUDS ISSUE OF WHETHER TO WED,14 +13,"After another mass shooting, Dianne Feinstein back on front lines of gun control fight",12 +7,2 CHARGED IN FATAL SMUGGLING CASE,6 +1,Tough Climate May Benefit Smoke Shops,0 +15,Same-Sex Marriage Barrier Nears End in Massachusetts,14 +15,"And Now, a Word Against Smoking",14 +10,"Melva Fager Okun, coordinator of the organization, said North Carolinians who call 1-800-QUIT NOW currently get the national toll-free stop-smoking line, which is not equipped to provide interactive call-back support. But final approvals are nearly complete in Raleigh to flip the switch on the new North Carolina ""quitline,"" she said.",9 +11,Teen cigarette sales up in study,10 +3,""" If any of you are Christians,"" he announced, ""now's the time to pray.""",2 +6," The ordinance prohibited smoking in all indoor public places, including offices, bars and restaurants.",5 +11,culturally,10 +12,"A Badger Poll of 510 adults conducted via telephone Dec. 2-9 in the state showed 62 percent of those responding disapproved of allowing homosexuals to marry members of the same gender, while 30 percent approved",11 +7,"Lucio Estrada, 24, faces one count each of sexual battery and false imprisonment, both felonies, according to a Brooksville police report. He was being held Wednesday afternoon at the Hernando County Jail in lieu of $ 15,000 bail.",6 +13,"''Look, let's join the real world here,'' Clinton said to Gibson in response to the ''meowed'' characterization. His eyes narrowing and his finger pointing accusingly, Clinton continued:",12 +13,LEGISLATURE RECAP,12 +5,"Accusing the mayor of trampling on the law, conservative groups went to court yesterday to challenge the issuing of same-sex marriage licenses in San Francisco, as hundreds more gay couples rushed to tie the knot",4 +7,"KILLER IS SPARED DEATH PENALTY, GETS LIFE IN JORDAN'S MURDER",6 +12,Vermonters Rise to Sort Out Law on Marriage,11 +8, for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.,7 +13,"If Christie vetoes the new measure, ""then he's leaving [intact] the law that the NRA hates so much,"" Teret said.",12 +13,"The Florida Senate on Saturday voted down a bill to ban assault weapons, then immediately pivoted to a moment of silence for victims of the shooting at a Parkland, Fla., high school last month.",12 +15,PUTTING OUT THE FIRE,14 +10,"the harder it is to quit,'",9 +12,Strategy Sessions Fueled Immigrant Marches,11 +8," ""It's time we get more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens so they can protect themselves. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight.""",7 +1,Raise farm pay to keep immigrants,0 +7,Death Penalty Death Watch: California,6 +6,"Lantry said she remained willing to consider alternatives to an outright ban, such as limiting new restrictions to establishments that serve food or establishing tougher ventilation requirements. +",5 +7,"A judge sentenced a man convicted of killing his father and dumping his remains in the woods of North Carolina to life in prison without parole Friday, saying he would have sentenced him to death if Wisconsin had capital punishment.",6 +5,"the Supreme Court waited decades to weigh in on interracial marriage. On Friday, by contrast, the court did not hesitate to jump into the middle of one of the most important social controversies of the day, agreeing to hear two cases on same-sex marriage",4 +5,The high court decision came a day after U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle in Tallahassee quizzed lawyers about the scope of the Second Amendment as he considered a new law that allows people with concealed weapons permits to keep their guns in their cars at wor,4 +5,"New York's action comes a day after the city began allowing gay couples to apply online for marriage licenses. But the licenses can not be issued until same-sex marriage becomes legal on the 24th. Ordinarily, couples must wait 24 hours after receiving a license to get married, but some judges have expressed a willingness to waive that requirement for the first day of same-sex marriage.",4 +13,state legislators have introduced bills,12 +5,REYNOLDS EXECUTIVE DEFENDS CIGARETTE INDUSTRY AT TRIAL,4 +4,"""This is a basic issue of fairness,"" said spokesman Richard Mills. ""The Korean government proposed regulations that were discriminatory and were aimed at protecting their own industry, not at protecting health or safety. That would have presented a different situation.""",3 +6,Bills would allow local gun laws,5 +11,"In many places, the rugged cowboy with the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth will yield to images of children delivering anti-smoking messages.",10 +13,"Before they make that mistake, politicians who have spent years ignoring their consciences and taking the N.R.A.'s orders should listen closely to Tennessee's citizens. As one demanded at a local hearing this summer: ''Are you going to hear the voices of the unarmed?''",12 +13,Race comes alive as polls show Sanders gaining or leading in early states,12 +15,Fights to trail N.Y. gay marriage law; Critics renew vows as couples make plans,14 +7,This approach reflects the grim realities of an urban setting where handguns account for a disproportionate number of homicides and are used in a great majority of robberies and rapes.,6 +15,National Briefing New England: Massachusetts: Fighting Same-Sex Marriage,14 +13,"It is an unusually contentious struggle that already has compelled the ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, to apologize to Barkett because one of his aides distributed unflattering material about her record.",12 +3,because of their personal religious convictions,2 +11," Ordinary marriage, he intones, has been around for thousands of years.",10 +13,Fresh push for gun control,12 +7,N.J. MAN ADMITS RUNNING CIGARS,6 +5,Sessions makes sweeping attack on Chicago's sanctuary city policy,4 +5,"The Supreme Court's decision not to review rulings legalizing gay marriage in five states suggests that the expansion of same-sex marriage in states that once banned it will likely continue without interference from the high court. But it also raises the question of how long until every state in the country will allow same-sex couples to marry, or whether some states never will without a Supreme Court ruling legalizing marriages nationally.",4 +9,"The drug? Tobacco, of course.",8 +5,"In October, the State Supreme Court ruled that the civil rights of gay couples had been violated because they did not receive the same public benefits as heterosexual couples. But the court left it to the Legislature to create a solution.",4 +11,He would be the first person executed since New Jersey restored capital punishment in August 1982.,10 +7,"One year ago today, Patrick Edward Purdy fired 110 rounds from a semiautomatic rifle, killing five children and wounding 29 others at Cleveland Elementary school in Stockton, Calif. He took five minutes.",6 +13," +Obama stopped in Denver on Wednesday, where he met with law enforcement officials and delivered remarks urging Congress to take action on his stalled gun control agenda.",12 +3,"''familiarity with the devil,''",2 +13,"Rep. Joe Driskill, who sponsored the concealed weapons amendment to an omnibus criminal procedure bill, said Sunday, ''Everyone's entitled to his or her opinion; that's what makes this process work.'' Still, he said, he feels ''more strongly all the time'' about the proposal. ",12 +15,Immigration reality check,14 +6,the smoking ban ,5 +6,GUN PROPOSALS STRIKE A PERFECTLY REASONABLE BALANCE,5 +7, top enforcement staff,6 +5,"The Massachusetts decision went further than the 1993 finding by Hawaii's high court that marriage laws were discriminatory, in that Tuesday's decision directly redefined the meaning of ""civil marriage"" in Massachusetts law. +",4 +13,Politics could seize the limelight at PrideFest,12 +13,"I might have thought this politician was joking, or even making some anti-capital punishment point by using the hyperbole of absurd proposition, except for 22 years in the news business, some of it spent covering state legislatures. That's long enough to know better than to laugh at bad jokes, also known as proposed legislation.",12 +13,"""Obviously, the President wants to see this information and make his own judgment, but I wouldn't expect anything on that,"" Siewert said.",12 +7,"Nearly 5 1/2 years after the murders of five Gainesville students,",6 +5,California case echoes Florida's,4 +12,"In poll, 51% back president on gays",11 +7,"""Many of these individuals don't report crimes now, but it could be a lot worse",6 +5,"Because of pretrial publicity, the trial was moved from San Joaquin County to Alameda County Superior Court, where Peoples was convicted of the four murders and sentenced to death in 2000. +",4 +5,FEDERAL JUDGE BLOCKS TRUMP'S REVISED TRAVEL BAN,4 +11,"An interest in fine candies was one of the customs the immigrants brought. There are candy shops yet, even on bleak streets. But the special, hand-dipped candies with rich, fresh ingredients are almost gone, and this is a small, precise symbol of the decline of life in this once great manufacturing valley.",10 +9,Study Shows Health Benefit for Immigrants,8 +8, to avoid background checks.,7 +5,"With cases unfolding in several federal courts, many experts predict the issue will wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court.",4 +13,Ga. House OKs cigarette export tax break,12 +5,"About 28,000 Philadelphians already possess carry permits, ",4 +12,"Kelly, who founded a group called Americans for Responsible Solutions with Giffords",11 +7,"Nicknamed ""Time Bomb"" on death row, Johnson, 49, was sentenced to death for the 1979 shotgun slaying of James Maxwell Hadden, 67, whom Johnson robbed at a gas station in the small town of Lee, east of Tallahassee.",6 +10,"When she's far from the media spotlight, away from questions about the Newtown massacre and her mother's murder, Erica Lafferty struggles.",9 +6,Council measure further restricts smoking at airport,5 +13,Liberalism's Gun Problem,12 +1,A BREATH OF FRESH PROFIT,0 +5,"Despite all this, Ms. Zacarias may be forced to leave this country in June when her student visa expires.",4 +1, $10 million bond,0 +13,Obama winds up for his immigration pitch,12 +12,accused,11 +15,PIONEER PRESS BOOK CLUB,14 +5,"Citing differences with her lawyers, a visibly agitated Leslie Ann Nelson petitioned the court yesterday to be allowed to serve as cocounsel in her sentencing trial.",4 +13,Oberweis is staking his hopes in his second campaign for the Senate on illegal immigration - an issue on which he has split from Republican President George W. Bush.,12 +11,"``Violence in movies and television is pervasive, so it must be a popular commodity. The death penalty represents revenge against vicious people whose exploits are portrayed in movies and on television.''",10 +13,"Looking for compromise on gun control is futile, but not for the reasons you think",12 +5,Group Seeks A Reopening Of Hearings On Tobacco,4 +15,Immigrants' positive effects,14 +11,"Dozens of years worth of softball trophies overflow from wooden shelves. Ten bar stools and a smattering of multicolored, Formica-topped tables crowd two shallow rooms. Some locals joke that you can walk straight through, out the back door, and miss Regan's altogether.",10 +7,"Why the CDC still isn't researching gun violence, despite the ban being lifted two years ago",6 +7,"Authorities said he and his girlfriend, Alicia Woodward, kidnapped Davis from a North Carolina supermarket parking lot and killed her in Madison, Ga.",6 +6," ""Right now, because of this Brady Bill, they're waiting at the door"" - and it was 28 degrees outside as they waited.",5 +13,Act on gun control on Election Day,12 +13,THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: THE GUN ISSUE,12 +10,"Soldier dies of breast cancer, but her widow won't get benefits",9 +7,"PRISON SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM, NOT GUN OWNERSHIP",6 +13,"Thurman joined House Republicans and some fellow Democrats on Friday in support of a measure that would overturn a ban on certain automatic firearms approved as part of the crime bill in 1994. + +The Senate still must consider the issue, and President Clinton has vowed to veto the bill if it makes it to his desk.",12 +12,GUN-CONTROL ADVOCATES GATHER AT PISTOL RANGE TO PROTEST TALENT'S SUPPORT OF,11 +5,WOMAN'S APPEAL DENIED,4 +7,"Tequesta police patrolling the coast along Coral Cove Park at about 6 a.m. found American-born John Kittles, 43, and a Pine Island resident among a group of six Haitian immigrants after the group landed an 18-foot motorboat on the park beach, said Officer Brian Youngblood.",6 +13,Gingrich Says the Right Thing! Film at 11,12 +10,'TRUTH' URGES TOBACCO WORKERS TO QUIT,9 +6,"The bill allows some businesses, including defense contractors and explosives manufacturers, to bar guns on the premises",5 +5,gun permits,4 +6,Some say it could ban civil unions or legal domestic partnerships between same-sex couples. Others say it bans those relationships only if they provide the exact same rights and benefits as marriage.,5 +13,"Members of the Black Caucus joined with liberal white Democrats to beat back the measure on the first House vote. Black lawmakers went 30-1 against the ban, with Rep. Henry Howard (D-Augusta) the only exception. A solid showing by the caucus is viewed as key to defeating the measure.",12 +5,"On same-sex marriage, victors jostle for high court's attention +",4 +12,Gay-wedding march likely to be a long one,11 +6,PHCC adds scrutiny on foreign students,5 +1, $ 35 million emergency fund.,0 +13,Immigration reform dropped,12 +10,"SAME-SEX BENEFITS TARGETED +",9 +3,Juvenile justice: What's right penalty for murder?,2 +13,Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle introduced provisions for same-sex partners in the state budget. It passed both houses and he signed it in June.,12 +5,COURT OF APPEALS NIXES GAY NUPS IN CITY,4 +11," +A bad union of any sort can hurt society",10 +5,TRIAL OPENS FOR MAN ACCUSED OF KILLING 3,4 +7,"Randall, 42, is already headed to death row for strangling two Clearwater prostitutes, Wendy Evans and Cynthia Pugh. For fleeing police, Circuit Judge Brandt Downey also sentenced him to five years in prison as a habitual violent offender, a sentence he will serve while awaiting execution.",6 +5,"Some key quotes and exchanges from Tuesday's U.S. Supreme Court arguments in the Proposition 8 case: +",4 +5,Juries Rule for Tobacco Companies in 2 Suits,4 +6,The un-marriage bill,5 +5,U.S. Backs District Gun Law In Court,4 +11,How many federal workers identify as LGBT?,10 +5,reached a truce with 40 states Friday,4 +5,"New Jersey allows same-sex couples to enter into civil unions that give them some of the same legal protections as married couples, but Jacobson said the two labels - marriage for opposite-sex couples and civil unions for same-sex couples - means gay couples are excluded ""from certain federal benefits that legally married same-sex couples are able to enjoy.""",4 +6,proposal to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriages.,5 +13," This from Bob Dole,",12 +2," +BACKLOG GROWS ON ALIEN FILES",1 +1,"Exempt from state taxes, tribes nationwide often sell tobacco products at cut rates, sometimes to non-Indians bent on avoiding state taxes. +",0 +12,"Minnesotans United's Richard Carlbom to start consulting firm +",11 +12,"'COP KILLER' BULLET CURBS NOT NEEDED, GROUP SAYS",11 +13,"Douglas and Decatur are small Georgia cities with quaint downtowns and politically engaged residents who care about their communities. + +But bring up the issue of gay marriage, and the two seem like different planets.",12 +11," Because of our reputation as the country most receptive to ambitious upstarts willing to risk everything for a better life, we have attracted the world's hardest-working, most innovative dreamers.",10 +13," +""My political views don't lean to one side or another,"" he says. +",12 +5,"Brazelton maintained that Peterson, 31, is not a prominent public figure and that his ""ability to select a fair and impartial jury in this case has not been compromised.""",4 +13,"LOBBYISTS CRY `LIBERAL,' STALL BARKETT NOMINATION",12 +7,"U.S. Probes Allegations + +Against INS Officers",6 +9," died early Friday (June 7, 2013) in a hospital,",8 +5,"The Supreme Court, in other words, has some unfinished business. +",4 +7,"Harris told prison guards ""Mudman"" had threatened him",6 +7,INS officials have said the raid was prompted by an article in The News & Observer of Raleigh on March 8 that told the story of an undocumented immigrant who worked at the cafe,6 +13,"Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) announced a deal late Tuesday that would allow votes on the legislation, but each of the amendments will need at least 60 votes to be added to the main gun bill.",12 +12,"the response last week from the NRA was predictable, but disappointing.",11 +5,City contracts must E-Verify Contractors seeking Denver construction jobs must confirm staff immigration statuses.,4 +9,11-year-old boys cannot become mass murderers.,8 +7,police still were gathering evidence,6 +11,"America's death penalty has been abolished once before, by court decisions in 1972",10 +5,In arguments before Judge Linda Jacke on June 7,4 +13, Republicans took control long enough to pass an $82.5 billion spending bill for military housing and training and a belated and inadequate $1.1 billion to fight the spread of the Zika virus. Then they doused the lights and adjourned until July 5.,12 +7,Garcia and other advocates say statistics show that a majority of those deported from places where Secure Communities is already up and running had no criminal records or were picked up for low-level offenses.,6 +13,"In his debut speech as the Republican nominee for governor, Perdue also suggested that he and Gov. Roy Barnes shoot it out --- with shotguns, at clay targets.",12 +11,"NEW AMERICAN ARTISTS AS IN THE PAST, IMMIGRANTS ENRICH U.S. ARTS SCENE",10 +12,Gun-control advocates claim victory,11 +11,"Culture, Class and the Decline of Marriage +",10 +1,"""tobacco surcharge,"" but then he signed a no-new-taxes",0 +5,The prosecutor said he feels strongly that Nichols and McVeigh should be prosecuted in Oklahoma and has said he will fight any attempt to move the state trial out of Oklahoma City.,4 +1, of its product.,0 +13,"Under Pennsylvania law, the state legislature has to approve resolutions before they can be put on the ballot for a direct vote, and no resolution endorsing gay marriage has passed at this point.",12 +7,"ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION; Feds deport 5,000 from Ga.",6 +7," The releases detailed how violent gang members, sexual predators and other criminals were taken off the streets. Time and again, I pressed the agency for detailed information on those arrested only to discover the detainees were neither fugitives nor serious criminals.",6 +5," the Justice Department said in a report released Tuesday. +",4 +7," was carried out Tuesday night. Mark Dean Schwab, 39, was executed at Florida State Prison in Starke for abducting, raping and killing 11-year-old Junny Rios-Martinez on Florida's east coast in 1991.",6 +13,"The Senate voted 29-28 against a bill sponsored by Sen. Kirk Dillard, R-Hinsdale, that would have let registered gun owners carry concealed weapons if they had not been convicted of a felony or violent misdemeanor and had completed a minimum of 15 hours of firearms training. +",12 +11," ended his second four-year term on the William and Mary board; he was rector, or leader, for the past two years.",10 +5,NRA is all about Second Amendment,4 +8," She said an assault rifle in the hands of a mother defending her children and her home against violent intruders offers ""peace of mind."" The AR-15, Trotter told a Senate panel, is ""a defense weapon.""",7 +5,"Same-sex couples in states ranging from deep red Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi to purple North Carolina, Nevada and Virginia are suing, many citing this year's Supreme Court decisions, which other federal judges have recognized. +",4 +13,SEN. KERRY CLARIFIES GAY-MARRIAGE POSITION,12 +1,Citigroup sets new policy restricting gun sales by its clients,0 +13,Md. House plans to act fast on gay marriage,12 +13, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.),12 +5,That's why she has more than a passing interest in a court battle on the issue that will play out next month in New Jersey - a battle related to the historic U.S. Supreme Court decision on gay marriage issued last month.,4 +5,"""When the highest law enforcement official in the land publicly ignores her own guidelines in a rush to condemn individuals to death, judicial review is imperative,"" the lawyers said in written arguments filed Friday.",4 +3,"``I find it absolutely appalling that a state in the Bible Belt would resort to mass arming of its citizens with concealed weapons. It is written that for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword,'' said the Rev. Chester Debnam Jr. of Raleigh.",2 +3,"""I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman",2 +6,"The latest is the new shoot-first law effective Oct. 1 that sped to the governor for signature with the votes of Sens. Mike Fasano and Victor Crist and, as always, Rep. Ken Littlefield.",5 +13,Congress's Real Drug Bust,12 +1,Prop. 8: Money pours in to oppose same-sex marriage ban,0 +5,"The 2-to-1 ruling comes from the same panel that last month affirmed a similar decision striking Utah's ban. That Utah ruling represented the first time an appellate court applied the Supreme Court DOMA decision to state marriage bans. In both cases, the panel stayed its own ruling, pending the state's appeal.",4 +4,The Bias in 'Stand Your Ground',3 +5,COMING TO AMERICA IT'S A LAW THAT ENCOURAGES 'BRIBERY',4 +12,'Moms' gun control group preps members for public office,11 +8,"Shunning Gun Control, Helping Terrorists",7 +6,"DEATH PENALTY: It's inaccurate, unfair, ineffective",5 +13,"Overall, the bill meets the approval of Gov. Ridge as well as advocates on both sides of the gun-control issue. +",12 +13," Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, who spoke at the conference Thursday night, publicly announced his opposition to the measure for the first time. +",12 +12," On Facebook and Twitter, grateful activists encouraged people to reward the companies for their brave stances:",11 +13,PRESIDENT CAVES TO NRA ON SAFETY,12 +3,GAY MARRIAGE: Moral absolutes not open to negotiation,2 +13,"Gov. Jim Florio of New Jersey accepted an award for political courage today from the Kennedy family, saying he hoped the day would come when politicians would not have to be honored for sticking to their principles. + +""I tell you, I look forward to the day when public servants who follow the dictates of their conscience are not regarded as heroes worthy of awards, but simply as men and women who are worthy of the offices to which they've been entrusted,"" he said in a ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Library here. + +In accepting the ""Profile in Courage"" award, largely for his support of gun control in spite of pressure from the National Rifle Association, Mr. Florio was praised in words that sounded as if they might have been scripted by ad writers in his campaign for re-election. + +Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts described Mr. Florio as ""a man who has shown real political courage in tackling the toughest issues of the time."" + +Republican Reaction Muted + +In an interview, Caroline Kennedy, who helped present the award that bears the name of a book written by her father, John F. Kennedy, said there was no partisan political consideration in giving the award to Mr. Florio in a critical election year in New Jersey. + +The reaction from Republican candidates for Governor in New Jersey was muted. Former Attorney General Cary Edwards, who maintains the weapons ban does not work, said, ""It would be appropriate to give Governor Florio a 'Profile in Courage' award for taking guns out of the hands of criminals, but that is something that he has failed to do.""",12 +9,"The death toll from this week's botched smuggling attempt reached 19 on Friday when an immigrant died at a hospital, two days after being pulled out of a stifling semitrailer.",8 +4,DEFENSE RAISES RACE IN OFFICER'S DEATH,3 +11," (The 127 figure, by the way, is a modern record for U.S. governors, soon to expand to 139 because 12 convicts are scheduled for execution in Texas during the next six weeks.)",10 +6,to keep their structures from getting the designation,5 +11,", you have written that the United States will become ""a freak among nations because of the demographic mutation it is undergoing."" . . .",10 +12,"The march, which forced the closure of some traffic lanes, grew spontaneously from an East San Jose rally to a three-mile-long walk, and was among dozens held in recent days around the country to demonstrate against immigration-reform legislation pending in Congress.",11 +6,South Carolina last week became the latest in a growing number of states to make the names of people who have a license to carry a concealed weapon a state secret.,5 +10," Then she would have to decide whether to leave behind with family her 4-year-old son, who is a U.S. citizen because he was born here.",9 +15,Lead for brains,14 +4,released after wrongful conviction.,3 +13,ENCOURAGING GUN MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP,12 +1,"In Maryland, 201.8 million packs of cigarettes were sold that year, down from 275.7 million in 2007 and 273.4 million in 2006, according to data gathered from the state comptroller's office.",0 +7,Bust Blake in wife's killing 'Baretta' star goes quietly - bodyguard a lso arrested,6 +5,"The action against the judge, Sharon Keller, was initiated by the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct. It could result in her removal from office after a hearing.",4 +5,MASS MURDER SUSPECT ARRAIGNED,4 +12,Throughout the country there are unmistakable signs of mounting public concern over the breadth of the death penalty and the carelessness with which it is often applied.,11 +9,"Medical associations celebrated the 298-112 vote as a victory for public health, noting that tobacco kills more than 400,000 Americans a year.",8 +5," +Alabama: Guilty Verdict in Deaths of Ex-Auburn Players",4 +6,"That rule, in a law that would also limit capital punishment to the most egregious kinds of homicide, is intended to guarantee that Massachusetts never puts the wrong person to death.",5 +9,LUNG CANCER STILL TAKES TOLL ON EX-SMOKERS,8 +7,"Megan Brown had been shot in the head. Margaret Brown was found with a plastic bag over her head, which had been bashed in. Her husband had been shot in the torso. Leonard died of blunt-force trauma to the head.",6 +6," Its proposal has far fewer exemptions, allowing smoking in cigar bars, tobacco manufacturers and tobacco shops. Hotels and motels would be permitted to allow smoking in up to a quarter of their rooms.",5 +12,Other couples shared dreams of marriage. Parents expressed hope that homosexual children could marry. Gay rights advocates voiced concerns about discrimination.,11 +7,Gun at airport leads to arrest,6 +12,MIDDLE AMERICANS ARE READY TO SEE GAY UNIONS,11 +5,"That makes 16 states, plus the District of Columbia, where two men or two women may legally wed. +",4 +6,"Now, I know none of you fellers wants to be the one to say we ought to change to lethal injection. Frying a man to death is jes' so much more satisfying, spectacle-wise. And none of us wants to look like we are gettin' soft on crime.",5 +1,$ 206 billion settlement,0 +4,discriminated against same-sex partners,3 +14,"Georgia, S.C. honor each other's permits",13 +7,only the criminals who could no longer buy guns at these shows.,6 +13,"Clinton needed all the help he could get it. He got it from Reagan, who still carried great weight in the Republican Par-ty, as well as Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. Their letter, in part, read:",12 +13,"For years, the GOP turmoil over how to handle their internal political and legislative differences has been confined to the House. But it is now spilling out across Capitol Hill after several weeks of careful coordination among Republicans that included passage of a bipartisan bill authorizing construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.",12 +1,Bill would snuff smokers' Medicaid Critics say costs would come back to roost,0 +13,Guns at political events stir up a volatile brew,12 +11, But the more recent settling of immigrants around the country and concerns that they are eroding American culture and language has helped fuel the growing state and national calls for reform,10 +14,ANTI-TOBACCO CAMPAIGN ENTERS FOREIGN TERRITORY,13 +1,Campaigns in Mexico focus on economic fix; Voters skeptical of candidates' job promises,0 +13," said House sponsor Rep. Juan Hinojosa, a Democrat.",12 +13,"The proposal, which failed narrowly last year, is now estimated to have majority support from lawmakers who have been either cowed or bolstered by the gun lobby.",12 +13,"To Mayor Nutter, it was ""legislative madness."" +",12 +3,"And what might we expect from a fraternity that, with clear conscience, would have defended Adolf Hitler?",2 +5," +Lawsuit to seek same-sex marriage in New Jersey",4 +7,Maryland's former death-row inmates could see changes while serving prison time,6 +13, The Texas Legislature recently approved a bill that would ban executions of the mentally retarded.,12 +5,"Just five days after tobacco companies won a major legal victory, the Supreme Court handed the industry a potentially big defeat: Cigarette makers will have to turn over computer databases to sick smokers who are suing them.",4 +5," +Second Amendment ruse",4 +9,"As a mental health provider, I ask all my patients about guns.",8 +5, New York to legalize gay marriage,4 +10,Using hypnosis to stop smoking has more success among men,9 +15,See GRADUATE,14 +4,He cited basic fairness and the need for the county to compete for qualified workers.,3 +10,to extend benefits to the partners of gay county workers,9 +9,- as if a few inanimate pounds of wood and steel were responsible for the deranged moods and misguided hatred that lurked in the killer's mind.,8 +15,POST-DISPATCH AD CHECKAD CHECK SERIES,14 +7,"Hill was within minutes of being executed last month when the court intervened. +",6 +3,"""But some things are never meant to change, because they define us as human beings.""",2 +13,Mayor Bill Floyd told the group the commission could not suspend the ban without advertising and more public comment.,12 +3,"The Rev. Michael Hopkins, communications director of Integrity, the church's gay and lesbian ministry, insisted that an Episcopal blessing for same-sex relationships ""is not dead"" despite the defeat.",2 +13,Bush ramped up his criticism of Trump's reckless immigration pledges this week at a campaign stop in a Texas border town. It is about time someone held the billionaire accountable,12 +1,"The plant's financial problems started before the raid, said Republican state Sen. Mark Zieman. ""I haven't understood why they didn't"" file for bankruptcy before, he said.",0 +10,Veterans groups are angry about the proposed change. They say that cigarettes were made a part of military life by the government and that those who became addicted while in the service - most as teenagers - deserve government-subsidized treatment.,9 +12,EYES OF NATION WATCH MILWAUKEE ANTI-GUN VOTE,11 +12,"Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic plans to fly 100 students to the nation's capital to lobby for what it calls ""responsible"" gun legislation. The bipartisan group was born out of the Columbine High School massacre to counter the National Rifle Association's political clout.",11 +7,Court documents say the survivor was one of three men who helped the immigrants cross the border.,6 +6," +Guns are still banned in schools and courthouses in Washington State",5 +6,highest-profile social legislation being considered,5 +5,famously ousting former Chief Justice Rose Bird and two Supreme Court colleagues in 1986 for refusing to uphold death sentences.,4 +5, Supreme Court in Oregon Strikes Down Death Penalty,4 +11,The lead plaintiffs in the lawsuit ,10 +13,Denial of clemency brings little political fallout,12 +5,"Denver's Curious Theatre will petition the U.S. Supreme Court for the right to smoke non-tobacco products in its theatrical productions, artistic director Chip Walton said Wednesday.",4 +5,"In a case in 2002, a lawyer in Federal District Court in Manhattan sought a change of venue for a suspected aide to Osama bin Laden who had been charged with stabbing a jail guard. The lawyer, Richard B. Lind, said he was convinced that his client could not get a fair trial in Manhattan so soon after 9/11.",4 +13, most likely provided incentive on the Senate floor.,12 +5,"At the hearing, at which he unsuccessfully sought to obtain a police permit to carry a gun",4 +3,Selling Out With Cigarettes,2 +15,The world won't end,14 +7,"The inmate, Marcus Carter, 32, was scheduled to die by injection at 2 a.m. Wednesday for the 1989 slaying and attempted rape of Amelia Lewis. +",6 +13,"To understand the complicated and emotional politics around immigration facing Representative Kevin McCarthy, elected as majority leader on Thursday, just listen to the customers here.",12 +6,"And, yes, should this policy pass, current employees who smoke would be grandfathered in. (Did you just hear a collective sigh of relief?) +",5 +8,"requires a cooling-off period of five business days for anyone buying a handgun. The waiting period doesn't apply to states with ""insta-check"" systems like the one created last week by the Colorado Legislature.",7 +13,"One advantage of sending the proposal directly to the ballot would be bypassing the desk of Gov. Mel Carnahan, who opposes legalizing concealed guns.",12 +13,GOVERNOR SEEKS BAN ON WEAPONS,12 +5," +No date has been set for Bales's court-martial, which will be held at Joint Base Lewis-McChord south of Seattle.",4 +11,DEATH-ROW DRAMA AT THE ARDEN,10 +11,"States have executed 96 death row inmates so far this year, a significant increase in government-sanctioned killings over last year, and far more than any annual total since the Supreme Court allowed capital punishment to resume in 1976.",10 +5,A judge's decision on Thursday declaring that a state law allowing same-sex marriage in Massachusetts should take precedence over a federal definition of marriage has exposed the fractures and fault lines among groups working to bolster states' rights.,4 +10, children are being slaughtered by gun-happy teenagers,9 +1,"In Florida, try $ 51 million a year.",0 +9,"On April 4, Zill died of lung and liver cancer. He was 71.",8 +1,gun sales jumped in the three days that followed,0 +13,Members of House won't debate guns before heading home for summer,12 +3,"Along the way, I included the following comment, trying to contextualize the kinds of pressure that religious conservatives could face:",2 +13,"Every so often, candidates running for high office say what they really think about an important issue. It's virtually always a problem, especially if that candidate is a vice president and what he thinks differs from his president.",12 +5,"Here is Justice Antonin Scalia, writing the majority opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the Supreme Court reversed a long-held position and ruled that the Second Amendment did give Americans an individual right to own firearms. The court said the District's ban on handguns in private homes went too far, but that regulation of gun ownership was compatible with the Second Amendment:",4 +7,"Thompson, 42, was convicted of raping and murdering 20-year-old Ginger Fleischli in the Laguna Beach apartment he shared with her former boyfriend, David Leitch. Leitch, tried separately, was convicted of second-degree murder.",6 +5,"Griffin had a brief glimmer of hope on Friday when U.S. District Judge Charles A. Shaw issued a stay of execution because of a claim by Griffin's attorney that he had found a witness who saw the drive-by killing and said Griffin was not involved. But Shaw rejected the claim Tuesday, clearing the way for Griffin's execution.",4 +15,The 'source' state,14 +12,"Backers of statewide smoking ban rally in Springfield Blagojevich plans to sign the bill, which has passed the Legislature, so the lobbying trip became a celebration.",11 +10,KILLER'S ROMANCE ON HOLD,9 +1,The restrictions on tobacco advertising and sales to minors,0 +13,Obama last week became the first occupant of the White House to support giving gay couples the right to wed.,12 +5,"Judge tells U.S. to give 22,000 permanent-resident status",4 +5,Massachusetts court upholds gay marriage,4 +13,"Reid mentions father's suicide in urging renewed gun control push +",12 +3,Reform rabbis may endorse gay unions,2 +6,to suggest a change in the smoking policy at Busch Stadium.,5 +12,Activists on both sides of gun debate rally at Va. Capitol,11 +6,Smoking bans slowly advance,5 +13,"Johnsrud says anti-gun laws that are unreasonable or are not being enforced should not be on the books. Ordinances can cause problems for law-abiding citizens who may unknowingly violate them, he says.",12 +5," +A hearing on Mr. Lee's penalty is scheduled to begin on Tuesday.",4 +13,Council to vote on gun limits,12 +12,NRA tough guy can't take heat of gun protest,11 +11,SMOKING BY STUDENTS FALLS SHARPLY IN FLORIDA,10 +9,"Aubrey Renfroe, speaking against the county firearms ordinance, said he had fired weapons on his 2 acres on New Hope Road for years and that none of the children in surrounding homes had ever been harmed.",8 +7,"Once back in the United States, Gugliatto will face charges of aiding and abetting Bembenek's escape in Fond du Lac, which is in southeastern Wisconsin. Bembenek, a former model, Milwaukee police officer and Playboy club waitress, escaped from the Taycheedah Correctional Institution July 15.",6 +11," +The latest national numbers were released in 2005, showing 23% of the teens smoked. City officials said the yet-to-be-released 2007 national figure is similar, but that could not be confirmed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which conducts the biannual survey. Its report is due out later this year.",10 +7,Ensure that federal agencies have the leadership and resources they need to track and prosecute rogue gun dealers.,6 +12," +Will Herbig of the alliance said in April that an INS center could have ""a positive impact"" on Midtown, but Alliance President Susan Mendheim said Friday the group heard from residents of nearby apartments and houses who were opposed to the plan. She said the proposal was inconsistent with a community land-use plan but that she might not oppose putting the center elsewhere in Midtown.",11 +5,COURT SHOULD GO BEYOND NIBBLING AT DEATH PENALTY A case hangs on a te chnicality when entire law should be axed,4 +7," +Only 11 arrests were reported statewide in 2016, and 14 in 2015. +",6 +13,WHO ASKED SENATE TO DEFEND MARRIAGE?,12 +10,STATE RELEASES BUNDY'S 11TH-HOUR DIARY,9 +5,"The dealer records the sale with the state DoF, which sends you a title and registration.",4 +13,Two North Carolina congressmen reacted angrily Monday after the U.S. Department of Agriculture cut the flue-cured tobacco quota - the amount farmers are allowed to grow - by 9.5 percent.,12 +6,"We must pass federal laws that help shut down gun dealers who consistently violate gun laws and repeatedly ""lose"" dozens of guns out the back door.",5 +13,Votes on Legislation to Ban Smoking,12 +6,a ban on smoking in enclosed indoor workplaces,5 +13,Obama's gun proposals won't make big difference,12 +10,Verbatim Verbatim '... killing this man would not bring our daughter back.',9 +13,NIXON SEEKS TO OUTLAW GUNS IN SCHOOLYARDS,12 +12,"voters in 13 states opposed gay marriage in the November election,",11 +10,"""Sept. 26,"" he said without a heartbeat's pause, naming the date he had his last cigarette. ""Interesting, isn't it, how many of us forget birthdays and anniversaries but remember the date we quit smoking? That's when the chest pains got too much for me.",9 +3,"Methodists Reinstate Pastor, Deepening Church's Rift Over Gays +",2 +13,The immigration flare-up that has engulfed Washington has emerged as a political challenge for Republicans and Democrats alike as they struggle to deal with the complexities and emotions of an issue that is scrambling party and geographic lines.,12 +5,"But if this decision goes as far as the U.S. Supreme Court, it could provide important legal precedent.",4 +1,"Colorado receives, on average, about $ 100 million a year from tobacco payments, which should last roughly another 21 years. The payments stem from the settlement of class-action lawsuits filed by states against tobacco companies over smoking-related health problems. +",0 +7,"Robinson, 51, murdered Beverly St. George of Plant City in 1985 after her car broke down on Interstate 95 near St. Augustine. +",6 +13,"Board members said they would ask the General Assembly to again pass a law accomplishing that goal, in the hope that Gov.-elect James S. Gilmore III (R) would sign it",12 +5,"Others say they were the first gay couple to apply for a license and fight for it in court. +",4 +7,"making it illegal for anyone, including teachers, to use tobacco in public schools",6 +6,The board also debated whether the college should report foreign students who drop out or stop coming to class.,5 +12,"The placards reading ""Secure Our Borders"" and ""Stop the Guest Worker Amnesty"" may have been pointed at motorists Thursday.",11 +7,Police Seek Help in Criminal Deportation,6 +13,BUSH WILL SPEND $ 1.6 MILLION TO FIGHT GUN CRIME IN TEXAS,12 +13,THE 1994 CAMPAIGN: CALIFORNIA; Senate Candidates Trade Bitter Exchanges Over Immigration,12 +13,"Of the seven Democrats, only attorney Gery Chico has unequivocally supported the right to same-sex marriages, calling it a constitutional imperative reminiscent of the civil rights movement.",12 +5, No one can say whether the current legal assault on the industry will prove any more successful than past losing efforts,4 +7,"Banks, 62, was scheduled to die by lethal injection on Thursday for killing his five children, their four mothers, and four others in a four-hour rampage in Wilkes-Barre on Sept. 25, 1982.",6 +5,Lawyers Mobilize at Nation's Airports After Trump's Order,4 +5,"And last week, Georgia joined many other states in suing in federal court to block the president's plan, calling it unconstitutional.",4 +13,"What happened:The measure was approved in the House, but the Senate rejected it both in committee and through procedural motions on the floor.",12 +7,"GOV: LIFE TERM FOR CHILD KILLERS +",6 +5,"he denial by Georgia's highest court, which had been asked to review several legal issues, sets the stage for Tokars' death-penalty trial on charges ",4 +13,A Campaign Windfall for 4 Republicans Who Voted for Same-Sex Marriage,12 +6,Ban On Handguns Will Not End Crime In The City,5 +5,"JUSTICES TO WEIGH CURB ON SCHOOL FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS +",4 +13,"By the slimmest of margins, the council voted 6 to 5 in June to instruct a dubious city attorney to write new city law prohibiting the sale of such guns. That law - a draft of which was made public Friday - comes back for final approval Tuesday.",12 +9,"I was really feeling blue waiting for my radiation treatment and talking to others who were waiting and they were all smokers. + +I was really feeling blue when a close personal friend smoked and then died from lung cancer. I was really feeling blue when a golfing buddy smoked and died from cancer.",8 +5,"Ryan's death penalty commutation stands despite new trial, court rules",4 +12,"Hispanic activists in San Jose and across California on Saturday launched a major campaign to combat anti-immigrant sentiment, get more Hispanics registered to vote and defeat a ballot measure intended to prevent illegal residents from using schools or other public services.",11 +7,A Department of Justice official said today that the Government would move quickly to deport a person who as Interior Minister of the Nazi German puppet state of Croatia in World War II purportedly ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.,6 +5,"The case involves the constitutionality of a Texas law, enacted in 1975, that cut off state reimbursement to local school districts for the costs of educating illegal alien children. Under the law, local districts could bar the children from school or could charge them tuition, an alternative that, given the poverty of most illegal alien families, had the same effect.",4 +6,"The agency's firearms-technology branch examined the MAC-10 in February 1979 and recommended that it be classified as a machine gun, thereby subjecting it to all the provisions of the National Firearms Act. ",5 +5,Prosecutor Celia Terenzio of the state Attorney General's Office was pleased by U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno's ruling.,4 +12,THIRTY-TWO thousand concerned Americans have signed the Daily News petition,11 +5,Capano death sentence overturned,4 +7,St. Louis man who shot teen charged with gun crime,6 +13,"NEW JERSEY Gov. Chris Christie may think he's a ""huggable"" guy, but he's got no love for gay marriage.",12 +1,Putting Your Money Where Your Politics Are,0 +13,"League of Women Voters hears views on guns +",12 +1," As an e-cigarette company independent of the tobacco industry, NJOY's mission is to make combustion cigarettes obsolete. We do not sell such products and support policies and efforts that reduce their use -- positions no tobacco company has embraced.",0 +6,"""This is a good example of schizophrenic legislation,"" said Oakland police Sgt. Gary Tolleson, who supervises the weapons unit. ""It's a combination of formula and guesswork. And quite frankly, it's so confusing I've gone to four separate classes and have gotten four different opinions on what is legal and what is illegal.""",5 +6,"Under the agreement, participating states would be given monetary enticements for the first time to keep the federal background database up to date, as well as penalties for failing to comply.",5 +5,MVA gives immigrants more time before cancelling commerical driver's licenses,4 +1,Every pack of cigarettes I buy puts $1 into Maryland's coffers and 39 cents into the U.S. Treasury,0 +1,"Now the online broker is an uptown Manhattan-based financial firm in merger talks with rival Ameritrade . A merger of E-Trade, with 4.7 million brokerage and banking accounts, and Omaha-based Ameritrade, with 6.3 million, would create a firm that supplants San Francisco-based Charles Schwab's 6.9-million accounts as the online leader. Schwab's stock also ticked upward amid speculation that consolidation would allow firms to raise fees.",0 +11,"American Dreams, Foreign Flags",10 +1,LOCAL FIRM ON TOBACCO DEFENSE,0 +3,"Colorado Springs, where pastor Ted Haggard, who heads the National Association of Evangelicals, has been a key proponent. +",2 +5,"Testimony in the trial, which began Thursday, came to an unexpectedly sudden end Monday morning after Assistant District Attorney Thomas Lipscomb rested his case and defense attorney Jack McMahon announced that the defense would present no evidence.",4 +5, Courts ruled the procedure constitutional,4 +11,Banksy's Newest Works Make a Point About Immigration,10 +10," +They shared their names with the Tribune and agreed to have their photo taken, but they were hesitant for fear they could be the target of vandalism because of their decision to be married. +",9 +1, 34 percent of all experimentation with smoking between 1993 and 1996 can be attributed to tobacco promotional activities.,0 +15,THE GREAT NEW YORK SMOKEOUT,14 +3,", is that of Darrel Harris, a former hero guard in the city jails who was once honored by former Mayor Ed Koch for having saved the life of a fellow guard during a riot.",2 +13,A Governor Faces Down the Gun Lobby,12 +5,"The District, which is considering an appeal of the decision, isn't buying it. +",4 +5,n affidavit filed by investigators in court to support the charges against Muhammad mentions evidence that had not been released publicly. ,4 +13,"A White House spokesman said there would be no immediate comment on the state officials' request. President Clinton is to announce his views on the entire industry settlement in early September. +",12 +12,NBA's Suns protest immigration law,11 +11,Have the media outlets that you follow ever even mentioned that some studies have produced evidence that murder rates tend to be higher in places with tight gun control laws?,10 +13,Sen. Mitchell Disclaims Intention Of Seeking Presidency Next Year,12 +7,criminal,6 +13,"In the 35th-floor conference room of a Manhattan high-rise, two of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's most trusted advisers held a secret meeting a few weeks ago with a group of super-rich Republican donors.",12 +5,"Applications for concealed weapon permits are pouring into Centre County here from Missouri after a court challenge there, apparently because a gun enthusiast Web site and media accounts referenced the county's permitting process.",4 +5,Immigration case nets 1-year term,4 +7,'Skins owner's wife faces deportation,6 +5,"""Waiting for Scalia.""",4 +8,School safety panel puts focus on gun training,7 +13,"Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who 35 years ago discovered the bullet-riddled body of the gay activist Harvey Milk, reacted with anger on Tuesday that gun control legislation the Senate is to consider next month will not include the reinstatement of an assault weapons ban, a measure she had fought desperately to keep.",12 +11,"The cigar that juts from the mouth of Orson Welles as he eyes Kermit the Frog in The Muppet Movie, a 1979 children's film, may have been a gift from Philip Morris Cos.",10 +7,JURY SAYS MAN SHOULD DIE FOR 1980 SLAYING,6 +11," More than half the states in America have enacted smoking bans at private work sites, restaurants and bars in the past decade, but a government report says Southern states lag in adopting such laws.",10 +7," +Arizona Sheriff Conducts Immigration Raid at City Hall, Angering Officials",6 +6,Executions likely to resume soon in Maryland,5 +1,Tobacco firm smoothes out product recall,0 +13,"BAM OUT IN LEFT FIELD ON RIGHTS, SAY POLS",12 +8,after the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York.,7 +5,"In a letter to the town judge withdrawing the charges, the district attorney, Donald A. Williams, said a trial would probably ''be exploited by those with a greater interest in publicity than the public good.''",4 +9,"Nor can supporters say that public safety has improved markedly. +",8 +5,", Paul Stevens, a lawyer",4 +13,The House now has an opportunity to do just that. Will it join the Senate in passing sensible measures that require background checks for all gun sales at gun shows? Or will it pass a bill that not only leaves a loophole for gun shows but weakens one of the most effective and important gun control measures ever passed -- the Brady law?,12 +1,the country's major tobacco companies to recover money spen,0 +7,"Criminals can be found in every country, including the United States.",6 +13,Gingrey's move brought indignation from the legislators who sponsored the bill on behalf of Gov. Roy Barnes.,12 +5,The New Jersey court unanimously pushed in a direction we would like to see all states ultimately go.,4 +13,"After Mexico, Christie must strike delicate balance",12 +9,of some long-term care and pharmaceutical coverage in the proposed,8 +13,"""I want this to be a clear high priority for my administration,"" Clinton said of changes that would include a path to citizenship for undocumented people. The election should help, she said. +",12 +13,ELECTION 2004: War of words over gay marriage,12 +11,Ersatz Refugees,10 +1,"The unique program is funded by a $ 42,000 state grant, from a 25-cent-a-pack cigarette tax enacted two years ago. Other towns have used their money for education programs or to draft no-smoking bylaws.",0 +5,Court: San Mateo County Parks are gun-free zones,4 +15,FOR A CARIBBEAN COMPACT,14 +8,"That gets a little scarier when you thumb through some of the other newly released documents, which reveal that the Border Patrol plans to more than double its drone fleet over the next three years, to 24, and make them more easily available to other government agencies.",7 +5,"To get lawyers for death-row inmates, the Florida Supreme Court has bartered away some constitutional rights. It has said, in a 4-3 opinion issued Thursday, that a person condemned to death should get less time for appeal than someone who is not.",4 +13, New York City Council,12 +13,"Dashing the hopes of gun advocates for a more liberal state weapons law, Gov. Roy Romer vetoed a bill Friday",12 +13,POLITICAL THEATER DEVALUES GUN DEBATE,12 +4,"had described the capital punishment system as ""so fraught with error"" and said it ""has come so close to the ultimate nightmare, the state's taking of innocent life.""",3 +7,"She was sentenced to life in prison without parole for 25 years in the first-degree murder and 40 years in prison in the second-degree murder. + +Both sentences will be served at the same time.",6 +13,A renewed debate on guns,12 +4,", in which the court essentially ruled that all Colorado residents should be subject to the same standards and opportunities regardless of sexual orientation.",3 +7,who sent the package that killed Judge Vance as he opened it in his kitchen in 1989.,6 +11,"to a Nobel Peace Prize nominee for his campaign against gang violence. He's written books to discourage schoolchildren from joining gangs and set up a Web site, ""Tookie's Corner,"" to renounce the gang culture.",10 +13,It's the President's Turn,12 +7,SILENT ABOUT CRIME: Deportation fears make easy victims,6 +13,Republican Reps. Ray Pilon of Sarasota and Bill Hager of Delray Beach opposed it.,12 +3,"""We prayed for him continually,"" said Margaret Clark, Brandley's sister.",2 +12," One by one, the speakers at the anti-death-penalty rally took a turn behind the lectern on the Capitol steps. Hundreds listened as they spoke of light and its unique ability to drive out the darkness. Then there was a stir off to the side.",11 +13,Same-sex veto justified,12 +13,"When it comes to talking about gun control, Virginia's main gubernatorial candidates have missed the mark.",12 +11,"The problem is not guns, but a cultural ethos of violence.",10 +9,"""This is potentially devastating from a health standpoint,"" said David Sweanor, a Canadian attorney who has studied how smokers respond to fluctuations in cigarette prices. ""Affordability is far and away the most important element in tobacco consumption, more so than any other factor,"" such as public-health campaigns, warning labels or restrictive advertising regulations. +",8 +5,"The state Supreme Court spared Ronald Keith Spivey from the electric chair, issuing a stay just four hours before the killer's scheduled execution.",4 +13,Testy Exchange Precedes Vote On Ban of Same-Sex Marriage,12 +7,"Of course, there were, and have always been, WASPs who committed crimes.",6 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court threw out a federal appeals court decision upholding Nave's death sentence. The Supreme Court said Tuesday that the appeals court should reconsider in light of last month's decision that would make it easier for some murder convicts to get a hearing in federal court.,4 +5,"""What I said was that I disagree with the way the court applied the Second Amendment in that [Heller] case.""",4 +1,How does a tobacco-farming state that is home to the world's largest cigarette company start talking about raising its lowest-in-the-nation tax on a pack of cigarettes?,0 +7,"""We are continuing the investigation,"" Bogdanski said last week. ""We will determine if the contractor is subject to sanctions. Food Emporium is not related to this.""",6 +7,". And this week, tensions intensified after Trump signed an executive order that would dramatically expand the pool of undocumented immigrants who would be deported to Mexico.",6 +13,"Election 2007 Greeley's mayoral race over at start Fears over crime, gangs and a perceived weak approach to illegal immigration doomed the incumbent's return bid.",12 +11,I know that the Post-Dispatch is unalterably opposed to the death penalty,10 +5,John Paul Stevens's supremely unhelpful call to repeal the Second Amendment;,4 +9,Health Department,8 +4,refuse to sign any marriage licenses until he can do so on both heterosexual and homosexual unions,3 +13,"This week he picked up a new title: Roy Romer, execution approver. +",12 +7,LICENSED GUN OWNER CHARGED IN TRAFFIC SHOOTOUT IN TEXAS,6 +9,"The program includes 47 in-state counselors/helpers and a Seattle-based group, Group Health Cooperative, to manage a telephone Quit Line. +",8 +13,Florida joins two states in handgun agreement,12 +6,Brady Law showdown,5 +5,California Supreme Court: State constitution gives gays the right to marry,4 +12,Death Penalty Protest,11 +5,Pleasant Hill: Judge allows lawsuit against firearms ordinance to proceed,4 +5,"Legally sound, morally just",4 +13,Marco Rubio says banning all semiautomatic weapons is 'a position well outside the mainstream.,12 +11,It is patriotic to question the NRA,10 +5,"""Our goal was and is to send a clear message to kids that carrying guns will not be tolerated, and the court's unanimous decision has reinforced that message,"" said the governor.",4 +5,"So far, his court-appointed lawyers have not said whether they intend to mount an insanity defense.",4 +11," +Re: Balancing faith and politics, editorial, May 2.",10 +6,"The Thune amendment would gut those safeguards. Anyone meeting the laxest standards of federal law - including people with misdemeanor convictions, long arrest records or alcohol abuse problems - would be able to walk the city streets packing heat. The NYPD could do nothing. +",5 +9, ostensibly linked to the migrant children,8 +5,Anti-tobacco law survives session,4 +1,"Moreover, the potential for increasing tobacco imports poses an additional threat to U.S. tobacco growers, who are already concerned that the deal would cut demand for their crop.",0 +10,New campaign aims to prevent modern-day slavery in America,9 +7,"Lighty was convicted Oct. 21 after a trial that took place over about two months. The jury also found a co-defendant, James E. Flood III, 28, of the District, guilty of kidnapping and murder. He faces a mandatory life sentence. In April, a separate jury convicted a third defendant, Lorenzo A. Wilson, 22, of Hillcrest Heights, of conspiracy to kidnap. He faces a maximum life sentence.",6 +10," One of my top aspiring entrepreneurs told me he wasn't sure that he'd be able to go to college because he's undocumented. His family is from Mexico, and they moved here when he was a baby. Many students in my community are in the same situation; they moved to the United States so early in their lives that they have no memories of living anywhere else. +",9 +13,"Those who have voiced support include Astle and Sen. Ronald N. Young (D-Frederick), both of whom Schieber visited as part of a lobbying effort before Thursday's hearings. Both cited Schieber's story as a factor in their thinking.",12 +3,A shameful abdication,2 +9,", a day designed to remind parents to ask whether guns are in the houses where their children play.",8 +5,"An appeal is moving forward in Georgia, contending that a bite left on the breast of one of the Columbus victims does not match Gary's teeth.",4 +5,PROSECUTOR WILL SEEK DEATH IN TROY MURDER,4 +13,"As the senator took notes,",12 +3,Marriage is not threatened by same-sex couples,2 +13,STATE UNWRAPS MILD ANTISMOKING ADS,12 +6,"However, we think Balmer's bill to punish Colorado communities that would ""opt out"" of the program is unnecessary since there is no waiver process for Secure Communities.",5 +3,The United Methodist church yesterday rejected attempts by a tenacious pro-gay faction to make the third largest denomination in America more welcoming to openly gay members.,2 +13,"Senators, Seeking Support, Weigh Revisions to Background Check Bill",12 +13,"Montgomery County, Melvin Thompson could understand. It's filled with government workers. ""There's a tendency to believe that government can solve problems for you,"" he said.",12 +12,Public opinion on the issue is shifting rapidly: 58 percent of New Yorkers support same-sex marriage today compared with 37 percent in 2004.,11 +6,"The bill, though, will have little effect on homicide cases, which mostly fall under state law.",5 +13,ONE MAN'S VOTE,12 +3,", old Mormon teachings",2 +5, And legal experts predicted the ruling will spawn more litigation if federal benefits continue to be denied to gay married couples in Georgia and other states that do not recognize same-sex marriage.,4 +13,Senate Panel Votes to Raise Cigarette Tax By 36 Cents,12 +10,CU regents' tie vote quashes push for same-sex benefits,9 +6, The measure approved Thursday also calls for a 90-day waiting period before law enforcement agencies can expunge background check records.,5 +5,"The jury that will decide whether Seti Scanlan, 26, will die or spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole was scheduled to convene Monday. But San Mateo County Superior Court Judge Robert Foiles said Thursday that the California Supreme Court had ordered a halt to the trial in response to a petition filed by Attorney General Bill Lockyer's office.",4 +13,Obama will wait to act on migrants,12 +13,SENATOR'S GAY SON LASHES OUT,12 +11,"""Scheduled to Die's"" opening is pure Ponderosa, from the twanging music to the shots of grazing cattle. Which may be why Christiane Amanpour's voice initially sounds a bit out of place.",10 +8,Instant background checks for gun buyers start soon,7 +7,N.J. USING TEENAGERS FOR TOBACCO 'STINGS',6 +7,". However, as a former supervisor in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Behavioral Science Unit, I object to the imposition of a death sentence in the case on other grounds.",6 +5,"On June 26, the Supreme Court struck down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The ruling provides the same federal benefits to same-sex couples as to heterosexual couples in states where same-sex marriages are legal. +",4 +13,Clinton tells Texans he backs gun laws,12 +5,California death penalty under court microscope,4 +1,private-sector sales of guns is something like 40%,0 +5,"Prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Andrea Yates, Harris County District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal has said.",4 +13,"Illegal immigration, traffic and the pace of development are among the top issues for both candidates in Prince William County's delegate race in District 52 this year.",12 +5,Second Amendment enthusiasts continue to suspect him of secretly yearning to restrict gun ownership -- or even to confiscate weapons if he could,4 +13,"As a result, foreign-born, foreign-trained doctors are caught in a politically charged debate",12 +5,"Before the jury reached its decision Friday in Towson, the 28-year-old Oken, of White Marsh, made a final appeal for mercy. +",4 +6,"The ruling left almost entirely intact the gun restrictions in Maryland and most other jurisdictions. Still permitted are: licensing requirements, bans on concealed weapons, prohibitions on felons and the mentally ill possessing handguns, bans on carrying handguns in ""sensitive places such as schools and government buildings"" and conditions on the commercial sale of firearms.",5 +5,"Wisconsin has issued nearly 200,000 permits to carry concealed firearms since Act 35 took effect in late 2011, while turning down about 5,800 requests.",4 +11," Two recent studies, one by Philip J. Cook of Duke University and Jens Ludwig of Georgetown University, and a second by Gary Kleck of Florida State University put the numbers for defensive gun use at 2.5 million per year.",10 +5," A divided Supreme Court sided Monday with gun control groups and the administration of President Barack Obama, ruling that the federal government can strictly enforce laws that ban a ""straw"" purchaser from buying a gun for someone else.",4 +5,"Except for Massachusetts, where same-sex unions are legal",4 +1,"When Democrats win, so does the gun industry",0 +3," ''marriage'' as performed by a church. +",2 +5,Gun-control group sues 'bump stock' makers over Las Vegas shooting massacre,4 +5,"Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the court that the delay and Lonchar's motive were not adequate reasons to deny him a hearing on his first federal appeal, called a petition for a writ of habeas corpus.",4 +13,The task force was created to study New Jersey's version as part of a compromise that won the votes needed to move the bill through the Senate.,12 +2,"Despite recent efforts by the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Service to cut down on the need to wait in line for routine services and queries, the waiting persists, not only in New York but also in Newark, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami and other cities with large immigrant populations.",1 +1,Seeking the Riches of Gay Marriage,0 +7," +Alabama Gun Shop Linked To Illegal Flow of Firearms",6 +13,Faith groups urge Congressman to back immigration reform at Antioch event,12 +3,"The statement called for the U.S. and Canadian churches to withdraw from the Anglican Consultative Council, a key body for contact among national churches, and to explain their thinking at a council meeting in England in June.",2 +4,"That dispute centers on two main issues: First, does racial discrimination play a significant role in determining who is sentenced to die? And, second, is the quality of legal defense for indigent people facing the death penalty good enough to ensure that poor people are not unfairly treated?",3 +12,"The poll, which has a margin of error of 3.5 percent, showed the gay marriage ban, which mirrors what is already in state law, has a majority of support across most demographic groups, be it Republicans, independents, blacks, whites, Hispanics, young or old, male or female.",11 +3," +Change of heart",2 +4, But the state cannot erase the detailed and irrefutable proof of ugly racial bias that led a state trial judge to resentence four death row inmates to life without parole because of this statute.,3 +13,Battleground Shifts in Debate on Gun Control,12 +5,Liability Shield for Gunmakers Near Passage,4 +5,Court Says Both in Gay Union Are Parents,4 +8,"Prosecutors said the near-simultaneous bombings, which killed 224 people, including 12 Americans, were part of a worldwide terrorist plot by Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden to kill U.S. citizens.",7 +15,A Long Walk For a Cause,14 +5,"COURT PEPPERS PROSECUTOR +",4 +13," +McAuliffe (D) agreed to legislation",12 +13,"The move puts Reed --- the Democratic mayor of Georgia's largest city --- at odds with his state's Republican political leadership. Gov. Nathan Deal, who has worked closely with Reed on other issues, has criticized Obama's actions.",12 +13,"Minnesota House gay marriage showdown is Thursday +",12 +4,Error rate in capital cases should outrage Americans,3 +5," However, spot checks with a handful of metro Atlanta counties found no increase in applications for permits to carry weapons.",4 +7,"Through the serial numbers on the guns, Federal authorities can determine where and when these illegal guns were first sold at retail and to whom. Most of the guns confiscated in New York will have a readily identifiable history to the point of first retail purchase. This information can pinpoint where the major illegal gun supply pipelines are located, particularly for recently made guns.",6 +5,"Much of the confusion stems from the Supreme Court's decision to deem unconstitutional the denial of federal benefits to same-sex couples, while allowing states to decide for themselves whether to recognize same-sex marriage.",4 +15,MIKE FAVORS GAY NUPS - & APPEAL,14 +5," +NATION IN BRIEF; German Scientologist gets asylum",4 +11," almost 40 percent of state prison inmates in 1997 who used or possessed a firearm during their crime got the weapons from a friend or relative, compared with 34 percent in 1991,",10 +6,Rules Eased on Gun Sales to Noncitizens,5 +12,Moms Against Guns given free billboards,11 +7,"""Surveys of convicted felons in America reveal that they are much more worried about armed victims than they are about running into the police,"" the researchers said.",6 +13,Bloomberg Explains Stand on Gay Marriage Ban,12 +6,Mercury News editorial: Washington's gay-marriage bill shows support growing,5 +9,Ban on semiautomatic firearms won't save a single life,8 +5,"A prisoners' rights lawyer, John Vodicka, said he planned to take another re-quest for a stay to the United States District Court in New Orleans early Monday.",4 +5, It was only the second time a jury has ruled against the industry. The first verdict was overturned on appeal.,4 +13,"More to the point, it would not be the almost certainly disastrous political move it would have been even in the last presidential campaign, when none of the major Democratic candidates supported the right to marry.",12 +12,public,11 +13,"After hours of hearings, statements and political maneuvers, the only thing clear about the gun debate in the Colorado Legislature is that nothing is clear. + +Most of Gov. Bill Owens' package of gun-control proposals is on track, with one more proposal to be heard in committee next week. + +But defiant members of his own Republican Party are pushing several gun-rights bills, including one that would 'pre-empt' most city and county gun rules, allowing people to carry guns in more places. + +And House Republicans on Friday voted down a proposal to ban concealed handguns from school grounds, prompting a veto threat from Owens. + +'I would veto the pre-emption bill if the situation with concealed carry in schools remains as it is today,' Owens told reporters Friday. 'Last year, I made the point that schools are off-limits or face veto, and I'm still where I was last year.' + +Despite the energy going into the gun debate, it could stall in the Senate. There, the committee handling gun bills has become a black hole, where gun-control and gun-rights bills disappear. + +Under orders from Republican legislative leaders, lawmakers are rushing to get all of the gun bills done by mid-February, so they can move on to other issues, such as education and tax cuts. + +That has led to what Owens on Friday dubbed 'gun month' as the General Assembly tries to sort through about 20 gun bills in six weeks. +",12 +13,"Alaska's Republican primary is next Tuesday, and Miller is trailing far behind his opponents Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan (the leader) in the latest polls. Whoever wins will face off against incumbent Democrat Mark Begich.",12 +5,Court won't say just what right to bear arms' means,4 +11,"Per capita, our gun ownership rate is 112 percent.",10 +6,Laws' effects inconclusive,5 +5,R.J. Reynolds Is Subpoenaed On Reporting of Its Expenses,4 +12,spokeswoman for the Tobacco Control Coalition of Santa Clara County,11 +7,"Bartley is charged in a dawn attack on May 22 in which a man targeting a resident at 454A Greene Ave., a brownstone used as a single-room-occupancy dwelling, kicked in the front door, doused the entry with gasoline and lighted a match. The three men who died did not include the intended target, Hynes said.",6 +5,"David Logan, a law professor at Wake Forest University who tracks tobacco issues, said that if even one attorney general finds a judge willing to unseal the documents ``it won't matter very much what Judge Freeman decides 10 days from now because the cat's already out of the bag.''",4 +7,on death row for the 1989 slaying of a teenage girl in Kansas City,6 +5,"This time, the justices will confront the fundamental tension of the Obama years: whether the president is using the substantial powers of his office to propel the nation past political gridlock or whether he has ignored constitutional boundaries to unilaterally impose prescriptions that require congressional approval.",4 +5,"The announcement came two weeks after voters in Alaska and Hawaii approved measures against gay marriage. Hawaii voters approved a ballot question allowing the state Legislature to limit marriage to heterosexual couples, while Alaskans approved a measure defining marriage as existing only between a man and a woman.",4 +3,"Their arrival in this deeply Baptist state has amazed the Catholic priests, nuns and laypeople who have worked and prayed here in relative isolation for years.",2 +13,"Right to conceal, carry a gun with no permit clears Wisconsin Senate panel",12 +5,New information about the electric chair's condition is scheduled to be presented today in oral arguments at the Florida Supreme Court.,4 +15,PACKING HEAT STOKING FIRES OF CONTROVERSY,14 +13,"GOP Majority Leader Bill Frist said same-sex marriage ""is likely to spread through all 50 states in the coming years"" without quick action toward an amendment. +",12 +11,Black voters shouldn't focus too much on gay marriage,10 +6,"Under Virginia law, a jailed defendant must be tried within five months of being arrested.",5 +13,"Same-Sex Marriage on the Ballot in Arizona, a Second Time",12 +13,"Sunnyvale voters to decide gun-control Measure C +",12 +13,"Minnesota gun rights legislation fails to get far, despite Republican legislative control",12 +13,"President Clinton, in an exclusive interview yesterday with the Daily News, declared Mayor Giuliani crucial to his battle to keep the GOP Congress from killing the assault weapons ban.",12 +5,"In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Arizona's capital sentencing law unconstitutional because it allowed a judge to find an aggravating circumstance necessary to impose the death penalty. Juries, not judges, must make the crucial decisions on whether a convicted killer lives or dies, the court ruled.",4 +12, Those acquitted yesterday said they planned to protest on the steps again.,11 +13,CITY STAYS OUT OF FIGHT FOR GAY MARRIAGES,12 +11,"The use of tobacco, much of it in smokeless forms like snuff, plugs and chewing tobacco, remains firmly entrenched in Appalachia and in parts of the South and the Rocky Mountain states.",10 +7,for our continuing massacres by firearms.,6 +6,"Philadelphia was granted ""home rule"" by the state. It ought to have the right to exercise that power when it comes to firearms. + +If the legislature continues to abdicate its statewide responsibility, it should at least allow Philadelphia to protect its own citizens.",5 +11," Among the state's high school students, one out of five boys and one out of every six girls are smokers. Research tells us that most smokers take their first puff between ages 13 and 18.",10 +5,Gay Marriage Suit Pushes Connecticut Into New Terrain,4 +11,'Up in Smoke' Knoedler 19 East 70th Street Manhattan Through Nov. 4,10 +14,"The treaty affords a crucial level of protection for United States citizens abroad. But the failure of Texas officials to comply with the requirement sends a message to foreign governments that they need not take this obligation seriously either. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has expressed concern about treaty violations in the past, but rarely so strongly as in the case of Mr. Faulder.",13 +13,Let's Get A Border Deal Done,12 +7,A Typical Murderer,6 +9,Have you ever been unavoidably exposed to cigarette smoke and blow blood clots out of your nose the next morning?,8 +12,No rest for gun foes,11 +7,Last 'round' for ATF boss,6 +5," He never got a court hearing to protest the police officer's claim. +",4 +6,"Under the new law, which takes effect Sept. 1, cop killers could be sentenced to death. Also facing possible execution could be killers of judges and prison guards, contract killers, murderers who torture their victims and killers who commit murder in the course of a robbery, rape, burglary, arson or a prison escape.",5 +5,9 Gun Makers Called Liable For Shootings,4 +5,"The Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear the legal challenge to California's Proposition 8, the 2008 voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. The justices are reviewing a federal appeals court ruling that declared the law unconstitutional because it stripped away a previous right of same-sex couples to marry in the Golden State.",4 +11,"The men knew very little about cooking, but they yearned for the food of the villages they had left behind. They did their best to recreate it, and this clumsy cooking is what Americans came to know as Chinese food: sticky sweet-and-sour pork, leaden egg rolls, greasy chow mein.",10 +12,Groups Debate Slower Strategy On Gay Rights,11 +8," He stood a few hundred feet from a 20-foot fence of corrugated metal and inspected new camera, communications and lighting systems.",7 +7,"George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Fla., fatally shot Trayvon as the 17-year-old was walking to his father's home. Zimmerman told police he was attacked by Trayvon and acted in self-defense. He has not been arrested or charged.",6 +2,The Agriculture Department,1 +13,Rudolph W. Giuliani appeared Friday before the National Rifle Association -- a group he once likened to extremists -- and defended his very vocal past advocacy of tougher gun laws while affirming the right of law-abiding citizens to bear arms.,12 +13,"RIMARY +",12 +3," +''It is true what this vote will do will be to help the voters identify who is and is not supportive of the family,",2 +5, his lawyers said,4 +1,CIGARETTE TAX HIKE CONSIDERED,0 +11,"Mr. Cotner, a first-time director, and Mr. White, known for the documentary ''Good Ol' Freda,'' about the woman who served as secretary to the Beatles, gained access to the Proposition 8 legal team -- led by the liberal David Boies and conservative Theodore B. Olson -- through the American Foundation for Equal Rights, the nonprofit group that brought the challenge.",10 +5, Maryland's highest court will resolve the question of same-sex marriage,4 +5,"Burns, a 1983 graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law, has practiced civil law for 19 years, representing plaintiffs who are suing insurance companies, drawing up wills and contracts and doing nonprofit fundraising on the side.",4 +5,"After consulting with solicitors, Hanes said he ""was prepared to issue a license to the couple."" +",4 +15,Faking Left,14 +5,Clinton Grants Extension to Thousands of Haitian Asylum-Seekers,4 +5,"""They don't have to check with anybody,"" said Sen. Mike Feeley, who leads the Senate's Democratic minority. Feeley, a lawyer from Lakewood, raised the constitutional question that derailed the bill.",4 +13,"Of the three trustees not up for re-election, one voted against the ban, which was approved 4 to 2. It would take a majority of the sixmember board to repeal the ordinance.",12 +13,School violence bill passes House,12 +3,"Many religious groups have been wrestling with questions of how to relate to the gay men and lesbians in their midst. But while much of the controversy in Protestant denominations has turned on whether to ordain noncelibate homosexuals as clergy members, controversy over same-sex unions has become particularly acute lately among the country's 8.5 million United Methodists, who constitute the nation's second-largest Protestant denomination, after the Southern Baptist Convention.",2 +6,smoking prevention projects,5 +13,"Social conservatives have been fighting for six years for such a ban. Democratic former Gov. Roy Romer twice vetoed same-sex marriage bans. +",12 +9,The deadly leg of their journey began just when the illegal immigrants thought the dangerous part was over.,8 +13,"It was the latest example of Mr. Huckabee's shift toward a harder line on immigration, which has emerged as a hot-button issue in the race for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination.",12 +7,a Haddon Heights woman pleaded guilty yesterday to killing two Camden County law-enforcement officers and wounding a third during a 14-hour standoff in April 1995.,6 +7,SUSPECT TESTED FOR CLUES,6 +14,The world is watching what the leaders of Georgia will do,13 +11,Why do some people think America has a gun problem?,10 +8,Ex-Soldier Gets Life For Killings In Iraq,7 +7,"James J. Koedatich, that he be killed by lethal injection Dec. 18, as scheduled",6 +10,And the college president sought out ways to safeguard the campus culture that he cherished while accommodating a law that he did not.,9 +9,"In one of the strongest statements yet by a top tobacco industry executive about smoking and health, the chairman of the company that owns the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company testified yesterday that he believed that cigarettes play a ""role in causing lung cancer.""",8 +13,"Not everyone wanted to listen, however. + +The students' overtures to several congressmen opposed to gun-control legislation were sternly rebuffed. + +Colin Cunliffe, 18, of Littleton attempted to engage Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., a member of the National Rifle Association and an opponent of gun control, in the Capitol. The congressman walked away, refusing even to shake Cunliffe's hand. + +Meanwhile, Winkler approached Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., asking for two minutes of his time. ""He said, 'I'm busy. Write me a letter,""' Winkler said. ""He wouldn't even give me his card.""",12 +1,"The restaurant drew attention after Crosswhite began offering a discount to diners for every weapon carried. +",0 +7,"VIRGINIA EXECUTES PRISONER, 34, IN RAPE, MURDER 12 YEARS AGO",6 +5,The court said shifting the burden of proof from state prosecutors to criminal defendants does not violate the constitutional protections of due process under the law.,4 +5,Attorneys for the ban's backers said at a hearing Monday that Walker should have recused himself or disclosed his relationship because he and his partner stood to benefit from the verdict.,4 +13,"""Finding common ground is going to be hard work but it will be even harder if the president isn't willing to work with us,"" Boehner told reporters gathered for the press conference on Capitol Hill. ""I've told the president before, he needs to put politics aside and rebuild trust."" +",12 +15,A New Challenge to Same-Sex Marriages,14 +12,SMOKING SURVEY FINDS BART STATIONS' FLAWS,11 +7,"Deputy Inspector Krantz, a 30-year veteran of the force, did not respond to calls to his Westchester County home seeking comment. The police said he was suspended as a result of a continuing investigation into the licensing division that resulted in seven departmental charges against him. They did not say what kind of favors were involved..",6 +13," Based on a bill authored by Assemblyman Pete Grannis (D-Manhattan), it was expected to pass both the Assembly and Senate last night. Grannis predicted the federal government will follow suit.",12 +8,"Md. Begins Background Checks On Buyers of Rifles, Shotguns",7 +5,"Prosecutor Joseph Warzycki said minutes later that he had plenty of evidence to persuade jurors to recommend the death penalty for Martin Link, 32, of St. Louis. That part of the trial begins today in St. Louis Circuit Court.",4 +7,Many Bay Area deportation cases will be dropped in June,6 +7,"And we've had a period where we would only issue warnings. We've warned some several times before now. They have had adequate notification about the new laws so there is no excuse.""",6 +9,"""Gov. Ridge has said the money should be focused on health care, given its source and the number of Pennsylvanians who have been affected"" by smoking-related diseases, Reeves said.",8 +5,The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether the Constitution forbids executing a person who may be innocent.,4 +13,"President George W. Bush's decision to back a constitutional ban on gay marriages likely won't have a major impact on Illinois' Senate race, but political experts say lawmakers would rather keep the issue off the ballot in November.",12 +5,"The six state attorneys general who have declined to defend their states' bans on same-sex marriage in court got some encouragement last week from U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. In a speech to the National Association of Attorneys General, Holder said that it was sometimes appropriate for attorneys general to abandon their usual obligation to defend the constitutionality of state laws.",4 +13,"Many Democrats had called the provisions in parts of a section called Title 5, targeting legal immigrants, ""mean-spirited"" and the White House refused to accept them.",12 +10,GAY MARRIAGE NOT BAD IF IT GIVES MORE KIDS LOVING HOMES,9 +12,Courting a new audience on gun case,11 +13," +Council OKs fines for guns Meeting on concealed weapons packed",12 +5,"Baker said he planned to meet with other attorneys general next Friday to evaluate the proposal. ""If a sufficient number sign on, we could have some kind of final deal by Monday (Nov. 23),"" he said.",4 +7,ISLETON SHERIFF FIRES UP FOES WITH LIBERAL GUN-LICENSE POLICY,6 +4,A Fair Policy On Immigration,3 +13,"The White House made the announcement in a two-sentence e-mail at 10 p.m. but did not give any cause beyond saying that Kerik ""is withdrawing his name for personal reasons.""",12 +7,"Convicted of shooting and seriously injuring a man five years ago, Thomas Genero Maier should have faced at least 25 years in prison under Florida's ""10-20-Life"" gun law.",6 +10," +William Kenneth Taylor is ready to die.",9 +9,The turn toward fentanyl comes as several states have been forced to experiment with new drug cocktails due to shortages of traditional execution meds.,8 +11, the percentage of gay Americans and Americans on the whole living in states where gay marriage is legal topped 50 percent.,10 +7," Next week, he is expected to get a mandatory life sentence without possibility of parole.",6 +11," +""It kind of feels like a shotgun wedding,""",10 +13,"The Kansas City Council has taken the first step toward providing benefits to gay, lesbian and unmarried domestic partners of city employees.",12 +5,Judge allows death monitor,4 +9,READERS' LETTERS: Health more important than wealth,8 +11,It's tough to live up to 'Mayberry',10 +12,"Lois Robison, a retired third-grade teacher, traveled from Burleson, Tex., to speak out against the execution.",11 +2,"Knowledge, talent and information is now more global than ever; the success of nations is determined by where those resources are located.",1 +13,he has moved from the state House to the state Senate and nearly 20 years have gone by.,12 +13, he did not heed pressure from advocates ,12 +5,"From Justice Scalia, A Chilling Vision Of Religion's Authority In America",4 +13,"One State Lawmaker, One Vote And Political Wrath of the NRA",12 +7,"More arrests coming, U.S. says",6 +5,N.J. same-sex marriages can begin,4 +13,AFL-CIO: GIVE ILLEGALS A BREAK IT BACKS AMNESTY AND NO SANCTIONS,12 +8,Guns protect the home,7 +1,"American garment employers face unfair competition because of cheaper priced clothing made in ''the new emerging sweatshop,'' which often uses illegal immigrants, Sol C. Chaikin, president of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, said yesterday.",0 +10,"I've shed tears for Kelli Hall and her family because I went through having a wonderful, little, 10-year-old son shot and killed in such a senseless way.",9 +6,one of the biggest loopholes of gun control - the reality that shotguns and rifles can be bought by virtually anybody.,5 +13,The move provides some political cover for legislators who might want to vote for civil unions without offending too many of their constituents. It also reflects a proper regard for the separation of religion and government in America.,12 +13,DISSENTERS IN CONGRESS OPPOSE TOBACCO BUYOUT,12 +12,Activists vow to give refuge to migrants,11 +1,buy tobacco,0 +15,DON'T PLAN ON GAY WEDDINGS ANYTIME SOON,14 +1,Shares of the Altria Group sank yesterday on new worries that its American tobacco unit may have to put up $12 billion,0 +1,maximum $500 fine,0 +7,Mexican official faces sentencing for role in smuggling of aliens,6 +1,"Gay Marriage Debate Is About Money, Too",0 +12,"On Staten Island, Mixed Views on Gay Marriage",11 +7,"From the criminal courts comes a cautionary tale of how having a surge of hateful hotheadedness and a loaded gun handy can land you in prison for essentially the rest of your life under Florida's mandatory gun laws, even if no one is injured.",6 +13," A new attempt to limit gay marriages is expected to come up for a vote in the U.S. House today, but without fervent backing from those fighting hardest to block same-sex unions.",12 +13,Dole Dismisses Clinton's Excuse on F.B.I. Files,12 +5,"OKLAHOMA PURSUING CASE AGAINST BOMBER HIGH COST OF TRIAL ALMOST DETERRED NICHOLS PROSECUTION +",4 +10,"""Mr. Obama, my family has been separated for 19 months now!"" the man said, according to a New York Times report. (You can watch a video of the incident here.)",9 +7, She faces 10 to 16 months in prison.,6 +7,The FBI is investigating to see whether the three could be charged with violating Byrd's civil rights,6 +1,Protester disrupts gun show,0 +10,"DECA is an academic boot camp for kids whose families have never sent anyone to a university. The program crams four years of high school into two. Then the students are shipped to Georgia Perimeter College. At age 18, they emerge with not only a high school diploma, but an associate's degree.",9 +12,A salute to SAFE,11 +13,Wilson has made support for the proposal a plank in his re-election platform. He talked to the Chronicle on Sunday and Tuesday for today's story.,12 +6,Beef up limits on guns,5 +5,High court hears appeal in prison slaying,4 +12,Opponents say that ,11 +10,"EDITORIAL A fresh focus on domestic partners Focus on the Family is supporting legislation to provide expanded legal benefits for heads of untraditional households -- including gay couples. +",9 +13,"Alvin Brooks, the former mayor pro tem of Kansas City, said he wants the death penalty to become a higher-profile issue.",12 +5,"Ruling 5 to 4, the justices held that a disputed instruction that the appeals court found had improperly constrained the jury's discretion to consider all the defendant's mitigating evidence in fact gave the jurors adequate advice and had probably not confused them.",4 +7,Records vanish after guns dealt Troubles embroil Montrose sheriff's office,6 +7,Feds to target gun-law violators U.S. attorney reviewing 'lie and buy' cases,6 +4,"""There is no one who believes in equality and justice",3 +10,"""It's kind of a hidden addiction"" State tries to lasso smokeless users",9 +10,"Even the relatives of the victims concede that Rolling's death will not balance the scales. Nothing will ever heal the loss of our children,'' said Ann Garren, Ms. Hoyt's mother. Rolling's death will not be justice for the five innocent and promising individuals'' he killed, said Mr. Taboada.",9 +4," we found that black men are 2.79 times more likely to be denied a license than white men, and that black women are 4.74 times more likely to be denied one than white women. Such racial disparity is not unique to Texas. In Indiana, where 321,475 people applied for a concealed handgun license during this same time period, black men are 5.54 times more likely to be denied a license than white men, while black women are 7.26 times more likely to be denied one than white women. Whether we are talking about Texas or Indiana, if you are black, you are significantly less likely to be issued this form of identification.",3 +15,Standing and Delivering,14 +13,"Republican activists sharpened their party's opposition to gay marriage Wednesday, a day after Vice President Cheney defended such unions. The action was among several steps conservatives took to firmly place their stamp on the GOP platform ahead of next week's convention, whose long list of moderate speakers has irked some on the party's right flank",12 +8,"Passengers were barred from flights to the United States, customs and border control officials got instructions at 3 a.m. Saturday and some arrived at their posts later that morning still not knowing how to carry out the president's orders.",7 +12,"Gun-rights advocates are preparing a counter-offensive, arguing that ammunition-control bills are a not-so-back-door assault on the Second Amendment.",11 +12,"reaching no consensus,",11 +12," +The groups staging the rallies - one protesting gun violence, the other supporting gun ownership rights - continued to state Wednesday that they would not cancel or relocate their events. +",11 +10,Hawaii Gives Gay Couples Marital Benefits,9 +11,Latino groups finally getting the picture about cancer,10 +6,"New policy, new starts",5 +13,Bloomberg's gun-control group to endorse Ralph Northam for Virginia governor,12 +4,Gay Rights: A Process of Evolution,3 +5,"Bacon's legal team, which includes Durham attorneys Tom Loflin and Gretchen Engel, contends that Easley cannot objectively consider clemency pleas in capital cases because he publicly supported the death penalty while serving as state attorney general.",4 +10,Dana Reeve never smoked,9 +7,"'Inmates were a little bit testy' +",6 +5,"RULING AFFIRMS AMERICAN PRINCIPLES +",4 +11,American League team,10 +7,"Officers arrived at her apartment in the 900 block of Kensington Street just after midnight when they responded to a report of shots being fired. +",6 +5,Two states have settled their cases against the tobacco industry so far: Mississippi and Florida. The multibillion-dollar settlements close off the first suits seeking reimbursement from the industry for smoking-related health care costs.,4 +13,The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin debating the measure Wednesday under a three-week timetable aimed at producing a final version for the full Senate by March 27,12 +5,Jurors deliberated for less than an hour before returning the sentence.,4 +5,STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL WON'T TAKE OVER S.F. CASE,4 +13," +PRIMARY",12 +4,"""She felt it was very important to see that justice was done,"" he said.",3 +7,"It also requires any jail term imposed for such a conviction be served in addition to, rather than along with, any other jail term imposed. That means if someone is convicted of multiple crimes, one of them being carrying a concealed handgun, the sentence for the latter must be served consecutively with any other sentence, not concurrently.",6 +7,"SLAYING SILENCED STRONG VOICE FOR POOR, HOMELESS",6 +11,"Gay couples, by the numbers // Data suggest they're fewer than believed, but affluent +",10 +9,"was necessary to prevent shootings or suicides in which the gunman had made recent threats or acted violently, or was known to have had psychiatric problems or to have abused drugs or alcohol",8 +1,"He noted consumer spending makes up about 70% of the economy and that low- and middle-income Americans in particular, including immigrants, typically are more likely to spend than save their income. +",0 +13," +Florida City Rescinds Law on Buying Guns",12 +6,"""I think these bans are going to have a major impact,"" said Eben Schwartz, statewide coordinator for the Coastal Cleanup, which is organized bythe California Coastal Commission. +",5 +5,"But after same-sex marriage became legal in California in June,",4 +1,ADS AIMED AT BLACKS AND CHILDREN SHOULD EXACT A HIGH PRICE,0 +11,CLUB HELPS KIDS STAMP OUT SMOKING HABITS,10 +11,"AMONG THE SCENTS that surround you the next time you head out for a fine dinner, you're likely to distinguish the aromatic bouquet of a fine red wine, the musty odor of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, the tantalizing smell of rare roast beef, the sweet spice a fresh apple tart - and perhaps even the pungent whiff of a fine cigar. + +Once the province of pool halls and political powwows, stogies have moved uptown. Now they show up in all the best places. Top-drawer clubs and charitable organizations have found that formal smokers draw crowds and provide a new way to raise money for worthy causes. Women as well as men are partaking in the ritual that involves selecting and smoking fine cigars following a good meal. And 20somethings are as likely to be smoking cigars as their elders. + +Historically, cigar smoking hit its peak in the period just before and after World War II, said Gerard Ezvan, who owns Jon's Pipe Shop, 24 North Central Avenue in Clayton. Then interest dwindled, bottoming out in the early 1970s. ""The real craze started three or four years ago,"" Ezvan said. According to national figures, he added, cigar sales have risen 30 percent to 35 percent each year for the past two years. + +Ezvan is unsure what has made cigar smoking so popular. He suspects that part of the reason is a little rebellion on the part of people who have been told for years what not to do. Another may be the Hollywood image that associates cigar smoking with success.",10 +6,"The one provision that, thanks to Trump, gets the most attention is a border wall. It's hard to understand the opposition. It's the most venerable and reliable way to keep people out. The triple fence outside San Diego led to a 90 percent reduction in infiltration. Israel's border fence with the West Bank has produced a similar decline in terror attacks into Israel.",5 +8,"Ridge: U.S., Mexico to tighten border security",7 +3,Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage,2 +5,"That Hildwin, a convicted rapist, was raped himself was one of the revelations the jury never heard during last week's sentencing trial in Hernando County Circuit Court.",4 +9,died Oct. 8 in a prison hospital.,8 +5,"Defense attorneys also said that they are still exploring a mental-health defense and that ""counsel will vigorously present and argue any and all appropriate defenses at a trial or sentencing proceeding, as necessary.""",4 +10,"At 19 - little more than a child herself - Miguelina Estevez was in a strange country, unable to speak English, unable to find work, taking care of triplet toddlers and a younger sister",9 +1,NEW $1 TAX LEAVES SMOKERS IN A HUFF,0 +1,and economic benefits that might derive from lowering other taxes,0 +12," Last weekend Rubin and thousands of others successfully blocked a parade in the nation's capital by white supremacists, including Aryan Nations members",11 +5,"nd St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce has reopened an investigation of the case. +",4 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court struck down the state's old law as unconstitutional in January because it allowed judges, not juries, to make the final decision about imposing capital sentences.",4 +1,"It's hard to imagine what would happen to Florida's economy without the Mexican workers who toil in the fields, hotel rooms, restaurants and construction industry. ",0 +7,"Yes, blame gun laws for Aurora massacre",6 +9,"A professor at Idaho State University in Pocatello accidentally fired his concealed gun Wednesday, shooting himself in the foot. +",8 +7,"""We find that most of the guns [used in crimes] come from theft, and the theft could come from anywhere,"" Stoudemire said. ""I do not believe that the guns are coming from South Carolina.""",6 +8,Fingerprints before flying Pols call for exit check on foreigners,7 +7,"One of the two men charged in a 2007 home invasion in Cheshire, Conn., in which a woman and her two daughters were killed",6 +6,"But opponents said Holbrook's bill targeted the wrong people. Rather than punish children, the state should go after the retailers who sell cigarettes to minors, they argue.",5 +11,Wonder boycotts 'stand your ground' states,10 +5,San Francisco officials challenge gay marriage ban,4 +5,"Amending 'I do' Conservatives push constitutional ban on same-sex marriage after court, entertainment gains by gays this summer",4 +5,JURY SELECTION BEGINS IN CASE OF BATHTUB DROWNINGS,4 +13," +In addition, the measure continues current gun law that majority Republicans had wanted to change. ",12 +5," more than 200,000 permits have been issued and to date fewer than 50 have been revoked",4 +5,"New laws could boost gay marriage Changing times have swayed Justice Kennedy before. +",4 +11,"Pranked by Sacha Baron Cohen, He Was as Shocked as the Rest of Us",10 +7," who is accused of arranging the murder of his estranged wife, Janice Kapeller, 39.",6 +5,Officials with the Minnesota attorney general's office,4 +15,Silence on Gun Control,14 +9,"A survey of the nation's 126 medical schools found that medical students receive little to no training in how to help patients stop smoking. The results of the study were published in this month's Journal of the American Medical Association. Medical licensing exams don't include many questions on tobacco use or cessation. Therefore medical schools don't think it's important, according to Dr. Linda Ferry, the associate professor at Loma Linda University School of Medicine who conducted the study. What's more, most insurance programs don't reimburse doctors for helping patients quit smoking. Consequently, doctors pressured by HMOs to see large numbers of patients each day can't afford to spend the four to six hours of treatment it takes, on average, to help a smoker quit. That means that doctors are effectively unable to address the main health problem of many of their patients.",8 +12,"Sit-ins, 'stunts' and the urge to change",11 +5,Death penalty sought in FAMU slaying,4 +4,VIRTUE OF TOLERANCE: IS IT TOO MUCH TO TOLERATE?,3 +12,EQUAL TIME FOR VIOLENCE SPEAKERS FINAL FORUM TONIGHT IN SUNNYVALE,11 +7," have been trying to answer calls law enforcement has been making to us to give them the tools to get handguns off the streets.""",6 +3,"Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan did not exactly hide his opposition to efforts to legalize same-sex marriage in New York. +",2 +12,"Immigration activists plan to mass in front of the Capitol today, renewing their appeal for legislative reform as Congress reconvenes after a recess in which many members experienced a backlash against illegal immigration back home.",11 +5,JURY DEADLOCK SPARES NICHOLS FROM EXECUTION,4 +13,but the legislature will have to get the politics right.,12 +5,Gun rights are about ensuring freedoms,4 +12,"Downtown Oakland Dreamers rally, march draws 1,000",11 +13,"Senior Democrats have reached agreement with the National Rifle Association on what could be the first federal gun-control legislation since 1994, a measure to significantly strengthen the national system that checks the backgrounds of gun buyers.",12 +5,Illinois high court throws out two suits against gun-makers,4 +14,"As U.S. gun debate rages on, Australians hand in 57,000 firearms, and Norway is set for a broad ban",13 +13,"The bill passed the House on a voice vote late last year and came within an inch of immediate Senate approval, until it was halted by Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.).",12 +7,"Laws barring felons from buying handguns should be expanded to prospective buyers who have committed misdemeanors,",6 +6,"The second question posed was is this a good law? While perhaps not perfect, the law is a good law",5 +1,COMPANY NEWS,0 +13,"A last-ditch attempt by black lawmakers to extend the halt on executions appears to have failed, and Glendening has promised not to intervene in his final day as governor.",12 +10,Help is a phone call away for South Asia immigrants; Volunteers staff Raksha hotline,9 +6,Questioning the Castle Doctrine,5 +13,Pat Toomey,12 +5,"After Tobacco Success, Lawyers Pick Gun Fight",4 +1,10-Cent-a-Pack Cigarette Tax Increase Proposed,0 +7,"He was charged with first-degree murder, making him eligible for the death penalty if convicted",6 +5,"Capital trials have two phases. If a defendant is convicted, juries consider so-called aggravating and mitigating factors in deciding whether to recommend death sentences.",4 +11,"TAMPA GAY COUPLE MARRY IN CEREMONY AT REP. CASTOR'S WASHINGTON OFFICE +",10 +6,Airport retains ban on smoking,5 +9,Safer gun laws,8 +7,Bill lets officials deport immigrants for gang ties,6 +5,"The Albany prosecutors had the right idea. Unlike other jurisdictions still maneuvering to secure the death penalty even though the New York State Court of Appeals found a central provision of the state's death penalty law unconstitutional, the Albany district attorney sought life imprisonment, got a guilty verdict and is finished with the case.",4 +13,"Gov. Jeb Bush signed a bill on Tuesday giving Florida citizens more leeway to use deadly force in their homes and in public, a move that gun-control groups and several urban police chiefs warned would give rise to needless deaths.",12 +5,"Since June, when the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to equal treatment in at least some settings, federal judges in Oklahoma, Utah and Virginia have struck down laws barring same-sex marriages.",4 +1,will hurt our business,0 +13,Trump endorses raising minimum age to 21 for more weapons,12 +5,The challenge to the law was made by Ellis Wayne Felker,4 +10,Others Busy as Condemned Man Waits,9 +12,National Rifle Association,11 +5,Electric chair idled until fall by court ruling,4 +10,"On Vieques, Destination Weddings for Gay Couples +",9 +6,Daunting Obstacles Loom in Florida for Proponents of Tighter Gun Laws,5 +12,"""The gun lobby likes to prevent people who believe in sensible gun laws from having a say in protecting their own communities,"" Jonathan Lowry, director of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, told the Associated Press. ""It's cynical, and it's dangerous public policy."" +",11 +13,"Meanwhile, Senate Democratic leaders say they also have the votes to pass a same-sex marriage bill, and DFL Gov. Mark Dayton says he'll sign it. +",12 +6,"Instead, LaPierre suggested other solutions that did not involve changing the nation's gun laws. He called for more prosecutions under existing gun laws, including a new crackdown on those who lie on background-check forms.",5 +7,National Briefing West: California: City Won't Aid Immigration Officials,6 +1, has struggled financially.,0 +5, a federal judge has ruled.,4 +5,"Indeed, following the open-ended logic of Proposition 8's lawyers, it is hard to think who, if anyone, is qualified to rule on this case. Certainly not wedded heterosexual judges whose marriages stand to be somehow diminished, according to the antimarriage crowd, if Judge Walker's ruling survives appeal in federal circuit court.",4 +4,Tobacco firms to publish statements that they lied,3 +13,"Gov. David A. Paterson expressed confidence on Friday that he and other Democrats could pick up Republican votes in their push to legalize same-sex marriage, but said he was unsure whether they could garner enough support to change the law this year.",12 +13,BARACK OBAMA,12 +9,Same-sex partners should marry ... it's good for their health,8 +4,"FOR IMMIGRANTS,A FAIR TUITION DEAL",3 +7,It has been 14 years since Edward Castro sat down with Columbia County investigators and boasted about how he killed a St. Petersburg interior designer.,6 +11,A new children's march,10 +13,"It's been one of the swiftest shifts in ideology and strategy for Republicans, as they've come nearly full circle on same-sex politics. What was once a front-and-center issue for rank-and-file Republicans - the subject of many hotly worded House and Senate floor speeches - is virtually a dead issue, as Republicans in Congress don't care to have gay marriage litigated in the Capitol.",12 +7," I think that every mayor and everyone should abide by the law,""",6 +13,"FORMER CONGRESSWOMAN and gun violence victim Gabrielle Giffords called out lawmakers as ""cowards"" for failing to pass tougher gun control laws.",12 +13,"In Mass., A Vote to Ban Gay Marriage",12 +6,Susan Estrich's intellectually dishonest inability to examine why the death penalty has become an ineffective remedy is emblematic of the blindness of the professoriat and the political class toward the logical outcomes of their policies.,5 +9, That begins with the physiological nature of tobacco - it's addictive and lethal.,8 +5,JURY WALKING FINE LINE ON MCVEIGH PENALTY,4 +7,"Felker's execution has been rescheduled for Nov. 14. Another death row inmate, Larry Lonchar, is set to die in the electric chair a day earlier, on Nov. 13.",6 +9,"The health insurance benefit applies to homosexual as well as straight couples who are not married, share a home and consider each other to be immediate family.",8 +8,"One of the guns was a TEC-DC9 semi-automatic pistol, a weapon with no legitimate sporting or home protection use.",7 +8,"Background check system for guns is fixed, FBI says",7 +7,Cornett is serving three life sentences for leading a group of Kentucky teenagers to kidnap a family at a Greene County rest stop in 1997 and kill the parents and one young child.,6 +13,"In election, it's an 'I' for an 'I'; Immigration vs. Iraq: Today's 10th Congressional District race could reveal which issue is tops for voters",12 +13,President Obama is set to meet with a group of young undocumented immigrants on Wednesday as the White House escalates its fight with Republicans over immigration reform and funding for the Department of Homeland Security.,12 +13,Congressional Roundup: Crime,12 +11,"Arizona near top of states in executions, California at bottom",10 +1,SMOKERS TO GET LITTLE FROM SETTLEMENT,0 +13,TOWN IN WYOMING REJECTS GUN BAN,12 +5,from asking people about their immigration status,4 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court ruling that ended a ban on federal benefits for gay married couples also should allow domestic partners in Wisconsin to collect Social Security benefits that had been reserved for heterosexual couples, advocates for same-sex couples say. +",4 +13,legislatures,12 +15,Smoky Cruise,14 +13,"So the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to loosen restrictions on sales at gun shows. And at the same time, this House voted to permit the Ten Commandments to be posted in public schools to ""help promote morality across the country."" +",12 +13,"Obama, announcing a string of executive actions in a stirring White House speech, was rolling along and racking up applause with remarks about background checks and partisan politics before he recalled a watershed moment",12 +12,Immigrant Activists Cast a Wider Net,11 +1,against other companies,0 +10," +MORRIS MAY NOT FIGHT FOR LIFE",9 +11,"As Atlanta becomes more of an international city, with more cultures and more immigrants calling it home, the face of Atlanta as a sports town is also destined to change.",10 +11, said his state merely has developed greater ``expertise'' in moving capital cases through the system.,10 +5,"Gay marriage in the U.S. Supreme Court: Federal law denying benefits to gay couples on shaky ground +",4 +5," +The Florida Supreme Court overturned the death sentence of Robert Sager on Thursday and instead imposed a sentence of life in prison without possibility of parole for 25 years. Sager, 27, was convicted of first-degree murder in the 1992 killing of Audrey Bostic, 44, of Hudson. The Supreme Court said the circumstances of the crime did not warrant execution. The court cited the possibility that Sager may suffer from mental illness and the fact that Sager and Bostic were intoxicated at the time of the killing, which occurred after an argument. The death sentence imposed on Sager's co-defendant, Donald Voorhees, 29, was overturned by the court earlier this month. +",4 +15,Common Sense in Testing,14 +13,Democrats' strategy for immigration reform is upended by Cantor's defeat,12 +10,"Natalia Villalobos is a U.S. citizen, born and raised in the District. When she graduated from Emerson Preparatory School in 2015, she planned to enroll in college, study business and child development, and use those skills to open a day care where young children can thrive. +",9 +5,"Hawaii Appeals Court Judge Kevin Chang on Dec. 3 struck down a state law banning same-sex marriages because he said the state had no compelling reason to impose such a ban. But the next day, Chang issued a stay on gay marriages for at least one year to give the Hawaii Supreme Court a chance to hear the case. Hawaii's high court in 1993 had issued a preliminary ruling in favor of gay marriages. +",4 +5,A special prosecutor said Monday that he will not file criminal charges after investigating claims that witness perjury and a cover-up led to the conviction of a man on Missouri's death row.,4 +10,"Let the grooms suffer, too",9 +11,"There has been a lot in the media recently about electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, hookah pens and vape pens. If you haven't seen them in your neighborhood store, you may have seen someone using them, or ""vaping.""",10 +1,"David Sandor, a Home Depot spokesman, said the company had been studying the option for almost a year and planned to time the announcement of the new benefit to coincide with its annual benefits enrollment process, which takes place in October.",0 +10,"One was the polite, gentle Krebs his friends and family knew, and the other was the murderous Krebs who acted out sexual fantasies when he drank alcohol.",9 +10,Victims' relatives were stunned. Some cried in court. Others later expressed disappointment and anger.,9 +1,"The California Highway Patrol traded 4,046 confiscated rifles, pistols and handguns last July to a private dealer in San Jose for new service weapons. +",0 +13,"So Mrs. Johnson is hurriedly trying to turn herself into a lobbyist, going to news conferences in the Capitol and working Senate offices to tell her story.",12 +13,"""I want to keep it clean,"" Baker said. + +Senate approval of the so-called kiddie-lock bill is considered likely. Similar legislation has passed the House of Delegates, and the measure has Gov. William Donald Schaefer's support.",12 +13,"OBAMA'S IMMIGRATION HECKLER WRONG ON PRESIDENTIAL POWERS, EXPERTS SAY",12 +7,"Anderson, 48, was sentenced to die in 1981 for fatally shooting 81-year-old Elizabeth Lyman in the face as he burglarized her home in the small Southern California town of Bloomington in 1980. Police found Anderson in Lyman's home, drinking milk, eating macaroni and cheese and watching television after he had ransacked the house for $100.",6 +12,STUDENTS CONVERGE ON CAPITAL,11 +8,"The Transportation Security Administration may allow airports to ban firearms from terminals, parking lots, roads and other airport areas where many states currently allow passengers to carry lethal weapons.",7 +15,The Guns That Got Away,14 +5,Florida are not eligible for a special immigration program that would have granted them much broader rights-- including the right to get jobs in other industries -- and eventually allow them to apply for U.S. citizenship.,4 +6,requiring a seven-day waiting period for handgun purchases,5 +3,"The two men in the ceremony, Larry Ellis and Jim Raymer, are members of the United Church of Christ. That denomination allows its ministers to officiate at same-sex unions. They asked Creech to perform the ceremony, however, because he's well-known for doing them.",2 +5, Battaglia had appealed to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas for new legal counsel and a stay of execution but was denied on both counts.,4 +5,"The Tenth Amendment specifically refers to the ''states'' and the ''people'' as separate entities. Clearly, when the framers meant the states, they wrote ''the states,'' and when they meant the people, they wrote ''the people.'' +",4 +7,He agreed to spend the rest of his life in prison for fatally shooting two employees and wounding a third in the 1994 robbery of EZ Pawn in Wheat Ridge.,6 +9, for the damaged health of many users.,8 +12,"While the majority of Americans oppose legalizing same-sex marriage, people younger than 30 have consistently been more supportive of it than their elders. +",11 +13,GOP [#xfb01]eld backs gun rights with both barrels,12 +11,The groom wore black and so did his groom.,10 +8,"The Coast Guard said Tuesday that it has stepped up sea and air patrols in response to a possible increase in the flow of illegal immigrants from Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Cuba",7 +1,Stop-smoking group issues refund,0 +10,"Desperate for help and consumed by fear, San Jose mother Maria Isabel Eugenio thought she had no place to turn in caring for her 40-year-old mentally disabled daughter, whose immigration status remains in limbo.",9 +7," His reason was that gun dealing has become, in many neighborhoods, gun trafficking - a shady business supplying all manner of hoods, punks, kids and psychopaths who bear little resemblance to those well-scrubbed National Rifle Association poster boys.",6 +6,Gun regulations,5 +1,AMA SAYS ANTI-SMOKING EFFORTS WON'T COST JOBS,0 +5,The justices already had said they would hear challenges to the Obama-sponsored health care law and a Texas voting-rights case. Rulings are likely to come in the months before the Democratic and Republican presidential nominating conventions.,4 +8,"In Austin, salvos in the 'sanctuary city' battle",7 +10,"""I wipe my tears and stay strong for my children, because I know that they are hurting, too,"" said Sherese Kinchen, the deputy's widow.",9 +10,Domenie's mother wept silently after the verdict was read. The victim's relatives and the convicted killer left without speaking to reporters.,9 +13,W.H.O. and Bloomberg Open Global Antismoking Project,12 +7,"When Robert Wayne Holsey was put to death in Georgia recently,",6 +1,retail businesses selling tobacco products and related paraphernalia to pay a yearly permit fee of $450.,0 +5,"In 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against a judge who imposed a death sentence after a jury recommended life in prison. Taylor's lawyers argued that a subsequent Missouri Supreme Court ruling led the state to commute at least 10 other death sentences for inmates sentenced by a judge - everyone except Taylor, they said.",4 +6,"Michael Brewer, the legal director of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Community Center of Colorado, was frank. The decision will have little or no impact here, he said.",5 +8,Brady checks faulty,7 +13,"Cuomo, Republicans discuss marriage bill",12 +12,A pre-med sophomore joined a raucous protest against the law,11 +13,"State legislatures and city councils are considering a range of gun laws in response to the school shooting in Newtown, Conn. +",12 +7,Arming Criminals,6 +5,"After attending a Denver ""Summit on Gun Violence,"" District Attorney Bill Ritter told The Denver Post that the Albertson's and King Soopers tragedies should be carefully analyzed. In the aftermath of such incidents, Ritter said people should be very careful before urging the easing of gun restrictions in the belief that to do so would prevent similar incidents.",4 +3,"""We are Muslims, but we are not terrorists,""",2 +7,"Aurora police officer Tom Graham arrested Robin Chan, who apparently disrupted a similar event last spring. Dealers recalled Chan yelled 'Guns kill people!' before tipping tables last year.",6 +9,"""Every two hours another child is killed with a gun,"" she said. ""This must stop."" +",8 +15,THE COMPLETE PICTURE SOMETIMES CAN BE MORE THAN READERS WANT,14 +6,Stop Coddling Corrupt Gun Dealers,5 +13,A significant chapter in Connecticut's long debate about gun control and crime may have seemed closed in June when Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. gleefully signed into law the nation's third statewide ban on assault-rifle sales.,12 +13,HOUSE PANEL VOTES TO RAISE TAXES ON CIGARETTES BY $1.25 A PACK,12 +13,State lawmakers on both sides of the gun debate will soon decide if the time is right to take steps to tighten Georgia's gun law.,12 +5,Appeals Court Upholds Federal Law On Executions,4 +13,"Ms. Feinstein, who had requested the meeting to press Mr. Reid, stormed from his office and spent the next 48 hours denouncing the decision, one that perplexed gun control advocates who believed the political moment had arrived to reinstate the ban that expired in 2004.",12 +10,equal benefits to heterosexual spouses and same-sex domestic partners,9 +8,Graham: Boston Marathon bombings ought to prompt swifter action on immigration reform,7 +6,Bad Gun Laws,5 +13,POLITICAL BATTLE ON IMMIGRATION SHIFTS TO STATES,12 +6,"It also doesn't change federal law prohibiting possession of firearms by people convicted of crimes punishable by a year in jail, certain misdemeanors, and unlawful users of controlled substances.",5 +8,"Mr. Marshall had the same right to defend himself as if he was a banker sitting here in a business suit,"" ",7 +5, those who view any effort to tighten gun laws as an infringement of rights,4 +5,"At a pretrial hearing, Benton County Circuit Judge David Clinger also granted a defense request that potential jurors can be given a questionnaire to determine whether they had already made up their minds about the case. But Clinger said lawyers could not delve too deeply into their private lives by asking questions such as what types of magazines they read.",4 +7, lock up criminals. ,6 +5,JUSTICES TO WEIGH CURB ON SCHOOL FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS,4 +9,"In the fight against tobacco, nonsmokers must not be forgotten. They too are at risk for heart and lung disease as a result of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke). ETS has been linked to several respiratory conditions, such as lung cancer, pneumonia, bronchitis and especially asthma.",8 +6,"Smoking will be ""strictly"" prohibited within all enclosed areas, including mall offices, hallways, restrooms, elevators, all common areas, the food court dining areas and any open areas unoccupied by a store.",5 +5,"eller, 54, cultivates her reputation, ",4 +5,"It, too, was upheld by the appeals court, but over strenuous objections by conservative judges. Both petitions asking the Supreme Court to intervene were filed by the National Rifle Association.",4 +10,Law Sowing Fear and Confusion at Welfare Offices,9 +6,Eagerness and Some Resignation As Civil Union Law Takes Effect,5 +9,"The obituaries all said that George Harrison died of cancer. But, in fact, what killed Mr. Harrison was smoking.",8 +6,Proposition 8,5 +5, permanent legal status,4 +12,Students Lead Huge Rallies for Gun Control Across the U.S.,11 +12,"The march was part of a nationwide push to jump-start the reforms, an effort that included more than 150 rallies in 40 states. Organizers estimated that more than 100,000 people participated nationwide.",11 +14,"PRIMARY +",13 +13,"Representative Terrance W.H. Tom, the Democrat who heads the House Judiciary Committee, said, ""The judicial branch of government has at this point refused to recognize this legislative policy and continues to act on a path which if left unchecked will represent a very dangerous departure in our democratic tradition.""",12 +13,"Since his impassioned remarks at the Democratic convention about his sister, Nancy, who died of lung cancer in 1984, Vice President Al Gore has been shadowed by questions about his former ownership of a tobacco farm in his home state of Tennessee.",12 +13,Warner: Obama made right call on immigration,12 +6,Gun control in America,5 +5,OUR OPINION: Don't wed rite to Constitution,4 +13,"- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.",12 +6,"the repeal is needed to allow District residents to protect themselves in their homes, where the law bars them from keeping guns.",5 +6,"A hundred more laws wouldn't have stopped them, or whatever accomplices they may have had.",5 +6,New driver's license rules kick in early,5 +6,"It's official. Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic is taking matters into its own hands. +",5 +7,the consequent price we pay in criminal activities by extremist groups and drug dealers.,6 +13,The NRA holds bill hostage,12 +13,GOP governor's race a gun-lover's dream,12 +11, It was the first time a Massachusetts jury had recommended execution in a federal case.,10 +13,"Sen. Chris Smith, D-Fort Lauderdale, said Monday the controversial law should be revised to allow law enforcement officers more leeway to investigate shootings of unarmed victims and make the self-defense protection less available to criminals looking for an out.",12 +7,Enforcement agents,6 +9,The immigrants said their water ran out after two days.,8 +8,Crackdown by Medicare Seeks to Verify Residency,7 +13,"""He has been very clear that he would need broad consensus among legislators for a special session, and that consensus is not there,"" Wadhams said.",12 +13," The measure was passed by the House, and the Senate is likely to begin debate today and approve the bill this week.",12 +13," +Rep. Steve Sviggum, the top House Republican, said the contracts won't survive in their current form. +",12 +11,"If you look at the graph above, you notice two things. First, that for several years the percent of states that allowed gay marriage (out of 51, once we included DC) tracked higher than the percent of the population that lived in same-sex marriage states. That's because it was small states that moved on it first: Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire. (And, yes, Massachusetts.) Now, the percent of the population that lives in gay marriage states tracks more closely with the percent of the population overall.",10 +6,Consideration of gay nuptials bill is delayed in Md. House,5 +5, Amend that state Constitution for its highest use,4 +13,GOP lawmakers join effort to restore food stamps,12 +7,"Criminal charges against Mayor Jason West, left, of New Paltz Village for marrying gay couples were reinstated yesterday by a judge in Ulster County Court who said public officials could not choose which laws to obey.",6 +6,PEACHTREE CITY: Ordinance to curtail smoking on agenda,5 +11,Is Florida about to break barrier to local gun laws?,10 +5,Jury awards Delray Beach man $1.2M from tobacco companies for wife's death from smoking,4 +1,"costs and lost wages, but no punitive damages",0 +12,NRA becomes silent about gun proposal,11 +8,nationwide background checks on buyers.',7 +12,Rally protests bill against gay vows,11 +13, a San Jose city councilwoman is proposing,12 +11,Bureau of Historic Preservation.,10 +9,heart health,8 +13,"Then-Texas governor Rick Perry made a personal appeal, accompanied by an entourage of PowerPoint-wielding staffers.",12 +13," +HEARING PLANNED ON GUN SHOWS",12 +14," +Missouri, others ask California to delay same-sex ruling",13 +5,Court: No right to carry concealed weapons in public,4 +13,But winds of change may be blowing on the Hill.,12 +6,MESSAGE OF IMMIGRATION BILL IS DISPUTED,5 +13,"The State Legislature has effectively changed the political debate on immigration, making it nastier and meaner. Now it is personal.",12 +13,Unlike his executive counterpart in San Francisco,12 +6,Loganville expects to ban smoking,5 +10,EX-SMOKER TEACHES TEEN-AGERS TO QUIT,9 +8,carrying concealed weapons,7 +13, the pitch of legislative talk about pro- and anti-gun control measures has taken on new urgency,12 +5,2010 Deportation Hearing Is Set for Obama's Aunt,4 +5,"The jury form asked whether Penry deliberately killed the woman, Pamela Moseley Carpenter; whether he was provoked; and whether he was a continuing threat to society. Jurors also were told that if other circumstances warranted a life sentence instead of death, they should answer ""no"" to one of those questions even if the actual answer was ""yes.""",4 +6,Limits on smoking in public advance,5 +13,"New Donald Trump Ad Highlights Father of Teenager Killed by Illegal Immigrant +",12 +13,N.J. civil-union bill rushes to a vote,12 +13,Democrats are powerless in capital,12 +5,constitutional ban,4 +7,Roof becomes the 63rd prisoner on federal Death Row - and the first to be sentenced to death for a hate crime. Only three federal inmates have been executed since 1988.,6 +13," And Florida Democratic Party chairman Rod Smith, who co-sponsored the bill in the Senate, said when Zimmerman ""moved the ground toward the confrontation,"" he took it outside the ""stand your ground defense.""",12 +10,"Sweeping up immigrants, sowing anxiety",9 +7,"Bellum, like hundreds of others, is trapped in a netherworld that may be unique to Pennsylvania: People who once got caught drag racing or stealing a loaf of bread are being swept into a net cast for dangerous felons. +",6 +6,a modified version of Gov. Sonny Perdue's tobacco tax,5 +3,"The pastors had gathered at Beulah Baptist Institutional Church to meet with members of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, a national organization that seeks to organize churches and community leaders around moral issues. Wednesday's meeting was the first of five gatherings in Florida to mobilize minority pastors for Amendment 2.",2 +13,"While such a turn of events is being cast as a major win for Democrats and the White House against the forces of Republican opposition, there's a strong case to be made that an open amendment process to the gun legislation might well doom it.",12 +13,Tennessee Congresswoman Is Criticized for Linking Porn to Gun Violence,12 +5,"Prosecutors said Friday they will not seek the death penalty for O.J. Simpson. +",4 +7,CASE NOW MURDER,6 +5,A federal judge halted the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui yesterday and threatened to remove the death penalty as a possible sentence for the Sept. 11 conspirator after a veteran government aviation lawyer improperly shared testimony and communicated with witnesses.,4 +13,"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's organization, Mayor Against Illegal Guns, is not about illegal guns; it is a front for gun control activities against law-abiding gun owners. +",12 +9,TOBACCO ACCORD IS FLAWED / HEALTH ADVOCATES SAY THE PROPOSED $206 BILLION DEAL FALLS SHORT ON EFFORTS TO DISCOURAGE SMOKING.,8 +6,GUN CONTROL: DO WE NEED IT?,5 +7,"After the shootings last year at Columbine High School, which left 15 dead",6 +6," the now-defunct national ban on assault weapons.) +",5 +12,MOST SAY SMOKING BAN IS A BUTT-IFUL THING,11 +12,"Many of those who attended wore T-shirts and carried signs reading ""Don't kill for me"" or ""Abolish the death penalty."" Others carried Bibles or American flags. As they marched toward the prison, they chanted for immediate abolition of the death penalty.",11 +5," Schilling said he was suing his former employer ""who fired me for being gay after I gave my partner a kidney."" Schilling has legal recourse because Iowa prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.",4 +1,"""We try to respond to employees' changes in lifestyle,"" said Likouris, who estimates that about 12 of Discovery's 850 employees have signed up for the benefits. ""We've also seen that it increases morale, which in turn raises productivity. And when recruiters contact me they are aware of the policy because some of the candidates are interested in it.""",0 +13,ROMNEY TAKES ON HOT TOPIC,12 +6," Until the 1980s, it was relatively difficult in most states to gain police permission to carry concealed handguns. Now 31 states have laws requiring police to issue concealed-weapon permits to people over 21 without criminal records who are willing to take a gun-training course.",5 +13,Federal employees played a key role in gay-marriage victories,12 +13,"Thomas D. Elias column: Obama's deportation policies could nudge Latino voters out of Democratic fold +",12 +5,Supreme Court to Decide Case On Bias Against Legal Aliens,4 +9,LAW CLOSES LOOPHOLE IN GUN SALES TO MENTALLY ILL,8 +10,"The provision denies gay and lesbian couples who were legally married in their state more than 1,000 federal benefits and programs, ranging from Social Security survivors' payments to tax advantages.",9 +5,COLORADO'S LENIENT JUDICIAL SYSTEM HELPS CRIME FLOURISH,4 +11,A lot of people are responsible for the wave of same-sex weddings sweeping the nation of late,10 +5,Tobacco Industry Must Turn Over Documents,4 +5,N.Y. court reverses gay marriage ruling,4 +8,Disarming stance: Take guns before threats turn to violence,7 +5,which joined an appeal by Flynt and the American Civil Liberties Union to the 8th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in St. Louis.,4 +6,Gun owners: Curbs,5 +12,"said Barbara Melin, director of advocacy",11 +7,"The execution, which took place in the old Stateville penitentiary here",6 +13,Gov. Christie's Misguided and Intolerant Veto,12 +9,"That's how Arthur Alalouf, the mentally unbalanced Brooklyn man who wounded four officers,",8 +9,safety efforts.,8 +9,Scared to death of cigarette smoke,8 +13,Trump hurtled past offensiveness into dangerous recklessness on Tuesday by suggesting violence as a means to prevent Clinton from nominating U.S. Supreme Court justices.,12 +12, But amendment supporters say,11 +6,"A bill in the works would provide for hospital-visitation and decision-making rights, an inheritance-tax exemption and a spousal state income-tax deduction. And partners of state employees would receive health insurance and pension coverage",5 +12, They know that three-fourths of all poll respondents favor capital punishment and that the population is programmed to applaud killing in the name of justice,11 +6,"The New York City law would not only have banned outdoor tobacco advertisements within 1,000 feet of school playgrounds, day-care centers and amusement parks, but also would have banned the posting of cigarette ads within five feet of store doors and windows unless the ads faced inward.",5 +11,"Experts say the difference in attitudes can largely be tracked to young people's exposure to homosexuality in everyday life. +",10 +5," Virginia requires residents to present two forms of identification to buy a gun, as well pass a computerized background check, and Mr. Cho showed a salesman his driver's license, a checkbook and his green card, because he had immigrated with his family from South Korea.",4 +13,Gay marriage gains momentum - thanks to conservative states,12 +5,"The Second Amendment to the Constitution reads, ""A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.""",4 +13,Electorate hands gay-rights groups several stinging defeats,12 +4," +THE IMMIGRATION COMPARISON IS FLAWED",3 +13,Tearful Obama takes steps on gun control,12 +15,Cause and effect,14 +5,G.I.'S NEWEST BATTLE. ARMY VET & KIDS FACE DEPORT FOR GREEN CARD GOOF,4 +10,When your mom and dad are undocumented,9 +11,"On Saturday, The New York Times ran an editorial on its front page headlined, ""End the Gun Epidemic in America."" It was the paper's first page-one editorial since 1920.",10 +10,Potential juror tells of pain over death-penalty role,9 +10,IMMIGRANTS FIND SPECIAL ASSISTANCE,9 +12,New Voice Of the NRA Sounds Familiar,11 +5,TOBACCO SETTLEMENT DECLINED,4 +5, That a murder trial has propelled a former Superior Court judge into the gubernatorial race is but the latest.,4 +3,"""It's granting recognition to something that is strongly against biblical values,"" he said.",2 +6,the ban,5 +12,First-ever majority favors gay marriage,11 +15,"Carol Bresnahan, Michelle Stecker",14 +6,greater federal oversight,5 +6,"Marriages specifically prohibited: A married person can't marry anybody else; between brothers and sisters or ""between an ancestor and a descendant,"" and between an uncle and a niece or an aunt and a nephew.",5 +13,"For their part, opponents of gun control could line up against any new restrictions at all, creating enough negative votes from the two camps to doom the legislation.",12 +11,Culture clash over guns ready for '18,10 +6,WHY I'M REWRITING 'STAND GROUND' LAW,5 +10," He said she ""hopes she can meet her son as soon as possible.""",9 +1,Hevesi Extends Pension Rights To Gay Spouses,0 +13,"Testing the resolve of Democrats, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared Sunday that there wouldn't be a government shutdown this week over the question of protecting immigrants brought to the country illegally as children, describing it as a ""non-emergency"" to be addressed next year.",12 +13," For the second time in two weeks, John McCain is taking his presidential campaign across the border.",12 +13,for the 2012 presidential primary ballot,12 +1,Delta and Gun Control,0 +3,"So when God made homosexuals who fall deeply, achingly in love with each other, did he goof? +",2 +11,"Bay Area rallies planned for DOMA, Prop. 8 decisions",10 +2,"ILLEGAL ALIENS SWAMP SYSTEM, AGENCY SAYS; SUSPECTS LET GO; LACK OF STAFF, FUNDING CITED",1 +7,"The following day, the 48-year-old Felker is to be executed for the November 1981 murder of Evelyn Joy Ludlam, a 19-year-old college student, in Houston County.",6 +5," +''While a trial in this case would be filled with rhetoric and hyperbole, it would be lacking in a viable public purpose,'' Mr. Williams wrote.",4 +9,The Smoke Around Veterans' Health,8 +5,"Fogel later found the state's lethal injection procedures were flawed and potentially unconstitutional if not fixed by state officials, who several years later devised new methods and constructed a new death chamber at San Quentin. Those reforms are now being challenged, and San Francisco U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg has inherited the case from Fogel.",4 +13,SCOTT OPEN TO A LOOK AT LAWS,12 +13,A federal issue,12 +5,"Editorial: Some clarity on needless, useless, dangerous Amendment 5",4 +13,"""I know that weakening the stranglehold of the gun lobby won't happen overnight,",12 +7," Permenter stabbed Pannell 16 times, mostly around her neck and heart, and left her in a pool of blood in her kitchen.",6 +13,SENATE TRIPS GAY WED BAN,12 +7,A prison official who works on Georgia's death row,6 +6,"""If you don't do this, and signs [banning guns] start popping up all over the place, and I have a sneaky feeling it's going to happen. . . . You can always vote with your feet until such time as everyone decides to do it,""",5 +13,"But the five Democrats - Seth Williams, Michael Turner, Dan McCaffery, Brian Grady, and Dan McElhatton - and the lone Republican, Michael Untermeyer, also differed in substantive ways.Turner said past efforts to defeat gun violence had failed because proponents of gun controls used the ""failed paradigm"" that pits public safety against the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms.",12 +5,12-member panel appointed,4 +5,"Philip Morris Cos. has denigrated the foreign cases as a bunch of ""copycat lawsuits"" that ""face insurmountable legal obstacles"" in U.S. courts. One of its in-house lawyers, Timothy Lindon, characterized them as ""little more than an attempt by plaintiffs' lawyers to use the U.S. courts to generate legal fees for themselves.""",4 +5, creating legal,4 +5,"A San Francisco Superior Court judge ruled the ban unconstitutional, but Schwarzenegger noted that the case was before a state appeals court and was likely to be decided by the California Supreme Court.",4 +6,IMMIGRATION BILL BATTLE ENDS,5 +6,"""exposed a vulnerability"" in immigration law,",5 +7,"Investigators, who suspect Dennis L. Rader in a decades-old string of 10 slayings, are looking into whether he was responsible for an additional three killings -- including at least one that occurred after the restoration of Kansas' death penalty in 1994, the source told the Associated Press on condition of anonymity.",6 +5,"The court, without comment, turned down a request to block gay marriages in Florida while the state appeals a judge's order that its ban is unconstitutional. Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas said they would have granted the motion, but they did not explain their reasons.",4 +13,Both Clinton and Sanders were in the Senate at the time Congress passed PLCAA,12 +9,"""We have lost 50,000 in our streets at home"" since the war started, he added. ""Eighty Americans are killed a day by gun violence. Nine children a day are killed.""",8 +13,"A lengthy House hearing on the bill Friday offered a preview of the upcoming debate, with advocates on both sides making impassioned pleas about whether the state should drop its requirement that marriage be between a man and a woman.",12 +7," ""No one's going to be making any excuses here for this crime. There isn't any.""",6 +13,"The legislation, with near unanimous support from both parties, was delayed by negotiations on the separate Brady bill - calling for a waiting period on handgun purchases.",12 +13,"""We believe that this is a proposal that can bring people together in Minnesota ... to improve the background check system that we currently have while holding felons responsible for the crimes that they commit.""",12 +5,Among the documents given to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court before it halted Banks' execution last week,4 +13,2012 election cycle.,12 +13,"Dole Tries to Talk About Jobs, but Tobacco Keeps Intruding",12 +1,N. Va. Cities Weigh Cigarette Tax Hike,0 +1,"it didn't hesitate to call on Lorillard Tobacco Co. + +It didn't matter that the nation's fourth-largest tobacco company produces more than 38 billion cigarettes a year in Greensboro",0 +5,Change by FBI affects gun law,4 +5,The little boy was one of dozens of young defendants who saw Rowan during a juvenile docket day - a separate court calendar set aside for kids - at New York Immigration Court this month.,4 +12,"""You have betrayed us Clinton,"" read one sign, as San Francisco's gay community protested Clinton's support for legislation allowing states to deny legal recognition of same-sex marriages.",11 +5,"The decision, dated Friday, was released yesterday.",4 +7,And deportations of undocumented immigrants are at a record high.,6 +8,"""Why didn't you have metal detectors here when my life was threatened,""",7 +11,High school teens' smoking declines,10 +13,Warner Amends 2 Gun Stands,12 +13,Governed by Extremes,12 +5,U.S. Supreme Court poised to take up gay marriage,4 +6, shredding one of the country's strictest local gun bans.,5 +5,"amendment that would not bar employers from offering benefits to gay couples. +",4 +5,Weld gun permits skirt law,4 +12,Same-sex marriage inching toward general acceptance,11 +3,"Disregard for the value of human life, a moral problem, takes lives. No amount of gun control will change that attitude.",2 +1,"RJR Nabisco, which has won the confidence of investors who are eagerly snapping up its stock and cheers from Wall Street for the company's chairman, Louis V. Gerstner Jr., has fundamental problems in its tobacco business. + +Revenue from cigarette sales is the cash spigot that RJR Nabisco counts on heavily to help pay off its remaining debt and stem yearly earnings losses. + +The entire industry has to cope with declining cigarette sales over all. But RJR Nabisco's problems center on an especially sharp drop in the sales of the full-price brands made by the company, like Winston and Salem, which account for half of its unit sales of cigarettes. Steady price increases have prompted ever more smokers to seek lower-cost brands in the last few years. + +As a result, the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, the cigarette subsidiary, has lost millions of full-price smokers to discount cigarette brands, both its own and those of rivals like Philip Morris and Brown & Williamson. In 1990 alone, Reynolds lost sales of more than 15 billion full-price cigarettes, the equivalent of more than two million people smoking a pack a day for a year. + +While this trend affects other cigarette companies, Reynolds has been more vulnerable because many of its brands are bought by less affluent smokers in their 40's and 50's. They are more likely to defect to off-brands, like Buck and Lark, or cut back on smoking than younger people in their 20's and 30's. +",0 +13,Time for rational debate,12 +13," +Thurman, who voted against the weapons ban in 1994, disputed claims from supporters of the ban that she and others have caved in to pressure from the National Rifle Association. + +""This is a constitutional issue,"" said Thurman, whose 5th Congressional District also covers all or part of six other counties. ""I took no money from the NRA in the '94 campaign because I wanted people to know I was truly opposed to the principle of this.""",12 +11,"If Burress watches the Giants play the Cowboys tonight,",10 +13,Kaine Says He Will Campaign Against Same-Sex Marriage Ban,12 +5,DEATH OFF TABLE IN LOTTO SLAYING,4 +13,"The ad is set to air in Tucson and other cities for one day. It will run for a week on Washington cable stations, Politico reported. +",12 +7, He is sentenced to die for the rape and murder of his girlfriend's daughter in 1993,6 +13," +More than a dozen pro-gun bills have already been filed for the new legislative session that began three weeks ago. ",12 +5," and the court is now short two of its seven permanent justices. A third justice is scheduled to leave this month. +",4 +3,"Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Bishops of the United States, as well as leading Protestant and Jewish leaders, have come out against capital punishment, which has likewise been declared barbaric by European countries. +",2 +4," +New Trial Is Sought for Inmate Whose Lawyer Slept in Court",3 +11,Chicagoans Get Their Last Shot,10 +5,"Meanwhile, a judge in San Francisco ruled Monday that California's ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional. Gay-marriage opponent Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel said he would appeal that ruling. +",4 +5,"ROSECUTORS COULD SEEK DEATH PENALTY IN STORE CLERK'S SLAYING +",4 +1,Cigarette companies,0 +13,"The council voted unanimously Thursday to direct City Manager Wayne Cauthen to implement a domestic-partner benefit program by May 1, 2004.",12 +12,Marriage on the Ballot,11 +15,"The Gun Report: October 1, 2013",14 +5,Jury recommends life in prison for murderer,4 +12,"Polls show the epic losing streak is likely to continue with North Carolina's vote. But gay rights advocates are hopeful that Maryland voters could be among the first to break the streak by affirming same-sex marriage in a November vote. +",11 +9,"Welcome to a town hall meeting of the Tobacco Communities Project, where University of Virginia researchers are endeavoring to bring the warring factions in the tobacco debate face-to-face in hopes of promoting some understanding.",8 +5, Thursday after Attorney General Mark R. Herring announced that he would join a lawsuit seeking to have it declared unconstitutional.,4 +4,Hef: Gays' fight is for everyone,3 +13, Gov. Mike Easley is to be commended for supporting legislation that enables undocumented immigrants to attend community colleges.,12 +6,"We should use care, of course, to lessen our risk in a non-discriminatory manner. Contrary to a popular trend, capital punishment should not be limited to killers of specific classes of people. The life of a politician or police officer is no more important than the life of an ordinary John Doe.",5 +6,A HUNTERDON COUNTY COMMUNITY BANS PUBLIC SMOKING BY YOUTHS,5 +6,This country and state allow guys such as Ortega to openly carry loaded firearms almost anywhere with impunity. That more of them don't is not pure luck.,5 +13,"'Warning shot' legislation goes to Scott +",12 +13,Democratic gov. candidate Jeff Greene: NRA 'turns our kids into target prac-tice',12 +7,"""It is essential that the Congress hear, under oath, from the men responsible for running these companies and the scientists who direct their nicotine research programs,"" Waxman said.",6 +11, the most in such a brief period of time in more than two decades.,10 +5, The solicitor general is the top Justice Department attorney who represents the federal government in appearances before the Supreme Court.,4 +13,"Obama may sway gay marriage vote Minnesota, expected to go his way, will also cast ballots on ban for same-sex unions.",12 +13, But President George W. Bush,12 +5,"Jacke's ruling is expected this week, and while her decision carries no legal weight in an appeal, a decision for Deskiewicz would be the first anywher",4 +13,"The bill easily passed the House and unanimously cleared the Senate Public Safety Committee, but hit a snag on the Senate floor Friday when some Atlanta Democrats teamed with Republicans to delay it on a procedural vote. The Republicans indicated, however, that they voted against the measure only in an effort to expand it to the manufacturers of all products, not just guns. +",12 +6,A Gun Bill in the House,5 +15,"Immigration debate: Responses to ""Last stop for immigrants,"" Metro, July 30",14 +6,that would have expanded the definition of illegal obscenity to include violence in the media and barred the sale or exhibit of violent materials to children under 17.,5 +1,"Although undocumented workers are not eligible for federal benefits, the report released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration concludes that federal law is ambiguous on whether these workers qualify for a tax break based on earned income called the additional child tax credit.",0 +7,Underage Smoking's Low-Key Opponent,6 +14,"RIMARY +",13 +15,"OPEN DOOR MEETINGS HELD FOR GAY, LESBIAN SENIORS",14 +1,"""Growing interest in new flavor sensations among younger adult consumers may indicate new opportunities for enhanced-flavor tobacco products that could leverage Newport's current strength among younger adult smokers,"" the study said, citing a 1993 document from Newport manufacturer Lorillard. + +Brown & Williamson consumer research noted as far back as 1984 that flavored cigarettes would be much more popular among young adults. +",0 +15,Gay marriage push faces shoves,14 +12,public pressure,11 +13,"In most of the intervening years, the gun lobby didn't have to do anything to stop Scott's bill because the Georgia General Assembly has comprised mostly members who believe that toting a weapon is a God-given right. +",12 +12,Who's afraid of the NRA?,11 +15,What's The Rush?,14 +13," and former Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, President Obama decried a Senate vote defeating gun control legislation, saying a minority of senators ""blocked common-sense gun reforms even while these families looked on from the Senate gallery.""",12 +13,Sen. Hillary Clinton tried to put her biggest stumble of the campaign in the rearview mirror yesterday by coming out against driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.,12 +11,"San Francisco Married 4,037 Same-Sex Pairs From 46 States",10 +5,"After a hearing Thursday, a District Court judge, Henry E. Hudson, lifted an order blocking the execution, saying Mr. Prieto's lawyers had not adequately demonstrated that the drugs were unsafe. He said it was in the public interest for the execution to proceed as planned.",4 +13,'Schumer & Schumer' renew gun-law push,12 +15,A Modest Proposal,14 +5,Excerpts From Ruling on Gay Marriage,4 +13,Bush backs action to bar gay marriage,12 +6,Is the death penalty worth this?,5 +5,"Roberts: ""All you're interested in here is the label, and you insist on changing the definition of the label."" +",4 +1, the tobacco industry,0 +7,"Killed that day were Lennis Harris Jr., 24; LaJuan Coleman, 27; Jamal Holloway, also 27; and Jonathan Skinner, 26. All were from Durham except Skinner, who lived in Raleigh.",6 +9, That means the public-health threat from smoking in casinos is about to become far more troubling.,8 +13,THE 1998 ELECTIONS: STATE BY STATE -- WEST,12 +5,JUSTICE DEPT. REJECTS COMPLAINT AGAINST DOWD OVER GUN CAMPAIGN,4 +1,"As Reynolds Looks Ahead, a Familiar Leader, Susan Cameron, Guides the Way",0 +7,TWO PUT TO DEATH AFTER PLEAS FAIL,6 +5," The First Amendment bars the government from meddling in church affairs, and that premise is not under challenge either.",4 +5,D.A.'S OFFICE HINTS AT DEATH PENALTY IN MILL CREEK SLAYINGS THE PROSECUTOR ALSO ASKED THAT TRIALS IN THE DEC. 28 KILLINGS OF SEVEN BE HELD IN A SPECIAL SECURE COURTROOM.,4 +13,"As the Maryland General Assembly prepares to convene on Wednesday, we hope that legislators will decide against the death penalty in Maryland.",12 +5,Death row woman gets reprieve,4 +13,"Ridge tried to make it to Washington for the vote on Wednesday afternoon but arrived late. And as bad luck would have it, his vote could have broken a 212-212 tie on an important amendment to the omnibus crime bill before Congress.",12 +7," +CRIME & JUSTICE",6 +13,Cuomo Proposes a Crackdown To Stem Flood of Illegal Guns,12 +13,Dean's Gun Stance Draws Rep. Kennedy's Ire,12 +5,"The NLRB, Rehnquist wrote, ""asks that we . . . allow it to award backpay to an illegal alien for years of work not performed, for wages that could not lawfully have been earned and for a job obtained in the first instance by a criminal fraud.""",4 +5,REHNQUIST LOBBIES AGAINST MAKING HANDGUN MURDER A FEDERAL CRIME,4 +3,CHURCH FINDS PASTOR GUILTY IN BLESSING OF GAY UNION,2 +11,Wisdom on gay marriage,10 +15,IMMIGRATION DATA ON LINE,14 +3,Eye-for-an-Eye Incivility,2 +11,On Multi-Cultural Education,10 +5,"Joe Green, the defense attorney for Michael Worthington, who has pleaded guilty of raping and murdering Mindy Griffin three years ago, said Braun's statements to the press had tainted the court proceedings.",4 +9, Later images show students in backpacks and a woman watching a young boy heading off to school. ,8 +5,Court to hear Olga Franco's appeal today,4 +7,FEDS NAB 100 ILLEGAL ALIENS,6 +10,Smoking can break your heart too,9 +5,"We conclude that LSA-R.S. 14:95.1 serves a compelling governmental interest that has long been jurisprudentially recognized and is grounded in the legislature's intent to protect the safety of the general public from felons convicted of specified serious crimes, who have demonstrated a dangerous disregard for the law and the safety of others and who present a potential threat of further or future criminal activity. +",4 +11,with smokers,10 +14, consumers are hungry for most things Western,13 +12,"Fifty-nine percent of Americans polled oppose same-sex marriage, up 4 percentage points from last month.",11 +3,"Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops on Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 in a committee hearing on domestic partnerships +",2 +9,"Mr. Murthy is a Yale-trained physician, an instructor at Boston's prestigious Brigham and Women's Hospital and a health technology entrepreneur.",8 +5, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the Constitution categorically bars capital punishment for crimes committed before the age of 18.,4 +13,The 19 lawmakers are members of the moderate Tuesday Group. And Demo-crats aim to revive the assault-weapon ban.,12 +5, conflicts with the Second Amendment right to bear arms.,4 +13,"Congress will get its first close look at the settlement today, when Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, quizzes the chief negotiators at a hearing.",12 +6, Virginia Approves Bill Shielding Tobacco Assets,5 +10,Sense of Calm As Gay Couples Wed Legally In California,9 +11,"Right. How many people over the age of, say, 18, routinely tape cartoon posters on their bedroom or locker walls?",10 +10,Atmosphere breeds fear on all sides,9 +8,"Concealed carry does not turn a state into Dodge City. Over the past 10 years, concealed carry has become more popular",7 +5,Interpreting the 2nd Amendment,4 +5,Wedding vendors elsewhere who refused to accommodate same-sex couples have faced discrimination lawsuits and lost. Legal experts said Discover Annapolis Tours sidesteps legal trouble by avoiding all weddings.,4 +6,"The amendments won, often by huge margins, in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah and Oregon -- the one state where gay-rights activists hoped to prevail. The bans won by a 3-to-1 margin in Kentucky and Georgia, 3-to-2 in Ohio, and 6-to-1 in Mississippi.",5 +13,N.R.A. Says Trump May Retreat on Gun Control,12 +1,$ 14 billion,0 +7," But the requirement that crime guns be destroyed reflects a trend among police departments nationwide. +",6 +1,to the industry,0 +10,Carol Anastasio and Mimi Brown were unfazed by the news yesterday that they may not ,9 +13,The NRA action ended months of internal debate as the nation's best-known gun-rights group sought to balance its lukewarm feelings for Earley with Warner's aggressive courtship of the organization.,12 +5, Every execution is cruel and unusual.,4 +5,BIG-TIME LAW FIRMS FIGHTING THIS LEGAL WAR,4 +13,Bloomberg's aggressive stance against guns,12 +15,BUSY WEDDING SEASON AHEAD,14 +7,"Barrow, of Camden, N.J. was charged with the 1985 murder of Kizzy Ann Brooms in January after DNA lifted from saliva on a cigarette butt found at the murder scene matched Barrow's, police said.",6 +5,"Four federal appeals courts, including the San Francisco-based United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in this case, have declared the mandatory-detention provision unconstitutional at least as applied to lawful permanent residents, who have more rights than aliens who have not been lawfully admitted into the country.",4 +9,Experts rethink lethal injection,8 +1,for the tax increase.,0 +7,"Thomas and three of his friends were arrested Jan. 12, 2001. But within four weeks, a different man - Shihean Black - told police he was the killer.",6 +13,SENATORS CLASH ON QUESTIONING A COURT NOMINEE,12 +6,CONCEALED GUN BILL REAPPEARS,5 +6,. One would require buyers to show that they can handle a weapon safely. Buyers would also have to show that they are aware of their legal responsibility to keep loaded guns away from children.,5 +7,ILLEGAL: Depends on whom you know,6 +5,licensed,4 +5,"The other case will settle California's Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in that state after a court had ruled it was legal. +",4 +7,BOOTLEG CIGARETTES trafficked on Indian reservations,6 +12,"About 250 people --- African-American ministers and congregants --- waded into the fray Monday night by urging support of the Senate-passed constitutional ban, which has been opposed by most black lawmakers.",11 +7,"But when Rubio checked in last month at the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service office in San Francisco, he was arrested, jailed and told he would be deported for the 1972 felony - an offense for which he had already served months in jail.",6 +1,"""It's driven by what the market wants.""",0 +5,"Whether immigration officials properly rejected his political defense was a second important issue in the case, with the Justices also ruling that the lower court had failed to defer to administrative judgment that the actions were criminal.",4 +5,PRESSURE ON NEGOTIATORS RISES AS MORE TOBACCO TRIALS NEAR,4 +7," +DEATH PENALTY",6 +7,Fla. mom convicted of daughter's murder,6 +1,"Combine those arguments with the county's already low 3 percent unemployment rate, and the issue has become as divisive locally as it is nationally.",0 +1,Gay-marriage ruling brings flood of donations to groups on both sides,0 +7,She claims that she didn't know there was a warrant for her arrest and is angry that she may not get the handgun for awhile.,6 +6,"Federal law bans gun purchases by people convicted of or under indictment on felony charges, fugitives, the mentally ill, those with dishonorable military discharges, those who have renounced U.S. citizenship, illegal aliens, illegal-drug users, and those convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or under domestic violence restraining orders. State laws add other categories; for Pennsylvania, that includes repeated drunken driving and some juvenile offenses.",5 +5,Semiautomatic right,4 +12,HATE MAIL FOLLOWS ARTICLE ON HER IMMIGRANT KIDS' TEACHER TARGETED,11 +9,Health Officials Urge Warnings on Cigars,8 +13,MASSACHUSETTS LAWMAKERS REJECT GAY-MARRIAGE COMPROMISE,12 +13,"Last week, Gov. Bill Owens summoned the legislature back into session on short notice to deal with illegal immigration, forcing most lawmakers and legislative staff to cram months of work into a few days.",12 +10,"""One of the benefits of marriage is divorce,""",9 +7,"Enforcement of the ordinance would be handled by the city's police department. The fine for a violation would be $ 1,000. +",6 +5, in response to a Hawaii court finding that the state was denying civil rights in not allowing same-sex couples to marry.,4 +9,was not informed of his severe mental illness.,8 +9,Taking away people's rights has never made the nation's streets any safer.,8 +1,Sponsors supported by private sector donations may end up spending more than $ 30 million on immigrant expenses until the new arrivals are able to support themselves.,0 +5, It likely will be up to the courts to protect the rights of Floridians who have entered into legal agreements for financial and medical reasons.,4 +12,"Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, of which I am director",11 +13,"AS A candidate, Donald Trump pledged ""zero tolerance for criminal aliens,"" a stance, stripped of its tough-guy rhetoric, that might not have represented too drastic a departure from President Barack Obama's prioritization of undocumented felons for deportation",12 +12,Almost 80 percent of Americans and legal immigrants are against illegal immigration,11 +5, the ruling that struck down Proposition 8 in California and likely will send the issue of same-sex marriage to the U.S. Supreme Court.,4 +6,'STAND YOUR GROUND' CHANGE PROPOSED,5 +3," ''IT WAS a worthless killing to begin with; there was no reason for it,''",2 +15," +'SHAM' AT BX. MARKET: SUIT",14 +15,Our Founding Illegals,14 +7,"That has some Colorado law enforcement officials worried about more guns getting in the wrong hands. +",6 +15,UP IN SMOKE,14 +11,"One day shortly after graduation, I was amid the huddled mass outside of some smoke-free building. We were all puffing away, enjoying the camaraderie of the weak, the imperfect.",10 +9,Limiting Teen-Age Access to Cigarettes,8 +11,"In the latest gun-control ranking of the states by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, seven of the 10 states with the strongest gun laws in 2013 also had the lowest rate of gun deaths: Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and California. Conversely, many states with the weakest gun laws had the highest gun-death rates. +",10 +3,Evolving decency,2 +14,State goes overseas for lethal injection drug,13 +5,"Cities, counties plan immigrant legal aid after Trump's win",4 +15,Letters Smoking outside,14 +7,U.S. ENFORCEMENT AGENCY HAS ITS SHARE OF ENEMIES,6 +5,"Having Toppled D.C. Ban, Man Registers Revolver",4 +13,"This year, Mr. Rector had somewhat different findings, and they received a very different reception from leading conservatives. +",12 +5,"Defense attorney Gerald Williams said he planned to appeal the sentence. +",4 +13,"House Republicans are trying to please the gun lobby by refusing to vote this week on firearms restrictions, Vice President Al Gore said at the Capitol on Thursday.",12 +13," +We hope Mr. Corzine intends to prod legislators into passing such a law early in the 2009 session",12 +1, intended to make the United States more competitive in a global economy.,0 +13,Bowser - the 'mayor who hates guns' - champions March for Our Lives and steps into national spotlight,12 +10,He said many of the benefits already are available.,9 +9,trigger locks,8 +1,"The visas bring nearly100,000 ""highly skilled"" contract workers, mostly in tech and mostly from India, to the United States every year.",0 +3,"Is It Okay to Refuse to Serve Same-Sex Couples Based on Religious Beliefs? +",2 +11, according to the newspaper.,10 +6,BILLS REVERSE 'STAND' BURDEN,5 +13,"In Texas, Clinton presses for new gun restrictions",12 +1,"R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. lobbyist John O'Connell said the move could potentially have damaging effects to Illinois businesses, particularly in border areas such as the Metro East where an Illinois consumer might go to a Missouri retailer to buy flavored cigarettes. Adults, he added, should be able to make their own choices.",0 +13,llinois Gov. George Ryan ,12 +12,"protesters have called for the repeal of ""stand your ground"" in light of the verdict.",11 +3," The article included a biblical verse from Leviticus: ''If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.''",2 +6,"Under the plan, gun purchasers would apply for permits through the Department of Public Safety much like motorists apply for driver's licenses. The cost of photo permits would be comparable to the $ 5 fee in Mr. Scott's bill for instant background checks and the permit would be good for two to three years, allowing immediate, unlimited purchases.",5 +5,"Ritter said that he had heard one person comment that if patrons of the King Soopers store had concealed weapons, the outcome might have been different.",4 +6,"Another Moratorium on State-Sponsored Killing +",5 +5," Prosecutors said the 68-year-old actor and his bodyguard, Earle Caldwell, plotted the slaying for months.",4 +6,New Law in Massachusetts Strict on Youth With Guns,5 +3,"The United Church of Christ became the first mainline Christian denomination to support same-sex marriage officially when its general synod passed a resolution on Monday affirming ''equal marriage rights for couples regardless of gender.'' + +The resolution was adopted in the face of efforts to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. It was both a theological statement and a protest against discrimination, said the Rev. John H. Thomas, the president and general minister of the denomination, which has 6,000 congregations and 1.3 million members. + +''On this July 4, the United Church of Christ has courageously acted to declare freedom, affirming marriage equality, affirming the civil rights of gay -- of same-gender -- couples to have their relationships recognized as marriages by the state, and encouraging our local churches to celebrate those marriages,'' Mr. Thomas said at a news conference after the vote by the General Synod. + +The synod's decisions are not binding and the vote will not require pastors to provide marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples. Some United Church of Christ ministers already perform such ceremonies. + +While the United Church of Christ has not had the widespread divisions other major denominations have experienced over homosexuality, some member churches had said that such a vote could prompt them to leave the denomination, and one group called for Mr. Thomas's resignation when he announced his support of the resolution. +",2 +13,"But even some Democrats are taking a cautious stance. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) predicted recently that Obama's most ambitious proposal -- an outright ban on assault weapons -- has almost no chance of passing the Republican-led House. +",12 +7, No one is on death row in the state.,6 +1,say marketing strategies such as these,0 +1,"which cost $3,500 to $10,000 each; Mr. Barrett said the Department of Defense spent about $8 million on his firearms last year.",0 +10,that society was powerless to stop Michael McDermott.,9 +7,An undocumented immigrant fires a gun on a Brooklyn sidewalk to frighten off gang rivals.,6 +7,"Alejandro Jose Grant, who asked for the death penalty but was sentenced Monday to life imprisonment for shooting a woman to death after her car accidentally bumped his bicycle",6 +13,"The silence of Steve Croley, the White House's point man on gun regulation policy, echoes the decision by Democrats to remain mute on guns as a national issue,",12 +7,Va. to Ignore U.S. Rules on Tobacco Sales,6 +7,only to those people without a criminal record ,6 +7," That's a lot more con-sideration than he showed for Muriel Hatchell of Newport News when he broke into her home, took $3,000 and choked her to death when she refused to say where there was more money.",6 +5,"The drive for the amendment began this spring when 3,000 marriage licenses were issued to gay couples by officials in Multnomah County in the Portland area.",4 +9,"The agents were relieved instead of outraged because the smuggled immigrants, who included women and children, had wandered across a U.S. Navy bombing range without getting blown up, survived being stranded under a scorching sun when their two vehicles broke down, and made it through some of the harshest desert terrain in the United States without dying of dehydration or exposure.",8 +6,Smoking bans may have no borders;,5 +5,"""well-established antipathy to the Second Amendment""",4 +13,"Every now and then the public gets a glimpse of the George W. Bush who is a calm realist on immigration, a former governor of a border state who knows, likes and understands Latino immigrants. It's an identity sharply at odds with that of many other members of his Republican Party, especially the snarlers clustered on its right wing.",12 +11,DAMON'S HIT BY NRA FLAK,10 +13,Biden spotlights rift with remark on gay marriage,12 +9,Stop-smoking ads rely on getting 'real',8 +9,Weapon of choice for sick minds,8 +5,"The justices' decision, expected in 90 days, is expected to play a role in the ongoing battle over same-sex marriage in California. The state is appealing a judge's ruling in March that declared the state's ban on gay marriages unconstitutional.",4 +12,Same-sex couples urge immediate resumption of gay marriages,11 +1," +Schweitzer-Mauduit is the world's largest supplier of fine papers to the tobacco industry and has exclusive rights to supply the new paper to Philip Morris in the U.S. market. The company also makes specialty papers used in consumer and business products. +",0 +13,Trump to Revive Push on Immigration Crackdown on Long Island Trip,12 +12,Gun control group puts bull's-eye on McCollum,11 +10,equal-benefits,9 +13,"Comstock, Bennett deliver pitches to Muslim voters",12 +10,a statewide tobacco use reduction program,9 +5,Decision delayed in Boggess homicide case,4 +1,The merger of cigarette-makers R.J. Reynolds and Brown & Williamson has brought new life to a nearly abandoned plant.,0 +9,"Landers, of Lauderhill in neighboring Broward County, has been cancer-free for nearly three years. He first smoked a cigarette at age 9.",8 +5,"The Supreme Court gave the green light for a Florida death row inmate to challenge that state's lethal-injection procedures through a federal civil rights lawsuit, in a unanimous ruling that underscored the pivotal role of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in the court's death-penalty jurisprudence. +",4 +5,Defense lawyers introduced Terry L. Nichols to prospective jurors on Monday and asked them to give him a fair trial on state murder charges that could send him to death row in the Oklahoma City bombing.,4 +7,"In response, the state prison commissioner, Mike Haley",6 +7,Haitian Group to Be Released,6 +5,California Supreme Court to weigh gay marriage case again,4 +1,Fighting Firefox with fire,0 +5," +The constitutional clause grants citizens the right to bear arms.",4 +13,Obama to Seek Funds to Stem Border Crossings and Speed Deportations,12 +7,"When he was arrested in April 2017 on unrelated state charges, Perez allegedly admitted he was the shooter on the cell phone video. He allegedly said he borrowed the piece and fired it to scare off some members of a competing gang.",6 +4,"His case was not the first of its kind since Illinois reinstated the death penalty, as 10 people have been released as innocent since 1977.",3 +2,Staffs Reduced in Amnesty Program,1 +5,COURT THROWS OUT LAWSUIT ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,4 +3,"Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio is lending his voice and moral authority to battling some of the more draconian features of the immigration reform bills that are working their way through Congress. Brooklyn's Catholic spiritual leader has joined his colleague from Los Angeles, Roger Cardinal Mahony, in declaring that Catholic workers would ignore any provision that makes it a crime to ""assist"" immigrants in the country illegally.",2 +13,"In last-minute meeting, gun bills get House hearing",12 +4,"give the equivalent of marriage to same-sex couples. A year later, too often that has not been the case, according to a troubling report released by the New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission.",3 +15,"J. CULLMAN, 92, TOBACCO DEFENDER",14 +5, the high court blocked an order to immediately open the hearings. That order was issued last month by a federal judge who had ruled that the closed hearings were unconstitutional.,4 +7," +Police say Adam Lanza, 20, killed his mother in her bed before his Dec. 14 rampage and committed suicide as he heard officers arriving. Authorities have yet to give a theory about his motive.",6 +13,the battle cry from conservatives was muted at best.,12 +14,Mexican officials strongly denied today that they would agree to block migrants from crossing illegally into the United States or give American officials greater influence over their anti-drug efforts in return for $40 billion in proposed loan guarantees.,13 +13,"While the senators debated tobacco issues today, new figures showed that tobacco interests have been spending an extraordinary amount, more than $75 million over the last two years, lobbying Congress and the Federal agencies.",12 +10,"Obama, Biden console survivors, families of victims",9 +13,may have ended a long-standing political logjam,12 +12,Suburban Md. voters key to referendums' passage,11 +5,Virginia's same-sex marriage ban struck down,4 +1, don't think we should go to the expense and place a person on trial to have them executed ,0 +15,"The Gun Report: October 17, 2013 +",14 +1,tax,0 +13,"Now, Republican lawmakers are pressing regulators to stop banks from doing so, over concerns they are veering too far into social activism.",12 +1,Big Tobacco's Changing Tune,0 +9,Federal officials on Friday released a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who was detained in Texas on Oct. 25 after undergoing surgery because she was an undocumented immigrant traveling without her parents.,8 +9, pass a state-approved training course,8 +6,The ordinance allows smoking at outdoor events and in separately ventilated smoking rooms at taverns.,5 +9,disease,8 +6,Reckless gun bill still on target in Legislature,5 +7,"A fourth man pardoned by Ryan, Stanley Howard, remains in prison on an unrelated charge.",6 +2,"The number of illegal immigrants in the United States more than doubled during the 1990s, preliminary Census Bureau estimates show.",1 +7," but also carried by the alleged Aurora, Colo., movie-theater shooter and the Beltway snipers",6 +12,"They were standing next to each other in the pouring rain in Morrisville's Williamson Park, but they didn't exactly see eye to eye. + +Onstage, an anti-gun violence rally was in full swing, with preachers, parents and former Gov. Ed Rendell advocating for universal background checks on guns. In the crowd, anti-gun violence advocates intermingled with pro-gun rights protesters who had finished up a rally of their own an hour earlier.",11 +13,"But with relatively few states now holding neutral positions on same-sex marriage, there may be efforts to repeal constitutional bans that already exist, such as in California and Oregon.",12 +5,Calif. Court Won't Delay Gay-Marriage Ruling,4 +13,"However, as this past week dawned, it became clear that they were out on a limb that their colleagues were sawing off. Early in the week, Arizona's Jeff Flake (R), an undecided vote, came out against the bill's compromise for background checks on most gun sales. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) followed. And then Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.).",12 +5,"But if they are now united in purpose and strategy, past tensions, egos and disagreements over who deserves credit for the progress are still on display as the advocates try to position themselves be the ones to take that potentially historic case to the Supreme Court.",4 +13,STATE SENATE TAKES AIM AT LAWBREAKERS MORE PENALTIES: VOTES ON VARIOUS BILLS CREATE NEW CRIMES AND STIFFEN PUNISHMENT FOR OTHERS,12 +5,NRA targeting gun-right limits,4 +8,Concealed carry deters crime,7 +5,S.J. DISTRICTS FILE LAWSUIT AGAINST PROP. 187,4 +15,Week's end,14 +5,Justices to review handgun waiting period,4 +7,Where Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock bought his guns,6 +7,"""In 1987, they said the charge would be expunged from my record. I thought it was all over,"" he said. ""But at the [Kennedy] airport, they shackled my feet and waist like I was the Unibomber. I was forced to carry my hand luggage shackled. They chained me to a bench.""",6 +5,HEARING POSTPONED ON PARTNERS REGISTRY,4 +12,Gun Groups Fight Ban on Hidden Arms,11 +11,"He's envisioning a homecoming for gay people who left to marry elsewhere, including across the river in Canada. + +""Those gay kids that moved out to be accepted can come back,"" he says. ""New York state is their state. They can come home and be themselves.""",10 +13,"GAY MARRIAGE MAYHEM Issue may be hot, divisive issue in '04 election",12 +13,Governor's gay rights tightrope,12 +5,Lawyers for Carr have contended Carr cooperated because prosecutors promised to help him --- an agreement the prosecution says was never made. Carr was later tried and sentenced to death.,4 +1,"seeks to raise the price of cigarettes $1 a pack. + +The revenue would finance",0 +13,IMMIGRATION Deal for reform proves a struggle Negotiators reach agreement on some tough issues but are far apart on others. A vote on a bill is delayed until Monday.,12 +12,Immigration poll shows a sharp division,11 +5,"Yesterday's ruling stemmed from Denver District Attorney's Bill Ritter's challenge of a Nov. 24, 1993, decision by Denver Juvenile Judge David Ramirez. In his ruling, Ramirez held key provisions of the juvenile handgun law unconstitutional - most importantly, the section allowing youths to be held indefinitely without bond.",4 +13,"she vetoed concealed-carry gun legislation when she was governor of Kansas. +",12 +5,A report issued Friday opens the door to publicizing dozens - and potentially thousands - of documents that cigarette-makers are fighting to keep out of court,4 +6,"To qualify, both members of a couple would have to be unmarried, 18 years or older and sharing the same household with a partner who is not a blood relative",5 +5,Former officer's murder trial opens Aug. 7,4 +5,THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE,4 +7,MASS MURDERERS?,6 +13,Blunt signs bill that shields identity of state's executioners Supporters say measure protects workers,12 +5,Appeals court upholds ban on guns at Atlanta airport;,4 +13,Gov. Nixon's flippant comment on guns is disheartening,12 +10," But not far into Arizona, his dream turned into a nightmare.",9 +11, America's own self-image,10 +5, To what extent are aliens protected by the Constitution? To what extent do they enjoy First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly? Can immigration laws be used as an instrument of foreign policy? Does the Immigration and Naturalization Service consult with the State Department in deciding how to enforce the law?,4 +3,The main issue in the letter was that the accused did not receive the death penalty --- how in a relatively short time he would have the opportunity to be a free person again --- how it is dishonor to Deputy Sheriff (Kenneth) Wimberly's life and family that the accused be allowed to live.,2 +5,"IDEA IS HALF COCKED Low-polling Paul says curb Prez gun-control power Pros: Sorry, unconstitutional",4 +5, could badly hurt the rights of all Americans.,4 +13,But there's some dirty air you can't do much about -- like the poisonous Jerry Kilgore death penalty ads that have been floating across the airwaves and into Maryland.,12 +13,The talks include four House Democrats and four House Republicans who represent a cross-section of their caucuses and regions of the country affected by immigration.,12 +11,The retort comes from actor Dennis Quaid.,10 +6,UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: INS interviews students,5 +13,"In officially accepting the GOP presidential nomination, Donald Trump tried to finesse one of his favorite but false attacks on the campaign trail:",12 +5,"Prosecutors can now bring Mr. Brown to trial again, when they could once more seek the death penalty, or let him serve a life sentence on the original conviction.",4 +7,FEDS HEM IN 230 ILLEGAL WORKERS,6 +13,"In the weeks since the Senate passed new gun legislation, Rep. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) has heard an earful from his conservative constituents in suburban Marietta.",12 +10,"The calls for help or advice come about immigration procedures, Medicaid, domestic violence, translation services or even finding a good mechanic.",9 +8,"convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh, in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. The bombing killed 168 people and injured more than 500 others. ",7 +7,"In the wake of the Dec. 14 massacre of 20 children and six adults by a gunman at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.,",6 +13,Lawmakers Look to Boost Guns in School,12 +10,"Their husbands or boyfriends - the partners who often serve as translators, protectors and breadwinners - are gone. Some leave through divorce or estrangement or death.",9 +6,SMOKING DEAL PACKS CARTON OF IRONY,5 +7,A Role for B.A.T.F.,6 +15,Nutjobs add sinister side to debate,14 +5,STAY OF EXECUTION GIVEN,4 +13, Its elimination should please both social liberals and states-rights conservatives.,12 +5,The Court Was Right About Marriage,4 +1," worsening economic crisis we face,",0 +13,"Turning their sights beyond New York, advocates for the legalization of same-sex marriage have enlisted the Rev. Al Sharpton to help promote their cause in other states, particularly among black lawmakers and clergy.",12 +12,"More than half of Americans - 52 percent in the poll - say the shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., has made them more supportive of gun control; just 5 percent say they are now less apt to back tighter restrictions. Most also are at least somewhat worried about a mass shooting in their own community, with concern jumping to 65 percent among those with school-age children at home. +",11 +6,"""Under this proposal, they would be officially legal,"" Casas said. ""There would be no reason to deny them a driver's license.""",5 +13," On Thursday, Chicago's Mayor, Richard Daley,",12 +5,"As in all death-penalty cases, an appeal will automatically begin after Nadey's formal sentencing on April 12.",4 +9," as a new report from the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council proposed a research agenda to improve understanding of the public health aspects of gun violence. From the Council: +",8 +13," Although Hillsborough County commissioners have voted down a ""cooling-off"" period for handgun purchases twice in two years, a majority of commissioners now appear to support the idea.",12 +6,A ban on assault weapons is a beginning but not enough,5 +7,"Devier kidnapped, raped and murdered 12-year-old Mary Frances Stoner almost 16 years ago. The sixth-grader had just stepped off the school bus at the end of the dirt road that led to her family's home near Adairsville when Devier pulled her into his car. +",6 +8," +Initiative 594 would mandate background checks on everyone purchasing a firearm in Washington",7 +5,"A day earlier, California's Supreme Court halted the marriages that had been taking place at San Francisco City Hall, where 4,161 homosexual partners were wed over a month.",4 +5,"In Arizona, U.S. District Judge John Sedwick wrote in a ruling made public Friday that the state's restrictions on gay marriage were ""unconstitutional by virtue of the fact that they deny same-sex couples the equal protection of the law.""",4 +12,Support for Gun Control Seems Strong,11 +5,Why shouldn't they have the same rights as other law-abiding citizens?,4 +11," He made a short video with a filmmaker friend and posted it on Facebook on Monday, where it attracted more than 300,000 views in 24 hours.",10 +6,The proposed ban goes much farther than the federal ban on assault weapons that expired in 2004.,5 +5,"Fundamental constitutional rights shouldn't be decided in popular votes, countered attorney Carole Stanyar, who represents the plaintiffs in a case that began when a lesbian couple sued over state law barring them from jointly adopting their children. ""The Michigan marriage amendment gutted the democratic process,"" she said.",4 +7,"Michael E. Whitehead, Sumrall's neighbor in Indiana, testified that Sumrall shot him three times - once in the leg and twice at point-blank range in the abdomen - in October 1990 after Mr. Whitehead asked Sumrall to apologize for insulting his sister.",6 +5,"The Supreme Court ruled that if same-sex couples are legally wed by the laws of their state, then the federal government should treat them with equal consideration.",4 +5," Echoing points Justice Breyer made in his Glossip dissent, Mr. Tucker's lawyers said the death penalty violated the Eighth Amendment, which bans cruel and unusual punishment. +",4 +2,Missouri opens new facility for executions,1 +3,"People piled up in aisles, alcoves and doorways of St. Francis Xavier (College) Church at St. Louis University Tuesday night to hear Sister Helen Prejean discuss the death penalty.",2 +11,"Missouri has executed 77 people since 1976, the fifth-highest total in that span (trailing Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia and Florida). Between 2006 and 2013, Missouri executed four inmates, a number that could be doubled this year alone if an execution scheduled for next month takes place. This year, Missouri, Texas and Florida have combined to carry out more than three-quarters of the 27 executions that have occurred nationwide. (In June, Missouri and Florida - along with Georgia - carried out three executions in less than 24 hours.)",10 +8,Real thirst for better background checks,7 +11,Wisp of cigar tradition lingers,10 +13, and it won support from an influential Republican congressman for its proposal to dismantle the Immigration and Naturalization Service.,12 +5,"James Luther Clanton, who had been awaiting a trial that could have sent him to Death Row, has pleaded guilty to a 1992 murder and been sentenced to life without parole.",4 +5,535 PASS FIRST HURDLE ON FIRST DAY OF THE AMNESTY PROGRAM,4 +9," In California, that meant she could get Medi-Cal, California's version of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income Americans, and regularly see a doctor.",8 +13,GUN-BAN VETO IS LIKELY ASSAULT WEAPONS: BILL TO EXPAND LIST PASSES BY 1 VOTE,12 +10," with supporters announcing that they would give him a funeral ""befitting a statesman.""",9 +13,"The administration is calling on Congress to provide $10 million for the CDC research. +",12 +12,STUDENTS WANT TO SMOKE OUT THE TRUTH,11 +9,Pregnant Smokers' Legacy,8 +1,"For now, Big Tobacco interests seem happy to let individual bar owners cast this as a fight between big government and small businesses.",0 +6,With the fall Tuesday of the nation's last statewide ban on concealed weapons,5 +13,"Rep. Steve Stockman threatens to impeach Obama over guns +",12 +10,McVeigh wants execution to be televised Letter suggests whole city could watch,9 +1,Tax increase prods smokers to quit,0 +15,TAKE 2: LET'S TRY IT WITHOUT THE CIGARETTE,14 +13," GOP-dominated state legislatures. After the first ""stand your ground"" law passed in Florida in 2005, some version of it spread to more than 30 other states. In most of those states, the GOP controls the legislature, where any changes must be enacted. And even in states that do not lean heavily to the right, repealing the law will be difficult. To wit: new Hampshire, where Democrats control the state House and narrowed their disadvantage in the state Senate in 2012. A recent ""stand your ground"" repeal effort passed the House there but then was shelved in the Senate.",12 +1,gun shows ,0 +13,"From the start of this year's contest in Virginia -- the only other governor's race in 2001 is in New Jersey -- Republicans have boasted that they can beat Mr. Warner, a multimillionaire businessman, by portraying him as inexperienced and too liberal for Virginia. He has responded by running hard after moderates and cozying up to some conservatives, even gun rights groups.",12 +7,IMMIGRANTS ARE EASY FRAUD TARGETS; CONSULTANTS SHOULD HOLD STATE LICENSES AND BE SUBJECT TO FEDERAL GUIDELINES,6 +10,FOREIGN-BORN FEAR WELFARE REFORMS,9 +8,PANIC BUTTONS A DEFENSE IN PISTOL-PACKING CAPITOL,7 +6,The city of Chicago bans private citizens from keeping handguns in their homes. ,5 +7,Illegal gun sales being investigated,6 +1,"In the decades to come, tobacco companies bombarded the public with advertisements that, according to three lawsuits filed Friday in Pasco-Pinellas Circuit Court, implied their products were safe. Kent was the choice of educators and scientists. Doctors preferred Camels.",0 +5,"Now that retired U.S. District judge Vaughn Walker has revealed he is in a committed relationship with a man, do grounds exist to cancel his ruling that California's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional?",4 +6,More and more firms adopt smoking policies,5 +13, with lawmakers in Congress responding in different ways.,12 +13,SENATE OKS GUN RIGHTS AMENDMENT,12 +5,County Clerk in New Mexico Issues Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples,4 +13,"In the 1996 session, the Senate rejected the House-approved legislation after it was amended to require a statewide vote of approval. Later in the 1996 session, a House committee also rejected a version that would have put the change to a popular vote.",12 +5,Judge Gives Letter Bomber Death Sentence,4 +11,"In 1980, about one-third of those surveyed in the metro area said they were current smokers. By last year, the rate had been cut by more than half, according to the survey.",10 +1,"She proposed the city require all firearm dealers to pay a 3 percent tax on payroll and gross receipts. Currently, all businesses pay 1 1/2 percent of payroll and gross receipts.",0 +5,Vermont is the only state whose top court is considering the issue. The Vermont Supreme Court is expected to rule any day on a case filed by three gay couples who want the right to marry.,4 +13,"Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, accused Bush of a political ploy. ""This president can't talk about jobs. He can't talk about health care,"" he said. ""So he is looking for a wedge issue to divide the American people."" +",12 +13,"The day after a Wisconsin Senate committee voted to delay the smoking ban until 2010, Gov. Jim Doyle came to Hudson, the smoke filled front line of the battle, to urge lawmakers to snuff out smoking in bars and restaurants sooner than later.",12 +13,"People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group, released a Spanish-language radio ad calling Rubio ""just another Republican with a dangerous plan."" The ad is set to run in Denver and Miami, Rubio's hometown.",12 +7,"Before the murders,",6 +4,Advocates for Immigrants Say Suffolk Officials Foster Bias,3 +13, I'm often asked which of the two major political parties is better on immigration. It's a trick question. They're both dreadful.,12 +6,"Most immigrant visas, including the ''fiancee'' or K-1 visa, are ''one- entry'' visas. In other words, you cannot come and go without prior approval, which is not easy to obtain. And getting married does not automatically make your wife a legal permanent resident. You will have to fill out the paperwork, and may wait as long as a year to be interviewed.",5 +5,"Has everybody forgotten his civics lessons? The quintessential feature of our federal and state governments is the separation of powers among the three branches of government. Since Marbury v. Madison, one of the most fundamental aspects of the separation of powers has been that the judicial branch determines the constitutionality of statutes, not some functionary of one of the commonwealth's 67 county governments. +",4 +5,JUDGE STANDS BY RULING ON CONCEALED GUN LAW,4 +6,Marriage bill weighed in N.Y.,5 +5,"Scores of similar suits, asserting that lethal-injection procedures are illogical and potentially torturous, are pending around the nation. But, until recently, they had met with limited success, said Jamie Fellner, the director of the United States programs for Human Rights Watch, which will issue a report on lethal injections this month.",4 +5,"Carr said the decision to no longer seek the death penalty was ""an extremely difficult decision for me, and this office, to make.""",4 +1,many of them taking advantage of special airline discounts to fly to Washington.,0 +5,ILLINOIS TOWN FACES LAWSUIT AFTER LIMITING PISTOL USE,4 +8,you don't wish that those pilots had a firearm to give them a chance.,7 +3,"In a written statement issued through their lawyer, the family said, ""We have completely lost faith that the criminal justice system will render the only just punishment, the death penalty. . . . We now know that our search for a just punishment for Sara was a war we could not win.""",2 +6, is designed to keep assault rifles and handguns with barrels 5 inches long or less out of the hands of convicted and wanted felons. I,5 +15,The Marrying Kind,14 +7,"'Wet foot' policy fuels smuggling Athlete's case spotlights how Cubans find way to USA +",6 +5,"Why did Supreme Court punt on same-sex cases? +",4 +1,"Opinion: Why a labor union supports gay-marriage rights +",0 +6,", the issue of gun control has resurfaced, as it has in the wake of similar mass shootings.",5 +13,Trenton Debates Requiring Guns That Sense Owners,12 +13,SOME DOLE RHETORIC IS SILLY,12 +5,The judge in the retrial of a rabbi accused of arranging his wife's killing said today that she would tell jurors that the defendant was previously tried for murder and that no verdict was reached.,4 +11,Fewer Inmates on Death Row,10 +6,Smoke bans may save teens from tobacco,5 +7,Company accused of preying on detained immigrants is under investigation,6 +5,"The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday voided nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued to gay and lesbian couples last year in Multnomah County, ruling that a single county did not have the authority to act on a statewide issue.",4 +1," +""If we're going to sustain agriculture in Southern Maryland, we've got to find as many viable alternatives as we can,"" said Gary V. Hodge, an adviser to the Southern Maryland Tobacco Board. +",0 +7,Baltimore County Man Charged With Illegal Firearm Sales,6 +5,"The case is the first in which a foreigner was ruled inadmissible for having engaged in genocide, a grounds for denying admission since 1990.",4 +5,"Now that Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes has decided he has the power to determine the constitutionality of statutes enacted by the legislature and signed into law by the governor, who's next, the dogcatcher (""Montco defends stand on marriage,"" Aug. 20)? +",4 +5,Charges readied in sniper case,4 +5,"As long as students carry guns legally they should be able to carry on campus. They probably already do. +",4 +14,U.S. Criticized Over Death Penalty,13 +5,TOBACCO DEAL LEAVES IMPORTANT ISSUES SMOLDERING,4 +9,Illegal Immigrant Death Rate Rises Sharply in Barren Areas,8 +13,This is how Trump's deportations differ from Obama's,12 +1,"An overwhelming majority of Maryland farmers are expected to stop growing tobacco in return for state funds, especially now that it's likely they will be able to receive the buyout in one payment, according to an official helping to coordinate the program.",0 +12,"Rival gun rallies staying, so games have to go +",11 +5,But he said the newspaper isn't currently planning a legal challenge.,4 +7,Taking Steps to Reduce Gun Violence,6 +7,"Martinez-Villareal, who fatally shot two farm workers in 1982, has spent nearly two decades on death row and once came within eight hours of execution.",6 +7,"But that was before the Newtown massacre of 20 innocent first graders and six of their educators a little more than a month ago finally snapped us out of our avoidance mind-set. +",6 +1,Because of the sheer quantity of cigars and other tobacco products and because of the presence of several private collections,0 +13,House OKs GOP bill expanding gun owners' rights,12 +4,Hailed by its proponents as the closest domestic partners had come yet to enjoying the same rights as married couples,3 +5,Otter cited the state's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.,4 +5,"Attorney general wants ruling on constitutional protections +",4 +5,"The federal Capital Justice Act allows lawyers for indigent defendants facing the death penalty to apply for money for ""investigative, expert or other services"" that are ""reasonably necessary"" to assemble the kind of mitigating evidence that might persuade the jury to forego a recommendation of death.",4 +1,Williams Proposes Bonds Backed by Tobacco Funds,0 +7,"requiring jail sentences for criminals who use guns.""",6 +5,"Court, stenographer nearer showdown over transcript offer",4 +11,"Along the main drags of the pillowy, kudzu-sculptured Cumberland hills of Appalachian Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia and in West Virginia, shops like Cuz's are rural siblings of the wood-paneled pipe and cigar emporiums that survive in many cities. These stores, and the convenience stores that sell wide varieties of cheap tobacco products, are as common as churches.",10 +7,Adams also faces an attempted murder charge for pointing the weapon at a third worker.,6 +1,A Boost for Big Tobacco,0 +5,"IN TURNABOUT, U.S. SAYS MARRIAGE ACT BLOCKS GAY RIGHTS",4 +12,A misguided response to guns,11 +7,"John V. Kessler, 53, of St. Louis, was sentenced Friday in federal court to more than five years in prison for selling illegal firearms on eBay and other Internet sites.",6 +13,"mayor of New Paltz, Jason West",12 +11,Moving makeover for old L&M,10 +12,A gun-rights group says it will fight Colorado State University's proposal to ban concealed weapons on the Fort Collins and Pueblo campuses.,11 +7,IT'S NO MINOR PUNISHMENT,6 +5,"California: Reversal On Same-Sex Marriage Trial Tapes +",4 +5," After all, a decision in Baehr vs. Miike isn't expected for at least a year or more. And knowing how slowly the courts move, it's possible the legal battle could drag on even longer",4 +11,Participate in The Times's Same-Sex Marriage Decision Coverage,10 +7,"After 14 1/2 years on death row,",6 +5,A Right to Bear Arms in the Capitol?,4 +3,"With those exemptions, said George Washington University constitutional law professor Ira Lupu on the legal blog Concurring Opinions, ""religious conservatives and secular progressives now have the opportunity to reach political bargains."" +",2 +13,"But M. Teresa Paiva Weed, a Democrat and the State Senate president, opposes gay marriage, and Mr. Fox ultimately threw his support to civil unions, saying that was a more realistic goal.",12 +13, The bill now goes to Mayor Vincent C. Gray for his signature.,12 +9,"ACCORDING to a report released last week by the Harvard School of Public Health, cigarette companies have been steadily increasing the nicotine yield of their cigarettes -- the report describes an average total increase of 11 percent from 1998 to 2005.",8 +10,These restrictions are good news to me and other nonsmokers who had been forced to stay home because of the smoke.,9 +11,"The small neighborhood reflects what immigration scholars call re-familization, the reassembly of the family after the first immigrant settles in the United States.",10 +6,"On Thursday, Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, plans to introduce legislation changing state law to allow for same-sex marriage and predicted the city clerk would provide marriage certificates to same-sex couples that day. Leno plans to change the ""man and woman"" on the marriage form to ""two people.""",5 +1,TAX PROPOSALS TAKING AIM AT POCKETS OF STATE SMOKERS,0 +7,"eterson, 18, and his Ramapo High School sweetheart, Amy Grossberg, 18, were permitted to return to their upscale New Jersey homes on bail last week ",6 +1,"It reported a boom in cigarette sales abroad, including a 54 percent increase in volume in Eastern Europe, and increasing profits in its $ 15.9 billion North American food business. Its brand names and reputation remain as strong and attractive overseas as the American flag, with prospects for further profit and growth barely diminished by anti-smoking campaigns.",0 +11," +In all of 2012, there were 171 filed with local cops - and that was up 75% from the 99 filed in 2011. +",10 +6,"But the new Denver rule on concealed weapons doesn't accomplish any objective in the so-called war on crime. In fact, it has less practical value than the city's new curfew law.",5 +12,Gay marriage vote shocks; political legacies do not,11 +1,"Tobacco companies could then, again over five-year intervals, change their land and manpower use from the production of tobacco to the production of food and cotton.",0 +7,saying yesterday that the Oklahoma City bomber should be put to death.,6 +9,Nicotine Inhaler Approval Is Recommended,8 +13,Anti-gunners 'running a smokescreen',12 +5,"Even Brutal Cases Show Death Penalty Is Unconstitutional +",4 +13,GOP vows vote on gay marriage,12 +5,NRA TAX ATTACK Fights Seattle's $25-per-gun and 5¢-per bullet fee in court,4 +3,COURAGE AND CONVICTION IN ILLINOIS,2 +5,HIGH COURT SAYS JUDGES ERRED,4 +5,"erry said that he has conferred with co-counsel Jerry Froelich, but has not spoken with lead attorney Bobby Lee Cook. Berry, who is a death- penalty specialist, said he will urge that one issue, that of double jeopardy, be resubmitted. +",4 +11,"NRA official: 'Culture war' more than gun rights +",10 +5,Jurors were to resume deliberations today after hearing answers to questions they submitted after breaking for the day.,4 +4,"While Mr. Bracy had not proved his case, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist said, the facts suggested enough judicial bias to establish the ""good cause"" necessary to proceed with discovery.",3 +5,Lawyers for Immigrant Youths,4 +15,SMOKE SCREEN,14 +4,"Imagine doing those tough jobs, often two of them, just to be told that you are a slacker, not willing to work, that your labor doesn't count, that you as an American don't count. What an insult, how unfair, how unjust, how unkind. Quit besmirching our American workers and give them the respect they deserve.",3 +10,are increasingly addicted,9 +13,The gun-grabbers are putting the pressure on once again.,12 +9,"The average smoker who gives up cigarettes gains six to eight pounds over the next five years, but about one in 10 of those who quit smoking will gain 30 pounds or more, a study shows.",8 +5,"In court papers filed Wednesday, prosecutor Scott Cupp asked Circuit Judge Roger Colton to consider two new ""aggravating circumstances"" in Zile's case that were not in effect when Zile's stepdaughter Christina Holt, 7, was killed in September 1994.",4 +13,MIKE'S ANTI-GUN AD AIRS COLUMBINE VID,12 +5,"The ruling came in a class-action lawsuit that was brought on behalf of as many as 500,000 sick Florida smokers. In July, a jury decided in the smokers' favor, ruling that the tobacco industry produced a deadly product.",4 +5,"RIMARY +",4 +7,"Gun law worries, puzzles police",6 +11,The Shoot-Me State,10 +10,"Holley, a husband and father of four, was known both for his contagious laughter and for his serious side ",9 +13,Real answers buried by talking points,12 +4,"Francis D. Landrey, a New York attorney voluntarily representing Parker, also argued that the prosecution violated Parker's right to a fair trial because the evidence it used against him was inconsistent with that used in the trials of three other men charged with Slater's murder.",3 +3,Minnesota Methodists make marriage statement,2 +13,"The Republican-controlled House passed the bill last month, and the Democratic-Farmer-Labor-controlled Senate is expected to take it up on the floor next week.",12 +13,"At least twice in recent weeks, Majority Leader Richard L. Saslaw proclaimed on the Senate floor that customers who bring guns into restaurants in urban areas of the state are asked to leave.",12 +7,"Miller is accused of killing Dr. William Lewis Corporon, 69, and his grandson, Reat Griffin Underwood, 14, who were at the community center in Leawood for a singing contest audition. He also is accused of fatally shooting Terri LaManno, 53, who was visiting her mother at the retirement home in Overland Park.",6 +1,"Latinos landed a disproportionate share of new jobs created last year, and most of those jobs went to very recent immigrants, according to a private foundation's report issued Monday.",0 +3,A rabbi and an Episcopal minister,2 +8,Defending these background-check loopholes is as good as arming ISIS acolytes.,7 +13,Activist father apologizes to legislator,12 +9,RJR plans to try out low-smoke cigarette,8 +5,"As a constitutionalist, I wish letter writer Bill Bunting could explain where in the Second Amendment there is a provision for the possession of handguns.",4 +5,An Albuquerque judge on Monday ordered the clerk of New Mexico's most populous county to join two other counties in the state in issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples.,4 +5, references to the U.S. Constitution.,4 +15, Reasonable opposition,14 +7,States crack down on illegal immigrants,6 +9,"To me, this is child abuse",8 +7,"Twenty-seven years after she killed her husband with arsenic to get his insurance money, Judi Buenoano died for her crime. +",6 +5,she said that she simply wanted the federal government to recognize her new identity as a wife,4 +12,NRA supporters flocked to social media to condemn the actor.,11 +11," +PRIMARY",10 +9,"Don't seal the lips of my doctor, gun lobby",8 +5,A decision in small claims court,4 +5,"The Supreme Court, in an unsigned 7 to 2 ruling, agreed with Smith that he deserved a new sentencing because the jury questions did not include reasons that the jurors might have spared him. Those included that he had an IQ of 78 and a father who was abusive, addicted to drugs and stole from the family.",4 +3,A Growing Plea for Mercy for the Mentally Ill on Death Row,2 +5," +But that doesn't mean they want to write their opinions into the Minnesota Constitution. A narrow plurality of Minnesotans oppose a constitutional amendment to prevent the courts from legalizing same-sex marriages, according to a recent Pioneer Press-Minnesota Public Radio survey.",4 +7,TWO PLEAD INNOCENT IN SLAYING,6 +11,"Arguments from tradition did not prevail against these innovations, and I suspect they will not prevail against gay marriage either.",10 +5, Nor does it aid lawyers seeking novel ways to plunder the deep pockets of tobacco companies.,4 +5, a lawyer,4 +6,Don't weaken gun laws,5 +3,Pastor wants meeting on Methodists' gay divide,2 +13,GEORGIA HOUSE DISTRICT 104; Candidates chatting up constituents; Development one issue dividing GOP hopefuls,12 +13,Illinois Senate approves civil unions for gay couples,12 +12,"Polls show that the measure has a good chance of passing. +",11 +6,"TECH VISA LOOPHOLE CLOSED BY CONGRESS; PROGRAM ABUSED, CRITICS SAY +",5 +7," 38-year-old drifter avoided the possibility of the death penalty for fatally beating a 16-year-old Pottstown boy at a Phoenixville crack house on Feb. 12, 2005.",6 +5,- A white man sentenced to death in the killing of a black girl may go free now that the U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to review the case.,4 +10,"Shouldering a language burden; In immigrant families, children's roles as interpreters full of pressure, peril.",9 +1,"Whereas many Metro East area residents, and most of its lawmakers, worry about the ban's financial impact on area businesses, Lampman is optimistic that bars, restaurants and casinos will not be hurt. +",0 +3,"This is a challenging principle that tradition and Scripture frequently proclaim. This same truth and spiritual integrity guide those supporting access to religious office and religious marriage for gays who are in all respects qualified. If Medved seeks a challenging faith -- there it is. +",2 +15,Same-Sex Marriage Gains Traction,14 +3,Methodists approve same-sex resolution,2 +10,"Middleton and Kenny, who have been together for 48 years, raised children in Virginia and pursued their careers, working hard and living quietly, always careful about revealing their relationship to anyone. +",9 +6,And you really think the bill that almost made it through the Legislature would have meant much?,5 +6,Why I'm pleasantly surprised with Obama's immigration plan,5 +9,Where is the mental health check in this new law? Look at past shooters; there were serious issues with mental health. How is this tough?,8 +13,Democrats push gun issue to fore,12 +13,Obama's renewal of hope,12 +13,"De Blasio's office appeared to be blindsided by the move, and some Council members said they did not know the language was inserted until they arrived to cast their votes.",12 +12,ended his longtime National Rifle Association membership with an email bashing the organization for its role in the gun bill's defeat.,11 +11,The Mexican Evolution,10 +13,PALM BEACH COUNTY STARTS WORK ON GUN TRIGGER-LOCK LAW,12 +13," +Prospects for the contentious immigration bill that has been working its way through the Senate for months vastly improved Thursday after senators agreed to spend several billions more to fortify the U.S.-Mexico border.",12 +13,The Senate last night gave overwhelming approval to an anti-terrorism bill that Congress is pressing to send to President Clinton by tomorrow the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing.,12 +6,ST. LUCIE DISCUSSES BANNING SMOKING IN COUNTY BUILDINGS,5 +13,"The breakthrough came hours after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada scheduled a vote for Thursday on the gun control package. +",12 +9,LIFE & DEATH Tragic toll in states with lax gun laws,8 +1,DEATH TAX,0 +13," to which the Republicans appear to be seeking an answer,",12 +7, Mr. Grasso killed an 81-year-old fellow resident in 1991,6 +8,A Broken System for Tracking Guns,7 +5,"In another ruling handed down Thursday, the court found in favor of a different Metro East killer, granting him a post-conviction hearing that an appellate court had refused to give him.",4 +13,"After Colorado Passes Gun Laws, Two Backers Face a Recall Election +",12 +7,Len Davis is the alleged ringleader of 11 ex-officers accused of guarding a warehouse where cocaine was stored as part of an FBI undercover operation. ,6 +9," First and foremost, the safety of the shareholders is our No. 1 concern. In the last couple of months we've had a couple of fires in some of the neighboring buildings. We were told at least one of them was caused by smokers in bed.""",8 +4,"But no one ever talked about Elisa, he said.",3 +13,Both sides of aisle yield to gun amendment,12 +9,"Under current law, the names of those who are involuntarily ordered into treatment after the Baker Act are added to a national database to keep them from purchasing guns.",8 +12, The peaceful marchers and the millions more Americans who had visceral reactions to this case are the ones capable of productive action.,11 +7,"Maybe if we start enforcing the laws we already have, and put criminals in prison and keep them there instead of plea-bargaining felonies down to a short time behind bars, like a vacation for thugs, then we can stop most of these crimes from taking place.",6 +14,France will extradite Einhorn,13 +13,COLEMAN DISAGREES ON GAY MARRIAGE BAN,12 +13,GEPHARDT EXPLAINS GUN VOTE,12 +9,Live Well seeksto curb smoking,8 +2,"Mike Caruso, owner of the Delray Shooting Center, said people have been crowding into his gun shop and ranges since the Connecticut shootings and have depleted his supply of ammunition.",1 +7,stop criminals ,6 +5,They go on trial in September.,4 +9,", the National Mental Health Association",8 +13,"After Republican presidential front-runner Rick Perry's rocky performance in Thursday night's GOP candidate debate, the Texas governor's rivals renewed their attacks on his immigration stance Friday while Perry declared the race shouldn't be about choosing ""the slickest candidate or the smoothest debater.""",12 +6,Union City mulls lifting tobacco sales buffer for gas stations,5 +13,"Pull the trigger, guvs",12 +6,Bill lets tourists bring guns into state,5 +3,Memo urged cigarette for youths,2 +15,Bay Area couple at center of federal gay rights showdown,14 +5,"The appeals court, in overturning the conviction, said, ''If the jury should find as a fact that Merkt intended to present the aliens to the proper officials so that they could seek legal status in this country, it should find that she did not have the requisite criminal intent necessary for a conviction.''",4 +5,reprieve from the U.S. Supreme Court.,4 +4,Texas-Sized Case of Injustice?,3 +11,"People: Hudson warns, 'It can happen to anybody'",10 +13,Jay Carney tries to keep hope alive on guns,12 +5," rather than a state court, as in Massachusetts",4 +4, now believe innocent people have been sentenced to death.,3 +7,A teen-ager who hired her boyfriend and another teen-ager to kill her millionaire parents has been sentenced to life in prison.,6 +5,Wisconsin Supreme Court hears challenge to change in constitution,4 +5,"Prosecutors haven't decided whether to pursue the death penalty. The decision partially depends on Jesperson's willingness to help them identify the victim, Tomkins said, adding that Jesperson's age and the length and cost of a death penalty case were also factors.",4 +11,"When tragedy hits, Americans stand divided",10 +13,"Flanked by police chiefs from across the state, O'Malley called his gun-control package his top legislative priority for the 90-day session of the Maryland General Assembly. His agenda also includes getting the state's death penalty repealed. +",12 +13,"The concealed-weapons bill will most likely survive its first test in the Senate, its sponsor predicted Thursday after the bill was assigned to the Senate Agriculture Committee.",12 +5,"The Supreme Court normally is asked to review specific cases. Here, the defense lawyers are asking the justices to invoke their ""king's bench"" power to intervene broadly in matters before lower courts.",4 +13,National Gun Debate Hits Close to Home In Colorado Recall Vote,12 +3,"The 4.7 million-member Evangelical Lutheran Church of America said Thursday that it will consider whether individual congregations can choose to recognize same-sex unions and hire gay or lesbian pastors who are in committed, monogamous relationships.",2 +13," +GUN CONTROL ADVOCATES GAINING FIREPOWER FOR REVISION",12 +5,"The revisions are most likely to involve as many as 1,300 statutes and regulations in New York governing everything from joint filing of income tax returns to transferring fishing licenses between spouses. +",4 +1,"Washington-based Americans for Tax Reform, has long fought for - and been supported by - tobacco manufacturers.",0 +6,Metro East officials welcome new clarity in smoking ban,5 +5,Questions limited only by lawyerly imagination would still be heard if the switch hadn't been pulled Wednesday.,4 +1,CIGARETTES SHOULDN'T SPONSOR SPORTS,0 +1,physical possession of the tobacco products.,0 +7,CONCEALED WEAPONS AND THE CRIME RATE,6 +13,The problem of capital punishment cannot be separated from political ideology and social philosophy.,12 +5,"But a marriage amendment to the Minnesota Constitution could change some other things, legal experts believe.",4 +10,LIFELINE,9 +13,The head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service denied Republican charges Tuesday that she came under White House pressure to speed up approval of citizenship applications before last November's elections.,12 +11,"DRENCHED WITH RAINBOWS. Smiles, Support & 'pride [that] rises above all'",10 +13,Deal signs 'campus carry' bill,12 +14,TOBACCO SETTLEMENT THAT INCLUDES ONLY U.S. SELLS OUT REST OF WORLD,13 +6,communities with strong ordinances ,5 +7,Lopez was sentenced to six months in a federal prison for his act.,6 +7, crack down on illegal immigrants working at state-subsidized construction projects.,6 +7,Killer Faces 9 Death Sentences,6 +7,Virginia inmate is executed for killings,6 +13,Gov. Gregoire Comes Around,12 +13,The Illinois Senate voted down legislation last month that would have given casinos a five-year exemption on the smoking ban. But the issue resurfaced last week when a House committee approved a similar proposal. That measure now moves to the House floor.,12 +5,"Death Row Inmate Gets New Trial +",4 +9," +Facts & Figures: Guns Now Kill as Many as Cars",8 +7,"Nearly six years after Michael ""Spock"" LaCava was sentenced to die for the 1990 killing of Philadelphia Police Officer Joaquin ""Jack"" Montijo, the convicted cop killer got a break.",6 +6,"""The fact is there's a lot more that New York could do, given what other states have done,"" said Steven Wallace, associate director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.",5 +11,"In the last year, Terrie Hall, a former smoker from North Carolina, has become something of a national celebrity.",10 +4,ZILE LAWYER: DEATH PENALTY IMPROPER,3 +5,More than a dozen Hispanic agents have filed a Federal suit accusing the Immigration and Naturalization Service of discrimination so widespread that it impedes their careers and interrupts their daily work.,4 +5,"Guy Santiglia, the 37-year-old engineer who filed the complaint and is appealing the finding, said he thought the posting violation was serious.",4 +5,"The task before local immigration officials is large -- interviewing about 32,700 Central American refugees in the Washington area to see whether they qualify for permanent political asylum or will be ordered to leave the United States. They're off to a slow start.",4 +11,"As she spoke, a TV camera fed her remarks to news crews in a nearby witness room.",10 +7, was put to death,6 +5,"But attorneys with the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Division, Office of Immigration, have countered that the government has the authority to remove any foreign national the courts have ordered to leave because of criminal convictions or violations of immigration law.",4 +7,"A third person charged in the scheme, Jose Daniel Guardia, 25, of Alexandria, pleaded guilty Monday. Guardia, an illegal immigrant from Bolivia, found clients and collected fees for the operation, authorities said.",6 +6,We find solutions to other problems; why not guns?,5 +5,Kansas: Gay Marriage Ban Lifted,4 +15,Liggett's LeBow: 'I'll win war on tobacco',14 +11,"City Hall also credited the city's 2003 smoking ban and a hard-hitting ad campaign that starred real-life smoking victims. + +In 2001, about 19% of city teens said they smoked. The number fell to 15% in 2003 and to 11% in 2005.",10 +6,"Patrick Mackin to write that we should ""rid ourselves of guns"" (""Take aim at guns,"" Letters, April 19).",5 +9,"If you're a smoker or recovering puffer and at high risk for developing lung cancer, WellStar Health System in Marietta is offering a landmark screening program aimed at detecting early stages of the disease, which potentially could save hundreds of lives.",8 +5,"On the other side is the fear that unless the Constitution is rewritten, a judge may order gay marriage legal, as happened in Massachusetts.",4 +5," +In a packed hearing at the territorial courthouse here on Wednesday, one broadcast live for the first time in the court's history, lawyers for both sides presented their cases, trying in their arguments to resolve the question: Do gay men and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry in New Mexico?",4 +7,"The girl, Britthney Varner, was one of five people killed in a shooting rampage by two boys outside a school in Jonesboro, Ark., in March.",6 +5,"Would those rulings help buttress the District's position in an appeal to the Supreme Court, or would the laws of all those states be jeopardized by an adverse ruling?",4 +1,accepted no tobacco funds.,0 +11,Quilt museum invites community to have its say on gun violence,10 +6,Bans do prompt smokers to quit,5 +5,NEBRASKA RULES IN FAVOR OF LIMITS ON GUNS,4 +1,Coca-Cola Co. will be joining a growing number of companies,0 +2,"During the 11-month investigation, a North Carolina laboratory used a DNA test, not yet developed when Green stood trial in 1990, to match DNA from Green's blood to DNA found in two hairs vacuumed from Flynn's truck after the shooting.",1 +1,"Maryland last raised its tax on cigarettes in 1992, when the tax was increased from 20 cents to 36 cents a pack",0 +6," It is evident also that many of these deaths and injuries could be avoided if the government chose to regulate the sale and ownership of guns in a moderate, sensible way",5 +7,A man who spent nearly 30 years on Alabama's death row was freed Friday after prosecutors finally acknowledged that the only evidence they had against him could not prove he committed the crime.,6 +11,"Immigrants aren't what threatens middle class +",10 +3, he met Mother Teresa in Rome in February.,2 +5,even as the Supreme Court is poised to rule by the end of this month on two cases involving the issue.,4 +1,Philip Morris U.S.A. makes about 4.3 billion cigarets a week.,0 +5,"The expansion, court officials said Friday, is needed because of a flurry of applications following the June Supreme Court case, United States v. Windsor, in which the court struck down a law that denied federal benefits to legally married gay couples. +",4 +15,Change or Continuity?,14 +9,"White House orders tougher gun checks for people with mental problems +",8 +11,"And like Vladimir and Estragon,",10 +1,"Bob Terry, vice president of the Egyptian Collectors' Association, said about a quarter of the people who come to shows like the one his organization was sponsoring at the Belle Clair Fairgrounds bring something to sell.",0 +5,"n Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review an appeal of his death sentence for murdering a Sacramento woman, and he could be the next person executed in California. +",4 +13,Florida governor won't say whether he will sign gun bill,12 +5,Panel Hears Same-Sex Marriage Debate,4 +13,"Hayes reloads, disarms his weapons stance",12 +11,"The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran that front-page story this month about the small town of Nelson, Ga., located 54 miles north of Atlanta. The story chronicled how the town's council recently passed a law requiring the head of every household to own a gun and bullets.",10 +7,convicted and wanted felons. ,6 +5,"Nolas, the litigation director of a Philadelphia legal resource center that provides lawyers for death-row inmates, represents Heidnik, but without his blessing.",4 +5,Judge is placed on leave after Tarzan quip to Jane,4 +5,"On Thursday, his lawyer went before the Florida Supreme Court to argue that Swafford, 52, deserves a new trial. +",4 +13,"The scope of the legislation, sponsored by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., is modest, and the legislation does not do enough to prevent guns from getting into the hands of young people or criminals. However, the measure has strong symbolic value. Passed as an amendment to a broader juvenile crime bill, Lautenberg's proposal represents a watershed political defeat for the National Rifle Association, an organization that had seemed invincible since Republicans took control of Congress in 1994.",12 +7,"NEW CHARGES, DEFENDANTS THE SCOPE OF ALLEGED 14-YEAR U.S.-INDIA IMMIGRATION FRAUD SCHEME EXPANDS",6 +4,"Such a high standard is patently unfair and discriminatory, and it definitely overshoots Mr. Crocker's stated goal of bringing the status of Ethiopians ''in line with that of most other nationalities.''",3 +13,Atlantic City Suspends Casino Smoking Ban,12 +11,"David Simon on Ravens, Gay Marriage and Free Speech",10 +13,NRA LOSES FIRST SKIRMISH OVER LOCAL HANDGUN BANS,12 +4,seeking to encourage the State of California to discriminate.,3 +8,U.S. GUNS FUELING DRUG WARS,7 +7, He had been convicted of killing five people and was executed for three of the deaths.,6 +11,. Last year was the second straight that this state ranked first in the nation in new death sentences.,10 +1,"Also among 11 contributors who gave more than $1,000 were former U.S. Sen. Bill Armstrong ($5,000) and Don Hodel, once energy secretary and interior secretary under President Ronald Reagan ($2,500). Hodel once headed Focus on the Family. + +The organization listed more than $30,000 in expenditures, mostly for consulting fees, postage and advertising. + +""Basically, the first quarter is about getting the grass roots organized,"" said executive director Jon Paul. ""The first couple months of the campaign, there's not as much momentum. But that builds."" + +On the other side, the Gill Foundation Action Fund accounted for $55,000 of the $60,133 reported by Coloradans for Fairness Issue Committee. No other contributor gave more than $500. + +",0 +13,"Gov. Paterson moved too far, too fast in ordering state agencies to recognize gay marriages performed in other jurisdictions as legally valid in New York.",12 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court in June left intact a 2010 federal judge's ruling finding the state's voter-approved ban unconstitutional, concluding that sponsors of the 2008 ballot measure did not have the legal right to defend the law in place of the governor and attorney general. +",4 +12,The historic votes of four states this week in favor of gay marriage -- an apparent sea change in U.S. public opinion -- have sparked the hopes of many Californians who want to turn the tide in the Golden State.,11 +7,"Malone, 37, was scheduled to die by injection at 12:01 a.m. today at Potosi Correctional Center for the March 1981 murder of St. Louis cab driver William Parr.",6 +13,"""What you just saw was the NRA (National Rifle Association) losing its grip on the U.S. Senate at long last,"" he said.",12 +5," +In refusing to release the information, corrections officials argued the pharmacy providing the drugs is a member of the execution team, whose identities are confidential under state law.",4 +6,A Step Toward Gay Marriage,5 +6,"The proposed ban would permit smoking indoors in rooms with separate ventilation. Beyond that, smokers have no real rights at all.",5 +13,THE GUN DEBATE: FOR REGULATION,12 +1,What will state do with cigarette tax?,0 +1,$145 billion verdict,0 +8,Don't equate militias with Hitler's Nazis,7 +3, I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman.,2 +4, a policy that results in the execution of the innocent as well as the guilty;,3 +1,So much money.,0 +5, attorney general,4 +10,OUT OF BENEFITS AND OUT OF HOPE?< A LEGAL IMMIGRANT'S SUICIDE RAISES QUESTIONS ABOUT WELFARE POLICIES.,9 +5,OWNERS FRET OVER LICENSING OF GUNS,4 +13,FIND MIDDLE GROUND IN GUN DEBATE,12 +5," +Wolfe was convicted on capital murder charges and sentenced to death.",4 +7,"If Larode, of no fixed address, is charged with killing Feltis, a federal officer, he could be eligible for the death penalty, the spokesman said.",6 +9,Easy access leads to senseless killing,8 +6,"Immigration officials say that no changes have been made to the tourist visa policy, which currently allows for a maximum initial visit of one year. There is no way to determine when, or if, any of the proposed changes would be implemented, said Sharon Rummery, a local spokeswoman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.",5 +11,"In the past 13 months, the number of states that have recognized same-sex marriage through court rulings, legislation or voter approval has ballooned from just six to 17, counting New Mexico. +",10 +13,"It all ended with a whimper. Republican leaders never did bring up bills for a vote. Senate Democrats launched a 15-hour filibuster. They got four votes on four popular gun-control measures, all of which failed.",12 +5,"Concealed gun ruling stands: Foes can't fight loosening of California permit standards +",4 +6,"insisted that the measure would not adversely affect Colorado's statewide concealed-weapons law, which gives local police and sheriffs broad discretion to approve or deny permits.",5 +6,A measure to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot,5 +10,"If your attempts to quit smoking have failed miserably, spit out that nicotine gum and peel off that patch. Radical new help is on the way.",9 +13,New Jersey Is Likely to Be Gay Marriage Battleground,12 +13,but voters who control their jobs.,12 +8,Even with background checks,7 +15,Ask and tell,14 +5,"However, certain aspects of the plan stir concerns about freedom of speech.",4 +5,EVANS' MURDER RETRIAL GOES TO JURY,4 +11,"Comedian Rosie O'Donnell, girlfriend wed in San Francisco",10 +13,Lautenberg Criticizes Obama,12 +13,"At a Senate committee hearing and at a rally in the governor's office, the mayor said local control would help him fight crime.",12 +5,"Heyburn in February ruled that Kentucky must recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages and, in doing so, alluded to the decision that came Tuesday.",4 +11,ROSIE'S BRO ENTERS FRAY FOR GAY NUPS,10 +13,"COUNCIL LOCKS, LOADS GUN BILL",12 +13,"As expected, the Senate on Wednesday rejected a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, rebuffing both President Bush and the social conservative movement.",12 +7,US arrests Mexican immigrant 'dreamer' in Seattle,6 +5,"ouey jury selection moves into Phase 2 +",4 +8,"Alarmed that at least one boat left Florida for Cuba and brought back refugees this week, Attorney General Janet Reno warned yesterday that the Coast Guard will stop, inspect and impound boats in the Florida Straits that appear headed for the island.",7 +6,The Many Paths on Immigration,5 +1,"And the only active dealer, Charles Sykes Jr., confirmed Friday that he is shutting down his business in Southeast Washington, at least temporarily.",0 +5,INALIENABLE GUN RIGHTS KEEP US FREE,4 +11,Americans may fear the government will restrict purchases of the military-style rifles.,10 +9,"In one ad, a smoker recalls that his wife often complained about the smell of his cigarettes, then reveals that she died as a result of exposure to the smoke.",8 +5,"Peter Schey of Los Angeles, a lawyer for the agents, said such certification could produce the largest race discrimination suit ever against the Federal Government, involving up to 25,000 employees. +",4 +7,Mass killers go around gun laws,6 +13,Conservatives: Keep Gay Marriage Out of the Courts,12 +12,"The turnout of people waving U.S., Mexican and other flags showed the high emotions of the debate that the Senate plans to take up next week.",11 +1,"As demographer Leon Bouvier recently noted, ""The scientists and other professional immigrants at the top of the job ladder generate little controversy because they are relatively few in number, sometimes screened to insure that they are truly needed, and integrate quite easily into American workplaces and communities. What about the immigrants at the bottom of the job ladder? Here controversy reigns supreme.""",0 +1,Up in smoke: Tobacco tycoons plug away for an unjust cause,0 +13,"McAuliffe spokesman Josh Schwerin used the news to portray Cuccinelli as out of step with Virginia voters on gun laws. +",12 +9,"So people burn down abandoned buildings, keeping the 50-person fire department busier than it ought to be in a city of 50,000 people.",8 +12,"Some regulars, however, say that most local watering holes have stayed smoky because of lax enforcement.",11 +5,The three companies have asked for a jury trial and unspecified damages. Their lawsuits have been consolidated into a single case.,4 +5,"Earlier Friday, one juror had asked for a crime scene video of the bloody carnage to be replayed for the deliberating panel. Juror 17 said she believed that request was an effort to persuade the holdout to vote for execution.",4 +11,Gay marriage drive unveiled,10 +7,DNA tests continue in 1977 Tarpon killing,6 +5,"After slouching through his trial for months with a bored look on his face, the defendant was ordered to rise.",4 +5,Judge orders Hawaii to allow gays to wed,4 +5,INS MOVES TO ENFORCE LAW BARRING HOMOSEXUALS FROM U.S,4 +13,"But Democrats were having none of it. ""This is a divisive political exercise in an election year, plain and simple,"" said Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis.",12 +9,"""Thank God for the people who want to breathe,""",8 +7," +They contend Selenski lured two suspected drug dealers to his home north of Wilkes-Barre, intending to rob them. Selenski killed one with a shotgun, then tied up the other and questioned him for several hours about the location of his drugs and money before fatally shooting him, too, authorities say.",6 +1,But employers kept offering them,0 +13,"Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, the majority leader, said he would review the Democratic approach with his colleagues. But Mr. Frist indicated he supported the idea of debating the issue for two more days and concluding with an up-or-down vote, saying that process would produce a result ''clear to the American people.''",12 +5,"which has proposed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as solely between one man and one woman,",4 +5,Justice files tobacco civil sui,4 +8,Terror attack boiled down to talking points,7 +7,"Fewer People Are Entering U.S. Illegally, Report Says",6 +9,MEXICO SAYS FEWER MIGRANTS ARE DYING WHILE TRYING TO CROSS THE U.S. BORDER,8 +13,"Sen. Jeffrey Plale, D-South Milwaukee, said the measure was a knee-jerk reaction",12 +1,"Executives at Philip Morris were trying hard not to appear smug last week. But as three of the company's top public-relations officers relaxed with Marlboros on a sunny Thursday morning, they were clearly reveling in the rare public apology they extracted from ABC News three days earlier for a report it aired on the tobacco industry.",0 +5,Volunteers check petitions for same-sex marriage referendum,4 +12, he is met with howls of protests by sidearm-wearing residents who pack public hearings,11 +15,Broken Beyond Repair,14 +6,which have strict gun control policies.,5 +13,Filibuster for Gun Limits Plays Out on Social Media,12 +5,The lower court had held the referred measure violated the single-subject rule of the state constitution. The higher court said there was no such violation and that the single objective of the act was to reserve the benefits of marriage exclusively to unions of a man and a woman.,4 +13,"Nearly 200 Democratic senators and House members, including Huffman, assembled on the floor of the House Wednesday night to call for a vote on gun-control legislation. However, Republicans recessed the legislation session until July 5 and adjourned the meeting at 3:13 a.m.",12 +13,"Timing Is Seen As Key in D.C., Vt. Votes on Gay Marriage",12 +6," +BILL EXPANDS CONCEALED-GUN LAW",5 +6,FTC WANTS TO BAN CAMEL'S `OLD JOE',5 +3,No wonder St. Louis Catholics are confused Point of View o Is gay marriage in Maine a bigger priority than illegal immigration here?,2 +9,The treatments,8 +7,INS Probes Visa Fraud at Air Base,6 +9,A Haitian woman was found dead near the shores of Coral Cove Park on Wednesday morning after spending five days crossing the Atlantic Ocean with the help of smugglers.,8 +13,SCHUMER TAKES AIM AT TEXAS GUN LAWS,12 +8,"Two centuries later, two prominent national security experts contend that foreign citizens can once again help the United States maintain combat readiness.",7 +1,"Under the proposal, city employees would pay 100 percent of the premiums to cover the additional adult in the home.",0 +12,Rebuffed gun-control advocates regrouping,11 +14,"* 2001: The Netherlands and then Belgium become the first countries to legalize gay marriage. +",13 +8,three concealed handguns,7 +8, The government's stated goals of building walls and increasing enforcement,7 +7,DOMA repeal will keep East Bay husband from deportation to Mexico,6 +6,Taking away our guns isn't a solution,5 +13,"Speaking to supporters in Palm Beach last week, Barack Obama blasted a couple of media personalities by name.",12 +5,Lawyer for senator's wife files complaint vs. notario,4 +1,SHOP OWNERS ASSAIL HOLES IN BRADY LAW,0 +7,Suspect in Silver Spring Slaying Is Charged With Murder,6 +5,Gun denial infuriates ex-Klan head,4 +13,A Boost for GOP on Mo. Gay Marriage Vote,12 +9,"The report describes incidences of rape, stalking, fondling and vulgar language used against women, who say they often don't report it because they are afraid of being fired or, worse, deported.",8 +5,GRANDSON FOR THE DEFENSE,4 +4,But critics say immigrants in particular face new dangers from the proposals that they say parallel the treatment of Japanese in this country during the 1940's.,3 +5,Federal judge throws out Florida couple's same-sex marriage sui,4 +13,"The debate drew scrutiny from around the country, with the Obama campaign and former president Bill Clinton voicing their opposition to the measure and figures such as the Rev. Billy Graham and former presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich speaking out in favor of it. The vote came as Obama is under pressure to clarify his position on same-sex marriage, a hot-button issue that has proved to be a galvanizing force for conservatives and liberals alike.",12 +2,COURT BACKLOG GIVES BX. STUDENT 1-YR. REPRIEVE FROM DEPORT TRIAL,1 +11,"t among women, voters younger than 30 and independents - a key constituency that can make or break tight races. +",10 +4,An avowed white supremacist ,3 +10," Since her release, she is taking classes, doing volunteer work and occasionally cleaning houses.",9 +13,"""There are small windows of opportunity that open when an unexpected event or current happens,"" Buono, who is trailing Republican Gov. Chris Christie by some 30-odd percentage points in most polls, told the crowd. ""And this is our time. This is our moment.""",12 +7,"Except only days ago, it was a man with a gun in a mall in Oregon.",6 +5,"An administration official who asked that his name not be used said the letter was a ""very conciliatory"" reminder of a system that has long been in place for reimbursing the federal government. Under normal circumstances, that share amounts to as much as 70 percent of the total recovery by the state. The agency sent out a similar letter to states that signed a landmark 1995 settlement with Liggett Group Inc. +",4 +6,"On Amtrak, which banned smoking on most of its trains three years ago, conductors now regularly broadcast to passengers that they are approaching a smoke stop. That's when the train will stop to pick up and drop off passengers, and will be waiting around for a few minutes to give any smokers on board enough time to stand on the platform and light up. That is, as long as they stay nearby, ready to get back on at a moment's notice.",5 +13,"Republicans in the New York Senate agreed Friday to allow a full vote on legalizing same-sex marriage, setting the stage for a possible breakthrough victory for the gay-rights movement in the state where it got its start.",12 +10," Many are orphaned, victims of abuse or afraid to return to their home countries.",9 +9,"The health leaders issued a report card rapping lawmakers and presidents alike for failing to take stronger action to stamp out smoking, which is blamed for 420,000 deaths a year.",8 +5,Voters Moving To Oust Judges Over Decisions,4 +9,"With acts of kindness and bravado, the enslaved deaf Mexicans rescued by Queens cops helped one another cope with the brutality of their captivity, a doctor said yesterday.",8 +5,"The law does not require Missouri residents to get a permit to conceal a weapon in a car, said James L. Vermeersch, executive director of the Missouri Sheriffs' Association.",4 +5,"""Given those circumstances and other factors in this case, the attorney general authorized the U.S. Attorney to seek a life sentence,"" Miller said.",4 +13,Make guns an election issue,12 +5, unless the United States Supreme Court agrees to hear an appeal.,4 +5,"""We are not permitted to let the emotion of the case to sway us,"" Solomon said. ""We have a legal obligation to be consistent. Clearly, because of the nature of this horrible crime and because it was a felony murder is why we are seeking the death penalty.""",4 +10,"But some unexpected emotions are also bubbling up as the invitations roll in: puzzlement (I don't know you that well), concern (can I afford another cross-country trip?), dread (not another one, please). At the same time, there is a lack of surprise. Watching straight friends from high school or college marry as they stagger into adulthood (two or three couples a year, some in their 20s and some in their 30s or older) is thrilling in a way that a near-simultaneous stampede of same-sex couples to the altar is not.",9 +6,Expanding smoking ban the right move,5 +7,AFTER THE RIOTS,6 +13,"In addressing it by rewriting the bill, Quinn sets up a showdown. The Legislature now has three choices: Accept Quinn's changes by a simple-majority vote; override him by a three-fifths vote to put the original bill into law; or do neither and let the bill die. +",12 +13,Same-sex benefits vote likely next week,12 +10,The Merits of Gay Marriage,9 +13,A NATION CHALLENGED: IMMIGRATION; Congress Set to Break Up Beleaguered Agency,12 +7,"Among other consequences, an aggravated-felony conviction renders a lawful permanent resident ineligible for relief from deportation.",6 +10," One by one, men and women crawled on their knees and bellies across the hot desert sand about 100 yards from where rumbling tractor-trailer rigs crossed from Mexico into Arizona.",9 +13,State Senate backs gay-marriage bill,12 +5,"It is unusual but not unprecedented for the Supreme Court to stay an execution. The court, in a brief, one-paragraph order, said the stay would remain in effect until the court acted on Buck's appeal. There were no recorded dissents.",4 +7,MAN WHO RAPED AND KILLED GIRL IS EXECUTED IN TENNESSEE,6 +7,"Muhammad, 42, was convicted last month in the slaying of Dean Harold Meyers, formerly of Montgomery County, who was shot while pumping gas in Manassas. A jury recommended the death sentence.",6 +5,A Bucks County judge ruled yesterday that a Philadelphia man with a low IQ is not legally mentally retarded and is eligible for the death penalty.,4 +14,"Mexico's president-elect backs migrant amnesty; Meetings slated with Gore, Bush",13 +8,"U.S. immigration authorities began flying deportees deep into Mexico on Thursday in an effort to discourage them from trying to return, U.S. and Mexican officials said.",7 +5,What does this mean for legally married gay couples?,4 +7,"The individual has been convicted of a serious or violent felony, according to a criminal-background check or documentation provided by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.",6 +3," +""We're making a clear record that we cannot rely on the tobacco industry to act in a responsible way,"" Waxman says.",2 +6,McDonald's Bans Smoking at All the Sites It Owns,5 +11,'TEABAGGER' GROUP MAKES SPLASH WITH FAKE-QUOTE MEMES,10 +13,"The court's action, taken without comment, was a victory for President George W. Bush's administration",12 +13, the state Legislature's only gay member pleaded Wednesday for support of a bill allowing gays the equivalent of marriage.,12 +13,At a time when the issue of immigration has become increasingly contentious in the wake of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's political rise,12 +6,INCLUDE HANDGUNS IN ASSAULT ON RIFLES,5 +5,Trump's immigration ban spurs legal battle,4 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court is about to take dead aim at the fierce debate over gun regulation in cities and states across the country, with California's strict gun control laws squarely in the cross hairs of the legal showdown.",4 +5, appealed on the grounds that he was mentally ill.,4 +11,"This is not to suggest that a traditional family structure, all other factors being equal, might not still be the ideal arrangement for adopted children",10 +8," ""I would imagine there's probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies,",7 +7,"The neighborhood had the most auto thefts of any in the city in 2001 and trailed only downtown in the number of calls for service, robberies, aggravated assaults, narcotics and vandalism.",6 +1,"The city estimates that up to 30 of its 2,600 employees will sign up for the option, adding about $113,000 a year to its costs.",0 +13,Clinton: Take handguns from domestic abusers,12 +7,FBI chief urges Reno to back gun control,6 +12,Gay-rights group forms PAC in Minnesota,11 +1,"Although undated, the memorandum, titled ""Competitive Analysis,"" includes market research indicating it was written in the last three years.",0 +7,STOP CRIMINALS' ACCESS TO GUNS,6 +13,"'President Clinton is attempting to associate our proud, 130-year-old organization of 3.5 million good people with the violent acts of one year ago,' the ad states. 'But tragedies like Columbine aren't the result of too much freedom.'",12 +7,Why did Somali deportation flight return?,6 +13,Both the Democratic governor and the Republicans who control the legislature have said that they want to focus on possible agreement rather than areas of contention. Both blame the other side for keeping controversial policy disputes in the spotlight.,12 +13,"A large group of conservative and tea party figures, including former Florida Rep. Allen West, have sent a letter to Congress opposing the Senate immigration bill.",12 +13,Obama uses Orlando shooting to renew his call,12 +5,Yesterday's hearing before the Supreme Court marked the second time that Hightower's lawyers had journeyed to the state's highest court to argue judicial error to save his life.,4 +13,ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS DID LAWN CARE FOR MITT ROMNEY,12 +5,Twenty-five Pennsylvanians sued the state last July for the right to marry there or to have out-of-state marriages recognized. A 1996 state law defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.,4 +15,Feeding the monkey,14 +7,NORTH CAROLINA Death penalty sought,6 +5,SECOND AMENDMENT PRECLUDES TYRANNY,4 +15,"Talk ranges from gay marriage to Iraq +",14 +6,Something for Everyone to Criticize in Gun Bill,5 +10,I quit smoking about three months ago with the help of the patch. I've smoked on and off for 30 years. I quit once before for 10 years but started up again when life got too stressful. My problem is that I am still craving cigarettes. I don't think it is the nicotine I am missing as much as the relaxing ritual of going outside and smoking for a few minutes. I am thinking about buying a pack and locking it up somewhere so I can let myself have one when things get bad!,9 +7, or enforceable.,6 +5,"In its Aug. 1 filing, the city says the plaintiffs' ""Hail Mary"" claims fail and notes that the lawsuit does not allege that the ordinance infringes upon the Second Amendment's guarantee of the right to bear arms. The courts have affirmed the government's right to regulate gun dealers. +",4 +1,It's about jobs,0 +5,"Richard A. Samp of the Washington Legal Foundation, which is supporting the tobacco companies' appeal, said, ""There is significant sentiment on the court to revisit the entire ... test"" for judging government limits on advertising.",4 +5," said Attorney General Jim Mattox. +",4 +2,U.S. SCHOOLS FACE RECORD ENROLLMENT IN THE FALL,1 +13,"Mike, moms groups merge in gun battle",12 +12,"O'Donnell, a lone public surrogate for millions of Californians opposed to the concept of gay and lesbian knots being tied throughout the state.",11 +13,"CONGRESS DISGRACED itself by refusing to toughen gun laws after the slaughter of children a year ago at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. , yawning in the face of a national tragedy. Meanwhile, the battle for reform in state capitals continued and intensified. +",12 +11,This has been a good year for gay rights advocates -- with public opinion shifting in their favor and same-sex marriage advancing in the states -- but not when it comes to immigration.,10 +13,A Cuomo source insisted Wednesday night that negotiators in Albany are still far apart on a final deal. The source said it's more likely that a full proposal will be unveiled in Cuomo's State of the State speech Jan. 9.,12 +15,Ciao to All That,14 +11," As Patrick Henry put it: ""The great object is that every man be armed."" And Samuel Adams said, ""The Constitution shall never be construed . . . to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.""",10 +1,Former Gun Executive Faults Manufacturers,0 +7,Hill used a shotgun to murder Dr. Britton,6 +13,"4 things you might have missed from John Boehner's ""Meet the Press"" interview",12 +9,Health officials from across the country are in town for the series of seminars on tobacco and smoking sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and the University of North Carolina.,8 +1,selling,0 +1,"Vera Torres went to the Nation's Gun Show in Chantilly last month looking for a handgun. She left with Amazing Wonder Tops. +",0 +7,Restaurateurs Plead Guilty to Money Laundering,6 +5,WATSONVILLE MAN SUING IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT RETURNS TO MEXICO,4 +9, committed suicide,8 +6,How I Would Control Guns,5 +12,", in the politically, legally and culturally charged world of same-sex marriage.",11 +6,U.S. border tactic failing Number of illegal immigrants rises,5 +1,Shift in Tobacco Sales Hurting RJR Nabisco,0 +13,Challenge to Smoking Ban Fails,12 +8,When security beats freedom,7 +13," The Minnesota Senate voted Monday to make same-sex marriage legal, the last legislative step before Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton's promised signature will make the state the 12th in the nation to do so.",12 +13,ABSENCE MAKES GUN FOES' CLOUT STRONGER OPPONENTS QUASH PLAN FOR CONCEALED CARRY WITH RULES MANEUVER,12 +14,"The Islamic State may encourage mass murders, but America is the great enabler",13 +5,A Martin County jury unanimously recommended the death penalty for Philmore after his trial in January. His death sentence will be appealed to the Florida Supreme Court,4 +13, It was also a reminder of how far the president's own position has moved.,12 +4,aid yesterday they have written proof that their client's right to a speedy trial in Fairfax County was violated. ,3 +3," For the faithful in a number of American churches, the legal battle over civil marriage for gay and lesbian couples runs parallel to religious struggles that are strikingly similar and often just as heated.",2 +7,"Two of the workers told investigators of being brought across the Rio Grande in inflatable boats, driven to Austin, Texas, then picked up by the Gutierrez family. Smugglers were paid $4,000 per worker, and the workers then had to work off that debt, prosecutors have said.",6 +11,"""My grandfather was a hunter, so I hunted with him,"" he said. ""I liked the whole thing of getting up early - the bonding aspect of it. Hunters and their children, I understand all of it. I was in the military, I was in the Coast Guard. I trained with an M1 rifle. I learned to respect weapons and to understand them.""",10 +1," Married same-sex partners typically file their own federal returns either as single or, if they qualify, as head of household, which has more favorable rates than the single filing status.",0 +5,EX-TOBACCO RESEARCHER TAKES FIFTH DURING TRIAL,4 +5,Supreme Court allowed capital punishment to resume in 1976,4 +13,"This year, conservative Republicans --- struggling against voter discontent over Iraq, health care and high gas prices, among other things --- are desperate to bring those religious conservatives back to the polls. So they've resurrected the same tired tactic. Next month, the Senate is expected to vote on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning same-sex unions.",12 +13,Trump Says Second Amendment 'Will Never Be Repealed',12 +9,Migrant horror 9 bodies in sealed truck amid 100 [degrees] Tex. heat,8 +13,"said Clinton, who made the law a centerpiece of his tough-on-crime platform last year.",12 +13,Conservative groups,12 +5,Critics question why it is needed when the U.S. Constitution already guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.,4 +2,Demand for English Lessons Outstrips Supply,1 +7,24-year-old accused of raping 13-year-old,6 +9, prioritizing the health and safety of people in detention facilities across the country.,8 +3,"But Vasquez's journey will have a different ending. On Sept. 24, he'll have the chance to meet with Pope Francis at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Washington.",2 +13,Gay marriage won't be on Illinois ballot,12 +13,"Appearing before Biden's committee,",12 +15,Let's Not Speak of 'Hate',14 +13,"Republicans lose ground among Hispanic voters; Democrats perceived as being on 'right side' of immigration issue +",12 +7,Laying Blame for Lax Enforcement of Gun Laws,6 +8,Orlando shootings: Would California's tough gun laws stop a similar massacre?,7 +13,IMMIGRATION FIGHT ISN'T OVER,12 +5,"The challenge to the California case cites the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which applies to state actions that may unfairly inhibit life and liberty. The Fifth Amendment, which proscribes federal actions that unfairly deny people their rights, is the basis for the challenge to DOMA. +",4 +15,GOAT?,14 +9, in federal Medicaid,8 +12,But some tobacco supporters say the newest wave of anti-smoking sentiment is more like business as usual than cause for concern.,11 +5,Utah: Judge Gives Split Ruling on Immigration Measures,4 +9,STUDY BLAMES PARENTAL SMOKING,8 +11,"A Macy's spokeswoman told us customers who called the store complained that ""Mr. Fierstein was using the parade to espouse his own political views.""",10 +7,"Thurman said the crime bill did away with a number of mandatory minimum prison sentences that the measure passed by the House would bring back. She said she wants Congress to impose stiffer penalties against criminals, not infringe the rights of law-abiding citizens. +",6 +1,Tobacco program cutbacks pushed,0 +5,"""I think the race will be on to the courthouse,""",4 +7,INS Reviews Status of Turk Detained on Plane,6 +11,LOOK-ALIKE NEWSPAPER BACKS ABU-JAMAL,10 +13,"Gov. Chris Christie's announcement last week that he would veto a measure to legalize same-sex marriage in New Jersey is maddening, but sadly predictable. He vowed to block marriage equality when he ran for office in 2009 and is now calling for a statewide referendum.",12 +9,"Immigrants ""didn't understand treatment instructions, what was wrong with them or their children. That's a serious problem that can lead to very damaging outcomes,"" said Natalie Williams, Spitzer's civil rights chief.",8 +9,"Harris was found under the bed of her Partridge Street home on Feb. 27, 1996, with a bag over her head. Suffocation was listed as the cause of death.",8 +13,"PANDER? GOP SAYS, 'I DO'",12 +4,Whiff of hypocrisy in gun debate,3 +12,"Supporters of a state constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage urged leaders in the House of Representatives to schedule another vote on the divisive proposal, while opponents said they still are confident they can defeat the plan.",11 +12,Few stood against 'stand',11 +1,"The Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corp. marked its 50th anniversary with a meeting of about 400 people at the state fairgrounds. North Carolina, the nation's leading tobacco-producing state, accounts for more than half of the domestic flue-cured crop.",0 +7," +The boy, charged along with 13-year-old Mitchell Johnson in the deadly shooting at Westside Middle School,",6 +6,Electronic cigarettes added to Sunnyvale's smoking ban,5 +13,"Cruzin' for a bruisin' +",12 +12,"Half of all Americans believe that gay men and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll in which a large majority also said businesses should not be able to deny serving gays for religious reasons.",11 +12,Responding to Obama's immigration edicts,11 +7,Janitorial firm snared in probe,6 +6, gun-control proposal requiring a seven-day waiting period for people who want to buy firearms. ,5 +3,Tell truth about weapons,2 +13,NOW'S THE TIME TO CONFRONT GAY MARRIAGE ISSUE,12 +9,"Between reduced exposure to smoke and anticipated reductions in smoking, the EPA estimates that a national ban could reduce smoking-related deaths, now at about 400,000 a year, nearly 25%. ",8 +12,GAY-RIGHTS GROUPS MOBILIZE,11 +9,Deaths elsewhere: Campaigner of rare premature aging condition dies at 17,8 +11,"Local, Florida crime rates dip",10 +10,"I agree with Jac Wilder VerSteeg's Aug. 1 column ""Just say quit? Most smokers can't"" that teenagers don't have good judgment. But what about those teenagers who still ignore the warnings as adults? Does Mr. VerSteeg also have an excuse for them?",9 +12,Experts and the public agree on how to stop gun violence,11 +12, But supporters of the amendment warn that that's not strong enough.,11 +1,COST OF IMMIGRATION FALLS ON THE STATES,0 +3,GAY RABBIS CONFIRM GOD'S CREATIVE DIVERSITY,2 +12,"This time, in response to the PPIC poll, a spokeswoman for the Proposition 8 campaign, Jennifer Kerns, said, ""We certainly expected to see a hit"" because the poll was released after Attorney General Jerry Brown proposed wording for the initiative's title and summary that proponents disagreed with.",11 +1, Beware of false savings,0 +13,"The Assembly Committee on Public Safety hearing offered a preview of that battle, as dozens of gun-control advocates -- including some who have lost loved ones to violent crime -- faced off against gun-rights supporters who believe that a basic freedom is threatened.",12 +5,"The Supreme Court takes up the issue of gay marriage next week,",4 +8, Braun is serving a tour of duty in the Air Force. He holds the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve. ,7 +3,"The next day, standing in the sanctuary of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston,",2 +5,"The court gave the Legislature 180 days to decide whether to accomplish that by allowing gay men and lesbians to marry or by expanding New Jersey's domestic partnership laws. Lawmakers, though, said they had made no plans to take up the issue.",4 +15,TARGETING TOBACCO,14 +9,seriously wounded,8 +5,Attorney general seeks licensing of firearms,4 +8,The government contends that terrorist groups could learn investigative tactics and leads and how much U.S. intelligence agents know and thus could adjust their plans for terrorist attacks.,7 +5," +Legality of Same-Sex Marriage Ban Challenged",4 +13,Log Cabin Republicans Endorse Romney,12 +1,GUN SHOW: ONCE-BANNED EVENT IS RETURNING TO CONVENTION CENTER,0 +13,Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has promised to put his cash and clout behind any senator who supports the legislation ''no matter where they stand on any other issue.'',12 +15,"On guns, aim higher",14 +13,San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom give Hillary the nod,12 +6,CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: FIX IT OR SCRAP IT,5 +5,A conservative organization cited that ballot in filing suit late last month against the domestic partnership registry,4 +9,Health care plan doesn't require proof of citizenship,8 +8,DON'T ALLOW GUNS IN FLORIDA AIRPORTS,7 +13,Commissioners voted 6-1 to draw up an ordinance requiring a ,12 +13," Sen. Daylin Leach (D., Montgomery",12 +3,"Catholic Charities refused to sign a contract including such a provision, sued the city and won. Here's why:",2 +11,Who knew that an article that appeared on Page 3 of the metro section of the New York Times nearly a quarter-century ago could have such resonance in today's policy debates?,10 +1,Payday for special interests,0 +5,"The judge also found that when Kumpf applied for an immigrant visa to the United States in 1956, he did not disclose that he had been an SS guard because he feared it would disqualify him.",4 +9,A medical examiner testified during the weeklong trial that both the sharp and blunt sides of the ax were used.,8 +12,Gun-rights activists rally in state capitols,11 +1, take the financial burden away from poor counties.,0 +5, If the settlement,4 +5,Tobacco jury watches videotaped testimony,4 +11,"The nation's smoking rate has dropped sharply since 1965, when 44 percent of adults were smokers. The figure leveled off in the 1990s - hovering between 24.1 and 26.5 percent - in part because smoking increased among 18-to-24-year-olds, who probably started in high school, the CDC said.",10 +13,Campus carry gun bill goes to governor,12 +1,GUN-SHOW SALES A HAVEN FOR CRIMINALS,0 +4,TALE OF WRONGLY JAILED RESONATES,3 +5,AMERICAN ACCUSED IN DOCTOR'S KILLING WILL APPEAL RULING,4 +7,"Death penalty is sought for former escapee Convict who vanished for years after shooting will be tried for murder. +",6 +6,DOMESTIC PARTNERS BILL IS LAUNCHED / A CITY COUNCILMAN PLANS TO INTRODUCE LEGISLATION REQUIRING EQUAL BENEFITS FOR UNMARRIED COUPLES.,5 +5,"These claims, however, didn't sway the Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District.",4 +12,Many students wore orange and some wrote anti-gun slogans on their faces or other parts of their bodies with markers.,11 +13,"""Governor McAuliffe applies one standard to bills like these,"" Coy wrote in an email. ""If they make Virginia safer, he signs them. If they do not, he vetoes them.""",12 +3,"Besides, there is the matter of balancing the books.",2 +7,"Morton Grove, meanwhile, has charged about one person a year with packing a gun.",6 +2,INS lacks funds for fight Sanctions unlikely for resorts,1 +10,IN THE NABES IMMIGRANT AID CENTER AT NEW SITE,9 +1,Budget cut off biomedical research funds,0 +13,New push for change on same-sex marriage in Pa.,12 +5,High court grants stay to Fla. inmate,4 +4,Texas Jury Picks Death Sentence In Fatal Dragging of a Black Man,3 +7,"Zhao prompted an hour-long standoff with police after he rolled two suitcases up to a fountain on the west side of the Capitol. Police officers grew suspicious of his actions and questioned him, but Zhao would not cooperate and requested a meeting with the president, authorities said.",6 +13,"Governor should have spoken up on death penalty +",12 +13,"The Christie administration, which holds that same-sex marriage should be decided by voters, did not take long to weigh in with a vow that the ruling would be appealed.",12 +6,Gay Marriage Amendment Seen Eroding Current Law,5 +13,"Opposition to same-sex marriage remains high among social conservatives,",12 +12,Let Soviet Jews Come To America,11 +5,Seattle's unusual $25 gun tax upheld in state court,4 +5,HIGH COURT RULING ON DEATH PENALTY IS EXPECTED TO SPUR NEW APPEALS,4 +1,"Nixon told sixth-graders at Pattonville's Holman Middle School in St. Ann. Instead, the money went to the general fund to help balance the state's budget.",0 +3,Heroine of gay-marriage movement feels pride in progress,2 +3,Christian Syrians in U.S. echo Trump's concerns,2 +13,Pataki Orders Gun Sellers At Shows to Check Buyers,12 +7,EXECUTION IS SET FOR BERKELEY MAN IN '86 SLAYING,6 +13,"The political stakes are significant. Of an estimated 65 million evangelicals in the United States, only 27 million voted in the last presidential election, Ryun said. Defense of traditional marriage would potentially mobilize voters who overwhelmingly support Republican candidates and conservative stances on issues such as abortion and marriage.",12 +11, The second is how traditionally and fundamentally American these children's stories are.,10 +13,Board bans guns in county buildings,12 +13,States' Leaders Proposing Steps To Control Guns,12 +15,What The Post's endorsement didn't say about Vincent Orange,14 +8, Marine Lance Cpl. Tyler A. Jackson,7 +5,Deciding Not to Decide Gay Marriage,4 +14,AROUND THE WORLD; U.S. and Vietnam Agree On Immigration Program,13 +13,"In Congress, rooting around the family tree",12 +11,Orlando's ordinance notes that the 2010 census found more than 12 percent of Americans - or nearly 6.8 million households - living in domestic partnerships. That's a 25 percent increase since 2000.,10 +12,Anti-Prop. 8 protest snarls Friday traffic in San Francisco,11 +5,Charlotte suspect's confession leaves lawyers shooting for life,4 +5,"The case, an appeal by a convicted murderer on Oklahoma's death row, could produce the most important ruling in some years on the government's obligation to provide poor defendants with the tools necessary for their defense.",4 +11,HBO on Tuesday announced a documentary film project that will chronicle the court battle to overturn California's ban on same-sex marriage.,10 +3,"'I'm willing to pay according to the laws of Texas because I know I'm guilty.'' +",2 +6,IMMIGRATION REFORM,5 +13,"Complaining that ""common sense has lost to petty politics,"" an angry state Sen. Henry Mello on Wednesday blasted the gun lobby and a coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats who have killed his feral pig legislation. + +The bill, SB 1957, was introduced on behalf of beleaguered rural residents in the Monterey Bay region who contend with herds of wild porkers that can dig up their gardens, fields and meadows like bulldozers run amok. Mello, a Democrat from Watsonville, has noted that residents in 45 California counties report pig problems, with Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Monterey and San Benito among those with the most severe. + +Although SB 1957 got four votes in the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee on Tuesday, it needed seven to go before the full Assembly. Earlier, Mello's bill had passed the Senate without a dissenting vote. Three members dissented Tuesday. + +Mello lambasted the gun lobby for opposing his measure. He said that powerful group ""doesn't seem to care about protecting families' livelihoods,"" noting that farmers and some others depend on their land for crops and income. + +In an unusual move, Mello released a copy of the analysis of his bill that was given to GOP committee members by the Republican leadership. + +That document did point out that Mello's measure had support from the Santa Cruz County and California Farm Bureaus, the state Cattlemen's Association, the counties of Santa Cruz and San Benito and the California State Association of Counties. It listed gun and hunting groups as its only opponents. They were the California Rifle and Pistol Association, Safari Club International, the California Sportsman's Lobby and the Outdoor Sportsmen's Coalition of California.",12 +12," every stop was pulled out by anti-gun advocates,",11 +13,WISCONSIN LEGISLATURE PANEL VOTES DOWN PARTNER BENEFITS FOR UW WORKERS,12 +9,It is designed to save lives.,8 +9, for the death and injury of smokers ,8 +11,"Legal immigration will rise dramatically this year, with 41 percent more foreigners granted residency than in 1995, according to unreleased Immigration and Naturalization Service projections.",10 +5,Syrian Stowaway's Bid For Asylun Is Weighed,4 +13,"House Democrats led by Representatives Vic Fazio and Henry A. Waxman, both of California, offered tough anti-smoking legislation that included a big price increase on cigarettes and no industry protection against lawsuits except for those filed by Federal, state and local governments. The bill is a companion to legislation proposed by Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota.",12 +9,"Performed without anesthesia or sterile instruments, the procedure is excruciating and frequently leads to infection. Some women and girls don't survive it. Those who do often lead lives of discomfort and recurring infection.",8 +7,"enry Lee Lucas, who has figured in a widespread investigation of hundreds of slayings throughout the country, was convicted today of capital murder in the slaying of a woman whose body was found in a highway culvert in Williamson County, Tex., in 1979. +",6 +6,"Opposing view: In California, gun control fails once again",5 +5,"Freedom, and respecting others' freedoms and rights, mean that sometimes you will be uncomfortable. +",4 +6,There is a raft of needed measures that could and should be enacted as national shock flows then ebbs with each new headline about a massacre.,5 +13,"Nelson is running against Republican U.S. Rep. Bill McCollum of Longwood to replace retiring Republican Sen. Connie Mack. At a news conference Monday in Miami, James Brady said McCollum ""has done more than any member of Congress to undermine common sense gun laws,"" according to a statement faxed to news outlets by the Nelson campaign.",12 +10,"HEAVEN KNOWS a nonsmoking hotel room is a lovesome thing, mostly because the olfactory nerves have been nursed back to sensitivity in homes where smokers are exiled, in theaters and unmusty rental cars and even in restaurants, where the air is no longer chewy with tobacco. But no gain without cost. Case in point: no more matchbooks.",9 +5,"The Supreme Court, delving into one of the nation's most important public-health questions, agreed yesterday to decide whether a federal agency can crack down on tobacco as a means of reducing serious illnesses and premature deaths.",4 +10,"Same-sex couples eager for N.J. high-court marriage ruling +",9 +1,Immigrant-owned businesses on rise,0 +5,"eragos just hit HarperCollins with a subpoena demanding that the publisher produce all documents pertaining to its book deals with Frey, as well as with Peterson's estranged sister Anne Bird.",4 +13,"Former president Bill Clinton says he's in favor of legalizing gay marriage in New York, adding some political weight to a high-profile effort to get state lawmakers to pass a bill this year. +",12 +13,"GUNS, HEALTH CARE PROPEL DEBATE",12 +6,American historian shaped modern immigration law,5 +13,"Then there is Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). According to one Democratic automated poll, Flake is now one of the least popular senators in the country. Other senators will also need help.",12 +5,GUNMAKER SUIT IN JURY'S HANDS,4 +5,Deputy attorney general says draft of gun bill must be released,4 +15,Who's afraid of the NRA?,14 +2,My guess is because most smokers throw their cigarettes out on the beach and are not respectful of the land to actually dispose of them properly.,1 +9,"healthier environments for residents, including protection from secondhand smoke",8 +5,California justices to hear Prop 8 challenges,4 +5,Lawyers for sniper John Allen Muhammad said yesterday they have written proof that their client's right to a speedy trial in Fairfax County was violated. Prosecutors immediately produced their own document and demanded a hearing.,4 +5, Prosecutors had argued for the death penalty,4 +4,gender discrimination because it applied equally to men and women,3 +5,"His new trial concluded Wednesday afternoon, with the jury beginning deliberations about 5:30 p.m. +",4 +5,Jury to weigh fate of convicted murderer,4 +9," +I believe the city is absolutely safer. Make no mistake about it. This is a fantastic improvement in public safety",8 +5,Theater pulling for stage lighting Curious will petition the U.S. Supreme Court to let it smoke non-tobacco goods in its plays.,4 +6,"More 'Stand Your Ground' Fantasizing +",5 +4,"Why is it that our politicians and president are protected by these reasonable gun laws, yet many would have our school children and citizenry live in the crosshairs of any evil or unstable person who obtains a weapon and decides to open fire",3 +11,METRO'S MELTING POT Struggling with ethnic change Chamblee and Doraville face immigrant tide,10 +5,"Jurors reached their decision on Donald Fell, 25, after deliberating about 10 hours over two days.",4 +5,"Last week, a federal judge in Spokane, Wash., halted deportation proceedings for Marcos until he decided on the class-action request. The judge also ordered that counsel be appointed for Marcos at the government's expense.",4 +13,"Fairfax, Pr. William urged to ban guns on roads",12 +6,A bill to do that was defeated in the state in 2009,5 +5,Amnesty came.,4 +7,FBI investigators said Friday that the gunman who went on a rampage inside Los Angeles International Airport on July 4 was an Egyptian immigrant living in Southern California who had no criminal history or known ties to terrorist groups but apparently planned the attack in advance.,6 +5,The high court knocked out the Brady law's requirement that local law enforcement officials check the backgrounds of handgun buyers.,4 +1,Just 1 percent of all gun dealers,0 +6,Benefits of tougher laws,5 +5,sued,4 +5,"'Don't ask, don't tell' is over",4 +7,"At the very least, they said, they would try to weed out convicted felons and those who were so unstable they had, at least once, been involuntarily committed to a mental institution.",6 +12, a 3-in-4 chance of being defeated.,11 +5, legal immigration,4 +5,Mr. Lockyer said Tuesday that he would file papers on Friday with the State Supreme Court asking for a ruling on the legality of marriages. He said his office had not yet decided whether to also ask the court to stop the issuance of licenses.,4 +15,GAY MARRIAGE,14 +13,"With a stroke of Gov. Jerry Browncs pen Monday morning, California did away with its last statutory barriers to same-sex marriage. +",12 +10,"DETERMINED MEXICANS MOVIN' ON UP City's most recent arrivals yearn for a better life, and are taking traditional steps to make it theirs",9 +3,"Instead of quoting the offensive signage, as so many before her have done, she wrote that members of the church ""held provocatively worded signs indicating their view that God does not confer grace on homosexuals."" +",2 +13,Hart swipes at gay unions,12 +13," +How G.O.P. Missed Mark on Gun Control",12 +1,He bought two weapons within minutes the day,0 +5,Same-sex marriage bans struck down in 2 states,4 +10,The couple's dream came true Wednesday morning.,9 +1,The fallout from a slowing economy and the technology bust has shown up in yet another place: the decreasing number of so-called high-tech visas awarded to foreign workers.,0 +10,"COPING WITH FOOD STAMP CUT IMMIGRANTS: MOST WHO HAD BENEFITS REDUCED AREN'T USING FOOD BANKS, SURVEY SAYS.",9 +14,"As Border Woes Strain Arizona, U.S. and Mexico Talk",13 +5,Prop. 8 trial Day 6: Live coverage from the courtroom,4 +12,"This ruling was greeted with cheers from couples who had sued for the right to marry. Among them were the two women, mothers of adopted twins, and two men, one of whom proclaimed cheerily, ""We can now register at Home Depot and prepare for marriage.""",11 +1,Norcross' economic development manager was concerned businesses might leave town,0 +7,Metro Briefing New York: Manhattan: Marriage Scheme Guilty Plea,6 +13,"In War on Illegal Guns, Bloomberg Faces an Uphill Fight",12 +8, who could clear background checks,7 +5,Texas Forbids Cities to Sue Gun Firms,4 +5,Loughner to be tried in federal court first,4 +11,"Aggressive anti-smoking campaigns appear to be working in states like Oregon and California, while smoking rates rose in states with few controls such as tobacco-producing Kentucky, the federal government said Tuesday.",10 +13,CIGARETTE INTERESTS BACK BAN ON SALE TO MINORS,12 +13,D.C. should control its gun laws,12 +5,The lawyers who filed the proposed class-action lawsuit said it is the first lawsuit brought against the tobacco industry under federal civil rights law rather than personal-injury or product-liability laws.,4 +13," +Casa's political branch is backing Van Hollen",12 +9, and is under a suicide watch,8 +11, the latest addition to what is by far the nation's longest roster of condemned inmates.,10 +13," So Californians paid attention when Mr. Dole, the likely Republican Presidential nominee, suggested during a trip to tobacco-producing Kentucky last week that tobacco was not addictive and compared the ability to quit smoking to the ability to drink milk. (Some can. Some can't.)",12 +12,Moms take on guns,11 +9,"from victims of cancer, emphysema and other ailments seeking punitive damages.",8 +6,Citywise: Fremont toughens smoking restrictions,5 +7,GUILTY PLEA IN BRUTAL SLAY,6 +7,A New Jersey man with an apparent obsession with Chelsea Clinton has been arrested and charged with illegally keeping a handgun and ammunition just blocks from the White House.,6 +5,Pakistani Takes Deal in '86 Pan Am Hijacking,4 +11,"The media's portrayal of smoking and tobacco has brainwashed America's youth into believing the health risks of smoking are tolerable because it makes them socially acceptable, said non-smoker Brendan Roediger, 14, of St. Paul.",10 +1,Company seeking FTC's opinion on snuff advertising,0 +1, adding that the percentages of black and Hispanic people searching for work would only become worse in that case.,0 +7, Some Death Row inmates have been there for 20 years or more.,6 +13,Conservatives hailed both votes as validation of their views.,12 +5,"Judge Joel M. Flaum did not participate in the decision, the order notes. +",4 +13,Gun issue may have stoked GOP turnout,12 +1,Tobacco Deal Gives Billions to the Undeserving,0 +13, Analysis links donations to vote,12 +1,"""We were very surprised,"" said Dan Webb, lawyer for Altria Group's Philip Morris USA and the coordinating attorney in the case. ""They've gone down from $130 billion to $10 billion with absolutely no explanation. It's clear the government hasn't thought through what it's doing."" +",0 +11,"A square box with thick pink horizontal lines (the mathematical equals symbol) was offered for sharing this week by the Human Rights Campaign as the U.S. Supreme Court took up arguments in key marriage rights cases. +",10 +5,Death Penalty Is Sought In Shooting At Theater,4 +5, Prosecutors also sought the death penalty in his case.,4 +3,"as an ""evil empire.""",2 +1,"San Mateo County hosts only a few gun shows a year; the last one yielded a $13,000 profit, Nevin said",0 +13,city council members,12 +13,"Supporters of a D.C. vote bill scrambled yesterday to find a way to get it approved by the House of Representatives without a controversial amendment that would repeal many of the city's gun laws. + +The bill had been expected to get a final vote as early as today. But that vote was put on hold after House leaders learned that the influential National Rifle Association was urging its members to use a procedural maneuver to press for gun amendments, according to D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D).",12 +12,"""It's real simple,"" says Andy Kohut, director of the Pew Center. ""Men like guns. Women don't.""",11 +5,Aging inmate loses execution appeal,4 +4,we would drastically reduce the hateful rhetoric piled on homosexuals by many so-called Christians.,3 +13,KC COUNCIL DELAYS DOMESTIC PARTNER PLAN,12 +9,"No Longer Smoking, Cabrera Is 'Feeling Much Better'",8 +6,"Let's focus on what's important. Lawmakers need to find the courage and common sense to break the impasse over immigration in a way that secures the border, provides businesses with workers, makes it easier for immigrants to come here legally, and gives the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States an earned path to legal status with or without citizenship. And it's important to have something that neither political party wants to have: an honest discussion.",5 +12,"This has been accompanied by polls that show an increasing public acceptance of same-sex marriage and, its proponents say, by a growing sense of inevitability.",11 +1,"Faced with a ballooning budget deficit, Gov. Bob Taft has proposed borrowing $100 million of the state's share of the national tobacco settlement to balance the books.",0 +1,"Flue-cured tobacco officials have come up with another offer to tobacco companies in an effort to sell last year's unsold leaf. + +The Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corp. in Raleigh is trying to sell some of the 181.8 million pounds of unsold tobacco before the U.S. Department of Agriculture announces next year's quota on Tuesday. + +If some of the tobacco is not sold, farmers could face a 32 percent cut in the amount of tobacco they are allowed to grow. + +R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. had agreed to abide by the first deal offered by the co-op to buy tobacco at an 18 percent discount from all grades. But Philip Morris USA balked at the idea, saying it wanted to choose its own tobacco. + +The new plan somewhat counters Philip Morris' offer and prods the tobacco companies to buy more flue-cured leaf over the next seven years. + +``What we've been able to do is blend something that will move a significant amount of tobacco,'' said Arnold Hamm, a co-op spokesman. ``If this is successful, and we're optimistic that it will be, it will prevent a catastrophic quota cut.'' + +The co-op has offered to sell tobacco at a 15 percent discount to companies that buy 90 percent of their market share of 475 million pounds of tobacco in each of the next seven years, the Winston-Salem Journal reported Saturday. +",0 +13," President Bush continued walking a fine line Thursday in the Republican immigration battle, including the line at the U.S.-Mexican border.",12 +3,NRA's self-deception,2 +5, while the deal was being negotiated,4 +5,Federal gun-law cases set record in Colorado,4 +13,"Supervisor Mike Nevin, who proposed the new law, said he opposes the signal the county sends when it hosts gun shows: ''That's not the role of county government to be selling weapons. It's the wrong message for the next generation of Americans.'",12 +7,"A 34-year-old handyman has been convicted of strangling two women, including an actress who was a body double for Janet Leigh in the film ""Psycho.""",6 +5,"In Minnesota, analysts figured, about 5,000 gay couples would choose to marry in the three years following legalization of same-sex marriage. A bill to make gay marriage legal is expected to be come to a vote later this session in both the state House and Senate. +",4 +9,"They represent illegal immigrants who risk, and sometimes lose, their lives, sprinting through the stream of speeding vehicles to evade a government checkpoint.",8 +5,Judge blocks vote on gay marriage ban,4 +12,Gay supporters have been a pillar of Obama's fundraising strength;,11 +12,College dudes take aim at 'marriage' in ballot initiative,11 +6,"What Florida's new law means for gun control, school safety, mental health",5 +13,The assemblyman's law would also get rid of a provision in the current law,12 +5,"''There is no fundamental constitutional right to same-sex marriage,'' said the lawyer, Robert Zarnoch, counsel to the General Assembly.",4 +6," would underline federal refusal to recognize same-sex marriages, keeping gay couples ineligible for spousal benefits under Social Security, Medicare or other programs.",5 +13,"After an impassioned debate, the House voted yesterday",12 +12,"But experts say the pictures and the rhetoric surrounding them online, in newspapers and at public rallies, reveal some Americans' attitudes about race, immigrants and where some of immigration reform debate may be headed.",11 +10,TRAVEL SOLUTIONS,9 +12,"One in five Americans wants the Second Amendment to be repealed, national survey finds",11 +5,Stay issued in suit over gun-carry regulation,4 +5,"ut even as a Federal appeals court yesterday issued a stay of his Dec. 6 execution,",4 +5,"15,677 GUN PERMITS OK'D DURING 2003 YEAR-END REPORT COVERS PERIOD SINCE LAW TOOK EFFECT IN MAY",4 +13,Conservative Democrats seek to end gun control,12 +1,budget,0 +11,"It's estimated that there are 12 million illegal immigrants, most of them from Latin America, in the United States. About 3 million of them reside in California.",10 +9," +Rules to Require Equal Coverage for Mental Ills +",8 +6,"Under a new law that takes effect in the summer, Georgia will prohibit the execution of murderers found ''guilty but mentally retarded.'' +",5 +1,announced a $ 7 million ad campaign to remind stores that they face fines if they sell tobacco to teen-agers.,0 +11,"The mission and methods of a small, committed group of women operating FORAI Crafts demonstrates how a simple, sincere effort can have a huge impact on cultural awareness, social education and the relationships between people raised on different continents who don't necessarily speak the same language. +",10 +13,"Michael Chertoff, President Bush's nominee to be secretary of homeland security, is widely hailed for his intellectual heft and tireless work habits as a federal prosecutor and judge",12 +1,TOBACCO MONEY SHOULD BE SPENT FOR HEALTH CARE,0 +5,"In Same-Sex Ruling, an Eye on the Supreme Court",4 +13,"Mr. Clinton and his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, used the program to highlight their campaign against youth violence, and were joined in the White House by a group of teen-agers who asked them questions about restrictions on gun ownership. +",12 +3,I believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman,2 +12,"Spectators, some wearing pink badges for the bill and others wearing white badges against it, packed the state House as debate began",11 +9,Women's health going up in smoke,8 +13,CAUTION: A CIGARETTE BUREAUCRACY COULD BE HAZARDOUS,12 +8,"The new instant-check system is required under the Brady Act, which established federal background checks for handgun purchasers almost five years ago. Beginning Monday, people buying rifles and shotguns had to submit to checks, too.",7 +5, while the Supreme Court considered whether lethal injection methods were unconstitutionally cruel.,4 +5,"Several witnesses testified that the attorney, Joe Cannon, who is now dead, slept at the 1984 trial, his head drooping and sometimes resting on the table.",4 +5,Assembly gives attorney general blanket authority to sue U.S. government,4 +12, do we hear calls to ban guns or highly restrict gun rights?,11 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court refused yesterday to hear what may have been Maryland inmate Steven Oken's last best chance at avoiding his death sentence, and less than two hours later, a state judge signed a warrant for his execution in June.",4 +7, and criminals,6 +4,"Saying fairness is more important than guilt or innocence, Jesse Timmendequas' lawyers contended yesterday that publicity surrounding Megan's Law ruined his chances of a fair trial last year and that prosecutors improperly ""demonized"" him to win a death verdict. +",3 +5," +American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Roberta Kaplan, representing Rosie O'Donnell's brother, Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell (D-Manhattan), and others who are suing, said New York should allow gay marriages even if some states do not. +",4 +13,NRA suits push cities to drop gun bans,12 +3,The involvement by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,2 +13,"It is bizarre to see Virginia's attorney general formally warn Mayor Bloomberg against further investigations, as if he had violated some gentleman's dueling code. The mayor took action only after watching Congress, the Bush administration and statehouses cower before the gun lobby.",12 +7,"FEWER STORES SELL TOBACCO TO MINORS, S.J. STING",6 +5,The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled in November that it was unconstitutional to deny gays the right to marry. The court chose May 17 - the 50th anniversary of the end of racial school segregation - as the day for Massachusetts to start issuing licenses.,4 +5,TOBACCO TRIAL ATTORNEYS ARGUE OVER CASE ON EVE OF TRIAL'S START,4 +5,"Justice Department lawyers, in a filing yesterday, asked U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler in Washington to require Altria Group Inc.'s Philip Morris USA and other tobacco companies to reimburse the government for court transcripts, witness payments and other fees.",4 +5,FEDS GUNNING FOR CITIZENS' RIGHTS,4 +13,Republican Debate Offered Several Standouts and More Substance Than Fireworks,12 +3,Religious Leaders Assail Amendment On Gay Marriage,2 +6,SMOKELESS NICOTINE INHALER IS APPROVED,5 +12,"He is one of a fast-growing number of condemned inmates whose supporters,",11 +13,"At the same time, public health groups bought newspaper ads criticizing Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) for refusing to restore $ 15 million that lawmakers cut from the budget of the state-run organization mounting the anti-smoking campaign. +",12 +13, Gun lobby throws weight around,12 +13,"The president's visit came as students at schools nationwide were on edge, and as an intense debate waged among lawmakers and public officials about gun restrictions.",12 +7,"Md., Va. shootings could carry death +",6 +1,The company asserts that Mr. Wigand,0 +7,REHAB MANAGER CHARGED,6 +9,Frustrated AMA adopts sweeping policies to cut gun violence,8 +11,JEWISH IMMIGRATION IN SPOTLIGHT,10 +7, Latest reports on the Virginia Tech shooting,6 +9," +GUN SAFETY BILL MISSES TARGET",8 +6,Cigarette Giants In a Global Fight On Tighter Rules,5 +5, The Supreme Court ruling is expected in June.,4 +13,"Michele Bachmann made a surprise campaign swing Thursday through South Florida, where the GOP presidential contender said she believed her stances would ""bring Latino voters in.""",12 +7,Guns and Family Abusers,6 +7,"Jones was convicted of killing Tumekica Michelle Jackson. The girl was asleep at her grandparents' home in Baton Rouge when she was abducted on Feb. 18, 1984. Her body was found 15 hours later in a canal. She had been sexually assaulted and strangled. +",6 +10,"""The Non-Smokers' Guide to Bed & Breakfasts,"" edited by Robyn Martins (Rutledge Hill, $ 9.95 paperback): If you have an aversion to tobacco smoke, this book, subtitled ""A Guide to Smoke-Free Lodging,"" is for you. It lists more than 1,150 bed-and-breakfasts in Canada, Puerto Rico and throughout the United States (including eight in Georgia) that not only ban smoking in common areas but in all rooms. Just for the record, however, these ""smoke-free"" lodges often boast of their fireplaces (including one in the inn pictured on the cover) and outdoor grills, and all the places are easily accessible by exhaust-belching cars.",9 +3,"Liberal Christians Mobilize to React to Religious Right +",2 +7, from execution.,6 +9,children's health care,8 +11,"Elaborate costumes, blaring dance music and rainbow flags filled the streets from midtown to Greenwich Village, considered the cradle of the gay rights movement.",10 +9,MEDICAL JOURNAL CRITICIZES FLORIDA'S DOCTOR-GUN LAW,8 +12,"Proponents at the time explained the apparent low support for the measure by saying the Field Poll had a history, before a pivotal election in 2000, of understating the public's support for limiting marriage to between a man and a woman.",11 +8,"Homeland Security Dept., on Immigrant Detention",7 +13,Congress's Power Grab,12 +12,"""We had members concerned about what was going on at the United Nations,"" said the NRA's chief Washington lobbyist, Tanya Metaksa.",11 +6,Charen way off on gun control,5 +11," +TOBACCO ADS' INFLUENCE ON TEENS IN DISPUTE",10 +5,"The Supreme Court can help, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently voiced doubts about the urgency of resolving marriage equality nationwide.",4 +7,The last execution carried out by the federal government was in 1963.,6 +1,"With Joe Camel put out to pasture, tobacco makers like R.J.R. try a more direct approach.",0 +6,"Starting today, smokers are forbidden to light up anywhere on any SSM Health Care property.",5 +4,Poor Representation For Poor Defendants,3 +6,"The SAFE California Act would replace the death penalty with life in prison without the possibility of parole. If approved, the law would convert the death sentences of the state's 725 death row inmates to life in prison terms and eliminate the death penalty option in murder cases.",5 +1,Feds won't enforce law on benefits for same-sex veterans,0 +5,"Joining were attorneys general from Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Penn-sylvania.",4 +11,Execution Is a Way of Life In Home of Va. Death House,10 +5,"The ruling, dated Thursday and made public yesterday, brings to a definitive end - at least in Pennsylvania courts - a legal battle that has endured for 16 years over whether Abu-Jamal received a fair trial in 1982.",4 +7,"26 YEARS AFTER TAMPA MURDERS, KILLER HANNON WILL BE EXECUTED",6 +11,Yet the Wakefield shooting is the ninth time since 1997 that three or more people have been killed in a workplace shooting. ,10 +6,he push to make New Jersey the fourth state with a one-handgun-per-month buying limit,5 +5,RULING IN HAWAII MAKES SAME-SEX MARRIAGES LEGAL,4 +13,How universities can arm us for the gun debate,12 +5,"""I still think this is an enormous victory,"" said Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer who led a failed bid this summer to overturn New York State's ban on gay marriage. ""All that's left open is whether you use the word marriage or not.",4 +15,Letters,14 +7,Va. Official Accused in Driver's License Fraud Probe,6 +6,"But a loophole still exists, according to Wednesday's report.",5 +13,'TRYING TO DO RIGHT THING' - KEY GOP FLOPPER BRINK OF HISTORY AS N.Y. GAY MARRIAGE BILL NEEDS JUST 1 VOTE TO PASS,12 +7,"FBI: Iraqi interviews 'very helpful' +",6 +5," ""It only seeks to deprive law-abiding citizens of their right to keep and bear arms.""",4 +5,Man Arraigned in Bronx Killings As His Confession Is Released,4 +15,Bring guns,14 +6,"Massachusetts put the nation's strictest gun regulations into effect yesterday, using consumer-protection rules to ban cheap Saturday night specials and require childproof locks on any gun sold in the state",5 +7,"Parole board decides to let Trantino go free yet again +",6 +11,"Croatian chocolate shares shelf space with coffee, newspapers and movies from various Balkan republics. A grand painting of Sveti Stefan, an exclusive resort on the coast of Serbia and Montenegro, hangs next to -- but doesn't overshadow -- a T-shirt bearing the ethnic Bosnian flag.",10 +1,Wisconsin growers give Maryland tobacco a try,0 +13,SENATE MUST PRESERVE AN INDEPENDENT COURT,12 +9,died by injection,8 +1,One of the stranger revelations of this election season is that gun retailers are gearing up for a surge in winter sales,0 +5,We do not agree with critics who say that any amnesty is tantamount to rewarding lawbreakers.,4 +9,Gun safes work.,8 +5,that's almost guaranteed to land them in court.,4 +12,"On Monday, activists let him know what they thought of that advice.",11 +5,"Critics of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas were giving each other knowing looks this week. That's because Thomas, who is black, cast the lone dissenting vote against a black Texas death-row inmate asking for a chance to prove that Dallas County prosecutors illegally tried to seat an all-white jury during his 1986 murder trial.",4 +13,"But the vote on Tuesday has cast a spotlight on an unlikely opponent of expanding the use of the death penalty: Sen. Ken Cuccinelli II, a conservative law-and-order Republican from Fairfax County who hopes to become attorney general.",12 +9," he keeps a gun in his home to protect himself against hate crimes based on his sexual orientation. +",8 +5,"But when it comes to using it to convict someone, it's not foolproof: Defense lawyers and some judges say there's enough doubt about the statistical certainty of a DNA match that it should not be admitted at trial.",4 +7,"Eighteen Romanian stowaways, who were being held in chains at a hotel here by a shipping company, have been moved to a county prison in Pennsylvania, after the Immigration and Naturalization Service intervened.",6 +4,ATLANTA-BOUND: Immigrant Freedom Rides roll,3 +9,"The severely mentally ill have easy access to guns in Oklahoma, The Oklahoman reported yesterday. Gerald David Hume, a diagnosed schizophrenic, was able to purchase rifles and a handgun at Walmart and Gun World in Oklahoma City in November, which he used to shoot his 77-year-old mother to death. He then dismembered her body. +",8 +5,"If that does not happen, Multnomah County can resume issuing marriage licenses to gays and lesbians. +",4 +13,"Some senators, faced with these difficult issues, feel the need to ration their political capital and courage and limit the amount of voter outrage they are willing to incur.",12 +9,Do they save lives? Is it possible they even cost lives?,8 +11," Instead of Shriners on go-carts and a cute homecoming queen, I saw nearly naked men painted in rainbow stripes, with fig leaf-sized scraps of something barely covering their boy bits. And the not-so-cute queens in that parade were not of the homecoming variety.",10 +1,"Undocumented workers, most of whom toil uncomplainingly for a pittance, are a boon to employers, but they probably depress wages for low-income U.S. citizens.",0 +6,A third bill would ensure that local governments in Florida can't pass gun-control laws.,5 +11,HBO Sets Documentary On Marriage Court Battle,10 +13,federal,12 +13,Trump's immigration sweep broader,12 +5,"The second case, from New York, challenges a federal law that requires the federal government to deny benefits to gay and lesbian couples married in states that allow such unions.",4 +8,Police chiefs seek universal background checks on guns,7 +3,Archbishop José H. Gomez convened an interfaith prayer service at the Roman Catholic cathedral in Los Angeles and gave an emotional homily vowing not to abandon children and parents who are living in fear that Mr. Trump will follow through on his promise to deport millions of immigrants.,2 +11,"Guns have always been a part of life in this Panhandle town, even before a new Florida law seemed to invite pistol-packing on city sidewalks.",10 +1,"As employers clamor for more foreign-born workers and as tens of thousands of Mexicans slip across the border each year, the percentage of immigrant workers in the nation's labor force has climbed to its highest level in seven decades.",0 +13,"Thanks to a last-minute switched vote, the House of Representatives approved a measure today to ban 19 semiautomatic assault weapons that the bill's supporters said had no purpose other than to kill people quickly without having to take aim.",12 +6,"Unfortunately, there are already many extraordinarily lethal weapons in circulation. Moving forward will feel like having to bail out the Titanic with a paper cup. And, without minimizing the well-meaning groundswell in the wake of the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn., it is sad and ironic that it took the violent deaths of so many children and teachers to get us to this point. +",5 +7,I cannot understand why the employers have not been fined or brought up on any charges.,6 +12,ONE ARGUMENT against gay marriage is that most Americans oppose it,11 +8,INS getting cagey in cat-and-mouse game / Vise tightens at the source -- airports overseas,7 +10," Years After Shootings, A Victim's Pain Persists +",9 +8,Applicants screened,7 +4,Moving Ahead on Marriage Equality,3 +1," +But firearm prices float with supply and demand, and demand rocketed when buyers feared the supply might be threatened, said Dennis Schmidt, owner of the Shooting Systems store in Collinsville's Eastport Plaza. +",0 +12,"PROP. 22: SIGNS, STICKERS TELL OF EMOTION OF MARRIAGE DEBATE.",11 +7,The suspected gunman in Wednesday's rampage at a South Florida high school is accused of killing at least 17 people with an AR-15 rifle that authorities say he purchased legally.,6 +5,"The Hawaii Supreme Court did an about-face in December, after ruling in 1993 that a ban on gay marriages amounted to gender discrimination. The court now says such unions cannot be allowed.",4 +5,STORY CHANGE CLOUDS CASE IN WHICH ASHCROFT REPORTEDLY INTERVENED,4 +5,"The five-member State Board of Pardons and Paroles heard from Fults' lawyers Monday morning, then in the afternoon heard from a former prosecutor and the sitting district attorney for the Griffin Judicial Circuit, who said the 47-year-old Fults should be executed.",4 +14,GERMANY ASKS ARIZONA TO SPARE TWO BROTHERS,13 +5,"By contrast, advocates of gun rights praised the decision, by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, saying it raised the prospect of a national re-evaluation of the meaning of the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners. They said the District of Columbia would have to begin procedures to allow handgun possession in private homes unless yesterday's decision was stayed. + +Lawyers on both sides of the case said it had created a conflict among the federal courts of appeal on a significant constitutional issue, making review by the Supreme Court likely. The Supreme Court last considered the issue in 1939, and there are only scattered hints about how the current justices might rule. + +",4 +6,Smoking Ban Start Date Bewilders D.C. Officials,5 +6,The debate is likely to get even more heated now that the U.S. Department of the Interior is proposing a rule change that would allow visitors to carry loaded weapons into national parks with few restrictions.,5 +9,HEALTH ADVOCATES BEMOAN LAX RESPONSE TO SMOKING LAWS,8 +13,Challenger will test Gibbons on gun vote,12 +13,"Ted Cruz touts defense, immigration credentials ahead of South Carolina primary",12 +5,"In 1998, the Missouri Supreme Court threw out a similar 1996 law because it was combined with nonrelated legislation.",4 +15,Handguns In the Cross Hairs,14 +7,7 guns taken at Leesburg restaurant owned by 2nd Amendment advocate,6 +7,Inmate's Execution Still Set for Tonight,6 +13,"Reid endorses background checks for guns, will 'look at' bans",12 +3,"For years, there's been a moral issue waiting on the periphery, coughing now and then to get our attention.",2 +7,The brutality of Marsinah Johnson's slaying made police cry. How did her killer avoid death?,6 +9," doctors from asking patients whether they own firearms,",8 +12,"Here is a sampling of their responses. +",11 +12,Reasonable People for Reasonable Practices,11 +1,"WE DO SEE ALTAR-ED BIZ, SAY JUBILANT DIVORCE LAWYERS",0 +13,Senator Abandons D.C. Gun Proposal,12 +8," background check,",7 +3,"alongside the worst of civilization's evil empires.""",2 +9,"He died of ""internal bleeding and hemorrhagic shock"" on June 10, attorney Manuel Portela told the Daily News on Tuesday.",8 +13,The Wednesday rampage prompted Edwards to drop his opposition to the ban.,12 +15,Too Long to Wait,14 +5,No delay for gay marriage appeals,4 +13,"With his official presidential announcement just two days away, Vice President Gore came to this southern metropolis on a typically muggy June day to speak of community, faith, livability and guns, the latter being the dominant domestic issue in the nation's capital.",12 +1,"Philip Morris, RJR raise pack price by 45 cents",0 +7,Shootings in crossfire,6 +12,Idealistic students from schools throughout the city joined the protest - organized by the local student activist group NYC Says Enough - bearing signs and chanting slogans.,11 +3,Wedding officials split on gay marriage ceremonies,2 +11,MY COUNTRY 'TIS OF THEE,10 +5,"One possible solution to the gay-marriage issue would be the establishment of the right of homosexuals to a civil union, a domestic partnership or some other arrangement through which they could be granted the same legal rights that marriage confers",4 +13,"Mrs. Brady concluded her appeal for further controls on firearms by saying, ""Don't do it for Sarah and Jim Brady . . . "" - with her husband finishing the sentence from his wheelchair - ""Do it for all our children.""",12 +5, the court rejected,4 +7,LAW AND ORDER,6 +13,"Because he had been silent on the issue, ""I couldn't sleep last night,"" explained Rep. Dan Grossman, D-Denver.",12 +5,"Court won't hear case of photographer, gay couple +",4 +6,Five questions on U.S. gun policy,5 +6,resolution to restore smoking in bars and eateries.,5 +6,"Under the bill's provisions, marriage among gay couples would not be legalized.",5 +15,Same-Sex Marriage,14 +7,"He is a felon who had previously been deported but reentered the county illegally, the Sheriff's Office said.",6 +13,"The three regional presidents and many Democrats in the United States demand more aid, arguing that the situation is a refugee crisis rooted in U.S. neglect of the region, which has led to growing gang violence. Meanwhile, many Republicans say that the crisis is due to lenient U.S. immigration policies and that most migrants are primarily seeking economic opportunity. Here are some myths from all sides of the debate. +",12 +8,increase security on the Mexican border.,7 +13,"linton Signs Measure on Terrorism and Death Penalty Appeals +",12 +13,"Indeed, radio advertisements for Mr. Rios say Mr. Bonilla, who received $9,900 from the National Rifle Association, has been ""bought"" by special interests, ""lock, stock and barrel.""",12 +5,The Military's Swift Path to Citizenship,4 +1,Chewing tobacco promotions,0 +9,brain damage he sustained as a youth,8 +15,The Rocky Mountains,14 +5,The 9th Circuit makes the right call,4 +9,From Doctors and Lawyers: A Plea for Action on Guns,8 +8,How Should We Prevent Future Mass Shootings?,7 +6,U.S. immigration policies: From the absurd to the ridiculous,5 +5,"amendments that reaffirm opposition to same-sex unions,",4 +5,The Supreme Court refused Monday to take on the next big battle over the Second Amendment: carrying guns in public.,4 +9," +Chest X-rays, which are required for most immigrants entering the country, often don't detect early stages of TB. The state now conducts TB skin tests on immigrants in federal Immigration and Naturalization Service detention centers in Florida to detect if immigrants illegally entering the country have ever been exposed to the disease. +",8 +13,Votes in Congress,12 +1, workplaces,0 +13,"Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday named the members of a task force that will examine the state's gun's laws, including the expansive and controversial Stand Your Ground law, which has been cited in the Feb. 26 shooting death of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer. The 17-member panel is being led by Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll; the vice chairman is the Rev. R. B. Holmes Jr., pastor of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Tallahassee, one of the state's largest churches. The task force will report back to the governor and the Legislature. Ms. Carroll said the group includes a mix of law enforcement officials, lawmakers, neighborhood watch leaders, defense lawyers and prosecutors, among others. She said it would begin its work on May 1 and hold public meetings around the state. ''We are not walking into this with any preconceived notions,'' Governor Scott said.",12 +11,"Sixteen percent of teenage girls are regular smokers, and another 28 percent experiment with cigarettes.",10 +13,Santa Cruz County supervisors today will consider,12 +9,"BILLS WOULD REQUIRE HANDGUN BUYERS TO TAKE SAFETY TEST, GIVE FINGERPRINT",8 +1,"The ex-girlfriend of a retired Philip Morris executive has given the tobacco industry a huge pain in the butts by exposing a secret memo on how to ""keep normal smokers hooked.""",0 +9,How Doctors Can Fight Gun Violence,8 +10,"Bob Orr, of Fairfax Station, is about to celebrate his 20th anniversary as a quitter. He climbed the mountain at 27, with the moral support of an office mate, Marty Mueller. The two men attended weekly meetings together and kept each other on the straight and narrow. Well done, Bob and Marty",9 +6," +The answer isn't more gun control or a ban.",5 +6,Merits of Lethal Injection Are Questioned By Its Foes,5 +13,"Supervisors passed a resolution, 7 to 1, Tuesday night telling the regional planning body that its support of stricter gun control is inappropriate, Board Chairman Corey A. Stewart (R-At Large) said. Supervisor Frank J. Principi (D-Woodbridge) voted against the resolution. +",12 +9,"SMOKING STUNTS TEENS' LUNGS, STUDY FINDS",8 +11,TOBACCO USE: Survey finds less smoking in middle school,10 +11,Tobacco Show Illuminates Md. Black History,10 +13,A Texas Showdown Over Same-Sex Marriage,12 +5,"Despite Ruling, Many School Districts Ask for Immigration Papers",4 +5,"""They're not in violation of immigration laws,"" Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez said.",4 +9,"Luciana Pecanha's ghost is likewise not alone. According to a USA TODAY survey of gun deaths in April, Luciana was accidentally killed in Broward County, Fla., by a 17-year-old playing with a gun. Her death was one of about 45 accidental, gun-related killings of teen-agers and children that occur each month.",8 +13,Bush backs gay-marriage ban,12 +11,"The brothers are graceful evidence of how immigrants from the former Soviet Union and the Soviet-bloc lands are infusing new life into ballroom dancing. A telling result is that in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, immigrants from the former Soviet Union now own 11 of the 23 Fred Astaire dance studios, the chain of franchises Astaire founded in 1947. And there are an additional hundred or so Russians who teach in the 89 other Astaire studios around the country.",10 +4,". ""There cannot be a fair trial when there is not a constitutional law in place to follow."" +",3 +12,The Parkland students can transform the gun-control movement,11 +1,Paying the entire cost of a program to stop smoking may be more expensive in the short run,0 +11,Immigrants Question Idea of Assimilation,10 +5," to impose a moratorium on concealed-weapon ""carry permits""",4 +11,Pioneers in gay rights revel in progress,10 +12,N.R.A. Stands By Criticism Of President,11 +10,"""This marked a precedent for future students,"" Galeas said. ""Really, I do not see it as a personal achievement but one for people who come after me or are in my same situation. It's a feeling of satisfaction.""",9 +5,Castille's tirade a disservice to justice,4 +5,"The judge noted, however, that prosecutors improperly suppressed evidence that suggested detectives beat Reginald Clemons into confessing to the crimes.",4 +8,U.S. Is Warned On Executions In Terror Case,7 +12,"The activists say EqualityMainers have had a change of heart since the last vote in 2009. They turned over cartons of petitions Thursday signed by 105,000 voters, far more than needed to force a referendum in November.",11 +9,"The Post series documented 83 detainee deaths during this time. Given the size of the population, a certain number of deaths is unavoidable, and the Division of Immigration Health Services (DIHS), the unit of Homeland Security that provides medical care for detainees, argues that these statistics show that it provides competent care for the vast majority of those being held. ",8 +5,Tobacco stocks get a break in ruling,4 +7,National Briefing Southwest: Texas: Sentencing In Smuggling Deaths,6 +10,"TEENS ARE QUITTING SMOKING, GAINING SELF-ESTEEM WITH A LITTLE HELP",9 +9,IOWA CRASH KILLS 9 PEOPLE IN PICKUP,8 +15,To Markets! To Markets!,14 +13,"A majority of Maryland's state senators have said publicly that they will vote to legalize same-sex marriages, greatly increasing the odds that the highest-profile social legislation being considered by the General Assembly will pass in coming weeks.",12 +15,A dangerous silence,14 +5,NRA sues Sunnyvale over ammo magazine ban,4 +13,Black lawmakers in the Maryland General Assembly,12 +11,WHOOPI'S HUFFING & PUFFING Tells Bloomberg city can butt out,10 +5,Judge Cites Progress in Philip Morris Bond Case,4 +6,LOGIC BEHIND GUN CONTROL IS BACKWARD,5 +5,"The attorneys general said that allowing same-sex marriages now could unnecessarily open the door to legal challenges from gay residents of other states who get married in California. Upon returning to their home states, the newlyweds could demand equality in everything from tax-filing status to testimonial privileges in civil suits, the attorneys general said.",4 +5,"It is, instead, to fully inform the jury of the severity of the defendant's conduct.",4 +4,"""Setting aside the question of its wisdom or fairness,",3 +5,Visas for Top Graduates: A View From Capitol Hill,4 +14,"While Derbez has not detailed the objections, analysts here said the plan poses a political nightmare for President Vicente Fox. They said the spectacle of U.S. officials flying handcuffed immigrants to distant ports for deportation is a public relations disaster for Fox, who took office promising to forge an agreement with Washington to make immigration to the United States safer and easier for Mexican workers.",13 +11,A man scheduled to be the first Arkansas Death Row inmate executed in more than a quarter-century,10 +1,"The study found that 83 percent of the bar owners surveyed anticipate a loss of revenue if the proposed ban is implemented. Also, 49 percent of restaurant owners and managers surveyed who currently permit smoking believe the ban would result in lower revenues.",0 +13,"Senate candidates share priorities of gun control, better education",12 +6,Cutter Ferries 38 to Haiti Under New Rules; Policy Canceling Asylum Interviews at Guantanamo Confuses Boat People,5 +5,"Prosecutors played tapes yesterday of 911 calls made by two victims from the burning upper floors of the South Tower. +",4 +13,Obama Vows Fast Action Pressing for Gun Control,12 +2,"MARTINEZ: ADD 9,417 PRISON BEDS",1 +12,taking the N.R.A.'s orders should listen closely to Tennessee's citizens. As one demanded at a local hearing this summer: ''Are you going to hear the voices of the unarmed?'',11 +7,"Jeffrey Lee Wood is sentenced to die this week for the murder of a store clerk during a robbery, even though he was sitting in a truck outside the convenience store when it happened.",6 +15,Guns and Virginia Airports,14 +13,Two days before Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) announced plans to sponsor a same-sex marriage bill,12 +3,KEEPIN' THE FAITH Amens for Hil in B'klyn churches Denounces gun insanity & police shoots,2 +5,"Justices of the California Supreme Court appeared torn Tuesday about whether to invalidate more than 4,000 marriage licenses issued here to same-sex couples in February and March.",4 +7,"Any Georgia adult who uses a fake ID to get a job could go to prison for 15 years and pay a fine of $250,000.",6 +5,The settlement is the result of five months of negotiations between attorneys general from eight states and the nation's four biggest tobacco companies.,4 +13,And some Republicans signaled that this time may be different.,12 +11,Orlando shooting spurs LGBT gun debate,10 +10,Prison officials said the inmate also spent his final hours watching movies on a videocassette player in his cell adjacent to the electric chair.,9 +6,"the ban on openly gay service members and announced that it would no longer fight legal challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act, the federal law that bans federal recognition of same-sex marriages.",5 +1,COUNTY RECEIVES FUNDS FOR JAILING COSTS,0 +6,under Delaware sentencing guidelines.,5 +7,NO HAVEN FOR TORTURERS; ACT AGAINST GENERALS,6 +13,Crucial Concessions Helped Save Gun Show Measure,12 +5,"Nichols offers plea to avoid death penalty +",4 +5,Stand Your Ground Laws,4 +9, and prompting others to experiment with chemicals that have been blamed for several ­high-profile botched executions.,8 +6,The government is now running programs to educate local police departments to assure that future violations do not occur.,5 +1,"""Quite a few family take the paycheck, go straight to the casino, and come home with nothing,""",0 +7,Pair had entered country illegally in 2009 but had no criminal records,6 +5,"Jonathan Fisher showed little emotion when the jury of five men and seven women announced his fate, according to Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney Steven Fairlie, who prosecuted the case.",4 +8, right of self-defense.,7 +11,partly in response to media outlets in Virginia,10 +3,Marriages are spiritual unions,2 +13,AS OUR NEW pro-gun rights senator visited Harlem,12 +6,FRANKEL'S KID CRUSADERS BURN BILL'S OPPOSITION,5 +11,"It's a big change from a decade ago, when smoke wafted from many Council offices and cigarette-puffing members were a fixture on the City Hall steps.",10 +5, Trump has said he will sue Univision for breach of contract.,4 +15,A Slow Start for INS,14 +11,O'REILLY SAYS OVER HALF OF IMMIGRANTS FROM 3 CENTRAL AMERICAN COUNTRIES USE WELFARE,10 +5,U.S. Grants Asylum to Woman Fleeing Genital Mutilation Rite,4 +13,"In a nationally televised address last night, Bush said he would devote the rest of his term in office to obtaining a constitutional amendment banning marriage between fictitious gay characters.",12 +13,"Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, who as New York mayor backed gun control and sued firearms manufacturers, sought a middle ground Friday with skeptical gun-rights activists.",12 +7,the mayor pointed out that 90% of the guns in the city come in illegally from the outside.,6 +9,"Zettlemoyer, the petition maintains, is ""severely disturbed, mentally ill and brain damaged,"" without a ""rational grasp of his death sentence or the reasons for his execution. He is in need of a guardian.""",8 +10,"there has been a 69 percent decrease in death rates from multiple shootings,",9 +15,Briefly,14 +13,"Even so, Mr. Spiker appears to believe that sympathizing with social conservatives committed to defeating Justice Wiggins will encourage a big turnout by the party's base in a presidential election year and also help Republicans wrest control of the State Senate from Democrats. But stoking intolerance and further politicizing a retention election meant to weed out incompetent or corrupt judges is an unacceptable strategy.",12 +13,Newsom Steps Away From Limelight on Same-Sex Marriage,12 +5,"Nonetheless, as one juror said, the $3 billion verdict will make Big Tobacco ""stand up and take notice."" No one will dispute that, even though a Philip Morris attorney acknowledged that the company makes a dangerous product. +",4 +7," I've been involved with gun control since a day 26 years ago when one of my parishioners was gunned down by a kid whose buddy gave him a gun so he could ""go out and get some money.""",6 +5," So I believe the best way to get to same sex marriage is to make sure we can implement it in Massachusetts, block the federal effort to cancel this out and then give the country an example for a couple of years that same sex marriage have zero negative effects on anyone else.",4 +6," One seeks to reinstate a ban on high-capacity gun magazines; another would close the so-called gun show loophole, which permits some people who buy guns at gun shows to avoid background checks otherwise required by federal law; the last would close gaps in the law that prevent the government from stopping suspected terrorists from buying firearms or explosives.",5 +5,Verdict kicks tobacco while its down,4 +4,after revelations that innocent people were sometimes being sentenced to death in Illinois. ,3 +9, mental health,8 +3, the Catholic Church,2 +5,Death-row inmate: Lawyer silent on options,4 +5,Lawyers for Protect Marriage told the judge in court papers filed last week that allowing the documents to remain in the trial record would violate the First Amendment freedom of association rights of the measure's supporters.,4 +5,The November ballot initiative to ban gay marriage,4 +13," Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords received the 2013 Profile in Courage Award at the John F. Kennedy Library on Sunday in recognition of the political, personal and physical courage she has demonstrated in her public advocacy for policy reforms aimed at reducing gun violence. +",12 +10,"""Average citizens are crippled by fear. Men and women are afraid to go out of their homes. Children are afraid to walk to school or go to their neighborhood playground.""",9 +5,The court's action on the case -- which makes it possible for same-sex unions to begin June 17 -- was unusually quick. Most appeals trigger a 30-to-60-day delay in the effective date of a ruling.,4 +12,AN ARMY OF PROTESTERS,11 +7,"Forget the jail house love letters and the pledges of devotion. Forget the longing looks that Adam Davis and Valessa Robinson once exchanged across a crowded courtroom, even as they faced charges of murdering her mother.",6 +6,"Gun-control backers cool to Miller plan Ban targeting minors falls short, critics say",5 +7," convicted killers scheduled for execution a day apart +",6 +5, Banks and Cooney got nine stays of execution before they won Thompson's exoneration in May 2003 after 18 years in prison.,4 +4,A headline that misled on gun laws,3 +3,"Religious Leaders Push Congregants on Gun Control, Sensing a Watershed Moment",2 +12, that opinion polls charting a rapidly increasing favor for same-sex marriage are somehow not reflective of the mainstream.,11 +13,"White House to close 2 gun-sales loopholes +",12 +13,"Northam said the cancellation was out of ""sensitivity"" to grieving families, although Giffords and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, responded to the Las Vegas violence at an afternoon news conference outside the U.S. Capitol.",12 +3,"""I just discerned and prayed and journeyed with what was before me,"" he said Tuesday. +",2 +3,"For 22 years, Bishop John S. Spong has been one of the most controversial voices in the Episcopal Church, ardently supporting same-sex marriages and the ordination of openly gay ministers.",2 +9,mandatory trigger locks.,8 +13,"The bills have passed all committees; the House is expected to vote Tuesday, and the Senate may soon follow.",12 +10,"Gay Marriage | After a Battle, a Celebration",9 +11," ""But it seems to me we are still back in the days of the Salem witch trials.""",10 +13,"Appearing before gay rights activists Tuesday, most of the Democratic presidential field called for repeal of the ""don't ask, don't tell"" policy in the military, but a majority said same-sex marriages should not be recognized.",12 +1,"President Clinton said ""the tobacco companies should answer to the taxpayers for their actions. The taxpayers of our country should have their day in court.""",0 +13,Governor backs amendment to ban gay marriages in Mass.,12 +14,Effort by U.N. To Cut Traffic In Arms Meets A U.S. Rebuff,13 +5,"Reno, acting just hours before she left office Jan. 20, ordered the immigration board to reconsider the case of Rodi Alvarado, who fled to the United States and sought refuge from savage beatings by her husband, a former Guatemalan soldier, said Immigration and Naturalization Service spokesman Bill Strassberger.",4 +5,released during Minnesota's lawsuit,4 +13,"shcroft's book contains a whole chapter on his views on capital punishment during his own two terms as governor. Ashcroft credited Ronald Reagan with helping him sort out his thoughts on the death penalty. +",12 +10,'NO MORE DEAD KIDS',9 +13," +Sen. Dianne Feinstein urged President Bush on Tuesday to support her decade-old ban on assault weapons, which will expire in September if Congress does not renew it.",12 +5,Clemency hearing scheduled for killer,4 +7,who kidnapped and killed 18-year-old Frances Julia Slater in 1982 after stealing $ 134 from the Stuart convenience store where she worked.,6 +5," ""support the Second Amendment ",4 +6,"The 1995 measure weakened the city's tough law governing concealed weapons, clearing the way for a boom in city residents with so-called carry permits.",5 +3,"Reform Judaism, the largest movement in Judaism in North America, has traditionally supported and actively promoted tolerance, inclusiveness and change. The approval of this resolution will put this religious group way out front on the question of homosexuality that is now threatening to create outright schism in some Christian denominations.",2 +3,EVANGELICALS PUSH IMMIGRATION REFORM,2 +1,"In New Tack in Gun Debate, a Call to Investigate Smith & Wesson's Disclosures",0 +13,Case rekindles Ga. execution debate,12 +7,"Navy spokesman Lt. (j.g.) Sean Robertson said that 13 individuals had been barred from the base. Neither he nor Zuieback could explain the discrepancy between the numbers. +",6 +4," ""every element associated with the trial process [was] tainted with unfairness.""",3 +11,Weddings planned for San Leandro Marriage Equality Day Friday,10 +13,"E-cigarette tax, bail reform advance in N.J. Senate",12 +6,"he paper found there were few rules prohibiting any of it,",5 +9,"Roberts, 27, died at 12:05 a.m., four minutes after the first of three lethal doses was administered",8 +15,Get beyond state's range,14 +6,"When Congress banned production of certain assault weapons and large-capacity gun magazines five years ago, it allowed existing ones to be owned and resold. And many of the existing ones were owned - and sold - by police, as staff writer David Olinger deftly reports in today's Post.",5 +11,"In the report, a study of immigrants who arrived in the 1980's, a clear picture emerges of just how dramatically the city's ethnic landscape is changing.",10 +13,"Similar proposals to revisit stand your ground went nowhere this year in the Legislature. +",12 +13, I have been reading with interest the opposing views as to whether or not gun control should be implemented. I am appalled by the number of readers who seem to be convinced that more government with more control is the answer to any of our problems.,12 +12,"The U.S. gun owners' organization was alarmed when the General Assembly last December ordered a U.N. study to investigate ways ""to prevent and reduce the excessive and destabilizing accumulation and transfer of small arms and light weapons.""",11 +6,Laws allowing self-defense killings at crux of firestorm,5 +15,"The Gun Report: June 5, 2013",14 +5,"Gingrich said that requiring states to provide their schooling was a federal ""unfunded mandate"" - an order from Washington that the federal government does not pay for.",4 +6,Trump and Sessions plan to restrict highly skilled foreign workers,5 +13,Rifle Lobby Torn by Dissidents and Capitol Defectors,12 +11,"That's particularly true in areas such as Washington, ",10 +5,KILLER FACING EXECUTION HAS LATEST APPEAL DENIED,4 +13,passed by the State Senate earlier this session and is making unexpected progress in the Assembly.,12 +13,"This obliterates the president's argument that he ""did something"" for Hispanics and forces Hillary Clinton to explain how she plans to go even beyond what the president has done. In fact, the entire approach to government by unilateral executive action should and will, I suspect, be a topic of debate in the general election",12 +5, exhausted appeals,4 +6,"""Those are reasonable measures,"" he said. +",5 +5,VT. COURT TO WEIGH GAY MARRIAGES / THREE COUPLES HAVE FILED SUIT,4 +1,The Nichols defense has cost $1.2 million and the amount grows. ,0 +11,"This weekend, more than 300 teenagers from across the state ",10 +5, but a special prosecutor has asked the state Supreme Court for a 90-day stay to investigate allegations of witness perjury.,4 +8,"He apparently was referring to alleged vigilante acts against illegal immigrants trying to enter the USA through Arizona. +",7 +5,also failed to sway a Brooklyn federal jury.,4 +5, A better verdict the second time,4 +6,"These are sensible proposals that would save lives without jeopardizing the constitutional rights of hunters, gun collectors and other legal gun owners.",5 +11, a state with nearly half a million hunters,10 +1,"TOBACCO-TAX BACKERS CLAIM VICTORY CIGARETTES COULD COST $3.40 A PACK AS RESULT OF PROPOSITION 10, INDUSTRY AGREEMENT",0 +5,"A federal appeals court in Denver ruled Wednesday that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry, moving the issue a giant step closer to a return engagement at the Supreme Court.",4 +1,Ga. farmers need immigration bill,0 +13,"But with President Donald Trump already embroiled in chaos and controversy, the conservative financiers assembled at a desert resort here were also forced to contend with a new uncertainty: whether the new president will be an ally or an obstacle.",12 +13,Bloomy's gun group backs Hil,12 +5,"Thursday's decision was the second by a federal appeals court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act. Now the case, Windsor v. United States, could be considered by the Supreme Court, or the court could choose other cases in its pipeline concerning same-sex marriage. Those include an earlier decision on the act by the First Circuit in Boston and one from the Ninth Circuit overturning California's ban on same-sex marriage. It could also decide to hear all of them.",4 +1,POLS: LET PUBS PAY FOR SMOKES,0 +7,U.S. could deport Millions of people,6 +3,Wholly Matrimonial,2 +8,Several residents at the Hazelwood council meeting were concerned about the loss of firearms protection.,7 +13,Mr. Warner,12 +9,Personal Health,8 +7,U.S. HAS A BIG LEAD IN HANDGUN HOMICIDE,6 +4,"to save a man they are convinced is innocent. +",3 +11,"Kennedy referred to the ""concern of the remote settler to defend himself and his family against hostile Indian tribes and outlaws, wolves and bears and grizzlies and things like that.""",10 +13,STILL NO ACTION AS TOLL FROM GUNS CLIMBS,12 +5,Court eyes cigarette liability,4 +10,"Losing a beloved family member to murder is a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. The effects on the family and even on the wider community extend well beyond the initial shock and trauma. The common assumption in this country is that families who have suffered this kind of loss will support the death penalty. That assumption is so widespread and so unquestioned that a prosecutor will say to a grieving family, ""We will seek the death penalty in order to seek justice for your family."" A lawmaker introduces a bill to expand the application of the death penalty and announces that he is doing this ""to honor victims."" A politician believes that she must run on a pro-death-penalty platform or risk being labeled soft on crime and thus unconcerned about victims.",9 +11,Is the death penalty in America gradually dying?,10 +5,Ruling tangles policy on Chinese immigration / Approval of asylum foils Clinton's crackdown vow,4 +6,PUT BREYER'S LOGIC IN DEATH-PENALTY LAW,5 +5,Liggett documents may have eluded order,4 +1,"Employers ""generally don't pay more than what they have to pay as long as they can get what they need without paying for it,"" Salzman said. ""If you can increase supply, you can hold down wages.""",0 +10,FORMER SMOKER SAYS 'PREACHING' IS ESSENTIAL COMPONENT OFO QUITTING,9 +3,America's better than the killer of James Byrd,2 +13,"Instead, Mr. Pataki brokered a temporary cease-fire between the Democratic-controlled Assembly and Republican-led Senate. All sides agreed tonight to redouble their efforts to draw a narrower bill that would be more likely to survive expected constitutional challenges.",12 +7,"Authorities tried to deport Benziane, awaiting trial in Denver on felony theft charges and convicted of theft in several other states, last fall. However, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order after Benziane's attorney argued that he would be in danger if he returned to his homeland.",6 +7,Safety: Degrees of Gun Peril for Police,6 +6,"Under Sensenbrenner's plan, the Justice Department would create a single agency to enforce laws and keep unqualified people from entering the United States. A second agency would smooth the way to possible citizenship for legal immigrants",5 +13,Mauser to lobby for gun-control group,12 +14,Canada's Celebration of Marriage,13 +13,THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: CALIFORNIA,12 +8,"Smuggling, Via Portable Toilet",7 +13,Rendell,12 +13,"Lhota: Ease up on gun permits +",12 +5,"The decision by the six-person jury in Jacksonville, Fla., marked one of the rare times in recent decades that jurors have sided with an individual smoker in a cigarette-related lawsuit.",4 +6,"The Berkeley City Council on Tuesday unanimously directed city attorneys to draft legislation requiring firms doing business with the city to extend benefits to domestic partners if they grant them to employees' spouses. Only San Francisco and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., have similar laws. +",5 +7,"Mr. Rheinheimer also charged Mr. Corbett with the lesser offenses of second-degree murder, manslaughter and negligent homicide. Whether probable cause exists for the charges will be determined by a justice of the peace at a preliminary hearing that has not yet been set.",6 +3,"Presbyterians voting in Tampa join a minority of presbyteries nationally that oppose ceremonies such as ""holy unions"" of gay couples. +",2 +12," +Large percentages of Americans favor limits on handgun sales, according to most polls.",11 +6,Smoking ban's effect on bar sales to be checked,5 +5,"A Superior Court judge had ruled same-sex marriage must be allowed in New Jersey. +",4 +13,MAYOR BLOOMBERG is looking to cash in on a big fat gay wedding bonanza.,12 +15," +LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE",14 +13,"A more conservative Senate, backed by a second Bush term, could allow the appointment of two or three conservative justices to the Supreme Court to join Justices William Rehnquist, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia.",12 +7,"Federal prosecutors in Manhattan announced yesterday that seven employees of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service and 26 others had been charged with selling fraudulent immigration papers for more than $100,000 in bribes.",6 +5,Hall said she would make her decision on the motion to dismiss the case on Sept. 27.,4 +6,The committee dropped sections that would prohibit jurisdictions from detaining undocumented prisoners past their release dates on behalf of immigration authorities.,5 +9,"It's time to clear the air, protect Floridians' health",8 +12," +Editorial: The unprecedented outrage over guns must continue",11 +10,"""Children learn what they live. And Abdul Malik El-Shabazz came into this world, and all he knew was pain - whether it was physical pain, or emotional pain,""",9 +13," said DiFrancesco, the Republican president of the state Senate, who was filling in for Gov. Whitman.",12 +7,You'd think being in prison on rape charges,6 +11,"The current immigration wave is the largest in U.S. history. From 1991 to 2000, more than 9 million legal immigrants arrived, exceeding the previous record of 8.8 million set 90 years ago during the first great migration, according to INS figures. +",10 +6,same-sex marriage ban,5 +13,"It wasn't long until Mr. Coburn, a gun rights advocate, had backed away from negotiations with Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, the No. 3 Senate Democrat, securing at least a temporary victory for gun rights activists and frustrating advocates of new gun safety laws. +",12 +13,Fla. lawmakers pass gun-control bill,12 +13,Owens supports putting gun proposals on ballot,12 +9,TWO SALVADORANS FIND A REFUGE IN ST. PETERS,8 +6,Bill opens Atlanta airport to firearms,5 +13,"Editorial: Short takes on guns for loan in the Capitol, reviving the Delta Queen, and a supercharged Ford Focus",12 +1,see a cunning ploy by Marlboro's maker to seal the company's dominant position.,0 +3,Faith's Influence on U.S. Politics Alienates Secular Europe,2 +13,ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN SOUGHT IN HOUSE,12 +1,CANDY MAKERS OFFER SMOKERS A SWEET DEAL,0 +11,America's demographic denial,10 +10,"MINNEAPOLIS WOMAN QUIT SMOKING, SET MIND AND BODY ON NEW ATHLETIC GOALS",9 +9, and that he is mentally retarded.,8 +13,"The vote devastated gay-rights groups because Gov.-elect Christopher J. Christie, who takes office Tuesday, has said he would not sign such a bill. The plan would have fallen short even with Sweeney's support, but he angered even some Democrats by not voting.",12 +5,"In a ruling that calls into question Arizona's gay marriage ban, a judge handed a victory Friday to a gay man who lost his spouse to cancer last month and was denied death benefits because the state prohibits same-sex unions. +",4 +7,The 68 inmates executed in 1998 were on death row an average of 10 years and 10 months - three months less than that of the 74 inmates executed in 1997,6 +15,"Congratulations, Lloyd Blankfein",14 +3,If we would collectively acknowledge that the opponents of gay marriage are basing their claims on religious and moral,2 +8,"In plea deal, Russian woman admits to being a secret agent",7 +13,"IN A.C., STATE MAYORS BACK MOTHERS' MARCH, GUN CONTROL",12 +5,The act led Koster to head to a St. Louis Circuit Court on Thursday morning and seek a temporary injunction to stop the city from issuing more same-sex marriage certificates.,4 +5,"John Stapleton, one of plaintiff's attorneys, said the agreement moves the case closer to addressing the ban's constitutionality and beyond the question of whether Corbett should be a defendant.",4 +5, Tribes Sue for a Share Of Tobacco Settlement,4 +13,"The state House voted 79-68 for the ""civil unions"" bill, which was approved by the Senate last week. Democratic Gov. Howard Dean said he will sign it, possibly as soon as tomorrow.",12 +13,Kaine,12 +13,"Wearing Guns, and Support for Ron Paul, on Their Hips",12 +13,Pro-gun forces win in Senate Curb on local bans heads to House,12 +13,"As former Gov. Dick Lamm, himself a sharp critic of immigration, noted, that mean-spirited act 'took a policy issue and made it personal.' It also prompted Colorado's senior senator, Republican Ben Nighthorse Campbell, to sponsor a private relief bill to make Apodaca a U.S. citizen. President Bush has supported that bill.",12 +12,Residents rally for gays' right to marry,11 +11,new tools to fight youth smoking.,10 +5,"I commend the Massachusetts court for standing up for the values expressed in the State Constitution, and I hope that the United States Supreme Court has the courage to do the same, when the time comes.",4 +15,'This is the world you wanted',14 +12," +Coloradans for Marriage, which has overseen the campaign for Amendment 43 to ban gay marriage, issued a brief statement. + +""This is a difficult situation for Pastor Haggard and his family,"" said executive director Jon Paul. ""However, we will not let this distract us with our efforts to pass the Colorado marriage amendment to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman."" +",11 +5,which would also create civil unions -- the legal equivalent of marriage for same-sex couples.,4 +13,"She stepped onto the political stage in 1996 as the consummate citizen legislator and Washington outsider, after being thrust into the national spotlight when her husband was killed and her only son seriously wounded in a gunman's rampage on a Long Island Rail Road train in 1993. But since her first days in office, this former nurse from Mineola has grown into a comfortably entrenched incumbent. She has retained the Everywoman manner that helped her sail to re-election twice, but she also has learned the nuanced art of political negotiation.",12 +7,"Knapp had told police he drank a case of beer and a fifth of whiskey the day he went to the store. Within a half-hour of buying the gun, he ran Kitchen's car off the road and shot her in the neck.",6 +8," is weighing steps ranging from requiring universal background checks,",7 +9,SMOKING BAN HANGS LIKE UNHEALTHY CLOUD OUTSIDE,8 +7,Gwinnett; Gwinnett: Ex-Serbian soldier guilty of lies about immigration,6 +3,The Pharisees line up to cast their stones at gay partners,2 +10, which has included survivors recounting the graphic details of their limbs being blown off and of loved ones being killed.,9 +13,federal government,12 +13,the Senate State Government Committee decided in a 9-4 vote yesterday. The committee rejected legislation that would have banned smoking in those public places,12 +13,3-day gun wait gains support in Hillsborough,12 +9,"Missouri attorney general: State needs its own execution pharmacy +",8 +1,"DOWNTURN HITS HOLDERS OF H-1B VISAS IMMIGRANTS WORRY AS TECH MARKET SAGS THEY WERE HOT COMMODITIES JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO, BUT AFTER LEAVING THEIR COUNTRIES, MANY SKILLED HIGH-TECH WORKERS ARE NOW 'ON THE BENCH,' WAITING FOR JOBS.",0 +11,Spanish-Language Paper,10 +13," Younger people are more liberal and less conventional, they say",12 +12, or even by a unanimous vote of American society.,11 +5,Handgun's Color Leads to Lawsuit,4 +1,The immigration dividend,0 +5,"He said the changes will not take away anyone's rights to an appeal but ""will make sure the death process moves forward in a timely manner.""",4 +9,Health officials urge cigar warning labels,8 +11,"On opposite ends of the spectrum, Louisiana, a shall-issue state, had a firearm homicide rate of 9.96 per 100,000 residents in 2015; Hawaii, a may-issue state, had a firearm homicide rate of 0.75 per 100,000 residents in 2015.",10 +7,eliminating capital punishment,6 +13,California Senate passes new gun bill,12 +13,"Before farmers, Helms makes last speech as senato",12 +9,GUNS AND SCHOOLS: THE FINGER POINTING,8 +13,are set to square off at a hearing today before the House Subcommittee on Health and the Environment.,12 +5,Iranian Cyclist Detained at Border Wins Political Asylum,4 +13,THE LIMITS OF COMMUNITY TOLERANCE COUNTY'S DOMESTIC PARTNER REGISTRY IS REPEALED TO AVOID AN ELECTION BLOODBATH,12 +1,BILLS WOULD CAP TOBACCO INDUSTRY'S BONDS AT $100M,0 +13,Bush to back national ban on gay marriage,12 +13," Yet gun violence has disappeared from the national political agenda, even as the United States leads its post-industrial peers with an average of eight times as many annual deaths as a result of gun violence.",12 +1,"Some insurance consultants, however, have told the city that insuring adults under age 65 could cost the city an extra $ 200,000 annually.",0 +5,EAGER ALIENS ARE SEEKING DETAILS ON NEW AMNESTY LAW,4 +7,Another Staten Island gun dealer who dealt with one of these same undercover detectives is on the way to demonstrating otherwise.,6 +5,"The New York court's ruling Wednesday found that immigrants with temporary permission to stay, like Vargas, aren't necessarily barred by federal rules that prohibit states from giving undocumented immigrants professional licenses.",4 +5,TOBACCO VERDICT UNDERCUTS STOCKS,4 +13,Clinton weighs gun licensing,12 +6,HOUSE OKS TOUGH IMMIGRATION CURBS,5 +7,"John Ernest Krause will die in prison, but the state of Florida won't choose the date.",6 +13,"Harsh new ad hits Flake for gun control vote +",12 +5," +By eliminating class-action status, the three-judge panel discarded damages awarded by a Miami-Dade County jury in 2000 after a two-year trial. Individual awards were also thrown out.",4 +13,"Sean Conway, Allard's spokesman, said the senator was disappointed he didn't get to meet with the mayor. It wasn't that Allard was about to embrace the mayor's calls for more gun control measures - although he did vote for the version of the juvenile justice bill that Webb and the U.S. Conference of Mayors, which he heads, are backing.",12 +13," +White House says it will close two gun sales loopholes Thwarted in Congress, White House says it will close two gun sales loopholes with new rules",12 +12,"Several hundred demonstrators assembled by the National People's Action, a network of community organizing groups, massed on Pennsylvania Avenue outside the White House, marching behind a banner announcing, ""Pres. Obama: Your legacy, our future."" A dozen Latinos - some in the country illegally, organizers said - sat in front of the White House gate, inviting the U.S. Park Police to arrest them, which they did.",11 +1,PHILIP MORRIS EXEC RETIRES,0 +1,"''You go to gun shows and they don't sell guns to everyone who walks in,",0 +9,Immigration Center Failed to Contain Measles Outbreak,8 +5,A 'Kagan Doctrine' on Gay Marriage,4 +7, for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel J. Faulkner.,6 +13,"Let's raise a toast this morning to the Log Cabin Republicans. They believe in fiscal responsibility, a strong national defense and limited government. They are true conservatives. They have strong beliefs and even thicker skin. How else could a gay be a Republican? + +I went to one of their meetings a year ago. State Rep. Carl Bearden was the guest speaker. He had just joined his Republican colleagues in voting to bar school districts from allowing students to form gay support clubs. Imagine that. I admired Bearden for agreeing to speak to the Log Cabin Republicans after such a vote. Which is, of course, why I went to the meeting. I wondered how Bearden would defend that vote. He didn't have to. ",12 +12,NRA SESSION GUN GROUP TAKES AIM HERE AT CONTROL LAWS,11 +9,"The health hazards of smoking have been well documented, yet millions of Americans remain smokers - and continue to put their quality of life on the line.",8 +2,OK would cut back on services,1 +15,LOW NUMBER GIVEN FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS,14 +1,Most of the money,0 +5,Prosecutor demands jury trial,4 +14,"There were 356 homicides in South Korea in 2016, a nation of 51 million, according to the National Police Agency. By contrast there were 762 murders that year in Chicago alone, a city of about 2.7 million people.",13 +6,The students don't need this 'protection',5 +5," So to protest what they see as recent encroachments by the Federal Government on a citizen's right to bear arms,",4 +11,Gun ownership not at heart of being American,10 +4,How Trump's travel ban uses Muslim women as pawns,3 +13,"Obama has made gun control a priority since the tragedy in December at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. But the President and his Democratic allies are up against a deeply divided Congress and a highly motivated lobbying attack from the National Rifle Association, which has hooks into the GOP. +",12 +13,"The move came as the Georgia House and Senate began to spar in earnest over provisions involving schools, churches and government buildings. +",12 +13,This is pretty awkward for people who criticize Donald Trump's immigration plans,12 +11,He's the NRA,10 +13,As the governor and the General Assembly wrestle over who calls a special legislative session,12 +6,Ohio reinstated the death penalty in 1981,5 +10,Quit Now NC! is a collaboration involving NC Prevention Partners ,9 +11,It will be Mr. Costas's first television interview since his commentary Sunday night,10 +5,"California, like every other state, does not license gay marriages.",4 +5,"The Supreme Court on Monday let stand lower-court rulings allowing same-sex marriage in Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Indiana and Wisconsin and made it all but certain that six other states - Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina - will have to recognize marriage for all, too. T",4 +7,"Deportation orders up under Trump, fewer prevail in immigration court",6 +11,"An estimated 630,000 of the 3 million people who perform migrant and seasonal farm work are female. The federal government estimates that 60 percent of them are illegal aliens.",10 +7,mandatory life sentences for anyone who fires a weapon in the direction of a police officer.,6 +12,opponents,11 +13,Bashing Democrats on immigration -- accusing them of doing everything but carrying illegals' luggage across the border -- is a GOP mainstay. But the accusations that Republicans started to peddle last week reached a new low in dishonest nativism.,12 +5,"Law professors who specialize in legal ethics, such as the University of Minnesota's Richard Painter, say no and compare targeting Walker's personal relations to targeting a judge's religion or race.",4 +7,"""Whatever is done is done,"" said Rajinder Singh Parmar, whose son Manmohan was slain on Dhinsa's orders. Dhinsa was acquitted of kidnapping Parmar's other son, Kulwant, who disappeared in 1995.",6 +4," +Death penalty again rejected Racial makeup of juries",3 +13,"Talent, a Chesterfield congressman, says he would support a concealed weapon law if elected. His Democratic opponent, state Treasurer Bob Holden, opposes it.",12 +9,PILL ADDS PUNCH TO NICOTINE PATCH,8 +1,The Economy,0 +11,Book case: Library adding more languages in Chamblee,10 +2,He said the agency has 28 people and two agents to handle illegal alien cases for a 47-county area.,1 +6,One of the new laws forbids adults to transfer guns to minors without parental consent. Another prohibits straw purchases (a legal buyer obtaining a gun on behalf of a prohibited person).,5 +1,Immigrants focus of business roundtable,0 +1,Tobacco companies protest requirement,0 +1,Current state financing for,0 +5, including only the cost of sequestering jurors,4 +9, mentally retarded people may not be executed.,8 +8,a five-day waiting period before the purchase of a handgun.,7 +5,SUPREME COURT PASSES ON ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN,4 +6,"The policy has come under scrutiny in recent months after the killing of a high school football star, Jamiel Shaw Jr., who the police say was murdered by an illegal immigrant who is a member of a gang. The victim's parents are seeking to have the policy overturned, and a city councilman has been seeking a similar change to the directive, known as Special Order 40.",5 +15,"Another Bad Argument Against Marriage Equality +",14 +12,Voters in 20 states have approved,11 +6,REGISTERING ALL GUNS IS NO ANTIDOTE TO CRIME,5 +9,"If we truly want to prevent suicides, let's work with churches, mental health centers and Crisis Line (suicide prevention) to restore a person's purpose and hope for the future. This is how to prevent suicide, not gun control.",8 +7,Risky rush on executions,6 +10,"The practical implications for a traveler are modest but not trivial. For example, you are in your ashtray-free, matchbook-free hotel room with the unfunky carpet. You need to sterilize a sewing needle for splinter surgery, or to burn an embarrassing love letter, or peer under the sink for a contact lens. Seek as you may for a match, your search will be futile unless you brought it with you.",9 +12,"After execution, his backers vow a funeral 'befitting a statesman'",11 +13,Their plan is to set impossible enforcement goals that would have to be met before any of today's estimated 11 million undocumented workers could gain legal status.,12 +11,Hyde Park Ponders Symbol Of Its Most Famous Smoker,10 +13,"Again, Toomey at center of gun-vote drama",12 +13,The President,12 +10,"And teachers' union President Frank Williams blasted board members for ""potentially destroying a career.""",9 +13,The president,12 +7,"Lonchar's attorney said he expects the state to carry out the death penalty against his client, who has said he wants to die. +",6 +6,"The law addresses a host of emotional issues and details of everyday life that domestic partners face, allowing bereavement leave for city employees, visitation rights in city-run facilities, tenancy succession rights and allowing partners to be buried together in a city-owned cemetery.",5 +14,"To understand how staggeringly high this number is, compare it to the rate in other rich countries. England and Wales have about 50 gun homicides a year - 3 percent of our rate per 100,000 people.",13 +13,"to lobby against the concealed-weapons proposal. The group also plans a telephone appeal to legislators to try to get them to vote against the proposal. The proposal, which was passed by the Missouri House on Thursday, allows people 21 and older to apply for permits to carry concealed guns. ",12 +7,"A Philadelphia man who was on death row for killing a King of Prussia dance instructor had his sentence changed yesterday to life in prison. +",6 +15,GUN LAW CHALLENGE,14 +6,"the measure would add marriages between members of the same sex to a list of prohibited unions. +",5 +1,Labor's New View,0 +5,"In legal papers released yesterday, Peter D. Greenspun and Jonathan Shapiro argue that they could not adequately defend Muhammad against charges in the Washington area sniper slayings because they were deprived of important evidence. The lawyers ask that Muhammad's capital murder convictions be overturned or that a new trial be granted.",4 +7,A woman who married a United States citizen earlier this year and is five months pregnant has been deported to her native Philippines because she lived here illegally for nearly 10 years and ignored early deportation orders.,6 +5,"A New Element for a Lawyer's Victory, Long After Death +",4 +11, potentially the first lethal injections in the nation since a botched execution in Oklahoma seven weeks ago.,10 +12," ""Polls show that some 60% of Americans support (Arizona's new immigration law). The polling hasn't probed deeply, so it's hard to say exactly why they endorse the law. Some supporters talk about stemming border violence and controlling crime -- particularly the mob-style crimes committed by international smuggling cartels. Others, judging by talk radio and blog chatter, seem more bothered by the simple illegality of illegal immigration. Few surveys, now or in the past, show voters to be particularly angry at unlawful immigrants or eager to punish them. But many are very angry at the dysfunctional immigration system -- and at a political class that doesn't seem bothered by millions of people making a mockery of the law.""",11 +5,"Federal Judge, Chastising the Texas Courts, Orders a Stay of Execution",4 +11,'60 MINUTES' CHANGE,10 +10,"and they need to remember the victims. +",9 +13,BERNIE SANDERS SAYS THAT HILLARY CLINTON OPPOSED DRIVER'S LICENSES FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS,12 +15,GRADE SCHOOLERS LEARN TO BUTT OUT,14 +1, who is being paid with tax dollars,0 +5,sue,4 +9,ANTI-SMOKING ADS WORK,8 +5,"A federal appeals court has stayed an execution set to take place in Arizona this week, halting the lethal injection until the state tells the inmate more about the drugs that will be used.",4 +5,N.C. approves constitutional ban on same-sex marriage,4 +12,"The NRA is (gulp) right Our view o The twisted tale of how the gun lobby opposed the mother of all pro-gun bills. +",11 +5,"Freed by U.S., dissident still targets Iran",4 +5,Absence could delay re-trial,4 +9,Health officials criticize gun bill,8 +3,Presbyterian pastor faces religious trial for performing same-sex marriages,2 +5, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court lifted a stay on his execution as it considered arguments from his attorneys.,4 +6,"When attempts at immigration reform fail -- as they so often have over the past two decades -- the cause is always the same. People remember that the last major reform, in 1986, promised amnesty for undocumented workers in exchange for blocking new illegal immigration and delivered only the former.",5 +5,", should be weighed in assessing Judge Kaufman's distinguished career as a jurist.",4 +3,DEATHS IN A CHURCH: THE GOVERNOR,2 +7,SHOOTING PUTS FOCUS ON GUN SHOWS UNLICENSED SALES HAVE BEEN SUBJECT OF DEBATE,6 +12," Overall, a majority of Americans (57 percent) support a ban. But just 43 percent of Republicans favor it, compared to 77 percent of Democrats.",11 +13,"""Some of you people are petrified of the NRA. You can't be petrified,"" the president told the bipartisan group of gob-smacked guests. ""They have great power over you people, they have less power over me.""",12 +13,The biggest taboo in the immigration debate is the idea of an ''amnesty.',12 +1,Assault rifle imports to be halted,0 +13," +New Jersey Pushes Gun Control",12 +12,Support for capital punishment nationwide has been slipping.,11 +7,"Crimes Involving Handguns Rose in 1993, Report Shows",6 +4,Marriage equality is a basic right.,3 +5,"The case from Virginia, one brief said, is ''an excellent vehicle.'' The one from Wisconsin, said another, is ''an ideal vehicle.'' The one from Utah, perhaps the leading candidate, was said to be, with the swagger of understatement, ''an appropriate vehicle.'' +",4 +1,CIGARETTE TAX HAS ITS ROOTS IN PRAGMATISM,0 +3," +Edwin F. O'Brien, the archbishop of Baltimore, said in a letter last month that sponsoring the bill would ""deeply conflict"" with O'Malley's Catholic faith and that he should resist pressure to do so after New York's recent legalization of same-sex marriage.",2 +5,"For the past two decades, the Supreme Court has allowed governments to limit truthful and nonmisleading commercial speech if such limits directly advance a government interest and are no more extensive than necessary.",4 +12,"The report, which questioned 1,000 adults, found nearly 40% were opposed to the death sentence.",11 +13, Majorities in both parties,12 +13,Congress Still Torn on Gun Control by Complex Regional Divisions,12 +13,Guns are such a critical issue that Democratic leaders in Congress are determined to stop any legislative compromise this year that could blur the edges between the parties. The last thing they want is a splashy signing ceremony in the Rose Garden that gives Texas Gov. George W. Bush and his buddies political cover.,12 +11," +An About-Face on Gay Marriage",10 +5,Prosecutor takes stand against death penalty,4 +13,"Maryland Gov. Parris N. Glendening accepted a scaled-back version of his handgun-control initiative today, saying that the measure is ""85 to 90 percent of what we came in with.""",12 +2,Expanded Border Policing Clogs the Courts and Jails,1 +6,"ast year revealed widespread waste and abuse. +",5 +7,"A study in New York of more than 600 executions between 1907 and 1963 showed that, on average, there were two more homicides in the month following an execution and one more homicide in the second month.",6 +13,"In February, the Senate approved an amendment ",12 +7,"Attorneys for Vijay and Prasad Lakireddy, brothers of a wealthy Berkeley family charged in an immigration fraud and sex case, want four charges dismissed because some of the alleged sex was in India.",6 +3,Same-sex marriage ban said to violate religious rights,2 +11,"Included in Brown's list of hard-to-crack outlets was this: ""I think on the cable networks, the coverage has not been great at all. Even on Fox News, we find it difficult to get broadcast time airing our views."" +",10 +1," +The law forces insurance companies to offer the options of including same-sex partners. Employers, however, can still opt not to offer coverage. + +",0 +10,"Chandler, asked by Warden David Garraghty if he wanted to make a final statement, looked up, shook his head and said, ""No, sir.""",9 +13,"When a group of San Jose City Council members tried to push Mayor Chuck Reed into signing a Mayors for the Freedom to Marry pledge last June, we cried foul.",12 +5,"The use of the label has long been criticized by immigration attorneys, who say the practice is unethical and sometimes illegal, particularly when it involves tricking people into revealing their relatives' whereabouts.",4 +7,"David Arevalo, who was working at the restaurant the morning of the robbery, is accused of propping open a back door so his brother and an accomplice could get in before the place opened. +",6 +7, We condemned Mr. McVeigh for killing 168 people by putting him to death. How ironic that we kill to punish a killer.,6 +7,KILLINGS PROMPT QUESTIONS ON U.S. GUN LAWS,6 +8,"The warning, issued in an unusual evening news conference, highlighted the importance placed by the Clinton administration on preventive measures to head off a potential massive boatlift of Cubans to Florida",7 +13,"Bloomberg Visits, But No Breakthrough on Gay Marriage Vote",12 +1,many economists,0 +5,"By doing so, the couples contend, the state is violating their right to equal protection under the New Jersey Constitution. +",4 +1," The $800,000 cost for one Illinois trial included defense attorneys, investigation, medical and forensic services as well as DNA testing by both sides. The $46,000 figure for two Missouri trials covered none of these costs, including only the cost of sequestering jurors. As the article made clear, Missouri taxpayers pay all of the same costs through their funding of the capital defense offices of the Public Defender System.",0 +13,The Pennsylvania Republican said Tuesday night that he was close to reaching an agreement with Democrats that would give a critical GOP endorsement to the plan.,12 +4,"t's a crapshoot if you're condemned by the government to die and you happen to be innocent -- a crapshoot with tremendously long odds. You may convince some court of your innocence on appeal. Most likely you won't. +",3 +12,"One such email warning, from an Arizona group, says, ""You would be committing a federal felony if you leave town for more than seven days, and leave someone else at home with your firearms."" +",11 +7,ale Selby Pierre was executed in 1987 for what is known ,6 +5,"The stay prevents same-sex couples from marrying while the case is being appealed, but legal analysts said it was unlikely that Judge Walker -- who ruled that Proposition 8 violated the constitutional rights of gay men and lesbians -- would extend it much beyond Friday, the deadline he set for both sides to file briefs on whether he should continue the ban.",4 +6,Florida weighing options on executions,5 +12,"people are no longer confident that only the guilty are being killed, according to the Death Penalty Information Center Report.",11 +11,Report: Gun deaths fell over 25% during mid-1990s,10 +13, keep government's activities to a minimum.,12 +5,"Immigration officials said Tuesday that the 20-year-old dancer had been given a ''green card,'' the Government's identification document for resident aliens.",4 +5," +""Until faced with a serious threat of civil liability for past conduct, leaders in the industry have consistently resisted taking constructive voluntary action to prevent firearms from ending up in the illegal gun market and have sought to silence others within the industry who advocated reform,"" Ricker said.",4 +6,Letter: Gun ban will only make foolish voters feel safe from the armed thugs all around them,5 +5,"bout the agency's sworn affidavit to the Supreme Court that it has no money. +",4 +12,Gun opponents should be honest about their goals,11 +5,"that granting clemency to all is not likely. +",4 +5,MONTCO PROSECUTORS TO ASK JUDGE TO RECONSIDER SENTENCE IN GUN SALES,4 +6,". Senate Bills 24 and 25 would pre-empt local control over concealed weapons and toss out dozens of local gun ordinances, including those covering assault weapons, open carrying of guns and the discharge of firearms.",5 +7,SMOKING AND THE BANDITS,6 +13,"Evangelical pastor Ted Haggard is only alleged to have had a three-year sexual relationship with a male prostitute, but in politics, even a hint of something like that can be enough to sink a campaign. + +The potential scandal may be enough to affect Tuesday's vote on the state constitutional ban on gay marriage or the domestic-partnerships initiative, some political watchers say. But who might benefit is anybody's guess. + +Especially since gay marriage and benefits are usually bedrock issues and not prone to wavering opinions. + +""Does this reinforce the liberal position of partnerships, or does it reinforce conservatives, who are saying we want less of these threats?"" said Denver pollster Floyd Ciruli. ""There are some people - but not very many - who are undecided, and this news could affect their vote."" + +",12 +13,"House Republican leaders said that the compromise legislation likely to emerge from the committee, which is charged with reconciling the differences between the juvenile crime bills that passed the House and the Senate, would not include the strict regulation of gun shows that gun-control advocates in both parties have, to this point, made their line in the sand.",12 +13,"Citing a ballot initiative five years ago that rejected gay marriage, Schwarzenegger said it would be wrong to let state legislators defy ""the will of the people.""",12 +6,The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act would also exempt religious leaders from having to perform or recognize same-sex unions.,5 +12,NOW Protests Post's Policy on Gay Marriage,11 +13,"Whatever, Gov. Ridge's back-and-forth position on a bill mandating a 48- hour waiting period for gun purchases represents the first big waffle of his young administration.",12 +11,Florida is awash in guns,10 +7,"In February, Overby received a sentence of 24 to 30 months in prison for possession of stolen property and breaking and entering. Had authorities been able to make the gun charges stick, he might have been locked up twice as long.",6 +5,"""By law, the department is required to issue licenses within 90 days of receipt of a complete application,"" Bronson wrote in his letter to Crist dated May 14. ""If we do not meet this time frame, an applicant may, by law, request the license to be issued even without the results of the criminal background check being reviewed. We simply cannot process all of these applications in a timely manner because of this unprecedented surge in new applications."" +",4 +5,"Out of Unenforceable Laws, Amnesties Are Born",4 +10,"Vicki Schieber began her pitch to the undecided Maryland senator recently as she often does, by sharing the details of her story.",9 +7,"DETAINING CUBANS EXACTS RISING TOLL +",6 +5,Montgomery Widens Domestic Partner Law,4 +1, why gun sales at gun shows should not be regulated. ,0 +6,The proponents say they also hope to restrict the number of guns entering the city.,5 +5,"Florida's Supreme Court granted an indefinite stay of execution to Chester Levon Maxwell, 29 years old, and the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, in Atlanta, granted a stay of execution until 10 A.M. Thursday to Timothy Charles Palmes, 37.",4 +11,"History has shown that a freedom surrendered can lead to the deaths of millions. I encourage the politicians of this country to redirect their energies. +",10 +4,"The crime was one of the first to draw mainstream public attention to the problem and consequences of homophobia and ""gay bashing"" in this region.",3 +7,We all have seen the studies that people who purchase guns legally are not the ones committing the crimes.,6 +9,LAWYER: MAN WHO SHOT 2 WAS INSANE,8 +8,Timothy McVeigh,7 +10,"The proposed legislation, to be sponsored by state Reps. Mark Burkhalter and Mitch J. Skandalakis, would prohibit local governments from giving insurance benefits to anyone other than the legally defined spouses and children of municipal employees.",9 +5,"Court won't hear case of photographer, gay couple",4 +7,facing a church trial for the original ceremony he did in April.,6 +4,"On the other hand, five of the eight black potential jurors who said they could impose the death penalty were excused, Rudolf said. +",3 +5,Attorneys for Libyan terrorism suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala asked a federal court Tuesday for more time to review evidence after adding a death-penalty expert to the team.,4 +13,"President Bush, at fundraising events in Iowa and Michigan, denounced the New Jersey ruling and called heterosexual marriage ""a sacred institution.""",12 +15,'Dead Time=Tiempo Muerto',14 +13,Easley says foundation is farmers' best hope,12 +5,"Oliver L. North can no longer pack a pistol because he is ""not of good character,"" a judge ruled.",4 +12,"Tuesday's send-off from a parking lot here was a somber pep rally of sorts. Processional standards billowed with papal messages from long bamboo poles. Across the blacktop, the prison's high chain-link fences bristled with razor wire.",11 +3," She asked the group to join hands in a prayer circle. As she prayed, she looked up and noticed a gorgeous moon overhead.",2 +3,"""Gun control supporters have the blood of little children on their hands.""",2 +1,gun shops,0 +12, a large rally of gay activists ,11 +5,"In what was described as a conditional offer, Kaczynski would accept a sentence described by lawyers as ""life in prison without the possibility of release"" but would retain the right to appeal certain limited issues, the Times reported. Asked about reports of new plea negotiations, first reported by Newsweek magazine in the issue that is available today, Leesa Brown, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, said, ""It is the duty of prosecutors to listen to any credible offer by defense counsel at any time. That being said, we are preparing for the competency proceedings this week and the resumption of the trial Jan. 22.""",4 +10," ""The past two years and six months have been a difficult time for us. We buried Bill, we have gone through two trials and have had no time for grieving, no closure, and it's been so much in the public eye.""",9 +7,"r. Celestine was convicted of murdering Marcelliene Richard in her home on Sept. 13, 1981, after a rape in which he broke her neck. In a confession, Mr. Celestine said he was drunk and ''full of speed.'' +",6 +13,Cuomo Says He'll Outline Gun Proposal Next Month,12 +13,The come-from-behind 216-214 approval of the bill,12 +5,Loughner entered his guilty plea after a federal judge ruled he was mentally competent to understand the legal proceeding.,4 +5,"One Big Tobacco lawyer, after facing Acosta in court, said he admired the man's persistence but denied tobacco was evil.",4 +13,Report: Georgia fails smoking prevention,12 +1,Brown & Williamson to cut at least 500 jobs,0 +13,"Mercury News editorial: Obama's State of the Union strikes chord with gun regulation +",12 +13,"In Albany, 'Big Three' Agree on Most Issues, Except Gay Marriage Vote",12 +5,Your editorial outlined with admirable clarity the dilemmas in responding to the claims of those seeking asylum status. I share your concern that ''decisions verging on refoulement (forcible subjection to peril) ought to involve some independent judgment.'',4 +13,Williams (D) told members at a House Government Reform Committee hearing that the D.C. Personal Protection Act offered by Rep. Mark Edward Souder (R-Ind.),12 +1,They are all waiting for work.,0 +7,Execution asked for tot's slaying suspect,6 +7," And the law's impact on crime has been questioned by law enforcement officers, many of whom are just as concerned about gun-toting citizens as they are about criminals.",6 +11,An affirmative vote would be a historic and beneficial milestone.,10 +7,"Mr. Ross, 45, who confessed in 1984 to strangling eight girls and young women, is scheduled to die by injection Jan. 26.",6 +1,Main Street businesses,0 +1,Many gun dealers sell no weapons,0 +11," Even in the old Western movies, the mob was usually stopped by one brave man armed with a gun.",10 +9,"In a Chicago holding cell early one evening in February 2006, five guards piled on top of a 49-year-old man who was angry he was going back to Ecuador, according to a nurse's account in his deportation file. As they pinned him down so the nurse could punch a needle through his coveralls into his right buttock, one officer stood over him menacingly and taunted, ""Nighty-night.""",8 +9,"Fewer children killed by guns in states with strict gun laws, finds Stanford study",8 +11, Newsweek magazine,10 +7,"""If they have a problem with criminals having firearms,",6 +15,SOME COMMON SENSE IS FINALLY ALLOWED ENTRY,14 +13,"During a Rose Garden news conference, Bush picked his way carefully on the politically divisive issue, stressing that ""it is very important for our society to respect every individual.""",12 +1,eateries,0 +13,"U.S. NEEDS TOUGHER GUN LAWS, MAYOR SAYS",12 +13,STATE SENATOR WOULD BLOCK SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,12 +6,Cheerios are regulated - why not cigarettes?,5 +5,DOCUMENTS OK'D IN TOBACCO SUIT,4 +11, most of them to the one in three households where the nation's 300 million guns are already present,10 +4,"Despite this fact, the ill-conceived claim that undocumented immigration is hurting Oklahoma is powerful because it scapegoats Hispanic residents by making them the target for popular frustration and fear.",3 +12, Mr. Vargas's achievement offered hope for immigration activists.,11 +9,"""This will make your community a safer place,"" said Brady, who was shot in the attempt on President Reagan's life in 1981.",8 +13,and state lawmakers are threatening to put a stop,12 +5,"'Home Is What It's All About'; Kosovo Refugees Seek Haven, Not Asylum, in the United States",4 +13,"Feinstein is again at the center of the national debate over gun control, fighting for a far less sweeping measure that would ban a device used by the gunman in this weeks far deadlier Las Vegas massacre.",12 +5,This is the consulate Haitians are being told in Voice of America broadcasts to visit if they want to come to the United States legally as political refugees.,4 +5,after the Supreme Court allowed resumption of capital punishment,4 +5,Prop. 8 trial closing arguments: Live coverage from the courtroom,4 +9,SHOULD SMOKERS GET MORE X-RAYS?,8 +5,Don't Imperil Asylum,4 +5,Boston city attorney Merita Hopkins,4 +9,Illegal migrants hurt in Calif. crash,8 +1,Chipping away at free enterprise,0 +13,initiative on the federal level,12 +13,"- An attempt to repeal New Hampshire's same-sex marriage law failed on Wednesday in the House of Representatives, with members of the Republican-dominated chamber voting 211-116 to kill the bill.",12 +13,"President Clinton, who, at the White House, also met yesterday with Jewish leaders, used the occasion to discuss his hopes for hate crimes legislation.",12 +10,"They're also just two workaday couples living the American dream, with one exception -- they can't marry their partners.",9 +5,Metro Briefing Connecticut: Hartford: State Will Not Recognize Same-Sex Marriages,4 +11,SMOKERS DRAW EVEN IN STUDY,10 +10,"""We feel pretty emotional about what might happen,"" said Lewis, adding that the San Francisco couple have been together 17 years. ""But if the ruling is not favorable, we will be there for each other because that's what marriage is about.""",9 +7, requiring police to tape interrogations and confessions in murder cases,6 +5," +On April 3, the Iowa justices upheld a lower court ruling that rejected a state law restricting marriage to opposite-sex couples. With the decision, Iowa joins Massachusetts and Connecticut in allowing same-sex marriages. A Vermont law legalizing gay marriage will take effect in September. +",4 +11,Assimilation Anyone?,10 +5, The district began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in March 2010,4 +11,"By the end of 2004, 7,549 same-sex couples had entered civil unions in Vermont, the first state to offer gay couples nearly all the rights and privileges of marriage. There have been 78 dissolutions",10 +5,"The Second Amendment states ""A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."" The first 13 words qualify the next 14. The U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v Miller, (1939), held that unless the holding of arms has some reasonable relationship to the preservation of the efficiency of a well-regulated militia, it cannot be said that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.",4 +13,A state senator from southwest Virginia,12 +5,Court Gives Mixed Decision on Gun Ownership Laws,4 +5,"With the U.S. Supreme Court hearing two same-sex marriage cases this week -- and given the rise in support for gay marriage nationally -- Wisconsin's 2006 marriage referendum is a reminder of how different the politics were on this issue just a few election cycles ago. +",4 +13,"The amendment drive, sponsored by the Massachusetts Family Institute, a conservative public policy group, gathered 170,000 petition signatures, a record in the state. For the referendum to get on the ballot, the amendment must get the votes of at least 50 of the state's 200 legislators this year and in another constitutional convention in 2007-8.",12 +11,Cleveland television station WKYC reported on Thursday,10 +2,"had courthouses under construction,",1 +13,Add to that the indubitable fact that the gun bill was written while the National Rifle Association looked approvingly over the shoulders of the representatives whom it had bought.,12 +13,"The bill must still pass the Assembly, where it was narrowly defeated in June, before it reaches Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who opposes same-sex marriage but supports domestic partnerships. + +The Senate vote is expected to quickly reignite one of the most emotional and politically contentious issues in contemporary politics. Already, two initiatives are being circulated to put a constitutional ban on gay marriage before voters next year. + +But whether Thursday's dramatic action goes down as the first in a wave of growing legislative support for same-sex marriage or as a high-water mark for gay rights now rests with a handful of moderates who could risk political suicide by supporting it. Almost all of the 10 Assembly Democrats who abstained or voted against gay marriage in June face tough elections next year in swing districts or represent heavily Latino or Catholic constituencies that generally oppose it. +",12 +7," should be executed for shooting Charles Woodcock Jr., a clerk at a Fairview Heights convenience store last Feb 21. ",6 +13,"Joe Scarborough isn't running 'for a while,' but here's his gun-control stump speech",12 +7,"He had a clean record just like John Hinckley did. +",6 +1,"On top of that, he's putting the $560 million the state is supposed to receive from the massive tobacco settlement in the general fund, instead of paying for health care or anti-smoking programs.",0 +4,"DESERT TROOPER Trump stumps in Phoenix Amps up his anti-Mexican sentiments +",3 +5,Experienced judges to hear capital cases,4 +5,"A three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver upheld a federal judge's ruling striking down Oklahoma's same-sex marriage ban,",4 +9,I showed them gruesome pictures of a blistered and festering lip.,8 +13, black Democrats in the General Assembly have reached consensus only on one thing: They don't want the matter put to a vote.,12 +12, setting off a wave of protests in New York and elsewhere.,11 +15,A SACRIFICE FOR FREEDOM,14 +11,STARS SHINE FOR NUPS! FORMER INTREPID MUSEUM PREZ MARRIES LONGTIME PARTNER AT FOUR SEASONS,10 +4, What if You're Not Guilty?,3 +9," +Death by injection usually takes 10 to 15 minutes, but witnesses in Arizona said murderer Joseph R. Wood III gasped for one hour and 40 minutes on Wednesday before he died. Wood's lawyers said it was evidence of agony; state officials and the victims' families insisted Wood was unconscious after the first few minutes and that the noises were merely snoring.",8 +11,When it's okay to talk politics after a mass shooting;,10 +13,Bush takes aim at gun-buyer records,12 +10,Relatives of the victims attended the sentencing Friday but made no statements to McShane. ,9 +12,Gun rights are of particular concern to many tea-party groups.,11 +5, said defense lawyer Gregory A. Long.,4 +1,It said it was too early to tell whether it would eventually downgrade Altria's debt to junk status. Shares of Altria plunged as much as 7.6 percent before recovering somewhat. They closed down 3.5 percent at $40.50.,0 +5,This provision is the only part of the state's capital-punishment statute that has never been tested in the courts or declared unconstitutional.,4 +13,Gov. Greg Abbott has expressed support for the law.,12 +5,Federal courts turned aside on Tuesday last-minute efforts to halt the execution of Larry Griffin of St. Louis,4 +1,"""I keep calling but they would not return my money.""",0 +11,"'Scheduled to Die' puts globe-trotting Amanpour in Texas +",10 +7,"A search by federal agents a couple of months ago uncovered two Mossberg 12-gauge shotguns and a .22-caliber Ruger rifle in Smith's home, even though he had no permit for them",6 +4,Equality in the ranks,3 +13,"urner said the next district attorney needed to take a ""civil-rights"" approach to the argument that Philadelphia should be able ""to enact its own gun laws.",12 +13,Blunt: Piece-by-piece is best approach for immigration reform,12 +1,"""It's one of those things that people look at to pay for everything in the world,"" Hawkins said of the national trend toward higher state taxes on tobacco products. ""It would do more harm to the overall economy than help. I see nothing on my plate that would give me an appetite to raise the tobacco tax.""",0 +5, proposed constitutional amendment ,4 +5," ""We are vigorously defending it in the district court, and we are confident that it will be upheld.""",4 +15,A Gun Analogy Misfires,14 +13,"''There may be a cost for me to pay, but I am more than happy to pay it,'' he said in a recent interview. +",12 +7,"Carl Whiteside, director of the CBI.",6 +13,"ell Refuses To Delay Execution Of Serial Killer +",12 +12,"Of the 1,000 likely voters surveyed this month, 92 percent said an important criteria for legalization would be whether undocumented immigrants pay U.S. taxes every year. An additional 88 percent said it was key that they have no criminal record, and 87 percent said it was important that they learn English and have steady work.",11 +5,"Tancredo and other lawmakers claim that these children are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction and are thus ineligible for citizenship. But the Supreme Court rejected similar reasoning in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), in which an American-born son of Chinese laborers was found to have full citizenship rights.",4 +13," +Obama aides emphasized that he has opposed similar state bans in the past. They said Obama does not support gay marriage but believes that federal and state constitutional amendments banning it can also threaten rights that couples have under civil unions and domestic partnerships, which Obama does back. + +Obama quietly made his stance known in the letter to the Toklas club, a California gay rights group. His position comes as a shift for Democrats, as 2004 presidential nominee John Kerry backed amendments to ban gay marriage in some of the states in which he campaigned. +",12 +8,Texas shooting boosts school security efforts at Minnesota Capitol,7 +5,"Court Overturns Death Sentence, Saying Notice Was Lacking",4 +12,"Students and Faulkner supporters also have made plans for that weekend. On April 23, high school and college students demanding a new trial for Abu-Jamal plan to march down Broad Street from Temple University and rally at City Hall.",11 +12,a new group organized to fight the bill said Sunday. ,11 +5,"Article II of the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States states that: ''A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'' +",4 +9,2 KILLED IN VAN WRECK NEAR IMMIGRATION CHECKPOINT,8 +13,"He also attacked his Democratic rival, Katie McGinty, for not taking a stronger stand against the so-called sanctuary cities. +",12 +1, Smoking not only takes its financial toll on the users (albeit a voluntary expense),0 +5,"The court affirmed the death sentence against Felipe Hall, formerly of Pine Lawn",4 +5,"The move marked somewhat of a shift for the Justice Department, one year after federal prosecutors last May secured a death sentence in a capital terrorism case against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. +",4 +12,"For Florida gays, a 'call to action' to overturn ban",11 +13," +Cuomo, Eulogizing Slain Aide, Urges Political Resolve to Pass Tough Gun Laws",12 +13,"Hammer - whose group drafted the bill at the request of Rep. George Albright, R-Ocala - called the suits ''frivolous'' and ''perverse,'' designed only to take money from legitimate businesses. ''These lawsuits are nothing more than extortion,'' she said.",12 +7," +Top Police Officer in the Gun-Licensing Division Is Suspended",6 +6,"Dangerous Gun Myths +",5 +9, died in 1996 of cancer caused by smoking for 32 years.,8 +11,"In Smyrna, Del., James Allen Red Dog, 39, a Sioux Indian, held a prayer ceremony with a medicine man.",10 +12,Gathering decries bringing in year with gunfire,11 +5,"Jackson's handling of the case is now under investigation by the State Bar of Texas, following a formal complaint of prosecutorial misconduct last summer. That grievance asked that Jackson be sanctioned or even prosecuted for falsifying official records, withholding evidence and obstructing justice.",4 +5,"Same-sex marriages begin in Wisconsin after judge's ruling +",4 +13,Bobby Jindal Talks God and Guns at N.R.A Forum,12 +6," Vance called the conceal bill ""dangerous."" He's called for a reevaluation of gun laws in the wake of the Oct. 1 shooting in Las Vegas that killed 58 people.",5 +13,GAY MARRIAGE DEBATE: What do they think?,12 +11,"The marriage proposal nearly two years ago was not exactly romantic. A text message, in fact.",10 +5,"A three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver upheld a federal judge's ruling striking down Oklahoma's same-sex marriage ban, which had been approved by more than 75 percent of voters in 2004. Friday's decision marks the second time the federal appeals court has found the U.S. Constitution protects same-sex marriage.",4 +4," ""It's unfair to stop committed couples from getting married.""",3 +9,"Asserting that the tobacco industry had ""surreptitiously"" obtained its 1979 working papers about the cancer-causing effects of tobacco, the American Cancer Society yesterday called on Congress to reopen hearings on the nation's tobacco makers",8 +11,Celebrities on Wednesday reacted en mass,10 +11,"MELISSA ETHERIDGE IS GETTING MARRIED +",10 +5,"DEFENSE ARGUES FOR CONVICTED KILLER'S LIFE THE PROTRACTED CASE OF ""JOEY"" HIGHTOWER WAS BACK IN THE HIGH COURT",4 +1,Facebook Banned Gun Sales,0 +1,The Highmark employee explained that the company would sell each of them an individual policy and that their costs would be no different than if they bought a family plan,0 +5,A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said this week that the court would move quickly to review the law,4 +6,Gay marriage ban upheld,5 +5,"In striking down Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage, Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen of Federal District Court in Norfolk relied heavily on the Supreme Court's decision in June in United States v. Windsor, which ruled that the federal government must provide benefits to same-sex couples married in states that allow such unions.",4 +13,"Citing a ""strong constituency"" for the ban among urban and suburban Republicans, Clinton said, ""I hope they will permit their voices to be heard and not let the Republican Party be completely dominated by the [National Rifle Association] position.""",12 +5,"The order came after a jury in February awarded David Burton compensatory damages of $196,416.",4 +7, ''My son Grant was killed working an overnight shift at his job by an illegal immigrant.'',6 +1,"Gun Makers Saw No Role In Curbing Improper Sales +",0 +5,"Under a state immigration law known as State Bill 529, notarios and others who provide immigration services must post signs at their business and in advertising that makes it clear if they are not a licensed lawyer.",4 +10,Our office specializes in U.S. immigration and nationality law and represents many of these young people who are struggling to get on with their lives in the only country they know. Many of them are fluent English speakers who speak only a home-bound version of the Spanish language and who have no affinity with their country of origin. They are products of our school system and reflect the ambitions of their U.S.-born friends and family members.,9 +13,Senate rejects gun-maker protection bill,12 +5,License and Restrict Handguns,4 +13,"Mr. Cuomo does not currently need the money -- he is sitting on a $9.2 million war chest, enjoys high approval ratings and is not up for re-election until 2014 -- but he is often mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2016, and establishing a national constituency is of potential significance for the governor, an ambitious Democrat.",12 +15,NORTH CAROLINA; North Carolina voters follow Georgia's '04 lead,14 +12,Up in Arms Over Rifle Giveaway,11 +9,"Montgomery County Pharmacists' Association,",8 +13, Leaders of both parties in the Senate and Assembly said they had the votes to approve the increases during sessions tomorrow.,12 +7,Florida law enforcement officers cannot now make immigration arrests without a warrant. Gallagher said the law should be changed to let them make arrests for violations as they come across them.,6 +5,"Six same-sex couples, a government employees union, the Florida ACLU and a gay rights group filed a brief with the Florida Supreme Court Wednesday challenging a proposed state constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. +",4 +13,The Media and Obama's Immigration Gambit,12 +7,"whose daughter, Ana, 6, was murdered.",6 +12,"Upstart Group Pushes Harder Than the N.R.A. +",11 +7,A Border Patrol agent who shot and killed a Mexican immigrant along the Arizona-Mexico border in January was charged Monday with first-degree murder and three related offenses.,6 +7,criminals.,6 +10,"""That's why I don't go to support groups,"" Diane tells me as we catch up over breakfast at the Westmont Diner. Everyone's sad, but ""the straight widows are living far more comfortable lives.""",9 +7, Jury Calls for Execution In Killings of 3 Children,6 +5,Harsh Immigration Law,4 +1,"The $4.5 million approved for the coming year is four times what Missouri dedicated to anti-smoking efforts last year. That money, around $1.1 million, came from the CDC.",0 +12,"The biggest change was the proportion of Latinos with no party preference, with 35 percent of registered Latino voters saying that neither party was particularly concerned about them. During the 2012 election cycle, that number was 23 percent.",11 +4,EQUAL AMENDMENTS,3 +5,"' In order to recommend death for the Isas, the jury had to find that Tina's murder was premeditated and that it involved ''torture'' and ''depravity of mind.'",4 +7,"Phillip Ingle, 34, was scheduled to die by drug injection at 2 a.m. today at Central Prison for killing an elderly Rutherford County couple. He also was convicted of killing a Gaston County couple.",6 +7,Urban police officials back national gun laws,6 +5," Maria Isa's lawyer, Charles M. Shaw, tried to portray her as a mother caught in the middle between Tina and her father. He told the jury that Maria Isa had sided with Tina during the family's arguments.",4 +7,"One possible solution would be to make tougher laws for violent offenses such as carjackings, armed robbery and aggravated assault. We could increase the minimum number of years for violent crimes or giving life sentences for the second or third offense. This would not insure that violence would stop, but it will make a criminal think twice about his actions.",6 +3,9/11 KIN VIE TO SPARE MOUSS,2 +15," +GUN OWNERSHIP",14 +1,Bill would support workers' pay campaign; W.W. II-ERA BRACEROS RALLY IN L.A. FOR MONEY WITHHELD FROM WAGES,0 +5,Florida City Rejects Stringent Law on Migrants,4 +13,"In a statement Wednesday afternoon, IR state Chairman Chris Georgacas said Wellstone's vote this week in favor of a resolution calling for the death penalty for those responsible for the bombing amounts to ""the most cynical game of politics this state has seen.""",12 +7,Ex-NYPD license boss retires,6 +10,"''The ineligibility of same-sex couples for federal benefits is currently harming same-sex couples in New Jersey in a wide range of contexts,''",9 +6,More gun laws unnecessary,5 +10,"Deanna Sharbono, a pack-a-day smoker for three-fourths of her life",9 +9," schools, day care centers",8 +9,for children's health,8 +7, was convicted of capital murder for stabbing a Roanoke man to death during a 1985 robbery,6 +5," +In a decision that all agreed will influence an upcoming presidential election in which immigration has already become a hot-button issue, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen's rejection of Obama's executive order on immigration. Hanen's ruling was upheld Nov. 9 by the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. + +On the other side of the issue, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi voiced optimism that the high court would uphold the lower court decision. Bondi is one of 26 attorneys general, led by Texas, who have challenged Obama's power to use an executive order to change the nation's immigration laws. + +""The federal courts have sided with 26 states in this important case involving separation of powers and we look forward to the U.S. Supreme Court hearing this case about the president overstepping the power granted to him by our U.S. Constitution,"" Bondi wrote in an email. +",4 +8," with a suspected false rejection rate of more than 50,000 individual per year.",7 +1,and the tobacco industry has been running radio spots,0 +12,"Simply put, the federal government has failed miserably, and citizens have had enough",11 +5,"In his first decision in a capital case since New York State reintroduced the death penalty last year, the Manhattan District Attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau, said yesterday that he would not seek to execute two young men charged with killing three members of a Harlem family in a robbery last October.",4 +10, keep them from becoming addicted,9 +1,"fined Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. $ 100,000",0 +12,Gay marriage foe wants out of Proposition 8 trial,11 +13,BACKLASH DISTRACTS FROM GUN DEBATE,12 +3,"World Vision U.S., an evangelical Christian charity known for asking donors to sponsor a hungry child, set off an uproar when it announced this week that it would hire Christians in same-sex marriages. +",2 +13,CHILES SIGNS DEATH WARRANT FOR KILLER,12 +5,Judge Sheila R. Tillerson-Adams sentenced Grant to life in prison without parole for murder and to an additional 20 years for using a handgun while committing a felony.,4 +5,"meeting with prosecutors Wednesday evening. +",4 +9,"According to the American Cancer Society, 40 percent of smokers who do not quit smoking die of smoking-related diseases. As a result, the tobacco control campaign contributed to saving the lives of 260,000 Californians. +",8 +9,"The panel includes representatives of the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians as well as several anti-smoking groups. It is headed by Dr. C. Everett Koop, a former surgeon general, and Dr. David A. Kessler, a former head of the Food and Drug Administration, both prominent in the public health field.",8 +9,Seeking the Formula for Aging Well,8 +3,"'Humbled' hero of equality fight +",2 +9,"The brass do know that smoking affects stamina, night vision and eye coordination, said Lt. Col. Nancy Chapman, who works with medical researchers at the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.",8 +6,"Colorado death penalty misguided +",5 +5,Pennsylvania sues two tobacco companies,4 +5,"able to get their marriage license Sunday. +",4 +12," +NEARLY 127,000 outraged Daily News readers have united their voices to deliver a simple message: Enough is enough. +",11 +11,"After Mass Shootings, It's Often Easier to Buy a Gun",10 +13,D.C. Council members are hardening their opposition,12 +4,Hispanic business owners and professionals worry the new statewide initiative will target them for immigration checks just because of their ethnicity,3 +3,Are they kidding? Do they expect sympathy?,2 +9,Provide for gun training,8 +10,"""The sooner they kill me, the sooner I will be put out of my misery.""",9 +8,"""We believe that if this group was to be released, it would send a signal back to Haiti saying, 'Hey we got in,' and it would trigger a mass migration that would be a threat to our national security,"" Mr. Ortiz said. +",7 +5,San Francisco Judge Rules Gay Marriages Can Continue,4 +10,"""We've waited a long time,"" said his stepmother, Othalean Brown. ""I'm a very happy mother today.""",9 +5,Appeals court shoots down D.C. gun ban,4 +13,"Gov. Jay Inslee (D) said Tuesday that he was suspending the use of the death penalty in Washington state, announcing a move that he hopes will enable officials to ""join a growing national conversation about capital punishment.""",12 +12,The NRA and Me,11 +13,"Proponents of the Brady bill - named for former White House press secretary James Brady, who was wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan - remain optimistic about their chances for passage this year.",12 +5,"In her majority opinion, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg directly rebuked the Texas prosecutors for concealing facts they had a legal obligation to disclose and for permitting the state's witnesses to testify untruthfully. Just as forcefully, if implicitly, the majority also rebuked the federal appeals court that in rejecting Mr. Banks's appeal in August 2002 blamed him for having failed earlier to uncover the evidence that the state had withheld.",4 +13,"Here's how some major bills fared recently in Congress and how local Congress members voted, as provided by Thomas' Roll Call Report Syndicate. NV means Not Voting.",12 +7," +The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms",6 +13," +The congressional debate over the Brady bill generated more publicity, but the real battle in Washington is likely to come in January, when the House and the Senate try to reconcile their differing versions of omnibus crime legislation. With only four negative votes - Sen. Paul Simon being one of them - the Senate approved last week a far-reaching $ 22 billion anti-crime package that expands the number of federal crimes that carry the death penalty, calls for building new prisons and imposes tougher sentences for the prisoners who will fill them. + +The House chose a wiser, more limited approach, concentrating on putting more police officers on the street and fighting drug abuse. + +In past years, contention over the Brady bill had held up passage of any crime legislation. This year, congressional leaders agreed to separate it from other crime-related measures, letting each stand on its own merits. The House passed a version of the Brady bill's provisions for a waiting period for the purchase of handguns, giving local authorities the opportunity to make a background check on prospective buyers. The Senate passed a different version. After more than 24 hours of debate and contention, the Senate accepted something much closer to the House version and sent the measure on to President Bill Clinton for his signature.",12 +6," One measure restricts doctors from asking patients about gun ownership, and another prohibits local governments from passing stricter gun laws than the state. ",5 +10,Local lesbian couple fly across country to say vows,9 +13,"A senior Democratic strategist, speaking on condition that he not be identified, says Democrats haven't figured out how to finesse an issue they expect Republicans to use as a ""hammer"" next year -- not only in the presidential election, but also in contests for Congress and state legislatures. +",12 +3,"The nation's Roman Catholic bishops opened a new front in their fight against abortion and same-sex marriage on Monday, recasting their opposition as a struggle for ''religious liberty'' against a government and a culture that are infringing on the church's rights.",2 +3,THE QUALITY OF MERCY,2 +11,"""It doesn't make sense to them and, frankly, that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective.""",10 +11,DEATHS AND INJURIES FROM FIREARMS FELL SHARPLY FROM 1993 TO 1997,10 +11,There was a sense that the tide is turning,10 +3,Singer cancels appearance because of church policies,2 +5,"He said he is heartened by the news of the latest legal challenge to the constitutional amendment. The Boies and Olson legal team overturned California's 2008 ban on same-sex marriage. +",4 +5,STATE SEEKS TO USE GIRL'S AGE TO PRESS FOR ZILE'S DEATH,4 +1,Immigration isn't killing the middle class,0 +9,Treat children like children in court,8 +12,MINNESOTA DEATH PENALTY CALL DRAWS FIRE GROUPS UNITE TO OPPOSE PAWLENTY'S PROPOSAL,11 +13,"''He's opened up an enormous amount of wallets,'' said David B. Mixner, a longtime gay rights advocate and friend of former President Bill Clinton, for whom he had helped rally gay voters. By orchestrating the approval of same-sex marriage in New York, Mr. Mixner added, Mr. Cuomo ''made himself a national player, almost with one piece of legislation, and that's not going to change.''",12 +5,The Contra Costa District Attorney's Office has not yet announced whether it will pursue capital punishment against the Washingtons.,4 +5, Bush sided with the NRA in signing a Texas state law banning municipalities from suing gunmakers.,4 +7,When a firearm is recovered from a crime scene,6 +12,"Behind Gay Marriage, an Unlikely Mix of Forces",11 +13,Gun ban in state offices ordered,12 +10,266 REJOICE AT TAKING OATH OF CITIZENSHIP,9 +5,DA WON'T SEEK DEATH PENALTY IN SHOOTING OF POLICE OFFICER,4 +4,"We're contributing to society, and we deserve the same rights as everyone else. It's been a long, long time coming,",3 +7,The issue has attracted nationwide attention. The National Association of Attorneys General asked the Postal Service to stop shipping cigarettes bought illegally on the Internet,6 +12," But there is a lot of support by the public to plug this gun loophole at gun shows,",11 +5,Let's have informed consent on guns,4 +6,"Overzealous gun control does little or nothing to prevent gun crimes, and the hackneyed phrase ""guns don't kill people, people kill people"" is painfully true. The toxic mix of high profile, senseless killings and the mentally ill can be reduced only by the mentally ill being held and treated in mental institutions. +",5 +4,"""Why are these people who seem committed to discrimination being invited to our campus? If they had said something racist or antisemitic, they would never be appearing on the same podium with our president",3 +11,Gay marriage's one-sided story,10 +5,U.S. Supreme Court to take on battle over gun rights,4 +13," He has said this before, only to back off in deference to election-year politics.",12 +3,"As a pastor, I am deeply concerned about the human consequences if Arizona's law is upheld.",2 +4,Fair or foul?,3 +13,Gay marriage bill roll call,12 +5,TOBACCO TRIAL WEEK IN REVIEW,4 +13,"The House could vote as early as today on a bill co-sponsored by Rep. Todd Akin, R-Town and Country",12 +1,CIGARETTE MAKERS AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH,0 +5,U.S. Appeals Court Turns Back Marriage Act as Unfair to Gays,4 +6,A better target for gun-control policy,5 +5,The justices ruled 5-4 that the law applied to a Virginia man who bought a gun with the intention of transferring it to his uncle in Pennsylvania - even though the uncle is not prohibited from owning firearms.,4 +6,"UNIFORM U.S. GUN LAWS SUPPORTED BY LOCKYER 'DISRESPECT': CALIFORNIA RULES ARE DILUTED BY WEAK REGULATIONS IN OTHER STATES, HE SAYS",5 +6,There's still time to pass sensible gun law,5 +10," +* Supplying brochures about smoking and contact information for the Florida Quitline, a telephone service that provides counseling, nicotine patches and other services to smokers trying to quit. + +* Offering city employees services to help them quit smoking.",9 +1,would allow for a merchant to have his license,0 +1,LGBT baby boomers face hurdles at retirement time,0 +6,"And while the stricken provision did include the ammunition clip that latched onto the Glock to give it capacity of more than seven rounds, the measure would have affected only weaponry bought after the adoption of the legislation.",5 +7,Cuban cigar smuggling reaches record level at San Diego border,6 +9,"Since Stanford generously offers health insurance to its employees and their families for free, Mr. Frohlich said he decided to use its health coverage, which the hospital also extends to domestic partners",8 +6,"Other counties, such as Hillsborough, Pinellas and Hernando, have adopted local ordinances that require background checks and three-day waiting periods for firearms sold at gun shows, flea markets and the like. State law already requires licensed dealers and gun shops to run those checks and gives counties the option of extending the regulations to gun shows.",5 +13,Gay-marriage ban goes to governor,12 +1,"will be measured at the checkout counter. + +""Tobacco retailers are caught in the middle,",0 +13,Gun Lobby Donation Sets Off a Skirmish,12 +7,Fake ICE Notices Urge Washington Residents to Report 'Illegal Aliens',6 +3,are manipulating nicotine levels,2 +9,"""presents an imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness"" but declined to commit him to a hospital,",8 +5,A single juror spared the life of convicted cop killer Byron Fleming on Tuesday.,4 +9,hospital care,8 +4,"""In terms of us giving out our public dollars, we don't want to give them to people to discriminate,"" said Supervisor Michael Yaki. ""It's as simple as that.""",3 +11,"At the moment, this feels different.",10 +5,Court appears likely to favor individual's right to own guns,4 +13,while politicians continued to debate whether the mayor overstepped his authority in allowing the unions.,12 +7,U.S. TO OVERHAUL DETENTION POLICY FOR IMMIGRANTS,6 +8,"Bomber's Defense Argues for Life Term as the Harshest +",7 +5,"Jury convicts Morris of murder Death penalty undecided +",4 +13," said Mr. Mapoles, chairman of the Santa Rosa County Commission.",12 +7,"OKLAHOMA MAN, 41, ELECTROCUTED IN GEORGIA IN DEATH OF SHOP CLERK",6 +2,MILLIONS OF GREEN CARD APPLICATIONS FLOOD POST OFFICE,1 +9,Gun Deaths Versus Car Deaths,8 +5,The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration has extended the deadline for more than 260 commercial driver license holders - most of them immigrants - to prove U.S. citizenship or permanent residency before their driving privileges are canceled.,4 +1,He said he had decided to ban the shows last month after a reporter showed him two mechanisms the reporter had just purchased at a gun show.,0 +1,as part of their budget suggestions,0 +11,as will people of any age,10 +13,Gun debate revives questions about self-defense,12 +5,THREE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE RULINGS,4 +5,Those given temporary legal status will be able to apply for permanent legal status after 18 months and can eventually apply for American citizenship.,4 +5,CORBETT GUILTY OF MURDERS,4 +8, We want to make sure our military is funded,7 +5,"A central issue before the court, which is expected to rule in the next few months, is whether the plummeting number of such death sentences -- there were two last year -- lends weight to the argument that putting youths on death row amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. Supporters of the juvenile death penalty argue that the small number proves instead that the system works and that juries are making discerning choices on whom to sentence to death, taking due account of the defendants' youth and reserving the ultimate punishment for the worst of the worst.",4 +5,"Before Judge Irvin J. Snyder gave instructions to the jury, he denied a defense application for a mistrial, its second such request. After the prosecution's closing argument, Figueroa's court-appointed attorneys said parts of the summation were unfair and would bias the jury. Last week, the lawyers argued that intense media coverage of the case could deny Figueroa a chance for a fair trial.",4 +7,"Last month, federal officials said they had arrested or indicted more than 450 workers at 15 airports across the country on such charges as using phony Social Security numbers, lying about past criminal convictions or being in the country illegally.",6 +13,"But suddenly, after two days of filibuster, the Senate abruptly adopted the Brady bill. The House has already acted, so all that remains is to do some slight tinkering in a House-Senate conference, and then it's off to the White House for President Clinton's signature.",12 +10,It's time to clear the air in Dunedin Stadium,9 +10,the study does highlight the need for continued understanding of how parent-directed youth smoking prevention advertising affects youth.,9 +13," +Mark Uncapher, chairman of Montgomery's Republican Party, said the county's Democratic leadership is reaching too far. +",12 +5,NEW JERSEY COURT BACKS FULL RIGHTS FOR GAY COUPLES,4 +5,"The judge who dismissed St. Louis' suit against gun manufacturers and dealers ""recognized the wastefulness of politically oriented suits,"" an industry official said Tuesday. +",4 +1,"The nation's four biggest cigarette-makers must pay the first $100 million installment in April, and researchers at Harvard and elsewhere already have submitted unsolicited proposals for smoking-related studies.",0 +6,"The state of Georgia's new immigration policy, Senate Bill 529, went into effect on July 1. E. R. Snell voluntarily began implementation of the plan in February of this year --- five months before the state-required date.",5 +11,Gun dealers' numbers dive,10 +13,SANTA CRUZ BOARD VOICES SUPPORT FOR GAY MARRIAGES,12 +5,"s the federal trial of Oklahoma City bombing defendant Terry Nichols drew to a close Monday in Denver, an Oklahoma prosecutor said his office is gearing up to try Nichols on state murder charges. +",4 +1,Collinsville gun store last week.,0 +7,NEVADA EXECUTES KILLER OF 2,6 +13,It is painful to watch the Clinton administration try to move this country toward totalitarianism.,12 +12,When the People Choose Gun Control,11 +12,"The ""priorities"" of more than three-quarters of Americans are to increase the minimum wage, create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and require background checks for gun buyers.",11 +5,Same-sex marriage licenses distributed,4 +12,"RIMARY +",11 +4," Also, last year, Earl Washington Jr. became the first Virginia death row inmate to be exonerated by DNA testing.",3 +9,Health Watch FDA to ban many stop-smoking products,8 +15,Sass With Bile,14 +8, even if those citizens were left without guns to defend themselves from a criminal attack.'',7 +5,"California's constitution permits laws against gay marriage, the state's attorney general declared Friday in a long-awaited legal opinion that sought to avoid offending either side of the debate.",4 +6,"Three years after concealed-carry law was passed, officials say: Streets are neither safer nor more dangerous No examples of shootouts on the street.",5 +13,"Named for James Brady, the former aide to Ronald Reagan who was grievously wounded in an attack on the former president, the bill has been around since 1985. At first, even President Reagan, who was also seriously wounded in the attack, did not support it.",12 +13,"""I hope it will persuade a change of attitude on some of our members,"" said Commissioner Mark Stenglein, who voted against the ban and asked for the study. But he added that he didn't know how the study would come out.",12 +7,"A New Jersey man has pleaded guilty in Alexandria federal court to purchasing thousands of cartons of cigarettes, the latest in a growing number of cases targeting smugglers who buy truckloads of cigarettes in Northern Virginia and sell them in other states without paying taxes on them. +",6 +13,"In an impassioned speech that at times took on the tone of a campaign rally, Mr. Obama told an audience of 3,100 at the University of Hartford that he came to Connecticut to ensure that the deaths in the school in Newtown would not recede and to remind Americans how important their voice is as the gun debates unfold.",12 +5," Which is the polite way of saying that lawyers will be involved. Armies of them. +",4 +13,"The largest, I say, is the U.S. Congress. The Florida Legislature is close behind.",12 +5,ommuting the sentences ,4 +13,Echo of Gunshots Past as House Votes,12 +1,IMMIGRATION FEES RISING,0 +4,"Teleguz has maintained his innocence, and two of the key witnesses against him have recanted. There is evidence to bolster the recantations, his attorneys say, that has never been heard in court.",3 +11,Smokeout fights odds Cigarette user numbers hold steady,10 +5,Judge Fines Philip Morris For E-Mail Loss,4 +5,"Everyone deserves his day in court, and everyone deserves a right to public defense from public prosecution. +",4 +1,"But George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Fla., neighborhood watch captain who has already received hundreds of thousands of dollars from gun-rights advocates and other supporters, is likely to be offered millions through lucrative book and movie deals. +",0 +13,"Gun-control measure may get a new vote +",12 +4,"""when shortcomings in our laws bring about a result that is unjust, I have a public obligation to try to change that injustice.""",3 +9,Guns Sold in Maryland Counties Need Locks,8 +11,"New York and Chicago, two of the nation's biggest cities, have tighter gun controls than our own, and the resulting statistics speak volumes. Chicago has 11.6 homicides per 100,000 residents, New York has 4 per 100,000, and Atlanta has a startling 17.2 per 100,000 citizens.",10 +7,HONOR STUDENT WON'T BE DEPORTED,6 +6,Around the Nation; Notre Dame's President Offers Solution on Aliens,5 +7,SHOOTINGS IN ATLANTA: THE CAPITOL,6 +7,"Chicago police, feds team up on new effort to curb violence",6 +11,Both have less than 1 percent enrollment.,10 +11,Mid-Decade Data Sharpen View of Mid-Size Suburbs,10 +7,"The government is investigating whether any of the 18 defendants arrested in July have ties to Hezbollah, an Islamic militant group based in Lebanon. The arrests came after a 3 1/2-year investigation into allegations of cigarette smuggling, money laundering and sham marriages to get around immigration laws.",6 +13, state Capitol to witness Gov. Mark Dayton sign a bill legalizing same-sex marriages in Minnesota.,12 +7,"Whatley killed Mr. Whitley in October 1991. Whatley had assaulted a woman at the Winn-Dixie in Suburban Plaza, while trying to steal her red Mazda RX7 convertible to make good a drug deal gone bad. When Mr. Whitley tried to help, Whatley shot him twice.",6 +3, As a devout Christian,2 +13,"Councilman Dan Foust, R-6th District",12 +5," +""You're making a decision today that may be the final decision on your future,"" Matsch warned.",4 +5,"Massachusetts is the only state in the country to recognize gay marriages, while a handful of states have legalized same-sex unions, which provide many of the same legal privileges granted to heterosexual couples.",4 +5,"""master settlement agreement""",4 +1,CIGARETTE SALES LIMITS APPROVED,0 +13,REID BASHES REPUBLICANS FOR A POSITION ON IMMIGRATION THAT HE ONCE PUSHED,12 +6,Klarich's bill would invalidate those marriages.,5 +13,The Maryland and Virginia legislatures voted down,12 +7,five times in five years would make a store eligible for permit revocation.,6 +7,"Powell is charged with a double murder and using a gun causing death, crimes",6 +5,have filed a lawsuit claiming that a pair of Carrollton local ordinances that prohibit firearms at parades and on the city's planned 16-mile Greenbelt Trail violate state law and the state constitution.,4 +5,"Hard-hitting speeches on the pressing moral and legal issues are a rarity for Supreme Court justices, and there is reason to expect that Justice O'Connor's was meant as a deliberate signal that she is willing to grapple with unfairness and error in the application of the death penalty. Next term the court faces two important death penalty cases. One addresses the constitutionality of executing the mentally retarded, which Justice O'Connor previously held not to violate the Eighth Amendment's bar against cruel and unusual punishment. The other concerns an inmate's claim that he was improperly represented by a lawyer with a conflict of interest.",4 +7,"RADIO REV, PAL CHARGED IN IMMIGRANT SCHEME",6 +7, urging the state not to carry out the sentence.,6 +13,Take the fight to the NRA,12 +5,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,4 +5,"The ruling means the tobacco companies won't be able to conduct sworn interviews of the Medicaid recipients, at least for now. The interviews could help tobacco attorneys force the state to prove that each person's ailment was caused by smoking.",4 +6,"Since the death penalty has not deterred homicides, the millions of dollars expended on it would be better spent on solutions -- from prisons to drug treatment programs -- that do",5 +6,Movement to Ban Same-Sex Unions,5 +7,MOM GETS LIFE IN KILLINGS,6 +5,"No stay on Va. same-sex marriage ruling +",4 +7,"The brothers acquired a revolver and semi-automatic pistol, and found out who would be working on Sunday nights - the only night of the week their uncle, Ronald Akins, did not work there.",6 +6,bill to make New York's marriage law gender-neutral,5 +13,Mayor Bloomberg Takes On the NRA,12 +5,The Supreme Court opened its new term Monday much as it ended a term 15 months ago: trying not to decide the divisive gay marriage debate prematurely but accelerating the pace of such marriages nonetheless.,4 +12,BOTH SIDES TO RALLY ON IMMIGRATION ISSUE,11 +5,he was seeking a permit.,4 +5,"In the absence of comprehensive revisions to federal immigration law, meanwhile, state governments will continue to move unilaterally on immigration issues.",4 +7,U.S. CRACKS DOWN ON ALLEGED HAITIAN IMMIGRATION FRAUD,6 +13,"BLOOMY, GET YER GUN. HEAT-HATING MIKE HIT WITH GIFT NRA MEMBERSHIP",12 +4,What about the rest of us?,3 +4,"""civil-rights""",3 +12,Some Advocates Question Cuomo's Support of Gay Rights,11 +5,"Thomas Morrow, one of Hunt's lawyers, said he was surprised that Glendening made a quick decision in view of the fact that the appeals court delayed the execution date. +",4 +13, Debate on Death Penalty Has Bite in Deadliest Patch of District,12 +5,Is the Second Amendment under fire in the West?,4 +7,DETENTION OF REFUGEES IN TEXAS OK'D,6 +6,Peninsula lawmaker's bill would crack down on retailers who sell cigarettes to kids,5 +13,"So the Missouri Republican is co-sponsoring the Defense of Marriage Act in the Senate. +",12 +5," +Jury convicts man in bomb death of ex-wife",4 +5,"He also refused to let her leave voluntarily, which would have allowed her to apply immediately to return.",4 +13,"After reading about the defeat of gun-control legislation Congress was considering, I am left wondering what we will do now. It seems that the National Rifle Association controls our leaders with big-money contributions.",12 +5,JUSTICES SPURN DEATH ROW PLEA / THE LOWER COURTS WERE URGED TO EXAMINE WHETHER A LONG WAIT IS CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT.,4 +9," +Alexis had a long, documented history of insanity. He had been treated by the Veterans Administration for a slew of psychiatric problems, including paranoia and a sleep disorder. +",8 +13,"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca.) has vowed to file a bill that would ban so-called assault weapons and ammunition magazines, strips and drums that can accept more than 10 rounds. +",12 +10,GRASSO ORDERS LAST MEAL,9 +10,Why own a gun?,9 +1,"Such a strategy is not unique to the tobacco industry. But Philip Morris has already been uniquely successful at it. In the case of ABC News, a unit of Capital Cities/ABC, the network opted to apologize for its ""Day One"" report rather than fight a $10 billion libel lawsuit brought by Philip Morris, even though the network's own lawyers felt they had a 65 percent chance of winning the case.",0 +13,The Council's fixation,12 +1,to keep the fee for cigarette makers who weren't part of the state's multibillion-dollar,0 +1,"U.S. employers will soon begin bringing in thousands more low-skilled foreign workers to fill seasonal jobs ranging from ski lift operators to crab pickers. +",0 +4,"The records show prosecutors have won conviction against black men, hiding evidence that the real killers were white. They also have prosecuted a wife, hiding evidence that her husband committed suicide. And they have prosecuted parents, hiding evidence their daughter was killed by wild dogs.",3 +3, is either immoral,2 +1,Tobacco farmers glad to end tough 1999,0 +1,Professors Tollison and Grossman both relied upon high-powered statistical studies of notoriously flawed data on state tax-paid cigarette sales. Both of them would be advised to stop citing their favorite econometric research and start looking at the evidence.,0 +7,is eligible for the death penalty.,6 +7, A gunman had killed 23 people in a Killeen cafeteria earlier that year,6 +3,GOD IN GOVERNMENT : The Best From This Week's Blog,2 +5,"A judge on Thursday ruled the state's new gay marriage law is legal, despite a challenge saying voters thought they barred same-sex marriage 15 years ago in the state's Constitution. The Circuit Court judge, Karl Sakamoto, said the 1998 amendment did not force the Legislature to define marriage as between a man and a woman. The same-sex marriage law was signed Wednesday by Gov. Neil Abercrombie. State Representative Bob McDermott brought a challenge centered on language in the amendment that he said trumped lawmakers' wanting to redefine marriage. The amendment reads: ''The legislature shall have the power to reserve marriage to opposite-sex couples.'' His lawyer argued that voters were told that phrasing meant they were voting against gay marriage. +",4 +11,Immigrants' English,10 +13,"Stepping up the government's fight against gun violence, President Clinton Thursday announced a $ 15-million program to buy back firearms from private owners.",12 +5,"Tuesday in San Francisco, Chief U.S. District Judge James Ware said that former chief judge Vaughn Walker did not have to divulge whether he wanted to marry his gay partner before he declared last year that voter-approved Proposition 8 was unconstitutional.",4 +13,"Mike, Andy in firefight over deal",12 +15,Death Penalty Is,14 +1,Companies wrestle with dilemma to stand by the NRA or sever ties,0 +5,"""Your lawyers have been trying to prevent [Assistant District Attorney Jude Conroy] from calling those witnesses,"" Hughes said. ""They will bury you.""",4 +5,Immigrants Face Threat To Amnesty,4 +6,Gay couples assess Md. marriage setback,5 +3,"Methodists Reject New Doctrine on Gays, Causing Protests +",2 +13,". The 6th District, due to the most unfortunate circumstances, has become ground zero in the national debate on the future of gun safety.",12 +1,"Nichols expenses hurt other defendants, court told",0 +5," +PRIMARY",4 +13,Republicans at odds over gun control,12 +5,"The U.S. law was written to address the large flow of illegal immigrants, most of them entering from Mexico. But critics - including some in Congress - say the measure illustrates how the northern border is often overlooded in the larger illegal immigration debate.",4 +5,EIGHT CHINESE PERFORMERS MAY WANT POLITICAL ASYLUM,4 +3,"Just recently, the Episcopal Church elected its first openly gay bishop,",2 +11,The New America School opens next month to new immigrants who want English lessons and a diploma.,10 +13,Quick fixes losing ground in crime debate,12 +12,Gay Bloggers' Voices Rise in Chorus of Growing Political Influence,11 +5,MARSHALL'S PAPERS SHOW JUSTICES AGONIZING VOTES,4 +7,The Problem of Illegal Guns,6 +4,"New York, Beware: The Death Penalty Is Riddled With Iniquity",3 +13,Effort to halt referendum falters,12 +5,Prosecutors said Friday that they would not seek the death penalty against the man accused of murdering the only son of entertainer Bill Cosby.,4 +5," +""In a way I'm not surprised, because we knew that this was a novel theory of law,"" Sheller said. ""It's unfortunate that there is no remedy the courts are willing to give to a targeted group whose members are being sold a product we believe may be even more dangerous than regular cigarettes.""",4 +13,Death Penalty Debate Has Legislators Looking Inward,12 +13,"'What you see in John Kerry,'' Wayne LaPierre, the association's executive vice president said in an interview this week, ''is a politician that spent his life voting against the Second Amendment. What I see is the same thing I saw in Michael Dukakis and Al Gore. It's an elitist arrogance.'' + +It is no accident, N.R.A. officials said, that this year's convention is being held in Pittsburgh. Two-thirds of the attendees are expected to come from within a 100-mile radius that spans three battleground states: Pennsylvania, which voted for Mr. Gore in 2000, and Ohio and West Virginia, which voted for Mr. Bush. + +''These are states where the N.R.A. can make a difference,'' said G. Terry Madonna, director of the Keystone Poll at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. +",12 +7,"Riggs said Tim Moore, commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, will decide shortly whether FDLE agents can gather guns confiscated by individual police agencies.",6 +9,public controversy with large ramifications for public safety,8 +13,"Finneran had submitted a surprise amendment that would have banned gay marriage but allow the Legislature to adopt civil unions ""as may be defined by the general court (the Legislature) from time to time.""",12 +15,THE FACTS,14 +3, men who gave no value to the lives of others show contempt for their own.,2 +5,The 12 jurors are being asked to recommend whether Cave be sentenced to life or death. Circuit Judge C. Pfeiffer Trowbridge will decide the sentence after getting the jury's recommendation Friday.,4 +8,"""This indictment alleges that Hanssen betrayed his country for over 15 years and knowingly caused grave injury to the security of the United States,""",7 +7,Wallet theft could cause INS confusion,6 +1,Funds for the latest proposal would come from the Treasury. But a spokeswoman for the Ways and Means Committee said expiring customs fees would be extended to cover the cost.,0 +9,"Advocates Say Illegal Workers Suffer After 9/11 Cleanup; But a Recent N.Y. Program Offers Help to Many With Lung, Other Diseases",8 +4,"She said the beatings by the white deputies were ""50 percent racism, 50 percent hatred.""",3 +11,Bold media statements for gun control,10 +6,GUN AWARENESS PLAN KICKS OFF IN COLORADO,5 +10,"Minutes later, he asked his girlfriend to visit him in the Martin County Jail and held up a peace sign to photographers.",9 +3," The Roman Catholic Church will intensify its efforts to prevent legalization of same-sex marriage, the president of the nation's Catholic bishops said Friday.",2 +6,"To keep on Uncle Sam's good side, both partners have to fill out the federal forms again, filing as singles.",5 +1,"The cartons of brand-name cigarettes, rising almost 35 percent from the current $11.50 to about $15.50, will still be cheaper than the $17.50 common at private grocery stores.",0 +7,World Briefing Americas: Mexico: Suspects Caught In Immigrant Smuggling,6 +11,Oklahoma must allow gays to wed,10 +11,"While districts, large ones in particular, are charged with serving the needs of a wide range of students, charters have the flexibility to design programs to serve a specific population, and decide how dollars are spent, Haft said.",10 +13,Arizona Scraps Use of Sedative for Lethal Injections,12 +13,"Although they never asked for votes here, Mr. Daschle and Mr. Gephardt made a series of stunning promises.",12 +6," +Claims for New Bullets Need a Lot of Testing",5 +10," As ""the other"" is seen as a threat, we are being trained to suspect one another.",9 +7," Set penalties of up to $1,000 in fines or up to a year in jail - or both - for violations.",6 +1,"Meanwhile, gun makers say they won't pull U.S.-made military-style weapons off the market following Colt Industries' decision to halt commercial sales of its AR-15 rifle",0 +5," A federal judge Thursday dismissed half of the claims in the Clinton administration's massive lawsuit against cigarette makers, but still let the government seek billions from the industry for allegedly concealing the dangers of smoking.",4 +13, And lawmakers - some perhaps acting as much out of fear of the powerful lobby as on principle - continue to enable this irresponsible aversion.,12 +13,CLINTON PUTS OFF FEDERAL EXECUTION,12 +14,U.S. Urges Cuba to Lower Emigres' Fees,13 +9, The money will go to cancer research.,8 +5,"Circuit Judge Barbara Fleischer will decide whether to accept the jury's recommendation. A sentencing date has not been set. +",4 +5,"She fled to the United States in July 1992, five months after the attacks, and sought political asylum. Her request was denied. A U.S. immigration judge ruled that she had failed to prove she was persecuted because of her political beliefs.",4 +13,"The measure, a priority of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), had passed the Democratic-controlled State Assembly last week but stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate.",12 +13," +In the House, another bipartisan group is working on a similar piece of legislation. + +",12 +1,"Earlier this month, Virginia Beach also posted a 50-cent-a-pack tax. Now Manassas, Manassas Park, Fairfax City and Falls Church are considering increases.",0 +10,When Fear And Fury Drive Gun Sales,9 +13,"""She wasn't coming to watch her husband vote 'no,' "" said a source familiar with the Salands. +",12 +7," ""They're not likely to be very effective reducing community rates of violent crime.""",6 +15,two lines two lines,14 +3,"It would come in the form of a Ruger .44 Magnum Super Blackhawk revolver, caked with blood and the memory of Ms. DeCambra's son, 21-year-old Lionel St. Hilaire, who was shot to death with it last year. + +The mother had come to watch the gun that was used to kill her son be sawed into pieces in an acrid plume of white-hot sparks.",2 +7,"and meet the approval of local law enforcement. Violating gun laws, possessing a gun while intoxicated or brandishing a firearm in a threatening manner would all cost you your permit.",6 +8,'Stand Your Ground' - and shoot,7 +11,"Regarding Charles Krauthammer's column about the George Zimmerman case (""A tragedy, not a crime""),",10 +4,Marriage Equality in New York,3 +9, were not trained to administer anesthesia.,8 +13,Mike goes gunnin' for Congress,12 +5," +Both amendments, once viewed as Bill of Rights stepchildren by legal scholars, are undergoing a revival. +",4 +7,"A 12-member jury convicted a teenager Thursday of first-degree murder in the 1999 fatal shooting of a Honduran tile setter in St. Petersburg. +",6 +5,The Amendment Speaks for Itself,4 +7,"Guns don't kill people; bullets do. Mainly bullets from handguns, the source of 60 percent of murders in California. +",6 +13,GAY VOTE IS JUST W PLAYING TO HIS PALS,12 +5,"Legally, the BATF did all it could under the law.",4 +7, has failed to reduce crime and leaves citizens vulnerable to criminals with guns.,6 +6,1994 assault weapons ban was nothing but cosmetic,5 +5,"Legally, Vermont civil unions aren't recognized elsewhere. But they are gaining some acceptance outside the courts and legislatures. Some couples who travel to Vermont for a civil union certificate find it helps in gaining insurance coverage or hospital visitation privileges. +",4 +5,DEATH PENALTY TO BE SOUGHT IN BOY'S SLAYING,4 +5,"The H-2A seasonal visa process +",4 +11," +He found himself in the Baltimore Ravens' locker room after the Super Bowl wondering whether he ""should stick with my customary etiquette and proceed with the football questions"" or make it personal. He wound up heading to the locker of linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo, who had made news before the election with his support of same-sex marriage.",10 +9,He also refused to meet with a psychologist who showed up at the Falkenburg Road Jail in August to evaluate him for mental and emotional problems that might spare him the death penalty.,8 +13,PANEL OKS STRONGER GUN BILL,12 +6,Nuanced views on immigration?,5 +5,"No trial date has been set. Calls placed to Sorrells Brothers Packing on Saturday seeking comment were not immediately returned. +",4 +7,ICE nabs young 'dreamer' applicant after she speaks out at a news conference,6 +5,Montgomery Sued Over Gun Show Restrictions,4 +10,RISKING HIS CAREER TO FIGHT FOR CHANGE,9 +9,The Perils Of Packing A Gun,8 +8,Executions by military prove to be rare,7 +12,Groups Ask California Supreme Court to Halt San Francisco Same-Sex Marriages,11 +13,"Tuesday's 8-1 vote followed emotional pleas against the move from employees, residents and Councilman Richard Skorman, the lone dissenting vote.",12 +7,following the murder-suicide committed by a Kansas City Chiefs football player.,6 +1,to the owners of Nat Sherman's.,0 +3," +Officials from Metropolitan Community Churches in Washington received a congratulations letter on the 35th anniversary of their flagship congregation in Los Angeles. The denomination was founded in 1968 as a haven for gay Christians and now claims 43,000 members. +",2 +13,"Partner rights panel named 'Same-sex' foes protest exclusion +",12 +12,"The nonprofit group boasts 21 employees, 4,000 volunteers and almost 50,000 likes on Facebook. It has offices in Tallahassee, Gainesville, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami and Hollywood.",11 +13,Gun control is a winning issue,12 +5,Justices Uphold a Death Sentence Twice Overturned,4 +5,The Superior Court jury voted 9-3 to order Philip Morris Cos. and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. to pay $ 10 million each to Leslie Whiteley and her husband.,4 +13,"Mr. Christie compounded the insult when he dismissed the Legislature's support for the rights of gay people as merely ''an exercise in theater.'' The only one who deserves that accusation is Governor Christie, who is clearly pandering to his own conservative base.",12 +9,He took four minutes to die.,8 +13,The 40-page bill was among the dozen favorably moved out of the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.,12 +13,"The measure, passed earlier by the Assembly",12 +13,THE POLITICS OF DEATH STILL THRIVE,12 +5,Judge discounts DNA evidence,4 +5,Closing court should be last resort,4 +7, the 51-year-old former Tampa resident will die by lethal injection at 6 p.m. today for strangling his girlfriend's daughter and burying her body beneath the home where they lived.,6 +13," +Brady spoke during a press conference Friday in Clayton",12 +13,"When in Doubt, Blame the Founders",12 +12,students transformed into activists and public officials alike are preparing for days of high-profile events highlighting the renewed debate over gun control and school safety.,11 +7,"I'M FINEST'S PAL Bizman who bribed cops: Look at pics, no jail please",6 +12,Tiger Stadium fan club,11 +5,Okla. inmate gains stay of execution,4 +7,Feds use immigration charges to crack down on street gangs,6 +5,U.S. Argues For Wider Gun Rights,4 +6,Smoking is outlawed in parts of Ocean City,5 +13,"Four days before taking the oath of office, President Obama on Wednesday staked the beginning of his second term on an uphill quest to pass the broadest gun control legislation in a generation.",12 +6,1986 AMNESTY LAW IS SEEN AS FAILING TO SLOW ALIEN TIDE,5 +7,"Ayala claimed, according to sheriff's investigators' testimony in 2009, that he had picked up Bowman and Roberts in Leesburg, and they reported they had just robbed a woman. ""There was discussion about ripping someone else, looking to rob someone else,"" Investigator John H. Smith said Ayala told him. Then, they spotted the Bennetts walking alone.",6 +9,"As fentanyl deaths have piled up in recent years, an increasing number of pharmaceutical companies have stopped supplying the traditional execution drugs.",8 +1,Tobacco Industry Gave Big Where It Faced Attack,0 +15,Ken Mehlman's change of heart,14 +10,TEENS URGED TO QUIT SMOKING IN ANNUAL 'KICK ASH' EFFORT,9 +5,"Peninsula, South Bay salon chain sued by immigrant workers",4 +9, Her body has not been found despite searches by more than 750 volunteers from around the Bay Area.,8 +13," A Senate compromise, supported for a time by Republicans such as John McCain (Ariz.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.), as well as by most Democrats",12 +13," +Md. Bill to Suspend Executions Dies",12 +1,"As originally proposed, if American Tobacco had been permitted to merge with Brown & Williamson, which is based in Louisville, Ky., the combined company would have had an 18 percent share of the United States cigarette market, compared with American Tobacco's current share of 11 percent. The Philip Morris Companies, the biggest cigarette company, has a 44 percent share, and the RJR Nabisco Holdings Corporation has 27 percent.",0 +13,"Gov. Gray Davis waded back into the immigration debate Saturday when he praised a group lobbying for legal status for all immigrants, while refusing to say whether he supported the group's key goals.",12 +13,PANEL VOTES TO VOID STATE'S TOBACCO LAW,12 +11,'Gun culture' is a modern invention,10 +13,In Reagan's Cool Shadow,12 +3,"""sanctity of marriage,""",2 +6,"Consider South Carolina, the only state to have passed a one-gun-per-month law. Violent crime in South Carolina is the fifth highest in the nation. South Carolina is pushing to repeal the same law Gov. Douglas Wilder is demanding in Virginia.",5 +3,"INMATE DENIED BIBLE TAPES LEARN TO READ, JUDGE TELLS MURDER DEFENDANT THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY IS APPEALING THE RULING, WITH SUPPORT FROM RELIGIOUS-FREEDOM EXPERTS AND TELEVISION EVANGELISTS WHO SUPPORT THE DEATH PENALTY.",2 +7,"In April, he was arrested in a raid on a Manhattan garment factory suspected of hiring illegal immigrants, like Mr. Pineda. He was ordered deported, but by late May he had been released and was back in New York, making bicycle deliveries for restaurants -- and running.",6 +6," +Illegal Immigrants' Legal Kids Snarl Policy; Increased Birthrate Exacerbates Issue",5 +12," Yet, the NRA continues to oppose any waiting period. +",11 +6,"The most recent major development came last month, when the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) announced a smoking ban at all state-owned universities after the state passed a ban prohibiting smoking in most workplaces and public venues in June. That made the state's 14 universities, attended by more than 110,000 students, smoke-free.",5 +13,"You seemed to think it was no big deal when an aide to your junior U.S. senator got caught carrying an automatic pistol into the Capitol, you having voted Sen. James Webb into office as an avowed opponent of gun control.",12 +6,Moving? Tell the INS Aliens must report within 10 days - or else,5 +13,Handgun-Safety Proposal Advances,12 +13,"But in a move that could draw other Republicans as well as Democrats from conservative states who have not yet backed Obama's agenda, Sen. Joe Manchin III (W.Va.), a key Democratic broker, has spent the past few days crafting the framework of a possible deal with Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.).",12 +5,The Supreme Court announced yesterday that it will hear the appeal of Joseph Roger O'Dell III,4 +13,Although gay marriage is not under consideration in the New Jersey legislature,12 +5, A Roman Catholic group that licenses foster and adoptive parents has sued the state of Illinois over a new law that would require the nonprofit to place children with gay or unmarried couples.,4 +11,Killer Put to Death in Texas's 6th Execution of '87,10 +5,but particularly after judges in Massachusetts ruled to legalize same-sex unions.,4 +13,"Senate Majority Leader Bill Stephens (R-Canton) proposed the amendment, which has not been debated by legislators yet.",12 +13,If approved by the Republican-controlled Congress,12 +13,"Governor O'Neill has not said if he would sign the bill, previously approved by the House. It mandates a one-year minimum sentence for those caught carrying an unlicensed handgun, except under certain ''mitigating circumstances.''",12 +8, stronger border security,7 +7,"Abu-Jamal was convicted of shooting police Officer Daniel Faulkner in the face and back on Dec. 9, 1981, at 13th and Locust Streets after a traffic stop involving Abu-Jamal's brother. +",6 +13,"The Immigration Swamp; As the presidential campaign intensifies, so does the nativist ferocity.",12 +5,"If the justices were to agree with the lower court, the ruling would not likely sweep aside the many laws that regulate guns and gun ownership. However, it could cast doubt on measures that forbid law-abiding residents from possessing weapons.",4 +13,Fla. shooting reignites 'Stand Your Ground' debate,12 +9,Everyone needs breathing room Smoking is the No. 1 risk factor for lung diseases,8 +6,"In 2 Cities, Unmarried Get Marriage Rights",5 +9,Smoking sparks fatal blazes,8 +4,"We previously looked at the claim that a U.N. treaty would mandate a ""new international gun registry"" and a chain email that wrongly accused the Obama administration of planning to use international treaties to ban all weapons.",3 +8,Fort Hood's dutiful fiend,7 +13," But that was enough for Gov. Bush, who through a spokesman declared himself pleased and called it ''a victory for justice in Florida'' that was ''welcomed by victims of violent crimes throughout the state.''",12 +13,McCain campaign chief urges GOP to accept gay marriage,12 +13,N.J. Senate passes package of gun measures,12 +3, Should religious institutions?,2 +9,10th anniversary of a significant setback to public health in North Carolina,8 +7,"Gregory Holley was on one of his regular walks with his dog Nikita, a black-and-white pointy-eared Shiba Inu, about 9:40 p.m. when he was attacked. Police said they think Smith, who lived only blocks away, was a stranger who was looking for someone to rob. +",6 +13,How Governor Set His Stance On Gay Rights,12 +1,"The report, ""New Americans on Long Island"" (see also below), states that in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, two of the country's 50 most affluent counties, immigrants represent about 16 percent of the population and add about 17 percent of value to the economy through their work",0 +7, appear to violate the law,6 +6, One of the measures would lift the ban from all gambling facilities within 10 miles of a state border; the other would specifically lift the ban from riverboats within five miles of a border.,5 +13,"Karla Tucker Is Now Gone, But Several Debates Linger",12 +1,"While today's Great American Smokeout tries to get the nation's 52 million smokers to kick the habit, tobacco marketers are mounting a major counteroffensive.",0 +1,"As a business and as parents, we don't want kids to smoke, and when society feels that we behave otherwise, it actually harms our business.",0 +8,LEGAL IMMIGRANTS FACE TERROR IN TERRORISM LAW: DEPORTATION,7 +13,Trump decried for gun remark,12 +10, Others would welcome those desperate for opportunity. ,9 +3,"Churches are permitted to ""opt out"" of ERISA. If they do so, they are subject to local law. I do not know whether Catholic Charities of D.C. has opted out, but if it has, it can opt right back in. That's what Catholic Charities of Maine did.",2 +6,SINGLE STANDARD NEEDED ON CIGARETTE SALES,5 +1,"Business Leaders, in Letter, Will Urge Albany to Legalize Gay Marriage",0 +13,Death Penalty Proposal Blasted From Both Sides,12 +13,"House OKs ban on lawsuits linking crime, gun makers",12 +13,"But Senate Democratic Leader Chris Smith, D-Fort Lauderdale, warned, ""This is the wrong message to send. ... There are communities around Florida where gun violence is too prevalent."" +",12 +12,was passed overwhelmingly by the voters in November 2000.,11 +3," said the Rev. Isaac Mullins, 45, who was visiting the church to play piano there. ""But I don't advocate gay marriage.""",2 +13," +By a 5-2 vote, the Greeley board agreed to hold the rest of its meetings this year at district schools and have a police officer present",12 +9,on public health,8 +11,"Those were some of the recommendations made by immigrants who met at the Chamblee public library to help officials decide how to spend $ 50,000 on books and other materials in foreign languages. The collection, in Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Spanish, should be on the shelves next February. It will be held at the Chamblee library because ""it is the center of our very diverse community,"" said Angie Stuckey, collections manager of the DeKalb County library system.",10 +13,SPECTER AND PENNA. AT ODDS ON SPENDING TOBACCO MONEY,12 +7,PEDAL-PUSHER NABBED AS A BUTTLEGGER,6 +5,"A Superior Court jury recommended the death penalty Friday for a 20-year-old gang member who killed two college students from Japan during a 1994 carjacking. +",4 +7,FED UP WITH LAX ENFORCEMENT,6 +13,An emotional President Barack Obama outlined plans Tuesday to sidestep a deadlocked Congress and expand background checks for some firearms purchases and increase federal enforcement of the nation's gun laws.,12 +13,Fight on Guns Is Being Taken to State Ballots,12 +5,California: Death Penalty Sought for Rampage,4 +13,Gay marriage vote nearly failed again in Md. House,12 +7, corrections officials.,6 +11,"CONSERVATIVE WEBSITE WRONG ON EFFECTS, PURPOSE OF UN CONFERENCE",10 +6,"Something old was standing in the way of something new; once again, the future was threatening to overrun the past. In this case, the future was the new Prince Frederick campus of the College of Southern Maryland. The past: an old tobacco barn.",5 +6,"The Anti-Atrocity Alien Deportation Act, introduced in Congress five years ago, was part of the intelligence overhaul bill that Bush signed into law.",5 +5,"Jury selection continued on Tuesday for serial killer Bobby Joe Long's third murder trial in Pasco County. Attorneys for the prosecution and defense identified 11 prospective jurors by the end of the day, but none was officially impaneled. Eighteen more prospective jurors are to be questioned today. Prosecutor Phil Van Allen said jury selection has been slowed by the extensive publicity Long has received in the past decade.",4 +10,"She felt alone - so alone, so despondent that she could see no other way out",9 +5,"The 9-page ruling is in response to a lawsuit filed in 2014 by the Post-Dispatch, The Associated Press, Guardian News and Media and other media companies seeking to shine more light on Missouri's secretive capital punishment system.",4 +5,"""It is my present intention not to utilize the death penalty provisions,"" said Johnson, who as a young prosecutor won a murder conviction against a man whose brother later admitted the crime.",4 +11,"About 39 percent of the high school students said they used tobacco, which is about 4 percentage points higher than the national average.",10 +13," +Vermont Legislature Passes Sweeping Gun Restrictions",12 +5,"legally changing the definition of marriage. +",4 +13,Brady law rules hearing draws blanks Gun dealers deny being notified,12 +12,"NO NRA APOLOGIES, ONLY CONDOLENCES",11 +8," U.S. authorities have been unable to locate thousands of illegal aliens for questioning in terrorism investigations, including the Sept. 11 probe, because the Immigration and Naturalization Service has long failed to track immigrants entering the USA, a new government report says.",7 +6,"The amendment to Westchester's Health Code bans smoking in all eating areas of restaurants, regardless of the size of the establishment. It allows smoking in a bar only if customers are not waiting there to be seated and if food service in that area constitutes less than 40 percent of the gross sales of the bar. A buffer zone of 6 feet or a barrier that is 56 inches high or more must separate bar and eating sections.",5 +6,Sane gun bill in sight,5 +9,cigarettes' dangerous and addictive nature,8 +13,Mayor Kay Barnes said she had been working with,12 +1,"Phila. courts increase pay for capital defense +",0 +7,Cruz's father says he 'basically bribed' Cuban official to immigrate to U.S.,6 +5,"Kevin Bourassa and Joe Varnell said they refused to do so, and their attorney said he is looking into possible legal action for alleged violation of the couple's rights.",4 +7, State-sponsored executions in Virginia,6 +13,FOUNDER OF CITIZENS' BORDER PATROL SHAKES UP RACE FOR SEAT IN CONGRESS,12 +13,Mississippi Governor Bans Same-Sex Marriage,12 +5,Judge James A. Edwards of Superior Court scheduled sentencing for Nov. 21. The judge may accept the jury's recommendation or impose a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.,4 +1,"unnecessary financial risk. +",0 +13,"House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday afternoon gave an early glimpse of the legislative priorities that will shape the Republican-controlled 114th Congress, setting the stage for two more years of ideological conflict with President Obama and the new Democratic minority.",12 +7,MAN IS SET TO BE EXECUTED ON FEB. 7 FOR KILLING IN 1985,6 +1,which a tobacco company,0 +2,"""One of the reasons we get into that kind of problem is that those offices are crowded, chaotic. Those employees are pressed with lots of people demanding their attention at the same time,"" said Milliken, adding that the strain is worsened by ""the increasingly diverse pool"" of driver's license applicants.",1 +11,Gail Shister: 'Gay Weddings' producer sees his dream unfolding,10 +11,"In Firearms Research, Cause Is Often the Missing Element",10 +5,N.R.A. Sues Over Rule That Arms Dealers at Mexico Border Report Bulk Rifle Sales,4 +11,"Burress, Harrison: Blame society, not guns",10 +10,would not bar employers from offering benefits to gay couples.,9 +5,"A federal judge in Cincinnati declared Friday that he would require Ohio to recognize same-sex marriages performed legally in other states, the latest in a series of court decisions around the country overturning restrictive state marriage laws and amendments. +",4 +5,intended to sue the Violence Policy Center for defamation.,4 +13,Feingold,12 +13,"Del. Joseline A. PenÌ?a-Melnyk (D-Prince George's), speaking at a news conference with the legislative black, Latino and Asian American and Pacific Islander caucuses, prodded members of her party to support the Trust Act, calling it ""the Democratic thing to do"" and saying they ""should not think twice about it.""",12 +5,"The Supreme Court appears hesitant to wade back into the national debate on guns. +",4 +15,A shot across the bow,14 +7, ordering the execution of a man who killed two people in a carjacking.,6 +13,Rhode Island Senate Approves Civil Unions After Marriage Measure Falters,12 +5,Man awaits death penalty decision,4 +13,Gun safety bill advances in City Council,12 +13,Same-sex marriage ruling renews GOP internal feud,12 +5,"""In 2006, the people of Idaho exercised their fundamental right, reaffirming that marriage is the union of a man and a woman,"" he said in a statement. ""Today's decision, while disappointing, is a small setback in a long-term battle that will end at the U.S. Supreme Court."" +",4 +5,The law was challenged by the federal government and advocacy groups and was partly blocked by federal courts in July 2010.,4 +13,Santa Clara County supervisors ready to enact strong anti-smoking measures,12 +13,Food and Drug Administration,12 +13,"A Bush aide said the governor needed time to study the measure before passing judgment, while a spokesman for his top GOP rival for the 2000 presidential nomination, Elizabeth Dole, said if she were president she would ""be pleased to sign the bill into law.""",12 +11,"Based on a USA TODAY analysis of 1993 legal immigration data, nearly a quarter of that year's 880,000 legal immigrants couldn't have come under the recommendations.",10 +13,"When it does, it's more likely to be a product of a temporary turnout wave than a long-term political movement.",12 +12,"which allows for public comment, ",11 +3,"""You can take the 'Let Them Stay' signs out of your yards. Our friends have been given permission to stay,"" the Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale of the Reformed Church of Highland Park emailed parishioners.",2 +5,"Richard Sindel, a lawyer retained by the Public Defender Commission as a consultant in all cases involving the death penalty, had requested the stay to allow the United States Supreme Court time to review the conviction.",4 +11, There is no need to gloat by renaming bridges and putting up nearly five dozen controversial flags on a public structure.,10 +15,New Tactic In Fighting Marriage Initiatives,14 +5,Judge Halts Gay Marriage in Wisconsin,4 +1,"State's antismoking efforts poor, expert says",0 +11," They had been at the Palm Beach Police Foundation's ball at Mar-a-Lago, where Donald Trump was a guest to celebrate the centennial of the Palm Beach Police Department.",10 +1,Cities shouldn't target businesses,0 +1,Gun shop a headache,0 +12,"Dana Loesch, the NRA's brash spokeswoman, dials back the rage at CNN town hall",11 +4,A SEARCH FOR FAIRNESS,3 +8,"Terror on Trial, And a U.S. Barrier",7 +5,"Most of the legal lapses stemmed from employees who failed to verify purchaser identification through thumbprints or driver's licenses, released guns before the state-mandated 10-day waiting period or did not get the required signatures on paperwork, officials said.",4 +6,House Bill 88 would establish a seven-day statewide cooling-off period on the purchase of handguns. HB 487 would place restrictions on the transfer of handguns. HB 573 would ban a specified list of assault weapons.,5 +5,Tobacco company loses appeal of ex-smoker's case,4 +5,"Johnson's lawyer and advocates met in secret with the Parole Board for about 3 1/2 hours Wednesday morning. Then the five board members spent almost two hours Wednesday afternoon with those who want Johnson to be executed. +",4 +13,Patten says he didn't vote in the last presidential election and didn't even know if he was registered to vote. (Nexis records indicate that he registered as a Republican in the District of Columbia in 2002.),12 +11,"You suggest that we made too little of racial differences between these cities. Research has shown that high rates of assault and victimization among blacks in the United States are due more to the effects of crowding and poverty than to any increased tendency toward violence. +",10 +6,This ordinance changes that.,5 +12,"Does the recent spate of official state killings confirm strong or rising popular support for capital punishment in the United States? +",11 +3,"ELECTION 2004: God's country; Christians' support for Bush illustrates moral counterattack +",2 +9,wound another,8 +5,"State officials had declined to appeal Judge McShane's decision. Oregon's attorney general, Ellen F. Rosenblum, told the Supreme Court that there was ''no rational basis on which to defend the state's same-sex marriage ban.''",4 +12,"Mercury News editorial: Zimmerman trial struck chord with deep resonance +",11 +5," +Massachusetts took center stage in the national debate over gay marriage after a landmark decision by its highest court in November that was reaffirmed last month. The rulings set the stage for the nation's first legally sanctioned gay marriages on May 17. +",4 +1,A Career Seasoned With Cigar Smoke and Revolution,0 +5,Joke's on writer if right to marry is extralegal,4 +5," our president will appreciate the foresight of our current justices, just as today we applaud the decision of the 1954 Supreme Court.",4 +11,"As a result, 25 languages are spoken within a five-mile area. Whites are no longer in the majority in Chamblee, although they still make up 70 percent of Doraville's population.",10 +13,Gay nuptials in GOP sights,12 +11,"In the mid-1990s, cigars were a fashion statement and a status symbol.",10 +7,"Under a program born in late 1996, two INS agents stationed at Ventura County jails snare illegal immigrants by questioning them and running high-tech fingerprint checks of all those who are foreign-born. Launched after an illegal immigrant shot a police officer, the program has become a federal model.",6 +14,Gay pairs flock to California to marry,13 +13,COMMISSION SETS SIGHTS ON GUN CONTROL AMENDMENT,12 +5,"The Supreme Court offered itself today as the next battleground in the tobacco wars, announcing that it would decide whether the Food and Drug Administration has authority to regulate tobacco products as drugs and cigarettes as ""drug delivery devices.""",4 +10," What matters more, researchers found, is the quality of parenting and the family's economic well-being.",9 +9,"The latest results from the study, which was conducted in five cities, expanded the earlier report with data from 200 more patients. Overall, the study compared 653 women with lung cancer who had never smoked with a control group of 1,253 women who did not have lung cancer and had never smoked.",8 +5,Maine and N.H. Move to Expand Gay Rights,4 +9,Facts on immigrants and health care,8 +15,Gay Marriage Games,14 +5,". The lawsuit charges Baldor with being a ""union-busting shop with a history of employing illegal immigrants and violating labor laws.""",4 +5,Prosecutor Tracey Cline successfully requested that Hargrove should continue to be held without bond.,4 +13,Two factions will debate smoking ban,12 +13,Riordan cited Feinstein's work in passing the assault weapons ban and helping the city get $8.6 billion in federal aid after the January earthquake.,12 +7,COFFEE WITH A DEAD MANCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty,6 +15,Black-Market Bonanza,14 +13,"Through hours of debate on a bill restricting the sale of handguns, one legislator after another rose in the Capitol here to say that more gun control will not stop the violence in Connecticut's cities that has become a huge concern among voters and politicians. +",12 +5,ANTI-GUN ZEALOTS MISREAD CONSTITUTION,4 +11,"Tradition remains as Georgia view changes +",10 +11,The Wrong Way to Talk About Guns,10 +3,Presbyterian assembly: Gay marriage is Christian,2 +13,Activists have been increasing pressure on closeted gay members of Congress since the House overwhelmingly approved the Defense of Marriage Act last month,12 +1,"BACK ON SALE: WEAPONS THAT CAN SHATTER CONCRETE Semiautomatic assault rifles have returned, and cops who face them know too well what they can do. +",0 +13,Opposing Gun Measures in Washington State Draw Cash and Sow Confusion,12 +6,"A sane voice on guns +",5 +6,"New laws tougher on rifles, handguns",5 +13,At least Sen. Marco Rubio had the fortitude to participate in a town hall on live TV.,12 +12,Proposition 8 backers move to bump liberal judge from appeal,11 +5,She ordered the companies to stop using terms like ''light'' on their products.,4 +10,"Guiding Hands Help Immigrant Artists Connect +",9 +4," The decision was made to treat the ""circumstances of married couples and civil union couples consistently,""",3 +13,Trump backs no specific gun bill,12 +7,"But he said agents will not be able to respond to all calls, so those involving immigrants who had committed crimes of violence or drug law offenses would get first priority.",6 +8,"Prabhi Kavaler was killed in the terrorist bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, on Aug. 7, 1998. Al-'Owhali is one of four men convicted Monday of conspiring to blow up the Nairobi U.S. Embassy and another in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, that was bombed the same day. +",7 +13,"House Speaker Paul Ryan dug in his heels even deeper against any gun control measures Tuesday, declaring that the only way Democrats would be able to get a vote is to take control of the House in November.",12 +13,Clearwater Council asks Legislature to reconsider special session on stand your ground law,12 +5,MISSOURI OFFICIALS SUGGEST NEW WAY OF SELLING PART OF TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,4 +12,Melanie Williams of Duluth was among the roughly 60 protesters who say that's not good enough.,11 +7,Forgotten Detainees,6 +11,But these new applicants are looking beyond curriculum to target specific niche groups.,10 +11,"It's what Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet did aboard the ""Titanic,"" or at least one of the things they did, along with defying social convention as well as physical laws of the universe. While the last two are viewed as typical adolescent behavior, the smoking drew ire.",10 +11," +As long as I'm playing the media critic on social-issues coverage, this piece last week from the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and Sean Sullivan offered a fascinating example of how the press covers the role of money in the immigration debate: +",10 +13," +The Gun Lobby's Latest Bizarre Crusade",12 +10,"the tax breaks, health benefits and survivor benefits that accrue to married partners. +",9 +13," +Pols urge ban on plastic guns",12 +13," The bill passed in a 14-to-4 vote, with all the no votes cast by Republicans.",12 +7,MURDER RAP VS. TEEN BUT WON'T FACE DEATH IN FATAL S.I. COP SHOOT,6 +6,Missouri lawmakers question rule allowing visitors to bring guns in Capitol,5 +7,"Victor Hugo Benavides, 39, was arrested on warrants for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest and violation of a domestic violence injunction. He was being held in the Hillsborough County jail, where U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement placed a hold on him.",6 +5, Supporters of the concealed-weapons proposal say the permits would be given,4 +5,Green River Killer pleads guilty to his 49th murder,4 +7,"Heavily armed IRS and immigration agents raided a Philadelphia mosque and two homes yesterday, seizing documents and detaining the imam on immigration charges.",6 +5,"Some portions of Alabama's law, known as HB 56 and described by supporters and critics as the harshest state immigration law in the country, were already blocked by a federal judge. On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson took an additional step by ordering the state to stop denying manufactured home registration permits to people who couldn't prove their U.S. citizenship.",4 +9,"I continued smoking cigarettes until the 1964 surgeon general's report. I was 32. I switched to a pipe, until I got tired of the fiddling: packing the tobacco, lighting, puffing, lighting, packing, lighting, cleaning, changing pipes, packing, over and over.",8 +5,"On Tuesday, one of Lonchar's brothers asked a Butts County Superior Court judge to order that Lonchar",4 +7,"When he first joined the Manassas Police Department four years ago, Detective Edwin Rivera learned an invaluable lesson during his training: Always accessorize.",6 +5,Jury: Jodi Arias eligible for death penalty,4 +7,JUDGE CONDEMNS SECOND MAN TO DEATH FOR 1997 PERRON MURDER,6 +5,Two of the jurors chosen were white men,4 +3,Gun rights come with responsibility,2 +6,2 BILLS SEEK TO EASE STATE SMOKING BAN,5 +11,"The Portrait of a Gunman, and of a Society",10 +11,Tragic twist of fate ties RFK to Ore. slay town,10 +7,Sneaky TIA smokers lighting up in restrooms,6 +7,"Sixteen summers ago, Harrison ""Marty"" Graham's apartment in a North Philadelphia crackhouse yielded its terrible secret - seven corpses of women the handyman would later tell police he had strangled during sex.",6 +13,Nominee Criticized Over Post-9/11 Policies,12 +13,GRAND OLD PUNCHFEST RUDY & ROMNEY GO TOE-TO-TOE ON IMMIG,12 +13,TAKING AIM Now a GOPer goes after guns Fights gangs' shared waeapons,12 +9," Racked with pain from kidney and hip defects at birth, he walked with a limp.",8 +5,Lawyers should get back to the question and answer it for all of us,4 +10," allow individuals who might be involved in gay relationships to adopt children, and several others permit the adoptive parent's partner, later on, to adopt the same child. ",9 +5,"Ramsey and Washington counties plan to start accepting marriage-license applications from same-sex couples on Thursday. +",4 +13,Cigar maker became early mayor,12 +6,"A handful of states, including New Jersey and Massachusetts, have assault weapons bans. A federal ban expired in 2004, and attempts to revive it have been unsuccessful.",5 +13,Clinton fires back at gun policy critics,12 +9,Chair concerns put deaths on hold,8 +6,"What could possibly be next for our ""stand your ground"" law that can make it legal to shoot first and ask questions later? +",5 +11,"Bill Tuttle, 69, an Opponent Of Use of Chewing Tobacco",10 +13,DIAZ SR. PREPPING FOR GAY BILL BRAWL,12 +9,second-hand smoke is a major threat to elderly individuals with health problems.,8 +7,convicted of killing a couple in their rented house in Clair Mel.,6 +4,violating their civil rights.,3 +6,LET'S HAVE COMMON-SENSE GUN CONTROL,5 +7,All three were charged in the murders last Friday and are being held without bail at the Douglas County detention facility.,6 +13, The Illinois Legislature has sent Gov. Pat Quinn a reform measure to overhaul the state's death penalty defense fund after a Post-Dispatch report last year revealed widespread waste and abuse.,12 +8,Disorder On The Border,7 +13,Bill's passage fans gun debate in Atlanta area,12 +5,Prosecutors will present evidence Thursday to support their contention that Franklin should be sentenced to death. And Franklin's attorneys will call witnesses in hopes of persuading the jury to recommend either life with the possibility of parole after at least 30 years in prison or life without parole.,4 +7,Lawyer Says Man's Link To Legislator Led to Arrest,6 +13,Campaign '94 ON THE TRAIL Johnson fires criticism at Norwood's NRA ties,12 +4," ""The people who were there...felt great that their city approves of them. It's too bad they even have to think of that.""",3 +13,Senate Republicans Monday moved to stamp out any possible legal recognition for homosexual couples in Colorado.,12 +13,"Trying to undo Hawaii court rulings, the state House approved a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages.",12 +13,"As each proposal was defeated, frustration mounted and tempers flared among the most conservative Republicans.",12 +13,"Mr. Pataki said his order ""closes the loophole that exists under Federal law.""",12 +3,even sincere and long-held religious views,2 +8,OUR OPINIONS: Ashcroft's pro-gun ideology is put ahead of U.S. security,7 +1, tobacco tax,0 +13,"The ad contends that Garrett, a state assemblyman, voted in the legislature to repeal a ban on assault weapons and to weaken laws on concealed weapons. It opens with a newspaper photo of Muhammad and then fades to a split screen with a gun barrel on one side and a picture of Garrett on the other.",12 +12,"The desire for more strict laws has ebbed steadily in Gallup polling since its high of 78 percent in the early 1990s. That erosion has picked up steam since 2000 when 66 percent of those tested said they preferred stricter gun laws while just 33 percent said they wanted the laws kept the same or made more lenient. In 2010, just 44 percent wanted the status quo or more strict laws while 54 percent wanted less strict laws.",11 +10,"William was an English professor at Rutgers for many years and has a good pension,"" Mr. Strickland said at the demonstration, behind the main branch of the New York City Public Library. ""We have been committed to each other for many years. But because of unjust laws, if anything happens to William, I am lost and have no right to his pension. It's not fair but I'm hopeful things will change.""",9 +5,Immigrants from Mitch countries allowed to stay,4 +15,Keep who's packing public,14 +10,SMOKING MOTORISTS SHOULD USE ASHTRAYS,9 +5,"The anti-tobacco league would rather use lawsuits, brought under expansive modern liability standards, to coerce tobacco firms into ""voluntarily"" forsaking constitutional rights to fight for their interests politically and to advertise a product society chooses not to outlaw.",4 +5,"In its response to a federal lawsuit filed by three gay couples and a widow in April, the state is asking a federal judge to dismiss the suit and let Georgia's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage stand. The Attorney General's Office argues that the plaintiffs' claims ""are about where the law is headed, not about where it is now.""",4 +10,"Boykin, 21, cried as she listened to the angry statement of William Basante, whose 8-month-old daughter, Kayla, was killed by Boykin.",9 +7, the state's top law enforcement official said Monday.,6 +6,"that the ""carefully crafted"" measure would leave private employers free to make their own decisions",5 +13,California immigration crackdown campaign to enlist American Legion members,12 +8,THIS IS WHY WE BATTLE GUN SCOURGE,7 +11,"""It's a huge wave of history taking place in North Carolina,"" says Father John, in a quiet voice, characteristically tinged with a mixture of exhaustion, laughter and awe. ""It's a historic moment. We barely know what to make of it.""",10 +5,Bid to halt Denver gun suit fails Lawmakers cannot crimp city's right to sue,4 +1,as well as overviews of tobacco-free workplace successes,0 +7,NYPD helps ICE Contacts over collars shows city 'sanctuary' has trap door,6 +5,"""For those of us who for three years have been saying that the Constitution is on the side of the property owner, we've been proven right today,""",4 +5,The legal wrangling runs the gamut from lawsuits,4 +6,"And if they chose to, gay couples already in a domestic partnership could retain their status instead of entering a civil union.",5 +13,waging political battles against efforts to limit the availability of weapons.,12 +15,Following The Guns,14 +1,Tobacco's plea -- no big U.S. payments,0 +13,"Even though the president has pulled back on his campaign promise to reinstate the 1994 assault-weapons ban, and no serious legislation is pending on the state or national level to restrict the sale of weapons or to tax ammunition, many gun enthusiasts remain wary of Obama. +",12 +5,Circuit Judge Cynthia Angelos will sentence him after Spann's trial.,4 +10,Grappling With Guns on Campus,9 +12,"""It's a bad policy and bad politics,"" said audience member Bruce Brady, who spoke out against limiting the ability of ""law-abiding citizens"" to obtain guns.",11 +15,The news is just too bountiful,14 +7,"Corrections officials spoke out against the idea, saying it would lead to smuggling, black markets and extra demands on staff.",6 +15," +The Gun Report: November 5, 2013",14 +13,City officials want to keep it that way.,12 +10,No Death Benefits for Studds's Spouse,9 +9,IMMIGRANT MED CARE CRITICIZED,8 +10,"""It feels to me like the weight of the world has gone off my shoulders,"" Mr. Kaczynski said. ""The way my mom described it to me this morning was she feels she's come out of a long sickness, and the fever's broken.""",9 +7,Day-by-day massacre,6 +9,"Part of the tragedy of 7-year-old Jermon Perry's death, believed to be at the hand of his 5-year-old brother who got hold of their father's loaded gun while looking for candy",8 +6,"Similar to a law recently passed in DeKalb County and in the city of Decatur, the ordinance would have banned smoking in public places, including businesses.",5 +9, including safe-storage requirements,8 +5,"John D. Edgar challenged the concept of denying ""law-abiding citizens"" the God-given (or natural) right to bear arms. ",4 +5,"A retired Army colonel who sued his wife under the Clean Air Act to make her stop smoking has relented, saying she has given up cigarettes and ""been clean for a month.""",4 +5," Rower's out-of-town trial, set to begin Monday, and routine post-conviction appeals ultimately could cost state taxpayers more than $ 1 million.",4 +6,"State law requires a 48-hour waiting period, during which customers' backgrounds are checked with a Justice Department telephone hot line. If the department finds a customer has a criminal record, the purchase is canceled.",5 +13,"Democrats push gun-show bill, may put Bush on spot",12 +7,Mass murderer is spared death,6 +13,"Ronald Clyde Johnson has been in the Florida House since 1978. During that time he has won dozens of awards for his effectiveness as a legislator. Three of those awards tell you a lot about Mr. Johnson. + +Unified Sportsman of Florida Legislator of the Year Award. + +National Antique Arms Association Roy Rogers Award. + +National Rifle Association Legislator of the Year Award.",12 +6,Smoking-ban compromise is a losing proposition,5 +13,Conn. shootings highlight deep Va. split on gun control,12 +3,Bishops Denounce Writings Of a Catholic Theologian,2 +8,Armed guards,7 +13,"Pollsters and political analysts say the two subjects -- immigration and terrorism -- are hot-button items that Republican Congressional candidates hope will rev up their base of supporters, resonate with swing voters and boost their sagging numbers.",12 +11,He has told the Mercury News,10 +9,"Most people who quit smoking don't gain a lot of weight, says a study of more than 9,000 adults in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine. Ex-smokers typically put on 6 to 8 pounds, according to a research team led by David Williamson of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. Men tended to gain less - an average of 6 pounds vs. 8 pounds for women. A small group - 10% of men and 13% of women - eventually gain more than 28 pounds. For reasons that were unclear, blacks, people under age 55 and those who smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day were the most likely to gain significant weight after quitting.",8 +13,"ISSUES WILL GIVE EDGE, GALLAGHER SAYS",12 +5,"A man sentenced to death in the slaying of a Richmond family is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his case. + +The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported that Ricky Javon Gray's attorneys said in a petition filed with the court this month that the courts failed to provide Gray with a ""meaningful opportunity"" to challenge the constitutionality of his death sentence. +",4 +11,An American flag hung from the green and white cinder block wall on the gymnasium's southwest corner,10 +5,Va. may help get gay marriage to high cour t,4 +15,It's Getting Better,14 +1,"Fedell and others in the wedding business in this city once famous as a wedding and honeymoon destination hope the change last week will provide an economic spark once the unions become legal July 24, a month after the law was signed. And the buzz is statewide.",0 +5,The couples' attorneys filed a motion asking the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to lift the stay it imposed in September on a trial court ruling that struck down the voter-approved ban known as Proposition 8.,4 +13,said Sen. Jeannemarie Devolites Davis (R-Fairfax).,12 +5,Rights groups sue over Ga. law,4 +6,Now that's a real pain in the butt Smoking up despite city health blitz,5 +4,But it should not be an excuse for bashing immigrants or questioning the provision of public education to them.,3 +7,"Police say he used common handguns, the sort that even most ardent gun control groups don't call for abolishing.",6 +6, ban on some assault weapons,5 +13,Bush's Push for Marriage Falls Short for Conservatives,12 +5,"Vincent FitzPatrick, the lead attorney for Empire, said he was disappointed jurors rejected civil fraud and racketeering charges that would have exposed the companies to triple damages.",4 +13,"State Senator Greg Ball worries that if he votes to legalize same-sex marriage, his father may never speak to him again.",12 +13,Senate Roll-Call On Brady Bill,12 +5,"When the highest court in Massachusetts ruled that civil unions are an inadequate substitute for marriage, it also made clear that the rights associated with such unions are required under the state Constitution, though insufficient if not called marriage.",4 +12,7 Cleared in Protest At Supreme Court,11 +5,"Concerned about the national ramifications of same-sex marriages in California, attorneys general from 10 states have asked the California Supreme Court to stay its decision legalizing the marriages, which are set to begin on June 17",4 +6,"When it comes to a bill that would have allowed people to carry guns in the open, lawmakers got it right. There, I said it.",5 +5,The judge in the Scott Peterson trial yesterday rejected a defense request to move the case to another community and pick a new jury to decide whether Peterson should get the death penalty for killing his pregnant wife.,4 +5,Amendment ballot,4 +6,"Berkeley council regulates e-cigarettes, passes civic center protections",5 +5,Gay Rights and the Justice Department,4 +5,"After 15 Years in Court, Workers' Lawsuit Against Trump Faces Yet Another Delay",4 +7,One of the niceties of smuggling operations that illegally transport Cubans from the communist island to Florida is that they guarantee delivery.,6 +8, This task was given to local officials for an interim period during which the federal government was to develop computer capability to make the checks from Washington.,7 +6," would eliminate ""a significant loophole"" in the 1993 Brady Act,",5 +9,protect public safety from gun violence,8 +11,"Brad Pitt donates $100,000 for gay marriage effort",10 +9,"School sparks debate on students, guns",8 +13,11 more states back $206B tobacco deal,12 +9,IQ DEATH CASE MAY LAST YEARS,8 +8,the federal government requires for background checks.,7 +6,"""We expect all establishments to comply with the law.""",5 +13,Donald Trump Tells N.R.A. Hillary Clinton Wants to Let Violent Criminals Go Free,12 +5," Enacting court-stripping legislation would seriously undermine the faith of the American people in this Congress, in the Courts and in the principles of separation of powers."" +",4 +5,TAMPER-PROOF GREEN CARDS ON WAY,4 +1,GAY-MARRIAGE CLAIM DISMISSED COUPLE SOUGHT FEDERAL TAX REFUND,0 +10,"This Mother's Day, Obama's declaration gives gay and lesbian couples, as well as interracial couples, infertile couples and single parents - as well as every mother who fears she's not doing it right - a reason to rejoice. +",9 +13,The gun debate of the past two decades has devolved into a permanent tug-of-war between the National Rifle Association (NRA) and advocates of gun safety.,12 +3,gay couples who commit themselves to lasting partnerships ,2 +1,"Old Belt tobacco growers are calling this season one of the best as more leaf rolls in every day, fetching higher and higher prices.",0 +1,Smoking Out the Tobacco Industry,0 +5,"No state legally sanctions gay marriage, and it remains unclear what practical value the marriage licenses will have.",4 +7,WOMAN ESCAPES DEATH SENTENCE,6 +6,Get the Lead Out of Bullets,5 +11,TEXANS REMEMBER ALAMO WITH SIGNS BANNING GUNS,10 +13,DAYTON BLASTS BUSH'S GAY MARRIAGE BAN U. S. SENATOR SPEAKS OUT AT RAINBOW FAMILIES CONFERENCE,12 +1,to welfare recipients,0 +7,"In February, Immigration and Naturalization Service agents raided three Food Emporiums on the upper East Side and arrested 12 deliverymen employed by York Delivery Service.",6 +13,President Trump's suggestion that the tragedy in Texas,12 +12,A new poll released late Wednesday by the Public Policy Institute of California shows Prop. 8 losing 52 to 44 percent among likely voters. That eight-point margin has narrowed from the 14-point spread that PPIC polls found in August and September. Just 4 percent of likely voters remain undecided.,11 +3,"He said it was something he did not relish at all; it was very uncomfortable for him, but it was a responsibility he was going to meet,"" said Mike McCarron, executive director of the Florida Catholic Conference. +",2 +13,"In Washington, U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, a Denver Democrat and longtime supporter of gun control, said Clinton didn't go far enough. +",12 +5,'Sanctuary city' sues U.S. attorney general,4 +13,"With a brief return to the Senate, Cruz claimed progress on a series of measures that are likely to appeal to Republican primary voters in the hotly contested campaign. He wrote a letter to President Obama on North Korea policy, voted for sanctions on North Korea and co-sponsored a bill to enforce fines on undocumented immigrants. The third move may help the senator from Texas bolster his record on immigration compared with presidential rival Donald Trump, whose campaign has made the issue a rallying cry.",12 +5,"Zimmerman Studied 'Stand Your Ground' in Class, Florida Court Is Told",4 +5,"States' rights at forefront of gun law debate Supreme Court hears Brady Act arguments +",4 +11,Keep a U.S. tradition going,10 +5,"The court ruled 4-3 in favor of state Attorney General Bob Butterworth and Hauser himself, who each filed motions arguing that CCC and Hauser's mother had no legal right to represent Hauser and that the court should disregard the motions.",4 +11,1.14 million current and former Illinois smokers,10 +11,"The Pew Research Center is out with a new report that shows -- via social media statistics -- a good approximation of why the gun control push failed. +",10 +13,Is the gun lobby losing its grip?,12 +8,Computerized background checks won't be 100% in '98,7 +13,Senate Committee Passes Five Bills Banning Smoking,12 +5,Documents Of Weddings In New Paltz Are Rejected,4 +5,Suffolk Official Sponsors Plan To Sue I.N.S. to Spur Action,4 +5,She testified at a hearing to determine whether Eric Frein will be sentenced to death or to life in prison without parole.,4 +13,President Bill Clinton taunted Bob Dole on Wednesday for his reversal on repealing the federal assault weapons ban.,12 +14,Global Gun Rights?,13 +13,"That's not only sound politics, it's sound policy as well. Whatever their political motives, and whatever whiff of homophobia is in the air, Senate Republicans have raised serious cost and risk questions that need to be addressed. Based on current information, the ban is best left in place",12 +7,Guns Used in Crimes,6 +1,Then players could sit endlessly at slot machines and game tables,0 +7,The Federal Government has deported a family of three Cuban refugees who arrived illegally in this country from Costa Rica last February.,6 +13,Council votes to exempt unmarried couples from expensive tax to put name on deed,12 +13,"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, has said that he would not support the proposed ballot measure",12 +5,Gun registration doesn't deter criminals' misuse,4 +6,A bill that would prohibit people of the same sex from getting married,5 +7,who already is serving sentences totaling at least 216 years at the Potosi Correctional Center.,6 +7,"They would not find gangs hunting for a bargain on a ""nine"" or terrorists looking for land mines.",6 +5,"Erwin Chemerinsky, a University of Southern California law professor, said the tobacco case asks, ""Can government limit advertising to discourage what it perceives as harmful behavior?""",4 +1,"to keep their customers coming back. + +A couple of blocks away, the St. Paul Grill in the St. Paul Hotel has explored closing off its bar from its dining room. But building a wall as required by the new ban would be too expensive, said Scott Ida, the Grill's general manager. + +""Too expensive, on top of the $18,000 ventilation system we already have in here",0 +13,"Although the president's behavior might reinforce the view among his critics that he was acting cynically when he endorsed the amendment, the fact is that he has a record of tolerance in personal situations.",12 +5,"SAME-SEX-ONLY BENEFITS DRAW CHALLENGE OAKLAND POLICY: STATE LABOR CHIEF TO SUE THE CITY, CLAIMING DISCRIMINATION.",4 +7,"hose brother and sister-in-law were beaten to death in Chicago in 1983 by two men who are now on death row, ",6 +7,"Davis was slain during what police described as a 10-day crime spree by Esposito and Woodward through the Southeast and lower Midwest that also resulted in the death of 90-year-old Lawrence Snider and his wife, Marguerite, 86.",6 +1,at least half her customers,0 +11,Same-sex couples glad to be counted in U.S. census,10 +7,The Chicago police and federal authorities announced Friday an effort aimed at cracking down on gun crimes in the violence-plagued city.,6 +13,Trump Backs Plan to Stop Deportation of 'Dreamers',12 +5,"An appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was turned down late Tuesday, hours after the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied Taylor's request for a rehearing and Gov. Jay Nixon denied clemency. +",4 +1,"Studies have backed the city's approach, especially raising cigarette prices.",0 +7,"Instead, the only apparent suspect in Emily Johnson's horrid murder was a man who was walking free on the streets because Colorado is more concerned over gun control than criminal control.",6 +6, The new California law takes effect Jan. 1.,5 +5," Under the amnesty program, 3.1 million illegal aliens applied for legal status, which was 2.6 million more than federal officials expected would apply, Austin said. Agricultural workers had to apply for amnesty by Nov. 30, 1988, and other illegal aliens had to apply by May 4, 1988. Austin said, ''We legalized more people in that program than in all other amnesty programs in all other nations combined. It was certainly numerically a success.'",4 +7,"A 25-year-old Brooklyn College student was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $5,000 yesterday for providing forged documents to illegal aliens seeking to remain in the United States.",6 +13,The administration will ask Congress,12 +5,Judge questions curtailed tobacco program,4 +9,"The benefits include medical and dental coverage, optional life insurance and short-term disability benefits. Bereavement leave and family medical leave are effective immediately, Delta said in a memo to employees Thursday.",8 +1," +Ban on importing guns costly to firms in Atlanta with ties to Chinese military",0 +5,"The high court, in an opinion by Justice Ralph Cappy, rejected every point of appeal that Abu-Jamal's lawyers raised in seeking a new trial.",4 +10,"Their linguistic labor, performed innumerable times, in surprising situations, in dozens of languages, is a double-edged rite of passage that can save lives but cheat childhoods",9 +12,"A national survey and polls in different regions show that support for gay marriage and homosexual behavior in general is lower among Hispanics than whites. Only African-Americans have stronger feelings against marriage for gays and lesbians. +",11 +9,a pediatrician and offer baby care classes,8 +5,"Friday's Supreme Court ruling came at the request of Attorney General Dustin McDaniel and four counties. They asked that Piazza's decision be suspended while it was on appeal to avoid causing confusion among Arkansas' 75 counties. +",4 +11,"About New York; For Some Hispanic Immigrants, a Sense of Kinship With the Silent Laborers",10 +7,'Snubbies' on the Streets,6 +9,Need gun-safety advocate,8 +13,Vermont: Gay Marriage Bill Advances,12 +13,Speaker: Immigration law OK,12 +13,"In California, a Lab for the Brady Bill, The Debate on Guns Has No Winner",12 +5,"A federal trial judge in California has handed down an opinion, Jones v. Chappell, striking down California's death penalty. I found the opinion unusually weak, and I thought I would explain why.",4 +12,Roughly three in five Americans said they were very worried about terrorists coming from abroad or domestic attackers inspired by foreign extremists. Less than half that number - 23 percent - described themselves as very concerned about the threat of a mass shooting in the area where they lived. This contrasts with the widely reported fact that Americans are much more likely to die in mass shootings than in a terrorist attack.,11 +6,Schindel said the state law does not specifically address sexual orientation.,5 +10," +Then a gay family member helped me see that the issue wasn't as complicated as I was making it. I now believe we simply can't have a two-tiered system where some of us have the right to marry and others don't, based on sexual orientation. The fact that gays and lesbians including some who are already in committed relationships want to get married doesn't weaken the institution. It strengthens it by allowing more people to participate. As more states allow gays and lesbians to marry Connecticut recently joined the list I've taken note that civilization has not crumbled.",9 +5,It was not clear whether it was the trial prosecutors or the review panel that took the lead in denying the plea offer.,4 +6,"NATIONAL IDENTITY CARDS, a trial balloon floated recently by the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, is a proposal that deserves early burial.",5 +9,SEALED-OFF ROOMS WON'T SAVE US,8 +5,"I.N.S. Workers File Lawsuit, Charging Bias",4 +9,"If these questions have an answer, it is that addiction is not a simple matter of chemical and receptor. Habit, ritual, social context and the means of delivery all affect how the brain processes a drug and how we experience it. As a result, drug research is replete with paradox. Charles Schuster, a behavioral pharmacologist, demonstrated that if you pair a stimulus (such as a colored light) with the administration of morphine, a test animal may later respond to the stimulus alone as if it were getting the drug. Conversely, Schuster found that presenting methadone in an unexpected flavor of Kool-Aid causes some addicts to act as if they have been deprived of the drug. Just as context makes a drug seem to be present, context can make it seem to be absent.",8 +7,"Dhinsa, who also was convicted of racketeering and other crimes, will be sentenced to life behind bars by Brooklyn Federal Judge Edward Korman on April 2.",6 +1,"That announcement touched off a rush to buy the guns. +",0 +1,"Eliminate cigarette vending machines. + +End tobacco sponsorship",0 +6," bill barring state recognition of same-sex marriages. +",5 +6,The Wilder law won't inconvenience you and could reduce illegal gun running.,5 +5," That combination, opponents say, violates the Eighth Amendment prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment.",4 +5,"Filing upstairs, the clients waited under chandeliers and portraits of legal giants, then jammed conference rooms where 54 volunteer lawyers, working in pairs, tried to untangle the messes left in their immigration cases by the accused man, Victor M. Espinal",4 +2,Cigarette firms' plans boost quota for burley,1 +12,"Conservative groups argued that the Supreme Court should put the ruling on hold until at least November, when voters are likely to consider a ballot initiative that would amend the state constitution to again outlaw same-sex marriage.",11 +6,an event bringing together various groups favoring stronger tobacco regulation.,5 +9,considered acknowledging that cigarettes can cause cancer,8 +13,"House Republicans said the meetings would provide a needed forum for Americans to offer their views on contending with illegal immigration as well as provide a chance to explore a measure passed by the Senate that House Republicans oppose for numerous reasons, including the opportunity it provides for illegal immigrants to gain citizenship.",12 +5,U.S. Court to Review Lawsuit by Smokers,4 +1,Report points to faster recovery in jobs for immigrants,0 +13,San Quentin Debate: Death Row vs. Bay Views,12 +13,Del. Tiffany Alston (D-Prince George's),12 +7,"Harris County, Tex., executed 115 inmates",6 +13,"At City Hall, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and other officials announced they had broken up an illegal gun-sales operation in Brooklyn, while in Times Square and cities across the country, the civil rights group, the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, gathered supporters for a ''day of outrage.''",12 +15,Rethinking in Manassas,14 +5,Justices Block an Execution In Alabama's Electric Chair,4 +11,"Philadelphia County has sentenced 125 of the 226 people on death row in Pennsylvania, ranking it third in the number of condemned prisoners behind Los Angeles County (156) and Harris County, Tex., (140), which includes Houston.",10 +13,NURSE WANTS TO TALK TIGHTER GUN CONTROL AFTER FATAL SHOOTINGS,12 +15,REACTION TO E-MAIL BRINGS CHANGE OF HEART,14 +14,Mexico Shifts On Agents' Gun Issue,13 +13,Amendments Stall Gun-Control Measure in Hartford Senate,12 +1,"In Virginia, two setsof tax rules for married gay couples to sort out",0 +3,"In contrast, the Catholic Church and religious right spokespersons, such as Tony Perkins, would have us believe they speak for God. They do not. They also would have us believe there is some ""natural law"" that condemns homosexuality and gay marriage. There is not.",2 +12,ADVOCATE WANTS TO SPREAD WORD ABOUT THE DANGERS OF SMOKING,11 +15,"A horse is a horse, not a wife, of course",14 +10,"At 4 p.m. on Dec. 17, 1969, Bernie Beerman was hauling trash in an alley in St. Paul. A three-pack-a-day smoker, Beerman was about to light up when he realized how ""absolutely stupid"" his habit was. Now a taxi driver, Beerman, 60, shares his anti-smoking message with anyone who will listen.",9 +13,High-skill green cards get lame-duck push in Congress,12 +13," Graham said. +",12 +13,"Nebraska's governor on Tuesday vetoed a bill to repeal the death penalty, although lawmakers backing the measure have enough votes to override it.",12 +6,D.C. marriage bill draws eyes across the region,5 +1,TOBACCO CHIEF ACCUSES FDA OF 'SET-UP',0 +15,Colorado civil unions,14 +1,"The nation's 100 million firearms owners are driving the market for some 10 billion rounds annually, with demand increasing the past several months, said Lawrence Keane, whose National Shooting Sports Foundation is in Newtown, Conn. Major U.S. manufacturers are working around the clock keep up, he said. +",0 +9,"A gun rights article of faith holds that if everyone went around armed with a gun, then everyone would be a whole lot safer. No, what you get where guns are plentiful is Michael David Dunn killing unarmed 17-year-old Jordan Davis.",8 +10,TOBACCO DEPENDENCY PROVES HARD TO KICK,9 +5,"While several states have enacted domestic partnership legislation -- and Vermont allows gay couples to enter into civil unions that resemble marriage -- the New Jersey plaintiffs are seeking to marry without caveats. Lambda, based in Manhattan, said it was prepared to take the case to the State Supreme Court, the farthest it can go since the suit is based on the state, not the federal, constitution.",4 +5,So why would the amendment go on to say that the people have the right to bear arms?,4 +13,An Angry O'Malley Calls for an Assault Weapons Ban,12 +6,N.J. enacts gay civil unions,5 +12,Get Real,11 +10,"Mr. Cardinal cannot remarry -- to do so would make him a bigamist in states like Massachusetts or New York that recognize his previous nuptials. And although he and his husband did not combine their assets, the lack of an official document certifying the end of their marriage carries financial risks.",9 +11,GIANT HERO: I'D GIVE UP BOWL WIN. \DAVID TYREE CAUGHT UP IN 'NO GAY NUPS',10 +13,The issue isn't Obama.,12 +3,Should William Andrews live or die?,2 +5,"In 1990, the high court overturned his death sentence and ordered a new sentencing trial because of a mistake made by Superior Court Judge Paul Kramer in jury instructions. A second sentencing trial was held last year, and resulted in Hightower's again being sentenced to death.",4 +13," +At his first news session since the attempted assassination, the President was asked about his response to a personal request from Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, that he not use the Presidency to wage an active fight against legislation banning the sale of cheap pistols.",12 +13,"Dole belatedly endorsed the move in a letter to conferees. But earlier this month, he tried to strong-arm his former colleagues into retaining the controversial amendment in an attempt to torpedo the immigration reform bill - one he had supported when he was in the Senate - to keep Clinton from scoring political points. That's not just hard-ball. That's irresponsible. Congressional Republicans deserve some credit for defying Dole, even if they acted out of political self-interest. The Republicans want to take an immigration bill, even a watered-down one, back home to their constituents before election time.",12 +13," +After months of strategizing, the debate over whether the District should legalize same-sex marriage is entering its final stages as a council committee takes up the issue Monday.",12 +10,He is right that illegal immigrants are eligible for welfare and other benefits,9 +13,Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) is expected to release a brief outline of immigration principles to his caucus as soon as its annual retreat next week.,12 +13,"With call for gun laws, Dems aim at Toomey",12 +7,"An immigration attorney with offices in Manhattan and New Jersey has been accused of filing false immigration papers, said Mary Jo White, the United States attorney in New York.",6 +15,SMOKIN' HOT SATIRE,14 +13,Playing death-penalty politics,12 +13,PRESIDENT George W. Bush surprised many when he decided to buck the National Rifle Association and throw his support behind a renewal of the ban on assault weapons. The NRA has made this issue one of its key legislative priorities.,12 +13,"Voters in Washington state appear poised to approve more background checks on firearms purchases at gun shows and in private sales, according to a new survey.",12 +15,On the side - Because you asked,14 +3,"OFFICIAL DEFENDS DEATH PENALTY HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED, SAYS SOLICTOR GENERAL",2 +12,"Kokesh is calling the event an ""Open Carry March"" but described it as a general demonstration against ""tyranny,"" not a protest against specific gun laws. +",11 +12,opponents.,11 +8,"She did not definitively blame Islamic terrorism for the shooting, but she did not rule out that the Islamic State or another extremist organization could have been responsible.",7 +5," ""The impact is potentially much greater than the Medicaid suits,""",4 +5, Associate Judge James M. Radcliffe in circuit court in Belleville,4 +7,"Smoking Ban Obeyed, or Enforcers Go Easy",6 +12,A million moms can clean house on gun control,11 +5,That gay rights groups' biggest concern would be not how the Supreme Court would rule on same-sex marriage but that it wasn't ruling fast enough?,4 +11,On May 20 we made history,10 +13,"The measure, which passed 54 to 19, now returns to the Senate, which has already approved the death penalty, for concurrence in some technical ammendments. It will then go to Governor Kean, who has said he will sign such a bill.",12 +10,Refugees should get a better welcome,9 +13,"Everytown, gun control group, turns on spigot in Virginia elections with $1 million",12 +7,Georgia's law gives police the option to investigate the immigration status of suspects they believe have committed state or federal crimes and who cannot provide identification or other information that could help police identify them. It also authorizes police to detain people determined to be in the country illegally and take them to jail.,6 +1,of the cigarette tax would have thrown the proposed budget,0 +1,accusing the tobacco industry,0 +13,"The initiative also was the Clinton administration's response to gun control critics, who argued during last year's congressional debates that there was no need for new gun control laws because the administration was doing such a poor job of enforcing existing laws.",12 +6,Georgia may get a smoking ban,5 +12,"A petition drive by Moms Demand Gun Sense in America drew more than 230,000 signatures in just six weeks. +",11 +15,"Letters: Parts per trillion, a little math",14 +7,NYPD,6 +5,"The plaintiffs argued that gunmakers oversupply Southern states, where gun laws are relatively lax making it easy for gun traffickers to funnel the excess weapons to states like New York, where gun laws are tougher.",4 +9,Dr. Louis Jacques diagnosed a former two-pack-a-day smoker with lung cancer Tuesday at Fairview Southdale Hospital,8 +6,"This is a decision that will cost innocent lives, cause immeasurable pain and suffering and turn America into a more dangerous country. It will also diminish our standing in the world, sending yet another message that the United States values gun rights over human life. +",5 +7," the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms plans to focus its regulatory attention on the 1 percent of firearms dealers who sell more than half of the guns recovered at crime scenes",6 +12," Gun control advocates have recently started pushing for such restraining orders in statehouses across the nation, expanding on similar laws that have passed in Connecticut, Indiana and Texas. +",11 +13,"As he rose in politics, he became a go-between in the occasionally strained relationship between gay and black residents in his district and beyond, using his easygoing manner to broker disagreements and soothe hurt feelings",12 +5, the court will consider early next year if it is constitutional.,4 +5,State high court upholds woman's death sentence,4 +5,The Justice Department abruptly drops its case against the immigrant who had been in custody for 19 months and releases him.,4 +1,"The biggest casualty so far has been the Hav-a-Tampa plant in Tampa, which will shut down in the coming months and began laying off its nearly 500 employees last week. Norman Sharp, president of the Cigar Association of America, said other companies are laying off workers and cutting back.",0 +1,"ECONOMY STILL TOP CONCERN FOR MANY FOR GRANITE FALLS RESIDENTS, SOCIAL ISSUES LESS PRESSING",0 +13,"Daley, who is expected to run for re-election next year, said the plan is not aimed at hunters or gun collectors. +",12 +3,"Romer, archbishop clash over same-sex marriage",2 +7," +But only two will be getting a 'demand letter' from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for records of their used-gun sales, an extra level of enforcement reserved for dealers whose guns have quickly ended up in the hands of criminals.",6 +5,Mr. Hunt's lawyers have previously said they would appeal the verdict.,4 +13,"Rep. Carol Hanson, R-Boca Raton, was prepared to vote for the clips-only measure until she saw the FOP pamphlet. As she put it, ""Your little old basic going-to-the-woods shotgun isn't here."" + +Let's hope the full committee sees the issue as clearly when it takes up the measure Thursday.",12 +9,"The suicide of Tiombe Kimana Carlos, who was born in the Caribbean nation Antigua-Barbuda, and was 34 when she killed herself with a noose made from a bed sheet, was the subject of an Inquirer special report and follow-up.",8 +13," +MR. DOLE'S PHONY ISSUE - II",12 +9,"In the minute that electricity coursed through Davis' body, blood seeped through his white shirt, oozing out the loopholes of his leather restraint belt.",8 +11,"Layla El-Wafi decided to keep wearing the headscarf used by Muslim women despite the ""dirty remarks and dirty looks"" from strangers.",10 +13,HOUSE PANEL HEARS DIFFERING VIEWS OF POLICE OFFICERS ON GUN CONTROL,12 +5,"Charles Cooper, a lawyer for backers of the ban, said he will appeal. He argued that Walker should have recused himself or disclosed his relationship because he stood to benefit from the verdict",4 +5,Palestinians From Kuwait Allowed to Stay in U.S.; 4-Year Permit Eases Fears of Deportation,4 +1,"B.A.T. Industries' American Tobacco and Brown & Williamson, as well as American Brands, Loews unit Lorillard, Philip Morris, RJR Nabisco, Brooke Group, the Council for Tobacco Research-USA and the Tobacco Institute.",0 +12,GAY COUPLES SEEK MARRIAGE LICENSES THEY WERE PROTESTING PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO BAN SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,11 +13,"The Senate's 34-16 vote fell along neither party nor geographic lines, with nearly as many Republicans as Democrats and as many suburban as city lawmakers supporting the bans.",12 +1,Several restaurant and bar owners said they feared losing customers if they had to go smoke-free.,0 +13,"A Steeleville Democrat is continuing his late predecessor's fight against gun control - and against his own party - with legislation designed to prevent cities like Chicago, Belleville and East St. Louis from restricting guns and ammunition.",12 +6,"Immigration quandary; New plan encounters immediate criticism, signaling tough debates ahead",5 +5,"The order from the Court of Criminal Appeals came a few hours after District Judge Ted Poe rejected prosecutors' objections to his decision. The court said Poe must address those concerns by Monday. +",4 +5," +PRIMARY +",4 +7,"After confessing both murders to police and leading them to an unmarked grave, Cobb was sentenced to death.",6 +13,"Hostettler offered the provision as an amendment to the defense bill during a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee last week. It was approved 39-20, with eight Democrats supporting it.",12 +12,Gay Marriage Opponents Consider Ways to Fight New Policy,11 +7,"Along the way, he stopped at the Pacheco Pass on Highway 152, and tossed her body off the berm. In doing so, he dropped his black and yellow flashlight, which authorities later found.",6 +1,Las Vegas horror drives all-too-predictable gun stock rally,0 +12,Hundreds of grieving protesters want stricter gun laws,11 +7,criminal misuse.,6 +4,"Of the 210 prisoners on death row as of Oct. 27, 130 are black and four are women, according to the state Corrections Department.",3 +6,Smoking Banned in Nassau Bars and Restaurants,5 +6,"The provision, included in the House version of the bill but not in the Senate's, would allow states to deny a public education to children who are illegal immigrants.",5 +7,"Rapist, killer put to death",6 +1,"""Immigrants aren't the principal reason wages haven't gone up; those decisions are made in the boardrooms that all too often put quarterly earnings over long-term returns,""",0 +6,Opponents contend that state control of the Police Department has worked well and should continue; they say tougher gun laws would do little to deter crime.,5 +10,CSU faculty: OK benefits for partners Professors say the school is less competitive without the coverage and are hopeful about its passage.,9 +6,U.S. ends Obama-era protection program for minors from Central America,5 +12," +POLL FINDS SUPPORT FOR LEGALIZING IMMIGRANTS",11 +7,"oberts admitted beating Taylor, 56, to death in her home in Jennings. He said he struck her 19 times with a hammer ",6 +12,Playing to the Mob,11 +13,"Obama's words draw attention, criticism at Arnold gun shop.",12 +4,Studies Find Death Penalty Tied to Race Of the Victims,3 +12,Anti-Gay Marriage Group Recommends Creating Tension Between Gays and Blacks,11 +13,Gun Measure Gains Ground In Hartford,12 +9,"One word of caution, though: Gummy Bears may in fact be habit-forming.",8 +11, a revered icon of the Nisqually Indians of Washington and a celebrated American Indian martyr,10 +5,A federal judge overseeing the trial of a notorious mobster already serving life in prison is asking the Justice Department to reconsider seeking the death penalty on the new charges.,4 +5,MOM OPTS FOR TRIAL IN GIRL'S DEATH,4 +9,"Seven years later, 11 states have mandated that all cigarettes sold within their borders meet fire-safe standards, meaning they're designed to go out if dropped or set aside.",8 +5,But a new jury will have to determine whether Prieto deserves to remain on Virginia's death row or whether he should serve life without a chance of parole.,4 +1,Delta Took a Stand on the N.R.A.,0 +6,"The whole idea of ""gun control"" is not to take away a person's right to have a gun but only to make people take responsibility for carrying a gun. +",5 +3,Smoking and Sinning,2 +12," Still, advocates of gun rights and of gun control understand the issue's importance in shaping the debate.",11 +1,"""It has also been brought to my attention that for a period of time during such employment required tax payments and related filings had not been made,"" he wrote.",0 +6,Law makes repeat of Martin too easy,5 +1,Dick's Sporting Goods Will Destroy the Assault-Style Weapons It Didn't Sell,0 +5,Lawyers defending the ban enacted by voters in 2006 said emergency action was needed after a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit refused to further delay its ruling that the ban is unconstitutional.,4 +10, hurt children and families ,9 +12,Referendum likely on same-sex marriage law,11 +5,"A State Supreme Court justice yesterday permanently barred the mayor of New Paltz, N.Y., from conducting same-sex marriages without licenses, ",4 +1,"""It also denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same illegal aliens to take those jobs.""",0 +5,"The suit, similar to others sweeping the country, contends that the ban stigmatizes gay couples and their children, serves no legitimate government interest and violates due process and equal protection guarantees of the U.S. Constitution. +",4 +6,Some restaurants struggle in adopting smoking ban,5 +15,Stuck in the shadows,14 +13,Democrats move to formally back gay marriage,12 +5,"Steve Bernard, the assistant district attorney who is handling the case, later said Colorado law prohibits a death-penalty case against anyone under 18.",4 +1,House panel OKs plan to speed tobacco payments to farmers,0 +12,Massachusetts town backs off tobacco ban after public outcry,11 +13,BILL RELOADS FOR GUN CONTROL,12 +9,FDA HAS EVIDENCE OF SUPER NICOTINE COMPANY HAD DENIED THE GENETIC PROJECT,8 +5,and gives them to his attorney.,4 +13,"Predictably, many of those Democrats who made excuses for Obama, or just went out of their way to ignore the fact that he was driving up deportation numbers likely for the sake of politics, are now supporting Hillary Clinton for president.",12 +5,"""We're on the verge of collecting the largest public (lawsuit) settlement in the history of Illinois,"" said Dan Curry, spokesman for Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan. ""The attorney general views this as a monumental victory for the taxpayers of this state.""",4 +12,SMOKE BAN A HIT - EVEN OUTPOLLS YANKS,11 +11,"Pageant officials called Prejean a disappointing opportunist. ""In the entire history of the Miss USA, no reigning title holder has so readily committed her face and voice to a more divisive or polarizing issue,"" organizers said.",10 +10,"The schools superintendent in Harrisonburg, Va., was meeting parents this month when a mother broke down in tears, explaining that she was undocumented. What would the school do, she asked, if she became separated from her children?",9 +4,FOLKS DIE & BIGS PROFIT,3 +13,Senate gets bill on gay-marriage vote,12 +5,"The Supreme Court denied his appeal yesterday for a stay of execution. +",4 +1,"With only four days left in the legislative session, the battle over just how to divide the $ 2.8 billion tobacco settlement Colorado expects to receive over the next 25 years has kicked into high gear.",0 +10,"Nikolova's father and mother traveled from Bulgaria to attend the trial, along with her brother, who lives in the United States. They hugged and thanked prosecutors as they left the courtroom.",9 +11,The issue of firearms on campus has actually been debated for many years.,10 +14,U.S. REJECTS CANADIAN MEN'S MARRIAGE,13 +6,"In 1976, Georgia and Wisconsin tried different approaches to fighting crime. Georgia enacted laws making it easier for citizens to carry guns for self-defense, while Wisconsin opted for a 48-hour waiting period before the purchase of a handgun. During the ensuing years, Georgia's homicide rate dropped by 21 percent while Wisconsin's rose by 33 percent.",5 +12,''The gun owners are not going to forget him.',11 +5,"Over 10,000 Licenses Issued In First Year of Gay Marriage",4 +9,I think it is wonderful that Montgomery County is placing such a high priority on public health.,8 +5,"In 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to execute mentally retarded criminals, no matter the crime. Last year, a Santa Clara County judge ruled Campbell is mentally retarded. Carr was faced with deciding whether to appeal the ruling.",4 +13,Senate Bars Denial of Visas on Political Grounds,12 +5,SUIT'S ALLY WELL ARMED,4 +6,TIME FOR ALBANY TO GET TOUGH ON GUNS,5 +7,"He was released on bond in March 2002 after testifying before a grand jury, but the government still sought to deport him",6 +7,Lowndes deputy's killer released on parole,6 +12,Many proposed amendments win voters' approval,11 +10,"""Life has not been the same,"" his wife said. ""Gone are the big arms he would put around me and the times we would walk the dog together, holding hands. Gone are the holiday barbecues. the backgammon games, pitching horseshoes and his help when a strong hand was needed.""",9 +1,"Prices for tobacco products should be set at prevailing commercial retail outlet levels.""",0 +8," He announced that he was sending 1,000 National Guard troops to the border to support the federal government.",7 +6,City to Keep Rule Aimed at Migrants,5 +5,- Arkansas' highest court halted the distribution of marriage licenses to same-sex couples Friday as it suspended a judge's ruling that struck down the state's same-sex marriage ban.,4 +13,AH-NOLD WILL TERMINATE GAY NUPS LEGISLATION,12 +5,"IGH COURT UPHOLDS 2 DEATH SENTENCES +",4 +12,The Million Mom March is marching to the tune of Democrats.,11 +13,"Mike Huckabee,gay-marriage defender",12 +11, National Victims Rights Week.,10 +13,"Bloomberg Goes to Washington to Push Gun Laws, but Senate Has Other Ideas +",12 +9,"``Because of the highly addictive nature of nicotine, it is clear that new treatments are needed,'' Johnston said. `` ... There's no such thing as a magic bullet.''",8 +7,Police are warning St. Louis sales clerks to think twice about selling cigarettes to someone under 18. It might cost them $ 25.,6 +1,revenues from pull tabs and other charitable games have taken a hit,0 +5,CANE CUTTERS APPEAL RESIDENCY RULING,4 +1, $ 368.5 billion,0 +1,"The announcement comes less than three months after Brown & Williamson predicted that the sweeping changes that accompanied its reorganization of the former American Tobacco Co. would bypass operations at Golden Belt, which makes cigarette labels, tipping papers and foil wrappers for cigarette packages",0 +13," For the first time in history, a major political party is formally supporting gay marriage, as Democrats approved a platform Tuesday that includes a ""marriage equality"" plank, setting the party in clear contrast to Republicans.",12 +13,"Politicians including Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D) were among those walking from Midtown Manhattan to the West Village. +",12 +13,First lady 'heartened' by students speaking up,12 +1,"RJR wanted to sell 93 million shares, representing 25% of its food group, for $ 17 to $ 19 each. Present shareholders would have retained the same number of shares in a company renamed RN-Reynolds Group, which would have held 100% of RJR's tobacco business and 75% of the food division.",0 +6,11 states approved constitutional amendments Tuesday limiting marriage to one man and one woman.,5 +12,The mother of all gun protests Coloradans join massive rally in D.C.,11 +7,"Attorneys for Buenoano, the so-called ""Black Widow"" who was sentenced to death for killing her husband with arsenic in 1971, say they expect to get that reprieve.",6 +13,"The U.S. Senate is preparing to vote on a bill that, if passed, would allow unscrupulous gun manufacturers and corrupt gun dealers to go unpunished for neglecting to maintain their industry's traditionally high standards.",12 +7,"Statewide, retailers broke the law 28 percent of the time, he said. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has reported that more than 80 percent of tobacco users began the habit before age 18.",6 +1,"Eich's qualifications were beyond dispute. He co-founded Mozilla and served as chief technology officer; he is also the brains behind the JavaScript programming language. +",0 +7,"laws to address youth violence. And the measure calls for $ 5 billion over five years to help crack down on juvenile crime. +",6 +6,"The legislation would have given the attorney general authority to deny the sale of a firearm ''to a known or suspected terrorist if the prospective recipient may use the firearm or explosive in connection with terrorism,''",5 +5,"Still, she built in a three-day delay in the ruling, apparently in response to a request from the governor. +",4 +11,6 TIME PERIODS DEFINE SWEDISH IMMIGRATION; MINNESOTA WAS POISED TO GET LARGEST NUMBER,10 +12,THREE TEENS UNMOVED BY ANTI-TOBACCO COMMERCIALS,11 +7,Sanctuary Cities in Name Only,6 +13,"Democrats insisted, however, on House action by Memorial Day on the juvenile justice bill and its new gun restrictions approved by the Senate Thursday. + +Majority Republicans, anxious to let the issue cool, refused to budge Friday from their plans to hold committee hearings on the matter next week with no floor debate until mid-June. + +""We're going to make sure that we do this in a reasonable, rational and responsible way,"" said John Feehery, spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.",12 +6,The efforts of three successive Administrations to reform the nation's immigration policy collapsed last week on the critical question of cost.,5 +7,"Deportations of illegal aliens convicted of serious crimes are expected to reach 30,000 this fiscal year, 5 percent more than projected, immigration officials report.",6 +13,GUN-LAW DEBATE STALEMATED,12 +13,"On Thursday, Mr. Scarborough, a registered Republican who promotes his conservative credentials as well as an independent streak, assailed the lawmakers who voted against the background check legislation. Citing the failed Senate vote as evidence, Mr. Scarborough said, ''This party is moving toward extinction.''",12 +11,Inside the N.R.A. Convention,10 +4,"They pressed on despite evidence that another man may have been the killer, despite repeated losses in appeals courts, despite a campaign by religious leaders, law school deans and journalists convinced Cruz was innocent.",3 +6,"""Trump is right, in a way, to do what he's doing,"" Shetayh said, discussing the executive order banning certain immigrants from entry into the United States. ""This country is going into a disaster.""",5 +9,"J. Steinfeld, surgeon general who fought tobacco, 87",8 +12,"A Richard Wirthlin poll found that 83 percent of Americans, and 84 percent of people worldwide, agree that ""the definition of marriage is one man and one woman.""",11 +13,"NBC aired the fourth Democratic presidential debate Sunday night, featuring three candidates: former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley.",12 +12," +Voters in 30 states where a traditional marriage definition has been proposed for the state constitution have approved it, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. +",11 +13,COUNCIL TO VOTE ON CIG BAN,12 +1,Some Tax Breaks Unavailable to Same-Sex Couples,0 +7,Police Chief Eugene Byrd,6 +10,Alex said he still has nightmares and can't play baseball as well because of his injuries.,9 +7,"Fletcher told them an intruder came into her home while she was sleeping. +",6 +8,SLAIN MOM'S DAUGHTERS WITNESS TERROR HEARING,7 +5,and apparent U.S. Justice Department plans,4 +13,"Colorado Ousts Pro-Gun Republicans, Showing Effect of Turnout +",12 +13,Ryan halted all executions in Illinois three years ago,12 +11,Going against the gun culture,10 +1,"While Georgia will collect $393 million this year from the 1998 national tobacco manufacturers settlement and tobacco taxes, it will spend less than 1 percent --- about $3 million --- on preventing tobacco use, the study said. It placed Georgia 50th of all states and the District of Columbia.",0 +1,an alliance of bar and restaurant owners in Greeley,0 +13,His appearance came a day after Arizona Sen. John McCain spoke to the conference on behalf of GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole. McCain told members that he supports tougher immigration laws but also legal immigration and health care for children.,12 +13,REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS PUSH FOR EVEN TOUGHER LAWS AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE/ THEY WANT TO HEAD OFF EFFECTS OF RULINGS ELSEWHERE,12 +2,Metro area grows to 3 million; ARC seeking ways to manage future,1 +13,The two announcements threw a new and potentially volatile development into the Governor's race. They came less than 24 hours after Zoe Baird withdrew herself from consideration as Attorney General in the Clinton Administration. Ms. Baird withdrew after she was cricitized for employing two illegal immigrants from Peru to care for her child.,12 +1,What they don't tell you is that it costs more to keep a person in jail than to finance a college education and that carrying out an execution is twice as expensive as life imprisonment.,0 +1,NRA insurance policy: Shoot someone? ,0 +5,"Negotiations haven't completely broke off, but ``we've reached a point where we've run out of ideas on some significant issues,'' North Carolina State Attorney General Mike Easley said Tuesday. ``I'd say impasse is probably a better word for it.'' + +Both sides met for four days last week in New York, with some progress reported by state attorneys general. Talks had been expected to resume Tuesday but were called off because ``we don't have any new information to share,'' Easley said in a conference call with reporters. No direct talks have been scheduled for next week either, he said. + +Among the major hurdles to further progress is a ``renegade provision''",4 +6,A NEW LEAF: REGULATING TOBACCO,5 +5,RULING IS UNLIKELY TO AFFECT FLORIDA,4 +9,employees' health care,8 +9,"Yet scientists fear Eclipse may give smokers more carbon monoxide, something they say RJR's own tests on 20 employees showed.",8 +6,Wilson Proposes Domestic Partners Bill With D.C. Benefits,5 +1,CVS WON'T SELL TOBACCO,0 +13,"The GOP's full platform committee, seeking to appease party members who support gay or abortion rights without embracing their positions, adopted language later that states Republicans ""respect and accept"" dissenting views.",12 +3, Mormon Church,2 +1,"""I don't want them in front of my store,"" said the owner of Caffe Dei Sagui, who would not give his name. ""They're ruining my business. Nobody comes here anymore."" +",0 +6,IS THERE A LAW?,5 +4," it 'will have zero tolerance for any form of discrimination of a racial, ethnic, sexual or religious nature.'",3 +13,Martinez's use of death penalty is a plus with Bush,12 +9,Filtered Cigarettes May Be Linked to Shift in Cancers,8 +5,"Appeals court upholds rulings striking down gay marriage bans in Indiana, Wisconsin +",4 +7,"G. Darryl Powichroski, a pizza deliveryman, testified that Sumrall robbed him after he brought Sumrall pizza on April 6, 1991 - one night before Sumrall was involved in the fatal shooting of Officer Wade Barrett Jr., 27. The robbery charge is pending in Gwinnett County.",6 +1,questioned by retailers who depend on the money cigarette sales bring in.,0 +11,The regional differences don't stop there. Upstate voters generally favor abortion rights; downstaters generally don't. Upstaters worry about controlling growth; downstaters struggle to spur it. Upstaters argue that too much government money flows downstate; downstaters argue that too much government money flows upstate.,10 +13,"House Republicans officially pulled the plug Friday on the concept of allowing qualified college students to carry firearms on campus, with leaders promising to file a bill Monday that would otherwise expand gun rights in Georgia.",12 +13,The Obama administration,12 +7,"A federal law aimed at disarming abusive spouses and parents has sidelined law enforcement officers here and in a handful of other communities, creating worries for police officers and military personnel around the country. +",6 +5," It would limit Federal habeas corpus, the legal procedure by which state prisoners can go to Federal courts to argue that they were unconstitutionally convicted or sentenced.",4 +4,Civil Rights Advance in New Jersey,3 +11," +Nationwide, there are 47 women and more than 3,000 men on death row.",10 +13,GOV CALLS GAY MARRIAGE A 'PRESSING ISSUE,12 +5,"U.S., in a Shift, Tells Justices Citizens Have a Right to Guns",4 +13,New Jersey Vote Weakens a Ban On Some Guns,12 +11,"In the Under-5 Set, Minority Becoming the Majority",10 +13,"The breakdown of the immigration legislation, despite the support of the Senate's Democratic and Republican leadership and the White House, left stunned backers of the bill vowing to revive it, but uncertain of how.",12 +1,Good reason for gun sales,0 +10," because he was abandoned by his father, he was a drug addict and he has the mentality of an 11-year-old.",9 +13," If the Democrats stick together, the bills can pass on a party-line vote. But to go any further, they need Republican support, and there wasn't a whole lot of it in evidence this week. +",12 +5," Between 1976, when the Supreme Court allowed states to resume capital punishment",4 +7," Ted Gogol of the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, a private organization of police officers and crime victims based in Virginia",6 +5,"""Appellate courts quickly and correctly held that a judge's sex and race have no bearing on the ability to decide cases impartially,"" he said. ""Now we're seeing the issue arise based on sexual identity because the idea of a gay judge is, for many, new."" +",4 +12,The teen-led movement,11 +3,The real truth is that man is a tool user. How we choose to use the tool is really the issue.,2 +13,"It takes a two-thirds vote of both the Assembly and the Senate to override a gubernatorial veto, an effort that Sweeney said would be difficult to achieve in his chamber.",12 +15,Gun control now on target,14 +13,Now is the time for President Obama to complete his evolution on the subject of same-sex marriage.,12 +11,"While Asian immigration has increased slightly in recent years, the shift in ranking is largely attributable to the sharp decline in Hispanic immigration, the study said.",10 +1,"Backers of a proposed ballot measure to raise cigarette taxes by $1 per pack for smoking-related cancer research and prevention, which critics said would sap funding from early-childhood education, have reversed course and agreed to rewrite the measure. +",0 +7,ATF agent shot in Chicago ambush is part of new initiative to combat city's gun violence;,6 +13,THE NEWS SAYS See the 2 faces of Rudy & be disgusted,12 +7,"Sax said Nadja Niles, 32, was strangled when she tried to come to her daughter's rescue in their West Champlost Street apartment on July 3.",6 +13,"GOP strategists say the contest is a preview of the potential strength of illegal immigration as a ballot-box issue. They are looking to opposition to illegal immigration as a way to edge out Democrats in 2006, and not just in border states. +",12 +5,So the Florida Court of Appeal held Wednesday in Norman v. State. It concluded that the Second Amendment applies to carrying for self-defense outside the home.,4 +13,THE SENATE TALKS TOUGH,12 +4,DEATH PENALTY CASE: Jurors' doubts of Davis' guilt weigh heavily,3 +5,Migrant Farm Workers' Unexpected Worry: New Alien Law,4 +10,Smokers urged to Buck the system,9 +7,"increasingly violent state,",6 +3,"While he trusts most everything in the Bible and knows that Leviticus condemns homosexuality as an abomination, ''there's no other reason I can think it's wrong except the Bible,'' he said.",2 +7,Execution scheduled Feb. 20,6 +9,"Glenara was ""removed from the cruel and inhumane custody of her parents ... and then thrown back into that squalor and depravity,""",8 +7,The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors voted last night to step up enforcement of anti-crowding and other zoning laws in an area where some officials have blamed illegal immigrants for bringing blight to the neighborhood.,6 +5,"County, city will issue concealed-carry permits",4 +3,Of Course They Manipulate Cigarette Nicotine,2 +11,U.S. biathletes shoot guns to compete.,10 +5,"RULE OF NONE Suprmes hint they'll pass on gay nups +",4 +1, to choke off federal support for studies of firearms violence.,0 +5,"The jury can ignore this law and any other instruction the judge might give. In some trials I sat through, stand-your-ground language did appear to influence the jury, which I think is unfortunate.",4 +9,"Saying high-performance bullets, which mushroom upon impact, ""have no purpose other than to cause the greatest possible destruction of human life,"" the Senator proposed raising the tax on them by up to 10,000 percent. +",8 +5,"""In short, petitioners' claims are no more than the baseless arguments of desperate political opponents, in a last-ditch attempt to get rid of laws they don't like,"" wrote attorneys from the San Francisco law firm Keker & Van Nest, which is defending the city pro bono. +",4 +5,"Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster says he supports gay marriage, but on Thursday his lawyers were in court to fight it.",4 +6,TOBACCO REGULATION,5 +15,A stogie with snob appeal,14 +5, that they would abandon their legal appeals against a new state law that granted same-sex couples the right to seek civil unions and disrupted the work of Catholic agencies working in foster care and adoption.,4 +7,"Under advisory federal sentencing guidelines, Idais faced zero to six months in prison. But U.S. District Judge John Padova said the case was unusual, given Idais' conviction in Israel.",6 +13,Va. Democrats bear arms asa wedge issue,12 +5,"udge 'Killer Keller' cultivates reputation +",4 +11,LIBERTY GALA STIRS MIXED EMOTIONS FOR BLACKS,10 +1,TOBACCO INDUSTRY BALKS AT LEGAL FEES,0 +9,"At least 93 immigrants in the Tucson area alone have died this year of heat and dehydration, or hypothermia in the winter, while trying to make the trek. The toll already surpasses last year's total of 76 for the area, according to the U.S. Border Patrol. The agency's records show that more than 1,000 have died on the U.S. side of the 2,000-mile-long southwest bordern with Mexico since 1998.",8 +7,A Virginia inmate convicted of killing two people during an escape in 2006 is scheduled to be executed July 6.,6 +9,"420,000 lives",8 +12," the NRA will need to prove itself a capable counterweight to the growing chorus of gun control groups, lest it lose its ability to pressure lawmakers to vote the way it wants.",11 +9,"""People are dying right in our back yard,"" said John Hunter of San Diego, who organized the effort with help from his conservative congressman brother. ""I had to do something.""",8 +10,When a College Is Out of Reach,9 +10,A Troubled 'Marriage,9 +5,"The OCDA exists to pursue truth and justice for the people and does not put a price on either, said spokesperson Michelle Van Der Linden. District Attorney Tony Rackauckas has argued the misconduct findings are misguided and incorrect.",4 +11,"''But on the other hand, there's something about smoking that I associate with the experience of baseball.'",10 +13,"Some Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, have attached gun-control amendments to a federal school-aid bill.",12 +13,"That means that the administration, for the first time, may be required to take a clear stand on politically explosive questions like whether gay men and lesbians have been unfairly stigmatized, are politically powerful, and can choose to change their sexual orientation.",12 +13,"DeKalb County Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson saw racism in the powerful gun lobby's attacks on the president. +",12 +13,FEINSTEIN GETS GRAPHIC OVER GUN BILL S.F. MASSACRE PHOTOS SHOWN IN SENATE DEBATE,12 +5,"On Wednesday, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, entered a brief temporary stay, giving Alaska officials until noon local time on Friday to get a stay from the Supreme Court after a trial judge struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court issued its order almost exactly at the deadline. +",4 +5,"According to a report on local TV station WRAL, the brother of a state trooper killed by Mr. Golphin had to be removed from the courtroom, shouting, ''Judge, you had your mind made up before this ever started!''",4 +13,Last week New York State lawmakers voted,12 +5,Oklahoma panel rejects plea from death row inmate,4 +13,Obama and Gun Control,12 +13,"Gay rights groups tried to get New Jersey lawmakers to reconsider and recognize gay marriage, but the bill died after the state Senate voted it down in January.",12 +13,CONGRESS MUST ACT ON FIREARMS,12 +13,"The governor of New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, vetoed the measure on Friday.",12 +6,"The reasonable foundation of America's gun policy is that localities may control who owns a gun by controlling who may buy one. Ideally, by stressing local interests it should be possible to reconcile the needs of rural hunters and collectors and the desperate need of cities to limit handguns.",5 +13,Spitzer Plans To Introduce Bill Legalizing Gay Marriage,12 +1,"State rainy-day fund is prudent, welcome",0 +15,FOR WHOM AMERICA IS NO PLACE TO VISIT,14 +12,The results should not be allowed to diminish national concern about insuring those youngsters.,11 +12,Readers who oppose illegal immigration often complain that The Post has too much sympathy for those living in the United States illegally and too little for those who oppose such residents.,11 +5,"Supreme Court strikes down key part of Defense of Marriage Act At Supreme Court, victories for gay marriage",4 +10," ""I don't get too emotional about those things.""",9 +12,"The rallies against gun violence across the United States on Saturday kept politicians offstage, and instead prioritized the voices of students who have survived mass shootings.",11 +13,"Cruz, a guest of Bronx Rep. José Serrano, was looking forward to sitting among some of the most powerful men and women in the country as they listened to the President outline his legislative agenda for the upcoming year. +",12 +13,Mark Warner seeks gun control action,12 +7,The Everyday Toll of Gun Violence in America,6 +5,Mississippi Attorney General Mike Moore argued the appeal of the settlement reached in July between the industry and the states is that it ''doesn't depend on trust.'',4 +6,Assault rifle ban sets up showdown,5 +12,"Hundreds of same-sex couples celebrated as New Jersey began issuing them domestic partnerships Saturday, but their desire for something bigger was as clear as the slogan on the buttons many of them wore: ""The Next Step: Marriage Equality."" +",11 +5," In October, the federal government told married Orinda couple Brian Willingham and Alfonso Garcia their bid for a green card to keep Garcia from being deported to Mexico had been denied. The basis for that, the couple was told -- the Defense of Marriage Act. +",4 +7," because he allegedly impregnated the women and then forced them to suffer miscarriages, meaning he terminated the pregnancies by force.",6 +13,Gun control fades as campaign issue,12 +5,"Before Anderson was issued handgun permits,",4 +12,Democrats in lockstep with Atlanta gun-violence protest,11 +1,"American Outdoor Brands, which owns Smith & Wesson, has seen revenue fall by a third over the last three months, officials said in an earnings conference call last week.",0 +5,Denver gun ban upheld Court backs list of vetoed firearms,4 +1,"TOBACCO FIRMS CUT A DEAL INDUSTRY TO PAY $368.5 BILLION, BUT WINS A REPRIEVE",0 +7,The McVeigh Execution (Cont'd),6 +5,"Leopold is expected to rule today on the defense motion, which asks the court to sanction the prosecution. +",4 +13,Mitt Romney criticizes the timing but can't bring himself to say whether he approves of the decision.,12 +10,"Success can be attributed to the state's antismoking programs, such as Quitline, a phone-counseling service",9 +8,Checks on gun purchasers speed up,7 +11,'NO CLEAR ANSWERS' ON GAY BEHAVIOR,10 +7,Ashcroft orders crackdown on human trafficking,6 +11,in a small minority of smokers.,10 +1,CHEAP MILITARY CIGARETTES CRITICIZED REPORT CALLS PRICE HIKE CALLED 'POSITIVE STEP' BUT INADEQUATE,0 +11,"About 24.7 percent of American adults had smoked 100 or more cigarettes in 1995, according to statistics released this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In round numbers, there were nearly as many people smoking in 1995 (47 million adults) as people who'd quit (44.3 million). Smoking was most common among Indian and Alaska native men (37.3 percent), and least common among women of Asian or Pacific Islander ethnicity (4.3 percent). Smoking was most prevalent, at 37.5 percent, among people with nine to 11 years of education; among people with eight or fewer years of schooling, smoking was much less common at 22.6 percent. Smoking was more common (32.5 percent) among people living below the federal poverty line.",10 +14,"""I regret and reject the decision of the U.S. to build the wall."" PenÌ?a Nieto said in a recorded address.",13 +1,"The fact that Big Tobacco is willing to put so many billions on so many tables to escape its tormentors suggests the industry isn't worried about money. And why should it? All Big Tobacco has to do is get that immunity, stave off the FDA and raise prices to pay for the settlements. Is this a great country, or what?",0 +9,Tobacco plaintiff dies from cancer,8 +7,"Use a gun, go to jail -- a hoax played out daily across California. +",6 +9,"A year ago she was featured in a series of nationwide advertisements that showed the grim consequences of smoking. In one widely seen television ad, Ms. Hall, who is 52 and has head and neck cancer, takes viewers through her morning routine: inserting a set of false teeth and fitting a small speaker inside a hole in her neck.",8 +13,Cain Says His Deadly Fence Plan Was 'a Joke',12 +11,AN ASSAULT ON COMMON SENSE,10 +2,"Recently, though, the United States has been short of sodium thiopental. Hospira, the only domestic supplier, serving more than 3,400 medical facilities, stopped producing it in late 2009 because of problems obtaining its active ingredient from another company. For various business reasons, Hospira found that Italy was the best place to restart production.",1 +13, Pennsylvania's Senate is advancing legislation,12 +9,"Roberts was mentally ill and had been severely abused by his father. +",8 +13,"Council members Pat Dando and David Pandori voted against a new two-year contract with the Municipal Employees Federation because they said the decision to grant such benefits was made ""behind closed doors"" and the public had no chance to comment on the new policy.",12 +5,"9/11 Judge Let U.S. Destroy Evidence, Defense Says",4 +5,"A federal judge overturned Mak's death sentence in 1991, saying he did not receive adequate legal counsel during the sentencing phase of his trial.",4 +12,"America's fervent debate about guns took center stage on Mother's Day, as more than 100,000 moms, children and their allies called Sunday for stronger national gun-control laws at Million Mom March rallies in Washington and about 70 cities nationwide, including Oakland.",11 +5,"Sekulow's group also filed a brief with the Vermont court. +",4 +13,"While Congress was squabbling last year about whether to bar more immigrants from entering the United States,",12 +5,"The ruling by a three-judge appeals court panel was unanimous, but the case, which now returns to superior court, is not open-and-shut. A federal court threw out a case in another state on the grounds that out-of-state students couldn't claim harm just because in-state immigrants paid less. +",4 +7,"More than 20 officers have been relieved of duty, fired, suspended or have quit since the investigation started last fall. Police have refused to say how many officers are still under suspicion.",6 +13," ""There Is Room for Compromise in Gun Debate"" (letters, Aug. 15): The reason that present gun control laws are ineffective is precisely that they are the product of compromise.",12 +10,Wedding bells,9 +6,Civil unions aren't the threat,5 +10,LURE OF NORTH OUTWIEGHS ALIENS' FEAR,9 +13,"Most Republicans in the GOP-controlled House also oppose additional gun regulations, as do some key Democrats in the Senate - meaning that the groups aligned with Obama will have to persuade dozens of skeptical lawmakers to vote for the president's eventual proposals. +",12 +9,must complete a firearms training course,8 +9,"The poor mental function seen in alcoholics may be partially due to the long-term effects of nicotine, the research suggests.",8 +5,SPANN AGAIN ASKS DEFENSE ATTORNEYS NOT TO ARGUE AGAINST DEATH PENALTY,4 +15,ALBANY'S ARRANGED MARRIAGE,14 +3,"The Rev. Brett Becker, who represents a group of the UCC's more conservative churches, said it's possible that his congregation at St. Paul United Church of Christ in Cibolo, Texas, will leave the church over the resolution.",2 +6,"The amendment would read, ""No union other than a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage or the functional equivalent of marriage by the commonwealth.""",5 +13,"When four of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidates for governor gave compelling stump speeches at a park in Virginia last week, there was little discussion of an issue that could loom large on primary day on Sept. 15.",12 +5,The language is a defense attorney's dream and a prosecutor's nightmare.,4 +5,Top Lawyer In California Urges Voiding Proposition 8,4 +11,They alone have proved over many years that they are incapable of living peacefully with anyone.,10 +11,"The District of Columbia has no death penalty. Its last execution occurred in 1957. In 2005, the District endured 195 murders, 35.4 per 100,000, a rate more than five times higher than Virginia's.",10 +5,OFFICER'S KILLER WON'T BE EXECUTED< A JURY CONSIDERING A NEW SENTENCE FOR MICHAEL LACAVA FOUND< ITSELF DEADLOCKED,4 +1,"In the second quarter of this year, foreign-born workers gained 656,000 jobs, compared with the period last year, and native-born workers lost 1.2 million jobs, according to a report issued Friday by the Pew Hispanic Center.",0 +1, business and labor groups have struck a deal on a guest-worker program for lower-skilled immigrants,0 +6,"'The Brady bill is fatally flawed,' says reader",5 +5,National Briefing Northwest: Oregon: Challenge To Same-Sex Marriage Ban,4 +4, Then who is responsible for the execution of an innocent person?,3 +9,"In Aftermath of Failed Execution, Ohio Governor Orders Postponement of 2 Others",8 +13,Cuomo's order came days after the Daily News reported on his potential deportation.,12 +7, Thousands of immigrants languish in federal detention as a result of the 1996 law allowing them to be detained or deported without due process.,6 +9, because you have an asthmatic child who cannot breathe because of the smokers in the next booth?,8 +12,Students need to put pressure on Missouri Legislature,11 +13,"The assessment came about three hours after the governor and other advocates for same-sex marriage wrapped up a news conference on the front steps of Government House touting the legislation, which O'Malley formally introduced Monday night.",12 +10,"""How can they do that? How can they do that?"" said Freida Froemsdorf, whose 35-year-old son, a Missouri state highway patrolman, was gunned down in 1985 by one of the inmates to be featured by Benetton.",9 +6,There's one catch: The legislation would not alter the sentences of the 11 inmates currently on Connecticut's death row.,5 +5,"With attorneys for three other organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union, Rubin asked Sullivan to delay the new law for a month to give the government more time to prepare for it and to ""remedy the fear and confusion prevailing among immigrants.""",4 +5,Blatantly Unconstitutional Law Ruled Unconstitutional,4 +11,in disputes between smokers and non-smokers.,10 +13,"Still Focusing on Immigration, Miller, Rishell Reprise 2006; Race Centers On Freshman Delegate's Assembly Record",12 +13,"Metro Hispanics rip GOP, Dem ads",12 +15,No More Smoke Screens,14 +13,Clinton makes guns a top issue,12 +12,COUNTY REGISTRY HAS SUPPORT,11 +5,THE POWER SHIFT. FEDERAL JUDGE BARS ENFORCEMENT AS IMMIGRATION BATTLE GOES TO COURTROOMS,4 +13," +My reasoning was simple: I do not believe government should dictate with whom an adult should live and love, nor is it government's duty to define what marriage means to an individual.",12 +13,"A few sentences later, though, he appeared to take it back. Only after he has built the Great Wall of Trump on the southern border, which isn't going to happen, and persuaded Congress to approve a whole new immigration system, which also isn't going to happen - only then, he said, ""will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those individuals who remain.""",12 +6,BRADY GUN-CONTROL ACT TAKES EFFECT AMID OPPOSITION,5 +13,Gay candidates aim for legislative seats in effort to further rights at state level,12 +6,"LOOKING FOR WAYS TO END VIOLENCE STUDENTS, PARENTS AND COMMUNITY LEADERS IN DENVER SHARED IDEAS YESTERDAY ON MAKING SCHOOLS SAFE AGAIN.",5 +13,The Immigration Debate: A Bush Tells Romney 'It's Never Too Late' to Lead,12 +4,Editorial: Saying who can say 'I do',3 +13,"""The president will be helpful to us in getting men and women in the U.S. Senate in line to get this bill through,"" he said.",12 +5,"Baltimore County prosecutors have filed notice that they intend to seek the death penalty if Johns, 23, is convicted of killing fellow inmate Philip E Parker Jr.",4 +11,"Sundance will also give a megaphone to Tim Sutton, who wrote and directed ''Dark Night,'' a drama inspired by the Aurora, Colo., movie theater massacre in 2012, and Kim A. Snyder, whose ''Newtown'' examines the continuing community trauma caused by the 2012 mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Part of Ms. Snyder's harrowing documentary looks at how little has changed in regard to gun reform.",10 +5, to protect the right of Americans to own guns,4 +13,"The ammunition for this argument was loaded up back in 1902 when Denver became a city-county. That city-county status makes it a lot harder to annex land, but it seems to have protected Denver against the Legislature.",12 +1," +Tech and immigration: PJ stays for now, but Echo Labs fate up in the air",0 +5,"Justice Department officials said today that they planned to step up prosecutions of gun crimes as part of a new initiative, even as a private study said prosecutors had ""ignored"" a vast majority of gun crimes.",4 +5,MURDER SUSPECT PLEADS NOT GUILTY,4 +7,crime package,6 +6,"Alabama's anti-immigrant law deserves to be blocked, for good",5 +1,"Test smokers seem satisfied with Eclipse, and RJR plans to start selling the cigarettes in Chattanooga soon, says company spokeswoman Maura Ellis.",0 +9,dangers of smoking,8 +1, The funds are to repay the state for costs of caring for sick smokers.,0 +5,"It's about the law, not political correctness +",4 +13,"Donald J. Trump's campaign has reserved television airtime in Arizona, where primary voters will cast ballots on Tuesday, and where a super PAC supporting Senator Ted Cruz and his campaign are also running or preparing to run their own ads.",12 +13,Senate sends weapons bill to president,12 +12,"BAD YEAR, BUT NRA STILL FIRING",11 +7,"Officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said removals during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 included more than 1,000 murderers, nearly 6,000 sex offenders, 45,000 drug offenders and 28,000 drunk drivers. The number fell short of the agency expectation of 400,000 deportations but still surpassed the 2009 total of 389,834, the previous record, according to the Associated Press.",6 +13,Dems push GOP on gun regs in slaughter states,12 +7,It was the first execution in Florida this year.,6 +7,"Moskowitz said during a news conference in Grand Rapids that federal agents arrested Rosenbaum in Longwood earlier in the day. Cunningham and Flocken were expected to soon turn themselves in to federal authorities in Grand Rapids, where the case will be tried, he said. +",6 +5,"Nonetheless, a hodgepodge of conflicting state laws and constitutional amendments across the country has resulted in an untenable legal status quo whereby marriages and parental rights sanctioned in one state are invalid in another.",4 +7,Police brass yesterday blasted one of the biggest loopholes of gun control - the reality that shotguns and rifles can be bought by virtually anybody.,6 +7,Walton is scheduled to be executed at 9 p.m.,6 +1,HIGHER TAXES ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS EXPECTED TO PASS N.J. LEGISLATURE,0 +13,GOP panned for gun-control inaction Clinton cites Columbine shootings,12 +13,Death Penalty Fight Beckons a Hesitant Pilgrim Back to Arkansas,12 +13,"Montgomery County, Melvin Thompson could understand. It's filled with government workers. ""There's a tendency to believe that government can solve problems for you,"" he said",12 +9,Calling cigarettes the No. 1 health threat to young people,8 +13," +The bill by Assemblyman Kevin Shelley, a San Francisco Democrat, moved out of the Senate Public Safety Committee on a 5-1 vote",12 +10,TREATMENT FOR VETERANS Just a killer without mercy or man haunted by Vietnam?,9 +10,High School Smokes Out Tobacco Users,9 +2,Dwindling federal tobacco quotas drain livelihood from N.C. warehouses,1 +15,Baltimore's hope: Immigrants,14 +13,"Republican Bob Dole, who is running his presidential campaign on integrity and character",12 +1,It would enable casinos,0 +1,Firearms stocks fall amid talk of curbs,0 +9,Panel Affirms Cancer Risk Involving Secondhand Smoke,8 +7,"The inmate, Troy A. Davis, left, has long claimed that new evidence would clear his name in the 1989 killing of Mark MacPhail, an off-duty Savannah police officer",6 +5,time-consuming litigation.,4 +12,Gay marriage support burgeoning,11 +4,"Now that Maryland is moving toward marriage equality, it should pass similar legislation to ensure divorce equality.",3 +5,"""S econd A mendment rights'' ",4 +11,filed by individual smokers -- as well as by non-smokers ,10 +7,"Denver police also will be required to work more closely with state and federal agencies to track illegal gun sales. People who fail background checks will be further investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.",6 +5,Firearms owners see the NRA as their safety net against government encroachment on their rights.,4 +5,"But according to U.S. Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, potential evidence exonerating Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis isn't enough to not carry out the sentence.",4 +5," to adhere to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning the city's 32-year handgun ban. +",4 +8,Background checks at gun shows? ,7 +9," +CDC: U.S. cigarettes more carcinogenic",8 +8,He later said he had terrorist Osama Bin Laden in mind.,7 +10,Why Wasn't My Son the Last Victim?,9 +5,"Still, the many rights that marriage confers vaporize the moment couples step into a state that does not recognize their unions.",4 +13,"White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters earlier that a gun control policy discussion would occur, ""but today's not that day."" Speaking publicly on the shooting in the afternoon, President Obama called for unspecified action.",12 +5,"An estimated 50,000 people picked up applications at the 107 special legalization offices around the nation, said Verne Jervis, a spokesman",4 +5,"AFTER CLASHING WITH THEIR CLIENT, ATTORNEYS MAY USE TACTIC IN LATER PHASE KACZYNSKI'S DEFENSE DROPS INSANITY STRATEGY",4 +7,"An 11-count indictment returned April 20 charged Moody and Felts with two counts of murder, two counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, two counts of kidnapping with intent to do bodily injury and one count of rape.",6 +14,Our Sad Neglect of Mexico,13 +4,"'for its bigotry against gays, lesbians and bisexuals.'",3 +3," +Schaefer, a longtime pastor in rural Eastern Pennsylvania, was defrocked in December after a highly publicized church trial the month before on the charge that he had violated Methodist rules - called the Book of Discipline - that explicitly ban same-sex weddings.",2 +7,r. Brown said as he stepped out of jail.,6 +9,Will privacy concerns put guns in the hands of the mentally ill?,8 +5,"That judge, William T. Moore Jr., after hearing testimony and reviewing the case, found that while ""the state's case may not be ironclad, most reasonable jurors would again vote to convict Mr. Davis.""",4 +11,National Briefing South: Alabama: First Woman Executed Since 1957,10 +5,"And incredibly, our state government actually protects the right of all convicted felons to possess firearms.",4 +5,SUPREME COURT WILL HEAR CASE CENTERED ON RIGHTS OF IMMIGRANTS,4 +13,Schwarzenegger said,12 +9,"In New Calculus on Smoking, It's Health Gained vs. Pleasure Lost",8 +6,BILL ON DEATH WARRANTS IS SENT TO RIDGE THE MEASURE REQUIRES GOVERNORS TO SIGN WARRANTS WITHIN 90 DAYS.,5 +15,Nicotine study faulty,14 +5,U.S. GRANTS ASYLUM TO GAY MEXICAN HE CITES PERSECUTION BY THE POLICE,4 +5,"A St. Louis judge declared a mistrial Tuesday in a $700 million lawsuit against Philip Morris USA, after jurors failed to reach agreement on whether Missouri smokers were misled into believing that light cigarettes were safer than regular cigarettes. +",4 +5,Clarity from Madigan was sought by the Macon County clerk's office after a federal court ruling last month that allowed same-sex couples in Cook County to begin applying for licenses.,4 +13,Nearly enough votes to pass gay marriage in Md.,12 +11,"Marriage Looks Different Now +",10 +12, It also raises a question for N.R.A. members: Why keep paying dues to an organization that would squander them on such a sleazy adventure?,11 +11,Jodi Picoult's provocative 'Sing' homes in on gay rights,10 +15,Gay Marriage Isn't What We Should Be Focused On,14 +6,"Gun rights, gun control not necessarily exclusive",5 +5,Jury Selection Begins In Florida Tobacco Suit,4 +6,"The Ohio measure, considered the broadest of the 11 because it barred any legal status that ""intends to approximate marriage,"" gathered equal support from men and women, blacks and whites.",5 +9, improve the mental health classifications,8 +3,"RIMARY +",2 +5,"ut in July, the state's highest court overturned the death sentence and ordered that Mr. Harris serve life in prison without possible parole. The court found that the law at the time of his 1998 conviction was constitutionally flawed because it threatened a defendant with capital punishment for exercising his right to a trial. +",4 +5,PROSECUTOR ASKS FOR STAY OF EXECUTION TO INVESTIGATE WITNESS PERJURY;,4 +13,Calling Rubio 'toady' a new editorial low,12 +7,Daniel Mauser was killed April 20 when two student gunmen at Columbine used four guns to kill 12 students and one teacher; 23 others were injured in the assault.,6 +9,NYC can't try to deter smokers with images,8 +10,"In the chaos that comes with watching four young children, Reece Scheer didn't hear the phone ring. A stay-at-home dad, his days are spent in a tangle of knobby limbs in a house where the television is more likely to be tuned to cartoons than the news. So he had no idea on Wednesday that, with a single decision, his world had just changed until he read a text message sent at 10:47 a.m.",9 +5,"""Philadelphia doesn't need any new antigun laws to combat the lawless,"" said John C. Sigler, a Delaware lawyer who was appointed president of the firearm-advocacy organization this year. ""They simply need to enforce the laws they already have."" +",4 +13,"The day after making his first partisan speech against a certain senator from Massachusetts, President Bush goes before the cameras to announce his support for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.",12 +5,"California currently bans handgun sales to people younger than 21, but other firearms including rifles and shotguns can be bought at age 18.",4 +13,Other Ways to View the Traits of Howard Dean,12 +1,open the door to new patrons,0 +5,"Ross Douthat: Trust but e-verify +",4 +13,FLORIDA LAWMAKERS SILENT ON CHANGES TO GUN LAWS,12 +7,"Freeman denied involvement in a series of crimes during early 1992, including two other fatal robberies for which he has been convicted.",6 +5,He was so excited that Iowa was going to begin recognizing same-sex marriages,4 +5,"A Florida trial judge threw out much of the state's massive Medicaid suit against cigarette companies yesterday. +",4 +1,A 'Hire American' boost ; Companies that fill jobs from overseas should have to pay more.,0 +10,Pamela Belford Bates wanted nothing more than to see Dan Patrick Hauser die.,9 +12,In a sign that voters in Vermont remain divided over the state's new civil union law,11 +13,LONGTIME PASCO GUN ADVOCATE'S RIFT WITH NRA DEEPENS,12 +6,"Every time another gun-control law is passed, violent crime goes up, not down, and the gun-ban crowd starts to yelp for more anti-gun laws. +",5 +10,Gays win Vt. support for rights as couple,9 +7,"Break in Mexico slayings Denver arrest may help solve rapes, murders of women in Ciudad Juarez HUNDREDS OF VICTIMS Immigration officials arrest a Mexican national suspected in the serial killings of at least 10 women in the border town. +",6 +9,"The ETS concentrations also were greater in offices that permitted smoking, with more than 61 percent of the samples collected around desks of nonsmokers posing significant health risks.",8 +11,Jimmy Kimmel has a few words for the 'nuts' who say it's too soon to discuss gun control,10 +10,"NEWLY LEGAL ALIENS NOW LIVE WITHOUT FEAR, SETTLE INTO JOBS",9 +12,Residents want say on proposed smoking ban,11 +5, an Adams County judge ruled yesterday.,4 +6,Townsend Proposes Assault Rifle Rule,5 +12,"After Las Vegas, Pleas for Gun Control",11 +6," Initiated in 1998, NICS replaced the Brady Act, which required a five-day waiting period between the time that an individual filled out the paperwork to buy a handgun and when that person could take possession of it.",5 +6, a glaring omission in legislation that ostensibly protects kids. The Scott bill would remedy that oversight.,5 +5, Barr wants to know whether a Housing Department lawyer lied to Congress about taking such legal action.,4 +9,"""It takes a lot of pressure off as far as hospitals and accidents, so your partner is there.""",8 +13," +Thus does gun control appear to be gaining currency as a major issue in the fall elections.",12 +4,Nine Killings in Charleston Bring Charges of Hate Crime,3 +7,Federal agents are using immigration violations to arrest and deport scores of gang members in cities across the USA,6 +11, America's young people had de-veloped a different attitude from their elders about guns - perhaps as a result of having grown up during an era in which active-shooter drills have become a part of the school day.,10 +7,"Williams, 48, was sentenced to death in 2001 for the fatal stabbing of former Post-Dispatch reporter Lisha Gayle, 42, at her home in University City on Aug. 11, 1998. The prosecution said Williams was burglarizing the home when Gayle, who had been taking a shower, surprised him. She fought for her life as she was stabbed repeatedly.",6 +8,U.S. PLANS BORDER DITCH AGAINST DRUGS FROM MEXICO,7 +11,"Opposition to same-sex marriage narrow +",10 +5,One provision would require Federal courts to defer to state court rulings that apply the Federal Constitution. Another would prevent the Federal courts from hearing factual evidence not heard in the trial but necessary to deciding whether the Constitution was violated.,4 +13,"the Assembly shortly after midnight today again passed the legislation, 88-51, in a special session called by the governor. +",12 +6, The study found that the number of local smoking regulations increased from 16 to 105 during the three months before a state law went into effect banning local governments from more restrictive regulations.,5 +12,and smokers wish the anti-smoking crowd would just butt out.,11 +5, and is also clearly compatible with the rights of law-abiding citizens to own guns.'',4 +8,"""Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?""",7 +6,Time for a 'No Buy' List on Guns,5 +13,"And, that is where the idealism of these proposals will run into hard, practical realities. None is more concrete than the influence the National Rifle Association exerts in House and Senate -- thanks in large part to its ability to spend significant sums to help Members of Congress get elected. +",12 +9,"Three days after receiving psychiatric care, a 46-year-old death row inmate hanged himself in his cell at San Quentin Prison, an official said Friday. +",8 +5," Nine months before the Florida Supreme Court annoyed Gov. Bush by trying to let voters decide a presidential election, the court smacked down the governor's attempt to illegally shorten death-penalty appeals",4 +5,Justice candidates trade blows on TV,4 +13, North Carolina Governor Halts a Death Sentence,12 +1,"The annual fee that has been $10 and is rising to $66 under recently passed legislation ""isn't just ridiculous"" but ""goes all the way to reckless,"" he said.",0 +7,"The two were arrested on June 3 after a friend, Jessie Lloyd Misskelley Jr., made incriminating statements to police officers.",6 +13," +It's hard to believe that Howard Dean and Dick Cheney agree on anything, but both the firebrand Democrat and the resolutely conservative vice president favor civil unions for same-sex couples.",12 +12,"AFSCME, which represents 44,000 public service and health care workers in Wisconsin, became the latest to join the cause on Monday with a strong denunciation of the ban from its political arm and a vow to get its message out.",11 +6,"The panel's plan would clear up a huge backlog of visa applications from the immediate relatives of permanent resident aliens. But it would also eliminate longstanding visa preferences for siblings and adult children of United States citizens, making immigration more difficult for them.",5 +13,"The bills head to the Senate Law, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs Committee. Its chairman, State Sen. John Girgenti (D., Hawthorne), has long had an interest in curbing the influence of gangs.",12 +12," When citizens themselves, in referendums, have had a voice, they have said no, no and no yet again, more than 30 times in all, even in feel-good, sybaritic California. They have resisted.",11 +9,"``The absence of labels on cigars implies cigars are different and don't carry the same risk,'' Satcher said.",8 +15,Hopes quashed on immigration,14 +6,Denver gun rule will hit wrong targets,5 +4, A fair criminal justice system would have put both of them away for life.,3 +5,Gay marriage ruling in Calif. a reason to rejoice,4 +10,"Mother of Tucson shooting victim featured in gun control ad +",9 +13,CONN. SENATE APPROVES ASSAULT-WEAPONS BAN,12 +5,PROSECUTORS WON'T SEEK DEATH PENALTY IN COSBY CASE AGE AND FLAWS IN EVIDENCE MAY BE REASONS FOR DECISION,4 +13,"His decision to become the only sitting Republican senator to so publicly embrace same-sex marriage comes after President Obama switched his position during the 2012 campaign to support such unions. The president announced his new position as Americans have been steadily shifting their attitudes on the issue, with polls showing an increasing numbers of Americans accepting gay marriages. +",12 +15,The man at an immigration crossroads,14 +5,"The United States attorney's office unsealed a conspiracy indictment on Thursday charging an Ohio gun dealer with aiding the illegal transport of guns to a New Jersey street gang with the help of Ohio college students who acted as ""straw buyers."" +",4 +7,Officers recovered a handgun they suspect was used in the shooting. Who was the original buyer? Can it be tied to other gun crimes and the people who committed them?,6 +13," +The bill was passed last Monday by the House and last Tuesday by the Senate, in both cases by voice vote. The principal sponsors were Representative Romano L. Mazzoli, Democrat of Kentucky, and Senators Edward M. Kennedy, chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Affairs; Alan K. Simpson, Republican of Wyoming, and Paul Simon, Democrat of Illinois.",12 +13,political activists,12 +1,The rest of the nearly $ 3-billion that the state might have to pay the lawyers would be awarded as an annual salary bonus to the state's classroom teachers.,0 +7,"The Department of Corrections set the time, 7 p.m., and date of Devier's execution after Floyd County Superior Court Judge Robert G. Walther signed Devier's death warrant Wednesday.",6 +11,"Flynt, publisher of the magazine Hustler",10 +5,saying there was insufficient legal justification to ask the court to revisit a question it had already ruled on twice in the last six months.,4 +1,MEMO: TOBACCO INDUSTRY RESEARCH GROUP WAS A `FRONT',0 +5,"""I have also long believed that states have the right to adopt for themselves laws that allow same-sex unions. I will oppose any attempts by the right wing to change the Constitution in response to today's ruling, which would be unnecessary and divisive.""",4 +5,The three Supreme Court justices on the ballot this year are indeed the targets of a well-financed campaign to oust them,4 +5,Queens Jury Spares Convicted Killer From Death Penalty,4 +5,"A retrial of the sentencing phase of Ms. Arias's case would begin on July 18, Judge Sherry Stephens said in court. So far, the county has paid more than $1.5 million in legal expenses for Ms. Arias, who was assigned a public defender.",4 +15,Shoot to Stun,14 +9,"""Thirty days later they diagnosed the lung cancer. It took a CAT scan to find it. It was sitting behind my heart - bigger than your fist. It's under control now, in complete remission.""",8 +5,"Newly uncovered documents in the Oklahoma City bombing case could lead Timothy McVeigh to appeal his death sentence, his attorney said yesterday. The papers already have sparked a new challenge by conspirator Terry Nichols.",4 +11,"After decades of success, tobacco's power erodes",10 +6,Santa Clara County officials,5 +5,"There's no amnesty, as such, there's no amnesty, but we work with them.",4 +6,"Still, these laws aren't going away soon. So the question is: If states are going to let their citizens carry hidden firearms, is there a way to do it right?",5 +3,A CASE OF JUSTICE TRUMPING THE LAW,2 +3,First Principles,2 +5," ""amnesty.""",4 +6,"Gun control, RIP",5 +3," It is inconceivable that our thirst for revenge has become so insatiable that we must kill our children to satisfy it. +",2 +6, HB 1119 does - which The Post's editorial does not mention - is to take places and events that are not gun shows and place them outside of the statute.,5 +9,Human Rights Watch cites Pa. case of suicide in immigration detention,8 +5,They were among 200 people who came to Manhattan Federal Court one day this month to take an oath of allegiance as new Americans.,4 +11,Of course a visitor shouldn't come away with the impression that everyone in Panama City keeps a .44 in the glove compartment. People here in North Florida aren't that much different from people everywhere else. But the fact remains that guns are comfortably accepted here.,10 +9,"RESEARCH LINKS NONSMOKED NICOTINE, GROWTH OF BLOOD VESSELS",8 +13,"President Obama told a gathering of business, labor, religious and political leaders at the White House on Tuesday that he remains committed to an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws and wants to try again in the coming months to push Congress to pass a bill.",12 +15,"LIKE, WELL, YOU KNOW,",14 +13,"President's Pattern on Policy: Zig, Zag and Zig Again",12 +11," +Two years ago, this nation recoiled in horror after a maniac with an assault weapon massacred 20 schoolchildren and six educators within minutes in Newtown, Conn.",10 +6,request for a private smoking room is wacky.,5 +13,"As the Minnesota Legislature enters the second half of its session and heads toward an expected vote on gay marriage, a group of mostly House Republicans has proposed a compromise they say could avoid a bitter statewide fight: civil unions. +",12 +5,Feingold Backs Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages,4 +1,"Effect of Immigration on Jobs, Wages Is Difficult for Economists to Nail Down",0 +5,"In appealing her case in the state and federal courts, Saldinger's lawyers maintain that her conviction should be overturned because her conduct is covered by a constitutional right to bear arms to protect property. Among other things, Saldinger's appeal argues that recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings extending the Second Amendment to state and local regulations entitles her to a new trial.",4 +6,COMPLETE SMOKING BAN GOES INTO EFFECT SEPT. 1,5 +5,"District Attorney Wes Lane had been weighing whether to drop the case since taking over in June from Bob Macy, who filed 160 state counts of capital murder against Nichols in 1999. +",4 +13,Gore Takes On NRA at Cities Convocation,12 +13,NRA BACKS SANTORUM WITH BUCKS THE GUN LOBBY HAS TRAINED ITS SIGHTS ON PENNSYLVANIA,12 +1,U.S. Warns Big Retailers About Sweatshop Goods,0 +5,"In 2010, the state Supreme Court ruled that while the guilty verdict in Smith's original trial could stand, his lawyer did not ""pursue all reasonable avenues"" for developing mitigating evidence - the facts about the defendant or his circumstances that might compel a juror to vote for a lesser penalty. The court ordered a new hearing for the death-penalty phase.",4 +5,while officials waited for the U.S. Supreme Court to consider appeals.,4 +13,"Schlafly urges state to act Leader of conservative group calls on state to deny illegal immigrants benefits, scholarships.",12 +1," raised the fee to $ 200 for three years - $ 66 a year. Before that, a license cost $ 10.",0 +12,STUDENTS HONE MESSAGE OF MARCH FOR OUR LIVES,11 +13,"Bipartisanship quickly gives way to a partisan battle +",12 +6,"The law makes it a felony to transport or shelter illegal immigrants. Businesses, which are barred by federal law from hiring illegal immigrants, can be sued by a legal worker who is displaced by an illegal one.",5 +2,CITY IMMIGRATION OFFICE CLOGGED BY CASELOAD,1 +5,MAN FREED AFTER DECADE ON DEATH ROW IN TEXAS,4 +7,"Powell, 28, was twice convicted by a Prince William jury for the 1999 slaying of Stacie Reed, 16, and the rape of her sister, Kristie Reed, then 14. He stabbed Stacie Reed in the heart and then used the same blade to repeatedly slice her sister's throat.",6 +11,where it was the first execution in 34 years,10 +7,"Ten years after the rusty steamer Golden Venture ran aground near Queens, exposing a bustling underworld of illegal immigrants being smuggled and held hostage, a woman who federal officials say was a vicious ringleader of the operation completed her own voyage from Asia to America. This time she was the captive, escorted by federal agents after being extradited to face criminal charges in New York yesterday, ending a worldwide pursuit.",6 +13,"At one point Vice President Bush pulled a tiny translucent pistol out of his pocket to underscore a point on which he, the other candidates and the audience all seemed to agree: steps were needed to control such guns, which can elude detection devices.",12 +5,"1.3 million legal immigrants applied to become citizens from August 1995 to September 1996. The Justice Department briefed the legislators on early results of an audit the department ordered last year, which is now trying to determine how many of the 180,000 unchecked immigrants had convictions for felonies like murder or rape that would have disqualified them.",4 +11,"'Give me your tired, your poor ...'",10 +13,PRESIDENT OBAMA,12 +3,"'Coward,' too Zadroga villain also stalling gun control",2 +6,Don't Give Up on Brady,5 +3," +The couple, who will go by the last name Keeton, were married by the Rev. Peg Esperanza of the Church of the Holy Spirit. Esperanza, a lesbian ",2 +9,"Scott Leischow, a behavioral pharmacologist, spends much of his time directing the University of Arizona Smoking Research Program in Tucson studying weight gains of would-be ex-smokers.",8 +1, a former Smith & Wesson executive turned whistleblower.,0 +13,LEGISLATORS HOLD HEARING ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,12 +10,"U.S. SMOKERS INCREASING EFFORT TO QUIT THEY ARE TRYING TO KICK THE HABIT FOUR TIMES MORE OFTEN THAN BEFORE NICOTINE GUM AND PATCHES, THE CDC SAID.",9 +5," he appears to have repeatedly had his target permit renewed, ",4 +5,"An accountant testified Dr. Cavaness was more than $400,000 in debt.",4 +14,"Ruben Aguilar, a spokesman for Mexican President Vicente Fox, said Monday that a security-first policy at the border would not solve the problems created by illegal immigration. Fox has said he prefers a plan that would offer some form of legal status for all undocumented Mexicans now in the USA.",13 +6,Editorial about assault weapons ban misleading,5 +6, said a law is needed,5 +5,"After Tobacco Settlement, Florida Battles Its Lawyers",4 +6,WILL BRADY BILL DETER CRIMINALS?,5 +1,most can be pursued within current budgets,0 +3,"Reform rabbis decided to permit same-sex unions, joining the Unitarians as the only mainstream religious denominations to bless same-sex unions.",2 +13,"""The NRA has control of this committee,"" said Rep. Grace Davis (D- Atlanta), who persuaded House leaders to return House Bill 513 to the committee for Wednesday's hearing even though the panel had already passed it. ""I knew the odds were against me. I just wanted the people to be heard."" +",12 +5,Whose 'Right to Bear Arms' Is It?,4 +5,"In a two-sentence ruling, the appeals court said it needed time to ""fully consider the late arriving and complex legal questions at issue in this matter"" and that it would schedule a hearing later to consider arguments.",4 +8,AIR TRAGEDY CAN'T OPEN U.S. BORDERS,7 +9," blamed his lengthy death on the poor placement of a single intravenous line in his groin, and a decision by the warden to cover the IV site with a sheet.",8 +5,"The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago issued the order two days after U.S. District Judge Richard Young had ruled that Indiana's prohibition on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. The decision came shortly after Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, tired of waiting for Young to rule, appealed to the 7th Circuit.",4 +13,Obama on DOMA: 'Supreme Court has righted a wrong',12 +6,Clock running on ban petition,5 +13,Bush Says His Party Is Wrong To Oppose Gay Civil Unions,12 +9, saying its educational programs are designed to promote safety and have no connection to the gun industry.,8 +4," In this case, and others on that state's death row, the victim was white and the convicted killer was black.",3 +12,"Same-sex marriage battle brings large, committed armies on both sides",11 +13,'95 Georgia Legislature AN EDITORIAL Folly of the gun lobby,12 +3,N.Y. Presbytery Votes To Allow Gay Unions,2 +12,Gun lobby claims signatures invalid,11 +5,"Moore had expected the reaction,",4 +10,"That plan must explain how the partnership will develop plans to help people stop smoking, help prevent them from starting and help them understand tobacco's dangers.",9 +5,Asylum applicants convicted of this new felony would be ineligible to receive asylum in the United States and could be jailed or deported to their countries. A person who has been granted asylum before being convicted could have that asylum status revoked.,4 +13,GOP aims at Obama after gun ruling,12 +1,"why it's the right thing for the American economy,''",0 +7,"CRIME BILL TO INCLUDE GUN BAN, MORE POLICE",6 +9,'Dying' words,8 +11,adults,10 +5,legalize same-sex marriages,4 +9,"The state received two ""C"" grades, a ""D"" and an ""F"" in the second annual State of Tobacco Control report card, released by the American Lung Association on Tuesday.",8 +5,"Among the Scattershot Arguments in the D.C. Gun Ban Case, Which Ones Will Hit the Mark?",4 +9,mentally retarded criminals,8 +5,Court upholds death sentence,4 +13, federal,12 +6,"""smoking bans are the biggest challenge we have ever faced",5 +6,"The bill would allow any nonfelon over 21 to carry a concealed handgun after completing eight hours of firearms training. If it passes and is signed into law, Illinois would join the ranks of 43 states that have some kind of conceal-carry provision. Missouri, like Illinois, bans concealed weapons.",5 +13,"A member of the ultimately unsuccessful deficit-cutting ""Gang of Six,"" Warner promised that if elected to a second term, he would press for a new ""grand bargain"" and ""continue to make both sides mad.""",12 +5,"During three days of testimony, jurors were presented with Sells' written confessions, watched a videotaped confession and listened to gripping testimony from a friend of the girl, who was staying overnight when the killing took place.",4 +3,"Conservative Christian leaders unveiled a declaration Friday calling on Christians not to comply with rules and laws forcing them to accept abortion, same-sex marriage and other ideals that go against their religious doctrines.",2 +11," especially African-Americans.""",10 +1,Rehrmann Urges Higher Cigarette Tax,0 +5,Missouri Supreme Court says Amendment 5 did not extend gun rights to non-violent felons,4 +13,"City council members say they believe their battle with Congress over the city's ""domestic partners"" law still can be won.",12 +6,that would allow the Food and Drug Administration to regulate cigarettes.,5 +11,when smokers,10 +13,Obama has axed immigration privileges for Cubans,12 +8," Licensed dealers must run background checks at shows or their stores, but at shows, some vendors are unlicensed, private sellers who don't run background checks.",7 +9,"`In a case like this, where you may have some sort of mental illness",8 +13,Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg went to Albany to ask that lawmakers,12 +7,Finest friend takes plea in bribes for gun permits,6 +13,Hillsborough expands checks on sales of guns,12 +13,"''If you take a tough stand and buck party orthodoxy that helps the City of New York, the mayor would like to support you,'' Mr. Bloomberg's spokesman, Stu Loeser, said Thursday.",12 +9,A Town in Westchester Ends Health Benefits for Domestic Partners,8 +5,Fairfax County Weapon Ban Thrown Out,4 +2,GAY PAIRS CROWD N.Y. WAITING LIST,1 +13,"Shortly after news broke about the discussions on guns, Mayor Nutter and former Gov. Ed Rendell announced that they, along with the gun-control group CeaseFirePA, would gather outside Toomey's Philadelphia office Tuesday to urge him to back ""commonsense gun legislation . . . especially the expansion of the background-check system."" +",12 +5,Cases against gay marriage don't hold up,4 +13,White House Makes Moves To Promote Gun Safety,12 +5,and that he did not want to mount a defense.,4 +13,Atlanta council wary of suit on guns,12 +7,RUSSIAN MILLIONAIRE HELD ON IMMIGRATION CHARGE,6 +7,"Ulster County District Attorney Donald Williams said he's prosecuting West because the same-sex couples did not have marriage licenses. +",6 +1,The increases include a spike from $330 to $595 for citizenship applications; petitions for family members go from $190 to $355; employment permits rise from $180 to $340; and fingerprinting costs go from $70 to $80.,0 +14,Ambassador Discusses U.S.- Mexico Relations; Proposed Fence Highlights Immigration Issues,13 +2,"""We're at capacity right now,"" said Mabel Teng, the official who oversees marriage licenses for city government. ""We normally do about 20 to 30 couples a day. We're doing about 50 to 60 an hour.""",1 +5,"""We feel that Judge Jones's decision is in disagreement with previous decisions, and he should permit it to be appealed,"" said Hugh Whiting, a lawyer for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company",4 +6,"At least 26 states now have super-liberal concealed weapons laws, which in general allow anyone who is not certifiably insane or a felon to pocket a pistol.",5 +5," only one individual has ever won an anti-tobacco lawsuit, and the judgment is currently on appeal",4 +3," +Churches in every state will continue to prohibit gay marriage if they wish.",2 +3,"I speak of the nation's veterans, particularly those who live in Florida. They served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, and all they want is for America to help them with problems they encountered as a result of that service. But they are stuck in a state where, as editorials and columns in this section have shown, they get the justified sense that the country has forgotten them.",2 +5,"But the nation's high court issued a two-line order on Monday afternoon rejecting an appeal that it overrule a state Supreme Court ruling against + +Johnson. Defense attorneys had a separate, independent motion pending in U.S. district court in Tallahassee. +",4 +6,NRA NEEDS TO SET ITS SIGHTS ON ILLEGAL FIREARMS DEALERS,5 +5,"The long-awaited decision by the Court of Appeals was remarkable both for its display of judicial restraint and for the rather stunning simplicity of its logic. In a nutshell, the court ruled that the law limiting marriage to heterosexuals was not inherently irrational and, thus, unconstitutional.",4 +10,"SMOKE GETS IN EVERYONE'S EYES, BUT FEW CARE",9 +15,Dark Heritage,14 +1,"Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. announced plans Thursday to sell Golden Belt Manufacturing Co., which employs 177 people at its East Main Street plant",0 +15,"Anti-marriage, period",14 +7,Wal-Mart facility is site of 14 arrests,6 +5,"According to the INS, the Iraqi leader's stepson was traveling as a tourist and had not applied for a student visa that would have allowed him to take courses.",4 +1," One investigator's travel time alone cost the fund more than $11,000.",0 +7,"llen Lee ""Tiny"" Davis experienced pain while in the electric chair. +",6 +8,Beef up border: Shoot illegals who cross over,7 +13,"Commissioner Warren Newell cast the lone no vote. + +Commissioner Karen Marcus was not in the commission chambers and did not vote.",12 +7,"""It has been another record-breaking year at ICE - one that has seen ICE enforce the law at record levels, and in sensible, firm and thoughtful ways,"" said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.",6 +13," +On Guns, a Mixed Report From the States",12 +2,"Because of the small number of people applying for permanent residency, immigration officials in the New York region are reducing and redeploying staff workers assigned to the amnesty program for illegal aliens.",1 +5, than into court battles,4 +13,council member Phil Mendelson (D-At Large) said yesterday he has worked with the administration of Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) in drafting the legislation.,12 +6,Death penalty is abolished in Maryland,5 +9,"Study: Smoking, teen fat are tied",8 +13,What Pat Toomey has said - and not said - in gun debate,12 +1,"""Nobody's forcing you to enter my business,""",0 +12,"""Guns save lives,"" they chanted while parading down Constitution Avenue to the Capitol.",11 +11,Texas Picks Up the Pace Of Capital Punishment,10 +7,The same people commit the shootings.,6 +5,Mass. court limits same-sex marriages,4 +6,"Commonly known as NAFTA, the agreement allows almost all trade among Canada, the United States and Mexico to flow tariff-free. Carlos Salinas, Mexico's president in 1994, predicted that NAFTA would boost his country's economy so much that it would help stem the flow of illegal immigrants to the United States",5 +11,"""Nation"" chronicles this journey, giving it, as only photographs can, a gripping human face. Make that many faces. Some are well-known, like the mustached Albert Einstein wearing an Indian headdress. But most are your everyday Americans, from the sober Dutch women in their white winged hats at Ellis Island in 1910 to the Japanese-American children in their paper samurai headdresses at a 1987 Japanese street festival in Chicago.",10 +7,"after a shooting in 2012 that killed 12 people at a suburban Denver movie theater, and the shooting deaths later that year of 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown, Conn.",6 +5,"As the Senate considers illegal immigration reform legislation, my office has been inundated with phone calls from constituents asking, ""What part of 'illegal' don't senators understand?""",4 +3,Ministers of several African American megachurches in Prince George's County as well as conservative and Catholic groups have vowed to help repeal the measure.,2 +13,"TAKE A STAND ON GUNS, MR. MAYOR",12 +3,"Pope John Paul II urged authorities Saturday to stop approving gay marriages, saying they ""degrade"" the true sense of marriage between a man and a woman.",2 +12,"said Brendan Daly, spokesman for Handgun Control Inc",11 +13,The two flawed messengers of the gun debate,12 +5,"Queens District Attorney Richard Brown now has 120 days to inform the court whether or not prosecutors will seek the death penalty. +",4 +11,"Mr. Campos, assistant director of detention and deportation for the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) office in Atlanta, was born in Monterrey, Mexico, in 1951. His family migrated to Laredo, Texas, 10 years later, and Mr. Campos became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1972.",10 +12,In the Thick of It: Gay-Nuptials Fight,11 +5," +Stand-your-ground suit at risk",4 +13,"The bill lost in a 51-64 vote by the full House Wednesday. It suffered a similar defeat April 13, but Madigan said he would call for a third vote April 27.",12 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court is considering his final appeal and could decide any day whether to hear the case.,4 +13,"This administration wants us to implement severe gun control restrictions so that we will all be safe? This is the same administration who in the Fast & Furious scandal allowed weapons to get into the hands of Mexican drug dealers in a botched attempt to ""trace"" them. +",12 +5,Judge Strikes Down Pennsylvania's Gay-Marriage Ban,4 +5,Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday that the program was unconstitutional because it was a unilateral executive action on a proposal that had been repeatedly rejected by Congress.,4 +6, in any public place,5 +5,"The New Jersey Supreme Court granted gay couples the same rights as married couples this week, leaving it to the State Legislature whether to call their partnerships marriages or civil unions. +",4 +9,mental health -,8 +7,SUSPECTED SMUGGLER HELD WITH 6 NEW IMMIGRANTS,6 +4,Immigrants deserve to be treated with basic human dignity,3 +5,"A divided Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled Tuesday that same-sex couples have a right to civil marriages under the nation's oldest state constitution, declaring that ""the right to marry means little if it does not include the right to marry the person of one's choice.""",4 +5,JUDGES PULL PLUG ON 187 IN LIMBO: VOTER-APPROVED MEASURE WON'T TAKE EFFECT BEFORE COURT HEARINGS ARE HELD.,4 +7,"The gun bill would increase the penalty for illegally carrying a handgun if the firearm was stolen or in the possession of a gang member or someone barred by law from having the weapon, such as a parolee or mental patient.",6 +3,"Link, dressed in jacket and tie, showed no emotion after the verdict.",2 +13,The D.C. Council voted unanimously yesterday to give preliminary approval to legislation ,12 +12,"Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved an amendment to the State Constitution barring gay marriage, becoming the first state to answer what has become a growing question since same-sex marriage became legal in Massachusetts. + +With 93 percent of precincts reporting, the amendment had garnered 70 percent of the vote. + +Voters in at least 9 other states -- and perhaps as many as 12 -- are expected to consider similar amendments this fall, so advocates on both sides of the debate were intensely watching Missouri's results, anxious about what they might say about voters elsewhere in the weeks ahead. +",11 +5,"But State Capital Defender Kevin Doyle, who arrived in Kingston yesterday to analyze the case, said: ""There will not be any easy capital prosecutions in New York State, and that will become clear in this first case, if indeed it is the first case.""",4 +8, He said no threats had been made against the jury.,7 +13,"At 6th District debate, Trivedi chides Costello for taking money from NRA",12 +11,"A little later and a few blocks away, mixed in among several thousand other students, 175 Russian teen-agers, many of them wearing the latest designer jeans, enter the classrooms of Abraham Lincoln High School.",10 +13,House Panel Agrees On Plan to Split INS,12 +15,IMMIGRANT BATTLE STAYS OFF THE FIELD,14 +6, I thought gay rights activists should concentrate on a more achievable goal such as a federal civil rights bill ,5 +11,"Cigar and cigarette smoke wafted around the farmers and buyers -- some in overalls and chewing on cigar butts, some with dress shoes and expensive shirts. +",10 +13,"Gov. Corzine invited Melli to last week's State of the State address. NJN asked him to appear as a pundit. And New Jersey's leading political Web site, politicsnj.com, named him 2006 politician of the year.",12 +6,"IMMIGRANTS WOULD GET FREE CELL PHONES UNDER NEW PROPOSAL, BLOGGERS CLAIM",5 +13,appears to have done little to change Washington's gun control dynamic.,12 +13,Gay marriage: Conservative states hold out,12 +7,eath Row inmate Judi Buenoano.,6 +3,"SAME-SEX UNIONS, CLERGY Lutherans to weigh recognition for gays",2 +1,Philip Morris's Smoke Signals Are Questioned,0 +1,"Importers have subsequently found an ample market by diverting cigarettes intended for overseas back into the U.S., where they are sold to retailers, illegal vendors or on the Internet at lower cost. +",0 +15,Urban Immigration,14 +3,"What's love got to do with it? +",2 +1,A conservative think tank has set out to torpedo immigration reform by publishing a study that puts an enormous price tag on granting a path to citizenship to America's 11 million undocumented residents.,0 +5,"After a Ruling, Hawaii Weighs Gay Marriages",4 +8,LEGAL FIREARM OWNERSHIP DECREASES VIOLENT CRIME,7 +11,"Thirteen percent of the middle school students reported using tobacco, which is about average for the nation.",10 +13," ""What is the response of our Republicans in the legislature? They pass laws making it easier to carry concealed guns.""",12 +5,"On gun violence, the 4th Circuit chooses fear over the law",4 +5,"While significant, Judge Garcia's ruling will have no immediate effect on gay and lesbian couples wishing to marry in Texas. The judge issued a stay on his decision while the state appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in New Orleans.",4 +14,U.S.should follow Australia's lead on gun control,13 +5,"A circuit judge has set a July 27 trial date for Oscar Ray Bolin Jr., who could receive the death penalty",4 +7," talking about the shooting of her father, a Hartford policeman, 13 years ago",6 +4, equal protection under the New Jersey Constitution.,3 +4,FEARS THAT innocent people could be executed in America's prisons,3 +5,"But a lawyer for a condemned inmate responded that the contested ruling had rested on sound legal ground and that California's postconviction review process, which commonly lasts two decades or more, had become agonizingly slow and arbitrary because the state did not provide enough funds for defense lawyers.",4 +13," +The governor wants to find out whether agencies have weapons and what they are doing with them when it's time to recycle or dispose of them, Bustamante said.",12 +1,"The Liggett Group Inc. told distributors today that it would raise prices on branded cigarettes by about 4 cents a pack, following a similar move by the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, a unit of the RJR Nabisco Holdings Corporation, earlier this week.",0 +12,"There is much common ground between many proponents and opponents of gay marriage. What matters, they say",11 +10,Film follows immigrant's struggles to study at U-Md.,9 +8,"FBI CHECKS ARE TOO SLOW, GUN DEALERS SAY",7 +8,"At Phila. airport, acting on instinct; Airport inspectors place priority on their instincts Immigration officers have stepped up their scrutiny since Sept. 11",7 +5,"Attorneys representing the federal government, Sara Hernandez-Gonzalez and her late husband, Roberto Medina-Martinez, are declining to disclose the terms of their settlement. They intend to finalize their agreement by September and then file papers to dismiss the case, court records show. +",4 +5,"A lawsuit in Hennepin County seeking to legalize same-sex marriage, regarded by many as a long shot, is now officially a nonfactor until at least the end of the legislative session after an agreement struck this week between the county and the attorney for the plaintiffs.",4 +13,SENATORS' LETTER TOUTS ASSAULT-WEAPONS BAN,12 +4," ""A system that works in one case out of three is not good enough.""",3 +13," to their political advantage, clamoring once again for a ban on firearms",12 +5,"igh Court Postpones Execution in Louisiana +",4 +5,American states have broad powers. But they are not permitted their own foreign or immigration policy,4 +5,as the judge gave the jury instructions on the law.,4 +13,"Although I have been a Democrat for 50 years, I have changed my registration to ""decline to state,"" and I shall vote for the candidate of whatever party takes a stand against illegal immigration.",12 +6,Handgun Prohibition,5 +2, which have become scarce coast to coast as supplies from Europe have dried up,1 +5,"Just before the jury began deliberations today to decide whether to sentence Jesse K. Timmendequas to death for the murder of 7-year-old Megan Kanka, a prosecutor said Mr. Timmendequas deserved no mercy because he had shown none to Megan. +",4 +12,The people should define 'marriage',11 +7, and a federal crack-down on gun trafficking,6 +10,Victim's mother sees hope for repeal of death penalty,9 +13,But McAuliffe's plan,12 +3," say they have no moral qualms about selling a product that causes cancer, despite all the hate mail and denunciations from antismoking activists that are directed at them. +",2 +13,Hispanics give Obama big edge over Republicans,12 +5,They also cited the alleged slur in questioning Fairfax Commonwealth's Attorney Robert F. Horan Jr.'s motives in seeking capital punishment for their client.,4 +15,NEXT TARGET: NICOTINE,14 +11," +It is widely agreed that the United States has an exceptional gun culture",10 +5,"ale City Brothers Charged in Shooting +",4 +13," said Rep. Gordon Allen, D-Person",12 +5,Tobacco to fight Florida verdict,4 +13,"Republican lawmakers are threatening to put the nation's financial health at risk over a ritual vote to raise the debt ceiling, but they don't actually object to throwing away money. Case in point: they seem to relish spending taxpayer dollars on the plainly unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act. +",12 +5,Haitians' return upheld / Court says U.S. can turn back boats,4 +7,"Mr. Nichols was at his home in Herington, Kan., when the 4,000-pound fertilizer bomb was detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building",6 +6,"Metro East health officials believe new provisions recently added to the Smoke Free Illinois Act will lift a haze of uncertainty and make it easier to enforce the state's year-old ban on smoking in bars, restaurants and other public places.",5 +5," +On Dec. 20, 1999, the Vermont Supreme Court ruled that barring same-sex unions was unconstitutional and ordered the Legislature to come up with a law accommodating them. That triggered a yearlong battle in which a state that prides itself on tolerance seemed to lack it.",4 +14,because the United States has no extradition treaty with that country.,13 +12,"YOU 'WILL PAY A PRICE' NRA: Hit us, get target on back LaPierre says weapon laws useless vs. terror",11 +7,Bundy execution set for next week,6 +7,"To be sure, Lockett was no angel. He was convicted of first-degree murder for shooting a young woman, Stephanie Neiman, and watching as accomplices buried her alive. And according to The Associated Press:",6 +5,An action without precedent,4 +1,'Gun tourism' booms in U.S.;,0 +13,Guns cast shadow on governor's race in Va.,12 +7,sheriff,6 +11,Political Drama Re-enacts Moments in a Death Chamber,10 +8,HEARING TO MOVE UNA-SUSPECT,7 +6,Included in the ban: 19 specific guns and specifications that could outlaw more than 100 others. The ban could take effect as soon as it's signed by President Clinton - as early as next month. Only guns made before the law takes effect could be traded after.,5 +7,"""She was the driving force behind the crime,"" Porter said. ""Our position all along was that Owen was merely the weapon."" Gissendaner was convicted of murder for plotting the February 1997 stabbing death of her husband, Doug, whose body went undiscovered in the remote woods of eastern Gwinnett for nearly two weeks.",6 +6,Smoking compromise elusive,5 +5,"In a revised and expanded order, Piazza said that no one was harmed by the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. He rejected the state's request to put his decision on hold, saying gay couples would be harmed by that action. +",4 +13,"panel chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif. + +FDA Commissioner David Kessler ",12 +13,Anxious Senate Democrats quietly celebrated former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's announcement this week that he plans to spend $50 million this year to build a grass-roots network pushing for new gun controls.,12 +3,"No wonder Catholics are confused. They never know where the holy ball is marked. That sure makes it hard to be a holy roller. +",2 +6,Even Popular Gun Law Proposals Have a Tough Road in Florida,5 +13,TURN BIG GOVERNMENT LOOSE FOR KIDS,12 +11,Don't expect to see Joe Camel ads in Mother Jones anytime soon.,10 +13,Walker OK's rules for concealed guns,12 +5,"Now the Supreme Court is being asked to say that locking up juveniles and throwing away the key is cruel and unusual - and thus, unconstitutional. Other than in death penalty cases, the justices never before have found that a penalty crossed the cruel and unusual line. They will hear arguments today.",4 +1," tobacco's allegedly central role in Virginia's economy. Farmers are moving away from tobacco: Only 5.7 percent of the commonwealth's farm income is now traceable to tobacco, which hardly justifies the unmatched tax privileges extended to this commodity. Moreover, Virginia's economy is shifting rapidly to the high-technology and service sectors.",0 +9,Defendants must prove mental incompetence,8 +13,"Political leaders in South Carolina, Alabama and elsewhere have led efforts to take down the flag",12 +12,"N.C. SCHOOL TO RAFFLE OFF GUNS CRITICIZED, ACADEMY CITES HUNTING'S ROLE IN AREA'S CULTURE",11 +10,"The sight of his death made three witnesses -- a lawyer, a detective and a television reporter -- leave the viewing room.",9 +5,"The bottom line is, despite two bad Supreme Court rulings, the court did not find a constitutional right to redefine marriage, and citizens in the states can still engage in the marriage debate,"" John Helmberger, chairman of Minnesota for Marriage, said in a statement. +",4 +5,"In a key test of the constitutional rights of illegal aliens, the Supreme Court agreed today to decide whether Texas can refuse to provide a free public education for their children.",4 +13,Governor inks civil union law,12 +5," If the U.S. Supreme Court ends the legal challenge to California's ban on same-sex marriage, San Francisco city officials want to be prepared for a deluge of attention and couples ready to tie the knot.",4 +13,Bush supports capital punishment.,12 +10,"As the national debate continues on how best to keep young people from smoking, sixth grade teachers at Public School 219 in Flushing, Queens, are working hard to persuade their 11 and 12-year-old students never to start.",9 +9,"SMOKING EASES SCHIZOPHRENIA, STUDY CLAIMS",8 +5,PERFECT TOGETHER. N.J. COURT OKS SAME-SEX NUPS BUT LEAVES IT TO POLS,4 +13,"FORMER President George H.W. Bush served as a witness at a same-sex wedding over the weekend. +",12 +11,"And he reflected the view of his incredulous audience that American society would tolerate so much violence - to the point where ""going postal"" has become a universally understood addition to American jargon - without widespread calls for some sort of regulatory action.",10 +1,"Balfour said many of the newly documented workers now will pay taxes, and those taxes would help offset the expenses.",0 +7,ATF UNVEILS ONLINE TOOL TO HELP COPS TRACE GUNS USED IN CRIMES,6 +15,"'Guns' backfire +",14 +12, A small gathering of gun control supporters were outside of the convention in Houston.,11 +7,Tenant alleges abuse by deputy,6 +9,"Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years",8 +6,"I would also restrict or ban gun sales at firearms shows and by mail or the Internet, where the greatest abuses take place. It would also make sense to ban the sale and/or importation of machine guns and other weapons that have the sole purpose of mowing down as many people as possible.",5 +9,CIG FIRE KILLS SENIOR IN CAR,8 +13,"Californians overwhelmingly approved a ban on the recognition of same-sex marriages, as well as a laundry list of laws that stiffen penalties for adolescent offenders and make it easier to try youths as adults.",12 +6,Thousand Oaks shooting: Why didnt Californias strict gun laws stop it?,5 +13,"CLINTON SEEKS CHANGES TO $ 368 BILLION DEAL, LEAVING ACCORD IN DOUBT",12 +13,"Opponents had hoped their campaign would bring out enough of the town's 2,250 voters to defeat the ordinance at the special election.",12 +10,"However, when these people come forward asking for economic benefits, political benefits or demanding our moral acceptance of their actions (based on sexual behavior only) then their actions are no longer private and they have stepped over the line of my acceptance",9 +5,"California Supreme Court justices listened skeptically Tuesday to arguments that San Francisco's mayor had the right to defy state law when he issued marriage licenses to 4,000 gay couples this year.",4 +10," have already broken up families and forcibly removed productive, long-standing members of our communities",9 +9,"sensible reforms that will help keep our children safe.""",8 +5,"Scalia calls death penalty ruling political Unelected judges shouldn't decide such issues, he says",4 +12,NAACP endorses same-sex marriage,11 +9,"Nebraska school urges students not to fly American flags on their cars, 'out of an abundance of caution'",8 +13,"Sunnyvale officially places 'sensible gun measures' on November ballot +",12 +5,"Massachusetts' highest court, the Supreme Judicial Court, ruled 4-3 in November that same-sex couples had a right under the state constitution to the benefits of marriage, and last week it ruled by the same 4-3 split that only marriage - not civil union - would satisfy its initial decision. +",4 +5," Jury selection has begun. +",4 +6,Plan to Cut and Raise Taxes Is Contentious in Maryland,5 +6,Another ding in DOMA,5 +7,Border Patrol Agent Charged With Murder,6 +4,"Overcoming blatantly unconstitutional laws is only a first step in the never-ending march toward justice. It is in the decades that follow that discriminatory policies can become more illusory. That's when, even if the net effect of a law is that it is discriminatory, the law itself may not be seen as such. In this murky period intent can be deemed unknowable and effect can be deemed inadvertent. +",3 +6,"People at risk for suicide, like Hanna, should have the option to make it more difficult for themselves to buy a gun during a suicidal crisis",5 +10,"About 100 high-school students in the St. Louis area are finishing the school year knowing they can tackle great obstacles, make sacrifices and reach a goal that will lead to a healthier lifestyle. All of them made the commitment to quit smoking. + +Some who began the eight-week smoking-cessation program through BJC Health System were two-pack-a-day smokers. More than one-third of the students in the program say they now are smoke-free. The others have drastically reduced the number of cigarettes they smoke daily. + +For an hour each week they have met as a group with a BJC community-school health educator at their school. The program ran at Pattonville Positive School, Hancock Middle and High schools, Lindbergh Academy, Cleveland NJROTC Academy, Seckman High School and Fox High School. + +Through the support-group sessions, students not only learned about the dangers of smoking but also how to take charge of their lives. They learned how to put mind over matter. Willpower, stamina and self-confidence occupied their attention for two months. For some of the students, it was the biggest hurdle they had tackled as teen-agers. + +The students learned the top 100 reasons to quit smoking",9 +9,"""Without a doubt, because of the health issue,""",8 +5,Man granted 3rd murder trial,4 +7,Homeowner kills burglar,6 +9, don't apply to persons of well-below-average measured intelligence.,8 +13," Thank you Mr. President.""",12 +10,WORDING OF THE PROPOSALS Making partnerships eligible for city benefit,9 +5,U.S. Court of Appeals ruling easing the ban.,4 +13,House Bill 859 has already been embraced by House Speaker David Ralston,12 +5,"Boudreau after Boudreau took his appeal to the Florida Supreme Court and won + +Amos a new trial.",4 +5,"Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, said he could recall no instance in which federal authorities made statements favorable to a defendant or offered to retest evidence so late in a capital case, putting unusual pressure on state officials.",4 +6,Their new language is at least as ambiguous as their old wording.,5 +15,A milestonein New York,14 +6,FINDING A WAY TO CIRCUMVENT DEATH PENALTY,5 +11,Traditional marriage helped America succeed,10 +15,Death likely on docket,14 +15,Armed with a plan,14 +5,"But in a series of motions made public yesterday, Muhammad's attorneys argue that Malvo told investigators that he pulled the trigger in that killing.",4 +9,"""I realize that smoking is not good for anyone's health,"" she said. ""I would never encourage anyone to take it up, and I wish I had never started. I do not smoke in my office now.""",8 +15,BARNHART OUT,14 +9,health care benefits,8 +11,'Under the Gun' doesn't flinch from giving both sides of emotional issue,10 +7, local police do only spot checks.,6 +6,No smoking on hospital premises,5 +13,Senate panel to take up Brady Bill,12 +5,"DOMA is one of two issues at stake this week in the cases before the Supreme Court, where Golinski has a seat in the chamber, according to an article by Federal Diary columnist Joe Davidson. The other issue is California's Proposition 8 ban on gay marriage. +",4 +13,"When Hillary Rodham Clinton wags a finger at Julia Roberts for glamorizing smoking in movies, she should look closer to home. The lobbying roster for the tobacco deal is so top-heavy with big-name Democrats that it reads like the guest list for a White House soiree. Even the first lady's own brother, Hugh Rodham, a Florida lawyer, was cut in.",12 +11,"One of the settlement's key goals is to cut teen-age smoking sharply, by 30 percent over five years and 60 percent over the next decade. And like the California program, one of its main tools is a broad ""counter advertising"" campaign.",10 +9,arguing mental defects and disease drove him to kill.,8 +13,Excerpts From Governor's Speech on Commutations,12 +7,Crack down on ownership of heavy weapons,6 +13,Gov. Gerald L. Baliles,12 +13,Trump suggests illegal immigrants will vote as parties clash over voter access;,12 +13,"Mexican Worker in Trump Hotel Criticizes Candidate, on Video",12 +15,PURSE-SNATCHING FOILED,14 +10,"Slain officer's widow, returning to speak, still feels pain of loss",9 +7,'SLICK RICK' WALTERS FREED AFTER 17 MONTHS OF DETENTION,6 +11, according to an analysis by the Southern California News Group.,10 +5,Appeals court plansto reconsider gun ban,4 +1,"""embarrass"" tobacco companies.",0 +10,"When they walked back in the house that evening, Michael asked family members if his parents' lives had been spared. When he didn't get a direct answer, he knew his worst fears had been realized.",9 +5,The jury deliberated about eight hours over two days before deciding that he should be executed.,4 +7,Ex-aide for Gibbons gets prison term,6 +4, racial bias in jury selection,3 +11,"An essay published this week by the Brookings Institution revealed that Americans have stockpiled almost half of the privately owned firearms in the world. Also? The U.S. boasts 88 guns per 100 people, by far the highest rate of private gun ownership on Earth. Next on the list is Yemen, with 55 guns per 100 people",10 +8,Concealed carry has not brought violence to their streets but has had exactly the opposite effect.,7 +7, The agency said new guns reaching the hands of young criminals from straw purchasers made up between 25 percent and 36 percent of all firearms recovered from juveniles over the last three years.,6 +5,District court declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional (Updated),4 +5,Supreme Court right place to decide Prop. 8,4 +13,Did President Obama get his hands on an early copy of Sing You Home?,12 +7,"If the jury of seven women and five men finds Mr. Williams guilty of the most serious counts, the jurors would then be asked to rule on his punishment, whether life imprisonment or death.",6 +11,Gay adoption begins its fifth year Gay adoption: turning point,10 +1,"The outcome of that effort may affect the company's Quest product. Introduced in 2003, Quest is a sold in several varieties, including as a low-nicotine and no-nicotine cigarette. The brand, which is made at Liggett's manufacturing site in Mebane, is sold in eight states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Arizona. In 2004, Vector postponed indefinitely plans for a national launch of the product.",0 +11,"The gun lobby may have bushwhacked actor Martin Sheen. Worse still, Sheen's own brother is the hired gun.",10 +2,Panel to urge reductions in immigration,1 +11,"In those communities, youth",10 +7,Clinton prepares crackdown on smugglers of illegal aliens,6 +15,Thinking Right; Immigration: what's the story here?,14 +3,I don't think this is right.,2 +6,Gay couples would apply for the new status the same way their heterosexual counterparts now apply for a marriage license,5 +11," Although the A.T.F. did not think to invoke the act in this case, it has in the past interpreted ""sporting purposes"" to mean traditional sports such as hunting, target shooting and skeet shooting. ",10 +5,"When you go to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, you can pack your ID, toothbrush and lunch. + +But you still can't pack heat. + +That was the verdict --- at least temporarily --- of U.S. District Judge Marvin Shoob, who denied a temporary injunction to prevent the city of Atlanta from enforcing its 30-year ban on concealed weapons at Hartsfield-Jackson. +",4 +13,Dems fight back with a filibuster,12 +13,"The Senate is expected to vote on giving the bill final approval today. The bill must then pass in the House of Representatives, which is likely to take it up on Monday.",12 +3,"f justice had been done in the first place, Fred Tokars would have been sentenced to death. And therein lies the problem. If he is guilty, he should pay with his life for murdering his wife. +",2 +15,Backtrack Time,14 +9,SLOW BURN OVER SAFE CIGARETTES,8 +5,"In April, Rep. Nathan Deal, a Republican who is also a candidate for governor of Georgia, proposed H.R. 1868, the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009. It seeks to amend immigration law so that babies born in the United States would be granted citizenship only if one of the parents is a U.S. citizen or national, is a legal permanent resident or is serving in the U.S. armed forces. The legislation currently has 77 co-sponsors, 76 Republicans and one Democrat.",4 +6," prohibiting the governments from applying any ""requirement or prohibition based on smoking and health"" to cigarette advertising.",5 +7,"The woman, Renee Nicely, who had her first child at the age of 14, faces the death penalty, and Allen G. Bass, the 21-year-old father of her children, could get up to 20 years in prison. Their son, Shawn Nicely, was beaten to death in the couple's Irvington apartment last Sept. 26. +",6 +3," just sentence for Moussaoui +",2 +3,Many members of the nation's largest Presbyterian denomination are in a pitched battle over how their church will treat homosexuals who wish to have their same-sex unions blessed.,2 +11,"""What's different now is we are more dependent than ever on immigrants. We don't have people coming in large numbers from the South or from Puerto Rico,"" said Joseph Salvo, a senior city planner.",10 +5,Justice Beclouded,4 +5,"While the Supreme Court awaits a ninth justice,tie votes of 4-to-4 have blocked decisions in some instances. But not when the Court grinds out orders that send condemned prisoners to the executioner. An anomaly in the Court's rules, coupled with the determination of four justices to get on with executions, is producing death decrees from a deadlocked tribunal.",4 +9,Mental Illness and Gun Violence,8 +6,Guest-Worker Program Part of Government's Immigration Plan,5 +5,"In Georgia, the Parole Board has the sole authority to grant clemency to a condemned inmate.",4 +13,White House softens tone on gun control after Trump meets with NRA,12 +13,Gay marriage hasn't been nearly the force in the presidential race this year that it was in 2004,12 +5,High-court rebuke for Ga.,4 +5,RULING MOVES CARPENTER CLOSER TO EXECUTION DECIDED IN 1984 TRIAL COURT UPHOLDS KILLER'S CONVICTION,4 +9," which include health and dental coverage and funeral leave, ",8 +2," The 38,000-square-foot building will have phones and computers for public use and space for twice as many employees, said CIS Director Emilio Gonzalez, who came from Washington, D.C., on Jan. 18 to attend a groundbreaking for the new office.",1 +13," It would help if the state's two supposedly moderate Republican senators, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, who is retiring, would stand up against forces of intolerance within their party by publicly supporting the referendum.",12 +11,Top this: A gay ceremony,10 +12,"About 100 people from St. Louis and Kansas City crowded into the governor's office Tuesday to show support for the gun-control measure. They sported yellow cards saying, ""Stop the Violence, Save our Children.""",11 +5,"Much hinges on how the justices interpret the Second Amendment, which says: ''A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'' +",4 +5,Gun control gets hearing in South,4 +8,"The Peace Corps has suspended its half-century-old program in El Salvador, highlighting the violence that has racked the Central American nation and helped propel a wave of migration to the United States.",7 +6,More gay-marriage bans fall - in Idaho and Nevada,5 +11, Confederate flag's future uncertain,10 +7,"More than 13,000 Arab and Muslim men who registered with immigration authorities this year are facing deportation.",6 +10,have for years deliberately increased nicotine levels in cigarettes to make them more addictive,9 +9,"After a month of tests, the authorities revealed last week that Miguel A. Valoy-Nunez, a seemingly healthy 40-year-old awaiting deportation, died of pneumonia and a viral infection two days after he first complained of chest pain and a consistent cough. Nurses at the immigration detention center on Varick Street treated him as if he had a cold and he was never checked by a doctor, Federal health officials have said.",8 +5,"Moving swiftly, gay marriage foes Friday appealed a San Francisco federal judge's order this week finding the U.S. government's ban on same-sex marriage benefits unconstitutional.",4 +5,Civil-liberties and immigration advocates sued federal officials yesterday on behalf of children confined to a Texas center for immigrant families awaiting possible deportation.,4 +5,"On Monday, Wall cross-examined the prosecution witnesses, at times suggesting they were wrong or mistaken about certain details of his crimes. It was not always easy to follow his logic.",4 +7,"George Anthony Battle was condemned to die for the Dec. 21, 1994, bludgeoning death of guard D'Antonio Washington. Battle, 36, fatally struck Washington, 31, in the back of the head with a ball-peen hammer.",6 +5, A federal judge will rule on this within about two months.,4 +13,"Scads of suburban Republicans stood up to their party and the National Rifle Association by supporting the plan to require gun owners to report lost or stolen weapons. This even though straw buying and the bloodshed that illegal guns cause is often derided as an ""urban"" problem.",12 +6,"The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act gives the FDA comprehensive, effective authority to oversee the tobacco industry",5 +10,Smokeout promises one day of freedom,9 +4,. They say the halt is needed to give lawmakers time to evaluate a recent University of Maryland study that found prosecutors in Maryland are far more likely to seek the death penalty for black suspects charged with killing white victims than for anyone else.,3 +13,"- President Obama may be tilting at windmills, but the wind is at his back.",12 +5,A central Georgia judge has ordered evidence in Felker's case,4 +13,Gay-marriage foes avoid lobby rules;,12 +7,"hose murder conviction was recently overturned walked out of jail today, nearly 12 years after he was sentenced to life in prison for the killing of a deputy. +",6 +15,"Someone is blowing smoke +",14 +15,DIGEST,14 +13,The measure was passed on a 28-21 vote. Four Republicans crossed party lines and voted with majority Democrats for the measure. Three Democrats voted against it.,12 +13,How Robert Casey became a believer in gun control,12 +15,WHERE THERE'S (CIGAR) SMOKE,14 +5,Lawyers question firm's withdrawal,4 +13,GRAMM LETTER HELPING NRA QUESTIONED,12 +10," as well as our social, well-being.""",9 +13,"Lefties can't enjoy this spectacle too much, however, since they're equally, if not as publicly, divided themselves.",12 +12,Opponents of same-sex marriage usually make two arguments in support of the position that the state has a compelling interest in prohibiting gay men and lesbians from marrying.,11 +1, has won a $ 2.2 million verdict,0 +5," +Voorhis testified during the final day of a U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board hearing Thursday. He is appealing his termination. Administrative Judge Jeremiah Cassidy is expected to render a decision within 30 to 45 days.",4 +5,"At issue in the Schwab case, as in the Kentucky case, are the constitutionality of the methods used for carrying out lethal injection and the standard by which courts should evaluate the evidence that lethal injection is constitutional.",4 +1,SUPERVISOR WANTS PROBE OF CHURCH'S TAX STATUS,0 +5,"Jury back to decide Morris' sentence +",4 +8,"''We must not allow deadly weapons to fall into deadly hands,'' he said.",7 +12,Student walkout over guns poses balancing act for schools,11 +13,ASSEMBLY OKS STATEWIDE SMOKING RESTRICTIONS THAT WIPE OUT LOCAL LAWS,12 +13,The measure passed on a 108-33 vote and now moves to the Senate for more debate.,12 +1,PHILIP MORRIS LOOKED FOR SCIENTISTS TO TILT SECONDHAND SMOKE DEBATE,0 +7,"In arrests that took more than a year to pull off, the Immigration and Naturalization Service in St. Louis apprehended 29 illegal immigrants from India working at hotels and doughnut shops in the area.",6 +10,"Calls to tobacco quit line top 10,000",9 +10,Other victims' relatives have been inspired to oppose death penalty,9 +13, Clinton's anti-gun agenda has clear goal of confiscation,12 +1,the most U.S. guns sold.,0 +1," +Cherry and chocolate cigarillos no longer welcome at Santa Clara County retailers",0 +1,Corporate America Weighs In on Treatment of Gay Couples,0 +13, Clinton told officials from 35 cities gathered at the White House,12 +5,JURY SPARES LIFE OF BOYS' KILLER VERDICT IS LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT PAROLE FOR,4 +6,A measure that would have put a same-sex marriage ban on the November ballot,5 +8, waiting period,7 +10," +LEAD DOMA PLAINTIFF REJOICES",9 +13,Whether any legislators' minds were changed remains to be seen.,12 +7,7 Are Charged With Conspiracy in Illegal Gun Trade,6 +12,Activists start hunger strike outside basilica,11 +5," +No-death deal in Ariz. shoots",4 +11," She is one of approximately 50,000 undocumented Irish living in the five boroughs.",10 +13,Szeliga says she won't back tougher gun-control bills,12 +15,"'It's Going to Pass,' Quinn Tearfully Told Her Partner",14 +7,"Clarence E. Hill, convicted of killing a police officer in 1982, died by lethal injection Wednesday evening",6 +3,Black pastors back Md. marriage law,2 +7,The assailant used a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun with an illegal 3 0-round clip,6 +13,"Trump, Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astornio and failed 2010 gubernatorial candidate Carl Palladino tried to stoke their fury. + +""He took away your rights, you take away his job,"" Astorino said. +",12 +5,"Prosecutors began arguing to Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Philip Federico that certain ""aggravating circumstances"" exist that make the death penalty a legally appropriate sentence for Wall. They called five witnesses to testify on Monday and will call more Tuesday.",4 +4,"When more than two of three death-penalty verdicts in the nation are overturned on appeal because of serious trial errors, it's time for Americans to insist on an overhaul of the capital-punishment system. Georgians are even more justified in demanding a shake-up because capital convictions here have been found to be fatally flawed four times out of five.",3 +6,The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 changed all that.,5 +1,"FILLING THE LABOR GAP; VISA PROCESS CUMBERSOME, EMPLOYERS SAY",0 +13,"Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) conceded in an interview Wednesday that the gun control compromise he crafted with Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) isn't going to pass in the Senate, but his office later backed off that assertion. +",12 +5,"On Wednesday, St. Louis Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer approved Gardner's motion for a special prosecutor. +",4 +10,"Judd was laid off from Chrysler on July 30 after the automaker said it was unable to find a place for her to work because of her sensitivity to smoke and fumes. At the time, workers were permitted to smoke throughout the plant. Judd complained that it was impossible for her to breathe. +",9 +5,The issue has come to the fore with a recent state court decision saying Colorado's 2003 concealed-carry law did not specifically give higher education institutions the power to ban guns on campus.,4 +5,"""It's clear that the implication is that if it's not legal in this case, it should not be legal in any case,"" said Michele Garnett McKenzie, acting director of refugee and immigrant programs for Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. ""We hope this will encourage the INS to stop this illegal practice and put on hold any plans for removals they may have.""",4 +5,It supports the right to bear arms as protected in the Second Amendment.,4 +11, No Marlboro Man Here,10 +7, jails,6 +7,"U.S. Immigration to form 3 N.C. agent teams; Their job: Deport smugglers, criminal illegal immigrants",6 +13,"Some members of Congress, it seems, never get tired of trying to take money away from poor children.",12 +12,DEMANDS FOR ACTION GET LOUDER AT CAPITOL,11 +13,"The bill previously passed the state Senate and now heads to Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, who is expected to sign it into law within two weeks.",12 +1, I started a company,0 +2,"As of March 31, the U.S. government had admitted 8,093 refugees. By this time last year, 31,549 refugees had been resettled in the United States.",1 +12,Reaction to Morgenthau's decision was mixed.,11 +13,"Durell Peaden, a former Republican senator from Crestview and one of the bill's sponsors, claimed that Zimmerman ""lost his defense"" under the law when he started following Martin",12 +11,MAJOR CHANGE IN IMMIGRATION TO CITY IS SEEN,10 +9,"2 workers killed in second van accident; Following Monday's deadly crash in Wilmington, a van carrying 18 Hispanic laborers overturned in Lehigh County.",8 +1,"says its goal is to alert travelers, not scare off tourists who are vital to the state's economy. ",0 +13,NRA ads blast 'nanny' Bloomy,12 +9,"In announcing the findings, Health and Human Services Secretary Louis W. Sullivan said, ""I can't think of a more compelling reason for parents to quit smoking than ensuring their children's chance for a healthy life.""",8 +13,"The measure has already been killed in the Senate, thanks to overwhelming opposition from the public and from Lt. Gov. Pierre Howard. But Thursday a House committee resurrected the measure and sent it on to the Rules Committee, which could soon move it onto the House floor.",12 +13,SENATE PANEL LINKS PRISON BILL TO CIGARETTE TAX,12 +1,Facebook's Sensible Ban on Gun Ads,0 +5,Shooter legally bought shotgun He could not have purchased a handgun.,4 +12,9 OF 10 POLLED FAVOR 7-DAY WAITING PERIOD ON GUN PURCHASE,11 +9,"""You think secondhand smoke is dangerous?",8 +9,Virginia Newborns Get Better Bill of Health -- Mostly,8 +13,I note that the amendment allowing local option for waiting periods at gun shows was passed recently.,12 +9,Start saving lives,8 +6,New laws go into effect in region,5 +15,"Brown, couples urge speedy return to gay marriages",14 +10,A Hard Habit to Break,9 +5,"The opening stages of the court-martial for Sgt. Hasan Akbar, 33",4 +5,"Susan Smith will be in court today to hear a prosecutor announce that he intends to seek her execution if she is convicted of murder in the drowning deaths of her sons, Smith's lawyer said Sunday.",4 +13,"For Lieberman, Guns Are No Easy Target",12 +10,that boosts nicotine cravings.,9 +4,"Dennis Culloton, Ryan's spokesman, said yesterday that the Illinois system is ""fraught with error and has innumerable opportunities for innocent people to be executed."" +",3 +1,"Yes, illegal immigrants often pay taxes, and U.S. tax authorities expect the number who do so will hit an all-time high in 2007. It will put billions of dollars into the federal treasury.",0 +12,"The other side, if you want to call it that, has captured the public forum,"" s",11 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the right of Americans to have guns on Thursday. A new state law taking effect Tuesday will give Georgians with carry licenses the right to take weapons on MARTA, into state parks and into restaurants that serve alcohol.",4 +6,"The law ""does not unduly restrict access by adults to information about the availability and price"" of cigarettes, according to Garcia. Nor does it interfere with powers of the federal government to regulate smoking.",5 +7,"Also yesterday, Prince William County officials gathered DNA samples from Muhammad for comparison with evidence found at several shooting sites. Officials served a search warrant and took swabs from inside Muhammad's cheeks.",6 +5,Assault-Rifle Sales Ban Prompts Legal Confusion,4 +4," Coeur d'Alene has an ordinance banning discrimination based on, among other things, sexual orientation in places of public accommodation.",3 +11,Mass shootings are a tragic fact of life in America,10 +9,"Health advocates cheered the passage of the bill, saying it could prevent thousands of deaths. One in every five Americans uses tobacco, and smoking-related diseases kill nearly half a million people a year -- more than any other preventable cause of death.",8 +13,"Senate clears way for debate on Toomey-Manchin gun bill +",12 +1,more competitive in the global economy,0 +13,Democrats offer gay marriage ban,12 +4,"ey evidence lost in death penalty case +",3 +12,GUN OWNERS ADD E-MAIL TO THEIR ARSENAL THE NETWORK TRACKS LEGISLATION AND BOMBARDS LAWMAKERS,11 +7,Rex Krebs' former girlfriend has asked that he not be put to death for the rape and murder of two San Luis Obispo college students.,6 +12,"nd drawn support for years,",11 +7,"TEACHERS WON'T BE CHARGED UNDER 187, LUNGREN SAYS",6 +6, Missouri law requires me to issue a stay of execution until a judicial determination of the defendant's mental competency is made.,5 +13,Bush Plans To Back Marriage Amendment,12 +13,The Legislature on Tuesday,12 +13,Such dueling rhetoric marked the debate over a measure that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) could sign as early as Tuesday. ,12 +5,"High court could roil '12 election; Justices to tackle immigration, health care, voting-rights cases",4 +13,New York Senate Dallies on Gun Access Bill,12 +7," +Unlawfully carrying a weapon is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $ 3,000 and one year in jail. If the concealed weapon is carried into a liquor store, the crime is a third-degree felony, punishable with one to 10 years in jail and up to a $ 10,000 fine.",6 +3,Polis sets forum on immigration reform Archbishop Charles Chaput will join other leaders in Northglenn on Saturday.,2 +1,the tobacco industry has so carefully planted,0 +9, 'safe storage' legislation,8 +1,"SMOKING BAN HAS SPORADIC POLICING COMMON VIEW: MANY BARS HAPPY WITH LAW +",0 +4,"""until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law - for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well."" +",3 +13,SPECIAL GUN LAW DEFEATED,12 +4,Don't discriminate based on who someone loves,3 +1,"''It's nice to be able to barter and trade with people for different guns, but that could get a lot harder,'' said Charlie Tresize, 41, a collector from Miami.",0 +13," In another dramatic development last month, the generally conservative New Hampshire Legislature voted to abolish the death penalty",12 +6,A Ban Without Bite,5 +3,"Pope praises Latinos, immigrants in remarks to US church",2 +1,retired businessman Robert Cain finds it easy to swallow the idea of an increase in taxes on cigarettes.,0 +9,and help provide health care,8 +13,"JOLLY'S THOUGHTFUL GAY MARRIAGE STAND +",12 +13,A gun law Republicans should like,12 +11,Chinese Christians Are the Focus of Same-Sex Marriage Case,10 +13," +At a hearing here today -- the place better known as the birthplace of ""Wizard of Oz"" star Judy Garland -- a Minnesota House committee on civil law and elections is expected to vote, along party lines, in support of a bill to let voters decide the issue in 2006.",12 +7,The penalty for such an offense would be a fine of $ 25.,6 +13," citing differences of opinion on the committee. ""I think the party is committed to being tough on crime.""",12 +6,Bill calls for doing away with lethal gas as execution option,5 +1," +But the proposed restrictions would harm law-abiding gun collectors who wish to occasionally trade or sell a firearm to other hobbyists, friends or family members.",0 +5,"Under oath, the executives said they didn't think nicotine was addictive, nor that cigarettes could cause disease. And had they manipulated the levels of nicotine in cigarettes? Heaven forbid. Or so they said. Their words are haunting them now that documents unearthed from both Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. and Philip Morris U.S.A. tell a very different story.",4 +13,"In heavily Republican east Cobb, Rep. Sharon Cooper (R-Marietta) said",12 +8,Cut gun checks,7 +5, snuff out more than a dozen other suits now in the courts.,4 +9,"As one college after another extends employee benefits to gay and lesbian faculty members and their dependents, Rutgers University has steadfastly refused to offer health benefits to same-sex domestic partners",8 +13," +GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney told supporters at a fundraiser in Arizona, ""The states, now under this decision, have less authority, less latitude, to enforce immigration law,"" the Associated Press reported. In a statement he said, ""President Obama has failed to provide any leadership on immigration.""",12 +13,"Republican Bob Dole made his chances of becoming the president of our nation minimal by not making a statement ""pro"" or ""con"" on this issue. If he stood up against repealing the weapons ban, he would have gained a tremendous backing from the voters. But, speaking for myself, I don't believe now that he has what it will take to defeat Bill Clinton in November, especially if the repeal goes through and is then vetoed by the president. I am praying for a ""dark horse"" (not Ross Perot) who will come to lead our nation and give it back to the people, not lobbyists.",12 +11,"SELLING SMOKE: TOBACCO ADS A POWERFUL DRAW TO TEENS, STUDY FINDS",10 +5,Ex-Cadet's Murder Trial Begins,4 +8,on expanded gun background checks,7 +5," But a year ago, he was denied a state permit to buy one.",4 +7,Bystander's Death Shows Risks in Gun-Buy Stings,6 +5,People who argue for fewer restrictions on guns base their argument on a misreading of the Constitution. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to carry guns in the context of providing for a state militia. The individual right to have a gun is not unequivocally guaranteed by the Constitution.,4 +9,"Dear Dr. Donohue - My mother is in her early 70s. She has been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD. She had a bronchoscopic exam to remove a mucus plug. She was a very heavy smoker. She still smokes. She thinks her kids don't know, but we have seen the evidence. She is on oxygen. Her doctor thinks she has quit. What does this do to her life expectancy? How long can she live this way? - J.S. + +Answer - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, is two illnesses: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is a harmful stretching and destruction of the millions of air sacs found in the lungs. Through those delicate structures, oxygen reaches the blood. When they are damaged, a person cannot get enough oxygen and becomes breathless on even slight exertion. Chronic bronchitis is inflammation of the air passageways, the bronchi. They fill with thick, pus-filled globs of phlegm. Air cannot pass through them. A cough that produces of sticky, tenacious sputum is its chief sign. + +Cigarette smoking is the major cause of COPD, but not the only one. + +It's hard to watch people ruin their bodies and hasten death. Tell her that the most important treatment for COPD is total abstinence from smoking. Abstinence allows lungs to recover from the damage done from inhaling cigarette smoke. It doesn't achieve a complete reversal overnight. It does prolong life.",8 +13,"Though Dayton has said he and co-sponsor Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., will keep pushing the bill until it becomes law, he hasn't been optimistic about its chances this year. ""I think the odds are against it,"" Dayton has said.",12 +13,"O'Malley details proposal for tighter gun-licensing rules +",12 +13," +Civil unions bill gets past hurdle in House",12 +13,AMBUSHING VOTERS,12 +10," +Furor over gay marriages will backfire",9 +6,"So why do mass shootings keep occurring in California, if the state has such tough gun laws?",5 +13,Veto 'Timely Justice Act',12 +1, immigrants have little trouble finding employment here.,0 +6,"The federal assault weapons ban is set to expire on Monday (''Effort to Renew Weapons Ban Falters on Hill,'' front page, Sept. 9). Its expiration will hamper efforts to maintain New York's historic crime reduction.",5 +10,PLEASE SAVE US!,9 +1,PANEL URGES SPENDING BOOST IN FIGHT AGAINST TEEN SMOKING,0 +3," +Months after a Pennsylvania clergyman was defrocked in a similar case, the leader of the United Methodist Church in the New York City area has canceled the ecclesiastical trial of a minister who officiated at his own son's gay wedding.",2 +5,Marriage and the court,4 +1,"A tobacco-producing state, Maryland actively promoted the crop as part of its agricultural industry until 1993.",0 +14,DON'T COMPARE OUR GUN LAWS TO SOMALIA'S,13 +13,"That is what the new secretary of housing and urban development, and the token African-American in President Trump's cabinet, would have us believe.",12 +8, militarization of the border,7 +15,Is Dora the Explorer an illegal immigrant?,14 +1,Big Tobacco Burned by Cigarette Spots,0 +5,Regardless of the ruling,4 +5," Contrary to all modern legal precedents, the judge, Sam R. Cummings, said the Amendment gives individuals some rights to weapons. He cited new assertions in recent years that the Amendment's history shows it was intended to guarantee individuals such rights.",4 +13,N.J. gov set to sign toughest weapon ban,12 +6,"In our day with our sophisticated penal systems, there can be no reason for continuing executions. ",5 +5,"The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights ruled that the refusal of the church group, the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a Methodist organization that owns a square mile of beachfront property in Ocean Grove, near Asbury Park, to rent the spot to the couple violated the public accommodation provisions of the state's Law Against Discrimination.",4 +5,U.S. Takes Step Toward Tobacco Suit,4 +6,"To the contrary, the new bill would allow smoking in lounges and private offices that use the same air-handling system as nonsmoking areas, and in smoking sections of outdoor restaurants. + +This would continue to expose nonsmoking workers to toxic secondhand smoke -- even with the most modern ventilation technology.",5 +1,"The heavy, nine-pound M-1s are unlikely to be used in street crimes such as drug killings, the program's advocates say, because the main buyers have been and likely will continue to be gun collectors who must be trained in shooting rifles and pass a stringent background investigation. +",0 +5,VISAS URGED FOR DEAF MEXICANS / THE IMMIGRANTS WERE SMUGGLED INTO NEW YORK FOR FORCED LABOR. THEY BEGGED AND SOLD TRINKETS.,4 +5,"Mr. Buck is the only one who has not been granted a new sentencing hearing. The state district attorney in charge in Mr. Buck's case refused to admit that the use of race was a constitutional error that required a new hearing. By the time the case got to federal court, there was a new Texas attorney general who refused to abide by Mr. Cornyn's judgment. +",4 +5,HIS $12M SUIT CALLS BELL ATLANTIC BIASED,4 +11,"As the battle over gay marriage rages, the fog of culture war is producing diverse confusions.",10 +5, will prosecutors seek the death penalty against her?,4 +9,"The tobacco industry refused to cooperate with government efforts to reduce deaths and disease caused by smoking, the surgeon general under former President Jimmy Carter testified Wednesday.",8 +5,the lawsuit,4 +5,FLA. HIGH COURT SPARES LIFE OF MAN WHO KILLED ST. LUCIE WOMAN,4 +12,"With Bill, State Shifts Its Views On Marriage",11 +10,ANY TWO CAN SAY 'WE DO' IN P.A. CITY WILL REGISTER DOMESTIC PARTNERS,9 +4,"By issuing the guidelines, the United States joined the United Nations and Canada in recognizing that women may experience gender-based discrimination that in some cases rises to the level necessary for refugee status, the Immigration and Naturalization Service said.",3 +10,Now they serve as role models for other teen smokers who want to quit.,9 +13," +MIKE'S ADS TARGET GUNS - AND POLS",12 +1,"Kaplan noted the aging U.S. population elevates the role immigrants play in providing employers an adequate workforce. Many firms already have complained that with the unemployment rate at a 10-year low of 4.4%, they've struggled to find enough workers, curtailing their output and economic growth broadly.",0 +15,Marriage is not a fairy tale,14 +9,Tobacco Chemicals Linger in Babies,8 +15,Where There's Smoke ...,14 +6,New Wisconsin law won't change Lambeau Field's gun ban,5 +4,Byron then made a decision that could be unconstitutional and certainly is unfair,3 +5,Same-sex ruling upheld by judge,4 +14,will drive to the next town to an establishment that allows smoking.,13 +12," in hopes that the North Georgia residents weren't influenced by publicity about the deaths of Tara Cantrell, 19, and her mother, Mildred Cantrell, 41.",11 +13,THE CONTINUING DEBATE OVER GUN CONTROL,12 +13,President Clinton yesterday requested legislation,12 +12,"In grief, marching for change",11 +10,the half-sister of one of his victims unleashed a six-minute tirade against Bolin and his wife.,9 +11,HUMIDOR MAKER FOLLOWS BILLOWING TREND CIGAR BOXES HIT A NICHE IN YUPPIE CRAZE,10 +5,Court Refuses to Hear Killer's Appeal,4 +13,"Congressional lawmakers will be briefed on the proposals this week, and a House subcommittee is expected to discuss them Wednesday. +",12 +8,"The changes focus on California's Imperial Valley, which has become an increasingly popular but perilous crossing point since a crackdown on illegal immigration closer to the Pacific Ocean.",7 +5,"Pruett's testimony was meant to bolster defense of the state's refusal to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a policy Hawaii's Supreme Court all but declared unconstitutional three years ago.",4 +13, during his remarks on the House floor,12 +13,"The proposal is contained in an amendment to a Treasury Department appropriations bill that was passed by a House committee shortly before Congress went on its August recess. The bill could come up for a vote by the full House as early as this week. +",12 +12,"Here's Gallup's version. In 2000, 62 percent wanted stricter gun control. Today, it's 47 percent, and 52 percent either want gun laws kept as their are or scaled back. +",11 +5," +""The debate has to happen at the state level before it can be resolved at the federal level,"" Roach said.",4 +13,The measure passed by a 94-52 vote in the Democratic-controlled Assembly at 4:37 this morning after nearly 12 hours of debate. It passed in the Republican-controlled Senate by a 38-19 vote Monday evening after about four and a half hours of debate.,12 +13,"Relying on Bush, Gun Makers End Talks",12 +13,Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution,12 +11,"In the spring of 1996, players at major league clubhouses around the spring training circuit were visited by a man who had been a center fielder with the Detroit Tigers, the Kansas City Athletics and the Minnesota Twins in an 11-year career during the 1950's and 1960's. He had been an excellent defensive player, and in 1959 he hit .300 for the A's.",10 +13,"Needing 60 votes to overcome a Republican filibuster threat, the Senate voted 68-31 to move ahead -- with 16 GOP senators joining Democrats to overcome the potential procedural blockade.",12 +13,"The Senate has already passed such a bill and the full House is expected to vote on it in the session starting March 3. +",12 +1,Toy gun sellers 'really' hit hard,0 +13,"While a national debate rages over whether to reinstate a federal assault weapons ban similar to California's, East Bay Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner wants the state to track every bullet and shotgun shell sold here. +",12 +7,"At a news conference, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Capt. Ray Peavy displayed row after row of fading photographs of unidentified women taken in the 1970s and 1980s.",6 +13,"""If a special interest has a lot of members and is able to move those members to come out to vote, that's something that in the end could prove to be one of the decisive factors,"" G. Terry Madonna, a political analyst with Millersville University, said yesterday.",12 +13,"Beruff has said he would support whoever the Republican nominee is for president, while noting in regard to Trump that there are ""some things I don't agree with.""",12 +7,TEEN GUILTY IN RAP SLAYING,6 +15,BREATH OF RATIONALITY,14 +13,President Barack Obama was about to announce his proposal for greater gun restrictions.,12 +5,A domestic partnership registry gives same-sex and opposite sex couples documentation of their relationship.,4 +9,DEADLY TRUTH ABOUT GUNS,8 +13,President Barack Obama's historic endorsement of same-sex marriage,12 +5,Herring revokes deal on guns,4 +11,FAMILIAR NAZI PARALLELTWISTED,10 +7," Indictments, like those filed in December 2012 accusing more than 30 people of helping Chinese immigrants with false asylum claims, send a strong message that fraud will not be tolerated. +",6 +9,Secondhand smoke harms everyone,8 +6,"Earlier this year, the General Assembly made tremendous strides in allocating settlement dollars to address the issue of teen smoking. Now Gov. Gilmore has a unique opportunity to protect Virginians and save lives with the tobacco settlement funds. ",5 +13,Two St. Louis men denied a divorce could change same-sex marriage debate,12 +10,"But throughout the Metro East area, he has left grieving relatives of those he killed.",9 +6,"That idea may sound plausible, but the gun lobby knows full well that it's not realistic: national criminal record data bases remain too primitive. That point prevailed in the House, which approved the seven-day waiting period by a handsome margin.",5 +4,"She and Ms. Martela, who is also transgender, had heard enough stories to have reason for concern -- about transgender women kept in isolation or housed in men's units, where sexual assault is not uncommon and harassment is routine, according to numerous accounts published by Human Rights Watch last year.",3 +8,"Immigrant 'capture and release' concerns officials +",7 +4," Mr. Davis has proclaimed his innocence from the beginning but was convicted on testimony that seven out of nine witnesses have recanted; one of the remaining witnesses is alleged to have confessed to the killing. Barring a change of conscience by the Georgia Board of Paroles and Pardons, Mr. Davis will be put to death for the sake of ""closure.""",3 +13,Kingston makes an issue of Connecticut's gun control laws,12 +5," +The Missouri and Louisiana lawsuits are similar to the successful Kentucky legal challenge: Same-sex couples in those states are seeking legal recognition of marriages performed in states or countries that allow them. +",4 +10,KILLER WEEPS AS MAN REMEMBERS SLAIN WIFE,9 +13,"Wham argued that ""the bill as it passed the Senate is a bill that can pass the House."" But the House sponsor disagreed.",12 +8,The Immigration and Naturalization Service on Thursday unveiled an array of new measures and high-tech devices to heighten security and safety along some of the most porous and dangerous stretches of the U.S.-Mexican border.,7 +13," +Since 1994, when Republicans ended 40 years of Democratic House control with the aid of NRA contributions, GOP leaders have promised gun enthusiasts a vote on the ban.",12 +2,"Campbell, Eshoo and delegates for Democratic Reps. Sam Farr and Zoe Lofgren called for the San Jose office to shrink its processing time from one year to no more than 90 to 120 days.",1 +5,JUDGE SINKS MOTION TO GAG BRAUN IN CASE,4 +13,GUN LAW READY FOR VOTE IN HOUSE,12 +12,"Reflecting the American divide over immigration, protesters on both sides stood a few feet from one another near the Capitol shouting chants and exchanging accusations.",11 +13,TALENT DENIES PLACING FLIERS ON CARS AT SYNAGOGUE,12 +7,mass killing in Newtown,6 +5," +The suit, filed in federal court on Friday, alleges 112 Mexican workers were underpaid while they picked fruit for Sorrells Brothers Packing during the past two years.",4 +5,"The Seneca Nation, whose 172 tobacco retailers sell more cigarettes than any other tribe, said it would continue to oppose the state's plans, even after the ruling Monday, which upheld Judge Richard J. Arcara's denial in October of an injunction sought by the Senecas, Cayugas, Unkechaug, St. Regis Mohawks and Oneidas. Judge Arcara had issued a stay of his ruling pending appeal.",4 +1,"All of that comes, of course, with a price tag. A big one.",0 +1,A $206 billion,0 +13, A death penalty bill languished in the last session of the Legislature.,12 +13,"Clarke introduced the bills in 2004, but they languished as Council waited for Harrisburg to, as he put it, ""come around.""",12 +13,"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said yesterday that the city had reached agreements with six out-of-state gun dealers, who agreed to let court officials monitor their operations to prevent illegal gun sales. He said that New York had sued 12 additional gun stores to demand similar oversight.",12 +6,Mall says the butts stop here No-smoking policy takes effect Aug. 1,5 +5,"Koster's lawyers also filed a document seeking to speed the case through the legal system, saying the issue ""is one that affects Recorders of Deeds not just in the City of St. Louis, but in all 114 Missouri counties.""",4 +5,"Despite the heavyweight legal talents, Minnesota has invested little money in this legal contest, which is scheduled for trial in January. Although state officials won't give an exact figure, they say public outlays for the litigation are limited mainly to the salary of one attorney who oversees the case, plus expenses for collecting documents demanded by the tobacco industry.",4 +12,THOUSANDS OF people marched across the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday - charging the same congressmen and women who let the government shut down are blocking desperately needed immigration reform.,11 +6,"he initiative would ban same-sex marriage in California and, many in the gay community worried, could pave the way to roll back gains in domestic-partner benefits.",5 +5,"The ruling by Judge John Jones III, which came one day after a similar ruling in Oregon and barely a week after others in Arkansas and Idaho, added a major Northeast state to the same-sex marriage juggernaut triggered by two landmark Supreme Court decisions last June. +",4 +7,Indians Skirt State Tobacco Measures,6 +5,Circuit Judge Robert Tyson Jr. scheduled sentencing for Sept. 26.,4 +5,Their lawsuit and others like it,4 +6,"Airlines, ships must give passenger lists to INS",5 +5,Kevin Riordan: Plaintiffs' take: 'Civil unions don't work',4 +5,Judge sides with San Mateo County over guns in parks,4 +5,"Regarding the May 29 editorial, ''Good And Bad In Crime Bill,'' one argument condemns the curtailment of our Fourth Amendment rights while another applauds infringements on our Second Amendment rights.",4 +13,"The House, in a move that could affect more than 1 million aliens residing in the United States, voted Wednesday to suspend for three years the deportation of illegal immigrants from three nations torn by civil strife",12 +13,Gun-control proposal passes in state House,12 +6,The amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968 took effect Oct. 1 and prohibits those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from owning or possessing a gun.,5 +3,'Goldilocks' faith serves lukewarm mush,2 +1,HOME GUN SALES CRITICIZED NEWARK PANEL URGES LIMITS ON BUSINESSES,0 +7,"""Somebody pushed somebody else,"" Hillsborough County Commissioner Les Miller told me this week. ""And somebody took out a gun and started shooting. And shot five people.""",6 +5,"Elian Gonzalez's Miami relatives asked a full federal appeals court yesterday to hear their plea to keep the boy in the United States, arguing that decisions by the Immigration and Naturalization Service are not necessarily law and can be overturned by the courts.",4 +13,Is America becoming more socially liberal?,12 +5,"This case, which is being followed closely by Somalis locally and nationwide, has resulted in divergent opinions from two federal appeals courts -- one siding with Jama's argument, the other with the government.",4 +7,illegal,6 +7,"Federal law enforcement officials have broken up a large smuggling ring that used a Los Angeles-based bus company to transport illegal immigrants from U.S. cities near the Mexican border to locations around the western United States, Attorney General John D. Ashcroft announced yesterday.",6 +5,DAUGHTER TAKES THE STAND IN MURDER CASE AGAINST FATHER,4 +7,"The Sheriff's Department has received 650 mailed applications and more than 500 telephone calls from Missourians since Monday, officials said.",6 +5,accorded free-speech protections,4 +13,PRESIDENT REBUTS SOME G.O.P. THEMES ON ECONOMIC WOES,12 +5,TOBACCO SETTLEMENTS,4 +9,"In D.C., the Hazards of Hookah",8 +1,"""It's costing the state of Florida a small fortune,""",0 +5, permit.,4 +6,"Death penalty: Sudden speed, then a delay",5 +3,"Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods in announcing the settlement said: ""I believe this is the beginning of the end for this conspiracy of lies and deception that has been perpetrated on the American public. Someone is finally telling the truth."" +",2 +5,Pr. George's Man Guilty Of Slaying D.C. Officer,4 +5," +The court rejected a 2009 city Board of Health resolution requiring tobacco retailers to display signs with graphic images showing the adverse health effects of smoking. The court said the resolution is pre-empted by the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, enacted in 1965. +",4 +5,The most frustrating thing about sitting back for three years watching judges and lawyers argue that on-stage smoking should be protected as free speech is how painfully evident it is how little time they have actually spent in a theater.,4 +7,"State Police. In minutes, an officer at a State Police computer terminal will determine if the purchaser has a criminal record.",6 +1,"Besides, the longer the industry stonewalls",0 +15,"First a Raid, Then a Guard",14 +15,What's ahead for same-sex marriage?,14 +9,in whose hospital he nearly died of a gunshot wound to the chest.,8 +7,"""THESE KILLINGS HAVE TO STOP"" : PARTICIPANTS VOW TO BE MORE POLITICALLY ACTIVE",6 +5,STATES NEED TO STEP IN WHEN FEDS FAIL,4 +13,REPUBLICANS DIDN'T START MARRIAGE-MEASURE DRIVE,12 +5,Special report Federal court is mixed on gun rights,4 +13, Gov. John W. Hickenlooper of Colorado will weigh in on the legislation he signed to legalize civil unions and regulate guns.,12 +13,Commentary: Bloomberg has little to show for millions spent on gun control,12 +13,Bob Dole vs. the N.R.A.,12 +9,Mentally ill inmate may be executed,8 +1,EASTERN EUROPEANS LEARNIN' TO EARN HERE,0 +5,"Lawyers for as many as 700,000 ill and dying smokers urged the Florida Supreme Court on Wednesday to restore a record-shattering $145 billion verdict against the tobacco industry, or at least a portion of it.",4 +5,"This is especially critical when it comes to our criminal courts, which must be allowed to work properly and deliberately in order to protect the innocent, convict the guilty and provide just punishment. If judges cannot make life-or-death decisions based on the law without looking over their shoulders for threats of retaliation, they cannot uphold the Constitution and protect Americans' rights.",4 +13,"After a day of soul-searching, Georgia Republican leaders decided today's speech by a top official of the National Rifle Association will go on as planned, despite concerns that it might inflame tensions following the school shooting this week in Rockdale County. +",12 +5,FLA. GUN PERMIT WOES WORSEN,4 +1,saying the state's tourist economy depends,0 +7,Va. advocate accused of defrauding immigrants who sought legal help,6 +13,Trump controls,12 +5,"Simpson has already pleaded not guilty to those charges in Municipal Court, claiming he was at home at the time of the murders waiting for a limousine to take him to the airport for a previously arranged business trip to Chicago.",4 +12,"Diane Pardoe, of Lawrenceville, was one of thousands of Georgians who voted in favor of the amendment and rejoiced at its passage. She said she felt strongly about the issue and had brought it up in prayer groups and other Christian groups.",11 +13,"Headed into votes this week, Senate Republicans and Democrats continued to negotiate how the legislation and its amendments, including the Toomey-Manchin measure, will be brought to the floor.",12 +5,Concealed-carry rights may grow,4 +10, It's the suffering the families undergo year after year during that time,9 +9,The health insurance coverage offered to same-sex domestic partners at some Fortune 500 companies is being extended to small businesses in Colorado.,8 +6,"There have to be national standards for certain types of weapons, registration and the like. Cities and states are in no way capable of stopping purchases they ban within their borders.",5 +1,"This includes, most crucially for innovation-dependent cities like New York, the highly skilled workers who will power America's high-tech economy.",0 +7, when Kelly murdered two women and an 11-year-old boy in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.,6 +1,Philip Morris sank $ 3.87 1/2 to $ 87.62 1/2 on several pieces of news,0 +7,Metro Briefing New York: Queens: Arrest In Gun Trafficking,6 +15,BERN'S BONANZA,14 +13,"Now, New Jersey's Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Steve Lonegan, whom Christie has endorsed, will hold a fund-raiser in Camden County in which donors can shoot the same gun for $25 a round. +",12 +5,"The Supreme Court's decision, in an emergency appeal filed yesterday by gay-marriage opponents, did not address the merits of the claim that the state Supreme Judicial Court overstepped its bounds.",4 +13,CLARK OPPOSED TO CONCEALED-WEAPONS LAWS DEMOCRATIC HOPEFUL VISITS GREEN BAY,12 +5,Judge in North Carolina Voids 3 Death Sentences,4 +13,"Same-sex unions, a politics plus",12 +13," +President Donald Trump hasn't been decisive on whether he'd sign a spending bill that did not include funding for his promised border wall. But he raised a related topic in an interview with the Associated Press: declining illegal immigration.",12 +15,What Immigration Crisis?,14 +12,"But over time, Quinnipiac polling has found that the argument for more armed citizens has grown less effective.",11 +9,"Participants, which include the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association and the American Medical Association, are using their own advertising firms to craft separate ads for radio, print and television, according to those close to the drive.",8 +13," Hillary Clinton promised that gun control will be a central plank of her presidential campaign Tuesday, her latest salvo against the gun lobby.",12 +11, nonsmokers,10 +7," They know all they need to know: Manuel Pena Babbitt broke into Leah Schendel's apartment, beat her, grabbed a few trinkets and change, and caused the heart attack that killed her.",6 +13,"The Senate voted 73-25 to cut off debate and move ahead to final passage, probably by today",12 +5,"ABC claims it should not have to identify the source for the ""Day One"" reports it aired in February and March 1994 because the person merely reinforced information from numerous on-the-record sources.",4 +12,CALIF. BALLOT MEASURES CENTER ON SOCIAL ISSUES,11 +13,"In a sweeping second-term gamble that puts the White House at the center of the nation's divisive gun debate, President Obama laid out a gun-safety agenda that calls on America -- and Congress -- to get behind a dramatic plan that he believes can help stem gun violence. +",12 +7,"Accomplice'swife says death row inmate didn't pull trigger +",6 +13,Newsom,12 +5,"Federal judge pledges quick ruling on state's ban on gay marriage +",4 +5,"Justice O'Connor noted that the question of which aliens had standing had been decided in June when the full Court set aside a ruling that had given 300,000 other illegal aliens a new chance to seek legal status under the amnesty program.",4 +9,whose measured intelligence is said to be similar to that of a 7-year-old,8 +13,"Over tuna and turkey sandwiches, the advisers explained that New York's Democratic governor was determined to legalize same-sex marriage and would deliver every possible Senate vote from his own party.",12 +4,"Immigration reform: Gay, lesbian couples want to be included",3 +7,"While the number of illegal guns recovered in the city has declined over the past four years, the number of shootings is little changed. There is also a strong correlation between where shootings occur and where guns are recovered.",6 +5,"The defense strategy is to try to convince jurors to spare Mr. Tsarnaev the death penalty by arguing that his older brother, Tamerlan, was the driving force behind the attacks, and that they would not have occurred had it not been for Tamerlan. + +At the end of deliberations on Tuesday, the jurors sent a note to the judge asking questions about aspects of the lengthy verdict form they are using. The jury form, which is more than 30 pages, asks jurors to reach a verdict on each count, and there is a sequence of follow-up questions. + +One question asked by jurors on Tuesday was whether a ''conspiracy'' can be about a distinct event or something that takes place over a longer period. The judge, George A. O'Toole Jr., told the jurors that the scope or duration of a conspiracy was a question that they must determine. +",4 +5,JUDGE RULES S.F. MAY SUE TO ENFORCE SMOKING BAN,4 +5,"The trial is scheduled to begin Jan. 26, but could be postponed if it is moved out of Modesto.",4 +12,"LEADERS, DEMONSTRATORS TOUT GUEST WORKER BILL'S BENEFITS",11 +11,"15-year study of 5,923 randomly chosen people in California who legally purchased handguns in 1977, based on state records. The researchers were able to track 5,177 for the full study period, while the others could not be verified as continued residents of California. +",10 +3,"""Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting,"" it said. ""The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.""",2 +14,Texas and International Law,13 +13,"""This thing is going nowhere,"" said one Democratic staffer. ""The Republicans don't really want to see anything with any gun control pass. And most of our members would rather let the Republicans kill gun control and go campaign on the issue than just pass something weak.""",12 +13,"""I think there's a good possibility for an override. It's unlikely you're going to see much erosion on the vote,"" said Sen. D. Michael Fisher (R., Allegheny). ""The issue of uniformity is paramount. I don't believe you're going to solve the problems of crime with local ordinances.""",12 +12,Students for Concealed Carry on Campus,11 +7,"Mumia, who was convicted of killing a Philadelphia policeman in 1982, isn't allowed to speak directly to the press.",6 +1,Barnidge: CVS decision is one more reason to celebrate for Tobacco Prevention Project,0 +10,Few Welcome Mats for Smokers,9 +9,"Doctor to smokers: Have fun at bingo, see you soo",8 +6,Change should streamline INS application process,5 +14,"In a dispatch to Washington, the United States Ambassador to Mexico, John Gavin, said it was the unanimous opinion of Mexican leaders interviewed by the embassy that the consequences of the legislation would be ''highly unfavorable for the U.S. economy and for U.S.-Mexican relations.''",13 +6,``Sanctuary'' policy sparks radio fracas,5 +13,"If St. Louis stockbroker John Ross wins Tuesday's Democratic primary and goes on to defeat Rep. James M. Talent (R-Mo.), he will be one of the few members of Congress who has written a novel.",12 +13," In the process, they formed a friendship that transcended party affiliation.",12 +10,What Average Citizen Needs Assault Weapon?,9 +11,"As the 20th century nears its end, Minnesota is one of only 12 American states that do not consider the death penalty for first-degree murder. Most states lacking capital punishment share Minnesota's moderate crime rate, its low-density, ethnically homogenous population and its tradition of compassionate, social reform politics.",10 +5,"he sued the tobacco industry for the costs of treating tobacco-related illnesses long before his opponent, Attorney General Dan Lungren, sued on behalf of the state.",4 +12," He has become a forceful critic of the Nation-al Rifle Association both online and in real life alongside his daughter's classmates, who have rocked the country with their advocacy for gun safety.",11 +13,"Berkeley legislator unveils bill to regulate California ammunition sales +",12 +11,"TO REFORM GUN LAWS, REFORM THE CULTURE",10 +11,Where Texans stand is not just further to the left than Perry believes -- polls reveal that a majority of young Republicans support gay marriage -- but also to the left of residents of the other Paris -- the one in France.,10 +5,"andrey told justices Tuesday that because Assistant Public Defender + +Steve Green already had heard the confidential confession of Cave, it was a conflict of interest for him to be called to advise Parker as Martin County deputies questioned him. +",4 +5,"Same-Sex Marriage Bans Upheld, Setting Up a Supreme Court Fight",4 +13,Ryan: GOP's got firepower,12 +8,Ruben Navarrette: Boston Marathon bombing isn't an immigration story,7 +13,"President Obama, speaking at the White House after the votes, echoed the cry, calling Wednesday ''a pretty shameful day for Washington.'' +",12 +13,The former head of the Food and Drug Administration,12 +4,"So many of us are told to be thankful for the progress we have made -- yet it is simply not enough. Our committed relationships are exactly like heterosexual committed relationships, with the same potential for joys, challenges and rewards. They are, indeed, marriages and deserve equal nomenclature along with equal rights.",3 +7,"Harris, 39, had been scheduled to die at 3:01 a.m. today for murdering two San Diego teen-agers and stealing their car for use in a bank robbery in 1978.",6 +11,WEAK SNAPCHAT ATTACK ON MIKE,10 +8,"background-check requirements,",7 +13," and even as gun control legislation appears stalled in Congress, California's Legislature took its first steps toward further tightening its already strong firearm laws Tuesday, when a panel approved a bill to restrict ammunition sales.",12 +1,"For decades, tobacco companies have been major donors to the 43-member caucus. Altria, the parent company of Philip Morris, has donated $1.45 million to the group since 2002. The bucks don't stop there, either. Though some caucus members, such as Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., do not accept tobacco company contributions, others do. This fact should disturb blacks, who are at increased risk for lung cancer compared with whites, according to the American Lung Association.",0 +5,Court upholds ruling against big tobacco,4 +13,DON'S A CHAMELEON,12 +3,CIGARETTE PACKS MAY BE MISLEADING,2 +1,Tobacco Giant Reasserts Itself as Calls for Va. Smoking Ban Grow,0 +6,A bill that began moving Thursday in the Legislature's special session would strengthen Florida law prohibiting minors from buying tobacco through licensing of merchants and tougher penalties.,5 +13,"Both Sides on Same-Sex Marriage Issue Focus on the Next State Battlegrounds +",12 +5,"Whatever power government may have to ban same-sex marriages, it has no business telling private companies - or local jurisdictions - they cannot choose to offer benefits to the domestic partners of their homosexual employees.",4 +12,"Support widens for gun control +",11 +5, testified yesterday in Superior Court.,4 +9,He tested his theory by electrocuting stray animals around town.,8 +5,A federal appeals court has ordered a stay of a judge's ruling in a challenge to the District's gun laws.,4 +6,There's Plenty Wrong With Gun Registration,5 +10,"""Schools are supposed to be setting examples, and using nicotine in front of students is not a good example,"" said board member James Fisher, a non-smoker who represents the Snellville area. +",9 +6,smokers in communities with no ordinance,5 +12,Teachers resign after immigration remarks,11 +5,The court's ruling,4 +5,"a prosecutor told jurors Thursday. +",4 +13,Ms. Edwards's gun play,12 +7,willing to risk criminal prosecution.,6 +12,"Equality Florida bills itself as the state's largest gay rights organization. +",11 +15,The conclusion left unsaid,14 +13,CHILES OKS 3-DAY WAIT FOR HANDGUNS,12 +3,"'When will they love their kids more than their guns,' an Australian priest asks Americans;",2 +7,"Campbell, 29, is accused of killing San Jose police officer Jeffrey Fontana during a traffic stop in October 2001.",6 +11,"Looking homeward, at reform Colorado's Chinese immigrants watch profound changes from afar",10 +4,"Serious flaws cited in the report must be addressed immediately to ensure that specific rights are also available to same-sex couples. +",3 +1,"This town would be in a world of hurt if that plant closed,",0 +5,"Such knowledge is needed to convict the three South Koreans, the lawyers told a federal jury as their trial began",4 +13,Lobbyists and legislators on both sides of the issue cite a confluence of factors in explaining why the gun-control efforts seem to have taken hold in the New York region.,12 +12,Journet is among the 13 percent of Colorado residents who are opposed to capital punishment. A January 1994 poll conducted for The Denver Post by Talmey-Drake Research and Strategy Inc. of Boulder showed that 81 percent of the state's residents favor the death penalty. Those who said they either didn't know or weren't sure totaled 6 percent.,11 +12,"Local advocates rally for more gay rights +",11 +11,Teen-agers from the Greensboro Youth Council talked Friday about how they bought cigarettes themselves last year to show how poorly store clerks enforce laws against selling tobacco to anyone under 18.,10 +7,Authorities try to keep guns from drug cartels,6 +5,The case drew attention earlier this year when Ashcroft reportedly overruled U.S. Attorney Alan Vinegrad and a Justice Department review panel in seeking the death penalty,4 +5,U.S. COURT REJECTS 2 DEATH PENALTIES,4 +12,IMMIGRANTS PLAN CAPITOL PROTEST,11 +6,"The law, which attracted national attention for its get-tough requirement that children with handguns go to jail,",5 +5,"The issue, legal observers have said, is likely to wind up being decided by the state's highest court. +",4 +9,Some good news about nicotine,8 +12,Rights Group Accuses U.S. of Failing to Protect Latinos,11 +7,The gruesome spectacle of a condemned killer shuttled in and out of the California gas chamber,6 +13,"Clinton campaign manager Robbie Mook accused Trump of suggesting violence. But Trump spokesman Jason Miller said the candidate was talking about ""the power of unification -- Second Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won't be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.""",12 +5,"Also Monday, the family filed a brief in their appeal of a federal judge's ruling that the Immigration and Naturalization Service acted properly in ordering Elian returned to his father.",4 +3,Is the Catholic Church pro-immigrant? You bet.; Its stance is in line with the history and tradition of the faith,2 +12,gay-rights activists were considering court challenges of the newly approved amendments. But supporters of the bans were jubilant.,11 +6,"The technology branch was overruled by the firearms-classification panel, composed of senior bureau personnel, and the MAC-10 remained classified as a semiautomatic pistol, free of any meaningful regulation. +",5 +7, crack down on abusers,6 +5,"""The court considers only whether the party seeking a stay faces harm,"" Walker wrote in his order Thursday, ""yet proponents do not identify a harm to them that would result from denial of their motion to stay."" His reasoning is impeccable. We hope the higher courts agree.",4 +1,COMPANY NEWS; REYNOLDS TOBACCO TO CUT MORE THAN 600 JOBS,0 +10,he states that more than 25 times as many lives are saved by a gun for each life lost because of a gun.,9 +12,"Some gays are still upset that Obama picked Rick Warren,",11 +13,"Honing Tobacco Message, School Awaits Clinton",12 +13,"Mr. Mayor, won't you come out against illegal guns",12 +7,"""It could be the bullet of choice for hit men. It's crazy,"" says Fraternal Order of Police president Dewey Stokes. ""It's going to wind up in the hands of crooks and assassins.""",6 +13,"Democrats attacked the Riggs measure as mean-spirited and bigoted, a message meant to promote intolerance. ""I don't know why Mr. Riggs wants to create a war,"" said Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who represents San Francisco.",12 +6,Automatic weapons not for individuals,5 +9,Migrants make up quarter of uninsured,8 +13,"SCHUMER, NRA SWAP POTSHOTS",12 +6,GUN CONTROL BILLS SHOW LACK OF GUTS,5 +1,Rutgers expert warns on guest-worker visas,0 +13,The elbows could grow sharper when lawmakers return to Albany next week.,12 +11,"FORAI stands for Friends of Refugees and Immigrants. The group teaches refugees and immigrants in the St. Louis region to produce handcrafts that are sold at local craft fairs, online at forai.org and at events. ",10 +5,Law Extends Parental Rights for Gays,4 +11,"Facebook wants to unite the world so everyone can talk about everything. One of the big things people want to talk about, it seems, is guns.",10 +7,A spurned lover accused of fatally stabbing his married girlfriend and her daughter in a jealous rampage,6 +6,This would be a second layer of anti-gay-marriage lawmaking: A 1997 state law already outlaws gay marriage and prohibits Minnesota from recognizing a same-sex marriage performed anywhere else.,5 +6,Ballot Wording on Same-Sex Marriage Is Expanded,5 +11,I suspect that convincing others of one's desire to become an American citizen would be more effective if one were to do so in English while waving an American flag.,10 +13,Martinez angrily protested his colleagues' apparent disdain for habeas corpus and other precious civil rights.,12 +13,More significant than Hillary Clinton's supposed gaffe at the end of Tuesday's Democratic presidential debate is the subject around which she tiptoed so delicately: immigration. Democrats fear the issue because it could leave them with a set of no-win political choices.,12 +5,DeKalb D.A. considers death penalty in disabled Dunwoody man's slaying,4 +10,DEATH-ROW INMATES SEEK HUMAN TOUCH PRISONERS AND THEIR FAMILIES WANT 'CONTACT VISITS' RESTORED.,9 +7,"The case of Olga Franco, the illegal immigrant convicted of killing four children in a 2008 school bus crash near Cottonwood, Minn., goes in front of a Minnesota Appeals Court panel today.",6 +12,A PROTEST FOR BENEFITS AIMED ACROSS STATE TO PITTSBURGH,11 +12,"""We shouldn't have to go state after state after state -- it'll take forever,"" said gay marriage activist Billy Bradford of Castro Valley.",11 +13,Republicans need to protect everyone,12 +12,Gun-control rally appeals to Owens but fails purpose,11 +13,Public Agenda,12 +6, they considered a bill that would ban smoking in virtually all indoor workplaces in the state.,5 +12,"Bob Herbert (column, Oct. 13) seems to take exception to the National Rifle Association's list of ""unfriendly"" people and organizations. + +Like any other organization, the N.R.A. has those who oppose its mission, and like other organizations, it lets its members know who those individuals and groups are.",11 +5,"Sitting behind a sweeping podium made of African mahogany in the domed, skylighted courtroom, the justices peppered lawyers on both sides with questions about the numbers and methods used in the studies, two of which were ordered by the court itself.",4 +13,"MAYORS AGAINST Illegal Guns, a bipartisan coalition of roughly 500 U.S. mayors, has been pushing for smart and sensible law enforcement solutions to reduce the number of illegal guns obtained by criminals or would-be criminals. Last month the mayors renewed their call for adoption of two relatively modest but potentially powerful proposals. +",12 +7,"Some authorities on gun laws said that the findings differ from those of most other studies of gun control measures. They and local officials said the findings also seemed peculiar in light of the District's extremely high number of slayings, which have more than doubled during the last four years. +",6 +5,"In gay rights cases, spotlight will be on Kennedy +",4 +11,SURGE OF CUBAN IMMIGRATION PROMPTS FREEZE ON TOURIST VISAS,10 +1,Cigarette Maker Says Earnings Soared 34% in the First Quarter,0 +11,"Two nonprofits in Denver have teamed up to open a charter school for homeless youth in 2005. And in Aurora, a multi-nationality group of parents plans to open a charter school that will attract Korean, African, Mexican and other international students to its science, technology and math-based curriculum next year.",10 +5,All because the British-born Dawson didn't obtain a green residency card after he married an American four years ago.,4 +10,"Hayes, 48, of St. Cloud and obviously a devotee of modern dance, found himself taking in the Tampa cultural scene that fateful Saturday at the Gold Club stripper saloon on Adamo Drive.",9 +9, from regulating exposure to secondhand smoke.,8 +1,GUN FUND RAID FACES FIGHT,0 +7,"SMUGGLED HAITIANS PAID UP TO $ 1,000",6 +5," +Six years ago, he was found guilty",4 +7,e was supposed to have been strapped to a gurney and executed by an injection of poison years ago.,6 +13,"Go Ahead, Veto the Crime Bill",12 +13,Pa. Senate votes to expand gun owners' rights,12 +15,"PAPERS ON TEENS SPUR CALLS FOR U.S. ACTION +",14 +1,"Estimates of the number of farmworkers employed in the United States vary. According to Robert Guenther, senior vice president for public policy for the United Fresh Produce Association, a produce industry trade group, it's 1.5 million to 2 million.",0 +13,Maryland's governor,12 +7,"Police Lift Ban on Gun Ward Carries, a Glock",6 +7, for restraining Mitchell in the couple's Garrett Square apartment during the all-night battering that caused her death.,6 +1,"Many couples' IRS status is unclear +",0 +6,the ban itself,5 +13,RIGHT HOOK GOP stalls gun-terror bill even NRA backed,12 +15,Don't tinker with matrimony,14 +5,INS CHIEF DISPUTES REPORTS OF IMPROPER NATURALIZATIONS,4 +9, an intellectually disabled man with an I.Q of 70.,8 +5,When corporate work rules collide with gun rights Pizza deliveryman case raises question of whether employer can limit right to bear arms.,4 +10,'GUARDIAN & WARRIOR' Thousands mourn fallen cop at Queens funeral Blaz: Slay must spur gun-control laws,9 +5,"U.S. District Court Judge Gershwin Drain in Detroit stripped Odeh of her U.S. citizenship last March, clearing the way for deportation. +",4 +5,"Messitte ruled that the state was tardy in providing Oken's defense attorneys with documents describing the execution protocols. His ruling was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit on Wednesday, only to be lifted by the Supreme Court that evening. Oken was put to death Thursday night.",4 +13,Smith spoke with Florida House Democratic leader Perry Thurston. Both called for a special session of the state's Republican-dominated legislature to overhaul the law or consider doing away with it.,12 +11,America forced to work at diversity,10 +10,"Anyone seeking help to quit smoking can join health services' smoking cessation support program or visit several online resources listed on the district's website, www.wvm.edu .",9 +6,"he bad news is that Florida's electric chair has been fixed. +",5 +5,"The broadest so far: a federal proposal to outlaw smoking in almost every one of the nation's countless public buildings. Restaurants, office buildings, bars - ""any building regularly entered by 10 or more individuals at least one day per week.""",4 +8,Blog; The 48th Goes To War: Latest dispatches from Iraq; Foreign-born GIs join fight in Iraq,7 +5,"This month, Poe approved a request from the PBS show Frontline to tape deliberations. Producers say they want to promote understanding of capital justice. The plan called for an unobtrusive ceiling camera, with videotapes kept sealed by the court until after the verdict. +",4 +5,"Exuding confidence in their arguments, lawyers for two gay and lesbian couples seeking to marry in California and a lesbian widow seeking federal benefits in New York say the justices must agree that the cases belong before them.",4 +6,GUN CONTROL,5 +6,"By contrast, Virginia's anti-smoking moves have been sluggish. Although the state raised its almost nonexistent cigarette tax in 2004, to 30 cents a pack, it remains lower than that of any state except Missouri. It was only a year ago that the Old Dominion finally got around to requiring that restaurants and bars be smoke-free. And Virginia's spending on anti-smoking campaigns has also lagged behind Maryland's.",5 +12,GAYS CRUSHED BY VOTERS' CENSURE HOPES OF MAINSTREAM ACCEPTANCE VANISH,11 +13,Virginia state Sen. Emmett W. Hanger Jr. (R-Augusta) last week broached what has long been considered a third rail in Virginia politics by suggesting,12 +9,"Another School Day, Another School Shooting +",8 +10,Imagine losing 10 years of your life in a Colorado prison,9 +15,Heads of Pr. George's schools named,14 +3,"The immigrants - part of a community of Indonesian Christians, many of whom fled persecution and overstayed tourist visas - packed up and left the church as soon as they heard the news.",2 +1,"Gov. Pataki and federal immigration officials trumpeted the deportations as the first in a program that will save state taxpayers millions. The deportations, being carried out across the country, will save the U.S. government $ 150,000 and the state $ 1 million, said Doris Meissner, commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.",0 +5,"The request was filed with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who is the justice designated to hear emergency matters from the 4th Circuit in Richmond. He will likely refer it to the rest of his colleagues, as has been the court's practice in similar cases.",4 +5,"and the Supreme Court to hasten the appeals process,",4 +1,WORKERS PAY PREMIUM FOR PUFFING,0 +1,Tax talk burns tobacco stocks,0 +13,A wholehearted good luck to Mayor Bloomberg as he embarks on a fresh push to put immigration-friendly reform on the national agenda.,12 +14,"D.C. Crime Guns Coming From Va., Md., ATF Says",13 +11,"BILINGUALISM AND INSECURITY MAKING ENGLISH THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE IS LARGELY AN ISSUE OF POLITICS, NOT EDUCATION",10 +13,"The bill received initial approval from the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday by a 3-2 vote, along party lines with Democrats in opposition.",12 +4, ''New York is about fairness and equality. And everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love.'',3 +6,BILL TO BAN SMOKING IN CITY BUILDINGS GETS GOOD REVIEWS,5 +12,"are increasingly convincing longtime supporters of the death penalty to change their mind, according to a new poll.",11 +12," Opinion polls have found widely varying support for a constitutional amendment depending on the way the question is phrased, suggesting that voters have ambiguous feelings on the subject.",11 +10,"A sad legacy: Newtown changed my life +",9 +13,OWENS ACTS ON GUN CHECKS,12 +13,Where gubernatorial candidates stand on immigration,12 +5,THE ELIAN GONZALEZ CASE: THE COURTS; Legal Fight Over Boy Could Last For Months,4 +15," +Is My Marriage Gay?",14 +5,D.C. voting rights unlikely to move with defense bill,4 +5," said his lawyer, Stephen Singer.",4 +1,Raising the Cigarette Tax,0 +13,What ever happened to the Republican Party's long-standing goal of allowing decisions about such matters to be made at the local level rather than at the state level?,12 +13,"While representatives of the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the American Shooting Sports Council did, indeed, meet with White House representatives on May 4 to discuss gun control issues, it was premature to suggest that agreement was reached on any issue.",12 +2,"The Coast Guard said late tonight that 537 Cubans had arrived in Florida today, compared with 339 on Tuesday, 282 on Monday and 170 on Sunday. The daily numbers have steadily risen since the beginning of the year and are now the highest since the 1980 Mariel boatlift, which brought 125,200 Cubans to the United States in five months.",1 +13,Legislators dodge gun-control bills,12 +13,Politicians going after big money,12 +4, A system as rife with inconsistencies and potential unfairness as this one should not be used to deal out the ultimate punishment.,3 +7,"He is wanted on an outstanding warrant from the U.S. Marshals Service on a previous charge of alien smuggling, investigators said.",6 +1,Ruling Favors Taxes In Indian Properties,0 +13, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed the bill on Thursday,12 +13, liberal Democrats.,12 +6,SENATE BILL MAKES IT HARDER TO SELL CIGARETTES TO MINORS,5 +5,"The case, which pits the Food and Drug Administration and anti-smoking groups against the nation's tobacco manufacturers, is expected to be argued before the nine justices in November and decided in the first five months of 2000.",4 +9,"Public health authorities argue that the ban should be lifted because the AIDS virus -- unlike tuberculosis -- is not spread through casual contact. Infected immigrants are thus not a threat to the broad public but only to those who engage in risky behavior with them, such as unprotected sex or sharing drug needles.",8 +13,Washington Republicans,12 +15,Hedging Bets,14 +13,"It may take a whole lot more than courage to get even this relatively modest proposal through the Congress in the next 22 months. In the current political landscape, it's tough to see a path for the measure to proceed through either chamber.",12 +10,"but I doubt they'll cause many smokers to stop.""",9 +11,"In Genre Linked to Gun Rights, Country Music Stars Recoil at Concert Slaughter",10 +11,"On Aug. 1, 2013, Minnesota became the 13th state where same-sex couples could legally marry. +",10 +6,"Facing a March 27 deadline set by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., the committee has to resolve those questions and others as it works through a 305-page bill that covers border, interior and workplace enforcement; visa reform; a guest-worker program; and the status of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the country.",5 +13,Dionne: A new political reality on guns,12 +13,Gingrich should drop immigration baggage,12 +13,"Obama continued his recent habit of castigating congressional Republicans, saying the party is not ""actually trying to solve the problem"" of immigration but instead is attempting to pass legislation so they can ""check a box before they leave town for a month."" +",12 +15,CLAUS FOR CONCERN AT MACY'S,14 +9,"""As we gear up to take on this epidemic of obesity, we cannot abandon protecting our children from secondhand smoke and smoking,"" said lead author Michael Weitzman, executive director of the American Academy of Pediatrics Center for Child Health Research in Rochester, N.Y. + +For the study, metabolic syndrome was defined as having at least three of five characteristics: a big waist, high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats called triglycerides, low levels of good cholesterol, and evidence of insulin resistance, in which the body cannot efficiently use insulin. + +In the study, published yesterday in the American Heart Association online journal Circulation, researchers found that 6 percent of 12-to-19-year-olds had the syndrome and that the prevalence increased with exposure to tobacco smoke. + +The study found that 1 percent of those unexposed to smoke developed the syndrome, 5 percent of those exposed to secondhand smoke had the disorder, and 9 percent of active smokers had it. + +When researchers looked at teens who were overweight or at risk of being overweight, the effect was even more marked, with 6 percent of those not exposed to smoke developing syndrome, 20 percent of those exposed to secondhand smoke getting it, and 24 percent of smokers suffering from the disorder.",8 +7,"Department of Corrections officials also are considering Smith's request that he be among the state's official witnesses at the execution, which is scheduled for 3 p.m. Friday.",6 +1,"Both sides say they are also receiving large numbers of much smaller, individual donations.",0 +5,State: Domestic benefits promote illegal relationships,4 +5,"Philip Morris did not try to defend its past actions. Instead, the company turned the spotlight on Bullock and her decision to smoke.",4 +9,"On front lines against smoking, for public health",8 +3,"""If we are endowed by our Creator with rights, then why shouldn't those be attainable by Gays and Lesbians?"" ",2 +13,"In today's radio address, Bush will urge support for a national ban on gay marriage. A meeting Monday at the White House with opponents of gay marriage will follow, then a full-blown debate and vote in the Senate on a constitutional amendment to limit marriage to the union of a man and a woman.",12 +5,"Jurors, who heard attorneys' closing arguments Thursday, will be asked today to sort out the evidence and reach a verdict.",4 +5,"A great many aliens present in the United States are eligible to work. Any alien who is a lawful permanent resident (the holder of a green card) can work without limitation. In certain situations, students may work. Spouses of exchange visitors may work. A number of other classes of non-immigrant aliens can work in the United States.",4 +7,"Just for firing the gun, he could have received a 20-year sentence.",6 +7,Driver charged in fatal shooting,6 +10,"The decision devastated Ms. Paczkowski, 36. ''You can see how angry and upset I am,'' she said on a recent afternoon, seated beside her court-appointed lawyer after a morning spent moving cars for an auction house. She had not seen the boy since a brief visit on Mother's Day. +",9 +13,but declining to send it to the Senate for confirmation.,12 +13,"'2nd Amendment' comment nags Trump, alarms critics",12 +5,was in court at the request of prosecutors seeking to persuade a jury to sentence Singleton to death.,4 +5," +The death court",4 +6,New York City has the nation's toughest gun laws,5 +7,breached a confidentiality agreement.,6 +4,Fight over gay marriage threatens efforts to end bias,3 +7,"Stephen E. Higgins, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms",6 +8,"First up was SB 125, the slam-dunk among the half-dozen gun bills on the agenda. It would authorize the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to do what it did for years and was ordered by the governor last summer to do again. It would endorse the state system for performing federally mandated background checks on gun buyers because it is more comprehensive than the FBI background check.",7 +4,"IN DEATH, THERE IS JUSTICE +",3 +5,The sentencing ended the final trial in the Chain of Rocks case,4 +13,RUDY SAYS WEAK LAWS AT FAULT,12 +1, This reversible error costs the taxpayers for a retrial.,0 +4,Don't Execute An Innocent Man REST,3 +13,"E-cig industry, and debate about it, is growing",12 +7,"Pursued by a U.S. Border Patrol helicopter, nearly two dozen undocumented workers illegally employed on several Hamilton Mill home construction sites fled federal agents who sought to detain and deport them, officials with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) said Thursday.",6 +13,Schwarzenegger,12 +15,NEW JERSEY DAILY BRIEFING,14 +1,on California's fiscal well-being,0 +7,"As a result, Michael Richard was executed about 8:20 that night. ",6 +10,"On Monday around 6 a.m., a 27-foot vessel carrying 32 immigrants from Haiti, including several children, landed a mile and a half north of the Juno Beach Pier.",9 +13,Activist on gun control to run,12 +5,"In court Friday, Taylor said a psychologist sent by his attorneys this week told him that he was competent. The judge ordered two more expert evaluations.",4 +11,IMMIGRATION 'MOCKUMENTARY',10 +13,SANTA CRUZ COUNCIL LIKELY TO ACT TODAY ON GUN BAN BUT CITIES' LEGAL POWER IN TRYING TO OUTLAW 'SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS' REMAINS UNCLEAR,12 +13,Minnesota House panel OKs gun check repeal,12 +13,It was only two years ago that gay marriage was easily defeated in the then Democrat-controlled Senate with every Republican voting against it.,12 +14,Mexico's Position on Aliens Contradicted by Past Deeds,13 +12,NRA SHOWS OFF ITS OWN MOTHERS AT N.C. SEMINAR,11 +13," +We find the move nakedly political, and not unlike the stunt President George W. Bush pulled four years ago. Bush was further along in an effort to pass meaningful comprehensive immigration reform and needed to appease conservatives who were balking, so he sent 6,000 troops to the border.",12 +5,"The lawyers across the table from the tobacco industry in the secretive settlement talks have been quick to describe their goal as a ""global"" resolution of the tobacco wars. But ""national"" is closer to the truth.",4 +13,Republicans were pushing NRA-backed legislation to loosen restrictions on weaponry.,12 +11," +From 1990 to 1994, almost as many immigrants - 4.5 million - have come to the United States as during all of the 1970s. One-fourth of the people living in California were born in other countries.",10 +6,the failure to recognize and celebrate such committed relationships,5 +13, like the president,12 +5,Court Declares U.S. Can Deport Cuban Spy,4 +13," Democrats eked out the closest vote on the background-check measure, which passed 33 to 32. +",12 +6,"""The Libertarian Party of Georgia Says Immigration Bill Will Bankrupt Georgia,"" began a news release condemning the ""Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011,"" or House Bill 87, which broadens the role state and local government play policing illegal immigration.",5 +13,"Ted Olson, solicitor general under President George W. Bush",12 +7,"Afaf N. Khalifa, imprisoned for helping to abduct one of her grandsons from Anne Arundel County and taking him to Egypt, has been granted parole and later this month will be turned over to immigration authorities for deportation.",6 +9,After years of denying any health risks,8 +13,"The bill now heads to the desk of Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat who has made tough gun control one of his top priorities this year and will get a chance to sign a bill very much like what he proposed. +",12 +5,"Since smokers have an increasingly difficult time convincing juries that they didn't know the dangers of smoking when they took up the habit, it's not clear that class-action suits would yield more than the current agreement.",4 +13,President Bush,12 +7,Utah is scheduled to execute a convicted killer by firing squad June 18.,6 +6,"The anti-immigrant people seem to forget that many, if not most, immigrants, legal and illegal, are in the United States because of the actions of our government - our foreign policy, our wars, our economic policies.",5 +5,Jury suggests execution for double killer,4 +14,REQUESTS TO EXPORT U.S. GUNS TO CANADA PROBED U.S. OFFICIALS PARTIALLY SUSPENDED ISSUING LICENSES AFTER THEY NOTICED A HIGH NUMBER OF REQUESTS FOR THEM,13 +5,Third man found guilty in dragging death,4 +5,"In Iowa, Same-Sex Couples Rush to Tie the Knot",4 +7,"San Bernardino County killer Stephen Wayne Anderson, a drifter convicted two decades ago of murdering an elderly piano teacher, early this morning became the 10th death row inmate executed since California restored capital punishment.",6 +13,"The action made good on one of his most controversial campaign promises - and was decried by his critics as un-American. +",12 +1,"``There's no doubt that the quality of the tobacco this year is better than it's been in a long time,'' said Graham Day, owner of Growers Warehouse in Roxboro. ``With the kind of quality we've got and the tough year in other areas, we're seeing real good prices, too.''",0 +5,"A.C.L.U. Sues Pennsylvania Over Ban on Gay Marriage +",4 +13,Ted Cruz Takes on Hillary Clinton in N.R.A. Speech,12 +13," +Dr. Dobson's group is already running advertisements against senators who do not plan to support the amendment, including one against Senator Ken Salazar, Democrat of Colorado, that says, ",12 +14,Mexican president hands foreign ministry to official ousted after Trump visit,13 +13,CLINTON KEEPS UP TOBACCO ATTACK,12 +3,Mormon Church Draws Protest Over Marriage Act,2 +9,"imothy McVeigh, 33, died at 7:14 a.m. (6:14 a.m. MDT), 14 minutes after an intravenous needle in his right leg carried the first of three drugs into his system. +",8 +13, politicians,12 +13,"Clinton took the bold step of authorizing the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco. In doing so he acknowledged at last that nicotine is an addictive drug and that cigarettes are a deadly delivery system for nicotine. +",12 +13,Two gun measures await decision from Senate panel leader,12 +9,"Zyban is the same compound as Wellbutrin, the antidepressant produced by Glaxo, and can be used for long-term treatment, Johnston said. It should be available to the public through a doctor's prescription in six to eight weeks.",8 +5,he insisted that the sentence not be appealed.,4 +13,campaign,12 +5,"On Monday, Assistant District Attorney Arlene Fisk will ask the same jury to sentence Barnett to death.",4 +13,Mayor Giuliani,12 +5,"The state Supreme Court rejected an appeal by a Gulf War veteran sent to death row for fatally shooting his girlfriend and her three young children in their home. +",4 +5,he prosecutors say ,4 +5, People who already owned assault weapons were required to register them with the state police.,4 +15,SMOKE SIGNALS,14 +13,"All three candidates on the ticket headed by the Democratic nominee for governor, Mark R. Warner, today called the Republican ads misrepresentations of their records.",12 +6,REYNOLDS STOPS MAILING SMOKES,5 +7,U.S. INDICTMENT ACCUSES 5 PEOPLE OF VIOLATING IMMIGRATION LAWS,6 +7,"Sixteen firearms dealers in Colorado have been targeted for thorough inspections under a new federal program that focuses regulatory attention on dealers that have sold the most guns traced from crime scenes. +",6 +15,Campaign 96,14 +3,"Divorce causes more damage to marriage as an institution, he said.",2 +9,Son's injury prompts bill to control handguns,8 +13," +Over the next few days we are going to look at these issues and see if we might be able to predict the sort of law that the president might introduce and Congress might be able to pass",12 +11,50 California communities,10 +7,in the killing of two police officers in Tampa on Tuesday.,6 +7, Florida's oldest death row inmate died in the electric chair today for arranging the killing of a private detective.,6 +10, are being torn from their U.S.-born children.,9 +5,"A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Friday to determine ifenough evidence exists to try the 15-year-old, who is free on $ 50,000 bond.",4 +5," to the stand yesterday to explain how, in November and December",4 +11,"Latinos, Hmong, Somalis and Vietnamese continued to boost the immigrant population in Minnesota over the past four years despite the recession and restrictions on immigration, according to a state report released Thursday.",10 +5,A judge,4 +7,that would limit penalties for those who traffic in firearms.,6 +4,"DEATH PENALTY SOUGHT IN SLAYING OF GAYS PROSECUTORS TO CITE SACRAMENTO SYNAGOGUE ARSONS IN EFFORT TO MAKE CASE FOR HATE CRIME, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT",3 +5,"BACKYARD GUN RANGE IS NUTTY, AND LEGAL +",4 +13,PATAKI PROPOSES BALLISTICS RECORDS AND OTHER GUN MEASURES,12 +1,"By next year, cigarette cartons, packs and advertising will feature graphic warnings, replacing the discreet admonitions that cigarette manufacturers included since 1966. ¶ The FDA plans to shock customers by showing a smoker with a tracheotomy hole, or using an oxygen mask and or lying dead on a table with a long chest scar. ¶ It predicts that the images will reduce the number of smokers by 213,000 by 2013 and save $221 million to $630 million a year. ¶ Separately, Philip Morris and other firms involved in a 1998 tobacco settlement reached a tentative deal with state attorneys general to recoup $2 billion. They would keep a portion of the money they had agreed to pay states for the cost of treating sick smokers.",0 +3,Pope's request.,2 +13,BOND PUSHES BILL TO BAN HOUSING GRANTS THAT HELP BUILD SMOKE SHOPS,12 +7,TEACHER FREED FROM JAIL BUT MUST LEAVE U.S. IN MONTH,6 +5,"West Virginia will stop defending bans on same-sex marriage, governor and attorney general say",4 +5,"Seated next to Attorney General Janet Reno,",4 +4,"It is beyond frustrating for me, as a lesbian, a taxpayer and a contributing member of our state and society, to know each and every day that my relationship is unequal to a heterosexual couple's relationship.",3 +9,A LETHAL EXPERIMENT,8 +8,"Im confronted with an intruder and I have to tell him wait, Ive got to go get my firearm, ",7 +9,"In January, the CalEPA report led the state to declare secondhand smoke a ""toxic air contaminant,"" a legal designation that allows regulators to enact further restrictions on exposure. California already has the nation's toughest anti-smoking laws, including bans on lighting up in bars, restaurants, workplaces and a growing number of beaches and other outdoor places.",8 +7,"State executes child killer - July 2, story",6 +7,14 Detained In Bid to Bar Cuban Exodus,6 +5,Trial begins in secondhand smoke lawsuit,4 +7,Dozens of death row inmates,6 +13,"But Biden said the actions show that he and Obama were ""going to continue to do everything we can within our executive authority to try to reduce gun violence in America.""",12 +12,MARCHING MOMS AND GUN SAFETY,11 +12,Gay marriage foes win with message about schools,11 +6,"That's why society, which does not hesitate to regulate the possession and use of cars because they can be dangerous, ought even more sensibly to regulate the possession and use of guns.",5 +7, force the opening of sealed juvenile criminal records,6 +7,Criminals' One-Stop Shopping,6 +3,admitting,2 +15,EXPLODING CIGARS,14 +5,Muhammad's Lawyers Zero In On Malvo's Claim,4 +13,Democrats in the House take action on reforms,12 +11,"Of course, the passport is from a fictional country. Both the passport and the country are part of an interactive art installation created by Erika Harrsch, a Queens artist. With immigration once again on the national agenda, Ms. Harrsch has been likening a visit to an immigration office to the experience of walking onto the set of a game show - as a contestant.",10 +1,"sales at gun shows, ",0 +4,Passing gay marriage laws big step toward decency,3 +13,"""I like that responsibility, Chris, I really do,"" the president said. ""I think it's time. It's time that a president stepped up. We haven't had him, and I'm talking Democrat and Republican presidents. They have not stepped up.""",12 +10,"Elliott said he concluded that the right to care for and bury a loved one is far more important than the possibility that the measure could advance the cause of gay marriage. +",9 +13,RYAN PRESSES LAWMAKERS ON CHANGE IN DEATH PENALTY,12 +6,Wrong question being asked on weapons,5 +11,"Only one woman has been executed in the country since the death penalty was reinstated in 1973: Velma Barfield, in 1984, in North Carolina.",10 +9,Cigarette smoking has been added to the list of conditions that states report routinely to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,8 +7,Va. rape suspect's DNA linked to 2005 killings,6 +13,"Frederick, Loudoun and Prince William counties have successfully pressured the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to back off from supporting proposed federal gun-control legislation, and the issue has been sent to a committee for study.",12 +5,The right balance on guns,4 +11,Mr. Wildmon felt the movement was losing the culture war,10 +1," +GUN-SHOW AMENDMENT DOES LITTLE",0 +11, They may wish to consider whether this is an aspect of the American way of life of which to be proud.,10 +9," Some procedures resulted in the births of babies who appeared to be moving, breathing and in one case, according to former clinic employee Ashley Baldwin, ""screeching.""",8 +13,"""We will not allow the candidates to ignore us",12 +9,"In the gun control debate, one fact often is overlooked: More Americans take their own lives with guns than have their lives taken from them.",8 +3,"THE CHURCH NEEDS to defend traditional marriage yet not push gays away from the faith or attack them, Timothy Cardinal Dolan said on Easter Sunday.",2 +12,"Gun Control Helps Gore With Women's Vote, Polls Show",11 +5,BRILLIANT IMMIGRANT'S CASE BUMPED TO TOP OF LIST,4 +5,"A proposal to change the state constitution to ban gay marriages had been advanced earlier, but the court's ruling gave it new urgency. A simple majority of the Legislature would have to vote twice -- this year and during the 2005-2006 session -- to approve a constitutional amendment before it could be placed on the November 2006 ballot for voters to consider. +",4 +5,protecting the rights of Americans to own them.,4 +5,The plaintiffs are two Atlanta police officers; the owners of a Snellville pet daycare center; an attorney and a Realtor; and a woman whose longtime partner died in March.,4 +7,", for stabbing her two grandchildren to death.",6 +6,"On Trump's immigration moves, a deep divide along educational lines",5 +13,OBAMA WILL DO 'HEAVY LIFT' IN REFORM PUSH,12 +13," favored by the National Rifle Association and by President-elect George W. Bush and attorney general nominee, John Ashcroft. McDermott",12 +7,A Philadelphia man who was said to be angry about the Brady gun-control law and had dozens of weapons was charged Tuesday with threatening to kill President Clinton.,6 +5,"Congress outlawed the practice eight months later. On Nov. 6, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which prohibits the hiring of illegal aliens. +",4 +6,its total ban on smoking in the airport terminal,5 +9, health centers,8 +13,The bill is the House counterpart to legislation reintroduced this year by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).,12 +11,"""I have a lot of concern about the long-term implications,"" says Jane Kirtley, who heads the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. ""It sends the message that corporate America can use a libel suit to discourage investigative reporting.""",10 +1,Cigarette execs: Boardrooms to courtrooms,0 +4,WALKOUTS TREATED DIFFERENTLY,3 +9,FDA proposes regulation of e-cigarettes,8 +13,"USH'S LUST FOR EXECUTION IS HYPOCRITICAL +",12 +15,Immigration Bait and Switch,14 +13,"With election-year politics clouding Congress' agenda, Clinton summoned the leaders of the House-Senate conference committee led by Hatch. Last year, the Senate voted to institute 72-hour background checks on gun show sales, but the House rejected that provision when Republicans complained it was too strict and some Democrats complained it was too weak.",12 +13,Minnesota House gun showdown begin with pleas from both sides,12 +3,DEATH PENALTY: Osborne sentence a stain on justice,2 +15,Time to Rethink Gun Ownership,14 +5,There is so much that Chief Justice Jeffrey L. Amestoy of the Vermont Supreme Court cannot say.,4 +5,Jury selection starts in retrial of rabbi accused in murder,4 +5,"A Hennepin County District Court judge ruled that the churches did not have sufficient legal standing to oppose the parking lot ban; the Appeals Court overruled that decision, acknowledging the churches' opposition to violence as a religious belief. The Appeals Court ruling will send the case back to District Court.",4 +5,"""Hanoi Jane of the Second Amendment""",4 +1,"Georgia officials agreed to accept $ 4.8 billion from the tobacco industry Friday as part of a 46-state, $ 206 billion deal to settle state liability claims for tobacco-related health costs.",0 +13,t four hours after Gov. James S. Gilmore III denied clemency in the case.,12 +5,Court to Decide F.D.A. Power on Tobacco,4 +13,"In Washington today, the U.S. Senate is to vote on",12 +3,some religious groups,2 +7,"A cold case investigator with the Sheriff's Office and a Florida Department of Law Enforcement agent wanted to talk about a woman named Marcelle Delano. She, too, was a prostitute from Tampa. In 1989, her body was found in an overgrown swamp not far from the place where Smithers later killed the two other women.",6 +1, but also our diverse economic needs. It's an economic imperative.,0 +9,"childhood abuse had left him brain-damaged and that he was now retarded, with an I.Q. of only 68.",8 +6,Something needs to be done about guns.,5 +6,"D.C. should legislate, not litigate, concealed-carry rules",5 +6, Most California Bars To Start Ban on Smoking,5 +10,"Mr. Evans and Mr. Kelly-Evans have been together for 28 years and two months. ""There was no engagement, because for us, it was really love at first sight,"" Mr. Kelly-Evans said. He moved into Mr. Evans's home in Philadelphia eight months after they met at a housewarming party in 1983.",9 +2,"If Guantanamo Bay fills up, the Cubans would be taken to third countries, if havens elsewhere can be found for them, officials said. Currently there is room for at least 6,000 Cubans at Guantanamo Bay.",1 +6,"Gillmor's amendment asks that the ban exempt private meeting halls, the bar area of Santa Clara's one bowling alley and restaurant cocktail lounges with separate ventilation systems and a 21-and-older policy.",5 +8,As the United States tightens security across land borderswith Mexico,7 +13,"Republican Party officials in several states have released statements attacking Democrats who are not expected to vote for the amendment. And another conservative group, the Family Research Council, is planning to ask lawmakers to take ''a marriage protection pledge'' and then tell voters who signs it and who does not. +",12 +6,Government health action that works,5 +1,"""Atlanta is not a cash-strapped city",0 +4,When the State is Wrong Izzy Zimmerman was nearly sent to New York State's electric chair for a murder he didn't commit,3 +7,7 at plant accused of hiring illegals,6 +11,Press One for English,10 +12,CRITICS BLAST FALLOUT OF IMMIGRATION REFORM,11 +7,"in the wake of the Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colo.",6 +6,Bans on gay marriage gain ground,5 +13,"If Dingell, who has allied himself with Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R., Texas), can get Republican support for his proposal, it is likely to pass, because he is expected to bring dozens of Democratic votes with him.",12 +9,"As Virginia Tech killer Seung-Hui Cho rampaged through this leafy rural campus Monday, students called 911 for help, desperately barricaded classroom doors, jumped from windows and prayed that the shooting would stop.",8 +5,"Though they probably would have been difficult to enforce, the settlements represented a way for both companies to limit their exposure to larger judgments handed down against tobacco manufacturers by other courts.",4 +8,"How Terror Suspects Buy Guns -- and How They Still Could, Even With a Ban",7 +9,"The Justice Department publishes statistics on the fatalities, not the identities of the victims, but Myers said the change represents ""more transparency"" about detainee deaths. Since last year, congressional Democrats have pleaded with ICE to reveal the names and circumstances of foreigners who have died in U.S. custody.",8 +5,Judge shoots down Brady law's background checks,4 +5,"Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele said he would keep his courthouse open until 9 p.m. so same-sex couples could get married. +",4 +6," The ban, however, forced me to put this weapon at higher risk by having to leave it in my vehicle.",5 +11,Few topics stir more controversy in this country than guns,10 +11," For me it was a fascinating group of characters, and I wanted to see how it would all turn out.",10 +15,Two Ways of Dealing With Guns,14 +5,The Supreme Court refused Monday to hear the appeal of Antonio Richardson,4 +4,"The NAACP project's lawyers and investigators believe Griffin should be exonerated. In addition, they have supplied Joyce with the names of three men they suspect were responsible for Moss' murder.",3 +13,"ON Sept. 11, anti-gun-control legislators in the Missouri General Assembly are likely to pass a bill, over the governor's veto, that renders almost all federal gun laws void in the state, and even makes it a crime for federal agents to enforce them. +",12 +1,NAFTA: It's About Jobs ..,0 +11,"1,600 German youths learning American ways",10 +5, was spared by a local superior court judge Monday.,4 +10,"""When you're in the presence of"" smoke, said Boley, a nonsmoker, ""it's definitely a huge annoyance.""",9 +7,AROUND THE NATION; Texan Indicted on Charges Of Holding Alien in Peonage,6 +7," Sgt. Michael Neal, the Wellston police officer ",6 +5,JUDGE UPHOLDS TRADE SECRETS,4 +13,A WILD SHOT A GUN LAWS GOPer: Make states OK packin' heat,12 +11,"During a press conference after the hearing,",10 +3,HE FEARS EXECUTION OF YOUNGSTERS A PROFESSOR SAYS THE U.S. IS SET TO LOWER THE AGE OF ITS DEATH-ROW POPULATION.,2 +12,"The encounter, while brief, managed to capture the prevailing spirit of the four-day convention, which drew roughly 75,000 attendees to Dallas from across the United States: being pro-gun and pro-Trump, feeling on the attack and under attack, all at once. +",11 +5,Same-sex marriages create new questions in property laws,4 +6,Gun Restrictions Put U.S. Foot In The Door,5 +13,"The legislation sponsored by Mr. Russo, a Democrat from Toms River",12 +12,"Additionally, the NRA surely seems to be losing the cultural war.",11 +13,Rep. Tom Tancredo's decision,12 +13,"The City Council on Tuesday voted 6-1 to direct staff to develop a plan to ""draft initiatives on gun control"" and ""support gun control laws."" +",12 +6, are so worried about the language that they want to strike it from the law.,5 +1,For the most part this money goes to the general funds of the states and the federal government. It's pretty much like the money the states received as part of the tobacco settlement -- money for pet projects of the Legislature or just to keep government going.,0 +13,Florida Senate panels OK 3 major pro-gun measures,12 +13," sponsored by Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., and Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo.",12 +13,"The platform language approved over the weekend also included a condemnation of the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits the federal government from recognizing legal same-sex marriages.",12 +5," At trial, however, Coles said he fled before shots were fired, and he implicated Davis.",4 +12," Blake Wilkinson was puzzled when he saw the young 20-something mixed among a group of graying anti-gay marriage protesters. + +""It struck me -- it just seemed she was out of place,"" says Wilkinson, a 22-year-old junior at DePaul University, who was standing on the opposite side of a downtown Chicago street to demand marriage licenses for same-sex couples from the county clerk. +",11 +3,A man of the cloth explains his views,2 +15,CARL HAS GAME PLAN TO HIT ANDY ON GAYS,14 +7, But they're not in prison for singing too loud at church.'',6 +7,U.S. Report On the Death Of a Detainee Is Scathing,6 +13,Some in GOP open to banning gun accessory used in Vegas,12 +3,Mention of God Voids a Sentence,2 +13,Schwarzenegger warns GOP against exploiting immigration concerns,12 +5,"The one-paragraph provision gives the Supreme Court authority to affirm or vacate death sentences it believes are ""excessive or disproportionate to the penalty imposed in similar cases, considering both the circumstances of the crime and the character and record of the defendant.""",4 +15,"National Briefing New England: Massachusetts: Fighting Same-Sex Marriage +",14 +10,"Do you want to quit smoking? Thursday would be a good day. It's time again for the Great American Smokeout, and many of America's 51 million smokers will give it a try",9 +13,CPAC has been hijacked by the gun debate,12 +6,Pataki Asks Board to Reconsider Rejection of Jobless Benefits for a Same-Sex Partner,5 +13,Gun debate ripples through House races in Florida congressional vulnerability rankings,12 +5,"Lori Corral, spokeswoman for Attorney General Jim Ryan, said all of Hampton's state and federal appeals are exhausted.",4 +13,Mayors Back Gun Control Legislation,12 +7,"The driver and another man in the cab were taken into custody, Vinger said.",6 +7," and criminal past,",6 +13,"Giuliani, Before N.R.A., Defends Gun Law Stance and Right to Bear Arms",12 +7,Raids on illegals continue; prisoners to be deported,6 +5,"The United States settled a lawsuit with Hernandez's estate last month, agreeing to dole out $1 million to his five children and his common-law wife, Maria Puga.",4 +13,"On Friday, in a dramatic turnaround in one of the most gun-friendly states in America, Gov. Rick Scott signed into law",12 +1,"Many are recruiting foreign workers, hoping to draw them to sparsely populated towns such as Branson that swell during tourist season.",0 +5,"The mayor's lawyer, E. Joshua Rosenkranz, said the district attorney's decision was a ''total and complete vindication.''",4 +12, the public has become pro-gun.,11 +9,"With the California settlement, Brooke and Liggett have settled about 70 percent of the Medicaid claims nationwide, the company said in a news release. +",8 +6,IMMIGRATION REFORM COMES UP SHORT,5 +13,Boehner moves to defend gay-marriage ban,12 +13,MAYOR MULLS TAKING BAN ON TOBACCO TO THE PEOPLE,12 +13," +PA. SENATE APPROVES BILL ON FIREARMS / TRIGGER LOCKS WOULD BE SOLD WITH GUNS",12 +5,"Jury selection in Mr. Roof's trial had been delayed for three weeks after his lawyers petitioned Judge Richard M. Gergel of Federal District Court in Charleston to declare him incompetent to stand trial. A two-day hearing on that question was closed, but it now seems likely that Mr. Roof's relationship with his legal team broke down over its desire to present evidence related to his mental state.",4 +12,"Opponents of the single-gender nuptial display in the hallowed parade have dished heavy umbrage in petitions and blogs, calling it ''unbiblical'' and urging a boycott by onlookers.",11 +11,"Christmas as many have come to know it in the United States --- dragging home a tree or pulling a fake one out of a box, the frenzy of last-minute shopping, stuffing cards into envelopes --- is different in many immigrant communities in metro Atlanta.",10 +7, he believed it was rehabilitative for prisoners to be allowed to roam free and unsupervised in the prison furlough program. ,6 +7,"The father, his mother Donna Krnak, brother Thomas Krnak, and the family dog disappeared over the July 4 weekend in 1998. Anderson changed his name from Andrew Krnak a short time later. +",6 +5,"A Florida jury yesterday held Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. responsible for a smoker's death and ordered the company to pay his family $ 950,000 -- the largest jury verdict ever in a lawsuit over tobacco's dangers and the first award of punitive damages in such a case. +",4 +2,The shortage of suitable drugs,1 +1,"To support the $200 million project, Capitol wants the city and county to provide public parking, estimated to cost $31 million to $34 million.",0 +9,How long should people wait before they can buy a handgun?,8 +5,"Johnson, an electronics-store owner in Liberia, came to to the United States in September 1994, to escape the on-again, off-again civil war and what he said was the resulting reign of terror. But after telling Immigration and Naturalization Service officials that he had used a fake passport and papers because Liberian officials had taken his, Johnson was placed in detention and kept there.",4 +9," arguing that he has a health condition that would make the injection painful,",8 +1,- and find employment scrubbing toilets for the Man.,0 +13,Gun law battle may take spotlight in 2014,12 +13,Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) lobbied hard for the legislation and will soon sign it.,12 +10,"For many immigrants, obtaining licenses will be 'an incredible relief'",9 +11,"""My Facebook feed is a cascading aesthetic nightmare. Thanks, equality,"" Washington Post writer Dan Zak wryly grumbled on Twitter.",10 +5,"Judges who decide asylum cases say they routinely deny flawed claims and occasionally reject fraudulent ones, so some skepticism about asylum claims is warranted.",4 +4,alleged racist,3 +13,"The Senate's action marked the second defeat in as many months for the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA) and a major victory for gun-control proponents, including former presidential press secretary James S. Brady and his wife, Sarah, who led the lobbying fight for the proposal.",12 +5,Federal District Judge Sidney Aronovitz ruled that impounding of the commercial fishing boats that ferried undocumented refugees across the Florida Straits had caused the boat owners ''irreparable harm'' by leaving them without a means to make a living.,4 +5,The NRA uses the Second Amendment and its other obscene catch- phrases as a smokescreen to hide its true purpose: ,4 +3,"The Rev. Kimberly A. Willis said she had not decided what to do because she wanted to be able to minister to all of her congregants at Christ Church United Methodist, in Santa Rosa, about 10 percent of whom are gay. But if she officiates at a same-sex wedding, she could be charged with violating the United Methodists' Book of Discipline, put on trial and defrocked.",2 +13,"Mr. O'Malley repeatedly used a word that is sometimes invoked to accentuate anger, and appeared to take an oblique swipe at his leading party rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton",12 +10,"Renee Currie and Shari Roll, both of Madison, were first in line at the county courthouse in Madison and were married on the street just a block from the Capitol. In Milwaukee, about 75 people cheered as two men were married in the hallway outside the clerk's office at the county courthouse. +",9 +3,"Gay marriage opposition group 'regrets' Nazi comparison +",2 +13,"1,850 U.S. leaders to Trump: Let them DREAM",12 +9,"A34-YEAR-OLD man being held in a U.S. facility for foreign detainees dies of heart failure after employees wait more than 40 minutes after his collapse to provide medical help. A permanent legal resident facing deportation because of a 10-year-old conviction for buying stolen jewelry is denied treatment for a suspected recurrence of cancer. An 81-year-old Baptist minister, seeking asylum from his native Haiti, perishes in custody after a nurse concludes he was faking illness.",8 +5,Patel ruled on a class-action lawsuit filed by the ACLU on behalf of all 328 inmates on San Quentin's death row. The order would delay Harris' execution until early June.,4 +5,"In an emotionless 15-minute hearing that lacked any of the drama of previous court proceedings in the sniper cases, Malvo admitted that prosecutors had enough evidence to convict him",4 +11,"''There's a direct correlation between stupid people and guns,'' he said regarding the rush-to-get-a-gun mentality. ''They come in here with minus-I.Q.'s, so you have to fine-tune them.''",10 +5,New Mexico's Supreme Court declared the state's prohibition of same-sex unions unconstitutional. Then a federal judge threw out Utah's same-sex marriage ban.,4 +13,Legislator plans to reload concealed-handgun bill Columbine has 'no connection',12 +14,"Europeans may look down on America for its reliance on capital punishment, but they conveniently forget that when it comes to killing each other, few countries can compare to Europe, least of all the United States.",13 +10,"Before the sentencing, Patterson had to listen for nearly two hours as the families of his victims - Ida Strouth, her 9-year-old son, Jacob, and their next-door neighbor, Jeremiah Sponsel, 13 - told how the murders had ruined their lives and how the killer should receive no mercy. +",9 +11,"Perhaps the four people whose simple desire to say ""I do"" changes the face of marriage in America. +",10 +13,Lessons on Immigration In Two Governors' Races,12 +1,Philip Morris Cos. makes 'down-home' Dave's - but don't tell,0 +12,"In Atlanta, about 400 opponents of the gay marriage ban gathered at the Red Chair restaurant to watch the election returns under balloons and banners reading ,""The Big Gay Election Party.""",11 +13,Maryland Senate OKs same-sex nuptials,12 +15,MARCH MADNESS,14 +7,"ATF's new Philadelphia chief aims at illegal guns +",6 +10,"Guns, Anger and Nonsense in Oregon",9 +14,The gun flow to Mexico,13 +15,Political Insider; More on guns,14 +6,"Firearms experts say restrictions on magazines - detachable ammunition storage and feeding devices -might not prevent a fatal shooting but could prevent a shooting from turning into a massacre. +",5 +13,Report: Reagan may support gun-control bill,12 +13,President Attacks Gun Lobby's Tactics,12 +7,"""He's advised me that . . . he wants to go ahead and be executed,""",6 +7,"Hill was sentenced for the July murder of a doctor and his unarmed escort outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Fla. It was the second murder of an abortion doctor in Pensacola in the past two years.",6 +6,"Proposition 8, the voter initiative that banned same-sex marriage in California",5 +3,Mother Seeks Leniency for Terror Suspect,2 +11,Cultural Divide Over Parental Discipline,10 +7,"fter flames licked from the face mask of Pedro Medina last month, the state called on electrical engineer Jay Wiechert to check things out. ",6 +8,7 - DAY WAIT FOR GUNS SUFFERS SETBACK,7 +5,"During a hearing on a lawsuit seeking to stop the Nov. 2 same-sex marriage vote, Superior Court Judge Constance Russell listened to nearly two hours of legal argument, then surprised attorneys for both sides by citing the 1920 case of Gaskins v. Dorsey.",4 +5,"The suit, filed in Commonwealth Court, was brought by Leach and State Sens. Vincent Hughes and Lawrence M. Farnese, both of Philadelphia, and State Reps. Cherelle L. Parker and Edward C. Gainey, both of Philadelphia.",4 +13,Gun background check deal in jeopardy in Senate,12 +5,New York Challenges U.S. Defense of Marriage Act,4 +6," +Homing In on the Death Penalty",5 +5,"Lawyers said it was the first time an appeals court has debated lethal injection since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in April that the three-drug protocol most commonly used in executions by states and the federal government is not cruel and unusual punishment. Similar hearings are expected across the country, exploring how the court's decision will be carried out.",4 +13,"""As long as I am speaker of this House, no gun control legislation is going to move in committee or on the floor of the House,"" Gingrich wrote in the Jan. 27 letter to Tanya Metaksa, the NRA's chief lobbyist.",12 +4,Trump Wants to Cut Visas He Used for His Own Models,3 +13,Obama: GOP using 'stunts' on gun control,12 +7,"""Up until now, everyone has looked at the District of Columbia and said that law hasn't had any effect [because] it is a city with a serious crime problem,"" said the study's main author, Colin Loftin, a criminology professor at the University of Maryland at College Park. ""But a careful examination shows it did have an effect.""",6 +9,But what else can be done to reduce smoking's damages?,8 +12,"Virginians are closely divided over whether gay marriage should be legal, according to a new Washington Post poll, a striking result in a state that overwhelmingly agreed to amend its constitution to ban gay marriagejust five years ago.",11 +13,"Death penalty supporters, including the Senate sponsor, Mady Reiter, R-Shoreview, and Gov. Tim Pawlenty, said there is little chance of passage this year though a death penalty bill remains alive in the House.",12 +5,A lawyer for a Texas death-row inmate urged the Supreme Court yesterday to make it easier for jurors to consider defendants' mental retardation in deciding whether to sentence them to life in prison or death.,4 +9,Conflict in the Balkans; Balkans Notebook; Refugees processed for transporting to major U.S. cities,8 +5,"While the case proceeded against Sarrio, Legion attorney Walt Britt filed a lawsuit claiming the county's ordinance is unconstitutional. The law is superseded by a more lenient state law that only prohibits gunfire within 50 feet of a road, Britt said.",4 +13,Politicians step aside on death penalty,12 +11,Many immigrants are motivated to learn English,10 +5, Says Iranians in US may have to leave when their visas expire unless they can show that they will face special hardships.,4 +11,"On the surface, it might appear that we have returned to a world in which America represents a promised land of freedom and social mobility. This view has certainly been a powerful incitement to many migrants. But the reality -- then and now -- has typically been far bleaker. Contrary to popular imagination, 30 to 40 percent of immigrants from Europe before the First World War ultimately returned home. For many this was always the plan. But others returned disappointed and disillusioned. They found little reward for their hard work, lack of support in times of illness and old age and questionable moral values in an ego-driven society.",10 +10,by using personal stories,9 +6," +Intended to protect workers from secondhand smoke, Amendment 6 calls for a ban of tobacco use in indoor workplaces not already under restrictions, primarily restaurants and bars that serve food, but also bowling alleys, pool halls, coin laundries and other businesses. + +Bars that serve little food or are not attached to a restaurant are exempt, as are tobacco shops, designated smoking rooms at hotels and private homes.",5 +5,"In accepting an appeal by the Clinton Administration, the Court kept alive the prospect that the extensive regulations the Federal agency issued in 1996, aimed at deterring smoking by minors through restrictions on cigarette sales and advertising, may yet take effect. +",4 +9,Gun bill is a reversal for Ga. public safety,8 +7,Franklin was an 18-year-old student at Alabama State University in 2010 when he took part in killing Tillman.,6 +3,individuals who wish to commit to each,2 +5,2 TOP JUDGES RETORT TO KOCH ON GUN LAW,4 +14,World Briefing Americas: Mexico: Talks With U.S. On Immigration,13 +5,"Allan Wernick, an attorney, Baruch College law professor and Daily News columnist who oversees the Citizenship NOW! hotline, said more people want to become citizens.",4 +5,A pair of private investigators fighting the city of Denver for concealed-weapons permits have won a round in court,4 +5,' STALKER' GUILTY OF 13 KILLINGS,4 +5," But the case was tried in federal court, where murder can be punishable by death, because the crimes took place on federal property: the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Northampton.",4 +15,A clear solution,14 +6,Chipper: Need to ban assault rifles,5 +5,Let the District Have Its Gun Law,4 +11,"The finish line of the Boston Marathon is a landmark here, a blue and yellow slash across Boylston Street that has represented pride and achievement for those who stagger across it in one of the great races of the running world.",10 +9,"The Kentucky Democrat lost 12 pounds along with his sleep, and his face took on a gaunt look",8 +7,"he would seek life without parole for Thomas Capace, a Staten Island man accused of fatally shooting his ex-wife's suitor. +",6 +5,"Denver has battled the mandatory issuance of concealed handgun permits for years, and is now taking on two controversial gun measures, Senate Bills 24 and 25, signed into law in March.",4 +2,due to shortages of traditional execution meds.,1 +1,Tobacco Council's Objectivity Questioned,0 +9,"3. Making schools safer and + +4. Increasing access to mental health services.",8 +12," Latino and Asian American advocates for immigration reform, who overwhelmingly supported Obama's reelection bid in 2012, have long pressed the White House to stand firm on that point.",11 +12,Opponents of the measure told a Capitol news conference Monday that denial of marriage rights to gays is a tool of repression intended to deny their humanity.,11 +12,"rustrated by what they say is a public misperception that they are bigots in opposing gay marriage, the bishops said they were only upholding tradition.",11 +11,"That is why, as president of the NFL Players Association, I'm standing with the majority of Americans who support the freedom to marry. +",10 +13,"The lawmakers wrote Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., asking that tobacco farmers be included in any farm-relief package. The letter was drafted by Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and signed by 12 senators, including Jesse Helms and John Edwards from North Carolina.",12 +6,"Bentsen announced the reclassification of the ""street sweeper,"" ""striker"" and USAS-12. Buyers and current owners of the weapons will have to undergo extensive screenings and certification, and new taxes will be levied on manufacturers, dealers and buyers.",5 +5,Jury Starts Deliberating In 2007 Case Of 3 Murders,4 +6,a ballot question giving county commissioners the go- ahead to author a nonsmoking measure.,5 +1,"Immigrant issue joins C, D fight Spending on illegal immigrants should be curbed, critics say, before state officials ask voters for more revenue.",0 +5,The court seems all but certain to confront the issue of same-sex marriage by considering suits against the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act. The law's provision denying federal recognition of same-sex marriages performed in states where they are legal has been deemed unconstitutional by the Obama administration and lower courts that have considered it.,4 +13,"""Even though a majority might have their way, a minority would have their say,"" said Rep. Phyllis Mundy (D., Luzerne). ""They have not had a minute to express their point of view and tell people why they oppose it.""",12 +5," +The judge's 46-page decision hinged not on arguments about the sanctity of marriage but on the state's failure to convince him that it was necessarily worse for a child to be raised by parents of the same sex than by a heterosexual couple.",4 +9,health care,8 +13,California Assault-Weapons Ban Is Upheld,12 +4,SUSPECT WAS TRICKED INTO LEADING COPS TO GIRL,3 +13, A joint resolution allowing a statewide bill to be filed barring same-sex marriages has cleared the House Rules Committee.,12 +5,"But none of the state or Federal judges appealed to on Monday, including Justice John Paul Stevens of the United States Supreme Court, would stay Mr. Gacy's execution.",4 +13,Mr. Clinton cited legislative struggles over the Brady bill,12 +4,"Still seeking justice for my son, Prince",3 +1,"Private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management announced Tuesday it will sell Freedom Group, the company that manufactures the Bushmaster line of firearms and the nation's largest gun maker.",0 +9,The store is six miles from the elementary school where Purdy used an AK-47 assault rifle to spray the yard with bullets before killing himself.,8 +13,", gubernatorial hopeful Cathy Cox could cost herself an important metro Atlanta vote --- the city's large and politically active gay community.",12 +6,The Death Penalty Mess,5 +3,"The four Roman Catholic bishops of Massachusetts are taking their fight against same-sex marriage directly to parishioners, with a direct-mail campaign to nearly one million families. F",2 +5, Florida Judge Upholds Use of the Electric Chair,4 +4,"Seeing a Step Toward Equality, or a Spark to Fight Gay Marriage +",3 +3,Film focuses on Mormon role in gay marriage ban,2 +7,Bay Area Iraqis expressed more satisfaction than elation at news that a five-judge tribunal had found Saddam guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced him to death by hanging.,6 +10,"Love, not benefits, important in gay marriage debate",9 +13,"HOUSE BACKS STIFF PENALTIES FOR JUVENILES IT REJECTED A BAN ON ""VIOLENT MATERIAL,"" CITING FREE-PRESS CONCERNS.",12 +1,Deal Reached on Foreign Workers; Compromise Aimed at Meeting Demand for High-Tech Skills,0 +1,"Big financial guns have kick-started both sides of the looming same-sex-marriage debate in near-equal measures, according to the first campaign finance reports filed Monday. + +The coalition Coloradans for Marriage, which has proposed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as solely between one man and one woman, built a $63,483 war chest with contributions from some of its primary institutional and individual members. +",0 +9,A RUSH TO TAKE HOME DEADLY FORCE FOR 1G,8 +4,GUN OWNERS NOT EQUAL IN ALAMEDA COUNTY,3 +13,Reactions on the president's announcement,12 +5,7 GUN MAKERS DROP SUIT OVER FEDERAL PROGRAM,4 +4,Is the state of Missouri about to execute an innocent man for murder?,3 +11,TILL DEATH SENTENCE DO US PART,10 +3,Belleville Bishop Edward Braxton,2 +5,"""But we're going to file immediately to say that we don't intend to seek the death penalty"" against suspect Timothy Murray, said Johnson's spokesman, Steven Reed. ""If we get the indictment [from a grand jury], it will be life without parole.""",4 +5,"No ... that would be the Second Amendment of our U.S. Constitution that states that, the truth of which is confirmed by our U.S. Supreme Court.",4 +13,SPINELESS GOP HOLDS KEY TO GUN CONTROL,12 +13,Commissioners uphold gun law El Paso's park prohibition stands,12 +13,"The ad by McEachin, of Henrico County, accuses his two leading rivals, Del. Whittington W. Clement, of Danville, and state Sen. John S. Edwards, of Roanoke, of being cozy with gun rights groups such as the National Rifle Association. Both have criticized the ad -- which shows news coverage of the shooting at Columbine in 1999 -- as a mischaracterization of their records",12 +7,"when Johnson is scheduled to be executed at 7 a.m. at Florida State Prison in Starke. +",6 +6,Death penalty fast track proposed,5 +13,Political Winds Blowing Smoke-Free,12 +13,"""We attempted to put together a proposal that has bipartisan support, as well as geographic balance,"" said Rep. Debra Hilstrom, DFL-Brooklyn Center, a sponsor of the alternate bill. +",12 +5," However, the Liggett agreement applies only to that firm, not to any other tobacco company. More than 200 lawsuits are pending against them.",4 +13,"Mr. Kennedy's bill passed the Senate in 2004 but failed in the House. With Democrats now in control of both houses, public health advocates said they had new hope that the legislation -- debated for more than a decade -- could pass.",12 +5,"The New Jersey Supreme Court granted gay couples the same rights as married couples this week, leaving it to the State Legislature whether to call their partnerships marriages or civil unions.",4 +1," but the top 10 states for business growth, according to leading business studies, are also states that protect marriage in their state constitutions.",0 +13,' WHOLE NATION' WATCHING SESSION'S VOTE ON GUN BILL,12 +12,Gun-control group boasts most successful year with victories nationwide,11 +5,"Laurence said, ''We are simply asking the state to stop a very torturous and barbaric execution for a week to 10 days. We are not specifying what should take its place.'' But Deputy Attorney General Dane Gillette argued that Harris had opportunities to raise the issue during numerous state and federal appeals since his conviction in February 1979.",4 +13,"President Obama said Friday his personal evolution in support of gay marriage reflects broader public support and helped convince him that his administration could not avoid weighing in on the Supreme Court's review of California's same-sex marriage ban. +",12 +5,"The pretrial motions by Malvo's attorneys, Craig S. Cooley and Michael S. Arif, are part of their efforts to prepare for trial and to whittle down the case against their client.",4 +11,"In Suffolk, Less of a Sanctuary for Salvadorans",10 +13,G.O.P. BACKING OFF A DEAL TO RESTORE AID TO IMMIGRANTS,12 +5,Judges in several states have started to put up potentially insurmountable roadblocks to the use of lethal injections to execute condemned inmates.,4 +4," ""Freedom, justice and human dignity have always guided our journey toward a more perfect union.""",3 +7,Florida waits as killer again condemned,6 +6,"GOOD SOCIAL POLICY, GOOD BUSINESS",5 +13,"Rather, we should fear the left-wing purveyors of big brother government hiding in their ivory tower newsrooms and editorial boards, desperately trying to mold public opinions by substituting their fantasy for fact. ",12 +13,Hawaii lawmakers are considering same-sex civil unions,12 +10,"""Dang! They did it!"" Middleton, who is in her mid-70s, exulted about the time that gay couples began saying ""I do"" at courthouses across the state. ""We are staggered."" +",9 +13,"Officials, stand ground against Scott on gun law",12 +7,14-year sentence for illegal gun deals,6 +8,would try to disarm Herman or deny her the right to protect her family.,7 +9,"""The evidence and recognition that secondhand smoke is a really big risk to health"" is a major reason for the increase, said Erika Sward, the American Lung Association's director of national advocacy.",8 +6,Will gun bill be shot down?,5 +7,17 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS NABBED IN PALM BEACH,6 +13,Codey said he expected bipartisan support.,12 +6,"Its police and fire departments already have the policy, so this would mean ""hiring tobacco-free everybody,"" human resources director Susan Sinz says.",5 +5,"Richardson has now exhausted his appeals. The Missouri attorney general's office will be seeking an execution date for Richardson within the next few weeks, spokesman Scott Holste said.",4 +13,"Pa. lawmakers vote on gun, sanctuary-city bills",12 +9,The examination will be conducted at Dorothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh.,8 +11,AFTER THE RIOTS; Riots Put Focus on Hispanic Growth and Problems in South-Central Area,10 +5,IMMIGRATION AMNESTY: Bush's proposal gets support; It's seen as fix for many issues,4 +13,Californians will vote this fall on an initiative to abolish the death penalty.,12 +5,The order came the same day that state lawyers argued in federal court that nothing should stand in the way of setting execution dates soon for six death row inmates,4 +13," +IN HIS FIRST major political investment since leaving City Hall, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking aim at one of his favorite targets - the NRA.",12 +13," The case is being closely watched by other metro cities whose gun-control ordinances, like Denver's, were wiped off the books by a 2003 law.",12 +5,"The plaintiffs in both cases are being represented by the Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative legal-advocacy group based in Scottsdale, Ariz., whose lawyers have argued that state officials and Mr. Spano exceeded their authority. Lower courts have sided with state and local officials in the two cases. +",4 +13,Jerry Brown & gun control: How much is too much?,12 +1,BILL WOULD MAKE BUSINESSES THAT BAN GUNS LIABLE,0 +11,"Ying Xiong, 28, has attended the Hmong Sports Festival in St. Paul ""every year for as long as I can remember."" On Saturday, he took Tou Vang Hang, who had never been to the annual gathering, with him.",10 +2," +John P. Torres, the director of detention and removal operations for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said his workers were making progress. That effort began in 2003 with a few dozen officers, and with time and resources, he says, it can tackle the backlog.",1 +13,"WAR DECLARED ON TEEN SMOKING CLINTON PRESSES FOR BAN ON VENDING MACHINES, SPORTS ADVERTISING",12 +5,McVeigh shuns key chance for execution delay,4 +5,Appeals Courts Stop Double Execution,4 +15,7 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT GUNS,14 +13, particularly after an election that drove home the growing influence of Hispanic voters.,12 +5," +The quickening pace of executions is likely to continue, owing not only to the McCleskey case but to the fact that avenues of appeal for many long-term death row inmates have been exhausted since 1976.",4 +13,Democratic Mayor Gavin Newsom has said he was obliged to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples to avoid violating the equal-protection clause of the state constitution,12 +5, won a stay until Sept. 15. His execution has been postponed several times since Medina's electrocution,4 +7,"Of the 135 people turned over to ICE last year, about 30 were the result of investigations by the three trained deputies, he said.",6 +1,"RJR shareholders again reject splitting tobacco, food units +",0 +12,"Marches must go on, all the way to November",11 +7,Leaving a loaded gun in a house with children in it is not a crime in Florida. It is not a crime because of Ronald Clyde Johnson.,6 +12,"Immigration activists here also have moved their focus from hitting the streets to walking the hallways of the state Capitol and taking their message to neighborhood churches to put a human face on the debate. Still, the rally Saturday at Kiener Plaza aimed to show Congress and the community that local activists are still fighting for comprehensive change in the immigration system.",11 +13,GOV TO HELP BATTLE FOR CALIF. GAY NUPS,12 +15,Not the Case,14 +13,GOP Activists Outline Opposition to Gay Unions,12 +11,Suburbs catering to newcomers,10 +1,California gun shows caught in the crossfire,0 +13,"The bill, introduced by Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., passed his Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health by a 14-11 vote.",12 +7,"Mr. Durocher was executed for the 1983 murders of his 6-month-old son, Joshua; his girlfriend, Grace Reed, and her 5-year-old daughter, Candice. The bodies were not discovered until 1990. He was also under a death sentence for shooting a man to death in a 1986 robbery and was serving a life sentence for bludgeoning a roommate to death two years later.",6 +7,Chinese Man's Release Ends A 5-Year Tale of Misfortune,6 +5,Circuit Court Judge LeRoy F. Millette Jr. officially appointed Peter D. Greenspun and Jonathan Shapiro to Muhammad's defense team during the 10-minute hearing. Greenspun was asked to represent Muhammad last week and stood with his client at the defense table yesterday.,4 +6,"A column in this space in late May complained that the proponents of Referendum I, the Domestic Partnership Act, were mischaracterizing the act.",5 +5,"But in fact, the Supreme Court concluded in 1989 that states are free to impose the death penalty for murderers who committed their crimes at age 16 or 17.",4 +6,FLORIDA DEATH PENALTY SYSTEM NEEDS REFORM,5 +13,"Such a respectful compromise is possible in the Senate this week, but not if the gun lobby succeeds in pushing through a bill sponsored by Senator McClure of Idaho.",12 +12,Reaction to Newtown Shootings Spreads to Corporate America,11 +12,OWS protesters rally for immigration rights,11 +5,"Judge's handgun ruling has D.C. officials, police scrambling",4 +11,"Guns, Arcades and the N.R.A.",10 +5,"irginia: Death Sentence Commuted +",4 +11,More Africans Enter U.S. Than in Days of Slavery,10 +9,Dunham's group contends that a stay should be issued until a hearing can be held on Heidnik's mental competency.,8 +13,"Sadly, there was no surprise to Gov. Chris Christie's veto on Friday of the same-sex marriage bill that cleared New Jersey's Assembly and Senate this week. Mr. Christie had said all along that he would block the measure as soon as it reached his desk.",12 +5,The Supreme Court also rejected by a 7 to 2 vote last night a request by Mr. Knighton for a stay.,4 +1,"High-cost loans are last resort for some +",0 +5," But the U.S. Supreme Court has thrown out the NRA's interpretation of the Second Amendment a dozen times. Gun ownership in California is exactly what it should be - a carefully guarded privilege, not a ""right.""",4 +5,Prosecutors won't seek death penalty for Blake,4 +14,despite pleas for clemency from the Mexican government.,13 +5,"ollack sworn in as Colo. high court chief justice +",4 +15," +UP IN SMOKE? +",14 +8,Border security bill is stalled,7 +13,Washington's Secret Gun Files,12 +12,NRA ITSELF BRINGS ON GUN RESTRICTIONS,11 +7,Now he faces life in prison or death in the electric chair.,6 +10,triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people.,9 +13,"Voters in a third Colorado community, Summit County, also passed",12 +15,Gays await decision on same-sex marriage; Washington state court will review judge's ruling,14 +5,"""We call him Visa Balaji,"" said Madhu Vadlamani, 25. ""He is famous for granting visas.""",4 +15,Breathing lessons,14 +6,after the smoking ban is extended to bar areas Jan. 1,5 +13,"Forrester, meanwhile, won Senate passage of a resolution seeking permission for a similar bill that could be applied to more than 15 counties. That was the resolution altered by the House committee and now headed for a vote by the full House, where it needs two-thirds approval.",12 +11,"That measure would leave Georgia, Alabama and Nebraska as the only states among the 38 with capital punishment that require execution by electrocution.",10 +5,Judge again puts state efforts to resume executions on hold,4 +13,"After the Second Debate, a New Scorecard",12 +1, Gun sales will continually increase with the escalating violent crimes.,0 +6,Inquirer Editorial: Bill allowing the NRA to sue towns with tough gun laws needs to die,5 +5, Rodriguez told Circuit Judge Hubert Lindsey that he plans either to present a permanent or temporary insanity defense to the jury.,4 +13,"The lobbying trips are part of a renewed push by immigrant advocates nationwide to sway Congress into passing immigration reform, two weeks after a bill stalled in the Senate.",12 +15,TRUSTING TOBACCO,14 +1,A Gun Dealer Talks Straight About Guns,0 +11,CALIFORNIA BECOMES MELTING POT OF 1980'S,10 +5, He declined to discuss the specific allegations in the lawsuit.,4 +13,"The guns-on-campus bill (HB 4001) passed, 80-37, with three Democrats - Reps. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda of Tallahassee, Joseph Geller of Aventura and Randolph Bracy of Orlando - joining the chamber's large Republican majority in support.",12 +13,"That's an indication of the uphill battle the GOP faces to rebuild Latino support after tough rhetoric against illegal immigrants in past immigration battles and during the 2012 Republican presidential primary campaign. Some GOP lawmakers, led by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, now hope to negotiate a bipartisan immigration bill that will include both stronger border security and a path to legal status for illegal immigrants. + +",12 +12, attacked by gun enthusiasts.,11 +13,Editorial: Veto session challenges lawmakers to do the right thing,12 +6,"The Schumer-Bradley bill aims to stop trafficking by a number of practical measures. The linchpin of the legislation is a proposal for a national handgun identity card, containing a photograph, a fingerprint and a magnetic strip to prevent fraudulent use. No one in America would be allowed to buy a handgun without such a card.",5 +13,"The outcome was expected. Republicans had approved the STEM bill to show that they are willing to act on measures to fix the immigration system. The issue became newly important after the presidential election, in which Latino and immigrant voters, a fast-growing part of the electorate, gave their support overwhelmingly to President Obama.",12 +9,"The man was taking four types of drugs, including two that cause depression and confusion",8 +3,A lesbian couple from New Jersey who were barred from holding a civil union ceremony last year at a beachfront pavilion owned by a church group,2 +5,The General Assembly has asked the state Supreme Court to set minimum standards for all attorneys and judges involved in death penalty cases.,4 +10,Quiet Delays in Deportation Let Thousands Stay for Years,9 +7,"Come on, we'll only end up with a totally disarmed, law-abiding citizenry at the mercy of well-armed criminals.",6 +11,Asian-Americans question 'model minority' portrayal in new study,10 +5,which also clarifies some issues not addressed by the court.,4 +7,"It is true that of the 405 people awaiting execution, 16 committed their crimes before 1980. ",6 +7,"Jeffrey Dahmer killed 15 young men. Cut them up, even boiled some of them. His crimes were some of the most repulsive in American history.",6 +12,Magazine story spurs gun debate,11 +5,Case Touches a 2nd Amendment Nerve,4 +7,Handgun crimes hit record,6 +5,MINNESOTA DELEGATION COLEMAN FOR AMENDMENT TO BAN GAY MARRIAGES,4 +6,Antonio Richardson's case is a most appropriate application of this penalty.,5 +5," A spokeswoman for Attorney General William L. Webster said a new stay was unnecessary. ''This was a jury's decision,'' said the spokeswoman, Mary Jenkins. ''We believe it was appropriate in light of the crime, and the courts have agreed through nine years of appeals.'",4 +13,"Obama's orders were imperial, but Trump's aren't?",12 +13,Democrats objected to the move and derided it as a desperation effort to avoid the embarrassment of a huge defeat when the Senate votes on the issue tomorrow.,12 +9,"NEW SMOKE SIGNAL GOES UP TOBACCO WINDFALL: HEALTH CHIEF RETREATS ON USING IT ALL FOR CHILDREN. +",8 +10," +Being Legal Doesn't End Poverty",9 +11,will help the state achieve its goal of cutting teen smoking by 50% in the next five years.,10 +11,"The figures are particularly striking because most people continue to associate mass immigration with the waves of Irish and Germans who came in the mid-19th century, or with turn-of-the-century Ellis Island.",10 +9,"But those weapons are ''no less deadly,'' says Josh Sugarmann of the Firearms Policy Project, although they ''may look less threatening.''",8 +13,The National Rifle Association quickly announced that suits would be filed against similar gun restrictions in Obama's Chicago bailiwick to keep the issue on the front burner for the fall campaign.,12 +11,"The last Census does not even mention Costa Ricans in Bound Brook, but as the suburbanization of immigration, both legal and covert, continues, it has brought this community of strangers into the heart of Somerset County, one of New Jersey's most prosperous. Into the cheap housing down where the river overruns its banks.",10 +6,LEGISLATION WOULD BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS,5 +13,Minnesota politicians weighing in on what marriage means,12 +1, including the ability to file joint tax returns and obtain spousal benefits from Social Security.,0 +13,California Eases Tone As Latinos Make Gains,12 +1,The grants are part of a $200-million-a-year program to promote,0 +15,"'I Do'? Oh, No. Not Here You Don't.",14 +5,"University of Minnesota students already interviewed have told Luis Bartolomei, the immigration attorney for the University Student Legal Service, that ""the process is relatively smooth. There's not a lot of friction between the officers and interviewees.""",4 +9,"The Atlanta-based group said its latest data show a drop of 3,014 cancer deaths in the United States from 2003 to 2004, the most recent year for which statistics are available. That was eight times the 369 drop for the 2002-2003 period, which marked the first decline in total cancer deaths in 70 years.",8 +13,"Itching to have her say in the debate over Gov. Parris N. Glendening's controversial smart-gun proposal, Merci McKinley could hold it in no longer.",12 +9," It's a significant movement forward for safety in Maryland,",8 +7,"Reece, 22, of Beverly Hills was arrested this week - the first person charged through the work of the newly formed Homicide Task Force. The group includes St. Louis homicide detectives and two agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.",6 +5,"City Clerk's offices in all five boroughs will open on July 24, the date that the same-sex marriage law goes into effect, and judges will be on hand to officiate at the weddings immediately after couples receive their marriage licenses.",4 +7,"Link already is serving prison sentences totaling at least 216 years for a variety of crimes. He was out of prison after serving six years of a 20-year sentence for kidnapping and rape when he began a crime rampage that included the killing of Elissa, authorities said.",6 +13,Just in case the hardworking lobbyists at the National Rifle Association and their protectors in Congress don't feel appreciated,12 +12,SAFE Colorado,11 +8,"In March 1995, Secretary of State Warren Christopher asked immigration officials to locate and detain a Haitian fugitive with CIA links who was accused of leading a terror campaign against pro-democracy forces in Haiti.",7 +8, criminal background checks,7 +12,"Most Coloradans oppose gay marriage, but almost as many support giving same-sex couples the same legal benefits married couples have, according to a poll conducted for The Denver Post",11 +6,"METRO CAN KEEP GUNS OFF TRAINS, BUSES",5 +3,"t seems that the older I get, the more I have adopted the views of ancient civilizations - a hand for a hand. Why should people be concerned about whether a murderer is in pain during execution? The pain that they have inflicted on the families and friends of their victims far outweighs any pain that the executed may feel. +",2 +4,"PROMISES MADE, promises broken.",3 +10,Schools should focus on education,9 +15,Stop the madness,14 +9,"He was 73 then, kept an oxygen tank by his side and a mask on his face and got around in a wheelchair. +",8 +1,"The proposed regulation is months to years away from becoming reality and might be completely changed. Still, it has the tobacco and hospitality industry up in arms, as shown by the survey results released Thursday. And that could keep the regulation from becoming law.",0 +9,Government can't protect smokers from themselves,8 +8,citizens to exercise their right to self-defense. ,7 +5,The Justice Department has acknowledged flaws in forensic testimony by the FBI that helped convict a man ,4 +5,But a procession of prosecution witnesses linked him to the bombing plot.,4 +11,and was decried by his critics as un-American.,10 +13,"In Oregon visit, Obama will find grief but also resentment",12 +6,"More to the point, even if miraculously enacted, the bill would not have stopped 20-year-old Adam Lanza from his murderous rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The guns, after all, were not even his.",5 +13,"The House and Senate votes amounted to a double-barreled loss for President Bush, who strongly supported the amendment. But many Republicans, while conceding in advance that the amendment would be defeated, saw the issue as a political winner and wanted to put opponents on record before the Nov. 2 elections.",12 +7,MAN WHO BURNED WIFE MAY GET LIFE TERM,6 +5,"His report now goes to the state's high court, which will begin the process of reviewing Clemons' appeal. The court can decide anything from leaving Clemons on death row to throwing out his conviction.",4 +14,Murder Suspect Tests U.S.-Canada Extradition Pact,13 +9,Cowed by the West Smokers are fired up about nicotine patches,8 +3,"E-Cigarettes, by Other Names, Lure Young and Worry Experts",2 +4,Justice for all Our view o Report details cracks in Missouri's death penalty system.,3 +13, Republican President George W. Bush,12 +5,"Kimball ruled in May that Utah must recognize those marriages, but the U.S. Supreme Court stayed that decision as well. In October, when the Supreme Court declined to hear Utah's appeal, marriage for same-sex couples once again became legal in the state. +",4 +8," for the defence of themselves and their own state, or the United States,",7 +5,"Robert Wolfrum, a veteran of seven and a half years in the St. Charles Public Defender's office, has been transferred to St. Louis to handle capital murder cases. ",4 +9, it was an issue of public safety,8 +5,Ga. Constitution could bar paying tobacco bailouts,4 +3,"The rabbis of Judaism's Reform movement declared today that gay relationships were ""worthy of affirmation"" through Jewish ritual and that Reform rabbis who decided to officiate at same-sex ceremonies would have the support of the branch's rabbinical body, as would those who decided they would not.",2 +6,An Earful on Gun Ban Repeal,5 +4, prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.,3 +13,Governor signs gun measures,12 +3,"""I try to look at it from a moral and philosophical point of view. Is it right to use the death penalty when there is another option, life in jail?"" +",2 +4,UNFAIR ATTACK ON LAWYERS OF THE DOOMED,3 +13,"The Senate Judiciary Committee passed its first gun bill Thursday, setting up the first potential floor votes on the issue of gun violence in nearly a decade.",12 +1,"Yarborough apparently took the cab to J&S Pawn Shop on North Roxboro Road, where he purchased the shotgun.",0 +13," +Purcellville Mayor Robert W. Lazaro Jr. is the newest Virginia member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a national bipartisan coalition dedicated to combating gun violence across the nation.",12 +12,Advocates on both sides of the gun control issue said,11 +11,A CENTURY OF STORIES,10 +11,"The more the NRA makes gun control a cultural issue, the more it pushes away Americans who live in the largest cultural belt in the country: the vast stretch of suburbs.",10 +14,MUSLIM EXTREMIST INDICTED IN ABDUCTION OF REPORTER U.S. SEEKING EXTRADITION FOR DEATH PENALTY TRIAL,13 +5,"The ""unalienable right"" to bear arms that voters approved as Amendment 5 in August 2014 turns out to be a little alienable",4 +5,Seeking sanction for their families,4 +13,"He's willing to flout conventional political norms, he has a loyal base that continues to stick with him through the chaos, and Republican members of Congress have so far been unwilling to cross him.",12 +5," +Wednesday's documents bolstered efforts to enact the settlement this year.",4 +7,"His budget package, he said, was designed to send an unambiguous message to criminals: ""If you commit crimes with guns or violate gun laws, you will pay a heavy price.""",6 +11,"HISPANIC RISE IN AREA TOPS NATION, STATE",10 +6,E-cigarettes blow fog into Metro's smoking ban,5 +3," Evangelicals split on immigration +",2 +5,"Prosecutors to seek death penalty in slaying of 2 women +",4 +12,The View From Opposite Sides of a Student Walkout in Montana,11 +11,Heston Sticks to His Guns,10 +8,"Dulles, JFK test iris-recognition systems +",7 +13,"President Donald Trump pledged Friday that an ""eight-year assault"" on gun rights was over, invoking many of his tried-and-true favorites from the campaign trail to a friendly crowd in Atlanta at the National Rifle Association's annual meeting.",12 +5,"The latest proposals cover asylum applicants who are already in the country, legally or illegally. They would:",4 +4,Celebrate equality,3 +7,POLICE STOP VAN AND FIND,6 +1,mall managers,0 +5,"New York does not require rifles to be registered, her aide noted.",4 +13,It is the classic liberal response of using a particular problem created by particular people to expand the government's power over other people. The same pattern is seen in liberal responses to crimes committed by people with firearms by cracking down on the far larger number of people with firearms who are committing no crimes.,12 +5, Plan infringes on gun rights,4 +6,Gun control rebrands and recovers,5 +5,"The Florida attorney general, Bill McCollum, filed a motion in the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit to vacate the stay, but several legal experts said they did not expect the appeals court to rule in his favor.",4 +1,EXECUTIVE UNABLE TO NAME GROUP'S TOBACCO STUDIES,0 +13,LEAVE IT TO BAM Planning boost to gun checks Would use executive powers,12 +9,"In his inaugural address on Jan. 1, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg declared that a major goal of his second term would be to ''rid our streets of guns, and punish all those who possess and traffic in these instruments of death.''",8 +13,Republicans offered a more nuanced position: that the case was a result of Obama's failure to produce the comprehensive solution to immigration that he had promised.,12 +13,"Acting on a series of anti-crime bills, the state Senate voted Wednesday to crack down on peeping toms, drag racers, criminals on probation who commit new felonies and people who illegally carry handguns. +",12 +7,Mike hints cops oughta walk out,6 +8,Might California ban gun sales to terror watch lists?,7 +7," Anyone suspected of knowingly hiring undocumented immigrants, transporting them, renting them a place to live, or acting to ""conceal, harbor or shield"" them could be charged.",6 +7, this one against a 22-year-old man accused of killing another man execution style while stealing a jeweled gold pendant and necklace from him.,6 +7,"''He was doing a thriving business,'' marveled one of the volunteer lawyers, looking over the packed room in the bar association's West 44th Street offices.",6 +9,"Same-sex partners should marry ... it's good for their health +",8 +5, U.S. Won't Intervene In Arizona Death Case,4 +5," But on Wednesday, the Florida Supreme Court refused, 4-3, to delay Buenoano's execution, ruling that just because Tafero's execution was botched, it doesn't mean the Department of Corrections can't electrocute Buenoano.",4 +15,LETTERS ARROGANT AMERICANS,14 +11,The proposals by the Kansas lawmakers would ban burial in national cemeteries and forbid military honors and color guard ceremonies at funerals for capital offenders such as Rader.,10 +13,"House Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote to the National Rifle Association promising that ""no gun control legislation"" will pass the House as long as he is speaker.",12 +13," For Republicans, the issue is both a way of changing the political subject from Iraq, the economy and the failures of the Bush presidency and a means of sowing discord in the Democratic coalition.",12 +7,says convicted murderer Clarence Allen Lackey.,6 +12,. In a country still divided by the concept of gay marriage,11 +13,Duncan Blasts INS Dealings With Libraries,12 +13," +City Council President Lisa Borders and Jesse Spikes, a partner at the law firm McKenna, Long & Aldridge, answered yes. State Sen. Kasim Reed (D-Atlanta) replied ""civil unions.""",12 +13,"A powerful House Democrat called ""the Truck"" by his colleagues rolled over his party's hopes for stronger gun control and a campaign issue. He helped deliver to the Republicans and the National Rifle Association a victory of the sort they have dreamed of since the Brady bill six years ago.",12 +6,"The bill, backed by the gun lobby, also would allow shoppers and diners to leave their weapons locked in their cars at malls, restaurants and other retail establishments. They, too, would be required to have a concealed-weapon license.",5 +5,"White ruled Wednesday that DOMA was unconstitutional, and that Golinski should have the right to include her wife in her family health insurance plan.",4 +13,"The draft also blasts President Obama for deciding not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in courts. The reason is simple - his lawyers concluded that it is unconstitutional - but the draft calls the decision ""a mockery of the President's inaugural oath.""",12 +8,"MEX. FENCE GOOD IDEA, BUSH SAYS MAKES SWITCH ON BARRIER ISSUE",7 +13,"Which states and GOP politicians will feel the political heat first? New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who is facing reelection and has shown a willingness to take on his own party, stands out as an obvious choice. And in terms of states, now that the court has cleared the way for same-sex marriages in California, there are seven that allow civil unions but ban same-sex marriage - Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Illinois, Wisconsin and New Jersey. Governors and lawmakers in those states, along with the swing state of Virginia, will likely face the most immediate legal and political challenges. +",12 +7,"Other departments around the country are checking their records, and some, like the police department in Pueblo, Colo., said they would wait to see what the fallout of the law was before they started the process.",6 +9,Tobacco's Threat to Teenagers' Health,8 +9,"Several days ago, a woman with a long record of mental instability, including a 2005 court plea of not guilty by reason of insanity, brought a loaded semiautomatic pistol to the school and pulled the trigger several times while pointing the gun at a school administrator.",8 +13,"With Congress paralyzed, gun safety measures ""need to come from the ground up, not the top down,"" said Mayor Tony Spitaleri, Measure C's driving force. ""We've got to start somewhere. We just can't accept the fact that this (gun deaths) is the norm now."" +",12 +5,The ongoing legal battle for gay rights moved to New Jersey yesterday when a Mercer County judge heard the first oral arguments in a lawsuit seeking the right for same-sex couples to marry.,4 +13,"Big-name Republican donors and lawmakers are quietly gathering in Washington on Wednesday night for a first-of-its-kind conference dedicated to advancing gay rights, in a sign of how far and fast some within the party are evolving on the once divisive cause.",12 +13," House and Senate votes on arming pilots will surely be on the NRA ""report card"" mailed to members before the fall elections as a voting guide, he said.",12 +12,"receiving a recommendation from the Falcon Heights Human Rights Commission and OutFront Minnesota, a nonprofit organization that has advocated for the gay and lesbian community for more than two decades.",11 +13,Ruben Navarrette: Listen to what Trump is saying about immigration,12 +7," +Police officials said putting a pistol in the hands of a convicted felon is illegal. But Preiser, whose business charges a fee for helping people get Police Department gun permits, insisted that there was nothing illegal about his program.",6 +13,"As Views Shift On Guns, Reid Corrals Senate",12 +11,The Future of Same-Sex Marriage,10 +5, before the U.S. Supreme Court ordered a review of his case.,4 +6,CAMPUS GUNS BILL REVIVED,5 +8,Libyan terrorism suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala,7 +1,overall tobacco-control spending.,0 +12,conservative activists,11 +5,John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment;,4 +6,"The resolution urges countries to progressively restrict the offenses for which the death penalty can be imposed, and not to allow it if the subject was under 18 when the crime was committed, is pregnant or has ""any form of mental disorder.""",5 +3,"EATH ROW MERCY BRINGS 'LESSONS' FROM ASHCROFT +",2 +12,gay-marriage opponents,11 +7,"He was in the Palm Beach County Jail, awaiting trial on charges that he murdered a correctional officer and tried to help a prisoner escape.",6 +13, the Senate will vote on a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.,12 +11,"On Gun Ownership, and Attitudes, in America",10 +4,Equal protection: Bars vs. lungs,3 +7,"Seventy-nine people suspected of being illegal aliens were among the 179 passengers aboard an Eastern Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York that stopped Monday in Atlanta, federal agents said.",6 +5,"EX-SMOKER'S SUIT BLAMES ASBESTOS IN CIGARETTE FILTERS FOR CANCER +",4 +5,"The state Board of Pardons and Paroles decided Wednesday night not to grant him clemency, but he still has an appeal pending in the courts. +",4 +5,"Indeed, Mr. Gossett faced a barrage of hostile questions from the justices, and in June 2006 the court ruled against his client, 8 to 1. The ruling wiped out decisions in much of the nation -- notably from the federal appeals court in California -- that had favored immigrants.",4 +7,Bannister has said he shot Ruestman accidentally during a struggle at Ruestman's front door.,6 +10,"Around the state, smiles and vows",9 +13," +This week, President Obama put forth a series of executive orders and a sweeping legislative package to implement,finally, some kind of lasting gun control. +",12 +13,"On the eve of President Obama's final State of the Union address, dozens of members of his party condemned",12 +14,The United Nations General Assembly voted on Tuesday for a global moratorium on the death penalty. The resolution was nonbinding; its symbolic weight made barely a ripple in the news ocean of the United States,13 +7,"He is James Calvin Brady, a 32-year-old man who was released from a mental institution last April and went out the same day and bought a $139 revolver and 12 bullets at a pawnshop. The next day, he caught a bus to Atlanta's Perimeter Mall, ambled over to a crowded food court and opened fire, killing one person and wounding four others.",6 +5,"They are an infringement of the Constitution's Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, as upheld by the Supreme Court. +",4 +13,Same-Sex Marriage Issue Key to Some G.O.P. Races,12 +9,Health advocacy groups would issue statements criticizing Red's endorsement of an unhealthy lifestyle.,8 +5,"In my home state of Arkansas, plans are underway for a spectacular legal train wreck starting next week",4 +13,"""I would say that the likelihood is that they are not going to be able to get an assault weapons ban through this Congress,"" Keene said on CNN's ""State Of The Union.""",12 +4,"""It's an equity issue,"" she said. ""I'm encouraging the administrative side to move as rapidly as they can.""",3 +6,"Looking just at border control, I'd like to point out four areas of reform:",5 +1,"''You're talking millions and millions in gains (overseas) compared to four cents a pack (in taxes) here,'' says Tom Slane of the Tobacco Merchants Association.",0 +5,Man freed from death row sentenced in beating case,4 +5,Illegal immigrants can't rent: Nebraska town reconsiders law,4 +7,U.S. has resumed deportations to Haiti,6 +1,Smoker's widow wins$2.2 million verdict,0 +5,"Prosecutors denied the allegations, saying they rejected him as a witness because they questioned his truthfulness at times and concluded that the value of his information did not outweigh the seriousness of his crimes.",4 +1,on consumer protection,0 +6,"INS should focus efforts on tourists, not students",5 +11,local landmarks or creating a historic district in West Tampa,10 +7,Richmond police have seized more than 100 Tec-9s in the last year.,6 +12," To mark it, immigrant and Latino groups vented their frustration with the appeals court's ruling in marches and rallies at more than two dozen places around the country, including Phoenix; Raleigh, N.C.; and Miami. + +One group protested at the offices of the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, in Racine, Wis.",11 +9,won't have to breathe other people's smoke all day.,8 +3,THE HEARTLESS gun lovers who hoped to make the anniversary of the Newtown massacre ?Guns Save Lives Day? have changed their callous plan.,2 +5,"He made clear, however, that he reserves the right to seek clemency from the White House, telling the judge: ""The president, as I understand it, has almost unlimited power in this respect.",4 +6,"In Texas, the Death Penalty Still Fails to Deter",5 +13,ILLINOIS GOVERNOR TALKS GUN CONTROL WITH SPORTSMEN,12 +5,"Jason West, the mayor of the little Hudson Valley village of New Paltz who married 25 gay couples last month before receiving a court injunction to stop",4 +13, House eases up on hidden weapons,12 +12,Poll shows growing support for stricter gun control among younger Americans,11 +1,Colorado currently receives about $90 million a year from the tobacco settlement.,0 +3," purpose of marriage, as defined by some Christians, is to produce children? +",2 +9," +PRIMARY",8 +5,"Pinellas County Circuit Judge R. Timothy Peters did not sentence Permenter immediately. Peters, who has the option to follow the jury's recommendation or impose a life sentence, scheduled a status hearing Tuesday.",4 +13,prompted Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) on Saturday to pledge to push for tougher guns laws.,12 +13,Hispanics true blue again for Obama,12 +6," They have failed to provide an alternative, even as they acknowledge that the immigration system is broke.""",5 +5,SUPREME COURT BACKS RETURN OF HAITIANS JUSTICES' 7-2 VOTE BOLSTERS PRESIDENT'S; POLICY,4 +5,UNABOMBER MAKES RISKY APPEAL,4 +13,"In an unusually large show of Democratic Party unity, dozens of politicians and elected officials gathered yesterday on the steps of New York City Hall to celebrate the selection of Malcolm A. Smith, chosen by his colleagues to lead the Democratic minority in the State Senate.",12 +13,"Obama, who has frustrated gun-control advocates with his timid approach to the issue, came under increased pressure this weekend from members of his own party to call for stricter limits on gun buyers.",12 +1,that suffices and let's save our money.,0 +10,"After historic vote, a happier challenge: Wedding plans",9 +13,HOUSE VOTE TO BAN GAY MARRIAGE FALLS SHORT OF PASSAGE,12 +15,WE'RE TRIPPED UP BY THE WORD MARRIAGE IN DISCUSSING GAY UNIONS,14 +6,Death Penalty Death Watch: Abolition in Connecticut,5 +11,I won't date a woman who smokes,10 +7,TEXAN IS EXECUTED FOR KILLING OF SIX,6 +5,"In 1995, the Minnesota Appeals Court decided cities lack the authority to provide domestic partner benefits.",4 +13,"By the end of the day, however, administration officials were scrambling to contain the political fallout. For weeks they had worked to lower expectations for a deal on the politically volatile issue of immigration.",12 +1,"Scientists and public health experts interviewed yesterday said they believed that the comments of Mr. Goldstone and Mr. Bible represented only a small change rather than a substantial reversal in the tobacco industry's position on smoking and health. They also pointed out that Bennett LeBow, chairman of the Brooke Group, which owns the Liggett Group, had broken ranks with his industry colleagues earlier this year when he stated unequivocally that smoking caused cancer.",0 +5,Gun rights showdown: Sunnyvale restrictions upheld by appeals court,4 +5,"""What is the difference between 'reasonably necessary' and 'substantial need'?"" Alito asked Ayestas's lawyer Lee Kovarsky of Baltimore. ""I have been racking my brain trying to think of something that it is reasonably necessary for me to obtain but as to which I do not have the substantial need.",4 +7,TEXAS TRAFFIC MISHAP LEADS TO FATAL SHOOTING,6 +8, require fingerprinting,7 +8,"The arrests have been criticized by some as a long overdue response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the World Trade towers in New York City.",7 +8,A MURDER VICTIM'S 'SELF-DEFENSE' BY PROXY,7 +13,"George Bush promised the American people that he would not promote any new form of gun control (there are currently more than 20,000 gun laws on the books.)",12 +7,The Secret Service has said only police on duty will be allowed to carry guns inside the convention.),6 +13,Gun control: California Senate passes sweeping new restrictions on firearms owners,12 +13,"A group of Democratic state legislators, led by State Rep. Dwight Evans of Philadelphia, went to the heart of Republican Montgomery County yesterday to announce a new legislative initiative aimed at reducing gun violence.",12 +13,Sen. Heidi Heitkamp cautions against 'extreme' gun control measures,12 +13,"NRA agenda stalls despite gun-friendly Congress, president",12 +11,"while television and newspaper journalists are being deluged with requests that they examine the facts of the case. +",10 +1,"Fall squarely in the working and middle classes, with 55% living in families with incomes between $20,000 and $80,000.",0 +1,"The report indicated revenue from permit applications was $1.4 million with expenditures of more than $900,000.",0 +7,"Flor, now 43, was sentenced to death for killing Brian Gregg, 46, a Newtown Borough police officer. He also shot a police officer and an emergency medical technician at St. Mary Medical Center in Middletown Township.",6 +13,"Palm Beach County commissioners ought to dare Gov. Rick Scott to remove them from office and fine them each $5,000.",12 +5,"Right after midnight on Monday, Beth Asaro and Joanne Schailey were the first couple in Lambertville to apply for their civil union license. Yesterday, after the required 72-hour waiting period, Asaro and Schailey were joined by Mayor David Del Vecchio",4 +12,Gay marriage activists rally,11 +7," +David Ronald Chandler nearly did. Or so say the federal authorities who have put Chandler on track to become the first man executed by the U.S. government in more than 35 years.",6 +11,Middle-schoolers most affected,10 +13,Democrats by Default,12 +10,"It was the end of a mediocre scouting career, and, no doubt, the reason we didn't become an Eagle. Since then, we haven't much cared for smoking.",9 +13,Clinton looks at suing Big Tobacco,12 +7,Provide a five-year mandatory sentence for gun possession by someone already convicted of a violent felony or a serious drug crime.,6 +13,"HILLARY CLINTON CORRECT THAT BERNIE SANDERS FLIP-FLOPPED ON LIABILITY FOR GUN MAKERS, SELLERS",12 +3,Can ministers who make a living by conducting weddings be required to conduct same-sex weddings?,2 +13,"""I wish we would have thought of it sooner,"" council member Pamela Harris said. ",12 +14,"Rhode Island Joins States That Allow Gay Marriage +",13 +5,A state appeals court is considering the issue in the wake of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's 2004 decision to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples,4 +5,Murder trial to move after no jury picked,4 +5," ""The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose.""",4 +5, Immigration restrictions have become so stringent in recent years that the illegal immigrants among these customers were too afraid to travel home to Ireland for the holidays.,4 +9,"The finding may help researchers develop new ways to stop smoking. + +Having a certain form of the gene",8 +11,Wyatt Earp vs. the NRA,10 +13,GUN CONTROL: THE DEBATE,12 +12,Supporters have been waiting eagerly for the decision.,11 +11,"Like millions of other immigrants, my father truly became an American when he learned baseball by rooting for the Brooklyn Dodgers, a scrappy underdog team that best reflected the bruising borough where so many minorities and immigrants lived and toiled.",10 +5,Immigrants: 9; 11 probe violated rights,4 +12," +Immigrant advocates called the sweeps excessive and heavy-handed, while supporters of tougher enforcement said that even more must to be done.",11 +5," +Plaintiffs lawyers are sorting through documents and videos they are offering as evidence in the Proposition 8 trial, primarily material gleaned from ",4 +10,Whistleblower pays a price in spotlight,9 +6,"A version of the legislation released in February included cloves in a list of artificial or natural flavors like strawberry, chocolate and cocoa that would be banned from cigarettes largely because they had been used to appeal to children.",5 +12,"For gay-marriage supporters, the ruling was a crushing blow.",11 +1,"This revenue needs to be put into programs that address these underlying factors, not just fill gaps in the budget.",0 +5,They said the state law requiring that constitutional amendments have only one subject was written so voters wouldn't be caught in the quandary of voting for a provision they oppose to try to win passage of one they favor.,4 +7,"They are obviously not affecting criminals. +",6 +11,"In many immigrant homes, the automatic dishwasher is the last frontier. Long after new arrivals pick up football, learn the intricacies of the multiplex and the DMV and develop a taste for pizza, they resist the dishwasher. Some joke that not using the appliance is one of the truest signs of immigrant heritage, whether they hail from Africa, Latin America, Asia or Eastern Europe.",10 +8," +1. Closing background check loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands,",7 +9,Make America safer,8 +1, increase the cost of doing business in Illinois.,0 +5,The NAACP lawsuit could scare automakers and drug companies out of business? Not likely. Cars and medicines are safer because of the kind of common-sense government regulation the NRA claims would crush freedom.,4 +7,"An indictment handed up last week alleges Muhammad Asif Haider, 27, also known as Asif Iqbal, conspired with others to provide fake Social Security cards and so-called green cards.",6 +9, It also specifies that guns must be locked or disabled when theyre not in the owners immediate control and possession.,8 +5,"Tuesday's federal appeals court decision striking down California's ban on gay marriage probably won't matter much elsewhere. It was a narrowly constructed split decision by a three-judge panel tailored to affect only California and written by perhaps the nation's most liberal federal judge -- hardly a predictor of what the U.S. Supreme Court might do, if the court ever takes the case.",4 +11,"The earliest recorded execution, in 1691, was that of Thomas Lutherland, also of Salem County, who was convicted of murdering John Clark of Phildelphia.",10 +13,The second-term Democrat,12 +1,"Base exchanges -- military-run department stores -- will have the same higher cigarette prices even though they are separate from the commissaries, which sell only food, tobacco products and magazines. Base exchange prices generally are similar to those of private stores except that there is no tax.",0 +3,"Cizik did not return calls. Anderson said he met with Cizik on Wednesday at Anderson's Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minn. Cizik's decision to resign was ""reluctantly mutual,"" said Anderson, ""by that I mean from me as well as from him.""",2 +5,"In a court proceeding Thursday, lawyers for the tobacco companies made clear their intent to challenge the Justice Department statements by seeking more information from the government about how it chose those particular statements. The judge in the case, Gladys Kessler, said she would rule no later than early next week on how much leeway to give the companies in challenging the statements.",4 +2," could ""flood the federal courts,"" which already face record workloads, with murder cases.",1 +5, that found that the Justice Department ignored warnings about widespread problems in cases that relied on hair identification.,4 +7,"20 Charged With Helping 13,000 Cheat on Test for Citizenship",6 +12,While only half of the 800 survey participants interviewed in 13 states from April 28 to May 5 said they voted in the 2006 midterm elections - which traditionally attract fewer voters than presidential ones - 86% said they did so in the 2008 presidential election.,11 +15,VITAL SIGNS: PATTERNS,14 +5,"Prosecutors won't seek the death penalty against actor Robert Blake if he is convicted of murdering his wife, the district attorney's office in Los Angeles said Thursday.",4 +9,State workers' same-sex partners to get coverage,8 +5,A Trial on Death Row,4 +4,"""We are trying to advocate equality in the domestic partner concept,"" said Foray's lawyer, Linda Cronin. +",3 +7," has created a major problem in enforcing the state's gun laws,",6 +15,The Executioner's Shroud,14 +7,"killed them for ""selfish and mean-spirited"" reasons after learning she would be losing custody of Darrin to his father.",6 +6,DOES THE IMMIGRATION BILL INCLUDE FREE 'OBAMACARS' FOR TEENS?,5 +13,"Jackie Speier, in gun-control speech, shows bullet taken from her body",12 +5,"Virginia Gov. James Gilmore's plan to use tobacco settlement money for roadways [editorial, Sept. 1] goes against the intent of the master settlement agreement and should not be implemented.",4 +4,BOGUS GUN ARGUMENTS,3 +4,"""She got a fair trial. No evidence was withheld,""",3 +7,"He was sentenced to death for the rape and stabbing murder of Faith Hathaway of Mandeville, La. Miss Hathaway's stepfather and mother, Vernon and Elizabeth Harvey, of Covington, were granted permission to watch Mr. Willie's electrocution. +",6 +12,Ex-gun lobbyist now on attack,11 +5," ""Second Amendment people"" preventing Clinton from appointing Supreme Court justices.",4 +13,""" the House's chief sponsor, Rep. Randy ""Duke"" Cunningham, R-Calif., said when the House approved it by voice vote June 23.",12 +1,"Brady law halts metro area's gun-buying spree 'Panicked' buyers beat deadline, deplete stocks",0 +9,The New York City Department of Health shares Mr. Mariani's enthusiasm,8 +9," But aren't the lives of more than 13,000 Americans worth a few limits on our freedom?",8 +8,Gun background checks in sight,7 +13,"Gore, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, noted that Bush signed a law in 1995",12 +13,That day I became a Democratic stooge,12 +8,What will you do to protect us from further violence?,7 +5,Notes on People; Chinese Dancer Granted 'Green Card' by U.S.,4 +13,"Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., who sponsored the measure, acknowledged that politics played a part in the timing of the debate, but for a different reason: to force senators to answer for their votes on the campaign trail.",12 +10,"""He was happy, but there was no sigh of relief,""",9 +1,"Philip Morris plunged 47/8 to $ 86.37, after a Monday battering in which it dropped another 5 points. The world's largest tobacco company has lost billons of dollars in stock value from March 6, when it traded at $ 104.621/2. Rival RJR also skidded 13/8 to $ 29.75 yesterday.",0 +5,Banks' attorneys say Sadoff's most recent analysis of their client is evidence that someone found competent to stand trial is not necessarily competent to be executed years later.,4 +4,Bratt gunning for truth on licenses,3 +13,Giuliani Asks City to Extend Rights to Unmarried Couples,12 +6,"BAN ON SMOKING AT JAIL WORKS WELL, JUSTUS SAYS",5 +13,City Council delays decision on smoking ban,12 +13,Senate Democrats are scrambling to defeat a Republican-backed provision,12 +5,Suit Points to Guest Worker Program Flaws,4 +12,County immigrants join national rally,11 +7,ENFORCE EXISTING FIREARMS LAWS,6 +13,GOP ADDRESSING ROOT CAUSE OF VIOLENCE,12 +9,Safe storage keeps guns out of the wrong hands,8 +10,"In a final statement, the 42-year-old prisoner, Robert Sawyer, said, ""I would like to tell young kids who might read this that drinking and hanging with the wrong people will get you where I am sitting right here.""",9 +5,"Robert A. Ricker, who was the industry's point man in negotiations with then-Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell and others, said in an affidavit that gun makers had consistently failed to address the problem of the ""felons among us."" +",4 +11,"In Georgia, Newest Immigrants Unsettle an Old Sense of Place",10 +1,"TAXPAYERS in California and the three other states along the border with Mexico shoulder unjust burdens of this country's failing approach to immigration. Every year, they must spend millions of dollars to provide services to people in this country illegally.",0 +3,Marriage issue splits churches,2 +13,Immigration compromise collapses Sting for Bush o Bill was major domestic priority.,12 +6,Brady Bill scores big win,5 +5,Jury recommends death in murder case,4 +13,ADS WILL PUSH FOR VOTE ON AMENDMENT GROUP TARGETS CONSERVATIVE DFL DISTRICTS,12 +12," Guns Save Lives wrote on its site, which was quietly tweaked Monday to reflect the new date. +",11 +5,"""The fragmented nature of the ruling doesn't weaken the conclusion that it will be more difficult to regulate all kinds of advertising, including factual tobacco advertising,"" Lawson said. ""To that extent, I think they're [tobacco ad regulations] in trouble.""",4 +9, His execution was delayed for more than half an hour while medical personnel searched for a suitable vein.,8 +5,Supreme Court could avoid ruling on gay marriage ban,4 +13,"Meanwhile, Republican Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno's stated opposition to changing the marriage law isn't giving even his allies much comfort.",12 +13,"Yesterday's postponement was the third time Nutter has kept the measure from going to a final vote, where it most likely would have failed. Some of the ban's initial supporters have, in recent weeks, started backing away from voting for it, while opponents have threatened to try to amend it on Council's floor.",12 +13,"A BILL THAT HAS the gun industry up in arms won approval yesterday in the City Council with only two dissenting votes. +",12 +5,"Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote that the interpretation of the law upheld by the lower courts ""provides almost no limitation on the kind of possession that would be criminalized."" +",4 +12,"But, in contrast to spring's huge rallies -- which brought an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 people to the streets of Washington, and even larger turnouts in Los Angeles, Dallas, Phoenix and Chicago -- yesterday's march was the latest in a string of protests that drew paltry crowds in the past week.",11 +6,Get a grip on guns already,5 +7,Enforce existing laws,6 +12,Hands off terror susps: petition,11 +11,"From 1990 to 1998, 67,777 immigrants came to Minnesota, according to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Nationwide, there were 9,141,551 immigrants in that time span. +",10 +3,"Gun makers target kids, group says",2 +8,"United States officials have taken into custody a Palestinian they say is one of the senior leaders of Hamas, the militant Islamic group that has claimed responsibility for recent bombings in Israel, Attorney General Janet Reno said today. +",7 +6,"LAW OR NO LAW, KIDS CAN BUY CIGARETTES EASILY",5 +9," kill hundreds of New Yorkers every year, the city health commissioner testified yesterday.",8 +7,"Which state is being tougher on the murderer Thomas Grasso: Oklahoma, which wants to execute him for a murder he committed there? Or New York, which wants him back to serve a long prison term for another murder before returning him to Oklahoma for execution?",6 +13, believing that the governor would seek an appeal of the ruling and that final confirmation of the right of same-sex couples to marry in Pennsylvania would remain tangled up in the courts.,12 +9, health care law.,8 +6," ""address the overlapping areas of public safety, criminal justice and mental health.""",5 +5,A potentially groundbreaking lawsuit brought by shooting victims against handgun manufacturers opened yesterday in a packed Brooklyn courtroom.,4 +9,"Never mind that the tobacco giant now finds itself enmeshed in one of the largest consumer product recalls ever: defective filters in Marlboros, Virginia Slims and some other brands could irritate the eyes, nose and throat, or cause irritation, dizziness, coughing and wheezing, it says.",8 +10,"Last week I talked to a former three-pack-a-day smoker, and it wasn't my husband (he used to smoke three packs of Camels a day). The woman I met was Anne Penman of Glasgow, Scotland, who was visiting Stuart with her husband, Ted . She is the founder of Penman Laser Therapy for quitting smoking and weight loss, and she knows all about addiction.",9 +13,This is not a new approach. Such legislation has been introduced before only to be beaten back by the tobacco industry's formidable lobbying efforts.,12 +13, the senator from New Jersey said in a video posted on his Twitter account Feb. 13.,12 +13,The governor is reviewing the petitions.,12 +5,"A Virginia federal judge said Wednesday that he has not decided whether he needs to rule on a class-action lawsuit seeking the right for same-sex couples in the state to marry, since another federal judge already has struck down the state's ban.",4 +7,Leesburg Police Arrest Two Gang Suspects,6 +3,Guns in church argued in court,2 +7, He and two other men were convicted in 1988 of killing a couple in a burglary attempt.,6 +9,U.S. Rules Are Set Barring Aliens Who Test Positive for AIDS Virus,8 +15,TAKE A HINT ON GAYS TAKING VOWS,14 +5," +HIGH COURT RULING ON DEATH PENALTY IS EXPECTED TO SPUR NEW APPEALS",4 +11,"It may have been inevitable that Minnesota would abandon the death penalty during the idealistic ""Progressive"" era of the early 20th century. But the movement to abolish hanging gained momentum from a wave of shocking events in St. Paul in 1905-06.",10 +11,U.S. Census Bureau won't count same-sex marriages,10 +14,Illinois is last U.S. state to allow concealed carry of guns,13 +11,ICE-T SAYS NEW GUN LAWS HAVE NO SHOT,10 +13,"Trump salutes NRA, says group loves this country",12 +12," In March 2000, more than 60 percent of California voters said marriage should be between a man and a woman.",11 +5,"In 23-page a ruling issued Wednesday, U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II concluded that the government may define marriage and attach benefits to it, but cannot ""impose a traditional or faith-based limitation"" without a sufficient justification for it."" +",4 +13," +Last year, before the 98th Congress adjourned, Mr. Hughes also introduced legislation to ban the sale of the bullets. However, the House Speaker, Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., Democrat of Massachussetts, pulled the bill after pressure from House members, who did not want to face opposition from the National Rifle Association in an election year.",12 +12," according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. +",11 +4,"he NAACP project's lawyers and investigators believe Griffin should be exonerated. In addition, they have supplied Joyce with the names of three men they suspect were responsible for Moss' murder. +",3 +5,"Minnesota's trial, which began yesterday, was the first in which lawyers have made opening statements.",4 +7,"RESENTENCING gangster Ronell Wilson for killing two NYPD detectives could push Brooklyn Federal Court over the fiscal cliff. +",6 +7, but the execution calendar is getting back on schedule in Missouri.,6 +11,"Tocqueville and Gay Marriage +",10 +11, The country's or-deal half a century ago illustrates that horrific episodes of gun violence do not themselves prompt legislative action; only the sustained pressure of an energized populace can do that,10 +6,would declare cigarettes ''nonmailable.'',5 +1,CULTURE CLUB: SMALL CONSTRUCTION FIRM EMPLOYS IMMIGRANT WORKERS,0 +12,"their feedback from constituents bears out what polls have shown: Most people favor raising taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products to help solve the state's budget crisis. + +""I get 75 e-mails a day, and maybe only 5 percent are against it",11 +13,Bush wants guns limited to 15 shots,12 +6,California elected officials call for gun control action after Las Vegas shooting,5 +11," +THE PUBLISHER of Guns & Ammo magazine abruptly resigned Thursday after triggering a backlash from readers by running a column advocating stricter gun laws.",10 +15,Where's the outrage?,14 +5, obliged to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples to avoid violating the equal-protection clause of the state constitution,4 +7,"""The only viable approach to separate criminals from law-abiding gun owners is to expedite the national instant check system that is already required to be in place next year under the Brady Act,"" said Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.). He accused the Justice Department of delaying implementation of the instant check system and said, ""This must change.""",6 +13,"Gun-control advocates had hoped to pass new legislation in states where Democrats control the legislature and governor's office. But only a handful of blue states - California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland and New York - advanced substantive laws.",12 +11,"Fanwood's approach is based on some guesswork. The town has 7,700 residents, and the police estimate that there are about 7,000 handguns, rifles, BB guns, pellet guns and other firearms in the community.",10 +12,"Their ranks buttressed by crime victims turned gun converts, hundreds of gun control opponents rallied yesterday to hear speakers warning that their constitutional rights and safety are threatened by restrictions on firearms.",11 +5,"In U.S. v. Windsor, lawyers hired by congressional Republicans after the Obama administration refused to appeal are asking the court to reject a federal court judgment against the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which bars marriage rights for gay couples. +",4 +7,"First-degree murder is punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty, while third-degree murder carries a maximum of 20 to 40 years in prison.",6 +5,Gun dealer's forgery trial under way,4 +3,"Methodists across the country are watching closely to see how the council will interpret a section of church guidelines, known as the Social Principles. It states: ""Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our churches.""",2 +6,The Future of Same-Sex Marriage Ballot Measures,5 +5,"Condemned killer Wayne Ellis Felker's execution was delayed Thursday after the U.S. Supreme Court decided it needed more time to consider a challenge to a new federal law limiting death penalty appeals. +",4 +6,"Tech killings spur gun debate, but guns aren't an issue",5 +13,The National Rifle Association wants Missouri to join 25 states that have made it easier for people to use deadly force to defend themselves.,12 +5,CAUGHT UP IN INS LEGAL WEB HARSH LAW PENALIZES IMMIGRANTS FOR THE PAST,4 +5,"It's the second lawsuit to challenge the ordinance in as many weeks, and the start of a long fight here and part of a broader policy war nationwide. +",4 +13,"Richard Sears, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said the panel was unlikely to take up the bill.",12 +10,SLAIN OFFICER'S FATHER WANTED DEATH PENALTY,9 +5," Prosecutors said they would not retry him on the remaining count, leaving his fate in the hands of the parole board.",4 +5,Florida's approach promises to breach the successful defense that tobacco companies have so far mounted against any liability for their products. But the means in this case don't justify the ends.,4 +7," +A number of local sheriffs have testified against the bill, saying that their discretion should be paramount.",6 +13,District pulled into gun control debate,12 +6,"When the Georgia Legislature responds by passing a resolution inviting Connecticut arms manufacturers to relocate here, it surely is time to speak up",5 +10,"A Set of Borders to Cross; For Children Seeking Immigrant Relatives in U.S., Journey Is Twofold",9 +11," November issue of Roll Call, which bills itself as the leading source for congressional news inside",10 +5,"IN UTAH, 35,000 undocumented immigrants have ""privilege cards"" that let them drive legally - and the state says it works.",4 +13,"Obama Presses for Gun Measures, Offering Up Minneapolis as a Model",12 +15,Guns: Hurry up and wait,14 +7,"crime on campus is rising; most of the violent attacks occurring on campus in the past 100 years happened in just the past 20. There were 3,287 rapes, 60 killings, 5,026 assaults and 4,562 robberies across college campuses just in 2008. Worse yet, experts tell us campus crime is underreported. + +Colleges can't keep criminals from being armed because criminals never ask permission. But rather than considering that criminals fear armed victims more than signs, colleges peddle imaginary problems as an excuse not to implement real solutions.",6 +13,Action urged on gun law,12 +1,"At the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, general manager Jay Schumerth said he hasn't had any major cancellations -- there are stiff penalties -- but he wonders whether the city will lose bookings in the long term.",0 +5,"In 2000, advocates of stringent gun control thought they had won their argument ",4 +13,"Gutierrez: Waiting until after election on immigration got Obama nothing +",12 +5,"I think that our founding fathers' intention when they framed Article II of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution - ""A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"" - means what it says. Webster's Dictionary's definition of a militia is: ""1.a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency. 2.the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service."" We have a militia: the Armed Forces and the National Guard. Even if the gun advocates choose a different interpretation of Article II, this is not the 18th century.",4 +4,"because of the arbitrary and unfair ways in which the death penalty is administered, and because of the great potential for terrible mistakes to be made.",3 +5,BRIAN NICHOLS TRIAL: Board: Let two attorneys go: Funding shortage: The public defender system board asks the judge to remove the defense lawyers.,4 +10,"The family of Donald Jones, who is scheduled to be executed shortly after midnight tonight for murdering his grandmother, was hoping for last-ditch mercy from Gov. Matt Blunt or a federal court.",9 +12,"Protesters lined the steps around the Capitol Reflecting Pool with an estimated 39,000 pairs of shoes yesterday as part of Americans Against Gun Violence's second ""Silent March."" The point of the display -- and the afternoon of speeches denouncing gun manufacturers and Congress for allowing them to stay in business -- was to provide a visual image of what organizer Alfredo Valentin called ""the devastation.""",11 +13,Key Figures on the Legislative Front Lines,12 +5,Conspirator offered to testify against self,4 +5,A letter the government released Monday advised U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan that Attorney General Eric Holder had told prosecutors not to seek the death penalty in the September 2010 trial of Ahmed Ghailani. The letter was dated Friday.,4 +9,"A child whose grandmother smoked during pregnancy may have almost twice the risk of developing asthma as one whose grandmother did not smoke - even if the child's mother was a nonsmoker, a study has found.",8 +5,Defense attorney Jack Martin had argued that the guards' testimony was used to show that seeking the death penalty against Battle would have a deterrent effect on other like-minded prisoners at the penitentiary --- evidence the lawyer said has long been held inadmissible.,4 +13,House will again take up casino smoking ban issue,12 +5,"Moo Chul Shin, 31, faces first-degree murder charges",4 +1,Big Tobacco.,0 +6,New York Should Follow Colorado With a Juvenile Gun Law,5 +2,Silicon Valley ranks highest in 'H-1B intensity' for foreign worker visas,1 +11,POSSIBLE CLOSING OF LAMBERT LOUNGE GOES AGAINST NATIONAL TREND,10 +12,"Opposition to Gay Marriage Is Declining, Study Finds",11 +6,GUN-CONTROL AGENDA: ONLY A BAN WILL DO,5 +13,"Lamenting Petty Politics, Clinton Pushes Crime Bill",12 +6,"CALIFORNIA AG SAYS LAW CAN BAN GAY MARRIAGE HE SAYS LEGAL ACTION UP TO VOTERS, LAWMAKERS",5 +3,SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL,2 +13,Obama plans curbs on guns,12 +7,"FEDERAL AGENTS have seized tons of bootleg cigarettes at Kennedy Airport that were sent to New York from Switzerland as part of an illegal scheme to sell tax-free smokes, authorities said yesterday.",6 +6,Time has come to enforce strict gun control,5 +1,"""History will record the modern-day tobacco industry",0 +1,hardly the kind to create ripples throughout a major industry,0 +13,"The National Rifle Association lobbied hard for the bill's passage, and Wayne LaPierre, the group's executive vice president, said it would use the victory to push for similar measures elsewhere. The bill's sponsor, Representative Dennis K. Baxley of Ocala, said it would curb violent crime and make citizens feel safer.",12 +15,NEW WEAPON AGAINST SMOKING,14 +8,Border blockade called a success,7 +5," +THE SUPREME COURT'S historic ruling ordering federal recognition of gay marriages was more than a legal victory for the lawyer who successfully argued the case.",4 +13,"States' Votes for Gay Marriage Are Timely, With Justices Ready to Weigh Cases",12 +11,The shift was evident this weekend when an Atlanta-based team of players with Ethiopian heritage played in the title soccer game at the Georgia Dome.,10 +10,"Yet 70 percent said they wanted to kick the habit, the agency said. +",9 +6,not to ease their existing prohibition.,5 +13,"That's the reason the gun manufacturers and gun lobby are pushing their well-paid legislators to keep trying to sneak a concealed carry permit system past Missouri's voters. +",12 +5,"The Justice Department had cited national security in trying to limit the defense's access to witness statements. In reaffirming the death penalty, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., said ""no punitive sanction is warranted"" for this attempt.",4 +9,"Government officials report that hundreds of immigrants -- who come from as far away as Ecuador, Somalia and China -- are assaulted and raped by bandits, robbed by corrupt police officers and immigration officials, or abandoned by high-priced immigrant smugglers within the first legs of their journey. And according to government statistics, a soaring number of them are dying.",8 +15, INNOCENT ENOUGH,14 +14,"In Israel, Firearms Are Frequently Seen but Rarely Owned",13 +1,"A Recipe for Weakness; By limiting visas for skilled foreign professionals, the United States only harms itself.",0 +12,HUGE MAJORITY FOR ASSAULT RIFLE BAN,11 +5,"The 5-4 ruling in the immigration case affects about 2,000 immigrants who have been convicted of felonies -- from drug trafficking to rape to multiple homicides -- and been kept in custody, although the chances are slim that they can be deported. +",4 +5,attorneys said it was not clear whether the same person wrote the entire memo,4 +5,"said Attorney General Jim Mattox. +",4 +11," black and Hispanic teenagers don't smoke at particularly high rates compared with white teenagers, but they do overwhelmingly prefer mentholated cigarettes. Seventy-five percent of black high school smokers choose them, compared with 47 percent of Hispanics and 29 percent of whites.",10 +8,Va. Case a Window on Terror Probe,7 +10, sympathy for handgun victims,9 +1,Hold gun makers accountable,0 +5, Maryland hunting license,4 +5,Give Troy Anthony Davis a new trial,4 +1,Immigrants important for filling jobs in Atlanta,0 +6,Bill Would Broaden Right To Carry a Concealed Gun,5 +5,Court Fills In Some Blanks in 'Miranda' Rights,4 +7,used in crimes.,6 +13,Giffords,12 +1,"Many shops in the Boston area were closed Saturday, or their owners declined to comment. Those that were open were quite busy, but it wasn't because of the bombings.",0 +12," It was contested by the National Rifle Association,",11 +5,"Domestic Partner Registry. The registries give couples some rights that married couples enjoy, such as the ability to make decisions on a partner's medical treatment in emergencies.",4 +5,NRA sues Florida over plan to put age limits on rifle purchases,4 +13,"The gun lobby is not giving up, of course. It is already marshaling lobbyists and cash to ensure the next Legislature strips localities of their right to just say no.",12 +5,Jury orders death in case that led to Megan's Law,4 +5," second, the role of the courts.",4 +4,"The objectivity of his study is questionable. Its funding agency, the Centers for Disease Control, has supported handgun bans since 1985.",3 +6,"But there's a silver lining here. By finally moving beyond bluster to, theoretically, policy, Trump reveals how callous, unworkable and economically catastrophic his immigration ideas would be in real-world America. +",5 +13,"Mayor Bloomberg boasted yesterday he will kick the butt of any contender who tries to use his smoking ban against him during next year's election. +",12 +6,Letters: Toomey wrong about assault weapons ban,5 +7,Getting a grip on prime-time crime,6 +4," +Wage fraud seen in Virginia",3 +8,"In an interview with CBS's 60 Minutes late last year, Constant said the CIA ""knew exactly"" what he was doing as head of FRAPH but never confronted him about it.",7 +5,"The ruling has no immediate effect in any other state, but Georgians on both sides of the issue reacted strongly.",4 +6,GUNS/SCHOOL SAFETY BILL INCLUDES MANY DIRECTIVES,5 +11,"A surge of Hispanic and Asian residents is changing the complexion of the nation. In recent years, more than four out of five legal immigrants have had non-European backgrounds.",10 +13,"Congressional Democrats, citing a record U.S. murder rate in 1990, criticized President Bush's crime bill Tuesday for failing to include gun-control measures. +",12 +5,Prosecutors presented evidence suggesting Mr. Echols was a devil worshipper and the younger teen-ager his loyal follower.,4 +5,"Today, 3 death penalty trials",4 +11, to discourage smoking by minors,10 +13,"In a community shadowed by tragedy, a congressman gets an earful about guns;",12 +9,American officials joined in the deserved condemnation when 32 Cubans who were attempting to escape their homeland drowned on July 13 after their ancient tugboat was bashed by a Cuban patrol boat.,8 +6,PRESIDENT WANTS TO PUT BAN IN WRITING,5 +13,"For nationwide same-sex marriage, the road to victory runs through the GOP +",12 +13,Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair pledged in his re-election campaign that he would not make an issue of the fact that his opponent is openly gay.,12 +11,Am I an 'Immigrant Writer'?,10 +8, background check,7 +13," David Frum, who was a speechwriter for President George Bush",12 +13,JOLLY RIPS SINK IMMIGRATION COMMENTS,12 +6, The bill is preposterously called the Defense of Marriage Act.,5 +5,"Following are excerpts from the Supreme Court arguments on Tuesday about Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage in California. Charles J. Cooper argued to uphold the proposition, while Theodore B. Olson and Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. argued against it. +",4 +9,"Yes, waiting periods on gun purchases have been linked to suicide reduction",8 +9,Gun laws protect youth,8 +12,"Inspired by Washington's fresh focus on immigration, a diverse group of Pennsylvania activists,",11 +13,"The Senate today gave overwhelming approval to a bill banning the import, manufacture and sale of armor-piercing bullets, which tests have shown can easily penetrate the bullet-proof vests worn by many police officers. +",12 +6,Proponents of the ban say it keeps dangerous weapons off the street. Opponents say it simply makes it tougher for law-abiding citizens to buy guns.,5 +7," says Janet Schneider, an assistant superintendent at Pacific. St. Louis County's corrections chief, Edward M. Moreland, says,",6 +5,Top court refuses to stop gay marriages;,4 +1,COULD BIG TOBACCO GO UP IN SMOKE,0 +11,"Jo Becker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for The Times, is the author of It is an adaptation from her new book, ""Forcing the Spring: Inside the Fight for Marriage Equality,"" to be published this month by Penguin Press.",10 +7,"The Louisiana Pardon Board voted 4 to 0 on Wednesday to recommend that Governor Edwards commute the sentence of the prisoner, Wilbert Rideau, sentence to time served.",6 +13,"Two years ago, I was one of two legislative Republicans to stand up and speak out against the marriage amendment, which sought to constitutionally define marriage as between one man and one woman. +",12 +13,Shots Reopen but Are Unlikely to Reshape Gun Control Debate,12 +15,The New Crossroads of the World,14 +4,"Do you think the ""show-me-your-papers"" provision of the law opens the gate for racial profiling?",3 +9,"The 17-year-old driver of a minivan filled with illegal immigrants fell asleep at the wheel, causing a rollover accident in Utah that killed at least one passenger, authorities said. The accident happened Tuesday on a remote road often used to transport illegal immigrants. Fifteen people from Guatemala and Mexico were packed into a vehicle that normally seats seven or eight, authorities said. The young driver, also an illegal immigrant, was found walking along the road about a mile away and was taken to a juvenile prison, authorities said. Two people in the van were hospitalized in critical condition.",8 +14,Mexico Reacts Bitterly to Execution of One of Its Citizens in Texas,13 +13,...Mayor sings executioner's song,12 +6,"Local governments could no longer ban smoking in most public places under a bill moving quickly through the General Assembly. +",5 +8, pass a background investigation that includes a check for alcohol and drug abuse.,7 +5,"The American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and several other civil and immigrant rights groups filed a federal class-action lawsuit this month and are now asking a judge to halt the measure pending the outcome of their case.",4 +5,licensing gun owners.,4 +6,"That dichotomy, and confusion over just what Walker's bill and a proposed amendment are intended to do, slowed the measure's rapid march toward passage Thursday. +",5 +4, unless you have a videotape and DNA showing he's innocent,3 +13,"The governor, along with the state's Republican-controlled Legislature",12 +1,"Immigrants in the five boroughs earn about $100 billion in total income, and account for 46% of the city's workforce, a boon that would be undone by federal anti-immigrant policies, Controller Scott Stringer said.",0 +13,"As Obama weighs moves on immigration, issue is splintering Democrats",12 +5,Suits on Same-Sex Marriage May Force Administration to Take a Stand,4 +9,occupational health issue. ,8 +3," +Mother Teresa makes plea for killer",2 +15,Get tough with tobacco,14 +6,PUBLIC HEALTH DON'T WATER DOWN SMOKING BAN BILL,5 +5,ALTON MAY INVOKE FEDERAL ARSON LAW,4 +7,"In the District, illegal guns range from the ordinary to the exotic",6 +5,"The tobacco industry can forget about being absolved of future sins as part of a bargain to settle lawsuits filed by two dozen states, says Texas Attorney General Dan Morales.",4 +6,Trenton Requires Citizen Proof for Drivers,5 +7,Man should have faced tougher charge in shooting of boy,6 +13,Bush Signs Gun Measure,12 +15,"""Too much, too soon': Why should they have to wait?",14 +13,"Utah puts freeze on same-sex marriages +",12 +6," +PRIMARY",5 +6,SMOKING BANNED IN FEDERAL BUILDINGS,5 +9,"Over time, the danger became clear. But Zill didn't quit until he developed throat cancer in 1992.",8 +1,This year's tobacco planting is smallest in 100-plus years,0 +8," Their records should turn up when dealers order background checks, and they should be turned away.",7 +13,Charlie Crist endorses gay marriage,12 +6,The Coast Guard cutter Escanaba unloaded 38 Haitians here today -- the first to be returned to their homeland under the Bush administration's new policy designed to keep the boat people off the high seas.,5 +13,California lawmakers pass bill raising long gun purchase age,12 +13,COOL HEADS PREVAIL ON SCHOOL GUN PROPOSAL,12 +13,"Christie vetoes gun bills, higher smoking age",12 +13,The latest Gabby Giffords push for modest gun controls is new.,12 +5,A 6-year-old Cuban boy at the center of an international tug of war will remain in the United States for at least another month because immigration officials postponed until Jan. 21 a routine interview on his status.,4 +8," If I'm going to die, I'd rather be killed defending myself.""",7 +7,DRIFTER EXECUTED FOR 1980 KILLING,6 +5,JAILHOUSE LAWYER AMOS CAN'T BE CO-COUNSEL,4 +7, homicides could be reduced.,6 +12,"Still, for all their fierce energy, these liberal-leaning activists have yet to be tested in the arena of electoral politics.",11 +9,CDC: E-cigarettes lead to more teen smoking,8 +9,"""I feel sorry for those who . . . ignored the pleas to save other kids' lives",8 +9,secretary of Health and Human Services,8 +5,"Oakland Tribune editorial: High Court made correct decision on Arizona's law +",4 +12,"""The NRA is now rewarding Ken Cuccinelli",11 +5,"Both the U.S. Supreme Court and Gov. John Ashcroft refused Wednesday to block the execution of murderer Gerald Smith, which was scheduled for early today. The Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision Wednesday evening, refused to grant a stay of the execution that had been requested by the Missouri Capital Punishment Resource Center, a group that aids lawyers of condemned prisoners in Missouri. The court also refused to allow the group to enter the case on Smith's behalf. Justices William J. Brennan Jr. and Thurgood Marshall dissented. Also Wednesday, Ashcroft rejected a request to delay the execution to allow court hearings on the allegations involving Smith's brother. ",4 +1,"Kelly said the NYPD's cigarette unit is focusing on ""organized groups"" that drive to Southern states and buy thousands of untaxed cigarettes to sell on the streets of New York at $5 a pack. A rise in New York City and state sales taxes have pushed the price at local stores to more than $7 a pack.",0 +13,"In the final tally, the right wing is left out",12 +5,"At issue in the case was a missed deadline. Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. said that for the last decade the state has had a one-year deadline for appeals that ""has been strictly applied, exactly as written, in both capital and non-capital cases."" - Inquirer wire services +",4 +11,"He was the second Texas inmate to be put to death this year and the 22nd to be executed in the state since it resumed the death penalty in 1982. +",10 +13,supported by the federal government,12 +13,called on Gov. Tim Pawlenty's administration to take tougher action,12 +5,JUSTICES TO HEAR SOMALI'S CASE MINNESOTA MAN SAYS HUMAN RIGHTS FIGURE IN DEPORTATION LAW,4 +6,25 percent increase in the ,5 +10,"The mother of a first-grader killed in the Newtown, Conn., school shooting rampage spoke out against gun violence Sunday on the second anniversary of the massacre, saying it has broken the hearts of other mothers across the country.",9 +7,litigation racket,6 +13,McAuli [ne]e rejects string of gun rights bills but approves measure for judges,12 +7,U.S. deportations reach record high,6 +5,"But he said he is confident that the D.C. regulations are ""completely appropriate"" under the Second Amendment.",4 +12,"On assisted suicide, 69 percent said they strongly oppose physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill people.",11 +6," Fix system's flaws, but keep capital punishment",5 +15,Gay Marriage as 'the New Abortion,14 +5," +State Supreme Court Justice Doris Ling-Cohan ruled in favor of five gay couples who had been denied marriage licenses by New York City. The Supreme Court is New York's trial-level court.",4 +9,Let smokers know they have more options than 'quit or die',8 +12,"About 3 in 4 Teachers Oppose Arming School Staff, Survey Finds",11 +13,The Republican governor has said he personally supports civil unions but that the people should decide about legalizing marriage for same-sex couples.,12 +6,"The bill also would hold such a municipality financially responsible for any damages to a person or property resulting from criminal activity by illegal immigrants, who in the legislation are called unauthorized aliens.",5 +10,Walls close on smokers,9 +6,"With luck, this new policy, coupled with City Council legislation to make all New York City parks and beaches go smoke-free, will encourage people not to light up.",5 +6,But a more complex provision of the bill could affect thousands of state inmates awaiting execution.,5 +11,"The event - the Independence Institute's fourth Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms party - is not a typical summer picnic.",10 +5,The Legal Action Project is a national public interest law program that provides pro bono legal representation to victims of gun violence in lawsuits against the gun industry and assists in the defense of gun laws in the courts.,4 +11,"The unmentioned author of these works is William C. Bailey, and if you had checked Sociological Abstracts you would have found them listed in abundance, several dozen, published in such journals as American Sociological Review, Social Forces and Justice Quarterly, as well as in anthologies on the death penalty.",10 +5,"Gay marriage foes lose state Supreme Court plea to halt weddings +",4 +15,"Fear and loathing at 30,000 feet",14 +11,Sagal a voice for immigrants,10 +13,Panel votes to keep gun restraints,12 +3,"""Do we stand up for human rights now? Or do we act like zebras on the Serengeti, hoping the lion eats us last?"" said Rigby, 66, the longtime minister of one of Austin's most liberal houses of worship. ""People of good conscience,"" he said, must put themselves between asylum seekers and ""harm's way."" +",2 +7,"Ingram, 31, was sentenced to death for the 1983 robbery-murder of 55-year-old J.C. Sawyer of Atlanta.",6 +7,"Thousands of interviews with recent Iraqi immigrants have given U.S. authorities ""very helpful"" information about Saddam Hussein's regime that officials hope can be used to help coalition forces topple the Iraqi dictator, FBI Director Robert Mueller said Thursday. +",6 +5,"Experts say little can be done about Web sites featuring the writings of killers. + +""It's the First Amendment,"" Ruhe acknowledged.",4 +1,S.F. DISCOVERS SURPRISING COSTS IN PARTNERS LAW COMPANIES THAT CAN BE USED OFTEN ARE MUCH MORE COSTLY,0 +5,"Of the 27 dealers sued by the city, 21 bowed to Bloomberg's demands for responsible sales practices. Three face sanctions, and an additional three cleaned up their acts sufficiently that the city dropped its claims. +",4 +8,"To Deter Terror, Show No Mercy",7 +3," +A LIFE FOR A LIFE, STATE DECREES",2 +6,"""I understand that [the bill] gives the DA the option of either seeking the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole I intend to exercise that discretion wisely,"" he said through a spokesman.",5 +3,traditional values are intact.,2 +1,"Steven F. Goldstone, the chairman and chief executive officer of one of the four most reviled corporations in America, looks like a man in need of a cigarette. A dismal funk has settled over the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., which is where his company, RJR Nabisco, is about to open its annual shareholders' meeting. The meeting won't be pleasant for him, but what is these days? It's reefer madness out there -- not so much in Winston-Salem, one of the last of the country's pro-tobacco redoubts, but almost everywhere else.",0 +5,KILLER OF FARM COUPLE GETS STAY OF EXECUTION,4 +5,BRITISH-AMERICAN CONVICT GETS STAY OF EXECUTION,4 +6,"Opponents say that does not address the amendment's second section, which invalidates the right to ''the benefits of marriage'' for same-sex couples, ''any public act, record or judicial proceeding'' respecting a same-sex marriage from another state, and the courts' jurisdiction over ''any of the parties' respective rights arising as a result of or in connection with such relationship.''",5 +13,There Is Room for Compromise in Gun Debate,12 +2,"When the Department of Homeland Security was created in 2003, ICE's size and national presence were expanded. However, DEA and the Justice Department refused to lift the cap, set at 1,475 agents, citing the potential for poor coordination. ICE has about 5,000 agents overall, and the DEA has about 4,800.",1 +8,"Washington should do more to detect smugglers' boats, provide more resources to interdict aliens at sea and return them to their home countries and reallocate existing resources to make alien smuggling a top priority. +",7 +5, the court did not elaborate on its reasoning.,4 +5, Jury calls for death penalty for child killer,4 +6,"First, there is the mayor's stance in vetoing the ordinance. He has said he did not act out of opposition to what the legislation seeks to accomplish. Rather, he said, he was reacting to a ""flawed document"" sent to him by the City Council, one which he believes leaves the city vulnerable to unnecessary financial risk. + +If ",5 +13,2 on Philly council back immigration group,12 +7,When child killer Wesley Dodd was executed by hanging eight years ago in Washington state,6 +5,"Prosecutors in Virginia and Maryland have said they would seek the death penalty for the sniper if he was caught. The killer's chances of being executed, however, depend largely on which state's death row he ends up on.",4 +1,Don't raise tobacco taxes,0 +15," +In N.C., a step backward from progress",14 +13,"Shotgun in Hand, Kerry Defines His Gun-Control Stance",12 +12,"The advertising push is part of a so-called national day of action planned Friday by Obama's backers to rally support for background checks. It will mark the first large-scale test of Organizing for Action's ability to mobilize the president's army of 2.2 million campaign volunteers to press for legislative change. +",11 +12,D.C. sit-in a sign of big change,11 +13,Bush Calls on Republican Party to Be Inclusive,12 +11,Cigarette smoking up on college campuses,10 +5, and result in an effective moratorium on executions in Virginia,4 +5,"That definition is already in state law, but amendment proponents say constitutional designation is necessary to protect traditional marriage from legislative or judicial intervention.",4 +7,"For Ronald Rompilla, 56, who beat, stabbed and burned an Allentown man to death in 1988",6 +1,Marlboro Plans 'Mediums' to Stem the Brand's Decline,0 +7,COP ASSURANCES GOT SLAY CONFESSION,6 +9, Those included that he had an IQ of 78,8 +10, the three boys would be harmed by seeing their mother with her lesbian partner.,9 +6,OFFICIALS WARN OF PERILS IN GUN BILL,5 +5,Same-sex couples argue for marriage in N.J,4 +1,Some experts think tobacco marketers may be clever enough to make black-and-white text get noticed once that is all they can use for advertising in magazines that draw large numbers of young readers.,0 +13,"The six-way primary for the Democratic nomination to challenge Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) has taken a sharp turn, with Dan Helmer criticizing state Sen. Jennifer T. Wexton (Loudoun) over her voting record on guns.",12 +9,"Before Deaths That Caught Public's Eye, Others Stayed Hidden",8 +12,"Even some of Trump's own supporters reported positive views of undocumented immigrants on some issues. They expressed negative views of undocumented immigrants on other issues, including whether they commit more violent crimes than U.S. citizens.",11 +13,"Burns, a Baltimore County Democrat, has since ""walked back his position.""",12 +5,But she has also said that each state should decide the issue for itself.,4 +7,"D.C. police were told Sunday not to arrest people for carrying handguns on the street in the wake of a judge's ruling that overturned the city's principal gun-control law. +",6 +7, The police showed up minutes later and busted him on a felony warrant for writing bad checks.,6 +9,a move to protect children from secondhand smoke.,8 +11,"Happily Ever After, Locked and Loaded: N.R.A. Fairy Tales",10 +13, Lobbyists for these businesses will strongly oppose any political effort to choke off their supply of cheap labor.,12 +9,Retarded Convict's Sentence Is Commuted,8 +5,"To keep them behind bars, the justices said, the federal government must now prove in court why it thinks it has a chance of deporting immigrants who have languished in prison for six months or more. If it cannot, they can be set free. +",4 +13,"Obama, police chiefs discuss ways to halt mass shootings +",12 +4,Injustice for Immigrants,3 +5, in Florida's state Constitution,4 +13,Hartford Lawmakers Consider 2 Bills on Gay Couples' Legal Status,12 +5,Marriage amendment: A focus on the future,4 +1,"more money for research,",0 +11,"Research suggests that most smokers begin as teen-agers. About 3,000 teen-agers start smoking each day, the study found.",10 +6,Letters: One gun-control law for all,5 +5,"DA should have accepted Aurora suspect James Holmes' guilty plea +",4 +13,NRA CAUGHT OFF GUARD LEGISLATION: PASSAGE OF WEAPONS BILLS SUGGESTS DEFECTS IN GROUP'S ARMOR.,12 +11,"Several media outlets interpreted that in severe terms, and suddenly headlines such as these popped up on Twitter: ""AG Pam Bondi: Recognizing gay marriage in other states would harm Fla."" and ""Pam Bondi: Gay Marriage Would Cause Harm."" +",10 +13,"This is a sizzling political question, especially in an election year; both President Clinton and Bob Dole supported a new law",12 +9,"he suffered from automatism, a kind of mental unconsciousness that made him unaware of what he was doing and unable to control his actions.",8 +13,"While the GOP opposes gay marriage,some of its key donors fund the other side +",12 +13,The city's campaign,12 +1,"He thinks that immigrants - legal and illegal - take jobs from Americans, even though the jobless rate in the country is very low.",0 +13,Republicans cannot choose to do nothing.,12 +5,"The high court is set to announce whether it believes that San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom exceeded his authority by allowing 3,955 gay couples to get married in the city beginning six months ago. Newsom's daring decision appears doomed to fail, but it's unclear what that would mean for the marriages of couples like Gaffney and Lewis. The court could invalidate the marriages or decide to leave them in legal limbo until it decides the larger issue of whether California's ban on same-sex marriage is constitutional.",4 +7,"Andrea Yates, the 37-year-old housewife who admitted she drowned her five children in the bathtub, was convicted of murder",6 +6,"For Kessler, No Smoke-Free Room at the Inn",5 +7," +TOMPKINS PUT TO DEATH",6 +5,States and cities cannot impose taxes on American Indians who buy cigarettes for personal use on sovereign Indian land. But non-Indians are not entitled to a similar break. Mr. Bloomberg has filed suit accusing some cigarette shops on Indian land of selling cigarettes in bulk to bootleggers who then resell them off tribal land,4 +11,"Make no mistake, the Wild West stereotype endures in Utah, where the right to own a gun is akin to the right to worship.",10 +11,ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNITES A DIVERSE NATION,10 +7,"Hepburn, 44, told the jury Monday that U.S. Border Patrol agents forced him to confess to being the captain of a boat that ferried 33 Haitian immigrants to a sandbar 100 yards offshore near the Jupiter Inlet in August. He has been charged with smuggling immigrants, smuggling for financial gain and smuggling which resulted in death.",6 +5,New gun control law unconstitutiona,4 +13,Democratic-backed amendments that are not expected to pass in the Senate on Wednesday.,12 +6,The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban outlawed semi-automatic rifles with cosmetic features that resembled military rifles. The law also banned magazines for pistols and rifles that held more than 10 rounds.,5 +11,BUTT MAN FINDS REEFER MADNESS,10 +13,"A fierce battle is brewing over the future of the Sierra Club, and an unlikely issue is at the center of the debate: immigration",12 +13,House: Don't export tobacco threat,12 +1,"""These bars",0 +13,"Perhaps the most ridiculous argument against marriage equality is the one voiced most recently by David Bates, a Republican member of the New ",12 +4,Citizens' rights trump popularity,3 +5,"In the federal courts, 90% of the defendants selected for capital prosecution under ""drug kingpin"" provisions of the 1988 Anti-Drug Abuse Act are minorities, even though three-quarters of those eligible for such prosecution have been white.",4 +10,Weddings For Everybody!,9 +11,the state known for its hunting tradition,10 +11,The result has been a significant reversal after a decade of rapid growth in illegal immigration.,10 +4,"""If it was Karl Tucker instead of Karla Tucker, I don't think we'd be having this conversation,"" said Victor Streib, dean of Ohio Northern University's College of Law and an expert on female executions. ""Nobody says it, because it's not politically correct, but there is a gender bias in the system - a double standard for women and men.""",3 +13,"Senators voted 90-8 to defeat the top legislative priority of the National Rifle Association, which President Bush also supported. Each of the six senators representing Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware voted against the bill.",12 +1,establishment,0 +5," was then challenged in federal court and ruled to be unconstitutional. But the ruling has been stayed on appeal, although the 18,000 same-sex marriages have been ruled to be valid.",4 +1,"While the Mormon Church raised a great deal of the money in support of the proposition,",0 +4,"""If we are going to do it, let's do it fair, let's do it consistent and let's not be hypocrites,"" said Democratic Sen. Bill Brotherton of Phoenix, who proposed adding eight employer sanctions on the immigrant-restriction proposal.",3 +8,DRUG-FIGHTING MARINES TO SECURE MEXICAN BORDER,7 +13,"Mass. battle enters its next phase +",12 +11,Child who hugged pope returns to D.C. for Cinco de Mayo event,10 +4,The conventional wisdom about being a ''minority'' -- how white-male privilege will cheat you out of your due -- doesn't really apply to writers. A minority author may well have an advantage.,3 +5,sued by the Northampton County district attorney for not signing three warrants for inmates whose convictions had been upheld by the state Supreme Court several years earlier.,4 +13,"Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), who once voted against a ban on assault-style weapons, now says that he would support it if structured the right way by Congress.",12 +12,Florida voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot initiative last week to let counties require background checks or impose five-day waiting periods for the purchase of firearms at gun shows,11 +6,TIME TO GET NATION'S WORK DONE,5 +5,Lawyers for the state of Minnesota and tobacco companies that won a ruling striking down a 75-cents-a-pack health-impact fee on cigarettes agreed Wednesday to allow the state to continue collecting the fee during an appeal that may take a year or longer.,4 +11,"Couric, who also executive produced, talked with the Daily News about why she spent two years making the movie.",10 +13,House passes bill to let gun owners to carry concealed weapons across state lines,12 +13,Amending pro-gun dogma,12 +6, would essentially ban gun shows at the Cow Palace by requiring approval from San Francisco and San Mateo supervisors for such shows,5 +6,on a resolution calling for an indefinite moratorium on the death penalty in the state of New York.,5 +1,"Among several new fees, officials said, will be a $6,230 charge for foreigners proposing to invest $500,000 or more in businesses to create jobs in the United States.",0 +13,Bradys give support to Nelson in Senate race,12 +5," +D.A. ADAMANT: KNIEVEL FACES WEAPONS CHARGE",4 +5," Legal challenges to Obama's immigration orders, led by Republican state attorneys general, are already underway. A senior GOP lawmaker suggested Wednesday that House and Senate leaders might also file suit.",4 +12,Opponents Frustrated as Other Side Gets Lawmakers' Ears,11 +13,"Baker said both Gov. Zell Miller and Gov.-elect Roy Barnes were supportive of the settlement and that he wasn't aware of any legislative opposition. +",12 +6,"One of the laws closes a loophole in California's ""Unsafe Handgun Law.""",5 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court in May turned away Jonas Stelmokas' appeal of a judge's decision to revoke his U.S. citizenship.,4 +7," +RJR NABISCO UNIT ADMITS SMUGGLING",6 +1,Lawyers Cheer a Crackdown on Fees,0 +7,criminals on probation who commit new felonies and people who illegally carry handguns.,6 +13," +Opponents of gun control from both parties said that they made their decisions based on logic, and that passions had no place in the making of momentous policy",12 +5,aid they would not accept any plan that offered citizenship to them but not to other immigrants who are in the country illegally.,4 +12,"The plainer reason is that as people who were personally touched by gun violence and as young people - old enough to be informed and artic-ulate but still children - the students make extremely sympathetic advocates, garnering attention and a respectful hearing for their views.",11 +6,"Smoking bans, taxes burning cigar makers",5 +5,Coloradans want right of protection,4 +13,EFFORTS BY CONGRESS FAIL TO ADVANCE NATIONAL TOBACCO POLICY,12 +11,No Arkansas prisoner has been put to death since 1964.,10 +10," +""He said, ""Please, you don't understand what I'm going through, being a single father and not married.' '",9 +6,Assisted Suicide: A Federal Crime?,5 +11,"Gun, which Couric executive produced and narrated, is her second collaboration with director Stephanie Soechtig (after obesity documentary Fed Up in 2014). The film aims to start a more informed conversation about gun safety by exploring the debate from all angles: historical, political and personal.",10 +13," +CALIFORNIA GOP CANDIDATE BLAMES OBAMA HEALTH CARE BILL FOR ""SKYROCKETING"" HEALTH COSTS",12 +5,"But the high court did not void the more than 4,161 marriage licenses that San Francisco has issued to same-sex couples since Feb. 12, as the California attorney general had requested. Rather, in its unanimous ruling, the seven-member panel said it would let those on both sides of the issue argue their case as early as May.",4 +7,"Cases like Bishop's illustrate a significant shift by the parole board that has returned guns to people who committed violent acts such as murder, rape, aggravated assault and child molestation, an investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has found. +",6 +7, Approximately 80 percent of murder victims are killed by someone they know.,6 +9,"""We want to be a community that cares about the health of our citizens.""",8 +5,"The Supreme Court began its term last month by declining to hear appeals of decisions that had gone the other way, and that move to let the rulings stand greatly expanded the number of states in which same-sex couples may marry. +",4 +12,Reader responses: GUN CONTROL: Editorial illogical,11 +1,"Massachusetts will increase its cigarette tax by 25 cents, to 51 cents a pack, on Jan. 1",0 +13,Florida candidates spar over guns after latest mall shooting,12 +5,"A third man, You Zhong Peng, 24, turned down the government's offer and intends to go to trial.",4 +9," or people having been committed to mental institutions. +",8 +11,"The long struggle over what to call 'undocumented immigrants' or, as Trump said in his order, 'illegal aliens'",10 +9,You made the assertion that a ban would save lives.,8 +13,Pennsylvania state representatives ,12 +15," +No Justification",14 +5, which have become increasingly vulnerable to civil lawsuits in the District and several states,4 +6,"The bill outlaws smoking in all workplaces such as restaurants, bars, pool halls, bingo parlors, bowling alleys and office buildings.",5 +1,"The increase would raise the cost of the proposed agreement between cigarette producers and state attorneys general, originally $368.5 billion over 25 years, to about $650 billion.",0 +7,"whether Ralph Crompton should die or get a life sentence for the Feb. 9 slaying of Canadian Forces Maj. David Turenne, 42.",6 +14,"Mexican Foreign Minister Angel Gurria said, ""We are deeply concerned by the emergence of trends that could jeopardize our relations and lead us down the road to confrontation and complaint.""",13 +13,"Abrams, who believes the ban should be a federal instead of a state issue, accused the Democrats of going after him because of his ties to the GOP.",12 +5, Prosecutors called the death a murder.,4 +13,The former governor,12 +7,FORT PIERCE POLICE SNARE TWO HAITIANS,6 +5,Welfare Reform Act Upheld in Federal Court; Ruling Allows Aid Cuts To Infirm Legal Aliens,4 +5,ST. LOUIS-AREA BUSINESSMAN WINS FREEDOM WHILE FIGHTING DEPORTATION; APPEALS COURT RULING ALLOWS INDIA NATIVE TO BE RELEASED ON BOND,4 +1, they are under heavy pressure to resolve the funding dispute before money runs out Feb. 27.,0 +13,And the prospect of such a huge windfall already has lobbyists and lawmakers in Georgia and around the country debating how the money should be distributed.,12 +15,"GUNS, SWIMSUITS DON'T COMPARE",14 +5,"That Mr. Sabo was goaded, though, is no matter: It is his job to remain above the fray, to deflect the needling, to set tone of respect.",4 +1,"Holt's Cigar Holdings Inc., which rode the 1990s popularity of expensive handmade cigars to an initial public offering in 1997, is going private. + +The Philadelphia company's publicly held shares will be bought by a company controlled by Holt's chief executive officer, Robert G. Levin, and members of the cigar-making Fuente family for $5.50 each, about half the amount that investors paid for the shares three years ago, the company said yesterday. + +Holt's was one of several companies serving the premium-cigar market to go public in the mid-1990s when the segment was booming, making it easy to raise capital. Growth in the sale of premium cigars peaked at 68 percent in 1996. Since then, growth has slowed dramatically, and profits have declined as the segment has become saturated. + +Wall Street quickly lost interest in the companies, and Holt's is the last of them to leave the stock market. + +""I think going private is the right thing to do,"" said Mitchell B. Pinheiro, an analyst with Janney Montgomery Scott L.L.C., which was a co-underwriter in the company's initial public offering. + +Holt's sold 1.75 million shares to the public at $11 each in November 1997, netting $17.1 million. By the following September, the stock traded for just over $3. + +""The stock-price performance since [the] IPO reflects the lack of investor interest in the industry, which coincided with the end of the cigar boom,"" said Anthony A. Latini Jr., a director at Berwind Financial L.P., which reviewed the going-private transaction.",0 +5,Scalia's Gay Marriage Problem,4 +6,"Questions abound as gun law takes effect +",5 +13,"Now the president is thinking about going it alone, using an executive order to grant a kind of quasi-legal status to undocumented immigrants.",12 +13,"""We are aroused, we are fighting, and we're not going to stop until we win,"" he said. Schumer blamed the NRA for distorting the contents of the gun control bill.",12 +6,Same-sex marriage ban advances in Pa.,5 +15," +A CRUEL DISTORTION",14 +13,"As President Obama put it in a blog item (!) for The Huffington Post: ""It's offensive. It's wrong. And it needs to stop, because in the United States of America, who you are and who you love should never be a fireable offense."" +",12 +5,Atlanta Botanical Garden can ban guns,4 +5, The court reversed death sentences in three cases last week.,4 +5,"The prosecution rested its case Friday afternoon in St. Charles County Circuit Court after the jury heard testimony from 26 witnesses. The defense will take up its case Monday, when the Kapellers' 14-year-old son is expected to testify. Kapeller's daughter may be called again as a defense witness.",4 +8,Dyckman constructs scenarios showing how dangerous using self-defense will become.,7 +5,JUDGE WILL HOLD HEARING TODAY ON CONCEALED GUNS,4 +13,Reagan: Another View,12 +5,"This isn't the only case challenging the lawfulness of the Obama's immigration actions. Some two-dozen states have filed suit challenging Obama's recent immigration policy reforms. Led by Texas, these states claim that the president as exceeded the scope of executive authority in this area. As I've noted before, I'm skeptical of these arguments on the merits (as is Ilya), and wonder whether the states will be able to satisfy the requirements of Article III standing to bring their claims. Yet as this case shows, even if the states don't have standing, the legality of the president's actions could nonetheless be decided in federal court.",4 +13,"Minnesota Republican Chairman Bill Cooper, a critic of the state's lawsuit against the tobacco industry, suggests anti-smoking advocates would have more credibility if they supported ""the shutdown of the tobacco industry.""",12 +13,"Despite a 280-147 defeat in the U.S. House last week, proponents still hope congressional negotiators will include tougher gun control in a juvenile crime bill.",12 +11,"Where Americans find common ground on gun regulations, and why that prob-ably won't change anything",10 +12,WHITE FLAG FROM THE NRA,11 +5,"A judge tossed out a manslaughter charge against Podany in September, siding with his attorneys, who argued that Podany fired in self-defense and therefore was immune from prosecution under the law.",4 +15,Editorial: Going slowly on gay rights,14 +5,The law says marriages by nonresidents will not be recognized if their union is not legal in their home state. Several city and town clerks openly defied the order to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples.,4 +5," +Gay marriage ruling appealed",4 +6,'Stand your ground' laws represent a recipe for tragedy,5 +1, an issue of high importance to many tech companies looking for talented engineers.,0 +10,HYPNOSIS MAY HELP SMOKER LOSE HABIT,9 +5,"Execution Blocked, Man Says He'll Seek A New Murder Trial",4 +5,"An 11-year-old girl took the witness stand Friday to testify in the capital murder case against her father,",4 +13,"Trump again elevates shutdown threat, even as tensions ease on Capitol Hill",12 +11,Warriors coach Steve Kerr weighs in Texas high school shooting,10 +7,"CAPITAL PUNISHMENT OKD IN TORTURE SLAY +",6 +12,"""Couples who aren't tied in to the recent legal and legislative actions have been nervous wrecks about whether they could marry starting Monday,"" said Arline Isaacson, co-chair of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus. ""Now they can all breathe a sigh of relief.""",11 +6," +What immigration reform requires",5 +7,"Earlier this month in San Pablo, Calif., a drunken driver struck and killed a man who was on his way home from Bible study. In Fairfax, Va., a man was arrested for soliciting a prostitute. In Starr County, Texas, a man was arrested for assault causing bodily injury. All three of these criminals share something in common --- they are not citizens of the United States and are subject to removal.",6 +1,Tourney drops tobacco sponsor Groups questioned impact on youths,0 +13,He was joined by Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to keep the filibuster going for hours.,12 +5,"Mississippi was the first state to take cigarette makers to court, and now becomes the first to win an upfront share of last month's historic deal involving 40 state lawsuits.",4 +7,A student called his congressman to ask for gun control - and was suspended for cursing,6 +12,CONTINUING COVERAGE STUDENT PROTESTS,11 +5,"ISSOURI'S HIGH COURT SAYS RULING FOLLOW LEGAL TIDE +",4 +11,He was the third person executed in South Carolina this year.,10 +7,"Retailers who showed a willingness to sell to minors are being sent a form letter advising them of the law and urging them to ""take necessary steps"" to avoid such sales in the future, health officials said.",6 +6,"Trump laid out policy proposals Wednesday night, and for many of them, we can provide at least a rough estimate of the cost using a variety of sources. There are some programs, though, for which we don't have solid details or estimates.",5 +13," +The Gun Lobby's Bull's-Eye",12 +7,Criminals now face a minimum three-year term for using a gun while committing a violent crime. Forty-two county sheriffs endorsed Bush and his proposal on Tuesday. Most of the sheriffs are from rural North and Central Florida; 16 of them are Democrats.,6 +1,"According to a University of California report, tobacco donations increased 100-fold between 1975 and 1990, when more and more cities were adopting anti- smoking ordinances.",0 +5,COURT QUESTIONS GAY MARRIAGE BAN,4 +1,a small increase in the cigarette tax,0 +9, some seeking protection from violence in their homelands,8 +5,the prosecutor said. The list is compiled by the district attorney's office,4 +7,"Prieto was sentenced to death in Virginia in 2010 for the rape and murder of Rachael Raver, 22, and the slaying of her boyfriend, Warren Fulton III, more than two decades earlier.",6 +7,Agents conduct immigration raids in six states,6 +2,TINY ISLETON FLOODED WITH GUN-PERMIT REQUESTS,1 +9,Congress makes it easier for the mentally ill to get guns,8 +13,"Just when it looked like debate over the smoking ban had finally been snuffed out, it was rekindled this week at Gaithersburg City Hall.",12 +13,"A shift of those four votes would have dramatically changed the politics of the debate over gun legislation. Together with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who voted ""no"" to preserve parliamentary maneuverability, the four dissenting Democrats would have brought the total number of votes in support of the background check amendment to 59. If gun control advocates had been within one vote of winning, they would have been able to put tremendous pressure on Senator Kelly Ayotte, Republican of New Hampshire, to vote ""yes."" As it is, she is facing an onslaught of criticism in her home state for her ""no"" vote.",12 +10,Murderer's life spent being rejected was also a crime,9 +5,"A key component limits appeals by federal prisoners, including Death Row inmates a provision that Moynihan called ""profoundly disturbing"" and unconstitutional.",4 +13,"Web Winners: For ammo in the debate over guns, hit these sites",12 +1,"Numbers released by the federal agency late Friday show cigarette marketing decreased more than 34 percent to $9.94 billion in 2008, the latest year available, compared with 2003. Meanwhile, cigarette sales decreased 11 percent to 320 billion cigarettes in the same period.",0 +9,"Fitness Helps, Even for Smokers",8 +1,CLASS-ACTION SUIT FILED AGAINST PA. FOR SHARE OF TOBACCO SETTLEMENT THREE PEOPLE WITH SMOKING-RELATED ILLNESSES SAY THEY ARE ENTITLED TO PART OF THE $11.3 BILLION THE STATE RECEIVED FROM THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY.,0 +5,the rights of criminals to bear arms.',4 +5,". For years, gun control advocates have said that the Second Amendment to the Constitution applies only to members of a well-regulated militia.'",4 +13,ROUND OF DEBATE AIMED AT GUN BILL,12 +5,These three voted to reverse the death sentence but only on the narrower ground that the defendant should have been allowed to rebut the prosecutor's specific argument that his behavior in jail and outside showed he was ''a hopelessly violent'' sexual offender likely to commit crimes in prison.,4 +5,IMMIGRATION COURTS STALLED,4 +13,"The fact that President Obama would make an all-out push for new gun restrictions seemed all but inevitable from the moment he delivered tearful yet resolute remarks to the nation in the hours after the Newtown, Conn., school massacre last month. +",12 +6,"The statewide ban, which is expected to be signed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich, would otherwise affect every indoor public facility in the state, with narrow exceptions for nursing homes and hotels.",5 +13,Democrats are targeting female voters in the Washington suburbs with two new television ads blasting former Republican governor George Allen's record on gun control and public education.,12 +5,"ATTORNEYS FOR CONDEMNED KILLER WANT NEW HEARINGS ON SENTENCE +",4 +7,"While U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service agents have been patrolling federal and state prisons for years, agents have largely neglected the place most criminals spend their sentences: county jails.",6 +5,"IN HER FIRST CASE, GINSBURG DISSENTS",4 +1,"Eight years after its first smokeless cigarette, Premier, flopped, RJR Tobacco Worldwide will begin test marketing a similar product late next month in Chattanooga and Germany",0 +13,"Minnesota Senate gun hearings begin Thursday, with focus on background checks",12 +11," The syndicated columnist and editor of Carolina Adventure, a Raleigh hunting, fishing and boating publication, posted information about the raffle on a few Internet gun advocacy newsgroups and e-mailed it to hunting friends across the country.",10 +5,"If illegal aliens and refugees already living in the United States are found to test positive for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus, they can be excluded from permanent legal status in the United States, unless they are granted a waiver from the Attorney General.",4 +13,"Biden Got Out 'Over His Skis,' Says Obama",12 +5,"The court's ruling, expected in 2016, could be immensely consequential. Should the court agree with the two Texas voters who brought the case, its ruling would shift political power from cities to rural areas, a move that would benefit Republicans. +",4 +5,"Brown's attorneys have also asked the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to block the execution, which would be the first in the California in nearly five years. +",4 +6,"The 1968 Gun Control Act bars importing firearms unless they're usable for ""sporting purposes.""",5 +13,"Hailed as a hard-won compromise by its architects, including the leaders of both houses of the state legislature and many of the two bodies' most powerful members,",12 +7," +Federal officials have said that thousands of domestic workers are brought into the United States by their employers, often from their native country, and abused. Last year, a Gaithersburg man who kept a Brazilian woman in his home for nearly 20 years was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison for violating immigration laws.",6 +9,"Oscar, 5, has leukemia and an expensive bone marrow transplant is the best hope to save his life.",8 +15,Introducing The Things Of Spring,14 +5,"Some shops argued that they could not be sued in New York City because they don't do business there, but U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein ruled in August that the lawsuits could proceed because the city had offered strong evidence that the shops were ""responsible for the funneling into New York of large quantities of handguns used by local criminals to terrorize significant portions of the city's population."" +",4 +9,"""What it says is we're even forbidden from investigating or even trying to educate people,"" said Melanie Thoenes of the Pinellas County Health Department's lead intervention team. ""If there is a risk there, we need to be sure people get notified.""",8 +8,"Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, immigration officials had sought ways to better track foreign visitors, and supporters of the proposal noted that tourist visas remain among the most abused immigration documents.",7 +2,GUN ADVOCATE EXCHANGING BULLETS FOR SNEAKERS,1 +5,Court Backs Paterson Regarding Gay Unions,4 +12,DEFEATS GALVANIZE NRA MEMBERSHIP,11 +9,"Yes, I mean forced - we have no choice in the matter. That is because it is a matter of life and death to me and others who suffer from asthma or other, less common lung diseases. I am in my 20s and cannot go to a restaurant, party, bar, concerts or even baseball games at Busch Stadium because smoke causes me to have an asthma attack.",8 +13," answering a call from Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas",12 +6,"To finance its health care plan, the Clinton Administration has proposed an increase of 75 cents on the current 24-cent tax for a package of cigarettes, which would bring the total to 99 cents. A proposal circulated this week, as part of a deal to gain the backing of tobacco-state lawmakers, called for an increase of only 40 cents.",5 +3,Is the Vatican evolving?,2 +5,"On Wednesday, the high court did signal it is narrowly leaning toward striking down at least part of a 1996 law that denies federal benefits to same-sex couples. But as was the case Tuesday, when the court considered California's ban on same-sex marriage, the justices devoted much energy to avoiding the broadest legal questions and possibly a substantive decision altogether.",4 +5, resulting in part from a federal court decision that overturned California's voter-approved ban on such unions,4 +5,". On the contrary, the state Supreme Court on Thursday ordered what would be the eighth execution of the year.",4 +1,Gun show in killer's town,0 +11,"As recently as the late 1980s, deals were still made in smoke-filled rooms, and the late afternoon light filtered through lazy curls of smoke rising from office ashtrays. It was one of the nation's oldest customs: Even the first Americans, Christopher Columbus wrote, carried ""a firebrand in the hand, and herbs to drink the smoke thereof, as they are accustomed.""",10 +5,"a teen-ager to be tried later for second-degree murder, which is not punishable by death. Moreover, the defense lawyers told the jury,",4 +11,The medium might muddle gun-control message,10 +5, and lawyers arguing against the use of the sedative failed to convince the U.S. Supreme Court to halt the execution of Earl Ringo Jr. in September.,4 +5,"The Supreme Court refused yesterday to set a time limit for state death-row inmates to file their first federal appeals, saying that even last-minute appeals generally cannot be dismissed for being filed too late.",4 +3,Pastors unite to support same-sex marriage in D.C.,2 +1,Crossroads of the West Gun Show coordinator Jeff Templeton confirmed what many participants observed: private sellers are turning out in greater numbers now to sell guns of all kinds before Colorado's background check kicks in March 31.,0 +6," +The program departs from a policy that is more than 10 years old that bars officers from asking people about their legal status in most cases.",5 +5,"Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey, intent on trying Garcia-Gomez in Colorado, will work within those guidelines, a spokeswoman said. +",4 +3,"The Episcopal Church, which has been strained by gay-rights issues since the election of an openly gay bishop in New Hampshire eight years ago, is now divided over how to respond to the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York. + +As a result, gay and lesbian Episcopalians will be allowed on Sunday to get married by priests in Brooklyn and Queens, but not in the Bronx or Manhattan or on Staten Island; in Syracuse but not in Albany. + +That is because the church has not taken a firm position nationally on same-sex marriage, leaving local bishops with wide latitude to decide what priests may do when the law takes effect in New York State. In the state, with six Episcopal dioceses, the bishops are split: two have given the green light for priests to officiate at same-sex marriages, one has said absolutely not, two are undecided and one has staked out a middle ground, allowing priests to bless, but not officiate at, weddings of gay men and lesbians. + +The Episcopal Church, known as one of the most welcoming to gay men and lesbians among mainline Protestant denominations, finds itself in an uneasy position on the issue -- embracing neither the clear stance against same-sex marriage taken by Roman Catholic, evangelical Protestant, Muslim, Mormon and Orthodox Jewish leaders, nor the supportive position of Reform Jewish, Unitarian Universalist and many liberal Protestant leaders. The Episcopal Church is a small denomination -- the church claims 172,623 members in New York State -- but is also prestigious and influential. +",2 +11,that feature extreme sports,10 +13,signing an international treaty,12 +13,"""The committee has voted down every serious border security amendment presented,"" said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who lost his bid to scrap the legislation's entire border-control section and replace it with his own. ""This committee has consistently rejected any attempt to put real teeth in it, and if it does not have that, in my opinion, this bill will not pass.""",12 +7,"In the first case, the jury sentenced Kenneth J. Lighty, 23, to die for the kidnapping and killing of Eric L. Hayes II, 19. Hayes was abducted in the District and killed in Prince George's County nearly four years ago.",6 +13,"Then, strong national legislation was defeated because of the lobbying efforts of the NRA.",12 +13,Chris Christie is the anti-Ted Cruz,12 +9,Calculating Health Risks,8 +8,"The bill calls for computer checks of gun buyers. Gun dealers would dial an 800 number to reach a Justice Department computer bank. If the buyer is matched to a criminal record, the sale is denied.",7 +7,"Hill is on death row for killing a Pensacola, Fla., police officer after a bank robbery in 1982. +",6 +1,A retailer that sells cigarettes,0 +13,"""We will not submit to this blackmail,"" said Mr. Howard.",12 +7,Donald Trump plans to immediately deport 2 million to 3 million undocumented immigrants,6 +13,Trump says gun owners could respond against Clinton's court picks,12 +13,"With the Georgia Legislature debating tough new restrictions on illegal workers and Congress considering immigration reform, Republican Rep. Phil Gingrey of Marietta went straight to the epicenter of the immigration issue. +",12 +13,Presidential Candidates React to San Bernardino Shooting,12 +6,"U.S. Golf Association officials did seek, and were eventually granted, an exemption for players, who will be allowed to smoke during competition inside the ropes and around the practice areas. Spectators still will not be able to smoke anywhere on the premises.",5 +5,Court: Golf club rights extend to same-sex pairs,4 +1,the Palm Beach County employee's,0 +6,"CALIFORNIA AG SAYS LAW CAN BAN GAY MARRIAGE HE SAYS LEGAL ACTION UP TO VOTERS, LAWMAKERS +",5 +13,Lawmakers Pass Ban On Local Gun Laws,12 +13,BRADY BILL FACES TOUGH SENATE BATTLE,12 +10,"Newtown parents mark six months since shooting +",9 +13,O'Malley reaches out to families of victims of Md. death-row inmates;,12 +6,"U.S. Withdraws Offer of 60,000 Job-Based Visas, Angering Immigration Lawyers",5 +13,Mark Dayton skeptical new gun laws will stop mass shootings,12 +1,"Hess, a computer-industry analyst from Roxborough, estimates she spent $20,000 on the gum, far more than she had ever spent on her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit. + +Nicorette, distributed by SmithKline Beecham PLC",0 +1,Intolerance May Carry A Price For States,0 +10,Battle on Youth Smoking Brings Hope and Caution,9 +5,"Judge rejects Idaho ban on gay marriage +",4 +9,"Instead of calling attention to these products, which could actually save the lives of smokers",8 +5,Appeal reassess block of PTSD testimony in immigration case,4 +1,"Humphrey wrung a $ 6 billion settlement out of the industry, and Harshbarger has a case pending to recover the costs of treating sick smokers.",0 +4," +The Federal Commission on Civil Rights decided today to seek to determine if sentiment against Asian Americans, especially new immigrants, has increased in recent years.",3 +13, then-Gov. Mel Carnahan,12 +1," tobacco advertising and marketing, would lock in Philip Morris's market dominance. + +''It would make it harder to let consumers",0 +5,New Orleans and Chicago have filed separate lawsuits against gun manufacturers asking for money to cover medical and law enforcement expenses allegedly incurred by guns.,4 +5,"Judge NIXED ban on handguns in public +",4 +6,REPEAL STATE'S LICENSE TO KILL,5 +1,Competitors say that the F.D.A. is unlikely to approve many new tobacco products,0 +10," But immigration experts say there are tens of thousands of children every year who lose a parent to deportation. As the debate over immigration policy heats up, such broken families are troubling people on all sides, and challenging schools and mental health clinics in immigrant neighborhoods.",9 +7,Sheryl Schwartz said Wednesday that her husband favored the death penalty and that she believes the heinous nature of the crime warrants seeking the death penalty.,6 +10,"Cold, Wet Wait for Tickets to Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Cases +",9 +10,A Mother's Well-Practiced Anguish,9 +3,CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: WRONG ON ALL COUNTS,2 +5,"The State Department will recommend next week whether a young Syrian stowaway who leaped into the Mississippi River and requested asylum can remain in the United States, according to the man's lawyer.",4 +13,N.Y. Gay Marriage Bill Gains Key Votes,12 +13,Others were equally adamant that they hadn't received the notice.,12 +1,"The company's financial records were also seized under warrants issued by United States Magistrate G. Donald Haneke in Newark for what officials are calling probable violations of Federal income tax, labor and immigration laws.",0 +12,West Palm joins call to end gun violence;,11 +13,Utah voters approved the ban in 2004.,12 +13,"Hil, Bernie trade fire Face off on health care, guns",12 +5,"""This is a significant issue,"" says Michelle Jacobs, a defense attorney and law professor at the University of Florida. The hearing, she says, will decide whether the case goes forward to trial.",4 +5, after the state Supreme Court ruled gay couples should have the same legal protections as married couples. But the statute stopped short of making gay marriages legal.,4 +5,But the vote was close: four dissenters would still resolve ambiguities in favor of execution. That's a precarious margin when the difference is so great,4 +6,"But the Vermont bill cannot assure gay partners of federal rights and benefits, and civil unions, unlike marriages, are not expected to be recognized in other states.",5 +7,LET POLICE CARRY CONCEALED WEAPONS,6 +5," In Texas, if the two issues receive affirmative answers the death penalty is automatic.",4 +13,"Alaska, Guns and Logic",12 +5,Proposition 8 Appeals Case Winds Down,4 +5,"Based on your experience and knowledge of the Second Amendment, do you see the Supreme Court granting cert if the city appeals, and do you see the court upholding the Silberman ruling?",4 +7,A high school dropout condemned for murdering a guard in a bank robbery was put to death early today in the Louisiana electric chair,6 +12,"U.S. News reported that the organiztion believes ""the NRA has successfully convinced many voters that gun control does not work.""",11 +7,Va. Executes Man Who Killed Pizza Delivery Woman in '94,6 +12,Students around the country might be massing for a march on Washington on March 24.,11 +6,Hit-or-Miss Control Of Firearms Sales,5 +11,"Outside that trend were two notablecefforts cin North Carolina and Florida to speed up the execution clock, which is years-long in all states.",10 +10,I need my gun!,9 +13,Liberal moron?,12 +1,state of California over Medicaid reimbursements for tobacco-related illnesses.,0 +13,BUSH GIVES LABOR PICK HIS VOTE OF CONFIDENCE,12 +1,'Undocumented workers' contribute more than they cost Minnesota,0 +9, A friend of mine who was a heavy smoker recently lost her baby to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). I am enclosing an article that recently appeared in USA Today about the link between women who smoke and this cruelest of all baby killers. People need to be aware of the connection.,8 +9,mentally retarded man,8 +7, on DNA test results indicating that two blood stains found in Capano's Wilmington home in July 1996 matched a sample of Fahey's blood.,6 +15,EVENING THE ODDS FOR THE GOOD GUYS,14 +5,"In a decision that promises to scale back the gun control laws in Illinois and elsewhere that are among the nation's strongest, the court ruled that the Second Amendment's right to bear arms is binding on state and local governments, not just the federal government.",4 +11,"This photo appeared on Lastrhodesian.com, a website investigated by the FBI in connection with Dylann Roof. It shows him posing for a photo holding a Confederate flag.",10 +13,Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) has said he would sign,12 +4,FLAWS MAR FLORIDA'S DEATH CASES,3 +10," I dare say she would sing a different tune had she searched in vain for her spouse, as I did, through the rubble of the decimated United States Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, two and a half years ago.",9 +15,Q&A,14 +13,"""With legislators all over the proverbial ballpark, it made a lot more sense to get all the sides in this many-sided area to talk to each other to see where they can find areas of compromise and agreement,"" Drachler said.",12 +12,Barnidge: Opposing views on gun control in Colorado theater shooting aftermath,11 +13,Leahy could slow Obama's efforts on gun control,12 +10,The Unlucky 49,9 +5,Record damages against tobacco firms rejected,4 +1,"""The cigarette ads for our de-nic brands simply introduce the cigarette to the consumer,"" Zuke said.",0 +5,"urors, who heard attorneys' closing arguments Thursday, will be asked today to sort out the evidence and reach a verdict. +",4 +13," +Ruben Navarrette: GOP dug its own hole with Latinos +",12 +5,Prosecutors will seek death penalty in cousins' slayings,4 +6," +GUN-CONTROL PROPOSAL IN COUNTY IS CRITICIZED",5 +12,"Thousands of Minnesotans have called, e-mailed and rallied at the Capitol to make their positions known.",11 +1,"A late-afternoon verdict against a leading tobacco maker pulled most stock measures lower Friday, erasing slim gains on a tame inflation report that sent interest rates lower in the bond market.",0 +13,Kerry Faults Bush for Failing to Press Weapons Ban,12 +10,"''I used to go to Atlantic City and I hated it when people would sit next to me smoking a cigarette,'' said Rosa Rodriguez of the Bronx, who stood outside Yonkers Raceway this week smoking a cigarette during a break from the video slot machines. ''I'm a smoker, but you pick up secondhand smoke and it gets in your clothes.''",9 +7,"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms",6 +11,"It's often left to a second, third or fourth generation to learn where their ancestors came from, why they left their homeland and what kind of people they were.",10 +7,"A man charged with first-degree murder in a weekend street shooting appears to be the first person with a concealed-carry permit to be accused of using a firearm in a violent crime in St. Louis, police said Monday.",6 +1,The ad that mockingly skewers an international tobacco icon is clearly powerful. Experts believe it and similar hard-edged ads are among the reasons smoking rates have fallen over all in California.,0 +11,"Inquirer, Harrisburg paper seek viewing of executions",10 +7,Drug source secrecy doesn't stop execution,6 +1,"To qualify, the principals must each create at least 10 full-time U.S. jobs by investing $ 1 million - or $ 500,000 if the jobs are in certain high-unemployment areas - in the establishment of a new business, or the rescue or expansion of an existing one.",0 +9,RESEARCH HELPS EXPLAIN CERTAIN SMOKING PATTERNS,8 +11,"Census count: 23,000 of California's gay couples consider themselves married",10 +11,BILLBOARDS ON PA. ROADS ASK THE YOUNG TO BUTT OUT THE ANTISMOKING MESSAGES ARE SHORT - AND DELIBERATELY UGLY,10 +5,"In 1988, the Supreme Court in Mills v. Maryland clarified the standards that judges use to instruct a jury in a capital case. +",4 +5,Barring court intervention,4 +1,"The raw duplicity of the tobacco industry (and echoing congressional hirelings) surfaced again in its record-breaking, multi-megabuck media attack",0 +13,"''If you need proof that Congress is a hostage to the gun lobby, look no further than today's vote,'' said Senator Dianne Feinstein, who sponsored the terror watchlist measure.",12 +1,"He said Hazleton had raised and spent about $500,000 in donations to support the litigation.",0 +13,EX-FERRER AIDE LINKS WITH MIKE. IMMIGRATION ISSUES ARE HER STRONG SUIT,12 +7, His crime?,6 +13," Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, a centrist Democrat backed by the National Rifle Association, has joined those calling for stricter gun laws in the wake of the Newtown, Conn. massacre.",12 +13,"""It's close, but I think it's going to pass,"" predicted House Majority Leader Kumar P. Barve (D-Montgomery).",12 +1,"ALBANY CUTS DEALS ON RENT, TAXES & TUITION",0 +5, since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976.,4 +6,'Marriage' gets harder to find in civil union bill ADVOCATES: They hope change will result in more support. OPPONENTS: They say change is designed to obfuscate the obvious.,5 +1,"With these far-ranging legal battles as a backdrop, records show that during the first 18 months of the current two-year election cycle, tobacco companies gave $4.75 million in unregulated ``soft money'' to the two major parties -- about $4 million to the GOP and about $750,000 to the Democrats.",0 +13," +Clinton pins Gore loss on NRA",12 +5,'Good reason' no longer needed to carry a concealed gun in D.C.,4 +5, It is only when the Second Amendment right to bear arms is available to the general population that the criminals are afraid of the general populace.,4 +5,"Houston lawyer Harry Gee, a member of the group trying to obtain the 2012 Olympics for the city, took Khannouchi's case pro bono. +",4 +13,Money Flows to G.O.P. Backers of Gay Marriage,12 +11,Take a lesson from the Irish-Americans,10 +7,HERITAGE HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTINGS: GEORGIA DELEGATION,6 +5,"FACING LAWSUIT, COUNCIL CHANGES FIREARMS LAW",4 +12, A new CBS poll has some good news for President Obama when it comes to immigration reform and his executive actions shielding millions from deportations:,11 +10,"From prison, they would talk about having children and opening a ministry. At the end of each prison visit, Johnston would cry and give her a love letter to read while she drove home to Virginia. He would also sing her an Anne Murray love song.",9 +13,"The response was interesting. In several cases, liberal critics argued that of course I was actually being self-pitying, and actually crying persecution, in the guise of disavowing both. Here's Brian Beutler of Salon, for instance: +",12 +10,"Do the gays really want marriage, or do they want the acceptance that marriage, traditionally defined, brings? Now they are full of joy, but it is selfish and discounts the institution of marriage.",9 +6,Va. Ban's Reach Is At Center Of Fight,5 +1,"While smoking is ""easiest,"" Gannon said she might target other behaviors if an upcoming review of employee health screening data identifies other factors that drive up costs. But if drinking or overeating or other behaviors are found to be significant problems, Gannon said she'll try to address them through incentives rather than an employment ban.",0 +15,Standing under fire,14 +13,"Birnbaum writes that Republican groups are ""notably on the rise, while Democratic ones are waning"" -- not surprising with GOP control of the White House, the Senate and House. +",12 +9,"As a parent who asks, I can attest that I couldn't care less if someone owns guns, enjoys shooting or is a National Rifle Association member. I simply won't let my children become a statistic by playing unsupervised in a home where guns are present. Further, every parent of whom I've ever asked this awkward question has been candid and appreciative.",8 +7," In practice, the city's sanctuary policy, applied blindly, subverts common sense by allowing dangerous criminals a free pass.",6 +5,"Prosecutors immediately produced their own document and demanded a hearing. +",4 +5,JUDGE GRANTS DEATH WISH TO CONVICTED MURDERER,4 +10,"""Some of my clients are getting the impression that their children won't be able to attend school without a Social Security number,"" DeVore said.",9 +7,the moment one year ago when 23-year-old Jared Lee Loughner raised his gun and fired into Giffords' head.,6 +9, hanged himself yesterday in his cell at the Prince George's County jail.,8 +14,"Mexico's Leader Says He'll Persevere on Migration +",13 +6,Death Penalty Standard,5 +7," the deaf man charged with killing Betty Gray, who also was deaf.",6 +11,"EVERY WEEKEND ACROSS METRO ATLANTA, AFRICAN IMMIGRANTS GATHER AROUND THEIR RADIOS IN SCENES THAT RECALL; AN EARLIER TIME IN AMERICA. THEY'RE LISTENING TO . . .; News from home",10 +13,"Team Bloomberg then accused Drum of ""playing politics in the New York City mayoral race"" to Ferrer's benefit - a charge Batista Schlesinger vehemently denied.",12 +4,Condemned Man Claims Rights Violation,3 +3," +God And Sex",2 +1,"Among all the numbers that populate Nataly Lopez's life -- including phone digits, addresses, pass codes and friends' ages -- there is one that she never forgets: the cost of a semester's tuition at Baruch College, where she is a sophomore.",0 +13," +But Gov. Roy Romer has told lawmakers he's prepared to veto the measure.",12 +6, And this week we have the latest cynical talking point: Let's not legislate with our emotions.,5 +7, As a local law enforcement official,6 +13,Some lawmakers are pushing for changes,12 +5,Local case highlights need for federal recognition of same-sex couples,4 +5,HAITIANS MUST OBEY IMMIGRATION LAWS,4 +13," At first, Tom Mauser didn't want to come. Gun-control legislation faced a critical series of votes in the Colorado General Assembly, and Mauser wanted to be in Denver.",12 +5,"The attorney now has four to six weeks to write an ordinance that would make it a misdemeanor to have or sell a gun on city property. +",4 +11,BILLY: NO BAM BUTT Joel denies White House smoke with Prez,10 +3," A few churches bless homosexual unions, but others insist they never will.",2 +6,NO GUNS ALLOWED,5 +10,HAPPY TO BE ALIVE,9 +12,"NRA fires away, comes up empty",11 +3,"""changing moral ",2 +10,"Two immigrants, two divergent lives after 1986 law",9 +11,NBA scores big,10 +3," +Social intolerance comes in many forms",2 +13," +""There is no evidence suggesting that those receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration are a threat to public safety,"" said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee",12 +13,Va. House Democrats seek wider gun checks,12 +13,Democrats Cautious on Gay Rights Issues,12 +7,"Late Tuesday, as the clock approached midnight, Marcus Wellons rode to oblivion on a state-inserted needle, his punishment for the rape and murder of a young Cobb County neighbor 24 years ago.",6 +6,Guns in Prison Show Futility of a Ban on Arms,5 +12,"NRA spokeswoman becomes new face of gun rights movement, but she's a famil-iar face in St. Louis",11 +3,"Moses championed the Ten Commandments, but the 13 revisions are another story. +",2 +13,Obama asks for overturn of Prop. 8,12 +7,"Judge Timothy J. Lawliss announced on Monday that jury selection for Mr. Wong would start Dec. 6. Since Mr. Wong, 42, has fulfilled his sentence for the robbery conviction, he is now being held at the county jail on $100,000 bail, awaiting the next phase, be it trial, deportation or freedom.",6 +13,But even as the governor ordered state agencies to extend marital benefits to same-sex couples,12 +13,Pitts forwarded two written opinions from past city attorneys to the City Council's finance committee concluding that the mayor cannot file a lawsuit on behalf of the city without the approval of the City Council.,12 +13,"This year's 17 swing states split their votes almost evenly between Bush and Al Gore in 2000. Neither defeated the other by more than six percentage points. (Tennessee, where Bush won by four points, is not included in our list of swing states. If Gore could not win as a native, then Kerry's cause there is hopeless.) The largest swing states -- Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio -- contain a treasure trove of electoral votes. + +Voters evenly divided +",12 +15,OPERATION SOUTHPAW,14 +5,"The justices stopped short of allowing same-sex marriage, leaving it to the state Legislature to decide how to confer equal status - and what name to give it.",4 +4,"BEEP BACKS GAY MARRIAGE 'Love is love,' Markowitz says",3 +13," +Congress considers limits on homemade plastic guns",12 +5,"Dressed in a red jail jumpsuit, Irving Alexander Ramirez faced Superor Court Judge Alfred DeLucchi in Hayward.",4 +13," +CLINTON TO VISIT AS COLO. MARKS SCHOOL MASSACRE THE PRESIDENT WILL PUSH A GUN-CONTROL BILL",12 +9,"Wu, 40, a kitchen worker at a Chinese restaurant, is a legal U.S. resident, and need not fear reaching out for mainstream medical care. But he doesn't, because he's ineligible for Medicaid and can't afford mainstream care.",8 +15,MARYLAND,14 +5,Publicist Subpoenaed in Tobacco Company Case,4 +12,"Protests again convulse Portland, Ore., as groups on right and left square off",11 +7,"Analysts attributed the decline to a drop in crime, which they said has led Americans to feel safer and less inclined to purchase guns.",6 +7,"Now, the same INS officials are trying to find who helped smuggle the people into St. Louis, allegedly by escorting them past checkpoints or selling them fraudulent identification.",6 +5,Calif. judge upholds gay-marriage ruling,4 +6,JUNK-GUN BAN GETS OK STATE BILL AIMS TO DISPOSE OF 'SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS',5 +1,"Experts: Delta's NRA move is basic strategy, but risky",0 +9,"Here is a person who apparently was very distraught, definitely needed medical help, who chose to bludgeon his immediate family to death",8 +1,Tobacco companies heating up club scene,0 +11,"In 1647, the Capital Crime Was Witchcraft",10 +11,journalists,10 +10,"This process can be stressful, tiresome, even morale-deadening",9 +13,"Stand up to the NRA, lawmakers",12 +13,", the actual political impact of Columbine has so far been relatively limited: Despite the public uproar, the Colorado House recently rejected a package of gun control measures proposed by the state's conservative governor--including requiring background checks for all firearms sales at gun shows.",12 +1,Billions of dollars could be at stake.,0 +6," I think it is clear that the intent of the law was to include all types of public gathering places. It specifically named everything from arenas and recreation facilities to retirement homes and condominiums. The reference to condos was probably generic for co-ops, HOA's, mobile home communities and master associations. It does specifically mention homeowner associations when it mentions no smoking at meetings. + +Even so, it was reported by Condominium Times, in an interview with Martin T. Green, of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, that a flat ban on smoking is not being enforced in recreation areas at this time and that administrative rules further elaborating on the clean air act will be coming any day now.",5 +13," Democratic lawmakers are jumping over one another to get to a microphone and declare their support for same-sex marriage, and conservatives appear resigned to -- or possibly overcome by -- the change. +",12 +5, a landmark Supreme Court ruling overturned sodomy laws.,4 +7,After Virginia Tech,6 +13,"The administration has backed the Immigration and Naturalization Service in its drive to return the boy to his father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez. In addition, President Clinton has pleaded that the dispute be kept out of politics",12 +8,"If background checks work as well as the study suggests, why are additional restrictions necessary? +",7 +6,"On average, hotels in major cities allow smoking in only 16 percent of their rooms -- down from 20 percent just a few years ago, according to the research firm PricewaterhouseCooper.",5 +5, Proposition 8,4 +5,"The case took a year to bring to trial and a month to present. The sentencing hearing lasted a week. Scores of witnesses, experts and the families and friends of victims testified. Yet in the end, as Commonwealth Attorney James A. Willett conceded, all this effort failed to answer the question put to Mr. Muhammad by his 10-year-old daughter, Taalibah: ""Why did you do all those shooting?""",4 +12,"By voting for Question 6 next week, Marylanders would ratify the state law allowing gay men and lesbians to wed. We hope they do.",11 +7,"Arthur Alalouf, 47, shot dead after a six-hour siege Saturday, acquired permits for many of the shotguns and pistols in his arsenal in the 1980s.",6 +9,Georgia to Bar Executions of Retarded Killers,8 +13,The Republican-led Senate is debating a bill that does much of what Bush wants. The GOP-led House has passed a bill that focuses on border enforcement.,12 +5,"At the Supreme Court, Nichols had sought review of a July 11 ruling by the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals, which held that a state trial would not constitute double jeopardy for Nichols. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that no one may ""be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life and limb.""",4 +7,Connecticut shootings,6 +3,"Months after a Pennsylvania clergyman was defrocked in a similar case, the leader of the United Methodist Church in the New York City area has canceled the ecclesiastical trial of a minister who officiated at his own son's gay wedding. +",2 +6,"Gov. Jerry Brown signs bill raising age to buy rifles, shotguns to 21",5 +1,"$1,500.",0 +9,Gun safety advocates should celebrate this victory,8 +12,"they say they want to tone down their rhetoric and then the next they use such extreme language about our bill,",11 +11, then perhaps the United States will become a peaceful and safe country for our children to live in!,10 +7,The former motel handyman has faced the death penalty once before.,6 +6," to ban the judiciary from redefining marriage, leaving that power only to the Legislature.",5 +5,has given death row inmates a ready-made appeal.,4 +5,"Free to Marry, and Not Bound by Rites +",4 +2,Time running out for killer,1 +5,"""We're going to court as soon as possible to defend state law.""",4 +13,Under the House proposal,12 +13,"Minn. Senate approves same-sex marriage +",12 +11,"An estimated 200,000 illegal immigrants live in Virginia, according to the Pew Hispanic Center",10 +13,GOP mega donor expands his gun control campaign,12 +1,"U.S. cigarette makers were huffing and puffing in the 1980s and early 1990s to knock down trade doors that blocked Asian citizens from smoking their products. +",0 +9,of treating smoking-related illnesses.,8 +3, moral ,2 +5,Immigration law is set by Congress and is outside of state and local jurisdiction. But more emphasis lately has been put on having local agencies identify undocumented immigrants with criminal backgrounds.,4 +5,No Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants,4 +7," ""Md. end of death penalty passes"":",6 +6,Closing Gun-Sale Loophole Rises on Agenda,5 +4,"""We saw it as an issue of treating all employees the same,""",3 +13,"Bush was one of several Republican candidates to call for an end to such a gun prohibition. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, another GOP presidential candidate, also pointed blame at Clinton.",12 +13,The sponsors of Senate Bill 172 said that sending the measure to the House Judiciary Committee was the logical thing to do because it concerns laws and it was heard in the Senate by its judiciary panel.,12 +12,FLORIDIANS DISLIKE RNC GUN BAN,11 +13, Mayor Bloomberg,12 +11,"Study: Children of Latino immigrants speaking more English, less Spanish",10 +7,"The brief standoff ended with an amicable chat, and the men retrieved their weapons the moment the lawmen drove away",6 +7,New domestic-violence rule invoked Gun law disarms 3 cops,6 +11,DON'T MAKE ME AMERICAN: DAD,10 +5,"Kennedy gave until the end of the day Thursday for a response to Idaho's emergency motion. +",4 +7,"Running away from his Missouri home with a group of younger companions, he took his brother's car and his father's shotgun and rifles and drove to Oklahoma, where he momentarily lost control of the car on a turnpike. When his passengers warned that a highway patrol car was nearby, he boasted that if the officer tried to stop him he would ''blow him away.'' He obeyed an order to pull over and, as the officer approached on foot, stuck a loaded shotgun out the window and shot the officer dead.",6 +5,Gay-marriage lawsuits escalate,4 +5,The stay will remain in effect at least until a hearing is held before Barber on Feb. 20.,4 +7,"Senseless Killing, Knee-Jerk Justice",6 +7,"Fox, a janitor who lived off and on with his mother in the same building as Bricola and her mother, was convicted last year of the 1992 rape of a 39-year-old woman at a Marietta office complex where he worked.",6 +13,"The Mayor said that he had been a member of a rifle-pistol team while in the armed forces, and still fired a weapon occasionally at a range. Although there have been threats against Mr. Gibson's life, Bernard Moore, a spokesman for the Mayor, would not say whether Mr. Gibson carried a gun.",12 +13,"But the governor's plan may have more symbolic value than actual effect on gun availability and violence, a political analyst suggested. +",12 +8,"More than 160,000 people were prevented from purchasing firearms during the first year of computerized instant criminal background checks on would-be gun buyers, the Justice Department said Tuesday.",7 +9,NRA'S LEADING ROLE IN GUN SAFETY,8 +5,"With the addition of New Jersey, the entire Eastern Seaboard from Maryland to Maine now allows gay marriage. +",4 +5, first death warrant,4 +6,Too Old to Commit Crime?,5 +5,DEATH-PENALTY QUESTION IS BIG ISSUE FOR DA,4 +13,Paging all cowards on the Hill,12 +5,"When he was later challenged about the quality of his work on the case, Mr. Radolovich testified that he was an accomplished death penalty lawyer at the time, having tried four capital cases. The real number was zero, the federal judge, Jennifer B. Coffman, found, and Mr. Radolovich has been indicted for perjury for his statement.",4 +5,JUDGE: SUGAR FIRMS MUST DISCLOSE OUTPUT EXPECTATIONS FOR HARVESTERS,4 +13,"Schwarzenegger's comments were his most detailed yet on the controversial gay marriage issue and put him at odds with President Bush, a fellow Republican who last week called for ",12 +9,His family said the cause was complications from a facial infection.,8 +9," bring early death to more than 400,000 Americans every year.",8 +9,TOLL RISES IN TEXAS MIGRANT TRAGEDY; ANOTHER HEATSTROKE VICTIM IN HIGHWAY SMUGGLING CASE,8 +10,GRANDMOTHER'S FUTURE AS BABYSITTER IS CLOUDED BY CIGARETTE SMOKE,9 +5,"Clerks across Florida are caught in a debate about whether they are legally able to marry gay couples next week as a hold on the action expires, following a federal judge striking down the state gay marriage ban in August.",4 +9,But nobody said such a stance would ever be physically dangerous.,8 +13,"MAYOR Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns made a coordinated push for background checks on gun sales Thursday with full-page ads touting voter support and a public service announcement featuring the leaders of 30 different cities. +",12 +12,". We asked readers whether it's worth the time, effort and cost to retry Tokars. Here is a sampling of their responses.",11 +1,"and tobacco industry spokesmen are set to appear, but officials from three tobacco firms",0 +7,"3 in home raid face charges Illegal arsenal found, documents say",6 +15,Smoking battle smolders,14 +5,Only as strong as weakest gun laws,4 +8,"""The biggest thing I was looking at is preparation,"" Jett says.",7 +5," +BATTERED WOMAN'S ASYLUM CASE LINGERS ASHCROFT SENDS REVIEW BACK TO BOARD",4 +11,unfortunate group of young Americans each year,10 +6,"The city enacted an ordinance Friday that bans smoking in bars and restaurants. First-time violators face up to $125 in fines, and a second offense carries a maximum $500 fine. About 20 other Wisconsin cities have an anti-smoking ban. Appleton's ban, which also extends to bars and restaurants, also took effect Friday.",5 +7,"Wilson was convicted of the execution-style shootings of Detectives Rodney Andrews and James Nemorin in Staten Island during a March 10, 2003, gun buy-and-bust operation that went bad. After shooting both detectives - Nemorin as he begged for his life - Wilson rifled their pockets looking for cash then dumped their bodies in a Staten Island street like trash.",6 +10,effectiveness of programs to keep cigarettes,9 +12,San Francisco: Thursday rally part of nationwide call for stricter gun laws,11 +12,Other voices: Same-sex marriage: Wisconsin should be next,11 +9,*The health care system has been trying to help employees quit by offering smoking-cessation classes.,8 +15,"Borscht, Please, With a Side of Sushi; Ethnic Chefs Borrow and Blend, But Spaghetti and Sake? Never",14 +6,"Prop. 8, DOMA: Q-and-A",5 +1,"The reason for all this animosity is that Mr. Ballagh, a hefty 65-year-old of half-Irish, half-Seneca American Indian stock, sells cigarettes nationwide over the Internet, free of state excise and sales taxes that can add as much $3 a pack to the cost of smoking",0 +8,Americans loading up on assault arms since Conn.,7 +12,Q&A on the News,11 +5,"Although the state's top court has ordered that gay and lesbian couples can begin marrying in Massachusetts on May 17, the attorney general, Thomas F. Reilly, said an obscure 1913 state law prevented the state from issuing marriage licenses to couples who are not eligible to be married in their home states.",4 +11,Tiger Stadium,10 +7,"n inmate about to be executed. +",6 +1,"Philip Morris USA, the nation's biggest tobacco company, raised wholesale prices of Marlboros and its other cigarette brands by a record 45 cents a pack on the day the industry sealed a mammoth legal settlement with the states.",0 +2,"``It keeps workers busy,'' said Gary Murphy, a St. Joseph farmer whose crew was working inside Planters Tobacco Warehouse. ``If you've got a slacker, they can't do that with the wheel.''",1 +12," The poll found that 56 percent approve of the ruling ""providing legally married same-sex couples with the same federal benefits given to other married couples,"" while 41 percent disapprove.",11 +12,"The march was held in conjunction with the annual conference of the National Coalition Against the Death Penalty. Protesters also planned to march to the General Assembly, the state Capitol, the Governor's Mansion and the state Supreme Court.",11 +12,CONTROLS ON GUNS SUPPORTED IN POLL,11 +7,MAN FROM JENNINGS IS EXECUTED FOR KILLING NEIGHBOR,6 +5,"Well, so much for the power of silence. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit just reversed rulings striking down gay-marriage bans in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. This means that four circuit courts have now struck down gay marriage bans, while one has upheld them. We no longer have unanimity. The Supreme Court, eventually, will have to step in.",4 +13,Obama's actions on immigration nothing new,12 +5,"Such a division would be unique. Plaintiffs' lawyers, in pressing for a separate punitive damages suit, are apparently seeking to play on the companies' biggest concern.",4 +12,Protests Continue in California as Execution Nears,11 +13,Several Democrats said the mayor dragged his feet on the issue when he was still running for the Senate for fear of turning off Republican contributors.,12 +13,SENATE SHOULD STOP RECKLESS GUN BILL,12 +13,The fear was said to be that Mr. Obama wanted to take away our guns. It was a strange fear because there was no plausible answer to why and how he would do such a thing.,12 +13,"Sen. Joe Manchin, who helped broker a background check compromise that ultimately failed in the Senate, said rounding up the needed votes is unlikely.",12 +7,"Lockett had been sentenced to death in the murder of Stephanie Neiman, 19, in 1999, after she and a friend interrupted a burglary. Lockett fired a shotgun at the young woman and then watched as accomplices buried her alive.",6 +5,Some thoughts on the Sixth Circuit marriage cases,4 +13,"Clinton's Denver visit to support a ballot initiative to close the gun-show loophole drew much ire. A group of Republican state legislators pinned the gap in background checks at gun shows on him, while Gov. Bill Owens lamented his visit as being ill-timed in relation to the Columbine anniversary.",12 +1,"Philip Morris became the leading cigarette company in 1983. Mr. Millhiser later became vice chairman and a board member of the company, now part of the Altria Group. +",0 +6, dozen other cities and a growing number of corporations in adopting such policies for domestic partners.,5 +15,Massachusetts to Consider Same-Sex Unions,14 +15,More work ahead,14 +1,"Adriana Ries, a 27-year-old computer engineer from Brazil, has a job not enough Americans are qualified to do. Well-educated workers such as Adriana are paid $ 48,000 to $ 55,000 a year by Siemens in Boca Raton to test software for telecommunications networks before it is sold to customers.",0 +7,Williams execution,6 +13,"If anything, Congress seems headed in the wrong direction. This week, with little attention or discussion, lawmakers passed a half-dozen gun provisions, most of them designed to please the National Rifle Association by handcuffing the agency that enforces the nation's gun laws. The impact is to make it more likely that guns will get into the hands of criminals. +",12 +10,"For Gay Couples, Anniversary Party",9 +7,MAN GETS SIX MONTHS FOR ROLE IN DEADLY CRASH,6 +6, While the guidelines are drawing some criticism for not going far enough -- states such as New York and Indiana have enacted tougher standards -- some version of them is expected to take effect by Jan. 1.,5 +13,Colorado's Washington lawmakers mostly silent in gun-control debate,12 +10, Dominic would be in kindergarten class this morning.,9 +15,SMOKE A CIGARETTE PEACE PIPE,14 +13,Georgia's 'guns everywhere' bill awaits signature,12 +9,"Murderer on death row hangs himself in cell +",8 +11,MR. SULU GOES BOLDLY TO ALTAR,10 +6,Officials propose keeping gun buyers' data for 1 day,5 +13,The vote was 28-9 in the Senate and 47- 19 in the Assembly. ,12 +13,2 Democrats join backers of same-sex marriage,12 +5,misrepresented the Supreme Court's opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller,4 +7,Copter jailbreak attempt is a bust,6 +6,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE BAN,5 +7,"A member of a volunteer security force in Borough Park, Brooklyn, was charged on Monday with offering bribes to New York Police Department officials to obtain handgun permits -- the first arrest directly linked to the widening federal investigation into police corruption and Mayor Bill de Blasio's fund-raising efforts.",6 +5,JURORS RECOMMEND 2 DEATH SENTENCES FOR MAN FROM UNIVERSITY CITY IN KILLINGS,4 +3,"The debate over Christians refusing to be involved in gay weddings brings to mind a darker time when the ""Curse of Ham"" from Genesis was once used by Southerners to justify racial segregation. But today's debate is different. +",2 +12,"Following a recent spate of television and radio ads on behalf of a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, a new poll suggests a rise in support for Proposition 8, the ballot measure that would block gay men and lesbians from marrying.",11 +13,"Colorado's version of the Brady gun-control bill was signed into law yesterday by Gov. Roy Romer. +",12 +10,Gay-marriage proponents fear narrow court rulings;,9 +15,Sean battles bias that stinks on ice,14 +13,"In arguing for firearms restrictions, Obama points to Constitution",12 +5,Court: No gay marriages during Calif. appeal,4 +7,"With family members of the victim and the defendant sobbing in the small, third floor courtroom, a Superior Court judge yesterday sentenced Russian emigre Andrei Goumnov to 45 years in prison for aggravated manslaughter and related charges in the 1998 strangulation death of Gloria Jean Baglio",6 +4,"Not that there's anything wrong with gay unions. Same-sex couples - many thousands of whom are, in fact, living as families and raising children - should be allowed to enter civil unions with rights and privileges equivalent to marriage.",3 +13, that the Atlantic City Council,12 +1,The organization wants investors to unload those funds or persuade them to sell their tobacco shares and it is disseminating their names on the Internet.,0 +13,"In Conservative Wyoming, Signs Of a Thaw on Same-Sex Marriage +",12 +7,"There is nothing redeemable about Ferguson or his heinous crimes. In 1977 he participated along with two accomplices in the massacre of six people during a home invasion in Carol City while looking for drugs. On his own Ferguson murdered two teenagers six months later, raping the girl. Ferguson, now 64, is a deranged, dangerous killer who should never have been out on the streets.",6 +6,"But the state of Virginia never forwarded that information to the federal National Instant Check System (NICS), and the massacre exposed a loophole in the 13-year-old background-check program.",5 +13,STANCE ON IMMIGRATION DRAWS FIRE,12 +7,"A truck driver who had abducted and sexually abused two women and then shot them both in the head, killing one of them, was executed by lethal injection early today.",6 +13,"The new ad opens with a hand pulling a black gun out of a case, then the image switches to Allen shaking hands with two men, one in black leather, the other in camouflage. Both wear Harley-Davidson insignia. ",12 +7,Man Is Executed for Killing Officer,6 +6,"A report out on Tuesday from the Violence Policy Center confirms yet again the lunacy of America's loose gun policies. +",5 +1,New Philip Morris Cigarette Emphasizes Less Nicotine,0 +7," +A Lifetime on California's Death Row",6 +13,Gingrich Pledges Death for Drug Smugglers,12 +13,As Ms. Cheney arrived in New York with her father yesterday for the Republican convention -- a traditional showcase for candidates' adoring families -- her role in her father's campaign is becoming a subject of intense speculation on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate. Some on each side contend that the campaign is using her presence and Mr. Cheney's comments to soften its image and appeal to moderate voters at a time when the nation's attention is focused on the convention.,12 +12,Unions oppose ban on gay marriage,11 +8,on gun data privacy ,7 +12,Polls have shown that the public in largely liberal New Jersey supports same-sex marriage,11 +13,Cub Scout Is Exiled After Pressing Colorado Legislator on Guns and Race,12 +13,There is a growing consensus on Capitol Hill that a law requiring universal background checks stands a better chance of winning passage than a proposed ban on assault-style weapons.,12 +5,"If not for the efforts of a high-powered corporate lawyer, a specialist in mergers and acquisitions who was able to draw on the vast resources of his firm in New York City, Don Paradis would be dead.",4 +11," +Gone are the days when smoking on the big screen was synonymous with elegance and savoir-faire. Now, a new study finds, in most top-rated movies, the guy lighting up may well be a low-life.",10 +15,Identical to anti-black logic,14 +5,DEATH PENALTY TO BE SOUGHT,4 +13," But tracing soon would be illegal, under a bill that has shot through the House and Senate.",12 +5,"On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to take up Walker's two appeals.",4 +13,A Different Sort of Republican?,12 +13,"""All over the industrialized world now, countries are saying, 'let us put an end to state murder, let us stop capital punishment',"" Sanders said in a 1991 speech on the House floor. ""But here what we're talking about is more and more capital punishment."" +",12 +5,VACCO ASKS TIGHTER CIG REINS,4 +13," +MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG SAYS 40 PERCENT OF GUNS ARE SOLD WITHOUT A BACKGROUND CHECK",12 +5,Killer's death sentence reinstated by court,4 +13,"A second, similar bill, HB 1173 by Rep. Jim Congrove, R-Arvada, was approved, 8-5, by the House Judiciary Committee after a hearing that went late into the evening.",12 +5,Baltimore Circuit Court Judge M. Brooke Murdock struck down the law defining marriage as between one man and one woman Jan. 20 but stayed the effect of her ruling while it was being appealed,4 +5,"Proposition 8, a California initiative banning gay marriage",4 +13,"Nups power is still held by the states +",12 +5,"Clinton knows perfectly well that what he has ordered - sweeping restrictions on truthful advertising of a legal product - will almost certainly be ruled unconstitutional, and should be. Clinton's rules prohibit use of any illustrations or color in most cigarette ads, while outlawing brand names on T-shirts and caps or in sports or entertainment sponsorships.",4 +1,"Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently cited the nation's labor shortage as ""the greatest threat"" to the record-breaking economic expansion and called on Congress to find new ways to throw open the doors to immigration. +",0 +10,LIBRARY COURTS NEW GENERATION BRANCHES REACH OUT TO NEW IMMIGRANTS,9 +4,"I believe that gay couples deserve the same legal rights as every other couple in this country.""",3 +3,POPE'S PLEA SAVES KILLER FROM DEATH,2 +13,"California Gov. Pete Wilson last night accused the Clinton administration of playing politics with an immigration investigation of his former maid and portrayed himself as the GOP presidential contender that President Clinton ""fears most.""",12 +10,"""I thought I could have a new life here,"" Mr. Jarno said in an interview, which was translated by one of his lawyers, Benoit Jacqmotte. ""I also thought this was a country that respected human rights. But I am not sure anymore.""",9 +13," +If the amendment failed, ""It might be kind of hard to convince the Legislature that Wisconsin is a state that's all that much interested in liberalizing the gun-control laws,"" he said. +",12 +12,"As a few in the crowd shouted ""marriage"" and ""Do you support it?"" at him",11 +11,Treat hunters with respect,10 +5, Caton has filed public records requests to research the legality,4 +7,"Prosecutors said he wielded the long-handled ax during a night of robbery, torture and murder that involved three younger defendants --- including the victims' granddaughter, who was 15 at the time.",6 +6,ANGUISH RESIDES IN NEW IMMIG LAWS,5 +13,was elected to Congress as a gun control advocate.,12 +13,"Dole made his pledge to the National Rifle Association in 1995. +",12 +13,"""For me, suddenly all the old arguments ring hollow,"" said Representative Chet Edwards, Democrat of Texas. Mr. Edwards, whose district includes Killeen, said he had always opposed gun control. But on Thursday, he voted in favor of a ban on the sale and ownership of some semiautomatic weapons and the type of multiple-bullet gun clips that were used in Wednesday's rampage in the Killeen cafeteria.",12 +1,"But recent research suggests that the economic impact of immigration is not so simple. The effects are difficult to disentangle from other factors that have dampened wage growth for most workers in recent decades, including new technologies, the decline in manufacturing jobs, the drop in unionization, globalization and recessions.",0 +13, the winner being the side that makes the most political hay out of a killing before the TV cameras move on to something else,12 +5,STATE OPTS TO KEEP LIST OF PRIVATE ATTORNEYS,4 +5,Immigrant center is target of lawsuit,4 +5,"A Justice Department official, Deborah J. Rhodes, said all defendants were provided with criminal defense lawyers and interpreters, as well as access to immigration lawyers and consular officials. Federal judges also asked them and their lawyers if they understood and voluntarily agreed to the terms, she said.",4 +12,Illegal immigration protest draws crowd,11 +13,State House OKs gun display bills,12 +13,Webb vows court fight if state bans gun suits,12 +5,"A lawsuit filed by Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH group challenging the fairness of Georgia's ""stand your ground"" law may be dead. +",4 +13," +The ultimate outcome will probably be decided by House and Senate negotiators, who face the herculean task of trying to bridge differences between the two sharply different measures when election-year passions make compromise difficult. With only six months before Congress adjourns, no one is betting on the outcome.",12 +7,Violators could be fined $ 50 for each offense.,6 +5,"""The way I read the rules, if the government decides to deport him anywhere other than the (United Arab) Emirates, he can challenge the decision, which could take another two years,"" Al-Arian said Monday. ""Even if it is the Emirates, he'll have some avenues to challenge.""",4 +5,The Arkansas Supreme Court denied a request earlier in the week to stay Piazza's initial ruling - but the court still effectively halted same-sex weddings by noting that a separate law prohibiting clerks from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples was still on the books.,4 +1,"left convenience stores, gas stations and groceries",0 +15,Milestones in the marriage debate,14 +12,Eighth-graders say they'll stay smoke-free,11 +8,"MOUSSAOUI SEEMS RESIGNED TO FATE, RECORDS SHOW",7 +6,"The 1968 Handgun Control Law, for example, requires a person buying a weapon to disclose any history of crime or mental illness. But the dealer isn't required to check on the customer's background",5 +6,MISSOURI BILL WOULD ALTER RULES FOR TOBACCO SUIT ALREADY PENDING,5 +12,"The crowd erupted, leaping to their feet in applause. It was just the sort of instant energizer the NRA faithful desperately needed.",11 +5,Va. Killer's Attorneys Ask Wilder to Prevent Execution,4 +5,Oregon to Register Same-Sex Marriages,4 +1,"In 1985, the total medical costs of gun violence were more than $ 900 million. Three years later, the costs had risen to $ 1.2 billion. Low-ball figures for 1990 place the number at $ 1.4 billion. And costs surely are continuing to rise.",0 +13,Senate Democrats unveiled the first gun control legislation of the new Congress on Tuesday with a challenge to President Bush to keep his campaign promise to sign such a measure into law.,12 +11,"An audience favorite at this year's Silverdocs documentary festival, ""Incendiary: The Willingham Case"" provides a gripping, appalling and finally galling tick-tock of justice denied in modern-day Texas.",10 +5," The vote was 5 to 4, and although the court's membership has changed since then, with two of the dissenters succeeded by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, there has been every reason to think that any request to extend Heller would find the court at an impasse.",4 +9,"2,200 people have died from handguns.",8 +11,KIDS TURN BACKS ON CIG PACKS - SURVEY,10 +13,"More gun control now, Chuck cries",12 +13,Freedom: Councilman Maddox doesn't get it,12 +13, political reasons.,12 +13, she voted for it.,12 +7,"The four inmates, all convicted murderers, fled from the maximumsecurity prison on July 28, after sawing through",6 +1,"""The tobacco industry has violated every standard of ethical business practice",0 +1,A tobacco industry representative,0 +13,", the less likely they are to support anti-smoking measures",12 +7,"Hagler, 53, was arrested March 25, the day before federal agents, St. Louis police officers and three robots raided two homes he owns in the Baden neighborhood. He was charged with possession of an unregistered short-barreled shotgun, an unregistered AR-15 and a gun with the serial number altered.",6 +13,"Mayor Street, along with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and mayors from cities across Pennsylvania, called on lawmakers to change current gun laws, to stop straw purchases and to allow only one gun purchase a month. +",12 +13,BUSH'S CONGRATULATIONS PUZZLE GAY DENOMINATION,12 +6, Gun control's dirty little secret: It doesn't work,5 +10,"""I think it's absolutely ridiculous,"" Mirata, 65, said Thursday as he puffed on a cigarette. ""I understand not permitting smoking inside a business itself, but not to allow people to go outside and smoke?""",9 +5,"In the short term, the amendment's religious backers said they would turn their sights toward referendums at the state level. At least nine states, and possibly as many as 12, will have state constitutional amendments against same-sex marriage on the ballot in elections this summer and fall.",4 +7,"Then, in 1986, he was arrested for the 1982 murder of Deborah Sue Carter, 21, whose body was found in a garage apartment in Ada. Williamson and another man were linked to the murder by hairs from the crime scene. +",6 +13,Hillary Clinton to Discuss Gun Violence in Connecticut With Sandy Hook Families,12 +5,The justices,4 +5,"Tennessee: Ruling Favors 3 Gay Couples Seeking Recognition of Marriages +",4 +13,"Pryor ad hits Obama, Bloomberg",12 +13," +But the administration still is not willing to send to Congress a specific bill, administration officials said, preferring to work with legislation submitted by others, including a new Democratic anti-smoking package proposed this week by Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D.",12 +12,"Critics will see the move,",11 +15,Smoking is a choice,14 +5,"In Virginia, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals announced that it would issue a mandate at 1 p.m. allowing same-sex marriage to begin in the state. +",4 +11,"The subject is same-sex marriage, but the vivacious blonde who has come to personify the issue stops her interrogator with a scolding.",10 +5,"Roach said that the case probably will be appealed to the state's highest court regardless of who wins in Baltimore Circuit Court, and that it probably will be many years before the U.S. Supreme Court accepts a case on same-sex marriage.",4 +11,"The family has been redefined over, oh, the last 50 years, to include single mothers and single fathers who may never have been married, divorced and remarried couples, re-divorced and re-remarried couples, and parents of the same gender.) +",10 +7,"He allegedly knocked her unconscious, then left her to die in a hallway in a puddle of her own blood. +",6 +3," +Civilized society can't justify executions as form of revenge",2 +11,"Mr. Eszterhas grossly overestimates his importance in this ""vicious and deadly circle."" Did he cease his excesses because of Yul Brenner's posthumous anti-smoking ads? Did the deaths of John Wayne or Bob Fosse disabuse him of his immortality? Hollywood's smokescreen will remain",10 +13,Democrats Rally Behind Tough Antismoking Bill in Congress,12 +3,Mormon Church sidesteps Question 6,2 +13,Lautenberg Plays Offense With Attacks On Forrester,12 +13,Handgun bill passes first test in House,12 +11, All that was true of interracial marriages shortly after World War II.,10 +13,"But George Twigg, a spokesman for Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz",12 +1,have little trouble buying cigarettes,0 +5,"Whatever the case, their application in 1970 for a marriage license in Hennepin County made national news. They were turned down. +",4 +5,"Jurors, who will deliberate Coe's sentence today,",4 +5,"""We voted unanimously that the defendant shall be sentenced to death,"" said Judge Richard M. Gergel, reading the jury's decision to Roof, 22, a man who found inspiration in Adolf Hitler and a camaraderie of hate in an Internet community of like-minded racists.",4 +3,"Voting on same-sex marriage, with the Book of Leviticus ringing in my ears",2 +15,"The City Hall Superhero, on Gay Marriage",14 +7,"DeLuna's conviction in the stabbing death of a female gas-station clerk came despite conflicting and uncertain eyewitness accounts, the fact that DeLuna's clothing at the time of his arrest bore no blood stains, and the fact that prosecutors soon learned of the likely killer - a man who bragged about DeLuna's paying for his crime.",6 +4," +Ruben Navarrette Jr.: Two-tiered marriage system unfair, and so is Prop. 8",3 +13,"Mayor Koch's reputation for outspokenness was remarked on by several of his colleagues at the three-hour public conference, and he did not disappoint them",12 +11,"Many Americans need a culprit to blame for the things they don't like about their lives or about the ways society is changing, and for at least a century and a half, a favorite culprit has been immigrants.",10 +10,"Mel Lewis has smoked cigars since college. But for years, the 44-year-old former AmSouth bank executive kept her vice confined to her living room or the golf course.",9 +7,"The partnership of state police and the ATF will ""continue to aggressively investigate and prosecute gun traffickers who sell illegal weapons to anyone willing to pay their price,"" added Criminal Justice Director Stephen J. Taylor. +",6 +6,Partnership law a clerical quandary,5 +9,"I was lucky enough to discover mountain hiking clubs in my late 40's. Hiking up mountains in the Catskills, the Adirondacks and New England on a regular basis has made me stronger than I was 20 years ago as a smoker.",8 +11,"No more gun and weapons ads on Comcast +",10 +13,"Thirty-three state senators have publicly declared they will support legalizing same-sex marriage, all but assuring passage of the measure which will make New York the largest state where gay and lesbian couples can wed.",12 +7,Should the United States Stop Using the Death Penalty?,6 +5,Proposition 8 trial at a crossroads,4 +13,Tobacco wins a round in the Legislature,12 +5,"Appeals court backs Prop. 8 supporters on campaign materials +",4 +9,"increased risk of lung cancer; the risk doubles if they were exposed as children and also increases if exposed at work or play. + +The added risk is not huge. But the reality that secondhand smoke causes 3,000 or so lung-cancer deaths adds to the overwhelming case made by previous studies for more stringent controls to limit tobacco's damage. There's simply no reason asthma patients should suffer a million attacks and 300,000 kids respiratory infections each year so smokers can feed a habit.",8 +8, but Ms. Trump said that the temporary plan was necessary for national security reasons.,7 +5,"The federal judge who presided over Timothy J. McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing trial today rejected a plea by his lawyers to postpone his execution, even though the judge said he was shocked to learn recently about the F.B.I.'s belated discovery of evidence in the case.",4 +12,". If the question is ""Do you approve of same-sex marriage?"" and the poll is conducted by the Tampa Bay Times, I'm sure the result would be in the affirmative. However, if the Catholic Church conducts the poll, I'm sure it would be in the negative.",11 +13,Sen. Mel Martinez said Thursday that Congress - and specifically Republicans - will suffer at the polls if lawmakers fail to pass a comprehensive immigration bill by the November election.,12 +13,GUNS BECOME HEATED ISSUE TOP TWO CANDIDATES IN 15TH SENATE DISTRICT BLAST EACH OTHER'S VOTES,12 +11,Where U.S. immigrants aren't speaking English - in one map,10 +5,"San Francisco city officials, civil rights lawyers and lawyers defending the ban on gay marriage have not signaled any plans to try to disqualify Kramer.",4 +6,combined with the legislation's broader restrictions on tobacco advertising and marketin,5 +6,The measure approved Wednesday by the California Senate builds on a previously adopted law limiting handgun pur-chases to those 21 and older.,5 +1,"Gay couples weigh financial rewards of marriage +",0 +11,"Pass, whose family has been in the tobacco business for generations",10 +5,Nolas shot back.,4 +5," +Killer rages against court system",4 +6," The Defense of Marriage Act prohibits same-sex couples from receiving some marriage-based benefits afforded to heterosexual couples, like health care benefits, joint filing of taxes and inheritance tax exemptions.",5 +7, DeYoung set to be executed tonight,6 +9,Health - No butts about it,8 +11,"Sister Helen Prejean was shopping at a New Orleans department store last week when a young cashier complimented her on Dead Man Walking, the hit movie based on her book about her experiences counseling death-row inmates. +",10 +12,is fueling the hopes of death penalty critics.,11 +13,Gun-Control Victories,12 +13,"The swift passage of the civil-union measure - seen as a compromise to satisfy a state Supreme Court mandate to extend marriage rights to gay couples - has drawn fire from both sides of the debate. + +""We're in a hurry to get this behind us because it's a political hot potato,"" said Sen. Gerald Cardinale (R., Bergen), a gay-marriage opponent. ""We're changing a basic fabric of society. We should take the time to do it right."" + +Only Massachusetts allows gay couples to marry, but three states - Vermont, Connecticut and California - afford some marriage rights to gays. Some New Jersey lawmakers have said they are moving quickly on civil unions because full marriage rights would not make it through the Legislature, regardless of how long they debated the issue. + +Steven Goldstein, chairman of Garden State Equality, disagreed, saying gay marriage gains more support every day. He pointed to Sen. Robert Martin (R., Morris), who suggested in the committee meeting yesterday that a same-sex union should be called a ""civil marriage."" +",12 +5, law-abiding Americans,4 +4,"At issue was the SPLC's repeated claim that the Federation for American Immigration Reform is a ""hate group"" as well as its escalating efforts to prove that the federation, which favors stricter control over legal and illegal immigration, is racist. +",3 +13,"While Huffington was on TV, Los Angeles' Republican Mayor Richard Riordan endorsed Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein. He joins other members of his party who have endorsed her, including former baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth, actor Clint Eastwood and Los Angeles County Sheriff Sherman Block.",12 +5,HOW LONG IS LONG ENOUGH FOR MURDERERS' APPEALS?,4 +1,Without blaming Philip Morris,0 +13,Metro Briefing New York: Manhattan: Bloomberg To Testify,12 +10,"This is very difficult for me.""",9 +13,"Gov. Roy Barnes unveiled a gun control proposal Thursday that immediately drew praise from an unlikely source: the National Rifle Association. +",12 +11,"Less than 1 percent of the district's 22,000 employees are taking advantage of the plan.",10 +5,"But Thursday, the Florida Supreme Court ordered a new hearing. The justices said that key information about the state's execution protocol wasn't available during the April trial, and that Medina's lawyer didn't have time to counter with his own experts. + +The high court ordered a new hearing in Duval County in July, including the new information and witnesses. The case will go back to the Supreme Court in September.",4 +11,The Washington Post,10 +8,Approximately 40 percent of gun transfers do not involve a background check.,7 +13, Congress passed,12 +5,Legal Team Is Reinstated for Trial in Charleston,4 +7,"Instead of merely fines, they face possible penalties of up to six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine if convicted.",6 +7,"The agent, whom officials did not identify beyond his employment with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, was shot in the face during what officials described as an ambush in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, an area southwest of downtown where four officers have been shot in the past year.",6 +5,settlement ,4 +5,2nd Amendment does not apply,4 +13,"The measure already has passed the Senate by the necessary two-thirds ratio, but failed last week in its first House appearance with 117 of the needed 120 votes. Beasley-Teague, who had an excused absence, and 11 other House members did not vote, and they have been lobbied heavily by both sides.",12 +5,"After three years of worrying that they would be forced to leave the country, David Zetter and Sabina Seitz are finally being allowed to stay put. +",4 +12,"According to the hot-off-the-presses Washington Post-ABC News poll, 56 percent of Americans support same-sex marriage, and 50 percent believe that there is a constitutional right to marriage equality. None of this should be surprising.",11 +10,"entitling them to benefits that before had been out of reach. +",9 +5, since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976.,4 +5,A Late Twist in the Tobacco Case,4 +15,Virginia's Gift to Big Tobacco,14 +6,Palo Alto City Council bans smoking in all parks,5 +11,A Rush to Block Downloadable Plans for 3-D Printed Guns,10 +5,"That sequence of events brought attention to a gap in the court's internal procedures, which require the votes of four justices to add a case to the court's docket but five to stop an execution.",4 +12,"People support background checks, but are much more split on ""gun control"" as a concept. And as Washington Post polling shows, the two sides on gun control have grown more adamant in their positions over time. +",11 +9, He directed frantic shoppers to safety,8 +11,IMMIGRANTS BOOST CITY POPULATION,10 +7,A DRUG DEALER facing the death penalty for killing and dismembering two rivals is apparently quite handy with knives in the prison kitchen.,6 +6,"Virginia law bars carrying weapons in churches and other worship houses while a religious meeting is being held unless a person has ""good and sufficient reason.""",5 +5,"The organization's brief reminded the justices that they had issued a stay in January of a federal trial judge's ruling allowing same-sex marriages in Utah. But that request had come from state officials. + +In declining to grant its request for a stay, the justices may have harbored doubt about whether the group had suffered the sort of direct injury that would give it standing in the case, National Organization for Marriage v. Geiger. +",4 +11,Teens to jam against tobacco,10 +13,Radio personality seeks Latino vote; SPANISH-SPEAKING CELEB LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN,12 +13,Targeting Voters in the Worst Way,12 +13,The government that we elect to office. ,12 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court agreed yesterday to hear the case of a Pennsylvania death-row inmate to resolve a legal issue that could affect about 30 death sentences in the state.,4 +6,"The law gives the Illinois Department of Public Health, local health departments and local law enforcement agencies the power to issue citations for violations, establishes fines and sets up a hearing process within the state health department.",5 +13,"There are two versions of this argument. The first, Democratic Process Lite",12 +15,"Paid Notice: Deaths ZOLBERG, ARISTIDE R.",14 +7,Soldier sentenced to death for massacre at Fort Hood,6 +1,Holiday rush on firearms / Legislation spurs sales,0 +6,Changes Planned In Visa Program For Farmworkers,5 +7,National Briefing Southwest: Texas: Convictions For Ex-I.N.S. Officers,6 +1,"""We will probably see a big increase in business right away with prenups,""",0 +5,"The announcement came 11 days after the Supreme Court declined to review the lower-court rulings, allowing gay marriages to take place legally in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin within hours of the decision.",4 +9,"Cigars are as deadly as cigarettes and widely used by teen-agers yet face virtually no federal regulation, government health officials said Friday, recommending a mandatory national warning label for the first time.",8 +5,"State Tax Court Judge Vito L. Bianco questioned attorneys for the couple and for Montclair yesterday. Bianco made no immediate ruling and said he would issue a written opinion ""as soon as I can.""",4 +13," +Hastert and other GOP leaders were concerned that DeLay was making unilateral decisions without consulting them, said several Republican aides, and attracting attention to the politically sensitive topic of banning certain semiautomatic firearms 16 months before the law expires. Still, Hastert stopped short of promising a vote, and two GOP leadership aides said they doubted one will take place.",12 +10,She is 15 and has been smoking since she was in fourth grade. She knows it is a mistake but sees no way out.,9 +4,"""Discrimination against same-sex couples is something that shouldn't be tolerated anywhere in America, but especially not in Chapel Hill,""",3 +13,Romer likely to veto same-sex bill if House alters language,12 +9,"Labor Secretary Robert Reich said the new regulations ""will reduce the suffering and disease associated with poor indoor air quality and environmental tobacco smoke.""",8 +8,"Trump signs directive to start border wall with Mexico, ramp up immigration enforcement",7 +7, and authorities had to carry out death penalties for eight men convicted of murder before then.,6 +5,Might be bound for court,4 +13,"Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley will seek to institute some of the nation's strictest gun-licensing requirements, ban assault weapons and restrict visitor access to schools in one of the most expansive government responses sought to last month's school shooting in Newtown, Conn. +",12 +3,Rabbi's fate could hinge on related appeal,2 +12,Immigration bill foes protest; Activists rally outside Chambliss' office,11 +5,"A trial judge declared it inadmissible, saying such ""alibi evidence"" is relevant only to a defendant's guilt. But the Oregon Supreme Court disagreed, ruling that the Eighth Amendment barring cruel and unusual punishment required this evidence during the sentencing phase as well as trial phase.",4 +12,"Game over for the NRA +",11 +5,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE AND THE MISSOURI CONSTITUTION : AMENDMENT'S PROTECTIONS WOULD STRENGTHEN FAMILIES,4 +11,"Today, as the founder of Smoke-Free Kids, he's still talking, bringing his message to children across the country.",10 +5,The ruling was one of four in two years where justices overruled lower courts in Texas death penalty cases.,4 +5,"Moriarty's ruling said the zoo's gun ban does not violate the constitutional rights of gun owners because it is ""narrowly tailored to support a reasonable government purpose"" and would survive ""strict scrutiny"" as stipulated in a 2014 gun rights amendment to the Missouri Constitution.",4 +9,"Still, too many young people develop the tobacco habit that kills more than 400,000 Americans each year.",8 +5,"If you think the problem with Roe v. Wade was that the Supreme Court short-circuited the evolving democratic process in the states, look at what the democratic process has wrought. +",4 +6,"Two measures on the issue have been introduced in the legislature this year. +",5 +1,Yet few can afford it.,0 +13,Colo Legislature OKs expansion of firearms checks,12 +10,Gay Couples Celebrate New Status,9 +9,"Why smoking causes wrinkles is not entirely defined; it might be the nicotine, or a small amount of arsenic found in cigarette smoke, or perhaps an extra sensitivity to ultraviolet light that may be caused by tar. Still, as",8 +4,"In Minnesota, discrimination is the law",3 +5,The federal appeals court in Atlanta has granted condemned killer Timothy Don Carr at least a temporary reprieve from his execution.,4 +6,Changes in Fayette County's firearms ordinance open up more land for hunting with shotguns but further restrict high-powered rifles and pistols from residential areas.,5 +3,A Catholic casefor marriage equality,2 +13,Gonzales repeated the arguments he's made for several months in speeches and news conferences across the country to drum up support for immigration reform proposals being touted by President Bush.,12 +13,The gun lobby's slogans don't say,12 +5,"Moussaoui, 37, pleaded guilty last year to conspiring with al-Qaeda in the Sept. 11 airplane hijackings that killed nearly 3,000 people",4 +13,"Perhaps the political inertia that has long stalled intelligent legislation to curb gun violence can finally be overcome. Perhaps the political calculus regarding gun safety laws has at last changed from ""How can I possibly vote to support such legislation?"" to ""How can I not support such legislation?""",12 +7,"Ramo was later arrested for committing a sex crime in California. +",6 +10,"as a son who never had a chance after he was all but abandoned by his mother, neglected by his father and left unsupervised before he was a teen-ager.",9 +1,Tobacco companies agree to trust fund for farmers,0 +7,Double murderer utters `Merry Christmas' before being put to death,6 +12,"But her view was in the minority last week as an informational meeting to discuss the city's proposed smoking ban turned into a mostly one-sided debate against the measure. +",11 +5,"Commonwealth Court on Thursday ordered Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes to ""cease and desist from issuing marriage licenses"" to gay and lesbian couples.",4 +13,"Sen. A. Donald McEachin (D - Henrico) also applauded the decision. +",12 +5,"After 17 years of appeals in his high-profile murder case, death-row inmate Robert O. Marshall was back in court yesterday to raise a final issue - whether his trial lawyer should have done more to persuade the jury to spare his life. +",4 +1,"Q: Can married same-sex couples file joint tax returns? +",0 +5,JURY RECOMMENDS LIFE IN TRIPLE MURDER,4 +11,"Leave it to the Frenchman who, better than anyone else, explained America to Americans, and France to the French, to suggest an answer. When Alexis de Tocqueville debarked in New York in 1831, Texas was not even a republic, much less a state. But the book that resulted from his trip, ''Democracy in America,'' could have been gleaned from this part of our country.",10 +13,Reid likely won't take lead on gun control;,12 +7,"Captain, 5 immigrants sentenced in smuggling",6 +7, to impose life sentences on almost 400 inmates awaiting execution.,6 +5,Any settlement that restricted Americans' right to sue would have to be approved by Congress.,4 +7,"Maloney said police were checking to see if the calls - answered by staffers, including an unpaid intern - could be traced and were reviewing security in her office.",6 +13,Republicans accused of juggling gun bills to avoid political pain,12 +13,"For a few brief moments the National Rifle Association thought it had it all. Then the voters of Washington, D.C., dealt it a terrible blow. They voted to make the manufacturers and gun dealers liable for any accidents and deaths caused by the weapons they made and sold.",12 +6,CU: Guns won't cancel class,5 +5, and lawsuits that could end up with the U.S. Supreme Court deciding whether gay marriage should be stopped or extended throughout the country.,4 +12,Voters in four states to consider same-sex marriage measures,11 +13,"WHILE MISSOURI SORTS OUT LAW, SOME GET PERMITS ELSEWHERE/ AS STATUTE STANDS NOW, OTHER STATES' LICENSES WILL BE HONORED HERE",12 +5,"When he stayed Schlup's execution, Carnahan said Schlup's new claim ""should be viewed skeptically"" but also be ""treated seriously.""",4 +7,"they would have been spared 1,570 murders and 4,177 rapes.",6 +9,What Really Kills People,8 +5,Gay couples in Wisconsin gain new legal rights,4 +7, $ 22 billion anti-crime measure,6 +13,"Speaking sarcastically of ""rumors"" that Democrats preferred to keep the gun issue alive for 2000, Bush said it was an example of the partisan atmosphere he finds objectionable in the capital. He said he had not lobbied Republicans on the vote. +",12 +11,The CIS is no love group,10 +5,"After deliberating 13 1/2 hours over two days, the jurors couldn't agree on the key question they had to answer to consider the death penalty: whether Nichols took part in the plot with the knowledge someone could die.",4 +5,"Antwaun Delonte Brown, 25, showed no emotion as the jury foreman announced that the panel had convicted him of murdering Oliver Wendell Smith Jr., 28.",4 +7,only to detain and deport some of them once their service is over.,6 +13,Opinion: Ruben Navarrette Jr.: Texas GOP inexplicably joins anti-immigrant crowd,12 +7,"He is asking Colton, who will decide whether Zile dies in the electric chair or spends his life in prison, to weigh the fact that Christina was less than 12 when she was killed and that Zile was convicted of committing aggravated child abuse when she died.",6 +13,"Her surprise appearance, with her husband, Mark Kelly, began a three-hour-plus hearing that was at times contentious, exposing major differences of opinion among lawmakers, gun-control supporters and gun rights groups.",12 +5,The lawyer for Bernhard H. Goetz preached yesterday about the ordinary citizen's right to keep and bear arms during a gathering of gun enthusiasts in Brooklyn.,4 +7,Workman was convicted in the fatal shooting in 1981 of a Memphis police officer during a holdup.,6 +3,"The Catholic Church in the United States is struggling with dwindling ranks in pews and in the priesthood, largely due to conservative positions on such social issues like same-sex marriage and celibacy. +",2 +5,Legal groups are suing to require the Immigration and Naturalization Service to provide free legal representation for hundreds of minors being detained in deportation cases.,4 +1, sell guns,0 +13,"he governor, who leaves office on Jan. 13, is considering ",12 +5,"This morning, a Hillsborough judge will try to sort out whether a lack of understanding or something more sinister prompted them to take a ride on a school bus last week.",4 +9,"In 1984, a Texas man was lying on a hospital gurney with needles in his arm waiting to have the toxic chemical inserted",8 +10,"""hooking our children on a drug . . . as addictive as heroin and cocaine,""",9 +4,"e got a fair trial.'' +",3 +1,"""This settlement is significantly superior to the previous Liggett agreement, which we declined to join,"" he said. ""Not only is there a guaranteed $1 million payment to each state, but the states' share of any future Liggett profits is increased significantly.""",0 +7,5 HUNTED MEN LINKED TO FAKE PASSPORT RING,6 +13,"Quietly bucking their party leaders, two senior influential Republicans privately oppose a proposal in pending immigration legislation that would allow states to bar children who are illegal immigrants from public schools. The two lawmakers say they will try to modify or kill the provision.",12 +5,Serial Killer's Death Sentence Overturned by Va. Court,4 +5,COURT REINSTATES LAWSUIT AGAINST GUN RESTRICTIONS,4 +7,A man who killed a state trooper and five other people in a kidnapping and murder spree four years ago was executed early today after spurning efforts by others to save his life.,6 +13,"A new, unusual twist in death-penalty fight",12 +6,NORTHERN COLORADO Minor tobacco law in effect,5 +13,"Bill Clinton and the elder George Bush, honorary chairmen, flew to Tucson for the speeches.",12 +9,"FIGHTING CANCER FEARS WITH FACTS UNDERSTANDING SUBSITUTES FOR SHOCK, DENIAL",8 +1,"Charles Mullen, 74, Former Chief Of American Tobacco Company",0 +6,"An Oct. 8 editorial on California's Proposition 10 does not mention that a similar effort is under way in New York. + +The Kids' Health Initiative",5 +11,"Executions fell, too, to the fewest in a decade.",10 +5,"Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. denied a last-minute request Tuesday afternoon to stay the District's same-sex marriage law, ruling against opponents of the measure who had wanted to bring it before city voters in a referendum.",4 +13,"His eyes, though, have an intensity as he talks about how to persuade members of the House of Representatives to follow their Senate colleagues and enact immigration legislation.",12 +3,"Rabbi's affair, Jenoff motive mark final testimony",2 +11,A Marriage Born Where Tables for 2 Women Were Common,10 +3,UNBORN ARE CONDEMNED,2 +1,The technique raised the ire of many merchants,0 +14,Mexican leader chastises Bush; U.S. immigration policy and the country's appetite for illegal drugs drew fire from Felipe Calderon.,13 +11,KILMER SAYS ROLLING STONE MISFIRES WITH GUN ARTICLE,10 +6,"As the city of St. Petersburg tries to cut all its ties to the gun market, other cities are taking a harder look at their own policies.",5 +12,"Protesters marched around the headquarters of the Mormon church Friday night, criticizing the church's support for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in California.",11 +1,"on restaurateurs, employers",0 +9,Why should anyone else pay for the ills of smokers except the person who doesn't believe the warning label? The number of alcohol-related deaths is probably many times greater than cancer deaths from smoking.,8 +13,"Geller and Bracy changed their votes afterward, but that doesn't count in the official record. Rehwinkel Vasilinda co-sponsored the bill.",12 +10,N.J. gay marriage would gratify early proponent,9 +5,"Under the U.S. Constitution, a criminal defendant has no obligation to present any evidence, and the judge will instruct the jury that it may not infer anything negative from that decision.",4 +7," convicted of the murder of Irving Flax, whom Mr. Martini had kidnapped, in January 1989.",6 +9, to determine whether he is mentally fit enough to receive a lethal injection.,8 +10,"'I'm going to get P.J. up early, and we're going to get some pastries and milk and go someplace and watch the sunrise,' Watkins said last week. +",9 +13,"""I feel good about what we have been able to do, including our work on the gun issue,"" Stokes said. The 225,000-member FOP heavily lobbied Congress last spring for the ""Brady bill,"" which calls for a seven-day waiting period for prospective gun buyers. And the group supports the crime bill pending before Congress, Stokes said.",12 +13,"Case Stirs Fight On Jews, Juries And Execution",12 +1,It seemed likely that the boom time would continue if Hillary Clinton was elected.,0 +8,carry concealed weapons.,7 +13,Same-Sex Marriage Ban Is Tied to Obama Factor,12 +3,"Parents are best suited to raise children, and marriage is the best arrangement for parents to perform this essential task.",2 +5," Same-sex couples across Kansas headed to county offices Thursday where judges granted marriage licenses and waived waiting periods after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling cleared the way for same-sex unions over the objections of the state's attorney general. +",4 +13, Council Passes New Gun Laws,12 +9,"Doctors at Bellevue are trying to stabilize Mr. Jimenez with medicine to ease the swelling and the coughing. He breathes through a tube, and an implanted pacemaker helps regulate his heartbeat.",8 +5,No Decision on Penalty in Cheshire Triple Murder,4 +7," Glenn was convicted of killing two men and Grammer's sister, Karen Elisa Grammer, and is serving a life term at the Buena Vista Correctional Facility. ",6 +9,About half of lung cancer cases being diagnosed these days are in people who already have quit smoking -- many of them decades ago -- according to an analysis released Monday.,8 +13,"is more of the flagrant demagoguery on the drug issue with which Congress, various officials, the Democrats at Atlanta and the Republicans this week in New Orleans all are trying to outdo each other.",12 +5,"Circuit Court Judge LeRoy F. Millette Jr. said Muhammad's trial would start Oct. 14,",4 +5, the result of its one-of-a-kind law that allows a jury to recommend capital punishment by a simple majority vote,4 +2,Then officials gave numbers to 320 couples securing them places in line for Sunday,1 +5,HIGH COURT WON'T SPARE THE NOOSE< BILLY BAILEY ASKED FOR LIFE IN JAIL,4 +11,Death-penalty play timed right,10 +7, police chiefs,6 +5,A SHIFT IN 'STAND YOUR GROUND'?,4 +12,"On Saturday, as hundreds of thousands flood downtown Washington for the anti-gun-violence March for Our Lives, Ruotolo will walk out of her downtown apartment and into her first D.C. protest.",11 +13,"GOP stance against gay marriage faces challenge from within +",12 +13," +N.J. senators to propose gay-marriage law",12 +10,Welfare for a killer,9 +9,NEW TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS EXPOSE SECONDHAND SMOKE RISKS,8 +8,a seven-day waiting period on handgun sales.,7 +1,Big Tobacco's Endgame,0 +13, Bill Clinton',12 +13,Rubio is wrong on immigration,12 +10," Harold W. Schroeder's first gun was his late father's prized Winchester 12-gauge shotgun, bequeathed to him when he turned 16. In college, Mr. Schroeder and his classmates kept guns in their fraternity house so they could hunt pheasant. +",9 +5,This lawsuit is believed to be the first litigation targeting legitimate gun dealers.,4 +13,"Bowing to the inevitable, legislators put the waiting period on the ballot themselves. That way, nobody could accuse any of them of blocking a waiting period, and Ms. Hammer couldn't accuse them of favoring one. They washed their hands of responsibility.",12 +5,"Grippando is familiar with the subject. As a clerk to Judge Thomas Clark in Atlanta in the mid'80s, he helped handle last-minute pleas for stays of execution. ""each time, I came away feeling there's a dangerous gap in our system - a gap between a verdict of 'guilty beyond a reasonable doubt' and the absolute certainty of guilt.""",4 +5,"She is seeking damages and her old job back - even though she remains bitter at Mr. Bowers's action. +",4 +12,"By a 2-1 margin, Americans back President Clinton's vow to challenge the National Rifle Association and seek tighter gun control laws, according to a Times Mirror poll released Thursday.",11 +12, nor the shrinking majority of Americans who still support capital punishment.,11 +5,"So far, federal judges uniformly have agreed these restrictions are unchanged by the Supreme Court's landmark interpretation of the Second Amendment. + +A court hearing in the Barton case is set for late this month. The legal attacks by Chontos and other criminal defense lawyers are separate from civil lawsuits by the National Rifle Association and others challenging handgun bans in Chicago and its suburbs as well as a total ban on guns in public housing in San Francisco.",4 +12,Protests show the times really are a-changin',11 +7,"Friday night, in the wake of Thursday's shootings in two Atlanta brokerages,",6 +13,"Ehrlich Urges Md. Legislature to Debate Gay Marriage Ban +",12 +13,Sen. Lautenberg wants the public to believe that his law will protect the innocent against the violent. It won't.,12 +12,who were against,11 +1,Business Leaders Tell Lawmakers Not to Forget About Immigration,0 +11,Less smoking found among high schoolers,10 +6,We need gun control,5 +15,Gay Rights Dialectic,14 +10,"A MOTHER'S DILEMMA; AS THE TWIN CITIES BECOME HOME TO MORE IMMIGRANT WOMEN, SOME OF THEIR MOST PERSONAL SORROWS - SUCH AS FEMALE CIRCUMCISION - ARE BECOMING MORE PUBLIC",9 +9,"Report: Teen smoking hastens heart, lung decline",8 +13,"He has extended the Council season, which was slated to end yesterday, by one week so the 17-member body can consider the referendum.",12 +8,There was no evidence that Saffi was connected to any terrorist group,7 +11,GLOBE TAKES A STAND ON ASSAULT WEAPONS,10 +11,"Jim Supica, 62, is director of the NRA Museums, the biggest of which is the National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Va., which houses 3,000 guns and traces their role in U.S. history.",10 +13,"The committee, meeting in downtown Detroit, let stand the work of a separate group that drafted the platform two weeks ago in Minneapolis. The platform is a broad statement of the party's priorities on the economy, social issues and national defense and next goes to the national convention in North Carolina in September.",12 +6,when the ban began.,5 +13,"The Senate had passed the bill unanimously. +",12 +6,"Ban guns altogether or, at the very least, make stricter gun control laws.",5 +9,On getting cancer but not the treatment,8 +5,Exactly what happened was never in dispute during the trial.,4 +5,Mistrial declared in light-cigarette suit,4 +7,Governor Pardons Six Immigrants Facing Deportation Over Old Crimes,6 +1,CIGARETTE TAX MOST REGRESSIVE,0 +1, gun fans are boosting their stockpiles before politicians make it illegal.,0 +1,"In the back area of a Fairfax County auto dealership, a crew of mostly undocumented workers provides a snapshot of the challenges that Virginia faces with its steadily transforming economy. +",0 +15,ALTARED STATE,14 +6,The 4 bills Congress is seriously considering to protect 'dreamers',5 +5,"The decision was handed down on the same day that same-sex couples filed lawsuits in state court in Missouri and federal court in Louisiana, and a federal judge in Texas conducted a hearing in a lawsuit seeking to strike down that state's prohibition on same-sex marriages. +",4 +8,background checks ,7 +11,especially to children.,10 +5,Wis. prosecutor hits courtroom gun ban,4 +1,Higher Tobacco Tax Urged in Virginia,0 +4,"'prohibits them from participating fully in our society, which is precisely the type of segregation that the 14th Amendment cannot countenance.''",3 +6, College gun push fails,5 +4,"arby Tillis spoke briefly at a press conference on the steps of City Hall in Lower Manhattan last week, which was remarkable. He was supposed to have been strapped to a gurney and executed by an injection of poison years ago. It turns out he was innocent. ",3 +6,They Said Immigration Could Be Fixed,5 +3,"nd they need to remember the victims. +",2 +9,Immigrants Infected With AIDS,8 +5,Congress Eases Curbs On Visas For Artists,4 +7,A gunfight that won't be settled,6 +11,The opinions he expressed in an Oct. 28 article reveal a person who fits firmly into the stereotype of ''right wing gun nut.'',10 +11,The American Indian foundation of American gun culture,10 +13," +The public side of the intra-party debate over gay marriage was visible when Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) declared support for same-sex marriage, setting off a renewed debate about the issue in the GOP. And when the Republican National Committee recently reaffirmed its opposition to gay marriage, it also was plain to see. +",12 +1,Illegal immigrants are costly for taxpayers,0 +1,Raising cigarette tax will keep kids from smoking,0 +7,Workers in Sweatshop Raid Start Leaving Detention Site,6 +6,"The city's anti-smoking law restricts work-place smoking to one room on each floor of a business, except in private offices with three or fewer people. But many companies voluntarily have banned smoking, forcing hundreds of thousands of office workers outside to light up.",5 +5,"Hannibal Smith, 29, previously had a limited federal firearms license, which allowed him to sell gun parts, like triggers or magazine attachments, outside the city.",4 +9,"Survivors told rescuers that the boat flipped around 2 a.m., but it was not discovered until 10 hours later, when a person passing by in a boat called the Coast Guard to say he had fished three people out of the water about 15 miles offshore. He said dozens of others were in need of help.",8 +9, without strengthening public safety.,8 +5,"The office of Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti offered little explanation for the decision, which came after a special committee in his office reviewed the case. But a prepared statement said that ""while the office is aware that there is deep public concern about whether the death penalty will be sought in a case, the decision must be made independent of this concern."" +",4 +11,"According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 434,938 foreign-born people living in Colorado in 2004, which constituted about 10 percent of the state population. About half of them (estimated around 200,000) were believed to be undocumented.",10 +1, It's just common sense that we need a radical reduction in the number and kind of guns for sale,0 +12,A Poll Finds Californians Still Oppose Gay Marriage,11 +13, as the fight at the state Capitol,12 +7,"Williams, 51, cofounder of the Crips gang, declined to make a final statement as he went to his death by lethal injection at San Quentin Prison.",6 +6,How to 'transform' firearm laws in USA?,5 +15,The way of the gun,14 +13,The legislation is scheduled to be voted on in the House State Government Committee today.,12 +6, seeking a reinstatement of a federal assault weapons ban,5 +12,"""Seventy to 80 percent of NRA members support a universal background check,",11 +13,Mass. debates gay marriage,12 +11,Politics is a dirty business in 'Miss Sloane',10 +5,"The Supreme Court struck down the city's 33-year-old handgun prohibition in 2008, ruling that the Constitution guarantees the right to own firearms. +",4 +5,Eight gay couples are suing the state of Missouri over its 10-year-old constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.,4 +5," Criticism of Montgomery school officials for meeting their obligations under state and federal law to provide a public education to anyone age 5 to 21, no matter their legal status, is misplaced",4 +13,High noon for gun control fight,12 +15,Over a barrel,14 +5,"Waye went to the U.S. Supreme Court earlier Wednesday seeking a stay of execution, but the court refused it by a 7-2 vote. ",4 +7,Feds: Keep immig talk hush hush,6 +13,Get ready to pay more for smoking cigarettes in Florida.,12 +5,That trial is still pending.,4 +9,Do Guns or Tasers Make People Safer?,8 +11,"Marriage is the beginning of family, and family is the foundation of society. Redefining marriage would further undermine an institution already weakened by pervasive infidelity and divorce. We need to promote a culture of marriage and family, not further dilute it. +",10 +1,No firearms at Starbucks a turnoff or draw for patrons?,0 +7,"On Dec. 14, Mr. Wallace said, the police conducted seat-belt checks on cars entering the reservation. And on Dec. 20, he said, officers in two marked cars were outside his shop, ''telling people that if they purchased more than two cartons, they could be arrested.'' (The state allows possession of two cartons of cigarettes before it believes a crime may have been committed.) +",6 +13,The NRA's campaign includes a 3-million-piece mailing today and TV ads.,12 +5,"Filed last month in Federal District Court in Manhattan and seeking unspecified damages, the suit also accuses the Salehs of a civil charge of false imprisonment. The most serious charge accuses the couple of keeping Ms. Begum in indentured servitude.",4 +11,Born in the U.S.A. is what makes someone American,10 +5,"Determining the legal status of an arrested person isn't a practice that local law enforcement officials engage in, said Cpl. Dan Huggins, spokesman for the Gwinnett Police Department.",4 +10,The Last Gasp of a Smoke-Filled Room?,9 +6,The best option I am aware of is the proposal to legalize short-term entry for prescreened Mexicans. They would be required to present certificates from their home communities that they do not have police records. They would get photo I.D.'s showing their place of residence in Mexico and their nearest relatives. The I.D. would have an expiration date requiring return to Mexico before that time or subject to extension under certain circumstances.,5 +5,After the Handgun Decision,4 +5,A VICTORY FOR FREE SPEECH,4 +13,"Senator Patrick J. Toomey hears a lot of things he would rather not these days, like the taunts of protesters outside a body shop here about his (actually nonexistent) relationship with Donald J. Trump.",12 +5,"Appeals also were filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, which has said mentally ill people cannot be executed if they don't have a factual and rational understanding of why they're being punished.",4 +5, law-abiding people,4 +4,Six Tests for Equality and Fairness,3 +6,BILL WOULD EASE FOREIGN FARM WORKER RULES,5 +8,"""Just as a house needs a door, a nation needs a border""",7 +5,RED LIGHT ON HARSH STATE LAWS,4 +15,Gunning for common sense,14 +9,"The City Council Thursday approved a contract with the city's largest union extending health benefits to unmarried workers' domestic partners, regardless of their sex. +",8 +5,Smaller parole board weighs execution stay,4 +6,"The courts have upheld federal laws banning gun ownership by people convicted of felonies and some misdemeanors, by illegal immigrants and by drug addicts. They have upheld laws making it illegal to carry guns near schools or in post offices. They have upheld laws concerning unregistered weapons. And they have upheld laws banning machine guns and sawed-off shotguns.",5 +1, want to use a vendor who is unhappy about providing a service that they are paying for?,0 +10,Aloft Without Nicotine: Can Smokers Cope?,9 +9," ""My God, that's a lot of gun carnage."" ",8 +5,"The Hawaii Supreme Court has become the first in the country to rule that a state may not be able to prohibit gays from marrying. The decision gives broad protection under the state's constitution to homosexuals. + +The court said any state regulation that sets up limits based on sex can be defended only if the state shows it has ""compelling"" reasons. That is the toughest legal test for a state to meet and traditionally has required it to prove that public safety is at stake. + +The ruling Wednesday, which lawyers on both sides of the case describe as ""groundbreaking,"" marked the second time in the past year that state courts have found protection for gays in state constitutions. In September, the Kentucky Supreme Court safeguarded privacy rights for homosexuals by striking down an anti-sodomy law. + +The rulings illustrate how activists on a range of issues often turn to state courts for vindication. Many state constitutions offer broader protections for individual rights than the federal Constitution. + +The ruling reinstated a lawsuit by three Honolulu-area homosexual couples, who were denied marriage licenses. + +The court ruled that under the state constitution's guarantee of equal protection of the laws any sex-based classification is ""suspect,"" putting it in a special category traditionally reserved for regulations that make distinctions based on race. +",4 +1,"IN THE IMMIGRATION MUD; UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS DO THE JOBS THAT NO ONE WANTS, BOOSTING OUR ECONOMY",0 +5,"Jim Haney, a spokesman for Attorney General James Doyle",4 +5, one of Chastine's attorneys told jurors Monday.,4 +15,Massachusetts Shifts a Bit on Gay Marriage,14 +13,"'I HAVE RECOVERED,' PRESIDENT DECLARES",12 +5,"He plans to hold another event in a few months in Hudson related to First- and Second-Amendment rights, with a nationally-recognized guest speaker.",4 +1,The $54 million ad series,0 +3, targeting,2 +7,"Police said Miller's letter detailed that he and the alleged accomplice - a 27-year-old man on death row for two other murders in the city - spotted a man walking on Torresdale Avenue in the Lower Northeast in November 1993 and that the pair decided to rob him. But when the man tried to run, they shot him, loaded him in their car, and went through his wallet. +",6 +8,U.S. soldier to admit to Afghan massacre,7 +13,"NEW PUSH ON IMMIG REFORM. Nothing seems good enough for critics these days, Obama says",12 +6,PERMITTED GUNS LOCKED IN CARS OKAY FOR FSU-USF,5 +5,"MOM IN DROWNINGS CASE COMPETENT, JURY SAYS",4 +13,"Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) accused Democrats of pushing a ""partisan agenda.""",12 +1,Manufacturers were cutting domestic tobacco leaf purchases in favor of less expensive imports.,0 +1,Weapons Show in Howard County Attracts High-Caliber Gun Enthusiasts,0 +5," +Don't fault gun owners for insisting on the rights afforded them under the Second Amendment of the Constitution. That document has served us well for 200-plus years.",4 +5,Connecticut Tobacco Suit Survives Challenge but Firms Play Down Ruling,4 +6,"direct City Manager Wayne Cauthen to implement a domestic-partner benefit program by May 1, 2004. The resolution directs Cauthen to provide, within 45 days, a plan discussing the logistics and costs involved in providing the benefits.",5 +13,"Gallagher launched a television ad last week that suggests Crist has liberal views on abortion, immigration and gay rights. On Saturday, Gallagher's campaign said that Crist's ""liberal positions"" were underscored by campaigning in South Florida with U.S. Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Mel Martinez. R-Fla.",12 +7,"hould be executed. +",6 +5,"Denver's ban on assault weapons is constitutional, despite a lower court ruling to the contrary, the Colorado Supreme Court declared yesterday. +",4 +13,Similar bills have stalled or been swallowed up in the legislative process in Washington.,12 +12,"In particular, the Hispanic chamber - and its larger counterpart in Kansas City - is upset by Blunt's order that the Highway Patrol verify the immigration status of anyone arrested and headed for jail.",11 +11,"America's teenagers continue to light up in increasing numbers. + +A report issued yesterday by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the proportion of high school students who reported having smoked within the previous 30 days had increased from 27.5 percent in 1991 to 34.8 percent in 1995, the latest figure available. Some 41 percent of the students age 17 and under said they bought cigarettes themselves from stores or vending machines, according to the CDC's weekly ""Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."" + +The rate of increase was especially steep among African American boys, who in the past have had much lower smoking rates than high school boys of other races. In 1995, the proportion of African American boys in grades 9 through 12 who reported they smoked was 27.8 percent, almost double the 1991 figure of 14.1 percent.",10 +11,was dominated by a photo and story on the supposed glamour of smoking,10 +13,Hillary Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders Over Gun Control,12 +5,"Now, by a narrow majority, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that it was the state of Texas and not the feds that should have punished him.",4 +13,"Trump addresses NRA, avid backer during campaign",12 +9,DOCTORS IN BATTLE VS. BIG TOBACCO,8 +12,Bay Area students reportedly set to join nationwide pro-gun walkout,11 +10,"Rapist Gets Life, Asks for Death",9 +13,Pleasant Hill considers regulating gun and ammunition dealers,12 +13,"The New Jersey State Senate debated a much tougher gun control measure favored by Governor Byrne and sponsored by Senate President Joseph P. Merlino. But the bill, which would ban handgun sales, was withdrawn from consideration until after the June 2 primary when it became clear that it lacked sufficient support for passage.",12 +5,"The younger Tsarnaev's lawyers argued in court papers that any evidence of Tamerlan's involvement is ""mitigating information"" that is critical as they prepare Dzhokhar's defense. They asked a judge to force prosecutors to turn over the records.",4 +9,"""Somalia is going through a drought and a famine. They could be banned from getting relief through coming to the United States because of this ban.""",8 +5,"in similar courts across the country. + +This is aside from what they spend on big liability cases.",4 +10,FIGHTING FOR FALLEN Newtown kin push gun reform Struggle brings them strength - and pain,9 +5,was delayed briefly when the U.S. Supreme Court received a last-ditch appeal.,4 +13,BUSH: HIKE PRISON TIME FOR GUN USE,12 +7,MAN IS CHARGED IN 5-YEAR-OLD'S DEATH,6 +13," Croley's keep-your-head-down approach is in keeping with President Obama's preference for low-key wonks, but in this case, his reticence has more to do with political reality: Democrats have no plans for serious gun-control initiatives, and the Gabrielle Giffords tragedy, as heart-rending as it was, hasn't changed their minds.",12 +6, isn't restricting licensed dealers simply refocusing the blame?,5 +12,"Gary Bauer, director of the conservative group American Values, said the results on same-sex marriage proposals ""tell us that the American people know exactly where they stand on this question, and it doesn't matter whether it's a Bush state or a Kerry state.""",11 +13," +Springs drops gay benefits Council reverses Dec. vote to cover same-sex partners +",12 +13, Clinton and his supporters seem determined to take that away.,12 +8,Solicitor General Leaves to Join Old Foe in Private Practice,7 +7,"Charles Jacob Weatherly, 24, faces a minimum 20 years in prison under Florida's 10-20-Life gun law.",6 +9,"At least 6,200 children die each year in the United States because of their parents' smoking, killed by lung infections, burns and other problems, a study says.",8 +11," +THE last thing one might expect of Billie Jean King is for her to play the ostrich. She has played championship tennis, and she has played a leading and courageous role in the emergence of women's professional tennis. But she has never played with her head in sand. Not Mother Freedom.",10 +13,Casey says he will continue efforts for gun control,12 +5,Gun-show initiative passes test Colorado Supreme Court rejects challenges to fall ballot measure,4 +13,The National Rifle Association-backed bill was approved on a party-line vote by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee,12 +1,"In down market, gun sales are booming 'Assault weapons' sell briskly as some anticipate tighter restrictions under Obama.",0 +13,Democrats made a forceful argument for stricter gun control on the third night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.,12 +7,"And these two deranged killers - yes, that's what they were, despite all the politically correct labels that have been attached to them - would have shot their way through any metal-detection device at the schoolhouse doors, manned by armed deputies, to carry out their mission of mass murder.",6 +13,California's Gavin Newsom Chides Donald Trump on Immigration Plan (and Comb-Over),12 +12,"Advocates say the fund is also a way to build public opposition to raids,",11 +13,"The legislation passed so emphatically that National Rifle Association backers plan to take it to statehouses across the nation, including Virginia's, over the next year.",12 +5,David Arevalo is expected to be tried next year,4 +8,while also toughening border security.,7 +13,"In Washington, the deal that Sens. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) and Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.)",12 +12,"Prominent gay-marriage advocate Richard Carlbom announced Wednesday he'll form a consulting and public affairs firm with two partners. +",11 +7,Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor acknowledged that prison officials ,6 +5, suit asked for a declaratory judgment affirming that the state's ,4 +6,"Hughes' bill prohibits the manufacture, importation, sale, shipment, delivery, possession or transfer of any firearm that, after removal of parts and magazines, cannot be detected by a metal detector calibrated to discover a weapon with 3.7 ounces of stainless steel.",5 +9," +Taking the Torch From Sarah Brady: Why Doctors Need to Ask About Guns in the Home",8 +5,", had told the justices that he was mindful that the court had recently turned down appeals from rulings that had struck down same-sex marriage bans in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. But he said ''the issue presented in this case is of overriding national importance.''",4 +7,"Alfonso Rodriguez Jr., 51, is charged in federal court with kidnapping resulting in the death of the 22-year-old college student last year.",6 +9,BRONX MAN'S FIRE DEATH SPARKS WARNING TO SMOKERS,8 +5,"In November, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi asked the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta to extend that stay, but Wednesday those justices said they would review the state's appeal on an expedited basis and would not extend the date set by Hinkle. +",4 +13,"The Senate had originally debated the lawsuit ban as part of an amendment passed last month but never given final approval. By incorporating the provision into a wider-ranging gun measure already approved by the House, senators gave the other body a choice between accepting the lawsuit provision or rejecting the bill entirely.",12 +5," +Under current law, ATF must issue the federal license even if the gun dealer is operating outside the law.",4 +13,"And last January, Illinois Gov. George Ryan, a Republican, said he was imposing a moratorium on executions after 13 people in his state had been unjustly sentenced to death since 1977.",12 +11,including one man who received last rites from a medicine man.,10 +13,It could spread to other states planning referendums and ultimately could help President Bush's re-election prospects,12 +6,WHAT CONTROL IN GUN BILLS?,5 +5,Proposition 8 gay marriage ban trial video release denied,4 +13," advanced Tuesday to the full House of Delegates, where a pitched fight - with a still-uncertain outcome - is expected in coming days over one of Gov. Martin O'Malley's leading priorities.",12 +5,"The Supreme Court broadened its review of the capital punishment Monday, agreeing to consider when death row inmates with bad lawyers deserve a second chance.",4 +11,The Americanization Ideal,10 +13,"Mayor Kenney on Wednesday lashed out at a proposed law that targets the city's policy of giving sanctuary to undocumented immigrants, calling it ""incredibly dangerous.""",12 +5,More Experts Sought For Malvo Defense,4 +7,FEDS AIM TO FRY COP-SLAY SUSPECT,6 +15,GAY MARRIAGE PASSES IN WASH.,14 +7, violent crime in Washington has increased since the ban took effect in 1976,6 +13,Looking for an Attorney General: The Dispute; THE WHITE HOUSE AND JUDGE'S ALLIES CLASH OVER HIRING,12 +5,"A Justice Department official said Saturday that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. had made no change in the administration's approach to the law, the Defense of Marriage Act, suggesting that deportations could continue in other immigration cases involving married gay couples.",4 +5,The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York upheld the bans,4 +5,Court sets hearing on Wisconsin's same-sex marriage ban,4 +5,Right to Bear Arms,4 +9, and have been host to dozens of questionable deaths involving inadequate medical care.,8 +13, Mr. Newsom,12 +5,Justice Department will ban bump stocks,4 +5,Amnesty for illegals means encouraging lawbreaking,4 +1,customer of Nat Sherman's,0 +12,Split Loyalty for Groups That Back Gun Control,11 +13,Republicans were equally contentious as the gridlock lengthened in the critical weeks preceding the end of this congressional session.,12 +1," There were bags of tobacco, bales of tobacco and tobacco on the floor as the tobacco market opened in Granville County Tuesday morning.",0 +4,"In terse statements, both chambers said they feared the directive will invite ""racial profiling.''",3 +4,"The restriction on same-sex marriage is a classification based on gender. The State's ""permission to marry"" depends on the gender of the would-be participants. The State would permit Jack and Jill to be married but not Jack and John. Why? Because in the latter example, the person Jack wishes to marry is male. The State's permission to marry depends on the genders of the participants, so the restriction is a gender-based classification.",3 +1,"Some big online auction houses, including eBay, have decided to refuse gun trade, but there are still an estimated 80 auction sites devoted to firearms and about 4,000 sites that sell some guns.",0 +12,"D.C. is ready for March for Our Lives protesters, mayor and police chief say;",11 +7,ALABAMIAN WHO KILLED WIDOW FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS IS EXECUTED,6 +5,"While ad agencies will be under pressure to develop alternate approaches for promoting cigarettes, they have done it before ---after legislation forced tobacco advertising off television and radio in the early 1970s, when the industry was spending two-thirds of its ad budget in the broadcast media.",4 +5,"Three homosexual couples, who sued in 1997 when they were denied marriage licenses, watched with their lawyers as the final roll was called in the crowded House chamber.",4 +13,DEBATE IS HEATED OVER IMMIGRATION,12 +5,", lawyer Robert Norgard said",4 +1,merchandise,0 +13,And once again the governor has pledged to veto it.,12 +12,"About 75 people chanting ""Viva la raza!"" protested the beatings outside the detention center where Smith held his news conference.",11 +1,"can be accomplished only by a sharp increase in the price of cigarettes, by as much as $1.50 a pack over 10 years",0 +1,Why Having a Friend in the White House May Be Bad for the Gun Business,0 +8,The N.R.A.'s Complicity in Terrorism,7 +13,"The president on Wednesday challenged lawmakers, many of whom are tepid at best to the idea of major gun reform, to pass the deepest overhaul of firearms regulations since the Lyndon Johnson administration. Meanwhile, Obama vowed to spend considerable political capital on an explosive policy issue that he's largely avoided much of his first term.",12 +1,Taking stock ver$us guns,0 +8,"Citing the ""menace of terrorism"" after the Sept. 11 attacks, South Carolina Attorney General Charlie Condon last week offered to enlist South Carolina law enforcement officers to assist the INS investigative branch.",7 +12,"Members at the gun group's convention opening in Phoenix were more candid. +",11 +13,"The emotionally charged, polarizing issue of the death penalty was barely mentioned during the campaign for Maryland governor. And it hardly seemed something that Gov.-elect Martin O'Malley would be eager to wade into during his first months in office, when he plans to focus on ""the things we agree on.""",12 +8, instant background checks,7 +9,Gun-owners fear regulation from unlikely place: Hearing aids,8 +13,DEATH PENALTY VIEWS TO FACE GOP CHALLENGE,12 +11,"Super Bowl ad features Wayne LaPierre calling background checks 'reasonable' +",10 +13,"The gun bill, which proponents unsuccessfully pushed in three previous legislative sessions, passed this year after a provision allowing guns on college campuses was stripped from it.",12 +11,EL DUQUE CONTENT TO THROW SMOKE,10 +10,Joseph Green Jr. wept inconsolably in his holding cell.,9 +5," +The ruling, written by Judge J.L. Edmondson, noted that the question of whether the death penalty deters murder is a legislative judgment, ""not a question for juries.""",4 +13," A popular initiative of the sort that used to win elections for candidates is this time being opposed by all four candidates for governor, including the conservative Republican. The Wilson era is over, and with it an era in race politics.",12 +6, the need for stricter gun control laws,5 +13,Obama campaigned on a promise to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act,12 +13,NYC partners bill seeks 'to set the pace',12 +1,Moody's to Review Tobacco Bonds,0 +9," +Talladega Rescue",8 +4,Florio to Allow Smokers Rights To Become Law,3 +1,Calif. assault-gun sales soar,0 +13,Wash. likely next to OK gay marriage,12 +10,"Latino women who come to the United States typically find freedoms here that were far beyond their reach in their native lands. Often, women can find jobs as housekeepers or cooks that pay more than what their husbands can earn and do not require fluency in English.",9 +9,"True, there is evidence that being near someone smoking, even outdoors, can result in significant secondhand smoke exposure. Researchers at Stanford found that levels of tobacco smoke within three feet of a smoker outside are comparable to inside levels. But no evidence demonstrates that the duration of outdoor exposure -- in places where people can move freely about -- is long enough to cause substantial health damage.",8 +9,"The rate at which Americans commit suicide with guns has been increasing for several years, even as the rate of gun homicides has declined. Research shows that the increase is correlated with higher gun ownership. Public health experts say ready access to firearms makes it easier for people to act on suicidal thoughts. And about 85 percent of suicide attempts that involve guns are successful, compared with less than 3 percent of those involving drug overdoses. Over all, guns were used in about half of the 41,000 suicides in 2013, the latest year for which there is data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",8 +11,"""If you look at black people's lives, there are a lot of real problems,"" he said. ""Gay marriage is not one of them. I can just see a black father coming home unemployed saying, 'I voted to stop gay marriage. . . . Sorry you don't have any food.' "" +",10 +5," +Justices Approve Execution Drug in a 5-to-4 Vote",4 +12,"Voters say in public opinion polls that they strongly favor expanded background checks, yet the deal faces implacable opposition from the National Rifle Association. +",11 +5,Tobacco documents emerge in suit,4 +12,N.R.A. Is Using Adversity to Its Advantage,11 +15,More Perfect Unions,14 +13," Its vaunted ability to win elections and oust enemies came into question when several of its closest Congressional allies lost races last year. And in April, the N.R.A. failed to persuade Missouri voters to approve a pro-gun ballot referendum, despite spending $3.7 million.",12 +13,Rifle backs safety laws but guards gun rights,12 +9,EPA debates secondhand smoke report,8 +1,"Cingular Wireless, a venture of Atlanta-based BellSouth Corp. and SBC Communications of San Antonio, joins several Atlanta companies offering the benefits, including Coca-Cola, Delta Air Lines and Atlanta Gas Light. +",0 +11,A Gun on Every Corner,10 +9, child safety bill,8 +1,Smoker with cancer wins $ 2.2 million verdict,0 +1,$11 billion,0 +7,police chiefs,6 +5,Prosecutors said they will seek the death penalty,4 +5,"Muhammad's attorneys noted that he was indicted in Fairfax on Nov. 6, 2002, and was available for proceedings there once he was jailed in Virginia. The defense argues that Muhammad's five-month speedy trial clock began ticking as soon as Fairfax sent a ""detainer"" notice to Prince William. The lawyers cited a 1993 Virginia appeals court ruling that a detainer sent from one county to another effectively served as an arrest.",4 +5,"I've smiled as several readers have interpreted the ""true"" meaning of the Second Amendment. +",4 +6,"The amendment limits marriage to ""the legal union of only one man and one woman"" and specifies that ""no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized."" +",5 +7,We expect to see it strongly enforced.,6 +15,Horror on repeat,14 +5,"Parts of N.Y., Conn. gun laws upheld",4 +11,CIG FIRM TARGETED N.Y. JEWS,10 +13,THREE BILLS ABOUT GUNS CLEAR SENATE,12 +12,"So are they right? Are the polls often wrong? +",11 +6,Last year's session was an exception when the state passed legislation rejecting an opt-out provision in the federal bill overhauling the welfare system.,5 +5,"The document is a friend-of-the-court brief, being filed to the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, in Denver. That court is hearing appeals from Utah and Oklahoma to reinstate their restrictive marriage laws. +",4 +5, said prosecutor Jon Goodfellow.,4 +11,Gun control not a Gee thing,10 +6,The INS has announced that it will now allow foreign workers seeking permanent residency to file I-140 and I-485 petitions simultaneously. The goal is to help eliminate a major backlog in the employment-based processing for permanent residency.,5 +12,"With the two-year anniversary of Newtown this weekend, support for gun control has reached a new low. +",11 +1,ELENA THE ENGINEER WILL MAKE A GREATER CONTRIBUTION TO THE ECONOMY AND THE TAX BASE THAN ELENA THE SALES CLERK A COLLEGE GRANT IS ACTUALLY AN INVESTMENT,0 +11,His would be the first state execution since 1998 and the fourth since Maryland reinstated capital punishment a quarter-century ago.,10 +15,Sowing Seeds for the Future,14 +7,Retailers that get caught selling tobacco to minors will face stiffer penalties that would temporarily snuff out sales under a move Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors.,6 +4,"PRIMARY +",3 +10,"In fact, the offenders were hard-working immigrants who took difficult, menial jobs no one else wanted. They mopped restrooms, dumped trash and swept hallways.",9 +15,HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGES,14 +13,Ehrlich Backs Bill That Limits Suits Against Gunmakers,12 +7,"LATIN KINGS' CHIEF GETS LIFE IN SOLITARY CONVICTED OF ORDERING 3 SLAYS +",6 +15,Some of the key changes,14 +15,PLEASE SPARE US THE MARRIAGE ACT,14 +5,The justices ruled that hearsay testimony was erroneously introduced during Ms. Dudley's 1986 trial.,4 +5,A class action lawsuit against the tobacco industry was filed in state Supreme Court in Queens,4 +5,Registration can only serve as a vehicle for taxation and/or eventual confiscation.,4 +5,Cases piling up seeking Supreme Court's clarification of Second Amendment rights,4 +6,"THE TOPIC IS HATE / TO STOP GUNMEN LIKE FURROW, AUTHORITIES NEED MORE THAN JUST LAWS, SOME SAY",5 +8," It is ludicrous to suggest, as James Baker of the National Rifle Association does, that ""the system works"" because the suspects were arrested through use of surveillance and informants.",7 +13,Some States Push Measures To Repel New U.S. Gun Laws,12 +9,A mental examination,8 +6,Illinois abolished the death penalty,5 +7,"Despite pleading for death, he was spared the gas chamber in 1972",6 +4,The lowest form of injustice,3 +13,RAGING COWARDS NRA honcho's hoops slam on Bam 'I'm not interested in talking',12 +7,TEXAN IS EXECUTED FOR A 1980 SLAYING,6 +7,Preiser said felons would need only hand over their sneakers and show court papers with a felony arrest or conviction and he would provide them $ 100 worth of live ammo for use in supervised firing and safety training at a range.,6 +5,"On behalf of the industry, Washington lawyers Michael Carvin and Miguel Estrada made their pitch against seeking Supreme Court review in a mid-December meeting at the Justice Department with Kagan, according to two Washington attorneys outside the government who are familiar with the meeting in her office. +",4 +1,BU R D EN OR B O ON?,0 +5,2ND AMENDMENT ISN'T JUST ABOUT GUNS,4 +13,Mr. Schumer,12 +3,Faith groups skirt gay-marriage issue,2 +15,TALLAHASSEE IN DENIAL ON GUNS,14 +5,"That 5 to 4 ruling struck down the part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that defined marriage as only between a man and a woman. +",4 +7,"Utah killer executed by firing squad +",6 +8,"Background checks, waiting periods",7 +12,"Now, she is hoping to re-create some of that spirit in West Chester with a newly formed local chapter of the Million Mom March. +",11 +13, The House vote Friday amended the Senate bill.,12 +13,"Pa.'s Toomey, man in middle, says deal close on gun bill +",12 +6,"When we last discussed this model, it gave Maine's Question 1 -- which reversed the State Legislature's decision to provide for same-sex marriage -- a 3-in-4 chance of being defeated.",5 +5,New lawyer argues for death-row inmate,4 +5,"Or does best-selling novelist Jodi Picoult, as usual, have an uncanny sense of good timing? + +Her new novel, a cri de coeur for gay rights and gay marriage, arrives in stores a week after the administration declared that the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages, is unconstitutional.",4 +8,HEZBOLLAH DENIES LINK TO ARRESTS IN N. CAROLINA,7 +5,"The justices issued two 5-4 rulings in their final session of the term. One decision wiped away part of a federal anti-gay marriage law that has kept legally married same-sex couples from receiving tax, health and pension benefits.",4 +11,He defines his tobacco memorabilia as a type of pop or folk art that is increasing in value as cultural attitudes evolve.,10 +11,The books to read to understand the gun debate,10 +3,"DUTY, HONOR, BUT WHERE'S THE COUNTRY?",2 +5,"The Supreme Court's decision, in an emergency appeal filed yesterday by gay-marriage opponents, did not address the merits of the claim that the state Supreme Judicial Court overstepped its bounds. +",4 +7,No death penalty in officer's killing,6 +5,"GRAY DAVIS TRUMPETS RULING IN TOBACCO SUIT +",4 +11,"Milestones for gay couples +",10 +15,New City,14 +9,"The CDC said its latest surveys show that more and more Americans understand the connection between tobacco use and disease and death from cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other maladies. +",8 +13," ""And that leads to politics without character, which is now a national epidemic.""",12 +9,"have failed to protect Philadelphians from illegal firearms, which have been linked to most of the 212 homicides in the city so far this year.",8 +12,"The proposals have been criticized by an unusual array of interests, from traditional supporters of immigration to American industries, particularly high-tech companies, that need more professionals than the United States produces.",11 +5,"Hoping to avoid an ugly confrontation, the INS continued to seek written assurances from the Miami relatives that they would respect a pending appeals court ruling on whether the boy should be sent to Cuba. Yesterday, INS officials agreed to delay a move to strip Elian of his legal status here - thereby making him subject to immediate deportation - until Tuesday. Talks will continue Monday.",4 +9," +Nicotine protects lung cancer cells",8 +1,"The measure to be introduced by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., would allow the states to keep one-third of the federal share.",0 +5,which are suing,4 +2,New California gun laws will mean more paperwork for store-owners,1 +7,"Confronted on Execution, Texas Proudly Says It Kills Efficiently",6 +13,Concealed-carry bill for officials passes House,12 +11,"The couple and their daughter, Annie, 10, became spokeswomen of sorts for same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, making their lives public in an effort to show that they were like any other couple who wanted to marry.",10 +3,deserves to die,2 +5,"Justice Stephen G. Breyer, in his first year on the court, did not sign Stevens' statement but agreed that ""the issue is an important undecided one."" The seven other justices made no public comment.",4 +5,"Saying the state ""has been guilty of deceit and distortion,"" the lawyers asked for a fact-finding hearing on the new evidence. +",4 +6,NO-SMOKING SIGNS WHEN ENCOURAGING A PUFF ISN'T OK,5 +3,"I've thought about retreating, but God and my conscience won't let me. I've got to stay on the front lines:",2 +7,"Pasco County sheriff's deputies charged Jonathan Dye Jones, 34, with the shooting. Jones had been acquitted in 1994 of the slaying of his ex-girlfriend, Kathryn Murphy.",6 +13,politics in black and blue,12 +5,The Second Amendment is not endangered,4 +1,Blame Gun Makers for Crime?,0 +3,Minister Sentenced to Death,2 +13,"The president doesn't enact anything. Congress does. And there would be a political downside for members of Congress if they were to go too far on gun control -- a huge downside, as it happens, given existing public opinion supporting the right to own guns. +",12 +1,"""The foreign-born population of the United States at the end of the 20th century cannot be neatly categorized, but we do see links between region of birth and measures of social and economic well-being,"" said A. Dianne Schmidley, co-author with Campbell Gibson of ""Profile of the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1997.""",0 +9,"And for a few days after the flood, Mr. Kilgore held out the hope that the light that the flood shined on Bound Brook's immigrant community would help the wider community see and meet and help their Central American neighbors.",8 +15,Hardly a Sight to See,14 +5,"The Florida Supreme Court rejected an appeal from a Pasco killer Thursday, just days before he is set to be executed. +",4 +5,"""We are here to try to have a meeting with Mr. + +Moussaoui and to work with Moussaoui's lawyer to prepare his defense,"" said Francois Roux, Aicha Moussaoui's attorney.",4 +5,CITY TO SET UP DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP REGISTRY,4 +13,"Florida Governor Signs Gun Limits Into Law, Breaking With the N.R.A.",12 +11,"An American tragedy +",10 +1,"Although costs for transfers have dropped, many immigrants still pay fees totaling 10 percent to 15 percent of the amounts that they send back to their families, an average of $200 to $300 at a time, the report said.",0 +1,"Smoking, cigarette sales and tobacco ads will be banned in the pro basketball team's new, privately owned, $ 94 million state-of-the-art facility.",0 +13,"Votes Saturday as the House, on a 70-62 vote, approved sending a constitutionalamendment banning gay marriage to 2012 voters. Voting yes were 68 Republicans and 2 Democrats. + +Voting no were 4 Republicans and 58 Democrats. + +REPUBLICANS VOTING YES + +Abeler (Anoka); Anderson, B. (Buffalo Twp); Anderson, D. (Eagan); Anderson, P. (Starbuck); Anderson, S.(Plymouth); Banaian (St. Cloud); Barrett (Shafer); Beard (Shakopee); Benson, M. (Rochester); Bills(Rosemount); Buesgens (Jordan); Cornish (Good Thunder); Crawford (Mora); Daudt (Crown); Davids(Preston); Dean (Dellwood); Dettmer (Forest Lake); Doepke (Orono); Downey (Edina); Drazkowski(Mazeppa); Erickson (Princeton); Fabian (Roseau); Franson (Alexandria); Garofalo (Farmington); Gottwalt(St. Cloud); Gruenhagen (Glencoe); Gunther (Fairmont); Hackbarth (Cedar); Hamilton (Mountain Lake);Hancock (Bemidji); Holberg (Lakeville); Hoppe (Chaska); Howes (Walker); Kieffer (Woodbury); Kiel(Crookston); Kiffmeyer (Big Lake); Lanning (Moorhead); Leidiger (Mayer); LeMieur (Little Falls); Lohmer(Lake Elmo); Loon (Eden Prairie); Mack (Apple Valley); Mazorol (Bloomington); McDonald (Delano);McElfatrick (Grand Rapids); McFarlane (White Bear Lake); McNamara (Hastings); Murdock (Ottertail);Myhra (Burnsville); Nornes (Fergus Falls); O'Driscoll (Sartell); Peppin (Rogers); Petersen, B. (Andover);Quam (Byron); Runbeck (Circle Pines); Sanders (Blaine); Schomacker (Luverne); Scott (Andover);Shimanski (Silver Lake); Stensrud (Eden Prairie); Swedzinski (Ghent); Torkelson (Nelson Twp); Urdahl(Grove City); Vogel (Willmar); Wardlow (Eagan); Westrom (Elbow Lake); Woodard (Belle Plaine); Zellers(Maple Grove) + +REPUBLICANS VOTING NO + +Kelly (Red Wing); Kriesel (Cottage Grove); Murray (Albert Lea); Smith (Mound) + +DEMOCRATS VOTING YES + +Dittrich (Champlin); Koenen (Clara City) + +DEMOCRATS VOTING NO + +Anzelc (Balsam Twp); Atkins (Inver Grove Heights); Benson, J. (Minnetonka); Brynaert (Mankato);Carlson (Crystal); Clark (Minneapolis); Davnie (Minneapolis); Eken (Twin Valley); Falk (Murdock); Fritz(Faribault); Gauthier (Duluth); Greene (Minneapolis); Greiling (Roseville); Hansen (South St. Paul);Hausman (St. Paul); Hayden (Minneapolis); Hilstrom (Brooklyn Center); Hilty (Finlayson); Hornstein(Minneapolis); Hortman (Brooklyn Park); Hosch (St. Joseph); Huntley (Duluth); Johnson (St. Paul); Kahn(Minneapolis); Kath (Owatonna); Knuth (New Brighton); Laine (Columbia Heights); Lenczewski(Bloomington); Lesch (St. Paul); Liebling (Rochester); Lillie (North St. Paul); Loeffler (Minneapolis);Mahoney (St. Paul); Mariani (St. Paul); Marquart (Dilworth); Melin (Hibbing); Moran (St. Paul); Morrow(St. Peter); Mullery (Minneapolis); Murphy, E. (St. Paul); Murphy, M. (Hermantown); Nelson (Brooklyn Park); Norton (Rochester); Paymar (St. Paul); Pelowski (Winona); Persell (Bemidji); Peterson, S. (NewHope); Poppe (Austin); Rukavina (Virginia); Scalze (Little Canada); Simon (St. Louis Park); Slawik(Maplewood); Slocum (Richfield); Thissen (Minneapolis); Tillberry (Fridley); Wagenius (Minneapolis);Ward (Brainerd); Winkler (Golden Valley) + +",12 +13,Gay Marriage Politics,12 +13, Gov. Joe Frank Harris,12 +13,"Even the most comprehensive and progressive immigration reform proposal in years, introduced this month by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.),",12 +13,Why Senate Democrats are considering holding up a gun-control bill from one of their own,12 +13,"The U.S. House and Senate both have passed immigration bills, but they vary greatly and must be merged by a conference committee representing both houses.",12 +13,"None of the state's recent candidates for governor, Republican or Democratic, has expressed the slightest hesitation about it.",12 +5, the lawsuit says.,4 +1,MCCALL NIPS CIG STOX BUY,0 +14,"The United States, Japan and South Korea requested Sunday night an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council on North Korea's action.",13 +13,"Party strategists said the issue could be a bonanza for mobilizing conservatives to fund campaigns and turn out to vote, particularly in the South",12 +5,"The Justice Department staked out the position in briefs filed late Monday by Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson in two cases that the Supreme Court is considering for review. It was believed to be the first time that the department, speaking for the federal government, has said in a formal filing with a federal court that the Second Amendment grants an individual the right to bear arms.",4 +5,TOBACCO FIRM ASKS SUPREME COURT TO REVIEW FLA. LAW,4 +9,Water in the Desert,8 +8,Alleged spy Maria Butina's strange route from Russia to U.S. jail,7 +5, mounting campaign,4 +13,Rubio and N.R.A. Jeered on Gun Stance,12 +12,Maine & Maryland voters OK gay nups,11 +13,The state of California may be getting out of the gun business.,12 +13,It must be just a question of time until Congress bans assault turtles.,12 +13,House gun bill encounters resistance,12 +13,"Gov. Tom Corbett, a Republican,",12 +13," So in a nod to the political realities of the moment,",12 +5,"In December, Nanette Laughrey, a judge in the Western District of Missouri, denied Flynt's petition with a one-sentence order : ""A generalized interest in a subject of litigation does not justify intervention.""",4 +13,Andy: Ban young guns,12 +5,Hawaii Decision on Gay Marriages Should Affect Only Hawaii,4 +7,National News Briefs; Suspect in Serial Slayings Had Been Held by I.N.S.,6 +13,"But even the governor's aides said it stood little chance of passing. +",12 +11,FAU expects lively civic debate,10 +7,Maryland Executes Woman's Killer,6 +15,Illegal Aliens and the Mount Pleasant Riots,14 +12,'Weekly Reader' smoking story lights debate,11 +5,"""It would be inconceivable to me"" that a federal judge would not delay the execution long enough to review the appeal, said Larry Spalding, head of the Office of the Capital Collateral Representative, which represents inmates on death row.",4 +7," +FAKE IMMIGRATION-CARD RING BROKEN",6 +12,"Gay marriage support hits new high in Post-ABC poll +",11 +15,Ruben Navarrette: One subject Ryan could help milk,14 +11,"The number of prisoners put to death in the 1990s rose to 476 last Thursday when convicted murderer Andre Graham, 29, was given a lethal injection in Virginia. His was the 596th execution since the resumption of state-sanctioned killings 23 years ago. And at least three more condemned men are likely to die this week before the customary Christmas-season execution hiatus begins.",10 +8," ""The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,""",7 +13,"Representatives from the Firearms Coalition of Colorado and the Libertarian Party, and others, made impassioned pleas against the law banning the carrying of concealed weapons, and Council President Dave Doering interrupted more than one speaker to remind them that the concealed weapon law wasn't under consideration - it was already on the books.",12 +7,"ARAB CABBIE SIGNED IN, FEDS MAY TOSS HIM OUT",6 +9," how dangerous angry, deranged men are with powerful guns.",8 +13,"The award for Most Outlandish Spin goes, of course, to Katrina Pierson",12 +4,Deadly Disparities,3 +1,"Maplewood-based Eye Technology and Star Tobacco and Pharmaceuticals, Petersburg, Va., said, in a ""reverse acquisition"" Eye Technology acquired all of the capital stock of Star Tobacco and Pharmaceuticals. This is in exchange for not less than $30 million of preferred stock, convertible into common stock equal to about 90 percent of Eye Technology's outstanding common stock",0 +11,What mattered most in 2013,10 +10,BEARD BEATS TOBACCO CHEWING,9 +12,"? Or will the fight take years, a seesaw contest between steadily increasing social acceptance and tradition-minded",11 +9,"A day after an overcrowded van filled with immigrant day laborers crashed on a busy Delaware expressway, killing three of them, two more people died yesterday in Lehigh County after a van carrying 18 Hispanic workers flipped over.",8 +7,"Drug dealers and other criminals are even pooling guns, stashing them at special drops for neighborhood use.",6 +9,Low-IQ inmate set for death,8 +11,"The image, replacing profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and elsewhere, is a makeover of the advocacy group's logo, usually a blue background with bright yellow lines. The HRC made it available in red - for the color of love - on Monday and estimated tens of millions of shares by Wednesday. +",10 +11,So I do my best to under-stand where they are coming from.,10 +5,"In Hawaii, Step Toward Legalized Gay Marriage",4 +5, the well-financed drive to oust Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird from the California Supreme Court?,4 +10,"Amid Jeers, Seeking Pride In a Day's Work",9 +7,"He stabbed his grandparents a total of 21 times, using five different knives, officials said. The next day, he confessed to police and went on to re-enact the crime for investigators.",6 +8,seeking a federal background check.,7 +13," +President Clinton has been seeking to strengthen the nation's gun laws and expand hate crimes legislation, but he has made no formal proposal regarding Reno's idea of licensing gun owners. +",12 +9,"Warren McCleskey, finally, is dead.",8 +6,Condemn the penalty instead,5 +5,"The ruling marked the first time that a court with national jurisdiction recognized the practice of female genital mutilation as a form of persecution, and the decision will serve as a precedent for the 179 immigration judges who hear asylum cases around the country.",4 +5,U.S. Attorney Kenneth E. Melson said in a statement.,4 +5,"Spann, of West Palm Beach, has since appealed his conviction and sentence on several grounds, most recently saying that among other things his trial attorney, Robert Udell, was ineffective in not putting Spann's brother, Leo, on the stand during his trial to corroborate his claim that he was at his aunt's house at the time of the abduction and murder. Spann also claimed that Udell failed in not trying harder to discredit Philmore, of Lake Park, as a witness. + +Lower courts have rejected those claims and, according to the opinion released Thursday, the Florida Supreme Court believes they were right in doing so.",4 +7,MEN ASSAULT S.J. STORE CLERK FOR CIGARETTES,6 +5,He is scheduled to go to trial Sept. 12.,4 +13, and on election day.,12 +6,Smoking OK'd in airport,5 +5,"Gay marriage fight shifts to federal courts, 2014 set to be tipping-point year +",4 +13,There are disturbing signs all over the country that conservatives were right to predict that proponents of odd and radical sexual practices would try to slip through the political and legal doors opened by the gay rights movement.,12 +15,Major Decisions of 2007-2008,14 +15,Some setbacks for same-sex marriage,14 +5,"As if in response to the court's announcement, the acid-tongued justice visited Princeton University late Monday and reiterated his opinion, expressed in a 2003 dissent, that a law banning sodomy is on par with laws forbidding bestiality or murder. +",4 +7,Campaign targets gun crimes,6 +5,"In an effort to shield themselves against future lawsuits, RJR Nabisco and Philip Morris, the two largest American cigarette makers, have begun negotiations with the Federal Government that could lead to, among other things, tighter Government regulation",4 +5," +New Jersey is unconstitutionally denying federal benefits to same-sex couples and must allow gay couples to marry starting Oct. 21, a judge ruled Friday.",4 +13,Senators outline immigration overhaul plan,12 +5,"In a federal lawsuit that could have national resonance, a lesbian couple legally married in Massachusetts is challenging the Pennsylvania law that refuses to recognize their union. +",4 +13,The committee also asked its members to vote on whether to support a referendum on same-sex marriages. The results: 78 against and 47 in favor.,12 +13,"It's a hard jab at U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who's supporting immigration legislation put forward by a small group of senators called the Gang of Eight.",12 +6,DO WE NEED MORE GUN LAWS?,5 +12,And sometimes a cigar creates a national furor,11 +13,"Republicans appear to be playing good cop/bad cop on this one. During his presidential campaign, George W. Bush promised to extend the ban. But he can hardly do that if DeLay stops the bill from coming to a vote. Bam! The President gets an easy out along with the ability to pay more lip service to gun control.",12 +5,Dealer in Bronx Indicted in Plot To Resell Guns,4 +12,"Seventy-six percent of Georgians in 2004 backed a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. +",11 +1,"One of Connecticut's gun manufacturers, PTR Industries, is departing the state in a melodramatic huff for gun-friendly South Carolina, ",0 +5,"For young Maryland immigrants, a path out of the shadows",4 +12,Guns and Approval Ratings,11 +13,GUN LOBBY'S PLAN?,12 +13,"But one council member, Karl Nurse, said now would be a good time to discuss what to do about all the guns being used in a spate of high-profile shootings lately. +",12 +13,"Senate nears deal on gun background checks +",12 +7,Mr. Tarver was to die just after midnight for the 1984 slaying of a rural store owner.,6 +13,HOW THE NRA TRANSFORMED ITSELF FROM MARKSMAN TO LOB-BYIST,12 +7,"Atef Hasan Ismail Idais had lived in Philadelphia since he arrived from the Palestinian territories in 2000. He was arrested Sept. 9, 2004, on a charge of falsifying a visa application and has been in federal prison since.",6 +7,Md. Sending Troopers to Support P.G. Police,6 +1, who pay minimum annual dues of $ 35.,0 +7,Ex-NFL player Joe McKnight's killer cited for previous road rage incident as 'stand your ground' law looms,6 +5,amendment,4 +10,Two who wanted to die are executed,9 +5,EXILED SOUTH AFRICAN ALLOWED TO SEEK ASYLUM,4 +13,"""The Dole campaign doesn't want to have Clinton having more bills to sign,"" said Michele Davis, a senior aide to Representative Dick Armey, a Texas Republican who is the House majority leader.",12 +7,"Instead of declaring war on those illegally possessing a firearm,",6 +5,". I mean those who read the Second Amendment as proclaiming the right of citizens to resist the tyranny of their own government, that is, of the government that issued and ratified the Constitution in the first place. +",4 +6,Bill Planned to Ban New Bullets,5 +13,Santa Clara County supervisors,12 +7, local police chiefs have broad discretion to issue or deny permits,6 +5,SECOND AMENDMENT'S INTENT AS VALID TODAY AS IN 1789,4 +9,"With what we know now, we could cut that death toll in half over the next 10 years. But even with unprecedented financial resources at our disposal -- the proceeds from a multi-state settlement with cigarette makers -- America seems incapable of rising to this life-saving challenge. As a result, tobacco remains the nation's single leading cause of preventable illness and death.",8 +7,"GUNS, CRIME AND PUBLIC HOUSING",6 +1,The debate here in the nation's top tobacco-producing state,0 +12," +NRA AIMS TO HEAD OFF ANTI-FIREARM LITIGATION",11 +5,"Yesterday's decision adds new specificity to the court's standards for attorney performance, signaling lower courts and state governments that the justices intend to keep a closer watch on the right to counsel. It also gives new legal ammunition to hundreds of death row inmates. In particular, the court referred to the American Bar Association's demanding guidelines for capital counsel performance as ""well-defined norms.""",4 +9,"""This bears out the need for us to really and seriously address the gun safety issue with children,",8 +5,Judge Says Tobacco Companies Can't Use 'Light' Label Overseas,4 +9,"oberts, 27, died at 12:05 a.m., ",8 +5,Judge's sexual orientationdoesn't negate his ruling,4 +12,MOTHERS LOOK TO THEIR LAWMAKERS FOR A GIFT OF ACTION AGAINST GUNS THE MILLION MOM MARCH WILL SEEK CONTROLS FOR SAFETY,11 +7,Those advocates argued that not charging Gregory would show D.C. police to be hypocritical in enforcing gun laws its chief believes are necessary to curtailing violence.,6 +7,Life without parole carries risks,6 +8,The Borders We Deserve,7 +11,"Slowly, St. Louis grows more diverse",10 +13,"King's comments have further damaged the GOP brand among Hispanic voters already wary of Republican politicians who've made similar comments in the past. With apologies to the ""Worst Week in Washington,"" one might even suggest that the Republican brand had ""La semana peor en Washington.""",12 +12,"But amid all the history being made, one gay rights organization did something really historic: It announced that it would shut its doors at the end of the year, because its mission was complete.",11 +9,Helping Hispanic Patients In the Mental Health System,8 +13,"Congress, gun lobby enabled massacre",12 +12,Diverse San Jose crowd joins nationwide rallies to protest gay marriage ban,11 +13,Biden: Public support for gay marriage 'inevitable',12 +13,"Del. Tiffany T. Alston (D-Prince George's) said in an interview that she needed more time ""to think and to pray"" about what she considers a ""deeply personal issue for myself and my constituents.""",12 +10," +SUPPORT FOR ARAB FAMILIES CENTER HELPS IMMIGRANTS ADJUST TO LIFE IN U. S. & BORO +",9 +13,State Democrats push gun sale restrictions,12 +11,"Letters: No, gun lobby, a few guns would not have stopped the Holocaust",10 +6,"Smokers still fuming about restaurant smoking bans, take note: Hotels are shrinking their smoking areas as well. +",5 +7,"Conviction in kidnap of debtor; An A.C. man accused of loan-sharking abducted a gambler who didn't pay up, a federal jury decided.",6 +5,Immigrant Experience: Travelers to Mexico will need a passport,4 +5,"Juries have continued to send some killers to death row, and appeals have continued, but no death warrants have been issued",4 +12,"WHEN IT CAME TO gay rights, voters in several states delivered a clear Election Night message: No, you can't. +",11 +5,licenses of permit holders,4 +13,Obama visit highlights strides on guns,12 +9,"That aspect of the effort would use data collected by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to target parents for deportation after they attempt to regain custody of their children from government shelters. +",8 +5,KILLER LOSES BID TO CUT SENTENCE,4 +7,"Nelson, 20, is charged with first-degree murder for shooting his 40-year-old father - Isaac J. Nelson - four times and with attempted first-degree murder for shooting his father's girlfriend, Lawonda McCrea, 33, in the face.",6 +5,"Supreme Court, 9-0, Rebuffs a Gun-Seeking Felon",4 +5,The Citizens Crime Commission of New York City said that a review of city cases prosecuted under the state's new gun control law showed only that there was not yet enough evidence to judge the effectiveness of the law.,4 +5,STAND ON DEATH PENALTY BY BAR PANEL IRKS NIXON,4 +12,LaPierre: NRA members will never give up guns,11 +6,"If they don't, they fear, many if not all of the 209 inmates on Pennsylvania's death row could soon have their sentences changed to life in prison.",5 +9,"Though guns are involved in just 5.6% of suicide attempts, they account for 55% of suicide fatalities. That's because 85% of suicide attempts involving guns prove fatal, making firearms the leading method of suicide in the USA, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In comparison, taking pills results in death in 2% of cases.",8 +5,1st trial set in slaying Man is accused in dragging death,4 +12,NAACP GREETS CLINTON WARMLY,11 +9,"Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Take Bad-for-Children Argument to Court +",8 +5,"San Jose: DA to seek death penalty in brutal baby rape, killing",4 +5,This is the first judicial opinion to address Obama's decision to expand deferred action for some individuals unlawfully present in the United States. [I've now posted the opinion here.],4 +8,Feds: No death penalty for bomb suspect Gitmo detainee accused of U.S. embassy attacks,7 +12,Gun ban is in voters' hands,11 +1,"After 2005, the tobacco trust fund's share would drop to 17 percent, while the foundation would get 58 percent through 2025.",0 +12,"The latest demonstration came on the heels of Wednesday's Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, in which thousands of customers turned out to show support for Cathy's stand or his freedom of speech.",11 +13,"GOA has sent out several action alerts to members criticizing the health care reform bill that passed the Senate Finance Committee last week. The bill, authored by Finance Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., was supported by all of the committee's Democrats, as well as Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine. It will now be merged with another Senate health care bill and go to the full Senate.",12 +13,Va. GOP ready to defend ban,12 +5,Plea in Police Shootings,4 +13,The Republican-controlled House had approved the bill Thursday in a preliminary vote after an emotional three-hour debate,12 +5,Protect gun rights: A recent editorial called for a ban on assault rifles,4 +9, to require built-in child safety locks,8 +1," Among their arguments was that boats in interstate markets, like the Metro East area, would lose customers to casinos in neighboring states that allowed smoking.",0 +1,"In Research Triangle Park along the Durham-Wake county line, immigrants founded 18.7 percent of high-tech startups. That compares with 52.4 percent in California's Silicon Valley.",0 +1,"McArthur, whose fees will be paid by the tobacco industry, said his compensation hasn't been determined. The 1998 tobacco settlement has yielded millions of dollars in fees for lawyers in other states; in Massachusetts alone, $775 million was paid in attorney fees related to the tobacco settlement.",0 +3,Methodists strengthen rule against same-sex unions,2 +11,"A Match For Smoking, Not Tennis",10 +1,"We recommend that people who need rifles and ammunition for sporting purposes purchase their equipment from an established firearms dealer, of which there are many in Tampa and Hillsborough County.",0 +12, has taken the lead in public opinion polls,11 +5,A federal appeals ruling that upheld New York and Connecticut bans on assault weapons merits a sigh of relief - along with fury that the courts are blessing gun ownership with extreme constitutional protections.,4 +13,"The next steps are even more treacherous, and Thursday's coalition will quickly begin to dwindle. There are several more potential filibusters to break, and the most extreme anti-gun-control senators -- like Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah -- are likely to erect procedural hurdles wherever they can.",12 +13,GOP MAY MOVE TO BAN GAY MARRIAGE,12 +5,closing legal issues between the two sides in the case.,4 +5,"Landrey told justices Tuesday that because Assistant Public Defender + +Steve Green already had heard the confidential confession of Cave, it was a conflict of interest for him to be called to advise Parker as Martin County deputies questioned him.",4 +13,"On the other end, we saw several GOP candidates rebuking Trump.",12 +1,with the two sides raising more than $70 million.,0 +9, now extend health insurance to employees' same-sex domestic partners.,8 +13,Prez to fight order halting immig rules,12 +3,was hailed as a heroine,2 +7,Federal authorities have busted more than 230 illegal aliens working in 14 Manhattan garment factories as part of a major crackdown on unauthorized workers and the firms that employ them.,6 +4,News of the ruling spread quickly through the nation's prisons. Joyous shrieks echoed throughout death rows of 40 states as almost 700 people learned they were no longer condemned to die.,3 +5,"DIGEST NRA files lawsuit against NY gun law +",4 +13,Gun lobby just can't admit that guns are dangerous,12 +13,Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said this week that he is open to closing the loophole that allows weapon purchases at gun shows without a background check.,12 +1,"Each farmer or quota holder who joins the lawsuit must pay. In addition, Pires said he would receive 5 percent of the recovery. He plans to file the lawsuit before Thanksgiving.",0 +11,"KICK THE HABIT, CHINESE URGED",10 +7,INMATES FIGHT BAN ON SMOKING,6 +12,Peninsula gay rights groups protest Prop. 8 ruling,11 +5,"The court has 11 cases left to decide in the current term and is expected to issue rulings after 7 a.m. Monday Pacific time and at least one or two other days during this final week of its term. +",4 +5,"CONDEMNED MAN DENIED NEW TRIAL, STAY OF EXECUTION",4 +1,"The calculation compares immigrants' tax and Social Security contributions to the resources they use, including social and government services. This type of analysis, however, excludes the migrants' longer-term impact on the economy. +",0 +1,"Restaurants, bars oppose smoking ban",0 +13,"A bill sponsor, Sen. Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland, said Putnam asked for the change.",12 +15,WHEN A DEATH IS DISTORTED,14 +7,DON'T LET CRIMINALS DICTATE AMERICANS' FIREARM RIGHTS,6 +7,"The call comes after a weekend in which two more cities broke previous murder marks for a year and two other cities drew nearer. +",6 +4,"Losing a Paycheck for Being Gay +",3 +3,the mobility of faith-based organizations has always placed,2 +13,"Mr. Nixon also noted that he was not looking to mess with Missouri's constitution. +",12 +5,"California's attorney general will go to court as soon as possible to defend a state law defining marriage as a union of a man and a woman, a spokeswoman said yesterday.",4 +11,"Now Lewis finds her old habit is trendy. Indeed, she and other cigar aficionados light up fat stogies at the Smokin' Kats Club, which meets monthly at the Alley Cats Cafe in Safety Harbor.",10 +1, part of a costly strategy to avoid losing federal grant money.,0 +13,MEMBERS OF TEA PARTY PROTEST AT RUBIO'S OFFICE,12 +5,"The getaway driver testified against Johns at his trial, but Wishon did not, according to John William Simon, one of Johns' defense lawyers.",4 +7,"Having spent 13 years pulling street patrol in New York, I've found the only way to control criminal violence is to control criminals. Cops don't learn this concept studying political science or the law. We learn it on the street, up close and personal, where things get ugly.",6 +4,"There's no other example of any basis that we afford a civil right based upon a behavior or a preferential choice,"" he said.",3 +5,The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the federal government may not compel employers to award back pay to undocumented immigrants who were illegally fired for trying to join a labor union.,4 +5,"Just a year into his job as head of the newly created Office of the Capital Defender, Mr. Adams and his staff had defended about 30 death penalty cases without a single client's being sentenced to death -- the first time that had happened in the modern history of the death penalty in Georgia.",4 +3,"''Show her the mercy, show her the compassion that she showed Jimmie.''",2 +11,"Mexicans living illegally in the U.S., many of whom have been here for decades, still make up slightly more than half, or 52 percent, of America's total undocumented population. But that could change.",10 +7,Santos fled from the scene. Police caught him three hours later in nearby woods. Santos has admitted he was an illegal immigrant who was driving his girlfriend's car and was drunk.,6 +10," The on-again, off-again pace of executions is excruciating for family members of both victims and inmates.",9 +13,Gay Marriage Looms as Issue; GOP Push for Amendment Is Dilemma for Bush,12 +11,"In fact, gay commitment ceremonies in America today often closely resemble, even follow, traditional weddings. That might seem surprising since same-sex couples are far less bound by protocol. After all, they don't have to worry about shocking their grandparents. They've already done that.",10 +3,"""Between a man and a woman'",2 +1,NEW PLAN FOR TOBACCO MONEY,0 +9,KIDS LEARN HAZARDS OF SMOKING,8 +8,"When did the story of the Boston Marathon bombing turn a corner and become about immigration? +",7 +12,"And in a traffic circle blocks from the White House, about 50 seniors will hold their own rally in solidarity with the student-led rally along Pennsylvania Avenue.",11 +13,"The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin to consider four separate gun safety measures on Thursday, although the process of narrowing actual legislative language will most likely dribble into next week.",12 +7,"ormer Atlanta attorney Fred Tokars is serving four life sentences in connection with the murder of his wife, Sara. ",6 +7, homicides,6 +13,"On Friday, Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger stepped up his rhetoric against gay weddings, sending Lockyer, a Democrat, a letter ordering him to take ""immediate steps"" to end same-sex matrimony.",12 +5,Other defense motions seek to preclude prosecution testimony,4 +12,"VOICE OF ATLANTA: Too much immigration, most say",11 +12,A nationwide Gallup Poll in June showed that just 39% of Americans support legalizing gay marriage.,11 +9,"The researchers, in a study to be published Saturday in the British journal Lancet, paint a picture at odds with the perception by many Americans that smoking mortality is on the wane. And though the climbing total of smoking-related deaths hides important differences among countries and between sexes, it nevertheless suggests that the habit's most significant effect on modern health lies in the future, not the past.",8 +9,State Secretary of Health Resigns Post,8 +1,"The industry says it is spending $ 6-million this year on an educational campaign to caution children against smoking, yet Reynolds spends about $ 75-million a year to promote its Camel brand alone.",0 +10,Tobacco Prevention and Control branch,9 +13,A House panel joined the full Senate in passing all three bills as of Friday. A floor vote in the House could come as early as Tuesday.,12 +13,The most pro-NRA president in recent history arguably doesn't need the NRA anymore;,12 +1,"With an expected ban on outdoor billboards and sharp curbs on other advertising, tobacco-stock analysts predict that cigarette manufacturers would have to compete more on the basis of price. It could lead to such efforts as ""buy one, get one free"" promotions.",0 +1,to ease the transition from economic dependence on the crop.,0 +13," The law is subject to a 30-day review period by Congress,",12 +11,American standoff,10 +8,"The chairman of a federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 terror attacks said on Thursday that information long available to the public showed that the attacks could have been prevented had a group of low- and mid-level government employees at the F.B.I., the immigration service and elsewhere done their jobs properly.",7 +7,"Mr. Getsy, hired to kill Charles Serafino in a dispute over a landscaping business in 1995, wounded Mr. Serafino but killed his mother, Ann.",6 +7,. Trump has equated immigrants with criminals and proposed rounding up millions of hardworking people and deporting them.,6 +12," action that comes as most Americans continue to support stricter firearm laws, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.",11 +5,STATE SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS DEATH TERM FOR RACIST SERIAL-KILLER,4 +6,"Late last year, an item was inserted into the bowels of a mind-numbing 98-page piece of legislation about agricultural practices in Florida.",5 +3,"Above All Else, Life",2 +12,TEENS' MARCH IS TRAGICALLY OFF POINT,11 +15,Keeping hispowder dry,14 +7, where the number of executions last year was the highest it has been since 1954.,6 +5," But until I read the dissenting opinion in the marriage-equality case decided last week in Richmond, I didn't realize just how personal the issue could be",4 +5,NEW ASYLUM GUIDELINES RECOGNIZE GRAVITY OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE CLAIMS,4 +13,California executions: Three former governors back ballot measure to hasten executions,12 +13,Rick Santorum: 'I did misspeak' in telling kids to learn CPR instead of march-ing for gun control;,12 +11,GAGA PUSH FOR GAY WED. POP STAR TWEETS 'MONSTERS' TO BOMBARD POLS WITH CALLS OF SUPPORT,10 +11," +Opening act Billy Currington withdrew and said on his Facebook page he doesn't want to become involved in the debate surrounding gun rights and gun control.",10 +5,The Second Amendment isn't under assault.,4 +5,"In November, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in New York, upheld the law. California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey have similar laws.",4 +1,"Swedish Match A.B., maker of Cricket lighters and White Owl cigars, agreed yesterday to buy the brands owned by the closely held National Tobacco Company for $165 million to add the Beech-Nut and Durango names to its Red Man chewing tobacco line. Swedish Match said it was buying the brands, formulas and inventory of National Tobacco, based in Louisville, Ky., which has annual chewing tobacco sales of about $50 million. Swedish Match is No. 1 in United States sales of chewing tobacco. National Tobacco brands will give the Stockholm-based Swedish Match about 55 percent of the United States chewing tobacco market and greater control over prices, which have been falling because of competition.",0 +5, But the Florida Supreme Court ordered a retrial in that case because police had not stopped interviews with Owen after he had said he didn't want to talk about details.,4 +7," fatally shooting his wife, Bonny Lee Bakley, 44, after a dinner outing last May.",6 +14,B'klyn justice El Chapo's likely ours - if he's extradited,13 +5,Judge orders execution overhaul,4 +13," He gained the job by soundly defeating incumbent William J. Hannah, a Republican, on Nov. 6.",12 +5,"awyers in the case have written 10 briefs on the subject. Fairfax Circuit Court Judge Jonathan C. Thacher, who is considering the issue, said last week that he would decide soon whether the capital murder charges in Fairfax should be dismissed. +",4 +5," +California will issue driver's licenses to hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants once the Obama administration grants them work permits, a move that could reignite a divisive debate that has simmered for nearly 20 years.",4 +12,"The average support for background checks in the 41 congressional districts was 89% and 86% in 21 statewide polls. +",11 +5," +Two gay California men will ask a federal appeals court in San Francisco this week to declare they have a right to marry under the U.S. Constitution, but heavyweights in the fight for same-sex marriage are sitting this one out because they think the legal tactic is misguided.",4 +1,"Hernando County's SWAT team, led by Hernando High senior class president Chad Bearden, will have $ 82,000 to spend this year on youth awareness programs.",0 +1,Many of the couples are planning to file joint tax returns. ,0 +14,Out-of-state nuptials must be recognized,13 +5,Court Case Spotlights Possible 'Harsh Effects' of New Immigration Law,4 +1,", Republican Edwin B. ""Ted"" Erickson announced his spending plans yesterday for some of the state's $11.3 billion tobacco settlement",0 +5,I wrote last week about what happened to the Florida National Guard's lawyer,4 +7,"Al-Amin is charged in the March 16, 2000, shooting of Kinchen and English. Kinchen died in the shooting. The deputies were looking to arrest Al-Amin on a Cobb County warrant when they were shot.",6 +13,"Widely thought to be biding his time for a presidential run, he is earning his stripes with national GOP leaders, who strongly oppose gay marriage. But at stake is his moderate reputation among Massachusetts voters, who like their Republicans to be liberal on social issues.",12 +13,The possibility that after weeks of stalled negotiations senators might be on the cusp of a breakthrough comes as President Obama and his top surrogates will begin on Monday their most aggressive push yet to rally Americans around his gun-control agenda.,12 +10,"""Alfonso was in shock and disbelief, and then he started crying tears of joy."" +",9 +5,"American Civil Liberties Union. While the ACLU has spent years mounting legal challenges to expand the definition of marriage, it is ramping up its state legislative advocacy efforts in the wake of the Supreme Court's recent decisions on the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8.",4 +3,Blessings and Anguish For Pastors in California,2 +8,He also was turned down by the military.,7 +15,An overreaction on guns,14 +7," he would be reclassified and probably moved to another facility, according to a state prison spokeswoman.",6 +10,New International Academy in D.C. aims to help immigrant students graduate,9 +1,"To Rejuvenate Gun Sales, Critics Say, Industry Started Making More Powerful Pistols +",0 +13,"Trump, who sought Obama's records, won't release his own",12 +6,GUN CONTROL: IS IT TIME FOR IT?,5 +5,Four of Grandoff's clients,4 +5,"After about 40 hours of deliberations over seven days, the exhausted-looking jury also found him not guilty of using a weapon of mass destruction and of destroying federal property with explosives.",4 +13,Guns will be banned at Pence's speech to NRA,12 +5,"obb District Attorney Tom Charron said the quick denial supports his position that there are no legal issues blocking the trial. +",4 +5,"Same-Sex Marriages Can Proceed in South Carolina, Supreme Court Rules +",4 +13,Bush defends death penalty,12 +6,''That this is to be called insufficient just won't withstand examination.'',5 +7,"Muhammad remains in Virginia, on death row at the Sussex I State Prison in Waverly.",6 +5,Zimmerman seeks case dismissal,4 +8,"For 9; 11 panel, one last focus; The commission, winding up its inquiry, is turning to Congress' actions in the years before the attack.",7 +7,The murder resulted in the sentencing of 16-year-old Marcus Fernandez to life in prison without the chance of parole.,6 +10,"""It was an extremely dramatic, powerful loss,"" social worker Nadene Mass testified. ""There was no kind of support for Daryl at that time or ever since.""",9 +5," Quick as a trigger pull, gun advocates sued, seeking a decree that the statutes violated the Second Amendment.",4 +5,Second Amendment merits a 28th,4 +6,A bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants to obtain California driver's licenses died Tuesday in a deeply divided Senate committee.,5 +6,PANEL SUGGESTS GIVING FDA AUTHORITY TO REGULATE TOBACCO,5 +5,"The Second Amendment applies to all citizens, not just a few. I think students should be able to carry guns. +",4 +7,"77 Aliens, in Debt to Smugglers, Found in Captivity in California",6 +7,while doing little to stop criminals from obtaining weapons.,6 +5, will offer opposing views on the arguments before the Supreme Court.,4 +9,on smoking research,8 +7," another person could have been driving the car that killed Cpl. Richard S. Findley, just as someone other than Mr. Davis could have killed off-duty police officer Mark Allen MacPhail in Savannah.",6 +4,Office to aid in capital cases Better defense for poor targeted,3 +7,"AFTER THE NEWTOWN, Conn., massacre, ",6 +15,Has the Time Arrived to Allow Gay Marriage?,14 +7,EXECUTION WEIGHED IN ARSON SLAYS,6 +12,"Leonard Pitts Jr.: On marriage, two words of advice for the president",11 +5,TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,4 +8,gun control advocates and politicians predict no further restrictions on guns will result.,7 +10,"Jay C. Smith lived in a cell eight feet by eight feet with no windows. He had a steel bed with a foam pad for a mattress, a sink and a toilet. For exercise, he was placed daily in a small enclosed yard - ""what the guards called kennels, we called the cages"" - and ""just walked back and forth.""",9 +8,Defending Our Borders Against Dangerous Ideas,7 +5,"So the Illinois Supreme Court, in a 4-2 ruling",4 +10,"This is all very funny because I was reading a column by an extremely conservative gay columnist. He feels conservatives should embrace this because it forces the gay community to become locked in long- term ""marriage,"" with joint banking accounts, insurance, and more fully integrated into mainstream America.",9 +6, More Smoking Curbs,5 +5,"A sweeping decision on Thursday night struck down Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage and continued a remarkable winning streak for gay rights advocates, putting new pressure on the Supreme Court to decide the momentous question it ducked last summer: whether there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.",4 +7,"The men, both former marines, are accused of conspiring to accept a bribe of $5,000 to take two prisoners to Los Angeles. The guards believed the prisoners were illegal immigrants from El Salvador, but one was actually an undercover Border Patrol agent who prosecutors said had received a tip that Mr. Smith was running a smuggling operation.",6 +8," +'Full Control of Border'",7 +13,Recent signals from House Republican leaders that they will pursue their own vision of immigration reform have presented the White House with an opening to achieve a major legislative deal this year that has eluded lawmakers for decades.,12 +11,"One Pew chart established that organizations across all kinds of media categories ran stories highly favorable of gay marriage: network news, cable news, NPR and so on. +",10 +15,Good News on Gay Rights,14 +7,even though a jury convicted him of killing a 15-year-old Tampa girl.,6 +5,The $ 10 billion lawsuit filed by Philip Morris against ABC's Day One is the latest in a string of lawsuits that got a big boost after GM took on Dateline NBC over its 1992 truck report.,4 +13,"Scott Walker backs path to citizenship, increased immigration",12 +5,ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION; Ga.'s ID check remains in dispute,4 +3,"""I want them to use everything they can to get this boy (Wilson) executed,"" Andrews said. ""He took two lives, fathers away from their children. He needs to be gone.""",2 +13,Obama could act alone to tighten up gun laws Executive orders would bypass Congress.,12 +1," Because it is such a threat, the remaining gun makers are eager to shoot down Smith & Wesson.",0 +7,WHAT A DRAG! It takes hours to get 1st smoking ticket,6 +4,'Transgender issue' in bribe case,3 +3,"Shaming the Assembly for going easy on dealers, Frasse wrote: ""If you enable a violent criminal, you have blood on your hands.""",2 +5,Asylum Seekers Need Only a Reasonable Fear,4 +7,"Supporters of enforcement say that a more aggressive approach boosts public safety overall by making illegal immigrants reluctant to break the law because they fear deportation. Brad Botwin, director of the group Help Save Maryland, said the Takoma case should be viewed in the context of broader needs.",6 +5,CONSTITUTION IS CLEAR ON BEARING ARMS,4 +13,"That jarring juxtaposition of candidate, message and audience highlights how political campaigns are still trying to get a handle on the power of the Internet to communicate with and motivate voters.",12 +5,California Supreme Court tackles gay marriage case again,4 +13,PUBLIC VOTE ACCEPTABLE TO SPONSOR OF GUN BILL,12 +5,"Though the preliminary injunction barring the deportations issued by Judge James Lawrence King of the United States District Court for southern Florida applies only in Florida, Georgia and Alabama, similar cases are pending elsewhere, Ira Kurzban said. Mr. Kurzban is a member of a group of Miami lawyers who brought the suit against Attorney General Janet Reno, the Justice Department, the immigration service and the Board of Immigration Appeals. Judge King set a trial date for next January.",4 +15,A letter to Jesica,14 +13,"Committee Chairman Ron Silver, D-North Miami Beach, said the precautions were because of death threats made to Rep. David Flagg, who has announced plans to file a bill that would ban automatic weapons.",12 +6,PASSHE spokesman Ken Marshall said the system examined the state law and decided to ban smoking both indoors and outdoors on its campuses.,5 +5,"he charges, filed under the decades-old Hobbs Act intended to root out organized crime, include 11 of the 14 shooting incidents tied to the sniper attacks, leaving out the three fatal shootings in Virginia. Sources said the complaint purposely excludes those incidents to allow the most flexibility in deciding where to prosecute first. Muhammad already faces charges that carry the death penalty in Montgomery County and two Virginia jurisdictions. +",4 +5,"DOMA ruling could expand rights for gays, but with questions about full spousal benei��?¬ts +",4 +8,Prevention Beats Prosecution,7 +13,of winning approval of a law,12 +13,"The vote was 227 to 186 in favor of the amendment, far short of the 290 votes, or two-thirds of the House, required to adopt it. It came after a day of impassioned oratory, with opponents denouncing what one Democrat called an effort ''to play politics with the Constitution'' and supporters arguing that the measure was critical to preserving America's social fabric.",12 +5,"Most Americans take it for granted that the Second Amendment to our Constitution allows all other freedoms to remain in effect. This ``right of the people to keep and bear arms'' puts the teeth into other personal freedoms such as speech, religion, restrictions on search and seizure, and against self-incrimination.",4 +6,Palm Beach County commissioners are ready to pass a countywide law Tuesday that would fine gun owners $ 500 if they fail to store their weapons with trigger locks or in a safe when kids are near.,5 +11,But they are finding a broad and prominent audience online,10 +6," 'That shift is due in part to the passage of tougher gun-control laws during the 1990s, including the 1993 Brady Bill that imposed nationwide background checks on buyers.'",5 +13,House Panel Affirms D.C. Partnership Law,12 +10, Most burn out long before.,9 +13,Dozens of Republicans are clamoring for a 'dreamers' fix by year's end,12 +13,"DeGette protests ATF cop ruling Gun ban applies, lawmaker contends",12 +5,Justices reject bid to toss Fla. tobacco cases,4 +6,Proposal to Ban Same-Sex Marriage Renews Old Battles,5 +5,Attorney General Bob Butterworth,4 +13,VOICES OF COLUMBINE ONE YEAR AFTER DOUG DEAN Republican lawmaker and gun-rights advocate,12 +5,"In a 10-4 ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, said the guns banned under Maryland's law aren't protected by the Second Amendment.",4 +15,Here comes Bride's same-sex article,14 +11,"I doubt the framers of the Constitution were thinking about our modernversion of the National Guard when they wrote the Constitution. More likely, they had in mind the rag-tag group of Vermont farmers, who grabbed their own muskets off the wall, voluntarily banded together, and defeated a detachment of General Burgoyne's at the Battle of Bennington in 1777.",10 +13,Rewarding Lawmakers,12 +7,"Police urged officers to contact a department lawyer, on call around the clock, with questions. +",6 +13,"NOT ALL IS CLEAR AT LONE DEBATE +",12 +4,"Missteps result in deportations +",3 +13,"""The only endorsement that would help more is George Bush's, and this will force some second thoughts at the White House about the president's opposition,"" said Sen. Paul Simon, D-Ill., a Brady Bill sponsor.",12 +12,wrote in a letter,11 +12,"Survivors apply their youthful energy, social media savvy to demand change",11 +11,Dawn of a new jersey Same-sex nups a big step forward,10 +5,Case dismissed,4 +13,"The state Senate approved the bill last week. It now goes to Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire, who is expected to sign it into law next week. +",12 +5,COURT URGED TO KEEP BAN ON GAY NUPS,4 +12,Opponents and supporters of a federal judge's ruling overturning Utah's same-sex marriage ban have launched online petition drives seeking support for their positions.,11 +7,'Killing machine' gets new deal: Life,6 +13,"Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., says it is ""inevitable"" that his party will see one of its own run for president while supporting gay marriage. +",12 +13,Phila. Council considers a way to preserve its tougher gun law,12 +5,"The states argue that the Arizona law does not regulate immigration policy, but merely lets the state enforce current immigration law by asking suspected illegal immigrants for their papers.",4 +7," +No Guns for Wife-Beaters",6 +13,"Yet there is enormous resistance in Congress to passing a strong bill to keep arms out of the wrong hands. What does ""rule of the people"" mean if a 9-to-1 issue is having so much trouble gaining traction? +",12 +13,"The Senate launched an attack on Philadelphia's assault-weapons ban yesterday, approving legislation that prohibits municipalities from enacting such ordinances. +",12 +11,Minnesota gay marriage: Eden Prairie couple make it official,10 +5,"Cuyahoga County court spokeswoman Laura Creed said in an email, ""The parties have entered into plea negotiations on this case."" She said the hearing had been scheduled for Friday at 10 a.m. EDT.",4 +9, state mental institutions,8 +9,Cingular Wireless joins list of firms offering health benefits to workers' domestic partners,8 +7,"In a sunny fourth-floor conference room at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, 10 of the Government's most experienced immigration officers who decide which refugees shall stay, and which shall be turned away, met last week over bagels and coffee to talk about torture.",6 +5,His lawyer has filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court. We do not know if or when they might take up the case.,4 +12,Bearing arms exposes gap in pro-gun logic,11 +5,"UNDER LEGAL SIEGE, GUN MAKER AGREES TO ACCEPT CURBS",4 +5," +But Bennett Klein, one of the lawyers leading the plaintiffs' case, said the civil union law made the argument for marriage ''more powerful and compelling.''",4 +5,"As the city prepares to defend its 1976 gun law before the U.S. Supreme Court next month, seeking to overturn a lower court ruling that declared the tough restrictions unconstitutional, how many people in the District legally own handguns, rifles or shotguns?",4 +3,Church doesn't oppose death penalty,2 +3,Just Like The Puritans,2 +13,"Speaking directly to Feinstein, Cruz asked: ""Would she deem it consistent with the Bill of Rights for Congress to engage in the same endeavor that we are contemplating doing to the Second Amendment in the context of the First or Fourth Amendment?""",12 +13,"After a session that illuminated sharp disagreements, Senator John McCain, the pivotal Senator on the tobacco issue, said today that he could now separate the central questions from the more secondary ones. +",12 +3," +1. TEN COMMANDMENTS Measure to allow the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools and other government buildings.",2 +7,These bills will mean more jail time for criminals who sell guns and improvements in the ability of the authorities to reduce the flow of weapons.,6 +15,Parlays OK on gay nups into big day,14 +7,FOCUSING ON GUNS WON'T ALTER CRIME IN THE U.S.,6 +5,Secret report used to strike tobacco company,4 +13,"The board would include representatives of pro- and anti-gun control groups, law enforcement officials, private citizens.",12 +12,Opponents can be forgiven for not taking comfort in the assurances ,11 +1, has left some business owners confused.,0 +13," +Spokesmen for Manchin and Toomey said only that the senators are talking to many of their colleagues about gun legislation and could not confirm details of their discussions.",12 +3,DEVIL'S DEAD AIM,2 +9,Pakistani man arrested by FBI dies in jail cell,8 +5,WOMAN LOSES TOBACCO LAWSUIT,4 +12,"'He made his arguments by backing them all up with facts. He'd be able to give a resource for every statement. We have plenty of right-wing gun nuts, but not Irv. He was almost professorial. He used his place in life - his age, his years of experience - to make his point. He was a gentleman.'",11 +4,The case is disturbing because the Canadian Consulate General in Dallas routinely sought information about Canadians in Texas prisons. Yet Texas officials did not include Mr. Faulder on prisoner lists given to Canada.,3 +12," It seems as though the members of the anti-gun movement have gone beyond the ""first step"" of a background check, after promising that they would be satisfied with that reasonable measure.",11 +15,Immigration Upended: Damien Cave Answers Readers' Questions,14 +7," Henry Sanchez-Milian, 18, and Jose O. Montano, 17, were arrested on first-degree rape and sex-offense charges after the girl told authorities she was forced into a boys' bathroom during school hours Thursday morning and subjected to a series of vicious sexual assaults. Disclosure of the teens' status - notably of the 18-year-old's encounter in August with a border patrol agent for unlawfully entering the United States",6 +9,"Prioritize ""school climate."" That term refers to the general level of well-being and comfort students and teachers experi-ence on campus. Is bullying pervasive? Do students feel comfortable confiding in the adults around them? The concept might sound fuzzy and foreign -- it rarely comes up in the national conversation about violence prevention -- but experts say that a healthy school climate is crucial to reducing the threat of violence.",8 +5,onchar's attorney said ,4 +7,"A lookout was broadcast for a red car. Robinson, 28, pulled over a red vehicle in the parking lot of a Royal Inn Motel about two miles from the convenience store. He called in the license plate number over his police radio, authorities said, and wasn't heard from again.",6 +3,McCleskey's execution just end to long charade,2 +7,"Crilley, 23, was found raped and strangled in her upper East Side apartment in 1971. Hover, also 23, vanished in 1977 - and her remains were found almost a year later on the wooded Rockefeller Estate in Westchester County.",6 +7,`Happy Face Killer' charged in 1993 killing in South Bay,6 +13,"The break came this spring when the bill was amended to pertain to only employees with concealed weapons permits. Enough Republicans felt that was an adequate middle ground, and the bill passed.",12 +13,President Trump has quickly shut the door on increased gun control in response to the mass shooting at a Texas church on Sunday.,12 +5,Defendant In 3 Killings Seeks to Give Guilty Plea,4 +6," +Burgess cited area hospitals and courthouses that provide employees with outdoor smoking areas as reason that the district should provide employees with the same convenience. +",5 +15," +RAVIN' MAD!",14 +7,Enforcement of state's immigration law to vary,6 +3, Society's ills start with heart,2 +1,STADIUM PLAN MIGHT INCLUDE A TAX INCREASE ON CIGARETTES,0 +13,"Trump message, not policy, at issue",12 +13,GOP goal: Toughen immigration laws,12 +5,SAME-SEX WED UP TO N.Y. COURT,4 +13," +The delay was caused mainly because the Republican governor had been trying to drum up support for the proposal in a General Assembly skittish about tax increases. + +Rep. Richard Royal (D-Camilla), chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, helped move the tax plan through a key subcommittee Tuesday after an hourlong public hearing. + +House Appropriations Chairman Tom Buck (D-Columbus), also a member of that tax subcommittee, said the measure probably will pass out of Royal's full committee Thursday and possibly make it to the House floor next week.",12 +1," arguing that it is costly,",0 +13,The Tennessee legislation signed into law by Republican Gov. Bill Haslam on Thursday,12 +10,"""I'm going home to my family."" +",9 +1,"THE CITY; Sweatshops Rise, Chaikin Charges",0 +5,federal constitutional ban on same-sex marriage to California.,4 +5, A gay-rights lawsuit in Hawaii was gaining press coverage as an initial series of preliminary court rulings suggested that gay marriage might be legally conceivable there.,4 +1,"Viscusi has also found that, far from costing the rest of us money, ""smokers save society 32 cents a pack,"" mainly through reduced nursing home and Social Security costs (since they die earlier), plus another 53 cents in taxes.",0 +5,"Asked if he meant that local waiting periods are unconstitutional, Miller said, ""They could be.""",4 +5,How can we prevent them while upholding the Second Amendment?,4 +9,understands firearms and their dangers,8 +5,Cruel and Unusual,4 +9,"and some medical experts for the defense concluded that the boy died after a seizure. +",8 +4,"equal protection clause of the Hawaii Constitution.""",3 +7,"Hupp's gun was 100 yards away, in her car, as then required by Texas law. +",6 +13,"A question to ponder as Gov. Ridge prepares to sign the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act of 1995: +",12 +5,"Otherwise, in 10 years, the settlement will just go to pieces.''",4 +13,"If Sen. Gerald Cardinale gets his way, a lot more people could be packing heat under their coats or in their purses.",12 +13,"'The Issue That Goes Ignored'' (editorial, Oct. 19) and ''The Least Popular Subject,'' by Gail Collins (column, Oct. 20), both concerning political silence on the need for effective gun control laws, reflect a shameful lack of leadership from candidates for the presidency on down.",12 +12,"Voters have also shifted their views. In April, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 49 percent of Americans said gay marriage should be legal, and 46 percent said illegal. Three years earlier, 36 percent had said it should be legal, and 58 percent had said it should not.",11 +6,"The law imposes new restrictions on fire-arm purchases and the possession of ""bump stocks,"" funds more school police officers and mental health services, broadens law enforcement's power to seize weapons, and allows certain staff members to carry guns in schools.",5 +6,Defeat this anti- freedom measure,5 +7,many if not all of the 209 inmates on Pennsylvania's death row could soon have their sentences changed to life in prison.,6 +1,Cigar retailers hope to set smoldering market ablaze,0 +5,"A state judge's welcome ruling on Friday that New Jersey must allow same-sex couples to marry was legally sound, full of common sense and a strong signal to the New Jersey Legislature to renew its efforts to make such unions legal.",4 +6,Sharp Questioning on Marriage Ban,5 +13,"The bill, SB1306, also eliminates the words ""husband"" and ""wife"" from California's Family Code, replacing it with ""spouse."" It passed 54-16. +",12 +13,"They said such actions as Gingrich's meeting last year in West Palm Beach, Fla., with tobacco industry executives and his press secretary's characterization of zealots in anti-tobacco ranks as ""health Nazis"" harm the conservative movement.",12 +4,When a Smoking Ban Limits Freedom of Choice,3 +7,convicted of killing a toddler in an apartment fire.,6 +11,"With Leon Taylor's death by lethal injection, 2014 ties 1999 for having the most executions in a year in Missouri.",10 +5,"The Common Pleas Court jury of seven men and five women is scheduled to begin deliberations Monday. On Wednesday, the jury found him guilty of first-degree murder, rape and related offenses.",4 +5," And parents are planning to add their new spouses as legal parents through adoption. +",4 +15,Who Can Relax This Way?,14 +5,"Immigrant rights advocates yesterday asked a federal judge to delay a tough new law scheduled to take effect Tuesday, arguing that the government has not given immigrants and the Immigration and Naturalization Service enough time to get ready for the sweeping policy changes.",4 +5,Judge clears way for trial on Pa. gay marriage ban,4 +1,"That is the potent mixture of issues surrounding an obscure $200 million merger that is quietly combusting on Wall Street. +",0 +5,Suit Says Preacher Cheated Immigrants,4 +10,L.A. Scenes Led to Pleas for Peace -- and Call to Arms,9 +13,"city officials and members of a civil rights group took action against gun violence on Monday, albeit in different ways and at different events.",12 +15,Post Magazine: The Exiles,14 +9,Measures would ban physicians' gun talk,8 +9,"An elderly Cuban immigrant taking her first steps in the United States was crushed to death Sunday in an escalator accident at Miami International Airport,",8 +5,Immigration stay sought,4 +13," All are measures that will require congressional action, and all face a level of opposition from some lawmakers -- on both sides of the political aisle -- and gun rights groups. +",12 +13,A White House spokeswoman said Friday that Bush had no intention of trying to grant clemency.,12 +11,"GAY MARRIAGE, CIVIL RIGHTS AREN'T LINKED, SOME BLACKS SAY",10 +5,"The Utah Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for Mr. Andrews on Friday, making a total of 18 unsuccessful state and Federal appeals. The last chance appears to be an appeal before the Utah Board of Pardons.",4 +13, has sparked an emotional debate over the crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border,12 +9,to choose between a livelihood and life,8 +13,"Two weeks after Donald Trump descended his gold-plated escalator and announced he was running for president,",12 +12,Those groups became involved in January,11 +12,", the NRA's Paul Blackman, is a longtime pro-gun advocate ",11 +8,Army considers death penalty Four U.S. soldiers are accused of murdering three Iraqis in a raid north of Baghdad.,7 +7,"When the pistol-toting Nance confronted the man, Gabor Balogh, he brushed the fleeing bank robber away with his arm and Nance's gun fired",6 +12,"But instead of an arcane and peculiarly Southern fight over the who and why of the Civil War, the state will be at the center of a wholly modern and nationwide debate over the place of gay and lesbian couples in American society.",11 +11,"A report released Tuesday says otherwise: The population of Mexicans living illegally in the United States decreased 1.1 million from its peak in 2007 to 5.8 million in 2014, and the number of undocumented immigrants overall - 11.1 million - hit its lowest point since 2010.",10 +13,HOUSE ADVANCES BILL TOUGH ON 'ILLEGALS',12 +9,"Mentally Ill, Too Get Hooked on Smoking",8 +5,efense lawyers said ,4 +5,Execution delayed - again,4 +1," +The workers were guaranteed wages of $ 7.66 an hour, but received $ 5 an hour or less, based on production, attorney Gregory Schell said.",0 +5,Ruling Clears New York State to Tax Tribes' Cigarette Sales,4 +13,WESTFALL WILL ASK APPOINTEE TO QUIT,12 +3,RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS WRESTLE WITH BLESSING OF SAME-SEX UNIONS,2 +11,"""Florida is known as a gun-happy state.""",10 +13,2 ON COUNCIL SAY PUBLIC LEFT OUT OF BENEFITS VOTE,12 +13,"In a 49-48 test vote, the Senate blocked a proposed constitutional amendment to declare marriage as strictly between a man and a woman",12 +5,The amendment would define marriage and its legal equivalent as the union only of one man and one woman.,4 +5,COURT REJECTS AWARD FOR FLORIDA SMOKERS,4 +13,"eibel said the Brady Center backs the Florida Retail Federation and the Florida Chamber of Commerce, which filed suit against Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum over the law Gov. Charlie Crist signed April 15",12 +13,"Students at the State House Listen, Learn and Speak Out",12 +6,"Yes, the state of Missouri does have a law banning the sale of tobacco products to minors.",5 +13,The Post said the goal is either to force Congress to adopt new gun control measures --- including several it rejected this fall --- or pay a heavy price in the 2000 House and Senate elections.,12 +12,Backers of gay marriage in Md. want no half measure,11 +3,"In Bill's eye and the eyes of many others I heard from, gay marriage is just that: wrong. +",2 +12,Many believe marriage should exist only between a man and a woman.,11 +6,The Village of Friendship Heights is renewing efforts to gain County Council support for a ban on smoking in the tiny locality's public places.,5 +1,"Paterson proposed $78 million in funding for the programs, down from $85.5 million in the current budget. Lawmakers want to slash it to $68 million.",0 +13,"Voorhis was accused of providing the results of the search to Beauprez, who was running against Ritter for governor. The information was used in a political ad criticizing Ritter. +",12 +5,Death row convict may get new trial in '84 murder case,4 +11,"Scalzo wants more education in the elementary schools. He knows of third-graders who smoke. ""By high school, the smoking habit is already ingrained,"" he said. ""That doesn't mean give up on them. But it is harder.""",10 +6,"The ordinance, adopted June 23 by the City Council, bans smoking in the city's 7,000 restaurants but exempts bars, nightclubs and outdoor dining. Supporters cited the health dangers, including secondhand smoke, in getting the measure passed.",5 +4,"upreme Court sides death row inmate who claimed racial bias in jury selection +",3 +5,Effects of Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage Start Rippling Out Through Government,4 +13,Next Stop: Underground; If Virginia has its way with illegal immigrants,12 +13,GOVERNOR'S RACE: Moe vows he'll veto looser gun standard,12 +8," which is overseen by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a federal agency.",7 +5,seem to be happy with the compromise,4 +4,Gender is different from race,3 +13,Metro Briefing New Jersey: Trenton: Petition On Same-Sex Marriage,12 +4, that it is unfair to put Garza to death because the federal death penalty system discriminated against members of minority groups and is unevenly employed in the country.,3 +6,"If the recommendations were to be adopted by Congress -- which is not assured -- a major effect would be to reduce ""chain migration,"" in which extended family members, their spouses and their children can immigrate because of their relationship to someone already here.",5 +1,Casino advocates and others are attempting to restart a failed plan that would allow smoking on Illinois riverboats after an expected statewide ban takes effect next year.,0 +5,"Circuit Judge Laurel M. Lee dismissed the divorce petition of Mariama Monique Changamire Shaw, 47, and Keiba Lynn Shaw, 45, who married in Massachusetts on Feb. 5, 2010. The women live in Tampa and filed for divorce in January. +",4 +7," +Curtis E. White, 32, is accused of fatally stabbing Edward Charles Cook, 77, of Leesburg, police said.",6 +11,"Rich Cowles: Five years after Sandy Hook, Congress still ignores evidence of a better way - and the will of The People",10 +5,The jury that convicted a retired Air Force sergeant of murder in the hammer-death of a Canadian military officer was dismissed Thursday from the penalty phase after two jurors said the foreman forced them to return a guilty verdict.,4 +15,Don't use kids as shield,14 +11,Study cites 'deferred action' benefits,10 +5, a law in Georgia barring cities in that state from suing the gun industry.,4 +1,GUN DEALER FEE MAY INCREASE,0 +5, will likely be released soon because Attorney General Charlie Crist will not fight the decision.,4 +7,"Two days later, he carries his riot gun to a Navy yard in Washington, D.C., and kills 12 people. +",6 +3," God, he says, showed him in a vision that he would become mayor. ""If God is for me, who can be against me?"" he said the other day in his office at the United Saints and Holiness Church of God, where he is pastor.",2 +6,"But a week after the total ban started at the State Prison in Deer Lodge, officials said last week, there had been no trouble.",5 +5,"In dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who joined the other three members of the court's liberal wing, said, ''The court's available-alternative requirement leads to patently absurd consequences.''",4 +7,Police looking for source of hate mail,6 +15,"Montgomery to Air Controversial Tape; Vance Overruled on Broadcast Of Same-Sex Marriage Debate +",14 +13,Trump Suggests Gun Owners Act Against Clinton,12 +8,CONCEALED WEAPONS LAW,7 +5,"But a powerful dissent by Judge Richard B. Teitelman points out the real problem - Missouri's constitutional prohibition on gay marriage. His dissent should serve as a rallying cry to those who want the ban lifted. +",4 +6,"""The final rule will fulfill the president's objectives of restricting access and appeal of tobacco products among minors,"" McCurry said. +",5 +7,MEGAHED ARREST LOOKS VINDICTIVE,6 +5,Court Denies Back Pay to Fired Illegal Immigrants,4 +1,it is far more expensive to execute a prisoner than to incarcerate him/her for life.,0 +7, the killings happened at the Petersons' home in Modesto between Dec. 23 and Dec. 24.,6 +5,"But the jury may have saved Morris from the death penalty by deciding the homeless man never set out to kill the child intentionally. +",4 +3,"He discusses how the verses apply to everyday life - how to eat, how to observe the Sabbath, what he believes somebody who claims to be a Christian should do.",2 +7,MISSOURI PREPARES FOR ANOTHER EXECUTION,6 +5,Roberts' court seems more like Kennedy's,4 +9,"Disarmament for Spousal Abusers +",8 +6,"Meanwhile residents may still sell and own a pistol in Morton Grove. The bans do not take effect until Sept. 6. And even when they become law, the Corporation Counsel notes, they allow residents to store handguns in any licensed gun club in town.",5 +9,"Quitting smoking can mend lung damage, study finds",8 +15,Watchdog woes,14 +13,"Illinois might give way on guns NRA's view o High court ruling, change in Legislature will aid concealed carry bill.",12 +5,"The defense argues that Muhammad's five-month speedy trial clock began ticking as soon as Fairfax sent a ""detainer"" notice to Prince William. The lawyers cited a 1993 Virginia appeals court ruling that a detainer sent from one county to another effectively served as an arrest. +",4 +13,Senate approves controls on tobacco,12 +13,New York's Bloomberg funds ad attacking Corbett on 'Florida loophole',12 +10,"""I'm still going to be myself socially and continue to tweet and interact with my fans,"" Kluwe said. +",9 +12,NRA unconscionable in gun promotion after riots,11 +5," +MALVO JURY DELIBERATES ALL DAY, BUT NO VERDICT",4 +9,2 ARE FOUND DEAD IN TRUCK HAULING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS,8 +6,No guts on gun reform,5 +5,choosing not to respond to the federal court ruling against President Trump's immigration ban in a move that underscores how the controversial executive order continues to vex the president's party.,4 +5,Since when has the Second Amendment come to mean unregulated domestic arms trafficking?,4 +7," the so-called ""Black Widow"" who was sentenced to death for killing her husband with arsenic in 1971",6 +13,"Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Thursday that he had started discussions with leaders of the State Legislature about new gun control measures, and that he planned to propose a package of gun legislation in his State of the State address on Jan. 9.",12 +1,"downtown San Jose convenience store manager who asked to remain anonymous, ""but we depend on alcohol and cigarettes. If (convenience stores) are into moral obligation, they wouldn't be selling alcohol and cigarettes."" + +About 20 percent of the store's receipts come from cigarettes, the manager said, including $55 a month brought in by a Doral rack and a GPC rack on the register counter.",0 +1,"End of road nears for agency helping African immigrants Tough times have left nonprofit - which served 30,000 over almost 30 years - down to its last $12,000.",0 +10," +Many of the Irish came to America in flight from starvation and repressions at home only to find fierce prejudices that sometimes took generations to conquer.",9 +1,"The conventional wisdom is that those who favor free markets should disfavor the current multi-billion dollar tobacco litigation. The conventional wisdom is wrong. For lost in the welter of news articles is the fact that plaintiffs in many of the tobacco cases allege an antitrust conspiracy that, if proven, means the current state of the cigarette market resulted not from a free market, but from a fundamental and devious interference with the free market. +",0 +2,"To Cut Delays, I.N.S. Checks Cases by Hand",1 +8,SURVEY: BRADY LAW BARS 5 PERCENT OF GUN BUYERS,7 +9,that dangerous guns can be sold to anyone who has the money.,8 +11,"Although black immigrant families are said to represent only 3 percent of the nation's black population, of the black students in more than two dozen of the nation's most selective colleges and universities in 2002, 41 percent were classified as either biracial, immigrants or children of immigrants. Futurist Nat Irvin II, an assistant dean at Wake Forest University, says black immigration data like these point to the emergence of what he calls ""thrivals."" He defines them as native-born blacks and black immigrants and refugees who come from all economic classes, and he says they represent a shift in consciousness in the black community. They are people who have moved from being shaped by circumstances to shaping their own futures. Forget the influence of hip hop, and watch the high-achieving thrivals, he says. Irvin predicts that this class eventually will lead a push for a healthier, prosperous and more values-centered black community.",10 +13,"Rose is the leader of a group of 22 Southern legislators, dubbed ""blue-dog Democrats,"" who met Friday with Clinton to push for a compromise proposal designed to fend off FDA regulation of tobacco products.",12 +5,Victim Testimony Sends Juries Wrong Message,4 +5,"""I said things are getting pretty bad when the city starts doing that,"" Price recalled. ""I don't think it's fair.""",4 +5,Georgia's Supreme Court granted an indefinite stay of execution to Alexander Williams,4 +6," +IMMIG PAPERWORK'S ONLINE AT LAST BY FALL +",5 +6,Owner-Only Handgun Bill,5 +13,"As the GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump surfs a wave of anger over illegal immigration.",12 +9,"A U.S. Surgeon General's report released June 27 said secondhand smoke causes heart disease, lung cancer and other illnesses but found that evidence only suggested a link to breast cancer, which kills 40,000 women a year in the USA.",8 +12,The youths from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High will join the March for Our Lives,11 +1,"The law, passed in January, allows partners to have some joint rights in filing state taxes, to be exempt from state inheritance taxes in the case of a partner's death and to extend the benefits given to state employees to cover domestic partners. +",0 +9,Health advocates from as far away as Guam and Alaska met tour guides from North Carolina whose families have grown tobacco for five generations.,8 +3,"The Right Rev. Mark Dyer, an Episcopal bishop who was best known for his work in the church community to address such divisive issues as ordaining women, same-sex marriages and the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy, died Nov. 11 at his home on the Virginia Theological Seminary campus in Alexandria. He was 84. +",2 +13,Legislature 2004: GOP calls foul on new bill,12 +7,3 charged in slayings of 2 teens Bodies were found last May in Aurora,6 +9,* Cannot suffer from a physical or mental infirmity that prevents safe handling of a gun.,8 +5,Gunshine State special: Permits before background checks,4 +6," +Ramsey County has also banned guns in its courthouses and county parks and scheduled a hearing for later this month on extending the ban to other county facilities.",5 +5,"As it was across the United States, the military's death penalty was overturned by the 1972 Furman v. Georgia Supreme Court ruling, which found such capital sentences were cruel and unusual punishment because they were being inconsistently applied",4 +15,Let's be clear about our enemy,14 +5,A U.S. district judge in Atlanta put those Georgia provisions on hold in June amid a legal challenge brought by a coalition of civil and immigrant rights groups. Georgia has appealed that ruling to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. That court confirmed in November that it would hear legal arguments in the case.,4 +13,government offices,12 +7,REMOVE LICENSE TO SCAM,6 +7,Fowler was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail and released on $250 bond.,6 +13,"Paladino, who staunchly opposes gay nuptials, accused Cuomo of being a hypocrite for touting his support for same-sex weddings now - but being ""all but invisible"" when the issue was before the Legislature last year. + +""He was asked by those pushing for the measure to call three wavering senators,"" the Paladino campaign said in the first of what it promises will be daily ""Cuomo Land"" attacks. + +Political pros were puzzled that Paladino would attack Cuomo on gays, given that the Tea Party darling's campaign unraveled this week after he delivered an anti-gay diatribe. + +Veteran Democratic operative Hank Sheinkopf called it a ""bad choice of a first issue"" for the ""Cuomo Land"" attacks. + +""All it will do is reinforce the fact that he looked like a bigot last week,"" Sheinkopf said. + +Paladino",12 +13,"Citing public health reasons, the City Council voted 4 to 3 to approve the ban, which goes into effect March 31. +",12 +7,"GIVE HIM DEATH, JURY DECIDES",6 +13,Clinton's Speech Oversold Health of Economy,12 +4,"PROSECUTORS NATIONWIDE WITHHELD EVIDENCE IN KILLINGS, PAPER SAYS",3 +15,"Agency relents on gun show, makes a statement with rules",14 +5,Jessica Colotl was to have appeared before a Cobb State Court judge on Friday morning to enter a plea on two traffic citations. The schedule for filings and a trial also would have been set,4 +5,"Under the Fifth Amendment, the double-jeopardy clause prohibits prosecution of a defendant for a greater offense after being convicted of a lesser offense in the same crime, Vining said.",4 +13,CLINTON APPEALS FOR GUN CONTROL IN KIDS MAGAZINE,12 +5,"The decision comes a day after the 2nd District Court of Appeal, asked the Florida Supreme Court to decide the issue statewide. Judges in Broward and Palm Beach counties also have found the gay marriage ban to be unconstitutional.",4 +7,IMMIGRANT SMUGGLER SENTENCED,6 +5,"We haven't accomplished anything by eroding the rights of millions of American citizens while treating the Second Amendment as a second-class right or, worse still, a government-regulated privilege.",4 +13,GIVE FOLEY CREDIT FOR IMMIGRATION BILL,12 +7,"Facing a rising tide of muggings of Russian immigrants in Coney Island, police are moving to bridge a communications gap that can keep new arrivals from reporting crimes.",6 +13,Legislature 2004: Governor backs ban on gay marriage,12 +5,Judge Blocks Attempt to Post Blueprints for 3-D Guns,4 +7,"Did the CBI send an officer around to any rejected buyers with a felony record to arrest him, or her, for committing a federal felony by trying to buy a gun?",6 +9,"When a black-hooded executioner sent 2,000 volts of electricity through Ted Bundy's body Tuesday",8 +13, Gov. Bush,12 +5,"have opened another legal front,",4 +1,BRACING FOR THE BAN RESTAURANTS AND PUBS FEAR NEW SMOKING RESTRICTIONS MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO THEIR HEALTH,0 +6,"When we begin to base public policy, including gun control, on anecdotal evidence, there ought to be a chance to issue an equally anecdotal reply.",5 +5,"Darnell Williams, 25, stared straight ahead as the Alameda County jury verdict against him was read shortly before 2 p.m. in an Oakland courtroom.",4 +15,Opposing Gay Unions With Sanity & a Smile,14 +6,"In most states, domestic violence is a misdemeanor. Lautenberg said Barr's proposal would gut the law.",5 +13,Perdue: Guns in airport 'good idea',12 +6,"Florida's law became a model for the nation and helped Hammer, the NRA lobbyist in the state, to become the organization's president from 1995 to 1998.",5 +5,"The agency is rejecting marriage certificates issued in New Paltz; Asbury Park, N.J.; Multnomah County, Ore.; and Sandoval County, N.M., during the brief periods when those localities recognized same-sex marriages.",4 +5,JUDGE STRIKES DOWN BAN ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,4 +5,Lawyers for undocumented immigrants who have been victims of violent crimes sued the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday for failing to issue protective visas that Congress created five years ago.,4 +10,"""I was not prepared for the way this group touched me. They were very gentle, loving and communal.""",9 +5,Ore. judge halts gay weddings but backs those already held,4 +7,BABY'S COMING - DAD FACING DEPORT,6 +9,looks at events like today's Great American Smokeout,8 +9,"This is a real opportunity for us to influence health policy,"" Perdue said. +",8 +5,"While the case has cast a shadow over the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, it also reveals that when trying to put together a jury, lawyers sometimes walk a fine line between smart legal strategy and overstepping the law.",4 +13,Joe Biden for Marriage Equality,12 +6,"The title begins ""smoking prohibited in certain indoor workplaces.",5 +6,"The law would go into effect Oct. 1. +",5 +15,"The House of Representatives will vote by the end of this month on a bill that would give the District a full vote in the chamber, Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer announced. + +With backing from Hoyer (D-Md.) and other key lawmakers, the bid to add one seat for the District and another for Utah is expected to pass, legislators said. It would then go to the Senate, where its prospects are less certain. + +The District government will form a task force to help implement reforms of its troubled emergency response system as part of a legal settlement with the family of a slain New York Times journalist whose case was poorly handled by police and ambulance workers. + +",14 +1,Tobacco Exports Get Aid in Bill Set for House Vote,0 +5,"HONEST ANTI-SMOKING CRUSADERS WOULD TRY PROHIBITION, NOT LEGAL TRICKS",4 +7," +Measured sanctuary",6 +12,"The poll of the 625 registered voters surveyed last week found that 71 percent support a $1-per-pack increase in the cigarette tax, 56 percent support the elimination of some sales tax exemptions on services, and 78 support imposing a fee on cigarettemakers, such as Miami's Dosal Tobacco, that are not included in the state's tobacco settlement.",11 +1,"But marketing experts said the industry adapted to earlier limitations on its ability to pitch its product, such as when it was driven off TV and radio in 1971.",0 +1,"AN ARRESTING ARRAY OF POLICE GOODS WHEN OFFICERS NEED SUPPLIES, THEY GO TO THE COP SHOP IN BALTIMORE. +",0 +7,"After shooting the woman in the foot, he put her in the trunk of her car and drove her to a convenience store about 15 miles away in Winnie, stole $300 and kidnapped a female clerk. +",6 +13,Will Md. Politics Get 'Desperate'?,12 +12,"THRONG EXPECTED FOR ABU-JAMAL RALLY / URGING A NEW TRIAL FOR THE DEATH-ROW INMATE, THOUSANDS WILL MARCH SATURDAY ON CENTER CITY.",11 +7,"2 Killers Executed by Injection In Missouri and Texas Prisons +",6 +5,"Jurors in Johnny Paul Penry's case were given a ""hopelessly confusing instruction"" when they sentenced him to die for stabbing a woman to death with scissors, said his lawyer, Robert S. Smith. +",4 +9,Lawmakers seek to curb crashes by immigrant drivers,8 +5,"That was part of the argument that tobacco company lawyer Jeffrey Sutton made yesterday, and the portion of the case that occasioned a rare from-the-bench query from Justice Clarence Thomas. + +Usually silent during oral arguments, Thomas leaned forward to address the federal government's lawyer, Barbara Underwood, the acting solicitor general.",4 +6,"The legislation creating marriage-like ""civil unions""",5 +7,WORKING TOGETHER AGAINST VIOLENCE,6 +10,Getting Smokers to Quit,9 +5,The U.S. Department of Labor said Sun Microsystems made a clerical error in failing to post notices about hiring foreign workers but didn't break any laws. The finding is being appealed.,4 +4,"Immigration law, 'Black Codes' not comparable",3 +1,"The forces opposing the marriage amendment and supporting a proposal to grant certain rights and responsibilities to domestic partnerships raised almost as much - almost all of it from high-tech millionaire and philanthropist Tim Gill. +",0 +13,Opposition to gun control was hardly a minority,12 +15,GUNS IN PUBLIC,14 +6,"House anti-smoking bill contains little substance +",5 +13,"Nancy Pelosi invites Martin O'Malley and Tony Bennett to State of the Union +",12 +6,"Seeking to rid the Olympics of smoke not emitted by the sacred flame, organizers on Friday outlawed just about all smoking at next year's Games.",5 +10,The Meaning of Marriage,9 +11,"In Smyrna, Del., James Allen Red Dog, 39, a Sioux Indian, held a prayer ceremony with a medicine man",10 +6,A Smoking Ban Too Far,5 +12,Beating the NRAat its own game,11 +9,Skull found on beach not Fahey's,8 +10,"Across region, tears of joy in LGBT community +",9 +12, capital-punishment opponents,11 +11,THE NEWS YESTERDAY MORNING was grim.,10 +3,to face the music for what he described as a history of deception and greed.,2 +13,"The Minnesota chapter of the National Organization for Women is criticizing a political action committee set up to support lawmakers who voted to legalize gay marriage, saying its focus is too narrow. +",12 +5,"A federal judge who, at the direction of the U.S. Supreme Court, last year reviewed the witnesses' changed testimony said they were not credible, and that Davis had not established his innocence.",4 +9, botched hanging of a man in 1906.,8 +10," implement a domestic-partner benefit program by May 1, 2004.",9 +14,"The beatings, which triggered comparisons with the 1991 videotaped beating of Rodney King, strained relations with Mexico and prompted condemnation from federal, state and local officials.",13 +5," but does require the state to issue a permit to anyone who passes the approval process. +",4 +5,JUDGE MAY ALLOW STATE LEEWAY IN TOBACCO SUIT,4 +5,"But Benjamin Bull, a lawyer for the other group suing the city, Alliance Defense Fund, accused Herrera of ""a maneuver to keep the issue alive."" +",4 +6,A measure to legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland,5 +4," the black man with the gun was not a hero in action, but ""a suspect brandishing a pistol,""",3 +6,"He said calls for universal background checks was an attempt by government at ""total control"" over gun owners.",5 +5,Top court refuses to stop gay marriages,4 +5,Who are the real re-interpreters of the 2nd Amendment?,4 +7,Police say the younger Nelson shot his father with a .38-caliber revolver after the son was ordered out of the home they shared at The Crossings apartment complex in suburban West Palm Beach.,6 +11,O'DONNELL STICKING TO HER GUNS,10 +15,"Florida, finally",14 +5,Utah's attorney general formally sought to end the state's legal fight over same-sex marriage Tuesday.,4 +5," +Obama plea to Supreme Court: Save my immigration plan",4 +5,EXECUTION STAY LIFTED AS JUDGE REJECTS CLAIM,4 +7," The two codefendants are charged with the April 8, 1996, arson deaths of two women in Camden.",6 +7,It has been 2 1/2 years since Jo Ann Sanders found four men dead inside her Floral City home.,6 +6,requiring annual disclosure.,5 +15,'HOW DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE' TO THROW AWAY A SUPER CAREER?,14 +7,"Officer Jerry Nichols of the Aurora Police Department, trainer and handler of Yogi - the hound called into several well-publicized crime scenes and searches - testified yesterday that last Feb. 15 he was asked to bring Yogi to help Thornton police at Interstate 70 and Smith Road.",6 +12,", a poll shows that Minnesotans still have mixed feelings about the law that makes those permits easier to obtain.",11 +13, including Florida's two U.S. senators - Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Marco Rubio. President Trump - whose 2016 election ,12 +13,White House vows to help arm teachers and backs off raising age for buying guns,12 +15,A NOT-SO-PRIVATE SMOKE,14 +9, was critically wounded in an attack that left six dead,8 +5,"In a major defeat for cigarette makers, Special Master Mark Gehan recommended release of the largest collection of tobacco industry studies, memos and letters ever protected under the doctrine of lawyer-client confidentiality.",4 +6,No gun license + emergencies = disaster,5 +5,"Despite the matrimonial outbreak, most advocates, opponents and legal experts predict it will take years for cases to work their way through state courts. Some states will immediately recognize same-sex unions performed in Massachusetts, while others will wrestle with amendments to their state constitutions banning gay marriage.",4 +5,"But even though the tough new law went into effect last year, lots of New Yorkers still don't get the message, cops and prosecutors say. +",4 +7,"Gun control advocates, gun rights supporters, and law enforcement officials say they believe that Maine is the only state where the police allow victims' relatives to watch a gun's destruction, and the acts of witness are arranged informally by the police, not spelled out in the law. +",6 +14,Everyone knows Americans own more guns than residents of any other country,13 +13,CONCEALED WEAPONS DEBATE MAY BE SETTLED BY VOTERS,12 +9,Protecting Children From Guns,8 +12,up to the voters or the Legislature to decide questions about whether gay couples should be allowed to marry.,11 +7,The first executions by hanging in 25 years may come late this month at Walla Walla.,6 +7,"Antoine Owens, 31, of St. Louis, was convicted of Trotter's murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Griffin-El and Owens, who had dated one of Trotter's sisters, had gone to the couple's apartment to steal stereo equipment. They knocked on the door on the pretense of needing to use the bathroom.",6 +15,READERS WRITE,14 +9,"The drugs they dispense, used in combination with others, have caused problems in some recent executions.",8 +5,"Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley has been heading the charge, moving in recent months to sidestep legal obstacles that have put executions on hold for nearly seven years and secure execution dates for condemned killers Mitchell Sims and Tiequon Cox.",4 +6,Gun Control Gains in California,5 +5,"Officially, the legal battle against Big Tobacco is a government operation mounted by 22 state attorneys general.",4 +13,"IN deconstructing the Democratic Party's Election Day failure, a number of fingers have been pointing to the push for same-sex marriage.",12 +5,"Six justices active in questioning during Tuesday's arguments seemed to at least contemplate an individual rights approach. If a majority embraces such an approach, it is far from clear what legal standard they would then apply to determine the constitutionality of the D.C. gun law. Reaching consensus on this issue may very well be the biggest challenge for Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. We urge the justices to adopt the lowest standard of review to allow governments maximum flexibility in enacting laws meant to protect public safety. If a majority cannot agree on this, we would hope that they would heed the suggestions of Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, who argued for a tougher standard but one that clearly permits sensible regulation, such as licensing, background checks and a ban on machine guns. +",4 +13,"The Pinellas County Commission passed it by a 6-1 vote, with Commissioner Norm Roche dissenting.",12 +1,"Based on Liggett's 1995 income, its payment that year would have been about $ 575,000, papers filed with the Alabama court indicate. There are potentially thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of claimants.",0 +13,Hillary Clinton Releases Ad Supporting Obama's Gun Control Efforts,12 +13,Huckabee Talks Tough on Immigration,12 +5," +An appeals court agreed that violent physical force was necessary to prosecute under the federal law. +",4 +12,Speaking out against smoking,11 +8,"Kobach's paper also revealed that he wants to add ""extreme vetting"" measures for immigrants that Trump has proposed, including questions ""regarding support for Sharia Law, jihad, equality of men and women and the Constitution.""",7 +5,UNION HEALTH FUNDS LOSE APPEALS TO SUE TOBACCO FIRMS,4 +11," +The social networking sites also will restrict minors from viewing posts advertising guns. +",10 +7,James Beathard Executed 12/9/99,6 +7,juvenile records in criminal ,6 +7,A rape charge at Rockville High,6 +13,4 states to weigh tougher gun control in Nov. 8 election,12 +13,"House Republicans and Senate Democrats have been negotiating a final version of a sweeping juvenile-justice reform bill in a joint conference committee. The negotiations will continue this week and into the next, predicted Senate Majority Leader Roy Cooper, a Nash County Democrat and one of the architects of the reform measure.",12 +6,of a major new compromise on federal gun rules,5 +11,"At first blush, making Howard County a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants had seemed a natural move: The county has twice as many Democrats as Republicans and a highly educated population, full of scientists and engineers. One in five residents was born abroad. +",10 +11,Americans favor Democrats on immigration,10 +7,Does Owning Guns Prevent Crime?,6 +7,8 Charged in Crackdown on White Tigers Gang,6 +1," provides businesses with workers,",0 +11," +""You know how basically there's a husband and wife [who plan a wedding], and the husband's not into it?"" said Reginald McAllister, a social worker from Crown Heights, Brooklyn. ""I'm the husband. I want to be married, but I'm not into picking the flowers, the space, the tuxedos. Whatever he picks,"" Reginald said, pointing to his beau, Sean Glasco, ""I'll do it."" +",10 +5, the city sued 15 gun shop owners in five states for allegedly selling firearms to illegal buyers.,4 +5,"""There is a long history in our jurisprudence that states cannot discriminate with respect to populations,"" said Muzaffar A. Chishti, director of the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute's office at the New York University law school. ""As a general principle, they probably will have a difficult time.""",4 +1,Tax This Sacred Cow,0 +6,But final approvals,5 +5,"At the leading edge of the Justice Department's actions, which could end with tobacco executives getting jail terms, are separate grand jury inquiries by Federal prosecutors in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the District of Columbia, Alexandria, Va., and New Orleans, where the first indictments against tobacco company employees are expected soon.",4 +5,Pleasant Hill defends gun dealer ordinance,4 +5,"Two years later, the court ruled that Chicago could not ban handguns, either -- the right to own handguns applied all over the United States.",4 +13,How the House Voted on Repeal of the Ban on Assault Weapons,12 +7,"The burglary was not noticed until hours later, he said. +",6 +5,"Faced with lawsuits by 31 cities and counties, the nation's gun companies have broken off settlement negotiations, deciding to rely on their chances that state judges will prove sympathetic",4 +6,"on banning smoking in restaurants, stores, taxis and other public places",5 +13,The county resolution was only the latest measure sponsored by Hightower with an eye toward tightening gun regulations,12 +12,There's also a libertarian streak of acceptance on people's sexuality coursing through the House Republican Conference.,11 +1,"The National Licensed Beverage Association hired the Roper Starch Worldwide polling firm - with money from a Philip Morris research grant - to conduct a survey of 1,300 owners and managers of bars, taverns and restaurants in September.",0 +12,"""We've got a coalition now, and we've got people who will work very, very hard to ensure he is not successful,"" said Sally Phillips, president of the Hillsborough County Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Allied Democratic Caucus. ""He'll have a fight on his hands."" +",11 +12,Web users swap opinions on campus ceremonies,11 +7,and they commit far fewer crimes than native-born Americans.,6 +7,LITTLETON IS NOT THE ISSUE,6 +6,"Under the new law, no sheriff, police chief, governmental unit or official may limit the exercise of a permit to carry. However, the sheriff of each county can deny a permit if the sheriff makes a determination that there is a ""substantial likelihood that the applicant is a danger to self or to the public.""",5 +11,A City of Immigrants Is Pictured in Report,10 +13,NRA tries to keep gun issues alive for 2012 race,12 +1,"Illinois' cigarette tax will go up by 40 cents a pack July 1, nudging the price gap with Missouri past 80 cents.",0 +7, That's where Ferguson is on death row.,6 +5,Supreme Court said yesterday it won't consider the merits of the claim by six same-sex couples that New Jersey's civil union law is unconstitutional until there is a trial record.,4 +5,California cities secured broad new powers to ban the sale of cheap handguns when the state Supreme Court refused Tuesday to hear an appeal by the National Rifle Association.,4 +7,"Ridgway had long admitted to killing Marrero, but her remains weren't found until December in a ravine. The discovery allowed King County prosecutors to charge the so-called Green River killer with aggravated murder in her slaying.",6 +9,Updated tobacco warnings could feature graphic images,8 +8,Bush wants Guard to police border,7 +7,The Bid to Stop Gun Trafficking,6 +1,property owners,0 +5,Supreme Court won't hear death row appeal,4 +1,They say a government-run clinic would reduce the amount of taxes the city collects.,0 +1,We need to wake up to the costs of illegal immigration,0 +7,"If Smith is allowed to watch Lonchar die, it will mark the first time since capital punishment resumed in Georgia in 1983 that a victim or a relative of a murder victim has been allowed to watch an execution.",6 +6,"But still no tax on smokeless tobacco or cigars - a proposal that seven out of 10 Pennsylvanians support, polls have shown. +",5 +13,Oklahoma governor vetoes gun carry bill in defeat for NRA,12 +5," Taking their cues both from the Supreme Court, which last year ordered the federal government to recognize such unions from states where they are legal, as well as from challenges brought by same-sex couples in committed relationships, the judges are reaching the conclusion that many other Americans have: Gay men and lesbians have the same fundamental right as heterosexuals to marry whom they choose.",4 +7," +According to Lt. Frank Guidice of the Nassau County Police Department homicide bureau, Jermaine paid $200 of the $300 sales price and was given the gun. When Mr. Belle encountered Jermaine on the street the next night and asked for the rest of his money, an argument developed, Lieutenant Guidice said. Jermaine allegedly shot Mr. Belle in the chest, was arrested a short time later with the gun in his waistband and was charged as an adult with second-degree murder.",6 +6,"There are exemptions, which mean some workers get no protection from secondhand smoke. We must correct that, but this is a big step forward for public health and welfare.",5 +1,fundraising,0 +13,Hartford's Hour on Gun Control,12 +5,"Some say the U.S. Supreme Court decision will shift the focus of the debate in New Jersey from the political arena to state courts. +",4 +11,"""I can readily tell you who the best actress is: Vanessa Redgrave,"" said Heston, who was recognized by the Kennedy Center yesterday for his own acting career. ""Politically, she makes Jane Fonda look like Herbert Hoover, but we've always gotten on very well. She's a wonderful actress.""",10 +7,"This man chose to kill, and he used a variety of tools. Even if he didn't have any guns, at least three people would still be dead. ",6 +7,easy access to guns currently enjoyed by felons and the deranged,6 +11,to children,10 +11,"He was the sixth Missouri inmate put to death this year and the 52nd since the death penalty was reinstated in 1989. +",10 +7," Immigration officials say local authorities across the U.S. released thousands of immigrants from jails this year despite efforts to take them into federal custody, including more than 3,000 with previous felony charges or convictions. The numbers are the first time federal immigration authorities have publicly detailed how many times local agencies have refused to comply with their requests. +",6 +5,"Kosik's chambers said the hearing would continue today. +",4 +5,Tart Questions at Same-Sex Marriage Trial's Closing,4 +13,"Colorado politicians now can accept campaign contributions as big as they can wrangle out of a donor. +",12 +12,Gays take to streets in show of pride u,11 +5,Ayala said she made the decision after conducting a review and concluding that there was no evidence to show that imposing the death penalty improved public safety for citizens or law enforcement. She added that such cases were costly and dragged on for years.,4 +5,"U.S. District Judge Robert L. Vining Jr. ruled that George Travis Williams, who already is serving a 30-year prison sentence for drug trafficking, is being prosecuted twice for the same crimes.",4 +9,CDC center under fire from GOP,8 +13," A senior House Democrat called the hearing ""a smoke screen"" for the National Rifle Association.",12 +13,DON GAGE I'LL SPEND WHATEVER TIME IT TAKES TO LISTEN TO VOTERS' CONCERNS,12 +6,"She'll have to quit, or at least cut back, before the fall, when the new school year begins. Last spring, the St. Louis County Council passed a bill prohibiting students from smoking on campus or within 300 feet of school buildings.",5 +13," GOP congressional leaders continued to push the amendment yesterday, prompting Democrats to charge that Republicans are orchestrating an emotionally divisive issue for the fall elections.",12 +3,"Rabbi Neulander, the former head rabbi at Congregation M'kor Shalom",2 +5,A federal judge's forceful opinion Wednesday in favor of same-sex marriage is only the beginning of a process that is likely to go all the way to the United States Supreme Court.,4 +9,James Barney Hubbard died by injection at 6:36 p.m. at Holman Prison near Atmore.,8 +5,"This just takes it one step closer to the Supreme Court, which will likely decide the matter for the entire country,"" says Roberta Kaplan, lawyer for Edith Windsor, whose victory in last year's case striking down part of the Defense of Marriage Act has led to the current winning streak. +",4 +13,"eform bill on death penalty defense fund sent to governor The measure passed the House in March and won Senate passage this week, without garnering a single ""no"" vote in either chamber. +",12 +6,Bill to ban smoking?,5 +7,"The U.S. Sentencing Commission, which crafts the guidelines used in sentencing federal convicts, meanwhile announced that it would increase penaltiesfor two relatively common gun-related crimes: straw purchases and smuggling.",6 +1,THEATERS JOIN ANTI-TOBACCO BATTLE,0 +6,Immigration Plan May Have Gone Awry,5 +13,Tancredo draws fire on gun control,12 +7,Jail Protest By Detainees Is Broken Up,6 +13,"The ""Brady Bill""-- as it has become known on Capitol Hill-- has failed to pass in three successive attempts, quashed by pressure from the National + +Rifle Association and its allies in Congress. +",12 +11,RIPS GAY WEDDINGS Egan: Society's making a mockery of marriage,10 +3,Congregation voices no objections to same-sex union decision,2 +13," Obama said, with Vice President Biden standing silently at his side.",12 +11,"""It was 1939, in Darlington S.C.,"" remembers Tucker, lead singer with the Dixie Hummingbirds, scheduled to play the Omni Center in Largo on Friday. ""We had rules and regulations that we had to go by, and one of them was no smoking. So I was slipping and smoking one day, out in an outhouse - I smoked a brand called Wings, which were only 12 cents a pack. I smoked so much they thought the outhouse was on fire; everybody was yelling, ""Tuck, are you in there?' I wound up having to pay a $ 5 fine, which was stiff, according to how much we were making.""",10 +10,"When we are afraid to send our children to school; afraid to enter a place of worship, shopping mall or movie theater; or afraid to gather for a political rally, are we not experiencing terrorism?",9 +9,"The regulations, contained in two pages, represent one of the most important public health initiatives ever launched by the government, medical groups and federal health officials said. The goal is to cut teenage smoking in half over the next seven years and to crush tobacco's appeal as fun, sophisticated and sexy.",8 +13,"This is not his, or the Atlanta City Council's, responsibility, which he tries to explain away with an oath that states they are ""to provide clean air for Atlantans.""",12 +5,"Seven months have passed since Proposition 8, California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriages, was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge in San Francisco following a much-publicized trial that turned up no evidence to justify the measure's denial of equal protection and due process.",4 +8, it should at least allow Philadelphia to protect its own citizens.,7 +2,Visa Applications Reach Limit for Highly Skilled Workers,1 +11,Prosecutors' Morbid Neckties Stir Criticism,10 +12,". And the new poll found that voters were almost evenly divided on that fact, with 46 percent disagreeing with his position and 45 percent supporting it.",11 +15,"Weekend Gun Report: April 25-27, 2014",14 +5,"Connecticut became the third state to offer same-sex couples a legal way to unite, issuing its first licenses for ""civil unions"" Saturday in what seemed too low-key to be a milestone in a cultural fight that has divided the nation.",4 +1,New tobacco ads rebel against smoking foes,0 +5,"For Mr. Moore, however, the case of Mike Moore v. the American Tobacco Company, et al., is not one to be left to others. And the hearing today, while purely procedural, was crucial to a goal that Mr. Moore has pursued for four years: to make disrespected little Mississippi the first state to put the tobacco industry on trial.",4 +1,Upfront Tobacco Payoff Expected to Attract Farmers,0 +7,Gun traffickers' favorite state,6 +12,Calif. smoking initiative has tobacco-industry foes fuming,11 +10,Focus on education,9 +7,"In a courtroom crowded with relatives of the killer and his victim, Jeffrey Ferguson was sentenced Friday to die by lethal injection for strangling a 17-year-old girl in 1989.",6 +5,"The defense lawyers said they were asking the Supreme Court to address this ""issue of overwhelming importance"" for ""reasons of judicial efficiency,"" because defense attorneys now must make the race-discrimination argument in each individual case. ""And the issues are virtually the same in every death penalty case,"" Dunham said",4 +7,Northeastern Correctional Center in Concord. ,6 +7,Crime statistics prove that handguns are the favorite weapons of criminals. The obvious reason is that they are so easily concealed.,6 +12," that 47 percent of Minnesota voters (1.4 million people) chose to vote in favor of the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, which would have restricted marriage to one man and one woman.",11 +1,"It still might not have passed without the decision by Philip Morris, the industry leader, to accept regulation. The company apparently believes it can thrive better under regulation than its competitors, who complain that it will now be much harder for them to introduce new products to challenge Philip Morris's dominance.",0 +5,"Five students, all born in the U.S. to illegal immigrant parents, sued the state last month for denying them in-state tuition rates even though they had lived in Florida, graduated from state high schools and were entering state colleges and universities. They claim the higher out-of-state rates they were charged either forced them to drop out or take fewer classes, delaying their eventual graduation.",4 +5,State Is Sued for Denying Aid To Many Poor Immigrants,4 +5,Justices to Rule on Lawyers for Indigent Death Row Inmates,4 +8,Don't rely on no-fly list to restrict gun purchases,7 +8,DOBBS: OBAMA POLICY ON YOUNG IMMIGRANTS 'CREATED' THE CRISIS AT THE BORDER,7 +13,"Tennessee senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander both voted against the failed Senate bill to expand background checks, a safety measure supported by 90 percent of Americans. ",12 +13,HOUSE VOTE BACKS A PLASTIC-GUN BAN,12 +5,"Donnelly, 57, a graduate of the University of Michigan and Ohio State University's Moritz College of Law, was nominated to the federal bench by President Barack Obama upon the recommendation of Sen. Chuck Schumer.",4 +4,"""If they're providing services to the public, they can't discriminate who they provide their services to,"" said Glendora Hughes, general counsel for the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights. The commission enforces public accommodation laws that prohibit businesses from discriminating on the basis of race, sexual orientation and other characteristics.",3 +13," The NRA, which authored this law, and our Pasco Republican legislative delegation who all voted for it, provided stand-your-ground support for Stewart.",12 +3,The Bishop said the family of the man who confessed to the priest did not know about his homosexuality and the church could not confirm the account heard under the seal of the confessional.,2 +13,GUN BILLS STALL IN CAPITOL,12 +3,"After Decision On Marriage, Call to Pastors",2 +6,Bratt: Chi suffers lax gun laws,5 +9,Children and Firearms,8 +13," despite efforts by state legislatures, Congress",12 +7,"""It's a nice example,"" he said, ""but I would rather go the other direction and enforce immigration laws.""",6 +5," Offering amnesty is not the answer either, a",4 +3,Methodist minister wins his appeal in gay-wedding case,2 +1,"Inside the warehouses, farmers displayed their tobacco for cigarette companies to buy, hoping to bring home the money that would support their families through the year. Outside, vendors lined the streets, stores stayed open late and families came out to be part of the festivities. +",0 +13,must still be reviewed by the White House and passed by Congress,12 +13," +A GOPpaybackplan",12 +13," Sens. Bob Graham and Lawton Chiles, Democrats from + +Florida, voted for the bill. +",12 +1,"since nurturing it into a $6 million-a-year success serving hundreds of clients annually,",0 +12,Gay Couples Head to Chick-fil-A for Kiss-In Protest,11 +13,But Cuccinelli was the only Republican senator to vote against eliminating the triggerman rule.,12 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court voted 6-3 Sunday night by telephone conference to reject Jones's appeal for a stay.,4 +4," prohibition against sex discrimination. +",3 +1,A Price to Pay for Proposed Restrictions on Tobacco,0 +13,"James W. Ziglar gained fame on the Hill as the man who called to order President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial with chants of ""Hear ye, hear ye.""",12 +5,"The drama actually began in 1994 when, in the closing minutes of the session, Chiles and a few friends in the Legislature slipped a bill through that gives the state tremendous legal advantages in lawsuits filed on behalf of Medicaid patients. +",4 +5,based on a theory that guns and ammunition made and kept within state borders do not involve interstate commerce and are out of Washington's reach.,4 +6,"LOCAL LAWMAKERS SEEK HAITI STRATEGY ; The state needs a 'czar' to coordinate, they say.",5 +11,"In the first half of the decade, an average of 850,000 people a year entered the United States without authorization, according to the report, released Wednesday. As the economy plunged into recession between 2007 and 2009, that number fell to 300,000.",10 +12,although gay rights supporters say they are growing increasingly confident that it will fail.,11 +9,"Report: For your health, stay away from smokers",8 +5,"California gay marriage ban struck down, appeals court cites equal rights",4 +5,"The same jury that convicted him of those offenses now must decide whether Boggess will be sentenced to death or life in prison, the only possible penalties for first-degree murder. +",4 +10,"KILLER, SLAIN BOY'S FAMILY WAIT AS COURTS SAY YES, NO TO EXECUTION +",9 +5,"RECENTLY FOUND DOCUMENT CLOUDS CAPITAL CASE, ATTORNEY SAYS",4 +13," +The Prince William Board of County Supervisors wants the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to stay out of the national debate over gun control.",12 +13,GOV. RYAN VETOES BILL TARGETING KILLER GANG MEMBERS FOR EXECUTION,12 +3,Ministers Raise Voices in Face of the Death Penalty,2 +10,"Fourteen Mexicans live in the two apartments - Julio and six other men in one, an extended family in the other - on the top floor of the three-story building a few blocks south of Tower Grove Park.",9 +7,crimes,6 +13,"While Washington is counting the political winners and losers from the recent gun ""debate,""",12 +11,"In a country that prides itself on its ability to assimilate people from all nations, to open its doors as the land of opportunity to those who would strive to make a better life for themselves,",10 +11,Government Offers Look At Nation's Immigrants,10 +7,"Lazaro Padron, 30, Rodolfo Otero, 60, and German Abreu-Bolano, 27, each are charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery and conspiracy to commit armed robbery. Their trial is scheduled for July 20. They are being held without bail at the Hillsborough County Jail. +",6 +8,U.S. Can Hold Immigrants Set To Be Deported,7 +9," +The execution had been delayed while experts evaluated her mental health",8 +13,"Though he has long voiced support for same-sex marriage and promised during his campaign last year to introduce legislation to legalize it, Mr. Spitzer did not mention the issue in his State of the State speech in January or in remarks a week ago outlining his priorities for the remainder of the legislative session, which ends June 21",12 +11, Same-sex relationships are more prominent,10 +3,Bishop Backs Civil Unions Bill,2 +5, and a special court to speed their prosecution. ,4 +7,"Even the guards coddled Wilson, providing him with newspapers and a private cell along with a second cell to store his legal papers. +",6 +5,U.S. COURT OF APPEALS GIVES MAN STAY FROM EXECUTION,4 +1,"A lack of jobs in Mexico does not seem to be a major reason that immigrants come to the United States illegally, according to a study released Tuesday.",0 +6,A Chance for the Brady Bill,5 +13,"However, Congress has twice failed to approve",12 +13,"The most heartening new factor, though, is the active involvement of New York's Democratic governor, Andrew Cuomo. His predecessor, David Paterson, also supported same-sex marriage, but he was too weak and unfocused to get the job done.",12 +13,President Clinton on Saturday pressed the House for swift passage of gun- control legislation and prepared to propose that states be allowed to spend unemployment funds on paid leave for parents so they can spend more time with their very young children.,12 +6,a state law went into effect prohibiting local governments from regulating exposure to secondhand smoke.,5 +5,"Dunlap's lawyers seek to bar death penalty +",4 +12,It's not clear whether Pennsylvanians are ready,11 +5,"In an excellent paper in the Journal of Constitutional Law, Nathan Kozuskanich noted, ""Whatever one may think about originalism as a theory, there is little question that any evaluation of its potential depends on the degree to which it accurately reflects history."" He documented, through an exhaustive search of newspapers, pamphlets and public records of the time, that the term ""bear arms"" was reserved for militia action and never used in the context of an individual's right to own a gun for hunting or personal defense. For example, Rhode Island required that men ages 16 to 50 ""bear Arms in the respective Trained Bands whereto by Law they shall belong.""",4 +13,Analysts say support from the gun lobby could prove crucial in a close contest because hunters and sporting enthusiasts are more likely to vote as a bloc based on a single issue. Wofford supported the recently enacted federal ban on 19 assault-style weapons.,12 +1,"In an internal April 1994 Phillip Morris memo, executives state",0 +13,NBC dumps Trump over his comments on immigrants,12 +9,Mental Health and Guns: Do Background Checks Do Enough?,8 +5,"Defense attorneys presented results of a survey with 317 would-be jurors. Of those questioned, 89 percent were familiar with the case. Of those, 71 percent said they believed that Woldt was guilty. He is set to go to trial Aug. 17.",4 +10,"AT CIGAR SHOP, YOU CAN PURCHASE AND PUFF",9 +5,"""Why in the world would you have it interpreted by nine lawyers?"" he said.",4 +5,"The warrant had been prepared in anticipation of the high court's decision. It is the third time in as many years that the clock has begun ticking toward Oken's death for the murder of a young Baltimore County woman in 1987. +",4 +7, more than two years after their alleged crime spree terrorized the Peninsula.,6 +3,"Ah, then there's the question of mercy.",2 +6,GUNNING FOR NO. 1 Pol's bills would make N.Y. toughest on firearm control,5 +13,Mayor Nutter and members of City Council believe that some commonsense responsibilities should be tied by law to gun ownership ,12 +6,Los Gatos: New restrictions approved for gun shops,5 +5,IS THE BALANCE SHIFTING TO THE LEFT?,4 +7,"With Ferguson's spike in gun sales, will crime rise?",6 +15,Want a Face-Lift?,14 +7,L.A. mayor wants to use tobacco money to clean up police mess,6 +3,"he meeting, held at Old St. Mary's Catholic Church on South Michigan Avenue in Chicago,",2 +9,Duke center studies addiction to nicotine,8 +13,"""I agree that smoking is very bad,"" said Senator Thomas W. Libous, a Republican from Binghamton. ""But the ramifications of this bill, as strict as it is, will be devastating on small businesses. I think there could have been much more compromise.""",12 +5,the Supreme Court declined to intervene.,4 +6,THE goal of fixing our broken immigration system is further away than ever.,5 +3, From the headquarters of the Mormon Church,2 +5,City Joins Resident in Asking Supreme Court to Strike Down Law Against Same-Sex Marriage,4 +7, felons,6 +6,"GUN SANITY IN CONN. Pols OK registry, ammo curbs +",5 +12,More now cry for new laws,11 +5,Ohmer ruled Nov. 7 that the concealed-carry law was unconstitutional but on other grounds.,4 +5," +As the Court Ponders Gay Marriage",4 +7,an either impose the jury's unanimous death sentence or reduce it to life in prison without parole.,6 +6,"NEAT as an otter in his gray turtleneck and dark suit, Scott R. Wechsler, the president of the Manhattan co-op board that decided to forbid new buyers to smoke in their apartments, wastes no time getting into his own somewhat fervid defense.",5 +5,Prosecutors are asking the jury to recommend a death sentence.,4 +5,Handgun Renewals,4 +10,"Campbell's widow, Patricia, quietly cried.",9 +1,"More than 20 tobacco-related cases have gone to trial, but the $45 billion tobacco industry has yet to pay a cent to a smoker. +",0 +13,"President Obama's endorsement of same-sex marriage is energizing Christian conservative support for Mitt Romney in a way that the likely GOP nominee has so far not been able to do on his own, according to religious leaders and activists.",12 +11,GUNS IN AMERICA: INSANITY PREVAILS,10 +5,Judge extends gun ban at St. Louis Zoo,4 +5,"The panel rejected arguments that Proposition 8 advanced California's interests in promoting childbearing and ''responsible procreation,'' noting that it had no impact on the rights of same-sex couples in the state to raise children or adopt. Drawing heavily on a 1996 Supreme Court ruling that overturned an antigay initiative in Colorado on equal protection grounds, the panel found the initiative violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution by singling out a minority group and taking away the right to marry, which it already possessed in California, ''without a legitimate reason for doing so.''",4 +5,"But tobacco giant Philip Morris and three other Liggett competitors won a temporary restraining order yesterday to keep the documents secret for at least 10 more days. And Philip Morris said in a statement it ""will continue to defend vigorously against the meritless lawsuits."" +",4 +9,"Last year, the Miami jury held that the industry had conspired to hide the dangers of its products, setting the stage for a likely punitive damage award.",8 +7,"Five days before Troy Anthony Davis' scheduled execution, Brenda Forrest got a call from her husband of eight years. +",6 +1,"The Altria Group, owner of the world's largest cigarette business and controlling shareholder of Kraft Foods, said on Thursday that its first-quarter profit rose 34 percent on a tax benefit and the strong performance of its domestic tobacco operations. + +Altria earned $3.48 billion, or $1.65 a share, in the quarter, up from $2.6 billion, or $1.25 a share, in the period a year ago. The recent results include a benefit of 46 cents a share from a reversal of tax reserves after an Internal Revenue Service review of the company's returns from 1996 to 1999, along with several other items.",0 +5,CAN STATES CURB CIGARETTE ADS?,4 +6,"In the face of opposition from social conservatives, Mr. Harris now wants to drop nearly all references to marriage, but not change the bill's effects.",5 +7,The man accused of abducting and raping three women and holding them captive for years,6 +10,What began as an apparent case of mistaken identity soon mushroomed into a full-blown family crisis. ,9 +12,"""Civil unions are like the straw that broke the camel's back,""",11 +13,STUDY LINKS DONATIONS TO PRO-TOBACCO DECISION / LAWMAKERS WHO RECEIVED INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTIONS WERE FOUND THREE TIMES AS LIKELY TO VOTE IN ITS INTEREST.,12 +12,"At Reno gun show, firearm fans denounce gun control but support bump stock ban",11 +5,Court-martial opens in killing of 2 soldiers,4 +6,It is evident that we already have prohibitions against private ownership of most arms above a certain threshold on this continuum. The only subject under discussion is where that threshold is to be set.,5 +11,Shooting for record Huge hike in folks who want guns,10 +9,A gun registry that could prevent suicide;,8 +7,"Mr. Sawyer was condemned to death for the murder of Frances Arwood, a 23-year-old baby sitter working for his girlfriend, in a New Orleans suburb in 1979. After a night of drinking, he and an accomplice, Charles Lane, raped her, beat her, poured scalding water on her and then set her afire. She died two months later.",6 +7," who was convicted of raping and murdering Joy Stewart, a 22-year-old pregnant woman whose body was found with her throat slashed in 1989 by two hikers in a field.",6 +7,GUN LICENSE SCAM GROWS 3 more cops charged in scandal,6 +13,"About a week later, Sanders released a statement on the gun-liability issue in the run-up to the Jan. 17 Democratic debate in Charleston, S.C. In a news release, Sanders said, ""I'm pleased that this legislation is being introduced,"" referring to proposals by Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to rescind portions of the 2005 law.",12 +5,"Va. Will Switch Sides, Go Up Against Tobacco",4 +1,Fees for immigrant services will increase,0 +6,to ban the sale of the semiautomatic rifles in Florida.,5 +1,"""CEOs have told me they could basically move their factories for free."" +",0 +12,Moms need to redirect efforts,11 +5," Last week, the Iowa Supreme Court granted same-sex couples the right to marry",4 +10,SIUE readies benefits for same-sex couples,9 +5,Immigration law cases doubled from '96 to '01,4 +2,Overcrowding has become such an issue for the I.N.S. that immigration officials said last week that some of the immigrants who were convicted of less serious crimes were likely to be released soon to free up bed space.,1 +11,The Christian Science Monitor reported,10 +13," +GOP looks to end child tax credits to illegal immigrants",12 +14,THOUSANDS OF CUBAN WOMEN MARCH TO URGE RETURN OF BOY LEADING YESTERDAY'S PROTEST IN HAVANA WERE ELIAN GONZALEZ'S STEPMOTHER AND GRANDMOTHERS.,13 +6,"I believe we must streamline our current immigration laws for temporary workers and permanent residents. We must eliminate those policies that act as magnets to illegal immigrants, policies that provide jobs, birthright citizenship and access to government-financed benefits.",5 +5, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals this evening granted the convicted killer a stay of execution.,4 +5,U.S. JUDGE DENIES LATEST APPEAL BY BYRD,4 +7,"""Department personnel have full authority to arrest or apprehend an alien whom an immigration officers has probable cause to believe is in violation of the immigration laws,"" one memo said. ""They also have full authority to initiate removal proceedings against any alien who is subject to removal under any provision of the (Immigration and Nationality Act).""",6 +5,"Former Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, after holding an unprecedented trial in early 2010, found Proposition 8 violates the federal equal protection rights of same-sex couples.",4 +11,CNN makes history with stunning event on gun violence,10 +5,"Chuck Clay, who tried the case with Charron as an assistant district attorney, said he ""respectfully disagrees"" with the court's ruling. Clay, now a Marietta lawyer,",4 +1,STATE WILL REV UP PLANS TO SPEND TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,0 +4,New Jersey Civil Union Board Hears Bias Charge,3 +7,"""We believe all of them had help,"" Chester Moyer, St. Louis INS officer in charge, said Monday. ""We also believe some of them paid very high prices for this help. We want to know how they got here, how they obtained the documents and who they were associated with.""",6 +5,has cleared his final legal hurdle.,4 +7,* Cannot have been convicted within the past three years of driving while impaired.,6 +4,But yesterday the same judge freed Mr. Lloyd after prosecutors and defense lawyers submitted DNA evidence exonerating him. Mr. Lloyd is the 110th person nationwide to be freed based on DNA testing.,3 +3,Why do we care if killers suffer when executed?,2 +5,"Judge Joel M. Flaum did not participate in the decision, the order notes.",4 +13,MAYORS PLEAD FOR EXEMPTION FROM LAW CITIES WANT TO BAR GUNS FROM PROPERTY,12 +9,I find it very troubling that no safety regulation bars such a situation.,8 +6,Questions raised over Yes on Proposition 8 ads,5 +11,GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT IS THURSDAY,10 +1,"""By removing these products off the shelves and placing them with the cashier",0 +5,It's the first time a U.S. court has said homosexual couples should have the same right to marry as heterosexual couples.,4 +1,"The costs to search for Dru Sjodin and jail the man accused in her kidnapping and death are projected at more than $217,000 -- and probably will go much higher if the case goes to trial.",0 +13,GAY MARRIAGE IS POLITICAL TIGHTROPE,12 +13,GOP holsters N.Y. Dem plan,12 +9,"combined with factors such as ""genetic predisposition, air pollution and psychological temperament,"" could cause lung cancer, emphysema and other respiratory and coronary diseases",8 +1,"But if sale of cigarettes to adults falls below 1996 levels, the tobacco industry gets an annual rebate of as much as $ 15 billion. The industry payout, therefore, would be less than $ 368.5 billion unless adults continue to smoke at current levels. The rebate could allow the industry to lower future cigarette prices, which could encourage smoking.",0 +13,WEST PALM'S MAYOR PUZZLED BY BATTERY OF NRA CARDS,12 +13,The high-pressure lobbying tactics reflect the passionate feelings on both sides of the same-sex marriage issue.,12 +10,"That rule is part of the law's sweeping attempt to curtail the rights and complicate the lives of people without papers, making them unable to enter contracts, find jobs, rent homes or access government services. In other words, to be isolated, unemployable, poor, defenseless and uneducated.",9 +5,"The first damaging evidence from the tobacco industry's privileged legal papers landed in a St. Paul courtroom Tuesday - just as a judicial officer said 40,000 similarly protected documents should be disclosed.",4 +12,A gun control group is trying to make a phrase viral.,11 +15,Need Guns?,14 +13,"I argued that the move would boost Hispanic turnout and rally a depressed Democratic base. Yes, it might hurt some vulnerable Democratic candidates, but it would cement Hispanic loyalty to the party in the long run: ""It's a question of, whose interest is he looking out for?""",12 +5,JURIES CAN BLOW SMOKE SCREEN AWAY,4 +15,"City to Open Sunday, 7/24, So Gay Couples Can Say I Do",14 +13,The committee's unanimous vote to adopt the bill is misleading. Some opponents voted to send the bill to the full Senate as a compromise to win some concessions.,12 +6,"SECONDHAND SMOKE BILL EXTINGUISHED BY CIGARETTE LOBBY +",5 +5,"A judge sentenced a man convicted of killing his father and dumping his remains in the woods of North Carolina to life in prison without parole Friday, saying he would have sentenced him to death if Wisconsin had capital punishment.",4 +13,"Fast as two people can say ''I do,'' Mayor R. T. Rybak of Minneapolis opened the doors of City Hall to gay couples on Aug. 1, just as the state's new same-sex marriage law took effect. He married 46 couples that first day, couples who had been together a collective 734 years by their accounts. But that wasn't bliss enough for the mayor, who began roaming the Midwest, inviting gay and lesbian couples in areas without legal same-sex marriage to visit his city and take the plunge. +",12 +9,"His daughter, Carmina, who turns 3 Monday, is recovering from a slashed throat. She and the bodies of her sisters, 1 and 4, were found last Saturday at a Sonoma County dump.",8 +5,"U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema tossed, without explanation, her own order for Reid to appear in court.",4 +13,Meanwhile the Missouri Senate rejected the proposed amendment of state Sen. Jill Schupp,12 +13," +It's part of Potomac's 10-year-old Academy of Law and Public Policy. Instead of sitting through routine class lectures, these students get hands-on experience.",12 +4,"""We cannot support changing the Constitution to deny a very select group of Americans the rights that are protected by the Constitution, such as equal protection.""",3 +3,"""I give all of my thanks to Allah.""",2 +3,"Then there is the argument that it is somehow an abomination in the eyes of God. I'm not going to be the arbiter on that one, but it has nothing to do with the civic institution of marriage, which constitutionally must be free of those considerations. +",2 +13,Beauprez co-sponsored bill on national crime database,12 +7,"A murderer whose lawyers contended that he was retarded was put to death at the state prison here today, becoming the first person ever executed by injection in Louisiana.",6 +13,"An Orange County Republican's congressional campaign went into meltdown Thursday after he said a staff member was responsible for sending thousands of letters to new voters with Latino surnames telling them -- wrongly -- that it is illegal for them to vote if they are immigrants. +",12 +5,Court Stays Execution In Nevada,4 +13,"President Bush, who hopes to unveil his much-anticipated immigration proposal next month, has begun signaling to his allies in Congress that they should plan a slow, piecemeal process that likely won't make sweeping changes until after the 2002 elections.",12 +13,"Congress will not vote on an assault-weapons ban that is due to expire Monday, Republican leaders said yesterday, rejecting a last-ditch effort by supporters to renew it.",12 +13,"The National Rifle Association has come out strongly against any new restrictions on guns in the wake of the Newtown, Conn. elementary school shooting. Instead, NRA President Wayne LaPierre argued that armed guards should be placed in schools to protect children.",12 +1,Securing a reliable and skilled workforce is essential for agriculture and for all the U.S. jobs that depend on farm production. Jobs associated with handling and distributing agricultural commodities depend on workers planting and harvesting crops in the field.,0 +10,"Tim Collins, a 22-year-old student at the Academy of Merchandising and Design International in Tampa, wanders over and fills out a survey about consumer smoking habits. As a reward for his participation, he gets a black and red Marlboro baseball cap.",9 +1," They seek $ 1.77 billion for money spent treating smoking-related illnesses, plus punitive damages.",0 +13,"As we've noted before, the math remains very tough for the gun bill, with basically all remaining undecided senators needing to vote for it, in addition to getting Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who has been ill in recent weeks and unable to travel, to the Senate chamber. + +Amendments to the gun bill require 60 votes, meaning Democrats needed to pick off a number of Republicans in order to pass it. So far, only three -- including Toomey -- have signed on, and several Democrats have wavered as well.",12 +5,Law-abiding group,4 +13,"With the Georgia primaries concluded and the presidential campaigns in full swing, one thing is clear. So-called ""conservative"" issues are now mainstream.",12 +6,Editorial: Two steps forward for sensible gun laws,5 +1,"Betty Bullock, 64, who started smoking when she was 17, won the judgment from a Superior Court jury in Los Angeles that already had awarded her $750,000 in economic damages and $100,000 for pain and suffering.",0 +5,NINE AREA MEN ARE INDICTED AFTER INQUIRY INTO GUN SHOWS,4 +13,Some in GOP are open to banning arms add-on,12 +13,"Tom Mauser was joined by family members of five other Coloradans killed by guns in calling for a special session. +",12 +7,Travel Agent Sentenced for Fake Weddings,6 +5,Court eases rules on questioning,4 +5," Empaneled jurors are obligated to follow the law in handing down a sentence of death when the facts warrant, and I know first-hand that they carry out their duty with the utmost of solemnity. Even for a veteran judge, entering a sentence of death carries the greatest weight of judicial responsibility.",4 +7,"LAW ENFORCERS BRACE FOR CHANGE IN GUN CULTURE +",6 +13,"The subject of gun control is fraught with emotion and political sensitivities, which is why the House and Senate could not agree when various firearms regulations were debated earlier this year",12 +12,"As usual, we are proud to say, a delegation of Durham moms will be on the Mall with thousands of others from across the United States.",11 +1,Citi's Bold Action on Guns Maps a Course for Wall St.,0 +9," following last December's massacre of schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn.",8 +15,A TIPPING POINT ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,14 +5," which like California Attorney General Kamala Harris had tried to intervene in the case, said Wednesday's ruling was ""incorrect and contrary to 9th Circuit and Supreme Court precedent.""",4 +8,Air Force reviewing its blunder,7 +14,"Mexican President Fox meets with mayor, Cardinal Mahony",13 +13,"KATZ BILLING HIMSELF AS A BOLD REFORMER HE'S RUNNING HIS GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN HIS WAY - CONTRARY, SELF-CONFIDENT AND FULL OF IDEAS.",12 +9,Researchers Focus on Genes and Inflammation in Search for Clues to Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,8 +7, McVeigh convicted McVeigh was convicted for his role in the bombing and sentenced to death in a separate federal trial in Denver.,6 +6,What will it take for you to wake up and pass an effective gun-control law?,5 +8, to check the backgrounds of gun buyers.,7 +10,"Smoking seemed to relax her, especially when the strain of working full time and maintaining a tense, sometimes violent marriage got to her. She would unwind in the kitchen at the end of 18-hour days. As she ironed or waxed the floor, there was always a cigarette nearby. And I would be at the kitchen table, finishing my homework, as Mom quietly but expertly got me talking about things I'd never intended to tell her.",9 +5,The Supreme Court's ruling means that immigrants who were convicted before the law took effect now can ask a judge for a waiver to stop deportation.,4 +9,FDA regulators approve new tablet to help smokers quit,8 +10," +""You either sit down and do nothing,"" she says in the video, ""or you get up and you make a life - and that's what I'm doing. I'm going to work for this cause to hopefully keep other people from having to go through the horror we went through.""",9 +5,Judge Kevin Chang of the State Circuit Court ruled last month that the state had failed to show a compelling reason to ban same-sex marriages. But Judge Chang stayed his injunction for the state's pending appeal to the State Supreme Court.,4 +13,"New Jersey GOP Senate candidate Garabed ""Chuck"" Haytaian led the unsuccessful effort to overturn his state's strong assault-gun ban. The Pennsylvania GOP Senate hopeful, U.S. Rep. Rick Santorum, is an unreconstructed darling of the gun lobby who welcomed NRA poster boy Charlton Heston to campaign for him.",12 +7,Georgia is scheduled tonight to execute a second death row inmate since resuming lethal injections last month,6 +13,"The president said that he prefers Congress to act on immigration, that his actions will be supplanted by congressional action but that he will not wait for Congress to act.",12 +1,Settlement Reached to Pursue Online Cigarette Sales Taxes,0 +6,"SB25 eliminates local gun laws statewide, while giving local governments the discretion to post signs in buildings or a specific area where guns can't be openly carried. +",5 +9,"But it does not speak to the adults who carelessly allow children access to their guns, ",8 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday unanimously refused to block the execution of Brian Steckel,4 +5,The trial date was moved back several times because of the vast amount of classified material and the complications caused by Moussaoui's initially being allowed to represent himself.,4 +7,Missouri classifies hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation as a felony,6 +3,I am sure homosexuals are fully aware that the Vatican views their lifestyle choices as an assault on the traditional morality that supports the very foundations of a civilized society.,2 +5,"The municipal court case involved club owner Jennifer Brashear, who appealed an earlier guilty verdict and was found not guilty Monday of two violations of Independence's Clean Indoor Air ordinance. She had been accused of twice letting patrons smoke inside the club.",4 +8, universal background checks,7 +1,Residents of Indian reservations -- like the 50-acre Poospatuck reservation in Mastic -- are entitled to buy cigarettes tax free for their own use.,0 +12,"Russ Allen drove to San Leandro on Saturday to attend a rally protesting the recent passage of Assembly Bill 144, the state's ban on carrying unloaded handguns in public.",11 +11,"The first shock which you get is that you are missing certain things which you took for granted from your own country. Nostalgia becomes very strong. You have a sense of emptiness, a cultural vacuum. You develop a critical standpoint to both countries.",10 +3,Death penalty is form of barbarism,2 +13,The state legislature,12 +5,Case puts lethal injection on trial,4 +1," In the latter case, one of the most influential players is a billionaire hedge fund manager largely unknown to those who don't work in finance or mix with political mega-donors. +",0 +4,"Furthermore, and more important to me as an American lesbian, he states that gays are entitled to clear recognition of their equal status as citizens who are inherently worthy.",3 +11,"'Simpsons' Animates Gay Nuptials, And a Debate",10 +1, The entire package would cost about $ 280 million.,0 +5,U.S. Rejects Changes in Detainee Rules,4 +12,Not all of the buildings' owners like the ideas.,11 +11," +The Immigration and Naturalization Service says the 41% increase will be the result of more immigrants becoming citizens and then bringing their family members to the USA. Immigrants who become citizens may bring in immediate family members -- a spouse and children under age 18. + +In 1995, 593,000 people immigrated to the USA to be with family members or to take a job. + +That number is expected to rise to 835,000 in 1996 and to nearly 854,000 in 1997. After that, the number would decline, hitting 729,000 in 2003, according to the projections. +",10 +7,Teaneck Killings Laid to Chinese Gang's Power Struggle,6 +6," it will ""examine Georgia's firearms law and the way these laws are applied in our state to ensure that the constitutional right to bear arms and the right to self-defense are properly protected.""",5 +9,Who's to Blame When Kids Kill Kids?,8 +11," Only one consistent trend has emerged in her operation: most of her clients have been women. In the coming months she will oversee eight weddings, only one of them for a male couple",10 +5,"Mr. Rice's attorney, Anthony Savage, said the sentence would be automatically appealed. He said mental illness would be the chief issue in the appeal.",4 +13,"'I mean, if you look at Colorado, which is basically a Republican state now, the vice president lost there, but closing the gun-show loophole passed 70-30 (percent),' he said. + +Clinton did not name the five states, and White House spokesmen were not able to say whether the president believed Colorado was one of them. + +Clinton said he was at peace with himself over the end of his presidency.",12 +1,GOOD RIDDANCE TO TOBACCO ADS,0 +7,STATE EXECUTIONS,6 +7, serial murderers and cop killers,6 +13,Resistance and Scant Support Sealed Fate of Push for Assault Weapons Ban,12 +13,"With his proposal this week to levy enormous taxes on the latest in highly destructive hollow-point handgun ammunition, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan focused the gun-control debate on the chilling, precise world of physics, terminal-wound ballistics and penetration factors. +",12 +6,"Policy debates in this country are almost always affected by the dramatic facts arising from individual cases. Consider, for example, existing policies toward alcohol, or child or domestic abuse, or school violence. All of these areas of the law have been directly and profoundly affected by individual stories. Why should the policy toward illegal immigration be any different?",5 +12,"And public polling suggested -- and continues to suggest -- that large majorities favor many of the provisions put forward by Biden's task force. Nearly six in 10 Americans support banning assault weapons in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, and large majorities back expanding background checks to cover all purchases. A smaller majority -- though still a majority -- favor a ban on high-capacity clips.",11 +7, prison inmate Don Johnson,6 +6," +Yet despite Woodridge's lustrous image, researchers concede that skepticism is in order when considering any single town's reported compliance rates with bans on tobacco sales to youths. And the researchers point out that little effort has been made elsewhere to use the same benchmarks for success so that results could be fairly compared.",5 +13,important compromises contained in this bill.,12 +5,Justices to review deportation policy,4 +5,"Some of the justices did express concern about the fate of the thousands of gay couples who married earlier this year. But they offered scant hope that those vows can hold up. Most justices wondered aloud why San Francisco, if it believed the state's ban on gay marriage should be struck down, did not turn to the courts before handing out the licenses.",4 +7,ACLU: Audio recording captures Connecticut state police conspiring to fabricate criminal charges,6 +9,The danger of after-school hours,8 +5,"On Saturday afternoon, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruled unconstitutional the District's absolute prohibition on the carrying of handguns outside the home for lawful self-defense, in the case of Palmer v. District of Columbia. +",4 +5,"The man, Kenneth Dean Hunt, was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder on Thursday.",4 +5,NCSU shooter just given permit,4 +13,The gay marriage debate at the Minnesota Legislature -- already one of the most emotional in recent years -- has become even more intense and personal in recent days.,12 +12,"Guns-rights advocates rally in Doylestown +",11 +14,A spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations said Sunday night that the meeting is expected to take place Monday. The spokesman spoke on condition of anonymity.,13 +9,Secret lab was 'close' to cigarette substitute,8 +13," +Trump backs GOP plan to push legal immigration changes",12 +1," ought to keep its hands off the dollars that Florida secured in its tobacco settlement.""",0 +13,CHIEF IN SAN JOSE BATTLES GUN LOBBY,12 +9,KSM's kin says head hurt in can,8 +13,"Saying he ""will refuse to act like this is the new normal,"" President Barack Obama made an impassioned plea to the nation's mayors Friday for a rational discussion of gun policy reforms in the wake of this week's mass shooting in Charleston, South Carolina.",12 +7,"Mistakenly arrested in Chinatown rape, he fights deportation.",6 +7,20 BUSINESSES FINED UNDER IMMIGRATION LAW,6 +9,from deadly smoking habits,8 +5,5 INDICTED FOR VIOLATING MACHINE-GUN RESTRICTIONS,4 +15,Raising a Barn for Posterity,14 +12,Gay marriage support hits new high in Post-ABC poll,11 +7,"On the morning of Almassari's detention, several federal agents arrived at his office on the fourth floor of the university's Health Sciences Building, the nursing school employee said. Agents told the staff to leave the area and then seized several computers, the employee said.",6 +6,"As part of the merit-based plan, people would be awarded points on education, employment and length of residence in the United States, while families ties would be less important.",5 +6,"The draft, entitled, ""Executive Order on Protecting American Jobs and Workers by Strengthening the Integrity of Foreign Worker Visa Programs,"" proposes that the director of the U.S. Census Bureau ""include questions to determine U.S. citizenship and immigration status on the long-form questionnaire in the decennial census.""",5 +5,Supporters of Gay Marriage Ban Start Case,4 +3,"During the noon Mass, Flynn asked married people to stand up for recognition, and some same-gender couples rose along with the hundreds of other couples, whom Flynn led in a restatement of their marriage vows.",2 +13,"Friday's rampage in Newtown, Conn., could be a tipping point in a national debate over gun rights that has faded in recent years. Advocates pointed to three reasons why this shooting may change the climate in Washington in a way that the one at a Colorado movie theater and the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) did not.",12 +5,The Kavanaugh court is the one conservatives have worked decades to build;,4 +12,Poll: Most Americans oppose gay marriages,11 +10,IMMIGRANTS' CHILDREN FARE WELL IN STUDY,9 +13,"Rob Portman loses GOP support after backing gay marriage +",12 +5,California ruling is hardly the last word on gay marriage,4 +7,"MAN IS SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR MURDERING HIS GIRLFRIEND'S TWO ROOMMATES IN 1996 +",6 +13,"Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, told the Post-Dispatch Sunday he will issue a veto message Monday on legislation that would eliminate the current requirements Missourians must get in order to carry a concealed gun.",12 +10,The Right to Bear Tragedy,9 +5,Lawsuit opens door for immigrants to get citizenship,4 +1,"Baldi was authorized to buy materials with an estimated cost of $ 3,000 without taking formal bids.",0 +1," +To reinforce just how prevalent the practice was, Mr. Bloomberg stood next to a table stacked with packs of cigarettes and said that each of the 279 residents of the Poospatuck reservation -- every man, woman and child -- would have to smoke 960 packs, or 19,200 cigarettes, a day to account for the millions of cigarettes sold there in 2007.",0 +13,"Senate could take the issue up today when it returns into special session to pass a $2.8 billion deficit reduction package. +",12 +5," In that period, appeals travel up and down the courts, usually ending with denial of an eleventh-hour plea to the Supreme Court.",4 +6,Other parts of the bill would make top officials provide more information about their outside income and require voters to show a picture identification.,5 +6, essentially killed itself after numerous amendments bloated it beyond its original focus.,5 +14,Powell reassures Mexico on immigration changes,13 +11,"There's a global warming generation gap in the GOP, like on the issue of gay marriage",10 +12,Public outrage,11 +5,The Right to Qualify For Right to Bear Arms,4 +13,Senate panel OKs bill on gun trafficking,12 +7,"John Wayne Gacy, convicted 14 years ago of the sex-related killings of 33 young men and boys, was put to death by lethal injection early today as the nation's worst serial killer on record.",6 +13,Debating Gun Control Laws,12 +11,"""It's alarming because college students have been the group that is most resistant to smoking,"" says Henry Wechsler of Harvard School of Public Health and a study author. ""They smoke less than their (noncollege) peers, and when this group increases, it is an indicator of trouble for the country as a whole.""",10 +7,235 convicted murderers in Texas have been put to death,6 +13,And yet Democrats are absolutely wrong in pushing for a special legislative session.,12 +6,WELFARE SMOKING PROPOSAL TO BE SOFTENED BILL'S GOP SPONSOR IS DROPPING PENALTIES,5 +11,Minnesota has not had the death penalty since 1911,10 +9,Medicaid or Medicare.,8 +5,"David Buckel of Lambda Legal, a gay-rights legal advocacy group, argued the case on behalf of seven gay and lesbian couples in long-term relationships who sued the state in 2002, long before gay marriage exploded onto the national political stage. He told the court that limiting marriage to heterosexual couples violates broad equal-rights protections in the state's constitution.",4 +3,"REFUGEES RENEW CHURCH KAREN IMMIGRANTS FROM MYANMAR, THE FORMER BURMA, ARE GETTING HELP FROM; AND GIVING BACK TO -- DOWNTOWN BAPTISTS.",2 +9,"Study: Schooling, quality of health may go together",8 +13,o the Republican National Committee and various Republican and Democratic lawmakers.,12 +12,New poll suggests support for Proposition 8 in wake of ad campaign,11 +5,"After reviewing two of the toughest local gun ban statutes in the nation - in Chicago and in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park - the high court ruled 5-4 that the Second Amendment ""applies equally to the federal government and the states."" The court split along familiar ideological lines, with five conservative-moderate justices in favor of gun rights and four liberals opposed. Chief Justice Roberts voted with the majority.",4 +6,Smoking ban spurs debate,5 +5,"But he withdrew the request after the trial, and his appeal to the Supreme Court was based in part on his contention that he was denied competent representation because his lawyer joined him in his appeal for execution.",4 +7,"A man who aided a gunman who fired on a van filled with Hasidic students in 1994 must leave the country on his own, or face deportation, a judge ruled yesterday.",6 +5," +Same-sex marriages in Virginia put on hold +",4 +5,AROUND THE NATION; Court Affirms U.S. Acted Illegally on Haitians,4 +5,"D.C. to seek stay of gun ruling +",4 +5,Last week's California Supreme Court decision backing gay marriage has galvanized both sides of the issue,4 +5,The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America,4 +13,"When Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., lobbied Tuesday for a ban on assault weapons, she didn't simply cite statistics.",12 +13,"The nation's gun control lobby will press hard for a federal ban on the possession and manufacture of assault weapons early in the next Congress, says Susan Whitmore of Handgun Control Inc. +",12 +13,And President Obama said he was determined to introduce new laws to make sure this cannot happen again. But what exactly does that mean?,12 +9,"Ailing Child, Mother Find Hearts of Gold; In a Borderline Case, Girl to Get Cardiac Care",8 +5," +On D.O.M.A., the court struck down a provision that denied federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples. As I mentioned, the court did not address the larger constitutional question.",4 +11,DECADES ON DEATH ROW,10 +15,Immunity not in tobacco talks,14 +6,Seeking smoking exemptiona tough call,5 +6,Proposed registry aids unwed pairs,5 +13,"Chertoff chides left, right over bill; Says opposition may hurt interests of both",12 +13,Jamieson's proposal,12 +12,"The National Rifle Association has come against President Obama's proposals to curb gun violence, saying they will only hurt legal gun-owners while leaving children unprotected.",11 +13,"Fischer plans to lobby for support from residents and state legislators, and he hopes the movement will spread to other cities.",12 +13," +In an interview with the AJC, she said the conference was not designed to push any political agenda, but simply to facilitate a dialogue on the state of marriage.",12 +12,"SO what does it mean that gay rights activists, once the standard-bearers for sexual freedom, are now preoccupied with the sober institution of marriage",11 +7,"QUEENS DETECTIVES, who in less than two years have nabbed six serial rapists who stalked the borough, say one vicious predator is still at large and tops their most wanted list.",6 +8,"but law enforcement officials are convinced that if an angry person must wait seven days to take possession of a gun, the wait might be just enough time for the anger to subside.",7 +3,"Perhaps the comment was intended as sardonic, but to Mariela, an evangelical Christian among the group, it was an invitation",2 +5,"ara. + +Tokars, a former part-time traffic court judge, was ""disappointed and disheartened"" by the ruling, his attorney said. +",4 +3,"The declaration urges Christians to practice civil disobedience to defend their convictions, even though some signers of the document backed away from the strong language.",2 +3,CARRYING A GUN MEANS SHOULDERING RESPONSIBILITIES,2 +11,"This heritage is widely assumed but rarely examined, even in history books. ""The prevalence of firearms and the high value placed on the quick draw made a sure shot the test of manliness,"" Daniel J. Boorstin, the former librarian of Congress, wrote in ""The Americans: The Democratic Experience"" (Random House, 1985). ""From earliest colonial times, the needs of the wilderness and the threat of Indians had put firearms in the American household. The right to bear arms had been hallowed in the Constitution."" + +But in a new book due this fall, a historian challenges what he calls a modern myth and argues that gun ownership in the frontier era was far from universal. In ""Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture"" (Knopf), Michael A. Bellesiles (pronounced buh-LEEL) contends that only a relative few private citizens actually owned firearms between 1765 and 1850. Fewer still owned guns that worked, he says, and only an elite, typically professional hunters and sportsmen, could reliably aim and fire a weapon. + +Perhaps no more than 10 percent of the total American population owned guns at any time before 1850, according to a variety of records cited by Mr. Bellesiles, an associate professor of history at Emory University in Atlanta.",10 +13,CITY COUNCIL MIGHT HAVE MAJORITY FOR SMOKING BAN LANTRY 'LEANING TOWARD' SUPPORT,12 +13,WHAT THEY BELIEVE: A QUICK LOOK AT DAVIS AND MAJOR RECALL CANDIDATES,12 +11,He became the third man executed in the state in less than five years. ,10 +8,Making Background Checks Work,7 +14, it would be senseless to allow more to come in from abroad.,13 +6,The Yawning Loophole in the Gun Laws,5 +9,"Although the practice is outlawed in Ghana, genital mutilation is still practiced among some tribes, according to a U.S. State Department report. Up to 30% of all Ghanaian women have undergone the cutting, usually as a religious ritual, the report said.",8 +6,VETERAN'S NEED TO SMOKE CONFLICTS WITH COUNTY RULE,5 +11,"Graphic ads help 100,000 smokers quit",10 +6,"The state law says in part that legal marriage is between a man and a woman, and that same-sex marriages from outside the state aren't valid within North Carolina.",5 +12,Gay rights activists in Maryland said the sight of gay couples getting married in the District would boost the chance that the General Assembly would approve a gay marriage bill within a few years.,11 +10,"After Year of Despair, Tobacco Farmers Enjoy Prospect of Better Times",9 +7,"When it comes to undercover gun buys, the only thing that is certain is unpredictability, according to police officials. Dealers must be met on their terms and turf, territory, often in isolated, sparsely populated areas where a close-trailing backup unit can immediately be spotted, Stephen Davis, the department's chief spokesman, said.",6 +13,"""I will not in any way, shape or form countenance a weakening of the law,"" Mr. Clinton declared at the White House, standing in front of 90 students from Colorado -- 6 of them from Columbine High School in Littleton -- who are in Washington to lobby Congress for gun controls included in the Senate version of the bill.",12 +5,"The prosecuting attorney, Ed Walsh, said he was pleased with the sentence but was startled by the quickness of the jury's decision.",4 +6,Anything that would limit the flow of weapons that are designed purely for killing other humans must be preferable to allowing their unrestricted proliferation.,5 +5,Clearing the air over the onstage smoking gun State high court's ruling against Curious requires too much suspension of disbelief,4 +5,"In the Texas hearing, two gay and lesbian couples who sued the state over its same-sex marriage ban asked a federal judge to order the state to stop enforcing the ban temporarily, while the case went forward. But Judge Orlando L. Garcia of United States District Court for the Western District of Texas made no ruling. It was unclear when he would issue a decision. +",4 +13,Legislative Remedy Is Unlikely,12 +5,Air Force Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann says military prosecutors will seek the death penalty if the defendants are convicted under the military commission system.,4 +13,"Gingrich, a former Georgia congressman and U.S. House speaker, has said he's interested in running for president in 2008 but hasn't formally announced. A former resident of Cobb County, he's lived in Virginia for the past seven years or so.",12 +5,"Attorneys for Buenoano, 47, pressed their position that the chair is faulty before U.S. District Court Judge Patricia Fawsett. The Orlando judge lifted her stay late Friday after weighing claims that an electrocution would not violate the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment. +",4 +11,Guidelines To Manners For Today,10 +13,Obama political but right,12 +11,"Should inventor extraordinaire Thomas A. Edison be considered a scientific genius? A shrewd businessman? An amoral money-grubber? + +Or all of the above? + +Historian Mark Essig, who was born and reared in Ballwin, has written ""Edison & The Electric Chair,"" in which he addresses the above questions and more.",10 +5,"But it would be useful to look at Article I of the Constitution, which states specifically that Congress has the obligation to provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia. Section 8 reserves to states the duty of actually organizing and training the militia. Is Congress or are the states disciplining the militia units that are reported to be developing around the country?",4 +7," Christopher Kapeller, who is accused of hiring a hit man to kill the girl's mother last summer.",6 +3," +Why do we continue to focus on this issue while we ignore the true call of all Christians? Jesus spent his time on earth uniting his people, feeding the hungry, giving hope to those who had none. Jesus was too busy saving people; he never even mentioned homosexuality. +",2 +1,buildings' owners,0 +13,"The administration then will decide how to proceed. Options include legislation, an executive order or action within the agencies, he said.",12 +11,"What happened? Growth -- especially in the Hispanic community happened. Between 2000 and 2010, Nevada added more than 700,000 people or a 35 percent increase in its population. That made it the fastest growing state in the country, according to the 2010 census. +",10 +13,"Riordan opposed Proposition 22, while Jones and Los Angeles businessman Bill Simon, the third major Republican candidate, supported it. +",12 +11," +But for a day at least, the celebrations outshone the questions. Amid gray skies and rumbling thunder, rainbow flags and signs brightened St. Petersburg's Straub Park at an afternoon rally attended by about 100 people, one of several such events organized by Equality Florida. +",10 +5," +A Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act did not weaken, twist, pervert or otherwise change what marriage means for the great majority of couples in this country.",4 +7," but that action did not directly affect prisoners who were already on death row, ",6 +13,"The Senate reaches into its top hat and, with appropriate flourish, extracts a bird. We expect a dove. What we get is a turkey.",12 +13,"The development appeared to stun many of their colleagues, including House Speaker Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel), who said that both delegates had signed on as co-sponsors of the same-sex marriage legislation, usually an indication of strong support.",12 +7,THEY WOULD cut down on the illegal trade of stolen weapons.,6 +6,We need to have laws in place in every state that your guns need to be locked up.,5 +13,Evans vows new effort to revise gun laws,12 +13,2 weeks and counting: What can Congress get done in its final two weeks?,12 +13,"""If you have got the leader of the Republican Party - who is the president of the United States - articulating similar positions, the attitude of most Republicans is going to be to follow the leadership,"" he said. ""So I think all of that points toward a brighter future for these proposals.""",12 +7,James Holmes deserved the death penalty in Colo. theater shooting,6 +13,"How about a genuine bipartisan coalition, on the national, state and local levels, to encourage politicians to act responsibly and thereby weaken the tyranny of the National Rifle Association? Perhaps it could be financed by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, whose determination and courage on this issue are well known.",12 +15,Week of events in opposition to same-sex vows,14 +13,Prop. 8 battle enters new stage,12 +12,"Majority Say Obama's Gay Marriage Stance Won't Change Their Vote +",11 +9,"ALCOHOL, TOBACCO TOP PREVENTABLE CAUSES OF DEATH, STUDY FINDS",8 +5,"Sunnyvale: Gun-control measure triggers lawsuit from gun industry, dealer +",4 +13,CONSERVATIVES RUSH TO SLAM CIGAR TAX PLAN,12 +6,The state refused to grant Suffolk County's request. But the passage of the America First resolution underscores the recent extension of the immigration debate beyond traditional havens to suburban and rural areas newly dotted with new immigrant communities.,5 +13,"Plaintiffs lawyers are hoping to use such evidence to demonstrate that the Proposition 8 campaign was fueled by animus against gays and lesbians, rendering the same-sex marriage ban a discriminatory law targeted at a vulnerable political group. +",12 +13," +The votes were not, however, the last word on the issue of gay marriage here. The convention will reconvene on Thursday, and lawmakers plan to consider other possible amendments, including two that resemble the ones rejected. +",12 +1,"""[Gunmakers] have been excluded from the problem, excluded from the public debate about how to control the gun violence. +",0 +7,Execution Status Unchanged,6 +13,Reagan Backs House Drug Bill,12 +7," +Mauser returns to offices of NRA Columbine dad unfazed by arrest",6 +9,"""The terse 'surgeon general's warnings' on cigarette packs don't begin to tell the full dangers of tobacco. The infamous toll is documented in a carefully researched new book published by the American Council on Science and Health. It is called 'Cigarettes: What the Warning Label Doesn't Tell You.' Here's a sampling:",8 +6,"""is finally ready to shift smokers out of the city's eateries altogether.""",5 +7,that they face fines,6 +5,A lawyer representing the plaintiffs said tens of millions of people could join the class,4 +13,"Death penalty foes push 5 Democrats on bias law veto +",12 +10,Rude words will never hurt them,9 +5,"In addition to authorizing the suit today,",4 +7,EXECUTION SET FOR JAN. 15,6 +5,"The constitutional crisis may have been brief, but it was profoundly disturbing. As lifetime jurists and former chief justices of the supreme courts of Arizona and Indiana, we believe our treasured American system of checks and balances is harmed when our courts are threatened with intimidation. Our courts were designed to be the branch of government most insulated from politics.",4 +9,with smoking-related illnesses.,8 +5,BUNDY CASE FOCUSES ATTENTION ANEW ON LONG COURT DELAYS,4 +13,Rosario: A sit-in at one of the peoples houses ruffles feathers,12 +13,- a law that has become a flash point in the Democratic presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.,12 +12,"A few feet away, Ron Anderson said he understood the anti-smoking sentiments and was resigned to smoking in designated areas. +",11 +11,"in Sports Illustrated, Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly and Movieline magazines",10 +11,Millennials just shrug about guns,10 +9,No kidney transplant for dying dad who is illegal immigrant,8 +5,Exodus of judges unlikely Reactions mixed to jurist's move,4 +4,Gun rights are about keeping white men on top,3 +15,A huge step but no real action,14 +5,"Contrary to popular myth, a driver's license won't give them legal status or the right to vote.",4 +5,"During the six-day trial, Fisk presented testimony from Craig Walker, who said his friend Robert Barnett Sr. invited him to participate in the robbery.",4 +12,The small but vocal minority that opposes this health measure has received disproportionate media coverage. The data are clear: a large majority of New Yorkers approves of smoke-free workplace legislation.,11 +13,Votes putting Sanders in a firearms jam,12 +9,"Andrea Yates joins multitude of mentally ill people in prison +",8 +13,Border visit by Musgrave illuminates stance on bill,12 +7,Targeting criminal aliens for removal,6 +13,Herring backs releasing migrants,12 +6,A rational immigration policy,5 +13,Koch network could serve as potent resistance in Trump era,12 +1,Not all investors ready to forsake tobacco stocks,0 +5,"Lawyer still working, but under the gun",4 +15,States can save the day,14 +3,"""You can never stop people from doing crazy things, but if you can minimize it, if you can save one life, isn't it worth it?"" +",2 +8,Terror Suspects' Right to Bear Arms,7 +7,"""This will give law enforcement more tools they need to fight crime,""",6 +13,GUN BILL FOUGHT BY CITY IS ADVANCING IN ALBANY,12 +1," it's unclear what a study to determine whether bar and restaurant business has suffered will say, or even how many establishments would fall under an exemption if one were granted.",0 +13,Va. House Votes to Overturn Gun Ban,12 +5,COUPLES FILING AS MARRIED,4 +11,"(The latter variable technically falls just short of being statistically significant as a predictor of marriage votes but since the relationship between age and views on same-sex marriage is extremely well established, we are on firm ground in including it.",10 +5,"The lawsuit, brought by lawyers at the Center for Social Justice at Seton Hall Law School in Newark, will provide a constitutional test of law enforcement methods often used by immigration agents since May 2006 when they began operations across the country to track down and deport immigrants who had been ordered to leave by the courts.",4 +12,More than 200 people packed a public hearing today,11 +10,4 Parkland Seniors Who Died in School Shooting Are Honored at Graduation,9 +7,breaks the rules,6 +1, But that didn't mean tobacco companies were off the hook.,0 +7,he daughter of Florida's ''Black Widow'' - scheduled to be the first female to die in the state's electric chair March 30 ,6 +5,Cases Take Aim at District's Gun Law,4 +9,Officials said the van went out of control and flipped several times when the driver rammed it into a Border Patrol vehicle. One of the injured was reported in critical condition.,8 +1,"A $13.3 million fix was needed to meet demand, his agency said in a 2017 budget request.",0 +5,"Only Florida would be able to present its side and intense publicity about the state's claims could unfairly influence potential jurors, an industry attorney said.",4 +10,Trump hears wrenching tales at school violence meeting,9 +5,"However, a federal judge issued a temporary injunction about two weeks ago that blocked the ordinance, allowing the show to proceed.",4 +5,Clemency marathon begins in Illinois,4 +4,gay rights advocates describing their cause as a civil rights struggle.,3 +5,"Tidwell, of Briar Road near 74th Avenue, was indicted by a federal grand jury in 1994 on charges of selling guns and running ""a continuing criminal enterprise"" that supplied crack cocaine to dealers in North and West Philadelphia.",4 +10,"""It is like a hell here,"" said Sesay, a 54-year-old asylum-seeker from Sierra Leone. ""Humiliating.""",9 +12,"The National Rifle Association kicks off its annual meetings on Friday in Houston,",11 +5,Gay marriage ban voided,4 +9,"CIGAR HABIT POSES MAJOR RISKS TWO A DAY DOUBLES CHANCES OF DYING FROM CANCER, OTHER DISEASES, KAISER STUDY SAYS",8 +5,"New trial ordered in death of girl, 11, because witness was jury's guard",4 +5," a lawyer for supporters of the ban, told a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that a reasonable person might have questioned Judge Walker's impartiality, had they known he was gay.",4 +5,COURT HALVES DEATH ROW APPEALS TIME,4 +12,"That tragedy is drawing thousands of marchers to Washington this week. The organizers, who are calling the Mother's Day event the Million Mom March, want stricter gun laws. They say new laws would mean that fewer children -- and adults -- would be hurt or killed. * There are people who disagree, saying new laws would not solve the problem and would unfairly keep them from getting guns to protect themselves or for sports such as hunting. * That disagreement, over what is known as ""gun control,"" is one of the most emotional debates in our country.",11 +13,House Democrats stage sit-in to force votes on gun control,12 +11,Gun Culture Is My Culture,10 +8,Lawyers for Embassy Bomber Push for Prison Over Execution,7 +13,"""I'm tired of politicians who use big words and do nothing,"" Gingrich told a cheering crowd of conservative women who had gathered to hear some of the Republican Party's presidential candidates. Although Gingrich is not one of the declared candidates, he brought the audience of about 800 women to its feet, applauding when he challenged President Clinton to endorse his death penalty proposal.",12 +15,Close enough for hope,14 +15,A Big Test for Gay Marriage,14 +1,SLIMS DROPS DELRAY TENNIS TOURNAMENT,0 +13,Hogan swaying pro-gun activists,12 +14,Mexico blasts Georgia illegals law,13 +8,Guns won't deter college sexual assault;,7 +3,Gay marriage opposition group 'regrets' Nazi comparison,2 +13,AJC AT THE GOLD DOME,12 +13,said a member of Congress.,12 +13,Virginia should free death-row inmate,12 +5,Same-Sex Marriage Issue Moves Closer to Justices,4 +13, Illinois lawmakers on Wednesday approved legislation,12 +11,"The parallel images told the story with a power no words could: +",10 +13,Gov. William Weld said Friday that he hadn't seen,12 +12,The only people who might face harm here are gay couples.,11 +4,nation's two biggest anti-gay-discrimination fights,3 +15," +The Relentless Flow of Guns",14 +13,"The debate over whether stricter gun control would help prevent such tragedies is raging at the national level, as well as in many state capitals, and Vice President Biden was meeting with the National Rifle Association and several other interested groups Thursday.",12 +5,Gun-Ban Foes Seek Review by High Court,4 +13,"Mr. Christie is often as doctrinaire a right-winger as the next doctrinaire right-winger. But he is also capable of surprising people, as he has done by embracing (literally) President Obama after Hurricane Sandy. Or when he proposed gun control measures of his own in late April soon after Congress utterly failed to pass anything at all.",12 +10,"In the weeks leading up to Election Day, Joseph Smith asked his partner of 24 years what he wanted to do if Maryland voters approved same-sex marriage.",9 +7,state police. ,6 +5,Lawsuit to Determine Rights of Illegal Aliens,4 +5,PLAINTIFFS' PROFILES AND JURY'S DECISIONS ON EACH OF THE CASES,4 +1,Tampa agency a finalist for anti-tobacco ads,0 +9," +""They look to get out from some depression symptom or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)",8 +6,No one needs gun control,5 +5,"HAITIANS HOPE, WAIT AS LAWYERS FIGHT FOR ASYLUM",4 +1,insurance,0 +5,"What if the presiding judge in the case had been a devout member of a church that holds homosexuality is a sin? Under the reasoning of Prop 8 defenders, that judge would have to step down, too.",4 +13,"As legal immigration rises, so does debate on the issue",12 +4,What Do Immigrants Deserve? A Warm Welcome and the Usual Benefits -- but Not Affirmative Action,3 +11, the allure of the Wild West is exerting an irresistible pull on Harrisburg,10 +13,Marriage made political,12 +6,Bill Allows Non-Resident Gays To Gain Divorces In District,5 +10,"Pat Lindsey, the program director for the Tobacco-Free Missouri Coalition, says that the Web site listing smoke-free restaurants has been operational for about a year. The site, www.BreatheEasyMo.org, also has an evolving list of smoke-free venues for sports, entertainment and other activities, but the restaurant list is by far the longest. Lindsey says that members of the coalition visit restaurants both to determine their restrictions on smoking and to present the case for making the restaurant totally smoke-free.",9 +12,"Pa. polls show shift on gay marriage +",11 +13,"Come January, Tom Corbett, conservative Republicans, and their NRA handlers will rule Harrisburg. Hold onto your holsters.",12 +9,The Human Cost of the Second Amendment,8 +10,"Be patient, tough when trying to quit smoking",9 +7,MARTIN PRISONER FACES FOURTH DEATH SENTENCE,6 +10,to cigarette addiction,9 +8," +Immigration status will not be shared with federal authorities, Alameda leaders say",7 +6,"So the city attacks smoking through other avenues, such as decreasing ""the amount of acreage"" available for smokers.",5 +7," If the crime was serious enough to deny access to arms, the crime would've been charged as a felony",6 +5,State law says only U.S. citizens or people who are in this country legally can get a license. That means a few hundred thousand illegal immigrants cannot get a license,4 +5,John Ashcroft's Death-Penalty Edicts,4 +5,Top Court In California Will Review Proposition 8,4 +10,"Saying they face ridicule, condescension or hostility, many immigrants go to great lengths to reduce their accents and speak like natives, often seeking speech therapists and tutors for help.",9 +7,DETENTION CENTER LOSES CONTRACT,6 +3,"he word of God tells me the ways of sin are death. +",2 +6,Control access to weapons capable of mass killings,5 +13,The vote came as O'Malley (D) waged a Valentine's Day charm offensive on other shaky parts of his legislative agenda.,12 +12,The statewide poll was conducted by the Mellman Group and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.,11 +1,"""If tobacco companies",0 +13," +And on a federal level, the House is now considering an N.R.A. bill",12 +12,"State Capitol rallies held for, against gay marriage",11 +11,REGION IN BRIEF Southern non-exposure for TV gays,10 +12,the growing public sentiment for additional gun control.,11 +12,"Young immigrants raise voices, and hopes",11 +14,"In Italy, where I was lately loafing, the perspective on our presidential race is a little different. I first encountered it in a piazza in a small Tuscan town called Orbitello. I met a humble couple from a suburb of Venice who wanted to chat with an American tourist. Although I hadn't asked him, the man announced, ""We are for Gore-Lieberman."" I was somewhat taken aback because I have talked to so many Americans who said they didn't know enough about Gore to decide. It turned out all the Italian couple needed to know about George W. Bush is the large number of executions in Texas during his time as governor. La pena di morte--the death penalty--the woman intoned. The phrase reverberated through my stay. + +Italians abhor capital punishment. It goes against the grain, which is that things can be worked out--an attitude that makes being in their company so delightful--and the death penalty is so arbitrary. ""Just one mistaken execution is enough argument against it,"" a reporter for La Stampa told me. He is against the death penalty but also laments the Italian obsession with it--the parliamentary delegations that fly over to plead with U.S. governors to stay executions and the extravagant sympathies that caused one Italian municipality to claim the body of an executed U.S. criminal for an honored burial. + +When I was in Rome, I went to the Coliseum one day to check out the fake gladiators who have sprung up in the wake of that summer movie and who hang around to have their pictures taken with tourists. Across the street was a white tent with a ""Save Barnabei"" banner strung along the length of it. The celebrity protester of the day was the mayor of Rome, Francesco Rutelli, a handsome conservative who wants to be prime minister. Derek Rocco Barnabei, a 33-year-old Italian American convicted of rape and murder, was executed in Virginia a few days later on Sept. 14. + +",13 +5,would give the attorney general virtually unchecked authority.,4 +7,"he condemned man, Eliseo Moreno, a former lawn mower repairman from Donna, Tex., was injected with lethal drugs at 12:12 A.M. and was pronounced dead at 12:19 A.M.,",6 +6,Gun laws need to change,5 +13, said Councilman Ronnie Richardson,12 +7,Ms. DeCambra's act of witness,6 +13,Malloy said he didn't foresee Connecticut lawmakers in the near future considering measures beyond the broad legislation approved in 2013.,12 +13,"Annette John-Hall: Ramsey: Gun-control debate is not going away +",12 +10,TEEN WHO QUIT SMOKING GOT TOBACCO FIRM'S SURVEY,9 +14,Mexico rails against U.S. border plan,13 +13,Senior GOP congresswoman: 'We have to be careful' about new gun laws,12 +15,Mr. Barry and Same-Sex Marriages,14 +12,SAFE's founders say the group believes in the right to bear arms but advocates stricter gun regulations.,11 +6,LEGISLATURE OKS WORKPLACE GUN BILL,5 +5,ZILE DEFENSE LOSES FIGHT OVER EVIDENCE,4 +11,sporting purposes. ,10 +4,Decision a small step toward equality,3 +6, Vehicle gun law clears committee,5 +4,Death-Row Innocents,3 +5,MISSOURI PLANS TO SUE MAKERS OF CIGARETTES,4 +11,"C-Span, Gun Control and a Protest That Used Social Media as Its Ally",10 +7,The raid was made,6 +6,"Proponents expect the law to take effect by late this year and kick off a new round of tough, anti-smoking legislation - but not if the city's powerful restaurant lobby has its way.",5 +6,Md. to weigh own 'DREAM' tuition act,5 +8,Black Friday sets record for gun background checks,7 +7,An illegal immigrant from Mexico jailed for almost 14 years on death row in a Texas prison,6 +10,"Scott Peterson grew up a boy of wealth and privilege who was so adored by his parents that if he were sentenced to death, they would die of heartbreak themselves, Peterson's sister testified Wednesday.",9 +7,DRUG CZAR URGES BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS,6 +12," Among those at Sunday's meeting were Sgt. Michael Neal, the Wellston police officer whose 11-year-old son w as slain three weeks ago; 15-year-old Bill Wilke of Maryland Heights, who was seriously wounded in a shooting two years ago; and Jeanette Culpepper of St. Louis, who lost a son to gun violence. ''People are already crazy; we're already cuckoo,'' said Culpepper, who heads a group called Families Advocating Safe Streets. ''What this does is allow me to take matters into my own hands; I don't care how you dress it up.'' Neal said Sunday that he would leave the police force if the proposal becomes law. ",11 +13,"Emotions boiled over when freshman Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) whose uncles, President John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, died from assassins' bullets decried the repeal effort.",12 +9,Treating Asthma Like an Allergy,8 +8,who travel long distances to and from work and need protection when traveling,7 +5,"Reflecting on the 11-hour deliberation, Jensen said jurors told him later, ""This was not even a close call for them."" He said it took time to be ""analytical"" and ""thorough"" in sifting through more than 100 exhibits and testimony of 35 witnesses. +",4 +14,Mexico raps U.S. law Deportation wave feared by many,13 +9,"Lower smoking rates, of course, bring large benefits for society, by reducing early death and making people healthier",8 +13,For some will undoubtedly listen to Biden's recommendations and shout that he went too far. And others will hear the exact same words and shout that he did not go far enough.,12 +2,"Employers are closing in on the limit for hiring foreign high-tech workers for jobs next year, roughly two months before the start of the 2006 fiscal year, an immigration official said Monday.",1 +15,Can this marriage be saved?,14 +1,Jon's Pipe Shop,0 +13,Governor vetoes civil-union legislation,12 +5,Where are my rights as a law-abiding U.S. citizen? Which amendment protects our children from being hunted down as they go to school? Which amendment protects us as we go out to enjoy a movie at our local theater? Which amendment protects us from being shot any time we leave our homes?,4 +13,House GOP backing NRA gun bill,12 +11, That means Massachusetts will have the first state-recognized gay marriages in U.S. history.,10 +9,they are becoming breeding grounds for violence,8 +10,"Pat Tuthill, the victim's mother, said she wasn't sure how she felt.",9 +12,"While some long-term residents say they plan to take action to stop the ceremonies, Mr. West has received strong support from those who voted for him, along with the local gay community. +",11 +10,Griffin said he was devastated by the appeals court action and said he was tired of the ups and downs of his case.,9 +13,GAY PARTNER INSURANCE DEBATE HITS HOUSE FLOOR,12 +5,The state and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota accuse the cigarette companies of concealing the dangers of smoking,4 +13,"On Friday, he released the rest of his legislative proposals. Many had been previously publicized, including expanding early voting and incentives for construction of an offshore wind farm. +",12 +5,"After prosecutors and defense attorneys suggested that would be too long a delay, Brinkema sent the jury home for the day. Later yesterday, the juror told the court that he was feeling better, so the jury is supposed to start what could be its third full day of deliberations today.",4 +7,"Immigration authorities, accusing Disneyland in California of hiring illegal aliens, threatened to fine the theme park nearly $ 395,000 - the largest such penalty ever imposed.",6 +8,Unrealistic border demands could kill immigration reform,7 +1,ederal government to further regulate the tobacco industry by cracking down on marketing aimed at young people,0 +9,"CDC's director, Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, agreed.",8 +9,"""We have safe schools.""",8 +11,This wasn't the story that Tom Lowenstein had bargained for. The year was 2003 and the crusading writer had travelled to a prison in the remote southwestern corner of Pennsylvania to interview a death-row inmate named Walter Ogrod for what he thought was going to be a book about America's damaging obsession with the death penalty.,10 +5," The cards are supposed to be available early next year, at which point New York will surely leapfrog New Haven and San Francisco in having the largest municipal ID program in the country.",4 +15,Curb smoking in public,14 +13,Schumer and McCain Express Optimism on Chances for Immigration Overhaul,12 +6,Cupertino City Council votes to put a stop to smoking in recreational areas,5 +11,CAN THESE TEENS INSPIRE CHANGE IN TALLAHASSEE?,10 +1,"Dick's Sporting Goods joins chorus for gun control, stops selling assault-style ri-fles;",0 +13,"Northern Virginia lawmakers invoked the sniper attacks today in proposing firearm restrictions at local and state government buildings, but were rebuffed by rural and Republican colleagues who oppose new gun controls.",12 +1,"In Silicon Valley, they are primarily Indian and Chinese engineers, but they are also doctors, architects, financial professionals and former CEOs, said Pratik Dakwala, a local Immigration Voice leader and a San Jose business consultant.",0 +7,"The Immigration and Naturalization Service said the body might be that of a passenger on the Golden Venture, one of 20 people believed to be missing from the immigrant-smuggling ship that ran aground off Rockaway Beach on June 6 with about 320 passengers.",6 +13,Barr says HUD lied about firearms suit,12 +2,Legal Immigrants Facing a Longer Wait,1 +15,No Reason Not to Test,14 +14,Foreign Minister Jorge G. Castaneda began a two-day visit to Washington aimed at reviving negotiations with the Bush administration on immigration reforms.,13 +5,"Hours after a federal judge declared California's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional on Wednesday, Phil Ting, San Francisco's assessor-recorder, stood on the steps of City Hall and addressed a cheering crowd.",4 +10,U.S. PANEL CALLS FOR LIMITING AID TO ILLEGALS,9 +12, Sign SAFE petitions,11 +3,"This is because marriage is a religious word, being used in civil context.",2 +12,A Washington Post-ABC News poll released just last week shows a majority of Americans now support gay marriage. Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said gay marriage should be legal - the first time a majority has backed gay marriage in that particular survey. Other polls echo those findings.,11 +5,"Immigration and Naturalization Service officials asked Elian's great-uncle, Lazaro Gonzalez, to meet with them today in Miami, at which time government officials said he would be given another opportunity to sign a pledge to give up Elian if he loses the court battle.",4 +6,change a policy in the federal government that discriminated against same-sex partners,5 +5,The Gun Rights Tilt,4 +5,CIGARETTE MAKER SEEKS DEAL TO TURN OVER DATA,4 +11,"""It's the same with sexual mores all over - that if you look at campuses and universities, they have a lot of gay pride clubs and so there has been a deliberate and effective outreach to the younger generation about being more accepting of same-sex relationships."" +",10 +8,"arshall was innocent because he was defending himself in the fight that left Henry lying dead in his MCI cell. +",7 +6,Ban on Cigarette Ads Near Schools Is Proposed,5 +5,Florida Measure May Ease Lawsuit's Threat to Cigarette Makers,4 +13, Ed Rendell.,12 +9,"save his life. +",8 +12,Opponents,11 +5,"Obama announced last week that nearly 1 million upstanding young, illegal immigrants would be spared the threat of being thrown out of the country.",4 +4,"That's an old, discredited figure that's been debunked before.",3 +5,Mississippi death sentence overturned,4 +7,The jury sentenced Mr. Buck to death.,6 +13,The Bush administration was correct in refusing to support a United Nations treaty aimed at halting illicit weapons flow if the pact infringes on Americans' traditional rights to own guns.,12 +9, they don't want to breathe secondhand smoke,8 +12,N.Y. gun group bids to blow away Andy's ban,11 +15,Historic step for same-sex marriages,14 +13,"He could have stayed up all night drafting legislation. He could have called for a vote. Mr. Ryan could have been a leader. Instead, he chose his own publicity stunt of adjournment.",12 +11,Hernando County teens work to snuff out tobacco,10 +6," I would like to see guns kept at privately run, licensed storage centers, which could double as firing ranges. ",5 +13,"President Barack Obama put Vice President Joe Biden in charge of coming up with legislation to stem such violence. In January, Obama announced a series of proposals that includes background checks for all gun sales.",12 +5,"Gay marriages remain legal in California +",4 +5,A SECOND LOOK AT 2ND AMENDMENT,4 +13,"Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who has come under fire for his opposition to tighter gun controls, said Tuesday he was allocating $ 1.6 million in state funds to fight gun crime",12 +5,"T.J. McKenna should re-read his oath of office. +",4 +13,'WAKE UP CALL' FOR CONGRESS,12 +13,"He also apologized for the first time for the way the resolution was written, saying a better editing job might have been warranted to make it a precise statement against domestic partnership benefits instead of the sweeping statement he says was distorted by the media",12 +9,the mentally ill.,8 +13,"Last week, Dayton called the bill ""one of those society-changing breakthrough moments."" Aides said he probably will sign the legislation in a ceremony Tuesday evening on the front steps of the Capitol in St. Paul. +",12 +7,Teens try to catch tobacco scofflaws,6 +9,swayed by the hazards of smoking and secondhand smoke,8 +5,"That ''retroactive demotion,'' in the words of Laurence H. Tribe, the Harvard law professor, could lead to numerous legal challenges. But those challenges, too, would largely be over symbols rather than substance.",4 +11,"""I think I'm still a Mexican,"" she says. ""When my skin turns white and my hair turns blond, then I'll be an American.",10 +9,A Push to Put Tobacco to a Healthy Use,8 +12,More than 20 private schools have said they won't lift their gun bans when the law takes effect this August,11 +13,"You indicate the agency is doing everything in its power to stop the spread of these readily converted weapons. What you omit is the bungling by Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the MAC-10 problem since 1979, which allowed the proliferation of these guns in the first place",12 +2,"The number of applications for the jobs, many of them in high-tech companies, was nearly 52,000 as of Thursday, with 22,383 applications for H-1B visas approved and 29,556 pending.",1 +5,"A measure to ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota's Constitution is already scheduled to be on the ballot in 2012, and one could follow in North Carolina.",4 +5,"It frees him, however, to seek relief in federal district court, since he has exhausted all avenues of relief in the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service system. Federal court judges may consider whether constitutional rights have been violated and other issues outside the jurisdiction of the INS and its judges.",4 +8,better background checks.,7 +14,Mexico's Leader Quietly Adopts A Warmer Approach to the U.S.,13 +5,JUDGE HACKS AWAY AT BIG TOBACCO'S DEFENSE,4 +2,"IMMIGRANT NUMBERS CONTINUE TO SWELL STATE REPORT SURPRISES, GIVEN ECONOMY, 9; 11",1 +3,"But Hines said she forgave her brother's murderer, Dennis Wayne Eaton, 41, because ""killing is wrong, whether it's a case of one individual killing another or if it's a state killing one of its citizens.""",2 +11,Study Sees Increase in Illegal Hispanic Workers in New Orleans,10 +15,A good place to start,14 +14,"The Flame in Spain: Who Loses, Who Gains?",13 +11,"Soon I graduated from swiping cigarettes to buying them at a grocery store. Our gang of boys would wander into town ---Wausau, Wis. ---with cigarettes cupped in our hands, sometimes blowing smoke out our nostrils like movie stars. We'd hang out at a cafe across the river drinking ""mud"" (coffee with lots of cream and sugar) and puffing on ""fags."" We called them ""coffin nails"" even then.",10 +15,Inquirer Editorial: Gay marriage debated,14 +13,"Mr. Cheney attacked Senator John Kerry, the Democratic challenger, as a firearms wuss, despite Mr. Kerry's beady-eyed display last fall when he blasted pheasants from the Iowa skies in his own vote-hunting foray.",12 +13,President Obama.,12 +6,No Executions in Illinois Until System Is Repaired,5 +13,President Obama has done his share to fix the nation's broken immigration system.,12 +10,Kirby Chastine grew up in an impoverished home,9 +5,"""We want the Supreme Court to review the whole panoply of due-process denials (by Sabo) in the two court hearings we've already had,"" Weinglass said.",4 +4,The Ruling: PANTS ON FIRE!,3 +11,"while the number of young smokers - under age 18 - has steadily increased. + +'And the younger you start",10 +7,"Arlington Business Accused of Forging Immigration Documents; 3 Charged +",6 +6,"As of this month, 66,019 guns of various types were registered with Shelton's office. But because the city does not require registrations to be renewed, it's possible that a lot of those weapons, registered years ago, are no longer here.",5 +7,"A Rwandan man arrested three years ago trying to fly into the Twin Cities was ordered deported, becoming the first person refused admission into the country on genocide accusations.",6 +7,Bill fines teen smokers,6 +10,Veterans lobby to preserve disability benefits for smokers,9 +5,"From their apartment near Cracow, the Wekliczes used a U.S. government website to track their petition.",4 +7," +Texas Executes Man Who Killed Woman After Abducting Her",6 +12,Gay rights still divide Maine,11 +9,Tavai died a few hours later at Parkland Memorial Hospital.,8 +7,Penry was condemned for raping and fatally stabbing and beating 22-year-old East Texas housewife Pamela Moseley Carpenter in 1979. He was on parole at the time for rape.,6 +11,Smoke-free Games a U.S. courtesy,10 +6,Ban Handguns!,5 +13,That bill stalled because of objections from conservatives and Democrats,12 +6,Bill bans felon burial in national cemeteries,5 +5,LEAK OF SECRET MEMO BURNS UP CIG BIGWIGS,4 +15," +Gay Marriage Considerations",14 +11,AMERICA MUSTN'T EMULATE COUNTRY THT BANNED GUNS,10 +7,Man Seized At U.S. Capitol To Be Deported; No Charges Against Australian,6 +7,"He was also charged with illegally possessing explosives, a nod to the hive of booby traps found inside his apartment, apparently designed to maim or kill anyone who came looking for Mr. Holmes after the July 20 shootings at a midnight screening of ''The Dark Knight Rises.''",6 +7,17 Arrested in New York In a Nationwide Drug Sting,6 +1,SANTA CRUZ YOUTH WORKER WINS INS WORK PERMIT,0 +11,Report adds currency to America's historic immigration story,10 +4,Clinton's claim that 40% of guns are sold at gun shows and online is based on outdated data,3 +13,Excerpts From Pataki Death Penalty Letter,12 +13," ""Congress is concerned with this impact on the national economy"" and enacted the law under its power to regulate interstate commerce, he said.",12 +6,Why is it so hard to regulate guns - even though gun regulation is so popular?,5 +5," +State thwarts city's partnerships plan Attorney general says council action illegal",4 +9,"The public health implications are obvious, perhaps frightening. Among the report's findings are that: Second-hand smoke kills an estimated 3,000 non-smokers each year, it is responsible for 20 percent of lung cancers that are not already attributable to direct smoking, and the cancer risk for a non-smoking spouse of a smoker is one in 500. Worse, the risks escalate for children. The EPA found that children who are exposed to tobacco smoke are more likely to develop asthma, respiratory infections and ear infections.",8 +5,"With 90 minutes to spare, the Nevada Supreme Court stayed the execution of a convicted murderer for at least 60 days late Monday to consider whether the three-drug cocktail used in lethal injection constituted cruel and unusual punishment.",4 +12,"Mathew Staver, president and general counsel of the Florida-based Liberty Counsel, which sought the stay, said he was disappointed by the ruling. He is still looking forward to arguing the case next month before a federal appeals court, and then this fall before the Supreme Court, he said.",11 +13,The proposal passed quickly through the legislature over the past two weeks on party-line votes that exposed an increasingly bitter partisan divide in Annapolis.,12 +13,"John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Senate Republican, put it this way: There was ""a deal to make a deal.""",12 +1,when it bought American.,0 +13,"Democrats End Sit-In After 25 Hours, Drawing Attention to Gun Control",12 +1,"Its financial records are chaotic, but the agency charged with defending death row inmates has enough money to pay salaries and continue operating, plus almost $ 250,000 for other expenses, says Auditor General Charles Lester.",0 +5,The jury went into deliberations at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday and had a verdict by about 2:30 p.m.,4 +6," Under the current law, New Jersey residents may carry a handgun only if they can convince a Superior Court judge that their safety depends on it",5 +3,MINORITY PASTORS BACK AMENDMENT 2,2 +5,JURY SELECTION UNDER WAY IN NICHOLS TRIAL,4 +5,TIME FOR A SHOWDOWN ON GUN RIGHTS,4 +3,Southern Baptists come out against cloning humans,2 +5,Suing the Gun Makers,4 +7,"Since the Police Department had successfully conducted a program of turning guns in for cash, Hynes and Police Commissioner Howard Safir decided to make the offer again.",6 +14,The wedding aisle leads gay couples to California,13 +5,STATE HIGH COURT GETS SMOKERS' CASE,4 +5,"Without the Second Amendment right to bear arms, how long would we have the First Amendment right to free speech?",4 +5,The amendment differs from the U.S. Constitution's right to keep and bear arms because courts have ruled that the Second Amendment restricts only the federal government and does not restrict the power of the states to regulate firearms.,4 +5,"Yet, the basic flaw in relying on those words alone is that they constitute only half an amendment. The full text says: ""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."" It is the first clause that has been used by opponents of a broad reading of the amendment to assert that the Constitution does not guarantee each citizen the right to own a gun.",4 +13,WELCOME TO SILLY SEASON FOR FLORIDA'S LAWMAKERS,12 +13," +Both sides on gun control are turning to women",12 +8,Bucks legislator: Expand Pa. background checks on rifle sales,7 +13,"When President Obama said Monday that ""our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law,"" he made history by becoming the first president to advocate for gay rights in an inaugural address. +",12 +7,"including a brown cotton glove found in his car that appears to be the mate of one found near the scene of a killing in Silver Spring. +",6 +13, State Assemblyman Martin A. Luster began to taste the tricky politics of getting tough on crime.,12 +12,"Recent polls have shown supporters and opponents of the Knight initiative in a statistical tie. +",11 +12,"To beat the NRA, think like the NRA",11 +9,"Female farmworkers across the United States are commonly sexually harassed and assaulted, in part because their immigration status makes them fearful of calling police, according to a report being released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch.",8 +9,"In 1991, 18,526 Americans committed suicide with a firearm",8 +7, Prison officials said McCarver would be moved out of the special death watch cell and onto death row with 212 other prisoners this morning.,6 +4,Let Gays Serve Openly,3 +5," +In a one-line order, the Supreme Court, without comment, denied a request to immediately block county clerks from issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. The court will now considerProtectMarriage.com 's broader legal argument that Proposition 8 should remain in force in California, considered a longshot by most legal experts.",4 +11,"About 11.2 million illegal immigrants were living in the United States in 2010, a number essentially unchanged from the previous year, according to a report published Tuesday by the Pew Hispanic Center, a nonpartisan research organization in Washington.",10 +13," Two Illinois Republicans considered among the nation's most vulnerable congressional incumbents are breaking from their party and its outspoken presidential nominee, Donald Trump, to push laws that would include a path to citizenship for people living in the country illegally. +",12 +5,"Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker said Friday that Georgia should keep electrocution unless the U.S. Supreme Court says otherwise. ""There are not any constitutional issues with Georgia's statute. Those challenges have fallen,"" he said. +",4 +7,Reputed kingpin arrested Pedro Castorena allegedly heads a crime family that sells counterfeit identity documents nationwide. He is being held in Mexico.,6 +5,Mississippi seeks tobacco reparations,4 +15,THE MEDIA BUSINESS,14 +5,defend it before the Supreme Court ,4 +5,"Anthony Vollack, a former legislator, prosecutor and district judge, was sworn in yesterday as the 42nd chief justice of the Colorado Supreme Court.",4 +11,A SLOT FOR NONSMOKERS,10 +13,"The measure, which advocates called a first step on the road to civil unions for homosexuals, passed on a surprisingly strong, bipartisan vote of 103 to 30 after it was expanded to include any unmarried couple, regardless of sexual orientation.",12 +13,"""Rarely is the connection between a campaign contribution and a vote on a critical issue so blatantly linked,"" the campaign charged in its letter to the FEC. Matthew L. Myers, the campaign's general counsel, said the promised ads are designed to give ""political cover to those who handed the tobacco industry this victory.""",12 +4," ""I just want to be able to walk down the street and hold my wife's hand like everybody else.""",3 +5,Missouri corrections officials came under heavy fire from a condemned inmate's lawyers Wednesday and some pointed questioning by federal appeals judges considering whether to allow the state to resume executions.,4 +12,Gay rights advocates say the activism sends a strong message.,11 +13,NRA BLASTS BILL GALVANO OVER DONATION FROM GUN-CONTROL GROUP: 'OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS WERE SOLD',12 +12,"Immigration activists and civil rights leaders will hold rallies and marches in 200 cities across the nation on Thursday, hoping to revive the stagnant immigration debate in time for the presidential election.",11 +5,"In a letter to the Tulsa World, Nichols' lawyer, Brian Hermanson, had said Nichols was willing to end his appeals and accept his federal life sentence to avoid the state trial. Lane said a court order prevented him from commenting on the offer.",4 +13,State Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.,12 +13,Sen. Mitchell and the Brady Bill,12 +11,"Race, Religion and Same-Sex Marriage",10 +13,DOLE SHIFTS STANCE ON GUN BAN,12 +7, the final lethal injection in the series at the end of the month.,6 +15,De Rigueur Guns,14 +9,SMOKING IN PREGNANCY TIED TO DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR,8 +5,"Gayle argued that the punishment could include withdrawing the death penalty or at least delaying the trial to allow the defense to catch up. The defense also asked Leopold to remove the Arapahoe County prosecutors and substitute special prosecutors from outside the county. +",4 +15,Rethinking Gay Marriage,14 +3," +Mississippi governor signs law allowing armed church members",2 +8,"GUNS, DEFENDING PROPERTY AND THE LAW",7 +7,"Haughton could not have passed a background check due to domestic violence charges, but found his murder weapon online from a private seller, Brookfield police said last year. +",6 +3,Gay issues might cleave more protestant churches,2 +11,Many in country music mum over gun issues after Vegas deaths,10 +9,It is the Secretary of Health and Human Services who determines which diseases are put on the list of communicable diseases that are a public health threat if carried by immigrants. Health service officials have tried to eliminate AIDS from the list of diseases for which a person might be excluded.,8 +5,CONVICTED KILLER ASKS TO SERVE AS COCOUNSEL / LESLIE ANN NELSON WANTS A ROLE IN HER SENTENCING HEARING FOR TWO DEATHS IN A '95 SHOOT-OUT.,4 +12,CORRECT-THINKING CROWD MISSING THE TARGET ON MICHIGAN TRAGEDY,11 +6,SNUFFED OUT: MOTOROLA BANS SMOKERS IN OWN CARS,5 +6, 50-Foot Smoking Ban Near Suffolk's Buildings,5 +8,Expanded background checks for Minnesota gun buyers heads to full Senate,7 +13," many House Republicans are worried that a tough, anti-illegal-immigration bill they thought would please their political base has earned them little benefit while becoming a lightning rod for the fast-growing national movement for immigrant rights.",12 +5,"Some people are uncomfortable with guns? Who cares? It is a basic right to keep and bear arms. +",4 +9, mentally retarded,8 +4, guarantee death row inmates access to DNA testing if that could help exonerate them.,3 +10,"The days, months and years of what Judy Rickard calls ""sad and separated"" are finally over for her and her spouse Karin Bogliolo. +",9 +5,Calif. high court widens domestic-partner law,4 +5,"After the verdicts in U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth's courtroom last week, most reasoning gave way to a torrent of emotion.",4 +7,"The next inmate in line for execution, Leo Jones, ",6 +13,GUN CONTROL MEASURE IS DEFEATED IN HOUSE AFTER DEMOCRATS REBEL,12 +1,"Entrepreneurs target first-time shoppers not ready to pull the trigger on a gun, bored wives, families on Sunday outings, and men with guilty consciences in need of bling. A sign at one jewelry stand in Chantilly offered a reminder: ""Mother's Day is May 12."" +",0 +13,Gay-marriage debate will steer votes,12 +9,from secondhand cigarette smoke,8 +9,Glendale same-sex plan set City workers' partners to get health coverage,8 +11,"In one conservative town, celebration and fears of 'end times' after ruling on same-sex marriage;",10 +1,DEC CHIEF SUSPENDED IN FLAP OVER GUN SALES,0 +6,CLOSE LOOPHOLES FOR GUN PURCHASES,5 +11,BARBRA'S A MOVING TARGET FOR HESTON,10 +11," +That would come as news to Fox fans, who have heard comparatively little about the subject. While most of ''Joe'' was dedicated to guns on Thursday, Fox's morning show, ''Fox & Friends,'' didn't mention the word once. It focused instead on news about a Texas fertilizer plant explosion. +",10 +13,Obama prioritizing immigrant issues,12 +13,"Advocates point to an ally in the new Democratic administration. ""It was very clear during his campaign that Governor [Martin] O'Malley recognized that one in 10 Marylanders was born in another country,"" said Kim Propeack, CASA's advocacy director. +",12 +5,California Supreme Court Considers Gay Marriage Licenses,4 +1,CIGARETTE FIRMS RAISE PRICES,0 +8,Privacy Laws Slow Efforts To Widen Gun-Buyer Data,7 +6,four categories of state tobacco control it graded: efforts to keep public places smoke-free,5 +5,"ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL; NO SYMPATHY FOR ILLEGALS OVER LEGALS +",4 +9,sometimes grotesque errors in death chambers,8 +12,fellow citizens,11 +11,Tennessee had been the only Southern state that had not executed anyone since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976.,10 +7,"""Assault weapons have become the weapons of choice for violent criminals, drug dealers, gangs and dangerous maniacs everywhere,",6 +7,"rison spokesman Tim Kniest said Oxford would spend Tuesday night in a holding cell. +",6 +5,Judge blocks President Trump's sanctuary city funding freeze,4 +9,Execution of Retarded Man Is Fought,8 +13,"But Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D., N.J.), who succeeded in blocking similar legislation in the Senate, said the bill would flood the streets with cheap, highly lethal weapons.",12 +5,"The court's unprecedented 7-2 ruling ordered ''no further stays'' by federal judges. +",4 +13,It is a familiar view from a Democratic politician in the state with the country's largest concentration of immigrants.,12 +5, the Second Amendment,4 +3,Baptists denounce again gay lifestyle,2 +5,Attorney General Janet Reno told the city officials that her department also was considering a limit on the number of guns an individual may own and a broader version of a proposed ban on assault weapons.,4 +5,The Court and the Second Amendment,4 +7,"But at the end of her dreaming and regretting, Mi-Choong O'Brien, 50, remains where she started, at the Hampton Roads Regional Jail in Portsmouth, Va. For her crime -- she says she took $70, the restaurant says it was at least $11,000, and her plea agreement states $3,000 -- she was sentenced to three years, all but a month suspended. Now she is being detained under a 1996 immigration law that allows the United States to deport noncitizens with criminal convictions and sentences of a year or more.",6 +13,Obama cautious in approach to gay rights,12 +5,When Same-Sex Marriages End,4 +1,"City authorities intent on recovering millions of dollars in lost cigarette taxes are investigating Philip Morris Inc. and Lorillard Tobacco Co., makers of the cigarettes most frequently smuggled up the Interstate 95 corridor from Virginia into New York. +",0 +9,DEATH AND JOE CAMEL,8 +8,The law's very adequate on self-defense,7 +13,Orlando gunman's dad at Clinton stop,12 +5,"In an interview, McMahon questioned the accuracy of the center's study and said he had chosen blacks for the Wilson jury. Four of the 12 jurors in the case were black.",4 +1,"even though the cigarette factories of the Piedmont region and the billion-dollar crop down east no longer dominate the economy, the powerful industry tugs and pulls",0 +13,Johnson spoke on the House floor about his bill this afternoon:,12 +10,"Guryevskaya recently received her certificate from the program, and promptly got a job as a teacher's assistant at a Brooklyn Montessori school. With a bit more experience, she'll be qualified to open her own day-care center.",9 +12,"The National Rifle Association objects to both versions. ""The original Wilder proposal is an efficient nightmare, and the compromise is an inefficient nightmare for law-abiding Virginians,"" NRA spokesman William McIntyre said.",11 +5,"Walczak defended the release of the information because the case involves the government and tax payers dollars. +",4 +5," But Chief Justice Roberts's record suggests that he may avoid taking a position on such a divisive and partisan issue, focusing instead on the more technical question of whether the states challenging the Obama administration's immigration plan have suffered the sort of direct and concrete injury that gives them standing to sue.",4 +8,Stand-your-ground laws offer needed protection,7 +13,"Then there's the fact that Fisette (D), an Arlington County Board member for the past 15 years, got married. +",12 +7,"Wallace was feuding with Anthony Collins, who Wallace believed was responsible for his break-up with his girlfriend. So he tossed a lit bottle of gasoline toward Collins' parked Ford Explorer.",6 +9," precise world of physics, terminal-wound ballistics and penetration factors.",8 +9,Trump Says Tougher Gun Laws Could've Worsened Texas Death Toll,8 +6,"The university has relied on a patchwork of regulation that included banning student possession of weapons on campus, but this is the first time everything and everyone -- including employees and visitors -- has been clearly addressed in one policy.",5 +9,"He stumbled and sprained a knee. Limping for two nights and two days in 95-degree heat left him dehydrated. On the second day, a cactus punctured his plastic bottle, spilling the last of his water. He fainted twice.",8 +13,Obama to propose big steps on guns,12 +11,Rage and tears Cry vs. guns echos from N.Y.C. to California,10 +5,"The Supreme Court had approved new state death-penalty laws in 1976, replacing those struck down by the court in 1972 as unconstitutional in their application.",4 +12,"Interracial marriage. A 2011 USA TODAY/Gallup poll found 86% approved, compared with 48% of Americans in 1991. +",11 +1,ISLETON STOPS CHARGING $150 FOR CONCEALED-WEAPON PERMITS,0 +11,"Flynt, the iconic publisher of the pornographic magazine Hustler",10 +5,"In finding procedural flaw, again, in the death sentence imposed on Texas inmate Johnny Paul Penry, the U.S. Supreme Court may have spared his life",4 +4,"Was homeowner's decision to shoot at boys rifling through car, killing one, reasonable?",3 +13,"It had been approved by a voice vote, and opponents quickly insisted on reconsidering it, this time with a roll call to formally record how each senator voted. Evidently that turned some of the ayes heard by the Senate president into nays, because the proposal was defeated, 21 to 17.",12 +5,State AG hopefuls target Teachout,4 +12,Support for gay marriage is soaring,11 +14,city had reached agreements with six out-of-state gun dealers,13 +13,City Elections '93 McKinney may run slow with his foot in mouth,12 +1,"against cigarette companies, forcing them to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars defending themselves",0 +15,Snap out of the madness,14 +13,"The hearing opened another season of political jousting over the District's 29-year-old gun law, unanimously supported by the D.C. Council and other local leaders. The hearing was called by Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.), the panel's chairman, at the request of D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D).",12 +5,Kennedy: His 'must-have' vote leaves its mark;,4 +10,The right to live without fear,9 +12,IMMIGRANTS WANT MAYOR TO COOL ICE'S HEAT,11 +13,But President Obama ,12 +10,Don't turn schools into a police state,9 +13,"Meghan McCain, the daughter of John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, has become an outspoken supporter of same-sex marriage, despite her father's opposition to it. And Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, has forcefully backed it as well -- and is widely credited with helping to persuade her father to do the same. +",12 +12," Overwhelming majorities of Americans -- Americans who believe in the Second Amendment -- have come together around common-sense reform like background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun."" +",11 +4,Utah Execution Hinges on Issue of Racial Bias,3 +6, ban on certain assault weapons.,5 +6,TOBACCO DEAL COMES UNDER FIRE AS A 'STEP BACK' FOR FDA REGULATORS,5 +9,"Debra Noel, program administrator for the American Lung Association, said most elementary schools in Hillsborough County participate in the smoke-free program. She said its goal is education about the risks of smoking and preparation for situations in which students will be faced with the opportunity to smoke.",8 +13,"Calvin Williford, vice president of the Kansas City Pride Democratic Club,",12 +15,TOBACCO LOSES ON FACTS BUT WINS WHERE IT COUNTS,14 +6," has cast a national spotlight on Florida's first-in-the-nation ""stand your ground"" law, which allows individuals who feel threatened to use deadly force to defend themselves in any public place where they have a right to be.",5 +4, after last week's revelations that a possibly innocent man came within two days of execution.,3 +10,Sentence spares the life of a killer who wanted to die,9 +13,"Romney seeks to reassure NRA, gun enthusiasts",12 +12,"Despite the views about gay marriages, a majority of respondents said homosexual relations among consenting adults should be legal and 80 percent said homosexuals should be allowed to live ""wherever they want to, just like anyone else.""",11 +3,"Whatever its motive, CVS does the right thing by ending cigarette sales",2 +1,"Taxpayers can claim this credit to reduce what they owe in taxes, often getting refunds from the government. The vagueness of federal law may have contributed to the $4.2 billion in credits, the report said.",0 +15,Gun control under the guise of a noble cause,14 +7,"Appearing with her were the parents of Megan Kanka, 7, who was raped and strangled July 29, allegedly by a convicted pedophile who lived across the street. Also on hand were the parents of Amanda Wengert, 6, of Manalapan, Monmouth County. She was abducted from her home March 5, sexually assaulted and beaten to death. A teenage neighbor with a history of sex crimes has been charged with murder and kidnapping in that case, which prompted the bills Whitman signed into law yesterday.",6 +7,"Lanza, herself, was murdered by her son, before Adam Lanza set out for the school last Friday. +",6 +5," +U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker has scheduled a hearing Thursday to consider the group's request for a preliminary injunction, a move that would allow gay marriages to resume in California. +",4 +5,Jury rules for hospital that deported patient,4 +9,Ohio: Obesity Fails To Stay An Execution,8 +11,"On the other hand, the lack of integration means a constant need for redefining yourself. And suddenly you become a different person, like a person from a country that does not exist, has nothing to do with geopolitical boundaries. Little by little you find fellow citizens of that country, immigrants, refugees, etc. There is an easiness communicating. The San Francisco Bay Area is one of richest areas in the country and world for a plural cultural experience. You feel you're not a foreigner here.",10 +1,N.Y. merchants love gay marriage,0 +15,Flash of Honesty,14 +13,"""They're as mad as a wet hen at the guy, and he just threw them a political bone,"" said Del. L. Scott Lingamfelter (R-Prince William), a leading gun rights lawmaker, who had two gun bills vetoed in the past week.",12 +11,"Sarah Brady, Gun Control Activist, Is Dead at 73",10 +1,Philip Morris scraps cigarette,0 +13," he said at a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa.",12 +4,Black Lawmakers Seek Death Penalty Stay Pending Study,3 +13,Gay marriage approved by Maryland Senate committee,12 +15,A PLEDGE AND A PROMISE,14 +8,"That call ultimately landed him in a room with blackened windows in a New Jersey jail, where he sat for four months, caught in a net widely cast by federal agents investigating the Sept. 11 attacks.",7 +6,The Food and Drug Administration has issued a final rule to protect children from the marketing and sale of tobacco products.,5 +11,Rewrite of gun history is ridiculous,10 +1,IMMIGRANTS BOOST U.S. ECONOMY,0 +8,Zacarias Moussaoui pleaded guilty Friday of conspiring with the Sept. 11 attackers -- and declared that he had been chosen by Osama bin Laden to fly an airliner into the White House in a separate assault.,7 +5,"Under terms of an agreement that his lawyers hammered out with the U.S. Justice Department, he would agree to leave with an honorable discharge and some benefits, but only if he could pursue his cause.",4 +9,We're killing ourselves,8 +5," +New York's highest court heard arguments in two cases on Tuesday that could have profound effects on the battle over same-sex marriage. + +The cases, which the court, the New York State Court of Appeals, is considering jointly, concern relatively narrow executive and administrative orders in recent years that extended benefits like health insurance to same-sex spouses of government employees who married in jurisdictions where such marriages are legal, and, in one county, required local officials to treat same-sex couples as married. + +But a broad enough ruling by the Court of Appeals could force businesses and local governments in the state to recognize out-of-state marriages between same-sex couples, effectively legalizing the unions of thousands of New Yorkers who were married in Vermont, Iowa, parts of Canada and other places where same-sex marriage is legal.",4 +7,"Three teens will be held in Palm Beach County jail without bail on first-degree murder charges in the fatal shooting of a mixed martial arts fighter west of Boca Raton,",6 +4,"""Marriage is a human right, not a heterosexual privilege.''",3 +5,"Harris, 40, was the first defendant condemned under the three-year-old law.",4 +13,"The White House press office swung into action, e-mailing a statement from spokesman Tony Snow that said ""President Bush misspoke."" Snow said interpreting Bush's comment at the White House meeting as an endorsement of amnesty ""is the exact opposite of the president's long-held and often-stated position.""",12 +15,The Tobacco Talks: No Deal,14 +12,Support of gay unions to vary,11 +5,"In two tense hearings last week, Sabo denied the defense's request to remove himself from the case. He denied a ""motion for discovery"" that would have required prosecutors to turn over police reports and other records alleged to have been withheld. And he ordered the defense attorneys to begin presenting testimony today. He postponed deciding whether to issue a stay of execution.",4 +5,put a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage,4 +6,"The Brady Act took effect one year ago today, and in that time it has stopped thousands of convicted felons from walking into gun shops and walking out with handguns.",5 +1,"he agency also failed to take advantage of $ 500,000 and nine new positions allocated by legislators because no one applied for the grant, Lester said. +",0 +13,LEGISLATURE 2003: Tobacco tax increase finds wide support,12 +3,"""As pastors and clergy leaders, we are here today to declare our unequivocal support for Maryland's Civil Marriage Protection Act and to dispel the myth that all African American pastors are fundamentally opposed to the idea of marriage equality,"" Coates said.",2 +13,"Begich has signed on as a co-sponsor of a bill, drafted in consultation with the NRA",12 +13,How Representatives Voted On Bill to Ban Assault Guns,12 +13,"Kennesaw, which attracted national attention 25 years ago for requiring landowners to own a gun, plans to fight a state law that prohibits local governments from banning firearms in city parks, Mayor Leonard Church said Tuesday. +",12 +9,to gun safety,8 +13,"Jeb Bush, immigrating the right ideas for the GOP",12 +5, the U.S. Supreme Court's throwing out a Texas sodomy statute and a Massachusetts court's legalizing same-sex marriage in that state,4 +5,"'Thus, in my judgment, no county clerk should issue a marriage license to same-sex couples because those licenses would be invalid under current law,' Madrid said.",4 +5,"Justice Dept. vows to speed handling of deportation cases, curtail backlog",4 +13,"O'FALLON ADVANCES BILL TO CURB TEEN SMOKING, JOINS COUNTY EFFORT",12 +5,"The latest example included an epitaph from that most destructive of Supreme Court justices, the late William J. Brennan. Brennan, who never met a criminal he didn't like, said the death penalty is ""a denial of the executed person's humanity.""",4 +5,Applicants will still be required to bring backup documents to prove their identity to get a card.,4 +1,"The cigarettes are being test-marketed in Florida and Arizona by the nation's largest tobaccomaker, Philip Morris Co.",0 +12,"Two years after Sandy Hook, the gun control movement has new energy +",11 +12,ATTAC KON REAGAN SPURS RESOLVE OF RIFLE GROUP,11 +9,Teen Smoker Ignited Fire In Ellicott City,8 +13," the leadership of individual governors and legislative leaders, and the success of candidates running on gun-control platforms.",12 +13,"Mayor Giuliani quickly cracked down on the sales, and Lowey said yesterday",12 +5,"Concerning the recent letter ''Argument over guns isn't about freedom to own one'': The writer seems to have interpreted the Constitution according to the rules of punctuation. He draws the conclusion that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not an individual right but one reserved to the states, or to the federal government. This is demonstrably not so.",4 +14," But as other states have become disenchanted with the ultimate punishment in light of so many wrongful convictions, Florida has moved in the opposite direction.",13 +5,Montco presses ahead despite state lawsuit over gay marriage,4 +5,"Jefferson County State's Attorney Gary Duncan is aiming for the death penalty. He told the jury that Sutherland, now 48, was linked to the killing by a DNA analysis of hairs found on Amy's body.",4 +1,Increase tobacco user fees,0 +13,"reignited a debate over the nation's gun laws, President Obama is urging Congress to ""join me in finishing the job"" by taking swift action on gun-control legislation.",12 +9,FUND SET UP FOR BIRTH DEFECT-HIT FAMILIES,8 +5,Defense of Marriage Act on shaky ground in Mass. benefits case,4 +13,"Obama, meanwhile, lauded the Senate bill ""as very much in line with the principles I proposed,"" though he refrained from explicitly endorsing the proposed ""certification"" program.",12 +7,examples of gun violence,6 +11,"At the outset of his essay ""On Pain,"" the philosopher Ernst Junger offers a passage from a 19th-century German cookbook: ""Of all animals that serve as nourishment to man,"" it reads, ""lobster must suffer the most torturous death, for it is set in cold water on a hot flame."" Whether or not lobsters suffer - a crustaceous quandary that once left David Foster Wallace ambivalent, even after devouring the scientific literature - it is difficult to see their wriggling as a sign of jubilation. But all too rarely does the fact of their death grab our attention. Rather, it is the spectacle of pain amid the roiling water that sears itself into our minds.",10 +13,"Whatever the states ultimately do,",12 +9,Smoking in School Results in Health Hazard Citation,8 +1,Activists: Tobacco sales program not enough,0 +1,"The company, which is owned by the Altria Group, said its own reports showed that nicotine yields for its top-selling Marlboro brand were the same in 2006 as they were in 1997.",0 +11,Adding a Ritual to a Wedding: Showing Support for Gay Marriage,10 +5,The high court stopped short of giving homosexuals the right to marry,4 +13,"In case there was any doubt about this, consider this: The American Civil Liberties Union is launching a multimillion-dollar campaign spearheaded by GOP strategist Steve Schmidt to enlist the support of Republicans nationwide in legalizing gay marriage on the state level. +",12 +5,Restraining order blocks Calif. Proposition 187,4 +6, only with new laws,5 +1,"The prisons bill passed Friday would provide $10.5 billion for new construction, roughly $2.5 billion more than last year's bill",0 +5,"A three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled Thursday that the Trump administration's restrictions on travel from seven majority-Muslim countries will remain on ice while the courts work through whether the restrictions are legal. This is only the beginning of a long battle, but there are a few arguments the judges dispensed with upfront.",4 +3,"""It's so barbaric,"" says Sister Mary Ann Walsh, spokeswoman for America's Catholic bishops and former film writer for the Catholic News Service. +",2 +6,"The one-sentence initiative reads, ""only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in the District of Columbia.""",5 +7,"A man who spent 10 years on death row was executed early today for murdering a probation officer. + +Joseph Starvaggi, a 34-year-old cement finisher and native of Champaign, Ill., was pronounced dead shortly after midnight by Charles Brown, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Corrections. + +Mr. Starvaggi, who made no last statement, was executed by lethal injection for the slaying of John Denson, who was killed during a 1976 burglary at his home as the victim's wife and daughter huddled under a nearby blanket. +",6 +11," +Social media communities were in a furor.",10 +5,"Proponents of racial diversity were on the losing end of those rulings, and same-sex marriage proponents were on the winning end. +",4 +7," +Whether ""civil disobedience"" or ""reckless lawlessness,"" as each side has described the consecrated unions by local officials, the battle has accelerated beyond the imaginings of both sides. +",6 +7,"James Chambers, 47, is next on Missouri's execution list; he is scheduled to die Nov. 10 for fatally shooting a man during a bar fight more than 17 years ago.",6 +10,"His argument appears to rely on two premises: (1) that the marriage rate has plummeted in countries that have ""redefined"" marriage, and (2) that the declining marriage rate has in turn resulted in a dramatic rise in the number of babies born to unmarried parents.",9 +13,SHERIFF PRESSES MAYOR ON POST,12 +13,"With that move, Bush plays to his base, appeals to the majority of Americans uncomfortable with the idea of same-sex marriage and puts Kerry and Edwards on the defensive.",12 +12,Voters in 11 states OK bans of same-sex marriage;,11 +7,Judi Buenoano at noon today will become the first woman to die in Florida's electric chair.,6 +8,Vietnam veteran,7 +5,But his lawyers told Mr. Obama he had a constitutional duty to comply until the Supreme Court ruled otherwise.,4 +1,"The study, conducted by the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal-leaning Washington think tank, has particular relevance in New Jersey, where the largest 2012 petitioner for H-1B visas - Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. - has its headquarters.",0 +10,"""They got brought here at a very young age, they've worked here, they've gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they're in never-never land because they don't know what's going to happen.""",9 +7,Bonus: Background checks turn up criminals,6 +5,"""I think the state does not have an interest in re-defining marriage,""",4 +5,Review finding few immigrant deportation cases to set aside,4 +13,"The state Senate previously passed the bill by a wide margin, but the votes were not there in the House, despite an unusual move by President Obama to endorse the legislation.",12 +6, immigration policies should encourage and ease the legal flow of high- and low-skilled workers to keep the country competitive in recruiting talented workers.,5 +12,"The activist who threatened to lead an armed march on Washington on July 4 has canceled the event but is urging people to converge on the 50 state capitols to protest gun regulations, according to his recent appearance on an Internet talk show. +",11 +5,Sometimes the justices have to act,4 +5,Georgia court throws out electric chair,4 +1,"According to the numbers we do have, Trump's plan would add $51.2 billion and $66.9 billion in immigration enforcement costs over the next five years.",0 +5,unjustified state interference,4 +6,Absurd Notions About the Brady Law,5 +6,"'The original bill defined marriage with a bright line,' said Sen. John Andrews, the Englewood Republican who co-sponsored the measure and agreed to the compromise language with Perlmutter. 'That bright line is only blurred by the amendment.'",5 +5," +22 CHINESE ALIENS STRANDED IN JERSEY",4 +7,Mexican's Execution in Texas to Proceed,6 +5," +The late, great Thurgood Marshall had it right, opposing the death penalty every time he got a chance to do so.",4 +13,PROCEDURAL QUESTION DELAYS EFFORT TO BLOCK GUN LAW,12 +5,The Illinois Supreme Court overturned that conviction in 2000 and granted a new trial. The case was moved to St. Clair County because of pretrial publicity.,4 +13,"Candidate decries amnesty Beauprez aide accuses Ritter of delivering ""slap in the face"" to millions Democrat Ritter responds that he favors President Bush's approach to immigration reform.",12 +13,SALVATORE LEAVES PUZZLE IN SWITCH ON THE GUN BILL,12 +12,"In a statement released to Georgia news media and headlined ""58,000 acres in Georgia may be lost to hunting,"" the NRA had said the plan would restrict hunting privileges because the areas would be turned over to the National Park Service.",11 +6,A gun law only the criminals can love,5 +14,EXECUTION CAPITAL OF WESTERN WORLD,13 +12,"A stream of more than 215,000 pre-printed, pre-addressed postcards flowed in from members of the National Rifle Association. Cards also went to major TV networks. NBC received ""thousands."" They are part of an effort by the 3.4-million-member NRA to raise money for a campaign to defend ""firearm freedoms.""",11 +5,"With Friday's ruling, the Connecticut Supreme Court recognized exactly that.",4 +5,"A New York state appeals court Thursday threw out a ruling that would have allowed gay couples to marry in New York City, saying it is not the role of judges to redefine the terms ""husband"" and ""wife."" The state Supreme Court's Appellate Division ruled 4-1 that Justice Doris Ling-Cohan erred in February when she held that the state's domestic relations law is unconstitutional since it does not permit marriage between people of the same sex. The appeals court added: ""We find it even more troubling that the court, upon determining the statute to be unconstitutional, proceeded to rewrite it and purportedly create a new constitutional right."" Ling-Cohan had ruled in favor of five gay couples who sued New York the city clerk had denied their marriage license applications.",4 +13,"But it was too much for a hard-line minority in Congress, and it was killed by filibustering Republicans who want no legalization ever.",12 +13,Clearwater mayor joins in call to ban gun sales,12 +12,Anti-smoking groups on Friday lauded,11 +13,The Alton Democrat cheered loudly and did a fist-pump that turned heads from across the crowded chamber.,12 +6,Opinion: 2012 initiative will take aim at cancer and tobacco,5 +7,"Among the weapons seized were modified Uzis and AK-47s, silencers and hand grenades. An official with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said one of the 10 suspects arrested in the raid, Randall Brown, 53, of Godfrey, had set up shop as an illegal gun maker, using kits to turn the Uzis and AK-47s into fully automatic weapons. Some of the weapons were being traded for cocaine, according to the ATF.",6 +9,Coca-Cola to add domestic partner health care coverage,8 +15,Essay; Same-Sex Marriage Nears,14 +13,"Praising Supreme Court, Hillary Clinton Assails G.O.P. Field",12 +7," +The burglary took place Nov. 23 at the Cajun Experience in Leesburg, town police said. About 12:45 a.m., they said, two people forced their way inside, broke into a padlocked closet and stole seven long guns described as rifles and shotguns.",6 +13, President Clinton,12 +9,"School panel's meetings stay firearms-free Greeley-Evans board member Brett Reese blasts the decision to meet in schools, where guns are banned.",8 +10,Celebrating commitment,9 +6,Crime bills miss the mark,5 +5, argued that the original reason for the Second Amendment was so people could protect themselves from a ty-rannical government,4 +8,The Tehama County question: Why did this guy have guns?,7 +9, that would actually produce health benefits.,8 +14,Danish Company Blocks Sale of Drug for U.S. Executions,13 +1, would come at a negligible cost,0 +13,Johnson breezed through a meeting of the Retired Military Officers Association in Lavonia and a tour of the Carrier Transicold plant in Athens without a single person mentioning Thursday's 216-214 House vote to ban 19 types of assault weapons.,12 +5,"Gonzalez attorney Greg Craig told NBC the father wants a visa to come to America, but his only goal is to be reunited with his son and take him home.",4 +5,The move comes on the heels of a state Supreme Court case urging lawmakers to do just that.,4 +11,Such a program might be sufficient to encourage many if not most guest workers ultimately to return to the country and culture of their birth,10 +3,"Rick Warren, the evangelical pastor opposed to same-sex marriage",2 +9,West Palm extends family sick-leave benefits to domestic partners,8 +5,Proposition 8,4 +5,"The Supreme Court agreed today to decide whether an indigent defendant is constitutionally entitled to expert psychiatric assistance, paid for by the state, to help establish an insanity defense.",4 +5,"The Missouri Constitution will now state that ""to be valid and recognized in this state a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman.""",4 +5,"he says, that he fully understood how rapidly smoke-free forces can now move through jurisdictions.",4 +5," +AMENDMENT 2 FATE LIES WITH BLACK TURNOUT",4 +13,"Earlier in the day, House Democrats ended their sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives after more than 24 hours of chants and speeches advocating for stricter gun control measures.",12 +15,THE SIDE,14 +9,"That's absurd given what we know about the dangers posed by second- hand smoke: ""Involuntary smoking is a cause of disease, including lung cancer, in healthy non-smokers,"" the U.S. surgeon general has said in very direct language.",8 +12,But apparently the majority of people in those 11 states agree with Military Man's view.,11 +13,The issue figures to play a central role in the congressional debate later this month on proposals by the White House to restrict gun sales to juveniles and to impose background checks on all sales at gun shows.,12 +5,"To slow the pipeline of illicit guns, New York filed a federal lawsuit this week against 15 gun dealers, five of whom are in Georgia, that were allegedly caught violating federal law in a six-week sting operation by private investigators.",4 +6,Do you think executions should be televised?,5 +7," Prejean shot state policeman Donald Cleveland in the face in 1977 after being stopped for driving with a broken taillight. Prejean had been freed six months earlier from a juvenile detention center, where he had served time for killing a taxicab driver when he was 14.",6 +12,Md. leans toward same-sex marriage,11 +6,GUN LAW MISSES TARGET,5 +13,"Congress has the next move +",12 +7,GUN CONTROL LAW IN D.C LOWERS RATE OF HOMICIDES,6 +7," The school district erased the suspension from the student's record and said the principal was not setting a good example. The student, Eliazar Velasquez, a sophomore at Central High School in Providence, photographed the principal, Elaine Almagno, apparently smoking outside a school door this month. He posted the pictures, distributed fliers and was suspended on Friday. Steven Brown of the American Civil Liberties Union said Eliazar had been scheduled for a hearing about punishment, but he was allowed to return to school, and officials dropped a demand that he take down his Web site.",6 +7," quoting unnamed senior law enforcement officials,",6 +5,SPITZER IS SPITTIN' MAD AT TOBACCO,4 +9,"Previous studies have found that, after decades of lighting up, smokers do tend to weigh less than nonsmokers, but few studies have examined the effect among the young, especially young women, who are the most likely to smoke in an attempt to lose weight. +",8 +4,"Argument B is more uncompromising: You have the right to marry anyone, regardless of gender. The right to ""marriage equality"" is today's civil rights, voting rights and women's rights - and just as inviolable.",3 +7,to explore whether another man confessed to the 1987 murder of a Moon Lake store owner.,6 +5, and 750 cases with unsettling similarities,4 +13,"A small group of Senate Democrats, because they represent conservative states such as North Carolina and Arkansas, could help derail ambitious plans to overhaul the nation's immigration laws.",12 +5,"He predicted that Thursday's verdict, in which the jury found 15 of 25 gun manufacturers negligent in the way they marketed and distributed their product, will ""lead to significant numbers of new lawsuits by gun violence victims.""",4 +4,Letter: Proposition 8 is a matter of prejudice,3 +12,"Only 37 percent of adults, and 32 percent of voters, say illegal immigrants should be included, according to the poll taken Jan. 2-6 by the Survey and Policy Research Institute at San Jose State University. However, 52 percent of adults, and 50 percent of voters, say the government should guarantee health insurance for everyone, as opposed to relying on employers or individuals to provide coverage.",11 +13,Referring to Mr. Obama,12 +5,"A man who was kidnapped from his African village and forced to fight as a child soldier in Uganda's civil war has been granted political asylum by a federal immigration panel, ending the U.S. government's four-year effort to deport him.",4 +13,"Clinton deems such legislative action a diversion, a distraction from the real issues of the day. The most revolutionary change in the most fundamental institution of human society, marriage, is about to be dictated from on high, and those who want to have a national debate about it -- this is, after all, a democracy -- are accused not just of playing election-year politics but of trying to ""divert the American people"" from what is important.",12 +13,"Rep. Mark Gundrum, R-New Berlin, chairman of the Assembly committee and co-sponsor that chamber's bill, and Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, a co-sponsor of the Senate version, said the changes are needed as debate over same-sex marriages grows nationwide.",12 +6,The law,5 +13,Gun authority called 'ideal citizen lobbyist',12 +13,"The Senate will vote today to break a Republican filibuster and take up a bill setting broad new gun rules. The bill cleared a major hurdle Wednesday with a bipartisan deal to require criminal background checks for most commercial gun purchases. +",12 +1,1) Have the means to sustain themselves economically,0 +10,I want to congratulate the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids,9 +13,Republicans' Immigration Bill Blocked by Senate Democrats,12 +6," The main part of the president's program, enrollment for which begins some time next spring, would allow the undocumented parents of U.S. citizen children to apply for temporary permission to remain in the country as long as they have lived here continuously for at least the last five years. +",5 +5,Reputed Mobster Guilty In Six Narcotics Murders,4 +1,Civilian Sales of Military Rifle Raise Concerns About Terrorism,0 +4,DONALD TRUMP FALSELY CLAIMS HILLARY CLINTON 'WANTS TO ABOLISH THE 2ND AMENDMENT',3 +11,"She was 14 when her mother smuggled her into Los Angeles. She met her future husband, a legal resident, two years later.",10 +5,He was released last year after a federal judge in Miami ruled his due process rights had been violated because the government would not reveal enough of the classified evidence to allow him to mount a defense.,4 +10,Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Entitled to a Public Education?,9 +11,"In 1980, Littleton was 97 percent white. Twenty years later, the white population had dropped to 86 percent, as Latino, Asian and European families moved in - many of them immigrants.",10 +4,Florida lawmaker repeats dodgy claim about crimes by cops vs. concealed per-mit holders,3 +13,"""You're the first group that I wanted to speak with"" after being assigned by President Obama to produce a plan to reduce mass killings, Mr. Biden told the group during a few minutes of remarks in front of reporters. ""I want to hear your views because for anything to get done, we're going to need your advocacy. We're going to need your advocacy with law enforcement organizations in this country.""",12 +8," ""a military operation,"" Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, speaking in Mexico, clarified that there would be ""no use of military force in immigration operations.""",7 +15,"'Watch' this, feds, N.Y. vs. list insanity",14 +11,Concealed weapon applicants rise,10 +13,New York Republicans Offer Two-Fisted Gun-Violence Answer,12 +7,The NYPD has sparked,6 +6,"The new law, intended to prevent spouse abusers from having guns, was approved Sept. 30. It prohibits anyone - including police officers, federal agents and soldiers - from owning or carrying a gun after conviction of any crime involving domestic abuse, including misdemeanors such as simple assault.",5 +15,Strong Feelings Converge on Oken,14 +5, Williams said.,4 +10,Gun Violence on Campus,9 +13,AL GORE MAKES PLEA FOR STIFFER GUN LAWS HE IMPLICITLY SLAMS BUSH WHILE EARNING DAVIS' ENDORSEMENT,12 +7," +RETAIL GIANT FINED IN ALIEN INQUIRY WAL-MART SETTLES ILLEGAL-LABOR CASE",6 +7,2 convicted killers scheduled for execution a day apart,6 +3,Regret looms in future for opponents of gay rights,2 +9,Cigarette labels are graphic -- but will they work?,8 +6,Many Montgomery apartment buildings go smoke-free,5 +13,Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) has an A rating from the National Rifle Association - and a new perspective on gun control since Friday's mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school.,12 +13,"""It just blows my mind that the president of the United States [says] that the answer to circumstances like that is more gun control,"" he said to applause.",12 +5,"''The Supreme Court, of course, has the responsibility of ensuring that our government never oversteps its proper bounds or violates the rights of individuals. But the court must also recognize the limits on itself and respect the choices made by the American people.''",4 +3," The ""they came here through no fault of their own"" refrain",2 +3,HOW TO AFFIRM IMPORTANCE OF MARRIAGE,2 +15,OTHER VOICES; 'Know Where Your Group Is At',14 +13,"Toomey, sensing 'momentum,' plans revival of bill to expand background checks",12 +6,"remains unconvinced that the measure keeps determined outlaws from getting guns through newspaper want ads, gun shows or on the streets.",5 +10," will wed before relatives, friends and supporters in Boston and three other towns",9 +5,Supreme Court Case May Determine Fate of Thousands Seeking Asylum,4 +4, prejudiced against Peterson to assure him a fair trial.,3 +9,"Dr. Frederick Gibbons, lead author of the study, published in this month's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, concluded that people who think they're smart and have high self-esteem ""have difficulty admit-ting that their behavior has been unhealthy and/or unwise."" +",8 +13,"It is, as President Clinton described it, ""a no-brainer.""",12 +11,"PARENT HAS PROBLEM WITH TOBACCO / THE PHILLIES CATCHER SAYS HE HAS ATTEMPTED TO QUIT USING THE PRODUCT, WITHOUT MUCH SUCCESS.",10 +5,"In states, a legislative rush to nullify federal gun laws +",4 +5,"The legal challenges to DOMA, a federal law, pose different issues than the ongoing conflict over California's Proposition 8, which tests the broader question of whether states can outlaw same-sex marriage altogether. But with both cases barreling toward the Supreme Court, legal experts say they are likely to shape the law around gay marriage within the next few years.",4 +14,"For Japan, however, it has become a symbol of all that has gone wrong with America, a spark that has ignited bitter criticism in a country that has long looked up to the United States as its chief ally and mentor. +",13 +6,"In a First, Va. Aims To Deter Smoking",5 +7,"Philmore, who already is serving five other life prison sentences for his roles in the attempted murders and robberies of two Palm Beach County store owners within two weeks of Perron's slaying, pleaded with Angelos earlier this week to let him live.",6 +11," Old stick barns were once the cathedrals of tobacco, but now only a few remain in North Carolina.",10 +13,LAND OF NRA LAPDOGS,12 +13,"Legislators who passed the nation's first law requiring instant background checks on people wanting to buy certain guns say they hope to end Virginia's reputation as a supplier of firearms to drug dealers. + +The deadline for signing the bill is midnight today; Gov. Gerald Baliles has said he supports the measure and is expected to sign it. It would take effect Nov. 1. + +Debate on the bill saw weapons drawn in the halls of the General Assembly. + +The sponsor of the measure took a Soviet-designed AK-47 assault rifle to a Senate committee hearing, saying he wanted to show that dangerous guns can be sold to anyone who has the money. + +The measure awaiting Baliles' signature",12 +5,"The third case pits decisions made by the 9th and 7th Circuit appeals courts against the 5th Circuit's ruling that forced arbitration clauses in employee contracts do not violate federal law. The 9th Circuit ruled in favor of the workers. In an unusual move, the Justice Department under Trump has switched sides and now favors employers. + +In all four cases, the 9th Circuit judges in the majority were named by Democratic presidents, while the dissenting judges were Republican appointees. The travel ban case was unanimously decided by three of Bill Clinton's judges. +",4 +12,The initiative drew strong opposition throughout the state.,11 +11,he would join 12 other prisoners waiting for the dubious distinction of becoming the first person executed by the federal government since 1963.,10 +7," +Felipe a 34-year-old Cuban emigre who founded the Kings' New York chapter while in jail was convicted last fall of ordering the murders of three followers who had displeased him. +",6 +13,"Among its efforts, the mayor's coalition, co-chaired by Mayors Michael Bloomberg of New York and Thomas Menino of Boston, worked to defeat federal legislation this year ",12 +8,to require background checks,7 +9,"For Law-Abiding Gun Owners, Safety Comes First",8 +5,Judge Agrees to a Later Start for Spy Trial,4 +2,"""We felt we were absolutely prepared for the big traffic,"" said Peg Zitko, director of communications for the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, which runs the center and the Web site. ""We have a terabyte and a half of storage space, and I'm told that's a lot."" +",1 +13,Gay marriage ban passes,12 +4,Lewd gift from jury to judge calls death sentence into question,3 +1,The researcher said he plans to review sales tax receipts submitted to the state Department of Revenue to see what's really happening in taverns and restaurant bars. He wants to compare sales to similar time periods over the last three years while adjusting for population growth and income changes.,0 +1,FEDS WANT SHARE OF TOBACCO BOUNTY,0 +5,It was not immediately clear whether prosecutors in the state Attorney General's office would appeal.,4 +13,D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics ruled Thursday that a proposed referendum on whether the city should legalize same-sex marriage cannot move forward.,12 +15,Same-sex marriage to be tested in Md.,14 +8,Supporters cited the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building,7 +13,"The day after Mr. Trump received the endorsement of the National Rifle Association, Mrs. Clinton assailed her probable general election rival as pandering to the group.",12 +5,Gay Marriage Gains Notice In State Court,4 +10,Mayor makes it easier for gays to get benefits,9 +1,"IN THE END, IT WAS A BAD WEEK FOR BIG TOBACCO",0 +10,Women who uprooted their livesin Virginia are oored by the news,9 +11,Yet Again: An American Gun Tragedy;,10 +5,"''We are focusing our attention on Morton Grove,'' Mr. Adkins said, ''because their actions exemplify what we believe is the first step toward banning all gun possession.''",4 +5,"With the case heading to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans next month, Ms. De Leon, Ms. Dimetman and gay rights advocates are hoping that Texas is on the verge of its own flashbulb moment. +",4 +12," I think President Obama's statement reflects the conclusion more and more people are coming to.""",11 +13,Group takes aim at House gun measure,12 +5,"Update, July 10, 1:15 p.m.: The post was updated to reflect the fact that Virginia's attorney general is not only no longer defending the state's same-sex marriage ban, but is additionally also fighting it in court. +",4 +7," his office repts that in '60 only 19% of 390 NYC homicides involved pistols; in '72, 49% of 1,691 homicides involved handguns; number of handguns in NYC is estimated between 250,000 and 1.3-million; only 28,000 of these belong to permit-holders",6 +1,without losing money.,0 +8,"Congress passed the 1993 Brady law, imposing background checks.",7 +7," then the next time the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and local police departments arrest 159 people and seize 267 guns, the agents and cops could be charged as felons for any gun-crime arrests made in St. Louis.",6 +1,Big Tobacco Is Still Vulnerable,0 +5,Big Publicity Effort Seen In Tobacco Class Action,4 +13,"The South Florida Sun Sentinel reported on the Manatee County developer's speech, noting that the remark was in response to a question from an audience member about his ""position on Muslim immigration.""",12 +11,"Even so, the case has had a positive cultural impac",10 +13,'Campus carry' stops gun bill,12 +11,"Here in Los Angeles, where nearly half of the city's residents are Latino",10 +3, Can you be antiabortion and pro-death penalty?,2 +7," +Rules that went into effect Thursday created ""administrative deportation,"" a new and faster way to deport aliens convicted of aggravated felonies such as murder, armed robbery and narcotics violations, the INS said.",6 +13,lawmakers,12 +15,"I'LL TAKE 'SILLY SOCIAL ISSUES' FOR $100, ALEX",14 +5,"However, an attorney representing downstate county clerks defending the same-sex marriage ban said gay couples in Illinois have many of the same rights as heterosexual ones, partly because Illinois allowed civil unions in 2011. The state's ban defines marriage as between a man and a woman.",4 +11,"But here in Southwest Virginia, hunter's orange is good as gold.",10 +3,"A tobacco company knew that tar and nicotine levels were grossly underestimated on cigarette packages 20 years before federal officials took steps to change the measurements, an internal document suggests. +",2 +13,Pol proves it's too simple to 'stock' up,12 +13,Maryland Republicans Fear Killings Will Influence the Race for Governor,12 +11,"''You may come from teeming cities or rural villages. You don't look alike. You don't worship the same way,'' Mr. Obama said to a group, with each member clutching a tiny American flag. ''But here, surrounded by the very documents whose values bind us together as one people, you've raised your hand and sworn a sacred oath. I'm proud to be among the first to greet you as my fellow Americans.''",10 +12, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence,11 +11,"This hard-hitting production runs through Feb. 21 at City Lights Theater Company in a coproduction with Notre Dame High School as part of the ""Dead Man Walking"" School Theatre Project.",10 +13,HILLARY CLINTON SAYS BACKGROUND CHECK OF CHARLESTON CHURCH SHOOTER WASN'T 'FAST ENOUGH',12 +7,No More Shootings That Follow the Rules,6 +15,Exposure to guns,14 +9, have created a class of aging death row inmates,8 +13,"""I want to vote for president,"" he said.",12 +11,Athletes fighting for gays' equality,10 +5,NO GUN ISSUES FOR STATE CONSTITUTION,4 +6," Without this law on the books, Trayvon Martin, the black teenager, might still be alive or, at the very least, we could rest assured that justice would prevail.",5 +1,JOHNS HOPKINS TO DIVEST TOBACCO HOLDINGS,0 +13, agrees that no legislative action is necessary.,12 +5,"he indictment, issued Tuesday and made public Wednesday, stems from the Oct. 14 slaying of FBI analyst Linda Franklin outside a Home Depot. +",4 +7,"On Jan. 17, 1989, a madman named Patrick Edward Purdy opened fire with an AK-47 semiautomatic assault weapon on a crowded school playground in Stockton, Calif. Purdy murdered five schoolchildren and wounded 30 before killing himself.",6 +13,Obama: Overwhelming majorities support background checks,12 +7,The state investigated Tafero's execution and concluded a new synthetic sponge placed on his head caused the fire. Corrections officials said the sponge has been replaced by a natural one.,6 +6,A stupid way to fight our gun problem,5 +9,"They can't distinguish between reality and what's going on in their heads. To me, the death sentence being carried out on someone who has no idea what's happening around them is just sad.",8 +5,Florida Constitution,4 +8,"that is replaying the horrific details of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing,",7 +9,"The first in a series of three drugs used for lethal injections in both Oklahoma and Florida, called midazolam, is meant to render the inmate completely unconscious, so he or she dies painlessly. But the drug has been called into question.",8 +12,"AT DNC, SEN. CHRIS MURPHY SAYS 90% OF AMERICANS WANT EXPANDED BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR GUN PURCHASES",11 +11,Immigration is changing the nation's face,10 +12,"In a move hailed by gun control advocates,",11 +11,"Contrary to the suggestion of your headline ''A Texas Paper Bets on Espanol, Not Assimilation'' (Business Day, Jan. 31), we work to help first-generation immigrants assimilate, acculturate and make it here. Our bet is on language dominance and preference, which is different.",10 +12,"A post here on City Room about the controversy drew its own outpouring of more than 1,000 comments, with our readers close to evenly split between the pro and con camps. (We did not do a full tally, but we looked at the first 100 and the most recent 100 comments that were easily classifiable and found that 52 percent supported The Journal News's publication of the map and 48 percent opposed it.) +",11 +5,Last American jurisdiction with a total handgun ban?,4 +13,Gov. Bill Owens and the legislature's Democratic leadership went to work July 6 in a special session on immigration.,12 +12,crowd of more than 600,11 +6,"The new law affects the 32 states, Georgia included, that do not have background checks in place to screen handgun purchasers. During the waiting period, local law enforcement agencies are supposed to check to be sure a gun buyer is an adult and doesn't have a felony record or a drug, alcohol or mental problem.",5 +12,"Strangers applauded and handed out flowers, motorists blared their horns and dozens of city workers volunteered to work Saturday as more than 600 same-sex couples waited in assembly-line fashion at San Francisco City Hall to hear themselves proclaimed ""spouses for life.""",11 +7,"Jones, 38, murdered his grandmother, Dorothy Knuckles, in her home in St. Louis on March 6, 1993, after she refused to give him money to buy drugs.",6 +10,anti-tobacco education efforts,9 +15,'This doesn't make any sense',14 +13,"But that's what happened Thursday, thanks to the lobbying force of the Florida Sheriff's Association and the legislative acumen of Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, who for the second straight day helped kill a controversial bill.",12 +11,"The nation also is seeing a sustained drop in executions. The 43 executions in 2011 were about half as many as in 2000. U.S. death chambers executed 98 prisoners in 1998, the busiest year since executions resumed in 1977 after a Supreme Court-imposed halt. +",10 +5,"Justices, armed with activism",4 +8,The Brady law doesn't require a waiting period for owners of handgun permits.,7 +1,"Last year, Guatemalans in the United States sent home more than $3.6 billion, of which $300 million went to some 300,000 people in the province of Quetzaltenango, home to Salcaja. That's a substantial cash flow in a $35 billion economy with an industrial output of just $6.7 billion last year as measured by gross domestic product.",0 +5,"""Three years and more than 400 legal challenges later, courts - so far - have held that the Supreme Court's ruling in Heller was narrow and limited, and that the Second Amendment does not interfere with the people's right to enact legislation protecting families and communities from gun violence,"" the center said in a report optimistically titled ""Hollow Victory?""",4 +7,Officer busts gun trafficking ring,6 +10,Photos won't stop many from smoking,9 +1,Ten dollars for a cigarette? Holy smokes!,0 +4,UNJUSTLY SCORNED,3 +12,NRA says its membership on the rise,11 +1,SMOKER GETS $50 MILLION JURY AWARD,0 +10,Area Immigrants Sending Food to Home Countries; International Shortages and Price Increases Prompt Micro-Level Relief,9 +7,"""Criminals are not going to where there's law enforcement,""",6 +5,"Denvir would not discuss reports that Kaczynski's plea-bargain offer wasrejected by the U.S. attorney's office death-penalty committee. But he did ask why the government is ""spending so much money to put on a circus trial.""",4 +6,"The bill would expand the current federal law mandating background checks to include weapons sold at gun shows and sold over the Internet, leaving exceptions for transfers between family members.",5 +3,Pastors to jointly officiate at same-sex marriage,2 +7,Three men convicted of forcing 700 illegal workers into slave labor in Florida's citrus groves drew prison sentences totaling 34 years and nine months Wednesday in addition to forfeiting $3 million in proceeds from their immigrant smuggling operation.,6 +13,THE 1997 ELECTIONS: REFERENDUMS,12 +11," It was both tragedy and data point, another in a ceaseless succession of mass shootings in the United States.",10 +10,"awkins, 30, said she believes her mother did not kill her father and brother. +",9 +5,Convicted Oakland murderer insists on testifying in death penalty phase of trial,4 +7,said Chief Deputy David Bellows of the Dakota County sheriff's office.,6 +10,Her friends and family continue to wear the ribbons: yellow for friendship and a light green that would have been the shade of her bridesmaids' dresses.,9 +3,But church conservatives said it would inspire more acts of rebellion that will deepen the divide over LGBT rights and push the church closer to a schism.,2 +7,Alalouf the Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun he used a day before the rampage,6 +15,Remember gay marriage?,14 +13,"Each is known for its tobacco, said Tommy Bunn, Raleigh-based executive vice president of the Leaf Tobacco Exporters Association, and Sen. Allen Wellons, D-Johnston.",12 +7,To hell with feds!,6 +5,"City Attorney Dennis Herrera said San Francisco was ""going on the offensive today"" on the matter. +",4 +1,TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,0 +6,it will be only a matter of time before all guns are banned.,5 +1,"""That will be a very grave disservice to the American taxpayer and the agencies that have had to shoulder the burden of paying to treat those with tobacco-related illnesses,"" Reno said.",0 +12,NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION,11 +12,"POLES RIP AID GROUP IT'S A HOAX, THEY SAY",11 +3,Is the Vatican evolving? ,2 +13," I think they do, and I think it could be President Obama's single most significant legacy if he would sponsor something comparable to a surgeon general's 1964 report on smoking killing people.",12 +10,"In her statement Wednesday, Rachel Sutphin wrote,",9 +5," +Other appeals courts were skeptical of the witnesses' changed stories, and affirmed the sentence. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take the case. But the Missouri Supreme Court held a special hearing Feb. 4 on whether the case remained strong enough to proceed with execution.",4 +13,The governor said he had hoped to work with legislators to legalize same-sex marriage. But the new Republican legislative majorities oppose such a law.,12 +7, would only face a $100 civil fine if caught with a weapon on a college campus was eliminated.,6 +8," ''A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State",7 +5,"But the 10th Amendment is a relative newcomer to the spotlight. + +Its single sentence reads like a catch-all provision stuck in the Bill of Rights as an afterthought: ""The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states, respectively, or to the people."" +",4 +6,Gun permits should be good everywhere,5 +6,"The proposed amendment would ask voters to approve or reject one sentence: ""That to be valid and recognized in this state, a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman."" +",5 +5,"""We're asking the court to dismiss it,"" Brink said of her expected filing. +",4 +5,They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.,4 +12,Walkout Is Planned to Show Solidarity With Immigrants,11 +10," +""Many of the conditions described were drastically worse than those existing for farmworkers, let alone for other types of laborers in Colorado,"" the report said.",9 +5,"The State Supreme Court overturned the death sentence in 1994 and ordered a new penalty hearing, tentatively set for later this year.",4 +13,"After signing a package of anti-crime laws, Edgar said he opposes the bill because it allows the state to usurp the home-rule authority of local governments.",12 +10,"Immigrants will tell you that dealing with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) - one of three former Immigration and Naturalization Service components that joined the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003 - is even more unpleasant than a visit to the dentist.",9 +13,Did the News Media Drive the Gay Marriage Debate?,12 +13,"With little public notice, the House of Representatives voted this month to give an extraordinary level of legal immunity to an industry whose negligence helped kill my husband. Now the Senate has the responsibility to stop this atrocious bill from becoming law.",12 +5,"Also at the Sept. 1 hearing, Collins said he will announce whether he will seek a change of venue, although he can make a request up to the time of trial. Prosecutor Greg Jacobs said he will oppose moving the trial, in part because there are two young witnesses in the case, Polly Klaas' friends.",4 +4,"Expert witnesses can have one hand on Bible, other in till",3 +3,"If those seem like odd phrases to attach to what is sometimes called holy matrimony, well, consider the unholy state the institution is in",2 +13,Dan Bach said legislators must release the draft as a public record because the National Rifle Association and others outside the Legislature had a hand in writing the legislation.,12 +13,"SMOKING ISSUES Lighting up is a loser in Greeley, Pueblo, Summit",12 +2," +Pennie Beach, co-owner of the Basin Harbor Club in Vergennes, Vt., said she's missing ""a crucial core"" of her 65 housekeepers and food service workers.",1 +1,"""I'm not at liberty to discuss the details, but they came to us and gave us the money.""",0 +13,Gun-rights campaign opposes amendment,12 +7,major juvenile-justice bill,6 +5,"Judge Dale Kimball ordered the state Monday to pay eight plaintiffs a total of $95,000 to cover costs from cases heard in both a U.S. District Court and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, according to court documents. +",4 +5," but state lawmakers will have to decide whether they can officially wed, the state's highest court ruled Wednesday.",4 +6,"Legislative rule, split of death row agency proposed",5 +13,"Ashcroft spokesman David James replied, ""The characterizations here are inaccurate, misleading and unfair.""",12 +5," he has pleaded not guilty,",4 +10,was one of 85 smoking prevention projects,9 +5," +On Monday, the state Supreme Court disagreed. It upheld Burke County Superior Court Judge William Fleming Jr.'s decision to hold the council in contempt and ordered the fees to be paid.",4 +5,Three judges of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati considered arguments that pit states' rights and conservative values against what plaintiffs' attorneys say is a fundamental right to marry under the U.S. Constitution.,4 +7,SHERIFF STANDS BY HIS CHOICE,6 +11,As a veteran,10 +13,Reagan Reported to Back Gun-Control Bill,12 +13,GUN DEBATE IS MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING,12 +12,Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage: Group Calls for Citywide Referendum,11 +5,LAWYER SEES MURDER TRIAL IN NEW PERSPECTIVE,4 +12,NRA backers benefit from common sense,11 +7,THE CITY; Forger of Papers For Aliens Is Jailed,6 +13,"The action by the Senate, which came after months of political wrangling and behind-the-scenes negotiations, shifts the crime issue to the House, where a number of anti-crime measures are pending. Speaker Thomas S. Foley of Washington has vowed that the House will consider these bills, either separately or as part of a crime package, before the next recess, which begins on Aug. 6.",12 +13,"Although the vote was the first time in recent memory that a Senate panel actually passed a measure that grants Minnesotans wider access to weapons permits, it may all come to naught.",12 +12,"A slim majority of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents under 50 years old now support gay marriage. Nearly seven in 10 of those aged 65 and up oppose it, although that is down from more than eight in 10 just four years ago.",11 +7,"Garcia Zarate, who was homeless at the time, admitted to handling it, telling police he found it on the ground. +",6 +5,signed one.,4 +4,"This does seem striking when you consider no one was hit - and Trayvon Martin is dead, and George Zimmerman a free man.",3 +9,Both were apparently suffering from heroin withdrawal yesterday.,8 +5,"A federal appeals court on Monday struck down Virginia's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, saying that withholding the fundamental right to marry from gay couples is a new form of ""segregation"" that the Constitution cannot abide. +",4 +11, McVeigh became the 717th person executed in the United States since the 1976 reinstatement of the death penalty,10 +11,"On guns, we are a failed state",10 +13,"Republicans Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, in sep-arate interviews Sunday, called for Congress to stop making empty promises and act.",12 +6,"Oakland officials propose stronger gun safety laws, ban on high-capacity magazines",5 +7,ICE age drama Man detained as Qns. street crowd gets hostile,6 +10,COUPLES HAPPILY MAKE THEIR UNIONS OFFICIAL,9 +11,"""Matt Damon just another Hollywood freak doesn't want U to have a gun but he makes money with films with lots of guns,"" tweeted one detractor.",10 +5,Some court cases already have been filed,4 +5,"Barnett, a Tallahassee, Fla., lawyer who will take over the 400,000-member lawyers group today, said she was in effect asking the legal profession to rally behind an ABA resolution adopted in 1997 that calls for open-ended suspension of the death penalty.",4 +5,Virginia Death Row Inmate Wins a High Court Hearing,4 +3,Presbyterian minister admits same-sex weddings,2 +5,Militias' battle cry is drawn straight from the Constitution,4 +13,"The cause of partisan conflict is generally not a lack of evidence or an inability to understand it. In fact, for contentious issues, having a great-er understanding of the information can actually increase belief polarization, leading people with opposing views to end up even further apart.",12 +4,One was a letter to the editor several years ago from a black woman who said all the arguments she heard for civil unions being good enough reminded her of the arguments for separate-but-equal facilities in the Jim Crow era. Separate but equal is not the same as equal. Civil unions are not the same as marriage.,3 +6,New strategies for gun control are acutely needed,5 +6,"The key to sensible gun laws: no legislature +",5 +10,for giving clarity to same-sex couples,9 +5,Trump's Talk About Muslims Led Acting Attorney General to Defy Ban,4 +15,Smoking Aloft,14 +5,The possibility that a Madison County judge could render a billion-dollar verdict Monday against Philip Morris USA,4 +12,Emotions high in marriage debate,11 +7,"an also shot in the attack says Griffin wasn't in the gunmen's car, and a policeman changes his account. +",6 +5,"Federal trial prosecutors and senior Justice Department officials rejected an offer by accused Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski earlier this month to plead guilty in exchange for a promise that he would be spared execution, sources involved in the negotiations confirmed today.",4 +9,HEIDNIK GOES TO COURT FOR A COMPETENCY HEARING / PSYCHIATRISTS ARGUE OVER THE KILLER'S MENTAL FITNESS.,8 +13,Democrat Raises Gun Issue In Attorney General's Race,12 +3,'Civil' Death Penalty Demeans All Americans,2 +5,Judge blocks state law barring doctors from asking about guns,4 +13,But opponents of gun control described the outcome of the election as an aberration not likely to be repeated elsewhere.,12 +13,One of the hottest issues in presidential debates and congressional campaigns was the threat to traditional marriage posed by gay people seeking the right to wed.,12 +13,Townsend Attacked on Gun Checks,12 +7,as covert inspectors able to buy tobacco just 7.2 percent of the time,6 +6,"That's not to say we don't think prohibition of the sale of tobacco products to minors isn't appropriate, but that approach has shown limited effectiveness.",5 +5,"The jury rejected his lawyers' argument that he should be spared execution because severe psychological problems and cocaine and alcohol abuse had fueled his rampage. +",4 +3,Hate can't fill love's void,2 +13,"President Clinton fashions himself the first president to engage in this battle. Waving that famous left forefinger at Charlie Gibson on ""Good Morning America"" after the television host questioned the effectiveness of the administration's proposals, he said angrily, ""Let's have an honest conversation. I am the first president who ever took on the NRA.",12 +6, embracing gun control ,5 +13,Congress Considers Smoking Ban in Schools,12 +13,Immigration and the Middle Ground,12 +13," said Rep. Johnnie Byrd, R-Plant City, the measure's sponsor",12 +13,"As Lewis left the Capitol, he spoke to reporters, promising that he and his colleagues would continue their efforts when the House reconvenes July 5.",12 +1, The party is spending $ 1.5 million,0 +5,"The Supreme Court will find itself once again reviewing a top priority of the Obama administration; in dramatic, high-profile cases, the court twice has saved the president's Affordable Care Act from conservative legal challenges.",4 +1,"in terms of income taxes, estate and gift taxes, the tax breaks they get for employer-sponsored health insurance and other benefits.",0 +7,"But law-enforcement officials and gun owners say the advanced ammunition is the perfect bullet to stop a criminal in his tracks without passing through to hit a bystander. + +""There is no magic bullet, but this is about the closest thing to it,"" said Col. Leonard J. Supenski, a ballistics expert and chief of technical services for the Baltimore County Police Department. ""It has the stopping power that police officers need and it is less likely to ricochet or go through the bad guy. As it expands it dumps all of the kinetic energy of the bullet into the target.""",6 +13, the National Rifle Association has used its influence to rush through a law in Georgia,12 +5,"Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall wrote the 4 to 3 majority opinion, which acknowledged that it was finding in the words of John Adams a meaning that he could hardly have foreseen when he wrote the Massachusetts Constitution 223 years ago. The longstanding definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman ""deprives individuals of access to an institution of fundamental legal, personal, and social significance . . . because of a single trait,"" namely their sexual orientation, Marshall wrote.",4 +13,"The party has formed Nevadans First, a committee to prepare language for the initiative that would be similar to California's Proposition 187 and could go before Nevada voters in 2006. +",12 +12,Uproar over Pa. plan for guns,11 +1,"raised cigarette prices by $4 per carton at the military's 230 commissaries nationwide. The increase raises prices at the commissaries, which sell food, tobacco products and magazines, to the level of military base exchanges, which are military-run department stores.",0 +1,"``The fact is, no matter how much money they spend -- a lie is just that. Tell Big Tobacco that we don't buy their lies -- or their ad campaigns.''",0 +5,Court upholds award to flight attendant,4 +4,ban a discriminatory law,3 +6,"''I don't know how the government can stop it,'' Mr. Zamora said, watching the car drive away. ''It's impossible to stop the traffic. You definitely can't stop it with laws or walls.''",5 +7,Jury orders death for the Boston Marathon bomber,6 +11,"As diverse a mosaic as America is, we share one thing: All of us, at some point in our family trees, came from somewhere else.",10 +13,"Even ardent gun rights supporters are willing to talk gun control in the wake of the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. +",12 +5,ATTORNEYS APPEAL DEATH SENTENCE IN SLATER MURDER,4 +13,2000 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE: Senate bill would forbid local bans on smoking,12 +12,Examining the Support for Same-Sex Marriage,11 +13, Sen. Marco Rubio should reconsider joining other Republican senators in attempting to stall the bipartisan legislation and side with sensible Floridians rather than the National Rifle Association.,12 +3,FUNERAL FOR HAITIAN IMMIGRANT IS MONDAY,2 +5,Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sought to strike down the District of Columbia's gun regis-tration requirement and ban on semi-automatic rifles in 2011.,4 +5,Editorial: 'Castle doctrine' law doesn't grant a license to kill,4 +5," +Voorhis contradicted testimony given Wednesday by Anthony Rouco, an ICE supervisorial special agent who said he did not give Voorhis permission to disclose information from the database to the Beauprez camp.",4 +3,"""It was interesting to see in all those mitigating factors, you did not see him [Simon] say he was sorry or that he repented for killing a police officer. At all,"" Barnum said.",2 +13,"In the increasingly confrontational debate over the nation's gun laws, two female archetypes have emerged. +",12 +1,"Farmers have seen the amount of tobacco they can grow with federal price supports reduced by 35 percent over the last two years, threatening many of them with bankruptcy.",0 +1," +State officials estimate that Virginia businesses are improperly classifying as many as 214,000 workers as independent contractors, mostly in industries that are employing immigrants and that are rife with other labor abuses. +",0 +11,"NO sex. No drugs. No rock 'n' roll. Well, maybe rock 'n' roll.",10 +5,Lawyers on both sides of Prop. 8 trial make their case,4 +10,SAME-SEX PARTNER BENEFITS FAIL IN APPEALS COURT,9 +2, staggering under a crushing caseload.,1 +6,N.J. gun law enough,5 +1,"Report fails state on gun sales Background checks flawed, says group",0 +5,"rominent legal scholars, recruited to his cause, are calling for a new trial.",4 +7,"Keith Brennan, who was sentenced to death after he helped kill a man in Cape Coral eight days before his 17th birthday, now will serve life in prison",6 +6," +The bill -- sponsored by senators Ida G. Ruben, Jennie M. Forehand, Sharon M. Grosfeld and Leonard H. Teitelbaum -- would increase the tax from $ 1 to $ 1.36 a pack. The proposal would mark the third increase on cigarettes in less than five years and would make Maryland's cigarette tax among the highest in the nation. +",5 +11,A CALIFORNIA beauty queen already under fire for injecting politics into the Miss USA pageant announced yesterday she will star in an anti-gay marriage ad.,10 +13,"The District of Columbia has approved the nation's most far-reaching handgun control bill, a measure to make manufacturers and dealers liable for deaths and injuries caused by semiautomatic weapons. Mayor Marion Barry Jr. said Tuesday that he had signed the bill, which cannot become law until reviewed by Congress. The Associated Press erroneously reported Monday that the City Council was expected to give final approval on Tuesday. Final passage actually came last week. Congress has 30 days from Jan. 23, when it resumes legislative business, to invalidate the law.",12 +10,"She earned the chance to naturalize when she married her boyfriend, a citizen.",9 +5,'We are fighting for our right to bear arms',4 +11,Are gay rights views shifting in NFL?,10 +7,"Rivas' new address will be the Polunsky Unit just outside Livingston in East Texas, home of Texas' death row. + +For Rivas, who was sentenced to death by lethal injection after a 2 1/2-week capital murder trial in Dallas, the biggest change will be the isolation. + +""Now he's going to stare at three walls and a cell door,"" prison spokesman Larry Todd said.",6 +7,"As a Missouri corrections officer for more than 10 years, David Nelson is authorized to carry a gun on the job.",6 +13," and conservatives need to reconsider whether that's really what we want. There are, in fact, some very good reasons conservatives should oppose this approach.",12 +5,"Ober, who is handling the case, felt that a death sentence would not be upheld, State Attorney spokeswoman Pam Bondi said Thursday.",4 +5," said Neal Dupree, supervisor of the Capital Collateral Regional Counsel office for South Florida, which represented Diaz in his appeals.",4 +6,White House Again Backs Amendment On Marriage,5 +3,Church 'Protect Marriage' Day Is Urged,2 +13,"The Lede is following the debate on gun violence in the wake of the shootings in Newtown, Conn., with reports from our correspondents and from around the Web. On Wednesday, President Obama announced a push for new laws to restrict the availability of guns and to embrace a series of executive actions that he can take without seeking congressional approval.",12 +7,"HB 1272 would allows local police and prosecutors to prosecute licensed gun dealers for selling handguns to anybody under 21 years old. That is already federal law, but only federal authorities can enforce it. It is part of Owens' gun package. Passed. + +",6 +13,DEMOCRATS MOUNT ATTACK ON G.O.P. OVER GUN CONTROL,12 +11,The rainbow pride flag is being flown this week,10 +9,"Mississippi boasts one of the nation's most effective programs to divert kids from a deadly habit. Since 1999, it has helped cut smoking among high school students by 32% -- far better than national declines.",8 +9,children too young to cross the street by themselves are pulling them out to settle playground squabbles. This insanity must stop.,8 +1,costs ,0 +5,"Rhode Island: Death Penalty Sought, as State Feared",4 +9,THE GREAT ADDICTOR,8 +15,"Rachel Falcone, 85, former Haverford nurse",14 +5,"""This is saying, 'We're doing our best as a city to make sure our contractors ... are using workers who are qualified to work under the laws of the land,""' said Councilwoman Jeanne Faatz, who co-sponsored the ordinance.",4 +11,"There are 14 Hispanic-owned businesses, including restaurants and stores that help make Main Street more lively than it's been in years. Last year, 17.9% of the city's 4,232 public school students were Hispanic. Some Hispanics are buying homes.",10 +5,"Constitutional amendment on gay marriage unlikely anytime soon +",4 +5, at least the court has given us ammunition to prevent right-wing demagogues from stripping us of the few legal protections we have been able to secure and may be able to secure in the future.,4 +7,"Perkinson, 20, is one of four men accused of abducting 16-year-old Louis Nava from a Dunwoody shopping center in June 1998 and fatally shooting him in the head along a dirt road in Bartow County. Perkinson has denied involvement in the crime, in which Nava's friend, Dakarai Sloley, was wounded. +",6 +7,"Pollard, 30, was convicted in the killing in December 1983 of Richard Alford, 43, a businessman from Blytheville, Ark. Alford was shot three times in the head when he stopped at a rest area on Interstate 55 near Steele, Mo.",6 +13,"The issue is guns. The list of urban Democrats who ran afoul of this issue on the pro-gun Iron Range is a long one. This year, only Sen. Doug Johnson, who is from Tower on Lake Vermillion, has taken what could be considered a strong pro-gun position, supporting a proposal to make it easier to carry concealed weapons in public.",12 +13,Death penalty repeal leads parade of Md. laws,12 +11, It also exposes them to cultural events.,10 +12,"3 JOLTS, FLAMES IN EXECUTION PROMPT PROTESTS, PROBE",11 +12,Opinion polls show a growing majority of New Yorkers favor marriage equality,11 +15,'Illegal'? 'Immigrants'? Neither?,14 +13,to put the question on the ballot.,12 +2,", lacking the ability to procure lethal injection drugs, are simply unable to carry them out.",1 +1,building owners,0 +1,"The companies said cigarette consumption was falling much more rapidly than the commission assumed. In addition, they said, the Government's calculations of the profits the companies make on each package of cigarettes were ""simplistic at best.""",0 +4," Martin's family and supporters say Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic, racially profiled Martin as a potential criminal and wrongly followed him.",3 +11,Embracing the past New Melle erects a statue that honors its settlers.,10 +7,"In the third crackdown on an Asian gang in three months, Federal authorities announced the indictment yesterday of eight members of the White Tigers gang, a Queens-based group that law-enforcement officials say was deeply involved in smuggling illegal immigrants from China.",6 +12," +FORUM EXAMINES ROLE OF EXECUTIONS IN CAMDEN, DEBATING THE PROS AND CONS OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.",11 +6,sets out a comprehensive approach but says adult immigrants in the United States illegally should not be able to get on a path to citizenship - unless they return to their home country first.,5 +12,Same-Sex Marriage Finds Allies In Conservatives of a Certain Age,11 +9,"""The public health is at stake, not just immigrants' health,"" he said.",8 +7,''so criminals,6 +11,"In Heart of Gun Country, Utah Is Changing Its Mind",10 +13,CONSERVATIVE FIGHTS PUSH TO BAN GAY MARRIAGES,12 +13,"At least there are some remote regions of the country where politicians get the value of boldness. While Mr. Reid was inviting the right-wing politics of the Tea Party-dominated house to drive the gun control agenda, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York was actually spending political capital on guns.",12 +10,"Last year, she married her partner, and the couple are the parents of two children",9 +6,"Minnesota's version, which locals call the ""marriage amendment,"" would toughen current limits on gay rights and etch the ban into the state Constitution.",5 +7,"Mr. Alexandro has not denied taking the money, but he has maintained that he was holding the cash while conducting his own investigation into what he thought was an organized-crime operation.",6 +5,"owell's first capital murder conviction in the 1999 slaying of 16-year-old Stacie Reed was overturned by the Virginia Supreme Court, which determined that it was not a capital case because there was no evidence that Powell had committed or attempted to commit any sexual assault against Reed before killing her. +",4 +13,"Mayor Rendell said last night that he still supports extending benefits to domestic partners of homosexual municipal workers, but that he would not be able to make good on the longstanding campaign promise to the gay and lesbian community before Election Day. +",12 +5,"Constitutionally ""appropriate"" procedure varies based on the importance of the right at issue and the risk of an erroneous deprivation of that right, and the government's interest.",4 +13,LEGISLATURE 2004: Battle lines drawn on gay marriage,12 +1, The American Cancer Society announced a $5 million television campaign Wednesday ``to expose the lies'' of a tobacco industry advertising aimed at undermining anti-smoking bills in Congress.,0 +5, Atlanta gun suit unnecessary to prevent gun deaths,4 +15,'THE INSIDER' JOINS MIKE'S FIGHT,14 +8,"Coast Guard best for maritime defense +",7 +13,"Gather 100 local officials from 30 states -- Democrats and Republicans from big states and little ones -- and there are probably few issues on which all will agree. But President Bush's record on illegal immigration apparently is one. +",12 +5,Assault Weapon Permits Issued Amid Ban Talks,4 +10,"Don't fear gun laws +",9 +5,Appeal Denied Texan Scheduled for Execution,4 +5,From Guilty to Not Guilty,4 +7,"Federal agents targeting illegal immigrants raided meatpacking plants in six states yesterday, arresting hundreds of workers on the uncommon charge of identity theft and shutting down the world's second-largest meat processing company for much of the day. +",6 +5,"With Same-Sex Marriage, a Court Takes On the People's Voice",4 +15,Putting guns center stage,14 +7,Immigration Agency's Tactic Spurs Alarm,6 +1,Employees,0 +6,The permits have been required since 1998 for stores that sell tobacco products in unincorporated areas. Seven cities in the county have adopted similar rules.,5 +7,while stopping deportations that take illegal immigrant parents away from their children,6 +5,Matsch said he was concerned whether holding someone else's weapon for a posed photograph constituted possession or 'dominion and control' as the law reads.,4 +3,Same-sex marriage opponents fear damage to social fabric,2 +15,National Briefing New England: Massachusetts: Gay Topics And Schools,14 +11,SMOKELESS BASEBALL,10 +1, and not just in economic terms,0 +9,Surgeon general issues new tobacco warnings,8 +5," +The court set a higher bar for including race as one factor among many in university admissions and struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act. But it also voided the Defense of Marriage Act and declined to decide the Proposition 8 case, effectively allowing same-sex marriage in California. +",4 +7,boys or girls who get caught with a gun would lose their driver's licenses for a year and be sentenced to 100 hours of community service.,6 +11,"About 430,000 Asians -- or 36 percent of all new immigrants, legal and illegal -- moved to the United States in 2010, compared with 370,000 Hispanics, or 31 percent of all new arrivals, the study said. Just three years earlier, the ratio was reversed: about 390,000 Asians immigrated in 2007, compared with 540,000 Hispanics.",10 +6,"MOST STATES UNABLE TO SLOW TEEN SMOKING, REPORT SAYS",5 +10,EDUCATION'S WORTH FIGHTING FOR,9 +5,"Still, nothing rivaled the Smith case for publicity, he admitted, or came packaged in such ""pressure.""",4 +5,Court rejects weapons ban cases,4 +7,"after the recent murders of Detectives Dillon Stewart and Daniel Enchautegui, heroes who pursued their attackers even after taking bullets to the heart.",6 +5,a pending amendment to the Wisconsin state constitution to ban same-sex marriages.,4 +7,"Authorities have little information about the victim. In his letter, Jesperson claimed that he met her at truck stop in Corning and gave her a ride. In Williams, they had sex and he strangled her, before driving on toward Gilroy. + +Along the way, he stopped at the Pacheco Pass on Highway 152, and tossed her body off the berm. In doing so, he dropped his black and yellow flashlight, which authorities later found.",6 +7,"I remember when that idea was being discussed, and the newspaper was full of quotes from people saying there would be more shootings of police by civilians, more shootings overall and, in general, rampant gunslinging. Well, where is it",6 +13,". In exchange, the city would bless many of the billboards erected without permits.",12 +12,"However, after reading yet another letter from the legion of well- intentioned but incredibly self-deceived National Rifle Association members, I feel I must respond.",11 +13,House votes to block same-sex marriages on U.S. military bases,12 +13," As a result, Bush seems ill-positioned to spend dwindling political capital on a social crusade - especially at a time when a nod toward greater religiosity might turn off secular Republican voters and thus imperil the moderate Republicans in Congress who are already struggling to keep their jobs in November.",12 +5,prosecutors said ,4 +3,"Spout your antigun propaganda, but don't make a bad situation worse for Grove's family and coworkers.",2 +7,"Coffin has said that Kondian admitted to him, while they were cellmates in jail, ''that he (Kondian) was responsible for killing James Alessi.''",6 +7,No clear answers to carnage in Las Vegas,6 +5,court rulings in favor of gay couples.,4 +6,"It is absolutely the wrong time for Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to threaten a total ban on smoking in New York City restaurants and bars (""Bloomberg Seeks to Ban Smoking in Every City Restaurant and Bar,"" front page, Aug. 9).",5 +13,Can state officials stop domestic partnerships?,12 +5,TOBACCO COMPANIES WIN FLA. RULING,4 +13, Trump's encouragement of congressional action,12 +5,"Ashley Parrish, one of Wolfe's attorneys, said the justices' decision was ""not too surprising,"" pointing out that the Supreme Court usually grants only a few petitions out of many similar to Wolfe's. Still, he said, lower courts have noted problems in the way the case has been handled.",4 +13,Atlanta council again OKs domestic partner benefits,12 +6,Managing Illegal Immigration,5 +13,"First, some background on Rubio's efforts to change the nation's immigration laws.",12 +13,Gov. Jon S. Corzine told legislative leaders on Thursday that he would prefer that New Jersey enact a civil unions law for gay couples rather than allow them to marry.,12 +11,"Chief's Retrial, 146 Years in the Making",10 +15,"STROESSNER'S DAUGHTER, WIFE ARRIVE IN MIAMI",14 +6, the bill,5 +10,that prevent people from smoking and help smokers stop.,9 +3,"And while Offner has been performing same-sex marriages for a decade with the support of her movement, the practice has underscored a stark division in Judaism over the place of homosexuals in society. Orthodox rabbinical groups believe that homosexual relationships violate Jewish law.",2 +13,It is slated for further discussion by council members in the coming weeks,12 +9,"""The dose makes the poison"" is the first law of toxicology, so instead of telling people they either have to quit or die, the surgeon general should be telling smokers to smoke less, switch to lower-tar products or consider smokeless tobacco products.",8 +1,tobacco sales license,0 +13,CLINTON PUSHES FOR BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS,12 +5,The jury had deliberated over the penalty phase of the case for 3 1/2 days before recommending life in prison without the possibility of parole for Guillen.,4 +11,You can go to just about any public space in this city today and see same-sex couples: Two women picking over the tomatoes at the Anacostia farmers market; two men taking notes at a PTA meeting on Capitol Hill; two women arguing in a Georgetown restaurant over who does the dishes and who pays the bills -- the things all married couples do.,10 +5,HIGH COURT POSTPONES EXECUTION IN COP SLAY,4 +5,Killer wins delay on death row,4 +13,"That could be unwelcome news for incumbents like Jeff Denham, R-Modesto, and David Valadao, R-Hanford, who represent heavily Latino districts that political experts consider ""in play.""",12 +13," +Bloomberg first voiced support for gay marriage after Ling-Cohan issued her ruling last year. Prior to that, the mayor refused to state a position, saying in March 2004, ""I've gone back and forth"" on the controversial issue.",12 +7," +Columbine Plus 10",6 +9,ONE OF CONTINENT'S MOST POLLUTED RIVERS IS ROUTE INTO U.S. FOR ILLEGAL; IMMIGRANTS; MEXICAN NATIONALS FLOAT PAST BORDER PATROL AGENTS WHO WON'T ENTER WATER,8 +9,FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE OF SECONDHAND SMOKE,8 +3,"He was never given a chance to plead for his life. +",2 +6,Commentary: New Calif. law limits gun access,5 +4," criticizing inadequate defense funding for poor people in death-penalty cases. ""People who are well-represented at trial do not get the death penalty,"" she said.",3 +5,SUIT CLAIMS FEDS DENY LEGALS RIGHT TO VOTE IN NOV.,4 +11,Is the N.R.A. Un-American?,10 +15,It's simple as black & white,14 +3,Human dignitynot up for debate,2 +1,"After all, Latin American immigrants, especially Mexicans living in the United States, historically have been the bread and butter of money-transfer services like MoneyGram and its rival Western Union, sending billions of dollars to their families back home through such companies. As the U.S. has stepped up its efforts to enforce immigration laws in recent months, money-transfer rates have slowed.",0 +5,"""that the right to keep and bear arms is an unalienable right and that the state government is obligated to uphold that right.""",4 +13,CITY COUNCIL VOTES TO GIVE BENEFITS TO ALL UNMARRIED COUPLES,12 +13,Messenger: Man who holds Greitens' fate in his hands is used to standing alone,12 +6,"The 17 bills would toughen gun laws, offer more protection to crime witnesses, and educate children about the perils of street gangs",5 +8,D.C. residents should be able to carry concealed weapons,7 +5," a jury today not to put Zacarias Moussaoui to death, a legal source said yesterday.",4 +6,Tough concealed-weapon law urged,5 +13,"Bloomberg's Gun-Limits Coalition Grows, but Finds a Hard Sell in Washington",12 +2,IMMIGRANTS FIND NEW RESOURCES,1 +5,Minnesota Suit Against Cigarette Makers Opens With Charges of Deceit,4 +13,"North's camp claimed the decision was politically motivated. Berry is a Democrat. + +""The only difference between 1992 and 1994 is that this year, Ollie North is running for the Senate."" campaign spokesman Mark Merritt said. +",12 +4,POINTING TO DISCRIMINATION,3 +5,"Immigration relief for children involves a mix of family law, immigration law and international questions of custody and guardianship. It is unlikely that any person -- let alone an unaccompanied minor -- can navigate the jurisdictional and procedural barriers alone and without a lawyer.",4 +7,"A former gang member who served time in prison for a 1986 burglary conviction, Cruz gained the respect of the largely Hispanic Beach Flats community -- and many city leaders -- by teaching children how to avoid drugs and violence by recounting his own experiences.",6 +5,"AWYER: MCI SLAYING `VICIOUS, PREMEDITATED' +",4 +12,Q&A,11 +5,"Ina Bort, a lawyer for the estate of Wells' late mother, Constance Cheney, said the estate supported the co-op's request to get access to the apartment on the grounds that it's an estate asset that could be lost to Cheney's heirs if repairs are not made.",4 +12,Voters will decide the issue in April.,11 +4,"Why are so many death penalty verdicts overturned? Too often, defendants in capital cases, especially the poor, get substandard legal counsel --- incompetent lawyers who are willing to work cheap or may be beholden to the judge who appointed them as defenders. Too often, prosecutors and police feel political pressure to secure a conviction in a high-profile case and will go overboard, even concealing evidence that might cast doubt on a defendant's guilt.",3 +13,"President Clinton proposed ballistic fingerprinting in his State of the Union message. +",12 +12,About 200 people gathered,11 +13,Obama alluded only generally to the decisions he faces after House Republicans formally told him that a comprehensive overhaul of immigration laws will not occur this year in Congress.,12 +13,"That's what he wants his loyal followers to believe, at least. Like any effective demagogue, Trump is fluent in doublespeak. +",12 +6,"''U.S. Says It Is Too Easy to Get a Submachine Gun'' (news article, May 27) was a good but incomplete and deceptive discussion of the problems presented by the easy availability of Ingram MAC-10 guns in the U.S. ",5 +13," +U REGENTS' COMMITTEE PASSES WEAPONS BAN AUTONOMY ALLOWS EXCEPTION FROM STATE LAW, ATTORNEYS SAY",12 +6,"If the bill eliminates the bulk of the 284,000 dealers out there now - a figure that has climbed by more than 100,000 since 1975 - that's progress. If it turns gun-dealing into the serious, scrutinized, regulated business it ought to be, that's progress, too.",5 +6,Aurora eases ban on smoking,5 +1,"""They've become very good at legally permissible ways of communicating with their customers,"" said Martin Feldman, who follows the tobacco industry for the investment firm Smith Barney. Tobacco advertising in magazines accounted for 2.8 percent of total magazine ad revenue last year, the Magazine Publishers of America said. That is down from 6.5 percent in 1990.",0 +6,Legislators instead proposed two identical bills late Monday to follow Vermont and Connecticut in calling the relationship a civil union.,5 +3,"Bishop: No trial for N.Y. cleric who officiated at gay wedding +",2 +1, $ 71 million program,0 +13,"If this were the end of it, the 50-48 vote would be a hopeful sign that the Senate wouldn't get sidetracked by the president's effort to divide the nation over social issues. But the close vote is most definitely not the end of it. The Bush-Cheney campaign hopes the issue can attract Democratic votes in swing states, particularly where state marriage amendments are on the ballot in November. + +Proponents of the amendment are engaging in extreme hyperbole, especially Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. ""I would argue that the future of our country hangs in the balance because the future of marriage hangs in the balance,"" he said. ""Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?"" +",12 +13,"On Wednesday, the House is expected to pass a bill",12 +5,There are two other inmates on Colorado's death row - Frank Rodriguez and Ronald Lee White - but their appeals are lagging behind Davis'.,4 +10,"With the help of a parent, they scored an early victory: sixth-grader Eugene Mitrano's mom, Dianne, came forward with a pledge to end a 20-year love affair with cigarets.",9 +9,Editorial: Betting with your life,8 +13,"Concealed-gun bill faces House debate Denver mayor, police chief voice objections",12 +13,"Bloomberg has been mentioned in speculation as a possible independent candidate for President in 2008, although he said in a TV interview that aired yesterday that he's not running and has no interest in the No. 2 spot, either.",12 +1,- it would have saved them money.,0 +11,"""I would have never thought it would be eight buses and 100-plus couples,"" Reggi said. ""Originally, it was going to be me and Scott with our dear friends, a lesbian couple, in the back seat."" +",10 +3,"ut I certainly believe in putting people like that to death. They don't deserve to live. +",2 +14,"Over the long term, the Clinton Administration would support and bolster efforts by the United Nations and the Organization of American States to resolve Haiti's political crisis, which resulted from the ouster of Haiti's first freely elected President, the Rev. Jean Bertrand Aristide, in a military coup in 1991.",13 +5, following a U.S. Supreme Court decision that found such death penalty structures to be constitutionally flawed.,4 +1,"The accord is expected to raise the price of cigarettes by 35 cents a pack, but would pour between $4 billion and $6 billion into state coffers. Overall, the country's largest manufacturers would have to pay out about $200 billion over the next 25 years. +",0 +11,"In November, U.S. agents took into custody 7,018 families, or ""family units,"" along the border with Mexico, a 45 percent increase over the previous month, the latest DHS statistics show. The number of ""unaccompanied alien children,"" or UAC, was up ­­26 percent. +",10 +6,n a resolution calling for an indefinite moratorium on the death penalty in the state of New York. ,5 +9,Helped establish that smoking causes lung cancer,8 +5,Supreme Court may devise road map for states on lethal injections,4 +11,"Texas crime, and punishment",10 +5," +JUSTICES EXPAND GAY VOWS FOCUS",4 +7,Gun ban won't end the violence,6 +1,"""Does the industry have the funds on its own existing resources? Of course not,"" said Martin Feldman, a tobacco-stock analyst with Salomon Smith Barney in New York. But a price increase of about 50 cents per pack could generate as much as $5 billion a year for the government, Feldman said.",0 +13,the President's Task Force,12 +7,But the announcement last week that the gun used to kill Fox came from such a transaction,6 +6,"Fireworks, entertaining though they may be, are closely regulated. So are Ferris wheels. +",5 +13,"In Georgia, Election Day Will Feature Gun Raffle",12 +5,"After losing two of his last three bids for the death penalty in murder cases, Charron bet that a jury in Appling will send Curtis Alphonso Rower to the electric chair. +",4 +5,"Justice Ralph J. Cappy, in a unanimous decision ordering a new trial, said the state failed to disclose before trial a statement that implicated Bonnie Sue Pflugler as the shooter and not Green, as the state contended.",4 +11,"States Execute Fewest Convicts in 20 Years, Report Finds",10 +5," Attorneys for two of the condemned inmates have challenged the secretive process used by some states to obtain lethal injection drugs from unidentified, loosely regulated compounding pharmacies.",4 +10,"""It's about parental responsibility ... the economic and emotional stability of these children.""",9 +11,"Re: ""Death for Ray,"" June 9 Page 1 story.",10 +7,"William Molony Mentzer and Alex Lamota Marti are accused of gunning down producer Roy Radin, who police say was targeted for death in connection with his unsuccessful attempt to finance the film.",6 +9,"The government's forced use of antipsychotic drugs, in people who have no history of mental illness, includes dozens of cases in which the ""pre-flight cocktail,"" as a document calls it, had such a potent effect that federal guards needed a wheelchair to move the slumped deportee onto an airplane.",8 +10,"The ban, which went into place in fall 2011, prohibits illegal immigrants from attending colleges that had to turn away academically qualified students for the past two years. It applies to UGA, Georgia Tech, Georgia State, Georgia Health Sciences and Georgia College & State universities.",9 +1,"Lump-sum tobacco payout backed Settlement cash could aid budget +",0 +5,"Lawyers, Guns and Mayors",4 +5,Florida to Get More From Tobacco Lawsuit,4 +10,A Mix of Fear and Fascination,9 +13,Congress hasn't banned research on gun violence,12 +5,"United States v. Windsor to reject a claim for same-sex marriage. +",4 +9,"To avoid detection, smugglers now lead people through more demanding and dangerous terrain; more than 300 people died trying to cross last year. +",8 +7,"According to authorities, Donaldson was walking through a terminal used for luggage screening of passengers and crew of both Northwest and Delta Airlines. Officials discovered the Taurus 9 mm semiautomatic handgun in his carry-on luggage.",6 +6,"The bill specifies that it doesn't create a new class of marriage. But it will allow unrelated adults, regardless of gender, to share ""the same legal obligations, responsibilities, protections, and benefits as are afforded or recognized by the law of Illinois to spouses."" + +Among the practical applications will be the same health insurance rights for partners as those now extended to spouses; the right to make medical decisions for an incapacitated partner; and estate and property rights after the death of a partner or dissolution of a relationship. +",5 +10,OUTCAST SMOKERS NOW TOLD TO BUTT OUT IN ASHTRAYS,9 +5,"At an immigration hearing last month, Marcos signed a consent agreement that waived his right to contest deportation, his lawyers said. But Marcos, who speaks limited English and has been living with relatives in Seattle for nine months, said he wanted to remain in the United States.",4 +1,"Florida spends more than $ 200-million each year on health care for inmates. Burt said the cost would be cut if prisoners were forced to stop smoking, though he could not say by how much.",0 +5,COURT BACKS A RIGHT TO EVIDENCE ON BEHAVIOR BEFORE DEATH PENALTY,4 +13,One of the first regulations President Donald Trump vowed to slash was President Barack Obama's executive order on gun control that was implemented in the final year of his presidency.,12 +12,Opponents of the law contend,11 +5,"But some legal experts are predicting that a ruling in Mercer Island, Wash., in favor of a man suing",4 +13,"Va. restricts guns, a little",12 +7,"Federal prosecutors in Alexandria charged Martinez, 57, of Stafford, with one count of conspiracy to commit identification fraud. As the head of DMV's customer service center at the mall, he supervised about 30 employees. Also charged was his wife, Miriam Martinez, 56, a former DMV clerk in Tysons Corner.",6 +13,"Democratic Senate candidate Patrick Murphy also weighed in, saying in a campaign statement that Beruff's ""full embrace of Donald Trump's extreme bigotry is flat-out un-American.""",12 +5,33 STATES ASK JUDGE TO CUT TOBACCO SUIT BOND,4 +11,"attacked Mr. Costas for using the forum of N.F.L. coverage to make a personal political statement. Mr. Costas, in the interview with The Times, noted that it is understood that he has a forum on NBC's Sunday night football coverage to speak out on issues that concern him.",10 +13,Senate panel narrowly passes gun bill 'Shall-issue' measure wins on 5-4 vote,12 +8,Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.,7 +13,Gore Assails Bush on Texas Law That Permits Guns in Churches,12 +5,"Excluded from the action will be some students and others with residency status, along with people applying for immigration status, such as those carrying ""green cards.""",4 +13,Kennesaw to fight state law against local gun control,12 +11,"AR-15 Rifles Are Beloved, Reviled and a Common Element in Mass Shootings",10 +13,BOCA OFFICIALS CONSIDER SMOKING BAN AT BEACHES,12 +15,Additional 'Letters to the Editor',14 +13,"NRA'S POWER SLIPS IN CONGRESS, STATE LEGISLATURES",12 +5,"A federal appeals court in San Francisco on Thursday found that individual citizens do not have a constitutional right to own a firearm, cutting to the core of the modern debate over gun control and repudiating the gun lobby's most cherished legal argument. +",4 +5,Jailed woman asks Costello to help her win release,4 +3,EXORCISING THE 'DEMON',2 +12,Most approve of gay unions? Who cares?,11 +6,Where There's Smoke There's a New Rule Against It,5 +1,"The tobacco buyout is hastening what market forces had been effecting for years -- the end of small-farm tobacco production. More tobacco is imported from abroad, more cigarettes are manufactured and sold abroad -- trends that had finally convinced most farmers that manufacturers were no longer, if they ever had been, their allies.",0 +12,"Then at the festival, held in Minneapolis' Loring Park June 23-24, Minnesotans United and its partners plan to be omnipresent, Brickman said. ""You're not going to be able to go to Pride without seeing the vote-no crew,"" she said. +",11 +11,As the nation mourns the 32 students killed at Virginia Tech last week,10 +13,"Mayor Stephen Cassidy will be available to officiate, if desired. +",12 +6,The Brady-Law Setback,5 +5,Justices to again look at death penalty,4 +7,"Taylor is charged in St. Louis County with fatally shooting his girlfriend, Angela Rowe, and her three children in late 2004.",6 +8,"One woman and 10 men were turned over to the U.S. Border Patrol station in Riviera Beach and were later taken to the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Miami, said Art Bullock, head of the local Border Patrol station.",7 +15,"Tragedy, Then Action",14 +11,"NRA the voice of 'good, patriotic Americans'",10 +15," +Re ''Queasy Feeling About a Decade With No Name,'' by Clyde Haberman (NYC column, Jan. 4):",14 +5,"But as more death sentences are appealed, courts are increasingly consumed by the extent and adequacy of the trial defense.",4 +8,Senators: Lax gun laws help terrorists,7 +13,2 Sides Hammer Ehrlich On Guns,12 +5,High court refuses to hear Hazleton immigrant ordinance appeal,4 +12,Polls show Americans overwhelmingly favor keeping the ban.,11 +13, if politicians decided to seek a symbolic stance against the death penalty.,12 +3,BLACK PASTORS RALLY AGAINST SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,2 +13,"Under New Jersey law, if a governor takes no action within 45 days on a bill passed by both houses of the Legislature, it becomes law without his signature.",12 +10," ""This is a big deal. It's one of the things we'll remember the rest of our lives.""",9 +9,him to consult a doctor,8 +11,"he and his partner, Michael Murphy, are thrilled to finally be able to marry at the falls. +",10 +5,"and be comfortable that they cannot be fired for exercising their rights.""",4 +5,"In short, if the justices' questioning during arguments this week are any indication, the court may give the nation few lasting answers in June, when it rules on the two major gay marriage cases. For Californians, that could still mean legal marriages for same-sex couples and perhaps the right to federal benefits.",4 +1,"Many of the restaurateurs and bar owners polled said the regulation would be bad for business because smokers simply wouldn't dine out as often, and when they did, they wouldn't stay long in a place where they couldn't light up.",0 +9,"SMOKING FIGHT A MATTER OF HEALTH, NOT MONEY",8 +7,"Even before the shooting spree, Bout-well seemed mentally disturbed. When assault weapons are in wide circulation, nuts are more likely to get hold of them, which is why we have supported laws to outlaw civilian ownership of weapons better suited to a battlefield than a peaceful neighborhood.",6 +13,Gay partnership bill up for council vote,12 +5, where gay marriage is legal,4 +13,GOP still plans to make issue of gay marriage,12 +6,"""This has given us momentum,"" said Andrew Pace, who pushed DeKalb's successful crusade to ban smoking in most public places. ""Many county commissioners weren't sure whether to go through with anti-smoking ordinances only to have the state legislature wipe out their efforts.",5 +13,Republicans called,12 +1,on the county payroll,0 +7,"Colin Clark, shackled and handcuffed, apologized publicly today to the family of Fred Schmidt, who was slain in 1977 in a break-in at a restaurant in Baton Rouge, La. +",6 +6,allows employees and visitors with concealed weapon permits to keep guns in their locked cars on employers' premises.,5 +6,READER RESPONSES: GUN CONTROL: Waiting period not needed,5 +9,care for the uninsured,8 +6," +So it wasn't much of a surprise last week when this yearlong search for justice resulted in an airy report that essentially says how blessed we all are to have this Stand Your Ground law in place.",5 +7,"A week before a man walked onto a tennis court at N.C. State University and shot his former tennis partner,",6 +4,"aying there is ample evidence of their innocence, are turning from the courts to the court of public opinion to make a final, desperate plea. +",3 +15,Disgracing Justice,14 +13,Gilmore Wants to Toughen Gun Penalties,12 +7,"Enforcement of executive order leads to hundreds of arrests +",6 +13,Gov. Mark Dayton,12 +11," +Illegal immigration count: 11 million and rising in U.S.",10 +5,"They would then be issued a license like a state driver's license. +",4 +9,Gun Safety 101,8 +15,Clearing the air,14 +13," +Vote for assault-gun ban doesn't trigger backlash",12 +10,"""It was a ruthless cold-hearted crime that deprived hardworking people of their lives and permanently scarred two others and all of their families,"" he said.",9 +5,Justices say reopen death penalty case,4 +13,House strikes rule barring firearms,12 +13,"But after two weeks of slogging toward compromise, the deal blew up over a procedural standoff on whether to move forward with voting for amendments, as Republicans were demanding, and if so, for how many. Republicans blamed Democratic obstructionism aimed at keeping voters' attention focused on the punitive, Republican-sponsored House bill.",12 +13,Bentsen said the administration is studying a larger increase as part of a broad crackdown on violent crime. Any increase would have to be approved by Congress.,12 +6,California Bill Would Limit Handgun Buyers to 1 a Month,5 +10,Classroom to become center for refugees,9 +5,Ore. judge halts gay marriages,4 +8,Showdown over airport guns,7 +5,"In its entirety, the amendment says: ""A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.""",4 +5,A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld Maryland's ban,4 +13," In all its fury and unanimity, the response from the right to President Obama's decision to change immigration policy without the consent of Congress was the manifestation of a major transformation within the Tea Party.",12 +6,"This gets at gun shows that invite the public or are held on public property but not at sales from someone's home. +",5 +7,As Street Cops See It,6 +6,a proposed anti-smoking ordinance.,5 +4,objected to a provision requiring them to continue to pay those temporary workers fairly.,3 +3," ""May God bless the victim, the family of the victim and may God bless Mr. Graham.""",2 +15,POST FAILED TO TAKE A SIDE IN GAY-MARRIAGE EDITORIAL,14 +12,"The Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, a group instrumental in campaigning for repeal, does not believe Reboletti will be successful in his push.",11 +6,"Those would be solid, reasonable reforms - if they were enacted nationwide. As reforms drop to governmental levels below that, they become less effective. New York's gun-control laws don't stop people from buying weapons in Miami and using them in Manhattan.",5 +11,after the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.,10 +13,GAY MARRIAGE DEBATE: Marriage vote puts GOP on political roll,12 +11,"'Almost No One Agrees With Us': For Rural Students, Gun Control Can Be a Lonely Cause",10 +2,Walker estimated that the inmate population and number of Arab and Muslim detainees at Tri-County had risen by 10 percent since Septembe,1 +4,"Still, the widespread assumption among civil liberties groups and American Muslims is that visitors from Arab and Islamic nations will receive the closest scrutiny. Arab nations have drawn the same conclusion and the 22-member Arab League has denounced the new effort as discriminatory.",3 +3, The Georgia Baptist Convention and the state Christian Coalition are among religious groups sending out voter scorecards and running television and radio ads to encourage Georgians to support the amendment.,2 +4,"""Rather, justice and freedom for all people is our central message.""",3 +9,but it still buries too many of its citizens murdered with guns coming from states with paltry regulations,8 +13," +NRA-backed gun-control bill has majority support in Minnesota House",12 +7,"Manning was convicted of killing Mississippi State University students Jon Steckler and Tiffany Miller, whose bodies were discovered at a secluded spot outside Starkville, Miss., on Dec. 11, 1992. +",6 +1,GE Capital Cuts Gun Shop Purchase Loans,0 +6,"North Dakota bill would allow firearms in churches, concerts, parks",5 +1,A $6.3 trillion hit job,0 +9,"""We are trying to protect the township's children.""",8 +13,Republicans hurt themselves with pro-gun votes,12 +7,Rise in Arrests,6 +6,"The 2007 ordinance was a response to the number of deaths, often of children, resulting from unlocked handguns in households",5 +1,Tax-revenue ban loses House vote Lawmakers push toward Wed. deadline,0 +13,CONGRESSMEN ARE MILKING DOLE'S TOBACCO REMARKS,12 +5,"James Madison noted that the Constitution created a government whose powers are ""few and defined."" If a power was not defined, it was not delegated to the national Government -- period.",4 +1,They might also prove expensive.,0 +12,'IT BREAKS MY HEART': CALIF. VOTERS KO GAY MARRIAGE,11 +5,Judge says death penalty possible in Nichols trial,4 +10,"Editor's note: The Daily News has been following Mimi Brown and Carol Anastasio as the two plan their Sunday wedding - the first day gay couples can marry in New York. + +AFTER WAITING decades, what's another day? +",9 +2,Airline officials say they are concerned that waits will grow even longer when they add more international flights in May for the busy summer travel season,1 +13,"A House-passed version of the Brady bill would end the waiting period in five years, in the hopes that a national instant background check system will be in place.",12 +13,"The unemployment benefits extension, sponsored by Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington, failed on a procedural motion when it fell two votes short of the 60 needed for the Senate to take it up. The civil rights amendment was withdrawn when Mr. Frist realized he did not have the votes to tack it onto the bill.",12 +5,Execution law voided over secrecy section,4 +6,Inquirer Editorial: Towns need their gun laws,5 +7," +Oklahoma Death Row Inmate Is Returned to New York",6 +13," has thrust gun rights into the midterm campaign, scrambling traditions in both parties as the debate shifts toward firearms restrictions.",12 +13,Ga. lawmakers asked to address fears on gun bill,12 +12,"Rifle Group Restates Opposition To Bill Delaying Gun Purchases +",11 +1,The company,0 +5,"If the Massachusetts court decision on gay marriage is sustained and same-sex couples in the Bay State are allowed to marry, it has often been assumed that such couples would receive the full rights and privileges of marriage -- including the ability to file joint tax returns and obtain spousal benefits from Social Security.",4 +7,"If this crime law passes, I will become one of the felons who will refuse to ""register"" my legally owned guns.",6 +10,"Hernandez said he is afraid to return to his home country because he left there in 2007 after gang members threatened him for being gay. He plans to begin studying radiology in January. +",9 +8,What Next to Stop Gun Madness,7 +10,Fighting to die,9 +12,Civil rights groups seek to block California gay marriage ballot initiative,11 +15,Pointing the Trigger Finger,14 +7,She was killed last weekend by gunfire after her family accidentally drove down a side street controlled by the gang.,6 +3,Immigration Undocumented get support from bishops,2 +5,"applauded his Minnesota counterpart's view that a proposed national tobacco settlement was unsatisfactory for states and praised Hubert Humphrey III for pressing the state's legal action. + +""It is a tremendous victory for Minnesota and for Skip Humphrey,"" said Doyle, who has worked with the Minnesota attorney general",4 +11,"Illegal immigration rises in Md., Va.",10 +3," ""I am against the death penalty for religious and moral reasons.",2 +10,"gay and lesbian couples who longed for the rights and responsibilities, the dignity and respect, that come with marriage will soon be able to do so legally in the Empire State.",9 +5,"Now, the four DuPage County sheriff's deputies and three former county prosecutors are about to face Cruz in court again. This time, they are the defendants, and he is a witness against them.",4 +13,"First, Congress is no place to find hope of reform. A promising Senate bill has vanished into the swamp of the Republican-led House, whose know-nothings would rather see an electrified fence than any sensible overhaul. Their latest refrain is that because they don't trust Mr. Obama to enforce the laws, they won't pass any -- except laws to gut the president's executive authority.",12 +6,Tobacco firms may OK bans Talks resume,5 +6,"The Berkeley City Council has introduced a bill to regulate smoking for city employees. The bill got initial approval Monday. It will get further study at the council's March 18 meeting. The bill would prohibit smoking in all city-owned buildings and vehicles, with some exceptions. Smoking would be permitted in the: Lobby of City Hall between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. Truck bay area in Fire House 1 and 2. Lobby of the Police Department. City clerk's office when it is used by the City Council. City vehicles if the driver and the passengers agree. Street department lunch room designated as a smoking area. Truck bay area of the Street Department garage. Civic Center. The bill would prohibit smoking: When employees fuel vehicles. In emergency vehicles while on emergency calls. The city would be responsible for supplying no-smoking signs, notices and postings on city premises. Employees who violate the smoking policy would get an oral warning on the first offense, written on the second and further disciplinary action for any other.",5 +5, Both sides say a court may end up deciding the matter.,4 +2,"Bill aims to keep foreign talent ; Immigrant graduates start businesses that add many jobs, studies show.",1 +5,All three defendants were indicted by a grand jury Thursday.,4 +1,TOP DONORS ON BOTH SIDES OF GAY-MARRIAGE DEBATE,0 +1,"When money is taken from his budget and shifted to prosecutors, Vela said, his office won't have as many lawyers available for routine cases.",0 +5,Defendant in police killing tries to fire lawyers,4 +11,". Government figures show that 664 people were killed in the workplace in 1999, compared to 1,080 in 1994. ",10 +9,endanger the lives of both the police and public,8 +13,RIDGE SIGNS DEATH WARRANTS FOR 3 CONVICTED MURDERERS,12 +6,But the bill initially garnered only five votes on the 12-member Transportation Committee.,5 +13,"Flake has admitted that he has noticed the criticisms of his vote. +",12 +1,"A. The ban on smoking in bars and restaurants spearheaded by Mayor Bloomberg, which will take effect on March 30, is extensive, but it is not the toughest smoking restriction New York has ever seen.",0 +11,Iowa Decency,10 +6,Don't let the government censor blueprints for 3-D-printed guns,5 +11,"Kelsey Grammer forgives man who raped, killed his sister",10 +14," Cuba and North Carolina have more in common than some might think, say members of a trade mission to Cuba organized by the state Agriculture Department.",13 +10,"As the ethnic composition of New York City and the nation changes under a growing tide of immigration, accents are still an impediment, even a stigma, for millions of people in school, at work and in social settings.",9 +5,A St. Louis judge refused Thursday to alter his ruling that keeps Missouri's concealed gun law on hold at least until the state Supreme Court takes up the matter next month.,4 +12,"Across the street, five pro-death-penalty demonstrators gathered, with placards such as: ''God says the murderer shall surely be put to death.'' +",11 +13,"Florida Sen. Bill Nelson reversed his opposition to gay marriage on Thursday, joining a swell of moderate Democrats to do so recently as public support for gay marriage has grown.",12 +5,"The argument over Roe and the alleged backlash it engendered is important because of its obvious echoes in the same-sex marriage cases. Indeed, Charles Cooper, the lawyer defending California's ban on gay marriage, made the democratic process pitch. ""The question before this court,"" he said, ""is whether the Constitution puts a stop to that ongoing democratic debate and answers this question for all 50 states."" +",4 +10," that offer full benefits to unmarried ""domestic partners"" of company employees, including gay companions.",9 +7,PROBATION SENTENCE IN CASE OF GUN SALES,6 +7,"The videotaped beatings of two illegal immigrants by his deputies was a shocking use of excessive force, Riverside County Sheriff Larry Smith said Wednesday.",6 +12,Polls consistently show the public opposes gay marriage. But the division of opinion is far closer on the question of a constitutional ban.,11 +5,Thornburgh to Appear Before Supreme Court,4 +6,"The new bill would make it unlawful for anyone to possess a firearm ""that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate commerce"" at a place that a person knows or has cause to believe is a school zone.",5 +8,U.S. and Mexican officials say increased border security has thwarted smugglers who had succeeded for years at beating the system.,7 +5,"The plea agreement guarantees that Donny Ray Batts, 31, will receive a sentence of life in prison without parole. +",4 +9,"he one who had the dubious honor of being its first victim was a chap named William Kemmler. They strapped him in and threw the switch, but they had neglected to bolt the chair to the floor. It, and Kemmler, went flying across the room. So, they bolted it down and tried again. He still wasn't dead, so they gave him a third jolt, lasting 70 seconds. That did the job and everybody - except possibly Kemmler - agreed it was more merciful than hanging. +",8 +12,"Lunch at Muldoon's Irish Pub on Lexington Ave. just wasn't the same for Bob Dougherty, 38, of Bayonne, N.J.",11 +5,"A defense lawyer responded that a bond as low as $25,000 would be sufficient.",4 +5,Court Follows Nation's Lead,4 +7, They contend that the law gives the police the power to invade privacy and seize property when there is no probable cause.,6 +10,Howard Co.'s Harder Line on School Smoking,9 +5,Marriage lawsuit overdue,4 +13," +In a recent mailer to Alaskans, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate touts a record that is ""100 percent pro-gun"" and ""100 percent against amnesty."" And, he says he's the only candidate with endorsements from various pro-gun groups.",12 +9,"""It's a disaster waiting to happen,"" said Diane Jacob, a member of the Board of Supervisors representing eastern San Diego County. ""I don't think it's a matter of if we have a major human catastrophe. It's a case of when, if something isn't done immediately.",8 +13," U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Tampa, said Monday that she expects the children to arrive later this year.",12 +5, MISSOURI SUPREME COURT 2 Executions Scheduled For Next Month,4 +4,South Carolina Executes Man in Racial Killing,3 +12,Floridians pour out their feelings in thousands of letters and phone calls.,11 +13,Minnesota GOP offers gay marriage alternative - civil unions,12 +10,Their mother left the two girls alone at the house trailer so she could attend a party.,9 +10,"Her sister, Dorothy Jones, left her job as a surgical nurse at a Miami hospital and went home early. + +''In four more days, it will be 17 years since mom died,'' she said. ''Isn't it ironic that every time we've been to a damn trial, it's been around the time of mom's death or her birthday or Christmas? I can't believe this.'' +",9 +11,The Black Vote for Gay Marriage,10 +15,Secret Garden,14 +6,The state outlawed capital punishment in 1853.,5 +6,"In Push to End Death Penalty, Some States Cite Cost-Cutting",5 +12,RALLIES WILL CALL FOR GUN REFORMS,11 +12,A smoker's protest,11 +10,Friends say Mexicans not living as slaves,9 +15,The Smoke Just Won't Settle,14 +15,BALANCED VIEWS,14 +13,"Chamber launches pro-immigration reform ad featuring Rand Paul, who opposes Senate bill",12 +13,Bush Backs Amendment Banning Gay Marriage,12 +13,"""Now, at long last, you are free to marry the person that you love,"" Chafee told the crowd. +",12 +4,witness perjury and a cover-up,3 +7,"""I heard someone passing say 'la imigra,'"" Ashley Young, one of the people holding a camera that night, told The Washington Post, using the Spanish phrase for immigration agents. ""I looked around, and two officers were coming across the bridge to shoo people away, to make sure people would stop watching.""",6 +10,She had a cheeky grin and bested a little league team full of boys. She was a cheerleader and dancer who loved to play teacher and tutored neighborhood kids.,9 +7,"CHILD KILLER PLEADS GUILTY, GETS LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT PAROLE",6 +5,His lawyers claimed,4 +5,A Miami-based appeals court has rejected Attorney General Pam Bondi's request that two gay marriage cases be delayed until the U.S. Supreme Court decides the issue nationally.,4 +14,The rest of the world can only wonder what we can possibly be thinking.,13 +7,"Richard Brzeczek, the Chicago Superintendent of Police",6 +9,Hurricane Sandy,8 +7,Death penalty strategy in Va.,6 +15,HETEROSEXUAL AND UNDECIDED? TIME TO STEP UP,14 +4,"It seems that much of the focus on traditional marriage has consisted of hectoring gay men and lesbians who want to get married and deploring the breakdown of the family with little discussion of policy or the role that churches, synagogues and other mediating institutions play.",3 +10, partly in deference to the wishes of Jones's parents.,9 +13,"Political or not, the right decision",12 +1,Immigrants Sending $45 Billion Home,0 +12,"Popular Approval For Stronger Gun Safety, But Scant Optimism",11 +9,ELLISON SAYS TRAVEL BAN WILL HURT SOMALIS FLEEING FAMINE,8 +5," New Jersey officially joins Connecticut and Vermont in offering its gay and lesbian residents the option of forming civil unions, and the debate about what those unions represent is continuing.",4 +5,California Supreme Court upholds same-sex marriage ban,4 +11,New Citizen Meets 'Friend' at Ceremony: The President,10 +13,Gun Control: A Republican Lashes Out at His Party,12 +5,"After Monday's nondecision -- which had the effect of legalizing same-sex marriage in 11 states -- there is little question where the court and nation are headed. Some opponents also see the writing on the wall, even in conservative Mississippi, where Andy Gipson, a state lawmaker, said, ''I am opposed to same-sex marriage, but I believe the time has come for people of faith in Mississippi to prepare for the overturning of our constitutional ban on it.'' +",4 +11,"Many libraries have extensive English as a Second Language collections, and some have started buying books in foreign languages. But DeKalb's plan is unique because it involves adding books in several languages.",10 +1,"The packaging features disc jockeys, graffiti artists and other hip-hop imagery, and the names sound like funky juice or coffee drinks: Mocha Taboo, Midnight Berry, Twista Lime and Kauai Kolada.",0 +5,"The Supreme Court has thrown out, for the third time, a federal appeals court ruling favorable to a convicted murderer in California whose case has bounced around the courts for a quarter-century.",4 +6,"The policy at Southern Maine, which has 11,000 students on campuses in Gorham and Portland, will be one of the strictest in the nation. Next fall, smoking will be allowed only in designated smoking areas chosen by administrators. + +Pamela Clay-Storm, a university nurse and former head of a task force that created the rules, said policy makers the past 15 years have focused on workplaces, restaurants and other places to restrict smoking. + +College campuses, for the most part, were ignored until recently. But some question whether the new policies are fair or enforceable.",5 +9,KIDS AND GUNS: 12 KILLINGS IN 1989,8 +13,"""I had no choice but to be here today because too many members of + +Congress have been gutless on this issue,"" Brady said, speaking from his wheelchair. ""They have closed their eyes to tragedies like mine. They ignore the statistics. Well, this statistic has decided to break his silence.""",12 +13,"""We came here to present to President Clinto",12 +10,were addictive.,9 +12,"First, polls show that a majority of Minnesotans oppose same-sex marriage. Simple arithmetic tells you they are not all Republicans. This majority has held despite an incessant media bias for the proposal. +",11 +13,Md. Death Penalty May Come To Fore,12 +13,announced by President Clinton just before last summer's Democratic National Convention.,12 +13, Democrats say the real issue is that Republicans want to drag out the debate with countless amendments until the tobacco bill dies.,12 +13," +Clinton uses crime control to mask gun-control plans",12 +13,During a key vote in the Florida Senate,12 +5,"To the surprise of nearly everyone, the justices swept away all the gay marriage cases before them -- refusing to hear appeals of three Circuit Court rulings that had overturned same-sex marriage bans, despite pleas from both sides to settle the issue. +",4 +3,The ruling threatens to force Hawaii into becoming the first state to recognize gay marriages - a horrifying prospect for many religious groups who believe that the true purpose of marriage is procreation.,2 +12,"the model that I originally built in 2009, which aims to predict the percentage of the vote that gay marriage-related ballot initiatives will receive.",11 +12,"""Illegals went to the streets and flew the Mexican flag. That just about wiped out the middle ground,"" Kates said. ""People who had been sympathetic in the past were not anymore.""",11 +12,"But the massive pro-immigrant marches were astonishing, and invigorating.",11 +5,Letter of the law,4 +13,"In upholding a new state law to ban sales of cheap, concealable handguns - ''Saturday night specials'' - Maryland's voters sent a potent signal to lawmakers everywhere.",12 +11,"States that have more relaxed criteria for allowing residents to carry concealed handguns have a higher rate of gun deaths than states with stricter requirements, according to a study released Thursday.",10 +13,BAM PLEA FOR SANITY Rips GOPers for blocking vote on arms No-fly loophole law 'needs to be changed',12 +13,"Mr. Florio, who has 45 days to act on the bill, said he will veto it and seek to put the issue before voters in a non-binding referendum. Mr. Florio, a Democrat elected in 1989, considered New Jersey's law one of his crowning achievements. Republicans who won control of the Legislature in 1991 have been undoing many of the laws passed during his first two years, including large tax increases. Overriding a veto requires 27 votes in the Senate and 54 in the Assembly.",12 +13,"While two-thirds of voters tell pollsters that Wilson has done a poor or fair job, analysts credit his current standing on his relentless focus on two emotional issues that many Californians see as threats to their way of life: crime and illegal immigration.",12 +5,"Judge Gerald Rafferty was expected to formally sentence Ray on Thursday morning, but defense attorney Michael Root filed several last-minute motions forestalling the sentencing.",4 +5, But their voices emerge from thousands of pages of depositions in a series of liability lawsuits a decade ago,4 +13,And local governments oppose the bill limiting their say over firearms.,12 +5,"The Supreme Court announced on Wednesday that it would decide whether state and local gun control laws may be challenged under the Second Amendment. + +The court also agreed to hear nine other cases from among those that had piled up over its summer break, including one concerning the constitutionality of an antiterrorism law that is a favorite tool of federal prosecutors. + +The Second Amendment case, McDonald v. Chicago, No. 08-1521, addresses a question that was left open last year when the court decided that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to own firearms rather than a collective right tied to state militias. + +Last year's decision, District of Columbia v. Heller, concerned only federal laws and struck down parts of the gun control law in the District of Columbia, a federal enclave. The court ruled that the law violated the Second Amendment by barring law-abiding people from keeping guns in their homes for self-defense. + +The new case was brought by residents of Chicago who say their city's handgun ban is identical to the one struck down in Heller. + +Several Supreme Court decisions, all more than a century old, have said that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states. + +In June, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, in Chicago, affirmed the dismissal of the new case, saying it was up to the Supreme Court to overrule its own precedents if it wished to do so. Chief Judge Frank H. Easterbrook, writing for a unanimous three-judge panel of the appeals court, added that it was not certain whether and how the Supreme Court might apply the Second Amendment to the states. + +",4 +13," state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said Thursday.",12 +13, which must return again to the Senate,12 +6,"Federal law prohibits those who have been ''adjudicated as a mental defective'' by a court, as well as those who have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility, from buying a firearm.",5 +5,"I wonder if you would be so accepting on draconian restrictions our rights to freedom of speech, religion or assembly? These rights are all equal in our Constitution, and therefore all are rights citizens possess, and rights that government should not impede.",4 +5,"Much of the confusion stems from the Supreme Court's decision to deem unconstitutional the denial of federal benefits to same-sex couples, while allowing states to decide for themselves whether to recognize same-sex marriage. +",4 +11, He was the 76th prisoner executed in the United States and the eighth in Louisiana since the United States Supreme Court allowed states to restore the death penalty in 1976.,10 +5,"Assistant Burlington County Prosecutor Robert S. Van Gilst expressed disappointment, saying that the state is concerned about speedy-trial issues",4 +7," Gilmore is under three other death sentences for other murders. Leonard Laws, 40, who took part in two of the slayings, was executed May 17.",6 +7,"As many as 2.5 million immigrants may be falsely using Social Security cards and would be eligible for amnesty, Gambino said.",6 +7,Delaware is the only state where hanging is the prescribed form of execution. Montana also gives prisoners the choice of hanging or lethal injection. Neither state has executed anyone since the 1940s.,6 +6,the bill,5 +5,The public defender and the State Attorney General have sought to stay the execution at least until the capital-punishment law can be tested in court.,4 +12,69% SAY GUEST WORKER PLAN OK,11 +8,"Atlanta airport concessionaire joins ICE +",7 +13,One of the first rules of politics is that you're supposed to pretend you don't govern according to opinion polls - that you put the good of the country ahead of reelection. In D.C. they sometimes forget to even pay lip service to this idea. Compromise always comes before courage; legislators focus on what's possible as an excuse not to try something bold.,12 +7,"Another difficulty in stemming the supply of guns is that when arrests are made, D.C. prosecutors often drop the charges in exchange for information on other crimes.",6 +7,Deportation order could bring jail time during appeal,6 +11,CDC: E-cigarette use among teens rising rapidly,10 +13,"Charlton Heston, the newly elected president of the National Rifle Association, has remounted his beloved chariot with its gun rights banner proudly unfurled. ",12 +13, Senate's consideration of gun legislation.,12 +9,"""large quantities of handguns used by local criminals to terrorize significant portions of the city's population.""",8 +5,"Judge James L. King, ruling in a class-action lawsuit brought by more than 4,000 Haitians, ordered that the service take no further action against the plaintiffs until the Government had presented him with an acceptable plan for reconsidering their asylum claims. That plan, he said, must eliminate the ''wholesale violations of due process'' that he found had characterized the service's previous denials of those claims.",4 +7,At least 25 employees of Sam's Janitorial Services were detained by federal immigration officials Tuesday evening following the two-month investigation.,6 +1,"The Southern states had sought $ 5.1 billion for farmers over 10 years to compensate them for declining demand for their tobacco. In a compromise reached Thursday for the benefit of RJR, early payout requirements were reduced and total payouts were stretched to 12 years.",0 +13,Donald Trump's presidential aspirations may have just become bad for his business,12 +9,are dangerous to public safety. ,8 +8,Peace Corps suspends its programin El Salvador amid surge in violence,7 +5,"After years of emotional legal wrangling, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday that a member of a violent drug gang who killed two undercover detectives on Staten Island more than a decade ago will not face the death penalty.",4 +13,Immigrant policy stirs new battle in the GOP,12 +7,"he following day, the 48-year-old Felker is to be executed for the November 1981 murder of Evelyn Joy Ludlam, a 19-year-old college student, in Houston County. +",6 +5,"Seventeen states allow gay marriage, and federal judges have struck down bans in Michigan, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia. An Arkansas judge is expected to rule by Friday in a lawsuit challenging Arkansas's ban.",4 +14,Gun ownership rates by state,13 +5, I feel that the court did not understand the intent of the Founding Fathers when they wrote this amendment more than 200 years ago.,4 +1,"The plan calls for 2 percent of the settlement - roughly $ 7 billion from the tobacco companies - to be set aside for the ""economic benefit"" of tobacco growers. That could include price supports or possibly buyouts of farmers who want to quit the tobacco business.",0 +7,"Bear arms, kill cops",6 +11,"The border state in which he practiced in the 1920s, '30s and '40s was New York. His clients were not Hondurans, Salvadorans or Guatemalans but Slovaks, Poles, Italians, Greeks and Irish. Instead of today's undocumented Hispanics fleeing street violence and cartels and paying ruthless coyotes to smuggle them to Brownsville, Nogales and Tijuana, the European wayfarers were escaping the violence of two world wars, arriving in transatlantic vessels at New York's upper harbor and the 271â?2 acres of the Ellis Island inspection station.",10 +9,"New Yorkers who may end up ""twitching and tapping their fingers"" instead of standing in a cloud of smoke cannot be left to quit alone; they deserve real options to deal with serious nicotine withdrawal symptoms (editorial, July 2). +",8 +12,Minnesotans are being asked this November to vote on whether to amend th,11 +11,GUN VIOLENCE DOC TO SCREEN IN ST. PETE,10 +13,GUN-LOCK MEASURE GOES TO GOVERNOR THE N.J. SENATE UNANIMOUSLY PASSED A BILL REQUIRING TRIGGER LOCKS OR GUN SAFES TO BE SOLD WITH EACH NEW HANDGUN,12 +4,"A system so shot through with mistakes, even malfeasance, is all too likely to have carried out wrongful executions. The fact that 87 persons who once sat on death row have been exonerated since 1973 is hardly proof ""the system works,"" as its defenders claim. Rather, it is cause to wonder if innocent persons have been put to death because a capricious and increasingly constrained review process has failed to save them.",3 +5,has operated illegally is ridiculous,4 +13,"In his letter to Trump, Cuomo said ""the old adage is right: 'Go with your first instinct.' """,12 +13,11 STATES TO VOTE ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE BAN CONTENTIOUS ISSUE EXPECTED TO BOOST CONSERVATIVE TURNOUT,12 +11, Virginia has the nation's second-busiest Death Row and does not blink at executing juveniles.,10 +13, said Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.).,12 +5,Jury Gets Murder Case,4 +4,American composer says he was detained at JFK because of his 'super common' Muslim name,3 +8, to expand background checks to buyers at gun shows and on the Internet,7 +9,"Across Central America, growing numbers of impoverished children appear to be setting out for the United States on their own, risking robbery, rape and death as they try to sneak illegally through Mexico and across the U.S. border.",8 +5,COURT DENIES KILLER'S APPEAL,4 +6,Students already are prohibited from using tobacco while at school or on school-related trips. Adults will be allowed to smoke at football stadiums.,5 +5,City to sue state over gun laws,4 +7," In Many Crimes, Trail Leads To a Tiny Fraction of Stores",6 +12,"True, polls in recent years have consistently affirmed that Americans believe it's more important to protect the right to own guns than to enact gun control. In fact, a Denver Post poll published a week ago revealed the same pattern in Colorado: 56 percent of those asked said it was ""more important"" to protect the right of Americans to own guns than ""to control gun ownership."" +",11 +9, severely mentally ill,8 +5,"""Most prosecutors would have offered to waive the death penalty in exchange for a guilty plea in a case with these facts,"" he wrote. ""Many would not have sought it in the first place.""",4 +1, Many California businesses see dollar signs in gay nuptials.,0 +13,Why Democrats are racing to back gay marriage,12 +5,A federal judge's ruling on Friday afternoon striking down Utah's ban on same-sex marriages touched off what Mayor Ralph Becker called a ''thrilling pandemonium.'',4 +9," by preventing kids from purchasing firearms, requiring safety-lock devices for handguns at the point of sale and banning the import of large clips that allow for the firing of more than 10 rounds of ammunition.",8 +14,SMOKERS STILL OBSESS OVER THAT ELUSIVE CUBAN CIGAR,13 +13,ASSEMBLY OKS RIGHTS FOR SAME-SEX PARTNERS,12 +5,GAYS REGISTER FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS IN N.J.,4 +5,First came the Supreme Court's deadlock that blocked his plan to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation.,4 +11,"Barring a dramatic twist, California will go through yet another year without any executions.",10 +5,which the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has given him until July 9 to enact,4 +13,The referendum would be held at the same time Republicans choose their candidate for governor. Democrats said Lasee was trying to skew the results by picking an election when conservatives would dominate the electorate.,12 +7,"THE DEPUTY inspector who used to run the NYPD's scandal-scarred gun License Division has retired, police sources said.",6 +5,"""This is the issue that we want the Supreme Court to consider,"" Mr. Mulderig said",4 +2,Gun enthusiasts are stocking up,1 +4,Why the NRA silence on Castile's trampled rights?,3 +1,Employers offer them because they see them as attracting good help,0 +1,against the embattled cigarette-makers.,0 +5,That's when Bradley learned she can't get a passport because she can't prove she's a U.S. citizen: She's missing her citizenship papers.,4 +5,"Thomas McCulloch, Mr. Dugan's defense lawyer since 1985, told The Associated Press that he would ''probably enter a plea of not guilty when he's presented to the court.''",4 +5,"An Essex County jury tonight rejected the death penalty for a 20-year-old Irvington woman it convicted two weeks ago of the beating death of her 3-year-old son. +",4 +11,"A healthy and balanced society requires weight on two sides. One side reflects our visible, materialistic values, while the other side reflects our intrinsic, deeper needs in terms of contribution, connection and compassion. Today, we are preoccupied with prosperity and pleasure seeking, and in turn neglecting our inner health -- socially, emotionally and spiritually. ",10 +11," Gun advocates lean on the Colonial period, offering a stirring, profoundly radical story about how the aggrieved American colonists created ""extralegal"" militias and fought hard against the British authorities' efforts to suppress those armed civilians. Given that these militias were ""critical"" to the success of the Revolution, the original plaintiffs in the case say it's essential that Americans today have the right to take up arms once more should their government fall into tyrannical ways.",10 +5, A week ago in an Alexandria courtroom he said he was a member of al Qaeda and knew about the Sept. 11 plot. He said he wanted to plead guilty to the charges. But Judge Leonie Brinkema wouldn't let him and gave him another week to think it over.,4 +5,Mexico Asylum Cases Must Be Reduced,4 +13,"The 241-to-179 vote, which was backed by Republican leaders and fell largely along party lines, is the most dramatic action taken by Congress after a spate of new attention on illegal immigration sparked by the July 1 killing of a 32-year-old California woman. +",12 +5,Judge E. Richard Webber imposed the sentence on Mrs. Copeland in Livingston County Circuit Court after a hearing on motions aimed at getting her a new trial or easing her sentence.,4 +10," At the time, Moore was five months pregnant with Krebs' child, and the two had talked about getting married.",9 +13,"At President Clinton's urging, for example, the Senate has just passed a bill that ignores the Constitution in order to get at suspected terrorists. +",12 +5,"In Monday's opinion, Justice David Nahmias wrote that the parole board's order, while inartfully written, was all Perry needed to get the gun-carry license.",4 +3,Clergy want freedom to hold gay nuptials,2 +7,"Plant owner Alfred Mizhir, 55, his wife Gail, 30, and nine other officers were indicted on criminal charges under the act for allegedly disregarding its verification provisions. Officials said the indictments were based on evidence that additional illegal aliens had been hired besides those discovered during an INS raid July 17.",6 +8, self-protection weapons.,7 +13," would ultimately pass the next legislative hurdle, an opportunity for the amendment to be revised before coming to a final vote. The legislature will reconvene to consider the measure again on March 29.",12 +7,"As Columbine Anniversary Nears, G.O.P. Leaders Push Through Gun-Crime Bill",6 +3,"IN MASS., GAYS EYE CAMBRIDGE NUPS",2 +13,"New Jersey's civil-union bill could land on the governor's desk by the end of the week, after the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced the legislation by an overwhelming margin yesterday. + +Gay-rights activists expect both chambers to approve the bill Thursday, and Gov. Corzine has said he would sign the measure into law. New Jersey would then become only the fifth state to extend some marriage rights to same-sex couples. +",12 +4,Va. Evidence Destroyed Despite Warnings,3 +1,"The poverty rate was 21.0 percent for the foreign-born population in 1996, compared with 12.9 percent for the native population.",0 +5,Lawyers seeking stay for murderer,4 +5,"The state filed the 120-page brief at approximately 11:30 p.m., beating its deadline by 30 minutes. +",4 +13,"Top GOP leaders showed notable restraint this week, while conservative activists fulminated against the court's decision, which requires the federal government to recognize same-sex marriage.",12 +9, how badly he had been beaten as a child,8 +4,THE U.S. SENATE on Wednesday rejected President George W. Bush's election-year effort to write discrimination into the Constitution with an ,3 +7," +The felony charge would apply if the perpetrator is a gang member or is younger than 21. An exception would be made for lawful activities under the state wildlife code.",6 +10,"Smokers, put down that nicotine stick and take note: If you want to be a cop in Tampa Bay, you might want to kick the habit.",9 +9,"Exposure of expectant mothers to cigarette smoke may be linked to a rare condition in which newborns do not get enough oxygen, a report indicates.",8 +13,Since Schwarzenegger vetoed Leno's 2005 legislation,12 +10," But it shows how Coe, 23, ""suffered ramifications on into adulthood.""",9 +5,RULING CLOUDS DEATH PENALTY CASES,4 +5,"Instead, Justice Louis Rathje wrote for the majority, defendants on medication simply have the right to seek a fitness hearing for that reason, not necessarily the right to be given one.",4 +13,Double-barreled Dems two-faced,12 +12,"According to a recent poll, 91 percent of Georgians would like to see an instant background check enacted in their state.",11 +8,NOW THAT WE CAN CARRY GUNS WHO CAN WE SHOOT?,7 +11,"A tobacco ban would confront a military culture, the report says, in which ""the image of the battle-weary soldier in fatigues and helmet, fighting for his country, has frequently included his lit cigarette.""",10 +3,Florida has duty to retreat,2 +6,Limit on smoking proposed for public places in Fulton,5 +3,"""I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman",2 +13,"Mayor Richard Daley muscled Chicago's broad shoulders into the gay marriage debate yesterday, saying he has ""no problem"" with gays and lesbians marrying because they ""love each other just as much as anyone else.""",12 +7, serving a 20-month prison term for his mistake.,6 +13,"Mr. Bush's friends say that is hardly the case and that the president is quite comfortable with gays. Laura Bush, when asked in a recent interview by The New York Times if she and her husband had gay friends, easily replied: ''Sure, of course. Everyone does.''",12 +7,"The other killers - Sherrell C. Towns, 22, and Remon C. Williams, 23, both of Washington Park - have been sentenced to die. +",6 +7,"A convicted murderer was spared the death sentence on Thursday, instead receiving life in prison without parole for killing seven people in 1993 at a suburban restaurant.",6 +11,"Ms. Block, the first woman to die in Alabama's electric chair since 1957, could be the last",10 +9,"""Heidnik is delusional,"" said Robert Dunham, director of the nonprofit group.",8 +3, Some church leaders say it violates natural law and the Scriptures,2 +8,Moussaoui kin snub U.S. official,7 +13,"THE LEGISLATURE and the governor seem headed for a showdown over a bill to allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons. Gov. Bob Holden, acting the role of the guy with the badge, has promised to veto any concealed-carry bill that reaches his desk. State lawmakers are treating this threat like a bluff. Run for cover, folks, because things could get pretty ugly before it's over.",12 +13,"House Democrats, meanwhile, have made the Brady bill their top anti-crime priority. The measure is likely to be approved by the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday.",12 +6,GUN CONTROL PROPOSALS FULL OF LOOPHOLES IN FLA.,5 +10,"""But this one, yeah, it's personal,"" the schoolteacher and union official said. ""I want to be able to marry Marcia,"" her partner of 28 years. ""I don't have butterflies in my stomach over this. I have sparrows.""",9 +1,Cigarette ads,0 +13,Massachusetts Lawmakers Reject Bid to Stop Same-Sex Marriages,12 +5,"Appeal denied for man who killed doctor, escort +",4 +12,National groups join New Jersey fight over marriage,11 +13,Trump and Clinton Are Headed for a Clash on Gun Control,12 +10,"Noeth, a vocat ional teacher at Collinsville High School, recently shared some of his experiences and tried to teach teens how to quit smoking before cigarettes become a life-long addiction. ''I used to smoke cigars and a pipe",9 +9," did not have narcotics or alcohol in his system, nor did he suffer from an aneurysm, according to an autopsy report released today.",8 +12,"the Minneapolis couple spotted three anti-gay rights protesters bearing pink signs that read: ""Don't erase moms and dads."" Another protest placard bore the internationally recognized restroom figures of a female and a male, followed by an equal sign leading to a baby.",11 +13,Gov. Bush halts executions,12 +13,Lawmaker Is Target on Gun Issue,12 +5,"The legal battle has been over Smith's punishment, not his guilt.",4 +12," +Gun rights advocates oppose the limits, saying Americans need the increased firepower to defend themselves against criminals. +",11 +9,Accidental deaths rose after surge in gun sales sparked by Sandy Hook,8 +13,Iran-Contra figure Oliver North named president of the NRA,12 +1,"""That's when I decided this is enough,"" said Loud, an administrative assistant for a St. Petersburg property management company. ""I can't afford this.""",0 +13,Bradley And Bird,12 +5,"Accusations fly in Pa. same-sex marriage case +",4 +3, as she asked God to forgive him,2 +4,The real ID sham in Virginia,3 +5,"He has allowed himself to be drawn into petty fights with defense lawyer Leonard Weinglass, an attorney with a long career of baiting judges in trials he has orchestrated into causes celebres. Mr. Weinglass has fished far beyond the limits of what the law allows in such proceedings; he has had a heyday insulting the judge in the press, and sometimes to his face.",4 +11,Dr. Oz: Kicking the cigarette habit,10 +1,"``The price is going up every day,'' Day said.",0 +8,WHY I INTEND TO CARRY A HANDGUN,7 +7,She left under arrest.,6 +3," and the opposition of Georgia Methodists to gay ministers and, implicitly, gay Christians, are not only disappointing, but regrettable for Christian ethical reflection in Georgia.",2 +13,enate Majority Leader Locke Burt ,12 +5,Jurors listened attentively,4 +13,GOP PUSHES GUN BILL TO BOOST PENALTIES,12 +15,Huffin' about puffin',14 +11, not a movie lot where a hero stops bad guys in their tracks. ,10 +12,March for Gun Control Starts With One Worried Mother,11 +5,"Gay couple sues state, U.S",4 +9,The Case for Tolerating E-Cigarettes,8 +5," San Mateo County District Attorney James Fox wonders, however, if Scanlan is seeking to curry a jury's sympathy",4 +12,"Mayors Against Illegal Guns recently hired the pollster Frank Luntz to ask gun owners whether they approved of closing one of the big loopholes in current regulation -- the fact that people who buy weapons at gun shows don't have to undergo background checks. Close to 70 percent of National Rifle Association members said yes, and 85 percent of gun owners who were not N.R.A. members said they approved.",11 +4,Fact check: Emails back up senators claim about Kavanaugh meeting,3 +6,"Disparities, policy, prevention on agenda",5 +13," +Gov. Jerry Brown once opposed sanctuary cites, but have time - and Trump - changed his mind?",12 +1,"The Old Belt, which includes Granville and Person counties, has benefited from good late-season rains that fleshed out the crop and probably saved the season, Day said.",0 +11,"""Whether you're a citizen or a noncitizen, the longer you are here, the more likely you are to own a home,"" says Robert Callis, author of the first Census report on immigration and homeownership. Noncitizens are foreigners who live in the USA legally or illegally. +",10 +7,Moran was sentenced in 1990,6 +9,"With John Wayne Gacy dead,",8 +13,CUOMO VETOES RESTRICTION ON LOCAL GUN LAWS,12 +7,Crime on immigrants targeted,6 +12,"In 2000, when 61 percent of California voters approved Proposition 22, a ballot measure that defined marriage as between a man and a woman,",11 +9, smoking caused their illnesses or deaths.,8 +15,Public & Private,14 +4,FIGHTING FOR WORKERS' RIGHTS,3 +9,SUIT FAULTS IMMIGRANT'S TRANSPLANT HEALTH CARE NEW STATE POLICY ON DRUG THERAPY CITED,8 +5,"The Board of Immigration Appeals had denied Mr. Dorman residency, citing the Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA. Among other issues, Mr. Holder asked the appeals court to consider whether the civil union might qualify Mr. Dorman as a spouse eligible for residency.",4 +5, the Supreme Court could find that it has become a cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment.,4 +13,"The ""protecting marriage"" plank's adoption stirred little debate in a morning subcommittee session that added two amendments, and no debate in the evening session of all 110 members of the platform committee.",12 +5,"In a victory for the tobacco industry, a Federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled yesterday that it would decide whether a consortium of nearly 60 law firms could continue a giant class-action suit against the nation's seven largest tobacco companies.",4 +13,THE WINDS SHIFT (CONGRESS DOESN'T) ON GUN CONTROL,12 +12,Most in U.S. oppose race-based admissions,11 +13,"Obama also lashed out at Congress, which failed to endorse his push for tougher gun regulations following the school massacre three years ago.",12 +12,"The most recent polling on gun-control issues offers a good example. In a survey conducted by Quinnipiac University in June, the pollsters asked questions seeking public opinion on our gun laws. The results were not surprising for those paying attention to the subject over the past few years.",11 +5,"Mr. Rosenblatt and his wife, Susan, also a lawyer, have contended that as many as 60,000 current and former flight attendants could be a party to the suit, and they have sought $5 billion in compensatory and punitive damages. The tobacco companies have countered that fewer than 100 flight attendants who never smoked may have suffered harm from others' cigarette smoke.",4 +12,Support Down in Poll On Gun Restrictions,11 +1,"With Defense of Marriage Act, same-sex couples get taxed on health coverage +",0 +12,"For gay couples in valley, cheerful phone calls, e-mails",11 +12,has wide support,11 +13,"Since then a newly elected Government in the Solomon Islands, suspicious about the motives for the arms deal, has opened an investigation and tried to cancel it.",12 +4,Why do so many people consider drug addicts and alcoholics to be victims while smokers are considered to be a burden on the health care system?,3 +13,1 Marco's thoughts on a 2nd Marco,12 +1,SHARING THE SPOILS,0 +7,Law enforcement officers -- both in police and sheriff departments -- need to be held more accountable for how they interact with Hispanics.,6 +5,Prosecutors will seek the death penalty,4 +11,In divided America,10 +13,tweeted Gov. Rick Perry of Texas.,12 +6,Measure will be equal draw,5 +1,"Foreign retirees could live in the United States for longer periods each year if they agree to make hefty cash investments in real estate. Overseas snowboard instructors could enter the USA under visas now reserved for athletes, and beach resorts could hire more lifeguards and groundskeepers from abroad.",0 +8,A NATION CHALLENGED: THE HOLY LAND FOUNDATION; Paterson Again Finds Itself With Links to Sept. 11,7 +5,"The decision by clerks in six of New Mexico's most populous counties to start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples has added a sense of urgency to a fight that some of the state's top political leaders had seemed in no hurry to join. +",4 +9, to craft the single-drug option,8 +5,"Maryland's highest court decided Friday that even though same-sex couples aren't yet able to marry in the state, they do have the right to divorce.",4 +6,"Two years after New Jersey enacted one of the nation's toughest gun control laws, a move is afoot to repeal it.",5 +3,"""What purpose can be served, except to punish David for the rest of his life? It seems like quite a bit of overreach,""",2 +5,"The lawsuit, which lists Hanson and two other people as plaintiffs, was filed by Alan Gura, who argued the Supreme Court case that overturned the city's handgun ban. Arbitrary requirements bring ""nonsensical results,"" Gura said. The suit asks that the city be barred from enforcing gun regulations based on the California list. +",4 +13,"Tonight aides to the Senate majority leader, Joseph L. Bruno, Republican of Brunswick, said the Senate was prepared to pass its version of the bill on Wednesday morning if the talks tonight talks ended in impasse.",12 +13,Campaigns won't shift focus to gay marriage,12 +3,`Tobacco companies are on the air with over $50 million in advertising. The question is -- can we believe a word they are saying? Have they told the truth about cancer? The truth about nicotine being addictive? The truth about marketing to kids?,2 +3,PERSUADING SMOKERS TO CONSIDER CHILDREN,2 +9,"Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of premature death, according to the American Medical Association. In children and infants, it causes 1 million asthma attacks a year, not to mention bronchitis and other respiratory infections. The Environmental Protection Agency says secondhand smoke is a Group A carcinogen. What right permits smokers to subject others to that foul and fatal fog? There is none.",8 +1,"That should mean there are plenty of jobs available to pick tomatoes and other crops. But farmers note American workers aren't up to the grinding task of picking fruits and vegetables, noting many can barely last a day in the fields. That leaves crops unpicked and farmers scrambling to save their businesses. Depending on the crop and the farm, most experienced farm workers make less than $12,000 a year. But that is experience few Americans seem unable or unwilling to learn. +",0 +13,"The 30-second ad, which is being run in Washington, D.C., and seven states, features footage of Vice President Dick Cheney during a 2000 election-year debate saying, ""People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into.""",12 +12,"The Rev. Jesse Jackson led a march of an estimated 5,000 people today to protest raids conducted by the Immigration and Naturalization Service and pending immigration legislation.",11 +9,"Smoking Report Sees Signs Of Grim Fates, and of Hope",8 +5,Court halts stay of death penalty,4 +5,2 Tobacco Firms to Skip Talks With States Seeking Settlement of Claims,4 +1,"R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings Inc., the No. 2 United States cigarette maker, said yesterday that it would pay a quarterly dividend of 77.5 cents a share, less than analysts had expected. The cash dividend is the company's first since the tobacco business was separated from the RJR Nabisco Holdings Corporation last month. It will be payable Oct. 1 to shareholders as of Sept. 10. The payout equals $3.10 a share on an annual basis; analysts had forecast $3.23 to $3.60. R. J. Reynolds, of Winston-Salem, N.C., had told analysts that it would set the dividend at about half of estimated cash earnings for 1999. The shares fell 56.25 cents, to $27.50",0 +5,proposed amendment to the state Constitution that would ban same-sex marriages,4 +7,"Buenoano, 47, is scheduled to be executed at 12:01 p.m. in the electric chair at Florida State Prison in Starke.",6 +13," Rep. Snyder acknowledged as much, but said the rest is up to Congress.",12 +7," to death for the 1983 murder of an Air Force nurse, Marjorie Mason, who was abducted, robbed, raped and shot twice in the head in a rural area near Little Rock.",6 +3,members of church organizations.,2 +5,"His decision was in the case of Hany Mahmoud Kiareldeen, a Palestinian who has been in this country for nine years, managed an electronics store in New Jersey and is married to an American citizen.",4 +7,Killer Executed After Allen Rejects Plea,6 +3," +Mother reappears to beg for long-lost son's life",2 +6,Proposition 22 would bar the state from recognizing same-sex marriages if they are legalized in any other state.,5 +13,"Del. Jill P. Carter (D-Baltimore) said she continues to support the bill but was withholding her committee vote to gain ""leverage"" on school funding and another largely unrelated issue.",12 +5,"The statement brought to a close the defense and prosecution cases in the penalty phase of the trial. Closing arguments are set for tomorrow, and the jury will retire to decide Dunlap's fate later that day.",4 +11, clear the largest death row in the nation's history.,10 +5,'WHY NOT LICENSE POTENTIAL CRIMINALS',4 +5, has said he doesn't plan any more appeals and last Thursday allowed a deadline for resuming that process to expire. But he has reserved the right to seek executive clemency.,4 +10,"At a news conference in Manhattan, she said, ''We won and got everything we hoped for.'' Referring to Thea Spyer, whom she married in 2007 and who died in 2009, Ms. Windsor said, ''If I had to survive Thea, what a glorious way to do it.'' +",9 +13,Reagan was swindled.,12 +13,"Biden said at a conference in Danbury, Conn. - the latest in a series of White House events to boost support for gun control.",12 +6,County: Plan can't extend to partners,5 +7,HIT-MAN TEEN GUILTY IN BLOODY FAMILY SLAY,6 +12,. Almost any poll taken has shown overwhelming public support for it.,11 +1,What Tobacco Farmers Could Learn From My Family's Business,0 +7,"Southern California couple robbed Kmart before killing woman in Hercules, prosecutors say",6 +10,"In one of seven letters sent to Long's mother, Virginia Thomas, he enclosed a copy of an autopsy report on which he had scribbled. ""Happy, happy, joy, joy,"" Steckel wrote. ""... Read it and weep. She is gone forever. Don't cry over burnt flesh.""",9 +13,"The White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, reasserted that support this week. But he refused to say whether the president is prepared to put the heat on Mr. DeLay and his colleagues to allow House members to vote on the question.",12 +1,Antismoking Announcements For DVDs,0 +9,A New Way to Tackle Gun Deaths,8 +4,Black farmers to seek bias redress in meeting with Clinton,3 +13,"But when Mr. Fleischer was pressed on whether the president supported a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, he did not take a firm stand, instead saying the issue was ""a question in the legal realm.""",12 +2,Hundreds jam immigration law session,1 +13,Clinton administration officials,12 +1,"Three Atlanta-based companies with close ties to the Chinese military's booming international arms trade will be hit hard by President Clinton's ban on guns and ammunition from China. +",0 +13,"The governor said the case had ""troubled me because I - from the start - couldn't figure out why it was on my desk.""",12 +5,"The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit refused Monday to halt the execution, sending the case tothe Supreme Court. The Justices denied two applications for stays and two petitions for review, said a Court spokeswoman, Kathy Arberg. The Court's decisions came less than two hours before the execution.",4 +2,"INS officials say they don't know the exact reason for the most recent surge in demand. Offices in Fresno, Sacramento and San Francisco also have long lines - although the regular overnight wait in San Jose appears unusual.",1 +13,"A legislator who has backed failed attempts to legalize concealed guns in Missouri plans another run at changing the law in 1997. +",12 +6,Gun-control law won't solve social problem,5 +11,Execution Tapes Aired on Radio,10 +14,"Despite its recent declarations that Mexico will never act as an agent of American immigration policy, the Mexican Government has for years been quietly deporting undocumented aliens heading to the United States.",13 +9,"By ruling in the Gilboy case that the federally mandated health warnings on cigarette packages may not have served effective notice of the hazards of smoking, Louisiana's Supreme Court concurred with the basic findings of Brock and other ""safety ergonomics"" pioneers. Simply put, they're convinced most of the health and safety warnings in everyday life have dangerously little or no effect on us.",8 +5,"Floyd, 35, said to Common Pleas Court Judge Renee Cardwell Hughes, referring to lawyer William L. Bowe.",4 +15,"THERE'S SOMETHIN' HAPPENIN' HERE . . . +",14 +4,New federal guidelines highlight civil rights of English language learners,3 +13,Straight shooting on the campaign trail,12 +10,"He runs because he never knows when the immigration authorities or the Border Patrol or any cop in the land might grab him, as they did this summer in Texas, tossing him in a cell for eight hours.",9 +1,SMOKY SPACE AND UNEVEN QUALITY DO RESTAURANT A DISSERVICE,0 +12,"Grass-roots supporters of a concealed-weapons bill, who for six years vigorously opposed letting voters decide the issue, have changed their stance.",11 +12,let voters decide,11 +7, law enforcers,6 +7,FBI SHOOTER STUDY FOCUSES WORK AHEAD,6 +13,BUSH MUST BE PRESIDENT IN MARRIAGE-TOPIA,12 +7,Waco standoff reopens debate in 'gun country',6 +2,"Opinion: Death penalty takes resources away from solving other murders +",1 +5,"To qualify for legal status, aliens must establish that they entered the United States before Jan. 1, 1982, and that they have lived continuously in this country in illegal status until making an amnesty application.",4 +6,An amendment approved by the Senate Commerce Committee states that anyone under the age of 18 who uses a license or ID card to illegally purchase cigarettes could have the license suspended as part of the penalty.,5 +7,"Clark was condemned for the fatal shooting of David Drake, who was abducted and forced to write a $ 5,000 check before he was killed.",6 +9,"During that time, he began taking an anti-depressant and earned a reputation as a dangerous crank in his Gravesend neighborhood.",8 +9,State officials say the Tafero execution problems were caused because prison authorities replaced an old natural sponge with a synthetic sponge that dried out too fast and caught on fire. Witnesses said flames shot out from Tafero's headpiece and it appeared to take three jolts of electricity to kill him.,8 +6,"A state law that took effect Oct. 1 forced the county to repeal a series of local regulations and policies that barred guns from day care centers and blocked people from carrying them into the county's government center in downtown West Palm Beach. +",5 +7,Zile said she was in the bathroom at the time her husband was beating Christina.,6 +13,St. Louis-area superintendents say guns in their schools not likely,12 +6,'Bump Stocks' Aren't the Problem,5 +12," +Already gun advocates have successfully fought off proposed legislative bans on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines in Minnesota.",11 +8, watch list ,7 +12,"If a majority wants to keep marriage as it has been throughout the ages,",11 +1,retailers,0 +11,"From now on, it's St. Duke.",10 +9,ANNUAL CT SCREENING SAVES LIVES OF SMOKERS,8 +11,American Pioneers -- or 'Illegals'?,10 +11,Borhani isn't an actor,10 +13,"The exemption measure, which passed on a 10 to 3 vote last week, put Fenty in a political quandary. As a council member, he championed the District's smoking ban. But the waiver was backed by Evans, a close ally who is a member of the Friendly Sons, a group that draws national figures such as House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to its celebration of Irish-American culture at the Capital Hilton. The bill was opposed by the mayor's potential Democratic primary challenger, Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray (D).",12 +5,Blake won't face death penalty,4 +5,Munley said Hazleton's action was preempted by federal law and violated the plaintiffs' due-process rights.,4 +15,The Definition of Marriage,14 +7,"Most of the jail's inmates are INS detainees, who were arrested in one of the three states that make up the Chicago district -- Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin.",6 +3,Black pastors coalition linked to conservatives,2 +12,Fla. teens target elex in gun fight,11 +7," May was sentenced to die for the 1978 shooting of Jeanetta Murdaugh, 43, in Freeport during a store robbery.",6 +13,Mr. Biden's Moment of Truth,12 +7,"Of the 2,735 subjects convicted before their gun purchases of at least one misdemeanor, 1,379 (50.4 percent) were subsequently charged with new crimes. Only 239 purchasers out of 2,442 who had no prior criminal history were subsequently charged (9.8 percent). +",6 +13,stop the illegal flow of handguns and to urge legislators to enact more effective laws to curb gun crime.,12 +2,"Appeals stall executions, overcrowding death row",1 +7,INMATE PUT TO DEATH FOR KILLING HIS GRANDMOTHER,6 +13,Democratic gun-control activist flips House seat once held by Gingrich,12 +13,"Negotiations have ended between members of the House and Senate trying to work out an agreement on an instant background check. No additional talks are scheduled. And with only two official working days remaining in the session, time is running short.",12 +13,"In Iowa, Clinton goes on the attack",12 +11,Black caucus should end Big Tobacco ties,10 +5,"His ruling came during the second week of a politically charged hearing to determine whether Mr. Abu-Jamal, 41, whose appeal has attracted international support, should have a new trial.",4 +11,"The Scourge of Guns, 1866 Edition",10 +13,The governor has said he remains optimistic the bill will pass.,12 +7,Police lodge's raffle of pistol draws angry fire in N.M.,6 +6," Let's look at what's good, bad and ugly about the proposals.",5 +13,"During Mr. Bush's time as governor,",12 +1,THE COST OF SMOKING,0 +11,"In the survey, more than 12,000 students in 103 public middle schools and high schools across the state answered questions pertaining to tobacco products and their attitudes and beliefs about tobacco.",10 +9,AN ELDERLY SMOKER who loved his new car but rarely drove it because of his poor health was found dead yesterday in the burning vehicle outside his Queens home.,8 +6,The odd argument supporting the Florida open carry ban,5 +13,Obama said.,12 +5," +J.D. HAYWORTH CLAIMS MASSACHUSETTS RULING OPENS THE DOOR FOR MAN-HORSE MARRIAGE",4 +13, Mr. Newsom is largely on the sideline. He is like the founder of a start-up company who has been shunted aside just when the new enterprise finally hits its stride. These days he seems more at ease talking about health care and budgets and the Muni transit system than same-sex marriage. He declined a request to be interviewed for this article.,12 +3,"GOP, Catholics are split on immigration reform",2 +5,Court voids Hazleton law,4 +6,"Under these provisions, Grove, a Hungarian refugee, would have had a tougher time getting a job after receiving his doctorate from UC-Berkeley. Vinod Khosla and Andreas Bechtolsheim, two of the four ex-Stanford and UC-Berkeley students who started Sun Microsystems, might have been forced to form their corporation overseas. And many less famous but still important contributors would have ended up working overseas, either for a U.S. company or a competitor.",5 +7, according to an analysis of state crime statistics.,6 +1,"The Altria Group, the company formerly known as Philip Morris, is among the bill's biggest supporters.",0 +7,Since Saturday's deadly shooting in Tucson,6 +6, Proposition 8 that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.,5 +7,". Despite the outcry over street gangs and drug dealers, the week's homicides typically involve people who loved or hated each other - spouses, relatives or acquaintances.",6 +7,Nation must do more to curtail gun trafficking,6 +13,"Democrats in the Senate and the House, led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), reintroduced a bill ",12 +3," +Guns and Responsibility",2 +5,", and White was granted a new sentencing.",4 +7,"A man accused in the slayings of his wife and four young children was arraigned Friday on aggravated murder charges, slumped in a wheelchair as he recovered from the fire that authorities say he set after stabbing his family. +",6 +13," +Missouri should join states that have passed gay marriage bills",12 +10,Anti-smoking day focuses on youth,9 +13, stepping into one of the most contentious topics in the nation's political debate.,12 +15,'HE WOULDN'T DO IT - OR WOULD HE?',14 +6,Gun control's silver bullets;,5 +4,Gay-spouse bias suit,3 +7,5 inmates on death row are at issue,6 +15,Handguns and Misleading Statistics,14 +13,"Immigration was a major issue in the presidential campaign when Republicans were battling one another for the party's nomination. It's still an issue, but not one that President Obama or Mitt Romney talks about much, except in front of Hispanic audiences.",12 +11,"If there comes a time when polyandrists have amassed a communal history, marched on Washington in the hundreds of thousands, created distinct neighborhoods and a culture and managed to sustain community in the face of 15 years of plague, it will indeed be appropriate for society to judge the merits of their arguments.",10 +1,PANEL REJECTS PLAN TO LEVY TOBACCO TAX,0 +11,and respectability.,10 +7,"Stanley Lingar, 37, is scheduled to be executed at 12:01 a.m. Feb. 7 for murdering a high school student from Doniphan, Mo., in 1985 because the youth refused to commit a sex act.",6 +5,"The ruling throws out most claims filed by the city and plaintiffs representing 10,000 aliens in New York, Connecticut and Vermont who had sued the federal government over the act.",4 +6,on such halfway measures,5 +11,His execution was the first in Montana since 1943.,10 +5,"''Your Second Amendment rights are under siege,''",4 +12,A panel of student journalists yesterday tried to smoke out the truth about efforts to get teenagers to stay away from cigarets.,11 +12, The NRA is the world's premier gun safety organization.,11 +12, angering activists,11 +13,"On a Monday evening in early February, two months into a national debate over gun violence after the massacre at a Connecticut elementary school, representatives of the firearms industry were wining and dining lawmakers in Washington.",12 +5,DEATH PENALTY SOUGHT IN DE SOTO CASE,4 +7, to produce a plan to reduce mass killings,6 +11,Rules to Follow For Tying the Knot,10 +13,"BREAKING WITH DAD, VANESSA COMES OUT FOR GAY NUPTIALS +",12 +13," +COUNCILWOMAN PROPOSES STRICT RULES FOR GUN SELLERS",12 +13,FEDS BULLETPROOF THE GUN INDUSTRY,12 +5,Coe's childhood used as defense tactic,4 +6, the Brady bill,5 +5," +One of Gardner's top assistants, Robert E. Steele, is a former public defender who recently withdrew as the defense counsel for Dominic Arrington, Eric Lawson and Antonio Muldrew.",4 +11,"That is one finding of a wide-ranging study on the death penalty in the United States that also concluded that the highest error rates in capital cases from 1973 through 1995 were likely to occur in places where prosecutors aggressively sought execution as punishment for murder. +",10 +7,"Mr. Harris has been sentenced to death for carjacking, raping and killing a young artist. Mr. Simon was on death row for killing a police officer. Mr. Harris is now isolated from the other inmates.",6 +13," +U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., an openly gay member of Congress, said in an interview with The Associated Press that this weekend's Washington march does little to influence Congress. Efforts would be better spent lobbying elected officials, he said.",12 +5,"Justice Stephen G. Breyer, dissenting in Glossip v. Gross last year, urged his colleagues to consider the larger question. ''Rather than try to patch up the death penalty's legal wounds one at a time,'' he wrote, ''I would ask for full briefing on a more basic question: whether the death penalty violates the Constitution.''",4 +6,"On the Death Penalty, a Gulf as Wide as the Sea",5 +1, the Tanner show would bring in a lot of business.,0 +5,Former Manager of Kosher Slaughterhouse in Iowa Is Acquitted of Labor Charges,4 +12,Advocates of gay marriage urgeO'Malley to step up his support,11 +3,Methodist Pastor Faces Trial for Uniting 2 Men,2 +10,REMEDIES TO SMOKING,9 +7,"issouri's next execution is set for Oct. 24, when Stephen K. Johns is scheduled to die for the murder of Donald Voepel Jr., 17, during a holdup at a service station where the victim worked in St. Louis. +",6 +5,SENTENCING DATE SET IN MURDER OF WEST PALM BEACH WAITRESS,4 +6,Bid to Permit Guns in Private Parking Lots Making the Rounds,5 +5,A federal appeals court halted Wednesday's scheduled execution of a Texas prisoner who defense attorneys argue is too delusional to be put to death.,4 +13,"Kerry wasted no time in accusing Bush of trotting out a wedge issue. His position is a bit more complicated to explain--he opposes gay marriage but opposes an amendment, believes states should decide these things for themselves and supports civil unions for gays. Edwards also says he opposes the amendment, opposes gay marriage and wants the states to decide",12 +13,House Democrats Push Plan For Child Health Insurance,12 +12,"According to the poll, 65% of voters said Bloomberg's decision to appeal would not affect their vote in the Nov. 8 mayoral election. But 22% said the appeal made them less likely to vote for the mayor, while 11% said they were more likely to vote for him.",11 +5," +Court Dismisses Challenge to Florida Executions",4 +1,Durham cigarette maker to cut up to 50 jobs in April,0 +13,"Obama returns to Connecticut to press Congress on guns +",12 +1,27 mil gun sales a record,0 +12,"Although thousands of Minnesotans rallied for and against each,",11 +11,"In the storm's aftermath, he wrote, ""We saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn . . . And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not be home at all.""",10 +1,a nonprofit,0 +3,of fraud,2 +6, to examine the law's impact has concluded it is falling short.,5 +13,"The committee chairman, Rep. Bob Gardner, R-Colorado Springs, noted he is on record as opposing civil unions, ""but I am certainly hearing from both sides.""",12 +12,"The response among would-be gun carriers has exceeded what even proponents of the new law expected. +",11 +13,"''It's a kind of damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don't situation for most elected officials in the state,'' said Richard Schrader, a political consultant who worked in the Dinkins administration. + +While many politicians have been able to sidestep the issue so far, saying it is for the courts to decide, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has no such luxury.",12 +9,Migrant children's needs concern suburbs,8 +1,"At 13.9 percent, North Carolina was one of the lowest-ranking states in its volume of high-tech start-ups founded by immigrants. California ranked highest at 38.8 percent.",0 +11,Can we extinguish guns from American culture?,10 +9,"Our grandfather died of cancer from smoking when I was just 12. +",8 +5,"In one case, justices are expected to decide the constitutionality of Congress' 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and whether the federal government should recognize same-sex marriage in the states -- now numbering a dozen -- where it is legal. +",4 +5,The California Supreme Court brought the United States a step closer to fulfilling its ideals of equality and justice with its momentous 4-to-3 ruling upholding the right of same-sex couples to marry.,4 +13,"Martin is a liberal-leaning judge who was appointed by President Jimmy Carter. Judge Alice Batchelder, who conducted the ethics review, is a conservative who was appointed by the first President George Bush.",12 +13, N.J. governor vows to fight legislators for weapons ban,12 +15,Some statements are up for debate,14 +13,Va. GOP riled by move on guns,12 +5,U.S. Adds to Charges In Sniper Shootings,4 +4,Fact-checking the third Clinton-Trump presidential debate,3 +13,"Mark Kelly, NRA's Wayne LaPierre to testify at Senate gun violence hearing +",12 +9,Guns and violence in the schools,8 +1,Cigarette Tax Roils Assembly,0 +2,"Employers, particularly high-tech companies, have long argued that not enough H-1B visas are available.",1 +12,"Gun-control group gives an F to 25 states, including Fla.",11 +13, signed by acting Gov. Donald T. DiFrancesco,12 +1,who fall prey to crafty marketing tactics,0 +4,Virginia's Rush to Execution,3 +12, a moderate with an A rating from the NRA.,11 +7,"Johnson is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Casey on July 26, 2002, in Valley Park, along with armed criminal action, kidnapping and attempted rape.",6 +3,"Were we finally facing the reality that too often, irresponsible people with guns kill other, innocent people? +",2 +1,"""We never banned smokers. We like smokers,"" said Merrell Wreden, vice president of corporate communications for AMF Bowling Inc., headquartered in Richmond, Va.",0 +9, Leaving a loaded gun in a house with children,8 +15,UP TO SPEED: THE WEEK'S TOP STORIES,14 +13,The push follows Gov. George Ryan's pledge two months ago to consider commuting all death sentences to life in prison. Ryan halted executions in Illinois two years ago after 13 death row inmates were released because their convictions were flawed.,12 +4,'With liberty & justice for all families' Demanding an end to DOMA,3 +6,Law on Aliens Fails to Halt Salvadorans,5 +8,AIDES SAY THAT SEA PATROL HAS SLOWED HAITIAN ENTRIES,7 +9,ther witnesses said Buenoano's face would be covered by a mask and death would occur almost instantly. ,8 +3," and to preach about morality on the other hand, has to be the height of hypocrisy.",2 +9,Nixon targets teenage smoking,8 +13,"The proposal, called the Brady Bill, made it as far as the House floor this year. +",12 +5,"he believes this issue is best decided by individual states and is confident that our nation's courts will uphold the many state laws prohibiting same-sex marriages,""",4 +13,Gay-marriage move riles conservatives,12 +9,and join a health club.,8 +6,"Those who favor capital punishment would describe the intervening years as follows: Taxpayers paid not only to house, clothe and feed a murderer, but they paid the legal bills through more than two dozen appeals and four death warrants that made the victim's family and friends relive the horror over and over. Those who oppose capital punishment, including this newspaper, would agree with much of that. Florida does waste a lot of money on repeated death- penalty appeals. The delay in resolving the case does prolong a tragedy.",5 +5,"San Francisco issued more than 4,000 marriage licenses earlier this year before the state Supreme Court intervened. The court is expected to rule on the validity of those licenses this summer.",4 +13,"A House and Senate conference now taking place has included the requirements, ",12 +5, Judicial Building,4 +7,KILLER DENIES ROLE IN MURDER,6 +1,"For more than three decades, NASCAR drivers raced for the Winston Cupchampionship. That relationship ended after the 2003 season, when RJR was replaced as the title sponsors by cell phone giant Nextel.",0 +5,"The development in one of Tampa's most-watched murder cases emerged Friday, when Morris' attorneys told a judge they have been hamstrung in their efforts to prepare a worst-case, post-conviction strategy for their client. Against their advice, the 28-year-old Morris has said that if convicted he does not wish to present evidence that might sway jurors not to recommend a death sentence.",4 +4, systematically excluded blacks from juries as a prosecutor in the 1980s.,3 +7, which was used in the mass shooting of 20 children and seven adults in Connecticut on Friday.,6 +13,"""I am a life-long Republican because I believe in promoting freedom and limiting the reach of government,"" Murkowski wrote on her Web site. ""When government does act, I believe it should encourage family values. I support the right of all Americans to marry the person they love and choose because I believe doing so promotes both values: it keeps politicians out of the most private and personal aspects of peoples' lives while also encouraging more families to form and more adults to make a lifetime commitment to one another."" +",12 +4,NEW RIGHTS IN '05 FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS,3 +13,a legislator says,12 +14,A.M.A. Assails Nation's Export Policy on Tobacco,13 +3,Gay Marriage Doesn't Open Door to Polyandry,2 +13,Clinton's gun remark is off the mark,12 +8, Many will even argue that by more heavily arming the public - such as the announcement this week that Florida will soon have 1 million concealed-weapons permit holders -the country is safer.,7 +13,a senior White House official and a representative of the gun makers said today.,12 +1,"With domestic production cut another 10 percent this year and tobacco exports about half of what they were 10 years ago, farmers believe a buyout is the best plan for their survival.",0 +6," +New Law Provides Fodder for Both Sides of Marriage Debate: Atlanta Closer in Distance Than in Philosophy",5 +13,GUN LAW DRAWS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INTO DOMESTIC ABUSE CASES,12 +5,On Aug. 25 he finally received word that the Board of Immigration Appeals had overturned its earlier decision and would allow him to stay as a political refugee.,4 +1,Worker visas in heavy demand; Skilled labor: Applications by U.S. businesses for foreign help far exceed government limits.,0 +13,"Beasley-Teague is the second black member of the state House of Representatives in recent days to voice her support of Senate Resolution 595, and those votes could help ensure passage once the measure comes back to the House floor. If the House passes the resolution, it would be put on the November ballot and become part of the Georgia Constitution if approved by voters.",12 +9, concealed carry in schools ,8 +5,IMPACT OF MARRIAGE DECISION DISCOUNTED EXPERTS: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS TO STATE VIEWED AS MINIMAL,4 +1,PRESIDENT CONSIDERS $2 CIGARETTE TAX,0 +5," there must be ""firm constitutional grounds."" Yet when attorneys general are elected, as in 43 states, the temptation will be to transmute a popular political stand into a constitutional objection.",4 +13,"Mr. Pataki has yet to reply. But after a fire bomb went off in a subway car on Wednesday, Mr. Pataki repeated his call for capital punishment, saying the suspect should be sentenced to death if he is convicted.",12 +3,SMOKE AND MIRRORS,2 +9,dangerously mentally ill ,8 +15,Odds Against Gay Marriage Grow With Setback in Trenton,14 +6,"Ken Foster is taking a stand against Minnesota's smoking ban - by lighting up in Wisconsin. +",5 +5,"""The court appears to have adopted a new direction without a change of personnel,"" Mr. Friedman said.",4 +11,"Read Jimmy Kimmel's emotional, scathing monologue about gun control after the Vegas massacre;",10 +5,"The final settlement comes as the tobacco industry battles the State of Minnesota and Blue Cross Blue Shield in court, and awaits congressional review of a proposed $368 billion national settlement of tobacco litigation. Separate settlements have been reached with Florida, Texas and Mississippi.",4 +13,"""This isn't a Democratic or Republican issue. It's a question of whether you've had enough.""",12 +5,The new district attorney in Oklahoma City said yesterday that he would prosecute bombing conspirator Terry Nichols on state murder charges that could bring the death penalty.,4 +13,The biggest challenge in passing the legislation might be oppostion by Mayor Giuliani - not Big Tobacco.,12 +6,BAN MAY GO BEYOND GAYS,5 +13,"Council President John F. Street said homosexual marriage should, indeed, be forbidden, and that by granting benefits to homosexual employees, the city would, in effect, be recognizing such unions.",12 +11,"MAJOR LEAGUE baseball players. Stylish women. The bad guys in Kevin Costner's ""Waterworld.""",10 +1, cigarette vending machines,0 +5,KILLER APPEALS,4 +15,MASSACHUSETTS FIRES A WARNING SHOT,14 +5,Personal ownership of nuclear weapons may be legal under the Second Amend-ment,4 +5," +Immigrants who were granted amnesty under the 1986 immigration law could lose their legal status and be deported because of bureaucratic confusion or because they are unaware that a second deadline must be met in the coming months, immigrants' rights groups have warned.",4 +1,"""The tobacco industry in particular tried to make the case that increasing the price would be harmful to minority groups and low-income groups . . . but just the opposite is true",0 +1,tobacco companies',0 +13,The City Council had scheduled a vote Tuesday,12 +9, should be tortured and put to death in the most painful and gruesome way possible.,8 +10,It was one pitiful childhood.,9 +3,"Big tobacco's conduct has been particularly outrageous toward children, who are hooked by Joe Camel and other slick advertising gimmicks.",2 +13,"In organizing the two-day gathering, Giuliani built his own platform for advocacy, just as his campaign is moving into full gear. +",12 +11,America is the only home she knows,10 +12,"Open-carry advocates rally with rifles, long guns in San Leandro",11 +9,"Government officials have said 13 cigarette additives aren't allowed in food. But domestic cigarettes contain only eight of those, and the R.J. Reynolds company contended that they're not harmful in the trace amounts used. Among them:",8 +12," But it was also a comfort, coming the day after North Carolina voters used a ballot referendum to amend the state constitution to ban not only same-sex marriage but also civil unions and domestic partnerships",11 +10, to spare surviving family members the agony of courtroom testimony.,9 +11,Breitbart vs. the NRA,10 +13,"Bush's answer is as shallow as it is political, a paean to the party line dictated by the National Rifle Association.",12 +13,Clinton fudges statistics on gun-related crimes,12 +5,"With just one signature, it will be legal to openly carry firearms in Kansas, nullifying city and county gun regulations across the state. +",4 +4,Stop picking on smokers,3 +12,put the issue before voters,11 +7,"Petty Differences Led to a Triple Murder, Prosecutor Says",6 +4,Justices See Racial Bias in Selecting White Jury,3 +5,Judge orders gun case be reconsidered,4 +12,"Guns ""R' Us club settles in",11 +5,ILLINOIS HIGH COURT UPHOLDS DEATH SENTENCE IN 1994 SLAYINGS,4 +1,workplace,0 +12,Chung: Green-card turnaround restores faith,11 +6,Death penalty must go; stop the insanity,5 +15,Jersey Boy,14 +1,"High-tech firms scored a big win in the negotiations over immigration reform,",0 +14,I should be able to carry my concealed gun across all state lines,13 +11,SURVEY: AMERICANS GETTING HEALTHIER,10 +11,"The museum tries to bleed authenticity. It features original buildings that have been dismantled in their home countries, brought over to the commonwealth and restored. The German exhibit, for example, dates to the 1600s and is from the village of Hördt. It is there to show American schoolchildren on field trips the casual freedom they enjoy to not live in a town with an umlaut in its name.",10 +15,Immigration,14 +7,"Gun murders dropped in Richmond by 41 percent between mid-1997 and mid-1998, Clinton said. Richmond's police chief, Jerry Oliver, attended Clinton's address, as did Chief Robert Olsen of Minneapolis.",6 +6,The two-paragraph article in the 474-page bill states that no Pentagon funds may be used to give a preference to a marketer or vendor of firearms or ammunition based on an agreement with the government.,5 +12,"Online forums on gay marriage, Mideast",11 +8,"WAR ON TERRORISM: Gun show loopholes aid terror, ad claims",7 +15,Same-sex marriage takes center stage,14 +1,guns sold,0 +12,Unlikely Coalition Fights Tobacco Buyouts,11 +13, Feingold ,12 +11,"''Changing the heart of the American people may well be what's essential,''",10 +6,"While Federal law imposes heavy limits on private possession of fully automatic machine guns, only a few localities control semiautomatics, which require a trigger pull for each shot. Most such guns sold to private citizens are hunting rifles. But lately manufacturers have begun to market military assault rifles, altered to remove their automatic capability but still able to fire semiautomatically.",5 +14,"In an Ocean of Firearms, Tucson Is Far Away",13 +13,STATES PROCEED IN CASE CONGRESS DOESN'T,12 +12,Hendrycks said they don't oppose legal immigration but proposals to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants already here.,11 +3,"Gregory said, ""We believe the government has an obligation to protect marriage as an institution,"" and U.S. Catholic leaders will cooperate with ""others who are similarly concerned with preserving the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious understanding of marriage in society.""",2 +11,"Sprawling across two floors of the Sands expo and convention center and spilling into the luxury Venetian hotel next door, the show offers 12.5 miles of more than 1,000 exhibits featuring the newest and most sophisticated weapons and gear, from Bushmaster semiautomatic rifles and body armor to gun-cleaning kits and hunting vests.",10 +12,Same-sex marriage advocacy group to disband,11 +5,3 More States Join an Investigation of Gun Industry,4 +5,Same-sex marriages in Virginia can begin almost immediately,4 +13,should Perdue sign House Bill 89 into law.,12 +3,"""The proposed domestic partnership legislation fails to provide the necessary moral and even civil protection for the uniqueness of marriage and family,"" O'Connor said during Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral.",2 +5,A state suit also will be dropped.,4 +5,Massachusetts is mulling the question after the state's Supreme Judicial Court forced municipalities to grant same-sex licenses this spring,4 +9,Deaths elsewhere,8 +5,Maryland's gun law overruled in district court,4 +7,"Two boys, ages 13 and 11, heavily armed, gun down innocent people, and I have yet to hear where their parents are. ",6 +12,"Saying it wants to fight back against anti-immigrant sentiment, a coalition of immigrant and ethnic groups announced yesterday that it plans to organize a One Million Immigrants March on Washington this fall.",11 +12, National Rifle Association,11 +3,"That goes against my religious values and beliefs.""",2 +7,"Two former state driver license examiners are going to prison for their role in a $1 million-plus scam that equipped 1,753 illegal immigrants with fake driver licenses and ID cards. Five other examiners should follow.",6 +13,"What probably ensured its passage were two false claims: If same-sex marriages remained legal, churches refusing to perform them would lose their tax-exempt status, and schools would have to teach children about gay marriage.",12 +7,"The two unidentified men were walking along the beach in front of Ocean Village about 11:30 p.m. when they were approached by a condominium guard, police spokeswoman April Podnar said. Ocean Village is about 10 miles south of the spot where a 25-foot sailboat carrying the Haitians landed at 5:30.",6 +11,"Speaking in tentative tones, in the languages of South Asia, the callers may be from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. But their common bond is that they need help when they dial the hotline to Raksha (404-842-0725), which means ""protection"" in most of their native tongues.",10 +7,His field-training officer had taken him to the Virginia Arms Co. in Manassas to purchase extra equipment to supplement the standard gear issued by the police department,6 +13,Congressman Says Bush Spoke About Options on Gay Rights,12 +5," +He never lost N.M. death-penalty case Executions fought",4 +5,Law Firm Won't Defend Marriage Act,4 +5,Court to Hear Pleas On Executing Juveniles,4 +3,LUTHERAN SERVICES OF FLORIDA,2 +13," Again, the gun-rights lobby warned against speaking now, of all times, of the case for gun control. Last week, House Speaker Paul Ryan ruled out action even on the ''bump stocks'' that the Las Vegas shooter used to make his semiautomatic rifles shoot like Tommy guns.",12 +9,Sicko sends mayor ricin,8 +10,". ""The presence of a weapon in our stores is unsettling and upsetting for many of our customers,"" ",9 +13,"Rubio: Obama 'doesn't have the guts' to admit Second Amendment opposition +",12 +13,"As described by several aides, that quick decision and his subsequent announcement in a hastily scheduled network television interview were thrust on the White House by 48 hours of frenzied will-he-or-won't-he speculation after Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. all but forced the president's hand by embracing the idea of same-sex unions in a Sunday talk show interview.",12 +13,"GOP ad blasts McBride, Reno",12 +15," +All Worked Up About Guns",14 +5,Mass. Court Backs Gay Marriage,4 +4,No harassing the undocumented,3 +1,"City to ban sale of single cigarettes Critics say practice unfairly targeted poor people, youths",0 +5,"""In the meantime, I am confirming today that for purposes of federal law, these marriages will be recognized as lawful and considered eligible for all relevant federal benefits on the same terms as other same-sex marriages,"" Holder said. +",4 +7,Deportation Case Also Puts An INS Experiment on Trial,6 +7,Ex-inmate reportedly promised to avoid trouble,6 +13,"Given the clout the NRA enjoys with the GOP, the group's offensive will test Owens' ability to get his fellow Republicans to support his gun-control plan. Their support is crucial, since Republicans control both chambers of the Legislature.",12 +6,"that includes measures to close the so-called ""gun show loophole"" that allows people to buy weapons at shows and online without a background check.",5 +9,"The primary goal of the Pasco ban, Tobin said, is to promote good health. It also could lead to lower health insurance costs for the agency, which has about 1,100 full- and part-time employees.",8 +3,A regional court of the Presbyterian Church dealt a setback today to efforts by conservatives trying to categorically ban gay marriages and the ordination of gays.,2 +5,"MCVEIGH, SEEKING EXECUTION DATE, CAN DROP APPEALS THE CONVICTED OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBER HAS UNTIL JAN. 11 TO CHANGE HIS MIND",4 +6,"He was partially right. Now, we just have to get him to work harder in his attempts to ""make a difference."" Please, heed your own wise words in this regard and make a difference by working harder on restricting criminal access to handguns, instead of working to restrict the Second Amendment rights of your law-abiding neighbors.",5 +13,"The governor's opponents, whose other complaints include a school funding law and Dean's environmental policies, have been emboldened by the turmoil over civil unions.",12 +7,the killing in a Phoenix suburb was committed in an especially cruel manner.,6 +11," ""The label 'marriage' means something.""",10 +13,"Tobacco companies are enlisting the support of former politicians -- including two Senate majority leaders, House members and staff, party officials, a secretary of state and a governor.",12 +6,"Under Virginia law, a jailed defendant must be tried within five months of being arrested. +",5 +7,Deportation tide changing for gay couples,6 +13,"President Clinton offered a compromise yesterday on background checks for gun purchases, a move he called ""a gesture of good faith"" designed to revive negotiations with Congress on his stalled gun safety legislation. + +In a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry J. Hyde (R., Ill.), Clinton proposed retaining records from background checks for 90 days, rather than the current requirement of 180 days. Hyde last week proposed that the records be destroyed immediately after a buyer has cleared a background check. + +""As a gesture of good faith, I am willing to meet you halfway on this important issue,"" Clinton wrote to Hyde. ""I hope this step will help break the current logjam, and bring your colleagues back to the conference table."" + +Hyde, away from Congress for the Easter recess, was not immediately available for comment. However, the National Rifle Association said Clinton's proposal was unacceptable.",12 +9,The tobacco burns only when puffed,8 +9,"Moderate the concentration of the addictive ingredient that most people not connected with tobacco companies agree is nicotine, and you just might have a shot at weaning off tobacco a large percentage of current smokers unable to voluntarily kick the habit.",8 +6,"In recent days, officials from all three branches of government have notified their workers of the expanded eligibility standards for spousal benefits.",5 +7,IOWA OFFERS LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES CASH FOR CHECKING CIGARETTE RETAILERS,6 +7,Gun Promoter Is Charged With Assault Of a Teenager,6 +7,He said he learned of other passengers and the smuggling mission only after piloting the boat far out to sea.,6 +13,"Wilson, who 18 months ago ranked as the most unpopular governor in modern California history, obliterated Democratic state Treasurer Kathleen Brown. With more than half the votes counted, Wilson led Brown by a 3-2 margin.",12 +13,A potential tidal wave come election time,12 +9,Lung cancer triggers real loneliness,8 +5,"Utah formally asks to end the fight over its same-sex marriage ban +",4 +5,Relatives of Immigrants Testify at Hearing,4 +7,"Georgia's Oldest Death Row Inmate Is Executed +",6 +13," The same measure was filed in the Senate by Sen. Fountain Odom, D-Meck/-len/-burg.",12 +1,"""It's probably going to go the way of the alcohol tax increase",0 +1,Lights out at the casinos Colo. gaming houses make modifications to accommodate ban on indoor smoking,0 +5,Court won't hear states' plea for aid,4 +12, given existing public opinion supporting the right to own guns.,11 +9,"""We don't carry guns and discharge them in the city limits because people could be injured, and it's the same thing in residential areas [in the county],""",8 +5,Gun-control group respects 2d Amendment,4 +13,Trump Paints G.O.P. in Corner on Immigration,12 +8,"""It makes absolutely no sense that at a time when we are talking about better protecting bridges, monuments, dams and even the hallways of Congress, that we are going backward in protecting the hallways of our schools,",7 +12,"MOST PREFER TOUGHER GUN LAWS, POLL SEZ",11 +5,"Gun Ruling Was Called a Landmark, but That Remains to Be Seen",4 +5,"""I'm not trying to take away anyone's right to own a gun,"" Reynolds says.",4 +6,he bill would have required most workplaces in Philadelphia - including bars and restaurants - to ban smoking indoors.,5 +11,"Yes, there is a middle ground on guns",10 +6,Invitation to a Dialogue: Beyond Gun Control,5 +7,"Three Minneapolis officers were placed on leave Wednesday after Chief Robert Olson issued a memo ordering all ""sworn personnel who have been convicted at any time in the past of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence"" to turn in their weapons.",6 +9,Young victim wounded on I-285 testifies,8 +7,Crackdown on gun laws,6 +7,"Whether Garcia-Gomez has already fled back to Mexico to avoid prosecution is not known, but it is no exaggeration to say that if he has any sense he has done so.",6 +13," +Even disregarding the natural attrition that accompanied our dues increase of 40 percent in July 1994, our enormous success in electing our friends and defeating our foes in the 1994 congressional elections led many gun owners to believe that the threat to their freedoms had waned. Remember, even Bill Clinton acknowledged that the NRA was ""the reason that the Republicans control Congress."" ",12 +15,"OUR OPINIONS; Put differences aside, let us pray together",14 +6, would have permitted some smoking in designated areas of bars and restaurants.,5 +6,The reality of temporary worker plan,5 +5,Challenge in Connecticut Over Immigrants' Arrest,4 +5,"Haida has vowed to try Fayne for the four other murders he has confessed to until a jury orders the death penalty. +",4 +3,"Since U.S. dioceses were given the option of blessing same-sex unions at the Episcopal Church's general convention last year, several other dioceses across the country, including the one in Washington, have developed new liturgies. Los Angeles Bishop J. Jon Bruno recently became the first diocesan head to preside over such a ceremony.",2 +1," +Fiessinger had purchased 65 handguns from a single store in his hometown, the Old Prairie Trading Post in Pekin, Ill. +",0 +5, the Supreme Court waded into a statistical swamp yesterday and asked lawyers repeatedly to state how many cases are needed for a definitive conclusion.,4 +15,IMMIGRATION NOT WHAT'S BUGGING US,14 +6, Baker also found fault with the provision of the Illinois law that allows prosecutors to wait until after the guilt phase of a murder trial to announce whether they will seek the death penalty.,5 +13,"Before Pataki's signature on the bill was dry, Johnson had declared, ""It is my present intention not to utilize the death penalty provisions of the statute."" Without condoning his predetermination, at least you can say this for Johnson: He's truthful. +",12 +5,One of the city's biggest law firms has gone to court to clear up a dispute over secondhand smoke.,4 +13,"It's an irrational argument with depressing political potency. +",12 +13,"Almost 60 percent of voters supported upholding the ordinance in a special election in Fremont, Neb. +",12 +12,Hecklers disrupted the harmony of a ''Unity Rally'' held to honor the people who saved lives and provided comfort during last week's shootings at a Jewish community center.,11 +13,"But while Obama made history Wednesday by saying ""I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,"" Kaine hasn't gone that far.",12 +5,Vermont Gives Final Approval to Same-Sex Unions,4 +5,"Eugene Robinson: Supreme Court surrenders to the inevitable +",4 +6,"Granted, there is a widespread inconsistency in firearm regulations among Colorado jurisdictions. This patchwork of laws confuses people, who can unwittingly cross jurisdictional lines without knowing they are breaking the law. To resolve this, the proposed new law would preempt all municipal or county gun laws, saying such regulation is exclusively a matter of statewide concern. This seems like a good idea on the surface. But while it's one thing to curb Denver's confiscations of cars that pass through the city bearing guns, it's quite another to tell municipalities they can't regulate assault weapons, enact safe-storage requirements and ban guns from their own school yards",5 +3," But it has caused consternation among opponents of gay marriage, many of whom, like the Galloways, say their objections are not based on religion or morality, but in nature.",2 +5,Iowa Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage,4 +13,"NRA backs Santorum, but it likes Casey, too",12 +9,"Duke Univ. 294 pp. $24.95 Why isn't Nicorette gum a street drug? The Food and Drug Administration considers nicotine highly addictive. Tobacco companies seem to share this view when they manipulate the level of nicotine in cigarettes. But the gum, which packs a goodly dose of nicotine, appeals to almost no one. While we're at it, if nicotine dependence is what stands in the way of quitting, why do patched smokers -- their brains well-supplied with the substance -- still crave the next drag?",8 +8,CLOSE THE RIGHT BORDER,7 +6,UGA panel rejects domestic partners plan,5 +6,"As they discussed the issue amid clouds of secondhand smoke, neither knew that the proposal to ban smoking in St. Paul bars and restaurants would unleash a barrage of similar actions in cities and counties around the state. Most of the new proposals will be more far-reaching than earlier ones passed in Moose Lake, Duluth, Cloquet and Olmsted County.",5 +7,"Now, out on a $5,000 bond raised by friends and supporters, Caciano faces a Nov. 1 hearing that could result in his deportation to Mexico.",6 +13,"The Senate voted on seven out of nine pieces of gun legislation Wednesday afternoon. All the amendments required 60 votes to survive Senate procedural moves and ensure final passage, because of the way Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) chose to structure the vote. All seven failed. What happened? Here's a rundown of the amendments, how much support they got and which senators crossed the aisle for them. +",12 +4,to assure themselves that executions are carried out fairly.,3 +5,CUBAN-AMERICANS SHOULD RESPECT LAW THAT LET THEM IN U.S,4 +10,''It disgusts me that your sick fantasies and pitiful needs made you think that you needed Danielle more than her family.'',9 +4,"Banks, who is is biracial, said he shot his children so they would not suffer the racial prejudice he had",3 +11,"Kristof, writer miss point on gun laws",10 +10,New Penn dean explains why gun law drove him from Texas,9 +13,The House vs. D.C. on Guns,12 +7,"Lennon says that only ''that perfect killing machine'' of a gun assured that the murder would succeed. +",6 +5, denied clemency in the case.,4 +11,"Just after midnight today, the first same-sex couples were wed in New Jersey. +",10 +15,Smoke-filled spectator galleries,14 +5,"""There's nothing so sanctified about playing loud music or smoking a cigarette,"" said the Pentonys's lawyer, Richard C. Klein, who stressed that he only asked the judge to balance the rights of smokers with the rights of his clients to enjoy their home",4 +7,Robber who killed 14 escapes death sentence,6 +15,I spoke my mind on guns,14 +8,protect them and their children.,7 +15,Smoking goes undetected,14 +1,"He said both sides remained stuck on ``difficult, non-economic issues'' such as tobacco marketing and distribution restrictions, though he declined to elaborate. The tobacco industry appears unwilling to commit to marketing restrictions",0 +12,"A Star Tribune Minnesota Poll published Sunday shows that Minnesotans who fear that the newly liberalized law will make the state a more dangerous place still overwhelmingly outnumber those who think it will be safer. + +But the biggest change in public opinion since a Minnesota Poll in April, before the new law took effect, is an increase in those who foresee no change in overall safety -- to more than one-third of the state's adults. + +The percentage saying that the new law will make Minnesota safer fell 6 points since April, to 11 percent. The percent saying that the state will be more dangerous stood at 51 percent; in April it was 55 percent. The percentage predicting no effect from the law rose 10 points to 35 percent. +",11 +6,SSM Health Care outlaws smoking on its properties,5 +13,GOP CHIEF'S STRATEGY: MAKE CRIME '94 ISSUE,12 +7,Teenager found guilty in tile setter's murder,6 +6,"But he said the legislation is ""micro-management of a manufacturing process that's thoroughly unnecessary.""",5 +5,Two California Judges Block Anti-Immigrant Measure at the Start,4 +6,Atlanta's ban on smoking needs to be loophole-free,5 +1,"While Cuba is not a huge market for any crop, tobacco exporters are eagerly seeking new destinations.",0 +1,By the numbers: Comparing spending by gun rights and gun control interest groups,0 +13,"Who owns more guns, Tim Walz or Jeff Johnson?",12 +12,NRA TAKES SHOT AT PREZ Sez he needs gun violence to scare suburbia,11 +13,Bush crime-bill priority is killed,12 +14, but by what happens when we use our foreign aid and considerable influence to change the horrible inequities of these countries. We have to stop supporting corrupt governments and instead support significant changes to their long-standing ways of operation.,13 +7," requiring death to anyone who sells dope or a gun to a person where the dope or the gun becomes the proximate cause of death of the purchaser or anyone else who dies from that dope or that gun.""",6 +5,Huffs and puffs! Judge tells transsexual smoker heiress to clean up act,4 +1,"Unhappy with plans at RJR Nabisco, Icahn sets up a showdown",0 +13,Will Congress Toughen Gun Laws?,12 +12,"According to a new Time/CNN poll, a solid majority of Americans supports most of the president's commonsense proposals. +",11 +12,PROFESSORS CALL FOR HALT TO STATE'S DEATH PENALTY,11 +13,Pols don't budge on gun votes,12 +11,Tocqueville and Gay Marriage,10 +13,"James said Ashcroft has cast votes for mandatory background checks at gun shows. +",12 +6,POLS LOOK TO EASE IMMIGRATION RULES,5 +5,Court OKs weapons curbs in N.Y.,4 +9,The current issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reports on a University of Minnesota study of reduced-harm cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. The study documents how these products reduce exposure to harmful carcinogens,8 +13,"A spokesman for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called that legislation ""meaningless.""",12 +9, Cars kill more innocent people in one day than assault weapons do in a year.,8 +12,"Hundreds rallied Sunday in the streets of the West Village, one toting a sign that said, ""The heterosexual's abuse of power has to end!"" +",11 +6,Lockheed will ban smoking,5 +5,An Army sergeant goes on trial on Monday,4 +12,Conservative groups immediately said they would try to gather enough signatures to put an initiative banning gay marriage on the ballot in 2006.,11 +7,Could science be the key to stemming gun violence?,6 +5,"Also on Thursday, the judge declined to release a $250,000 bond he required the law's opponents to post to make effective his injunction block ing the statute's enforcement.",4 +13,Sen. White attacked by group as anti-gun,12 +13,Mass. governor objects to out-of-state gay unions,12 +1,FOREIGN STUDENTS FACE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL TUITION IMMIGRATION LAW DIRECTS DISTRICTS TO CHARGE,0 +1,about tobacco marketing,0 +7,"He pleaded guilty in Hennepin County in 1979 and 1981 to two fourth-degree sexual assault and drug possession charges. In 1982, Shepard was accused of arson and failed to show up for a court hearing. He apparently has not returned to Minnesota since",6 +4, fulfilling its ideals of equality and justice,3 +1,Nutter's 'traffickers' label angers gun shops,0 +7,"Wilbur Ernesto Aleman-Orellana, 18, and Oscar Edgardo Moz-Herrera, 23, both of Leesburg, have served time in an El Salvador prison on multiple homicide charges, investigators said. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the third suspect, Rosie Orellana-Serrano, 29, of Leesburg.",6 +7,"Tell that to the family of 8-year-old Wazier Turner. On a summer day in Jersey City two years ago, a 4-year-old playmate found a handgun under his grandmother's couch and fatally shot Wazier while the two were playing ''Cowboys and Indians.'' +",6 +6,Same-sex marriage is already prohibited under state law.,5 +14,Texas won't honor Missouri gun permits,13 +9,PERSONAL HEALTH,8 +13,Congress tighten the nation's gun laws.,12 +5,"""Wilson is ineligible to receive the death sentence that has been imposed on him,"" Judge Nicholas Garaufis ruled in a 76-page decision.",4 +8,"""One can never say for sure that someone could have stopped the shooter, but we can say that if no one was armed, there was no way to stop him. We just don't know what would have happened,"" said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a gun rights group based in Washington state.",7 +9,NO BREATHING ROOM A SPOT-CHECK OF RESTAURANTS AND BARS IN THE EAST METRO SHOWS THAT A NONSMOKER OFTEN NEEDS MORE THAN A DESIGNATED SECTION TO AVOID INHALING CARCINOGENS.,8 +4,THE MYTH OF THE 'GOOD GUY' TACTIC,3 +9," Nonsmokers are much more susceptible to heart damage from secondhand smoke than are smokers because their bodies haven't built up defenses against the onslaught of tobacco poisons, researchers say. + +""The cardiovascular system adapts to insults,"" said Stanton Glantz, a professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco and an anti-smoking activist. + +The conclusion is not new but was drawn from the most complete review to date of studies on how secondhand smoke affects the heart and blood vessels. + +It also heightens the debate over secondhand smoke, indicating that even small amounts can endanger nonsmokers. The tobacco industry claims that the link between secondhand smoke and heart disease is unproven and that, in any case, non-smokers breathe in very little cigarette smoke. + +""When you take a nonsmoker who doesn't have all this garbage in their body, and you put a little bit of it in, you get a big effect,"" Glantz said. + +""Smokers are chronically poisoning themselves with cigarette smoke. ... The smoker's cardiovascular system has done what it can to adapt - adding a little more doesn't make much difference,"" he said. + +Glantz and Dr. William Parmley, chief of cardiology at UCSF, pulled together data from more than 80 previous studies. Their review is published in today's issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. + +About 47,000 people a year die from heart disease caused by secondhand smoke, and 150,000 others suffer nonfatal heart attacks, according to an analysis prepared last year for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. An estimated 3,000 people die of lung cancer annually because of secondhand smoke, OSHA said",8 +12,Hundreds of opponents of same-sex marriage gathered Sunday on Boston Common to show support for a proposal for a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.,11 +4,ILLINOIS BILL WOULD MAKE CAPITAL PUNISHMENT LESS UNJUST,3 +13,"The actions, less than a week into Trump's presidency, fulfilled pledges that animated his candidacy and represented a dramatic redirection of U.S. immigration policy. They were cheered by Republicans allies in Congress and condemned by immigration advocates, and they served as the trigger for immediate new tension with the Mexican government.",12 +5,The right to defend yourself trumps property rights. This is as it should be.,4 +8,How open our borders?,7 +9,Lambert finally kicks the habit Clean Air o Ending the anachronistic St. Louis airport smoking lounges shows that healthy progress finally wins,8 +11,"Gun fans toss beanbags, eat corn and 'guess the bullet' at Glenwood City open-carry event",10 +12,"In refusing to give an inch on gun control, King is mirroring the position of national NRA chief Wayne LaPierre, who said Friday that ""the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.""",11 +5," Maggie Lopez and Patt Cianciullo of Sandy Springs have been married in the eyes of the state of Connecticut since 2006. +",4 +5,"that include a pathway to citizenship for the country's 11 million illegal immigrants,",4 +11,"The Marlboro Man is about to draw his last breath of fresh, open air. As of Thursday, that icon of tobacco advertising will vanish from billboards nationwide.",10 +7,"of murdering Ricky Kinchen, a Fulton County sheriff's deputy who was trying to serve an arrest warrant on him on March 16, 2000.",6 +5,Toward a More Perfect Union,4 +13,Gun debate? Not a chance,12 +9," where Anthony Colandro offers courses in firearm use, martial arts and personal safety",8 +13,The editorial also scolds Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia for shamefully warning activists not to use the Virginia Tech shootings as their ''hobby horse'' in pursuit of a political agenda immediately after the tragedy.,12 +3,We need the voluntary resurrection of a national moral conscience. And that you cannot legislate.,2 +1,"The measure would pay $9.6-billion over five years to an estimated 400,000 owners for giving up ""allotments"" that dictate how much they can grow each year.",0 +7,"School employees who fail to report violations to police face misdemeanor charges. However, some school officials said they still plan to exercise discretion. The penalty includes a fine of up to $ 10,000 and imprisonment for two to 10 years.",6 +5,"SUPREME COURT TO RULE IN FDA, TOBACCO BATTLE ",4 +6,"The law does make exceptions, such as for police officers, shooting competitions and Junior ROTC programs. And school officials can make specific exemptions for students who, for example, want to bring antique firearms, ceremonial knives or cake-cutters to school.",5 +13,5-Day Wait to Buy Guns May Become Election Issue,12 +12,A majority of the country supports gay marriage.,11 +5,LINE DRAWN ON GUNS,4 +11,"Guns, Race and a Killing in Florida",10 +13,"Next, Mr. Obama joked, the GOP would demand a moat across the U.S.-Mexican frontier - with alligators.",12 +1,Delta Air Lines,0 +5,"Court upholds ban on cig, booze billboards",4 +12,MOST LETTERS GOVERNOR GOT ON GUN ISSUE URGED VETO,11 +12,52% WANT A BAN ON GAY MARRIAGE,11 +10,"It is not in dispute that Rosamaria is an undocumented immigrant, as are her parents; seeking better medical care, they traveled over the southern border together when she was three months old, and settled in Laredo, Tex. +",9 +13,Gov. Mary Fallin (R) ,12 +11,The shoot first state,10 +13,Last week's vote by the state House of Representatives narrowly approving,12 +11,Same-Sex Marriage and Racial Justice Find Common Ground,10 +13,"He stressed that Democrats were ready to take on the industry. ""For too long, tobacco companies have waged war on our kids,"" Conrad said. ""It's time to counterattack.""",12 +13,"Whether Obama shoots or not will not help get his assault-weapons ban passed. +",12 +6,Responsible gun control,5 +7,"n the early morning of Dec. 7, 1996, Mr. Brown, above, was one of five people ordered to the floor of a Brooklyn social club by a man who announced a robbery. By the time it was over, the robber, Darrel K. Harris, had shot Mr. Brown and two other men in the head and stabbed a woman. Only Mr. Brown survived his wounds. Another man fled without injury. +",6 +12," Meanwhile, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found about half of the country --- 51 percent --- favors allowing gay and lesbian couples to form civil unions with the same basic legal rights of married couples, up 6 percentage points in less than a month.",11 +13,"ROBERTI FOES FORCE RECALL VOTE GUN GROUPS BEHIND EFFORT, LAME-DUCK SENATOR SAYS",12 +13,"We have never been political before,"" said Cindy Grim, 42, of Baltimore, who has two children with her partner of 23 years. ""We always knew we could not get married in Maryland, but this now singles us out and makes us feel vulnerable. Before, we just were not included. Now we are specifically banned.""",12 +5,Rutherford County Superior Court Judge Peter McHugh denied a request by Ingle's sister for a stay of execution after a 45-minute hearing Thursday morning.,4 +13,The governor wanted to meet with family members of murder victims before issuing his decision.,12 +3,THE REAL ENEMY IS US,2 +4,SENATE BILL SAYS TO UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS: PAY TAXES BUT CLAIM NO PUBLIC BENEFITS,3 +5,"While the ruling decisively favors the couple, Harriet Bernstein and Luisa Paster, it does not end the case, which has become a major symbol in the gay rights battle in New Jersey and beyond.",4 +13,GOP lawmaker seems to suggest students calling for gun control are not stu-dents at all,12 +6,Vt. gay union bill leaves questions unanswered,5 +9,"The apparently unintentional death of a child who found a loaded gun in her grandmother's apartment is tragic. +",8 +13,"Prospects for a bipartisan deal to expand federal background checks for gun purchases are improving with the emergence of fresh Republican support, according to top Senate aides. +",12 +1,"Scores of restaurants in Washington, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix and beyond shuttered for the day. A handful of day-care centers and D.C. charter schools, including Next Step and Latin American Montessori Bilingual, closed for the day. +",0 +6,A minimum age for execution,5 +13,EDGAR USES AMENDATORY VETO ON 3RD-PARTY CLEMENCY APPEALS,12 +13,I carried out the death penalty as a governor.,12 +11,NEW AND SOON-TO-BE CITIZENS CELEBRATE NATION'S BIRTHDAY,10 +11,Ambition and drive spell success for immigrants,10 +4, is raising new claims of innocence based largely on conflicting accounts of whether a mysterious second gun had been recovered and never revealed to the defense.,3 +12,gay-rights advocates,11 +10,"The grandmothers said it was important to restore Elian ""to the normality of life with his father, brother, family, friends at schools, his toys, dog and parrot.""",9 +13,Clinton decries NRA role in gun bill,12 +14,"and that Mexico would reimburse the U.S. ""100%"" of the costs.",13 +13,"""When it comes to health care for the American people, both of us have put politics aside,"" said Hatch, R-Utah, the conservative chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.",12 +13,BLAGOJEVICH DENIES HE BACKED BAN ON HANDGUNS,12 +5,"In a trial that began eight months ago, the government has charged that the companies have engaged in a 50-year campaign of fraud and deceit to obscure the adverse health effects of cigarettes and to keep Americans smoking.",4 +5,"A federal judge granted a stay of execution Monday night to a man condemned for killing a drug informant, citing the inadequate time allowed to consider the appeal.",4 +12,The North Carolina Vote,11 +1,"In Tucson, gun dealers say show must go on",0 +7,Criminals interviewed there have said it is dangerous for them to carry a gun.,6 +13,But more significant than any of these measures was the fact that they came up for consideration -- and in some cases drew bipartisan support -- at all.,12 +13,Towns Learn Banning Guns Is Not Easy,12 +13,Romney and Obama clash on immigration,12 +5,Death penalty decision attacked,4 +8,Texas officials warn of immigrants with terrorist ties crossing southern border,7 +6,Why Protect Shady Gun Dealers?,5 +9,"""It's up to individual smokers to make sure that they do not let these products lull them into a false sense of security,"" said Ellen Matthews, a spokeswoman for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., the nation's No. 2 cigarette maker.",8 +7,"Widespread gun ownership doesn't lower crime rate, Stanford professor says",6 +6,ARI'S LAW TARGETS GUN KITS,5 +1,"It is true that in 1987, approximately 25 percent of immigrants arriving in the United States reported occupations in managerial and professional occupations. But what of the other 75 percent? Mr. Kotkin conveniently neglects to mention those.",0 +10," +It was a senseless tragedy",9 +9,"Here it is: a sweet, innocent baby, squinting in a cloud of secondhand smoke.",8 +3,"Methodists Reinstate Pastor, Deepening Church's Rift Over Gays",2 +7,"Some sheriffs, like Sheriff Cooke, are refusing to enforce the laws",6 +6," Defense of Marriage Act and its marriage law were ""constitutional under both the federal and state constitutions even though they do not allow same-sex couples to marry.""",5 +5,Testimony began Monday in a non-jury trial on the media lawsuit.,4 +1,"The agency agreed to cut its initial fine of $ 2,625 when Manuszak agreed not to smoke anywhere on the campus, records said.",0 +10,"""I had been a gun owner since 2000,",9 +13,Actions from Obama on immigration reform would speak louder than words,12 +7," Many county sheriffs in Colorado have been issuing concealed-weapons permits for years, but only John Wesley Anderson has catapulted to fame because of it.",6 +5,Oklahoma County District Judge Patricia Parrish said that prevented the inmates from exercising rights under the Constitution.,4 +13,A spokesman for Gov. Cuomo slammed the lawsuit as baseless.,12 +5,"SR 246 does not refer to the Nichols trial,",4 +8,Keeping terrorists out,7 +13,NRA mobilizes forces at Capitol to kill lawsuit filed by Atlanta,12 +6,Owners of Assault Guns Slow to Obey Law,5 +5,"At one point during the trial, County Court Judge Anthony R. Semeraro ordered one of Smith's defense attorneys handcuffed and locked in a courtroom holding cell for 45 minutes. Smith's lead defense attorney, Raymond Williams, asked to withdraw from ""a proceeding so fundamentally flawed in constitutional procedure.""",4 +7," the location of an aggressive federal, state and local law enforcement program targeted at crimes involving guns.",6 +5,GROUP SUES GAINESVILLE OVER WEAPONS BAN,4 +5,"Justices hold off on petitions involving same-sex marriage +",4 +13,G.O.P. Senators Are Stalled In Talks on Marriage Bill,12 +3,Conservatives mobilize forces Evangelical Christians will use the defeat of the gay-marriage ban to motivate voters this fall.,2 +10,Smokers do have options,9 +5,GAY NUPS OK TO DA Backs clerics' right to perform unions,4 +7,Mayor fines Druid Hills club over gay policy,6 +8,waiting periods,7 +13,"COUNCIL VOTE CALLS FOR STORES + +TO KEEP TOBACCO OUT OF SIGHT",12 +11,U.S. POPULATION; 300 million's a crowd,10 +13,"Lately, there has been little standing in the way of the muscle of the gun lobby, whose advocates recently derailed Mr. Obama's nominee for surgeon general, Vivek Murthy, a Boston doctor who has expressed alarm about the frequency of shooting deaths. +",12 +12,"The polling from four Long Island districts obtained by the Daily News shows voters support granting the right to marry to same-sex couples, 52-42%. + +Support is strongest among women, voters younger than 30 and independents - a key constituency that can make or break tight races. +",11 +5,The Supreme Court appears to be looking for an exit ramp on the road to redefining marriage.,4 +9,Smoking may cause 7.5% of miscarriages Study links woes to moms' tobacco use,8 +6,"Associated Press Wisconsin's new concealed carry law finally takes effect this week, but packing heat in public won't be easy. Lambeau Field won't allow guns. Neither will your local high school. And if you plan on drinking alcohol at the local watering hole, leave your piece in the car.",5 +1,Letter is off the mark on gun sales,0 +1, tobacco executives,0 +1,five owners,0 +15,A Tipping Point for Gay Marriage?,14 +10,Why in the world would two people who are about to celebrate their marriage - surely one of the more joyful events of their lives,9 +4,Push to Include Gay Couples in Immigration Bill,3 +7,one of two Bucks County men convicted in the 1987 torture slaying of artist Anthony Milano.,6 +5,It is far less clear on whether those marriages are legal.,4 +10,"Even smokers are repulsed by the odor of rooms inhabited non-stop by puffers and are booking smoke-free quarters. ""A guest will say, 'I smoke, but I don't want to go into a room that smells like smoke,' ",9 +13,F.D.A,12 +5,Lawmaker Sues D.C. Over Gun Liability,4 +13,"PANEL DUMPS FELON GUN RIGHTS, CUTS FEDERAL WORKERS' ACCESS TO ABORTION +",12 +1, more than $500 million ,0 +15,Hiding the Smokes,14 +11,"For the most part, cigarette smoking has steadily declined in this country since 1963, according to figures from the National Center for Health Statistics and the American Lung Association.",10 +7,Put criminals away,6 +8,Airport open carry terrorizes others,7 +7,"When condemned fugitive Joseph Kindler was returned to Philadelphia in 1991 after two escapes, three years on the lam in Canada and four fighting extradition, the news was grim.",6 +13,"The bill goes to Gov. Lawton Chiles (D), who said he had not decided whether he would sign or veto it. Bill supporters would need a two-thirds majority in each chamber to override a veto.",12 +1,"ts financial records are chaotic, but the agency charged with defending death row inmates has enough money to pay salaries and continue operating, plus almost $ 250,000 for other expenses, says Auditor General Charles Lester. +",0 +9,2d Nicotine Patch to Be Sold Over Counter,8 +13,"New Jersey Gov. Jim Florio says he will veto the Legislature's attempt to gut the nation's toughest ban on assault weapons. +",12 +7,When 'Stanley' met MS-13,6 +13,"On Gay Rights, Congress Lags +",12 +5,COURT HALTS S.F. GAY WEDDINGS,4 +5," The jury deliberated for about three hours. ''There was no outburst, it was calm'' in the courtroom when the jury returned with its decision at about 7 p.m., said a prosecutor who was present. Earlier on Thursday, the jury found Durham, 29, guilty of first-degree murder",4 +5,"Gay marriage: Proposition 8 appears doomed in California after Supreme Court ruling +",4 +5,But the new regulations now face new legal challenges.,4 +5,GUN VERDICT HAILED INDUSTRY SEZ IT WILL APPEAL,4 +15,Technology: A Way Out of Gun Impasse?,14 +7, who was a juvenile at the time of the shootings.,6 +11,Has Parkland changed Americans' views on guns?;,10 +4,"DeGeneres' analogy of blacks, gays flawed",3 +12,"Voters in four states approved constitutional bans on same-sex marriage Tuesday, but gay-rights groups remained hopeful that a proposed ban would be defeated elsewhere. +",11 +14," +Jindal Calls for States to Follow Louisiana's Example in Toughening Gun Laws",13 +7," As for those who evade the law, Virginia enforcement officials have reached an agreement with their New York counterparts to cooperate on gunrunning investigations.",6 +9," he hanged himself with the cord from his television set, attaching the other end to the bars of his cell.",8 +15,NEWS FOR KIDS tv tips Tuesday,14 +9,"e wants to die. +",8 +13,Joe Soucheray: Chick-fil-A is another victim of the leftists,12 +13,"On Dec. 31, Gov. Martin O'Malley of Maryland, whose name has been mentioned among potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidates, commuted the sentences of the last four inmates on the state's death row. +",12 +5,Justices rule against straw gun purchases,4 +5,Florida lawyer assumes ABA president's office,4 +1,"Cutting legal immigration when jobs are going begging is a mistake, experts say",0 +2,HIGH-TEST TOBACCO BEING GROWN IN BRAZIL,1 +6,DEATH PENALTY CONCERNS,5 +13,The Trump disciple vs. the 'illegals',12 +10,What's next for Parkland students?,9 +13,Village Primary Race Far From the Textbook,12 +5,Kansas man's homemade gun silencers clash with federal law,4 +7,"Fighting Crime, and Fear",6 +4,"ost white murderers - even multiple murderers - have gotten life with parole in Utah. +",3 +14,"In Austria, native country of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, many had hoped the former bodybuilder and film star would spare Williams",13 +5,"Prosecutors had sought a capital murder conviction, which could have carried the death penalty. The Circuit Court jury, which deliberated five hours, convicted Carter of first-degree murder and armed robbery, which carry the possibility of two life sentences.",4 +5,"""If a prosecutor doesn't have the evidence to prevail at this immunity hearing ... the prosecutor does not have sufficient evidence to win at trial,""",4 +13,All eyes on Kennedy in gay-marriage test,12 +5," +A federal appeals court panel upheld bans on same-sex marriage in four states Thursday, a break with other federal courts that makes it almost certain the Supreme Court must take up the issue of whether gay couples have a constitutional right to marry.",4 +5,2 LAWMAKERS TARGET GAY MARRIAGE/ PROPOSAL FOR CONSTITUTIONAL BAN WOULD REQUIRE STATEWIDE VOTE,4 +3,"Of course not, yet the religious opponents of gay marriage would have it be so.",2 +8,SELF-DEFENSE SHOULDN'T BE LICENSE TO KILL,7 +13,"Johnson postulated: ""It is not enough to say that gun control is a state responsibility. Only the federal government can give the several states and cities their first real chance to enforce their own gun laws.""",12 +6,"It happened because gun laws permit individuals with highly questionable backgrounds, including a man twice investigated by the FBI for terrorism links, to purchase firearms designed specifically to kill human beings.",5 +5,"The 2nd District Court of Appeal granted him a new trial Friday because of an ineffective appellate lawyer and ""erroneous"" wording in the jury instructions on the justifiable use of deadly force. In Florida, that's known as the ""stand your ground"" law.",4 +13,"The Assembly passed the measure 48-45. The Senate, which is expected to take up the measure next week, must approve it and Gov. Jim Doyle must sign it before it can become law. Doyle spokeswoman Melanie Fonder said the governor would have to examine the bill's language but he doesn't support weakening local ordinances.",12 +1,This year's burley tobacco quota was reduced by 45.3 percent from last year. The quota for flue-cured tobacco dropped by 18.5 percent.,0 +5,A federal judge Wednesday ruled that prosecutors can press for the death penalty against Terry Nichols even though the jury concluded he did not set out to kill anyone in the Oklahoma City bombing.,4 +5,"The story of the couple behind the lawsuit that led to the ruling illustrates why DOMA is not just unconstitutional, but muttonheaded.",4 +12,"Gay rights advocates urged a judge to throw out a ban on same-sex marriage enacted by state voters last November. + +",11 +6,California Strengthens Handgun Laws and Partners' Rights,5 +13,"With several Republican lawmakers joining many Democrats in publicly opposing the proposed amendment, Capitol insiders question how the narrowly divided House or Senate can possibly reach the two-thirds majority each chamber would require to send it to the states for ratification. Still, the Senate held another hearing on the matter yesterday, and House leaders say they plan to tackle the bill later this year -- closer to the Nov. 2 election.",12 +13,Monica Yant Kinney: O'Brien's gun vote defies even his explanation,12 +9,a former chronic smoker with lung cancer.,8 +10,A smoke-free life is pupils' pledge,9 +9, Law enforcement agencies feared that allowing motorists to legally hide handguns would endanger police officers during traffic stops. And few employers were willing to surrender control of their property and risk company parking lots being turned into shooting galleries.,8 +12,"GUN-BILL FOES PRESSURE LAWMAKERS ""VOTE, VOTE, VOTE,"" THEY CHANTED",11 +7,"It was almost 17 years ago to the day that she got word that James Morgan had killed her mother. Gertrude Trbovich was hit over the head with a vase and a wrench, stabbed 67 times and sexually assaulted in her home on Overlook Drive in Stuart. Morgan was Trbovich's yard man.",6 +13,BOND RIPS HUD FUNDING OF TRIBE'S TOBACCO SHOP,12 +6,"These two bills are pro-law enforcement, pro-public safety, pro-environment, pro-pollution control, pro-Second Amendment, pro-federal and state Constitution and law, and pro-freedom from undue governmental interference and procedures.",5 +13,House rejects assault gun ban,12 +7,"Before Cerniglia, 16, and Heiden, 18, disappeared a year ago, Cerniglia was wanted for questioning in connection with the same September 2002 drive-by shooting in Parker for which York and Burns were arrested.",6 +5,WHAT AN ETHIOPIAN MUST DO TO PROVE DESERVING OF ASYLUM,4 +13,Governor's act is good enough for state fair,12 +1,Minnesota income tax rates temporarily would rise to 1998 levels and the cigarette tax would increase by 29 cents a pack,0 +5, Legal path to U.S. clogged,4 +10,Kern acted after hearing Wells' upstairs neighbor Natalie Elsberg testify that secondhand smoke from Wells' ninth-floor apartment at 300 Central Park West has permeated her home night and day since the family moved there in February,9 +8,Judge Upholds Move to Seek Death Penalty in Oklahoma Bombing,7 +13,State may soon raise curtain on executions,12 +13," Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson voted for it, and Republican Sen. Marco Rubio voted against it.",12 +6,The measure's supporters warn that teachers will be forced to tell young children about gay marriage if the measure fails on Nov. 4.,5 +10,A CHANCE TO CHASE DREAM,9 +8,2. DINGELL AMENDMENT Would require background checks,7 +13,GOV. MITT ROMNEY of Massachusetts,12 +5,"If the Supreme Court prohibits the execution of 16- and 17-year-olds in a case it accepted a year ago, involving a Missouri man, the lives of Mr. Acuna and 71 other juvenile offenders on death row will be spared.",4 +5, tobacco settlement. As part of a blockbuster multistate legal settlement in 1998,4 +3,"Bishops reaffirm church views; The Pa. Catholic officials released a document on same-sex marriage just days before the election. +",2 +12,"called Smoke Free Denver, could collect enough signatures to put the issue before voters in May, officials said.",11 +7,Death Row Inmate Who Killed Businessman During Botched Burglary Is Executed,6 +5,Why My Right to Own a Gun Must Endure,4 +10,"""NO-SMOKING"" CHOICE HAS A LASTING IMPACT ON KIDS",9 +5,Arkansas: Same-Sex Marriages Are Halted,4 +1,Florida Ad Urges Tobacco Workers to Quit Jobs,0 +9,"Bailus Walker Jr., a professor of environmental and occupational medicine at Howard University who chairs the Smokefree D.C. coalition, said: ""The truth is simple: Secondhand smoke kills."" He cited evidence that secondhand smoke is a cause of lung cancer, heart disease, bronchitis, asthma and other ailments.",8 +5,"Governor Paterson is trying a far less aggressive way of getting Indian tribes to collect taxes on behalf of the state, which they have long resisted doing. He has decided to follow the lead of such states as California, New Mexico and Washington that have created state offices and advisory councils to deal specifically with American Indian issues.",4 +5,"Also Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay in the Utah case that will require more than 1,000 same-sex married couples to wait longer for state benefits. And, Colorado's state Supreme Court ordered Denver's clerk to stop issuing marriage licenses to gay couples while the state's stricken ban is appealed.",4 +5,"And on Tuesday, lawyers on all sides of the issue asked the Georgia Supreme Court to rule on who has the power to decide if a jury will ever hear the case --- state lawmakers or a Fulton County judge. The court must issue a ruling to resolve the separation of powers dispute by the end of March.",4 +5,Court Decides Strict Gun Law Violates Rights,4 +12,Potshots at the NRA,11 +14,The Clinton administration last night decided to ask the government of Mexico to accept 659 Chinese detained at sea by the U.S. Coast Guard and allow the United Nations to process their asylum claims.,13 +6,LAW IS SIGNED TO PREVENT PAROLE OF KILLERS WHO FACED DEATH PENALTY A PREVIOUS GLITCH HAS LED TO THE POSSIBLE RELEASE OF THE MURDERER OF TWO POLICE OFFICERS IN BERGEN COUNTY.,5 +4,", is unfairly applied and could result in the killing of innocent people.",3 +5,Reversing Heller? No big deal.,4 +5, constitutional amendment,4 +5,State high court declines to delay Tuesday execution,4 +10,"''Our precious Danielle was taken by a monster, thinking only of self-gratification and not thinking about the sweet little child he was harming and about how his crime would affect her family, the community and the world,'' Brenda van Dam said.",9 +5,"His death sentence overturned, man sues",4 +13,A Republican misfire,12 +5,"U.S. District Court Judge Marvin Shoob is scheduled to hear arguments from GeorgiaCarry.org, which has sued the city and the city-run airport. The group is asking for a temporary injunction to stop the city from enforcing the airport gun ban. Atlanta city attorneys will argue the gun ban should remain in place. +",4 +8,Or in private.,7 +3,SNUFF MAKERS DENY ADDING MORE PUNCH TO EACH PINCH,2 +6,Smoking under fire from the FDA and others,5 +5," Three other inmates filed a motion with the Florida Supreme Court, alleging that Spalding and CCR lawyers had lied to and manipulated them.",4 +13,"Barbara Bush, one of the twin daughters of George W. Bush, will endorse same-sex marriage on Tuesday, publicly breaking ranks with a father who, as president, pushed for a constitutional amendment banning such unions. +",12 +3,Calif. Episcopal Dioceses Split on Issue,2 +1,Bonuses for Teachers,0 +5,"are waiting to see how many states join before they decide whether to sign the deal. + +The agreement would sharply limit future legal challenges",4 +5,"""I hope they will respect it, since it is lawful.",4 +7,3 MEN ARRESTED IN DEAF MEXICAN SMUGGLING CASE,6 +11,Young Immigrants Stage Citizenship Ceremony at the Capitol,10 +13,President Obama extended an olive branch to gay-rights activists,12 +6,"Last week, the two senators from Kansas introduced legislation to ban military burial and funeral honors for anyone convicted of a capital murder and sentenced to life. A bill was also introduced by Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.).",5 +13,"The organization, which counts 90,000 members in the state, endorsed him in the 1998 governor's race. It donated $ 5,000 to his campaign that year and gave another $ 1,000 in 1999.",12 +1,Government budget analysts estimate that the new policy could cut tobacco sales at commissaries in half and cost tobacco companies as much as $ 200 million a year in sales.,0 +13,D'Amato Cites Storm Aid And Schumer Gun Control,12 +5,"A New Jersey judge denied the Christie administration's request that she stay her order to allow same-sex marriages in New Jersey starting Oct. 21, and the state moved swiftly to appeal.",4 +11,"""The first and most important purpose of this publication is to share the reality of an immigrant's life,"" Monreal said. ""This is the community's newest paper, and it will do well.""",10 +9,SURVIVAL RATES IMPROVE FOR MOST CANCERS STUDY ALSO FINDS DROP IN WOMEN'S LUNG CANCER,8 +7,The 'self-deportation' fantasy,6 +12,"Support for a constitutional amendment extends across a wide swath of the public and includes a majority of people traditionally viewed as supportive of gay rights, including Democrats, women and people who live on the East Coast. +",11 +8,"In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the agency he heads is now seen as a national security problem because of its failure to secure the borders and enforce immigration laws.",7 +13,Virginia Races Highlight A North-South Conflict,12 +12,Florida voters,11 +1,"In an updated filing, she listed the value within the range of $10,000 to $100,000, but would not explain the reason for the change in amounts.",0 +5," said Charles Rose, a professor at the Stetson University College of Law.",4 +1,"Other RJR papers illustrate that the highly popular Joe Camel campaign, the hip cartoon character that peddled the Camel brand until last year, targeted teens despite the company's repeated denials.",0 +5,Justices Will Weigh Challenges To Gun Laws,4 +9," ""mental illness and severe cognitive defects"" make it unlikely that he could alert his executioners to problems with the lethal injection procedure.",8 +5," +Malvo Lawyers Shift the Focus To Muhammad",4 +12,High schoolers favor gun curbs But NRA calls survey flawed,11 +5," The pace likely will quicken because federal courts are ``more and more willing to let states pull the switch,'' one death penalty foe said Wednesday.",4 +9,"Turning down a plea agreement that offered life in prison does not make Ronald Eugene Mathis crazy, federal psychiatrists have decided. +",8 +7,"Mr. Berry was moved from the prison in Cincinnati, where he had been held, to Lucasville on Thursday.",6 +12,Ruben Navarrette: Prop. 8 and gay marriage tests the will of the people,11 +1,"More than 500 employees from such establishments had signed petitions warning that the ban ""would destroy the work environment on which we depend to make a living.""",0 +13," +After the assassinations of President Kennedy, his brother Robert and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Congress was moved in 1968 to debate and enact controls on gun imports and interstate gun sales. + +Debate over further controls followed the 1975 assassination attempt against President Ford and the 1981 attempt against President Reagan.",12 +13,Clinton Seeks To Reinstate Ban on Guns,12 +6,Our Tough Gun Laws Are Not Tough Enough,5 +13,"""What made the difference?"" Mr. Tancredo asked, repeating the question today during a visit to his home.",12 +6,"That's one reason I steadfastly opposed the Tobacco Bill, which is, thankfully, now dead.",5 +1,"The unthinkable is inevitable. North Carolina's tobacco tax - the nation's lowest - will increase for the first time in 22 years. + +Simple economics mandate it.",0 +9,"100,000 American children will die because they started smoking",8 +13,"The White House is awaiting Justice Department regulations for death row inmates to follow in seeking clemency. +",12 +5, signed his death warrant last month.,4 +12,"The full-page ads running in three Washington newspapers include poll results from more than 40 congressional districts and 20 states that show overwhelming support for background checks. They also include the NRA rating of each district's member of Congress. +",11 +4,"The Supreme Court on Wednesday said a Texas death row inmate's sentencing was infected with a ""particularly noxious strain of racial prejudice"" because of testimony that he might pose a future risk because he is black.",3 +4,IS IT LEGAL TO EXECUTE AN INNOCENT PERSON?,3 +10,Douglas student decries the NRA,9 +13,against a newly elected president,12 +11," After the Capitol ceremony, Minnesota Freedom Band will lead a procession to a party at Ecolab Plaza, 375 N. Wabasha St. +",10 +13," +Bush called on Congress last week to approve his crime bill and other domestic proposals within 100 days. +",12 +5,"If justices on the Supreme Court sounded cautious and tentative as they addressed the issue of same-sex marriage Tuesday, it's little wonder. Like everyone else in public life, they are operating in the middle of a political whirlwind.",4 +5,"""I'm not trying to take away anyone's right to bear arms",4 +11,"or had demographics that were too dissimilar to Camden County's. +",10 +2,GUN RANGES NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTAMINANTS UNDER BILL,1 +7,3 FOOD WORKERS SLAIN,6 +11,Guns are deep in the culture of town beset by shooting,10 +13," The attorney, Spencer McLaughlin, is a Republican legislator from Orange County and a former deputy executive director of the New York City Human Rights Commission under Ed Koch. That West would turn to a Republican for advice was a surprise to the people who thought the mayor, who was elected on the Green Party line, was a radical liberal activist about to turn the town into a socialist enclave. In his reply to West, McLaughlin noted that the law is unclear. ''That's because the laws were written around the late 19th century, and no one ever conceived of wanting to do this then,'' McLaughlin said recently. The attorney ended his memo to mayor saying, ''That's a very long-winded explanation of why you can't perform a same-sex marriage, but does not address the issue of whether you should or not.'' + +",12 +4, but that the death penalty had been wrongly applied.,3 +1,EDITORIAL Illegal -- but paying taxes,0 +12,"SMOKING OPPONENTS RALLY TO GET ATTENTION OF ALDERMEN, STATE LAWMAKERS",11 +5," they would ask the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to reject Thursday's order by District Judge Jack Weinstein. The suit, known as Simon II, is the first in which a judge has consolidated all tobacco-related litigation before him, including the punitive-damage claims of smokers, labor unions and health insurers. Judge Weinstein set a trial date of Jan. 20. Defendants are",4 +3,Unitarian Ministers Defy Authorities by Conducting Same-Sex Weddings in New Paltz,2 +13,"Representatives of about 150 California organizations and their constituents are scheduled to meet with 60 California legislators and Gov. Pete Wilson throughout the day, dubbed ""Immigrant Day II,"" which will include a rally at the Capitol and interfaith services at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral.",12 +9,"More guns, more death",8 +5,"Teenager accused of killing two East Bay girls must face jury, judge rules",4 +13,"Hillary Clinton Ad Seconds Obama on Guns, Rebuking Bernie Sanders",12 +5,"But the Connecticut case represents a different challenge for opponents of such rulings -- and more recent decisions of trial courts in California and New York, which held laws barring same-sex marriage unconstitutional.",4 +13,GOP leader shelves NRA-backed silencer bill,12 +7,"From the beginning, police have described the killings as a robbery gone wrong.",6 +13,"Mr. Mehlman was in Mr. Bush's inner circle in both presidential campaigns and ran his campaign in 2004, when the party courted Christian conservatives who oppose same-sex marriage. But Mr. Mehlman, in his work as chairman of the Republican National Committee and as head of Mr. Bush's campaign, tended to personally avoid social issues. +",12 +13,Clinton launches program to enlist 'dreamers' to boost voter turnout in their communities,12 +5,"According to the opinion by Judge Arthur Schwab, the president's policy goes ""beyond prosecutorial discretion"" in that it provides a relatively rigid framework for considering applications for deferred action, thus obviating any meaningful case-by-case determination as prosecutorial discretion requires, and provides substantive rights to applicable individuals. As a consequence, Schwab concluded, the action exceeds the scope of executive authority.",4 +15,Maybe Same-Sex Marriage Didn't Make the Difference,14 +6,The rules mandate that anyone who applies for a permit to carry a concealed weapon must undergo at least four hours of training. They also require that an instructor sign a completion certificate.,5 +13,"The day after a mass shooting in the nation's capital that left 12 Navy Yard workers dead, top Democrats said the tragedy has not changed the political reality in Congress, where any legislation affecting gun owners' rights does not have the support to pass. +",12 +7,"Ottis, 29, is one of two defendants facing the possibility of execution in the slayings of Britney Ikharia, 7, and her half-sister, Bridgett Lashelle Lee, 15. Robert Aaron Floyd, 20, of Atlanta is expected to be tried later this year.",6 +5,A victory for gay marriage in Utah,4 +13,Bush aims to ease tensions in North American summit,12 +13,Ryan said he and the three other legislative leaders had rejected Philip's latest proposal.,12 +5,"Touchton, who had been eligible for the death penalty if convicted, pleaded guilty.",4 +11, will be a landmark for Missouri.,10 +11,Immigration fairy and gun bunny,10 +7,Why the Shooting Is Unlikely to Inspire Major New Gun Laws,6 +1, with a $ 516 billion price tag that the companies contend could bankrupt them.,0 +11,"Light up, gentlemen",10 +11,"The re-enactment is for an HBO movie about Brady that's scheduled to air this spring. +",10 +5," Four of the lawsuits, all of which are awaiting action in Federal courts in the South and the West, are financed by the National Rifle Association.",4 +5,A deal announced in court yesterday ended an impasse that made New Jersey one of a handful of states that had not yet received its share of the national tobacco settlement.,4 +6,"Missouri's concealed-weapons law requires a sheriff to conduct a criminal background check on applicants before issuing a license. However, if the check is not completed within 45 days, the sheriff must issue the license anyway. Later, if the background check comes back showing the applicant should be disqualified, the sheriff must revoke the permit.",5 +11, in what would be the broadest use to date of the death-penalty provision in the drug kingpin law passed three years ago.,10 +13," But the provision got omitted from a version of the bill approved in May by the Republican-controlled House. Republican leaders, anxious to please the N.R.A., successfully maneuvered to avoid an open vote on the House floor.",12 +5,States take on birthright citizenship,4 +7,Aurora Victim Pushes Gun Issue With New Ad,6 +12,49% LIKE MIKE'S MOVES ON GAY NUPS,11 +1,"'The commission is an absurd concept,' said Paul Jannuzzo, vice president and general counsel of the Smyrna-based company, a unit of Glock GmbH of Austria. 'It's overly broad. It's more powerful than any regulatory agency.'",0 +9,"Locking firearms and keeping them away from children saves lives +",8 +7,officials on Wednesday arrested 10 people in five states who the authorities said had been running the biggest tobacco import smuggling ring in American history. The defendants are accused of smuggling more than 100 million cigarettes into the United States.,6 +3,GAY NUPS PROTEST VS. MORMONS,2 +1," +Rival cigarette makers join in price increase",0 +7,"Wallace, 31, admitted to police that he killed the nine Charlotte women between June 1992 and his arrest in March 1994. Two of the women were stabbed and the rest were strangled. All were acquaintances of his.",6 +13,"Seated at the table during the May meeting were City Council Member Dave Thune and Jeanne Weigum, president of the Association for Nonsmokers-Minnesota, an advocacy group battling public smoking.",12 +1,memo's author was a high-placed employee,0 +13,SAME-SEX NUPS GET A GAY-OK FROM GOV,12 +1,"Christine Todd Whitman said her payments would total $22,694 for Social Security and unemployment taxes to the Federal Government and the state of New Jersey for employing two undocumented workers for three and a half years to take care of her children.",0 +9, deceased,8 +1,or lose federal grants,0 +11,"It's a rare night for standup comedy at the Straz Center this Friday, with two, big-name comics taking different stages there at the same time.",10 +13,"Of course, he didn't have to explain to these fellows that gay-bashing is political strategy. In order to more handily win elections, the old-fashioned Republicans -- that is, the ones who believe in fiscal responsibility, a strong national defense and limited government -- need the votes of the yahoo Republicans, and the surest way to energize the yahoos is to kick the gays around. + +",12 +9,Nine die in chase with Border Patrol,8 +6,"The Latest Hurdle to Gun-Law Reform +",5 +9,DOCTOR GAG LAW INDEFENSIBLE,8 +6,"On second thought, Arkansas will ban guns at sporting events",5 +13,Will Obama push gay marriage over the top in Md.?,12 +1,"Gun locks are ""selling like crazy,"" said Don Webb, assistant manager of Oshman's Sporting Goods in Countryside Mall in Clearwater. ""People are in every day asking for them.""",0 +7,12 Held in Ring to Obtain Papers for Illegal Aliens,6 +13,"Although confident that New Jersey's system of civil unions for gay couples would be replaced with marriage by the end of 2013, advocates and Democratic supporters face a stumbling block in Republican Gov. Christie, who on Wednesday affirmed his opposition to gay marriage and blasted the Supreme Court decision. +",12 +12,Immigration rallies planned for Thursday,11 +11,"Why Gun Control Loses, and Why Las Vegas Might Change That",10 +10,To Know Us Is to Let Us Love,9 +4,"Gun advocates say the law had produced inequities because some Coloradans can get permits and others cannot, depending on where they live. +",3 +1,Higher Pay For Low-Wage Earners? Get tough with illegal immigration.,0 +13,Bloomberg Urges Stiffer Law Against Sales of Illegal Guns,12 +13,The Judiciary Committee approved the measure on a party-line 23 to 15 vote. That set up a vote in the full House next week before Congress adjourns for the year.,12 +8,Immigration and Customs Enforcement declined to comment on pending legislation.,7 +13,And Democrats know all of that.,12 +6,Defense of Marriage Act,5 +5,"A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit will try to sort out the tangled kidnapping and murder case by examining three issues: the prosecutor's conduct, the overturning of Lentz's conviction and a ruling granting him a new trial.",4 +13,COUNTY CHIEF FINDS ALLY IN IMMIG BATTLE,12 +9,STUDY: SMOKE DAMAGES SENSE OF SMELL,8 +9,"Prenatal care is essential in reducing the incidence of infant and maternal mortality and in preventing long-term problems for newborns, their mothers and their families. New York State must cover the cost of providing prenatal care to all low-income New Yorkers, including immigrants who are undocumented.",8 +7,"In 1995, Heath Burch killed Moore's father and his wife in their Capitol Heights home with a pair of scissors. At the time of the murders, Burch, a habitual drug user, was high on crack cocaine.",6 +15,"Leonard Pitts Jr.: On chicken sandwiches, pro football and human rights",14 +5,"Nifong, who announced earlier he would seek the death penalty against defendant Rodrick Vernard Duncan, said the defense team would receive a total of 3,000 to 4,000 pages by Friday. +",4 +7,"his criminal record was checked on a national database and found free of felony convictions,",6 +7, Texas shooting,6 +13,GOP sees opening in ire over gun-rules changes,12 +7,Georgia has scheduled a new execution date of July 15 for Warren Hill. He was convicted of a 1990 murder and came within two hours of being put to death in February,6 +6,An immigration policy worth ending,5 +5,"In February 2005, Bloomberg announced the city would appeal a ruling by Manhattan State Supreme Court Justice Doris Ling-Cohan that determined a state law limiting marriage to unions between opposite-sex couples violated same-sex couples' rights under the state Constitution. +",4 +5,"Isla A. Fruchter, the lawyer for the defendant, William R. Gribble, is challenging the so-called proportionality review section of the death-penalty statute.",4 +13,"Because the Legislature fears the handgun lobby, Floridians should vote YES Tuesday on Revision 12.",12 +7," Russell A. Henderson, 22, one of the men charged with kidnapping, aggravated robbery and murder in the death of Mr. Shepard pleaded guilty in April and received consecutive life sentences in a deal that spared him a death sentence.",6 +5,The group asked the court to reconsider its 6-3 decision on Tuesday in which it rejected a stay of execution request filed by Smith's lawyer,4 +5,"During three hours of arguments in San Francisco, the justices peppered lawyers opposing Proposition 8 with questions that suggested they do not believe they have the authority to trump the will of the voters.",4 +5,Blake and Caldwell have both pleaded not guilty.,4 +14,He also said the United States should not allow concerns about border security to derail efforts to adopt new measures to allow millions of additional Mexicans to become guest workers in the United States.,13 +13,Candidate for Sessions's Senate seat uses Scalise shooting in TV ad,12 +6,"His previous claim that his research provides ""direct empirical evidence"" that the Brady law is associated with an increase in aggravated assault is as flawed as his study.",5 +4,"And equality and justice will happen for us as well.""",3 +7,7 I.N.S. Employees and 26 Others Are Charged With Selling False Immigration Papers,6 +6,Bill targets immigrant mortgages,5 +5,"A judge ruled Friday that Florida can use documents that may be confidential while questioning witnesses for its tobacco lawsuit, but those portions of the sworn statements will be sealed at least temporarily. + +Florida is suing cigarette-makers to recover up to $ 800 million in annual expenses for smoking-related illnesses. + +Any part of a sworn statement relating to documents claimed to be confidential attorney-client communications will be sealed until the court decides whether the papers in question can be used, Circuit Judge Harold J. Cohen said. + +Attorneys who represent Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. said many of the papers involve Brown & Williamson rec-ords stolen by a former paralegal.",4 +12,"Demonstrators waved flags emblazoned with ""Come and Take It"" and ""Don't Tread on Me"" fluttered above the crowd as gun rights leaders and politicians spoke about Texas liberty and the Second Amendment. +",11 +13,"Gay rights, green politics key Newsom's hopes",12 +5, Mr. Medina said he had obtained a visa that allows him to enter the country to run races,4 +9,"As far back as 1965 Ferguson had been found to suffer from ""visual hallucinations."" In the early 1970s, he was sent to state mental institutions where doctors diagnosed him as ""grossly psychotic"" and someone who doesn't ""know right from wrong."" He was found to be paranoid schizophrenic, delusional, explosive and aggressive. And in 1975, a doctor wrote presciently, ""This man is dangerous and cannot be released under any circumstances."" In less than a year, Ferguson would be free.",8 +6, It's not about gun control,5 +13,"The Ohio Republican spoke at length on Thursday about that possibility and warned that such actions would ""poison"" the president's relationship with the Republican leadership.",12 +12,Rally pushes end of aid to illegals; Proposal to be hot issue for lawmakers,11 +4,Toward Marriage Equality in New Jersey,3 +6,"At issue is a 1994 law that made it illegal to import, ""manufacture, transfer or possess"" 19 types of semiautomatic weapons. The law does not apply to the sale or possession of the weapons if they were legally held before the ban took effect.",5 +7,He told police the two were plotting to fire him.,6 +13,"President Obama is set to unveil a sweeping set of gun control proposals Wednesday,",12 +7,Campus police officials don't like the proposal allowing for firearms on campus,6 +5,Noncitizens Sue Over U.S. Gay Marriage Ban,4 +12,Report lauds Albany for tobacco control,11 +13,Smoke foes push board to back ban,12 +13,"And if there is an issue likely to splinter liberals and conservatives, it is gay marriage.",12 +7,"The Arlington lawyer accused last week of immigration fraud in Virginia by filing false documents is being investigated for submitting thousands of similar forms in other states, a federal prosecutor said yesterday during a hearing in U.S. District Court in Alexandria.",6 +9,"He has published numerous articles on the dangers of smoking, tobacco and cardiology, and he is the author of another book, ""Tobacco, Biology and Politics.",8 +7,"During the two months since, Dawson has been handcuffed, spent two nights in a orange jumpsuit in the Krome Detention Center in Miami, been deported and been arrested in Germany. Now he sits in a Milan, Italy, hotel, trying to piece his life back together.",6 +5,Cohen said the court could meet today and decide not to hear the case and the execution could proceed anytime until midnight. State lawyers wouldn't comment on what the court might do.,4 +13,Maine: Ex-President Is Witness at Same-Sex Wedding,12 +5,"The law requires that jurors in a capital case be ""death qualified,"" meaning that they must at least be able to consider a death sentence if the evidence warrants it. Conversely, prospective jurors who insist that death is the only sentence they would consider appropriate for murder could be dismissed with cause by the trial judge.",4 +5,"Like the coast-to-coast tobacco lawsuits that inspired them, these actions against gun makers have been triggered by the failure of zealous social reformers to achieve what they want through representative institutions.",4 +8, al-Qaeda conspirator.,7 +11,ALDERMEN SHOULD OK PROPOSAL FROM BLACK RELIGIOUS LEADERS,10 +13,"EDGAR, MADIGAN DUEL OVER GUN DEAL",12 +13," Perhaps the boiling anger toward President Trump spilled over into the gun debate. Maybe National Rifle Association chief executive Wayne LaPierre's arrogance and extremism, on display last month at the Conservative Political Action Conference, fi-nally stuck in the public's craw.",12 +4,A U.S. citizen is denied college aid - because of her mother's immigration status;,3 +1,"Immigrant entrepreneurs; State is slow to lure, keep the best in high technology",0 +5,"But that's a problem with the federal law, and it has nothing to do with religion.",4 +14,ISRAELI HEALTH CHIEF SEEKS TO SUE U.S. TOBACCO FIRMS OVER ILLNESS,13 +4," +The disparity Joe and Doug experienced is common to gays and lesbians everywhere and why activists are challenging state laws around the country. Gay and lesbian couples want the same benefits as heterosexual couples, says Karen Doering, a lawyer for Equality Florida.",3 +13,"When the NRA decided to become more aggressive in its fight against gun-control measures back in the early 1980s, Dingell, a Democratic House member from Michigan, joined with other gun-control opponents to help found the Institute for Legislative Action, the powerful lobbying arm of the NRA.",12 +8," It is essential to realize that this tragedy might have been completely avoided, and most certainly lessened, if someone else in that office had a gun.",7 +5,Seldom has the debate over free speech,4 +6,"No misfires triggered by gun law Background checks begin for rifles, shotguns",5 +7,Experts say it's only a matter of time before the derringers become a law enforcement nightmare.,6 +5,axter said she agreed the venue should be changed. She said she found several other counties unsuitable ,4 +13,House backs talk on gun laws,12 +10," +""El Sol has provided us a means for getting ahead in life,"" said Tito Perez, who has found work at the center since it opened. ""It has given us the opportunity to grow as individuals and I'm very thankful. Everything I have, it is because of El Sol."" +",9 +11,"Not long after reality TV star Kim Kardashian was held up at gunpoint while staying in Paris,",10 +6, The measure would impose a short waiting period for a background check when a gun purchaser applies for or renews a permit or buys a gun.,5 +1,the state cannot afford the luxury of wasting millions on these capital cases.,0 +5,"A Texas judge granted a new trial to a Mexican immigrant on Death Row for nearly 14 years for allegedly killing a Houston police officer. +",4 +1,"working for low wages, if they're able to find work at all.",0 +12,"""My constituents say that if I don't vote for it, I'm denying them the opportunity to vote on it.""",11 +12,"Minnesota gay marriage supporters rally at Capitol +",11 +6,Prevention programs need support of laws,5 +8,Vietnam veteran's,7 +11,Coloradans,10 +3,FAITH'S NOT ENOUGH,2 +7," calling gunrunning a ""significant problem,""",6 +5,individual gun rights,4 +5,"U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones,",4 +13,"It wasn't just any Republicans, either. Former Gov. Haley Barbour is considered a moderate now. Gov. Phil Bryant is a creature of the tea party. Though this is not a border state, every aspect of political life was aligned to follow in the footsteps of Arizona, Alabama, and Georgia with sweeping laws against illegal immigration.",12 +7,"Multiple law enforcement agencies working through the Northern Virginia Gang Task Force have arrested three men they say were producing and selling fake Social Security and green cards, which are issued by federal agencies.",6 +15,NEWS IN BRIEF,14 +7,The Barnes bill makes it a crime for felons to attempt to buy a gun and increases penalties for adults who knowingly furnish firearms to minors.,6 +13,"CONGRESS MAY BAN THE BUMP STOCK, BUT WHAT IS IT?",12 +11,"For Actors and Audiences, Smoking Can Be a Drag",10 +7,Parkland gunman facing death penalty,6 +2,"Georgia's restaurant industry is reporting labor shortages after the passage of the state's tough new immigration enforcement law, a new survey by the Georgia Restaurant Association shows.",1 +13,Bloomberg Bolsters Gun Drive in Ohio and Kentucky,12 +13,Hick: No law could stop him,12 +1,"The latest Americans to blame their job frustrations on immigration work in ivy-covered halls, not on factory floors.",0 +4,DNA evidence has exonerated eight inmates across the country who were under death sentences but has not yet been used to shed light on the guilt of someone who has been put to death.,3 +5,"The case is an appeal by the state of Virginia, joined by 19 other states, from a 6-to-4 ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Ruling in a lawsuit brought by inmates on Virginia's death row, that court, which sits in Richmond, held that the Constitution requires Virginia to provide counsel for indigent inmates seeking to challenge their death sentences through habeas corpus petitions in state court.",4 +12,"Wearing white and displaying photos of deported loved ones, they remembered the 400,000 immigrants removed last year, many of whom were torn from their families and communities.",11 +13,"Rep. Lorraine Seratti, R-Spread Eagle, wrote the measure banning same-sex marriages following recent court decisions in Hawaii that critics said would pave the way for homosexual marriages in other states.",12 +13,"Obama issued a statement declaring himself ""pleased that the Supreme Court has struck down key provisions of Arizona's immigration law."" + +Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., declared the ruling proof that the law ""was not just ill-advised but also unconstitutional.""",12 +1,Altria's Results Beat Expectations,0 +13," +Gun debate rages near Connecticut store where Nancy Lanza bought AR-15",12 +5,Justice Ginsburg will officiate at the marriage ,4 +5,"Justices' term starts slow, could 'explode",4 +13,"It was 10 minutes before 1 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21, 1996, and there were no cameras, no ceremony. The witching-hour timing bespoke both political calculation and personal angst. With his signature, federal law now defined marriage as the union of a man and woman. Mr. Clinton considered it a gay-baiting measure, but was unwilling to risk re-election by vetoing it. +",12 +11,Killing Me Softly With His Song,10 +3, view that marriage is between a man and woman.,2 +7,A 16-year-old girl pulls a pistol at a concert at the Omni and shoots another youth in the neck.,6 +9,Surgeon General Sees Oral Cancer Epidemic,8 +13,"But the undecided senators are animated by a powerful mix of personal and political motivations, which means anything could happen. They are black and white, from upstate and downstate. Most of them voted against same-sex marriage two years ago, when a bill was passed in the Assembly but defeated in the Senate.",12 +13,States and gun laws,12 +13,"Christie said that he relayed the details of the conversation to Allen but that he could not discuss publicly what he had advised the governor. +",12 +7,SHERIFFS WORRY WE'LL BE GUNSLINGER STATE,6 +10,"I was really feeling blue because I had never smoked, but my wife did",9 +9,"Somewhere to Shelter, But Nowhere to Run",8 +5,"On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 7 to 2 to deny DuBois's final appeal and stay request.",4 +1," It was designed to ensure that all capital trials are properly funded, allowing defense attorneys and others to tap the fund for their trial expenses.",0 +7,More Prisons Limit Tobacco But See Little Early Trouble,6 +9,"Another study released last week added to the research that shows nicotine has a similar effect in the brain as a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. In experiments on rats, nicotine resulted in more nerve transmissions in an area of the brain related to learning and memory.",8 +13,HILLSBOROUGH STEPS UP ON GUN CONTROL,12 +5," His case could fall under Missouri's ""castle doctrine"" law, which gives residents leeway in using deadly force in their homes.",4 +6,"We need to do a better job training our associates on California laws.""",5 +6, Ban sales of assault rifles,5 +5,ballot initiative that would amend the state constitution to again outlaw same-sex marriage.,4 +13,"Approved by the Senate on a 24-13 vote Monday, the bill by Sen. Richard Polanco, D-Los Angeles",12 +11,"Texas led the states, with 13. Executions were held in 12 others: Alabama, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Virginia. Texas's 477 executions since 1977 are the most, by far. Texas, Virginia and Oklahoma account for more than half the nation's 1,277 executions since Gary Gilmore faced a firing squad in Utah on Jan. 17, 1977, the first execution after the resumption. +",10 +10,"""People don't need to smoke. I quit",9 +7,"LaCava, 31, was convicted in 1991 by another jury and sentenced to die for killing Montijo, 35, who was the first Latino police officer killed in the Philadelphia Police Department while carrying out his duties.",6 +7,"The NYPD found evidence linking Alcala, 67, to Crilley's murder in 2003 when detectives took a dental impression from the serial killer that was later found to be consistent with a bite mark on her body, a law enforcement source said.",6 +5,"California's attorney general also announced he was suing the tobacco industry, and other states were expected to take similar steps. Pennsylvania has said it was ready to sue if talks failed to produce full payment.",4 +1,"who bought or traded to get their gun at a pawn shop, flea market or retail outlet",0 +5," +The couple's attorney, Michael J. Diamondstein, said in a statement that they ""chose not to go forward because they were extremely concerned that the issuance of the marriage license would be challenged on procedural grounds without the courts ever addressing the actual issue of marriage equality.""",4 +13,"A filibuster threatens a host of legislation because the General Assembly is set to adjourn at midnight Monday, leaving senators little time to accomplish much if they are delayed by extended debate. During a filibuster, senators continue to talk on a bill without bringing it to a vote -- creating a logjam that holds up other legislation.",12 +12, and an announcement of a Saturday rally to stop his execution.,11 +12,Ruling on gays mayecho at polls,11 +12,"""I've said all along that this crossed party lines, color lines and socio-economic lines,"" said Sadie Fields of the Georgia Christian Coalition. ""The people in this state realized that we're talking about the future of our country here."" +",11 +9,"Death comes in a plain black wrapper emblazoned with a skull and crossbones, has the official surgeon general's warning on one side and on the other: ""Manufacturer's advice: Cigarettes are addictive and debilitating. If you don't smoke, don't start. If you smoke, quit."" +",8 +1,a booming economy,0 +12,"A new poll shows an increasing number of Americans want to see less immigration to the United States, with the less-immigration crowd jumping from 35 percent of the population the last couple years to 41 percent today. +",11 +5,"Washington --n a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down a federal law defining marriage as a union between a man and woman, declaring the act's only purpose was to ""disparage,"" ""degrade,"" ""demean"" and ""humiliate"" gay Americans. +",4 +7,JOSE ANGEL Carachuri-Rosendo was deported because of one tablet of Xanax.,6 +7,"The Brady Act has also aided police in tracking criminals who use false identities and in fighting crime after the fact. The Justice Department's study includes results from half a dozen states that use the background checks to find suspects on outstanding warrants. Virginia led with 775 arrests last year, a whopping 30 percent of the state's 2,568 rejections. Mr. Ashcroft has vowed that federal prosecutors would reinforce this practice by arresting people who act illegally by trying to buy guns.",6 +14,Angry Japan Lays to Rest Student Shot Dead in U.S,13 +9, the mentally ill.,8 +6,"Under the proposal, handgun buyers would first have to obtain a state-issued photo license showing they had passed a criminal background check and had undergone certified gun safety training. States would not be required to participate, but if they chose not to, licenses could be issued by a federal agency or by federally-approved gun dealers.",5 +13,"For Obama, a Tricky Balancing Act in Enforcing a Law He Viewed as Invalid",12 +3,proclaims himself to be Catholic and against abortion.,2 +11,"""Much of the media coverage concerning his crime, trial, conviction and appeals has been awful,"" the editorial said. ""Far too often, the Coleman coverage has reflected either journalistic incompetence or deliberate deletions in which readers may plausibly detect a bias on behalf of this defendant specifically and against capital punishment generally.""",10 +6,public smoking,5 +6,Higher Cigarette Tax Is Urged,5 +5,Cuban Exile's Jury May See Secret Fax,4 +6,"However, the federal initiative, if it passes, does prohibit advertising aimed at the youth market, and that we applaud. It's about time the Marlboro Man rides off into a sunset and Joe Camel retires to a desert hideaway.",5 +5,JUDGE SUSPENDS EXECUTION,4 +7," Thursday's shootings,",6 +6,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON NEW GUN LAW,5 +13,"Helpfully, along came Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, a conservative Republican whose support was needed to send a crucial signal to his ideological compatriots on the right. He, wisely, wished to break down the barriers.",12 +13,"Yet Clinton eventually cut into the debate to amend her statement: ""I just want to add, I did not say that it should be done."" Her opponents jumped all over her. John Edwards accused her of saying ""two different things in the course of about two minutes.""",12 +4,Police bias at work,3 +7,"AWAVE of recent school shootings, including the bloody attack in Illinois last week, is again prompting calls around the country for reforms. But in Virginia, where the bloodiest rampage of all took place last spring at Virginia Tech, the initial demands for legislative and regulatory improvements have yielded disappointing results.",6 +1, some big banks opted to take matters into their own hands by restricting financing for gun sellers.,0 +5,Court Refuses to Stay Its Decision Striking Down Virginia's Same-Sex Marriage Ban,4 +13,"Smith, a vocal immigration restrictionist, is a member of the subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims.",12 +1," +PROGRAM WILL FIGHT SINISTER' TOBACCO ADS",0 +5,Judge Donald Graham of Federal District Court eliminated his confession. Judge Graham also found fault ,4 +7,A PREGNANT BROOKLYN woman whose husband has been held since April in a Florida immigration detention center is fighting to free him before she gives birth.,6 +13,CLINTON CALLS PARENTS OF SLAIN JAPANESE TEEN,12 +9, mandatory gun safety training,8 +5,"On Monday, a Loudoun grand jury charged Robert E. Roy, 44, of Hedgesville, W.Va., with capital murder, robbery, burglary and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.",4 +13,"The bill will be up for final approval in the Senate today. A similar measure has already passed the House, but that chamber will have to consider changes made by the Senate. Democratic Gov. Howard Dean has said he will sign the bill",12 +5,"""in accordance with federal guidelines and regulations.""",4 +7,Teenage Testers Buy Cigarettes Easily in N.Va.,6 +11," But changing the overall environment is key: Teens need adult role models, such as their parents, who don't smoke, Giovino said.",10 +9,a psychiatrist.,8 +1,"Last month, Montgomery released a study showing that its ban hasn't hurt its hospitality industry.",0 +11,"Jacinto became a U.S. citizen last April, but she does not feel like an American. In fact, she seems resistant to the idea of assimilating into U.S. society",10 +5,NRA Shifts Its Challenge To California Gun Law,4 +13,Republican politics as sideshow,12 +7,"rian C. Peterson, who faces a possible death sentence ",6 +9,mental illness,8 +12,National Rifle Association.,11 +7,"Prison, Not Death",6 +13,The proposal needs approval by the City Council and the state Legislature.,12 +5,The administration's letter met a 30-day deadline set by Judge Denny Chin of Federal District Court in Manhattan. Judge Chin ruled last month that the agency's failure to respond to the plaintiffs' petition for two and a half years was unreasonable.,4 +13,Any candidate for high office strives to set the agenda and shape the daily news cycle. But politicians are always subject to events outside their control. And this year Mr. Bush faces a series of dates that have the potential to be turning points in the campaign.,12 +1,Gun sales not problem,0 +13,President Reagan,12 +9,"The others were hospitalized, including a man with a broken back and pelvis.",8 +3," +""There is this myth out there that you can't be pro-God and pro-gay,"" said the Rev. Robert M. Hardies, senior minister of All Souls Church, Unitarian, in the Columbia Heights area. ""We are doing the best we can to share the message that there is strong support from within D.C.'s religious community for equality."" + +The church service comes as opponents redouble efforts to scuttle the bill. Bishop Harry Jackson, pastor of Hope Christian Church, and others are seeking a referendum on banning same-sex marriage in the District. ",2 +5,"And you have never stopped fighting for our beloved Constitution. Incredible people.""",4 +5,The justices decided 4-3 to cut the appeal time in half as long as the Legislature and The Florida Bar continue to earmark enough money for state lawyers to adequately represent criminals sentenced to die.,4 +6, But Grove's death had more to do with lax handgun rules and enforcement than any hunting dispute.,5 +5,Maine and Maryland Say 'We Do',4 +8,Immigration bill tackles borders,7 +14,Gay rights victories face barriers abroad,13 +5,"Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens said through a spokeswoman that the state will defend the constitutional amendment, which was overwhelmingly approved by Georgia voters in 2004.",4 +7,6 life sentences in two killings Man pleads guilty in Steak 'n Shake shootings,6 +5,High court to hear city benefit case Arguments set for today on domestic partners plan,4 +11,Census Will Not Record Same-Sex Marriages,10 +7,"Although corrupt licensed gun dealers were involved in less than 10 percent of the bureau's investigations, they were associated with the largest total number of diverted guns, 40,365. They also had the highest average number of guns for each investigation, 354. +",6 +5,Report may bring tobacco documents into the open,4 +13,"Almost immediately David Axelrod, Mr. Obama's political strategist, tried tweeting a rollback. Mr. Biden, he claimed, was merely articulating Mr. Obama's position that ""all married couples should have exactly the same rights.""",12 +9, to pay the hospital bills of people without any health coverage.,8 +15,"eath and Foreign Affairs +",14 +5,"Defense attorneys, while arguing that Moussaoui actually knew very little about Sept. 11, are also preparing to put the government itself on trial.",4 +10,"I am a very minimal smoker. I just can't imagine going to a bar to listen to music and not having a couple of smokes. If I can't smoke, I just won't go.",9 +13,"This time the response may be different because the killings happened at a school in the middle of a legislative session in an election year. +",12 +7,Killer of Pinellas man to be executed today,6 +13,Christie drops gay marriage appeal,12 +7,Santa Clara County law enforcement agencies offering cash for guns,6 +11,"Death sentences fell in 2006 to 114 or fewer, according to an estimate from the Death Penalty Information Center, a Washington organization that looks at problems with the capital punishment system. That number is down from 128 in 2005, and even lower than the 137 sentences the year after the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. It is also down sharply from the high of 317 in 1996.",10 +13,Hawaii Debates Same-Sex Unions,12 +3,GETTING OUT OF THE REVENGE BUSINESS,2 +7, A chilling tape recording of Tina's murder,6 +5,Episode 11 of the Constitutional podcast: 'War',4 +15,2 Dozen Same-Sex Marriages in Midtown,14 +6,One bill would have called for a statewide referendum on a three-day waiting period for gun purchases. The other would have limited handgun purchases to one a month.,5 +13,Gun plan could boost Clinton vs. rival Sanders,12 +11,"Columbine, 11 Years Later",10 +13,"The narrator tells of Allen's opposition, recently reversed, to the federal ban on assault weapons and of his veto of a 1997 bill that would have banned guns from Fairfax County recreation centers. It also notes that Allen backed a successful effort in 1995 to expand the rights of gun owners to carry concealed weapons.",12 +11, the first inmate to be executed by the government in 38 years.,10 +5,New plea helps man avoid deportation,4 +7,"minors who buy or use tobacco products in the city of Fort Collins will be subject to fines and court-mandated penalties. +",6 +7,"Illegal presence in the country, now a civil offense, would become a federal crime. Three convictions for drunken driving would become a deportable offense for legal immigrants.",6 +1,A gunmaker once tried to reform itself,0 +6,"You call for new policies that stress the admission of ""highly educated"" or ""highly skilled"" immigrants",5 +5,Commonwealth's Attorney Paul B. Ebert said,4 +13,Vote on marriage bill nears,12 +7,A convicted murderer was put to death by lethal injection on Wednesday,6 +11,"Mixed-status families increasing in U.S., study finds",10 +4,"Proponents of equality have reason to both cheer and cry this week. +",3 +6,also agreed to submit to strict federal regulation,5 +8,"Weeks ago, the background-check process took minutes to complete. Now, CBI's processing time has moved beyond that 99-hour-and-59 minute threshold.",7 +10,Patty Price wishes she'd known the heavy price she'd have to pay when she lit up that first cigarette at age 13.,9 +7,Officials studying requests to watch McVeigh execution,6 +5,"Our state Constitution is an expression of ideals, promises and aspirations that should speak to all Floridians equally",4 +14," ask the Bahamian government to let the Haitians have their work permits back. The article says, ''The relationship between the United States and the Bahamas is extremely high at all levels. Whatever they are, we cooperate together.''",13 +1,"Within a few years Cuesta closed that venture and Rey joined him in West Tampa to form a new cigar business called Cuesta, Rey y Compania.",0 +4,Witness Changed Her Story During Rosenberg Spy Case,3 +7,Concerted effort urged to fight crime in N. Phila.,6 +13,Cheney Backtracks,12 +11,"When the combined mean average of handgun homicides for the seven other countries is compared with the United States average, the handgun murders per 100,000 population in the United States is 77 times that for the seven other countries combined.",10 +13,"Friday is the deadline for Congress to fund the government through the end of next September. +",12 +5,The Supreme Court cases might give some momentum to them,4 +7,"The 17 arrests in New York smashed a Brooklyn-based Jamaican gang, or posse, that has operated in the shadows in recent years but has shown no reluctance to spill blood to attain its goals, said Mr. Domroe, an assistant special agent in charge of the F.B.I.'s criminal division in New York.",6 +6,"""Eight years ago, we were smoking at our desk,"" griped the employee, who asked that his name not be used. ""Then they created special rooms. Then they pushed us outside. Now, this.""",5 +13,Democrats in the state Legislature put aside their differences Tuesday to call for stricter gun laws.,12 +11,"Mr. Kennedy is just the sort of young person the state's Attorney General, Richard Blumenthal, is interested in. He wants to stop pre-teen smoking ""before the first cigarette ever touches their lips.""",10 +6,Non-smoking areas not always required,5 +8,have a handgun readily available for self-defense. ,7 +13,STATE OF THEIR UNIONS WHAT'S AT STAKE: SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES WANT THE PEOPLE TO VOTE ON FOREVER BANNING SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IN MINNESOTA,12 +12,"to widespread public support of background checks and other measures. +",11 +1,Restaurants and bars that can show that the ban is hurting their business can apply for three-year hardship waivers through local health departments.,0 +5,Capital Punishment Cases in New York,4 +5,Killer Gets 2 Stays of Execution,4 +11,"It may make sense that the pictorial article Boynton buyback nets 95 guns'' merits a front-page spread in a recent Local News section, in keeping with the current hysteria your paper is so willing to maintain and feed. ",10 +5," Asylum-seekers don't have the resources to document their cases, so judges rely almost entirely on the State Department's report on conditions in the country -- generalizations that may not apply to the case at hand. Once a judge rules, there is almost no way to appeal.",4 +5,"In the view of Don Kilmer, attorney for gun dealers Russell and Sallie Nordyke, the new rule would violate the speech rights of gun enthusiasts because the county doesn't like their culture and the message of gun shows",4 +9,HAITIAN WOMAN FOUND DEAD NEAR SHORE,8 +5, 27 Attorneys General Oppose Joe Camel,4 +14,Doctors reject Trump's 'war zone' comments on London crime,13 +1,to prevent tobacco companies from using the tax break to reduce the cost of the proposed $ 368.5 billion national tobacco settlement.,0 +1,"Brennan Dawson, a spokeswoman for the Tobacco Institute, which represents the major tobacco companies in Washington, said of the restaurant group, ""These people really have overstepped their bounds, and are trying to decide what is best for everybody, from the bingo halls to every workplace in the United States.""",0 +13,OBERWEIS CAMPAIGNS IN OPPOSITION TO BUSH'S PLANS FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS,12 +6,"The new rules wipe out such staples of tobacco marketing as free samples, colorful billboards and cigarette brand advertising at sports events. They ban vending machines except in ""adult"" facilities where children are not allowed, and eliminate slick, color cigarette ads in magazines read by significant numbers of teenagers.",5 +11,"Adolescents use cigarettes as the ""drug of entry into the world of hard drugs,""",10 +9,"Guns destroy too many innocent men, women and children.",8 +6, resolution acknowledging the union of a San Jose city worker who married her lesbian partner last month in San Francisco.,5 +1," +But they're not hurting. The new wave of upscale cigar smoker is a man (99%) who spends $ 25.90 a week on the habit and has an average net worth of $ 1.54 million, according to research on potential readers commissioned by Shanken. Median age is 46, and they spend $ 3.12 on each cigar.",0 +9,Ward's attorneys have argued he is a diagnosed schizophrenic with no understanding of his impending execution.,8 +13,Lethal injections endorsed,12 +12,"Although only 48 percent of Democrats overall favor the amendment, some 69 percent of black voters support it.",11 +11,GUN ATTACK DATA IS MIXED,10 +13,Senate President Toni Jennings said she wanted to make the law effective while many students are still on spring break,12 +7,"His murderous rampage over, Gian Luigi Ferri lay on his back in a San Francisco skyscraper's stairwell",6 +7,STATE INITIATIVE LOOKING TO CUT ILLEGAL GUN TRADE,6 +11,he effort has turned Mr. Carriger into a new kind of death-row celebrity. ,10 +1,"Why? Because the greed of a handful of multinationals is demanding more and more access to ""skilled"" foreign labor",0 +13,"Amid gridlock in Congress, states lead the way on guns",12 +11,Why moms will help change gun laws in America,10 +6,"And now we have the city of Largo, considering what would be number 52 in the employee code of conduct: an all-out ban on hiring anyone who smokes, to begin Oct. 1.",5 +8,A BOOST FOR SECURITY,7 +12,Several people spoke against the council's action Monday.,11 +13,"But it also has implications for the fall campaign, with both parties planning aggressive outreach campaigns to reach Latino swing voters in several battleground states.",12 +13,N.J. governor signs public smoking ban,12 +15,LAKE WORTH MAN RECEIVES CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARD,14 +12,But Bryan Miller of the anti-gun-violence group Heeding God's Call sees it differently.,11 +12,"Top campus officials organized the second forum because concealed carry continues to be a hot topic on campus since the high court's ruling last spring. +",11 +13,Eagan 17th city to vote in domestic partner registry,12 +13,Glendening (D) said last year that he would appoint such a panel to stop legislators from attaching conditions to a bill to streamline the process.,12 +7,"Ivan Teleguz, who was convicted in the murder of his former girlfriend, is scheduled to die April 25.",6 +9,"The council initially wanted to discuss violence prevention efforts and address mental health issues with local schools, but did not have much success connecting with school officials.",8 +5,"Gansler said no agreement was reached at the meeting as to which jurisdiction would take precedence, saying ""it's a continuing dialogue.""",4 +2, It would be even better if the decision signaled a loosening of restrictions that have slowed the admission of refugees to America to a trickle since Sept.11.,1 +9,"Though the report also cautions that the language barriers make it harder for children to get the health insurance and education they need, it finds that foreign-born children are healthier when they arrive in the United States than those of the same age who were born here.",8 +7,"Anderson told authorities they had left their rural Helenville home to go to a family cabin in Waushara County. His mother and brother have never been found. +",6 +5,O'C BACKING MORGY ON DEATH PENALTY CASE,4 +1,Casinos and cigar bars,0 +5,Malvo Lawyers Shift the Focus To Muhammad,4 +6,Federal rules to ease on recruiting farmworkers,5 +9,The whole idea of access to health through my domestic partner is very attractive to me. This is mostly about becoming legitimized.,8 +6,"He highlights a number of concerns with how the death penalty is implemented, and what the state of death row is today in North Carolina. +",5 +13, laid into a do-nothing Congress for its failure to act on gun control.,12 +6,No bill better than a bad bill,5 +5,"prompted by a federal court ruling that found Illinois' law unconstitutional,",4 +13,Brady Speaks Out for Florio's Gun Ban,12 +13,"Last week's passage of a bill to make New York's marriage law gender-neutral may accelerate efforts to put the issue before voters in other states. +",12 +15,"In Mass., a high-level rift on gays",14 +9,"here was no indication Mr. Medina felt the flames, the Governor said before asking the State Department of Corrections for a review of execution procedures.",8 +13,"The group's PAC has paid for direct mail and online ads intended to unseat Sen. Richard H. Black (R), who has long been a lightning rod for controversy in his district that includes parts of Loudoun and Prince William counties. The PAC will also fund similar efforts to try to elect Democrats to open seats in Northern Virginia and the Richmond suburbs.",12 +1,dine in smoky restaurants,0 +11," +THANK THE NRA FOR 'GUNLANDIA'",10 +11,"I feel that the word ""marriage"" should continue to be used to designate a unique and basic institutionin human history. I have no problem with giving same-sex unions the same rights as those who are in a traditional marriage, but they are clearly different and deserve a different name. +",10 +6,"Despite all the hoopla and national spotlight treatment it drew, Belmont's landmark smoking ban in multi-level apartment buildings has proven far less draconian since going into effect a month ago than many expected.",5 +8,"approved background check,"" ",7 +13,GUN BILLS FAR AWAY FROM VOTES,12 +1, firearm manufacturers and dealers,0 +5,"eenager indicted in Va. sniper case +",4 +13,"Amid Bickering, Senate Offers Death-Penalty Bill",12 +5,special prosecutor William Kunkle said before a judge imposed a gag order in the case.,4 +7,"For Murderer, a 'Tomb' Before His Death",6 +5,Federal prosecutors tend to try drug trafficking and white-collar crime cases - not usually fodder for the death penalty.,4 +13,"Scott McClellan, a spokesman for Mr. Bush, scorned the criticism.",12 +1,Some casinos seeking to hold off A.C. smoking ban,0 +13,McAuliffe renews call for stricter gun laws,12 +5,". In June, Gary King, the state's attorney general and a Democrat, punted, telling reporters he was not going to take a public stance on the issue. More recently, he has said he would not challenge any county clerk who decided to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. +",4 +7,Spivey was sentenced to die for the 1976 murder of Columbus police Officer Billy Watson.,6 +5,Mr. Muhammad's lawyers have asked the Virginia governor for clemency and plan to file an appeal with the United States Supreme Court next month.,4 +5,Civil District Judge Christopher Bruno's temporary order struck down the balloting on grounds that Sept. 18 is not a statewide election date as the Constitution requires.,4 +9,"NMATE'S DAUGHTER PUSHES FOR INJECTION +",8 +13,The debate over what to do to reduce gun violence in America hit an absurd low point on Wednesday when a Senate witness tried to portray a proposed new ban on assault rifles and high-capacity magazines as some sort of sexist plot that would disproportionately hurt vulnerable women and their children.,12 +5,"I am not out to take away anyone's constitutional right to own a gun, but some changes need to be made. What is possible? +",4 +11,Florida school shooting voted top news story of 2018,10 +4,Fact-checking Donald Trump's immigration speech,3 +7,"Today the police are still trying to learn the woman's identity, but they have a suspect in her slaying: Joel Rifkin, the Long Island man who has confessed to killing 17 women, most of them prostitutes he picked up in Manhattan.",6 +6,Wis. faces patchwork of concealed carry rules,5 +13,"His statement is not true. Measured against LBJ's demands for national registration of all guns and licensing of all gun owners, the administration's proposals and the ""strong"" bill that passed the Senate seem more like hitting an elephant with a fly swatter than taking on the NRA. Johnson pressed Congress to prohibit sale of guns to minors, purchase of guns by mail order and importation of cheap ""Saturday night specials,"" then commonly used in street crimes. In 1966 he became the first president to send Congress a message devoted to crime and law enforcement. Until that time gun control had been considered a matter of state responsibility.",12 +5,"Justice Sandra O'Connor provided the most encouraging news. Her crucial fifth vote to overturn the death sentence of a murderer who was 16 at the time of his crime placed her firmly with the Court's moderate, con trolling center.",4 +5,"The jury, which convicted the grim-faced Mr. Pitera after six days of deliberations in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, is to return to court next Wednesday for a special hearing to determine whether he should be sentenced to death.",4 +10,"She worked seven days a week as a waitress, hostess and chef at our family-owned restaurant to support her growing family without complaint; ",9 +11,Map: The counties that have received the most undocumented immigrant children,10 +12,Criticism expected as smoking banned in most '96 Games areas,11 +12,Tens of Thousands Expected for Rallies,11 +6,"The bill, which is narrow in focus, would reinforce the requirement that federal agencies report all criminal infractions to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System and create financial incentives for states to do so as well.",5 +5,"The fight to prevent gay marriage from becoming legal in Florida received a boost Tuesday from one of the state's most prominent law firms, which advised court clerks they could face misdemeanor charges if they issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. +",4 +6,Science offers America a path away from gun violence,5 +13,lawmakers T,12 +13,Gay marriage gains support from conservative lobby,12 +12,The protest did not cause as much disruption as organizers had hoped.,11 +6," +Ronnie Garrison, secretary of the Bighorn Hunting Club: Gun control hasn't worked in the past, and will not work in the future; educating society on problem-solving without violence will work better than banning guns.",5 +6,"The Wisconsin bill would reaffirm the definition of marriage in Wisconsin as a civil contract between only ""one man and one woman."" Another bill intended to ban same-sex marriage has previously failed to pass the Legislature.",5 +5,Court upholds state gay marriage ban,4 +13,The Eau Claire City Council is to vote Tuesday,12 +13,"You see, before the Brady Bill passed a couple of weeks ago",12 +7,THE MARYLAND SHOOTINGS: THE SCENE,6 +6,"The memo explained that a K-through-12 comprehensive carry program was the logical evolution of the gun lobby's novel argument that the best defense against atrocities like Newtown is to put more guns in schools. +",5 +11," +The INS projections show legal immigration rising from 593,000 last year to 835,000 in 1996. The numbers would peak in 1997 at nearly 854,000, then decline to the mid-700,000 level and hit 729,000 in 2003, according to the projections.",10 +11, traveled from Florida to perform the ceremony.,10 +11,'Gettysburg' for Gay Marriage?,10 +13,"DOLE, MEDIA BUTT HEADS",12 +13,Three senators renew push for same-sex laws,12 +13,Voters' ballots inundated with divisive measures,12 +4,MINNESOTA ADVOCATES SEE SHIFT TOWARD EQUALITY,3 +12,"Nearly all Americans, for example, support background checks for all gun sales, including those at gun shows.",11 +7,"Sylvia Martinez's job was to find qualified workers for a poultry plant in South Georgia. But, federal investigators say, she also received money by helping illegal immigrants land jobs in the plant.",6 +12,Online movements gather momentum,11 +5,"Many observers of the court were stunned that the justices passed up reviewing lower-court decisions that overturned prohibitions on same-sex marriage in five states, delaying a decision that would answer the question for the nation. +",4 +5,"The application said that allowing marriages now ""would invite needless chaos and uncertainty rather than facilitate the orderly and dignified resolution of a constitutional question of enormous national importance.""",4 +7,CAREER CRIMINAL EXECUTED IN TEXAS,6 +13,"The efforts paid off, with Republicans gaining at least one chamber in each of those states",12 +13,"Gun restrictions have had a tough road lately at the Capitol. +",12 +11,.I believe copies of the book,10 +6,"For starters, the North American Free Trade Agreement - that ballyhooed 1994 pact - has hurt rather than helped some of Mexico's poorest citizens.",5 +14,Brian Henninger of the coalition said no Western European countries maintain the death penalty. Nor does Canada.,13 +5,"Ruling helps same-sex couples +",4 +5,State law forbids a judgment so steep it bankrupts the company targeted.,4 +3, It's no coincidence that Pope John Paul II will arrive in St. Louis on Jan. 26 and leave the evening of Jan. 27.,2 +7,THE LOADED QUESTION Does crime cause gun control or vice versa?,6 +13,TOBACCO INDUSTRY OPTS TO CHANGE BRAND OF POLITICS,12 +2,"no money to defend clients awaiting execution,",1 +7,A senior U.S. immigration official with a 34-year career that included access to classified information about Cuban defectors and law enforcement sources was found guilty Tuesday in Miami by a federal jury of disclosing government secrets.,6 +10,"CORPORATE SMOKERS FORCED TO A SIBERIA FOR A PUFF< SOME PUFFERS, ONCE PUSHED FROM OFFICES TO DOORWAYS,< NOW FIND THEY MUST LEAVE THE GROUNDS.",9 +1,licenses,0 +7,"Blame criminals, not the guns that stop them",6 +7,"There are arrest warrants on the same charges for three of Cadena's nephews and one of their wives. Agents believe Carmen Cadena, 31, might be in Fort Myers.",6 +13,BLAGOJEVICH CRITICIZES RYAN FOR CRUZ DEATH PENALTY CASE,12 +5,"s a result, as arguments and testimony began last week in Mr. Page's trial in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, prosecutors maintained that he should be convicted of first-degree murder and should be executed. +",4 +7,Officers suspected in sale of illegal guns,6 +7," Mitchell was tortured to death, that the murder was ``especially heinous, atrocious or cruel'' and that Stroud acted out of ``irrational jealousy.''",6 +4,Only 11 percent had killed a black person.,3 +1,"The new fees for both Canadian and Mexican border crossings, to take effect in October, were announced this week by federal officials in Washington.",0 +4,"FAIR: Same-sex couples may not be able to get legally married in Missouri, but some of them will get to pay taxes as though they are. +",3 +10,Fearful Migrants Stop Short of U.S.,9 +12,Topple NRA from inside,11 +7,"Gilliam, 32, found guilty in the shotgun slaying of 21-year-old Christine Doerfler in a $ 3 robbery in Baltimore County nearly 10 years ago, is set to die by chemical injection sometime between Monday and Friday and would be only the third inmate to be executed in Maryland this decade.",6 +13,Bush clan heeds execution's call,12 +5,"The subpoenas were issued to Times reporter Chris Tisch, Nathan Crabbe of the Gainesville Sun, Phil Long of the Miami Herald and Ron Word, the longtime Jacksonville correspondent for the Associated Press who has covered about 50 executions.",4 +7,68 Clerics Face Judgment Over a Same-Sex Union,6 +10,"""Goodness gracious, what on earth are you afraid of?""",9 +12," +As Executions Increase, Appeals Go to the Public",11 +7,20 CHARGED WITH SMUGGLING SMOKES,6 +8,U.S. says Moussaoui could have halted 9/11,7 +12,"The poll, conducted by the University of Washington for Seattle's public television channel KCTS, shows Initiative 594 earning 64 percent of the vote, including leaners. Just 31 percent say they will vote or are leaning toward voting against the measure. +",11 +12,Forum looks at immigrants,11 +7,TEEN TO BE DEPORTED,6 +13,Immigration battle lines deepen as Trump administration rescinds Obama proposal;,12 +15,No sport in assault guns,14 +13,"Same-sex marriage has suddenly become the most visible issue in the gay rights debate, pushed into the spotlight by this week's Supreme Court ruling and the presidential campaign.",12 +9,"Assume, Thomas said, that it has been proved that children suffer long-term health dangers from eating a lot of fast food",8 +7,"Fitch and his partner, Detective Tim Hagerty, listened to Hall describe lifting the woman, who was already shot, over his head and throwing her alive into the frigid Mississippi River. It was the audiotape the officers made of the confession that helped persuade a St. Louis County jury to convict Hall and sentence him to death. +",6 +5," The government needs to establish legal routes for workers to cross the border, and employers must participate in the system instead of circumventing it.",4 +13,"In Ohio, holding [#xfb01]re on gay marriage ban",12 +7,Ex-soldier may face execution in Kansas ,6 +13,D.C. Council to vote on gun law nobody seems to like,12 +4, He blames his conviction on a biased judge and an ineffective counsel.,3 +13,"Obama praises Supreme Court on gay marriage, has no plans to be a justice;",12 +13,"""It's time to elect politicians who will fight for gun safety not only in the bright spotlight of tragedy but also in the dark corridors of power, where it matters,"" said Helmer, an Army veteran.",12 +7," search of the 1990 Chevrolet Caprice in which Muhammad and Malvo were arrested, the affidavit says, found a laptop computer, walkie-talkies, a global positioning device, bolt cutters and two shooting mittens -- gloves with grips and padding often used in target practice. +",6 +11,The editorial pointed out that the bishop did not give the same criticism to politicians who support the death penalty.,10 +5,settlement plan does not go far enough,4 +13,Brady bill locked up a 3rd time,12 +13,SMOKING POLICY DIVIDES BOARD,12 +3, religious c,2 +5,and is about to reach the nation's highest court.,4 +6,"The new ordinance, expected to go into effect this fall, would authorize environmental control officers to respond to complaints about cigarette litter, give warnings and levy fines ranging from $25 to $100.",5 +1,NO CAP ON FEES,0 +5,""" The Supreme Court, he says, should overturn the law.",4 +5,"During a hearing last October, Brendan Dolan, attorney for the 22-member airline association, said the ordinance conflicts with federal law and illegally attempts to regulate interstate commerce.",4 +13," +Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, what are you going to do about this? Let's hear from you. +",12 +12,"the National Rifle Association promised to ""offer meaningful contributions to make sure this never happens again.""",11 +1,Four of the nation's major cigarette makers said in a report issued today that the Federal Trade Commission used faulty economic analysis as the basis for its assertion that the industry would reap windfall profits of as much as $123 billion from the 25-year settlement as proposed.,0 +1,"The employee who quit was surly and would arrive late and leave early, Bell said. Bell tolerated him because he could do the job.",0 +9,Silent but deadly statistic in gun-control debate: Suicide,8 +8,gun-show background check statute,7 +6,No campus carry changes in gun bill,5 +13," Sen. Jean Carnahan, worried that polls show some voters think she's squishy on gun rights, will attempt to prove her bona fides by spending Friday shooting skeet with her brand new 20-gauge shotgun. It's just remotely possible that her campaign staff will be filming the event.",12 +6,No exceptions to cigar regulation,5 +6,BILL AIMS TO KILL MORTGAGE PROGRAM FOR 'ILLEGALS',5 +8,High Fence And Big Gate,7 +1,Wary Recruits: Immigrants Vie for Day Jobs,0 +6,Berkeley won't impound cars for 30 days,5 +7,Houston Police Chief Vents His Frustrations Over Guns,6 +11,"The town's main route, Ga. 75, is lined by colorful buildings designed to resemble German castles, many of which house popular bars. On weekends, especially in the warmer months, the area often is crowded with visitors, including motorcyclists attracted by the area's twisting, mountainous roads. +",10 +5,Tokars appeared in court for the first time Thursday for a hearing at which District Attorney Tom Charron announced his intention to seek the death penalty.,4 +5,"The decision striking down Wisconsin's gay marriage ban will not be enforced until the U.S. Supreme Court weighs in on the matter, a federal appeals court in Chicago said Wednesday.",4 +13,Statewide Gun Control Group Endorses Assembly Candidates,12 +6,VOICES/Should tobacco ads be banned?,5 +7,U.S. MAY PENALIZE MISSOURI FOR FAILURE TO CURB TEEN SMOKING,6 +13,What political science can tell us about mass shootings,12 +7,"Since the Aug. 10 shootings at a day camp in Granada Hills, Calif.,",6 +1, like what such unions mean for filing taxes.,0 +1,"RJR Nabisco investors' biggest worry is the cigarette price war. + +Or maybe it is President Clinton's looming health-care plan, which could include a big tax increase on cigarettes. Lawsuits will forever nag any tobacco company.",0 +10,offer such benefits,9 +12,"MOTHERS, POLICE CHIEFS RALLY AGAINST MEASURE TO ALLOW CONCEALED GUNS IN CARS IN MISSOURI",11 +7, preventing the lethal injection from taking place as scheduled.,6 +5,CASE IS MISUSE OF 'STAND YOUR GROUND',4 +12,"GUN SHOP PLAN HAS OWNERS, RESIDENTS DEBATING",11 +13,The gridlock in Congress has been so bad that there's even been a shortage of insane gun bills.,12 +7,"Investigators believe Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from the suspects as he walked home from a niece's bridal shower. But police believe that instead of taking him home, the men drove Byrd to a wooded area, beat him, chained him behind Berry's truck and sped down a bumpy road just east of town.",6 +1," As for employers, if they can prove that they cannot find a qualified U.S. worker to do a particular job, what sense does it make for them to wait years for a foreign worker to get permanent residence?",0 +15,A pragmatic decision on guns,14 +5," the only New England state that does not allow gay marriage or civil unions, ",4 +5,an active gun permit,4 +4,"""I am disappointed about his view that not allowing same-sex couples to marry is not discrimination against gay people,"" Davidson said. +",3 +6,"The ads for California's Proposition 188 say it will impose ""tough but fair"" restrictions on public smoking and tobacco sales to minors.",5 +12,'The Creeping Expansion of Gun Control Laws': Readers on Obama's Executive Orders,11 +13,Cuomo has enjoyed sky-high approval ratings since taking office two years ago but opposition to the controversial gun crackdown helped drive his numbers down 15 points since last month.,12 +1,"Under Florida's statute of limitations, Trask said gun dealers are technically entitled to up to four years' worth of refunds. But Commissioner David Carson said he believes full refunds are in order for anyone who can provide canceled checks or receipts. +",0 +13,Gun bills go up for vote in Senate,12 +5,won a Supreme Court ruling in 2004 setting aside the death sentence because jurors in his trial did not consider his learning disability and other potentially mitigating evidence.,4 +5,Court Majority v. Dissenters In Bitter Massachusetts Case,4 +6,RESTAURATEURS NEED NOT FEAR ANTI-SMOKING LAW,5 +12,"However, the results are for just one night of polling (Thursday) and provide only an immediate snapshot of the public's reaction - too soon to tell what the true effect will be on the election. + +The poll was conducted on the Gallup tracking survey by telephone on May 10, among 1,013 adults with a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points. + +",11 +6," +Brady law goes into effect today",5 +9,pharmacies.,8 +1,"In our federal system, however, state and local taxes pay most school costs, and states pick up lots of the costs for social services. States with large immigrant populations - Florida, California, Texas and New York - pay the most. So taxpayers make the initial investment in immigrants.",0 +7, convicted of raping and murdering an Orange County woman in 1981.,6 +6, that would put the burden on gun dealers to require at least two forms of identification before selling weapons.,5 +13,"And leading the assault, at least in the House, could be Ken Pruitt, the Port St. Lucie Republican with a knack of spotting and exploiting the hottest issues on the conservative agenda.",12 +4,They Need to Stand Up for Equality: There is less than a week left for New York's Legislature to legalize same-sex marriage,3 +5,A New Push to Grant Gun Industry Immunity From Suits,4 +13," Sen. Gartlan is used to these attacks by Gov. Wilder, who seems to save some of his roughest rebuffs for fellow Virginia Democrats. But again -- as happened with redistricting, highway assistance and other regional efforts aided by Sen. Gartlan ",12 +5,Appeal challenges machine-gun ban,4 +13,Camden city councilman,12 +10,Condemned killer awaits word,9 +12,Residents must demand strict gun laws,11 +5,Philip Morris lawsuit tries to snuff ABC report,4 +13,"Rumsey clashes with some in his battles, such as State Rep. Stephen Barrar (R., Delaware). In January, protesters both for and against increased gun control gathered outside Barrar's office, and Barrar and Rumsey exchanged words. Barrar has said he does not believe more laws will stop criminals from using guns.",12 +6,Gun control is killing us,5 +4,A landmark choice for marriage equality in Md.,3 +12,Gun-control groups say Virginia election means 'enthusiasm gap' has closed,11 +7,CAMPUS FEELS RELIEF AFTER 7 ARE CHARGED IN FATAL DORM FIRE,6 +1,The fate of the most emotionally charged issue on Florida's November ballotcould hinge on a question of economics.,0 +13," +But the action may be only symbolic. Even if it passes the House, the repeal would face enormous odds before it could become law.",12 +5,CONVICT MAY NOT SERVE AS OWN COUNSEL HIS REQUEST TO DEFEND HIMSELF IN A CAPITAL CASE WAS DENIED,4 +9,"Focus on mental health, not guns",8 +8,Military leaders line up against firearms bill;,7 +7,Vietnam veteran executed for 1979 slaying,6 +1,"Crisp, whose wares were not in as high demand Saturday, said popular AR-15 semi-automatic rifles and the ammo that goes with them were going to disappear faster than the crowd.",0 +5," +The Second Amendment was created by our forefathers for one reason: To provide the individual the means to protect himself and his constitutional rights from an oppressive government and, by doing so, prevent an oppressive regime from coming to power in the first place. ",4 +5,"The same jury could sentence Esposito, of Berlin Township, to death after hearing evidence in the punishment phase of his trial. That portion of the trial began immediately after the verdict was read.",4 +6,"Doggett first proposed this summer that aid be cut off for foreign tobacco sales. He also wants to see foreign-sold cigarettes labeled with the same health warnings required for U.S. cigarettes, and he has suggested a U.S.-led effort to curb smoking by teenagers worldwide: +",5 +5,Jury in S.C. sentences Roof to death,4 +9, for adults furnishing firearms to minors and for carrying guns to schools. ,8 +7,Feds charge record number of immigration crimes,6 +14,Mexico Said to Promise Some Political Steps to Get U.S. Loans,13 +12,"A Los Angeles Times poll on Friday showed a narrow majority of registered voters would back a constitutional amendment to prohibit gay marriage. But the poll also noted a generational chasm between younger voters, who tend to oppose it, and older voters likely to be in favor. ",11 +13,"In rule change, government bars release of firearm tracking records",12 +10,I think about it every day. It saddens me to the core and darkens my soul thinking of what my brother experienced in his final minutes. ,9 +6,The Next Step for Gun Control,5 +5,Lawyers for Oklahoma City bombing suspect Terry Lynn Nichols have appealed to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Attorney General Janet Reno's plan to seek the death penalty.,4 +7, convicted felon,6 +15,How to Lose the Brain Race,14 +7,"Dominican immigrant Eligio Valerio, 52, didn't get any jail time for the ancient offense, but it could get him kicked out of the country he's called home for decades.",6 +1,Tobacco launches big ad campaign,0 +6,"A unique loophole in a new security procedure means a gun permit is like a special-access pass into the domed building, allowing people who are certified to carry a gun to bypass lines at the metal detectors that were set up after a shooting incident earlier this year.",5 +12,"Grandmother's Love Over Violence ultimately hopes to present its anti-gun message to Michelle Obama's mom, First Grandma Marian Shields Robinson, hoping some senior solidarity will help their cause.",11 +5,the state decided they do.,4 +8," Crowd sees gunman, pulls weapons and ends bloodshed.",7 +13,"For seven years, the Assembly has passed a gun storage bill, but it has always died in the state Senate. + +Assembly Democrats are expected to pass the measure again shortly. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) said it makes sense to ""give people liability if they fail to protect children."" + +Asked about the legislation later, state Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno (R-Rensselaer) said Democrats were using the issue to distract the public from the late state budget, which he said was ""the most important thing right now going on in the lives of the people in this state.""",12 +13,Leaders allowed gun ban to expire,12 +6,Gun-Control Deal Uncertain For Bills in House and Senate,5 +5,Keys judge strikes down gay marriage ban,4 +4,The justices' non-intervention is a win for fairness.,3 +12,"He underlined the central question: Are the strong public opinion poll numbers for gun controls, which registered at 90 percent immediately after the December school massacre in nearby Newtown, already fading in the bewildering maw of gun politics on Capitol Hill? +",11 +5,Illinois prepares for same-sex marriages Applications for marriage licenses will be made available across the state.,4 +5,SLAYING SUSPECT COULD FACE DEATH DEFENSE ARGUES THAT EXECUTION IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL,4 +13, the government said Friday in the first state-by-state,12 +13,approved by Congress last month as part of a massive spending bill ,12 +11,A Washington State Indian Tribe Approves Same-Sex Marriage,10 +12,. But that's not what public opinion polling suggests.,11 +11,"A similar Thanksgiving for refugees, hosted by HIAS Pennsylvania (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) is planned for Sunday at Philadelphia's Old Pine Community Center. +",10 +10,"Still, the Bush administration and several members of Congress appear willing to take part in a debate on improving the lives of illegal Mexican immigrants.",9 +10,"Three days after San Francisco became the first city in the United States to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the two Durham women flew across the country, drove half the length of California and spent a morning lined up in a cold rain to say their vows. + +",9 +6,"Thursday, Kelly said the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA, would not change. +",5 +6,California Limiting Cigarette Machines,5 +6,U.S. POLICIES DRIVE MANY IMMIGRANTS TO AMERICA,5 +7,Florida Sheriff Cites 'Stand Your Ground' in Not Arresting Shooter in Parking Lot Killing,6 +5,"Under the Federal law, when a defendant is convicted of a capital offense, the jury reconvenes to hear further prosecution and defense arguments before deciding whether the death penalty should be imposed. The jury's recommendation on the death penalty is binding on the judge.",4 +15,AVOID COLLATERAL DAMAGE FROM NRA'S CAMPAIGN,14 +7,"The authorities described them as associates of the extended Paoletti family, a Mexico City-based clan whose members have been charged with holding 62 deaf illegal aliens in two safe houses in Queens.",6 +13,"With his commitment to gun control challenged today on national television, President Clinton delivered a stinging lecture on achieving the politically possible in a Republican-controlled Congress.",12 +5,"San Francisco joined the non-profit Environmental Law Foundation in a 1998 suit against eight tobacco companies and 11 retail chains under Proposition 65, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act passed by voters in 1986.",4 +13,CLINTON MOVING FAST ON GUN CURBS,12 +5,"ammy Hall, who faces eight years in state prison if convicted, is out on $35,000 bail. Keith Hall is being held on no bail at the Santa Rita Jail in Pleasanton.",4 +6,Bill would broaden same-sex rights,5 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to hear constitutional challenges stemming from an Alabama case that could wipe out the ability of states to use the electric chair. Florida earlier this year added lethal injection as an option to avoid Supreme Court scrutiny.,4 +13,Same-sex marriage should be a conservative objective,12 +9,Nicorette endorsed to go over the counter,8 +11,He spoke to The Times on Monday to expand on his remarks Sunday night,10 +1,Social Security Administration now processing same-sex marriage benefit claims;,0 +7,Judge gives baby's killer life sentence,6 +7,"That marriage, however, ended after police pulled Johnston over with a broken taillight after his release and found a 20-year-old woman in the back seat bound with Ace bandages.",6 +12," +Hundreds of people joined religious leaders and a throng of Democratic lawmakers in the Capitol Rotunda for a Valentine's Day rally marking the public kickoff for the push to legalize gay marriage in Minnesota. +",11 +5,"The document says the recent Supreme Court decision has resolved the issue of Section 3 of DOMA, but the constitutionality of another statute at issue in the Massachusetts case, known as Title 38, remains unresolved. The group has decided not to defend Title 38 either. +",4 +5,"On Wednesday, the state Supreme Court ordered a lower court to determine whether Banks is mentally competent.",4 +13,The debate on the House floor will be long and heated. It is not clear how the Democratic-Farmer-Labor-controlled Senate will vote on the issue.,12 +9,"Ricky Pereda, manager of Miami's Tamiami Gun Shop, says people have been ''buying safety locks and safety boxes'' for their guns. +",8 +9,collect even though they have no symptoms of any ailments associated with exposure to asbestos.,8 +1,Altria officials maintain that regulation is inevitable and that clear standards would help as the market shifts toward new products like smokeless tobacco and reduced-risk cigarettes.,0 +5,"Nevertheless, the state is swimming against the current --- more than two dozen lower courts during the past year all overturned state bans on gay marriage.",4 +5,The opinion was in response to a pair of lawsuits seeking to overturn laws prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying. The lawsuits claim California laws violate the state constitution's anti-discrimination provisions.,4 +5,"Bucks County District Attorney Matthew D. Weintraub declined Wednesday to say if he would file a death-penalty notice. He noted that he would not have to do so until Packer is arraigned. But, he said, ""there are certain elements of the case which would warrant death-penalty consideration."" +",4 +7,Wilson was held at Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility,6 +10,My Turn Gays want domestic partner rights so they can be 'as boring' as others,9 +5,"Lawyers for Capital Cities/ABC Inc. have entered into preliminary discussions with the Philip Morris Companies about settling a huge lawsuit the tobacco company filed against the network, an executive familiar with the legal strategy in the case said last night. +",4 +7,he killed two pizza deliverymen in an ambush.,6 +15,"On opposite sides, far from border",14 +13,The General Assembly once again passed a bill,12 +12,"For Many Immigrants, Marriage Vote Resonates",11 +7,"One week after a horrific school shooting in Newtown, Conn.",6 +12,CALIF. VOTERS REJECT GAY MARRIAGE,11 +5,"Writing in dissent, Justice Hugh Thompson said the ruling ""relects not the evolving standards of decency of the people of Georgia, but the evolving opinions of the majority members of this court . . .",4 +5,"The tobacco companies alleged it was illegal for Connecticut to shift its Medicaid burden onto out-of-state companies that made a legal product that the state regulated and taxed. They also fought the state on constitutional issues. +",4 +13," And all this is made vastly easier by a gun lobby that has blocked sensible safety measures at every turn, and by members of Congress who seem to pledge greater allegiance to the firearms industry than to their own constituencies.",12 +6,"The proposals include holding gun makers, dealers and importers liable for damages if their weapons are used to kill or injure people in the city, as well as prohibiting gun dealers from selling more than one firearm to the same person within 90 days. Another proposal would require gun owners in the city to obtain liability insurance.",5 +4,Don't buy all the PR-style hooey about 'dreamers',3 +13,"Bush, asked recently whether he would expend ""political capital"" on the ban, said senators aren't ready to pass it.",12 +6,"Critics Try to Break Up Domestic Partners Bill +",5 +5,They deny their clients had sex with minors and argue the case is unfair because some alleged crimes happened outside U.S. jurisdiction,4 +7,"Police investigators believe that Joseph J. Lynch, the former captain of the gun-permit unit who is now retired and working in the private sector, was responsible for issuing the permit. No charges have been lodged against Lynch.",6 +6,Same-sex marriage opens Pandora's box,5 +1,Truth in advertising on a pack of smokes,0 +13," +And with a consistency that can't have been accidental, all three sidestepped the words ""gay"" or ""lesbian"" or the initials LGBT, unless my electronic search of the transcripts of their remarks is in error.",12 +13,Rendell signs death warrant for man in '86 case,12 +3,"IN RELIGIOUS CIRCLES THE DEBATE RAGES: WHEN TIMOTHY MCVEIGH IS EXECUTED, WILL GOD BY GRIEVING?",2 +9,"What is an asthma attack? It is a condition in which the asthmatic's lungs fill with fluid and the passageways begin to tighten until it feels as if someone is sitting on your chest, and you cannot get a breath of air. Your breathing becomes very labored, accompanied by wheezing and sometimes coughs that make you feel like a rib is going to break. An asthma attack can sometimes result in death.",8 +1,"g $28-billion in punitive damages awarded to a former smoker to $28-million, saying the jury's award was excessive.",0 +15,CHRONOLOGY,14 +13,Campaign advertising makes strange bedfellows,12 +13," politicians are instead griping about having to make difficult decisions on a deadline? +",12 +11,"Albert Camus' novel ""The Stranger""",10 +13,Hunt decides to be hands-off during tobacco special session,12 +1,"For the most part, few customers seem to give a hoot. And investors aren't selling the stock: In fact, some are snapping it up. Shares of Philip Morris, which fell $ 2 last Friday when the recall was announced, closed at $ 70 3/4 Tuesday, up 7/8.",0 +11,are targeted at their age group,10 +13,Coffman smoking after plan's rejection,12 +7, Opponents counter that it will undermine the rule of law by shielding criminals from deportation,6 +7,"A Mountain View man has been sentenced to death for the 1987 murder of business associate Jerry Lee Harris, who owned night clubs in Fremont and San Jose.",6 +2, Illegal immigrants are flocking to immigration offices to apply for visas as a Monday deadline approaches.,1 +6,LAWMAKERS MOVING TO TIGHTEN RULES ON TOBACCO SALES OVERSEAS,5 +7,"Louisiana, which had previously used the electric chair to perform executions, enacted a law two years ago switching to lethal injection. Mr. Sawyer became the first person executed under that change when he died shortly after midnight.",6 +1," even more than cost: prices of the most popular criminal guns ranged up to $330. +",0 +9,"With the highway deaths of thousands every year caused by drunken drivers, cellphone talkers and irresponsible behavior, does Mackin want to get rid of cars, too?",8 +1,"CHARITY CARE DEAL IS NEAR, WITH NEW TAX ON CIGARETTES / ALSO IN THE $485 MILLION PACKAGE: MONEY FROM THE GENERAL TREASURY AND SOME FROM THE JOBLESS FUND",0 +13,Why immigration opponents don't get it,12 +10,More Workers Seek Benefits For 'Domestic Partners',9 +10, Guns destroy thousands of lives every year and spread fear in our neighborhoods,9 +13,Lorella Praeli has not always been happy with President Obama.,12 +13,The Senate passed a similar measure this week but softened it the following day. An attempt to do the same to the House measure failed.,12 +13,"Bloomberg, in eloquent tones similar to his defense of the Ground Zero mosque a year ago, linked the debate to the civil rights struggle and called it ""the next great barrier"" for the nation. He also warned lawmakers not to be on the wrong side of history.",12 +13,"The President, an opponent of gun control laws, termed it a ''very cruel'' but effective system that ended only when Britain abolished capital punishment in 1965.",12 +13,"McCain, while asserting it's an issue for states to decide, has endorsed the proposed bans on this year's ballots and has not advocated for federal recognition of the various same-sex partnerships now legal in 10 states.",12 +13," And they've kept attention on the gun control de-bate, even as a new generation of Georgia Democrats embrace the issue.",12 +5," claim that the use of the electric chair is ""cruel and unusual punishment."" ",4 +15,briefs,14 +13,"The House Judiciary Committee held its first hearing on immigration on Tuesday, and it was not encouraging.",12 +13,"In a politically toxic Congress, where little got done and few dared to cross party lines, conservative darling Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., huddled with liberal firebrand Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., to craft a sweeping bill to fix the broken immigration system. Republicans from South Carolina and Arizona worked with Democrats from Illinois and Colorado.",12 +13,Bloomberg Goes Campaigning in Virginia,12 +7,"The study also found that Virginia ranked third in the nation as a source of weapons used by criminals in other states and was the leading out-of-state source of firearms for crimes committed in New York State. +",6 +1,could create all kinds of problems for cigarette manufacturers.,0 +13,"The Daily 202: Jury still out on Trump's seriousness about banning bump stocks, improving background checks after Florida massacre;",12 +9,Firm knew cigarette tar tested low,8 +7,Woman Faces Death in Transient Slayings,6 +13,McGreevey signs antiterrorist law,12 +13,Lawmakers want guns everywhere but legislative chambers,12 +1, are raising millions of dollars,0 +12,March for Our Lives Highlights: Students Protesting Guns Say 'Enough Is Enough',11 +13,The Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is to discuss the full report today.,12 +1,"Ms. Lopez, 21, is an illegal immigrant from Ecuador and has struggled to make ends meet, working several jobs to be able to pay for school.",0 +11, the first woman to be put to death in the United States in more than two years.,10 +6,TARGET MARKET STATE SHOULD PURSUE ANTI-SMOKING POLICIES,5 +11,'Our country' built on falsehoods,10 +5,"EXCERPTS FROM JUDGE'S RULING ON CONCEALED WEAPONS LAW +",4 +3,When the bad guys are right,2 +9,War on Nicotine Began With a Cough,8 +13,Same-sex marriage debate raises knotty issues,12 +7," +Charges Against Immigrants Sent Home",6 +11,A Young Artist and Disrupter Plants His Flag for Black Lives,10 +5,"Padova wrote that the plaintiffs ""have cited no case law, and the court can find no basis for creating a cause of action . . . to fit this case. Holding that [tobacco companies] could limit plaintiffs' freedom . . . simply by targeting plaintiffs with intensive advertising that caused [them] to choose . . . dangerously defective mentholated tobacco products would require a radical departure from the jurisprudence of [federal civil rights laws], a departure this court is not prepared to make.""",4 +5,"Drug violence floods border Mexicans seek refuge with special visas, but few are granted asylum. +",4 +13,California: State Officials Seek Resumption of Same-Sex Marriages,12 +11,E. Thomas McClanahan: Bossiness and food,10 +9,USF links cancer to passive smoke,8 +5,"After hearing nearly two hours of arguments, a Cook County judge said Tuesday she'll decide whether to dismiss a lawsuit challenging Illinois' gay marriage ban late next month.",4 +12,With anti-illegal-immigrant sentiment rising in the United States,11 +5,"An Illinois state appeals court has ordered a trial judge to reconsider his decision reducing how much Philip Morris USA must deposit to appeal a $10.1 billion verdict for misleading Illinois smokers about the dangers of ""light"" cigarettes. The judge had cut the bond for Philip Morris, a unit of Altria Group Inc., to $6.8 billion from $12 billion, an amount that Philip Morris has said would force it to file for bankruptcy protection and might jeopardize its payments to states under a 1998 nationwide settlement. The case was sent back to the trial court ""for the purpose of reconsidering the amount, terms, conditions, and security of the appeals bond,"" the appeals court wrote.",4 +9, the Health Department,8 +3,"""There are some people in the world that think this kind of ceremony is wrong,"" said the Rev. Heidi H. Vardeman with the Macalester Plymouth United Church in St. Paul. ""For the life of me, I can't figure out why. How can anyone be against loyalty and love?""",2 +1,SMITH & WESSON BRAVES NRA CONVENTION SOME SHUNNED THE FIRM AT THE ASSOCIATION'S CONVENTION IN N.C. BECAUSE OF THE GUN COMPANY'S DEAL ON GUN LOCKS.,0 +12," and nearly two-thirds of all Americans say the matter should be decided for all states on the basis of the U.S. Constitution, not with each state making its own laws.",11 +6," Under the measure, permits would not be issued to convicted felons, people convicted of drug offenses, people who have been committed to a mental hospital, and people who are ''publicly known to be habitually intoxicated'' or have at least two convictions for driving while intoxicated.",5 +5,Udall flags J visas The senator asks about steps to prevent the program from displacing U.S. workers.,4 +13,"Had the repeal succeeded in both chambers, New Hampshire would have been the first state in which a legislature reversed itself on the issue of same-sex marriage",12 +5,efense attorneys argued ,4 +13,Gun reform hopeless as ever in D.C.,12 +4,"Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on campus",3 +6,A measure to ban gay marriage and gay civil unions,5 +13,NEVADA EASES LAW ON CONCEALED-GUN PERMITS,12 +13,"He specifically called out ''the elected officials that ran to the cameras today, acted in a solemn manner, called for prayers, and will once again do ab-solutely nothing.''",12 +11,acknowledgment of a cultural shift in the country.,10 +13,"""But it would send a shock wave through the political system, forcing politicians to deal with the root cause of crime."" +",12 +14,"President Vicente Fox responded over the weekend to criticism from American authorities about a recent surge in violence and illegal immigration along the border, saying that the United States shares responsibility for the problems and should work harder with Mexico to fix them.",13 +5,"The DeKalb case is tentatively scheduled to be tried in May before Chief Superior Court Judge Hilton Fuller. + +After the Johnson case, the Waller case will be tried in Fulton. Fuller agreed to sit as the judge in that case as well after Fulton Superior Court Judge Frank Hull accepted a position on the federal bench last year.",4 +12,Gun-rights groups rev up against Newsom measure,11 +7," would expand list of convicts who can't legally own guns to include those with multiple drug or alcohol crimes, street gang members and others",6 +13,apparently are mounting a campaign against the bill's proponents.,12 +13,"Slay, others rally for gun-control measures",12 +13, But Pelosi and other Democratic leaders Monday,12 +1,"Libre by Nexus was barely a year old. But by the time Flores heard of the company in June 2014, it had grown from a tiny operation in rural Virginia into a booming national business. +",0 +12,he hearing and the resolution were not just ceremonial. They were part of a growing campaign to bring a halt to executions across the country ,11 +6,A GUN BILL EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO BACK,5 +10,NICOTINE PATCH PRIOR TO QUITTING MAY HELP,9 +1, Duluth gun shop manager Frank Wood ,0 +10,"Report Says Jim Nabors Marries Partner in Seattle +",9 +11,Arms and freedom,10 +5,Mr. Bush understands that many illegal immigrants are doing what they have to do to support families within a system that offers few routes to lawful entry. ,4 +1,Bezos joins Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and companies such as Starbucks and Nike in support of the state's law. Fast-food chain Chick-fil-A set off a furor opposing same-sex unions this month. Other companies - including General Mills and Nabisco - are brushing off fears that support for gay marriage could hurt their bottom line.,0 +7,A race to the bottom on deportation,6 +7,"onvicted of killing three workers in a March 1978 robbery at a Shoney's restaurant in a Richmond suburb, Stamper had been on Virginia's death row longer than any other inmate. +",6 +5,"A Miami-based appeals court has rejected Attorney General Pam Bondi's request that two gay marriage cases be delayed until the U.S. Supreme Court decides the issue nationally. +",4 +6,"INDOOR SMOKING bans intended to reduce the public's exposure to cigarettes may merely be moving the problem outside, new research shows.",5 +11,Many layers in the gay-wedding cake,10 +15,Welcome Rescinded,14 +12," by a Chicago-based group of community organizers. +",11 +7,Arizona Executes Killer of 3,6 +5,"""I argued to the judge that this is a guy who bought 10 guns and sold them to a minor . . . He was unaware of where the guns were going"" to end up, she said.",4 +11," ""A year from now, we will all have our veils or our tuxes on.""",10 +13,Keith Ellison's comments on the Second Amendment: For the record,12 +13,"Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) hasn't given up on his bill to expand background checks for gun purchases, he said Thursday, signaling more willingness to return to the plan than he had publicly shown before.",12 +11,Elton John has no plans for marriage,10 +1,"Likewise, business has doubled in the last two years at established institutions such as the 33-year-old Mission Pipe Shop at Town and Country Village, says co-owner Donna Brown.",0 +8,''invasion'' of illegal immigrants ,7 +5,N.J. LAW;,4 +15,A TENTATIVE STEP FOR CIVIL UNIONS,14 +11,Concerned about reports that teenage smoking has skyrocketed in recent years,10 +5,"The state's highest court ruled the electric chair unconstitutional by a 4-3 vote, declaring the chair is cruel and unusual punishment, ""with its specter of excruciating pain and its certainty of cooked brains and blistered bodies.""",4 +6,Smoking is outlawed at all U-Md. campuses,5 +7," +Suspect in Fort Lauderdale shooting charged with federal crimes, could face death penalty",6 +11,N.R.A. to Pull Image of Sculpture From Its Video,10 +5,Horrigan: Missouri's gun laws protect Baden's cop-hating 'Rambo',4 +6,Fallacy of gun bans,5 +3,The 90-year-old nun pleaded with,2 +13,"Obama visits 1776, calls on Congress to revive immigration reform",12 +6,True or False: Michigan Gun Test Is Easy. A: True,5 +6," +Same-sex marriage ban rejected",5 +5,"Some lawmakers are pushing a bill that would grant Elian and his family permanent residence, which would void an Immigration and Naturalization Service ruling that the 6-year-old boy should be sent home to his father in Cuba.",4 +8,of expanding background checks,7 +5,"The court called the case against Anthony Mertz ""overwhelming"" and rejected all the arguments he made that receiving the death penalty was unconstitutionally unfair.",4 +1,$1.45 million in fines for guns at airports,0 +1,40-cent cigarette tax likely to get shelved,0 +7, jurors voted for death.,6 +8,Unabom Defense Sets Fall-Back Strategy,7 +13,Gay nuptials bill on Romer's desk,12 +13,PATAKI SIGNS TOUGH GUN BILL,12 +12,"Americans favor tougher gun laws, new poll finds",11 +5,"Daniel Hernandez, Ramirez's chief counsel, said ""Richard wasn't surprised"" by the verdicts. Ramirez, he said, has felt the jury could not be fair or objective in its deliberations.",4 +12, has had a chilling effect on an unlikely group: gun rights advocates.,11 +13,MIKE GUNNIN' FOR NRA,12 +5,"Gilberto Garcia, the lawyer representing the plaintiffs, said that Mr. Sotelo and Mr. Sancho used the Salvation Army's reputation to harm people who were seeking help. The Salvation Army, he said, should have known about their activities.",4 +5,Immigrants in Court,4 +1,Crunch forces N.C. tobacco tax hike,0 +8,"If a citizen is incapable of securing the weapon he carries or keeps,",7 +5,Top court tips hand on immigration?,4 +5,"The Georgia and Alabama attorneys general asked the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals for the delay Thursday, just three days after the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to consider a lower court's decision to block several portions of Arizona's law. The higher court will be ruling on issues similar to ones at play before the appeals court in Atlanta.",4 +15,Evolution On Gay Marriage?,14 +13,Meet the four Republicans in Congress who support gay marriage,12 +1,"threat on trade penalties against China, will dry up a vast private market that Chinese gun manufacturers were only just discovering.",0 +7," Timothy McVeigh was executed in June by federal authorities for his leading role in the bombing. +",6 +13,"Flurry of Gun Control Bills in Albany, but Little Common Ground",12 +11," +FORMER BOXER TO SPEAK AT SCU ON DEATH PENALTY",10 +7,"Missouri executes man in slaying of Kansas City teen PUBLIC SAFETY +",6 +3,"Tobacco Officials Discussed Hiding Data, Memos Indicate",2 +7, that permit immigration officials to deport without a hearing anyone entering the country with phony or inadequate documentation.,6 +5,Wobbly justice,4 +10, buy nicotine patches,9 +5,": get a Utah marriage license. +",4 +5,MASSACHUSETTS ATTORNEY GENERAL SEEKS TO HALT MARRIAGES OF OUT-OF-STATE GAYS,4 +13,wrong-headed political calculation,12 +13,"Wednesday, the Senate fell 18 votes short of the two-thirds majority required to pass a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. The mainstream media joined Sen. Edward Kennedy in calling the entire debate a distraction from the nation's business and a wedge with which to divide Americans.",12 +5,"will appeal a French court's recommendation that he be extradited to the United States, his lawyer said Monday.",4 +5, she opposed driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.,4 +4,"""The state has always lynched black males, especially black males who have been passionate about the liberations of their people,""",3 +7,Texas Inmate Executed for Killing in Holdup,6 +4,Mexican New Yorkers Are More Likely to Live in Poor Households,3 +12,Three groups of protesters marched with police escorts to City Hall.,11 +13,"At a news conference at his Denver office, the Colorado Democrat said senators would turn their attention to the energy bill this week, but that he is hopeful they will return to immigration reform in July.",12 +6,"Under Georgia law, the names of people who seek and receive such permits are not public records, and thus the names remain secret.",5 +13," Sounding upbeat and conciliatory, President Barack Obama met face-to-face with congressional leaders Friday for the first time since a Republican electoral takeover of the Senate upended the political landscape in Washington. He pledged to work on ending long-running partisan gridlock and to be open to Republican ideas even as differences remain stark. + +Republicans left the White House without public statements, but comments bubbling out later underscored some of those differences. +",12 +13,San Mateo County votes to ban guns,12 +13,"which had already passed the State Senate, needed to be heard on the House floor before midnight. Mr. Hickenlooper, a Democrat, had said he intended to sign it.",12 +13,"The Clinton administration announced that 29 cities and counties ranging from Los Angeles and Boston to Newark and Stamford, Conn., would give preference to companies that sign on to the administration's list of safety features.",12 +6,A GRAPHIC ARGUMENT AGAINST GUN CONTROL,5 +7,TEACHER'S MURDERER TO BE RESENTENCED,6 +5,Al-Najjar's appeal of his deportation is still pending.,4 +14, Mexican President Felipe Calderon chided President Bush on Tuesday for trying to build a wall between their two countries and lamented that the American leader never made Mexico the priority he once promised it would become during his presidency.,13 +3,KILLING IS WRONG,2 +7,"500,000 criminals",6 +12,Activists challenge gay-marriage ban,11 +13,"In typical Orwell-speak, Gov. Bush applauds the law as making common sense.",12 +5,Same-Sex Marriages Are Allowed,4 +5,"Federal judges do not have authority to disregard the will of Congress and restore gun ownership rights to convicted felons, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously today.",4 +6,"AFTER 5 YEARS, CRITICISM OF 10-20-LIFE CONTINUES",5 +5,Defense attorney Jimmy Berry said he was surprised by Thursday's quick denial of a pretrial appeal filed earlier this month.,4 +7,"Hill, at 25 the youngest of Arkansas's 35 death row inmates, was 18 when he killed police detective Robbie Klein with a shotgun blast the night of Oct. 15, 1984, during a manhunt for Hill and a fellow inmate who had escaped from a work detail at an Arkansas prison for first-offenders.",6 +12,"SHARPTON: THE PEOPLE'S PRIORITIES ARE A MINIMUM WAGE HIKE, A PATH TO CITIZENSHIP, AND GUN BACKGROUND CHECKS",11 +15,Metro; PolitiFact: The roundup,14 +13,Trump: Immig 'dump',12 +11,PAKISTANI IMMIGRANTS SEEKING NICHE IN U.S.,10 +13,Senate agrees to revive bill on immigration,12 +9,Mutation May Increase Risk From Secondhand Smoke,8 +13,"Second, that Delegate Burns occupies a seat in my state's legislative body and has no fundamental grasp of democratic principle, and specifically, our shared right to speak freely and seek redress - this is an embarrassment to the General Assembly, to the Democratic Party, and to Maryland as a whole.",12 +5,A federal appeals court ruled unanimously Thursday that the federal law declaring marriage to be a union solely between a man and a woman discriminates against married same-sex couples by denying them the same benefits afforded to heterosexual couples -- a ruling that could set the stage for the Supreme Court to review the issue as early as next year.,4 +7,SYNAGOGUE SHOOTING,6 +5,Big Tobacco Strikes Deal With States,4 +1,"""There are so many things we need to do to be growing our economy, and this is one of the easy ones,",0 +15,SAME-SEX UNIONS,14 +13,"Mix of measures will be pushed to curb gun violence +",12 +5,A Ruling With Resonance,4 +9,"On April 29 in Oklahoma, an inmate died of an apparent heart attack 43 minutes after his execution began with a three-drug method that starts with midazolam. On July 23, an inmate took nearly two hours to die in Arizona, which also uses midazolam and hydromorphone. +",8 +15,Where Guns Go to Be Reincarnated,14 +4,Elusive Equality,3 +12,Opponents of same-sex marriage questioned why activists were seeking redress in court rather than through a ballot initiative in Pennsylvania.,11 +9," ""tackle the difficult issue of mental health""",8 +13, if they failed a political test of loyalty to the Revolution,12 +7,A wrench engraved with the third man's name was found near the body of James Byrd Jr.,6 +11,"More than 7,100 immigrants have settled in Binghamton since 2005, 71% from Asian countries, according to city statistics.",10 +13,"Most recently, in March, the council of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians in Michigan voted 5-4 to approve a gay marriage law. Just last year, the tribe's leadership voted 5-4 to reject same-sex marriages.",12 +7,5 CUBANS HELD IN PROBE OF BOAT HIJACKING,6 +1,Can a county ban all gun stores,0 +10,"In the chaos that comes with watching four young children, Reece Scheer didn't hear the phone ring. A stay-at-home dad, his days are spent in a tangle of knobby limbs in a house where the television is more likely to be tuned to cartoons than the news. So he had no idea on Wednesday that, with a single decision, his world had just changed until he read a text message sent at 10:47 a.m. +",9 +13,Reps. Edolphus Towns (D-Brooklyn) and Carolyn McCarthy (D-Nassau) will be co-hosts of a town hall meeting,12 +12,SUV denouncing family's support for Prop 8 is moved,11 +12,Same-Sex Marriage Still Stirs Emotion,11 +13,SMOKING-BAN VOTE LOOMS,12 +8,"The possible implications of those failings -- coming when the public is being reminded of a high risk of terrorist attacks under the current ""code orange"" alert -- are obvious: Terrorists still have too many opportunities to enter the country. +",7 +13,Cheney says he opposes marriage amendment,12 +13,"Many have not taken advantage of that newfound freedom, but there have been a few political pioneers venturing back into the arena of big donations. One is House Majority Leader Doug Dean, R-Colorado Springs.",12 +12,"Protests, boycotts erupt in the wake of Prop. 8's passage",11 +10,STAY FOR KILLER ANGERS SISTER OF VICTIM,9 +15,"IF WE GROW IT THERE, THEY (ILLEGALS) WON'T COME",14 +10,I have been disappointed to hear people talk about the tragedy in Atlanta as being another gun control issue.,9 +5,Second Amendment is our bedrock of liberty,4 +10,"fter an emotion-laden victim impact statement by Casey's mother, Angie Williamson,",9 +5,"Weighing California's attempt to regulate rapid-fire assault weapons against a legal right established in the days of musket fire, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals jumped into the increasingly heated legal debate over the true intent of the Second Amendment's protection of a right to bear arms.",4 +7,Pair charged with selling fake papers,6 +12,DON'T FALL FOR 'OPINION POLL' ON ILLEGAL ALIENS,11 +15,BE RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS,14 +5,"Pennsylvania courts have ruled that such language prohibits cities from enacting gun laws that differ substantially from state law, striking down, for example, bans on assault weapons in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.",4 +13,"But Mr. Obama responded very differently to the setbacks -- a difference that speaks to a conviction at the White House that the nation's counterterrorism policies are still basically sound, while the nation's gun laws are demonstrably not.",12 +7,The Guatemala citizen is also worried about what would happen if she is arrested and possibly deported,6 +5,unconstitutional because it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment,4 +5,"As the attorney who argued the recent Defense of Marriage Act case before the Supreme Court, I disagree with how ''What the Court Didn't Say'' (Op-Ed, July 18) construes both the relevant immigration statutes and the Supreme Court's recent landmark decision in United States v. Windsor.",4 +7,"KILLINGS UP AFTER CONCEALED-GUN LAWS, STUDY CONCLUDES",6 +13,"Eleven weeks and one day after the attempt on his life, President Reagan declared at his news conference today that he had recovered from a gunshot wound in his chest and that, if anything, the shooting had proved the ineffectiveness of gun control laws. +",12 +10,"or would the guard have been mowed down by Mr. Lanza's semiautomatic rifle, as were the school principal and other courageous teachers and school officials?",9 +5,"TTORNEYS APPEAL DEATH SENTENCE IN SLATER MURDER +",4 +5,Gay marriage goes to court,4 +5,"EX-NURSE PLEADS GUILTY TO KILLING 13 PATIENTS/ DEAL MEANS HE WON'T FACE DEATH PENALTY +",4 +13,"WE NEED MORE GUNS, STATE SENATOR SAYS",12 +13,Assemblyman Says His Gun Vote Erred,12 +5,Judge's sexual orientation clouds gay marriage issue,4 +5,reel from the onslaught of lawsuits,4 +13,"In what has been a lively debate full of clashes, one of the biggest has been over immigration. The question, asked by Lorraine Osorio, went first to Mitt Romney.",12 +6,regulatory,5 +1,"Again, estimates vary, but Guenther puts it at 50 to 70 percent, a wide range. The Department of Labor, in its National Agricultural Workers Survey , puts it at 46 percent.",0 +5,The path to the Supreme Court for same-sex marriage,4 +3,By inviting Pastor Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation,2 +5,U.S. Calls Its Last Witness In Tobacco Companies Trial,4 +1,IS DEATH PENALTY TOO COSTLY A SOLUTION?,0 +13,"By a vote of 13 to 4, the committee recommended passage of the bill by the full Senate, which is expected to take up the legislation later this month or next month.",12 +7,"The gang left a King of Clubs playing card on her body, taunting cops that the blossom-shaped club was a clue to her killers' identity. +",6 +7," who was sentenced to die for abducting, sodomizing and killing a gas-station attendant when he was 17.",6 +10,Same-sex spouses of federal employees could benefit under high court ruling,9 +5,VIRGINIA DECISION ON WEAPONS CRITICIZED,4 +5, Appeals Courts Stop Double Execution,4 +5,". In an important pending case, a U.S. Court of Appeals has scheduled a hearing for Paris Carriger, an Arizona death row inmate who some usually skeptical criminologists believe is probably innocent.",4 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court in June 2013 let stand Californiacs ruling that Proposition 8 of 2008 which wrote a ban on same-sex marriage into the state constitution was unconstitutional. By repealing Proposition 8, that ruling essentially restored the California Supreme Courtcs 2008 ruling that had cleared the way for same-sex marriages; weddings resumed almost immediately . +",4 +3,REFORM RABBIS MAKE SAME-SEX RITES LEGIT,2 +13,House Kills a Bill to Require Registration of Private Sales of Handguns,12 +13,Gov. Bill Owens would be wise to repel Democrats in the Colorado Legislature who are calling - darn near screaming - for a special session of the Legislature to pass more gun-control laws. They are merely trying to harvest political hay on a public-debate field fertilized by ashes of innocent victims.,12 +1,R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. said.,0 +12,"Many advocates for gun rights, who stood in the morning chill with signs reading ''We Will Not Comply'' and ''Dictators Prefer Unarmed Citizens,'' said the aggressive gun-control being pushed by Democrats would do nothing to keep residents safe while infringing on their rights. +",11 +7, state police data.,6 +13,"Forty-two Republicans voted to retain the law. + +The city's entire delegation voted to keep the ban, as did Long Island Republicans Pete King and Rick Lazio. Reps. Dan Frisa and Michael Forbes (both R-L.I.) voted for repeal.",12 +1,FROM BOOM TO NEAR-BUST A gunmaker's cautionary tale,0 +11," And insist on one language, English, for all Americans.",10 +6,Electric chair questions remain,5 +7," +ACCOMPLICE GETS 10-YEAR SENTENCE FOR SLAYING OF TEEN-AGER",6 +1,STOCK SMOKING Cigar company stock takes off,0 +13,"The Legislature will have a chance to override Mr. Nixon's veto in September. Perhaps some of the bill's supporters will have wised up by then. But with this bunch, you never know.",12 +6,"After Newtown, how to reduce gun violence? +",5 +13,Even President Bush has weighed in on the issu,12 +7,suspended after thee violations in two years. Getting caught,6 +5,Some of the jurors said they were not convinced,4 +13,"The process was as questionable as the result. The provision was smuggled into an unrelated bill on metal theft, and at one point the Senate voted to bypass a good-government rule requiring it to end voting at 11 p.m.",12 +12,"The Defense of Marriage Coalition, the group leading the fight against same-sex marriage, has turned in a record 244,000 signatures -- with 100,000 needed to send the measure to voters.",11 +7,"Bryan Uyesugi, convicted of murdering seven people at a Xerox Corp. ",6 +11,SWEDISH ROYALS MAKE ELLIS ISLAND VISIT,10 +5, and beleaguered by lawsuits nationwide,4 +6,Clarify death penalty,5 +13,Senate stuck on gun control provision,12 +7,"If smoking were treated like sex, anyone caught peddling smokes to minors could be charged with a felony and sent to prison. That would eliminate 90 percent of tobacco executives, two-thirds of the lawyers in North and South Carolina, and half the lobbyists in Washington.",6 +6,"PRIMARY +",5 +9,Richard had an IQ of 64 -- below the 70-point cutoff for mental retardation,8 +13,"For President, Gay Marriage Views Evolve",12 +1,Increasing imports of cheaper foreign tobacco and declining cigarette sales have led to drastic cuts in the amount of leaf that U.S. growers can sell under the federal price-support program.,0 +1,HERE'S A BUDGET SOLUTION: RAISE TOBACCO USER FEE,0 +13,CONTROVERSY PROMPTS SHIFT IN GUNFIRE BILL,12 +13,"Bob Dole lashed out yesterday at the ""liberal media"" for distorting his stand on tobacco and said former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop had been ""misled"" on the issue.",12 +13," +""We did believe they were short at least five votes, but we did not expect to win by 14 votes."" + +Opponents said New York lawmakers heeded the outcome of a Nov. 3 ballot measure in Maine, where voters repealed a gay marriage law before it went into effect.",12 +15,IMMIGRANT AID POL PARLEY LETS RUDY PUT BEST FETE FORWARD,14 +6,Bacon's case illustrates once again why the death penalty is more convoluted than a den of snakes.,5 +12,"Tens of thousands of demonstrators across California marched in solidarity with national protests for gun control on Saturday, a sea of people awash in homemade signs, blaring music and anti-gun chants. Inspired by the students of Mar-jory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., Californians from San Diego to San Luis Obispo to Oakland showed their support.",11 +7,Florida carries out its seventh execution of the year,6 +5,COURT STAYS ORLANDO KILLER'S EXECUTION,4 +7,A STAND DURING A DRUG DEAL?,6 +12,A New Poll Shows Most Disapprove Of Unions,11 +8,Heroic teachers at Sandy Hook,7 +6,New Jersey Law to Limit Guns Is Being Ignored,5 +7,California murderer Robert Alton Harris,6 +7,convicted police killer scheduled to be the next inmate executed in Florida's electric chair,6 +10,"Gonzalez says he fears for his life and should not have to prove anything in a Florida court. +",9 +13, who say Democrats have used the students as both shield and sword to advance tighter restrictions on firearms.,12 +9,Trigger lock Our view o Authority to promote gun safety remains very much alive.,8 +13,GOP PUSH TO SHOW DEMS AS TOO LOOSE,12 +13,STANDS TAKEN ON GUN RIGHTS ISSUES,12 +5,But Councilman Hiram Monserrate said the NYPD's hand-in-hand work with federal agencies during and after the attacks gives it jurisdiction.,4 +7,Stano confessed so much and so graphically that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents who drove him from one body-dumping site to another over a period of several weeks had to take turns driving because they were sickened by the outpouring.,6 +5,Putting the Second Amendment first,4 +1,U.S. to Allocate $15 Million for Gun Buybacks in Public Housing,0 +5," +Yesterday's unanimous, 31-page decision was issued two weeks after Denver patrolman Shawn Leinen was killed by two shots to the head, allegedly fired by 16-year-old Raymond James Gone.",4 +7,Stop the flow of illegal firearms across our borders,6 +1,Planter's ends meager season with last sale,0 +7,RECORD GUN SALES TIED TO FEAR OF CRIME,6 +8,"Florida's ""Stand Your Ground""",7 +6,A GUN BILL WITH SOME SENSE? IT HAPPENED,5 +6,"With gun law, it's really a black-and-white issue",5 +1,tobacco,0 +7,"Despite their victory, the workers still are likely to be deported to Mexico.",6 +6," Without the tax,",5 +15,RESEARCHER DEFENDS STUDY ON HANDGUNS,14 +13, Gov. William Weld said that Massachusetts would recognize ceremonies performed in Hawaii.,12 +1," how his organization is funded, and how is the money spent?",0 +7,REJECTED ALIENS MAY BE JAILED,6 +1,Tobacco news roils the Dow,0 +13,"Lawmakers close to the negotiations said that barring last-minute changes on the House floor Wednesday, they may have to risk sending the gun bill to a conference and, therefore, a series of high-stakes votes on the final day of the session.",12 +5,Under state law they are obligated to report signs of physical abuse to Children's Services.,4 +11,"Terry Golway's fascinating new history of New York's Tammany Hall machine offers a glimpse into the immigration politics of the 1800s, showing how it affected the party system. (I draw many examples in this post from Golway's book.) Even in the early 1800s, Tammany welcomed European immigrants into its fold, irking Whig politicians and reform-minded journalists who saw Tammany's supporters as a + +""noisy rabble."" Asked one writer in 1820, ""Would you admit the populace, that patroon's footman, to vote?"" The machine clearly would, and it worked even harder to embrace immigrants after the state legislative elections of 1841, in which Irish Catholics formed a splinter party and demonstrated that their vote could swing a district toward either the Democrats or the Whigs. Tammany politicians reacted by advocating policies favored by the Catholic immigrants, such as education reforms that would keep their children from needing to recite Protestant prayers in public schools. + +Such actions put Tammany in an advantageous position to woo the support of the millions of Irish Catholics who would arrive in the wake of the Great Famine (1845-1852). By the mid-1850s, roughly a quarter of New York City was Irish-born, and roughly half of the city had been born outside the United States. The film ""Gangs of New York"" (2002) did a nice job depicting New York City life of this period, with impoverished Irish immigrants often grouping together in gangs to compete for basic needs and political influence, and the Tammany organization actively courting their support with offers of food, firewood, coal, jobs, and municipal services.",10 +8,"Metal detectors at the entrance of the state Capitol help protect Florida lawmakers. +",7 +1,"At Fred Meyer stores, no guns until you're 21",0 +11,NRA Gun Museum Aims to Impress,10 +13,"Rubio's words did not get a lot of attention but he knows the burn of getting too close to the immigration issue. +",12 +15,New Novel Writer Shoots for the Hill,14 +7,Upon his conviction for first-degree murder in 1980,6 +10,Taking away immigrant students' chance to 'Dream',9 +14, more than a dozen states and the federal government have sought Texas' advice in carrying out such executions.,13 +7,Police chief: Anti-gun program works,6 +12,Can students pick the NRA's lock?;,11 +1, $300 billion verdict in Florida.,0 +12,NRA takes aim at Owens plan Letter urges members to push for defeat of background-check bill,11 +11,"This country, which used to be other people's country, was now my country, too.",10 +13,"which is supported by a sizable minority of Republican voters nationwide, has encouraged rivals to similarly push the edges on immigration.",12 +13,"said State Sen. Raymond Lesniak (D., Union), who introduced the bill last week with Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D., Bergen).",12 +1,Retailer also raises minimum age to buy guns to 21.,0 +13,TRUMP LEAVES OUT CONTEXT IN CLAIM ABOUT IMMIGRANTS AND CRIME,12 +5,"There are plenty of places you can get legitimate help, California Deputy Attorney General Marisol Leon told the crowd, many of whom turned out because they may qualify under one of the president's two immigration actions.",4 +10,PLACE WHERE NEWCOMERS TO U.S. FOUND HELPING HAND,9 +13,"Stewart, seeking to be governor",12 +5," +DEATH PENALTY IS SOUGHT IN KILLING A DAY AFTER DIVORCE",4 +1,"Defying the NRA, Dick's takes a harder line against guns",0 +5,"The Public Defender's Office conducted its own analysis, taking elements from both studies.",4 +13,Administration Rankles Some With Stance in Handgun Case,12 +7," to stop violent crime in Philadelphia,",6 +5,NC half brothers freed after 3 decades in prison,4 +13,CONGRESSMAN WRITES OF A WACO CONSPIRACY,12 +6," If your fiancee is in the United States on any type of immigrant visa, traveling out of the country could get her stranded",5 +12,Protest disrupts regents meeting,11 +7,"A dozen men convicted of sex crimes against children were arrested in the Washington area last week and targeted for deportation under a new national program aimed at foreign-born sex offenders, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said yesterday.",6 +13,"Bad idea: Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, says he's willing to do as President Bush asks and expedite the administration's omnibus anticrime bill in step with Senate consideration of the Brady bill, which would establish a seven-day waiting period for handgun purchases.",12 +12,The hundreds of thousands of participants at the Million Mom March represent millions of people who want legislation passed to make our citizens safer.,11 +6,"We must do better for these families by implementing holistic immigration policies. Continuing on our current path will not deter asylum seekers, but it makes each of us complicit in perpetuating violence against innocent women and children. +",5 +11,"South Dakota Plans Its First Execution Since 1947 +",10 +7,"An order of the Board of Immigration Appeals overturned a stay of deportation granted to the former Croatian official, Andrija Artukovic, in 1959 on the ground that he would be subject to ''political persecution'' if returned to Yugoslavia. Mr. Artukovic, 8l years old, lives in southern California and has successfully resisted deportation and extradition for 30 years.",6 +13,Arizona Is Split Over Hard Line On Immigrants,12 +6,Diverse Ga. divided over immigration plan,5 +7,Violence fails to raise gun control volume,6 +5,", the department permitted him to stay. He was required to check in periodically with the immigration authorities.",4 +5,Report Criticizes U.S. Licensing of Gun Dealers,4 +9,BOFA TO GRANT HEALTH BENEFITS TO WORKERS' DOMESTIC PARTNERS,8 +7," +The problem of increasing violence is all too real",6 +13,"The national debate on gun laws came roaring back Thursday in the Senate, again putting Pennsylvania Republican Pat Toomey in the middle of a political storm.",12 +7,"New gun law splits law enforcement +",6 +13,Weicker Plans to Offer Bill To Limit Handgun Ownership,12 +8,for a waiting period on handgun purchases.,7 +7,For six months a thin wall separated Simone Ofelin's family from a bustling two-bedroom brothel imprisoning up to eight illegal Mexican immigrants forced to work as prostitutes.,6 +13,Advocates of unchecked immigration still duck real issues,12 +5,The Supreme Court ruling that struck down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act in June opened the door to an explosion of activity by gay marriage proponents.,4 +3,"What a Leader of the Religious Left Admires About the Religious Right +",2 +6,"The Legislature responded by passing a law allowing civil unions, but gay and lesbian couples sued, saying they were still denied many benefits.",5 +13,"On April 9, the amendment was approved by the House on a vote of 110 to 40. But since then it has been stalled in the Senate, where two attempts to force the amendment out of committee have failed.",12 +13,President-elect George W. Bush defended his pick for labor secretary yesterday despite reports that Linda Chavez was aware that the woman she gave money in exchange for doing chores in her house was an illegal immigrant.,12 +7,or allegedly killing their infant son soon after his birth in a Delaware motel room and dumping the body in a trash bin. ,6 +3,"Over the last couple of months, I've been researching the question of how the Bible regards homosexuality. Social liberals tend to be uncomfortable with religious arguments",2 +5,"Within weeks of the new rules being made public, gun dealers filed suit to block them. They argued that the requirements exceeded ATF's authority and that Congress never intended there to be a national registration of firearms sales.",4 +13,"Andrea Batista Schlesinger is stepping down from the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy to develop ""ideas and a rationale for a bold and progressive third term for the mayor,"" an e-mail sent Monday to Drum board members said.",12 +8,Billionaire Backer of Maria Butina Had Russian Security Ties,7 +8,"And that's the key part of the deal: No red tape; no oversight. +",7 +7,Arizona lawmakers considering new restrictions against illegal immigrants have stifled an attempt to punish businesses that get caught hiring illicit foreign labor.,6 +12,"In legendary Tombstone, a die-hard love for guns",11 +3, this time in the sanctity of a house of worship.,2 +5, licensed,4 +9, condemned as a deadly addictive chemical.,8 +9,"For some, allowing guns on campus seems about as smart as fighting a flood with a garden hose. A thousand what-if scenarios of students with guns seem to paint a vivid argument against guns on campus.",8 +1,"Last year, Congress approved $328 million in assistance to tobacco growers to help offset lower production caused by declining cigarette sales. Since then, farmers were jolted by another big drop in the amount of leaf they can sell under the federal price-support program.",0 +13,"Michigan Senate OKs concealed guns in schools, bars (copy)",12 +13,Nixon denies clemency,12 +6,Belmont has right idea about ban on smoking,5 +5,"But it would be useful to look at Article I of the Constitution, which states specifically that Congress has the obligation to provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia. Section 8 reserves to states the duty of actually organizing and training the militia",4 +1,"against the industry. In return, the states would recover billions in medical costs",0 +13,Framing the debate of hate,12 +9,"Death penalty, the mentally disabled at issue for justices",8 +8,Guns slipping through,7 +9,that is used each year to treat smoking-related illnesses.,8 +13,GOV SEEKS FEE HIKES TO STUNT BUTT SALES,12 +8,whose husband died protecting her with his own body.,7 +12,"The Field Poll result, released today, shows the highest level of support in more than three decades of polling Californians on the hot-button issue of same-sex marriage laws. The poll found 51 percent of registered voters favor the idea of allowing gay and lesbian couples to wed, while 42 percent disapprove.",11 +9,who assert that they were injured by the smoking of others,8 +11,"Charles Krauthammer: Another massacre, another charade",10 +13," +PS .38 SPECIAL S.I. group votes for armed guards",12 +13,"Local pro- and anti- gun control advocates echo the national debate +",12 +5,"Several attorneys also acknowledged that the Defense of Marriage Act decision won't have the immediate effect on federal rights and benefits that same-sex couples will see in the 12 states that have legalized same-sex unions. +",4 +5,"The D.C. attorney general argued that Scullin should at least stay his opinion to allow additional briefing on the District's defenses for the gun-control law, which is the strictest in the nation.",4 +7,"The five illegal aliens wanted for questioning by the FBI's counterterrorist squad may be connected to a forgery ring, officials said yesterday.",6 +9,health care reform,8 +11, Executions are not rare in Georgia -- this was the 18th since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.,10 +13,the Brady Bill finally passed the U.S. Senate and was sent to the White House. President Clinton is expected to signed the bill into law next week.,12 +3,"""a sacred institution.""",2 +9,He'll get a more quantifiable sense of health hazards when he does a followup study later this year that will measure cigarette smoke-specific chemicals in the urine and the saliva of people exposed to outdoor passive smoke.,8 +5,Mass. attorney general refuses to seek stay of gay marriages,4 +11,"Traditional marriage is between amanandawoman. +",10 +1,"In 1993, he left Brown & Williamson, the second largest tobacco company, after his young daughter asked him why he was doing a job that killed people.",0 +13, wants Congress to pass President Obama's sweeping gun-control proposals.,12 +4,Check prejudices at the door,3 +13,"Simon, a Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party member from Minneapolis, has become perhaps the most recognizable face of opposition to the proposal after video of an unscripted speech he made during a committee hearing went viral on the Internet.",12 +5,Battle Over Gay-Marriage Ruling Begins To Take Shape,4 +5,"Let states, not courts, decide marriage policy",4 +8,"Yet, Britain isn't the ""Great Satan"" to al-Qaida extremists. Terrorism experts agree that for al-Qaida operatives and sympathizers, the preferred villain is the United States.",7 +7,Crash Suspect Had Feb. Charge; Police Faulted After Earlier Drunken Driving Case Dropped,6 +5,"With jury selection in the trial of accused Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski at the midway point, opposing attorneys in the case have refined a subtle courtroom rhetorical exercise in which questions about a prospective panelist's views on capital punishment are not always what they seem to be.",4 +9, ''guilty but mentally retarded.'',8 +8,"Reorganization, Anti-Terrorism Effort Keeping INS Chief Busy",7 +13,2 Victims of L.I.R.R. Shooting Appear in Commercial for Cuomo,12 +11,Editorial: Making fun funner with guns,10 +12,Advocates Of Gun Bills Plan TV Ads,11 +1,Philip Morris Lashes Back,0 +6,"Otherwise, gay couples could wed starting in June.",5 +5,"One option would allow immigrants who are parents of U.S. citizens to apply for temporary legal status which would let them work legally in the U.S. Because children born in the country automatically receive U.S. citizenship, that option could affect about 5 million people, researchers estimate.",4 +6, over-permissive gun laws. ,5 +5,Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in New York,4 +10,"One refugee student at Fallis Elementary had been living in a tent in the African desert, another had almost been kidnapped in war-torn Liberia and many never had seen a light switch - let alone a traditional school",9 +6,Hitting Brakes on Curbing Bump Stocks,5 +5,He pleaded guilty of first-degree murder,4 +10,benefits.,9 +15,"Sunday Breakfast Menu, March 24",14 +5,"Only two members of Smith's family have testified in her trial; a first cousin who appeared last week and her brother, Scotty Vaughan, who testified Wednesday in the penalty phase of the trial. Defense attorney David Bruck asked Vaughan, 33, what effect it would have on the Smith family if his sister is executed.",4 +13," Democrat-controlled California Senate on Thursday became the first legislative body in the nation to approve a bill allowing gay couples to wed. +",12 +8,which would require background checks for all gun purchases made at gun shows.,7 +13," Mr. Bush's statement will probably be a topic of conversation this weekend in Iowa, as many other Republicans attend the Iowa Freedom Summit hosted by Representative Steve King, who maintains a hard-line policy against illegal immigration.",12 +13,"Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic whip, said Democrats would not mount a filibuster against moving to a final vote on the amendment as long as Republicans agreed not to offer changes to the proposal.",12 +7, accused of arranging and providing a weapon for a May 1990 killing related to an alleged marijuana-growing and distribution operation.,6 +7,"RIMARY +",6 +7,The massacre that killed more than two dozen people at a Texas church on Sunday,6 +2,"More than 2,600 couples have applied to marry Sunday on the first day same-sex weddings are legal - a number the city simply can't handle. +",1 +5,PLEA FOR LIFE IN QNS. MASSACRE,4 +11,This family smashes that stereotype,10 +8,carry weapons for self-defense,7 +5,ASHCROFT BUCKS TREND IN SEEKING DEATH PENALTY,4 +13,TOWN PLANS COURSE ON GUN CONTROL,12 +1,11TH-HOUR INSERT IN TAX BILL UNDERCUTS TOBACCO ACCORD,0 +5,"But Assistant Public Defender Kent Mathews said his office has not represented any of the 21 inmates who are listed as witnesses for Marshall's trial. +",4 +12,"Cheering a Gay Marriage Law, and Its Champions",11 +5," +Proposition 8 lawyers are expected to put on their two expert witnesses later today. + +",4 +12,"Poll: Local option on control of guns backed, even if stricter than state laws",11 +13,The Florida Legislature is on the verge of passing legislation that would bolster self-defense laws and shift the burden to prosecutors during immunity hearings to show that such laws should not apply.,12 +13,"But when asked later by reporters about Mr. Bush's comments that Mr. Gore's attacks were having a corrosive influence on the political process, Mr. Gore refused to respond directly, saying the nation deserved a vigorous debate on the issues.",12 +5,District Attorney to Seek Life Term in Student's Killing,4 +10, And for some families - and even the deceased themselves - they have become a way to rearrange private grief into a message of social significance.,9 +13," +Florida Sen. Bill Nelson endorses gay marriage",12 +7,"Individual drug dealers have placed bounties on U.S. agents, but this is the first time a community group has done it, border officials say.",6 +1,HOW CONSUMPTION ROSE AND FELL IN THE 20TH CENTURY,0 +5,"Pulaski County, the state's largest, had resumed issuing same-sex marriage licenses immediately after Piazza's ruling Thursday, while Washington County began issuing them again Friday morning.",4 +13,THE OBAMETER: IN THE WORKS,12 +5,"2 Challenge Gun Cases, Citing Bush Policy",4 +15,PUT GAY NUPS UP TO VOTE,14 +13," +Pete Wilson Under Siege",12 +3,More pastors sign on for gay Methodist wedding,2 +5,Tough Smoking Law Survives Challenge,4 +7,"McCready had a number of run-ins with the law in the past decade, including arrests for buying painkillers with a fake prescription. +",6 +11,"Across New Jersey, same-sex couples make it official",10 +4," +He's not just the craziest man in America, he's a downright liar, too.",3 +5,"They just need to seek the right kind of help, immigrant rights attorneys say.",4 +12,GUN-RIGHTS GROUP SAYS HEALTH CARE BILL COULD HARM GUN OWNERS,11 +13,Ralph Northam's win tells Democrats they shouldn't fear the gun lobby,12 +5,"Nevertheless, the tobacco industry still is considering litigation. Industry attorney James Portnoy said the city cannot prove that limiting advertising will curb underage smoking, and noted the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that governments should not regulate behavior by regulating speech.",4 +3,"Church leaders disagree. They insist that church members are doing no more than exercising their constitutional right of free speech as they urge passage of the measure that, in effect, would define marriage in California as strictly a one-man, one-woman relationship",2 +13," Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga.",12 +6,We can't simply give up on gun control,5 +6, it is aimed at making it easier for law-abiding citizens to obtain permits to carry concealed weapons in public places. Current Minnesota law restricts permits to those who can show an occupational need or a specific public-safety threat.,5 +7,". Thus, I would incarcerate those found guilty of federal crimes, even if this means having to build more federal prisons.",6 +11,It's ladies' day on the firing range,10 +13,Gov. Rick Scott and key members of the Florida Legislature,12 +13,"Last year, with the presidential campaign underway and Donald Trump's rhetoric on immigration playing a critical role in the Republican primaries, President Barack Obama addressed the subject.",12 +4,"David R. Dow attacks capital punishment for its statistical bias against minorities (''Death Penalty, Still Racist and Arbitrary,'' July 9). Death penalty opponents have brought arbitrariness upon themselves.",3 +6,"ON GUNS: TO ENFORCE, OR NOT TO ENFORCE",5 +7,"They were sent to immigration detention centers in Texas and Florida, where they face expulsion proceedings. +",6 +9,SUPREME COURT BROADENS TERM 'MENTALLY COMPETENT',8 +6," but ordered the Legislature to decide whether their unions must be called marriage or could be known by another name. +",5 +5,Va. Man Guilty of Murder In I-95 Rest Stop Shooting,4 +11," +But, the popular video streaming platform plans to change that.",10 +5,"Judge Sullivan said he will issue a ruling Monday in the case, one of three legal challenges filed against the law in federal courts.",4 +1,"Philip Morris U.S.A., the tobacco unit of the Philip Morris Companies, consolidated its cigarette accounts at two agencies, Leo Burnett U.S.A. in Chicago and Young & Rubicam Inc. in New York, by eliminating Bates USA in New York from its roster.",0 +5,"New Orleans was the first city to file a lawsuit accusing gun makers of selling unsafe products. The case was blocked by the Louisiana Legislature, which enacted a law retroactively banning those types of suits. An additional 26 states have enacted similar laws, at the urging of the NRA.",4 +11,Repetition has made the executions routine.,10 +9,"A state corrections spokesman said that Mr. Thomas died of natural causes. Mr. Thomas, who was in Graterford Prison, had been suffering from liver failure for some time.",8 +1,"Bill would place gun sellers, manufacturers above the law",0 +13,"They did it despite the fact that two of their own members, Republicans Sen. Tom Killion of Chester County and Rep. Marguerite Quinn of Bucks County, were the sponsors.",12 +10,Mark and Keith have been partners for more than seven years and live in Tampa,9 +4," +""This is a very great day in New Jersey civil rights history,"" said Mayor Fred Profeta. ""The civil rights achieved here today are very important -- let no one doubt that."" +",3 +13,"Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) said the city would pursue additional appeals and declared himself ""disappointed and frankly outraged by this decision.""",12 +3,"e are actually showing the greatest respect for life. If life is precious, then taking someone's life is the most serious offense and should merit the murderer risking the loss of his or her life. +",2 +5,"The Supreme Court on Monday decided to let stand rulings that allowed same-sex marriage in Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Indiana and Wisconsin, a surprising move that may clear the way for the expansion of such unions throughout the nation.",4 +1,"Court-appointed defense lawyers would no longer receive $75 an hour, the going rate for such cases in San Diego, but would have to agree with a judge on a total fee in advance.",0 +1,'Don't need a gun to try on ... jeans': Levi's CEO requests customers not to pack heat in stores,0 +15,"No ifs, ands or butts...",14 +12,"Only 15 percent of respondents think U.S. immigration policy is ""about right,"" and Atlantans are sharply split on whether recent immigrants have made a contribution to the nation or caused too many problems. +",11 +10,"Some of the 10 family members stormed out of the courtroom and began hollering. They shouted at Hightower's mother, Bettye, in the court lobby, prompting sheriff's officers to summon help.",9 +5,Legal questions about getting married in Mass.,4 +7,Appeals board upholds deportation 83-year-old Wisconsin man is accused of being a guard at Nazi concentration camp.,6 +13,"He said he expects opposition to his bill from the National Rifle Association, ""because the NRA is nuts."" But Bill Powers, a spokesman for the NRA in Alexandria, Va., said Nadler ""doesn't know what he's talking about.""",12 +12,Why the NRA gets quiet after a gunman kills,11 +5,NO-AMENDMENT SECTION,4 +5,"which from the time he started out has been an all-out assault on the Second Amendment.""",4 +12,"This year, the figure dropped to 29%.",11 +13, President John F. Kennedy.,12 +5,Justices Look at Recusals in Capital Trials,4 +6,"The ordinance, which Mayor Willie Brown says he will sign, will make San Francisco the only U.S. city to order private businesses to offer domestic partners any customer discounts they extend to married couples.",5 +5,Last week's report from the Justice Department,4 +6,"The bill does not permit execution of a pregnant woman, although the language appears to permit her to be put to death after she gives birth",5 +13,"On Thursday, the Senate passed 10 bills, three of which are heading to the governor's desk.",12 +7,"Currently, inmates can light up in most of the jail cells. Department workers can smoke in their offices. + +But on April 14, smoking will be banned at both Rockville facilities, said Gunster-Kirby. Inmates caught later with tobacco face lockdowns and loss of privileges or time off for good behavior, she said. + +The new policy was announced yesterday to the jail's 655 inmates and about 50 people in the county's work-release program, Gunster-Kirby said. About 300 correctional officers also were notified, she said.",6 +5,"rosecutors never gave jurors a possible motive for the killing. In a hearing before the trial began, Assistant State Attorney John Spiller theorized ",4 +13,SENATE VOTES BILL DESIGNED TO CURB ILLEGAL MIGRANTS,12 +8,"""protect our borders.""",7 +13,Senate Approves D.C. Funding Of Domestic-Partners Law,12 +5,How the Judges Forced the President's Hand,4 +12,"Earlier this year, a petition drive to stop the county from implementing the law fell short by about 2,000 of the 21,291 signatures needed to put the issue on the ballot as a referendum",11 +5,"The Justice Department has cleared former U.S. Attorney Edward L. Dowd Jr. of any wrongdoing in connection with his active role last spring in opposing Proposition B, the initiative that would have allowed Missourians to carry concealed weapons.",4 +13,MRS. BUSH: `I'M AFRAID' OF GUNS,12 +12,"Maine, Maryland and Washington made history as the first states to approved same-sex marriage by popular vote. Minnesota voters also rejected a constitutional ban. +",11 +5,"In that same session, Justice Anthony Kennedy noted that",4 +13,Members of Congress and states have done exactly what their voters wanted on the issue of guns. It differs by state.,12 +5,"That decision prompted a firestorm of controversy. Corrigan has been publicly defended and criticized; so, too, has Judge Ronnie White, the author of the opinion.",4 +7,A Virginia inmate was executed Thursday night for killing two men in front of their families in separate shootings.,6 +13,"In 2006, when George W. Bush was president",12 +12,"Yes, there have been polls, conducted within the last year, finding that Virginians listed the gun show provision as a top legislative priority.",11 +6,Inability to regulate guns irks cities;,5 +6,A LOOK AT . . . Executions,5 +5,"The order, denying a stay request from state Attorney General Alan Wilson (R), follows the court's pattern. It took a similar path last week regarding a stay request from Kansas. Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas said they would have granted both requests. +",4 +12,"Floridians divided on the most emotional issues of the day are trying to influence Gov. Lawton Chiles in the most personal way - sharing feelings about their sexuality and gay relationships, revealing past abortions, describing health problems in detail. +",11 +7,"Henry Lee Lucas, who says he has killed up to 360 people, was sentenced today to death by lethal injection for the rape and murder of an unidentified woman in 1979.",6 +1," ""The National Rifle Association received mil-lions of dollars every year from gun manufacturing companies. Some of these gun manufacturing companies even do-nate a portion of every gun sale directly to the NRA. This means that the NRA makes money when people buy guns ... The NRA represents the gun manufacturing companies. Their main goal is to protect the product, not our lives.""",0 +5,Despite new post-trial evidence that raised doubt about his guilt in a 1982 homicide,4 +13,Va. Death Penalty Expansion Approved,12 +10,IMMIGRANTS' DREAM: ROOM OF THEIR OWN,9 +6,GUNS IN AIRPORTS BILL HAS DIM PROSPECTS,5 +1,How Gay Marriage Will Change Couples' Financial Lives,0 +11,"About 28.38 million people living in America, or more than 10 percent of the population, were born outside the country, according to the bureau's latest annual estimate. The last time the rate was so high was during the 1930 census, when 11.6 percent of the population had roots abroad. +",10 +13,"Lucy McBath, Gun Control Activist, Wins Congressional Primary in Georgia",12 +14,How the NRA has shaped the world's gun laws;,13 +11,"Prepare to wave farewell to the big brown guy, introduced by Camel cigarettes 10 years ago. As Joe saunters like Duke Wayne into the sunset, perhaps he'll stop to pick up the Marlboro Man, a fellow victim, or the high-energy, fully empowered Virginia Slims model, smoking's answer to ""The Feminine Mystique.""",10 +5,Roberts denies stay of same-sex marriage law,4 +14, by tracing recovered weapons back to Alabama.,13 +7,Other sources said the department could have sent a message by making an administrative case against Endall for failure to supervise.,6 +13,Three gun-rights bills sent back to committee,12 +13," +House Democrats Seek to Limit Education Cuts",12 +15,Severed ties with NRA,14 +12, as national public opinion has shifted significantly toward support of same-sex marriage. ,11 +15,CLEARING THE SMOKE,14 +13,Same-sex marriage bill advances in Md. Senate,12 +5,A new effort is underway in the South to overturn bans on same-sex marriage in the region.,4 +5,The legislation also streamlines procedures for adjudicating asylum claims and for removing illegal aliens from the United States.,4 +11," +In response, American composer Cole Porter - best known as a composer and songwriter - wrote in 1923 a rare ballet criticizing the country's hostile stance toward immigrants.",10 +1,Tobacco tax deal reached,0 +11,"Gilbert Baker, who designed the famed rainbow flag signifying gay pride, and transsexual actress Candis Cayne were grand marshals of the parade",10 +13,"Where There's Smoke, There's Bloomberg",12 +13,"Congress has been considering legislation to overhaul the United States' immigration system. +",12 +6,"ON GUNS, THERE ARE NO SIMPLE ANSWERS",5 +6,A new state law forbids such weapons in such structures as courthouses but allows them in other county facilities. It also lets elected officials carry concealed weapons.,5 +13,Inquirer Editorial: Legislators should decide gay marriage,12 +5,"One writer stated the Second Amendment was drafted to provide citizens with arms only in ""common defense"" situations against foreign enemies. Read the history on the amendment; it also pertains to ""domestic"" enemies.",4 +14,"Shock, Sympathy And Denunciation Of U.S. Gun Laws",13 +4, got an unbiased lawyer and a fair trial.,3 +11,Two New Legal-Themed Documentaries,10 +9, Bracey was not mentally retarded.,8 +3,"Those of us who remember Sunday school also remember this from the Old Testament: ""An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."" And we've added to that ""a life for a life,"" haven't we?",2 +4,"Civil unions are an inadequate substitute for marriage. Creating a separate, new legal structure to confer some benefits on same-sex couples neither honors American ideals of fairness, nor does it grant true equality. The results are clearly visible in New Jersey, which continues to deny same-sex couples some of the tangible civil benefits that come with marriage. +",3 +11,Fla. school shooting is not the tipping point,10 +11," +Since 1990, according to immigration figures, more have arrived voluntarily than the total who disembarked in chains before the United States outlawed international slave trafficking in 1807. More have been coming here annually -- about 50,000 legal immigrants -- than in any of the peak years of the middle passage across the Atlantic, and more have migrated here from Africa since 1990 than in nearly the entire preceding two centuries.",10 +13, only to have other commissioners vote against the proposals.,12 +5,Eight same-sex couples and at least 13 municipalities said yesterday that they would legally challenge the 1913 law used to block out-of-state same-sex couples from marrying in Massachusetts.,4 +1," But with jobs in the oil fields declining, ""we just don't need any more.""",0 +6,. That hardly seems like a lax law.,5 +4," removed blacks from juries for ""racially discriminatory reasons."" +",3 +5,"marriage can be understood only as the lawful union of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others.",4 +8,Raspberry's views on U.S. citizens owning legal firearms to protect themselves and others from harm are indicative of all people who do not or will not keep abreast of the truth.,7 +1," If she had been, she said, she wouldn't have sold Truax the firearm.",0 +13,"""It's time for the Senate to do their work,"" Boehner said Wednesday after a meeting with rank-and-file Republicans. ""You know, in the gift shop out here, they've got these little booklets on how a bill becomes a law.""",12 +6,Eliminate mass-killing weapons from American society,5 +13,Incumbent Wins Police Group's Election,12 +6,"Is Maryland's death penalty repeal politics, principle or a little of both?",5 +13,A Border-Tightening Congressman Has Immigrants in His Own Backyard,12 +13,An investigation ordered by Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin,12 +10," +""I cannot go to restaurants, even those that are partitioned for smokers and nonsmokers. . . . I cannot enjoy my meal because of the smoking,"" Glenn said. ""Most of the best restaurants are smoking."" +",9 +5,Minn. next to take on tobacco with trial set,4 +5,"Her plea came as the U.S. Supreme Court today rejected Easton's last appeal. The court ruling was 7 to 2, with Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and John Paul Stevens dissenting.",4 +13,VEEP'S DAUGHTER TAKES WEB HITS,12 +10,''reflect that there are random variations in cigarette nicotine yields.'',9 +11,Will baseball toss out tobacco?,10 +5,"Some of the questions surrounding civil unions, which become legal on Oct. 1, have been answered. On Tuesday, for instance, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal issued an opinion stating that the state would recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships granted by other states but not same-sex marriages.",4 +13," a whole gamut of restrictions in gun-tough New York state. +",12 +8,HOMEOWNERS WHO SHOOT INTRUDERS WIN SUPPORT,7 +13,Concealed Weapons: A Senator Says Their Time Has Come,12 +13,"Christie is running for reelection this November in a Democratic-leaning state that already has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. But as he eyes a presidential run in 2016, Christie must balance the political imperatives in New Jersey with those of the Republican Party nationally.",12 +9,"Teri wants to convince students who already smoke to quit and stop others from starting. She knows that to reach students, she must teach them while they're young. She also knows that the odds are daunting.",8 +6,That bill created a presumption that anyone seeking asylum in this country who enters with false documents or has traveled through other countries to get here does not have a valid claim. Such a person would have to make his case to an immigration officer on the scene without the guarantee of a lawyer or interpreter and could be summarily deported without any hearing or judicial review.,5 +5,"The lawsuits have alleged, among other things, that unqualified execution teams sometimes have botched the procedure and made it a cruel and unusual punishment that should be considered illegal under the Eighth Amendment.",4 +12, student organizers of the March For Our Lives movement seeking an end to gun violence have taken to the streets this summer.,11 +5,A Faulty Rethinking of the 2nd Amendment,4 +1,"New York's portion of the settlement with tobacco companies has been determined, and New York City and the other 57 counties in the state have been notified how much they can expect to get each year through 2025, the State Attorney General announced yesterday",0 +5,"He's the first inmate to have his execution halted after the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Hurst vs. Florida, which struck down the state's death penalty sentencing system as a violation of the right to trial by jury and forced the Legislature to rewrite the law.",4 +9,"""The policy is the result of a well-developed, thoroughly researched shared governance effort on the part of the entire campus community,"" said Becky Perelli, director of student health services. ""This is what the college community wanted--a smoke-free campus, and it's an important step toward improving the health and safety of our students, employees and community.""",8 +15,ELCA WILL STICK TO DISCUSSING SEXUALITY MATTERS IN '05,14 +3,Is It A Zeal To Kill?,2 +13,"House Republican leaders ''have been catering to the very loud but small anti-immigrant faction in the party,'' she said.",12 +5,MAN'S TRIALS OVER AT LAST MURDER ACQUITTAL FOLLOWS 2 CONVICTIONS,4 +13,It is a top priority of Gov. Bill Owens. Passed.,12 +13,"The council voted 10-7 in favor of the agreement with District Council 48 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. + +The union ratified the contract Monday. It still needs Mayor John Norquist's signature. He could sign it as early as Friday. +",12 +6,Maine's gay marriage law goes into effect,5 +6,In Search of Syntax On Gay Marriage,5 +13,Both sides play mixed ruling to their advantage,12 +7, his execution for a 1981 rape-murder.,6 +7,"James Acker, also now 53, is serving a life sentence plus 22 years at Cross City Correctional Institution in Dixie County. Ronald Richardson testified against the other two in exchange for a five-year sentence.",6 +13,Sen. John Ashcroft would like that to continue.,12 +13,"The maneuvering came as the Senate entered its second day of debate on the amendment. Senate offices were deluged with phone calls and e-mails prompted by heavy grass-roots mobilizations over the weekend, topped off by two appeals for passage by President Bush.",12 +5,Clerks warned on gay marriage licenses,4 +1, supermarkets,0 +5,"Greg Jacobs, a prosecutor in the case, said that if the jurors took note of the gesture, it might make it difficult for the defense to argue during the penalty phase that Mr. Davis was remorseful.",4 +7,FAKE CIGARET STAMP RING BROKEN,6 +5,"OFF AGAIN, ON AGAIN EXECUTION ZERO-HOUR JUDICIAL DUEL DETERMINED HARRIS' FATE",4 +3, 'good moral character',2 +1,The situation raises anew the prospect that former public officials may profit from a revenue stream they were instrumental in creating while in public service.,0 +6, under an unprecedented set of handgun regulations enacted Wednesday.,5 +11,American flags.,10 +13,"COUNTY PLANS VOTE ON TOUGHER GUN-CONTROL LAW +",12 +5,Holder says the lack of new gun laws is his 'single failure',4 +2,Just as important was Florida's reasonable expansion of the DNA database,1 +13,"As you noted, we did quite well in the 2000 election. The National Rifle Association promised to deliver Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to George W. Bush, yet Al Gore won them all. The N.R.A. was also on the losing side in most key Senate races.",12 +4,"A new study by three college professors, to be published in the Cooley Law Review, reports that since 1970 some 68 inmates in this country have been released from death row because of doubts about their guilt. ""Wrongful convictions occur with alarming frequency,"" the authors contend.",3 +5,"acy has said he plans to file ""at least 160"" murder charges in the case but may also file charges on behalf of all 168 bombing victims, including the eight federal law enforcement officers for whose deaths Nichols is on trial in federal court. +",4 +7,NEWARK SHOOTINGS STIR CALL FOR GUN LAW,6 +5,"The amendment would prohibit states from recognizing same-sex marriages. To become law, it would need two-thirds support in the Senate and House, and then would have to be ratified by at least 38 state legislatures.",4 +4, the Justice Department reported today that blacks still make up a much larger share of death-row inmates than of the nation's population.,3 +12,La. Voters Approve Same-Sex Marriage Ban,11 +1,"Foreign workers are crucial to the nation's and South Florida's growing high-tech industry, which competes globally for the minds that drive it. The farming industry that supplies much of the nation's winter vegetables needs tomatoes, green peppers and other crops picked by old-fashioned manual labor.",0 +5,MCVEIGH DEFENSE TRACES ROOTS OF HIS RAGE,4 +6,would prevent gay marriages from being recognized if they became legal in other states.,5 +13,110 lawmakers sign letter calling for CDC to resume study of gun violence,12 +11,Movie Exception For New Gun Law,10 +11, How sad that our country cannot begin to address this problem.,10 +1,Study Finds That Immigrants Are Central to Long Island Economy,0 +5,Alaska: Lawsuit Over Gay-Marriage Ban,4 +12,Majority has wrong ideas,11 +1,"raising their cigarette taxes, he said, the federal government's failure to raise the 39-cents-a-pack federal excise tax",0 +7,"The two men bilked victims of an average of $4,000 each, according to Bronx prosecutors. One man allegedly paid $18,000 hoping to get a green card for himself, his wife and two children; another coughed up $10,000.",6 +5,was unconstitutional.,4 +13,"The House of Delegates overwhelmingly rejected a proposal yesterday to restrict the possession of guns at the Virginia Capitol. + +The House voted 77 to 18 to reject a change in House rules proposed by Del. Lionel Spruill Sr. (D-Chesapeake). The rule would have prohibited guns in areas of Capitol Square controlled by the House, which has no say over space controlled by the Senate. + +House Republican Leader H. Morgan Griffith (Salem) said that was a major flaw in the proposal. He also said that although the proposal exempted police officers, visiting dignitaries would be unable to bring their armed bodyguards. + +Spruill said some visitors to the Capitol this week said they felt unsafe because gun rights activists were carrying their firearms on the grounds.",12 +13,Tancredo's enforcement push grabs TV spotlight,12 +1,"Kirk Wayne, president of Tobacco Associates, said the group has used the money to provide the ""nuts and bolts type of production techniques"" needed to manufacture a high-quality cigarette in Turkey, Korea and Taiwan. + +In Turkey, where Tobacco Associates has been working since 1987, the group helped the state cigarette monopoly develop an American-style cigarette, the + +TEKEL 2000. + +When the TEKEL 2000 was introduced in 1988, Turkey imported little raw + +U.S. tobacco. Last year, it was the fourth-largest customer and overall sales top $100 million.",0 +1,for those who sell cigarettes,0 +13,Gun sanity bill fails in the Senate,12 +14,"""The death penalty is not available for consideration"" under a bilateral agreement between the U.S. and Mexico, spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough said.",13 +13,"IN HOUSE, A THREE-WAY FIGHT EXPECTED ON GUN-CONTROL PLAN",12 +15,A WORLD OF ARMS: A Deal Under Suspicion,14 +1,". Sales of silencers are already up 277 percent since 2010, to more than 790,000 total, and dealers say they currently are selling at two or three times the normal rate, according to The Wall Street Journal.",0 +11,Facebook blocks sharing of 3D-printed gun files and sites,10 +13,Cultural values could give Bush the edge in election,12 +1,"Bash will refund money to customers who had AK-47s on order and he'll advise them that new imports ''are no longer available, period.''",0 +13,"Some conservatives have said that the CDC should limit itself to studying diseases, and some have complained in the past that the agency has used firearms-tracking data to subtly push gun control. +",12 +5,"In imposing the death sentence, Judge Webber followed the recommendation of the jury.",4 +12,San Jose immigration march has spirited but small turnout amid flu fears and light rain,11 +6,", to fight off more sweeping bans and regulations.",5 +13,If Proposition B is approved,12 +3,"These are true blights plaguing the pastor's community, while the uproar against same-sex marriage recognition is nothing more than blatant homophobia.",2 +10,Barbara Kenny and Tibby Middleton wanted to be certain they could stay together until death.,9 +7,"Clark, 49, was convicted of the 1977 shooting death of a Pinellas County businessman. He and a teen-age accomplice abducted David Drake from a St. Petersburg bank parking lot, drove him to a secluded area and shot him twice in the head after Drake wrote them a $ 5,000 check, court records show.",6 +5,"When the case is argued today before the high court, attorneys assigned to the Timmendequas case will assert that a fair trial was squelched by prosecutorial misconduct, a judge's refusal to move the trial, and widespread pretrial publicity - including the Megan's Law effort.",4 +5,"DeVal Patrick, an attorney for the Legal Defense Fund in New York, has argued that Mr. Songer, who has no previous convictions for violent crime, did not have a chance at his sentencing hearing in 1974 to offer evidence of his good character, background and education. +",4 +6,"ASK isn't anti-gun, it is pro-children",5 +7,Camden chief gave gun permit to councilman with record,6 +3,The voice of morality!,2 +13,"But they vote for Democrats. Ninety percent of black voters supported Democrat Al Gore over George W. Bush four years ago. +",12 +12,"A recent USA TODAY/ CNN/Gallup Poll found 67% opposed and 28% in favor. +",11 +5,Witness says Malvo made plea for help,4 +5,"At the request of attorneys, the families of Jarvis and his ex-wife were asked not to comment until after the penalty phase of the trial, in which the jury will be asked to recommend either the death penalty or life in prison. The judge will make the final decision.",4 +12,"In a Maryland poll conducted in late January by The Washington Post, 59 percent of African Americans in Prince George's said they oppose same-sex marriage, and 36 percent of them said they believe such marriages should be legal. Statewide, 53 percent of them were opposed, the poll showed.",11 +5,"Mississippi court rebuffs effort to halt tobacco suit +",4 +5,"The ruling ""basically redefines marriage, like it or not,"" said Hawaii Deputy Attorney General Rick Eichor. +",4 +10,Immigrants' Fears,9 +5,"Anti-smoking groups described the finding as a ""smoking gun"" linking cigarettes and lung cancer that gives plaintiffs a powerful new weapon in lawsuits against tobacco companies.",4 +11,Much ado about gay commitment ceremonies,10 +10," Lonchar murdered Smith's father, brother and his father's girlfriend.",9 +14,"In Silicon Valley brain drain, Vancouver stands to benefit",13 +6," wants to ban smoking in parks, on beaches and on boardwalks. ",5 +5,MIAMI FEDERAL JUDGE UPHOLDS DEATH PENALTY DECISION FOR KILLER,4 +6,Taking new aim at D.C. gun control,5 +1,"Jeremy Powell, general manager at the Bulls-Eye Indoor Range & Gun Shop in Lawrenceville, said his store has seen sales climb every year since it opened in 1991. And this Christmas season sales are up about 10 percent over last year.",0 +5,"Each and every element of each and every new ""right"" conferred by leftist judges on the criminal class becomes its own cottage industry of specialty litigation, with the result that more years and more expert witness fees are extracted from the public.",4 +5,"He has allowed himself to be drawn into petty fights with defense lawyer Leonard Weinglass, an attorney with a long career of baiting judges in trials he has orchestrated into causes celebres. Mr. Weinglass has fished far beyond the limits of what the law allows in such proceedings; he has had a heyday insulting the judge in the press, and sometimes to his face. +",4 +13," +In one of the Bay Area's more disputed ballot battles of 2013, Sunnyvale voters on Tuesday might decide to go much further than state lawmakers and the governor did this year in imposing new gun controls.",12 +5,"Saying he expected significant interest in Brooklyn's first death penalty trial, Hynes said he would likely try the case with top assistants from his homicide bureau.",4 +5,"n attorney for Felker, however, said he has already asked the state Supreme Court to block his client's execution. +",4 +3, not its clear-cut moral impermissibility,2 +5,2 Court Rulings Deal Blow To Same-Sex Marriage,4 +11,Tavern smoking 'shows' snuffed,10 +7,"Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind Egyptian cleric whose followers have been accused of plotting to blow up the United Nations building, surrendered yesterday to federal agents outside a Brooklyn mosque, one day after Attorney General Janet Reno ordered his detention.",6 +5,"Macy has said he plans to file ""at least 160"" murder charges in the case but may also file charges on behalf of all 168 bombing victims, including the eight federal law enforcement officers for whose deaths Nichols is on trial in federal court.",4 +13,"Brady bill supporters contend the strategy will entangle the gun-control measure in the lengthy process of reconciling vastly different crime plans from the House and Senate. + +They prefer the bill remain independent so it can be reconciled easily with the separate bill approved in the House.",12 +5," +Judge Allows 3 Families To Sue Firearms Industry",4 +13,The N.R.A. Can Be Beat,12 +13,Colorado Democrats Elect State's First Gay Speaker,12 +1,"Federal Campaign Contributions + +$3.13 million Total amount of top campaign contributions by gun rights interest groups in 2012 + +96 Percent of the above figure donated to Republicans + +$1.1 million Total campaign contributions by the National Rifle Association, the nation's largest gun rights group, in 2012 + +89 Percent of the above figure donated to Republicans + +$4,036 Total campaign contributions by gun control interest groups in 2012 + +100 Percent of the above figure donated to Democrats + +$581,394 Largest-ever total of campaign contributions from the gun control lobby (in 2000) + +Independent Expenditures Defined by the Federal Election Commission as an advertisement ""expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate"") + +$18.2 million NRA's reported independent expenditures in the 2012 election cycle + +$11.4 million How much the NRA spent against all Democratic candidates in 2012 + +",0 +13,"""I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women and heterosexual men and women marrying one another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties,"" Mr. Biden said in an appearance on NBC's ""Meet the Press.""",12 +7,Talks With Cubans in Louisiana Go On as Siege Is Said to Stabilize,6 +13,Romney Silent on Court's Immigration Ruling,12 +5,"The jury needed to be unanimous for Naso to get the death penalty. Otherwise, life without the possibility of parole was the default sentence.",4 +6,U.S. Immigrant Labor Plan Leaves Mexicans With Doubts,5 +5,Attorney General Dick Thornburgh,4 +5,JUSTICES KILL SCHOOL GUN BAN,4 +13,"In an ad for San Francisco area Democrat Ellen Tauscher, Steve Sposato, whose wife was killed in a massacre at a San Francisco law firm in 1993, attacked incumbent Rep. Bill Baker for voting to repeal the assault weapon ban earlier this year.",12 +5,"The state had asked for the lawsuit to be dismissed, arguing that issue can't be settled by the courts and that the more proper forum is the state legislature. Superior Court Judge Linda Feinberg said she would issue a written ruling - probably about two months from now - on whether the case can go forward.",4 +12,"""It's a step in the right direction. I'm just surprised they didn't go farther,"" said Frank Sharry of the National Immigration Forum.",11 +4,Marquette prof banned for criticizing TA on gay marriage discussion,3 +7,"Valessa Robinson stabbed her mother to death while he was out of the room, he says. +",6 +7, massacre of schoolchildren last week in Connecticut.,6 +9,mentally retarded.,8 +15,How to End the Scandal of Veterans' Hospitals,14 +1,"The state Revenue Department estimates a dime-a-pack tax increase would raise $33.4 million a year, amounting to about $500 million over 15 years.",0 +5,FEDS ARE MISUING IMMIGRATION LAWS,4 +5,Vermont has passed a law giving homosexual couples the legal benefits of marriage.,4 +7,"This sorry story originated with a reasonable attempt by New York City authorities to take action against several dozen gun stores, in Virginia and elsewhere, that sold firearms later used in the commission of felonies in the Big Apple. The city sent pairs of private detectives to six of the stores to make ""straw"" purchases, in which one selected and paid for a weapon, and the other filled out the paperwork, thereby disguising the true owner's identity.",6 +1,business backing,0 +9,"WHERE THERE'S SMOKE...there's often lung cancer, but here's how early detection can save your life +",8 +7," +America is for Americans, but don't deport workers",6 +9,"But Brad Rodu, a University of Louisville professor, said the products are a less dangerous form of tobacco use and a key element in ""harm reduction.""",8 +12,"An immigration rally in downtown St. Louis on Saturday afternoon drew about 100 participants - a far cry from the thousands who participated last year. The dropoff reflects an increasing climate of fear, organizers said.",11 +8,"This kind of publicity stunt is a good thing, however. It focuses community attention on the havoc guns are causing and makes individuals think about whether they really need a gun, especially whether they need it more than they need the cash they'd get for turning the gun in.",7 +5,"s they reel from a succession of defeats in courtrooms and legislatures, opponents of same-sex marriage have a new chance this week to play one of their most emotional and, they hope, potent cards: the claim that having parents of the same sex is bad for children. +",4 +10, granting the benefits,9 +5,"said David Stebbins, Campbell's public defender.",4 +5," ""clear, focused, narrowly drawn"" amendment to bar gay marriages.",4 +11,Many of the students have overcome peer pressure and the urge to look cool with cigarettes,10 +11,"Directed by Katy Chevigny and Kirsten Johnson Not rated, 90 minutes +",10 +7,"""You have 24 hours to hand over your daughter,"" who is 13, Guerrero remembers them saying. +",6 +13,Durham state Reps. Paul Luebke and Mickey Michaux and Sen. Jeanne Lucas are among legislators and other leaders who plan to meet with Easley today to press Bacon's case for clemency.,12 +7,"Guinan had been convicted of the stabbing death of a fellow inmate, John McBroom, at the Missouri Penitentiary in Jefferson City in 1981.",6 +15,E-mails contradict Handel stand,14 +6,Gun seller: Must control arms,5 +5,"In successfully petitioning the Supreme Court to hear the case, U.S. Solicitor General Seth Waxman said the lower court had wrongly invalidated",4 +13,"Scott signs gun control bill, spurring NRA suit",12 +1,"TOBACCO DEAL LIMITS SALES, ADS",0 +13,"Now the state House is sending a message back: No thanks, our death penalty structure is just fine.",12 +3,"Stop gay marriage, pope says",2 +5,"The New York attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, will announce on Thursday that he is issuing legal guidance to local governments detailing how they can resist cooperating with the federal immigration authorities under the Trump administration.",4 +5,More than 115 defense motions have been argued in DeKalb Superior Court in the murder case against Ahmond Dunnigan,4 +4," Reporters told him that Kenneth T. Richey's conviction had been thrown out, and they wanted to know what he thought about it.",3 +15,DIFFERENCES BY STATE,14 +12,"Some of the prominent groups working to end the epidemic of gun violence, which kills more than 30,000 Americans every year:",11 +3,"Backers cite values, God in rural vote",2 +5,"Keller is ""clearly not the friend of the criminal defendant, and she is active and aggressive in espousing her view of the law, which is very often - almost always - very pleasing to the prosecutors and not to the defense lawyers,"" said John Wright, a Huntsville, Texas, defense attorney who has represented death row clients before the state Court of Criminal Appeals.",4 +12,Why:The issue seemed to lose momentum this year as Minnesotans became less fearful of gay marriage coming to the state ,11 +13,The Disheartening Politics of Gun Carnage,12 +4,Fairness for Refugees,3 +12,"At rallies outside the White House promoting relief for illegal immigrants this year, banners and chants demanded, ""No more divided families."" Undocumented protesters declared that if President Obama granted them protection, their first priority would be to go home to visit parents or children they had not seen in years. +",11 +9,"""would impose significant public harm.""",8 +5,"The oral arguments were made to a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, which is the second federal court to consider the case, which was brought last year by two gay couples who want to marry. In August, a lower district judge, Vaughn R. Walker, ruled that the ban -- Proposition 8 -- did indeed violate their constitutional rights to equal protection and due process, but its supporters appealed.",4 +15,Tobacco's 'Gift',14 +1,"More than 1 million rifles, handguns and shotguns were imported into the United States last year, according to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms - nearly a tenfold increase over the previous year. + +The three Atlanta companies - Keng's Firearms Specialty, PTK International Inc. and Poly USA Inc. - are major importers or brokers of weapons and ammunition produced by companies run by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. + +Da Keng, owner of Keng's Firearms Specialty, said the ban will severely hurt his company. + +""That's probably 80 percent of our business,"" he said. Keng, who has an offic e in an industrial park in southwest Atlanta, is the local importer for China North Industries, also known as Norinco. While nominally separate from the People's Liberation Army, Norinco oversees China's defense industries. +",0 +11,'Crossing Over': Looks like we've been here before,10 +1,Ban cigarette ads on billboards.,0 +6,A self-defeating immigrant policy,5 +5,"Gun ownership was a ""sacred"" right akin to free speech and assembly",4 +13,"When Vernon Jordan was criticized last week for serving on both the transition team for President-elect Bill Clinton and the board of RJR Nabisco, one of America's best-known tobacco manufacturers, a simple truth got lost in the dispute.",12 +11, placed full-page advertisements in newspapers in states hosting the nation's first presidential contests.,10 +5,"The dissenters, Justices Thomas G. Saylor, Debra McCloskey Todd, and Seamus P. McCaffery, rightly signaled their alarm over ""evidence that Pennsylvania's capital punishment regime is in disrepair.""",4 +11,Gun sellers unfriended,10 +10,Living With the Newcomers Among Us,9 +5," +L'AFFAIRE MUMIA IN COURT, JUDGE SABO IS HIS OWN WORST ENEMY",4 +11,Timeline: The rise and fall of immigration reform,10 +7,The seven employees were bound and gagged with duct tape and shot in the head inside a basement in the Flushing fast-food restaurant May 24. Two survived the attack.,6 +11,How I Became an American,10 +15,Don't trivialize domestic partners,14 +7,"Once, nine years ago, the 33-year-old Jamaican immigrant got caught in a police drug sweep as he took a break from his postal job. He said that although he was innocent, a public defender encouraged him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor drug charge. He served probation and underwent drug counseling. He thought it was all behind him.",6 +9,Home Smoking Found to Affect Child's Health,8 +10,"On a May afternoon in Brooklyn in 2010, Thomas Privitere and Brian Edwards of Montclair, N.J., clasped hands and kissed in a park overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge. The moment was captured by a photographer they had hired, and the men liked the photo so much they used it to announce their engagement.",9 +13," +For the second time in two days, Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani seized on the Elian Gonzalez case yesterday to mount a harsh attack on President Clinton.",12 +1,"No guns in restaurants, Chipotle asks",0 +4, Racism: The mother of three brothers arrested claimed that authorities targeted them because they are black.,3 +5,N.R.A. Suit Claims Cuomo's 'Blacklisting' Has Cost It Millions of Dollars,4 +3,"The Faith and Order Committee also recommended to the national church that it retain its language in church law that says the practice of homosexuality is 'incompatible with Christian teaching,' which has been a church stand since 1972. +",2 +6, calling for child-safety trigger locks and a ban on assault weapons.,5 +7,"To reduce gun deaths, measure sentences for violent felonies in decades, not years or months. +",6 +13,STATEWIDE SMOKING BAN VOTE EXPECTED,12 +1,Osborne said he and other farmers were putting off equipment purchases because they were uncertain of the crop's future.,0 +3,"In pleasing Christian right, GOP offends most others",2 +3,Massachusetts Catholic Conference,2 +2,"INS Under Pile of Backlogged Paper; Agency Reveals It Shuffled 2 Million Documents to Warehouse in the Midwest +",1 +7," The Newtown, Conn., shooting",6 +7,"""I'd much rather be sitting in jail with a felony sentence on my head for having carried that gun and have my parents alive,"" Gratia-Hupp said.",6 +12,Groups to Publicize Poll That Supports Smoking Ban,11 +11,Or maybe it was the Latino roots they shared.,10 +10, would save lives.,9 +13,And Obama deserves credit for nudging the debate forward.,12 +8,"Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the brothers suspected in the bombings, are of Chechen origin and immigrated to the United States in 2002. +",7 +12,"When this socially conscious city passed a domestic partnership law that extended employee benefits to gays, lesbians and unmarried couples, even the local Chamber of Commerce embraced the idea.",11 +6,"Proponents said the ability of law-abiding people to carry weapons for self-defense would be diminished if malls, stores and companies made parking lots off-limits for guns. Business groups, including the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, launched a lobbying campaign in the Senate saying the bill would violate property rights.",5 +7,Killer sentenced to 5 years for fleeing manhunt,6 +5," said Anne Schaufele, a lawyer with the Ayuda nonprofit group who works to prevent such cases of ""notario fraud.""",4 +8,"The United States, anticipating a surge of illegal immigration from Mexico, is beefing up the Southwestern border with personnel and equipment as part of a new ""battle plan"" involving support from local police, National Guard units and the military, officials said yesterday.",7 +5,"""I'm disappointed,"" added Ray Clark, Hernandez's co-counsel. ""I felt that we had raised a reasonable doubt.""",4 +11,"Spanish language broadcaster Univision was the first to take action in response to the remarks, announcing it would not air the Miss Universe pageant scheduled for July 12. Trump has said he will sue Univision for breach of contract.",10 +13,"The council approved the bills in response to the new concealed-weapons law the Legislature approved Sept. 11. +",12 +4,"To determine if a death sentence is excessive, the court uses statistics compiled by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts that compare aspects of the particular case with other death-penalty cases.",3 +5,"On Tuesday, Britt asked the Supreme Court to require the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council, which pays for the defense of indigent defendants, to turn over the information.",4 +13,"Late last month, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) scrapped an undeniably good deal for gun control advocates",12 +13,Following are excerpts from a letter from Gov. George E. Pataki to District Attorney Robert E. Johnson asking Mr. Johnson to affirm that he does not have a policy against seeking the death penalty.,12 +11, and the current It girl of comedy has more than 2 million Twitter followers hanging on her every hashtag.,10 +7,"``Valdes provided the murder weapon, and he was the one who forced Griffis from the van and took him to the back of the vehicle, where he was executed,''",6 +9, suspected of being mentally ill.,8 +6,RAISE LEGAL SMOKING AGE,5 +13,"Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut blasted his fellow lawmakers who offered words without policy, tweeting, ""To my colleagues: your cowardice to act cannot be whitewashed by thoughts and prayers. None of this ends unless we do something to stop it.""",12 +6,"These are all good efforts, but a patchwork solution is not enough.",5 +9, mental health track,8 +1,STATE TAX ON SMOKES MAY DRIFT HIGHER STILL,0 +10,"She was a fun-loving fifth-grader with big blue eyes and shades of gold running through long, blond hair. She loved reading and learning and meeting new people. She tumbled through gymnastic lessons. At home, she hung posters of John Travolta on her bedroom wall. She had a cat named Smokey and a dog named Stupid.",9 +13,"Though Christie skirted the topic of immigration during his three-day trade mission to Mexico, saying he would speak out on his position ""if and when"" he is a presidential candidate, the issue will pose an unavoidable political challenge if he decides to run in 2016.",12 +3,"""What's revolutionary is not this product; it's the attempt to mislead consumers about the product,"" said Matt Myers, staff director for the coalition.",2 +7,Undocumented immigrants with old crimes and deportation orders may still be able to remain in the United States. ,6 +7,"Odeh spent a decade in an Israeli prison for the bombings. But she insists she was tortured into confessing to the crimes, and argued that the expert would have testified that the alleged torture shaped the way she viewed the questions. +",6 +9,"Psychiatrists say the mentally ill are no more prone to committing violence against others than the population at large, despite highly publicized mass shootings by the likes of James Holmes in Aurora, Colo., and Adam Lanza in Newtown, who had histories of mental illness. They say about 4 percent of all violence in the United States is attributable to serious mental illness.",8 +5,Suspect in 4 Slayings Pleads Guilty to One,4 +5,"As he had through years of futile appeals, McGlasson said yesterday that inconsistencies in the law kept the jury from hearing evidence of the defendant's dreadful childhood and later mental problems, then prevented that evidence from being effectively used on appeal.",4 +7,The governor insisted the new agreement more clearly spells out that convicted felons and terrorists are the targets of the program.,6 +11,TWIN CITIES RUN COUNTER TO NATIONAL TRENDS,10 +4,THE SYSTEM MISFIRES,3 +5,ACLU: Supreme Court decision allows for 'only the narrowest' travel ban,4 +13,"And Now, Congress Goes for Its Guns",12 +9,Shepard died several days later at a Fort Collins hospital after being removed from life-support systems.,8 +1,The plan is likely to cause debate among public health advocates because it apparently contains fewer advertising and marketing restrictions on cigarette makers than the $368.5 billion settlement proposal reached last year between state officials and the tobacco industry.,0 +5,"Winfield claimed his attorneys, Brad Kessler and Scott Rosenblum, did a poor job defending him.",4 +1,CIGAR SALES GLOW,0 +7,Ex-inmate charged in assault on woman,6 +5,"Judges blast Indiana, Wisconsin gay marriage bans +",4 +6,"There are two truths and one falsehood behind President Bush's proposed temporary worker program. The first truth is that we, as a nation, aren't willing to let in everyone who wants to come. This means we have to choose who gets in.",5 +12,"Michael Adams, an attorney with the gay advocacy legal group Lambda Legal, said polls show blacks support gays in other areas, such as workplace equality. Strong conservative religious values that predominate in the black community may explain the division, he said.",11 +5,California supreme court asked to review challenge to gay marriage ban,4 +6,More schools test teens for tobacco use,5 +13,"Gov. Mark Dayton says he opposes outlawing gay marriage in the Minnesota Constitution ""with every fiber of my being"" and believes an amendment to do so will be defeated if it ends up on the statewide ballot.",12 +12,"A grass-roots group formed in the wake of Columbine is now pushing a statewide voter initiative that would put the requirements of the failed state legislation into law by popular vote in November, and advocates are hopeful over early polls showing strong support for the initiative. +",11 +5,Severance's attorneys want charges tossed,4 +1," Provide a tax credit of $300 per family to encourage immigrants to become citizens. The credit for families earning less than $30,000 a year would offset the costs of English language classes and citizenship application fees.",0 +3,Churchgoers air views on gay issues,2 +6,Stand Your Ground Makes No Sense,5 +6,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT CONCEALED-WEAPONS LAW,5 +6,"CITY SNUFFING OUT WORK TO CUT SMOKING, GROUP SAYS",5 +13,"The letter quotes the injury center's director, Dr. Mark Rosenberg, as saying that he ""envisions a long-term campaign, similar to tobacco use and auto safety, to convince Americans that guns are, first and foremost, a public-health menace.""",12 +5,"On gay marriage, 'waiting for Scalia' may not save Scott, Bondi +",4 +11,'I cannot express how wrong I was': Country guitarist changes mind on gun control after Vegas,10 +7,The Brady Law Prevents Crime,6 +5,"The attorneys for Provenzano and Davis are seeking stays of execution until a hearing can be held to determine whether the chair in its present condition constitutes ""cruel or unusual punishment,"" which would violate the U.S. Constitution.",4 +10,"After running a few laps around the exercise pen, Alan Dale Walker lies down on the cool concrete, closes his eyes, and imagines he is anywhere else but on Mississippi's death row.",9 +7,not criminals,6 +7,"Crompton, 41, claimed Monique Turenne - his lover and Turenne's wife - killed her husband with blows from a claw hammer during a confrontation in the yard of the Turenne home near Tyndall Air Force Base.",6 +13,Seattle Mayor Recognizes Employees' Gay Marriages,12 +5,". A mistrial was declared in March after the jury said it was deadlocked on all charges. +",4 +7,"Dubbed the ""black widow"" because she killed her husband and son, and tried to kill a boyfriend, Buenoano, 54, kept her eyes closed while she was strapped into the electric chair.",6 +7,Virginia: Sniper's Execution Nears,6 +7,Marcellus Williams is scheduled to die by injection at 6 p.m. Tuesday for the fatal stabbing of former Post-Dispatch reporter Lisha Gayle at her home in University City in 1998.,6 +5,16 jurors screened in Officer May murder trial,4 +5,A circuit court judge recently issued a decision that would invalidate a ban on smoking in all public bars and restaurants in Montgomery County.,4 +5,"Judge Rymer also rejected the N.R.A.'s argument that the California law conflicted with a Federal law that established in 1924 a nationwide program of marksmanship competition. She said that although one of the rifles that can be used in the competition was prohibited by the state law, its use was not essential to the contest.",4 +9,"Cancer is projected to become the leading cause of death worldwide this year. Without global action, the number of people living with and dying from the disease will triple by 2030. + +As a cancer survivor, I'm overwhelmed by the toll this disease takes on humankind. Despite continuing advancements in medical treatment and prevention, cancer remains a leading cause of death in California, with more than 140,000 Californians diagnosed every year. + +In economic terms, cancer's impact",8 +1,"Jon Shebel of Associated Industries of Florida supposedly is the state's preeminent business lobbyist. He led the fight for tobacco, using tons of money and tactics that included lies, threats and a bogus poll. So Florida's leading business lobby fought to the death on behalf of tobacco companies. Not a rational tax structure. Not job development. Not education.",0 +6,How California's and Colorado's gun laws differ,5 +13,Obama braces for immigration battle with GOP,12 +7,"A popular radio evangelist and an associate were arrested on charges they bilked dozens of immigrants in a massive green card scam exposed by the Daily News, authorities said yesterday.",6 +10,"They should not be caricatured as just ""gun control activists"" or ""relatives of Sandy Hook Elementary victims"" because there are many other components to who they are.",9 +5,"Although many active lawsuits, in various stages, are attacking this use of secret evidence, Judge Walls is the first jurist to flatly declare the use of such evidence unconstitutional. +",4 +5,An Arapahoe County District judge postponed the death-penalty sentencing of twice-convicted murderer Robert Ray for two months after Ray's attorneys filed a host of motions Thursday morning.,4 +7,"On Jan. 23, 1911, a novelist, David Graham Phillips, was shot by Fitzhugh Coyle Goldsborough in a brazen early afternoon attack on East 21st Street (or, as it is known today, Gramercy Park North). After firing six shots, Goldsborough put the gun to his temple, killing himself. Phillips survived until the next evening.",6 +7,. I would not give the order to proceed with the execution of any individual unless I had complete confidence in his or her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.,6 +15,Downtown Stalwarts Flock to a Gay Wedding,14 +13,Tobacco Bill Being Offered By Kennedy,12 +5,Judge Rejects Bid to Let Police Check Immigration Status,4 +9,gun safety measures,8 +13,"While members of the Florida Legislature are passing ethics laws, how about writing one to require them to do their jobs?",12 +1,Wet year's tobacco crop disappointing,0 +11,RAPID-FIRE GUN STORY MISFIRED ON FACTS,10 +12,Beyond the NRA's absolutism,11 +6,"The government said those couples can do so even if they live instates that do not permit same-sex marriages -- although they may have to file state tax returns as if they were not married, depending on state laws. +",5 +9,Immigrant's Search for a Heart Is Frustrating,8 +12,Rally draws a small crowd,11 +13,"Rep. DuWayne Johnsrud, R-Eastman, a livestock farmer and gun collector.",12 +5,"U.S. Immigration Judge John Richardson granted a request from the four to exclude key evidence in the case, ruling that agents questioned the students based on their Hispanic appearance.",4 +7,"The bandits pick their victims from classified real estate ads in Chinese language newspapers, or target former landlords, according to law enforcement sources.",6 +10,when they took up the habit,9 +12,"A majority of New Jersey residents support gay marriage, but residents are far more concerned about the sluggish economy and unemployment, polls show.",11 +8," arms are used defensively more than 2 million times a year,",7 +1,Coors adds 'partners' to benefits,0 +5,"If I wanted to purchase a handgun I would first have to present myself to the St. Paul Police Department, main station, and apply for a permit to purchase the gun and then wait a week while the police checked me out.",4 +5,AMENDMENT 2 : Don't let our courts undermine the bedrock of our society,4 +15,I'm a Responsible Gun Owner?,14 +11,Another police shooting acquittal worries black gun owners,10 +6,THINK THROUGH ASSAULT RIFLE BAN,5 +13,"The morning after Donald Trump once again embraced his hard-line immigration posture in a shouted speech, at least four members of his two-week-old Hispanic advisory council said they might not vote for the Republican presidential nominee and warned that his harsh rhetoric would cost him the election.",12 +11,CIGAR FACTORY HOTEL WANTS TO FIT IN,10 +11,"They are people like James McDermott of Jupiter, our 2013 winner.",10 +5,"The jury deliberations began after the rabbi pleaded for his life for 23 minutes, during which he never admitted playing a role in the murder of his wife. Prosecution and defense attorneys also spoke about the aggravating and mitigating factors that would weigh for or against a death sentence.",4 +5,MURDERER TO TESTIFY AT TRIAL OF EX-FRIEND,4 +12,RALLY HERE SEEKS SUPPORT FOR MILLION MOM MARCH,11 +8, the measure would expand criminal background checks for prospective gun buyers to include sales made at gun shows and online.,7 +1,In just about every state that increased beer taxes in recent years,0 +13,"'PROUD NRA SELLOUT': ONE YEAR LATER, ADAM PUTNAM FIGHTS FOR HIS POLITICAL SURVIVAL",12 +12,A gun-control group's cheery response to the NRA's 'dystopian' recruitment ad,11 +5,The 3rd District Court of Appeal ruled Thursday that the cases from Miami-Dade and Monroe counties will move forward. Bondi's office appealed rulings from judges in the two counties that declared Florida's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.,4 +5,"Justice John Paul Stevens of the Supreme Court on Tuesday denied Mr. Ryan's request to remain free on bail while he continued his appeal. +",4 +5,Supreme Court agrees to consider 'bad lawyers' in death row cases,4 +13,White House Said to Specify 3 Demands in Tobacco Deal,12 +4,"Perhaps I missed something, but the Orlando shooter is painted as an anti-gay who attacked the gay bar because there were gays there.",3 +1,Big Tobacco's promises to reform go up in smoke,0 +7,"It started Friday night when deputies responded to a call about a fight in the front yard of 5110 Lawnton Court. The caller reported there were three men in the yard, one of whom was brandishing a shotgun. That man was later identified as Benavides.",6 +14,Va. Will Let Vt. Decide Visitation For Lesbian Parent,13 +11,Parkland galvanizes gun control push,10 +9,"Although illegal immigrants are ineligible for most publicly funded health care, California provides prenatal care under Medi-Cal for all needy women, including about 70,000 illegal immigrants.",8 +13,"When Republicans take over the House of Representatives and Democrats lose six seats in the Senate, bills that crack down on illegal immigration will find new life, and those that help legalize any of the country's 11 million illegal immigrants will struggle.",12 +9,For Sensible Gun Safety,8 +13,"Republicans eager to portray the Virginia Democratic ticket as ""the most liberal"" in state history are using mailings and radio ads to paint the candidates as champions of homosexual rights and gay marriage.",12 +7,Move to Justice Dept. Brings ATF New Focus,6 +12,"The 1997 Charlotte Observer-WCNC Carolinas Poll in July asked 903 residents of North Carolina and South Carolina about smoking issues. +",11 +6,"A strict measure to ban all outdoor tobacco advertising in San Francisco, including indoor ads visible from outside, was passed by the Health, Family and Environment Committee. The measure, which goes to the full board of supervisors Monday, is tougher than a new state law taking effect Jan. 1 that bans tobacco advertising within 1,000 feet of any school, park or playground. The city legislation would bar any sign or tobacco promotion in windows or doors, if visible from the street or sidewalk, except for a generic sign announcing that the store sells tobacco products. +",5 +7,"Yesterday, Trantino was back in jail, accused of assaulting his 33-year-old girlfriend on Thursday and, in doing so, violating the terms of parole. +",6 +13,"Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., who represents the Columbine area, said he doubted that the report would stir great interest in Washington because it lacks the word 'gun' and 'there is no bombshell in it.'",12 +11,", newspaper and television editors,",10 +13,Clinton Defends His Criticism of a New York Judge's Ruling,12 +7," omnibus criminal procedure bill,",6 +11,"The still-unidentified shooter was just one of hundreds, if not thousands, of people in Philadelphia who use guns as noisemakers to ring in the New Year. +",10 +12,"The delay triggered applause from hundreds of protesters chanting ""Save Troy Davis"" and singing ""We Shall Overcome"" outside the prison walls.",11 +5,"Gay marriage is legal, or will be soon, in nine states - Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Washington - and the District of Columbia. Federal courts in California have struck down the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, but that ruling has not taken effect while the issue is being appealed.",4 +13,"The item elicited more than an hour of public comment and council discussion before the final 4-1 vote was taken. More than 30 people attended the meeting, several of them wearing T-shirts that read ""Live Work Play, Be Tobacco Free.""",12 +13,ILLINOIS GOV CLEARS OUT DEATH ROW,12 +5,Death Sentence Is Overturned,4 +5,"Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson sided almost entirely with a group of same-sex couples and gay rights groups who sued the state in July, days after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key parts of a law that blocked the federal government from granting benefits to gay couples. +",4 +6,"When does D.C.'s ""good reason"" requirement no longer apply to people seeking a concealed carry permit",5 +11,"More Asians than Hispanics will be heading to U.S. by 2065, study [#xfb01]nds",10 +8,Coast Guard to Stop Vessels Bound for Cuba,7 +13,"Bloomberg PAC endorses Robin Kelly in new Illinois special election ad +",12 +6," could be construed to prohibit private domestic-partner benefits and to violate federal laws governing employee health plans. At the very least, it could stir up costly and time-consuming litigation.",5 +13,"In taking the controversial step, Ryan nailed the capital-punishment issue high up on the nation's agenda.",12 +5, his attorneys said.,4 +3,"Early this year, Episcopal Bishop Dabney Smith stood before a crowd of about 175 people who wanted him to authorize same-sex union blessings.",2 +14,":You live in Europe, where the death penalty is almost nonexistent. So why this topic now",13 +1,Farmers fret about future as smokers' ranks decrease,0 +6,Black Americans want new gun laws to curb gun violence,5 +6, legislation that would allow individuals to carry concealed weapons.,5 +13,Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's proposal,12 +15,Lighting up - and still fired up,14 +7," Alma Lopez stood outside the county prison here, where undocumented immigrants are jailed pending deportation, and broke into tears.",6 +12,The NRA comes to Atlanta,11 +8,Right to bear arms keeps brave from becoming victims,7 +10,"Adding counseling more than doubled the six-month abstinence rate, from 8 percent for those who got just the manual to 16.4 percent for the quit-line callers. All three language groups benefited.",9 +1,"especially after 'big tobacco' got involved. + +Tobacco company RJ Reynolds recently gave $ 1,000",0 +15,Setting the Record Straight,14 +13,Carney calls Boehner claim on immigration 'laughable',12 +13,"After the General Assembly approved the amendment and put it on the November 2004 ballot, the issue was credited with energizing conservative voters and helping to elect Republican candidates that fall.",12 +1,The intent of the states' suit against the tobacco industry was to recover funds to offset Medicaid costs of treating smoking-related diseases.,0 +5,MASSACHUSETTS LAWMAKERS REJECT 2 COMPROMISES ON GAY MARRIAGE,4 +1,"Wall Street responded by driving up tobacco stock prices. +",0 +10,"''I don't talk or think about it at home,'' he said. ''I leave it in the locker at the police station.''",9 +3,Ministers plan to rally for dismissed Gallaudet staffer,2 +6,Providence First Hospital in D.C. To Ban Smoking,5 +6,Inquirer Editorial: No more executions,5 +7,"Consider Arizona's crusty old Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was harmless enough when putting prisoners in pink underwear, but not so much when he found himself in violation of numerous federal laws for basically ignoring those parts of the Constitution that don't involve protecting guns or trying to prove whether the president was born in this country.",6 +13,"The City Council is to vote on the measure on Nov. 14. Three members support it, three oppose it and one member, Mel Panizza, is undecided.",12 +4,LAWYERS TAP FUND TO ENSURE DEATH PENALTY CASES ARE FAIR,3 +1,"""simply one more ploy to deny the seedy side of their business ",0 +13,HOUSE OKS EMERGENCY MILITARY SPENDING $82 BILLION BILL INCLUDES IMMIGRATION MEASURES,12 +13,"But when the Legislature returns to Albany next month, only one of those four senators will be among those sworn into office. One, facing the prospect of a tough challenge, decided not to run again; a second was defeated by a more conservative Republican in a primary, and on Thursday, a third conceded defeat after a monthlong paper-ballot counting process in a three-way race in which a more conservative candidate drew so many votes from him that the race was won by a Democrat.",12 +7,NURSING HOME KILLINGS BRING SENTENCE OF LIFE,6 +4,"""It really was a means for how we can recruit new teachers,"" Benaim said. ""The way it is now, it almost makes it more biased, because it singles out administrators."" +",3 +4,The chief's descendents and some historians insist he did not kill the colonel.,3 +1,"Tobacco companies deny they entice youngsters into smoking. They contend their advertising intends only to persuade smokers to switch brands and they cite their own initiatives to dissuade kids from cigarettes, including Philip Morris' $ 100 million ""Think, Don't Smoke"" campaign.",0 +14,Rice and Mexican Official Hint at Thaw in Relations,13 +10,Let's have peaceful coexistence,9 +15,Gay Marriage | Goin' to The Mansion...,14 +13," This past weekend, President Clinton and administration officials issued blunt and accurate warnings about the politics of this issue: Republicans can go into the fall elections sharing credit for a bipartisan victory in the fight against smoking --- especially by teenagers --- or carrying the label of tobacco's ally in that fight. Opponents of tobacco legislation want to convert the label into a badge of honor, claiming they are standing on bedrock Republican principles of opposition to higher taxes and government growth. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi said the bill sponsored by fellow Republican John McCain of Arizona is ""dead in the water"" and is unlikely to be voted on.",12 +9,7 SUSPECTED IMMIGRANTS FOUND DEAD,8 +13, was approved by voters in 2004 and included the out-of-state clause.,12 +3,CDC: Small stores are big smoking lures to teens,2 +1,cigarette tax,0 +13,Gay marriage no longer a key issue for U.S. House GOP,12 +13,Same-sex marriagepicks up votes in Md.,12 +7,Don't cross the NRA if you want air in your tires,6 +15,Why put off the day that all same-sex couples can marry?,14 +3,"Paul Hildwin's face was empty of emotion. No smiling, no scowling, no visible signs of remorse.",2 +9,Candy-flavored cigarettes draw fire,8 +13,Both sides of marriage debate say NAACP announcement helps,12 +1,"At a Raleigh news conference attended by agriculture commissioner Meg Scott Phipps and former Gov. Jim Hunt, officials with Kings Inc. announced they would pay farmers for specialty crops used by Pilot Therapeutics Holdings Inc., to produce botanical drugs and medical food products.",0 +10,"One immigrant, a well-muscled stocky man weighing about 200 pounds, told Estrada that the bosses wouldn't dare strike him but often went after a slight and frail friend, the doctor said.",9 +1,"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should not have granted permission to a munitions manufacturer owned by the Israeli Government to sell two types of semiautomatic weapons, the Uzi American and the Galil Sporter, in this country. The prospective sales appear to violate the law and in any case are dangerous to public safety.",0 +7,Why the massive black market trade in cigarettes affects you even if you don't smoke,6 +5,Three proposed amendments,4 +13,South Dakotan Is Latest Senate Democrat to Back Same-Sex Marriage,12 +6,"Although gay rights leaders denounced the bills as ''extremely weak,'' most legislators expect them to pass with minimal revisions, perhaps as soon as month's end. Gov. Jon S. Corzine reiterated his support for civil unions, suggesting he would sign the legislation if it passes.",5 +13,Trump's 21-gun retreat,12 +6,That Gun Law Could Be Tough,5 +13,Cuomo Offers Broad Proposal To Toughen Crime Penalties,12 +13,New Gun Restrictions Pass The Legislature in Maryland,12 +6,"Plan requires test, insurance, license, tracking",5 +12, more than half of Americans polled said they were more supportive of gun control following the December school shootings.,11 +1,LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: MORE FUNDS SHOULD GO TO SMOKING PREVENTION,0 +3,"The Chicago-based church, the country's single largest Lutheran denomination, currently requires that sexual intimacy occur only within the context of marriage between a man and a woman",2 +1,GUN FEES ON FIRING LINE ADMINISTRATION WANTS TO BOOST LICENSING TO $600,0 +9, if he's depressed by his surroundings,8 +1,"Altria's support has created a split among American tobacco companies who once walked in lock step while disputing claims that cigarettes are addictive, opposing regulation and new taxes, and in fighting off lawsuits.",0 +13,"Republicans From West Join Action on Marriage +",12 +12," Furthermore, polls show strong support across the state for tighter gun-control laws.",11 +10,The House legislation would deny public schooling to children of illegal immigrants.,9 +8,"Protecting A Gun Law, Or a Family",7 +1,against the industry. The report said the states had not met minimum standards for spending on programs,0 +5,but not before the attorney general started getting complaints that its petition-pushers were pitching their amendment as anti-smoking,4 +13,"""Governor Christie, not even you have the power to resurrect that wall. . . . It's time to stop the charade of opposing the inevitable.""",12 +8,"is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free State.""",7 +12,"They sparked marches, protests and school walkouts around the country.",11 +7,"The Solanos, who operated the popular restaurant El Pollo Rico in Wheaton, paid their undocumented workers in cash, and Juan Solano helped house them in residences across Maryland, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's Office in Maryland. From 2002 to 2007, the Solanos deposited more than $7 million from their business into other business and personal accounts.",6 +12,Polls misleading,11 +9,of caring for smokers had become intolerably high,8 +3,"""all men . . . are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights,""",2 +1,"CBI to ask for $500,000",0 +5,Prosecutors said they probably will seek the death penalty ,4 +13,GOV'S POLITICAL REMAKE Re-formed Pataki oozing with veep appeal,12 +13,"""Restoring the import ban is a no-brainer that would require no legislative action,"" said Rep. Eliot Engel (D-Bronx), who spearheaded the letter with Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.)",12 +9,state health commissioner,8 +9,who lost a son to gun violence,8 +10,Hole-hearted effort Pol presented doughnut for empty bid to aid immigrant students,9 +11,tradition-minded,10 +10,"""The most addictive thing about smoking is the habit - reaching for a cigarette, tapping a cigarette out of the pack, the camaraderie. Those are the toughest things to break.",9 +5,"At issue Monday were two such challenges. One involved a Texas law that bars almost all 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds from getting a permit to carry a handgun. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit upheld the state law, which exempts people with military experience. +",4 +13,"Democratic Party leaders, who believe that such a ballot measure would hurt their candidates for governor and U.S. Senate, are also pressuring many of the legislature's 42 black members.",12 +13,U.S. Rep. Paul Broun wants you to reach for your checkbook.,12 +5,"""We're doing everything we can to get it back on schedule,"" said Denise Davis, a spokeswoman for state Attorney General Dan Lungren.",4 +6,PITFALLS IN COLO. LAW HINDER FLA. VERSION OF YOUTH GUN BAN,5 +5,Georgia donors help Ariz. legal fight,4 +9,But that imported habit is beginning to worry health professionals who see a growing epidemic of oral cancer in India spreading to immigrants in New York,8 +13, President Clinton and Ambassador Walter Mondale expressed condolences to the families and Japan.,12 +11,Most Americans say gun laws should be more strict - and the number who say so has increased over the past year. Near-ly six in 10 - 57 percent - of Americans think gun laws should be stricter. That number was 52 percent last year.,10 +7,"Joseph R. Wood was scheduled to die by lethal injection Wednesday. Wood was sentenced to death in 1991 for shooting and killing his ex-girlfriend Debra Dietz and her father, Eugene.",6 +13," President Bush favors it, but it faces a tough battle in the Senate. +",12 +5,GOP hires ex-solicitor general to defend ban on gay marriage,4 +13,"Hailing New Americans, Obama Scorns Hostile Voices",12 +7,"Michael Wayne Williams, 34, was within one hour of execution in 1999",6 +11,"In many ways, the experiences of the Jacinto family are typical of the gradual process of assimilation that has pulled generations of immigrants into the American mainstream. That process is nothing new to Omaha, which drew waves of Czech, German and Irish immigrants early this century.",10 +3,"While acknowledging that ""committed and loving relationships between two individuals deserve recognition under California law,""",2 +9,"Fentanyl has proven so adept at killing drug users that authorities in Nevada and Nebraska now want to use it to execute death row inmates. +",8 +13,Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger,12 +13,"The ban needed 50 votes in consecutive sessions of the 200-seat legislature to secure a place on the 2008 statewide ballot. At the end of the last session, in January, it passed with 62 votes. This time it garnered just 45.",12 +12,rapidly growing acceptance of gay rights in mainstream politics.,11 +6,GAY MARRIAGE BAN IS DRAWING CLOSER,5 +13," It survived a motion to table that would have killed the measure outright, but fell short of the 60 votes needed to advance it. The vote was 52 to 46.",12 +5,"The Massachusetts Legislature took a decisive step Monday toward a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and legalizing civil unions, the first in a series of votes required over the next 2 1/2 years.",4 +13,"Obama's position to date has been support for ""strong civil unions,"" but he allowed in December that, ""my feelings are constantly evolving,"" and that he will ""continue to wrestle"" with the issue. +",12 +1,"Wigand, a former tobacco company executive, refused to keep quiet about the dangers of smoking and the slick advertising campaigns that targeted children and minorities.",0 +13,And the fact is that the Georgia Legislature has repeatedly rejected stronger laws to deny children easy access to guns because of pressure from the National Rifle Association and its minions.,12 +3,Bishops Open 'Religious Liberty' Drive,2 +5,Philip Morris Accuses ABC of Libel,4 +15,MARRIAGE IS BETTER. PERIOD,14 +6,proposed ban of guns in this community's three bars,5 +6,said the ban,5 +6,LIST YOUR GUNS ON YOUR 1040?,5 +1,"But what if we talked about cost? +",0 +11,particularly among African American youths.,10 +15,ASHES TO ASHES?,14 +9,Don't Punish Aliens With Death by Illness,8 +1,"Roughly $28 million would be spent on those weddings, the analysts figured, plus about $14 million in tourism-related spending by out-of-town guests. That activity would yield roughly $3 million in tax revenue for state and local governments, the report said.",0 +15,MAJORS TO CHEW IT OVER,14 +5,"Each year thousands of undocumented foreigners, bearing little more than desperate pleas for asylum, flood John F. Kennedy International Airport - a main entry point for illegal immigrants.",4 +7,"Officers and agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, have, for years, worn jackets and vests bearing the words ""POLICE ICE."" They identify themselves as police officers when they knock on doors in search of undocumented immigrants.",6 +6,"In Diluting Measure to Ban Gay Marriage, Indiana Shows a Shift",5 +7," +MAN ACCUSED OF ARSON THAT KILLED PARENTS IS OUT ON BAIL / AN ACCOUNT WAS FROZEN AS COLLATERAL",6 +5,"Judge William Jay Riley said the state's lawyers initially misrepresented the execution procedures to both a lower court and the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which heard oral arguments in St. Louis.",4 +8,New York Man gets 27 years in terrorism case,7 +8,Terrorism Jury Faces Slew of Questions,7 +12,This is an emotional and controversial issue that ignites passion in those both for and against it,11 +13,The Republican Party's gay marriage catch-22,12 +12,"For Gun Control, Nannies Will March With Moms",11 +13,"THE POWERFUL gun lobby is fond of telling us that guns do not kill people, that people kill people. +",12 +14," +This country's historic shift is expected to embolden efforts in the USA to legalize same-sex marriage and provide a basis for lawsuits if Canadian marriages of gay Americans are rejected at home.",13 +14,Cigarette Firms Sued By Foreign Governments,13 +9," that regaining consciousness during an execution by lethal injection is ""like being burned alive.""",8 +7,which McDermott simply ignored as he compiled a small arsenal of weapons and explosives.,6 +3,Gay couple's union celebrated in and by a Lutheran church,2 +7,Executing Them Softly,6 +5,State Attorney Barry Krischer said the verdict is a warning to abusive parents.,4 +10,"""I didn't think it could happen in my career or in my lifetime,"" said Weir, who balked at getting hitched in 2004 when San Francisco began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples questioning the legality. ""Plus, I wanted to get my own license from my own offices.""",9 +4,'These are false charges of discrimination against most African-Americans,3 +5," +Boyd cited a Maryland case in which a judge earlier this year struck down as unconstitutional the state's law defining marriage as being between a man and a woman.",4 +13,"Everyone knows by now that the right is split over immigration. Hard-liners, including Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, want fences and mass deportations.",12 +13,"The plan had tentative approval Wednesday by most members of the city's Safety and Personnel Committee except Councilman Ted Hackworth, who said it 'doesn't make sense.'",12 +15,THE ASHMAN COMETH,14 +6,"Similarly, efforts to prevent people on the no-fly list from buying weapons would do little to tackle larger issues of gun accessibility.",5 +11,Same-sex marriages are permitted in 19 states and the District of Columbia.,10 +12,Protests Go On In Several Cities As Panel Acts,11 +13,Easley wants law removed to allow leaf company suits,12 +9,"A BRONX MAN died early yesterday in his second-floor bedroom in a blaze ignited by a cigarette, officials said.",8 +5,"Prosecutors immediately said they will seek the death penalty. +",4 +5,Two groups suing city over domestic partnership laws,4 +1,"Nelson is organizing a gun sale for five central Minnesota counties that want to empty their gun lockers. The sale will be open only to invited, licensed gun dealers. The department is likely to use the money for training, Nelson said.",0 +13,N.J. Assembly OKs tax hike on cigarettes,12 +5,"In a one-paragraph decision issued Friday, the U.S. Appeals Court for the 7th Circuit in Chicago wrote that a majority of judges in ""regular active service"" with the court voted to deny requests to have the full court, rather than a customary three-judge panel, hear appeals of decisions overturning laws banning same-sex marriage in Wisconsin and Indiana.",4 +11,HERE COME THE ... BRIDES. WE'LL BE NIAGARA FALLS OF SAME-SEX WEDDINGS,10 +5,"The Goodridges and six other couples filed the lawsuit, Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, in 2001 after being denied marriage licenses. The case made its way to the state's highest court, which ruled in November 2003 that the Massachusetts Constitution guaranteed same-sex couples the right to marry. Despite Gov. Mitt Romney's efforts to stop them, the first same-sex marriages took place six months later.",4 +3,Church loses lease over gay stance,2 +2,DPS to centralize resources for immigrants,1 +7," Every two years, as many are killed by handguns alone as were killed in Vietnam.",6 +3,Episcopal Bishop Plans Ritual for Same-Sex Unions,2 +7,An effort to free three young men convicted in the lurid 1993 slayings of three 8-year-old boys is gathering speed,6 +13,Victims' bill 'hijacked' by pro-gun rider GOP amendment decried,12 +1,TOURISM OFFICIALS BACK BILL,0 +5,", who filed a lawsuit last summer to force the city to remove it",4 +5,SUPREME COURT RULES THAT FDA CAN'T REGULATE TOBACCO AS A DRUG,4 +8,Gunman's Father Says Tougher Laws Would Have Prevented Massacre,7 +12,Another poll provides more evidence of how closely divided Marylanders are on same-sex marriage,11 +5,Jailed Somali activist Omar Jamal said Tuesday he trusted the courts to clear him of charges that he broke immigration laws even as new questions about his legal status surfaced.,4 +13,"""I told you this was Democratic convention,"" replied her husband.",12 +11,"Dolan maintained marriage was between a man and woman but added he'd work to bring back disenfranchised gays and lesbians?and spoke to them directly. +",10 +13,"By backing legislators who voted for gay marriage, Minnesotans United PAC ""will be providing funding to several legislators who have a history of voting for anti-choice legislation,"" Minnesota NOW president Sarah Jane Johnston said in a statement Wednesday.",12 +5,Virginia's New Attorney General Opposes Ban on Gay Marriage,4 +7, that followed the Columbine High School shootings this spring,6 +7,Immigrants without visas re-arrested,6 +5,Justice Dept. Promotes Lawyer to No. 3 Post,4 +13, KRAMER AND KEAN: A SHIFT IN EMPHASIS,12 +13,"The gun rights group's lobbying arm, the Institute for Legislative Action, attacked Murphy in a mailer we received on Oct. 4, 2016. The flier listed several reasons why Murphy is against guns.",12 +9,"Clinical neuropsychologist Michele Quiroga testified that Sotelo-Gomez suffers from a variety of mental illnesses, including a delusional disorder, paranoid personality disorder, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder",8 +3,"""I don't expect the picture in the religious community to change very much with this decision,""",2 +5,"Despite supporting capital punishment in numerous rulings, O'Connor is considered by many as a swing vote on the issue.",4 +6,underscore the need to loosen the regulation of guns - rather than restrict them.,5 +13,Democrats want to drop handgun appeals board,12 +11, for the people of Palm Beach County to know guns are out of control.,10 +5,"In its original appeal, the tobacco concern challenged the award, arguing that a 1998 state law allowing smokers to sue tobacco companies does not apply retroactively, especially for a woman who smoked for four decades. The tobacco concern argued that the verdict should have been nullified because a state law allows suits only for damages incurred after 1998.",4 +1,"A hundred years ago, for example, two Hungarian immigrants, Eugene Farkas and Joseph Galamb, helped design the Ford Motor Co.'s paradigm-shifting automobile, the Model T. In our own era, German immigrant Sebastian Thrun has helped steer transportation into the 21st century with his work on Google's self-driving-car project.",0 +1,"Where there's smoke, there are profits",0 +3,Retribution For Murders,2 +10,"""In this place, there are people who want to help me,"" Salman said between bites of pumpkin pie. ""I can work. I can live. Here, now, every day I'm smiling.""",9 +7,CLASS TO CLEAR TEEN'S SMOKING RECORD,6 +12,Vigils focus on gun violence Activists gather at shooting sites,11 +13,CONGRESS RENEWS IMMIGRATION DEBATE,12 +1,of bar and restaurant employees as well as customers.,0 +13,The recommendation for over-the-counter sale now goes to the FDA for final action. There is no timetable for a decision; the agency usually follows the recommendations of its advisory panels.,12 +15,"LIMITS, POSSIBLY",14 +9,"FATAL ATTRACTION GOVERNMENT CAN'T STAND IDLE AS 3,000 TEENS A DAY STUMBLE BLITHELY INTO THE ADDICTIVE SMOKING HABIT.",8 +5,Machine gun ban appealed,4 +5,"In a revised and expanded order, Piazza said that no one was harmed by the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. He rejected the state's request to put his decision on hold, saying gay couples would be harmed by that action.",4 +6,"That ban passed in 1994 but expired in 2004, and its effectiveness was debated.",5 +6," ""The directive states that chaplains 'may' perform same-sex civil marriage ceremonies",5 +13,"If Ms. Suarez really wants to see more ""true leaders"" she should lead by example by addressing the real issues rather than ducking them.",12 +13," Florida lawmakers to hold hearings on 'Stand Your Ground' +",12 +5,Gun rights in the balance,4 +9,"Secondhand Smoke May Harm Family Pets, Too",8 +5,It may pass constitutional muster,4 +5," The state Supreme Court will automatically review the conviction and sentence, and the defense said it will appeal",4 +5, at stopping death row inmates from suing for documents that might save their lives.,4 +2,The Citizenship Surge,1 +9," +A Quick Health-Care Fix: Don't Inhale",8 +13,"Society must draw the line, Wisconsin legislator says",12 +7,"Boulder police arrested one woman earlier this year and are looking for three other people who allegedly posed as employees of the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles and promised to provide real driver's licenses for $1,000 each, said Rob Bustrum, a spokesman for the Boulder Police Department.",6 +12,Advocates will view it as a validation of gay partnerships. ,11 +5, amnesty,4 +1,"Chairman Leaving RJR, Tumult Intact",0 +5,"In a case that could make Iowa the first Midwestern state to legalize same-sex marriage, the Iowa Supreme Court on Tuesday pressed lawyers for both sides with sharp questions on topics like the 4,000-year-old history of marriage and whether a ruling favoring gay couples would open the door to polygamy.",4 +12,"STAND ON GUNS WINS PRAISE, NOT FOLLOWERS",11 +4, also recognize that same-sex marriage is a basic civil right that can no longer be denied to the citizens of this state.,3 +13,"The idea has received the backing of the Board of Regents, and a related bill may come up for a vote in 2012.",12 +15,WHISTLEBLOWING A WARNING TUNE,14 +5,Gun prosecutions double under crackdown,4 +13,"Gov. Roy Romer appointed a commission Thursday to study the rights of couples involved in ""long-term, committed"" same-sex relationships. But one of the sponsors of a failed effort to ban same-sex marriages complained that his point of view wasn't represented among the group's 16 members. +",12 +9,"Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are killing more than 500,000 Americans a year",8 +5,a guilty plea on Friday in order to avoid the death penalty.,4 +11,Jaguars' Owner Opposes Immigration Ban,10 +5,"In a dissent from the court's Jan. 15 order denying stays for all four inmates, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, writing for the court's four-member liberal wing, said there was ''a reasonable probability'' that the court would grant review of the case. ",4 +5,"The justices did not comment when they declined to broaden their review and take up Hill's appeal that raised constitutional concerns about lethal injection. +",4 +9,Immigrant status checks would erode public safety,8 +5,"The court required that the state demonstrate a ""compelling"" reason for forbidding gay and lesbian marriages, traditionally a tough case for government to make since it must show that public welfare or safety is threatened by doing so.",4 +11,"Experts point to a generation of damaged and dangerous children who are underexposed to caring adults, overexposed to guns and incubated in a culture of violence.",10 +15,SPONSOR SAYS HE WILL COMPLY WITH OPEN RECORDS REQUEST,14 +13,"Citing Family, Clinton Affirms Gun-Control Positions and Assails Trump",12 +10,"Editorial: When stolen guns go unreported, no one can feel safe or free",9 +1, local gun dealers,0 +7,"Fields, 50, was on parole in 1978 after doing time for a manslaughter conviction when he killed 26-year-old Rosemary Cobbs.",6 +13,"Pennsylvania Governor Won't Fight Ruling That Allows Gay Marriage +",12 +11,Silence on Guns,10 +5,"Mr. Quatman, who worked for 26 years as a deputy district attorney and prosecuted the case, said the trial judge, Stanley Golde, advised him during jury selection that ''no Jew would vote to send a defendant to the gas chamber.''",4 +7,EX-LAWYER BUSTED IN IMMIGRATION SCAM,6 +5,"""Obviously, I'm happy,"" Thomas Dunn, Spivey's lawyer, said after the stay. ""It's the right decision.""",4 +13,"""So many people were rather lukewarm toward governor Romney and were really looking for some more tangible reasons to support him,"" said Phil Burress, president of Citizens for Community Values, who led the ballot drive that banned gay marriage in Ohio in 2004. ""Then lo and behold, it just fell out of the sky when Obama came out and endorsed same-sex marriage. . . . We are going to make this our key issue: the attack on marriage.",12 +9,"You already know that smoking causes lung cancer, emphysema and heart disease. But if you are 20 years old and gorgeous, death is the last thing on your mind. So let's look at smoking from a very superficial viewpoint.",8 +5,Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch has again been inspired to question the activities of the Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco,4 +3," +I submit to you that a marriage between a loving man and woman is not endangered by a marriage between a same-sex couple. It is endangered ",2 +9,PROPOSAL GIVES ALL KIDS FREE CARE CIGARETTE TAX TO FUND PROGRAM'S FIRST STAGE,8 +7,"The court ruling does not mean that Skipper, who now is 59, will go free. Instead, his two death sentences will be converted to life prison terms. +",6 +1,Tenants in common each share their percentage interest in the real property. Business partners typically use tenancy in common as their preferred way to hold title. Each co-owner can sell and/or borrow against his percentage interest in the property. One main attribute is that each co-owner can bequeath his interest in his will. Each co-owner's creditors can attach that co-owner's percentage interest in the real property to satisfy their claim.,0 +13,Barr defends measure to limit firearms suits,12 +6,to influence tobacco policy,5 +13, waging a campaign in legislatures,12 +15,Williams misleads,14 +9,300K risk losing health insurance,8 +13,Key Va. Republicans Balk At Gay Union Amendment,12 +7,Man charged in shooting at lobby group,6 +7,"Twenty years ago, Mr. Wood made a plan with a friend to steal a safe from a store in Kerr County, Tex. While Daniel Reneau entered the store and shot the clerk, Mr. Wood sat outside in a truck. He was never armed. He may not even have known that Mr. Reneau, who was put to death in 2002, had a gun.",6 +4, history of involvement in a racist prison gang.,3 +7,"Green and Pflugler were accused of burglarizing Bowser's apartment, burying his nude body and fleeing in his car, which was found abandoned in Richmond, Va. They were eventually arrested in Florida.",6 +7,The recent arrest of Jessica Colotl is more than just the story of one young woman who ran afoul of police and is paying for it,6 +15,Ann Landers,14 +5,"California's constitution permits laws against gay marriage, the state's attorney general declared Friday in a long-awaited legal opinion that sought to avoid offending either side of the debate. +",4 +13,Biden Said to Apologize to Obama Over Gay Marriage Issue,12 +13,Guns at polling places worry Virginia election officials,12 +13,was a major victory for the Bush administration,12 +6, outlawed 19 types of military-style assault weapons. A clause directed that the ban expire unless Congress specifically reauthorized it.,5 +5,"The group asked the court to prohibit gun wholesalers and retailers from selling more than one handgun to the same person in any 30-day period. +",4 +1," Arguing that the proposed multibillion-dollar tobacco settlement threatens their livelihoods, tobacco farmers have asked Congress for $ 7 billion in economic protections and a requirement that cigarette makers buy a guaranteed amount of U.S. leaf.",0 +10,Is gay marriage really a threat to straight marriage?,9 +11,When the Junior League of Greensboro,10 +13,"""We must set an example in New Jersey that we are serious about putting an end to handgun violence,"" said Adler. ""If we act first, as with assault weapons, Congress may follow suit.""",12 +1,"Especially in today's tight labor market, America can't function without immigrants -- and there aren't enough legal ones -- from its agricultural fields to Silicon Valley to the apartments and houses where nannies care for their children and clean their homes.",0 +9,Cordray on point about increase in firearm deaths in Ohio,8 +13,How the assassinations of 1968 led the NRA to become the lobbying force it is today;,12 +7,"The investigations of the three cases did not overlap, Ms. Glazer said. Although she and other prosecutors seem to be mining a rich new source of information on gang activity, Ms. Glazer attributed the timing of the indictments to effective coordination between Federal prosecutors and New York City police detectives familiar with patterns of gang activity.",6 +12," who led the group of two dozen lawmakers, religious leaders, attorneys, human rights activists and African-American leaders in a Capitol news conference",11 +6,"Gun-Control Measure Still a 'Strong Bill' Despite Changes, Glendening Says",5 +13,2 in Congress would repeal D.C. gun laws,12 +14,in one state that has an impact all across the country about the rights of GLBT folks,13 +13,"SENATE DEFEATS 2 KEY GAY BILLS RIGHTS ISSUES: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IS BROADLY REJECTED +",12 +11,"Margaret Lavin: Northern California Innocence Project is a true David and Goliath story +",10 +5,Blackmun's concerns cannot be dismissed,4 +9,"Automakers continually develop and install new safety features, and these innovations deliver results: From 1975 to 2016, the rate of motor vehicle deaths decreased by nearly half. While motor vehicle deaths have declined over the last two decades, firearm deaths have not: According to the most recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people now die from firearms than motor vehicle accidents.",8 +13,"Mayor Kenney's spokeswoman, Lauren Hitt, said the city was not considering modifying its sanctuary policies. +",12 +13,Hillary Clinton comes out in support of gay marriage,12 +5," In October, he said he would not pursue further appeals.",4 +11,"As a port of entry for vast numbers of immigrants, New York already delivers instruction in Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and a host of other languages until children learn English",10 +5, The law also doesn't allow the judge any discretion in the decision.,4 +7,D.C. sniper executed 7 years after attacks,6 +11,Marlboro Country,10 +5,"On the day that Ian was in court, volunteer lawyers and law students gave intake interviews to everyone looking for free representation. +",4 +13, one day after seeing then-candidate Bill Clinton at a campaign rally.,12 +12,Some Worry Over a Law To Increase DNA Testing,11 +8,"Many of the measures will target the Imperial Valley, a region crisscrossed by irrigation waterways including the swift-moving All American Canal, where 17 people have drowned since Oct. 1.",7 +13, Pence said Sept. 4 on NBC's Meet the Press.,12 +5,"A separate set of questions revolves around the legal standard the justices might invoke to determine what gun restrictions stand. The details of their ruling -- not likely until June -- could determine the fate of a range of regulations nationwide, from a federal prohibition on machine guns to some cities' licensing rules.",4 +8, Expanding background checks ,7 +6, But we should have some common sense regulations. ,5 +13,"DID MARK PRYOR VOTE 'TO GIVE SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS'? +",12 +5,Prosecutors conceded their case against Felker was circumstantial. ,4 +12,"""Ninety percent of Americans want our background check system strengthened and expanded to cover more gun sales.""",11 +13,"created a political trick-box for Koster, a Democrat and candidate for governor in 2016.",12 +1,"""We have some very real concerns about their financial controls,"" Lester said. ""They had $ 100,000 allocated for overtime but didn't spend it because no one knew how to draw the money.""",0 +13,Governor More Hopeful On Same-Sex Marriage,12 +6,Present restrictions on handguns are meaningless. ,5 +4," +Still, the California verdict was a major victory for civil rights.",3 +13,Donald Trump Says Shootings Will Happen 'No Matter What',12 +13,"Bush's remarks remind close watchers of something U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio once said along the same lines. +",12 +13," chief sponsor Sen. John Grant, R-Tampa, ",12 +9,"Another person died later today in a hospital here, bringing the number of deaths to 18 and making it the highest death toll ever from a suspected case of smuggling immigrants into the United States by truck. It is also among the largest losses of life in any immigrant smuggling incident.",8 +11," In their minds, the country's increasing racial diversity makes it risky to oppose immigration reform.",10 +4,"RIMARY +",3 +5,"So when the federal government first claimed to have secret evidence that Dr. Najjar had raised money for a terrorist organization, Immigration Judge R. Kevin McHugh denied bail.",4 +11,"The states with the highest gun-ownership rates are Louisiana (46 percent), Mississippi (54 percent), Alaska (61 percent), Alabama (57 percent) and Nevada (32 percent). They also have the highest rate of gun deaths, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis. +",10 +7,"McCarver, 40, was scheduled to be executed at 2 a.m. today for the January 1987 stabbing and choking death of Woodrow Hartley, a 71-year-old worker at the Concord cafeteria where McCarver had worked.",6 +1,"sometimes claimed to have worked more hours per week on a given case than was credible, but that there is no mechanism to challenge their billings. And in one instance documented by the paper, a defense team charged the fund more than $10,000 to build a mock-up of a crime scene for trial, then ended up not even using it. +",0 +5,"The law, which takes effect this month, granted out-of-state groups such as the National Rifle Association the right to sue municipalities that enact gun-related ordinances stricter than state law.",4 +5,he ordered state agencies to use the federal E-Verify system to screen job applicants.,4 +5,"""The judge will be asking questions of Sgt. Bales about what he did, what he remembers and his state of mind,"" Browne said. ""The deal that has been worked out . . . is they take the death penalty off the table, and he pleads as charged, pretty much.""",4 +5,"LAWYER ADMITS DEFENDANT GUILTY OF KILLING GIRL, 12",4 +5,"The hearings come as supporters of such unions have amassed legal victories in federal courts nationwide this year, nullifying bans in more than a dozen states.",4 +7,"Camiolo was released Nov. 10, nearly 10 months after he had been imprisoned on charges of murder, arson and other offenses. +",6 +4,"They predicted that Arizonans will be singled out for interrogation based on their language, accents, and skin color. And that, said John Jordan, the Pennsylvania NAACP's director of civic engagement, is ""a profoundly backward interpretation of civil rights.""",3 +12,"But with poll after poll showing that New Jersey residents are not ready to accept gay marriage, it would be more destructive to that movement were it to attempt to force the issue at this time. +",11 +5,"""We've got lawyers looking at the best way to do that.""",4 +6,"Aside from requiring white men to carry firearms to church, Georgia had virtually no gun control until after the Civil War, when civil rights were extended to the recently freed slaves.",5 +9,"Public health authorities and anti-smoking activists hailed the move as a milestone in the battle against tobacco in the United States that began in 1964 when the surgeon general first declared cigarettes a public health threat. That battle made steady progress for decades, but has been stymied in recent years, with a stubborn one in five adults and teens still smoking.",8 +5,"YNES: NO DEATH PENALTY IN MALE MODEL SLAY CASE +",4 +11,Undocumented immigrants crowd California DMV offices for new licenses,10 +13,"Newtown galvanized Murphy. By the time he made his speech last April, the gun issue had become his passion. ''When a school group asked what I wanted to see done in my first term, I told them I wanted to see an anti-gun-violence bill pass,'' he said.",12 +7,"We simply need police, prosecutors and judges to stop ""coddling"" criminals and give them longer prison sentences, they argued. +",6 +5,"The response is so great because the law temporarily lets certain illegal immigrants get a green card without leaving the United States, where many have lived, worked and raised families for years.",4 +5,Court nixes contentious marriage act,4 +12,"Anyhow, Bertelson's diatribe against the NRA (March 10 column) and gun owners in general is nothing short of plain trash.",11 +7,As part of a crackdown on violent crime,6 +12,"The victory in Maryland - together with a similar one on the same day in Maine - shows for the first time in America that the public as a whole can side with the principle of equality rather than channel the reflexive, anti-gay prejudice that still lingers in our society.",11 +13,Hogan's appointees reshape key Md. panels,12 +6," +The Convertible Submachine Gun Boondoggle",5 +5,"At issue is whether Virginia's method is constitutional in light of the Supreme Court decision. Last year, a federal judge upheld Virginia's method before the Supreme Court made its ruling. Emmett's attorneys are asking the three-judge 4th Circuit panel to send his case back to the judge for further review.",4 +13,And one element of Sunday's mayhem was so senselessly absurd that it has stirred even Republican legislators and their masters in the gun lobby.,12 +13,Rubio: President might try end run on immigration,12 +12,Advocates to Press Point at Eateries in April,11 +9,INMATE'S DAUGHTER PUSHES FOR INJECTION,8 +13,GUN CONTROL OR SHUT GOV'T Gov's cry at slain aide's funeral,12 +1,SOCIETY MAKES NO-INTEREST LOANS TO NEW YORK'S IMMIGRANTS,0 +5,"his lawyers say,",4 +7,3 SENTENCED FOR FORCING 700 INTO SLAVERY IN GROVES,6 +9,suffers from attention deficit disorder,8 +7,Woman Convicted of Killing Boyfriend With Antifreeze,6 +10,MAKE ROOM FOR 2 GROOMS (OR FOR 2 BRIDES!),9 +15,ROSIE WON'T REMARRY YET,14 +13,Sharpton knocks Bush,12 +7, opening the way for the execution of as many as 12 inmates.,6 +7,"''We'll have to wait until they haul a parent off to jail and see what happens,'' Bijlefeld says. +",6 +3,as a member of the morality police,2 +9,"""The health of restaurant workers and bartenders is as important as that of doctors and lawyers,"" said Joe Cherner, president of Smokefree Educational Services Inc., an advocacy group. ""Everyone deserves a smoke-free workplace.""",8 +13,"Editorial: Despite Las Vegas' horrors, expect Congress to wimp out on gun control",12 +15,"Chug, chug, chug, puff, puff, puff",14 +7, who is scheduled to be executed June 23.,6 +5,CLOSING GUN-LAW 'LOOPHOLE' MEANS TRAMPLING ON RIGHTS,4 +6,Reforming immigration reform,5 +11,Rebuilding History,10 +15,Let's talk,14 +7,Killings show need for tougher gun laws,6 +7,Those on the military's death row at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas when the Furman ruling was handed down had their sentences commuted to life in prison. There are currently six inmates awaiting execution under the revised penalty.,6 +13,Panels kill bills recognizing gay unions,12 +10,Lawyer and Killer Build a Bond on Va. Death Row,9 +5,"The sweeping immigration reform law that went into effect Tuesday does not affect noncitizens here legally. +",4 +9," Sedatives interfere with the effectiveness of sodium thiopental, a fast-acting barbiturate used during execution that renders an inmate unconscious",8 +9, Inmate's Death Tied to Stroke,8 +5,"Rolling is still awaiting a trial that could be years away. If he is convicted, a decade or so of appeals will follow.",4 +4,"""I believe in the legal equality of relationships,",3 +13,Backers of a bill on concealed weapons urged a House committee Tuesday to scrap plans for a state referendum on the gun issue.,12 +11, taking a stab at the American dream.,10 +13,It was not immediately clear what the state legislature could do if it wished to prevent the order from taking effect,12 +11,Zimmerman call to police front and center in new ad,10 +10,"Wallace, now 50, found a purpose in trying to prevent other mothers from having to walk her path. +",9 +5,"In recent years the court has boosted the free-speech protection for advertising, ",4 +5,MAN SUES TOBACCO COMPANY FOR COSTS OF QUITTING SMOKING,4 +6,"Machine guns, on the other hand, have been strictly regulated since the mid-1930s.",5 +12," +Minnesotans United will have its own booth and participate in the parade and watch parties, Brickman said. Affiliated groups will be displaying their membership in the vote-no coalition at their booths, and anti-amendment pitches are expected from performers on stage as well.",11 +13,The House Judiciary Committee attracted what has proved a familiar lineup of supporters and critics.,12 +13,DEFINITION STALLS LEGISLATION TO BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS,12 +7,CHILD-KILLER EXECUTED,6 +10,So What's a Kid to Think When Mom Smokes?,9 +13,Gay-marriage ban OK'd,12 +12,Mourners in city: Toughen up laws,11 +13,"The House, which meets again Wednesday, has just five working days left in the 2004 legislative session before its planned April 2 adjournment.",12 +4,MAN CONVICTED THROUGH DNA WANTS NEW TEST,3 +13,COUNCIL OKS BENEFITS FOR GAY PARTNERS,12 +12,"Several of the children took hand-drawn cards and posters they'd prepared and slid them under the door of the office, at 4580 PGA Blvd., in the PGA Commons shopping center. The peaceful protest ended a half-hour after it began.",11 +10,"Even so, ""we're beginning to see a measurable behavior change,""",9 +5,Gun control issue comes down to ownership right,4 +15,An outbreak of sense on guns,14 +7,sentenced to two years probation for drunken driving in a traffic accident in which two people died.,6 +13,Scott Brown backs assault weapons ban,12 +7,DOUBLE-MURDERER IS SCHEDULED TO BE EXECUTED,6 +1,"The Internal Revenue Service this week set down the rules that will cost or save a particular couple money. That will depend on how much they earn, whether both spouses are working, and whether, together, they earn too much to claim the same sort of tax-saving deductions and credits they did when they were filing as singles (many of which phase out as income rise).",0 +5,CONSTITUTION IS CLEAR ON GUN OWNERSHIP,4 +5,New Mexico man on trial in murder of police worker,4 +5,Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for Robbie Robinson,4 +13,"I was very disappointed to read that Gov. Sonny Perdue vetoed House Bill 887, which would have created an advisory committee to recommend to the governor, lieutenant governor and speaker of the house the best tobacco use prevention and education programs and practices to reduce smoking rates in Georgia.",12 +11,Cultural importers.; Musicians cross borders -luckily,10 +13,"But Republicans, facing mid-term elections, appear more likely to focus on funding enforcement measures -- such as border patrols and fencing -- through routine spending bills they intend to pass this month.",12 +4,"GUNMAN 'ON CAMPAIGN TO KILL JEWS,' JURY TOLD",3 +1,"The ruling -- a summary judgment by U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan in Washington-- came as good news to sugar growers, who feared they would have lost their skilled cane cutters to other jobs.",0 +6,"THE BRADY ACT Law is 'first step' toward sound gun control, feds say",5 +13," Strange as this may sound, it might also be good politics.",12 +3,Same-sex marriage: Empathy or right?,2 +11,Commitment ceremony is gay pride fest centerpiece,10 +6,TAX BILL SKIPS TOUGHER TOBACCO RULES,5 +11,"Grammer, speaking from Denver via video conference,",10 +13, The efforts have had some success in Connecticut but were stymied in Congress last month by pols fearing the power of the gun lobby.,12 +5,"Since then, several states, either by legislation or judicial ruling, have legalized same-sex marriages.",4 +5,"In turning down Bannister's latest appeal, the 8th Circuit panel said he was trying to get around a section of federal law that bars repeated filing of claims already decided.",4 +1,"Will Cynthia Vandenberg have to pay to adopt him? +",0 +13,Dealing a major blow to the Bush administration's crackdown on illegal immigration,12 +5,filed his first appeal Thursday in Madison County Circuit Court.,4 +7, he or she would get life in prison.,6 +13,"""It is the agenda of the NRA, but it should not be the agenda of Congress.",12 +14,World Court Rebukes U.S. Over Execution of Germans,13 +12,Minnesotans to vote on gay marriage,11 +9,when his health permits.,8 +8," Timothy James McVeigh, convicted Monday in the Oklahoma City bombing",7 +5,JURORS LEARN FATE OF CODEFENDANTS IN SLATER SLAYING,4 +1,CLINTON BACKS PLAN TO RAISE CIGARETTE TAXES,0 +1,'Gun law costs association major backers',0 +13,"SHOOT, YEAH, I'M PACKIN' HEAT: GILLY",12 +15,Too much of a good thing,14 +7,"Internatl Assn of Police Chiefs meeting, Anaheim, Calif",6 +7,"Dawson spent three days at the detention center for illegal immigrants, calling Sharoubim's lawyer, Ron Kolins, with his single phone call.",6 +15,Alabama fights for teens,14 +6,"The bill also would prohibit the mayor and D.C. Council from enacting gun limits that exceed federal law or ""discourage . . . the private ownership or use of firearms.""",5 +13,"Smoking Ban Still Open to Debate in Gaithersburg, Rockville",12 +4,"Since 1995, some 80 percent of the 682 defendants who have faced capital charges in the federal courts have been minorities. After conviction, United States attorneys recommended the death penalty for 183 of these defendants, 74 percent of whom were minorities. This is even more racially lopsided than the death sentencing record in states with high execution rates, like Texas and Mississippi.",3 +5,Justices Decline to Consider Challenge to U.S. Machine Gun Ban,4 +5,"The FDA is reviewing the law that gave it authority to regulate tobacco products and is considering a range of enforcement actions, which could include recalls or even criminal sanctions, Levy says.",4 +7,Sweet 16 shooter's case dismissed,6 +1,Tobacco industry reports reveal $15M spent to lobby lawmakers,0 +5,COURTIN' TROUBLE,4 +6,". First, do we need the law? Yes, it only makes since in this crazy world that law-abiding citizens be allowed to protect themselves.",5 +12,"Pro and anti-gun groups rally in Morrisville +",11 +9,"""I mean, it will kill you.""",8 +13,"On gun control issue, Times' coverage is one-sided",12 +5," suggesting that Louisiana's law is not in sync with the court's ""evolving standards of decency.""",4 +14,"around the world, citizens and immigrants are clashing over who belongs where",13 +13,Touching a nerve regarding Rep. Steve King,12 +5,The moves were in keeping with the court's general approach in this area. It has been open to cutting back on the availability of the death penalty but not inclined to test its constitutionality.,4 +5,"That matter is regulated by the states. I think different states are likely to come to different conclusions, and that's appropriate. I don't think there should necessarily be a federal policy in this area.""",4 +5,Appeals Panel Holds Hearing In Lentz Case,4 +13,CONCEALED WEAPONS BILL UNLIKELY TO BE HEARD,12 +5,"But the attorney for Alexandria, Phil Sunderland, said the ban is not a local law, which can be passed only by the City Council. It is an administrative order, he said.",4 +5,Gun laws and criminals,4 +11,"The number of new Latino workers, which Professor Pham put at 10,000 to 14,000, has probably doubled the percentage of Latinos in the city, to perhaps 8 percent, and that does not include any family members who may have come with the workers.",10 +1,Many had obtained new jobs and paid internships and had increased their earnings. Some had also started building credit by opening bank accounts and obtaining credit cards.,0 +5,"Dixon's attorneys argue that Thompson's account is too shaky to form the basis of a capital case. In pretrial motions, the defense cites studies listing mistaken witness identifications as the leading cause of wrongful convictions. The papers also argue there was evidence that Thompson had changed his story based on ""word on the street.""",4 +13,Congress,12 +10,"PRIMARY +",9 +12,GUN-CONTROL ADVOCATES TARGET WEAPON PARTS / THEY SAY ILLEGAL FIREARMS CAN BE EASILY ASSEMBLED,11 +6,"State Legislature 180 days to amend New Jersey's marriage laws to allow same-sex couples to marry, or to create a parallel system such as a civil union to provide them with all the rights of married couples. +",5 +7,the 24-year-old woman facing a first-degree murder charge in July's fatal shooting of Tampa police Officer Lois Marrero.,6 +5,"''There was nothing further to discuss at that point,'' Juror 17 said. ''It only takes one.'' +",4 +7, the photographer charged with murder in the slayings of two of the 28 young blacks killed here in the past two years.,6 +5," Minnesotans with permits to carry guns in public can't take their weapons into churches, schools or universities without special permission",4 +5,"''Asylum requests are such that the nature of them are totally confidential unless the party requesting asylum chooses to go before the public,'' said Mr. Moyer, whose agency is responsible for making decisions on requests for asylum.",4 +13,"We've rated one claim in an ad by Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle as False. That was a claim that Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid voted ""go give special tax breaks to illegal aliens.""",12 +5,"Instead, an interim director was named for the Office of the Capital Collateral Representative. +",4 +5,Gay couple to ask for action on suit,4 +5,As the clock ticks toward the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage,4 +8,Stopping the next mass shooter;,7 +13,GUN FIGHT HAS POLITICAL AIM ANALYSIS: NRA AND CLINTON ARE SURROGATES IN PRESIDENTIAL RACE,12 +9," the terrible suffering of lung and brain cancer, and other diseases such as emphysema, heart disease and strokes are far more the legacy of smoking than bumming a cigarette in a bar. This year, 440,000 Americans will die because of diseases caused by smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, a fact completely neglected by The Post in these articles",8 +3,"""I would love to see him suffer,"" the widow from Fair Lawn said. ""If it was a pleasant death, I would feel cheated.""",2 +4,How the NRA's allegiance to cops undermines its credibility on gun rights,3 +13,"Lipkin displays her usual flair for political mockery in ""The State of Marriage",12 +6,Shut ICE detention facilities,5 +6,Immigration Ban Blocks Children Most in Need,5 +13,LAWMAKER'S BILL TAKES AIM AT GUN CONTROL,12 +11,"Despite deep roots in New York, they will fly to Los Angeles this month to plan what Friedman, 40, says will be ""a traditional Jewish wedding"" under a chuppa, or canopy, at a cousin's home on Oct. 11.",10 +1,For hire: Executioner,0 +13,"White House recognizes Utah's same-sex marriages More than 1,000 unions were in limbo awaiting appeals court ruling. +",12 +6,"Unless those restrictions are lifted, ""it will be a deal-killer,"" former Food and Drug Administration chief David Kessler said. Kessler and former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop lead the nation's top health groups in advising lawmakers and President Bill Clinton on the deal.",5 +5,ILLER OF FARM COUPLE GETS STAY OF EXECUTION;,4 +13,"In his letter, Mr. Lautenberg criticizes Mr. Obama for not taking a stronger role on gun issues, especially since the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and others in Arizona earlier this year and generally since he became president.",12 +11,"In LaPierre's world,",10 +6,PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS SHOULD BE ABLE TO BAN GUNS,5 +1,Philip Morris Cos,0 +3,Cigarette Machines And Sales to Minors,2 +9,the regional program coordinator for the American Lung Association of Colorado's western office in Grand Junction.,8 +13,GOP CANDIDATE VOWS TO REPEAL TUITION FOR IMMIGRANTS,12 +13,Legislative Battle to Continue Over Ban on Assault Weapons,12 +12,"The state's ban on smoking in restaurants and bars is supported by 59% of registered voters in New York, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released yesterday.",11 +5,"Justice White, the first judicial nominee",4 +5,Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr,4 +13,"Bob Dole backed away Tuesday from his promises to help repeal a 1994 federal ban on some assault weapons. +",12 +3,Tough Talk and a Cowardly Vote,2 +6,"At the end of this week, everyone who works in the District will encounter a tough new anti-smoking law",5 +10,The NRA and the Orlando tragedy,9 +6,"Arizona's attempt to deal with illegal immigration +",5 +11,Hoodlums with guns have long been part of New York City.,10 +13," if President Obama is re-elected -- similar to what happened after his election in 2008. + +Never mind that no significant piece of gun legislation has passed during Obama's first term and the president has never listed gun control as a priority. ",12 +13,"I feel certain that you made no effort to determine whether Mr. Stark's diatribe was sent to the Atlanta Constitution via regular mail or by use of + +Mr. Stark's franking privilege, which is subsidized by me, a taxpayer. Perhaps I should denounce Mr. Stark for the use of subsidized money to spread his poison.",12 +9, and prompted a revamped lethal injection procedure,8 +5,Both partners must sign an affidavit attesting that they have lived together for at least a year.,4 +13,"Gore called the decision ""a turning point"" for the nation's gun laws. It was also a victory for gun-control advocates and a setback for the best-known gun lobby, the National Rifle Association. +",12 +5,Death Row Inmate Rebuffed On Plea of Forced Confession,4 +13,"Gun activists rip Tancredo, GOP over 'compromise'",12 +13,O'Malley (D),12 +5,"Reddish's attorneys had to build a case for a man who had confessed to crimes for which he was being tried. Still, after the verdict, defense attorney Cedric Edwards said he was disappointed. +",4 +10,Saving marriage,9 +11,Demise of Tobacco Agency Closes Chapter in History,10 +5,"Olson disagrees with that, saying the Supreme Court should take a case and affirmatively endorse marriage as a constitutional right. ""I think the thing he overlooks ... (is) that there are people in 18 states of the United States that don't have this fundamental right that he has just announced that he believes in.""",4 +13,"Hillary Clinton Endorses Same-Sex Marriage +",12 +15,Mike talk: Gay nups & phones,14 +5, since the death penalty was reinstated in our country in 1976.,4 +6,New Jersey Senate Panel Supports Penalty for Smoking in Cars With Children Aboard,5 +1,Billion-Dollar Legal Fees,0 +5,BOCA SUBWAY KILLING SUSPECT TAKES 15-YEAR DEAL,4 +5,"''You want us to get pretty deeply into the issue of a constitutional recusal policy for judges,'' Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. told a lawyer for a death row inmate in Pennsylvania. ''So it's really not enough to just say what happened here was bad.''",4 +5,TEXAS SUES TOBACCO FIRMS FOR $4 BILLION USED TO TREAT SMOKERS,4 +5,"Prince William County prosecutors say they do not have to prove that sniper suspect John Allen Muhammad fired the fatal shots in any of last fall's Washington area slayings to secure a death sentence, saying that both an untested anti-terrorism law and one of Virginia's long-standing capital-murder provisions apply to his case.",4 +15,ONO REWORKS OLD SONG AS GAY ANTHEM,14 +4,"Gay rights organizations argue that civil unions would promote basic equality in the nation's most ethnically diverse state,",3 +5,Byrd told a jury in Delaware County Court in Media yesterday.,4 +5,"His defense said that the state had refused to provide important information about the quality of the drugs, which they feared would cause a cruel and painful death.",4 +7,Boulder deputy worked at gun shows next to dealer facing charges,6 +11,Beal and Andersonattend Obama speech,10 +5,"""The same procedures, with appropriate modifications, will be followed in jury selection for the trial of Mr. Nichols,"" the judge wrote. +",4 +3,"""But now that they have said he will get the death penalty, I feel that they have given him what he deserves,"" she said. ""It is well with my soul.""",2 +4,"In America, gun rights are for whites only",3 +7,"Tokars was convicted of numerous charges, including ordering his wife's death to prevent her from revealing his illegal drug and money laundering activities.",6 +5,"Earlier in the day, the U.S. Supreme Court, without dissent or comment, denied Bannister's request for an emergency stay of execution.",4 +7, he will join a small group of murderers who are willing to be executed for their crimes.,6 +5,"So far, however, the courts aren't convinced.",4 +8,background check.,7 +7,Illegals found in Phoenix suburb,6 +9,spokesman for Citizens for a Healthy Greeley,8 +5,"SECOND AMENDMENT APPLIES TO STATES, NOT TO INDIVIDUALS",4 +7,"Swafford, a former Tennessee Eagle Scout, was sentenced to death in November 1985 for abducting Brenda Rucker, a 27-year-old clerk at a Fina station in Ormond Beach, in 1982. Prosecutors said he raped her and shot her nine times. +",6 +5,.Double murderer's execution stayed,4 +5,"Friday's decision only applied to McQuire, but the judge signaled that Arizona's gay marriage ban may not hold up after he hears a broader challenge to the constitutionality of the law. ""The court has not yet decided whether there is a conflict between Arizona law and the Constitution, but the court has decided that it is probable that there is such a conflict that Arizona will be required to permit same-sex marriages,"" said Sedwick, who was nominated in 1992 by President George H.W. Bush. +",4 +8,"'If a terrorist comes here and you don't have a semiautomatic, you're at a real disadvantage.''",7 +5,Judge Refuses McVeigh's Bid For a Reprieve,4 +8," but the fact they did emphasizes how bold the radical open-borders lobby has become, even in the post-Sept. 11 era.",7 +5,BAN UPHELD ON GUN POSSESSION BY MINORS,4 +11,"As net migration from Mexico declined, the report notes, ""immigration from Asia did not flag. . . . As a result, among all newly arriving immigrants in the U.S., more now come from Asia than from Latin America, a change since 2008.""",10 +5,"Two same-sex couples, including a lesbian couple from Alameda County, sued to overturn the law, backed by two of the nation's top lawyers, David Boies and Theodore Olson, former U.S. Solicitor General during the Bush administration.",4 +11,County issues record number of marriage licenses in wake of Prop. 8 ruling,10 +9, health insurance for employees' same-sex domestic partners,8 +13," the spectacle of elected Democrats clamoring to crack down on the easy purchase of over-the-counter weaponry. Those days are over. The gun-rights lobby has prevailed. The rest of the Western world is decrying the American ""gun culture."" But the Democrats wouldn't dare.",12 +13,"A debate about smoking bans will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar Boulevard.",12 +5,"Judge denies Christie plea to stay gay marriages +",4 +13,Brat to oppose Boehner's reelection as speaker,12 +6,"Guns for everyone! Despite the tears and tirades, Pennsylvania remains one of the easiest places in the nation for criminals to get guns, thanks to lax laws that practically encourage straw buying and trafficking.",5 +5,"The Fairfax charges come during widespread speculation that the first prosecution could unfold in Virginia, where legal experts agree the chances of securing the death penalty against both suspects are best. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft met with federal investigators this week as he decides where the first trial will take place.",4 +13,Opposition to immigration reform is a winning strategy for Republicans,12 +4,Nor can non-discrimination in employee benefits be a condition of receiving a government contract.,3 +13,Some of that power may be exaggerated.,12 +10,Future Is Murky for Couples Married in One State and Living in Another,9 +7," +Student's sentence in holding pattern",6 +13," +AB1014 got at least 23 votes in the 40-member Senate, sending it to the Assembly for a vote later this week. +",12 +5,They use that admission to make two arguments that Muhammad is not eligible for the death penalty under one of the indictments against him. Both men are charged with two counts of capital murder.,4 +13,"The bill, introduced by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D), is one vote shy of passage in the state Senate. The Assembly approved the bill by a wide margin last week, and summer recess begins Tuesday.",12 +8," +Border Agents, Lured by the Other Side",7 +5,likely setting the stage for another gay marriage legal battle.,4 +15,This list doesn't blow smoke,14 +7,enforce,6 +5,Fraud Charges Rise as Many Aliens Seek to Use '88 Rulings,4 +13,"Much of that push was directed at Toomey. On Tuesday, Mayor Nutter and former Gov. Ed Rendell led a rally outside the senator's Philadelphia office while gun-control advocates ran an ad urging the conservative senator to support a background-check law.",12 +13," +Without Carter and Alston's backing, the House Judiciary Committee lacked the votes needed to pass the legislation Tuesday morning. The panel postponed its voting session on the bill until Tuesday night.",12 +3," +UCC synod backs resolution endorsing same-sex marriage Vote isn't binding on churches",2 +5,"Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters said he plans to play a taped confession that Franklin, a drifter allegedly gave to county Assistant Prosecutor Melissa Powers in April 1997.",4 +1, it would impose billions of dollars in hidden costs,0 +6,Pasco leery of gun show measure,5 +5," 'Please do not take away my rights.' """,4 +15,Gay marriage opposed,14 +13,"Yarbrough was referring to two council votes, one on the city's immigration policy and the other on the USA Patriot Act.",12 +5,Gay marriage and the U.S. Supreme Court: Don't look for sweeping rulings,4 +1,"Planter's, the only one of Person County's three tobacco warehouses to open for auction sales this year, sold its last 23,308 pounds of tobacco last week, finishing a meager season with half a dozen sale days. + +All told, Planter's sold about 700,000 pounds of tobacco, compared with 6 million last year. + +""The only reason I stayed open was to benefit the farmers, to give them an opportunity to finish [selling their crop],"" said owner and manager Owen Pass. + +Roughly 75 farmers opted to sell their tobacco at Planter's this year. Last year, Pass served about 300 farmers with tobacco from 14 counties in North Carolina and Virginia. + +Pass, whose family has been in the tobacco business for generations, hopes the new system of tobacco farmers raising crops under contract to buyers won't completely replace the auction system. + +""Right now my plans are to stay open,"" Pass said. ""I had some farmers that said they will stay with me as long as I stay open. Yesterday, a customer said, 'See you next year.' """,0 +13,"In a bipartisan 159-38 vote, the House approved expansion of the so-called castle doctrine, which allows individuals to defend themselves beyond their home - or castle - or vehicle.",12 +9,"After an investigation, Florida Department of Corrections officials said a synthetic sponge in the chair's headgear was responsible for the problems. + +The sponge has since been replaced with a natural sponge that was used without incident in all previous executions. +",8 +10,"As gays wed, tensions rise",9 +13,LIRR WIDOW PUTS POL UNDER GUN,12 +12,Million Moms stay in step with Democrats,11 +6,TOBACCO SETTLEMENT SHOULD INCLUDE WARNINGS FOR OTHER NATIONS WE HOOKED THE WORLD,5 +5,"St. Louis Circuit Judge Joan Moriarty on Friday ruled that a gun rights activist from Cincinnati who had pressed the issue, along with anyone else with knowledge of the order, is barred from concealing or carrying guns inside the zoo, a publicly funded institution.",4 +3,"Nowhere in his letter did the bishop attack the couple married by the Rev. Jimmy Creech (A denominational trial March 13 acquitted Creech, of Omaha, Neb., of the charge that he violated church law by performing a ceremony to bless a lesbian union.) As a private individual, Creech had every right to give his blessing to a same-sex marriage. As a Methodist minister, he had no such right. + +This stance by the Methodist Church --- ""ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by a United Methodist minister and shall not be conducted in our churches"" --- is not unfair to gays. Just because same-sex relationships are considered de rigueur does not mean they should receive the same treatment by the Methodist Church. Jesus said, ""Go forth and sin no more.""",2 +13,"THE SHOWDOWN WAS SURPRISINGLY LOPSIDED, the outcome totally unexpected. The sure-fire bill to grant the gun industry blanket immunity from lawsuits sputtered and finally failed in the U.S. Senate last week. Republicans had more than enough votes to pass the measure, but neither they nor the National Rifle Association had counted on being outmaneuvered by Democrats who managed to attach two sensible amendments to the bill. Rather than accept these riders, Republicans simply killed the bill.",12 +13,Cobb leader takes heat for 'immigration hoax',12 +7,PARTIN SENTENCED TO DEATH,6 +9,"END AIDS SCREENING, U.S. URGED",8 +1,Heading toward a budget deal,0 +5,"Georgia police should be allowed to start enforcing key parts of the state's anti-illegal immigration law --- including checking the immigration status of certain suspects --- now that the U.S. Supreme Court has sustained a similar statute in Arizona, state lawyers argue in filings before a federal appeals court in Atlanta.",4 +13,said they were cautiously optimistic it would pass the full House - where a similar bill died last year after narrowly clearing the Senate.,12 +11,Glamorous Cinematic Smoking Fades to Black,10 +12,Missouri's amendment was adopted in 2004 after being approved by 71 percent of voters.,11 +13,Schwarzenegger's stated opposition,12 +7,"the execution of Richard Oxford, an Oklahoma prison escapee convicted of killing a southwest Missouri farm couple a decade ago. +",6 +7," Harris was arrested in June 1992, four days after Lori Schwerkoske, 21, a University of New Mexico student, was found dead in her northeast heights apartment.",6 +6,The biggest change will require handgun owners to show up at a police facility with their guns for inspection once every three years.,5 +13,"If approved by the full platform committee in August, the proposed plank would mark the first time a major-party platform supported gay marriage. The party would then have to ratify the language at the Sept. 3-6 convention, where President Obama will be formally nominated. +",12 +7,"If the child got hold of an unsecured gun and threatened someone, the adult could be charged with a misdemeanor.",6 +7,"For police, danger is more than rhetoric",6 +13,House panel votes to expand right to carry concealed guns in victory for NRA,12 +4,"Guilt debated, but man still executed",3 +12,"Six in 10 Americans disapprove of gay marriages, regardless of whether the couple is male or female, according to a poll. +",11 +7,"Bean was convicted of smuggling ammunition, which was then a felony in Mexico, and was imprisoned. Months later, a U.S.-Mexican treaty allowed him to return home.",6 +7,His handcuffs were removed for his urine test by Newtown Borough Officer James Warunek. Flor grabbed Warunek's gun and shot the officer in the chest.,6 +2,Mississippi cuts own tobacco,1 +13,Giuliani's mad rant vs. Obama,12 +3,"Mormon leader reiterates gay-marriage opposition +",2 +12,"he Voice of Atlanta is a panel of metro Atlanta residents who answer questionnaires on the Internet. The latest sample totaled 1,022 people and was taken in late August. The VOA, in which respondents volunteer to take part, is not believed to be as accurate as a scientific poll, in which respondents are randomly selected. To register for the VOA, go to ajc.com/voiceofatlanta.",11 +7, executing the inmates,6 +9," Opponents said more people would be killed by accident, either because of a bad shot or because children will find more idle guns.",8 +7,"More guns, less crime?",6 +7,"Using the prospect of immigration documents as bait in a sting operation, law enforcement officials lured scores of suspected Jamaican drug traffickers out of hiding and were rounding them up yesterday in six cities across the country, the authorities said last night.",6 +9,"When it was over, Trayvon had been shot dead.",8 +3,Ministers marry 25 same-sex couples,2 +11,"Adolescent girls who are keen to be thin are four times as likely to become established smokers, according to research published in the journal Tobacco Control.",10 +5,"She will be sentenced Tuesday by Circuit Judge Joseph P. Koval of Macoupin County, who returned the verdict Friday after a week of trial without a jury.",4 +7," It would also help to have task forces of Federal, state and local police focus on guns and removing guns from some of the most dangerous criminals.""",6 +1,"Don't businesses realize that, as the gentleman from California said, new customers may patronize for the reasons I have mentioned?",0 +1,PROPOSED TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,0 +1,"About 6,800 shops, 56,000 federally licensed dealers and 8,000 pawnbrokers are allowed to sell guns in the U.S. Buyers can also access firearms most weekends at shows at fairgrounds and event spaces.",0 +13,States setting stage for their own Prop. 187s,12 +5,and lawmakers took unprecedented steps to make it happen.,4 +9,"A surgeon general's report on secondhand smoke, which looks at the breast cancer link, is due later this year. The International Agency for Research on Cancer is also studying the issue.",8 +12,Gay Marriage | The Protesters,11 +8,"SAFER, I STILL WANT MY GUN",7 +7,Deporting Criminal Aliens,6 +7,"he ebbs and flows of crime rates are complex, not defined by one predictor, and defy easy explanation. I",6 +5,"But with the Supreme Court having the final say in the matter,",4 +1,Maryland Cigarette Tax Rise Advances,0 +13,Little consensus on gun proposal,12 +13,"Dems laud Mike's aim +",12 +10,Experts: Elderly immigrants big welfare losers,9 +13,Christie vetoes New Jersey gun ban,12 +1,U.S. to Seek Rise in Fee for Gun Dealers,0 +13,"As Congress prepares to craft a final settlement, the pressure from competing interests will only grow.",12 +12,"Generations of families -- gay and straight -- endured the heat and erupted in cheers as Minnesota became the 12th state in the nation to legalize marriage equality and the first in the Midwest to do so legislatively. +",11 +5,Hes off death row because jury was told about his knife collection,4 +12,"Minnesotans United, the lead group pushing to legalize same-sex marriage in Minnesota this legislative session, is one of four groups to win a national ""champion of justice"" award from the Alliance for Justice. +",11 +13,"Gun Control staff members are also quietly pleased by what they consider a major tactical error on the part of the National Rifle Association, its chief opponent.",12 +9,"A Life Saved, a Life Lost: Gun Issue Gets Personal",8 +5, the National Rifle Association has filed suit in Brooklyn Federal Court to overturn the ban.,4 +11,"Only five states had a bigger jump than North Carolina had in 2000. All those states have 15 or fewer inmates on death row, and none added more than two death row prisoners last year.",10 +5,"If the states approve the proposed settlement, Pennsylvania would receive $10 billion over the next 25 years, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office said yesterday.",4 +10,"Next up was Diane Leonard, widow of Secret Service Agent Donald Leonard. +",9 +13," +Mr. Reagan is a lifelong member of the National Rifle Association, which has vigorously opposed the measure. Last week the Bush Administration announced that it also opposed the proposal.",12 +13," +TOP LOBBYISTS ARE LIKE FIRE, ICE, BUT THEIR TACTICS ARE ON TARGET",12 +6,which would remove language in the state code that limits marriage to unions between men and women,5 +13,Misfires on the Hill,12 +9,"""Then no child would have been injured, and no child would have been killed.""",8 +1,"YOUR CORNER GUN DEALER NO WAITING, NO FUSS, NO SERIAL NUMBERS / +",0 +15,Gay-Marriage Proposal,14 +3, I also was reared in a Christian household,2 +11,Media companies support Larry Flynt in fight over Missouri execution records,10 +1,lottery license,0 +5,Death penalty sought in Colo. theater killings,4 +3,Pastors around the bay area used their pulpits Sunday to talk to their congregations,2 +6,"According to the ad, the Bloomberg bill would nationalize Colorado's rule about background checks at gun shows. But in fact, only a small fraction of the Bloomberg bill addresses the issue of background checks. The rest of the bill has a much more aggressive agenda.",5 +15,"From Bachmann, straight talk",14 +9,Compromise on cancer,8 +5,$340 gun permit fee OKd by court,4 +5,"But no, that problem is not the result of law-abiding people carrying guns. +",4 +9,"Tobacco kills 400,000 Americans a year, more than motor vehicle accidents, guns, AIDS, alcohol, and other drugs combined",8 +5,With the U.S. Supreme Court holding its second straight day of arguments on same-sex marriage cases Wednesday,4 +3,"AT PHILA. TEMPLE, RABBIS TO DEBATE THE ACCEPTANCE OF GAY MARRIAGES",2 +7,Now the criminals know they won't be put to death here. Crime is way up.,6 +5,Mumia Abu-Jamal's death sentence lifted,4 +1,"""On the margin -- and it's too soon for the data to pick it up, but you hear it anecdotally -- I believe we are going to see it, I believe those people are more likely to save than to spend,""",0 +5,"The long and tortuous case, considered by civil liberties groups an important test of both immigrants' rights and antiterrorism law, had gone before the Supreme Court once and a federal appeals court four times, in addition to its repeated trips to the Board of Immigration Appeals, which hears appeals from decisions of immigration judges around the country.",4 +1,Walmart has wobbled on gun sales for years - but it's becoming more restric-tive,0 +10,"The sentencing for the last of the convicted killers brought some relief for David Thompson Sr. of Edwardsville, the father of one of the victims, David Thompson Jr., 22.",9 +1,"Skilled or Not, Immigrants Aid U.S. Economy",0 +13,MR. EDGAR'S PRINCIPLED DECISION,12 +5,Sierra LaMar: Antolin Garcia-Torres guilty of missing girl's murder,4 +13," Brady fought so hard to get Congress to pass for the nation. +",12 +5,"- All same-sex couples who are legally married will be recognized as such for federal tax purposes, even if the state where they live does not recognize their union, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service said Thursday. +",4 +5,"BOY, 13, TO BE TRIED AS ADULT IN FATAL SHOOTING OF TODDLER",4 +5,"Timing for gay marriage ban vote is argued August or November? Supreme Court listens +",4 +6,DeKalb approves indoor smoking ban,5 +5,Superior Court Judge Coy Brewer set the sentencing hearing for Monday. He also denied a motion to rule out the death penalty for Wright.,4 +5,They thereby demeaned lawmakers' First Amendment rights in the rush to further enshrine the Second Amendment.,4 +13,"Sadly, the lesson remains unlearned in the House.",12 +6,"One of the H-2B system's deep flaws is that it requires companies to request approval to hire temporary foreign workers long before they are needed and to make only basic attempts to recruit Americans. But of course, those efforts happen months before the jobs are available, making the efforts almost moot. Who is going to apply in July for a dishwashing job that doesn't start until November?",5 +7," and as a result, mass killings occur at an alarming rate.",6 +6,Congress Plans Stiff New Curb On Immigration,5 +5,Missouri Supreme Court rules for suits against gun dealers,4 +7,"The inmate, Jason Getsy, was executed Tuesday morning by lethal injection in Lucasville, Ohio.",6 +8,The slayings at Virginia Tech have reopened a long simmering debate in this state - and nationwide - about whether students and faculty members should be allowed to carry concealed weapons in the classroom.,7 +7," Mr. Muhammad was sentenced to death for the killing of Dean Meyers, who was shot at a Manassas gas station during a three-week killing spree in October 2002 in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. His accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, is serving life in prison.",6 +12,Gay marriage backers launch push,11 +12,Hopes for Gun Sanity in Annapolis,11 +3,People sentenced to be executed do not deserve anything less than that sentence.,2 +7," +Armed with a couple of dollars and hours of training, groups of teens hired by the state Department of Human Resources will visit stores across Georgia to determine who is breaking the law by selling tobacco to minors. +",6 +4,"At least 50 exhibits, including the murder weapon, were thrown out May 23.",3 +5,"The court's plurality opinion, authored by Justice Anthony Kennedy, also appears to give legal ammunition to supporters of bans against same-sex marriage. In those lawsuits, including one filed here in Atlanta on Tuesday, gay and lesbian plaintiffs are asking the courts to overturn referendums approved by voters.",4 +13,Guns and politics,12 +13,"Darden fires back at Barr on gun, crime bill issue",12 +11,AMERICAN DREAMERS B'klyn clan's lifetime of heroism,10 +13,House Leaders Put Off Vote on Gun Measures,12 +13,The pollsters asked how the industry might fare if a pending national workplace smoking ban is implemented by the federal government's Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The ban would include bars and restaurants.,12 +12,A REAL EARFUL; WHAT CONSTITUENTS ARE TELLING THEIR LEGISLATORS:,11 +13,"Councilman to Idaho town:Get your guns; He wants all homes to be armed, just in case",12 +12,"The yellow-and-black placards that read ""Vote Yes 4 Marriage"" are starting to appear in leafy suburban cul-de-sacs. So are groups of Northern Virginia activists, walking the streets every third Saturday of the month, ringing doorbells and passing out literature with ""Vote No, Virginia!"" emblazoned across the top.",11 +5,Lawsuit: Somalis on botched US deportation flight shackled for days,4 +11,ANNE HATHAWAY AND OTHER CELEBS SIGN LETTER URGING PRESIDENT OBAMA TO JOIN THE 'MAJORITY OF AMERICANS' IN SUPPORT OF GAY MARRIAGE,10 +13,The bill passed the Senate 32-24-1 after passing the House by a one-vote margin a day before.,12 +13,Trump's immigrant bashing a gift to voters,12 +12,"On Eve of Million Mom March, Clinton Calls Mothers the Stronger Voice in Gun Debate",11 +13,POLITICIANS NEED TO HELP GET DEPORTED TEEN BACK,12 +6,Florida's Clean Indoor Air Act was supposed to make it a cinch to snuff out smoking inside restaurants.,5 +1,"The cigarette company behind the name contributes $ 3.5 million to the points championship fund, as well as branding its name onto two races each season",0 +5,"""is between those who are legal and those who are not.""",4 +9,Last Monday the body of Mr. Delgado was found shortly before 6 A.M.,8 +4,Death Penalty in Texas Racial Killing,3 +5,"In a series of brief orders, the court declined for now to take on the broader question of whether the state's same-sex marriage ban is constitutional, leaving that to be considered first by lower courts in what is likely to be a lengthy legal process. But the substance of the court's actions suggest that San Francisco, which triggered a nationwide debate over gay marriage last month, faces an uphill struggle to resume the same-sex ceremonies any time soon.",4 +10,"In August, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced that the Defense Department would begin offering full spousal and family benefits, including health care coverage, housing allowances and survivor benefits, to the same-sex spouses of military personnel.",9 +12,"Volunteers,",11 +5,The agreement apparently clears the way for the largest civil settlement in U.S. history.,4 +7,"Police say Stanworth called them Wednesday and admitted to killing his 90-year-old mother in his Vallejo home about two months earlier. Her body was found outside the house, a prosecutor said.",6 +13,SENATE APPROVES STIFFER TERMS FOR GUN-LINKED CRIMES,12 +9,mental illness.,8 +13,use to lobby for abolition of Wisconsin's ban on carrying concealed weapons.,12 +1,Are tobacco stocks about to go up in smoke?,0 +1, Transfer fees.,0 +4,"Gov. Mike Easley has a conflict in his former role as attorney general, handling appeals for the state, and his current job as governor holding clemency hearings.",3 +13,BUSH FOREIGN-WORKER PLAN GETS COLD SHOULDER,12 +12,Million Mom March modeled after MADD,11 +7,He says less than 1% of assault weapons are used in a crime.,6 +13,STATE JOINS PROJECT TO REDUCE SMOKING,12 +6,"Michael Brewer, the legal director of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Community Center of Colorado, was frank. The decision will have little or no impact here, he said. +",5 +7,Metro Briefing New York: Bronx: 2 Arrested In Immigrant Fraud,6 +13,"While politicians and ballplayers in both parties weren't eager to talk gun politics following Wednesday's bloodshed at a baseball practice, a number of Republicans who were on the field during the gunfire told the Daily News that they would have felt a lot better if they'd been armed themselves.",12 +5,"The New Jersey Supreme Court's decision in the same-sex-marriage case is noteworthy for three reasons. + +First, the court was sharply divided. + +",4 +6,"The proposal - which specifically bans the AK-47, AR-15 and TEC-9 - was first reported by The Associated Press.",5 +10,"""New standards were supposed to be a way to improve education for all students,"" said Margie McHugh, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, ""not a way to rob thousands of children of a basic high school education.""",9 +5,Texas: U.S. Supreme Court Halts Execution,4 +5,Trying Again to Make Gun Makers Liable for Shootings,4 +1,"Excluding all items, Altria earned $1.28 a share, matching the estimate of analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial. + +Without the items, the chief executive, Louis C. Camilleri, said the businesses still delivered operating results that met management's expectations. + +Philip Morris USA, its domestic tobacco operation, based in Richmond, led them all with the strong performance of the leading Marlboro brand, he said.",0 +10,Parents say Nichols a victim of circumstances,9 +10,"Pam Laffin, a 29-year-old mother of two, is waging the battle of her life -- and possibly, death -- on prime-time television in Massachusetts.",9 +6,"E.J. Dionne Jr.: Stand your ground laws are supposed to solve problems, not create them",5 +1,"The city projected earnings of $141,000 from gun permitting this fiscal year. The budget was passed Aug. 2 on a split vote because some felt relying on gun-permit money would be risky.",0 +9,Is it just to execute killer who is mentally ill?,8 +15,GETTING THE FACTS ABOUT GUNS,14 +6,"The stogies will burn on St. Patrick's Day, thanks to legislation signed Wednesday by D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, one of the leading sponsors in 2006 of the city's smoking ban.",5 +8,"Ziglar was barely a month into the job when the attacks occurred, dramatically shifting his priorities from improving the agency's services for immigrants to implementing ways to better track foreigners and tightening the borders.",7 +1,Cheers to CVS for dropping tobacco,0 +6,N.J. broadens gun law,5 +11," Among the usual sights at San Francisco's annual gay pride parade on Sunday -- rainbow flags, lesbians on motorcycles, unfortunately naked men -- were a few that would probably have seemed out of place in years past: namely, a collection of small, handmade signs reading ''We Love NY.''",10 +1,"Cigar sales have jumped sharply in recent years, roughly tracking the boom in the stock market and the prosperous economy. Cigars, in the words of one industry official, became ""an affordable little luxury, like microbrew beers and single-malt scotches."" With fancy cigar dinners at expensive restaurants, tony magazines devoted solely to cigar smoking and even bars dedicated to the pastime, the stogie has become synonymous with the good life.",0 +11,From the Rope to the Chair: 3 Centuries of Death,10 +13,"nofficially, Ashcroft weighed in - big. Without comment, his staff f axed over 12 pages from Ashcroft's book, ""Lessons from a Father to His Son,"" published last year when he was exploring a GOP bid for president. Now Ashcroft is focused solely on defending his seat in 2000 from his Democratic threat: Carnahan. +",12 +13,NRA RIPS HILLARY,12 +9,Company won't claim cigarette is any safer,8 +15,"On this issue, fire when ready",14 +7,DRIFTER WHO KILLED MAN IN MOTEL FACES NEW EXECUTION DATE,6 +5," +PAUL LEISURE'S MURDER CONVICTION UPHELD",4 +5, The Missouri Supreme Court sent the case back for resentencing last year after the first death sentences were thrown out because of a problem with missing jury instructions.,4 +13,"But it comes just days after the Trump administration vowed to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities; programs that, among other things, extend arts to communities that otherwise wouldn't have access to creative experiences. +",12 +5,"""These are attorneys who were involved in their individual state's cases,"" said Jay Reiff, Easley's campaign manager. ""North Carolina never filed a suit.",4 +13,"It's a delicate political dance that establishment Republicans perform whenever divisive social issues gain new prominence. Republicans are unified and confident in their anti-tax, small-government principles. But social issues cause more problems. +",12 +11, including celebrity Bianca Jagger,10 +12,"In the latest survey, 92 percent of respondents favored ""background checks for all buyers."" That's all of the little gray people below (except the faded out guy, who is listed as ""don't know/no answer""). The people on the right, in red, are the few who oppose that expansion. +",11 +13,"died in committee last week because Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor squelched it. +",12 +11,"Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor And Your Economists, Too",10 +5,U.S. Supreme Court again delays decision on gay marriage,4 +7, putting off his scheduled execution until 3 p.m. today.,6 +13,"""After 40 years of research and struggle, we are sharing with President Obama the fruits of that struggle and once again asking for presidential action,"" said his brother, Michael.",12 +6,"The bill would require state Comptroller Bob Milligan to seize the $ 750-million being held in escrow while the court determines how the money should be divided. +",5 +13,House panders with same-sex marriage vote,12 +1,cigarettes are made and sold,0 +11,"Handguns remain the No. 1 weapon of choice of criminals. In 1986, the last year for which we have complete statistics, 35 percent of the 397 homicides in New Jersey were committed with handguns. Also, the State Police reported that firearms were involved in 28 percent of all robberies and 13 percent of all aggravated assaults.",10 +5,"- It began again on Monday, in the same claustrophobic courtroom here",4 +13,"""I have received a substantial number of complaints about such political activity from restaurants, taverns, city councils, county commissioners, the AFL-CIO, the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations,"" Hatch wrote in a Jan. 17 letter to the organization.",12 +5,"he Florida Supreme Court has scheduled a May 13 hearing to consider the situation. +",4 +6,"The Andersons are exploring options for what they might do to adjust to the smoking ban, which will take effect Thursday",5 +1,"Movie advertising costs about 50 percent more than ads on TV, but campaign director Gregory Connolly said the movie ads were worth the price",0 +1,against tobacco companies,0 +1,focus on raising money,0 +13,Hold officials culpable for executions,12 +5," +Lawyers for three men charged in the 1998 African embassy bombings are arguing for their clients' lives on political grounds, contending that executing them would be a foreign-policy disaster for the United States.",4 +5, prosecutors,4 +6,"Brady law is working, in spite of gun lobby",5 +10,While same-sex marital bliss blossomed on the 10th floor of the Santa Clara County building on West Hedding Street on Tuesday morning,9 +5,Same-sex marriage foes plead with court,4 +5,"Whatever the U.S. Supreme Court decides this month, gay marriage appears destined to face several more years of legal debate and at least one more round of argument at the high court. +",4 +1,Tobacco Industry Fought Drugs' Marketing,0 +15,PLAYING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD,14 +11,"Over the next three years, the number of permits in the state is expected to increase from 12,000 to about 90,000, according to legislative researchers and law enforcement officials.",10 +13, Zephyr Teachout spent her first full day as a congressional candidate flipping her position on Gov. Cuomo's SAFE Act gun control law.,12 +13,"""If we are all deplorables, we are doing something right,"" said Wilkerson, referencing Clinton's recent remark that half of Trump supporters are a ""basket of deplorables."" Clinton later said she regretted labeling ""half"" his backers in that way. +",12 +7,"On the evening of Nov. 6, 2001, convicted murderer Terry Clark became the first New Mexico inmate put to death in 41 years. The execution itself wasn't the only thing notable about that evening in the Santa Fe death chamber.",6 +13,"""President Clinton strongly supports this bill and would gladly sign this bill if Congress puts it on his desk,"" Gore said before a packed Capitol Hill audience of schoolchildren, anti-smoking advocates and a dozen Democratic senators.",12 +13,Campaign Aides Defend Bernie Sanders's Record on Gun Votes,12 +5, This effort will be supported by 113 new prosecutors who will focus on gun crime in key cities.,4 +7,"""It's a military operation,"" Trump said, attributing gang violence and illegal drug trade to undocumented immigrants. +",6 +12,Reader responses: No license needed,11 +13,Rifle Association Backs Tough Crime Laws,12 +10," ""Seven years of his life were taken away. It was a living hell for him.""",9 +11,Mike LuckovichFrom the rightLabel xyxy,10 +7,The 40-year-old lawyer also has been arrested by federal authorities for the killing as well as on charges of racketeering and laundering drug money.,6 +13,"Bliley and three other Republicans on the House D.C. Committee argue that the District is trying to create a loophole in Congress's power to oversee city matters. They say that the assault-weapon law must be submitted to Congress for formal review, and that the city violated the law by failing to do so.",12 +10,Sounds of grief endure in Alday case,9 +9,on mental illness ,8 +1,"Gun purchases stun experts 65,000 apply in Colo. since Brady law took effect",0 +3,Ads lure our kids into addiction,2 +13,"comparing Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, who supports the tax, with her predecessor, Jim Florio, a Democrat who was defeated largely because of a 1990 tax increase.",12 +11,"Non-Hispanic whites still dominate the region's cultural tapestry, but their percentages are declining steadily. Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 78.8 percent of St. Lucie County residents in 1990, but declined to 74.3 percent in 1999. Martin County's white non-Hispanic population went from 88.7 percent to 85.4 percent.",10 +5,Not Mincing Words Over Asylum,4 +5," +The appeal in Hollingsworth v. Perry challenges a federal court ruling that a voter-approved California ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.",4 +1,"""Its importance has declined relative to the new economy,"" said UNC history professor Jim Leloudis. ""The balance in some ways has tipped. . . . It's no longer so central that it is untouchable.""",0 +9," He was already spooked by death threats when a fellow parked his pickup in front of his TV repair shop, walked in and stared at him.",8 +3, including one man who received last rites from a medicine man.,2 +8,"Eleven men, seven women and 11 children were released to Catholic Community Services of Miami on Sunday evening after they were interviewed at Border Patrol offices at the Port of Palm Beach",7 +13,"""David Roberti is the godfather of political crime,"" Stoos charged. ""Three state senators appointed by Mr. Roberti to powerful committee chairmanships are serving or facing federal time for . . . bribery, extortion and general political corruption.""",12 +13, Final passage of the overall bill in the Senate could come this week.,12 +13,Congress and the president must approve the deal.,12 +9,"""Great God, he is alive!""",8 +13," Gun control measures divide our political leaders, and elections often hinge on candidates' views of guns.",12 +7," But he admits that before he left the scene he tortured five people by forcing them to drink Drano, a caustic drain cleaner.",6 +11," +Among other comments last month, Costas read from a column by Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock: ""If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."" Much hoo-ha followed, in which some industry navel-lint pickers debated whether NBC should sack Costas.",10 +13,"Last month, Mayor Street went to New York and stood with Bloomberg and 13 other mayors in calling for a halt to what they described as ""an epidemic of illegal guns sweeping the cities of America.""",12 +6,"On Gun Control, Dean Aims for the Center",5 +13,"State Sen. Pat Steadman, D-Denver, ",12 +10,"On one porch, a young Honduran in the county barely a year, reads an English-Spanish dictionary in hopes of improving his chances of finding a better job.",9 +13,contends that only the governor and Legislature have the ability to change marriage law,12 +5,"The jury is now deciding whether to sentence Kasi, 33, to death.",4 +5,not on taking away the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.,4 +13," +Gay Marriage: Battle in the Capital",12 +5,"4 Texas death row inmates lose Supreme Court appeals +",4 +7, They wound up arresting 27 people for being in the country illegally.,6 +1,Transit Ads Win Reprieve,0 +13,Gun debate splits California members of U.S. House of Representatives,12 +1,"SMOKIN' GUN XMAS Black Fri. surge in buyer checks Terror, crime fears said to fuel spike",0 +6,". Plainly, the law, due to expire in September 2004, needs to be strengthened, not abandoned.",5 +13,SENATE TARGETS ILLEGALS TOUGH BILL PASSED,12 +6,Letters: Time is now for same-sex marriage in N.J.,5 +13,"""Is this not an example of the upper chamber leading?"" asked Senate Majority Whip Cecil Staton, R-Macon. ""Not name-calling ... but working together"" to make the bill better?",12 +8,"ix years after a bomb blasted through Oklahoma City and reverberated across the nation, ",7 +14,"U.S., Cuba to hold migration talks next week",13 +13,GOV'S NOT DRIVING ALONE,12 +10,"A dream deferred With tighter border, more Mexicans stay home",9 +5,EROSION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS,4 +12,"Kokesh, 31, and D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier say they want to work together to ensure a peaceful airing of grievances. But the chief says only one side can have guns: hers. And she'll have backup from the U.S. Park Police, which will also position officers at the District line. +",11 +1,Cigarette maker to buy stop-smoking specialist,0 +11, cultural changes,10 +10,He said quitting smoking was the hardest thing he ever did.,9 +7,GUN KILLINGS RISE 18% IN 10 YEARS,6 +11,Americans and guns: It's complicated,10 +7,Bomar is jailed at Graterford state prison,6 +13,"Massachusetts has strict gun laws,",12 +11,"Before the mozzarella sticks and the iced tea arrived, Bob Lanzarone leaned back in his chair at Applebee's and put a Marlboro Light to his lips. +",10 +6,Bill to extend benefits to same-sex partners gets a boost,5 +6," The shocking number of banned, fully automatic weapons and the relative ease with which they were acquired mean that Congress and federal agencies must do more to close loopholes that made this smuggling possible.",5 +1, costly,0 +6,N.J. bill on in-state tuition for illegal immigrants advances,5 +12,An Insult To The NRA,11 +8,", terrorists have exploited our weak gun laws, including the gun show loophole, to purchase weapons.",7 +11,Another Mass Shooting: What We Can Do,10 +13,St. Louis same-sex marriage challenge is politically tricky for Koster,12 +1, fundraiser,0 +7,Sentence is death in bodies-in-barrels case,6 +6,"It would create a Web-based job registry, to be run by the Labor Department. Employers would post job opportunities that would be available first to U.S. workers and then to prospective immigrants, who would be allowed to come under a new visa for temporary workers.",5 +13,"Of course, since making these discriminatory statements and losing the mayoral race, Mr. Orange claims to have seen the light. He now says his views on God and church are fully compatible with gay marriage; he had a revelation while lobbying for Pepco.",12 +5,"But on Wednesday, the legal challenge to Proposition 8 did work, even though it was far from clear there are indeed enough Supreme Court justices ready to declare a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. +",4 +6,"After a Massacre, Toughening Laws on Gun Sales",5 +7,One of three brothers charged with bringing in illegal immigrants to staff their roofing business was sentenced Wednesday to a year in federal prison.,6 +13,The President then went on to say,12 +7,crimes ,6 +11,City of Immigrants Becoming More So in 90's,10 +4,"""to defeat ignorance and bigotry.""",3 +15,"This time, dysfunction could devastate",14 +5,"The law allowing same-sex marriages in Minnesota takes effect Aug. 1, and many gay couples are finalizing their nuptials. That means big business for the already big wedding industry. +",4 +6,"There are problems just defining what we are trying to control. And what if magazines are reduced to seven rounds? How many rounds could someone fire if they could change magazines in 10 seconds and it takes the police 5 minutes to respond? +",5 +2," +The program, the brainchild of the American Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens, is among the many approaches the school system is trying as it seeks to cope with the largest wave of immigrants in decades.",1 +9,OVERCOMING SEVERE ILLNESS GAVE APPLE VALLEY WOMAN STRENGTH TO QUIT SMOKING,8 +13,"""This creates a lot of uncertainty about the political process that will make people fearful,"" said Thomas A. Russo, a partner at Gardner Investments of Lancaster, Pa., which owns shares on behalf of clients in tobacco giant Philip Morris Inc.",12 +13,"And their fears are stoked by the likes of the National Rifle Association, whose spokesman was quoted recently in The Wall Street Journal as warning that ""there's no political downside if Obama enacts more stringent gun-control measures"" in his second term.",12 +13,"The decision ended a lengthy review after President Obama aired concerns in October that while he supported capital punishment in theory, he found it ""deeply troubling"" in practice.",12 +13,Blaming President Clinton for the gun-show loophole seems to be a bit of a stretch.,12 +13,"Trump is a know-nothing extraordinaire. By all rights, the study indicates, Republicans should praise immigrants as examples for the native-born to emulate while excoriating American society for instilling social ills into second- and third-generation descendants of immigrants. +",12 +12," +AMERICANS WANT A CHANGE - CUT, REFORM LEGAL IMMIGRATION",11 +13, But many conservatives balked at any such action.,12 +5,"Last week, a jury in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn found 15 firearms makers negligent and nine of them liable in three shootings, in the first case in which the gun industry has been found responsible for death or injury caused by its products. +",4 +5,Supreme Court: Juvenile Death Penalty,4 +5,"He also rejected requests from defense attorneys Ron Chapman and Mike Maher to delay the trial until after the U.S. Supreme Court decides a case challenging the constitutionality of how Florida administers the death penalty. ""That ain't going to happen,"" Burton said. ""Five years is a long time.""",4 +5,"On Tuesday, Chang said Hawaii failed to show any compelling state interest in denying gay couples the right to marry. He ordered the state to begin issuing them licenses. It was the first such ruling by a judge in the United States. +",4 +1,"Immigrants boosted the U.S. economy in 2011, study [#xfb01]nds",0 +12, like millions of his fellow Americans,11 +6,SAY 'NAY' TO GAY NUPS,5 +5,"Sometimes the justices have to act +",4 +9,HEALTH WATCH,8 +5,"Peoples' lawyers contended at his trial that his reasoning and self-control were impaired by methamphetamine use and childhood abuse. +",4 +5," Attorney General John Ashcroft's opinion on the Second Amendment (""Justice takes aim on the public""). According to Mr. VerSteeg, the right to bear arms is not an individual right but a collective one. ",4 +5,Death Penalty Is Affirmed In Megan Case,4 +15,Victor Davis Hanson: Who gets a pass?,14 +10,"Fourteen million refugees worldwide languish in overcrowded refugee camps, waiting to begin new lives free from persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinion.",9 +13,"She was glad to hear Obama, together with Vice President Biden, pledge to try to stop the manufacture of military-style assault rifles, ban large ammunition clips, and require universal background checks for gun purchasers. +",12 +3,"""I think that God's tears are a lot less every time we affirm monogamy over promiscuity,"" said the Rev. Steve Geckeler of the Presbyterian Church in White Plains. His church hosted the Presbytery of the Hudson River, composed of ministers and lay members from 96 churches who approved the motion 107 to 35.",2 +13,CLINTONS & GORE HEADLINING EVENT,12 +7,U.S.-Canada Gunrunning Booms,6 +13,Rick Snyder vetoes bill that would allow guns in schools,12 +4,got an unbiased lawyer and a fair trial.,3 +11,"Supporters estimate that 250,000 people would obtain concealed-weapons permits within three years.",10 +5,"to class actions, to lawsuits by states and cities",4 +1,"he will allow a $1-a-pack tax to become law. + +""The cigarette tax is appropriate",0 +5," ""Mark Herring for Attorney General""",4 +5,"When the Supreme Court lifted a nine-year moratorium on execution in 1976, it tempered a harsh decree with reassurances. States were allowed to reinstate the death penalty, but only if their laws were carefully drawn to give extra safeguards to the condemned. ''Death is different,'' the Court said, final and irretrievable.",4 +8,Unabomber suspect Theodore Kaczynski,7 +11,GETTING ACCURATE INFORMATION ON NUMBER OF GUNS,10 +13,"The video is the latest volley in the six-way Democratic primary, in which each candidate is calling for tougher gun laws.",12 +10,"Patrick Boline, of Silver Spring, would like to sound a cheer for his wife, Erin. When they married in November 1995, Erin cut down from a pack a day to ""only a few cigarettes,"" Patrick says. In October, Erin stopped entirely when she learned that a young Boline was on the way. Patrick says he wants ""the whole world to know how proud I am"" of a woman who had puffed since high school.",9 +1,Supporters of gay marriage raise more money than opponents,0 +5,DEPORTATION PROCESS BEGINS AGAINST MAN / THE LANSDOWNE MAN WAS FOUND TO HAVE LIED ABOUT HIS WARTIME ACTIVITIES IN LITHUANIA.,4 +13,"The bill bypassed the committee process. Because it is scheduled for a quick vote, House rules dictate that it cannot be amended, and time for debate will be limited Monday. The bill must be approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting.",12 +6,"Come July 1, they may have to stub out their butts as part of a new districtwide policy to ban smoking",5 +13,"The trafficking bill is one of four gun bills the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider today. Senators had been trying before today's vote to get a deal on a background check bill, but that effort fell apart this week.",12 +5,JUSTICES LET STAND THE SECRET JAILINGS OF FOREIGNERS/ DECISION IN POST-SEPT. 11 DETENTIONS CASE IS VICTORY FOR ADMINISTRATION,4 +9,New Smokeless Tobacco Worries Experts,8 +6,State's tobacco pre-emption law turns 10,5 +6,Ordinances restricting firearms in the state's two largest cities could be nullified or modified under a measure,5 +13,"In ruling that the evidence shows nicotine is a drug and cigarets are drug-delivery devices, Clinton acted more forcefully than expected. Given the tobacco lobby's muscle and that at least 40 million Americans smoke the heavy betting inside Washington was that he would seek a middle ground, one that leaned on manufacturers without imposing tough regulations.",12 +13,Donald Trump says 'Second Amendment people' may be the only check on Clinton judicial appointments,12 +4, his desire to spark a race war ,3 +13,people would likely still vote no.,12 +1,"Company officials maintained that the decision was a result of a search for a spiffier advertising strategy. +",0 +13,"council in the first place. A few years ago it would have been inconceivable that such measures would pass. The fact that they did can be directly attributed to the growing political power of gays in Atlanta. +",12 +11,"This crowd - about two dozen on weekdays and more than 100 on weekends - is likely to sip wine and brandy from Portugal, engage in heated discussions about Portuguese politics and sports, and snack on a popular codfish appetizer called bolinhos de bacalhau well into the early morning.",10 +5,something Byron has said that he does not want his verdict to cause.,4 +5,The Pennsylvania case was one of two Second Amendment appeals that the nation s high court rejected on the last day of its current session.,4 +7,of shooting Troy Wicker to death as he slept.,6 +7,UC Berkeley student senator released after arrest at immigration rally,6 +13,"For gay marriage, fight turns to states",12 +7,"Nearly 1.7 million guns have been stolen nationwide in the last decade, more than 150,000 of them in California alone, according to a report Wednesday by gun-safety advocates.",6 +4,"Last Friday, announcing a zealous-enough assault on the speech rights of American tobacco companies,",3 +1,"In less than two years, the two of them have built Zenefits, an online service that helps companies manage their employee benefits, into a company with 450 employees.",0 +7,SHOOTINGS STOKE FEAR AT SCHOOLS : GORE BREAKS TIE AS SENATE REBUFFS NRA,6 +5,D.C. Circuit won't rehear Second Amendment right-to-carry-guns-in-public case,4 +13,"As for Caton's phone message, Beckner said: ""It is an obvious act of desperation on behalf of my opponent and David Caton and organizations that promote divisiveness and hate to our community.""",12 +5,RULING MAY AFFECT GUNS-TO-WORK LAW,4 +8, the state's self-defense statute ,7 +5,"During the sentencing hearing Wednesday, Lake Superior Court Judge James Letsinger said Lockhart teased Miss Gallagher with minor cuts as part of a ""time-consuming torture.""",4 +6,DELRAY EYES BEACH SMOKING BAN,5 +9,"Until a transplant center agrees to assume responsibility for him, Mr. Jimenez will not be placed on the national waiting list. Misunderstandings, a false rumor of a possible transplant in New York, and distrust have brought him to the brink of death.",8 +1,Sporting-goods retailer ending assault rifle sales,0 +12,"Conference participants canvassed Oakland neighborhoods Friday night in an effort to survey voters on the measure, which has begun to receive publicity in recent weeks",11 +7,"6 CONVICTED, 5 CLEARED OF PLOT TO SMUGGLE IN ALIENS FOR SANCTUARY",6 +13,But lawmakers who have been targeted by the groups,12 +7,VIOLENCE FEARED IN RESPONSE TO SHEIK'S JAILING,6 +6,have now enacted gay marriage bans,5 +13,I.D. PLAN OPPOSED BY ADMINISTRATION,12 +6,When will we see need for effective gun control?,5 +12,"Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles or CHIRLA, said they started getting calls just after 11 a.m. Thursday.",11 +5,"After S.C. killings, families sue over background check",4 +11,Paper uses incidents to rail against guns,10 +13,Showdown on immigration in the works; Democrats push old bill as GOP balks,12 +13," +But these poll findings ""suggest caution"" to conservative activists who think this will mobilize voters, he says. ""People were warned, with lots of overheated rhetoric, about the consequences of gay marriage in Massachusetts. They didn't see it affect their own lives. Now, most people have let loose a collective yawn about the issue.""",12 +13,Criticism of Obama by Dowd was unfair,12 +9,treating injured smokers.,8 +8,THE DUEL OVER CONCEALED GUNS More guns mean more killings,7 +11,"Same-Sex Marriage in the New Year +",10 +13,Senate in Trenton Rejects Bid To Overturn a Weapons Ban,12 +11,Immigrant Subway Virtuosos Keep Traditional Sounds Alive,10 +3,Church bigs urge banishing bill-backing pols,2 +7,Warner was scheduled to be executed the same night last week as Clayton Lockett.,6 +5,"Today, lawyers for both sides will argue Simmons's case before the Supreme Court, as the justices take up an issue that has divided them and touched a nerve at home and abroad.",4 +5,BRADY LAW IS UPHELD ON APPEAL,4 +13, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted late Monday,12 +7," +Throughout the case, the Police Department and city lawyers have worked together to assure achievement of two goals: requiring gun makers and distributors to adopt responsible marketing and distribution practices, while maintaining the confidentiality of law enforcement information. +",6 +13,"On July 16, the council voted 6-1, with Councilman Dave Whittum dissenting, in favor of placing the city's third measure on the ballot after hearing from nearly 20 members of the public on the issue. +",12 +13,DOYLE BANS SMOKING THROUGHOUT STATE GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS EXECUTIVE ORDER WILL TAKE EFFECT IN 30 DAYS,12 +11,The Women's Marriage March,10 +6,a measure to significantly strengthen the national system that checks the backgrounds of gun buyers.,5 +1,"Patch revenue could hit $ 1 billion next year. Sales should be strong next month as smokers make New Year's resolutions to break the habit. +",0 +12,"Sentiments against gay marriage remain high in many quarters of the country. +",11 +1,State Won't Pay for CIA Suspect's Medical Tests,0 +15,It's how you ask the question,14 +5,"Gay marriage and the U.S. Supreme Court: Don't look for sweeping rulings +",4 +1,"There's no shortage of homegrown talent, Salzman said, but there is a lack of willingness to pay for it.",0 +7, The Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and raiding businesses that hire undocumented workers.,6 +8,Many need protection from gun violence,7 +1,SAFETY OFF IN GUN BUY,0 +13," +Some of the proposals Obama is expected to announce: +",12 +7,How a Killer Can Kill Again,6 +13,"Congress has fought bitterly over the issue for the past four years, with the House eager to grant liability protection to the industry but with the Senate highly resistant. A similar bill failed in the Senate last year after opponents loaded it up with amendments that were anathema to the National Rifle Association and other gun enthusiasts.",12 +5,U.S. Judge Strikes Down F.D.A. Cigarette Labels,4 +13,"GOP lawmaker suggests armed Jews could have prevented the Holocaust, prompting rebukes",12 +12,The National Rifle Association and pro-gun enthusiasts,11 +12,Standing Ground Against the N.R.A.,11 +12,"With gun issue in sharp focus, advocates are on the defensive",11 +6,Legislature should realize background checks for gun buyers make sense,5 +11, the Daily News has learned.,10 +6,RYBAK OPPOSES PROPOSED SMOKING BAN 'PATCHWORK' OF LAWS IN TWIN CITIES FEARED,5 +8,"Customs ""field operations is the part that goes out and does detentions. I'm not sure what the difference would be (with ICE),"" Shafiqullah said.",7 +4,DNA Stops Death Penalty for '85 Killing,3 +13," +But Bush scored big points with his core political base. +",12 +1,"Previous research has found that increasing the cost of cigarettes through state taxes reduces smoking. But the new study, published in the February issue of the American Journal of Public Health, found declines in smoking were directly related to the amount of funding given to tobacco-control programs --- separate from cigarette prices.",0 +6,"The broader immigration bill would provide a path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. +",5 +3," despite the other churches nationally who joined First Presbyterian's drive, despite an appeal from the Pope himself",2 +1, Now mighty coalitions pour millions of dollars into advertising and lobbying,0 +10,MODIFIED SMOKING BAN DOES NOT CALM RESTAURATEURS SOME SAY THEY CAN'T ALTER FLOOR PLANS TO MEET THE PROPOSED LAW.,9 +13,Boehner meets with House members on immigration bill timing,12 +5,Guns in Court,4 +13,"""We're certainly pleased,"" Campbell spokesman James Doyle said Friday, adding it sounded as though the Senate bill co-sponsored by Campbell had remained ""pretty much intact."" Skaggs' Colorado office also reported satisfaction with the House action.",12 +4,"TO DENY MARRIAGE FOR ALLIS BIGOTRY, PLAIN AND SIMPLE",3 +6,"If the ban had passed through committee and then been approved by the city's full council, it would have been the first of its kind in Missouri or Southern Illinois.",5 +5,ANTI-SMOKING CRUSADER CLEARED IN PROBE,4 +15,University math professors target 'Einstein Exemption',14 +12,We'll Fight for This Ban,11 +13,"Also rejected, 54-45, were amendments by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D., Mass.)",12 +13,A House bill,12 +6,"Milestone in Death Penalty Fight, but Still a Way to Go",5 +6,D.C. Partner Benefits Bill Stirs a War of Words,5 +9,"can have deleterious effects on an individual's mental health, especially on a person diagnosed with mental illness.",8 +13," +Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic nominee for Senate, did not mention her Republican opponent, Representative Rick A. Lazio, by name. But she indirectly criticized the congressman's opposition to handgun registration by re-emphasizing her own position. +",12 +5,"When the couple decided to leave Edmonton in October 1995, they weren't sure they wanted to give up their Canadian citizenship. So lawyer Rob Lubin suggested they request a year-long visa that allows non-immigrants to work in the USA if they return home. Zetter and Seitz could then reapply for a green card under a ""dual-intent"" clause, Lubin says. +",4 +4,Justice tainted Courts rely too much on shoddy evidence,3 +3,Marriage purgatory,2 +13,House Votes to Weaken Senate Gun Show Checks,12 +13," bill sponsors said the amendment debate gave Minnesotans almost two years of intensive discussions about what marriage means and who should be allow to get married. +",12 +6,"In Minnesota, smoking ban loophole turns bar patrons into 'performers'",5 +5,"In 2008, the District appealed and lost a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, District of Columbia v. Heller, which ended the city's prohibition on keeping handguns in the home.",4 +1,Allen wants farmers to get larger share,0 +13,"When the Board of Village Trustees in Morton Grove, Ill., voted last June 8",12 +5,"Maryland law defines marriage as between a man and woman, but some lawmakers have said they fear the law will not be adequately enforced. So for several years, they have pushed for a constitutional amendment specifically barring such unions.",4 +12,Immigration Coverage in the Crossfire,11 +9," +Cities map anti-drug strategies",8 +10,"If somebody in the vault wanted a beer or a hamburger, I guess they could leave the room and place an order. With that so-called negative air pressure, it would be like leaving the Metrodome, on a great whoosh of inwardly sucked air. +",9 +9,Zimmerman says he was in fear for his life when Trayvon slammed his head into the concrete,8 +1,IMMIGRATION; $1 Billion Rise Proposed for Enforcement,0 +5,"First, Second, Fourth, Ninth and 10th Amendments, the word people means all citizens, not just militia members.",4 +13,"As Congress prepares to take up a proposal that would bar states from recognizing gay marriages, two Colorado lawmakers clashed on a radio talk show Thursday over whether the state should recognize homosexual marriages. + +Rep. David Schultheis, R-Colorado Springs, said on the KNRC radio talk show hosted by Greg Dobbs that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Democratic Rep. Terrance Carroll, a Baptist minister from Denver, said the state should not define what a marriage is. +",12 +5,"Days after New York's approval of same-sex marriage, gay-rights supporters plan to announce a lawsuit Wednesday seeking the right to wed for gays and lesbians in New Jersey.",4 +7,But that protection is forfeited in cases involving criminal activity.,6 +6," questions about whether background checks adequately scrutinize the mental health history of potential gun buyers. +",5 +1,"""I can work",0 +4,r says he didn't commit the murder for which he was convicted.,3 +9,TEST DRAMATIZES ONSET OF LUNG CANCER VISUALLY OFFICIALS OF FIRM IN S.J. SEEKING HIGH-RISK SUBJECTS,8 +1,Immigrants' Cash Floods Homelands; Study Finds Totals Much Higher Than Expected,0 +9,EXECUTION WENT WRONG,8 +5,"The judge also denied the tobacco company's request for a new trial on the merits of the case. Philip Morris promised to appeal. +",4 +6,"There is no rational justification for not requiring that all transfers of firearms ownership take place through a licensed firearms dealer. +",5 +8,Push to disarm 'risky' people,7 +5," +The lawsuits have alleged, among other things, that unqualified execution teams sometimes have botched the procedure and made it a cruel and unusual punishment that should be considered illegal under the Eighth Amendment.",4 +2,Representatives Ask I.N.S. to Add Workers to New York Office,1 +11,TAKING AIM AT GUN RESEARCH,10 +12,Gun rights advocates have gained ground in their effort,11 +5,Death row inmate gets reprieve - a life sentence,4 +5,COURT OKS WELFARE FOR ASYLUM-SEEKER,4 +5,"Now 70 and appearing frail, Stanworth came to a hearing Friday in Solano County Superior Court in a wheelchair and exclaimed: ""It's the third time,"" and ""I plead guilty to everything.""",4 +3,LGBT Americans are less likely to be religious,2 +5,"Court sets hearing on Wisconsin's same-sex marriage ban +",4 +7,"Donald Beardslee, 61, was scheduled to die by injection at 2:01 a.m. St. Louis time today. Beardslee served seven years in prison in Missouri in the 1970s in the murder of a St. Louis County woman. He was on parole in that case when he murdered the women in California. +",6 +13,GOV. CUOMO threw his political clout Monday behind a Queens state senator who is facing a tough general election challenge after voting in favor of legalizing gay marriage.,12 +5,"Such lawsuits may proliferate, some lawyers predicted, spurred by this glimmer of industry weakness. ""The plaintiffs' bar will see blood in the water,"" said David Vladeck of the Washington-based Public Citizen Litigation Group. ""I will not be surprised if they try to pick the tobacco companies off one by one.""",4 +4,IS THE DEATH PENALTY FAIR?,3 +13,"As the debate over regulating the tobacco industry shifts from the Supreme Court to Congress, some lawmakers say they are wary of an industry that has spent tens of millions of dollars to get its voice heard on Capitol Hill.",12 +9,"""If a drunk goes into a bar, you shouldn't sell him a drink,"" Allee said.",8 +12,A gun-control group formed in response to last month's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall on Monday to call on Congress to follow New York's lead and enact stricter limits on weapons and ammunition purchases.,11 +1,Philip Morris To Change Name to Altria,0 +9,"Each day brings tragic reports of needless deaths or injuries, often involving children killed or injured by a handgun left in a home, loaded.",8 +6,"Under Delaware law, the judge, not the jury, sets the final sentence in a first-degree murder case, but Lee must give ""great weight"" to the jury's 10-2 recommendation of the death sentence.",5 +13,"But National Rifle Association lobbyist James Jay Baker vows an all-out fight. NRA ads against assault weapons bans have run in major newspapers and more will follow. ''We'll take our case to anyone who will listen,'' says Baker. +",12 +3,"""Ricky's execution will serve no purpose other than retribution,""",2 +7,"Raymond Oscar Butler, known to friends as Mugsy, was convicted last month of murdering Takuma Ito and Go Matsuura, film students at Marymount College. +",6 +13,Candidate rips City Council decisions,12 +10,Texas prepares to join the college-carry craze,9 +4,"But they do have to be respected and given basic civil rights. +",3 +13,"Which is why the second leg of Obama's Wednesday trip mattered. The president is committed to making a robust effort to win back control of the House in the 2014 midterm elections and cement his legacy during the final two years of his tenure in the White House. +",12 +3,"In a wide-ranging interview, Gregory also opposed any reconsideration of the church's requirement of priestly celibacy, as was proposed in a petition to him from more than 160 Milwaukee priests this month. Priest organizations in Illinois, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania are considering similar petitions.",2 +13,"The California Assembly voted Monday to ban assault rifles, clearing the way for the state to become the first to prohibit the sale, possession or manufacture of the military-style, semiautomatic guns.",12 +13,Gun lobby has big deficit,12 +5,A federal judge has upheld a new state law allowing employees with concealed weapons permits to take guns to work and lock them in their cars but ruled that businesses can prohibit customers from taking guns on their property.,4 +13,What is uncertain is whether Democrats will again try to shut down the House to demand votes on other gun control proposals.,12 +5,"Tinsley's identification is a victory for Washington's attorneys, who have been trying to open the investigation as part of a lawsuit against authorities who helped put Washington on death row for 91/2 years. +",4 +5,"The 15 smoke shops named as defendants in the lawsuit include several popular Web sites, among them dirtcheapcig.com, BuyDiscountCigarettes.com and paylesscigs.com. +",4 +3,provisions governing religious institutions,2 +5,"John Langan can proceed with his wrongful-death lawsuit against St. Vincent's Hospital in connection with Neal C. Spicehandler's death, Nassau County Supreme Court Justice John P. Dunne said in a decision released yesterday.",4 +5,Rhode Island Couple Win Same-Sex Marriage Case,4 +6,A.C. council unanimously calls for total smoking ban in casinos,5 +11,A Website Offers Help Finding a Hotel Where You Can Light Up,10 +5,"Previously, lawsuits had been brought by individuals against both industries with little financial success or effect on company policies.",4 +5,State laws on guns matter,4 +6,"Robey Considers Smoking Ban in Bars, Restaurants",5 +7,MURDERER EXECUTED IN LOUISIANA,6 +1,Tobacco tax proposal hangs on,0 +4," It said that marriage is such a ""vital social institution"" that no group should be treated as second-class citizens and denied its benefits and protections. +",3 +5,California Supreme Court to decide fate of Prop. 8 same-sex marriage ban,4 +13,"A little more than six years ago, Wisconsin voters resoundingly approved a same-sex marriage ban, 59 percent to 41 percent. +",12 +1,workers,0 +12,"Although the march has been billed as a youth-centered movement led by students, for students, the cause at its core - gun control - has rallied many adults to their cause",11 +8, without submitting to a federal background check.,7 +7,Happ is sentenced to death for killing woman in Citrus,6 +13,"Pa. House passes cigarette tax, next up is Senate",12 +9,ANTI-SMOKING EFFORT,8 +3,Same-sex partnerships get St. Paul's blessing,2 +9,threats to Americans' safety,8 +4,BACKING EQUALITY ACROSS THE STATE,3 +11,"Executions down as death penalty comes under scrutiny +",10 +5,TOBACCO FIRM SUES TO BLOCK NEW STATE LAW,4 +13,"The Clinton administration, seizing on congressional willingness to pass some gun-control measures, pressed yesterday for even stricter limitations on firearms, but the gun lobby and its allies in Congress accused the President of doing little to enforce federal laws already on the books.",12 +9,"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has told the public again and again: If there is a gun in your home, you and your family are less safe.",8 +13,HOUSE ROLL-CALL VOTE ON GUNS,12 +4,"To legally purchase a firearm in Georgia is more difficult. While you can register to vote via different methods, purchasing a firearm must be done in person. Even if you order a firearm from out of state, it must be transferred though a federally licensed Georgia dealer. +",3 +11,"100 Years Ago, a Killing That Spurred a Gun Law",10 +10,"But as a Californian who supports gay marriage, I think the decision was groundbreaking. It felt powerful -- and liberating. +",9 +5,"The tobacco industry and its allies sued the agency in August 1995. + +The tobacco industry is expected to appeal the case, though public health experts doubt their chances if they can't win in the middle of tobacco country. But the ruling vindicates former commissioner Kessler's two-year crusade to reduce smoking among children and teenagers by limiting the sale and appeal of tobacco products.",4 +13,"said Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), the incoming chairman of the House Republican Conference.",12 +6," +Death penalty for child rape",5 +9,Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota,8 +7,"""And those are two of the most important things we can do in law enforcement today."" +",6 +3," Religious-right activists will blame the tragedy on the video violence propagated by ""Hollywood liberals.""",2 +5,Judge rejects Idaho ban on gay marriage,4 +6,"But many Southern states still allow smoking at work sites or bars or restaurants, and seven states have no laws prohibiting smoking in these public places.",5 +5,"Late Monday, an appellate court ruled that a trial judge did not have the authority to cut the amount of the bond Altria's Philip Morris USA unit would have to post to hold off enforcement of the verdict during the appeals process. Yesterday, Standard & Poor's said it might still cut Altria's credit ratings.",4 +12, NRA representatives,11 +5,"No state or federal judge has opposed gay marriage since the Supreme Court in June allowed gays and lesbians to marry in California and struck down the Defense of Marriage Act's ban on federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples. +",4 +13,ELECTION 2000: BILL FEDERER,12 +5,Amendment passes 1st tests in Mass.,4 +5,Same-Sex Issue Pushes Justices Into Overdrive,4 +11," Acculturated by gay celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres and Anderson Cooper, as well as by such popular shows as ""Modern Family,"" younger Americans regard gay men and lesbians as mainstream minorities and see no logic in discriminating against them.",10 +5,"The case in Wright Allen's courtroom marked the first time such a challenge has advanced so far in a state that was part of the Old South. +",4 +7,Although homicides reported in New York City last year reached their lowest level since 1963,6 +15,"Yes, Death Is Different",14 +9,How much carnage until gun laws change?,8 +7,"Closer to home, about 10 law enforcement officers in the Treasury Department have lost their gun-carrying rights because of the law, Raymond Kelly, Treasury's undersecretary for enforcement, told the panel.",6 +7,"Smoking Quite Openly, And Illegally, In the Park",6 +13,"No softening of his support for executions, Nixon asserts 'Number of factors' contributed to his decision to spare life of convict.",12 +11,A migrant society,10 +13,"The Senate Thursday inched toward passage of a monumental $ 22 billion crime bill that puts 100,000 more police officers on the beat, provides for more prison construction and imposes the death penalty for 53 more crimes. +",12 +7,urging prison officials in California and several other states,6 +9,"Never mind the fact that more than 250,000 people will be diagnosed with lung and smoking-related cancers this year. The majority of those will die within a year. And who has time to worry about the nearly 1-million Americans who die yearly from smoking-related heart disease, strokes and emphysema when you're one square away from coughing out ""Bingo""?",8 +1, new limits on firearms sales.,0 +11,"Facebook Live, Periscope pick up coverage of Democrats gun-control protest",10 +5,ASHCROFT INTERPRETING FOUNDERS' WORDS LITERALLY,4 +6,"In N.J. legislature, new efforts to regulate guns",5 +1,without merit because they had sold a legal product from which Texas had collected billions of dollars in taxes,0 +3,"Religious groups have been buying newspaper advertisements, setting up Web sites and holding rallies urging lawmakers to vote against the measure.",2 +7,"The vast majority of guns purchased from high-volume dealers and used in crimes were bought by middlemen who turned around and sold them, according to a report released Monday.",6 +12,"March for Our Lives presents an opportunity for Bowser, gliding to reelection this year without serious opposition, to build her image with the country while shoring up support at home on a popular issue after facing some bruising scan-dals.",11 +12,"The N.R.A., Wounded",11 +12," The law may or may not be popular,",11 +5,"Relishing a moment of triumph after a successful, long-running legal battle to end the District's handgun ban, Dick A. Heller strode into D.C. police headquarters yesterday with an unloaded revolver and began registering the weapon so he can keep it in his Capitol Hill home for self-defense.",4 +9,Making Schools Safer,8 +13,"A bipartisan group of U.S. senators, with the tacit approval of President Barack Obama, ",12 +11," +Their teachers hoped that, in their halting English and excessive politeness, these greenhorns from the Dominican Republic, China, Poland and the Soviet Union would begin talking with each other about how they were handling the mixed blessings of immigration.",10 +12,"Local immigrant-rights advocates, including the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, were delighted by the news",11 +1,"Facing New Costs, Some Smokers Say 'Enough'",0 +4,"Since 1973, 79 persons have been freed from death row on account of DNA testing. Some of them had been positively identified by eyewitnesses. Others had confessed. All of them, though, were innocent to a scientific certainty.",3 +6,"HEY, TAKE IT OUTSIDE! MAYOR WANTS SMOKING BAN IN CITY'S BARS",5 +12,Rally at the Alamo Will Call on Texans to Raise Their Rifles High,11 +5,The Pennsylvania Bar Association is calling for a moratorium on executions until steps are taken to insure that the state's death penalty is applied fairly.,4 +13,CLINTON MAY SUPPORT NATIONAL GUN LICENSING,12 +5,"Mr. Roach appealed for a stay of execution to Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, who referred the matter to the full court. Justices Thurgood Marshall and William J. Brennan Jr. were the dissenters. +",4 +13," +Vice President Biden's Thursday meeting with National Rifle Association officials was the latest opportunity for two sides with starkly different views to find some common ground.",12 +10,Why anyone would exhale smoke into the air that is used by others is beyond all understanding. Those who do it rank among the most rude and inconsiderate people to be found anywhere.,9 +13,"(Technically the grades aren't from the NRA, but from the NRA's Political Victory Fund, a PAC associated with the organization.)",12 +13,"Republicans invited Independent Women's Forum senior fellow Gayle Trotter and Denver University Professor David Kopel, a prominent opponent of gun control. +",12 +5,"The Supreme Court's decision puts California in unusual territory for the time being, establishing a two-tiered system of marriage across the state for same-sex couples. Under the ruling, Proposition 8 will continue to outlaw same-sex marriage in the future, but those gay and lesbian couples who got their marriage licenses before last November's election will remain on equal legal footing with heterosexual couples.",4 +12,"Pleas on Front Pages, and Erroneous Reporting",11 +5,"However, an attorney representing downstate county clerks defending the same-sex marriage ban said gay couples in Illinois have many of the same rights as heterosexual ones, partly because Illinois allowed civil unions in 2011. The state's ban defines marriage as between a man and a woman. +",4 +11,How Small-Town America Sees Guns,10 +5,THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS,4 +13,Democrats Fear Defections on GOP Gun Proposal,12 +6,The 'Brady Bill': Success and Growing Pains,5 +7,Two charged in deaths of illegal immigrants in truck,6 +5,"In many US states, 18 is old enough to buy a semiautomatic",4 +5,U.S. mayors to file legal brief in support of Obama's immigration executive actions,4 +5,Ahmuty and others said the state's constitutional amendment outlawing gay marriage isn't a factor because Social Security is governed by federal laws.,4 +7,"Pine County Sheriff Robin Cole has said he would consider new federal gun regulations illegal and would ""refuse to carry it out.""",6 +13,Veto of same-sex marriage ban backfires Romer alienates both sides,12 +1,"Assuming that cost is passed on to consumers, it will mean the price of premium cigarettes in much of the Metro East area will jump to a little over $4.40 a pack.",0 +9,"""I understand safety,"" Cuban said. ""We all want to be safer. No one wants to be unsafe.",8 +7,"Only Alabama and Nebraska now use electrocution as a sole means of execution. +",6 +9," after three jolts produced flames, sparks and smoke from his masked head.",8 +13,"Obama Puts Weight Behind 'Smart-Gun' Technology, Fueling N.R.A. Objections",12 +6,VICTORY FOR INSANITY House: FORCE states to legalize concealed guns,5 +1,"- For Kathy Murphy, the difference between being gay and straight is $583 a month. +",0 +13,"At the same time, House Democrats led by Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) have threatened to load another spending bill with gun control provisions that failed last week unless congressional negotiators agree to include them as part of juvenile justice legislation.",12 +13,State fights to keep option of death penalty,12 +1,for American Tobacco Co,0 +7,"""People who wish to commit murder, they better not do it in the State of Florida, because we may have a problem with our electric chair,""",6 +4,Food stamp plan would skip Latinos; Advocate cites 'legal' barrier,3 +14,"Often scorned at home and ignored in the United States, migrant laborers found themselves celebrated as heroes Thursday by Mexican President Vicente Fox.",13 +7, law enforcement agencies,6 +5, Upholding ageless institution,4 +12,"Armed march on D.C. is eyed +",11 +9,"State Health Department officials were asked to contradict the agency's own study so then-Health Secretary Molly Joel Coye could claim the anti-smoking efforts were ineffective, said the newspaper, citing internal agency documents obtained by the Berkeley-based Americans for Non-Smokers Rights.",8 +13,"In a state that had refused to surrender policymaking to the National Rifle Association, majority Republican leaders in the Senate should pay a political price in their suburban-Philadelphia districts. The House vote Tuesday was just as lopsided in its support by suburban lawmakers.",12 +5," +Appeals court rules Oklahoma must OK gay marriage +",4 +13,Republicans Attack Shift In Cuba Policy,12 +7,"Ms. Dudley, who was 22 at the time, was convicted of murdering Ms. Kane and stealing $ 19,000 in rings.",6 +5,Olson said he wanted to hold the event as a way to educate the public and gun owners about their rights.,4 +6,By pure coincidence - or not - gun deaths in the state have decreased since the new restrictions took effect.,5 +5,Excerpts From the Opinions on the Regulation of Tobacco by the F.D.A.,4 +5,Effective regulation may involve a permit,4 +6,Crime Bill Or Gun-Control Bill?,5 +10,"""Every time you go to court you remember,"" she said. ""I just wish this would end, one way or the other.""",9 +5,"Prop. 8 stay lifted, same-sex weddings can resume immediately",4 +6,"Many Republicans believe, as Gekas does, that gun violence can be reduced by more aggressive enforcement of laws already on the books. Democrats insist that new laws aimed at preventing criminals from getting guns and restricting the flow of lethal weapons are the proper response.",5 +7,"Mr. Espinal, 59, was charged last month with pretending to be an immigration lawyer since at least April 1992 and defrauding three clients, all of them Latino immigrants. He pleaded not guilty and has been released on $50,000 bail.",6 +12,"CURIOUSLY, NRA RARELY CITES 2ND AMENDMENT",11 +1,working tobacco farms,0 +15,"Drumbeat for life of service +",14 +4,"Citing Profiling Worries, Chief Seeks Cameras in Police Cars",3 +5, An emotionless Aaron McKinney offered a blank stare late Wednesday morning when the court clerk read guilty verdicts that could send him to death row.,4 +9,GUN BILL MAKES CAMPUSES MORE DANGEROUS,8 +13,Oregon official fires on gun bill School deaths stirred fire chief's dissension,12 +10,"They wore pictures of their family on their chests. Their son Adam, a graduate of the University of Georgia, is gay. +",9 +5,"In 2014, the justices invalidated the state's rigid, unscientific rule that skirted the court's clear 2002 ban on executing intellectually disabled people.",4 +5,You don't 'bear arms' against a rabbit,4 +13,NRA president Heston unsure of Colorado visit,12 +11,Media couple put their beliefs into action time and again,10 +11,"Ms. Wuornos, 46, became the 10th woman executed in the United States since capital punishment resumed in 1977. Oklahoma has put three women to death; Florida and Texas have executed two each.",10 +7,"The case dates to November 1998, when Clayton Dicks, 45, a night manager at an Arlington pool hall, was stabbed to death and a cash register drawer containing about $200 was stolen. A jury convicted Lovitt in 1999, and he was sentenced to death.",6 +7," Ms. Arias was accused of stabbing Mr. Alexander almost 30 times, shooting him in the head and slashing his throat from ear to ear during a fit of jealous rage in 2008.",6 +6,"With similar measures passed this week, Prince George's County and Montgomery County -- both of which border on the District of Columbia -- followed Connecticut, Massachusetts, Chicago and more than a dozen cities and counties in California that have enacted similar laws in recent years as a way to reduce the number of inadvertent shootings in the home by children. +",5 +9,health coverage,8 +5,"Office of Personnel Management v. Golinski: A challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, by Karen Golinski, a San Francisco woman who was denied health benefits for her spouse. A federal judge declared DOMA unconstitutional in the case, which was the first in which the Obama administration argued the law should be invalidated.",4 +13,Senate Passes Civil Unions For Gays In Connecticut,12 +6,"Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits the federal government from recognizing legal same-sex marriages.",5 +12,"""During the course of the entire inaugural festivities, there are going to be a wide range of viewpoints that are presented, and that's how it should be, because that's what America's about,"" Obama said. ""That's part of the magic of this country ... we are diverse and noisy and opinionated.""",11 +13,Fred Guttenberg paid tribute to the beloved Republican with a tweet after it was announced Bush died in Houston late Friday night.,12 +1,"There is a very good chance that sales of guns and ammunition will surge and that shares of publicly traded gun companies will, ultimately, rise.",0 +8,Pentagon OKs performing of gay weddings Military chaplains get green light to preside at ceremonies on or off bases.,7 +8,"Migrant tide rising on border Numbers rebound with U.S. economy Agents in southern Arizona are nabbing 3,000 people a day, and aid groups fear for those who may get stranded in the desert.",7 +13,"They are betting that November's elections, when every statewide constitutional office and legislative seat is up for grabs, will prove that Republicans are on the wrong side of the gun debate.",12 +13,The Fix: Immigration all of a sudden a top campaign issue,12 +5,"Fairfax Circuit Court Judge Jane Marum Roush has appointed a clinical psychologist and three private investigators to the defense team. In yesterday's motions, the defense asked the judge to hire a DNA expert; a mitigation specialist, who would help present positive evidence about Malvo in a possible death penalty phase; and experts in handwriting, voice and audio technology, ballistics and fingerprints.",4 +4," marriage equality. +",3 +1," The half dozen buyers from the big tobacco companies were paying a uniformly high price, $ 1.92 a pound, for every single pile.",0 +13,GOP's gains ready to propel social issues back into spotlight,12 +9,GUN-LAW ADVOCATES WANT SAFETY,8 +12,GOALS MATCH NRA'S: Moms should redirect efforts at enforcing existing gun laws,11 +7,"From Southern California to Texas, as a federal crackdown against illicit crossings intensifies along the nation's southwestern border, smugglers are taking ruthless new steps to exploit the multitude of poor immigrants from Mexico and Central America trying to reach the United States at any cost.",6 +14,"Following marriage ruling, neighboring states weigh whether that opens their doors to same-sex marriage +",13 +6, Can we not begin the control and prevention of violence by the control and prevention of gun ownership?,5 +13, Cuomo,12 +5,"Exactly how many same-sex couples are seeking divorces is not clear - nor is it clear whether any gay divorces have become final - because not all counties keep track of which divorce filings are from same-sex couples. + +The first gay-divorce case in Suffolk County, which includes Boston, was filed Wednesday by a male couple who exchanged vows May 22, five days after same-sex marriage was legalized. + +One partner, 33, is a religious educator from Boston; the other, 39, is a professor based in Washington. Since then, the couple said in their divorce filing, ""our interests have grown in different directions."" Each man signed a settlement attesting that the marriage had ""irretrievably broken down."" + +The most difficult part of the settlement appeared to be custody of their three cats, who will live exclusively with the professor. + +Massachusetts began sanctioning gay marriages May 17, six months after a landmark ruling by the state's Supreme Judicial Court. + +According to the state Registry of Vital Records, at least 4,266 gay-marriage certificates have since been issued, though there is a lag time in the records, and hundreds more may have wed this year. +",4 +15,Living high on death,14 +1,Questions for tobacco execs,0 +15,Anti-smoke ventilation takes a hit,14 +6,"ATTACK ROOT PROBLEMS, NOT GUNS",5 +5,The right to bear arms,4 +7,"Johnathan Doody, whose mother was a member of the Wat Promkunaram temple west of Phoenix, was spared the death penalty in the sentence handed down by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Gregory Martin. +",6 +15,ARNIE EDICT: END NUPS,14 +3,"""DNA proved I was wrong. It's a very sobering, troubling lesson to learn.""",2 +5,COURT DENIES APPEAL BY MAN ON DEATH ROW,4 +1,Vice President Al Gore gave the administration's blessing Wednesday to a tough Democratic plan to raise cigarette taxes and impose new restrictions on the tobacco industry.,0 +7,"Coleman, 34, was convicted in Waterloo of strangling his wife, Sheri Coleman, 31, and sons Garett, 11, and Gavin, 9, as part of a plot to begin a new life with a Florida cocktail waitress.",6 +7, Need tougher consequences for criminals with guns,6 +5,"ast week, a federal judge in Kansas City rejected a claim that Oxford, 39, is mentally incompetent. +",4 +9,Legislature didn't protect the police when it passed gun bill,8 +11, His case has drawn extraordinary television coverage.,10 +13,Democrats challenge Bush on assault gun ban,12 +9," ""fewer children will die""",8 +13,And that's just the Democrats.,12 +5,"""This is a follow-up letter to once again advise the courts that I wish for no appeals regarding my sentence of death. I also wish for no legal assistance from any attorneys,"" he wrote in 2003. +",4 +3,"The Rev. Rosa Lee Harden, an Episcopalian priest who has married several gay couples since San Francisco started issuing licenses, says people still can't decide what to call female priests;",2 +1,Corporations only break with the gun industry when it's cheap and easy;,0 +7,"The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service will deploy ``quick response teams'' in Raleigh, Winston-Salem and Charlotte by later this year.",6 +5," She is being represented by Evan Nappen, an attorney who specializes in gun cases and is a gun rights activist himself.",4 +13,"Bush has said virtually nothing. Actually, on the eve of his second term, he said he was averse to pushing hard for an amendment, so in a sense he is simply being consistent.",12 +1,"Now, the industry faces further cost increases, including a 10-cent increase in the federal excise tax set for Jan. 1, and an increase in settlement expenses from about 46 cents per pack to about 50 cents, Adelman said.",0 +13,Gun debate heats up again at Legislature,12 +13,"An army of politicians, many of them in hard-fought primaries that come to a head next month, declared that 2.4 million voters had been unfairly silenced.",12 +5,"The district's lawyer, Andy Leonard, said the wording of the new Missouri law concerned him. He interprets it to mean that someone can walk onto school property with a weapon or sit in a vehicle on school property with a weapon, as long as the person doesn't go into the building with it. +",4 +13,Marco Rubio Assails Obama but Not Clinton at N.R.A. Forum,12 +5,"In one case, justices are expected to decide the constitutionality of Congress' 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and whether the federal government should recognize same-sex marriage in the states -- now numbering a dozen -- where it is legal.",4 +1,"The Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, which is administering the program, has already received replies from more than half of farmers contacted, and could receive many more by tomorrow's sign-up deadline, according to Robert L. ""Bobby"" Swann, the Calvert County commissioner and former state comptroller who is the council's interim executive director and director of government relations.",0 +13,dominated the second and final gubernatorial debate.,12 +3, chanting prayers and singing hymns.,2 +13,"Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D-Conn.",12 +5, Elliott didn't testify at trial.,4 +5,Defense attorneys presented Moore to demonstrate that Krebs led two lives.,4 +1,PACT COULD LAUNCH TOBACCO-PRICE WAR ACCORD MAY HAVE UNINTENDED EFFECTS,0 +13,"In the aftermath, executions were suspended in Florida and then-Gov. Jeb Bush gathered experts to make recommendations to improve the process. Changes were adopted by the Department of Corrections in May, and Gov. Charlie Crist promptly announced he would restart executions.",12 +1,"Illegal immigration, especially as it contributes to the pool of day laborers, has been a flashpoint on Long Island with some towns aggressively policing gathering spots for immigrants seeking temporary jobs.",0 +10,A NATION CHALLENGED: CHARITY; Second Loss Compounds Widow's Grief,9 +7,Virginia's Department of Corrections,6 +10,"More guns, more fear",9 +9,Fire at Bucks facility caused by smoking,8 +13,CONANT WILL WITHDRAW GUN-CONTROL PROPOSAL,12 +3,highest court as an assault on the institution of marriage.,2 +1,a surge of couples seeking prenups is certain to come knocking on lawyers' doors,0 +5,"''I didn't realize this could potentially be an issue, that we couldn't divorce when we wanted to,'' ",4 +14,Mass shootings are rare in heavily armed Switzerland,13 +10,Cuban Refugees Arrive in Miami To Joyous Welcome by Relatives,9 +13,"It is disturbing, not just because the Senate is allowing powerful lobbyists of a special-interest group to dictate public policy but also because it is putting the safety of Americans in great peril.",12 +5,"One is the Second Amendment, with its ungrammatical promise of a right to bear arms, and the other is one of the least-known parts of the Constitution: the 10th Amendment, which reserves a range of unspecified powers to the states and to the people. +",4 +5,The Mateo case was the first death penalty trial in Rochester since 1952,4 +3," +Religious leaders, however are continuing to deride the measure as an assault on the traditional family and its values. + +""This is another example of anti-family forces at work,"" said the Rev. Cleveland Sparrow, who's leading opposition to the bill. ""Let's be honest. This was passed to pacify the militant homosexual community."" + +",2 +8,Pols: Check gun seekers' social media,7 +6,Mass. Gets Tough With Adult Smokers In Graphic TV Ads,5 +3,A Religious Case for Gay Marriage,2 +13,"The House voted 39-24 yesterday to accept a Senate amendment to HB 1291, then it re-adopted the bill by a 36-27 vote, three more than voted for the bill in its first trip through the House.",12 +13,"Clearly, the most sweeping change must come from Washington. But Corbett and his legislative colleagues will need to get in step to safeguard Pennsylvanians.",12 +11,"in books and a TV movie - as the Hi-Fi murders of 1974. +",10 +5,"In the first appellate court hearing on California's landmark Proposition 8, Washington lawyer Charles J. Cooper urged a three-judge panel to keep in place the ban on same-sex marriage. A federal judge in August struck down the voter-approved prohibition as unconstitutional. +",4 +2," After immigrants jammed the bleachers and dressing rooms, officials closed the stadium's doors and declared it full to capacity.",1 +11,"""If you change how a person thinks, you change their behavior,""",10 +11," Jane Henderson, a board member of Maryland Citizens Against State Executions,",10 +6,"* The system. Critics say licensing would be impossibly expensive and complicated. Yet just such a system is already functioning quite nicely for the nation's 185 million motorists, at no real burden to them. Why would licensing 80 million gun owners be different?",5 +7,This amendment clutters up the Constitution and has little or no effect on crime. ,6 +6,"They take their name from the Dream Act, a bill that would create a pathway to citizenship for young people, which lawmakers on both sides of the aisle view as having a better chance than broader legalization measures. This year several Republicans, including Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, worked on alternative proposals that could attract support from their party. An estimated 1.7 million young immigrants would be eligible for legal status under the Dream Act.",5 +7,"that a relative raped and cut the girl's throat in July 1987. Her body was found along a country road near Kell, about 75 miles east of St. Louis.",6 +5,A Missed Deadline Postpones a Texas Execution,4 +9,CANCER-WARNING MEMO LINKED TO TOBACCO FIRM,8 +5,"who worry about entangling the small, idealistic enclave in an expensive lawsuit with gun users",4 +7,Punishment that saves,6 +4," ""It's not fair.""",3 +13,Renewed State Efforts Made Against Same-Sex Marriage,12 +5,Statistics may spur anti-gun suits,4 +5,"However, jurors returned with their verdict after having deliberated for less than three hours.",4 +13,"Cisneros stumps for Clinton Latino choice clear, HUD secretary says",12 +7,"Abdel Elboukili Deportation hot on heels, Morocco native gives in",6 +11,"Over the 20-plus years, though, the term ""assault weapon"" has increasingly been used to describe semiautomatic rifles -- i.e. the weapon automatically reloads after each bullet is fired, but you need to pull the trigger for each bullet. These weapons are much more prevalent among the American public.",10 +8,"RIMARY +",7 +13,"If everything goes according to plan, the Senate will begin debate Thursday on the first major federal gun legislation to have a real chance in two decades. Before the announcement of Mr. Manchin's proposal, drafted with Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.), the prospects of 60 senators agreeing even to begin that debate were murky. With the compromise plan on the table, the chance that the country will finally get some up-or-down votes on basic gun measures looks better.",12 +8, which requires a waiting period for handgun purchases.,7 +5," Some states, notably Florida, have already passed laws to shield the tobacco industry from lawsuits that might threaten a state's share of future tobacco profits.",4 +13,"State Auditor Claire McCaskill estimates that if the referendum passes, 62,000 Missouri residents will get the permits. That will greatly increase the chances that people you encounter in everyday life will be armed.",12 +5,"In what is arguably the federal government's most significant rule change since the Supreme Court's watershed June decision striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA),",4 +13,Wilder Declines to Stop Execution,12 +12,IMMIGRANTS PLAN PROTEST MARCH,11 +5,Conn. Ban On Gay Marriage Reversed,4 +5,Condemned officer on trial again,4 +5,"In the October opinion, the justices wrote, ''However the Legislature may act, same-sex couples will be free to call their relationships by the name they choose and to sanctify their relationships in religious ceremonies in houses of worship.''",4 +1," +TOBACCO INDUSTRY LAWYERS MAY FACE SANCTIONS",0 +12,"In a nationwide poll, conducted by Quinnipiac University, 69% of American voters said illegal immigrants should be allowed into a guest worker program and be able to work toward citizenship over a period of several years. Twenty-seven percent opposed that view.",11 +10,Lighting up? Don't make public suffer,9 +5,CALIFORNIA JUSTICES QUESTION DEFIANCE OF MAYOR ON GAY MARRIAGE/ STATE'S HIGH COURT WILL RULE ON WHETHER HE ABUSED HIS POWERS,4 +13,NRA TO BACK BUSH WITH $20 MILLION,12 +13,"Romer had promised to appoint a study group June 5, when he vetoed HB 1198, an attempt to make it clear that the state would recognize as legal only marriages between a man and a woman. + +But Arnold, referring to Romer's other job as general chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said the governor ""seems to be wavering to the side that is going to do the most good for him in the DNC."" + +Romer vetoed a similar bill in 1996 and offered to work with legislators to set up a study at the time. + +",12 +13,"said Rep. Douglas Stoddart, sponsor of the nicotine measure, which was approved in a voice vote",12 +1," insurance claims, and thus its premium costs, would skyrocket.",0 +6,N.J.'s ammunition tracking law 'open to abuse',5 +5,Four judges in the hat for Nichols trial,4 +5,Prop. 8 case was once seen as a Supreme Court long shot,4 +11, all too familiar tune in yet another American school,10 +4,The sentence was overturned due to prosecutorial error and sent back for resentencing.,3 +7,POLICE WARN CLERKS AGAINST CIGARETTE SALES,6 +1," Duke University will charge staff and faculty who smoke or use other forms of tobacco more for health insurance beginning in 2013. +",0 +13,"The potency of a unified Latino political bloc, one powerful enough to pressure big business and lawmakers to act, seemed real again.",12 +10,"Murderer deprived, family tells jury",9 +11,"estimates as many as 1.5 million Americans carry concealed weapons. And the number is steadily increasing as more states make the practice legal. +",10 +5,Trial in Sharra's murder set for '06,4 +4,Death Row Counsel Asleep on the Job -- Literally,3 +5,Defense attorneys appealed yesterday to Hynes and Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Neil Firetog for more time to convince prosecutors of mitigating circumstances that would justify seeking a lesser sentence if Price is convicted.,4 +6,Protect Tampa cigars,5 +13,"All members of Congress will soon be forced to make decisions on addressing the gun-control issue in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., tragedy. +",12 +1,The jobs of the future are at stake,0 +5,"A federal appeals court ruled Oklahoma's same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional, affirming a federal judge's January decision while keeping the state's ban in place for now.",4 +3,Ministers are being urged to sermonize about his fate,2 +5,Dealer Says Gunmakers Can't Withstand Legal Assault,4 +7,"In a horrible twist of fate, Baker was one of the officers who arrested Robert Alton Harris shortly after he robbed a bank - only to learn hours later that Harris had killed his son, Michael, 16, earlier that day.",6 +13,"LEGISLATURE '95 Panel passes gun bill backed by NRA Measure calls for instant checks, replaces local laws",12 +9,"Handguns can help to save lives, too",8 +13,"The measure failed to win even a majority in the Senate, which defeated it, 50-48, on a procedural vote July 14. Two-thirds of both houses of Congress and then 38 state legislatures must approve an amendment before it becomes part of the Constitution.",12 +5,"Also on Thursday, Garrison refused Boykin's request for a two-day furlough before she begins serving her sentence. +",4 +11,"He calculated that if the deal works as promised, 3 million teen-agers who otherwise would have started smoking by 2007 won't - and consequently 1 million of them would be saved from tobacco-related death.",10 +2,Speedy execution efforts cut time by just 90 days,1 +13,"The Chamber of Commerce has launched a new ad urging conservatives to support comprehensive immigration reform, featuring the words of three potential 2016 presidential candidates -- Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).",12 +5,The court delayed that until at least Dec. 27,4 +7,"Sheets, 27, was convicted in 1997 of kidnapping, raping and killing 17-year-old Kenyatta Bush in 1992 because she was black. The honor student's body was dumped in a wooded area north of Omaha.",6 +12,"Polls show that most Americans support the federal ban on assault weapons, ",11 +1,Immigration Issues End a Grower's Season,0 +12,despite assertions by petition signers that they had been misled.,11 +6,The bureau said the weapons did not meet legal requirements that imported rifles be suitable for sporting purposes.,5 +8,the border is better patrolled,7 +5,"Mississippi's Supreme Court postponed Tuesday's scheduled execution of Willie Jerome Manning, days after federal authorities acknowledged errors in FBI forensic testimony at his 1994 trial and just five hours before he was to die by lethal injection. + +The court gave no reasoning for its decision, nor did it say what further action might be taken or when. +",4 +5,PROSECUTOR SEEKS DEATH PENALTY FOR FHP TROOPER,4 +10,"""I am happy. I want to go home to my children and father as soon as I can,"" Ferguson said.",9 +5,FEDERAL GUN LAWS USED TO HOLD VIOLENT OFFENDERS,4 +7,"Williams reigned as drug lord in some of Atlanta's housing projects from 1988 through 1990, driving luxury cars and living in a number of residences, prosecutors said.",6 +15,Mothers on a Mission,14 +9,Victims Aim to Save Rights and Themselves,8 +5,"Last month, New Orleans became the first city in the country to try the tactic. Boston announced plans for a similar suit just last Friday, and Chicago filed court papers the day before. Leaders in Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Dade County, Florida, are also considering lawsuits. +",4 +13,"However, I suspect that what we're seeing goes well beyond the gun-control issue",12 +13,Challenges to Bans On Handguns Begin,12 +7,"Violators can be fined up to the maximum penalty for an ordinance, $ 500, and get up to 90 days in jail.",6 +7, just weeks before he was arrested in 2006.,6 +10,Undocumented immigrants live lives in the shadows,9 +13,"That puts him at odds with many prominent Democratic politicians who support gay rights but not same-sex marriage. Should Feingold decide to run for the party's presidential nomination in 2008, his position would put him to the left of many likely rivals.",12 +1,"Some of the nation's largest lenders don't finance gun purchases. Wells Fargo stopped the practice in 2004 for business reasons, company spokeswoman Lisa Westermann said. Citigroup doesn't finance firearm loans, says spokeswoman Liz Fogarty. Bank of America would not comment on whether it provides consumer financing for firearms.",0 +7,"Kopp, 46, is a native of Pasadena, Calif. He is wanted in the sniper-style shooting of Dr. Barnett Slepian, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Amherst, N.Y. Slepian had just returned from synagogue Oct. 23, 1998, when he was killed by a single rifle shot that came through a kitchen window. +",6 +13," +Obama Says He'll Order Action to Aid Immigrants",12 +7,EXECUTION IS EYED FOR SUSPECT IN 3 JEWELRY STORE SLAYINGS,6 +12,Massachusetts a state divided over same-sex marriage,11 +12,"""We've got to be visible. We've got to keep voicing our opposition,"" said R. Zeke Fread, 52, a South Tampa resident who has spearheaded the ""DontAmend Tampa Bay"" campaign. ""This is something we can't just stand by and let go.""",11 +13,"Ms. Bush, 29, has taped a video calling",12 +1,Warner Open to Higher Sin Taxes to Ease Fiscal Woes,0 +7,"Lewis Gilbert, 30, was found guilty Thursday of killing William Brewer, 86, and his wife, Flossie Mae Brewer, 76, of rural Callaway County, in 1994 in a three-state crime rampage. On Friday, the jury voted unanimously for the death penalty.",6 +7, Why did it take so long to arrest him? Why did so many people previously ignore Burgos' threatening behavior?,6 +11,Report: Number of Mexicans in U.S. illegally down 1.1 million since 2007,10 +5,"e spoke just once in San Mateo County Superior Court, to say ""yes,"" in a voice that trembled a bit, that he agreed to waive his right to a trial within 60 days. +",4 +9," value of the health coverage he gets for Obranovich, 45.",8 +13,N.H. lawmaker's vote on gun bill brings threats,12 +4,"Some people are mixing gay marriage and non-discrimination laws. These are two different things. + +Non-discrimination laws say that your business has to serve everyone equally, whether for a marriage or civil union. +",3 +6,Supporters say this legal innovation will give important extra protection to Floridians who defend themselves from an imminent danger. But it's not that simple.,5 +13,"President Obama has ""evolved"" yet again on gay rights and now seems to think that state bans on same-sex marriage are inherently unconstitutional.",12 +12,GUNS: GIVE VOTERS SAY,11 +9,and health policy,8 +13,"""Win elections and get the majority, then you can set the agenda,"" Ryan (R-Wis.) said on Milwaukee conservative talk radio host Charlie Sykes' show.",12 +10,"Those on campus are at the heart of a struggle to decide how to expand rights without stepping on others and what, if any, places should be exempt. Many professors and students worry that guns in classrooms will frighten people and discourage free expression, which is the bedrock of academia.",9 +9, which requires gun owners to have five hours of training,8 +8,"Of the three men, one is from the terrorist group Hezbollah, another had ties to the Irish Republican Army and the third is a suspected al-Qaida operative. They reportedly tried to buy weapons illegally at gun shows in Florida, Texas and Michigan.",7 +8,Fla. Gun Law to Expand Leeway for Self-Defense,7 +7,Sheriffs Limit Detention of Immigrants,6 +13,Neither is anywhere near being passed. Or even coming up for a vote.,12 +6,Are prisoners in charge of our prisons?,5 +7,after a deranged assailant killed four children and wounded dozens more in a California schoolyard using a similar weapon.,6 +7,"But the murders at a high-tech firm in Wakefield, Mass.",6 +5,"DELAY IRKS JUDGE IN DEATH-ROW CASE / HE HAD TO STAY AN EXECUTION, HE SAID, BECAUSE ""STALL TACTICS"" PUT THE CASE BEFORE HIM AT THE LAST MINUTE.",4 +5,Yet the 2008 initiative continues to inflict serious harm on same-sex couples and their families thanks to a court order that prevents gay men and lesbians from marrying in California while the case is being appealed. That stay should be lifted now.,4 +11,"FROM HOME TO HOME: EXHIBIT OFFERS IMAGES OF IMMIGRANTS' JOURNEY, LIFE; AT JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER, THROUGH FEB. 28",10 +1,Ex-smoker awarded $51.5M in tobacco suit,0 +8,"pressed students at the Christian school in Lynchburg, Va., to carry weapons on campus after Wednesday's mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif.",7 +5,It soon became clear in Monday's oral argument that the case would be more about the specifics of Louisiana law and the details of Brumfield's case than bright-line rules for courts to follow.,4 +5,DAVIS SAYS 'NOT GUILTY' TO ALL POLLY KIDNAP-MURDER COUNTS,4 +13,4 gun-control proposals fail to advance in Senate,12 +13,U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman said Tuesday that he supports ,12 +6, City sets date for hearing on smoking ban,5 +5,"Although the U.S. Supreme Court struck a mortal blow to the Defense of Marriage Act last week, same-sex marriage is far from settled at the federal level, with lawmakers in Congress responding in different ways. +",4 +9,That a 16-year-old girl can pack a handgun. That kids can settle mall squabbles with gunplay. ,8 +5,Same-sex marriages become legal in California on June 17.,4 +9,D.C. General Hospital,8 +6,Nothing to Fear in Immigration Legislation,5 +15,Times change wills,14 +12,"Gun rights advocates gathered outside the Virginia state Capitol for a rally in January, some of them wearing their weapons tucked beneath their clothes.",11 +4,At the fringes of justice,3 +8,"Maria Butina Loved Guns, Trump and Russia",7 +12,"City Managing Director Joseph Certaine said organizers for the April 24 demonstration had proposed a rally from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Dilworth Plaza, with emergency medical teams, a lost-and-found station, and a security post set up in JFK Plaza.",11 +5,"The National Rifle Association today filed a lawsuit challenging San Francisco's ban on handguns in public housing, trying to capitalize on the U.S. Supreme Court's historic ruling finding a constitutional right to own guns for self-defense in the home.",4 +10,"The more I think about it, the larger that frustration grows. +",9 +14,Fox Says U.S. Shares Blame For Problems Along Border,13 +9, medical experts,8 +13,"""My goal is to have a bill, either amendments to the existing bill or a new bill, prepared for introduction the first week back in September, and have it approved before there is a holiday recess,"" Street said.",12 +9,High-rise fire sparked by careless smoking,8 +13, from the political pressure,12 +5,"The California Supreme Court has been thrust back into the showdown over the state's ban on same-sex marriage in a legal twist that promises to delay resolving whether gay and lesbian couples should have the right to wed. +",4 +1,"People migrate from villages to cities and across national borders looking for opportunities to better their lives, and the best way America can stanch the inflow of undocumented workers is to boost the economies of its impoverished neighbors, says a federal commission report released Tuesday in Washington.",0 +8,A problem with one of the background chec,7 +13,"LISTEN, MR. PRESIDENT",12 +5," +Their agenda: stop same-sex marriage by using the courts.",4 +11,"Dick Coleman, who owns 15 guns, and Pete Schlenker, who owns 33, nodded. +",10 +3,IN BRIEF Episcopal bishops mull sex guidelines,2 +5,"Officials at Lambda Legal, a group pushing for same-sex marriages in New Jersey, said the decision was disappointing for the seven gay and lesbian couples in the 2002 case, who were denied marriage licenses by municipal clerks. ""I think the state and everyone agrees that this is going to end up in the highest court,"" said David Buckel, director of Lambda Legal's Marriage Project.",4 +9," Castaldo is the father of Richard Castaldo, a Columbine survivor who was shot eight times in the arm, kidney, lung, spleen and back. The hits to his spinal cord left the teen paralyzed from the waist down.",8 +1,"Nearly all workers, except teachers and those who make fireworks",0 +1,Times have changed for Philip Morris USA,0 +6,"Weinberg said that under the bill, which is expected to gain approval, civil unions would effectively replace domestic partnerships.",5 +9,"Firearms and Drivers, A Lethal Combination",8 +13,California Attorney General asks court to lift gay marriage stay,12 +5,"During closing arguments, prosecutors walked the jury through the evidence they presented during the weeklong first-degree murder trial. +",4 +4,Immigration double standard,3 +13,Democratic opponents of a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage got some help Tuesday from a conservative former congressman from Georgia,12 +13,Gun-trafficking bill in Senate gains support,12 +7,"County police have charged Newman with fatally shooting four people with a .357 magnum handgun found on Newman when he was apprehended in West Virginia. The four slayings, which occurred over a three-month period, include:",6 +10,Sons of Ethel Rosenberg ask the president to exonerate her,9 +6,City smoking ban? Let workers decide,5 +6,New Smoking Law Will Leave Workers Gasping,5 +13," It offers a chance for Congress to address this important issue in a reasonable, fair and effective manner.",12 +9,How far can medical practitioners go in asking patients about the presence of firearms in their homes?,8 +13,major outreach to gay and lesbian supporters since he declared that he is now for gay marriage.,12 +7,N.C. inmate,6 +7, who killed his aunt and her boyfriend and was to die in the state's electric chair early Friday.,6 +1,"Best of times? Well, the gun sales and the training business may be the only things still prospering. Last year, Mr. Colandro sold two gift certificates for Father's Day. This year, he sold 17.",0 +13,"Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), an outspoken tea party member, echoed Huelskamp. +",12 +13,San Bernardino shooting stirs gun debate,12 +5,This week's developments in Albany bear out the wisdom of the Court of Appeals' 2006 decision that rightly left the issue for lawmakers to decide rather than imposing a solution by judicial fiat.,4 +13,State union contracts pass House committee,12 +3,A Catholic vote for Question 6,2 +5," May 17, 2004, the day same-sex marriage became legal in the state.",4 +5,Dad awaits visa to come for Elian,4 +5, violates First Amendment free-press protections,4 +5, We're not trying to deny anyone's Second Amendment rights.,4 +3,"Evil, or Sick, to His Core: Two Views of Unabomber",2 +13,"""Jim and I join with you tonight in saluting the great job that President Clinton has done in fighting crime and gun violence,"" Mrs. Brady said. The Brady handgun control law signed by Clinton has prevented more than 100,000 felons from buying handguns, she said.",12 +1," +The idea that undocumented immigrants would be replaced in the fields by unemployed American citizens has proven to be out of touch with reality.",0 +4,Separate Is Not Equal,3 +6,Move to Ban a Bullet Adds to Its Appeal,5 +6,is relaxing restrictions on the sale of guns to noncitizens,5 +13,"Gun rights remain a polarizing issue in the USA, with both sides of the debate seeing opponents as unreasonable. +",12 +11, Sept. 11,10 +9,BOARD REJECTS STUDY OF PARTNER BENEFITS,8 +7,ILLINOIS EXECUTES ACCUSED KILLER,6 +13,The Senate on Thursday approved a trio of bills that supporters say will ensure citizens' constitutionally protected gun rights.,12 +7,Officials in St. Louis and its surrounding counties acknowledge they rarely go after merchants who sell tobacco to minors. Police say they are too busy dealing with thieves and traffic violators to worry about the clerk who sells a kid a pack of smokes.,6 +1,Anti-Smoking Groups Move to Keep a Low-Smoke Cigarette Off U.S. Market,0 +15,Dead Wrong,14 +15,On Secret Evidence,14 +1,PUTNAM SPOTLIGHTS GUN FEE CUT,0 +7,"But Barnett told police he was only the driver. Investigators said Barnett told them that his 23-year-old son entered Renner's business, stole the money, and pulled the trigger.",6 +6,"can't smoke anywhere on SmithKline Beecham's 29-acre Montgomery County campus. Likewise, the pharmaceutical firm of Merck & Co. now bans smoking inside company gates on its 400-acre Lansdale campus. + +In Palo Alto, Calif., a new law prohibits smokers from puffing within 20 feet of any public building. In Minnesota, at 3M Corp.'s St. Paul headquarters, employees who smoke must do so at least 50 feet from company doors.",5 +7,Man who killed 4 sentenced to death,6 +5,Same-sex marriage headed to high court,4 +6,Ban on assault rifles expanded,5 +13,"After President Trump said that deporting undocumented immigrants was ""a military operation,",12 +5," lawyers for Danny Rolling filed his first appeal Monday just minutes before the latest deadline, which had been extended three times.",4 +5,"TRIAL NEARS END IN MURDER HEARD ON VOICE MAIL +",4 +5,"At the time, ""no state or federal statute, no opinion of the Minnesota Attorney General, and no decision of the Minnesota Supreme Court specifically disenfranchised marriages between two persons of the same sex,"" the lawsuit claims.",4 +5,"The Supreme Court denied a request for a stay on Tuesday, though four justices said they would have granted the request. Gov. Jay Nixon (D), a death penalty supporter, denied Worthington's request for clemency on Tuesday.",4 +7,COP-KILLER TANTRUM ROCKS DEATH ROW,6 +13,"As Republicans readied a proposal to repeal the assault-weapon ban, lawmakers heard testimony yesterday from police officers on both sides of the gun-control issue.",12 +1,R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. on Wednesday said it will test-market a reduced-smoke cigarette that heats instead of burns the tobacco and that it claims is safer than other cigarettes.,0 +9,Newborns' reduced oxygen levels may be linked to cigarette smoke,8 +1, multiple buys if the purchaser obtains a certificate from state police. ,0 +14,How states with loose oversight export crime guns nationwide,13 +6,"an ordinance that prohibits smoking in enclosed public places including bars, restaurants and bingo halls.",5 +5,"But they could only obtain a slip of paper from Vermont to show their commitment to each another, while their neighbors can formalize their relationship in marriage",4 +6,More immigration measures weighed,5 +4," ""Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.""",3 +15,SHOT FULL OF HOLES,14 +5,prohibition must be in the constitution to prevent lawmakers or judges from overturning it. For the amendment to pass,4 +7,where co-defendant Timothy McVeigh was convicted and sentenced to death.,6 +11,Celebrities Champion State's Same-Sex Marriage Bill,10 +7, a convicted rapist and murderer.,6 +11,America the punitive?,10 +9,"who as a former Hodgkin's disease patient, has lost the use of 40 percent of his lungs.",8 +15,ZEAL FOR DEATH PENALTY CITED,14 +9, there is no way to determine whether someone is sane or responsible enough to own or possess a gun. Many people have lapses in their sanity during trying or emotional times.,8 +1,High Cost of Illegal Immigrants,0 +13,GOP now faces wound in wallet,12 +11,"Plaintiff couples, even those who have that kind of spotlight, have real lives, and they're not immune from the ups and downs and stresses that any relationship faces.'' +",10 +13,"That measure is part of a $22 billion anti-crime package that is now moving toward passage in the Senate. Leaders in that chamber had hoped to pass the package Wednesday, but it got bottled up in negotiations over contentious proposals such as a strict limit on federal appeals by Death Row prisoners and a ban on assault rifles.",12 +13,"``I favor the state law and a consistent law across the board. I will never say I want guns in schools and courtrooms. That's wrong,'' Hayes, a state representative from Concord, said Friday in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.",12 +13,"But Boozé's measure drew criticism from law enforcement leaders Wednesday who said local government's can't supersede state law. +",12 +7,"Three men, two of them brothers, in custody on murder charges in a triple slaying involving McFrugal Auto Rental, believed cash was kept at the rental car company's offices, police said today.",6 +15,Film in Review,14 +5,HIGH COURT TO HEAR DEATH APPEAL,4 +13,like Nancy Reagan's,12 +5,The ruling by Judge Nicholas Byron of Madison County Circuit Court was not unexpected because it followed an appellate court decision in July that held that Judge Byron had erred when he had earlier cut the size of the appeal bond in half and allowed it to be secured with a note rather than cash.,4 +6,"""And this situation in Oklahoma I think just highlights some of the significant problems there.""",5 +2,cannot possibly keep up with what the dealers do.,1 +1, high-skilled foreign workers,0 +5,judge to waive the state's three-day ,4 +6,"The proposed legislation would deny same-sex marriages such automatic recognition if, as expected, Hawaii soon becomes the first state to recognize gay marriages.",5 +13,he push for reforms arose ,12 +13,Romney foolish to ignore Latino vote,12 +9,"""They get you duped at 11, and you don't have the capacity to change it right away,"" Wigand told the crowd. ""Before you realize what's happening, it's an addiction. They get you hooked on the image, then you get hooked on the chemicals. Their philosophy is 'Hook 'em young, hook 'em for life",8 +7,The castle doctrine's approval came over the objections of the major law enforcement organizations in the state.,6 +3,How Clergy Helped a Same-Sex Marriage Law Pass,2 +8,"It turns out those drones aren't just flying along the borders, looking for sneaky illegal immigrants. They fly hundreds of missions a year keeping a watchful eye on the rest of us for various government tentacles: the FBI, U.S. marshals, FEMA, Coast Guard, the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, the National Guard, the North Dakota and Texas state cops and a bunch of others.",7 +7," Police monitored the incident at the Blue Mesa Grill, but took no action because state law allows people to openly carry guns.",6 +5,"That activity falls under the purview of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, part of the Department of Homeland Security, he said. The agency handles questions of documentation and residency for local officials",4 +11," But first, let's read an article about what happened in Newtown before the shootings, when residents tried to pass local laws restricting gun use.",10 +7,"who is scheduled to be executed at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday for the kidnapping, rape and murder of an 11-year-old St. Louis girl in 1991.",6 +13,"A legislative fight is underway in Michigan, where the state House recently passed a set of contentious religious liberties bills, including some that would allow adoption agencies to refuse placements that violate their faith. +",12 +8,The jails are not full of people who acted in self-defense.,7 +5,"After Mr. Buck's conviction in 1997, his lawyer called Walter Quijano, a former chief psychologist for the state prison system, to the stand during the sentencing phase. Mr. Quijano, who had evaluated Mr. Buck, testified that race could be a factor in predicting whether a person posed a future danger to society.",4 +7,"The government sought to deport him on the theory that he had committed an ''aggravated felony,'' which the immigration law defines to include any offense ''that, by its nature, involves a substantial risk that physical force against the person or property of another may be used in the course of committing the offense.''",6 +12,I'm sure many others are like me,11 +15,No Retreat in the War on Guns,14 +3,U.S. cardinal: Pope still opposes abortion and gay marriage,2 +11,Gay Marriage and Black Voters,10 +7,"Here's what happened one December morning in his two-story house in Canarsie, Brooklyn. His account is uncontested by law enforcement officials.",6 +5,"Massachusetts and California are the only states that have legalized gay marriage, while others, including New Jersey and Vermont, allow civil unions. Forty-one states have laws limiting marriage as a union between a man and a woman.",4 +6,"Attention smokers: You're still welcome to light up at bars and restaurants in Chesterfield. +",5 +13,Swap Cigarettes for Trade Votes? No Deal,12 +3,"POPE'S PLEA HALTS TEXAS EXECUTION OF NUN KILLER +",2 +7,"Costello was a convicted murderer, too.",6 +1,"Marriage debate gets boost Both sides lean on a few big contributors early in campaigns FINANCE REPORTS A marriage alliance gets $35,000 from Focus on the Family.",0 +6," Indeed the two guns could be legally manufactured here, which is testimony to how lax the standards are under the 1994 law. +",5 +11,"Homicides in Newark, a city of 277,000 people, rose from 80 in 2009 to 91 the next year, according to state police data. +",10 +1,he tax-supported fund was set up in 2000 ,0 +13,But the 12 Republican and 12 Democratic lawmakers dodged what they acknowledged was the most controversial issue of all: guns in the schoolhouse.,12 +13,The president urged the House and Senate to send to the states for ratification an amendment that defines marriage in the United States as a union of a man and woman as husband and wife.,12 +5,attorneys got on with the laborious process of selecting a 12-member jury for the case.,4 +3,VATICAN TOUGHENS STANCE ON DEATH PENALTY,2 +7,"Twenty-seven years after she killed her husband with arsenic to get his insurance money, Judi Buenoano died for her crime.",6 +11,Gay marriage in Supreme Court: Nation will be glued to Web awaiting rulings,10 +4,"calling the state's death penalty system ""fraught with error"" after 13 inmates were found to have been wrongfully convicted.",3 +9,until the deadly chemicals begin flowing.,8 +13,Aldermen Michael Vidian and Robert Barbee both supported the mayor's proposal.,12 +1,"Overall, the number of employed Latinos rose by almost 660,000 between the fourth quarter of 2002 and the fourth quarter of 2003. The total was 17.7 million, which included unknown numbers of illegal workers.",0 +13, So his rapid-fire burst of reform proposals left some speculating that he wants to resuscitate his chances of gaining a berth on the Republican presidential ticket.,12 +11,"Nowadays, the story-telling tradition continues to thrive even on the Peninsula and in the South Bay, where groups perform songs about local happenings.",10 +1,Big Tobacco Pays $1 Million to Ex-Smoker,0 +13,GINGRICH TELLS LUNGREN HE'LL PUSH BILL TO SPEED EXECUTIONS,12 +13,"The bill drew a last-minute endorsement from the White House, which is seeking to curry favor for President Bush's proposal to create guest worker visas. But even administration officials expressed misgivings about the asylum strictures.",12 +1, The plan imposes strict new limits on tobacco marketing and advertising,0 +11,"By our estimate, the percentage of gay Americans who now live in states where they can marry is about 54.3 percent -- a bit higher than the 52 percent or so of all Americans. This is just an estimate, based on those Gallup numbers, but it's easy to see why we're comfortable with them. +",10 +13,"The change is being sought by Adam Putnam, the state's elected agriculture commissioner and a Republican candidate for governor who has emphasized support for gun rights as a way to gain favor with GOP primary voters.",12 +9,unmarried partners visitation rights in hospitals,8 +13,"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D),",12 +13,"But an aide to a Democratic Senator closely involved in the immigration issue said the bill still faced almost insurmountable obstacles. ''The clock really works against this,'' he said. ''It would take a miracle to get the thing through. I think this is more an effort by the House to avoid getting its fingerprints on killing the bill.''",12 +6,Bill Would Ban Delivery of Cigarettes in Mail,5 +5,"DEATH-ROW APPEAL IS REJECTED IN EXCHANGE FOR EVIDENCE, PROSECUTORS PETITIONED THE SUPREME COURT IN THE KILLER'S BEHALF.",4 +3,"The Catholic Diocese of Richmond called the bill ""cynical.""",2 +5,U.S. Asks Justices to Review Tobacco Company Ruling,4 +11,"Latinos were the largest immigrant group examined in the study. The report estimated the Latino population in Minnesota at 175,000 for 2004, a 22 percent increase from the 2000 census.",10 +13," Mr. Christie told an audience in Columbia, S.C., in June.",12 +6,"Superintendent Joan Kowal said Alonso clearly and admittedly violated the district's zero-tolerance policy on firearms possession by employees. The policy carries an automatic termination, regardless of whether the employee intended to break the law. At least one other district teacher has been fired for gun possession since the policy began in January 1995.",5 +13,"President Bush stood behind an elaborate bulletproof screen as he announced his new anti-crime proposal. +",12 +13,Moynihan Asks Big Tax Increase On Ammunition,12 +12,Support for gays high,11 +5,MIKE LAWSUITS GET DROP ON GUN SHOPS,4 +9,COUNTY OKS WARNING-LABEL LAW FOR GUNS,8 +1,"to boost cigarette taxes an additional 20 cents per pack in order to avert higher taxes on airline tickets, give tax breaks to working-poor families and broaden health coverage for uninsured children.",0 +13,"As Massachusetts governor, Romney spoke out against the",12 +9,We need to look at what drives a crazy person to do these kind of actions,8 +5,The law does not affect students whose parents have legally immigrated to the United States.,4 +6,"The bill, which the Legislature sent on Friday to Gov. Jerry Brown, would create what opponents have called a ''sanctuary'' for illegal immigrants statewide",5 +1,"For those with a desire to emigrate and cash to spare, the recent ad in the Times of Oman offered an enticing proposition: ""U.S. Green Card for anyone who can show U.S. $ 500,000.""",0 +12,EXECUTIONS ON TV TOPIC OF SURVEY,11 +5,"The 9th Circuit Court ruled Tuesday that bans on marriage for same-sex couples in Idaho and Nevada were unconstitutional. +",4 +13,It later passed the resolution claiming that porn is dangerous.,12 +7,But that penalty is almost certainly not going to be administered against Coleman,6 +4,Moratorium bill is a bid for fairness,3 +7,"Officials in Sacramento, Denver, Chicago and Miami have declared their schools havens, out of reach of ICE agents without special permission or a warrant.",6 +13,-- including Florida-- and in Congress.,12 +13,"It's been a long, strange trip for the Massachusetts Legislature, with 28 hours of emotional debate over three days in the past two months on a proposed amendment to the state constitution to ban gay marriage.",12 +13," +Despite White House prodding, the conference committee has not met since August.",12 +9,Where Experts and Public Agree on Limiting Gun Deaths,8 +12,"A bare majority of voters in Florida and Ohio, and nearly half in Virginia, support the right of same-sex couples to wed, according to September Washington Post polls showing that the national trend toward accepting such unions has taken hold in these swing states.",11 +5,"By agreeing yesterday to rule on whether provisions of the District of Columbia's stringent gun control law violate the Second Amendment to the Constitution, the Supreme Court has inserted itself into a roiling public controversy with large ramifications for public safety. The court's move sowed hope and fear among supporters of reasonable gun control, and it ratcheted up the suspense surrounding the court's current term",4 +9,SAVING YOUR BREATH: SCHOOLS GEAR UP TO ENFORCE SMOKING BAN,8 +7,"Roberts admitted beating Taylor, 56, to death in her home in Jennings. He said he struck her 19 times with a hammer as she begged for mercy and prayed, then strangled her with a telephone cord and nightgown and held her face in a pot of water. He took $200 and an answering machine to buy crack.",6 +5," In return, they want protection from future lawsuits.",4 +1,", Carter said New Jersey's 40-cent-a-pack cigarette tax more than pays for ""any alleged cost of tobacco.""",0 +4,"Now, they said, is the time to give families led by same-sex couples the same opportunities as other families. +",3 +15,Focus on Assault Weapons,14 +5,VICTORY FOR GUN-GRABBERS IS DEFEAT FOR CONSTITUTION,4 +3,Methodist Bishop Offers Pastor Job In Split Over Gays,2 +4,"Yet despite increasing concerns about the fairness of the death penalty in Maryland and across the United States, ",3 +1,After an intense campaign that cost more than $75 million,0 +11,That led to setting up a community advisory council to help bridge the cultural gaps that could hinder foreign-born residents who have HIV/AIDS from seeking help.,10 +13,WHITE HOUSE PLANNING TO KILL FIREARMS ENFORCEMENT UNIT,12 +5," It prohibits civil liability actions from being brought or continued against manufacturers, distributors, dealers or importers of firearms or ammunition for damages resulting from the misuse of their products by others. In short, the law would give special immunity to a single industry.",4 +7, Violators face a minimum fine of $5 and maximum fine of $50 for each offense.,6 +5,Alday sentence upheld,4 +5,Supreme Court declines challenges to gun laws,4 +8,"Pentagon program in doubt, foreign recruits flee U.S. to avoid deportation",7 +5,Judge orders stay in execution of Bacon,4 +13,"Florida: 'Warning Shot' Bill Is Sent to Governor +",12 +13,Top New Jersey Lawmaker Begins New Drive for 'Smart Gun' Technology,12 +6,A Chilling Look at the Death Penalty,5 +5,"The United States will not deport illegal immigrants from the Central American countries hardest hit by Hurricane Mitch for at least 18 months to give those countries economic ``breathing room,'' officials said Wednesday",4 +7,A suburban Dallas woman who claimed an intruder stabbed her two sons to death before slashing her throat was convicted yesterday of killing one of the boys.,6 +1, barred gun shows on government property.,0 +5,Justices had no hand in crafting death penalty law,4 +13,"Cannon, the conservative former impeachment manager who shares Bush's eagerness to liberalize immigration, has been consulting with the president, senior Bush adviser Karl Rove and White House immigration specialist Diana Schacht. The White House has characteristically been mum publicly.",12 +10,"That attitude is driving the push for same-sex marriage. It will create families that are motherless or fatherless by design, and mountains of social science data tell us that comes with grave consequences for children.",9 +7,The confession to the murder of Lorraine Hendricks came after hours of questioning by investigators.,6 +1," would provide a new source of money, ",0 +5,"In a highly mobile society, state bans on same-sex marriage have in many cases made untying the knot far harder than tying it in the first place. But the language in the court's decision is broad enough, legal experts say, to provide a basis for challenges to state laws.",4 +9,"Seven people believed to be illegal immigrants died in the desert north of the Mexico border after waiting for days in triple-digit heat for a smuggler's van that never arrived, authorities said.",8 +9, consult medical experts about how inmates convicted of capital crimes should be put to death.,8 +11,A community torn over guns,10 +9,"The other 99 percent, more than 113,000, voluntarily submitted to treatment, meaning they could purchase guns upon release or even while undergoing outpatient treatment.",8 +12," +Same sex-marriage advocates celebrated the move.",11 +15,Taking Control Of Guns,14 +1,Funds Sought To Continue Restoration At Ellis Island,0 +5,"Twin decisions earlier this year by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act and invalidating Proposition 8, the California measure that outlawed same-sex marriage, have pushed judges in several states to rule against bans on gay marriage. The state Supreme Courts in New Mexico and New Jersey both declared same-sex marriage legal, and on Monday, a federal judge in Ohio said the state must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, though in a narrow ruling that applies only to death certificates.",4 +7,"Rivas, the ringleader of the biggest prison break in Texas history, was sentenced to death Wednesday for killing a policeman while on the run. Before he helped six fellow convicts escape, he was whiling away his 18 life sentences at the Connally Unit in south Texas.",6 +5,"Many states in fact already allow individuals who might be involved in gay relationships to adopt children, and several others permit the adoptive parent's partner, later on, to adopt the same child. In addition, certain court decisions have allowed gay couples, as couples, to adopt children, so even New Jersey's new standards are not wholly new. What the New Jersey settlement does, for the first time, is remove as a matter of state policy the fiction that the state is dealing with individuals rather than with a couple. More than anything else, the settlement is an acknowledgment of the current reality.",4 +1,Smoke for free,0 +5,Superior Court Judge David LaBarre ordered the state to halt execution proceedings in Bacon's case pending a May 24 hearing on the lawsuit.,4 +5,Attorneys for two death row inmates are seeking stays of execution for their clients until a hearing can be held.,4 +7,CITY MINISTER SENTENCED,6 +10,Offering hope to all students,9 +15,SMOKE-FREE PLANT GREETS RETURNING AUTOWORKER,14 +13,BUSH KID BACKS GAY MARRIAGE,12 +11,Following the nation's leadon gay marriage,10 +3,"The journey that will bring Juan Jose Vasquez within steps of Pope Francis began with a text message that bore a single word: ""Son."" The message was from Vasquez's mother, whom Honduran drug traffickers had just kidnapped. It was the last thing she would say to him.",2 +9,Area hospitals snuff smokes,8 +13,Harry Reid aiming to 'win' with Senate immigration bill,12 +13,"The tactic by Del. A. Donald McEachin, which he said focuses on ""gun safety"" and not ""gun control,"" has Republicans gloating and political analysts recalling how gun issues hurt Democratic candidates in general elections in 1993, 1997 and 1999.",12 +13,"The former president, who has an office in Harlem, said in a statement issued through Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights advocacy group, that same-sex marriage would help the nation become a ""more perfect union.""",12 +6,"The March 24 news article ""Cigar aficionados smoldering over possible rules"" reported that the cigar industry is pushing legislation to exempt ""traditional large and premium"" cigars from Food and Drug Administration regulation. Unmentioned was that the legislation would exempt hundreds of millions of cigars from regulation, including machine-made cigars that are mass-produced at a rate of 10 per minute. It would also prevent the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from taking any action to ban the use of candy flavoring in traditional large and premium cigars.",5 +5,"Spectators took basically the same spots where they sat during a trial in April that ended with a hung jury, a second trial in November that resulted in a first-degree murder conviction, and a hearing last month over alleged juror misconduct.",4 +5,Yesterday's ruling by U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler means the federal government can continue its nearly four-year effort to force the companies to hand over profits dating from the 1950s.,4 +13,"AS MCVEIGH EXECUTION NEARS, DEATH PENALTY DEBATE RAGES",12 +1,"Not only is the industry pouring money into lobbying, it also is spending millions to influence lawmakers through campaign donations and additional millions to defend itself against lawsuits.",0 +12,APPOINTMENT OF GAY MAN TO BOARD PRAISED,11 +11,documented in that book ,10 +13,"The Senate passed its version of the bill last year. It gave the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark $1 million to study the issue. A summary of the university's study, completed in March, was made public by Weinberg yesterday.",12 +7,Death sentence for strangler,6 +6,"Immigrants seeking citizenship must be able to ""read, write, and speak . . . simple words"" of English, and pass a 10-question exam on American history and government.",5 +9,Letter: We again face the horror of someone with mental issues causing death,8 +7,"William Vernon Harland, 34, faces two charges of first-degree murder - including one of murder after deliberation - after he admitted that he shot Darrell Allen in the basement of Harland's Aurora townhome on Dec. 6, 1992. Allen, whose wife and Harland's wife are sisters, was dead when police arrived.",6 +1,Fund to Help Those Held in Raids,0 +13,TALE OF TWO GOPs,12 +8,"RIC RUDOLPH GETS LIFE SENTENCE UNDER PLEA BOMBER TELLS EXPLOSIVES' LOCATION, AVOIDS EXECUTION +",7 +8,"""I've got livestock I've got to protect,""",7 +5,"IT APPEARS the Brooklyn U.S. attorney's office has won the El Chapo sweepstakes. +",4 +5,California Suits on Gay Marriage To Be Combined for Single Trial,4 +11,Laura Ingraham taunted David Hogg over college rejections,10 +11,"Bullets Have Pierced the Wash U ""Bubble""",10 +4,"''The race factor, black, increases the future dangerousness for various complicated reasons -- is that correct?''",3 +4, A movement growing in political importance is pressing for equal rights for a minority.,3 +13,"All these issues pose major challenges to Republican leaders in Washington if not elsewhere. Conservative activists, who form the party's backbone, care passionately about these matters, and they will give Republican candidates only so much leeway before rebelling. Many House Republicans, in particular, cater to such voters, hoping to avoid a GOP primary challenge from the right. +",12 +4,Marriage equality: The stakes before the court,3 +8,"""They can now protect themselves",7 +7, but has not yet been used to shed light on the guilt of someone who has been put to death.,6 +1,BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO DROPS CONCEALED WEAPONS BAN,0 +11,THE PLACE OF GUNS IN SOCIETY,10 +13,Court ruling displays 'judicial activism',12 +15,Partnership forms to send up smoke signals about tobacco,14 +9,"From Gun Debate, Accord Emerges On Mental Care +",8 +13,County agrees to take stand on gay marriage takes a side with 6-1 vote,12 +6,"The bill's title and most of its three-page text deal with how cigarettes may be displayed in retail stores. But in a single paragraph near the end of its second page, the measure says that no local government in Georgia ""shall regulate in any manner the use, display, sale or distribution of tobacco products.""",5 +13,In the state Legislature,12 +13,"With gun proposals, Trump seems to back down from his defiance of NRA",12 +5,"Family can stay in U.S., INS says",4 +9,CONDEMNED MAN CATCHES ON FIRE IN ELECTRIC CHAIR,8 +7,"When Georgia's parole board considers restoring a convicted felon's firearms rights, it doesn't discuss the case in public. +",6 +2,"Traditionally, tobacco is stripped by workers standing in a line, with one pulling off a particular grade of leaf and then passing the stalk to another person who pulls off another grade. + +With the wheel, the need to pass the stalk is eliminated so workers can keep a steady pace.",1 +7,No first-degree murder charge in Piazza killings,6 +7,"Federal agents and police from Maryland and Virginia are investigating a series of recent burglaries from gun stores throughout the region in which hundreds of firearms have been stolen, some of which were later confiscated on the streets of the District. +",6 +9,National Briefing Southwest: Texas: Health Care Inquiry,8 +8,"Why? The board won't say. +",7 +13," +Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo., who introduced the language President Bush endorsed last year, said she plans to follow suit quickly.",12 +7,"Yes, the victims were alleged to be tampering with or attempting to steal a car.",6 +5,"The Proposition 8 trial will resume shortly with some finishing touches for the plaintiffs, who are going to spend time introducing some documents and video evidence to Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker. The Proposition 8 defense then begins with two experts, Kenneth Miller, who is e",4 +9,"Black smokers had cotinine concentrations substantially higher at all levels of cigarette smoking than white smokers did, the researchers said, after taking into account differences that could skew the results, such as weight, number of other smokers in the home and smoke exposure at work.",8 +5,"Florida's ""stand your ground"" law was initially cited as legal justification for the slaying.",4 +7,Gun control and the Fla. shooting,6 +5,"The Arkansas Supreme Court denied a request earlier in the week to stay Piazza's initial ruling - but the court still effectively halted same-sex weddings by noting that a separate law prohibiting clerks from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples was still on the books. +",4 +10,"Willis' oldest daughter, Yolanda Hilton of St. Louis, said afterward that she had hoped to learn why McCallister killed her father, who she said was a nonviolent man. ""I just can't understand why he did it,"" she said.",9 +13,A Senate panel on Thursday advanced a bill ,12 +12,"TWAS MARRY OL' TIME. 40 YRS. AFTER STONEWALL, GAYS CALL FOR WED RIGHTS AT PARADE",11 +11,"""Except for the skin, which is just a façade, there is very little in common between Africans and African-Americans. We need to sit down and listen to each other's story.""",10 +11,Weddingmarch,10 +13,"In his remarkable four-decade career, Roy Romer proudly has attached a string of titles next to his name. +",12 +5,Repealing the Second Amendment would be incredibly difficult,4 +1,"ANDY INTERTWINES FUND-RAISING, PUSH FOR GAY MARRIAGE",0 +11,"The wild predictions of ""Dodge City"" have never materialized, ",10 +5,APPEALS COURT WEIGHS DELAY OF EXECUTION,4 +5,"In two landmark decisions Wednesday, the Supreme Court cleared the way for federal recognition of legally married same-sex couples and gave an opening to California that allowed it to resume such unions there.",4 +13,GOP Intensifies Action On Citizenship Inquiry,12 +9,Responsible misbehavior means vaping e-cigarettes,8 +8,ID CARD AMONG GUN-CONTROL OPTIONS,7 +5,"An earlier, similarly high calculation by Mr. Rector of the cost of giving legal status to illegal immigrants was a powerful organizing tool in 2007",4 +13,"Allen, who has enjoyed the strong support of the National Rifle Association and related groups over the years, opposed restrictions on assault weapons until Wednesday, when he announced he would vote to extend the existing federal ban on those firearms when it expires in 2004. + +Allen's announcement followed a Robb campaign stop in Arlington, where the Democrat reiterated his strong support for the ban in a key battleground area that polls suggest favors such restrictions.",12 +7,"According to the Death Penalty Information Center, 43 inmates were executed last year - three fewer than during 2010 - and barely half of the 85 who were put to death in 2000.",6 +5,"A federal judge today issued the first ruling upholding the constitutionality of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act that cuts off benefits to most legal resident aliens who are aged, poor or disabled.",4 +15,Peppermint flavor safe snuff pinch-hits for real stuff,14 +4,"IF there is one thing that most people think they know about incomes in the United States over the last few decades, it is probably that salaries have grown more unequal. The rich have gotten richer faster than everyone else has.",3 +5,"Now five gay and lesbian employees are suing the university and the State of New Jersey, saying they are in violation of their own anti-discrimination policies.",4 +7,Death penalty may be sought in killing,6 +5,"Club attorney Jeremy Rosen told the justices that, despite California's 2005 domestic partner law nearly guaranteeing same-sex couples the same legal footing as married couples, the country club is not unlawfully discriminating against the two women.",4 +1,"MERGER, NOT LOSSES, PUSH RJR SHARES",0 +13,"One legislator who felt the bill was too weak complained, 'This is not a straw-purchase bill. It's a straw bill.'",12 +1,HARD WORK IS THE BOTTOM LINE,0 +13,stressing the importance of public officials' obeying even those laws that they consider unjust.,12 +13,Some Republican members of Congress are asserting that the president lacks the authority to take broad-scale unilateral action.,12 +11,Fight Against Gay Marriage Is Outdated,10 +13,", but Democrats, who in January will control both houses of the legislature and the governor's office, expect approval.",12 +12, activists on the other side of the issue,11 +5,LAWYERS SEEK CLEMENCY FOR 160 ON DEATH ROW,4 +8,REPORT: SEPT. 11 HIJACKERS BROKE IMMIGRATION LAWS,7 +5,"The lawsuit contended that the Board of Health had violated open-meeting laws and acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner, among other things. Besides the arguments offered in the suit, restaurant and tavern owners have said they should be left alone to regulate themselves and respond to marketplace demands without undue governmental interference.",4 +4,Evidence Not Seen by Jury Raises Questions About Gunman's Death Sentence,3 +5,But what has smoking to do with the constitution?,4 +13,Romney consistent on views of immigration,12 +12,"Additionally, the National Rifle Association gave up all semblance of moral authority. +",11 +1,BEHIND THE BRAINPOWER TECH WORKERS ON VISAS HELP FUEL SILICON VALLEY INNOVATION,0 +5, state constitutional amendment that California will recognize marriage between a man and a woman only.,4 +13,The White House appeared to soften its tone on gun-control measures Friday after President Trump met privately with officials from the National Rifle Association the night before.,12 +9,But for all the health benefits that might flow from reducing cigarette consumption,8 +11,Huddled masses; Fifth-graders get a taste of Ellis Island experience,10 +9,Trigger Locks,8 +7,"Dunn, who is white, fired 10 shots into the fleeing SUV, killing Davis, who was black. Dunn later said that he saw what he took to be the tip of a shotgun barrel. No such weapon was recovered.",6 +11,Cohen's latest prank accessory: A doughnut figurine,10 +13,"Now, after Sanders clarified his position on the issue, she's calling him a flip-flopper.",12 +10,Michael Graham said he paced in his prison cell for 14 years yearning for the opportunity that came yesterday.,9 +4,Death Penalty Debate: A Question of Fairness,3 +12,"As students were making their way to Florida's Capitol in Tallahassee on Wednesday morning to demand gun law over-hauls,",11 +5,I view the definition of marriage different from legal arrangements that enable people to have rights,4 +13,"The issue bubbled up from the Edwardsville campus, where the faculty and staff senates approved resolutions in favor of same-sex partner benefits. Former Chancellor David Werner reacted by writing Walker on May 7, endorsing the resolutions and enclosing a same-sex benefit policy he intended to approve.",12 +3,"""Our society views juveniles . . . as categorically less culpable than the average criminal.""",2 +5,"In the motion, which was posted on the Web site of The New Haven Register, the lawyers said that Mr. Komisarjevsky had never intended to kill anyone, nor, they said, had he tried to avoid responsibility for or to minimize his conduct in the case. They also said he had ''consistently and repeatedly'' informed prosecutors of his willingness to plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence.",4 +12,"Maryland split on same-sex marriage referendum, poll finds",11 +1,"Publicly traded gun manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger & Co. have already reported huge recent jumps in weapons sales.",0 +5,"The group sued in 2015, and reached a settlement with the government in July",4 +6,Gun permit holdouts will lose an excuse Governor gets bill ending concealed-carry fiscal flaw,5 +5,What the judges had to say,4 +9,Passive smoke and tooth decay,8 +7,"Using private investigators, the city ran sting operations in 15 gun stores in Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia - the origin of more than half of all illegal guns seized on city streets. Four of the 15 were in Virginia. +",6 +11,young smokers.'',10 +5,"In the end -- as he has in past gay rights cases -- the 76-year-old associate justice came down forcefully on the side of marriage equality. +",4 +13,"Beyond that, their hope is that a President Bush would help push through Congress a bill outlawing municipal suits against them. As governor, Mr. Bush got just such a law through the State Legislature with the help of the National Rifle Association. + +Even if those hopes are unrealized, the companies calculate, Mr. Bush would at least stop the kind of pressure the Clinton administration has put on them through Andrew M. Cuomo, the secretary of housing and urban development, to settle the suits.",12 +5,"THE toughest job in the legal profession has to be that of the defense attorney in the penalty phase of a capital case. First, the guy spends a couple of weeks in trial attempting to persuade any one of 12 jurors that his client has been framed. After closing arguments, the jury retires to deliberate. The members visit the restroom, eat lunch and carefully weigh all of the evidence. They return 45 minutes later with a unanimous verdict of guilty. So much for defense counsel's credibility.",4 +5,"Even if local bans are ruled illegal, ",4 +13,Senators feel need to limit what hot-button issues to support,12 +3,CHURCH WINS ROUND IN GUN SUIT APPEALS COURT CLEARS WAY FOR WEAPONS BAN IN PARKING LOTS,2 +5,The disclosure was made as a federal judge in Brooklyn issued an order yesterday that could provide a mechanism for reaching a global settlement of claims by smokers.,4 +10," Their dreams of opening a food truck in North Austin were dashed, and the family abandoned their home because it was now on ICE's radar.",9 +7,"Within a matter of weeks, some 270 inmates on Florida's death row will be asked a question: Would you prefer to die by the needle or by the electric chair?",6 +5,Judge Gordon said he felt the board had relied on ''rumor and innuendo'' instead of reading more than 30 sworn affidavits obtained from Louisiana residents saying that Mr. Marcello is a fine man.,4 +1,Bill offers states half of cash from tobacco suits,0 +7,"okars is already serving multiple life sentences after a federal racketeering conviction. +",6 +13,Careful Strategy Is Used to Derail Immigration Bill; 'Amnesty' Becomes Achilles' Heel,12 +7,"Mr. Rideau, 42 years old, has served nearly 24 years for the 1961 robbery of a Lake Charles bank in which one person was killed. He and Billy Sinclair, another inmate, edit The Angolite, the prison magazine.",6 +5,"The Pardon Board sided with the prosecutors, declining to recommend clemency to the Governor.",4 +7,"amendment that would allow the licenses of permit holders to be ''flagged'' on a police computer so that police officers will know who they are. +",6 +5,National Briefing New England: Maine: Limit To Questions On Citizenship,4 +5,"WHY SETTLE? IF TOBACCO IS BAD, BAN IT",4 +11,LGBT community,10 +13,NELSON FOCUSES ON GUNS AT TOWN HALL,12 +4,DONALD TRUMP WRONGLY REPEATS THAT CHICAGO HAS STRONGEST GUN LAWS,3 +1,IT'S NO LARK: LIGGETT LOOKING OUT FOR ITSELF,0 +7,"In addition, sheriffs and police chiefs should be held accountable if mistakes are made and criminals are issued concealed-carry permits.",6 +1,"""I'm just trying to look out for my district and economic development,"" said Rep. Pat Verschoore, D-Milan, the sponsor of the House bill.",0 +6,announce a new legislative initiative aimed at reducing gun violence.,5 +5,Fewer applications for H-1B visas expected this year,4 +6,We need a halt to executions while the reforms addressed in Sen. Keaveny's bills are enacted and past convictions can get a fresh look.,5 +12,"The NRA, of course, is howling",11 +5,"Berry acknowledged that North was competent to carry concealed weapons and has previously shown a need to have them: a terrorist threat while North worked in the Reagan administration. + +But the judge added that he was unable to ignore North's convictions ""for crimes involving moral turpitude . . . even though his convictions were later overturned."" +",4 +13,"Mr. Ehrlich's counterattack on Mr. Barnes was no lofty riposte. He called the former congressman ""a gun for hire"" whose views on gun control are ""on the far-left fringe of the Democratic Party""; and he accused Mr. Barnes of conspiring with Democratic candidate Kathleen Kennedy Townsend to tarnish Mr. Ehrlich with ""a very negative set of ads."" The Townsend camp was quick to deny any involvement with the radio attack -- but what does Ms. Townsend think of it? Silence won't do; does she agree with Mr. Barnes's labeling, or not?",12 +5,What the Jury Should Know,4 +3,"""I don't see this as being political"" said the Rev. Gary Hines of North Huron Christian Center in Thornton, who will preach on the issue. ""I see it as a moral issue we need to stand up for as people who embrace the Judeo-Christian value system on which this country is based."" +",2 +5,Federal appeals court upholds same-sex marriage,4 +15,"Dennis Williams, 46",14 +8,Fingerprint and background checks on first-time gun owners can extend the application process to 45 days in some cases.,7 +5,JUDGE QUESTIONS EXECUTION PROTOCOL,4 +5,"The state Court of Appeals on Tuesday breathed new life into a lawsuit brought by two smokers against R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., ruling that companies that make ""light"" or ""low-tar"" cigarettes can be sued for fraud under Minnesota law.",4 +11,"Ms. Bacall was asked after her talk why she had started smoking. ""Bette Davis was my heroine,"" she said. ""She used cigarettes so dramatically, and I wanted to be like her."" +",10 +1,largest fundraiser,0 +6,"Under the restrictions that went into effect last week, sales of such weapons are now banned to anyone under 21.",5 +13,"The immigration argument is agonizing, polarizing, and as generally unpleasant as any issue I can recall.",12 +13,"GOP watching Calif. 'Minuteman' election +",12 +5,The Hawaii initiative is lawmakers' latest try to sidestep the state Supreme Court's 1993 ruling that the state had no constitutional right to ban homosexual marriages because that would deny some citizens the rights provided to others.,4 +5,", he applied for five handgun permits at the Wake County Sheriff's Office. +",4 +9,"It seems crazy to me that the tobacco industry seems to get all the blame for people dying of cancer. People of all ages have been warned of the dangers of smoking as far back as I can remember. My father used to roll his own cigarettes to cut down on use back in 1940, because he knew smoking was harmful.",8 +5,A federal judge on Thursday barred what would have been the first death penalty prosecution in Georgia under a law targeting the nation's most violent drug kingpins.,4 +13,"In 1986, when Michael Dukakis was governor of Massachusetts, ",12 +13,Massachusetts Moves to Ban Gay Marriage but Allow Unions,12 +3,"Dorwan Stoddard, a 76-year-old minister",2 +10,LANGUAGE EDGE,9 +5,One juror key to life for Holmes,4 +7,HE'S UN-DER ARREST FOR 12G SCAM,6 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear the case of Thomas Martin Thompson,4 +13,"The 10 lawmakers contend in a letter that the Atlanta-based National Center for Injury Prevention and Control has ""preordained political goals"" favoring gun control.",12 +1,"Comcast, NRA tangle over gun ad",0 +9, requiring all gun owners to use safety devices designed to prevent accidental shootings by locking a weapon's trigger.,8 +12," +The publicity also drew a smattering of protesters.",11 +5,"Supreme Court's focus shifts to civil, gay rights",4 +6,Smoking Ban in D.C. Workplaces Sought,5 +12,St. Louis-area students join growing chorus against gun violence,11 +13,Romney Says He Would Honor Immigration Reprieves Granted by Obama,12 +15,"This time, no rush to altar",14 +5,"""The Second Amendment applies to private citizens. We have always controlled and determined who packs a gun as a law enforcement officer,"" he said.",4 +5,"* The sentence was commuted to life after a juror wrote to say he was wrong to end his holdout and vote for execution. +",4 +13,SENATE DEFEATS BIGGER GUN MEASURE,12 +5,Ex-justice's stand on gay marriage hard to gauge,4 +5,"The Supreme Court decision last month overturning the District's handgun ban, though controversial",4 +5,"This week, former Chief Justice + +Warren Burger joined those calling for gun restrictions.",4 +6,"Under the measure, anyone selling or giving away tobacco products must have proof or otherwise be sure that the buyer is at least 18, and sales or use are banned during operating hours at schools and day-care centers. +",5 +1,Trump's big immigration crackdown comes with big 5-year price tag: More than $50 billion,0 +7,"Bannister, 39, has been on death row for 15 years and was within two hours of execution in December 1994",6 +5,"Eaton's attorneys contend that the Fauquier County jury that sentenced him to death in January 1990 should have been told that he would otherwise receive life in prison without parole. Instead, prosecutors misled the jurors by saying that Eaton posed a future danger to society, the defense attorneys argue.",4 +5," But a recent court decision has made all the brinksmanship unnecessary, at least for the near future.",4 +13,The Republican-dominated Senate passed the House bill (HB 503) by a 26-13 vote along party lines.,12 +12,"The rally, held at Georgia State University's Rialto Center for the Arts, was organized by March For Our Lives, the or-ganization started and led by students who survived the Feb. 14 shooting that killed 17 students and staff members at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.",11 +7," Many North Carolina sheriffs,",6 +10,The dreadlocked Mumia Abu-Jamal has spent his life outside the mainstream.,9 +4,"U.S. Deprived Mexican of Fair Trial, Appeal Says",3 +5,"ommuting death sentences. +",4 +9,FRIENDS OF LUNG CANCER,8 +5,Atlanta's first federal death penalty upheld,4 +6, host of challenges to California gun control laws,5 +13,"Last night was one of the board's last chances to make some headway. At the end of the year, the board will change hands to a Democratic majority that might not address the issue with the same zeal.",12 +5,"In the first verdict of its kind, a Brooklyn Federal Court jury found that five tobacco giants carried out a campaign of lies and deception and ordered them to reimburse Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield.",4 +13," Republican leaders, turning away from significant gun control legislation, have shifted instead to-ward measures that would beef up security at the nation's schools, hoping the push will quell public uproar over the re-cent massacre in Parkland, Fla. +",12 +1,"Goldstone, a shortish and combative 52-year-old, is Big Tobacco's prime strategist. Last year he led his fellow C.E.O.'s into historic negotiations with their enemies, the state attorneys general who had made it their mission to take down Big Tobacco. Two and a half years ago, before he became president of RJR Nabisco, which owns R.J. Reynolds, the nation's second-largest tobacco company, he was just another rich Wall Street lawyer. But now that Goldstone oversees the production of Camels, Winstons and Dorals, it seems an article of faith among tobacco's foes that he pushes drugs to children.",0 +13,A sore spot for Laura Bush?,12 +13,"After accepting the endorsement of the Hennepin County Sheriff's Deputies Association, which praised Boschwitz for his anti-crime efforts during his two terms in the Senate, Boschwitz was asked if he would support a repeal of the ban. +",12 +15,'MAY BE THE BEST WAY TO HANDLE IT',14 +5,We needed time to receive some assurance from our legal counsel and clarification from Gwinnett County that those rights were not being infringed upon by this ordinance.,4 +7,"If convicted, he faces a maximum of 20 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines.",6 +13,GOP continues to anger Latinos,12 +5,"We might as well introduce you to two lawyers who are already figuring into the discussion. +",4 +13,Colorado Democrats say they believe the attempts to get civil unions passed in the state's legislature may help energize the base and some big-money liberal donors to get behind the president with dollars and grassroots organizing.,12 +5,"All 50 states, a handful of individual smokers and a large group of Florida residents have won cases against cigarette companies.",4 +10,"Mary McEntee and her husband's sister, Jane McEntee, described how the murder devastated their lives and families.",9 +13,The Virginia House of Delegates voted Tuesday to support Gov. Douglas Wilder's plan to limit handgun purchases to one a month as a way of erasing Virginia's reputation as a haven for East Coast gunrunners. But the state Senate backed a compromise measure that would allow multiple buys if the purchaser obtains a certificate from state police. The differences probably will be resolved by a six-legislator negotiating team.,12 +3,"Tony Perkins, head of the Christian conservative Family Research Council",2 +5,Lawyers saught for immigrant children,4 +11,"About 10 years ago, the map would have looked very different. Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage, in November 2003.",10 +7, sparing them from deportation,6 +13,"The Arkansas Death Penalty Dispute: Where Things Stand +",12 +12," Center to Prevent Handgun Violence,",11 +10,Same-sex military spouses get benefits,9 +5,Addressing Asylum Abuses,4 +9, as he was already strapped down on a stretcher with intravenous tubes inserted into his arms.,8 +10,EXECUTED KILLER SAID LIFE WAS FULL OF RAGE,9 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday kept California waiting again on the fate of same-sex marriage in the state, holding off on revealing whether it will tackle the legal questions surrounding gay nuptials.",4 +4,"""Courts are ruling that marriage is a fundamental right of every citizen,""",3 +4,Civil unions are only fair,3 +12,Groups protest death penalty,11 +5,"The District, Maryland and a dozen other states have legalized same-sex marriage. +",4 +14,Abroad at Home,13 +7,An in-depth look at Obama's immigration reprieve,6 +13,Immigration: Complex Test For 2 Parties,12 +10," pained Patti Ellis, a Fayetteville mother with a 23-year-old gay son.",9 +10,"And the state officials' adoption of tougher graduation standards that, absurdly, do not differentiate between a native speaker and a kid with a couple of years of English instruction.",9 +7,"Wilson said he had a chance to kill two women before he saw Matthew. When he overheard the boy tell his aunt that he needed to go to the restroom, Wilson said he knew he had an opportunity to kill.",6 +12,"5,000 expected at immigration walk",11 +5,Gun rights amendment upheld by Missouri Supreme Court,4 +5,"A Virginia appellate court sidestepped the issue of civil unions Tuesday in ruling that, because two former lesbian partners filed for their union in Vermont, that state's courts have jurisdiction in a custody battle.",4 +3,"Without engaging in a exegesis of the moral codes when Leviticus was written, allow me to offer that I have not seen any moral movements to deny the constitutional rights of those who eat shellfish, pork or those who have the unmitigated gall to wear two different fabrics -- all prohibited by the same book of the Bible.",2 +13,Lawmakers back secrecy for gun carriers Arms lobby wins another round in Senate concealed-weapons vote,12 +2,Florida Nearing Emergency As Cuban Exodus Increases,1 +13,"The Senate debate began Thursday afternoon and stretched into the evening, with both sides predicting a long and passionate discussion. It was unclear when the Senate would vote. +",12 +12,Video: New Yorkers Weigh In on the Cigarette Age Limit,11 +11,"Vince analyzed 3,075 crime guns traced to 82 dealers in Philadelphia - including Colosimo's and the Firing Line, he said - before 2004. Of those guns, 691, or 22 percent, came from Colosimo's alone, according to the filing. +",10 +6,"currently requires that sexual intimacy occur only within the context of marriage between a man and a woman. +",5 +3,"The Rev. Lionel Edmonds, head of the Washington Interfaith Network, said leaders of the 60 denominations represented in his group would reach out to organize like-minded clergy in Virginia and Texas.",2 +13,"""I'm just so irate,"" McKinley said to two friends, standing in the foyer of the House of Delegates Office Building in Annapolis last month",12 +11,Learning to leave gay marriage alone,10 +1,SURPLUS WEAPONS,0 +13,New gun laws arent dead at MN Capitol,12 +12,Those reassurances were an attempt to make the amendment palatable to a large swath of Florida's electorate that opposed gay marriage but was more accepting of other same-sex arrangements such as civil unions and domestic partnerships. The pitch worked. Amendment 2 passed with 62 percent of the vote.,11 +1," which cost $ 2,830",0 +5,Panel of Judges Gives Tobacco Industry a Victory,4 +14,"Bush, Fox Discuss Border Issues; Meeting in Mexico, Presidents Agree to Form Immigration Panel",13 +10,"Wearing a white prison uniform and white tennis shoes, Tucker lay strapped on her back on a gurney as she delivered her final statements to the gathered witnesses, who included her husband, Dana Brown, a prison ministry worker she married by proxy in 1995, and Ronald Carlson, a Houston machinist and brother of one of the victims.",9 +11,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE DRIVE SAME AS BLACKS' QUEST FOR RIGHTS,10 +5,"Harley-Davidson filed a lawsuit yesterday in Federal District Court in Manhattan in response to a suit that Lorillard filed last month in the same court accusing Harley-Davidson of frustrating the licensing agreement, which began in 1986. Harley-Davidson's countersuit asserted that an unspecified Lorillard campaign for Harley-Davidson cigarettes was being aimed at children. Avrett, Free & Ginsberg in New York, which creates campaigns for Lorillard brands like Kent, is also agency of record for the Harley-Davidson cigarette. The agency is not named in the suit.",4 +13,President Bush has long been on record supporting two crucial gun-control measures:,12 +1,Cigarette taxes are gold rush for states,0 +13,"Biden: gun control opponents spreading 'disinformation' +",12 +8,"The shooter had an AR-15 rifle, precisely the kind of weapon that should not be in the hands of anyone other than military personnel in combat or combat training.",7 +5,Judge reaffirms verdict won by Florida smokers,4 +13,Idaho Senator to Push Gay Rights Bill From the Outside,12 +13,"In any case, nobody wants to run on gay marriage -- and not only because nobody knows how the issue will play in a campaign.",12 +6,measures outlawing assault weapons and limiting gun purchases to one a month,5 +10,"""We come here, we're hardworking,"" said Eddie Almonte, 30, who came to the U.S. in 2003 from the Dominican Republic.",9 +7,"A felony gun possession conviction carries a minimum sentence of 3 + +1/2 years.",6 +7,"In less than a year, Graham was convicted of the murders and sent to death row.",6 +5,Jurors will return on Thursday to start hearing testimony in the penalty phase of the trial.,4 +1,"""I've stopped predicting what people think would be an outside price because, as the debate goes on, the parameters change,"" said Matthew Myers, executive vice president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids in Washington.",0 +5,"The first two convictions were overturned by appellate judges; the third was upheld in June, when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear arguments on Chambers' behalf.",4 +6, They're blocking a national consensus for changes that would blend a path to legal status for the estimated 11 million undocumented people in the USA with tough enforcement and other changes to discourage future waves on illegal immigration.,5 +5,"The state is seeking the death penalty for Smith, 23",4 +12,asked Albuquerque resident Thomas Williams.,11 +5,"Before returning the death verdict, jurors asked Hudson to define ``life in prison'' for them.",4 +12,"A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds that 52 percent of Americans favor stricter gun laws, 31 percent want them left as they are, and 15 percent say they should be loosened. But the strength of the support for tighter controls has dropped since January, when 58 percent said gun laws should be tightened and just 5 percent felt they were too strong.",11 +4,"``I'll probably catch some flak about this, but for me the question goes more and more toward individual liberties,'' Garner said as he puffed on a cigar.",3 +6, not to extend the waiting period for background checks at gun shows from 24 to 72 hours.,5 +13,Obama and Romney Do Not Change Course Over Outcry on Gun Violence,12 +11,PLENTY TO DO AS 1ST GAY PAIR READIES TO TIE KNOT,10 +5,"Joel Frank, managing partner of West Chester-based Lamb McErlane, the firm hired by Gov. Corbett to represent the state, fired back on Thursday calling the release of correspondence by the plaintiff's attorneys a breach of privacy in the discovery process. +",4 +15,"In N.J., an underdog bites back +",14 +10,Immigration process puts strain on relationships,9 +5,The Supreme Court ruling throws out the sentences for kidnapping and unlawful restraint but upholds the rest. Robert Kelly of the Post-Dispatch staff contributed information for this story.,4 +5,"In a nine-page order, U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton found that Stanford-educated medical doctor Barbara Saldinger is unlikely to prevail in her legal battle and that she should begin serving her 60-day jail sentence immediately. +",4 +5,"Have immigration papers ready, but watch out for scammers, San Jose audience told.",4 +6," +The measure will take effect in West Hollywood, a city of 1.9 square miles, on Feb. 16",5 +4,GUN PROPAGANDA WAY OFF TARGET,3 +5, couples to have their relationships recognized as marriages by the state,4 +5,"Still, said Boston lawyer Evan T. Lawson, who won the case on behalf of liquor stores, a majority of the justices provided ample ammunition to tobacco companies and other foes of existing restrictions on cigarette advertising - and the Clinton administration's plan to enlarge them.",4 +13,Smoking ban won't go before the voters,12 +3,Poll quizzes ministers on death,2 +11,Gay marriages open gate to social stability,10 +2, about stuffy indoor pollution.,1 +7,Execution date set for Columbus strangler,6 +6,New York's Life-and-Death Struggle,5 +5,INMATE FACES EXECUTION IN BRUTAL 1980 SLAYING,4 +3,Cherry Hill Rabbi Fred J. Neulander.,2 +6,"And if tighter gun control laws don't actually reduce the murder rate, then why are we being stampeded toward such laws after every shooting that gets media attention?",5 +6,"The law applies equally to public and private schools, technical schools, universities and colleges, as well as to school buses and school functions at nonschool sites.",5 +10,"That relationship dates to 1995, when the two women met in a computer class. They moved in together in 2000, each bringing two boys from previous relationships to the household. In 2004, they married in San Francisco -- only to have the nuptials annulled weeks later. +",9 +13,California voters in 2008 approved Proposition 8,12 +5," agreed Melinda Lawrence, one of Smith's attorneys. + +She said Smith has little hope that his sentence will be commuted.",4 +12,Proponents of the measure,11 +7,"At issue is the 45-year prison term of Christopher X. Bohlen, who was convicted in 1982 of robbing a jewelry store in Overland, Mo",6 +5, Death Sentence Barred In Reporter's Slaying,4 +1,TOBACCO FARMERS MAKE POINT ON SETTLEMENT,0 +15,Tobacco Road Nears a Dead End,14 +5, and has been the subject of numerous court challenges.,4 +11,Insisting that all our citizens are fluent in English is a welcoming act of inclusion and insist we must. We need the glue of language to help hold us together.,10 +13,The Governor's aides said he planned to submit a bill to the State Legislature if the efforts to regulate the sale of weapons at gun shows failed in Congress.,12 +13,"Malloy said he was working directly with the White House to gain access to the databases, which include people who are suspected of having connections to terrorist groups. President Barack Obama has called for banning gun sales to those on the federal ""no-fly"" list, but a similar measure failed to clear Congress last week.",12 +13,"After Recess, House Democrats Seek Path Forward on Immigration",12 +5,"Three attorneys from the firm, Michael Ciresi, Roberta Walburn and Susan Richard Nelson, usually argue the motions in Ramsey County District Court, while one or two lawyers from the attorney general's staff remain in the audience. Seven other lawyers from the private firm also work regularly on the case.",4 +13,How Proposition 8 passed in California -- and why it wouldn't today,12 +9,Teens with guns get out of control,8 +13,"TRUMP'S TALK IRRESPONSIBLE, DANGEROUS",12 +10,TRYING TO QUIT,9 +12,"Is support for gay marriage over-sold? +",11 +1,Inside the immigration bill: Win for high-tech firms,0 +5,Valley Park joins small club with immigration law,4 +13,No need for Washington to 'defend' marriage,12 +7,"'Straw purchases' put guns in the wrong hands +",6 +1,"Gun-show advocates argue that a great majority of dealers at gun shows are licensed and responsible, and that those who are unlicensed are collectors selling expensive guns that wouldn't be used in crimes.",0 +10,"Increasingly, Employers Offer Benefits To All Partners",9 +5,"A jury decided today that Alfonso Rodriguez Jr. should die for kidnapping and killing college student Dru Sjodin. +",4 +1,FOREIGN WORKERS AT HIGHEST LEVEL IN SEVEN DECADES,0 +8,"Amy Stillwell, a spokeswoman for The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said the federal Brady Law does not require background checks for intrafamily gun gifts.",7 +7,"Anything that's a high-ticket item and small enough to conceal,"" he said, is a shoplifting target",6 +11,That would bring the number of states where gay couples can marry to 30.,10 +5, Condemned Man Wins Stay of Florida Execution,4 +13,"The announcement brought an abrupt end to speculation throughout the day that Mr. Schwarzenegger, a Republican, might be persuaded to back the bill despite strong opposition to it in his own party.",12 +11,"Weak argument against gay marriage Charles Krauthammer inveighed against gay marriage, using as his only weapon what students of critical reasoning call the fallacy of argument from tradition",10 +13,A Package Of Gun Bills Advances In Florida,12 +15,Civil Unions,14 +5,A federal judge in St. Paul has dismissed the latest effort by pioneer gay activists Jack Baker and L. Michael McConnell to have their 1971 marriage legally recognized,4 +13,Strong gun lobby still has good aim on the Brady Bill,12 +13,"The Montgomery County ordinance is two years old. Howard's ban was proposed Oct. 25. The next day, a D.C. Council committee approved its measure. In Prince George's, council members will hold a hearing Tuesday and are poised to pass it.",12 +13,Democrats push gay rights and gun control legislation,12 +11," they go together like mom, apple pie and full metal jackets.",10 +3,A SHADOWY GROUP run by religious fundamentalists is bankrolling a pitched crusade against same-sex marriage in New York.,2 +7,Three States Short of a Secure Community,6 +6,ban on military-style assault weapons,5 +9, But the Columbine High tragedy exposes the folly of the gun lobby's Wild West argument that public places are safer with lots of folks packing heat.,8 +13, and through the White House and Congress.,12 +6,"The ""Smoke Free Illinois Act'' bans smoking in virtually all indoor public places, including bars, restaurants and casinos.",5 +4,"As Andrews' execution nears, the NAACP has launched a campaign demanding ''equal justice.'' ''Everything he did was hideous,'' says Alberta Henry, 71, head of the NAACP of Salt Lake City. ''I don't care what sentence he gets - as long as it's not death.''",3 +1,YOU CAN'T EAT WHAT THEY DON'T PICK,0 +4,"Supremacist surprised 3 victims weren't Jewish Missouri man is in jail, charged with capital murder in killings.",3 +3,Clearance sale on integrity,2 +6,"The ordinance closes a loophole that had made it easier for criminals to buy guns. Under the old law, licensed dealers had to conduct background checks and adhere to a waiting period, but unlicensed dealers could bypass both. At gun shows all over Florida, such unlicensed dealers sold all comers deadly weapons from their ""personal collections.""",5 +5,"TEEN SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON FOR SLAYINGS OF 4 / IVORY KING, OF CAMDEN, COULD HAVE RECEIVED DEATH FOR THE FOUR FIRST-DEGREE MURDER CONVICTIONS.",4 +7,Member of Croatian Group Charged in Arms Plot,6 +5,"In 1988, Henderson narrowly avoided the chair. Eight hours. + +On April 21, 1993, it appears only a last-minute temporary stay from the U.S. Supreme Court will save him.",4 +9, reduce suicides and accidents at home. ,8 +12,Groups advocating open-carry are an embarrassment,11 +13,"In the House, Democratic leader Richard Gephardt of Missouri said he agreed with Fox's request - made to Bush on Wednesday and to a joint session of Congress yesterday - for quick action on legalizing millions of undocumented workers and said he thought legislation was possible by the end of the year.",12 +3,Doing More Than Mourning The Murdered,2 +11, threat to traditional marriage posed by gay people seeking the right to wed.,10 +6,"STRICTER GUN CONTROL NEEDED, TWO GOP LEADERS SAY",5 +5, Authorities have not decided whether to seek the death penalty,4 +13,Once-moderate Perry now inflames Latinos,12 +13," Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Friday that he expected same-sex marriage legislation to be approved before the end of the legislative session next week, and indicated that to win passage of the measure he is prepared to yield to Republican concerns for greater protections of religious groups.",12 +5,Federal judge overturns same-sex marriage ban in California,4 +5,Kansas' Death Penalty Law Is Declared Unconstitutional,4 +9," she has numerous holes in the wall between the two lower chambers of her heart, plus a malfunctioning valve and intense pressure in the blood vessels in her lungs.",8 +13, President Obama calls for background checks on the selling of guns through private transfers.,12 +11,ancient civilizations,10 +4,Supporting the right of all Americans to marry the person of their choice would be the right thing to do,3 +12,"Doug Revelle, 37, of Lutherville, Md., went to the protest to make the point that state-sanctioned killing is done in the name of every citizen of the state.",11 +12,Smoking veterans now fighting government's tobacco proposal,11 +5,LITIGANTS SPAR OVER RELEASING TOBACCO DATA,4 +4," +Bartering rights",3 +9, identify potential firearms buyers with mental health problems that disqualify them from gun ownership under federal law.,8 +6,a proposal this week that would allow voters to decide whether the state constitution should limit marriage to one man and one woman.,5 +3,"But the Catholic Church sees the issue very differently. The city has $ 5.5 million worth of contracts with Catholic Charities of San Francisco, a nonprofit group run by the church. The charity provides a variety of services, including housing and counseling for AIDS patients. Under the law, the group's employees would be entitled to benefits for their partners, including gay partners. To the Archdiocese of San Francisco, such a notion is anathema.",2 +9,"Smoking-related impotence is believed to be caused by toxins, such as carbon monoxide, that damage the circulatory system, which interferes with blood flow to the penis.",8 +7,"Morales, 47, had been scheduled for execution last year for the 1981 rape and murder of a 17-year-old Lodi girl. ",6 +5,Shortly after Alameda County Superior Court Judge Benjamin Travis handed down the sentence Friday,4 +1,"Bazinet said there is nothing untrue about the ad. ""In this case, it's a pretty straightforward product attribute comparison,"" Bazinet said.",0 +5,when the U.S. Supreme Court allowed states to resume use of the death penalty.,4 +5," +A Focus on Ties That Legally Bind",4 +5,Carlbom said his group's goal is not to secure gay-marriage rights but to preserve an environment in which the state can figure it out without a conclusion having been locked in to the constitution.,4 +13,Basis of Ruling On Gay Unions Stirs Debate On the Right,12 +7,But she conceded that Levin would have opposed the death penalty.,6 +7,"""This is a very bad case - extreme acts of violence,"" Stanback said in setting the bond for Brunson.",6 +5,Judge asked to dismiss suit against San Mateo County for barring concealed guns in parks,4 +7," ""Oh, and the criminal background check.""",6 +7,"Missouri Department of Corrections spokesman Tim Kniest said there was ""nothing magical"" about the 12:01 a.m. time for executions.",6 +10,will think twice about starting to use such an addictive drug,9 +13, should not be exploited for political purposes,12 +5,"s filed a ""friend of the court"" brief in the Kennedy case, urging the court to allow executions for child rape.",4 +6,A bill that would grant gay couples the right to civil unions will be heard by a House committee whose members include a former aide to Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave and three El Paso County Republicans.,5 +5,The justices were examining James McWilliams's 1986 death sentence and an even older Supreme Court precedent. But their decision will be immediately relevant. The Arkansas Supreme Court recently stayed the execution of two men on its death row until the justices decide McWilliams v. Dunn.,4 +12,NRA ally in suit to kill carry regs,11 +8,terrorist,7 +9,and the state public health department's,8 +13,"The fight over the Brady bill, which would impose a seven-day waiting period on handgun purchases, is not really a fight between liberals and conservatives or Republicans and Democrats. Neither party's leadership is demanding, or even counting, votes. This issue is intensely individual and representative.",12 +5,"he Timothy Bunch Case: Guilt Is Not the Issue +",4 +6,WOMAN URGES CITY TO JUMP GUNS BEFORE SHOPS ARRIVE,5 +13,DOLE'S VIEW OBVIOUSLY TOBACCO-STAINED,12 +1,PHILIP MORRIS RECALLS 8 BILLION CIGARETTES,0 +13,"In Connecticut, Gun Curbs Had Difficult Path",12 +6,With the recent institution of the smoking ban in Philadelphia restaurants and bars,5 +13,"Brady's wife, Sarah, is chairwoman of Handgun Control Inc. and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, both in Washington.",12 +9, for stricter gun-control laws that will help protect public safety.,8 +9,"Women who use nicotine gum to help them kick the cigarette habit seem to be able to control the weight gain, a new study reports, but the same isn't true for men.",8 +12,IMMIGRANT WORKERS PROTEST FIRINGS,11 +6,EX-AGENT URGES ASSAULT GUN BAN,5 +6,"The bill poses no immediate threat to Kinee's habit. A price increase would not go into effect until Jan. 1. +",5 +7,Castro is scheduled to die by lethal injection tonight at the Florida state prison just outside Starke.,6 +5,Justices Back Tenn. Execution Despite Court Error,4 +13,POLITICAL HYPE OVER CRIME IGNORES REALITY OF COSTS,12 +13,Kerry promises to ease citizenship for immigrants,12 +7,"Continuing a crackdown on the smuggling of illegal immigrants, federal authorities made 26 arrests Tuesday at Newark Liberty International Airport, bringing the total to 158 in less than a week.",6 +5,define marriage in the state constitution as the union of a man and a woman.,4 +13,"Schumer, a prime backer of the Brady Bill, said the vote count was extremely close on the NRA-backed bill, offered by Rep. Harley O. Staggers, D-W.Va.",12 +9,"No smoking, for pets' sake",8 +5,"GAY MARRIAGE, STATE BY STATE",4 +7," But if he is to be executed, it almost certainly would be by lethal injection, probably in a newly built -- and never used -- facility in Terre Haute, Ind.",6 +12,"Pointing to recent poll data that indicates suburban residents are concerned about gun violence,",11 +5,A Right to Machine Guns?,4 +10,The mother of the defendant and the family of the victim listened in silence as Hartenbach announced his verdict. Family members declined to comment afterward.,9 +9,"One important finding of the CDC study is that persuading people not to smoke in the first place may be more important than bans on smoking in public places. About 11,000 people around the country were asked about their exposure to second-hand smoke. Some said they had not been around smokers, but their blood still contained cotinine, a marker for exposure to tobacco smoke.",8 +5,"Figuring sympathy might keep Tom Coe out of the electric chair, his lawyers Wednesday harkened back to his youth.",4 +9,4 Haitians With HIV Admitted to U.S.; Entry of Refugees for Medical Care Said to Be No Change in Policy,8 +1," He could also decline to spend the money altogether,",0 +7,"Green, 21, was convicted Feb. 29 in the slaying of James Jordan, who was shot as he napped in his car along a highway on July 23, 1993.",6 +5,We should also revere Second Amendment,4 +1,"Colorado's share of the tobacco settlement is about $ 2.7 billion over 25 years, or $ 901 million if paid in a lump sum immediately.",0 +7,"Guns, violence and citizens' rights",6 +9, defendant's mental competency is made.,8 +12,"Poll Watch: Obama's Gun Policies Are Popular, but Verdict Is Mixed on Other Issues",11 +11," Those categories added up to 127,000 people last year - bringing total legal immigration to 720,000 - and are conservatively expected to hover around 100,000.",10 +13,California candidates face gay marriage minefield,12 +15,Coming Back,14 +15,Happy Hour Roundup,14 +5,"proposed constitutional amendment, which would ask voters if they want to prohibit legal recognition of same-sex relationships.",4 +5,"Tusan dismissed the lawsuit, brought almost two years ago, but it is unlikely she will have the last word on the matter.",4 +7,"State corrections officials did not return telephone calls seeking comment about Mr. Page's scheduled execution or the 59-year lapse. +",6 +1,"Ben Miller, the South Philadelphia restaurateur out to spark a chef-driven movement for immigration-law changes, got some high-wattage attention Monday.",0 +13,"Monica Yant Kinney: 'A lost cause,' Rendell laments about Pa.'s gun issue",12 +7,"Nichols, 33, of Sandy Springs is accused of overpowering a Fulton sheriff's deputy, getting her gun and killing Superior Court Judge Rowland Barnes, court reporter Julie Ann Brandau and deputy Sgt. Hoyt Teasley at the courthouse in downtown Atlanta. Nichols also is accused of killing U.S. Customs agent David Wilhelm in Buckhead before surrendering March 12.",6 +13,DEMOCRAT WINS RACE TO REPLACE GRIFFIN,12 +6, Restrictions on legal gun sales will only raise the cost of legal ownership and not provide law enforcement with any additional tools to curtail crime.,5 +11,"Seventy-seven year-old Dona Raquel Mendoza celebrated a new identity Saturday at the Freedom Festival on St. Paul's West Side. After more than 50 years as a resident alien, Mendoza became a U.S. citizen this year.",10 +12,"""I think 2010 is just too early,"" said Rick Infantino, a spokesman for Marriage Equality Silicon Valley. ""Eventually, marriage equality will happen for everyone. But we think we have a better chance of winning 2012.""",11 +10,"Families of the Connecticut victims experienced the ultimate tragedy on Dec. 14. The rest of us hugged our kids tighter and thanked God we were able to do so. I believe that everyone, even those who are not parents, cares about at least one school-age child. Let's not undervalue these kids. Let's not just shake our heads and say, ""How sad."" Let's talk.",9 +13,"The Senate launched formal debate of legislation to curb gun violence Monday, with Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) dismissing a threatened Republican filibuster as shameful and against the will of a majority of Americans.",12 +4,Same-sex marriage is surely a civil right,3 +1,"The industry has seen its credibility eroded in recent years by allegations executives covered up knowledge of the damaging and addictive nature of cigarettes, said Michael Pertschuk, an anti-tobacco researcher at the Advocacy Institute.",0 +13,The White House Joins the Fight,12 +5,"The controversy only intensified when Zimmerman was acquitted earlier this year. While Zimmerman never claimed a ""stand your ground"" defense, the wording of the law appeared in the jury instructions.",4 +1,"Cigar store is like a sitcom, and this one's winding down",0 +13,- but lawmakers in both chambers and from both parties predict those measures will be the only ones on the table for this session.,12 +13,"Some Republicans saw in Herring the height of hypocrisy since he won his election largely by criticizing the activist tenure of his predecessor, Ken Cuccinelli II (R). They said Herring was taking the law into his own hands for liberal ends just as Cuccinelli's critics claimed he had done to advance a conservative agenda. +",12 +7,"L.A. Airport Shooting Was Planned, Investigators Say; Officials Believe Egyptian Immigrant Acted Alone",6 +5,"By Saturday morning, the lawyers who heeded the call were at about a dozen airports around the country. +",4 +7, Four federal agents and at least three cult members died in the Feb. 28 shoot-out.,6 +6,Gun control a priority,5 +11,"Longtime residents can remember the days when Jarratt -- a town of modest one-story homes ringed by peanut and cotton fields -- was best known for a booming restaurant and motel on U.S. 301, midway between New York and Florida. But now, with I-95 taking nearly all the traffic, the old restaurant is boarded up, overgrown with weeds.",10 +6,HOUSE BILL ONLY ADDS TO GUN DANGERS,5 +13,Christie Heads Back To Iowa Next Month,12 +5,Court Urged to Toss Out Gay-Marriage Ban,4 +13,"When Gov. George Bush signed Texas' concealed weapon law last month, he said: ""This is a bill to make Texas a safer place."" +",12 +8,"Allen, with the TSA, said Tuesday was the second night of an operation that focused on trucks that carry cargo to be loaded on planes.",7 +5,SUPREME COURT WILL HEAR MASSACHUSETTS CASE ON TOBACCO ADVERTISING,4 +13,"The California Senate race, the most expensive Congressional race ever and one of the most vituperative, ground through its last full day of campaigning today, with the outcome of Tuesday's voting but a guess.",12 +3,A BRIEF MOMENT OF MERCY,2 +8,"From the archives, 2006: In Pa., no jumping through hoops to get a gun",7 +13,"But when Mr. Giuliani was asked about the billboard during a call-in radio program on WCBS-AM, he said, ""We're going to get the sign down.""",12 +6,Song will help snuff out last day before the smoking ban begins,5 +13,Congress scrambles to avoid government shutdown,12 +13,"Cooper's group is registered as a lobbyist group and employs several individually registered lobbyists. The group most recently reported spending $53,406 on lobbying in the second half of 2005, with about $32,000 going to staff salaries, $15,000 on public relations campaigns and $6,000 on media advertising.",12 +8,"Santa Rosa County in the Florida Panhandle has its own militia. In fact, every able-bodied person is a member. So residents can sleep well. (Unless militia members have to respond to reveille.)",7 +13,"Reagan said. +",12 +13,Obama's evolution gives hope,12 +10,The radio show caters to recent immigrants and refugees from Somali- speaking countries.,9 +10," where angry friends and relatives of the victims screamed insults. +",9 +7,"Georgia's new school safety law making it a felony to carry weapons within 1,000 feet of any school doesn't make exceptions for a cake knife or for a gun under a car seat owned by a college student attending night classes, warn civil liberties advocates.",6 +9,"About 900 Americans die each year and 2,500 are hurt by fires started by cigarettes left unattended.",8 +5,Falcon Heights becomes Minnesota's 12th city to approve a domestic partnership registry,4 +5,amendments,4 +3,"Majorities of major religious groups say the same, including white evangelical Protestants (56 percent), white mainline Protestants (67 percent), minority Protestants (74 percent) and Catholics (75 percent), as well as the religiously unaffiliated (75 percent). +",2 +1,A NUMBER of companies that once saw value in partnering with the National Rifle Association have decided to end their connections with the organization.,0 +12,"Flush With Victory, Grass-Roots Crusader Against Same-Sex Marriage Thinks Big",11 +10,Same-sex weddings begin in California,9 +13," 'What has President Obama done to illustrate that he wants to go after guns? Well, he appointed Eric Holder as attorney general. Eric Holder said he viewed his mission as brainwashing the American people against guns.",12 +15,Misinformed about guns,14 +10,"'I'm not happy; I'm sad,'' said Virginia, who lives in a small Bronx apartment. ''Because it's not fair that everybody else has their mom except me.'' She dropped onto a couch next to her disabled father, Carlos Feliz, an American citizen who was born in the Dominican Republic, declaring that she hates her last name, which means happy in Spanish.",9 +9,"The campaign is the group's first public endeavor. According to a survey conducted by the group, Minnesotans underestimate the seriousness of the health threat of secondhand smoke.",8 +1,Retailers resent being target of control efforts,0 +12,N.R.A. Push Has Advanced Broader Laws On Self-Defense,11 +1,desk,0 +1,"RJR's Eclipse looks like a regular cigarette, too, except for a small carbon tip that, when lighted, heats the tobacco instead of burning it. RJR intends to advertise that Eclipse produces 90 percent less smoke than regular cigarettes, not that it's safer, although experts say that is implied.",0 +12,who are upset that he hasn't moved fast enough on issues important to them.,11 +12," +Gun-control forces see 'tipping point' +",11 +15,Tale of a 'Stigmaphobe',14 +1,"More than two-thirds of the $9.6 billion tobacco-grower buyout approved by the House would go to only 10 percent of the people and companies eligible for any compensation, according to a study by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group.",0 +12,Can line of goods help sell NRA?,11 +5,"A federal grand jury returned a 48-count indictment against Cooper last month, charging him with racketeering, murder and other offenses in a series of crimes culminating in the July 1997 slayings of three employees at the Starbucks coffee shop at 1810 Wisconsin Ave. NW. By pursuing the federal indictment, prosecutors cleared the way to seek the death penalty against Cooper, who has been in custody since March. D.C. law does not provide for the death penalty, but federal law does.",4 +13,How can the county say no to Mr. Holloway while Commissioner Roberts,12 +5,since Sherman was not registered for,4 +7,"Wallace avoided suspicion in the killings for months, even though his name appeared in the address books of some of his victims. He once went to police with the sister of one victim to turn in a missing person report.",6 +1,with the tobacco companies,0 +5, Florida allows people to carry a concealed weapon as long as they carry their weapons permit.,4 +6,U.S. Pledges To Speed Up Visa Process For Artists,5 +13," A longtime advocate of gun limits, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D., N.J.), 89 and ailing, was wheeled onto the chamber floor for the first time in more than a month to cast his ""yes"" vote to a smattering of applause.",12 +5,HIGH COURT STAYS VA. EXECUTION,4 +12,"""I just don't like that they're spreading this message of hate all over Minnesota, when Minnesotans have been really accepting and nice,"" said Anne Bennett of Lauderdale, carrying a sign that read simply: ""Lesbian.""",11 +13,"On Tuesday night, the activist from Mott Haven was to be among the select handful of people in attendance as President Obama delivered his State of the Union address in Washington, D.C.",12 +6,"The proposed measure, while modest, puts new muscle and momentum behind what would be one of the few restrictions placed on gun ownership in the past 20 years.",5 +6,"New gun laws push stricter control, ownership: Your Say",5 +5,Death row inmate gets temporary reprieve,4 +7,Gun Violence: A Turning Point,6 +13,"For hours Tuesday, the 76-member Republican majority defeated every Democrat-sponsored amendment.",12 +5,"U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler ruled last year that the government could not seek reimbursement for Medicare costs from the companies but could pursue a racketeering case against them to recover profits allegedly earned through fraud. +",4 +6,THOMPSON PLAN: TARGET IMMIGRATION HAVENS,5 +13,Gun Fever in the House,12 +13,"Immigration issue is suddenly a hot topic in presidential race Latino vote may be key in close contest between Obama, Romney.",12 +4,"What's most important is that same-sex couples not be put at a disadvantage when it comes to common family rights such as inheritance, health care decisions and property ownership. +",3 +11,a survey of the area that identified 761 properties that contributed to the historic character of the neighborhood.,10 +4, when a man the authorities identified as a white supremacist opened fire with a rifle and killed a guard at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.,3 +5," +PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY STOPS TAKING CONCEALED GUN APPLICATIONS FROM HERE",4 +13,"Meghan McCain, the daughter of John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, has become an outspoken supporter of same-sex marriage, despite her father's opposition to it. And Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, has forcefully backed it as well -- and is widely credited with helping to persuade her father to do the same.",12 +5,"No new jury members were selected Monday. So far, 11 jurors have been selected; one more juror and four alternates must be seated before testimony can begin.",4 +13,PLEDGE TO CARRY GUN BATTLE ACROSS NATION,12 +13,"Chafee, an independent former Republican, said President Obama's announcement last week that he supports gay marriage is positive momentum, but he does not expect gay marriage to pass in Rhode Island this legislative session.",12 +5,The court voted 4-1,4 +13,'Gift to the gun lobby' decried,12 +1,"Sandack received financial support from Paul Singer, the billionaire hedge fund manager protecting Republicans who support gay marriage with his pocketbook. Singer donated to Sandack's campaign and also gave thousands more to Illinois Unity PAC, which supported Sandack. +",0 +5,"Judge Ronald Evans Quidachay denied the Campaign for California Families' request for a temporary restraining order earlier yesterday. +",4 +7,"January 1989 slayings of five elementary schoolchildren in Stockton, Calif., ",6 +12,"Immigration Hurts City, New Yorkers Say in Poll",11 +5, on the sweeping nationwide tobacco proposal,4 +11,"Dent Myers, a self-described racist and unreconstructed Confederate, made a second career from the gun law, posing in front of his downtown shop with the .45-caliber pistols he keeps strapped to his hips.",10 +5,Editor Pleads Not Guilty To Aiding Inmates' Escape,4 +7,"Prosecutors contend that Teleguz paid to have Stephanie Sipe, the mother of his young son, killed in 2001. They said he showed the assailants Sipe's Harrisonburg apartment, took them to Walmart to buy a fillet knife to use as the murder weapon and drove to Pennsylvania so he would have an alibi.",6 +5, Not absolute All efforts to discuss controlling handguns are derailed into discussions of the Second Amendment's prohibition against infringing the right to bear arms,4 +14,28 AMERICAN NATIONS SIGN AGREEMENT TO CONTROL GUNS,13 +5,"The jury is considering whether Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty under federal law. If jurors unanimously decide that he is, they will reconvene for a second phase of the trial that will determine whether Moussaoui will be executed; if they decide that he is not eligible, Moussaoui will be sentenced to life in prison.",4 +13,"Coming from a prominent Democratic lineage (his uncle Edolphus Towns is a New York congressman), Forbes joked, ""Politically, I'm probably the black sheep of my family, no pun intended.""",12 +7,"An investigation of cleaning crews working at a northern Michigan resort has led to federal fraud and tax charges being filed against three top officials at a nationwide janitorial service and the arrest of more than 200 illegal immigrants, including four at one St. Louis-area business, government officials said.",6 +11,"Still, in this modern age of new media the court remains an anachronism - perhaps one of the last bureaucratic hermit kingdoms of the Washington beltway.",10 +15, STOMPING OUT TEEN SMOKING,14 +13,"But instead of signaling resolve to re-engage and, over time, win the debate over universal background checks for purchasers of guns and other modest but meaningful gun restrictions, the president seemed unhappily resigned to the unacceptably violent status quo. +",12 +15,Come a Long Way,14 +11,Taking his aim Bridges acts like gun lover,10 +4,"""I call it tobacco apartheid,""",3 +5, He might have been right about how this court would rule,4 +4,new policies are fair,3 +13,"Recently, I gave Republicans some advice about how to talk about the immigration issue -- and, just as importantly, how not to talk about it.",12 +13,Virginia's governor misplayed his hand by expanding concealed-carry,12 +7, In 43 of 49 executions studied,6 +12," The group, the Christian Civic League of Maine, said it had failed to gain the support needed to continue",11 +12,Groups challenge gay marriages in San Francisco,11 +6,THIS MUCH WE KNOW: GUN LAWS FEEL GOOD WHAT CALIFORNIA NEEDS IS AN OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS,5 +5,Such a move would be quickly challenged in court.,4 +13,ANOTHER TRY AT OPEN-CARRY BILL,12 +13,Death Penalty Politics in New York,12 +13,"McAuliffe doesn't suspect bureaucrats are blocking the bricks on political grounds; they had delivered a small shipment previously. Instead, he suspected they just don't want to do any heavy lifting.",12 +13," +Barry's bill has been derided by those who oppose Virginia's death penalty and by some who support it",12 +3,Rabbi Neulander,2 +13,More Senators Support Gay Marriage,12 +15,WILL GRIDLOCK WIN?,14 +1,Illegal Aliens Depress Wages for Some in U.S.,0 +6,The 169-page bill goes beyond increasing border patrol agents and equipment to enlist military support in border surveillance and reimburse local law enforcement in border areas for help in combating alien smuggling and illegal entry.,5 +9,"Many of these young women will become addicted ""before they are old enough to fully appreciate the long-term health risks,""",8 +5,"From tiny towns to states, smoking bans are on a roll",4 +5,"The Haitians had contended that the mere act of seeking political asylum in the United States would prompt the Government of Jean-Claude Duvalier, Haiti's President-for-Life, to view them as opponents of his regime, and that many of them would be subject to political persecution if forced to return home. They sought review of asylum claims that have been denied, and an end to practices that violated their rights.",4 +11,committed partners ,10 +6, No smoking allowed,5 +13,"Figures on the right, including conservative talk radio hosts, analysts at the Heritage Foundation and National Review columnists, derided the agreement as a sellout of conservative principles. GOP presidential candidates criticized the plan as a form of amnesty - a characterization rejected by the White House. +",12 +5,with his role of chief counsel for the Commonwealth of Virginia.,4 +5, The debate shifts almost constantly with new legal maneuvering and court rulings.,4 +14,JAMAICA TO AID U.S. ON HAITIANS; ACCORD MEANS REFUGEES WILL GET INTERVIEWS ABOARD SHIPS IN PORTS,13 +15,The Gun and the Law,14 +1,pay a fee of up to $100,0 +7,"HANNON, KILLER OF 2 IN 1991, PUT TO DEATH",6 +12,"""My concern is how the general public will respond,"" ",11 +13,Trump's Evolving Positions on Gun Issues,12 +13,MISSOURI'S VOTE ON CONCEALED WEAPONS APRIL 6 WILL DRAW NATIONAL ATTENTION,12 +3,Bayfront smoking ban built on hypocrisy,2 +13,Amendment to ban same-sex marriage blocked in Senate,12 +15,OUR OPINION,14 +13,HARRY COHEN WANTS GOV. RICK SCOTT TO CALL SPECIAL SES-SION ON STAND YOUR GROUND LAW,12 +5,MISSOURI ON VERGE OF GAY MARRIAGE AMENDMENT,4 +7,"Richardson was scheduled to be put to death at the Potosi Correctional Center for his role in the rapes and murders of sisters Robin Kerry, 19, and Julie Kerry, 20, at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge. The women were stripped, beaten and raped over the course of an hour before they were shoved off a pier of the bridge into the Mississippi River.",6 +7," Obama did indeed deport a record number of undocumented immigrants, totaling more than 5 million after his eight years in office.",6 +6, that would have required every state to spend at least half of their settlement on health and anti-smoking programs.,5 +5,The case involves a man convicted of killing a couple in their rented house in Clair Mel.,4 +13,State Blocks Atlanta Gun Liability Suit,12 +5,LEGAL FIGHT REOPENED FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,4 +7,"The Glock 23 is a version of the Glock 19 used in the Jan. 8 shooting rampage, which left six people dead and wounded 13 others.",6 +13,"With a Democratic Congress and President, that shouldn't be a heavy lift.",12 +5,"What Executive Action Does, and Does Not Do, for Background Checks",4 +13,Lawmakers opted for the status quo on the controversial social issues,12 +13,"But this year, amid the debate over same-sex marriage and the presidential election, he is throwing himself into the fray, creating a political organization, stumping for candidates, drawing a crowd of 20,000 to a rally against same-sex marriage and backing a drive to register conservative Christian voters.",12 +5," +The wedding march began shortly after Massachusetts' high court cleared the way for the nation's first legally sanctioned gay marriages, starting May 17. Lawmakers there are trying to institute a constitutional ban on gay marriage.",4 +13,"Assault weapons ban heads to floor +",12 +3,"Pastor Led Son's Gay Wedding, Revealing Fault Line in Church",2 +8,"Over the past week, border security has been the biggest sticking point in Senate discussions about immigration reform.",7 +5,Rosebell Munyua and her 2-year-old daughter arrived at San Francisco Airport in March 2001 seeking political asylum.,4 +5," The United States Supreme Court, with Justice William J. Brennan Jr. absent, today voted 8 to 0 to confirm a lower court's stay of the execution of Jack Potts.",4 +7," +The spokesman said the shift of the site of executions would not take place until 1998 or 1999.",6 +5,Cuban Boy's Rights,4 +5,"One of the Supreme Court's historic decisions on same-sex marriage marked not only a victory for gay rights advocates but a coda to a long and sometimes contentious debate in the Justice Department about how to handle the law that denies federal benefits to gay men and lesbians. +",4 +4,no matter what they look like or how limited their facility with English.,3 +13, Rubio said in a release,12 +15,RIMSHOT,14 +7,"Henry Lee Lucas, who has figured in a widespread investigation of hundreds of slayings throughout the country, was convicted today of capital murder in the slaying of a woman whose body was found in a highway culvert in Williamson County, Tex., in 1979.",6 +5,"But three justices and defense attorneys assailed the rule change, saying it could provide less time for adequate appeals and shouldn't be made because of a money bargain made with the Legislature.",4 +3,SLAIN COP WANTED DEATH FOR KILLER EX-PARTNER RECALLS THEIR FATEFUL TALKS,2 +5,Judge rules executions illegal,4 +1,"Minnesota Department of Revenue officials said they haven't analyzed the potential economic impact on the state of legalizing gay marriage. +",0 +4,"""I don't think this is the case for him to serve on given that relationship,"" Parsons said, addressing Wagstaffe in court. ""As innocuous as it might be, he obviously knows you and has a favorable opinion of you.""",3 +3,"This was a disgrace, and how some members frothed on the floor was disgusting",2 +5,"imply put: Justices have had enough +",4 +10,"Telemachus 'Tel' Orfanos, 27, survived mass shooting in Las Vegas but not one in his hometown Thousand Oaks",9 +7," +Murderers Executed in 2 States",6 +13,"Seen as political move + +""He's warming up for 2000,"" retorted assault weapons bill author Assemblyman Don Perata, D-Oakland, referring to speculation that Wilson is pushing conservative themes as he considers a bid for the presidency. +",12 +1, claims the spike in gun sales,0 +8," Amendment 22, which required background checks on private sales at gun shows, ",7 +7,How crime proposals stack up,6 +10,Smokers who try to quit,9 +12,"Like a lot of people, I decided I was wrong.",11 +13,"Gore, speaking at what amounted to a Democratic pep rally in the cavernous Caucus Room in the Cannon office building, urged Congress to move swiftly to tighten gun laws. ""It is time to act,"" he declared.",12 +7,Someday mainstream America will realize that trying to reduce crime by keeping victims defenseless is a failed strategy and that the gun control emperor has no clothes. ,6 +5,"According to the lawsuit, the summary wrongly implies that the measure is establishing a constitutional right, when one already exists. It also contends the summary fails to note that the measure would require strict legal scrutiny of any laws restricting gun rights, including those limiting the ability to carry concealed guns.",4 +5,Ruling expected today on gay marriage ballot,4 +10,"Same-sex marriage ruling gives couple a sense of relief +",9 +14, But this approach to the problem would harm this country's promising efforts to improve trade ties with Mexico.,13 +11," The book, the product of some 30 years of research that began in the Texas prison system, is a collection of powerful black-and-white photos of inmates on death row, along with the authors' extensive discussion about the history of the death penalty, and the making of their documentary film ""Death Row."" A DVD of the documentary is included with this volume, available from www.uncpress.unc.edu.Here are some other events and releases:- Gael J. Ross, a Durham clinical social worker and psychotherapist, recently won the 2011 Maxwell Medallion award from the Dog Writer's Association of America for her book, ""A 30 Day Guide to Healing from the Loss of Your Pet"" (spiral bound paperback, $12.95). Each day contains a blank page for a journal entry, and some advice from Ross.",10 +1,Thompson is a lobbyist for restaurant and bar owners in Maryland. He fights proposed smoking bans. Tracking his recent efforts helps explain how an area stretching from the District to just south of Baltimore could soon become a no-fly zone for smoking in bars and restaurants.,0 +3,I join with the U.S. Catholic bishops in supporting a consistent ethic of life. I believe that all life is sacred from the moment it begins until its natural death.,2 +1, how to pay both for prosecution and defense costs,0 +5,"In the wake of the court's ruling (in United States v. Windsor), there has been an unbroken string of cases in which federal courts struck down state bans on same-sex marriage. But it appears possible that the court in Cincinnati could break that streak, owing to the makeup of the panel of judges.",4 +7,"In the second case, Victor Torres-Campos, 46, of Mexico was charged with possession with intent to transfer or use five or more identification documents, as well as false use of a Social Security number.",6 +13,"Sen. Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock), the sponsor of the law --- Senate Bill 529 --- fired back at the Mexican government.",12 +13," Friday, the gun owners and manufacturers lobby called for stationing an armed guard in every school in the country.",12 +6, She and three other employees left Weyco last month because of the company's anti-smoking policy: Workers aren't allowed to light up on company property -- or anywhere else.,5 +5,"Individual death sentences will continue to be appealed, no matter how the Supreme Court acts on these cases. But if the Court decides against the defense - seemingly a predictable outcome, given the Court's current mood - future appellants will essentially be limited to arguing that a miscarriage of justice occurred for a particular reason in their particular case. The era of broad-based challenges to the death penalty, each one determining the fate of large groups of inmates, will for the most part be over.",4 +5,"James Lynch, the first assistant Camden County prosecutor, said jury selection was expected to begin Sept. 3. As with many death-penalty cases, that process could take four to six weeks.",4 +13,Colorado's highest elected official ,12 +12,"A survey asking whether Death Row executions should be broadcast on television was sent to 270 people last week to determine whether journalists, law enforcement officials and lawyers agree on the issue.",11 +7,Don't be a victim,6 +5,"J. David Miller, the district attorney for Lowndes County, worked the phones and the fax machines Wednesday, lobbying the parole board in an attempt to force Roach to serve the rest of his life sentence. Miller failed. +",4 +5,Tex. Court Grants Stay of Execution To Juvenile Killer,4 +13,"The defeat of the Dream Act in the lame-duck session slams the lid for this Congress on any meaningful repair of the immigration system, but that should not be the end of it for President Obama and his administration.",12 +15," A national briefing of people, issues and events around the country",14 +5,Fulton County prosecutors said Tuesday they would seek the death penalty for two men charged with last month's murders of two teenage cousins.,4 +6,A Better Immigration Plan,5 +13,He's Donnie 'Death Wish' - I'm packin',12 +13,"After Pushing Gay Marriage, Cuomo Is Thanked With Money",12 +3,The resolution under consideration would postpone specific decisions on ordination of homosexuals and blessing of same-sex couples for at least three years.,2 +11,LEARNING English class is just a few steps away for immigrants,10 +7, Maryland State Police Superintendent David B. Mitchell,6 +13,"The Immigrant-Bashing Tack; In Virginia, the GOP finds its whipping boy.",12 +13,"D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty must make a risky choice about the District's gun ban: defend it before the Supreme Court or write new, looser laws governing how city residents can keep guns in their homes.",12 +3,"Do we see Christ typically cracking down on one type of spiritual infraction while going soft on or ignoring another? Is this the type of behavior Jesus modeled for his followers? If some want a Christian theocracy, they should endorse one that Christ can get behind as well.",2 +6,Mass. mulls civil union compromise again,5 +5,Corzine Enters Dispute With United Parcel Service Over Who Is a Legal Spouse,4 +5,"Our view: A constitutional ban on gay unions would invite broad discrimination. +",4 +5," self-taught jailhouse lawyer, filing appeal after appeal staving off his execution and adamantly denying his guilt.",4 +7," +Boise is not exactly a hotbed of violence. Its violent crime rate last year was 383 per 100,000 people, below the national average of 469 but higher than Idaho's rate of 257 per 100,000, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report.",6 +6,"Inquirer editorial: After Orlando, no time to be timid on gun control",5 +8," In fact, they say, the government knew far more about bin Laden's intentions than did Moussaoui -- and also knew enough about Moussaoui to realize that he could pose a threat.",7 +5,Nichols faces trial in Okla.,4 +1,LOCAL SHOPS UNFAZED BY NEW GUN LAWS,0 +13,"But Senate Republicans were not alone in their angst. A couple of weeks before the Senate gun votes, the House fired off a series of conflicting messages on Kosovo, voting every which way about whether to stop, continue or expand the war.",12 +6,Montgomery Gun Plan Picks Wrong Target,5 +5,As cities and states prepare to battle the gun industry in the courts,4 +5,"Foes of same-sex marriage got a barrage of legal support this week in the U.S. Supreme Court. +",4 +13,CHICAGO MAYOR JOINS MIKE'S ANTI-GUN POSSE,12 +13,"Carter, Ford support Brady handgun bill",12 +5,Activists gird for Supreme Court's ruling on Ariz. immigration law,4 +13," +At a time Republicans are coming to grips with the revolutionary shift in Americans' attitude toward gay marriage, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie seemed muddled this weekend, perhaps trying to make a play for social conservatives - on the one issue that is a dead-bang loser with non-Republicans and increasingly with young Republicans.",12 +4,"Over the past few years, new DNA technology has freed dozens of wrongly convicted rapists and killers across the country.",3 +11,MLK's kin carries on his dream,10 +5,GOVERNOR SUES TO HALT MISSISSIPPI TOBACCO SUIT,4 +13,Commissioners could say yes,12 +13,"GORE GETS NOD FROM GAY GROUP, BACKS BENEFITS",12 +5,"In the Bergen County case, the court upheld the death-penalty conviction of John Martini, convicted of the murder of Irving Flax, whom Mr. Martini had kidnapped, in January 1989. Mr. Martini had sought to have the death penalty set aside on the legal point of proportionality, arguing that the death penalty was unfair in his case, compared with similar cases. There are two appeal routes in death-penalty cases, one involving facts and law, the other involving proportionality.",4 +11," From 2010 to 2014, prosecutors in Caddo Parish won more death sentences per capita than anywhere else in the country.",10 +9,"Health care advocates have backed the drive for such restrictions, noting studies show children typically spend about an hour a day in cars and can be exposed to dangerously high levels of secondhand smoke in a vehicle.",8 +11,Charters targeting niches in populace Colorado is seeing more schools being set up to work with specific groups such as immigrants or the homeless.,10 +5,"The Justice Department filed a sweeping civil lawsuit against the nation's largest tobacco companies yesterday, seeking to recover much of the $20 billion the federal government spends each year to treat smoking-related illnesses.",4 +5,Cigarette Maker Is Liable in Smoker's Death,4 +13,The shifting politics of immigration,12 +1,"Levis wades deeper into culture wars with gun control move, NRA fires back",0 +5,"""By refusing to consider the appeal, the Supreme Court has caused the Appeals Court's decision to become final and binding on West Virginia,"" Morrisey said in a statement. ""While we will take steps to seek to end the litigation, the conclusion of the lawsuit cannot and will not alone effectuate the Fourth Circuit's mandate.""",4 +5,"The District's rules, which basically made such licenses unavailable, were thus struck down; the D.C. Circuit's decision agreed with the 7th Circuit's and Illinois Supreme Court's decisions striking down Illinois' restrictions on concealed carry but disagreed with other decisions upholding New York, New Jersey and Maryland gun-carry restrictions (and possibly the decision upholding the California and Hawaii restrictions, though that decision was more complicated). Washington had the opportunity to ask the Supreme Court to hear the case, and I expect the court would have done so, but District officials, worried about a loss at the Court, decided to abide by the panel decision.",4 +13,The Icebergs Ahead For the Democrats,12 +5," ""Widespread failures"" within the Immigration and Naturalization Service led the agency to grant student visas to two Sept. 11 hijackers -- including alleged ringleader Mohamed Atta -- months after the terrorist attacks, an internal Justice Department review said Monday. +",4 +13, It does allow political posturing on the part of commissioners in urban counties. ,12 +13,Talks on Gun Control Bill Give Way to Bitter Partisanship,12 +5,"The Supreme Court on Friday cleared the way for same-sex marriages to commence in Florida, meaning such unions will soon be allowed in five of the nation's six most populous states.",4 +12,"Since then, a group of residents in favor of more gun control presented a petition with 1,000 signatures to the city council. +",11 +8,Concealed-weapon law won't diminish safety,7 +13,NRA's support helped put Sanders in Congress,12 +14,Mexican Citizen Executed in Va. Despite Pleas From Government,13 +13,"Rosendale began attacking Tester for his votes on Supreme Court picks months before Kavanaugh was nominated and became embroiled in sexual misconduct allegations. Rosendale said Tester put gun rights at risk with votes against Trumps previous nominee, Neil Gorsuch, and in favor of Barack Obamas nominees, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.",12 +5,"A lawyer for a group of flight attendants accused the nation's tobacco companies of ""fraud, lies and misrepresentation"" today in his opening statement in the first class-action lawsuit by nonsmokers claiming they were harmed by cigarette smoke.",4 +5,"The case involved Joaquin Jose Martinez, 29, who was found guilty in 1997 of killing a couple in their rented house in Clair Mel two years earlier.",4 +6," +Supporters of Immigration Bill Offer Amendment Focused on Women +",5 +5,"MAINE FELONS RETAIN RIGHT TO OWN GUNS, JUDGE RULES",4 +13,"Though doomed from the start, the amendment was part of a Republican plan to focus in June on conservative causes to rally the party's base as November congressional elections draw near.",12 +4," In addition to examining whether we convict the innocent and impose death in arbitrary, racially discriminatory ways",3 +11,"Bowlers to hear, 'Smoking or non?'",10 +7,Suspect Is Indicted In Capitol Slayings,6 +7,RWANDAN MAN WILL BE DEPORTED INQUIRY LINKED HIM TO 1994 GENOCIDE IN AFRICA,6 +9,NASAL SPRAY WILL EASE NICOTINE CRAVINGS< THE FDA HAS APPROVED ITS SALE BY PRESCRIPTION.< IT WILL PROVIDE FASTER RELIEF THAN PATCHES OR GUM.,8 +5,"Well-Regulated Militias, and More",4 +5,APPEALS COURT UPHOLDS ARIZONA BAN ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,4 +9,TAINTED CIGARETS RECALLED,8 +5,TO JUDGE A PLEA FOR ASYLUM FAIRLY AND SPEEDILY,4 +3,moral obligation,2 +11,Weapon permit requests rise,10 +7,"Editorial: Vandalism, coercion are counterproductive to fight for gay marriage",6 +13,"DEBATE RAGES OVER SAME-SEX MARRIAGES TENSION HIGH DURING JOINT HEARING OF SENATE, ASSEMBLY JUDICIARY PANELS",12 +5,The Justice Department urged a federal judge Monday to reconsider an earlier decision not to let the government sue the tobacco industry to recover billions spent treating sick smokers.,4 +13,Gun-play bill faces hurdles in committee,12 +5,THREATS AND RESPONSES: THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT; Ashcroft Seeks More Power To Pursue Terror Suspects,4 +13,"State Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long - who has previously said he won't support any Republican who voted to legalize gay marriage - told the Daily News he'll turn his back on Janis Castaldi ""because she supports gay marriage."" +",12 +5,"ast week, a juvenile court judge ruled that Malvo could be tried in adult court, making him eligible for the death penalty. Prosecutor Robert F. Horan Jr. had sought capital murder charges, but has not yet said whether he will ask for the death penalty. +",4 +1,"It saves the taxpayers the millions of dollars it will take to prosecute, defend and incarcerate the fool.",0 +6,Loophole in Gun Laws,5 +13,Assault-Gun Ban Faces New and Capable Nemesis,12 +12,"A Mass. couple speak of gay-marriage victory +",11 +9,"r. Chiles said he was told by the attending doctor that ""the burns were no different than you'd see at any execution and, in his opinion, he felt no pain."" +",8 +13,"""I can categorically state that I have never knowingly employed an illegal immigrant and never intentionally failed to make payment of the employer's contribution to Social Security for an employee,"" said the Governor, a Republican who won re-election last year on a platform that included a strong immigration-control plank and who is expected to formally announce his candidacy for President later this month.",12 +9,"Scientists agree that smoking cigarettes is a deadly habit, one that most smokers start when they are young.",8 +13,"The efforts underscore the perilous path ahead for a comprehensive immigration deal, which is one of Obama's top agenda items for his second term but faces mounting criticism from those on both the left and right.",12 +3,The two rabbis' contrasting viewpoints are reflective of the wide disagreement within Conservative Judaism on an issue that continues to roil many of its synagogues even after passage of laws in New York and five other states that legalize same-sex marriage.,2 +5,Closing arguments today in Kate Steinle shooting trial,4 +9,RAISING A STINK ABOUT DANGERS OF CIGAR SMOKE,8 +1,outdoor restaurants.,0 +7,Task force is formed to shoot down illegal gun flow,6 +5,Both the United States District Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit agreed with the children's attorneys that the Texas law violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. That clause forbids a state to ''deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.'',4 +15,A Showdown May Loom On Tabacco,14 +11,children,10 +7,"Several men believed to be immigrant smugglers were arrested during Wednesday's roundup. No charges were filed Thursday, officials said.",6 +13,He is not the only one expressing concerns about the shutdown - though others are not as quick to blame liberals.,12 +13,"The Pennsylvania postponement comes as Glendale, Calif., lawmakers consider passing an ordinance banning guns and gun shows on city property.",12 +12,OPPOSITION TO THIS TAX IS GOING UP IN SMOKE,11 +6,STUDY: FOREIGN WORKERS KEEP U.S. COMPETITIVE; IMMIGRATION POLICY CENTER DEFENDS INFLUX OF H1-B HIRING,5 +3,You could be married by a cleric of any religion practiced in America,2 +11,Neil Young confirms marriage to Daryl Hannah in a get-out-the-vote message,10 +14,The Uzi model was among those temporarily banned from import last month.,13 +13,City Council members on Tuesday gave final approva,12 +4,Marriage Equality,3 +4, That's probably not the best way to secure equality for a minority group.,3 +14,His execution also sparked outrage in Europe.,13 +11,"Like any wedding, there were proud moms aiming cameras, Kleenex wordlessly passed and two people standing before family and friends, their eyes so deeply locked that it felt they might never look away.",10 +5, have a constitutional right to marry,4 +7,Immigrant smugglers get prison in van crash,6 +5,TOBACCO COMPANIES MOVE TO PROTECT DOCUMENTS IN MINNESOTA LAWSUIT,4 +5,Appeals Court Voids Ruling In Favor of Gay Marriage,4 +13,"Cue the budget-conscious Republicans on Capitol Hill, who authorized the spending of up to $2.75 million in public funds to hire lawyers to defend DOMA on their behalf. Apparently, that was not a big enough check, so on Jan. 4, the House Republicans raised the fee ceiling to $3 million. +",12 +9,is insane.,8 +13,"Gov. Matt Blunt expects to sign the measure into law but won't do so until after the legislative session ends next week, a spokesman said",12 +7,"Feds clean up janitorial service More than 200 illegal immigrants, including 4 locally, are detained.",6 +5,"In July, the jury found that the nation's five largest cigarette makers had produced a defective and deadly product. The same jury will determine damages in the second phase of the trial, beginning Nov. 1. + +Last month, the appeals court agreed with the industry that damages should be decided one smoker at a time. Investors rejoiced, figuring the tobacco industry could more easily defend itself against lots of small awards than against one big multibillion-dollar verdict. +",4 +7,No problems or arrests were reported.,6 +15,Open-Handed Justice,14 +5,STATE SUPREME COURT AFFIRMS DEATH SENTENCE THE JUSTICES UPHELD THE 1998 PUNISHMENT OF A WOODBRIDGE MAN WHO WAS CONVICTED OF KILLING A 64-YEAR-OLD WOMAN.,4 +6,government limits on commercial speech,5 +13,"The speech, to be followed by a second one on the controversial topic Monday, marked the latest effort by Obama to sway public opinion in hopes of influencing lawmakers, as the Senate plans to consider a package of gun-control proposals next week. +",12 +12,"This is a potent charge, since a 1985 California Poll found 83 percent of respondents in favor of the death penalty, with only 15 percent opposed. Mervin Field, the poll-taker, said this was the ''all-time high for the modern era'' in support of capital punishment.",11 +8,d lax border enforcement.,7 +6,Massachusetts' proposed ad bans near schools and playgrounds,5 +10,FILIPINOS FRETTING OVER PROPOSED IMMIGRATION REFORM; SWEEPING LEGISLATION WOULD AFFECT GROUP MORE SERIOUSLY THAN OTHERS,9 +13,"As often as possible she matches wits and debating points with members of the National Rifle Association, one of Washington's most potent and feared lobbies.",12 +13,GUNS: THE BIG DEBATE,12 +13,Anti-gay marriage amendment dies in Senate,12 +5," including more than 214,000 Virginians licensed to carry concealed weapons",4 +5,"Coming up: Several lawsuits from cigarette makers and advertisers, and possibly from the state of North Carolina.",4 +7,"But in a case like this, if Fred Tokars really is kept locked up until his death,",6 +8,"Since Sept. 11, in the name of security,",7 +8,'TAKE THE GUNS',7 +15,Provincetown's Days in Sun Are Coming Early This Year,14 +5,"Justices Stay Executions of 3 in Oklahoma, Pending Decision on Lethal Drug Protocol",4 +9,"In the animated video, children who come upon a gun are told: ""Don't touch. Leave the area. Tell an adult.""",8 +1, that allows buyers at gun shows,0 +13,"THE WASHINGTON OFFICE of Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.) is usually open on weekdays, but the staffer who answered the phone there Friday afternoon said nobody was being allowed in or out.",12 +1,The companies said,0 +9,SMOKING is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States today,8 +3,The Right to Life,2 +7,"The commission, created to oversee the NYPD's anti-corruption efforts, advocated giving the NYPD wide leeway in adopting any new policy on drinking and carrying a gun.",6 +5,Feinstein advocates a national identity card that all Americans would be required to have and that all employers would be required to see to prevent hiring illegal aliens.,4 +6,Letter: A dangerous gun bill,5 +3,"An openly gay Episcopal bishop whose consecration was criticized by an Anglican church panel said Wednesday that he is ""deeply sorry"" for the disarray his election has caused and will adopt a personal moratorium on blessing same-sex unions. +",2 +13,Bx. pol prods Bam on guns,12 +5,Some key quotes and exchanges from Tuesday's U.S. Supreme Court arguments in the Proposition 8 case:,4 +5,PLEA LETS KILLER AVOID THE DEATH PENALTY,4 +11," a case brilliantly elaborated by Walter Berns in his book, ''On Capital Punishment.'",10 +13,SAN JOSE COUNCIL WILL CONSIDER SAME-SEX MARRIAGE RIGHTS,12 +5,"Supreme Court's focus shifts to civil, gay rights +",4 +12,Mothers Set for a Day of Marches to Pressure Congress on Gun Control Agenda,11 +1,"Nonetheless, the tobacco arm of the conglomerate has been strengthening relative to competitors, with weapons that range from intense advertising to lobbying in Washington to a sales assault on virgin territory abroad.",0 +5,Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch on Tuesday began his appeal of a Ramsey County judge's decision that declared the state's handgun permit law unconstitutional.,4 +13,"FEINSTEIN VOWS TO PROTECT GUN BAN SHE DEFIED BOB DOLE, PLEDGING TO FILIBUSTER IF HE TRIED TO DISMANTLE THE ASSAULT-WEAPONS LAW",12 +13,White House keeps eye on gun control Ex-Rep. Giffords also launches effort.,12 +5,"Steven Wagstaffe, San Mateo County's assistant district attorney, said his office hopes to quickly seek a judge's order for an execution date that could take place in late November or early December. Wagstaffe added that the governor's office already has been preparing for Beardslee's possible clemency case.",4 +13,"Nebraska Bans Death Penalty, Defying a Veto",12 +12,HUNDREDS RALLY AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE BAN,11 +7," +Rhetoric masks facts on crime rates",6 +1," +Production for domestic and overseas handgun sales declined 52 percent between 1993 and 1999, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.",0 +7,"In the meantime, Tsarnaev will probably be sent to death row at the federal prison in Terre Haute, Ind., where Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh was put to death in 2001",6 +8,"The reality is that 71 campuses in three states already allow licensed concealed carry on campus,",7 +5,"The right to bear arms, but . . ",4 +15,GAY WEDDINGS COULD BE BOON,14 +4, Advocates for equality must continue to push for the universal embrace of our cause.,3 +12,"According to polling data released on Thursday by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, public attitudes about gun control have shifted only modestly since the Newtown shootings. ""Currently, 49 percent say it is more important to control gun ownership, while 42 percent say it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns,"" the center said. Five months ago, opinion was almost evenly divided on these questions; four years ago, a majority said they favored stricter gun control.",11 +5,"those not participating in the talks and those that may appear in the future -- to abide by the settlement, Easley said.",4 +5,Peterson to be tried in his wife's murder,4 +7,POLICE BLOTTER,6 +1,"Among the new taxes imposed on the guns are a $1,000 annual tax on manufacturers, a $500 annual license tax on dealers and a $200 transfer tax on future sales. The Treasury Department estimates that 18,000 of the weapons exist in the United States.",0 +13,ut he has said repeatedly ,12 +1,TOBACCO DEAL GIVES ILLINOIS $ 9.1 BILLION,0 +5,"In the ornate, sun-dappled old courtroom where the legal phase of the Susan Smith drama has begun, there seems to be little question about guilt or innocence.",4 +10,"A 19-year-old Belle Glade man, a first-year student at Palm Beach State College with no arrest record",9 +4," +I was outraged to read of Gov. Bob Holden's discrimination against the gay community. Holden defended his signing into law a ban on same-sex marriages by claiming his veto would have been overridden anyway -- he was just saving Missouri lots of legislative time and money. What a cop out!",3 +12,"More than 70 St. Louisans share their stories, views in 'Guns in America' issue of Time",11 +14, in other states.,13 +13,"Ruben Navarrette: California's powerful victory on Proposition 8 +",12 +1,". And in the new tax law, tobacco advocates amended the tobacco settlement with a provision that could save cigarette makers more than $50 billion.",0 +13," +Bloomberg Weighs 2020 Run Cast as a Discordant Democrat",12 +13,Liberal groups in Wisconsin are bracing for a fight over contraception coverage under Medicaid. Battle lines are being drawn over sex education in North Carolina. And conservatives in several states intend to try to limit the ability of private insurers to cover abortions.,12 +12,NRA spins its lies like a gunslinger twirls his pistol,11 +5,"""There is a specific standard that says you have to be aware that you are being executed and understand why,"" said Michael Wiseman, a lawyer with the Philadelphia Federal Defenders Project. ""It's fluid; competency can change.""",4 +11,International Atlanta: Immigrants add own cultures to Christmas,10 +13,Republicans spar over immigration overhaul; White House hopefuls firm on support for war,12 +6,"The new ordinance also requires landlords of multiunit rental homes to disclose smoking areas and smoking complaint policies to prospective tenants. In addition, it declares secondhand smoke a nuisance and allows a tenant or property owner to bring a civil nuisance action without having to prove damages.",5 +8,background checks,7 +9,"After weeks of waiting in ICE detention, asylum seeker with brain tumor released on bond",8 +2,U.S. limits on imports linked to wave of immigrants from poorer countries,1 +15,SAME-SEX COUPLES SWAMP FRISCO CITY HALL,14 +5,TWO ON REVIEW BOARD ARE REASSIGNED FROM DEATH-PENALTY HEARINGS,4 +4,"TOWARD GREATER EQUALITY +",3 +9,DOCTORS ARE MISSING THE OBVIOUS,8 +12,"Florida, angry and grieving, takes gun protest to streets",11 +1," customers at gun stores, gun shows and other retail sales.",0 +5,Supreme Court urged to finalize gay-marriage ruling,4 +4,"The defense argues that Muhammad's five-month speedy trial clock began ticking as soon as Fairfax sent a ""detainer"" notice to Prince William. ",3 +11,NO MORE SHOTS Carmelo calls for gun control,10 +5,"""By virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the state of California, I now declare you spouses for life,"" state Attorney General Kamala Harris told the beaming Kris Perry, 48, and Sandy Stier, 50, as hundreds of onlookers cheered. +",4 +14,ATF: Many weapons traced to other states,13 +5,"A Jefferson County jury Thursday found a former Illinois death row inmate guilty of killing Klug, an Arnold gas station attendant, on a three-state killing spree in 1995.",4 +13,Mercury News editorial: California's gun control opportunity,12 +4,"An Issue of Gay Rights, but Not a Simple One",3 +1,"Unlike most other consumer product companies, tobacco makers rarely have been seriously harmed by image issues. Who actually reads those surgeon general's warning labels on cigarette packs? +",0 +5,"Justices reject wider challenge to lethal injection +",4 +10,"""Not one dollar of that $822 million has been spent to keep young people in Missouri from smoking,"" he said.",9 +6,Pleasant Hill to consider downtown smoking ban,5 +1,State considering tobacco settlement of up to $ 3 billion,0 +13,"Kim made headlines early in her tenure as supervisor, which began in 2011, for standing during the pledge but refusing to say the words. +",12 +12,"In an AJC poll two years ago, Georgia voters were asked a question:",11 +15,Lots of questions,14 +5,"Cigarette warnings ignored, defense says",4 +9,Dead: 23 Texans and 1 Anti-Gun Measure,8 +10,Commuter Train Gunman Haunts the Thoughts of Many,9 +9,Mental health funding,8 +5,"More than 10,000 gay and lesbian couples were issued marriage licenses in New York State in the year since same-sex marriage was legalized",4 +5,"If they decide to wed, and Walker's ruling on Proposition 8 eventually is overturned on appeal, the marriages could be invalidated.",4 +11,Fans support NASCAR's longtime relationship with NRA,10 +7,A SENSELESS DEPORTATION,6 +5,No True Bill Found In Gun Law Arrest,4 +7,"Duane E. Buck barged into his girlfriend's Texas home after she broke up with him and killed her and a friend. Later that morning in July 1995, he fired a rifle at his stepsister, who survived because the bullet just missed her heart.",6 +9,There is no way to tell whether someone will do harm to themselves or others with a gun.,8 +12,"The demonstration, attended by about 2,000 people, was much smaller than the original one, which took place on Mother's Day four years ago.",11 +6, to enact responsible gun control laws.,5 +12,N.C. voters OK ban on gay marriage,11 +5, New Yorkers expect to have legal standing on matters such as inheritance and taxes.,4 +4,"""You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships.""",3 +13,JOLLY SUPPORTS JUDGE'S RULING,12 +13,National Rifle Association lobbyists pushed hard for the bill's passage.,12 +7,"John F. Wood, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Missouri, said the indictments and arrests showed that no one was above the law when it comes to hiring illegal workers.",6 +11,"About 44 percent of District teenagers have tried at least one cigarette, D.C. Health Department officials said, and 3.8 percent of junior high and senior high school students surveyed for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention described themselves as frequent smokers.",10 +7, he should be sent to prison for life and not condemned to death.,6 +13,Texas pols: Show guns,12 +5,Florida's ban on adoption by same-sex couples stood for 33 years before the 3rd District Court of Appeal overturned it as unconstitutional four years ago.,4 +4, he received poor representation.,3 +8,LONGER WAIT FOR GUN BUYSBACKED,7 +13,"It's important to recall this bill was born after Harrisburg's bright bulbs shot down assault-weapon bans in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. State Sen. Vincent Fumo, an NRA member, was put in charge of the task of drafting comprehensive gun legislation. And we were mighty skeptical of that, we admit.",12 +13,BILL BUTTS IN - FOR KIDS' SAKE,12 +11,"RESEARCH LINKS TEEN SMOKING, AD DEBUT CDC SAYS JOE CAMEL IS PARTLY TO BLAME FOR 1988-96 INCREASE",10 +12,"In the chilly back room of the Piccadilly Cafeteria off Military Trail, the board members of the local chapter of the National Rifle Association have gathered for their last board meeting before Tuesday's election. + +Foremost on their minds is the constitutional revision that would grant counties power over gun sales at gun shows.",11 +6,District weighs policy for immigrant students,5 +15,AN EXPLOSIVE MISTAKE,14 +13,"McCarty asked the House Government Operations Committee to defeat the bill but, failing that, to at least remove the provision creating a third-degree felony. ''Obviously if the legislature passes it, we'll stop with the lawsuit,'' he assured committee members.",12 +13,Clock Ticks On Extension Of Gun Ban,12 +5,"An attorney for two gun dealers who have run shows at the county's Expo Center said they will file suit after the ordinance takes effect in mid-January. But this suit would focus primarily on the First Amendment, not the Second.",4 +9,Lesbian loses sick-pay appeal Court: Woman who cared for ill partner not shown bias,8 +9,This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety.,8 +10,"Partners can also register at schools to get the same rights as husbands and wives regarding a dependent child. Partners of city workers become eligible for fringe benefits, like family health insurance.",9 +1, but no more so than forcing casino workers,0 +11,Camden Murder Toll Reaches a Record 49,10 +5,"""I am very reluctant to send (the case) back to the trial court so we can have a nationwide cessation of all executions,"" Justice Antonin Scalia said, ""while the trial court finishes its work and then it goes to another appeal ... and ultimately, well, it could take years.""",4 +5,Thomas stands tall on gun issue,4 +7,Arizona: Conviction In Murder,6 +11,"This is hardly the Marlboro Man, getting on his horse and checking the battery.""",10 +5," +IMMIGRATION; Asylum not easy in Atlanta court",4 +13," +GUN LAW FOES WORK FOR REPEAL LONG ODDS DON'T DETER SOME CONCEAL-CARRY OPPONENTS",12 +6,Prop 8,5 +5,waiting for the Florida Supreme Court to review his case as ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court.,4 +8,"Conversely, if there had been even one or two trained, armed citizens at the Navy Yard, Fort Hood, Sandy Hook Elementary School or the Colorado theater, how might those massacres have ended differently?",7 +1,employee,0 +4,equal protection under the state constitution.,3 +5,Illegal immigrants who hope to stay in the United States if they are eligible to apply for a green card gained a temporary reprieve Wednesday.,4 +3,"Bishop Martin McLee, who oversees 500 churches in New York and Connecticut, on Monday also announced a moratorium on church trials, opening the door for pastors to officiate at gay weddings without fear of reprisal.",2 +10,"To combat the trend, the CDC recommends schools adopt smoking-prevention programs that run from elementary school through high school, with intensive instruction for pupils in grades six, seven and eight.",9 +13,Nevada Thwarts Voters on Gun Safety,12 +13," It could be a tough sell, because Sens. John C. Danforth and Christopher S. Bond, both Republicans, have voted against the measure.",12 +13,"On Thursday, the four Democrats in the eight-person group - Representatives Xavier Becerra of California, Luis V. Gutierrez of Illinois, Zoe Lofgren of California and John Yarmuth of Kentucky - briefed Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader. The Republicans of the group - Representatives John Carter and Sam Johnson, both of Texas, Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida and Raúl R. Labrador of Idaho - are likely to meet with Speaker John A. Boehner on Friday.",12 +7,The head of the state's environmental police was suspended yesterday amid charges he turned his agency into a weapons supermarket that improperly allowed resale of hundreds of high-power handguns.,6 +9, saying there is little doubt that the man is mentally retarded and unfit for execution.,8 +5,Use of Work Visas by Technology Companies Is Under Fire,4 +9,I can't say I don't care about the health of tobacco consumers.,8 +13,"In the end, the Legislature's attempt to stop the effort failed by one vote, and Phoenix was able to move forward, he said. +",12 +5,"But the question before the Rhode Island Supreme Court is whether a state that doesn't allow same-sex unions can nevertheless grant same-sex divorce. Or does providing a stamp of approval on the dissolution of a union imply acceptance of the initial union? +",4 +5,"McLaughlin's defense attorneys, Robert Steele and David Kenyon, deferred their opening statements Monday until they present their case later this week. They declined to comment on their plans for McLaughlin's defense. +",4 +5,Mexican soldier gains citizenship; Rites are 1st outside U.S.,4 +13,"IMMIGRATION, CRIME KEYS TO BROWN'S DEFEAT",12 +1,The Olin Foundation was established in 1953 by John Merill Olin when he was head of the Olin Corporation. The connection between the foundation and the corporation continues to this day.,0 +13,Obama weighingauthority on guns,12 +5,ILLEGALS GET 3-WK. BREAK,4 +12,"Angrily quit NRA over + +attacks on fed agents",11 +11,"Newspapers recorded the verdict, and then forgot all about it.",10 +5,"Boudreau, who also wants to be removed from the case, refused to talk, saying Bar rules prohibit him from discussing Amos' allegations against him.",4 +14,S. Korea keeps guns on,13 +14,"""We've made more progress in four months than has been made in a number of years,"" she said, ""and we need to work together to continue that kind of progress, keeping in mind the legitimate aspirations and the human rights of the people of Cuba.""",13 +11,Miss Manners: He should say 'I do' to straight wedding invitations,10 +1,Philip Morris's support is also why other major tobacco companies,0 +5,"Patrick DeAlmeida, a deputy state attorney general, argued yesterday that legalizing same-sex marriages is a question for the legislature to resolve. Two measures on the issue have been introduced in the legislature this ye",4 +13,Obama's evolution,12 +5,``Law Line 9'' advice migrates to murky legal territory,4 +6,"In a city with one of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, perhaps no one understands the controversial statute in more detail than D.C. police Lt. Jon Shelton. As the officer in charge of firearms registration, he is the answer man.",5 +9,More diseases linked to smoking,8 +5,Foster mother's murder trial begins,4 +7,"Johns allegedly split the money with two 19-year-old accomplices - a woman who drove the getaway car, and Robert Shawn Wishon, who went into the station with Johns.",6 +6,"JUST WHAT WE NEED, MORE GUNS",5 +9,"ondemned Man's Mask Bursts Into Flame During Execution +",8 +4,"""Florida's laws protect people from discrimination because of their race, age, handicap or national origin qualities that cannot be changed,"" Chiles said.",3 +5, now have granted concealed-handgun permits automatically to citizens,4 +13,"Asked whether she thought the message that gun violence was killing and wounding young people in Philadelphia would resonate with lawmakers, Perry said, ""I believe so. I really do.""",12 +13,Mr. Rubio drew laughter for jokes about Mr. Obama's golf game and his State of the Union water bottle moment.,12 +12,Activists force 2nd vote on gay marriage,11 +13,Internal Affairs: Which valley legislators didn't sign on to a brief backing gay marriage?,12 +13,"Others appearing at the news conference included Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) -- who said repeal would increase a D.C. homicide rate that is at a 20-year low -- School Superintendent Clifford B. Janey and relatives of shooting victims. The anti-gun activists announced the formation of the National Coalition for D.C. Democracy and Safety to lobby against the Senate bill and a similar House measure, which were introduced last month.",12 +5,The juror who held out against the death sentence was not identified.,4 +11,"Texas has executed more people this year than any other state, and its 91 executions since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 also leads the nation.",10 +6,Illinois might ban flavored cigarettes,5 +5,"Ariel Castro, 52, kept his eyes lowered and his chin tucked inside his collar as dozens of cameras flashed during a brief hearing in Cleveland Municipal Court. ",4 +6," +SMOKING BAN IS GAINING MOMENTUM",5 +7,Man Is Put to Death For Double Slaying During Crime Spree,6 +4,"He has denied that the death penalty is racist or arbitrary, even though Caddo Parish, like most places in the country, applies it disproportionately in cases involving black defendants.",3 +13,"Do more, Mr. President",12 +5,Justices Open Door For Injection Case,4 +5,Gun Advocates Sue Fairfax County Over Regulation,4 +1,Fee hike for 'gun control' just another tax,0 +1,We increase the tax on the pack,0 +7,Stop the Raids,6 +13,HOUSE PASSES BAR TO U.S. SANCTION OF GAY MARRIAGE,12 +15,Rosie a Hypocrite?,14 +12,"His march will start at noon at 149th St. and Third Ave. and wind up at the County Building on 161st St. and the Concourse - six blocks below where the Puerto Rican Day parade ends. +",11 +6,"Nevertheless, the bill raises the minimum age to buy rifles to 21 from 18, extends a three-day waiting period for hand-gun purchases to include long guns and bans bump stocks, which allow guns to mimic fully automatic fire. It also cre-ates a so-called guardian program enabling some teachers and other school employees to carry guns.",5 +13, State Senator Guy J. Valella,12 +13,Minnesota NOW criticizes pro-gay-marriage PAC's move,12 +11,"I know that, and my husband, former astronaut and combat veteran Capt. Mark Kelly, knows that. We own guns, we use them and we treat them with great care",10 +9,Mental illness defense readied,8 +6,The accord followed discussions between U.S. and Jamaican officials after President Bill Clinton pledged May 8 to abandon his policy of automatic forced repatriation of all Haitian boat people.,5 +13,"As New Jersey moves closer to putting into effect the new health care law passed by Congress in 2010, the law receives a split verdict from New Jersey voters, with half saying they support it, and half saying they oppose it. +",12 +5,Tobacco company hit with historic verdict,4 +12,Metro Briefing New Jersey: Freehold: Day Laborers Hold Rally,11 +13," How else to understand why they would seek to undercut the Obama administration's policy, announced last fall and in effect since July 1, known as the Priority Enforcement Program? +",12 +12,"About 50 protesters at the federal building in Oakland met before sunrise Monday, voicing their outrage",11 +12,"his supporters continued mounting a communications blitz trying to save a man they are convinced is innocent. +",11 +5,High Court's Review Sought in Gun Case Ruling Could Affect Bans Across the Nation,4 +13,"President Obama and Senator Jon Kyl on Monday waged a ''he said, he said'' war of words, disputing what the president said about enforcing the nation's borders in a private meeting with Mr. Kyl, an Arizona Republican. But in usual Washington fashion, only their spokesmen did the talking.",12 +7,executing a man convicted of killing two pizza deliverymen.,6 +13,CRIST WON'T VETO CIGARETTE TAX,12 +13,Some question how serious president is about his own proposals,12 +7,let sheriffs focus on their jobs ,6 +7,"A local peach harvester was fined $1.1 million today by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the largest fine in the agency's history, in an action that showed both how tough and how porous the nation's landmark 1986 immigration reform law can be.",6 +13,The overwhelming votes sent the two bills to the Senate and cleared the way for House action next week on the sixth and final chapter of the GOP revisio,12 +4,"Parsons dismissed one prospective juror, whose daughter went through elementary school with Wagstaffe's son, almost immediately because she was ineligible to serve due to her views on the death penalty, Wagstaffe said. A second county resident was sent packing after he told the court his family had held San Francisco 49ers season tickets next to Wagstaffe's kin for years.",3 +13,DNC AD ACCUSES MITT ROMNEY OF FLIP-FLOPPING ON ASSAULT-WEAPONS BAN,12 +5," ""Normally we only hear petitions for clemency from death row inmates when their executions are imminent.""",4 +13,"It's not yet an official political action committee, but later this month SAFE Colorado will take political action in Washington, D.C.",12 +3,TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY ASHCROFT LED THE FIGHT FOR SINNERS,2 +4,Racial Injustice in North Carolina,3 +13,The U.S. Senate first passed the measure with lightning speed last June,12 +6,"A proposed New York City ordinance would create one of the broadest domestic partner policies in the United States by treating unmarried couples the same as those who are married, supporters of the bill said Tuesday.",5 +4,SUPREME COURT MULLS EXECUTION-OF-INNOCENT CASE,3 +4,"""If David had been a woman, they would have brought him in right away,"" Compton said. ""It is those types of things that married people should realize are important to us, too."" +",3 +11,"Since July 1, 2000, more than 5,000 civil unions have been performed in Vermont -- about 4,000 involving out-of-state couples.",10 +5,"The jury's verdict, holding 15 of the 25 firearms makers named in the suit negligent, caught people on both sides by surprise, given the gun industry's undefeated record until now and the long history of litigation against the tobacco companies.",4 +13,The Greenwich Township Council last night voted 5-0 ,12 +5,Two of the most outspoken members of the Prisoner Review Board have been reassigned as Illinois' death-penalty clemency hearings enter their second week.,4 +9,"But watching her uncle die from lung cancer years later took away all her fascination for smoking. Now, it is just an unpleasant and unhealthy addiction for Simmons that she would like to quit.",8 +5,A judge denied a motion by defense attorneys that would have prevented St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney Tim Braun from giving closing arguments in a death penalty case.,4 +10,"A little pain, a lot of gain for ex-smoker",9 +2,Endangered Species of Rural Landscapes,1 +12,METRO CITIES PREFER REGIONAL TACK,11 +1,"COSTS HIT $217,000 IN SJODIN CASE",0 +5,Professor sues over 'Old Joe' ad files,4 +5,"The case could reverberate across the country because it cites the Second Amendment to the Constitution, pitting the federal government's right to regulate firearms against the rights of states",4 +5,Alameda County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Horner will decide in September whether he agrees with the recommendation or a life sentence without the possibility of parole is more appropriate.,4 +5,"Federal benefits at stake in Supreme Court same-sex marriage cases +",4 +13,Loaded legislation,12 +5,"They hoped to find information in those documents that would gain Felker a new trial. In their ruling Tuesday, the Supreme Court justices found that the documents were made available in a timely manner and refused Felker's bid for more time to review them.",4 +5, but a state court struck down the extension.,4 +13,for legislators,12 +8,"Alleged Russian agent poised to enter guilty plea, court documents show",7 +13,Lawmaker will propose measure to reinstate act,12 +6,Proposition 29 will save young lives,5 +13,"If the bill is vetoed by Nebraska's Republican governor, Pete Ricketts, a vote to override his veto could come as soon as Tuesday. Thirty votes are required to override.",12 +5,have mired many states in court challenges.,4 +9,CHILD SAFETY THE ISSUE,8 +11,. There are an estimated 230-million guns in the United States.,10 +8,A GAPING loophole in the laws governing gun sales in this country has been exploited by terrorists in search of quick-and-easy weapons purchases,7 +5,"Judge tells New Paltz mayor to halt same-sex marriages; In San Francisco, lawyers defended such weddings. In Oregon, a suit aimed to stop a county's marriages.",4 +13,"Senate panel plans hearing on 'Stand Your Ground' laws +",12 +1,"The ad appeared in more than 20 newspapers around the country, including The Washington Post, as well as in a dramatic two-page spread in the current issue of Newsweek. It's the latest in a series of edgy, in-your-face anti-tobacco ads created by the American Legacy Foundation, a Washington-based organization that is funded, ironically, by the tobacco industry.",0 +9,The attack left one student dead and another critically wounded.,8 +10,"It is also a nod to the principle that should be at the center of every adoption proceeding: the welfare of the child. Whatever one thinks of homosexuality, it is hard to argue that a baby addicted at birth to cocaine and exposed to the AIDS virus -- as was the child at issue in the New Jersey case -- is not better off in the permanent care of a loving gay couple with the means to support him than remaining in foster care",9 +7,Police: Caution key in using air gun law,6 +5,"St. Louis prosecutor says conflict caused handoff of 3 death penalty cases to attorney general +",4 +12,Life or death row Letter writers disagree on whether condemned inmate Alexander Williams should be put to death.,11 +5,"Justice Ginsburg: ""no urgency"" yet on same-sex marriage;",4 +1,that Philip Morris can live with.,0 +1,High-Tech Firms Oppose Major Immigration Cuts; Entry for Skilled Technicians Is Defended,0 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court ruled previously that poor defendants whose mental health might explain their criminal actions have a right to expert evaluation. Monday's argument was about whether that expert should be on the defendant's side, not just neutral.",4 +5,since the Supreme Court's 1976 decision.,4 +13,GUN CONTROL ADVOCATES TURN EFFORTS FROM NATIONAL TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT,12 +13," +In Gun Debate, Gun Definitions Matter",12 +5,"No action would mean that same-sex marriages in California would likely resume, because an appeals court has already struck down the ban. The court could also find that since California officials have declined to defend Prop 8, the case is not properly before the Supreme Court. That would also leave the appeals court decision in effect. +",4 +10,"Jane McEntee said she will never again hear her protective brother's ""big booming laugh or his big footsteps walking through the door. ... I will never again see the proud look on his face when his sons score a goal or make a basket or hit a home run.""",9 +11,"Citing a 17 percent decline in homicides since last year,",10 +1, someone else would pick up the tab on a lavish wedding.,0 +5,California court hears case pitting club vs lesbian member,4 +5,"A Fulton County Superior Court judge on Tuesday struck down the state's gay marriage ban, a constitutional amendment overwhelmingly approved by Georgia voters in 2004.",4 +13, city leaders agreed Monday to hold a workshop to review home gun sales.,12 +12," stop offering same-sex benefits. +",11 +13,"With Democratic supermajorities in both houses of the State Legislature and a Democratic governor, the package is expected to pass.",12 +1,County Weighs Uses of Tobacco Settlement Proceeds,0 +4, just outright discrimination,3 +5,"Many laws appear to apply to any person, but in reality do not apply to children, including the right to enter binding contracts and the right to make health care decisions. In the few cases in which a court might consider children's opinions, they are asked about their own experiences, such as whether they were abused. Even then, the testimony of younger children is looked upon with suspicion. +",4 +7,"For police officers, it may mark the end of a case.",6 +11,"Next week, the movie about the nation's first openly gay male elected official will open in 18 markets, including Denver. In addition to Penn and Brolin, ""Milk"" also showcases Diego Luna as boyfriend Jack Lira and Alison Pill as Anne Kronenberg, who managed Milk's winning campaign in 1977. Emile Hirsch plays Cleve Jones, Milk's friend and an early gay- rights activist. + +""Milk"" is being hailed as a masterpiece. It is. Awards prognosticators forecast Penn's performance will earn the actor another Oscar nod. It will. +",10 +6,"Wake up, America: It's time to demand stronger gun laws",5 +7," +Columbine High School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were both too young to buy firearms from licensed dealers before the April 1999 massacre.",6 +5,"In all of the cases, the justices will decide whether to review lower court decisions declaring gay marriage restrictions unconstitutional.",4 +9,Jacob L. Wood smoked three packs a day till he keeled over from lung cancer. Was his painful death at 51 simply the result of choices he freely made?,8 +5,"The United States Supreme Court refused Wednesday night on a vote of 6 to 2 to stay the execution. +",4 +10,SMOKERS AS MATES: LOTS OF FIERY TALK,9 +10,"""That's not something you really understand as a child. So for me, there was a sense of abandonment. But also, it felt normal. A lot of kids around me were in the same situation,"" she said.",9 +5,High Court Upholds Life Sentence in Drug Case,4 +5,Tales of tragedy open penalty phase,4 +13,The figure concerned but did not surprise opponents of the death penalty.,12 +5,"While further shifting the balance of power from the federal government to the states, the justices appeared to leave in place a required five-day waiting period before someone can buy a handgun. Nothing in the court's decision blocks local departments from doing the checks voluntarily, which the Clinton administration urged them to do. The ruling also does nothing to dismantle California's laws.",4 +10,"Married just over a year ago, the couple, Chinese immigrants who live in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, had planned their life down to the last detail. Their marital bed is big enough to accommodate the children they hoped to have (""so no one rolls off the bed,"" Ms. Mei says). They had talked about having a girl next year, the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, so that she would be soft and pure. The following year, the Year of the Dragon, they hoped for a boy, so that he would be strong and daring.",9 +1,Annapolis wedding trolley should roll on - without same-sex patrons,0 +12,"As many as 2,000 people may turn out to demonstrate for and against the bill, and the 645-seat auditorium at Reif Performing Arts Center, where the hearing is scheduled, is expected to be at capacity.",11 +7,"This objective is to reduce sales of these weapons to felons, fugitives, drug addicts and disturbed walk-in shoppers",6 +13,The Senate passed the crime bill after voting to include an amendment that would provide $162 million to combat fraud in the savings and loan industry. The total cost of the crime package would be about $2 billion a year.,12 +13,Any notion that Tuesday's election represented a liberal juggernaut must overcome a detail from the voting booths of California: The same voters who turned out strongest for Barack Obama also drove a stake through the heart of same-sex marriage.,12 +5,The lawsuit filed yesterday by New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms seeks to overturn the law and to nullify the hundreds of same-sex marriages that have taken place since Sunday.,4 +7,"Police say the killer, James Pough, 42, was charged with manslaughter in 1971, but pleaded to a lower charge of aggravated assault. +",6 +13,"Then there is Nevada, a state Trump won in the primaries and that is absolutely winnable in the general election. Nevada political guru Jon Ralston reports:",12 +13,House members have already agreed to put a seven-day cooling-off period to the voters.,12 +12,"But the development is galling to gun-control advocates, who have watched cities and states continue to compete for firearms-related businesses despite mass shootings advocates hoped would bring more criticism for the industry. +",11 +13,BAKER ACT'S GUN RULES,12 +5,The right of protection,4 +11,"In some Sun Belt states with large immigrant populations, minorities will outnumber people of European heritage before the decade is out. That will be true nationwide by 2050.",10 +5,number of permit holders.,4 +5,"Allowing these people to obtain permits, legally work",4 +9,Saving Women From Their Abusers,8 +1,that means that we can now begin to slash the $381 million dollars of Medicaid funding,0 +6, cigarettes would become subject to some regulations but not to others.,5 +5,after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to stay his execution and Gov. Bill Clinton rejected a pardon.,4 +6,"After all, Weisenthal testified Wednesday, his copy of the U.S. Customs Service booklet ""Know Before You Go"" said that his duty-free souvenirs could include not more than 100 cigars and 200 cigarettes and that ""Products of Cuban tobacco may be included if purchased in Cuba.""",5 +1,TWO CIGARETTE GIANTS PLAN CHARGES AGAINST EARNINGS,0 +9,mentally retarded people may not be executed.,8 +7,"The text ridiculously addresses some of the reasons accidents may be avoided if there's no gun available (as though this were a reason for not having guns!), but it conveniently fails to identify how crimes may be prevented by disarming the citizenry!",6 +7,"Barney Fuller Jr., 58, was put to death by lethal injection Wednesday evening, making him the seventh convicted killer executed this year in Texas and the first in six months in the nation's most active capital punishment state.",6 +9,STUDY LINKS PASSIVE SMOKE TO HEART DISEASE,8 +13,"Sen. Bob Casey changes stance, supports new gun laws",12 +6,"Still, given the long history of opposition to tighter gun laws, there is no certainty the legislation Obama backed Wednesday or the proposals he will send to Congress next month will become law.",5 +1,A Purchase Limit,0 +6,doesn't really say.,5 +13,DEMOCRATS FORM GUN-SAFETY GROUP,12 +1,"said Denis Dennis Jr., owner of Denny Dennis Sporting Goods in Fenton",0 +5,TWO INDICTED IN BOULDER CREEK KILLING,4 +13,Mr. Bush's Immigration Realism,12 +13,Mayor Renews Talks On Immigrant Policy,12 +13,"Republican activists who helped place the recall of former Gov. Gray Davis on the ballot last year announced Tuesday they would seek to recall Lockyer because of the perception he has ""neglected his duty"" to enforce state laws governing marriage.",12 +13,Carson's Comments on Oregon Victims Draw Rebukes,12 +5,"TANNER'S SLAYING CASE: Trial followers, DA look back and ahead",4 +6," Men like Frank Coppola have no right to make or influence public policy, and there may be no more reverberating public policy question than for the state to kill",5 +15,Gun crazy,14 +13,"Now Hupp is running for the state House herself. +",12 +13,Clay said he agreed to the amendment because House Democrats threatened some of his other legislation.,12 +11,Woven Into Our Midst,10 +5,gun liability legislation.,4 +13,negotiated by state officials,12 +7,"RIAL ORDERED FOR MAN IN DEATH OF NEIGHBOR LOUIS MOCKEWICH SAYS HE SHOT IN SELF-DEFENSE DURING A DISPUTE OVER SHOVELING SNOW IN SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA. +",6 +5,"Proposition 8 case: Judge who struck down California's gay marriage ban speaks out +",4 +1,"The OECD found that the fiscal effect of immigration is small, generally not pushing a country's gross domestic product more than 0.5 percent in either direction. According to the report, immigration was a net contributor to the U.S. economy in 2011 and increased GDP by 0.03 percentage points.",0 +7,"Wallace was on a list of suspects who knew the three women. When Baucom's car was recovered, Wallace's palm print was found on the trunk lid. He was arrested on an earlier robbery warrant and confessed to the nine slayings.",6 +3,"A prominent evangelical lobbyist resigned yesterday over his remarks in a National Public Radio interview, in which he said he supports permitting same-sex civil unions.",2 +5,"But tobacco attorney J. Joseph Escher argued that the ads go beyond education and violate their First Amendment rights. +",4 +5,"Asked whether the U.S. Constitution would require Georgians to recognize the marriages of gay Iowans if they moved to the state, she first deferred to a lesser document: The state constitution banned gay marriage in 2004. +",4 +13, it's much harder for Democrats to duck the issue.,12 +13,"Gay G.O.P. Candidates Feature Partners in Ads +",12 +1,R.J. Reynolds Earnings More Than Double,0 +10,Wedding bells poised to ring for gays in Mass.,9 +12,Ex-military brass urge action on guns,11 +13," Sen. Katherine A. Klausmeier (D-Baltimore County), who said she had gone back and forth on the bill a few times",12 +1,Tobacco's concession,0 +13,"In a statement following the veto, Green said he was ""deeply disappointed"" in Snyder's decision",12 +13,"One Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, joined the panel's 10 Democrats in voting for the bill.",12 +1,raise the cost of health care,0 +12,Polls show that many women in suburban battlegrounds such as Northern Virginia haven't yet made up their minds as Allen's campaign against Sen. Charles S. Robb (D) enters the final month. ,11 +5,"Jury selection is to begin tomorrow in Brooklynfederal court in a lawsuit that gun control advocates say could bring a landmark ruling against the firearms industry. Firearms makers, however, call the suit a defamatory attack by radical anti-gun forces.",4 +14,France has strict gun laws,13 +13,"""I didn't vote for the assault weapons last time because it . . . didn't make sense,"" Reid said. Nonetheless, Reid said he plans to ""take a look"" at the latest proposal. And imposing new restrictions on high-capacity magazines is ""something we definitely have to take a look at,"" he said.",12 +12,to urge that smoking be allowed in bars and restaurants.,11 +5,But Fitzpatrick and the plaintiffs believe,4 +15,Don't look at me!,14 +8,Some guns rights advocates say that the number of dead might have been lower if someone other than Cho had had a weapon that could have been used in defense,7 +9, safe gun storage,8 +13,"Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders attacked each other's records on immigration during the Democratic debate in Miami. Clinton bashed Sanders for opposing a 2007 immigration bill. He fired back that she opposed driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. +",12 +11,Cigar chic: Study finds U.S. teens giving stogies a puff,10 +3,"The nation's mainline Protestant denominations have quarreled for years over the role of gays and lesbians in church life, but those debates promise to grow even more intense and acrimonious this summer.",2 +13,"The vote killing the farmworkers amendment, which opponents said would have made the program unworkable, gave added momentum to lawmakers who back the Senate's measure, ",12 +6,A House bill would ban ICE agents from identifying themselves as police officers,5 +7,Md. Police Commanders Replaced,6 +12,Smoking programs criticized; ,11 +13,he is skeptical that legislators will have the necessary political will.,12 +5,"The Proposition 8 trial ended on Wednesday, having provided an unprecedented glimpse into the social conflict over whether same-sex couples should have the right to marry and serving as the first stage of a prolonged legal battle that all sides insist is destined for the U.S. Supreme Court.",4 +3," Asked if he had anything to say to the Byrd family, Mr. King smirked and responded with an obscenity.",2 +13,Trump tells confidants a government shutdown could help him,12 +12,Do majority of NRA members support background checks for guns?,11 +12,Voices Raised at the Seat of Justice,11 +1,customer,0 +3,"""I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman",2 +5,would be protected from ruinous lawsuits ,4 +4,"""That is absolutely the case,"" said Jeffrey Deskovic, 34, freed from prison last year after serving 17 years for the murder and rape of a school friend in Peekskill.",3 +5,"GOETZ, AT HEARING, TOLD OF ANGER WITH SYSTEM",4 +9,This simple proposal could save lives.,8 +6,Applaud gay-marriage ban,5 +7,"Cops were at her Manhattan home and her office Tuesday night, she said. The NYPD confirmed detectives are investigating the threats. +",6 +13,"Several attribute Flores - who is No. 2 in the Senate behind President Joe Negron, R-Stuart - as the reason.",12 +13,"""His stock is trading a lot higher now on the vice presidential exchange,"" said Jay Severin, a syndicated radio talk-show host and Republican media consultant. Even if Pataki does not want to veer into national politics, his reformer stances can only help his career, Severin added.",12 +13,"Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., infamously shouted ""you lie"" to President Barack Obama when he told Congress that federal health care ""would not apply to those who are here illegally,"" thus triggering furious maneuvering in Congress and linking the heated health care issue to the even hotter immigration issue.",12 +13, the Senate deal exempts all person-to-person private sales from the background check requirement.,12 +11,"At what point do we, as a society, say enough is enough?",10 +12,READERS BARE OPINIONS ABOUT BEARING ARMS,11 +8,right of self-defense,7 +1,How much should Florida rely on tobacco money to balance the budget?,0 +7, for the kidnapping and murder of four women who had been working as prostitutes between 2013 and 2014,6 +12,"about one in six of his top campaign ""bundlers,"" who amass contributions from others, is gay, according to a Washington Post analysis",11 +10,Feeling real blue,9 +13,"The officials ramrodded the odd bill to passage without debate, hoping Rendell would be more afraid of risking children's lives than his own reputation on the gun issue.",12 +5," A lawsuit filed in 1997 by three couples, including Beck and her partner, Stacy Jolles, led the state Supreme Court to rule in December that the state must grant gays and lesbians the same rights it grants married heterosexuals.",4 +12,"The Ellison poll showed that the more liberal the minister, the more likely he or she would be against the death penalty and in favor of assisted suicide.",11 +5,McClain is a Death Row attorney.,4 +9,PUFFING UP STATISTICS ON SMOKING DEATHS,8 +1," American Tobacco is shutting down in Reidsville, eliminating 1,100 jobs by midyear. + +Still, North Carolina tops the nation in tobacco production, growing $ 1 billion worth a year. The state is already headquarters and home to tobacco giants: Reynolds in Winston-Salem and the Liggett Group in Durham. + +No. 1 Philip Morris, based in New York, operates a 1,900-employee cigarette factory in Concord, outside of Charlotte. + +Lorillard, the nation's fourth-largest tobacco company, employs 1,850 factory workers in Greensboro. Local economic developers said they'd welcome Lorillard's headquarters, despite tobacco's tarnished image. + +The move, expected next year, would save the company money, Lorillard said.",0 +8,Those measures were prompted by the massacre that left 33 dead at Virginia Tech last year.,7 +13," the Senate deadlocked, largely along party lines, on amendments to block people on the federal terrorism watch list from buying guns and to close loopholes in background check laws. Families of gun violence victims looked on from the Senate chamber as the votes were held.",12 +9, is tied to the Medicaid health,8 +13,Campus gun bill returns to House,12 +5,"Two judges are already considering challenges from conservative groups seeking to halt the marriage spree. The city's lawsuit asks that those cases be consolidated into one. +",4 +12," said Susan Whitmore, speaking for Handgun Control Inc., the gun-control group.",11 +7,"The state's largest police union endorsed Republican George Ryan for governor Thursday, throwing barbs at Glenn Poshard for what it said was his waffling on gun control.",6 +3,Past heroic acts give murderer a reprieve,2 +8,Mo. Allows Concealed Weapons,7 +13,Colorado on brink of easing gun laws after House actions Two bills likely to hit governor's desk soon,12 +6,"The so-called open-carry bill was a nightmare scenario for police, prosecutors and anyone who cares about attracting tourist dollars to Florida. Anyone with a concealed weapons permit could carry a gun out in the open, at the beach or on their hip at the convenience store. +",5 +5,"Nor will the court necessarily be influenced by the state of California's refusal to defend Proposition 8 or the federal government's refusal to defend DOMA. The court showed judicial modesty in upholding President Obama's health care reform, but that was the exception, not the rule.",4 +5,ensure that it is legal in the future.,4 +1,creating a $1 tax on packs of cigarettes.,0 +1,Current law allows a gun sale to proceed,0 +13,Presidents in recent years have struggled with this issue. President Bill Clinton,12 +13,CRIST REJECTS GALLAGHER'S CALL TO DISAVOW ENDORSEMENT BY GAY PUBLICATION,12 +5,Cities Setting Own Immigration Rules,4 +7,BAIL IS DENIED FOR SUSPECTS IN CHICAGO MASSACRE,6 +7,"Inmates with death sentences are housed at the Potosi Correctional Center, where the sentences are carried out by injection. +",6 +5,Neither Rodgers nor defense attorneys would comment on a possible plea agreement.,4 +11,"As the months passed with 38-year-old Walters in jail south of Tampa, supporters including comedian Chris Rock, actor Will Smith, record mogul Russell Simmons and the Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke out about his case. +",10 +7,HIT MAN IS EXECUTED FOR '82 MURDER,6 +1,that immigration hurts American workers,0 +15,Gun ownership,14 +5,"Athletes without a U.S. passport or a green card seeking employment with a U.S.-based team are required to obtain work permits and nonimmigrant visas. In most cases it's only a minor inconvenience, a matter of gathering the proper papers, after which players are able to fly across the U.S. border as if it were the blue line on a breakaway.",4 +11,"Georgia welcomes NRA, stands with its ideals for freedom",10 +13,San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown urged Clinton Thursday to skip the city on his western campaign swing.,12 +12,The dwindling backlash to gay marriage,11 +5,The man who fought D.C.'s gun laws,4 +5,"They fear gays from Colorado would travel to the other states to get married, then return and demand recognition as married couples.",4 +5,"Just this spring, three states -- Rhode Island, Delaware and Minnesota -- legalized same-sex marriage. And in those cases, it was elected officials or voters controlling the decision, not the courts.",4 +1,"dining room at A Rebours, the upscale restaurant they opened in downtown St. Paul last July.",0 +13,"Here's where Minnesota's U.S. representatives stand on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage: + +Rep. Gil Gutknecht (R): Supports it. + +Rep. John Kline (R): Opposes it. ""While he does not support same-sex marriages, he believes this issue is best decided by individual states and is confident that our nation's courts will uphold the many state laws prohibiting same-sex marriages,"" said spokeswoman Angelyn Wollen. + +Rep. Jim Ramstad (R): Could not be reached. + +Rep. Betty McCollum (D): ""I am opposed to Mr. Bush playing re-election politics with our Constitution at the expense of the real issues America is facing at home and around the world."" + +Rep. Martin Sabo (D): Opposes it.",12 +5,"""Plaintiffs' arguments are unpersuasive,"" said U.S. District Judge Stanley R. Chesler, ruling against a coalition of restaurants and bars that had sought to block the ban while it pursues a lawsuit against the state.",4 +13,"Summoning Republican lawmakers away from a family funeral and a wife approaching childbirth, and aided by a key Democratic defector, Gov. Jeb Bush salvaged the necessary votes Friday",12 +7,"four minutes after the first of three lethal doses was administered. He was the sixth Missouri inmate put to death this year and the 52nd since the death penalty was reinstated in 1989. +",6 +9,"Trapped in Heat In Texas Truck, 18 People Die",8 +7,"The arrests, which began in the middle of last month, were made at small factories in the Garment District near Penn Station in a wide-ranging operation by the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service.",6 +7,"Barnett, 39, fatally stabbed Clifford Barnett, 82, and Leona Barnett, 75, at their home after they returned from a post-church brunch. David Barnett took their car and $120 in cash.",6 +11,Our culture promotes violence,10 +13," +Gun foes, Schumer fight on +",12 +7,"THE CITY; Woman, 22, Accused Of Defrauding Aliens",6 +1,Two internal Philip Morris memos suggested buying a news-media outlet or a magazine,0 +3,"Harold Brockus, pastor of Good Samaritan Church in Pinellas Park, has performed same-sex unions since 1988. If Jesus Christ so deplored homosexuality, Brockus contends, why didn't he say anything about it in the New Testament? +",2 +9,GUN VIOLENCE TAKES CHILDREN'S LIVES,8 +13,It's time for Congress to be counted.,12 +14, He said he rejects as ''way off base'' those who argue that the United States should discontinue the use of the death penalty because Canada and many countries in Europe have.,13 +6,State law now permits condemned inmates to choose between execution by gas or lethal injection.,5 +5,"Same-sex unions will be legal in the state starting Aug. 1. +",4 +5,The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled in 1993 that it is unconstitutional to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples,4 +5,CONCESSIONS MAY SINK OR SEAL TOBACCO DEAL,4 +5,"But Jan Miller of Citizens Against Homicide said Edgar undermined the jury system. +",4 +5,Illegal immigrants shouldn't be eligible for driver's licenses,4 +13, that state legislators,12 +7," +Metro Briefing New York: Manhattan: Immigration Attorney Accused",6 +13,"FOR more than three decades, gun-control advocates have pressed lawmakers for stiffer measures, but the gun lobby ensured that they got nowhere in Congress.",12 +7,HOT AS A PISTOL,6 +12,Movement under way in California to ban divorce,11 +6,"""It's important,"" Denno added, ""because the more these states try to scrutinize their procedures and improve them, the more we realize how really problematic they are.""",5 +13,But ever since Republican President Bush took the White House in 2000,12 +3,"But they have not asked the Rev. Cathy George of St. Anne's in-the-Fields here to officiate because they think she would have a hard time saying no. If she said yes, she could be hauled before an ecclesiastical court and lose her ordination as an Episcopal priest.",2 +12,"After Zimmerman Verdict, Groups Urge Boycott of Florida +",11 +7,Mickens had been scheduled to die today.,6 +7,Two Mexican nationals have been arrested and charged with transporting 25 illegal immigrants into Colorado from Arizona.,6 +5,illegal,4 +6,"""Local governments are realizing that the tobacco industry will do everything it can to undermine their efforts and that they'll be back next year.""",5 +5,"At some point, the U.S. Supreme Court will take it up, but the high court only agrees to hear about 1 percent of appeals. If this one makes the cut, the question that pits human rights against conservative ideology may not have clear sailing. It is widely assumed that conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy will be the deciding vote.",4 +6," The law broadened the definition of what is considered a banned assault weapon, and it reduced the size of permissible gun magazines to seven rounds, from 10. +",5 +6,It's time to get serious on federal handgun law,5 +13,"""I do believe it's a state right issue,"" he said. ""I do believe that the states have the right to make the definition of marriage and each state can define it as they so choose through their elected representatives."" +",12 +7," proposal in response to a spate of killings that left 22 people dead in nine days, most from gunshot wounds. Street is also reviewing police procedures and has asked the state legislature to toughen other gun laws.",6 +1," whose company, Elane Photography, refused service for the 2007 commitment ceremony of a lesbian couple, Vanessa Willock and Misti Collinsworth.",0 +8, Concealed weapons could be carried onto private property or into many public facilities only with the consent of the owner/manager. ,7 +7,"deadly school attack, in which four students and a teacher were killed, h",6 +11,More legal immigrants calling city home,10 +12,"Vows of support, opposition to same-sex marriage",11 +9,"""This is a real opportunity for us to influence health policy,"" Perdue said.",8 +11," FLAVORED TOBACCOS, EXOTIC AMBIENCE TARGET THE UNDER-21 CROWD +",10 +12,CASH-PINCHED NRA SOFTENS CRITICISM OF BRADY BILL,11 +10,With a few belongings and a dream of becoming a doctor,9 +13,"Legislature Restricts Access to Permit Data +",12 +13,Education Secretary Betsy DeVos considers allowing schools to use federal funds to buy guns,12 +5,Barring any last-minute relief from pending state and federal appeals,4 +11,"Bannister will become the 11th person executed by Missouri since 1989, when the state resumed executions.",10 +7,Movement on the Death Penalty,6 +12, public vote. But opponents are appealing the decision.,11 +6," even bad ideas have a chance to become law if they succeed in hanging around long enough. Clearly, that's what backers of the so-called ""Smokers' Bill of Rights"" are hoping.",5 +5,state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage,4 +7,"""You brutally murdered a man who only offered you kindness and friendship,""",6 +7,"we are to believe that it can stop criminals from obtaining guns, when the legitimate uses for firearms are legion?",6 +13,San Francisco suspends gun ban in transit ads,12 +6,"If Mr. Jackson is to be taken at his word, council need only craft an ordinance that meets his concerns and he will sign it. Those who worked on the issue the first time should dig in and try again. + +Second on the solace list is the fact that the ordinance, along with one establishing the city's registry of domestic partners, made it through the ",5 +4,Like Married People,3 +10,Why I'm marching for gun control,9 +13,'MaryAnnie Oakley' triggered concealed weapons law,12 +13,"Mayor Bloomberg has wrapped up his battle with out-of-state gun dealers, and the verdict is in: Marshal Mike scored a bull's-eye. +",12 +11,to kids,10 +13,"It is not clear that any of the measures Bush endorsed would have prevented any of the incidents in and around Atlanta. +",12 +13,Sanders flips on gun suits,12 +7, last month's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school,6 +13,Obama Flinches on Immigration,12 +9,Guns blur massacre lessons,8 +13,A Fresh Chance for the Brady Bill,12 +8,Threatening letters sent to N.Y. mayor may contain ricin poison,7 +6,The Last Lethal Injection?,5 +13,N.Y.'S 'SHOT HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD' SWIFT ACTION AFTER LONG FIGHT. CUOMO SEES 'SOCIAL JUSTICE' VILLAGE ERUPTS IN JUBILATION,12 +9,"Hartford Restricts Guns for Youths, but Not Overall Availability",8 +7,Bad week for felons who want to have guns,6 +5,Lawyers honor ex-Nichols jurist,4 +7,"Pair arrested for immigration fraud scheme; Watsonville and Soquel residents among those duped +",6 +7,ATF OUTGUNNED BY NRA,6 +8, Gun Database,7 +5,The lawsuit alleges that Public Advocate's use of the image was in violation of federal copyright law. It also says that the group did not have permission to use Privitere and Edwards's likenesses and that the unauthorized use of their photograph resulted in emotional trauma and threats against the couple.,4 +13, But it is particularly gross to the extent that it is merely a cynical effort to fight an election campaign on friendly policy ground.,12 +1,"Cuban Club rose, fell with cigar industry",0 +13,"The young, personable mayor who ordered up the gun law abruptly vanished.",12 +5,They say a new sentencing hearing is required because jurors -- by the foreman's own admission -- did not follow judicial instructions in handing Boggess a death penalty rather than life in prison without parole.,4 +5,Appeal filed over gay marriage ruling in California,4 +1,seeking compensation from tobacco companies,0 +7,"Deport those denied asylum. Now, few people denied asylum are ever deported. +",6 +5,''He just made it very clear that he did not want any further appeals made on his behalf. It's his decision that the appeal not go forward.'',4 +13,Tiahrt was the congressman behind a 2003 provision ,12 +11,saying the time to seize upon growing national momentum is now.,10 +7,"led to an excess of handguns being sold to gun traffickers and others who then sold the guns illegally to people in states with strong gun laws, like New York.",6 +13,Debate on immigration to open,12 +13,"Then, the committee took just 30 seconds to vote 11-1 to send the resolution to the full Senate.",12 +3,"Most importantly, the signers stressed the moral obligation of the United States to protect those undocumented immigrants, calling an end of the program ""senselessly cruel."" +",2 +12,"Small, student-led rallies show support for gun rights",11 +5,"He then has the right to a court-appointed attorney, a court- appointed guardian, a jury trial and, based on his age, in most states cannot receive the death penalty for taking the life of another human being. +",4 +12,"More than 300 protesters filled Union Square, calling on the Senate to pass the marriage bill when lawmakers return to Albany today. Many waved rainbow-striped flags or carried signs reading, ""God made us queer"" and ""Marriage Equality Now!""",11 +5,SUPREME COURT ASKED TO BAN DEATH PENALTY FOR JUVENILES,4 +10,"providing benefits to gay, lesbian and unmarried domestic partners of city employees.",9 +3," +The link between gun rights and the Gospels?",2 +13,Alaska Ad Finds a Target in Begich's Support of Gun Rights,12 +4, he maintains he didn't commit,3 +7,"FBI RAIDS WAL-MART FOR ILLEGAL WORKERS STORE EXECS KNEW CONTRACT FIRMS BROKE THE LAW, OFFICIALS SAY",6 +7,POLICE IGNORING HARD-TO-ENFORCE GUN LAW,6 +3,"When people get to know an individual immigrant, they often put aside their antagonism, said the Rev. Richard Ryscavage, who directs the conference's Migration and Refugee Services. ""This is one tool the church can use to calm people in the country about immigrants . . . to take away the fear factor.""",2 +12,Nebraskans to Vote on Most Sweeping Ban on Gay Unions,11 +11,"He said attitudes toward gay marriage have shifted dramatically in the past decade because people understand that marriage, regardless of whom you are, is about the commitment two people share. +",10 +13,Whoever wins the Republican primary will face an uphill fight for the seat. Democratic U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum has represented the district since 2000 and is expected to win the heavily Democratic district again this year.,12 +5,Rafferty continued the case to a pre-sentencing hearing Aug. 13 and rescheduled sentencing for Sept. 10.,4 +4,"""It all comes down to equal take-home pay,"" Hoch said.",3 +3,A debate about homosexuality and blessing of same-sex relationships surfaced at the recent convention of the Michigan Episcopal Diocese.,2 +13,D.C. Agencies Clash Over Gay Marriage,12 +10,So you want to stop smoking? Just call,9 +7,"The campaign will be a year-round effort and will send undercover teenagers to about half of the 1,700 stores licensed to sell tobacco in the city.",6 +12,"GUN-RIGHTS GROUP SAYS BILL WOULD CRIMINALIZE LEAVING GUN AT HOME WITH SOMEONE ELSE FOR MORE THAN A WEEK +",11 +10,to speak publicly about having a gay child.,9 +1,Gay Donors to Gather For Strategy Sessions,0 +13,"Gun bill passes in the District +",12 +11,N.C. newspaper runs gay wedding notice,10 +1,Guess who's paying this dreadful freight. You are.,0 +6,OVERHAUL DUE ON DEATH SENTENCING,5 +1,Internet auctions latest gun control battleground,0 +11,"The rapidly evolving state of same-sex marriage, in 1 map",10 +10,"Mr. Cardinal, who lives in Fort Lauderdale, separated from his husband several months ago. But the couple cannot get a divorce because, in the eyes of Florida officials, their marriage does not exist. +",9 +7,"Federal agents arrested Ivan Gomez-Sanchez, 24, at the Westway Motor Inn near LaGuardia Airport, where 55 deaf Mexican immigrants have been housed since they were rescued from two Jackson Heights homes by authorities.",6 +5,"Mr. Corbin said at a news conference that his office would treat the case no differently than any other case. But he said he had decided to disclose Paul Timmendequas's arrest at an evening news conference on Wednesday because ""we knew there'd be a lot of interest."" +",4 +5,"Assistant Public Defender Clifford Barnes said, pointing to Marshall at the defense table in Martin Circuit Court. +",4 +11,"When he's completed a 30-minute tape, he mails it to WNAH-AM. Each Sunday morning at 11:30, the station broadcasts ""Moments of Visitation,"" believed to be the only publicly heard radio show to originate from prison",10 +13,has threatened a filibuster.,12 +12,"Gay-marriage advocates hold out hope for enough votes +",11 +11, The guide was compiled by Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) of Hernando County.,10 +13,"We found the ad was exaggerating its claim. Rubio did not vote on any sort of yes-no measure that specifically called for deporting this group of individuals. Rather, these three votes had to do with an appropriations bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security. +",12 +1,"Manufacturers of the integrated locks say requiring their use would add $ 30 to $ 90 to the price of a handgun, depending on the make of gun and the type of locking device used.",0 +7,"Trump touts recent immigration raids, calls them a 'military operation'",6 +13,Minnesota has history of taking smoking to task,12 +3,Karla Faye Tucker chose her destiny,2 +3,The Episcopal Church recently confirmed the election of an openly gay bishop and said that same-gender blessing ceremonies were not outside the boundaries of church life.,2 +9,teen-pregnancy and sex education,8 +8,"Authorities allege Ghailani was a bomb maker, document forger and aide to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. The attacks at embassies in Tanzania and Kenya killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.",7 +5, individual constitutional rights,4 +7,"Count St. Louis Police Chief Joe Mokwa among those who will be sorry to see the federal ban on assault weapons end. +",6 +8,"would require a seven-day waiting period on handgun purchases, allowing time for background checks on prospective buyers.",7 +15,GUNS,14 +5,"Seven judges in the immigration system had also ruled that Kiareldeen should be freed and given residency. The judges decided he successfully rebutted the government's allegations that he threatened Attorney General Janet Reno and met with one of the World Trade Center bombers, but the government continued to file appeals.",4 +10,"Fernandez was solemn, and Beck, in a polka-dot dress, smiled faintly.",9 +7,The El Salvador native had already been on death row in California for the rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl at the time.,6 +13,ASSEMBLY TO TACKLE SAME-SEX UNIONS,12 +13,Franken clashes with Focus on the Family executive,12 +6,GUN REFORM MUST BE A BALANCE OF INTERESTS,5 +10," +Raids sow fear, resentment in immigrant neighborhood; U.S. agents, looking for illegal residents, terrorists and other criminals, have scooped up Pakistanis in a South Phila. area.",9 +5,"Have you heard or read a single word about a federal gay-marriage amendment since the election? +",4 +14,N.J. smokers foresee getting packs in Pa,13 +7, citing a rise in handgun-related violence,6 +12,"Editorial: In passing Prop 8, voters send conflicting message",11 +1,who try to buy it,0 +13,Ryan imposed,12 +2,"Silicon Valley ranks highest in what Brookings calls ""H-1B intensity,"" with 17 foreign workers sought for every 1,000 people in the workforce.",1 +8,That is about denying self-protection rights of law-abiding gun owners.,7 +1, fine for selling,0 +14,The World's View of Executions,13 +7,"Twice convicted of felonies, James Francis Barton Jr. faced charges of violating a federal law barring felons from owning guns after police found seven pistols, three shotguns and five rifles at his home south of Pittsburgh.",6 +5,GAY-MARRIAGE RULING UPS THE ANTE,4 +13,a high-ranking administration official,12 +5,"HOW is the legalization of same-sex marriage in many states affecting Roman Catholic schools across the nation? +",4 +2,"Nearly three years after the Justice Department found that the nation's immigration courts were seriously overburdened and recommended hiring 40 new judges, only a few hirings have taken place and the case backlog is at its highest point in a decade, according to a study released Wednesday.",1 +7,"Days of shouting in favor of death for convicted murderer Steven H. Oken had cost him his voice, but the messages scrawled on the tinted windows of his silver Jeep Grand Cherokee said everything: +",6 +13,Virginia's move on guns,12 +7," +Four Arrested at Conference on Death Row Inmate",6 +5,The court's seven justices asked questions that many Citrus residents have pondered themselves:,4 +11,"IMMIGRATION CALLED KEY TO AREA'S FUTURE< MOST NEW RESIDENTS OF PA. AND N.J. THROUGH 2025< WILL BE FOREIGN-BORN, ACCORDING TO CENSUS PROJECTIONS.",10 +4,marriage laws were discriminator,3 +5,Roman Catholic group sues state over gay adoptions,4 +13,"its endorsement of Republican Larry Hogan in Maryland's gubernatorial contest, citing his ""support and commitment to the Second Amendment.""",12 +11,'Stocking Strangler' Back In the News in Georgia,10 +10,Death penalty case: 'Years of no closure',9 +13,City Leaders Urge S trict Gun Controls,12 +12,The NRA's game-changing decision to disarm on bump stocks,11 +9,"Under questioning by his lawyer, Bruce Cook, Mr. Kueper said cigarettes had been an integral part of his life. In 1981, a doctor told him to quit smoking, he said, adding, ""I guess he didn't like what he was hearing"" through a stethoscope. Still, the witness testified, he kept smokin",8 +5,"But less widely noticed was that the company and a group of plaintiffs' lawyers also won preliminary approval from a state court judge in Mobile, Ala., for a companion plan to settle all present and future suits by smokers, their survivors, cities, counties and insurers.",4 +7,are repeat entries on the list of the top 10 offenders,6 +1,OAKLAND COMPANY'S PLEA MAY AID SMOKING'S FOES FIRM ADMITS ROLE IN HIGH-TEST TOBACCO,0 +9,"DiMeo, a Glen Head native, was facing arraignment in Nassau District Court in Hempstead in Renison's slaying. But about 8 p.m., he was escorted from Nassau County Police Headquarters to the medical center because of drug withdrawal. As he passed reporters, he said he felt ""very sick.""",8 +1," who make up one-quarter or more of the sellers of firearms at gun shows.""",0 +7,Accused Serial Killer on L.I. Called a Suspect in 1989 Slaying of a Woman,6 +5, amnesty for illegal immigrants,4 +11,TV audience is the jury in Tokars special,10 +13,"As debate continued late into the evening, several Republicans expressed optimism that the measure would pass, although for at least the first several hours no one actually articulated why they opposed gay marriage.",12 +6,Colorado enacted a law banning gay marriage in 2000 and an earlier 'defense of marriage' law prevents the recognition of same-sex unions from ,5 +15,Tobacco tape offers few answers,14 +1, for $6.6 billion,0 +7,"""You prosecute criminals. You target the bad guys.",6 +4,"""At the same time, I want to make sure that this does not force the discrimination.""",3 +13,"Gun-control advocates have been prodding Maryland Republican gubernatorial hopeful Larry Hogan for weeks now to release a questionnaire he filled out for the National Rifle Association, which earned him a grade of an A- and the group's endorsement. +",12 +9,Wayne LaPierre: Gun control 'not going to make any kid safer',8 +1,"Reeves said that internal deliberations were just beginning and would not accelerate until the post-Thanksgiving budget talks. No restrictions will be placed on how the money can be spent, according to the Attorney General's Office. Administration officials have said tentatively that the money would be spent on health-related programs. +",0 +7,A convicted rapist who had just been sentenced yesterday to two life terms plus 110 years in prison,6 +7,Stayner jury's verdict: death,6 +5,"Same-sex marriage advocates Thursday reopened their legal fight, filing arguments in a case that should ultimately decide whether California's ban on gay weddings survives in the courts.",4 +4,Policies that oppress minorities,3 +9,Volunteers are sought to test nicotine vaccine,8 +7,"DMV Crowding, Security Woes Cited in Va. License Fraud Scheme",6 +9, he is mentally retarded.,8 +13,"Gun foes reload, launch push for waiting period",12 +5,The New Jersey Supreme Court has agreed to hear oral arguments in Cruz's appeal on the novel question of whether a deadlocked jury in a capital murder case should preclude the prosecution from seeking the death penalty at a retrial.,4 +13,"The bill still requires approval in the House, and Gov. Wolf, a Democrat, says he opposes it.",12 +11,On Movies: Death-row drama stays true to life,10 +5,"Two years later, that decision has taken on new prominence after Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. accused Mr. Obama from the bench on Wednesday of not having ''the courage of his convictions'' for continuing to enforce the marriage law even after concluding that it violated constitutional equal protection guarantees. The chief justice's needling touched a raw nerve at the White House. ''Continuing to enforce was a difficult political decision,'' said an aide who asked not to be identified discussing internal deliberations, ''but the president felt like it was the right legal choice.''",4 +6,Many factors aided gun bill,5 +13,"It turns out it's not so easy being ""the only Democrat gubernatorial candidate who supports the death penalty."" At least not for Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi.",12 +9," which would have expanded health benefits to unmarried, live-in partners of city workers.",8 +13,"Nearly 2,500 gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-gender activists met Saturday in downtown Oakland for this year's Creating Change conference, and there was no doubt what political challenge was foremost on everyone's mind:",12 +9," it's about the rights of the public to expect protection,""",8 +5,Iowa's most expansive gun rights bill ever is now law,4 +1,"San Francisco supe proposes requiring video surveillance in gun stores, records of ammunition sales",0 +6,Guns: Big deal in a bad way,5 +5,"""Now I don't collect guns so much as I collect legal documents,"" said Laden, who first tried to get a gun license in 1989, when he had a .38-caliber Colt pistol and a police-style Glock revolver, in addition to the shotgun.",4 +1,"The fees for attorneys in other states have not yet been set. Many of the lawyers are also likely to choose arbitration to determine how much they'll receive, and that means the $500 million payments will be stretched over an even longer span of years, said San Francisco lawyer Robert Lieff, whose law firm represented several states.",0 +13,"Lawmakers said they were optimistic that the political mood had changed since a similar effort collapsed in acrimony in 2010. Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona and one of the negotiators, said he saw ''a new appreciation'' among Republicans of the need for an overhaul. +",12 +5,The suit,4 +12,Mableton men protest law with hunger strike,11 +7,"Seyedashraf Mirhadi, an Iranian student, is accused of shoplifting for eating one grape and his attorney says that he could be deported over it.",6 +6,National Briefing Washington: District Of Columbia Representation Bill Stalls,5 +7,A killer can chop up a body and stick it in a freezer. Or hide it under a home as the victim's family lives above. Or bury it and cook up an elaborate scheme to cover up the murder.,6 +3,"Roy Sells, 67, would gladly put a gun to McVeigh's head or execute him by lethal injection, as the government plans to do. +",2 +7, to finger his accomplice in the crimes.,6 +13,"Bloomberg brushed off Democratic critics who have called his stance cowardly, noting it varies little from the position of Democratic Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Eliot Spitzer.",12 +10,"I, too, am a smoker who enjoys spending extended shopping periods at the malls",9 +2,U.S. foods and farm products,1 +6,"So, I ask you, why is there such a need for all these firearms? There isn't any need!",5 +8,"But even the chance for very small gains in the fight against gun violence cannot be tossed aside. Properly carried out, a buyback program will be worth the effort.",7 +11,ancient civilizations ,10 +15,"In Maryland, out of touch on marriage and more",14 +13,". If there was any doubt, it disappeared when politicians on the first panel of the evening - Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) - gave their opening remarks. ",12 +13,"Amid a Republican-led push to end the Obama-era DACA program,",12 +4," Since 1977, 13 death-row inmates in Illinois have been exonerated or released because of trial errors or prosecutorial misconduct; 12 have been executed.",3 +10,"The couple, Julie and Hillary Goodridge, separated after nearly two decades together, including just over two years of marriage, the spokeswoman, Mary Breslauer, said. +",9 +5,"With tobacco litigation talks resuming in New York this week, one prominent state attorney general predicted yesterday that a draft settlement proposal could be reached within two to three weeks.",4 +9,The Latest in Safety: 'Smart' Guns That Know Their Owners,8 +9,"But married couples who are satisfied with their relationships enjoy better physical and mental health compared with unmarried people. They live longer and are less likely to suffer from long-term illness and disability. +",8 +13,"Sweeping bill on gun limits advances +",12 +7,A POLICE COMMISSIONER FOR STRICT GUN CONTROL,6 +13,President Obama never met with Janet Napolitano prior to halting deportations in 2012,12 +3, the pope,2 +9,Medina's black leather face mask caught fire as he was put to death.,8 +4,Other researchers said the findings are consistent with other studies on color and point to a skin-tone prejudice that goes beyond race.,3 +5,Starr's Client Loses Appeal In N.Va. Killing,4 +1,"Nieto has been part of the great economic expansion of the 1990s, the longest in U.S. history -- and one that has made the United States dependent on immigrant labor, especially to fill low-income jobs scorned by American citizens. +",0 +5,"The plaintiffs sued in March after the California Supreme Court ordered San Francisco officials to stop issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. +",4 +12,Student power,11 +13,"Campus carry bill clears House panel, faces chamber next",12 +13,Final shots for crime bill,12 +6,Illegal immigrants are getting driver's licenses and identification cards in cities and states that are bucking the national trend to take official documents and public benefits away from them.,5 +3,"Oh, for God's sake.",2 +11, But his own letter is filled with more than a little high comedy.,10 +10,Cheney's younger sister Mary is openly gay,9 +5,"The man who refused to plead guilty, Peng You Zhong, 24, sat rigidly for several hours, listening through headphones to a Chinese translation of the proceedings, as his two co-defendants, Chen Fu Xin, 21, and Chen Jia Wu, 30, stood before the bench and entered their pleas in words rendered into English by a translator.",4 +5,"As is their custom, the justices gave no reasons for declining to hear the case from New York. Additional cases presenting essentially the same question are likely to reach the court in the coming months. + +In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to own guns, and it struck down a District of Columbia law that prohibited keeping guns in homes for self-defense.",4 +4,Felon DNA Testing Becomes Law in Va.,3 +13,"In Florida, Bush is confident that ""our administration of capital punishment has - by all accounts - been fair."" Bush defends the state's system by saying ""there is no competent evidence that suggests an innocent person has been wrongfully executed.""",12 +11, sought by news organizations including The Atlanta Journal- Constitution,10 +13,PANEL OKS SMOKING BIL,12 +10,"''I suppose nonsmokers don't appreciate being inflicted with someone else's smoke during a three-hour ballgame,''",9 +3,Using murder to promote ideology,2 +9," I do this on the basis of the best available scientific evidence: the findings of the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association, the Centers for Disease Control [and Prevention]. Fourteen months of study by the Food and Drug Administration confirms what we all know: Cigarettes and smokeless tobacco are harmful, highly addictive and aggressively marketed to our young people.",8 +12,"""This issue does not deeply divide America,"" said conservative activist Gary Bauer. ""The country overwhelmingly rejects same-sex marriage, and our hope is that both politicians and activist judges will read these results and take them to heart.""",11 +13,"Follow Illinois example and commute sentences +",12 +11,"Introduced in 2012, the C.D.C. campaign, ''Tips From Former Smokers,'' by Arnold Worldwide in Boston, features people who did not quit until smoking had taken a grave toll. The ads ostensibly offer practical advice about how to function with smoking-related ailments, but the real message is to avoid such predicaments by kicking the habit.",10 +13,Senators Offer A New Blueprint For Immigration,12 +15,CHICAGO'S DALEY BACKS GAY NUPS,14 +8,"In Florida and elsewhere, background checks have stopped tens of thousands of felons from buying guns from dealers.",7 +10,"so that families can remain intact while following their dream of a better economic life. +",9 +9,"Six kinds of semiautomatic assault rifles approved by the U.S. government for import are ''no less deadly'' than similar weapons banned last summer, gun control advocates said Monday.",8 +8,Entrepreneur proposes gun lockup truck outside St. Louis sports venues,7 +13,Clinton Plans Gun Initiative,12 +7,"Police have had the photos since Bradford, 60, was arrested in 1984 but stored them into the case file following his conviction. Retired detectives working on cold cases recently went back into the file.",6 +10,GAY MARRIAGE DEBATE IS TOUCHING LIVES HERE,9 +5,"A federal jury in Denver acquitted Voorhis of accessing the database for a non-law-enforcement use, but ICE has declined to reinstate him. +",4 +13,Attack Ads You'll Be Seeing,12 +15, Confiscation is ultimate goal,14 +13,"A larger issue is an effort on Capitol Hill to enact the most far-reaching handgun legislation since the 1968 law and an effort in Maryland to retain a newly enacted handgun law that is one of the toughest in the country. + +The incident involving Mr. Rowan may or may not sway any votes. But this much is certain: it has caused the gun control issue, which had died down, to burst into flame anew.",12 +5,UNCLE SAM CAN'T TURN BACK ON LEGAL U.S. IMMIGRANTS,4 +11,adolescent,10 +13,"The governor talked with Reilly on Monday. Although Reilly turned him down, the governor renewed his request on Tuesday. The governor asked Reilly to appoint a special counsel to handle the matter if he wouldn't, but Reilly refused.",12 +10,More colleges stamp out smoking,9 +1,Tobacco Shares Lead Drop As Dow Falls 31.44 Points,0 +15,Goodwill comes in small cigar boxes,14 +13,Migrants a key issue for election Gubernatorial sparring heats up The four other likely candidates for governor say Bob Beauprez stumbled on the issue.,12 +5,"Whatever power government may have to ban same-sex marriages, it has no business telling private companies - or local jurisdictions - they cannot choose to offer benefits to the domestic partners of their homosexual employees. +",4 +6,"On Immigration, a Glimpse of the Devilish Details",5 +6,STATE GUN BILLS DESERVE TO PASS,5 +13,Senate Is Told That Cigarettes Are 'Entry' Into Hard Drugs,12 +1,"In a rare stroke of good fortune for troubled Tobacco Road, Lorillard Tobacco Co. said it is considering moving its corporate headquarters and as many as 350 high-paying jobs",0 +12,"With an expected crowd of 350,000 people, ""we see it as a really huge opportunity for us,"" Brickman said. The Twin Cities gathering is considered one of the largest gay pride festivals in the nation. +",11 +5,Church Worker Wins Retrial in Alien Case,4 +5,WARREN PLANS WORKSHOP AT LIBRARY,4 +5,"Kentucky must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, according to a ruling Wednesday by a federal judge, who struck down part of the state ban that he wrote treated ""gay and lesbian persons differently in a way that demeans them."" +",4 +13,"As Mr. Bush, the front-runner for the Republican Presidential nomination, reached out to the grieving, he was entering and navigating delicate political straits.",12 +13,""" said Georgia delegate John Washburn of Avondale Estates.",12 +4,ecause of his concerns about flaws in the death penalty system. ,3 +7,"Kate's Law, named after a 32-year-old woman shot and killed in 2015 by an immigrant in the country illegally who had been deported five times, steps up prison sentences for criminals who reenter the United States illegally after being convicted and deported. +",6 +3,The Hunt for American Decency in the Arizona Quicksand,2 +6,"Probably, that's at least in part because Pennsylvanians know such registries have been used in recent history to identify gun owners and require them to give up their registered weapons",5 +13,"President Obama pledged Tuesday to work with Congress on an immigration bill that includes a pathway to citizenship, but he is also looking for help from another group: voters.",12 +5," +Monday is the deadline for filing motions for summary judgment in the case, and attorneys for both sides said they will submit papers in U.S. District Court here. The case could produce a landmark ruling on the protections given to homosexuals and lesbians. +",4 +15,Jumping the Gun,14 +13,MAYORS SEEK CURBS ON WEAPONS SHOW SALES,12 +14,"The expansion of New York's legal attack from 15 to 27 gun dealers, in Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Georgia and Virginia, reflects the city's growing confidence that its novel approach to battling illegal gun traffic is gaining momentum.",13 +9,"Apparently due to higher rates of smoking, cancer deaths for women - particularly those linked to the respiratory system - have increased between 1990 and 1995.",8 +1,"The nine-member commission concluded its work with a ringing endorsement of the value of legal immigration, saying that migrants contributed to the nation's economic growth and productivity.",0 +15,FORUM ON AMENDMENT 2 SET,14 +15,WHAT THE DECISION MEANS,14 +4,bigots,3 +1,"In Wake of Shootings, a Familiar Call to Arms Drives Latest Jump in Weapon Sales",0 +7,"The remains of his wife and son came ashore in April about three miles from where Peterson said he was fishing. +",6 +8, waiting periods and background checks to purchase handguns,7 +13,"''I am Barbara Bush, and I am a New Yorker for marriage equality,'' ",12 +6,The Tobacco Bill: Burning Out,5 +13,"THE $12 MILLION ad blitz targeting senators wavering on gun control is just the beginning, Mayor Bloomberg warned Sunday. +",12 +12,A Hit From the NRA,11 +5,Wednesday. Lawyers for the state of Texas and a Death Row prisoner engaged in a last-minute sprint through the federal court system over an execution that had been scheduled to take place before sunrise.,4 +13,"Murphy, who has been outspoken in pressing for gun control legislation, added at a news conference Thursday, ""Members of Congress don't get elected to send out sympathy tweets.""",12 +13,"With GOP congressional leaders now saying immigration reform isn't likely to happen this year, some California Republicans may be feeling they've been thrown under the bus.",12 +12,"In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 86 percent of Americans said they favor letting dreamers stay here if they completed high school or military service and have been convicted of no serious crime. More Americans believe in space aliens than favor deporting the dreamers. +",11 +1,"Based on figures from universities that already offer the benefits, USF has budgeted about $500,000 annually to provide the benefits.",0 +7,for sniper John Allen Muhammad ,6 +4,The double standard couldn't be much more glaring,3 +3,New York Pastor's Gay Marriage Stirs Anger Back in Malaysia,2 +8,"""The rules of engagement are there because you can't just blow people away,"" he said. ""You kill the wrong person and it's on the nightly news.",7 +10,", including a grandfather who watched a plane carrying his son and granddaughter crash into the World Trade Center.",9 +14,"In 2013, the National Rifle Association took aim at the United Nations.",13 +5,Bigs ask feds to keep out of N.Y. courts,4 +5,"Gill v. Office of Personnel Management: A challenge brought by six Massachusetts couples against DOMA. The couples say they were deprived of equal rights because they were denied spousal survivor benefits in a state that permits same-sex marriage. A federal appeals court found DOMA unconstitutional in the case. +",4 +3,"""I believe God saw Adam was lonely and he made Eve.",2 +13,"Urged by Right, Bush Takes On Gay Marriages",12 +13,"For Bradys, A Gamble On Gun Bill Pays Off",12 +15,Trading Places Over Gay Marriages,14 +8," Additional troops won't secure Mexican border If anything, President Obama's political stunt may hurt his chances to usher in meaningful immigration reform.",7 +6,HOUSE ADVANCES BILL TO RESTRICT SMOKING,5 +13,"Republicans' Anti-Immigrant Race +",12 +9, for a mental health check,8 +13, Rell Backs Same-Sex Civil Unions,12 +13,"Jim Brady, Reagan's aide until he was left partially paralyzed by the 1981 attempt on Reagan's life, limped to the podium with the aid of a cane and his wife, Sarah, who had just finished an emotional speech in support of gun control.",12 +13,Virginia Senate clears gun rights bill in bargain with McAuliffe,12 +7,Missouri executes murderer convicted of killing man in front of his 2 children,6 +12,"Thousands of students across the United States walked out of their classrooms and into the nation's schoolyards and streets on Friday in a renewed, coordinated protest against gun violence.",11 +5,No Papers?,4 +12,FATHER OF SLAIN BOY PROTESTS CONCEALED-GUN BILL ... POLICE JOIN CONCERNED,11 +15," +Should he die?",14 +8,FIX ANTI-TERROR DEBACLE,7 +13,Dean didn't. And doesn't.,12 +1, the state will save money in the long run.,0 +8,"DeKalb officials say security costs rising, cite risk of civilian firearms",7 +2,But some who would be helped still face a temporary loss of benefits because of an eight to nine-month backlog in citizenship applications.,1 +6,"Poor Data Hampers Gun Policies, Study Says",5 +7,"""We are sending a clear message to rogue gun dealers across the nation: Straighten up and follow the law, or face the consequences,""",6 +5,"From that pool, lawyers will select 12 jurors and four alternates. Final jury selection is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 21, the day that opening statements and testimony are to begin. +",4 +5," +RULING UPHOLDS CALIFORNIA'S BAN ON GAY MARRIAGE",4 +7,"Shin should be granted ""a lengthy prison sentence and psychological care,""",6 +5,"That legal quandary has stalled cases across Florida as prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges wait for clarity from the appellate courts. Meanwhile, lawyers keep filing appeals, including for at least four defendants in Tampa Bay.",4 +5,Justices acquit man sentenced to death,4 +5,The competency hearing in Superior Court is to continue today.,4 +3," ""What about God?"" Jackson asked before the vote.",2 +9,"Psychologist: Boggess betting on prison, not death penalty",8 +7,"""They say it's a law enforcement problem, that it's the criminals,",6 +10,"that committed couples face in their everyday lives of being faithful and caring partners, devoted parents and responsible citizens.",9 +5,"They challenge my weakening defense of the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment, arguing, ''Automatic weapons aren't intended for self-defense!'",4 +15,BOCA OKS KIDS' IDEA FOR BEACH,14 +13,"Obama has kicked smoking habit, first lady says",12 +14,SURGE IN REQUESTS PROMPTS U.S. TO HALT GUN SALES TO CANADA,13 +11,"Currently, our country is divided about gun ownership and control.",10 +5,"The Supreme Court faced one of the most foundational issues in history Monday and turned its back. +",4 +6,N.C. law permits felons to keep guns,5 +6,Handgun bill called 'useless',5 +9,The rifle is designed to kill quickly and efficiently,8 +1,"""I encourage individuals who believe they may be eligible for Social Security benefits to apply now, to protect against the loss of any potential benefits. We will process claims as soon as additional instructions become finalized,"" ",0 +13,"GARAMENDI ONCE OPPOSED DEATH PENALTY, FOES SAY TREASURER BROWN CALLS HIM A HYPOCRITE FOR SAYING HE'S A LIFELONG SUPPORTER.",12 +5,I'm allowed to take this action: Bam,4 +7,"Lamah unquestionably broke federal immigration law when she flew into Detroit from Germany on May 2, 2003, with a false passport. Five months pregnant, the 31-year old Cameroon native was detained, but released three days later pending a hearing.",6 +5,"In Tennessee, he helped persuade an appeals court to throw out the conviction of a death row inmate, Timothy McKinney, because he had been ineffectively represented at trial. Mr. McKinney was released in 2013 after a plea agreement.",4 +5,"The possible legal fallout has kept state lawmakers from making wholesale alterations to the state's death penalty statute, which the high court ruled constitutional in the mid-1970s. The landmark decision in the Georgia case helped reinstate capital punishment as an alternative nationally.",4 +5,JUSTICES: PROSECUTORS CAN HAVE 2ND SHOT DOUBLE JEOPARDY DOESN'T APPLY IN SOME 'STRIKES' TRIALS,4 +7,"Get caught with pot, don't go to jail: Why not everyone is happy",6 +13,Gov. Jim Florio said yesterday that he would allow a smokers rights bill to become law in New Jersey but that he would not endorse smoking by putting his name on it.,12 +15,COLORADO AND OREGON APPROVE BACKGROUND CHECKS AT GUN SHOWS,14 +13,''Your administration has yet to join us on these proposals and has not shown the leadership,12 +10,"She has two children, both citizens. In the meetinghouse, she lived in an upstairs bedroom, exercised on a stationary bicycle and cooked in a kitchen by the pews. Her son Anibal, 1, learned to walk there. Her son Bryant, 8, adapted to new rules: As visitors came and went, he reached for a key on a wall, unlocking and relocking the door.",9 +5,Elian's Miami relatives appeal court decision,4 +15,PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF FOR CBC SENIOR,14 +5,SUPREMES SNUB NUPS CHALLENGE,4 +6,Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana called for tougher gun laws in other states on Sunday,5 +5,"Once selected, the jury will make a recommendation to Sawaya, who then will make the final decision.",4 +1,"But still, most of Mr. Kay's 17 sales representatives work the city market more than the suburbs each day, visiting neighborhood merchant associations whose members seek information on getting a gun license, something they ponder more with each local armed robbery, Mr. Kay finds. +",0 +5,Tobacco firms win suit appeal,4 +6,Belmont is looking into tougher anti-smoking ordinances.,5 +7,"e was to have been put to death Saturday. +",6 +9,Detention Deficit; Immigrant detainees suffer and die from poor care in a system where many shouldn't be in the first place.,8 +13,"Saxton is generally an opponent of gun control, though he has only a B-plus rating from the NRA. +",12 +10," +SMOKE LESS NICOTINE PATCH OFFERS HELP FOR THOSE KICKING THE HABIT",9 +13,Some executives quickly donated to Democratic campaigns.,12 +5,Dylann Roof to Represent Himself at Trial in Charleston Church Shootings,4 +5,PROSTITUTE PLEADS GUILTY IN MOTORIST'S DEATH,4 +7,"""Criminals are finding it necessary to go out of state to get firearms because of the strong gun laws in Illinois,"" said Illinois State Police Lt. Lincoln Hampton..",6 +13,Gun law support linked to wins;,12 +3,Death penalty and accountability,2 +4,"Are those members of The Post's editorial board who are married willing to exchange their marriage licenses for civil union certificates? Or do they know that civil unions are not only separate but also unequal and therefore inadequate? + +And can we please stop referring to ""gay marriage"" as if this is some kind of alternative to ""regular marriage?"" We're not talking Coke and Diet Coke here. + +Just as couples today do not get either a same-race or interracial marriage license, same-sex couples don't want a kind of marriage license that is different from heterosexual couples'. We just want access to the same marriage licenses as everyone else. +",3 +14,"The Mexican Government has not officially commented on the Reagan proposals, which were announced last week. Dr. Bustamante, a sociologist who sometimes advises the Mexican Government, said that the Reagan Administration policy would perpetuate a ''subclass of workers'' and would establish a ''reserve army of labor that will be at the disposal of employers.''",13 +7,Assault Weapons Are Designed for Murder,6 +6,"During the legislative session, two separate gun bills were introduced. Under Senate Bill 43, employers no longer would've been able to bar their workers from bringing firearms in their cars onto unsecured company parking lots. + +The other measure, House Bill 89, would have let motorists legally hide guns --- in a glove compartment or under a floor mat, for example --- provided they had no serious criminal record or history of mental disorders. +",5 +5,"in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah and Oregon",4 +7,Smuggling ship testing U.S. access,6 +7,GROWER CHARGED WITH HOLDING MIGRANTS AGAINST THEIR WILL,6 +5,"ichael Minerva, the Capital Collateral Representative, resigned last week, saying he could not represent multiple murderer Gerald Stano due to a conflict of interest. +",4 +15,Cigarette Butts Found In Va. Mine,14 +1,. Foreign workers are paid the same wages Americans would be paid.,0 +11,Lyman Trumbull: The anti-slavery and pro-Second Amendment Senator and lawyer,10 +7, killing his father and dumping his remains in the woods of North Carolina,6 +5,"While the Senate considers Ms. Kagan's nomination, Judge Vaughn Walker of the United States District Court in San Francisco is deciding how to rule in a major lawsuit challenging Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot initiative that revoked and banned same-sex marriage in California (while leaving the state's marriage-like domestic partner program intact). Judge Walker may declare that the United States Constitution gives gay couples the right to marry -- a decision sure to start a political firestorm (possibly just in time to give the Democrats an additional headache in this year's midterm elections). Whatever he decides is likely to be appealed, presumably up to the court that Ms. Kagan seems likely to join.",4 +9,"Anderson, 49, then killed himself.",8 +6,West Valley College prohibits smoking on campus,5 +13,"Mr. Reid was shocked that Ms. Feinstein was shocked. Despite a high-profile push by President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the assault weapons ban never had a chance of passage.",12 +5,U.S. high court lets stand Philly ruling on gun ownership by people convicted of minor crimes,4 +5,"The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt, alleges that the ordinance unconstitutionally infringes on commercial and noncommercial free speech rights. It also alleges that the ordinance violates a state law that preempts counties from enacting certain kinds of gun control measures. In addition, the suit argues that the council's action infringes on the municipal power of Gaithersburg to enact its own laws by effectively banning gun shows within the city's borders. + +Krasner was joined in the lawsuit by two frequent exhibitors at his gun shows, Valley Gun of Baltimore and Robert D. Culver. They are seeking $ 500,000 in damages and an immediate injunction that would stop the county from enforcing the law.",4 +9,"GENETICS MAY INCREASE RISK OF LUNG CANCER, STUDY FINDS",8 +5,Defense lawyers unsuccessfully urged the judge to leave it at that.,4 +13,Perriello has cast himself as a progressive fighter since he made an unexpected leap into the governor's race last week.,12 +15,"Weekend Gun Report: May 9-11, 2014 +",14 +7,"solemnized the weddings of about 25 same-sex couples, even though the state health department refused to grant them marriage licenses",6 +5,"The Atlanta Journal-Constitution documented the same problem with the state Supreme Court's review a year ago. Walker's lawyers cited the AJC's investigation in their appeal to the high court. +",4 +6,HOUSE OKS BAN ON SALES OF CIGARETTES TO UNDER 18,5 +5," to try the juvenile suspects as adults,",4 +5,"It brought to 11 the number picked, leaving only one more juror and half a dozen alternates still to be selected. Judge William Howard ordered the process continued today.",4 +11,"""culture war"" over marriage rights for same-sex couples. +",10 +7,"YOSEMITE SLAYING INFORMATION SOUGHT +",6 +14,"Standing next to President Macky Sall of Senegal, Mr. Obama also urged African nations that treat homosexuality as a crime, like Senegal, to make sure that gays and lesbians were not discriminated against by the government. +",13 +5,"The master settlement agreement itself emphasizes that settling states ""have agreed to settle their respective lawsuits and potential claims pursuant to terms which will achieve . . . significant funding for the advancement of public health, and the implementation of important tobacco-related public health measures.""",4 +11,"To stand on the far shore of change is a fitting role for this state, which is known for a progressive public policy, a liberal state constitution, a tolerance for diversity, an acceptance of intermarriage and a culture of flourishing same-sex relationships.",10 +11,"Mr. Escobar produces exquisite small paintings and drawings, some multipaneled and shrinelike in format. The figures, many of them portraits of the artist himself, are highly colored and meticulously detailed. Their emblematic scenarios, accompanied by texts, have an intense, nose-to-the-surface, diaristic feel.",10 +6,CAMPUS GUN BILL SHELVED,5 +9,Congress Passes Bill to Stop Mentally Ill From Getting Guns,8 +13,Marriage vote is again rejected,12 +13,"Instead, the vote leaves same-sex marriage as the status quo in Massachusetts, and it now seems likely to remain so until at least 2008.",12 +4,"So too are the number of civil rights complaints concerning English learners, according to the Education Department, while national test scores and other data show a persistent achievement gap between native English speakers and those learning English as a second language.",3 +13,Foes reload after defeat of gun bill,12 +5,The gavel vs. the gun,4 +5,Death sought in 'battered woman' case,4 +5,but his attorneys say the death sentence should be thrown out because a witness in the sentencing phase of his trial was not reliable.,4 +9,"""Tobacco use is the No. 1 preventable cause of death and disease in our country,"" said Phil Huang, chief of the Texas Department of Health's chronic disease prevention and control bureau. ""It kills more Americans than AIDS, crack, heroin, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents, fire and murder combined.",8 +13,"If John Hinckley had used this to shoot President Ronald Reagan and Press Secretary James Brady, well, let's say Brady probably never would have been around to see the passage of the ""Brady Bill"" gun-control law that bears his name.",12 +5,"On Tuesday, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office filed murder charges against Keith Hunter Jesperson, 55, for the 1993 killing.",4 +5,DEATH SENTENCE APPEAL REJECTED,4 +1,"As a result, immigration creates new job opportunities for the native-born, with some particularly high-profile examples found in Silicon Valley.",0 +13,"Vice President Joe Biden is not letting the gun-control issue rest. At a speech in Las Vegas Friday at the U.S. Conference of Mayors' annual meeting, Biden said that ""at least five senators"" who initially opposed background checks have sought him out for an opportunity to change their votes.",12 +9,mentally retarded Texas man,8 +5,Gay-Marriage Issue Awaits Court Pick,4 +5,"The period covers about seven months from the date the law took effect on May 28, 2003. There was no indication how many permits have been issued so far in 2004.",4 +9,PLAN SEEKS TO DISARM ABUSE DEFENDANTS,8 +13,"""We might see a change in position as far as reasonable rules and regulations go,"" said the amendment's sponsor, State Rep. Ron Silver, D-North Miami Beach. ""It won't be a blanket ""No' just because the NRA (National Rifle Association) says, ""No.' '",12 +13,The GOP's day of reckoning on guns is here;,12 +4,"Harry Knox, director of the gay rights Georgia Equality Project, praised the move as a step in the right direction. He said it's a matter of equal pay for equal work. ""It's just the way gay folks ought to be treated and the way policy ought to be made,"" said Knox, whose group helped draft the DeKalb plan.",3 +4,Execution stayed of inmate sabotaged by lawyer,3 +15," +MEXICAN STANDOFF",14 +1,Market for tarnished leaf uncertain,0 +5,High court rejects Abu-Jamal's bid for new trial,4 +11,"Immigrant magnet that it is, New York City has long been the scene of some cross-cultural cuisine,",10 +4,"""I believe that gay couples deserve the same legal rights as every other couple in this country.""",3 +6,GUN BAN ISN'T GOING TO DECREASE CRIME,5 +6,Gun-control bill raises legal age Proposal requires background checks,5 +5,The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals upheld almost all of the laws,4 +5,Gay Couple's Case Reaches D.C. Cour,4 +5,"postponed a second round of weddings after the state's attorney general, Eliot Spitzer, issued a legal opinion saying that gay marriage is illegal, but that the state's marriage laws raised ''serious constitutional concerns.''",4 +6,ASSAULT WEAPONS SHOULD BE BARRED,5 +6,"For one, the restrictions only apply to guns purchased through licensed dealers, who are required to perform background checks",5 +5,"Man Jailed on Secret Evidence Should Be Freed, Judge Says",4 +5,Custody dispute tests same-sex union ban,4 +15,Guns Took Unusual Route to Newark,14 +5,"Minnesota probably won't feel much immediate impact from the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision allowing gays to marry, legal observers said Wednesday.",4 +12,"In Md., half back same-sex marriage",11 +5,California Cities to Sue Gun Makers Over Sales Methods,4 +13,Veto the ban on gay unions,12 +7,"In Delaware, shotgun murderer Bill Bailey, 49, is to be hanged Jan. 25. The following day convicted killer John Taylor, 36, is scheduled to face a firing squad in Utah.",6 +4," Although Mr. Trump's remarks were specifically targeted toward Mexicans, he slapped the faces of all immigrants.",3 +5,"On Jan. 11, the DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice filed a brief in the Supreme Court, asking the court to uphold the District's gun control law in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller. Our brief was co-sponsored by the D.C. League of Women Voters, the D.C. Chamber of Commerce, the Federal City Council, DC for Democracy and the Washington Council of Lawyers.",4 +9," +The human carnage attributable to gun violence in America is undeniable",8 +7,"Others accused included brokers who charged the immigrants for their services, using some of their money for the bribes.",6 +13,"Democrats, NRA Reach Deal on Background-Check Bill",12 +5,REEVES TO SAY HE STOOD HIS GROUND,4 +9,How would that not have led to thousands of armed panicked people adding to the toll?,8 +13,"Sensible cooperation, finally",12 +5, Justice for Bernhard Goetz,4 +5,"Prosecutor David Saacks said Monday that Crawley, now locked up without bond, has asked through her lawyers that bail be set. +",4 +13,"Sen. Daylin Leach (D., Montgomery) opposed the bill, and read a letter on the Senate floor",12 +13,"GOVERNOR SEEKS LAP DOG, NOT INDEPENDENT COURT",12 +5,CONCEALED GUN PERMIT NO SNAP TO GET,4 +13,"But Dole swung back when he appeared on NBC's ""Today"" show, arguing against Food and Drug Administration regulation of a legal product. He said Clinton has botched the nation's drug war.",12 +10,"Not so much. I grew up watching too many cowboy movies, playing with toy guns. That was what all the neighborhood kids did.",9 +13,"But the consensus bill is gaining ground with GOP moderates. Republican Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois and Susan Collins of Maine have signed on. +",12 +15,So a Guy Walks Into a Bar With an Air Monitor,14 +5,"Immigration laws are federal laws, he said, and local police don't charge county residents with violating federal laws",4 +12,County's smoking ban proposal pleases no one,11 +13,GUN-CONTROL DEBATE COMING TO LIBERTY BELL,12 +11,Cultural icons from former president Barack Obama to Kim Kardashian West have sent messages of support.,10 +7,"Linebaugh was convicted June 29 on two counts of first-degree murder for killing Alice Durfee, 57, and Maudeline Bailey, 84, so he could take Durfee's car.",6 +5,"Reno, who offered the idea of licensing gun owners in April",4 +5,"Since the high court's decision in June, a federal judge in New York has ruled capital punishment is unconstitutional. Other federal judges, in Virginia and Pennsylvania, have upheld the Federal Death Penalty Act.",4 +11,"MOST BRIDES have a year or more to plan their wedding - Mimi Brown and Carol Anastasio have less than a week. +",10 +1,"Ashley, you pay the bills. I'm tired of paying. The extra money we pay for law enforcement, courts, education, social services and hospitals for these people should be spent to secure our borders, find illegals, and then send them home. There, I've said it.",0 +12,"Poll after poll shows the American people are opposed to his bill because it does not deliver absolute border security, before it opens the floodgates to illegal immigrants.",11 +10,Same-sex partners' benefits lag,9 +11,"In Los Angeles, the iconic phrase may be Si se puede, but in Muncie, it's ""What the . . . ?""",10 +15,Back on Tobacco Road,14 +5,"Same-sex marriages -- the legally recognized kind. +",4 +13,Sanders' gun debate playing out in Montco,12 +10,"Judy Richard, Karin Bogliolo can now travel internationally, thanks to DOMA decision",9 +7,"called them ""triage"" for a gang violence epidemic that involves an estimated 17,000 members and was responsible for 1,900 criminal cases last year.",6 +1,"The U.S. Labor Department signed off on Mar-a-Lago's request for 69 foreign workers to take jobs as housekeepers, cooks and waiters during the 2015-16 high season. Wages range from $10.07 to $13.01 an hour. In 2014, the Labor Department granted Trump 90 visas for Mar-a-Lago. In 2013, the total was 87. ""It's very, very hard to get people,"" Trump said during Thursday's presidential debate. ""Other hotels do the exact same thing.""",0 +5,WAVE OF KILLERS FILE NEW APPEALS,4 +6,Let's cut the firepower on the USA's city streets,5 +7,"The woman who was killed, Gao Liqin, a 38-year-old illegal immigrant who worked in a Queens garment factory, was snatched off the street near her Corona factory on Aug. 22, 1995, dragged into a van and taken to a basement apartment in Brooklyn, where she was held with other kidnapping victims. She was found 11 days later, when firefighters responded to a blaze in the apartment, which, it turned out, had been set by another kidnapping victim as a way to get help.",6 +15," +Finding solace in a setback",14 +13,Trump gave Congress a six-month deadline to pass legislation that would preserve the program.,12 +13,HERE'S ONE RACE WHERE GUNS ARE THE DOMINATING ISSUE,12 +5,"The trial occurred in 1987, just after the Supreme Court ruled in a case called Batson v. Kentucky that it was unconstitutional for lawyers to use peremptory strikes to keep people off a jury because of their race.",4 +1,"$50,000 per entry",0 +7,"But the biggest problem is lack of enforcement of existing gun laws, including those concerning the illegal gun trade.",6 +12,The action touched off widespread protests around the globe.,11 +13,Senate Judiciary Committee Set to Consider Gun Legislation,12 +5,New York's top court slammed the door on a legal challenge to the state's gay marriage law.,4 +13,TARGET: AMERICA NRA millions go solely to pro-gun GOPers Unsafe for those who don't toe lobby line,12 +7,"A GEORGIA DAD who sat in his office sexting with multiple women - including an underage girl - while his toddler son died in the backseat of their overheated car was hit with upgraded murder charges Thursday and could face the death penalty, authorities said.",6 +9," says Doug Benevento, the executive director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.",8 +5,Looking for a winning card Immigrants vie for permanent visa,4 +13,"Back in 1992, Gov. Jim Florio gave Republican lawmakers fits by in effect daring them to overturn his assault weapons ban, in the end forcing his political opponents to beat an embarrassing retreat.",12 +5,Senior Circuit Judge C. Pfeiffer Trowbridge rejected arguments from Cave's attorney that Bush was an essential witness who agreed to testify for his client but didn't get a chance to before his Oct. 21 execution.,4 +7," A man who volunteered at a gay community center had a backpack full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches and a box of ammunition when he said, ""I don't like your politics"" and shot a security guard at the headquarters of a conservative lobbying group, authorities said Thursday.",6 +13,LAWMAKER TO PUSH GUN-SALE BILL,12 +4,"Under those circumstances, due process - the idea that each immigrant seeking asylum or charged with overstaying their visa or entering the country illegally will be granted a fair hearing with the law's full protection - is a fading ideal.",3 +13,"Former Senator Bill Bradley said today that the three most important differences between him and Vice President Al Gore were national health insurance, handgun control and a commitment to campaign-finance reform.",12 +11," +The implications for governments and communities are wide-ranging, demographers said. As the current crop of youngsters reaches kindergarten age, school systems that would otherwise be losing students will continue to grow or remain stable. They will also need to accommodate an ever-larger number of students who were raised in immigrant households where English was not spoken.",10 +6,Same-Sex Marriage Ban Being Retooled,5 +13,Va. Senate Sets Aside Gun Bill;,12 +1,Missouri gun store courts women with department store approach,0 +7,Cleaning Executives Indicted in $18 Million Fraud,6 +15,Inquirer Editorial: Tragedy in Arizona,14 +2,The Artist Visa Quota Fight,1 +9,"My mother died of breast cancer in 1963. In '74 my father died of lung cancer. There is no doubt in my mind that their deaths were smoking related. Nevertheless, I still enjoy the occasional fine ciga",8 +5, he was allowed to stay with family and given legal representation.,4 +5,"ACCUSED MURDERER, ATTORNEY NOT TALKING",4 +5," won't face criminal charges, prosecutors confirmed Friday.",4 +3,"Episcopalians resolve stance on gays, women",2 +9,EXECUTION IS DELAYED OVER COMPETENCY ISSUE,8 +5,"Some couples were caught in limbo - they had gotten licenses and exchanged vows, only to discover they would not be allowed to officially record their marriages. Others learned the bad news when they showed up to apply for their licenses.",4 +1," +Starbucks tells customers no guns (please)",0 +12,OUR OPINIONS: Cheney wises up on gay marriage,11 +7,police,6 +13,Republicans thought they had learned a lesson after 2012: Turning off Latino voters ensures defeat in the general election.,12 +4,despite growing debate nationwide about its fairness.,3 +11,The new numbers call for new strategies to prevent kids from ever lighting a cigarette. State epidemiologist Frank Franklin says 70 percent of children who try cigarettes become smokers.,10 +12,disappointment to many. Millions of Californians are looking forward to a joyful late-summer wedding season.,11 +13,"True, the measure's opponents have been taking loud aim at lawmakers from both parties who have openly voiced support, especially those whose districts include conservative communities. But elected officials should be able to take a little heat",12 +5,Walker made his decision in a lawsuit filed by two gay couples who claimed the voter-approved ban violated their civil rights.,4 +13,Andy backs Dem after gay-nups OK,12 +6,Gay marriage victories only go so far,5 +1,"A MISSED OPPORTUNITY TO KICK THE HABIT: Low funding, more smokers",0 +13,"Minnesota Republicans and social conservatives had reason to be gleeful Wednesday despite their disappointment at a surge of Democratic and moderate victories on Election Day. +",12 +12,Majority in poll oppose aspects of Clinton teen-smoking efforts,11 +13,KERRY FIRES AT BUSH ON ASSAULT-WEAPONS STANCE PRESIDENT'S CAMPAIGN SAYS CRITICISM SHOWS DEMOCRAT IS DESPERATE,12 +6,"FLORIDA'S NEW, IMPROVED 'OLD SPARKY'",5 +7,"he executions to proceed, prison officials said. Georgia executions are carried out at the state prison in Jackson, which houses the electric chair. +",6 +10,DeKalb approves giving benefits to domestic partners,9 +14,Mexican government officials say the anti-immigrant backlash in the United States is what prompted Fox to take such a bold position Wednesday.,13 +9," +At least 14 people were hospitalized for heat exhaustion and possible heat stroke. Authorities said at least five were in critical condition. It was about 96 degrees Saturday afternoon in the Dallas area.",8 +7,"$200,000 Bail in Assault Case for Brother of 'Megan's Law' Killer +",6 +9,"""Most of the time, early-stage lung cancer does not have any symptoms,"" he said. ""Lung cancers are rarely discovered until they have progressed to a late stage, where they are almost incurable. Late-stage lung cancer has an overall 5 percent survival rate. Lung cancer in the early stage is highly survivable.""",8 +3,"''Today there was a very clear and strong signal from the church, and that message is, 'Change is on the way,' '' Mr. Schaefer said in a telephone interview. ''One day we will celebrate the fact that we have moved beyond this horrible chapter in our church's life.'' +",2 +5,"The question before the court was actually quite modest: Does restricting the term ""marriage"" to opposite-sex couples violate the state Constitution? And the court answered this modest question with a ruling that embodies judicial immodesty.",4 +5,"The suit was filed in November by four Idaho couples, including two who had married in other states. +",4 +1," A judge Wednesday slashed a record $28 billion award to a former smoker to $28 million, saying the jury's decision on punitive damages was excessive.",0 +1,"""It's as good as I've ever seen it,"" Graham said of this year's crop. ""They've got one of the best crops in here right now. ... Every [year] on the first day sale, buyers are trying to feel each other out and that type thing. You can tell in two or three days.""",0 +5,U.S. Ordered to Justify Afghans' Confinement,4 +6,"' CONFUSION' MARKS INS OFFICE IN MIAMI, LEWIS SAYS OF REPORT",5 +7, Mejia got 45 years and could well die in prison.,6 +9,National Briefing Science And Health: Lethal Injections May Not Have Enough Anesthetic,8 +5,"The case is to be brought to U.S. District Court in Orlando today. The appeal is to bring up several federal issues in the case, as well as the defense contention that Buenoano could be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment if the chair is not re-examined.",4 +13,GUN BAN SHOT DOWN DEMS COURT L.I. MASSACRE WIDOW,12 +13,Obama's Marriage Maneuvers,12 +5,Gay marriage supporters urge court to reject latest Proposition 8 appeal,4 +1,tobacco product,0 +6,"There is every reason for Kentucky to take the advice and become the 18th state to prohibit capital punishment. +",5 +12,"Two-thirds prefer smoke-free restaurants, local survey finds",11 +5," +The California Supreme Court will rule Thursday on the legality of the state's ban on gay marriage. +",4 +5,LAW 'GOING TO BREAK US APART',4 +5,"Both our chief justices, William Rehnquist of the U.S. Supreme Court and Gerald Kogan of the Florida Supreme Court, expressed concern this week about the state of our overburdened court system and the distribution of judicial resources.",4 +12," It was supported by the state medical and education associations, the State League of Women Voters, the Association of Churches, parent-teacher groups around the state, C. Everett Koop and the American Bar Association, among others.",11 +5,"But by Supreme Court decree, undocumented children have a right to a free public education through high school.",4 +6,Critics Try to Break Up Domestic Partners Bill,5 +1,"Suppliers have canceled orders, says Concord, Calif., gun shop owner Jesse Whitebear, ''because they have no idea when they can get any more.'' +",0 +13,"With another election looming and ratings for Mr. Bush and the Republican Congress in the dumper though, it's time once again to blame homosexuals for everything that's wrong with the country. Today, as happened Monday and may happen Wednesday, the Senate will ""debate"" another same-sex marriage ban that everyone knows doesn't have the 67 votes necessary to pass it.",12 +3,The archdiocese has celebrated an annual Mass honoring marriage for the past 25 years.,2 +7,Death penalty in Fairfax slaying,6 +7,adding further delays to California's death penalty system.,6 +5,in a lawsuit that seeks to recover,4 +6,Gay-marriage bill 'on the table',5 +13,Trump Retreats From Promises On Gun Control,12 +1,The smokers want at least $200 billion.,0 +7,"r. Moreno was sentenced to death for the fatal shooting of Russell Lynn Boyd, a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper, on Oct. 11, 1983. +",6 +9,"STUDY: WEIGHT-CONSCIOUS KIDS MORE LIKELY TO TRY SMOKING +",8 +10,THE ROCKY ROAD TO CITIZENSHIP,9 +13,"Mayor Giuliani said yesterday that he was ""prepared to do anything"" to help President Clinton beat back the GOP Congress' attempt to repeal the assault weapons ban. + +And he offered this advice to Clinton: ""Go on the offensive"" by seeking even stiffer federal gun control laws. + +""Instead of dealing with the rollback on the ban that's in effect, extend it and seek uniform laws on gun control throughout the country,"" said Giuliani at a City Hall news conference. + +His comments came in response to Clinton's appeal during an exclusive Daily News interview Sunday for the mayor's aid in fighting his fellow Republicans' efforts to lift the ban on 19 semi-automatic assault weapons. + +Giuliani said the President personally thanked him Sunday for his public support last year for the ban a position that bucked the national leadership of his party. + +The mayor promised yesterday to campaign actively to preserve the weapons ban, including trying to keep Republican lawmakers who backed it last year from changing their positions. + +If Congress still should repeal the ban, Giuliani said he would support a presidential veto. + +The measure before the House not only would repeal the ban, but override state and local gun licensing laws by permitting people to keep firearms in their homes for self-defense. + +In making his call for more federal control of guns, the mayor pointed out that 90% of the guns in the city come in illegally from the outside.",12 +13,"Michigan: Same-Sex Marriages Won't Be Recognized +",12 +1,"From roads and education to museums and even funding in support of the tobacco industry, states have found myriad ways in the past 10 years to spend the tobacco money that have nothing to do with health, much less smoking.",0 +12,Activists think timing could set gays back,11 +1,"On the plus side, he mentioned contracts offered by tobacco companies to some farmers and the possible opening of China to U.S. tobacco. ""We need to open that market, and we need tobacco companies to purchase more domestic leaf in order to maintain profitability for our farmers,"" Graham said.",0 +13,"This would be the same Clinton who -- obviously not afraid of hardball questioning -- recently sat down with renowned Hispanic ""journalist"" Mario Lopez to declare she was deeply troubled by Trump's harsh tone toward immigrants.",12 +6,CLEAN AIR ACT WILL GIVE SMOKING BANS A BOOST,5 +7,"Marlene Chalmers spent several hours in a federal lockup yesterday, but it could have been a lot worse. She could have spent the entire weekend in jail. She got so hysterical when five federal agents came to get her on Friday night, the feds backed off.",6 +9,"Mr. Holloway is a health-policy planner (irony No. 1) who says smoking relieves stress caused by his cancer diagnosis (irony No. 2). Those are skin and prostate cancers, but why go for lung cancer, too?",8 +15,Montgomery Snuffs Another Smoking Curb,14 +15,Raising a Big Stick in the Name of Tolerance,14 +6,". If it is truly sincere about reducing the threat of fatal shootings, it will stop working to put more guns into inexperienced hands and instead try to keep them away from children.",5 +13,"But in the wake of the latest wave of youthful shootings around the country, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Nassau) reacted angrily to LaPierre's comments.",12 +15,Tobacco's ubiquitous stain,14 +1,The magic number of store owners,0 +6,DO PLACES WITH DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS HAVE FEWER MARRIAGES?,5 +13,Campbell will write Atlanta City Council today detailing his reasons for vetoing the provision requiring city contractors to provide benefits to domestic partners. The veto was one of four Campbell issued this week.,12 +4, They argued that a disproportionate number of poor blacks are sentenced to die in Maryland.,3 +5,"City Attorney Mike Davis explained to the council that the state had reserved for itself all authority for regulating firearms. +",4 +13,'Brady Bill' Passes Easily in House,12 +5,"One of the lawyers representing the defendants - Phillip Morris, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Lorillard Tobacco and Liggett Group - told justices that the $145 billion award constituted ""jackpot justice."" Lawyers also contended that there was essentially no class because the case and illness of each smoker are different.",4 +9,"On May 27, Surgeon General Richard Carmona released a report on the health effects of cigarette smoking. As has been true of every surgeon general's report in recent memory, Carmona's claims smoking is ""even worse"" for smokers than previously thought",8 +13,"Now, the focal point of the battle moves to Capitol Hill, where backers of bills restricting U.S.-made assault guns say Bush has helped their cause. +",12 +5,"A federal judge ruled Thursday that a secret fax, which a witness said was written by an anti-Castro militant and links him to a campaign of bombings in Havana in 1997, can be viewed by jurors at his perjury trial.",4 +13,Panel rejects plate proposal Columbine parents to try elsewhere,12 +6,Athens likely to approve smoking ban,5 +13,"President Bush may drop his longstanding opposition to a nationwide seven-day waiting period for handgun purchases if Congress passes the administration's anti-crime proposals, Attorney General Dick Thornburgh said in a letter made public Wednesday. +",12 +6,Marriage Equality died last week in New Jersey.,5 +5,"Wisconsin's gay marriage case could land in national spotlight with fast track +",4 +11,landmark status,10 +3,"Citizens must say, ""Not in our name""",2 +13, National teachers union leader Lily Eskelsen Garcia offered a prediction Friday about gun lobbyists and politicians who are indifferent to the carnage of gun violence.,12 +10,QUITTING SMOKING? TRY LASER THERAPY,9 +13, Congress should follow up with a similar restriction for domestically made assault weapons.,12 +6,The Broward and Miami-Dade county school districts offered domestic partners health coverage years before Palm Beach County schools.,5 +12,Vermont Town Meeting Turns Into Same-Sex Union Forum,11 +1,Unlicensed sale for L.A. pistol Glock traced to gun show near Aryan Nations,0 +5,"The 9th Circuit had earlier put Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling on hold while an appeal of his decision proceeds, but that has been further delayed by legal wrangling in the California Supreme Court. The Supreme Court last month agreed to the 9th Circuit's request to review whether backers of Proposition 8 have a legal right to defend the law when the governor and attorney general refuse to do so -- and the Supreme Court has indicated it may need the rest of the year to decide that issue.",4 +6,"But advocates for immigrants said the increase seemed to justify their fears about a 1996 law that gave the I.N.S. an array of new enforcement tools, including the right to deport people quickly upon their arrival at an airport or land border without allowing them a lawyer or a judicial hearing.",5 +7,"The police say Jermaine Grant and Paget Belle were members of a local gang called the Outlaws, which Detective Fowlkes said was made up mostly of 14- to 18-year-olds, and that Mr. Belle arranged to sell Jermaine a .38-caliber revolver. +",6 +7,A Fort Myers man known for alien smuggling faced new charges Friday of transporting six Haitian immigrants from the Bahamas.,6 +13,"'I'm going to have my hands full,' said Sen. Bryan Sullivant, the Breckenridge Republican who is carrying the bill in the Senate. 'The right says it goes too far. The left says it doesn't go far enough.'",12 +13,Minutemen march far from border,12 +9,"which would make our city less safe and put at risk the lives of law enforcement officers who face danger every day to protect us. +",8 +7,"because he killed Thompson ""execution-style to rob her of $ 7,000.""",6 +5,Alaska became the 23d state to file such a Medicaid suit.,4 +3,Church's 'National Migration Week' Seeks to Ease Path,2 +5," +Appeals court rules Oklahoma must OK gay marriage",4 +7,"Look at all of the violence going on in the country. Seems like every day you hear of someone else shooting and killing people. +",6 +6," enabling heterosexual and homosexual couples to register as unmarried ""domestic partners"" and receive some of the rights of married couples",5 +7,Many of the immigrants who are deported are barred from returning to the country for five years or more. Some are barred for life.,6 +5,"Thirty months after launching the state's courtroom war on the tobacco industry, Minnesota lawyers have placed cigarette makers where they don't like to be - on the losing side.",4 +13,What Passes as Progress on Guns,12 +7,"In February, deputies arrived at his Orient Park home to find him smeared with blood and the body of Roxanne Hayes, 31, on the carpet behind him. A house painter said he had walked in to see Singleton viciously attacking her. She was stabbed seven times, including once to her heart. +",6 +7,"FEDERAL IMMIGRATION officials say they've arrested 114 foreign nationals in the New York area, 99 of them in the city, during an 11-day enforcement sweep this month.",6 +13,"The respective calls came from Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson and Police Director Hubert Williams. ''I have always been a fighter against the ownership of guns by private citizens,'' the Mayor said in an interview. ''Most people who have them don't know how to handle them. The person usually getting shot is the friend or relative of the person who brought the gun into the house.''",12 +13,Can Republicans support gay marriage and win?,12 +15,What to Do About Guns?,14 +13,NRA foe: I'll beat them by joining them!,12 +15,A DIRECTOR WHO SPARES NO ONE,14 +13,"New Jersey lawmakers should stop debating the process and have the courage to take a clear stand on same-sex marriage. ""It is the job of elected officials to ensure that everyone is provided equal protection and equal rights under the law,"" Sweeney said. ""We should not hide from that responsibility.",12 +9,urb an epidemic of gun violence,8 +5,"The plaintiffs' lawyers interpret Judge Jones's ruling to mean that as many as 40 million current smokers, as well as an estimated 50 million people who have quit smoking, are eligible for certification by the Federal court for inclusion in the class action. +",4 +9,Affordable Care Act,8 +7,"Man who escaped from Santa Rita Jail back in custody, on immigration hold",6 +7, whom he murdered in 1982.,6 +6,Guns Are Not the Problem,5 +9,national slaughter ,8 +13,PREATE BLASTS RIDGE FOR MISSING VOTE ON THE DEATH PENALTY A VOTE COULD HAVE BROKEN A TIE ON A KEY AMENDMENT.,12 +12,A pro-gun look at the lessons of Columbine,11 +13,"Gov. Pete Wilson on Thursday threatened to veto a measure that would create the nation's strongest assault-weapons ban, only minutes after the bill squeaked out of the state Assembly by a one-vote margin.",12 +3,"A MAN WAS OUT OF CONTROL, NOT HIS GUN",2 +11,CDC: Many quit smoking after graphic ad campaign,10 +7,was sentenced to die.,6 +14,"In public statements and in interviews with the Mexican news media, Ms. Rice sought to assure Mexicans that the Bush administration would keep trying in Washington to win passage of legislation to make it easier for Mexicans to find temporary work in the United States, but she made no promises when progress could be made.",13 +13,that victory in November will go to George W. Bush.,12 +13,"Before voting against the gun ban, Springs Councilman Tom Gallagher called Ortega 'an ignorant, stupid, irresponsible man.'",12 +3, Colorado Episcopalians yesterday side-stepped the controversial issue of asking the church to bless same-sex unions by calling for a study of the issue,2 +13,"Barely a week into his second term, President Obama made a stirring call Tuesday for Congress to act on immigration reform before the end of the year.",12 +5,The lower court penalized the government for refusing to grant Moussaoui access to the witnesses. It did so by removing the death penalty.,4 +5," +With the Supreme Court set to decide a pair of same-sex marriage cases as early as next week,",4 +5,"Guinan had been granted a stay of execution by a federal judge in Kansas City, but the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis lifted the stay Monday.",4 +13,"The mayor declined to respond to further questions about his beliefs on gay marriage. +",12 +11,BETWEEN TWO WORLDS KOREANS HOPE TO BRIDGE GAP OF OLD AND NEW,10 +5,", U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft ignores public opinion and arbitrarily chooses candidates for the death house.",4 +9,"Volunteers, with federal government permission, store two one-gallon jugs of drinking water at the base of each flag. It's not much, but it could be enough to save lives in an area where the temperature regularly exceeds 110 degrees in summer and 14 migrants have died from the heat this year.",8 +9,"enjoy brighter, healthier dining options",8 +13,"And gay activists are so disappointed with Democratic politicians' response to the ruling that they are talking of mounting an effort to shift their votes to the Republican Party primary. + +""The feeling is, if they [Democrats] treat us this way now, they aren't going to do anything different when they are in power,"" said Chuck Bowen, the executive director of Georgia Equality, a statewide gay rights organization. ""We won't have a seat at the table."" + +On Friday, the group urged the gay community to reconsider its support of both Cox and her Democratic rival for governor, Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor. +",12 +6,Laws need waiting period more than guns,5 +5, while courts decide the issue of same-sex marriage in Utah.,4 +13,Gov. Bill Owens this week signed,12 +12,Latino outcry trips up immigration-enforcement office,11 +13,"Fulfilling a pledge he made months ago, Gov. Casey yesterday vetoed legislation that would strike down Philadelphia's ban on assault weapons and prevent other municipalities from enacting similar laws.",12 +13,"At Capitol, Young Friends and Foe of Gun Control Test Each Other",12 +9,Passive smoking danger affirmed Researchers cite vascular damage,8 +5,Florida smokers' class-action lawsuit goes to trial,4 +6,SURGEONS GENERAL SUPPORT BAN ON SECONDHAND SMOKE,5 +14,CUBA OFFERS TALKS ON RETURN OF 'UNDESIRABLES',13 +11,"The odor reminds me of my maternal grandfather. He used to smoke one after supper, sitting on the front porch of his farmhouse, his stocking feet propped on the railing.",10 +3,"In a measured homily that skirted the word ""homosexual,"" Cardinal O'Connor yesterday weighed in on Mayor Giuliani's domestic partnership bill, faulting it as ""contrary to natural moral law.""",2 +1,"It's usually tobacco marketing,",0 +6,would create a clearer split between the INS's enforcement and administrative functions by giving the two separate budgets.,5 +5,A jury in Denver will continue to hear arguments this week,4 +13,"But Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D., N.J.), another leading antitobacco figure in the Senate, called the $368 billion agreement ""a very positive beginning."" + +President Clinton, whose posture surely will influence Congress, sounded an initially cautious tone, withholding his support and ordering aides to ""subject this agreement to the strictest scrutiny."" +",12 +14,Mexico's leader calls for immigration talks,13 +5,Triggerman Provision Weighed in Sniper Case,4 +4,"ow new disclosures support his claim,",3 +11,"Mass shootings have become an everyday occurrence in the United States,",10 +6,Bill would ban cigarette vending machines and reimburse owners,5 +3,attend an evening vigil for the dead.,2 +4,"In his case, the defendants were black. The victims, police, prosecutor, judge and jury were all white.",3 +9,TOBACCO FIRMS PLAY IT COOL ON REPORT THEY SAY CIGARETTES AREN'T ONLY SUSPECT IN GENE DAMAGE,8 +13,Democrats tried to passsuch a law in December.,12 +7," So has the Maricopa County sheriff, Joseph Arpaio, whose round-ups of immigrants here illegally became famous nationally.",6 +5,Proposition 8 trial sees joust over whether homosexuality is product of choice or nature,4 +5,No need to deface U.S. Constitution over gay marriage,4 +1,SUGAR CO-OP TO END HAND HARVESTING,0 +6,Same-Sex Marriage Measures Succeed,5 +6,"That minor stab at ensuring privacy rights, however, is more than outweighed by the bill's attempt to gut the right of non-smokers to a smoke-free environment. It would require that substantial portions of public buildings, including offices, meeting rooms and hospitals, be reserved for smoking",5 +12,"The Public Policy Institute of California survey found that Proposition 8 is favored by only 40 percent of likely voters and opposed by 54 percent. Just 6 percent of the 2,001 Californians polled said they hadn't taken a position on the measure. +",11 +12,"The event, at which speakers will share stories and organizers will pass out information, is expected to draw about 50 people. It was planned for last night but postponed because of bad weather.",11 +13,SENATORS GET EARFUL ON GAY MARRIAGE COLEMAN BACKS BAN; DAYTON OPPOSES IT,12 +13, Bush administration's assertion,12 +13,"West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a conservative Democrat who has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, and Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, a conservative Republican, reached the breakthrough Tuesday night. +",12 +5,"Lawyers for the Obama administration asked a federal judge Wednesday to temporarily block Alabama's immigration law, widely seen as the toughest state measure on illegal immigration in the country.",4 +12,Did The Post 'celebrate' gay marriage?,11 +3,Haitian policy called 'immoral',2 +7,Scope of Smuggling Ring Stuns an Enclave,6 +3,Baptist church OKs same-sex ceremonies,2 +12," +""Demand resolution, give us back our constitution!"" chanted the crowd of about 75 gay and heterosexual Silicon Valley residents gathered at the Plaza de Cesar Chavez as passing cars honked their horns in approval. + +The gathering coincided with a similar march in San Francisco organized by opponents of Proposition 8, approved by 52.5 percent of voters statewide though only 44.3 percent supported it in Santa Clara County. +",11 +13,"As the House prepares to debate legalizing same-sex marriage, gay and lesbian delegates were still talking to their colleagues in the blue-carpeted hallways, chasing them down the marble staircases, making phone calls, even stopping to praywith those who are torn on the issue.",12 +5,"Earlier today, the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta decided to allow a 24-hour reprieve to expire at 7 A.M. Thursday. +",4 +5,"either Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon nor lawyers for Oxford could be reached late Tuesday. +",4 +3,GIVE MOUSSAOUI WHAT HE DESERVES,2 +6, regulate tobacco products to reduce underage smoking,5 +13,The growing clout of the borough's gay community was in evidence Monday night as City Council candidates descended on the Lesbian & Gay Democratic Club of Queens to seek endorsements.,12 +15,Gay Marriage: A Variety of Lenses,14 +3,Yet another smoke screen,2 +7,"e was the second Texas inmate to be put to death this year and the 22nd to be executed in the state since it resumed the death penalty in 1982. +",6 +5," +The 2-to-1 decision by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, based in Richmond, upheld a lower court's decision and extended an extraordinary winning streak in the federal courts for proponents of same-sex marriage.",4 +10,"""Now we can get on with our lives, Marshall Sells, Ms. Sells's father and Ms. Forte's grandfather, said after the sentencing.",9 +3,It is our constitutional and moral obligation to protect children from associating a cigarette with an animal or a smiling face. Can we at least wait until they are old enough to read the minuscule warning label?,2 +13,The Nov. 8 election secured strong Republican majorities in the Legislature and paved the way for a more gun-friendly state Senate.,12 +13,"St. Louis County accepts first same-sex marriage application +",12 +12,"HUNDREDS of protesters rallied for immigrant rights Sunday, attempting to breathe new life into the Occupy Wall Street movement as they marked International Migrants Day.",11 +1,Recession blocks illegal immigration,0 +11, Its passage would maintain the three decades-long trend of expanding gun owners' rights in the state.,10 +11,STATIONS SAY NO TO SHOW'S GAY NUPTIALS,10 +7, Capano killed the young woman when she tried to break off their relationship.,6 +5,Court allows fee on small-brand smokes,4 +10,Kevin Riordan: La Esperanza in Lindenwold an immigrant success story,9 +13,"While the measure won backing from 35 Democrats, Leno could not persuade another six lawmakers to give AB 19 the 41 votes it needed to pass. The defeat, just after midnight, marked the second time in two years that Leno has fallen short on the issue. But he vowed to try again as soon as today.",12 +9,Severely crippled by his wounds,8 +7,Trouble still finds Franklin County man who killed two intruders,6 +5,"The state Supreme Court hears arguments in the inmate's bid for a new trial in a 1982 murder. +",4 +9,"The number who died along the border last year rose to 136 from 29 the previous year, according to officials from Mexico's National Migration Institute. Close to 50 deaths have been reported so far this year.",8 +13,"Gov. Mitt Romney withdrew his support for a compromise and is backing the initiative petition. He said the compromise ""muddied"" the issue of gay marriage by legalizing civil unions. +",12 +1,"For Philip Morris, '95 Was Banner Year",0 +3,"They have drawn support from the church and infused new life into it, said the Rev. Loren McLean, associate pastor. The Karen (pronounced cur-REN) have helped the church stay downtown when it looked like its dwindling membership would force it to move, McLean said. +",2 +9,"Last week, U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher laid out a prescription to help us kick the cigarette habit. His report contains a practical mix of simple and ambitious recommendations. None requires development of expensive new drugs or technologies. Even so, it seems unlikely they will be implemented.",8 +13,and we should not allow partisan gridlock to prevent Congress from acting on pressing public safety issues.,12 +5,Jury recommends death penalty for Oakland double murderer,4 +7,criminal records,6 +13,THOMPSON BACKS FLA. GAY-MARRIAGE BAN,12 +10,A quiet milestone for gay marriages,9 +5, They voted to make the manufacturers and gun dealers liable for any accidents and deaths caused by the weapons they made and sold.,4 +13,"Assemblyman Daniel J. O'Donnell of Manhattan, who for years has led the fight to pass gay marriage in the Assembly, introduced a bill on Tuesday that would legalize same-sex marriage. Asked to react to Mr. O'Donnell's bill, Mr. Cuomo suggested that he was focusing his attention on the Senate, since the Assembly has passed gay marriage in prior years without much suspense",12 +5,"scheduled for trial in an additional homicide in Cherry Hill, may not serve as his own attorney, a Camden County judge decided yesterday.",4 +12,"The group, known as Get Real, ",11 +7,Only Three Arrests,6 +3," He also met with a minister from his native Rutherford County,",2 +13,Next up is battle for recognition,12 +13,The members of Congress and the legislatures should follow the will of the majorities of their constituencies and the amendment should pass.,12 +1,"That's what happened to Brendan Eich after he was named CEO of Mozilla, the maker of the Firefox Internet browser. +",0 +13,"With Bill Owens as governor, some political observers expect that Colorado'sconcealed-weapons laws will get a lot looser before lawmakers go home in May.",12 +10,"A YEAR LATER, ST. CHARLES STILL STRUGGLES WITH GIRL'S MURDER",9 +1,"Kate Nelson, owner of the Hollywood Palace nightclub in Hollywood, said she was forced to close her restaurant for lunch",0 +5,Santa Clara County death sentence upheld,4 +12,Hundreds Take Up the Cause of a Killer,11 +13," are diving into the thorny debate on overhauling the nation's immigration laws, seeking to push Congress to act as soon it emerges from its summer recess next month.",12 +5,U.S. Judge Harshly Criticizes F.B.I. Over Dylann Roof's Gun Purchase,4 +13,Political Gunslinging,12 +5,A federal appeals court today refused to allow same-sex marriages to proceed immediately in California while the legal challenge to Proposition 8 continues to unfold.,4 +5,"But Proposition 22 itself might fall to legal challenges. In March, a Superior Court judge ruled that restricting marriage to a man and a woman denies gays equal rights under the Constitution. +",4 +4, about a death row inmate exonerated by DNA.,3 +6,Vermont law sweeps smokers under the rug,5 +13,NRA's influence is out of proportion,12 +13,Slogans frame political debate,12 +13,The deal ended months of acrimonious public debate and a showdown between the veteran governor and the relative newcomer to California politics.,12 +13," The Senate voted, 82-17, to kill a move by Sen. Howard M. Metzenbaum, D-Ohio",12 +4,"The report found that of the 675 cases where U.S. attorneys recommended death sentences, only slightly more than one quarter were white defendants. Blacks made up almost half of those defendants recommended for a death penalty, and Hispanics about one-fifth, the administration official said, requesting anonymity.",3 +5,Right to Bear Arms Is an Individual Right,4 +6,"""It's not. We need better gun control."" +",5 +11,"Come to think of it, immigrants who share American values should not be surprising. After all, that is why they come to the U.S. in the first place.",10 +11,"Fairouz wrote in a column published Friday by the Independent, a British online newspaper. ",10 +13,"Politicians here credit the weddings themselves with shifting the political momentum, saying their growing ordinariness has defused some of the opposition.",12 +13,OREGON CAPITAL IS LATEST TO JOIN GAY-WEDDING MARCH,12 +9, Campbell is mentally retarded.,8 +7, Killings Bring 2 Bills,6 +5, his lawyer said in court Friday.,4 +5,DOMESTIC-PARTNERS ORDER REROUTED TO COMMISSION< THE COURTS WON'T GET FIRST SHOT AT DETERMINING THE ORDER'S LEGALITY.,4 +13,"It's been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has killed nearly a dozen concealed weapons measures in the last few sessions. Premature memorial Rep. Ron Tupa's attempt to name a couple of state-funded scholarships after two just-retired state legislators died in the House Education Committee yesterday on a 6-5 vote.",12 +5,Jury Recommends Execution for Klaas's Killer,4 +1,"At Shooters in Duluth, store manager Robert White said gun sales were slow after ""they went through the ceiling over the weekend."" But Brady didn't hold up a gun sale White made Monday morning to a customer",0 +12,"""It was a really unbalanced presentation of the issue,"" says David Hansen of Fremont, Calif., who saw the article when his 11-year-old daughter brought it home Friday.",11 +9,Dennis Stanworth found unfit to stand trial for allegedly slaying his mother,8 +15,'Only the Extremists Want to Ban All Guns',14 +13,"What's different this year is that anti-gun voices aren't being as dismissive of the legislation's chances as in past years. +",12 +5,"""Juan was eligible to apply for his green card based on the marriage, but when that plane went down the petition died with his wife,"" said Vasquez's lawyer, Kerry Bretz, of Manhattan.",4 +10,Dozens of Gay Couples Marry in San Francisco Ceremonies,9 +9,Chief of R.J. Reynolds Says Smoking Has Role in Cancer,8 +15,"In California, Gay Marriage Battle Is a Family Feud",14 +15,Not exactly a man of his word,14 +5,ABC Discussion Seen Over Suit By Philip Morris,4 +9,employee health plans,8 +10,Many Successful Gay Marriages Share an Open Secret,9 +1,Metropolitan State College of Denver may approve a new tuition structure that will cut the cost of college for illegal-immigrant students by more than half.,0 +12,Gun rights rallies,11 +11,Atlanta rapper tackles gun rights,10 +13,Attacks Shelve GOP Effort to Woo Hispanics,12 +7,"Mr. Moreno was sentenced to death for the fatal shooting of Russell Lynn Boyd, a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper, on Oct. 11, 1983.",6 +12,Anti-gun group overreaches on New York cop shooting,11 +13,BUSH'S BOOK PUTS HIM IN CROSS FIRE ON IMMIGRATION,12 +12,"Advocates of gun control said such a ruling would have blown a gaping hole in the nation's laws regulating gun purchases. +",11 +5," A swing justice on an ideologically divided court, Kennedy also said he believed the Second Amendment covered a ""general right to bear arms.""",4 +7,A special agent on a recently created anti-gun task force in Chicago was critically wounded by a gunshot during an ear-ly-morning operation in Chicago on Friday.,6 +13," We would not release that power to governors and legislators to say who is fit to live and die.""",12 +11,1 in 4 adults still smoke despite campaign,10 +12,"The N.R.A., Shot Down",11 +13,"The issue carries some strain among Senate members. One of Mr. Smith's colleagues, Thomas K. Duane of Manhattan, has sponsored a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. And some others, like State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. of the Bronx, oppose the bill",12 +5,"The Justice Department offered little explanation for the figure. Associate Attorney General Robert D. McCallum Jr. and members of the trial team declined to answer questions as the court session ended. In 2001, then-Attorney General John D. Ashcroft tried to settle or shelve the government's racketeering case against the industry before a public outcry forced its revival. + +",4 +5,"Mr. Wood, who is 35, also lost a motion before the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Tuesday. His lawyers had asked the court to appoint a lawyer to pursue the argument that Mr. Wood lacks the mental competence to be executed.",4 +12,"Bill Manown, a spokesman for the National Rifle Association, said the numbers proved that more gun laws were not needed and that existing laws needed to be enforced.",11 +9,"Two big ideas dominate the latest thinking about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: one, genes determine who develops it, and two, it involves systemic inflammation that affects far more than the lungs.",8 +5,MAN CONVICTED IN TWO KILLINGS WILL ENTER PLEA IN ARNOLD CASE/ SLAYING TOOK PLACE AT GAS STATION,4 +5,"On Dec. 6, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit will hear an appeal in the California same-sex marriage case Perry v. Schwarzenegger, in which the trial judge ruled that excluding lesbian and gay couples from civil marriage laws is unconstitutional. If the appeals court agrees, the Supreme Court will almost certainly grant a review; if the justices went along, same-sex marriage would be constitutionally required in all states.",4 +7,Detainee decline has ripple effect,6 +9,paralyzing him. ,8 +13,"Democrats need three more votes to override Mr. Christie's veto, which means they need cooperation from Republican lawmakers. But several Republicans have said privately that while they support same-sex marriage, they fear voting against the governor, who is famous for enforcing party discipline.",12 +1,Philly restaurateur takes on immigration,0 +13,They set a public hearing for Sept. 20 to vote on the ordinance.,12 +11,Sideshow: Celebs hail Supremes' ruling,10 +13,BUSH TOUTS MARRIAGE AMENDMENT,12 +7,"Authorities said Karis abducted the two during their daily walk around the block of the El Dorado County Welfare Department, where the women worked.",6 +12, the activism of the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and elsewhere has drawn national notice,11 +11,Gun-control group releases documentary on students affected by shootings,10 +11," Michael Kiefer, a reporter for the Arizona Republic,",10 +10,Exactly how would their marriages undermine those of mainstream America?,9 +15,Q & A ON THE NEWS,14 +13,"In December, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2015 amendment was blocked by Republicans (and one Democrat) in the Senate.",12 +7,Two men accused of smuggling a semitrailer truck full of illegal Mexican immigrants across the border were charged with murder Sunday in the deaths of two of the passengers.,6 +6," Lawmakers should remove the exemption from the public records law and make the names of permit holders' public again. +",5 +7,"Liliana Cruz Mendez, Falls Church mother of 2, deported to El Salvador",6 +13,Georgia legislator seeks training for gun permit,12 +9, and children,8 +9, giving all illegal immigrants health coverage.,8 +12," +After Chorus of Protest, New Tune on Deportations",11 +1,reduce their sales of tobacco,0 +8,Concealed-carry bill sound,7 +1,Enthusiastic Promoter Of a Reviled Product,0 +7,"The state of Florida will begin screening thousands of teenagers arrested every year to weed out those who are in the United States illegally. +",6 +9,"Of the roughly 3 million people a year who die from smoking-related illnesses, a third are in developing countries, but the World Health Organization projects that the worldwide toll will grow to 10 million annually within 40 years, with 70 percent from developing countries.",8 +9,"TEEN SMOKING DOES LASTING DAMAGE, STUDY FINDS",8 +7,"Cherrix was sentenced to death for the Jan. 27, 1994, slaying of Tessa Van Hart, 23, a mother of two who worked as a pizza delivery woman on Chincoteague Island. Van Hart was lured to a remote, unoccupied summer home by a man who ordered a pizza, according to court records. She was sodomized and shot twice in the head.",6 +9,Others' cigarettes risk to abstainers,8 +13,"The gun lobby drafted, paid for and mailed a Gramm letter seeking donations as a ""special birthday gift"" for the NRA's chief lobbyist.",12 +1,"Incarcerating poor, powerless people for profit is a despicable business, but it sure is profitable.",0 +5,Challenge to gun law is declined,4 +7,Donald Weiss was facing up to four years in prison,6 +5,"Jury selection in Mr. Komisarjevsky's trial is scheduled to begin Wednesday. A man who answered the phone at the prosecutor's office would not comment on the motion, nor would Mr. Komisarjevsky's lawyers.",4 +13,"In an interview with editors of The Los Angeles Times, Clinton said that he strongly supports a proposal by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif",12 +13,"""It's time for Congress to get off its ass and do something,"" Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy (inset left), who counts residents of Newtown among his constituents, said in a fiery statement.",12 +11,"''The issue was mainstream to some degree, but now that they've deigned it worthy of the show it is interwoven into the fabric of popular culture,'' said Ray Richmond, a television columnist for The Hollywood Reporter and co-editor of the anthology ''The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family.''",10 +11,"The study was based on surveys of 78,330 Americans ages 12 to 66 conducted by the CDC between 1994 and 1997. Researchers extrapolated nationwide estimates from that sample.",10 +11,Memoir of life on death row,10 +5,Iowa high court to hear gay-marriage case,4 +7,Inmate sentenced for selling cigarettes in Bucks prison,6 +7, accused Arizona gunman Jared Loughner,6 +6,Southern Illinois University will end smoking on much of the Carbondale campus.,5 +6,EMOTIONAL PLEAS FOR ASSAULT-GUN BAN,5 +11,MAN GETS FIRST DEATH PENALTY IN 49 YEARS,10 +5,Closing Arguments Begin,4 +9,"Most accidental shootings by children involve guns found in the home, police say",8 +5,"Attorney General Jay Nixon has sued, demanding that Blunt be required to follow Holden's request for an early vote. +",4 +13,"Clinton's campaign responded: ""This is simple. What Trump is saying is dangerous,"" Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said in a statement. ""A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way.""",12 +5,"Asbury Park Halts Gay-Marriage Applications, Sending Issue to Courts",4 +12, will take comments from the public this afternoon.,11 +7,Texas Executes 2nd Prisoner This Week,6 +1, such technology was commercially available.,0 +5,"The decision was announced after a meeting of the district attorney's Special Circumstances Committee, which reviews potential capital cases. Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the district attorney, said the quick decision was evidence that prosecutors want the case to move swiftly to trial.",4 +7,13 INDICTED IN PLOT TO SMUGGLE ALIENS,6 +9,required sales of safety locks with handguns,8 +13,Republicans control both the House and Senate with veto-proof majorities.,12 +13," Nothing nearly so charitable can be said for two fellow commissioners, Jack Mariano and Henry Wilson, who embraced the same, tired rhetoric from gun rights advocates and hoped to shut down the discussion. Pasco will now have a debate and it's one worth having. +",12 +5,FEDERAL JUDGE BURNS NASSAU SMOKING BAN,4 +13,Graham bill may clear the Capitol,12 +9,"A nicotine derivative called cotinine also was detected in 50 percent of PPHN infants born to non-smoking mothers, compared to the control group of 18 percent, according to the report.",8 +7,FOUR SHOT cops. Four illegal guns.,6 +13,Bloomberg says universal background checks should be the 'law of the land',12 +11,TV Barred From Filming Executions,10 +6, bans on same-sex marriages have no place in the nation's laws.,5 +5,Missouri city reviews smoking ban after losing court case against club,4 +5," And the justices could lose out, too; some are already being threatened with being voted out of office if they rule Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.",4 +10,"""to relax with a cigar or pipe if they wanted,""",9 +7,After a gunman walked into a San Francisco law firm and killed eight people in July 1993,6 +5," One day after it took effect, the state's landmark same-sex marriage law was challenged in court by foes of gay marriage.",4 +3,Massachusetts Clergy Are Divided On Eve of Historic Same-Sex Unions,2 +5, Anthony Spann instructed his attorneys Friday not to try to argue for a life prison sentence.,4 +6, One key provision would require more gun sellers - especially those who do business on the Internet and at gun shows - to be licensed and would force them to conduct background checks on potential buyers,5 +5,"The indictment, issued Tuesday and made public Wednesday, stems from the Oct. 14 slaying of FBI analyst Linda Franklin outside a Home Depot.",4 +6,Tracing data are simply incapable of supporting assertions that the Virginia law was either effective or ineffective.,5 +6,"U.S. recognition of gay couples' rights correct +",5 +7,"when Zile's stepdaughter Christina Holt, 7, was killed in September 1994.",6 +11,"Of the juvenile offenders on death row across the country, more than a third are in Texas.",10 +6," +Gun law's one sure outcome: paperwork",5 +9,Doctors fear gun privacy law would stifle safety questions,8 +1,Co-plaintiff Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota estimated that the anti-smoking elements of the settlement and programs Blue Cross plans to pay for from its own share will save it $350 million in health-care costs,0 +7,"Gun-Sales Ring in Brooklyn Broken Up, Officials Say",6 +12,"Ron Clouser, Pennsylvania field representative for the National Rifle Association, said events like the vigil are misguided.",11 +5,"In addition, more than 30 legal cases seeking to legalize same-sex marriage have been filed since Newsom began allowing gay couples to tie the knot Feb. 12, eight days after a landmark decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Court to allow the nation's first same-sex marriages. Lawsuits identical to the case that won gay-marriage rights in Massachusetts could reach high courts in New Jersey and Washington state by the end of the year.",4 +6,Only a Start on Gun Control,5 +12,NRA WANTS A 'SHOOT FIRST' SOCIETY,11 +12,"After four months of relative quiet, immigration reform advocates are mobilizing a new round of protests in Washington and other cities to put pressure on a returning Congress and reinvigorate a Latino movement that awakened in massive demonstrations this spring.",11 +13,"HOT ISSUE BURNS WILSON ; CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR HIRED ILLEGAL ALIEN, FAILETO PAY TAX",12 +5,A lower court was directed to order a retrial for Richey within 90 days or set him free.,4 +13,"The House and Senate have just eight legislative days before their break, and lawmakers have scheduled a handful of politically charged votes with implications for incumbents in November's election. In the House, legislation to fight terrorism and a gun control measure that already failed in the Senate are planned for this week.",12 +1,NRA leads gun-lobby spending,0 +10,Peterson could live long on death row,9 +11,"On gun control, America is watching",10 +4,equal rights of all.,3 +13,COUNCILMAN CALLS SHOOTING RANGE A '1-STOP SUICIDE SHOP',12 +3,"In Fight Over Gay Marriage, Evangelicals Are Conflicted",2 +7,Philip Morris Will Pay Fine for Lobbying Violations,6 +13," +House and Senate members voted on the bill as representatives of the National Rifle Association milled around the Capitol, distributing literature and planting questions with sympathetic legislators.",12 +5,LIBERIAN ASYLUM-SEEKER FREED AFTER SIX-YEAR DETENTION IN U.S.,4 +3,Black Ministers Protest Gay Marriage,2 +1,"It appears, too, that Colt, and Remington, and all of the rest of the pistol-makers, have enormous factories and orders in abundance",0 +7,Richard was put to death at 9:30 p.m. Sept. 25 for the rape and murder of a Houston-area woman.,6 +7,Walters. Walters was bound and gagged for nearly two hours before Francis shot him.,6 +5, judgment. Two of the four justices in the majority also argued that the judgment should be overturned because the plaintiffs had not demonstrated that they had been harmed,4 +3,FIREARMS: RELIGIOUS GROUPS ADDRESS CONTROL,2 +13,"""I'm optimistic that she and the other senators and the House can all work together to end this scourge where our children are getting killed and our cops are getting killed,"" Bloomberg said.",12 +5,"Fuller, a retired DeKalb judge, drew criticism last year when he refused to start the trial until the state paid defense bills, as defense costs approached $2 million.",4 +5,"Moriarty gave the lawyers until Dec. 8 to file briefs. Meanwhile, her temporary order upholding the ban remains in effect.",4 +8," said the secrecy provision was included in the proposal for ""security"" reasons.",7 +1,asserting that the failure to disclose damaging information inflated share prices,0 +12,"Anti-gun moms urged to follow MADD example Take on the NRA, Denver marchers told",11 +5,Bottoson's jury recommended death by a vote of 10-2. King's jury was unanimous in recommending death.,4 +9,medical,8 +13,With Congress locked in a pitched battle over gun control,12 +13,"Schwarzenegger appeared to contradict some previous statements by himself and his communications director, Rob Stutzman. Last week, Stutzman said Schwarzenegger was not opposed to",12 +11," +In the halls of power, a sharp turn in debate since act's passage",10 +11,The Smoke-Filled Ways of Alitalia,10 +11,He was the first person in the state to defend himself in a capital case since the death penalty was reinstated in 1995.,10 +15,Family guy with a cause,14 +9,NEW PILL MAY HELP SMOKERS KICK HABIT,8 +11,"While the South consistently leads the nation in smokeless-tobacco use, the West is close behind - especially the rural West, where use is nearly four times the national average.",10 +5,"Guns will be on the table Friday when the Supreme Court meets in private conference to consider potential cases for next fall's docket. +",4 +11,The execution was the first in Virginia this year.,10 +5,The administration argues that the Constitution bars states from adopting immigration measures that conflict with federal laws. There are about 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States.,4 +5,Sunnyvale bans anyone younger than 21 from buying semi-automatic rifles,4 +5,"A federal appeals court decision to move quickly on the challenge to Wisconsin's gay marriage ban means the case could be chosen by the U.S. Supreme Court to settle all the similar challenges that have sprung up across the nation in the last year, experts said. +",4 +13,"In the Minnesota House and elsewhere, the issue of gay marriage has elicited ugly accusations and wounded defenses. + +In the Senate on Friday afternoon, the discussion reached higher, to explore the purpose of marriage, the meaning of commitment, the right to happiness.",12 +5,A Miami-Dade County jury had found four years ago that tobacco companies deliberately misled the public about the deadly consequences of smoking cigarettes. Miami attorneys Stanley and Susan Rosenblatt said that to backtrack on the jury's landmark verdict would be unfair to dying Florida smokers who could have filed individual suits in the early 1990s had they not joined the class-action suit.,4 +13,Mr. McKenna is a Democrat state representative from Festus who last week told Associated Press reporter David Lieb that he was prepared to cast a vote in September that he knew would violate the U.S. Constitution.,12 +13,"Bush says he's watching the issue carefully. I and other fair-minded Americans who are registered voters will be watching Bush carefully, too. +",12 +5,"Rodney Andrews Sr., 75, the slain detective's father, said a representative of the Brooklyn U.S. attorney's office told him on Tuesday afternoon that prosecutors must seek permission from the Department of Justice to appeal the ruling.",4 +15,Defiance,14 +5,Death Penalty Sought In Teen-Ager's Killing,4 +13,Mrs. Clinton Stumps During Hometown March,12 +10,lifelong addictions,9 +9,VITAL SIGNS: AT THE DENTIST'S,8 +5,But does the Constitution allow states to impose the death penalty for such a crime when the child's life has not been taken?,4 +13,GOP WILL PROPOSE GUN BILLS,12 +8,", criminal background checks",7 +13,Missouri legislators cravenly cave to the NRA,12 +3,Episcopal Officials Say Bishops Can Bless Same-Sex Unions,2 +9,"Three people who frequented indoor gun ranges in Pinellas County last year breathed in too much lead dust from the ranges, and two developed lead poisoning, according to Pinellas health officials.",8 +13," Quinn told reporters in Springfield, hours after a General Assembly controlled by his own party handed him a rebuke on the issue. Both chambers overrode his amendatory veto of the gun bill by wide margins. +",12 +9,suicidal urge,8 +5,"Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that the Second Amendment to the Constitution means that individual Americans have a right to bear arms, what can we expect?",4 +12,"A smaller but still significant share - 41 percent - opposes offering any kind of legal status, giving voice to a law-and-order mind-set that bristles at the notion of officially recognizing those who did not play by the rules to get here. +",11 +7,TOO MANY GUNS ENDANGER OFFICERS,6 +1,A separate study by Senate Democrats this year put the statewide impact closer to a half billion.,0 +9,Psychologists at Iowa State University tested why so many people keep smoking or eat lots of fat despite overwhelming evidence that such behaviors are dangerous.,8 +5,"""If you are going to amend the constitution, it must be done right,"" Senterfitt said. ""Just as we argued, the judge agreed that this amendment did not agree with those procedural rules.""",4 +13,House Is Undecided on Vote To Extend Ban on Assault Guns,12 +5,Sentencing guidelines at the time made him eligible for parole in 1979.,4 +5," Scalia placed the blame for this shortage on the death penalty ""abolitionist movement.""",4 +8,GAO Cites Gun Sales to Those on Watch List,7 +13,"Pushing against a midsession deadline for the Brady law, lawmakers in February hurriedly passed a measure",12 +6,"Before finalizing the rules, the board may also require a buffer around medical marijuana dispensaries. +",5 +5," Opponents of gay marriage, who called the issue one for lawmakers to decide when ""activist judges"" in Massachusetts ruled it was legal, now say it's up to the courts to decide instead of lawmakers.",4 +1,Minnesota and the state's largest health insurance company will be getting more out of their $6.6 billion settlement with the tobacco industry than just a large pile of money.,0 +1,Immigration bill won't bankrupt state,0 +7,Gunman convicted in clerk's death gets life term,6 +13,"""I do think it shows the NRA is running scared,"" said Rep. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on crime. ""They need some kind of alluring-sounding alternative"" to a waiting period.",12 +12," +Voters' group sets sights on gun law",11 +6,"""we're not gonna get an outright ban"" on assault weapons.",5 +7,A second unidentified suspect is still at large.,6 +5,Dunlap makes no appeal Trial closing arguments set tomorrow,4 +12,Polls have consistently showed broad support for a universal background check. National polls in 2016 and 2017 found between 84 and 94 percent of respondents supported background checks.,11 +5,Attorney's sentence was plea bargain,4 +8,"PRO-GUN CITIZEN MILITIAS RISE NATIONALLY ""WE'RE NOT HERE PLAYING SOLDIER. . . . BUT TYRANTS SHOULD KNOW THAT THEY WILL BE MET WITH FORCE.""",7 +11, South Carolina Execution Is 500th in U.S. Since '77,10 +12,"Reports of ICE immigration 'sweeps' spark LA protest, demands for answers +",11 +12,How progressive advocates are using the state-by-state approach of the same-sex marriage movement for other issues,11 +6,GUN LAWS: ON TARGET?,5 +15,EXPLAIN BEATING DEATH,14 +6,Other aspects of the bill are less controversial.,5 +11,Sunday's Rush of Happy Couples Becomes Monday's Steady Statewide Procession,10 +10,IMMIGRANTS DREAM OF AN EDUCATION Push law to school illegals,9 +6," those full of loopholes, which give the cosmetic appearance of control and accomplish very little. ",5 +14,"Pakistani Foreign Minister Khursid Mahmood Kasuri said today that he would appeal to the Bush administration next week to exempt Pakistani residents of the United States from a program to register thousands of foreign males from more than 20 Muslim countries suspected of harboring terrorists. +",13 +13,New Hampshire's legislature was just the second to vote to repeal the death penalty,12 +13,"Republican and Democratic supporters say the president will have to push hard to get a compromise from a panel that will reconcile differences between the House and Senate bills. ""He's going to have to weigh in,"" said Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo.",12 +13,Philadelphia City Council Backs Halt of Executions,12 +5,"NOW, BUSHELS OF BRIEFS, PILES OF APPEALS +",4 +13, never reached the desk of President George H.W. Bush.,12 +13,"Councilman Kurt Odenwald of Shrewsbury, R-5th District, said urban residents simply could drive to Jefferson County to avoid the stricter laws. Councilman Greg Quinn of west St. Louis County, R-7th District, contended the resolution would give residents a false sense of security. +",12 +12,". The bans won by a 3-to-1 margin in Kentucky and Georgia, 3-to-2 in Ohio, and 6-to-1 in Mississippi.",11 +13,Conservative and anti-Amendment One,12 +11," and the video seems to resurface every time there's a shooting in the news, which, as he also points out, is startlingly often in the United States.",10 +13,"Note to Missouri Republicans: When you are so far out there on a gun bill that the National Rifle Association has to pull back, you're doing it even wronger than usual.",12 +13,Senator Responds to Trump's N.R.A. Speech With Photos of Shooting Victims,12 +13,RYAN'S HOPELESS Obeys gun-nut masters KOs vote on anti-massacre bill as Dems rebel with sit-in,12 +13,"""The GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered. I don't think we need to name any names here, do we?"" + +Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), during his speech last week at CPAC, a clear response to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who called Paul and other conservatives ""wacko birds."" +",12 +5," State courts can consider the rights of ""psychological parents"" who bond with children in their care. If we rush to correct these perceived injustices now, we may reach decisions that appear to serve Elian's interests, but not our society's in the long run.",4 +5,Second Amendment's guarantee of the right to bear arms,4 +3,"Nearly 200 Bay Area clergy members, including several from the South Bay, gathered at San Francisco City Hall on Wednesday in one of the biggest local demonstrations of religious opposition to same-sex marriages since the city began performing the controversial weddings two months ago.",2 +5,LAWYERS WANT FREEZE ON DEATH PENALTY,4 +13,Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Tex.) says he's willing to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Obama should the White House implement new gun regulations through executive action.,12 +12, which was put on by the Virginia Citizens Defense League.,11 +6,"ILLINOIS WEIGHS PLAN TO LET ILLEGAL ALIENS GET DRIVERS LICENSES/ SENATE REJECTED PROPOSAL LAST WEEK, BUT SPONSORS VOW TO SEEK ANOTHER VOTE",5 +9,Hunting safety bill passes,8 +1,Tobacco firm fined $20 million,0 +5,U.S. DEFENDS BRADY LAW,4 +5,"His directive was prompted in part by a judge's refusal to grant a temporary restraining order that would have halted San Francisco's week-long spree of 3,175 same-sex weddings, said the governor's communication director, Rob Stutzman. +",4 +11,Michelle Shocked Says Comments on Gay Marriage Were Misunderstood,10 +6,When Death Penalty Is Appropriate,5 +5,"Tim Counts, a spokesman for ICE, issued a brief statement from agency attorneys Monday: ""The federal government withdrew its appeal as part of a settlement agreement with Mr. Hurtado. We entered into this agreement in good faith and expect that Mr. Hurtado did as well and that he will assist in bringing Salvadoran human rights violators to justice.""",4 +5,Cameroon man's 6-year odyssey ends with asylum,4 +13," +'The politics' of gay unions",12 +13,passed by the House (342-67) and Senate (85-14) and signed by President Clinton in 1996. ,12 +13,Local gun control group endorses three candidates for Pleasant Hill City Council,12 +5,Oppose federal effort to force gun laws on states,4 +6,"Though no one bothered to mention it to Attorney General John Ashcroft, Elboukili's departure was a small victory for the U.S. Department of Justice's new immigration policy.",5 +13,House returns to resume a bitter fight over gun control,12 +5,"But LeBow also is caught in a legal bind. He can present his opinion, but jurors cannot be told the circumstances of his company's public confession.",4 +4,"and me and stand up for equality in Virginia.""",3 +5,Cincinnati's Council Decides to Drop Suit Against Gun Makers,4 +12,"Of 800 people polled last week by Research 2000, 53 percent support Amendment 3, which calls for increasing Missouri's cigarette tax by 80 cents a pack and tripling the tax on other tobacco products.",11 +1, Hours were long for monthly pay that ranges from $650 to $750.,0 +12,The National Rifle Association is buying political advertisements.,11 +4,Immigrant-bashing over a crime that didn't happen,3 +7,July execution date set for convicted killer,6 +11,"In Artist's Game Show, the Prize Is a Passport",10 +6,Majority of states allow open carry of guns,5 +1,"The stubs are tangible evidence of the ready supply of illegal cigarettes in Chinatown, available at sidewalk stalls and variety stores, where they typically sell for $4 a pack -- as much as $3.50 less than those sold legally. They include Chinese brands and knockoffs of popular American brands smuggled into the United States, all untaxed.",0 +13,"Conservative religious groups and a handful of Republican lawmakers decried the Supreme Court's decision Monday to allow same-sex marriage rulings to stand in five states, saying it will help motivate voters to the polls in protest.",12 +7,"Police charged that Diaz fired the shots that killed Gillespie after the officer and his partner pulled over the accused gunman and alleged accomplices Jesus Mendez and Ricardo Morales in a stolen BMW. +",6 +13,"with legislation approved Thursday and sent to Democratic Gov. John Lynch, who has said he would sign it. Shortly after the Democrat-controlled Senate passed the bill 14-10 along party lines",12 +13,"African-American state Rep. Sharon Beasley-Teague (D-Red Oak), who represents parts of Fulton, Clayton and Fayette counties, said she has decided to support ",12 +4,The Unfair Immigration Burden,3 +13,Obama makes impassioned plea for gun control,12 +13,Under fire from the Clinton administration,12 +5," The courts had earlier ruled that churches, like homeowners, did not have to verbally inform all visitors that handguns were banned on their premises. + +While the religious grounds the Appeals Court cited in this case will best apply to faith-based plaintiffs, the property rights claim could prompt other property owners throughout the state to take legal action.",4 +5,"Heather Hedrick, a spokeswoman for the board, said it heard no compelling reason Friday to stop the execution",4 +5,"The court turned down an appeal by the state that would have allowed capital punishment in some cases to be applied without a unanimous jury verdict. Many of those sent to Florida's Death Row on a simple majority vote already are having their sentences reviewed. + +Many more are likely to follow. +",4 +12,COALITION PROTESTS AT NRA EVENT,11 +7,yet gun-related violence and accidents kill thousands of people each year.,6 +5,Lawsuit challenges city's ban on stun guns,4 +13,"Barely a month after declaring his support for same-sex marriage in a widely promoted television interview, President Obama offered a public embrace to gay supporters at a fundraiser Wednesday.",12 +11,"and torpedoed Big Blue's chances that season of winning back-to-back Super Bowls. +",10 +4," discriminate against gays and lesbians. +",3 +15,Those who,14 +5,Legal experts say it's another example of tribes using their sovereignty to pass laws that apply only on their land.,4 +2,"The total number of immigrants and refugees admitted into this country (now 800,000 a year) will almost certainly be reduced by Congress.",1 +11,ODD COUPLE DEBATES GAY PARENTING,10 +12,"Clarion call for gun enthusiasts +",11 +3,"Religious blacks' views nuanced on Obama and DOMA +",2 +8,", terrorist groups",7 +5,PA. SMOKERS' SUIT OKD AS CLASS ACTION,4 +9,"Key link found between smoking, gum disease",8 +5,Attorney General Janet Reno will have the final say on whether to seek capital punishment. She will act after getting input from U.S. Attorney Wilma A. Lewis and a special Justice Department review panel. Cooper's attorneys also have the opportunity to present materials for study.,4 +9,Two students injuredin classroom shooting,8 +11," +Watching the execution in Dead Man Walking ""forces you to think,"" she says. ""That's the benefit. People who are in favor of the death penalty - perhaps they wouldn't be in favor of it."" +",10 +13,Congressman From Littleton Explains Vote for Gun Control,12 +13,MIKE PENCE SAYS 'NO EFFORT' MADE AGAINST VISA OVERSTAYS,12 +13,"Now, finally, the former president has come around. So have many members of Congress who were initially skeptical of the measure. And President Bush, who has been uncomfortable with most gun-control measures, has suggested he may be able to accept the handgun waiting period. +",12 +7,St. Paul Police Department ,6 +5,"We need to remember that we have a separation of church and state and that ''marriage,'' as a right allowed to all under the Constitution, may be different from",4 +5,"With execution chambers from California to Florida idled, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday will offer an unprecedented glimpse into how the justices assess the swirling legal conflict over the grim business of administering a fatal dose of drugs to death row inmates.",4 +4,"For the Wrongly Convicted, New Trials Once the Cell Opens",3 +13, since Barack Obama was elected president.,12 +7,An Execution Averted,6 +7," the state executed Scott A. Hain, who was convicted of killing two people when he was 17. Mr.",6 +11,"Together, these developments are helping to stratify the metropolitan region. Scattered pockets swell with immigrants in unprecedented numbers. But areas that include hot housing markets and gentrifying neighborhoods inside and outside New York City have declined in foreign-born populations, the new numbers show.",10 +1, Although the states will argue that the money had to be used to patch big budget holes,0 +11,Former Raven says it's LGBT time!,10 +11,"We're the victims, and we're also the change",10 +9, Some state employees have already applied for health insurance for their same-sex spouses,8 +11,"As a demographic phenomenon, they are a minor factor. Less than 1 percent of U.S. households in 2010 were made up of same-sex partners.",10 +7,"disobedience, which could lead to a church trial. Trials themselves, in which a conviction can carry penalties as severe as removal of ministerial credentials, have been rare -- until recently -- in the denomination, which has 8.5 million members. +",6 +7, wanted him put to death.,6 +7,Mr. Trump and sanctuary cities,6 +13,TOWN VOTE MAY SETTLE FATE OF TOUGH GUN LAW,12 +12,Texas private colleges are saying no to guns on campus,11 +7,"For each count he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.",6 +4, available to other married couples.,3 +13,none of which back the legislation,12 +13,"Scott noted that a similar bill passed the Senate 37-13 two years ago, with both Kemp and Taylor --- then a senator --- voting for it.",12 +5,"Since 1998, at least 33 states, counties and municipalities, including Camden, have sued gun-makers, many alleging that manufacturers allowed weapons to fall into criminals' hands because of lax distribution policies and irresponsible marketing. Many of the lawsuits have sought restitution for the costs of handgun violence and improved gun safety.",4 +12,Think AR-15s Are O.K.?,11 +9, which are less permeable to air and require the smoker to inhale more deeply.,8 +5,Family gets visas to attend funeral,4 +12,Death penalty critics call for freeze in Missouri,11 +7,"EAD INFANT'S DAD ARRAIGNED ON MURDER, LEWDNESS CHARGES +",6 +13,"The practical impact of Clinton's proposals, however",12 +7,All three face murder and conspiracy accusations and are being held without bail at Santa Clara County Jail.,6 +1,"ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS' AID TOPS $1 BILLION / A REPORT ON 1995 COSTS SAYS THAT BECAUSE THEIR U.S.-BORN CHILDREN ARE CITIZENS, BENEFITS WERE NOT DENIED.",0 +13,Dems draft support for same-sex marriage,12 +13,But the fate of those restrictions remained in doubt.,12 +6,"These executions, if carried out, would have been state-sponsored murder. In how many other instances in the last 100 years have states possibly sent innocent people to their deaths, only to satisfy a populace's blood lust? +",5 +7,"when he asked sheriffs and police chiefs to ""report the bad ones,"" a plea for local law enforcement to report criminal illegal immigrants to the federal government.",6 +6,Several would allow Illinois residents in the state to carry concealed weapons as Missouri and 47 other states do. Other bills would prevent cities from imposing gun control ordinances that are stricter than state law.,5 +13,Government ignores honest solution to illegal immigration,12 +1,"COMPANY'S DEATH LABEL MAKES CIGARETTES HOT SELLER +",0 +13,"This is in stark contrast to Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.), the district's incumbent, who is A-rated by the National Ri-fle Association and has a history during her time in Congress and, before that, in the Virginia General Assembly of vot-ing to loosen gun laws. State Sen. Jennifer T. Wexton (D-Loudoun), who has a failing grade from the NRA, is the only elected official in the Democratic primary. Her voting record clearly prioritizes the safety of our families before guns. It's time to replace the members of Congress who won't do the same.",12 +11,is also launching a six-month long MTV-style road trip,10 +13," Republican gains among Hispanic voters evaporated in Tuesday's election, and some party leaders are blaming harsh rhetoric on immigration for the reversal.",12 +3,"The Rev. Michel Faulkner, senior pastor of Central Baptist Church on the upper West Side, said gay marriage is not a civil rights issue.",2 +5,EXITING GOV TWEAKS LAW FOR IMMIGS,4 +13,A divided Pasco County Commission voted Tuesday to move forward with a proposal,12 +12,"The latest opinion polls bear this out. A CBS poll in June showed 30% of Americans favor allowing same-sex marriage, 36% against and 28% favoring civil unions for gay and lesbian couples.",11 +10,Preventing Kids' Smoking,9 +1,"Last month, Cepeda and nine other Latino immigrant workers were awarded $ 35,000 from Fortune & Frame Inc., to settle charges that the company failed to pay workers overtime over a five-year period.",0 +13,"The measure, approved this month by a vote of 71 to 26",12 +9,"Illegal immigrants who hike through the rugged forested mountains of eastern San Diego County after making it across the border are causing a dramatic surge in wildfires because of fires they light when camping out in the area, state and county officials said today.",8 +9,"""We anticipate we will start training firearms instructors this summer, and our goal is to have these instructors licensed and able to start training interested citizens after Sept. 1,"" Wilson said.",8 +13,Conservatives Watching Senate Debate on Gay Marriage,12 +13,Obama to seek border aid,12 +7,"Rolando Meza Espinoza was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents on April 1, picked up while working at his construction job on Long Island.",6 +13,SAME-SEX MARRIAGES COMING TO FOREFRONT,12 +3,Pastor Redoubles Efforts vs. Same-Sex Marriage,2 +13,"The Legislature has prohibited local governments, taxing authorities and state agencies from regulating firearms without lawmakers' approval. It has also expanded citizens' rights to use deadly force, banned law enforcement agencies from keeping databases of gun transactions, shielded from public view the list of concealed-weapons owners and given gun owners the right to take firearms to workplace parking lots as long as the weapons are stored in locked cars. Last year, Florida was among 12 states that supported the challenge of the District of Columbia's strict handgun ban.",12 +15,The Road to Championing Same-Sex Marriage,14 +5,"The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that married, same-sex couples are entitled to the same federal benefits as married, opposite-sex couples. +",4 +14,''every state would be forced to recognize any relationship that judges in Boston or officials in San Francisco choose to call a marriage.'',13 +13,Ken Chlouber leads the fight for a responsible gun-control policy,12 +15,Three states to vote on same-sex marriage bans,14 +13," It does n't seem a lot to ask, but three years ago, the Brady bill lost on the House floor by 46 votes. Since then the Bradys have criss-crossed the country and have spoken to state legislatures, police chiefs and PTAs.",12 +5,"PROSECUTORS SAY HOUSE CRIME BILL WOULD HALT, NOT SPEED, EXECUTIONS AUTHORS OF THE PLAN SAID IT WOULD STREAMLINE APPEALS. ",4 +3,Church president backs gay marriage,2 +5,"The success of tobacco-related lawsuits has clearly inspired New Orleans, Chicago, Atlanta and other cities to adopt a similar strategy on guns",4 +15,Year-End Meeting Covers Lots of Ground,14 +10,"""Without this opportunity we will not be able to reach our dreams,"" said Mendoza, a freshman at North High School.",9 +13,"Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Fort Morgan, who introduced the bill, has said she will ask for the House to reject the Senate amendment and force the bill into a House-Senate conference committee.",12 +5," +High court lets ruling on Chapel lawyer stand +",4 +10,"Originally from New York, the couple met at the 1964 World's Fair in Queens. They were married for 30 years and moved to Pasco 16 years ago. +",9 +13,"It is time for Mr. Smith and his fellow senators to decide this important matter in public. +",12 +14,NEW YORK BACKS SAME-SEX UNIONS FROM ELSEWHERE,13 +6,'STAND YOUR GROUND' IN CHAOS,5 +3,"""Our policies should aim to strengthen families, not undermine them,"" Bush said. ""And changing the definition of marriage would undermine the family structure.""",2 +11,Execution drop makes some think death penalty is fading away,10 +13,LEGISLATURE '94: DAY 27 An old soldier for gun control Lawmaker and ex-POW Ben Purcell gets fired up,12 +3,Fado was joined in the ceremony by 92 other Methodist ministers. But only 67 were named in a complaint because the other 25 ministers were from churches outside the jurisdiction of the church's California-Northern Nevada Conference. Among them are three ministers from Palo Alto and at least two from the South Bay.,2 +11,RYAN GOES ON OPRAH WITH 3 HE PARDONED,10 +1,Double tax trouble for same-sex couples,0 +7,"Lanier said that although violent crime has decreased overall, police have been frustrated trying to stop the most serious offenders",6 +7,Abankwah fled to New York via Rome in 1997. Immigration agents at Kennedy Airport detained her when she landed with a forged Ghanaian passport and U.S. visa.,6 +5,Death-row inmate seeks court review,4 +5,Court's gay-marriage move leaves just two certainties,4 +13, I couldn't afford to miss U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite's sit-down with reporters.,12 +6, D.C. bill authorizing same-sex marriage,5 +13,"VERN BUCHANAN SAYS OBAMA WILL NO LONGER ""ENFORCE"" DOMA",12 +9,"""It was hard work,"" said Cepeda, a father of four, through an interpreter. ""We deal with glass, and it is dangerous.""",8 +10,Senator reports feeling menaced,9 +13,"''I think he's made a big mistake,'' Mr. Sessions added. ''I think he put himself in a position of weakness by making this something that he desperately wants.''",12 +6,Isn't it reasonable that the fear of a deadly threat increases with the likelihood that others have the power to harm us - a possibility that increases as gun laws are relaxed?,5 +13,"The letter says the senators are ""absolutely committed to getting the politics out"" of the injury center's work. It cites as evidence studies that are designed and used to ""promote a campaign to reduce lawful firearms ownership in America.""",12 +15,Every gun is 'significant',14 +12,"If protestors tread the sidewalks of Midtown today in support of immigrant rights, they won't be marching with the blessing of leaders of Atlanta's Hispanic immigrant community.",11 +5,San Mateo judge refuses to set execution date for condemned killer,4 +6,Let the Death Penalty Be Ended Deliberately,5 +9,National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.,8 +9,Lead and tobacco exposure seem to raise risks.,8 +5,"For more than a century, New York has recognized marriage contracts from other states -- even if those couples could not legally marry in New York. New York does not grant licenses for common law marriages, but if such marriages are legal elsewhere, they are recognized in New York. In February, a New York State appeals court ruled unanimously that this ''marriage recognition rule'' also had to apply to any same-sex couple with a legal marriage license obtained elsewhere.",4 +13,Guns an Issue in Senate Race,12 +9, because he was awake more than an hour after the process began.,8 +7,LIFE IN PRISON THE BEST PATH FOR RESENTENCING,6 +13,Mayor Fights Ad at Shea On Tobacco,12 +6,gay-marriage bil,5 +9,"The study was important because it came five years before the surgeon general determined that nicotine was addictive, Waxman said. + +The study showed that once rats were given a dose of nicotine, they would keep coming back for more - pushing a lever five or six times to get each dose. The researcher, Victor DeNoble, said in a letter to a journal editor that Philip Morris had blocked the study's publication. + +The tobacco industry contends that nicotine is not addictive. In a statement yesterday, Philip Morris said DeNoble had concluded that nicotine did not meet the accepted criteria for drug dependence and that use of nicotine should not be considered an ""addiction."" + +Waxman said he had sent letters to top officials and researchers for seven tobacco companies, asking them to appear on April 14 before his Energy and Commerce health and environment subcommittee. +",8 +13,Md. Senate Panel Votes Gun Bill to Safeguard Children,12 +10,"""Even with life in prison, Chris will never again drive a car. He will eat off the same kind of plate the rest of his life at every meal. Certainly, he will never have a family.""",9 +12,The turnout does suggest the American public has reached a turning point,11 +7,There are 729 people on California's death row.,6 +13,Here's the blueprint for how Republicans can solve their huge immigration problems;,12 +7,Execution dates have not been set for any of the inmates.,6 +7,DEATH RECOMMENDED IN TRIPLE HOMICIDE,6 +13, Obama said in his appeal for new gun control measures.,12 +7,Survivor of desert trek faces smuggling charges; Court documents say he was one of three who helped immigrants cross the border from Mexico.,6 +7, prison for bad guys and the Big Sleep for really bad guys.,6 +1," His executioner, wearing a black hood, was paid $150.",0 +5,"Yesterday's brief court proceeding and the sparse crowds at the Circuit Court building were a dramatic departure from Malvo's last public appearance in December, when he was sentenced in Chesapeake for a sniper shooting in Fairfax County. The 70 seats in Circuit Court Judge William H. Ledbetter Jr.'s courtroom were taken primarily by members of the media and employees of the county, and an entire 200-seat auditorium available across the street for public overflow was empty.",4 +4,"Is Virginia for all lovers? +",3 +1,funded by,0 +1,Employers also would be barred from laying off U.S. workers at the same time they petitioned the government to bring in foreign workers.,0 +15,Letters to the Editor,14 +13,"The council directed its attorney to draft the restrictions in the form of a city ordinance, which is expected to be introduced at an October council meeting.",12 +5,"The legality of those licenses would remain in question, however. Under Pennsylvania law, marriage is restricted to one man and one woman. +",4 +13,"In a bid to shape this comprehensive tobacco legislation, cigarette companies are seeking to present a new face in Congress and forge ties that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. +",12 +9,"""What the tobacco survey says to me is that this is something we have to attack on multiple levels and we can't rely on what we did in the past, which was rely on the health message,"" said Mary Sheehan, director of the Health Department's community health services division.",8 +13,The Call of the Gun Lobby,12 +5,"The state human rights commission found that the Huguenins violated the state's public accommodations law, the New Mexico Human Rights Act, and the New Mexico Supreme Court unanimously upheld the decision. +",4 +5,"Justice Antonin Scalia said in his dissent that the decision could lead to practical problems: ""Imagine a pair of women who marry in Albany and then move to Alabama, which does not 'recognize as valid any marriage of parties of the same sex.' . . . When the couple files their next federal tax return, may it be a joint one?""",4 +5,Third trial for Mordenti begins,4 +5,"So yes, I was very happy to see the Supreme Court's opinion.""",4 +5,NEW ABA HEAD FIGHTS DEATH PENALTY,4 +3,Presbyterians Vote to Ban Clergy From Conducting Unions of Gays,2 +13,GOP hopeful urged to exit race over letters targeting Latinos,12 +13,Under the legislation - passed by City Council in June but not signed by Mayor Street until earlier this month,12 +1,"The head of the Maryland Wedding Professionals Association said the trolley company is the second vendor to refuse business over the state's same-sex marriage law, which voters upheld in November.",0 +11,Up to half the country's 4 million or so illegal immigrants live in California.,10 +8,secured the border,7 +4,"""I was 16 when this happened. If I had been 18, I am certain I would have been sentenced to death. I wouldn't be here today.""",3 +13,Bush's offers to Democrats lay campaign trap on crime,12 +3, religious leaders,2 +7,Man convicted of killing Tampa police officer Soto // Simpson may face death penalty for shooting,6 +13,"As he races toward Election Day carrying a career's worth of political baggage, his opponents are digging up old sources and newspaper stories that say he once opposed capital punishment.",12 +2,; and that illegal immigrants drain government resources.,1 +5,Scaglione said Monday he could not comment on the case. Wingard is set for arraignment before Circuit Judge Richard Tombrink on Feb. 19.,4 +1,Democrat makes semiautomatic rifle purchase in 10 minutes at gun show,0 +13,STOCKTON CITY COUNCIL BANS ASSAULT WEAPONS,12 +7,"Death penalty given in Vermont for kidnap, slaying",6 +6,"Bills that would make concealed gun permit records confidential have been introduced in eight other states this year -- Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia -- according to Janna Goodwin of the National Conference of State Legislatures.",5 +6,Which then should yield? The scruples making for a baroque succession of eleventh-hour appeals and stays? Or the death penalty itself?,5 +12,o the court of public opinion ,11 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected those arguments.,4 +6,The Food and Drug Administration yesterday approved the first smokeless nicotine inhaler.,5 +13,"Mr. Tully, a former smoker, supported other restrictions besides the Clean Indoor Air Act, including tougher penalties on tobacco sales to minors. The State Senate's majority leader, Joseph L. Bruno, said Mr. Tully was also effective on ""women's health issues, where his effort resulted in landmark laws dealing with breast cancer and other diseases.""",12 +12,"In N.J., rejoicing over same-sex marriage ruling",11 +12,"'Stand your ground' still has broad support in many states Despite outcry over Martin case, repeal does not look likely. +",11 +5,"The move came just hours after Yates ordered the Justice Department not to defend Trump's immigration order, declaring in a memo that she was not convinced the order is lawful. Yates wrote that, as the leader of the Justice Department, she must ensure that the department's position is ""legally defensible"" and ""consistent with this institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right.""",4 +12," The idea, organizers said, is to emulate the success of similar online demonstrations to protest a pair of anti-piracy bills last year.",11 +5,"""Therefore,"" he said, ""we have decided not to pursue further appeals and instead will place this issue immediately before the governor. We are confident that Gov. Wilder, having reviewed these compelling claims of innocence, will grant Mr. Bassette clemency.""",4 +5,LAWYER ASKS HIGH COURT TO RULE ON ELECTRIC CHAIR,4 +13," with Congress refusing to pass hugely popular gun-safety measures, President Obama is issuing a modest, limited set of executive actions on guns.",12 +7,"Ford, 24, is charged with first-degree murder and other crimes in the beating and rape of Nora Attaway in 1991.",6 +5,and jurors must soon decide whether he should be executed.,4 +5,"Nina Ginsberg and Jonathan Shapiro asked U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee for a later trial date. They wrote that scheduling jury selection for May 29 allows Regan ""the shortest period of time that has ever been allotted to prepare to defend a federal death penalty case.""",4 +7,He was 21 when he was convicted in 1990 of attempted criminal sale of a controlled substance in Queens. He has not been in trouble with the law since.,6 +9,Certain Symptoms Should Raise Red Flags for Doctors,8 +1,Panel to resolve 'living wage' debate,0 +6,Backers say bill doesn't shield NRA,5 +11, for the first time in the country's history,10 +3,Ohio churches to preach to blacks against smoking,2 +5,"But in separate decisions over the past month, courts in New Jersey and Florida have rebuffed those efforts, adding new limits to the measures state officials can take to crack down on illegal immigrants by denying benefits to them and their families.",4 +5, ordered by judges,4 +13,The gun standoff can be ended,12 +3,"oberts spent his final day meeting with two nuns, who were his spiritual advisers,",2 +5,"In the letter, the university presidents called for a path to legalization for all undocumented immigrants.",4 +9,CDC UNDER FIRE BY GUN SUPPORTERS,8 +6," Brutal murder, wrong sentence Death penalty judgments in Colorado are rarely carried out",5 +9,"But tobacco products are the only items deemed health hazards by the surgeon general that are sold at reduced commissary prices, Pentagon spokeswoman Deborah Bosick said.",8 +13,BRADLEY IS CONSIDERING PROPOSING A BAN ON SALE OF HANDGUNS,12 +11,"A national survey of 49,500 junior high and high school students conducted in the spring of 1991 and released late last month shows that by the eighth grade, 44 percent had experimented with cigarettes, and 14 percent had smoked within the previous 30 days. Among high school seniors, nearly two-thirds had tried smoking and 28 percent had smoked in the last 30 days. Survey researchers said those numbers underestimated the real proportions of children smoking because they did not include dropouts, whose rate of smoking in other surveys has been as high as 75 percent.",10 +13," +Veto on Domestic Partners",12 +6,Two bills up for hearings Wednesday would give same-sex partners and other unmarried couples more rights when one partner dies.,5 +9,"""But this case is about far more than marketing of tobacco products to children; it goes to the heart of the FDA's ability to oversee the tobacco industry and the health and safety of its products,"" said Matthew Myers, general counsel of the National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids, an organization that strives to reduce smoking by children.",8 +5,Attorney General Dick Thornburgh repeated that position Tuesday.,4 +7,"According to F.B.I. statistics, half of all murder weapons are handguns.",6 +1,Firearms Tax Proposed To Pay Treatment Costs,0 +1,"Officials of Virginia cities say they want to raise rates to diversify their revenue sources and increase revenue at a tough economic time, and they object to any limits.",0 +5,had a concealed-weapons permit,4 +8, strengthening the border,7 +13,Terry Rumsey fights for gun safety.,12 +15,Apology extended for implications in letter,14 +5,"States generally recognize marriages from other states, except for issues such as certain family relationships (some states bar the marriage of first cousins)",4 +13,Cheney Pregnancy Stirs Debate on Gay Rights,12 +5,"Mr. Lane was tried separately, and his jury sentenced him to life in prison.",4 +7," He confided that many conservative police officers do not want more gun control and that other officers have told him that should they ever have to start taking guns away from people, they will quit their jobs.",6 +13,There has been a failure of leadership from our congressional leaders and from President George W. Bush in allowing the federal assault weapons ban to expire.,12 +5,"In a one-line order filed Tuesday, the justices rejected the San Diego county clerk's bid to restore California's same-sex marriage ban while they review a two-pronged effort to keep the 2008 voter-approved law on the books.",4 +5,Justices Seem Skeptical of a Death Penalty Case,4 +15,Comparing Immigrants to Cordwood,14 +11,"The number of deaths by firearms in the United States was 32,000 last year. Around 11,000 were gun homicides.",10 +7,"The Conyers, Ga., shooting Thursday, in which a 15-year-old boy walked into his suburban high school with two guns and opened fire, injuring six students",6 +13,"But twice this year, Republicans have succeeded in rolling back restrictions on guns with substantial backing from moderate Democrats, many newly elected from Western states with strong Second Amendment traditions.",12 +1, while cigarette companies and convenience stores promised to wage a fight.,0 +13,"Matusow said she hoped the state Board of Elections would address her complaint at its meeting today. A Board of Elections spokesman would not comment on the allegations. + +William Powers, an NRA spokesman, said the association would not comment on the allegations until its officials have been able to review them.",12 +5, Judge Upholds Death Charge,4 +11,"The women were married in a ceremony jammed with family, friends and reporters on May 17, 2004, the day same-sex marriage became legal in the state. They wore Armani pantsuits and kissed under a shower of rainbow streamers.",10 +6,"Musgrave had passed a bill that would specifically not honor marriages from other states, if they were between people of the same sex. +",5 +5,"Such a proposal is blatantly, breathtakingly unconstitutional.",4 +3,The news of Bishop José Gomez's departure saddened and surprised Denver's Catholic Latino community Wednesday.,2 +8,Their names are added to a national database used in the background checks required before gun purchases.,7 +6,"Those trends led to Dakota County's Tobacco Diversion Program, which started in January. The program focuses on advertising techniques allegedly used to manipulate juveniles, the harmful chemicals that are found in tobacco, cost, health benefits of quitting, tips on quitting and the legal consequences of continued use.",5 +13,Clinton to Visit Junior High For Anti-Smoking Talk,12 +7,Smugglers work 'loophole' in law,6 +1,THE ONLY THING KIDS NEED TO BUY A PACK IS CASH,0 +10,Same-Sex Marriage Plaintiffs Separate,9 +13,"If Republicans were pro-family, they would support gay unions +",12 +3,"A former bishop of the diocese of Bethlehem, Pa., Bishop Dyer joined the Virginia Theological Seminary faculty in 1996 and retired as a theology professor in 2008. +",2 +13,"Senate Democrats have introduced a package of gun legislation that would, among other things, ban assault weapons and require microstamping of shell casings. They blame Republicans for blocking those bills.",12 +12,"Now 40, Juarez has become one of the Washington region's most visible -- and divisive -- Latino figures. His organization, Mexicans Without Borders, claims more than 3,500 regional members, and it is the largest and best-organized group opposing recent efforts by Prince William and other area jurisdictions targeting illegal immigrants.",11 +12,Students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had urged legislators to pass gun-control measures.,11 +5,Anyone who thinks a constitution delegating to the national Government the power to regulate firearms could have been ratified in 18th-century America needs to read a little history.,4 +1,FedEx takes flak,0 +10," I grieve for those men and their families, and for all those living in fear of similar treatment. And for our country.",9 +5,Obama Plan for Immigration Action Gets a Cold Reception at Appeals Court,4 +4,"""All other things being equal, a black defendant is 4.4 times more likely to get a death sentence than a white defendant,""",3 +15,IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME.,14 +13,President Barack Obama and Congress could clarify the law,12 +3,"Among Conservative Rabbis, a Wide Disagreement Over Same-Sex Marriage",2 +13,"Colorado is the first state outside the East Coast to significantly ratchet back gun rights after the theater and school shootings. +",12 +1,POLS SEEK TO SNUFF OUT WEB CIG SALES,0 +1,"nd no power of oversight from the state treasurer's office, which administers the fund. ",0 +5,MAN FOUND GUILTY IN SLAYING AT YMCA,4 +5,concealed-gun permit holders,4 +13,The Minnesota House on Wednesday overwhelmingly agreed,12 +5,"But adoption of such a settlement is far from certain, and states whose Medicaid lawsuits were about to go to trial could not wait, so the industry is separately negotiating settlements to end those trials on a case-by-case basis.",4 +3,"The greater good +",2 +10,Smoke-Free -- and Loving It -- Around D.C.,9 +6,"The study by the Institute of Medicine, requested by the VA and Pentagon, calls for a phased-in ban over a period of years, perhaps up to 20. ""We'll certainly be taking that recommendation forward,"" Smith says.",5 +13,"A little more than a month after their party took full control of Congress, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are at odds over how to avoid shutting down the Department of Homeland Security amid a fight with President Obama over immigration reform.",12 +1,"The tobacco industry weighed in yesterday with a multimillion-dollar campaign of full-page ads in major newspapers urging public support for the June settlement and the legal protections it provides. +",0 +12," +Students, gun-control groups team up on election efforts",11 +13,Gay marriage ban progresses,12 +5,"and now he is suing a gun manufacturer and a West Virginia gun dealer, saying they negligently allowed the weapon to wind up in criminal hands.",4 +9,'Safe' cigarettes sometimes snuffed,8 +6,"Can you smoke at your desk? How do you separate smokers and non-smokers? And once the smoke is in the air, what do you have to do to take it out?",5 +12, targeting female voters ,11 +5,"A state judge struck down Colorado's ban on gay marriage Wednesday, saying the prohibition violated constitutional rights, but put his ruling on hold pending appeal.",4 +5,"Dean, 27, and Gill, 24, said nothing during the hearing in Judge Shellie Bowers's courtroom. But their attorney, William Eskridge, issued a broad attack against the city's position, saying that D.C. laws do not explicitly forbid same-sex marriage but do forbid any kind of discrimination in a ""public accommodation"" -- in this case, the city's marriage license bureau",4 +7,"For many, the horror that engulfed a tiny, picturesque New England town was the final straw. On Dec. 14 - exactly one month ago - 20-year-old Adam Lanza burst into Sandy Hook Elementary School brandishing a Bushmaster XM-15, a 10-mm. Glock handgun and a 9-mm. SIG Sauer handgun. +",6 +7,"""Once the execution is completed, it's over. There's no going back,"" ",6 +3,The point was that Dougan had a more redeeming character than most on death row.,2 +13,The Florida Senate is expected to vote on the issue as early as Wednesday and Dantzler's vote is likely to bring at least two other Democratic senators to the governor's side - Sen. Pat Thomas of Quincy and Sen. Jim Hargrett of Tampa. Their support would give Chiles the 14 votes he needs to prevail.,12 +1,"Irvin said RJR had been resisting the trust fund approach because of admitted cash-flow problems. He said Barnes reminded the tobacco official that his company had committed to the master agreement, including some compensation for farmers.",0 +9,"An estimated 80 million women have been subject to genital mutilation worldwide, according to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). The crude and frequently dangerous practice is often performed on girls at the age of puberty. The opinion cited evidence that genital mutilation has often been used to assure male domination of women.",8 +5,"Judges struggle to decode high court's message on gay rights +",4 +11,"""Over 1,057,000 people have been killed by guns in the USA sincecOno, the former Beatle's widow, tweeted. +",10 +6,"If enacted, the ban would mean no lighting up during a walk around Lake Phalen, no puffing a cigar during a round at any of the city's four golf courses and no blowing a heater during a picnic at Como Park.",5 +13,"Twenty-three mayors, including New York's Bill de Blasio, Los Angeles's Eric Garcetti, Houston's Annise Parker and the District's Vincent C. Gray have joined the group.",12 +11,We are now witnessing the emergence of the most passionate movement for gun control since 1968.,10 +6,"Illinois next year will become the 11th state to sanction same-sex couples, after the Legislature's passage Wednesday of a ""civil union"" bill that supporters say is a landmark human rights advancement and opponents say is an attack on traditional marriage.",5 +13,Conservatives Using Issue of Gay Unions As a Rallying Tool,12 +5,"Kavaler was one of a dozen witnesses to testify on the second day of Al-'Owhali's death penalty hearing. +",4 +9,"But in Delaware County, he said, the money would be better spent on emergency care than on a prescription-drug program.",8 +6,"The distinction means they face less stringent reporting requirements for salaries, advertising and public relations campaigns, among other things, than do registered lobbyists.",5 +7,MAYBE WE OUGHT TO IMPRISON SMOKERS,6 +6, I also agree with the ban on assault rifles. There is absolutely no need for anyone except law enforcement and the military to have one of those.,5 +13,"O.K., but how would you explain the burst of legislative activity? Four states have legalized same-sex marriage, and there soon could be as many as 10, New York and New Jersey included. I think in the Northeast we've reached the tipping point. I think Proposition 8 sort of reawoke a sense of political consciousness among the L.G.B.T. community and, as important, its allies. +",12 +6,"The Palm Beach County School District might create separate policies governing how students prove which school they are allowed to attend -- an easier one for immigrants, a more stringent one for others.",5 +12,"More than 10,000 protesters from an array of pro- and anti-Donald Trump organizations, as well as Black Lives Matter and other groups, were expected to gather in Cleveland, raising concerns that blood was bound to spill.",11 +12,Public Opinion Stands Behind Democrats on Gun Measures,11 +13,"By doing so, Obama sought to turn a perceived political weakness - his image as an aloof intellectual - into a strength, and, at the same time, to turn a perceived strength of gun advocates - the constitutional right to bear arms - into a potential weakness.",12 +12," +Shrinking support for discrimination",11 +8,"It would require background checks only on handgun buyers, leaving crooks free to buy rifles, shotguns and assault weapons.",7 +12,Voters in 11 states OK bans of same-sex marriage,11 +7,"The 43-year-old Cassavetes was arrested as a result of an undercover investigation into the Sons of Silence. +",6 +1,Philip Morris raises dividend 20 percent,0 +5,"Supreme Court refuses to hear right-to-carry-guns case, Justices Thomas and Gorsuch say there is such a right",4 +3,DEATH PENALTY: Is lethal injection more humane?,2 +1,"A few attorneys are likely to be the biggest winners of these settlements. The recent $ 300 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit brought by flight attendants against the tobacco companies graphically demonstrates their good fortune. In this case, the industry will pay $ 300 million to establish a foundation for scientific research on diseases associated with cigarette smoking. No money will go directly to the flight attendants, but the tobacco companies have agreed to pay $ 49 million in fees to the flight attendants' attorneys. Yes, that's right - $ 49 million to the attorneys and not a dime to the flight attendants.",0 +1,Chick-fil-A food fight leaves city officials eating crow,0 +13,"G.O.P.'s Portman, Saying Son Is Gay, Now Backs Same-Sex Marriage",12 +13,Bush might protect gunmakers,12 +10,Gateway to Success,9 +13,Response to gay ruling could hurt Democrats,12 +6,Is there really a DACA deal?,5 +5,"The attorney for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit --- Charles Kuck --- said Tuesday that Goger's decision would be appealed. The plaintiffs, Kuck added, are also considering pursuing the matter in federal court.",4 +8, concealed guns,7 +1," let alone sale, of firearms. Rep. Rose's bill takes these places and events - which were never gun shows to begin with - out of the gun-show background check statute and clarifies that the gun shows covered by the law must be actual commercial gun shows that have been organized and promoted as such.",0 +5,"Minnesota law defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. But since the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in 2004 that same-sex marriages are legal in that state, opponents here have argued a constitutional amendment is needed to ensure judges don't overturn this state's law.",4 +13,Gov. Crist,12 +7,"I've always been of the ""enforcement first"" school",6 +11,CENSUS COMPARES GAYS WITH MARRIED COUPLES,10 +7,"''It was an execution,'' said William J. Devine, first deputy police commissioner. ''The officer no longer was a threat to the men. He was given a death sentence for being a police officer.''",6 +13,"How the NRA ""politically weaponized"" its members",12 +13,Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords,12 +7,A 19-year-old man was sentenced yesterday to life in prison for gunning down six monks and three other people during a 1991 robbery at a Thai Buddhist temple.,6 +6,Smoking Ban Bill Arouses Emotions,5 +5,RJR files suit against Philip Morris to halt new retail promotion,4 +13,WHY are many watching closely to see what kind of backlash the four State Senate Republicans who voted for gay marriage will face?,12 +5,The lawsuits have arisen at a time when 45 states have laws or constitutional amendments -- many of them recent -- that specifically forbid same-sex couples from getting marriage licenses.,4 +7,Jailing of Illegal Immigrants,6 +13,TENNIS DEFECTOR DIVIDES U.S. AIDES,12 +13," +The incumbent, Del. Jeffrey M. Frederick (R), said that he has offered strong solutions to each of the problems since taking office in 2004 and that seniority in the General Assembly will make him even more effective if elected to a third term.",12 +5,U.S.-born children take fight over tuition to court; Fla. denies in-state rates to illegal immigrants' kids,4 +13,", but that is the ground on which political battles are often decided in America -- as when a Texas governor, Miriam ''Ma'' Ferguson, barred the teaching of foreign languages about 80 years ago, saying, ''If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for us.''",12 +1,"NRASports Grille, featuring ""a wild game menu and fresh mineral waters from around the world."" The group said it also planned an adjacent electronic-game arcade and gift store called NRASports Blast, which it described as ""an exciting total shooting sports and sporting goods experience.""",0 +7, thousands of illegal firearms are seized by District police every year,6 +4,. Stripping rights from a minority is unjust,3 +12,Q & A ON THE NEWS,11 +5,"Ogletree said Schaefer's case had no impact on his desire to avoid a trial. +",4 +7,"Pa. abortion doctor spared execution, gets life in prison",6 +6,Teepen's gun proposal misguided,5 +13,Democratic Debate Takeaways: Tensions Rise as the Race Tightens,12 +1,"R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Lorillard Tobacco Co. and Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. contend that Philip Morris has used its market clout to monopolize the U.S. cigarette market, where it accounts for almost 54 percent of all retail sales.",0 +9,"His agency first blamed the problem on Diaz having a liver disease, and DOC Secretary James McDonough continued the state's surreal commentary by denying that Diaz was in pain. ""There was no moaning, no groaning,"" said Mr. McDonough. ""All the indications were a man at rest."" Dr. Hamilton wants to complete the autopsy before he speaks to the issue of whether Diaz suffered.",8 +5,"But if the Second Amendment is your thing, you have to be fair and honestly contemplate how things have changed since and what existed when the Second Amendment was written",4 +13," which was a main focus of Mr. Bloomberg's first term. Over the next four years, the number of guns recovered and the number of shootings will establish clearly whether Mr. Bloomberg has succeeded",12 +1,Smokers brace for pricier packs,0 +10,"The condemned man, who refused interview requests last week, said in + +December that death would be a blessed relief. +",9 +5,"On the same day the lawsuits were filed, Sharon Bock, Palm Beach County's clerk and comptroller, said she would not issue any licenses until she gets a final order from a federal judge permitting her to do so.",4 +12,350 rally in Trenton for gay 'day of history',11 +14,PUSH BAHAMAS TO HELP WITH HAITIANS,13 +8,The main goal is to close a loophole that allows people to buy weapons at gun shows without a background check,7 +13,"The Senate Judiciary Committee has the bill, which passed the House overwhelmingly last year. +",12 +9, and his mental illness is so severe he must be medicated to be sane enough to be put to death.,8 +13,Who Needs an Extremist Agenda?,12 +9,Gun control: Are we safer when good guys have firearms?,8 +7,"Officials arrest firearm, drug ring suspects",6 +4," ""The action is intended to shine a light on what happens when a discriminatory law is enforced and how that impacts real people in their hometowns.",3 +9,"In Pennsylvania, the $10 billion probably would be spent on health care, said Tim Reeves, spokesman for Gov. Ridge.",8 +10,"'They Were Yelling, Crying And Screaming'; Details of Immigrants' Ordeal Emerge",9 +10,"Nearly every night I pass this lot off a main thoroughfare in the heart of Denver. From here, Autobuses los Paisanos -- ''the buses of the people'' -- ferry Colorado's immigrants to dreams and dramas on the other side of the border. They are mothers off to visit deported children, single men in cowboy hats bound for weddings and funerals, grandparents moving home after years of work in factories and fields in the United States. + +Sometimes I stop to chat. And I've come to see this place as a window into a deeply American feature: The immigrant's split soul. +",9 +13,"In May, President Barack Obama said he personally supports same-sex marriage. + +""This certainly been a journey for many people in this country, a journey for our president,"" Dibble said to fellow committee members. + +The platform also calls for repeal of a 1996 law, signed by Democratic President Bill Clinton, which recognizes marriage as between a man and woman. Some federal courts have struck it down as unconstitutional.",12 +9,initiate health risk behaviors,8 +1,"A working Colt AR-15 receiver - the guts of a gun - runs about $300. A parts set costs $150 more; assembly takes a couple of hours. That compares with about $800 for an assembled pre-ban AR-15 assault weapon, said Dennis Wilson, a firearms dealer at Lou's Jewelry & Pawn in Upper Darby, one of the Philadelphia area's largest gun dealers.",0 +5," It would require all permit holders to clear both a state and FBI background check, submit fingerprints to law enforcement agencies",4 +6,PLAYERS' UNION WARNS OF ARIZ. LAW'S FALLOUT,5 +13,"This delay, the court knew, would, under existing rules, effectively prevent the initiative supporters from getting the measure on the ballot.",12 +13,"With Republicans in charge, gun control will not advance",12 +5,"The prejudicial impact can be so overwhelming that a death sentence could be overturned on appeal, Brinkema said: ""You may pay a price for that down the road.""",4 +1,Tobacco Buyout Favors Big Growers,0 +6,There does seem to be a real benefit,5 +10,GUNS AND SCHOOLS: THE SCENE -- CAPITOL SKETCHBOOK,9 +15,BRO'S SHOT ACROSS SHEEN'S BOW,14 +1,"Casinos say they need smokers to make a profit, and that's that.",0 +5,"The hope, which we share, is that the court will rise above the hard-right ideology of some justices to render a decision respectful of the Constitution's text and the violent consequences of denying government broad room to regulate guns. The fear is that it will not.",4 +13,Maine's Vote on Same-Sex Marriage Is Called Close and Crucial,12 +6,Violence the spark behind gun bans,5 +7," +Burns and York were already in custody on other charges, and Farnkoff was arrested at her home on Friday, said Lt. Tim Moore, spokesman for the Douglas County Sheriff's Office.",6 +11,"DEATH-PENALTY SUPPORT WIDE, BUT FOES PUSH ON< A MOVIE BRINGS DEBATE AS EXECUTIONS' PACE RISES.",10 +6,"The new rules are the toughest allowed under Florida law. Although similar to gun control laws in Broward and Miami-Dade counties, Palm Beach County's new law is even stronger because it includes collectible guns.",5 +5,"The Limits of Nullification +",4 +7,"However, the latest development will not kick-start executions in San Quentin's death chamber.",6 +12,"""I ask all Americans to support ",11 +11,"For Immigrants 'Broken Into Pieces,' Denver Bus Binds Two Worlds",10 +7,"Many new guns are sold illegally, ATF report reveals",6 +7,"""This person, if there were no assault weapons available, if there were no this or no that, this guy's going to find something, right? He's going to know how to create a bomb. Who knows where his mind would have gone? Clearly a very intelligent individual, however twisted,""",6 +4," ""repressive bigotry,""",3 +3, showed little remorse,2 +10,"Family members of two children slain at Sandy Hook traveled to Trenton in support of the magazine restriction. +",9 +13,"BRADY, EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTORS CRITICIZE MEASURE ON CONCEALED WEAPONS",12 +1,Pharmacies in a Quandary Over Tobacco,0 +15,Shadows of doubt,14 +6,"In states that waited until the late 90's to adopt zero tolerance, like Colorado, Indiana and South Carolina, the decline generally did not happen until after the law was in place.",5 +5,"ADDIE AND EVE VERMONT DECISION BELONGS IN A SERMON, NOT THE LAW",4 +13,"Gun control, yes, but that's only the beginning",12 +13,"The same-sex marriage bill, which Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) signed in December, is slated to take effect next month if it survives a congressional review.",12 +5,"William Ohlemeyer, vice president of Philip Morris USA, the maker of the industry-leading Marlboro brand, said the ruling ""is in line with the country's legal mainstream.""",4 +10,"Having already lost her 6-year-old son, Nicole Hockley insists she won't lose the fight to reduce gun violence - no matter how long it takes.",9 +1, men seeking economic opportunity,0 +7,"He added: ""In many respects, this is the most disturbing aspect of this case and one which merits stiff punishment.",6 +12,"I agree completely with the May 19 editorial, ""Gun control and the riots in L.A.""",11 +2,"and nine new positions and complained about being overworked,"" ",1 +5,The same jury that convicted them,4 +1,Many foreign workers are hired for jobs that otherwise would go unfilled and for wages that often exceed the national minimum of $ 5.15 per hour by a couple of dollars. They're allowed to stay only for a year to ensure they don't cost Americans longer-term jobs or drive down wages.,0 +15,Got a Cause,14 +6,Controlling Guns: One Idea Starts With the Bullets,5 +13,Rep tells of death threats over guns,12 +8,Oklahoma City bombing suspect Terry Lynn Nichols,7 +13,Senate makes exception to allow same-sex vote,12 +1,"The Cubans are angry that recent congressional legislation, originally intended to exempt U.S. agricultural products from the 37-year-old embargo, ultimately included impractical financing restrictions and a one-way trade limit.",0 +11,Letter From the American West: Gun Debate Misses the Mark,10 +7," +Handguns remain the No. 1 weapon of choice of criminals. In 1986, the last year for which we have complete statistics, 35 percent of the 397 homicides in New Jersey were committed with handguns. Also, the State Police reported that firearms were involved in 28 percent of all robberies and 13 percent of all aggravated assaults.",6 +6,"The measure was one of more than two dozen pieces of legislation the House considered as it worked late hours trying to meet a Wednesday midnight deadline for ending the 2001 legislative session. +",5 +11,The union between a man and a woman is the means by which the human animal survives. This union has been formalized in virtually all cultures throughout history.,10 +9,MAN SETTLES PASSIVE SMOKE HEALTH CLAIM,8 +11,"Yet, even though the number of people killed with handguns here is below the national average, it is still much too high.",10 +5,Jury Imposes Damages on Tobacco Firm,4 +13,GOP vows to counter Obama,12 +6, the current law makes it almost impossible to crack down on retailers who sell to young people.,5 +11,Video: American Mosaic: Stories of immigration from those who lived it,10 +6,Law on Death Penalty Is Likely by Next Fall,5 +10,CAMPUS IS NO PLACE FOR CONCEALED WEAPONS,9 +13,PANEL ADVANCES BILLS ON ASSAULT RIFLES,12 +8,USA better off with no militias?,7 +13,pushed gun control to the front of the neck-and-neck race for Virginia governor on Monday.,12 +6,New rules for driver's licenses will begin,5 +1,looked for corporate donors to contribute to its big fund-raiser,0 +3,"Church gun ban, challenge still alive",2 +13,The council will need to pass the legislation before it becomes law. Council members embraced the idea but bickered over timing.,12 +10,City eyes domestic-partner benefits,9 +5,"GRANTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AMNESTY WILL DESTROY SECOND AMENDMENT, SAYS SENATE CANDIDATE JOE MILLER",4 +13,"Mike Huckabee wrote a book this year in which he lamented the ''seething anger'' surrounding the immigration debate, advocated giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship and concluded that in the debate ''some of the rage is fueled by prejudice.''",12 +3,"""I forgive all of you and I hope God forgives all of you all,"" Billy Conn Gardner, 51, said in a brief final statement.",2 +7,"That's not good news, considering that in last year's study, underage buyers were successful only 39 percent of the time.",6 +6,LAWMAKER'S PLAN WOULD FINE WELFARE RECIPIENTS FOR SMOKING,5 +13,"But with Congress on record as opposing all but minor restrictions on gun ownership, the proposal unveiled Thursday in Clinton's State of the Union address may fare better on the Democratic campaign trail than it does on Capitol Hill. +",12 +5,Our Second Amendment and state Constitutional right to keep and bear arms will be seriously infringed.,4 +1,"If we lose the workers who are here illegally, it's hard to see how they'll be replaced, because Americans are reluctant to take these jobs, particularly the ones harvesting crops. There's a lot of evidence for this, both anecdotal and statistical, including a particularly compelling case study done in North Carolina in 2011. That year, 489,000 people were unemployed statewide. The North Carolina Growers Association listed 6,500 available jobs. Just 268 of those 489,000 North Carolinians applied, and 245 were hired. On the first day of work, 163 showed up, and a grand total of seven finished the season. Of the mostly Mexican workers who took the rest of the jobs, 90 percent made it through to the end.",0 +1,Lawmakers did not dispute that success last week when the Senate Appropriations Committee failed by a single vote to approve $39.1 million for the tobacco control program. The program's success translates to savings in thousands of lives and millions of dollars in health-care expenses.,0 +5,First Amendment loses ground to the 'Right to Never Be Dissed',4 +3,Truth About Guns,2 +13,U.S. Helps Tobacco in Trade Case,12 +13,"Mrs. Taylor, a calm woman, watched the Rules Committee rush the repeal of the weapons ban to the floor. The panel's Republican leadership bypassed the Judiciary Committee, which would usually handle the issue, and tailored a tight one-hour rule for floor debate. + +""This is generally all the time we feel is needed,"" explained the Rules chairman, Gerald B. H. Solomon, a New York Republican. ""Everybody knows where they stand.""",12 +12,"But the NRA is urging Missourians to ask their legislators to vote no on the bill. +",11 +5," The U.S. Supreme Court rejected two last-minute appeals, and Clinton turned down Hill's clemency request.",4 +5,Justices Refuse to Hear Challenge to Connecticut Ban on Semiautomatic Rifles,4 +5,Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White then decided to pursue a racketeering and conspiracy case against the two surviving defendants.,4 +13,CANDIDATES STUMP THE STATE,12 +12,DEATH PENALTY PANEL SEEKS PUBLIC COMMENT,11 +1, that would give counties the ability to decide whether they want to fund additional personnel for the local public defender's office.,0 +13,"The industry is nonpartisan. But as the manufacturers of a product that, when used as directed, causes death, they must be intensely political.",12 +13,"A letter Oct. 19 from Bond and the other senators - eight Republicans and one Democrat - to Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., say they are sympathetic to a move to eliminate funding for the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Specter heads an appropriations committee that recommends funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of which the injury center is a part.",12 +13,"The 4 things we know about the gun control debate +",12 +7,POMERANZ JURY RECOMMENDS LIFE IN SLAYING OF GROCER,6 +9,Medicaid,8 +13,'Gun-show loophole' foes progress toward fall ballot,12 +11, then to a radio station to spread his newfound faith from behind bars.,10 +13,The Republican president-elect pulled off a major upset after vowing to deport millions of unauthorized immigrants and bar Muslims - including Syrian refugees -- from entering the U.S.,12 +1,tobacco surcharge into the Medicaid budget,0 +5,State's same-sex marriage ban challenge set for court hearing A lesbian couple is charged with trespassing after they staged a sit-in when they were refused a license.,4 +1,"CIG TAX MAY RISE 50 State in secret dealings to aid health, hosps",0 +6,"If approved, Proposition 8 would rewrite the California Constitution to state that marriage is legal only if it is between a man and a woman, reversing a California Supreme Court ruling in May that legalized same-sex marriage.",5 +12," The floating of his name led to fierce outbursts from anti-immigrant groups and blogs, which detest him for being so good at what he does.",11 +8,INS says Hussein stepson is arrested,7 +5,DEATH PENALTY CASES,4 +13, Assembly Democratic Leader Joseph Doria said it could invite future court challenges.,12 +3,Memo says RJR targeted teens,2 +13,House Votes to Repeal Ban on Handguns in Washington,12 +8,"On the morning after the deadliest terrorist attack on New York since Sept. 11, 2001",7 +8,"It is the Federal Government that is required to protect the states against ""invasion"" and ""domestic violence.""",7 +15,The Wrong Way to Win Gay Marriage Rights,14 +13,"PRESIDENT SEEKS ACTION ON GUN BILLS ON CAPITOL HILL, THERE WAS TALK OF COMPROMISE AFTER MONTHS OF INACTION",12 +9,So it imposed safety restrictions,8 +12,"""The people of the state of Florida like the institution of marriage just the way it is",11 +5,Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Doris Ling-Cohan ruled on Friday that the state's Domestic Relations Law is unconstitutional because it does not allow for same-sex marriages,4 +5,constitutional,4 +11, He would also be the first condemned murderer from Santa Clara County executed since California restored the death penalty in 1978.,10 +6,"study the state's ""complex firearms laws and recommend new legislation for the 2009 session.""",5 +11,"Cross-cultural marriage rates falling; Big influx of immigrants makes them more likely to wed among themselves +",10 +13,Steve King comments on immigration called 'beneath the dignity' of the House,12 +6,Critics say it goes too far and could endanger the public.,5 +3,Rather than affirm the importance of marriage and families,2 +9,Are schools safer two years after Newtown?,8 +5,"He arrived at his figure by subtracting all the signatures gathered before July 3, the day the Supreme Court ruled against earlier challenges filed by his organization.",4 +13,"The other two Republicans in the race say that, while illegal immigration needs to be addressed, they're opposed to ""camps"" being the solution.",12 +5,Guns and Justice,4 +1,The cost of citizenship will increase on Friday,0 +1,"""In the last week, we've definitely seen the highest quantity number of individual donations coming in of any week,"" said Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage-California, the group spearheading the anti-gay marriage initiative effort. The group hopes to raise at least $10 million for radio, print and television advertising.",0 +13,"Bloomberg said yesterday's early morning East Flatbush shootout shows the importance of his crusade against illegal weapons. ""It's unconscionable that this weapon would be on our city streets,"" the mayor said after cops revealed that Henry was armed with an Uzi-type gun, capable of holding up to 30 bullets.",12 +7, Police must determine whether there is reason to believe the complaint is valid,6 +11,"Local and national health agencies had urged the NBA to drop Lorillard, saying its role sent the wrong message to teenagers.",10 +1,"The action came amid growing complaints from area electricians who say they lost their jobs at the base to lower-wage workers. +",0 +5,and state prosecutors suing,4 +14,New York Gay Couples Head to Massachusetts With Marriage in Mind,13 +13," +Wash. House OKs gay-marriage bill",12 +6,Gun ban for youths upheld,5 +11," Kevin Bacon movie, ""Hollow Man."" +",10 +9, later mental problems,8 +5,Bringing Lawsuits to Do What Congress Won't,4 +7,Connecticut City Plans to Team Its Police With Federal Immigration Agents,6 +8, young American soldiers are dying senselessly and needlessly in a war he insisted on having.,7 +7,against the man accused of raping and strangling her 11-year-old daughter.,6 +13,ROBERTI DODGES RECALL CAMPAIGN BACKED BY POWERFUL GUN LOBBY,12 +13,Hizzoner & Fla. survivor in vote push,12 +5, claiming the First Amendment gives him the right to do it.,4 +7,"GANGSTERS ADMIT KIDNAP SPREE, SLAY",6 +13,Wanting More Than a Veto and a Prayer,12 +11,Immigrant Youths Dig For Roots; Culture Classes in Vogue,10 +4,"Walls also says it's unfair that he should die for the crime while two accomplices are serving life behind bars for their roles in the death of 88-year-old Fred C. Harmon. +",3 +13,"Illinois Senate Votes to Back Gay Marriage +",12 +12,The N.R.A.'s Instant Classic Attack Ads,11 +12,"However, several hundred people who had no formal ties to either Georgia Equality or the Christian Coalition showed up with taunting signs, bullhorns and plenty of heated rhetoric. +",11 +3,Responsible owners are no threat to safety,2 +5,Lawyers Start Their Defense Of Tobacco,4 +13,"New Jersey lawmakers get ready for big push on gay-marriage bill +",12 +7,Officials uncertain of gun law details Face deadline for enforcing waiting period,6 +12, despite some polls showing up to 70 percent of Americans favor it,11 +13,"'With President Bush's popularity dropping and the serious problems confronting America worsening, the administration seeks to divert attention by demagoguing on the issue of same-sex unions,' said Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., a gay member of Congress. 'This is a far cry from October of 2000 when, seeking votes from supporters of equal rights, Dick Cheney told a national television audience that the question of same-sex relationships should be left to the states.'",12 +8,Florida man caught with loaded gun at National Airport,7 +4,"He called for a domestic partnership law giving gay and heterosexual couples the same rights ""across the board.""",3 +14,", including the European Union",13 +1,"$ 5,000 fine.",0 +1,MCVEIGH TRIAL TAXPAYER TAB: $14 MILLION,0 +12," +As a young gay man, Wilkinson is well aware that the majority of Americans are against giving same-sex couples the right to marry. + +",11 +13,"Both Congress and the Florida Legislature have rebuffed every prudent attempt to close the loopholes. +",12 +13,New Hillary Clinton TV Ad Focuses on One Topic: Gun Violence,12 +13,"""It's a difficult vote to explain why you're not for it,"" he admitted, ""but the deficiencies were glaring.""",12 +7,"''It's not like he wants to be a DNA or criminal justice crusader,''",6 +8,of the damage that Hanssen allegedly caused to national security during 15 years of spying,7 +12,"Signatures from 16,000 people on petitions forced the recall; voting ends Tuesday.",11 +6,New Death Penalty Rules Are Issued in Illinois,5 +5,"Al-Amin's defense attorney Jack Martin said he knows of the letter but cannot comment on it because of a gag order imposed by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Manis. Manis imposed the gag order at the request of defense attorneys who said the prosecutor's office was improperly leaking prejudicial information to the media. +",4 +9,Unsafe at Any Level,8 +10,U-Md. Weighs Benefits for Unmarried Pairs,9 +5,Court halts electric chair executions,4 +13,"THE REPUBLICAN PARTY'S incoherence on illegal immigration was on vivid display last week in Tampa, where delegates gathered to draft their party's official platform",12 +13,Log Cabin Republicans make strategic whipping boys,12 +5,TIME'S COME FOR VOTE RIGHTS,4 +13,Issues to watch during Virginia's 2015 legislative session,12 +13,"The measure now goes to the House, which passed a similar bill last year by a vote of 216 to 211. That bill died in a conference committee after Senate-House negotiators failed to resolve differences between the two versions. +",12 +10,BENEFITS FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS IS GETTING MORE CONSIDERATION,9 +10,SMOKIN' OUT SMOKE MAKE IT HARDER FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO BUY CIGARETTES,9 +13,Trump: Raids targeting immigrants are 'the keeping of my campaign promise';,12 +15,Look before you leap is a cliche.,14 +5,"This time, it would be a rush to the altar, following a recently unearthed (and previously unknown) constitutional right to same-sex marriage.",4 +5,N.R.A. Sues to Challenge New Database on Sale of Guns,4 +5,Long legal chaos likely over gay marriage,4 +3," Most of the jurors were Mormons, at a time when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did not allow blacks to become priests.",2 +6,"e commit more funding for gun violence prevention programs, enact tougher penalties for those who violate state gun laws, and create better tools for prosecutors to pursue gun traffickers.",5 +5,The court unanimously turned down two death row inmates who had appealed on the basis of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this year in an Arizona case.,4 +11," +""There's an epidemic of gun violence in this country,""",10 +9," ""It will do a great deal to increase public safety in Florida.""",8 +5," faces a hearing tomorrow in Montana that will enable federal prosecutors to send him to California to face charges in four bombings, including two fatal attacks.",4 +6,Deadline may be extended for visas,5 +5,To think that the Supreme Court would refrain from doing the right thing simply out of concern for what others will think or fear is unconscionable to those of us who want nothing more than to be treated equally under the law.,4 +7,Missouri on Tuesday continued preparations for the execution of triple murderer Kelvin Malone,6 +7,"Harris was shot three times in the head when he stopped a speeding car in which Aldape was a passenger. Aldape, now 34, maintains that Harris was shot by another man in the car, Roberto Carrasco Flores, who died in a shootout with police. The pistol used to kill Harris was found by his side. +",6 +7,"Among the other evidence: the two shell casings at the scene that matched Evans' gun; the holster, which also belonged to Evans, in the bedroom; and Elizabeth's neighbor, who testified that he saw Evans in the condo complex before 7 that evening, shortly before dispatchers received the 911 call.",6 +5,state's constitution to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman,4 +5,The court ruled that the strategy violates 18th century English common law and cannot be pursued. The ruling Friday did not address whether the companies smuggled cigarettes.,4 +5,"Earlier in the day, attorneys in the case selected nine men and three women to sit as jurors during the two-week trial, which is to begin Monday.",4 +6,"""I think it's a ridiculous law.""",5 +13,"GOP Immigration backers see service path to status +",12 +6,"The bill, as approved by the House Judiciary Committee on June 25, has three major elements: penalties against employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens, legal status for many aliens already illegally in the United States and permanent resident status for foreigners who can prove that they were agricultural workers in this country for at least 60 days in the period from May 1, 1985, to May 1, 1986.",5 +4,Ex-soldier Wright gets life terms for racial murders,3 +11,What overturning interracial marriage bans might tell us about what happens next with gay marriage,10 +5,Glendening Asserts Angelos Suit Won't Stop Tobacco Plans,4 +12,"At gay-rights rally, Dayton said he opposes cuts to anti-bullying programs",11 +13," +The St. Paul measure now is set for a final vote Wednesday. If the ordinance were changed in any way that day, the council would be required to delay the vote again for at least another week.",12 +7," Darlene Chambers, wife of convicted murderer James Chambers",6 +5,"axter intends to remain with the case. To do that, she must get a temporary reassignment from state Chief Justice Deborah T. Poritz, according to Winnie Comfort, spokeswoman for the State Administrative Office of the Courts. +",4 +10,"''I feel like this could save my life,'' said Ms. Smeaton, 47, who has cut her tobacco smoking to a pack and a half daily, supplemented by her e-cigarette. +",9 +8, Unabomber defendant ,7 +9,"Doctors are thinking bigger. Gun violence is a social disease, they say, and it could be curbed with a public health approach like the product safety changes and driving laws that slashed traffic fatalities decades ago, even as cars on the road increased.",8 +5,"State laws that bar liquor price advertising are violations of free speech, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday in a unanimous decision that could imperil similar restrictions on tobacco ads.",4 +13,Worst Week in Washington,12 +10,Confusion over partner benefits,9 +5,New York Court Refuses Gay Marriage Suits,4 +13,"If the gun lobby has its way, you'll be able to be locked and loaded virtually anywhere in America, from parks to schools. + +If gun control advocates have theirs, law-abiding citizens will continue to be helpless prey for murderers, rapists and thieves.",12 +1,"The fires, both on Aug. 10, caused an estimated $1 million in damage. Several boardwalk stores remain closed due to smoke damage.",0 +6," bar local authorities from arresting people for immigration purposes; and try to limit federal immigration officials' authority to remove people from schools, hospitals or courthouses.",5 +7,one that focused onthe 2008 murder of a black teenage athlete in Los Angelesby an illegal immigrant.,6 +5,"The state had won two rounds in federal district and appeals courts in the case, Drake v. Jerejian. But another appeals court went the other way in a California case in February, providing the type of split that often leads to Supreme Court intervention. +",4 +5,The city says the law violates the state constitution's equal-protection clause.,4 +3,"A Test Of Faith; In the Orthodox Church, New and Old Ways Clash",2 +13,"Denouncing Violence, but Avoiding Talk of Policy",12 +5,"After six hours of deliberations, jurors voted for acquittal.",4 +11,"That's right, City Marshal Virgil Earp and his brother Wyatt were attempting to enforce a gun-control law that cowboys were evading - a law that was rather common in the West, according to historians. +",10 +13,"You wouldn't have picked up on it during the debates, but John McCain and Barack Obama actually agree on some issues. One of them is gay marriage. + +Both candidates oppose the concept, preferring instead the squishy alternative of civil unions. + +T",12 +7,A Tallahassee grandfather apparently became the first person in the state to be arrested for violating a new gun safety law designed to keep loaded guns out of the hands of children.,6 +10,Despair About Guns Is Not an Option,9 +13,HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE BACKS WAITING-PERIOD HANDGUN BILL,12 +9,"""The kid who is a victim today is very likely to be a perpetrator tomorrow,"" said Mary Ann Fenley, communications officer at the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.",8 +1,"Pataki argued that requiring a fire-safe formulation for the cigarettes sold in New York could create ""additional financial incentives"" for cigarette bootleggers.",0 +5, state's proposed marriage amendment,4 +15,UNDER THE GUN,14 +13,A spokesman said Friday that Kaine has not taken a position on the bills.,12 +5,"r. Higginbotham said: ''Henry Lee Lucas gave them their case. He said he brought this on himself and he will have to live with it. We did a good job with what we had to work with. We got a fair trial.'' + +Ed Walsh, the Williamson County District Attorney, said, ''It was the tapes that did it and the facts he gave.'' +",4 +13,"What is really telling is how Braico makes clear that he and his ilk value guns over people, as his ire is directed not at gun-toting abusers who put women and children at risk, but at Rendell for signing legislation to protect those innocents. +",12 +15,THEY CHOSE NRA OVER YOU,14 +6,curbing smoking,5 +9,overturn public-safety laws,8 +13,Frankel hears gun arguments,12 +7,"""Harbor Hooker"" ordered deported to her native Canada",6 +7," Knight, 62, was convicted of fatally stabbing Corrections Officer Richard Burke with a spoon in 1980.",6 +7,"3. Incarceration for life without parole or possibility of probation is, in my opinion, a far more severe penalty than death.",6 +13,Hickenlooper shifts his sights on guns,12 +4,Race fades as an issue in California,3 +7,"Mr. Butts, who was arrested on Jan. 8, is being held without bail.",6 +13,"The strongly worded letter gave Earley a grade of A-minus and praised his support for a major new exemption to the one-gun-a-month law that would allow unlimited gun purchases for the 104,000 Virginians with concealed weapons permits. It gave Democrat Mark R. Warner a grade of C and noted the several changes in his gun positions over the years.",12 +1,"And the threat to the gun industry is especially serious because gun makers do not have the enormous resources of the tobacco companies, with total sales in 1997 of only $1.4 billion compared with $48 billion in sales for the cigarette makers. +",0 +13,"Battle for Gun Control Bill in Congress Isn't Over Yet, but Prospects Look Bleak",12 +12,"Respondents appear increasingly inclined to say they are personally opposed to same-sex marriage, rather than say it should be illegal.",11 +13,Govs. Neil Abercrombie and Pat Quinn sign laws approved by Democratic legislatures.,12 +5,"U.S. Supreme Court halts Georgia killer's execution +",4 +5," +''As I would read their briefs,'' Mr. Campbell said of his dueling adversaries, ''I would write in the margin: 'That's an implicit dig at this case' and 'That's a dig at that case.' ''",4 +9,"The findings are contained in two studies published in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. One study, led by Ralph Caraballo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, measured blood levels of a chemical called cotinine, a byproduct of the breakdown of nicotine in the body, in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adult smokers from 1988 to 1991.",8 +3,The St. Paul Area Council of Churches is sponsoring this year's program at Mount Olivet.,2 +13,Nixon is congratulated for signing new gun law,12 +13, one of the few gun restrictions signed by Gov. Chris Christie before his term ended.,12 +5,Death Penalty Sought In Va. Disappearance,4 +6,most effective laws,5 +5,"The Supreme Court threw out the gun-ban law in a 5-to-4 decision in a Texas case, saying that the law relied on the power of Congress to regulate commerce but failed to demonstrate how commerce was in any way involved.",4 +6,"""They can be upset with the law,"" Stemberger said. ""If they don't like the law, they should seek to have the law changed."" +",5 +13,"In same-sex marriage fight, personal outweighs political",12 +13, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the state Department of Justice,12 +5,AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS NO GOOD FOR U.S.,4 +5,Jury Sets Death Sentence For Killings of 2 Officers,4 +5,permits to carry concealed weapons,4 +7,"The victims were killed in three separate shootings in the Stockton area in October and November 1997. They were James Loper, a driver at the tow truck company from which Peoples had been suspended; liquor store employee Stephen Chacko; and grocery store workers Besun Yu and Jun Gao.",6 +11,Now's time for gay civil rights movement,10 +10,"'I WILL WAIT,' SAYS FIANCEE IN VISA FLAP",9 +12,Backer of 'chaw law' speaks a mouthful,11 +12, I have been working on ending the juvenile death penalty with a number of groups and organizations and countries.,11 +7,saying Medina's gruesome end would make killers think twice about operating in his jurisdiction.,6 +13,"People, do you think Congress is actually going to do anything about gun violence in the wake of the Newtown shootings? Judiciary is going to vote on two big proposals next week:",12 +5,"The Justice Department says he has been charged with federal crimes + +The suspected gunman in an airport shooting rampage in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. - Esteban Santiago, 26, an Iraq War veteran - has been charged with federal crimes and could face the death penalty, the Justice Department announced Saturday night. +",4 +10,'SMOKING' REALLY SATISFIES,9 +13,"Nicholas Kristof: For liberals, some inconvenient gun facts",12 +9," +Californians who suffer from developmental disabilities like Eugenio's daughter typically qualify for Medi-Cal, the state's insurance program for low-income residents, regardless of immigration status, Rosenstein said. With that insurance, Eugenio would have been able to seek out healthcare services from a variety of county programs that offer everything from home visits to off-site day care",8 +6,"Though the language is not aimed specifically at smoking, the practical effect is to ban the performances.",5 +9,SMOKERS KNOW DANGER,8 +5,"Congratulations to the New Jersey Supreme Court for mandating recognition of same-sex unions [front page, Oct. 26]. However, the judges' inclusion of ""civil unions"" as a way of complying with their order is flawed.",4 +12,"We disagree with anti-tobacco activists Julia Carol and Robin Hobart, in ""Another View"" at right",11 +7,", the measure was requested by the state Department of Correction, said department spokeswoman Patty McQuillan.",6 +13,Gun ownership used to be bipartisan,12 +7,"As many as half the handguns used in crimes had been purchased from federally licensed dealers within the previous three years, passing far more quickly from manufacturer to dealer to criminal than previously believed, according to new federal law enforcement data expected to play a major role in lawsuits against the handgun industry.",6 +7,"No immigration crackdown at SEPTA station, officials say",6 +10,"For Jurors, Stress of Capital Case Can Linger",9 +9,"""It is important in our minds that teens not smoke,"" said Kutscher, who works at Hunterdon Medical Center. ""As a doctor, I see what happens.""",8 +13," +Building managers are now taking measurements to find out just where smokers must stand to comply. The Rules Committees of the Legislature have asked their lawyers whether the Assembly balcony will be off-limits to lawmakers in need of a nicotine fix during those marathon budget sessions when they return to Sacramento in January.",12 +6,"Californians passed Proposition 227 two years ago with 61 percent of the vote. The law ended bilingual education and ordered immigrant students to be immersed in English, rather than exposed to it gradually as they continued to learn in their native language, most often Spanish. +",5 +7,"Dixon pleaded guilty Monday to unlawful disposition of an assault firearm, unlawful possession of a machine gun, and unlawful possession of a handgun.",6 +5,Prosecutors say they're prepared to take death-row inmate Emmitt Foster back to court to clinch his death penalty.,4 +7,"Belmontes broke into a house in the San Joaquin County town of Victor, confronted Steacy McConnell and savagely beat her with a dumbbell. She later died from her injuries. Belmontes stole her stereo, sold it for $100 and spent some of the money on beer.",6 +5,"They made their first court appearance Monday, when Jack Browning, district attorney for the Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit, announced his intention to seek the death penalty if indictments are secured next month.",4 +1,"Under the proposal by Mr. Moynihan, Democrat of New York, law-enforcement agencies would be exempt from the ammunition tax, whose proceeds would be used to help pay for President Clinton's health-care overhaul. For the average gun owner, the tax could raise the price of the box of 20 cartridges to as much as $1,600 from its current $16.",0 +1,New Strategy at Philip Morris,0 +11,Why the U.S. could see more executions this year,10 +12,Against Guns in Maryland,11 +5,Sjodin drama moves to the jury,4 +15,"IVILITY GETS THE CHAIR +",14 +13,HOUSE BANS 19 ASSAULT WEAPONS IN CLOSE VOTE,12 +6,N.Y. CIGARET WAR PACKS NO PUNCH LAW GOES UP IN SMOKE AS RETAILERS FLOUT IT AND SELL TO CHILDREN,5 +9,"Research from Stanford University has found that ""right-to-carry laws are associated with substantially higher rates"" of aggravated assault, rape, robbery and murder. Numerous instances of permit-holders (in Virginia and elsewhere) committing murder are documented at the Concealed Carry Killers website.",8 +5,COURT DENIES STAY OF EXECUTION,4 +10,"Terence Kindlon, an Albany lawyer representing some of the couples fighting to overturn the ban, said many same-sex couples are raising children and caring for one another in loving, stable family settings, but can't apply for some loans together or can't qualify for coverage under each other's health insurance. + +""To deny those people legal recognition on the reality of their relationship is irrational,"" Kindlon said. +",9 +5,"The protection of popular speech has never been an issue. It is the unpopular speech that requires defense. Advertising is a form of speech. Because cigarettes are legally sold in this country, the freedom of speech applies to its advertisement. If the government censors these advertisements, citizens should understand that the government no longer protects us -- it threatens us. +",4 +6,Gun Control That Actually Works,5 +1,"Richard Bash, owner of Combat Arms in Castro Valley, Calif.",0 +6,The wrong turn on immigration,5 +3,"The U.S. Catholic Bishops addressed the question of rights in a pastoral letter in 1975, saying ""The unlimited freedom to possess and use handguns must give way to the rights of all people to safety.""",2 +13,The Killeen massacre did cause Rep. Chet Edwards (D-Tex.) of the congressional district including Killeen to change his vote. Do we need a repetition in 247 districts to cause those representatives to change theirs?,12 +13,Va. Tech horror pushes back gun rights bill,12 +1,Target says it's neutral on gay marriage ban,0 +5,"In 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court returned Hall's case to the state courts in light of its ruling earlier that year that mentally retarded people may not be executed.",4 +9," +Citing the deaths of as many as 40 Haitians in a smuggling disaster at sea this month",8 +9,"An autopsy revealed that the boy, Kaden Bernard, had over 40 different injuries -- both old and new, internal and external -- covering his body from head to toe.",8 +13,The Senate passed a similar bill last November as part of its crime measure.,12 +4," marriage equality is unrelated to these issues. +",3 +5,Applicants for Citizenship Take To the Courts to Force Action,4 +5,"The 5-to-4 decision on the execution drug broke along familiar lines, with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joining the court's more conservative members to allow its use.",4 +13,"-Mitt Romney's friendly warmup for the big debate yesterday turned into a dustup over immigration with a Queens saloon keeper, who toted a ""No Irish Need Apply"" sign.",12 +7,"in the November 1992 slaying of his wife, Sara. + +Tokars,",6 +6, Missouri's moratorium on death penalty makes sense.,5 +7,Stockton killings,6 +6,". (The new law would also outlaw a handgun version of the weapon, though in each case current lawful owners would be exempt.)",5 +13,The committee voted 10 to 4 to kill Del. William P. Robinson Jr.'s gun-a-month proposal.,12 +9,"""I'd have them take a written and manual test demonstrating that they know how to safely ",8 +3,He said he believed that God created men and women for the purpose of reproduction and that the relationship deserved society's sanction as marriage.,2 +15,Diversion and division,14 +4,Greeson ruled that then-Assistant District Attorney Gary Goodman failed to turn over statements made by Tammie Hopkins Wood.,3 +13,"In a speech yesterday at a law-enforcement training facility in Georgia, Bush promoted the compromise legislation worked out between the White House and a bipartisan group of senators. He charged opponents of the bill in his own party with fear-mongering and said they ""don't want to do what's right for America.",12 +13,"Mr. Clinton has promised to negotiate with Republican leaders, starting next week, over a long list of issues in that measure. When they start talking, the Republicans' welfare bill, with its language on education for legal immigrants, will be the starting point.",12 +12,"While some schools in DeKalb, Cobb and Gwinnett counties reported high rates of absenteeism, industries that use large numbers of immigrants remained open and reported few employees missing work. A demonstration at the Georgia Capitol attracted about 2,500, far fewer than the reported 30,000 to 60,000 that showed up at the Plaza Fiesta Shopping Mall on Buford Highway for a rally April 10.",11 +5,Prosecutor seeks death sentence in murder case,4 +11,How Spanish-language media reacted to Steve King's comments -- and why it's bad for the GOP,10 +5,Court likely to sidestep Second Amendment debate,4 +6,After DOMA,5 +1,who was not allowed to sell cigarettes in her father's store in Cleveland.,0 +6,"Proponents say the restrictions would be similar to bans in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities. A smoking ban went into effect in October 2003 in many parts of Montgomery County.",5 +13,"Mr. Bush isn't giving up much by siding with the anti-gun lobby on this issue. The Washington Post reports that GOP House leaders are thinking of not renewing the ban by dropping the issue and not bringing it to a vote. If Mr. Bush is sincere about wanting a ban, he should insist that these GOP leaders take up the issue.",12 +8, that includes expanded background checks,7 +7,"Dunlap could face death by lethal injection for his first-degree murder convictions in the shooting deaths of four employees at the Chuck E Cheese's restaurant in Aurora on Dec. 14, 1993.",6 +5,"The recommendation Friday isn't binding. A judge must decide whether to follow the recommendation and order Butler's execution. +",4 +7,"Rob Pasquince, 22, of Brooklyn, N.Y., is in the Pinellas County Jail, charged with killing Sherman while robbing the Subway sandwich shop in South Pasadena.",6 +5,"In a ruling Thursday, Hawaii's high court said the issue was resolved by a 1998 amendment to the state constitution against same-sex marriages.",4 +10," ''I'm missing my clients, going to the jail and seeing the guys. Last week we ate in Marion County with two of my clients in the County Jail, a Civil War relic.'' Sharing pizza at the old table in what was once the sheriff's kitchen, ",9 +5," +Jurors announced earlier Monday a sentence recommendation of life in prison, but when Edwards asked jurors individually if they agreed with the recommendation, three of the first six polled said ""no."" At that point, Edwards told jurors to resume deliberation. They returned a unanimous recommendation less than three hours later.",4 +7,THE NATION; 'Processing' for Haitians Is Time in a Rural Prison,6 +13," +This year, on the second anniversary of the shooting, the couple started Americans for Responsible Gun Ownership, a group that ""supports the right to bear arms and responsible public policy on guns and gun ownership.""",12 +5,"In both cases, the defendants were protected under the ""stand your ground"" law,",4 +7,"A commercial tree grower who allegedly imprisoned migrant workers, forced them to work 16-hour days and shaved their heads has surrendered to authorities.",6 +5,"In the lawsuit, filed in 1994, the state of Minnesota and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota accuse the tobacco industry of violating state antitrust and consumer fraud laws by selling a product they knew was dangerous and addictive. They are seeking to recover money spent treating tobacco-related illnesses. Ten states across the nation are suing the tobacco industry in similar lawsuits, although Minnesota is the only state that has a health-care provider joining the lawsuit.",4 +5,"All seven justices agreed that the state's Constitution demands full legal rights for same-sex partners. But its ruling, 4 to 3, revealed a split in how to proceed. The majority said that lawmakers, not the court, should decide whether to call those arrangements a marriage, a civil union or something else. The three dissenters went further, asserting that gay couples, like their heterosexual counterparts, must be allowed to wed. +",4 +5,When a Tie Vote Means Death,4 +6," Yet without laws carefully regulating gun purchase, sale, ownership and use, such criminals won't face the penalties they should.",5 +7,HAVE THERE BEEN 74 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS SINCE SANDY HOOK?,6 +5,"""The order said they entered the stay until they decide whether to take the case,"" Cohen said. ""If they don't take the case, then the stay is immediately dissolved.""",4 +5,California Supreme Court appears likely to uphold gay marriage ban,4 +5,while his case is appealed.,4 +3,"New York state's Catholic bishops continued to blast the state's passage of same-sex marriage, with one bishop calling on Catholic schools and other institutions to shun lawmakers in protest.",2 +5,A Municipal ID Card That's Worth the Wait,4 +9,executing the retarded,8 +13,Politics make right to lawyer still uncertain in Georgia,12 +12,"Anti-Gun Protest: Elders, Time to Listen and Act",11 +5,"The trade commission had asked for an injunction in Federal court to block the merger,",4 +13,"Two days after House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) infuriated gun control advocates by saying the GOP-led House would let the assault weapons ban expire next year, Hastert raised the possibility of a future vote to extend it. Hastert said he wants to talk with President Bush, who supports extending the ban, before making a final call. ""I am not ready to make that decision,"" Hastert said.",12 +11,"""It's great to have the studio back, even better and nicer and more convenient for our listeners, "" said Hussien Mohamed, founder and executive director of Sagal Radio (The Voice of New Americans) on AM 1420, who has lived in Atlanta since 1986. The station is in a plain-looking set of office buildings in Clarkston, a city that over the years has seen unparalleled change as more refugees and immigrants moved to the area. + +Listeners have become neighbors, and Mohamed said it's not unusual to have people casually drop by the second-floor studio to meet the voices behind the mic. + +Sagal Radio is a community-based nonprofit that broadcasts radio programs every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in six different languages --- English, Somali, Amharic, Karen, Bhutanese/Nepali and Swahili. Programs are broadcast in various languages at different times during those days. It also streams online. People can also listen by dialing 832-551-5083 or by downloading the Sagal Radio app on Android phones. +",10 +3,"When the votes were tallied, 140, or 58 percent, said they did not want church property to be used for, nor ministers to conduct, same-sex unions. +",2 +13,Crime bill killed by political cross fire,12 +11,"WTTG's italicized footer is both transparent and accurate: As the Erik Wemple Blog pointed out in this post, Miller recently addressed gun-rights advocates in Annapolis as part of a lobbying day for the agenda of groups including Maryland Shall Issue and the National Rifle Association.",10 +8,allegedly tossed a mine and three grenades into the room in June 2005 because he was angry about being disciplined by his commanders.,7 +11,"Woodlawn, straddling the Yonkers border, has long been an enclave where Irish immigrants, both legal and undocumented, have chosen to put down roots.",10 +13,"Florida's version, first suggested by Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Tim Moore, will be voted on during the Nov. 1-5 special session.",12 +7,Six suspected illegal aliens who were arrested after federal agents read about one of the workers in a newspaper article have been bailed out of jail pending their deportation hearings.,6 +5,will help argue the case for same-sex marriage in Perry,4 +1,"Saturating the border with agents cost $ 250,000 in extra overtime",0 +10,"Lone men will continue to live, work in shadows",9 +11,"And anyway, a fact check that requires watching episodes of ""The Andy Griffith Show"" is one we couldn't pass up. +",10 +4,Separate and Not Equal,3 +5,Gun-bill fights all about control Local vs. state power at issue,4 +13,Same-sex nuptials bill hearing date,12 +13,"Lines Form for Colorado Debate On New Laws to Regulate Guns +",12 +13,Pack heat in day care: pols,12 +11,"Blog Log runs daily in Express and attempts to capture a fraction of noteworthy commentary and interesting topics trending on the web. + +Riders tweet #DeleteUber over Trump's selective immigration ban, company responds.",10 +9,"Cenatus had been on an outing with a group from Sanctification Haitian Baptist Church, when he waded into the water Saturday afternoon. He could not swim. An autopsy by the Pinellas County Medical Examiner determined the cause of death was drowning.",8 +12,DON TOP GUN: NRA,11 +6,Anti-miscegenation laws were adopted in only a few states and were a sharp departure from Western tradition.,5 +5,Court to consider 3 states' bans on gay marriage,4 +13,Republicans split on Homeland Security bill,12 +9,"Temperatures in San Antonio reached 101 degrees (38 Celsius) on Saturday and didnt dip below 90 degrees (32 C) until after 10 p.m., according to the National Weather Service. The trucks trailer also didnt have a working air conditioner system, San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood said in a news briefing.",8 +5,Va. Justices Strike Down Benefits For Partners,4 +11,The Feel of Africa Is Transplanted to Staten Island,10 +12, Framing the issue this way foments an element necessary to sustaining a broad movement that votes: the personal interest of its members.,11 +5,"Defense attorneys had asked Warner for clemency, arguing that the verdict form used by the jury was flawed.",4 +4,Minorities were far more prevalent among those recommended for the death penalty than their proportion in the national population.,3 +7,"In New Paltz, Mayor West was issued a summons at the village hall by the New Paltz town police chief, Raymond K. Zappone. The mayor was charged with 19 criminal counts, fewer than the number of ceremonies he performed on Friday, because the police on the scene provided eyewitness accounts of only 19 ceremonies.",6 +7,"The defendants are charged with conspiracy to harbor undocumented immigrants, labor certification fraud, racketeering, and aiding and abetting. Two of the defendants harbored immigrants who had entered the country illegally from Canada, federal authorities said.",6 +13,TRUMP SLOWS RUSH,12 +7,This effort to punish cities where local leaders refuse to hand over undocumented immigrants for deportation is the latest effort by the Trump administration to crack down on illegal immigration.,6 +8,'We've Lost Control of Our Borders',7 +13,GOP AND WHITE HOUSE MAKE IMMIGRATION DEAL,12 +12,53% OF U.S. FAVOR GAY NUPS,11 +5,"Tobacco, health lobbies merge to fight Fla. suit",4 +13,"He is so fiercely opposed to any form of gun control that he even fought legislation that would have made it a crime to leave a gun where a kid could play with it. To be fair, the bill passed in the House despite his opposition. But with the help of state Sen. Jim Scott of Fort Lauderdale, the bill never made it to the Senate floor. + +Harry Jennings ahs been in the House since 1984. He was a career Army officer who believes that adults have an obligation to make sure that kids cannot use the family gun. +",12 +13," hasn't gone unnoticed in the state Capitol, where lawmakers in the pro-gun Florida Legislature",12 +10,"It is hard to know what one may expect to learn about gay marriage, or any kind of marriage, from a wealthy Republican couple drawn, with Mr. Rudnick's customary impishness, from the pages of W. Tibby McCullough and her perpetually self-regarding lawyer husband, Jack, could be William and Pat Buckley. Or Tommy Kempner and his late wife, Nan, the Nouvelle Society hostess who never had an unkind thing to say about anyone -- well, almost no one.",9 +12,SNUBBED RALLY FAILS TO DETER ACTIVIST'S FIGHT FOR GUN CONTROL,11 +7,according to Jason Clark of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.,6 +13,"Military Bill Voted as D'Amato Relents +",12 +8,always carries a gun because you never know when you'll need it,7 +5,"Council Chairman Wilson DuBose said the move was an attempt to push ahead a high-profile death penalty trial that has been delayed five times because of money. ""The council feels like it needed to take some pro-active measures to get this case moving and give the judge some options,"" he said.",4 +11,Gun views fractious even as fewer bear arms,10 +13," But he also lent support to NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox, the head of the group's lobbying wing.",12 +10,Why Obama's executive action on immigration excluded parents of 'dreamers',9 +6,M.T.A. Panel Backs Cut in Cigarette Ads,5 +10,child is the most senseless of tragedies.,9 +13,Gun advocates have since been lobbying to expand the law to include the airport.,12 +10,"Without the chance to go to college, David Mendez fears he will never become an officer in the military. Leticia Mendoza worries that she won't become an engineer.",9 +8,Computer glitch foils gun checks,7 +1,Gun maker stocks leap forward in 2016,0 +8,"The men hail from nations that U.S. authorities consider havens for members of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network,",7 +1,No Clear Outlook From Tobacco Settlement,0 +12,"The issue has also reverberated across the country, as voters in 11 states banned gay marriages last November.",11 +12,Protesters Target Supporters of Gay Marriage Ban,11 +13,Brady backs Florida gun control,12 +5,"Of course, the Constitution does not give government the right to license automobiles, pets or cosmeticians, but it does so anyway. I believe that licensing firearms is a legitimate activity of the federal and local governments.",4 +7,murdering bank manager Alice Martel in a 2002 heist after a violent string of robberies.,6 +11,"Littleton saw a 13 percent increase in foreign-born residents from 1980 to 2000. City Manager Jim Woods acknowledged that some may see an increase in new people as a challenge. Instead, he said, 'Our City Council and staff choose to see it as an opportunity. Immigrants bring energy, an entrepreneurial spirit and values of caring for family and friends.'",10 +11,erhaps it is not relevant that he holds America's record for sending defendants to death row. ,10 +1,"New York State law prohibits the direct shipment of cigarettes, and already bans private carriers, like FedEx, from delivering cigarettes. The major credit card companies recently agreed to stop processing payments for cigarettes bought over the Internet. But the state cannot tell the Postal Service, a federal entity, what to do",0 +2, The .50-Caliber Sniper Rifle,1 +5,"The court said it would hear arguments in May on each of four claims advanced by Evans's attorneys, including their contention that the death penalty as it is applied in Maryland is biased by race and geography. ""We're just ecstatic that the court is going to give us our day,"" his attorney Julie Dietrich said.",4 +13,"Four Democrats opposed the amendment: Max Baucus (Mont.), Mark Begich (Alaska), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), and Mark Pryor (Ark.). Four Republicans supported it: Susan Collins (Maine), Mark Kirk (Ill.), John McCain (Ariz.), and Toomey. +",12 +7,"For Scott Peterson, ultimately there may be little difference between a death sentence and life in prison. In California, the chances are greater that a condemned inmate will die in prison than be executed by lethal injection.",6 +7,"Dunwoody carjacking, slaying reflect ills of American society",6 +13,Wisconsin pro-gun officials broach limits on firearms,12 +9,Trigger Locks or Safes Required in Gun Sales,8 +9,"On Wednesday, Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders told a Senate panel that sitting in the smoke-free section of a restaurant does not adequately protect non-smokers' health.",8 +7, could receive the death penalty after his arrest Saturday in the murder of Belle Glade grocery store owner Jimmy McMillan.,6 +1,partly because of the soaring defense costs,0 +7,"Carr had been scheduled to be executed by lethal injection Friday. He was sentenced to death in 1994 for the Monroe County killing of Keith Patrick Young, 17.",6 +5, defense lawyers are taking every step possible to stop executions they say would burn their clients alive.,4 +5,"The lawsuit contends more than 100 prisoners are affected by Easley's dual role. +",4 +1,"And foreign laborers, primarily Mexican and not students, have been an important part of the resort economy for years in the really unglamorous jobs.",0 +5,"The two cases under appeal do not offer an ideal test of the administration's new views. One concerns a man charged with violating a federal statute prohibiting individuals under domestic violence restraining orders from carrying guns; the other involves a man convicted of owning machine guns, which is illegal under federal law. In both cases, the defendants cite the Second Amendment as protecting their right to have the firearms. The unsavory facts may explain why Mr. Olson is using these cases as vehicles to announce the administration's constitutional position while urging the Supreme Court not to accept the appeals.",4 +13,LINES DRAWN OVER U.S. GUN-CARRY LAWS,12 +10,But the growing acknowledgment of same-sex marriages has helped grant some kids a legitimacy to their parents' relationship that some never realized they missed.,9 +15,Smoking grounded in USA,14 +9,had argued that no research had been done,8 +7,"Instead, the 21-year-old Denver woman was arrested on the spot for failing to appear in court on a 2-year-old traffic case.",6 +13,"Immigration: Let Debate Go On +",12 +5,"FLA., ARIZ. & (LIKELY) CALIF. BAN GAY NUPS",4 +5,First week of Proposition 8 trial ends with defense challenging witnesses,4 +15,Betrothed in New Jersey,14 +8,"""There are huge security concerns when it comes to somebody who is a foreign national in this country possessing official, government-issued"" ID, he says.",7 +4,"""I think Robin is standing up for the rights of all working people to be judged on the merits of their performance and not on some pre- conceived classification, such as race or sexual orientation,"" said Debra Schwartz, one of Ms. Shahar's attorneys. +",3 +9,health advocates,8 +12,How the NRA uses jargon to bully gun-control supporters,11 +7,Murder Suspect to Coach Soccer,6 +1, boosted the gun industry's bottom line by about $9 billion,0 +5, until a federal court ordered them to take it off.,4 +12,"""I think people are thrilled about the ruling,"" said Matt Kailey, a managing editor for OutFront magazine, the Colorado gay publication that co-sponsored the city's 34th annual PrideFest, at Civic Center.",11 +8,"The reward was raised to $7 million after the World Trade Center attacks as the U.S. went to war in Afghanistan to find Bin Laden and stamp out his Al Qaeda global terrorism network. Tighter courthouse security The extraordinary security shield around Foley Square includes sealed-off streets and sidewalks, shotgun-toting U.S. marshals and sidewalk checkpoints.",7 +13,"""Members of Congress, I think, are going to have to have a debate and examine their own conscience,"" Mr. Obama told reporters at a news conference this week. ""We're going to have to come up with answers that set politics aside. And that's what I expect Congress to do."" +",12 +13,ASSEMBLY OKS 'JUNK GUN' BAN BILL AIMS TO OUTLAW 'NONSPORTING HANDGUNS',12 +11,But how does a phrase like designated driver end up in the lexicon? And is it possible to inject words into the linguistic bloodstream and have them endure?,10 +7,"A BROOKLYN man was charged Tuesday with selling guns out of his tony Park Slope apartment, where a rifle and two shotguns were found, authorities said.",6 +12,Conceding to the N.R.A.,11 +5,State courts have rejected challenges to the policies.,4 +1,"Although growers resisted the tobacco control institute on the visit to the Duke Homestead in Durham, Goldstein said the 107 participants in the institute learned more about North Carolina's dependence on the leaf.",0 +4,What if the roles were reversed here?,3 +7,Heavy Use of Law Widening Seizure of Guns Stuns Its Backers,6 +7,"mith -- known as Dirty Smitty -- was paroled in September to Newport News, Va., but is in trouble again. A car salesman said Smith, 44, pulled a gun on him last month. Smith is at large, in violation of his parole, and a warrant has been issued for his arrest, state officials said. +",6 +7,why Guinevere Garcia had faced the death penalty,6 +7,who is breaking his oath of office,6 +13,"New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani continued to blast immigration officials Sunday for letting one of two suspects in the plot to bomb a New York subway stay in the United States even though he had been accused of terrorism in Israel. +",12 +13," +Stirring GOP death-penalty doubts",12 +6,Same-sex couples would get a break in Rep. Honda's immigrant measure,5 +8,It has become something of an axiom since Sept. 11: Our loose borders and lax immigration policies bear a great deal of responsibility for the terrorism that visited our shores.,7 +11,A NEW PREJUDICE EMERGES IN THE WORKPLACE 'SMOKERISM' SMOKING CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR CAREER,10 +13,"The senator announced last month that he did not plan to run for re-election in 2014. But a movement is afoot to draft his son, Brendan Johnson, to run for the seat.",12 +11,"Bob Costas told the nation in early December that the N.F.L. was part of an unhealthy ""gun culture.""",10 +3,RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY IS SPLIT ON GUN BANS SOME SAY THEY AREN'T WILLING TO BITE THE BULLET.,2 +15,Ozark city a haven divided,14 +5,"STEVEN HOPLER says he fervently believes that the Constitution accords all citizens the right to have guns. He says that includes citizens who, like him, are blind.",4 +5,"The ruling, issued Tuesday, was considered a small victory for defense attorneys.",4 +5,Conviction In Maryland Triple Killing Overturned,4 +13," In a historic shift on gay rights, the Obama administration announced that it believes the Constitution forbids unequal treatment of gays and lesbians in almost all cases, and specifically when it comes to federal benefits for legally married same-sex couples",12 +6,Migrate toward reform,5 +5,"CALIFORNIA KILLER TRIES NEW APPEAL +",4 +5, But a federal judge postponed the execution just days before the scheduled date to give defense attorneys the chance to argue that Walton cannot be executed under a 2002 Supreme Court decision that bars the mentally retarded from receiving the death penalty.,4 +11,"First the Flag, Now What About the Gun?",10 +9,"Tromso in Norway wrote in the current issue of the American Journal of + +Epidemiology.",8 +7,FEDS NAB ALLEGED ENFORCER IN MEX LABOR RING,6 +3,NEWSLETTER SPREAD PRO-TOBACCO VIEWS TO SCHOOLCHILDREN,2 +8,Domestic Disarmament,7 +12,"recent first vote, is already under fire. +",11 +7,Banning guns won't deter crimes,6 +2,"Land management and traffic flow are problems that require innovation. While immigrants may swell our towns, they also add creativity and suggest novel solutions to our problems. +",1 +5,Prosecutor to seek death penalty for Dylann Roof,4 +6," But, to be clear, Starbucks will not slap an outright ban on guns, he says, because enforcing such a ban ""would potentially require our partners to confront armed customers.""",5 +1," +Illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars a year more -- in schooling, welfare, crime and policing, medical and hospital services, translation services, etc. -- than any alleged economic benefit they provide to their illegal employers.",0 +11,"Wayne McLaren, 51, Rodeo Rider and Model",10 +9,"Health Groups Call Truce to Support Broad Tobacco Bill, Oppose Legal Immunity",8 +5,"Carr said her office determined an appeal would not be successful after seeking an opinion from the California Attorney General's Office. Amy Haddix, deputy attorney general, concluded that an appeal would ""lack substantial merit, have only a minimal chance of success and entail undue delay of the trial.""",4 +5,Jury convicts McKinney Matthew Shepard's admitted killer faces execution or life in prison,4 +8,* Cannot have been discharged from the military under conditions less than honorable.,7 +13,"""This vote means you're going to see more support of traditional marriage around the country.""",12 +13,"And that's really where the issue is headed here in Washington, and that is the definition of marriage.",12 +15,"Hatch, MPAAT set to square off in main event",14 +5,75 immigrants naturalized in ceremony on USS Hornet,4 +12,"""Pushback is the norm",11 +5,where prosecutors allege,4 +12," He said those attending rallies are encouraged to carry rifles - unloaded, with no magazines insert-ed - in states where it's legal.",11 +5,"The case marks the second round of high-stakes litigation over the breadth of the Second Amendment -- and will likely have wider impact nationwide than the first. In June 2008, the justices struck down a Washington, D.C., handgun ban and declared for the first time that the Second Amendment covers an individual right to keep and bear arms.",4 +4,"Equality ofthe taxes +",3 +4,"'IT'S NOT IF, BUT WHEN' BLOOMBERG TELLS GAY MARRIAGE FOES TO BE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY",3 +7,"The day after his birthday last week, George J. Hennard armed himself with two semiautomatic pistols that held a total of 32 bullets, stuffed his pockets with extra ammunition, then drove his pickup truck through the window of lunchtime-crowded Luby's cafeteria in Killeen, Tex., and began shooting people. Ten minutes, many screams and maybe a hundred shots later, 23 people lay dead -- Mr. Hennard among them, a suicide -- and 23 others were injured.",6 +11,"And cable television will rerun the same video clips umpteen times, fill the airways with talking ranters, and thus leave the impression that nothing else is happening anywhere in America or overseas, probably for the next week or so",10 +5,STRAIGHT COUPLE SUES FOR BENEFITS,4 +5,"Bakkedahl said his decision stemmed primarily from recent changes in case law making it more difficult for prosecutors to prove the crime was especially heinous, atrocious and cruel.",4 +5,St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch watched the lethal injection but declined to comment other than to say he had handled the case.,4 +6," +The law, which took the NRA several years to get passed, requires Florida to issue the licenses to anyone who hasn't committed a felony, is 21 or older, and meets certain other requirements that gun control advocates say are too permissive.",5 +9,"The county's two insurance providers, Cigna and Wellpath, would agree to offer coverage if ""it is provided to both same-sex and unmarried heterosexual couples,"" County Manager Mike Ruffin wrote in a Monday letter to Blood.",8 +7,"""It's easiest for abusers to get away with sexual harassment where there's an imbalance of power, and the imbalance of power is particularly stark on farms,"" the report's author, Grace Meng, said.",6 +13,NRA SHOWS ITS CLOUT IN LEGISLATURE WITH 2 WINS,12 +8,Nichols Could Face Death for Role in Blast,7 +5,SUSPECTS COULD BE RELEASED BY AGE 18,4 +12,"So it serves their purpose better to spread lies to the gullible, the ignorant, and those too lazy to look up the truth. + +The NRA used to be a respectable organization of sportsmen, but it was changed into a group of extremists who refuse to recognize the need for personal responsibility in firearms ownership. The NRA has blocked sensible firearms control in our country for years in spite of the fact that about 168 Americans die every other day by gunsho",11 +7,WHO'S POLICING THE GUN DEALERS?,6 +12,Uproar Over Mumia Abu-Jamal,11 +8,"Qualified to Defend.""",7 +4,"""The struggle for justice doesn't end with me,"" Davis said in a statement released yesterday. ""This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me.",3 +11,"Smoking among high school students dropped slightly last year after climbing for most of the 1990s, the government said Thursday. +",10 +5," Cooper's silly assertion t that it is in the state's interest to defend responsible procreation seemed to fall flat with the justices, with good reason.",4 +6,"Brady Law Halts Gun Buys, But Prosecutions Are Lagging;",5 +1, all local funding for the law,0 +13,"Clinton said that he is intrigued by an idea raised last week by New York City's Republican Mayor-elect Rudolph Guiliani,",12 +7,"""The report shows that loopholes in our laws help make gun shows and corrupt gun dealers major channels for gun trafficking,"" President Bill Clinton said. ""Many of the diverted weapons supplied by traffickers were later used to commit serious crimes.""",6 +2,English as a Precious Language,1 +8,"SLAIN MOM'S DAUGHTERS WITNESS TERROR HEARING +",7 +13,But because those governments,12 +13,Bipartisan House Group Nearing Agreement on Immigration Blueprint,12 +7,U.S. Deports 3 Cuban Refugees Who Came Through Costa Rica,6 +9, who was severely wounded,8 +15,Snuff Out Intrusion,14 +5,"Three times, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has commuted Belmontes' sentence to life in prison. The Supreme Court has three times reversed the appeals court.",4 +8,5-day wait on guns draws support,7 +5,"The lower court said Congress overstepped its constitutional authority by adopting the school zone gun ban - the type of law normally left to the states to legislate. + +The administration is asking the high court to reinstate the law, which Justice Department lawyers point out has been upheld by another federal court. +",4 +12,"A new Gallup poll brings some encouraging news. Solid majorities of Americans disapprove of all of the major moves on immigration that President Trump has made since taking office: + +* 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump's call for moving forward with a wall on the Mexican border, versus only 38 percent who approve. +",11 +12,You need two things for a successful anti-violence movement,11 +13,Pols OK bills keeping guns from abusers,12 +13,Republicans may consider plan to ban gun 'bump stocks',12 +1,Energy Stocks Help Lift S&P 500; Dow Declines,0 +5,"Standing in a red prison jumpsuit before Circuit Court Judge William Webb, Matos waived his right to a speedy trial. Via his public defender, Dean Livermore, Matos pleaded not guilty to four counts of first-degree murder, one count of aggravated assault and one count of being a fugitive from justice.",4 +13,"Opponents of a statewide smoking ban won what should be a temporary victory in the Minnesota House last week. As the legislation proceeds from the House Health Policy and Finance Committee to other committees and the floor, there will be opportunities to restore it to a full ban on smoking in all workplaces and public indoor spaces.",12 +7,Two of the new charges carry a possible death penalty.,6 +1,"""There's been a spike in the past few weeks, but things were pretty slow before that,"" said Sanford Abrams, owner of Valley Guns in Towson and vice president of the Maryland Association of Licensed Firearms Dealers. Abrams said he used to sell 200 to 300 Glock pistols annually but expects to peddle fewer than two dozen of that brand this year.",0 +1, at a savings of $ 6.214 billion.,0 +4,Death sentence tossed because lawyer slept,3 +6,Should cigarette ads be banned near schools?,5 +5,757 Haitians may have political asylum eligibility,4 +8,Arming the masses wouldn't have saved,7 +10,"""The dude rubs me the wrong way. Hasn't anybody ever rubbed you the wrong way?""",9 +11," Morgan told me in a phone interview from her home in New Durham, N.H. a few days before Thanksgiving",10 +5,"City Gas mogul Gurmeet Singh Dhinsa, 36, grinned and hugged his lawyers after an anonymous jury of seven women and five men decided he shouldn't be executed for ordering the 1997 slayings.",4 +1,Audit: Undocumented workers collect $4.2 billion in tax credits,0 +1,casino floor,0 +10,Gay Couples and Adoption,9 +6,"Here's a loose translation of the plan: For a segment of Maryland's population to have access to better health care, I and other smokers have to keep puffing away.",5 +8,"retaining records from background checks for 90 days, rather than the current requirement of 180 days. ",7 +5,"His attorney, Cary Bowen, said after the hearing that the prospect of the death penalty was a major factor.",4 +5,The foundation of certainty is the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.,4 +13,House Rejects Illegal Student Reporting Bill,12 +8,"WAR ON TERRORISM: Opposition heard on tighter immigration laws ; Shorter visas, police help face new resistance",7 +1,"For Colt,",0 +5," and former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro, whose daughter is lesbian, has backed a statewide campaign to overturn Ohio's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.",4 +13,Senate Panel Passes Cigarette Tax Hike,12 +13,"City Council unanimously passed eight long-delayed gun control bills yesterday, deliberately picking a fight with lawmakers in Harrisburg who have consistently refused to give Philadelphia the right to enact its own gun laws.",12 +7,"Police are told not to enforce firearms law +",6 +13,the House of Representatives voted in the dead of night,12 +8,"Witness access, death issue postpone terror trial",7 +1,"In tiny ethnic groceries and check-cashing shops, immigrants in the Washington area line up every day to send $200 or $300 to families back home. Now, a detailed study has concluded those payments add up to more than a billion dollars a year that goes to Latin America from workers in the District, Maryland and Virginia.",0 +13,Ridge spokesman Tim Reeves said the governor would sign the bill.,12 +15,Cop vic ma: NR'Asinine',14 +13,New Pressure for Gun Control,12 +6,"If the bill becomes law, an estimated 29,000 establishments where tobacco products are sold would have to get a dealer permit from the state. That would include places where there's a tobacco vending machine.",5 +13,"IN COLORADO, CLINTON PUSHES FOR CURBS ON GUN SHOW SALES",12 +6," He called for comprehensive gun control legislation that would expand background checks to weap-ons purchased at gun shows and on the internet, keep guns from mentally ill people, secure schools and restrict gun sales for some young adults.",5 +13,LBJ's Tough Stance on Gun Control,12 +13,Obama opts for low-key reveal on major issue,12 +7,"Smith's victim, 19-year-old Jennifer Soto, was pistol-whipped, shot and stabbed with a butcher knife.",6 +9,CDC runs new graphic anti-smoking ads,8 +13,ILLINOIS SENATE APPROVES BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS,12 +5,"Judge Kristine Baker of Federal District Court struck down Arkansas' same-sex marriage ban on Tuesday, which could pave the way for county clerks to resume issuing licenses. Judge Baker ruled in favor of two same-sex couples who had challenged a 2004 constitutional amendment and earlier state law defining marriage as between a man and a woman, but set aside her ruling pending appeal. The State Supreme Court is weighing whether to uphold a Pulaski County circuit judge's decision in May striking down the 2004 amendment and the state law as unconstitutional. That decision led 541 same-sex couples to get married before the State Supreme Court suspended his ruling.",4 +3,Stop the scaremongering of cigarettes,2 +6,Hill Alert: A Bad Old Gun Bill,5 +4,"Police and prosecutorial misconduct have been rampant, with evidence of innocence deliberately withheld from defendants being prominent among the abuses. Juries have systematically been shaped -- rigged -- to heighten the chances of conviction, and thus imposition of the ultimate punishment.",3 +9,"Here in Knoxville, because my daily run goes past a hospital, I have to pass all the people smoking outside, as smoking is not allowed inside. Ironically, I wouldn't have to breathe their foul, lethal gases while running up a steep hill if it was a bar instead.",8 +3,Pastors to fight gay unions,2 +4, to continue the state's discriminatory policy of denying gay and lesbian couples the freedom to marry.,3 +13,"Deal changes gun bill in Md. +",12 +5,Lenard Philmore wanted to testify three months ago during his trial ,4 +12,new direction for gun-safety activists,11 +7, whether such prisoners would be executed.,6 +6,Gun law is working,5 +1,The Race to Sell A Nicotine Patch,0 +12,More polling shows that even Republicans increasingly support stricter gun laws,11 +5," ""The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.""",4 +9, Medicaid,8 +11,"To affect larger numbers of teen-agers, the negative ads must be combined with intensive educational efforts in the schools -- more than California has provided, academic researchers say. +",10 +11,Novelist Grisham takes on 'ultimate true legal thriller',10 +13,PUTNAM SEEKS TO EASE GUN LICENSES,12 +5,SUSAN SMITH TRIAL,4 +3,Marriage is for people who love; homosexuals love; therefore marriage is for them.,2 +5,"A federal appeals court on Friday put on hold a judge's order striking down Indiana's gay marriage ban, bringing same-sex marriages to a halt and leaving those who've already tied the knot in legal limbo.",4 +11, DACA beneficiaries were becoming part of the U.S. mainstream.,10 +5,City DAs back new controls on purchases,4 +5,Minutes earlier he nodded his head as the court clerk read the jury's decision. Jurors declined to discuss the case afterward. Judge David Mason set Armentrout's sentencing for March 23.,4 +5,U.S. SUPREME COURT RULES AGAINST KILLER,4 +7,Woman's killer gets life sentence,6 +9, And all that to say nothing of the health issue.,8 +5,"Holeman becomes the third Superior Court judge to rule against same-sex marriage opponents, upholding the decision by the elections board that putting the issue on the ballot would violate the city's Human Rights Act.",4 +13,4 EASTERN STATES WILL POOL THEIR GUN-CONTROL EFFORTS,12 +13,CUOMO AGAIN VETOES A DEATH PENALTY BILL,12 +5,"You'll remember that Massachusetts was the first state to legalize gay marriages, thanks to a court ruling in 2004.",4 +11,from young people,10 +9,SmithKline Beecham's ,8 +8,A Florida man traveling through Reagan National Airport on Wednesday was cited for carrying a loaded gun through a security checkpoint.,7 +11," +And from San Francisco; Sandoval County, N.M.; Multnomah County, Ore.; New Paltz and Nyack, N.Y.; and all the suddenly famous same-sex marriage sanctuaries popping up across the American landscape like deed offices in the Gold Rush days. +",10 +13,CLINTON TELLS NRA TO KICK IN,12 +6," +The contract covers 2001 and 2002. The domestic partner benefits won't begin until 2002. +",5 +6, to permit Georgians to carry guns in more and more public places,5 +12,"As a long-standing member of the National Rifle Association,",11 +13,"Democrats, Trump unclear on DACA deal",12 +5,"I realize that the courts in Hawaii have been pondering this question since 1990, when one homosexual and two lesbian couples stepped up to a counter and asked for marriage licenses.",4 +8,Sitting ducks for ISIS,7 +5,"The lawsuit, which seeks class-action status on behalf of hundreds of similarly detained immigrants, alleges that the government held them longer than federal law allows on immigration charges, which are civil violations. Meanwhile, the suit says, agents hunted for evidence to tie them to terrorism.",4 +6,"Smoking in restaurants and workplaces will be banned in Fayette County if the local Board of Health approves a proposed ""100 percent smoke-free ordinance"" Tuesday.",5 +3,"""after a lot of praying and reading the Bible."" +",2 +13, Mr. Bush will be voted out.,12 +8,"""People being protected is most important to me,""",7 +7,but we have so far found no impediment to prosecution.'',6 +7,"California shooting rampage highlights ""ghost guns""",6 +12,"The poll, which as listed as having a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points, showed 64 percent favor an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, while 29 percent were opposed.",11 +13," +Conversely, all three dissenting justices were appointed by a Republican governor, and the dissenting opinion was written by a Republican, Deborah T. Poritz, the former chief justice.",12 +1,"The hot line would also cost the government $ 5 million to $ 10 million a year to operate, according to the CBO.",0 +1,Mississippi will get its money even if the historic $368 billion national tobacco settlement fails to win approval on Capitol Hill.,0 +4, as a victory for civil rights,3 +1,CIGARETTE TAX A CHANCE FOR FLORIDA TO SAVE LIVES,0 +13,The San Jose City Council is considering,12 +15,Mexican Immigrants,14 +5,Decision on same-sex marriage lawsuit next month,4 +13,The Republican governor's reaction - and the strong allegiance GOP lawmakers have to him - underscored the high hurdle facing legislative Democrats who need some Republican votes to get the two-thirds majority needed to override his veto.,12 +5,awyers ,4 +13,"Markowitz decided to side for gay marriage last fall, he said, when Republicans began demonizing the issue for political advantage in the presidential campaign.",12 +5," has bolstered the death-penalty case against Robert Anthony Flor, the Bucks County district attorney said yesterday.",4 +7,"Carolina Panthers wide receiver Rae Carruth, facing a first-degree murder charge, went into hiding Tuesday after his girlfriend died of wounds from a shooting last month.",6 +13,Now that the election is behind us,12 +12,"And Daniel Gross, president of one of the largest gun control groups, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said little had been achieved.",11 +13,Senate passes bill to up gun permit costs,12 +13,Gay marriage bill stalls in Illinois,12 +13,The Deadly Myth of Gun Control in Electoral Politics,12 +9,and that trigger locks be sold with handguns.,8 +10,Apt. smoker fix,9 +5,BILL WOULD PROTECT GUN MAKERS FROM SUITS,4 +5,"Anti-tobacco attorneys won't have to turn over the names of hundreds of Florida Medicaid recipients to tobacco companies, the Florida Supreme Court ruled Wednesday",4 +7," The Tancredos knew Dave Sanders, the teacher who was fatally shot at the school.",6 +7,No Discipline For Officer Who Showed N.R.A. Video,6 +5,saying it was seeking legal advice on whether theater nights violate the law.,4 +13,D.C. Says Votes Aligned for Gay Marriage Bill,12 +6,"Romney's bill, which opponents deem politically motivated and unlikely to pass, would allow him to appoint a special counsel who would argue before the court on his behalf and would, the governor said, ""protect the integrity of the constitutional process.""",5 +1,seeks compensation from gun manufacturers for the costs the county has incurred treating the victims of gun violence.,0 +5,"1998 tobacco settlement between 46 states and the tobacco industry, Washington's attorney general said.",4 +5,Arkansas's Legal Saga Illustrates Problems With Death Penalty,4 +11," +From their selection of hors d'oeuvres to the flower arrangements and the tunes a harpist will pluck, the lower East Side duo was in high gear yesterday discussing every detail.",10 +13,"Once again, President Clinton and his administration have pounced on the opportunity of a tragic shooting to promote their anti-gun views in the media and push more gun-control laws.",12 +14,"Federalism.When one state, such as Massachusetts, adopts gay marriage, the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution might reasonably be applied to require other states to recognize such marriages, and thus essentially force it upon the rest of the nation. Federalism, however, is meant to allow states the autonomy of social experimentation (as with Oregon's legalization of assisted suicide) from which other states can learn. It is not intended to force other states to follow.",13 +5,"Thomas Miller-El is challenging his conviction in the 1985 murder of a Dallas motel clerk. Several justices appeared willing to overturn his sentence, pointing to strong evidence of racial bias during jury selection.",4 +7," Esposito delivered the fatal blow with a thick, five-foot-long tree limb.",6 +11," +Remember U.S. is a melting pot",10 +13,Time for Republicans to be on the right side of history,12 +8,Why the U.S. effort to stop Central Americans from surging across the border is failing,7 +10,"""clearly the flier is meant to scare and divide our residents.""",9 +5,Crazy for gun rights,4 +7,"The federal government will begin closing hundreds of Bay Area deportation cases in June, allowing some illegal immigrants a partial reprieve if they have strong community ties and no criminal record.",6 +5,"Not only did prosecutors withhold information about another suspect, said attorney Martin McClain, but an affidavit by a witness the jury never heard supports Swafford's claim that the state has the wrong man on death row. +",4 +13,"House Speaker Paul Thissen, DFL-Minneapolis, said he believes the 73-member DFL majority has the 68 votes needed to pass the bill allowing same-sex couples to wed, even without a single Republican vote. +",12 +13,"McCurry cited a pledge made to the NRA by Senate Majority Leader Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.) that he would try to repeal the assault weapons ban this summer. But Dole has not put the ban on the legislative schedule, and the ads make no effort to get viewers to lobby Congress, the way ads aimed at legislative outcomes do.",12 +9,"''Sometimes they die in the desert, or the cars crash, or they drown,'' he said. ''But it's not my fault.''",8 +5,"Barber's stay survived a state Supreme Court review, and the judge held a hearing in March. He ruled Monday that the death sentence was improper because of court error.",4 +7,Man Convicted for Providing Fake ID's and Driver Licenses,6 +3,"He said his opposition was based on a pro-marriage position not an anti-gay bias. ""I tell the gay community I love you very much, and every single morning when I say my morning prayers, I pray for the health of all New Yorkers and they are part of that,"" he said. ""I am very grateful for the presence of so many gay Catholics who are heroically trying to live their faith.""",2 +7,Execution of killer set,6 +6, Fix nation's broken immigration system,5 +1,"""There is no doubt that same-sex marriage and vacations to California will be good for the economy,""",0 +5," +MAN DESCRIBED AS `HORRIBLY VIOLENT' GOES ON TRIAL FOR MURDER",4 +12,Public will finally have say on illegal immigration,11 +9,Ten passengers drowned while trying to swim ashore.,8 +10,"HOLLYWOOD FOLLOWS LEAD, INSURES GAY WORKERS' MATES",9 +11,"Anyone who thinks sexism died with the corset should study how florists, dress shops and magazines turn otherwise normal women into debutantes. Even when modern grooms want to talk calligraphy, vendors talk right past them. But bring in the men who Queer Eye for the Straight Guy shows can plan a party, and finally, caterers may berate grooms, too, for failing to order six months in advance.",10 +13,It would have been better if the same result could have come from political consensus instead of a decision handed down by a sharply divided court,12 +5,Supreme Court denies death appeal,4 +5,Alaska Ruling Starts Debate on Gun Permits for Mentally Ill,4 +13,"Intent on Being First, Cuomo Used All Means To Enact Gun Limits +",12 +5,"Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, director of the Justice Center's Immigrant Advocacy Program, argued that such ""collateral arrests"" violate constitutional protections against illegal search and seizure that guarantee due process. +",4 +13,"Gay marriage has put candidates on the spot in the contest for Illinois' open U.S. Senate seat. Most of the Democratic Senate candidates this week said they oppose gay marriage, but they favor ""civil unions"" that would give partners the same legal and financial rights as married couples.",12 +15," +Swing the door open",14 +15,Teenager's anti-gun billboard to go up in Chicago,14 +7,"He thinks the Colorado Bureau of Investigation is endangering his life and the lives of his employees and customers by summoning the police to his shop when a background check turns up an outstanding warrant. It happened once before, in late summer, and he'd rather it not happen again.",6 +9,The letter reminds them that the Social Security Act requires states to pay the federal government a share of any money they recover in Medicaid,8 +7," for Wilford Berry, a 36-year old convicted murderer.",6 +5,"On Wednesday, the MVA announced the license holders now have until Nov. 15 to respond. Meanwhile, spokesman Buel Young said the agency is working ""through the complex regulatory issues"" to determine whether it can legally replace the immigrants' current licenses with a non-resident commercial driver's license that would be designed specifically for them.",4 +13,PARTNERS REGISTRY OPPONENTS QUALIFY FOR BALLOT,12 +4,"DNA testing has helped exonerate 210 people wrongly convicted of various crimes in 30 states. Texas has set free 15 inmates wrongly convicted in Dallas alone since 2001, including a man released this month who had spent 27 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit.",3 +5,"A Federal appeals court today reversed two lower-court decisions that had struck down part of the law requiring a waiting period before buying a hand gun. The appeals panel ruled that contrary to the district court rulings, the Federal Government could require local law-enforcement agencies to check the records of people seeking to buy pistols.",4 +5,CA Attorney General Xavier Becerra: DACA program should stay,4 +7,DETECTIVE HAD AFFAIR WITH SUSPECT'S WIFE,6 +13,"Pataki spokesman Michael McKeon would not discuss the possibility of a tax increase and stressed ""there's no final agreement."" +",12 +7,Massachusetts police have arrested a local man and accused him of sending a threatening e-mail to Florida state Rep. Will Snyder over the Republican's proposal to bring an Arizona-style immigration law to the Sunshine State.,6 +5,"The court, by a vote of 8 to 1, left intact a Federal appeals court's bar to",4 +5,Judge not ruling out death for defendant,4 +2,POPULATION BOOMING IN U.S.,1 +5,"LAWYER: MCI SLAYING `VICIOUS, PREMEDITATED'",4 +4,"Lumpkin's lawyers contend he is innocent, set up by a former client.",3 +7,JURY SET TO DECIDE FATE OF MAN IN FATAL SMUGGLING TRIP,6 +9,"Partners of employees can get the benefit from USF if they don't qualify for any other health insurance and have exhausted COBRA benefits, USF senior vice provost Dwayne Smith said.",8 +5,"Burns said his ex-wife can see her sons --- a 10-year-old and 12-year-old twins --- but only if her partner leaves the house during the visits, and he cites the custody agreement they reached in 1998 that says the boys cannot spend the night in either parent's home if there is an unrelated adult there",4 +7,"How are your ridiculous measures going to stop crime? That's what you should address in your gun control articles, the real problem - crime prevention.",6 +12,"B, 32, who works as a certified nurse's aide, shared his views on the issue with others along the 16th Street Mall.",11 +10,The Unluckiest Cubans,9 +10," According to Noeth, the purpose of the program was to assist young people in quitting tobacco use before it becomes a long-term addiction. ''There really is an advantage in catching teens early,'' he said. ''Number one, this is not a required course. Students sign up because they have a desire to quit, and this program will only help to reinforce that desire. And if we give them that kind of support now, then chances are they won't become life-long smokers.'' The program focused on the benefits of quitting and involved group discussions and peer counseling.",9 +11,"Immigration numbers to surge 41% increase is expected for this year +",10 +5,A state judge ruled late Friday that a proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages and civil unions was unconstitutional and must be taken off the Sept. 18 ballot.,4 +15,"Once More, a Waft of Smoke",14 +8,"Proposal for background checks at gun shows loses in House committee +",7 +13,"Officials tentatively prepared to announce the agreement today, even though neither Gov. Jeb Bush nor leading senators are completely comfortable with each other's proposals. +",12 +7,"California ranks first in gun thefts, report says",6 +4,SURVIVOR CALLS B.S.!,3 +15,'Insane' number of guns,14 +6,Three more states ban gay marriage,5 +12,"It's like Wayne LaPierre, the NRA mouthpiece, has a sudden case of lockjaw.",11 +6,GROWTH SPARKS BILL TO CURB FIRING OF GUNS,5 +5,Verdict Against Gun Makers Is Likely to Prompt More Suits,4 +7,"The arrest of Liliana Cruz Mendez, 30, a mother of two from El Salvador, comes a day after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released statistics showing a significant increase in deportation arrests since Trump's inauguration, mostly involving undocumented residents with criminal records.",6 +5,Supreme Court Plans Same-Day Release of Oral Argument Recordings in Marriage Cases,4 +13,ELIOT PLAYS NEW CARD IN LICENSE WAR,12 +9, Robinson was arrested after seeking medical treatment.,8 +11, Hollywood toning down the violence.,10 +3, a place of worship ,2 +11,A Pistol for Every Bar Stool,10 +13,Politicking on Marriage,12 +7,The Perils of Protecting Police,6 +13," +LEADER TURNS TO FAMILIAR PATTERN",12 +13,"The Republican Party is divided. Business interests want to preserve their access to foreign workers as a cheap labor force, while many conservatives would rather get tough on illegal immigrants.",12 +13,"16-member commission doesn't include any obvious opponents of same-sex marriage. +",12 +7,"In a report released Wednesday on oversight of the detention centers, DHS Inspector General John Roth also said his office has launched an investigation of alleged ""criminal behavior; violation of civil rights and liberties; and violations of laws, regulations and policies in the treatment and processing of [the children].""",6 +13,"Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. apologized to President Obama for hastening him into an endorsement of same-sex marriage, several people briefed on the exchange said Thursday, even as the White House sought to capitalize in the campaign on Mr. Obama's long-awaited expression of support. + +In an Oval Office meeting with Mr. Obama on Wednesday, hours before the president confirmed his own support, Mr. Biden expressed regret for a statement endorsing same-sex marriage that went considerably further than the president's views on the matter and scrambled the White House's calculation for confronting the charged social issue. + +As the president traveled to the West Coast on Thursday, where in Seattle he said Americans should have the chance to succeed ''no matter who you love,'' his presumptive challenger, Mitt Romney, and Republican leaders in Congress, tried, with limited success, to steer the focus of the presidential campaign back to the nation's sluggish economy. + +When Mr. Romney addressed hundreds of donors and other supporters at a pair of campaign stops in Nebraska, one of the nation's most reliable Republican states, he steered clear of the topic of same-sex marriage, underscoring Republican caution over the shifting politics of the gay marriage debate. On Capitol Hill, Speaker John A. Boehner deflected questions about same-sex marriage, declaring: ''The president can talk about it all he wants. I'm going to stay focused on what the American people want us to focus on, and that's jobs.'' + +",12 +9," +The FTC report said consumers are generally aware that cigar smoking poses a health risk. It added, however, that ""the current absence of clear and conspicuous federal health warnings for cigars may send a misleading signal that cigars are not harmful to one's health, or that cigars are a safe alternative to cigarettes.""",8 +6,At issue: whether the Food and Drug Administration should regulate cigarettes as a drug under federal law because of their nicotine content.,5 +9,"Immigrants and others trying to prove their citizenship and identities to enroll in health insurance still face some of the problems they had during the last open enrollment, according to those helping them sign up.",8 +5,"Joyce has assigned two top lawyers to investigate the case as if it had just happened. Moss, a drug dealer, was murdered 25 years ago this summer.",4 +12,But Joe Sudbay of Handgun Control Inc.,11 +7,Smuggling probe suspect pleads guilty to immigration violations,6 +11,IF ONLY FRAMERS COULD SEE 1995 . . .,10 +11,SLOW CLIP Only 45G out of 1m assault guns registered,10 +5,"California high court set to rule on gay marriage +",4 +12,PROPOSED COUNTY GUN LAW HAS SOME PEOPLE UP IN ARMS,11 +11,demographic changes,10 +8,Bin Laden: Moussaoui Played No Role in 9/11,7 +5,A Big-Picture Thinker on the Federal Bench,4 +9,"And that's how it was that Fred Turner Jr. wound up dead - literally being the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time. +",8 +11,"""We want to make it clear that we have a history in this county of welcoming children and families who are escapees in an immigrant refugee situation,"" Cortese said on Wednesday. ""We want to uphold that legacy.""",10 +10,More big companies offering benefits to gay couples,9 +12,"Vergeront says for a long time now the ''mood and tenor'' of the people in Wisconsin and across the USA have supported the death penalty. Recent polls in Wisconsin show 70% of the population would like to see the death penalty reinstated there, she says.",11 +13,The White House didn't make the order public until hours after it was signed.,12 +8,"""He is the most dangerous person to ever come before me,"" Hue said.",7 +3,"The diocese of 321,459 Catholics, which covers Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties, is encouraging parishioners to contact politicians about the issue. The diocese also is organizing a candlelight prayer vigil, Hispanic Mass and a pilgrimage of the images of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Lujan.",2 +5,Lawyers for the state and those representing death-penalty opponents argued in a federal courtroom in Scranton yesterday over whether convicted murderer Keith Zettlemoyer should be executed on Tuesday.,4 +8,Falwell Jr. urges his students to arm themselves,7 +11,"Clooneys Vow $500,000 Aid For Marchers",10 +5,"Prosecutors responded by filing an emergency petition to Florida's 4th District Court of Appeal on Friday, saying Burton's ruling was wrong. The court agreed to stall the case and rule on the issue based on a newly revised death penalty law",4 +13,Gun-Control Case Causes Bush Administration Rift,12 +5,NRA sues to overturn San Francisco gun ban in city housing,4 +7,"When the group arrived at the border, the undercover agent and a Salvadoran immigrant were refused entry to Mexico, the court documents state.",6 +5,The bizarre murder trial of Seti Scanlan ,4 +1,"""The disintegration of the assets of the N.R.A. under current spending policies have eroded our future viability,"" Max W. Goodwin, the chairman of the group's finance committee, wrote in a confidential letter last year to the organization's president. The letter and other documents were provided to The New York Times by members concerned about the group's finances",0 +7,"Two illegal immigrants from El Salvador suspected of being gang members were arrested this month in Leesburg and investigators are searching for a third suspect, the Leesburg Police Department said Monday.",6 +7,", he wants gun shops to open their records to law enforcement officials if one of their guns might have been used in a crime.",6 +13,Lazaro joins gun control effort,12 +8,"From the archives, 2006: In NJ, an 8-week wait, references and a lot of questions for gun",7 +7,Punish Only the Guilty,6 +9,Clinton: Smoking No. 1 threat to youths,8 +13,NRA to run anti-Clinton ads,12 +5,"A Federal district judge in Richmond granted Mr. Poyner's request, but a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, also in Richmond, overturned the ruling. Mr. Bunch was executed about 30 minutes later. +",4 +12,How and by whom all these decisions have been made remains a legitimate subject of public interest.,11 +11,"IN the rancorous national debate over gun control, both sides assume that America's earliest experiences with guns shaped the modern American character. Where they differ is on whether Americans should embrace their frontier heritage and reliance on guns, or resist it. +",10 +9," said he counted 660 gasps,",8 +13, He is expected to sign the legislation within days.,12 +6,House approves concealed gun bill,5 +13,SENATE ELECTIONS 2002: Quiet 5th has definite issues,12 +5, legalize those marriages.,4 +13,Republican National Committee reaffirms opposition to gay marriage,12 +13,Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.),12 +12,"In the first poll to emerge after President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage, a majority of Americans say it will make no difference on how they vote in November. According to a Gallup/USA Today poll released Friday, 6 in 10 Americans said his support for same-sex marriage would not make a difference on how they vote, and 51 percent said they approved of his position on the issue. + +More than half of independents, that sought-after voting group, expressed approval of the president's position, even though 63 percent said their vote would not be swayed by his announcement. Nearly a quarter of independents said they were less likely to vote for him, while about 1 in 10 said they were more likely to vote for him because of his support of gay marriage. +",11 +13,Then they hustled out to attend another boisterous hearing on the matter in the Senate chambers.,12 +7,"Duran later took that assault weapon to Washington, D.C., where he stood outside the White House and in less than a minute fired 29 shots at someone inside. His target turned out to be a visiting furrier from New York who bore a slight resemblance to President Clinton. The furrier was unharmed; Duran is in jail facing charges of attempted assassination",6 +13,SENATE WILL GET IMMIGRATION BILL,12 +5,"JURY SELECTION BEGINS IN SMITH CASE, WITH FOCUS ON DEATH PENALTY IT'S A TEDIOUS PROCESS.",4 +13,Republicans endorsed an uncompromising position against gay unions yesterday in a manifesto that contrasts with Vice President Cheney's supportive comments about gay rights and the moderate face the party will show at next week's national convention.,12 +13,Measure to bar domestic abusers from possessing guns stalls in Va. Senate,12 +11,Immigrant students are not new,10 +7," +Carter, who was released on bail after his arraignment last week, did not respond to calls to his home in Nyack on Wednesday, and it was not clear whether he has retained a lawyer.",6 +4,'Legal Lynching',3 +7, Research shows that most criminals do not buy guns at legitimate shops,6 +8,"""My wife lives alone five days a week in a rural area in upstate New York. She has the right to defend herself when I'm not there.""",7 +13,"Foley Rejects Liberal Lobby Criticism, GOP Election Chances",12 +12,"MOMS' EFFORT APPRECIABLE, BUT FOLEY'S SURELY AREN'T",11 +1,"""The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working-class Americans . . . to earn a middle-class wage."" - Trump immigration plan, August 2015",0 +5,COURT OF APPEALS,4 +9,Wake Forest University will join more than 125 other colleges across the country who offer health insurance and other benefits to same-sex domestic partners of faculty and staff.,8 +3,"Considering the clear biblical admonitions against homosexual behavior, ""Gay Couples Seek Unions in God's Eyes"" (front page, Jan. 30) makes no sense.",2 +15,'QUEER' TURNS ITS GAZE TO MORE TOUGH TOPICS,14 +11,Smoking on Film,10 +5,concealed-weapons permits,4 +13,"The village council voted 7-0 Tuesday to ban smoking in all public spaces, indoor and out.",12 +5,"The attorneys have asked the Florida Supreme Court to stay the execution and appoint more qualified lawyers to represent Van Poyck. The high court has not ruled on their requests. The three attorneys have until 3 p.m. today to file what could be Van Poyck's final round of appeals. +",4 +13,"The George W. Bush administration rebuffed the effort, but the Obama administration said in 2009 that it is open to negotiations.",12 +6,Salazar defends state death penalty AG says use is 'prudent',5 +13,KEMP REVERSES HIS IDEAS FOR DOLE BUT 'NOT IDEALS',12 +14,And how would it prevent gun smuggling from other countries?,13 +11,"Echoes of Orlando, From Coast to Coast",10 +5,"Edith Windsor, the plaintiff, was hailed as a heroine by supporters of same-sex marriage rights who gathered outside the court. She reflected on the her role as the public face of the movement today, compared with her fear of making her relationship with Thea Spyer public only 10 years ago. +",4 +5,"The DOMA rulingin practical terms +",4 +6,Better Than the Brady Bill,5 +12,NRA gets an earful at its headquarters,11 +1,"Cook took the helm of one of the world's most successful companies after the death of its founder, Steve Jobs, in 2011. +",0 +4,SAME TAXES Equality gain for married gay couples,3 +13," +This year, Heck wants Trump to be president. Unlike most other Republicans, he doesn't even squirm at the question.",12 +7,Death penalty for officer's killer,6 +8,"The governors made their vow after the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris last month, and fears of terrorism have risen in the United States after the shooting this month in San Bernardino, Calif.",7 +4,Ninth execution in Missouri this year in what activists say was racially biased case,3 +5,Convicted Killer Indicted in '83 Slaying of Girl,4 +13,"Uniformed pilots are roaming Capitol Hill, visiting lawmakers and their staffs, dismantling what they say are the myths about guns in airplanes. One pilot union has devised a slogan for the effort: ""Qualified to Fly. Qualified to Defend."" The phrase is featured on posters, along with a pilot's silhouette against an American flag.",12 +13,"The Senate's 30 Republicans were joined by eight Democrats in voting against the measure. Except for Sen. Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx), none of the naysayers stood up during the debate to explain his or her vote publicly. +",12 +12,A group of moms presented some staggering statistics about gun violence and children in North Carolina and Durham at the old North Holloway Street school Wednesday afternoon.,11 +3,Episcopalians recognize blessing of gay unions,2 +1,"'In fact, Eric was very interested in one gun that was being sold by a licensed dealer.",0 +13,"For Some, Same-Sex Marriage Is Not Politics, It's Personal",12 +1,"Day-to-day gun sales frequently fluctuate, but the numbers also look strong outside of Colorado, too.",0 +4,"Barack Obama does not support a proposed California constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in the state, he announced in a letter sent to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club of San Francisco this week. ""I oppose the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution, and similar efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution or those of other states,"" the Democratic presidential candidate wrote. +",3 +5,despite their being plaintiffs in the case that led a federal judge to strike down Pennsylvania's ban on same-sex marriage on Tuesday.,4 +10,PROGRESS FOR IMMIGRANTS,9 +1,establishments,0 +15,After the Smoke Clears,14 +13,House Rejects Same-Sex Marriage Ban,12 +13,Former Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr,12 +10,Children at Play Can Convey Sober Message,9 +13,N.R.A. Opens an All-Out Drive for Bush and Its Views,12 +5,"he Missouri Supreme Court has set execution dates for two other inmates this year. +",4 +7,Predators just need to be free,6 +13,"Trump, Paul Ryan, even the NRA open to limits on gun device used in Vegas mass shooting +",12 +2,STATE FARMERS FEAR SHORTAGE OF WORKERS THE POSSIBLE EFFECT OF THE U.S. CRACKDOWN ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IS RATTLING GROWERS,1 +9,"sked legislators Tuesday to use lethal injection instead. +",8 +14,But what is the difference between what those countries do and what our states do?,13 +13," The proposal puts fresh political pressures on an indifferent Republican Congress,",12 +12,Support grows for gun control,11 +9,"Success in persuading Americans not to smoke has stalled, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. +",8 +13,Gun-Control Fusillade Heats Up,12 +10,"""This is something that not only affected the Martin and Zimmerman families but those who either saw or heard the events unfold.""",9 +6," +""California has the most comprehensive program for protecting nonsmokers from secondhand smoke,"" Ken August, a state health department spokesman, said. ""Restaurants, bars and almost all indoor workplaces are smoke-free.""",5 +5,Challenge Planned to Ashcroft's Delay of Gun Control Rule,4 +1,Higher prices don't yet meet leaf farmers' expectations,0 +15,A Fight for Hope,14 +13,Pizarro: Yeager to lead wedding of some of county's first same-sex couples,12 +13,The Clinton administration,12 +6, New York legislation,5 +15,Ducking the issue,14 +1,Billions at stake as lawsuits force showdown on smoking,0 +5," +A jury found Whitaker, a convicted felon, guilty of illegal possession of a firearm. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.",4 +3,"LDS book set ablaze at church Congregants say the fire may be tied to Mormon support of a California gay-marriage ban. +",2 +5,"Tobacco accord likely to tangle courts for years +",4 +4,STUDENTS WORK TO CLEAR PRISONERS THOUGHT TO BE INNOCENT,3 +7,Man sentenced to life in June 2001 slaying,6 +15,How Massachusetts Left Gay Marriage at the Altar,14 +5,San Francisco mayor flouts law by sanctioning gay marriages,4 +10,he keeps a gun in his home to protect himself against hate crimes based on his sexual orientation.,9 +13,"CONGRESS, WINDING UP WORK, VOTES SWEEPING ALIENS BILL; REAGAN EXPECTED TO SIGN IT",12 +5,"Sam D. Millsap Jr., the district attorney who handled the case, said he never should have sought the death penalty in a case based on testimony from a witness who identified a suspect only after police showed him a photo three times.",4 +1,"The Obama administration on Wednesday proposed an overall increase of about 10 percent in fees for immigration documents, but kept the fee for immigrants to become United States citizens unchanged.",0 +13,"The NRA radio spot is just one of many advertising campaigns hitting their peak with one week until Election Day. Only in Florida are voters presented with a proposed overhaul of their state constitution every 20 years. In 1978, voters rejected every amendment. +",12 +13,"Previously, none of the Republican candidates had indicated that they were inclined to yield to gun control of any sort. And in New Hampshire, whose license plates read ''Live Free or Die,'' many hold that the Constitution's right to keep and bear arms is absolute and not to be tampered with.",12 +10,"""I hugged her hard,"" she added. ""It's a good feeling to know that you've helped somebody.""",9 +5,"Padilla's court-appointed attorney advised him to plead guilty, assuring Padilla the conviction would not impact his immigration status.",4 +9,"Twenty-eight people were in the van when it overturned while the driver tried to avoid a strip of spikes that agents had placed in its path. Eight people suffered life-threatening injuries. Thirteen were being treated for minor injuries, said Maurice Luque, a spokesman for the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department.",8 +5,"subverts the judge's idea,",4 +7,"Another convict in Louisiana, Timothy Baldwin of Monroe, has also been scheduled to die next Tuesday for the beating death of an 84-year-old woman.",6 +11,"Family Circle magazine faces a reader backlash after profiling a gay family +",10 +5,NEXT RIGHT BUSH OUGHT TO RESTRICT IS THAT TO BEAR ARMS,4 +5,"Richmond-San Rafael Bridge murder defendant insults victims' families during trial +",4 +1,- from campaign finance,0 +13," Kansas House approved a similar measure, but the Idaho Senate defeated one. The Michigan House will vote on one next week.",12 +5,""" Well, whether they ""thought"" they did or not, they actually did, and do, have that right, under the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. In the same way that Ms. Geewax and her ilk have the right, under the First Amendment, to write arrant claptrap.",4 +15," +SHOOT IT DOWN",14 +13,SMOKE SIGNAL TO GOP- BUTTS OUT!,12 +6,"Waxman today amended his bill to exclude restaurants, an area that had brought stiff opposition.",5 +8,VERSTEEG IGNORED STUDY ON DEFENSIVE USE OF GUNS,7 +5,"In May, Mr. Thomas was granted a new trial in the 1993 slaying of a Federal Express driver in North Philadelphia.",4 +11,HIGHEST SMOKING RATE FOUND IN NEVADA,10 +5,GUILTY VERDICT IN KILLING OF GIRL,4 +5,Immigrant visa program a boon for one law firm,4 +2,Agencies Fail To Share Data With IRS,1 +3,NO VALUE CHANGES REQUIRED TO VOTE NO,2 +15,END MACABRE SIDESHOW,14 +11,Start with teens,10 +5,NOD FOR GAY MARRIAGE JUDGE SAYS HAWAII MUST ISSUE LICENSES,4 +12," +Upstate Gun Owners Cast A Cold Eye on Cuomo Effort +",11 +1,He proposed a 1-cent sales-tax increase that would raise about $4.5 billion and cost most families about $200 to $250 a year. He also called for a $1.10-per-pack increase in cigarette taxes. And he asked for a tax increase on the state's top earners.,0 +13,Shootings activate politicians,12 +1,"If a business wants to allow smoking and the general population does not, then show it by not going there. One of two things will happen, the business will survive on the smoking clients or it won't and will be forced to change to continue in business.",0 +7, but last year his operations set records for expelling illegal immigrants with criminal records.,6 +12," +Many of the activist groups at the rally are focused on protecting and promoting illegal immigration and oppose the enforcement of our immigration laws. The quotes of some of their speakers reflected their intent to defy those laws and demand entitlements afforded to American citizens and legal residents.",11 +5,A Steady Path to the Justices,4 +12,"Son of deportee leads immigration marchers +",11 +13,NO VOW IN COUNCIL TO PUSH SMOKE BAN,12 +13,"Georgia's bipartisan, pro-gun Senate bill",12 +3,"""You want to do anything you can to right this wrong,"" Maines said.",2 +9,His feeling blue is nothing compared to my feeling blue when I lost my voice and the doctor said I had cancer on my vocal chord and would have to have surgery and 35 radiation treatments.,8 +13,"said Sen. Maria Sachs, D-Delray Beach",12 +7,"An arrest in the February Fair Haven case came the day after a high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that left 17 people dead.",6 +15,Crocodile Tears 'for the Working Man',14 +1,Health Advocates Laud Tobacco-Tax Hike As Cigarette Sales in State Continue to Drop,0 +9,Deadly Data on Handguns,8 +5,The county commission created the militia to preserve county residents' right to bear arms. ,4 +6,CRACKDOWN DOESN'T KEEP TEENS FROM CIGARETTES,5 +5,", half of the first gay couple to receive a marriage license in the state",4 +5,"tah Man Found Guilty In Slayings of 5 Boys +",4 +13,"Voting against the resolution were three Charlotte Democrats -- Reps. Martha Alexander, Ruth Easterling and Beverly Earle; and Rep. Paul Luebke, D-Durham.",12 +12,"startled proponents of the bill and signaled that political momentum, at least right now, had shifted against same-sex marriage, even in heavily Democratic New York. It followed more than a year of lobbying by gay rights organizations, who steered close to $1 million into New York legislative races to boost support for the measure.",11 +13,The Minneapolis City Council on Friday unanimously passed a motion urging the Legislature to allow city employees' domestic partners to receive employment benefits.,12 +11,"""We're at the point of reaching 2 million deportations ... this is a historic level, more than any other president of the United States."" +",10 +13,"The House, behind Speaker Newt Gingrich's strong endorsement, has already approved the measure. +",12 +5,Constitutional Amendmen,4 +11,"The two became the 131st and 132nd executed since the 1976 Supreme Court ruling reinstating the death penalty. Simmons, 49, became the first Arkansas convict to be executed by injection.",10 +5,"Gov. James B. Hunt Jr. had refused on Thursday to halt the execution. Mr. Hutchins, who had asked his lawyers to drop all appeals,",4 +6,"Squelch gay marriage ban proposal, court urged",5 +12,and most Americans want stricter gun laws.,11 +5,"When the Supreme Court invalidated Virginia's miscegenation law in Loving v. Virginia, the justices did not scrutinize James Madison's diaries to see whether he would have approved of interracial marriage. (If they had, interracial marriage would probably still be illegal in some places.) Nor did they confine themselves to the parts of the Constitution that Madison and the other framers wrote, reaching instead to the 14th amendment, adopted in 1868. Virginia's law, the justices determined, violated the 14th amendment's due process clause because it interfered with ""the fundamental freedom"" of marriage.",4 +7,Police official to fight for job,6 +6,"Lucie counties, allow staff members to smoke in designated areas outside. He said Martin County should follow suit. + +""The law was passed to protect people from secondhand smoke in the buildings,"" she said. ""We weren't asking to smoke inside the buildings. We were looking for a designated area at the school sites shielded from the students.""",5 +9,"Lawrence Garfinkel, 88, a statistician who overcame his lack of a doctoral degree and training in oncology to become one of the driving forces in demonstrating that smoking causes lung cancer, died of cardiovascular disease Jan. 21 in Seattle. + +Mr. Garfinkel oversaw the training of thousands of volunteers for the American Cancer Society and helped conduct two of the largest epidemiological studies, enrolling more than 2.2 million men and women. Those studies, along with the British Doctors' Study, played key roles in formulating the landmark 1964 surgeon general's report on smoking and health. + +""Few individuals have contributed as much to our present-day knowledge about the disease consequences of smoking,"" said Dr. Richard D. Klausner, then head of the National Cancer Institute, in 1989 upon Mr. Garfinkel's retirement from the society. + +Before 1930, lung cancer was a rare disease never encountered by most physicians. But World War I had turned many American men into smokers, and the aftermath began to become apparent in the 1940s. By 1950, four separate retrospective studies had linked smoking to the disease. + +In 1951, British researchers enrolled 40,000 physicians in a study that lasted more than 40 years. At the same time, the cancer society's Dr. E. Cuyler Hammond and Dr. Daniel Horn enrolled 187,783 white men in nine states in a similar study. + +Mr. Garfinkel, who had joined the society as a statistician in 1947, was directly responsible for the fieldwork in the study, training thousands of volunteers who collected the data. The two studies clearly showed that lung cancer was a direct result of smoking, but many refused to accept the findings.",8 +12,DON'T STOP PUSHING FOR GUN CONTROL,11 +12,Antismoking Activist Calls Rolling Stone Insert 'One Great Big Cigarette Ad',11 +13,"The panel voted, 10 to 8, along party lines, sending the amendment, which would prohibit states from recognizing same-sex marriages, to the full Senate, where it stands little chance of passing.",12 +15,"WHAT NEWSMAKERS SAID SUNDAY +",14 +6,"""She has no problem with it conceptually,"" he said. + +The bill, which has been debated for years, would extend health benefits to partners of D.C. government employees and grant tax breaks to businesses that do the same. +",5 +7,"Illegal immigrants caught breaking the law in this coastal county get a double dose of punishment: First, they're thrown behind bars. Then they're thrown out of the country.",6 +7,"""The murderous assault on the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family had the effect of killing more children than the criminal bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building,"" the letter continues. (That offensive comparison ignores the fact that the killer fires at Waco were set by the Branch Davidians themselves, in a bizarre act of mass suicide.)",6 +8,Army seeks death penalty for Bales in 16 Afghan killings,7 +5,An Immigrant's Legal Enterprise,4 +15,BROWARD'S GAY-RIGHTS MOVE FAILS,14 +15,Gay union fight hits nerv,14 +13,The Senate waiting period is five days; the House version is seven days. The National Rifle Association opposes both.,12 +5,Amendment has become outdated,4 +13, working to pressure Congress ahead of next fall's elections,12 +13," Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat,",12 +9,Man Falls to Death Fleeing U.S. Agents,8 +5,ultimately aimed at ending the state's constitutional prohibition against same-sex marriage.,4 +7," Harris' term of 100 years for various other crimes related to the murder, such as robbery and auto theft, still stands, and he is in prison.",6 +9,The violent death of any child is the most senseless of tragedies. ,8 +7,"And he told the agency to restart deportation proceedings against thousands of people after ruling in a class-action lawsuit that the INS routinely used ""confusing"" and ""legalistic"" forms that effectively denied them fair hearings.",6 +4,"Questions of Race, Evidence Loom in Death Penalty Case",3 +13,20 States Ask the White House to Spare One Cigarette Maker,12 +6,FOREIGN GUN BAN A LIMITED STEP,5 +5,2 Cigarette Makers Are Said to Discuss Settling All Smokers' Suits,4 +5,"A state judge yesterday barred the mayor of a college town from performing more same-sex marriages for a month, saying he was ignoring his oath of office.",4 +13,Opening round of gun-control debate postponed,12 +13,Can Democrats do anything productive on guns?,12 +11," +America's death rows seeing steady decline",10 +13,Nevada Republican backs Trump - and evades backlash,12 +1,Gun-company shares opened higher on Wall Street,0 +13,SENATE PANEL DELAYS VOTE ON FELONY GUN POSSESSION,12 +13,"If the issue of illegal immigration follows Stewart, a Republican, everywhere these days, it is largely by his own design. No other politician in the region has staked his political fortunes on the issue as much as Stewart, a 39-year-old trade lawyer who defeated Democrat Sharon E. Pandak in a special election last year for the county's top job. The two are facing off again this year with a four-year term up for grabs. +",12 +13,"Of course, Washington is a place where, as one Carter White House official snickered, ""First you do good, then you do well.""",12 +12,Real test is turning marchers into voters,11 +11," With its compellingly multifaceted approach, its earnest compassion and a celebrity presence in the form of the actor Gael García Bernal, the documentary could be enlisted in the perennial battle over immigration law. But for the same reasons, the movie is also in danger of battling itself to a draw.",10 +1,"Agricultural economists across the political spectrum say that there is no way that workforce could be removed without reverberations throughout the food system - think farm bankruptcies, labor shortages and an eventual contraction of the broader economy. Even if you're far from the agriculture industry, you could see $4 gallons of milk, low-quality oranges and extortionately priced raspberries.",0 +7,Third man is charged in 2009 Va. attack,6 +12,"The Newtown Action Alliance, which had blasted the plan to convert the somber day into political theater, hailed Gottlieb?s decision to move the date.",11 +5,"If this becomes a linguistics seminar, the focus will be on what those words imply about whether the right to keep and bear arms is an individual or collective right. That debate has raged since before the 1939 Supreme Court decision in which the justices said the amendment is really about ensuring that armed civilian militias be available to defend the people. +",4 +5,MAN TAKING DRUG AT SENTENCING WINS A NEW MURDER TRIAL,4 +13,"Politics, politics, politics",12 +11,"Even today, the story, which follows, is not altogether unconvincing.",10 +13,"OH, SHOOT, MAYOR'S A BOBBLEHEAD",12 +13,"Clinton Hunts, Making Point on Guns",12 +6,Electric chair thrown out,5 +6,Death by electric chair to be terminated in Ohio,5 +10,often turning what is expected to be an enjoyable experience into a frustrating and at times painful one.,9 +5,Pa. killer's case goes to high court,4 +8," Second, we must eliminate laws that prevent Americans from defending themselves. ",7 +6,"The new law expands the state's assault weapons ban, limits gun magazines, and requires owners of guns now deemed illegal to register them with the state.",5 +13,COUNTY GUN LAW SQUEAKS BY OCEAN RIDGE COMMISSION,12 +13,"Sen. Ken Gordon, D-Denver, would oppose the bill and said it has 'already divided the caucus.'",12 +5,"A federal judge has struck down Alaska's first-in-the-nation ban on same-sex marriage. +",4 +13,Donald Trump's 'Second Amendment' Comment Was Part of a Pattern,12 +5,"legal obligations, responsibilities, protections, and benefits",4 +13,"Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) has made repeal of the death penalty one of his top agenda items for the 90-day session, and a bare majority in the Senate - the more resistant chamber in recent years - have said that they plan to vote for the bill.",12 +8,U.S. MUST STAY TOUGH ABOUT SEALING BORDERS,7 +13,Alarm as NRA's carry bill gets OK,12 +12,"A Mason-Dixon poll released this week showed that support for Florida's ""marriage protection"" amendment was at a paltry 55 percent -- five points below the threshold for passage.",11 +11," And many of the changes have escaped widespread notice, obscured, in part, by the nation's focus on guns.",10 +13,Immigration is a hot-button issue during this election year. Both the commission chairman and sheriff's posts will be up for re-election this November.,12 +9,health insurance benefit,8 +13,Now he has gone one step further on the hot-button political issue and endorsed same-sex marriages.,12 +1,"GUN BUYERS, SELLERS ANNOYED BY BACKGROUND CHECKS",0 +5,"As to the Second Amendment on the rights of citizens to bear arms, legal scholars have debated this issue, ad infintum and were forced to admit, citizens do have this right.",4 +13,Firearms ordinance draws flak at commission meeeting,12 +4,"""is simply about prejudice, the court concluded, much like state laws barring interracial marriage.""",3 +5,Philadelphia judge dismisses death-penalty lawyer pay petition,4 +5,JUDGE TO ABU-JAMAL'S LAWYERS: SO SHOW ME THE WITNESS,4 +7," But after the State of Arkansas announced plans to execute eight prisoners over 10 days in April,",6 +6,"The United States should welcome immigrants, not deport them",5 +5,Bay Area Judges Stop Short Of Banning Gay Weddings,4 +11,I'm a Wisconsin native. I had a gun growing up -- a .22-caliber for target practice and a few rabbit hunts that were unsuccessful -- the rabbits were thankful.,10 +13,A new state panel charged with helping enforce Georgia's immigration-related laws has announced it will have its first meeting this week amid calls for Gov. Nathan Deal to oust one of its newly appointed members.,12 +8,particularly mandatory background checks on all gun sales at gun shows.,7 +6,"The law gives the commissioner power to place any firearm on the list of proscribed weapons for 30 days while a board, provided for in the legislation, decides whether to permanently add the gun to the list.",5 +7,"After 2,000 Killings This Year, New York Needs Gun Control",6 +5,"The latest delay comes in a legal challenge to California's lethal injection method, which death row inmates maintain poses an undue risk of a cruel and unusual execution. The case was first filed in 2006 by condemned killer Michael Morales, who was given a last-minute reprieve by former San Jose U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel.",4 +6,"As you read this, a constitutional amendment is being considered for the state of Florida. Florida is considering outlawing smoking from most workplaces, restaurants and health care facilities. It's about time something of this importance be addressed.",5 +6,"Temporary protected status, or TPS, is designed for people who are in the United States at or before the time of a disaster and are not documented. It is not designed to admit new immigrants.",5 +8,New Illinois law requiring checks debuts at gun show,7 +5, but pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.,4 +13,"He added: ""Why don't you go ask the Senate Democrats when they are going to get off their ass and do something other than voting no?""",12 +1,Don't Raise the Fee For Selling Firearms,0 +9,"Mr. Hill is intellectually disabled, according to all seven mental health experts who have examined him. ",8 +13,"That includes U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio",12 +11,becoming the fourth state in recent years to stop executions.,10 +9,Death for the children,8 +3, not just religious organizations,2 +14,"President Vicente Fox said Saturday he plans to press President Bush to grant amnesty to Mexicans living and working illegally in the United States, the latest sign of a growing debate on immigration between the two countries.",13 +13,"Rather, the problem is an unwillingness on both sides of the gun control debate to accept limited gun laws that are, in the words of the mayors' study, ''designed to keep firearms away from the criminal minority without infringing on the rights of the law-abiding majority.''",12 +9,ALLINA TO REMOVE SMOKING SHELTERS TOBACCO PRODUCTS BANNED FROM PROPERTY,8 +7," Blake has said that his wife, the mother of his year-old daughter Rosie, was shot while he went back into a restaurant to retrieve a gun he carried to protect her.",6 +5, when Colorado's death penalty was overturned.,4 +5,constitutional amendment,4 +15,BEEP IF YOU AGREE,14 +1,Georgia sides with cigarette makers,0 +10,VT. 'CIVIL UNIONS' BILL GETS FINAL OK MORE THAN 300 BENEFITS THAT THE STATE CONFERS ON MARRIED COUPLES NOW WILL FLOW TO SAME-SEX COUPLES,9 +5,EXECUTION AWAITING DECISION PROSECUTORS SEEKING TO REVERSE DELAY,4 +5,Judge: Same-sex couples can marry in N.J,4 +5,"Green is suing Bradford County and its Sheriff's Office, the city of Starke and its Police Department, the 8th Circuit State Attorney's Office and the Florida Department of Corrections.",4 +5,Gun-permit battle back in court,4 +14,Denver DA to work within Mexico's extradition restrictions A U.S.-Mexican accord and a court ruling mean the death penalty and life with no parole aren't options.,13 +3,Why are we deporting heroes?,2 +5,"Legal experts, noting that when the nation's security was threatened in the past the courts had effectively ceded vast powers to the government to limit freedoms, said that new measures to fight terrorism might not receive a rigorous court review.",4 +5,Kaczynski plea talks crumble,4 +7,Man gets death in retrial of boy's murder,6 +5," New York regularly granted licenses regardless of immigration status. Even in post-9/11 America, other states still do.",4 +13,"The Democrats should use their newly won majority in the Senate to strike down this proposal. +",12 +1,Opponents argue they fill unwanted jobs that help underpin the state's economy.,0 +11,Rhode Island is now the only state in New England that doesn't allow same-sex couples to wed.,10 +13,Vote in Doubt As a Senate Takes Up Gay Marriage,12 +5,Ruben Navarrette Jr.: Why federal court might be best place to secure gay-marriage rights,4 +4," +No Separate but Equal in Marriage",3 +5,COURTS,4 +13,Council votes for handgun registration,12 +7,"""Do they take away the semiautomatic and the .38 used in commission of crimes? ",6 +4,"""In the spirit of 'One City,' and assuring the equal treatment of citizens and noncitizens alike, I am delighted to sign to this,"" Gray said.",3 +12,"The poll showed a California sharply divided over a constitutional ban - along the lines of geography, gender, race, age, religious belief and political affiliation. But it's also a California where Proposition 8 supporters may have a hard time winning in November. Just 7 percent of voters were undecided, a strikingly small amount so long before Election Day, leaving relatively few voters to sway.",11 +13,THORNBURGH: BUSH MAY ACCEPT LIMITS ON ASSAULT WEAPONS,12 +5,"Officials at the Justice Department and the INS said Monday that they would have no comment until they had time to review the local court's decision. +",4 +4,"rights movement for racial equality, led by luminaries such as A. Phillip Randolph. But, ultimately, union members came to the realization that letting ourselves remain divided by race was holding us back. +",3 +4,Arthur had maintained his innocence,3 +5,"The deciding votes will be those of Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony M. Kennedy, who in 2002 joined Justices Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg and Souter to strike down the death penalty for the mentally retarded; since then, however, Justices O'Connor and Kennedy have refused to extend that view to the execution of juveniles.",4 +13,'Honor our contract': Lawmakers press Trump not to deport foreign-born military recruits,12 +13,"The last gasp of the lost decade came this month when the lame-duck Congress - which struck compromises on taxes, gays in the military and arms control - deadlocked on the Dream Act.",12 +1,"The nonpartisan Legislature Fiscal Bureau estimates the plan could cost up to $2.2 million, depending on how many system employees would sign up.",0 +5,"The Supreme Court set new standards for jury instructions in 1988 and clarified them in a follow-up case in 1990, but Banks was convicted before then",4 +11,Kelly: 'This time must be different',10 +7,"Never mind that crime in general is down, violent crime is down and accidental shootings are down. ",6 +5,Legal Unions for Gays in Vermont,4 +10,"The grieving father of the Virginia reporter killed on-camera says he's a ""coward.""",9 +5,"Therein lies the problem, say Tompkins' lawyers, who have long attacked the credibility of those witnesses and the reliability of what they said.",4 +9,A LONG VIEW FOR MOTHERS-TO-BE AN EARNEST ANTISMOKING EFFORT COULD HELP PEOPLE AND SAVE MONEY,8 +1,"The bars have noticed a steady flow of Minnesotans, especially on weekends, said Willy Petersen, a Dick's bartender. +",0 +5,"Attorneys for convicted murderer J.B. ""Pig"" Parker told the Florida + +Supreme Court Tuesday that the Fort Pierce man's death sentence should be overturned because a public defender erred in allowing him to confess to the + +1982 murder of Evinrude heiress Frances Julia Slater.",4 +9,Slayer of Policeman Found Hanged inCell,8 +6,"would prohibit smoking in all New York restaurants and bars and factories and offices, even private offices occupied by one person. And no longer would there be special smoking rooms where puffers could go for a break - no matter if those rooms are fitted with smoke eaters and separate ventilation.",5 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday refused to block the nation's first state-sanctioned same-sex marriages from taking place here starting next week.,4 +1,"to trade guns to Plymouth-based Streicher's Police Equipment for new guns, uniforms and badges.",0 +5,JUDGE HALTS IMMIG PROBE SEZ WORKERS' STATUS IRRELEVAN,4 +1," +Immigrants and jobs",0 +11,"Using a Freedom of Information request, The Journal News mined public records to list everyone licensed to own a pistol or revolver in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties. The research found 44,000 people in those counties -- one in 23 adults -- has a permit for a handgun. +",10 +7,WITNESS' UNREPRESENTED JAIL STAY NEARS END,6 +7,Illegal Workers Arrested In 6-State ID Theft Sweep,6 +5,Cigarette Makers Ordered To Relinquish Documents,4 +5,Death Sentence Overturned by Va. High Court,4 +7,LAW ENFORCEMENT,6 +3,at North Carolina's conscience.,2 +12,A Deal on Concealed Handguns Stirs Virginians,11 +3,"KILL THE MONSTER Boston: Terrorist 'doesn't deserve to live' Blast raps carry the death penalty +",2 +5,Gay pairs queue for Connecticut licenses Civil union law provides all legal rights of marriage.,4 +6,San Ramon Valley letters: Stop the cycle -- bring sanity to our gun laws,5 +7, a legal requirement that relatives of the deceased surrender the guns to the NYPD.,6 +10,How quitters can be winners on smoking,9 +7,"A reluctant enforcer City cites fiscal, social costs of policing immigrants",6 +5,"A federal appeals court began Wednesday to hear arguments in six gay marriage fights from four states - Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee - in the biggest such session on the issue so far, and hundreds of supporters rallied near the courthouse. +",4 +5,Death Row Cases In Va. Earn New Court Scrutiny,4 +1,Why this customer,0 +7,"Burns was struck by the brutality of the murder, in which the pharmacist was forced to walk into the basement where he was shot to death and by the fact that it occurred about a mile from where he grew up.",6 +10,"Hitchens said her sister, one of five children, was a sweet young woman who loved horses and unicorns. ""She was beautiful,"" Hitchens said.",9 +11,and became the first woman executed in Florida in 150 years.,10 +7,Minister to face trial next month for gay ceremony,6 +13, has even been trying to get Congress to restore the militia system.,12 +7,"Chambers, 47, is scheduled to die Sept. 29 for shooting a man to death after a bar fight in 1982. +",6 +13,"Since Bob Dole quit smoking, he figures everyone else can too. What Dole should quit is his habit of running at the mouth. + +Dole won't go back on his word at the one and only time a candidate should: when he or she says something stupid. Instead, he stands by his bone-headed contention that smoking might not be addictive as though he read it straight from the book of Matthew. + +Sure, Bob. Nicotine is harmless. And Hiroshima might have been leveled by a chance confluence of St. Elmo's fire. + +Dole says he isn't a scientist. Well, no, he's not. Neither am I. But every scientist not payrolled by tobacco (and several who are) agrees that heaters get you hooked. And people don't gobble nicotine gum by the bushel or slap on ""the patch"" because it's easy to quit puffing. + +I'm also pretty sure smoking causes cancer, drinking alcohol leads to drunkenness and striking matches starts fires. You need not be an expert - just ask C. Everett Koop, Betty Ford, or Smokey the Bear. + +It's sad to watch guys who will say anything they think will get them elected. It's especially sad when what one of them says is laughable and he doesn't even say it well. + +As Dole ripped this latest gash in his campaign's hull, New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman - thought to be on Dole's short list to run second on the ticket - made it ""positively, unequivocally"" clear that she has no intention of lashing her sure-thing political future to Dole's dwindling electoral odds. Imagine GOP honchos across America privately pleading: ""Please, Bob, don't pick me."" +",12 +13,Anti-gun lobby won't rest until they have confiscated every firearm,12 +7,30 busted tunneling into Calif.,6 +12,Gun rights vs. gun control: Nation is again squaring off,11 +5,TOBACCO DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE,4 +1," But the mayor's advisers said those payments might be reduced, depending on inflation or if there is a drop in cigarette consumption that threatens the finances of the tobacco companies. The risk is thus shifted to the bondholders instead.",0 +13,"ONE OF the two U.S. senators pushing a compromise on gun control legislation isn't sure he can get it passed - even as more Republicans sign on to the bill. + +""It's going to be close,"" Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) said on CNN's ""State of the Union"" on Sunday of the deal he and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) reached last week on background checks.",12 +7,", and his ex-girlfriend Jasmine Bedwell, the mother of 3-month-old Emanuel Murray Jr., accused him of murder.",6 +1,Wal-Mart to Offer Health Benefits to Domestic Partners,0 +7,HIT MAN ADMITS SLAYS TO DUCK DEATH PENALTY,6 +7,parents and relatives of the four girls and one teacher killed ,6 +7," +States look to the past for execution methods",6 +13,"to the mayor, says Michael Hannon, deputy director of code enforcement for San Jose.",12 +4,"""We are not second-class citizens in this country I love.''",3 +13,"Gov. Roy Romer is expected to act today on a controversial bill denying official status to same-sex marriages in Colorado, but he was sending mixed messages yesterday about whether he will sign or veto the measure.",12 +13,"BUSH, RUBIO GIVE SIMILAR REMARKS ON IMMIGRATION",12 +13,Ban on Gay Marriage Passes in North Carolina,12 +5,The measure was introduced in response to a state Supreme Court ruling that gays in Vermont were unconstitutionally denied the rights and benefits of marriage.,4 +5,"On guns, the court will decide",4 +5,"The decision, from the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, in Boston, will have no immediate effect because the court stayed its ruling in anticipation of an appeal to the Supreme Court. Legal experts said the justices could agree as early as this fall to hear the case and arguments could come next spring, making it the first case involving the same-sex marriage law to be decided by the court. +",4 +6,Data on tracing handguns are unreliable,5 +7,4 ARE CONVICTED OF ENSLAVING MIGRANT WORKERS IN THE SOUTH,6 +7,"Beazley, who was 17 at the time of the killing, was scheduled to receive a lethal injection Wednesday.",6 +13,"California Secretary of State Bill Jones said in Sacramento that the""Definition of Marriage"" initiative, written by Republican state Sen. William Knight, R-Palmdale, had won a spot on the March 7, 2000, state primary ballot.",12 +1,"The same goes for other outdoor industries such as farming, ranching and landscaping. If it's a job where you work with your hands and where you work outside, you're going to find a lot of foreign workers doing it.",0 +13,Government is not the answer,12 +7,Police Chiefs Join Mayors in Push Against Violence,6 +5, storage centers assuming liability for the return of released weapons,4 +13,The attempted assassination of President Reagan by a suspect carrying a .22-caliber revolver today was expected to bring another flurry of activity in Congress for passage of a strong national law for control of pistols.,12 +6,POLICY FOR GAYS IS REVISED,5 +5,"At 3 federal agencies, state laws rule",4 +13,Bush Remark Gives Advocates Hope for Release of Haitians,12 +1, but conceded that the cost of such legal actions was excessive for hard-pressed municipalities.,0 +13,"Tide turns on gun control In wake of Columbine, lawmakers expect more proposals on table",12 +10,SHARRON ANGLE SAYS HARRY REID WANTS TO GIVE ILLEGALS SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS,9 +3,To strap James Autry for a second time on a stretcher would be most cruel and inhuman.,2 +5,"Among the laws it violates, he said, is the Employees' Retirement Income Security Act, which forbids state and local regulation of most employee benefits.",4 +5,"However, the D.C. attorney general's office said it would seek a stay of the ruling while the city decides whether to appeal. +",4 +6,Charting the Crucial Course Of Capital Punishment,5 +13,Three Democratic state senators vowed Monday to renew their push for same-sex marriage and antidiscrimination laws in Pennsylvania despite deep partisan divide on the issue.,12 +1,Altria stock falls 3.5% on Philip Morris ruling,0 +12,"resident's feelings about that. +",11 +12," is looking to the broad middle stripe of public opinion, the majority who would accept the death penalty if it could be purged of unfairness and uncertainty.",11 +7," +Woman Who Killed 6 Is Executed in Florida",6 +11,"""It's not an in-vogue thing to do that. Most of our kids don't smoke,"" she said. +",10 +12, They are parroting the National Rifle Association's assertion that three days is just too intrusive.,11 +1,"He's willing to sell it in person, if the buyer can meet in Boca Raton.",0 +9,Guns = death,8 +13,Maryland General Assembly advances bill that bans bump stocks on firearms,12 +5,"After meeting Caza, Chiles may agree with those who know her well, that she deserves to be granted executive clemency on a drug conviction of selling pills to an undercover officer in 1981.",4 +13,Florida governor signs gun restrictions 3 weeks after attack,12 +13,Democratic New York,12 +6," It can maintain its city contracts while extending the most important benefits only to the different-sex spouses of its employees, and it does not need an exemption in the legislation to do so.",5 +5,Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Emmick said in his opening statement.,4 +5,Texas Asking $8.6 Billion in Health Costs as First State vs. Tobacco Trial Opens,4 +8,a background check to pass,7 +8," Timothy McVeigh, convicted in the Oklahoma City bombings.",7 +12,"Minnesotans United for All Families, the umbrella group of organizations opposing the amendment, is looking at Pride as the ""official start of the campaign in the public eye,"" said spokeswoman Kate Brickman. ""We're not going to wait until the State Fair."" +",11 +5,Suing Big Tobacco: Worth Another Try,4 +15,"""Marriage' is key issue when it comes to same-sex unions",14 +5,"Following are excerpts from a 4-to-3 opinion by the Massachusetts Supreme Court yesterday that the state must allow gay marriage, not just civil unions, to comply with its earlier ruling in Goodridge vs. Department of Public Health:",4 +12,Support for Gay Marriage Outweighs Opposition in Polls,11 +5,No California executions in 2012 as legal battle over lethal injection continues,4 +13,"For several months, officials at the White House, Justice Department and other agencies have been weighing how to follow up the recently approved Brady handgun-control bill and have come up with mostly incremental plans for further legislation next year.",12 +15,SMOKING ISN'T AN OPTION,14 +10,Relatives of the victims are to testify when the prosecution begins presenting its case today.,9 +7,"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Fuentes had been brought to this country before his third birthday and was deported on March 2 after being convicted of assault and battery by a mob. He was suspected of having ties to Mara Salvatrucha, the deadly street gang also known as MS-13.",6 +13,Hillary Clinton will spend her last Saturday before the Iowa caucuses hitting Bernie Sanders on the issue that could potentially hurt him the most: guns.,12 +15,"Where there's smoke, there's controversy",14 +13,And the House vote was supposed to be the easy one.,12 +7,Getting off lightly,6 +4,"An Arlington courthouse clerk threw away all the evidence from a 1999 death penalty case in violation of Virginia law, despite warnings from two colleagues that the material contained DNA and that the inmate's appeals were pending, according to court documents filed yesterday.",3 +13,Trump just admitted his entire immigration posture is a big scam,12 +3,Only a culture of character' can save these lives at school,2 +13,Illinois House rejects measure to let victims sue gun dealers,12 +12,"according to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll. ... While 93 percent of Democrats support Clinton, 83 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of independents support Trump. Only 19 percent of independents said they support Clinton. And there is a big divide on racial and ethnic lines: Trump led Clinton 57 percent to 28 percent among white voters, but Clinton led 95 percent to 4 percent among black voters and 56 percent to 33 percent among Hispanic voters.",11 +13,End of gay marriage legal battle means political fight will start anew,12 +10,Parents sad over ban of gay marriage,9 +5,California Supreme Court jumps back into gay-marriage fray,4 +9,A man who put out water jugs in a wildlife refuge in the Arizona desert for illegal immigrants crossing from Mexico,8 +15,Gay couple rush to wed in Iowa,14 +1,"The multibillion-dollar national tobacco pact has failed to end a torrent of cigarette advertising targeted at teenage magazine readers, a study found.",0 +5,Court Won't Delay Same-Sex Marriages,4 +5,"Early reaction suggests limited ruling on Prop 8 +",4 +5,Meaning of 'Normal' Is at Heart of Gay Marriage Ruling,4 +4,Ban on same-sex marriage is unjust,3 +13, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg (I) said after the 36 to 12 vote.,12 +7,Alleged serial killer Aeman Presley,6 +6,NEW GUN LAW IS MEANT TO PROTECT FLORIDIANS,5 +1,Gun locks are 'selling like crazy',0 +1,"is proposing to sell bonds backed by the District's share of the national tobacco settlement that would bring in about $ 645 million to help slash the city's debt costs and pay for health, education and family programs for more than 15 years.",0 +13,CLINTON TO URGE CURB ON SMOKIN,12 +11, persuading other Latino youths to stay away from the most dominant gang in the Washington suburbs.,10 +13," +""It's a beginning step,"" he said. ""The real work is yet to come"" during the 1994 legislative session.",12 +7, against one of three teens charged with killing a man while burglarizing his home.,6 +4,IMMIGRATION AUTHORITIES ACCUSED OF RACIAL PROFILING,3 +13,"But as the legislative staff said in analyzing the bill,",12 +5,"EMPLOYEES' GUNS OKAY AT WORK, JUDGE SAYS",4 +5,"On Friday, Attorney General Christine A. Gregoire of Washington State told reporters in a telephone conference call that negotiators still had three unresolved issues, including how to deal with smaller producers who do not take part in a settlement. But two lawyers who have been briefed on the status of the talks said yesterday they believed that the discussions were far more advanced than Ms. Gregoire had suggested. ""They are basically shopping a deal around,"" one said, referring to this week's round of meetings.",4 +3,misconduct,2 +7,Federal immigration authorities have detained a Saudi citizen who works as a computer security specialist here at the University of Washington's School of Nursing.,6 +5,"Justice Ginsburg: ""no urgency"" yet on same-sex marriage",4 +11,"""The city of Atlanta has one of the highest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations per capita, ranking third among major American cities,"" it read.",10 +13,Md. Senate Rejects Halting Executions,12 +12,A survey of 401 college and university presidents conducted by Ball State University in June found 95 percent of respondents opposed concealed weapons on campus.,11 +8,al-Qaeda conspirator's,7 +13,"EmboldenedbyDonaldTrump's presidential win, Republican state lawmakers in Georgia are preparing to introduce a raft of measures targeting refugees and immigrants in the legislative session that starts Monday.",12 +1,B.A.T. Deal Is Cleared By Agency,0 +9,"Dangers for Transgender Inmates +",8 +14,"Vladimir Putin has long curried favor with the American gun lobby, Christian conservatives and Republican politicians.",13 +5,Assistant District Attorney Ben Leutwyler told jurors,4 +5,US appeals court upholds gun laws after Newtown massacre,4 +5,Proposition 8 ,4 +13,Plan to Require Background Checks for Ammunition Sales Is Suspended,12 +8,"Extend airport gun ban, bill says",7 +5," +The panel of seven women and five men also found true the special-circumstance allegation of multiple murders. The prosecution will seek the death penalty in a penalty phase scheduled to start July 12.",4 +9,"Two bodies were found in a tractor-trailer Saturday that had apparently hauled dozens of illegal immigrants for several hours in 90-degree heat, police said. Several people were hospitalized for heat-related injuries.",8 +6,Gun laws a tough sell,5 +11,Corruption in New York: An Unscrupulous History,10 +7,"Ms. Clark and Areba Jean Smith, Crump's first victim, were two of six prostitutes murdered during a two-year period from 1985 to 1987. The bodies of all the women were found in or near East Tampa, three of them in cemeteries.",6 +5,Lawfully wedded?,4 +1," +Critics see avarice in firm's new face",0 +10,LESBIAN COUPLE IS WED - SORT OF,9 +5,The planned arraignment of the Kennesaw State University student who became a face of the debate over illegal immigration was delayed because her attorney was out of town,4 +5,'Jungle Jabbah's' war: Accused Liberian's own story emerges in court,4 +3,Catholic protesters return DVDs today,2 +9, including gun locks with all its weapons and the development of smart guns that would allow only its owner to fire the weapon.,8 +11,Katie Couric goes 'Under the Gun',10 +5,"But Assistant Attorney General Judy Taylor Rush told the seven justices that Swafford ""essentially confessed"" and that the condemned man's trial attorneys could have found out about the other suspect but decided not to pursue him. +",4 +9,Raise the age limit for purchasing handguns from 18 to 21.,8 +10,"""Someone is alive today because of this program,""",9 +9, Barnett mulled suicide at 8 and again at 15 and later overdosed on prescription drugs and set himself on fire.,8 +1,"The foundation ""can begin to address the needs of the tobacco dependent communities, many of which have been hit by flood damage since the settlement was signed,"" the attorney general said. +",0 +12,Gun Group Cites Bias in Press,11 +10,SCHOOLS' PARTNER BENEFITS UNUSED,9 +7,"Moody, 29, and Felts, 34, are charged in the stabbing deaths of cousins Sierra Kimble, 13, and Del Mattox Jr., 15, who disappeared April 5 while walking to a neighborhood store for snacks. Their bodies were found the following day near Bethune Elementary School in south Fulton County.",6 +5,Court upholds award to smoker,4 +13,Democratic National Committee,12 +13,"ELENA KAGAN uttered neither the word ''gay'' nor ''marriage'' in her opening statement at the Senate confirmation hearings on her nomination to the Supreme Court, but she addressed the issue nonetheless. No, she didn't say how she will vote when gay marriage comes before the court, as it may soon. What she did say was this",12 +9,"But two days later, when the West Coast forensic pathologist was on her way to the morgue to examine the body of one of the country's many forgotten gunshot victims, the words came to her.",8 +13,MAKE GUN POLITICS PERSONAL,12 +3," +LET GOD BE THE JUDGE",2 +4,"niper Cites, Fairfax Disputes Proof of Violation of Rights;",3 +13,He is also working to get Republican colleagues,12 +5,DOMA ruling causing confusion,4 +12,Rifle Group Fights Public Housing Gun Ban,11 +13,"More Republican politicians, along with some conservative commentators and strategists, now say Mr. Trump's hard line is good politics because it taps into deep cultural, economic and security fears.",12 +13,"So why don't Republicans get it? The answer is that Republicans' opposition to immigration reform actually represents a winning strategy, not a losing one. Here's why.",12 +13,SPITZER GETS REAL ON ID,12 +13,"Representative Michael Huffington struggled today with still another accusation that he had aided and abetted illegal immigration, and Senator Dianne Feinstein, his opponent in the Senate election, rushed to take advantage of his mounting political adversity.",12 +5,Man found guilty in officer's slaying DeKalb jury today decides whether to urge death penalty in '91 shooting,4 +11,"Teen smoking on increase, new county official says",10 +11,Battlefield U.S.A.,10 +3,"Many couples are now choosing non-denominational and Unitarian Universalist clergy because they want God's blessing -- not necessarily the blessing of a particular church. This distinction has become important. +",2 +5,"The court found that Coca-Cola is not a public agency and wasn't acting on behalf of a public agency when it conducted tests that were disclosed to the Polk County Sheriff's Department and the FBI and later used as evidence against Trepal. +",4 +6,"""As simple as a background check is, it's not burdensome,",5 +1,"Humphrey set up MPAAT to provide anti-tobacco educational and research programs, using some of the funds tobacco companies are paying to settle the state's claims that Minnesotans suffered harm and unjust costs at the hands of tobacco firms.",0 +7,Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputies have charged a Palmetto couple with peddling phony immigration papers to two Mexican farm workers.,6 +5,"Even if Holder is right that attorneys general should refuse to defend state laws in ""exceedingly rare"" circumstances, those laws ought to be defended by someone. As challenges to California's Proposition 8 wended their way through the courts in 2011, we worried that the refusal of the governor and attorney general to defend it would mean that it wouldn't get its day in court.",4 +5,"But Coughenour agreed with plaintiffs that INS procedures and forms written only in English were inadequate to sufficiently notify people suspected of breaking the law that they had a right to a hearing. Once nonresidents signed away their right to a hearing, they were subject to permanent deportation.",4 +5,"A federal judge has permanently blocked a Florida law barring doctors from asking their patients about gun ownership, ruling the law unconstitutionally violates physicians' freedom of speech.",4 +13, They blasted the Legislature -- rightfully so -- for wasting time on an issue that ordered government to define and accept a religious activity.,12 +6, same-sex marriage bill,5 +9, weapons safer,8 +5,"Florida court rulings back the proposition that aggravating circumstances - elements of a crime that can be used to justify the death penalty - are relevant ""if they are law at the time of sentencing,"" Cupp argued.",4 +4,A Ruling for Equal Rights,3 +14,Judge says Kentucky must honor out-of-state same-sex marriages,13 +1, who are part of a state-funded anti-tobacco program,0 +5," +Justices reject young-adult gun limits appeals +",4 +12,America leans to tolerance,11 +13,Fellow Conservatives: Our Position Is Hypocritical,12 +5,"It's just a $20 piece of paper with no real legal value. +",4 +5,The Denver City Council gave final approval Monday night to a measure requiring construction contractors vying for city work to verify the immigration status of their employees.,4 +9, would require owners of long guns to earn safety certificates like those already required of handgun owners,8 +3,Methodist Mutiny,2 +5,"""Marcus Ray Johnson is factually innocent of the murder of Angela Sizemore, and his impending execution, should it be allowed to proceed, will be 'an atrocious violation of our Constitution and the principles upon which it is based,'"" attorney Brian Kammer wrote in the opening line of an appeal filed on Monday. +",4 +6,TALKS WITH HAVANA COLLAPSE OVER ITS RADIO RIGHTS IN U.S.,5 +9," in the deaths of Baby C and Baby D, whose spines were severed after being born alive during abortions.",8 +1," financial interest, such as a shared mortgage or joint checking account. The requirements are identical for married couples. + +",0 +5,"state attorneys general, plaintiffs' lawyers",4 +7,"Mr. Davis was already a target in a Federal sting operation in which officers were eventually charged with protecting a stash of illegal drugs in a New Orleans warehouse. +",6 +1,"Robert ""Tiger"" Hammond, president of the Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO, said about 75 union electricians lost their jobs after the Bush administration temporarily suspended the Davis-Bacon Act, which guarantees the prevailing local wage for workers hired under federal contracts. +",0 +4,Strict immigration law unfairly targets Hispanics,3 +5,"That revelation comes from John Chambers, a Manhattan lawyer who specializes in New York City gun licenses.",4 +5,"The panel decided to spare Green the death penalty because some jurors believed Larry Demery, who pleaded guilty and testified for the government, may have been the trigger man, not Green, juror Angela Coverdale said.",4 +12," Virginians are ""demanding that candidates for office take a stand on critical policy issues which would help protect the commonwealth from future tragedies.""",11 +5,"Brinkema, overruling the government, noted that on a jury questionnaire he circled ""necessary"" as a description of the death penalty and checked that he neither supports nor opposes it.",4 +1,Tobacco-state senators Friday requested $340 million in federal assistance to ease financial losses among tobacco farmers forced to plant a much smaller crop this spring.,0 +5, Condemned killerreceives reprieve,4 +1," bank and credit card records, rent receipts, phone bills.",0 +5,"The Georgia Court of Appeals said Wednesday that the Atlanta Botanical Garden can ban guns from its property even though the land is leased from a public entity, the city of Atlanta.",4 +4," Martin's supporters say Zimmerman profiled and followed him because Martin was black. +",3 +7," Under the deal, he would spend life in prison without parole and receive 1,000 additional years.",6 +13,"After Orlando massacre, will Congress do anything?",12 +3,No excuse for the death penalty,2 +5,CONGRESS HAS THE RIGHT TO REGULATE,4 +3,MORE BLOOD ON NRA'S HANDS,2 +4,"""The greatest injustice would be the execution of an innocent person,""",3 +11,South drags in adopting smoking bans,10 +9," +One Cuban detainee who said in a telephone interview that he had not eaten in 15 days was placed on intravenous fluids briefly on Monday, and jail officials said they persuaded another inmate who had gone without food for a week to eat Tuesday. Officials are monitoring the health of the other protesters as well.",8 +5,CIGARETTE FOES WIN FLORIDA SUIT,4 +5,"After the jury found Hall guilty as charged Thursday, a prosecutor asked them to recommend the death penalty. Instead, they recommended a life sentence.",4 +9,by Minnesota and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota,8 +5,"The outpouring of words continues, the effect, no doubt, of what happens when you pass a little ruling and suddenly, as Mr. Wechsler, a real estate lawyer, puts it, ""every television show in America"" is after you.",4 +5,Death Penalty Is Upheld In Publicized Georgia Case,4 +13,"UNDER RENDELL'S PRESSURE, GUN INDUSTRY GIVES A BIT",12 +4,He has maintained his innocence ,3 +13,"Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican locked in a tight re-election race, sent an angry letter to President Barack Obama last month, saying he was shocked to learn the federal government had transferred 1,154 of the children to sponsors in Georgia by the end of June.",12 +11,Changing our attitudes toward gun violence,10 +15,FLORIDA NEEDS 'SMOKEOUT' LIKE SYNAR'S,14 +9,"This law doesn't make us feel safer, it makes us safer. If someone is disgruntled at their place of employment, no law will prevent them from illegally carrying a gun to work and (illegally) killing someone. Conversely, legal gun owners may stop the crazy person, because they possess the means of defending themselves. ",8 +7,"""What these cases show is that gun regulation doesn't keep guns away from criminals,"" Sen. Greg Evers said. ""It's time we get more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens so they can protect themselves. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight."" +",6 +11,"Rising Number of Executions Welcomed, Decried",10 +5,"The hearings will involve two challenges to existing laws. Today, the justices will hear arguments on whether California's ban of same-sex marriage, passed by voters in 2008 and known popularly as Proposition 8, violates the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians. A federal appeals court has ruled the law unconstitutional, but voters who supported Proposition 8 are challenging that ruling. +",4 +14,". The two Israeli weapons, created by Israel Military Industries Ltd., are modified versions of weapons designed for and used by the Israeli military and other armed forces. ",13 +12,DEATH PENALTY SUPPORT EBBS,11 +7,Jean is the Dallas man shot to death in his own apartment by a police officer who allegedly mistook his apartment for hers last Thursday.,6 +1,Corporate partners cut cord with NRA as ground shifts in gun debate,0 +10, could bring relief to millions of Americans who struggle to quit smoking each year,9 +5,Bannister denies the prosecution's allegation,4 +5,"Illuminating California's Proposition 8 Trial, Onstage",4 +13,Va. panel kills proposal targeting gun restriction,12 +5,"Lawyers for Timothy J. McVeigh today asked the federal judge who sentenced him to death for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing to grant him a stay of execution, saying that Mr. McVeigh wanted to hold the government responsible for failing to produce thousands of pages of evidence at his trial.",4 +13,TOBACCO INDUSTRY HOSTS 3-DAY PARTY FOR LAWMAKERS,12 +5,"A sticking point on the plea deal was that Kaczynski was insisting on retaining the right to appeal certain pretrial rulings made by Judge Garland Burrell Jr., the Times reported, citing an unnamed Justice Department official.",4 +13,"Barack Obama believes the federal Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. He helped lead the effort to rescind the military's discriminatory ""don't ask, don't tell policy."" He issued an executive order requiring hospitals to give visitation rights to same-sex partners. He has done more for the cause of gay equality than the previous 43 presidents combined.",12 +5,Judge rejects challenge to gun-sales rules,4 +7,"n May 5, 1992, as Judge Samuel J. Hais was about to finalize a divorce between Kenneth and Mary Baumruk, at about 10:15 a.m., Baumruk pulled two pistols from a briefcase. +",6 +13,"""I'm a legislator from Lancaster County. They had a problem and a concern with the tax laws in Pennsylvania. They brought it to my attention,"" he said.",12 +6,Ritter wants immigration enforcement,5 +13,"""There's a lot of truth to the idea that a lot of our values as Latinos, my values, in many things, are Republican,"" Morones told me. ""I'm talking about the old Republican ideology, which has been lost. The family values, religion -- all that, I support.""",12 +5,"The case has gone up, down and around in state and federal courts. The Florida Supreme Court reversed Haliburton's first conviction, but upheld the second. One federal judge recused himself because he knew the lawyer - Nelson Bailey, now a Palm Beach County judge - who represented Haliburton and whose trial strategy was a key issue in the latest appeal.",4 +13,"While it is rare for lawmakers from two different parties to team up for a political ad, McCain has been working with Democrats on several such projects lately, including singing a show tune with House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) as part of a television commercial promoting Washington, D.C., tourism.",12 +9,Soon there will be another fixture at the fairs and rodeos - the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.,8 +13,Obama group plans ad blitz on gun plan,12 +15,Once Again,14 +13,The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence ,12 +13,"President Clinton, when he visits Colorado April 12, should explain why our state has been left short-handed in gun law enforcement.",12 +5, Denver officials plan to challenge that law in court.,4 +13,A leading gun-control lobbyist said yesterday that Mayor Street's proposal ,12 +5,Is it legal for a company to charge higher premiums to workers in the same health plan?,4 +6,"''These and many related policy questions cannot be answered definitively because of large gaps in the existing science base,'' said Mr. Wellford, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Maryland. ''The available data are too weak to support strong conclusions.'' He spoke at a news conference in Washington, where the report was released.",5 +13,"Hours before the vote was taken, President Clinton convened about three dozen members of Congress for a White House pep rally that fired up - and sometimes choked up - members from both parties.",12 +15,Sunday Dialogue: Rethinking Marriage,14 +6,"University Provost Christine Maziar said a push for such a policy began with faculty leaders before the state's recent revision of its gun law, a move that substantially increases the number of people allowed to carry concealed weapons while restricting where carrying concealed weapons can be prohibited.",5 +6,D.C. Handgun Ban,5 +13,"Democrats want to use their leverage in the Senate, where their votes are needed for the must-pass spending bill.",12 +10,Editorial: Another tragic rampage.,9 +7,State Warns Indians on Cigarette Tax,6 +5,THE SECOND AMENDMENT COULD USE 1990S CLARIFICATION,4 +13,Obama ,12 +13," The councilman recognized that obstacle, but believes the tide is shifting nationally on the issue and wanted Atlanta to be on the forefront. Wan said he's unaware of any other Georgia cities that have passed a similar resolution",12 +12," ''This is a mistake - a serious, serious mistake,'' said Sharon Polster, a resident of St. Charles, who led a meeting of the newly created Coalition Against Concealed Guns. The meeting was held at the South City YMCA. ''I'm mad; I'm damned mad,'' said Gil Spieldoch of Creve Coeur, vice president of Missouri Council for the Control of Handguns and one of the organizers of the new group. ''We have got to mobilize that anger,'' said Spieldoch. ''We've got two things going for us. We've got the numbers, and we're right.'' The new group, which includes several victims of gun violence, anti-handgun activists and representatives from social service agencies and the League of Women Voters, said Sunday they plan a bus trip to Jefferson City in the next two weeks to lobby against the concealed-weapons proposal. The group also plans a telephone appeal to legislators to try to get them to vote against the proposal. ",11 +11,reducing the number of teen-agers who smoke,10 +5,"uhammad's alleged accomplice, John Lee Malvo, 17, appeared at a two-hour proceeding yesterday afternoon in U.S. District Court in Baltimore with his attorney and court-appointed guardian, but cases against juveniles are secret in federal court and neither Justice Department officials nor Malvo's attorney would say what went on there. T",4 +5,TEXAS SHERIFF LOSES SUIT OVER BRADY GUN LAW,4 +13,"A registered Democrat, Megan Ryan usually gives female candidates the benefit of any doubts because ""somehow I think they understand things better.""",12 +6,"the Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act, banning smoking in all but a few public establishments. Casinos and cigar bars are exempted. But otherwise the law is fairly sweeping, encompassing groceries, health care facilities, indoor sports arenas, apartment lobbies, taxicabs, bars, restaurants and more. The law takes effect July 1.",5 +1," +Taxing the Packs in Maryland",0 +13,President Clinton has proposed.,12 +7,speed the deportations of most border-crossers ,6 +7, that his office had arrested an undocumented immigrant for starting the deadly California wildfires.,6 +5,The other defendants who remain part of the case include the state's Secretary of Revenue because his office administers tax laws that apply to married and unmarried couples.,4 +12,"Frieda Bernstein, president of Missourians Against Handgun Violence, said: ""This is ridiculous. This is garbage. This is absolutely sick.",11 +6,some of those guns are already banned.,5 +5,"The court concluded that LaCava's previous defense lawyer had been ineffective. It said the lawyer had failed to object to the prosecutor's remarks asserting that LaCava deserved to die because he was a drug dealer and ""a leech on society.""",4 +10,"""Today, we get to say, 'Henry, you and your family are just as important and just as valued as any other couple and any other family in Pennsylvania,' "" she said.",9 +3,California Accused of Smokescreen,2 +11,work to reduce smoking among youths,10 +12,Advocates Gather in Albany to Protest New Gun Limits,11 +5,Suspect pleads not guilty to hairdresser's murder,4 +13,San Bernardino Shooting Divides Party Narratives,12 +7,"A masked man turned an Aurora, Colo., movie theater into a horror show after midnight Friday, killing 12 and injuring 58. The massacre followed more than a decade of mass shootings that have claimed dozens of lives, including the 1999 killings in nearby Columbin",6 +9,according to the American Heart Association.,8 +13,Legislation to Delay Handgun Purchases Advances in House,12 +13,Obama has vowed to make gun control a priority in his second term - which is all but certain to spark a legislative war with Republicans and their allies in the National Rifle Association.,12 +1,"There's nothing odd about the alliance to Scott Ballin, spokesman for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: ``What you want to do is control the production of tobacco as much as possible.'' +",0 +1,UPS reviews cigarette shipments,0 +12,"St. Louis County voters, volunteers supported Prop N for public health",11 +9,IS it the most significant public health achievement in American history,8 +7,Workers face charges over stolen cigarettes,6 +7,"ending deportations for at least 800,000 immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children.",6 +15,SMOKERS PATCHED IN,14 +10,"North Carolina is launching its own interactive hotline system, with trained smoking-cessation counselors staffing phone lines and Web sites and providing support to citizens with an interest in getting unhooked from nicotine. + +Word of the hotline drew cheers at the recent third annual Quit Now NC! conference in Chapel Hill. + +About 200 people gathered at the Friday Center to get updates on stop-smoking research",9 +13,The difference between the Democratic and GOP bills,12 +13,At center stage: immigration; Issue stirs controversy early in session,12 +13,Immigration fueling fight for Sierra Club,12 +13,Florida's Death Machine Loses Again,12 +5,"And on Friday, after a 10-word ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals cleared the way, the weddings began again for the first time since 2008, when voters approved Proposition 8 and blocked the altar for gay and lesbian couples.",4 +12,The Buzz: Short survey shows growing support for control of assault weapons,11 +10,"""We're calling it getting hitched,"" said Pruitt, 44. ""This is our way of stepping out."" +",9 +3,"For Megan's Killer, Prosecutor Says, Justice Is Death",2 +11,NO WOMEN IN ILLINOIS ARE UNDER SENTENCE OF DEATH,10 +12,After an outcry from gun control advocates,11 +13,"The actions involving what is now House Bill 60 were designed to garner additional support and quell criticism of the original HB 875, said House Public Safety Committee Chairman Alan Powell, R-Hartwell. Among changes: +",12 +10,Stop-smoking drug made quitting possible,9 +10,Slain girl's mom won't get her wish Juveniles not subject to death penalty,9 +13,"Though front-running Bob Dole is expected in today's contests to make his nomination all but a formality, analysts say immigration will be amplified as a campaign issue by the renegade candidacy of Pat Buchanan.",12 +5,"Defense and prosecuting attorneys said the verdict was prompted by Mr. Lucas's multiple confessions, including two on video tapes in which one of the defense attorneys, Don Higginbotham, repeatedly interrupted to advise Mr. Lucas not to continue.",4 +13,"Swayed by a last-minute push from business groups, the Virginia Senate on Wednesday turned aside a bill that would have made it illegal for businesses that allow the public into their parking lots to adopt rules prohibiting weapons in locked cars.",12 +6,"Opponents said Crump's amendment would turn fender-benders into murder scenes as hot-tempered motorists end disputes with gunfire. They also said police would be at risk. +",5 +12,"'thank you' for the National Rifle Association's get-out-the-vote efforts last fall.""",11 +15,Same-Sex Civil Marriages Appr ,14 +11,"Thirty-eight percent of the students reported smoking cigarettes in the last year, and 29 percent reported smoking in the last 30 days. About a quarter of the general population smokes cigarettes.",10 +5,"The Bill of Rights says it plainly: ''A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.''",4 +13,Gay-marriage win,12 +6,"GUN SIGNS: EYESORES, WINDFALLS BUSINESSES' ATTITUDES DIVERGE ON CONCEAL-CARRY MANDATE",5 +6,"The ban, announced last week and effective July 2, allows smoking only outside during lunch and breaks.",5 +5,Law-abiding gun owners,4 +4,authorities have described as a hate crime.,3 +13,"McConnell: No government shutdown this week over immigration +",12 +10,Pr. George's man worries for parents,9 +8,repeated his support for instant background checks on gun show sales.,7 +7,"Jenkins pleaded guilty to two counts of welfare fraud in June 1982, but did not disclose that fact on his application. + +A spokesman for the New Jersey State Police confirmed that its official corruption unit had launched an investigation of Jenkins. + +Two law enforcement sources said the inquiry began after a Camden police officer told state police that Thomson was made aware of Jenkins' record when he signed the permits. Thomson told the Camden County prosecutor that it was an administrative error, a spokesman for the prosecutor said.",6 +13,"Gay-marriage ban on ballots Amendments sought in Alaska, Hawaii",12 +13,Evans said that legislators should move beyond boundary lines and party labels to take action on gun control.,12 +5,"(a week prior to the Supreme Court hearings),",4 +6,Need gun laws that reflect current needs,5 +15,Gay Marriage Slow to Draw An Opposition,14 +4,They know that playing on prejudice and fear can rally a certain constituency and provide the winning margin in tight races.,3 +7,EX-OFFICER GUILTY IN GUNS CASE,6 +5," +Two tobacco companies close to settlement",4 +4, Naturalized citizens no longer would have the same rights as native-born citizens.,3 +7,"immigrants being dragged away in the dead of night by border patrol agents. +",6 +13,"The 9-7 vote, which followed an afternoon of emotional testimony from doctors, teachers and preachers, augurs a renewed fight over gun control when the state Legislature goes into session Feb. 8. The bill still faces a half-dozen committee hearings, and votes by the full House and Senate before it would go to the governor to become law.",12 +13,State election officials have lost their fight to block,12 +7,"Price, 30, is charged with first-degree murder in the string of killings in February and March.",6 +1," +Immigrants are having an enormous effect on economic and civic life in the Washington region, ",0 +4,"Green claimed witnesses had lied, and called the judicial process ""about as sacred as the red-light district in New Orleans.""",3 +5,Philadelphia man with Florida gun permit convicted in killing,4 +12,"Everything you need to know about Americans' views on guns -- in 7 easy steps +",11 +8,"How security industry, lawmakers pushed school hardening since Parkland",7 +1, at a cost of more than $110 million each year.,0 +14,Fox sets immigration reform deadline,13 +12,The National Conversation About Gay Marriage,11 +7,POLICE FOCUS ON ADULTS WHO MAY HAVE GIVEN BOY ACCESS TO GUN,6 +7,"""The net effect is that there will be more guns that go to people who previously would have been denied,",6 +13,WISH WE COULD'VE FIRED BACK -- GOPers,12 +1,Apple CEO Tim Cook,0 +12,Public opinion on same-sex marriage is shifting rapidly in the United States -- with supporters of extending marriage rights to same-sex couples often finding themselves in the plurality and sometimes an outright majority in some polls.,11 +5,"r. Moreno had told the judge who set his execution date that he wanted no appeals. +",4 +5,DEATH PENALTY SOUGHT FOR DATE-RAPE DRUG,4 +13,Nation Briefs: Guns banned at Pence's NRA speech,12 +5,Whether Florida bans gay marriage in its state Constitution,4 +7,"Mann was executed by lethal injection at Florida State Prison for the murder of 10-year-old Elisa Vera Nelson, whom he abducted one morning in 1980 as she rode her bicycle to school in Palm Harbor.",6 +13,"Working closely with police and law enforcement groups that joined the the Brady bill cause years ago, the gun-control lobby was able to instantly apply grass-roots pressure in key districts.",12 +13,"Yet Democratic Gov. Gray Davis isn't budging from a declaration during his 1998 campaign that 'I have always unapologetically supported the death penalty.' +",12 +7,"Brian Turmail, spokesman for the federal Transportation Security Administration, said screeners identified a handgun while examining a carry-on bag and referred the owner to local law enforcement. Police of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the agency that runs the airport, took him to a secure area, Turmail said.",6 +5,"The Goodridges and six other couples filed the lawsuit, Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, in 2001 after being denied marriage licenses. The case made its way to the state's highest court, which ruled in November 2003 that the Massachusetts Constitution guaranteed same-sex couples the right to marry. Despite Gov. Mitt Romney's efforts to stop them, the first same-sex marriages took place six months later. +",4 +7,2 truckers are charged in deaths of illegal aliens,6 +1,Gunmaker barrels ahead,0 +5,"In August, a panel of the appeals court refused to set aside Harris' death sentence after his lawyers presented claims of ineffective psychiatric assistance at his trial. +",4 +15,Not spectators anymore,14 +13,U.S. Sen. Rob Portman made waves among GOP conservatives last year by dropping his previous opposition to same-sex marriage after learning one of his sons was gay,12 +7,"includes prosecutors and public defenders from South Florida, including Palm Beach County Public Defender Carey Haughwout.",6 +14,"Our son moved to the United Kingdom last year and was united with our new son-in-law in a civil union. In the UK, a civil union is the equivalent of a marriage with all the same rights, including national rights, which allowed our son to remain in England as a legal immigrant and to be eligible for British health care rights. We were happy that this option was available to them.",13 +13,Virginia's gubernatorial campaign is unfolding as a contest of competing squirms.,12 +6,"In hearings this week on tobacco regulation, Congress is likely to probe the tactics of some cigarette manufacturers, their targeting in ads of youthful and minority populations, and the accuracy or inaccuracy of disclosed nicotine levels and the health effects of such. All of that is proper. But Congress shouldn't forget that the element of personal responsibility for addictive behavior must also be weighed. In a free society, the government can demand openness and disclosure, but it can't protect people from themselves.",5 +13,Political Briefing,12 +7,"Taylor was convicted and sentenced to death in the 1989 kidnapping, rape and murder of Ann Harrison, 15, who was abducted while waiting for the school bus.",6 +5,"For 40,000 immigrants this week, getting to stay in this country legally will come down to the luck of the draw.",4 +5,A straight shooter on gun-owner rights,4 +7,"Salvadoran murder suspect who fled to Northern California sent back to home country +",6 +5,"A court-martial panel of five officers and seven enlisted soldiers will decide the case against Sergeant Kreutzer, who is from Clinton, Md. He faces the death penalty if convicted.",4 +6,to restrict smoking to 25 percent of casino floor space,5 +13,"Seeing Obama shooting a skeet gun to me resembles Michael Dukakis poking his head out of an Abrams tank! +",12 +5,"The court amped up the legal importance of the case by adding a constitutional question: whether Obama's actions violated the ""take care"" clause, which commands the president to ""take care that the laws be faithfully executed.""",4 +13,Sometimes the government,12 +7, illegal immigrants,6 +5,JURY SUPPORTS TOBACCO FIRMS IN SMOKER'S DEATH FROM CANCER,4 +13,"There's no doubt that part of Clinton's motivation for signing DOMA was to prevent the Republican Party from using it as a wedge issue. But whether or not that law went against his actual convictions, it is part of Clinton's legacy to the gay community, along with ""don't ask, don't tell."" Repealing both is the most important task of the gay rights movement today. +",12 +11,Does anybody really know how to change a teenager's behavior?,10 +5,"In the opinion, Schiller said the city's ""instant action seeks to control the gun industry by litigation, an end the city could not accomplish by passing an ordinance. Under Pennsylvania law and by unequivocal Pennsylvania Supreme Court precedent, the power to regulate firearms within the state now lies exclusively with the state legislature.""",4 +11,"Capital crimes are a rare occurrence in Murray, a community of 17,000 in the rolling hills of western Kentucky not far from the Tennessee border. The school has 8,700 students.",10 +7, this spring's high school shootings in Georgia and Colorado.,6 +9,"""Immigration is a fact of life, and it's a major problem for tuberculosis,'' said Graydon Sheperd, chief of the state Health Department's Bureau of Tuberculosis and Refugee Health.",8 +4,"Audio of Katie Couric Interview Shows Editing Slant in Gun Documentary, Site Claims",3 +7,"The new strategy calls for ""focused inspections"" of such dealers, who make up only a fraction of the nation's 80,000 gun shops, in hopes of reducing gun crime",6 +9,putting the safety of Americans in great peril.,8 +1,"The move is a surprising compromise offered by Marlboro maker Philip Morris and UST, which makes the smokeless tobacco, Skoal.",0 +13,Gov. David A. Paterson's decision to direct state agencies to recognize marriages of same-sex couples elevated his status in the eyes of many gays and lesbians to something of a celebrity.,12 +4,Gay rights victory in Vermont,3 +13,Voters would be asked whether Wisconsin should have capital punishment,12 +2,What will this mean for the United States? Doubling our food production if we hope to continue to provide for those in the U.S. and still be expected to supply humanitarian aid as well.,1 +6,"are unfettered authority for the F.D.A. to regulate nicotine as an addictive drug, fundamental changes in the way cigarettes are made and sold in this country and the rapid disclosure of documents that chronicle the legal, scientific and public relations conduct of the nation's tobacco companies in the past 40 years.",5 +4,"""It's inclusive, nondiscriminatory, ",3 +6,"a program requiring most retail businesses selling tobacco products and related paraphernalia to pay a yearly permit fee of $450. + +The idea for a Tobacco Retail Establishment Licensing Program",5 +13,EDGAR: NO CLEMENCY FOR METRO EAST KILLER,12 +8,EVERYMAN OR TRAITOR? JURORS WEIGH MCVEIGH'S FATE,7 +13,"State legislators had threatened to withhold $ 1 million from next year's state police budget unless the agency could prove by June 1 that it had fixed a series of mistakes that enabled 49 convicted criminals and other ineligible buyers to purchase handguns last winter because police took too long to process their applications. +",12 +12,"""Is Wisconsin going to be the last state to wake up and smell the smoke?"" asks Dr. Patrick Remington, director of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. +",11 +12,BEACH SMOKING BANS HAILED,11 +13,Kaine blasts NRA as 'shill for the gun manufacturers',12 +5,DeKalb to pursue death penalty trial,4 +13,FLORIDA SENATE VALUES GUNS OVER KIDS,12 +11," As was pointed out in the article, Jews are on both sides of the gun control issue.",10 +5, and begins to lay out the evidence prosecutors might use to seek the death penalty.,4 +13," +When Arizona voters turned down the 2006 ballot measure, they became first in the nation to do so. Until then, backers of such statewide constitutional bans had a 27-for-27 winning streak.",12 +6," +Although the recommendations maintain the basic framework of the current immigration system -- which puts top priority on family-based immigration -- the proposals will provoke nearly every faction:",5 +11,tobacco-growing states such as Kentucky,10 +2, the government needs to devote greater resources to screening and treatment.,1 +7,FATAL SHOOTING,6 +1, taxpayer money,0 +5,"The Justice Department did not respond to a request for comment. George R. Goltzer, a lawyer for Mr. Basciano, said the letter surprised and pleased him.",4 +1,"said Andrew H. Tisch, chairman and chief executive officer of Lorillard Tobacco Co.",0 +5,"Same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and the District of Columbia, and recent polls show a majority of Americans support it. +",4 +7,GUN VIOLENCE: MOVING TARGET,6 +3,Greed ignores common good,2 +2,Growing backlog costly for taxpayers; Shortage of judges can make immigrants wait years for day in court.,1 +5,"Gun control in California: Concealed-carry rules eased by federal court +",4 +5,"That, unfortunately, has not been the case. And it has been, in large part, because of the injudicious conduct of presiding Commonwealth Court Judge Albert F. Sabo.",4 +7,with the goal of putting them to death within five years of conviction rather than the current 14-year average.,6 +7,VIRGINIA EXECUTES RAPIST-KILLER AFTER 11TH-HOUR APPEAL FAILS,6 +10,"Women who uprooted their livesin Virginia are oored by the news +",9 +13,To appreciate how modest are the various gun control proposals offered by the Clinton administration -- and to understand the clout of the National Rifle Association even in the shadow of kids gunning down kids -- consider Lyndon Johnson's battles to pass gun control legislation in the 1960s.,12 +11," +Network for firearm nuts to air in '16",10 +7,"Special agents captured a dozen people accused of organizing a smuggling operation in which 19 immigrants died after being locked in a tractor-trailer, the government said.",6 +5,"At the crudest level, as Justice Breyer wrote, ",4 +9,GUATEMALAN FAMILY REACHES REFUGE,8 +1,Guns sales drop as political tides turn,0 +9,Insanity Issue Lingers as Texas Execution Is Set,8 +13,"David Devaughn, 28, of Manhattan, said it should have been ""easy"" to pass the background-check bill.",12 +12,Experts disagree on long-term effects of anti-tobacco feeling,11 +15,The Shootout Myth at the Airport,14 +1,the costs,0 +7,Struggling with gun violence;,6 +5,"Baxter intends to remain with the case. To do that, she must get a temporary reassignment from state Chief Justice Deborah T. Poritz, according to Winnie Comfort, spokeswoman for the State Administrative Office of the Courts.",4 +6,An opportunity for gun control,5 +5, now they want a marriage license. But the state-sanctioned wedding they say they dream about,4 +13,The same could happen in current Republican strongholds such as Texas and Georgia if Latinos were to become galvanized as they did here.,12 +6,a proposed tobacco deal,5 +5,"Prosecutors announced Tuesday they will seek the death penalty for a Martin Correctional Institution inmate accused of murdering another inmate in +",4 +5, Prosecutors say,4 +6,"But earlier this week, House members began meeting to consider whether changes should be made to the plan.",5 +5,"Meanwhile in San Francisco, where more than 2,800 gay and lesbian couples have tied the knot since last week, the city said it is suing the state of California to overturn its ban on same-sex marriages.",4 +1,IDEAS & TRENDS; ROOTS OF THE NURSING GAP ARE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL,0 +13,"""I will launch the mother of all filibusters if it gets to the Senate floor,"" says Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. +",12 +5, amendment,4 +5,"In New Jersey, the marriage suit was dismissed this month by a Superior Court judge, though it is expected to make its way to the state Supreme Court. And there, the Massachusetts decision could be influential, said a Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund attorney, David Buckel, who represents the plaintiffs.",4 +10,"This week, Hicks and other relatives of the victims will be given an opportunity to talk about their pain and loss during the penalty phase of the trial.",9 +7,That ''split sentence'' - punishment followed by supervision - is appropriate for a person who behaved with contempt for the law.,6 +6, sweep aside the many laws that regulate guns and gun ownership,5 +5,Top Illinois Court Backs Town's Ban on Pistols,4 +13,"So-called ""dreamers,"" who were brought to the country illegally as children, do not have the right to vote, but their stories have the potential to motivate friends, classmates and co-workers to go to the polls with their fate in mind, the Clinton campaign said. ",12 +3,St. Paul Lutherans vote to oppose November marriage amendment,2 +5,"Gay-marriage bans upheld by appeals panel +",4 +13,"The 20-to-10 vote was largely along party lines and suggests that the measure will clear both House and Senate without strong opposition. Since the bill was introduced last month, the House has rushed it through with unusual speed.",12 +5,"The judge said he could not sentence Doody to die when his co-defendant is guaranteed a life term, because evidence did not conclusively show it was Doody who fired the fatal shots.",4 +3,"Those who know Caciano are outraged that such a hardworking, compassionate person, someone who mentors young adults and teens, and ministers to gang members, could be plucked from their midst.",2 +5,"Carpenter's attorneys wanted all documents related to that investigation, but Mohawk's lawyers countered those communiques fall under attorney-client privilege since the investigation was conducted by an outside counsel.",4 +7,FELONS BEING GRANTED STATE HUNTING LICENSES,6 +5,"The New York State attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, acting just days after the state began allowing gay couples to wed, filed a legal brief on Tuesday challenging the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.",4 +5,Opening statements begin today in Boston Marathon bombing trial,4 +1,Georgia business leaders,0 +11,or to help the nation's 45 million smokers,10 +13,Senate gets weapons bill Ag panel likely to OK concealed guns,12 +13,This claim echoes what the National Rifle Association often says about such tragedies: The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.,12 +11,Inside the World of D.I.Y. Ammunition,10 +7,"On two occasions, the suspects took thousands of dollars from the victims but never delivered the licenses.",6 +5,Ruling may affect marriage cases,4 +5,Court upholds stay for Harris,4 +7,A NATION CHALLENGED; Marshals Transfer Detainee to Chicago,6 +1,Tobacco Talks Recess After Companies Split on Nicotine Rules,0 +5,"will not dispute most of the charges against him, his lawyer said Friday.",4 +3,the clergy understand this tragic situation as we bury the dead and try to console families,2 +9,"It simply observes a truism: Tough to say which is the firefighters' bigger addiction, tobacco or flames",8 +13," +On consecutive nights this week in Hartford and Albany, you could see the once-immovable politics of gun control shifting like tectonic plates.",12 +13, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas addressed the forum.,12 +7,"urder Suspect to Coach Soccer +",6 +15,"Guns: One hit, one miss",14 +1,"RIMARY +",0 +13,"Congress must ratify the deal, which seeks to settle 40 state lawsuits against the industry by setting national tobacco policy. But no one has offered to begin writing the legislation - meaning each provision is still subject to revision.",12 +13,"On Sunday, he also sought to downplay any differences between his positions on gun control and those of the National Rifle Association.",12 +1,"And the cuts are being proposed only a few months after the state raised taxes on cigarettes by 25 cents per pack, in part to help curb smoking among Georgians.",0 +15,NEW JERSEY JOURNAL,14 +5,"As prosecutors and defense lawyers jockeyed in court again Tuesday, the use of DNA evidence emerged as a key element for both sides.",4 +7,"The man arrested on suspicion of being the BTK serial killer has confessed to at least six slayings and might be responsible for as many as 13 -- including one that could carry the death penalty, a source close to the investigation said Sunday.",6 +12,Minnesota Capitol: Rallies planned for both sides of gay marriage issue,11 +5,"Louisiana Asks Court To Revisit Rape Laws +",4 +7,traditionally considered peace officers,6 +6,"The statute also would have compelled customers to buy their handgun ammunition in face-to-face transactions, which they said would not have prevented a tragedy like the Jan. 8 shooting rampage in Arizona that killed six people and wounded 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.",5 +9,"when they told me it was bad for my health.""",8 +12,"Gay marriage proponents scored a pair of victories on the eve of the anniversary of a historic Supreme Court gay rights decision. +",11 +6,"In 1994 Maryland adopted a worker health and safety rule requiring all Maryland workplaces to be smoke free--a rule also opposed by the tobacco companies. A 1995 law exempted restaurants and bars from this requirement, but the legislature specifically said that the act was ""not intended to preempt the authority of a county or municipal corporation to enact any law or ordinance that is more restrictive of smoking."" +",5 +7,"Wells was arrested in June 2005 on a charge she broke her mother's arm in a fight over her inheritance. She served a 60-day jail sentence, but the conviction was overturned on legal grounds.",6 +5,Constitution Kept Hands Off Guns,4 +11,Filmmaker: Prop 8 movie's distribution rights sold,10 +9,"Tragic duo: Guns, kids",8 +14,CUBA LAUDS U.S. RETURN OF BALLPLAYER BUT BLASTS POLICIES IN GENERAL,13 +3,A national United Methodist committee has recommended the church stick with its bans on ordination of gays and same-sex unions.,2 +15,Briefing,14 +11,"""Gun owners are the majority in this state,"" says Joe Venus, president of the Utah Gun Rights Association. ""When a gun issue comes up and it's time to put pressure on your senator or representative, their phones ring.""",10 +12," +Advocates for immigrants, who have won key victories to block Trump's immigration crackdown in court, would like the government not to consider the views of the federation and its allies.",11 +5,APPEALS BEGIN IN GUN-PERMIT DECISION HATCH FIGHTS JUDGE'S VOIDING OF NEW LAW,4 +5,"Of the city's five district attorneys, only William Murphy of Staten Island is pro-capital punishment.",4 +13,"But the conferees were sobered by the realization that no matter what deal is struck in the General Assembly, the new federal Brady law - and its accompanying five-day waiting period - will be a fact of life in Georgia for at least the next 10 months.",12 +1,"But there's a more personal explanation for why she won't be applying for any more grants like the $100,000 Philip Morris once donated",0 +13,The Democrats had grabbed the House floor for what amounted to an impromptu 25-hour filibuster to protest the unwillingness of Republican leadership to call a vote on gun control legislation.,12 +13,"""This is New York, not Kansas,"" said Assemblyman Dick Gottfried. ""I don't know if this is going to pass next year or in a few years, but it's inevitable.""",12 +5,"Seth Cohen, McCarver's lead attorney, said that it wasn't fair to execute a person who would benefit from the pending legislation if it were approved. The legislation isn't retroactive.",4 +8," Mohamed Rashed Daoud Owhali bombed a U.S. government building, killing 213 people. ",7 +8," +Arizona Border Quiets After Gains in Security",7 +5,The Supreme Court rejected all the numerous claims Singleton's lawyers made in arguing that his conviction and sentence should be overturned.,4 +7,Five people plead guilty to hiring illegal immigrants for brothels,6 +13,"Ifever there were a moment for President Obama to learn from history, it is now, in the wake of Friday's shootings at the elementary school at Newtown, Conn. The timely lesson for Obama, drawn from the experience of Lyndon B. Johnson - the last president to aggressively fight for comprehensive gun control - is this: Demand action on comprehensive gun control immediately from this Congress or lose the opportunity during your presidency.",12 +5,Indians set to file own tobacco suit,4 +10, one of whom said he had three cousins who drowned in a pond when he was 10 years old and that his father - like Smith's - committed suicide.,9 +5,"The Second Amendment is outdated, since it is predicated on the need for a ""well regulated militia.""",4 +7,What are we doing to stop gun violence?,6 +4,Getting the whole story on immigrants,3 +5,Florida announced early today that it has reached a settlement with the tobacco industry in its multibillion-dollar lawsuit filed to recover Medicaid money spent on sick smokers.,4 +5,"And now she finds herself in the midst of a high-priced, high-stakes legal odyssey that has turned her into a crusader for the Second Amendment's right to bear arms, even if that right is just to keep a BB gun at your hip to protect your property.",4 +5,"Earlier court decisions had found that the state's longstanding ban on same-sex marriages amounted to unjustifiable sex discrimination under the state Constitution. But the new decision held that the 1998 amendment, which was passed by the State Legislature and ratified by voters, ""validated"" Hawaii's discriminatory marriage license rules by ""taking the statute out of the ambit of the equal protection clause of the Hawaii Constitution.""",4 +6,Say Goodbye to the Assault Weapons Ban,5 +5," It was the same argument they had unsuccessfully presented to Judge Walker, and two of the appellate-level judges -- nominated to the court by Democratic presidents -- also seemed unimpressed on Monday.",4 +13,"Thursday, the Connecticut Senate voted 19-18 in favor of a bill that would ban the sale of all assault weapons except the Colt Sporter, which is manufactured in the state. Action by the Senate virtually guaranteed that an assault-weapons ban will be enacted into law in Connecticut. +",12 +13,"President Barack Obama called Georgia's Arizona-style immigration enforcement bill ""a mistake,"" possibly setting the stage for a showdown between Georgia and the federal government.",12 +10, from a troubled and unstable childhood,9 +13,"WHERE do you think this gun legislation is headed? Do you think Congress will vote to expand background checks? Why? +",12 +11,"Steven Goldstein, chairman of Garden State Equality, which advocates same-sex marriage",10 +11, America's runaway crime epidemic,10 +7,ICE gang crackdown nets 17 arrests of foreign nationals in Santa Clara County,6 +7,"His girlfriend, Carmen Nunez Gonzalez, now denies the assault ever happened.",6 +4,"DESPITE NEW ADVERB, TRUMP'S CLAIM ABOUT CLINTON WANTING TO 'ABOLISH' 2ND AMENDMENT IS STILL FALSE",3 +13,Gay marriage bill suffers a decisive defeat in N.Y. State Senate,12 +5,and unconstitutional.,4 +13,"Trump vents frustration over Russia probe, rails against FBI",12 +1,"Immigrants dominate dozens of jobs, especially arduous, low-paying ones: poultry plant workers, meatpackers, gardeners, hotel maids, seamstresses, restaurant workers, building demolition workers and fruit and vegetable pickers.",0 +13,"When White's nomination was defeated along a party-line vote, Democrats saw an opportunity to play the race card. President Clinton dealt the first one from the bottom of the deck at a Rose Garden ceremony the day after the Senate vote. ""The Republican-controlled Senate is adding credence to the perceptions that they treat minority and women judicial nominees unfairly and unequally,"" he said.",12 +5," As the federal trial of Oklahoma City bombing defendant Terry Nichols drew to a close Monday in Denver, an Oklahoma prosecutor said his office is gearing up to try Nichols on state murder charges.",4 +13,RENO OPPOSES CALIF. INITIATIVE,12 +13,"The March 1 editorial ""Lethal Gunfire in Grade One"" correctly criticized Congress for inaction on reasonable gun control.",12 +15,Other reasons,14 +13,"Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno and his GOP pals seized on Spitzer's intention to issue licenses to illegal immigrants with the intensity of desperate politicians, exactly what they are. They hold a slim four-seat majority and know Spitzer will be gunning for a Democratic takeover next year.",12 +7,"Milwaukee police chief calls Wisconsin's concealed-carry bill 'reckless,' asks Walker to reshape it",6 +6,A bill in the Legislature would eliminate lethal gas as an execution option in North Carolina,5 +1," But Jerry Smith, owner of A&J's Tasty Barbecue, said he is worried about the impact on business. ""I'm not going to let people who smoke just stand there and hold their trays until there's a free seat in the smoking section,"" he said.",0 +7," +Virginia Tech: The Killer, the Guns, the Anguish",6 +7,Gun license expediter gets 1 year,6 +1,TOBACCO RESTRICTIONS WORRY RETAILERS BUT ANTI-SMOKING ADVOCATES SAY PROPOSALS WOULD BE EFFECTIVE,0 +6,"Missouri becomes the 45th state to allow concealed guns, although nine sharply restrict permits, according to the National Rifle Association.",5 +5,Immigration decision may continue strife,4 +5,FLORIDA TESTS NEW LAW IN TOBACCO LAWSUIT,4 +13,PREZ' NEW ADS ARE AIMING TO DEFEND WEAPONS BAN,12 +5,"The Missouri Supreme Court stayed Williams' execution in January 2015, ordering a new round of DNA testing. The court appointed Boone County Circuit Judge Gary Oxenhandler as a special master to examine those DNA findings.",4 +6,a unanimous resolution requiring a permit to host theatrical productions,5 +7,Force is with them Coney NYPD post targets rise in muggings,6 +9,Scientists have identified another gene that might affect how vulnerable a person is,8 +5,"In a ruling on Friday, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor temporarily lifted a lower court order preventing the deportations, saying the immigration rights groups that had won the lower court order appeared to lack legal standing.",4 +1, because of a lack of money.,0 +5,CABBIE SAYS COURT CASE IS LIFE OR DEATH JUDGE MAY ORDER HIM BACK TO AFGHANISTAN,4 +15,Gay civil unions near OK in N.H.,14 +5,The suits resulted from a two-month effort in April and May in which private investigators posed as buyers at 40 stores that had sold guns linked with more than 800 crimes in New York City between 1994 and 2001.,4 +5,"""He would not have had time to find the evidence that led to his release,"" said Melendez's attorney, Marty McClain, who pursued his appeal.",4 +7,"The report also found that few of those who owned guns used in a crime bought them directly from federally licensed gun dealers, with nearly 97 percent of the guns changing hands at least once before being recovered.",6 +3,"committed relationships, ",2 +9,", paralyzing him.)",8 +8,"By requiring a seven-day waiting period for anyone wanting to buy a handgun, the Brady bill creates a period during which customers' backgrounds can be checked to see if they have criminal records. But it does not require a check, and does nothing to guarantee that a check will be made and that the records checked will be accurate and complete.",7 +9, a Philadelphia man with a low IQ is not legally mentally retarded,8 +7,Police will ask arrested people their legal status,6 +13,GIULIANI SHAMELESSLY KISSES UP TO GUN LOBBY,12 +13,"Clinton contrasted her gun control stance with that of Sanders, who she criticized for voting to give immunity to gun makers and against the Brady bill.",12 +9,"""we can only save one life.""",8 +12,Group rallies for same-sex marriage,11 +1,to dine and drink in Montgomery County establishments,0 +5,They indicated they would propose a state constitutional amendment to do so in Wisconsin.,4 +12," Although the march was conducted in sweltering midday heat, it wasn't the weather that had these activists steamed.",11 +5,"The appeals court is reviewing a federal judge's 2010 ruling striking down Proposition 8, which voters approved four years ago to restore the state's gay marriage ban.",4 +13,At the president's direction,12 +6, proposed extending the reach of federal gun control laws to new categories of individuals and transactions.,5 +6," +""This is one of the primary reasons that our immigration laws, like our tax code, are so complicated,"" said Rosemary Jenks of Numbers USA, which opposes increased immigration. ""Congress treats it like a Christmas tree.""",5 +5,"This week, Philmore plans to take the witness stand for yet another reason - to finger his accomplice in the crimes.",4 +13,"The clouds already are gathering in the largely rural, conservative district. +",12 +10,"But Dunville's former fiancée, with whom he has a child, tipped off officials.",9 +5,"JUDGE REJECTS SUIT OVER SAME-SEX BENEFITS THE COURT UPHELD THE 1998 ORDINANCES THAT GRANTED HEALTH AND PENSION BENEFITS TO PARTNERS OF CITY EMPLOYEES. +",4 +5,"The nationwide legal battle over same-sex marriage escalates Thursday when a federal appeals court reviews the first in a string of unanimous judicial rulings that state bans on gay marriage cannot stand in the wake of last summer's Supreme Court action. +",4 +5,"A Guide to The Times's Supreme Court Coverage +",4 +9,Nicotine-Free Antismoking Pill Is Approved,8 +10,'I have no grudges or anything against nobody. ,9 +1,"Philip Morris, the nation's largest cigarette maker",0 +13,"PANEL OKS BILL PROHIBITING STRICT, LOCAL GUN ORDINANCES",12 +5,"The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court in Alexandria, claims that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents violated the constitutional rights of two men who are accused of being in the country illegally, but have been otherwise law-abiding, by detaining them without reasonable suspicion. +",4 +6,Reform changes little for many,5 +4, Floyd would get a fair trial.,3 +1,"The applicant stated he wanted to become a federally-licensed ""dealer in rifles, shotguns and pistols."" He listed a house as his business location. He stated it would be open by appointment to the public seven days a week",0 +11,America's Gun Stockpile,10 +12,"About 200, representing nearly every faith, have formed D.C. Clergy United for Marriage Equality. On Thursday night, more than 100 of them gathered at Asbury United Methodist Church in Northwest Washington to support a bill that D.C. Council member David A. Catania (I-At Large) i",11 +12,Gay marriage foes weigh their next move,11 +8,"Marathon bombings, manhunt don't add to post-Newtown gun-buying surge",7 +12,300 gather to protest death penalty,11 +15,"Welcome To the Fray, Mr. Mayor",14 +6,DECISION MAY SPEED UP EXECUTIONS OF MURDERERS SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS PART OF LAW TO LIMIT DEATH-ROW APPEALS,5 +7, law enforcement,6 +5,"To appeal the case under current Illinois law, Philip Morris has to post the $10.1 billion plus fees and interest -- $12 billion total. The company has warned that if it is forced to put up that money, it may not be able to pay the $2.6 billion it owes to states this month as part of the 1998 national settlement.",4 +11," In Robert Greene's '48 Laws of Power,' published in 1998, the author recommends 'crush your enemies completely,' 'protect your reputation at all costs,' and 'constantly re-invent yourself to keep your enemies off-balance.'",10 +7,sentences the man to life in prison without parole,6 +5,Peninsula killer's case testing new legal ground,4 +6,S. 2 is a $ 120 billion elementary and secondary education act authorized 35 years ago. It's the largest federal education grant program for disadvantaged students and schools.,5 +7,in an effort to convince the panel Arias should face the ultimate punishment.,6 +9,Capital Punishment And Medical Ethics,8 +6,"The Daily News reported last week that Gianaris planned a comprehensive package to cap the number of firearms a person can buy to one a month, enact a 10-day waiting period, improve record keeping on the sale of guns, and close background check loopholes.",5 +15,Tying the Half Knot,14 +2,"Pakistani Exodus To Canada Brings Waits, Crowding",1 +11,"No, mass shootings are not 'the price of freedom'",10 +1,"Brooks's company is Saf T Lok Inc., a tiny South Florida firm that has discovered a magical nexus between tragedy, politics and business.",0 +3,"At the Vatican this past week, ""gradualism"" was the term emphasized by the bishops and cardinals from around the world meeting to discuss issues of sexuality and family that have divided the church. +",2 +8,Why 'Good Guys' With Guns Won't Keep Us Safe,7 +9,'End Family Fire' Campaign Hopes to Combat Accidental Child Gun Deaths,8 +1,"To help participants think long-term, ""most of the money was held back,"" Volpp says. + +The researchers awarded $100 to GE workers who complete a smoking-cessation program, a further $250 to those who stayed quit for six months, and $400 more to those who succeeded for at least nine months.",0 +5,"Meanwhile, state officials stood beside lawyers for the tobacco industry - the two were opponents just months ago - to ask that a judge approve the settlement and stop the groups from intervening or risk sinking the multibillion-dollar deal.",4 +5,"In a unanimous, 114-page opinion written by Justice Ming Chin, the Supreme Court rejected a host of procedural challenges raised by Carpenter's defense lawyers in his automatic death-penalty appeal.",4 +5,hose who did not qualify as political refugees were headed back,4 +13,"Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said later Saturday that his panel will hold hearings on the Senate legislation on Thursday, but that no House vote is likely until after the Memorial Day recess.",12 +15,Campbell foes question proposal on gays,14 +8,"""We conduct thousands of these operations across the country in conjunction with other federal, state and local agencies,"" Allen told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Wednesday",7 +8,"Citizens must undergo a background check before receiving a permit, and the Department of State has had to revoke less than half a percent because of the guns being used in crimes.",7 +5,"To some, the circumstances raise questions about where the right of Missouri citizens to legally keep and bear arms ends and the corporate right to limit liability begins. +",4 +11,"Gay marriage is legal, but wedding industry stuck in old traditions",10 +5,GUN PERMIT ISSUES MERIT INVESTIGATION,4 +13,"GOP plan: No shutdown, but a nod to conservatives",12 +1,labor unions and health insurers,0 +5,"For the past four years, a team of about 60 law firms from across the country has rented a suite of offices in downtown New Orleans and made it headquarters for the unprecedented legal assault against the tobacco industry.",4 +3," ""Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus,""",2 +6,"Unload, holster foolish gun bill",5 +9,Tobacco is indisputably among the most addictive drugs -- in the same league as heroin. Nor is there disagreement that cigarette manufacturers use additives in their products. ,8 +1,NEW TAX MAY HELP SNUFF OUT HABIT,0 +1,The cost of photo permits would be comparable to the $ 5 fee,0 +13,"Obama vows to act fast on guns After massacre, he says he'll propose bills next month to tighten laws.",12 +13,The vote was the latest in a string of Minnesota cities adopting domestic partnership registries leading up to a statewide vote on the marriage amendment in November 2012.,12 +11,"""AK-47"" ""Semi-automatic."" ""Extended magazine."" Where have we heard those phrases before?",10 +7,"Penry, 45, was convicted in 1979 of the vicious rape and murder of a 22-year-old Livingston, Texas, woman, and no one questions his guilt",6 +1,tobacco companies' challenge to limits on cigarette and cigar advertising at retail stores in Massachusetts.,0 +9,Disgraceful gun bill endangers veterans,8 +13,Fired-up Fla. governor takes on tobacco giants,12 +13,Understanding the values vote,12 +13,SPITZER IS JUST BEYOND BELIEF,12 +13,Obama to Expand Gun Sale Checks,12 +5,DECISION ON GAY MARRIAGE DUE TODAY,4 +13,HOUSE PANEL OKS ASSAULT - RIFLE BAN,12 +13,The Senate approved the compromise legislation by 36 to 13,12 +5,Study Questions Guest Visa Issue,4 +6,Competing Md. Measures Would Focus on Gay Rights,5 +11,Who really rules the Gunshine State,10 +5,MORGY WON'T SEEK DEATH IN LEVIN SLAY,4 +10,No guns on campus,9 +7,"The Police Department has launched a major investigation into bootleg cigarette dealing, a lucrative, cutthroat trade blamed for three recent murders, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said yesterday.",6 +13,"In Tuesday's elections, Latino voters, whom President Bush had aggressively courted with some success in previous years, surged back to the Democratic column. The Republican share of the Latino vote plunged from 44% in 2004 to 29% this year, exit polls showed.",12 +6,"took steps Wednesday to draw the curtain on a practice that many see as a loophole in the statewide smoking ban. + +The ban, which took effect Oct. 1, 2007, contains an exception for theatrical productions intended to allow actors to smoke as part of a role. But the law does not define a theatrical productio",5 +13,DFL balks at putting gay marriage on front burner,12 +7,"""It's a matter of pulling people off patrol duties or criminal investigation duties to conduct background checks."" +",6 +5,A British native won a stay of execution,4 +9,"Indeed, some districts in other states do not include information on cigarettes in health classes. More than a dozen local districts do, according to an informal survey by the Post-Dispatch. +",8 +1,Burning Money,0 +3,Connecticut Episcopal Bishop Will Bless Gay Unions,2 +13,". If Congress doesn't have the guts to stand up to the gun lobby, there's something fundamentally wrong with our government,'' Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn told his colleagues Monday.",12 +3,"Roughly 80 percent of the representatives on the church's 884-member General Synod voted to approve the resolution Monday, a day after a smaller committee recommended it.",2 +13,TAMPA APPROVES DOMESTIC REGISTRY,12 +9," ""Rather, he suffered instantaneous and painless death.""",8 +9,STUDIES FIND SMOKING DOUBLES CATARACT RISK,8 +1,The report estimated that the cost of treating such illness in today's young smokers at $200 billion in 1993 dollars.,0 +5,took his case Thursday to a special 11-judge federal appeals panel,4 +13,"In the emotionally charged gay-marriage debate, Cheney, 34, has emerged as a target because she is heading her father's reelection campaign and because of her outspoken support of gays when she worked at the Coors Brewing Co. and the Republican Unity Coalition.",12 +7,"So, a month after a deranged gunman killed 32 people at Virginia Tech, a Virginia group is coddling scofflaw gun dealers in the same state.",6 +15,Bestiality parallel in gay debate stoops to swinish level,14 +5,"Advocates for domestic partner benefits argue the law is not so cut and dried. +",4 +13,ZIGLAR IS LEADING CANDIDATE FOR INS POST,12 +2,"""What we are trying to do here is have enough bed space so every sheriff knows if they arrest an illegal immigrant on some of these charges, there is space for them until someone can pick them up,",1 +15,LeBow hot topic at RJR meeting,14 +9,reducing smoking and harm,8 +13," +I'm baffled by pretty much every aspect of the campaign against marriage-equality. + +",12 +7,CHUCK FIRES AT GUN RUNNERS,6 +5,"Since March, Morgan has been in the Martin County Jail waiting for his fourth trial. Prosecutors and defense attorneys had agreed to postpone the trial until after the Supreme Court's decision.",4 +8," My grandfather had bought the gun for protection, since he owned a dry cleaning business.",7 +5,Tokars' appeal is rejected by justices,4 +1,Metro considers new rate,0 +13,"Romney, a Republican who opposes gay marriage",12 +5,Justices to Review Limits On Death Row Appeals,4 +7,"The prosecutors say that Mr. Page, 24, was one of two armed robbers who shot Marvin McIntosh while stealing his jewelry on a street in the East New York section of Brooklyn in May 1996. Mr. Page, they say, was the main assailant because his bullets were the ones that killed the 28-year-old victim.",6 +7,"Yet Zeitvogel's execution, set for early Wednesday at the Potosi Correctional Center, will be a landmark for Missouri.",6 +12,Texan gun rights advocates are planning to build a gun at the state capitol,11 +8,The bottom line is that President Obama and Hillary Clinton want to bring unvetted Muslims to the country while doing their best to disarm the U.S.,7 +7,"Jamal and his brother Robert Allen, 20, who was an accomplice in the carjack slaying, were convicted Tuesday by the jury of first- and second- degree murder, respectively. +",6 +13,"In an emotional video for Mayor Bloomberg's group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, seven of the massacre's survivors pushed for better background checks.",12 +13,Everybody gets burned in tobacco-lobbyist satire,12 +1,FOREIGNERS INCREASINGLY FILL AREA'S SEASONAL JOBS,0 +5,Georgia Prisoner Is Granted Stay of Tuesday Execution,4 +13,"The 5-4 vote to send the measure to the Senate Appropriations Committee, which will hear the bill Thursday, came after nearly three hours of testimony. Twice as many witnesses opposed the bill than supported it, including the Colorado Association of Police Chiefs, parents and Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter.",12 +8," Securing our border will not be determined by the size of ""the wall,""",7 +3,Episcopal bishops OK liturgy for gay unions,2 +12,Married couples join pride marches,11 +13,"This year the Republican-led House did not take up a bill passed in 2013 by the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats. And President Obama twice delayed executive action he had promised on deportations.",12 +4,"The dreamers you read about have typically been carefully selected for their appeal. They're valedictorians. They're first responders. They're curing diseases. They root for the Yankees. They want to serve in the Army. If dreamers are the poster children for the much larger undocumented population, these are the poster children for the poster children.",3 +3,"and individual churches or denominations could decide to bless the committed, loving union of same-sex couples. Or not.",2 +10," ""irreparable injury"" to some immigrants if they were forced to return to their home countries.",9 +7, that another man admitted to the murder of 55-year-old Rama Sharma.,6 +7,"Bill McClellan: Convicted killer still waiting for an execution day that is on hold +",6 +1,Organizer postpones big Pa. gun show;,0 +9,requiring that reduced-risk tobacco products back up their claims with science.,8 +12,Smoking-Hot Debate on Butts Tossed From Cars,11 +15,Another step for gay marriage,14 +8,"NATION'S SECURITY NEEDS, VALUES DEMAND IMMIGRATION REFORM",7 +7," +The Feb. 26 shooting death of unarmed Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Sanford",6 +5,"Last year, the General Assembly took the appointment of defense lawyers for the poor out of the hands of judges. A 13-member Indigent Defense Services Commission was created to select death penalty lawyers and craft new standards for experience and training.",4 +5,The State Supreme Court affirmed the death penalty of a convicted killer from Bergen County today but vacated the death sentence of a Warren County man.,4 +5,Calif. prepares to issue [#xfb02]ood of migrant driver's licenses,4 +13,Several members took the opportunity to raise the objections they hadn't made when the bill was up for preliminary approval the day before.,12 +13,"As a presidential candidate, Obama said he personally opposed same-sex marriage. He maintained that position even as his administration successfully advocated for an end to ",12 +12,IT'S HIGH NOON IN WASHINGTON STATE: GROUPS FACE OFF OVER GUN RIGHTS,11 +5,"The landmark case conferred all relevant federal legal rights and benefits to same-sex marriage even in states where it is not yet legal,"" Mark said. As treasurer of Equality Florida, he is involved in six freedom-to-marry lawsuits that the LGBT rights group helped to file. +",4 +1,THE Culbro Corporation has long been a quiet company.,0 +5,Inmate asks Martinez to commute sentence,4 +13,"It is a sign of the gun lobby's growing confidence that if feels free to keep up the pressure, public and private, after the near-disaster in New York. Normally, the lobby goes quiet for a decent interval after a particularly heinous crime occurs.",12 +13,New law bears on Coleman penalty Lawmakers who back death sentence accept - reluctantly - Quinn's vow to commute,12 +13," has been defeated in a State Senate committee. + +The vote, on Wednesday, signaled an end to efforts to pass gun control legislation in this session of the General Assembly",12 +3,Be thankful for any punishment,2 +6,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON MISSOURI'S CONCEALED WEAPON LAW,5 +11,3D-printed gun fight heats up as clock ticks down,10 +6,DEATH PENALTY DOUBTS GROW,5 +11,"The image, replacing profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and elsewhere, is a makeover of the advocacy group's logo, usually a blue background with bright yellow lines. The HRC made it available in red - for the color of love - on Monday and estimated tens of millions of shares by Wednesday.",10 +5,"The issue of gay marriage involves individual freedoms and can only be judged by the Constitution, which was written to ensure that all are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.",4 +9,"For Some, A Matter Of Life And Death",8 +9,Curbing the gun carnage starts with the Brady bill,8 +3,will extend mercy to Rodden.,2 +7, Dunkle also is serving a separate life sentence for the Sacramento slaying.,6 +10,"Brown declined to be interviewed following his release, saying through his attorney he was too overwhelmed. He hugged his sister outside the prison before asking to go for a cheeseburger and milkshake.",9 +13,"A White House spokesman said President Bush, who endorsed the amendment in principle last month, concurs with the new wording.",12 +10,"Smith's widow, Chandra Smith, wept as the verdict was read. So did Brown's mother, Felicia Brown.",9 +15,Spare Times,14 +5,"The seven women and five men on the jury deliberated the sentence about 12 hours over three days. Two jurors cried as a clerk read the jury's decision. +",4 +1,Regulars worry gun shows under fire,0 +5,"The decision came in lawsuits brought by four gay and lesbian couples seeking to force the state to recognize their out-of-state marriages. +",4 +7,Concealed Carry As a Deadly Placebo for Mass Shootings,6 +5,COMMENTS BY JUSTICE O'CONNOR ARE HAILED BY OPPONENTS OF DEATH PENALTY,4 +13,DEMOCRATS' OPENING SALVO TARGETS GUNS,12 +3,Restraint is urged by Methodists in conflict with Emory,2 +12,Author's Views on Gay Marriage Fuel Call for Boycott,11 +11,Somali crisis not far for Clarkston,10 +10,"''He (Blank) totally ruined my life and many other people's lives,'' said Liesel Appel of Jupiter, who recalled losing more than $ 150,000 in a failing Palm Beach restaurant.",9 +5,Appeals court rejects bid to block posting of Proposition 8 trial on YouTube,4 +11,Teens swapping cigarettes for flavored mini cigars,10 +14,A global treaty aimed at dissuading children from smoking and helping adults kick the habit came into force yesterday with the United Nations saying it could save millions of lives,13 +7,"Immigration authorities have dropped deportation proceedings against 23 Indian computer programmers arrested last month during a raid at Randolph Air Force Base. Instead, authorities will investigate the U.S. companies that hired them.",6 +7,"After Wilson destroyed the windows, a four-hour standoff ensued. A SWAT team stood ready to storm the visiting room, but he finally gave in, as prison officials handcuffed him.",6 +5, But one well-known figure in Georgia's legal community says she has avoided taking a stance on the issue for personal and professional reasons.,4 +13,"This contemplation was occasioned by Jan Brewer's veto of Arizona's religious-liberty bill last week, which followed a massive and massively misleading media campaign against the legislation",12 +13,"Fiery Trump, sober Clinton at odds over Orlando attack",12 +9,RISE SEEN IN BABY-BOOMER CANCER RATES AN INCREASE IN CANCERS UNRELATED TO SMOKING RAISED QUESTIONS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS,8 +11,"Contrary to conventional wisdom, Mr. Anderson said, the typical construction worker in the city is not an older, white suburbanite who commutes, but a younger city resident who is almost as likely to have been born abroad as in America.",10 +12,IT'S ALL-OUT WAR AS GAYS PRESS STATE TO OK NUPS,11 +9,"''The biggest impediment is privacy relating to mental health records,''",8 +13,"PRIMARY +",12 +13,Marin said he would ask the House today to reconsider its vote.,12 +5,"The 10-woman, two-man jury had convicted Ottis Saturday after a six- hour deliberation. +",4 +5,"Without comment, the court said it would not review a decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court that the denial of service violated the state's public accommodations law, which bans discrimination by those offering their services to the public.",4 +13,Political friends and foes alike jumped on U.S. Senate candidate George Allen (R) today for abandoning his opposition to a federal assault weapons ban in the heat of the campaign.,12 +7,A 23-year-old Newark man accused of shooting a San Leandro police officer was charged with his murder Thursday and could face the death penalty.,6 +3,saying they misled him about the dangers of smoking.,2 +9," +IN AREA WHERE 5 DIED, GUNS AREN'T THE ISSUE / THE SCHOOL-YARD AMBUSH HASN'T SHAKEN THE BELIEF IN THE RIGHT TO OWN FIREARMS.",8 +13,"In remarks at a campaign fundraiser at the home of actor George Clooney on Thursday night, Obama described his shift in position -- he previously supported civil unions but opposed gay marriage -- as a ""logical extension of what America is supposed to be.""",12 +7,"Consuelo Solano, 69, of Arlington County and Juan Faustino Solano, 57, of Kensington face prison sentences of 20 years each. Juan Solano, Consuelo's brother, also pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to commit alien harboring and faces an additional 10 years.",6 +7,Tackling Gun Violence,6 +5,Court Rules for Immigrant on Deportation in Drug Case,4 +12,Protesters Demand Immigration Amnesty,11 +15,Immigration Compromise,14 +6,to ban same-sex marriage,5 +5, ''It is becoming increasingly clear to judges that if they rule against same-sex marriage,4 +5,"County Commission again dodges gun control, saying it's a state issue",4 +13,CLINTON SEEKS WAY TO RETAIN GUN BAN IN SCHOOL ZONES,12 +5,Trooper's death shows unconstitutionality of Missouri marriage law,4 +12,"Opposition to gay marriage hits a low +",11 +7,"Three people were killed in a violent weekend, increasing this year's death toll to a record 49 murders and prompting calls today for tougher gun-control laws.",6 +7,The information enabled police to obtain warrants against two suspects in the robbery Friday of a dry-cleaning business on New Hampshire Avenue.,6 +1,Funds Given for Refugee Aid,0 +13,Rubio-blessed immigration proposal gains momentum,12 +13,Clinton praises Brady,12 +5," a police permit to obtain,",4 +3,He wrote that Johnson had essentially summoned the devil through her own ''discontent'' and the devil had done various chores for her,2 +6,"The state has come under criticism for its death penalty system, including what critics regard as inadequate representation for many indigent defendants.",5 +1,Congress is trying to streamline the way the United States brings in the foreign workers it needs to supplement its work force.,0 +5,Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage looks unlikely in Illinois,4 +5," most notably in a 1996 ruling that struck down Rhode Island's ban on liquor price ads. The law aimed to promote sobriety, but the ju stices said it violated free-speech rights.",4 +11,"This time, it's the gun control world, and words were the weapons, not colonial muskets. ",10 +5,Rhode Island Order on Gay Unions,4 +13,"This week, the State Senate voted to repeal the law that Romney liked so much. We would tell you about the dramatic debate, except that it happened on a voice vote with no objections. The bill now goes to the House, which is also expected to pass it.",12 +13,"Its leaders hope to carry that clout into the November elections. +",12 +6,Sponsor concedes gun bill needs fix Concealed arms in schools at issue,5 +7,"Bassette, 47, is scheduled to die in the state's electric chair at 11 tonight for the 1979 robbery and murder of 16-year-old Henrico County gas station attendant Albert Burwell.",6 +6,"Before approving the measure today, the Senate Judiciary Committee rejected a series of amendments that would have made the bill more palatable to Hispanic Americans and civil liberties advocates.",5 +9,will protect the health,8 +3,N.Y. Catholic bishop: Shun lawmakers over same-sex marriage vote,2 +13,"And though off-message, she was quick to add: ""I'm very, very proud of my father's politics."" +",12 +5, despite ­eleventh-hour efforts by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and others to help her stay in the United States.,4 +5,"Prosecutor Robert F. Horan Jr. said he is concerned that the jury is unnecessarily confusing the malice issue with the insanity issue, but defense lawyers contended the two are related.",4 +12,Protesters urge an endto 'Stand Your Ground',11 +14,Gun laws make U.S. a 'laughingstock',13 +5," who feel the right has been violated sue in the more expeditious state courts rather than spend years going through federal courts, he said. + +",4 +9,"Fewer Teens Smoking, Survey Finds",8 +6,"The bill would require contractors that sell advertising space on city property to run one anti-smoking ad for every four that promote cigarettes. It instructs the contractors to bear the costs. But these costs would probably be passed along either to all advertisers or, more likely, to the tobacco companies that buy the advertising space.",5 +5,"Judge Robert J. Shelby overturned Utah's ban on same-sex marriage Friday, ruling that the voter-approved measure is a violation of gay couples' constitutional rights. The state then asked him to put a stop to the weddings, but he rejected the request. +",4 +9,"Medicare expands coverage to help smokers quit +",8 +7,Barnes asked the General Assembly to increase penalties for adults furnishing firearms to minors and for carrying guns to schools. ,6 +1,U.S. PAYS DEARLY IF FOREIGN-WORKER CUTBACKS SUCCEED,0 +13,"The Senate passed the bill, but it was never passed by the House. The bill remains in a House committee. +",12 +13,No details from White House on gun control,12 +12," +About 150 gun-rights advocates converged outside the Bucks County courthouse in Doylestown Saturday in support of the Second Amendment and to protest firearm restrictions.",11 +5,"In issuing the ruling, Judge Anita B. Brody described the eyewitness identifications of Dennis as ""shaky.""",4 +5,In-state tuition denial appealed,4 +7,"Mr. Wiechert, from Arkansas, is the dean of electric chair repairmen, and he has proclaimed that ""Old Sparky"" is in fine shape now, just like new. That's what repairmen always tell me when they finish working on a busted appliance. The thing does work great, too, until the day after the warranty runs out. +",6 +6,"entucky's Egregious Death Penalty +",5 +7,"Agency leadership reasoned that, since the United States planned to deport the inmates in these facilities,",6 +11,"Scruton and Blond elaborate their position further in a ""Green Paper"" for the think tank ResPublica.",10 +6,LARGO TO CURB SMOKE BREAKS,5 +7,A 24-year-old Maryland felon was spared death by lethal injection Friday and will spend the rest of his life in prison for the 1999 rape and killing of a Denver woman.,6 +13,Pataki said,12 +1,Philip Morris to pull some smoking ads,0 +7,"This decision was taken in part to preserve the death sentences of two career criminals who, during a 2007 home invasion, raped and murdered a mother and her two daughters and then set their home on fire to destroy evidence. +",6 +13,ILLINOIS SENATE SHOOTS DOWN GUN CONTROL,12 +12,"On Saturday, they rallied for the right to wed.",11 +11,"""nearly one in five high school males uses spit tobacco.""",10 +13,"Vicki then turns her attention to Mr. Barber's Republican opponent, Martha McSally, a fierce proponent of gun rights. ""Martha McSally opposes making it harder for stalkers to get a gun,"" she says. +",12 +10,"Regan's father, Martin, opened Regan's on the Boulevard in the city's Northeast in 1944. When the elder Regan died in 1957, ""My mother threw me the keys and said, 'Go to work.' """,9 +13,Mr. Gilmore's Gun-Ban Stand,12 +10,"r. Brown, now 54, who had been a patron at the social club, Club Happiness in Bedford-Stuyvesant, spoke in recent conversations of the physical, psychological and financial repercussions he struggled with since that horrific morning of shots, screams and carnage.",9 +5,"In the University of Texas at Austin affirmative action case, the Voting Rights Act case and the same-sex marriage cases, the court drew a line between policies that explicitly articulate exclusion and those that implicitly and effectually remedy exclusion -- both current and historical. +",4 +12,The National Rifle Association said the lower death rates are evidence that gun-safety programs are reaching Americans and that gun laws are working.,11 +13,"His announcement set the stage for a divisive and protracted battle in Congress and in state legislatures. It inflamed passions on both sides of an issue that touches deeply held views about personal liberty, equality under the law, and traditional moral values.",12 +6,"Federal law prohibits firearm sales to felons, people indicted for any felony, drug addicts and people with misdemeanor convictions for domestic violence, among others.",5 +7,TRY EXPLAINING SHOOTING DEATHS TO YOUR TEENAGER WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF EXCUSES,6 +1,Addled Ads: Is There a Method in Their Madness?,0 +12,"But gay-marriage advocates mustered a peaceful counter-protest of nearly equal numbers, carrying signs that read ""Jesus Was The Oppressed, Not The Oppressor"" and ""God Made Rainbows So I Could Catwalk Into Heaven.",11 +6,That's when legislation must come in.,5 +13,"Mary Cheney, a former lesbian activist who heads the veep's reelection campaign, has been silent on the White House's proposal to ban gay marriage.",12 +5," +However, a federal appeals court panel's divided ruling last week in a California case makes it more likely that the question of guns outside the home will be heading to the high court soon.",4 +5,"A Brooklyn judge yesterday ordered triple murderer Darrel Harris executed by mid-September, triggering an appeals process that could postpone Harris' date with death for at least a decade.",4 +13,PHILA.'S TOUGH GUN LAWS TARGETED / THE STATE MAKES IT HARDER TO GET A PERMIT FOR CONCEALED WEAPONS IN THE CITY,12 +13, A Trump spokesman seemed to confirm PenÌ?a Nieto's version when he put out a statement saying it should not be surprising the two disagreed. (Got that?),12 +4, saw racism in the powerful gun lobby's attacks on the president.,3 +9,"- The surgeon general has ordered that all murder mysteries must carry the caveat, ''Warning: The 'smoking gun' in this novel may be hazardous to your health.''",8 +5,"IT'S USUALLY the Second Amendment that is invoked by gun control opponents. But this morning in the Supreme Court, in a case challenging the Brady law, the focus will be shifted to the 10th Amendment. That constitutional provision, which has nothing to do with firearms, is general in nature and provides that the powers not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved to the states or to the people.",4 +4, denies them a fundamental right,3 +5,"Without dissent, the Supreme Court declined a pair of appeals about an hour before Newton was scheduled to be taken to the death chamber.",4 +3,'Religious fervor' blocks fix: GOPer,2 +10,HASTINGS RETIREE KICKED THE SMOKING HABIT WITH A DESIRE TO AVOID INFIRMITY,9 +7,to strengthen punishments against the worst gun dealers ,6 +1,"Building Boom May Mean Jobs Can't All Be Filled, Report Says",0 +7, which caused the mass killing in Colorado?,6 +13," said state Rep. Dennis Reboletti, R-Elmhurst, who sponsored the three bills.",12 +13, Maybe the governor should tell Floridians why he would rely on someone of Thomas' appalling insensitivity for advice on the death penalty or anything else.,12 +5, they aren't citizens and don't have permanent resident status.,4 +3,"U.S. officials have proposed several strategies to reunite Elian with his father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez: bringing the father to the United States, taking the boy and his Miami relatives to Cuba or relying on a third party, such as a church, to make the transfer. +",2 +14,"Mindful of the sensitivity of Mexico to the notion that it acted under American pressure, United States officials noted that its commitments grew out of discussions begun before the loan talks and reflected longstanding concerns of President Ernesto Zedillo.",13 +14,"In its counterproposal, the Cuban Foreign Ministry told the American Interests Section in Havana that ''Cuba does not refuse to discuss establishment of conditions which would permit normalization of migration between both countries, including norms to follow, concerning persons who, having committed illegal acts in one country, travel illegally to the other.''",13 +11,"But while florists, cake-makers and wedding dress stores cater to visions of happily ever after, divorce attorneys are preparing for the dark side of marriage to emerge down the road. +",10 +5,Two prosecutors try to jump-start California executions,4 +9," +Three of the Haitians suffered dehydration and were airlifted to Miami. +",8 +5,COURT LIMITS DEATH ROW INMATES' FEDERAL APPEALS,4 +5,Defense attorney Mark Geragos asked that a new jury be seated either in Redwood City or elsewhere such as Los Angeles County. He contended that the jurors who convicted Peterson were tainted by the public reaction after they were released into the community.,4 +9,"Whenever out for a drink in Madison, the 44-year-old teacher and runner from Monona has sucked in secondhand smoke -- until now.",8 +13,"VICE PRESIDENT Biden will make the White House's case for tougher gun control laws during a speech in Danbury, Conn. - mere miles from the Newtown school massacre. + +Biden will speak Thursday alongside elected officials from Connecticut as well as those touched by the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. + +His appearance comes as the Obama administration furiously lobbies Congress to enact tougher legislation in the wake of the shooting that left 26 people dead. + +In last week's State of the Union, Obama urged Congress to stop stalling and vote on the gun control legislation. +",12 +12,"Not all that many years ago, at a national meeting of women's studies scholars, an activist who had been an organizer of an influential 1960s women's group expressed reservations about the movement.",11 +5,TOBACCO FIRMS CLEARED IN 3 DEATHS JURORS IN TENN. REJECTED THE LAWSUIT,4 +8,"The founders specifically warned against establishing National Guard-type forces, regarding them as a constant threat to personal freedom.",7 +5,"""The Illinois death penalty law violates the Eighth and 14th amendments to the United States Constitution,"" Harrison wrote in his dissent. He goes on to say Hall should be imprisoned for natural life.",4 +11,FACES OF THE NRA,10 +13,Trump tests supporters with immigration moves,12 +5,It went shopping for a friendly court,4 +14,"Kasuri said the registration program has fueled a major political crisis back home, where it has been used to criticize the government's support for the U.S.-led war on terrorism. Pakistan, a key ally in that struggle but also home to al Qaeda members, did not deserve to have its citizens subjected to the new procedures, he said.",13 +5,"In a 5-2 decision Tuesday, the Supreme Court found Mr. Glossip ineligible for pension benefits that normally go to the spouse of a trooper killed in the line of duty. The decision was based on the fact that Mr. Glossip and the trooper, Cpl. Dennis Engelhard, were not married. +",4 +5,More Tobacco Suits Dismissed by Court,4 +5,"Justice Department lawyers say the Trump administration can wind down the program that shielded about 800,000 young people - brought to the U.S. as children - from deportation.",4 +6,Banning Guns Won't Stop Crime,5 +1,based on sound economics,0 +1,"This plan would cut drastically into the profits of tobacco companies. Not only do teenagers spend $1.26 billion a year on cigarettes, according to the FDA, but if people aren't addicted to nicotine as kids, they most likely will never smoke at all. +",0 +5,"New Jersey, the fifth state to recognize same-sex relationships in some form, gives couples who register several legal rights, including the ability to make medical decisions for each other and to share in certain benefits.",4 +7,"Mr. Demjanjuk is accused of being a guard known as ''Ivan the Terrible,'' responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews at the Treblinka camp in Poland. He denies the charges.",6 +9,Mo. silent about source of lethal drug,8 +14,"ATF says 68,000 guns seized in Mexico traced back to U.S.",13 +9,on behalf of lung and throat cancer victims in the state,8 +3,The bill was hotly opposed by conservative religious groups that argued that the law cheapened marriage,2 +13,"The assembly, made up of roughly 1,000 church leaders and members, will vote on the issue in Minneapolis in August.",12 +13,MITT ROMNEY HAS MAINTAINED CONSISTENT STANCE ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,12 +6,Public schools become focus of Prop. 8 debate,5 +12,OWS groups in protest of prisons-for-profit,11 +8,Quick gun check system crawls to a start,7 +13,"The measure passed 41-35, receiving the absolute minimum necessary to pass. Assemblyman Simon Salinas, D-Salinas, who had abstained when the matter came before the assembly two months ago, cast the deciding vote.",12 +5,"One of the judges is Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Martha Craig Daughtrey, who has been nominated for a seat on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. The other is Rosemary Barkett, the first female chief justice of the Florida Supreme Court, who has been nominated for a seat on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta.",4 +6,With the Brady law requiring a five-day waiting period for handgun purchases scheduled to take effect Monday,5 +6,"Civil Union Law Is Flawed, Says Panel in New Jersey",5 +6, Assault-gun laws shot full of holes,5 +13,High-tech vote delayed; Political infighting over immigrant deportation stalls action on bill to add more worker visas,12 +13,"Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) now supports gay marriage, he revealed in an interview with the Morning Call. +",12 +5,The Most Likely Route to Same-Sex Marriage: The Courts,4 +6,Bad Border Bill,5 +1,PHILIP MORRIS R&D CENTER TO BE PLACED IN VA.,0 +13,"Democrats appear ready to embrace same-sex marriage as part of their party platform, a policy shift that reflects the rapidly growing acceptance of gay rights in mainstream politics.",12 +1,"""we have more tobacco advertising here",0 +5,Was Slavery a Factor in the Second Amendment?,4 +13,Connecticut Tightens Restrictions on Gun Owners,12 +1,CVS butts out,0 +13,Fairfax Senator's Unlikely Stand,12 +5," +The successes and failures of the California program, the nation's most ambitious for nearly a decade, have gained a new significance in light of the national settlement last month between tobacco companies and anti-smoking forces. The California program served as a model for the settlement.",4 +7,Full circle on executions,6 +13,"Minnesota for Marriage and Minnesota Citizens in Defense of Marriage have designated themselves as political committees working on a ballot question. The distinction means they face less stringent reporting requirements for salaries, advertising and public relations campaigns, among other things, than do registered lobbyists.",12 +15,"A Conversation With Henry Pierce, Executive Director, Clean and Sober Streets, Washington +",14 +7,Australia experienced its deadliest mass shooting in 1996 after Martin Bryant killed 35 people in and around the Port Arthur tourist site.,6 +3,Churches press for stay of execution,2 +1,"As states throughout the nation face budget shortfalls in the billions of dollars, California leads the way in pushing to raise a popular tax on an increasingly unpopular commodity: cigarettes.",0 +9,Women cut risk of lung cancer,8 +1," Kraft knows it, yet it keeps selling products loaded with it",0 +8,background checks.,7 +8," that would expand federal background checks of prospective gun purchasers to include all commercial sales, including at gun shows and online.",7 +12,"NRA ads will assail McAuliffe on guns +",11 +13," President Obama on Wednesday will propose the most ambitious federal gun control program in decades, bucking the gun lobby and setting up an uphill fight in Congress.",12 +12,Students and other advocates are outraged.,11 +5,Amnesty debate inches forward,4 +1,to receive money in the past year from Colorado's $ 2.6 billion,0 +12,Gun rights supporters conduct own activism,11 +5,Jury convicts former Marine of killing woman at Va. base,4 +5,"With the Supreme Court's announcement last week that it would take up two cases concerning same-sex marriage, there's a chance for a sweeping ruling that would extend the right to marry to gay couples nationwide.",4 +5,A federal appeals court reinstated the death penalty Monday for a convicted murderer whose death sentence had been overturned when a lower court found that a juror's use of biblical quotations during the penalty phase was improper.,4 +5,Justice Dept. in Compromise On Ban of Undetectable Guns,4 +7,INS PROBED IN SALE OF IDS TO ILLEGAL ALIENS,6 +5," State courts refused to consider the claim, citing a state law that requires new evidence to be presented within 30 days of a trial. A federal judge granted Herrera a new hearing. But the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed, saying a new claim of innocence does not warrant another look.",4 +5,"Va. Attorneys Seek to Block Execution, Citing Test Flaws",4 +12,"A WEAPON FOR CHANGE GUN-CONTROL ADVOCATES GATHER BY THE THOUSANDS AROUND THE NATION WASHINGTON: POLITICIANS, CELEBRITIES SPEAK OUT ON MOTHER'S DAY FOR STRONGER LAWS.",11 +7,Killers target places where guns are banned,6 +15,Common Sense in New Hampshire,14 +13,"Democrats were speaking confidently about passing a marriage equality bill after the election. Gov. Jon Corzine, a fellow Democrat, pledged to sign it even if he was not re-elected. After Mr. Corzine's defeat, some Democrats appear to be wavering.",12 +3,A spokeswoman for a Focus on the Family affiliate said the Christian evangelical group doesn't see civil unions as a religious issue.,2 +7, The federal government cannot even prevent anybody willing to pay the price from getting heroin when there is no legitimate use of heroin to be considered in connection with law enforcement. ,6 +13,"Instead of implementing regulations, the GOP-controlled Legislature has loosened the state's gun laws",12 +1,Cheap smokes hurt Big Tobacco,0 +13,Romney did not perform gay marriages,12 +7," lethal injection scheduled at Stateville Correctional Center at Joliet, Ill.",6 +14,"The United States leads the world in terms of the number of immigrants it allows to enter the country,",13 +13, Bills that have cleared two committees in the House and Senate would place on the 2014 ballot ,12 +5, Judges and maverick executives are making their own law in the land. It is about time to get the legislative branch to do its job!,4 +11,"He wrote a book, ""Getting Out,"" made high-profile TV appearances and pulled down hefty fees for speeches before college audiences and legal groups. +",10 +13,Same-sex marriage bill approved in D.C,12 +13,"The Scott bill died in the House Public Safety Committee earlier this year. Mr. Coleman, chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, was one of eight public safety committee members who voted against the bill. +",12 +5,And I also realize that the most recent trial on their request opened on Tuesday.,4 +13,Both Sides Slam Allen On Gun Ban Reversal,12 +5,"Others who heard about the effort through colleagues or the news media went to airports on their own to pitch in. By early Sunday morning, Ms. Fisher said, lawyers offering services and advice were at ''most international airports in the United States.''",4 +13,"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg knows that gun control plays well at home in New York. But in Virginia? +",12 +5,"Bristol Twp. killer mentally ill at time, attorneys argue",4 +4,Another man wrongly executed,3 +1,"But shortly after Armatix went public with its plans to start selling in Southern California, Ms. Padilla, a fast-talking, hard-charging Beverly Hills businesswoman who leads the company's fledgling American division, encountered the same uproar that has stopped gun control advocates, ",0 +12,Immigration presentation set for Bristol Jan. 17,11 +13,Cuomo - a potential Democratic presidential candidate - is believed to be eager to show progress on gun control while Washington faces weeks of partisan wrangling before enacting any new federal gun laws - if it can enact any reforms at all.,12 +3," +You can't license freedom",2 +11,TV TODAY,10 +7,A toxicology report showed Landes had a blood alcohol level of 0.28 at the time of his death. Florida law presumes a driver is impaired with a level higher than 0.08,6 +9," Gertrude Krause, 67, was flown to Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg and died the next day.",8 +1,"To fund border wall, Trump administration weighs cuts to Coast Guard, airport security",0 +1,"According to the economic models, it's a no-brainer: a surge of low-skilled immigrants should increase the supply of such workers, driving down wages at the expense of working-class Americans.",0 +13,"Gay and lesbian issues to dominate the ballot again +",12 +13,"Senator calls GOP support for gay marriage 'inevitable' +",12 +11,"The answer is both fascinating and complex, and reveals just how much the Golden State (and the country) has evolved on the issue since the 2008 election.",10 +4,"Noting that 90 death row inmates have been exonerated by new evidence since 1973, O'Connor said ""the system may well be allowing some innocent defendants to be executed.""",3 +5, TOBACCO SETTLEMENT: Consider variety of uses,4 +4,"""Acts of hate against individuals are acts of hate against our values and our entire nation. So let us all speak clearly and with one voice: Our nation will not stand for such acts,"" Clinton said.",3 +13," +Trump risks alienating voting blocs with wavering on immigration",12 +7, Gulley was sentenced to life without parole in Dougherty County Superior Court on Thursday.,6 +13,"The move was hailed Friday by Rep. Ron Lewis, R-Ky., who sponsored the bill and said the White House helped craft it.",12 +12,Gay rights activists said they were astonished by the level of support for the bill at a time when most states are focusing on how to prohibit same-sex unions in the wake of court decisions favoring gay rights.,11 +5,GUN-MAKERS' SUIT ACCUSES HUD AND 16 CITIES OF CONSPIRACY,4 +10,"They arrived with children in strollers and with bouquets of flowers, with co-workers and with friends -- dozens of gay couples pouring into a government building just a few miles from the headquarters of the Mormon Church to do what many said they thought would never be possible: get a Utah marriage license.",9 +5,"The state's ban on gay marriage should be tossed aside because lawmakers did not take the right steps to amend the Wisconsin Constitution, a lawyer argued Tuesday before the state Supreme Court.",4 +1,"Under Phase II, tobacco companies agreed to set aside $5.15 billion over 12 years to compensate tobacco growers and allotment holders.",0 +13,That effort stalled after Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) took office in January 2010.,12 +2,REFUGEES FROM CENTRAL AMERICA OVERWHELMING SOUTHERN FLORIDA,1 +6,"The federal ban on importing assault weapons has been expanded to stop up to 420,000 guns already on order.",5 +5,"Both Shaw and Zein Isa's defense attorney, Daniel P. Reardon, alluded to the emotional power of the tape in arguing against the death penalty",4 +1,Farmers must fight for change,0 +4,''California's obligation is to treat its citizens equally,3 +5,Court Curbs Free Speech Of Illegal Immigrants,4 +13,"The White House task force on guns, led by Vice President Biden, is expected to present its ideas to President Obama this week. +",12 +13,"As Key Allies of Gun Lobby Lose, Questions Arise About Its Power",12 +11,Executions on the decline,10 +5,"In court papers filed yesterday, the defense alleges that Gerard Capano's cooperation with the prosecution was arranged",4 +10,The wait is over for everyone from wedding planners to local clerks - and thousands of gay and lesbian couples across California.,9 +9,Hitches disclosed in lethal injections,8 +11,"Brent Staples (""Why Same-Sex Marriage Is the Crucial Issue,"" Editorial Observer, Sept. 5) ignores the social significance of the legal recognition of marriage",10 +13,"THE GUN DEBATE: Safety, accountability held hostage to lobby",12 +7,BURN VICTIM HAD VIOLATED SMOKING BAN,6 +1,Don't Trade a Good Law for Federal Money,0 +12,"At Independence Mall, a rally against Ariz. immigration law",11 +13,"Gov. Mario Cuomo of New York believes that he is being unfairly accused of playing politics with his proposal to hold a referendum on the death penalty. His claim, of course, is naive or disingenuous. For a seasoned opponent of the death penalty to put out a press release calling for such a vote in the middle of a campaign year is by definition a political act. Moreover, it can reasonably be interpreted as an attempt to get off the hook with voters who do not share his opposition to capital punishment.",12 +13,Background-check vote compounds Senate's shame,12 +5,"Ex-child soldier, 21, is granted asylum",4 +1,Groups Spent $1.8 Million in Same-Sex Marriage Push,0 +7, police interview,6 +5,Jurors Reject Death Penalty For Convicted Killer in Jersey,4 +5,"Justice Stephen G. Breyer, in his first year on the court, did not sign Stevens' statement but agreed that ""the issue is an important undecided one."" The seven other justices made no public comment. +",4 +7,"The woman had a prior criminal record and had been previously deported, but, according to Bernal, had no current outstanding state warrants.",6 +12,"More than 1,000 rebellious church members, some of whom had never met the couple, came from across the West to the ceremony, which lasted for much of the day. ",11 +9,"Smoking is responsible for nearly 90 percent of lung cancer cases. But because Americans are turning away from cigarettes by the millions, those currently being diagnosed with the disease are likely to be people who already have kicked the habit.",8 +13,"The gun-control bill, by Sen. Rob Hernandez, D-Denver,",12 +3,Reform Rabbis Back Blessing of Gay Unions,2 +10, Law-abiding citizens deserve access,9 +5,"Of Rights and Labels: Excerpts From the Oral Arguments +",4 +7, to try to use the violence in Los Angeles,6 +1,the tobacco industry last month indicated for the first time that it would be willing to forfeit its motorsports marketing program for the right to do business free and clear.,0 +7,"Eddie Joe Lloyd has served 17 years of a life sentence for the rape and murder of a Detroit teenager, a crime he confessed to.",6 +6,BILL WOULD PRE-EMPT LOCAL GUN LAWS,5 +4,"On the gay-marriage debate, unavoidable distinctions",3 +5," who's responsible for lawsuits against dealers in Virginia, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Carolina for illegally selling guns.",4 +5, Deprived of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms for 37 years,4 +5,A federal judge blocked on Wednesday California's voter-approved measure to deny almost all state services to illegal aliens. The judge said the measure appeared to conflict with the federal government's authority.,4 +13,Gun bill highlights Clinton-Sanders split,12 +5,Judge deflects pro-gun suit,4 +13,The City Council voted yesterday to approve legislation,12 +13,It's becoming positively fashionable for Republicans who no longer think they have a shot at national office to drop their opposition to gay marriage.,12 +5,"The suit was filed in federal court in Texarkana, where a light caseload will move it along faster. It charges",4 +13, with lawmakers' votes in Congress and California's Assembly and Senate.,12 +7,"Byrne, who is charged with attempted murder and assault, legally possessed two semiautomatic rifles despite having served 6 1/2 years in prison for the 1966 shotgun slayings of his estranged wife and her friend in Fridley",6 +1,buying guns at gun shows,0 +5,CEOS OF TWO LEADING FIRMS TO TESTIFY THIS WEEK,4 +11,Young urges school to treasure diversity,10 +5,"A federal judge's decision last week to strike down Utah's ban on same-sex marriage came as such a surprise to state officials that at least one county clerk wasn't able to make arrangements to open his office to issue marriage licenses the next day, a Saturday. +",4 +11,"In the 2005 movie ""The Jacket,"" Kelly Lynch plays a drunk who burns to death after falling asleep while smoking. According to the research cited by activists who object to cinematic portrayals of smoking, Lynch's character is part of an insidious plot to lure children into the habit by making it seem cool and glamorous.",10 +5,"It took the jury less than an hour to recommend by a vote of 11-1 that Bolin, 37, should die in the electric chair for Holley's murder. Circuit Judge J. Rogers Padgett will make the ultimate decision.",4 +5,the state Supreme Court has upheld the ban,4 +10,"''They are amicably living apart,'' ",9 +3,Trained on evil Drill takes aim at Paris-style terror on subway,2 +13,"Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky dismissed it as a ""campaign talk-a-thon"" that delayed action on the bills lawmakers wanted considered.",12 +13,"His air of resignation sounded not unlike the reaction of Jeb Bush, a presidential rival Mr. Trump has often criticized, who said after the Oregon shooting that ""stuff happens"" in suggesting that government is not always the solution to such problems. +",12 +9,Health groups filed petitions today urging the government to require tobacco companies to prove claims that certain cigarettes are safer than others.,8 +9,smoking-related illnesses.,8 +5,Court Voids Background Check Of Gun Buyer Under Brady Law,4 +9," But the nurse pushed a button and mistakenly closed file #077-987-986 and marked it ""completed"" -- even though it had no medical information in it.",8 +5,"""The challenge has been in defining the amendment and making sure it's narrow in scope."" +",4 +14,Cuba: Keep Talking,13 +1, the company paid well into six figures to sponsor today's Busch Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway.,0 +5,"It's being considered by a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee. And, as early as today, the Labor Department may announce a similar proposal, using workplace health and safety laws to deal with the threat of drifting tobacco smoke.",4 +11," ""They were the 18th largest university in the nation in this category."" +",10 +13,PATAKI TAKES AIM AT GUNRUNNERS,12 +9,"His chin and chest moved slightly as the lethal drugs were administered, and prison officials gave Phillips time of death as 10:43 a.m.",8 +9,YOUNG SMOKERS RISK GREATER DNA DAMAGE,8 +6,NATION MADE NO PROGRESS AGAINST SMOKING IN 1990S,5 +13,Trump's real foreign policy stops at U.S.'s borders,12 +5,Prop. 8 trial Day 12: Live coverage from the courtroom,4 +6,Restaurant and bar owners nationwide are voicing their opposition to a possible federal law that would essentially ban smoking in restaurants and bars.,5 +13,"Ford addresses black and Latino lawmakers at an Albany gala tonight, he'll use the platform to talk up his ideas on job creation and tax cuts.",12 +6,"Legislation crucial for gun owners, law enforcement",5 +5,Attorney General John Ashcroft,4 +11,teens,10 +13,"City Councilman Angel Ortiz yesterday resurrected his effort to extend taxpayer-funded benefits to the same-sex partners of city employees. This time, the effort has support from a majority of Council members.",12 +13,"Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards called the killing ""one of those unfortunate things.""",12 +13,Mr. Bush will be re-elected,12 +14,Florida braces for a free Cuba; Immigrants in Miami await fall of Castro,13 +13,"GAY MARRIAGE FIGHT SPREADS TO OREGON AS COUPLES WED CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS CLASH OVER BAN",12 +5,Court overturns denial of gun permit to man once detained in mental ward State Supreme Court rules detention is not same as commitment.,4 +4,"ecause of the arbitrary and unfair ways in which the death penalty is administered, and because of the great potential for terrible mistakes to be made. +",3 +9,"Mr. Kueper, who has said that his doctor does not expect him to live past spring, told the court he had been aware of warning labels on cigarette packs as early as the 1960's but had paid little heed.",8 +8, than the wall President Trump has proposed building along the southern border.,7 +13,THEY WERE A part of the electorate the Republican Party said it would set out to embrace in 2016 - but they were shoved away almost as soon as Donald Trump rode down the golden escalator at Trump Tower to announce he was running for President.,12 +7,"he expects the state to carry out the death penalty against his client, who has said he wants to die. + +",6 +15,Reassurance,14 +6,"Madison's ordinances outlaw pistols with barrels less than 4 inches long, ban military-style semiautomatic guns and outlaw bullets that expand and produce sharp barbs.",5 +5,"Lawyers for Mr. Mohammed could well calculate that their greatest legal obligation is not to win acquittal but to save his life, and that there is no better place to try to do that than in a Manhattan federal courtroom.",4 +5,"Diantay Powell, 18, pleaded not guilty",4 +13,Mayor Bloomberg also hailed the ruling.,12 +11,The gun control issue addressed by the current exhibit at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles is meant to inspire the kind of discussion that keeps people up at night.,10 +11,Blog Log: #DeleteUber trends during immigration ban,10 +7," If she were stopped by police, she could be fined hundreds of dollars for driving without proper documentation and have her car impounded.",6 +13," +Republicans said repeatedly during the nine-day debate on the Senate floor that it would take more than new gun laws to address youth violence. And the measure calls for $ 5 billion over five years to help crack down on juvenile crime.",12 +12," demonstrators - waving signs that read ""Keep MoCo safe"" and ""Protect Our Girls"" - seemed to believe that the older teenagers were in regular ninth-grade classes.",11 +13,The question has become part of the folklore of Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Kathy Karpan's campaign.,12 +13, The California Senate on Monday approved a closely-watched bill,12 +4, arguing that the verdict form used by the jury was flawed.,3 +7,who could receive the death penalty if convicted of murdering her daughter.,6 +15,Immigration Riddle,14 +6," bill that would have made it illegal for businesses that allow the public into their parking lots to adopt rules prohibiting weapons in locked cars. +",5 +6," +But the system is flawed, Mr. Bloomberg and others who joined him said, because it does not have records on millions of people who should be disqualified from buying or possessing guns. Ten states have not submitted any mental health records to the background check system, and 18 states have provided fewer than 100 mental health records, according to Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group that Mr. Bloomberg helped found",5 +12,Dear Member of the N.R.A.,11 +7,"Graham, he said, later fabricated a detailed confession in an effort to protect Zamora.",6 +1,Lockyer reaches agreement to end flavored cigarette sales,0 +5,"This account came in testimony from the criminal litigation class's instructor, Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter, who took the stand as Mr. Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial entered its eighth day on Wednesday at the Seminole County Courthouse",4 +13,Democrats call for gun laws,12 +13,Andrew Cuomo said during his campaign that he wants to make gay marriage legal in New York and a new appointment may signal he means business - even if it's still an uphill battle.,12 +13,"Bam finds voice, but task's huge +",12 +5,FDA seeks dismissal of tobacco industry's suit,4 +7,Criminal Guns and Police Nightmares,6 +13,"In a last-minute effort that threatened to derail the process, Rep. Juan-Carlos Planas, R-Miami, offered an amendment eliminating the reasonably necessary language.",12 +5,The state has an interest in defining marriage as between two people; it just cannot discriminate between which two people.,4 +5,Fate of Atlanta gun suit up to high court,4 +10,Victims' Relatives Have Their Say On 'Murder Inc.',9 +12,"Citizens themselves have weighed in on same-sex marriage in more than 30 states, and have ultimately rejected it in all of them. They did so most recently in North Carolina, where an amendment to the state constitution that bans same-sex marriage was passed earlier this year by a margin of 61 to 39.",11 +7,"Mr. Williams, 23, was indicted July 17 in the slayings of Nathaniel Cater, 27, and Jimmy Ray Payne, 21. They were the 26th and 28th victims in the series of murders that began in July 1979. +",6 +11,"In Colonial America, gun ownership equaled power.",10 +7,"Yesterday's hearing was for Ronald W. Bogardus, 65, a contract engineer for the State Department who is accused of being Kooritzky's accomplice. During a search of Bogardus's Arlington apartment, agents found a suitcase stuffed with what they believed was $ 500,000.",6 +13,Defying the N.R.A.: 2 Paths to the Vote Against Assault Guns,12 +13,"A CANDIDATE in Fairfax County has gone ballistic with a loaded attack on a member of the Virginia House. Negative campaign material mailed out by Democratic challenger George Lovelace includes a portrayal of his GOP opponent, Jeanmarie Devolites, as a gun-lobby favorite willing to ""put the interests of her pro-gun friends ahead of the safety of our kids.""",12 +6,"The bill, AB1934, would have made it a misdemeanor to openly carry a handgun in a public place. Current California law permits carrying a rifle or a handgun in a holster if it is not loaded.",5 +13,Arms and the Lobbyists,12 +10,"But the victim's mother, Nancy Whitley, said the two young men had handled their disabilities differently.",9 +7,"Among those who were arrested are gang members and people convicted of driving under the influence or committing domestic violence. They will now face deportation. +",6 +12,"Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, says members ''feel betrayed'' by Bush's ''public relations stunt'' and predicted political troubles for him. +",11 +1,"''Of all the volunteer agencies, they've singled out three with one activity in common - an anti-tobacco lobby,'' says ALA's James Swomley. The groups' Coalition on Smoking or Health was instrumental in banning smoking on airlines. + +Capital Research's Willa Johnson would not disclose whether the tobacco industry helped fund the study: ''Even if they were involved, the study would stand on its own merit.''",0 +13,"Obama's gay-rights test +",12 +13,"After being thwarted for years, a bipartisan group of members of Congress reintroduced legislation",12 +11,SOVIET IMMIGRANTS' JEWISH INDENTITY IS STUDIED,10 +13,"When it comes to the issue of guns in Pennsylvania, the answer depends on geography - or so suggests the latest flap over Gov. Rendell's decision to shut down the state's instant background check system for gun purchases between Sept. 2 and 6. +",12 +13,"""New York Republican leadership is much smarter than we have here,"" Steadman told USNews.com.",12 +5,"Tim Kelly: Minnesota: My 'civil unions' bill takes government out of marriage +",4 +10,"So at the age of 12, he was exiled by his family to board at schools and summer camps and spent the rest of his life on the run. After my mother married my father, she and we four children trailed along after him, ever faster; by the time I left home for school at 17, we had lived in 20 cities, countless hotels and rented houses and on three continents. We might as well have been criminals. +",9 +6,CHANGE OF POLICY ON U.S. IMMIGRANTS IS URGED BY PANEL,5 +5,Maryland legalizes gay marriage,4 +9,Shootings wreak havoc from the inner city to the rural communities of Pennsylvania.,8 +1,FIRMS SAY NICOTINE NOT ADDED / SEVEN EXECUTIVES ISSUED THEIR DENIAL BEFORE CONGRESS,0 +5,", according to court documents.",4 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court has never said the Second Amendment means that the right to bear arms is so ""absolute"" that even state and local governments may not regulate it. +",4 +5,The court is likely to apply the same analysis to the death penalty itself,4 +5,DEATH TERMS UPHELD IN SLAYINGS / THE STATE SUPREME COURT REFUSED TO OVERTURN THE SENTENCES SHERMAN CRAVER RECEIVED IN 1994.,4 +3, Neither can we hope to control the unresponsible mind.,2 +6,Anti-gun laws wrong answer in Florida,5 +5,"The lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday in Ramsey County District Court, said the state refuses to pay $1,400 per month for the drugs, but the federal government will probably pay $3,600 per month for his dialysis.",4 +6,Bill would keep courts out of U.S. marriage law,5 +13,"Members of the Black Caucus joined with liberal white Democrats to beat back the measure on the first House vote. Black lawmakers went 30-1 against the ban, with Rep. Henry Howard (D-Augusta) the only exception. A solid showing by the caucus is viewed as key to defeating the measure. +",12 +11,Vikings Say Report Contradicts Many of Kluwe's Claims,10 +7,should be executed.,6 +2,Immigrants now may check case status online; OFFICIALS SAY SERVICE WILL REDUCE WAITING,1 +13,"GOP Forces Controversial Issues; Panel Sidestepped on Marriage, Immigration Proposals",12 +3," In addition, some firms and some people raise moral objections.",2 +6,"Other provisions would make it more difficult for Federal law-enforcement agents to inspect gun dealerships and prove that both dealers and buyers had violated gun-control statutes. +",5 +11,"The term ""assault rifle"" has long been used to describe fully automatic guns used by the military -- you pull the trigger once, and the gun fires a barrage of bullets.",10 +9,There is no question that safety in prisons must be a priority,8 +6,'Stand your ground' fine,5 +5,"The 9th Circuit, which has reversed dozens of California death sentences over the years, had turned away Cooper's assertions of innocence in the past, some of them very similar. But -- faced with a mix of new allegations, a statewide publicity drive to air Cooper's case and an execution deadline -- the court decided that new tests could be done quickly to resolve any lingering doubts. +",4 +5," +The appeals court's deliberations could take a year or more, though analysts and tobacco executives said a ruling could be issued later this year or early in 1996.",4 +11,The Aloha State Is Now Less Welcoming to Smokers,10 +2,"""As our classrooms fill to the brim,",1 +7,"Campbell, a 30-year-old computer engineer, admitted strangling Domenie, a school teacher.",6 +5,Court says no to guns case,4 +13,"""People talk about compromise. I talk about compromise. Well, compromise comes before negotiation,"" Perdue said. ""You've got to be willing to give up something for what you want to get. If we end up with the Democrats getting 80 percent satisfied solution, and we end up with 80 percent satisfactory result, we ought to get this done.""",12 +12,CALLING ALL SERIOUS PROTESTERS: CHICAGO COULD USE SOME ACTION,11 +5,A combination of cases asks the court to decide whether special protections and accommodations for minorities have reached their limit and whether society's growing acceptance of same-sex unions warrants constitutional protection.,4 +13,"Alex Wan, an openly gay Atlanta city councilman serving his first term, introduced legislation during the City Council's last meeting of 2012 declaring support for marriage equality.",12 +5,"Elian Asylum Appeal Dismissed; INS Was Within Law in Not Considering Relative's Petitions, Court Rules",4 +3,900 religious leaders urge ordination of gays 21 in Colo. sign statement of 'sexual inclusiveness',2 +5,Among the questions left unanswered by the Supreme Court's ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act is whether a majority of the justices actually think all Americans have an equal right to marry,4 +7,Tobacco Company Fined,6 +11," +Killings show gun ownership becoming concentrated +",10 +8,"FBI background check, submit fingerprints",7 +11,Why we can't agree on gun control;,10 +6, Pumping up gun bill,5 +3,Tobacco supporters pray for divine help,2 +11,"N.C. Pride participants told to get out and vote +",10 +1,TOBACCO CASH ADDICTS,0 +13,City Hall ,12 +6, has led to calls for an examination of gun laws across the United States.,5 +13,"But April Herrie, the governor's spokeswoman",12 +13,Informed that the City Council and the Bloomberg administration had just reached an agreement,12 +13,"Dole raised the ire of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People this week when he declined to address the convention. + +The campaigning president's speech drew a standing ovation and shouts of ""four more years."" + +Clinton said Vice President Al Gore will meet today with insurance industry representatives to talk about rebuilding burned churches and to discuss complaints that some of the churches have had their insurance canceled.",12 +5,His office received 853 initial applications for the three-year permits and rejected about 20 based on the required criminal background check.,4 +3,CHOKING ON THE TRUTH,2 +3,Exemption for Religious Foes Of Gay Marriage Debated,2 +6,Minnesota's state law defining heterosexual marriage,5 +13,Quinn supports keeping freeze on executions,12 +8,From the border to the barracks,7 +14,"Shortly after the boy was shot, Mexican soldiers arrived at the scene and pointed their guns at the Border Patrol agents across the riverbank while bystanders screamed insults and hurled rocks and firecrackers, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said. She said the agents were forced to withdraw.",13 +6,Pushing Ill-Fated Bills on Principle Alone,5 +7,"The nine defendants, black and poor, were accused of raping two white women on a Tennessee freight train in 1931.",6 +13,"The White House quickly countered that Gingrich had missed his chance to vote for similar legislation. Clinton spokeswoman Ginny Terzano told the Associated Press that the speaker had voted against the president's 1994 crime bill, which called for the death penalty for drug dealers. ""When many members of Congress went on the line and lost their seats to vote on this bill to make our streets safer, the speaker chose not to,"" she said.",12 +1," At Kmart in Riverhead, A Debate on Gun Sales",0 +5,"After a four-hour bench trial in 1979, served by a poorly paid court-appointed lawyer with little experience in capital cases, Giarratano was sentenced to death",4 +15,WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IN OHIO?,14 +10,DESPERATE FOR ADVICE ON HIS NONCITIZEN WIFE,9 +11,"Refugees and immigrants who live in Georgia are ""of different ethnic groups, speak different languages and have difference experiences and backgrounds,"" said Clark. ""Whenever people migrate, they migrate with their beliefs, with their understandings and their customs.""",10 +1,Antigun ads take aim at Florida's tourism-based economy,0 +7, that would have made it a crime to leave a gun where a kid could play with it,6 +5,"On Dec. 20, U.S. District Judge James Shelby threw out the state's same-sex marriage prohibition. He refused to stay his ruling, as did the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. On Monday, however, the U.S. Supreme Court granted the state a stay after more than two weeks in which Utah officials issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples who requested them. +",4 +9,expanding mental-health resources,8 +7,"Hill's execution is scheduled to be carried out Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. and Cook's is set for Feb. 21 at 7 p.m., the Department of Corrections said. Both executions will be conducted at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson.",6 +6,Law making should be based on facts,5 +6,"Courtesy, not ban, solution to smoking",5 +6," could determine the fate of a range of regulations nationwide, from a federal prohibition on machine guns to some cities' licensing rules.",5 +11,"With airplanes from nearby Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport flying overheard, Mullins said he does not agree with the comparison between the African-American struggle for civil rights and the efforts of gays and lesbians to marry.",10 +15,Why Blindfold the Camera?,14 +6,"In Defense of the Death Penalty +",5 +13,How Trump is building a border wall that no one can see,12 +8,Nevada school shooting shows limits of security,7 +3, Churches won't join gay marriage repeal,2 +12,"SAFE, a bipartisan group formed after the April 20 Columbine massacre, has filed the paperwork to begin gathering signatures to put the measure on the November ballot.",11 +6,"The study, published in today's issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, is the first thorough review of the gun control law, one of the most restrictive in the nation. However, critics were quick to point out that the analysis ends in 1987, ",5 +6," along came the Brady bill, the controversial handgun control bill that has dogged members for seven years. ",5 +6,in nonsmoking environments,5 +13,"""That's a big difference between me and my opponent,"" she said at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Clinton Hill. ""He has voted with the National Rifle Association and the big gun lobby.""",12 +5,legal threats involving health liability from smoking.,4 +5,Mistrial Set In Penalty For a Killer In Arizona,4 +1,"Fearing Tax Rise Will Cost Jobs, Tobacco Workers Plan a Protest +",0 +1," +Originally, the hospitals sought to recover losses back to 1954, seeking $8 billion in damages. A judge narrowed the claim to patients treated since 1993, cutting potential damages to about $1 billion. +",0 +15,Immigrants on the Team,14 +5,Fla. court to review smokers' class-action,4 +13,"One of Congress' staunchest opponents of gun control suggests in an article in Guns and Ammo magazine that the government went after the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas, to whip up support for a ban on assault weapons.",12 +7, End police-gun sales,6 +13,"Cornyn and the measure's chief sponsor, Sen. Wayne Allard (R., Colo.), denied they were stirring up a divisive political issue two weeks before Democrats gather in Massachusetts, the first state to recognize same-sex marriages.",12 +1,"After that, in 1885, he found work at a cigar factory in the Four Corners area of Atlanta. + +The factory",0 +6,intent on reducing smoking,5 +13,"He e-mailed the Buzza news release by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a coalition of 550 mayors co-founded by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, which calls for tightening U.S. gun control laws.",12 +13,then Congress and President Clinton should accept it,12 +13,"HILLARY CLINTON stumped at black churches in Brooklyn Sunday, touting her tough stance on guns as she sought support in her home state's primary against Bernie Sanders.",12 +12,Polls show that Floridians who understand what Tuesday's election is about strongly favor her retention. They don't want the NRA or any other pressure group pushing their courts around.,11 +11,"Despite years of anti-smoking campaigns, lawsuits and bans, the smoking rate among American adults has hardly budged during the 1990s. Officials attributed what they called a ""total lack of progress"" to the fact that more and more 18- to 24-year-olds are lighting up.",10 +6,Same-Sex Marriage Bill Falls Short in Maryland,5 +11,"Survey Finds Teens Using Cigarettes, Drugs Less",10 +5,"In a Tobacco Industry Victory, Suit to Get Appellate Review",4 +1,"Christopher Amolsch, an attorney for Frondelli, said he was lured into smuggling by the high potential for profit. ""In a down economy, he was looking for a way to make a living,"" Amolsch said. ""It was a bad decision. He accepts full responsibility for it.""",0 +1,"Dosal is 'Big Tobacco' in state, should pay like it",0 +5,Tobacco industry on trial in Florida,4 +1,The idea some hold that undocumented immigrants do not contribute to the Oklahoma economy is simply untrue,0 +5,"""It's unclear whether jurors or prosecutors may be more lenient in potential prosecutions of women, since there are relatively few,"" said Dieter.",4 +13,Immigration's Impact Is On the Minds Of Va. Voters,12 +13,came with a cautionary tale from Chairman Vincent C. Gray.,12 +5,"Staff Sgt. Robert Bales is scheduled to enter guilty pleas to charges of premeditated murder Wednesday at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, south of Seattle, said attorney John Henry Browne. A sentencing-phase trial set for September will determine whether he is sentenced to life in prison with or without the possibility of parole. The judge and the commanding general at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, where Bales is being held, have approval over the deal.",4 +5,"It was a swift conclusion to the five-day trial, in which prosecutors characterized Reddish as a calculating killer while his attorneys depicted him as a drug and alcohol user who was provoked after an argument with the 43-year-old woman. +",4 +9,lames licked from the face mask of Pedro Medina ,8 +9, is not mentally retarded,8 +5, One cannot legally own a handgun in the United States until the age of 21.,4 +15,Hopeful News From Maryland,14 +11,cultural,10 +6,Expand 'red flag' laws to curb gun massacres,5 +5,"But in his closing argument in state Superior Court, defense lawyer Joseph E. Krakora, who never disputed the rape allegation, told the panel that there was no evidence linking Figueroa to the killing of Shaline Seguinot.",4 +13,"When it comes to guns, his flock is blinded by the right",12 +6,California's tough gun laws could not prevent East Oakland tragedy,5 +5,"The request was filed with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who is the justice designated to hear emergency matters from the 4th Circuit in Richmond. He will likely refer it to the rest of his colleagues, as has been the court's practice in similar cases. +",4 +1,"Fees for Citizenship, Residency to Increase",0 +13,BAM'S MUM AS MIKE LEADS FIGHT VS. GUNS,12 +5,Friday's Supreme Court ruling came at the request of Attorney General Dustin McDaniel and four counties. They asked that Piazza's decision be suspended while it was on appeal to avoid causing confusion among Arkansas' 75 counties.,4 +11," Even though that ban has been overturned, it has left a legacy of distrust.",10 +9,on the same day that The Post ran two stories on the death of Lou Rawls from lung and brain cancer,8 +7, The ''Saturday Night Special'' that John Hinckley is accused of using to shoot Mr. Reagan and three others was assembled in Miami from parts made in West Germany.,6 +5,"Ernest Jamison, who already had pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in Tennessee and first-degree murder in Illinois, stood trial last week before Judge Dennis J. Kehm in Hillsboro.",4 +6,This is the fifth year the report card has been issued. The purpose of the program is to monitor and encourage cities to strengthen tobacco control policies through enforcement and compliance efforts.,5 +13,Aims change for gun-control candidates;,12 +5,"The application should include the applicant's full name, date and place of birth, and the name, date and place of birth of the applicant's spouse and children, if any, as well as the applicant's mailing address and the United States Consular Office to which a visa registration should be sent.",4 +7,LOSING THE WAR ON DRUGS,6 +13,"""I think anybody that attempts to exploit this issue is making a mistake,"" said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), who represents riot-torn south-central Los Angeles. The riots, say Waters and other lawmakers, reach far beyond gun control: ""People are saying that they want some serious urban policy -- these are enclaves of hopelessness.""",12 +5,"In her 12-page ruling, which comes a day after a Broward judge struck down Florida's gay marriage ban in a decision regarding a West Palm Beach woman's quest to divorce a woman she wed in a civil union in Vermont, Lewis said the bans ""fail to pass constitutional muster."" +",4 +8,"The lessons are being taught by Richard Rhee who, with neighbors, deterred attacks on his business. Or Tom Spear who, with neighbors, repelled gangs in his community. Or from Norman Simples, an African-American who, while waiting for the National Guard to arrive, defended his store. All with privately owned arms.",7 +7,"Warren Lee Hill is set to die by lethal injection Wednesday for fatally bludgeoning a fellow prison inmate with a nail-studded, 2-by-6 wooden board. At the time, Hill was serving a life sentence at a southwest Georgia prison for killing his 18-year-old girlfriend.",6 +10,"Damon woke up screaming last week, more than six years after the April 19, 1995, blast that killed 168 people. He sought counseling a year after the bombing when he realized his pent-up emotions were wrecking his family life.",9 +1,Federal lawmakers seek tobacco farm assistance,0 +10,"""We've waited 23 years,"" says Zwerin, 39. ""We're not about to shortcut the pomp and circumstances.""",9 +1,"There may be hope for families who don't make enough money to sponsor relatives for citizenship, immigrant advocates announced yesterday.",0 +12,"ALIENATED BY FEDS EMIGRES RALLY, RIP AID CURBS",11 +15,Same-Sex Marriage Data to be Released,14 +5,"""The district court's decision wrongly prevents these lawful, common sense policies from taking effect,"" he added.",4 +4,He also argued that it discriminated against the domestic partners of heterosexual city employees.,3 +8,Why terrorists target Europe over U.S.,7 +10,Fighting for a Married Life Together in Md,9 +13,The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly today to bar Federal recognition of same-sex marriages,12 +5, And a full 98 percent of asylum-seeking families abide by court requirements when given legal representation.,4 +12," +Marian Wright Edelman called Friday for a grass-roots movement to turn around the ""social and spiritual disintegration of American society.""",11 +9,Health Groups Begin Effort On Ad Claims By Cigarettes,8 +9,by both the public health community,8 +12,LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE,11 +5," He has decided not to appeal his death sentence further, though public defenders are seeking to intervene in his case and delay the execution.",4 +4,"""We just want a process that people can be treated with fairness and dignity,"" said the Rev. Jack Schuler, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Ferguson.",3 +7,"Because Alalouf, a former correction officer, didn't have a criminal record and nobody apparently complained to police about his behavior",6 +12,"Saturday's March for Our Lives protest in Washington drew hundreds of thousands of people, the largest gun control demonstration in a generation",11 +11,Can America Assimilate?,10 +12,"""The N.R.A. in Times Square"" (Topics of The Times, May 24) objects to the National Rifle Association's setting up a theme restaurant and arcade in midtown Manhattan.",11 +5,"A federal appeals court on Tuesday will decide the legality of Proposition 8, California's ban on same-sex marriage.",4 +6,"""A bad idea,"" Tampa police Chief Eric Ward said of House Bill 163 and Senate Bill 300, now pending in the Legislature.",5 +8,Osama bin Laden wanted to strike the United States,7 +5,"Justice Stephen G. Breyer, one of the dissenters in the 5-to-4 decision, surveyed a quite substantial body of empirical research on whether gun control laws do any good. Then he wrote: ''The upshot is a set of studies and counterstudies that, at most, could leave a judge uncertain about the proper policy conclusion.'' +",4 +10,Students warned of smoking's perils,9 +6," contend that the death penalty does not reduce crime, is biased against minorities and can lead to the execution of innocent people.",5 +7,"Brazen daylight smuggling pours illegals into U.S.; For as little as $100, Mexicans join groups heading right past Border Patrol agents",6 +9,It came out against the execution of the mentally retarded.,8 +5,"He needs a state armed guard license, which has requirements above and beyond the simple carry permit.",4 +6,"The rewritten part of the ballot question would read: ""That only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions.",5 +9,The result is that an increasing number of dangerous individuals are walking around with increasingly dangerous weapons in increasingly more places.,8 +3,"""unable to tell right from wrong.""",2 +11,"For Gay Couples, New Rituals at the Altar",10 +13,PATAKI AGREES TO SIGN BILL REQUIRING SELF-SNUFFING CIGS,12 +3,"Marriage ""shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.""",2 +5,"On Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit published a decision in Kolbe v. Hogan, a case in which plaintiffs challenged the constitutionality of Maryland's Firearms Safety Act of 2013.",4 +7,halted executions in the state,6 +7,The fourth man convicted of illegally selling firearms at a Mebane flea market was sentenced in federal court Wednesday.,6 +11,"Utah's official reason for same-sex ban: Marriages should be about children +",10 +3," +Executing teens?",2 +6, We can do something about this.,5 +1,"Marlboro maker Altria Group said Thursday that it will cut the number of salaried workers at its cigarette business and related service subsidiaries by 15 percent as sales continue to decline industrywide. + +Altria, based in Richmond, would not say how many people would be affected by the layoffs. It said that employees who will lose their jobs will be informed by mid-December and that most will leave by late February. The reductions announced Thursday do not include hourly manufacturing workers. + +Altria has 10,000 employees across the United States, including about 4,600 in Virginia. Cigarettes make up the bulk of its business. + +Altria announced plans to trim $400 million in annualized costs by the end of 2013, which would include about $300 million in employee separation costs and additional reductions in spending. The number of cigarettes that Altria sold declined 9 percent in the third quarter, to 33.3 billion, compared with a year ago.",0 +8, already conduct checks that satisfy or exceed the requirements of the Brady law,7 +7,"Federal authorities determined yesterday that Morales-Soriano was an illegal immigrant from Mexico and filed papers to begin deportation proceedings, said James Dinkins, acting special agent in charge of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Baltimore office.",6 +11,"Forty million Americans smoke, and taking away their cigarettes would be impractical and overly intrusive. +",10 +5,was found directly responsible,4 +9,"His new study, published in the Archives of Family Medicine, looked at 16 women and 19 men in three groups. One group chewed 2-milligram doses of nicotine gum each waking hour. A second group 4-milligram doses, and a third had no nicotine in their gum.",8 +13,"""It seems a little bit ridiculous that anyone would be laying this at the feet of Republicans,"" he said.",12 +13,Alaska's Murkowski Becomes Third G.O.P. Senator to Support Gay Marriage,12 +13,Obama to begin huge gun control campaign,12 +5,Undocumented Workers and the Law,4 +6,"And on that front, the data shows it had a sig-nificant impact.",5 +13,Spitzer Says He Would Do What Pataki and Courts Have Not,12 +13,the governments,12 +9,"Over 3,000 American teens become addicted to nicotine every day, county officials said. Studies have shown that smoking can cause respiratory illness and increases the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. +",8 +13,"Striving to sound smart - and hard-nosed - about the city's most pressing crime problem, the six candidates for Philadelphia district attorney offered strategies to combat gun violence at a unique forum hosted by CeaseFire PA, Pennsylvania's largest gun-control group.",12 +8,"I don't condone killing these illegals, but I do support stopping them with the only thing they seem to understand: brute force.",7 +5,"constitutional amendment banning gay marriage: +",4 +13,Senate passes immigration bill,12 +11,"In Va., a Change of Heart on Death Penalty",10 +8,"""Foreign terrorists --- buying guns here in America,"" reads the ad, sponsored by the nonprofit Americans for Gun Safety.",7 +1,Gun Maker Tells Resellers To Avoid Firearms Shows,0 +7,"Texas, like most states that permit the execution of convicted killers, considers a broad spectrum of evidence to determine if a capital murderer should receive the death penalty for his crime.",6 +5,Civil rights groups say a judge's decision to halt part of Alabama's strict illegal immigration enforcement law averted a Thanksgiving weekend exodus of Hispanics from the state.,4 +7, should die in the electric chair for Holley's murder.,6 +11,"""There is no parallel in history to the [American] experiment of free government on this scale. The scale accounts for a great deal, including . . . pessimism about the present or the future of America."" + +- Scottish historian D.W. Brogan in ""The American Character,"" 1944",10 +7,Witness Clears Man Executed In Texas for 1985 Slaying,6 +7,Md. Killer Set for Execution After High Court Rebuff,6 +9,a mental health provision,8 +5,SUPREME COURT HEARS GUATEMALAN ASYLUM CASE,4 +12,"Restaurants, schools close in 'Day Without Immigrants' protest;",11 +5,COURT ALLOWS REFUGEES TO LEAVE CAMPS,4 +13,The House will try to jam immigration reform into its last few days of legislating before members leave to campaign for re- election.,12 +3,Evangelical Leader Quits Over Gay Union Remark,2 +5,After the states were cut loose by the Supreme Court to resume capital punishment in 1976,4 +8,"Texas Governor's School Safety Plan: More Armed Guards, No Big Gun Con-trols",7 +6," +A measure to ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota's Constitution is already scheduled to be on the ballot in 2012, and one could follow in North Carolina",5 +5,Justices' Arizona Ruling On Illegal Immigration May Embolden States,4 +5,SUPREMES' GUN RIGHTS RULING PUTS CITY LAW IN CROSS HAIRS,4 +10,"Bullies called him ""Crip.""",9 +4,Gay couple's bias case advances Illinois Department of Human Rights finds evidence of discrimination.,3 +13,Reject the gun lobby,12 +6,"City officials in Maryland Heights and Hazelwood are enacting regulations on the use of firearms before a state law guaranteeing the right to hunt on flood plains kicks in. + +On Thursday, the Maryland Heights City Council outlawed hunting and the discharge of any firearms or weapons, including crossbows, starting in September 2008.",5 +12, the National Rifle Association,11 +8,The Feb. 28 editorial opposing concealed carry misrepresented both the bill and the likely consequences.,7 +15,SMOKER BLOWS TOP AT ANN'S ADVICE,14 +7,"Hill also wounded Barrett's wife, June, and was convicted of attempted first-degree murder. +",6 +7,"Hopewell High suspends a student for five days if he or she is caught smoking on school grounds between 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. A second offense nets the student nine days' suspension, a referral to the town's health officer, and a possible $100 fine. The third time, the offender is out for good.",6 +7,Sterling Areas Targeted for Stiffer Zoning Enforcement,6 +15,Conflicting Views On Same-Sex Marriage,14 +10,MORE GOOD REASONS TO QUIT SMOKING,9 +7,FREMONT TO CLAMP DOWN ON COPS WHO SMOKE CHIEF WILL OUTLAW PUFFING IN PATROL CARS,6 +1,marketing and manufacture of tobacco products,0 +13,"""The Senate spoke on this issue and we came up five votes short,"" Toomey said Tuesday in a statement. ""It is unclear if yesterday's tragedy changes the atmosphere sufficiently to yield a different outcome.""",12 +9,Safety: Injuries After Gun Shows,8 +13,"A Senate in the Gun Lobby's Grip +",12 +5,EX-PRISONER FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER,4 +11,"Since the inception of the Virginia Slims campaign in 1967 and other such promotions, girls and young women comprise the fastest growing population of new and heavy (more than 20 cigarettes a day) smokers. Since the 1988 introduction of Joe Camel, the share of the youth market owned by Camel brand increased to 34 percent from 0.5 percent.",10 +5,"""We've reviewed all the state's evidence, boxes of it, and they can't prove that Tony was the hit man,"" said defense attorney Tom West.",4 +9,"Long-term solutions, safer schools",8 +13,"House passes bill imposing stricter visa requirements +",12 +6,"Gualtieri said the proposal is presented as an alternative to open-carry legislation bills and would help solve the ""gotcha law"" problem if someone's gun was accidentally visible.",5 +13,NOW H IL OPPOSES SPITZ PLAN. SAYS SHE'S AGAINST IMMIGRANT LICENSES,12 +5,JURY URGED TO SPARE KILLER'S LIFE,4 +6,Gay marriage bill approved by Md. Senate,5 +2,"As an Execution Date Nears, Concerns Over Prison Staffing",1 +11,"Hot pot is traditionally eaten on Lunar New Year's Eve. The communal activity represents the bond of the family, which gathers around a warm pot to share good wishes for the coming year.",10 +11,"Bert and Ernie showed up against the red background. (They're best friends with no plans to marry, according to Sesame Street.) Another version featured Paula Deen atop the red square and lines turned a shade of yellow akin to her favorite ingredient and the tagline: ""It's like two sticks of butter y'all.""",10 +4,DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE INITIATIVE IS NOT ANTI-GAY,3 +1,Owners can't be casual,0 +3,"""It certainly was cruel and inhumane,""",2 +12,"That is the analysis of a new study of the data by two pollsters, one a Democrat and the other a Republican. +",11 +1,Brady bill spurs boom in Florida gun sales,0 +11,Youths ignore tobacco warnings,10 +5,Md. Lawyer Wants Bar Higher for Death Row,4 +5,"Thanks to the Supreme Court Wednesday, these couples may be eligible to amend their returns to file jointly and take other deductions previously only available to opposite-sex spouses, at least if they live in states that recognize gay marriage.",4 +6,"""With the gun bill, you can't have a bad session",5 +11,Hard-to-Watch Commercials to Make Quitting Smoking Easier,10 +7,Save our santuary cities,6 +13,Clinton: Include Gun Shows in Law on Background Checks,12 +13,apparently in response to a request from the governor.,12 +8, opposing a fence along the entire U.S.-Mexico border,7 +9," Florida State University Professor Gary Kleck, which challenges gun-control advocates' claims that guns are a public health problem.",8 +5,"For two days this week, prosecutors and defense lawyers have sparred over whether a Philadelphia jury should impose the city's first death sentence in more than a year or a punishment of life in prison without parole.",4 +11,There are roughly 90 million gun owners in the U.S. who responsibly own firearms of all kinds.,10 +5,Incoming state Supreme Court Chief Justice William Ray Price Jr. said last week the state will likely schedule no execution dates while officials await the outcome of a federal appeal filed on behalf of death row inmate Reginald Clemons.,4 +5,ATTORNEYS ARGUE AGAINST DEATH PENALTY FOR KILLER,4 +5,Long-shot juror cast in murder trial sequel,4 +5,"Castellan/Liberty merely sent rent arrears notices to tenants, said Jamie Heiberger, a spokeswoman. She said the landlord will cooperate with the subpoena, which also requests details about investment practices. +",4 +12,"In a poll taken between Dec. 3 and Dec. 7, 52 percent of those surveyed said it is ""more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns,"" while 46 percent said it is ""more important to control gun ownership,"" Pew reported.",11 +7,"Last week, the jury found Allen guilty of bank robbery in which someone was killed. Bank guard Richard Heflin, 46, of Belleville was shot to death in the robbery.",6 +15,"N.Y. gays dash to altar via Calif.; 12,000 couples may head where the coast is clear for marriage",14 +10,"""As soon as I told her where I worked, she hushed up,"" Martinez said, a former Casino San Pablo maintenance worker who remembers scraping soot-like smoke residue from the gaming floor's ceiling every three weeks.",9 +7," Of the 900 individuals that have been sentenced to death in California since 1978, only 13 have been executed. And California has not executed anyone since 2006.",6 +10,He said he had to think of his family,9 +8,"THREATS AND RESPONSES: DOMESTIC SECURITY; U.S. WILL TIGHTEN RULES ON HOLDING TERROR SUSPECTS +",7 +11,"Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking",10 +5,"Both approaches found some success at the Supreme Court last June. Now the two sides have been yoked as they and other challengers across the country embark on their shared goal: persuading the justices to establish a constitutional right to marriage that must be extended to same-sex couples no matter where they live. +",4 +13,With President Barack Obama's change of position on gay marriage -- which earned a Full Flop on our Flip-O-Meter -- we thought it was a good time to take a fresh look at Mitt Romney's position on the same issue.,12 +13,"In a debate Tuesday, gubernatorial candidates Douglas Forrester and Jon S. Corzine found common ground on the issue. Both said they opposed same-sex marriage but would oppose a constitutional amendment to ban it.",12 +1,Gun sales waiting period gets first okay,0 +5,Justices throw out parts of Arizona's immigration law,4 +13,"The NRA and chamber's long battle in the Republican-controlled Legislature caused an awkward and politically precarious situation for the GOP, which has traditionally protected both property and gun rights.",12 +12,"A local ordinance encouraging residents to own guns was upheld by voters today, ending a three-month controversy that had divided this rural Vermont community. + +''The first thing that Communists do is to make guns unlawful under penalty of death,'' a retired worker, Alfred Smith, warned his neighbors before the 201-to-90 vote supporting the ordinance. ''If anyone doesn't see the need for this ordinance then their sight isn't very good.'' + +Opponents had hoped their campaign would bring out enough of the town's 2,250 voters to defeat the ordinance at the special election.",11 +5,"On Wednesday, the couple and their photographer, Kristina Hill, sued the conservative group, a nonprofit based in Virginia called Public Advocate of the United States, in federal court in Denver. They accuse Public Advocate of infringing on Ms. Hill's copyright and misappropriating the couple's likeness",4 +9, Gun safety unregulated,8 +5,"LIMIT ONE AMENDMENT, LIMIT THEM ALL",4 +5,"U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch dismissed the jury and will instead impose a sentence himself. Nichols could get up to life in prison without parole; under federal law, only a jury can impose a death sentence.",4 +5,"In that case, a six-person panel will soon decide whether the ills of three representative smokers were caused by cigarettes. If the jury makes such a finding regarding any one smoker, it would then award punitive damages, or those meant to punish a company, for the entire class. Though its size is unknown, the case is estimated to cover 300,000 to 500,000 current or former smokers.",4 +10,"Available in three flavors and packaged in attractive tins, Snus does not have to be spit out and therefore can be used just about anywhere -- ''at a concert, right in front of security guards,'' ''on a jet from Miami to L.A.,'' or at an ''overpriced tapas restaurant,'' a promotional brochure suggests.",9 +8,"GOOD GUYS NEED GUNS, TOO",7 +5,A United States Supreme Court ruling in June left in place a trial judge's order striking down the measure as unconstitutional.,4 +7,"Three Martin County juries found Morgan guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Gertrude Trbovich in trials in 1977, 1981 and 1985, and three judges sentenced him to die in Florida's electric chair.",6 +13,Gov. Tom Corbett ,12 +9,Safer With Guns v. Safer Without Guns,8 +11,"Many people have characterized my novel, ''The Sympathizer,'' as an immigrant story, and me as an immigrant. No. My novel is a war story and I am not an immigrant. I am a refugee who, like many others, has never ceased being a refugee in some corner of my mind.",10 +13,"Supporters of the legislation, including Gov. Paterson, are calling for a vote even though it's unclear if there is enough support in the Senate to pass the measure.",12 +5,"Call it what you will, says court, gay couples have same rights",4 +5,The proposed amendment,4 +13,"""What better way to recognize this paragon of virtue than to recognize him with a green highly restricted semi-automatic AK-47 short barrel rifle,"" Yow told Capital.",12 +13,The party line between Bloomberg and Schumer,12 +7,An Algerian man who twice beat deportation attempts escaped along with two other prisoners from an Immigration and Naturalization Service detention facility in Aurora early Monday.,6 +6,Harsh Immigration Policy,5 +6,"The bill contains several provisions that would make it more difficult for youths, felons or deranged people to buy weapons, with no questions asked, at the nation's 4,400 annual gun shows. The bill also would impose severe penalties on underage law-breakers and redefine violence in the media as an obscenity outlawed by the Supreme Court.",5 +10,When Parents Are Deported,9 +13,"So far, seven Republican senators from that group have said they will oppose the Manchin-Toomey plan, and one is leaning against it. Combined with the 31 senators who voted against debating the overall gun bill last week, that brings potential opponents of expanding background checks to 39 - just two fewer than opponents will need to sink the legislation.",12 +11,American Nativism Has 19th-Century Roots,10 +13,"Broad voter support for the amendment, coupled with continued Republican control of the Legislature, would also help the group convince lawmakers to rescind the state's ban on carrying concealed weapons, said Fendry, of Eagle",12 +5,had almost exhausted his appeals and had one appeal pending.,4 +13,"Follow RFK example, push for gun control",12 +5,"Vt. court upholds gay couples' rights +",4 +9,"This new era in death row improvisation has produced sometimes disturbing results, even before the debacle in Oklahoma, in which Lockett thrashed on a gurney before dying from an apparent heart attack after 43 minutes. Oklahoma's corrections director said the vein line meant to administer lethal drugs into Lockett's body had ""exploded"" and that the drugs were not having the intended effect.",8 +5,"The Supreme Court dived into a historic debate on gay rights Tuesday that could soon lead to resumption of same-sex marriage in California, but the justices signaled they might not be ready for a major national ruling on whether America's gays and lesbians have a right to marry. +",4 +11,"Guns, violence and America",10 +15,PUFF and circumstance,14 +1,Tobacco warehouses in the Bright Leaf Belt are closing left and right as companies buy directly from farmers,0 +2,"For Both Sides, Time Takes a Heavy Toll on Evidence",1 +11, ''Imagine how different history would be if all the Jews in Germany had guns.'',10 +13,"The Empire State Pride Agenda and other advocacy groups now face a tough battle to get the Republican-led Senate to go along with the measure - and an even bigger battle to quell the fears of many New Yorkers that allowing gay marriage will shove society down a slippery slope to legalizing now-taboo sexual arrangements like polygamy and incest. +",12 +5,"The merchant's attorney yesterday denied the allegations, and all sides are due in court in the Bronx today to argue whether a judge should:",4 +5,Death penalty sought against murderer,4 +3,Proliferation of guns in U.S. is shameful,2 +7,"Marshall was convicted of arranging the September 1984 contract killing of his wife, Maria. She was shot to death in a remote area off the Garden State Parkway as she and Marshall were returning home from Atlantic City.",6 +13,VIRGINIA TO BEEF UP LAW ON GUN SALES,12 +13,"In a breakfast talk at the St. Louis Regional Chamber, which has made boosting immigration to the region one of its top priorities, Blunt said the only way he saw immigration reform moving through Congress was in a series of bills, instead of the comprehensive package passed last year by the Senate. +",12 +5,Vote keeps 3-judge panel in death cases Bill advocating 1 jurist defeated for 3rd time,4 +5,"eulander to be retried in Monmouth County +",4 +13,"Sarah Brady, of all people, packing heat.""",12 +7,"HB 1235 would require police to fingerprint juveniles when they're charged with committing a felony, and send the prints to the CBI. People with felony juvenile records are supposed to be blocked from buying a gun right now, but the state doesn't usually get the records. It is part Owens' gun-control package.",6 +4, She describes the issue as a matter of conscience and equality.,3 +7,"Had the death penalty been taken off the table, Brian Nichols would be in a maximum security state prison by now serving the rest of his natural born life where he belongs.",6 +12, sparked outcry from gay rights and other liberal groups,11 +12,WALK FOR SANITY,11 +15,"PHOTOGRAPHER SLIPPED INTO HOUSE, AS ""HELL BROKE LOOSE""",14 +1,The coverage costs her hundreds of dollars a month.,0 +13,"Mr. Trump and the N.R.A., Partners in Fear",12 +9,Guns and the Rising Rate of Suicide,8 +6,"Same-sex marriage proposals are sweeping into New England state legislatures this spring, particularly in places where organized religious opposition may be the weakest.",5 +3,"Archbishop backs influence of religion on politics, policy",2 +5,Same-sex marriages allowed in S.C.,4 +6,Roswell to restrict smoking in city parks,5 +13, President George Bush,12 +11,"A Nation Awash in Guns, and Outrage",10 +6,Drive to ban smoking in city buildings gets boost,5 +6,"That bill, House Bill 751, added a ban against recognition of same-sex civil unions or partnership arrangements to Virginia's ""Affirmation of Marriage Act.""",5 +7," By the time law enforcement arrives, the shooter either commits suicide or escapes. ",6 +5,PEACH DEPLORES DECISION BY TWO 8TH CIRCUIT JUDGES,4 +10,The statement Wednesday from Rachel Sutphin ,9 +12,"Nearly all of the 650 seats of the Reif Center, normally used for performances of a more artistic nature, were filled with an equal number of people on both sides of the issue.",11 +11," There is in fact a surefire way to get teenagers to consume less beer, tobacco and drugs, according to one study after another",10 +7,They were both victims of handgun violence within a two-month period in 1981.,6 +15,"After all that noise, the big issues fizzled",14 +5,"The Supreme Court yesterday threw out the death sentence of a Maryland man because of the poor performance of the lawyers who were appointed to fight on his behalf, in a ruling that bolstered capital defendants' constitutional right to effective counsel.",4 +9,"s mentally incompetent. +",8 +11," +Why we need a gun culture +",10 +5,PHOTO ID AS PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED TO BUY CIGARETTES,4 +1,"Since June, four of Georgia's biggest employers have done so, including BellSouth, Delta, Atlanta Gas Light and Coca-Cola, Knox said.",0 +11,"A day of same-sex marriages in Santa Clara County, the Bay Area",10 +6,TOBACCO BILLBOARD BAN NOW IN EFFECT - MOSTLY,5 +6,HIS RESOLVE: TIGHTEN FLORIDA'S GUN LAWS,5 +10,who are trying to quit smoking.,9 +13,"Group to air $12 million gun-control ad +",12 +6," Making it illegal for minors to purchase cigarettes, forbidding smoking where non-smokers are exposed to passive smoke and even prohibiting smoking in government buildings are all appropriate measures that strengthen the social pressure not to smoke.",5 +5,Does Right To Bear Arms Apply Today?,4 +5,"Under guidelines established by the parole board, lawyers for death row inmates must file clemency petitions 21 days before a scheduled execution. But Mr. Haas said he miscalculated the dates and submitted Mr. Lawton's petition a day late.",4 +13,Critics had complained the legislation had been rushed through at the council's last meeting of the year with too little consideration.,12 +11,adding Virginia to the growing list of states that give the condemned access to DNA testing long after their convictions.,10 +5,"While some may dispute using the term ""amnesty"" to describe this proposal, that's exactly what it is",4 +11,"To demonstrate the difference between the homosexual rights movement and the African-American movement, Ms. Parker says that ""African-Americans were defending themselves against state-approved abuse, including murder, and trying to establish their equal dignity as person(s) . . . "" What does Ms. Parker think that homosexuals are trying to do? If she took time to inform herself about the homosexual movement, she would know that only last year did the Supreme Court strike down sodomy laws in the United States, laws which were kept intact in most states mainly to target, persecute and demoralize homosexuals across the nation. +",10 +7,Agents arrest 115 immigrants,6 +13,"San Francisco supervisor Kim says pledge of allegiance for first time +",12 +5,constitutional amendment for victims' rights.,4 +11,Smoking among youth would decrease if Georgia ,10 +13,Ga. candidates take a hard line; Barnes backs an Arizona approach; Johnson says copy Guantanamo Bay.,12 +13,"Mr. Biden declared in an interview on Sunday that he was ''absolutely comfortable'' with same-sex marriage, a position that went considerably further than the president's ''evolving'' views on the matter and scrambled the White House's carefully laid plans for confronting one of the most sensitive social issues in the election.",12 +13,"In rural Missouri, Edwards touts ticket's support for states' rights",12 +7,"Conley said Tice confessed that he ""struck the victim, manually strangled the victim, and placed a rope around the victim's neck.""",6 +13,Hispanics will hit Trump back,12 +1,Va. Student Wins Immigrant Group In-State Tuition,0 +6,"SMOKING BAN IS CHOKING BIZ, SAY PROTESTERS",5 +13,JERSEY GUN BILL BECOMES A LAW IN BYRNE'S CAR,12 +3,"Catholic bishops have previously fought high-profile battles with public officials who endorse policy positions contrary to official church teaching. The previous battleground was mostly limited to debates over the right to life, which is seen within Catholicism as a primary, inviolable value. But it is new that church leaders such as DiMarzio would include legislation on gay rights as sufficient cause to ostracize politicians.",2 +15,Q&A ON THE NEWS,14 +12,Poll Watch: Americans Show Selective Objection to a President's Executive Actions,11 +5," +US Sup Ct agrees to decide if key provision of '68 Fed Firearms Control Law violates Const's privilege against self incrimination",4 +2,State-run English classes swamped with students Influx of immigrants increases demand,1 +1,. Why object to more businesses on the heels of a recession?,0 +5, Louisiana Court Denies Plea for Stay of Execution,4 +4,Civil rights,3 +7,Two Mexican nationals arrested,6 +5,"Less than seven months after same-sex couples began tying the knot in Massachusetts, the state is seeing its first gay divorces. + +Newlyweds seeking to renounce their vows have been trickling into probate courts across the state, filling out obsolete forms that still read ""husband"" and ""wife."" +",4 +13,Chuck Schumer offers 'middle ground,12 +1,''there is no reason to avoid import of these firearms. ,0 +9,Arizona law affects issues of health,8 +5,"Citing Obama's statements that relevant laws should be applied to Onyango, William Gheen, who heads Americans for Legal Immigration, said, ""If the rule of law were applied in this case, Zeituni Onyango should have been deported a long time ago.",4 +10,COP WIDOW HITS DA DECISION,9 +13,Md. Politics: Debate begins ahead of same-sex marriage vote,12 +13,"Clinton has consistently hammered him on the issue, as support among Democratic lawmakers and President Obama for stricter gun control laws in the U.S. has grown.",12 +5,"At the same time, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, also a staunch opponent of the death penalty, indicated he, too, prefers life without parole.",4 +7,"Only five violent crimes involving permitted pistols were committed during this period, and none resulted in fatalities.",6 +9, is more important than the physical health of its customers.,8 +13," No longer a back-burner issue, immigration is roiling the presidential contest as President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney seek to court the nation's swelling Hispanic population. The outcome could influence political battle lines and shape American politics for generations.",12 +1,Open: Jobs for Specialists; Wanted: Foreign Workers; Labor Dept. Proposes 'Green Card' Shortcut,0 +13,The Fix's week in politics: Rand Paul at CPAC,12 +11,"In L.A., a Pol for a Polyglot City",10 +1,The proposed cigarette excise tax increase of 19 cents per pack is a regressive tax upon the people who can afford it the least.,0 +11,Young more supportive of same-sex marriage,10 +13,"The speech Tuesday night was on behalf of the Illinois Democratic Party's nominee for governor, Glenn Poshard - a congressman from Southern Illinois whose opposition to gun control has created tension within a state party controlled largely by pro-gun-control Chicagoans. +",12 +7,I'm outraged at the violence and crime in St. Louis.,6 +6,Packing Heat Everywhere: A measure in Congress takes aim at state laws that limit the carrying of concealed weapons,5 +8,Concealed carry compromise,7 +6,A courageous gun-control stand,5 +13,Senate panel advances bill to change immigration policies Activists cheer vote,12 +8, were one reason terrorist kingpin Osama Bin Laden hated the U.S. and issued a worldwide fatwa ordering the killing of Americans.,7 +7,"The boyfriend, Douglas Bittinger, 28, testified that Tharp typically fed her three other children more than Tausha and that the girl foraged for food in garbage cans and drank from the toilet. Bittinger is awaiting trial on homicide charges.",6 +3," ""we're not able to recognize a moral issue when it strikes us dead in the face.""",2 +5,"California Prop. 8: Same-sex weddings take place in Bay Area after stay is lifted +",4 +8, implying that Muslim immigrants pose a threat to women in the United States.,7 +5,"The case at the court came from Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin, whose company, Elane Photography, refused service for the 2007 commitment ceremony of a lesbian couple, Vanessa Willock and Misti Collinsworth. +",4 +5,"The Supreme Court seldom agrees to reconsider its rulings. But in a 21-page legal brief, the defense fund argues that freezing the ruling would avoid chaos around the state as couples move to capitalize on their newfound legal right to marry by rushing to clerk's offices to get marriage licenses between now and November.",4 +7,DEATH-ROW PRISONER MAKES 16-HOUR ESCAPE,6 +12,Prop. 8 supporters move to erase ruling because trial judge has same-sex partner,11 +15,Guns for a Real World,14 +5,"But David Boies, a lawyer for opponents of the ban, said that judges are required to recuse themselves from cases only under specific circumstances, such as when a judge has taken a public position on the case or has a financial stake in the matter. But Judge Walker's sexuality was not relevant, he said.",4 +11,The Shock of Ordinary Gun Violence,10 +13,Senate Rejects Judge Chosen By President For U.S. Court,12 +7,"""There's a pretty good chance we'll meet them on the D.C. side of the bridge,"" the chief promised. +",6 +11,The Stone Age folks who didn't have them apparently didn't need them,10 +13,Representative Bill Green,12 +13,Gore's vote rescues gun control measures,12 +13,"'2nd Amendment people' his secret weapon, Trump hints",12 +5, Lawmakers and health experts were pressing for tough new restrictions on smoking.,4 +5,Two Saudis to face judge today,4 +1,"Critics of gun shows, including sponsors of stricter gun-show legislation, say the shows provide a convenient place for buyers and sellers to get around federal laws requiring background checks.",0 +10,Why go to New York when we can go to Paris and be comfortable? The food is great and we smokers don't have to feel like lepers.,9 +13,"Which candidate, George W. Bush or Al Gore, will be the first to support sensible gun laws? That candidate will earn my vote. +",12 +7,"Mary Vincent, whom Singleton had raped in California in 1978 before hacking off her arms,",6 +6,ALIENS BILL NEARS REALITY,5 +5,a proposal legal experts says directly violates the First Amendment.,4 +9,KIRKWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT EXPANDS ITS WEAPONS BAN TO ALL SCHOOL PROPERTY,8 +12,"Three-quarters of likely voters in Virginia said immigration is important to their votes in the election for state and local offices, while just a year ago, immigration ranked seventh of 10 listed issues in a Post poll before the U.S. Senate race. Since then, the percentage of Virginia voters calling immigration ""extremely"" or ""very"" important to their vote has jumped 15 points.",11 +12,DOES NRA HAVE IDEAS ON HOW TO STOP SHOOTINGS?,11 +5,legal to use but problematic to merchandise legally,4 +7,An unrepentant Robert Lee Willie was executed today in Louisiana's electric chair for the rape and murder of an 18-year-old woman who was attacked as she walked home from a discoth eque.,6 +5,"""The present practice creates a situation in which a licensed handgun cannot be accounted for and could potentially fall into the wrong hands,""",4 +5,"was announced yesterday as negotiators who drew up the plan began the hard press to get more states signed on to the accord. + +The settlement would resolve pending state lawsuits seeking to recover",4 +5,COURT'S STAY HEARTENS DEATH PENALTY FOES,4 +13,Arizona immigration conflict,12 +5,The attorneys who successfully sued to strike down California's same-sex marriage ban have joined Attorney General Jerry Brown in urging a federal appeals court to quickly allow gay marriages to resume in the state.,4 +9,What ending DACA could mean for young immigrants' health,8 +5,"The court, though, didn't rule on the question of whether there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, a fact seized upon by opponents. +",4 +13,"The Clinton administration, convinced that Congress has badly underestimated the public appetite for new gun regulations, is planning an "" all-out offensive on guns"" in the coming year, the Washington Post reported today.",12 +8," It is schools that need to change by putting armed guards and metal detectors,",7 +7,A Vietnam Veteran Who Said He'd Kill Again Is Executed,6 +6,No more defending the death penalty,5 +5,Jury selection goes slowly,4 +3,'Marriage' has religious meaning,2 +5,Kate Steinle shooting trial begins today with opening statements,4 +5,Wuornos dismissed at sentence hearing,4 +5,Immigration Judges Facing Yearly Performance Reviews,4 +11,Oliver North Blames 'Culture of Violence' for Mass Shootings,10 +7,"A federal jury convicted a Manhattan man yesterday on charges of bribery, identification fraud and the transport of illegal immigrants in a two-year scheme that prosecutors said involved the purchase of more than 900 fake drivers' licenses.",6 +9,Kick the habit with buspirone,8 +13,SMOKING BAN WINS CLINTON'S SUPPORT,12 +6,"HB 1198 demands that - for the first time in history - Colorado deny recognition of marriages licensed by sister states. It does not limit this nonrecognition to same-sex unions; it also purports to void marriages between people too closely related, even if they wed long ago in another state. We should ask if this bill is worth it.",5 +1,"We have some very real concerns about their financial controls,"" Lester said. ""They had $ 100,000 allocated for overtime but didn't spend it because no one knew how to draw the money."" +",0 +5,"can never be sentenced again to die despite getting a new trial, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday.",4 +9,"""Secure gun storage or safety devices"" would have to be sold with handguns. But the measure also extends liability protections for a gun owner who uses a safety lock and whose gun was stolen and used in a crime.",8 +10,Teri Gruenwald wanted to share the big news that she got married with the people she works with every day: her eighth-grade students.,9 +5,GREENBACKS: FOREIGNERS' GREEN CARD LINK,4 +7,"Moss is being held without bail after being indicted on charges of first-degree murder, two counts of rape and two counts of sodomy, among other charges. +",6 +12," +A wall of support surrounding Elian +",11 +7, Police Chief Ed Winchester,6 +12,Gun group could owe,11 +5, but earned a temporary stay Tuesday afternoon while the court considered his request to block his death.,4 +11," James Madison wrote that ""Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms."" Thomas Jefferson observed ""No free man shall ever be disbarred from the use of arms."" + +Our founding fathers understood that firearms brought us freedom from the oppression of the king who was so anxious to disarm us. They understood that firearms are involved in national security as well as the personal security of the individual citizen. They acknowledged that self-defense is the inherent right of all law-abiding citizens.",10 +9,"Duke doctor testifies cancer,secondhand smoke linked",8 +5," Supreme Court's decision to overturn the marriage act,",4 +11," +""I wanted my kids to experience history, to take in and breathe in the equality in the air,"" Wenker said. +",10 +13,"The measure faces an uphill battle in the Senate, where it takes 60 votes to consider legislation. Just last week, only 48 of the 100 senators voted to bring up a companion proposal to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriages.",12 +5,won a legal victory on Monday,4 +11,"Past editions have featured such things as Santa brandishing a pistol at a burglar about to break a window, Santa with a gift sack stuffed with revolvers and Santa aloft in his sleigh blazing away at planes bearing Soviet markings. By comparison, this year's version is downright modest: A beaming Bernhard H. Goetz, unarmed, sitting astride Santa's knee and receiving a ''full pardon'' for Christmas, with the Manhattan District Attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau, downcast, sulking alongside.",10 +9,"Allowing these workers to get licenses will protect the rest of the driving public from being unable to get compensation in an accident, and it will require that the drivers know basic safety rules and sufficient English to understand traffic signs.",8 +3,Case of Conscience in New York,2 +6,Marriage ban is a waste of time,5 +13,"The Senate, also controlled by Republicans, voted 50 to 48 in July against taking up the amendment",12 +7,INS Arrests Texan in Fairfax City,6 +5,"A second federal appeals court ruled against the Defense of Marriage Act today, rejecting as unconstitutional the law that denies federal benefits to married same-sex couples.",4 +8,Ready for armed drones along the border?,7 +10,Mass. gays win right to marry,9 +1,NEW REGULATIONS LINK IMMIGRATION TO FAMILY INCOME,0 +12,"Mr. Wayne LaPierre Executive vice president National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, Va., 22030 +",11 +7,to the graphic details released by prosecutors last week in the murder of a 25-year-old woman in Manitowoc County.,6 +10,"Destin and Romulus, unemployed family men surviving on welfare, said they lived in a three-bedroom house in East Camden with 12 people - seven of them children.",9 +9,drunken driver,8 +12,Special interests trumped voters on choosing judges,11 +13, Louisiana may allow concealed guns,12 +6,Immigration card considered as fix for failing system,5 +11,"Yoko Onochas taken up arms against gun violence with a raft of Twitter postings, including a photograph of blood-stained glasses apparently worn by John Lennon when he was shot and killed more than 30 years ago. +",10 +5,His attorneys have won a clemency hearing Monday with the state Board of Pardons and Paroles in a final effort to commute Burger's death sentence to life without parole. All other avenues of appeal have been exhausted.,4 +13,Christie calls for same-sex marriage referendum,12 +7,Police Charge New Paltz Mayor For Marrying Same-Sex Couples,6 +5,Case Against Michigan Ban On Gay Unions Is Sent to Trial,4 +5,AMNESTY PLAN; Try the third way,4 +13,"The N.R.A. has been waging war on the airwaves against Mr. Bloomberg, who has invested heavily in initiatives to curb gun violence. Last month, the association said it was investing $2 million in new ads against the Bloomberg proposals. +",12 +11,"At Fox News, Less Attention Paid to Gun Debate Than Elsewhere",10 +13,CANDIDATE PONDERS BILL FOR CIVIL UNIONS,12 +11,"Full-page newspaper advertisements announcing the change will appear in today's editions of USA TODAY, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.",10 +5," +''I am the person who signs all of your marriage licenses, and we are getting ready for all of you,'' Mr. Ting replied. + +The recent history of same-sex marriage in California has been marked by small windows of opportunity when it was legal for gay and lesbian couples to wed. Gay rights advocates hope that Wednesday's ruling by Judge Vaughn R. Walker, chief judge of the Federal District Court in San Francisco, opens another window. +",4 +13,Lawmakers support concealed-gun bill,12 +7,"W.Va. Man Is Charged In '01 Slaying, Burglary",6 +10,"""Wonderful,"" Santiago said afterward. ""Everyone that's in love like we are should do the same thing.""",9 +3,. He says that his opposition to executions is rooted in his Roman Catholic religion,2 +10,Wake Forest to offer insurance to same-sex partners,9 +1,2 tobacco companies pull out of talks,0 +5,The state's highest court has agreed to hear a challenge to the ruling by a circuit court judge in January that the state law banning same-sex marriages is unconstitutional.,4 +5,constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in the state.,4 +1,There is no reliable evidence that Illinois casinos will lose a dime to the smoking ban,0 +13," The story, however, appeared on the day the House began debating the repeal of the assault weapons ban, and a congressman from Georgia singled it out as evidence of how badly citizens want to protect themselves -- even though the workshop had nothing to do with assault weapons.",12 +5,"Mike Reiter, chief assistant of the Tampa office",4 +7,"The Justice Department has identified about 6,000 young men from the Middle East who have ignored deportation orders, and has decided to make the arrest and removal of them the highest priority among efforts to locate hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals who have defied such rulings, authorities said.",6 +15,A Dividing Line Over Gay Marriage,14 +7,"Instead, he became the 43rd person executed in Virgina since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.",6 +8,a seven-day cooling-off period ,7 +10,"ut that didn't become clear to the authorities until he had spent nine long, debilitating years on death row in Illinois. +",9 +1,"Based on a detailed analysis of Labor Department statistics, the report is sure to inflame the already charged national debate over immigration. It also adds fuel to the fire over the larger question of whether immigration is a fundamentally good thing or bad thing for the American economy.",0 +11,"That's worrisome for Georgia, where half the middle schoolers surveyed by Franklin last spring said they've smoked.",10 +5,when the state supreme court ruled that the Connecticut constitution endows same-sex couples with the right to marry.,4 +8,"Trump moves to 'build that wall' with Mexico, curb refugees",7 +12,TEEN POWER!,11 +11,CONFERENCE EXAMINES IMMIGRANT YOUTH ISSUES,10 +7, who was convicted of murdering three people.,6 +15,Md. to see ad war over same-sex marriage,14 +6,"Even Defining 'Assault Rifles' Is Complicated +",5 +5,"elects its judges, some of them very friendly to plaintiffs' lawyers who prosper from class-action lawsuits. In 2003, a county court held",4 +6,"RICHMOND HEIGHTS BANS HIDDEN WEAPONS FROM PUBLIC BUILDINGS +",5 +6,Yet life without parole isn't necessarily permanent,5 +13,Mr. Pataki's Odd Attack,12 +11,"""It was a culture of not getting out and talking about issues, not being transparent about the process that drove the perception there was a culture problem,"" Morgan, a career FBI official and former Los Angeles police officer, said in his first interview since his appointment in June.",10 +6, defining marriage as only between a man and a woman,5 +5,"With its decision not to take up a Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that overturned Virginia's ban on gay marriages, the Supreme Court Monday effectively allowed same-sex marriage to go forward in the commonwealth. + +The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals will issue a mandate at 1 p.m., which will remove the last barrier to gay marriage in Virginia. At the same time, the commonwealth will recognize marriages performed in states already are legal.",4 +14,"The Embassy of Pakistan sent a formal request for more information yesterday to the U.S. Department of Justice, along with an expression of concern about the arrests, said Asad Hayauddin, the embassy press attache. (The Justice Department oversees the INS and FBI.)",13 +5,"as his lawyers worked today on the latest appeal of his execution, scheduled for early Wednesday.",4 +3,"eople sentenced to be executed do not deserve anything less than that sentence. +",2 +1,KIDS ROUGH ON ANTI-PUFF ADS N.Y. BIG-BUCKS COMMERCIALS TAKE A HIT,0 +9,"Fifth, insist on mandatory trigger locks for guns. +",8 +5,"Death-penalty cases are the only criminal cases in which the jury decides the sentence. In every other criminal case, the judge is the sentencing authority.",4 +15,"Sunday Breakfast Menu, June 30",14 +13,EAU CLAIRE CITY COUNCIL VOTING ON SMOKING BAN,12 +13,President's action shows leadership,12 +13,SHEAR'S GUN MEASURE IS BACKED BY DRISKILL,12 +10,"In Throngs, Gay Couples Are Wed in California +",9 +2,"Immigrants With Skills +",1 +13,"Ward 6 Democrats were expected to take up the debate Tuesday night, too late for this edition of the Extra. +",12 +13,DID FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER SAY HE VIEWED HIS MISSION AS 'BRAINWASHING' AGAINST GUNS?,12 +9,"The folks at the Cato Institute [""Please Do Smoke, If You Like,"" Close to Home, Jan. 20] must have missed the part of the U.S. surgeon general's report that states: ""The scientific evidence indicates that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke.""",8 +9,Disarming the Domestic Abuser,8 +13,Handgun bill sent to Va. governor,12 +13,Election-Year 'Diversion'?,12 +11,"During an interview on CNN,",10 +14,USA in its own league when it comes to firearms,13 +11,"It shows how Latino families change across the generations. About 52 percent of Hispanic immigrants speak only Spanish at home, but just 11 percent of their adult children speak only Spanish at home.",10 +6, Gun owners carrying loaded handguns or long guns (including those we think of as assault weapons) are now free to come into bars and consume alcohol. ,5 +1," and put them at risk of losing valuable federal dollars.""",0 +13,The debate over lethal injection in California is just the latest move in America's ongoing search for a painless method of execution,12 +7, have seen a rapid increase in gun crimes this year and are seizing sophisticated automatic weaponry that was rarely seen in criminal hands as recently as 1985.,6 +5, to get their gun rights reinstated.,4 +5,"The court ruled, in its second look at the issue, that a Miami jury in the case can set a single lump-sum damage award to compensate the estimated 500,000 smokers. In a previous ruling, the court had said each smoker had to press his or her case individually. The jury already has ruled that the tobacco companies lied and behaved abominably.",4 +12,"The project, led by a coalition of South Bay organizations, will provide, moral and accompaniment support during and after immigration operations in our community, organizers said in a statement.",11 +4,BERNIE SANDERS REPEATS FALSE CLAIM ABOUT GUN SALES WITH-OUT BACKGROUND CHECKS,3 +5,"Holder guns speech focuses on background checks +",4 +13,"Gov. George Ryan on Thursday signed into law a 40-cent increase in the state's cigarette tax, bringing the total state tax to 98 cents.",12 +5, 2003 court decision that led the state to become the first to legalize same-sex marriage,4 +11,"Researchers at the Boston University School of Public Health found states that have so-called ""may issue"" laws - which give law enforcement officials wide discretion to decide who can receive a concealed-carry permit - have lower gun death rates than states that call for little discretion once basic criteria for obtaining the permit are met, also known as ""shall issue"" laws.",10 +8,"""It's a matter of self-defense,""",7 +8,"But since no 2,000-mile frontier ever can be 100 percent secure, crying ""not good enough"" is a way to stall reform.",7 +5," Same-sex marriages are legal in only one state, Massachusetts, under a 2003 court ruling.",4 +11,"This city has managed to shed the moniker of ""Murder-apolis,"" the ugly nickname it was tagged with during the worst days of the crack and gang wars of the 1990s, when it had a homicide rate that rivaled New York City's.",10 +7,How about publishing the findings of a study showing how crime has decreased since the enactment of concealed-carry laws that make it easier for people to get their permits?,6 +15,[NO HEADLINE],14 +13,Obama's big immigration mistake,12 +5,"In declining to find a right to gay marriage tucked away in the emanations and penumbras of the state Constitution, New York's highest court yesterday properly placed the issue squarely where it belongs - in the Legislature.",4 +5,"The Word May Be Toxic, but Amnesty Is Everywhere",4 +5,Triangulated on Utah gay marriage case,4 +7,"avis, 53, was sentenced to death for the 1986 murder of Virginia ""Ginny"" May of Byers. She was tortured, raped and shot to death in an Adams County field. +",6 +7,CITY SHERIFF STIFFENS PISTOL PERMIT RULES,6 +6,Fire district bans smoking West County EMS and Fire Protection District adopts anti-smoking policy.,5 +5,"Lawyers for the plaintiffs in a class-action suit against seven American tobacco companies asked a Federal judge in New Orleans yesterday to approve the largest notification effort ever initiated in an American court. Through paid newspaper and magazine advertising and use of the Internet and ""900"" numbers, the lawyers said they hoped to spend from $800,000 to $1 million to reach 103 million Americans.",4 +5,"Long wait, high cost plague Nichols trial",4 +11,Guns so saturate the American landscape that children too young to cross the street by themselves are pulling them out to settle playground squabbles. This insanity must stop.,10 +5,"To be sure there will be other trials on similar issues and other juries, but the Ohio verdict tends to make last year's $ 206 billion settlement negotiated by various state attorney generals look better and better.",4 +7,"The Bellmawr handyman charged with beating and choking a 69-year-old Cherry Hill woman to death for $80, allegedly to buy crack cocaine, has confessed and could face the death penalty, prosecutors said yesterday.",6 +13,GUN BAN SHOT DOWN HOUSE OKS REPEAL,12 +5,"Inside, a skeptical Justice Samuel Alito cautioned against a broad ruling in favor of same-sex marriage precisely because the issue is so new.",4 +5, a divided federal appeals court in Philadelphia ruled yesterday that the public has no right to attend immigration deportation hearings for people held as suspected terrorists.,4 +5,", attorneys",4 +12,Critics Say N.R.A. Uses Safety Campaign to Lure Children,11 +13,New York Senate Approves Death Penalty,12 +1,Time to cash in on tobacco,0 +8,Fear-mongering over raids,7 +1,"Over the past decade, the tobacco industry has poured 10 times as many marketing dollars into California as the state has been able to invest in tobacco education. As a result, California loses $9 billion in tobacco-related health care costs per year.",0 +5,"According to Mr. Uviller, the Second Amendment protects only a right of states to have militias, not a right of individuals to have arms. But for this interpretation to make sense, the ""right of the people"" referred to in the Second Amendment would have to be somehow different from the rights of people referred to in the First, Fourth, Ninth and 10th Amendments, none of which is interpreted as applying to states. In fact, the 10th Amendment specifically distinguishes between ""the people"" and ""the states."" + +Nor is Mr. Uviller correct regarding the Supreme Court case law. In what appears to be a reference to United States v. Miller, he misstates that case's point. Miller explicitly distinguished between the right to keep and bear arms, which it ascribed to individuals, and the purpose of the right, which is to maintain an armed citizenry. + +So did the Tennessee case of Aymette v. State, which Miller cites. The Supreme Court has never said that the Second Amendment protects only a right of the states. + +That is why the law review literature is virtually unanimous in concluding that the ""right of the people"" protected by the Second Amendment is an individual right, not a right of states to have militias. +",4 +1,"Actually, the connection isn't so much with the rifle as with its $ 1,200 price tag. You see, before the Brady Bill passed a couple of weeks ago, this thing was selling for just half as much. + +It's not that the new federal law will change this gun's availability. It will not. + +In fact, it was selling for $ 600 under existing Illinois gun laws ",0 +15,"Relevancy, at Last",14 +3,The cost of death: How much for revenge?,2 +8,The immigration deliberation 'Fortress America' won't make us safer,7 +1,Philip Morris quietly contests Ft. Collins' bid to ban smoking,0 +10,"""It's clear that Mr. Davis is a damaged human being,""",9 +2,Ramsey County / Jail again will accept immigration detainees; Feds pay high rate to use excess capacity,1 +5,MAN GRANTED NEW TRIAL IN OFFICER'S KILLING,4 +13,Senate Democrats Offer Early Vote on Gay Marriage,12 +5,"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ordered the evidentiary hearing - which is scheduled to resume this morning - to find out more about what Marshall's trial lawyer, Glenn Zeitz, had done to prepare for the penalty phase of the trial. +",4 +3,Gay marriage doesn't violate biblical authority,2 +13,"One Republican, Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma, said in response to Clinton's remarks that ""some of the steps"" taken by the Senate ""have some merit"" and the House ""will move to consider them as soon as possible."" He urged the administration to step up enforcement of gun laws and offer ""a much more comprehensive solution to this cultural state of emergency.""",12 +13,but rich in political drama,12 +5,Prosecutors say,4 +7,"Lloyd Wayne Hampton, the murderer who came within hours of being executed in November before changing his mind",6 +6,Why Gun 'Control' Is Not Enough,5 +9,"I affixed the label of ""scoundrels"" to anyone who would steal food, water, diapers and other items from a relief center during a natural disaster.",8 +1,TARGET SNUFFS OUT CIGARETTE SALES,0 +13,"Think of President Bush and the Republicans as the cheating husband who needs to string the mistress along when she feels neglected. The political marriage in Washington is between the GOP and the nation's wealthiest Americans and corporations, but the fundamentalists know that all they need to do is threaten to cut off the Republicans at the polls. Think of the marriage amendment vote as a political candlelight dinner.",12 +6,The real reason Congress banned assault weapons in 1994 - and why it worked,5 +5,"It took the jury just 30 minutes to decide Mr. Davis's fate. +",4 +7,"In Los Angeles, five members of the Sheriff's Department have lost their weapons for the same reason, and are working in jobs usually reserved for civilians. Meanwhile, that city's police department is reviewing personnel records to see if the law applies to any of its officers.",6 +15,"Weekend Gun Report: March 7-9, 2014 +",14 +4,who they say was wrongly convicted and sentenced.,3 +5,"Assistant Public Defender Alan Fanter said he had been talking to Assistant State Attorney Don Scaglione for several months, trying to persuade him not to try for Riccardo's execution.",4 +13,"But Senate President James ""Pate"" Philip, R-Wood Dale, has pushed for making the offense a misdemeanor for first-time offenders. Philip said a felony charge jeopardizes hunters and sport shooters who make innocent mistakes in how they store weapons while transporting them.",12 +11,"The story highlights the long and proud but underreported history of the nation's fifth armed service. +",10 +10,AILEEN & DAWN A SISTERHOOD HAUNTED BY MEMORIES AND MADNESS,9 +12, to allow voters to decide,11 +6,"""Under OSHA's proposed Indoor Air Quality regulation, no one could smoke where they work, work where they smoke, or work where anyone else is smoking,"" said Debra Leach, executive director of the beverage association.",5 +11,"""The tobacco industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars to get their message across with images like the Marlboro Man and Joe Camel,"" Mr. Blumenthal said. ""We need to aggressively educate our children not to take up smoking."" +",10 +1, as well as a gun buy-back.,0 +5,"A hearing on whether to move the trial out of the San Joaquin Valley city of about 200,000 people is scheduled for Thursday.",4 +13,Governor: No 'appetite' for more gun control in Connecticut,12 +5,A federal judge ruled Tuesday that a death row inmate whose case attracted international support failed to prove his innocence after the Supreme Court gave him a rare chance to clear his name.,4 +13,"The House overwhelmingly approved a tough crackdown on illegal immigration last night. But lawmakers struck from the bill a series of new restrictions on the number and type of legal immigrants allowed in the country and rejected the admittance of 250,000 foreign agricultural workers.",12 +9,"Some people who quit smoking gain weight even if they watch their diets because moderate smoking helps the body burn fat, according to a recent study. But researchers were quick to warn that smoking shouldn't be considered a substitute for dieting. ""Smoking, from a health point of view, is much more risky than weighing those extra few pounds,"" said Marc K. Hellerstein, a University of California at Berkeley professor and lead author of the study. Previous studies have shown that smoking increases metabolism, the process that turns the calories in food into energy. But Thursday's study was the first to show that smoking directly stimulates a process called lipolysis that frees lipids, or fats, from cells and spills them into the bloodstream. Some of the lipids entering the bloodstream are burned by the higher metabolism, but many of them are converted by the liver into fatty substances called triglycerides that contribute to clogging of arteries. The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. +",8 +1,"but a spokeswoman for the nation's largest cigarette manufacturer discounted the proposals as a ""stray piece of paper."" + +Two documents from Philip Morris Cos. files - among 33 million pages of private tobacco industry papers",0 +6,"TOUGHER CONTROLS ON FIREARMS PRESSED +",5 +2,"A shortage of Immigration and Naturalization Service agents at Dulles International Airport has led to longer-than-usual waits at passport control for arriving international passengers, airport and INS officials said.",1 +7,In May - after New York conducted its own sting investigation,6 +3, two Unitarian ministers,2 +13,"Some carried signs portraying Gov. Cuomo as a tyrant, and even Adolf Hitler. +",12 +11,Wisconsin school district apologizes for showing same-sex marriage video,10 +15,"HEY, GUYS: SMOKE GETS IN YOUR FLY",14 +13,"The Governor's comments came on the same day that the House of Representatives defeated, 280 to 147, a package of gun-control legislation.",12 +7, murders of three people found shot to death under a Chicago viaduct.,6 +10,"""I want it to be over with,"" said Mrs. Smith, whose 67-year-old father was gunned down by Johnson during a gas station robbery. ""He didn't give my dad one opportunity to save his life.""",9 +6,"The employment ban is seen as a compromise designed to make the bill more palatable, while also making federal agents think twice before carrying out laws and policies that the measure's supporters consider unconstitutional.",5 +10,"UPREME KILLER SQUIRMS AS VIC'S SON SPILLS GRIEF +",9 +6,"Under the legislation, employees would be required to have concealed-weapon licenses to bring guns to the workplace. But those records are secret under state law, and employers would have no way of verifying who holds the permits.",5 +13,Conservative opposition endangers House Republican gun bill,12 +10,"Sutphin adds a powerful, personal voice",9 +5," Mr. Woollard sued, arguing that the state's licensing scheme stomped on his Second Amendment rights.",4 +5,"Attorneys for Stand4MarriageDC and the Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative legal organization, appeared in court to challenge a ruling that upheld the elections board's decision. The attorneys also asked the court to block the law from taking effect while their lawsuit proceeds",4 +7,"Neither does it address the fact that no criminals came to give their guns away, or would.",6 +1,"Fairfax and Arlington are the only counties in the state that can tax cigarette sales. But their taxes are limited to 5 cents, and any change must be approved by the General Assembly.",0 +7, was arrested by immigration agents last week when they knocked on his door. They were looking for someone who used to live at the house. They found Caciano instead,6 +5,COURTS REJECT EFFORT TO STOP EXECUTION,4 +1,1 percent of dealers,0 +13, Legislature or just to keep government going.,12 +11,"Adult smokers are different. They smoke because they have to. + +Years ago, I was one of them. I tried to quit. I went so far as to enroll in a smoking-cessation class sponsored by the American Lung Associatio",10 +7,for a death row inmate was therefore far greater while execution loomed,6 +5,"The Supreme Court on Wednesday unanimously bolstered the federal law that bars those convicted of domestic violence from possessing a firearm. +",4 +12,POLLSTERS ASK ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE ISSUES,11 +1,CRITERIA SHOULD FOCUS ON IMMIGRANTS' SKILLS,0 +11,"About 17.5% of city adults still smoke. + +""Kids are smarter than adults,"" said Frieden, who has also been working with Bloomberg's private philanthropy on a worldwide anti-tobacco campaign. +",10 +3,Christian Coalition Pushes for Showdown on Same-Sex Marriage,2 +7,"r. Richey, 43, was convicted of aggravated murder and sentenced to die for setting the 1986 fire that killed 2-year-old Cynthia Collins in Columbus Grove in northwest Ohio.",6 +1,"Easley gets over $60,000 from out-of-state lawyers",0 +6,"You can't justify limiting the number of rounds in a handgun magazine, whether it's one, 10 or 33. +",5 +5,The D.C. Right on the Line,4 +7,of more than 140 death row inmates to life in prison without the possibility of parole ,6 +5,The law and the court,4 +6,"Franklin's proposal, which would apply to any restaurant that generates more than 50 percent of its income from food.",5 +15,The Immigrants And the Suburbs,14 +13,OUR OPINIONS; Georgia in cross hairs;,12 +1,"Faced with $ 101,000 in debt and major renovations for its building, the club now is trying to raise $ 250,000 over the next two years. So far, it has raised about $ 6,000 and plans fund-raisers at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center on June 18 and at the Cuban Club on July 11.",0 +7, Customer who shot robbery suspect won't be charged,6 +7,"Dora the Explorer's alleged crime? ""Illegal Border Crossing Resisting Arrest.""",6 +12," The counterdemonstrators had come to oppose the presence of two groups, Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys, which were teaming up on a permitted rally in a popular riverfront park.",11 +6,Current law requires only licensed dealers to perform background checks when they sell their wares at gun shows. But unlicensed vendors claiming to sell 'private collections' may make sales at the shows without appropriate checks.,5 +6," including a rider permitting ""law-abiding residents"" in the District to keep a handgun at home and to carry an unloaded weapon for a ""lawful transaction.""",5 +3,''In the context of reverence --- and humility --- it seems best not to take absolutist positions on a national level.'',2 +8,Plan to arm pilots is taking off,7 +13,SENATE PASSES BILL DEFINING MARRIAGE GAY UNIONS WOULD NOT BE LEGALLY RECOGNIZED,12 +7,"So far, none of Philadelphia's 6,300 police officers appears to have such convictions, Deputy Police Commissioner Richard Zappile said yesterday. About a dozen are under restraining orders, which are not covered by the new law, he said. +",6 +11,The Facts About Kids and Smoking,10 +6,"""They are the ones who have to follow the law",5 +5,U.S. judges grill officials over state executions,4 +5,"None of those cases directly raises the next big legal issue in the national debate over guns: whether the right to keep a gun at home for self-defense extends to public places. The justices could choose to take on that issue now, but it would be a stretch. +",4 +13,What Donald Trump gets wrong about gun violence,12 +1,"Yet newcomers, especially in New York, integrate into the economy through kinship and family networks. Current policies stressing family unification have created the very portals to the economy that have produced the benefits you praise.",0 +1,ADS CRITICIZE TUITION BREAK FOR STATE'S ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS PROPOSAL WOULD ALLOW SOME TO PAY IN-STATE RATE,0 +5,The Sentence and the Toll in the Sniper Case,4 +6,Brady law's scorecard: 1 year later,5 +9, found to be mentally retarded,8 +5,"""The cause lies in our current form, and the perversion of the Constitution.""",4 +5,"""Hernando has exhausted his appeals in the same sense that Gacy did,"" Manning said Tuesday. +",4 +5,"In Jefferson County, Sheriff Oliver ""Glenn"" Boyer issued numbers to those waiting and brought them into the Sheriff's Department in groups of about 10 to avoid overcrowding as applicants filled out the required forms and got fingerprinted.",4 +13,"As immigration vote looms, some Southern Democrats get queasy",12 +7,"KILLER EXECUTED, KNOWN",6 +13,"But his silence appears to have made him the preferred candidate of more liberal Democrats in the state, especially relative to another potential candidate, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin. As a congresswoman, Ms. Herseth Sandlin was a co-chairwoman of Blue Dog Coalition of moderate Democrats until her defeat in 2010.",12 +12,"A recent Denver Post poll showed that voters were ready to ban gay marriage but endorse legal benefits for same-sex couples. +",11 +13,"Chicago City Council limits locations of stores that sell guns +",12 +5,DOOLEY GETS A NEW TRIAL,4 +7,KIM'S EX & GANG INDICTED,6 +10,"For many couples, the answer is a resounding yes: the word ''married'' itself instantly conveys something that civil unions and domestic partnerships do not.",9 +4,"Multiple failures cited in approvals of hijackers' visas +",3 +13,"Brian Malte, an official with Handgun Control Inc., whispered some last-minute advice: ""Make sure you ask about the 24-hour rule."" Then Ben Gelt launched his career as a teenage gun control lobbyist, accosting a surprised Rep. Robert L. Barr Jr. (R-Ga.) in front of the Capitol steps.",12 +12,Saratogans question need for local gun regulations,11 +5," +Gay marriage certain nationwide?",4 +8,"is approved by the appropriate federal or state agency. +",7 +11,Gay parades revel in victory,10 +3," +""We've got to do better to see that our defense of marriage is not reduced to an attack on gay people. And I admit, we haven't been too good about that. We try our darndest to make sure we're not anti-anybody."" +",2 +13,211 Republicans and 11 Democrats.,12 +13,"After that vote, the House overwhelmingly turned down a proposal",12 +5, posed an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment's guarantees of free speech and expression.,4 +7,"Long, one of Florida's more notorious serial killers, once boasted in front of a television news camera that he ""probably destroyed about a hundred people."" Long preyed on prostitutes in the Tampa Bay area.",6 +1,"They were among legions of Americans buying guns this Christmas, straining the capacity of firearms makers and sending the prices of some weapons sky-high.",0 +13,The two events express the divide between the two presidential primary races on the issue of guns,12 +5,Judges ignored ban on smoking,4 +9,Satcher: Guns are factors in suicide,8 +9, will not be made safer with people with handguns.,8 +5,Sierra LaMar surprise: Defense decides not to call detective to stand,4 +2,Mayor Michael Moeller said the city's growth necessitates the local measure,1 +5,"Two groups opposed to same-sex marriage can join the defense of the state law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, a judge ruled.",4 +7,79 PASSENGERS HELD AS ALIENS,6 +14,Hopefully it will embolden efforts in other states,13 +5,NRA slapped Court rules Fla. docs can talk about gun risks,4 +1,"The number of adult immigrants holding a job has grown by more than 2 million since 2000, while the number of employed native-born Americans fell by nearly a half-million, according to a study released Wednesday by a group that favors stricter immigration controls. +",0 +5,"Perhaps not surprisingly, both foes and supporters of California's ban on same-sex marriage came away convinced of the same thing: that they won the nearly three weeks of skirmishing in the first federal court trial to tackle the same-sex marriage question. +",4 +1,"As a regional movement to ban smoking in restaurants and bars picks up steam, smokers and business owners are growing increasingly concerned about their future.",0 +7,"The facility, 65 miles southeast of Phoenix, holds about 1,250 immigrants from many countries, both men and women, who are awaiting court proceedings or deportation.",6 +6,Nebraska gun law has created 'mess',5 +1,Big Tobacco Defeats Sick Kids,0 +15,Goodman: Having an abortion retains stigma,14 +3,METHODISTS DECRY ANTI-GAY CANON,2 +1,N.C. should reap benefits of bug-resistant tobacco,0 +7,GUN FANATICS ARE STAINED WITH BLOOD,6 +5,testified that another inmate testified falsely that Hubbell had confessed the murder to him.,4 +13,Vermont Senate Panel Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill,12 +12,has fueled questions about their enrollment in the public high school.,11 +7,Bill promises a spike in gun violence rates,6 +7,"Huang was charged with felony counts of tax evasion and possession of untaxed cigarettes, as well as resisting arrest. Officials said he fought with department officers who arrested him.",6 +13,Missouri Republicans vow override after Nixon vetoes loosening of gun laws,12 +13,DAVIS SIGNS LEGISLATION ADVANCING GAY RIGHTS,12 +5,AMERICAN INDIANS SUE TOBACCO COMPANIES,4 +1,and miss more work.,0 +12,Poll finds abortion important to voters; For Bush backers it's more significant than question of same-sex marriage,11 +9, about the health consequences of smoking.,8 +9,It's a public health issue regardless of where the smoking occurs. Carving out exemptions for bars isn't part of the answer to a public health problem.,8 +7,Project brings 101 stiffer sentences,6 +7,"The testimony in Judge Jon C. Blue's courtroom in State Superior Court here showed that Mr. Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky, a friend from a Connecticut halfway house for parolees, entered the house on July 23, 2007; beat and restrained Dr. Petit, now 53; and wreaked havoc, including the rape and strangulation of Dr. Petit's wife, Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48. The two daughters, Michaela, 11, and Hayley, 17, died of smoke inhalation in a fire the intruders were accused of setting.",6 +1,"Increasingly, farmers also worry that they will never see any money from a separate $1.9 billion fund that is designed to help them cope with a 35 percent reduction in the quota, which is the amount of tobacco they can grow.",0 +13,"The two-day meeting will draw high-powered party figures like Theodore B. Olson, the solicitor general during the administration of George W. Bush, and Ken Mehlman, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee; donors like Paul Singer, the billionaire chairman of the conservative Manhattan Institute, and Jon Kislak, a Miami businessman; and elected officials like Senator Mark S. Kirk, an Illinois Republican, and State Senator Dawson Hodgson, the Republican candidate for attorney general in Rhode Island. About 100 people, most of them donors, are expected to attend, said Jeff Cook-McCormac, a senior adviser to the American Unity Fund. +",12 +5,"The lawsuit contends it's unconstitutional to execute prisoners because Gov. Mike Easley has a conflict in his former role as attorney general, handling appeals for the state, and his current job as governor holding clemency hearings. +",4 +5,"Before the jurors left the room, Judge Alfred A. Delucchi ordered them to avoid news coverage of the case and told them to hunker down for a trial that could last up to six months.",4 +13,COUNTY LOBBYIST URGES STATE TOBACCO CONTROL,12 +13,"The issue of same-sex marriage arrived Friday like an unwelcome houseguest for many Maryland Democrats, who say only a quick reversal from the state's highest court can keep the divisive issue from reshaping the 2006 campaign season.",12 +5,Writing for the majority,4 +7,Davis is the second New Orleans cop to face a death sentence in recent months. Antoinette Frank was sent to death row last August for killing her former partner and two other people during a robbery.,6 +15,Oops!,14 +5,Those who support the Second Amendment,4 +1,The industry's defiance dashes the hopes of the White House and state and local governments that a recent deal with Smith & Wesson to change some of its marketing and manufacturing practices might lead other major gun companies to fall in line.,0 +6,"The full package, which would ban importing high-capacity ammunition clips and deny any juvenile convicted of a felony the right to purchase a gun for life, would also pump $ 5 billion over five years into fighting juvenile crime and studying the impact of entertainment industry violence on the young.",5 +5,lawyers,4 +5,LAW PUTS DAMPER ON SMOKE SHOP,4 +5,Appeals courts up to the United States Supreme Court have declined to intervene.,4 +11,Sacha Baron Cohen unmasks the power of the gun lobby in Virginia,10 +13,"- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.",12 +8,U.S. DETAINS ARAB TIED TO MILITANTS,7 +13,President,12 +1,BAY AREA GUN SHOPS SEE SPIKE IN SALES,0 +2,"Experts at the House subcommittee hearing predicted dire results for American workers, especially those without high school diplomas, if the doors were opened to a massive influx of legal foreign workers.",1 +5,Court grants Texas prisoner execution reprieve,4 +12,a youth coordinator for Get Real,11 +5,SCOTUS playing wait-and-see on gay marriage,4 +7, illegal guns ,6 +1,$ 29 handgun,0 +6,Ban assault weapons,5 +15,All Fired Up,14 +9,"""It's access to weaponry that turns desperate people into suicides,"" says psychiatrist Kenneth Duckworth, medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, interviewed before McCready's death.",8 +5,The Florida Supreme Court commuted the death sentence Thursday of a man convicted of a 2001 murder in Okeechobee,4 +1,Tobacco farmers are going to feel the monetary effects of the new regulations,0 +7,Griffin man implicates 3 others in pal's death,6 +5,A Rare Plea to the Court,4 +11,"U.S. teen smoking declines to record low in 2012, study says",10 +12,Dueling protesters face off in D.C. over immigration Group calling for tougher border security finishes a cross-country caravan.,11 +5,Calif. won't recognize same-sex marriages,4 +13,and their country,12 +11,LIFE ON THE YANKEE FRONTIER,10 +12,"The Coalition Against Concealed Guns is an umbrella group for 10 groups, including the League of Women Voters, Missouri Police Chiefs Association, Archdiocesan Commission on Human Rights, Missouri School Boards Association and Missouri Council to Control Handguns. The handgun-control council conducted the survey. ",11 +5,"At the end the question was, would the jury have voted to execute him if it had known an informant who testified was offered a deal? Then, did the Board of Pardons and Paroles prejudge him?",4 +10,"A Setback Met by Anger, Another by Resolve",9 +6,Loopy Laws And Loopholes,5 +5,"Critics Tuesday blasted the Supreme Court's extraordinary rejection of the appeals of California death row inmate Robert Alton Harris. +",4 +13,"Did D.C. Council members really act rashly, as suggested in ""Proposed cigar, gym tax riles business owners"" [Metro, June 4], in giving initial support to increasing the tax on non-cigarette tobacco products? + +They did not. In fact, I would say council members acted in the public good. +",12 +13,That's essentially the case President Obama made when he first announced his change of views.,12 +11,"Ah, the joys of hunting.",10 +5,"Flor faces a number of charges, including first-degree murder, attempted murder, and driving under the influence.",4 +1,"Verschoore, who represents Rock Island, is worried the potential revenue loss for casinos could get in the way of the Rock Island riverboat's multimillion dollar plan to build a new casino and hotel.",0 +13,"Florida lawmakers want overhaul of 'Stand Your Ground' self-defense law +",12 +13,Drummond: Gun control debate heats up,12 +7,"In the largest seizure of illegal aliens on record here, 96 Chinese were arrested on Monday when they tried to sneak into Honolulu Harbor aboard a Taiwanese fishing boat, the Immigration and Naturalization Service said.",6 +5,"A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Denver will be considering Utah's ban on same-sex marriage, which was struck down in December by a federal district judge in Salt Lake City. +",4 +6,"The smoking ban, which covers indoor public places other than the casino floors of Atlantic City's 12 gambling halls, is scheduled to start at 12:01 a.m Saturday",5 +13,"Colorado OKs expanded gun-purchase checks +",12 +8,Who's Disciplining the Militias?,7 +5,"The city claimed the new laws violated the 10th Amendment, which gives the states all powers not expressly granted to the federal government, and sought to prevent their enforcement.",4 +13,Immigration: Both parties cave on this vital issue,12 +12,"MCVEIGH VIGIL: IN OAKLAND, ORGANIZERS BEGIN CAMPAIGN FOR AN EXECUTION-FREE ZONE PROTESTERS VOW TO FIGHT DEATH PENALTY",11 +7,"When a madman in Stockton, Calif., invaded a school playground and destroyed five innocent young lives, we all felt a rush of anger and a wave of revulsion.",6 +15,BABY-NAMING CONTEST: WHAT ABOUT DOBBS?,14 +7," +''The intention is to target criminal aliens,'' the mayor said in an interview. ''It's not going to be the horrible thing the opponents think it's going to be. On the other side, it's not the sweeps and roundups the far right want it to be.''",6 +5,"The court is set to hear oral arguments Tuesday on the ban, which might be grounds for a special legislative session next month.",4 +6,INS launches Web site to track students with visas,5 +7,"The case of the 1986 kidnapping, rape and murder of Lori Roscetti, a 23-year-old medical student, was closed nearly two years later when the last of four teenagers was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison with no chance of parole.",6 +13,There are many good reasons for senators to head off this fight with the governor.,12 +3,"A humane killing game, if you don't count reasonable doubt",2 +9,"Medical evidence indicates that Shaw is easily influenced and he does not understand the consequences of his behavior. His IQ is estimated to be 73, borderline mentally retarded. He probably has suffered brain damage as well. Medical experts who examined him to determine if he was competent to be executed came to differing conclusions.",8 +7,"Café Jonny's Lounge was hit with 14 smoking violations, more than any other spot in the borough, over the past two years, according to a Daily News analysis of Health Department data. +",6 +3,Religious exemption for gay marriage?,2 +13," A pair of Democratic senators with ""A"" ratings from the National Rifle Association said Monday they would be open to greater regulation of assault rifles. Sens. Mark Warner (Va.) and Joe Manchin (W.Va.) said Friday's mass shooting in Connecticut changed their perspectives. ""Never before have we seen our babies slaughtered,"" Manchin said. ""Anybody that's a proud gun owner, anybody that's a proud member of the NRA, we're also proud parents. We're also proud grandparents.""",12 +13," according to Mayor Bloomberg, who announced the results of the study Wednesday. +",12 +11,"Two stores on 37th Avenue, the hub of South Asian merchants in Queens, sell fresh paan. Imported packaged versions of dried paan without the betel leaf, known as paan masala and gutka, are easily found. Many vending stalls and Indian grocers along Little India's commercial thoroughfare sell the small sachets for about $1.",10 +11,"A new county-by-county report of population shows a historic influx of immigrants into the nation's heartland, with Georgia posting the greatest increases.",10 +4,It's wrong that private employers in states recognizing same-sex couples are allowed to discriminate in their employee benefits programs. ,3 +6,"Also, several states are considering legislation that would allow students, faculty and staff to carry concealed weapons on college campuses. Those measures were prompted by the massacre that left 33 dead at Virginia Tech last year.",5 +7,"In revealing that law enforcement officers have taken into custody many more people than they had previously acknowledged, Ashcroft said that 98 are being held by the Immigration and Naturalization Service on alleged immigration violations, and many of the remaining 254 have been charged with traffic offenses, identification fraud or other minor crimes.",6 +13,The gun debate in the wake of Arizona shooting,12 +13,HOUSE DISPLAYS ITS HYPOCRISY ON MORALITY,12 +7,NYPD NEWS KEEPING HANDGUNS OFF THE STREET SURE PUTS A DENT IN THE HOMICIDE RATE.,6 +5,"""It's a slow process,"" Nigh said yesterday. ""I'm at the very beginning of it.""",4 +5, talked of the plea bargain that had avoided the possibility of a death sentence.,4 +5,Tillery initially won on the claim that the tobacco giant hoodwinked Illinois consumers for decades into believing that Marlboro Lights were lower in tar and nicotine than regular cigarettes.,4 +12,and public support of marriage equality was in the high 30s or low 40s.'',11 +5,"Jury Calls for Execution of Ex-Policeman +",4 +4, should be given standing equal to marriage,3 +13,"President Reagan, with other motives in mind, has just saved Congress from itself, probably only temporarily, by vetoing a $299 million military bill. He wanted to dramatize Republican national-security militance against the supposedly soft Democrats, but his veto also knocked out a provision giving the armed forces a ''mission'' of interdicting drug smugglers.",12 +13,a political nonstarter even before the Senate votes,12 +5,A state judge ruled yesterday that he will not limit when and where a mother and daughter in Morris County can smoke. But he ordered them to help resolve a dispute over secondhand smoke with their upstairs neighbors.,4 +5,Two of the challenges - the ones in Boulder and Jefferson counties - dealt with fairly minor provisions of the law. One suit objected to the no-bail status of children arrested on gun possession charges.,4 +6,"The message here is clear: There remains a powerful need for broad federal legislation to close potentially lethal interstate loopholes. +",5 +1,"In other words, the nation's sharp economic downturn and lack of available jobs,",0 +13,Sweeney becomes top lawmaker in N.J. government,12 +10,"""We're not trying to get people to stop smoking, we're just trying to ask them to not force their habit on people who choose not to smoke,""",9 +13,"Gun deal near Key pols edge toward background checks as vote looms +",12 +5,"Justice Stevens had once thought the death penalty could be administered rationally and fairly but has come to the conclusion ''that personnel changes on the court, coupled with 'regrettable judicial activism,' had created a system of capital punishment that is shot through with racism, skewed toward conviction, infected with politics and tinged with hysteria.'",4 +12,The national debate,11 +7," +ILLEGAL ALIEN EXPULSIONS SPIKE UP IN 4TH QUARTER",6 +13,It's a sign that LaPierre - and others at the Conservative Political Action Conference - thinks the nation's largest pro-gun lobby has successfully beaten back the most limiting proposals.,12 +9,AIDS panel gives immigrants a voice,8 +1,"Moore said he figured Mississippi's share of the national settlement should be about 1.7 percent, based on the state's percentage of the U.S. population and its number of Medicaid recipients.",0 +5,"The coronary care nurse, Robert Rubane Diaz, 46 years old, received the sentence from Judge John H. Barnard of Superior Court with little show of emotion.",4 +15,Immigration give-and-take,14 +6,"The bill specifies that it doesn't create a new class of marriage. But it will allow unrelated adults, regardless of gender, to share ""the same legal obligations, responsibilities, protections, and benefits as are afforded or recognized by the law of Illinois to spouses."" + +Among the practical applications will be the same health insurance rights for partners as those now extended to spouses; the right to make medical decisions for an incapacitated partner; and estate and property rights after the death of a partner or dissolution of a relationship.",5 +12,Poll Finds Growing Support for Gay Civil Unions,11 +13,"Reid said the Senate will vote Monday evening to move forward with the amendment and will give it final approval Tuesday. If his plan holds, Reid said final passage on the immigration bill would come by Friday, when a July 4th recess is scheduled to begin.",12 +12,Voter-Approved Marriage,11 +1,"The cost of extending benefits to domestic partners is low for employers, and would not compromise the financial bottom line in our state. The administrative costs of implementing domestic partner benefits are comparable to the costs of adding spouses when employees marry. Some companies worried that health benefits for domestic partners would expose them to unusual health costs because HIV-related claims that would increase premiums. Time has shown that this is not the case. Insurers are not raising premiums for companies that offer domestic partner benefits because costs have been negligible.",0 +13,"Government expands gay benefits +",12 +7, two children were killed,6 +6," +Consider these immigration facts",5 +1,"""We find little evidence for the argument that immigrants only take jobs that natives don't want,"" Camarota said.",0 +13,more proper forum is the state legislature,12 +7,"In the electric chair have sat people from age 30 to 66, who killed with guns, fire pokers, knives and brain cells",6 +6,"Santarsiero said it was time to close the state loophole that allows the transfer of long guns among private sellers without a background check. +",5 +7,Delaware to execute man for 1994 rape-murder,6 +3,"Florida laws share blame in killing +",2 +5,"Hours after a Florida prosecutor announced Thursday that she would not seek the death penalty in any cases, the state's governor said he was removing her from the high-profile prosecution of a man charged with killing an Orlando police officer.",4 +11,"""In one decade, what's shocking on TV is accepted as commonplace,""",10 +13,"The Obama administration has sided with Golinski in the case, arguing that DOMA is unconstitutional. Republicans, led by U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, have jumped in to defend the law, filing Friday's notice of appeal.",12 +13,". Meanwhile the administration of Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, is fighting to block that effort, saying that the full impact of the rulings is not yet clear.",12 +13,Committee passes gay-marriage vote,12 +6,"The nation's airlines tend to get plenty of publicity about their move to ban smoking on international flights -- about 80 percent of American airlines' international flights are now completely smoke-free, according to the Department of Transportation. But companies providing other ways to get where you're going, on trains, buses and rental cars, have also adopted policies to keep the peace between smokers and nonsmokers.",5 +8,Problems Plague System to Check Buyers of Guns,7 +6,HOPE FOR MODEST GUN CONTROLS,5 +5,"Gays win ruling over U.S. law on marriage Rejection of benefits denial appears headed to Supreme Court. +",4 +5,Justice Scalia's Gun-Control Argument,4 +13,A Vote Nears for a Tobacco Bill That Philip Morris Can Live With,12 +13, The state Legislature claims for itself the exclusive right to pass gun laws.,12 +9, a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.,8 +6,EAU CLAIRE DORMS MAY GO SMOKE-FREE,5 +5,"Two of the victims survived and testified at Mr. Taylor's trial. (Mr. Godineaux, who is mildly retarded, pleaded guilty to murder in the case and is serving a life sentence without parole.)",4 +13,New Bill Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Is Introduced in Assembly,12 +7,"The murder spotlights the need to get virtually all handguns out of circulation. +",6 +13,SENATE IMMIGRATION BILL IS A JOKE - ON REPUBLICANS,12 +1,"One company stands to benefit from Barley's amendment, and perhaps only one: Lancaster Leaf Tobacco Co., a 56-year-old firm in the lawmaker's home county that cures tobacco leaves for cigar and smokeless tobacco makers. + +Lancaster Leaf had already enjoyed the tax exemption after winning an appeal last year before a state tax board, so the Barley amendment will not cost the state any revenue. +",0 +1,that would force all tobacco companies,0 +9,Ninety-two percent of the people who attempt suicide with a gun succeed.,8 +15,Montrose smoking fight attracts nationwide aid,14 +11,SHOTS HEARD ROUND THE COUNTRY,10 +5,Federal judge orders BB-gun toting woman to serve sentence,4 +1, The United States will pay the costs.,0 +13,"House passes compromise measures, angering gun-control advocates",12 +11,Stadiums are a place for games - not guns,10 +5,Supreme Court stops gay marriages in Utah,4 +13,"In fact, the editorial staff of the Times is, for lack of a better term, anti-gun.",12 +7,"Defy Gun Law, Face Wrist Slap From the A.T.F.",6 +5,"U.S. District Magistrate Judge Candy Dale wrote in her decision Tuesday evening that Idaho's laws barring same-sex marriage unconstitutionally deny gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry. +",4 +13,HOUSE UNLIKELY TO REACH GUN-CONTROL DEAL PARTIES AT IMPASSE OVER HOW TO STEM VIOLENCE,12 +5,"The defense anticipates that DNA evidence will be presented at trial. Prosecutors also have handwritten notes left at the scene of at least two of the shootings that demand money, as well as bullets, shell casings, a Bushmaster rifle, fingerprints and a tape of a phone call allegedly made to police by the snipers.",4 +1,"And while many illegal immigrants save assiduously, most choose to send their money home these days through wire transfers, or cash remittances. + +But Zapeta, 39, who doesn't have much of an education, sent no money back to Guatemala over the years. +",0 +6,SHOOTING WON'T CHANGE GUN LAWS,5 +7," had violated church law by officiating at the marriage of his daughter, Ann, to her partner, Jennifer Aull, a year ago.",6 +13,Gov polls at lower caliber,12 +13,President Opposes 'Same-Sex Marriage',12 +13, Gov. Pataki's,12 +9,"Genes may be one reason blacks are disproportionately affected +",8 +13,"Ignoring a fierce campaign by the National Rifle Association, both houses of the state legislature decided by 2 to 1 margins late Monday to pass the measure, which defines assault weapons more broadly and more strictly than similar federal statutes. It would ban the manufacture, import or sale of any semiautomatic rifles or pistols that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition or can be easily concealed.",12 +9,Gun ban in restraining-order cases gains ground,8 +6,"But what's billed as common-sense reform could have dire consequences for immigrants, both legal and undocumented.",5 +12,- it's the voters in this part of the state who are punished.,11 +5,"Kline is to be sentenced today and could receive the death penalty or life imprisonment. He waived his right to a jury trial Tuesday, opting to have Judge S. Gerald Corso decide his fate.",4 +15,THEY HAD LOTS TO SAY,14 +5,Clayton ax murder trial in jury's hands,4 +15,TOBACCO PITCH: LOW,14 +1,Gay couples say I.R.Yes!,0 +5,"Dow has represented more than 100 death-row inmates in their state and federal appeals,",4 +5,"The 49-year-old Richmond man, who is acting as his own attorney in his ongoing Contra Costa County Superior Court trial, has indicated several times that he wishes to plead guilty. But he hasn't. +",4 +1,"month to outlaw smoking in bars and restaurants, ",0 +9,"""It could be horrendous,"" said Hoover, whose group, Humane Borders, has set up dozens of remote water tanks for migrants stranded in the desert. + +""If it's like 2002 and they just keep coming and coming throughout the summer, we could easily see over 200 deaths"" this year in Arizona alone, he said.",8 +8," The fingerprint technology was provided through a program of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) known as ""Secure Communities.""",7 +5,"""We are satisfied with the verdict, and we look forward to the penalty phase,"" said James A. Ronca, assistant county prosecutor. +",4 +1,economic anxiety,0 +13,What made the event unusual as political theater was its forma,12 +13,Eric Holder'spolitical cowardice,12 +5,Measure mocks same-sex ruling,4 +13," passed the House on Thursday and is headed to the governor's desk. +",12 +6,Proposed amnesty program could disappoint immigrants; MANY FEAR THOUSANDS WILL BE LOCKED OUT,5 +7,INMATE WHO CHOPPED UP VICS LOSES COOKING JOB,6 +5,TEEN APPEARS TO QUALIFY UNDER CITIZENSHIP ACT,4 +7,Letters: To reduce gun violence,6 +13,"State Rep. Don Brown apologized for sending an e-mail last week that some of his colleagues found offensive and racist. +",12 +5,DA ending probe out of character with man we know,4 +15,RATIONAL THINKING ON GAY MARRIAGE,14 +13,"""This happens every time Obama gets on the television,"" said Jeff Crisp, a knife vendor at the show. President Barack Obama said his administration has received an outpouring of support for stricter gun laws since the shootings and he plans to offer proposals in January.",12 +8,"Since 1966, New Jersey has required a minimum seven-day waiting period for prospective gun buyers so that law-enforcement officers will have time to make sure weapons are not sold to people who are legally prohibited from buying them.",7 +12,"The implication of the Jan. 21 editorial ""Equality in Maryland"" was that activists for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in Maryland have taken an all-or-nothing approach.",11 +1,"At the same time, anti-smoking advocates have been presenting politicians with more research concluding that the bans don't hurt the restaurant business overall and that they protect workers from secondhand smoke",0 +13,"The organization's influence with elected officials also soared, to the dismay of gun control advocates.",12 +5,"Even so, Hanes' stance should bring a measure of urgency to the cases pending in the state courts. He has helped force the issue by defying a law that should be struck down. +",4 +3,"Issue divides religious leaders, organizations Church conservatives, liberals make their cases",2 +5,an agreement between the tobacco industry and state attorneys general,4 +5,N.A.A.C.P. Suit Seeks Change in Marketing and Sale of Guns,4 +10,The Victims of Smoking,9 +12,A superintendent threatens to suspend students protesting gun laws,11 +5,Expedited Trials of Illegal Immigrants Are Questioned,4 +7,he hopes the toughened penalties,6 +7," They say we need to build more prisons, make sentences longer and tougher",6 +5,"SETTLEMENT STRIKES A BLOW AGAINST FREEDOM, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TOBACCO'S COWARDLY SURRENDER",4 +5,"In what is being seen as a major victory for marriage equity, New Jersey's highest court resoundingly refused to stand in the way of same-sex marriages' commencing in the state Monday. +",4 +12,for all of us who want to slow down this national slaughter with a step in the right direction:,11 +13,"Koering, 41, disclosed his sexual orientation last April after he voted against bringing the constitutional amendment to the full Senate for a vote. + +He did it, he said, largely because he wanted to get back to work on the issues his constituents care about. He did not do it to become known as the gay legislator. He wants to be seen as a conservative, anti-abortion, pro-gun rights, anti-tax lawmaker who cares deeply about giving all Minnesotans access to health care and quality education. +",12 +7,"LOUISIANA EXECUTES MURDERER OF 11-YEAR-OLD GIRL +",6 +13,The story provoked outrage from both chambers of Congress. Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) demanded personal assurances from Trump to step into the fray and block any potential forced removals.,12 +11,"The paper will be distributed free to Atlanta's diplomatic corps, trade organizations and immigrant-owned businesses. Ten thousand copies of the first issue were printed.",10 +5," +The law prohibits employers from demanding specific identification documents and allows new employees to choose which of several documents to produce to establish work eligibility.",4 +13,Pelosi's claim the House GOP is 'inviting' violent criminals to carry concealed weapons,12 +5,"In a significant decision that limits the powers of Congress, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 yesterday to overturn a federal law barring anyone from carrying a gun near a school.",4 +7," With police and policy makers struggling to keep assault weapons off the streets, ",6 +9,"""The basis for going forward is recognizing the public health concerns of second-hand smoke,""",8 +9,"Safety requirements on handguns, including a state-certified locking device and child safety locks +",8 +10,Okla. bomber's execution date triggers sad memories,9 +8,"cVeigh silent to the end +",7 +13,"David Maraniss, Obama's most astute biographer, finds speeches like Monday's as reflecting both a certain guilt for not speaking out earlier on the issue and his late mother's idealist conscience. Idealism and pragmatism clash within him. +",12 +5,"In the first tobacco liability case to come to trial in Pinellas, the retired New Jersey police captain seeks compensatory damages in excess of $100,000 for medical bills and unspecified punitive damages from the nation's largest cigarette maker.",4 +5,"In a letter sent to a federal appeals court on Tuesday, the San Francisco city attorney's office asked for 24 hours notice in the event court action puts an end to Proposition 8, the voter-approved ban on gay marriages in California.",4 +5, after the Supreme Court yesterday refused to block death sentences for Thomas Andy Barefoot in Texas and Earnest Knighton Jr. in Louisiana.,4 +9,"Universities and the 'active shooter' scenario +",8 +5,Widow aims lawsuit at cheap-gun market,4 +5,"If the regents didn't take a stand on this issue, ""then the next time the regents' authority is challenged in court on any issue, the first thing in any legal brief will be that they didn't appeal this,"" he said.",4 +13,Bill Clinton Adds Voice to Wife's Support of Gay Rights,12 +7,"'Sorry, lady, you're under arrest for dereliction of maternity duty'",6 +13,"The committee's Democrats voted to sustain the law, saying Congress should not interfere in District affairs, and Republicans voted to strike it down, saying they believe the law is unconstitutional. Opponents of the law said they will continue their fight. Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) introduced a Senate resolution Tuesday that would overturn the law.",12 +1,IMMIGRATION Allard hearing on cost of influx meets dissent,0 +13,created heated debate during the 2006 legislative session.,12 +14,Coloradans bicker over N.Y. gay marriage,13 +7,Ex-Black Militant Gets Life for Murdering Deputy,6 +5,"""That seems to cover it just fine,"" St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said in an interview. ""You don't have to retreat if you're defending yourself. The law's very adequate on self-defense.""",4 +13,"Smokers lose a round, win another, in House",12 +9,Second dose needed to kill inmate,8 +1,"The country's leading cigarette manufacturers have raised wholesale prices 18 cents a pack, anticipating an upcoming excise tax increase and higher costs stemming from their $206 billion settlement with the states over health care costs.",0 +1,"For customers who still want a gun, Bash says he can get one ''if price is not an object. You are north of $ 1,000'' for what sold weeks ago for $ 379.",0 +7,"Harris is charged with stomping Simon to death in a holding cell at New Jersey State Prison in Trenton in September 1999. Harris' lawyer, Robert Gold, said that Simon had provoked the fight and that Harris had acted in self-defense.",6 +6,"a bill on Wednesday that would have allowed gay couples to wed,",5 +5,Florida State Attorney General Bob Butterworth was unmoved,4 +7,"He tried to sell some marijuana, and he was sent to prison for it.",6 +7,"Authorities contend that millionaire investor James Vincent Sullivan, 60, formerly of Palm Beach, Fla., contracted for his estranged wife's murder and paid $25,000 to avoid a costly divorce trial.",6 +5," ""But,"" you are saying, ""the Constitution guarantees us the right to buy and keep firearms."" No, the Constitution guarantees this right only to a ""well-regulated Militia,"" that is, a military force or national guard. This was the interpretation of the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939) and U.S. v. Hale, 978 F.2d 1016 (8th Cir. 1992), as well as more than 30 cases in lower federal and state courts.",4 +5," +However, the court did not create a constitutional right to gay marriage, which means that states banning same-sex marriage can continue to do so.",4 +11,"Over all, the report suggests that the United States is experiencing one of the most dramatic shifts in its racial and ethnic makeup since the trade in slaves transformed the racial composition of the South and the waves of immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries gave an ethnic flavor to industrialized urban areas of the Northeast and Midwest. +",10 +6,Even Dodd no case for executions,5 +13,St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr. spent Tuesday lobbying for more power ,12 +7,KILLER OF 168 EXECUTED,6 +13,Your Ad Here: Web Surprise Hits '08 Race,12 +2," +PRIMARY",1 +15,The Great No-Smoky Mountains,14 +13,Same-Sex Marriage Amendment Fails in House,12 +13,"The federal legislation did not pass in the last Congress. Its House sponsor, Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., plans to reintroduce the bill later this year, his office says. A Senate version, introduced last year by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., has not been reintroduced. Durbin's office did not respond to requests for comment on whether he would sponsor the legislation again or support Baroody's nomination to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).",12 +1,TAKING A DEEPER LOOK IMMIGRATION A NET GAIN FOR ECONOMY,0 +12,"What has been less obvious from the scads of polling data on the movement toward legalizing gay marriage is the ""why"" behind that movement. As in, why, over the last decade, has public opinion changed so rapidly on the issue? +",11 +7,Three men were convicted today of murdering an American student.,6 +4,"While death penalty opponents had long feared that the race of the killer would play a pronounced role in determining who would be executed and that blacks would be put to death far more frequently than whites, several studies suggest that the most significant distinction is the race of the victim.",3 +13,"It may seem odd for New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to take the national lead in advocating for gun control one day, and endorse a National Rifle Association-approved Republican the next. But Bloomberg has his own method. +",12 +1," Further, those types of dealers are allowed to sell their wares at gun shows alongside licensed dealers.",0 +6,"From the Web site of Los Angeles' Staples Center: ""Smoking is not permitted in the arena at any time; however, a smoking section is available on the City View Terrace outside patio."" + +Boston's TD Banknorth Garden - why do they bother with the illusion that this ""Garden"" is historic? - is more succinct: ""The TD Banknorth Garden is a smoke free facility and smoking is not allowed anywhere in the arena."" +",5 +15,THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING -- ADDENDA,14 +1,"To Growers, Deal Brings Uncertainty And Anger",0 +6,"With guns that can kill so many so quickly, can anyone really tell me with a straight face that it is not worth taking a few days to sell a gun if it means keeping it out of the hands of dangerous people? +",5 +15,A Voice Against Handgun Control,14 +10,"Windsor said she felt ""thrilled and exalted and humbled, very humble"" by her day in court. +",9 +15,First Puff,14 +8,Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh,7 +11,Group of young people battles peer smoking,10 +7,", turn up the deportation machine full blast -",6 +12," +Barnes has enjoyed support from the NRA, a powerful force in Georgia --- and national --- politics. +",11 +6,"Now imagine legislation to deter such crimes: House Bill 111, allowing concealed handgun permit-holders to protect their families in parks and restaurants.",5 +13," +NEW PUSH FOR SEN. FUMO'S GUN BILL",12 +4," ''Because if we don't listen, we'll never know if we're executing an innocent person.''",3 +13,"Cuomo, Hickenlooper leading charge on state gun control measures",12 +5,State's Attorney David Stanton said he had 120 days from the time the pair was arraigned to decide if he would seek the death penalty.,4 +5,"The case awaiting the justices' action is one that is inevitably cited when legislators say new laws are needed to protect those who say their religious beliefs would be offended by having to ""endorse"" same-sex marriage. +",4 +3,"Save the Children From the Executioner +",2 +4,"Finally, freedom for Joe Giarratano",3 +5,"Clement, a partner in the Washington office of the firm King and Spalding, served as the government's top appellate lawyer for three years under President George W. Bush. +",4 +10,An 8-year-old boy whose mother was deported to Mexico,9 +13,"Reversing its negative vote a day earlier, the Georgia House on Wednesday approved",12 +1,Cigarettes Up To $7 a Pack With New Tax,0 +13,"Not content to see Mr. Trump's bet, Mr. Cruz raised it, promising that he would expel unauthorized immigrants for good, while the GOP front- runner would readmit ""the good ones."" During Thursday's debate, he confirmed that extreme position. +",12 +5,FAMILY WANTS CHARGES FILED,4 +5,protect the right to own guns,4 +7,Corti aimed the weapon at a cinderblock at the NYPD firing range at Rodman's Neck in the Bronx and pulled the trigger. The burst of gunfire rang loudly in the ears despite protective gear.,6 +13," before Congress passed a law shielding them from such suits in 2005, and the only time many of them were forced to answer such questions.",12 +11,They are betting that the scene isn't as shocking as it was 18 years ago at Columbine High School.,10 +11,"FROM ""GOLD MOUNTAIN"" TO SILICON VALLEY",10 +5,Local Bans on Tobacco Ads Rejected by U.S. Appeals Court,4 +8," background checks for gun purchases at gun shows and online. +",7 +6, The bill,5 +15,In case you missed it,14 +7,Student: Arrest on night of comeback `ridiculous',6 +7,FBI statistics show v iolent crime on the decrease.,6 +4,"; government protects citizens from bias. +",3 +1,", and he hoped Montgomery County would buy into it.",0 +3,Reform Rabbis to Avoid Vote On Allowing Same-Sex Unions,2 +8,"""I've always thought that if more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walked in,"" he says, the rest of his sentence drowned out by loud applause while he said, ""and killed them.""",7 +11,"""This should be earmarked to stop our children from picking up the smoking habit,"" Nixon said. ""We have seen the success of other states in efforts to reduce smoking rates. We have the resources. But do we have the will? It's up to the legislators to take the next step.""",10 +9,"The cause was multiple myeloma, said his wife, Amelia J. Gearey Dyer. +",8 +1,Tax increases are at the top of their list.,0 +15,Corrections,14 +1,"From a revenue perspective, the higher tax more than offset the drop-off in sales. In the year after the increase took effect, tobacco tax collections on cigarettes increased from $273.8 million to $418.0 million.",0 +1,CIGARETTE MAKER AIMS TO KICK HABIT,0 +5," ""show our support for our Second Amendment rights and to support our Constitution as a whole.""",4 +5, in a kind of legal limbo,4 +13,President Obama has promised quick action to get a series of gun-control proposals through Congress and has been moving purposefully to that end.,12 +5,"Yet that is just what King & Spalding, a venerable Atlanta firm, did last week",4 +15,Reviewing Same-Sex Marriage,14 +6,The Revival of Gun Controls Out West,5 +7,"''I'm not going to do anything illegally with it,'' ",6 +5,"For six weeks, prosecutors watched as lawyers for two brothers who killed their wealthy parents four years ago methodically presented their defense. This week prosecutors struck back with a grueling cross-examination, accusing the older brother of concocting an absurd story of having acted in self-defense after a lifetime of abuse.",4 +13,"Clinton tells NAAC: We'll battle 'hatred,' wave of church arson",12 +5,"The Braceros were in the country legally, but the government often looked the other way when companies illegally brought their own Mexican workers into the country.",4 +13,LEGISLATURE 2004: Same-sex marriage ban finds support,12 +13,"The amendment's congressional sponsors, Sen. Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) and Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.), unveiled the revised text at a news conference in the Capitol. They were accompanied by Matt Daniels, president of the Alliance for Marriage, an ecumenical group of religious leaders that is pushing for the amendment, and were surrounded by adults and children from local African American churches.",12 +5,Says no Iranians will be allowed to enter US unless they have their visas revalidated by State Dept.,4 +13,lobbyist Marion Hammer cited a similar law passed and signed into law by the Georgia legislature and governor.,12 +12,"Support for same-sex marriage among the public has been growing, but the country remains divided. In a Pew poll conducted in October, 49 percent of respondents said they favored allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally and 40 percent were opposed. Four years earlier, in August 2008, the numbers were just about reversed: 39 percent in favor and 52 percent opposed. +",11 +12,A majority of those surveyed also rejected one of Trump's signature policies:,11 +5," As a district attorney, he sought it in appropriate cases.",4 +1,Nations Agree To Limit Sales Of Illicit Arms,0 +13,"And tell that to House Speaker John Boehner, who long ago decided he was going to speak only for a narrow slice of his party. ""The Speaker believes this legislation will increase frivolous litigation and cost American jobs, especially small business jobs,"" said his spokesman, Michael Steel. +",12 +11,"NEW YORK GOES SMOKE-FREE, COLD TURKEY",10 +5,"In Washington, reaction was muted. ""We are urgently exploring the legal effects of the court's order with the Department of Justice,"" State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said.",4 +7,Sex Offender to Be Executed Over Florida Girl's Slaying,6 +6,They believe outlawing everything -- from BB guns to Nerf shooters -- will keep everyone safe.,5 +5,The hearing is scheduled Friday in San Francisco before an 11-judge panel of the court.,4 +11,Even though gun raffles are common in eastern North Carolina,10 +7,"Lawson, 28, was charged in 2012 with murdering his ex-girlfriend, her mother and his 10-month-old son. Police have said that in May 2012, Lawson shot Gwendolyn Ray, 50, and her daughter, Breiana Ray, 22, and set an apartment fire that killed his son, Aiden. + +Muldrew, 38, faces charges of fatally shooting a Dutchtown corner store clerk in 2014. Abdulrauf Kadir, 32, an Ethiopian refugee, was shot to death during a store robbery. +",6 +11,"Athletes have long been among the most prominent agents for social change. We are proud of our role on the front lines of civil rights. We have stood up for issues that are bigger than the game we play, and though the topics debated may change over the years, the principle is the same: We fundamentally believe that all people deserve equal rights. +",10 +7,Hannon points out that actively monitoring,6 +9,"In all of these cases, the issue being ignored is that of mental health",8 +1,"To quote the author of the most extensive scientific study, Donald Phares (1980): ""The most regressive (and in fact of all taxes) is that on tobacco. The cigarette tax rate steadily declines as income increases, placing the greatest tax burden on low-income families with the least ability to pay.""",0 +5,"While Moody will be represented by the state's capital defender's office, long-term representation for Felts is still being worked out. Superior Court Judge Tom Campbell granted a motion to keep cameras out of Tuesday's hearing.",4 +11,State of the death penalty in 2013,10 +5,JUDGE SNUBS APPEAL BY CONDEMNED KILLER,4 +13,"The meeting - to be attended by City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and Senator Thomas K. Duane, among others - will be held amid a swirl of last-minute activity on the issue, ranging from a new batch of statewide television commercials to local lobbying pushes in favor of gay marriage and against it. +",12 +5,The first attempt failed Tuesday when St. Louis Circuit Judge Charles D. Kitchin disqualified himself and said the state's plea bargain with Ford should be rejected.,4 +13,"Gruenhagen's comments come just one day before debate over legalizing same-sex marriage has its first hearings in the House and the Senate. +",12 +5,Federal district court strikes down state law banning same-sex marriage because it is unconstitutional sex discrimination,4 +12,despite the widespread support it received from Georgia voters last week.,11 +4,"""The death penalty is not right, especially when the person is innocent,"" ",3 +5," +Marc Bookman, director of the Atlantic Center for Capital Representation, in Center City, said the judicial system had wasted resources on ""an improper death penalty trial.""",4 +13,Gunfire and Political Exchanges,12 +7," +One possible answer is that criminals are hesitant to commit crimes in states with weak gun laws because they fear that their potential victims might also be armed. Four of the states mentioned in your article (Texas, Virginia, Florida and Georgia) have seen measurable reduction in rapes, homicides and assaults following legislation granting citizens the right to apply for concealed-weapon permits. +",6 +5,Both sides praise judge's ruling in lawsuit vs. cigarette makers,4 +13,Missourians would get a chance to vote next year on concealed weapons under legislation approved Thursday by a House committee and sent to the full House.,12 +12," designed to mobilize public support,",11 +3,"No one is boosted higher by tearing someone else down. Our greatest living poet, Maya Angelou, says, ""We are more alike than we are not alike."" Jesus said, ""Love thy neighbor as thyself"" - powerful words of wisdom and advice. Far more worthy to follow than those of little people who seek to keep us divided to their advantage. +",2 +9,St. Mary's Hospital Bans Tobacco Use on Property,8 +7," by Ralph Kemp, warden of the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center near here.",6 +1,sked Lester a,0 +13,House GOP may move on reform of immigration,12 +10,Marriage won't change lifestyles,9 +13,Gun-control ad assails McAuliffe's strategy,12 +10,"""Life is just better,"" Myers said. ""Life is just better when she's around.""",9 +5,"Jury to begin deliberations in girl's death Suspect's mental condition during rape, killing at issue",4 +13, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger,12 +5,"Two immigrants' case is the first to focus on the issue of expired permits +",4 +1,Cost the companies $ 360 billion,0 +1,"We do not need to spend $ 50 million to create this bureaucracy. There are a lot of problems, including health care, where increased tax money could be put to better use.",0 +7,Yet the growing distance from this tragedy has allowed time for a fundamental shift in the decades-old debate over law and order.,6 +13,RUBIO DID NOT VOTE TO DEPORT IMMIGRANTS,12 +12,Group Begins Ad Blitz Against Same-Sex Marriage,11 +5,But Zimmerman's acquittal in July,4 +7,D.C. Crime-Fighting Plan Expands Anti-Gang Tools,6 +5,came into possession of documentation,4 +9,Those experts believe Medina was still alive when blue and orange flames shot from his head.,8 +9,Report finds sexual abuse of female farmworkers is prevalent,8 +3, It was about doing what was right.,2 +1," +FLORIDA'S COSTLY 'SAVINGS'",0 +12,Gay rights advocates have been quick to seize on the generational split as evidence that the acceptance of same-sex marriage is blind to party affiliation and family values.,11 +6,Gun control might still be wrong if it violates a derivative right or is bad public policy.,5 +12,"Yesterday's event was organized by the Pennsylvania Coalition to End Handgun Violence. The group's mission is to stop the illegal flow of handguns and to urge legislators to enact more effective laws to curb gun crime. Mayor Street, along with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and mayors from cities across Pennsylvania, called on lawmakers to change current gun laws, to stop straw purchases and to allow only one gun purchase a month.",11 +1,"ban the sale of assault weapons,",0 +9," Four to seven extra years of waiting will cut down on the problem, even save many more lives.",8 +5,"illette, who presided over Muhammad's capital murder trial in Virginia Beach, can either impose the jury's unanimous death sentence or reduce it to life in prison without parole. Virginia judges rarely change a jury's sentence in capital cases. +",4 +13,"WITH TOBACCO, IT'S TIME TO TRUST CONGRESS TO DO THE RIGHT THING",12 +11,"To start, we should talk about how phrases such as ""gun control"" are usually little more than a security blanket for most Americans",10 +13,"Obama made history this year when he became the first president to endorse same-sex marriage. The decision put to rest the speculation that had swirled since 2010, when he said that he opposed the right of gay couples to wed but that his views were ""evolving"" on the subject.",12 +1,"Mr. Green is not alone in his frustration. Illegal aliens are playing an increasingly visible role in the job market, a role subjected to rising criticism at a time of relatively high unemployment of Americans.",0 +7,"Mr. Welcome was convicted in March 1982 of fatally shooting Dorothy Guillory and Wallace Maturin of New Iberia in a struggle over a pocketknife. Witnesses testified that Mr. Welcome chased both victims, shot Mr. Maturin, and then reloaded his pistol and shot Ms. Guillory. +",6 +6,"In response to growing complaints from travelers, acting City Manager David Nickerson has issued an order to permit smoking in the Colorado Springs Airport. + +""This seems like a reasonable thing to do, provided the smokers have a special place and are isolated from the nonsmokers,"" Nickerson said. ""I don't see anything wrong with trying it."" + +More than 200,000 travelers use the airport every month. Smoking has been banned since the airport opened in October 1994 because of an order handed down in 1992 by then-City Manager Richard Zickefoose.",5 +13,"It certainly worked two years ago. Republican tacticians maneuvered to add amendments against gay marriage to the ballots in 11 states, including Georgia. The result was to lure religious conservatives to the polls in large numbers, probably giving President Bush the boost he needed in the battleground state of Ohio.",12 +1,"My own recent national study found that the annual after-tax deficit of post-1970 immigrants, both legal and illegal, exceeds $2,000 per immigrant -- a total cost of more than $42 billion. Comparatively, the native born had a surplus on public services after taxation.",0 +12,"In Pipestone County, opposition to gay marriage runs deep",11 +1,The Gun Biz,0 +12,"Tuesday night, about a dozen protesters gathered outside the Governor's Mansion in Jefferson City, unsuccessfully urging Carnahan to spare Bannister.",11 +9," His father, who Noeth said seemed to be in excellent physical shape, died from heart disease. His father smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. Noeth was recruited recently to implement the Tobacco-Free Teens Program, designed by the American Lung Association,",8 +12,THEY DEMAND CHANGE.,11 +13,State of[#xfb01]cials decline to defend some divisive laws,12 +4,"""Do we discriminate against people who are homosexual? No we do not,"" he said. ""These organizations are very aggressive in trying to embarrass anybody that doesn't do what they want to do. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. If we made this benefit available to everyone living together in the same apartment the cost would be through the roof.""",3 +5,A veteran's legal battle,4 +15,Aiming Too Low,14 +13,Lone gun control sponsor reluctantly gives up battle,12 +6,"Teen's easy purchase shows flaws in law, gun foes claim",5 +12,Polls show that Americans by overwhelming majorities back ending the gun-buying privileges of people on the federal no-fly list and broader terrorist rosters. ,11 +7,TARGET CUNY ILLEGALS,6 +15,Disarming,14 +5,Ashcroft trying doggedly to go backward on guns,4 +7,"Mr. Beathard was convicted largely on the testimony of Gene Hathorn Jr., who had wanted his family killed in order to collect a modest inheritance; after the murders, he discovered he had been written out of his father's will.",6 +10,"Elissa's stepmother, Sue Self, told reporters that the family's relief over the verdict could help members begin to recover from the nightmare of the girl's slaying.",9 +10,Where's the love? Missing in action,9 +1,"On Wawa's latest billboards, which appeared in several Philadelphia locations, there was no mention of cigarettes. They contained a Wawa logo, a warning that the stores do not sell tobacco to minors and a slogan: ""Lowest pack prices allowed by law. #1 brand even lower!"" +",0 +12, determined by responses of individual voters to the 2008 National Annenberg Election Survey,11 +6,DEFINITIONS SHOOT HOLES IN GUN BILL,5 +3," +``Bless our growers throughout these five flue-cured states,'' he intoned. ``Our fellow man is trying to destroy us. We pray for them.''",2 +15,GOING OVERBOARD ON SMOKING,14 +13,"Those issues have at least some bipartisan support, and would likely pass into law if Republican leaders ever let the House vote on them.",12 +5,"A class-action suit against Philip Morris seeks $7 billion in compensatory damages alone, based on the claim that the company fraudulently marketed Marlboro Lights and Cambridge Lights as lower in nicotine and tar -- and thus safer -- than their regular counterparts.",4 +5,"Prosecutors had sought the death penalty against Alfredo Arturo Sotelo-Gomez, 29, but Circuit Judge Stephen Rapp spared the Mexican native that sentence.",4 +13,"Raul Labrador says he's out of 'Group of Eight' immigration talks +",12 +1,"But, Mr. Hahn said, ""it's not about the money -- it's about changing the way they do business.""",0 +15,Q&A on the News,14 +7," man who killed a state trooper and five other people in a kidnapping and murder spree four years ago was executed early today after spurning efforts by others to save his life. +",6 +5,"The trial, already delayed because of money issues, is tentatively set to begin Sept. 10",4 +11,Gun Crazy,10 +5,CALIFORNIA'S ATTORNEY GENERAL SEEKS RULING ON GAY MARRIAGE,4 +7,Taking steps to stop the violence,6 +7, Ohio wants a second chance to carry out the execution.,6 +12,POLL: AMERICANS BACK IMMIGRATION LIMITS,11 +3,minister's position.,2 +12,"The peaceful protest drew young and old, white and nonwhite, straight and gay, most of whom smiled and waved at spectators as they chanted things like, ""Gay, straight, black, white, marriage is a civil right,"" and ""separation of church and hate.""",11 +13,LEGISLATURE 2004: Same-sex marriage fight,12 +4,A DEATH PENALTY MORE FOR INDIANS,3 +1,"After a weekend of record gun sales, metro gun dealers said Monday that gun purchases dropped dramatically on the first day the Brady law required criminal background checks for all gun buyers. + +""Gun sales? Today?"" Harry Clark, owner of Fred's Gun and Tackle Shop in Lilburn asked. Over the weekend, buyers desperate to acquire handguns before Brady took effect Monday depleted Clark's firearms stock. ""Now everybody's looking at rifles and shotguns,"" he said. + +People buying rifles and shotguns are not subject to criminal background checks required for those buying handguns.",0 +3,"Arizona recently showed the rest of the nation how difficult it can be to balance the religious rights of some with the guarantees all have to be treated equally and protected from discrimination. +",2 +7,VIRGINIA TECH SHOOTINGS: Easy answers ring hollow,6 +5,Calif. ban on gay marriage reversed,4 +9,"To help prevent death and deportation, the Mexican government has published a guide that advises its citizens on the intricacies of sneaking into the United States. It also gives tips on how migrants should conduct themselves after reaching the streets of the promised land. +",8 +5,"As cities prepare to sue the gun industry for not taking steps to keep their products out of criminals' hands,",4 +13,A lotta Latino loving Immig stance aids Bam,12 +5,LAWMAKERS SURE TO TRY BOOTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS THIS YEAR,4 +5,"Given the historic, cultural, symbolic and constitutional significance of marriage, Chief Justice Ronald M. George wrote for the majority, the state cannot limit its availability to opposite-sex couples.",4 +9,"Bill Wilke of Maryland Heights, who was seriously wounded in a shooting",8 +6,"Rather than pass meaningless laws, it would be more useful to investigate the parents of these teenage criminals. Where were they, and what did they think while their minor children were manufacturing large quantities of bombs, acquiring lethal weapons, and boasting of planning to kill fellow students?",5 +5,Why death sentences are reversed,4 +5,"""Relationships are going to change,"" said Alderman Tom Nardelli, who voted against the agreement. ""They don't have to start with a license. They don't have to end with a license. ",4 +7," +The city of Saginaw, Mich., has an arson problem. +",6 +1,Smoke if You Have Money,0 +3,Ogletree said Schaefer's case had no impact on his desire to avoid a trial.,2 +12,'OUTRAGE' Residents rip pols for beding to NRA,11 +10,Hundreds of children escaping mistreatment find more of it when they arrive here,9 +13,RUDY: NO TO GAY MARRIAGE,12 +11,MAGAZINE WILL PUBLISH SPIKED TOBACCO SHOW,10 +5,"And the Supreme Court has agreed to consider overturning both the federal Defense of Marriage Act and state bans on gay marriage, raising the prospect of a national victory - but also risks.",4 +9,"lue and orange flames up to a foot long shot from the right side of Mr. Medina's head and flickered for 6 to 10 seconds, filling the execution chamber with smoke. +",8 +5,Charron said he decided to drop his death penalty demand against the ninth-grade dropout after failing in March to win the execution of Fred Tokars for masterminding his wife's death.,4 +12,"A small but noisy group of protesters, many bused in from churches, rallied Sunday in downtown Washington to demand that the D.C. Council reject a measure that would allow same-sex marriages in the District.",11 +9,"The Cato Institute needs to wake up to the fact that everyone has a right to breathe clean air on the job and in public places, and that smokers don't have a right to harm the health of those around them",8 +7,Officer says law for firearm purchases needs to be revisited,6 +1,"Immigrants find a financial boost in U.S., but also the worst hours",0 +15,"In N.J., an underdog bites back",14 +10,"In Tobacco Country, Seeds of Fear",9 +7,"The children's bodies were found in a Redding storage unit in December. Huntsman, the children's aunt, was in custody of the two, as well as their 9-year-old sister who was found severely abused.",6 +11,"Tobacco tells touching tales in paintings, photos",10 +5,"The deal came after the Virginia Supreme Court rejected Andrews's 2007 death sentences, saying, among other things, that Andrews had unlawfully been convicted of two capital murder charges linked to the same two killings.",4 +1,"Dennis Grady, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches, is fine with that. He believes a larger and more reliable supply of legal labor is the key benefit of the reform. The legislation would increase that pool by millions in anticipation of a continued rebound and economic growth after the recent recession",0 +7, killing the children,6 +7,"said California has successfully stopped would-be gun buyers if they have convictions for violent misdemeanor crimes. +",6 +13, a bill that he and other Texas Republicans vowed to send to the federal government.,12 +13,"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a co-founder of the group, announced the ad buy Saturday - just days after Senate Democrats touted stronger background checks but lacked support to restore a ban on assault-style weapons to federal gun control legislation. +",12 +10,"""The past two years and six months have been a difficult time for us. We buried Bill, we have gone through two trials and have had no time for grieving, no closure, and it's been so much in the public eye.""",9 +15,An Old Argument,14 +5,GUN MAKERS ARE HELD LIABLE IN SHOOTINGS,4 +3,"Even then, many won't be comfortable with same-sex unions from a moral or religious perspective",2 +12,"On the streets, people said yes, they said no, they said maybe, and they shrugged their shoulders in frustration. +",11 +15,The Tyranny of Arms,14 +7,which she noted were used to kill nearly 900 county residents from 1990 to 1995.,6 +6,A less drastic and more reasonable approach is to have stricter gun-control laws.,5 +11," +RISING RIO GRANDE STEMS ALIEN TIDE",10 +12,"Most New Yorkers Favor Stricter Gun Laws, Poll Finds",11 +7,"As a first step, a neighborhood group sent young people out on the street to demonstrate how easy it is to find stores willing to violate state law and sell tobacco to someone under 18.",6 +7, whom police say shot Forrest five times in the back and twice in the leg.,6 +5,"David: It's easy today to overlook all the other things the court did this week. I'm sure you noticed how many of the Supreme Court cases this term (and maybe every term) revolve around race. +",4 +13,Clinton has been jousting all week with the NRA after its top lobbyist accused him of accepting a level of gun violence for political gain.,12 +5,A step back for Constitution,4 +12,"Both genders. + +Every age group. + +Even gun owners back the idea. +",11 +13,"Why can't conservatives just take the win on gun rights? +",12 +5,Same-sex marriage formally became law in New Jersey Monday after Gov. Christie dropped a Supreme Court appeal aimed at overturning a lower court decision that cleared the way for gay nuptials.,4 +9, and with the humanitarian treatment of migrants while also applying the law as appropriate.'',8 +15,Gay marriage: A way out,14 +5,DNA testing ordered in Felker case,4 +9,"BILL TUTTLE, TOBACCO OPPONENT, DIES",8 +7,KILLER'S DEATH WISH IS A RARITY,6 +6,Why gun licensing works,5 +13," which President Bush embraced this year. At the urging of conservative groups such as the Family Research Council, the platform committee went further in tone and detail than the GOP staffers who wrote the draft.",12 +3,"What he wound up doing that September day was solemnizing what he calls ""the first gay marriage in modern history.""",2 +9,"PHYSICIANS GROWING TONS OF TOBACCO FOR MANY, IT'S A MATTER OF TRADITION AND BUSINESS",8 +5,U.S. TRIBUNAL GRANTS ASYLUM IN GENITAL MUTILATION CASE,4 +5,Muzzling the Courts?,4 +1,And as the settlement terms push cigarette prices up -- possibly by $1.50 per pack over 10 years -- smokers who can't or won't kick the habit might switch to less-expensive cigarettes.,0 +8,if the government fails to complete a background check on the buyer within three business days.,7 +13,We should find out who has received political contributions from the NRA and who has refused to support strong legislation to reduce this epidemic. Then we should make sure that all those who put political contributions ahead of human lives don't get re-elected since they don't represent the majority of Americans.,12 +13,"Minnesota House: 'Gay lifestyle' remark by legislator causes outcry (w/ video) +",12 +13,House,12 +1,"Exports of U.S. tobacco last year are estimated at $1.5 billion, up from + +$1.4 billion in 1990.",0 +11,WOMEN INCREASINGLY JOINING GUN DEBATE,10 +10,"""It's a great feeling just walking outside the gate, knowing I'm standing on some grass-- not concrete-- and no non-stop handcuffs,"" Brandley said as he left the Huntsville prison where he was incarcerated for more than nine years. ""I was doubtful this day would ever come."" +",9 +5," +For Judge Accustomed to Harsh Cases, Volunteering for Something Sunnier",4 +1,"And at a time when the market shares of other full-priced cigarettes were declining, Camel managed to hold roughly 4 percent of the U.S. market.",0 +7,crack down,6 +1,The cost of death,0 +13,Guns and Political Suicide,12 +13,STARING DOWN BARREL OF NRA'S EVIL LOBBYIST,12 +1,"The farmers deserve a priority share of the $ 4 billion that the State of Maryland will begin receiving this year from the national tobacco lawsuit settlement, rather than the paltry 5 percent that is on the table. Virginia, our neighbor, has demonstrated that it places a higher value on the farm community than we are willing to acknowledge. They have agreed to give 50 percent of their distribution to Virginia farmers. . . .",0 +13,"Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D) on Sunday warned against pressing for excessive gun control regulations, cautioning that such measures wouldn't win passage from lawmakers on Capitol Hill.",12 +13,he press conference preceded a hearing before the City Council ,12 +12,"The poll was sponsored by the Service Employees International Union, one of the nation's largest unions, and Catholic Healthcare West, which employs about 40,000 workers at 48 hospitals in California, Arizona and Nevada.",11 +11,Queens Is Where The World's Music Comes Togethe,10 +13,"The senator from Arizona returned the fire, telling reporters that Romney ""has changed his position on almost every major issue"" and flatly declaring that he ""will win"" the New Hampshire primary. Manchester's Union Leader, the state's largest newspaper, weighed in with its second front-page endorsement of McCain, calling him ""the real deal"" and ""by far the best qualified individual to lead America.""",12 +5,"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit last year reaffirmed its 2001 order of a new sentencing hearing for Banks. The Philadelphia-based court concluded that Banks had received an unfair sentencing hearing, ruling that jurors may have been confused by the jury instructions then used in capital cases.",4 +3,"A closely divided Presbytery of Greater Atlanta on Saturday voted down an amendment to its denomination's constitution that would explicitly prohibit the blessing of same-sex unions, while its counterpart in northeast Georgia voted the other way.",2 +13,"'The NRA doesn't fit that bill,' said Teck, a sponsor of the House Bill 1208. 'But there's still that concern about what the perceptions are.' + +Among those worrying about the perception, Teck said, is Owens. But Owens' spokesman, Dick Wadhams, declined to comment on the bill this week.",12 +14,"End executions, Europeans urge U.S",13 +1,CIG STOCKS LIGHT UP HOPE FOR B&W APPEAL GIVES MARKETS A LIFT,0 +5,"For the first time, a jury in New York State has found",4 +5,"The decision in California is an illustration of how this principle of states' powers should work.""",4 +1,Altria Group to cut 15% of workforce,0 +5,- that the Second Amendment is more important than anything else in the Bill of Rights.,4 +10,"and I love to go out to eat and socialize,",9 +5,"Despite the 2-1 ruling, gay marriage cannot resume because the sponsors vowed to appeal their fight all the way to Washington. +",4 +11,"""I don't think we're there yet, and I think that is sad,"" he said. ""But it is going to happen. It is going to take one of the great players to come out. At some point, one of our athletes is going to reveal that he is gay, and I think that will be a joyous moment - not only for gays and lesbians, but for all of us.""",10 +10," +Trumps DACA announcement leaves CA college students nervous + +Bay Area immigrants hopeful but cautious as DACA remains standing",9 +5,"Since the Supreme Court has ruled the Second Amendment doesn't protect individual ownership of guns, this plan is constitutional.",4 +8,Terrorism bill warning: Go slow / Words of caution from unlikely duo,7 +11,"Tens of thousands from across the country flock each year to the festival at Como Park. In its 25th year, the event has become a reunion for Hmong immigrants new and old. For Tou Vang Hang, it was a chance to run into people he hadn't seen since he left a refugee camp in Thailand in November",10 +13,"The gay and immigration organizations are joining forces on the marriage issue, hoping to capitalize on political momentum they gained from the elections, when gay, Latino and immigrant voters turned out overwhelmingly in support of Mr. Obama.",12 +6,PLAN EXPANDS GUN OPTIONS FOR CABINET,5 +11,"Third, if the Baltimore Ravens will at any point trade for Mr. Kluwe, I promise to double-down on my season tickets and purchase a second pair of seats.",10 +12,A Death March in Maryland,11 +13,State Democrats and Republicans Duel Over Methods to Decrease Illegal Guns,12 +13,Republicans confident about overriding Nixon vetoes,12 +5,"Judge Kristine G. Baker of United States District Court in Little Rock, Ark., issued a temporary stay but ultimately rejected Mr. Williams's claim, allowing his execution to proceed.",4 +10,"On Thursday, the groups announced the recipients of a new college scholarship specifically for illegal immigrants, the first such program in the state, they said.",9 +1,"Philip Morris is America's largest maker of cigarettes, a product",0 +5,president-elect Martha Barnett said at a news conference at the ABA's annual convention.,4 +8,Ban on tobacco urged in military,7 +7,"In sharp contrast, criminal immigrants in Santa Clara County -- as many as 17,400 each year -- are routinely released after serving their sentences. That often holds true even for those arrested a second or third time.",6 +13,Backers of the Senate plan want to tie the pathway to specific improvements in border security. The Obama plan does not mention any such restrictions.,12 +8,Security lawmaker: No firearms in airport,7 +7,"Bracey, now 52 and in Graterford Prison, was found guilty of murder in the Feb. 4, 1991, shooting of Boyle, a 21-year-old from a police family who was out of the academy just seven months.",6 +7,Soft on Crime in Trenton,6 +11, Actor Kelsey Grammer,10 +9,"While Mr. Curry's illness has taken a physical toll,",8 +5,But the lawsuit is still alive.,4 +13,"Christie vetoes gay-marriage bill, offers ombudsman instead",12 +5,"The court refused Monday to decide whether the right to bear arms extends outside the home. The justices won't consider a challenge to a New Jersey law that restricts most residents from carrying guns in public. +",4 +7, local police departments,6 +13," The vote leaves the fate of gun control legislation uncertain. The Senate approved stronger restrictions last month, and compromise talks with the House are likely to begin this summer.",12 +1, or by new growth in the American economy.,0 +8,One Sure Way To Curb Crime,7 +4,"The attorneys claim recent DNA tests could prove Williams' innocence. Using technology that was not available at the time of the killing, those tests show that DNA found on the knife matched an unknown male, according to an analysis by Greg Hampikian, a biologist with Boise State University.",3 +5, But the high court had blocked every other execution until the justices consider whether lethal injection -- the method of execution in all but one of the 38 states that allow capital punishment -- is constitutional. So it came as no surprise Thursday afternoon when the court stopped the clock on Schwab.,4 +1, fiscal,0 +8,Easing Up at the Border,7 +5," If Mr. Harris is indicted, the case will go to trial.",4 +10,Immigrants Working While They Wait,9 +7, There were 108 homicides in Palm Beach County. Guns were used in 66 of the killings.,6 +7,sheriff's officials said,6 +7,"The tip set off a public safety alert in central Illinois, where state police and Naperville authorities responded to a bulletin from the DHS. The dragnet finally ended Feb. 21, when officers found the woman, her car and a device in the trunk. +",6 +6,"The state measure would block cities, towns and counties from suing gunmakers for the lawful design, marketing, manufacture, distribution, sale or transfer of firearms or ammunition.",5 +15,SMOKELESS CIGARETTE,14 +6,Anti-gay marriage law dealt a setback,5 +15,Managing,14 +13,A Democratic Contingency Plan on Same-Sex Marriage,12 +5,legalizing same-sex marriages.,4 +1,COMPANY REPORTS; B.A.T. Is Buying U.S. Rival,0 +10,"When taken from jail to court hearings, they are shackled and handcuffed, and no arriving minor is entitled to free legal representation. One 16-year-old boy was locked in a hotel room for five weeks alone, without anyone to talk to, anything to read or a change of clothes. An 18-month-old girl was taken to court for a hearing in Florida two years ago with no lawyer or other adult to represent her.",9 +7,NURSE SENTENCED TO DIE IN SLAYINGS,6 +7,POLICE SUCCEED IN CHECKING SALES OF CIGARETTES TO MINORS,6 +7,NG STILL FACES DEATH,6 +11,Guns and The Times: Other Voices,10 +13, Democrats want to see whether Ashcroft approved the policy change over the objections of FBI officials.,12 +8,But O'Hanlon says the military is in dire need of new personnel and that immigrants could be an ideal solution.,7 +5,"""It was the right decision and they made it early and quickly and ended the speculation,"" said Harland Braun, Blake's attorney. ""This indicates it will be a professional trial and it will be something that the county will be proud of.""",4 +1,"The emigration of jobs is the problem -- not the immigration of people. +",0 +5,Courts should clear way for gay marriage,4 +5,"these attorneys need to remember that,",4 +13,"Representative Bruce A. Morrison, chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, said the disparity between the proposed number of refugee admissions and the Administration's budget request made him wonder if Mr. Bush was ''really serious'' about admitting 125,000 refugees.",12 +13,"Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who hopes to introduce a universal background check bill with Republican support next week, said the measure hits what he called the legislative ""sweet spot,"" meaning it could pass and be effective.",12 +13,Blagojevich poised to sign statewide smoking ban Metro East businesses contend that they will lose customers to Missouri,12 +12,"This should not come as a surprise because society itself is deeply divided on the issue of gay marriage. +",11 +13,Christie pressed on shifting positions at GOP debate,12 +7," for the fatal beating of Ulysses S. Holt in north St. Louis County on Oct. 9, 1996. +",6 +3,"THOUSANDS ARRIVE FROM MEXICO, HONDURAS AND GUATEMALA. CHURCHES TRY TO KEEP UP WITH THE INFLUX. / IN N.C., LATINO IMMIGRANTS REMAKE CATHOLIC PARISH",2 +9,They were publicized yesterday by the organizers of the National Conference on Tobacco and Health,8 +10,"The nonprofit center also assists immigrants seeking housing, clothes, medical care, employment and legal help.",9 +6,"New York City wants to ban cigarette sales to people under 21 +",5 +1,"States with higher percentages of foreign-born residents tend to have more thriving economies. Missouri ranks 41st among the states with an immigrant population of 3.9 percent. Of the state's immigrants, 60 percent live in St. Louis. The task force overlooked all of this. +",0 +7,"Parent killer gets life, no parole",6 +10,Editorial: Outraged by the Florida shootings?,9 +11,Officials push for handgun solidarity,10 +11," ""interjected her private life in a way that I could not ignore,"" Mr. Bowers said.",10 +13,"""I have one question for our political leaders. When will you find the courage to stand up to the gun lobby?"" she asks. ""Whose child has to die next?"" +",12 +3,"The coalition also is holding forums for pastors in California and Arizona, where similar amendments will appear on the ballot in November",2 +9," have undiagnosed lung cancer."" + +The program, based at Cornell University, uses noncontrast, low-dose radiation CT scans for early diagnosis, he said. A CT scan is a quick, painless procedure that creates a detailed image made up of X-rays taken from many angles. + +He said the low-dose CT screenings will be available",8 +13,Senate approves gun checks,12 +6,"he handguns I've purchased in Pennsylvania required me to undergo national and state background checks, as do all retail firearms sales in the state, and to prove that I was a Pennsylvania resident.",5 +4,"Every DNA reversal is a lesson in the problems with one prosecutorial tool or another. Witnesses are unreliable. Criminals will lie in exchange for lenient treatment. Mr. Lloyd's case shows that even a signed confession is not always what it seems. And it provides further proof that the American justice system is imperfect at best, and frequently far too flawed to rely on capital punishment. In 1985 Mr. Lloyd's judge decried Michigan's lack of a death penalty, but its absence now appears to be all that prevented him from sentencing an innocent man to die.",3 +13,"As of last night, 31 of 62 members were on record in favor, including three Democrats and two Republicans who formerly voted no. Just one more senator would put the bill over the top.",12 +5,"In Major Case, U.S. Alleges Tobacco Firms' Conspiracy",4 +5,Malvo denied new sentencing hearing by Md. judge in six sniper slayings,4 +9,"The department remains committed to safe, secure, humane detention conditions -- and continues to make progress on that commitment.",8 +7,"Thomas, 25, and three of his friends were cleared in July of the seven-victim Lex Street massacre, the worst multiple homicide in the city's modern history. On Tuesday, four other men were charged with the killings.",6 +8,"Though Coast Guard cutters patrolling the Windward Passage between Haiti and Cuba since September have interdicted only one boat, and that one sinking with 57 Haitians on board, a spokesman for the immigration service here said, ''That's where the word 'deterrent' comes in.''",7 +11,"'There's a growing move across the nation to discount the benefits of marriage and in my opinion destroy what the traditional meaning of marriage has been for centuries,' Schultheis said. 'In reaction to that, there is a growing movement to support the union of marriage and identify those politicians who are in favor of traditional marriage.' +",10 +5,Gay-marriage advocates go to N.J. justices again,4 +1,"U.S. tobacco interests are keeping a low profile in the ongoing ''sin tax'' battle, preferring to pay a little more in the USA while making a lot more in profit overseas.",0 +11,Gay marriage momentum picks up steam across the nation,10 +13,"some Democrats act as if they're the ones staring down the barrel of a gun. +",12 +6,Senate Bill 225 creates the team to enforce recently passed laws making human smuggling and trafficking a felony.,5 +6,White House bans guns - finally,5 +5,Prosecutors will seek the death penalty if Keith Adams is convicted of first-degree murder.,4 +5,Judge clears Petrosky jurors,4 +5,"Stephen Bright, who has represented defendants on death row for 20 years, points out that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ""has upheld at least three death sentences from Houston in which the lawyer for the defendant slept during the trial.""",4 +12,N.R.A. Chief Says He Will Counter Bloomberg's Gun Control Campaign,11 +5,"In a landmark lawsuit brought by the government, Judge Kessler ruled on Aug. 17 that the nation's top cigarette makers violated racketeering laws and deceived the public for years about the health hazards of smoking.",4 +13,Ryan makes trip to U.S.-Mexico border as lawmakers mull building Trump's wall,12 +5,"One of them, establishing marriage for heterosexual couples and civil unions for same-sex couples, might have a better chance of passing because it was being put forward by an ally of the House speaker, Thomas M. Finneran, who had sponsored the first amendment on Wednesday and had opposed the compromise amendment, which failed 104 to 94. + +On the other hand, because the amendment that would only establish marriage as a heterosexual union failed by just two votes, 100 to 98, a new effort at a similar amendment might have a shot at success. +",4 +4,"The case highlighted the unfairness of denying same-sex couples the benefits that flow from civil marriages, and it challenged unfounded fears about the harm to traditional marriage if gay people had the freedom to wed. +",3 +5,Man indicted in Va. death of retired agent,4 +7,"Of those, 62,000 people had committed, at some point during their residence in the United States, one of the crimes that are grounds for deportation. The agency said that about half of those deported had been convicted on drug charges. Most of the others had been convicted of assault, burglary or violating immigration laws. Almost 115,000 people were deported or turned away because they were in the country illegally or had tried to enter with false documents.",6 +1,Hick gun shop slaps at Rangel,0 +9,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,8 +7,"The old conviction, for which de la Rosa was sentenced to three to six months of house arrest, became an issue again because of the publicity surrounding the rape case. De la Rosa was picked out of a photo line-up by the victim of a rape July 18 in a Chinatown SEPTA station and turned himself into police. He was later cleared by a DNA test.",6 +13,"But an epidemic of fraudulent voters has become a favorite fairy tale of the Republican Party, a made-up monster they've planted under voters' beds that will jump out and scare us into endorsing voter ID laws.",12 +5,"The court did not specify the reason for the stay, but Mr. Tarver's appeal, which was denied on Thursday by the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals and the Alabama Supreme Court, questioned the constitutionality of the electric chair.",4 +9,Dr. Kelly obviously is committed to the medical profession,8 +12,"Counterprotests by gun rights supporters are also expected in places including Boston, Boise, Salt Lake City and Val-paraiso, Ind.",11 +5,"The ruling overturning a key part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act means gay couples married in Minnesota and the 11 other states and the District of Columbia that allow gay marriage will have those marriages recognized by the federal government. +",4 +8,PROSECUTORS TO SEEK DEATH PENALTY FOR SEPT. 11 SUSPECT,7 +9,toxic secondhand smoke,8 +5,"A landmark verdict in Federal District Court in Brooklyn Thursday holding gun makers liable for shootings because of negligent marketing practices is likely to encourage many more lawsuits using the same legal approach. + +While industry executives expressed confidence that the Brooklyn verdict would be overturned, the plaintiffs' success, in the first gun trial using the novel claim of negligent marketing, poses a serious threat to the gun makers as more suits are filed. + +The success against gun makers came much more swiftly than in suits against the tobacco industry that pioneered the negligent marketing approach.",4 +15,"GUNS, SCHMUNS",14 +9,Medicaid ,8 +6," +'STAND YOUR GROUND' SCRUTINY",5 +11,Just three percent of adults own half of America's guns,10 +13,"Conversation Turns to Guns, Then Republicans Change the Subject",12 +15,Gunning for change,14 +7,"Death Penalty In Some Cases Of Child Sex Is Widening +",6 +7,AN FROM JENNINGS IS EXECUTED FOR KILLING NEIGHBOR;,6 +9,"men paralyzed by drugs, yet still in agony as the state of Georgia puts them to death.",8 +15,Last Puff aims to snuff out craving,14 +5,He had shunned all appeals then,4 +11,"That's a lot of parents. It's even more children. How many is unclear, but Pew estimates that nearly 5.2 million U.S.-born or legal resident children live with one parent who is here illegally",10 +11,"- since the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act scrapped national-origin quotas, putting the focus instead on immigrants' skills and personal connections to Americans.",10 +9,Revelations about Cho Seung-Hui's 2005 stay in a psychiatric center under a magistrate's order have raised questions about whether background checks adequately scrutinize the mental health history of potential gun buyers.,8 +5,Texas Attorney General Dan Morales said the lawsuit marks the first governmental allegation that the tobacco industry has engaged in illegal conduct including violations of federal mail and wire fraud statutes as well as federal racketeering and conspiracy laws.,4 +4,Immigration profile: Jose Juan Reyes fights for rights of the undocumented,3 +13,"Across U.S., Republicans' efforts to arm teachers stall",12 +13,L.A. OFFICIALS BAN GUN SALES ON COUNTY LAND,12 +5," The Constitution cannot control private biases, but neither can it tolerate them. ...",4 +12,IMMIGRATION ACTIVISTS RALLY ON SATURDAY,11 +6,Dip into the details of the 'anti-Arizona' immigration bill,5 +1,"""With this historic action, Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man will be out of our children's reach, forever.""",0 +13," A competing bill has been introduced by Sens. John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (D., Conn.) and Rep. Michael N. Castle (R., Del.). Previous efforts in Congress to pass such a measure have failed.",12 +6,1996 Defense of Marriage Act bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages and allows states to reject same-sex unions licensed in other states or countries.,5 +7,Inmate who escaped death 7 times executed,6 +13, Gov. Parris N. Glendening (D).,12 +5,"Questions, answers on same-sex marriage ruling",4 +13,Labor leaders lobby for same-sex marriage in Md.,12 +1,Tobacco firms may accept major curbs,0 +7,RAILROAD KILLER SPARKS INS PROBE,6 +4,DAD HE NEVER MET IS OFF DEATH ROW APPEALS COURT OVERTURNS MURDER CONVICTION,3 +9,A Haven for Abused Women,8 +13, Echo of Gunshots Past as House Votes,12 +13,Webb rallies Democratic mayors on gun control,12 +6,". Proposition 22, passed in 2000, specifically states that marriage in California is recognized only between a man and a woman.",5 +15,Gay marriage debate shows change ahead,14 +12,"Voters oppose gay marriage, amendmen",11 +10,The criminals' or that of the surviving families of victims?,9 +11,"More important, while African-American smokers prefer menthol, twice as many white adults smoke menthol cigarettes.",10 +5,"Citing segregation, judge rules Calif. gay-marriage ban illegal",4 +5,New D.A. to press murder case against Nichols,4 +13,MASSACHUSETTS SUSPENDS DEBATE ON GAY-MARRIAGE BAN COMPROMISE TO OK CIVIL UNIONS DOESN'T PASS,12 +13,"But Thursday, Colorado Sen. Dave Owen, R-Greeley, the vice-chair of the Joint Budget Committee, said he doesn't think the governor's payoff proposal has enough support in the legislature to pass. +",12 +9," it will help promote children's health, anti-smoking programs and cancer research.",8 +10,"""We're hearing from a lot of people concerned about family members, friends, classmates,"" said Abed Ayoub, of the ADC. +",9 +1," We'll leave to others the debate over whether tobacco taxes today are too low, too high or just right.",0 +7,"She is an unlikely undercover agent. But for six months this year, Alexa Martinez, who is 16 and looks it, went around with inspectors from New York City's Department of Consumer Affairs as her backups, and asked to buy cigarettes at newsstands, candy stores, delicatessens, supermarkets, drug stores and hotels.",6 +6,authority to regulate tobacco,5 +5,prosecutors from the state's two largest counties said Friday.,4 +11," The smoking rate among children still is declining, by about 11 percent in the latest survey. That's good, but it could be lower still.",10 +11,Hispanic Teens Find Voice Onstage,10 +5,"Riverside to repeal immigrant laws After an exodus of Brazilian residents, officials plan to end penalties sought for hiring and housing those here illegally.",4 +13," That's because some Republican leaders - seeing that their party's support among Latinos has eroded greatly from the days when former Texas Gov. George W. Bush was in the Oval Office - are now talking about reform. To his credit, Bush pushed for big changes in the country's immigration policies, but the GOP leadership in Congress would not budge.",12 +5,Now a Florida lawsuit is highlighting a rare practice of forbidding U.S.-born students -- citizens by birth -- from getting in-state tuition because their parents are illegal immigrants.,4 +6,"he good news is that Florida's electric chair has been fixed. +",5 +5,"Appeals court delays Arizona execution, tells state to reveal more about drugs that will be used",4 +13,"Only one Democrat, Rick Boucher of Virginia, voted to send the bill to the full House for approval; all the other committee Democrats voted against the bill. Republicans unanimously voted in favor of it.",12 +5,The parole board will hear presentations from Davis' legal team and prosecutors on Sept. 19.,4 +11,"Friends, family recall music icon slain a year ago",10 +5,"about the right to bear arms without any infringement on the Second Amendment, I am finding my First Amendment rights of freedom of assembly and freedom of association trampled.",4 +11,Tobacco's legacy lives on in Durham renovations,10 +5,"However, Lonchar's attorney said yesterday that his client now wanted to drop the appeal.",4 +13,6 MAYORS DIFFER ON COMBATING DRUG PROBLEMS,12 +7,One of the conversations took place just a week before Gillespie was gunned down in the Bronx while trying to arrest three suspected carjackers.,6 +11," +Cigars have long held a sacred place in American history. They're handed out when babies are born and at wedding receptions. They helped shape the identity of American legends such as Groucho Marx and George Burns, American allies such as Winston Churchill and even American foes such as Fidel Castro. Hall of Fame basketball coach Red Auerbach would pull one out as a victory was nearing, turning them into the ultimate sign of achievement.",10 +13,"President Clinton and the Congress need to keep two matters as high priorities as they review the proposed tobacco settlement between 40 states and the tobacco industry. +",12 +7,"""There will be no coverup,"" Smith told reporters, noting that investigations were under way by his department, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the FBI.",6 +11,"On Marriage, Holding Back the Tide",10 +13,"Last month the American electorate implemented the civilized and constitutionally appropriate remedy to ""overbearing government"": Voters used our democratic process to achieve a sweeping change in Congressional composition. Not a shot was fired.",12 +13,"We might see some congressional baby steps, such as a bipartisan bill",12 +7,"Robinson and 16-year-old Clinton Fields stopped, handcuffed St. George and put her in the back of their car. They took St. George to a cemetery where Robinson raped her three times before shooting her twice in the head at point-blank range. +",6 +13,Senate Dems help defeat smoking foes' attempt at statewide ban,12 +5,Don't Give Guarantees To Aliens at Border,4 +5,Appeal denied in case that led to witness killing,4 +1,Advocates for immigrants said that the report helps debunk arguments made by some elected officials on Long Island that immigrants are a financial drain and instead shows that they are an integral part of the region's economy.,0 +13," An election-year dispute over whether to allow loaded guns in national parks is holding up a vote on a massive bill affecting public lands. Democrats accuse Republicans of trying to score political points by injecting a ""wedge"" gun-rights issue into a noncontroversial bill. Republicans counter that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to shield the two leading Democratic candidates for president from a politically difficult vote on an issue that many rural voters consider crucial. ",12 +9,NICOTINE ADDICTION FROM CIGARETTE SMOKING MAY BEGIN IN A FEW DAYS,8 +11,"""Every day, more than 200,000 kids carry firearms into school,",10 +10,"One of the last weddings performed at Brookhaven Town Hall, on Long Island, was of Dan Evans, 67, and Jim Kelly (now Kelly-Evans), 62, who divide their time between the Fairmount section of Philadelphia and Cherry Grove, on Fire Island.",9 +4,"As a movement, labor learned a long time ago that we had to unite across our differences ethnic, cultural, personal, religious and support a vision of equality and respect for all, not just in the workplace, but in every sphere of life. We understand that where we don't have equality, we have discrimination and discrimination allows us to be divided and conquered. That's why we are committed to justice for all and equality for all. +",3 +9,TYPE OF CANCER TIED TO FILTER CIGARETTES LOW-TAR BRANDS BLAMED FOR TUMORS DEEP IN LUNGS,8 +1,We would rather put money,0 +13,She apparently plans to vote for Mitt Romney.,12 +7, Screening Denver's finest,6 +8,"And in the Arizona desert, Boeing engineers are laying down the first segment of a high-tech ""virtual wall"" that will eventually stretch from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.",7 +8,his pledge to build a wall to end all walls on the Mexican border,7 +4,African-American leader,3 +11,The Culture Wars Rage On,10 +13,"""But when the debates end and nothing has changed, Congress makes itself complicit in the next killing",12 +11,David Blankenhorn: What matters now about marriage,10 +7,"Warn applicants in writing that they can be deported if they don't show up for a hearing. About 16% never show. +",6 +8, background checks ,7 +8, self-defense in the face of death.,7 +13,"A day after McConnell said it was ""clear we can't go forward in the Senate"" with a House-passed DHS bill, Boehner sent a blunt message to his Senate counterpart: Keep trying.",12 +7,Camilla poultry plant recruiter charged in immigration case,6 +6,"Three years ago, the military ended the 18-year ban on gays serving openly in the military, a policy known as ""Don't Ask, Don't Tell.""",5 +5,"could give the conservative-led court cause to reconsider whether government limits on commercial speech violate the First Amendment. + +The court generally has held that commercial speech such as advertising may be regulated but not banned",4 +5,"In endorsing the agreement requiring payments by Philip Morris Cos. Inc., R.J. Reynolds, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. and Lorillard Tobacco Co., Kaye expressed doubts about the attendants' chances of winning their cases. ""Taken as a whole, the outcome of this case in this court's opinion was far less than 50-50,"" he wrote.",4 +5,"""Hopefully, the Supreme Court will allow us to join,"" Neulander lawyer Jeffrey C. Zucker said yesterday. +",4 +5,Prop. 8 trial Day 7: Live coverage from the courtroom,4 +4," ""Mr. Shaw did not receive the necessary protections he was entitled to and, because of that fact, the sentence of death may be fundamentally unfair.""",3 +7,"In addition, 14 percent of the guns used in crimes by juveniles and young people were sold by private sellers without federal firearms licenses, and 10 percent were sold at gun shows, flea markets or through ads in gun magazines, none of which require buyers to show identification or undergo background checks.",6 +13,BUSH'S VOICE THE WISER ONE,12 +5,Judge rules Newtown lawsuit against gun-maker can go forward,4 +12,". But a ballot question would avoid such an impasse, he argued, and be a more democratic way to ""overturn hundreds of years of societal and religious tradition.""",11 +3,Ross Douthat: A particular marriage tradition,2 +13,Ed Gillespie opposes almost every reasonable gun-safety measure imaginable,12 +5,EX-LAW DEAN'S COMPLAINT ABOUT LEGAL FEES DISMISSED,4 +13,"""Like Obama said, if it saves one kid's life, it's worth it."" +",12 +5,TOBACCO JUDGE: BRAND NAMES NOT IMPORTANT,4 +5,Trial set to begin in murders that rocked northeastern Pa,4 +7,Arkansas executes man who killed 16,6 +11,"According to a new study by the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center (NORC), female gun ownership has remained virtually unchanged in America since 1980.",10 +14,2 extradited to U.S. in shooting of ICE agents,13 +9,"Oklahoma adopted its lethal injection procedure last year after the botched execution of Clayton Lockett, who grimaced and kicked before dying 43 minutes after his execution began.",8 +10," It promotes programs to separate North Carolinians from tobacco -- smoked, chewed or dipped -- by providing training and materials for health care providers, educators and a wide range of organizations.",9 +10,"Connie Deaton, McMillan's sister, had pleaded for help before the arrest. ""We're begging anyone with information to contact the sheriff's department,"" she said. ""We need help to find who did this.""",9 +4, Is it discrimination?,3 +8,HB 1240 would include juvenile records in criminal background checks for gun purchases.,7 +13,President Quietly Signs Law Aimed at Gay Marriages,12 +7,"Even so, police were able to trace 643 illegal guns to the 15 and link those guns to 103 crimes.",6 +3,"Another common argument against allowing same-sex marriage is that churches might be required to marry gay couples. But churches could do as they please. The Catholic church will not marry a divorced couple without an annulment, even though divorce is legal. Church tenets would be respected when same sex-couples are allowed legal-partner status.",2 +13,Teens talk guns with elite of D.C. Colorado lobbyists hailed by the chief,12 +7,"This summer, it was 12 people shot dead in a Colorado movie theater.",6 +1,to cigarette tax revenues,0 +5,DEFENSE TO ATTACK CAPANOS / MOTIONS FILED IN COURT SUGGEST LAWYERS WILL TRY TO DISCREDIT THOMAS CAPANO'S BROTHERS.,4 +7,Man charged in illegal gun sales in South Jersey,6 +8, then no on invading Iraq,7 +3,Schultheis this month became one of the first state lawmakers in the country to sign an oath pledging to protect the 'inviolable definition of marriage' as the legal union between one man and one woman.,2 +5,"""I think that what a lot of criminal defense lawyers are saying is, 'My case is not like that; I've got real issues here.' They are in a responsive mode now and have started defending themselves.""",4 +12,FACES OF THE NRA,11 +6,"Mercury News Editorial: Defense of Marriage Act remains indefensible +",5 +5,"The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that Prop. 8's backers lacked standing to defend the 2008 law. Then, on Friday, the 9th Circuit removed its hold on a lower court's 2010 order directing state officials to stop enforcing the ban. +",4 +12," +30,000 voices, one message at Capitol; St. Paul march for immigration reform is the largest gathering at the Statehouse since a Sept. 11 memorial",11 +5,"In two hours of rapid-fire arguments, the majority of Supreme Court justices on Tuesday sent strong signals that San Francisco had no legal authority to defy California law and wed more than 4,000 same-sex couples.",4 +8,A NATION CHALLENGED: PERSONAL SECURITY,7 +1," You qualify for benefits as a survivor if you were married to your spouse for at least nine months before the employee died. A spouse can receive half of a retired worker's full benefit unless the spouse begins collecting benefits before full retirement age. You should also know that if you remarry, your benefits could be affected. Generally, you won't be eligible for widow or widower benefits if the remarriage occurs before age 60, or age 50 if you are disabled. Down the road, you are entitled to benefits even in the event of a divorce. If you split up but your marriage lasted 10 years or longer, you can still receive benefits based on your ex-spouse's record. Go to the Social Security Administration's Web site, www.ssa.gov, for more details about spousal benefits. +",0 +9,"sponsored by groups like the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association and Medical Society of the State of New York",8 +13,ILLINOIS GOVERNOR SUSPENDS DEATH PENALTY THIRTEEN DEATH-ROW INMATES HAVE BEEN CLEARED SINCE 1987. ,12 +13,California abandons defense of three-drug executions,12 +13," +Let's end this insanity now by passing Proposition 62.",12 +1,and increase financing for it to $40 million per year from $30 million.,0 +13,U.S. report to criticize cutsto anti-smoking programs,12 +11,"Fourth Street is cleaned up after the snows, ready for the Irish-American celebration along the St. Patrick's Day parade route today. In 2006, the ritual embrace of a particular ethnic identity so important to St. Paul's identity arrives at a learning moment. Up the hill from parading Irish families and the call of the pipes, an immigrant backlash is whipping around the state Capitol.",10 +11,Gold medalist defends firearms,10 +13,"Heated debates in Annapolis on death penalty and gun control +",12 +5,after last-minute appeals failed to stay Missouri's fourth execution in as many months.,4 +15,GUNS BLAZING,14 +11,"The 1960s were known for their turmoil, but the degree to which guns were a factor is sometimes overlooked.",10 +7,"Convicted sniper Lee Boyd Malvo returned yesterday to Maryland, where he was arrested 21/2 years ago and where he and John Allen Muhammad are accused of wreaking the greatest concentration of death and suffering during the three weeks of sniper shootings in 2002. +",6 +5,"The weapons charge, filed by ""this district attorney woman Margo something"" is ""a horrible disgrace. . . . She can't make one stick, so now she's trying to make another one stick. I don't know what the hell's the matter with this woman,"" he said. + +Supervising Deputy District Attorney Margo Smith, who filed the charges against Knievel this week, said today that his legal information is flawed. + +For starters, any concealed weapons permit issued in Montana would have ""no force and effect in this state,"" she said. + +As for the felony conviction in the 1977 case, Knievel was successful in having it modified in late 1980, according to court records, Smith said.",4 +5,"It is said, more frequently than precisely, that the reasons the Supreme Court gives for doing whatever it does are as important as what it does. Actually, the court's reasons are what it does. Hence, the interest in the case the Supreme Court considered last week.",4 +7,"""There are few crimes more heinous than the smuggling and trafficking of human beings. Enforcement is a key element in the state's efforts to stop this appalling practice and the new CSP unit will play a critical role,"" Owens said in a statement.",6 +1,IMMIGRATION DEBATE Illegals take jobs from Americans,0 +13,"The National Rifle Association said Monday it is pulling its 2007 national convention out of Columbus, Ohio, because of the City Council's vote last week to ban some types of assault weapons.",12 +5,Death Penalty Not Sought For Marine in Killing of Iraqi,4 +11,"With 80 percent of adult smokers having become addicted before age 18, Wigand, like the tobacco companies, targets young children.",10 +13,"As Republicans grope for rationales to block asylum for Syrian refugees, Texas State Representative Tony Dale, a gun rights stalwart with an A rating from the National Rifle Association, is arguing that they should all be blocked because it's far too easy in this country for people with terrorist motives to buy guns and cause mayhem.",12 +11, ''victory for American democracy',10 +5,National identity cards won't stop illegal aliens,4 +3,"It was not my responsibility to second-guess the people,"" Ashcroft wrote. ""It would have been arrogant and irresponsible for me to commute every death sentence, or the death sentences passed on newly converted Christians. . . . Becoming a Christian may remove us from eternal penalties, but it does not relieve us or others from the consequences of our acts."" +",2 +11,"He appeared for a musical performance on Saturday Night Live on Oct. 7, singing I Won't Back Down, which also served as a tribute to Tom Petty, who died Oct. 2.",10 +7,"An officer who fails to make an arrest from a domestic abuse call is required to compile a lengthy report justifying the decision. Many officers fear civil action for failure to make an arrest. +",6 +5,Seeking Common Ground on Gun Rights,4 +15,Dec. 22 Letters to the editor,14 +11,"Gloria Hsu welcomes visitors with a warm hello, guiding them into the room at the Chinese Cultural Center in Chamblee where a dozen people are playing badminton and pingpong.",10 +8,Hartsfield-Jackson No. 1 for taken guns,7 +13,"Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who is now chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, promised to reintroduce within weeks a bill",12 +13,"Also, the Clinton administration is clearly not as sympathetic to or intimidated by the tobacco industry and its captives in Congress as past administrations have been. The decision to impose a ban on smoking in the White House was a symbolic act and clear signal to the cigarette-makers.",12 +7," between 60,000 and 200,000 are stolen each year, falling into the hands of burglars and other criminals.",6 +7,"The targets now don't even have to be criminals. They could simply have been accused of a crime (that is, still presumed ''innocent'') or have done something that makes an immigration agent believe that they might possibly face charges.",6 +13,"Lesbian ma? No 'Con' do, sez party big",12 +3,"The Rev. Jimmy Creech, a Goldsboro, N.C., native, who now lives in Omaha said the trial demonstrates the division in the church over homosexuality.",2 +1,South of the border still borderline for poor,0 +13,"An immigration bill, at last",12 +9,How to Reduce the Gun Carnage,8 +13,"A Milestone for Gay Marriage: The rest of the nation waits for Mr. Obama to 'evolve' +",12 +5,If the jury that convicted Timothy McVeigh,4 +13,Showdown on the Brady Bill,12 +10,Welfare Proposals Hurt Elderly Immigrants,9 +13, Trump said Wednesday,12 +13," +D.C. Ban Survives Challenge As House Scraps Gun Bill",12 +11,Post-Dispatch report ,10 +6,"SLOW, STEADY PROGRESS ON SENSIBLE GUN CONTROL",5 +3,Should Immigrants Have Human Rights?,2 +12,The one thing you can say about the National Rifle Association is that it doesn't take its losses lightly.,11 +13,Politicians show no regard for public safety,12 +7,"""These Web sites operate with impunity,"" said Weiner, ""and we're going to shut them down.""",6 +13,Ehrlich Assailed In Radio Spot By National Anti-Gun Group,12 +5,"When money is taken from his budget and shifted to prosecutors, Vela said, his office won't have as many lawyers available for routine cases.",4 +7,"Gilbert and Eric A. Elliott, both of Newcomerstown, Ohio, are accused of killing multiple times in a cross-country trip to the West Coast. The men were traveling in a stolen vehicle that belonged to a missing Ohio woman when they got stuck in a field near the Brewers' home near Kingdom City, Mo., according to court records.",6 +11,in response to a Post-Dispatch investigation last year ,10 +13,ANTI-IMMIGRATION GROUPS START AD CAMPAIGN IN IOWA,12 +8," resources for border security have been increased sharply, including the use of drones.",7 +13,"No doubt, President Obama has made a political calculation that ramping up deportations and prosecutions will establish his bona fides as he challenges House Republicans on reform",12 +6, No major new gun laws will result.,5 +7,"MORE TRYING TO GET IN U.S. FROM HAITI; FAKE VISAS, PASSPORTS GIVE TICKET TO FREEDOM",6 +6," how the city could offer such benefits, which would also be offered to unmarried heterosexual couples.",5 +13,2000 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE: Action on smoking bill delayed,12 +11,"Those numbers mean something, Salisbury said, because 50 percent of those who smoke begin by age 14, and 90 percent begin before age 19.",10 +10,Victim's half-sister gives killer a tongue-lashing,9 +7, to vacate the death sentence and order his sentence commuted to life in prison.,6 +13,Gays Achieve Breakthrough In Vermont,12 +3, he calls her decision to immigrate more than a decade ago heroic.,2 +15,"INS, Elian's Kin Fail to Reach Accord on Change in Custody; Castro Says Father Ready to Come to U.S. to Retrieve Boy",14 +10,"""I can't go out,"" said Navarro, who lives with her husband and two children in a room at the church. +",9 +13,"""It's not fair we're being put in a position of having to vote for discrimination or for the contracts,"" complained Sen. Ellen Anderson, DFL-St. Paul. She voted for ratification ""under protest,"" she said. + +Backers of the excised benefit argued it was removed to fulfill a conservative social agenda. Lawmakers on the opposing side steered clear of raising any moral objections.",12 +11,"These stories are worth recalling as the number of migrants in America reaches rates last seen a century ago. According to a recent Pew Research Center report, there are now 45 million immigrants in the United States, accounting for 14 percent of the total population.",10 +1,THE MIDTOWN SINKHOLE Many refugees find jobs at Marriott Hotel chain helps victims' families with funeral costs,0 +13,"Beyond Guns: N.R.A. Expands Political Agenda +",12 +7,"In January 1985, Lingar, 25, picked up Thomas S. Allen, 16, a high-school junior in St. Francois County. Allen's car had run out of gas on the way home from his girlfriend's house. Lingar forced Allen to take o ff his clothes and perform a sexual act. He then shot Allen three times and hit him several times with a car jack. When the youth continued to live, Lingar backed over him twice with a car. Jones, 68, is the oldest person on death row. He killed his former girlfriend in August 1983. The victim, Dorothy Fienhold, 58, of Pontiac, Ill., was shot through the eyes. Her body was found near Cuba, Mo. +",6 +13,"A 5-2 majority of commissioners blocked newcomer Kevin Beckner, who is openly gay, from asking the county staff to study the idea Thursday",12 +5, 4 young people indicted in death at Lake Lanier,4 +5,"Malia Brink, a Philadelphia lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, said in an interview that the filing is likely ""toward the end of this month."" +",4 +13, White House and state and local governments ,12 +5,Supreme Court to weigh execution of retarded man,4 +7,DEATH-ROW INMATES MOVED TO POTOSI,6 +7,"Convicted killer Brian Lee Cherrix was executed by injection last night in Virginia's death chamber, a decade after he raped and killed a young mother on Chincoteague Island.",6 +5,Don't take away rights,4 +7,major law-enforcement problem it is.,6 +7,The immigration crimes are punishable by up to 40 years in prison. Debk's sentencing date has not been set.,6 +13,"The measures passed with the majority of Republicans supporting both bills and most Democrats voting against. Both bills have already cleared the Senate, but House amendments require Senate agreement.",12 +7,the former radio journalist sent to death row for the 1981 killing of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner.,6 +7,Certaine and Police Commissioner John F. Timoney said they expected no problems with the gathering,6 +9," +The drop is significant, said study author and epidemiologist Ahmedin Jemal, ""because it shows our investments in cancer control are paying off with lifestyle changes such as cessation of smoking, more screening, faster diagnoses and better treatments.""",8 +7, and the overzealous attempt to capture and punish criminals,6 +10,"George Noeth used to be a smoker, but he quit two years ago.",9 +5,"Justice Anthony Kennedy, addressing Proposition 8 attorney Charles Cooper on the law's effect on children of California same-sex couples:",4 +12,Childproof-gun rules favored Poll: Better safety laws needed,11 +1,Joe Camel just fading away like puff of smoke,0 +5,A father testifies of call as jet hit tower,4 +3,"""Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and this company to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an estate ordained by God and sanctioned by the state."" +",2 +13,"But Gov. Corbett and the legislature's most vocal gun-rights proponent say that as horrific as the recent tragedy may be, it does not change their position against any additional gun-control measures.",12 +10,CRIME VICTIMS' FAMILIES ARE HAUNTED BY WEB POSTINGS/ ADMIRER OF KILLER POSTS DETAILS OF MURDER,9 +13,"30 years after Reagan shot, outlook dim for gun control",12 +1,"After months of deadlock, budget bargainers' positions have moved toward each other and participants have begun to predict they will soon produce a package cutting the deficit $50 billion next year and $500 billion through 1995",0 +11,"People, not guns, made America what it is",10 +13,"As Election Day approaches, nasty political ads proliferate",12 +11, where a community finds them patently offensive,10 +12,"More than a dozen residents turned out to support Miller's assertion and asked the council to reconsider allowing the store to open. Another dozen or so turned out to support the store. +",11 +12," +On the issue of gay marriage, city voters support a law allowing same-sex couples to wed, by a margin of 51% to 40%. There is a big split, though, along racial lines. + +The Feb. 22-March 1 poll surveyed 1,435 registered city voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points.",11 +7," have been connected to 200-plus illegal guns used in crimes in New York City, including homicides, investigators reported.",6 +5," +A three-judge panel of the Missouri Court of Appeals Western District overturned a 2015 circuit court judgment in Cole County that found the state Department of Corrections had violated the state public-records law by refusing to identify the pharmacists. +",4 +5,"Cappy, in ordering a new trial, said the state ""sought to establish that appellant (Green) was the actual shooter (and) did so based solely on circumstantial evidence and inferences.""",4 +13,Voting to Go Into the Killing Business,12 +13, Biden said,12 +4,"Trump was careful to add that minority workers have been among those ""hit hardest"" by unfettered immigration. But there is a racially charged history to the idea that immigrant workers depress American wages, an argument that led to the country's first immigration restriction law: the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.",3 +13,"As Supreme Court Deliberates, Jeb Bush Speaks +",12 +1,"To reach the number, Rector and Richwine purport to total up the cost of the services the undocumented-turned-documented immigrants would use and compare the figure with taxes they project the immigrants would pay.",0 +7,"""It's an extraordinary number of people [to detain], but this is an extraordinary crime and investigation,"" she said.",6 +5, a class-action lawsuit filed in the United States says.,4 +1, lower wages were tethered to an influx of immigrants.,0 +13,"For instance, when congressional Democrats met during their caucus two days after the Virginia Tech shootings, nobody brought up the subject, one Democrat said.",12 +13,Mike Nichols: Republicans would be wise to back gay marriage,12 +13,"That bill, Christie said for the first time, will be vetoed if it reaches his desk because he opposes changing the institution of marriage.",12 +5,Experts Sought In Sniper Defense,4 +8,"He later clarified to the newspaper that ""Israel is an exception"" - because ""I think Israel's security measures are pretty strong"" - but his ban would apply to Christians and Muslims, the Sun Sentinel reported.",7 +1, seeking to recover much of the $20 billion the federal government,0 +3,"that death to him was but a means to martyrdom,",2 +13,"On the flight home from Washington last week for the Fourth of July recess, Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.) read all 1,200 pages of immigration reform that had just passed the Senate. + +It is a document that probably has no political future in the GOP-controlled House, but Heck may be a prime example of why House Republicans will be forced to grapple with immigration in the next few months, despite deep opposition within their caucus and their party. +",12 +12,LIFE PARTNERS CELEBRATE (YAWN) THE LAW GRANTING CITY EMPLOYEES RECOGNITION - AND BENEFITS - FOR THEIR SAME-SEX UNIONS IS A YEAR OLD. CIVILIZATION HAS NOT CRUMBLED.,11 +13,POLS VIE FOR THE GAY VOTE,12 +13,The bill failed in the House in 1988 by 46 votes; this time support for it is said to be increasing as the vote draws near.,12 +9," has an IQ below 70, which is commonly considered retarded,",8 +9,CHILDREN ARE VICTIMS IN SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,8 +13,"In the short run, Clinton's exquisite calibration of her positions was the issue. But her debate dance reflects a deeper worry among Democrats that Republicans are ready to use impatience with illegal immigration to win back voters dissatisfied with the broader status quo.",12 +7,"Mr. Autry, 29 years old, was sentenced to death for the April 1980 robbery and shooting of a Port Arthur, Tex., store clerk, Shirley Drouet, 43, a mother of five.",6 +9, also will benefit from the elimination of secondhand smoke.,8 +6,'m in favor of the death penalty. ,5 +13,Md. Politics: Currie says he'll vote against same-sex marriage bill,12 +5,BLACKMUN OPPOSES ALL CAPITAL PUNISHMENT,4 +13,"McAuliffe, Republicans at odds over immigrant tuition",12 +5,"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""",4 +5,"""The Supreme Court is going to be crucial to the future of the Second Amendment, and President Bush will appoint justices that respect the Bill of Rights,"" NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre said before announcing the endorsement in Duluth.",4 +5, The tobacco industry is fighting the regulations in court.,4 +9,Modest Weight Gain Found In Those Who Quit Smoking,8 +13,"That's why representatives of 280,000 police officers around the country went to Washington last week to ask signers of the petition to reconsider. Their message was simple: The link between criminality and access to guns is as clear as the link between smoking and cancer. By what conceivable logic can Congress decide to support its local gun dealers instead of supporting its local police? Or, for that matter, public safety?",12 +6," +WE SHOULD ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY",5 +9,"They stumbled through the rugged mountains of their native lands and southern Mexico, shivering with hunger, cold, fear and fatigue.",8 +7,"On that day 12 students and one teacher were murdered by two high school seniors. +",6 +9,PATIENT HURT WHEN CIGARETTE SETS HIS HOSPITAL BED AFIRE,8 +8, instead highlighting the dangers posed by illegal immigration.,7 +13,"But the governor's press secretary, Michael Drewniak, said in a statement Friday that the governor will comply with the ruling.",12 +12,"Local churches, the county taxpayers' association and certain community groups object that the $26 certificate would give official recognition to same-sex partnerships. Proponents respond that such recognition is a matter of fairness and argue that it pro motes commitment.",11 +1,"Tobacco companies now spend about $ 220 million a year on racing, or roughly 20 cents out of every dollar in sponsorship money. +",0 +11,"That's still a long way from the No. 1 ranked skull-and crossbones-state of Texas (474 killings; 321 on death row) and No. 2 Virginia (109 killings; 11 on death row). But Georgia has shown hellacious determination to score one for the Grim Reaper. And with 103 inmates still on death row, the state is poised to surge into the top five.",10 +7,"7. Two hours after buying a gun, William Paul Henderson killed his estranged wife, Rosa, then killed himself.",6 +1," Labor, business see daylight ahead on immigration reform",0 +9,LIGGETT GROUP CHAIRMAN SAYS HE KNEW SMOKING WAS ADDICTIVE AND HAZARDOUS,8 +7,"The 27-foot vessel was reported stolen from the Bahamas. Border Protection was still investigating whether the vessel that landed on the Jupiter shoreline Tuesday was stolen, Daniel said.",6 +1,ALTRIA GROUP'S PROFIT RISES 7.8% IN SECOND QUARTER,0 +13,"WITH VOTE AGAINST GUN SUITS, RURAL PA. VOTERS SHOW POLITICAL STRENGTH",12 +7,"Mr. Potts, who had been locked for two days in a ''death watch'' cell only 20 feet from Georgia's electric chair, was promptly moved back to a regular death row cellblock. He was to have been executed tomorrow.",6 +11,"They are the husbands, wives, sons and daughters of legal immigrants and U.S. citizens. They are our friends, neighbors and co-workers. + +They attend our churches. They shop in our stores and sit next to us at Little League games. + +The idea that illegal immigrants can be excised from our midst without hurting the remaining immigrant community or the community at large is simply false. + +""They"" are us.",10 +7,"One of three former Fort Bragg soldiers accused of killing two people because they were black was convicted yesterday of first-degree murder. +",6 +1,and the tobacco industry,0 +7,"MERCHANT SLAIN IN B'KLYN Immigrant dad of 2 stabbed, beaten in apparen t robbery",6 +1,"and anger about the economy,",0 +13,"Chafin, Collins square off in debate",12 +7," I have only to read the increasing news stories about ""road rage"" and then imagine a gun in every car's glove box.",6 +13,a Florida senator called for the reversal of a key restriction in current law over gun purchases.,12 +1,"More Children Are Employed, Often Perilously",0 +10," In their own words, ex-smokers tell how they kicked the habit.",9 +4,"""There's absolutely no good reason - if you can get married - why you should be denied a hotel room or a job,"" said Fred Sainz, a vice president of the Human Rights Campaign. ""There will be a fair number of states where you can get married and be fired the same day for having gotten married."" +",3 +13,Md. Lobby Launches Assault on Smoking,12 +5,Gay-marriage cases to go though appeals courts,4 +13,Charles Krauthammer: Getting it right on immigration,12 +5," +CUNY lawyers said that denying educational access to certain immigrants may be unconstitutional based on previous Supreme Court rulings.",4 +10,Gun Violence and Fear in America,9 +12,"Activist calls off armed march on the city +",11 +13," said Reid, who maintained that he won't accept a ""watered down"" version of the measure that fell short in the Senate earlier this year. He did not offer a specific timetable about when the Senate would return to the gun control debate.",12 +7,Salvadoran May Face Deportation For Murders,6 +6,"The measure would make all restaurant eating areas smoke-free but would give bars, clubs, taverns and the bar areas of restaurants until January 2007 to go smoke-free. Before a final vote on the measure, several members plan to push to have the full ban implemented sooner. +",5 +13,"Former GOP California U.S. Rep. Michael Huffington, who is openly gay, is joining the campaign, a Log Cabin Republicans official said Friday. Huffington, a multimillionaire, could not be reached for comment. He told Esquire magazine in 1998, after divorcing Arianna Huffington, that he was gay.",12 +1,"$190,000 annual salary.",0 +13," It's clear, however, that another round of anti-immigrant bashing is in store as Republican presidential hopefuls use Serrano's case to whip up national anger.",12 +9, insanity issue,8 +5,"Lethal injection may be 'cruel,' Sotomayor writes",4 +7,Don't expel family on rule-book issue,6 +7,Man gets life in prison for teen's murder,6 +13,"He proceeded to Step 2. He got 100,000 signatures on a petition for a seven-day waiting period. Deal with this, he told his peers, or the people will put it on the ballot as a constitutional amendment.",12 +12,public awareness of the problem of illegal guns on the city's streets,11 +7,DETENTION CENTER REMAINS CLOSED AFTER PLOT UNCOVERED,6 +13,Gov. Glendening on Handguns,12 +10,The regulations ease restrictions on same-sex domestic partners of federal employees and allow them some of the same benefits available to other families.,9 +15,FAU EXPECTS SMOKE TO CLEAR,14 +7,Her son was killed by a former death row inmate two weeks after the inmate was released on parole.,6 +1," It has begun its largest-ever fund-raising effort to build the Gateway Center, a $35 million building that will consolidate the classes and services it offers to the foreign-born, who make up a large portion of its student body of 24,000.",0 +10," +Dan and Jane Smith were shaking their heads Wednesday as they left the diner just a few miles from the school building-turned-crime scene. +",9 +5,"In the Next Term, A Possible Rematch On a Different Law",4 +7,"hat Marshall was acting as an ""enforcer"" for the prison's drug kingpin and killed Henry over a bad drug debt. +",6 +13,TAMPA MOVES TO RECOGNIZE REGISTRIES,12 +12," +Gay marriage on several ballots Supporters hoping to turn back tide of election defeats.",11 +5," After two days of struggling with its role in deciding the gay marriage issue, the U.S. Supreme Court does not appear poised to make much history. In fact, the justices appear reluctant to make much law.",4 +13,Path to Tobacco Bill Includes Compromise and Criticism,12 +13,Senator From the N.R.A.,12 +9,The bullet entered Burse's arm and lodged near his chest.,8 +1,The Overlooked Value of Immigrants,0 +7,"Milwaukee: Sheriff calls for armed school guards, condemns gun control",6 +11," It was 50 years ago, after the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that one of Senator Murphy's predecessors, Thomas Dodd, issued this stirring plea.",10 +13,"Just a few years ago, House Republicans were trying to etch their opposition of gay marriage into the Constitution.",12 +6,RAMSEY SUBURBS' TOBACCO LAWS GUIDED FDA,5 +5,JUDGE AND ATTORNEYS WRAP UP QUESTIONING OF MCVEIGH JURORS,4 +13,Senators seek buyer checks at gun shows,12 +6,The Ban on Assault Weapons,5 +7,Metro Briefing New York: New Paltz: Charges Reinstated Against Mayor,6 +14,MEXICANS OPPOSE U.S. ENTRY CURBS,13 +13,New Jersey's leading antigun advocates called Republican gubernatorial candidate Bret Schundler a hypocrite yesterday and attacked him for his campaign's criticism of Democratic opponent James E. McGreevey,12 +7,"In addition to illegal immigrants, those the law might snare, officials said, are deadbeat parents who are trying to hide income and young people lying about their age in order to get a job. (However, penalties are lower --- no more than three years and $5,000 --- for culprits younger than 21.)",6 +9,but it still has more of a stranglehold,8 +8,Our hunters defended,7 +7,He said his office would forward the case to prosecutors for a final decision.,6 +13," +'RIGHT' START FOR DISTRICT 58 CONTEST",12 +12," Gay rights organizations, including a group of gay men and lesbians who are Republicans, criticized the ads as distorted, divisive and irrelevant to the election.",11 +6,Save the Assault-Gun Ban,5 +7,"""This was an organized smuggling event,"" said Frank Miller, operations officer at the Miami Sector of the Border Patrol. ""These smugglers have no regard for the safety of the migrants.""",6 +5," The court, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. providing a ""courtesy"" fifth vote, recently delayed Arthur's execution while deciding whether to take his case.",4 +3, Challenging Gun Makers to Bear Responsibility,2 +13,"Fellow diner Harold Berglund, 88, said the nation's politicians should be ashamed by their refusal to challenge the powerful National Rifle Association lobby.",12 +12," taking cues from a movement that brought nearly 500,000 protesters to Chicago streets a few years ago and helped advance ""Dream Act"" goals this year.",11 +9,Who's Addicted?,8 +1,CARBONDALE INS scaring away illegal workers Many jobs go begging in Carbondale area,0 +7,"Rower could end up serving less time if he is convicted on all charges and sentenced to life in prison, Marger said. ""In that case he could be eligible for parole in 25 years."" +",6 +5,Supporters say Colorado needs to specify that same-sex marriages are invalid in order to prevent homosexual couples who are married in other states from receiving legal recognition here.,4 +8,Immigration sweep nets 92 in Georgia,7 +12,"Anger Elsewhere Over Chick-fil-A, but N.Y.U. Munches On",11 +7,"Mark Barton, who killed nine people at an Atlanta brokerage firm ",6 +13,Rhode Island becomes 10th state with gay marriage,12 +5,"Late Friday, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request to block the broadcasts. Now, Proposition 8 supporters have asked Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who handles requests from that appeals court, to step in",4 +7,JAILED SMOKERS PUT CIG LAW TO TEST,6 +7,"This time the cop shot, the cop down forever, is Figoski, shot after a two-bit robbery in the night, shot with the Ruger 9-mm. that somehow ended up in the hand of Lamont Pride, a small-time career criminal who now moves into the big-time by killing a policeman out of the 75th Precinct. +",6 +9,"While the negative health effects of smoking, including secondhand smoke, should not be ignored,",8 +13,NEW YORK SENATE TURNS BACK BILL ON GAY MARRIAGE,12 +13,"Gutless leaders refuse to tackle immigration +",12 +13,"The measure failed by one vote, 6-7.",12 +8,"BECAUSE WE CAN CARRY GUNS, I'M ALIVE",7 +5,By weighing how heavily the government is interfering with a constitutional right against the importance and realism of its goal.,4 +3,"But the body failed narrowly to ask for development of a liturgy ""by means of which the church may express"" support of committed relationships outside the sacrament of marriage.",2 +10,"Danilda refused to go alone, so the family agreed to let the sisters buy two tickets to Kennedy Airport and attempt to smile their way through security together.",9 +10,"If you think the biggest pariah in the travel industry is an overzealous airport security screener, an unsympathetic gate agent or a pilot on a delayed plane, clearly you do not travel with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in your carry-on bag.",9 +5,Westerfield sentenced to death,4 +9,"Are the gays going to pay from a different insurance schedule like smokers do? From the gays' own medical Web site, they point out many obvious and not so obvious risks to health.",8 +13,"Florida's Senate voted overwhelmingly against gay marriages, approving 33 to 5 a measure that would restrict the institution of marriage in the state to heterosexual couples",12 +3,CATHOLICS SEEK LEGAL BAN ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,2 +9,Keeping Sterling Safe,8 +4,"but we won't allow them to educate themselves or their children because they are ""aliens."" American slavery and indentured servitude were similar social constructs.",3 +9,"Method to Produce Safer Cigarette Was Found in 60's, but Company Shelved Idea",8 +6,Tighter gun restrictions would not have helped,5 +11,"Gay marriage on in Nevada, delayed in Idaho +",10 +13,"The commercial closes with a shot of the Capitol as the number for the State Senate switchboard flashes on the screen. The Senate must act in the next four weeks if it is to pass a same-sex marriage bill before the Legislature adjourns. The Assembly passed the bill this month, and Gov. David A. Paterson has pledged to sign it.",12 +13, liberal wing,12 +7, the superintendent of police,6 +6," +BILL WOULD BAN 'GRAY MARKET' CIGARETTES",5 +5,Defense attorney Mark Voss said he believes the case did not proceed the way the prosecution had thought.,4 +5,"In reversing the Denver judge who found the measure unconstitutional, Chief Justice Luis Rovira said the unique characteristics of assault weapons and their prevalent use in crimes show they pose a substantial threat to Denver citizens.",4 +8,Zacarias Moussaoui.,7 +13,"On Gay Marriage, State Senate's Undecided Eight Are Feeling the Strain",12 +13,Georgia State checks e-cigs,12 +6,"Today, smokers can no longer light up on most airplanes or in many restaurants, offices and stadiums. +",5 +5,"The high court is expected to rule by the end of its term in June, at the very least devising a road map for what states must do to ensure the executions they carry out are as humane as possible.",4 +3,What's the word I'm looking for barbaric?,2 +11,"MS-13 ""continues to prey on our youth and our community,"" ",10 +9,SILENCER BILL UNDERMINES SAFETY,8 +5,One judge abstained.,4 +5, Her video legacy was played Wednesday for a jury considering damages against the cigarette industry in a landmark smokers' case.,4 +8,The right to self-defense,7 +3,"Widener University professor Michael Markowitz foresees a time, not too distant, when children will be sentenced to death for their crimes. + +It's a monstrous idea to most people.",2 +7," for the murders in 1994 of his girlfriend, Christina M. Masters, 20, of Maryland Heights, and Samantha L. Beasley, 17, of St. Louis.",6 +9,The examination will be conducted at Dorothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh. ,8 +6,SMOKING BAN REPELS VISITORS,5 +5,"RABBI'S ATTORNEYS CHALLENGE VALIDITY OF DEATH-PENALTY LAW THE STATE LACKS STANDARDS FOR USING THE LAW, LAWYERS FOR RABBI NEULANDER SAID.",4 +5,AFRICAN GAINS ASYLUM AFTER 2-YEAR STRUGGLE,4 +6,Among them was a bill that would have restricted gun purchases to no more than one per person in a 30-day period.,5 +11,Black voters unswayed by GOP's social issues,10 +10,"""When I was a child, I wished I could grow up to be like Martin Luther King, standing up in front of crowds, fighting for justice. I guess you better be careful what you wish for. Never thought I'd have to lose a child to be in front of those crowds,"" she said. +",9 +5,"Getting ready for the trial, defense attorneys Robert Wolfrum and Karen Kraft of the Public Defender's Capital Litigation unit suddenly faced new evidence, and they protested.",4 +7,Going after guns in city,6 +5,Start-up floats solution to tech visa problem,4 +5,"Separation of church, state in marriage? No benefit in that.",4 +6,TIGHTENING ILLINOIS GUN LAWS,5 +13,"Mr. Pataki, at least, has been consistent on this issue. He has long been a proponent of capital punishment.",12 +13,Obama,12 +9,an unbalanced man,8 +10,"But on Thursday, the widow of Williams' victim had a message for critics of the governor's action: Leave me out of it.",9 +7,"The carnage came just 11 days after the fatal shooting of 11 worshipers at synagogue in Pittsburgh, nine months after 17 people were gunned down at a high school in Parkland, Fla., one year after 26 were killed in a shooting spree at a church in Sutherland, Tex., and 13 months after the massacre in Las Vegas.",6 +11," Yeah, it's, like, in Bushwick. You walk inside the lunchroom, you know, any period, and as soon as you walk in, the biggest group here is, you know, Dominicans, as I said. And you have Puerto Rican people over here. And you have Jamaicans over there. And then you have the mixed group over here. . . . And it's just like that's it. You know where your group is at.",10 +5,"The judge who struck down the state's same-sex marriage ban refused to stay his own ruling Monday, beating back the third challenge in two days to his Friday ruling declaring the state's ban unconstitutional. Utah is expected to take its appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Denver, but in the meantime hundreds of same-sex couples continued to get married at Salt Lake City's county courthouse. +",4 +12,Colorado's anti-gun groups are scrambling to make sure their organizations are properly registered with the state after similar groups in Illinois and Minnesota had their identities snatched by pro-gun groups.,11 +9,"Laws prohibit mentally ill people from buying guns if they have been deemed an imminent danger and have been ""committed to a mental institution"" after undergoing the Baker Act process.",8 +11,"After the vows, the actor Joel Grey sang ""Married"" from the musical ""Cabaret."" Then Mr. Bloomberg introduced the breaking of the glasses, a traditional moment in Jewish weddings. Each man stomped a glass, and the newlyweds embraced, pulling their daughters into a four-way hug. The crowd tossed biodegradable confetti at the family.",10 +15,Reckonings,14 +13,The Democrats on the left and the media will howl that whatever Republicans do won't be enough,12 +13,"The Senate was deep into debate Wednesday on an immigration-reform bill that was largely rewritten based on Clinton administration assurances that legal immigration is on a downward trend. +",12 +5,"While popular sovereignty -- as the Declaration of Independence announces -- presupposes that the people were ""endowed by their creator"" with their rights",4 +9,The Reagan Adminstration today issued final rules that bar aliens who test positive for infection with the AIDS virus from immigrating to the United States. But it left unresolved some details on how illegal aliens and refugees who are already here will be treated.,8 +14," but it still buries too many of its citizens murdered with guns coming from states with paltry regulations, including Georgia.",13 +4,"""The destruction of practically all the evidence introduced during Mr. Lovitt's trial has obliterated his ability to re-test and re-evaluate the evidence, and seriously prejudiced his right to further meaningful"" appeals, Lovitt's lawyers, from the firm of Kirkland & Ellis, wrote.",3 +13,Little headway made in Creek smoking debate,12 +7,"On the Lam by the Thousands, Pursued by the Dozens",6 +13,Clinton Faces Few Protesters As He Begins Western Trip,12 +7,Another man eventually was sentenced to death for the woman's murder.,6 +10,Victims' Families Watch as Gun Measures Stall,9 +13,JERSEY OPENS DEBATE ON GUN CONTROL BILL,12 +10,"The argument that same-sex marriages somehow threaten those between a man and woman is absurd, unless of course you're worried that closeted individuals will feel motivated to leave their spouses. I have never seen evidence demonstrating that the marriage rate between men and women is affected by the marriage rate between men and men, or women and women. +",9 +7,DA'S SOFT ON THUGS SAYS POLICE COMMISH,6 +9, an emotionally unbalanced person,8 +13,"The action in the Senate has lacked the drama that unfolded last week in the House, where the outcome remained uncertain until votes were locked in Friday night on the floor.",12 +5,"Scrivener ordered that he continue to be held without bond after lawyers on both sides -- the assistant public defender representing Newman at the bond hearing, and the assistant state's attorney -- had no objections.",4 +13,"Legalizing marriage could be a heavy lift: In 2009, the state Senate, then controlled by Democrats, defeated it by a clear 38-to-24 vote.",12 +11,"Gissendaner, 32, is the only woman in Georgia in line for the electric chair.",10 +6,Decatur smoking ban isn't spreading,5 +13," Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio",12 +13,"NUT'S DUEL PERSONALITY After ducking Prez, NRA boss wants debate",12 +15,EXPOSURE PAYS OFF,14 +13,"The response to an email ultimatum that Republican mega-donor Al Hoffman Jr. sent to half a dozen leaders last week about closing his checkbook to candidates who do not support ""reasonable"" gun control has been so successful that he intends to send a similar letter to the state's 4.5 million registered Republicans, asking them to do the same.",12 +10,Lieutenant Who Won Pension Rights for Her Domestic Partner Dies,9 +13,SPITZER COULD SPUR A GAY 'I DO' FOR N.Y. EXPECTED TO PUSH 1ST U.S. LEGISLATION,12 +3,ethical,2 +13, the National Rifle Association never stopped arm-twisting Georgia lawmakers into approving a measure that would allow employees to keep guns in their workplace parking lots.,12 +5,"Rodriguez's attorney, Richard Ney, said he will first file a motion for a new trial and if that is denied, he will appeal. +",4 +13,The Great Senate Immigr'A'tion Debate,12 +6," +We are 72 hours into Georgia's new concealed-carry law, and questions that were once theoretical are sprouting like weeds. +",5 +4," +Justices revisit Texas death case's nearly all-white jury",3 +5,"Although the Second Amendment is among the best-known provisions of the Constitution, it has had remarkably little effect on the law. + +Gun owners, led by the National Rifle Association, have spotlighted the amendment's reference to ""the right of the people to keep and bear Arms"" in waging political battles against efforts to limit the availability of weapons. + +But in the Supreme Court's only major ruling that interpreted the amendment, it focused on the measure's opening words, which speak of ""a well-regulated Militia"" being ""necessary to the security of a free State.""",4 +6,"Bill Would End Civil Marriage, Create Domestic Partnerships",5 +13,"House Republicans voted Wednesday to undo years of President Obama's immigration policies, launching a fresh attack on his executive actions through legislation to renew funding for the Department of Homeland Security. +",12 +13,"""Is it something that can pass the Senate? Maybe. It is something that can pass the House? I doubt it,"" Reid said Friday on ""Nevada Week in Review."" Reid has received a ""B"" rating from the National Rifle Association.",12 +12," +CONSERVATIVES CLAIM VINDICATION MEASURE'S BACKERS LAUD STATE BAN ON GAY MARRIAGE",11 +7,"Five of his victims were his children, ages 1 to 6; he later said he killed them to save them from the pain of growing up in a racist society. Banks, who is biracial, also killed four women who were the mothers of his children, and four other people unlucky enough to have been in his path.",6 +7,Most have one thing in common: fear of crime.,6 +13,Gavin Newsom proposes sweeping gun-control ballot measure,12 +13,"Such concerns led Illinois Gov. George Ryan, a Republican",12 +8,"GUNS, GUNS EVERYWHERE -- STRATEGIES FOR ARMS CONTROL",7 +15,Dear Editor...,14 +5,"Peter Bleakley, the lead defense lawyer, also claimed victory, saying, ""We're obviously not 100% pleased, but we're pretty . . . close.""",4 +11,"Social media is aglut with reactions. ""Hello #equality,"" said Ben Affleck. ""We stand tall today. . . . So many fought for so long. Be proud, the prejudiced are now the minority,"" said Lady Gaga.",10 +12,We Won't Let the N.R.A. Win,11 +1,"There's no such thing as a free lunch in economics, but high-skilled immigration is at least a heavily discounted one. +",0 +5,High Court Postpones Va. Execution,4 +9,The movie leaves it to those with long memories to recall that both of these heavy smokers died of lung cancer.,8 +7,WITNESS PUTS CRAVER AT SITE OF KILLINGS SHERMAN CRAVER IS ON TRIAL FOR THE 1993 SHOOTING DEATHS OF HIS EX-GIRLFRIEND AND A CHESTER POLICE WOMAN,6 +12,with 52 percent of the vote,11 +15,Taking Aim at Handguns,14 +13,"His comments came one week after he first publicly stated his increased support for gay rights at a gathering attended by three mayoral candidates and sponsored by one of Brooklyn's largest lesbian and gay organizations, Lambda Independent Democrats.",12 +12,"Supporters of the gay-marriage ban objected, saying protecting such relationships would 'neuter' the law.",11 +7,"The ringleader of the operation, George Tajirian, a 57-year-old Iraqi-born Mexican citizen, who prosecutors say pocketed $ 1.25 million from his smuggling ring in 1996 and 1997, was sentenced in 1998. Prosecutors say Tajirian coordinated the transportation of more than 1,000 Middle Eastern aliens into the United States beginning in 1980.",6 +1,"Philip Morris, trying to stem the slow decline of its best-selling cigarette, plans to introduce a version of Marlboro called Marlboro Medium that has tar and nicotine levels between those of the regular and light versions. + +The new cigarette is intended to slow the defection of Marlboro's own smokers. Marlboro continues to sell strongly in a declining industry and its rich profits helped finance the acquisition in the 1980's of General Foods and Kraft, which made the Philip Morris Companies the world's largest consumer-products company. + +But smokers of regular Marlboros who wanted a lighter cigarette disliked Marlboro Lights for taste and packaging reasons, according to industry researchers. Many of them defected to other brands manufactured by Philip Morris and other cigarette companies. These smokers are responsible for buying perhaps 1.5 billion packs a year, or two-thirds of the decline in unit sales for Marlboro. + +By offering a cigarette with more tar and nicotine than light versions, Philip Morris hopes to keep more of these smokers. The medium cigarette, to be introduced in June, will have 12 milligrams of tar, compared with 16 milligrams in the ""full flavor"" version and 11 for the Light. + +Marlboro Medium would also have eight-tenths of a milligram of nicotine, compared with one milligram for the regular and seven-tenths for the Light. + +When Marlboro Lights were introduced in 1972, they were intended not to hurt sales of the main brand, known as Marlboro ""Red,"" which tended to attract young men, the most desirable customers in the industry since they are the heaviest smokers.",0 +13,all state governments,12 +13,"backed by the gun lobby,",12 +10,"""They seemed so eager to get it done,"" he said. ""I wanted to share in their happiness . . . giving these two ladies what they've wanted for so many years.""",9 +7,BADGES WORRY POLICE,6 +9,"In the last week, two children were killed because adults failed to lock up their guns. ",8 +11,"The review, led by Columbia University law professor James S. Liebman, took nearly seven years and involved an analysis of thousands of capital cases across the nation. +",10 +13,DEMOCRATS BAR ACTION IN HOUSE ON IMMIGRATION,12 +8,Rescued Haitians held in Ga. while smuggling investigated,7 +13,"Earlier in the week, Mr. Byrne was asked at a news conference when he would sign the gun bill, which had passed both houses of the Legislature with only one negative vote. He said he did not know because he would have to confer with the bill's sponsors to arrange a mutually satisfactory time. Major pieces of legislation are usually signed in public ceremonies.",12 +4,she announced federal hate crime charges against him.,3 +7,also will now face possible revocation of their lottery license.,6 +15,MAN'S SLEEPWALKING CLAIM REJECTED,14 +13,"When the House considered this legislation, I was among those who supported the effort to close this loophole.",12 +5,"efense and prosecuting attorneys said the verdict was prompted by Mr. Lucas's multiple confessions, including two on video tapes in which one of the defense attorneys, Don Higginbotham, repeatedly interrupted to advise Mr. Lucas not to continue. +",4 +10,Another step forward for gay marriage,9 +13,"The ""qualified"" endorsement contains a lot of hedges, including the concession that ""if LGBT issues are a voter's highest or only priority, then Governor Romney may not be that voter's choice."" (I should think not.) But the bottom line is that this group of gay Republicans endorsed a candidate who supports denying gay men and lesbians equal rights.",12 +7,Two more people were charged Wednesday in the case of a federally licensed firearms dealer accused of falsifying applications for gun sales.,6 +6,The Defense of Marriage Act prevents him from honoring same-sex marriages,5 +5,JUDGE FROM BOCA ANGERS ATTORNEYS,4 +13,GOP EASES STANCE ON LEGAL-MIGRANT AID,12 +5,"Meanwhile, the Colorado Supreme Court ordered the Denver County clerk to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor ruled that Utah may continue to deny marriage benefits to more than 1,000 married same-sex couples.",4 +5,Capital Trial to Start in Va. Blast,4 +13,"Bloomberg said his first choice still would be to persuade the City Council to pass his anti-smoking bill, but he added, ""If I were to fail, I guess you can consider [a ballot question].""",12 +9,"""Outsiders who pose a threat to the health or safety of my family aren't welcome here,""",8 +5,"The Second Amendment is a right of individuals. Rights, by definition, are individual.",4 +12,"Voters in the Washington suburbs were instrumental in the passage of Maryland ballot measures for same-sex marriage and in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants, and they were a bastion of support for the expansion of gambling.",11 +5,"Mr. Carnes, an assistant attorney general in Alabama, was of course confirmed for the appeals cour",4 +13,Lessons on gay marriage emerge from Election Day,12 +5,The court also found his claim of ineffective counsel without merit.,4 +5,"Gun rights advocates file defamation suit against Katie Couric, 'Under the Gun' documentary makers",4 +4," As we recall that journey, we cannot ignore immigrants who are facing adversity, displacement or marginalization in our society.",3 +5,SECOND AMENDMENT A U.S. CORNERSTONE,4 +11,"Different cultures value different features +",10 +13,"The Republican primary to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) as governor of California has spawned a flood of ads attacking both Meg Whitman, the former CEO of eBay, and Steve Poizner, the former state insurance commissioner -- the two frontrunners for the nomination. +",12 +13,"requiring a majority vote by two successive legislatures,",12 +5,Verdict in Death of Student Reverberates Across Nation,4 +13,"Ad campaigns moving voters to `no' side, latest poll shows",12 +5,Perhaps it is not relevant that he holds America's record for sending defendants to death row. Perhaps it is not relevant that he is reputed to see things the prosecution's way.,4 +11,"In the column titled ""The Gay Super Bowl,"" Culpepper publicly reveals that he is ""that exotic creature, a gay male sportswriter."" +",10 +1, It's not just the pull of the world's largest economy.,0 +3,"Shifting focus to the human side of the gun debate +",2 +5,"Heeding appeals out of Georgia, the splintered court, in a 5-4 vote, produced nine separate opinions in a judicial outpouring of more than 50,000 words. It remains the longest decision published by the high court and stands as a landmark of the court's willingness to intervene in the business of the states.",4 +9," America is not going to herd men, women and children into boxcars for long, hot trips back to their homelands.",8 +7,Marc Lepine went hunting last Wednesday - his quarry was human. He used a semiautomatic rifle to slaughter 14 young women and wound 13 other people at the University of Montreal before killing himself.,6 +1,Wall Street,0 +1,"Last week, the Washington-based Death Penalty Information Center released a report that charts the cost of capital punishment. +",0 +5,"Negotiations Are Stalled in New York Smoking Suit, Lawyers Say",4 +7,Suspect in Pentagon Officer's Death Faces New Capital Charges,6 +5,"The passage of two years has apparently affected the memories of some prosecution witnesses, and those lapses could prove critical to the defense argument that Maloney-George did nothing to fatally injure her foster daughter on April 13, 2000.",4 +7,"The agents targeted Trail Guns after tracing to the store a number of guns used in crimes - more than 120 guns in a three-year period. Some of the guns were used in crimes in Haiti and Jamaica, Armstrong said.",6 +13,It puzzles me how Mr. Dooley could possibly consider a veto of the proposed smoking ban.,12 +1,"gency falsely cried poverty, says auditor +",0 +12,"The nine men assembled at a table around the corner from the chow line early on a Wednesday night, who say they stand for Joe Public and his pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, have a long list of reasons why gun sales at gun shows should not be regulated.",11 +12, thanked the demonstrators for taking the time to show Smith that people care about his life.,11 +12,Illegal immigrants and their American supporters in Atlanta and cities across the country stayed away from work and school Monday in a daylong protest intended to show how vital foreign-born workers are to the U.S.,11 +7,e is one of a fast-growing number of condemned inmates whose ,6 +10,while his sweetheart had the look of a woman whose life was over.,9 +13,Fitzpatrick gets gun-control group's nod,12 +6," called for regulation of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, known as clips, capable of carrying 20 or 30 or more rounds of ammunition.",5 +1,"Gov. Pete Wilson says California wants Washington to pay more than $2 billion a year that his state spends on education, emergency health care, prisons and other outlays on illegal immigrants. Gov. Lawton Chiles of Florida wants Washington to pick up the $750 million tab that his state has spent on illegal immigrants from Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti, among others. New York spends at least $800 million a year on illegal immigrants. But to help meet these huge budget hits, Congress has allotted a measly $35 million",0 +9, But how about preventing accidental deaths?,8 +5,Connecticut Murder Trial Begins After 3 Years,4 +1, fund-raiser,0 +13,"Herring, who won the AG's race last fall by less than 1,000 votes, announced Thursday that he would join two same-sex couples in asking a federal court to strike down Virginia's gay-marriage prohibition on the grounds that it was unconstitutional. In doing so, he joins a growing list of Democratic office holders who have opted out of defending same-sex marriage bans.",12 +13,BILL TO LET GAYS MARRY ADVANCES,12 +7,"Wright was sentenced to death in 1993 for the slayings two years earlier of Anthony Barker, William Davis and William Marks, whose bodies were found on the Warm Springs Indian reservation in central Oregon. +",6 +6,"The policy spells out how far school officials can go in questioning documents and what types of documents they can request, such as driver licenses, passports, rental leases and utility bills.",5 +13,House Rejects Plan to Restrict Guns at Virginia Capitol,12 +1,"Even with dips in the economy and a long string of layoffs, resorts and restaurants across the country are desperate for workers to fill seasonal jobs that offer relatively low wages.",0 +5,"In Missouri, a federal judge halted executions in June. U.S. District Judge Fernando Gaitan Jr. later ruled that the state's lethal injection procedure was unconstitutional. The state has appealed the decision to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is scheduled to hear arguments Wednesday.",4 +6," what remains is the culmination of one systemic deficiency layered atop another.""",5 +7,"Once upon a time, I was a gang member",6 +13,Fierce lobbying by Democratic leaders failed to produce the votes necessary to send the bill to the Senate - where it faced a likely GOP filibuster.,12 +3,"The Vatican launched a global campaign against gay marriages Thursday, warning Catholic politicians that support of same-sex unions was ""gravely immoral"" and urging non-Catholics to follow their lead.",2 +7,"Two men, one a minister, have been charged with stealing more than $260,000 from illegal immigrants by telling the immigrants that they could get them green cards, said Robert T. Johnson, the Bronx district attorney, left.",6 +5," Prohibiting them from asking about guns likely violates the First Amendment, at least one constitutional law expert says.",4 +13, President Bush ,12 +11,and both have generally been focused on heterosexual relationships.,10 +13,"If the United States is making war on drugs, then why is it still arming the enemy? So asks the Columbian government as it appeals for help in combating the cocaine cartels' insatiable taste for assault rifles and other weapons made or sold in the USA. +",12 +9,"Led by the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids and endorsed by LIVESTRONG",8 +8,"Mr. Snow posits that an armed citizenry could be necessary in some possible future ""where calling 911 has become a joke."" Then he argues that a citizen army is needed to offer ""some slight level of annoyance to overbearing governments.""",7 +6,Guns for everyone cannot be tolerated in a civilized society,5 +5,QUESTION OF RIGHTS CLOUDS DEAL ON TOBACCO,4 +7,JURORS RETURN DEATH SENTENCE IN TRIPLE SLAYING,6 +4,"KILLER OF MAPLEWOOD MAN SEEKS CLEMENCY, CLAIMS ERROR IN EVIDENCE",3 +13,"White House may file suit against tobacco industry +",12 +13,"Sen. Joe Manchin: Stand-alone assault weapons ban 'will not go anywhere' +",12 +7,"The condemned man, Scott Louis Panetti, 45, is to die by lethal injection",6 +4,"Let New Jersey's Couples Marry, All of Them",3 +9," +A steady and significant increase in nicotine in cigarettes over the past eight years or so certainly seems worrisome. It sounds as though companies like Philip Morris, which makes Marlboros, are secretly and deceptively increasing the nicotine in their cigarettes and, apparently, lying about it (since they deny the assertions of the report), all in an effort to increase the addictive potential of their cigarettes and harm the public's health. +",8 +13,"Phila. faces down state, passes gun law Council had no legal right to pass the bills, including a limit to one gun buy a month",12 +5,Bosley said Friday that he welcomed a court challenge.,4 +5,"City rules gun shop illegal, orders it closed",4 +1,"TOBACCO COMPANIES, 40 STATES REACH TRUCE",0 +5," +AUTOMATIC CITIZENSHIP ISN'T UNIQUE",4 +8,Go to 'extreme' & disarm fiends,7 +1,"The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service imposed fines totaling more than $ 154,000 yesterday on 27 food service businesses in Montgomery County for hiring illegal workers and other violations.",0 +7,"Ali Abu Kamal, a Palestinian in the United States on a visitor's visa who was living in a motel, got a .380-caliber Beretta at a Melbourne gun shop with a temporary Florida identification card. Last Sunday, on the 86th-floor observatory of the city's renowned skyscraper, he shot seven people one fatally and then killed himself in a rage against ""enemies.""",6 +5,while settling dozens of tobacco-related lawsuits.,4 +13,"Following is the 216-to-214 roll-call by which the House voted today to ban 19 types of assault-style weapons. A ""yes"" vote is a vote to ban the weapons. Voting ""yes"" were 177 Democrats, 38 Republicans and 1 independent. Voting ""no"" were 77 Democrats and 137 Republicans. X denotes those not voting. There are 2 vacancies in the 435-member House.",12 +4," the one innocent person who would have been tragically executed,",3 +10,"Both the victim's wife and Travis addressed the court, speaking of the tragedy that altered their lives.",9 +3,"The escalating national debate over gay marriage has captivated religious conservatives like no issue since abortion, while more liberal religious leaders are working hard not to be left behind, attempting to bring their own moral perspectives to the table.",2 +9,"""Americans who've made the choice not to use tobacco products should not be put at risk by those who choose to smoke,"" the president said in his weekly radio broadcast",8 +13,SENATE VOTES TO END GUN BUYBACK PROGRAM,12 +5,"- The court said it will enter a long-running battle between the tobacco industry and the family of a New Jersey woman who died of lung cancer. A ruling in the case of Rose Cipollone is expected in 1992. The case began in 1983 when Antonio and Rose Cipollone of Little Ferry, N.J., sued three companies that made the cigarettes she smoked.",4 +6,Gun limits don't work,5 +6,The law requires police to use audiotape or videotape when they question murder suspects. Agencies will have two years to come up with procedures.,5 +2,but the border crossing in this southwest Arizona town is already jammed with cars and people inching northward to enter the United States.,1 +5,"But the Court also ruled that those immigrants who never applied had no standing unless they failed to apply because they knew someone who had applied and been rejected, and they expected to be rejected, too. Aliens who met those conditions might have standing, the Court said.",4 +3,"'Evil, evil, evil'",2 +1,"raise the cost, in terms of either dollar",0 +7,who began serving a 13-year prison sentence in October after pleading no contest to a reduced manslaughter charge for killing a Tallahassee man two months before Perron's abduction and murder.,6 +1,District's only gun dealer to close temporarily,0 +13,"Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho.",12 +13,". There will be no winners as long as people and politicians ap-proach this as a zero-sum game of two sides locked in existential combat- if you win, I lose.",12 +7,"In Louisiana, teens got the goods on more than seven of 10 tries",6 +1,"250,000 handguns a year are sold in Pennsylvania,",0 +1,"Chick-fil-A to stop giving money to 'anti-gay organizations,' according to reports",0 +15,Ex-Insider Becomes An Outsider On Gun Issue,14 +5,Jerry Haliburton's 20-year fight to avoid execution took another step backward Monday when a Miami federal judge upheld his death penalty.,4 +5,"Their positions could be tested next year, when the state Supreme Court is expected to rule on a lawsuit from several same-sex couples that claim the state constitution gives them a right to marry.",4 +6,Legislation to create statewide standards for obtaining concealed-weapon permits moved another step closer to the governor's desk Friday.,5 +3,"2 dioceses oppose Episcopal Church on gay bishop, same-sex unions",2 +7," +SUSPECT CAUGHT IN MEXICO",6 +9,"""They have one purpose, and that is to kill.""",8 +10,"The stay also will give Harris a chance to observe his 35th birthday on Jan. 29. And it may pave the way for him to marry his German sweetheart, Dagmar Polzin.",9 +3," Bishop Wester also called on the Department of Homeland Security to refrain from conducting raids in churches, health centers and schools.",2 +5,that Holder's announcement was unsurprising but that state officers should comply with federal law if they're providing federal services.,4 +5,Massachusetts: Same-Sex Couples from Other States May Now Marry,4 +13,"It appears there are enough votes in the Democratic-controlled Legislature to approve marriage equality, and legislative leaders should seize the moment. Just getting the measure to Mr. Christie's desk would be an important milestone. It would add momentum to the cause of equal rights beyond New Jersey's borders.",12 +7,Currency Plot Steals Savings of Immigrants,6 +13,"Wilson, announcing his candidacy on CNN's Larry King Live, sought to separate himself from other GOP candidates and said Clinton was ""very skillful as a campaigner.",12 +8, legislation granting citizens the right to apply for concealed-weapon permits.,7 +10,"""I know some people who have quit because of it,"" said Walker, a 17-year-old Hoover senior who is an offensive lineman for the Buccaneers. ""People have decided. And it's a real deterrent, too--if you're presented with a situation, 'Do you want to smoke?' 'No, man, I've got a drug test and I don't know when it's going to be.' It gives people another way to say no.""",9 +11," +It's execution, not rock 'n' roll",10 +13,"LEADERS CAN OPPOSE GAY MARRIAGE, WITHOUT BASHING GAYS",12 +12,LOCAL IN-DEPTH STUDENT PROTESTS,11 +6,"In addition to requiring that locking devices be built into new handguns sold after Jan. 1, 2002, the plan would mandate that weapons sold after Jan. 1, 2003, incorporate ""smart gun"" technology. So-called smart gun innovations, many still under development by gun manufacturers, would enable a gun to be programmed so that only its owner and other specificed users could fire it.",5 +13,Wicker and Easley are vying for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Tuesday's primary.,12 +3,"But perhaps, like me, your moral qualms are not so absolute; you believe that some crimes may be so heinous as to deserve the ultimate punishment. ",2 +5,as judges and justices jousted over his fate by phone and fax,4 +13,"members of Congress, notably Senator Bob Dole of Kansas.",12 +13,House Votes to Let FDA Regulate Tobacco Industry,12 +1,Dick's assault-style ban unlikely to make dent,0 +13,"and in the Legislature, with a bill that would permit filming of executions, though only with the condemned person's consent.",12 +7,One of those convicted on drug charges previously was convicted twice for re-entering the United States after deportation. INS officials said that individual faces new federal charges.,6 +9,"The researchers employed a simple procedure: They tabulated all the suicides that had taken place in Washington between 1968 and 1987. Colin Loftin and David McDowall found that the gun ban correlated with an abrupt 25 percent decline in suicides in the city. +",8 +12,But as some urged him to support the legislation,11 +13,"Wisconsin unlikely to follow Minnesota's lead on gay marriage +",12 +6,No Change on Same-Sex Marriages,5 +8,Decriminalize self-defense,7 +7,Liquid manure sprayed on Border Patrol car after anti-immigrant tirade,6 +10,"Sister shows the way; Vietnamese nun eases transition for immigrants in Atlanta area, giving a voice to those least likely to be heard; International Atlanta: A look at our community and its impact on metro Atlanta",9 +6,Project Exile hits the mark,5 +9,hospitals for treating people,8 +7,Two-time killer Richard Zeitvogel surprised a prison guard recently when it came time to move Zeitvogel to a private cell to await his executioner.,6 +11," +And isn't it anti-American to suggest otherwise? +",10 +5,"When our Founding Fathers provided in the Constitution that Americans, having just battled British tyranny, should have the right to bear arms, they wanted guns for militias. Hunting with rifles had always been a legitimate right. If the Founding Fathers could only see what is happening today, they would have sharply curtailed the Second Amendment.",4 +5,EX-BEAU INDICTED IN DOUBLE KILLING,4 +13,Dayton on hand for gay marriage event,12 +13,Christie Wants Voters to Decide on Gay Marriage,12 +1,The few store owners ,0 +13,Fenner and other area residents began lobbying supervisors to put more restrictions on hunters.,12 +5,"The District of Columbia and New York issue commercial licenses stamped ""Non-Domiciled"" to immigrants with federal work permits.",4 +5,Judge throws out deportation case against 4 students,4 +1, some local gun dealers say they will welcome the lifting of the ban come Monday.,0 +9,"Now, with his kidneys failing, the fate of the soft-spoken 29-year-old father may rest in the hands of the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.",8 +7,Newman Held Without Bond in 4 Slayings,6 +13,HOUSE PANEL IS SETTING TERMS FOR DEBATE ON ALIENS,12 +11,"CENSUS RECOGNIZES SAME-SEX MARRIAGES +",10 +5,"Justice Antonin Scalia was the first to pull out the dueling words: + +Justice John Paul Stevens used ""faulty"" analysis, Scalia wrote in the Supreme Court decision that struck down the District's handgun ban. Stevens composed the dissenting opinion; Scalia called his colleague's reasoning ""worthy of a mad hatter,"" adding that Stevens ""flatly misreads the historical record."" +",4 +10,The benefits of bearing arms,9 +13,"Biden, who is leading an Obama administration working group tasked with coming up with ways to curb gun violence, will present his team's recommendations to President Obama next Tuesday. The consensus Biden described is among gun-control advocates and law enforcement officials he has met with during the past week.",12 +8,"Three weeks after the worst terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil, the INS - one of the most maligned agencies in the federal government - has been garnering generally good reviews for its procedures in the aftermath of the crisis.",7 +13,NO END IS IN VIEW FOR ILLINOIS GUN-BILL IMPASSE,12 +5,"Phan was appointed two lawyers, Chris Adams and Bruce Harvey",4 +7,"But the official said Endall, who ran the division until April 2016, when he was transferred from the unit, was cleared by internal investigators of any wrongdoing",6 +5,that there is no value in a settlement with the,4 +5,The Clinton administration's promised crackdown on illegal Chinese immigration has run up against a federal judge's ruling that China's coercive family-planning policies may be grounds for asylum.,4 +9,"While few would argue that Cruz, who has been described by people who know him as violent and prone to harming animals, is unstable, mental health experts have urged that words matters.",8 +1, the fee would be $50 or more,0 +3,"Rosario: When it comes to sanctuary, it boils down to faith for these folks",2 +9,"About 434,000 people die each year of smoking-related causes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Office on Smoking and Health.",8 +7,"The 34-year-old prisoner, John Sterling Gardner, went to his death continuing to maintain his innocence.",6 +5,Tyree ready for legal trade,4 +1,so your laid-off bartenders,0 +3,"Members of several large Christian denominations -- including Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians -- attended the meeting at a Frederick church, but Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches were not represented. The Catholic leadership remains strongly opposed to homosexuality, and the Episcopal clergy is sharply divided over the appointment of a gay bishop in 2003.",2 +5,"Three judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled unanimously against the proposal of Judge Jack B. Weinstein of Federal District Court in Brooklyn, saying his plan was flawed for technical reasons. The proposal was returned to Judge Weinstein's court.",4 +6,The Nation; An Immigration Proposal That Gets Somewhere,5 +5,Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas' Ban on Same-Sex Marriage,4 +3,Value Our Families,2 +1,"However prosaic, Clinton's declaration of holy war against Demon Tobacco removes all doubt that today's anti-smoking movement deserves to be compared with the Temperance crusade of the early 20th century.",0 +5,"The unusual legal theory put forth by Cruz's lawyers boils down to this: If a jury cannot be unanimous on the question of guilt, how could it ever be unanimous on the question of death? And if it is not unanimous on death, the sentence is automatically life in prison.",4 +5,separating the issues of legal and illegal immigration,4 +5,In amending the state Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriages,4 +6,Balancing the Benefits of Smoke-Free Workplaces,5 +7,"Paul Hildwin, 54, whose first-degree murder conviction and death sentence for a 1985 Hernando County murder",6 +1,Taxpayer,0 +9,"In Clue to Addictive Behavior, A Brain Injury Halts Smoking",8 +1,"However, he did not name the company that manufactured it.",0 +10,"Fischkin has a strong reference for the stories of men and women struggling for something better: her own mother's escape, earlier this century, from Ukrainian pogroms. Immigrant imagery is both literary and evergreen - a little boy who dreams of flying, the pretty daughter longing for big city lights, the wealthy landowner on his white horse - and Fischkin plays up these tropes. Rightly so as the lives of rural Dominicans are as vivid and hard as those of Dostoyevski's serfs.",9 +7,"But there should be no illusion that such a move, alone, would provide the solution to gun violence, of which mass shootings and the use of assault weapons comprise just a small part.",6 +14,"""I think the reason it happens in America is there's access to weapons -- you can go into a supermarket and get powerful automatic weapons,"" Keith Ashcroft, a psychologist, told the Press Association. Ashcroft said he believed such access, along with a culture that makes gun ownership seem normal, increases the likelihood of such attacks in the United States. +",13 +5,"On Monday, a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Schlup's plea for a delay. +",4 +9,"would require safety locks and storage boxes to be sold with all handguns, but it sets no deadline for requiring locks to be built into handguns at the point of manufacture",8 +5,"Since the high court issued two landmark rulings last June granting federal recognition to same-sex marriages and clearing the way for gay and lesbian weddings in California, every lower-court decision has struck down bans on gay marriage. +",4 +5," There have been three court rulings in Hawaii that allow for same-sex marriages, but the cases apparently haven't yet been decided by appeals courts.",4 +3,UNDER-18S OFF DEATH ROW,2 +5,GAY MARRIAGE FOES GET READY FOR COURT TODA,4 +9,"Mr. Gacy was pronounced dead at 12:58 P.M., nearly an hour after the injection of three lethal chemicals had been scheduled to begin.",8 +4,", it wouldn't dawn on them that somehow their friends' parents would be treated differently,""",3 +13,"The gun industry, demonstrating its resurgent influence over Washington politics, is on the cusp of convincing President Bush and Congress to protect it from pending and future lawsuits.",12 +1,"against 21 cigarette makers and industry consulting firms. + +Philip Morris Inc. and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., the nation's largest tobacco companies",0 +5,Court Leaves Intact Rights for Immigrants Facing Deportation,4 +13,Cain Gets Tough Treatment for Video's Cigarette Scene,12 +7," +New Scrutiny of Illegal Immigrants in Minor Crimes",6 +9,Immigrant's Death in Detention Prompts New Criticism,8 +13,N.Y. pol is anti-terror!,12 +5,Three white men were indicted on capital murder charges today,4 +13,"In a news release last week, Schundler's campaign manager stated that a 1990 McGreevey vote in the state Senate supported the right to carry an assault weapon.",12 +6,THE EFFECT OF GUN-CONTROL LAWS REMAINS SHARPLY DISPUTED,5 +11,Sharon Stone Disarms,10 +10," Elian Gonzalez lives with his great-uncle and other relatives in a single-story, cream-colored house in Little Havana. Their home is in a neighborhood of pastel-colored homes that sit quietly behind privacy fences and palm trees. An occasional cat scampers out of traffic, and dusk is welcomed by the alluring beat of salsa music. + +In normal times, it would seem to be a nice enough place for a little boy to live. But with Elian at the center of an escalating, international custody fight, these times are anything but normal.",9 +5,", the defense argued",4 +5,Mercury News editorial: Gun decision for Sunnyvale gratifying,4 +7,Their study found that pistol purchasers with a prior misdemeanor conviction were nearly five times as likely as gun buyers without a criminal record to be charged with new offenses involving firearms or violence.,6 +7,The number of death row prisoners in North Carolina is rising at one of the highest rates in the nation and is creating problems for the state Department of Correction.,6 +12, drawing intense support from gays and lesbians who can't legally marry and drawing intense opposition from some conservative groups.,11 +5,"Opponents of gay marriage racked up another legal victory Wednesday, as the highest court in Washington state ruled 5-4 that there is no constitutional right for people of the same sex to marry each other.",4 +13,Obama shows restraint on guns,12 +9,that exacerbates the Vietnam veteran's post-traumatic stress,8 +12,"Carrie Evans of Human Rights Campaign, a gay and lesbian advocacy group, said the three Southern states were expected to approve the bans. South Dakota and three other states -- Arizona, Colorado and Idaho -- also were voting on bans. + +""Winning one would really demonstrate that we've been able to begin to change the hearts and minds of people,"" Evans said. +",11 +5,upreme Court Tuesday that the Fort Pierce man's death sentence should be overturned because a public defender erred in allowing him to confess ,4 +13,City council's not blowing smoke--members vote 4-1 to restrict smoking in outdoor locations,12 +5,Newsom's city attorney filed a complaint to the California Supreme Court late Thursday to determine whether gay marriage is constitutional.,4 +12,"prompted churches and other groups to organize the rally, media director Kathryn Churchill said.",11 +13,GOP leaders urge Trump to keep DACA,12 +13,"Chances are that Republican lawmakers who give in will lose their seats, and the rest will resist. The demagoguery created by the GOP will not dissipate in one election cycle; it's going to take at least a decade if not longer.",12 +10,"We've waited a long time,"" said his stepmother, Othalean Brown. ""I'm a very happy mother today."" +",9 +11,"Rattling along on the No. 7 on Monday morning, a young couple ate a breakfast of octopus from a plastic container, their Chinese newspaper brushing against the Spanish-language tabloid of the next passenger. Two elderly Korean women embraced bags filled with lemon grass, and the burly man beside them, forearm tattooed with a Confederate flag, wore an American flag belt buckle.",10 +5,Monday's U.S. Supreme Court ruling means prosecutors are free to seek the death penalty against him-- for the fourth time.,4 +13,GOV'S NEW GUN LAW TRIGGERS ED DEBATE,12 +4,Lawmakers urge fair review in INS fraud cases,3 +7,"A tackle box wrapped in Christmas paper was left on the doorstep of Lillian Jarvis' parents' home, where she was staying. When she unwrapped the package inside the house, the bomb exploded in a fireball, killing her and wounding her mother and her boyfriend.",6 +6,"In 1908 the Board of Aldermen passed a law that forbade women to smoke in public completely. Smoking was then seen as most unladylike, and in an effort to preserve the morality of New York women, the Board passed the Sullivan Act, named for Timothy (Little Tim) Sullivan, a Tammany alderman who represented the Bowery.",5 +1,a factory,0 +7,Texas Woman Convicted In Murder of One Son,6 +9,Smokers are two to four times more likely to develop heart disease than nonsmokers.,8 +6,"NEW LAW IN CALIFORNIA GIVES CONDEMNED PRISONERS A CHOICE +",5 +1,Tax Probe Targets Cigarette Makers,0 +10,Former smoker realizes what a pain he and his habit were to others,9 +9,"Women who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day during pregnancy are at greater risk of giving birth to boys with behavioral problems, researchers said yesterday",8 +13,SENATE RESCUES BRADY BILL,12 +6,MORE HOTELS GO SMOKE-FREE,5 +3,New storm brewing among Methodists over same-sex weddings,2 +7,avoid violating,6 +13,"On a 19-11 vote, the Senate passed a bill creating 'civil unions,' a legal structure parallel to marriage for gay and lesbian couples.",12 +1,"The provision allocated $625,000 to help the department pay overtime for the handling of the applications. ",0 +3,"A Presbyterian church group that represents 20,000 faithful in seven New York counties voted today to allow ministers to perform same-sex holy unions that stop short of marriage.",2 +1,"encompassing groceries,",0 +1," that the proponents have switched their story on how the money raised by the tax would be overseen, and that a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant is being used illegally to pay for ""political"" anti-smoking commercials that coincide with the campaign.",0 +4,"""fundamental miscarriage of justice"" to let Thompson's death sentence stand",3 +7,CONFESSED KILLER CONVICTED IN TEXAS SLAYING,6 +5,"The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit agreed to review the case, called Castano v. The American Tobacco Company et al. The suit, the largest class action in history, could conceivably involve one of every four Americans and has been closely watched by Wall Street.",4 +5,"ttorneys for convicted murderer J.B. ""Pig"" Parker told the Florida +",4 +13,"Indeed, a bipartisan deal on near-universal background checks for firearms buyers remains a real possibility. And Congress still could pass a ban on high-capacity magazines. But Democrats haven't been able to muster enough support, even within their own ranks, to push through an assault weapons ban.",12 +13,"By filing the lawsuit, Giuliani kept a promise to fight the provisions and fueled his momentum as a self-described national spokesman in favor of immigration, a position that has set him apart from many Republicans.",12 +4,Such a huge disparity seems to suggest that racial factors may be influencing how the death penalty is dispensed -- but in different ways than some people had suspected.,3 +3,"The evidence of manipulation and deception by tobacco companies to dupe the American public is overwhelming.""",2 +3,''Should Doctors Help in Executions? No Easy Ethical Answer'' ,2 +9,Health advocates waiting for New Jersey's indoor smoking ban to take effect next month praised Corzine's proposal,8 +3,Peddling souvenirs seems as inhumane as McVeigh's actions,2 +5, constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.,4 +6,Gun-control laws will give criminals a bigger advantage,5 +9,Scientists report greater cancer links to smoking,8 +5,"Several factors have delayed the case, including a similar challenge out of Kentucky decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, but now there are continued holdups as lawyers on both sides sort out the evidence that would be presented in a hearing to decide the outcome, court papers show.",4 +12,Chanting for change Thousands march against Ariz. law,11 +13,Republican who called Parkland teen a 'skinhead lesbian' drops out of Maine House race;,12 +12,"VENDORS, FANS SIGN PETITION PROTESTING BAN ON GUN SHOWS",11 +6,Sane Gun Laws,5 +8,HUD offers to buy back guns,7 +11,"We're a nation of immigrants. We've built our population, language, industry, innovation and culture through the continuous immigration of hard-working, ambitious people. Some of our most famous and accomplished Americans have been immigrants (such as Albert Einstein, Henry Kissinger, Oscar de la Renta, Sydney Poitier, Carlos Santana and Arnold Schwarzenegger).",10 +5," +Justices let gay marriages proceed",4 +9,"Anthony Scalzo, an emergency physician at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital, praised the ban. Scalzo, who educates city and county teens about the dangers of smoking, said it was a step further than other cities in the country had taken.",8 +13," five-page piece of legislation sponsored by Nadine P. Winter, a former council member who made this bit of law part of her legacy.",12 +5,"A three-justice panel of the 1st District Court of Appeal in San Francisco repeatedly challenged Deputy Attorney General Christopher Krueger, who was defending the laws. The justices expressed concern about the state's argument that strong domestic partner protections are enough for gay couples seeking to validate their relationships.",4 +7,PROPOSED BILL TARGETS IMMIGRANT SMUGGLING,6 +3," ""the legal union of only one man and one woman"" ",2 +1,SNUFFING OUT STATE'S CIG ADS,0 +5,Jurors deliberated without reaching a verdict Wednesday in the capital murder trial of sniper suspect Lee Boyd Malvo.,4 +7,can buy a handgun easily and murder two people and wound another.,6 +3,Catholic educators call on Congress to pass immigration reform,2 +13," +""This was a loss that has to be laid at the doorstep of our leaders,"" said a Republican senator who was involved in the gun debate and asked not to be named. ""They're supposed to put forward things that win majorities.""",12 +8,ISSUE IN-DEPTH: CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON;,7 +7," who is scheduled to be executed shortly after midnight tonight for murdering his grandmother,",6 +2,The Immigration and Naturalization Service said this week that the number of people who received H-1B visas during the first three quarters of fiscal year 2002 was less than half the number approved in the same span last year.,1 +10,"For two decades, right up until the day they fled Virginia nine years ago, the women hid their love from a wider world they'd always found so hostile and homophobic.",9 +15,How to Win An Argument About Guns,14 +13,"SANE, FRIENDLY GUN LOBBYISTS ARE AMERICA'S WORST ENEMIES",12 +4,DEATH LEAVES NO ROOM FOR DOUBT,3 +12,"""It's obviously really important that we get good numbers but also that the message gets across to Congress,"" said Jaime Contreras, chairman of the National Capital Immigration Coalition, which is organizing the rally. ""I have no doubt that this issue is not going to end this year, and it's going to be an ongoing issue."" +",11 +13," It is part of Owens' gun package. Passed. +",12 +1,Final push to beat fee hike,0 +5,"It would not, as provided in the agreement reached between the tobacco industry and state attorneys general last year, give the industry immunity from future health-care-related lawsuits.",4 +11,HOW SMOKING WENT FROM SEXY TO SINISTER,10 +10,As the victim's wife struggled to make sense of her husband's killing,9 +5," +The case would have marked the most significant gun control case at the high court since its District of Columbia v. Heller decision in 2008 upheld the right to keep handguns at home for self-defense.",4 +11,MEET THE WOMEN SOCIETY MAY NOT BE READY TO KILL,10 +15,Keep up the pressure to discourage smoking,14 +7,"Thirty-five of the detainees said they were under 18, and Ilchert said they would be allowed to live with families in San Francisco if any offered to pay the $ 4,000 bond. The rest were distributed to two detention centers where they will be charged with illegally entering the United States.",6 +5,"Earlier this week, the judge set a trial date of June 3. Mr. Regan's lawyers said the date was too soon for a death-penalty case, and even prosecutors noted that a defense expert would need at least 45 days to obtain the necessary security clearances to view classified documents.",4 +3,God's plan would have us be loving to others,2 +5, and cracking down on employers as well as remaking the legal immigration system while providing a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants already in the United States.,4 +6,GUN OPEN CARRY BACKED,5 +11,"In an op-ed article published in USA Today,",10 +5,"Justices Charles Freeman, Moses Harrison and Mary Ann McMorrow dissented.",4 +11,America Passed Gun Control in 1968.,10 +1," Some of the improvement in food sales may be due to a bump in the economy, and there are exceptions to the trend. A sales increase, however, is a sales increase.",0 +7,"Missouri's next execution is set for Oct. 24, when Stephen K. Johns is scheduled to die for the murder of Donald Voepel Jr., 17, during a holdup at a service station where the victim worked in St. Louis.",6 +5,"Jurors didn't think so. Neither did the circuit judge who sentenced Tompkins to death, nor the long list of state and federal judges who have denied the inmate's litany of appeals. +",4 +7,GAPS SEEN IN GUN-VIOLENCE DATA NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PANS PAST STUDIES,6 +5,"Lawyers for major gun makers and wholesalers and for the families of six people killed with illegally possessed handguns clashed sharply in a Brooklyn courtroom yesterday over whether the companies were liable for the slayings. +",4 +11,"The profile for juvenile delinquents is this: single-parent family, usually a woman as head of the household, several kids, poor, minority.",10 +1,$50 Million Award in Smoker's Case Stands,0 +13,Prominent gun control advocates James and Sarah Brady have endorsed Democrat Bill Nelson in the race to fill Florida's open U.S. Senate seat.,12 +13,"The NRA and other gun groups pressured Congress to let the ban expire just as they fought it when it was originally proposed, and just as they fight almost every proposed gun regulation from bans on certain weapons to prohibitions on armor-piercing bullets that put the lives of law enforcement official in danger.",12 +6, originally proposed to ban up to 90 kinds of semiautomatic and assault weapons. He now has scaled back his plan to cover just 17 weapons not generally used in sports and competitive shooting.,5 +5, because the defendant's claims stood a better chance of being investigated.,4 +1,"to avoid paying her $44,000 ordered in their divorce settlement.",0 +10,"Megan's parents clasped hands as they awaited the verdict. When it was announced, her mother, Maureen Kanka, began to cry. She buried her face in husband Richard's shoulder, and he put his arm around her. +",9 +5,"On Monday, the Supreme Court's surprising decision to pass on five same-sex marriage cases caught officials in Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Indiana and Wisconsin - not to mention many gay couples in those states - off-guard. The decision effectively cleared the way for same-sex marriages to begin in those five states. +",4 +11,A Long American History With Drugs and Alcohol,10 +4," under the umbrella of people protected from discrimination in employment, housing and other areas.",3 +5,Refusal to abolish electric chair splits state's high court,4 +13,"Whenever talk turns to gun control in Congress, lawmakers feel compelled to mention their love of weaponry. +",12 +11,Sean Hannity cranks up the gaslight,10 +3,"In an opinion piece Sunday in the New York Daily News, Nicholas DiMarzio, bishop of Brooklyn, called on members of his diocese ""not to bestow or accept honors, nor to extend a platform of any kind to any state elected official, in all our parishes and churches for the foreseeable future,"" a statement that may signal a new era in church-state relations in the Empire State.",2 +5,"We have faith that the courts will also find that, as they have in the past.""",4 +5,Supreme Court acts to reinstate death sentence in Central Valley case,4 +3,"We are social animals and we need structure, like marriage between a man and a woman, to survive.""",2 +12,"s Executions Increase, Appeals Go to the Public +",11 +12,"First the streets, then the ballot box",11 +11, More than 21 percent of high school seniors smoke.,10 +5,"""That most fundamental set of rights to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- fundamental rights that were denied to college students at Virginia Tech, and high school students at Columbine, and elementary school students in Newtown, and kids on street corners in Chicago on too frequent a basis to tolerate those rights are at stake.""",4 +9,An effort to save the life of an Oakland father who was denied an organ transplant because of his immigration status has gained a legion of supporters across the country.,8 +5,VIRGINIA NRA LOSES BIG IN GUN-CONTROL SUIT,4 +7,"Last week it happened: Javier Burgos was taken to the Palm Beach County Jail after being charged with murder in the 2013 killings of Navarro's brother, Ted Orama, and Christopher Marshall.",6 +12,"In between speakers, a lone voice rang out from the back of the crowd. +",11 +5,"The couple's attorney, Michael Sampson, who is taking the case without charge, said they could be excommunicated if the Amish community learned of the lawsuit, so he asked a federal judge to let them proceed anonymously. The judge has not ruled on the request.",4 +11,"Letter: Making guns taboo not the answer, education is",10 +7,"Atlanta Police Capt. Calvin Wardlaw said Thursday police still had no suspect or motive for the shooting spree. ""We can only canvas the Downtown area and see if this is a person who hangs out down there,"" he said.",6 +6,Cigarette Tax Only Sounds Like a Good Idea,5 +10,"Immigrants aren't destroying America +",9 +5,"""In these penalty phases, the courts are open to receive a wide berth of evidence,"" said George Kendall, staff attorney for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund in New York City. ""The jurors consider and weigh the aggravating and the mitigating circumstances. Then, they must make a reasoned choice in imposing a sentence.""",4 +9, and health risks,8 +3,Emory University and the United Methodist Church drifted further apart Friday in the fight over same-sex commitment ceremonies at university chapels.,2 +4,"""You don't have a right in this class to make homophobic comments.""",3 +13,California Defends Review Process in Death Penalty Cases,12 +12,REACTION TO (GUN CONTROL) PROPOSALS,11 +5,Judge Kimba M. Wood was right when she said tonight that she violated no law in hiring an illegal immigrant to work as her baby sitter in March 1986.,4 +7,AN IMMIGRANT from Guyana was convicted of murder yesterday for stabbing his fiancée to death three weeks after paying to smuggle her here.,6 +5,High Court To Review Immigrant Law of '96,4 +13,"Democrats' plans ambitious, limited; Slim victory margins and '08 jockeying narrow the scope. Immigration could be an exception.",12 +13,"ROBERTI RECALL FAILING, EARLY RETURNS INDICATE",12 +4, It cannot allow a terrible injustice to stand.,3 +5,"awyer wants girl tried as juvenile in fatal beating +",4 +11,Ruling reflects America's ambivalence on guns,10 +8," by imposing, in effect, a ""cooling-off"" period for hotheads who rush to gun stores with violence on their minds.",7 +13,Former Gov. Jesse Ventura,12 +13,"GAY-MARRIAGE proponents are stepping up their fight to get same-sex nuptials legalized in New York with the help of more than $100,000 worth of polling - and the support of Mayor Bloomberg. + +""Anybody who thinks we're not serious about winning this in 2009 better throw cold water on themselves and wake up,"" said Alan Van Capelle, executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda. + +""We are absolutely serious."" + +Over the past several months, the group commissioned polls from Boston-based Kiley & Co. in the districts of at least 10 GOP state senators. +",12 +7,"Federal prosecutors say Mr. Posada lied during immigration hearings more than five years ago about how he entered the United States and about his role in the Cuban bombings. He faces charges of perjury, obstruction of federal proceedings and making false statements during a naturalization hearing",6 +5,"U.S. planning to get tough, detain aliens asking asylum Clinton selects INS chief; now all she needs is money",4 +13,The two lawmakers probably have nothing to worry about anyway,12 +5,WITNESS RULING DUE IN GUNMAKER CASE,4 +9,"new ways to prevent, detect, treat and cure cancer",8 +6,More employers join immigration program,5 +4,", a former member of a neo-Nazi group ",3 +5,"Pennsylvania's law goes further still, giving people the right to use deadly force if confronted in their cars, on the street, or anywhere they ""have the legal right to be.""",4 +5," +The filing argues that the state has failed to comply with a 2006 ruling that said committed gay and lesbian couples should be provided the same rights as heterosexual husbands and wives",4 +13, governor as he considers legislation that bans homosexual marriages,12 +10,Immigrant women find shelter from spousal rage,9 +11,AJC CONTINUING COVERAGE GUN CONTROL,10 +13,Democrats are finally doing politics the way Republicans do,12 +13,"He indicated that he plans to keep that promise, ",12 +13,GUN LAWS CRUSADER HITS THAT WALL AGAIN,12 +3, in this heavily Roman Catholic state,2 +9,When the Shooter Is a Toddler,8 +14,"In the last few years, Mr. Abu-Jamal, 41, has become an international symbol in the fight against the death penalty, collecting a growing and diverse group of supporters.",13 +5,"FEDERAL BAN UPHELD ON GUNS NEAR SCHOOLS +",4 +11,"The couple drifted past mannequins modeling crisp tuxedos, elegant top hats and white gowns. They examined special wedding cake decorations adapted for gay couples: Instead of the traditional man in black and woman in white, the cake figurines had two grooms. Or two brides.",10 +10, A Defiant Last Puff,9 +13,A lesson in democracy,12 +15, One small step on guns,14 +6,Corey Jones case proves open carry is crazy,5 +7,Jury Recommends Death for Pakistani In Killing at C.I.A.,6 +9,"How about a gray, curdled lung, marbled with black streaks?",8 +7,Woman Who Abducted Grandson Is Paroled,6 +12, which has attracted an unusual coalition in opposition to the execution,11 +1,"The council's board unanimously passed a resolution saying it could not pay more money for Nichols' defense, which has already topped $1.2 million, and also meet its obligation to provide defense for 77 other capital cases and more than 150,000 other pending criminal indigent cases statewide.",0 +7,"Crimes involving handguns soared to nearly 1 million in 1992, a record level. + +Handguns were used in 13% of all violent incidents - up 40% from the average of the previous five years, a Bureau of Justice Statistics survey says. + +And handgun murders rose 24.5%, to 13,200 in 1992, the FBI says in a separate report.",6 +9, who is reported to be mentally retarded.,8 +5,"Neely also announced that he does not plan to prosecute the other sniper, John Allen Muhammad, saying he believes the death penalty conviction won last year by Prince William County will stand up on appeal. If it doesn't, Neely said, he could always prosecute Muhammad then.",4 +5,"St. Petery said the legislature is favoring the Second Amendment right to bear arms over the First Amendment freedom of speech. ""I think we as physicians are within our rights to discuss any issue we deem appropriate,"" he said.",4 +14,A Deterrent to Mass Killings in Australia,13 +13,Clinton condemns gun show loophole as politicians snipe,12 +9,School Violence Shows a New Face,8 +13,"If there ever was a moment in the debate over immigration when presidential leadership was urgently needed, it was yesterday, when Congress returned from its two-week intermission with the Senate's short-lived compromise in tatters. But all President Bush offered was a restatement of the painfully obvious and a bunch of bland generalities.",12 +5,MINNEAPOLIS: Judge bars Somali man's deportation,4 +5,The sentencing hearing continues today.,4 +13,Senate Rejects Instant Checks on Handgun Buyers,12 +11,About half of the students' families are refugees or immigrants who represent more than 30 countries and 40 languages.,10 +9,"""We're being barraged with many warnings,"" says Dr. David Kanter, a neonatologist at St. Mary's. ""Most people don't respond to being told what to do.""",8 +1,GROUPS' AID TO IMMIGRANTS TO BE REPAID,0 +12,Advocates for gay and lesbian couples are headed back to New Jersey's Supreme Court to resume their attempt to legalize same-sex marriage.,11 +13,Campaign Goes After Opponents of Gay Marriage,12 +12,Public support for gun restrictions has grown to the highest level in 25 years,11 +6,"The same happened in the early 1990's when Arizona, Maryland, New Jersey and a handful of other states passed zero-tolerance laws, which suspend the licenses of under-21 drivers who have any trace of alcohol in their blood. ",5 +13,San Diego mayor testifies daughter changed view on same-sex marriage,12 +10,HE HUFFS & PUFFS AS CASINO CIG BAN BEGINS,9 +5,"West was sued after performing more than two dozen same-sex weddings on Feb. 27, drawing his Hudson Valley village into the growing debate over same-sex unions.",4 +13,"In his comments to a conservative Web site,",12 +5,2nd gay-marriage case could be put on hold,4 +7,inmates Clayton Lockett and Charles Warner asked Oklahoma prison officials who was making the drugs that would kill them and whether the material was pure.,6 +5,WILLIAMS MURDER CASE GOES TO JURY,4 +7," +Both suspects were here illegally. Khalil came last November on a six-month tourist visa but stayed after it expired. +",6 +13," +Fisher takes aim at Rendell's stand on guns",12 +5,"As closing arguments ended in the nearly nine-month trial, lawyers for the tobacco companies dismissed the Justice Department's position as a final effort to put a better face on a losing proposition.",4 +13,"In Maryland, a Democratic governor's efforts to persuade a heavily Democratic legislature to pass a same-sex marriage bill could come down to the votes of a few Republicans.",12 +13,Chiles,12 +7,CHIEFS WEIGH IN ON GUN BILL,6 +12,From picket to picketed,11 +11,In Guns We Trust,10 +6,Oscillating between open doors and slammed gates,5 +5,"Another gay marriage victory in Missouri, as federal judge in Kansas City strikes down ban",4 +13,"The Clinton administration says it does not have the staff to pursue many cases, and is instead focusing on more serious crimes, but that assertion has triggered criticism from Republicans and pro-gun groups.",12 +6,"Luukko said he plans to give smokers time to adjust to the policy of the new arena before making any changes. +",5 +13,KEY VOTE TUESDAY ON GUN CONTROL SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS ON S.J. COUNCIL AGENDA,12 +12,Protesters decry immigrant bill,11 +5, Cobb County District Attorney Tom Charron is currently trying Tokars in state court on murder charges and seeking the death penalty,4 +1,Alexandria Restaurants Snuffing Smoking,0 +5,"By the end of the week, the older brother, Lyle Menendez, appeared drained after nine days on the witness stand, including three and a half days of cross examination by the Deputy District Attorney, Pamela Bozanich. His confident demeanor during questioning by his lawyer had given way to memory lapses and fatigue as Ms. Bozanich confronted him with evidence that she said proved the brothers had killed to inherit the family fortune.",4 +10,"beyond learning that the 21-year-old day laborer was born into poverty in rural Mexico, grew up in a brickyard and lusted after the streets of New York.",9 +8,concealed carry,7 +1,"FOR IMMIGRANTS, A SENSE OF BETRAYAL < THOSE WHO ARE NOT U.S. CITIZENS WILL PAY< A STEEP PRICE UNDER CUTS CONGRESS APPROVED.",0 +13,Mayors form coalition to support Obama's immigration action,12 +13,recently wrote to the Democratic leader about her concerns with gun control. ,12 +5,Should the state be involved in marriage?,4 +7,"irginia Executes Man Who Killed Woman +",6 +11,Bloomberg's Gun-Control Group Starts News Site After Shooting,10 +13,Gov. Gray Davis (D) already has pledged to sign the bill into law. It is one of many gun control measures heading to his desk that the Democratic-controlled legislature has passed in recent months. And it even drew support from some Republican lawmakers who disregarded their party's stance on the issue.,12 +13,SUPERVISOR PROPOSES BAN ON GUN SHOWS,12 +13,STATE POLS AX GAY NUPS,12 +5,Chicago Ban May Test Ruling,4 +13, Senator Collins's bill would be one small step forward on a long road.,12 +6,The legislation also would create a 13-member commission to monitor the success of civil unions,5 +9,"collected by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,",8 +13,"The Senate passed the measure by a vote of 25 to 22 Thursday night, and Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) has vowed to sign it into law.",12 +13,New Republicans May Be Just Like the Old,12 +10,"He didn't speak a word of English five years ago when he arrived from Mexico, but he mastered the language in a year, advanced to honors classes and graduated from high school with a 4.0 grade-point average.",9 +10,"The family of the victim, Cynthia Barlieb, who left behind four daughters when she was shot at age 25, expressed horror.",9 +11,"To be sure, African-Americans have a vested interest in the debate over gay marriage, or more accurately, a vested interest in keeping a distance from the majoritarian frenzy that drives measures like North Carolina's Amendment One. Blacks have no business participating in the imposition of cultural hegemony represented by gay marriage bans when their own life opportunities continue to be diminished by the very same initiative and referenda process used to implement these bans. Black conservative Ward Connerly's success in corralling white voters who have never lost a job or an opportunity to attend college on account of Affirmative Action to nevertheless ban such programs starkly illustrates this point.",10 +13,"Mike ads 2 cents +",12 +11,Immigration Still Makes America What It Is,10 +13,Democratic tensions escalate over deportation raids,12 +6,"However, the bill does not require that any measurement of border security be reached before the nation's 11 million unauthorized immigrants can become U.S. citizens.",5 +9," ""a mere mental disease or defect, though it may constitute a form of insanity known to and recognized by medical science",8 +7,Police group endorses McCollum,6 +6,that would give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the power to regulate the marketing and manufacture of tobacco products,5 +13,"President Is Likely to Discuss Gun Control Soon, Advisers Say",12 +10,Slain broker's kin seek death penalty Two teens to be charged Wednesday,9 +7,"Griffin was convicted of killing Quintin Moss in June 1980. Moss had been a suspect in the murder six months earlier of Griffin's brother, Dennis Griffin.",6 +13, Mayor Nutter - one of four requests His Honor has received.,12 +11,"Let us pause to savor this moment and the transformation of the American legal and social landscape. +",10 +5,"In Portland, Ore., Multnomah County began handing out marriage licenses to dozens of gay couples after the county attorney ruled that not doing so would violate the state's Constitution. Gov. Ted Kulongoski, a Democrat, said the marriages might not be legal and requested an opinion from the state's attorney general.",4 +7, just hours before he was executed in Virginia for rape and murder.,6 +15,BLAME WAYNE,14 +4,A gun purchase is harder than voting,3 +7,"Mr. Kehoe, 26, of Colville, Wash., and a co-defendant, Danny Lee, 26, of Yukon, Okla., were found guilty of murder, racketeering and conspiracy last Tuesday. They were accused of trying to overthrow the Government and set up the Aryan Peoples Republic in the Pacific Northwest.",6 +9, died at 10:51 p.m.,8 +12, Minnesotans United ,11 +9,Demand a public health approach on gun laws,8 +5,Death Penalty Of Md. Man Is Overturned,4 +5,"Gun rights, with limits",4 +12,"Outrage inflates NRA, leader says",11 +5,Judge rejects Kentucky's ban on same-sex marriage,4 +6,"Smoking bans in St. Louis County, Kirkwood pass",5 +1," +The small retail strip going up just outside of Reno, Nev., in a residential community near the California border, may look unimposing, no different than any other suburban shopping outlet.",0 +13,"Their sit-in, with the rallying cry of ""No bill, no break,"" lasted for 25 hours.",12 +13,A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul.,12 +4,"KILLER, APPEALING HIS DEATH SENTENCE, ALLEGES COERCION DARRICK HALL, CONVICTED IN A 1993 MURDER, SAYS HE WAS DENIED HIS RIGHT TO AN ATTORNEY.",3 +13,"combined with a new landscape in the Illinois Legislature this year, could usher in a long-debated law to let people carry handguns in public in Illinois - the last state in the nation that doesn't allow it.",12 +6,"Why immigration reform is in trouble, Jeff Denham edition",5 +13,The GOP's idea of gun control,12 +13,"BRADY BILL MAY BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY, LAWMAKERS SAY",12 +5,The amendment won Supreme Court approval,4 +1,It says that it is only trying to get adults to switch brands. These ads are appearing at a time,0 +1,"Gill, who is gay, founded software-maker Quark Inc. in 1981 and pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars after selling his stake in 2000. He poured roughly $200 million into the Gill Foundation, begun in 1994 to support gay and lesbian causes. +",0 +13,"""We're going to make sure all New Yorkers understand this loud and clear,"" Mayor Bloomberg said.",12 +1,Official Quits in Georgia Public Defender Budget Dispute,0 +13,"Todd Vandermyde, a lobbyist for the National Rifle Association, said the Democratic governor would have a hard time explaining that veto to voters.",12 +7,"CHANGE THE LAWS, PROTECT THE POLICE",6 +8,GUN OWNERS MUST SECURE WEAPONS,7 +9,"""Unless you're a real expert gun-handler, don't do that,"" he advised. ""Use a holster. Part of safe carry is keeping it concealed. If it's not concealed, someone else can get it from you.""",8 +13,"Gov. Mario M. Cuomo said today that he would veto the bill, just as he has in each of the previous eight years. Although death-penalty advocates may be able to muster the two-thirds vote needed to override Mr. Cuomo's veto in the Senate, they do not think they have the necessary support in the Assembly.",12 +13,Both sides mobilize on same-sex marriage,12 +9," uninsured, ",8 +11,"Alan Blinder and Manny Fernandez, two New York Times journalists, were huddled in the Cummins Unit prison's large visitation room. It had been converted into a makeshift media center, close to but cut off from the execution chamber.",10 +6,no federal laws regulating firearms and their criminal misuse,5 +10,Catering to Commitment,9 +7,Gallagher: Let local police arrest illegal immigrants,6 +11,An Annapolis company whose old-fashioned trolleys are iconic in the city's wedding scene has abandoned the nuptial industry rather than serve same-sex couples.,10 +13,The Trump bandwagon,12 +7,"So Lodowski, who was on death row for fatally shooting an off-duty Prince George's County police officer and a Greenbelt mini-mart clerk during a robbery in 1983",6 +6,"It also stipulates that ""spouse"" refers ""only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife."" And the law requires that both these definitions be used ""in determining the meaning of any Act of Congress.""",5 +5," do not have the right to vote,",4 +8,Study: Gun at home not much protection,7 +5,His appeal now goes to U.S. District Court in Miami. Lambrix is under his first death warrant.,4 +6,that requires a certain number of retailers be caught in a particular year before any licenses can be taken away,5 +13,"Which political leader made these compassionate remarks about the ""dreamers""",12 +1,"It makes sense to ask immigrants to pay more for better service, but it's counterproductive to raise rates to a level that discourages people from applying.",0 +15, Madness and Mayhem,14 +3,"""I think what's at stake here is whether the church be the welcoming, hospitable, loving place that its founder founded,"" Spahr said last week. ""Jesus was one who challenged all the oppressive systems during his time, and I think the church should be the place that is the welcoming place and is not a place of oppression. It's time for the church to see us for who we are""",2 +1,Gun industry has hidden economic impact,0 +13,The debate goes on: Readers get their turn,12 +13,The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the amendment on a 13-to-5 vote.,12 +4,NEW CITIZENS MAY LOSE RIGHTS INS TARGETS CRIMINAL IMMIGS,3 +5,"For the second time in three Supreme Court terms, the justices have struck down a Florida law that treated the Constitution as little more than a speed bump on the road to quicker and easier death sentences.",4 +5,Bearing Which Arms?,4 +6,Monica Yant Kinney: Same-sex gains too late for some,5 +13," Instead, the White House is calling on research on the effect of media and video games on gun violence.",12 +7,Killer makes new date with the electric chair,6 +8,They wish to make their own decisions about how to protect themselves in their homes.,7 +9,"According to Marianne Fahs of the New School, smoking is the primary cause of preventable death in the city, with approximately 10,000 people dying each year from smoking.",8 +13, blamed the Trump administration,12 +5,"Then, after jurors came back Thursday with a decision that Stroud should be executed, there was another odd twist in the case.",4 +5,"Since then, opponents of same-sex marriage have had further cause for concern: courts in California and Connecticut said laws in those states barring such unions were unconstitutional, bringing to three -- along with Massachusetts -- the number of states where same-sex couples can marry.",4 +11,"City book club reading ""Enrique's Journey""",10 +13,GUN-LOVING POLS GET PAYBACK HINT,12 +5,Any delay is to be applauded.,4 +9,A New Law Requiring Locks On Handguns Takes Effect,8 +10,of quitting smoking,9 +13,Missouri governor says he'll veto GOP's plan to loosen state gun laws,12 +7,"Neighbors said Clayton Jerrod Ellington, 29, screamed at officers that his family had been taken from him shortly after he called authorities to his home near Lithonia High School late on the night of May 17. The three bodies were inside.",6 +5,THE MARRIAGE AMENDMENT IN GEORGIA: THE GALLERY: Amendment foes take case to House,4 +4,10 RIGHTS THAT MARRIED PEOPLE HAVE THAT OTHERS DON'T,3 +12,LINES DRAWN OVER GUN CONTROL Feelings run deep at state Capitol rally,11 +7," to the May 3, 2008, bank robbery and car chase that ended with Liczbinski dead of multiple gunshots.",6 +6,More colleges reducing smoking areas on campus,5 +1,A Market for AK-47's,0 +6,Raising the ante on gun control,5 +7,"In prison by 18, Zeitvogel has a history of rape, robbery and assault. He fatally stabbed a fellow inmate, then strangled a cellmate so he reportedly could join his homosexual lover on death row.",6 +13,Same-sex marriage bill passes the House,12 +5,"Diving into a discussion of current events, Justice Scalia said the president's enforcement action called into question the majority's decision that Arizona's immigration statutes contradict federal law. He said Arizona was justified in pursuing its own efforts to protect its borders because ""federal officials have been unable to remedy the problem, and indeed have recently shown that they are simply unwilling to do so.""",4 +10,Anguish endures for murder victim's twin,9 +6,"Let's control ammo, not guns",5 +8,Gun Study Faults State Background Checks,7 +6,Illegal immigration requires swift action,5 +13,if enough support developed in the General Assembly for such an idea.,12 +4,Even black police aren't immune,3 +13,"To succeed will require overturning two decades of conventional wisdom that gun control is bad politics. +",12 +1,"""It's Econ 101,"" said public policy professor Hal Salzman, a senior fellow at the school's John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development in New Brunswick.",0 +11,the student-led activist group,10 +11,Longtime national civil rights leader Julian Bond is the latest face of a campaign to build support for same-sex marriage in Maryland.,10 +9,AIDS and Immigration,8 +3,METHODIST PASTOR ON TRIAL AFTER GAY MARRIAGE,2 +10,"a national one-day, stop-smoking campaign - with narrowed eyes.",9 +12,"More than 1,200 Latino and Asian immigrants and their advocates took to the State House last night to press Maryland lawmakers to expand their rights and fight legislation they say would take them away.",11 +5,"Because the U.S. Constitution requires states to honor each other's statutes and legal bonds, Hawaii's 1993 ruling set off some furious pre-emptive legislating around the country.",4 +13,SHOW WORLD YOUR PAPERS Anti-immig fanatic meets Trump with plan exposed 'Registration system' & Sharia quiz seen in photo,12 +5,"""Given the facts of this case and after a comprehensive review by a committee of senior prosecutors, I have concluded that this defendant should face the ultimate penalty,"" Rosen said in a brief statement Monday.",4 +9,"In the past, Ruiz said, she relied on emergency rooms for her health care and rarely could see specialists. She developed kidney and back problems after years of inconsistent medical care and using an inappropriate wheelchair.",8 +11,"The tales don't need embellishment. Drawn almost entirely from interviews with, or court documents quoting, these wrongfully convicted people, ""The Exonerated"" presents 90 minutes of harrowing tales -- tales of myopic police investigators, inept or uninterested defense attorneys, prosecutorial malfeasance and simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.",10 +4, (2) racial disparity.,3 +9," adds Benevento, whose department oversees the state's anti-smoking effort.",8 +5,"When New Jersey became the first state outside liberal New England to approve same-sex civil unions, Craig Ross and Richard Cash were among the hundreds of couples who hurried to get their licenses. ",4 +13,"In NRA break, Mast backs gun control;",12 +8,ACCUSED BOMBER Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,7 +15,More Than an Academic Exercise,14 +15,Ruben Navarrette: Listening to the passion of a border angel,14 +13,Some Md. lawmakers want O'Malley to go further on gun control,12 +13," Congress has failed to close the gun-show loophole, and pro-gun Republicans and Democrats alike continually try, at the NRA's urging, to repeal sensible measures such as outlawing guns on college campuses, in bars and in national parks.",12 +10,Grammer described his sister,9 +5,Serial killer's death sentences upheld,4 +15,Dead end for nice idea,14 +13," Democrats managed to heave a universal-background-check bill through the state legislature, which they controlled.",12 +4," +My message for her is that this Missouri family aligns itself with the gay community on the side of justice. We should all be very concerned when politically active bigots legislate against a group because its members are different. What is next? Infertile women won't be able to marry because the purpose of marriage, as defined by some Christians, is to produce children? +",3 +5,"In a sign that a new tobacco settlement deal may be near, state attorneys general nationwide will be told this week about the details of a plan intended to resolve their lawsuits against the industry, lawyers familiar with those discussions said.",4 +12,the NRA said it was in favor of tighter regulations for bump stocks.,11 +13," was poised to pass on Thursday, according to early election reports rolling in Tuesday evening.",12 +13,RACINE MAY CHALLENGE REPEAL OF MUNICIPAL GUN LAWS,12 +5,"I, for one, would like to hear a clearly articulated position that makes sense in the framework of our Constitution. So I welcome the discussion. +",4 +5,"""I was in law school doing research to try to help this guy on his appeal, and that was part of my job as a student,"" Burns recalled. ""I couldn't say no, but it made me really uncomfortable, and ultimately I decided I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to take money to keep these guys out of jail.""",4 +5,"Similar outreach blitzes have occurred during the previous four renewal periods for permits offered through temporary protected status, or TPS, a program that allows some Salvadorans to legally live and work in the United States for another year.",4 +12,"Rural residents are also more likely to say that recent immigrants have different values than their own - 50 percent, compared with 39 percent of urban residents. +",11 +14,"As Obama visits, Mexicans' view of the U.S. is improving",13 +10,"Although Terry and I were legally married July 3, 2008, this was actually our 24th wedding anniversary. We met over 24 years ago and fell in love shortly afterwards. We exchanged vows and rings on our own without the benefit of governmental sanction because same-sex marriage was not available to us at that time.",9 +13,Mr. Dole's Transparent Tactics,12 +13,"President Obama says we will change our approach to gun violence - some other day. +",12 +6,St. Paul adopts smoking ban,5 +13,"the campaign mounted to restore California's ban on same-sex marriage. This has included video clips of Ron Prentice, a leading figure in the campaign,",12 +1,expected to be a boon for many industries that serve brides and grooms.,0 +3,"Mr. Al-Amin, who in recent years has been a Muslim cleric in Atlanta",2 +15,'Enormous implications' ahead,14 +11,Josh Abbott Band takes the escapist route,10 +9,FLORIDA ADOPTS GUN-SAFETY LAW,8 +5,", but his lawyers filed papers last week seeking a commutation from the governor and a stay of execution by the Court of Appeals.",4 +11,Millions of Moms,10 +13,"In politics, Bloomberg is party of one",12 +12,"The Gay Rights Movement, Settled Down",11 +13,"Barbara Bush said Friday that guns scare her, and she doesn't own one because ""I'm too afraid I'd shoot the wrong person.",12 +7,most of the guns used in crimes in the city are traced to other states where firearms purchasing is easier.,6 +13,"Giffords Backs Murphy for Governor Of New Jersey, Citing Gun Control",12 +1,"In recent years, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. has eliminated thousands of jobs in Winston-Salem amid fierce competition",0 +8,A NATION CHALLENGED: IMMIGRATION; BUSH SETS OPTION OF MILITARY TRIALS IN TERRORIST CASES,7 +1," lawmakers have a vested interest in supporting critical industries - whether it's crab picking in Maryland, ski resorts in Colorado or logging in Washington state.",0 +9,"Gun safety groups now oppose Pat Toomey's landmark background check bill, urge stronger measure",8 +13,"NRA STILL OWNS CONGRESS,THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE",12 +5,"The Colorado Supreme Court cleared the way Monday for a citizen initiative to require background checks at gun shows. +",4 +12,"There are more than 800 events scheduled to take place worldwide, according to the gun control group Everytown. The largest marches are expected in cities including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. There also will be demonstrations in Parkland, Fla.,",11 +6," +Widen ban on buying of pistols, study says +",5 +5,Georgia's law has some provisions that echo those in a law enacted last year in Arizona and is similar to another enacted this year in Utah.,4 +13,Immigration is now President Obama's worst issue;,12 +5,"CIG SUIT SNUFFED, CITY MAY RELIGHT",4 +14,U.S. Is Urged to Promote Flow of Refugees From North Korea,13 +7,"A libertarian activist arrested for allegedly possessing hallucinogenic mushrooms while also possessing a gun was granted a $5,000 bond Monday, but associates said he might choose to remain in jail to protest the ""illegitimate"" charges.",6 +13,"Even in the 1960s, the NRA dominated gun control debates",12 +13,Gov. Matt Blunt ,12 +13,Bam near taking executive action,12 +12,An NRA spokesman did not return requests for comment.,11 +13,"Perdue open to haggle on immigration +",12 +10,College students risk future for gun trade,9 +5,The attorney for four Alexandria residents fighting a local ban against licensed guns on city property argued in court yesterday that City Manager Vola Lawson overstepped her authority when she ordered the prohibition.,4 +13,"It's a major breakthrough for the president to have come out in support of same-sex marriage; and so in favor of dismantling an institutional barrier to true equal rights for all Americans. (The last Democratic president, Bill Clinton, talked a good game but signed the outrageous Defense of Marriage Act.)",12 +7,"This lesson comes on the back of Ronald Lynn Williams, 26, who admitted to Riviera Beach police that one day in 2008, he didn't like the way four gay men next door were looking at him.",6 +4, is still not equal to that of their heterosexual friends,3 +5, and prosecutors,4 +6,Immigration works,5 +1,Agriculture at high stake,0 +13,"President Obama has used his powers to extend federal rights and benefits for gays and lesbians, helping a constituency that strongly backed him when he ran for office.",12 +13,CUOMO TAKES AIM AT GUNS,12 +5,SPLIT JURY CAN DEAL DEATH BLOW,4 +10,"""He has lived nearly half of his life on death row,""",9 +5,Ho w the cou rt ma d e y o u l ess freeLosing your rights at the Supreme Court,4 +5,"""This court's failure to make the specific findings necessary to justify the order renders that order unquestionably violative of the United StatesConstitution,""",4 +13,"Even as Republicans push for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, Sen. Mark Dayton is pushing the other way, championing legislation that would give benefits to domestic partners of gay federal employees.",12 +5," Because of the heightened legal standards involved, investigating law enforcement agencies spend countless hours and risk their lives to develop these cases.",4 +11,"It can't happen, you say? But Man o' War lost to Upset, who made the name for surprise endings in America. And, of course, Truman beat Dewey.",10 +11," ''When we filed this case, there were three states that had marriage equality, there was one Republican official who supported marriage equality, Vice President Cheney, and public support of marriage equality was in the high 30s or low 40s.'",10 +9,HILLSBOROUGH SITE TO HOST MIGRANT KIDS,8 +6,El Cerrito Journal letters: Stricter gun laws don't work,5 +13,WILSON GUN BILL VOTE SPLITS WITH CARNAHAN,12 +6,"Critics call gun law a killer, obstacle to local authority",5 +12,"And Tuesday, the nonprofit Everytown for Gun Safety and the Florida Chapter of Moms Demand Action released a poll showing 61 percent of Floridians oppose allowing concealed weapons on campuses.",11 +7,crimes with guns are the ultimate challenge to law and order,6 +1,"Man gets $ 165,000 in tobacco lawsuit",0 +4," Issues of adequate counsel, claims of innocence, charges of prosecutorial misconduct, trends of discrimination -- these themes persist in our system and prevent a fair application of the death sentence. +",3 +11,Arms Collectors and Hunters Gather,10 +3,Ohio churches hope marriage ban prods voters to polls,2 +13,"The meetings with Mr. Boehner and Ms. Pelosi offer a chance for the working group to offer a progress update and ""take the temperature,"" in the words of one aide, as well as run through any potential traps.",12 +11,and that youth smoking,10 +15,Good Sense in Tennessee,14 +2,IT TAKES A CITY (AND A LOT OF HARD WORK) TO ATTRACT IMMIGRANTS,1 +13,The Gay-Marriage Debate Resumes in Massachusetts,12 +5,to handle permit applications ,4 +7,Convicted Gang Members Urged to Help Teens,6 +7,"A day after it was disclosed that Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward had been licensed to carry an Austrian-made handgun that is banned in New York City, the Police Department announced that it had dropped its prohibition and would allow officers and private citizens to purchase and carry the pistol.",6 +10,The Children Left Behind,9 +5,End tyranny of the courts over people's laws,4 +3, The Rev. Jimmy Creech re-enacted a holy union here Tuesday night for two gay men hours before facing a church trial for the original ceremony he did in April.,2 +11,Report: 72 pct. of U.S. homes prohibit smoking,10 +13," +Gov. Rick Scott's official task force on public safety meets today to establish its mission and plan future meetings. That 19-member panel will put forth recommendations to the governor and the Legislature about ""stand your ground"" and other safety issues. +",12 +13,during a meeting of the county's Clean Indoor Air Ordinance Committee,12 +13,TOBACCO ACCORD IS NOT A DONE DEAL / LEGISLATORS' DIVISIONS COULD STALL APPROVAL,12 +5,"Supporters say court cases in other states make it clear that such language does not hinder reasonable gun controls, including bans on machine guns and assault rifles, or prohibitions against ownership or possession of guns by convicted felons.",4 +5,"After two days of struggling with its role in deciding the gay marriage issue, the U.S. Supreme Court does not appear poised to make much history. In fact, the justices appear reluctant to make much law.",4 +7,LAW AIDED COP SHOOTER License loophole led to gunman's 20-yr. stockpil e,6 +10,"His life gave Mrs. Cuoco a deep appreciation for personal freedom and self-determination. She thought about him when she heard the news about gay marriage, then decided she could support it.",9 +6,If Arizona's Law Succeeds,5 +10,"Mark and Keith have been partners for more than seven years and live in Tampa, according to Castor's office. Mark is a retired engineer and now serves on various boards, including Equality Florida. Keith is a Tampa native and owner of an architectural and interior design business. +",9 +6,would let people 21 and older carry concealed guns if they demonstrated handgun safety and met other criteria.,5 +13,"We've come through a very divisive election that left some people feeling excluded, disappointed and angry. That's reflected in Congress with the level of goodwill and cooperation at an all-time low.",12 +12,Those patriotic folks at the National Rifle Association would like to bring you the following public service announcement:,11 +13,President Donald Trump,12 +5,"Garner's case is one of thousands moving through the nation's 52 immigration courts, which until recently have been almost unknown outside the orbit of immigration lawyers, their clients and immigrant advocacy groups.",4 +15,YOU SAID IT,14 +7,"In this case there was an eye witness and a murder weapon with my nephew's blood on it. My nephew pleaded with him to stop, take his money, car and anything else he wanted. Unfortunately, the defendant didn't and a young person's life was taken away. The defendant had an extensive criminal record and was released early from prison for previous crimes.",6 +13,"Days after signing the new bill into law, Gov. Tim Kaine visited the bloody campus at Virginia Tech and shamefully warned against ''hobby horse'' politicking over firearms. ",12 +11,"""But generally, they're, well ..."" he says pausing, ""older."" +",10 +3,Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Uzi,2 +11, remained uneasy about changing the state's definition of marriage.,10 +13,"said Rep. Thomas Bliley, R-Va., the legislation's leading opponent. ""I don't think it will be called up any time soon.""",12 +7,"MAN CHARGED WITH POSING AS LAWYER; WEST ST. PAUL MAN SWINDLED $60,000, SAY AUTHORITIES",6 +5,"Hampton's attorney, assistant state appellate defender Charles Scheidel, could not be reached for comment.",4 +15,Where is the embrace?,14 +13,Effort to Renew Weapons Ban Falters on Hill,12 +12,Gay-Marriage Opponents To Boycott McDonald's,11 +11,IMMIGRANT DIVERSITY GROWS IN MINNESOTA,10 +11,"San Francisco Bay Area's LGBT community celebrates the end of Prop. 8, federal ban on benefits +",10 +7,"A gun-running ring that acquired hundreds of pistols from a dealer in Alabama and brought them to New York City for sale to street criminals has been smashed with the indictment of seven men, including two convicted felons from Brooklyn, on firearms conspiracy charges, Federal officials said yesterday",6 +13, if the council approves the ordinance.,12 +6,"For illegal crossers, a fence fits the bill",5 +1,BIG CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS RAISE PRICES 18 CENTS A PACK,0 +5,"If the stay is granted it would mean the new gun permit law is once again in effect until the outcome of the appeal, which could take months. +",4 +11, award-winning journalist,10 +6,The new Garden State law bans so-called ghost guns - 3D-printed or homemade guns that aren't traceable.,5 +7,"As Joaquin Arevalo awaits transfer to death row, his brother David sits in the Gwinnett jail, able to contemplate whether he will face the same fate.",6 +4,SUSPECT'S APPEAL IN KILLING MAY HINGE ON AFFAIR,3 +5,penalties,4 +7,Women Accused of Baby-Selling Used a Friendly Approach,6 +7,"Robert L. Delgado, a farmhand who had been born in Puerto Rico, was convicted in 1967 of shooting Officer Harvey Young, who was trying to arrest him.",6 +7,Death Penalty Recommended for Teen-Ager,6 +10,"""I grew up with very little,"" she told the Daily News. ""I remember vividly using buckets of water to shower.""",9 +13,The changes would go beyond emergency legislation passed by the council ,12 +11,Lily Tomlin got married,10 +9, But how many more children would be alive today in Jonesboro if two children didn't have access to an arsenal?,8 +9,Reno supports safe-usage tests for gun buyers,8 +9,A Matter of Safety,8 +7,"xford, who grew up near Tulsa, Okla., was convicted of first-degree murder in the 1986 shooting deaths of Harold and Melba Wampler, a Joplin-area couple who raised dairy cattle. +",6 +13,3 DEM MAYORAL HOPEFULS BACK GAY UNIONS,12 +5,"By telling the court that he found ''important differences'' between the two efforts, with the failed legislation much tougher on the companies, Mr. Myers provided Judge Gladys Kessler of Federal District Court an outline of possibilities for sanctions she might impose if she rules against the companies.",4 +5,"OUT OF U.S. DEATH ROW, MEXICAN GOES HOME ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT FREED AFTER 13 YEARS +",4 +10,"As a result, same-sex partners of federal workers can now sign up for long-termâ[#x20ac][#x192] care insurance and several other benefits traditionally afforded to heterosexual spouses, such as medical treatment, relocation assistance and membership with credit unions and fitness centers. Gay and lesbian federal workers can now take paid leave to care for sick or dying partners.",9 +12,California pre-election polls show substantial support for a March 7 ballot initiative limiting marriage to a man and a woman.,11 +5,"A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in Cincinnati ruled 2 to 1 that although same-sex marriage across the nation is practically inevitable, in the words of U.S. Circuit Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton, it should be settled through the democratic process and not the judicial one. +",4 +6,"The background check provision, part of a $ 1 billion juvenile crime bill, would affect 2.5 million gun sales, about half of all guns sold in the United States every year.",5 +13,"The White House has threatened to veto the measure, and it failed to overcome a Democratic filibuster in the Senate on Tuesday. Meantime, the Obama administration has ramped up calls on Congress to approve a clean funding bill for the department that does not attempt to roll back the president's immigration measures.",12 +9,Put public safety first by upholding veto on gun bill,8 +10,A STEEL VALLEY'S DEATH: MEMORIES AND DESPAIR,9 +11,Teenagers in The Times: February 2018;,10 +13,"Congress sets off tomorrow on a cross-country immigration road show with public hearings in Philadelphia and San Diego, Calif., to peddle two rival, and very different, border-control proposals.",12 +5,Manning granted a stay of execution,4 +8, Daniel told his father he was concerned because background checks were not required to purchase guns in some instances.,7 +13,They will research the issues and history behind gun control in the United States and try to predict what sort of bill might eventually emerge from Congress.,12 +6,"NO: State gun laws do the job +",5 +13,NRA DOESN'T WANT PUBLIC VOTE ON GUN BILL,12 +6,Smoking bans,5 +8,Killing called self-defense Auroran invokes 'Make My Day' law in brother-in-law's death,7 +5,"As testimony ends in Proposition 8 trial, both sides figure they won +",4 +12,"""It's crazy,"" she said. ""It's obviously more crowded on the street, but the real problem is the noise. If your apartment faces the street, it keeps you up all night.""",11 +14,"That's a long way to travel for target practice, but it's difficult to do that here in China, where restrictions on firearms are so severe that even possession of air rifles or toy guns can land you in jail for years.",13 +13,Clinton's budget to include $10M for gun control,12 +11,"In front of the Castro Theatre, the cast and civic VIPs stopped for interviews. There was Josh Brolin, who plays Dan White, the city supervisor who pulled the trigger. There was James Franco, who plays Milk's most significant other. Across the street, people waved ""No on Prop. 8"" placards toward folks who likely agreed wholeheartedly.",10 +13,"Members of the group identified themselves as Democrats, independents and non-partisans.",12 +12," Wayne LaPierre, chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association",11 +13,How House Members Voted,12 +3,Awakening of conscience,2 +7,Police Put More Gun Sales on Hold,6 +12,CHEERS - AND SNEERS - IN CITY,11 +13,INS: POLITICAL SCAPEGOAT,12 +5,"Although courts in other states have issued similar rulings, some legal experts said this one goes further in its emphatic language and appears to suggest that gay couples should be offered nothing less than marriage itself --- not a lesser alternative such as civil unions, which are available in Vermont.",4 +4,"In recent years, many states have suspended executions due to DNA evidence that suggested they could be executing a significant number of innocent people.",3 +1,TURNAROUND FOR BIG TOBACCO FIRM ADMITS THE DANGERS OF CIGARETTES,0 +5,"But the state's Attorney General, Mary Sue Terry, said she saw no legal grounds to begin new court proceedings against Mr. Giarratano, a self-taught specialist in prison law whose case attracted national attention when liberals and conservatives joined with him to question his guilt.",4 +7,The man who pinned down a 17-year-old Greenacres teen while another man slit his throat was sentenced Friday to life in prison for his role in the 2008 murder.,6 +12,County officials are still confirming the validity of more than 1.1 million petition signatures that both sides expect will force a November initiative vote to amend the constitution to prohibit gay marriage in California.,11 +5,"But a few judges think the Supreme Court provided the answer more than 40 years ago: yes. +",4 +5,"""I apologized to Mrs. Wimberly because we felt like we were, as a team, to come to a conclusion, and we could not find a way to win over the one holdout, "" Prevost, who voted for death, said while being escorted from the courthouse.",4 +11,Gays to Trump: You're fired,10 +13,Cuomo Releases Video Supporting Same-Sex Marriage,12 +13,"But in careful comments, he stopped short of reversing his position on the issue. ""I'm not going to make news on that today. Good try, though,"" he told a reporter.",12 +5,Suber found guilty in slaying,4 +10,"Last month, I heard dozens of stories of women like Mariela, stories of unspeakable violence and perilous escape.",9 +1,"With Move to Limit Gun Sales, Facebook Is Caught in Debate",0 +9,The bullet went through the 43-year-old Hungarian native's heart.,8 +13,Florida Gov. Rick Scott stays in sync with the NRA as he faces a reckoning on guns,12 +13,"It was hardly a surprise that the Pennsylvania House shot down last week's proposal to curb illegal gun trafficking, but when the votes were tallied, I was a bit baffled.",12 +5,"In a 46-page petition filed Monday, lawyers for the Alliance Defense Fund and Protect Marriage groups argue that the legal challenge to the ballot measure is a ""desperate"" attempt to ""evade the democratic process.""",4 +7,"James Lee Beathard received the death sentence for his role in the 1984 murder of Gene Hathorn Sr., 45, his wife, Linda Sue, 34, and their 14-year-old son, Marcus, while they were watching television in their mobile home outside Groveton, a small town in East Texas.",6 +5,"Tobacco lawyers, state now fight over escrow",4 +13,But political analysts say African-Americans' enthusiasm --- and turnout --- for the Democratic candidate could suffer. That's bad news for Democrats.,12 +11,"As Congress continues its debate over immigration reform and the president insists that newcomers assimilate into American society, we asked some immigrants in Atlanta to tell us what it means to be an American today and what assimilation means for them.",10 +13,"""We are going to have to go to openly gay [elected officials] in the Assembly - Danny O'Donnell and Deborah Glick - and call on them to publicly put pressure on the speaker and their colleagues to get this done,"" said the executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda, Alan Van Capelle.",12 +7,The only other option is life in prison without parole,6 +1,"The Coast Guard's $9.1 billion budget in 2017 would be cut 14 percent, to about $7.8 billion, while the TSA and FEMA budgets would be reduced about 11 percent each to $4.5 billion and $3.6 billion, respectively.",0 +3,"To legally validate partnerships that by their very nature cannot conceive children would dilute respect for marriage as an institution for raising children. Worse, it would dishonor traditional marriage by equating it with behavior that has been condemned by Western society for thousands of years.",2 +5,"David Lane, a lawyer for Perez, said Brinkley is simply following the law. Prosecutors can remedy the situation by seeking a protective order, which is routinely granted by judges throughout Colorado, he said.",4 +13," +Congress shoots blanks",12 +13,Govs unite vs. enemy,12 +5," +The suit, filed by 10 citizens, contended that only the state could set rules governing marital and domestic relationships. + +Carrafiello held that the privileges established in the city ordinances were not barred by state law. +",4 +13,Obama's gay-rights test,12 +7, that could be spent on other crime-fighting strategies.,6 +13,Letters: Anti-gun violence group backs Sestak,12 +9,Cancer program picks WellStar,8 +7,"On Oct. 20, 2012, my 15-month-old son's father killed him to get more than $500,000 in life insurance. On April 13, Joaquin Rams finally was convicted of capital murder in Prince William County.",6 +1,And a cigarette box imprinted,0 +5,Constitutions Second Amendment gun rights invoked in birthright citizenship debate,4 +5,"Pflugler, tried separately, pleaded guilty to third-degree murder.",4 +5,JURY CALLS FOR DEATH IN RAPE-MURDER,4 +13,"In Gun Debate, Divide Grows as Both Sides Dig In for Battle +",12 +13,"As of late Tuesday, no GOP House members have said publicly they would vote ""yes."" +",12 +13,"With strong backing from the Bush administration, the Marriage Protection Act was adopted 233 to 194. However, the bill is likely to face strong opposition in the Senate, where some Republicans joined with Democrats last week to block a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.",12 +13,OKAY OF PARTNER BILL LIKELY SYMBOLIC,12 +7,"Mr. Harris, 40, a former New York City correction officer, is accused of the triple murder while robbing patrons of a social club in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, in 1996.",6 +13,"State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R., Butler), who heads the House state government committee, vows that he won't ""allow the left to use this horrific act to advance their gun-grabbing agenda.""",12 +1,"For Marriage or Partnership, Fee Will Soon Be the Same",0 +12,"But with poll after poll showing that New Jersey residents are not ready to accept gay marriage, it would be more destructive to that movement were it to attempt to force the issue at this time.",11 +12,"""We are hoping today is going to galvanize immigrant communities who maybe haven't been involved as much in the campaign that's been going on all year. But it's also to show the incredible momentum for reform,"" said the immigrant coalition's Jacki Esposito.",11 +6,More Punishment Doesn't Decrease Crime,5 +7,WHY DO WE KEEP ARMING KILLERS?,6 +1,ECON WOES HIT IMMIGRATION,0 +13, Gov. Rick Scott,12 +5,The court took action on the case without comment.,4 +5,"President Judge Dan Pellegrini avoided the major controversial issues - the constitutionality of the state's same-sex marriage ban, the status of couples who have already married, and the state attorney general's refusal to defend the ban - and ruled narrowly that Hanes lacked the authority to ignore state law and must immediately stop.",4 +5,"The purpose of the meetings is to brief state attorneys generals about the status of the talks and solicit their reaction to details of the proposal, the lawyers said. Several lawyers interviewed yesterday provided differing views on the status of the talks, but all said they expected that a new plan would emerge soon.",4 +9, basic safety measures,8 +9,"The executioner's needle tore through Diaz's vein and sprayed deadly chemicals into his flesh, a mistake some witnesses said caused Diaz to grimace.",8 +5, testified for two hours Tuesday in defense of the zoo's arguments,4 +11,WOMEN BACKING GUN BILL,10 +13,Gun rights no clear winner for Christie,12 +13,Now Playing in Senate: A GOP Double Bill,12 +13,"Councilman Curtis Jenkins' application's approval,",12 +1,A Look At . . . Selling Tobacco: Curbing Ads Won't Work And It's Unconstitutiona,0 +7,Suspected Illegal Workers Detained at U.S. Bases; Investigators Question Employees Doing Contract Work at Military Facilities,6 +5,"The voice of the judge, beamed by videoconference from Seattle, crackled loudly over a speaker in the mostly empty courtroom near the detention yard in the desert north of Los Angeles. He wanted to know why Kheire had no family testimony to corroborate his asylum claim.",4 +1,"Wal-Mart, the nation's largest retailer, said yesterday that it would stop selling handguns in its 2,000 stores because its marketing surveys indicated a majority of customers now feel ""uncomfortable"" shopping for lingerie, sofas, lawn rakes and teddy bears in the same place where revolvers and semiautomatic pistols are stocked.",0 +13,DID GOV. RICK PERRY CHANGE POSITION ON SAME SEX MARRIAGE?,12 +1,"For gun-show organizer Ron Martin, the congressional push to tighten firearms sale restrictions has been great for business. +",0 +15,Till marriage do them part,14 +9,Study ties loose concealed-carry laws to higher gun death rates,8 +9,"Correll, who is borderline retarded,",8 +5,antidiscrimination laws in Pennsylvania despite deep partisan divide on the issue.,4 +5,1913 law could foil plans for gay marriages in Mass.,4 +7,Killer again gets death sentence,6 +5,As a retired state and federal prosecutor,4 +12,and advocacy groups,11 +13,Mitt raps same-sex marriage,12 +9,"By now most people are aware of the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. There are more than 4,000 chemicals (200 of which are poisons, and 43 which cause cancer) found in second-hand smoke. Haven't we been subjected long enough to all these poisons? Children with asthma, older people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and perfectly healthy individuals are all affected by second-hand smoke. The EPA estimates that 3,000 American non-smokers die each year from lung cancer caused by second-hand smoke.",8 +12,Why would Missourians vote for a law that they acknowledge will not make them feel safer? And why would they vote to encourage more permissive gun regulations even though they believe that gun controls shouldn't be weakened?,11 +12,LaPierre: More background checks not the answer,11 +13,"An aide to Representative Hillis said that although the Congressman had refused to sign a petition by which the lobby had been trying to force its bill beyond the committee stage, Mr. Hillis had voted for the bill on final passage. An aide to Mr. Florio said the lawmaker asked to be removed from ''this bogus list'' before the legislation even reached the House floor because he had never agreed to serve and his advice had never been sought by the citizens' group. Mr. Whitehurst had been unaware he was on the advisory council, according to his staff, and was neither surprised nor distressed at being removed.",12 +8,we stopped kidding ourselves about gun ownership offering protection against government tyranny.,7 +13,Session on Guns Produces Little but Discord in Albany,12 +13,Conn. Dem in elex push for gun laws,12 +11,Inqlings | Affleck and Damon as real-life Phila. lawyers?,10 +13,"CLINTON TO STUDENTS: DON'T START SMOKING< ""THREE THOUSAND KIDS START SMOKING EVERY DAY",12 +13,"President Barack Obama's sweeping gun-law proposals and executive orders Wednesday brought a range of reactions from Georgia lawmakers in Washington, a reminder of the heated politics of guns.",12 +12,Ready to Fight 'Tooth and Nail'; Area's Latinos Fear Effects Of Calif.'s Proposition 187,11 +6, that would legalize same-sex marriage,5 +13,California lawmakers aim to strengthen gun ban in schools,12 +7,Schumer Seeks to Keep Immigration Detention Site in Manhattan Open,6 +10," ''Smoking is one of the small pleasures they're afforded,'",9 +1,Costs of smoking outweigh any revenue loss,0 +7,Suspect had gun permit,6 +12,"""The other side, if you want to call it that, has captured the public forum,"" said James Liebman, a professor at Columbia University School of Law, ""and what you see in the press most of the time are cases in which there is no merit and lots of litigation taking years to plod their way through a thicket of legal proceedings towards an inevitable conclusion. +",11 +1,Medicaid,0 +13,Mrs. Clinton Wouldn't Block Law If Albany Backed Gay Marriage,12 +4,"declaring the state's capital justice system ""haunted by the demon of error.""",3 +5,"Theodore Olson, was enlisted to represent same-sex couples in the challenge to Proposition 8. ""We've exposed to daylight the paucity of arguments on the other side."" + +Andrew Pugno, counsel for Proposition 8, said all the plaintiffs did in the trial was ""put on a spectacular show"" that belongs in a political debate over same-sex marriage but is ""irrelevant"" to the legal issues. + +There are still a few loose ends in the case before Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker decides the legality of Proposition 8, the 2008 voter-approved law that restored California's ban on the right of same-sex couples to marry. The two sides have a month to file legal briefs. Walker then plans to hold closing arguments, indicating Wednesday that he would ""tee up some questions"" for the lawyers by then. +",4 +5,The attorneys for sniper suspect Lee Boyd Malvo asked a Fairfax County judge yesterday to hire six more experts to help in their defense of Malvo on capital murder charges and also requested that the judge prevent any relatives of slaying victims from testifying at Malvo's sentencing hearing.,4 +13,S.C. joins tobacco company action,12 +13,House panel OKs rewritten resolution on same-sex marriages,12 +7," +Arrests of 31 In U.S. Sweep Bring Fear In New Haven",6 +6,"Maryland will join 11 other states this summer in allowing undocumented immigrants attending public colleges to pay in-state tuition, and Connecticut's governor has said he will sign a similar bill passed last month in that state. Indiana's governor has signed legislation making it the fifth state to deny the lower resident rates to such students.",5 +15,LETTERS FROM READERS,14 +5,court challenges ,4 +5,"The death penalty on trial, a down-home defense and teens who kill.",4 +4,FAKE NEWS SITE SAYS JASON ALDEAN GAVE ANTI-GUN RANT ON 'SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE',3 +13,"""No one has ever tried to accuse me of being a liberal Republican or a moderate Republican,"" Bob Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee. ""I have only been a conservative Republican.""",12 +13,GAY MARRIAGE AD CAMPAIGN GROWS,12 +13,"WHERE DO HILLARY CLINTON AND BERNIE SANDERS STAND ON THE DEATH PENALTY? +",12 +7,e was 17 when he tied up Shirley Crook of Fenton and threw her from a railroad bridge into the Meramec River after a botched robbery in 1993. ,6 +13,Right to bypass Congress to reduce deportations?,12 +7,It seemed like a routine traffic stop when two constables of the Ontario Provincial Police pulled the Toyota Camry over on a freeway just north of this city because none of its three occupants was wearing a seat belt.,6 +5,"All defendants are entitled to the full effect of their constitutional rights, from the moment of arrest and at all points onward. However, that right should include the right to say no.",4 +5,INMATE PLEADS GUILTY TO 5TH MURDER,4 +7,"Thomas Trantino, 63, convicted of killing two police officers in 1963, is scheduled to be released from a Camden halfway house on Feb. 12, according to state officials.",6 +11,Tobacco Use Strong Among College Students,10 +5,"''The appeals court decision is the correct and proper one,'' said William S. Ohlemeyer, a top lawyer for Philip Morris USA, a defendant in the case and maker of Marlboro cigarettes, in a prepared statement yesterday.",4 +11,"Review: In 'Education,' a Fictional Protest That Pales Next to Real Ones",10 +7,"""A real version of that weapon terrorized our community,"" ",6 +5,The jurors were questioned briefly yesterday by Justice Anne Feldman to make sure they were still willing to sentence ex-Correction Officer Darrel Harris to death or life in prison without parole.,4 +1,Glock rejects gun-control pact,0 +12,"The United States is too open to immigration, according to more than seven in 10 respondents to the latest Voice of Atlanta questionnaire.",11 +5,Texas Judge Denies Charges of Misconduct,4 +6,"SSM WILL BAN SMOKING INSIDE, OUT",5 +1,An analysis two years ago from then-city Controller William Thompson predicted a windfall for the city as large as $149 million within three years of gay marriage becoming legal.,0 +6,"Current Georgia law requires licensed gun owners to carry their weapons in full view, with only these exceptions: They may carry them in a purse, briefcase or other closed container. The purpose of the exceptions, say law enforcement officers, is to allow citizens to safely transport their weapons from car to home or business. The exceptions were never intended to encourage concealed weapons.",5 +6,PARTNER LAW ADDS DUTIES FOR COUPLES,5 +12,PRO-GUN MAMAS SHOOT FROM LIP,11 +1,"Meet the wealthy donor who's trying to get Republicans to support gay marriage; +",0 +5,CALIFORNIA SHOULD LEGALIZE GAY AND LESBIAN MARRIAGES,4 +8,Who Should Be Armed in Florida Schools?,7 +7,Some investigators believe Sara Tokars was killed not only for her insurance money but because she knew about her husband's alleged activities in narcotics and money laundering.,6 +12,"Now that the million moms who marched on Washington have returned home, maybe they can all take a deep breath and look at the facts. We shouldn't have to keep going through this, but considering the amount of publicity the million moms received, the interests of reason should receive a couple of paragraphs.",11 +13,"The bill, which passed the House on Friday, was opposed by most Democrats. ",12 +11,"But the handling of the case touched a nerve in immigrant communities, where many parents have disciplinary ideas that differ from mainstream American views.",10 +5," Not legally married, because the District of Columbia government doesn't recognize same-sex unions",4 +13,Having the ban on the ballot in November could help GOP candidates by energizing turnout among religious conservatives.,12 +9," During the nearly two hours it took for an Arizona death row inmate to die last month, executioners injected him with 15 times the amount of a sedative and a painkiller that they originally intended to use, according to documents released Friday.",8 +3,Clergy and lay delegates of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in Texas conducted a similar vote as part of a national drive among conservative dioceses and clergy seeking to distance themselves from the Episcopal Church for its decisions last month on the gay bishop and same-sex unions.,2 +5,. Our constitutional heritage recognizes all of these rights.,4 +7,"rown, 40, was convicted of killing Richard Bethel in 1990, after Bethel allegedly insulted Brown and his rottweiler dog. Brown was on parole for another murder when he shot Bethel. +",6 +3,"The House of Deputies, half of the bicameral General Convention of the 2.5- million-member denomination, overwhelmingly passed a resolution recognizing that some people in the church live in ""lifelong committed relationships"" outside heterosexual marriage.",2 +5,Court blocks D.C. gun limits,4 +5,APPEAL HEARINGS ARE SET TO BEGIN TODAY /,4 +5,"Nonetheless, the high court found that the standards of decency have evolved and there is now a national 'consensus' against the practice.",4 +6,"Called the DREAM Act -- Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors -- it would eliminate a federal provision that penalizes states that grant in-state tuition to undocumented students. The bill would also give such students a path to citizenship if they complete two years of college or serve two years in the military.",5 +8, Lawmakers were only making things easier for potential terrorists and other sociopaths.,7 +11,Death penalty revival forecast 2 units would duel,10 +13,the Vadnais Heights City Council passed,12 +10,FAMILIES DISPUTE SMOKERS' CLOUDED JUDGMENT,9 +6,Get serious about writing effective gun laws,5 +5,"''Obviously we're very pleased,'' Gerald Zerkin, a Richmond lawyer who has been involved in appealing several death penalty cases, said of the ruling. But while calling it ''the first decision of its kind'' on the appellate level anywhere in the nation, he added that it was ''grounded in the particular facts of Virginia's death row.''",4 +10,TRANSCENDENTAL TOBACCO SMOKY CONTENTMENT AT CIGAR HAPPY HOUR,9 +13,PAWLENTY URGES QUICK FIX TO HANDGUN LAW BUT LAST-MINUTE ACTION ON CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE MAY PROVE CONTENTIOUS,12 +13, mayor of the village of New Paltz,12 +13,Ehrlich Calls for End To Death Penalty Halt,12 +13,Legislators approved two initiatives last month,12 +5,Marriage rulings won't tie all the knots,4 +11,CARDINALS STAMP OUT SMOKING IN STADIUM SEATS,10 +6,Texas passes a bill allowing guns at colleges,5 +14,Debating the Future of Handguns: The Canada Letter,13 +12," +About 700 Illinoisans from throughout the state - 70 of them from the Metro East area - gathered in Springfield on Thursday to pressure Gov. Rod Blagojevich to sign the statewide smoking ban passed by the Legislature earlier this week.",11 +3,Killing a non-killer,2 +13," I first noticed it in that series of ads from actor Charlton Heston, who essentially calls President Clinton a liar for saying the NRA consistently has opposed gun-control legislation.",12 +10,"dozens of universities, companies and municipalities in the New York region have quietly begun offering insurance packages to their gay employees and in some cases to unmarried heterosexual couples. The number appears to be increasing steadily each year.",9 +9,"Up to 53,000 non-smokers a year may die from heart disease and lung cancer due to exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke, scientists say in a report done for the EPA.",8 +10,"""My kids cried for three weeks, every class, every day,""",9 +14,five of whom are in Georgia,13 +5," In the United States, where Cuban cigars are banned",4 +5,"The appeals court stressed that the ruling was based on the particular facts of the Proposition 8 case, not broader questions of public access to court proceedings.",4 +13,An escalating campaign by immigration advocates against President Obama's get-tough policies (nearly two million deportations and counting) is having an effect on the deporter in chief.,12 +5,"While it is generally held that judges may not be removed because of their religion or minority status, experts say Proposition 8's backers have come up with a novel strategy that reignites a complex, emotional debate.",4 +7,Only he got sentenced to death.,6 +15,Same-sex marriage debate flares up in Silicon Valley,14 +7, He said that less than 1 percent of violent crimes were committed with guns that the provision would ban.,6 +8,"At issue is Trump's order that halts the U.S. refugee program for 120 days and bars for 90 days most legal immigration from seven majority Muslim countries with close ties to terrorism: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The ban on Syrian immigrants is indefinite. Trump says the move is necessary to give authorities time to develop ""extreme vetting."" .",7 +9, when a condemned inmate repeatedly gasped and snorted during a 26-minute procedure with a never-before-tried drug combination.,8 +13, Mr. McCollum said.,12 +13,Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger opposed Proposition 8.,12 +13,Battling politics rife on Texas death row,12 +1,Silence Is Golden for the Firearms Industry,0 +15,Blame game,14 +15,Gay Marriage,14 +11,Keeping Teen-Agers Smokeless,10 +13,"In Hunters' Havens, Gun Control Is Risk for Gore",12 +5,Other voices: Even bad laws merit a defense,4 +3,'A Moral Victory',2 +6,Town weighs boardwalk smoking ban,5 +9,Personal Health: News and Notes,8 +13,"Ehrlich, who won election last fall as a moderate, said he is ""generally of a libertarian mind-set"" on homosexuality. He said he opposes measures that seek to criminalize gay sex, saying that ""the government really should not be sticking its nose into consenting adults -- their behavior in the bedroom.""",12 +13,IRATE DEMS SEEK TO FORCE GUN VOTES,12 +6,SMOKING BAN RULES AND EXEMPTIONS,5 +7,Palo Alto Pro-law enforcement equals pro-gun control,6 +5,"Pa. courts still mum on gay marriage +",4 +12,"The NRA said in a news release that this amendment was punishing the victims, rather than the criminals in this situation. +",11 +5," It was a record-breaking day at the St. Louis County Courthouse on Friday as 34 couples filed for marriage licenses. Most of them were for same-sex marriages on the first day the county allowed filings to meet the new law allowing the unions Aug. 1. +",4 +6,"Lawmakers spent long days of careful deliberation over what kind of impact the civil unions bill will have on the civil esoterica of marriage, from insurance coverage to golf memberships.",5 +11,N.Y. TEENS QUIT CIGS IN DROVES,10 +1,"For years, tobacco companies lied about their products and marketing tactics. Now they're telling the truth but continuing to sell the stuff, which, in some ways, is even more surreal.",0 +6,"So if the Dodd case is not persuasive, then capital punishment truly fails.",5 +13,"""It's not happening. Plain and simple,"" said Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott. ""I can't be any clearer than that,"" he added, echoing Mayor Bloomberg's longstanding position in favor of gun control, not gun-toting guards.",12 +12, Fears exploited at immigrant forum Weld County DA Ken Buck attempted to whip up a crowd of 600 mostly white residents by calling out the crimes of illegals.,11 +14, importation,13 +5,A three-judge panel of the court in September struck down the District's one-gun-a-month registration limit as unconstitutional.,4 +5,Scullin ruled last year that the District's long-standing ban on carrying firearms in public was unconstitutional,4 +6,"Beginning in August 2016, students at least 21 with Texas concealed-carry permits will be able to bring their handguns with them into campus buildings.",5 +5,The plaintiffs' lawyers unveiled a model of a store to show the alleged disadvantage at which Philip Morris' program places competitors.,4 +1, A major gun wholesaler that has handled Smith & Wesson products for two decades says it will quit distributing the company's weapons. And many retailers say they'll stop selling Smith & Wesson guns.,0 +13,Panel advises N.J. to OK same-sex marriages,12 +7,"Juan, 34, and Ramiro Ramos, 42, were ordered to spend the next 12 years and three months in a federal prison, after being convicted of conspiring to hold hundreds of citrus workers as slaves, threatening them with violence and forcing them to work off a $1,000 smuggling fee. Jose Ramos, 45, was ordered to spend 10 years and three months in prison for his part in the conspiracy.",6 +5, who qualifies for the registry,4 +5,"SUPREME COURT, 5-4, FORBIDS EXECUTION IN JUVENILE CRIME",4 +13,Md. gay marriage backers court GOP,12 +6,PASS BRADY AMENDMENT,5 +12," ''If this bill passes, there are going to be a lot more grieving mothers and fathers,'' he said. ",11 +5,"In a second, more technical ruling, the court cleared the way for gay couples to marry in California, but left it to Florida and other states to continue to prohibit same-sex marriage. +",4 +11,"- Exchange on CBS's ""Face the Nation,"" April 27, 2014 +",10 +1, less costly,0 +9,"The man who died was declared dead at the scene, the authorities said. The other aliens were taken to local hospitals, where four remained today. The condition of the injured agent was not disclosed.",8 +6,Prop 8 appears headed for victory,5 +5,"After sanctioning more than 2,800 gay marriages this past week, San Francisco yesterday sued the State of California, challenging its ban on same-sex marriages on constitutional grounds.",4 +12,Same-sex marriage? Bullying? Voters don't care.,11 +13,"Kelly's spokesman, Vada Manager, said that though the mayor has not yet seen the final version of the bill, it's unlikely she will veto it. +",12 +12,"A large protest against the measure, Proposition 8, at the Mormon Temple in Oakland led the California Highway Patrol to close two nearby highway ramps. A patrol dispatcher said the ramps had been closed to protect pedestrians from traffic.",11 +11," feel I must comment on the article in the July 29 edition regarding the fact that,",10 +12,"Borrowing strategy from NRA, activists quietly overturn knife restrictions across U.S.;",11 +13,A limited gun control debate,12 +5,"A federal appeals court has granted a stay of execution to Philip Workman, a 47-year-old convicted police killer who was scheduled to die by lethal injection on Wednesday.",4 +6,Tighter federal limits on Big Tobacco are long overdue,5 +5,Justices Hear a Case on the Federal Government's Power to Deport Criminals,4 +5,Judge Dismisses Arizona Suit On Immigration Enforcement,4 +5,Federal Judge Grants Powell Stay of Execution In '99 Manassas Killing,4 +13,U.N. Panel May Approve Limit on Guns Despite N.R.A. Pleas,12 +1," +""Whole divisions and functions of companies and professional service firms are being relocated overseas,"" the survey said, adding, ""thousands of jobs are being lost or relocated.""",0 +5,The rulings show how much the tables have turned:,4 +5,"''We are ultimately left exactly where we were three years ago,'' the court wrote yesterday in its 4-to-3 ruling. ''The death penalty statute is unconstitutional on its face, and it is not within our power to save the statute.''",4 +6,Montgomery May Ban Smoking In Restaurants,5 +4,"why should I discriminate against their civil marriage? I shouldn't, and I won't.""",3 +13," Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg officiated at the wedding of two members of his staff, John Feinblatt, 60, and Jonathan Mintz, 47",12 +7, mandate prison terms of at least two years for the first conviction on a charge of carrying a pistol while committing a felony and five years for subsequent offenses.,6 +11,NEWCOMERS THINK LIKE OLDCOMERS,10 +13,"As Democratic lawmaker held the floor of the House of Representatives in an extremely rare, all-day protest Wednesday,",12 +13,"Gov. Corzine, who supported the bill, said he was disappointed.",12 +5,A federal judge has upheld a gay judge's ruling to strike down California's same-sex marriage ban.,4 +15,COUNCIL: SNUFF OUT EATERY CIGS,14 +5,"The lawsuit, one of many throughout the country that have challenged gun restrictions, took on the District's post-2008 regulations that banned large-capacity magazines and assault weapons. The city also imposed stringent registration requirements for handguns and long guns. +",4 +11,"They came in pickup trucks and they came in Volvos, some wearing camouflage and others wearing corduroys from Britches of Georgetowne. They came from all over and probably had little in common beyond their belief that",10 +13,"Mr. Dole and Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia strongly support the provision, but Democrats do not, and Senate Democrats have vowed to filibuster any bill that contains it. President Clinton has indicated that he wants to sign the immigration bill, but not if it includes the education provision.",12 +11,"There are more things that many foreigners are scared of or complain about, but I think it's because these things are strange for us, and we need to get used to them.",10 +13,"The back-and-forth has kept Nikolas Peterson from filling out his ballot at all, with only a few days to go before the vote-by-mail election. +",12 +13,Minnesota gun owners lobby for rights,12 +3," gays and lesbians have amassed sufficient political clout, and David Blankenhorn, testifying on the importance of procreation to marriage.",2 +1,Editorial: NRA feels the pressure as corporations sever partnership ties,0 +13,Mr. Trump goes beyond bad taste,12 +13,"Since last week's election, there has been much discussion on both sides of the aisle about the need to --- in the words of our president-elect --- ""set aside politics."" ",12 +5,"Earlier court decisions had found that the state's longstanding ban on same-sex marriages amounted to unjustifiable sex discrimination under the state Constitution. But the new decision held that the 1998 amendment, which was passed by the State Legislature and ratified by voters, ""validated"" Hawaii's discriminatory marriage license rules by ""taking the statute out of the ambit of the equal protection clause of the Hawaii Constitution."" +",4 +13,"Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk voices support for gay marriage +",12 +3,3 Illinois bishops abandon civil-union law appea,2 +12,"NRA spokeswoman Vickie Cieplak said the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action began sending out postcards to members Sept. 4 because of the coalition's ""anti-gun"" legislative efforts.",11 +13,"Brady became a household name as a crusader for stricter gun-control laws after her husband, James, then the White House press secretary, was seriously wounded in a 1981 assassination attempt on then-President Ronald Reagan.",12 +6,"Estimate of Immigration Overhaul's Cost Gets Mixed Reviews on Right +",5 +10,"""She's only ever going to be a picture at this point,"" Jillian Soto, 25, said of her beloved 27-year-old sibling. ""I'll never physically get to see my sister again. So when I see a picture . . . I cry. No matter how much time passes, it never seems to get easier.""",9 +3,The Durham Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) believes such legal attempts to define marriage violate the sanctity of the individual and diminish the sacred covenant of marriage. We hold that there is that of God in everyone and that every true expression of love between two people is an incarnation of divine love.,2 +12,Smoking Ban Is Popular,11 +10,I'm guessing you must have grown up with guns.,9 +13,"Then, the commonwealth passed the Affirmation of Marriage Act in 2004,",12 +12,It's not just kids who want gun control,11 +5,"An attorney for 19 gay and lesbian Maryland residents urged the state's highest court yesterday to strike down a law banning same-sex marriage, saying there is ""no constitutionally sufficient justification"" for denying his clients and their children protections that only marriage affords.",4 +11,Weatherbird's top tweets,10 +1,"Fearing sales losses if 35 known carcinogens were identified on the package, cigarette makers refused to tell their customers what they are smoking. Many found out too late.",0 +7,who murdered a 19-year-old college student in 1981.,6 +5,"Judge Fitzpatrick's ruling covered thousands of potentially explosive documents that involve communications between cigarette company officials and their lawyers. The companies have long fought release of the documents, arguing that the records were protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege.",4 +5,"lemency requests. +",4 +13,county commissioners,12 +13,"In Fulton, the county's health department held its final public hearing on a proposed anti-smoking ordinance on Monday. Board of health officials plan to make recommendations on the proposed ordinance to commissioners at an April 7 meeting.",12 +7,The Death Penalty,6 +4,"JOURNALISTS AVOID CALLING FOR NEW TRIAL / INSTEAD, THE NABJ ASKED FOR A ""FULL AND FAIR"" LOOK AT MUMIA ABU-JAMAL'S CASE.",3 +3," ""I don't feel capable of throwing the first stone. . . . I couldn't live with myself if I had to impose death.""",2 +15,CIG BIGS MEET THEIR MATCH TONIGHT,14 +3," a nun, a former Jesuit brother and a female priest not recognized by the church - said they wrote a letter to Cardinal Donald Wuerl making the request but have received no response.",2 +7,"That would mean Young would be confined to a mental health center instead of a prison, at least until experts determine he had recovered.",6 +6,Mercury News editorial: Ban on gun violence research has to end,5 +4,New Jersey's highest court ruled on Wednesday that gay couples are entitled to the same legal rights and financial benefits as heterosexual ,3 +11,"MORE THAN A MOVIE ``Milk'' captures the emotional heft of a man and a movement just as California passes an anti-gay-marriage proposition. +",10 +10,"For members of victims' families, he said, it ''completes the grief cycle.''",9 +13,"Hammer, who previously seized every opportunity to attack the popular proposal and promised to do ""whatever it takes"" to kill it, turned mum in June.",12 +13,One administration,12 +12,"Kirsten Curley, spokeswoman for the original anti-handgun council, said officials there learned of the name swap this week when they received an e-mail, purportedly from the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, that called for more gun rights. +",11 +7," a shooting rampage Wednesday in a Pittsburgh suburb, where a gunman fired a revolver in two restaurants and an apartment building, killing three people.",6 +13,"Single-subject rule ignored in House bill +",12 +1," to authorize materials payments for the new building,",0 +12,The trip by the first wave of 40 Parkland students,11 +5,"Daniel Vice, a lawyer with the Brady Center, acknowledged the temporary injunction is not the final word in the case. But he said the order's tough tone could signal that the law is doomed.",4 +7,They are promising to maintain their policies of limiting local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration agents.,6 +5,"BEATING VICTIMS SETTLE CIVIL RIGHTS SUIT TWO WILL DIVIDE $740,000 AWARD IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY INCIDENT",4 +5, But as a matter of constitutional principle I believe in a form of limited government that protects personal liberty,4 +13,"""I feel confident that we'll do very well when people know that we stand for certain things and we're not going wish-wash around on what those things are,"" Gallagher said Monday. ""We have two weeks to go.""",12 +9,The health panel also declared Wednesday that the deal's penalties for tobacco companies that sell cigarettes to minors are too low to deter illegal sales. The penalties are scheduled to kick in if tobacco consumption among teens is not reduced.,8 +9,"Children lost- They're going to die Mike vows he'll work to boot pro-gun senators +",8 +5,"Defense attorney A.J. Kramer declined to comment yesterday. He recently said that the defense team is reviewing all aspects of Weston's life. +",4 +1,"Capping a week in which smokers were booted to the curb in city after city across the globe, the Wegmans supermarket chain announced yesterday that it would stop selling cigarettes for the first time since its inception in 1916. The chain operates 71 stores, four of which are in the Philadelphia region.",0 +5,"But in this unconstitutional nightmare, the government never has allowed Dr. Najjar to confront the supposed evidence. In May 2000, after administrative appeals were exhausted, a federal trial court judge ruled in Dr. Najjar's habeas corpus lawsuit that he had been denied due process during his bail hearing three years earlier. Worse, at the immigration rehearing, Judge McHugh concluded from the government's summary of the evidence that Dr. Najjar was hardly a threat to national security.",4 +10,"ALL FOR LOVE GAY LAWYER TELLS WHY HER VICTORY IS SO SWEET +",9 +5,"""The right to life means not dying,",4 +13,"THIS IS WHAT I'M FIGHTING, SAYS MIKE",12 +7,Mr. Dugan is currently serving two life sentences without the possibility of parole for killing a 7-year-old girl and a 27-year-old woman.,6 +13,Kenney calls sanctuary city bill 'incredibly dangerous',12 +8,"Boeing waits for word on fence Government is deciding whether to accept first phase of border device. +",7 +13,"In his veto message, Perdue said remedies already exist for ensuring that tobacco settlement dollars are spent properly in Georgia. But if that were true, Georgia wouldn't be last or near last among the states on money spent on tobacco education and prevention from the tobacco settlement dollars.",12 +1,"And then there was my trip down to Turner's Outdoorsman, a sporting-goods store near where I live in suburban Los Angeles, to buy bullets.",0 +5,"County attorneys need more time to review the proposed county ordinance, said James McEntee, the county's human relations director, before it is further discussed. The Human Relations Commission hearing, originally scheduled for Tuesday, will be rescheduled for sometime in May.",4 +11,The Age of the Downloadable Gun Begins,10 +5,Some questions answered on the D.C. concealed gun permit decision,4 +13, there is a district attorney's race,12 +13,The Gun Owners of America has recently taken aim at an unlikely subject: health care reform,12 +11,"Beretta's hypocrisy in Maryland highlights crazy gun culture +",10 +13,"""The fact that we are willing to sell out our own citizens to the NRA shows how much command . . . the NRA has over this body,"" he said.",12 +9,Editorial: Washington U. decides to study guns and public health.,8 +6,"The immigration bills would be especially burdensome to small companies, which depend heavily on a few highly skilled people.",5 +10,"Six hours before the murders, they said, Ferrell, then 16, and Heather Wendorf, then 15, sat in a cemetery and drank each other's blood so that she could become a vampire in his group and so that he could fortify himself to kill",9 +13,Bachmann's stepsister opposes her effort,12 +7,Advocates also worry the program could end up deporting domestic violence victims who are sometimes booked by cops after a dispute.,6 +13,Bloomberg Endorses Republican in Heated Massachusetts Senate Race,12 +9,"Their main theme is that guns are safe, and the more guns you have the safer you are.",8 +4,OVERTURN AN UNFAIR TAX,3 +7,The snipers of Sarajevo in the war-torn former Yugoslavia had only just started targeting citizens when Nenad Princip decided to move to the United States.,6 +13," Georgia's Legislature last year instituted the instant check, which Cleland has said he supports.",12 +7,A 28-year-old Palestinian convicted in Israel of membership in the militant organization Hamas was sentenced to a year in prison yesterday by a federal judge in Philadelphia.,6 +11,NEIGHBORHOOD REPORT: CHINATOWN; Latest Wave of Immigrants Is Splitting Chinatown,10 +15,Daniel Rubin: A.C. deals a strong message,14 +13,THE 1991 LEGISLATION SESSION,12 +9, or histories of major mental illness.,8 +11,BULLET POINTS Spike rails against gun violence,10 +9,because of its well-documented hazards.,8 +8, Similar self-defense laws are on the books in about two dozen states.,7 +13,Boston Globe Endorses Hillary Clinton,12 +14,"If you want such strict gun laws why don't you move to New York or Washington, D.C.? You seem to believe that the stricter the gun laws, the lower the crime rate. New York and D.C. are great examples of how well strict gun laws against law-abiding citizens really work. The cities with the strictest gun laws have the highest crime rates.",13 +1,and bar owners fretting over lost customers,0 +5,"As a close friend of Judge Irving R. Kaufman from his days as an assistant United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, I had occasion to discuss with him the troubling considerations involved in his decision in the Rosenberg case.",4 +5,"The case became a cause celebre for death penalty opponents last year when a high-profile team of private investigators said they had proof that prosecution witnesses lied at Green's trial. Spurred by those claims, FDLE reopened the case.",4 +7,PIANIST MAY BE DEPORTED,6 +6,"Fewer cigs on board, airline thumbs down, a new train",5 +5,"But they declined to recommend whether the states should embrace the settlement. In anticipation that the deal would be endorsed, they were mobilizing to make sure states used the money to discourage tobacco use.",4 +5,"The county issues 83 permits to stores in the unincorporated areas, and the cities with similar rules San Mateo, Millbrae, San Carlos, Colma, Redwood City, Daly City and East Palo Alto have issued a combined 296, according to a staff report.",4 +13,"The full House could vote by the end of the month on the legislation, which has the support of both Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, Republican of Illinois, and Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, the House Democratic leader",12 +15,'GAY PRIDE' ARTIST AN EASEL WEASEL?,14 +5,A judge ruled Friday that Missouri's secretary of state does not have to set a vote on a same-sex marriage ban for August,4 +5,Judge rules against New York's gay marriage ban,4 +5,"Yesterday, the Supreme Court refused to hear Lackey's arguments - but two justices said the largely ignored issue was important enough to merit serious attention from lower courts.",4 +9," in the death of her 6-month-old daughter, Mary.",8 +13,Congress has the next move,12 +3,"A group of black and Latino pastors pledged Wednesday to rally support among their congregations for Amendment 2, the measure that would essentially ban gay marriage in Florida.",2 +5,"A federal judge in Kentucky on Wednesday struck down a portion of the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, ruling that Kentucky must recognize marriages that have been performed legally in other states. +",4 +5,Calif. Judge Backs Same-Sex Marriage,4 +12,How to Stop Mass Shootings in America: Times Readers Respond,11 +9," Attorney General Janet Reno wants a requirement that prospective gun buyers be required to prove they have the knowledge, ability and inclination to use weapons safely and legally.",8 +5,Couple intend to fight same-sex marriage ban,4 +5,Ready to Fight Gay Marriage At Court Door,4 +11,"For many gay and lesbian couples, the commitment ceremony is especially significant this year because of a bill before the City Council that would make some ""domestic partnerships'' legal.",10 +5,"The Ulster County district attorney dropped charges against the mayor of New Paltz, N.Y., yesterday for marrying same-sex couples, saying that a trial would be needless and divisive.",4 +5,This is not judicial restraint. Courts have no power to command the legislative branch to enact a particular law. That the court has given the Legislature a choice (the frying pan or the fire) in no way mitigates this violation of the separation of powers.,4 +13,Georgians can lead the way on Brady bill,12 +7, all victims of gun violence since the shootings at Columbine High School.,6 +9," +Where there's smoke there are restless babies",8 +7,"The Kerrys and their cousin Thomas Cummins were visiting the bridge one night when they came upon Richardson and three of his friends. The Kerrys were raped at Richardson's suggestion, according to court documents, and both sisters and Cummins were forced to jump from the 70-foot-high bridge into the Mississippi River.",6 +6,"Review all of New Jersey's gun purchasing and permit regulations, not to further rein in firearms sales and ownership but to arm as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, ""while maintaining public safety.""",5 +11,"""I stand with the Dreamers,"" Kardashian West wrote on Twitter in September. +",10 +1,"Black Friday Gun Sales Soared, F.B.I. Data Shows",0 +7,"An illegal alien who once worked as a nanny for Zoe Baird, the former attorney general nominee, has agreed to voluntarily leave the country, an immigration official said.",6 +13,SENATE OKS DEAL TO REGULATE CIGARETTES ALSO IN BILL: A BUYOUT FOR TOBACCO FARMERS,12 +5,"The limitations of the Second Amendment came up a few times during a hearing this week as lawyers debated whether the Legislature had a ""rational"" basis for passing the law. During the two-hour hearing Wednesday, Hinkle pointed out that the Second Amendment's right to bare arms is written in terms of preventing government from disarming militias. He said the Second Amendment didn't extend to self-defense against private persons",4 +12,Gays 'didn't expect support' President's words don't faze local same-sex partners,11 +7,"Tristan told police he and a friend, Juan Villavicencio, were picked up by Kilheffer while hitchhiking. Tristan said Villavicencio attacked Kilheffer after he asked the men to go to a motel to have sex with him.",6 +8,A single unarmed security guard was on patrol the day of the shooting.,7 +7,"Richard was put to death at 9:30 p.m. Sept. 25 for the rape and murder of a Houston-area woman. +",6 +5," the Essex County couple wanted the courts to consider them one as well. +",4 +10,"""The package of benefits, rights and protections is incredibly important to us as a family,""",9 +9,"Some of the bystanders thus splashed may be psychotics or socoiopaths, armed with automatic handguns, whose response will be to shoot anyone in sight.",8 +11,TAMPA GAY COUPLE MARRY IN CEREMONY AT REP. CASTOR'S WASHINGTON OFFICE,10 +11,"The Wisconsin Youth Tobacco Survey found 8.7 percent of middle schoolers said they had smoked a cigarette in the last 30 days, compared with 9.1 percent in 2001 and 12.2 percent in 2000.",10 +8,"The operation involved agents from the TSA, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Border Patrol.",7 +1,The Governors of Florida and California are planning to sue Washington for money their states spend providing education and emergency health care for illegal immigrants. Their plea is just.,0 +5,"Michael and Joel Stovall, 24, are expected to plead guilty Nov. 2 to last month's killing of Schwartz, 26.",4 +13,Ex-Worker Rattles Gov. Wilson on Immigration Stand,12 +13,WESTFALL TAKES CREDIT FOR DEATH PENALTY,12 +10,Maddux's three sisters and one brother broke into smiles as the verdict was read and said they weren't bitter that Einhorn escaped the death penalty.,9 +2,Arizona has been swamped with illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico,1 +5,"They do not demonstrate the folly of the justices' intervention in Roe. They demonstrate its necessity. +",4 +9,"Guns are the third-leading cause of death for children between ages 1 and 17, according to a study last year in the med-ical journal Pediatrics. The U.S. General Accounting Office estimates that a child-proof safety lock and a safety device showing whether a gun is loaded could have prevented 31 percent of accidental firearms deaths.",8 +7,NEW LEGISLATION AIMS TO CURB SALE OF TOBACCO TO MINORS,6 +7,NO SANCTUARY FROM ICE GRIP FOR INNOCENT,6 +13, The gun lobby and the White House both increased pressure on gunmakers yesterday in the battle over whether to impose stricter gun-safety measures.,12 +5,Prosecutors say they cut tobacco penalty to focus on future smokers,4 +9,"Exposure to cigarette smoke raises the risk among teens of metabolic syndrome, a disorder associated with excess belly fat that increases the chances of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, according to a study.",8 +5,Domestic briefs: Same-sex couples in Pennsylvania get marriage licenses,4 +5,FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN ADS GETS BOOST,4 +15,"China, Steven Bochco, Notre Dame: Your Monday Briefing",14 +7,U.S. Releases Four Iranian Brothers,6 +5,"''Our decision today significantly advances the civil rights of gays and lesbians,'' Justice Barry T. Albin wrote for the majority. ''We have decided that our State Constitution guarantees that every statutory right and benefit conferred to heterosexual couples through civil marriage must be made available to committed same-sex couples.'' + +",4 +13,Reagan. Reagan endorsed the bill last month.,12 +5,"A federal appeals court has ordered a new trial for the truck driver convicted in a 2003 human smuggling attempt that ended 100 miles southwest of Houston and left 19 illegal immigrants dead. The ruling means the driver, Tyrone Williams, could once more face the death penalty. A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled Wednesday that the verdict was invalid because the jury had failed to decide whether Mr. Williams was directly responsible for the deaths. Mr. Williams's lawyer said he would appeal to the Supreme Court.",4 +9,"Tobacco firms uncooperative, former surgeon general says",8 +7,2nd dragging defendant gets death sentence,6 +7,"smashed his way into the home of his estranged wife and, with her and their young daughter watching, shot her parents to death.",6 +13,"Georgia town's mandatory gun ownership law is just 'symbolic' +",12 +5,"At a news conference in City Hall, Mr. Bloomberg acknowledged that the practice had existed for years. But he said the city's lawsuit, filed in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, would not have been necessary if the state had been enforcing the law",4 +5,''strong supporter of the Second Amendment.',4 +13,"Supervisors approved Tuesday's first reading of the ordinance on a 4-1 vote, with Scott Haggerty dissenting. They'll consider final approval Aug. 17.",12 +13,"Connecticut's governor said he doubts the state legislature has the ""appetite"" to take up many of the additional gun control recommendations included in a final report released Friday by a state commission.",12 +12,"IF MOST AGREE, WHY NO ACTION?",11 +5,State rules out death sentence for mother,4 +5,". ""That's a constitutional right.",4 +6,"Your conclusion that ""young people do not need encouragement to use firearms to settle arguments"" defies logic and has nothing to do with this bill. +",5 +13,"In the center was Sen. Allan Spear, a history professor of well-chosen words and personal dignity. Spear usually sits in the president's chair at the front of the chamber, tracking motions, taking roll-call votes, keeping the Senate on a civil and amiable parliamentary track. +",12 +6,Immigration reform is expected to re-emerge as a major Washington issue now that the debt limit confrontation has passed.,5 +3,"A Methodist minister who faced a church trial for marrying two lesbians argued before his church's highest judicial body today that a rule banning homosexual weddings should be viewed as a guideline for pastors, not a law.",2 +5,"Next week, the prosecution plans to rebut that testimony by calling another girlfriend, who says she was afraid of Krebs and that he wanted to tie her up during sex.",4 +1,"""She's been a businesswoman all her life,"" said Her. ""Even in Laos, she started going into business (as a shopkeeper during the Vietnam War). She was from Long Cheng, where she had a store similar to what she's doing right now - selling food, drink, clothing.""",0 +10,"""He missed everything - finding out the sex of the baby, the first kick,"" she lamented. She's due to have a girl Dec. 21.",9 +6, a measure hailed by federal officials as the most significant federal gun licensing reform in 25 years.,5 +13," and he won't act on the measure, which has been approved by both houses of the legislature, until he has had thorough discussions with people on both sides of the issue.",12 +11,", the author writes: ""The fear of the other wasn't necessarily the immigrant next door. It was the immigrant they'd never seen.""",10 +7,The New York City Police Department's licensing division weighs applications for handguns from New Yorkers.,6 +6,"Tobacco Regulation, at Last",5 +11,"Greeting Ms. Praeli and the others privately before the ceremony, Mr. Obama kissed her on a cheek. ''We're old friends,'' he told the surprised group.",10 +4,"Sniper Cites, Fairfax Disputes Proof of Violation of Rights",3 +13,"Ossoff said last month that he would not make a second bid this year for the district, which spans from north DeKalb County to east Cobb County, and other elected officials have also ducked a run. But McBath's plunge into the race adds another well-known candidate to the contest.",12 +13,Christie ,12 +5,"""Even if it were meant to be a right for individual citizens to bear arms, that does not mean it's an absolute right,"" he said.",4 +5,Five things to know about the D.C. handgun ruling,4 +5,"''Federal immigration laws,'' he said, ''are often inflexible, arbitrarily applied and excessively harsh, resulting in the deportation of individuals who have paid the price for their crimes and are now making positive contributions to our society. These pardons represent an attempt to achieve fairness and justice.''",4 +6,STUDY OF GUN-LAW EFFECTIVENESS INCONCLUSIVE REVIEW FINDS NO EVIDENCE THAT LAWS WORK,5 +1,cigar sales have risen 30 percent to 35 percent each year for the past two years.,0 +13,Candidates weigh in on Obama s gun orders,12 +1,"This influx -- immigrants now represent 12 percent of the nation's workers -- is having profound effects on the work force and the economy, helping hold down wages in unskilled jobs and giving many companies the employees needed to expand.",0 +13,Mitt Romney issued a brief statement saying he supported aggressive efforts by states to fight illegal immigration.,12 +7," victims in Aurora, Colo",6 +13,The firearms legislation was a compromise between supporters of gun rights across Illinois and advocates for gun control trying to address violence in Chicago.,12 +1,SMITH & WESSON UNDER FIRE,0 +15,FOLLOW-UP ON THE NEWS,14 +13,Mark-Viverito refused to answer repeated questions as she left City Hall after the vote.,12 +11,Asian immigrants changing face of rural USA,10 +5, his legal advisers,4 +5,about the agency's sworn affidavit to the Supreme Court that it has no money.,4 +7, to be executed,6 +5,Jury Deliberates Punishment In Nichols Case,4 +7,"Marvin Hersh, 57, is being held at the Palm Beach County Jail and is to appear before a federal magistrate in West Palm Beach on Monday",6 +11,Editor's Note: Washingtonpost.com moderators retain editorial control over Live Online discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions.,10 +1,"3M Corp.'s St. Paul headquarters, employees",0 +5,"Setting up potential appeal, D.C. asks federal judge to reinstate handgun ban",4 +13,"Mayor Gives Scorn to Guns, And Money To Their Allies",12 +7," Ferrell, Heather Wendorf and the other three, including Ferrell's former girlfriend, were arrested three days later at a motel in Baton Rouge, La., at which point police said Ferrell bragged about the murders. +",6 +10,"Every day after school, Genaro Ramirez headed to the mailbox of his family's modest, pink home. + +He opened the little black door and peered inside. + +It was empty. + +This was his routine for several weeks until one day in January, when a standard white envelope arrived. +",9 +5,"Supreme Court on Tuesday. ""That's cruel and unusual punishment.""",4 +5,California: Court Rejects Challenge To Gay Marriage,4 +5,"The lawsuit illustrates a fractured, state-by-state immigration debate that questions how many rights children of illegal immigrants -- born in and outside the U.S. -- should be given.",4 +12,Mighty NRA revels in its death grip,11 +5,"""Tell me why I shouldn't go write the order now,"" Russell challenged attorneys for both sides. She then ordered them to file new legal briefs Monday. It is unclear when the judge will issue a ruling.",4 +13, Gov. Jeb Bush,12 +12,Pa. poll finds support for tougher gun laws,11 +5, granted an eight-month reprieve,4 +5,ASHCROFT NONCOMMITTAL ON ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN,4 +10,"In his letter, ""Secondhand Smoker"" stated that he had quit chain-smoking two years before he met his wife. Obviously, she must have been smoking at the time. If her smoking was so offensive to him, why did he marry her? If he didn't tell her before their wedding that he didn't want smoking in their home, he has no right to change the rules now. After all, he accepted her for better or worse, knowing that she was a smoker.",9 +6,A Blooming Arms Race in D.C.?,5 +15,ENVIRONMENT,14 +5,California concealed-weapon law allowed to stand by Supreme Court,4 +7," +THE BLUE-EYED HEROIN addict suspected of killing three people in a string of jewelry heists moved a step closer to facing the death penalty yesterday, while his sweetheart had the look of a woman whose life was over.",6 +5,Trial focuses on same-sex unions,4 +12,Anti-smoking crowd puffed too hard on this one,11 +5,Suspect in Colorado theater attack to plead guilty,4 +7,"Bail was set at $750,000 Monday for a Russian immigrant living in Eden Prairie accused of killing and dismembering his wife in February.",6 +6,"Killing Led, at Last, To Gun Restrictions",5 +1,"About $ 50 billion of the total would go for medical benefits, some for uninsured children.",0 +7," including the sexual assault of his girlfriend's teenage daughter. +",6 +7,Man in KFC killings gets life,6 +7,Murder Charge Deemed Likely In Death of Pentagon Officer,6 +13,"The largest concession by gun control advocates was the decision to set aside, at least temporarily, the bulk of the administration's gun control agenda because it had little chance of success. + +""We limited ourselves to what we realistically considered to have a good chance of passage--and accomplishing even that proved difficult,"" said a senior administration official.",12 +6,'Organizational Schizophrenia in the I.N.S.',5 +1,A prominent private equity firm announced that it was divesting itself of the company that makes the Bushmaster rifle,0 +13,Monday's scheduled City Council vote,12 +9,Ohio Killer Is First Inmate in U.S. to Be Executed With a Single-Drug Injection,8 +13,"The issue of guns--once seen as a potential winner for Democrats--is now threatening the party's prospects of keeping the White House and regaining control of Congress, according to strategists and officials with both major parties.",12 +5,No date for a hearing has been set.,4 +5,"Writing for a 5-to-4 majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy pronounced that ""DOMA seeks to injure the very class New York seeks to protect,"" and there was little else that needed to be said.",4 +13," More recently, U.S. News & World Report noted that Handgun Control Inc. is considering a name change and ""is said to be worried that it is losing the public relations war to the National Rifle Association."" ",12 +6,2 BILLS WORRY RIGHTS GROUPS,5 +9,"In fact, during the 1990s, cancer of the trachea, bronchus and lung overtook breast cancer as a killer of women in Minnesota. That's apparently due to higher rates of smoking, according to a study by the State Demographer's Office.",8 +13,"Sarah Brady, whose husband was wounded during an assassination attempt on President Reagan, came to the State House yesterday to promote a bill that would require handguns sold in New Jersey to be personalized so that only their owners could use them. +",12 +1,The keys to a knowledge economy,0 +6,Things are true until they're not: Gun laws are ripe for change.,5 +6," ''tells us that the punishment laws of this country are inadequate for espionage, the most heinous of crimes.''",5 +13,The Real Terror Threat Congress Should Confront,12 +13,The city council voted unanimously for,12 +13,GETTING DOWN TO CASES ON LEGISLATING GUN CONTROL,12 +12,"While the bulk of New York State gun owners say they vehemently oppose Gov. Cuomo's tough gun control law, there are a number of key provisions they actually support, a new poll to be released Monday shows.",11 +13, Directing a mayor who does not personally support gay marriage to personally campaign for it would be like the state Legislature ordering Jerry Brown to fight for mandatory retirement at age 65.,12 +9,"And Snus delivers a powerful dose of nicotine: eight milligrams in each pouch, a spokesman for the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, which manufacturers Snus, acknowledged on Wednesday. A pouch amounts to a single dose.",8 +5," The suit mirrors similar suits filed by 17 states, including Connecticut and New Jersey, and more than a dozen localities.",4 +3,"''I won't participate because I've never done it and don't want to start at this stage of my career,'' said Rabbi Schranz, 64, who has been a rabbi for almost 40 years. ''I'm not going to change, but if somebody else wants to do it, I'll support that.''",2 +8,"A senior administration official said the Reno announcement was meant to be a ""preemptive message"" aimed at persuading Cuban Americans not to head to Cuba to pick up relatives.",7 +9,medical and health groups,8 +12,his supporters continued mounting a communications blitz trying to save a man they are convinced is innocent.,11 +15,Mehlman apologizes for anti-gay-marriage stances,14 +13,"""Everyone's registered to vote - right?"" asked LaWana Mayfield, who serves on Charlotte's City Council and is that city's first LGBT official. She urged members of the crowd to make sure their friends get to the polls as well. In 2008, ""after we +",12 +5," permits,""",4 +11,And yet it has been another period of growth and entrenchment for capital punishment. Not since 1951 have more prisoners been put to death in the United States in a single year.,10 +9,Mandatory training and certification before any firearms purchase,8 +10,CLASSES TO ENCOURAGE STUDENT SMOKERS TO QUIT,9 +12,DEMONSTRATORS EXTORTED IMMIGRATION PROPOSAL,11 +5,"On one hand, courts in five relatively liberal states -- California, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Washington -- are being asked to consider whether same-sex marriages should be allowed.",4 +13,"In the Fight Against Same-Sex Marriage, a Strategist Casts the Issue Anew",12 +8,"MYSTERY OF THE MAN NABBED IN 9-11 SWEEP Immigrant 'is no angel,' says his lawyer",7 +15,UP TO SPEED,14 +5,"On Wednesday, the high court did signal it is narrowly leaning toward striking down at least part of a 1996 law that denies federal benefits to same-sex couples. But as was the case Tuesday, when the court considered California's ban on same-sex marriage, the justices devoted much energy to avoiding the broadest legal questions and possibly a substantive decision altogether. +",4 +13,"Mayor Pro Tem Lewis Cheek reversed his vote from a June 17 meeting and supported the benefits. +",12 +11,"Death-row art is a small but growing corner of the art world, where value is gauged by the artist's notoriety and impending mortality. For artists on San Quentin's death row, it's an expression of their breaking out of captivity, but for collectors, it can be a lucrative item.",10 +5,Civil Unions Begin in New Jersey,4 +11,"Of course, I do happen to be an Indian-American who wrote about Indian-Americans, so I suppose it made sense to present the book that way. It's important that the packaging match the contents; no one wants to open up a box labeled Rice Krispies and shake out a bowlful of Cocoa Puffs. The more I studied the book, as a marketable object, the more I thought about how, for me, being a writer is related to being a son of immigrants and how complicated the situation is.",10 +5,"This is really a guessing game. There are, obviously, nine votes we have to predict. I'd be more than a little surprised if any of the four ""moderates"" on the Court -- Ginsburg, Breyer, Souter, and Stevens -- would vote to uphold the D.C. Circuit. So that means we have to predict the five ""conservatives."" I think it's quite likely that Scalia and Thomas would vote to uphold the Circuit, and I think there's some reason to think that Alito might as well. Roberts has no known track record on the Second Amendment. Kennedy, as always, could turn out to be the person in the middle.",4 +13,Pressure to Act On Gun Limits Tests Congress,12 +6,St. Paul's proposed ban on smoking in bars and restaurants,5 +12,"and that, in each state, a majority of voters support expanding background checks.",11 +9,The efforts began after the botched electrocution of Jesse Tafero on May,8 +7," All of the 515 men and women Texas has executed since 1982 by lethal injection and all of the 361 inmates it electrocuted from 1924 to 1964 were killed here in the same prison in the same town, at the red-brick Walls Unit. Texas accounts for nearly 40 percent of the nation's executions.",6 +5,"Wednesday's ruling left unanswered how federal law will address legally married same-sex couples who live in Florida. Some federal agencies pin benefits to state law where people married. Other agencies go by state law where people live. +",4 +8,The idea is that people who are threatened in their homes have no duty to retreat before using deadly force,7 +7," +Gun violence triggers action -- but not enough",6 +13,"Last month, former president Bill Clinton joined the increasing number of Democratic politicians who publicly back same-sex marriage. Granted, Clinton's endorsement -- offered in response to a questioner at a Washington conference for liberal college activists -- was heavily qualified: Clinton said he is ""basically in support"" of providing legal recognition to gay couples. ",12 +7,Evil Roof gets death sentence Justice for racist church slays,6 +6,Gun Ban for Domestic Offenders Is Too Broad,5 +9," +SCANS IMPROVE LUNG CANCER SURVIVAL",8 +13,Trump likely to console victims but not offer gun law changes,12 +10,Critics say conditions drive inmates insane,9 +5,'STAND YOUR GROUND' VICTIM'S GIRLFRIEND RETAINS CRUMP,4 +13,"Two years later, Newtown has meant almost nothing to the gun debate +",12 +11,Facebook wins praise in illegal gun sales crackdown,10 +9,"No! College students are still young and could make split-second decisions that are not well thought through, resulting in death. +",8 +5,Judge Halts Terror Trial,4 +3,McGrath said the DVD laid out the Catholic Church's universal position on marriage to educate the state's Catholic community.,2 +9,An Assault on Everyone's Safety,8 +5,A MANHATTAN judge quashed subpoenas the city issued to a consulting firm - and slammed investigators for grilling workers about their immigration status.,4 +9,"Hours after a teenage gunman killed a student and wounded a teacher before fatally shooting himself,",8 +5,"he capital murder retrial of Rabbi Fred J. Neulander will be held in Monmouth County starting in early September, a Superior Court judge ruled Friday. +",4 +6,"Domestic partner benefits on rise San Francisco policy spreads +",5 +5,"A prosecutor will seek the death penalty against Susan Smith, the woman who allegedly drowned her two little boys, then claimed they were taken by a carjacker, her lawyer said Sunday. +",4 +9,"In his 1988 report, the surgeon general attributed 1.5 million deaths annually to diet. When people, just by eating, expose themselves to risks 500 times as great as that of secondhand smoke (and that's if the EPA is right, which is doubtful) they have no right to complain about smoke on the basis of a health threat.",8 +6,"Florida uses new law on guns, children",5 +14,What will their vows allow?; Same-sex couples with Canadian marriage licenses pose challenges to U.S. laws.,13 +13,"President Obama unveiled a long-awaited series of changes to the nation's immigration policies Thursday evening. While most of the details have yet to be announced, here's a general overview of what to expect in the coming months, based on information provided by the White House: +",12 +5,Three of the court's liberal members said that was a question worth the court's time but agreed that Madison's case did not provide the proper vehicle for that examination.,4 +12,Gay rights activists can be expected to pressure the president to publicly support the Maryland law in November.,11 +11,"Lincoln's 149-year-old address ""does an incredible job of defining who we are as a nation - 'a government of the people, by the people, for the people,' "" National Park Service spokeswoman Katie Lawhon said. ""When these immigrants raise their hands to take the oath, that is exactly what they are committing to, that ideal.""",10 +11,"Our neighbors, however, didn't all look just the same. Most of them were immigrants, and most were nonwhite; the largest contingent came from India.",10 +13,"Overriding the anticipated veto would require the approval of two-thirds of both houses, which in the Senate translates to 27 votes. But Democrats, who control the Legislature and have made the bill their top priority this year, argue that they have nearly two years -- until the session ends on Jan. 14, 2014 -- to muster just three more votes than they won on Monday.",12 +13,"Crist is breaking the ""Taxpayer Protection Pledge"" for governors that he signed",12 +1,Illinois just raised its tax by $1 to $1.98 per pack. Missouri is one of only three states that has not increased its tobacco tax in 10 years.,0 +10,"Roughly 22 years after Teresa Berrios came to Lake Worth to build a better life, the 50-year-old Chilean national is still looking over her shoulder, worried that she could be deported at any time. + +While she has raised four children, three of whom automatically became U.S. citizens when they were born here, her own dreams of being granted legal status have been dashed again and again -- most recently last year when a federal judge in Texas blocked President Barack Obama's overhaul of the nation's immigration system from taking effect. + +On Tuesday, like an estimated 180,000 undocumented immigrants in Florida and more than 5 million nationwide, Berrios was given reason for renewed hope. +",9 +6, repeal a ban on assault weapons and to weaken laws on concealed weapons. ,5 +9,Baseball Becoming A Health Hazard,8 +5, and ... to lawfully use it under state law,4 +9,And many families and friends of those who used guns to kill themselves have joined the campaign.,8 +11,"That is a relatively small proportion of the total number of people who own handguns. About 250,000 handguns a year are sold in Pennsylvania,",10 +11,Maps that show how Americans became less Democratic but more supportive of liberal issues in 2014,10 +13,A Hunting-State Senator Treads Lightly With Guns,12 +6," +What it does: Allows anyone who arrived younger than age 18, and has been in the United States for at least four years, to get conditional permanent residency. From there, if they have a job/stay in school/don't commit crimes, they can apply for a green card. +",5 +1,Taking aim at gay nups Pour cash into N.Y. in 'defense of marriage',0 +10,Young Migrants Risk All to Reach U.S.; Thousands Detained After Setting Out From Central America Without Parents,9 +5,"U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken's ruling left both sides in the dispute claiming victory. +",4 +2,Quota for high-tech foreign workers nearly filled,1 +3,"The church, founded as a meeting place for Christian gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexual people, does not discriminate. +",2 +9,fatal fire,8 +13,SANTA CLARA SMOKING LAW DELAYED COUNCIL MEMBER SEEKS THREE MORE EXEMPTIONS,12 +13,"The legislation in Sacramento was passed with overwhelming Democratic support, and was largely opposed by Republicans who make up a small minority in the Senate and the Assembly.",12 +9,"for tobacco because of the danger it poses, especially to children.",8 +1,Don't 'like' guns Facebook to ban private firearm sales on site,0 +6,"Ideally, a debate about immigration policy should come after that.",5 +5,"Much of the attention around the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York has revolved around the back-room politicking involved: the deals, the cajoling, the organizing.",4 +6, Bravo to Georgia for bucking trend of disarming citizenry,5 +13,"It prompted Marco Rubio to take to Twitter in protest of the rumors. ""Report that claims #immigrationreform gives immigrants free cell phones is false & reckless,"" he said.",12 +5,SOUTH CAROLINA MOM FACES DEATH PENALTY,4 +5," +But Assistant District Attorney Dave Davies said on Friday, ""We don't feel at this point it's a death-penalty case."" He declined further comment.",4 +6,Maine: Group Abandons Gay Law Campaign,5 +11,"Just under 21 percent of all adults smoke, representing about 46 million people. That's up from nearly 20 percent in 2007.",10 +10,Haitian Immigrants in U.S. Face a Wrenching Choice,9 +11,"Bannister is from Chillicothe, Ill. He gained some international recognition when he was featured in a documentary, ""Execution Protocol,"" made by English filmmaker Richard Trombley",10 +2," proclaimed a people shortage, and to fix it, he proposes recruiting tens of thousands of immigrants.",1 +5,"In lively arguments, the Supreme Court considered yesterday whether state curbs on cigarette ads are unconstitutional or regulatory overkill.",4 +7,"Daya Singh Sandhu, 33, was arrested by agents of the Immigration and Naturalization Service on Aug. 3, shortly after he got off a morning flight from Newark, N.J.",6 +5,"Fifty-five law professors from the state's public and private law schools have filed an amicus brief saying she's right. +",4 +8,"It has gone after the CIA, lax border controls, and gaps in the nation's air-defense system. Now the Sept. 11 commission is readying what is likely to be a harsh assessment of Congress for failing to grasp the threat posed by al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.",7 +8,"What works, and doesn't, to screen visitors",7 +15,Marc A. Thiessen,14 +13,Protecting gun rights: Bill introduced after Va. Tech shooting,12 +5,Oklahoma Bombing Trial Ends 3d Day on Jury Pool,4 +5,"They fell in love 16 years ago - with each other. But instead of walking up the aisle, they're now trudging up courthouse steps to take on the state of Hawaii in a bitter fight over their right to marry.",4 +5,U.S. again seeks OK to sue tobacco firms,4 +3,Compassion is lacking in immigration bills,2 +8,"Since bombs went off here two years ago,",7 +13,"The White House, meanwhile, does not seem to be suffering terribly from the president's delays.",12 +7,in enforcing,6 +7,Gwinnett; Gwinnett: Illegal immigrant receives 8 years on weapons charge,6 +5,JURY'S CALL FOR DEATH PENALTY SATISFIES PETALUMA RESIDENTS,4 +5,"Justices open term, hear case about drugs, deportation",4 +13,"Meanwhile, in an interview with KDVR-TV in Denver, Romney said, ""I don't favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name. My view is that domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights and the like are appropriate, but the others are not.""",12 +5,"""My office - I think it just came out less than three hours ago - will be reviewing that, see what happens next. There are a lot of other cases in the pipeline,"" Bondi said. +",4 +1,"GE Capital Finance ceased providing consumer financing for new gun-shop customers in 2008, and recently extended the policy to existing customers. The decision affects fewer than 75 retailers, which GE says is about 0.001% of all gun retailers. +",0 +7,"the local police have become increasingly vocal in denouncing the measures. They say the new laws expose officers to greater danger and prevent them from doing their jobs effectively. +",6 +13,"We have sided with President Bush, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain and many Democratic leaders in seeking a ""comprehensive"" solution",12 +8,PROTECTING HEARTH AND HOME,7 +1,as negotiators unveiled details that show cigarette-makers would be forced to write check after check to fight smoking.,0 +5,"He was required by law to give the jury's 10-2 recommendation for execution ""great weight.""",4 +5,Georgians should be thankful that they live in a free territory that fully embraces the Second Amendment,4 +5,A commanding voice against gay-marriage ban,4 +3,"Now, it's Adam and Eve. If it becomes Adam and Steve, the next thing you know, it'll be Adam and Fido.",2 +6,"The anti-smoking rules would allow smoking only in separate, enclosed work areas with ventilation that prevents smoke from circulating elsewhere in the building.",5 +1,$hot in the arm from 2016 elex,0 +11,"Time, CNN suspend Zakaria after he admits plagiarism",10 +5,"At that hearing, Holmes's attorneys told a judge they were not ready to enter a plea in the case and the judge entered a not-guilty plea on his behalf.",4 +5,MAINE COURT STRIKES BAN ON GUNS IN PUBLIC HOUSING /,4 +13,"The proposal would need the support of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, and if he agrees, New York will join a wave of cities that have recently filed such suits.",12 +7,an gets life in daughter's death ,6 +5,Trial reveals ammonia's role in tobacco sales,4 +11,Teen smoking is at its highest level in 16 years,10 +12," the sidewalk outside was packed. Supporters spilled over to the other side of the roadway. ""Gay, straight, black, white, marriage is a civil right,"" the crowd chanted at one point, followed by ""we honor this moment with love.""",11 +7,"In all, the children were able to buy 1,650 packs of cigarettes, paying for them with credit cards or money orders. All nonsmokers recruited for the study, the children bought the money orders on their own with no trouble, the researchers said. They also used prepaid credit cards or cards issued to them and an adult.",6 +13,"The president discussed options during a dinner at the White House with Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that included talks on tax reform, infrastructure and trade. Trump has showed signs of shifting strategy to cross the aisle and work with Democrats after the high-profile failures by Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act.",12 +5,"Yarris' case is just the latest example of why Pennsylvania should follow New Jersey's lead and give the death penalty a dose of sodium thiopental. +",4 +7,FOURTH OFFICER PUT ON LEAVE UNDER GUN LAW,6 +13,House Republicans Schedule Immigration Hearings in Border States,12 +7,Vietnam veteran Larry Joe Johnson died in Florida's electric chair Saturday night,6 +7,Death row inmate chooses firing squad,6 +8,the worst incident of terrorism in our country.,7 +5," Most of the nearly 60,000 Central American children who have arrived on the U.S.-Mexico border in the last year still don't have lawyers to represent them in immigration court, and advocates are scrambling to train volunteer attorneys to help cope with the massive caseload.",4 +13,DOLE SHOOTS DOWN REPEAL OF BAN,12 +1,"Back gun laws with cold cash, panel told",0 +12, Gay rights activists say they have failed to qualify a measure that would repeal California's same-sex marriage ban for the November ballot.,11 +13,Trump's Backtracking on Gun Proposals,12 +15,Immigration inertia,14 +10,CU sinks same-sex insurance Regents won't extend benefits,9 +5,"The Brooklyn jurors weighing whether a convicted murderer should live or die will begin hearing testimony tomorrow, when the penalty phase of the case begins.",4 +7,"In a move designed to reduce health risks and keep living spaces cleaner, the Montgomery County Detention Center will soon become the third correctional facility in the Washington area to ban smoking.",6 +5,Judge Weighs New Trial Against Tobacco Companies,4 +6,"Before long, you folks will draft an editorial policy on Brady II, the sweeping federal gun control bill that is another big step in the direction of a helpless, disarmed citizenry.",5 +1,"He explains that if you smoke only 100 packs of Camels, you will qualify for a $ 25 discount on tickets sold through Ticketmaster outlets. + +The industry has long said",0 +1,"Certain U.S. industries (think of agriculture, hotels, restaurants, hospitality and construction) are heavily dependent on immigrant workers. Just as global corporations are addicted to outsourcing, domestic firms and the customers they serve have developed an insatiable appetite for ""in-sourcing.""",0 +9,"A botched lethal injection in Oklahoma Tuesday left a condemned man convulsing for nearly 45 minutes before he died, ",8 +13,"Heston, 72, worked the aisles like a veteran politician as voting began at a tumultuous membership meeting on the second day of the NRA's annual convention. Dozens sought his signature, questioned him about his movie roles, showed off their babies and posed for pictures beside him. +",12 +1,"But Tammy Iskarous, owner of TR's Cafe in Wood River, said she made a decision that her restaurant would be smoke-free when she opened 11 years ago. She said the business had expanded to triple its original space and gone to 20 employees from 5.",0 +6,But right now that's the law,5 +13,"House Minority Whip Kathy Szeliga (R-Baltimore County) called the measure ""troubling"" and described it as ""an unprecedented reallocation of powers.""",12 +5,"Colorado, let's see some ID",4 +13,Texas Republicans squelch 'red flag' gun law prospects,12 +13,"With eight legislative days left before the General Assembly adjourns for the year, Republicans will try to force their gay marriage ban out of a Democrat-controlled committee and back to the floor of the state House of Representatives for a final vote.",12 +15," +The Gun Report: March 17, 2014 +",14 +11,"EACH DAY, 3,000 KIDS HAVE THEIR FIRST SMOKE",10 +14,ADVISER IN MEXICAN GOVERNMENT ASSAILS REAGAN IMMIGRATION PLAN,13 +6,HANDGUN OPPONENTS LAUD NEW POLICY,5 +6,Some 50 California communities already have such an ordinance in place,5 +6,Making Sense of Gun Control,5 +1,"records show that the number of people seeking to purchase revolvers and pistols since Jan. 1 has dwindled dramatically, primarily because of the law requiring Maryland State Police to collect ballistics information about each new handgun sold.",0 +13,PUNISHMENT DEBATE,12 +7,"This flies in the face of crime statistics, wherein more guns in the hands of good people causes gun deaths and violence to decline.",6 +2,According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture,1 +5,"Elian case could undermine rights of all parents +",4 +6,Clearing Up The Ban On Smoking,5 +6,New York State's new handgun law goes into effect today,5 +7,Woman charged in CU shooting,6 +7,COUNTY JAILS HOUSING FEWER FEDERAL PRISONERS,6 +9,lethal injection induces an agonizing death.,8 +7,"Those actions, investigators say, tripped up the state examiners charged with taking perhaps millions of dollars in bribes to issue driver licenses to at least 1,500 illegal immigrants.",6 +10,There are exactly 316 benefits of marriage.,9 +8,"Immigrants, Citizens And Security",7 +13,"The vote was not a clear referendum on the Senate's sentiment on gun issues. To pay for his amendment, Schumer would have taken the money from funds provided to public housing authorities for anti-drug efforts, a program some lawmakers were reluctant to raid.",12 +5,"The Bush administration in April proposed eliminating the automatic six-month stay currently granted to international tourists when they arrive in the United States. Instead, it wanted inspectors to grant tourists only as much time as needed to complete their trips, up to six months. +",4 +4,Fairness of the death penalty is still on trial,3 +1,given free to every casino patron.,0 +12,"They ran for their lives, now where do Las Vegas massacre survivors stand on gun control?",11 +13,"In his veto message, Brown cited the state's tough gun laws.",12 +13,"Hillary Clinton's argument in last Wednesday's presidential debate about a landmark Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment, and the vituperative reaction to it. Clinton was challenged about her opposition to the District of Columbia v. Heller decision of 2008 that struck down a law passed in Washington in 1975",12 +5, to petition a judge,4 +13," A weary Massachusetts Legislature suspended debate Thursday on a proposed gay marriage ban after two days of tense negotiations, the slim defeat of three amendments and an angry walkout by lawmakers chanting ""We want a vote.""",12 +12,Teens Switch Focus in Gun Debate,11 +5,National Briefing Southwest: Texas: Driver In Bus Fire Is Granted Bond,4 +13,Sen. Rene Kemp (D-Hinesville) took the action after it was clear a majority of his panel wanted to pass the bill and send it to the Senate floor. Kemp said he had an understanding with Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor not to let the bill out of his committee this year.,12 +12,Local backers of Proposition 8 disagree and say they stand ready to take them on at the polls any time.,11 +7, Punish the criminals,6 +3,One courageous governor,2 +7,SUSAN SMITH CONVICTED OF MURDER,6 +6,Kill the Dodge City bill,5 +12, by polls that show a majority of Americans supporting stricter gun laws.,11 +5,"It was the second time in two years that the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles denied clemency for the man, Troy A. Davis, despite his lawyers' claims of police misconduct.",4 +7,Shooting suspects denied bond,6 +12,BOTH SIDES in the contentious debate over gay rights will be tempted to treat as a sea change,11 +2,Census estimates a doubling of illegal immigrants in '90s,1 +7,TOP 5 AT NOON: EX-SUPERVISOR IN ADAM PUTNAM'S GUN-LICENSE UNIT WARNED OF 'GROSS MISCONDUCT,6 +3,"Today, rabbi begins the fight for his life",2 +13,Peachtree City to hold hearing on smoking ban,12 +9,"TOBACCO EXEC LINKS SMOKING, CANCER",8 +4,Don't Forget Gay Rights,3 +5,"About a dozen couples visited clerks' offices in New Jersey on Monday, the first day on which people were allowed to submit applications for civil unions, which guarantee all the rights and benefits of heterosexual marriage. New Jersey is the third state to offer civil unions, following Vermont, which introduced them to rapt national attention in 2000, and Connecticut, which quietly followed suit in 2005.",4 +5,"On Monday, he was in court seeking a new trial ",4 +7,"Lyle, 25, and Erik, 22, could be sentenced to die in California's gas chamber if convicted of first-degree murder in the Aug. 20, 1989, killings in the family's Beverly Hills home. They fired 15 blasts from two 12-gauge shotguns at their father, Jose Menendez, 45, an entertainment executive, and their mother, Kitty Menendez, 47, as the couple watched television in their den.",6 +7,Prosecutor: DNA links accused to crime,6 +7,; that it won't deter criminals.,6 +9, drug and mental illness histories,8 +12,32K VOICES SCREAM TO D.C....ENOUGH!,11 +6,"""When it takes 20 years to carry out a sentence,"" Bush said, ""it seems to me that the system has run amok.""",5 +5,THERE MAY BE A WAY for the Missouri Supreme Court to declare the concealed-weapons law unconstitutional without gunning down the state constitution.,4 +11,That is 22 percentage points lower than the high of 54 percent recorded in 1977.,10 +9,"The CalEPA report found that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer, heart disease, adult asthma, premature birth and sudden infant death syndrome. It also determined that exposure causes an average 68% increase in breast cancer risk for women under 50 and that some women who had not reached menopause have as much as a 120% risk.",8 +9,WALMART'S MOVE MAY SAVE LIVES,8 +15,Read case and decide,14 +1,"CORRUPT DEALERS, GUN SHOWS ARE TARGETS OF REPORT",0 +5,are waiting for the Supreme Court to announce two decisions this month that many liken to the landmark civil rights rulings of earlier generations.,4 +1,IS YOUR KID WORTH $ 11?,0 +12,both supporters and opponents are using those exact words to argue that the same-sex marriage ballot measure is a cultural watershed that will resonate far beyond California for years to come.,11 +13,"Gun vote was a beginning, not an end",12 +5,according to court documents.,4 +1,retailers who sell,0 +5,Pennsylvania has lost a U.S. Supreme Court appeal that sought to put a convicted killer back on death row.,4 +13,Immigration Moves to Front and Center of G.O.P. Race,12 +7, law-enforcement officers,6 +10,"""But most of these people aren't doing anything wrong. They're just here trying to work.""",9 +13,"Maryland AG Brian Frosh, the unlikely Grateful Dead fan taking on President Trump",12 +5,"The delay, 16 years after Tompkins' first sentencing, happened because Harry Lee Coe, a circuit judge in 1985, made mistakes in sentencing Tompkins to death.",4 +4,NO: Gay marriage ban would amount to sex discrimination,3 +5,"Seven gay and lesbian couples from New Jersey are suing the state for the right to get married, contending that by denying them the right to obtain marriage licenses, New Jersey officials have violated their right to equal protection under the state constitution.",4 +13,STATES READY TO ABANDON TOBACCO TALKS AS 'CAVE-IN',12 +5,"The latest testimony against the death penalty comes from a most credible witness: Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who has supported capital punishment since she went on the bench 20 years ago and has been the swing vote on several rulings that loosened restraints on application of the death penalty.",4 +13,"On same-sex marriage, many think Obama may shift again",12 +7,"Otherwise, he would be set to receive a lethal injection and become the first federal prisoner executed in 37 years.",6 +7,". Correll had been scheduled to die today for the 1985 killings in Orlando of his ex-wife, daughter and two other people.",6 +12,"""I don't care about their personal views, I care about how they spend their money,"" Benjamin Cobb of Atlanta said as he protested with about 30 others outside the Chick-fil-A in Decatur.",11 +13,The Democrats and Gun Control,12 +5,"The court also set oral arguments in the Wisconsin case for Aug. 26 in Chicago. Each side will have 20 minutes to present its case, though the order noted that judges may decide that less time is required after reading legal briefs that have been submitted. +",4 +7, crackdown on illicit guns,6 +11,", his Hollywood acting career ",10 +1, to raise money,0 +5,"Now, one thing is plain as daylight. Ain't nobody gonna die until the court rules, and that might not come until way late next spring or summer.",4 +13,House votes to punish 'sanctuary cities',12 +11,School to host death penalty discussion,10 +9,"The average nicotine yield of 16 Marlboro brands consistently reported for the entire time period was 1.81 milligrams in 1997; in 2006, it was also 1.81 milligrams. Thus, the average nicotine yield of these cigarettes in 2006 was exactly the same as in 1997, nine years earlier.",8 +4,"Joni Hersch, a law and economics professor at Vanderbilt University, looked at a government survey of 2,084 legal immigrants to the United States from around the world and found that those with the lightest skin earned an average of 8 percent to 15 percent more than similar immigrants with darker skin.",3 +5, Some of the state's smallest counties aren't prepared to issue concealed-carry permits even though a law giving them that responsibility took effect last week.,4 +13,Romney Revises Position on Deporting Young Illegal Immigrants,12 +1,"The paper found there were few rules prohibiting any of it, and no power of oversight from the state treasurer's office, which administers the fund. The investigation also found significant loopholes in current rules, including the fact that, while attorneys are limited in what they can charge per hour from the fund, the private investigators and others that they hire are not.",0 +12,Gun-control supporters march on City Hall in N.Y.,11 +10,atching Mr. Tillis was a little like watching a ghost. He stood stoically in a bitter cold wind coming off the East River. ,9 +11,"Unfortunately, Darling sees Major League Baseball and other professional sports as behind New York State in its attitudes toward gays, and believes that most athletes are not yet enlightened enough to accept an openly gay teammate.",10 +5,The measure was an outgrowth of a settlement reached a year ago between tobacco companies and the attorneys general of most states.,4 +4,"FOR THE crime of appearing Hispanic, Roxana Santos, a native of El Salvador, attracted the attention of Frederick County sheriff's deputies in 2008. At the time she was noticed and racially profiled by the deputies, Ms. Santos was doing nothing more than sitting on a curb and eating a sandwich outside the food co-op in Frederick where she worked as a dishwasher.",3 +13," +LAW'S BACKERS JOIN PANEL",12 +5,"North was convicted in 1991 for his role in the Iran-contra arms-for- hostages deal, but the verdict was overturned on appeal.",4 +7," +PRIMARY",6 +10,"The announcement marked the union of Frank Mavro and John Michael Schuler of Largo, who were married Oct. 29 at Two Hearts Wedding Chapel in Niagara Falls, Canada.",9 +13,G.O.P. Candidates Say They Hired Illegal Aliens,12 +7,"Lewis D. Schiliro, assistant director in charge of the FBI's New York office, said the men were being tracked by the largest contingent of agents his agency had ever sent abroad to investigate a crime.",6 +13,"We sent Rubio's spokesman a summary of our findings, and he noted a similar fact-check we did in 2012. Immigration has been such a hot topic in the 2016 presidential race, though, that we decided to take a fresh look at the numbers.",12 +9,"In March, Mr. Schilling, now 31, was told by a dentist to undergo a biopsy. The dentist was worried that a two-inch lesion across the athlete's lower gums might be cancerous. +",8 +4,"Rosenblum said he wanted to know when the relationship began because it has ""direct bearing"" on Guy Westmoreland's appeal of an earlier conviction and his pending murder trial.",3 +7, last night became the first inmate in the country to be executed based on evidence sent blindly to a state's criminal DNA database.,6 +12,"In the face of protests from cities and towns around the state,",11 +4,Case is reopened 10 years after man was executed,3 +12,Same-sex marriage foes file paperwork to raise donations to promote constitutional ban,11 +13," That bill, passed by the General Assembly last month and sent to McAuliffe for action, was sponsored by Sen. Richard H. Stuart (R-Stafford), who was not happy with the amendment.",12 +6,Cities move to restrict firearms in flood plains,5 +15,"Gay marriage, pot make progress",14 +11,"TV is too violent even without executions +",10 +1,"Under a proposal presented by Allen, 50 percent of the settlement funds, instead of 25 percent, would be directed to the tobacco trust fund through 2005, with only 25 percent going to the charitable foundation.",0 +8,"""This act of terrorism cannot, must not and will not be tolerated in New York State,"" Mr. Pataki said. ""When the individuals responsible for this heinous act of terrorism are caught and brought to justice they should get the strongest sentence possible -- the death penalty.""",7 +7,"Doody was convicted July 12 in the slayings of the Thai monks, an elderly nun and two young helpers at the temple.",6 +15,Same-Sex Marriages,14 +6,Better not mess with Texas' gun laws,5 +5,Ruling Spares Two Men on Death Row in Colorado,4 +13,"CANDIDATE, NOT GUN ISSUE, LOST IN CALIF.",12 +5," Maryland would join five other states and the District in allowing same-sex marriages. +",4 +7,Student slaying: One more reason to control guns,6 +7,"The customer: Gerald Terrell Jones, then 17. He has been arrested 22 times since age 11. He said he had $500 in his pocket but wanted only $100 worth of Drake's weed.",6 +6,"Under current law, would-be immigrants and their American sponsors generally cannot appeal decisions of consular officers who deny applications for visas. The panel would allow such appeals in some cases.",5 +5,"They point to the word ""militia"" in the Second Amendment to justify this assertion and seem astounded that I can believe that the militias referred to in the Second Amendment were for the purpose of defending frontier society against incursions by hostile neighbors. Or that the words ""well-regulated"" in the amendment indicate that the right to keep and bear arms might not be absolute.",4 +13,"The Senate is likely again to approve bipartisan gun safety measures, including a bill to close the loophole that allows buyers at gun shows to avoid background checks. The House will be a tough battle, and we hope that President Bush lives up to his promise to close the gun-show loophole and take other steps to reduce gun violence.",12 +13,N.J. Legislature Votes to Allow Same-Sex Unions,12 +13,Do unto Congress as Rubio wants to do to D.C.,12 +4," ""ability to select a fair and impartial jury in this case has not been compromised.""",3 +7,Mr. Felde was convicted of shooting a policeman in the back in Shreveport while handcuffed and on his way to jail for drunkenness.,6 +9, that all persons who might legitimately qualify for assistance under the social services definition of mental retardation,8 +8,allowing people to carry guns in more places.,7 +1,Medicare Fee Rise Urged for Smokers,0 +13,"In Missouri, a candidate for U.S. Senate is giving away a machine that makes guns",12 +5,"A lawsuit was filed here on Wednesday on behalf of American Indian tribes seeking a share of the $206 billion agreement reached last year between the tobacco industry and 46 states, lawyers say.",4 +1,"Year-end gun sales, checks surge to record levels",0 +7,"Many of the ""hits"" turn out to be a case of mistaken identity or a misdemeanor matter, such as an unpaid traffic ticket.",6 +10,"""I worry about that every day,"" said Aldana, 27. ""I don't know if they'll get me today, tomorrow. ... Seeing this today? It gives me hope."" +",9 +7,which suspend the licenses of under-21 drivers who have any trace of alcohol in their bloo,6 +13,according to Castor's office.,12 +12,"''Certainly this is an emotional issue and an important issue for many New Yorkers,'' ",11 +7,County's undocumented workers say they aren't here to 'steal',6 +12,Columbine dad to protest Bush for end of ban,11 +13,"Manchin: 'We will not get the votes' on gun compromise +",12 +1,"The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, according to a new audit - almost quadruple the sum five years ago.",0 +13,"Immigration 'Nirvana,' Lost; Thanks largely to Democrats, the Senate missed an opportunity.",12 +13,Whenever gay marriage re-emerges so does fierce political warfare.,12 +5,"A Clayton County judge must grant a gun license to a man with a prior felony conviction because he had his civil rights restored, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled Monday. +",4 +11,Stopping for a Smoke on the Road to Popularity,10 +15,Today's topic is smoke and mirrors -- with a side of fries,14 +6,A tougher application process helps to keep those numbers from growing even higher.,5 +13,Colorado House passes gun-control measures,12 +9,"said Berglund, whose kids attended Sandy Hook Elementary School decades earlier.",8 +1,BURNOUT OF CIGAR BOOM SENDS HOLT'S PRIVATE AGAIN,0 +1,Job Search Lures Mexicans to Far Corners of U.S.,0 +7,"The number of illegal immigrants turned over to federal authorities by the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office went up sharply last year with the addition of a small team of federally trained sheriff's deputies, according to figures released this week.",6 +5,Opponents Sue to Postpone Changes in Immigration Policy,4 +1," +Comic's serious issue: Gun sales",0 +7,Sweatshops proliferate around the city and employers allegedly threaten undocumented employees with deportation if they unionize.,6 +5,DEATH PENALTY PHASE BEGINS IN KLAAS CASE DEFENSE CALLS DAVIS 'DAMAGED HUMAN BEING',4 +1,"There is no limit under current law on local tax that Virginia cities and towns can impose on cigarette sales. But as the state grapples with a $ 1.2 billion budget shortfall, state legislators are weighing several bills that would raise the state tax -- at 2.5 cents a pack, the nation's lowest -- and limit what cities, towns and counties can do.",0 +5,Prop. 8 trial Day 10: Live coverage from the courtroom,4 +11,"Pistol-packing fever side effect of Brady Act Permit requests increase sharply in response to legislation, crime",10 +5,New judge to take over lethal injection challenge,4 +8,Missouri to join 25 states that have made it easier for people to use deadly force to defend themselves.,7 +7,"In addition, about 446 of the illegal immigrants identified for deportation were arrested on charges of simple assault, 90 on charges of aggravated assault and 30 on charges of aggravated robbery. Thirteen were arrested on charges of sexual assault on a child. Seven were arrested on murder charges, including one man who was wanted for a killing in Mexico.",6 +9,"Allina, the state's largest health care provider, is removing the plush outdoor smoking shelters as part of its plan to go tobacco-free on July 1, said spokesman Vince Rivard.",8 +13," and even Senator Dianne Feinstein, one of the most respected Democrats in the state.",12 +9,"Idaho professor shoots himself in foot two months after state legalizes guns on campuses +",8 +5,The Supreme Court agreed yesterday to review for the second time the death penalty case of a convicted Texas killer whose sentence the justices had previously overturned.,4 +5,Backers Revise Amendment on Marriage,4 +12,The NRA's dead aim,11 +5,"Mr. Pitera, a martial-arts expert known as Tommy Karate, shook hands with his lawyers after the verdict, told them that he was optimistic about winning an appeal and flashed a thumbs-up sign at spectators in the courtroom.",4 +7,"Bacon was scheduled to die by injection early Friday for fatally stabbing Glennie Clark in Onslow County in 1987. +",6 +14,"Can you compare that number with the executions in some other countries, such as England, France, Germany and Canada?",13 +1,"In a series on multiple-handgun purchases that ran in December, The Denver Post reported that Fiessinger had evaded identification as a bulk purchaser by buying one handgun a week from the same gun store.",0 +12,Supporters,11 +7,"On June 13, 1990, Montijo was visiting a friend in Hunting Park when he saw LaCava, whom the officer knew to be a convicted drug dealer, sitting on a step in the 4000 block of North Fairhill Street. LaCava was holding a gun.",6 +4,"One of those six exonerated was my client, Nicholas Yarris, who grew up in Southwest Philadelphia. Yarris spent 21 years on death row for a terrible kidnap-rape-murder he did not commit. He lost appeal after appeal, including multiple efforts to win disclosure and testing of the killer's gloves. Finally, in 2003, DNA examination of that evidence cleared him of the crime for which he had been sentenced to die. +",3 +13, unloaded on Sen. Mark Rubio (photo) for being a proponent of semiautomatic rifles and for pocketing money from the National Rifle Associa-tion.,12 +1,TAX CUTS OVER YOUNG LIVES,0 +11,"Illegal immigrant population in U.S. drops, report says",10 +9,Study on Nicotine Levels Stirs Calls for New Controls,8 +6,An earlier law banned all indoor smoking except in private homes.,5 +7,A high school student who caught his principal apparently breaking a state antismoking law was suspended after posting photographs on the Internet.,6 +6,A holistic approach to immigration,5 +5," in a statement released by his lawyer, Catherine Recker.",4 +13,"Despite a last-minute push by President Bush, the amendment failed to get the 60 votes needed to overcome procedural objections, let alone the 67 needed to begin the process of altering the Constitution.",12 +1,Registry protects legal immigrants,0 +5, A workshop is planned Saturday to provide information on how certain undocumented immigrants can apply to remove the threat of deportation.,4 +5,A Death Row attorney representing a convicted police killer scheduled to be the next inmate executed in Florida's electric chair asked the Florida Supreme Court Thursday to hold a hearing on whether the device is constitutional.,4 +8,but soon was caught by Border Patrol agents after four weeks of hard labor.,7 +13,Pa. legislature seen as unlikely to allow gay marriage,12 +13,"District officials, including Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D), Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) and Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey, condemned Goode's amendment yesterday as one of the worst assaults ever on home rule and warned that approval of the measure would aggravate gun violence in a crime-besieged city.",12 +7,California Bar-Goers Puff Away Despite Ban,6 +7,HB 1247 would prohibit anybody from providing a handgun to or permitting a juvenile to possess a handgun if the provider has knowledge the juvenile is likely to use the handgun to commit a crime.,6 +13,"The advocates said they are seeking the support of Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D). His spokesman, Tony Bullock, said, ""In general, he supports restrictions on smoking in the workplace, but he wants to take a closer look before he takes a firm position.""",12 +5,"""This man's been waiting since 2004,"" Miller said. ""This man has rights.""",4 +11,Hollywood celebrities,10 +9,CANCER SOCIETY FORESEES A MILLION LIVES SAVED,8 +1,"The cuts are proposed even as the planned budget for the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees all of them, grows 6.4 percent to $43.8 billion, according to the plan, which was obtained by The Washington Post. Some $2.9 billion of that would go to building the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, with $1.9 billion funding ""immigration detention beds"" and other Immigration and Customs Enforcement expenses and $285 million set aside to hire 500 more Border Patrol agents and 1,000 more ICE agents and support staffers. +",0 +5,"The man was just exercising his Second Amendment rights, after all!",4 +5,Same-sex marriage is now legal in 32 states and the District of Columbia.,4 +9,Execution chamber becomes a laboratory,8 +1,Guns sales surge after Colorado shooting,0 +13,"""The women of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives",12 +5,"The head of America's smallest cigarette company testified Monday he broke ranks with the tobacco industry because he ""didn't want to have to go to court and lie"" about smoking.",4 +8,THE SPARSE WATCH ON AMERICA'S BORDERS 4/bl; by Hamilton Fish Jr.,7 +13,A bill preventing Louisiana cities from suing the gun industry breezed through the state Senate without fanfare or a dissenting vote Wednesday night.,12 +8, killing during a terrorist ac,7 +1,"At the same time, the association representing 90,000 chain restaurants backed",0 +13,"In Virginia, Kaine's qualms on the death penalty are a problem",12 +7, The execution schedule was set in February by Gov. Asa Hutchinson.,6 +13,Mr. West,12 +13,Immigration Measure Stalls in the Senate,12 +12,SOME WANT 'SMART'-GUN ISSUE IN HANDS OF VOTERS,11 +10,benefit the farmers,9 +5,DEFECTOR PLUCKS KIN FROM CUBA,4 +13,"Once Against Gay Marriage, 4 Senators Say They Will Back It",12 +15,BURNING A NEW LEAF,14 +7,"After discovering that at least 54 of those weapons were sold to people barred from buying them, police have scrambled to recover the guns. But they acknowledged yesterday that 10 of them have not been retrieved. +",6 +5,Why are we attacking the sanctity of our Constitution with an amendment that would prevent individuals who wish to commit to each other through marriage from doing so?,4 +13,"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is back on the air with another political ad, and this time his focus is guns.",12 +6,CONCEALED WEAPONS BAN HAS BEEN GOOD IDEA SINCE 1875,5 +9,pharmaceutical firm of Merck & Co,8 +7,death sentences of the state's 725 death row inmates to life in prison terms and eliminate the death penalty option in murder cases.,6 +5,"By Upholding Death Sentence, Court Appears to Shift Direction",4 +13,N.Y. VOTES TO BAN FREE CIGARETTES,12 +5,CITY SAYS 'I DO' TO GAYS CLERK'S OFFICES WILL NOW CONDUCT CIVIL CEREMONIES,4 +5,Court refuses to consider if lethal injection is cruel,4 +13,"Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, joined her husband, Mark Kelly, and several members of Congress to mark the introduction of a House bill for the 114th Congress.",12 +3,Church votes on same-sex unions,2 +6,Executive amnesty is shortsighted,5 +5,Trial begins in videotaped sex killing of Missouri woman,4 +13,San Jose council to vote on proposed annual fee for those selling tobacco,12 +5,"Wasserman's irrational premise is that the rule of law can exist without fixed definitions of terms. Without such definitions - of the term ""marriage,"" for example - dictator wannabes in the judiciary would be free to make decisions in advance and manipulate terminology any way they needed to support the pre-determined conclusions, thereby replacing the rule of law with the far more arbitrary rule of men. This is what happened in Hawaii, Vermont, and Massachusetts. The proposal to explicitly define marriage does nothing more than reaffirm the rule of law and repudiate judicial dictatorship.",4 +11,"Chris Kluwe signs with Raiders, leaps into California gay marriage debate +",10 +8," +16 Colorado gun dealers targeted for inspections",7 +15," +no butts",14 +12,Chicago Woman's Stand Stirs Immigration Debate,11 +5,"""The justices showed a general skepticism toward restrictions on commercial speech, especially bans on truthful advertising - and that bodes well for people challenging [bans on] cigarette advertising,"" said Scott Bullock, an attorney for the conservative Institute of Justice, which favors fewer curbs on advertising.",4 +13,Gun-Control Bill Passes Its First Hurdle,12 +7,Robert Wayne Holsey was executed by lethal injection on Tuesday night.,6 +6,"Our policy should be that those who commit premeditated murder will die. Period. No consideration will be given for political or economic status, or skin color. ''No title of nobility shall be granted. ...'' Equal-opportunity termination is in order.",5 +13,Senator formsstand-ground panel ,12 +7,"We will find you,"" said Eddie Johnson, the superintendent of the Chicago Police Department. ""We will knock on every door, talk to every witness, watch every piece of video and analyze every piece of evidence. Believe me, you will not get away with this.""",6 +13,GOP rebuffs Obama's new gun control push,12 +5,CITY SUIT FIRES UP VA. PRO-GUN SET,4 +12,"Americans support it, Senate voted against it",11 +5,Death Penalty in '82 Murder Voided in Jersey,4 +10,"Amid the rhetoric, living the reality",9 +9,GOAL: SMOKE-FREE MOMS-TO-BE,8 +5,Delray police file county's first gun-ban order under new law;,4 +7,Ex-bouncer could face death penalty in hammer killing,6 +11,A Jamaican Way Station in the Bronx; Community of Striving Immigrants Fosters Middle-Class Values,10 +6,"- ''It's the most Draconian crime bill to come out of the Congress in my memory,'",5 +12,As several hundred protesters chanted outside,11 +10,"awn Pueschel, whose brother and sister-in-law were beaten to death in Chicago in 1983 by two men who are now on death row, said she was upset that no decisions had been made regarding clemency. + +She said Ryan told victims' families at a meeting last month that he would call them with his decision. But she said Ryan said last week that victims' families would receive letters to tell them of his decision. Those letters were supposed to arrive on Friday, she said. +",9 +3,"Members of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida, meeting in Jacksonville, discussed plans for a formal vote Nov. 15 on whether to support the national convention. Most oppose the two decisions but want to work within the church to resolve the differences, the Rev. Mark Eldredge said.",2 +7,"Sharon-Jo Ramboz was a teen-ager when, home alone one day, she was beaten and left for dead by a man who had broken into the house",6 +13,"In Maryland, a House committee chaired by a Baltimore delegate whose downtown district is dotted with bars and taverns turned back a similar proposal by a narrow margin.",12 +13,"Still, the controversy about his views grew after his appointment. Last Thursday, the openly gay figure skater Johnny Weir called Vidmar's appointment ''disgraceful'' in an article on the Web site of The Chicago Tribune. +",12 +1,But he sold fully assembled weapons in an online store run from his Warren St. building on a prime brownstone block,0 +5,Lawyers capitalize on state's cigarette making,4 +5,A state Supreme Court justice yesterday permanently barred New Paltz Mayor Jason West from marrying gay couples - but the renegade politician vowed to fight the ruling.,4 +6," For example, a 1996 provision known as the Dickey Amendment effectively barred the Centers for Disease Control from tapping taxpayer funds set aside for injury preven-tion and control for research that could be used for gun control advocacy",5 +6,At issue yesterday was a provision of the new House drug bill that would require a handgun purchaser to wait seven days before taking possession.,5 +5,"same-sex marriage was repealed in Maine,",4 +13,D.C. Ballot Initiative Requested on Same-Sex Marriage,12 +12,Pr. William Has Raucous Forum on Laborers,11 +13,McCain didn't go in for the usual chatter about boxers or briefs and what's in his iPod. He announced a bipartisan proposal to restructure the American immigration system.,12 +5,"Court's opinion on gay rights reflects trends +",4 +13,"However, Swann cautioned that Glendening's plan still would need approval from the General Assembly, which convenes in Annapolis next month. But he said farmers who want to participate in the buyout need to apply by tomorrow's deadline if they want to receive any payments next year. + +""That whole process has to work its way through the General Assembly,"" Swann said. ""You shouldn't put it off.""",12 +5,gun rights,4 +5,A man convicted of murdering a Federal judge with a mail bomb was sentenced today in Alabama state court to die in the electric chair.,4 +7,Deportation of 'af[#xfb02]uenza' teen delayed in Mexico,6 +13,"THE GUN TIDE SHIFTS AFTER YEARS OF FOLLOWING THE GUN LOBBY LINE, CONGRESS SEEMS TO BE TAKING A SANER ROUTE",12 +9, Children regularly die or are injured in gun-related accidents. Doctors who know there's a gun in the home can provide lifesaving advice.,8 +13,The state Senate passed the bill by a 33-29 margin and Gov. Cuomo signed it about an hour later.,12 +7,"He faces life in prison or death in Florida's electric chair. +",6 +9, running homeless shelters,8 +12," Friends rallied around Morales, vouched for his character and described the deportation as too harsh a punishment for an activity that has involved all too many American teenagers. +",11 +7," +Possession of an unregistered gun on the state's list of banned assault weapons is a crime.",6 +1,perhaps up to $ 1 more a pack.,0 +5,His case belongs in court.,4 +15,A civil debate about marriage?,14 +10,said they are taking their strong emotions about the October sniper shootings,9 +11,Texas: Death Sentences Drop,10 +11," +Broadcast of execution sought N.C. high court asked to decide",10 +14,Push for N. Korea sanctions,13 +5,Attorney General Deborah Poritz said yesterday that the state would not appeal a Superior Court judge's ruling that two parts of New Jersey's controversial ban on many semiautomatic weapons are unconstitutional.,4 +5,DA TAKES FLAK FROM AN OLD ALLY,4 +13, A similar measure passed a House committee in January.,12 +13,"Board member Elizabeth Hendrix was alone in voting against the measure at the board's meeting Wednesday night. Hendrix, who is a smoker, argued that the policy cannot be enforced, especially during events after school hours.",12 +15,"While Gays Rush to the Altar, Albany Takes It Slow",14 +13,Maryland Politics: Same-sex marriage bill killed,12 +13,"Dingell brought 44 Democrats with him in his effort to beat back a Senate bill that would impose a three-day waiting period for gun purchases at gun shows. He complained to associates about the ""heat"" he was feeling from outraged Democrats, a majority of whom were baffled by Dingell's insistence on sparing Republicans the onus of reducing the proposed wait to 24 hours. His Michigan colleague, Rep. John Conyers, who was leading the Democrats in the debate on the juvenile justice bill and its gun amendments, comes from an adjoining congressional district with a similar mix of country and city voters, including furious mothers who are more concerned about protecting the schoolroom than the gun show. ""I cannot explain what my colleague is doing,"" Conyers told the House in a floor speech.",12 +6,Theater should make sure doors are closed,5 +13,"The network quashed videos Clinton shot in support of a Washington State referendum on gay marriage, BuzzFeed reported. + +Clinton, who works as a ""special correspondent"" for NBC News, likely was prohibited from the advocacy to avoid allegations of bias. + +The videos were to be posted on TheFour.com, a site dedicated to marriage-equality issues that were on the ballot in four states on Nov. 6. + +In the ads, Clinton says everyone should have the right to marry, a source told the website. + +But in the end, the movement did fine without Clinton's public support - gay marriage got the green light from voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington. And in Minnesota, a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman failed. + +In 2011 - prior to her job as a reporter - Clinton spoke in support of marriage equality in New York. + +BuzzFeed reported that Clinton's gig at NBC News, as well as her earlier advocacy for gay marriage, are indicators that the former first daughter is considering a foray into political life. +",12 +9,"In 1992, Mr. Panetti, who was then 34 and had been hospitalized 14 times for mental illness",8 +2,"Do you think that the flood of H-1B visa workers coming into the country and forcing out American workers is responsible for the many horror stories I read posted on your message boards about graduates and experienced workers who are unable to get interviews, much less jobs? How can the tech companies say there are no workers, when so many bright, experienced people are willing to do almost anything to work? -- Washington",1 +1,"Investors, companies shun gun stakes",0 +8,That may change if Georgia adopts an instant background check. Both the House and Senate have passed background-check bills and are trying to work out their differences in a conference committee.,7 +5,Neb. death-row inmate likely to be set free,4 +11,Uniforms Mix With Wedding Finery at Same-Sex Nuptials,10 +7,"Naso, 79, was convicted last month with the murders of Roxene Roggasch, 18, who was dumped west of Fairfax in 1977; Carmen Colon, 22, who was found near Port Costa in 1978; Pamela Parsons, 38, who was found in Yuba County in 1993; and Tracy Tafoya, 31, who was found in Yuba County in 1994.",6 +5,"nless courts ruled it unconstitutional,",4 +5,Woman Fleeing Tribal Rite Gains Asylum; Genital Mutilation Is Ruled Persecution,4 +7,"Brewer, 27, was executed at 12:18 a.m. (2:18 a.m. EST) by lethal injection at the Arizona State Penitentiary in Florence",6 +5, Last Tuesday a Hawaii Circuit Court judge ruled that the state had to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. But he put off the first wedding date for at least a year until the Hawaii Supreme Court hears an appeal.,4 +1,It's central to economic policy,0 +1,preferential buying can force the gun industry to fall in line behind the Smith & Wesson agreement because sales to law enforcement agencies represent 20 percent to 30 percent of the U.S. gun market.,0 +13,"Same-sex marriage supporters acknowledged this week that they were still a couple of votes shy of a majority in the House. But on Friday, they said they had picked up momentum with the Senate's passage of the bill Thursday night, 25 to 21.",12 +10,Marriage and Immigration,9 +1, Philip Morris Decides Not to Split Its Units,0 +5,"JUDGE ORDERS DEATH PENALTY FOR THIRD KILLER IN SISTERS CASE +",4 +5," +The ruling, which did not address the constitutionality of the state's marriage laws, is the country's first permanent injunction issued by a court that bars a public official from conducting same-sex marriages, according to the Lambda Legal Education and Defense Fund, a national gay rights group. The California Supreme Court heard arguments late last month on a similar case, against Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, and a ruling is pending. + +In his decision yesterday, Justice E. Michael Kavanagh of State Supreme Court in Ulster County took exception to the notion that public officials like the New Paltz mayor, Jason West, could resist laws that they believe to be unconstitutional. + +''That an elected official may willfully violate a law any time he or she believes it is unconstitutional has profound and unsettling implications,'' Justice Kavanagh wrote. ''This view, if accepted, would mean that the mayor is a law unto himself.'' + +E. Joshua Rosenkranz, a lawyer for Mayor West, said he intended to appeal the decision. ''This does not stop with Judge Kavanagh,'' Mr. Rosenkranz said. ''This is only the beginning of the process.'' + +In addition to the injunction, sought by a trustee on the New Paltz village board, Mr. West also faces criminal charges for the more than 20 same-sex marriage ceremonies he performed on a platform outside the low brick village hall in late February. The Ulster County district attorney charged Mr. West with the criminal misdemeanor of solemnizing marriages for people without licenses. + +",4 +13," +Just before midnight, the council voted 6-5 to go ahead, ",12 +5,Court raises execution age to 17,4 +8,First brick in his wall,7 +5,More steps to follow before visa available,4 +13,Democrats flip-flopping,12 +13,D.A. candidates on gun violence in unique forum,12 +4,Gay-Marriage Minority,3 +5,"In a 21-page legal filing, D.C. Attorney General Irvin B. Nathan and aides said that Scullin relied on opinions of ""questionable logical and legal foundations"" by a minority of courts, and said that no controlling court has found that the right to carry firearms outside the home is at the core of the Second Amendment.",4 +5,Solano Superior Court Judge Robert Bowers issued the ruling after prosecutors dropped their request to hold a jury trial to determine Stanworth's competency.,4 +7,"U.S. immigration officers working with officials in Mexico and five Central American nations have arrested 38 people wanted for smuggling foreigners into the United States. Immigration officials detained 3,500 people before they got to the United States.",6 +10,"""It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.""",9 +7,Now officials from the Palm Beach County violent crimes task force are treating her drowning as a homicide.,6 +12,Gun group pushes tag taking aim at Fulton's,11 +13,"President Obama's announcement that he supports same-sex marriage puts Timothy M. Kaine, a close friend and political ally, in a delicate position as he runs in a marquee Senate race in a swing state.",12 +11,Charlton Heston's,10 +6, a ban on all ammunition that can penetrate bulletproof vests.,5 +3,"The Alliance Defense Fund, a group of Christian lawyers who support the federal law",2 +1,"The New York company plans to market the twice-daily tablet, intended for adults only, as Chantix. +",0 +13,Jerry Brown's cynical ploy to win gay votes,12 +8,"Even guns used in self-defense invited disaster. One merchant guarding his store last week was mistaken for a looter by other merchants, who shot him to death.",7 +6,Missourians could get lifetime concealed carry permits under overhaul of firearms laws,5 +5," And there is no meaningful path to legal status for any of them. +",4 +13,D.C. GOP wants marriage debate to stay local,12 +5,"The court based its ruling in part on protections against ""discrimination"" and limited ""domestic partnership"" rights already granted to homosexuals by the Legislature. This rationale -- that because the state offers limited ""rights,"" it must offer more expansive ones -- turns logic on its head. It should, however, serve as a cautionary tale for politicians who think that such measures to appease homosexual activists will forestall the counterfeiting of marriage itself. Instead, they merely accelerate it.",4 +12,LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE?,11 +10,Tragedy after tragedy. And beyond belief.,9 +5,WISCONSIN TO PRESS AHEAD WITH OWN TOBACCO LAWSUIT,4 +1,"But CCR appears to have enough cash, Lester told lawmakers Thursday as he released a preliminary examination and launched a more complete audit.",0 +1,Philip Morris Cos. to recover the costs,0 +7,"John Earl Bush was sentenced to death for the 1982 armed robbery, kidnapping and murder of Frances Julia Slater and his sentence was carried out.",6 +11,"FACEBOOK WILL no longer be social to users who try to sell guns illegally. +",10 +3,Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire is urging the state legislature to legalize same-sex unions for the sake of people like him and his gay partner.,2 +7,"The hunt for Bobby Fischer, the unpredictable chess legend, ended this week when he was detained in Japan, where he awaits possible deportation on charges that he attended a 1992 match in Yugoslavia in violation of a U.S. ban.",6 +13,"Senate leadership aides had predicted a push to pass the measure this fall. +",12 +3,"""So they asked me if I'd do it,"" said Roger Lynn, who at the time was a 33-year-old Methodist pastor who knew the couple from his work. ""I said, 'Sure, why not?' You know, I didn't even think about it, had no idea of the impact.""",2 +13,Dispute Over Gay Marriage Erupts in Cheney Family,12 +1,The cost of deploying the National Guard was estimated at $12 million a month,0 +7,The police had been investigating the disappearance of four men in Pennsylvania for only a week,6 +2,: those of us who worry about injury to the world through excessive consumption and injury to the United States through excessive numbers.,1 +10,Thoughts on the Run: Beautiful lives being lost daily,9 +3,Blessing Same-Sex Marriages,2 +13,"The Gun Lobby, Over a Barrel",12 +5,A happy run on same-sex marriage licenses,4 +9, based on claims of mental illness.,8 +13,Gov. Mark Dayton told gay-rights activists Thursday that he would block a Republican attempt to cut funding for anti-bullying programs in public schools,12 +3,"United Methodist ministers could face a church trial if they officiate at same-sex unions, the church's highest court has ruled. +",2 +9, the department,8 +1,Philip Morris Revels in Rare ABC News Apology for Report on Nicotine,0 +8,background check,7 +6,"President Clinton deepened his assault on cigarettes Saturday by outlawing smoking in federal buildings, but he backed off plans to banish smokers from government-owned doorways and courtyards.",5 +9,"TRIBAL SMOKES HAVE TO GO, HEALTH COMMISH SAYS",8 +5,Three juries had found him guilty ,4 +7,"Pedro Santos, 27, pleaded guilty Nov. 26 before St. Louis County Circuit Judge Michael T. Jamison to charges of involuntary manslaughter, leaving the scene of an accident and two counts of assault.",6 +13,Americans have always expected legislators to lead rather than follow shifting public sentiments. It may turn out that the action in the Senate was more tragic than the incidents that inspired it.,12 +13,"Sportscaster's comments about Belcher, gun control",12 +13,CHELSEA FAN GUN BUST PREZ' DAUGHTER TARGET OF MAIL HARASSMENT,12 +13,"At the touch of a button, an unseen officer in the Senate Sergeant at Arms Office can instantly monitor a conversation in Senate offices and respond if needed.",12 +13,Obama says he's 'determined as ever' for gun bill,12 +9,"who recently landed in a hospital. It was not a life-threatening event, but had doctors not been cooperative",8 +2,"""If it's this bad now, what's it going to be like then?"" said Dick DeiTos, executive director of the Metropolitan Washington Airlines Committee, made up of airlines that use Dulles and Reagan National airports",1 +5, With Monday's Supreme Court non-decision,4 +5,Floridians must hope that their newest Supreme Court justice rises above the expectations Gov. Bush has for him.,4 +13,"NEXT MOVE ON A POSSIBLE DEFECTOR IS UP TO WASHINGTON, OFFICIALS SAY",12 +6,"It started in 1987 when Florida became the first state to create a ""shall issue"" concealed weapons license. +",5 +7,"An FBI spokesman, Andew Ames, said the agency would ""review any letters as we see them and take action that is appropriate."" He would not commit to opening an investigation.",6 +5,"""We're very worried about the appeals process down the line,"" she said. ""I think we have to realize it's going to take a while, 12 to 13 years the way our process works. But I think it's going to happen. +",4 +12," they also have been impatient with his self-described ""evolution"" on gay marriage. ",11 +5,"In a one-line order, the California Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to halt same-sex marriages throughout the state, rejecting the latest legal bid to revive Proposition 8's ban on gay nuptials. +",4 +13,Candidates and guns Several hunters but no real buffs in the '92 race,12 +13,A first step could take place today in the Georgia Senate. Sen. David Scott (D-Atlanta) hopes to convince his colleagues to finally find the guts to act on his child safety gun bill. ,12 +5,"Last month, New Jersey became the third state -- after Vermont and Connecticut -- to offer gay couples civil unions. Massachusetts permits gay couples to marry.",4 +3," ""While I recognize the right of religious people in this country to disapprove of such unions, that does not mean that they should be allowed to foist such views on those of us who understand that marriage is a union between two people who love each other.""",2 +15,Undeniable link,14 +10,SENATE APPROVES PARTNER RIGHTS BILL BUT CRITICS CONTEND GRANTING BENEFITS TO UNMARRIED COUPLES CIRCUMVENTS PROP. 22,9 +1,"Philip Morris, R. J. Reynolds, the Loews Corporation's Lorillard Tobacco, British American Tobacco's Brown & Williamson and the Vector Group's Liggett Group.",0 +1,steep cost of capital prosecutions makes it cheaper to jail killers for life.,0 +1,"The vast majority of the spending, nearly $1.5 million, went toward television and print advertising, according to the filing, which was posted online by the state's Commission on Public Integrity on Monday. Another $66,000 went to canvassing in select State Senate districts.",0 +13,House opts to vote separately on measures for gun control,12 +6,LITTLE IMPACT EXPECTED HERE AFTER PASSAGE OF BRADY BILL,5 +10,Unmarried with children: For better or worse?,9 +11,(MISS) CALIFORNIA SCREAMIN' - STARS IN AD TO BAN GAY NUPS,10 +3,"For Catholics, Open Attitudes On Gay Issues",2 +15,A Narrow Vision On Gay Marriage,14 +5,"The ruling overturned a Manhattan judge's decision that said gay and lesbian couples were free to marry. No way, said the appeals panel by a 4-to-1 vote, ruling that the law was specific in its references to ""husband"" and ""wife."" The losers, five same-sex couples, plan to appeal to the state's highest court, and Mayor Bloomberg said he thinks the law should be changed by the Legislature to allow gay marriage.",4 +13,Cisneros' talk also trailed a news conference yesterday by La Raza board chairwoman Irma Flores Gonzalez and President Raul Yzaguirre in which the pair blasted the Clinton and Dole campaigns for positions and tactics offensive to Latinos.,12 +12,But many others say,11 +6,Ban on Assault Weapons,5 +1,"Dean Hove, acting district director for the INS office in Minneapolis, said a document used by border-area residents that allows them to cross without an inspection will now cost $16, or a maximum of $32 for a family.",0 +5," +GOV SUED OVER GAY NUPS ORDER",4 +9,"For a decade, Sedillo had been prodding his employer, the Albuquerque Public Schools, to extend health benefits to his partner, an Army veteran whose insurance didn't include dental or vision coverage.",8 +5,"The prosecution has agreed not to seek the death penalty in the murder trial of Charlott Reaves,",4 +9," +Federal law prohibits anyone who has been adjudicated as a ''mental defective,'' as well as anyone involuntarily committed to a mental institution, from buying a firearm. But only 22 states now submit any mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, against which all would-be gun purchasers must be checked.",8 +10,TIPS FOR TEENS ON HOW TO QUIT SMOKING,9 +11,"gay and lesbian couples. As the conservative columnist David Brooks of The New York Times wrote last year, marriage is in crisis because fidelity can barely survive in ""a culture of contingency"" that places a high value on individual freedom, convenience and sexual attractiveness. +",10 +11," Dolan said on the ABC News program, ""This Week.""",10 +1,"The sweep was aimed at businesses and not because of information about any particular person, Heffelfinger said.",0 +13,"But even with Black supporting it, Morgan could keep the bill from being heard, based on an arrangement he and Black have. Also, supporters may not want the bill to come up this session if there are not enough votes to pass it. +",12 +13,"SPRINGFIELD, MO., VOTERS MAY DECIDE ON SMOKING",12 +5,"I disagree with allowing anyone to stay in this country who does not come here legally. +",4 +12,Ban on Smoking in the Workplace Draws Little Protest at a Senate Committee Vote in Albany,11 +5,"Marriages, however, are regulated by the state and allow couples to file joint tax returns, cover each other on their medical insurance and other benefits.",4 +12,"A Field Poll in mid-July revealed that 42 percent of likely voters favored the constitutional amendment to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry, while 51 percent were opposed.",11 +7,"Man sentenced to die for 1979 rapes, murders",6 +7,"When Sheriff John Cooke of Weld County explains in speeches why he is not enforcing the state's new gun laws, he holds up two 30-round magazines. One, he says, he had before July 1, when the law banning the possession, sale or transfer of the large-capacity magazines went into effect. The other, he ''maybe'' obtained afterward.",6 +12,"if approved by voters. +",11 +5, The First Amendment posits the establishment clause in order that this country will remain a secular nation.,4 +5, the Supreme Court's decision to strike down parts of Arizona's aggressive immigration laws while letting a controversial provision stand.,4 +5,"""and what you see in the press most of the time are cases in which there is no merit and lots of litigation taking years to plod their way through a thicket of legal proceedings towards an inevitable conclusion.",4 +13,New Jersey Senate to Weigh Measure on Same-Sex Unions,12 +7,responsible law-enforcement officials,6 +6,13 Refugees Returned as Policy Shifts,5 +9, one that accidentally discharged in a crowded club.,8 +13," +Mayor Bloomberg has slammed Virginia as the largest source for guns used in crimes in the city.",12 +6,"Such a sale would be banned, under legislation now being considered in Congress.",5 +13,"After a gubernatorial campaign in which restoration of the death penalty was a basic pledge of the winner, George E. Pataki",12 +7,Bearing down on crime bill,6 +9,Battling Illnesses and Struggling to Keep His Home,8 +7,"The victims, Christopher Scot Weaver, 7, and Daniel Geier, 9, had gone for a bicycle ride in the woods near their homes. Police found the bodies of the two boys, whose throats had been slashed, on March 5",6 +6,NO TRUCK WITH GUN LAWS,5 +13,A Trump compromise on guns?,12 +12, And he still could fall short of satisfying the demands of pro-immigrant groups that have been increasing pressure on him to dramatically reverse the administration's record of deportations.,11 +5,"Bondi's waiting strategy allows her to stop defending the Florida Constitution's ban against gay marriage on the grounds that gay marriages ""would impose significant public harm."" +",4 +3," ""About the only difference is that we won't have a priest.""",2 +10,"These four are incapable of appreciating the irony, but the room they imagine is ghoulishly morgue-like. They should add a window, so that the virtuous people could cluck their tongues at the smokers. +",9 +6,"Guns should certainly be regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the same fashion as toys, car seats and playground equipment. The manufacturer should be held responsible if they market a defective product and adults should be held responsible if they do not take adequate responsibility in protecting children protected from guns.",5 +5," extended federal recognition to the marriages of more than 1,000 same-sex couples in Utah that took place before the Supreme Court put those unions in the state on hold.",4 +6, a strict ban on semiautomatic assault weapons.,5 +15, WHAT DO YOU THINK,14 +13,46 GOPERS JOIN DEM PUSH FOR GUN CONTROL,12 +8,The al-Qaeda operative has pleaded guilty to terrorism conspiracy and would face life in prison if he is not executed.,7 +10,who has said he wants to die.,9 +13," which President Bush signed in October. +",12 +12,"In 2006, 57 percent of Virginia voters supported similar legislation. And in 2008, among Florida voters, 62 percent supported an amendment limiting same-sex marriage in their state.",11 +6,Key provisions expected in immigration legislation proposal,5 +13,"Obama has vowed to veto any bill that lands on his desk blocking his actions, and the Republican leadership insists it won't fully fund Homeland Security until Obama's actions are halted.",12 +7,Drug bust shows U.S. immigration system is broken,6 +9,Killer avoids execution due to retardation,8 +10,The minor inconvenience it will impose on gun buyers will be worth the benefits.,9 +12,ARE DENVER FIREARMS OWNERS UNDER THE GUN?,11 +7,"On the night of July 27, 1993, Njuzi Ray, 17, was fatally shot in a dispute on a Brooklyn street. A suspect was later acquitted, and nobody else has been arrested for the killing.",6 +5,But Jefferson County Commonwealth's Attorney Ernest Jasmin says he requires his prosecutors to seek the death penalty for every case that meets the legal requirements under state law. Because Wallace is also charged with a secondary crime - arson - she could get the death penalty.,4 +12,The National Rifle Association now claims we are beset by gun violence because existing gun-control laws are being inadequately enforced.,11 +3,Morality Reigned On Gay Marriages,2 +1,"Bloomberg and city Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden said the 2002 tax increase that bumped up cigarette prices by $1.50 a pack in New York had a big impact on teens, who have less cash than most adults.",0 +13,"Lawmakers debated and defeated a similar measure in 1992. +",12 +5,Double-Barreled Fight Against Gun Litigation,4 +6,who ignore the statewide ban on smoking.,5 +7,"Rabbi Neulander, 60, is charged with capital murder, felony murder and conspiracy in the fatal bludgeoning of Carol Neulander in their Cherry Hill home. If convicted of capital murder, he faces the possibility of the death penalty. +",6 +11,A History of D.C. Gun Ban,10 +5,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE BAN ARGUED IN COURT,4 +1,How Restaurants Can Help the Heart,0 +6," I believe that this legislation is a constructive step forward.""",5 +13,"yet the men and women on Capitol Hill who should be doing something about it have been ducking for the past four years. Too many lawmakers who know full well the need for tighter gun safety laws have been spooked by ""gun rights"" groups into believing that talking about more controls is political suicide. True, the controlling players in Congress have been less than open to serious gun-control advocacy; but this hush is now giving way to truly bad moves to undo some of the best gun safety measures on the books and to give the gun industry an excessively large and unnecessary special-interest shield against lawsuits. Here are some of the main issues:",12 +10,parents are frightened that their child may be the next victim.,9 +13,"The Senate, which passed a similar measure in 2004, is expected to take it up later this year, with support from President Obama. + +Passage, if it comes, may be politically impossible",12 +13," +GOP's harsh immigration stances repel a natural constituency +",12 +5,The decision came days after Utah officials said they would not recognize the marriages.,4 +13, in an attempt to diffuse a two-year battle between gun lobbyists,12 +6,FIRMS STOKED TO FIGHT SMOKE BAN,5 +5,"A second Superior Court judge had refused Friday to halt the weddings, authorized by newly elected San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom.",4 +11,Media reaction mixed to ABC's tobacco apology,10 +15,Hartsfield's tobacco-stained gift,14 +5,"The justices' decision not to intervene means that same-sex marriage is now legal in 24 states plus the District of Columbia. Six other states -- North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming -- also must heed the appeals courts whose rulings the justices allowed to stand. +",4 +12,"Gay-marriage advocates in Illinois seek union backing New push focuses on longer term, personal stories, young leaders.",11 +3, declared for the first time that the legal protections of marriage should apply only to the union of a man and woman.,2 +6,More Immigrants Are Deported As Officials' Power Increases,5 +5,State District Judge Alan Malott ruled that New Mexico's constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.,4 +5,WHEN A FEDERAL court in Nebraska last week struck down the state's constitutional ban on recognition of gay relationships,4 +7,SCAM WARNING ON GREEN CARDS,6 +13,Senate Republicans Ponder Marriage Vote as Clock Ticks,12 +5,"Arguments had been scheduled before a state appeals court panel in a lawsuit brought by 12 smokers who objected to the state's settlement with tobacco companies, saying more antismoking measures should have been carried out. But lawyers for the state and the smokers reached an agreement outside the courtroom after discussions.",4 +7,Killer of Store Clerk Is Executed,6 +11,IMMIGRANT HOPES TO LIGHT FERVOR FOR 200TH BIRTHDAYS,10 +6,Doubts Over a Smoking Ban,5 +4,after debating such issues as whether the disparity between the two sentences was fair.,3 +5,"Todd Scher of Fort Lauderdale, Haliburton's state-appointed lawyer, said he was disappointed by the decision, and would ask for a rehearing or appeal to the 11th Circuit Court in Atlanta.",4 +5, Current law requires that guns in cars be either in glove compartments or in full view.,4 +5,"It was the second time the justices had heard arguments after ordering a lower court to reconsider Miller-El's prejudice allegations. The New Orleans-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit subsequently reaffirmed the conviction. +",4 +13,Democrats Disconcerted by Senate Leader's Opposition to Gun Bill,12 +7,What Deters Criminals?,6 +3," this House voted to permit the Ten Commandments to be posted in public schools to ""help promote morality across the country.""",2 +11,"Nowhere did gay marriage seem like a natural fit more than New York, where the Stonewall uprising of 1969 provided inspiration for the gay rights movement and where a history of spirited progressivism had led some gay couples to envision their own weddings someday.",10 +1,"Nixon said nearly 40 tobacco companies recently signed on to the settlement agreement reached in 1998 between tobacco manufacturers and 46 states. The decision will bring about $7 million in new money to Missouri each year, he said.",0 +13,"Hammer said the NRA still opposes waiting periods and the proposed constitutional amendment, but did take the opportunity to work with legislators on technical changes to the bills.",12 +12,Civil rights groups back federal legal challenge to California's gay marriage ban,11 +13,"The White House said Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will be joined at today's announcement by children who wrote the president letters after the Newtown shooting. Supportive lawmakers and advocacy groups are also expected to attend. +",12 +6,A Rocky Road to Reforming Immigration,5 +10,"30 Vetri workers lose their jobs after immigration and background checks +",9 +6,"Olympics gun ban an explosive issue Liberal Utah laws, Games rule at odds",5 +13,"NRA, Fairfax Warring Over Anti-Gun Bill",12 +9,GUN CONTROL NO WAY TO CUT SUICIDES,8 +10,"""Its always a pleasure to do something within the realm of my job that doesn't involve holding people's lives in one's hands,"" Justice Alvarado said.",9 +13,WASTING TIME IN PASCO CITY'S ELECTION?,12 +5,Florida and Mississippi Challenge Cigarette Manufacturers,4 +7,Fear of reporting crimes hot topic,6 +6,"left loopholes in gun-control laws passed in the 1960s and 1990s. +",5 +13," +David's father, the sponsor of the ""Protection of Marriage"" initiative, which will be put before voters here in March, is state Sen. William ""Pete"" Knight, a conservative Republican from Palmdale who has attempted--and failed--five times in the state house to pass similar legislation declaring that marriage is only for a man and a woman.",12 +6," +National Briefing Midwest: Illinois: Board Approves Same-Sex Registry",5 +6,Gun Control's Limited Aim,5 +13,WAY FORWARD FOR BUSH,12 +6,National Briefing Plains: Oklahoma: Referendum On Same-Sex Marriage Can Proceed,5 +5,Gay couples file suit in San Francisco,4 +12,"The National Rifle Association, on guard against global gun control, is going global itself.",11 +2,"As Government Cap on Work Visas Rises, So Does Confusion",1 +13,"Candidates are entitled to change their minds, but Sharpe seems to change his entire persona from one campaign to the next. Four years ago, when Sharpe first challenged Gibbons, he ran as an independent-minded moderate. Two years ago, he ran as a Newt Gingrich clone and attached himself to the House Republicans' Contract With America. This time around, Sharpe seems to be vacillating between those two identities.",12 +5,"In federal court in New York this week, the NAACP is arguing that irresponsible marketing of handguns has ""led to disproportionate numbers of injuries, deaths and other damages"" among minorities.",4 +5,And the legal recognition and protection of marriage by the state,4 +5,JUDGE REJECTS PART OF BRADY LAW,4 +13,The First Congress did not require that those first 13 words be perpetually printed in bold type. But they were in the habit of weighing words; and they clearly did not mean the 13 to be disregarded.,12 +4,"Decisions praised for equality, freedom",3 +13,D.C. Panel Hears Arguments On Gay Marriage Referendum,12 +14,No country that practices capital punishment can be a member of the European Union,13 +13,HB 56 backfired because the law was based on pure politics rather than sound policy.,12 +5,"The government's brief, filed by U.S. Solicitor General Paul D. Clement just hours before the court's deadline Jan. 11, endorses the view that the Second Amendment conveys an individual right to gun ownership, a finding long sought by gun rights activists. +",4 +5,The FDA had urged the high court's intervention after a lower court last year stripped the agency of all authority to regulate,4 +3,Father Warren Sazama of St. Thomas More Church on Summit Avenue in St. Paul sounded more like a real-estate agent than a priest as he gave me a tour recently of the parish centers renovated second floor.,2 +13,Bush Advances Gay Rights,12 +10,Gay wedlock would lead to worse,9 +7, Ten days before the scheduled execution of convicted murderer Kermit Smith,6 +6, which led to new laws in many states cracking down on convicted sex offenders.,5 +5,Same-sex marriage is not a states' rights issue; the right of every American to marry whom he or she chooses must be enshrined by our courts as a 14th Amendment right.,4 +11,sort of like the wizard in The Wizard of Oz ,10 +15,GUN OWNERSHIP,14 +5,Judge refuses to stop NJ smoking ban,4 +7,"Civilized societies rely upon police for protection,",6 +5,MIXED VERDICTS FOR NICHOLS,4 +9,even if no one is injured.,8 +13,"Georgia, Back in the Death-Penalty Spotlight",12 +11,"That's about the time federally sponsored research on guns and gun violence virtually ground to a halt. +",10 +1,Will Md. vote boost wedding business?,0 +5,"A state appeals court Wednesday threw out a record-shattering $145 billion verdict won by thousands of Florida smokers against the tobacco industry. The court said the case should not have been tried as a class-action lawsuit and concluded that the award came from a ""runaway jury.""",4 +9, to use safety-locking devices even though he believes the devices are important tools in preventing accidental shootings.,8 +10,men and women who owed their college education,9 +13,"Here's why that's a major problem for any Republican thinking of running for president and pondering whether to come out in support of gay marriage: Those ""very conservative"" voters comprise a major part of the party's base and, therefore, have an outsized influence in choosing the identity of the GOP presidential nominee. +",12 +10,"''Life went on, but our world changed,'' Ms. Greer said.",9 +5,"The court, in a 6-1 decision, upheld the murder conviction and death sentence for Peter Papasavvas. +",4 +1,"""States must allocate from the amount of any Medicaid related recovery 'the pro-rata share to which the United States [Federal government] is equitably entitled,' "" said the letter from Sally K. Richardson, director of HCFA's Center for Medicaid and State Operations.",0 +7,"But anyone who breaks other laws, such as the smoking ban, will be ticketed.",6 +3,'The Mormons Are Coming!',2 +5,Bar Association Report Urges Stiffer Gun Laws,4 +7,"In addition, the study concluded that 49.1 percent of guns involved in crimes that could be traced to the original dealer were used in those criminal acts within 50 miles of the sale.",6 +3,The spreading blot on America's character,2 +5, are turning from the courts t,4 +9,questioning whether gun makers have made their products as safe as possible,8 +6, that would ban same-sex marriages nationally.,5 +14,"After Thousand Oaks Shooting, International Readers Question America's Gun Laws and Culture",13 +4,"so argued that the prosecution violated Parker's right to a fair trial because the evidence it used against him was inconsistent with that used in the trials of three other men charged with Slater's murder. +",3 +13,The seven members of the board will be sworn in at the public meeting before they elect their chairman and discuss setting up committees and procedures for considering complaints about violations of state immigration laws,12 +6,The bill exempts lists and records of firearms that are necessary for legitimate law enforcement and criminal investigations and cases involving gun crimes.,5 +11,"The report found no evidence of an exodus of illegal immigrants from the country. In particular, there is no sign that Mexicans, the largest group -- 58 percent -- of illegal immigrants, are leaving in larger numbers, the report finds",10 +13,Boulder council approves stricter gun rules for city,12 +13,Senate debates same-sex marriage,12 +5,Gun permit allows quick access to Texas Capitol,4 +5,"But the couple is credited with helping lay the long-term foundation for the liberalization of marriage laws in this country. +",4 +5,"Imprudent counsel +",4 +7,"At the time, scientific analysis indicated that Hildwin was part of a relatively small percentage of the population that could have produced the semen found on a pair of women's underwear at the crime scene. That analysis also showed that the semen could not belong to William Haverty, Cox's boyfriend and a potential suspect.",6 +11,Quilt museum takes aim at gun violence,10 +8,BORDER-CONTROL SUCCESS FOUND HARD TO GAUGE,7 +13,the main state group that opposes Proposition B,12 +5,"Not surprisingly, both GEO and the CCA spend a pretty penny lobbying at both the state and federal level for laws like the infamous Arizona and Alabama anti-immigrant legislations.",4 +12,Gun rights supporters: Bring your unloaded rifle to rallies,11 +13,"CLINTON DEFENDS EFFORTS TO CURB GUNS ASKED WHETHER HIS PROPOSALS WERE STRONG ENOUGH, HE POINTED TO GOP RESISTANCE TO THE PLANS",12 +3,"For men of the cloth such as Roman Catholic Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, nothing could be further from the truth. +",2 +13,"And as it appeared on the verge of passage this past June, Republican leaders in the House stopped it dead in its tracks.",12 +5,Sierra LaMar case: DA will seek death penalty against murder-kidnap suspect,4 +11,"""Nation of Strangers"" is one of three photo exhibitions devoted to the subject of immigration, and the one you should see first. While the others explore specific aspects of this phenomenon, ""Nation"" provides the sweeping ---historical, geographic and sociological ---perspective.",10 +3," The Baptist State Convention would end its relationship with Wake Forest Baptist Church if the congregation affirms same-sex unions, the convention president says.",2 +5,"The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals includes Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma, as well as New Mexico, where same-sex couples already can marry. Its precedent applies to all those states, but the panel blocked its ruling from taking effect pending appeal, and Utah's attorney general said he intended to seek Supreme Court review.",4 +2,Overhaul of overloaded asylum system sought,1 +13,Trump uses speech guest list to send a message on immigration enforcement;,12 +7,Va. Executes Killer After Efforts for Reprieve Fail,6 +5," +On Tuesday, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office filed murder charges against Keith Hunter Jesperson, 55, for the 1993 killing.",4 +5,"Direct payments to farmers might violate the constitution's so-called gratuities clause, Barnes told the Georgia Tobacco Community Development Board on Thursday. That clause, he said, prohibits the state from simply giving money away to private citizens unless it gets something of value in return.",4 +5,"Gay Marriage, the Constitution and Culture Wars",4 +12,"The movement remains active, and has helped energize the broader campaign for tougher gun laws.",11 +6,McDermott: The gun ban that worked,5 +9," If it is truly sincere about reducing the threat of fatal shootings, it will stop working to put more guns into inexperienced hands and instead try to keep them away from children.",8 +7, effectively ending deportations for many of them.,6 +13,VOTERS PUNISH IMMIGRANT CHILDREN,12 +13," Long before Donald Trump was a candidate for president, Rep. Joseph J. Heck (Nev.) was the Republican whom immigration reformers could do business with. He read the entire 2013 reform bill. He met with undocumented immigrants, sometimes praying with them.",12 +8,"GUARDING THE BIG HOUSE IF GUNS REMAIN SO READILY AVAILABLE IN AMERICA, CAN EVEN THE PRESIDENT BE SECURE IN HIS OWN HOME?",7 +6," +""The problem is not guns,"" said local criminal-defense attorney David Rees, dismissing suggestions that tighter firearms laws could have prevented the killings.",5 +9,"""You have major manufacturers who are offering products that are 98 percent safer than cigarettes,"" Rodu said. ""It's important that the Colorado Bureau of Health hear that perspective, as opposed to others whose sole objective is the prohibition of all tobacco products.""",8 +7,"My experience leads me to believe the driver was drunk and had no driver's license, no insurance and no green card. Gwinnett police confirmed that he had a long list of criminal activity.",6 +13,City Council legislation,12 +6,SMOKING BAN LUCKY STRIKE FOR ELEX: MIKE,5 +6,restoring the death penalty in the state for some types of murder.,5 +13," +The group met for several hours Tuesday, racing against a deadline that was extended late in the evening. The negotiators had reached agreement on some controversial issues that would be part of a reform package. But Republicans and Democrats remained far apart on many others.",12 +13,"Hastert steps back, lets House 'work its will' on gun measures",12 +13," said Rep. Bill McCollum (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on crime.",12 +4," The sooner Florida is able to move forward rather than remain stuck in the discriminatory past, the better. +",3 +5,"Oregon high court voids county's 3,000 gay marriages",4 +5,"The suit brought Thursday asks the Superior Court in Carroll County to declare the two ordinances void. +",4 +7, shootings,6 +9,A Children's Health Crisis Officials Overlook,8 +9,contain technology that would prevent unauthorized users from firing them.,8 +14,"The imitation rifles, manufactured in Japan and destined for an unnamed firm that sells replicas to gun collectors, were prohibited from passing through Customs because they failed to meet regulations that enable police to distinquish them from the real thing and because they possibly could be converted into a weapon, the service said.",13 +12,"A Strong, but Divisive, Voice for Immigrants; Boycott of Pr. William Will Test Leader",11 +9,"""He choked my daughter for over five minutes, until his fingers hurt. He taped her mouth and tied her arms behind her back.",8 +6,ou cite a study by Mayors Against Illegal Guns as support for the proposition that there is a link between ''weak gun laws'' and gun violence.,5 +7,LAW ENFORCEMENT LEADERS GEAR UP FOR GUN SALES,6 +5,"Hannon was 26 then, and a jury unanimously voted that he should die.",4 +6, that would ban same-sex marriage in California and revoke the spousal rights already granted to domestic partners.,5 +13,"In the letter, Street wrote that he thinks there is a ""clear majority"" of Council members who are receptive to the idea of a ban, but believes that ""significant work must be done to carve out a clear majority in support of a specific"" bill.",12 +13,LAWMAKER WANTS TO PLACE BAN ON AUTOMATIC WEAPONS,12 +12, led to nationwide protests and a 31-day sit-in at the Florida Capitol by civil rights activists calling for the law's repeal.,11 +13, House defeats gun control bill,12 +13,Lawmakers still looking for signals from Trump on guns,12 +1,"Big Tobacco paid more than $ 2 million for this Congress, six times as much as they gave Democrats in 1993 and '94",0 +11,"The glamour era of cigarette advertising, a rich, 80-year period peppered with false claims, phony endorsements and duplicity, may be coming to an end. It began soon after World War I, when American servicemen picked up the cigarette habit. Tobacco executives swung into action, claiming that their wares not only tasted wonderful but that they also soothed jangled nerves, prevented weight gain and aided digestion.",10 +3,ethical offenses,2 +13,"The reason? One of the stores planned for the strip is an Indian smoke shop. And as Sen. Christopher ""Kit"" Bond, R-Mo., recently discovered, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is footing the bill for much of the construction costs.",12 +7," 49 people were killed and 53 injured at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla., by a single gunman",6 +12, the last few weeks' killings elicited little public outcry for tougher gun laws.,11 +7,A Camden man was sentenced Thursday to 14 years in prison for his role in a conspiracy to sell 22 guns without a license.,6 +13,'Bedlam Erupts in House Sit-In by Democrats',12 +5,Our judicial system gave 12 ordinary people the almighty power to determine life and death.,4 +5,"By hearing's end, Floyd's complaints about Bowe and cocounsel Earl G. Kauffman remained unclear.",4 +6,"There, as of Sept. 1, in the city of Boulder, you may smoke in only three places: at a private party, in a tobacco shop and in your own house. And that's it.",5 +13,BUSH CHOICE FOR LABOR POST WITHDRAWS AND CITES FUROR OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT ISSUE,12 +13,Bipartisan gun bargain moves closer to passage,12 +7," +Browne described his killings as ""opportunities,"" according to El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa. He said he would go on ""ramblings,"" where he would get in a car and take a road trip, stopping when he felt like it. +",6 +11,"The former Vikings punter said he will sign with the Oakland Raiders on Thursday, just 10 days after he was cut after six seasons in Minnesota. +",10 +10,"'Kill me,' inmate guilty of death says",9 +13,Anti-handgun forces won a close victory in the Illinois Senate Thursday as legislation to let Illinois residents carry concealed firearms was narrowly defeated.,12 +13,"Among Democrats, about a quarter said they were more likely to vote for Mr. Obama in response to his announcement, while 10 percent said they were less likely to vote for him. (A negligible 2 percent of Republicans said they were now more likely to vote for the president.) +",12 +5,"""Having now received Franklin's response in which he advises unequivocally that he does not wish to appeal the case and requests this court to set an execution date, the court orders the appeal dismissed,"" Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh Jr. said in the court's ruling. +",4 +7,urban crime,6 +8,"Moussaoui, a French citizen of Moroccan descent, was in a Minnesota jail on Sept. 11, arrested on immigration violations after a tip from the operator of a flight school suspicious of Moussaoui's interest in learning to fly jumbo commercial jets.",7 +3,Worship of God or worship of man?,2 +5,"Major court cases still awaiting decisions +",4 +5,"Maryland's highest court yesterday halted an execution scheduled for this week, surprising defense attorneys and prosecutors alike as it postponed what would have been the state's third execution in less than two years.",4 +12,"Gun control advocates yesterday hailed the landmark verdict against gunmakers rendered in Brooklyn Federal Court, but the gun industry scoffed at the idea the decision would stand.",11 +10,"Even in our program for moms, they are not coming back. They are refusing services. They are documented, but hiding more than ever."" +",9 +7,"In fact, the purpose of execution is not to cause people to reconsider before committing horrible crimes",6 +1,Perata-backed cigarette tax will protect First 5,0 +10,"""I was a nervous wreck,"" Cronin said. ""I thought it was the worst time of my life.""",9 +13,", nominated by George W. Bush in 2006,",12 +15,NO. 1 WITH A BULLET,14 +13,Spitzer and New Paltz Mayor Meet About Gay Marriages,12 +7,NEW GUN LAW AFFECTS POLICE,6 +11,"Christina, a freckled, blue-eyed 13-year-old from Manhattan, has become just another statistic.",10 +12,"44 percent of Americans know someone shot by a gun, and they're just as divided about guns as the rest of us",11 +5,Gun-rights activists say courts have interpreted the law too narrowly,4 +12,NEWS READERS: DUMP THE GUNS Nearly 127K sign petition Schumer lauds 'overwheliming response',11 +5,Attorney General Janet Reno said today that only federal courts had the authority to decide whether a 6-year-old boy should be reunited with his father in Cuba but said immigration officials had lifted a Friday deadline for his return to allow his relatives to appeal in federal court.,4 +7,"The state Department of Corrections has set a Dec. 10 execution date for Eddie Albert Crawford, a 56-year-old man convicted of killing and raping his 29-month-old niece.",6 +13,BOSLEY OUTLAWS GUN SHOWS HERE,12 +5,N. CAROLINA TRYING TO PROTECT TOBACCO ACTION WOULD SHIELD FIRMS FROM FLORIDA VERDICT,4 +5,"He had agreed to testify for the prosecution, but was instead called to the stand by Carruth's defense, trying to strengthen its contention that Watkins shot Adams on his own.",4 +13,CLINTON APPROVES A SERIES OF CURBS ON CIGARETTE ADS,12 +5,He's made no bones about where he stands on Second Amendment issues,4 +8,"Apparently the ""security"" the lobby has in mind is the security those five found just by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. +",7 +5,And it has been 1 1/2 years since a judge sentenced John Barrett to die for those murders.,4 +9,"As of July 31, 37,477 of these children have been placed in the care of sponsors across the country, according to an online report by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.",8 +8,Caught up in terror war,7 +5,"Federal law does not require employers to recognize same-sex domestic partners or spouses, and therefore private employers cannot be compelled to treat same-sex and different-sex couples equally.",4 +5,"State officials had declined to appeal Judge McShane's decision. Oregon's attorney general, Ellen F. Rosenblum, told the Supreme Court that there was ''no rational basis on which to defend the state's same-sex marriage ban.'' +",4 +3,"Convicted of murder, man asks to be spared",2 +5," +COURT, STATE OK SMITH EXECUTION",4 +10,"'I suppose it's supposed to be encouraging: If you can quit for today, then you can do it tomorrow, too. A one-day-at-a-time thing. Even if I go one day without smoking because of the Great Smokeout, why wouldn't I smoke again tomorrow?' + +That's a rhetorical question. Sharbono did go without smoking on a Great Smokeout day a few years ago. The next morning, she tore open a pack and lit up again. + +'It's not unusual for a smoker to quit, not unusual at all, and take it up again,' said Anne Landman",9 +12," +RALLY PUSHES ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT VISAS",11 +15,Run Over by 'the Truck',14 +10,NEW BENEFITS FOR GAY COUPLES; BUT MANY RIGHTS NOT PART OF LAW,9 +13,"Fitzpatrick, Meehan embrace background checks for gun buyers",12 +5,A federal appeals court on Friday struck down as unconstitutional,4 +13,The Gun Vote and 2014: Will There Be an Electoral Price?,12 +5,"The Supreme Court, in a landmark death penalty decision, today barred executions of people under 18 years of age at the time of their crimes.",4 +13,"Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine (Va.) said Thursday the National Rifle Association is an illegitimate representative for American gun owners and goaded the Virginia-based organization for being unable to unseat him. +",12 +13,"How much that number climbs depends on whether Gov. Bush and Republicans in the Legislature gut Gov. Chiles' program. Just one year ago, House Speaker John Thrasher, R-Orange Park, and Rep. Debby Sanderson, R-Fort Lauderdale, tried to zero out the $ 70 million annual budget Gov. Chiles had established for the anti-smoking program, which includes aggressive commercials created by teens.",12 +13,FACT-CHECKING HILLARY CLINTON'S CLAIM THAT BERNIE SANDERS SUPPORTED 'CHARLESTON LOOPHOLE',12 +5," Philmore's attorney, Thomas Garland, said.",4 +10,"My father was gay, doubtless born that way. He was a lovely boy, tall and willowy with curly red-gold hair and fine-fingered hands that could span three octaves on the piano. In photographs he looks bemused and a little wary, quite possibly of his father, the photographer. +",9 +5,High court upholds killer's death sentence,4 +10,"""They would want to know who is he and where is he and when do we meet him,"" Ms. Windsor recalled responding. So Ms. Spyer gave her the diamond ring, but in pin form. The two were married after a 40-year engagement in 2007, in Toronto.",9 +5,"After court on Friday, a juror who identified herself only by her juror number -- 17 -- said one juror had solidly opposed death. Nine jurors had favored death and two were unsure, but one wanted a life sentence.",4 +6,Topic: THE DEATH PENALTY,5 +5,"Carrying kitchen knives in public not protected by the right to bear arms +",4 +13,"At a minimum, the companies hope that Mr. Bush, who as governor of Texas has been a staunch defender of the industry and of gun owners, will help dampen the growing public sentiment for additional gun control. +",12 +5,Ms. Breslauer said neither woman had filed for divorce,4 +15,Show's revamping of tobacco piece criticized,14 +6,No 'New Jim Crow' in Virginia,5 +15,BLIND EYE FROM THE STRAIGHT GUY,14 +7,A GIFT GOES UP IN SMOKE THE LONG ARM OF THE LAW SNATCHES HIS CUBAN CIGARS,6 +5,CITIZENSHIP Allow illegal immigrants to seek citizenship.,4 +5,MAN OPTS FOR RAPID MURDER RETRIAL,4 +13,to the bill that President Bill Clinton signed in 1994,12 +1,higher excise taxes,0 +13,"""We're working hard,"" said Lundberg, adding that the effort may come down to the wire on Monday.",12 +13,"With Eye on Charter, Mayor Refuses to Sign a Gun Bill",12 +7,"In response to the horrific shooting in Tucson, and the senseless gun violence that continues to put our law enforcement officers and communities at terrible risk",6 +11,TOP LOCAL STORY COLUMBINE ANNIVERSARY,10 +7,"The check came back ""no match,"" and he was released. A month later, Fairfax County police say, he raped an 8-year-old girl in Centreville.",6 +1,"The tobacco company issued a statement saying the Science study published Friday ""will require careful study"" and that the company was issuing only ""a few observations.""",0 +13,Don't let the Brady bill be gunned down by NRA,12 +5,"""He was running a pretty big operation,"" Michael said. ""I'm not sure that if I had been in his position that I'd necessarily remember some of these things.'' As the lead prosecutor, he added, Mellin was under ""a lot of pressure.'' +",4 +5,Conceal carry permits in the mail Illinois sends out first permits,4 +13,"NRA backs Cagle, citing his move to kill Delta tax break",12 +13,State Strikes Balance on Immigration,12 +5, that is settled eventually by the courts?,4 +13,"The committee, which postponed a vote on the issue until next week, wrestled with problems of defining the term ""assault weapon,"" uncertain whether to include all semiautomatic rifles.",12 +12,"A group of faith leaders, community activists and immigrants took upon themselves the unhappy task of marking the 12 months of this legislation that gave legal standing to the worst anti-immigrant prejudices and attitudes.",11 +4,FEC asked to treat same-sex couples equally,3 +13,"CAN PITY, RAGE DEFEAT DOGGED GUN LOBBY?",12 +5,The strange events increased pressure on the Justice Department to justify a rigorous and expensive trial aimed at getting the death penalty for a defendant whose mental competency is in question. And prosecutors were left to contemplate facing an unpredictable Kaczynski acting as his own lawyer. Kaczynski is to undergo court-ordered psychiatric tests this week.,4 +9,said to be so mentally retarded he spends his days coloring with crayons and still believes in Santa Claus.,8 +5,", GeorgiaCarry.org, a gun rights group, sued.",4 +1,Formula Allocates Funds From Tobacco Settlement,0 +5,"The stay request was filed by lawyers for the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal organization that is representing Prince William County Clerk of Court MicheÌ?le B. McQuigg, who intervened in the case to defend the law.",4 +7,Airport Police Chief James Welna said the gun had a pistol grip and could use a detachable magazine.,6 +6,Same-sex marriage bill advances in California,5 +5,"Yet he has used every litigation trick, filed every motion he could think of and fought all the way to the Supreme Court--losing by just one vote--to prevent Ramdass's execution.",4 +9,The fact that Mr. Valoy-Nunez's death -- the first at an immigration detention center -- was from a treatable disease prompted advocates to renew their complaints against not only the way the Immigration and Naturalization Service treats detainees but also the practice of detention itself.,8 +5,Liggett's parent makes deal to end California lawsuit,4 +13,"More victories for gay marriage, in Idaho, Nev.",12 +13,"""The president,"" says Ramsey, ""carries a lot of weight."" +",12 +13,"Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat from smoke-free California and the next speaker of the House, is thinking of banishing tobacco from the most popular smoking spot in the building: the Speaker's Lobby outside the House chamber. ""I'm not an advocate of smoking,"" Pelosi said yesterday, adding that she hadn't yet decided on a ban. ""I think it's dangerous to your health.""",12 +7,"arker, 26, and three other Fort Pierce men were convicted of the murder, abduction and robbery of Slater, 18, who worked at a Stuart convenience store at the time. After they robbed the store of $134, the men forced Slater into their car at gunpoint, drove to a remote stretch of highway, and stabbed and shot her to death. +",6 +7,'Bambi' is back behind bars,6 +13,"The debate then bogged down over how to proceed with the massive legislation, underscoring how splintered the Senate has become over it. The bill faces even bigger problems in the House, where Republican leaders vowed yesterday to draft legislation that would not be the "" big-government cash cow"" they say the Senate bill is.",12 +9,it is premature disease and death.,8 +3,Houses of Worship Poised to Serve as Trump-Era Immigrant Sanctuaries,2 +6,"Americans don't need semi-automatic guns, big-volume magazines",5 +13,Corbett dropped from same-sex marriage case,12 +11,"In size, the immigrant communities make up 60 percent of the county's population of 1.8 million, including U.S.-born children of immigrants. That makes our county one of the most diverse in the nation. At least 100 languages and dialects are spoken here and more than 50 percent of county residents speak a language other than English at home.",10 +12,"The Alliance Defense Fund, a leading organization opposing gay marriage, argues that there is no right to same-sex marriage and that it undermines heterosexual unions",11 +13,Supporters Push to Save D.C. Vote Bill In U.S. House,12 +8,"said Alan Black, public safety chief at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.",7 +11,From Silver Screen to Smoke Screen,10 +13,"Fla. sour on immigrant tuition break ; State political climate cool to in-state college fees, as issue becomes debate topic. +",12 +5,Appeals Court Backs Proviso Of Gun Law,4 +13,"Now comes a new state study committee led by pro-National Rifle Association senators to study the state's ""complex firearms laws and recommend new legislation for the 2009 session.""",12 +6,"intended to root out organized crime,",5 +7,A total of 31 Haitian immigrants were detained by officers early Wednesday morning after coming ashore in Riviera Beach and Palm Beach.,6 +13,Bush May Support Gay Marriage Ban,12 +5," Assistant Deputy Public Defender Mordecai Garelick said, citing his study.",4 +7,"Murray, 18, of College Ave. in the Bronx, was arrested Saturday in connection with the Nov. 27 slaying of Victor Rodriguez.",6 +6,"TOBACCO COMPANIES CHALLENGE STATE POLICY +",5 +5,Plea Deal Rejected in Aurora Shooting,4 +10,Limiting benefits to legally married partners means that longtime and committed gay couples are ineligible.,9 +5,"arlier in the day, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis voted 2-1 to deny a request from Oxford's lawyers for a hearing and refused to grant a stay. Oxford then turned to the Supreme Court, which in April wouldn't consider his appeal. +",4 +13,It's Up to the House to Save Us From Handguns,12 +13,"But Jim Brady, the former presidential press secretary who was wounded in an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, supported the study's conclusions in an editorial accompanying the findings. +",12 +9,"The Environmental Protection Agency last year classified secondhand smoke a more dangerous carcinogen than radon, saying it caused 3,000 lung cancer deaths in adults a year and 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia in children.",8 +13,"But incorporating the Brady bill in the larger crime measure could boost the National Rifle Association's clout: If the strategy doesn't derail the Brady bill altogether, it could weaken it to the point where waiting periods never occur.",12 +11,That is not exactly the cool image of Humphrey Bogart with a cigarette dangling from his lips.,10 +15,"The Big Day Nears: What to Wear, What to Say",14 +13," +With Polite Refusal, Same-Sex Marriage Issue Reaches City Hall +",12 +3,"Yet the spillover across the church-state divide is huge. Many clergy and congregations are torn over what to do. Spurred by the state's action, some Massachusetts clergy of at least four major denominations -- Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian and Conservative Judaism -- are openly weighing whether to disobey their denominational rules and risk disciplinary action by presiding over same-sex marriage ceremonies.",2 +9,Missouri Murderer Dies,8 +5, 3 Guilty in Cape Town In U.S. Woman's Slaying,4 +4, despite pleas that a lost DNA sample would show his innocence.,3 +1,While the marketing innovation increased the gun makers' profits,0 +10, and it ended Wednesday with relatives of those slain again offering the killer forgiveness.,9 +6,"However, it has always been understood that the Smoke-Free Air Act cannot succeed on the basis of enforcement efforts alone but must rely on public pressure on restaurateurs, employers and fellow citizens to comply.",5 +13,"As quickly as Gov. Rick Perry flew into Denver Friday night on the winds of speculation that he will announce his presidential candidacy, he breezed out after a 10-minute speech. +",12 +6,U.S. AIMS TO CUT WORKPLACE SMOKING,5 +13,"The bill passed 26 to 10 in the Senate on Wednesday night, and 105 to 44 in the House around 2:30 a.m. on Thursday. +",12 +13,Today's action approving a modified version of the bill was taken after the National Rifle Association and its supporters in the House obtained the signatures of 201 House members on a petition to bring the Senate version directly to the House floor. Only 17 more signatures were required for a majority.,12 +13,Legislature Still at Odds Over Cuomo's Top Issues,12 +3,Opponents label it an assault on traditional marriage and family values,2 +4," I am pleased that marriage equality has now been extended to all Virginians.""",3 +1," Each gave a bit, with Napolitano getting UC to contain costs and improve efficiency -- and the governor agreeing to tuition hikes down the road after a two-year freeze.",0 +11,Q & A ON THE NEWS,10 +14,Outrage Across Ideological Spectrum in Europe Over Flawed Lethal Injection,13 +6,Latest mass shooting unlikely to result in new legislation regulating guns,5 +12,"""I have heard from a number of our supporters that they're not going to support him anymore. They feel betrayed,"" Mauser said.",11 +13,2 leaders endorse cigarette tax hike,12 +3, including Pope John Paul II,2 +10,gay and unmarried couples to adopt children,9 +13,Trump has said his support among Hispanics is stronger than many realize.,12 +13,THE WEEK IN GEORGIA POLITICS,12 +13," +The Sunnyvale City Council officially approved language for a gun control measure to be placed on the Nov. 5 ballot. +",12 +7,RIVIERA BEACH POLICE CATCH 11 HAITIAN IMMIGRANTS DOCKING ON SINGER ISLAND,6 +3,"The industry knows what I know, that if it can get a smoker addicted, then it has a user pretty much for life.",2 +13,"Area Hispanics, especially those in business, long have been a targeted voting bloc for many Republican candidates. The mutual attraction: their common views on social and economic issues like abortion and taxes (generally against both).",12 +7,Timidity after Tucson,6 +1,"Steve Watson, spokesman with Greensboro, N.C. -based Lorillard, said Thursday that he was shocked by the NBA's move. + +'I hadn't received any word from the NBA. I'm certainly disappointed - I cannot comment further from that,' he said. 'They sought us out to participate in Hoop-It-Up, and we did so.'",0 +10,But my interest in self-preservation is severely contradicted by the fact that I'm a habitual smoker.,9 +15,William Siroty and William Stelling,14 +12,Madison County gets an earful about smoking at restaurants,11 +13,Here's how area members of Congress voted on major issues last week.,12 +6,"Meanwhile, marking the first anniversary of new federal rules barring the sale of cigarettes to those younger than 18",5 +9,"An analysis for the Department of Health and Human Services of dozens of studies found strong correlations between marriage and healthy habits, health care access and use, mental health and longer life.",8 +5,'Panic' as last-minute H-1B visa measures hit,4 +7,"We certainly support a vigorous prosecution of the two alleged assailants, if the evidence holds up (though not the frenzy to subject an apparent juvenile to the death penalty)",6 +10,"Taylor, the mother of three and grandmother of six, had been activities director at a nursing home in Cool Valley.",9 +7,"The smuggler in the public service announcement sat handcuffed in prison garb, full of bravado and shrugging off the danger of bringing illegal immigrants across the border.",6 +1,"After spending plenty tax dollars to educate these kids in the public schools, they want to deny even the brightest an opportunity to go to college and prepare to make a larger contribution to this state when they graduate.",0 +13,Cuomo Again Vetoes Bill for Death Penalty,12 +1,One that didn't came after a piece we did favorably noting Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen's plea for jumping the ridiculously low ($66-a-year) price for a federal gun dealer's license up to $600,0 +5, Muhammad's first wife testified yesterday.,4 +1,We want to make sure our priorities are funded.,0 +13,Gillespie's tack to lead Va. in Trump's America: Embrace the culture wars,12 +15," +Refreshing explanation",14 +13,"President Clinton yesterday said documents indicating a major tobacco company targeted children for cigarette sales confirmed his ""worst suspicions,"" and he called on Congress to pass strong anti-tobacco legislation.",12 +15,Eire be seeing you!,14 +11,He was the 13th Missouri inmate to be executed since the death penalty was reinstated in 1977. Griffin was the longest-serving inmate on Missouri's death row since that year.,10 +13,"Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns",12 +4,We will right this wrong,3 +13,Senate gun compromise alive - for now,12 +11," +PRIMARY +",10 +6,Importing high-capacity ammunition clips would be banned,5 +3," ""biblical, traditional marriage.""",2 +5,"The 3rd District Court of Appeals said the smokers did not have enough in common to pursue a single lawsuit against the nation's five biggest cigarette makers. It also said misconduct by the plaintiffs' attorneys led the jury to ""disregard the law"" and return an award that would bankrupt the industry.",4 +13,"So what's up on Capitol Hill this week? Here's your guide: +",12 +4,"Taking away benefits that legal immigrants have earned amounts to a Contract on America and must not be allowed. If this country doesn't want to extend benefits to legal immigrants in the future, applicants should be so informed, and Americans should expect the same treatment when they go to live in foreign countries.",3 +6,"But gun control has become one of those fact-free crusades, based on assumptions, emotions and rhetoric.",5 +8,"""Nearly all these guns are already under the seven-day waiting period",7 +1,"rich, successful",0 +1,Opponents of the bill argue that higher income thresholds mean immigrants are less likely to wind up on welfare.,0 +5,Mexican Long Held in Texas Murder Wins His Freedom,4 +13,He later raised the possibility of commuting the sentences of everyone facing execution.,12 +9,"When a Woman Has a Coronary Artery Bypass +",8 +5,Although neither California nor any other state currently recognizes the legality of same sex unions,4 +13,"Tobacco-state Democrats recruited an influential ally - House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt, D-Mo. - in their high-stakes battle to fend off federal regulation of tobacco as a drug.",12 +6,SENATE PANEL BACKS REVISIONS IN IMMIGRATION LAW,5 +14,"Police Department statistics show that a majority of illegal guns recovered in the city had last been sold outside New York State. +",13 +13,"The measure was added to a bill the Senate is considering that would grant immunity to gun makers and dealers against civil lawsuits. Senator Barbara Boxer, the California Democrat who sponsored the amendment, described the 70-to-27 vote as ''a very strong signal'' that lawmakers would be willing to further amend the bill, despite pressure from President Bush not to do so.",12 +13,Mayor Rebukes Senators Fighting D.C. Gun Ban,12 +13,Pa. House committee approves two handgun bills,12 +7,", he faces execution if convicted of charges here of transporting or mailing bombs that killed two Sacramento men and maimed two others. In all, he is accused of 16 bomb attacks that killed three people and injured 29 between 1978 and 1995 and led to the biggest federal manhunt in history.",6 +7,The smoke police are hot on the case,6 +1,Close gun-show loophole,0 +1,Raffle Off an AR-15,0 +14,U.S. Gun Violence Draws Scorn in China as a Human Rights Issue,13 +13,"Miller called on New Jersey officials to support Gov. Rendell and Philadelphia officials in their attempt to tighten gun control. +",12 +13,"The bitter fight for re-election to his party leadership post is over, but Republican state committeeman Bill Bunting isn't done squabbling with the National Rifle Association.",12 +9,health benefits to domestic partners of their employees.,8 +5,Lawyers for Immigrants,4 +7,19 ALIENS ARRESTED HERE SENT TO TEXAS,6 +7," Federal and Oakland police officials on Wednesday were investigating the thefts of more than 230 guns that have been stolen from at least a dozen licensed firearms dealers in the Sacramento area, officials said Wednesday.",6 +12,members of the gay and lesbian community to explore,11 +5,"""The garden holds it as private property,"" Brown said.",4 +12,"The rally, coordinated by CASA of Maryland, drew many day laborers, restaurant workers, housekeepers, nannies and other low-wage earners who could not take time off from their jobs during the day. Organizers said their sixth annual lobby day in Annapolis reflected a sense of urgency over federal efforts to crack down on illegal immigration, although the Maryland General Assembly has historically rejected such legislation.",11 +5,High court declines to hear challenge to D.C.'s gay marriage law,4 +2,"Regina Carlson, director of the New Jersey Group Against Smoking Pollution",1 +10, The grandson of a murder victim,9 +13,National Briefing West: California: Senate Approves Same-Sex Marriages,12 +1, as an excuse to sell more guns,0 +1,"estimate puts the cost of financing care for the uninsured at about $ 40 billion. About one-half of that, the official said, could be raised by the new employer-payment mandate, which would produce $ 20 billion from companies that now pay nothing for employees' health care. Approximately 85 percent of the uninsured are working people and their families.",0 +13,MARYLAND GUN BAN IS HOTLY DEBATED,12 +3,Obama cites religion in opposing gay marriage,2 +7,"He is scheduled to be executed Dec. 12 at the federal prison in Terre Haute, Ind.",6 +15,Changing Your Name After Marriage When You're Gay,14 +7,A Closer Look at Five Cases That Resulted in Executions of Texas Inmates,6 +13,"Winning on Iraq, Bush Turns to Immigration",12 +5,"As testimony ends in Proposition 8 trial, both sides figure they won",4 +13,"Trump says government shutdown possible, blames Democrats",12 +13,Mayor Bloomberg and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) met yesterday for the first time since the upstater took over Hillary Clinton's seat and proclaimed themselves eye to eye on gun control.,12 +11," +So there was a book.",10 +6,"Under the new laws, California will create a statewide registry for domestic partners, defined as same-sex couples and unmarried couples age 62 or older, when marriage may in certain cases reduce limited retirement benefits. Domestic partners will be able to get hospital visitation rights, as family members do now, and those who are state employees will be eligible to receive health insurance benefits for their partners. Many cities in California, including Los Angeles, already provide health benefits for domestic partners under local laws. This state statute will make it easier for local governments to offer such benefits.",5 +15,"ANTI-SMOKING, PRO-KIDS",14 +7,Execution delayed for killer of teenager,6 +7,Dale Selby Pierre was executed in 1987 for what is known - in books and a TV movie - as the Hi-Fi murders of 1974.,6 +12,Poll: Same-sex ban still trails; gap closing,11 +5,MURDERER SENTENCED FOR THIRD TIME,4 +10,"""I made many public statements that I would prefer the death penalty to life in prison. Each time I said that, though I meant it, I lost perspective. Until very recently I could not have imagined standing before you all and asking you to give me life ... I thought I would rather die,"" said 32-year-old Arias.",9 +13,SENATORS APPROVE ANTI-CRIME PACKAGE,12 +7,"The private operator of an Elizabeth, N.J., immigration detention center - where inmates rioted last month - will lose its contract to run the site after investigators found guards abusing detainees and stealing from them. The announcement Friday by the Immigration and Naturalization Service accompanied its report criticizing Esmor Corp. for failing to provide information about its operations to INS' Newark district office.",6 +6," +So far, 29 states have banned homosexual marriage since Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal recognition of gay marriage and allowed states to ignore same-sex unions licensed elsewhere.",5 +4,New Study Adds to Evidence Of Bias in Death Sentences,3 +13,"Democrats emboldened on firearms restrictions +",12 +13,"In theory, any connection between little Elian and the mayor of New York City would seem negligible. With all the challenges confronting Mr. Giuliani -- understaffed summer schools, criticism of police tactics, a troubled welfare-to-work program -- one might guess that he would have little more than passing interest in the international saga of a 6-year-old Cuban refugee in Miami.",12 +1,"The semi-automatic rifle maker had just announced its intention to leave Connecticut more than two years ago, when it was besieged by recruitment proposals from at least 44 states.",0 +7," It certainly made no difference to Tucker's two victims, both of whom died from a pickax in their chests.",6 +13,"Montco will not deny same-sex marriage licenses +",12 +1,The Market Is Smokin',0 +12,Advocates for same-sex couples were relieved to hear,11 +5,"""He will be prosecuted here, regardless of the outcome,"" District Attorney Bob Macy said. Macy said he will seek the death penalty",4 +12,It's a discouraging time for the majority of Americans who support gun regulation.,11 +7,BILL: TEEN SMOKERS COULD LOSE LICENSES,6 +5,"If they agree, the case, which started July 20 - when prosecutors say Holmes carried out the midnight massacre during a showing of the new Batman movie - could end quickly. In the filing, defense attorneys say the only thing that would hinder Holmes changing his plea Monday is the prosecution's decision.",4 +13,"Sen. Shirley Turner (D., Mercer), who opposes the legislation, said it was as many as eight votes short in the Senate with about a month to go before the session ends and Gov.-elect Christopher J. Christie, a same-sex marriage opponent, takes office. + +""I can't see how you change that many opinions over this short period of time,"" Turner said on a day that was supposed to include a crucial Senate vote on allowing gay and lesbian couples to wed. +",12 +5,required to obtain a carry permit.,4 +6,A Deadline for Grandfathered Weapons,5 +7,"Walton, 24, was scheduled to die in the electric chair in May -- his punishment for killing and robbing three Danville, Va., residents in 1996.",6 +9,Tex. Ban on Executing Retarded Is Rejected,8 +11,CIGS SEEN DRAWING FEWER TEENS,10 +15,Unloading on D.C.,14 +1,"Downtown business owners are frustrated and confused about Colorado's new gun laws. +",0 +13,Cheney Daughter's Political Role Disappoints Some Gay Activists,12 +13,LOCAL IN-DEPTH THE GUN DEBATE,12 +1,Facebook tightens policy on firearms transactions,0 +13,"The bill put forth by Sen. Brian Nieves, R-Washington, was endorsed by the Senate Tuesday night and needs one more vote in the Senate before moving to the House.",12 +13,The congressional debate over same-sex marriages has put renewed attention on closeted homosexuals in Congress.,12 +7,"An Immigration Attorney Is Accused of Being a Fraud, and His Clients Scramble for Help",6 +13,"""[Skelos] has said he will discuss it with the conference and will make a decision then on whether it will come to the floor,"" said Skelos spokesman Scott Reif.",12 +13,It must be that Senate Republican leaders can find no more pressing issue facing the nation right now than the threat that gay and lesbian weddings pose to heterosexual marriage.,12 +9,"Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a dramatic report advising people at risk of heart disease to avoid places where indoor smoking is allowed. The report, published in the British Medical Journal, urged doctors to warn heart patients that as little as 30 minutes of exposure to secondhand smoke can be deadly.",8 +13,"A Senate bill that would prohibit smoking in indoor public places has the support of Gov. Jim Doyle, who last week called on the Assembly to pass a statewide smoking ban during this week's special session.",12 +1,NASCAR left mulling a smoke-free future,0 +2,Hundreds of people gathered around El Centro Hispano,1 +15,By Dave Montgomery,14 +7,"Private investigators, hired by the Bloomberg administration, went to gun shows in Nevada, Ohio and Tennessee. ",6 +7,Garcia Zarate had been deported five times but was released onto San Francisco streets instead of being sent back to his native Mexico.,6 +5,North Carolina growers are by far the biggest users of the U.S. Department of Labor's H-2A guest worker program,4 +5, but the courts have delayed his execution.,4 +12," Support for the death penalty, as measured by use, is at its lowest point since the United States Supreme Court reinstated it in 1976.",11 +9,"The health plan is administered by six trustees, three appointed by the union and three by the TA.",8 +11,"There are an absolutely insane number of guns in the United States: More than 300 million, more than one per person.",10 +3,"""Nobody can bring our children back, but it would bring us comfort if we can help spare other mothers the pain that we will feel on Mother's Day and every day for the rest of our lives.""",2 +15,Gay couples on hold after San Francisco defea,14 +6,"COUNTY BAN ON CIGARETTES WON'T WORK, MANY SAY",5 +5," +Moving the case elsewhere would be impossible, the judge said. ""Where could I send this case in the state of California that hasn't been inundated with the media coverage?"" Delucci asked.",4 +13,House approves bill to abolish INS,12 +9,IMMIGRANT PRENATAL CARE SUBSIDIZED,8 +5,Man with gun permit is charged with murder in shooting,4 +6,Gun-clip capacity and the availability of firearms,5 +5,"TRIGGERMAN GIVES TESTIMONY AT CARRUTH MURDER TRIAL +",4 +5," +Court Refuses Second Delay",4 +5,"The Supreme Court slammed the door Tuesday on convicted felons who want to own guns. +",4 +13,GUN CONTROL OPPONENTS STUNG BY REAGAN'S FLIP TO OTHER SIDE,12 +6,'94 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE Gun-control bill has shot at getting lawmakers' OK Legislation requires instant background check of buyers,5 +5,An 'illegal' legal eagle Calif. immig wins right to be att'y,4 +11,Saying 'I Do' Amid the Roses,10 +1,STATE MAKES NEW PITCH FOR TOBACCO FIRMS' FAVOR,0 +5,Hawaii gay marriage case has national implications,4 +12,Amendment On Guns Divides Residents,11 +12,after an outcry,11 +7,"A Northwest Airlines pilot scheduled to work a Detroit-bound flight was arrested this morning at LaGuardia Airport after a loaded handgun was found in his carry-on luggage, authorities said.",6 +5,FLORIDA TO SUE U.S. IN REFUGEE DISPUTE,4 +4,"The justices also said Luke erred when he seated another juror who said she ""supposed [Green] is guilty"" because of what she had read in the newspaper.",3 +1,$125 in fines,0 +1, designed to increase gun sales at any cos,0 +13,DN editorial: Kenney right to rip Trump over false claims about Philly,12 +7,Crime Fatalities Rise With Gun Availability,6 +13,Impact of Obama's action does not appear to be equivalent to step taken by Bush in 1990,12 +5,"The new federal charges come five months after New York's highest court ruled that the state's death penalty law was unconstitutional. +",4 +5, It does not destroy the right to bear arms in public under the guise of regulating it.,4 +11,"Available evidence suggests that television executions would further desensitize and brutalize a public already punch-drunk on television violence. They would serve only to exploit a thirst for retribution and vengeance. +",10 +3,Death row inmates retain their humanity,2 +3,"He recalled something his uncle told him when he was 11 or 12: When an enemy uses violence against you, you have to fight back with ""moral Jiu-Jitsu.""",2 +5,'Sanctuary cities' are on legal ground,4 +7,Officer Michael McGee last July was allegedly shot by David Byrne and two other officers were hit during a running gun battle that ended with Byrne being shot in the abdomen.,6 +6," +No Executions in Illinois Until System Is Repaired",5 +7,"Sheriff's deputies arrested Cesar Vega, 24, and Blanca Granados, 26, late Saturday, and charged them with grand theft and uttering forged instruments. The couple were in Hillsborough County Jail on Sunday, each in lieu of $ 2,000 bail.",6 +7,"Damion Hardy dated Lil' Kim in 2003, and was a suspect in an October 2003 incident in which rapper 50 Cent and his entourage were shot at outside the DoubleTree Hotel in Jersey City.",6 +3," I can't find it in my heart to ever forgive these people,""",2 +5,"LAWYER HELPED DEFRAUD IMMIGRANTS, CLIENTS SAY",4 +4, has made inequality appear to widen in the statistics,3 +12,Majorities favor full marriage for gay and lesbian couples.,11 +9,a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who was arrested by immigration officials after gallbladder surgery.,8 +5,CONSTITUTION'S USE OF `MILITIA' MUST BE INTERPRETED,4 +1,"States weigh in-state tuition for illegal immigrants +",0 +5,is legal.,4 +4,Letters: Paper again shows bias against gun ownership,3 +7,"The agency is investigating at least two smuggling rings based in the Southwest but had not charged anyone with immigrant smuggling as of yesterday,",6 +5,"In today's 5-to-1 ruling, California's justices overturned an appeals court ruling that is believed to have been the only one to permit victims of gun violence to sue the manufacturers for negligence. ""In reaching this conclusion, we are not insensitive to the terrible tragedy that occurred on July 1, 1993,"" one of the judges, Ming W. Chin, wrote for the majority. ""The Legislature has set California's public policy regarding gun manufacturers liability under these circumstances.""",4 +12,Same-sex petition drives coming down to wire,11 +11,"Malik, a middle-aged Pakistani who sells hand-rolled paan at the Megna Paan Shop on 37th Avenue, has been chewing since he was a teenager. It shows. He teeth are rotten and stained a rusty-red. His lips are covered with red paan juice. ""It's good to eat after a meal,"" he said of the gooey substance. ""It helps with digestion.""",10 +13,House Republican Conference,12 +7,"Deportation proceedings against Helena, who asked that her full name not be used, began Dec. 22 - even though military law had been declared in Poland nine days earlier. The proceedings will continue although the Reagan Administration, in the wake of the recent events in Poland, has barred the actual expulsion of illegal Polish aliens until March 31.",6 +4,"Graham, who was convicted and later exonerated in the 1986 slayings of an elderly Louisiana couple, told lawmakers that his attorneys had little criminal trial experience and that one was only months out of law school.",3 +13,"Ehrlich Denounces Gay Marriage, Vows Legislative Fight",12 +12,and civic organizations,11 +8,Democrats push to prevent gun sales to those on terror list,7 +13,Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell vetoed legislation that would have prevented most companies from doing business with City Hall.,12 +5,NBC Correspondent Applies for Amnesty,4 +1, Immigration Commissioner Gene McNary's plea for a steep budget increase spurred hot-tempered House members to grill him Monday over investigative reports that roast the immigration agency.,0 +9," has a psychotic disorder so ""chronic and relentless"" that he cannot understand his crimes or connect them to his death sentences",8 +13,"After a week filled with campaigning, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sunday sang with 4,000 parishioners and bowed his head in prayer at a predominantly African-American church in urban Los Angeles.",12 +9,U.S. to Admit Some Immigrants With AIDS Under New Health Policy,8 +5,"As the recent Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood difficulties illustrate, finding a nanny who not only cares for your child, but also is legal to work, can be difficult.",4 +5,"What was the law that was overturned by this decision? +",4 +5,"An NBC News correspondent, James Makawa, joined thousands of other illegal aliens Tuesday in picking up applications under the new Federal amnesty program.",4 +5,A Ruling on the Gay Marriage Front,4 +8, to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists.,7 +8, thereby avoiding background checks.,7 +1,"He said bars aren't doing as well as in the past. Business has shrunk by half in the last 25 years, he said. But researchers elsewhere in the country haven't been able to show smoking restrictions have been a big factor in the decline.",0 +13,Amy Klobuchar: Immigration reform: Keeping America competitive,12 +1,"Handgun Sales Drop, State Statistics Show",0 +12,An uproar free of all pretense,11 +5,"But in 1995, the Florida Supreme Court ordered that the penalty phase of the trial be retried because Hildwin's original attorney hadn't produced enough evidence of mitigating circumstances - factors that could sway the jury into handing down a lighter sentence.",4 +10,Civil Union Laws Don't Ensure Benefits,9 +9,Microsoft and Yahoo Equalize Health Benefits for Gay Employees,8 +14,"From Iraq, a good-news immigration story",13 +12,Voices against guns,11 +7,Grim video & death plot.,6 +13,A Mission for Gov. Paterson,12 +11,"Mexicans make up more than half of the nation's illegal immigrant population of at least 10 million, so it figures that Mexicans are the favored targets when anti-immigrant activists talk about closing borders.",10 +5,"AWAITING RULING ON ASYLUM, HAITIANS PONDER GOING HOME",4 +5," In 2010, he and attorneys general from 12 other states filed an amicus brief with a federal appeals court arguing that Proposition 8 should be allowed to stand. Cuccinelli joined a larger group of states in January to file another amicus brief with the Supreme Court in the case.",4 +5,"The other would allow holders of concealed weapon permits to wear their guns in the open - including on college campuses. About 780,000 Floridians have such permits.",4 +5," People who are legally eligible to own guns for hunting, target practice and even home security have nothing to fear from Amendment 22.",4 +5,Tobacco firm wins reversal in 'light' cigarette fraud case,4 +10,Shared grief at vigil in Va.,9 +8,"""Agents conduct immigration raids in six states"" stated that a Department of Homeland Security official noted that the ""majority of those detained were serious criminals, including some who had been convicted of murder."" This blatant fear-mongering is not needed. Those conducting and authorizing the raids should show us the facts. Exactly how many ""murderers"" did Immigration and Customs Enforcement apprehend?",7 +3,but they told a forum of Baptist ministers yesterday that they would not try to force reluctant pastors to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies.,2 +10,"There is no downside to a love-filled union. Gay or straight, marriage should be celebrated, not banned.",9 +12,"opponents put the question before voters, who overturned the law 53 percent to 47 percent. If Mainers approve gay marriage, the state would be the first to do so by a popular vote.",11 +1,"Fannie Mae, which last year announced a $1 trillion initiative to finance more than 10 million houses by the end of the decade, has promised to focus heavily on the growing immigrant population.",0 +13, Ryan,12 +13,The 38-to-24 vote,12 +7, on the eve of the first anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings.,6 +6,GUN-CONTROL AMENDMENT IS A SCATTERSHOT APPROACH,5 +6,Report Finds That Bans on Smoking Reduce Heart Attacks and Disease,5 +5,Lawyer in sniper case blasts police for leaks,4 +13,VERMONT HOUSE WORKS ON RIGHTS FOR GAY COUPLES,12 +13,"The House voted 87-86 for Mr. Lane's amendment, but it was killed when House Speaker Tom Murphy (D-Bremen) added his own vote to force a tie.",12 +13,"Mr. Holden showed real courage in vetoing this law, which has broad support in the Legislature, especially among rural lawmakers. +",12 +7,"Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the indictments should serve notice that, ""We are committed to removing violence and drug dealing from our public housing developments.""",6 +13,"State Sen. William J. ""Pete"" Knight, R-Palmdale, said Monday night he was ""disappointed"" by Schwarzenegger's comments. Knight sponsored Proposition 22, the 2000 measure that banned gay marriage. ""It surprises me, but what I'm not clear on, that doesn't tell me what he'll do if in fact a bill comes to him that in fact legalizes homosexual marriages,"" Knight said. ""I don't know whether he would veto it or sign it. That is an unusual comment for him to make that indicates he might sign this thing.""",12 +13,"""The debate about stand-your-ground laws largely reproduces existing divisions in American politics, particularly between blacks and whites and between Democrats and Republicans,"" said John Sides, associate professor of political science at George Washington University. +",12 +7,BARBER CHARGED WITH ILLEGAL GUN SALES,6 +5,"Byrd was not happy with his court-appointed attorney, William McElroy of Hatboro. Judge Nicholas acknowledged that he received a letter from Byrd that announced his complaints about McElroy.",4 +10,"For Three Same-Sex Couples, Together Many Years, the Wait Is About Over",9 +5,"""It's testimony that's being elicited to make a decision about the life or death of their son,"" their attorney said Thursday morning in a hearing before County Judge Margaret Taylor.",4 +11," ""But when you come to know someone through these television shows",10 +6,"""I think we have to be careful about new, suggesting new gun laws",5 +13,"Only one of those state laws has passed. And Congress, for its part, has barred new school safety funds from being used to buy firearms. (Ms. DeVos's plans would circumvent this restriction by drawing from a different fund.) But it's clear that plenty of policymakers still see this as an option worth pursuing.",12 +7,"They were stopped by border patrol agents four times trying to come into the United States, but made it across the fifth time. They were put into the U-Haul van in Nogales, Ariz.",6 +12,"Aboard the buses from Harrisburg, a sense that their message was heard",11 +9,children and the mentally ill ,8 +13,"But a Peninsula lawmaker introduced legislation Friday intended to close what he described as a loophole big enough to ""drive a tobacco truck through."" Assemblyman Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo",12 +13, to ensure Washington does not enact any new restrictions on gun ownership.,12 +5,The Rowan Case Belongs in Court,4 +1,"Philip Morris is one of the world's biggest consumer products companies generating more than $65 billion a year from sales of items like Marlboro cigarettes, Kraft cheese and Miller beer. +",0 +15,An Honest Debate About Immigration,14 +13,"""We don't want it on this bill,"" Mr. McCollum said today, noting that 38 Republicans now in the House voted in favor of the ban last year and that the leaders wanted to display as much unity as possible. Including a repeal, said one top Republican aide, ""would give the President the perfect opportunity to sink the reforms we have wanted for years by calling it a gun bill and vetoing it.""",12 +6,"Thirty-four states allow customers to carry guns into restaurants that serve alcohol, according to the National Rifle Association. Maryland law allows customers to carry concealed weapons in restaurants as long as they have a permit. The District, which has the nation's most restrictive gun law, does not allow customers to bring guns into restaurants.",5 +5,SECOND AMENDMENT DOESN'T BAR GUN LAWS,4 +5,"Holeman denied the request, according to Brian K. Flowers, chief counsel to the D.C. Council. Holeman, according to Flowers, also denied a request to permit an immediate appeal to the D.C. Court of Appeals.",4 +15,Here's Adam Gopnik's thought experiment on guns:,14 +13,"Owens' predecessor, Democratic Gov. Roy Romer, twice vetoed such a ban.",12 +13,Whether the Senate ever reconsiders gun-control legislation could be decided this week as groups pushing for stricter gun laws plan to mobilize supporters here and in other states with senators who recently voted against a bipartisan plan to expand the national gun background check program.,12 +14," +PRIMARY",13 +7, execute for killing four people in a robbery in 1980.,6 +12,"Active Protesters, Armed in Cleveland",11 +13,"Gov. George E. Pataki has not taken a firm position on a ban, but last year he expressed reservations about it and helped persuade the Senate not to take up such a bill. A spokesman for the governor, Joseph Conway, said today that if the Legislature approves a bill, ""We'll take a look and review the details.""",12 +5,"A citizen, not a subject",4 +13,'Pit Bull' of the House Latches On to Immigration,12 +5,Federal judge expands freeze on executions in Ohio until early 2015,4 +7,"A search of the 1990 Chevrolet Caprice in which Muhammad and Malvo were arrested, the affidavit says, found a laptop computer, walkie-talkies, a global positioning device, bolt cutters and two shooting mittens -- gloves with grips and padding often used in target practice.",6 +5,"In his ruling, which will be appealed, the judge said he was bound under an 1886 Supreme Court decision, Presser v. Illinois, that specifies that Second Amendment rights to bear arms applied only to laws adopted by Congress. Resolution of ''this troublesome political question must be returned to the citizens of Morton Grove where it properly belongs, rather than in the court,'' the judge said.",4 +1,"desk,"" griped the employee",0 +6,DACA accord is on the table,5 +7,"Columbine has nothing directly to do with the DNA-fueled controversy that led to the suspension of the death penalty in Illinois, the racial furor over the shooting of unarmed blacks in New York or the latest carnage on Buckhead's nightclub scene. For that matter, last July's crazed shootings at two Atlanta day trading offices might have happened anyway, despite the quality of contagion that was captured in the bloodiest fashion at Columbine.",6 +5,Colorado Suspect Is Told He Faces 142 Counts as Case Inches Forward,4 +6,S.F. GUN-CONTROL PROPOSALS FOCUS CHIEFLY ON DEALERS,5 +13,Democrats are worried about the campaign liability of a tax increase,12 +13,"The Post's tally is not a guarantee of the bill's passage when it reaches the Senate floor, probably next week. Several senators, including Klausmeier, have publicly agonized over their positions in recent days. Opponents also have threatened a filibuster in an attempt to kill the legislation.",12 +5,Smokers' suit wins appeal,4 +6,"The city's smoking ban, adopted in 2001, prohibits smoking near playground areas, building entrances and ball fields, leaving smokers with the parking lot areas if they want to light up. The Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District took that to the next level by placing a ban on its parks that became effective this month. + +That means smoking is not allowed anywhere in Sugar Sand Park, Patch Reef Park and the Swim and Racquet Center. + +In December, Sarasota County became the first county in the state to decree a ban, making it illegal to smoke on the county's beaches. Sarasota city officials followed it last month with a smoking ban at Lido Beach. + +But what Boca Raton officials are thinking of doing now has failed in other areas as recently as a month ago, when Naples considered such a ban but rejected the idea. + +The Martin County Commission also rejected a proposed smoking ban in all county parks and beaches four years ago. + +Boca Raton officials said Monday that they first want to make sure it is legal to make such a recommendation before they formally propose it.",5 +13,"GORE'S GUN-CONTROL TIEBREAKER A WINNER +",12 +14,"`In Japan we live life with no guns. We hope that you, too, can live life without guns,'' her husband Masaichi Hattori said.",13 +8, which is commonly understood to include not just border security,7 +12,"While the numbers are striking, this isn't really all that new. Polls have long shown this trend toward gun rights over gun control. +",11 +5,"The appellate panel stopped short of finding a broad constitutional right to marry that would have extended same-sex marriage to every state. Instead, the ruling follows a conservative, California-centric judicial approach that is less satisfying but will make it exceedingly hard to attack on the expected appeal.",4 +13,Easley still objects to death penalty delay,12 +1,"would ban delivery of cigarettes and other tobacco products through the mail. +",0 +1, buying semi-automatic weapons as a private citizen and selling them illegally.,0 +5,Should I have to obtain a license,4 +11,"The ceremony is a traditional part of Atlanta's Gay Pride weekend, which culminates in today's noon March for Pride from the Atlanta Civic Center to Piedmont Park.",10 +6,"U.S. policy: Fight tobacco, give farmers $ 328 million to grow it",5 +5,"In the case, Evans v. Utah, the plaintiffs argued Utah could not retroactively ban marriages between same-sex couples married between Dec. 20, 2013, when U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby ruled Utah's marriage ban was unconstitutional, and Jan. 6, 2014, when the U.S. Supreme Court stayed the ruling. +",4 +5," But Proposition 8 backers maintained that the original ruling should only apply to the two couples who challenged the law and their two counties, Alameda and Los Angeles. +",4 +5,Jury convicts man of killing 3 police officers,4 +13,"Pressed to answer for the latest controversial comments by Donald Trump, who on Tuesday appeared to condone violence against Hillary Clinton, Toomey said he ""didn't know what"" Trump meant but that at a minimum the comment was ""very careless."" +",12 +13,"Lawmakers, Bush turn backs on ban",12 +5,Ruling could speed execution of 10 inmates,4 +13,MASS. GOV THREATENS TO CLIP GAY LOVEBIRDS,12 +8,Less than 1% of handgun victims used a gun in defense.,7 +6," DACA pits 'good immigrants' against millions of others +",5 +15,ANDY PICK FOR AIDE MAY PRESAGE PUSH FOR MARY MARRIAGE,14 +6,"The proposed law change would subject private businesses to potential civil penalties if an incident happens that ""could reasonably have been prevented"" had guns and other weapons not been banned.",5 +13,The Senate moved forward Friday with consideration of a bipartisan immigration measure by announcing plans to hold votes early next week on a single amendment that would make several significant changes to the bill ahead of final passage later next week.,12 +7," +Gomez, who is being held without bond, has been in jail for eight months on a charge of immigration fraud.",6 +9,"MARTINEZ SAW THROUGH SMOKE SCREEN, PUT HEALTH FIRST",8 +13,"""Both sides of the issue have their own reasons -- mostly political -- for drawing a line in the sand over it,"" Pasco says.",12 +7,"""All the crime going on, none of those people have permits,",6 +13," +When Gov. Corbett signed a law June 28 expanding the right to use deadly force outside the home, gun-control proponents predicted every thug would have a new defense to pulling the trigger.",12 +5," +Fulton Superior Court Judge Constance Russell's ruling last week that the 2004 amendment banning gay marriage was flawed brought a swift response from both parties. + +Gov. Sonny Perdue and other Republican leaders quickly called for an appeal of the ruling to the Georgia Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court doesn't reverse Russell's ruling by Aug. 7, Perdue said he'd call a special session Aug. 9 to get a new amendment passed and put on the November ballot. + +",4 +13,Obama's Position on Gay Marriage Faces New Test,12 +13,IMMIGRANTS CONSOLIDATING POWER OF VOTE,12 +5,after a United States magistrate judge in Portland ruled that an immigrant's rights had been violated when she was held in a county jail on such a request.,4 +7, But he should consider that many illegal immigrants arriving at airports receive false documents from organized crime syndicates.,6 +13,"Not so fast, said Marion Hammer, then and now the National Rifle Association's top gun in Florida. ""There is no such thing as an assault weapon. It's a new term that's been created and has not yet been defined.""",12 +7,"The investigation began in 1996 when Iredell County authorities noticed people with out-of-state license plates making large cash purchases from JR Tobacco, a discount tobacco outlet in Statesville.",6 +13,"Gun-buying checks, use of deadly force are OK'd in House measure",12 +6,"By Aug. 2, private and public employers must have a written smoking policy. In addition, all cigarette vending machines that aren't in bars or nightclubs have to go",5 +5," +Appeals court stays Texas execution",4 +13,"Three days later, O'Malley summoned Mayer and several advisers to the governor's mansion. Until then, his team had mostly been recovering from the exhaustion of campaigning for three statewide referendums and President Obama's reelection. They had no grand plan to take on guns as the state legislature was about to convene in Annapolis.",12 +9,She was pronounced dead on arrival at Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley.,8 +5, On Jan. 6 immigration attorneys filed a class-action lawsuit challenging the government policy and Vela signed a temporary restraining order three days later to pave the way for an exodus of refugees.,4 +8,"South Bay community leaders to launch Rapid Response Network to protect undocumented immigrants +",7 +13,"HATCH, KENNEDY URGE CIGARETTE TAX HIKE",12 +13,"But this legislature has disappointed on that promise. Instead, it has been focused on installing a conservative social agenda.",12 +7,"Yet, since then, approximately 100,000 Americans have been killed by gun violence. Where is the outrage? +",6 +1,Banning Gun Imports,0 +13, this is the same Grant who not long ago waged an ugly campaign to pressure Walt Disney Co. to stop offering same-sex benefits.,12 +13,"Liberals don't love the sin, they hate hypocrisy",12 +5,"When the Constitution was before the states for ratification, several expressed reservations and asked for unequivocal protection of individual rights. This led to the Bill of Rights. + +Pennsylvania, the second state to ratify the Constitution, did so only after a minority report included the first explicit statement of what became the Second Amendment. It read: ""That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and their own state, or the United States, or for the purpose of killing game, and no law shall be passed for disarming the people or any of them, unless for crimes committed, or real danger of public injury from individuals."" + +Ratifying resolutions by other states included the word ""militia."" Typical was New York's: ""That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well regulated militia, including the body of the people capable of bearing arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free State."" + +Regardless of the current meaning of militia, the Bill of Rights' authors saw the militia as including all law-abiding citizens. In the end, the Second Amendment was written to protect the right of individuals to possess arms, and ultimately to be capable of defending themselves and their nation.",4 +4,"because the ""system is haunted by the demon of error.""",3 +9,American Cancer Society counters tobacco industry with ad campaign,8 +13,Candidate for Governor Shifts to Right in Waning Days of Campaign,12 +9, these dangerous weapons to remain in circulation,8 +9,"""Second, and more important, is the fact that this behavior is potentially dangerous to not only the officer, but to the public as well.""",8 +5,"U.S. to Recognize Same-Sex Marriages in Michigan +",4 +12,HISPANIC VOTERS SAY IMMIGRATION'S NO. 1,11 +5," +Judge rejects Idaho ban on gay marriage",4 +13,Illinois House Ends Session Without Vote On Marriage,12 +5,The plea agreement was approved Friday in a packed Fulton County Courthouse filled with state troopers.,4 +5,Calif. official to defend marriage law; The attorney general will uphold a law saying marriage is only a union of a man and a woman.,4 +11,The Wedding March,10 +1,money that cigarette-makers promised under a $206 billion settlement of state claims last year.,0 +5,'Common' to speed gun permits for top Finest,4 +4,right of smokers,3 +13,Trying to keep the issue of same-sex marriage alive in the Presidential campaign,12 +5," +Supreme Court Gun Ruling Doesn't Block Proposed Controls, Experts Say",4 +13,"House to push immigration reform +",12 +7,"Pintado said he didn't mean to kill Snyder, but ""was glad the e-mail made (Snyder) nervous,"" according to an arrest affidavit. Pintado was charged with attempted corruption by threat of a public official and written threat to kill or injure, which are second- and third-degree felonies, respectively.",6 +13,The constitutional convention will resume March 11 when lawmakers will again grapple with the divisive issue that has placed Massachusetts in the national spotlight.,12 +14,Mexico Leader Hopes His Talks With Bush Will Unblock Aid,13 +6,`Check your weapon at door' under Senate bill,5 +7,"One wrong step, and bullets will fly.",6 +6,"That policy is being reviewed, however, and no immediate changes are planned.",5 +14,and I will be going out of my way,13 +5,"The group also urges couples to give copies of their legal documents -- such as partnership registrations and health-care proxies -- to their family doctors, so they can be called if a conflict arises. And couples should keep copies of these documents with them always. +",4 +1,Billions sent home south of the border; Money flow: Area's Mexican immigrants typically send home $300 to $400 a month.,0 +7,"recommended the death penalty for Norris Holder, one of two gunmen who robbed Lindell Bank & Trust Co. and killed a guard.",6 +4,Other voices: On marriage and equality,3 +11,"As with minorities in general, immigrants tend to be younger than non-Hispanic whites and still in their childbearing years. As a result, in five suburban Washington counties, more than half of children age 4 and younger were minorities when the annual Census Bureau survey was taken a year ago.",10 +5,Court overturns 2 death sentences,4 +13,PANEL OKS MARRIAGE DEFINITION HOUSE MEMBERS VOTE FOR MAN-WOMAN AMENDMENT,12 +6,Kentucky: New Challenge To Lethal Injection,5 +7,"Triggering concern: Patrick Purdy's Jan. 17 shooting spree at a Stockton, Calif., schoolyard with a Chinese-made AK-47. Five children died..",6 +6,"The council approved a zoning ordinance amendment last September that regulates the number of tobacco retailers in Saratoga. The amendment requires conditional-use permits for new tobacco retailers, limits the density of tobacco retailers in the city, and requires all tobacco retailers to ensure they are abiding by law by not selling tobacco products to those younger than 18. +",5 +8,Mexico and U.S. to Patrol Border Trouble Spots,7 +11,"Read, formerly an Atlanta Business Chronicle reporter and English teacher in Japan, said the paper is targeting immigrants who want to learn more about sister ethnic communities in Atlanta.",10 +12,"But just a few miles up the road, nearly a thousand people gathered on a muddy field in Cupertino to say that Giluso's marriage, and others like his, is wrong and should be nullified.",11 +7,It's likely that the firearms used in these killings were illegally obtained by the shooters.,6 +5,"The court did not immediately order a stay of Thompson's execution, scheduled for 12:01 a.m. Tuesday. But a ruling in Thompson's favor after Friday's hearing would overturn his death sentence and entitle him to a partial retrial.",4 +6,"In Europe, Philip Morris beats the drum against government regulations on smoking.",5 +4,"""This is a civil rights issue,"" Giluso, a Gilroy resident who married his husband in June.",3 +13,"At the same time, House Republicans, backed by dozens of Democratic supporters, shut down attempts to consider any amendments proposed by gun-control advocates. One that had the wide support of law enforcement and mayors across Pennsylvania would have closed a loophole that allows individuals denied gun permits in Pennsylvania to get them elsewhere.",12 +7,Five soldiers from the Salvadoran National Guard were eventually convicted of the killings and served long prison sentences. General Vides was the commander of the National Guard at the time of the murders.,6 +12,"The founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, Alan Gottlieb, had previously said he didn?t want pro-gun control groups to ?own? the anniversary. +",11 +7,"Death warrants were also issued for: Dino Rucci of Washington County, 35, who was sentenced in 1994 for killing his wife's aunt; and Andre Stevens of Beaver County, 51, who was sentenced in 1994 for the slayings of his estranged wife and a friend of hers. Rucci's execution is set for June 4 and Stevens is to be executed June 6. All three men are to be executed by lethal injection.",6 +6," Quick-draw legislation, or, gutting gun control",5 +6,Illinois Prohibits Guns on Campuses.,5 +13,House Republicans push Ryan to hold vote on background-check bill;,12 +7,Massachusetts: Businessman Sentenced,6 +3,West Point chapel hosts gay wedding,2 +5," In a surprising twist shortly before concluding their presentations to the jury in the penalty phase of the Sierra LaMar case, Antolin Garcia-Torres' defense said Thursday that they will not call to the stand a detective who gave inaccurate testimony in another trial.",4 +7,Buenoano also is serving a life sentence for drowning her quadriplegic son in 1980 and a 12-year sentence for trying to kill a boyfriend by poisoning him and planting a bomb in his car in 1983. And she is a suspect in the 1978 poisoning death of her common-law husband in Colorado.,6 +6,"A new law that went into effect yesterday requires all hospitals in New York State to post signs offering free translation services to people who speak limited English, and to make them available within 10 minutes in emergencies and 20 minutes in other circumstances.",5 +7," There is zero evidence that Allen intended to use the gun for any other purpose. Yet Allen was arrested. She spent 40 days in jail before she was released on bail. She's now facing a felony charge that, if convicted, would bring a three-year mandatory minimum prison term.",6 +1,"Del. Vivian E. Watts (D-Fairfax), who sponsored one such bill, said a state increase is unlikely without a local cap",0 +10,Signs of Hope on Immigration,9 +6, and how little is changing in Pennsylvania state law.,5 +5,"Although the judge offered few clues about how he would rule on Brown's ballot title - ""Eliminates the Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry""- it seemed likely that he will order some changes to the language of the partisan ballot arguments filed by Proposition 8 opponents and proponents to sway voters.",4 +13,Clinton Health Advisers See Just One Tax Needed To Help Cover Uninsured,12 +7,"Buried in his ""findings"" is that domestic violence is a far better predictor of household homicide than firearm ownership",6 +5,"Same-sex marriages had been legal in California since May, when the State Supreme Court struck down two laws prohibiting such unions. +",4 +12,"They also rallied in the Capitol rotunda. +",11 +9,False Starts and Failures Thwart Quest for Safe Cigarette,8 +7,each time a criminal uses one of their weapons,6 +3,"but didn't have the stomach to look the slain man's son in the eye. +",2 +5,NRA threatens to sue San Mateo County if it adopts gun control laws,4 +5,"Judge James W. Midelis instructed the jury in state court late last week that because of a Florida appeals court decision, it was already ''a matter of law'' that the patient, Luis Alberto Jimenez, had been unlawfully detained and deprived of his liberty.",4 +13,"So, is O'Malley on the leading edge of a movement whose time has come (or will come by 2016)?",12 +12,"Vicky Hartzler, a spokeswoman for the Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri, which pressed for the amendment with church functions, yard signs and a ''marriage chain'' of rallies across the state, said she hoped that the outcome would send a loud message to the rest of the country: ''Here in the heartland we have a heart for families, and this is how deeply we feel about marriage.'' +",11 +6,Immigration reform impractical,5 +6,asked about instituting an ordinance,5 +13,BALDWIN SPEAKS OUT AGAINST ANTI-GAY MARRIAGE LEGISLATION,12 +8, to improve the federal back-ground check system,7 +5,Immig case tot in dock,4 +5,Pennsylvania Attorney General Mike Fisher recently entered into an agreement with the Florida Department of Public Safety and the Kentucky State Police.,4 +5, But this must be done in a way that complies with the Constitution.,4 +1,LIMITS ARE NEEDED TO WELFARE COSTS,0 +12,"Across Missouri on Tuesday, voters came out overwhelmingly in support of amending the state's constitution to specifically bar marriage between same-sex couples. ",11 +13,Hill Democrats take aim at gun industry protections - and at Bernie Sanders,12 +11,"The memorandum was first revealed on Friday in The Wall Street Journal, which also published it on the Internet.",10 +1,"Public outrage against the industry largely quieted after last fall's deal with the states. And the industry could absorb even a major liability finding by raising the price of cigarettes, the analysts said.",0 +5,Gay-union ruling widely anticipated,4 +11,"Some like the Hsus and their friends embrace the feeling of brotherhood and love. Others, like Mexican Catholics, hold on to the traditions of their homeland. Still others buy into Santa Claus and all the trappings while introducing their children to the traditions they learned as youngsters",10 +11,He would be the first person executed by Colorado in more than 30 years.,10 +4,"It does not seem right, but that is how the legal system works. Or, rather, that is how the legal system doesn't work.",3 +1,"For gay and lesbian couples, a new wrinkle at tax time",0 +15,In This Section,14 +4,Racial profiling claims could halt execution,3 +4," ""And the status of equality is very important to me.""",3 +13,"GOP contender Sam Katz accused Ridge of ""political expediency"" and said in a press release, ""If the Pennsylvania deer population had a political action committee, Congressman Ridge would probably ban hunters.""",12 +7, had a deportation order.,6 +5,"The Supreme Court on Monday struck down several key parts of Arizona's tough law on illegal immigrants, but it left standing a controversial provision requiring police to check the immigration status of people they detain and suspect to be in the country illegally.",4 +5,no chance to become lega,4 +13,"Gephardt's decision puts him at odds with Rep. Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., and other members of his party who are pushing President Bill Clinton's administration to treat the nicotine in tobacco as a drug, triggering a number of federal regulations.",12 +5,his lawyer maintained today.,4 +5,JUDGE ISOLATES U.S. JURY AFTER KILLINGS,4 +6,"Restaurant operators read the new state law as allowing smoking in their bars. As evidence, they point to neighboring cities such as Sunnyvale, which have not moved to curb smoking in restaurant bars since AB 13 went into effect. They say that unless the city modifies its ordinance, patrons who smoke will continue to steer clear of Santa Clara establishments.",5 +5," +Jon Davidson, who is helping represent 12 suing couples as an attorney with Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, said that Lockyer ""is putting up a vigorous defense.""",4 +10, Quit rate goes from 5 percent to 21 percent,9 +1,and its minimal funding,0 +7,A 69-year-old woman today was sentenced to death for helping her husband kill five transient farmhands as part of a bad-check scheme.,6 +5,"That's what his lawyer, Junior Barrett, told the judge he thought would happen, based on earlier conversations with his client. That is also the plan that Barrett had relayed to prosecutor Ric Ridgway earlier this week, Ridgway said.",4 +1,Yale Payroll Error Gives Gay Employees a New Year Surprise,0 +6,SMOKING JUST GOT TOUGHER NEW S.F. ORDINANCE TIGHTENS RESTRICTIONS,5 +10,"""I think I have whiplash,"" said Mary Baranovich who was a plaintiff in the Nevada case with Beverly Sevcik, her partner of 43 years. +",9 +12,"Moms wrap up anti-gun meeting Gathering an effort to share ideas, grow",11 +15,"Smoker No More, a Writer Repents",14 +12,The NRA Won't Stop Us,11 +5,"COURT, STATE OK SMITH EXECUTION",4 +13,No one has fought harder against gun control legislation than this Panama City Democrat. Every reasonable gun control measure that has ever been offered during his 11 years in the Legislature has met the angry opposition of Mr. Johnson. In recent years he has ben the leader in defeating all gun control legislation.,12 +5,"The judge set a new deadline of Nov. 26, lawyers said.",4 +13,"As a presidential candidate, Mr. Trump has taken a hard line against amnesty",12 +1," while providing 120,000 people in the United States with good-paying jobs and benefits, regardless of ethnic origin.",0 +9,"''With lethal injection we know exactly what the person is going through, because it's exactly what someone undergoing surgery experiences.",8 +7,"Concealed in the coat Dylan Klebold wore to school on April 20 was an assault weapon banned from manufacture in 1994, a crude, menacing pistol made to fire 36 rounds without reloading.",6 +3,"""Simply put, if The Lord made homosexuals as well as heterosexuals,",2 +1,"Overall, the world's busiest airport has more than 300 concessions locations. Hojeij is one of the major concessionaires at Hartsfield-Jackson and has about 700 employees in Atlanta.",0 +5,Reluctant officials must accept gun-permit forms,4 +13,"Representative Robert G. Torricelli, the Democratic candidate for Senator, picked up the endorsement today of James S. Brady and his wife, Sarah, once staunch Republicans, for his repeated work for gun control legislation.",12 +4,"Group of Young Immigrants Seeks a Direct Path to Citizenship for All, Regardless of Age",3 +13,Senate Judiciary Committee Likely to Vote on Bipartisan Guns Bill,12 +5,"The court's action caps a week of intense legal skirmishing between Mr. Graham's lawyers and the Texas Attorney General, Dan Morales. +",4 +8," +Soltz said the military is especially cognizant of the problems that the rash use of lethal force presents in a war zone.",7 +5,For and Against Same-Sex Marriage at Maryland's Highest Court,4 +10,"Joe and Josephine ""Lunchbucket"" not only have to work several jobs to care for their children, but then they have to pay for illegal immigrants' education and care.",9 +11,Jay Bookman,10 +13,Florida gov inks historic gun control,12 +7,"Cutting Crime, Keeping Our Rights",6 +5,"CR lawyers have filed petitions in three courts where death appeals are pending,",4 +13,"The Clinton administration has floated a trial balloon to test public sentiment about banning guns in public housing. Though the administration's intentions are good, this idea probably should be shot down when it is raised Wednesday in Washington. +",12 +5,Attorney General Peter G. Verniero asked the State Supreme Court yesterday to overturn a judge's decision giving the state a deadline for executing a man convicted of killing two pizza deliverymen.,4 +12,More than 60% of former capital punishment backers now believe innocent people have been sentenced to death.,11 +7, Now Romer will sleep nights knowing that he presided over the first execution of a man in Colorado in 30 years.,6 +6,"""This here is a very difficult bill,"" ",5 +13,"Some Republicans in Congress are calling for a constitutional ban on gay marriages nationwide. President Bush has not endorsed that proposal but has said marriage is between a man and a woman, and ""we ought to codify that one way or the other.""",12 +13,"said Sen. Patricia Bates, the recently elected Senate Republican leader from Laguna Niguel.",12 +13,Trump Pardons Ex-Sheriff Seen As Migrant Foe,12 +5,"and the state has a built a solid legal case against cigarette makers by taking advantage of special, controversial legislation passed by the General Assembly last spring, analysts said.",4 +10, It has taken a family of children who are surviving against enormous odds and is throwing them the cruelest curve of all. It is taking away their father - their only reliable provider.,9 +8,"'This conflict probably caused a little more concern because it was on our homefront,' Cantwell said. 'At this time, there is no information to believe it won't happen again.'",7 +1,that the tobacco industry,0 +13,"There are two surprising things going on in New Jersey: one, the state legislature, which is famous for either doing nothing or doing the wrong thing, has passed a series of tough gun control measures; and two, it's plausible that Gov. Chris Christie will sign some of them.",12 +5,"FIFTEEN ILLEGAL immigrants injured in the terror attacks have asked the NYPD to help them qualify for special visas for crime victims, the Daily News has learned",4 +9,CANCER AND EARLY MENOPAUSE,8 +9,FDA: Teen smoking is a 'disease',8 +13, Mich. won't recognize same-sex marriages,12 +13,GAY-MARRIAGE RIGHTS LEGISLATION SURVIVES SENATE COMMITTEE VOTE,12 +6,Gun sales on county property may be barred,5 +11,that it has not been targeting young children,10 +9,Another bowler removed the handgun from the wounded McDermott's pants before he had a chance to pick up the spare by shooting his other leg with the four remaining bullets in the gun.,8 +7,Wayne Smith sentenced to death in Delaware County - again,6 +5," It begins as an affirmation of the constitutional right to bear arms, but also declares that every citizen ''has the responsiblity and duty to self, family and country to possess firearms.'' +",4 +5,"Judge Alfred A. Delucci also delayed until next Tuesday the start of the penalty phase, which had been set for yesterday, to allow the two sides time to exchange evidence.",4 +5,"With 10 simple words, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals lifted the stay on gay marriage in California on Friday afternoon in a stunningly swift and surprising turn of events, opening the way for same-sex weddings to resume. +",4 +10,devastating scores of families and the town they lived in.,9 +3,"The Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church narrowly approved a groundbreaking same-sex marriage resolution Saturday, setting the stage for a high-stakes vote on the matter at the national conference next year.",2 +13,Several House Republicans said an accord is possible only if President Bush pours his full energy into the effort.,12 +8," unable to protect itself from the violence fueled by the drug pushers. +",7 +7,"After Nearby Raids, A Quieter Backstretch At the Saratoga Track +",6 +13,White House Asks Police for Help in Shaping Gun Control Policy,12 +5,"The Court also unanimously reversed the death sentence of the South Carolina inmate, who was convicted of murder and rape, because the judge at his sentencing hearing barred testimony from two jailers and a jail visitor that he had adjusted well in jail while awaiting trial for seven months.",4 +3,"According to Redecki, the response from Catholics in support of gay marriage was ""overwhelming.""",2 +6,"In Maryland, House Passes Bill to Allow Gays to Wed",5 +5,High court limits death sentence,4 +7,"Crackdown on Fugitives Immigration officials have arrested 25 illegal immigrants in Montgomery County who have outstanding criminal warrants, officials said.",6 +5,TRIAL FOR MAN IN ARNOLD KILLING ON HOLD UNTIL RULING IN ILLINOIS,4 +7,Target: Illegal guns,6 +13,Minnesota Democrat wants colleges to disclose gun crimes on campus,12 +7,"Suspect in Thefts Smoked Out, Held",6 +5,HUNTER FORD CASE LOSES JUDGE,4 +13,"Obama administration officials and congressional Democrats expressed optimism that new momentum in the House could yield results after months in which the issue languished in the lower chamber. But they cautioned that it is far too early to determine whether a compromise could be reached between the House and Senate, which approved a bipartisan plan to overhaul border-control laws last June.",12 +7,Senior ATF official proposes loosening gun regulations,6 +5,"Laws on registering [#xfb01]rearms are upheld +",4 +13,DEATH PENALTY AMENDMENT VOTED DOWN IN HOUSE,12 +3,"The Rev. Duane R. Motley, a Baptist minister, stood in a marble hallway in the Capitol on Thursday, frustrated.",2 +5,"Last September, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld LaCava's first-degree murder conviction but threw out his death sentence and ordered a new penalty hearing.",4 +4," on both counts. + +First, marriage equality is an essential component of basic dignity and human rights for thousands of SEIU members and their families. Second, marriage is a bread-and-butter issue.",3 +6, would put the issue on the ballot in November and let voters decide whether to amend the state constitution to give gays and lesbians the right to marry,5 +5,The state parole board and appeals courts rejected his arguments that he was convicted on shaky evidence from a single eyewitness and that his trial lawyer did a poor job.,4 +6, recent ban on certain guns.,5 +7,"Chavez was one of the founding members of the Farmington Police Department's Community Service Program, in which civilians assist officers in routine and clerical work. They are not allowed to carry guns or make arrests. + +Chavez was shot while making a routine check of the home of Ogden's vacationing mother.",6 +10,Misery and death at the border,9 +9,who died at his clinic after receiving an overdose of drugs,8 +13, state political action committee run by Romney,12 +5,"In a unanimous ruling, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Anthony ""Jack"" Sully's bid to overturn his convictions and death sentence, giving him few remaining legal options to avoid execution if at some point California resumes lethal injections at San Quentin.",4 +6,Broader Scope for Execution Approved,5 +5," Despite its tobacco-friendly laws, North Carolina could benefit from a future settlement if other cigarette makers follow the lead of Liggett Group and settle state lawsuits.",4 +9,The motive - protecting lungs - is pure and laudable,8 +7,"has repeatedly denied he fatally shot white off-duty Savannah cop Mark MacPhail on Aug. 19, 1989.",6 +5,"Just days after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed same-sex marriage rights to expand to more states,",4 +13,"The Bush administration had been staunchly opposed to the idea until this week. An hour before the vote, the administration sent a letter that indicated the program was probably inevitable, but warned that it faces serious hurdles. +",12 +5,Newman has not entered a plea and has not been assigned a lawyer to defend him yet.,4 +13,Gore proposing photo license for gun buyers,12 +7," +Roof, 22, is accused of opening fire June 17, 2015, during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. He faces 33 federal chargesincluding hate crimes, obstruction of religion and firearms offenses.",6 +12,"A Pew poll shows, for the first time, a majority of Americans prioritize gun rights (52 percent) over gun control (46 percent). As recently as 1999, two-thirds of Americans picked gun control over gun rights. After Newtown, it was 51-46 in favor of gun control. +",11 +13,"Negotiators have been working to finalize an agreement in time for the measure to be included in bipartisan legislation expected to be released next week, but disagreements on wages and numbers of visas are proving tough to solve. +",12 +7,"""I've seen the carnage these weapons cause,"" said Brown, a former police chief of Atlanta and Houston and a former police commissioner of New York City. ""These type of weapons are designed for one purpose and one purpose only - to kill as many people as quickly as possible . . .",6 +1,providing the money without a specific law authorizing its use.,0 +13,"Lockyer's office has yet to file its arguments in support of the law. Lockyer himself has said he is not opposed to same-sex marriage, but is obligated to defend existing state law.",12 +9,"Last month, flames shot from the head of Jesse Tafero as he was executed",8 +13,SENATE REJECTS DEMOCRATIC PROPOSAL TO REQUIRE TRIGGER LOCKS ON HANDGUNS,12 +13,"""It would be a large lift knowing that the Education Committee (deferred) it,"" he said.",12 +6,Treat Guns Like Cars,5 +12, Americans were justifiably shocked.,11 +10,"He has asserted since then that he can't bear the food, the cockroaches in his bed, the tiny cell and the indignities of prison life.",9 +13,"Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.",12 +7, taking aim at crime ,6 +13,"Through the fall and winter, the National Rifle Association lobbied to bring this bill to the floor of the House. Chairman Peter Rodino thus lost his bid to bottle up the measure in his Judiciary Committee and has been forced to produce a committee version. It is preferable by far. +",12 +9,"For the 11 or 12 airheads who still are not sure that smoking causes lung cancer, we now have a direct scientific link between a toxic chemical in cigarette smoke and the malignant tumors that have caused such agonizing deaths for so many. +",8 +13,"Marco Rubio Finds Himself at Center of Gun Debate, Again",12 +7," local police departments received up to $500,000 to buy guns in and around public housing complexes for about $50 each. The weapons were then destroyed. +",6 +11,Board Refuses to Allow Broadcast of Execution,10 +13,He is expected to sign the legislation within days.,12 +7,"s the Hi-Fi murders of 1974. +",6 +7,"She and her common-law husband, George Sibley, were both sentenced to death for murdering Sgt. Roger Lamar Motley Jr. of Opelika, whom they encountered while they were fleeing Florida to avoid being sentenced for assault convictions. A date for Mr. Sibley's execution has not been set.",6 +13," But that technique lies at the absolute core of the right's rhetoric, and you can tell by how conservatives react when it gets taken away from them.",12 +13,"Newtown didn't change the politics of guns +",12 +13,Clinton Veto Threat On Immigration Bill,12 +5,"""The Second Amendment allows U.S. citizens to bear arms. The amendment was never meant to arm foreign criminal groups,"" he says. He adds that Mexican criminals take advantage of looser U.S. gun laws. +",4 +13,"Mr. Bush praised the Senate measure, which incorporates many of his ideas, saying, ''I really am anxious to sign a comprehensive immigration bill as soon as I possibly can.''",12 +1,"The economy is always grown when someone decides to take what little money they have and use it to start a businessor to grow an existing business. There are things government can do to make it easier for them.""",0 +3,religious,2 +1,Proponents of the bill argued that its heavy taxes would have cut down on teen smoking.,0 +15,REPRIEVE IN SMOKING WAR,14 +13, the congressional measure died in the Senate.,12 +13,"Rather than accept this surrender on gun control, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus accused Obama of a ""bizarre response"" to the shootings, and House Speaker John Boehner complained the president didn't ""rise above partisanship."" +",12 +5,"What Makes a Man (or Woman) in a Marriage License? In Texas, It's Unclear",4 +1,"N.Y., tribes clash over tobacco tax",0 +13,Mayors aim to keep guns in safe hands,12 +7,critics are baselessly insisting campus violence will escalate.,6 +5,The Justice Department asked the judge who presided over a nine-month civil racketeering trial of cigarette makers to order them to pay some costs of trying the case.,4 +5,High court takes up DOMA,4 +7,A Crime and Its Punishment,6 +4,Gun absolutists need to stop making specious arguments,3 +6,"The legislation would impose what Currie describes as a ""user fee"" and what the NRA calls a ""tax on a constitutional right"" of $ 20 on sale of all firearms statewide. The proceeds would be earmarked for the state's system of hospitals equipped with trauma centers, which provide the most sophisticated and expensive care for victims of gunshot wounds, automobile accidents and other severe injuries.",5 +1,"""Employment decisions should be made based on qualifications for the job,"" said Michael Siegel, a physician and tobacco-control researcher at the Boston University School of Public Health. ""Once we open the door to looking at a person's personal life, we open up the floodgates.""",0 +13,Oklahoma governor halts controversial execution,12 +13,Saturday Forum: Writers all over map in assessing Obama's stand of gay marriage,12 +11,Some will kiss under a kiss. Some will tie the knot -- literally.,10 +5,Underwood,4 +11,"Thirty-one states have enacted ""right to carry"" laws, with lower net incidents of violence as a result. ",10 +7,"Like many defendants whose cases end up before the Supreme Court, Mr. Carachuri-Rosendo does not present as a sympathetic character. He has been convicted of domestic-violence assault and, twice, of driving with an invalid license. He was deported to Mexico in 2008, sneaked back into the country and was once again arrested with a small amount of marijuana; this time, serving six days in jail before again being sent back to Mexico.",6 +12,Leigh Dingerson of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty,11 +6,"The law requires background checks only for those who bought handguns from federally licensed firearms dealers and does not cover the unregulated market involving 30 to 40 percent of all sales, such as gun shows and private transactions, where criminals and juveniles often buy handguns.",5 +5,N.C. court upholds 6 murder convictions,4 +13,"Given the politics, how surprising was it that the compromise lasted only a single news cycle? Both parties are better off living with the status quo until November, rather than risking the backlash their concessions might bring.",12 +5,"On May 16, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Constance Russell struck down the constitutional amendment, which Georgia voters had overwhelmingly approved in November 2004. +",4 +5,"The latest ruling, by Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, was poignant. Judge Wright Allen, an African American, drew a parallel between Virginia's long-standing ban on interracial marriage, which was struck down by the Supreme Court in 1967, and the state's constitutional amendment, adopted in 2006, which defined marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. +",4 +7,Armed and Dangerous (Cont'd),6 +7,BUSINESS PUNISHMENTS RESISTED IN MIGRANT BILL,6 +6,"It ended longstanding local gun controls, prohibiting city governments from enacting any ordinances on the sale, possession or use of firearms.",5 +6," +Thompson's multipronged approach centers on enforcing current laws that crack down on so-called sanctuary cities, where local authorities aren't allowed to report illegal immigrants they discover to federal law enforcement officers.",5 +11," +Their long kiss sealed the dawn of a new era in California history as they became the first couple to wed as same-sex marriages resumed after a freeze of more than four years.",10 +5,"He said there was also the possibility that it infringes upon federal immigration law by requiring educators, police officers and others to do the job of U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service officers.",4 +7, a crime that can bring the death penalty or life in prison.,6 +13,Defectors Stall Bid to Repeal Weapons Ban,12 +6,"Fight teen smoking or lose funds, states told",5 +12,"The activists urged pastors to preach the virtues of traditional unions on what they have dubbed ""Marriage Sunday"" - Oct. 19, the day before early voting begins. Religious leaders were told they could find sample sermons at the campaign Web site. +",11 +9,"Healthy Outlook: Janyth Bolden When it comes to smoking, it's OK to be a quitter",8 +11," +The ethnic marketing strategy including attempts to attract black and Latino customers based on group stereotypes was contained in a 1963 consultant's report for the Liggett Group Inc.",10 +5,"As a result, the court would rule on the case by the end of its term in June. In the meantime, same-sex marriage remains on hold in California. The court is expected to hear arguments in the case in mid to late March. +",4 +11,"Still, images like the Marlboro Man and R.J. Reynolds' Joe Camel probably will remain ingrained in the public's consciousness. + +""People who saw them as part of American visual folklore will continue to refer to them,"" said James Fraser, library director at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, N.J., and author of ""The American Billboard: 100 Years."" + +Sheila Hayes, spokeswoman for the Outdoor Advertising Association of America in Washington, agreed: ""They're definitely part of the American landscape. People will continue to have an appreciation for them as a part of Americana, a part of history.""",10 +4,"""The issue is equality,""",3 +7,Police investigate driver who allegedly displayed gun during student protest,6 +13,"Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., came to sit by his disappointed father, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., the chief sponsor of the immigration bill, as the Senate blocked it from coming to a vote Thursday night. Another key supporter of the bill, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., refused to speak to reporters.",12 +14,"In response, a growing number of Mexicans have begun to oppose the plan, arguing that the loan guarantees and their conditions could jeopardize the independence of this country without solving its deeper economic problems.",13 +5,He'll ask Circuit Judge Stephen Rapp to throw out the verdict.,4 +15,One diner's salute to the ban: 'I'll smoke a cigarette to that',14 +7,"It also found that more than a fifth of all guns recovered in crimes in those two years had been purchased from a licensed dealer less than a year earlier, and that almost half had been bought from dealers within three years.",6 +1,'Trump slump' in sales goes on,0 +6," banned assault weapons,",5 +1,"IT'S A GUNFIGHT Firms quitting N.Y., blame gov Other states want bloody biz +",0 +5,"The indictments were returned Wednesday and involve three unrelated cases, said Todd P. Graves, U.S. attorney for the Western District.",4 +5,"eported in today's editions that the same federal charges brought against Muhammad were brought under seal against Malvo,",4 +9, public health advocates,8 +1,"What mattered was that Lorillard pledged $ 20,000 to the campaign, which raised nearly $ 600,000 to hire",0 +5,"A three-judge panel of a federal appeals court, and not the full court, will hear an appeal brought by state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen that challenges a judge's decision to overturn Wisconsin's Marriage Amendment. +",4 +5,"Gays and lesbians in Los Angeles and San Francisco and opponents of gay marriage have filed various lawsuits that were consolidated at the request of Attorney General Bill Lockyer, who has taken no position on the matter.",4 +13," +The most far-reaching proposals deal with gun control.",12 +5,Judgment Day in Two High-Profile Cases: Man Is Found Guilty on 16 Counts In Connecticut Triple-Murder Trial,4 +1,"""We have already had an increase this year from 20 cents, which has had a detrimental effect on the growers in the South and the Southeast,"" she said. ""This tax is being used to manipulate behavior, and that's not the purpose of taxes.""",0 +9,"Prince George's County schools chief Kevin Maxwell has named two administrators with experience addressing the needs of immigrants to head two new schools designed specifically to help recent immigrants and second-generation students adapt and succeed in school. +",8 +11,"A panel of the National Academy of Sciences estimated today that there are two million to four million illegal aliens in the United States, a figure substantially smaller than previous authoritative estimates.",10 +13,And then let's see how many candidates for governor in 2006 endorse it.,12 +13,"Now the state House is sending a message back: No thanks, our death penalty structure is just fine",12 +13,Ex-lawmakers now lobbying for tobacco,12 +8, To provide the individual the means to protect himself and his constitutional rights from an oppressive government,7 +10,"""I miss my family,"" he told reporters before bowing his head and sobbing. ""I miss my kids. I love my family. I want my family.""",9 +13,"Flanked by relatives of shooting victims, Pataki called the bill a step toward protecting a new generation of New Yorkers from random violence. + +""Today we passed the strongest anti-gun violence legislation in America, ever,"" Pataki said. ""And it's about time.""",12 +7,A Federal judge today held three potential witnesses in contempt of court for refusing to testify here in the alien-smuggling trial of 11 church workers. The three were ordered confined to their homes for the duration of the trial.,6 +5,"Wilson's guilt was not an issue in the re-sentencing trial over the past month and the jurors made quick work of the price he'd pay. +",4 +6,SAME-SEX UNIONS: I followed Emory policy,5 +10,THEY'RE NOW ON THE PATH TO PROSPERITY,9 +13," +In a video statement later, Corbett, sounding contrite, said that his remarks were not intended to offend anyone, and that he apologized if they did. He said he was trying to explain Pennsylvania's law and the groups it bars from marrying. +",12 +5,"What happens in the Supreme Court this week on same-sex marriage may end up being, like so many things in Washington, about whom you know. +",4 +9,Healthy midlife habits help men live longer,8 +11,"The 2000 census was the first in which the bureau extensively analyzed data for unmarried partners, regardless of sexual orientation.",10 +13,CAPITOL'S TOP SMOKERS SEEK A PLACE TO PUFF,12 +7,Tokars is already serving multiple life sentences after a federal racketeering conviction.,6 +8," requiring background checks on people buying firearms at gun shows. +",7 +5,"Two similar cases are proceeding through the courts in Pennsylvania. The Eighth Circuit covers Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.",4 +10,Chicago immigrants get a college lifeline,9 +5,"""I'm just going to ask you,"" Justice Elena Kagan said to Georgia Deputy Attorney General Beth A. Burton. ""Isn't this as clear a Batson violation as a court is ever going to see?""",4 +5,Justice Department outlines defense in federal gay-marriage case,4 +6,UC Santa Cruz bans smoking anywhere on campus,5 +6,CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO PROTECT INNOCENT PEOPLE,5 +5,"In Missouri, Mr. Griffin's execution was delayed more than three hours while the United States Supreme Court considered three appeals. +",4 +13,"And when the White House and congressional Democrats pushed for an assault-weapons ban in 1994, Dingell helped lead the charge on the House floor to defeat the measure, though he voted later for an overall anticrime bill that included the ban.",12 +13,The group trying to put a gay marriage ban on the Florida ballot in 2006 is being bankrolled by the state Republican Party.,12 +11,"Marcy Blum, a longtime wedding planner in Manhattan, recalled that a decade ago or more, when gay couples celebrated their unions, most of the guests were gay. All straight traditions were thrown out or mocked. ""It was like going to the baths when Bette Midler would sing there,"" she said, adding that the couple wore whatever they well pleased, ""heels if they were men. It was a big, fun, campy thing. Now, it's just as serious as a traditional straight wedding.""",10 +10,"RINSING OFF FEAR, BOY GETS A CHANCE TO BE A BOY AGAIN",9 +5,Death Row Legal Aid Mandated,4 +12,NRA's answer to gun control: An arsenal of TV ads,11 +5,"Nichols' attorney, Michael Tigar, said his client filed a new appeal petition at 11:45 p.m. Friday in Washington, seeking a rehearing of his conviction on conspiracy and involuntary manslaughter charges in the bombing.",4 +1,Prices still improving at flue-cured markets,0 +13,"The lengthy hearing, which drew dozens of speakers on both sides of the most divisive social issue the General Assembly will take up this year, was headlined by Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D), who became Maryland's first elected statewide official to endorse legislation allowing same-sex marriage.",12 +1,STOGIE LOVER TO PAY UP FOR SMOKING IN OWN APT.,0 +12,"'Bump stocks' law is slippery slope, NRA says;",11 +7,Fla. prisoners made cigarettes,6 +5,NRA takes gun case to high court,4 +5,Ex-Justice Stevens's Call to Repeal the Second Amendment,4 +6,Move to Ban Gay Marriage Is Killed in Massachusetts,5 +4,O'Dell and his supporters claim he is innocent and insist that newly available DNA evidence would prove it,3 +11,"St. Patrick's Day is not all shamrocks and celebrations, at least not for the thousands of undocumented Irish immigrants living in New York. +",10 +7,Federal officials told immigrant advocates in a letter made public yesterday that government immigration agents would discontinue using undercover sting operations involving health and safety programs to round up illegal immigrants.,6 +12,Latino Activists Here Protest California Beating,11 +7,The only other possible punishment for first-degree murder is life in prison without parole.,6 +13,Donald Trump Takes Aim,12 +5,"A no contest plea has the same effect as a guilty plea but is not an admission of guilt. +",4 +5,"On Friday, Molina, 22, learned he soon will have a green card as well as a Stanford degree, after a federal immigration judge awarded him permanent residency.",4 +4,"Hollywood Supports, an industry group lobbying against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, praised the move.",3 +13,Fairfax Looks to New Gun-Control Fight,12 +5,"Having just finished studying the American Constitution and the Bill of + +Rights, I am astounded to find a glaring error that absolutely no one has discovered. I bring it to your attention. + +The Second Amendment states that it shall be the right of the people to keep and bear arms. +",4 +13,"Advocates are still maneuvering, but two Senate Democrats who oppose the measure said yesterday that the proposal was almost sure to fall short of the votes needed to clear the upper chamber - and that there did not appear to be much chance of anyone changing his or her mind. +",12 +13," +' CLEVELAND SHUFFLE' SNEAKS WEAPON BAN PAST NRA",12 +4,"Henceforth, and for the first time, the murder of victims with lots of money or a nice family or great promise will be viewed formally by the criminal justice system as more serious than the murder of, oh, a house painter who lives alone.",3 +13,Governor out to retake Latino voters; IMMIGRATION DEBATE HAS BLED SUPPORT FROM RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN,12 +5,"Immigrants who have been convicted of crimes and are being held indefinitely while awaiting deportation have the right to petition a judge for release, a federal appeals court ruled late last month.",4 +9,The haze over cigarette warnings,8 +1," Virginia-based Philip Morris, the nation's largest tobacco company, argued that while the measure didn't directly prohibit advertising in pharmacies, it had ""the purpose and effect"" of doing so.",0 +3,"""In a time of hate, we must be love,"" the Rev. Jon Pedigo, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in San Jose, said. ""At a time of exclusion, we must be inclusive.""",2 +14," That's higher than any other country in the world, by a lot. In second-place Serbia, the per capita rate is about 60. In most every other country, it hovers about 20 guns per 100 residents. In many, many places, it's even lower. Virtually no citizens in Southeast Asia and Japan are packing heat.",13 +5,JUDGE ORDERS RELEASE OF 31 BOATS SEIZED BY U.S. IN REFUGEE,4 +7,"Christopher Lippard, 21, of Statesville, was convicted last week of first- and second-degree murder in the shotgun slayings, and could be sentenced to execution or life in prison.",6 +9," ordered that Nelson be detained, evaluated and treated at a mental institution for 96 hours, against his will, because a Fulton police officer alleged that Nelson had talked about suicide.",8 +7,"Man gets life for smothering mother +",6 +13,BLOOMBERG STANDS IN OPPOSITION,12 +11,The Oakland A's,10 +12,Bay Area same-sex marriage supporters optimistic about court taking on Prop. 8 case,11 +7,MOVE TO JAIL OFFICIALS WHO SUE GUN FIRMS GETS FIRST APPROVAL,6 +5,Two couples seek one historic ruling,4 +13,"Such caution was understandable, the allies said, given the unpredictable fallout the president would face by taking a clear stand on one of the most contentious and politically charged social issues of the day, before what is likely to be a close election. Mr. Obama's closest advisers say only the timing was in question. Mr. Biden's unexpected remarks undoubtedly accelerated the timetable.",12 +13,"Greed, politics fuel assault on tobacco",12 +5,Prosecutors based their case on circumstantial evidence that they contended ruled out anyone other than Anderson. The defense pointed to the lack of any physical evidence to prove he killed his father.,4 +5, even as the Supreme Court prepares to take on two major cases dealing with the subject.,4 +7,States Widening Gun Rights Lose Longtime Ally: Police,6 +5,"Attorney General John Ashcroft, in Miami for a citizenship ceremony, said the Department of Justice weighed many factors in the decision, including the impact of the crime on thousands of people. +",4 +4,"Each year hundreds of federal judges are accused of misconduct. Judges police themselves, and the complaints usually are settled quietly. Most are dismissed immediately as frivolous, but a handful get a closer look.",3 +7,Illegal immigrants caught,6 +6,"The McVeigh execution Mass murderer's death 'won't be a healing time' +",5 +11,"While rates of death from all cancers have fallen for men, they've increased for women. Similarly, the overall death rate for men dropped from 1990 to 1995. But the death rate has been increasing for women in the first half of this decade.",10 +7, He faces a life sentence with a minimum of 30 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole.,6 +12,"Same-sex couples across the South have taken the fight for marriage equality directly to the people enforcing the laws. +",11 +12,Student's plea for gun control,11 +7,"I am shocked that certain law enforcement agencies sell guns confiscated from drug dealers back into circulation (""Cobb sheriff under fire for selling guns,"" Oct. 9). Most of the guns noted on the published list are not normally used by legitimate gun owners for either hunting or protection.",6 +11,"Fierstein,",10 +13,"Yet at the behest of the gun lobby, some lawmakers are pushing to erect even more enforcement obstacles.",12 +5,On the Legal Front Lines of Same-Sex Marriage,4 +7,"Nelson, formerly known as Glenn Nelson, was sentenced to death in 1997 for killing John Norcross, a young Haddon Heights police officer, during a 1995 shoot-out at her Haddon Heights home. During the shoot-out, Norcross' brother, Richard, was wounded, and John D. McLaughlin, an investigator with the Camden County Prosecutor's Office, was also killed.",6 +13,It seems this government's right wing doesn't know what its left wing is doing.,12 +8,Boston bomb suspect hospitalized under heavy guard,7 +11,A majority of gay Americans now live in states where gay marriage is legal,10 +13,"The protections had won bipartisan approvals in the state legislature during the last General Assembly session. But the governor vetoed the bills, dismissing them as ""nothing but placebos, feel-good measures that . . . will accomplish nothing except to criminalize conduct that is perfectly lawful in the rest of the commonwealth."" +",12 +13,'Straw Purchases' Gun Law Is Approved by Senate Panel,12 +6,Don't impose licensing,5 +5," +While the grammar of the sentence is unclear to me, I think it is clear that the intent was that the right to keep and bear arms would be ""well-regulated,"" which might include a permit process. In addition, all rights in the Bill of Rights are generally recognized as circumscribed by other considerations; for example, the well-known principle that free speech does not entitle one to yell fire in a crowded theater if there is no fire.",4 +5,"So, naturally, he now will lead a group that touts its devotion to law and order and the Constitution.",4 +11,Ex-NAACP leader is face of gay-marriage campaign,10 +13,House GOP vows immigration action,12 +5,Jury is finally seated in trial for Laci Peterson's murder,4 +3,"The real villains in the Martin case are the 40-odd Republicans and four Democratic senators in Washington who refused to pass stricter gun-control laws and the Florida legislature, which passed ""stand your ground"" and other laws that make it easy to carry a lethal weapon. +",2 +8,Donald Trump Calls for Profiling to Stop Terrorists,7 +3,"""We are not standing here against gays,"" Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr., coalition leader and pastor of Hope Christian Center in Beltsville, Md., said at a news conference at the Tampa church. ""We're standing simply to proclaim that marriage should be preserved.""",2 +7," Tragedies like the Long Island Rail Road and Empire State Building shootings have been prevented elsewhere by lawful gun owners on numerous occasions, and criminals know it.",6 +15,VICTORY WITH NO SHOTS FIRED,14 +10,"Despite the alleged brutality that the immigrants have suffered, Estrada said, he was impressed by their gentle manner.",9 +5,He also argued that his age at the time he was 19 should have been a consideration for mercy. The nations high court already has banned the execution of people under 18.,4 +11,"This time it is being fueled by an array of factors, notably an incident involving Carl T. Rowan, the syndicated columnist and television commentator.",10 +11,"Tobacco advertising is a central factor in encouraging teen-agers to start smoking, perhaps twice as strong an influence as peer pressure, researchers said Tuesday.",10 +11,"What the state-run ad campaign has not done, however, is stop teen-agers from starting to smoke. Teen-age use, while lower than elsewhere in the nation, has -- except for a statistically negligible decline last year -- been on the rise since 1993.",10 +13,"In Va., anti-gun bills are target practice",12 +13," +Napolitano defends stance in speech at Duke",12 +9,Maryland gun law sparks record sales Supporters say new law will save lives,8 +2,Restaurants report staff shortage after law,1 +13,House votes to block Obama's immigration actions - but exposes new GOP divisions,12 +5,declared for the first time that the legal protections of marriage should apply only to the union of a man and woman.,4 +12,"At the St. Louis PrideFest in Tower Grove Park on Sunday and at other gay rights awareness festivals around the country, the legalization of gay marriage in New York added hope and excitement to the celebrations.",11 +6,"The Official Code of Georgia already prohibits gay marriage. It states, ""It is declared to be the public policy of this state to recognize the union only of man and woman. Marriages between persons of the same sex are prohibited in this state.",5 +7,"Among them are rapists, a murderer and others convicted of violent crimes such as aggravated assault, stalking, armed robbery and possessing a machine gun.",6 +5,Death penalty fought Nichols' lawyer says Reno broke protocol,4 +13,"In Utah, the Same-Sex-Union Battle Shifts to Acceptance",12 +13,"Few doubt that organizations led by billionaire Michael Bloomberg and the wounded former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., will unleash huge sums in the campaigns' closing weeks to back candidates favoring firearms curbs. They're off to modest starts - unlike the NRA. +",12 +5,"The tobacco industry is facing a new legal attack, as several foreign governments have filed lawsuits seeking to collect hundreds of millions of dollars spent for treating sick smokers.",4 +6,anyone caught smoking while a passenger 16 years old or younger is in the vehicle would be charged with a disorderly offense punishable by a $100 fine.,5 +13,"Gun issues have moved to the center of the Democratic race for attorney general, with one candidate running ads that invoke the Columbine High School massacre and accuse two rivals of voting against measures to keep guns out of schools.",12 +13,"Liberalism, not race, scuttled nominees",12 +7, Trayvon Martin shooting,6 +5,"The case for LGBT couples +",4 +6,Pentagon smoking ban: Misplaced priorities,5 +5,'60S GURU GUILTY OF MURDER,4 +5,They later lost at the Minnesota Supreme Court in a ruling that banned gay marriage in Minnesota and still is seen as a landmark decision by supporters of traditional marriage nationwide.,4 +12,There was a public outcry over her illegal hiring of the couple as household help. Mr. Cordero already has left the country.,11 +6,GAY UNION REGISTRY PASSES COUNTY TEST,5 +10,A reprieve from smoke,9 +9,health care advisers now believe,8 +13,THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: GUN CONTROL,12 +5,"Same-sex marriage in U.S. Supreme Court: Justices as split as rest of the country on the issue +",4 +7,"For 22 years, Nick Yarris sat on death row in Pennsylvania for the rape and murder of a Delaware County woman. +",6 +13,"Florida Senate passes stand your ground expansion, gun bills",12 +13,Democrats seek Nov. vote on same-sex legal benefits,12 +13," Representatives in Congress and the state legislatures can vote down the amendment, and the issue will be settled.",12 +13,The Washington state Senate passed a bill,12 +6,"St. Charles County Council Chairman Doug Funderburk said he was trying to get a proposed ban on a workshop agenda this fall. In O'Fallon, Mo., city leaders are in the ""research and development"" phase of examining a smoking ban, said Mayor Paul Renaud, who met with anti-tobacco advocates last month.",5 +7,Police appeal to Congress for ban on assault weapons,6 +3,Political courage is what's needed,2 +13,"Law and ordnance Pols: Exempt ex-cops from gun bill +",12 +9,LAW LEADING TO TOO MANY DEATHS,8 +13,It was all fire and brimstone as House Republicans gathered yesterday in the Capitol basement to denounce their Senate counterparts for proposing to legalize illegal immigrants,12 +7,"Now 45 and sitting on death row at Holman Unit Prison in Atmore, Ala., Chandler may be the murdering drug lord that prosecutors have painted him to be",6 +6,Gun laws with more teeth bite better,5 +7,FATE OF MAN WHO SET WIFE AFIRE UP TO JURY,6 +6,Metro Briefing New York: Manhattan: New Anti-Gun Initiatives,5 +5," +MODERN COURT STUCK WITH MUSKET-ERA THINKING",4 +13,"The tax proposals have support from Democrats, who control both houses of the Legislature and want more money to protect programs. + +But the Republicans - whose votes will be needed to get to the two-thirds approval required for the passage of a budget - have called higher taxes damaging to the economy and vowed to block any budget that includes them.",12 +3," ""It is an ethical boundary violation""",2 +11,". Players choose their weapon - including illegal fully automatic rifles, for a mere 99 cents extra - aim and fire.",10 +7,Virginia: Sniper's Execution Date Is Set,6 +7,"F.D.A.: 1,200 Stores Violated Bans on Tobacco Sales to Minors",6 +5," +Clause and Effect",4 +5,"but he is entitled to a trial within 175 days of his arrest unless he waives that right, according to state Supreme Court rulings.",4 +14,"uropeans Deplore Executions in the U.S. +",13 +13,Legislature 2008: Senate passes limited gun bill: Measure: Some may take their guns to work,12 +7,"The increasing number of Cubans imprisoned indefinitely by United States immigration officials to await deportation is exacting a growing toll on the Government and on the prisoners. +",6 +13, chronicles her clashes with an unsympathetic gun lobby and her election to Congress as a champion of gun control.,12 +6,Obama migrant order gets review,5 +11,"Children of the USA's most recent immigrants - Latin Americans and Asians - not only prefer English, but many are abandoning their parents' native tongue, according to a major new study.",10 +7,"A sanction to suspend the business licenses of violators for six months, which was initially approved and then stripped away, would have closed most small employers, said Farrell Quinlan of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce.",6 +10,"HOT REMARKS: STEAMED HUSBAND, SMOKING WIFE",9 +5,LIGGETT SETTLEMENT,4 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court will consider cases involving the constitutionality of same-sex marriage restrictions when justices confer behind closed doors Friday.,4 +7,"""It always played out in the back of my mind that [the evidence] could be put together . . . that it could come back to haunt me,"" Patterson said in an interview Wednesday.",6 +5,Using the Courts to Wage A War on Gay Marriage,4 +5," but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit put it on hold, pending review by the high court. + +Attorney General Mark R. Herring's office has said there's no reasonable probability that the Supreme Court will agree to hear the case. +",4 +11,"He found himself in the Baltimore Ravens' locker room after the Super Bowl wondering whether he ""should stick with my customary etiquette and proceed with the football questions"" or make it personal. He wound up heading to the locker of linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo, who had made news before the election with his support of same-sex marriage.",10 +1,"REI and Mountain Equipment Co-op, two outdoor retail chains that are also customer cooperatives, said Thursday they were suspending orders for popular items like Bell bicycle helmets and CamelBak water bottles from the company that owns the brands, Vista Outdoor, because Vista also makes assault-style rifles.",0 +4,Glossip has maintained his innocence in a murder in 1997.,3 +5,"Cincinnati will appeal, said Stanley Chesley, the city's lawyer.",4 +11,"Deadly violence is so common in movies that it is the subject of national debate, but capital punishment is rarely portrayed. There were a record 56 executions in 24 states last year. +",10 +15,ILLEGAL ALIENS,14 +1,"a locking device for use by parents, Philip Morris said",0 +13,how can the county deny any county employee while Commissioner Roberts abuses her rank?,12 +1,"For gun industry, a special standing",0 +13,"Given that other activists and politicians, including Kwame Brown, worked hard for years in support of marriage equality, Mr. Orange's change of heart seems to be a disingenuous election-year ploy.",12 +5,How the change in the statute will be interpreted by judges and juries is still an open question. But the overall message it sends about criminal justice in Missouri might be more troubling.,4 +9,Viewing fat as the new alcohol,8 +13,"The bill always had concentrated opposition and diffused support. The concentrated opposition, from Hispanic leaders in particular, kept the measure off the House floor for a year, but the diffused support proved more significant when the full House started voting.",12 +5,"It bars recognition, for any purpose, of same-sex relationships that are ""treated as marriages in any jurisdiction, whether within or outside the state of Florida.""",4 +11,Language lags behind the flurry of gay marriages,10 +5,Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms,4 +6,"A proposed law to make it harder to buy guns at gun shows in Palm Beach County doesn't worry gun dealers, but private collectors at a show Saturday feared such restrictions could kill their ability to trade guns at shows.",5 +13,"Obama honors Navy Yard victims, urges push for changes in gun laws Senseless deaths 'ought to obsess us,' president tells crowd. +",12 +13,Gabby hits 'cowards' Shoot-rampage survivor says politicians 'in gun lobby's grip',12 +13," fresh off a victory in the Senate, where expanded background checks, an assault weapons ban and a limit on the size of ammunition magazines were each defeated last month. +",12 +13,Arizona politician mistakes a bus full of YMCA kids for undocumented immigrants,12 +12,Gay marriage in Utah could be movement's watershed Ruling comes amid subtle shift in attitudes in Utah,11 +13,"Most of that spending went on messaging designed to knock out Trump's opponent, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clin-ton.",12 +13,governor's staff,12 +6,that would retain the electric chair ,5 +9,There were so many hundreds of casualties in Las Vegas that many were treated by local Air Force surgeons who found themselves serving as specialists in triage -- in a civilian fire zone.,8 +10,"Then, as West's mother wept,",9 +5,"Thomson, who has sole responsibility for approving gun permit applications from qualified city residents,",4 +11," Those put to death ranged in age from 14 to 76; some were prisoners of conscience, others were mentally ill.",10 +15,"Worst Week in Washington +",14 +5,"Gun Rights Aren't for District, Judge Rules",4 +1,"She said the project would bring jobs, income and visitors to Grinnell, about 55 miles east of Des Moines. +",0 +13,"Mr. Bloomberg, who delivered speeches, held fund-raisers and lobbied lawmakers to legalize same-sex marriage in New York, is now punctuating his official advocacy with a personal gesture: hosting and presiding at a gay wedding on the first possible day, in one of the grandest possible settings.",12 +6,to create smoke-free indoor workplaces.,5 +1,$ 300 million settles tobacco suit,0 +13,CONGRESS REFUSES OBAMA'S GOAL OF A PATH TO CITIZENSHIP,12 +3,"""We care about safety, giving young people a voice and standing up for issues that are important,"" said Jenkins. ""We have a history of speaking out on social issues as a church -- racial reconciliation, social justice, sexual identity, mental health -- we try to help develop a biblical world view and not run away when the conversation is uncomfortable.""",2 +15,When Smoke Gets in Your Pies (and Other Delectables),14 +7,"Even Sheriff John Wesley Anderson of El Paso County, who has received much publicity for his record pace of issuing permits, opposed the bill.",6 +7,will inevitably sell many guns that end up in police custody.,6 +13,"Gov. Cuomo announced Tuesday that he's ordered the state Tax Department to issue refund checks to the surviving spouses of gay marriages who had to pay estate taxes on money or property they inherited from partners who died as long ago as 2008. +",12 +13,"It now falls to Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to bring same-sex marriage to the floor for a vote. He must let the bill rise or fall in full public debate, and with recorded votes.",12 +5,WILL RIGHT: OWNING A GUN HELPS GUARANTEE FREEDOM,4 +5,LAWSUIT RAISES STINK OVER CIGAR SMOKING,4 +5," The commission filed complaints in federal courts in California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Washington, D.C. Officials said the operations used unsolicited e-mail messages and Web sites to promote the permits.",4 +5,STUDY FINDS VARIANCE IN JUDGES' ASYLUM RULINGS,4 +15,IN OTHER ACTION,14 +1,World Business Briefing Asia: South Korea: Icahn And Partner Make Offer For KT&G,0 +13,"have not filed lobbyist disclosure reports, despite their work at the forefront of a debate that has dominated the Capitol much of the past three years.",12 +13,"House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., has said he won't move the weapons ban extension to the House floor without the president's support. Mr. Bush, meanwhile, says he's waiting for Congress to act. Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said the measure won't be taken up because Mr. Bush never told Mr. DeLay personally that he wanted the ban renewed.",12 +13,"Former Gov. Roy Barnes, the front-runner in the Democratic primary for governor, said during a debate Friday that he would support an Arizona-type law in Georgia to fight illegal immigration.",12 +6,"With the expiration of the federal assault weapons ban two weeks ago, will the guns that held neighborhoods in the grip of violence in the late 1980s and early 1990s make a comeback?",5 +13,"Rep. Elvin Martinez, D-Tampa, chairs the committee that approved these changes, ",12 +5,"Mr. Huebner and Mr. Barabino's union, although legal",4 +7,"""If it was not one weapon, it would have been another, and he was diabolical,"" ",6 +5,U.S. plans huge tobacco suit,4 +13,Sponsor tweaks gun-show bill,12 +10,WATCHING A KILLER DIE: DOES IT HEAL SURVIVORS?,9 +5,"Let people display guns, court urged",4 +11,"""This is a part of the country where it's unusual if a child doesn't grow up going out with dad and granddad to go hunting, and maybe using some very powerful weapons,"" said Bill Sadler, an Arkansas State Police spokesman. ""People enjoy their hunting privileges, and they say they don't want something like this to ruin those privileges."" + +Here, father-son deer hunts are a rite of passage, with children too young to drive toting shotguns into the woods. Many people own not one gun, but five or six.",10 +6,"Even If It Is Misleading, Smoking Initiative Cannot Be Blocked",5 +5,Assistant U.S. Attorney Catherine Friesen said in court that Benitez-Zapata,4 +7,"The Columbine shooters used four high-powered weapons obtained by a friend, no questions asked, from ''hobbyist'' gun-show dealers. These shows are a leading source of illegally trafficked guns -- a large number of guns recovered in crimes come from states that do not require background checks at gun shows.",6 +6, It prevents local units of government from enacting stricter gun restrictions than those prescribed by state law.,5 +5,Court upholds death sentence for Pa. killer,4 +11,RUSSIAN IMMAGRANTS ESTABLISH NEW ENCLAVES IN CITY,10 +9,NRA's attack on doctors,8 +8,"N.J. forwards names for federal gun-ban database +",7 +7,"Nearly four years after his execution, Ellis Wayne Felker",6 +9," +For the second time in two years, Fulton County officials are weighing whether to offer health insurance to domestic partners of employees.",8 +13,Fla. Senate panel agrees to modest changes in 'stand your ground' law,12 +13,I can sympathize with the incoming commander in chief,12 +5,"JOE CAMEL, KIDS AND CIGARETTES, AND THE DEMISE OF FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA",4 +13,"McEachin's message is aimed at the suburban and urban party loyalists likely to dominate the primary on June 12, when turnout is expected to be very low.",12 +7, the police ,6 +9,"Before the announcement, the American Cancer Society",8 +6, prompting calls for tougher federal and state parole guidelines.,5 +11,"Immigrants have poured into New York City in such large numbers during the 1990s that the population has increased slightly, even though more than 1 million people moved out during that time, new census figures show.",10 +7,"and to deliver a death sentence. +",6 +9,"8 dead in truck, 20 dire in immigrant smuggling case",8 +12,"""We've gotten very positive feedback,"" he said. ""I think the theory that this is in demand is definitely being borne out.""",11 +9,The fact is that college gun-free zones have failed.,8 +13," +Possumato had received backing from the National Rifle Association and the Falls Church-based Law Enforcement Alliance of America, a national organization of 8,000 police officers.",12 +6,Just Ban All Guns,5 +13," +COUNTY SUPERVISORS' VOTE TO BAN GUN SHOWS WAS A SHOT IN THE DARK",12 +5,"U.S. District Judge Timothy Burgess said Sunday that the ban violates the Constitution's guarantees of due process and equal protection. +",4 +1,Are punitive damages enough?,0 +5, and awaiting retrial on a murder charge.,4 +5,"Charles Cooper, the lawyer defending Proposition 8, again struggled to offer a rational case for treating gays and lesbians differently on the issue of marriage, as opposed to the workplace. It's understandable. He has no winning argument.",4 +7,"The project's lawyers and investigators believe Griffin was innocent of the crime for which he was executed: the murder of Quintin Moss, 19.",6 +8,"He was honored last week with the government's highest civil service award, bestowed on federal leaders whose work gets ""extraordinary"" results. According to his bosses at the Department of Homeland Security, not only did Homan successfully handle an unexpected surge of unaccompanied children and families who have streamed here from Central America across the Southwest border",7 +6,"Therefore, by executive authority I will restrict sharply the advertising, promotion, distribution and marketing of cigarettes to teenagers.",5 +5, two were in court,4 +1,"The second candidate, W. Cary Edwards, a former state attorney general, said he intends to make a payment totaling $2,820 to cover Social Security and state and Federal unemployment insurance taxes for employing a Portuguese woman without residency status as a housekeeper for about 18 months.",0 +9,had difficulty getting one of the IVs started but said there were no other problems.,8 +8,"In inaugural Pentagon visit, Trump signs orders on immigrant vetting, military strength +",7 +12,"A strong majority of younger Americans now support same-sex marriage. In a Gallup Poll conducted last month, 73 percent of people between 18 and 29 years old said they favored it, while only 39 percent of people older than 65 did.",11 +13,federal government is failing almost completely,12 +6," strong measures that will effectively address the growing problem of tobacco use by our children.""",5 +13," +BELLS TOLLED in Tucson to mark the first anniversary of the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as gun + +-control advocates seized the chance to call for tighter curbs on weapons sales.",12 +9,The only thing that's changed is the body count.,8 +8,military,7 +8,"to be able to legally keep a locked gun in a locked car will no more end with blood in the streets or Wild West shootouts than did the ""stand your ground"" law which doesn't obligate someone with a gun to retreat from an imminent threat. +",7 +10,TEST SUCCESS? OF COURSE ! Classes help immigrants pass naturalization exam,9 +1,"A tobacco company has been dropped as sponsor of the popular Hoop-It-Up basketball tournament, which is making a stop in Denver this weekend, officials said Thursday.",0 +13,"Messages about guns deluge Nixon Majority urge him to sign recent legislation that bolsters gun rights. +",12 +5, Her announcement comes as the Supreme Court is about to hear two landmark gay rights cases that advocates hope will make same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states.,4 +11,and what you see in the press most of the time are ,10 +12,GUN BID OK: POLL,11 +7,"The arrests, made Thursday evening, are part of an ongoing initiative called ""Operation Community Shield"" by the national gang unit of ICE, which works with other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the country.",6 +5,Judge Voids Section Of Brady Gun Law,4 +10,The growth of domestic-partner benefits,9 +1,"The tax, which will raise more than $900 million a year",0 +1,"who owns the Greeley bar Barley Corn,",0 +10,"Chaos, not closure, for family of murder victim",9 +13,Ryan's spokesman accused Blagojevich of reviving the issue simply for political gain.,12 +8,O'Hanlon and Boot say that importing immigrants to be soldiers would solve the military's recruitment problems and provide the armed forces with more translators and experts in other cultures.,7 +4,DUST SETTLES OVER TWISTED FACTS,3 +7," increase penalties for smugglers and document counterfeiters,",6 +10,"I selected a date two weeks in the future and continued to smoke and not cut down and enjoy each cigarette. I stopped drinking coffee for those two weeks. The day was a Friday afternoon after I left the office, because most of the guys smoked.",9 +5," +In a 5-3 ruling issued Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down much of Arizona's tough immigration law, SB 1070, but upheld a key provision allowing officers to question people about their immigration status.",4 +12,"The days that followed the Stockton killings were filled with emotion, accusation, and words of anger. Members of the media and anti-gun organizations played upon this emotion to their political advantage, clamoring once again for a ban on firearms",11 +1,"Gay marriages could generate hundreds of millions in first year of legalization for 11 states, studies find +",0 +5,D.C. attorney general wants federal judges to look at city's strict gun rules again,4 +12,"""We are important to America and America is important to us, said Jessica Alvarez, a Latino community organizer in Washington. ""We are asking the nation to give us a chance.""",11 +5,Massachusetts gay marriage ban advances,4 +13,joined with former Gov. Gray Davis to urge voters to support Propositions 57 and 58.,12 +12,"But what a majority of New Hampshire residents want, or don't want, is really a side issue.",11 +5, The judge agreed to put off the little boy's case until September.,4 +1,TOBACCO LOSES FIGHT TO KEEP PAPERS SECRET,0 +1,So Why Do We Subsidize That Filthy Weed?,0 +5,Hung Juror,4 +5,The core legal aspect of marriage is a civil union blessed by the state. ,4 +7,Wuornos was convicted of or pleaded to fatally shooting six men along the highways of North and Central Florida in 1989 and 1990.,6 +13,"In remarks at the Border Patrol headquarters, Bush said there is common ground between the two visions of immigration overhaul that have split his party -- one that stresses keeping illegal immigrants out, and another that favors making immigrant workers legal temporarily and giving some illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.",12 +13,"Analysts said the whipsawing results were a lesson in how turnout can vastly change the landscape of the politics in this state, which has an independent streak. The dynamic seems to have empowered conservatives in the low-turnout recall vote last year, but rewarded Democrats this month in a midterm election in which mail-in ballots and a contested Senate race helped Colorado defy a nationwide pattern of sagging voter participation.",12 +3," He is a devout Catholic whose adherence to church doctrine on the sanctity of life has informed a long record of active opposition to capital punishment, including having once backed a moratorium on executions. (He's also against abortion, except to safeguard the mother's health.)",2 +1,"Editorial: 'Money, it's a gas'",0 +5,"CIRCUMSTANCES ASIDE, INS OBEYED LAW",4 +13,"Saslaw carried the bill at the request of the administration. McAuliffe's spokesman, Brian Coy, did not return calls Tuesday seeking comment on its failure. +",12 +8,Computer Check of Gun Buyers Is Sought,7 +8,concealed handgun.,7 +12,"All around her, scores of activists unfurled banners emblazoned with inspirational messages, snapped keepsake photos with their smartphones, prayed, and sang in Spanish and English to support the 100 women who set off Tuesday on a 100-mile march to Washington.",11 +7, tried by his church for performing a same-sex union ceremony,6 +13,"NBC tells Chelsea to zip it +",12 +11,"Mr. Feinblatt and Mr. Mintz emerged from opposite sides of the mansion's porch, each led by one of their daughters, Maeve, 8, and Georgia, 6. The girls, dressed in lacy white frocks and gold ballet flats, looked like little brides.",10 +10,"Man murdered in 1995 killing spree is remembered by family, friends at trial Arnold victim is fondly remembered",9 +11,"Same-sex marriages at 131,729, Census says",10 +6,Gun laws need to be changed,5 +13,The Democratic-led Senate will begin work next week on its own version. INS Commissioner James Ziglar is to appear May 2 before the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on immigration,12 +5,What Sort of Tobacco Settlement?,4 +13,"Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Nassau) opposes gay marriage and has not indicated whether he will allow a vote on the matter. +",12 +7," With that, we see the smirking face of serial killer Ted Bundy",6 +9," would go toward providing health care coverage for uninsured adults,",8 +13,"The House is expected to vote on the ban Thursday. Sponsors said they were still a dozen votes short of the number needed to pass the prohibition, which the Senate already has approved.",12 +10,Childhood haunts convicted killer,9 +12,"GUN RIGHTS ADVOCATES DRAW CROWD OF 2,000",11 +5,"More marriages will ultimately mean more divorces - and in the short-term more prenuptial contracts to draw up, experts say. ",4 +6,Rolling Back Sensible Gun Controls,5 +9,"Intellectual Disability and the Death Penalty +",8 +5, by Orange County Superior Court Judge Patrick Donahue ,4 +11,underage ,10 +5,Soldier Wounded in Iraq Has New Rank: Citizen; Immigrant Lost a Leg Fighting for U.S.,4 +7, serial killer Ted Bundy,6 +13,"Ten Senators, including Senator Bob Dole, the majority leader, have accused a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of playing politics by issuing reports on the dangers of guns in homes.",12 +9,"Doctors have referred to the use of midazolam as ""a failed experiment.""",8 +12,"""Go get their ass,"" E.S. Secrease, Coalinga, Calif., advised the NRA. + +""My wife and I would like to add our voices to those of other readers urging you to rethink the anti-gun news thrust of USA TODAY, and do a real service to this country by championing productive crime-control measures,"" said Bradford and Doris Cummings, New Bern, N.C. + +""To solve a problem, you must attack the cause,"" wrote Robert Tinsley, Albuquerque, N.M. ""Guns are a symptom. By attacking that symptom, you are in danger of depriving me and others of a basic right of humankind: the right of self-preservation.""",11 +4,End racial discrimination in the death penalty,3 +13,Trump has fired the acting attorney general who ordered Justice Dept. not to defend president's travel ban,12 +5,"The case, filed as a class action in 2002, was the first broad legal challenge to the policies and practices that swept hundreds of mostly Muslim men into the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on immigration violations in the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks. +",4 +7,ALE tobacco sweep nets 19,6 +13,Congress blocks rule barring mentally impaired from guns,12 +12,Chick-fil-A makes gay marriage stance public,11 +7,"The officer took her to jail, where Cobb deputies turned her over to federal immigration agents. She was taken to an Alabama detention center but was released on May 1 so she could finish her last year of school.",6 +5,"The Texas attorney general, Greg Abbott, had yet to decide Thursday night whether he would appeal the decision, said a spokeswoman for his office, Lauri Saathoff.",4 +5,The officials said Friday that they had taken steps to enforce the law after being told that some gay groups from abroad were going to test the law by declaring themselves homosexuals when they arrived for the Sixth,4 +13,Foul: Temper-Tantrum Caucus pitches a gun fit,12 +1,"The state's current tobacco tax is just 87 cents a pack, far below the national average of $1.46 -- and even if Prop. 29 passes, California still would have the 25th highest tax in the nation. So why hasn't the Legislature raised the tax? Oh, it has tried. And tried. And tried -- 33 times in the past 30 years. It succeeded only once, in 1993, adding a paltry 2 cents a pack for breast cancer research.",0 +6,City Council adopts public smoking ban,5 +10,Everything had been set for Akhil Sachdeva's fresh start.,9 +1,"workplaces, restaurant",0 +13," Yet the legislative response to that is contempt, especially from Republican lawmakers in Richmond.",12 +9,"The percentage of Virginia women who smoke during their pregnancies has declined steadily in the last 10 years, which is good news for their babies. Less encouraging is an increase in other measures such as low birth weight that can place a newborn infant's health at risk. + +A report released this week by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore puts Virginia's progress toward healthier births in national perspective, and the numbers show a generally favorable picture. + +Virginia ranks seventh nationally in the percentage of births to smokers -- 9 percent. That was below the U.S. average of 13 percent in 1999, the most recent year for which figures were available. The decline from previous years was dramatic; in 1990, about 16 percent of Virginia babies were born to mothers who smoked. + +Another positive trend was the drop in teenage births, to 10.6 percent of all births in 1999, the lowest figure in 10 years and below the national average of 12.3 percent. + +Virginia is 15th among states in the percentage of babies born to women with less than 12 years' education and 17th in the percentage of births to unmarried women. Both figures were lower than the national average. + +The state ranks 22nd in the percentage of babies receiving late or no prenatal care. And Virginia has shown a steady rise in the number of low birth-weight babies and premature births since 1990. Nationally in those two categories, it ranks 28th and 30th, respectively. +",8 +1,Evolving Donor Network in Gay Marriage Drive,0 +11,"The ire was directed at the man onstage, screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, who had recently won an Oscar for ""Milk,"" about the gay activist Harvey Milk, who was assassinated in San Francisco in 1978.",10 +10,"""I can't take this no more,"" he said he told her. ""I can't stand being in here like this. What if I have to go for the rest of my life?""",9 +10,COATESVILLE TEACHERS TOLD TO KICK HABIT,9 +7,Officer appears as gun bill advances,6 +5,"""When it's all said and done, what we have here is a procedural issue, where the court said it was appropriate to have the commission look at this first,"" said James B. Jordan, head of litigation in the City Solicitor's Office. +",4 +5,"Nixon said Friday that Ahrens had preliminary results but wouldn't share them, as promised. Ahrens wouldn't comment on whether the results were in. But Ahrens said he never agreed to share the results with anyone.",4 +11,"The writer laments that we should all find our way back to the ""good old U.S.A. where we belong."" Perhaps if he picked up a few pertinent history books it would become crystal clear that one of the basic foundations of this nation was the people's right to keep and bear arms. Our founding fathers made sure that this right was firmly acknowledged in our original Bill of Rights as evidenced by the Second Amendment. +",10 +13,The Dates Marked in Red Pen At the White House,12 +5," +Brooke Group and Liggett also announced settlements with the city of San Francisco and 10 surrounding counties. The settlement with those local governments involve no cash payments on Liggett's part, but the company will turn over documents.",4 +7,did not have a criminal record,6 +13,DUKAKIS SIGNS STRICT BAN ON ASSAULT GUNS IN BOSTON,12 +10,"An empty holster, and stomach, as Va. Tech gun rights advocate goes on hunger strike",9 +10,60 COUPLES IN SYMBOLIC UNITY RITES,9 +13,"But with 25 of the Senate's 56 members as co-sponsors --- and with many communities having enacted or contemplating smoking bans --- state Sen. Don Thomas (R-Dalton) likes the odds. ""The momentum is going in our direction,"" said Thomas, a family practice physician.",12 +5," It now plans to file lawsuits challenging gun-control laws in San Francisco, Chicago and several suburban areas.",4 +4,Detention without bond for immigrants with convictions is labeled unfair,3 +7,"Silva also allegedly shot his own mother during the argument in his home that night after she attempted to intervene, officials said. +",6 +1,LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : REJECTING FUNDS FOR TOBACCO PROGRAMS WILL PROVE COSTLY,0 +5,The vote comes less than a week after the Iowa Supreme Court's unanimous ruling that the Iowa Constitution protects the right of gay couples to wed.,4 +5,A look at Thursday's Supreme Court ruling on guns,4 +5,Parsing the Second Amendment,4 +13,He made partisan comments during last year's health care argument; he slammed President Obama's immigration policies in his 2012 dissenting opinion supporting Arizona's immigration crackdown;,12 +9,"Here's why: One of Rutherford's shots pierced a window screen and frame, snapped an aluminum blind and lodged in a down comforter on the guest bed of his girlfriend's neighbor, Nadine Doerr, 79, who was not home.",8 +7, defendant was dangerous and carried out a deliberate murder.,6 +12,"""I think it's ridiculous,"" said Harry Lockwood, a building maintenance worker enjoying a smoke during the lunch hour Thursday in downtown's Rice Park. ""Pretty soon, you'll be walking down the street, and they'll say, 'No smoking on the sidewalk.' I just think they're going way too far with this.""",11 +7,Authorities point to possible straw buyer in shooting of three at Jewish facilities,6 +5,"""It seems to be a ridiculous position to be in,"" Mr. Estime's attorney, Mark Wilensky, told Circuit Judge Jack Cook. ""You have two years if she pleas, otherwise you are facing the death penalty?""",4 +5,"But now that they could also be married in the eyes of the federal government, that might change the equation. And it's an equation with many parts. The ruling that struck down the federal law known as DOMA and subsequent regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies mean that same-sex spouses are now eligible for many benefits they were previously denied. +",4 +5,"The Second Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court has said more than once, is not a guarantee that any lunatic can buy a gun. Its purpose was to provide the post-Colonial states with the right to raise ''a well-ordered militia'' in a time of civil strife or national emergency",4 +10,Texas man who killed 2 neighbors wants execution to proceed,9 +13,Gov puts heat on landlord for gentrify push,12 +13,"Yet, in today's political climate, one of his main points should strike a chord",12 +7,"Delco woman sentenced for gun purchase +",6 +12,"N.J. Exit Poll: Problems for G.O.P., Support for Gay Marriage +",11 +5, but Georgia officials postponed the execution to give the high court a chance to review a Hail Mary defense appeal.,4 +7,"Cleveland Man Admits to Abductions +",6 +13,Clinton Escalates Fight on Illegal Immigration,12 +7,"of course, and whether you expect to be sitting in the chair any time soon. +",6 +6,NEW MASS. RULES BAN CHEAP HANDGUNS AND REQUIRE CHILD LOCKS,5 +13,"The vote, which remained uncertain till the end, was a blow to the National Rifle Association and demonstrated what President Clinton called extraordinary courage by the members of the House who he said had stood up for the national interest.",12 +13,Republican Convention: Log Cabin Republicans,12 +5,Court May Hold Fate of Children Knocked Off Citizenship Path,4 +2,"Records are being set all over the country, said an I.N.S. spokesman in Washington, Rudolph Brewington. In the nine months through June, nearly 715,000 people applied for citizenship, a 78 percent increase over the corresponding period a year earlier. Mr. Brewington said Congress had approved the hiring of 1,000 new I.N.S. employees to help process the applications",1 +3,"""That word and the idea behind it,"" I wrote 13 years ago, ""carry philosophical and theological meanings that are getting increasingly muddled and could become more so if it were applied even more broadly.""",2 +6,A St. Louis alderman proposed Friday that the city enforce ''no-smoking'' areas with a $50 fine but let businesses decide whether to restrict smoking. ,5 +1, gun purchases.,0 +7,Texas: Armed Man Who IntervenedIn Woman's Shooting Is Killed,6 +1,properties.,0 +1,But they don't have the checkbooks,0 +13,Albany's Task on Guns and Ballot Access,12 +4,"Under Virginia law, if a judge finds that the state acted in bad faith, an inmate may argue that he is entitled to a new trial because his constitutional rights to due process were violated.",3 +12," +At the counter, one high school counselor criticizes what he calls the ''take-take-take'' expectations of immigrants. A few seats away, a 33-year-old who moved to Bakersfield from Houston last year calls the decades-long wait for citizenship absurd. And at a booth in the front corner, a couple who came from Mexico more than 20 years ago say they often overhear anti-immigrant vitriol, though rarely aimed directly at them. Still, they are hardly surprised to hear the sentiments voiced just feet away.",11 +5,DEATH-PENALTY APPEAL GOES TO COURT KEITH ZETTLEMOYER IS TO DIE TUESDAY,4 +4, because race was improperly used as a factor in their sentencing.,3 +11,"Among college students who responded to a survey of 119 four-year colleges or universities, 61 percent had tried a tobacco product, 46 percent had used tobacco in the last year and 33 percent had used it in the last month, the study said.",10 +5,I.N.S. Thwarts Basic Justice,4 +5,"Prosecutors say Mr. Nichols gathered bomb components, including explosive ammonium nitrate fertilizer, and helped Timothy J. McVeigh build the homemade device and pack it into the cargo bay of a Ryder truck.",4 +13,Lines Drawn On Albany Bill For Restricting Of Weapons,12 +7,"Some of the violations date to 2007, but the ATF didn't yank the store owner's federal firearms license until after the massacre, according to the records obtained by The (Westchester County, N.Y.) Journal News. +",6 +5,after the California Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage,4 +7,"Rodriguez, 24, was working at Fredy's Hardware III on 170th St. when Murray walked in and announced a stickup, police said. Murray shot the clerk several times, police said, then fled without a dime.",6 +12,"A gun-control organization backed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg that enlists mothers to speak out against gun violence is racking up some modest victories around the U.S., employing the state-by-state strategy used so effectively to fight drunken driving and expand gay rights.",11 +13,Georgia House to direct $8 million toward improving school safety,12 +1,"The state has no estimate of the cost of illegal immigration, it says. The closest thing it has is the Medicaid cost for illegal immigrants and new legal arrivals: $38.4 million last year. +",0 +13,"Negotiations to resolve the situation began late Wednesday and continued through Thursday. +",12 +11,A new epithet emerges for Parkland teens calling for more gun control: Nazis,10 +13,GUNS AND THE GOVERNOR,12 +6," +THE BRADY BILL DOESN'T WORK",5 +7,"Steven Oken, already convicted of murdering a Maine motel clerk, has been sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a 20-year-old White Marsh, Md., newlywed. +",6 +5,"A Steady Path to the Justices +",4 +5,Gun law attorneys' award request cut by $2 million,4 +7,ICE nets 114 Immig sweep hits hard in NYC,6 +5, constitutional change,4 +11,Last year there were 31 executions.,10 +9,that seeks to depict these instruments of death,8 +6,'STAND' LAW CHANGE PROPOSED,5 +5,"The Justice Department announced last summer an effort to correct past errors in forensic hair examinations before 2000 - at least 21,000 cases - to determine whether agents exaggerated the significance of purported hair ""matches"" in lab reports or trial testimony.",4 +7,Mass deportation was never part of Donald Trump's official plan to begin with,6 +6,"The movement to ban smoking in New York City has grown so quickly that no place seems immune -- certainly not restaurants or bars, and public beaches and parks may not be far behind. Now the efforts are rapidly expanding into the living room. +",5 +6,Extending the ban is clearly win-win,5 +5,"who is a patent attorney, said juries could be too easily swayed by the heat of a capital prosecution, overlooking nuances of guilt to punish someone whose intent was perhaps ambiguous.",4 +7, to spend the next 40 years in prison for the beating death of their 2-year-old daughter.,6 +9,Smith & Wesson's new safety measures were part of a deal with state and local governments.,8 +13,GUN BILL PASSAGE IN SIGHT,12 +8, Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui,7 +13,"Attempts to reach Rep. Tim Bearden (R-Villa Rica), the gun bill's champion, were unsuccessful. +",12 +10,"She also missed less significant but still important events, including a high school reunion and a community celebration in Scotland. +",9 +4, to treat married gay couples the same as opposite-sex spouses,3 +15,Taking a stand,14 +9,"Robber is not brain-damaged, government's experts say",8 +5,"MURDERER WINS STAY OF EXECUTION STEVEN DUFFEY, 33, WOULD HAVE BEEN THE FIRST INMATE EXECUTED IN PA. IN MORE THAN 30 YEARS.",4 +5,Russell wrote that the measure violated the state constitution's single-subject rule because it asked voters to decide on both marriage and civil unions in a single amendment.,4 +13,Clinton Will Seek Tougher Proposals To Rein In Smoking,12 +7,Porous Deportation System Gives Criminals Little to Fear,6 +10,GAY COUPLE VOWS 'EM AT CITY HALL,9 +5,"Black's Law Dictionary defines meretricious as ""of the nature of unlawful sexual connection . . . descriptive of the relationship sustained by persons who contract a marriage that is void by reason of legal incapacity.""",4 +15,Open to compromise,14 +7,Former death row inmate who murdered 2 Pinole girls accused of killing his mother,6 +5,JUSTICE DEPT. CONSIDERS POSSIBLE APPEAL OF SENTENCES IN TEXAS SLAVE CASE,4 +13,"Bush troubled by same-sex weddings, may back ban",12 +13,Dole Drops Vow to Kill Gun Ban,12 +11,"Despite the myth, our freedoms were not won by the Minutemen. They were earned by the professionals trained by Baron von Steuben and the Marquis de Lafayette.",10 +12,"followed a stirring, tearful and at times very personal debate",11 +13,"Portman announced his change of heart in a Columbus Dispatch op-ed, revealing that his son's coming out inspired him to rethink his views. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) has since come out in support of gay marriage as well. +",12 +13,"The National Rifle Association went on the attack last week against Rep. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), a leading sponsor of the House crime bill, calling him ""the criminal's best friend in Congress.""",12 +5,"In the District, a federal judge started the process of gutting a ban on carrying handguns in public adopted by the city's duly elected representatives. +",4 +10,Russian twin pianists offer hand to refugees,9 +15,Splitting legal hairs,14 +5,"Now, the lawyer representing the accused man, Guy Westmoreland, wants to take statements from the two involved in the affair.",4 +5,"Justices Allow Execution, With Sotomayor Opposed",4 +5,The city is taking its fight to court instead.,4 +13,Gov. Larry Hogan distances himself from the National Rifle Association,12 +13," +Barack Obama does not support a proposed California constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in the state, he announced in a letter sent to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club of San Francisco this week.",12 +5,"The judges ordered immigration judges to reconsider his case, taking into account how apostates -- Muslims who reject Islam -- are treated in Afghanistan",4 +13,Cuomo signs abuser gun ban,12 +6,"Some critics of the law said the combination of college sports, alcohol and firearms could make for a deadly combination.",5 +13,Va. Gun Bills Rejected,12 +11,MOVE'S ON TO OUTLAW CHAW MLB to consider ban on 'dipping' after Gwynn death,10 +13," +DAYS AFTER the stinging defeat of gun control measures in the Senate, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and gun-safety advocates rallied to show continued support for cracking down on guns.",12 +5, A federal district court struck it down as unconstitutional.,4 +13, Among the topics ripe for debate:,12 +10,"Everyone wants a home, to work and to feel safe. +",9 +8,MILITIA GROUPS ON RISE IN STATE,7 +13,"That's the claim of residents and a critic of Selders' final two-year term. Selders lost to former police officer Ed Clark - a one-time member of the city's gang unit - by a wide margin Tuesday, 61 percent to 39 percent.",12 +3,Restricting religion will not unite us,2 +5,"Jurors to be picked, moved",4 +8,"in the sniper attacks that terrorized the Washington area. +",7 +5,"The defendant, whose name isn't being published because of his age, was to be released to the custody of his grandmother after the Tuesday hearing before Fulton County Juvenile Court Associate Judge George Geiger.",4 +3,"Roman Catholic politicians like himself have a ""moral duty"" to oppose laws granting legal rights to gay couples.",2 +5,"For Haddonfield resident Diane Marini, yesterday's Massachusetts high-court decision overturning the state ban on same-sex civil marriage could carry her closer to her dream: to legally marry her partner of 12 years, Marilyn Maneely.",4 +15,The slippery slope that the Las Vegas massacre introduces into the gun-control debate,14 +3,"It seems that the older I get, the more I have adopted the views of ancient civilizations - a hand for a hand. Why should people be concerned about whether a murderer is in pain during execution? The pain that they have inflicted on the families and friends of their victims far outweighs any pain that the executed may feel.",2 +3,"Soon after the re-enactment, at the Holiday Inn Midtown, Creech supporters began a prayer vigil outside Trinity United Methodist Church, where his trial begins at 9:30 a.m. today.",2 +5,"but prosecutors almost never seek the death penalty anymore, and juries refuse to impose it when they do.",4 +13,HEARING ON GUN SHOWS IS A PRUDENT FIRST STEP,12 +2,federal and state courts are buckling under the strain of the resulting criminal caseload.,1 +13,Clinton to Ban Contracts to Companies That Hire Illegal Aliens,12 +9,"""Carbon monoxide. That's what comes out of car exhausts.""",8 +7,The evidence appeared to link Harlan to Maloney's bloody clothing.,6 +13,'Foreign' evildoers Bam told to keep gun import ban,12 +5,Deal spares abortion doctor death penalty in murders,4 +6,"The new rules, which will take effect after a 90-day comment period, include the banning of all cigaret vending machines, a prohibition on all outdoor ads within 1,000 feet of a school or playground and the end of all tobacco sponsorship of everything from T-shirts and hats to auto racing and women's tennis. +",5 +13,"IN GUN DEBATE, SORTING OUT VIEWS A CHALLENGE",12 +13,Advertisement Makes Appeal To Closeted Gays in Congress,12 +5,That meeting would help to remake the law for thousands of legal immigrants to the United States. It might someday serve as the basis for shaping important new legal protections for native-born Americans as well,4 +3,Pr. George's pastors step upfight against gay nuptials bill,2 +9,"And, finally, many gun owners appear little interested in safe gun storage. A study of accidental handgun deaths among children found that only three of 200 weapons were taken from gun cabinets.",8 +5,5 Rural Sheriffs Are Taking the Brady Law to Court,4 +6,The item followed changes on how germination tests for seeds in hermetically sealed containers are conducted and the reimbursement of forestry firefighters for their licensing fees.,5 +5," +The widowed Windsor has already won two rounds in her fight with the feds over a $363,000 estate tax bill that followed the 2009 death of her spouse, Thea Spyer. +",4 +1," lesser-known brands such as USA Gold and Roger cigarettes. + +Those manufacturers",0 +7, who killed his son with cyanide-poisoned candy in Texas.,6 +5,"""We don't feel the death penalty is appropriate for juveniles,"" State's Attorney Douglas Gansler said after emerging from a meeting with prosecutors from other jurisdictions involved in the case.",4 +6,"You are asking the wrong question. You should be asking ""Do you think these proposals will effectively reduce gun violence in America?"" +",5 +13,"Yes, the Parkland kids could change U.S. gun policy",12 +13,"RUDY BLASTS GUN FIRMS, BUCKS GOP WITH SUIT",12 +9,Feds unveil graphic new cigarette warnings,8 +5,Lawyers target Indian courts for injury suits,4 +6,An overview of the changes coming with Obama's action on immigration policy,5 +4,". If that's the way it is, it's as wrong to discriminate against people who have no more to do with their sexual orientation than blacks for their skin color.",3 +7,Focus on Illegal Guns,6 +1,"Beyond that, DREAMers are young - which means that they help the economy in not one but two big ways, because they mitigate the economic problems caused by an aging population.",0 +5,"For that reason, the case is expected to reach the nation's highest court.",4 +2,Jody Dyer is worried that she won't be able to rent all the rooms in her inn this summer because there won't be enough workers to clean them.,1 +15,"6,000 Bullets",14 +7,"In an all-too-familiar chain of events on Tuesday, a gunman armed with a rifle walked into Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Oregon, killed a 14-year-old student, Emilio Hoffman, and wounded a teacher, Todd Rispler. Later he was found dead by police, an apparent suicide. +",6 +4," +PRIMARY",3 +15,HE LOST THE DREAM FIGHT,14 +9,Mental health clouding gun effort,8 +13,"The spinmeisters on both sides of the gun-control-vs.-gun-rights debate could have a heyday with this. +",12 +5,Court: Fla. doctors can discuss gun safety with patients,4 +13,"""I'm pretty positive something's going to happen this summer,"" said Bogliolo, speaking with cheerful optimism at the couple's San Jose home. +",12 +13,"After signing a bill that abolishes death sentences effective July 1, Gov. Pat Quinn",12 +13,"Obama met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, who urged him to refuse Republican demands to make it easier to deport the children. +",12 +3,"Shots, thoughts, prayers, repeat",2 +5,"Civil ceremonies offer couples flexibility +",4 +4," Taylor's attorney attempted to discredit that witness by showing the informer was racist, untruthful and was seeking favorable treatment for his testimony.",3 +6,"How is this any different from ""No shoes, no shirt, no service"" or ""jacket required""? +",5 +12,Majority Against Blessing Gay Unions,11 +5,"Harris and his two Durham lawyers had been waiting for Orange-Chatham County Superior Court Judge Wade Barber to rule since March, when the judge heard Harris' death sentence appeal over jurisdictional and trial issues.",4 +13,A.C. mayor signs partial ban of casino smoking,12 +11,FREEDOM RIDE IS A REMINDER OF OUR HISTORY OF IMMIGRATION TODD MIZENER; ASSOCIATED PRESS,10 +13,Donald shoots blanks,12 +13,"""It's probably the most important thing that can be done without congressional action,"" said Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Washington-based Violence Policy Center.",12 +13,Clinton Officially Rejects Limits on F.D.A. in Tobacco Plan,12 +7,NANNY IN GRIP OF THE LAW 18-year-old crime could lead to deportation,6 +7,MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: 21 airport workers detained,6 +7,The Fulton Diagnostic Center is where the department evaluates and classifies newly arrived inmates.,6 +8,"His accomplice, Lee Malvo, 24, said Muhammad hoped to extort $10 million from the government to set up a camp where children would be trained as terrorists.",7 +4,addressing what many critics consider a major flaw in the nation's largest capital punishment system.,3 +13,The cynical actions of members of the House of Representatives in their search of votes by cheap election year pandering continue to plumb new laws of civic irresponsibility,12 +10,"For Rivera and Ortiz, yesterday's two-minute ceremony, attended by 13 relatives and friends, some in tears, will have to do for the Brooklyn couple - at least for now. + +""It was beautiful,"" said Rivera, wiping away a tear. ""Especially with all my family here. I'm just without words right now. I'm emotional."" + +Added Ortiz, ""I feel great.""",9 +1,THE TICKER BOYCOTTS LEAD SMITH & WESSON TO CLIP STAFF 15%,0 +6,"Webb fears the new gun laws will make carrying a concealed weapon in Denver, and elsewhere, the norm rather than exception to the rule.",5 +7, Some have provocative language calling for states to arrest and prosecute federal agents who dare to enforce new firearms regulations.,6 +11,It was that kind of thing that earned Jefferies his own Daily Show-style weekly series on Comedy Central. The Tampa performance is set to be Jefferies' first standup since the premiere last week.,10 +13,Gun industry representatives have denounced the bill as an infringement of interstate commerce and predicted it will be shot down by the courts.,12 +13,"Zephyr flips, rips gun law Backed Cuomo controls in '14",12 +3,"CHURCHES FIGHT GAY REGISTRY PROPOSAL GROUP USES LETTERS, ADS AND ATTENDANCE",2 +9,"OFFICIAL URGES SMOKING PREVENTION / THE HEAD OF THE CDC SAID STATES WERE ""FRITTERING AWAY"" / $206 BILLION TOBACCO DEAL BY IGNORING EDUCATION EFFORTS.",8 +8, require background checks in private gun sales,7 +9,"that Florida doctors can talk to patients about gun safety,",8 +5,A Common Pleas Court judge has upheld the city's authority,4 +7,Feelings are running strong in metro Atlanta's African immigrant communities over the verdict in an unusual case of female genital mutilation,6 +9,Is this the sickest man in the U.S.?,8 +12,"The challenge for gun-safety advocates is not public opinion, but the expression of public opinion in our politics.",11 +12,AMERICANS SPLIT IN POLLS,11 +8,It sets up instant background checks on resident purchasers; non-residents may have to wait up to a week while the checks are made before they can take home a gun.,7 +11,Smoking is becoming a social taboo,10 +13,PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES' POSTIONS ON IMMIGRATION,12 +5,The result is that American policy on asylum as it applies to Chinese is as confused as it was during the Bush administration - and could remain so for months or years while the issue is debated in the courts.,4 +13,"Like her predecessors, first lady Michelle Obama has tried not to get tangled up in contentious political issues. Until Wednesday. +",12 +12,A recent Denver Post poll showed that voters were ready to ban gay marriage but endorse legal benefits for same-sex couples.,11 +5," During the trial that would eventually lead to his acquittal,",4 +1,Big Tobacco,0 +7,A Boca Raton man accused of recruiting family members into an illegal gun sales scheme that put almost 450 pistols on the street was sentenced Thursday to 46 months in prison.,6 +12,Joe Soucheray: So why don't the anti-smoking zealots care about marijuana?,11 +3," +Child rapist escapes death but not tough justice",2 +13,"Vice President Biden outlined the new policies during a swearing-in ceremony Thursday for B. Todd Jones, the new director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.",12 +13,Hickenlooper: Time to weigh gun laws,12 +5,High court leaves Philadelphia leeway on gun laws,4 +14,"TRAGIC TOWN TO FEDS - ACT LIKE ALBANY +",13 +3," +We can have the ""sanctity"" debate. We can have the ""marriage needs protecting"" debate. We can have the ""what about the children?"" debate. But let us have it.",2 +5,There was something like a consensus at the Supreme Court on Monday that it was not a good idea for a judge to hear a death penalty case he had worked on as a district attorney. But the justices seemed divided over how to fashion a constitutional rule that would bar such conduct yet not require judges to recuse themselves whenever they had had a glancing encounter with the matter under review.,4 +7,Condemned killer Larry Grant Lonchar on Tuesday put the name of the survivor of his 1986 killing spree on the list of people he wants to witness his execution,6 +9,DiE PHONE Gunlike case could get you shot,8 +15,THE LAW,14 +13," One of the measures was sponsored by Sen. Dennis DeConcini, D-Ariz., a lifelong opponent of gun control, the other by Sen. Howard M. Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, who favors gun control.",12 +6,Panel Upgrades Standard For Cigarette Lighter Safety,5 +1,"In turn, that would increase demand for cheaper, foreign-grown tobacco used to produce discount cigarettes, said Jack Maxwell, a tobacco stock analyst with Davenport & Co.",0 +4,Execution Stirs Up Troubling Questions,3 +6,"Musgrave's amendment defines marriage as a union of a man and woman, and prohibits both the state and federal government from recognizing gay marriages.",5 +14,Fox hopeful he'll see immigration pact,13 +1," +The company also agreed to hand over 25 percent of its pre-tax profits for the next 25 years. +",0 +13,VT. BILL TO BAN GAY MARRIAGE IS LIKELY DOOMED IN SENATE,12 +13,Texas Republicans May Endorse Gay 'Reparative' Therapy,12 +4,No evidence Orlando attack targeted gays,3 +7,"enormity of this crime and the devastation to so many families, ",6 +1,"Labor, business leaders declare progress in immigration talks",0 +10,ILLEGAL ALIENS DESERVE DECENT TREATMENT,9 +5,Cobb District Attorney Tom Charron said the quick denial supports his position that there are no legal issues blocking the trial.,4 +3,The leader of more than 2 million New York Catholics told the faithful he was amazed that judges and lawmakers have opened the door to gay marriage.,2 +11,to minors.,10 +7,or thousands of dreamers could begin facing deportation on a daily basis.,6 +5,"What's next for California's gay marriage ban +",4 +1,Horrigan: Propping up the gun industry with the sounds of silencers,0 +5,"Oklahoma provided the defendant, Glen Burton Ake, with a lawyer, as required by the Supreme Court's 1963 landmark ruling, Gideon v. Wainwright. The trial judge also ordered him examined by a psychiatrist at state expense for the purpose of establishing his competency to stand trial.",4 +9, but it could kill you.,8 +10,"Robinson ate a final meal of fried chicken gizzards and hearts, smoked sausage, french fries, butter pecan ice cream and Dr Pepper. He spent the day writing letters and talking to a Catholic priest.",9 +4,Death-Penalty Inequity,3 +5, has been processing applications for concealed weapons permits from Missouri residents.,4 +5,"When asked if Orloff would support a death-penalty-free zone, Deputy District Attorney James Anderson said Monday that his boss ""would not be fazed, one iota,",4 +6,"The new city law would expand on one that already bars anyone other than a person in a city-supervised program, such as archery at summer camp, from firing a slingshot, bow, sling or ""similar device"" within city limits.",5 +15,SO CLOSE TO DEATH,14 +5,Latest Updates on Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Hearing,4 +7, police chief took over that duty from the sheriff in 1987.,6 +3,It's not uncommon for religious leaders,2 +7, Louisville shootings.,6 +13,"GOP BLASTS CLINTON ON IMMIGRATION STAND < THE WHITE HOUSE WANTS THE MEASURE CHANGED.< THAT RISKS A SHUTDOWN, REPUBLICANS SAY. +",12 +12,"Talk of stricter hunting restrictions in eastern Loudoun County, prompted by an incident in which a bullet tore through a house in Ashburn, has drawn an outcry from hunters and gun rights groups.",11 +13,Clinton gets gun control gala salute,12 +13,Full Senate sent 2 gun-control bills,12 +13,"Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed's recent decision to say ""yes"" to gay marriage took place after a long and sometimes rocky relationship with the city's supporters of same-sex marriage.",12 +13,Same Sex Marriage Wins Vote In California,12 +1,ADMINISTRATION BALKS AT COST OF AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS,0 +5,Jury Selection Begins in First Death Penalty Case Since 1983,4 +12,"Several members of the Maryland Tyranny Response Team -- a grass-roots group that fights for the rights of gun owners -- stood outside the Gaithersburg event with signs, and one or two members circulated quietly inside.",11 +8,called for border security,7 +5," But the appeals court said Little, who faced a second-degree murder charge, should be able to use the law. +",4 +12," Even among gun owners, support averages over 80 percent.",11 +13,The Senate State Affairs Committee on Wednesday OK'd SB 45,12 +6,His plan includes requiring background checks for guns sold through dealers online and at gun shows and beefing up federal agencies to better enforce existing laws and conduct background checks 24 hours a day.,5 +13,"Six weeks after approving an expanded ban on assault weapons, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and lawmakers are considering whether to amend the measure to add an exception -- for Hollywood.",12 +5,County officials plan an aggressive program to sign them up should the justices give the green light. Arguments in the case are scheduled for Monday.,4 +13,Whose Senate Is This?,12 +13,"In the chess game that is Illinois politics, it was check, but not mate, Thursday morning for House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, D-Chicago. + +Madigan has decided to offer a helping hand because Gov. Jim Edgar is at odds with fellow Republican James ""Pate"" Philip, the Senate president, over a ban on assault weapons. + +But a sputtering James Reilly, the governor's chief of staff, marched into a news conference to say that Madigan's help wasn't needed. + +""Political games are not new, but what the speaker did today is beyond comparison in political gamesmanship,"" Reilly said. + +Reilly's impromptu tirade came minutes after one of Madigan's committees approved a 200-page bill promoting safe neighborhoods in Chicago. The committee killed a part of the bill that would have banned assault weapons, and Reilly accused Madigan of pulling the strings. + +Reilly said Madigan torpedoed a deal that Edgar's office had been working on with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and members of the House Judiciary II Committee. The agreement modified Edgar's proposed ban on some assault weapons so the plan would be more palatable to Senate Republicans, who approved a watered-down version last week. + +The deal, Reilly said, was a compromise between what Edgar proposed in his State of the State speech in January and the weak Senate bill. + +But an aide to Madigan, Steve Brown, responded coolly that the speaker was just giving the governor his wish and would deliver on a promise to have the House vote on Edgar's original proposal.",12 +1,economic,0 +4,"Smoke Freely, or Breathe Free?",3 +5,Guns on Trial,4 +6,"""We need policies that grow our economy, that create jobs and that move us back on the road to a prosperous Georgia,"" said Sen. Nan Orrock, D-Atlanta, who appeared alongside Rep. Virgil Fludd, D-Tyrone. ""Ill-conceived anti-immigrant legislation won't do that.""",5 +5,The Supreme Court agreed today to rule on the constitutionality of state death penalty laws that can make it easier for prosecutors to obtain death sentences for those who kill in the course of committing other crimes.,4 +5,"Court to consider 3 states' bans on gay marriage +",4 +7,"There was no dispute that Alexander killed the inspectors -- Jean Hillery, 56, Bill Shaline, 57, and Tom Quadros, 52. The entire incident was caught on Alexander's surveillance tape",6 +3,Another way for Catholic Charities to live with same-sex marriage,2 +12,Florida voters ,11 +13," Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney explosively clashed on illegal immigration in last night's Republican presidential debate, accusing each other of providing havens for undocumented aliens - Giuliani as mayor, and Romney when he hired landscapers for his home.",12 +5,Angie Della Vecchia of New Port Richey was scheduled to take the witness stand in a landmark class-action tobacco case next month and tell jurors about how 40 years of smoking left her bedridden with cancer.,4 +13,"Senate Votes to Keep Gun Proposal Alive, but in Limbo",12 +13,"The problem is ""fear of the gun lobby,"" said Mark Glaze, executive director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, an organization bankrolled by Mayor Bloomberg.",12 +7,DEATH-ROW PRISONER,6 +13,"Giffords, Kelly launch group to 'balance the influence of the gun lobby' +",12 +4,Murder ruling tossed out due to trial judge's error,3 +5,"Reilly's lawyer, Thomas Shanahan, called that argument a red herring, noting that those couples have the option to marry and gay couples do not.",4 +12,"The gay marriage movement is at a crossroads. It can become more combative, or it can build on the support of the near-majority who came close to defeating Proposition 8. Building support clearly is the better path.",11 +13,States urged to invest in anti-smoking effort,12 +5,A key element of the court ruling was its finding that federally mandated warning labels on cigarette packages do not automatically protect the manufacturers from state personal-injury lawsuits.,4 +13,"But one of his key allies on Capitol Hill, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), could prove to be an early obstacle to the president's swift pace. +",12 +15,Not Your 'Bud' or Ours,14 +5, Right to Bear Arms: A Second Look,4 +1,nation's tobacco companies,0 +7,FREMONT WOMAN PLEADS GUILTY IN IMMIGRATION FRAUD SCHEME,6 +5,A federal appeals court on Monday lifted legal stays that had been blocking New York's effort to collect taxes on cigarette sales by Indian-owned businesses to non-Indians.,4 +11,None of the 21 inmates who have died in Florida's electric chair since the state resumed executions in 1979 have been executed on a first warrant.,10 +7, Maybe he forgot about the biggest source of crime guns: Criminals steal them!,6 +3,The escalating use of state killings demeans all of us.,2 +7,"Besides, purchase of tobacco products by underaged people is already illegal. Why not simply enforce existing laws?",6 +6,The Rugged Road for Gun Control,5 +5,Kenneth Starr Argues Capital Case,4 +9, It takes a lot more than three dead kids in a single week,8 +4,. It was an important statement of support for marriage equality,3 +5,legality,4 +6,"The measure also would prevent cities and counties from enacting restrictions on the sale of firearms and ammunition, or imposing rules on how guns must be stored.",5 +7,NYPD FED UP Declines to back D.C. in immig bust,6 +9,"Inmates are on a hunger strike at an Immigration and Naturalization Service detention center, protesting parole delays and saying they want more food.",8 +13,Diaz said that the movement has failed to achieve any gains in Congress since the initial marches and that the people who attended them are disappointed.,12 +5,The state's highest court unanimously affirmed the constitutional amendment --- approved by 76 percent of voters in 2004 --- that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.,4 +12,"After public outcry, Pleasant Hill to review home gun sales",11 +12,Stance on gay unions unchanged,11 +9,a safer alternative to regular cigarettes.,8 +13,Republican Group Meets to Press Gay Rights,12 +1," +He estimated that a pack-a-day habit costs a smoker at least $1,200 a year. Seifert said he'd also like to impose sanctions for gambling and buying alcohol, but said it's too difficult to test for compliance.",0 +1,are turning up the heat on bar owners,0 +4,"""At no time does the question not come up: What about gay families?",3 +7,"For the past six months, however, the government has been quietly re-arresting many of these ""absconders"" on a U.S. Justice Department list about 1,000 names long.",6 +13,Gay GOP group breaks with Bush on marriage ban,12 +12,Gay Marriages Are Still Far From Approval by Albany,11 +1,Opponents of no-smoking rules argue that they hurt businesses and violate individual rights.,0 +1,Wal-Mart to End Sales of Handguns in Stores,0 +5,It was the second time the justices had heard arguments after ordering a lower court to reconsider Miller-El's prejudice allegations. The New Orleans-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit subsequently reaffirmed the conviction.,4 +11,"Kluwe and Ayanbadejo have been the two most outspoken NFL players on the issue of gay marriage, and Kluwe wasted no time wading into the heated debate in the Golden State. +",10 +5,State puts off execution,4 +8," take a tough stance against terrorists,",7 +13,"""But I am asking Congress,",12 +9, had hanged himself.,8 +5,CONDEMNED MAN FROM PINELLAS GRANTED A HEARING ON EVIDENCE,4 +9,Boy in shooting 'unzipped' special purse gun pocket,8 +5,"Bob Corbin, a former Arizona attorney general and president of the NRA, said his group will file lawsuits in federal courts in Arizona and Montana, and perhaps other states as well, arguing that the law violates states' rights and is unconstitutionally vague.",4 +5,"In a class-action lawsuit filed in federal court this week, lawyers for seven gay Georgians argue that the state's ban on gay marriage violates both the equal-protection and due-process requirements of the 14th Amendment. As the suit points out, ""The marriage bans inflict serious and irreparable harms upon same-sex couples and their children that cannot be explained by reference to legitimate governmental interest."" +",4 +6,"It is time to take a different tack, rather than offering up the same old gun prohibition agenda.",5 +11,"The dry, emotionless recitation focused on one of 23 Georgia executions that were described on tape between 1983 and 1998.",10 +6,A New Chance to Curb Gun Violence,5 +12,"Few protesters turned out this week as gay marriages began. Instead, opponents chose to focus on raising money and support for the upcoming ballot measure for a constitutional ban on such unions. +",11 +1,Gov. Bob Martinez and his supporters should be able to find a more equitable way to raise money for the proposed 1990-91 budget than to tax the overburdened even more.,0 +7," in the fatal stabbing of Robert L. Willis, 44, at Willis' home in Washington Park on Dec. 11, 1995, and attempted murder in the wounding of another man, Dwayne McLemore, who recovered and helped police build their case.",6 +10," the state prevents them from enjoying benefits, such as tax breaks and health insurance",9 +8,"requiring a check of criminal records, drug or mental problems of gun applicants",7 +9,"UW-OSHKOSH: Campaign cuts smoking by 29% +",8 +12,Ga. gun owners OK with changes,11 +5,"Rob Dunham, director of the Capital Case Resource Center, which represented Duffey, said the state high court had granted stays to every previous death row inmate who, like Duffey, had not yet filed a post-conviction relief petition in state court. This is an appeal inmates can file after the state Supreme Court rejects the first, automatic appeal.",4 +1,Retail politics in gun control fight,0 +5,SUSPECT IN 1975 SLAYING INDICTED,4 +5,Supreme Court asked to bar YouTube video from same-sex marriage trial,4 +13,Democratic foes say that the Bush administration is acting from political expediency and reneging on a campaign promise by Vice President Dick Cheney to leave regulation of marriage to the states.,12 +8,Fix the background-check database,7 +5,"Judge Robert J. Shelby's ruling is particularly significant because it represents the first time a federal court has ruled on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans since the Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act in June. The ruling will serve as a precedent for other states facing challenges to their bans, and it sets the stage for a Supreme Court decision that would apply to all 50 states. +",4 +10,proposals and wedding plans.,9 +9,"In the no man's land along the frontier, death or injury can come in encounters with United States Border Patrol agents, who have shot a number of immigrants, with Mexican bandits or with packs of young Americans who prey on immigrants for sport.",8 +7,"In greater numbers, violent felons are free to own guns",6 +5," A special panel recommended procedural changes, so the state would not violate the Eighth Amendment ban on ""cruel and unusual punishment.""",4 +11,"PIPE SMOKERS SAVOR AROMA AND COMPANIONSHIP WHEN THE CLUB GETS TOGETHER, PATIENCE AND PLEASURE SET THE TONE FOR A RELAXING EVENING.",10 +13,SMOKING-BAN HEARING SET,12 +4,"""the right to marry means little if it does not include the right to marry the person of one's choice."" +",3 +6,"'The dirty little secret is that the records for Colorado and almost every state are in terrible shape, and our front-line defense necessary to keep guns out of the hands of criminals is full of holes,' said foundation policy director Jim Kessler. The nonprofit group, based in Washington, D.C., supports gun owners' rights.",5 +9,`Sausage king' convict died of natural causes,8 +7,"Also yesterday, Karl Hammond was put to death by injection in Huntsville, Tex., for the 1986 rape and murder of an F.B.I. secretary. +",6 +13," +The president called the Aurora massacre an ""extraordinarily heartbreaking tragedy."" But, he added, talk of reforming gun laws after similar mass shootings has too often been ""defeated by politics and by lobbying and eventually by the pull of our collective attention elsewhere.""",12 +5,"Yesterday Judge Matsch denied their requests for documents and ruled that the prosecutors' decision to seek the death penalty under the Federal Death Penalty Act was proper and ""a matter of prosecutorial discretion."" That law, he observed, ""expressly provides that the attorney for the Government shall file and serve the death penalty notice if he believes that the 'circumstances of the offense' are such that a sentence of death is justified.""",4 +9, procreation,8 +9,"The history of the connection between cigarettes and lung cancer illustrates the fallacy of associating health with the delivery of medicine. + +The lung-cancer epidemic can be said to have sprung from the 1881 invention of a cigarette-making machine. Prior to that, commercial manufacturing of cigarettes was, Meyer says, a cottage industry. But by 1888 North Carolina's James Duke (whose fortune endowed the university) was selling nearly a billion cigarettes annually.",8 +13, Gun Control Voted - The Hard Way,12 +13,Vermont debates same-sex 'civil unions',12 +7,'HE NEEDS TO BE KILLED' Families face the 'Joker' His bizarre show in court Looked dazed & sleepy Building a death case,6 +13,The controversy is the subject of fierce debate in Congress.,12 +13,Christie says he'd veto gay marriage,12 +13,The lesson from LBJ,12 +11,Handguns: The New Tote Bag,10 +13,"""This is generally all the time we feel is needed,"" explained the Rules chairman, Gerald B. H. Solomon, a New York Republican. ""Everybody knows where they stand.""",12 +6,Obama's Gun Initiative Seen as Having Limited Effect on Unlicensed Dealers,5 +7,'STAND YOUR GROUND' LAW DELAYS JUSTICE,6 +5,"But Somerville, a neighboring city, came to the opposite conclusion, saying couples who sign the license application will be issued licenses, even if they have no intention of moving to Massachusetts.",4 +13,Prez visits hero Gabby,12 +6,"A Federal advisory commission will soon recommend gradually reducing legal immigration by one-third and reshuffling visa priorities to speed up the admission of spouses and young children of legal aliens, members of the panel have said.",5 +5,Same-sex marriages began in Massachusetts in May after the state's Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to prevent them,4 +12, my e-mail reflected the results of statewide polls that show an increasing number of people believe gay marriage is a basic civil right.,11 +7,"Guns or no guns, somebody shoots somebody else a couple times a month in each town. Murder is rare, but people get killed from time to time. And burglary is still a fact of life in both places.",6 +5,Same-sex couples argue for marriage in N.J.,4 +7, to execute Mr. McVeigh,6 +7,Arizona's Immigration Law and Mandatory Life Terms,6 +5,"The United States violated the rights of 4,000 Haitians by holding mass deportation hearings to clear a ''staggering'' backlog of aliens from southern Florida refugee camps, a Federal appeals court held today.",4 +5,"A 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel Tuesday reluctantly upheld an Alameda County ordinance banning weapons on government property, ruling that gun enthusiasts have neither a First Amendment nor Second Amendment right to possess weapons at county facilities. + +If the decision survives appeal, the ruling is expected to lead to an avalanche of similar ordinances across California, the only state where municipalities have barred gun shows on government property. Los Angeles County and others already have similar ordinances. + +In December, San Mateo County approved an ordinance that bans guns on county property, similar to Alameda County's law. Supervisor Mike Nevin was pleased with Tuesday's ruling. ''We're excited because our ordinance will be upheld,'' he said. He said having guns sold on county property sends the wrong message. + +Santa Clara County tried to regulate gun shows by writing restrictions into the county fairgrounds lease, but in 1997 a federal court ruled that the restrictions violated free speech. It was unclear Tuesday how the three-judge panel's ruling will affect Santa Clara County. + +''We're going to have to review the actual decision to determine whether it will open doors for further consideration,'' said Gwendolyn Mitchell, county public communications director. + +Alameda County's ordinance outlawed weapons on county property including county courthouses, government offices and health centers, and forbade gun shows at the Alameda County Fairgrounds if weapons were on the premises.",4 +15," +Blankfein To Support Same-Sex Marriage",14 +8,"The implication is that if a restaurant patron possessed a concealed weapon that day, that the shooter might have been wounded or killed before the carnage got so high.",7 +3,e had said he wanted to die for the murder of Mary Taylor ,2 +5,Domestic-Partner Law Is Upheld in Court,4 +1,"Swann noted Tuesday that 475 farmers had submitted applications, but he added that he expected those numbers to increase after last week's proposal by Gov. Parris N. Glendening (D) for the state to issue bonds to raise enough money to make the buyout payments immediately instead of in installments. +",0 +8,ALL WOULD-BE TYRANTS MUST FIRST DISARM THEIR PEOPLE,7 +6,"The legal immigration piece of his plan focuses on allowing college students studying science and technology to remain in the country permanently. This is a great move. As the president noted, one of the biggest complaints from businesses and others is that the U.S. educates and trains foreign students in these vital fields and then makes it difficult, if not impossible for them to stay and apply their talents here in the country. Obama will also call for a program that beckons entrepreneurs to come to the U.S. if they have bright ideas and real investors to back them.",5 +13,Conservatives Mobilize Against Ruling on Gay Marriage,12 +13,Reasonable people can and do differ over a variety of gun control issues. But trying to shoot down efforts to prevent gun injuries is paranoid and ludicrous at best.,12 +5,"No Comment Necessary: Gun Permits for the Legally Blind +",4 +11,"Gun violence has been a major thread in the city's narrative for decades. +",10 +15,Gay Marriage Reversal,14 +1,Push for gun crackdown cash,0 +5,SECOND AMENDMENT IS OBSOLETE,4 +5,"Prosecutor outlines details of mass shooting in California +",4 +13,"The bill, co-sponsored by House Minority Leader Ken Gordon, D-Denver,",12 +7,"Gonzalez, 30, admitted sex on numerous occasions with Wilson, 33, while he was a prisoner at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.",6 +7,"Many of these armed city residents live in high-crime areas already awash in handguns. One man armed with a Florida permit faces murder charges for the fall 2010 killing of a would-be thief in Hunting Park, and other permit holders have been suspected by police of drug dealing. +",6 +5,Kaufman Exceeded the Law in Death Sentence of Rosenbergs,4 +13,"Md. House votes for far-reaching gun-control bill +",12 +5,More than Isaacs' smug impertinence at his first trial,4 +5, law-abiding citizen,4 +13,Michael R. Bloomberg is the mayor of New York City,12 +13,Congress did not have sufficient rationale for DOM,12 +5,"Ball is the Harmon W. Caldwell Chair in Constitutional Law at the University of Georgia School of Law. + +""The lawsuit raises a legitimate question. The amendment can well be read to include more than one subject. It would both withhold the designation 'marriage' from same-sex unions and deny spouse-like benefits to people in such unions. Some voters may oppose designating same-sex relationships as 'marriage' but still feel that partners in these unions should be able to qualify for benefits. These voters might easily be misled by the ballot question. The ballot question refers only to the first subject and not the second. Voters might never know that by voting in favor of the amendment they were also voting against benefits. For these reasons, I would hold that the proposed amendment and the ballot question violate our state constitution.""",4 +5,"Harris, 52, also challenged his death sentence, alleging that he was mentally retarded and that, therefore, his execution would be barred under a U.S. Supreme Court ruling.",4 +1,"Buyers walked up and down each aisle, carefully inspecting leaves for quality. As the auctioneer droned on, red and green tags went on each bag or bale: green for shipping and red to show which company had bought a particular bag or bale.",0 +13,DEMOCRATS ATTACK BUSH CRIME BILL FOR LACK OF GUN-CONTROL MEASURES,12 +12,"Now comes the hard part for the nation's largest gun rights group. + +For months, the NRA played offense against the proposals it helped defeat. Now, it's about defense. +",11 +13,"Clinton proposed legislation tightening gun restrictions last year, shortly after two teenagers shot 13 people to death and killed themselves at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. + +A House-Senate conference committee has been assigned to reconcile differences between a Senate-passed version that would set a 72-hour background check on gun-show sales and a House bill that shrank the wait to 24 hours.",12 +12,Gay and lesbian rights groups reacted angrily,11 +13,PREZ RUSHES MEETING ON LAGGING GUN BILLS,12 +7," trying to keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals by getting law enforcement all the tools they need to keep them off the street,",6 +13,Rubio's office said.,12 +7,Immigration agency assailed over leak probe,6 +1,"""The Liggett settlement is a first step toward our goal of reducing tobacco use among Pennsylvania's youth and reimbursing the state for Medicaid costs spent on treating Pennsylvanians with smoking-related illnesses,"" Pennsylvania Attorney General Mike Fisher said.",0 +13,"House Criminal Justice Subcommittee Chairman Carlos Trujillo, R-Miami, and Rep. Charles Van Zant, R-Keystone Heights, joined with the panel's four Democrats to oppose a bill by Rep. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, that would have given defendants who claim self-defense more protection from prosecution",12 +11,"The impact on smoking mothers could be tremendous, Melvin said, especially among pregnant 15- to 19-year-olds. In recent years, the smoking rate for that age group has increased while it has decreased among all other age groups.",10 +6,"The affordability and effectiveness of less-than-lethal weapons will help put the lie to the gun lobby's self-defense argument, but that will not be sufficient to lessen the number of guns -- or 30,000 annual gun deaths -- in the United States. In all probability, both are likely to increase. +",5 +5,"And it would void pending suits, such as those filed by injured police officers and families of victims in the Washington, D.C., sniper attacks.",4 +13,"White House officials view immigration as the best chance President Obama has to pass a major piece of domestic legislation in his final three years in office, largely because some GOP leaders believe their party must broaden its appeal to Latinos and Asian Americans. Obama won reelection in 2012 with the support of more than 70 percent of those voters.",12 +1,"While the settlement means Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man will disappear from billboards and displays on bus stops and train stations across the nation, outdoor ad company profits won't be decimated because tobacco ads make up only about 10 percent of all outdoor ad spending, down from 37 percent a decade ago, analysts said.",0 +6,Four states considering open-carry gun laws,5 +13,"Metaksa said victories at the state level helped make this the most successful year in the 20-year history of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, which she heads.",12 +13,Pa. Senate advances school-gun bill,12 +1,"McConnell said in an interview that he was ""reasonably optimistic"" about chances of obtaining additional assistance for tobacco growers. + +""I hope it will be easier this year, because they (tobacco opponents) won't be able to make the argument they did last year, that tobacco has never been included"" in such emergency farm assistance, McConnell said.",0 +13,BIG NAMES SIGN ON FOR TOBACCO WAR,12 +7,"The slaying occurred shortly after Dessaure saw Riedweg, 27, sunbathing outside her apartment at the Villas at Countryside on Tampa Road in Oldsmar, according to prosecutors.",6 +13,Kelly was fulfilling part of a campaign promise that President Trump had made to overturn - on his first day in office - two of former president Barack Obama's controversial memos on illegal immigration.,12 +7,"COUNTY PRESSURES SCOFFLAWS OVER SMOKE IN BARS MISDEMEANOR TICKETS, FINES NOW REPLACE WARNINGS",6 +7,"Alejandro Avila, 27, was scheduled to be arraigned today on charges of abducting, sexually assaulting and strangling the girl",6 +13,"The legislation could come up for a vote in the D.C. Council as early as Tuesday -- the same day the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill that would virtually end local handgun control in the District. +",12 +5," +That's because a majority of the court's nine justices, based on their record and comments during March's oral arguments, are unlikely to proclaim a national right to same-sex marriage in the pending cases, and momentum for it in the states may soon slow as the battleground moves beyond the Northeast. Any right to gay marriage will come only if the Supreme Court declares it, probably years from now if it should happen. +",4 +5,"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.",4 +6,Mayor Adrian M. Fenty introduced an anti-crime proposal yesterday that would make it easier for prosecutors to detain people before trials and allow officials to seek civil injunctions that would bar gang members from specific neighborhoods or activities.,5 +11,"You know the one. While everyone fawns over the emperor's imaginary wardrobe, this person points out that his majesty is naked.",10 +5,Sheriff will go to court to get draw on Brady bill,4 +6,Bill Would Expand Penalty,5 +5,Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg challenged Sutton to explain why states ,4 +13," +Obama asks police chiefs' help on guns +",12 +4,Striving to find out why New Jersey has sentenced more black convicts to death than white,3 +1,"Scientists at the Atlanta-based CDC and RTI International, a North Carolina research group, have found that there is strong and direct relationship between the amount of money states have spent on tobacco-control programs and how rapid a decline they've had in adult smoking rates.",0 +13,"The lines that divide the presidential candidates on the issue of gun control came into sharper focus Friday, as Vice President Al Gore vowed to veto any measure prohibiting cities from suing gun manufacturers, and Gov. George W. Bush suggested that he might support such a bill.",12 +9,he was heavily bandaged and in a wheelchair.,8 +7,RAILROAD KILLER GETS DEATH SENTENCE FOR KILLING HOUSTON DOCTOR,6 +7,"No Execution In the Killing Of 2 Detectives +",6 +5,Same-Sex Marriage and the Supreme Court,4 +5,Beach said in sentencing him.,4 +3,Amendment 2 is an attempt to inject a strictly theological definition of family into the state Constitution.,2 +13,"You see them in the Capitol every day, ever vigilant. They never laugh; they never joke around with the other lobbyists. Shoot, those fellows never even crack a smile.",12 +9,"After Newtown, more mental-health funding",8 +1,"With a budget deadline looming Sunday, the Assembly yesterday narrowly approved an increase of 70 cents per pack in the cigarette tax, but a paralyzed Senate failed yet again to move any budget bills.",0 +5,"The lawsuit involves 25 same-sex couples who filed for marriage licenses in Cook County and were denied. Attorneys for the couples - from Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois - have said that the state's same-sex marriage ban, approved in 1996, violates the state's constitution due process and equality clauses.",4 +4,Seeking justice on death row,3 +5,Illinois opened a marathon series of clemency hearings Tuesday for nearly every prisoner on death row in what could be the most sweeping review of capital punishment in U.S. history.,4 +1,"Under the proposed ordinance, dealers would face a wide range of regulations based on the number of guns they have in stock, although many dealers do business by mail.",0 +5,"With the tobacco pact stalled, Minnesota's legal battle to force tobacco companies to pay smokers' health care costs is back on the front lines. And the Minnesota trial, set for Jan. 19 in Ramsey County District Court, is a battle that the tobacco industry wanted to avoid, Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said Tuesday.",4 +6,"Gun control plan would require ID photos for permits Lawmaker calls idea 'workable' +",5 +6,"In response to a recent column about smoking on the Metro escalators, I was under the impression that smoking was banned throughout the entire Metro system.",5 +13,Capitol Hill's big guns take aim at NRA,12 +3,"""I'm a Christian, and so although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman,"" Obama said.",2 +11,"Arkansas Executes 2 Inmates, a First for Any State on One Day Since 2000",10 +7,"Bales, an Ohio native and father of two from Lake Tapps, Wash., slipped away from his remote southern Afghanistan outpost at Camp Belambay early March 11, 2012, and attacked mud-walled homes in two slumbering villages nearby. He had been drinking contraband alcohol, snorting Valium that was provided to him by another soldier, and taking steroids before the attack.",6 +6,Banning future sales of AR-15s is within reach,5 +10," They arrived with very little education, no money, and few skills, but their willingness to make sacrifices and work hard provided me with the opportunities that I, along with my parents, siblings, and now children, benefit from today.",9 +9,Arizona tells armed drivers how to avoid deadly police stops following Philando Castile fatality,8 +13,CANDIDATES LEERY OF GAY-MARRIAGE DEBATE,12 +13,wading into the heated debate in the Golden State.,12 +11,The story Kerry Max Cook has to tell would chill the heart of Franz Kafka.,10 +15,NOTES FROM ALL OVER,14 +5,Building Stronger Cases in Gun Trials,4 +1,Keep your checkbook out,0 +13,"The final vote was 73-25, and came a few hours after Vice President Al Gore broke a 50-50 tie in favor of a gun control amendment that most Republicans opposed. + +Passage sent the measure to the House, where Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., has signaled support for fresh limits on guns. + +The Senate's legislation requires background checks for all sales at gun shows. It also would close what gun control advocates said was a loophole that allows anyone to pawn a gun and reclaim it without undergoing a check. +",12 +8,a 700-mile fence on the United States border with Mexico,7 +6,"D.C. Gun Law Works, Or So New Study Says",5 +12,"An Associated Press-Ipsos poll after the Virginia Tech shootings showed Americans are still divided on the issue. Forty-seven percent said firearm controls should be tightened, 38 percent said they should remain unchanged, and 11 percent said they should be loosened - about the same as in a January survey. A Zogby-MSN interactive poll showed most did not believe stricter gun control policies would help prevent massacres like last week's.",11 +11,"RIMARY +",10 +1,with the building owners,0 +13,U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio has talked a lot about,12 +5, A juror who spoke to ABC's Nightline Tuesday pointed to the self-defense law in jury instructions to explain why two of the 12 jurors refused to convict Dunn.,4 +10,"""For many people, this has really become a serious threat to their quality of life.""",9 +7,"The sanctions would have revoked the tax benefits and required audits of businesses that get caught hiring illegal immigrants. Violators would no longer be eligible for state contracts, and their infractions would be posted on a state Web site.",6 +7,"Flor then shot Gregg and Joseph Epp, the emergency medical technician. Flor returned to Warunek and pulled the trigger, but the gun had run out of bullets.",6 +1,"Money has been pouring in on both sides of the issue, from churches, businesses and interest groups around the country. With nearly $70 million raised for and against the initiative, contributions to Prop 8 already exceed the combined total of all donations in the 22 previous campaigns over gay marriage measures in other states around the country.",0 +13,Senate locked by stand on guns,12 +5,MISLEADING AMENDMENT,4 +13,"Colo. recall over gun control becomes national fight +",12 +13,"After Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, publicly declared in March that homosexuality was immoral, gay supporters of Sens. Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York were furious when neither presidential candidate was very critical of Pace.",12 +13,"Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly honored for efforts against gun violence",12 +13,"PANEL OKS ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN, BUT BULLET RULE COULD REPLACE IT",12 +5,"tate wants execution to proceed +",4 +13,"BRADY LOBBIES AGAINST CONCEALED WEAPONS, WILL GREET PONTIFF",12 +11,Strahan Joins Same-Sex Marriage Campaign,10 +7," +Moore and Lambert were abducted near Lambert's home in Hope Mills early Aug. 17 as they headed home from work in Moore's car. They were taken to a field near Linden, forced to kneel and shot in the head, police said. +",6 +13,Va. Legislator Intends to Unseat Judge Who Pulled North's Gun Permit,12 +9,Editorial: Bring sanity to gun policy for mentally ill,8 +7,"The inmate, Brandon Astor Jones, 72, was put to death for the 1979 killing of Roger Tackett, a store manager, during a robbery. Mr. Jones, who accepted a final prayer and recorded a final statement before his execution by lethal injection, was pronounced dead at 12:46 a.m. +",6 +1,Shares of Altria declined $1.46 to $40.50 in New York Stock Exchange trading. The shares had dropped as low as $28.10 on April 1 after the company failed to reach a compromise on the appeal deposit with the plaintiffs.,0 +11,Aurora battles language barrier for immigrants,10 +5,OUTSPOKEN IMMIGRANT SEEKS REFUGE IN CANADA CASE BRINGS HOME COMPLEXITY OF IMMIGRATION ISSUES,4 +7,FAMILY OF SLAIN TEEN SEEKS WRONG OBJECTIVE,6 +10,"hile some families of murder victims are expressing frustration that decisions haven't been made on clemency requests. +",9 +7,"""In November 2012, Michael Dunn shot 17-year-old Jordan Davis in a Jacksonville, Fla., gas station parking lot. Dunn had approached a Dodge Durango holding Davis and three other teenagers and asked them to turn down their music. ... An argument developed, and Dunn fired 10 times at the vehicle, including multiple shots fired as it pulled away.",6 +5,"Tobacco industry officials disagreed, however, calling the ruling by the Minnesota Supreme Court a decision involving technical, procedural issues in the case. They also asserted the industry will prevail in any court trial.",4 +7,"Lewitzke, a maintenance supervisor at a packing plant in Merrill, said he feels he did nothing wrong.",6 +11,"U.S. system sees fewer executions, death sentences",10 +8," that felons could use the state's ""stand your ground"" rules to claim self-defense in a shooting if they feel threatened.",7 +13,CANDID 13-YEAR-OLD GIRL LECTURES BUSH ON DEATH PENALTY,12 +7,"uhammad, 43, and Lee Boyd Malvo, 19, were arrested Oct. 24, 2002. ",6 +6, to reinstating the federal assault rifle ban that expired in 2004.,5 +5,2nd Amendment Vs. Safety,4 +5,Court makes it hard to turn back on same-sex marriage,4 +5,"Judge Jack B. Weinstein of Federal District Court told the parties to come to court Monday prepared to consider a suggestion by plaintiffs' lawyers to spin off claims for punitive damages against cigarette makers into a nationwide class-action suit, with separate trials for claims for compensatory damages.",4 +5,"Defense attorneys and prosecutors questioned more than two dozen potential jurors Tuesday for the murder trial of Michael Frazier, one of three people charged in the 1991 killing of Mary Elaine Shearin.",4 +10,"Grace Hitchens, Van Hart's sister, said yesterday that her mother, Van Hart's widower and other relatives traveled to Jarratt to attend the execution. Hitchens said that she would not attend and that she instead planned to take flowers and candles to her younger sister's grave and set off some small fireworks there.",9 +13,Vote Requires Fingerprinting In Fauquier,12 +9,"Erickson said the lack of beds is due ""in large part to low reimbursement levels"" from Medicare and Medicaid. Many uninsured and underinsured people rush to emergency rooms because they do not have the health coverage to pay for a primary-care doctor, he said.",8 +13,"There is a loose connection between Brady, crippled in a Washington assassination attempt 12 years ago",12 +5,Fought in courts in '80s for same-sex marriage,4 +11,"Visitors flock to Hawaii's shores to snorkel, surf and sink their feet into the white sands of the state's beaches. But often the beauty is marred by the seemingly indestructible cigarette butts cast away by smokers.",10 +6," +These were some of the unintended consequences of Mayor Bloomberg's much-publicized ban on smoking visible on Friday night, the first summerlike evening of the season.",5 +10,and the calendar showed he had two weeks to live.,9 +13,President Wants a Buffer for Migrants?,12 +5,Gwinnett Opinions: Snell: Concerns linked to employee privacy rights,4 +15,END THE MADNESS,14 +7,GAY-NUP MAYOR CHARGED,6 +3,"By the slenderest of margins, the Episcopal Church yesterday rejected a controversial proposal to create a rite of blessing for same-sex unions.",2 +5,Tobacco Company Must Hand Over Documents,4 +7,"TAKING AIM AT CLIPS AT SITE OF '84 MCDONALD'S MASSACRE, ROBERTI APPEALS FOR GUN RESTRICTIONS +",6 +13,"The legislation, which was sponsored by Representative John M. McHugh, a Republican who represents upstate New York and who serves as a chairman of the House's Special Panel on Postal Reform and Oversight,",12 +5,"A Marin County judge on Tuesday put up the latest roadblock to the state's effort to execute its condemned killers, issuing a brief ruling that for now bars prison officials from moving forward immediately with executions.",4 +8, under which the background checks are done,7 +15,"The fallacy of same-sex ""marriage""",14 +13,"State senators from both parties planned to push today for approval of legislation requiring ""smart-gun"" technology in handguns sold in New Jersey once it becomes commercially available.",12 +7,"only those convicted of certain sex crimes, murder or attempted murder, carjacking, home invasion and aggravated battery were tested.",6 +7,"Of the 19 arrested, eight were found in Northern Virginia and four in the District, Delli-Colli said. Immigration and Customs officials, members of a new, combined agency under the Department of Homeland Security, declined to release the names of those arrested or their convictions yesterday. The 19 detainees came from 15 countries.",6 +6," +If it becomes law, AB 849 w",5 +10," +What's not to understand about that? Who thinks it's acceptable to enjoy a day at the beach while stubbing cigarettes out in the sand? Only folks who feel a sense of entitlement. It's the same as cleaning up after your dog when out walking. Take responsibility. Of course you are entitled to smoke, but not to litter sidewalks, green areas and beaches with your butts. +",9 +13,BUSH TIES APPROVAL OF GUN BILL TO HIS ANTI-CRIME PACKAGE,12 +13,California: GOP incumbents may be harmed by party abandoning immigration deal in D.C.,12 +13," If Fischer and Garvey represent the first wave of local officials who say they are fed up and will do the job themselves, that's a movement more likely to bear fruit than anything happening right now in the nation's capital.",12 +8,CBI's gun background check reauthorized,7 +1,Texas became the seventh state to sue for reimbursement,0 +2,An effort to fund art instead of death row,1 +11,Tensions grip Minnesota city; Views on illegal immigration divide community looking for answers,10 +5,"The legal forces challenging Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage have been brought together in something like a shotgun wedding, uniting lawyers who previously clashed over the best legal strategy to pursue a common goal.",4 +6,"by making them local landmarks or creating a historic district in West Tampa, where most of the buildings stand.",5 +3,Can you be against abortion and for the death penalty? ,2 +13,Final approval of the new policy is expected today at a board meeting.,12 +7,IT'S TIME FOR a frank discussion about gun violence,6 +15,Gallaudet stumbles,14 +13,Bush gives ground on gun control issue,12 +6, ''These gun-control schemes have failed in the past and will have no impact on public safety and crime.'',5 +5,"Craig Wall, a Clearwater man who pleaded guilty to murdering his girlfriend and no contest to murdering his infant child, acted as his own attorney Monday in a hearing to help determine whether he should be executed.",4 +7,Lavelle gets life in killing of Rojas,6 +9,The group suspended the distribution last October,8 +1,Cobb gun show attracts scores looking for rifles,0 +12,Los Angeles immigration protesters rolling to Arizona,11 +11,"IMMIGRANTS DECLINE TO CHANGE APPEARANCE, DESPITE HARASSMENT",10 +5,'Premature' Judgment On Gun Law Criticized,4 +10,We'll Marry Each Other as Often as Needed,9 +6,Take gun control.,5 +5,"Prop. 8 trial Day 10: Live coverage from the courtroom +",4 +5, More than one-half of those questioned last week were open to allowing undocumented workers to obtain some temporary legal status so they can stay in the United States.,4 +9,"He said the rules would prevent thousands of deaths from heart disease, lung cancer, respiratory disease, and other ailments.",8 +5,same-sex marriage legal in Massachusetts,4 +5,"A Federal judge today ordered the Government to release 31 shrimp boats seized for taking part in the Cuban refugee flotilla, leaving officials in a quandary over how to proceed against the more than 900 other vessels that were seized.",4 +7,375 gang members arrested in operation,6 +7,"Smith confessed in November to drowning her two sons, Michael, 3 and Alex, 14 months, by rolling her car into a lake near Union, S.C., on Oct. 25. She initially claimed that the boys and car had disappeared in a carjacking.",6 +5,The Law of the Land,4 +11,AIRPORTS FACE IDENTITY CRISIS,10 +8," It goes without saying that for a militia to be effective, it would necessarily need to possess arms",7 +14,Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state;,13 +5,"U.S. District Judge Lenore Nesbitt noted that a petition for the stay was filed shortly after noon Monday, less than 19 hours before Francis was set to die. She said there was not enough time for her to study all the testimony.",4 +10,A Fearful Dilemma for Alien Families,9 +4,"""If statistics are any indication, the system may well be allowing some innocent defendants to be executed.""",3 +5,Joe Camel's creator sues Reynolds,4 +6,"President Bush's plan, sort of a second act to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's disastrous Bracero program, is a guest worker program with no road to permanent residency and citizenship. It is a dead end",5 +13,"If President Bush wants serious immigration reform as badly as he says he does, he had better step up soon to get his party united behind him. Otherwise the best hope in a generation to fix the immigration system will end up as legislative road kill, steamrollered by partisanship and pecked at by crows cawing, ''No amnesty!''",12 +13,"The statement was adopted in a meeting attended by City Council President Carol Bellamy, Representatives Elizabeth Holtzman, Ted Weiss and Jonathan Bingham, State Senator Franz Leichter and City Clerk David Dinkins.",12 +9,"In this Kentucky town, refugees can go to a public high school designed for them",8 +13,"Dayton joins others in support of Dreamers, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals",12 +5,Guns and rights,4 +13,"In interviews Monday, two more senators said they intended to vote for the bill, increasing the number who have made such commitments to 24 - the bare majority needed for passage in the 47-member Senate - according to an ongoing Washington Post tally.",12 +5,"With the Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments tomorrow and Wednesday in a pair of same-sex marriage cases, there are two questions preoccupying legal writers: How will Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court's wild card, vote, and how will Justice Antonin Scalia behave?",4 +2,"A handful of Iowa's largest counties saw a rush of marriage applications from same-sex couples Monday. Officials said the Polk County Recorder's Office had received 82 such applications by 4 p.m. +",1 +1,STORE DEFENDS GUN SALE TO DRUNKEN MAN,0 +13,Queens Borough President Helen Marshall and Staten Island Borough President James Molinaro also signed on.,12 +11,MALIAN CULTURE CLUB It's all things Mali at Norwood center,10 +5,TIDE TURNS FOR LEGAL SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,4 +5,New York May Honor Out-of-State Marriages,4 +5,"Wyoming prosecutors accepted the plea bargain, saying the sentences in Oregon would not necessarily put Jesperson in prison for the rest of his life, Tristani said.",4 +12,Gays make 102-story statemen,11 +13,"From 2000 Foes, a Pitch For Gun Show Sales Checks",12 +12, three public hearings,11 +5,Judge's order banning gun provision is stayed,4 +1,Camel,0 +3,When will we stop executing people?,2 +1,"The total cost for the campaign was kept secret. However, several participants said it is a fraction of the cost of the multimillion-dollar ad campaign launched by the tobacco industry last month.",0 +5,"if convicted, ",4 +13,"The bill appears likely to pass by a slim margin in the House of Delegates, where a final vote could come Friday.",12 +6,But the Government also said yesterday that figures from California and Massachusetts showed how much success a combination of anti-tobacco advertising and higher cigarette taxes could have in reducing adult smoking. A third report showed wide differences among the 50 states in their percentage of adult smokers.,5 +5,Five more back limits on appeals,4 +12,'No Amnesty' Is Cry at D.C. Immigration Protest,11 +5,"After Marriage Ruling, Uncertainty Still Lingers",4 +12,"GROUP BLASTS ASSAULT WEAPONS/ MILLION MOM MARCH URGES RENEWAL OF BAN, REMOVAL OF LOOPHOLE",11 +9,Make us safer or get sent home,8 +10,"''I know I could lose my job for just talking about Trump,'' Mr. Aca says in the video, ''but it doesn't make me proud every day to go to work under his name.''",9 +13,CARLSON BACKS TOBACCO DEAL,12 +6,System misses the mark,5 +5,"Now it's up to the state Supreme Court to decide whether New Jersey starts permitting same-sex marriage next week. +",4 +6,NEW LAWS CHANGE OLD BUSINESS,5 +9,"and several states botched the executions of condemned men,",8 +6, Proposition 8's passage will result in the cruel revocation of previously afforded rights from a minority,5 +13,Thomas said his committee will act on the legislation next week and that it will likely be taken up in the full House the following week.,12 +5,The two big cases being argued this week could turn out to be landmarks that confirm the nation's progress toward marriage equality - or speed bumps that impede it.,4 +13,DEMOCRATS LEAD CALLS FOR DECREASED ACCESS,12 +11,Study prompts new call for childproof-gun law,10 +1,end gun shows held for the past decade at fairgrounds in Gaithersburg,0 +12,'I don't want to be shot and killed at my school': Students' voices dominate at gun-control forum;,11 +13," +he mayor of Atlanta defied it and said he would continue his lawsuit.",12 +12,"""It disturbs me greatly to see this rigid new direction of the NRA,""",11 +9,SICK GIRL'S MOTHER ON BRINK OF BEING DEPORTED GETS STAY,8 +8,"Some of the numerous twists in the case against Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person convicted in the United States on charges stemming from the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks:",7 +11,may be deepening this cultural and educational schism.,10 +5,"A Seminole County jury on Saturday acquitted George Zimmerman of second-degree murder and manslaughter, with one juror citing Stand Your Ground as a factor in reaching her legal conclusion that Zimmerman acted in self-defense.",4 +9,'THIS IS PUBLIC SAFETY' SCOTT SAYS OF PERMITS,8 +13,Governor signs package of gun bills,12 +14,Big Tobacco Abroad,13 +9, she fears the bloody but traditional practice of genital mutilation by members of her tribe.,8 +3,Society pays a high price for irresponsible behavior,2 +13,"A few weeks ago, he asked his colleagues to support a measure, which was approved 4-3,",12 +5," +Death sentences are automatically appealed to the state Supreme Court, noted defense attorney James Hallett.",4 +13,and it makes it tougher for the governor to veto.,12 +13,"After all, the legislature - under heavy pressure from the powerful gun lobby - failed to pass an array of reasonable gun-control bills, so the course left was to turn to voters.",12 +7,"Anthony Porter, 41, had been scheduled to die Wednesday for a 1982 double murder at a Chicago swimming pool.",6 +13,"You might think so, to judge from two provisions that Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, added to the comprehensive immigration reform package that just fell apart in the Senate",12 +3,"The vote is not binding on UCC churches, which operate independently.",2 +5,"Last week marked the start of the murder trial of Robert Hawk,",4 +13,Gun lobby apologizes to police,12 +7,police groups,6 +7,INS raids warehouse in Clayton; 33 detained,6 +7,'What would we say if Walker is executed,6 +13,"Campbell, Allard misfire",12 +9, The ship had languished off the coast without fresh food or water for 10 days after a landing boat failed to meet it and bring the passengers ashore,8 +11,in what could be the most sweeping review of capital punishment in U.S. history,10 +13,Here is a look at how the House dealt Friday with 11 gun-related bills up for preliminary approval. Final House votes are expected Monday.,12 +7,''It's going to make me a criminal.'',6 +12,"Society has a right to keep guns out of the hands of felons or mentally unstable people, and the Brady bill will help do so",11 +13,"Gov. Ridge, who opposes most gun control, called the bill a ""very effective piece of legislation.""",12 +7,juvenile convicted of a felony would be denied for life the right to purchase a gun.,6 +13,"Gov. Chris Christie will attend a conference next month hosted by Rep. Steve King of Iowa, the Republican whose outspoken and conservative views on immigration have made him a divisive figure. It will mark the second time in just a few months that Mr. Christie will have traveled to Iowa to attend an event with Mr. King.",12 +7,"Mr. Heatley, who has been accused in at least eight killings, had secretly volunteered to assist the Government, meeting with prosecutors five times, for more than 20 hours, and providing details of 10 to 11 killings, apparently implicating himself in some, the ruling said. +",6 +9,A MEDICAL PREDICAMENT,8 +13,"In fact, at first, all Walker noticed was then-Gov. Schwarzenegger's name. +",12 +1,"California is on the verge of bankruptcy, issuing IOUs to local governments, private contractors, state vendors and taxpayers awaiting refunds, not to mention cutting vital health and education programs. Even if it's not part of the immediate budget deal, a tobacco tax should be part of the long-term solution.",0 +5,"Before Tuesday, gays and lesbians had been granted the right to marry by courts and state legislatures",4 +13,"Immigration bill may finally get jump-start; WITH BUSH CALLING FOR SOLUTION, DEMOCRATS PROMISE ACTION +",12 +13,Cuomo Stays Quiet on Christie's Plan to Put Gay Marriage on Ballot,12 +13,"The National Rifle Association's newly published report card on Virginia political candidates makes no endorsement in the governor's race, a neutral stance that Democrat Mark R. Warner's campaign hailed as a turning point in their race against Republican Mark L. Earley. +",12 +1,The money would come from a pot of at least $50 million in discretionary spending each chamber typically controls,0 +6,a 15-round limit on ammunition magazines.,5 +1,Smoking fee decided today,0 +12,"""PTA moms have been overwhelmingly supportive."" + +Cooper said, ""I've probably had one or two e-mails from people who are against it.""",11 +1,"No amount of negotiating by attorneys general, private lawyers, big-time lobbyists or anyone else will stop the tobacco companies from trying to hook kids, here and overseas, on the deadly habit. The companies are not going to negotiate themselves out of business.",0 +7,FORMER INS WORKER GUILTY OF PASSING SECRETS TO CUBA,6 +1,Immigrant workers,0 +5,Report of Second Gun Is Used in Defense of a Texas Woman Facing Death,4 +5,"Earlier this year, an Atlanta-based federal appeals court threw out Hill's case, ruling that it was a disguised attack on his death sentence.",4 +7,SUSPECT IN SERIAL KILLINGS CONFESSES AT LENGTH,6 +13,"LEGISLATURE 2004: Same-sex marriage ban finds support +",12 +6,"Earlier this month, Bloomberg pledged to fight for increased handgun controls in ""every capital of every state that permits guns to flow freely across its borders.""",5 +5,Inmate's execution is postponed for months,4 +1,"""It adds up very quickly. If you can imagine $30 billion going south every year, from people who are maids and parking attendants and day laborers, it's a pretty amazing phenomenon,"" said Sergio Bendixen, whose Florida-based polling firm was commissioned to do the study.",0 +6,MISSOURI'S CONCEALED-WEAPONS LAW goes on for page after page after page listing places where people shouldn't carry concealed guns. It almost sounds onerous.,5 +12,Why gun advocates should love Obama's new gun rules,11 +10,Food Stamp Cutoff a Matter of Geography for Area Immigrants,9 +13,They must get President Obama's immediate support.,12 +13,PALM BEACH COUNTY OUT OF NRA'S RANGE,12 +1,with tobacco industry whistle-blower Jeffrey Wigand,0 +13,"On gay marriage, the candidates are split. But both have tripped over the issue - Ritter for apparently flip-flopping on whether it should be legal and Beauprez for picking a running mate who compared gay marriage to beastiality.",12 +13,The move reflects the rise of Democrats in Virginia and illustrates how rapidly the political and legal landscape on same-sex marriage in the U.S. is shifting.,12 +15,"On Immigration and Ports, Turning Inward",14 +10,"Yet on the plus side was the pleasure from smoking --- and it is immense, no doubt about it.",9 +13,"Public concern over the nation's soaring crime rate has Mrs. Brady, the chairwoman of Handgun Control, and gun control advocates on Capitol Hill closer than ever to the goal.",12 +13,"Hillary, consensus builder",12 +13,"The Council Dithers, as Bullets Fly",12 +8,Everyone get a gun: Singer at massacre,7 +13,HESTON WILL DO A BANG-UP JOB,12 +5,High court bolsters Congress' crackdown on inmate appeals,4 +5,Death penalty vs. cost is issue in Rower trial,4 +5,and the risks of litigation.,4 +4,Supreme Court says racial bias tainted Texas death row inmate's sentencing,3 +14,Honor other states' marriages,13 +11, in a state where 17 million people own about 68 million guns.,10 +7,"Caskey said the study lumped all homicides by guns together, instead of separating those committed with firearms other than handguns. He said it also failed to pinpoint how many deaths were caused by concealed-gun permit holders and whether self-defense was involved. +",6 +9, Public Safety Committee,8 +9, those kept at home not only increase the chance of accidental shootings,8 +15,Target practice,14 +7, to capital punishment,6 +13,"Guns, immigration and Zika top agenda as Congress returns",12 +5,"Now, the same lawyer who failed to convince anyone during a lengthy trial gets a second shot at the same jurors. This time around, he argues for clemency. +",4 +7,"Deportation is not, of course, a penal sanction. But in severity it surpasses all but the most Draconian criminal penalties.",6 +5," In a random sample of 600 licenses, the NYPD could not immediately locate 89 permit holders - accounting for at least 171 handguns. + +. The NYPD does not automatically cancel a handgun license if the carrier does not renew it in three years. + +. The license division has no written policies, procedures or proper training for new staff. +",4 +1,"Niagara-on-the-Lake Journal; Low Pay and Hard Work, Blessed by Immigration",0 +2,"Worried about an influx of Haitian immigrants into South Florida's already crowded schools and hospitals, state lawmakers from the region are banding together to figure out how to help the state, and the victims, better cope with the aftermath of the earthquake.",1 +5, to declare a moratorium on executions in his state last year,4 +6,Gay-marriage ban tweaked in Pa.; A Senate panel removed wording that invalidated domestic partnerships.,5 +15,...BUT SHE'S TRYING A writer knocks herself out to de-vice her life,14 +13,It was a striking defeat for one of Mr. Obama's highest priorities,12 +1,Smoking has no place in the workplace.,0 +10," It's no surprise, then, that immigration judges suffer greater stress and burnout than prison wardens or doctors in busy hospitals.",9 +7,The law also gives the shooter immunity from criminal and civil charges unless the victim is a police officer.,6 +4,to level the playing field,3 +6,of the new tobacco ban.,5 +13,"The debate, the only one scheduled for this race, was taped in Bay News 9's studio. +",12 +13,Gov. Pataki signed legislation yesterday,12 +9," He said the FDA sought the ""unparalleled opportunity to prevent millions of children from beginning a highly addictive habit that often leads to premature death.""",8 +7,PROSECUTOR: BUNDY'S CONFESSIONS MIGHT RAISE MURDER TOLL TO 50,6 +13,"He predicts the odds of passing legislation that tightens or changes + +Florida's gun laws this year are ""between slim and none.""",12 +9,Health organizations worry about the consequences of smoking,8 +8," Cuban exile Orlando Bosch was convicted of shooting a bazooka at a Polish ship in Miami 30 years ago, and in 1976, Venezuela charged him with bombing a Cuban airliner. Seventy-three people were killed. Bosch was acquitted three times, but he spoke in favor of the attack on civilians.",7 +6,and a new policy in effect,5 +11,"In a grim numbers game, the execution will be Missouri's sixth of the year - and make the state a national leader in executions, tied with South Carolina for 1996.",10 +5,CALIFORNIA Ruling against ban ongay marriage upheld,4 +13,County considers gun law,12 +8,"""I think that, by him doing this, the robbers will think twice before coming back,"" said Phyllis Ray, 62, who lives in the same complex. +",7 +13,"IMMIGRATION DEBATE NEARS BOILING POINT A HOT ISSUE ON SUPER TUESDAY, IT WILL BURN IN CALIFORNIA",12 +15,Getting smart in D.C.,14 +13,"In Virginia, a House of Delegates subcommittee unanimously rejected a bill that had won Senate approval despite the state's long-standing ties to the tobacco industry.",12 +1,New Wal-Mart Policy Stiffens Requirements for Gun Sales,0 +5,California judge blocks portion of Trump's 'sanctuary cities' order,4 +7,"We might never know the real reason two boys opened fire on their classmates in Jonesboro, Ark., but there has to be a cause and effect regarding the use of guns that should be investigated.",6 +12,Lessons from New York Point of View o Defenders of a man-woman marriage should ignore the bullies and speak up.,11 +5," +Oklahoma will not drop a death-penalty case against federally convicted Oklahoma bombing conspirator Terry Nichols, despite a last-minute offer by Nichols to waive his current appeals if the state dropped the case, the new Oklahoma County district attorney said Wednesday.",4 +5,ATTORNEY SAYS GOETZ MAY SEEK GUN PERMIT,4 +5,No state should have the right to ban same-sex marriage or to refuse to recognize marriages performed in other states. Mr. Obama should take the next step and endorse the lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies's effort to bring about equal rights through the courts.,4 +7,The Killers: Lessons Along a Trail of Death,6 +13,and White House aides say President Bush is about to endorse it. Yet there is no consensus -- even among its authors -- about what the text means.,12 +8,"On Guard, America",7 +4,"As gay couples know all too well, there's a long list of federal benefits, both financial and legal, that are available only to straight couples.",3 +5,"Gay marriage is legal in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and the District of Columbia.",4 +13,Would have been a first for Ga.,12 +9,Researchers are talking about a drug that could find its way to a precise spot in the brain and render nicotine ineffective. Or another that would short-circuit a chemical reaction,8 +9,The class A carcinogen,8 +12, It showed that 82 percent of the residents of Johnson County who had an opinion on whether Bruny killed his fiancee's 8-year-old son believed he was guilty.,11 +7,"Saddam Hussein's stepson will likely be deported back to New Zealand after his arrest on immigration charges, federal authorities said.",6 +3,"""These acts are to be held null and void, and of no effect, in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh,"" read a resolution approved 239-69 by delegates in the Diocese of Pittsburgh.",2 +10,Smokers Are Both Used and Abused,9 +12,"That is the highest recorded level of support in Maryland in a Post poll, about the same for the rest of the country, as measured by another recent Post survey, despite Maryland's reputation as one of the nation's most liberal states.",11 +7,KILLER'S DEATH SENTENCE VOIDED,6 +13,House Votes to Repeal D.C. Gun Restriction,12 +5, Supreme Court prepares to once again consider death ponderously.,4 +7,Woman admits killing friend,6 +12,But the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre says ''there is no reason to avoid import of these firearms. These guns are no different than Olympic target-shooting or hunting guns.'',11 +6,"The design of the court would purposely make the justices reliant on the public and the Legislature for employment. Legislators are hoping this will make the justices more ""accountable"" to the people for their judgments. +",5 +5," finds fault with the Second Amendment, or should I say with the way some people read it: ""A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.""",4 +5,CASE COULD BRING DEATH PENALTY TRIAL FEDERAL CHARGES RAISE RARE POSSIBILITY IN BRINKS GUARD'S '98 KILLING OUSIDE STORE,4 +5,The high-profile case has become a cause of First Amendment advocates and other civil libertarians because the immigrants say they were targeted for deportation as a result of their association with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.,4 +1,"fearing a loss of revenue from a ban; the workers had wanted zero percent,",0 +7,Did mass shootings increase 200 percent since assault weapons ban expired?,6 +7,"One of the weapons sold at Trail Guns, 3170 S. Military Trail, eventually wound up in the possession of mob hit man Salvatore ""Sammy the Bull"" Gravano, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.",6 +5,"aid James Liebman, a professor at Columbia University School of Law,",4 +12,Americans are angered by this violation of the law and fear its impact on state budgets and national security.,11 +5,"A new team of lawyers produced accounts from two people that, they said, demolished the credibility of the main witness who had implicated Mr. Glossip, who was not tied to the crime by any physical evidence. +",4 +11,"A separate review by the General Social Survey, part of the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, has tracked a slow decline in the portion of Americans who own guns, from 29% in 1980 to about 20.8% in 2010. +",10 +1,TODAY'S LATE NEWS Florida sues tobacco firms for $ 1.4 billion,0 +7,"7 ARE CHARGED WITH MURDER IN MOB BEATING OF 2 MEN +",6 +15,Photographer targets gun owners,14 +8,Armed moviegoers are not the answer,7 +10, I noticed that he did not mention the crisis facing countless children in the District's struggling foster care system,9 +4, a separate and inferior category of recognition that still results in inequality.,3 +13,House Approves Anti-Crime Bill With Something for Both Camps,12 +1,State asks for halt to cigarette coupons,0 +13,"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the country's most prominent voice on gun control until President Obama took strong action on the issue this week, continued beating the drum for his priorities at a conference of the country's mayors Friday afternoon.",12 +5,"""The defendants here, the manufacturers and distributors of handguns, knowingly failed to take the most basic precautions and actions to minimize the likelihood that their guns would cause injuries and loss at the hands of individuals who, in New York State, we say are not permitted to have guns,"" said the lawyer, Elisa Barnes.",4 +5,came after the Federal courts refused to grant a stay Wednesday. Mr. Evans had had two previous stays and two trials.,4 +9,Mr. Wood lacks the mental competence to be executed.,8 +13,"The crisis marks another immigration-related political dilemma for President Obama and has been seized on by Republicans as an argument against legislation to allow millions of undocumented immigrants to remain in the country legally. It could also hamper Obama's ability to meet the demands of his liberal base by using executive authority to ease enforcement policies if Congress fails to act. +",12 +9,Opponents have questioned the pace and suggested it heightens the chances of a mistake.,8 +11,"We are neither Africans nor Americans, and if our African-American brothers and sisters think they have a problem with identity, they should see what we go through to identify ourselves. Nevertheless, we are glad to be in America. +",10 +5,"Orlando prosecutor Aramis Ayala on Wednesday defended her ""absolute discretion"" to never seek the death penalty in murder cases, as skeptical justices of the Florida Supreme Court bombarded her lawyer with sharp questions. +",4 +13, President Obama has balanced on a political tightrope for two years over the Defense of Marriage Act,12 +9, pieces together the background of a Central American migrant worker who died trying to cross into the United States.,8 +13,"Officials with the city's Host Committee and the Committee on Arrangements, which is in charge of revamping MSG to make it convention-ready,",12 +5,Massachusetts court ruling on gay marriage 'harms no one',4 +6,"After Shooting, Some States Tighten Rules on Guns",5 +1,"After payment of more than $470,000 in taxes, penalty and interest on the Sherman-owned goods at the store and warehouse",0 +7,Anderson sentenced to life without parole in dad's death,6 +9,"The report cites "";systemic failures,""; including unreasonable delays in care, and unqualified medical staff, and states that inferior care contributed to seven of the 18 deaths, including Carlos'.",8 +11,MISS MANNERS LIGHTS UP,10 +7, son and daughter were murdered in a 1988 holdup of the family pawn shop,6 +11,"Their cold, dead minds",10 +5,No amnesty for illegals,4 +13,After the legislature approved gay marriage three years ago,12 +13,"President Obama is warning liberal supporters that their push to make changes in a comprehensive immigration bill could jeopardize the strategy of Senate leaders, who are aiming to win as many as 70 votes for the measure.",12 +13,GOP CAN UNTIE ITS IDEOLOGICAL KNOTS,12 +2,Bush Seeks Slight Increase in Number of Refugees,1 +12,Duel over immigrants; Opposing rallies held at Capitol,11 +12, The protesters had been met downtown with middle fingers and the warning of suspensions.,11 +6,Changes in marriage bill offer churches leeway,5 +4,"Nelson's case is anything but unique. Across the country, and especially in the South, many of the inmates on death row have been put there thanks to the wrongful conduct of prosecutors.",3 +13,"""They come to the Capitol, they send people to talk to legislators -- that to me is lobbying,"" said C. Scott Cooper, a lobbyist for OutFront Minnesota, the gay-rights group leading the opposition to",12 +1,said the financial,0 +13,NBC tells Chelsea to zip it,12 +7,KILLER SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON,6 +6,Here's a gun-control measure both sides can get behind - and it works;,5 +2,"Farmers could see an increase of 20 percent to 30 percent in the amount stripped daily using the wheel, Mattingly said.",1 +5,"Five states and the District grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The District is the only jurisdiction that chose to do so without first adopting civil unions or being strongly nudged by a court to allow marriages. However, a comprehensive domestic partnership law had been on the books in the District for years before the issuance of marriage licenses began last March.",4 +10,"MURDER SUSPECT FIGHTS FOR HIS LIFE AND HIS MAGAZINES +",9 +15,New York's Nonsmokers Lose Out Again,14 +1," the sale of rifles and shotguns - not just handguns - and the loophole for ""personal inventory"" could be closed by allowing the regulation of any sale conducted in a place to which the public has access.",0 +13,"State Reps. Paul Luebke, Mickey Michaux and Paul Miller and state Sens. Wib Gulley and Jeanne Lucas, Democrats from Durham, support raising the tax.",12 +1,"Tobacco companies are to pay the state the money over 25 years. +",0 +13,Divided Senate answers Orlando with gridlock on gun curbs,12 +1,"hile attorneys are limited in what they can charge per hour from the fund, the private investigators and others that they hire are not. +",0 +7,Florida woman is put to death,6 +7,"Now the government's long-running battle to deport Chalmers appears headed to a federal courthouse in Alexandria, where her lawyers intend to open a new, last-ditch set of appeals stemming from a 1988 deportation order.",6 +1,Altria Said to Be in Talks With Tobacco Maker UST,0 +2,The Deans-Rowes didn't realize what they were getting themselves into in this extraordinarily busy season for the INS. It was Wednesday before they finally made it through the door.,1 +3,Principle Over Politics,2 +15,Symbols send vital message on immigration,14 +9,Issue of Mental State Adds Complexity,8 +9,"TAKE the total number of Americans killed last year by murder, suicide, AIDS, auto accidents, illegal drugs, alcohol, breast cancer, leukemia and birth defects. Then double it. Tobacco kills more.",8 +5,"Hawaii: Judge Rejects Challenge To New Same-Sex Marriage Law +",4 +7,Military-style semiautomatic weapons are splendid killing machines,6 +13,GUN-CONTROL BACKER SHIFTS AIM McCarthy backs off waiting period,12 +9,"The most powerful of the TV ads features a 47-year-old woman who lost her larynx to throat cancer in 1992. She tells the audience she began smoking when she was 13, tried to quit when she became aware of dangers to her health, but couldn't.",8 +10,An Englishwoman who saw the film came to the United States and married Bannister in 1993.,9 +13,Gilmore Defends Appearance in NRA Ad,12 +10," +Perry shrugged at the nicotine lesson offered by the private, year-round school for students in grades seven through 12. ""Yeah, I want to quit,"" she said. ""But I think I'll do it later.""",9 +5," The sole dealer in the city with a home occupancy permit to sell guns would be allowed to continue operating, but no new permits for residential sales would be granted if the council approves the ordinance.",4 +13,"But rather than retreat in a fit of pique, tobacco companies are showing courtesies to Democrats and Republicans alike. U.S. Tobacco made a private airplane available for Rep. John Linder (R) and other Republicans who flew to New York last week for a $ 1 million fund-raiser.",12 +11,"In this case, prison bars are transformed into decorative columns, carved from tropical wood by a Puerto Rican craftsman, Roberto Antonio Cortes. And a long table has been set for the prisoners themselves. Their portraits have been painted on their plates; their knives, forks and glass goblets hang like a sparkling cloud above, ready to descend for a celebratory supper.",10 +6,MADISON GUN LAWS GET MIXED REVIEWS,5 +6,Brady Bill finally passes but it's a tiny crime remedy,5 +7,"Arnold (photo) was first pulled over in her Pontiac Vibe for failing to use her turn signal, but an officer noticed a magazine clip, according to the Buffalo News.",6 +6,BOY'S MURDER SPURRED LAWS TO SAVE OTHERS,5 +6,": limiting an individual's gun purchases to one a month, and allowing Philadelphia and other municipalities the right to approve local gun laws.",5 +6,No gun bills,5 +1,"Mississippi Auto Arms, a shop in Oxford that specializes in combat weapons, is hawking the 11-pound ""Charlie Rangel Edition"" Kalashnikov-style rifle for a hefty $1,195.",0 +11," (""Go slow on executions,"" Editorial, Aug. 30).",10 +13,"By a vote of 43-6, the Senate approved the bill that had passed the House 171-28 last month.",12 +5,"The suit, against officials of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, on behalf of 10 plaintiffs, including two United States citizens, contends that teams of ICE agents used ''deceit or, in some cases, raw force'' to gain ''unlawful entry.''",4 +10,"New York, particularly New York City, has led the nation in allowing gay individuals, and now married gay couples, to become foster and adoptive parents",9 +5," If the issue of same-sex marriage is on an expressway to the Supreme Court, Wednesday was rush hour in a federal appeals court here.",4 +1,Granville leaf opens at $1.92 per pound average,0 +5,amnesty,4 +7,"Teenagers' drug use declined by 9 percent last year and by 21 percent over the past two years, mirroring the continuing drop in the crime rate, according to a major survey that federal officials released yesterday.",6 +9,MENTAL ILLNESS AND THE DEATH PENALTY,8 +9,"Two surgeries and radiation therapy have taken their toll on Price, 46, who's lost 30 pounds.",8 +10,"Speaking of moral support, recent quitter David S. Brown, of Vienna, says he's getting plenty via a chat site on the Internet. He recommends cybersupport to one and all.",9 +14,"''What happens in Missouri will be looked at by people across the country,'' said Seth Kilbourn, the national field director for the Human Rights Campaign, a Washington group that worked against the proposed amendment in Missouri with more than $100,000 for television advertisements, telephone banks and polling. +",13 +5,The newly launched Immigrant Justice Corps has signed 25 paid fellows fresh out of law school for two-year stints.,4 +7,Just 13 inmates have been executed since the restoration of capital punishment in 1978,6 +13,"Richmond to explore local gun control measures +",12 +13,"Continuing a 93-year fight to control immigration, American Legion leaders are rallying military veterans to convince California voters they should require police to enforce federal immigration law.",12 +5,The time is now for Georgia's residents to be given back their rights as protected by the Second Amendment and the Constitution of Georgia.,4 +6,The domestic partners law,5 +9,Designating nicotine a drug was correct move,8 +13,"That outcome seriously clouded the prospects for the passage of modest new gun-control measures in Congress this year and brought to a close -- at least for now -- the long, intense weeks of political wrangling and legislative soul-searching",12 +8,"Would an armed guard have stopped Adam Lanza,",7 +13,So let's hope the good citizens of St. Paul will re-elect Chris Coleman and the City Council,12 +9,"A pickup crammed with nine people slammed into a tractor-trailer on Interstate 80 early Thursday, killing everyone in the smaller truck",8 +12,Missourians Back Amendment Barring Gay Marriage,11 +12," Plaxico Burress, NRA poster star?",11 +13,"In response to Florida shooting, Trump calls suspect 'mentally disturbed,' does not mention gun control",12 +13," So politicians race to the microphone and camera to show that they're doing something, anything, to ''stop drugs.''",12 +11, perhaps changing forever the definition of the American family. ,10 +5,COMPROMISE WOULD LIMIT STATE COURTS,4 +7,"""We'll be working well into the evening tonight to make sure this is ready,"" Maj. Ronald J. Hackenberg, director of the State Police Bureau of Forensics and Criminal Identification, said yesterday.",6 +8,But what about the next assault-turtle attack? Will we be so fortunate? Can any of us truly feel safe?,7 +13,TRUMP FIRES ACTING ATTORNEY GENERAL,12 +13,"Earlier Thursday, Gov. George Allen rejected clemency, saying ``there is no question whatsoever as to Tuggle's guilt.'' +",12 +13,"for state and local governments, he said.",12 +1,"''E-Cigarettes at a Crossroads'' (Business Day, June 13) shines light on Big Tobacco's next cash cow. +",0 +5,Justice Lifts Barrier to Deportations of Aliens,4 +1,"""We're tightening our belts, changing our priorities, reconsidering our distributions,"" he said.",0 +13,"At odds on politics and church, Kerry and cardinal meet",12 +14,"In July, as rifle-wielding militias in Iraq slaughtered civilians, the United Nations held a conference on small arms. The conference aimed at creating an international treaty limiting the trade in small arms -- weapons designed for personal use, which cause about a thousand deaths worldwide each day. But after intensive debate, and despite the support of many nations, even the normally sunny Kofi Annan had to admit that the conference had collapsed or, as he put it, had ''ended without agreeing on an outcome.''",13 +11,"Gun Enthusiasts Find a Paradise Of Wood and Steel; After Eviction From Montgomery, Shows Retain Fans Farther North",10 +5,The marriage bill defines marriage in federal law as a legal union between one man and one woman. States would still have the authority to legalize gay marriages.,4 +14,The U.S. is one of only three countries in the world where the right to own guns for self-defense is protected in the constitution.,13 +15,"SAME THOUGHT ON SAME-SEX: HOW, NOT IF",14 +7," Has crime increased in Florida since 1987? No, in fact, it has gone down.",6 +12,"At convention, NRA fires back at its enemies",11 +7,"Haider received several thousand dollars from undercover New York City cops for the phony documents, the indictment says. Haider was arrested late Sunday in Towson when the car in which he was riding was pulled over on the Baltimore Beltway in a routine traffic stop, the FBI said.",6 +5," +The ruling was issued by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, with one judge dissenting. While the ruling notes that it does not consider the merits of Wood's case, the judges highlighted ""the ongoing and intensifying debate over lethal injection in this country"" and the importance of providing detailed information about how the death penalty is actually carried out.",4 +13,"Minnesota gay marriage fight officially is on +",12 +12,Standing tall as sit-in ends,11 +4,The Right to Breathe Clean Air,3 +5,affirming the right of law-abiding citizens to bear arms,4 +5,"The Family Court Marriage Bureau will not perform weddings until the government reopens, according to the District of Columbia Courts, although couples will still be able to file marriage license applications and pick up licenses they had previously applied for. +",4 +13,"Christie has said he supports the records transfer, calling it a ""loophole"" that should be closed. +",12 +6,'Campus carry' law's vagueness creates problems for colleges,5 +9, on mentally disabled defendants,8 +10,What Was the Family's 'Least Bad Decade'?,9 +6, Defense of Marriage Act.,5 +13,A Push for Gun Control Again Collides With Political Reality,12 +7,"Lambrix, 28, had been scheduled to be electrocuted Wednesday morning",6 +11,"Just across the river from your offices is a prime example of how futile and counterproductive bans on firearms are. In Washington, D.C., there has existed a virtual ban on the private ownership of just about any type of firearm for the past decade. Yet in our nation's capital exists the highest murder rate in the nation.",10 +6,Milwaukee requires handgun customers to wait seven days before picking up their purchases.,5 +7,15 Puerto Rican nationalists in United States prisons.,6 +5,Federal law requires private sellers to refuse anyone they have reason to believe would fail a background check. But the city undercovers discovered that even this vague proviso is routinely ignored.,4 +7,county sheriffs,6 +5," +MAN ADMITS KILLING GIRL",4 +13,AMMO FOR GUN LAWS,12 +11,"Foreign-born families generally tend to be larger than U.S.-born households and want extra bedrooms. They spend more than U.S.-born first-time buyers, $150,000 on average. It's not uncommon for two families to share a house to qualify for a mortgage. +",10 +9,The first measles case was identified on May 25. Arizona health officials said they had not yet been able to identify the first person to become ill so they cannot confirm whether it was an immigrant.,8 +5,"Regardless, marriage licenses will be issued to same-sex couples beginning May 17 in Massachusetts. +",4 +5,"In ""The Message From Hawaii"" (editorial, Dec. 6), The New York Times says Circuit Judge Kevin S. C. Chang's decision on gay marriages",4 +5,Delaware's Supreme Court today overturned the death sentence of Thomas Capano,4 +5,", to settle the suits.",4 +12,Editorial: Saturday's march turnout suggests national mood is changing on gun rights,11 +12,Gay rights advocates gathered in Albany on Monday to rally near the Capitol and to lobby legislators individually,11 +10,"At last, victims' relatives will get their day in court",9 +13,"There was suspense to the end of the committee's deliberations, when Sen. Patrick Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who serves as chairman, sparked a debate over his proposal to give same-sex and heterosexual spouses equal rights under immigration law. + +""I don't want to be the senator who asks people to choose between the love of their life and the love of their country,"" he said, adding he wanted to hear from others on the committee. +",12 +8,Is Militia Movement Threat To U.S.?,7 +5,The U-visa grants people without legal status temporary relief - if they can prove they suffered substantial physical or mental harm in a crime.,4 +9,NEW TARGET FOR ANTI-CANCER DIE-HARDS,8 +7,A shifting of gears on crime policies,6 +13,"House Speaker Lola Spradley, R-Beulah, said she plans to introduce changes to the way the state spends tobacco money on health-related services.",12 +9,"Treatment, plus gun restrictions",8 +13,"""I would consider looking at some of the larger magazines and other things if it gave us an opportunity to talk about"" violence in general, he told the Salt Lake Tribune.",12 +7,"a man sentenced to death in the 1989 murder of an off-duty Savannah police officer,",6 +13, A Woman Comes to Politics Via Personal Trial,12 +13,Why Florida school superintendents oppose new gun law Gov. Scott just signed,12 +9,Do California's Gun Laws Prevent Gun Deaths?,8 +3,"O'Malley, archbishop clashed on gay marriage",2 +13,"he would vote against it. But he went further, announcing that he favors",12 +5,"So the Supreme Court was right on Roe vs. Wade, right on gay marriage, right on Obamacare, but when it comes to the constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment right to bear arms, the Supreme Court is wrong.",4 +5,"Getting a visa to live and work in the U.S. can be hard, even for highly skilled immigrants and foreign entrepreneurs looking to start businesses.",4 +15,"Same-sex union: Right idea, wrong way",14 +8,''The wall will come later.'',7 +13,"Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Wednesday appeared to suggest a link between the Supreme Court's rulings on gay marriage and marriage between a human and a non-human, but later walked back that suggestion and said it was a joke.",12 +13," The shooting has prompted calls for action by the victims' families and friends, but the Republican majority in Congress has so far opposed any new restrictions on gun buyers.",12 +7,YEARS BEFORE HE GETS THE NEEDLE,6 +5,"The Supreme Court's landmark rulings in favor of same-sex marriage earlier this summer have restarted the longstanding battle over allowing same-sex marriage in New Jersey, one of only two states in the Northeast where it is not yet permitted. +",4 +13,"Once again, a left-wing Democrat (why does that sound like a redundancy?) invokes his constitutional First Amendment rights to berate others who try to defend their constitutional Second Amendment rights. In his abusive article for the the Atlanta Constitution, which you slavishly printed May 11 because it mirrors your left-wing political ideologies, you once again prove that the big lie, if repeated often enough, will persevere.",12 +4,So-called civil unions created specifically for same-sex couples would be discriminatory,3 +5,MAN PLEADS GUILTY AS A 'DRUG KINGPIN',4 +10,tobacco education,9 +5,when the state's Supreme Court ruled in favor of seven same-sex couples who had pressed for the right to wed.,4 +5,Prosecutors declined to pursue charge,4 +13,"His successor, Democrat Rod Blagojevich, who took office Monday, criticized the blanket commutation but has said he will continue the moratorium",12 +1,"Another tobacco company, Philip Morris, called the research ""extremely interesting"" but said it merited careful review.",0 +11,The movie has no title or timetable for production.,10 +6,"If passed, Roberti's bill would make California the first state to ban such clips.",5 +5,"ruling. He is still looking forward to arguing the case next month before a federal appeals court, and then this fall before the Supreme Court, he said.",4 +13,"President Ford, President Carter and the 96th Congress all studied immigration policy. So did President Reagan who, like Mr. Carter, issued legislative proposals. Last week, the 97th Congress went further, producing an actual reform bill.",12 +1,"described the amount needed as ""minor, a cigarette tax."" The cigarette tax, the official said, would be used to finance promised coverage",0 +13,"The bills were among four that the Democratic-controlled House passed amid strong resistance from Republicans, who were joined by a few Democrats to make some of the votes close. +",12 +1," +In March, a preliminary fiscal note on the gay-marriage bill from Minnesota Management and Budget projected $631,000 in additional cost to the state employees insurance fund reflecting the potential addition of same-sex spouses. +",0 +1,"Both target smokers -- an easy mark for lawmakers and advocacy groups. The two competing measures would raise the state's cigarette tax by $1.50 a pack, to $2.37, which would make California's tobacco tax the third-highest in the nation. A pack of cigarettes in California now sells for roughly $4 a pack.",0 +6,Six states have now made it legal for same-sex couples to marry.,5 +15,Gay Marriage Setback,14 +5,"A suit challenging the state's ban on granting domestic partnership benefits will be heard today in the Appellate Division of Superior Court. The suit was filed in 1993 by the Rutgers chapter of the American Association of University Professors, an associate dean and several faculty members.",4 +1,Gun sales still soaring in response to Obama Sales spike despite lack of effort to add new restrictions.,0 +3,"The Feb. 10 Commentary article by lesbian Amy Adams Squire Strongheart was the most ridiculous theology I have ever read. Her delusion that the term ""eunuch"" could possibly mean gay - thus affirmed by Jesus - is absurd. It is not a point of biblical interpretation; it is simply garbage theology. + +The Holy Scriptures do clearly state that homosexuals are people of a depraved mind (Romans 1), so this would explain her interpretation and the fact that this blasphemy was allowed in the Post-Dispatch. Homosexuality is condemned by God and will only yield death and eternal damnation for these people. Homosexuals need to confess their sins and receive forgiveness, not attempt to rationalize it with nonsense theology. + +It is time for Christians to offer tough love to a people who have a life expectancy on this Earth of less than 40 years, and an eternal life in hell. The homosexual lifestyle is a ticket to destruction. Rev. Dale J. Pritchard Hillsboro, Ill. Amy Adams Squire Strongheart's Feb. 10 Commentary article about same-sex marriages made a case to prove homosexuality is affirmed in the Bible. She is wrong again. The eunuchs the book of Matthew 19:4-12 is referring to are men who were castrated by other men as a punishment or converted men of a pagan religion priesthood or men born impotent. Never, in any case, does it describe the gay lifestyle. Theo Parmer Sr. Florissant For some time, I have been following the obvious overexposure of the sexual orientation of Amy Adams Squire Strongheart in the Post-Dispatch. I have been trying to determine what purpose the paper has in publishing these outlandish articles by an avowed lesbian. I now realize that succeeding articles have become nothing more than succes de scandale.",2 +1,"``There are 60 tobacco companies in the country, and we're only dealing with the five biggest companies,'' he said. ``We need to be concerned with future nonparticipating manufacturers",0 +5,Death penalty in play in Fort Hood case,4 +2,"TIME, IDS OF ESSENCE TO LOCATE ALL IMMIGRANTS",1 +11,"The ceremony that morning, the first wedding to take place in Castor's office, seemed surreal. +",10 +15,U.S.A.travel,14 +13,HEAT'S ON BAM Angry Mike: Gun control must be 'No. 1' priority,12 +11,TEXAS EXECUTES 16TH CRIMINAL THIS YEAR,10 +13," +N.Y. POLS RENEW CALL FOR GUN LEGISLATION",12 +5,Arizona immigration ruling key points,4 +6,"""This legislation needs to be defeated. It's totally unnecessary, it is totally uncalled for, and I think it puts a lot of us and our economy at risk.""",5 +13,LEGISLATORS MULL GUN LAW CHANGES,12 +7,A man who murdered two police officers 14 years ago was put to death in the electric chair Friday,6 +9,Cigar Warning Labels Proposed,8 +7,"Mr. Huey, 42, of Griffin, is charged with robbing and killing Timothy Glenn Kent, 39, also of Griffin.",6 +14,COUNTY LEADS IN BARRING GUNS,13 +5,"Packer could face death penalty if convicted, lawyer says",4 +7,guns out of the hands of criminals,6 +5,Supreme Court appears to be gun-shy;,4 +7," They argued he was the last person known to have seen Ludlam before she disappeared in November 1981 and fibers from a blanket and her wool coat showed she had been in his house. The attack was similar, they added, to a 1976 assault for which Felker was convicted of aggravated sodomy.",6 +15,"In Washington, the Empathy That Dare Not Speak Its Name",14 +5,Those issues already had been raised in several court hearings and had been rejected as reasons for overturning Brown's death sentence.,4 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms, based on a human right of self-defense that existed before the Constitution was ratified.",4 +7,"The horrific murders in Lancaster County last week remind us of the tragic consequences that guns can cause when they fall into the wrong hands. Although the gun used in these killings was purchased legally, the fact is that most guns used in murders are purchased illegally",6 +5,A Fulton County judge's ruling against the 2004 gay marriage ban amendment,4 +11,ANTI-GUN AD CAMPAIGN SHOULD PACK A WALLOP,10 +3,"urged mercy for him,",2 +7,"Lockhart was convicted last month of stabbing 16-year-old Windy Gallagher to death at her home on Oct. 13, 1987. The drifter from Walbridge, Ohio, also faces execution in Texas for the shooting of a Beaumont police officer March 22, 1988.",6 +5,"But state Attorney General Michael J. Bowers said ""It's a very narrow holding, dealing principally with procedural matters,"" he said. + +It was the first signed opinion from Justice David H. Souter, who joined the court four months ago.",4 +13,"This is landmark legislation that embodies a bipartisan compromise between my committee's ranking member, Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), and me -- one that, importantly, has been endorsed",12 +7,Another Shooting,6 +13,"In Washington, there may be no more loathed profession than that of the lobbyist.",12 +11,Eighty-two percent of smokers started smoking before age 18.,10 +7,"Flor shot Officer Brian S. Gregg, 46, three times, which clearly showed an intent to kill",6 +7,"Joshua Komisarjevsky, 31, joins the accomplice, Steven Hayes, and nine other men on Connecticut's death row. + +The two paroled burglars tormented a family of four in the affluent New Haven suburb of Cheshire before killing Jennifer Hawke-Petit and leaving her daughters, 17-year-old Hayley and 11-year-old Michaela, to die in a fire. The only survivor of the 2007 assault, William Petit, the girls' father, escaped.",6 +10,"He will learn that she is not a dangerous criminal but an intelligent, hard-working college student, a community volunteer who raises money for combat-wounded American veterans, the mother of a bouncy daughter, 7-year-old Carly, who loves to dance to rap music.",9 +13,"Similar legislation in the Senate sponsored by Senators Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, is likely to be introduced this week or next, Congressional aides said.",12 +13,Gun Limits Are Signed Into Law By Malloy,12 +1,"The bill was opposed by both tobacco companies and restaurant owners, who feared that tougher anti-smoking laws would hurt business.",0 +7,U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump's Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.,6 +5,Lawyer Fighting Gun Ban Criticizes Alexandria Official,4 +13,Va. expected to lift gun limit,12 +5,"A federal appeals court overturned the District's tough gun-control law earlier this month, citing the Second Amendment, which grants the right to possess firearms. The court ruling was the result of a challenge by six city residents.",4 +11,Dubious Theories on Shooting In Florida Find an Audience,10 +7,". Bell, 43, had been convicted in 1994 and sentenced to death",6 +10,"Lafferty hasn't returned to her job as a college admissions counselor in Waterbury, Conn. +",9 +15,The Guns of April,14 +13,"Coggins and Robinson said they made the extra effort to get married for personal, not political, reasons. But their journey also led them into the ",12 +13,"Mr. Reagan said he had had ''a very nice talk'' with the Senator, whose two brothers were assassinated by gunmen, but that he had told Mr. Kennedy that he believed a better approach was to strengthen the penalities for crimes committed with guns. +",12 +9,12 Illegal Immigrants Are Found Dead in Desert,8 +7,Wannabe pol nabbed with arsenal,6 +11,"The trends are already apparent. According to an investigative project by reporters at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, juries have grown increasingly reluctant to impose the death penalty over the last five years, and prosecutors are taking capital cases to juries only about half as often as they did in the 1980s and '90s.",10 +1,By agreeing to accept the tax increase,0 +9,"contain ammonia or ammonia compounds, arsenic, cadmium, formaldehyde or lead",8 +1,Americans may still buy pistol-grip rifles if they are made in the United States; the Chinese are only adjusting to market conditions.,0 +13,Bill Clinton backs gay marriage in N.Y.,12 +14,"Venezuela tells U.S.: Give up Cuban; Urging the extradition of an exile sought in a jet attack, it said American credibility was on the line.",13 +11,"Teen Smoking Still Rising, CDC Says",10 +8,Background checks could still take up to three days instead of the 24-hour ceiling that Republicans wanted on them.,7 +5,"The state Supreme Court granted a request to put on hold Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza's decision voiding a 2004 constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Piazza struck down the amendment last week, and he expanded his ruling Thursday to include all Arkansas laws preventing gay couples from marrying.",4 +7,"""I do feel the death penalty was appropriate in this case.",6 +12,as smoking becomes increasingly unpopular in America.,11 +5,Justices to Review Reimposed Death Sentence,4 +13,Republicans,12 +5,"Justice Anthony Kennedy, addressing Proposition 8 attorney Charles Cooper on the law's effect on children of California same-sex couples: +",4 +12," +Support for Same-Sex Marriage Is Up",11 +4," the unfairness of denying gay people the right to marry.""",3 +14,"U.S., Cuba Agree on Stemming Raft Tide",13 +11,BOOK RECHARGES DEBATE OVER EDISON'S MOTIVES;,10 +5,What the Second Amendment really meant to the Founders,4 +9,"And the deadly school attack, in which four students and a teacher were killed,",8 +6,Smoking ban reconsidered,5 +9,WELL-REGULATED LUNACY,8 +7, diminish a criminal's ''incentive'' to commit a crime.,6 +12," Gay rights advocates in New Jersey were fired up Thursday following the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decisions paving the way for same-sex marriage, but they were split into three camps about what to do next.",11 +13,Gov. Lawton Chiles should veto the bill as an unjustified state interference in both arenas.,12 +15,Up in smoke,14 +6,Missouri and Illinois law bars anyone under the age of 18 from buying cigarettes. But do the laws work? How diffcult is it for under-age smokers to buy a pack?,5 +10,"""I was really blown away by that,"" Polly's father, Marc Klaas, said outside the courtroom. ""Good Lord, 2 1/2 years and millions of dollars and it turns out that they're going to admit that he did it anyway.""",9 +6,Sabotage on the Brady Bill,5 +3,is not about protecting each person's right to find affection but to bring children into the world and to give them a stable unit in which to develop.,2 +13,Social liberals urged lawmakers to approve a bill by Del. Sharon Grosfeld (D-Montgomery) that would recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. Maryland law now recognizes marriage only between a man and a woman.,12 +13,Everytown for Gun Safety endorsed Clinton Friday morning,12 +11,sought by news organizations including The Atlanta Journal- Constitution,10 +6,"There's no way of knowing if the Texas plan will work. The whole point of carrying a concealed firearm is to surprise your opponent, which is a dangerous game no matter what.",5 +6,MISSOURI ISN'T GETTING OUT OF THE EXECUTION BUSINESS,5 +1,"The ease with which he purchased his weapons,",0 +7,Church worker faces uncertain future after immigration arrest,6 +13,"Gov. Bill Owens has said he will sign the gay-marriage ban when it comes out of the Legislature. +",12 +1,gun manufacturers and sellers,0 +6,"In New York City, you must report shotgun purchases at your local precinct stationhouse. But there is no oversight.",5 +6,and head off government regulation?,5 +13, has urged Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) ,12 +11,"At that moment, according to Google Trends, Speaker's Internet hotness measure reached ""volcanic."" By the time he and wife Sarah appeared on ""Good Morning America"" on Friday to apologize to people he might have exposed to his highly drug-resistant form of TB, his reputation was sliding down the infamy pinnacle.",10 +9,FORMER STATE HEALTH OFFICIAL TAPPED TO LEAD SMOKING FIGHT,8 +12,MOST IN SURVEY WANT NO CHANGE IN GUN LAW,11 +6,"""This is a question of the public good,"" he said, while several lesbian couples shouted obscenities at him as they left the building",5 +13,Likes no-fly gun ban but is 'no' vote,12 +12,NRA defeat opens door to sanity,11 +8,INS targets dangerous border crossings,7 +3,Thursday's conference at Grace Church in Eden Prairie was a concerted effort by the Minnesota Family Council and several evangelical and Catholic pastors to equip Christian and Jewish clergy for political activism over the gay marriage issue.,2 +5,"Opponents of same-sex marriage seized on Vaughn Walker's revelation and filed a motion last week to have his ruling on Proposition 8 vacated, arguing that he could benefit personally from his decision if he wanted to marry his partner.",4 +11,Youth and Tobacco,10 +7,Some Death Row inmates have been there for 20 years or more.,6 +4,AT ISSUE:SHOULD JUROR'S RACIAL BIAS HALT EXECUTION?,3 +5,AROUND THE NATION; Los Angeles City Council Softens Sanctuary Law,4 +15,Why assault weapons available,14 +12,The N.R.A.'s Lessons for Gun Control,11 +13,Raw politics doomed bill,12 +1,"A good tax, and wishful thinking",0 +12,"Mexican-born Juan Hernandez looked out at the crowd of more than 10,000 people that filled the streets of his adopted hometown of Milwaukee on Thursday, protesting efforts in Congress to crack down on illegal immigrants.",11 +6,addressing a concern that has emerged as one of the bill's chief obstacles as the legislative session comes to an end,5 +4, It is the fairness of allocation of those legal rights that the Massachusetts court addressed.,3 +13," +Senate approves waiting period for handgun buys",12 +13,Spineless lawmakers keep giving in to the gun lobby,12 +5,GAY COUPLE SUES D.C. FOR RIGHT TO MARRY,4 +13,"The appearance by Mr. Giuliani was perhaps his biggest test yet of how his liberal record on gun control and abortion as a New York City mayor would square with a core Republican constituency now that he is running for president. And he confronted his past directly, saying he faced different challenges taming crime in New York City a decade ago, while signaling that he opposes new restrictions on gun ownership.",12 +5,"The appeal + +Hawaii's five-member Supreme Court is the last legal hurdle that gay couples have to clear before they can marry in the state. Federal courts won't intervene in this case because marriage is considered a state constitutional question. +",4 +6,"Existing laws allow unlicensed dealers to sell guns without a waiting period or criminal checks, though buyers from licensed dealers must pass the check and wait.",5 +11,Gabrielle Giffords accepts Profile in Courage Award,10 +1,"The attempt to turn the tables on Joe Camel will employ images of tobacco executives swearing to tell the truth before a House committee and a clip from a tobacco industry TV commercial showing a Christmas tree showering tax dollars on the federal government. +",0 +7,Enforce state's gun laws,6 +13,"If passed a second time during the next session, the measure would go before voters in November 2006.",12 +1,"The specter of deep cuts in state spending has sparked an intense lobbying effort in Virginia to raise its lowest-in-the-nation cigarette tax, pitting those pushing the increase against tobacco interests and anti-tax lawmakers in next month's legislative session.",0 +5,"For example, part of Jacobson's decision found that couples in civil unions were denied federal benefits, so they should be allowed to marry. +",4 +3,"Episcopalian groups war over gay clergy issue +",2 +7,"The arrest of an armed man outside the White House on Wednesday has not changed Attorney General John Ashcroft's view that the cure for gun violence in America is better enforcement, not more laws.",6 +6,"Under that policy, a heterosexual employee who marries and divorces four times can obtain insurance for each new spouse, no questions asked, no eyebrows raised. But a gay employee in a committed relationship with the same partner for 20 years is out of luck.",5 +7,"FAU PROFESSOR CHARGED WITH FRAUD, SMUGGLING IN SEX CASE",6 +5,Asbury Park halts issuing of licenses; On hold: City says no more same-sex marriages while it seeks a court ruling.,4 +6,"The city outlaws handguns but allows residents to keep locked-up rifles and shotguns. +",5 +4,"Prosecutors, police 'polluted my image,' convicted killer tells jury",3 +8,BORDER PATROL TO GUARD COAST BY HELICOPTER,7 +7,"Of course, we understand that the state must seek justice and prosecute wrongdoing, but we cannot condone the state pronouncing a sentence of death for wrongdoing -- no matter how violent and brutal the crime.",6 +11,Netroots Nation features a call to action on gun control,10 +9,WATER STATIONS SET UP TO KEEP MIGRANTS ALIVE DESERT HAS SEEN 14 DEATHS FROM HEAT THIS YEAR,8 +12," +Queens Church Vigil Protests Arizona Immigration Law",11 +15,Count on a hair-trigger response,14 +6,GAY-MARRIAGE-BAN PUSH UNDER WAY,5 +6,The Brady Bill Won't Stop Crime,5 +1,"Bob Lesmeister, manager of the National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers, estimates holiday gun sales will be up more than 100% over last year.",0 +4," ""fraught with arbitrariness, discrimination, caprice, and mistake.""",3 +3,"According to the startling results of a survey released last week by the Public Religion Research Institute, 57 percent of white evangelicals live in homes where someone owns a gun (compared, for example, with 31 percent of Catholics.) And more startling, even after 20 first-graders were slaughtered in Connecticut at the hands of a madman with an assault rifle, 59 percent of white evangelicals continue to oppose tighter restrictions on gun laws.",2 +13,"Donald Trump spent about two weeks waffling on his plans for illegal immigration, appearing to lean toward moderation on his ""mass deportation"" proposal.",12 +5,The actual penalty to be received by Boggess for his first-degree murder conviction will be decided by the same jury that found him guilty last week.,4 +1,"The measure, which offers $10 billion in payouts to tobacco growers in return for the end of their tobacco supports",0 +3,despite pleas from veterans who said he deserved mercy because of his service to his country.,2 +13,"The ad calls on residents to ask Democratic-Farmer-Labor Sen. Gary Kubly to support the gay-marriage ban, which has passed the House but is stalled in the Senate.",12 +5,Justices set to grapple with the death penalty,4 +12,"""I could have told you last week that there would not be that many people,"" said Ricardo Diaz, an organizer for A Day Without an Immigrant Coalition in Philadelphia. ""Our meetings were low-energy.""",11 +7,MAN HELD AFTER CARROLLWOOD STANDOFF,6 +15,'A Place at the Table',14 +5,"Meanwhile, Robinson asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop his execution because of a previous decision that death sentences should be decided by juries, not judges. In Florida, juries recommend life or death and a judge makes the final determination. That appeal is still pending. +",4 +11,"There in the Brighton Beach section, as in Manhattan's Washington Heights and Forest Hills, Queens, the morning commuters and the high school students are part of the most recent wave of Russian immigrants, nearly all of them Jews.",10 +13,The Virginia Governor today abandoned a campaign,12 +12,Nick Wilcox wore a button with a picture of his late daughter and spoke of the satisfaction of joining other gun control advocates Sunday at a rally to urge,11 +7,"For hackers, what punishment could be worse than death?",6 +11,"If you think too much attention is being paid to the youth market, remember that as many as 90 percent of smokers are addicted to tobacco before the age of 18.",10 +1,A bank suddenly closing checking accounts for a Brooksville pawnshop that sells guns,0 +13,"Not long after her husband was struck in the head by a bullet outside a Washington hotel a decade ago, Sarah Brady began a crusade in Congress for a national waiting period for handgun purchases.",12 +13,"omer weighs killer's bid for clemency +",12 +13,"Ignoring all that, White House press secretary Michael McCurry showed the 30-second ads to reporters at the White House yesterday and said ""the spots were prepared not as direct campaign spots"" but to protect the assault weapons ban from attacks by congressional Republicans and the National Rifle Association.",12 +12,"As smoke clears, city law praised",11 +12,"Calling for legal protection for illegal immigrants and workers' rights, demonstrators met at the intersection of King and Story roads, then streamed down King and turned onto Alum Rock Avenue, ending their three-mile march with a rally at San Jose City Hall.",11 +1,"Under the settlement, Illinois would receive the $ 9.1 billion over 25 years, in average payment of $ 364 million a year. That's more than the state collected in total cigarette taxes in the last full fiscal year.",0 +13,"Republican officials said Bush's decision to proceed now was driven partly by his desire to start the general election campaign on a fresh issue, at a time when his credibility has been battered by questions about prewar warnings of unconventional weapons in Iraq, as well as doubts raised by Democrats about his National Guard service.",12 +13,PENALTY SABOTAGED BY THE SYSTEM,12 +5,Supreme Court Affirms Stay for Georgia Killer,4 +12,VOTERS TO DECIDE WHETHER TO BAR GAY MARRIAGES,11 +5,JURY FINDS MAN GUILTY OF STRANGLING WOMAN,4 +7,Sentencing begins in 1987 murder death penalty case,6 +7,"The men, the Rev. Errol O'Connor, 48, of the Bronx, and Emanuel Felder, 33, of Uniondale, N.Y., were arrested on Tuesday and face grand larceny and other charges. Prosecutors say that Mr. O'Connor, of the Pentecostal Deliverance Ministries in the Bronx, falsely claimed in radio commercials that he could obtain resident alien status for immigrants for a fee, which averaged about $4,000. Richard Lezin Jones (NYT)",6 +15,COPING,14 +6,"re-opening loopholes that never existed in the first place, maybe it should focus on loopholes insidiously designed to turn innocent shooters, hunters and collectors into unwitting criminals.",5 +11,THOMAS PROTESTS GAY WEDDING BAN,10 +6,"A recent letter stated that the 1993 federal handgun law, formerly known as the Brady bill, would not successfully keep guns out of the hands of hoodlums and that another bill was needed to keep bullets out of the hands of hoodlums. + +Good suggestion. But answer this: If the new law won't keep hoodlums from getting guns, how is the next bill going to keep hoodlums from getting bullets? + +The only way to keep hoodlums from using these illegal guns and bullets is by passing and enforcing stiff laws on violent crime and by making prisons uncomfortable places to be (elimination of entertainment, etc.).",5 +1,"Weapons shows aim for a wider clientele +",0 +1,"Some Tobacco Growers Diversify, a Study Finds",0 +3," +THE RIGHT THING",2 +7,Michael Roberts was put to death by injection early Wednesday at the Potosi Correctional Center for killing his neighbor in Jennings in 1994 after a two-week drug binge.,6 +6,Extreme measures won't fix immigration,5 +6,Create an indoor smoking area,5 +13,"The Vermont Legislature, by a vote of 100-49, today overrode the veto of its governor and legalized gay marriage in that state.",12 +13,"Ryan's action heartened death-penalty critics who are seeking moratoriums in other states. +",12 +11,Hudsons host holiday toy giveaway,10 +10, Campus carry would disrupt places of learning,9 +13,GAY MARRIAGE THE HOT ELECTION ISSUE POLLS SUGGEST ISSUE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS,12 +12,U.S. lobbyists lashed out Wednesday at the Mexican boycott-American campaign timed for May 1 to coincide with the ``Day Without Immigrants'' protest in the United States.,11 +7,Where the guns used in Chicago actually came from,6 +11,FILM SMOKING HAS HEALTH ACTIVISTS FUMING,10 +9,"She still coughs, and the wheezing hasn't entirely dissipated. + +But days into her healthier lifestyle, there's one noticeable difference: It's easier to breathe. +",8 +9, A second prospective juror was excused for medical reasons.,8 +13,"Last year, the General Assembly eliminated",12 +4, to weaknesses and apparent corruption in individual cases and in the criminal justice system as a whole.,3 +5,"""It is the industry's nightmare that in individual and, even worse, class-action cases that juries will come down with punitive damage awards,"" said Robert Rabin, a professor of law at Stanford University who has followed tobacco litigation. ""It ups the ante and creates great uncertainty with so many potential individual cases out there.""",4 +12,'Grannies for gun control' to take to the streets Saturday,11 +7,4-Year-Old Documents Link Rapist To Slaying,6 +5,"In New York City, a couple filed suit hours after being denied a marriage license at City Hall. On Long Island, about 50 gay couples went from town to town, trying to find a clerk who would grant them licenses. And the mayor of Nyack, N.Y., who is gay, was denied a license and vowed to sue. +",4 +11,"Of Culinary [Union]'s 57,000 members, more than 30,000 are Hispanic and nearly 7,000 are African-American. And on the eve of the election, nearly 60 percent - 34,000 - of the union's members are registered to vote, a record total for Local 226. . . .",10 +5,"I applaud Judge Robert A. Katzmann's efforts to raise awareness about the dire need for improved access to legal counsel for immigrants, particularly those who are detained by the Department of Homeland Security.",4 +13,Liberals push anti-gun agenda to kids,12 +15,He's not about to end his fight against 'evil' cigarettes,14 +1," +Mark Smith, spokesman for Brown & Williamson, says the nation's third-largest tobacco company is trying to develop a safer cigarette: ""You could make a cigarette out of cinderblocks that wouldn't catch fire, but who would buy it?""",0 +11,Behind historic award,10 +1,Married Gay Couples 'Refuse to Lie' on Tax Forms,0 +12,"''The people of Arizona have their own way of doing things, but at the same time, we are also part of the United States,'' said Kelly Molique, a spokeswoman for Yes for Marriage, the main backer of the measure. ''So we see what's going on in other areas.''",11 +8,". ""And I would have a background check that would make sure they had evidenced the willingness and capacity to do so.""",7 +7,would not do much to reverse the sharp spike in homicides.,6 +11,RELEASED KILLERS ARE ADVERTISEMENTS FOR DEATH PENALTY,10 +12,Many Americans would agree with,11 +5,"A federal judge has ordered Kansas to allow same-sex couples to marry, but he delayed enforcement of the order until next week to give the state time to appeal. +",4 +10,More Misery for Vietnamese Detainees,9 +1,"Since then, the corner shot-and-beer joint - where 10 is a crowd - has seen little change.",0 +5,The Supreme Court agreed Monday to use a cigarette-advertising dispute to consider giving commercial speech broader protection against regulation.,4 +12, as the public became more skeptical about the death penalty,11 +5,"MORE JEWS, ARABS SEEK U.S. VISAS AS UPRISING TAKES ITS HUMAN TOLL",4 +11,Firearms for fanatics,10 +3,"""For more than 45 years, the cigarette companies conducted their business without regard to the truth, the law, or the health of the American people,"" Attorney General Janet Reno said.",2 +7,"""We're talking about a great partnership in the Americas of going after people who try to make a profit and benefit in other ways from human misery and desperation,"" acting INS Commissioner Kevin Rooney said at a news conference yesterday. +",6 +5,The California Supreme Court recently stated it is illegal not to allow gays to marry.,4 +13,"All candidates for the hundreds of government jobs subject to Senate confirmation are now being asked if they hired undocumented immigrants or violated tax laws on household workers, Clinton administration officials said on Monday, and at least a dozen people have been dropped from consideration over those issues.",12 +3,Same-sex commitment ceremony would be the first at Emory,2 +5,Man Guilty In Convenience Store Killing,4 +1,He said the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement will spend $10 million,0 +7," +On Sept. 13, 2012, Fox, a seven-year police veteran, was ambushed along the Schuylkill Trail while searching for a hit-and-run suspect who fled the scene of a three-car pileup.",6 +5,PISTOL LIABILITY IS ISSUE AT TRIAL,4 +15,A message about guns,14 +13,Rep. Rose's,12 +5,"The oral arguments for McVeigh will be separate from the appeals court's normal schedule of oral arguments. For now, each side will have 15 minutes to present its case, according to the clerk's office. However, the parties might request more time. All briefs in the case have been filed. + +The court is expected to announce April 20 the makeup of the panel that will hear the oral arguments. + +Typically, the 10th Circuit hears oral arguments and reserves decision until some later date. + +McVeigh's lawyers on Feb. 23 filed a document claiming the government overstated the strength of its case in attempting to block a new trial for McVeigh.",4 +9,"Anti-obesity, anti-smoking pill may help addicts, scientists say",8 +13,"BUSH BACKS ANTI-SMOKING PROGRAM, TRUTH ADS",12 +11,"Latino Population Growth Is Widespread, Study Says",10 +12,"Pilots, NRA echo over cockpit gun debate",11 +5, But amending the Massachusetts Constitution is a multiyear process,4 +5,"Court rulings expected in 2 gay marriage cases +",4 +13,FDA regulation of tobacco gets House OK,12 +1,"Drawn by the magnet of a better future, illegals have become a key part of the economy, doing menial jobs Americans largely won't take - in agriculture, manufacturing, hotel services",0 +3,Creech vows to buck Methodists on gays,2 +5,Wiggins' appeal becomes the fifth death penalty case that the Supreme Court will review this term. The other four involve mechanics of imposing capital punishment.,4 +8,How waiting periods work,7 +13,Another feeble attempt by the gun-grabbers,12 +11,"She may be the first woman executed by modern-day Texas, perhaps in January or February. Texas, after all, is known around the country for executing men at a wearily efficient rate: 143 prisoners since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976. At some point it may be a woman's turn.",10 +13,HARTFORD VOTES SECOND GUN-CONTROL BILL,12 +7, None of the four prisoners has an execution date.,6 +7,The federal government will establish agent teams in three North Carolina cities to investigate and deport undocumented immigrants involved in criminal activity and target smugglers of illegals,6 +10,Some freedoms can get caught up in red tape,9 +6, and five others are considering whether to keep their capital punishment laws.,5 +7,Gun ownership is linked to homicide rate,6 +13,Santa Clara County supervisors pass immigration resolution,12 +7,"This is especially true of drug offenders, who get mandatory sentences for possession of relatively small amounts of controlled substances; in other words, we keep eating up prison space we need for dangerous criminals by locking up addicts who really need drug treatment, which would cost less, too.",6 +1,gun shows,0 +13,Would the government step in?,12 +5,"The justices, who had finished oral arguments for the term, put the case from Georgia on an unusually expedited schedule, with oral arguments scheduled June 3, apparently with the intent of reaching a decision before going on recess in late June. +",4 +5," +Death penalty sought for church shooter",4 +6,"Amid growing criticism of the Postal Service's role in shipping tax-free cigarettes bought illegally over the Internet, a bill was introduced on Wednesday in the House of Representatives that would ban delivery of cigarettes and other tobacco products through the mail.",5 +7,KILLER IN TEXAS SENTENCED TO DIE,6 +5,"Gay Vows, With Ginsburg Officiating",4 +1,"""We will not proceed with any gun sale if we do not have an approved background check,"" Jessica Moser Eldred, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, said yesterday.",0 +13,"In recent debates and when asked by reporters, Kerry has repeatedly said he does not believe in gay marriage, but generally supports equal benefits for same-sex couples. But he has not publicly said he would extend the hundreds of federal rights, such as the ability to jointly file federal income taxes, to those couples.",12 +3,Churches win permanent injunction against part of state gun law,2 +11,"""THE INSIDER"" HITS THE TRUTH OF MOTHER'S ADDICTION",10 +12,must rely on the public,11 +6,"One of the provisions of Missouri's new concealed weapons law allows people to carry hidden guns in Missouri if they have ""a valid permit or endorsement to carry concealed firearms issued by another state or political subdivision of another state."" +",5 +15,A Decent Proposal,14 +7,Delco man gets jail for illegal gun sales,6 +3,"A goal for many on the religious left is to reclaim the nation's moral agenda from the religious right, which has prioritized ending abortion and gay marriage. The left wants to reframe morality as caring for poor and marginalized people. However, a reader asked Ms. Butler if there was anything she admired about the religious right.",2 +7,"Tyrone (Peanut) Howard, 30, was arrested after Holder's partner shot him in the leg as the suspect tried to flee the murder scene in East Harlem, police said.",6 +13,"Maryland's governor has signed a measure legalizing gay marriage, joining seven other states and the District of Columbia.",12 +6,"Gun-control fax more faux than facts Scheme targets emotions, wallets",5 +10,the families of several of the eight young women and girls he murdered said they found themselves at peace for the first time in more than two decades.,9 +7,"He was convicted of the 1998 murder of Bruce Belville, who was beaten to death with a hammer as he lay in his bed.",6 +12,"San Francisco-based Equality California, the largest fundraiser in last year's unsuccessful campaign against Proposition 8, announced Wednesday that it would work toward a ballot measure to legalize same-sex marriage in 2012 rather than next year. The group cited extensive polling and outreach indicating 2012 was the date a campaign to legalize gay marriage in the Golden State would stand a reasonable chance of success.",11 +5,* New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer has offered an opinion that his state's laws require New York to recognize marriages legally performed in other states.,4 +5,"Ms. Reno announced her decision without comment, notifying Federal prosecutors in Newark and Sacramento, Calif., that they could move to put the man, Theodore J. Kaczynski, to death if he is convicted of murders committed in their jurisdictions. The United States Attorneys in those cities immediately filed papers in Federal District Court declaring their intent.",4 +13,Easley made his opposition to a moratorium known during the gubernatorial campaign.,12 +5,"The tobacco companies, which have never had to pay any monetary penalties as a result of a court ruling,",4 +13,"In response to the Lovelace attack, Ms. Devolites has secured an endorsement from Handgun Control Inc. Chairman Sarah Brady: ""Jeanmarie Devolites has a strong record of supporting common sense gun control legislation in the Virginia House of Delegates. She is an advocate for Handgun Control's agenda of preventing and reducing firearm deaths and injuries.""",12 +12,"In a poll published in January 2001, the Gazette found that 58 percent of residents in Prince George's County support a moratorium on the death penalty, as do 59 percent of Montgomery County residents. Last January the Baltimore Sun published data showing that half of Marylanders support a ban on executions until more information about their use is available.",11 +7,"The minimum fine for a first-time offender will be $300 to $1,000, and a repeat violator will face a maximum penalty of $1,500. + +The fine for selling to a minor had been as low as $100 and up to $500 for repeaters.",6 +8, waiting period would be fine,7 +1,States and cities that provide a haven for illegal immigrants would lose federal money under an immigration reform plan unveiled Tuesday by presidential hopeful Fred Thompson.,0 +7,New York State has also created a new three-member gun-tracing unit that will work exclusively on coordinating joint investigations with the Federal Government and police departments in other states. And the unit is creating a computer data bank on suspected gun traffickers that is expected to speed investigations and reduce reliance on overtaxed Federal agents.,6 +7,A 22-year-old Salvadoran was sentenced today to seven years in prison after his conviction on charges of smuggling aliens in connection with an attempt to enter the country last summer that ended in the deaths of 13 of his countrymen in the Arizona desert.,6 +11,Increasing Role for Immigration Seen in U.S. Population Growth,10 +11,"children.""",10 +6," It would be a lean, two-page bill that raises the price of a pack of cigarettes enough to discourage children from starting to smoke and gives the Food and Drug Administration authority to regulate ingredients in cigarettes.",5 +11,Ramadan Enters New York City School Life,10 +13,The measure passed the Senate 39-0 and the House 94-20. It was signed into law by Gov. Jeb Bush. Joyner and 19 other House Democrats voted against the bill.,12 +9," Moreover, firearms are the fourth-leading cause of accidental death among children between the ages of 5 and 14, according to the Harvard Injury Control Center.",8 +5,INMATES COMMONLY challenge convictions or sentences based on claims that they were saddled with bad lawyers. Just as common are decisions by judges to deny such claims. So it is extraordinary that last week a unanimous Supreme Court tossed out a death sentence against a Florida inmate who made such an argument. And no wonder.,4 +13,"The president of the U.S. was standing beside her and he was of the same mind. ""Guns are kept in the home for many purposes -- hunting or self-defense,"" he said, in case anyone would think he was proposing any radical domestic arms control measures.",12 +9,"The article also mentions that the natives mixed tobacco with ""lime or powdered seashells"" in order to move the nicotine ""faster into the brain."" But I thought nicotine spiking was developed only in recent decades by the tobacco industry.",8 +7,"Wallace, 26, said she killed her husband after he raped her in a drunken rage. In an interview with police, she said he raped and beat her repeatedly in their seven-year marriage.",6 +13,PROPOSAL TO SLICE UP SCHOOL DISTRICTS DIES,12 +5,"The Supreme Court has released the full audio and transcript of today's hearing. That's all from The Lede today, but The Times's Adam Liptak and Peter Baker have a full report from the court, and Sheryl Gay Stolberg profiled Mary Bonauto, a lawyer from Maine who has been plotting the legal strategy for supporters of same-sex marriage for a decade. +",4 +12,"Few protesters turned out this week as gay marriages began. Instead, opponents chose to focus on raising money and support for the upcoming ballot measure for a constitutional ban on such unions.",11 +9,"If the laws are changed to encompass those who voluntarily commit themselves, it serves to discourage those who really need treatment from obtaining it by attaching a stigma and actually limiting their rights as citizens.",8 +5,A judge has ruled that the statement can be entered into evidence in his capital murder trial in October.,4 +3," The teacher, identified as Michael Landsberry, has been called a hero for his valiant attempt to persuade the armed youngster to surrender.",2 +1,"Ernesto Galeas, a Salvadoran immigrant, has lived in Virginia for seven years and paid taxes to the state for five. So he was stunned this spring when Northern Virginia Community College denied him in-state tuition and slapped him with a $2,400 bill -- about three times as high as he expected.",0 +5,Her lawyers say her original defense against the death penalty was bungled,4 +6,would bar municipalities from passing legislation that limits cooperation between public officials and the federal government on immigration cases. Those with such legislation could have state funding withheld.,5 +9,I'm a doctor,8 +5,Harley-Davidson Inc. in Milwaukee and Lorillard Inc. in New York are fighting in court about an agreement under which Harley-Davidson licenses its name to Lorillard for a cigarette brand.,4 +7,INS saboteurs,6 +1,"Some of those lessons might help us to understand what lies in store for our nation's tobacco farmers -- and, perhaps, what we ought to do for them.",0 +5,"His attorneys argued for moving the retrial away from Camden County, saying that the extensive publicity surrounding the case would make it impossible to select an impartial jury. Baxter declared a mistrial last November when Neulander's jury could not reach a verdict.",4 +12,LOCAL GROUPS AIMING AT WELFARE-REFORM BILLS IMMIGRANT ADVOCATES URGE END TO SCAPEGOATING,11 +1,"The criticism prompted Atlanta-based Home Depot this week to announce plans to add same-sex domestic partner health benefits for its 300,000 workers starting in 2005.",0 +7,DRIVER'S LICENSE SCHEME Police shield scam's targets Officials say only those suspected of duping illegal immigrants out of cash for IDs will face charges.,6 +3,"Johnson grew up a Baptist, attending church every Sunday with his family.",2 +6,CIVIL-UNIONS BILL,5 +14,"Last Thursday, a French court recommended that Kopp be extradited to the United States. The court based its recommendation on assurances that the U.S. government would not seek the death penalty. France abolished capital punishment in 1981. It does not extradite suspects who face the death penalty at home.",13 +1, Local authorities shouldered most of the cost of resettling the refugees. ,0 +13,Could Obama Have Affected North Carolina?,12 +1,Pentagon Stands by Price Increase On Cigarettes Sold in Commissaries,0 +5,N.C. growers dispute GAO report against guest workers,4 +13, designed to rally opposition to congressional efforts to abolish various D.C. gun laws.,12 +6,More California laws won't prevent crime,5 +12,"Cigarettes With No Smoke, Tar Or, as It Happens, U.S. Assent",11 +6,defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.,5 +4,"Last year, the New Jersey Supreme Court rejected the Boy Scouts' argument that it is a private group, with the right to be selective in its membership. The Boy Scouts, it ruled, is a public accommodation sponsored by many public agencies - and subject to the state's anti-discrimination law. Most extraordinary about the decision, though, was its blistering indictment of anti-gay discrimination as bigotry based on ""little more than prejudice."" +",3 +9,SHERIFF OFFERS HEALTH BENEFITS FOR 'PARTNERS,8 +5,"The Justices ordered the Louisiana authorities to spare Mr. Watson's life until the Court, in a separate case, studied an issue Mr. Watson has raised in his appeal.",4 +11,Redefining same-sex 'marriage',10 +1,Revenue is not the only powerful impulse for sharp increases in Virginia taxes on tobacco consumption,0 +4,"For most of his 17 years on Arizona's death row, Paris Hoyt Carriger has been little known outside the state. But even as a Federal appeals court yesterday issued a stay of his Dec. 6 execution, his supporters continued mounting a communications blitz trying to save a man they are convinced is innocent.",3 +11,"New York Mets pitcher Pete Harnisch couldn't sleep the night before his opening day start, apparently suffering the effects of a battle tougher than any game.",10 +5,"But in the eyes of the law, ""truthful"" testimony does not necessarily gibe with what most people know to be true",4 +6,COUNTY PROPOSES TO PLUG STATE GUN LAW LOOPHOLE,5 +14,Florida in spotlight again over its not-so-polite gun laws,13 +7," The city has had 82 homicides, and police have seized more than 900 guns this year alone.",6 +10,cigarette habit.,9 +5,"And as a result, a prosecutor withdrew an offer to her husband that would have allowed him to soon walk out of jail after finishing a two-year sentence.",4 +12,"Grandmother's Love Over Violence was formed over three years ago with the help of the NYPD Brooklyn Clergy Coalition. Members include Denise Horton, the mother of Zurana Horton.",11 +5,Would Mr. Garland gun for guns?,4 +12,"Investigate Extremists, N.R.A. Leader Says",11 +9,"In general, most psychiatrists and people in the mental heath profession say there is no magical process for predicting who will commit a violent act.",8 +13,"In Minnesota, Obama's support for gay marriage spurs debate on proposed amendment to ban it",12 +10,"""For the first time, we're recognizing the rights of restaurant workers and patrons to enjoy smoke-free air,"" said Larry Couch, a member of a coalition of organizations that endorsed the bill for Montgomery County, a suburban area just north of Washington.",9 +11,"Both blacks and whites have been divided on the issue, and race appears to be less of a determinant than age, gender and party affiliation on black voters' views on marriage equality.",10 +8," +To curb illegal border crossings, Trump administration weighs new measures targeting families;",7 +5,"There are legal issues, of course, but there are far broader ones as well:",4 +5,"Attorney General Sean Reyes's (R) office said in a statement that it plans to file a Petition for Writ of Certiorari, a formal request that the court pursue review a lower court's ruling that the state's ban is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court usually only does so on cases that have national significance or where federal circuit courts have issued conflicting opinions. +",4 +10,"Henry McCollum, 50, hugged his weeping parents at the gates of Central Prison in Raleigh",9 +11,It Took Superman to Rescue This One,10 +5,in response to the Supreme Court decision that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act.,4 +1,"Gun dealer list packs surprises Homes, mortuaries, even car wash licensed to sell",0 +8,Norton emphasized that she didn't think such immigrants were terrorists. But she said she is worried that the easy availability of phony IDs could be exploited.,7 +13," +DELAY IN ALBANY ON DEATH PENALTY",12 +7,A Philadelphia area man was held without bail yesterday in the New Year's Eve slaying of a South Carolina Highway Patrol sergeant.,6 +5,The plan ends nearly three decades of granting automatic U.S. political asylum to virtually all Cubans who flee Fidel Castro's leftist government.,4 +6, It's too bad he can't just abolish executions altogether.,5 +5,7 immigrants get OK to stay,4 +3,"The answer is no. Who are we to judge them? We are not God, and I will not pretend to be.",2 +11," He would have been the 21st person executed in the United States this year, and the eighth in Texas. He also would have been the first since a botched execution in Oklahoma two weeks ago drew renewed attention to the use of the death penalty.",10 +11,"On July 24, on the lawn of Gracie Mansion, under a tent packed with city officials and food from around New York State, Mr. Bloomberg will pronounce Mr. Mintz and Mr. Feinblatt husband and husband.",10 +13,"Moments later, back in Trenton, Democrats, who have made same-sex marriage their top legislative priority for the year and who control both houses, responded with a resounding ""no.""",12 +13,"The council voted 5-0, with Charlie Miranda and Frank Reddick absent, to ask city attorneys to draft an ordinance similar to Orlando's and report back on March 15.",12 +6,"New Law Provides Fodder for Both Sides of Marriage Debate: A Celebration in San Francisco, but Bittersweet",5 +10,Benefits for unwed partners advance,9 +4,. It ends unjustified discrimination against gays and promotes equality under the law.,3 +11,"Although women have served at the front lines of litigation efforts in the emotional debate over same-sex marriage, the issue's most vocal opinion leaders have been men, often leaving the impression that marriage is the preoccupying goal of one sex more than the other. Yet of the close to 5,400 couples who have married in Massachusetts since last May, a figure that represents nearly a third of all same-sex partner households in the state identified by the census, almost two-thirds of the couples have been women. Boston was one of the few cities and towns in the state where male marriages outnumbered female ones.",10 +13,"which has been championed by Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, was one of four measures the committee set out to consider Thursday.",12 +13,"GOV SHOULD CELEBRATE GUN VIC, NOT GUN FAN",12 +6,"Tax tobacco, not food",5 +6,LAW PROMOTES GUN VIOLENCE,5 +13,"""I don't want us to do something just for the sake of politics that doesn't solve the problem,"" Obama told reporters Wednesday night aboard Air Force One.",12 +5,The petition also argued that Hampton should have been told that life in prison without parole was the only alternative to execution because of Hampton's criminal record in other states.,4 +13,"SB 96, sponsored by Rep. Larry Schwarz, R-Wetmore, and Sen. Ken Chlouber, R-Leadville, would remove the discretion local law enforcement officials have to deny permits to eligible applicants.",12 +8,in imminent danger ,7 +4,"""deprives individuals of access to an institution of fundamental legal, personal, and social significance . . . because of a single trait,"" namely their sexual orientation,",3 +5,"''It's remarkable that the fallback position in Massachusetts is full legal rights by another name,'' said William B. Rubenstein, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.",4 +5," But under Ohio law, his daughter has no parental rights.",4 +5,"n the Brooklyn neighborhood where he lived, Jermaine Page called himself the ""main man,"" prosecutors say. They are happy to call him that, though not for a reason that makes Mr. Page happy. +",4 +5,"The Supreme Court's action was expected. Its one-paragraph order came without noted dissent from any of the nine justices and was consistent with its decision granting a stay in Utah, another state where a ban was found to be unconstitutional. +",4 +6,"Gun purchasing laws, by state",5 +7,"Charged in a federal complaint were Joseph R. Hamm, 28, and Robert G. Englert, 57, both associates of Henry J. Cernicek, owner of Marshal Gun Shop in Dellwood, the U.S. attorney's office said. Cernicek, 71, was charged Tuesday. All are free on bond. +",6 +12,Prompted by dozens of letters from residents fed up with second-hand smoke,11 +9,Will low-nicotine cigarette be a nail in smoking's coffin?,8 +12,"Supporters hailed him as a hero,",11 +1,"without the negotiated support of Philip Morris, whose Marlboro brand helps make it the American tobacco industry's biggest player. + +The company's central role",0 +7,"A man suspected in the serial killings of eight women was indicted by a grand jury yesterday on eight counts of first-degree murder, making the suspect eligible for the death penalty.",6 +12,"If a majority wants to make marriage gender-neutral,",11 +13,Ohio and the Death Penalty,12 +5,Arguments end in trial's penalty phase,4 +11,Brad Pitt Supports Same-Sex Marriage,10 +13,"What set off Mr. Specter was Mr. Feingold's saying he opposed the amendment, cared for the Constitution and intended to leave the meeting.",12 +1,"""The district was really waiting for the union to ask,"" said Joe Moore, the district's chief financial officer. ""In bargaining, there's give and take, so there has to be value on what's on the table.""",0 +13,"Now the Administration has adopted the minimum metallic standard as the best approach, although the standard is lower than the one proposed in a bill sponsored by Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum, Democrat of Ohio.",12 +8, would require background checks and crime-gun tracing records for all guns sold at shows,7 +7,"The alleged abductors snatched the 38-year-old woman near her Queens home and demanded $ 38,000 in ransom from her family in China. The family had paid $ 5,000, but she was killed anyway. +",6 +15,"T. Addison Crawford, Stephen Hardy",14 +1," But as officials later learned, they were sales representatives from the tobacco company Philip Morris U.S.A.",0 +13,Obama: Immigration reform will happen this year,12 +5,"The state filed suit against the tobacco companies in August 1994, claiming fraud, conspiracy and violations of Minnesota's antitrust laws. The case is scheduled to be heard in summer 1998.",4 +7,"The victim in the Atkins case, 21-year-old Eric Nesbitt, was kidnapped in 1996 outside a convenience store and forced to withdraw money from an automated teller machine. Atkins and an accomplice were accused of taking Nesbitt to a deserted field and shooting him eight times.",6 +10,Liberty U. to allow firearms in dorms,9 +8,": ''A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State",7 +5,THE JUDGE who blocked part of President Trump's controversial immigration ban is a former Manhattan prosecutor who favors pearls for herself - and tough punishments for criminals.,4 +1,"A quick search reveals that Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund - a popular, very large mutual fund - invests 1.22% of its portfolio in the gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson.",0 +9,"PRIMARY +",8 +13,delay going back to the ballot until 2012 makes perfect sense from a strategic viewpoint.,12 +6,"The health and pension benefits offered by private employers are regulated only by federal law, under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Federal law does not require employers to recognize same-sex domestic partners or spouses, and therefore private employers cannot be compelled to treat same-sex and different-sex couples equally. Nor can non-discrimination in employee benefits be a condition of receiving a government contract.",5 +7,Mr. Clair was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 1987,6 +5,Judge strikes California's ban on same-sex marriage,4 +4,NRA lies smartly exposed,3 +3,GAY BISHOP FOR NEWARK EPISCOPAL DIOCESE?,2 +5,". Including California, gay marriage is now legal in 13 states and the District of Columbia.",4 +5,Taking Sides on a Constitutional Convention,4 +14,"MEXICAN PRESIDENT ASKS AMERICANS FOR ""TRUST""; IMMIGRATION REFORM REQUIRES COOPERATIVE EFFORT, VICENTE FOX SAYS",13 +9,PHYSICIAN TESTIFIES STATION WORKER WAS KILLED BY MORE THAN ONE KNIFE,8 +6,Easley asked that the Medicaid provision be deleted in this session.,5 +6,Stiffer laws could prevent a child's first puffs,5 +4,Proposal of Smoking Ban Stirs a Sense of Tolerance,3 +7,Jailer told ICE of immigrant before ex killed,6 +6,Fix needed to resume executions,5 +5,Defense Lawyers Rest Case In Nichols's Bombing Trial,4 +3,Entire process barbaric': Lawyers assail execution,2 +6,Ruben Navarrette' A half-loaf of immigration reform,5 +7,SHIFTING DETAINEES JUST UN-AMERICAN,6 +5, Widower Pleads for Jury Forum,4 +9," The benefits apply to health, dental, life and vision insurance.",8 +12,There's an issue brewing on concealed-carry permits in Wisconsin that we think even the most ardent gun-control advocates can agree on,11 +5,"Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt said Wednesday that a separate lawsuit he has filed with the state Supreme Court should prevent same-sex marriage in all but the two counties that were home to cases covered in the ruling from the nation's capital. But his office stayed silent and did not respond to questions Thursday as couples beyond Douglas and Sedgwick counties picked up marriage licenses. +",4 +10," including his military service, rough childhood and drug and alcohol abuse.",9 +7,"The felony guilty plea would require him to be deported from this country, immigration officials said.",6 +11,"Historically it, unfortunately, appears likely that even this will not lead to gun control legislation.",10 +13,GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis was among Republicans calling for a state audit of the affair.,12 +13,"LaPierre, who has served as the NRA's proud and combative face in Washington for years, was subdued -- for him -- during his appearance Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He spoke after an emotional appearance by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was grievously wounded in a shooting two years before, and after testimony by Giffords' husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly.",12 +13," +""We've got to expect more from ourselves,"" he continued. ""And we've got to expect more from Congress. We've got to believe that, you know, well, every once in a while we set politics aside and we just do what's right."" +",12 +7,GUN LAW INDICTMENTS ABOVE THOSE FOR ALL FELONIES,6 +13, the juvenile justice bills that passed the House and Senate in the massacre's aftermath are now stalled in a conference committee.,12 +5,"In the old days, state courts hardly ever threw out capital convictions, because they could count on the federal courts to do what justice required. State judges - who are often elected - shied away from taking the heat that goes with overturning a death sentence.",4 +9,"Ready to admit that it's madness for any psycho to be able to saunter into a gun shop and acquire firepower capable of killing 32 innocents? + +Feel different now that the blood is the blood of so many of your most promising young people?",8 +13,"NEXT NASTY, NECESSARY FIGHT",12 +13,"""Congress was focused on a particular problem:",12 +5,And the inference that the founders had only hunting or sporting weapons in mind is ludicrous. Military weapons were the arms in question when the Second Amendment was drafted.,4 +9,Responsible gun policies save lives,8 +5,Save the date: Gay marriage nears legality,4 +7,Santa Cruz police to partner with immigration officials to fight gang violence,6 +7,Killer's lethal injection scheduled for Jan. 25,6 +13,"Sweeney, gun bill at standoff",12 +5,"Ruling prompts gun-law challenges Felon cites Supreme Court, says weapons are for self-defense.",4 +13,"The above map shows states where either Democrats or Republicans hold both the governor's office and have a majority in the state legislature. The ""after the midterm"" map shows what states will look like when lawmakers take office next year. +",12 +6," Forget sensible gun control legislation, which is code for no meaningful restrictions at all. Enough already; let's get these guns off the streets.",5 +7,"That much remained clear yesterday as you gazed at the congealed blood on W. 22nd St., where four more New Yorkers had been shot with an illegal gun",6 +7,Police awaiting gun restrictions,6 +10,"At 12:01, Same-Sex Couples in New Jersey Say 'I Do'",9 +3,The sanctity of marriage doesn't depend on keeping same-sex individuals from calling their union a marriage; the sanctity of marriage depends on what individuals put into it.,2 +6,"The proposal also enforces a requirement that lets people explain circumstances surrounding their guns being accidentally exposed. If for some reason a concealed-carry holder is arrested, and it's later proved their gun was exposed accidentally, the proposal calls for immediate expunction of the incident from their record.",5 +9," His lawyers are challenging the state's lethal injection procedures, saying that prisoners are not fully anesthetized before being administered drugs that can cause excruciating pain. ",8 +13,"Mr. Bush might have thought he was answering lawmakers' pleas for help when he informed an audience in California that mass deportations wouldn't work. That's a sensible -- if fairly obvious -- generality. But this is a moment for specifics. The president could have argued forcefully for comprehensive reform and spelled out the distinction that the Senate has drawn between an earned route to legalization and the detested free ride of amnesty. Instead, he blandly labeled the Senate compromise an ''interesting approach,'' as if he were pondering a piece of modern art rather than the fate of something central to his domestic agenda.",12 +11,NEXT WAVE OF AMERICAN DREAMERS,10 +1,ABC ISSUES APOLOGY TO 2 TOBACCO FIRMS,0 +8,UNABOMB SUSPECT FACES NEW CHARGE,7 +5,Closing the 'stalker gap' in gun laws,4 +5,"The Supreme Court agreed that properly labeled cigarette packages and advertisements would preclude some lawsuits, particularly those claiming a lack of warning about smoking hazards.",4 +5,U.S. reopens battle to seek Moussaoui death penalty,4 +5,Fight Ashcroft's plan for gun files,4 +8,"The book suggests that she did not have her son checked, as required by Delaware state law.",7 +7,"INS deports a record 111,794",6 +6, than a ban on military-style assault weapons.,5 +7,"Abu-Jamal, who in 1982 was convicted in a stormy trial in Judge Sabo's court of first-degree murder in the killing of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, who was shot once in the back and again - point blank - between the eyes. (Abu-Jamal was found four feet away, his gun emptied, wounded himself. He has never given his own full version of what happened.)",6 +1,Home Depot to add same-sex benefits,0 +7,STATE PUFFS UP FINES FOR CIG SALES TO KIDS,6 +11, I believe that this law is un-American and needs to be struck down.,10 +5,"Meanwhile, Ms. Shahar, 29, is doing both criminal and personal injury work for a local law firm. ""We've dropped out of the spotlight, but the case has not dropped out of our lives,"" she said. ""It's been extremely stressful. There is a lot of anti-gay sentiment out there."" +",4 +1,But that would limit the ability of financially strapped local governments to raise revenue.,0 +11,Trump country is gun country,10 +6," ""our proposal is along the lines of make them pay a fine of a couple thousand dollars, make them work for three years, and after three years they can get in the back of the line for a green card and then eventually become citizens.""",5 +11,"With Memorial Day near, perhaps a more fitting gesture would be to honor our fallen soldiers and proudly fly 58 flags that cause bypassing motorists to remember the sacrifices required for our freedom to pursue equalities of all kinds. +",10 +6, the proposed nicotine ban.,5 +6,U.S. colleges ban smoking,5 +13,A gun-control measure backed by State Sen. Vincent J. Fumo last year resurfaced yesterday with the powerful Philadelphia Democrat pledging to give the bill an all-out push to passage.,12 +13," +Martinez confined most of his remarks to immigration on a day when President Bush continued his effort to urge Congress to find agreement on an immigration overhaul in a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.",12 +7,opening the way for the execution of as many as 12 inmates.,6 +7,"Also arrested was Emanuel Felder, 33, of Argyle Ave., Uniondale, L.I., who allegedly posed as an Immigration and Naturalization Service agent in the scam.",6 +11,Ballard will be the 26th person exonerated and released from Florida's death row since 1972.,10 +15,It is the right time to talk about guns,14 +5,"Accusing the government of illegal snooping, the National Rifle Association sued in federal court yesterday to bar the FBI from keeping lists of law-abiding people who buy guns under a newly revised law. +",4 +13, And so does Clinton,12 +7,"Arenas denied he asked to be isolated, though he said he fears other detainees whom he identified as Mexican drug cartel members.",6 +10,"""It's rough,"" said a harried worker yesterday morning at the jampacked food-stamps office on East 16th Street in Manhattan. ""We don't know what we're doing. We're in utter confusion.",9 +7," In Colorado, two heavily armed teenagers carry out a massacre. In West Palm Beach, a boy shoots and kills his teacher on the last day of school.",6 +13, will force Congress to move slowly.,12 +5,"With guns, the issue is one of rights, not needs",4 +5," +On Monday, U.S. District Judge William Rae of Los Angeles upheld Ma lone's California capital murder conviction but overturned his death sentence. Rae said the penalty verdict could have been affected by testimony of a jailhouse informer who quoted Malone as confessing to three killings.",4 +12,"came as the National Rifle Association and other gun rights proponents intensified efforts to defeat the measure by warning that some elements in the plan that are supposed to be ""pro-gun"" could undermine Second Amendment rights.",11 +13,Gov. Gary Herbert expects Utah will consider religious freedom bills following same-sex marriage legalization,12 +12,Voters in 2000 approved a proposition defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.,11 +5,"CLEARLY, A BILL OF RIGHTS TYPO",4 +13,"Young said that she is not taking sides in the debate and that she would allow the 22 member jurisdictions to hash out their differences. Other localities, including the District and some in Maryland, have said that because COG tackles public safety issues, it is absolutely the place of the organization to make the case for stricter gun control, Young said. +",12 +9,"In addition to Fuentes, Andrino said, two Guatemalans were taken from the truck for medical treatment: a 17-year-old male, who remained hospitalized in stable condition as of Tuesday; and a 23-year-old man, who is a witness and has been released and transferred to some form of protective custody.",8 +13," +The battle will be joined today when the House Budget Committee is scheduled to fold eight budget-cutting bills saving $50 billion through 2010 into a single measure and then send it to the floor for a vote next week. The Senate is also set to vote on its version of the budget-cutting package, which would not cut food stamps",12 +13,"HB 1250 by Rep. Jeanne Faatz, R-Denver, passed the House State Affairs Committee 6-5, despite the opposition of committee chairman Bill Jerke, who recounted his own dramatic story of shooting a fleeing felon in 1987.",12 +5,COURT WRONG TO UPHOLD LAW SILENCING DOCTORS,4 +11,"""He will be missed,"" Stephen Colbert joked on Comedy Central.",10 +7,"Almanajam, 23, and Alsidran, 20, were placed in jail cells separate from each other and other inmates over the weekend.",6 +3,Rift Over Gay Unions at D.C. Parish Reflects Battle New to Black Churches,2 +7,Waffle House Shooting Suspect Once Had His Guns Taken Away,6 +1,currently circling the industry.,0 +13,Mitt Romney opening up a very slight lead on the president ,12 +3,"There's no inoffensive way of saying this --- I wish there were --- but at its core this is about whether there are still moral absolutes for society, and whether we can continue to encourage moral choices (such as traditional, lifetime marriage) and discourage immoral ones. I have the exact same concern, morally, with straight people who live together outside of marriage or get divorced just because things get rough.",2 +9,"deny that cigarettes are addictive, since so many Americans have quit smoking. The companies' 30-page request for an appeal was filed yesterday.",8 +13,Justus said his bill,12 +11,"Many Florida Blacks, Tossed by Population Shifts, Say They Feel 'Left Out'",10 +13,Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey supports gay marriage,12 +14,CUSTOMS ERROR ALLOWED IMPORT OF ILLEGAL RIFLES,13 +11,"Materials | Computers for individual students or groups to read articles from The New York Times online, or copies of articles as needed. +",10 +13,"Whether they like it or not, Republican presidential candidates are joining New Hampshire's intensifying same-sex marriage debate.",12 +5," +As for the GOP lawsuit, Spitzer spokeswoman Jennifer Givner said: ""We remain confident the policy change will be upheld in court.""",4 +7,"DEATH PENALTY EYED IN DOUBLE SLAYING +",6 +7,"Ms. Biehl, a Stanford University graduate, was stabbed and bludgeoned to death on Aug. 25, 1993, in Guguletu, near Cape Town.",6 +1,"States Spend Less to Fight Smoking, Report Says",0 +1,Gun store owners say firearm sales have slowed since President Trump was elected.,0 +13,I wheeled my way up to both houses of Congress in recent months to testify in support of legislation bearing my name: the Brady bill.,12 +5,"In a stunningly engineered plea bargain in 1971, the attorneys won Mr. Smith release",4 +13,"A similar bill passed the Senate last year, and opponents sounded increasingly resigned Tuesday to fighting the measure at the ballot box in November",12 +4,perhaps because he was gay,3 +5,"Wisconsin Attorney General James Doyle, who has a similar lawsuit pending",4 +8,A Bid for Guns on Campuses to Deter Rape,7 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday denied a stay of execution for condemned killer Ellis Wayne Felker, who won two stays earlier this week from a Georgia judge.",4 +5,"""That is a huge, huge, huge encroachment on judicial independence,"" said Dana Leigh Marks, spokeswoman and former president of the association and a judge for more than 30 years. ""It's trying to turn immigration judges into assembly-line workers."" +",4 +12,BURLCO ANTIGUN RALLY CHIDES BUSH FOR TEXAS' CONCEALED-WEAPONS LAW,11 +13,Bush targets gay marriage to motivate GOP's base,12 +13,WEBB ON RIGHT TRACK,12 +6,Concealed-weapons laws will prevent Wild West scenarios,5 +1,said that some bar and restaurant owners are concerned that their customers,0 +13,even when denied sanction by governments,12 +6,No campus carry likely in gun bill,5 +6, A woman widowed in last year's Perimeter Mall shooting said it must.,5 +9,The women who chewed the 2-milligram gum were able to control their weight while those on the 4-milligram gum actually lost small amounts of weight.--The men in all groups gained weight.,8 +7, D.C. police now say that they will not arrest people carrying registered handguns on the streets.,6 +15,"The Gun Report: July 18, 2013",14 +10,Au pairs and other short-term foreign workers fear losing visas under Trump review;,9 +6,No way to control guns,5 +1,"Two weeks ago, the family learned it would get some help paying bills. More than $ 20,000 was raised to help the Sarics.",0 +9,Immigration Agency to Reveal Some Death Data; DHS Bureau Will Report the Number of People Who Die Awaiting Deportation,8 +7,MAN CONVICTED IN STRANGLING DEATH AT ILLINOIS MALL,6 +4, but because of improper jury selection,3 +8, could ban concealed arms,7 +5,Immigration and Customs spokeswoman Jamie E. Zuieback said yesterday that agents were called in Thursday by base security personnel and found that 10 workers lacked proper documentation,4 +13,"After Las Vegas shooting, Sen. Tom Cotton 'willing to entertain' regulation of bump stocks for firearms",12 +7,"According to Canadian news reports, Cheryl Kuehn, a 23-year-old Canadian on her way to Florida, spent nine hours in a Georgia detention center after being stopped for a pair of minor traffic violations.",6 +11,"not just in places like Nazi Germany a few decades ago, but in New York into the present day.",10 +11,"As the map of where gay marriage is legal has shifted and changed over the past few years, we've tracked a harder-to-measure component of the new laws: How many gay Americans live in states that allow them to marry. +",10 +9,Guns save lives,8 +1,CVS vs. Tobacco,0 +14,Cuban Reply to U.S. Keeps Talks Going,13 +13,"To others, it will be dismissed as a political placebo.",12 +13,"Obama said publicly that he was grappling with his feelings on the issue. Last summer, he announced his support for same-sex marriage",12 +13,Obama needs to be frank about gun-control vision,12 +5," +Following the dismissal, the Texas court dropped the complaint against the material witnesses, who were only identified in court papers by their initials.",4 +10,New ways to satisfy nicotine craving,9 +13,The gun lobby got sucker-punched by the U.S. Senate last weekend. It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.,12 +5," +Lawyers in Capital Cases +",4 +5,The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear the appeal of a Georgia man who had taunted jurors to ensure that they would give him the death penalty for killing an Ellaville couple.,4 +13,MAYOR BURNING TO RAISE CIG TAX,12 +5,When the Massachusetts Supreme Court affirmed this week that gay men and lesbians have a constitutional right to marriage,4 +12,About 30 people held a candlelight vigil in front of the Governor's Mansion in Baton Rouge to protest the execution. Roughly a dozen people gathered for a similar protest in New Orleans.,11 +5,Yet the Constitution's due-process protections are the vital safeguard of individual liberty and mitigate against arbitrary government action by setting the procedures the government must observe when it seeks to deprive an individual of a given substantive right.,4 +7,Gun Permits in Others' Names Found in Ex-Officer's Home,6 +6,Utah targets gay marriages,5 +12," +Activists kiss as part of Chick-fil-A protests",11 +4,"Protect innocent citizens, not just politicians, from guns",3 +9,Reporting on a Drug With a Role in Executions,8 +1,"The company's beef operation has ceased operating, and the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this past week.",0 +13,Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D),12 +11,YOUNG MAN ON TRIAL SPARKS WORLDWIDE REACTION,10 +5,"acy said he will file murder charges against Nichols and his co-defendant, ",4 +6, to support the push for looser gun laws in Chicago,5 +13,A new electoral liability for Republicans: The NRA,12 +12,Students: 1 million expected at anti-gun-violence marches,11 +4, whose lawyer admitted sabotaging his appeal.,3 +13,- and national --- politics.,12 +7,Rochester Man Is Sentenced To Death for a 1996 Slaying,6 +5,"Both the state Attorney General's Office and the Florida Supreme Court said it is too early to say how they will proceed with Hall's case. But typically, legal experts said, the state high court refers such matters back to the circuit court.",4 +9, It is the single largest preventive health care initiative in the foundation's four-year history.,8 +13,Lott urges firms to run ads backing senator,12 +5,"A company making a legal and non-defective product should not be liable for the actions of others,",4 +6,"James S. Liebman: You can't fix the death penalty, it is time to end its use",5 +3, mostly for reasons rooted in religious belie,2 +5,Teenager indicted in Va. sniper case,4 +5,Panhandle clerk sues to fight gay marriage,4 +4,"Banning discrimination is no new concept,"" said County Supervisor Mark Leno, who introduced the measure in June. ""We're talking about inalienable rights here.""",3 +1,"Smith, who has dealt with immigration issues since 1987, wonders if big labor is simply eyeing those 6 million potential new members to bolster its declining ranks. +",0 +1,"A proposed new national tobacco settlement would require the nation's largest cigarette makers to snuff out Joe Camel, take down its billboards and pay Illinois taxpayers $ 9.1 billion - the equivalent of about one-fourth of this year's entire state budget.",0 +1,Orlando tragedy spurs rally in gun stocks,0 +12, The N.R.A. ,11 +5,"Minutes after the announcement late yesterday afternoon, the tobacco companies filed a request in Federal District Court in New Orleans that would permit them to appeal a ruling by the judge, Okla B. Jones 2d. Last month, Judge Jones cleared the way for the first nationwide class action against the tobacco industry on behalf of four plaintiffs who, their lawyers hope, will represent all Americans who are or once were addicted to cigarettes.",4 +6,to recommend that the state abolish the death penalty.,5 +5,"A Manhattan grand jury refused yesterday to return a felony indictment against a Springfield, Ohio, truck driver",4 +8,who passes a background check,7 +8, victims defenseless,7 +6,"The bill, S. 744, requires that ""a registered provisional immigrant who is 16 years of age or older shall establish that he or she (i) meets the requirements set forth in section 312; or (ii) is satisfactorily pursuing a course of study, pursuant to standards established by the Secretary of Education, consultation with the Secretary, to achieve an understanding of English and knowledge and understanding of the history and Government of the United States, as described in section 312(a).""",5 +13,Scott said the Legislature answered his calls for a bill,12 +5, the ability to secure competent legal counsel,4 +13,I am ashamed of our Legislature.,12 +13," Terry Mutchler, the state's highest-ranking openly gay official, has found herself biting her lip more than once over comments coming from Gov. Corbett or his administration since he took office in 2011. +",12 +5,Unions lose health cost suit against tobacco,4 +15, 'Their Brutal Mirth',14 +12,and we're just as tired of it as the membership of SAFE.,11 +9,"The condition, also known as PPHN, occurs when the newborn's baby blood is not pumped through the lungs -- the same as it did when the fetus received oxygen from the mother through the placenta. The infant may die without medical help, which could include a heart-lung bypass.",8 +1, Public officials are scrambling to find the millions of dollars it will take to press the case,0 +13,Hogan steps back from harsh comments on Montgomery's handling of alleged rape,12 +13,"All five Democrats voted in favor of the resolution. The council's two Republican members argued that stricter gun laws would not reduce crime, particularly if the rest of the state is under more lenient laws. +",12 +1,"NEW ECONOMY, SO NEW OUTLOOK ON IMMIGRATION",0 +3,Emory link to Methodists in spotlight,2 +12,Gun-toting advocates rally in Lower Merion,11 +5,"Gay marriage fight shifts to federal courts, 2014 set to be tipping-point year",4 +12,supporters of same-sex marriage,11 +10," ""establishes that the single most important factor in the development of a happy, healthy and well-adjusted child is the nurturing relationship between parent and child.""",9 +2,U.S. IMMIGRATION OFFICE BUILDING BIGGER QUARTERS,1 +9,"We do not believe that there is a reason to take any risk that unmarried domestic violence victims will be denied these essential protections,""",8 +9,"the state medical examiner, Dr. Jay Chapman, preserved the requirement that a licensed physician be present to declare the executee dead.",8 +13,Clinton to Attack Sanders in Iowa on Gun Control,12 +5,Man pleads no contest in Wells Fargo killing,4 +12,NRA dumps city over gun ban,11 +5,Gun Rights on The Line,4 +13,"""I expect to definitely support it,"" Hernando County Commission Chairwoman Pat Novy said Monday, noting that Hernando voters approved the statewide amendment by a 3-to-1 ratio. Commissioners Chris Kingsley and Paul Sullivan have said they support the change, yielding the necessary three votes.",12 +13,"Obama directed the executive branch to cease enforcement of the provision, Holder wrote. +",12 +11,But for years the management of the 102-story building has rejected lighting requests by groups representing homosexuals.,10 +7,"Twenty-one people, most working in food service businesses in secure areas at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, were detained Tuesday by federal agents on suspicion of various immigration violations.",6 +10,U.S. Won't Ask Firms to Help Current Smokers Quit,9 +6,A NEW LAW OF COMMITMENTS,5 +13,"State Rep. Wayne Crump, a Democrat and former sheriff's deputy from Potosi, sponsored the amendment, which passed 109-35",12 +11, said at a brief news conference.,10 +12,"Time to take on gun violence, NRA",11 +5,"The state Supreme Court is reviewing that ruling. +",4 +4," But San Francisco officials and civil rights lawyers have argued that the benefits do not equal the legal rights of marriage, both in substance and social recognition.",3 +5,"udges in DeKalb and Houston counties signed orders allowing the executions to proceed,",4 +1,dealers to label guns,0 +11,"Erin Golden and Eileen Counihan knew they were making history by getting married Monday, the day Massachusetts became the first state to grant same-sex marriages.",10 +13,Today The Post continues its look at key issues in the presidential race with a focus on the debate over gun congrol.,12 +10,"New Jersey couples sign up for ""first step'",9 +6,INS PUSHES DEADLINE BACK,5 +5, Lorillard Sued Over Licensing Deal,4 +6, The startling fact to remember when evaluating these competing proposals is that federal judges grant some form of relief in 40 percent of death penalty cases coming before them on habeas corpus review. How can the White House possibly believe that it is necessary to short-circuit and short-change these proceedings when they uncover so much injustice?,5 +6,OVER-THE-COUNTER ANTI-SMOKING AIDS BANNED,5 +3," These monsters who deserve death would be history, and that's a good thing for our society.",2 +6,The second bill would make it more difficult for teenagers to buy cigarettes from vending machines.,5 +10,FIRMS DISCOVER VALUE OF GAY WORKERS< MORE THAN 350 U.S. COMPANIES OFFER BENEFITS TO PARTNERS OF SAME-SEX COUPLES.,9 +13,"Ronald Reagan was back in town yesterday, up to his old -- and a few new -- quips and, while he was at it, making no little news. + +He provoked his George Washington University audience to cheers when he confirmed a published report that he supports the so-called ""Brady bill,"" which would place a seven-day waiting period on handgun sales. He unleashed a few memories with his recollections of that March day 10 years ago when what he called ""a routine public appearance came perilously close to being a very dark chapter in history."" And he lightened the mood considerably with his yarn about coming back to GWU, in whose hospital he nearly died of a gunshot wound to the chest. + +He'd been a little worried, he explained at a convocation conferring on him an honorary doctor of public service degree, when he was told GWU wanted him back. At first, he said, he thought it was for a 10-year checkup, until his doctors in Los Angeles told him there was no such thing. Then he wondered if it had something to do with his hospital bill for the 12 days he spent there in 1981 recovering from the attempt on his life. The idea of 10 years' worth of interest, he said, had him preparing to plead his case: + +""I'd recently lost my job. Before that I was living in public housing for a while. Then I learned I was to be given an honorary degree and that only made matters worse. You see,"" he confided, ""I've been burdened by a sense of guilt because the first degree I received from my alma mater in 1932 was honorary. ... Maybe if I had gone to school without the distraction of football, I would have done well and made something of myself."" +",12 +12,D.C. Voters Counter Bullets With Ballots,11 +11,to combat the powerful images of such stars as John Travolta and Winona Ryder lighting up.,10 +4,FDR: Anti-Semite or friend to Jews?,3 +5,"front of the California Supreme Court, awaiting a ruling on whether their union is legally valid.",4 +5,It is a scene likely to become increasingly familiar in the coming weeks and months as volunteer attorneys and paralegals from the West Palm Beach area join their Miami counterparts in a massive effort to win asylum for Haitian refugees before time runs out.,4 +3,Why Not Encourage Monogamy?,2 +5,HMOS ARE TARGET OF LAWYERS WHO SUED TOBACCO GIANTS,4 +5,"In a dramatic closing statement, Camden County Assistant Prosecutor Gregory Smith told the jury to use common sense to convict Figueroa of both sexual assault and murder.",4 +13,"The Senate voted Thursday to back President George W. Bush's plan to kill the government's gun buyback program, handing a victory to gun-rights forces. + +Senators voted 65-33 against a proposal by Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., to provide $15 million for the program, which was established less than two years ago by former President Bill Clinton. Bush's administration announced last month that it was ending the program, saying there was no proof that it was taking guns from criminals. + +Missouri's two senators, Christopher ""Kit"" Bond, a Republican, and Jean Carnahan, a Democrat, voted to end the buyback. Illinois Sens. Dick Durbin, a Democrat, and Peter Fitzgerald, a Republican, voted to continue the program. +",12 +7,"Terrance Stafford, 49, of Minneapolis was charged with reckless discharge of a firearm for taking a .22-caliber pistol off a display table, loading a loose round into it and firing it at the floor at the show Saturday morning at RiverCentre.",6 +1,Bear Market For Ashtrays And Matches,0 +5,"Joseph Price walked into the St. Paul Police Department earlier this month seeking a permit to purchase handguns. He had done it before, and it was always a simple matter of filling out a form and showing his driver's license.",4 +1,"The result, the companies said, was a ""seriously flawed"" picture of the industry's financial future.",0 +10,at the same time depriving them of basic rights,9 +7,Convicted killer slated to die July 15,6 +5,The Luzerne County District Attorney's Office asked the high court to hear an appeal of that decision.,4 +5,Federal judge considers whether Prop. 8 trial judge may have been biased,4 +6," +GUN BILL'S IMPACT UNCERTAIN IN MINNESOTA, FEWER PEOPLE ARE SEEKING PERMITS THAN EXPECTED",5 +10,"""How many birthdays? How many Christmases? All those normal things that I might have enjoyed with my children and grandchildren, I haven't had those,"" Bogliolo says. + +""Now I'm going to make up for it."" + +With her green card safely in hand, she immediately made reservations to spend five weeks in the UK visiting family and friends. + +Cambrian resident Rickard made her own sacrifices as well. + +",9 +1,tobacco products -- to protect them from being targeted by the tobacco industry,0 +5,The use of tobacco in this country in the coming century will in large measure be determined by what the Supreme Court decides.,4 +9, health insurance rights,8 +5,"Massachusetts was thrust into the epicenter of the gay marriage debate in November when the state's Supreme Judicial Court ruled it was unconstitutional to ban gay couples from marrying, a decision that was reaffirmed last week.",4 +14,Davis' case has attracted international attention,13 +1,POSTINGS: A $21-Billion Mortgage Initiative; Fannie Mae Eases Loans,0 +13,"Representative Nita M. Lowey, a Democrat from Westchester County, N.Y., said, ""This terrible tragedy highlights once again how important it is that we enact meaningful gun-safety legislation.",12 +13,"After the Mayhem, Politics as Usual",12 +4,My Word: Misinformation abounds from the anti-gun crowd,3 +5,"Moreover, since the eventual finding by the appellate court involves the cutting edge of class-action law, and since a ruling favorable to the plaintiffs could set a precedent for other liability suits, the case could subsequently be appealed to the United States Supreme Court, causing more months or years of delay.",4 +7,Death Penalty For Rampage At Fort Hood,6 +4,"""They are not pointing to Mexicans or Chinese,"" he said. ""Why are they pointing to Pakistanis?""",3 +10,"""I'm just happy I quit. The house smells better, the stains are off my fingers and I've saved about 80 bucks,"" he said.",9 +4,Next Civil Rights Landmark,3 +13,"The lineup of speakers read like a who's who of city officials with political ambitions -- from Supervisor Bevan Dufty, the openly gay candidate for mayor, to Dennis J. Herrera, the city attorney and one of Mr. Dufty's likely opponents, to Kamala D. Harris, the Democratic nominee for attorney general.",12 +10,GATEWAY TO THE AMERICAN DREAM,9 +12,Same-sex marriage talk of the PrideFest Attendees are thrilled with the California ruling but don't see it changing Colorado.,11 +7,"The timing of the Columbine massacre, as much as its bizarre circumstances, has determined how this sad story plays into the scheme of national politics.",6 +5,Court prepares for next same-sex marriage cases,4 +7,"But the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, who swooped in while driving unmarked cars, boxed in Sampat on the one-way street as the driver of the car in which he was riding tried to get away, witnesses said.",6 +1,Rise in Cigarette Tax Planned To Finance Care for the Poor,0 +5,"Lawsuit needs 2,000 tobacco farmers to proceed",4 +12,SHARON ARATARI Lawrenceville Could save many Bravo to the guy who is making tobacco harder to get.,11 +3,"CHURCH ACQUITS MINISTER WHO PERFORMED LESBIAN RITE / THE CASE CHALLENGED UNITED METHODIST POLICY ON GAY MARRIAGE. HIS CHURCH POST COULD HAVE BEEN LOST. +",2 +13,But President Barack Obama said his administration is deciding how broadly the decision will be interpreted.,12 +13,Mayor With A Mission,12 +1,Tobacco prices open 5-10 cents above last year,0 +13,Senate crime bill edges forward,12 +4,It's a crapshoot if you're condemned by the government to die and you happen to be innocent -- a crapshoot with tremendously long odds. You may convince some court of your innocence on appeal. Most likely you won't.,3 +8,The news followed a Jan. 25 executive order that widens the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement arrest net - where priority for deportations was previously chiefly for convicted criminals and imminent threats to public safety - to anyone charged with any offense and anyone who ever made a misrepresentation to a government agency.,7 +13,"Obama and his top aides, meanwhile, asked for patience, telling activists in a phone call within hours of the ruling that it will be complicated to figure out how to reinterpret or revise the hundreds of federal agency provisions affecting benefits for gay couples across the country. +",12 +2,Toelke's department has received about 220 renewal applications with more coming in. Two of them have been rejected so far.,1 +7,"Wellons, 41, was sentenced to death by a Cobb County jury three years ago for the 1989 rape and murder of India Roberts, a 15-year-old Campbell High School sophomore.",6 +7,Pakistani pleads guilty to gun violation,6 +7,Go after serious criminals,6 +7,"bdul-Salaam, 26, was convicted of killing a Cumberland County police officer during a robbery attempt in 1994. Witnesses at his trial said he fled as police arrived, but returned and ambushed a New Cumberland policeman while the officer was arresting Abdul-Salaam's accomplice in the attempted robbery. +",6 +5," So wrote Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week in an opinion upholding a federal law that bars convicted domestic violence abusers from possessing firearms. Seven justices, including conservatives Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr., joined the opinion. This is the same Supreme Court that held last year that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms. If the justices can bless such a law, one wonders why Maryland lawmakers cannot follow suit and embrace an equally sensible measure.",4 +12,"Buoyed by wins in other states, California gay marriage activists look to courts -- not ballot box -- for change",11 +11,Execution in Ohio Is First in 36 Years,10 +5,"The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments June 7. The fact that the court decided to consider Bacon's case is prima facie evidence that the justices take the conflict of interest allegations seriously. + +Yet, the conflict of interest allegation is a slender reed for Bacon and other death-row inmates. The high court rejected a similar argument earlier this year, so it may be using Bacon's appeal to settle the issue in North Carolina. Precedent doesn't offer a lot of encouragement for Bacon. In 1988, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals said Virginia's governor at the time could consider clemency in a capital case even though he had served as state attorney general.",4 +6,Chicago suburb bans assault weapons in response to Parkland shooting,5 +11,Tobacco opponents dismayed as teens tap into cigar trend,10 +11,"Brad Pitt contributes $100K to gay marriage efforts, including in Minnesota +",10 +1," +Financier Carl Icahn nominated himself and eight others on Friday for election to the RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp. board, saying his slate would break up the food and tobacco company by spinning off its food holdings. Icahn had signaled his intentions on Thursday when he said he was dissatisfied with RJR Nabisco's plan to spin off its U.S. tobacco operations as a separate company owned by RJR shareholders. His filing of a competing slate of candidates for the RJR board sets up a showdown at the May 12 annual meeting, when shareholders can decide which breakup plan they prefer. Carol Makovich, a spokeswoman for RJR, said the company had no comment on Icahn's filing. RJR Nabisco, which was the target in the biggest and most dramatic takeover battle of the 1980s, owns the nation's second-biggest tobacco company led by the Winston, Salem and Camel cigarette brands. It also owns an 80.6 percent stake in Nabisco Holdings Corp., which is traded separately and is the nation's biggest cookie and cracker maker with brands such as Oreos, Chips Ahoy!, Snackwells and Ritz. Both Icahn and RJR management feel the food company would fare better in the stock market if its ties were severed to the tobacco business, which faces hundreds of lawsuits. But they disagree over how to make the split. In addition to Icahn, his nominees include Jerome Becker, Harold First, Seymour Fliegal, Russell Glass, Martin Hirsch, Robert Mitchell, Felix Pardo and Jack Wasserman. None appears to have any experience in the tobacco industry. Glass and Mitchell work for companies Icahn heads, and they sit with First and Wasserman on another company board chaired by Icahn. Hirsch works for a real estate investment partnership with an address that matches where another Icahn firm is based. Becker is a lawyer, Fliegal is an educational consultant and Pardo is a business executive.",0 +5,have watched the case,4 +7,"Waco cult leader is in possession of illegal firearms, as alleged,",6 +11,"CRIME AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ARE AT DECADES-LONG LOWS, SAYS BARACK OBAMA",10 +7,That means he will be executed Thursday evening,6 +13,White House takes a breather in anti-smoking effort,12 +7,"In at least four cases from 1994 to 1997, Indians paid up to $20,000 each to be smuggled into the United States as members of legitimate groups that performed at schools and cultural festivals, said Holly Kulka, an assistant United States attorney.",6 +11,THE FRONTMAN of the band that watched scores of people get slaughtered inside Paris' Bataclan theater says we need more guns to stop gun violence.,10 +12,The council is a coalition of about a dozen gun-rights groups throughout the state.,11 +7,"""This bill helps keep guns out of the hands of convicted criminals",6 +9,"He now suffers from acute respiratory issues, depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder.",8 +1,Some Campuses Decide Tobacco Company Money Is 'Tainted',0 +14,Global treaty against tobacco goes into effect,13 +7,"Homicide rates in the 1990s have fallen to levels not seen since the 1960s, and about two-thirds of all homicides are committed with guns",6 +5,"But Judge Walker, who will decide the case, dogged Mr. Cooper for hard evidence of that claim, noting that there are no rules prohibiting marriage between people who cannot have children. + +Over the course of several hours, Judge Walker also sharply questioned the qualifications of one of Mr. Cooper's witnesses and his assertion that marriage ''serves a societal purpose that is equally ubiquitous.'' + +At one point, Judge Walker wondered at Mr. Cooper's logic. ''Do people get married to benefit the community?'' he asked. ''When one enters into a marriage, you don't say, 'Oh boy, I'm going to benefit society!' '' +",4 +11,Texas gun-rights activist slammmed for graphic film portraying shooting of a student protester,10 +10,livelihood.,9 +5,Associate Judge J. Lawrence Keshner handed down the sentence in a brief hearing in Edwardsville Wednesday.,4 +14,But the administration's move appeared to signal a further hardening of relations with Cuba by effectively shutting down one of its few avenues for regular communication with the Marxist government. The United States cut off diplomatic and trade relations with Cuba in the early 1960's.,13 +7,"The agent, 39-year-old Nicholas Corbett of Sierra Vista, Ariz., shot Francisco Javier Dominguez Rivera, 22, while taking him into custody on Jan. 12, shortly after Mr. Dominguez Rivera and three family members crossed illegally into Cochise County in southeastern Arizona.",6 +13,"The fate of the assault-weapons ban lies with President Bush. During the 2000 campaign, Mr. Bush made a rare break with the N.R.A. to endorse the ban's renewal.",12 +13,"The administration's decision to launch the raids has reopened old wounds between the White House and many Latino communities, and it has compromised the president's efforts to create an election-year contrast with Republicans on immigration.",12 +6,NASSAU POLS PROPOSE GAY COUPLES REGISTRY,5 +10,Central prison has new death row,9 +7,"make guns unlawful under penalty of death,''",6 +13,Those advocates could therefore decide to reject any package of more modest measures that would come out of the committee as too paltry.,12 +12," thus demonstrating widespread public disapproval of court rulings in favor of gay couples. National and local gay-rights groups campaigned vigorously in Oregon, where polls had showed a close race, but they failed to prevent a sweep.",11 +12,Voters endorse social-issue firsts,11 +5,"Citing Risk of Missteps, Judges Set Hurdles for Lethal Injection",4 +12," +Editorial: Is the NRA running out of ammo?",11 +5, Same-sex marriage is legal in Pennsylvania,4 +13, Washington politicians,12 +6,"There is nothing unreasonable about Colorado colleges and universities being able to ban guns on campus, but new state legislation that would give schools the power to do so assuredly will ignite controversy.",5 +3," I was sensitive to the fact that for a lot of people the word 'marriage' was something that invokes very powerful traditions, religious beliefs and so forth,",2 +1, 15 old factories from demolition or inappropriate redevelopment,0 +6,BLANKETY-BLANK GUN LAW,5 +6,Brady bill's 15-day waiting period,5 +13,1993 LEGISLATURE Witnesses pack Senate hearing on gun bill,12 +10,The freedom to choose a spouse,9 +13,"The state legislature defeated a similar initiative last session, and supporters will push for it again next year.",12 +13,House targets illegal entries,12 +13,"The vote on the bill, which is expected to reach the Senate floor next week, looks like it will be very close.",12 +5,"Simon said that around noon Friday, he was leafing through a ""yard-high"" stack of legal papers when he came across an affidavit purportedly given by Wishon on March 28, 1984, nearly 10 months after he was sentenced.",4 +13,MITT ROMNEY spoke at a controversial Christian university Saturday to make a bid for evangelical voters - and touted his conservative credentials by slamming same-sex marriage.,12 +11,"""Every day there's been an interview,"" ",10 +1," +Study shows financial gains if immigrants can work legally",0 +9,"Six days later, as Pozos and the others confronted life and death in the Arizona desert, they looked down at Coyote, lying unconscious in the sand. With temperatures over 105 degrees, Pozos said, there was only one thing to do -- walk on and leave the man for dead.",8 +5,Gay Marriage Is Ruled Legal In Connecticut,4 +6,"Create a Minnesota Illegal Immigration Enforcement Team. Pawlenty will seek funding from the Legislature, but if that fails he could do this with existing budget and officers.",5 +1," +Their businesses have always been blessed by the close presence of gun dealers in neighboring Maryland and Virginia.",0 +1," The target range behind Colosimo's was acquired by new owners who also want to sell weapons at their establishment, called the Gun Range.",0 +1," B.A.T. Industries' American Tobacco and Brown & Williamson, as well as American Brands, Loews unit Lorillard, Philip Morris, RJR Nabisco, Brooke Group, the Council for Tobacco Research-USA and the Tobacco Institute.",0 +13,"Democrats say that's a GOP strategy to control the publicity on gun issues. Limiting the debate, they say, limits the political pain felt by Republicans who vote against the gun-control measures of their fellow Republican, Gov. Bill Owens. + +'They know their people are uncomfortable with it,' said Senate Minority Leader Mike Feeley, D-Lakewood. 'It's to protect their people who are going to vote contrary to the governor.' + +Senate President Ray Powers, R-Colorado Springs, says the scheduling isn't political, just practical. + +'I'm saying let's do it and be done with it,' Powers said. 'This issue is important. Let's get it addressed and move on.' + +The hearings will occur the week after next. The Senate is to go first on Jan. 24 and the House is to hear them Jan. 27. + +That will make for some long meetings. House Judiciary Chairman Bill Kaufman, R-Loveland, says the Jan. 27 meeting will start around noon, and the 10 bills could take until after midnight. They'll work through lunch and maybe even dinner. + +Kaufman agrees that the timing is not political. He said it squares with the desire of Powers and House Speaker Russ George to finish the gun debate by mid-February.",12 +13,"The resolution is expected to be approved when it is put before the 40 members of the Commission on Monday, delegates said.",12 +7,POSSESSION EQUALS DEPORTATION,6 +13,2 Senior Republican Lawmakers Buck Party to Oppose Effort to Bar Education of Illegal Aliens,12 +7, against the death penalty.,6 +7, criminals ,6 +5,Rules for tobacco claims urged,4 +13,The approved amendment is an exercise in fantasy.,12 +5,"With this Court's mandate in effect, Utah is constitutionally required to recognize the marriages of the same-sex couples who were plaintiffs in this action. Therefore, the State of Utah's appeal of the district court's order of preliminary injunction requiring such recognition, as the law stands today, is moot.",4 +8,"Bush orders student visa crackdown; Task force to track, prevent terrorists from getting in U.S.",7 +5,"bills were introduced in both houses of Congress to define ""marriage"" in federal law as a ""legal union between one man and one woman.""",4 +6,"The Legislature is considering bills to change death penalty procedures, including a ban on executing mentally retarded inmates. The measures are supported by the North Carolina Bar Association, the state's largest lawyers' group.",5 +2,Immigration Remains a Great U.S. Resource,1 +5,"""This is not about illegal immigration. It's about due process,'' Riopedre said.",4 +7,Firearms are used in only 8 percent of all violent crimes as cited by the Department of Justice,6 +7,Immigration and Naturalization Service agents arrested Al-Najjar Saturday outside his Tampa apartment after a federal appeals court in Atlanta affirmed his deportation order on Nov. 13.,6 +12,The NRA's descent into crackpottery continues,11 +13,THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE REJECTED A CALL FOR A SPECIAL SESSION ON STAND YOUR GROUND. HERE'S HOW TAMPA BAY LAW-MAKERS VOTED.,12 +13,lobbying,12 +13,President Would Sign Legislation Striking at Homosexual Marriages,12 +4,DA's office taken off murder case A judge rules that Carol Chambers' office has a conflict of interest in a death penalty case involving inmates.,3 +5,"Though he repeatedly has refused to testify against co-defendant Anthony Spann for more than two years, Philmore had a change of heart 10 days ago.",4 +12, a new Field Poll says more California voters oppose Proposition 8 than favor it.,11 +13,BILL TO BAN SAME-SEX MARRIAGES IS VOTED OUT OF COMMITTEE,12 +5,EXILES OFFERING SPONSORSHIP TO CUBAN DETAINEES,4 +11,"The will of the people aside, knowing that more than 10 percent of Mexico now lives in the United States and that more than 40 percent of the 100 million-plus citizens remaining there have made it clear in polls they would ""migrate"" to ""El Norte"" if possible, it is difficult to present a reasonable argument for not securing American borders. +",10 +9,horror stories about kids getting caught in the crossfire,8 +11," +It is really too bad when the only major newspaper in St. Louis can't tell the truth about guns and gun laws in its editorials. I guess that telling the truth would get in the way of the paper's desire to get rid of all guns, no matter what the reason or method.",10 +10,"Having fallen in love at first sight at a disco dance lesson and spent 19 inseparable years from that very moment, Joseph Melillo and Patrick Lagon tend to believe in kismet.",9 +13, President Clinton will witness an example of tobacco's influence in North Carolina when he raps about the dangers of smoking with teen-agers at a Charlotte health clinic today.,12 +11,"Not a single county agency has 1 full percent of employees taking domestic partner benefits, according to the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council.",10 +9,"''We have seen more changes in lethal injection protocols in the last five years than we have seen in the last three decades,''",8 +13,"The Clinton campaign said in a statement previewing the Saturday rally: ""As President Obama stated last month, Americans should vote based on a candidate's record and willingness to take on the gun lobby.",12 +5, and new legal interpretations has come down to this,4 +13," said Muriel Bowser (Ward 4), the Democratic nominee for mayor. +",12 +12,ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS' MESSAGE IN A BOYCOTT Saying bye-buy for a week,11 +13,"Fence-sitters caught in the cross fire / White House, NRA do battle for votes",12 +10,"'Swatting' Prank Sends Police to Home of David Hogg, Parkland Survivor",9 +15,Smoke in the water,14 +9,Snows Claim Another Life Along Border With Mexico,8 +7,"Previous reports have helped D.C. police expand Operation Ceasefire, a combination of aggressive law enforcement and prosecution efforts aimed at recovering illegal handguns. The ATF also has spearheaded Operation Barricade, which targets gun traffickers entering the District from other jurisdictions.",6 +1,LICENSE SALES SLUGGISH,0 +12,"I object to the conclusion ""that the gun control movement . . . seems to have fallen farther behind."" + +Those of us in the movement are convinced that we will prevail. As poll after poll has indicated, Americans overwhelmingly support sensible gun policies. +",11 +13,It looks like Democrats have been watching those televised Cabinet meetings where agency heads take turns praising President Trump,12 +13,"Majority Leader Bonnie Watson Coleman (D., Mercer), who guided the bills through the Assembly, called them ""triage"" for a gang violence epidemic that involves an estimated 17,000 members and was responsible for 1,900 criminal cases last year.",12 +9,Keeping Children And Guns Apart,8 +7,"Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Laws On Gun Control +",6 +6,Reentering the U.S.: A Better Way?,5 +11,YET WE CONTINUE TO PRINT YOUR LETTERS,10 +10,Protection of the children is an excellent choice to separate logical discussion from this issue.,9 +5,"The state, the lawsuit says, keeps gay and lesbian couples from tax, health-care, educational and inheritance benefits given to married couples. + +""The suit says: 'We're fed up with paying first-class taxes and being second-class citizens,' "" said Buckel, who added that the plaintiffs sought a civil right, not a religious distinction.",4 +10, saying it will improve the lives of relatives who could have been separated for years without the changes.,9 +13,"Mrs. Clinton does not. The death penalty has her ""unenthusiastic support,"" she recently said.",12 +5,"The right to marry, regardless",4 +13,"Cedillo later picked up a vote from Sen. Tom Hayden, a liberal Santa Monica Democrat, after he arrived late at the hearing. But frenetic attempts to persuade at least one senator to change his or her ""no"" vote failed, and the committee adjourned late Tuesday.",12 +9,But several things are different this time. The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed that tobacco products aren't just a threat to people who choose to use them. Secondhand smoke also causes health problems for nonsmokers exposed to it.,8 +1, when funding for the Department of Homeland Security is set to expire,0 +5,With only a month before same-sex marriages are to become legal in Massachusetts,4 +5,"Georgia, Utah and Indiana are also defending new immigration laws in federal court. The Obama administration successfully sued to block Arizona's law last year",4 +7,Flynt argued he had an interest because he was one of the victims of the white supremacist Joseph Paul Franklin. ,6 +7,Until the Next School Shootings,6 +5,Muhammad's Lawyers Cite Letters by Malvo,4 +9,"But when a wacko drunken driver uses it to kill an innocent child, ",8 +4,"An Alabama Mall Shooting, a Black Man's Death, and a Debate Over Race and Guns",3 +5,Minnesota's lawsuit was settled,4 +1,FINANCIER OFFERS $50 MILLION TO AID IMMIGRANTS,0 +13,"Since Obama announced on Wednesday his shift on the issue in an interview with ABC News' Robin Roberts, his campaign has highlighted his position on gay rights while charging that Romney would further restrict rights for same-sex couples. Although Obama endorsed gay marriage, he told Roberts that the issue should be a matter for each state to decide individually.",12 +5,"Hopefully, Florida law and the state constitution will soon recognize marriage equality. Last year's court ruling on DOMA was an important step, but a patchwork of laws exists on the state level.""",4 +8,"After Florida School Shooting, Russian 'Bot' Army Pounced",7 +11,RECORD NUMBER ASK GUN PERMITS IN NEW YORK CITY,10 +5," +Couple Sues Fairfax, Says Privacy Violated",4 +7,"usan Smith's stepfather, who long ago admitted sexually molesting her, testified at her murder trial yesterday that he bears some of the guilt for her drowning her two young sons. +",6 +11,"Those of us who grew up with and around tobacco, however, who rubbed shoulders almost daily with men and women who owed their college education to income from the sale of the family crop, understood far better than most what the crop had meant. We understood the obligation to ease the transition from economic dependence on the crop. + +So much of that is fast becoming history.",10 +13,"Cases like this one should serve as a warning to Congress that it must put the brakes on proposed legislation that would grant gun dealers broad immunity from most civil lawsuits. If Congress approves the measure, President George W. Bush is likely to sign it, given his flip-flop on the federal assault weapons ban. Republicans allowed that ban to expire last September with hardly a peep from Mr. Bush.",12 +13, governors,12 +13,"Republican leaders to cope, in bright daylight, with something they'd rather handle discreetly: the balance between placating their conservative base and attracting centrist voters crucial in presidential elections. +",12 +5,Pa. working against towns and cities fighting gun violence,4 +5,"A witness testified earlier that for years she bought 900 cartons of untaxed cigarettes daily at the reservation in Mastic, L.I., for resale to street sellers and bodegas.",4 +10,An empty seat for slain vics,9 +3,Where is the outrage?,2 +1,"Florida executive Franklin W. Brooks seized the moment to sell 150,000 shares of his company's suddenly more valuable stock.",0 +5,A federal appeals court on Thursday ruled that gay Americans are a class of people who deserve the same kinds of constitutional protections as many other victims of discrimination.,4 +5, and Attorney General Pam Bondi,4 +9,"Here is a look at what some of those children had to say, in their own words: +",8 +5,"San Francisco U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White is set to hear Golinski's case in mid-December, pushing it near the front of the line in lawsuits around the country challenging DOMA. And, significantly, the Obama administration, which has abandoned defense of the law, will appear in court to side with Golinski.",4 +5,The Journal-Constitution continues to impress me with the depth of coverage it provides to both sides of the Second Amendment debate on gun ownership. Reading the articles does raise some questions about the motives of the groups that would ban guns.,4 +12,Local moms join 'Million Mom March',11 +9,the bloodshed demands action.,8 +13,Task Force Appointed to Look at Florida Gun Laws,12 +7,No death sentence for home-invasion killer,6 +7,Illinois counties declare 'sanctuary' status for gun owners,6 +13,A look back at events leading to Senate vote,12 +5,"But because the Supreme Court in Washington did not interpret the federal constitution to require this so-called proportionality review, Twist contends Florida shouldn't be doing it. Never mind that the Florida Supreme Court ruled unanimously last year that Florida's constitution requires it.",4 +1,"""In order to get the $ 368 billion,"" Maryland Attorney General Joseph Curran told the Wall Street Journal, ""we need to keep people smoking. This is a real paradox.""",0 +11,We all share the American dream,10 +10,"I once read somewhere that each cigarette you smoke can shorten your life expectancy by as much as seven minutes. I'm 30 now and I've been a pack-a-day smoker for roughly eight years. You do the math. . . . I've got more pressing matters to attend to. Like taking an elevator down to the ground floor of this office building, pacing and puffing with the other nicotine-addicted employees here who've been banished to the street, and pondering the questions: ""Why do I smoke?"" and ""Why don't I stop?""",9 +5,"It took the jury of seven men and five women just over two hours to find Frazier Glenn Miller guilty of one count of capital murder, three counts of attempted murder and assault and weapons charges.",4 +10,HIZZONER VOWS HE'LL HONOR GAY MARRIAGE,9 +8,Anti-terror bills zoom down pike,7 +13,"Brown has aired provocative television ads featuring an assault rifle resting against a swing set to highlight Hogan's opposition to a sweeping gun-control bill passed by the legislature last year. Hogan, meanwhile, has sought to downplay the importance of the issue, pledging that he wouldn't seek to overturn the year-old law and accusing Brown of trying to scare voters on an issue not central to the campaign.",12 +10,MURDERER'S EX-GIRLFRIEND ASKS DEATH PENALTY NOT BE IMPOSED,9 +4,Newspaper columnists and blogs would debate whether he was merely celebrating with his team or dissing his opponents in an unsportsmanlike manner. Some writers would wonder if Red was being treated more kindly than Chad Johnson because Red is white and Johnson is black.,3 +6,City workers won't be able to take smoke breaks during work or even step outside City Hall for a cigarette during lunch,5 +11,Death Penalty Leaves Boston Unsure of Itself,10 +1,"Six years later, man is hounded out of his job.",0 +5," But he has declared a moratorium on executions, and death penalty foes are more heartened than they have been since the Supreme Court restored capital punishment in 1976.",4 +9,"Both long-term smokers and long-term problem drinkers had lower IQ scores and lower scores on proficiency tests that measured short-term memory and verbal and math reasoning. Smoking, the researchers found, predicted poor proficiency test results even more strongly than alcoholism did.",8 +6,Conflicting immigration bills could mean no action this year,5 +10,"Keisha LeCroy, the widow of the slain trooper called the decision ""bittersweet.""",9 +12,Gay groups applaud newspaper for wedding notice,11 +5,Imprudent counsel,4 +12,Under pressure from residents,11 +9,and mental health,8 +10,"Many immigrants - especially Latinas - are navigating the same murky waters. Like Estevez, they come here to find better lives and instead meet up with homesickness, confusion and deprivation.",9 +13,""" Lieberman said. ""The bill we are introducing today would write both of those principles into law.""",12 +4,Justice for Gays,3 +7,Two killers get execution dates for same week,6 +1,"Lester told lawmakers Thursday as he released a preliminary examination and launched a more complete audit. +",0 +7,"Hall, 24, of Philadelphia, was convicted and sentenced a year ago for the murder of Donald R. Johnson during a botched robbery on Dec. 18, 1993, at the Coatesville coin-operated laundry Johnson managed.",6 +14,Cuban Official Criticizes Lag By the U.S. in Issuing Visas,13 +6,A better way to address immigration problems,5 +5," +N.J. Supreme Court rebuffs gay-marriage case",4 +12,PARENTS FORCE PTA TO REVISIT GAY-VOWS STAND,11 +7,New York Dealers Are Prominent on Court Case's List of Guns Tied to Crime,6 +5," it strikes a balance between the Second Amendment, which guarantees the right to bear arms, and personal property rights",4 +6,"""Background checks have nothing to do with taking guns away from anyone."" The man then says closing loopholes will stop criminals and the mentally ill from obtaining weapons. +",5 +13,Cruz at home on the (gun) range in Iowa,12 +5,"The Ulster County District Attorney, Michael Kavanagh, had promised a reduced sentence if Mr. Whitehurst led the authorities to the child, but he later threw out the deal and said he would seek the death penalty.",4 +7,"The gun that Ferri used to slaughter eight people at 101 California St. was ""designed to be spray-fired from the hip . . . marketed as an 'assault-type pistol,' """,6 +13,BEATING AROUND BUSH ON GUNS,12 +13,"BALTIMORE - Mayor Bloomberg, who is leading a national crusade against illegal guns, said yesterday he's a member of the National Rifle Association - well, sort of.",12 +9,it will do little to improve public health.,8 +3, including churches,2 +13," +ILLINOIS MORATORIUM REOPENS DEBATE",12 +5,The first argument would be that the constitutional amendment was not intended to apply retroactively to same-sex marriages. But it is hard to see how this case would be made.,4 +13,"A rural Virginia congressman has proposed a one-sentence amendment to pending gun control legislation in the House that would repeal the District's ban on handgun ownership, gutting the city's 23-year-old gun laws.",12 +13,Florida Expands Right to Use Deadly Force in Self-Defense,12 +5,Georgia law challenged,4 +13,San Francisco's Tobacco Stand,12 +13," The terms of those members would run concurrently with the governor's term, giving the governor essential control of who goes on the bench.",12 +3,Senate passes bill allowing firearms in churches,2 +5,"''The city of New York is home to eight million people, many of them immigrants and some of them, frankly, undocumented,'' said Mr. Monserrate, who plans to introduce legislation tomorrow to create the ID card. ''Some of them have been residents of the city for many years, and to give them a basic ID card that's valid within the city limits only makes sense for our municipality.''",4 +7,"``It's bothersome that you can smoke after you're convicted, but not before you're convicted,'' said Angelico, who served time in a federal prison where he was allowed to puff away to his heart's content.",6 +13, John McCain is bringing his maverick appeal to the Colorado campaign to close the so-called gun-show loophole.,12 +11,to those younger than 18,10 +11,Rush to guns in Newtown Permits surged before tough new laws,10 +3,"One of the protesters on behalf of gay marriage, Rabbi Stacy Offner of Minneapolis' Temple Shir Tikvah, told the crowd on the steps of the Capitol the other day, ""We have faith that love is stronger than hatred.""",2 +5,State loses appeal to put killer back on death row,4 +11,The Immigration Spring,10 +5,"acy has said his office has not decided whether to try the bombing defendants separately. He did not say when the charges would be filed. + +",4 +13,Veto urged on smoking ban,12 +7,STATE EXECUTES KILLER OF TWO,6 +1,"$5, $10, $15, $20 checks,",0 +13,"Casey, who will seek his third Senate term next year",12 +11,Covering gay marriage - or not,10 +13,"The governor is reviewing it, his staff said. +",12 +11,Now Portland Is Gay-Marriage Capital,10 +11,Festival doubles as reunion,10 +10,As grieving relatives of James Byrd Jr. planned his funeral ,9 +13,"Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., is a top candidate for an arm-twisting.",12 +5,Pennsylvania Supreme Court upholds death penalty in shooting of Newtown officer,4 +9,number of suicides dropped by 23 percent.,8 +13,The NRA has publicly attacked Bloomberg for pushing the federal government to make more gun-tracing information available and for suing gun stores known for selling firearms used in city crimes.,12 +4,Don't Make Tobacco Addiction a Civil Right,3 +8,"More sanity, more security",7 +13,"But both proposals face increasingly diminished odds of being heard any further in the Senate, which makes it unlikely they'll become law this year.",12 +2,Denial of DNA Testing,1 +1,"""The problem here is not that there's a little bit of evasion going on. There's a huge amount of evasion. We're talking about massive evasion costing the state over $ 100 million a year,"" says Koppell. +",0 +8,a terrorist threat while North worked in the Reagan administration.,7 +5,"The jury was to have begun hearing testimony today about whether McKinney should face the death penalty or life in prison. Instead, he accepted a deal that his lawyers had proposed to prosecutors Wednesday. +",4 +5,"It seems more likely that the justices want to hear from other courts - there are similar challenges to state same-sex marriage bans pending around the country. The court will likely have more judicial input if it delays the issue until the term that begins in October. +",4 +5,HANDGUN PURCHASING REQUIREMENT IS UPSETTS VETERANS,4 +12,Md. Rally Protests Nearing Execution,11 +5,"California, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia have domestic-partnership laws that extend many of the benefits of marriage to same-sex couples. Hawaii and Maine have more limited laws on spousal rights for same-sex couples.",4 +12,"he had the support of nearly three-fifths of the country, according to multiple polls.",11 +5,"There is also the suggestion in the Chief Justice's remarks that defense lawyers make frivolous arguments simply to slow executions. Aside from the fact that it is quite impossible to delay a death sentence 10 years with frivolous arguments, lawyers who make them act unethically and may be sanctioned. How remarkable, then, that so far as I know no capital defense lawyer has been disciplined for such conduct. Finally, the Chief Justice's criticism is dangerous.",4 +13,"Before a packed room and over objections from Democratic-Farmer-Labor lawmakers, the Rules and Administration Committee approved the Republican-backed proposal Friday on a divided voice vote.",12 +13,Cheney rejects papal plea for McVeigh's life,12 +13,"Stokes received 1,681 votes to 781 cast for his opponent, Newark detective Tom Possumato, who opposed the high-profile stance the FOP has taken on gun control under Stokes.",12 +9,"At Shooting Sports, the building smelled as if it were on fire, and all 15 people in my class were herded into a tiny room off in the corner where our instructor put the fear of God in us before we even got into the gun range.",8 +7,"GIVE US MORE GUNS, WE'LL HAVE LESS CRIME +",6 +14,"NEW OPENING TO CUBA, NOT OPEN DOOR TO U.S.",13 +13,Republican presidential hopeful Sam Brownback posits a strong correlation,12 +6,which would ban 19 types of military-style weapons and their look-alikes,5 +4,because of his concerns about flaws in the death penalty system.,3 +13,Md. Panel Approves Suspending Executions,12 +13,"Suddenly, it's conservative to be progressive",12 +11,"Americans -- a people of immigrants -- should know the wrongness of these actions more profoundly than any other country. The Statue of Liberty's inscription, the words of our own Constitution and longstanding practices from our best hours as a bulwark of freedom should remind us why.",10 +13,"Immigration a wedge between Obama, Romney",12 +12,"The organizations also plan to stage rallies at congressional town hall meetings across the country in much the same way tea party activists mounted opposition in 2009 to Obama's health-care overhaul. +",11 +11,Role of Mexican Immigrants,10 +6,SUIT: SMOKE BAN ASH-BACKWARD,5 +9,"""Your right to smoke ends when the smoke goes up my nose,"" ",8 +12,Schools want consistent anti-smoking message,11 +12,"Gun owners support a wide range of gun control measures, Johns Hopkins study finds",11 +13,Broun misfires on U.N. gun claim,12 +5,a bill outlawing municipal suits against them.,4 +13,"Local control, not a gun fight",12 +1,A Gay Couple's Tax Predicament,0 +13,"But I'll say this in its favor: It takes conventional labels such as ""liberal"" and ""conservative"" and puts them where they belong - in the shredder.",12 +1," +RJR stock even rose 1/4 to $ 5 1/2 Wednesday. But it's still down more than 30% since Philip Morris started a cigarette price war in April. Bond traders, who would have welcomed an influx of cash from the deal, pushed the price of RJR bonds down.",0 +15,CHRONICLE,14 +5,Tokars was an assistant district attorney in neighboring Fulton County before going into private practice.,4 +5,"Beetem disagreed with the agency, saying state law only protects the people who administer lethal chemicals and medical personnel who ""provide direct support for the administration of lethal gas or lethal chemicals.""",4 +5,The county joins Phoenix and California in implementing a ban on smoking in bars and restaurants.,4 +13,"Until this week, Democrats had considered moving the gun-control proposals in separate bills. +",12 +5," The state Supreme Court said yesterday that it was leaving a case involving the legality of same-sex marriages with an appeals court and directed that the scheduling of the case before a three-judge appellate panel be speeded up. +",4 +13,"In a race that proved decisive in enabling Republicans to retain control of the Senate, Republican Glen H. Sturtevant won the 10th District seat after benefiting from a huge turnout in conservative Powhatan County, which analysts attributed in part to the gun issue.",12 +10,The most cost-effective way to change behavior is to make life unbearable under present behavior.,9 +10,"I pass this spot every day. It's a nexus between two lives, shuttling people to family, businesses and dreams on the other side of the border. +",9 +9, health field,8 +1,"Windsor's fight against the $363,000 federal estate tax bill she received after Spyer's death led to the Supreme Court's landmark decision last month that ordered federal recognition of gay marriage.",0 +13,Mayor Bloomberg slammed President Bush's call for a constitutional ban on gay marriage yesterday - but still refused to say whether he supports same-sex weddings.,12 +6,"The proposal, written as a bill for the D.C. Council's consideration, comes as city officials are moving to change gun regulations",5 +13,"Bravo for calling on New Jersey's governor, Jon S. Corzine, to honor his promise to grant same-sex couples the right to marry.",12 +10,"''I didn't realize this could potentially be an issue, that we couldn't divorce when we wanted to,'' Mr. Cardinal said. ''That was really upsetting.'' +",9 +13,Glendening Outlines Gun-Control Agenda,12 +5,An appeals judge Thursday blocked the release of an immigrant accused of threatening Attorney General Janet Reno. The decision came a day after another judge ordered him freed immediately because the government violated his constitutional rights.,4 +13,"Anti-gun pols get Gabby $ +",12 +11,"""castle doctrine,"" after a concept in English common law",10 +13,"Mr. Hyde last week told the executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, a national police union that is against the proposal, that he would ""oppose the measure and vote against it,"" said the union official, James O. Pasco Jr. When asked this week about his personal position, Mr. Hyde smiled and looked away without commenting.",12 +12,"The shooting created an outcry that a Stand Your Ground law just encouraged needless bloodshed like this. +",11 +15,I'm Not What You Might Think,14 +3,"At gun show, don't look for apologies over massacre",2 +9,"Julius Richmond, under whose supervision the 15th anniversary edition of the surgeon general's report on smoking was produced in 1979",8 +9,the Minnesota Department of Health,8 +13,"The most recently departed friend cited by the newsletter is former Del. Carmen Amedori (R-Carroll), whom Ehrlich named to the Maryland Parole Commission.",12 +7," +Martin, 17, was shot to death by Florida neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who pleaded not guilty to murder charges while insisting that he fired in self-defense.",6 +13,Md. Votes Built-In Locks for Handguns,12 +5,after a federal judge in New York certified a nationwide class-action lawsuit against them,4 +13,"DUANE: DOV, SHUDDUP ON SEX",12 +11,"By the numbers, in fact, the 2000s were the least bad decade for American family stability since the fabled 1950s. +",10 +15," +Elian: A Way Out",14 +5,"A gun store owner and a national gun industry trade group have sued to block enforcement of parts of Sunnyvale's new gun control ordinance, claiming that it clashes with state and federal laws and tramples on constitutional rights.",4 +5,"By pleading guilty without a plea bargain, Worthington placed his fate in the hands of Nichols. It was up to her to sentence him to life in prison without parole or death.",4 +1,"Dick's Sporting Goods chain said that ""out of respect for the victims and their families"" it was suspending the sale of some rifles nationwide, as well as halting gun sales and displays in its store nearest to Newtown, Conn., where the shootings occurred.",0 +13,House Approves Bill Making Travel Easier for Gun Owners,12 +11,No group is less supportive of the NRA's policies than black Americans,10 +5, referring to the right to bear arms.,4 +9,WOMEN ON NICOTINE GUM CONTROL WEIGHT,8 +11,Our violent past was not so wonderful,10 +9,crack down on tobacco as a means of reducing serious illnesses and premature deaths.,8 +13,"But because Mr. Warner, a Democrat barred by law from a consecutive term, is considering a run for president in 2008, his actions are being scrutinized for political motives. Critics say those are clear.",12 +1,"Restaurants adapting to smoking ban In Kirkwood, most owners say the ordinance hasn't been a burden. +",0 +5,Federal appeals court strikes down Oklahoma's gay-marriage ban,4 +14,Follow Australia's example and ban assault weapons,13 +13,"'In this session, we will not be focusing on liberalizing laws in areas like carrying concealed weapons and other areas,' Dean said. 'This session we'll focus on making sure we prosecute felons and other people who shouldn't have guns.' +",12 +5," +""We thought the case was really strong. This jury confirmed that for us,"" said Prince George's County State's Attorney Jack B. Johnson.",4 +12,RALLY TO OPPOSE GUN PERMIT LAW,11 +5,", the approaching millennium is apparently fueling an increase in applications for permits to carry concealed handguns in Georgia.",4 +5,"Martin violated a court order by e-mailing trial transcripts to seven witnesses -- all current and former federal aviation employees -- and coaching them on their upcoming testimony, court papers say. She also shared the e-mails among the witnesses.",4 +5,"After 17 years of appeals, inmate on death row raising final issue",4 +5,"Lawyers Scrambling to Prepare for Capital Cases +",4 +5," As a self-proclaimed expert on constitutional law, he seems to ignore the fact that the reason for the Second Amendment has nothing to do with sport shooting. +",4 +5,"That's in dispute in both cases for a basic reason: The defendants -- California and the United States -- are on the same side as the plaintiffs. Both have refused to defend the laws under siege. + +The question of legal standing is particularly dicey in Edith Windsor's challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which comes to the court Wednesday. Because the 1996 law denies benefits to married same-sex spouses, she sued Uncle Sam. +",4 +9," +La Rumorosa Journal; To Risk Death in the Desert: An Inalienable Right? +",8 +6,"NO SIMPLE ANSWER TO GUN VIOLENCE +",5 +11,"Katherine Jacobs came to yesterday's grand opening of he American Family Immigration History Center on Ellis Island seeking to find out more about her grandfather's journey to America. + +She knew his name - John Siaflas - and she knew that he made the trip sometime in the early 1900s, but not much else.",10 +1,Addicted to Cigarette Revenue,0 +13,"Ted Cruz Mines Donald Trump's Twitter Feed for Policy Shifts +",12 +6, Some had even forgotten they existed.,5 +13,Trump gives NRA a bear hug in fiery speech,12 +11,Latino Who Will Chair Board Is Described as a 'Unique and Needed Voice',10 +8,require background checks of would-be gun purchasers at gun shows.,7 +1,"The report --- released by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Lung Association and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation --- concluded that most states had failed to use a significant portion of their tobacco money to fund tobacco-control programs.",0 +8,"The banned guns had military characteristics: threaded barrels for silencers, flash suppressors and pistol grips. +",7 +13,"While President Bush has expressed support for legislation extending the ban and has said he would sign it into law, he has not pressured lawmakers to act, leading critics to accuse him of trying to have it both ways. +",12 +5, but it was the attorney general's office that called the shots,4 +7,WEST PALM POLICE AGREE TO MOVE GUNS,6 +13, the position of the Legislative Black Caucus appeared to be splintering over the divisive issue.,12 +3,"POPE LIKELY TO TARGET HISPANICS, URGE COMPASSION FOR IMMIGRANTS",2 +13,"despite the president's role in repealing ""Don't Ask Don't Tell,""",12 +7,"Death warrants signed for 2 inmates +",6 +3,Many Americans view homosexuality as immoral and contrary to God's law.,2 +15,"Hypocrisy, Locked and Loaded",14 +13,"The New Jersey Senate voted on Thursday to override Gov. Chris Christie's veto of a gun control bill, the first time state lawmakers had mustered enough votes in more than 50 attempts at undoing one of his vetoes.",12 +13,"""We are very seriously looking at the appropriate language for such an amendment,"" said Rep. Mark Gundrum, R-New Berlin. +",12 +13,Goodlatte not sold on Senate immigration plan,12 +5," +Roof's plea deal with state prosecutors, who also had been pursuing the death penalty, came in exchange for a life prison sentence on the state charges.",4 +7,"The government's four-year effort to deport Keyse Jama, a Somali national from Minnesota, has taken an unexpected U-turn after authorities in his homeland refused to admit him.",6 +12,MARRIAGE AMENDMENT BACKERS START CAMPAIGN,11 +7,A Florida Atlantic University business professor was arrested Friday and charged with alien smuggling and passport fraud after he allegedly brought a teenage boy from Honduras into the United States for sexual purposes.,6 +6,"After that decision, the D.C. government repeatedly demonstrated that it intended to do as much as possible to defy the ruling. For example, the District first claimed that city residents could exercise their constitutional right to self-defense, but only as long as their firearms were kept unloaded and disabled until the moment they confronted an attacker. Subsequent city actions have not been much better.",5 +7,That most guns used in crimes,6 +8,"After Boston, immigration-reform advocates see added urgency",7 +5,"After Virginia's attorney general, Mark R. Herring, in January joined a lawsuit to have his state's same-sex marriage ban struck down, furious Republicans in the State Legislature explored whether to defend the law on their own. +",4 +1," +There was the $1,500 to change their surnames, for instance, the $1,400 or so in taxes they paid annually for additional health benefits, and the $1,000 they spent so one could adopt the biological child of the other. + +''For all of this, you need to hire an attorney, or you find out the hard way,'' said Lucy Vandenberg, 37, the director of the state's Council on Affordable Housing. +",0 +3,A 15-member church task force has spent more than two years studying the issue and has held more than 100 hearings across the country.,2 +10,"Gay and transgender workers were more likely than ever to receive domestic-partner health benefits last year, and more companies are adopting nondiscrimination policies to protect them, a leading gay-activist group reported yesterday.",9 +9,THE CULT OF PHARMACOLOGY,8 +8,THE ARMED CITIZEN IS READY TO DEFEND HIMSELF,7 +6,Cleland bill would aid tobacco farmers,5 +13,THREE TOP DEMOCRATS GIVE THEIR OK TO GAY MARRIAGES,12 +13,"ROBERTI SURVIVES RECALL, REITERATES STANCE ON GUNS",12 +9, The company was responding to a demand by the U.S. surgeon general and the American Medical Association for R.J. Reynolds to stop using the camel in its ads for Camel cigarettes.,8 +9,Opponents of smoking have been pushing for the state to devote a significant portion of the settlement to anti-smoking efforts and to health programs for the young and the poor.,8 +6,Milpitas native's research on tobacco usage at San Jose leads to campus change,5 +12,Why Fear Foreigners' Free Speech?,11 +6,"'No smoking' message could become sign of the times in parks, on trails of Saratoga +",5 +7,"Federal agents will be on watch, D.C. police will be in full force,",6 +7,"That doesn't mean I've committed a crime, felony or otherwise.",6 +14,"including from members of the British Parliament and the late Pope John Paul II. +",13 +7,"Work site raids may continue, but the government will give priority to prosecuting employers, and workers will not be detained without indictments, warrants or a commitment from prosecutors to target managers.",6 +12," +Reader responses: GUN LAWS",11 +5,Marriage measure challenged,4 +3,"McLee said he hoped that avoiding a trial for the Rev. Thomas Ogletree, an 80-year-old retired pastor and a former dean of Yale Divinity School, would foster dialogue and healing. But church conservatives said it would inspire more acts of rebellion that will deepen the divide over LGBT rights and push the church closer to a schism.",2 +7,Women gets life in prison for killing and freezing adopted daughters,6 +13,Commissioner Peter McLaughlin sponsored the resolution,12 +4,"Marquette University tells employees: ""Opposition to same-sex marriage"" could be ""unlawful harassment""",3 +13, Rosenbaum cast the only no vote again on Tuesday.,12 +12,Open-carry event draws small crowd,11 +5, but said he will still appeal a judge's ruling making them legal in the city.,4 +6,"'This is a new policy that no other manufacturer has made. I think what they're doing is remarkable,'' said Tony DiChario, a Ruger distributor in Rochester, N.Y.",5 +11,"GRAND MARSHALS SET TO CELEBRATE DOMA RULING +",10 +15,New Formations for Stadium Signs,14 +8," +FLIGHT SCHOOL GETS PAPERS ON HIJACKERS' VISA APPROVALS",7 +13,Give the governor credit,12 +5,"A lawyer for Basic Rights Oregon argued that the measure made separate amendments to the State Constitution, each of which should have been voted on separately. The lawyer, Mark Johnson, also told the judge that Measure 36 violated local governments' home rule rights. Charles Fletcher, an assistant attorney general, said voters had only clarified the marriage law and did not change it. ''There was no right to same-sex marriage before Measure 36, and there is no right to same-sex marriage after Measure 36,'' Mr. Fletcher told Circuit Judge Joseph Guimond of Marion County. +",4 +7,Man gets 20 years for his part in 2 murders,6 +5,Six members of the Georgia Supreme Court --- and one understudy --- hear arguments today on whether a ban on marriage and civil unions for same-sex couples will stay in the state constitution.,4 +5,Regan Wants New Date for Espionage Trial,4 +9,Then his younger brother died at 34 from drug and alcohol abuse.,8 +7,"Last Thursday, Samuel David Crowe, condemned for killing the retail manager of a Douglasville lumber company, was set to be the second Georgia inmate to be put to death this year.",6 +5, All the court proceedings to date in his murder trial for the killings at the Fulton County Courthouse two years ago have been aimed at one thing only --- keeping him from getting a state-sanctioned lethal injection.,4 +5,"In June, the Supreme Court struck down the most odious parts of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which barred federal benefits to same-sex couples, and the justices ruled against Proposition 8, which had banned same-sex unions in California. The court did not proclaim same-sex marriage to be a constitutional right. But its decisions have have informed many other legal proceedings that will likely bring the question before the court again in a couple of years. The Utah case is one of those. Encouraged by the Supreme Court rulings, meanwhile, more and more state and local officials are arguing that same-sex marriage restrictions in their jurisdictions violate the federal Constitution. +",4 +4,Rights and freedoms,3 +7,A Sting and a Warning about Selling Cigarettes to Teen-Agers,6 +5,"Charron refused Wednesday to talk about his decision, made during a meeting last week with Cobb Superior Court Judge George Kreeger and Rower's attorney, Ed Marger. +",4 +5,"Peterson finished compiling the three sets of 71 volumes of paperwork and exhibits related to the case on Tuesday -- one set each for the Supreme Court, the attorney general's office and the 15th Circuit public defender's office. +",4 +7,"Panetti, 56, was convicted and sentenced in 1995, three years after he shot and killed his estranged wife's parents at their home in the Texas Hill Country.",6 +6,stronger gun control.,5 +15,"Ready, Aim, Talk",14 +5,"ATTORNEYS MAKE PLEA FOR BYRD, GILMORE",4 +13,"""Vote them out! Vote them out!""",12 +6, along with a tobacco industry-supported bill designed to head off new local anti-smoking ordinances.,5 +7,"The criminals, because decent folks are disarmed by the law, making it easier for criminals to prey upon them.",6 +7," who was convicted in the robbery, rape and murder of Betty Sue McConnell of Asheville and Harriett Delaney Simmons of Franklinton.",6 +8,New border chief aims to turn the agency around,7 +1,arguing their patrons,0 +5,"San Diego Superior Court Judge Ronald Prager approved the settlement, Renne said.",4 +13,"The votes, against a backdrop of emotion and symbolism, turned back one of President Obama's top priorities and left Toomey, a Republican, without any tangible achievement after defying much of his party on such a charged issue. +",12 +12,voters elsewhere had rejected it more than 30 times in a row until Tuesday.,11 +5,Lawyers' panel discusses LGBT issues,4 +5,"Allard said at least 11 court cases on the issue were pending around the country. ""We must not stand still when the courts are being used to challenge and distort civilization's oldest, most venerable social institution,"" he said.",4 +10,"companies whose benefits plans are regulated by federal rules, rather than state law, overwhelmingly are refusing to provide health insurance to employees' same-sex partners.",9 +1,"Joe Camel, we hardly knew ye.",0 +5,America's immigration courts are a diorama of dysfunction,4 +9,"It threatens the health care of thousands of young adults like Ruiz, who either have job-based insurance or whose incomes qualify them for Medicaid in a handful of states like California.",8 +7,Immigrant Detainees,6 +9,Please consider the unforeseen public health costs of Arizona's immigration law on one of society's most vulnerable sectors -- young infants and children.,8 +5,"They also contended the money the state would collect from tobacco companies far exceeds what the state has paid to cover smoking-related health care costs for all Medicaid recipients. + +The 4th District Court of Appeals rejected their arguments, saying the state had no law entitling the Medicaid recipients to the settlement money. + +John C. Cabaniss, an attorney representing the three Medicaid recipients, was at a trial Thursday in Virginia and could not be reached by the Associated Press for comment.",4 +13,State stops scanning concealed gun permits,12 +7," His death warrant was to expire at noon Wednesday. +",6 +11," In this old New England city, shadowed by the specter of mostly abandoned mills, rumors about the newcomers seemed to carry on the wind.",10 +11,Jodie Bechard has attended New York's annual gay pride march for years. But never as a bride-to-be.,10 +5,"A Baltimore judge ruled yesterday that Maryland's law banning same-sex marriage is discriminatory and ""cannot withstand constitutional challenge,"" throwing open the possibility of a bruising legislative battle over a constitutional amendment.",4 +6,The vote closed loopholes in federal laws that gun-control advocates said made it easy for felons to obtain weapons without criminal background checks.,5 +1,"""Our government has continued to bring in more foreign workers the entire time the economy was losing jobs,"" said Roy Beck, president of Numbers USA, a group that seeks to reduce immigration.",0 +6,''Just Say No'' campaign,5 +5,"ust about out of appeals +",4 +6,"These initiatives have been stupendously successful. As of Jan. 12, work authorizations had been granted 2,779 students, 87 had received permanent- resident status with 108 cases pending, 225 had received temporary alterations in immigration status that safeguarded against deportation, and 70 had received waivers from the two-year foreign residence rule before immigrant status could be granted.",5 +5,"The Second Amendment clearly asserts that each state is ""free"" and able to maintain a militia to remain free.",4 +13,New election system,12 +5,Supreme Court gives go-ahead to same-sex marriages in Idaho,4 +13,"It might be hard to find another primary campaign like the one in this suburb, where two Haitians, a Jamaican and an Orthodox Jew are running for mayor.",12 +13,Virginia Gov. L. Douglas Wilder.,12 +13,"The move was approved by county commissioners by a 2-1 vote. +",12 +6,"Next, comprehensive reform of gun laws",5 +5,"D'Alauro settled the case in 2012 by pleading guilty to harassment, an offense that's categorized lower than a misdemeanor. +",4 +7,Bannister has been on death row for 15 years and was once within two hours of execution.,6 +9, public safety.,8 +5,"""We will be seeking not one, not two, not three - but four death sentences for Mr. Slawson,"" said prosecutor Michael Benito. +",4 +13,"Gov. Cuomo has been studying how to get a similar plan done with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), but the Justice Department has raised complex issues, a source said.",12 +6,"With nearly half the state Senate signing on as sponsors, a bill being introduced today in the General Assembly seems to put the Peach State on the path to join California, Florida and others in enacting a statewide ban on smoking in restaurants and other public places.",5 +13,Charlottesville mayor urges local empowerment,12 +5,"Justices Reject Call to Halt Gay Marriages in Oregon +",4 +8,"The Pentagon announced Wednesday it is sending forms to all 1.4 million members of the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force. From the lowest private to the four-star general, they must disclose whether they have been convicted of domestic abuse. +",7 +1,"Business, labor appear near deal on immigration",0 +13,"He also dissed New York's new gay marriage bill, telling host David Gregory that his state will stick with civil unions. + +""I am not a fan of same-sex marriage,"" Christie said. ""It's not something that I support. + +""I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. That's my view. + +""And - and that'll be the view of our state because I wouldn't sign a bill like the one that was [passed] in New York."" + +Later in the show, Gregory asked Christie about the governor's rough-around-the-edges public image. + +""I'm huggable and lovable, David. I am not abrasive at all,"" Christie said with a smirk. ""I - listen, I'm honest. And I wish we had more of it in politics."" +",12 +3,BROOKLYN BISHOP GIVES ASSIST TO IMMIGRANTS,2 +5,"People think this one is absolutely a Second Amendment issue, but it's not,",4 +13,"For Christie, gay marriage over as an issue - maybe +",12 +13,Why the NRA pushes 'Stand Your Ground',12 +7, turning them into sentences of life in prison without parole.,6 +11,"''As things stand now, one out of every five cars has a gun in it",10 +13,"JERSEY ASSEMBLY VOTES DEATH-PENALTY BILL, 54-19",12 +5,"But Walker's original ruling last week to overturn Proposition 8 will be strengthened if the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court also refuse a request for a new stay. +",4 +5,US Supreme Court temporarily blocks broadcast of Proposition 8 trial,4 +14,Wisconsin: State office not accepting same-sex marriage certificates from counties,13 +6,Because Congress passed laws in 1997 and 2000 that permitted any Nicaraguans in the United States since 1995 to bring up their minor children.,5 +5,"Now that states - and trial lawyers - have hit the jackpot against the tobacco industry, cities are lining up to sue gun manufacturers to recoup the millions of dollars they spend as a result of gun violence. Localities such as Miami-Dade County, New Orleans, Philadelphia and possibly Tampa and St. Petersburg think they can score a big payday, and impose de facto gun control through the backdoor, by siccing their lawyers on gunmakers",4 +13,"Board chairwoman Maureen Ediger, a Republican, chose not to break a 4-4 tie - the chair's prerogative under parliamentary procedure - effectively killing the measure.",12 +13,Bloomberg Visits Albany to Lobby for Same-Sex Marriage,12 +8,Needed: A real border with Mexico,7 +6,"No Gay Marriage Bill This Year, Smith Says",5 +13,"Hunt has said recently he has no interest in running for vice president this year. He was considered a possible candidate, particularly if former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley won the Democratic nomination. As a possible running mate for Al Gore, another Southerner, his chances are considered much slimmer.",12 +7,"Illegals going back by the planeload +",6 +1,"Lisa Eddington, managing director of the Tobacco Growers Information Committee, based in Raleigh, N.C., said that although everyone may have to do some belt-tightening to pay for health care, doing so in such a manner would be an ""unfair and unwise tax.""",0 +5,Missouri appeals court denies relief in 1982 Hyde Park murder case,4 +10,"One, does the death penalty actually allow victims and families to close the book on the past? Can the death of the murderer really erase the loss of a loved one? It doesn't seem likely. +",9 +13,"No matter what you may have seen or read, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is not keen on gun control.",12 +5,Tough Gun Laws Are Constitutional,4 +8,"NEEDED AT THE BORDER AGENTS GUARDING THE LINE, NOT POLITICIANS PEDDLING ONE",7 +9,"Some think of dietary fat as the new tobacco: a public-health crisis that should be solved by sin taxes, sales regulations, warning labels and advertising restrictions.",8 +13,Washington measure to increase gun background checks bleeds support,12 +15,Assault weapon dishonor roll,14 +6,Bill would undo ban on smoking in Minnesota bars,5 +12,"would be soundly defeated if the election were held today, according to a statewide poll released Wednesday.",11 +13,"Three gun-control bills were to have been considered by the Florida House Criminal Justice Committee on Thursday, but lobbyists used stalling tactics so that none could be voted upon. The bills will come up again Tuesday.",12 +7,"Dennis Rader, the BTK serial killer convicted of murder and sentenced to 175 years in prison",6 +13," +Voting as an Immigrant and a Citizen",12 +10,Uncertainty grips thousands who had approval to enter or stay,9 +5,Immigration is fine -- if it's legal,4 +7,"""As a practice, [the law] is not enforced against individual consumers,"" he said. ""We are not going to put cigarette police at the bridges.""",6 +5,"When the highest court in Massachusetts ruled that civil unions are an inadequate substitute for marriage, it also made clear that the rights associated with such unions are required under the state Constitution, though insufficient if not called marriage. +",4 +10," +""It was hot out there in the outfield. Your mouth was parched. So you chewed tobacco and you salivated more. It kept your mouth moist and your brain occupied. You couldn't smoke a cigarette, after all. What would you do if the ball came your way?"" +",9 +1,on the gambling floors.,0 +6,San Jose: New gun control measure could require locking up firearms at home,5 +5," Shasta County District Attorney McGregor Scott said after the brief court hearing. ""I think that speaks volumes about the nature of this case.""",4 +3,"Religion and equal rights: A balancing act heads to the justices +",2 +13,Va. relaxes restrictions on death row inmates,12 +13,CLINTON TO BACK LEGISLATION REPUDIATING GAY MARRIAGES,12 +5,"Move may reflectthe court's preference for small steps +",4 +5,Appeals court suspends ruling against a city requirement for a concealed-carry gun license,4 +5,"Gay marriage isn't waiting for the Supreme Court +",4 +6,"""Statewide smoking bans such as Georgia's new law serve a purpose",5 +5,Rutgers Sued for Ban on Health Benefits to Gay Partners,4 +8,DHS should extend protections for Haitians,7 +7, Baird's hiring of illegal aliens and her failure to pay Social Security taxes for them absolutely disqualify her from serving as the nation's top law-enforcement officer.,6 +7," Federal crimes, including car jacking, drive-by shootings and violent demonstrations at abortion clinics.",6 +11," said Alan Laird owner of the Expressions Gallery in Oakland, which exhibits four death-row artists",10 +1,toll-free,0 +13,"an idea opposed by several officials, including the state Senate president.",12 +6,W. VIRGINIA ADOPTING BAN ON HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGES,5 +7,Recorded Executions,6 +1,"Economy won't falter or flourish because of immigration reform, study finds",0 +10,Reaction to the 'costly addiction' of smoking,9 +5,Registration isn't a plot,4 +6,A Way to Control Guns,5 +13,"While most senators are on the record against same-sex marriage, many in both parties are reluctant",12 +13,Oakland council introduces new gun control ordinances,12 +3,"Vengeance, not justice",2 +10," There also will be testimony about Davis' life in prison, where his attorneys say he led a productive life.",9 +4," +4.1% Are Said to Face Death on Convictions That Are False",3 +7," Mr. Warner, who had raped and murdered an 11-month-old baby, was executed that night.",6 +3,SMOKIN' OUT CIG PUSHERS Your gimmicks & your games are up beep tells big tobacco,2 +5,"Cooper's silly assertion t that it is in the state's interest to defend responsible procreation seemed to fall flat with the justices, with good reason.",4 +5,"Mayor Michael Bloomberg, long a foe of smoking, has taken his opposition to a new territory -- the American Indian shops on Long Island that sell cigarettes to non-Indians. ",4 +13,NRA WORKING TO HOLD ITS GRIP ON STATE AGRICULTURE COM-MISSIONER,12 +13,"Hammer said McCollum, while serving in Congress, cast a number of antigun votes, including for the Brady Bill on final passage and against an amendment that would have allowed District of Columbia residents to keep guns in their homes.",12 +7,"Christopher W. Snyder, the federally licensed gun dealer who fatally shot three people in a neighbor's house in subur-ban Maryland last week, was investigated by police in 2014 after his then-girlfriend told police he had placed a pistol to her head and threatened to kill her, according to four law enforcement officials with direct knowledge of the incident.",6 +9,Study: Nicotine substitutes ineffective,8 +13,HOUSE APPROVES COMPROSMISE BILL ON ILLEGAL ALIENS,12 +4,"The American promise of equality dictates that gays should have the right to marry the person they love. Marriage is a license from the government granting certain rights, benefits and protections to citizens. They should be available to all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation.",3 +5,U.S. to seek death penalty in Boston bombing,4 +11,'Age of the downloadable gun begins',10 +10,"To register for benefits and obtain the identification card needed for programs and services at the Guard member's home base, spouses are being told they must travel to federal military installations sometimes located a long distance away.",9 +5,"Four states - Mississippi, Florida, Texas and Minnesota - have already settled with the industry for a total of $40 billion.",4 +5,"Westmoreland's attorney, Scott Rosenblum, said the witness is Westmoreland's wife, Bronnie Westmoreland, and that government prosecutors told him there was a sexual relationship between her and the lead investigator in the case.",4 +13,Monica Yant Kinney: Disillusionment in the Pennsylvania legislature,12 +11,Apple swaps out pistol emoji for green water gun,10 +13,The Silent White House,12 +10,"""I've watched Lee age 20 years in the last two,"" Joanne Farmer, a family friend, said on the stand Wednesday. ""His heart's broken. She's brokenhearted. I worry about both of them. I don't know how much more they can take.""",9 +13,Mrs. Clinton Criticizes City For Missing Gun Safety Talks,12 +2,stuck in what seems like the never-ending line for a green card.,1 +13,GOP tobacco ploy a loser,12 +8,Background Gun Checks and Public Safety,7 +15,MIKE TO ENGAGE IN GAY NUPS FIGHT,14 +11,"Where immigrants are fewer, tolerance is less",10 +6,Everyone? The law clearly applies only to those individuals who have been or will be granted a weapons permit in this state or those issued in other states.,5 +5, Immigrants sue state over tuition rule,4 +5,State high court nullified San Francisco gay marriages,4 +13,"Democratic Sen. Anthony Portantino said his bill would address concerns raised by incidents including the February shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., in which a 19-year-old is accused of using an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle to kill 17 students and school employees.",12 +9,"mentally ill gunman killed 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech University. The shooter, Seung Hui Cho, had been judicially ordered to submit to a psychiatric evaluation, which should have disqualified him from buying handguns.",8 +13,"Internal documents suggest the White House was keenly interested in the citizenship effort, including sending personal letters to the new Americans, but was warned by INS that speeding up the naturalization process too much would be viewed as blatantly political.",12 +4,"Whatever one thinks of homosexuality, it is hard to argue that a baby addicted at birth to cocaine and exposed to the AIDS virus -- as was the child at issue in the New Jersey case -- is not better off in the permanent care of a loving gay couple with the means to support him than remaining in foster care",3 +13,"The sign on Sen. Dick Durbin's bedroom door reads: + +""DICK DURBIN REPEATEDLY TRIED TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY.""",12 +13,"After Obama's Immigration Action, a Blast of Energy for the Tea Party",12 +5,Gilreath execution is put off for a day,4 +13,"Wisconsin: Since same-sex marriage ban, a shift in state +",12 +13,"Fast track for gun bill +",12 +6,D.C. Inches A Step Closer To Becoming Smoke-Free,5 +8,The FBI also issued a national alert.,7 +6,Appalled by the immigration order,5 +13,Gun-control ads fault Senate hopeful,12 +11,"""If they don't have a way to communicate, they don't feel welcome in their new community,"" she said.",10 +15,War on smoking suffers setback,14 +7," Terry Johnson of Mansfield, who killed Trooper Russell Bagshaw during a 1991 burglary at a gun shop in Windham.",6 +8, after a seven-day waiting period during which background checks are made.,7 +3," +EXECUTION CERTAINLY JUST",2 +2,"Bilingual Dispatchers In Demand; Immigrant Population Growth Changes Needs +",1 +1,"The program is financed by foundations and private donors, not public sources. But it has received crucial financing and support from the Fund for Public Advocacy, a nonprofit arm of the office of the city's public advocate, Bill de Blasio, a likely candidate for mayor in 2013.",0 +1,"The onesies ($24) and children's T-shirts ($24) have a less jarring message: ""Future gun sense voter."" There are $15 mugs, $18 tote bags and $10 car magnets. +",0 +4,"The board said that city law does not allow a referendum or initiative on a matter covered by the Human Rights Act, which was designed to protect gay men, lesbians and other minority groups from discrimination. +",3 +5,Treatment of herders challenged,4 +5," ""since they have the option of becoming eligible through legal marriage. Same-sex partners don't have that option, under current laws.""",4 +13,"""I think the president and the majority of Congress, both in the House and Senate, are just completely out of touch with how people feel about Second Amendment rights,"" said Missouri state Sen. Brian Nieves, who has fought for bills to weaken the federal government's authority over firearms in his state.",12 +6, That long probe led to the controversial teen smoking rules,5 +5,Constitution Backs Gun Lobby,4 +10," At last count, 1,049 federal rights, benefits and protections are in place for married couples",9 +12,Heston's NRA stint is drawing to a close,11 +13,BUSH'S ANTI-CRIME PROPOSALS REJECTED BY SENATE,12 +1,"""Immigrants are now a critical part of the labor force across the board,"" said Demetrios Papademetriou, co-director of international migration policy at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. ""We are into a new world of immigrants basically spreading throughout the economy. This is something that is going to continue and intensify.""",0 +6,Both sides fuming over Ft. Collins smoking ban,5 +1,"Philip Morris Cos., the world's largest tobacco company, is expected by analysts to raise its dividend by as much as 9 percent when its board meets today in New York. That would put the company's dividend yield at more than 5 percent, compared with the 1.2 percent in the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index. + +With an expected increase of 8 percent to 9 percent, the annual dividend payout would rise to $ 1.90 to $ 1.92 a share from its current $ 1.76. + +Last year, the maker of Marlboro cigarettes boosted its dividend for the first time in two years, during negotiations toward the $ 206 billion legal settlement agreement the industry signed with 46 states in November. Philip Morris's stock has turned in the worst performance in the Dow Jones Industrial index this year.",0 +7,"FELONS' GUN OWNERSHIP BEING FOUGHT +",6 +15,Forget Denali,14 +3,"""Our prayers are with the victims and their families.",2 +8,Darcey Spendlove credits her peace of mind to the 13 guns she and her husband keep at their ranch home in this remote southwestern Utah hamlet.,7 +9,Old Joe: a hazard to kids' health,8 +1,"""We are certainly going to see a significant increase in business over the next decade,"" said Manhattan attorney Alton Abramowitz, who is also vice president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.",0 +7,Driver Sought in Ariz. Crash That Killed 6,6 +9,"It is scientific fact that smoking is dangerous and causes a host of diseases. Health Commissioner Tom Frieden has made it his mission to reduce smoking in New York as much as possible. He is also concerned about secondhand smoke, a class-A carcinogen, and believes that any exposure to it poses a health risk.",8 +8,"Locally, a statewide check is used in addition to the Brady check. Insta-check is designed to find more recent arrests, through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, that may not be in the national database. In turn, the CBI taps into the FBI database as well. The result is that our system can detect more arrests and temporary restraining orders.",7 +5,St. Clair County is accepting applications for same-sex marriage licenses after Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan said there was no reason to wait for a June 1 law allowing the unions.,4 +5,three of Baker's attorneys,4 +13,"Romney has said that he supports limited civil unions and hospital visitation rights for same-sex partners, and he has expressed some tolerance for laws that allow gay couples to adopt children.",12 +4,I'm sure that the writer of a March 3 letter speaks for many gays when she states that the real issue regarding gay marriage is not tax and insurance benefits but equality.,3 +11,Vikings' Chris Kluwe on defeated marriage amendment: 'It's great',10 +13,"In truth, there is nothing illogical about the ideological collusion that is shaking our political system.",12 +7,"Hunters found the skeletal remains of his father in December 1999 in Jackson County, N.C., near where Anderson once attended college. Anderson was arrested after the remains were identified as Krnak in early 2001.",6 +8,Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,7 +7," +Immigration and Naturalization Services spokeswoman Sue Brown said agents searched the Southern Bonded Warehouse on Mount Zion Boulevard in Morrow. Agents also searched Interim Personnel, a company that places temporary employees and is located at the same address, Brown said.",6 +9, about public safety,8 +3,"``I'm so sorry,'' Wright, 23, of Louisville, Ky., told the jury. ``I thank you for sparing my life. ...I've been guilty of being a bad person. I've done some mean things. But I've never killed anyone in my whole life.''",2 +3," Collins said she was'shocked' to learn that the Episcopal Church, 'of which I am a member and in which I was married,' doesn't allow its ministers to officiate at same-sex unions or ordain openly gay people.",2 +4,"""I think it's the fair thing to do,",3 +6,"""If Philadelphia wants to stop the killing, they've got to make criminals pay the penalty,"" he said.",5 +12,Cigarettes are stigmatized by common sense,11 +13,"The proposed deal, brokered by conservative Sens. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), was seen by some as a capitulation to the gun lobby.",12 +9,"COMPOUNDS BOOST MEMORY, STUDY SAYS",8 +9, gravely wound another.,8 +12,NRA HITS TARGET ON GUN CONTROL -- SO WE NEED A PLAN,11 +5," might not resist the imposition of the death penalty if a jury finds him guilty next month, his lawyers say.",4 +5,"Visiting justices from Canada's high court sat in on Monday's immigration arguments before the Supreme Court - and after their 90-minute education in the current state of American jurisprudence, our neighbors to the north would be forgiven if they had fantasies of building a border wall of their own.",4 +5,"he defense argues that Muhammad's five-month speedy trial clock began ticking as soon as Fairfax sent a ""detainer"" notice to Prince William. The lawyers cited a 1993 Virginia appeals court ruling that a detainer sent from one county to another effectively served as an arrest. +",4 +1,Gun makers adapt to restrictions,0 +5,"hat, unfortunately, has not been the case. And it has been, in large part, because of the injudicious conduct of presiding Commonwealth Court Judge Albert F. Sabo. + +Perhaps it is not relevant that he holds America's record for sending defendants to death row. Perhaps it is not relevant that he is reputed to see things the prosecution's way. + +Those are not the facts that have led us to question his temperament and good sense. It has been seeing him in action in a highly charged case, in a volatile courtroom. + +He has allowed himself to be drawn into petty fights with defense lawyer Leonard Weinglass, an attorney with a long career of baiting judges in trials he has orchestrated into causes celebres. Mr. Weinglass has fished far beyond the limits of what the law allows in such proceedings; he has had a heyday insulting the judge in the press, and sometimes to his face. +",4 +7, outweighs the nature of his crime.,6 +5,Death Penalty Ruling Appealed,4 +5,Hearing continued on assets of illegal-immigrant millionaire,4 +13,Candidates oppose gay marriage - and using constitution to ban it,12 +7,"James Henry Hampton, a two-time killer who has spent most of his life in prison, was scheduled to die by injection early today at Potosi Correctional Center.",6 +5,But immediate deportations appeared unlikely because Justice O'Connor also said the aliens could sue on their own behalf if they had standing with the court.,4 +11,A City Built on Refugees Looks at Trump's Plan With Fear,10 +7,An Immigrant Is Convicted Of Iran Trade,6 +13,Did the Va. GOP learn anything from the election?,12 +5,State becomes 27th to ban gay marriage,4 +7,"Stephen Wayne Anderson was the last California prisoner put to death, in 2002, after languishing on death row for more than 20 years.",6 +3, It was a moral stance,2 +13,"In more than a dozen states with traditions of robust support for gun ownership rights, and where legislatures have moved to relax gun laws during the past year,",12 +7,INS raid of complex brings in 74 illegal aliens Crime rate spurs authorities to act,6 +5,"At 7:15 P.M., after the jury of 10 men and 2 women had deliberated more than 23 hours over three days, the jury foreman, Jean Roberts, read the verdict. +",4 +6,'94 Assault Weapons Ban Shadows Gun Control Bid,5 +7,"No wonder one dealer felt free to sell 14 AK-47s to one trafficker in a single day. +",6 +9," +Methoprene, an insecticide sprayed onto tobacco leaves to prevent beetle pupae from maturing. Reynolds said the Food and Drug Administration allows methoprene to be used on dried fruits. + +Ammonia, which can be toxic but is allowed in food in certain safe forms. + +Ethyl furoate, which National Public Radio last week reported causes liver damage in laboratory animals. Although the FDA hasn't approved it as a food additive, spokesman Jim O'Hara said the food industry does consider it safe as a natural food ingredient. Reynolds contends that ethyl furoate is found naturally in coffee, kiwi and peanuts.",8 +5, say they expect to get that reprieve.,4 +12,xtensive publicity surrounding the case would make it impossible to select an impartial jury. ,11 +10,Daughter of slain sheriff's deputy asks Va. governor to stop execution of her father's killer;,9 +6,Clinton Curtails Tobacco Ads In Bid to Cut Sales to Youth,5 +5,"RETRIAL JURORS MAY HEAR CASE THAT RELATIVE KILLED GIRL, 10 +",4 +13,Md. Senate Delays Vote on Death Penalty,12 +10,dangerous addiction,9 +5,which have been held up by a legal challenge that is most likely headed to the Supreme Court.,4 +15,"First, gay marriage.",14 +9," ""No one believes people will stop dying of lung cancer.",8 +13,BUSH ANSWERS GAY QUESTIONS,12 +13,Some common ground in contentious gun debate,12 +11,"The Dallas Morning News, editorial:",10 +13,"In 2016, with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton at the top of the ballot, three incumbents in Florida's Legislature lost their seats. + +Three out of 160 seats. + +Two were in Miami, and the third was in Pasco County. + +In all three, voter turnout for president was a factor.",12 +5,"West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R) said Thursday that his office would stop defending the state's ban on marriage for same-sex couples, citing the U.S. Supreme Court's decision Monday to not hear appeals in other marriage cases. +",4 +5,AN ASSAULT ON GUN RIGHTS,4 +13, has been passed by the House but not by the Senate.,12 +4," ""If the defendant is black and the victim is white, you are 22 times more likely to get the death penalty.""",3 +7," the man who raped, tortured and strangled her 15-year-old son",6 +13,"Clinton, Court Rebuff Appeals",12 +5,Immigrant Driver's Licenses,4 +6,A Better Senate Bill on Immigration,5 +7,A cruel punishment,6 +1,"Laborers fill in a gap at tuxedo company; Mexican employees with special work visas help After Hours through peak season. It's a rising U.S. trend. +",0 +11,As ever with America's gun obsession,10 +7,Man indicted on charge of murder,6 +1,industry-sponsored,0 +13,"Congressional Democrats are leaning strongly against attaching D.C. Voting Rights legislation to a must-pass defense spending bill, as the complex politics of gun rights and a crowded appropriations schedule have closed off another potential avenue for the stalled local priority.",12 +13,"The comments marked the start of the annual congressional debate over gun control, an issue expected to be particularly contested this year because of a nationwide surge in gun-related violence. Schumer and other allies said at a news conference that the increase in gun-related slayings had produced a groundswell of public support for the seven-day waiting period that would be mandated by the ""Brady bill,"" named for former White House press secretary James S. Brady, who was seriously wounded during a 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan.",12 +6,"Pardoned by Christie, woman pushes for change to U.S. gun laws",5 +12,"Voters back Proposition 29 by 53 percent to 42 percent, but that represents a steep drop from a much stronger base of support earlier this year, according to a poll released Wednesday by the Public Policy Institute of California. Only two months earlier, two-thirds of likely voters said they would vote to increase taxes on cigarettes by $1 a pack to support cancer research.",11 +5,"""A clerk of courts has not been given the discretion to decide . . . whether the statute he or she is charged to enforce is a good idea or bad one, constitutional or not,"" Pellegrini wrote. ""Only courts have the power to make that decision.""",4 +13,"Haggard sex allegations could shape votes, political observers say But which side of the Colorado debate on gay marriage might benefit is anyone's guess.",12 +13,"Five Days In, Virginia's Governor Will Preside at Gay Wedding",12 +5,Serial killer Graham seeking to overturn his death sentence,4 +5," +The move comes a month after a federal judge in Pennsylvania struck down a similar but harsher law enacted by Hazleton, a coal-mining community near the Poconos.",4 +4,THE RULING: TRUE,3 +11,"Millions of others scramble for 40,000 slots given out by lottery, said Duke Austin of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. And at least 3 million have slipped illegally into the USA, knowing they don't meet requirements.",10 +7,"If convicted, McVeigh faces the death penalty on murder and conspiracy charges in the April 19, 1995, bombing that killed 168 people.",6 +8,concealed weapons amendment ,7 +1,bar owners ,0 +13,"Congress has ideas on gun violence, but no consensus",12 +1,"Regulations under consideration that would effectively ban smoking in restaurants and bars will take a heavy toll on profits and jobs, according to a study of Georgia restaurant and bar owners conducted for the Georgia Hospitality and Travel Association.",0 +13,"After years of rumors, Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) reluctantly acknowledged he is a homosexual because a gay magazine was about to ""out"" him for voting against government recognition of same-sex marriages.",12 +11,"Every First Monday, a Shooting Club Contradicts a New York Stereotype",10 +5,"He said Mohawk sought to prevent him from testifying in another lawsuit in which former and current employees claimed the company recruited, hired and harbored illegal immigrants to undercut wages.",4 +11,children's exposure to tobacco products,10 +5,West Va. to appeal dismissed smoke suit,4 +13,"According to the image, Sanders opposes the death penalty, but Clinton supports it. + +We wanted to see if the two candidates disagree on capital punishment. +",12 +6,FIREARM RESTRICTIONS HAVE PROVED TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE,5 +13,Md. first lady apologizes for 'cowards' comment,12 +11,Utah's Gun Appreciation Day,10 +5,Robber's lawyer: Shot was accident,4 +5,"snapped Justice Sandra Schultz Newman, interrupting Nolas.",4 +9,The death of a Dominican man last month at a detention center in lower Manhattan has prompted advocates for immigrants to raise questions once again about the conditions in which immigrants are held in the New York region and elsewhere in the country.,8 +13,"California's burgeoning population of immigrants could bring a huge wave of voters, especially as their U.S.-born children reach voting age, a study released today found. +",12 +12,gay-rights activists hoped to prevail. ,11 +4,"""On average, being one shade lighter has about the same effect as having an additional year of education,"" Hersch said.",3 +13,"Two weeks ago, the Florida Legislature became the first to pass such legislation. Republican Gov. Rick Scott, known to support gun rights, is expected to sign it. A similar law moved out of committee in the Alabama House of Representatives April 21, while another remains in committee in the North Carolina Senate.",12 +13,"PROFILES: 4TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT N. Colorado race pits old foes Musgrave, Matsunaka square off again for congressional seat The incumbent touts her work on the failed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, which she vows to pursue again next year. Matsunaka says her priorities are misplaced and that issues affecting the district, like agriculture, are being ignored. MARILYN MUSGRAVE +",12 +13," In Congress' first gun votes since the Newtown, Conn., nightmare, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to toughen federal penalties against illegal firearms purchases, even as senators signaled that a deep partisan divide remained over gun curbs. +",12 +12,Letters to the Editor,11 +3,"""I hope [he] dies a good, long TB death. ... It'd teach him a damned lesson in humility, instead of the stupid bunch of privileged crap he got up until he got caught.""",2 +5, from being sued even in state courts,4 +13,RUDY STILL SMOKIN' THANKS TO CUBANS,12 +9,"The World Health Organization predicts that the tobacco-related death toll will rise from the current 3 million a year (including 400,000 Americans) to 10 million a year by the 2020s; 70 percent of those fatalities are expected to occur in developing countries",8 +5,"Last week's decision was never really in doubt. Ever since the court's 2008 decision in Heller v. District of Columbia, in which the three-decades-old ban on firearms in the nation's capital was struck down based on a ruling that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, most legal scholars anticipated the court would apply the same principle to a state or city gun ban. What was in doubt was the reasoning the court would choose. +",4 +6,the measure as a weapon in the effort to prevent smoking when it would actually weaken many local anti-smoking measures already in place.,5 +5,Judicial Defiance,4 +1,Smoke-Free Gambling Site Thrives Amid Debate on Ban,0 +5,GUNNING FOR ATT'Y,4 +7,But it didn't make a single mention of the Capitol shooting ,6 +12,Gay rights advocates forced to adjust agenda,11 +13,"Will President Barack Obama's support for same-gender marriage have repercussions within the African-American community, specifically the historical black church?",12 +13,"But recent political history has convinced many Virginia Democrats that the issue drives away voters in general elections, particularly in the rural areas being courted heavily by the party's nominee for governor, Mark R. Warner. He has avoided the issue and printed hunter-orange bumper stickers showing a hunting gun and the words ""Sportsmen for Mark Warner.""",12 +6,"800,000 spared deportation ; Obama says those with no record can stay -- for now.",5 +5,Supreme Court Blocks Execution of Texas Man,4 +6,"Trump has devised a family-friendly solution: He'd deport the children, too, their citizenship be damned (more precisely, if Trump gets his way, revoked). +",5 +1,"``The secret of Marlboro is ammonia,'' according to a 1989 Brown & Williamson document. ``Ammonia does many good things.''",0 +12," Now, with polls predicting bleak results for Republicans",11 +7,"He stalked the halls, shooting anyone in his path. He coldly walked into classrooms, places of enrichment and learning, and transformed them into killing fields. +",6 +13,UP TO SENATE AGAIN. ASSEMBLY PASSES GAY MARRIAGE BILL AS GOP-CONTROLLED CHAMBER DEBATES,12 +3,TESTIMONY BACKS PASTORS IN CHURCH'S TRIAL ON GAY UNIONS,2 +13,"The House is expected to approve the measure as early as next week, and Gov. M. Jodi Rell, a Republican, has said she supports the concept.",12 +6,SOMETIMES THE COST OF LIFE IN PRISON MAY BE TOO HIGH,5 +9,Children Need Protection From Tobacco Ads,8 +5,"Virginia should follow the District, Maryland, and all the other states and countries that recognize the importance of breathing clean air and enact a comprehensive smoke-free workplace measure.",4 +7,"Mr. Berry was convicted in 1978 of killing Robert Cochran, a bank guard, in a bank robbery in Metairie on Jan. 30, 1978. This was his eight execution date; the others had been canceled by appeals.",6 +7,"Group violated tax status, official says",6 +13,Newsom Is Eclipsed In Marriage Movement,12 +5,Federal Prosecutors Seek Death Penalty In Manhattan Case,4 +7,"Time is running out for Matt Morrison, the Irish immigrant the government is trying to deport because he belonged to the Irish Republican Army 20 years ago. Mr. Morrison, who lives in University City with his wife and two children, is awaiting word on his appeal of a deportation order, but, based on what he hears through the grapevine, he is not expecting good news.",6 +1,the purchasers of these products,0 +7, including the Chuck E Cheese's in Aurora where Nathan Dunlap shot four people to death.,6 +15,"ULL UP A CHAIR, BUT DON'T GET TOO COMFORTABLE +",14 +3,"On Saturday, leaders of churches, synagogues and mosques around Massachusetts condemned the high court's ruling in a joint statement and urged a constitutional ban on such unions.",2 +4,". And it matters. In 2012, almost two-thirds of the defendants sent to Florida's death row were ushered there even after some of the jurors believed they should be spared.",3 +11,"John Cena hosted the show, and he got doused in green slime, as per tradition. Other famous faces who got the star slime treatment included Shawn Mendes, who won Favorite Male Artist; Olympic gymnast and presenter Laurie Her-nandez; and America's Got Talent judges Mel B and Heidi Klum.",10 +5,"As the federal trial of Oklahoma City bombing defendant Terry Nichols drew to a close Monday in Denver, an Oklahoma prosecutor said his office is gearing up to try Nichols on state murder charges.",4 +5,THE LAW AND SAME-SEX COUPLES,4 +5,"That's what he did Wednesday in United States v. Windsor, the court's landmark decision striking down a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). After oral arguments in late March, the other justices' votes appeared equally divided on whether denying federal benefits to married same-sex couples was constitutional. Kennedy remained an enigma. +",4 +5,"t. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch said Monday that the next thing on his agenda is to file a petition with the court seeking the death penalty for Baumruk upon his conviction. +",4 +5,"On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court put a halt to same-sex marriages in Utah while the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals considers the long-term question of whether gay couples have a right to marry in Utah.",4 +13,Gov. George E. Pataki's first term,12 +5,Palestinian held on secret evidence freed,4 +13,"Brady Bill, Senate Version",12 +6,States on Twisted Path To Weaker Tobacco Pact,5 +5," The court's action also placed a legal cloud over more than 4,100 gay couples who have gotten marriage licenses since Mayor Gavin Newsom began issuing them. The court did not address those marriages, although city officials insist they remain legal.",4 +6, push harder for stricter gun registration laws in Pennsylvania,5 +1,N.C. could reap billions from tobacco accord,0 +8,Butina plea puts spotlight on NRA,7 +5,"With the addition of Arizona, California and Florida, 30 states have now enacted gay marriage bans",4 +5,Lawyers pushing the lawsuit on behalf of five Latino clients also won class-action status that lets other Hispanics join the case if they have been detained and questioned by Arpaio's deputies as either a driver or passenger in a vehicle since January 2007.,4 +6,"The law, which took effect in March 1994, requires a five-day waiting period before anyone may buy a pistol. During the wait, the local authorities are supposed to determine whether the prospective buyer has a felony record, a history of mental illness or drug use or other problems that would make the sale illegal.",5 +1,"That is a significant financial boon for students. At the University of Virginia, undergraduate tuition, fees, room and board for Virginia residents total $23,050. For students from out of state, the total is $52,236. +",0 +5,Brady ruling ends one of court's worst weeks,4 +9,"Partly as a result of that instability, cohabiting couples have higher rates of illness than married ones. Increasing the number of high-risk individuals in the insurance pool drives up the average premium for everyone.",8 +13,Democrats buoyed by new energy in gun e fforts,12 +9,The studies are the latest in a series by Dr. DiFranza on the promotion of cigarettes to children. He is a member of the department of family and community medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.,8 +10,Albany to Let Insurance Law Cover Partners,9 +13,Gay Marriage Puts Officials On the Spo,12 +4,"that Roof, who is white, shouted racist epithets during the massacre.",3 +15,No need to gloat,14 +1,Let's stop unregulated gun sales,0 +13,"Floor debate over the bill focused on the lawsuit ban, aimed mainly at Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. +",12 +5,Gay marriage still a federal issue,4 +4,"""If we did one but not the other, we wouldn't be very consistent,",3 +6,"""Nothing we're talking about would have prevented Newtown from happening,"" +",5 +1,Kids: Don't use tobacco funds to fix budget Protesters support anti-smoking classes,0 +9,"A coalition of Palm Beach County, school district and federal officials is hoping to teach firearms safety and promote trigger locks through the use of graphic, grisly photographs of gunshot victims. ",8 +13,"GOV. VENTURA STANDS FIRM ON CONCEALED GUN BACKING THAT SUPPORT BEHIND BILL'S SUCCESS SO FAR, SAYS OPPONENT MOE",12 +2,"The federal system, in fact, contained only about 235,000 mental health records as of January 2006, even though it is estimated that as many as 2.7 million people have been involuntarily institutionalized nationwide.",1 +5,"The Supreme Court sharply limited the First Amendment rights of illegal immigrants yesterday, ruling that people here unlawfully cannot shield themselves from deportation by claiming the government is trying to banish them simply because of their controversial political views.",4 +13,Sen. Rubio's plan on immigration,12 +13," +It was hardly a surprise that the Pennsylvania House shot down last week's proposal to curb illegal gun trafficking, but when the votes were tallied, I was a bit baffled.",12 +10,Sheriff offers partner benefits,9 +6,A sensible gun law,5 +5,The Supreme Court agreed Monday to review whether states can make English their official language and require its use for most government actions.,4 +13,Gun Issue Gives Mayor Self-Defense On Crime,12 +1, The expense of providing Medi-Cal care and welfare benefits to newcomers is a heavy drag on the state's economy. The federal government's immigration policies have burdened California this year with $1.3 billion in mandated expenditures. The state Department of Social Services estimates that nearly one-third of all refugees admitted to the United States come to California and receive public aid in their first four months of residence.,0 +11,"Some feature Joe Camel with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, looking really cool and offering a pair of concert tickets",10 +13,GOP steers clear of hard-line stance,12 +13,"Politicians, attendees exude political charge at PrideFest",12 +3,"More than 270 United Methodists in three states have given their support to their bishop, Mary Ann Swenson, saying they ""deplore the unwarranted charges"" which accuse her of disobeying church law.",2 +1,U.S. airline for smokers prepares for takeoff,0 +5," ""Preserving the right to keep and bear arms is of first and foremost importance. I'm a strong believer in the Second Amendment.""",4 +9,"But 'people are just tired of breathing other people's smoke,",8 +2,nine new positions ,1 +11," Studies show that more than 40 percent of Minnesota 12th-graders smoke, up from about 30 percent in 1992. But most smoking cessation studies exclude participants under age 18 because of a presumption that teen-age smokers do not want to quit, Hurt said.",10 +5,"Filed by Finz & Finz law firm and Long Island attorney Stanley Waxman, the suit names as defendants",4 +7,Wouldn't it be more punishment for a person to spend his or her life in prison?,6 +7,A study released yesterday shows that teenagers succeeded one out of every two times they tried to buy cigarettes either over the counter or from a vending machine.,6 +11,"In the hierarchy of traditional American values, fair play and parental love are ordinarily ranked right up there with apple pie",10 +10,In a bitter disappointment to many families of the Oklahoma City bombing victims,9 +13,"So there's reason to look warily at the latest plan, which the Senate will begin debating this week.",12 +13,"So on Tuesday, the bill's supporters launched a concerted drive to bust the Brady Bill free of the logjam before Congress adjourns next month. Sarah Brady, wife of former Reagan press secretary Jim Brady, came to Atlanta to appear at a press conference at the King Center with Coretta King and other community leaders to publicize the drive.",12 +7,"criminal-defense attorney David Rees,",6 +11,'Evolution' of views heartfelt or pragmatic?,10 +10,"Facing Criticism, U.S. Official Quits",9 +3," writing ""any Christian should spend much time in prayer before refusing to vote for a family man with high morals, business experience, who is against abortion, and shares Christian conviction concerning homosexuality just because he is a Mormon.""",2 +7,"The question they never answer is why, even though guns are readily available in Virginia, is Virginia's murder rate one-tenth that of neighboring Washington, D.C.?",6 +6,"The bill also makes it a capital offense to kill someone while committing another felony, if the defendant intended to kill the victim.",5 +6,is slated to take effect next month if it survives a congressional review.,5 +6, bring guns to work and leave them locked in their vehicles under a bill Gov. Charlie Crist says he will sign into law.,5 +13,"Ark. official backs gay marriage, defends ban",12 +13,CUPERTINO COUNCIL OKS TOUGH SMOKING RULES,12 +13,which President Obama's children attend.,12 +13, to attack the Senator's opposition to gun control.,12 +13,U.S. says: Let world bear arms,12 +1,City wants to protect cigar factories,0 +8," Borden, 44, said he feared for his life and acted in self-defense.",7 +5,"Get real, and get willing to get right with the law",4 +3,Episcopalians Affirm Pro-Gay View,2 +8,"The refugees arrived on a 20-foot boat that landed early Sunday near Normandy Beach. The boat has a Florida registration, but was not reported stolen, U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Mike Sheehy said. Officials are still checking on who owns the boat.",7 +13,"Following is the second roll-call vote by which the Senate today failed to limit debate on the Brady bill.The vote was 57 to 41. A ""yes"" vote was a vote to limit debate. X denotes those not voting. Voting ""yes"" were 48 Democrats and 9 Republicans. Voting ""no"" were 7 Democrats and 34 Republicans.",12 +7," anyone convicted of a crime involving domestic violence, including misdemeanors, would be barred by federal law from owning or possessing a firearm.",6 +13,the city decided,12 +13,"The proposal stopped short of the expansive system sought by President Obama and many gun-control advocates. But it won swift bipartisan backing and became the template for what would be the most consequential congressional action on firearm regulations since the 1990s - suddenly upending the polarized politics of gun control. +",12 +7,hunting for infractions - including smoking.,6 +10,Ross Douthat: Marriage: The terms of surrender,9 +7,COUNTDOWN CONTINUES FOR KILLER'S EXECUTION,6 +5," This week's Supreme Court ruling ensuring that all law-abiding citizens, whether they live in a big city like Chicago or in rural Wyoming, have the same American right to keep and bear arms is welcome, necessary and just",4 +13,legislators say,12 +5,A law making it illegal for youths to possess handguns and permitting their arrest and jailing without bail was declared constitutional yesterday by the Colorado Supreme Court.,4 +6,Hawaii Marriage Bill Advances,5 +13,"VERMONT GOVERNOR SIGNS GAY ""CIVIL UNIONS"" INTO LAW",12 +7,"Then, on May 10, Duncan McKenzie Jr., a murderer, was executed. He had been on death row for 20 years. His execution was the first in Montana since 1943.",6 +3,"Both the Texas and Pennsylvania dioceses called on the Anglican Communion to recognize those who oppose the gay bishop and same-sex blessings as ""the legitimate expression"" of the Episcopal Church.",2 +1, our greatest economic draw -- a source of their job? -- our beaches are not their personal ashtray.,0 +14,U.S. Asks Mexico to Accept 659 Chinese Detained at Sea,13 +5," to sign a death warrant within 30 days of a review of a capital conviction by the State Supreme Court,",4 +3,CATHOLICS BACK IMMIGRANTS,2 +6,Report Finds Gaps In Firearm Laws,5 +13,"One of those Democrats, Rep. Stephen Webber, D-Columbia, told the Post-Dispatch that he's switching his position.",12 +5,Gay marriage amendment up for vote in Tennessee,4 +11,DO ONE-THIRD OF FLORIDIANS OWN GUNS?,10 +5,according to court documents that were part of a file in which a judge declined to order Cho committed to the psychiatric hospital.,4 +13,CLINTON WON'T BACK TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,12 +5,IRANIANS TESTING THE LIMITS OF U.S. JUSTICE,4 +1,PA. TOBACCO AUCTION YIELDS LOW PRICES,0 +10,extended federal benefits to same-sex married couples applies as well to civil unions.,9 +11,California's adult smoking rate at a record low,10 +7," arrests of immigrants with no criminal records more than doubled to 5,441 during the first four months of the year, federal data in April showed.",6 +13,"Like the Republicans, we worry that Mr. Obama's executive order attempts to accomplish what should be done through legislation. Yet we also recognize that he acted to fill a policy vacuum created largely by Republican intransigence and inertia. If the Republicans want to lend weight to Mr. Obama's justification for his actions, they are doing a fine job.",12 +5," proposition defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. +",4 +13,Governor's name to lead off gun-control petition,12 +5,"The city of Cambridge, Mass., will be the first in the nation to grant legal same-sex marriages at 12:01 a.m. on Monday - and a Brooklynite plans to be among the first getting licenses to tie the historic knot.",4 +13,The deadly force bill is SB62 & 41.,12 +12,"Voters across the state will decide on gay marriage, new casino",11 +3, placing still more blood on the hands of the National Rifle Association.,2 +1,"Loans to gun customers is ""an immaterial part of our sales volume,"" Wilkerson added. +",0 +1,2 STUDIES ATTACK TOBACCO INDUSTRY,0 +12,"no fewer than four columnists opined on gun control in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., massacre. On Dec. 23, another seven commentators on the Sunday Opinion, op-ed and Outlook pages took on gun control. All offered opinions on what U.S. society should do with gun-control laws.",11 +7,"Harris, on the state's death row for 11 years, had been scheduled to be executed this morning.",6 +8,"In those days, immigration agents liked to roll out press releases touting the successes of their ""fugitive operations.""",7 +5," ""It will be a problem for New York in proving its claims,"" she said.",4 +13,Politics of race ugly for both parties,12 +13,S.F. MAYOR DEFENDS HIS DECISION ON GAY VOWS,12 +5,"In a one-paragraph decision issued Friday, the U.S. Appeals Court for the 7th Circuit in Chicago wrote that a majority of judges in ""regular active service"" with the court voted to deny requests to have the full court, rather than a customary three-judge panel, hear appeals of decisions overturning laws banning same-sex marriage in Wisconsin and Indiana. +",4 +13,Gallaudet is underfire for action over petition signature,12 +12,"Gay marriage supporters in Bay Area cheer ruling on Prop. 8, will take their chances in U.S. Supreme Court",11 +13,The President Acts on Gun Violence,12 +7,"Al-Amin was convicted Saturday of killing Deputy Ricky Kinchen as the officer tried to serve him with an arrest warrant. Another deputy was wounded, but survived and identified Al-Amin as the gunman.",6 +5,'Fulfilling the dream' Aid requests to Citizenship NOW! soar,4 +5,But a law enforcement official must certify victims' claim - and the New York Police Department maintains the issue is outside its jurisdiction.,4 +5,3 KILLINGS TO BE SENT TO GRAND JURY,4 +11,"""You can look at the societal problems, but guns can be a root of the problem""",10 +3,Consistency of pro-life stance,2 +5,State's prosecutors do not believe a moratorium is necessary.,4 +13,"House conservatives' immigration efforts could upend Senate deal +",12 +6,Bill would deny FDA regulation of tobacco,5 +10,The right to be free from guns,9 +9," After a 12-hour journey, the immigrants poured out of the 53-foot trailer exhausted and dehydrated at a truck stop.",8 +5,COURT: 'STAND' CASES CAN BE LITIGATED,4 +13,Democrats of playing politics by refusing to back,12 +12,NRA'S VOICE HEARD WITH CASH,11 +5,Delay sought on gay ruling,4 +13,Democrats Push Christie To Support Gay Marriage,12 +11,Guns and young people,10 +4,Pressure leads gay Ariz. congressman to 'out' himself,3 +7,"Marc Payen, who recently pleaded guilty to similar charges in Queens, was charged with grand larceny for stealing $12,000 from six people.",6 +13,"Why President Obama went to Nevada to talk immigration reform +",12 +7, potential punishment.,6 +1, potentially harmful to the economy.,0 +12," Unfortunately, California voters approved a ballot measure in November rescinding that right, at least for now.",11 +13,"Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) has hammered the policy for months, making the issue a key one in his bid for reelection against Democratic challenger Katie McGinty in one of the most closely watched Senate contests in the country.",12 +5,"SCHENECKER GETS TRIAL DATE ON CHARGES OF KILLING CHILDREN +",4 +7,"Police did not have evidence for an arrest until they re-interviewed witnesses in 1997. +",6 +12,"JACKSON LEADS 5,000 PROTESTING IMMIGRATION BILL",11 +13,"Ritter speaks for West on ""Meet the Press"" The governor talks of Obama, energy and immigration. +",12 +13,"Several legislators took part. Among them was Rep. Michael Paymar, DFL-St. Paul, who led three days of House hearings on about a dozen gun bills this month.",12 +13,'CIVIL UNIONS' FOR GAYS UP FOR VOTE IN VERMONT,12 +13,"Dudley Brown, director of the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, mailed a letter to voters in Senate District 8 attacking Sen. Jean White's record on gun issues.",12 +11,"It is the story of how Marc Rich - Belgian-born Jewish refugee, a low ''B'' student in high school and the son of a burlap bag maker - became head of one of the largest commodity trading firms in the world.",10 +10,Smokers trying to kick the habit are getting a new source of help,9 +12,ANTI-GUN GROUP LOSES LEGAL NAME TO PRO-GUN GROUP,11 +6,Let's pass the Brady Bill,5 +1,"The median income for a family with at least one immigrant adult was $98,000, compared with $110,000 for families headed by American-born adults, the report by the Fiscal Policy Institute said.",0 +7," that there will be questions about whether Richard Davis, 43, deliberated before killing Marsha Spicer.",6 +6,The ban prohibits the sale of six military-style weapons and requires anyone who legally owns one to register it with the police commissioner. It also bans certain shotguns and rifles.,5 +5,GUNS AND THE CONSTITUTION : RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS RELATES TO MILITIA OR NATIONAL,4 +5,Supreme Court hears oral arguments on DOMA: Live blog,4 +10,Families Hope Freeway Killer's Execution Ends Their Years of Pain,9 +6,"It's the second ballot measure filed this year by 20-somethings that deal with gay rights. +",5 +9,"was chosen to participate in a partnership with the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program, a groundbreaking investigational study, said Dr. William Mayfield, principal WellStar researcher.",8 +13," +COUNTY COUNCIL PANEL TO REVIEW PLAN TO LIMIT CIGARETTE MACHINES",12 +7," +Man who killed 13-year-old would-be thief in St. Louis gets probation for gun offense",6 +6,Eatery smoking bans may spread,5 +13,"A divided Senate blocked on Wednesday a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, rejecting pleas from the White House for its approval and shifting the debate to the campaign trail this fall.",12 +13," +HARMON WILL CHALLENGE STATE RESTRICTION ON CITY GUN RULES",12 +7,"A federal immigration official shot and injured a man in Chicago while attempting to arrest another person in the city, authorities said Monday. +",6 +7,"there had been no robbery, but rather a dispute over a dice game that ended with the teen-ager's shooting and killing Mr. McIntosh. ",6 +4,Why should gay men and lesbians be denied rights heterosexuals enjoy?,3 +13,"NRA's muscle feared Virginia Tech shootings raise gun control issue again, but gun lobby's ",12 +8,who has made border security a top priority.,7 +1,Restaurant closes rather than comply,0 +3,Time to stand up for gun control,2 +13,Minnesota state Capitol,12 +13,N.C. congressman angry over tobacco quota cut,12 +12,Constituents are demanding change,11 +12,"The story of Baker and McConnell, who still live together in South Minneapolis but declined to comment for this story, isn't getting much attention as Minnesotans prepare to vote this fall on whether to define marriage in the state constitution as the union of a man and a woman. +",11 +5,"New Jersey, the fifth state to recognize same-sex relationships in some form, gives couples who register several legal rights, including the ability to make medical decisions for each other and to share in certain benefits. +",4 +13,California gun-control bills advance in Sacramento,12 +13,Debate Fallout,12 +7,REFUGEE ACCUSED OF KILLING INMATE IN VIETNAM CAMP U.S. INVESTIGATING INCIDENT FROM 1979,6 +9,INSPIRE HEALTH AND WELLNESS,8 +12,Groups on either side of the gay-marriage issue pointed to the results as positive news.,11 +1,Benefactor's group to fight effort to ban gay marriage,0 +9, require trigger locks and similar safety devices on weapons in storage.,8 +12,The Riddle of Gay Marriage Polling,11 +11,Can Colorado Save America?,10 +13,"Bachmann's stepsister, Helen LaFave of Minneapolis, is a lesbian. She did not testify at the hearing, in which senators rejected Bachmann's measure, but she said afterward that she felt it important to be there.",12 +15,No Six-Gun Saviors,14 +7," 30,000 homicides,",6 +13,The Trump paradox: A weakened president who could do the impossible,12 +6,SMOKING RULE LESS HARSH,5 +13,"Terri Carbaugh, the governor's deputy press secretary, acknowledged that administration officials had made it clear to Coffin that they ""had every indication she was doing an excellent job.""",12 +13,Gabby backs GOP gun foes,12 +5, Most of those efforts have become mired in costly court battles.,4 +11,"We are told that Americans own 65 million handguns and that an additional 2.5 million new handguns are being sold each year. In 10 years, we can expect the number of handguns owned by Americans to rise to 90 million.",10 +6,Brown: Invalidate Prop. 8,5 +13,PUSH FOR ANTI-TOBACCO LAWS CLINTON CALLS FOR BIPARTISAN EFFORT,12 +11," +The reviewers were asked to record the smoking practices of the five main characters in each film. They found that about 23 percent of those characters smoked -- about the same proportion as in the American population. Whites were much more likely to smoke than blacks, 39 percent versus 28 percent.",10 +4,I just freed an innocent man from death row.,3 +1,"Marriage debate gets boost Both sides lean on a few big contributors early in campaigns FINANCE REPORTS A marriage alliance gets $35,000 from Focus on the Family. ",0 +3,"EXECUTION WRONG, EVEN FOR A ZEALOT",2 +13,"majority of people voting will have to vote yes. Essentially, a nonvote equals a no vote. +",12 +1,"LETTING unauthorized immigrants in New York City get driver's licenses would generate $9.6 million in fees for the state's coffers, boost car sales and lower insurance premiums, a new analysis by city Controller Scott Stringer found. + +The statewide effects of such a policy would be $57 million a year in total revenue for all levels of government, according to another report by the Fiscal Policy Institute set to be released Tuesday along with Stringer's study.",0 +13,Dems looking to civil unions,12 +13,"""I have been and continue to be a strong believer and protector of traditional marriage. I think it's an important issue for society and for the country,"" Brownback said. ""This issue has now been moving across the country for several years, and I guess we will deal with something in D.C. now.""",12 +5,"The District Attorney's Office on Tuesday notified a judge that it will not retry the penalty phase of Miguel Bacigalupo's murder case, satisfied he will spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole unless he can overturn his murder convictions in further appeals.",4 +13,"The Cook County Board of Commissioners approved a same-sex partnership registry, officially recognizing gay and lesbian relationships.",12 +13,President Obama taking gun violence plan on the road,12 +9,deadly,8 +13,Editorial: Republicans Wanted,12 +5,"Another juror seated for Carruth murder trial +",4 +13,"Cowan, Wolfson: A quiet shift in GOP stance on gay marriage",12 +6,DOMESTIC PARTNER REGISTRY CONSIDERED,5 +13,GOP hotheads wrong about immigration bill,12 +13,"The contentious beginning of the debate in the Senate, where the bill's prospects for approval are considerably better than in the House, was a clear signal of tough times as the legislation moves forward.",12 +11,When are we going to get serious about gun control?,10 +6, pinned the gap in background checks at gun shows on him,5 +4," A false confession under these circumstances is highly unusual and highly suggestive that something improper went on at the police station. Even a true confession, for that matter, is a good indication that someone had a lousy lawyer.",3 +6," Gov. Howard Dean signed a bill creating civil unions, which allow gays and lesbians to enjoy many of the legal benefits of marriage.",5 +6,"Cigarettes would be off limits to Florida's more than 60,000 prisoners under a plan approved Tuesday by a Senate committee.",5 +15,Gay Marriage in Oregon,14 +7,"Did you notice how effectively the lack of access to a gun kept Nicole Brown Simpson's barbarous assassin from doing his work? What will you do after all guns are turned in? (Which is, of course, impossible!)",6 +11," where more than 80 percent of homicide victims are African American or Latino, has had to conform to the political will of mostly rural Pennsylvania, where hunting is popular and most of the lawmakers in Harrisburg are white.",10 +6,to halt executions in their states until further notice are further proof that the death penalty as administered in this country is becoming less palatable to many people.,5 +15,No. 2: Send a message,14 +7,SMALL NUMBER OF MIDDLEMEN FUNNEL LARGE NUMBERS OF GUNS TO CRIMINALS,6 +7,Bond denied in possible capital case,6 +5,"No one expects the conservative 78-year-old jurist to have a sudden equal-protection epiphany. He has made it abundantly plain that he has no use for same-sex unions; he thinks they are immoral. In his Lawrence v. Texas dissent, for instance, he said Americans have every right to enforce ""the moral opprobrium that has traditionally attached to homosexual conduct"" in order to protect ""themselves and their families from a lifestyle that they believe to be immoral and destructive.""",4 +1,BIG TOBACCO SOURS ON 'CANDY' SMOKES,0 +5,"The Supreme Court is closely divided on the issue. Four justices - John Paul Stevens, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David H. Souter - believe that juvenile executions violate the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against ""cruel and unusual"" punishment. Three justices - Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist - believe the penalty is constitutional.",4 +8,Gun show loophole is target again,7 +11,"56 MEN EXECUTED IN '95, HIGHEST NUMBER SINCE '57",10 +1,"The government spent about $135 million from 1999, when the suit was filed, through 2004, according to figures the department released at the start of the trial. The figure includes costs not eligible for reimbursement under the rules.",0 +6,as Greeley passed a smoking ban,5 +13,"Most of this week's congressional action will originate in the Senate, where work continues on overhauling the nation's gun and immigration laws. Both issues are progressing as expected: Slowly, and seemingly always on the verge of potential collapse. +",12 +12,The advocates plan a protest rally tomorrow outside Gov. George E. Pataki's Manhattan office.,11 +11,CAUGHT BETWEEN CULTURES; AUTHOR CAPTURES THE ANGST OF IMMIGRANTS' KIDS,10 +15,"I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do ...",14 +9,Florida video-game shooter able to buy guns despite mental illness,8 +6,Are new laws needed on gun control?,5 +15," +A quiet middleman on immigration",14 +6,"PULL PLUG ON DEATH ROW APPEALS AGENCY, PANEL URGES +",5 +12,"But in Atlanta, the Day Without Immigrants appeared more muted. Though many immigrants said they agreed with the action, many more did not participate in it.",11 +5,"The city today dropped a lawsuit that sought to hold firearms makers liable for gun-related crimes, conceding that a fight against the gun industry would be too expensive. +",4 +5,"Bosses in middle of immigration law Some employers feel the heat from a crackdown last week, but also fear suits from fired workers.",4 +5,"Court sounds skeptical about Defense of Marriage Act +",4 +13,LEGISLATURE '94 Sights set on gun compromise Lawmakers face Brady enactment on way to deal,12 +6,"The bill, approved on a vote of 333-87, would further restrict public benefits for illegal immigrants, increase penalties for smugglers and document counterfeiters, and boost border enforcement by adding 5,000 more agents and 14 miles of triple fencing near San Diego.",5 +6,What it would do:The amendment would define marriage and its legal equivalent as the union only of one man and one woman.,5 +13,"Legislation backed by the tobacco industry that would have stripped local governments of the ability to enact anti-smoking ordinances was passed by the House on Monday, but it later died in the Georgia Senate.",12 +11," Death by Guns: Once a Horror, Now a Cliche",10 +14,Amnesty International Assails U.S. on Executions,13 +1,That plan has been fiercely fought by the tobacco industry,0 +10," +""It gave us a platform to speak about the importance of marriage equality,"" Amy adds. ""What it means to us and our family."" +",9 +13," +In Arizona, calls to curb weapons",12 +4,"""We are very supportive, and have been, of the gay community,"" he said. ""But we cannot exclude people. We cannot do to others what the gay community is accusing others of doing to them, meaning ... they should not foster others being excluded.""",3 +6,WIDE-RANGING DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP BILL IS CONSIDERED BY NEW YORK CITY,5 +7,"a violence-plagued neighborhood in Southeast Washington, Fenty (D) said the intent was to aggressively target violent crime and escalating gang activity by using ""best practices"" drawn from other cities, including Los Angeles, which has a major gang problem.",6 +13,Cuomo's Presidential Moment Forms Contrast With Obama,12 +9,LAWMAKERS HIT IMPASSE ON SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN,8 +10,That fact frustrates the family of Ann Marie Sherman,9 +13,"After Talks With G.O.P., Cuomo Expects Passage of Gay Marriage Bill",12 +1,"Ummm, we were immigs working for 'less'?",0 +13,Waco hearings open on partisan note,12 +13,"Yep, you read that right: Rubio, a potential 2016 Republican presidential contender, issued a press release claiming that a conservative slam against the Democratic president is a myth.",12 +5,"Legally, this case isn't hard. Morally, it's even easier. Janet and Lisa Miller-Jenkins entered a civil union in Vermont, had a child together -- Lisa is the biological mother -- and then split. After petitioning the Vermont courts to dissolve the union and make a custody determination that explicitly recognized Janet as a parent, Lisa took their child, Isabella, to Virginia and began defying the very order she had requested. The Vermont court held her in contempt, but Frederick County Circuit Judge John R. Prosser gave her sanctuary, ruling in 2004 that under Virginia law she was ""the sole biological and natural parent"" and that she ""solely has the legal rights, privileges, duties and obligations as parent.""",4 +5,"The debate before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit came in the case of Virginia death row inmate Christopher S. Emmett. His lawyers are challenging the state's lethal injection procedures, saying that prisoners are not fully anesthetized before being administered drugs that can cause excruciating pain. The Virginia attorney general's office said the state's executions are humane and constitutional.",4 +11,WHAT DOES HISTORY TELL ABOUT NRA'S REACTION?,10 +13,"The commission voted 4-2 recently to adopt a resolution, introduced by Commissioner Michael Hightower, to support a law making its way through Congress.",12 +12, the NRA continues to insist this would,11 +10,have separated,9 +4,Gays push for same rights as those married,3 +1,"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota provided the rewards to participating clinics from Fairview Physician Associations. The state's largest health plan is now seeking to add these financial incentives in contracts with other clinic groups throughout the state. +",0 +1,"In fact, any signals that weap-ons are becoming more difficult to buy could actually help sales, experts say.",0 +1,for volunteers for $270,0 +3,"Irish Anglican Archbishop Robin Eames, who headed the commission, pleaded to both sides ""to look for healing, not division, for pastoral reconciliation and not punishment."" The report, he said at a news conference in the crypt of London's historic St. Paul's Cathedral, ""does not offer any easy judgment on the situation and it does not offer any easy solution either.""",2 +13,Democrats Move to Include Gay Marriage in Party Platform,12 +6,Gay Marriage Ban Fails in Md,5 +8,"He is accused of proposing the suicide hijacking operation to Osama bin Laden as early as 1996. +",7 +13,"Today, as I write, House Bill 89 rests on Gov. Sonny Perdue's desk awaiting his signature.",12 +1,SPENDING CUTS HURT ANTI-TOBACCO GROUPS,0 +13,"BUSH, NRA OUT IN COLD ON BANNING AK-47S",12 +12,Rally behind e-cigarettes,11 +8,N.Y. gun-owner database draws ire,7 +13,"Kaine, equivocating, said:",12 +5,Justices Refuse Case On Gun Law In New York,4 +5,"His letter said it would take up to 90 days to read all of the police reports, preliminary hearing transcripts, depositions and trial texts, and to interview certain witnesses.",4 +12,"He said that his staff would meet with organizers from Millions for Mumia first and that he would firm up plans next week. +",11 +10,He has insisted since his conviction four years ago that he would rather be executed than grow old in prison.,9 +9,HEALTH NOTES,8 +5,"The official, who was not authorized to discuss the case and spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the woman was sent to the United States because immigration authorities did not receive a judge's injunction like the one that temporarily blocked her son's deportation.",4 +11,N.B.A. to Run Ads Deploring Gun Violence,10 +13,The Democrats' cowardice on guns,12 +13,House Resoundingly Defeats Ban on Semiautomatic Arms,12 +1,"In July, Kathy Murphy received a letter from the Social Security Administration. ""We are writing to tell you that you do not qualify for widow's benefits,"" it said. ""You do not qualify for the lump-sum death benefit because you are not Sara Elizabeth Barker's widow or child."" +",0 +7,Police Back Gun Lawsuit,6 +6,Proposed smoking ban stirs controversy,5 +13,"A majority in the U.S. Senate and, some say, in the House of Representatives would vote for it. President Bush and his opponent, Sen. John Kerry, both favor it.",12 +10,"Even though the Supreme Court struck down DOMA, it's still hurting gays every day",9 +13, White House officials said the president,12 +6,"Both bills immediately raised alarm, and for good reason. Law enforcement agencies feared that allowing motorists to legally hide handguns would endanger police officers during traffic stops. And few employers were willing to surrender control of their property and risk company parking lots being turned into shooting galleries.",5 +6,"Food Stamp Cuts Are Proposed; House Plan Would Affect 300,000",5 +10,Guns on campus?,9 +7,Recent immigration raids,6 +3,"""obviously chose instead to perpetuate their deadly coverup.""",2 +5,"hey go on trial in September. +",4 +1,"The state wants wholesalers who sell tobacco products to help collect the missing taxes. But wholesaler Milhelm Attea & Bros. Inc., joined by several tribes, argues that New York's plan is unconstitutional and places too much of a burden on firms doing business with tribes. +",0 +1,"Ross R. Millhiser, 83, Marketer Of Top-Selling Marlboro Brand +",0 +7,"She returned to the scene yesterday to help police negotiate with Nutter, who used to live with her, police said. Nutter reportedly said he wanted to marry Urs and demanded a minister.",6 +13,"After an hour and 40 minutes of heartfelt speeches, just 14 senators voted in favor of the bill, with 20 opposed. Twenty-one votes were needed for passage.",12 +11,"Richard Byrne first saw the posters in his Washington, D.C., neighborhood on Thursday morning as he walked to a commuter train station. +",10 +13,"Stipanovich, Martinez's chief political adviser. + +The gun issue is, as a top aide to the governor put it, ""a fig leaf"" +",12 +14,"Kasuri said he would raise the issue along with other matters when he meets Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice and members of Congress next week. Kasuri and his advisers said Pakistan would also ask Washington to resume arms sales to Pakistan, lift a travel advisory warning U.S. citizens not to visit Pakistan and increase market access in the United States for Pakistani textiles. +",13 +6,'STAND YOUR GROUND' REJECTED,5 +2,LINES START 24 HOURS EARLY TO GET INSIDE INS OFFICE AGENCY SAYS IT'S REVIEWING POLICY THAT REQUIRES PEOPLE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR SERVICE,1 +3,"God, Death and Justice Scalia",2 +15,Adam,14 +12,"Stacey Newman, co-president of the St. Louis chapter of the Million Mom March.",11 +5,"A federal judge in Minneapolis has ordered immigration officials not to deport a Somali refugee convicted of assault, ruling that sending Somalis back to a country with no functioning government is illegal.",4 +15,PARTNER REGISTRY A FIRST,14 +7,"Despite a recent wave of new shootings,",6 +5," +On Tuesday, the lawyers for the couples and their children who brought the lawsuit Garden State Equality v. Dow filed a brief opposing the state's effort to halt the marriages.",4 +13,W'CHESTER POL AIMING AT THE NRA,12 +12,Public outrage at the tobacco industry's deceptive and deadly practices is growing daily,11 +6,"Permanent provisions of the 1994 Brady Law went into effect recently, extending the sweep of the federal firearms measure.",5 +13," +Kilgore's position was roundly criticized in some quarters -- Sen. H. Russell Potts Jr. (R-Winchester), an independent candidate for governor, called it the ""worst form of demagoguery."" But it made clear that the issue could play a key role in the campaign.",12 +13,'This is how we will be judged' Our View o President takes gun debate to theAmerican people while some extremists play political games. OPINION,12 +5,"Hanes last week began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite the state's Marriage Law restricting unions to one man and one woman. Hanes says that law is discriminatory and violates the state constitution. +",4 +13," +White House takes stanceagainst state marriage ban",12 +13,"""We're encouraging [Congress] to get out of the hip pockets and the back pockets of the National Rifle Association,"" Webb said.",12 +6,has pushed smokers further and further away from doorways,5 +5,ven prosecutors agree:,4 +4, But several also complained that the death penalty is used disproportionately against black convicts and that some who have faced execution have later been found innocent.,3 +7,"Federal agents simultaneously swept through South Florida's three major airports this month and arrested 29 custodial workers, nearly all of them Hispanics, on charges of falsifying immigration documents and Social Security numbers on job applications.",6 +13,"In Virginia, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine on Monday amended",12 +3,protect religious freedom,2 +5,HISTORIC VICTORY,4 +5,"""Should we let local governments infringe on the First Amendment if they wanted to?"" Miller asked reporters at a news conference in his office. ""To me, there are 10 amendments in that Bill of Rights.""",4 +6,"Concealed-weapons secrecy gains Bill allows deletion of permit holder's ID from files or requires notice of release +",5 +3," Not since 1860, when the country's pulpits were full of preachers pronouncing on slavery, pro and con, has one of our basic social (and economic) institutions been so subject to biblical scrutiny.",2 +6,Talking About Gun Restrictions Without Talking About 'Gun Control',5 +6,"Maryland lawmakers are drawing up legislation that would grant gay couples many of the same rights as married people, a measure that would bring the escalating debate over same-sex marriages into the State House this winter.",5 +7,Dealer Accused of Selling Guns to Criminals,6 +7,"Bank guard Richard Heflin Jr., 46, of Belleville, died minutes after the holdup March 17, 1997. He was hit or grazed by nearly a dozen bullets from semiautomatic rifles. +",6 +13,N.J. Senate votes to legalize same-sex marriage,12 +13,End death penalty measure likely to be on November ballot,12 +1,"NO IMMIGRANTS, NO STRONG ECONOMY",0 +7,The Justice Department is investigating how a Queens man allegedly obtained authentic Immigration and Naturalization Service documents and sold them to illegal aliens.,6 +5,At issue is an accusation by Minnesota - echoed in other lawsuits filed nationwide ,4 +7,Man is sentenced for firearms sales,6 +6," ''to fight against those who would take away our rights to protect ourselves and our families against criminals that attack, rob, rape and kill.''",5 +12,"Opponents say the notion that armed students would make a campus safer is an illusion that will have a chilling effect on campus life. +",11 +10,"After waiting for years to get married, the couple rushed from the their East Bay home to San Francisco City Hall after the brief court of appeals order. +",9 +13,Voters in California and Nebraska will decide whether they want to keep the death penalty,12 +8, New Yorker examines U.S. role in 'Opium War II',7 +3,"""without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings, there can be no redemption.""",2 +5, or the U.S. Supreme Court,4 +13," +CLINTON SEEKS MORE POLICE, FEWER GUNS",12 +10,"They donned T-shirts imprinted with an image of Junny's face and started the 300-mile drive from their homes in Brevard County and Orlando. +",9 +5, that was shown repeatedly to jurors during his five-month trial.,4 +9,Ollie: Killer boys are all 'on Ritalin',8 +9, to report certain mental-health records,8 +6,"PARTNERS REGISTRY WOULD BE A SIMPLE, SECULAR SERVICE",5 +7," I have to admit, there has been no drive-by bayoneting since 1994.",6 +7,"Walter T. Storey was put to death early Wednesday for killing a neighbor in St. Charles in 1990. + +Storey's execution at the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre",6 +1,Taxing Cigarettes,0 +3,"The 0.1 was a nice touch, suggesting -- speaking of fraud",2 +7,"Some law-enforcement groups supported the changes. The Law Enforcement Steering Committee, a group of police organizations, opposed them.",6 +13,Yet one would think the Florida Legislature is vying to become the candlelight memorial capital of the country.,12 +11,Gay marriage divides American Indian communities,10 +5," +Death sought in killing of Pasco deputy",4 +5,"By doing that, DeJong unknowingly violated the terms of his green card",4 +6,LEWIS IS RIGHT: BANNING SEMIAUTOMATICS WON'T HELP,5 +5,Appeals court takes on issue of secrecy in terror hearings,4 +7,"Alamance man, 82, gets nearly 4 years for illegal gun sales",6 +7,KILLINGS JUST WAITING TO HAPPEN,6 +12," +Littleton Students Listen to Gun Debate, Wondering if They Have Been Heard",11 +6,"Court's gun ruling will not make Americans safer +",5 +5,More than 50 defense motions have been filed since January on issues ranging from a challenge to Georgia's death penalty to a request that the state flag be removed from Superior Court Judge George Kreeger's courtroom.,4 +15,No longer defensible,14 +13,Showdown on Guns,12 +13,GAY COUPLES WARY OF SENATE'S MOVE ON MARRIAGES,12 +5, the trial of their accused killer has been delayed again.,4 +7,SNUFF OUT CIGARETTE SALES TO MINORS OUTLAW VENDING MACHINE SALES AND FINE,6 +10," noting that more than 1,100 federal benefits are at stake for married same-sex couples.",9 +15,'I was face-to-face with it on April 16th',14 +5,Jurors to Learn Of a Deadlock In Murder Trial Involving Rabbi,4 +13,"By failing to tackle one of the most pressing and divisive social issues of the day, lawmakers and Gov. Corbett have effectively left it to the courts.",12 +3,"McConnell's daughter, Heather McConnell, said she could forgive Hyatt but could never forget what he did.",2 +4,"Lawyer in Moussaoui case put on leave +",3 +11,"But teen-agers proved to be the only group in which smoking did not decline, according to one study of the state's program by the University of California at San Diego.",10 +12,D.C. Residents Rally To Preserve Gun Bans,11 +3,Gun Referendum Recharges D.C.'s Black Clergy,2 +11,Cassidy: Twitter moved us toward the Supreme Court's DOMA and Proposition 8 rulings on same-sex marriage,10 +11,With the death row population and the pace of executions both mounting,10 +13,Brady bill supporters challenge alternative,12 +11,"Stars Align for a Marriage Anthem +",10 +1,Same-sex marriage issue shows importance of gay fundraisers,0 +7," He and his companion were charged with unlawful entry, and ordered to perform 40 hours of community service.",6 +13,Governor Bob Taft,12 +3,"Warily, a Religious Leader Lifts His Voice in Politics",2 +5,"On March 14, the Supreme Court upheld the decision. +",4 +7,comes one day before he is scheduled to be executed.,6 +5,"Attorneys for Gray,",4 +12,Some Protest as Loudoun Considers Hunting Limits,11 +13,"The Governor, who leaves office Jan. 1 after serving one term, the maximum allowed by law, had vowed since his campaign in 1982 that no one would be executed in New Mexico while he was Governor.",12 +5,Executions in Missouri are on hold - again.,4 +5,"A jury Friday found cigarette companies not responsible for a smoker's cancer death, a break for the tobacco industry that lost a similar lawsuit this month and faces new federal regulations.",4 +5,A long-awaited court decision Thursday that allows Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota to remain a plaintiff in a pending lawsuit against the tobacco industry was hailed by many as a major victory for the health-care provider and a decision that could lead to more lawsuits across the nation.,4 +13,"Dianne Feinstein, oldest U.S. senator, announces reelection bid",12 +1,IMMIGRANT FLOW TIED TO ECONOMY,0 +1,"In Phila. and elsewhere, gun sales boom",0 +15,Odd fellow travelers wrest power from state,14 +13,The Republican incumbent and most of the Democratic candidates also agree on something else: They would rather change the subject.,12 +4,", discrimination will continue.",3 +13,"The First Lady's Heckler +",12 +13,"One ad, aired by Poizner beginning in April, argues that ""like Schwarzenegger,"" Whitman ""will continue taxpayer-funded benefits to illegals. A skyrocketing cost under Obamacare."" +",12 +10," said Mary Verrette, one of the murdered man's sisters",9 +7,Assault weapons kill dozens in the blink of an eye,6 +5,sought the same result when they filed suit in Bucks County Court,4 +7,"""The only story Floyd Hill has ever told is that he didn't shoot anybody and got caught in a cross-fire.""",6 +9,Lethal Injections Called Flawed,8 +13," +Key senators reach deal on background checks for gun buyers +",12 +13,Gun-control advocate Sarah Brady bought her son a powerful rifle for Christmas in 2000,12 +3," +How many more lives must be sacrificed on the altar of the Second Amendment? How long before American lives are held as precious as the right to bear arms? How long before we wake from this long national nightmare?",2 +7, to 'deny on arrest.',6 +5,"Supreme Court's stay of ruling comes day before unions were set to begin +",4 +7,Wilson was convicted and sentenced to death by two separate federal juries in the murders of Detectives Rodney Andrews and James Nemorin during a gun buy-and-bust in Staten Island in 2003.,6 +13,These GOP lawmakers are pushing for more gun rights after baseball shooting,12 +4,Marriage equality for all,3 +5, That set up a legal showdown that could have national implications.,4 +12,"Nearly all the 488,427 signatures it needs are verified, and the group claims enough on hand to go over 600,000",11 +12,"""On the one-year anniversary of the SB1070, we want to denounce the repression and unfair laws that are destroying our immigrant communities,"" said Diana Mejía, an organizer with the American Friends Service Committee in Newark and cofounder of Wind of the Spirit, a group that champions immigrant rights.",11 +7,Gun seller probed in shooting spree,6 +13,National hysteria after mass killings is bipartisan affair,12 +13,Lonegan to hold a gun-range fund-raiser,12 +13,KELLY URGED NOT TO VETO SMOKING BAN,12 +6,FRESNO CONSIDERS LOOSENING LAW ON PACKING CONCEALED GUNS,5 +8,Hawaii could be first to put gun owners in federal database,7 +7,Death Penalty Urged in Slayings of 5 Drifters,6 +1,From Page One; Local labor brings in the harvest,0 +9,"""During the later years, I developed pneumonia and bronchitis on a regular basis.",8 +11,Death-sentence rate in Phila. among highest,10 +5,"URY VOTES 10-2 FOR DEATH IN GIRL'S KILLING +",4 +9,"Schaefer alleges threats by gays, receives State Patrol protection",8 +15,"HAVE GUN, WON'T CHECK",14 +15,A Nose for Hidden Compartments and the Potential for Smoke,14 +13,"The same-sex marriage proposal was introduced by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, and has already been approved by the state's Assembly.",12 +7,SMASH AND GRAB,6 +13,Twisting truth on the border,12 +5,Juror Illness Causes Delay In Moussaoui Deliberations,4 +13,"The gun lobby isn't the only group throwing its weight around trying to thwart President Obama's plans to combat gun violence. +",12 +1,"""I will not write another check unless they all support a ban on assault weapons,",0 +5," Same-sex marriage is legal in New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, D.C.",4 +7,"Sells admitted a lot more killings, too. Dozens. For example, he convinced authorities in Southern Illinois that he slaughtered the Dardeen family in the tiny village of Ina, about 75 miles southeast of St. Louis, in 1987. + +And, now, there is still more. + +""Sells told Texas Rangers that he had killed a woman and her child in St. Louis, and that he had killed a black female in Missouri,"" said Lt. Ron Henderson, commander of the St. Louis Police Department's homicide unit. The decapitated girl here was African-American. + +It's hardly enough cause to accuse Sells, but plenty of reason for detectives to pack their bags for Texas.",6 +13,lawmakers said.,12 +7,FELON-FRIENDLY GUN BILL,6 +13,"HOUSE PASSES BRADY BILL, BUT ADDS EXPIRATION DATE",12 +10," ""shocked, disappointed and devastated.""",9 +10, But White said he never really wanted to die; he said his motives were to move to death row where he could more easily protest prison conditions and have more isolation so he could pray and meditate.,9 +12,Anti-smoking activists,11 +13,The smoking war has finally arrived in Washington.,12 +7,"CRIMINALS ARE skirting federal background checks to get their hands on guns - one click at a time. +",6 +5, Griffin's attorneys continued to flood the federal courts with appeals,4 +5,"Orloff is a ""firm believer in capital punishment"" when the crime warrants it, Anderson said.",4 +3,The Rev. Al Carmines doesn't foresee any problems with that.,2 +11,"Carrie West threatened to break out his 5-foot-high tiara and wave the entire ride down Central Avenue in Saturday's St. Pete Pride Promenade. +",10 +13,"SEN. JEFF SESSIONS WRONGLY SAYS 350,000 PEOPLE SUCCEED IN CROSSING THE BORDER EVERY YEAR",12 +3,"Gun control, but no self-control",2 +5,"In Windsor, the court struck down a section of the Defense of Marriage Act that defined marriage as only between a man and a woman for purposes of federal benefits, but it did not address whether states have to recognize same-sex marriages performed outside their jurisdictions. +",4 +9,Health Groups Launch Anti-Smoking Ads,8 +5,"A federal judge on Monday recognized the out-of-state marriage of a gay Ohio couple, granting a temporary restraining order as one of the men nears death. +",4 +7,"68 Clerics Face Judgment Over a Same-Sex Union +",6 +12,The battle over public smoking in the northern Colorado town raged,11 +5,"who recently filed a $ 433 million lawsuit against the gun industry. +",4 +4,NEW JERSEY ALLOWS GAYS EQUAL FOOTING IN ADOPTIONS,3 +5,"The court, in bolstering its conclusion, noted that Oregonians in November passed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as strictly a heterosexual institution. Oregon was one of 11 states to pass such an amendment.",4 +13,"The Rev has swung a mighty sword to smite earlier attempts to pass a bill in the Senate, and says he's ready to do so again. +",12 +11,The ground is shifting on gun control,10 +7,"ierre tortured his victims, made them drink liquid Drano, kicked a pen into the ear of one, raped another, shot all five and killed three. + +Few mourned his execution. +",6 +7,Thirteen were executed and 40 still await a date with the electric chair.,6 +5,Deliberations start today in Boggess trial,4 +15,PRIME-TIME PICK,14 +5,"More than 20 federal courts have ruled in favor of advocates of same-sex marriage. Panels of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th and 4th circuits are the highest courts to strike down state bans, in Utah, Oklahoma and Virginia. +",4 +7,2 FIRMS FINED FOR BREAKING FOREIGN WORKER RULES,6 +3,"The minister, the Rev. Greg Dell, 53, has been formally charged with disobedience to Methodism's ""order and discipline"" for having blessed the union of two men in his church, Broadway United Methodist Church, here in Chicago last September. The trial will begin on Thursday, with 13 ministers acting as a jury and a retired bishop as judge, in a church sanctuary in suburban Downers Grove. A verdict could come on Saturday. Conviction could lead to loss of his ministerial credentials.",2 +5,"The Supreme Court justices did not question the conviction of LaQuanta Chapman, 36, but they said prosecutors misidentified previous New Jersey convictions as felonies, which led to the death sentence, according to an opinion issued Tuesday. +",4 +1,"''At some point, this is going to happen,'' said Steven C. Parrish, Altria's senior vice president for corporate affairs. ''It would set some clear rules for all the companies to play by.''",0 +1,The tobacco settlement will leave billboard owners and publishers scrambling to make up lost ad revenue because the deal bans billboard advertising and curbs other forms of promotions.,0 +5,"By this, West means Wednesday's Supreme Court decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, a 1996 law that did not extend federal privileges to married couples of same-sex orientation. +",4 +1," has been enlisted as a spokesman for the product, All Mint Chew.",0 +5,City's suit over guns thrown out,4 +6,"The conservative group speculated about the impact of the health care bill on gun owners, hypothesizing that, in a bid to control spiraling health care costs, the administration will target people who have ""excessively dangerous"" behaviors that officials believe raise the cost of health care",5 +13,"The party's platform drafting committee voted to include language backing gay marriage during a weekend meeting in Minneapolis, the official said. Democratic delegates will formally approve the platform during the party convention in Charlotte, N.C., in early September.",12 +5,"His status changed from death row inmate to Pennsylvania lifer yesterday, after a Common Pleas Court jury impaneled to decide a new sentence for LaCava sent a note to Judge Eugene H. Clarke Jr. saying it was hopelessly deadlocked. As a result, Clarke imposed a sentence of life in prison without parole, as required by law.",4 +15,The Lot of a Smoker in New York,14 +1,NASCAR kicks the habit,0 +11,"the percentage of the population that smoked fell to 22.5 percent in 2002, from 37 percent in 1970.",10 +6,"Disruptions: Smart Guns Can't Kill in the Wrong Hands +",5 +8,Death-penalty expert joins defense for suspect in 2012 Benghazi attack,7 +13, and some politicians have assumed an appropriate posture of indignation,12 +5,"Denny's Inc. agreed Monday to retrain its restaurant managers nationwide to resolve allegations it requested excessive documentation from immigrants applying for work, the Justice Department said.",4 +5,His lawyers have asked for a stay of execution; they're likely to get it because his appeal hasn't ever gone to federal court. But this is the closest Lucas has come to the penalty.,4 +7,Both men are charged with two counts of capital murder.,6 +1,"The ring allegedly bought cigarettes in North Carolina, which has a relatively low 5-cents-a-pack tax on cigarettes. The cigarettes were unloaded in Michigan, where prices are higher because of the state's 75-cents-a-pack tax.",0 +7,The San Bernardino shooting,6 +1,"Business owners say they know it's now easier to get a gun and take it more places, but they say the state has offered no guidance about how to keep guns off their property.",0 +13," said El Paso County Commissioner Betty Beedy, a permit holder who is advancing the change.",12 +5,Metro Briefing Connecticut: Hartford: Dismissed Defenders Fight Execution,4 +6,"""don't ask, don't tell"" rule, which bars gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military.",5 +11,Gay unions: A matter of rights or a threat to traditional marriage?,10 +13,DURBIN SEEMS TO RELISH BEING AN NRA TARGET OVER BRADY LAW,12 +13,"Firearm opponents, of course, haven't been wholly outgunned in the political system.",12 +15,SMOKE SCREEN IS SEEN BEHIND THE SMOKELESS,14 +12,Md. Rally Renews Push to Bar Gay Marriage,11 +7,state police asked authorities in Albemarle County about a convicted rapist whose DNA matched stains found at the crime scene.,6 +13,was killed on a vote of 4-2 Wednesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee.,12 +11,"""We're in a new era,""",10 +6, Campuses to resolve details of gun law,5 +6,Martin Death Spurs Group To Readjust Policy Focus,5 +5, to a court ruling last week that would allow a couple legally wed in Massachusetts to be divorced in their state?,4 +13,Governor Criticizes Failure to Pass Gun Control Laws,12 +1,"But for some bar owners, the decision about whether to get an exemption is much less clear-cut than it is for Regan.",0 +5,"In this class action, the tobacco companies are accused of addicting smokers, and the potential liability could exceed the entire stock market value of the companies.",4 +13,"In the election-year showdown, the bill was supported by 206 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Voting against it were 176 Democrats, 17 Republicans and and an independent. +",12 +13,Vote delayed on disputed gun bill Attorney: Denver laws in jeopardy,12 +4," The result, the report said, was an arbitrary ''judicial lottery'' that does nothing to deter crime and meets no social need",3 +13,Senate panel supports gun background checks,12 +7,"Mr. Nichols was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter,",6 +5," +Young's attorney, Rick Sturgeon, has asked the judge to return a verdict of guilty but mentally ill.",4 +13,"Five things to watch on Election Day in New York and Colorado +",12 +5," Prince William County judge yesterday declined to overturn John Allen Muhammad's murder conviction and ruled that the sniper is not eligible for a new trial. +",4 +7,"Bobby Marion Francis, 44, had been scheduled to die at 7 a.m. today in the electric chair at Florida State Prison near Starke.",6 +5, Asay was convicted by a jury ,4 +5,TOBACCO CASE ENDS WITH $15 MILLION RULING,4 +13,Lt. Gov. Pierre Howard on Monday declared dead on arrival in the Georgia Senate,12 +5,"A lawyer for a New Hope gay couple says that she soon will ask a Bucks County judge to act on a lawsuit seeking to bar the couple from marrying. +",4 +3,EDELMAN SOUNDS CALL FOR PEOPLE'S CRUSADE TO END THE VIOLENCE,2 +7,"``We knew he wasn't going anywhere,'' Tomkins said. Jesperson, who earned his nickname because he drew happy faces on letters to an Oregon newspaper in which he talked of his crimes, is currently serving two life sentences for murders in Oregon and Wyoming.",6 +6, to require the city's businesses to put ashtrays outside their doors.,5 +6,GUN LAWS ARE NOT THE ANSWER,5 +12," Two-thirds of Americans in a new poll, including three out of four women, say increasing restrictions on guns is more important than protecting the rights of Americans to own them.",11 +13,"Most significantly, the bill has received intense interest from Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, who has a strong rating from the National Rifle Association. ""Senator Grassley is working with the co-sponsors of the gun trafficking and straw purchaser proposals,"" said Beth Levine, a spokeswoman for Mr. Grassley, ""and he hopes they can come to a bipartisan consensus."" +",12 +10,"For the victims' families, the decision brings the painful possibility of returning to a courtroom yet again.",9 +13,"""You know you're winning the battle when your opponents try to shut you down,"" Stewart told the crowd. +",12 +9,"Death is nothing, but stunting your growth will give any smoker pause +",8 +13,"After more than four hours of emotional debate, the New Jersey Assembly late today approved a bill restoring the death penalty in the state for some types of murder.",12 +6,Md. gay marriage bill to get double scrutiny,5 +1,"For the tobacco industry, export markets have become more important",0 +13,"NEIGHBORHOOD REPORT: LOOKING BACK, LOOKING AHEAD -- NEIGHBORHOOD POLITICS LOOKING BACK, LOOKING AHEAD; Ethnic Groups Inch Toward Political Mainstream, Buoying Hopes for 1997 Races",12 +11,The Tame West,10 +12,"Saslaw's comments have prompted conversations among gun-rights advocates on Web sites and blogs, many of which are promoting the April events. Some people described their own experience of bringing guns into Northern Virginia restaurants.",11 +11,McCready's death factors in gun debate,10 +13,"Senate Passes Bill Against Same-Sex Marriage; In First Test on Hill, Measure to Prohibit Employment Discrimination Is Defeated, 50-49",12 +10,DEATH ROW LAWYER HAS JOB FEW ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT,9 +1,"In an open letter to ""fellow Americans,"" Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz requested customers not bring guns into Starbucks stores. +",0 +5,Capital trial for Somali pirates will begin in Va. this week,4 +6,"""He is an example of why the administration of justice should have an option for the penalty of death.""",5 +6,"Too Many Guns, Too Many Laws",5 +11,"""There is clearly a trend that's going on nationally toward more and more lenient concealed-carry laws over time, with less and less discretion for law enforcement,"" said Michael Siegel, a professor at the Boston University School of Public Health and the study's main author. ""Based on the findings of our paper, that suggests it is putting the public safety at risk.""",10 +3,Homosexual marriages could not be considered traditional,2 +5,"Lawyers on both sides of the debate called the decision significant -- it was the first time a federal appeals court has voided a gun law on the basis of the Second Amendment, they said.",4 +12,"In a resounding, coast-to-coast rejection of gay marriage, voters in 11 states approved constitutional amendments Tuesday limiting marriage to one man and one woman.",11 +1,"TAXES DRAIN HOLIDAY CHEER ... DRINKERS, SMOKERS, MERCHANTS WILL PAY MORE",0 +7,LAW AGENCIES MEET TO COMBAT INTERNATIONAL GANGS,6 +5,HIGH COURT REFUSES TO HEAR DEATH ROW INMATES,4 +13," +After each house of the state Legislature passed bills targeting cheap handguns Wednesday -- the biggest gun-control victory here this decade -- the question soon emerged: What's happened to the National Rifle Association's powerful grip on state politicians?",12 +15,Public Service Campaigns That Work,14 +13,Dems make landmark stand for gay marriage,12 +15,For the Record,14 +4, Racial considerations aside,3 +14,London Surgeon Says Trump Solution to Knife Crime Is 'Ridiculous',13 +1,Tobacco companies taking successful aim at girls,0 +13," +He added that Cuccinelli had shown ""career-long opposition to common-sense measures that would keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.""",12 +5,"''We have,'' wrote Justice Martha B. Sosman of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in a dissent last week, ''a pitched battle over who gets to use the 'm' word.''",4 +13,Chaos in the House Over Gun Control,12 +6,"that required about 8,500 gun dealers in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas to alert federal officials to sales of multiple semiautomatic rifles to the same person within five business days.",5 +13,"Last fall, as a bus load of Democrats rolled through South Georgia on a campaign tour, former Gov. Zell Miller pointed to a pawn shop that prominently advertised guns for sale.",12 +13,"GOP PUSHES BILLS TO BLOCK CLINTON FROM USING COURTS AIM IS TO CUT OFF FUNDS FOR FIGHT AGAINST GUN, TOBACCO INDUSTRIES",12 +13,"CONGRESS IS UNLIKELY TO OK CLINTON PLAN TO LICENSE GUN OWNERS THE PROPOSAL, PRESENTED IN THE STATE OF THE UNION, MAY FARE BETTER ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL THAN ON CAPITOL HILL. +",12 +15,Drop the hammer on guns,14 +5, Smith's lawyers reportedly seek life term for client,4 +13,"It could also impact her own political future, currently one of the most promising in Illinois politics. +",12 +8,Background checks and lower crime rate cut into gun purchases,7 +5," +Licensed handgun carry now legal in District of Columbia: Palmer v. DC +",4 +13,Md. Senate panel backs same-sex marriage bill,12 +10,"is mother and a mortician, and watching a Kevin Bacon movie, ""Hollow Man."" +",9 +5,APPEALS COURT RULING RETURNS HIRED KILLER TO DEATH ROW/ NEW TRIAL IS REJECTED,4 +8,CBI has busy weekend checking gun sales Bureau beefs up staffing for Tanner show buyers,7 +12," +Americans say the Democratic Party more closely represents their views on the current immigration reform debate, in large part because of the support of minorities.",11 +3,"""I just discerned and prayed and journeyed with what was before me,"" he said Tuesday.",2 +13,"Hammer contended that the only people who oppose the bill are ""antigun folks"" - including some members of the NRA who criticized it during Tuesday's news conference at Sawgrass Lake Park.",12 +6," +Mishap doesn't show need for gun laws",5 +5,Md. High Court Lets Serial Killer Live,4 +11,MORE MADNESS IN GUN-HAPPY FLORIDA,10 +7,"Jorge Luis Garza Gorena, a beefy man with tattoos like scrollwork, was first deported to Mexico 20 years ago. But within a week Mr. Garza, a thief, burglar and heroin addict, had walked back across the border, smiling at an immigration inspector as he falsely declared himself a United States citizen.",6 +13,Clinton: Vote by House lets 'criminals keep buying guns',12 +5,"""From beginning to end,"" the Supreme Court intoned Tuesday, ""judicial proceedings conducted for the purpose of deciding whether a defendant shall be put to death must be conducted with dignity and respect.""",4 +13,Ohio governor refuses to spare life of killer ,12 +7," Littleton, Colo., school shootings.",6 +11,Olympic shooter addresses gun control issue,10 +12, A new Washington Post/ABC News poll showed most Americans (and more than half of gun owners) believe we can make new gun laws without interfering with gun rights.,11 +5,"Judge Duncan-Brice denied a motion by the gun companies to dismiss the lawsuit, saying individuals, not just a governmental entity, could bring a claim that the firearms industry as a whole had created a public nuisance. + +The judge also said it ""is very clear to this court"" that gun companies knowingly violated Chicago's strict antihandgun laws by oversupplying gunshops in the suburbs, where the laws are weaker, ""creating an underground market"" in Chicago. +",4 +5,STATE WEIGHS SEEKING DEATH FOR SIMPSON,4 +13,Panel endorses vote to avoid governor's veto,12 +10,"eulander was granted a change in living quarters. +",9 +13,pro-gun majorities in Congress have been looking for a chance to interfere with the city's gun laws.,12 +7,Gun rights activist Kokesh granted bond,6 +12,March divides King followers,11 +3,"While ""affirming the sacredness of Christian marriage between one man and one woman,"" a resolution before the church's 10-day General Convention here had called on the denomination to develop ""a rite or rites for the blessing of committed relationships between persons of the same sex.""",2 +9,perfect bullet to stop a criminal in his tracks without passing through to hit a bystander.,8 +5,A similar situation in Georgia over the summer prompted a stay of execution after a judge found that putting an inmate to death with secretly compounded pentobarbital raised crucial constitutional questions.,4 +13,"With the federal government struggling to tackle the nation's most pressing issues, from crumbling infrastructure to immigration reform, much of the responsibility of governing has fallen to local officials. But how are they supposed to get things done in one of the most partisan environments in years?",12 +11,"The number of private businesses that voluntarily offer benefits to their employees' domestic partners has grown steadily and includes, among others, Times Publishing Co. (which publishes this newspaper) and the Holland & Knight law firm. ",10 +13,Jeb Bush Attacks President Obama and Ribs Rick Perry at N.R.A. Meeting,12 +1,"SHOULD I BUY A GUN, DESPITE STUDY'S FINDINGS?",0 +11,"Reading The Times With Paul Butler +",10 +13,Romer deluged with calls on same-sex marriage ban,12 +6,Why restrict guns more?,5 +7,"YOUTH TO SERVE LIFE FOR KILLING MAN, 81",6 +7,"On Friday, 17 suspects were arrested in raids of houses and businesses in and around Charlotte, FBI officials said. One person was arrested in Michigan. All were indicted on several federal charges, including immigration violations, weapons offenses, money laundering and cigarette trafficking.",6 +13,Waddoups says,12 +13,State Senate overrides gun law veto,12 +13,The House voted 122-52 for the gay marriage ban as the giant tote boards over the chamber lit up at 6:54 p.m. The final tally was just two votes more than the two-thirds majority needed in the 180-member House for passage of a proposed constitutional amendment.,12 +5,"Supreme Court Turns Down A Same-Sex Marriage Case +",4 +6,Gun-control challenges,5 +13,"Inside, a combined session of the House and Senate met in a constitutional convention.",12 +6,Outlawing Pistols,5 +10,there was a panel of four people whose lives were forever altered by gun violence,9 +5,Supreme Court justices to take up lethal injection,4 +14,It is imperative that a clarion and unequivocal message be sent around the world that the ultimate penalty will be paid by those who kill any Americans serving our diplomatic missions abroad.,13 +13,"Politics shouldn't keep out refugees +",12 +6,Closing our doors to new Americans on the basis of their country of origin is a serious misstep.,5 +12,"The In the Loop column of Oct. 14 was the most recent of several pieces in your paper that characterized the NRA's modest staff reduction as evidence of ""serious budget problems"" and, by implication, our impending demise. ",11 +13,"Wolfson said there is a stark difference in the Nov. 4 contest between Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown, the Democratic nominee, ""who will make Maryland safer, and Mr. Hogan, who will do the bidding of the gun lobby and leave Maryland more vulnerable to guns."" +",12 +13,"Fourteen states have adopted similar measures, according to the NRA, and such a bill awaits a governor's signature in one other state besides Virginia. The measure has been introduced in about 20 other legislatures. It has not been introduced in Maryland, but the NRA says it is considering doing so.",12 +10,"""Specifically, every day that same-sex couples cannot marry is a day they do not have - and risk permanently losing - vital benefits relating to their health, income, quality of life, personal and financial security, and family stability,"" the Lambda brief states. ""In stark contrast, the state asserts no real hardships at all, let alone equities that compare.""",9 +13,"Buckhorn said the bills are symptomatic of a Legislature ""kowtowing"" to ""the needs and concerns of the NRA"" but that cares ""a whole lot less about the needs and concerns of everyday Floridians.""",12 +5,"Only one of those who were denied a permit has appealed that decision, according the state Department of Justice, and if he prevails it could clear the way for those with certain domestic violence convictions to legally carry hidden guns.",4 +10,"Hanging outside the Gallery on Market Street with her 6-month-old baby in a stroller, Dana Kinee drew on a cigarette, filling her lungs with the smoky satisfaction her body has craved since she was 9.",9 +13,Quinn plans to sign bill on gay marriage this month Law will take effect on June 1 - a Sunday,12 +5,"While the appeals play out, the legal status of those unions has been uncertain. +",4 +15,Getting Serious About Guns,14 +7,His concern about the safety of gun-free zones was among many interesting pieces of the life of a man now charged in what police are calling a horrific incident.,6 +9, and requiring safe storage of guns in the home,8 +5,"Prosecutors are arguing new grounds to send murderer John Zile to the electric chair, prompting a retaliatory strike from one of Zile's attorneys.",4 +5,"Montgomery State's Attorney Douglas F. Gansler has said that prosecution of the two is necessary in the county as an ""insurance policy"" in case they are freed on appeal. Maryland officials have agreed to return Muhammad and Malvo to Virginia once their trials in Maryland are complete.",4 +1,"In contrast, money spent on marketing smokeless tobacco products more than doubled to $547.9 million in 2008 versus 2003 as sales increased nearly 11 percent. Companies spent about 59 percent, or $249.5 million, on price discounts to wholesalers and retailers in order to reduce prices to consumers.",0 +11,A first in Florida: White man to be executed for killing black person,10 +13,President Clinton has said that he is committed to do more,12 +15,Indefensible judgment,14 +7,Harbin said a break in the case began with a joint College Park/East Point raid to serve a search warrant on an individual who lived in the same College Park apartment complex as two of the suspects.,6 +5,"Second Amendment protects carrying guns outside the home, but state may require concealed carry rather than open carry",4 +5,Judge David R. Hansen asked James Layton of the Missouri attorney general's office whether state officials could now be trusted to implement revised procedures imposed after problems were revealed.,4 +6,A bad birthright idea,5 +5,"The suit poses a tremendous threat to the industry, and the possibility of paying billions in liability raises questions about whether state governments would",4 +10,"Maybe we need to consider the possibility of making so many more homes available to the world's otherwise lost children. After all, what do these young people wish for? Isn't it security in a good home with a loving family?",9 +7,Police and 2nd Amendment,6 +9,Cummins survived. Julie Kerry's body surfaced near Caruthersville three weeks later. Robin Kerry's body was never found.,8 +6,Revision 12 would allow county commissions to step in and impose the background checks and waiting period that are simple common sense.,5 +15,And the children shall lead,14 +13,"In McCarthy Era, TV Networks Cowered; McCarranism",12 +13,Senate rejects Toomey-Manchin gun bill,12 +11,Nixon: I'd make pot legal in N.Y.,10 +5,"Gay-marriage backers meet a skeptical court +",4 +5,Gay-marriage foes face tough questions from California high court,4 +3,"As asinine as that remark is, it is perfectly in step with much of modern Christianity, which has spent years demonizing gay men and lesbians. And then there's the Rev. Lawson, who was scheduled to speak this weekend at the 10th anniversary conference of Soulforce, a group that fights church-based homophobia. Few things could be more ""out"" of step. +",2 +4,Even advancements in DNA technology don't help if evidence is lost or if there are no samples to test.,3 +7,"""These transactions turned DEC's Law Enforcement Division into a veritable supermarket for weapons and individual officers into unlicensed gun dealers,"" said Inspector General Roslynn Mauskopf, whose two-year probe prompted Gov. Pataki to suspend Firth with pay from his $ 90,607-a-year post.",6 +5,"Opinion May Pose Obstacle for Same-Sex Unions +",4 +13,BRADY SHADY ON GUN RULES Control backer got son rifle,12 +13,"In some ways, the debate over gun control has been good for the National Rifle Association.",12 +1,"Cigar manufacturers report sales are up 16 percent this year, to more than $ 1 billion. Many companies are scrambling to fill back orders on cigars that can sell for anywhere from $ 1 to more than $ 20 each.",0 +5,"The prosecutor, Roe Wilson, assistant district attorney here in Harris County, said in court papers on Tuesday that she had no recollection of having told Dutch television in June that a previously unreported gun had been found at the crime scene but that a viewing of the videotape showed ''she made such erroneous statement.'' Actually, she told the Court of Criminal Appeals, she meant to say ''ammunition.''",4 +9,"""Well, lung cancer is now a woman thing. Lung cancer has now surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer death for women."" An early Habit +",8 +3,Church draws fire on marriage stance; Archdiocese backs ban on gay unions,2 +5,"San Jose man pleads guilty to crime spree that ended in kidnapping, murder of radio host",4 +8,"Writer misstated facts about guns, militia",7 +4,"''Nobody is asking for anything special, just equal rights.''",3 +13,"But on a subject that stirs passions among activists on both sides, he's uncharacteristically passive: The voters of California can navigate, he says. Or the courts can steer. That hands-off stance isn't what some Californians have come to expect from their take-charge governor.",12 +6,Gun proposals not very practical,5 +9,Nicotine cravings are studied,8 +5,"An attorney for a group trying to halt the marriages called the city's move a delaying tactic. ""This is as much a maneuver to keep this in court and keep the issue alive as it is anything else,"" said Benjamin Bull, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund.",4 +7,"Now we have another mass shooting. +",6 +13,"Congress, NRA to blame: Bam",12 +6,NOW'S THE TIME TO ACT ON FIREARMS,5 +7,A real tar 'heel' busted in gunrunning to B'klyn,6 +1," +The next step is to decide how much the smokers will get in damages. +",0 +7,"A DeKalb County man charged with killing his daughter during a hostage standoff was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison without parole. +",6 +4,"They are scapegoats for social ills and victims of harassment and discrimination. Sadly, they represent a permanent underclass upon which our economy depends but exploits, to our nation's benefit.",3 +13,said she expects to be defending her stance for months to come.,12 +6, to create some restrictions on guns and gun ownership.,5 +5,The board's refusal to suspend the deportation order was appealed to Judge Gordon in 1979. He vacated the board's ruling and sent the case back for a reassessment of Mr. Marcello's character.,4 +5,"If blocked in Texas, the unhappy couple can't head back to New York for a quick split either. New York's same-sex marriage law does not require residency to wed, but the state does require residency of at least 90 days to obtain a divorce. A stay like that is out of the question for most people.",4 +15,Texas,14 +5,"'Guilty,' jury says in slaying",4 +7,Enforce the gun laws,6 +5,ARK. JURY RECOMMENDS DEATH FOR TEEN CONVICTED OF 3 MURDERS IT OPTED FOR LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE FOR A TEEN ACCOMPLICE,4 +12,"The rage is real and is echoed in the 49 percent of Americans who want to reduce immigration, according to a Gallup poll in July.",11 +13,Hard-headed House Republicans blocked a debate Tuesday on a bill that would close a loophole allowing suspected terrorists to legally buy guns.,12 +10,"The 24-year-old South Korean, who dreams of becoming a graphic designer, said she is afraid to apply for college or even get a driver's license because she is an illegal immigrant.",9 +15,DRUNK AND PACKING?,14 +15,"On hot day, gun rights activist decides not to pack heat at zoo",14 +1,Now a group of Medicaid recipients wants more. They are suing for a chunk -- - a $ 2 billion chunk --- of Georgia's $ 4.8 billion settlement from the tobacco industry.,0 +13,RUBIO PUSHES TOUGHER ENGLISH REQUIREMENT,12 +13,"In rejecting legislation that President Bush also opposed when he was Texas governor, Perry bucked a nationwide trend toward protecting mentally retarded killers from execution. Agreeing with Bush, Perry said that taking death penalty decisions away from jurors in such cases ""basically tells the citizens of this state, 'We don't trust you.' """,12 +11,"The project is a continuation of the city's multilingual programs, which began in 1985 with concerns from the Korean community.",10 +5,"Gay marriage legal in California, court declares",4 +7,"Pierre tortured his victims, made them drink liquid Drano, kicked a pen into the ear of one, raped another, shot all five and killed three.",6 +11,Two smackdowns - not of the traditional wrestling variety,10 +5,"Gay Couple Sues Conservative Group, Saying It Stole Their Kiss",4 +4,A Test for Tolerance,3 +13,The Mayor Strikes a Nerve,12 +1,that Brown & Williamson,0 +8,Background checks: Nine things to know about gun sales,7 +7,"Smith is believed to have used the two handguns bought illegally from Fiessinger on a three-day shooting spree through Illinois and Indiana that targeted blacks, Jews and Asians.",6 +13,"As lawmakers gathered for Wednesday's session, lobbyists swirled in the foyer outside the Senate, handing out bright yellow fliers to lawmakers to explain their opposition. ""Gun Rights Should Not Trump Private Property Rights"" read a flier sponsored by six groups.",12 +13,Obama and Senator Differ On Narrative of Meeting,12 +11,"Our nation claims to be democratic, and yet we believe it is acceptable to kill our own",10 +7,Gallagher points to lower crime rates,6 +3,Reformed Church Finds Minister Broke Rules by Officiating at Gay Marriage,2 +12,Incoming National Rifle Association president Oliver North,11 +5, amendment should pass.,4 +5,"''Apparently,'' a federal judge wrote in 2001, ''neither attorney Radolovich nor the prosecution knew of petitioner's actual identity until his case had been affirmed on appeal.''",4 +5,7 PRIVATE HEALTH-CARE FUNDS SUE TOBACCO INDUSTRY,4 +4,"""I don't want to feel that I can't have the kind of freedom of expression we guarantee to everyone,"" said El-Wafi, whose family begged her to modify her appearance.",3 +13,"""We're not certain we'll be successful in this effort,"" Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas) said at a news conference to announce that the amendment would be on the Senate floor the week of July 12.",12 +9, enroll jointly for health insurance,8 +5,NRA avoids getting shut out of gun case,4 +9,"RISING, BLOODY TIDE",8 +10,Chandler met with a brother and three of his sisters earlier today.,9 +1,$ 50 billion tax break for the tobacco industry that was inserted into the recently enacted tax-cut law.,0 +6," +INTERDICTION POLICY DEFENDED",5 +13,Hatch and Biden made their comments on CBS' Face the Nation.,12 +3,"The leaders of several prominent black churches told the Daily News that they disagree with Obama, and believe that marriage should be solely between a man and a woman.",2 +5,Wisconsin's gay marriage ban to remain until Supreme Court rules,4 +4,The NRA is finally paying the price,3 +13,But despite the President's opposition to a major element of the proposal,12 +12, going public,11 +6,Smoking ban not bad for business,5 +11,Aftermath of the Orlando Massacre,10 +13,The Health 202: GOP lawmaker shooting revives debate about mental health and guns,12 +8,Gun Shows and Terrorists,7 +7,The day after the law was passed a woman named Katie Mulcahey was arrested for lighting up a cigarette.,6 +13,Morgan County Republicans fell one vote short of approving a resolution at their county assembly earlier this month to support fellow Republican Musgrave's,12 +15,No new warmth between two leaders,14 +13,"An Attack on Guns Tests Good Will Toward Giffords +",12 +14,CASTRO ISSUES ULTIMATUM ON RETURN OF RESCUED BOY; HE WARNS OF MASS PROTEST IF YOUTH IS NOT RETURNED TO CUBA WITHIN 72 HOURS,13 +13,Those views were particularly highlighted when Texas Governor Bush became president.,12 +13,"There is something about the gun debate that inspires heated rhetoric on both sides. +",12 +6,"A YEAR LATER, GUN LAW'S IMPACT UNCLEAR PREDICTIONS BOTH GOOD, BAD NOT REALIZED",5 +5,High court allows gay marriages in Florida,4 +13,"Mayor Bloomberg said he's not surprised by the gunmakers' unvarnished testimony. +",12 +13,"Irony of gay-marriage debate Gubernatorial candidates Beauprez and Ritter are working hard to walk a fine line, but political observers doubt voters will care that much.",12 +5,"Immediately, the killer has rights. The police have to make sure he gets ample trips to the bathroom, plenty of fluids to drink and has the right to remain silent. +",4 +13,"Councilman Michael A. Nutter, the sponsor of the smoke-free legislation, received a letter from Street yesterday morning asking him to hold off on bringing the measure up for approval. ",12 +5,"ourt. The court upheld his conviction in 1984 and has twice upheld the death sentences of two of his co-defendants, Alphonso Cave and John Earl Bush. A fourth man, Terry Wayne ""Bo Gator"" Johnson, was sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in the crime. +",4 +13,but indicated that lawmakers should consider legislation allowing them.,12 +6,"Maybe that's something to consider when the state reviews its 2005 stand-your-ground gun law, which allows the nearly 900,000 concealed weapons permit holders in Florida to use lethal force in public confrontations if they feel they are in danger of ""great bodily harm"" or death.",5 +5,A Supreme Court Justice has removed the only barrier preventing the Government from deporting thousands of illegal aliens who were seeking legal status in a dispute over an expired Federal amnesty program.,4 +3," Bush has ethical qualms about expanded research because human embryos must be destroyed. +",2 +5,"In Thursday's unsigned opinion, the Supreme Court rejected Hutchinson's argument ""that because he has no history of violence and the multiple murders were domestic in nature,"" he should be spared the death sentence.",4 +7,Surprising Immigration Crackdown Advances,6 +11,"If combined legal and illegal immigration proceeded at a total of about one million a year, the report by Leon F. Bouvier said, and if there was no change in current low fertility rates, the population would reach more than 310 million in 50 years. +",10 +9,HEALTH OFICIALS SEEK AIDS TESTS FOR IMMIGRANTS,8 +10,Charming Illegal Aliens Facing Family Upheaval,9 +11,Teens keep focus on gun control,10 +14,"Canada gives gays hope for change +",13 +13," +While the battle over same-sex marriage has been all but invisible in the presidential race this year, it is raging like a wind-whipped wildfire in California.",12 +5,"Judges in Massachusetts have been grappling with that question since gay and lesbian couples began filing for divorce in 2004, seven months after the state Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.",4 +7,"Seven years ago, with a cop killer named Jesse Tafero in Old Sparky, flames shot up 6 inches from his head when the executioner threw the switch.",6 +13,Jersey Senate Chief Defends Legislation For Handguns Ban,12 +13,LEGISLATOR TAKES AIM AT BUDGET BILLS FROM 2002 HANDGUN-LAW DECISION PROMPTED ACTION,12 +5,the constitutional right to bear arms.,4 +12,Calls for Gun Control From the Well-Armed,11 +5,If 'Forever' Doesn't Work Out: The Same-Sex Prenup,4 +9,Tamping down kids' tobacco use,8 +6, This was one of many sensible gun bills pending in Congress and in state legislatures that would require owners to act responsibly and secure their firearms from those who should not have them.,5 +13,President Bush and Sen. John Kerry raised the issue of immigration earlier this year and have barely returned to it since.,12 +5, jury of eight women and four men in Tom Green County District Court deliberated for 9 hours and 15 minutes before announcing its verdict at 4:45 P.M. ,4 +13,CLINTON TO SIGN SAME-SEX MARRIAGE BILL,12 +7,"There is no question that on the night of Dec. 13, 1992, at least one of two men arrested in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, violated state gun laws. Lester Smith and Orson Grosse were pulled over by Police Officer Michael Dalton and his partner for a routine traffic violation. In the car the police found a loaded 10-millimeter Glock semiautomatic, a $600 gun. Neither man had a permit. Even if one did, the gun is supposed to be transported unloaded, in a locked box in the trunk.",6 +9, It is not unreasonable where local schools feel they need armed guards. ,8 +7,Federal agents have charged a Baltimore County man with illegally selling assault weapons at a flea market.,6 +4,Why is only one side in the gun culture war required to show respect?,3 +5, An administrative hearing officer affirmed that decision but an appeals court reversed it and asked the state's high court to rule.,4 +13,"On Monday, Ryan received a letter",12 +5,Pennsylvania Gay Marriage Plaintiffs Suddenly Have a Wedding to Plan,4 +13,Obama sought a straddle that would appeal to gun rights voters in swing states while not offending his liberal base.,12 +5,"Gay-rights supporters filed the challenge in 2004, soon after the ban was approved. Gov. Sonny Perdue said yesterday that the ruling ran counter to the voice of voters in defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman",4 +13,Bloomberg first unveiled plans to crack down on carrying while drunk on the campaign trail last fall. He is set to introduce the plan to the City Council soon.,12 +5,Attorney General John Ashcroft has directed federal prosecutors in New York and Connecticut to seek the death penalty in a dozen cases in which they had recommended lesser sentences. Mr. Ashcroft's orders are a triumph of ideology over good prosecutorial practice.,4 +13,Council considers gun ban in county-owned buildings,12 +10,". ""Gummy Bears make people happy. We don't create addicts.""",9 +13,Council should leave smokers alone,12 +13,"President Clinton is to arrive here today to an uneasy welcome, promoting a gun-control measure",12 +13,"Giffords and Kelly hope to revive gun debate with fly-around tour of key states +",12 +9,Study links smoking to colon-cancer risk,8 +7,"He will also cooperate with authorities as they try to uncover other crimes he may have committed between 1984, when he entered nursing school, and his arrest last Dec. 12. +",6 +5," The ruling extends a temporary restraining order issued July 31, and means Mr. Wilson cannot publish the blueprints unless the attorneys general's lawsuit is re-solved.",4 +7,"The other man accused is DeAndre Lewis, an employee at Westmoreland's service station who, prosecutors said, was paid in crack cocaine to commit the murder.",6 +2,The would-be refugees are straining the resources of towns and cities in the rural reaches of Upstate New York and Vermont.,1 +13,HAWAII HOUSE OKS BAN ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,12 +13,"Eleveld and others contend that support for same-sex marriage among liberal elected officials is a given. It's just that pesky political exigencies prevent them from publicly expressing their ""real"" beliefs. +",12 +9,Gun Control and Public Safety,8 +15,Creech: Ceremonies will continue,14 +1," +So the day after he arrived in Washington in 1996, Mannan began working the graveyard shift - 6 p.m. until 8 a.m. - as a gas station cashier in Northeast, seven nights a week for $2.50 an hour.",0 +13,D.C. Council Votes To Recognize Gay Nuptials Elsewhere,12 +7,Newark parolee charged with killing cop,6 +15,THE ULTIMATE CIGAR,14 +6,"UNDER TEXAS LAW, TEEN SMOKERS MAY FACE FINES, COURSES, SERVICE",5 +1,"The tax is expected to raise $750 million in the first year, less in future years as higher prices keep some teenagers from starting the habit. The money will fund child care centers, pre-schools, parent education, children's health services and the other programs to help kids get a good start.",0 +11, It seems that our country has become profoundly desensitized or simply resigned to the idea that the gun lobby's clout has paralyzed our ability to respond effectively.,10 +7,MANY CRIME-LINKED GUNS COME FROM SAME DEALERS,6 +1," +PRIMARY",0 +5,N.C. APPEALS COURT BLOCKS RELEASE OF LIGGETT DOCUMENTS,4 +12,"They spent most of Monday and Tuesday outside the perimeter of the church holding protest signs printed in English and Spanish. They are drinking water and, sometimes, coffee.",11 +6,"The response -- 100 applications so far -- has been less than overwhelming. Officials at the Immigration and Naturalization Service say they are confident many more people will apply once final regulations are issued. But immigration lawyers and others are not sure, saying the program is too restrictive and expensive.",5 +13,"So Dick Cheney is now to the left of Obama on the issue of gay marriage. Is this a sign, and do political insiders believe, that ten years from now this is going to cease to be a national issue, but a minor one limited to a few red states? + +Ed O'Keefe: Remember that Cheney has a gay daughter, so the issue is much different and more personal for him than those opposed to same sex marriages or who have similar views. Anecdotally, from personal experience, I can tell you that same sex marriage ceremonies or weddings are a wonderful thing to attend and you should if ever given the opportunity. They will certainly impact your thinking on the issue.",12 +5,Death sentence affirmed in '99 murder case,4 +13,Would the donors win over the deciding Senate Republicans? It sounded improbable: top Republican moneymen helping a Democratic rival with one of his biggest legislative goals.,12 +7,The Convicted and Conflicted 'At the Death House Door',6 +5,"""For right now, he has said he is going to leave it to the states.",4 +9,Breeding Psychotics,8 +4, to meet the standard of equal protection ,3 +11,An opportunity for Prop. 8 backers: Latino voters against gay marriage,10 +5,Montgomery's Ban On Smoking Voided,4 +10,"Classes will be from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in St. Anthony's Health Education Center, situated on the lower level of the hospital at 10010 Kennerly Road. Enter through the Cancer Center entrance at the back of the hospital and follow the signs to the Health Education Center",9 +7,"Richard Morris' 1995 conviction for murder, vehicular hijacking and aggravated kidnapping",6 +13,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE ISSUE REVIVED IN SENATE,12 +6,GAY BAN POISED TO PASS BARELY,5 +13,"Yet Cooper, who also voted for",12 +6,Tough Gun Measures,5 +5,not to recognize out-of-state same-sex unions,4 +8,"The Colorado Bureau of Investigation's ""InstaCheck"" system had its busiest days over the weekend since its resurrection Aug. 1",7 +7, mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007 and at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999,6 +9,"I feel I must comment on the article in the July 29 edition regarding the fact that, based on an examination by a neurophysiologist of photos taken immediately after his execution, Allen Lee ""Tiny"" Davis experienced pain while in the electric chair.",8 +13,"The proposed constitutional amendment has dramatically increased interest in the upcoming election, said Fields, a key force behind legislative passage of the proposed ban.",12 +1,Border toll worth a try,0 +5,U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte was blunt when he sentenced former Prince George's County police officer Timothy J. Moran to five months' imprisonment and five months of home detention for beating a handcuffed man with a nightstick.,4 +15,Weary Aide Is Buffeted In Gay-Marriage Storm,14 +1,"Nonetheless, Department of Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff recently announced a new emphasis on the rules that require companies to terminate employees with dubious Social Security numbers or face fines of up to $2,200 per illegal worker.",0 +11,"The report also said 125 people, including five women, who were convicted of murder received a death sentence last year. That was the smallest number since 1973.",10 +7,"ONFESSED KILLER CONVICTED IN TEXAS SLAYING +",6 +3,"The First Unitarian Society of Denver held the Sunday service - its fourth annual. + +""As people of faith we aspire to love,"" the Rev. Mike Morran said. + +The service took place as gay-rights advocacy groups across the U.S. gathered for protests and demonstrations Sunday. + +Some faith-based organizations have been working to change the law that bans gay marriage in Colorado. + +Morran said, however, that the issue of gay rights is a divider for many religions and faith-based communities. +",2 +5,"While he has no judicial experience, the federal bench is filled with capable judges who were confirmed without ever having presided over a single case.",4 +7,Child-killer is executed in Louisiana,6 +8,"(""[T]he American people have considered the handgun to be the quintessential self-defense weapon.... [H]andguns are the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home[.]""). +",7 +7,The arrest of Francisco J. Martinez marked the second time in two years that a Northern Virginia DMV employee was accused of fraudulently selling licenses for cash. A similar scheme two years ago at the DMV office in Tysons Corner led to the guilty pleas of two employees.,6 +9,"the higher the homicide rate, say researchers at the Harvard Injury Control Center.",8 +10,I can think of few better uses of my tax money than to make a stand for human rights. I am a happily married woman with three beautiful ,9 +5,Attorneys general to tobacco firms: Pay up,4 +5,"The decision could be announced as soon as this week by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, sources said. +",4 +7,Immigration Officials Arrest 300 In California,6 +10,Benefits for Same-Sex Partners Focus of Senate Hearing,9 +6,"But according to Shaun Pharr, government affairs vice president for the Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington, a regional real estate trade association, ""a property owner who wishes to prohibit smoking in the units might have difficulty enforcing such a policy if the local government hasn't adopted legislation clearly authorizing such a policy. And even when the legislature has done so, any such policy would be subject to existing leases.""",5 +13,senators vote to take up a bill that would do absolutely nothing to avoid such a tragedy,12 +5,"UPREME COURT ALLOWS EXECUTIONS WITHOUT SPECIAL REVIEW BY STATES +",4 +7,"It took more than four years for a conviction of the man who kidnapped, raped and murdered the West Palm Beach waitress.",6 +8,Advances in federal computerized background checks,7 +1,"It might be difficult to understand how such a relatively tough tax managed to cut through the thick no-tax atmosphere choking the Senate, and survive the strong-arm tobacco lobby, if it weren't for one obvious point. The tax won easy approval from the Finance, Taxation and Claims Committee because it is designed to pay for 21,000 new prison beds over the next five years. In this political, get-tough-on-crime climate, who could be against building more prisons?",0 +11,Window Opens Into New York's Immigrant Past,10 +6, laws prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying,5 +7,From the gore-spattered files of gun violence in America comes this sadly instructive anecdote:,6 +5,State Attorney Bill James applauded the verdicts,4 +5,Those who believed they had been wrongly denied a gun could appeal directly to a federal court.,4 +5,"The companies say in their lawsuit that the law, which takes full effect in three years, prohibits them from using ""color lettering, trademarks, logos or any other imagery in most advertisements, including virtually all point-of-sale and direct-mail advertisements."" The complaint also says the law prohibits tobacco companies from ""making truthful statements about their products in scientific, public policy and political debates.""",4 +7,"Red Dog had been convicted of slitting a man's throat in a drunken rage in 1991, then kidnapping a woman and raping her. He already had been convicted of two other killings in 1988 when he was placed in the federally protected witness program in Delaware after testifying about prison gangs and the American Indian Movement.",6 +5,"Chief Justice John Roberts, to Theodore Olson, attorney for same-sex couples: +",4 +7,DEPORTING NEW YORK JOBS,6 +13,BRADY: CONGRESS IS `GUTLESS' ON GUN BILL,12 +7,Plant Faces Child Labor Charges,6 +7,"But starting at 6 a.m. Wednesday, two days after the Board of Aldermen overwhelmingly approved the identity card plan, federal agents swept into the largely Hispanic Fair Haven community and arrested some 31 people suspected of being illegal immigrants, many in their homes.",6 +5,"National Briefing Midwest: Michigan: Judge Rules For Same-Sex Couples +",4 +5,"The court went far beyond the nation's comfort level when it held that Massachusetts gays are entitled to marriage, not just to the legal rights that attend marriage, never mind the thinking of thousands of state legislators, the majority of Congress, Presidents Bill Clinton and Bush, and great minds through the ages.",4 +11,Don't let #GunGrabbers like @MidwestSarabeth insult lawful #OpenCarry #GunOwners at @target helping keep us safe. #2a pic.twitter.com/r28oMKSSUG,10 +13,"One of the bills was filed by Sen. David Simmons, the Republican senator who drafted the original statute nearly a decade ago. +",12 +13,"For supporters of same-sex marriage-and for opponents, too-this Election Day is a pivotal one, an opportunity for voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington to make history and do something that voters across America have never done before. My Tuesday column looks at one Maine resident's feelings about that. +",12 +11,"For hours, the men, handsome and crisp as new money, alternately laughed and joked and spoke seriously about their work, family and selves. All the while, each blissfully puffed away on a premium cigar, heavily scenting the Cigar Bar of the Beekman Bar and Books, on First Avenue at 50th Street, with the heady aroma of expertly aged and spiced tobacco.",10 +5,Prosecutor to look into TV incident,4 +6,"Prohibitions And a Big Maker + +Where Smoking + +Is Barred",5 +5,"The state failed to show ""that the public interest in the well-being of children and families . . . would be adversely affected by same-sex marriage,"" Judge Kevin Chang wrote.",4 +15,Same-sex marriage losing war,14 +5,"Shortly after he retired, the federal judge who struck down California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage acknowledged publicly what had been rumored for months: He is gay and in a long-term relationship with another man.",4 +8,", it should at least allow Philadelphia to protect its own citizens.",7 +1,"taxicabs, bars, restaurants ",0 +5," after a federal trial. But he has appealed, and Lane said he wanted to make sure Nichols did not escape punishment.",4 +1,I run Dick's Sporting Goods,0 +13, Democrats control both state legislative chambers in the state.,12 +3,"their country,",2 +6,Gun policy blamed in NYC parade deaths,5 +13,ILLINOIS SENATE REJECTS MEASURE ON CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS,12 +2,"Few of the measures have been more controversial than enlisting local police to back up INS investigators, an idea now being weighed by the Bush administration. The INS has just 2,000 interior investigators to deal with an estimated illegal foreign population of more than 8 million.",1 +7,KILLER SENTENCED TO DEATH,6 +7,"The shooting was a blow to officers, who were among thousands who attended Fontana's funeral, and tested police relations with San Jose's black community. +",6 +3,"POPE'S PLEA TO CARNAHAN SPARED ""POSTER BOY FOR DEATH PENALTY""",2 +6,Massacre reflects flawed gun laws,5 +12,"Meanwhile, in Washington, the National Rifle Association - stout defender of yeoman hunters, woodsy lore and the wide-open gun trade - has turned the mild Brady Bill into a cash cow. It used hysteria over the prospect of a seven-day cooling-off period for handgun purchases to wring $ 550,000 in May alone from contributors it had alarmed.",11 +15,Letters: Fighting smoking,14 +1,"Yet, at the same time, the industry is devoting a growing proportion of its more than $ 4 billion a year marketing budget on efforts that appeal to teens, including T-shirt giveaways, sports promotions, rock concerts and localized music menus.",0 +11,Nothing fans the ever-smoldering gun control argument into flame faster than an incident involving a gun and a well-known figure.,10 +11," according to the Associated Press, which had a reporter witness it.",10 +5,Maryland's highest court allows same-sex divorce,4 +13,Vector: FDA leaf control to help,12 +6,Would legislation following the latest tragedy make a difference?,5 +13,"Having embraced Donald Trump for the presidency,",12 +10," +PS .38 SPECIAL S.I. parents want armed guards",9 +6,The proposed legislation would affect only pawn shops that open after the proposed changes are made.,5 +5,"A federal judge has granted a stay of execution for Powell, who was scheduled to die Thursday. +",4 +11,"When the issue came down to fairness, gay couples were bound to win, as has virtually every minority group seeking full acceptance in American society.",10 +6, Look Who's Questioning The Death Penalty,5 +5," +The answer is that it's complicated. As several legal experts point out, some same-sex couples can run into problems because the federal government does not recognize gay marriage. ",4 +13, Several thousand online messages have piled up as Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon considers what to do with recently passed legislation that would bolster gun rights.,12 +4,inmate's wrongful execution.,3 +12,"Voters speak, and pundits are listening",11 +7,Drugs and deportation; Should two minor offenses erase any chance of forgiveness?,6 +11,College kids pick up smoking habit,10 +5,when the U.S. Supreme Court took his case. The justices ordered the lower courts to consider whether Williams's right to a fair trial had been compromised.,4 +8,"Concealed weapons, a 'phenomenon' of fear",7 +11,"CULTURE, CUISINE, CAMARADERIE DRAW PORTUGUESE TO AREA CLUB",10 +1,"Everybody talks about the settlement money being paid by the tobacco companies, but anyone aware of the rising cost of a pack of cigarettes knows that smokers are paying for the settlement.",0 +8, Open our borders,7 +13,"Bernie Sanders opposes the death penalty, and Hillary Clinton supports it. +",12 +1,"TOBACCO SPONSORS SEE YELLOW FLAG +",0 +5,legal,4 +1,LET IMMIGRANTS SEEK A LIVING IN THEIR OWN NATIONS,0 +13,"""The Senate Republicans have to answer for the fact that our streets are not safe because they refuse to enact sensible gun laws,"" said Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Queens).",12 +12,Why social media appeals after mass shootings have done little to change gun laws,11 +15,"NEXT TIME, BRING YOUR FASTBALL",14 +12,What happens next? Four questions and answers on the same-sex marriage vote,11 +11,people who live with smokers. They include kids,10 +7,"Harris had kidnapped Kristin Huggins, 22, of Lower Makefield, in Trenton in 1992. Before his arrest, the Trenton man drove Huggins' car with her body stuffed in the trunk.",6 +13,Respect states' role in deciding marriage law,12 +11,"but either way it signals that as a country, we've evolved",10 +5,A narrower marriage amendment was passed two years later,4 +8,"The FBI processed 144,758 mandatory background checks Friday, representing a 6.5% decline from the number processed on the same day last year when the bureau's computers were briefly overwhelmed by the unprecedented volume.",7 +4,DRIVE TO ENSHRINE BIAS MARCHES ON,3 +7,"Lincoln, 71, who was convicted for manslaughter and two counts of first-degree assault, is serving two life sentences at Jefferson City Correctional Center for the crimes.",6 +1,"to cut back the $130 billion tobacco ""master settlement agreement"" to $10 billion in penalties for tobacco companies.",0 +7,"then strangled her with a telephone cord and nightgown and held her face in a pot of water. He took $200 and an answering machine to buy crack. +",6 +13,The Senate voted today to retain a Federal death penalty provision in new anti-drug legislation.,12 +5,in states where they are legal,4 +11,"Many arts and cultural organizations fear that the provision, if adopted, could block future Stravinskys and Balanchines from developing their talents here.",10 +7, Nichols stands accused of killing four people during a rampage that began at the courthouse in March 2005.,6 +7,"As the Brady Bill takes effect today, police chiefs and sheriffs across the country are scrambling to enforce its gun-control requirements without a dime from Congress. + +At least two have said flat-out that they won't even try. + +Other law enforcement officials complain that they will have to take officers off the streets to check the backgrounds of mostly law-abiding people. + +""I can ill-afford to spend the time and money that I have now (for) fighting crime, and I'll be damned if I'm going to do background checks on honest Americans,"" declared Sheriff Richard Mack of Graham County, Ariz. +",6 +5,Judge: Expert may avoid most tobacco testimony,4 +5,"his is Parker's second appeal of his death sentence before the Supreme +",4 +13,Trump list may halt deal on DACA,12 +12,LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : SHOULD VOTERS APPROVE A 55-CENT INCREASE IN CIGARETTE TAX?,11 +9,"As smokers turned to seemingly safer cigarettes with low tar and low nicotine, tobacco companies secretly conducted research that showed smokers got neither, according to internal documents released Thursday.",8 +2,ADAM PUTNAM'S AGENCY RAISED CONCERNS IT COULDN'T KEEP UP WITH SURGE IN WEAPONS PERMITS,1 +5,"Rodriguez hopes a civil trial against the delivery man, the Domino's Pizza store that employed him and the chain's corporate parent will help ""put things right.""",4 +6,"alifornia's constitution permits laws against gay marriage, the state's attorney general declared Friday in a long-awaited legal opinion that sought to avoid offending either side of the debate.",5 +1,"cigarette taxes,",0 +7," +The targets of ""Operation Crossroads International,"" who came from 39 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, were captured during a 16-day effort that involved law enforcement agencies in the United States and 13 other nations. +",6 +1,"We're told that tax increases, as proposed in Missouri, will curtail smoking. The problem is if the tax increase works, the states and the federal government will need to find another ""sin"" to tax to make up for lost revenue. Alcohol or beer? Possibly. More than likely they'll just raise the income taxes.",0 +15,Challenge to Gay Marriage Fails in New Hampshire,14 +13,Sweeney's decision drew harsh attention from critics who said he should have taken a stand one way or another - especially as an incoming legislative leader.,12 +6,"Airlines Ban Smoking And Air Piracy, Too",5 +6,The Airport Security Act would allow gun owners to carry unloaded firearms in a locked case while banning loaded weapons in the airport's nonsecure areas.,5 +6,GUN LAW REVISION STALLS AMID STALEMATE SENATE'S COOPERATION APPEARS UNLIKELY,5 +13,Senate Democrats to huddle with Obama on immigration,12 +13,John Allen Muhammad was put to opportunistic political use by Democratic candidate Anne Sumers in her campaign for the U.S. House from New Jersey's 5th Congressional District in last week's midterm elections.,12 +6," +Oldsmar considers smoking ban in park",5 +7,LESSONS OF MARTIN SHOOTING UNCLEAR,6 +1,Companies find they have to step lightly,0 +6,5 Myths about gun control,5 +13," It was a bizarre moment, though not nearly as unsettling as watching a man who had once prided himself on his tough stance against urban gun violence now kissing up to the NRA.",12 +5,The justices gave no clues yesterday during arguments in Penry v. Johnson on how they view that issue. Some expressed concern about the way jurors were told to consider Penry's mental capacity in deciding whether to sentence him to die.,4 +3,"Catholic Charities is misleading the public about the impact of the D.C. bill authorizing same-sex marriage. It can maintain its city contracts while extending the most important benefits only to the different-sex spouses of its employees, and it does not need an exemption in the legislation to do so. It just needs to follow in the footsteps of Catholic Charities of Maine. +",2 +7,"Court records show Fuller, armed with a shotgun, semi-automatic carbine and a pistol, fired 59 shots before barging into the Copeland home and opening fire again. Fuller had been charged with making a threatening phone call to Annette Copeland, and the neighbors had been engaged in a 2-year dispute over that.",6 +5,"Jurors need an explanation for why a Camden County case will be tried in Freehold, Judge Linda G. Baxter of Superior Court said at a pretrial conference.",4 +7,"Robyn Anderson, an 18-year-old Columbine High senior, bought three on a weekend shopping spree with her 17-year-old companions. Klebold and Harris supplied the cash, she the driver's license. The assault weapon, a TEC-DC9, was sold at a different gun show to Mark Manes, a young man who later resold it for $ 500 to the killers - and then sold them a fresh supply of ammunition on April 19, 1999",6 +5, a lawsuit that would force Maryland to recognize same-sex marriages.,4 +5,"are the beleaguered characters, battered by trying to defend a gay-marriage ban in Florida that has been found unconstitutional in five separate Florida court cases in the past six weeks.",4 +13,Gay union battle brews,12 +9, and safety training,8 +5,Judge denies bail for Iranian in immigration case,4 +8, requiring background checks and a five-day waiting period for handgun purchases.,7 +13,"In a Nod to Britt, Democrats Push Same-Sex Marriage as Civil Rights Issue",12 +7, to shield undocumented immigrants from deportation by limiting cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration agents.,6 +4,Inside the Fight for Marriage Equality,3 +13,"The first Republican senator to endorse same-sex marriage has seen his approval rating dip slightly in the month since his announcement. +",12 +11,"So what then? One possibility is that this division will recede into the cultural background, with marriage joining the long list of topics on which Americans disagree without making a political issue of it. +",10 +6,THE GUN BILL,5 +13,"Like Brown, the two major parties use their campaign funds to aid legislative candidates they support.",12 +13,"ST TV SALVO AIMED AT CONSERVATIVES GOVERNOR'S RACE: DAVIS AD RESPONDS TO LUNGREN'S DEATH-PENALTY JABS IN RECENT DEBATE. +",12 +7,sentenced to death,6 +5,California gay wedding ban ruling due Tuesday in Proposition 8 case,4 +12,"Polls show that most Americans share that view and voters in 29 states, including California, have approved state constitutional amendments banning gay marriage.",11 +5,Top Court Hears the Case For Same-Sex Marriage,4 +7,Handle gun violence at home first,6 +6,Gun rights advocate challenges St. Louis Zoo policy barring weapons,5 +13,"He acknowledged the New York legislation, saying ""right now I understand there's a little debate going in New York.""",12 +11,Our newest Americans,10 +1,"GUN SHOW FIGHT FIREARMS DEALERS, FANS TARGET BAN",0 +10,SIMON PUSHES FOR END TO ILLITERACY,9 +6,Legislative proposals would include limits on the sale of handguns to one per month; a ban on military-style assault weapons statewide; additional funding for police and police equipment; and a requirement that gun owners report a lost or stolen firearms within 24 hours.,5 +7,"In 1978 Burger was one of two Fort Stewart soldiers convicted of robbing and sodomizing a cab driver, locking him in the cab's trunk, and driving the car into a pit filled with water where he drowned.",6 +5,"Therefore, the state has no need or interest in protecting gays who want to live together and seek happiness. ",4 +5," It's generally viewed as the best way to cement the legal rights and responsibilities of the non-gestational parent and to ensure that those of the donor are officially terminated. Second-parent adoption was thus a nonnegotiable part of our arrangement when I agreed to be a sperm donor for my friends, Tori and Kelly, whose daughter is due this July.",4 +5,Dale said the state must issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples starting at 9 a.m. Friday.,4 +13,District of Columbia Set Back In Fight Over Its Gun Law,12 +15,"The Gun Report: November 6, 2013",14 +11,"The 14 states where gay marriage is legal, in one map +",10 +5,Court won't consider right-to-bear-arms case,4 +12,"Members of Virginia Citizens Defense League plan to carry guns into restaurants for lunch April 5, 12 and 19 and then for dinner on April 26. Van Cleave said 80 people have signed up for the dinner.",11 +13,Senator Chris Murphy Says Obama's Actions on Guns Are 'Necessary but Totally Insufficient',12 +6,GUN-BUYING BILL GETS SECOND BREATH,5 +13,"The ads are posted on the group's Web site and are called ""Responsible"" and ""Family."" +",12 +7,audit of the NYPD license,6 +1,"Big Oil, tobacco firms pour big money into campaigns",0 +15,"Bring snorkels, not cigarettes",14 +13,Conservatives had expected ,12 +5,The decision apparently cleared the way for the District to begin allowing gay couples to apply for marriage licenses Wednesday morning.,4 +5,"A court of appeals struck down the sentence of a West Palm Beach man convicted of throwing a Molotov cocktail, calling into question part of the state's strict 10-20-Life gun law.",4 +13,"A similar bill was on the verge of passing the Legislature last session and probably would have been signed by Gov. Bill Owens, but the bill was shelved at Owens' request after the Columbine High School massacre.",12 +1,The company plans to set the price high enough to discourage those not really committed to breaking the habit.,0 +12,"PRIMARY +",11 +9,I applaud Fernandes if her true goal is to make our city a safer place to live.,8 +9,Tobacco is both a health and a budget issue,8 +7,Local law enforcement officials,6 +14,"""but Texas was the only one willing to accept the contract.""",13 +5,"The courts' attempt to cast a magic cloak of legality over an impossibility will be interesting to watch. +",4 +6,"Yet he acknowledged that his offer was meant to underscore what he calls the failure of the goods-for-guns programs. He contended that most of the firearms turned in were ""scrap metal.""",5 +12,On Monday 200 people took to the streets to protest the scandalous connection between investment in private prisons and the mass jailing of prisoners and immigrant detainees for profit. The demonstration was organized by the Occupy Wall Street Immigrant Worker Justice working group and the OWS Prisoner Solidarity working group,11 +12,"FLORIDIANS BACK SERVICE, CIGARETTE TAXES, POLL SAYS",11 +5,"I think that what a lot of criminal defense lawyers are saying is, 'My case is not like that; I've got real issues here.' They are in a responsive mode now and have started defending themselves."" +",4 +13,THE GUN DEBATE,12 +5,Texas Grand Jury Indicts 3 in Slaying of Black Man,4 +6,Compromise hurts gays,5 +5,Suit Previews Turmoil That Immigration Overhaul May Cause Its Enforcers,4 +5,"Working to further isolate Haiti, the Clinton administration today revoked most non-immigrant visas held by Haitians. The United States also reopened its naval base in Cuba to the flood of Haitians seeking political asylum.",4 +13,he governor has the power ,12 +8,Defense Grills Terror Witness On bin Laden,7 +4,Interest points to death row's lack of equality,3 +3,"""Governor Bush believes marriage is between a man and a woman and therefore does not believe in gay marriages,"" the statement said. He also opposed adoption by gay couples because ""he believes children ought to be adopted in families with a man and woman who are married.""",2 +5,past duties as a DA could put him in the unusual position of considering clemency for two inmates he prosecuted himself.,4 +13,HOUSE REPUBLICANS DELAY ASSAULT WEAPONS QUESTION,12 +7,"A Mother Deported, and a Child Left Behind",6 +13,Romney Puts Focus On Immigration; He Hopes to Sting McCain on Hot-Button Issue,12 +7,"Police say seven shots were fired. Gonzales was not wounded, but Brooks was hit three times in the chest. He was wearing a bulletproof vest, but it was undone or came loose in the struggle.",6 +11,"It's a ritual that repeats itself every Saturday and Sunday among African immigrants in metro Atlanta. Many of them listen in groups to programs on WATB-AM (1420) in languages of East and West Africa, bringing to mind the 1930s and 1940s in America, when people crowded around radios to hear programs like ""Little Orphan Annie"" and the fireside chats of President Franklin Roosevelt.",10 +13,The regulations would take effect unless Congress overrode them.,12 +5,"Even a U.S. Supreme Court decision might merely allow states to continue deciding for themselves, leaving a patchwork of places where gay marriage is legal.",4 +7,and thwart thieves who steal guns and then use them in crimes,6 +1,"The convention had been expected to generate $15 million to $20 million for city businesses. Paul Astleford, president of the city's convention and visitors bureau, said other groups had shown interest in the city.",0 +6,"Gay Unions Would Be 'Civil' In New Jersey, Not 'Spousal'",5 +6,"Ban smoking, and members will come to veteran clubs",5 +8,felony juvenile records are supposed to be blocked from buying a gun right ,7 +11,The Year After Newtown,10 +9,"The shooting in Arizona was horrific. But we'd be remiss if we didn't also discuss the unintentional and preventable shootings that take place in homes every week. It's not callous to encourage gun safety in the wake of a tragedy; it's essential. +",8 +13,Officials Ready to Trade Fire Over Assault Weapons Bill,12 +13,The art of junk politics,12 +1,billions of dollars paid by tobacco companies,0 +13,"Three South Jersey Democrats from rural areas bucked their party to vote against the plan, leaving it one vote shy of reaching Gov. Corzine, who has said he would sign the bill into law.",12 +5,"Lower courts have considered Utah's request four times and decided that the state would suffer no irreparable harm if the marriages continue during the legal fight, wrote an attorney for three couples who challenged the ban.",4 +12,NRA aggressively rejects calls for stricter laws,11 +13," +Senators build immigration support",12 +12,Momentum builds to free 3 convicted in killing of boys,11 +11,"The state has launched a textbook-perfect program by inviting young people to have some identity and camaraderie, instead of just being a 'nonsmoker,",10 +5,makes it easier for immigrants to come here legally,4 +12,EVENT WILL PUT FOCUS ON GAY MARRIAGE 'FREEDOM TO MARRY DAY' MARKED AT CITY HALL TODAY,11 +1,"The John Jovino gun shop in Little Italy is New York City's oldest gun retailer and one of the more reputable ones, with a clientele often consisting of law enforcement professionals. Woody's Pawn Shop in Charleston, S.C., concedes that its guns are often bought by customers who may sell them on the black market.",0 +5,"That was all the confirmation the Snellville couple needed. Today, Stroman, 42, and Inniss, 39, will join two other couples and another person on a complaint to be filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia that seeks to overturn the law passed in 2004 outlawing gay marriages. +",4 +5,"Justice Ginsburg agreed to officiate after the Supreme Court's landmark ruling in June that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, which the majority said stigmatized same-sex unions. She voted with the majority in the 5-t0-4 decision.",4 +12,"Most Americans think the Supreme Court got it right last week in decisions that bolstered same-sex marriage, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. +",11 +5,Lawyers for a former Army private convicted nine years ago of murdering a 25-year-old Willingboro mother of four urged the New Jersey Supreme Court yesterday to throw out his death sentence and keep him in prison for life.,4 +13,HIL RIPS 'FLIP-FLOP' BARACK,12 +5,State sues bar for smoking 'show',4 +13,"The 46-year-old senator drew special attention after declaring the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting to be a life-altering event that he followed with an about-face run for reelection. But since then, Rubio has largely adhered to orthodox GOP positions on guns, resisting several efforts to tighten laws.",12 +13,"The administration of President Barack Obama extended federal recognition to the marriages of more than 1,000 same-sex couples in Utah that took place before the Supreme Court put those unions in the state on hold. +",12 +4," +This week's leap toward equality accentuates the unfairness that will continue for same-sex couples and their families in a large swath of America until marriage equality spreads to all 50 states, as it inevitably will. +",3 +6,"Florida Gun Bill: What's in It, and What Isn't",5 +10,"""This is just a starting point for us to heal and go on,"" said the slain deputy's sister-in-law, Lisa Francis.",9 +13,"AS a decidedly non-mainstream Republican in a decidedly Democratic state, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California has had to walk a tightrope, and he's slipped more than once. But on a tricky issue that's confounding both parties, he has managed to find a clever third way: The immigrant from Austria who made good is pursuing a pragmatic approach to illegal immigration that warring elements in Washington might do well to emulate.",12 +13,Casey's gun shift draws praise and silence,12 +13,BUSH SAYS HE SUPPORTS SOME GUN CONTROL MEASURES,12 +12,The majority of Americans support these reasonable actions,11 +7,"According to authorities, Thal had eight pounds of cocaine and more than $110,000 in cash in her apartment. Several of the eight people charged in the shootings have said they knew that Thal's suppliers - Gilmore and a man who was in her apartment during the shootings - would be passing through Philadelphia that weekend to unload a shipment of drugs.",6 +7, Crime explodes.,6 +13,Marriage of Necessity: Nonprofit Groups and Drug Makers,12 +5," ""provide driver's licenses to those who are undocumented. (Hillary Clinton) said don't do it.""",4 +1,"HIT SMOKERS UP FOR HEALTH CARE COSTS, ADVOCACY GROUP URGES",0 +12,NRA claims boost from riot fears,11 +1,Tobacco farmers to get $30M for barn upgrades,0 +5,Supreme Court Allows Discretion In Deportation For State Felonies,4 +13,"Another Impasse on Gun Bills, Another Win for Hyperpolitics",12 +13,Bush Seeks to Boost Image With Minorities,12 +5,"Gailey said the trial was moved to Morgan County, about 100 miles south of Atlanta, in the hope of finding a jury that had not been exposed to the intense publicity following the crime.",4 +5,"""It's going to be the first time the manufacturers are going to have to face the full array of the proof against them,"" said David Kairys, a professor at Temple University Law School in Philadelphia who is an adviser to many municipalities in other gun cases around the country",4 +15,Same-Sex Dilemma,14 +5,Court Allows Closed Immigration Hearings to Continue,4 +13,"As the debate over legalizing same-sex marriage shifts from city hall to Capitol Hill, Republican leaders in the District are forging an unusual alliance with gay rights activists, hoping to prevent a national fight over the issue. +",12 +10,"Same-sex couples rush to wed before California election On Nov. 4, state will vote on whether to limit marriage to man and woman only. +",9 +11,Gay marriage: How TV helped nudge society on the issue,10 +5,But the question of whether that extends to parts of the airport is the subject of a federal lawsuit.,4 +13,"So apparently, Barack Obama is finally done evolving.That, you will recall, was the president's word for the process of reconsidering his opposition to same-sex marriage. Last week, after being publicly and inadvertently (?) prodded by his vice president, Obama announced the results of all that cogitation. He told ABC News he has ""just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.""It was a historic statement from a historic president, a moment of political courage from an administration that has provided fewer such moments than you would like.",12 +13,"Local Officials Tackle How to Govern in a Divided America +",12 +7," +Doody ignored reporters' questions as he was led away. His father, Brian, an Air Force master sergeant, said he was relieved the youth was spared the death penalty.",6 +13,House gun bill poised for final vote;,12 +13,"""I would like to reach out to Gov. Bush, not in a partisan or combative way at all but in a genuine offer to join together in urging the Congress to pass common-sense safety measures related to guns,"" Gore said.",12 +5,Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal today hailed a federal court decision allowing the state to press ahead with a $ 1 billion lawsuit to recover money spent to treat smoking-related illnesses.,4 +5,when a jury could not agree on the death penalty.,4 +13,Clinton lauds Million Mom March,12 +5,DAD MAY LOSE ADOPTED CHILD TO ABSURD LAW,4 +9, The Rhino-Ammo and Black Rhino bullets would purportedly fragment into thousands of pieces when they hit human flesh.,8 +1,"the establishment of a superfund to cover the costs of smoking-related illnesses and even more restrictions on cigarette advertising, including a ban on the use of human and cartoon figures as brand symbols.",0 +14,"In Scotland, Unlike America, a Mass Shooting Led to Stricter Gun Laws",13 +11,TEEN STUDY SPURS WAR ON TOBACCO,10 +5,New York Sues Big Tobacco,4 +5," ''It was clear that the defense's theory that Maria had nothing to do with the murder just didn't hold up,'' said Craddick after the verdict on Saturday.",4 +13,TRADING POTSHOTS ON GUN CONTROL,12 +7,"Alerted to a description of the van and to its license plate number, a New Jersey state trooper stopped the gun traffickers at a bottleneck. It was a small victory for Federal agents who try to dam the flow of guns bought over the counter in states with loose gun-control laws then re-sold to criminals. But the guns continued to flow. +",6 +3,Use moral argument against death penalty,2 +7,omnibus crime legislation.,6 +6,Can the death penalty be abolished?,5 +11,"But it said that federal and state officials must step up their efforts to incorporate immigrants into the nation's civic and political culture. For example, it said, newcomers need help in acquiring English-language skills and should be trained for high-technology jobs, so that they and their children will move up the economic ladder.",10 +1,matching funds.,0 +15,Walking Miles of Aisles,14 +13,"Alvarado said the flap caused by Calderon's statements, which included demands for his resignation by gays and lesbians, prompted her to seek someone else.",12 +6, or the subject of gun control,5 +9,health care providers,8 +10, allow city employees' domestic partners to receive employment benefits.,9 +7,"that he ordered his wife's shotgun slaying. +",6 +13,We hope lawmakers will remember whom they work for. The veto session is a chance to put teeth into the state motto,12 +5,"In striking down bans on liquor price advertising in Rhode Island and other states, including Pennsylvania, they used different reasoning to arrive at an identical result.",4 +5,Federal appeals court questions D.C.'s restrictions on concealed-carry of firearms,4 +7, after the Newtown shooting,6 +5,"Superior Court Judge Timothy M. Frawley is expected to rule today, deciding whether to accept the Proposition 8 ballot title and summary approved by Attorney General Jerry Brown, or to order changes based on a lawsuit filed by backers of a constitutional ban",4 +5,"During nearly two hours of arguments Wednesday, many of the justices, particularly liberals Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, voiced concerns about the federal Defense of Marriage Act discriminating against same-sex couples legally wed in some states. Ginsburg described same-sex marriage for couples denied federal benefits as ""sort of skim-milk marriage.""",4 +10,"Divorce can't be taken lightly, no matter who is doing the breaking up. It's painful and leaves a lot of emotional wreckage behind. Sadly, children are often those hurt the most. Marriage should never be an impulsive act, and divorce shouldn't be seen as an easy way out. + +But there's no evidence that same-sex unions are any more fragile than heterosexual unions. Actually, if a high percentage of divorces made us question the institution itself, then marriage between a man and a woman, nearly half of which end in divorce, might be in trouble itself. +",9 +3,Duke's biblical aberration,2 +5,New U.S. citizens pledging allegiance at Gettysburg,4 +6,to extend the ban and by cutting financing for community police officers.,5 +12,Adams: Walkout best lesson for kids,11 +5,and its attorney general,4 +13,Tucson Takes On the Gun Lobby,12 +12," National Rifle Association,",11 +13,"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, on Wednesday named Thompson, D-Napa, to lead a task force on one of American society's toughest issues, knowing full well that he'll start with high marks from both Republicans and Democrats.",12 +1,The new push came as House and Senate budget-writers continued to struggle to fill holes in a $16 billion fiscal 2003 budget with a $620 million shortfall.,0 +7,Washington Hangs Murderer,6 +7,"Timeline of events in her kidnapping, death",6 +5,"Hampton, 39, a drifter from Texas, had requested the death penalty and had prohibited any appeals after he was sentenced to die by Circuit Judge Andy Matoesian of Madison County. The Illinois Supreme Court affirmed the conviction in an automatic appeal in death-sentence cases, and ordered Hampton executed on Nov. 11.",4 +13,Speaker Puzzles House,12 +12," After the overwhelming vote from the citizenry against gay marriage, the Legislature wouldn't consider civil unions, he said. He was up front about it.",11 +13,Obama asks for states' help on migrant-child crisis,12 +5,"The decisions leave nine convicts sitting on death row, the Department of Corrections said.",4 +10,Same-Sex Couples Still Waiting on Federal Benefits,9 +8,"They say the fence is needed to stop an ""invasion"" that may include violent criminals and Middle Eastern terrorists disguised as Mexicans.",7 +13,"he Senate has already passed such a bill and the full House is expected to vote on it in the session starting March 3. +",12 +7,"Police reports show that Steven Thompson, who was wounded in the drive-by shooting, told detectives at the hospital that night he had not seen the gunman. He said the same thing the next day.",6 +13,"Of course he was trying to win points with the hard-core political right, to keep its support from swinging to more conservative presidential candidates.",12 +4,Mr. Blankenhorn rightly asserts that gay couples should enjoy the same rights as their fellow heterosexual citizens. But his path to this conclusion is marred by its own contradictions.,3 +13,Lautenberg has a knack for proposing laws against things that most people would presume were illegal already. You may remember him from such past hits as ''Let's Not Let Convicted Felons Buy Weapons at Gun Shows'' and ''Don't Sell Assault Rifles to People on the Terrorist Watch List.'',12 +4,Guns and Racism,3 +12,"Groups protest illegal immigration They claim a city order is a ``treatise on sanctuary.'' Officials say it focuses solely on legal immigration. +",11 +3," +Not far from Rabbi Zelizer's very own Metuchen congregation is the Church of the Redeemer in Morristown, where I met my partner and where we intend to marry in Spring 2005. This thriving Episcopalian church, highly regarded in the community at large and within the Episcopal community, respects every one of its hundreds of members, the majority of whom are not heterosexual. I can only believe that gay marriage will become -- indeed, is becoming -- a ""normative religious sanctification."" Why would I even consider otherwise? Isn't this what faith is all about? +",2 +13,'Mentally disturbed': Trump is already pointing away from gun control,12 +11,"Facebook and its Instagram subsidiary will delete posts offering to sell guns without background checks, or across state lines illegally. +",10 +4,"""It was the equitable thing to do,",3 +7,Van driver was twice deported The human-smuggling suspect is facing state and federal probes following a crash in Idaho Springs that killed four.,6 +11," (recalling, in fact, a player's remark about Vince Lombardi: ''He treated us all equally - like dogs'').",10 +15,"On the Ground, A Few Chances to Light Up",14 +7," +Navarro came from the eastern Honduran province of Orlancho and was caught by U.S. immigration agents after she entered Texas illegally in 2003",6 +5,"Hoping to continue her career in the United States, Ms. Zacarias recently applied to become a permanent legal resident",4 +7,"Lt. Mike Pol, a shift commander at the Polk County Jail, said inmates have threatened to kill Coe ever since his arrest on July 29, 1989. Word of Coe's offense reached the jail as soon as he was booked, and inmates hung upside-down pictures of Coe on the wall, with a toilet underneath.",6 +6,"There have been no challenges to the Pennsylvania Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, since its passage in 1996",5 +3,Witness Says Pastor Asked Him to Kill Wife,2 +5,"The state's plan was dealt a partial setback on Tuesday, when a federal judge in Buffalo temporarily stopped the state from taxing the sales of cigarettes to non-Indians by two of New York's largest tribes, the Seneca and Cayuga Nations. The tribes had argued that the state's tax policy violated their sovereign rights and would significantly damage their economies. +",4 +3,"Marriage, by God or Government?",2 +13,"Anguished Senate Republicans held a four-hour meeting on Wednesday at which they were unable to decide even whether they would bring same-sex marriage to a vote, stalling a last-minute drive by supporters of the legislation.",12 +6, to radically limit the court appeals of death row murderers.,5 +13,"Mr. Cuomo signed the bill less than an hour after the State Assembly approved it by a 104-to-43 vote on the second full day of the 2013 legislative session. The State Senate, which had in the past resisted more restrictive gun laws, approved the measure 43 to 18 on Monday night. +",12 +12,"The goal is to attract 2.5 million supporters, many of them women, who would then be motivated to go to the polls. +",11 +9,"GROUP GIVES MISSOURI, ILLINOIS AN ""F"" FOR ANTI-SMOKING EFFORTS/ MISSOURI'S LONE ""B"" IS FOR ITS BAN ON SMOKING BY THOSE UNDER 18",8 +13,The special session of the Colorado Legislature recessed for five days Tuesday,12 +7,"Bailey was convicted in 1980 of the shotgun slayings of Gilbert Lambertson, 80, and Clara Lambertson, 73. The couple lived in Cheswold. Earlier that day, he walked away from a work-release center in Wilmington and robbed a Cheswold liquor store before going to the Lambertsons' farmhouse. +",6 +7,Parkland shooting fueled gun debate.,6 +1," +SMOKE, drink, eat. Marketers of cigarettes and distilled spirits, as well as a restaurant chain, made changes last week on important accounts.",0 +5,"""A constitutional amendment is the only thing that can answer what's happening right now.""",4 +1, Achieving replacement-level immigration will save U.S. taxpayers over $125 billion by 2006 and cut population growth in half.,0 +7,"Weldons was sentenced to die for murdering India Roberts, who lived with her mother in a Vinings townhouse near the one where Wellons lived. The girl disappeared after kissing her mother goodbye and leaving to walk to the school bus stop. Her body was found a few hours later. +",6 +10,Caught in the Middle; Foreign-Born Doctors Are Recruited For Jobs That Others Don't Want. But American Physicians Worry That Too Many Are Coming Here.,9 +5,Attorneys general plan anti-tobacco strategy,4 +13,"Republicans, too, are showing some movement, as they've proposed an amendment that would allow law enforcement to block a firearm sale for national security reasons in narrow circumstances.",12 +6,ANTI-GUN SHOW LAWS HURT THE LAW-ABIDING,5 +13,The marriage bill passed the State Senate by a vote of 12 to 9 Tuesday afternoon,12 +4,end national discriminations against gay people,3 +5,"When the Times reported that a former supervisor in permitting sued the agency in 2012, claiming ""gross misconduct"" in the handling of permits, Putnam's office dismissed the allegations as those from a disgruntled former employee, which were settled when the agency paid the employee $30,000 in 2016.",4 +1, It gave up on a bill to jack up the price of cigarettes,0 +5,"Prosecutors, who are on the verge of resting their case, contend that Mr. Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, profiled and pursued Mr. Martin, driven in part by his desire to be a law enforcement officer. Because Mr. Zimmerman was the aggressor, they argue, it was not self-defense.",4 +5, his prosecutor said yesterday.,4 +13,"''Commit to marriage. That will give you those more than 1,100 federal rights immediately,'' the mayor advised as he lobbied couples in Chicago earlier this month. Delighting in his dual roles as matchmaker and rainmaker, he needled officials in Illinois for losing more than $100 million a year in estimated fees and wedding-related commerce because the state does not allow gay marriage. +",12 +11,neither of which mentioned that Rawls is a former smoker.,10 +5," +While the Second Amendment could be updated, repealing it is not the answer",4 +5,County judge declares state ban,4 +11,"Yoko Ono Tweets against guns showing Lennon's bloody glasses +",10 +5,COURT'S RULING PUSHES SYSTEM INTO UNCERTAINTY,4 +13,"President, Senate GOP leader differ on immigration reform",12 +13,Committee passes bill to ban assault weapons,12 +13, He has voiced agreement with GOP lawmakers who say outsiders shouldn't be allowed to pursue clemency appeals against the wishes of the inmate.,12 +13, but few of the measures became law. Lawmakers in 18 states introduced bills; passage was achieved in three.,12 +10,Ex-SCU janitor mops up honors as graduate,9 +13,the officials said,12 +13,Senate to vote on border security amendment Monday,12 +7,"A Bethesda lawyer and four businessmen have been charged with submitting false documentation to state and federal officials to obtain work visas for dozens of undocumented immigrants during a five-year period, federal authorities announced yesterday.",6 +11,"The study found states with ""shall issue"" laws had handgun homicide rates that were 10.6 percent higher than ""may issue"" states. Additionally, ""shall issue"" states had firearm homicide rates that were 8.6 percent higher and overall homicide rates that were 6.5 percent higher than ""may issue"" states.",10 +13,"The conversations in recent days have featured voices from a range of Republican views, all jockeying to tilt the businessman's politics in their direction, according to those involved. Trump tends to echo the words of the last person with whom he spoke, making direct access to him even more valuable, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to talk about internal campaign discussions.",12 +5,"""When a key witness against a defendant doubles as the officer of the court specifically charged with care and protection of the jurors . . ., the adversary system of justice is perverted,"" the court said.",4 +12,'Our Rights Are Under Attack': Voices From Inside and Outside the N.R.A. Convention,11 +8, also required a waiting period for buying handguns,7 +13,"Gun law debate hangs on stories, not on statistics",12 +4,Experience shows that judges and juries wrongly convict defendants.,3 +7,Wuornos gets 6th death penalty,6 +7, who could get the death penalty for his role in killing a guard in the holdup March 17 of Lindell Bank & Trust.,6 +7,"Her son, Gary W. Hopper Jr., 20, was shot to death in Jefferson County last year by a man who caught Hopper allegedly burglarizing his car.",6 +11,SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ARE SYMPTOM OF A DECAYING CULTURE,10 +13,"Industry spokesman Scott Williams said the Democratic bill was un acceptable. ""Based on the terms of Sen. Conrad's approach, the industry would be unable to consent to these provisions,"" he said",12 +13,Sen. Greg Evers said,12 +8,Mr. Robertson says handguns are needed so people can protect themselves from criminals trying to break into their homes,7 +6,"The legislation would expand the power of federal prosecutors to try even 13-year-olds as adults, and it would set longer prison sentences for a wide range of offenses committed by teenagers.",5 +5,Lawyers Want Reno Barred From Death-Penalty Decision in Bombing,4 +5, Constitution,4 +7,Deportation call sparks debate Tancredo seeks Mexican student's ouster,6 +5,Reluctant to spend six to eight years waiting - years in which he could not get married or travel freely - Molina decided to take his case directly to a judge.,4 +13,The Senate debate on a bill that had passed the House of Delegates involved a rare showdown pitting property rights against gun rights.,12 +13,"Though the vote was lopsided, it came only after a bitter debate in which the Republican sponsor spoke of ""the very foundation of our society being at risk"" while some Democrats accused the GOP of stirring up a divisive issue to help presidential hopeful Bob Dole's campaign.",12 +5,regulated only by federal law,4 +7,Deaf couple arrested in immigration case,6 +5,High court shoots down gun bans like Chicago's Justices broaden 2nd Amendment's reach to local and state governments.,4 +3,"Church officials say the bill, as it stands, would require faith groups, such as the church-run Catholic Charities, to extend benefits to married same-sex partners, an example of what the declaration's authors see as a violation of religious liberty law.",2 +7,"FOR BOLIN, 3RD DEATH VERDICT",6 +13,"The House recently voted to repeal an assault-type weapons ban passed by Congress two years ago, keeping a promise Republicans made to the National Rifle Association. That's where a good share of their campaign money comes from, as Rep. Tim Roemer, D-Ind., indicated as he held up a $ 20 bill.",12 +13,"GOV. BOB HOLDEN kept his promise to veto the concealed-weapons bill, setting up a showdown with state lawmakers during the Legislature's fall veto session. The governor picked the district of Sen. Mike Gibbons, R-Kirkwood, to veto the legislation. +",12 +15,Got a Light?,14 +13,"Both of the Cheneys' daughters - Elizabeth and Mary, who is a lesbian - are working in the vice president's campaign. Mary Cheney is director of vice-presidential operations for the Bush-Cheney campaign. She was her father's assistant in the 2000 race and helped the GOP recruit gay voters during the 2002 midterm elections. She has been less visible this year while traveling with her father or working at campaign headquarters in Arlington, Va., but will play a more public role as the election nears, campaign aides say.",12 +5,county judges could grant exemptions.,4 +10,"A death row inmate, a murder victim's son, and a 16-year quest for justice",9 +6,Hawaii Lawmakers Consider Banning Smoking on Beaches,5 +5," Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said Thursday,",4 +1,Walmart took a bold step earlier this week when it announced it would no longer sell assault-style rifles in its U.S. stores.,0 +7,"""We would have no grounds for administrative action unless it was a felony or misdemeanor crime of violence,"" said Susan Harrell, section supervisor for the Florida Department of State. +",6 +1,While most wedding businesses across the country embraced the chance to serve same-sex couples,0 +6,We'll have to find ways to deal with' the smoking ban.,5 +5," +We support tough measures to get guns off the streets, but this is the wrong way to go about it. The lawsuits are ""litigation tyranny,"" as some gunmakers have suggested, and an abuse of the court system.",4 +15,"PICK A CARD, ANY CARD",14 +1,Gun discount sparks fear,0 +5,"They applied for marriage licenses Friday and - as expected - were turned down by the clerk of court. On Tuesday, Equality Florida filed the suit and held a news conference.",4 +13,Clyburn disputes endorsement of pro-gun ex-Rep. Joe Baca,12 +13,WHY did the senators ask Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York to not appear at a news conference with them on Wednesday? WHY is it so hard for Congress to pass new gun legislation?,12 +6," the national Brady bill will take effect the end of this month, and Brady has a tougher purchase waiting period than most local ordinances anyway.",5 +7,GUN CONTROL IS NOT CRIME CONTROL,6 +13,"The Peachtree City Council will conduct a hearing at 7 tonight at City Hall on a proposed ordinance to restrict smoking in public places. +",12 +5,"to protect gun ownership rights, ",4 +10," there were tears all around the courtroom, including from Castillo himself and Salomon's son.",9 +10,"Not everyone who can get married chooses to, and many who want to still haven't found that certain someone.",9 +13,"After Shooting Becomes Personal, Republicans Push to Ease Gun Laws",12 +5," It battles against Arizona's immigration law, which recently sustained another legal defeat when a federal appeals court affirmed a lower court ruling that struck down most of it, and copycat versions around the country.",4 +4,"Perhaps there is a third way, one that supports the Bush plan while addressing the fairness issue",3 +5,defense Attorney Ed Wilson said Monday during opening arguments in Nance's death penalty murder trial.,4 +5,Jury Backs Ex-Smoker in Calif,4 +11,Review: 'Dead Man Walking' at City Lights in San Jose,10 +7,"He also recommended tighter collaboration between Housing Authority police and the surrounding Philadelphia police districts, a greater police and security presence in PHA developments, and hiring of experienced site managers.",6 +12,IGNORING THE WILL OF THE VOTERS,11 +7,CONVICTION UPSET AGAIN IN '82 SLAYING,6 +7,Bacon was scheduled to die by injection early Friday for fatally stabbing Glennie Clark in Onslow County in 1987.,6 +12,"A new survey conducted by The Elway Poll, a longtime Washington pollster, shows Initiative 594 earning 60 percent of the vote, while 32 percent of respondents say they will vote no. The initiative took 70 percent of the vote in July and 72 percent in an April poll conducted by the same company. +",11 +13,DELRAY BACKS BENEFITS FOR SAME-SEX COUPLES,12 +9,with what officials call the No. 1 threat to their health,8 +13,IMMIGRANT ADVOCATES OFF TO D.C.,12 +11," where at least 50 percent of the people smoke,",10 +7,"Federal immigration agents detained 69 workers from Latin America and Africa yesterday after raids on nine businesses that used a Baltimore-based temporary employment agency suspected of providing illegal immigrants, authorities said. +",6 +4," But is it justice to punish an innocent person, leaving the real perpetrator to commit more crimes?",3 +5,DEFENSE BEGINS IN SUIT AGAINST CIGARETTE FIRMS,4 +12,and protests of the court's decisions voiced across the country were a reminder how visceral an issue it remains for some.,11 +9,A law passed last year specified that the state use a barbiturate to put inmates to death but did not specify which one.,8 +9,"5 injured, including girl, 8, on icy I-70 An SUV carrying six illegal immigrants rolls; the girl is airlifted to Children's Hospital.",8 +3,"However, the Rev. Ted Haggard, senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, said galvanizing the faithful has proved difficult. +",2 +6,Fairfax studies banning loaded long guns on roads,5 +8,"The reforms, however, appear to have succeeded -- at least initially-- in slowing the number of aliens crossing the Southwest border illegally.",7 +5,Defeat of amendment a win for farmworkers,4 +1,"Opposite ends of the economic spectrum, to be sure, but Domingo and Ries share one trait: Their employers want the federal government to make it easier to import workers for brawn and brain work.",0 +10,Smoking in public places,9 +7,"''I cut the lady from the bottom of her chin to her hairline above her forehead,'' Mr. Evans confessed. ''I was trying to get her to quit talking.''",6 +1,low taxes on cigarettes,0 +3,"Although ministers opposed to same-sex marriage in the Disrict have campaigned more vigorously, a growing number of religious leaders are mobilizing to support the proposal. + +",2 +13,"""I'd have to go back on my word,"" Kemp told Sen. Clay Land (R-Columbus) after Land urged him to reconsider. ""My integrity is on the line here.""",12 +7,'IMMIGRATION RAPIST' HUNTED COPS SAY HE TARGETS ILLEGAL ALIENS,6 +13,"Giffords, who was shot clear through the brain and has spent a grueling year in rehab, was to attend an evening vigil for the dead. +",12 +7,18 ARRESTED IN SCAM ON IMMIGRANT DOCUMENTS,6 +11,"THERE IS A MOVIE out right now about New York politics called ""Broken City,"" starring Russell Crowe and Mark Wahlberg, at a time when we all know the real broken city is Washington, D.C., know that despite all the ceremonies of the inauguration, and despite all the brave talk from the President about his second term.",10 +5," Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the razor-thin majority. +",4 +13,Chairman at odds with sheriff over immigration,12 +6,NEW HANDGUN LAW TAKES EFFECT IN CALIFORNIA,5 +11,Weapon Study Details Arming of D.C. Youth,10 +12," Advocacy groups barely waited for President Barack Obama to finish speaking about major changes to the U.S. immigration system to start warning about scams. +",11 +13,"Freshman Democrats: Legislation, not investigations, should be House priority",12 +5,the agency charged with defending death row inmates ,4 +1,"During the next 12 years, Georgia will get about $ 340 million from the growers' fund, which must go to landowners who hold tobacco allotments and the farmers who tend their crops.",0 +5,FLORIDA GOVERNOR SUES CIGARETTE FIRMS,4 +5,PANEL MEETS NEXT WEEK TO DECIDE LEGAL FEES IN MISSOURI TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,4 +5, opens the city to possible constitutional challenges.,4 +5,BRAUN TO TAKE OATH SATURDAY AS THE COUNTY'S PROSECUTOR,4 +9,"St. Vincent's already has increased the number of its certified medical interpreters by 50% and plans to get phone-translation services on every unit, spokesman Michael Fagan said.",8 +13,"BLOOMBERG, LAPIERRE TRADE TRUTHS, HALF-TRUTHS +",12 +13," +Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) will strongly back an effort to address the issue of same-sex marriage in the legislature rather than in the courts, he said in a statement issued last night.",12 +15,BRIEFLY: Moon: Season will be his last,14 +7,Police Commissioner Howard Safir said yesterday that he would not discipline a police officer who angered gun control advocates and several parents last month by using a video produced by the National Rifle Association to teach schoolchildren about gun safety.,6 +1,Death-penalty prosecutors get preliminary budget nod,0 +5,3 families sue tobacco companies,4 +7,"A mail carrier found Hollinger's body in the kitchen of his home on Feb. 8, 1980. Hollinger had been stabbed to death with a butcher knife from his kitchen.",6 +7,"FALSE IDENTITY (CARDS); EX-BOYNTON PASTOR, LAKE WORTH MAN CHARGED WITH MAKING, SELLING FAKE 'GREENCARDS'",6 +13, D.C. Council members questioned yesterday whether they should continue to support the voting rights bill if it meant the city would have to loosen its firearms regulations.,12 +12,March for Our Lives to attract thousands,11 +12,"New poll: Most teenagers and adults think arming teachers is dangerous, favor minimum age for buying assault rifles",11 +13,"I am writing in response to a recent advertising campaign, reported by you, attacking the President's crime bill and Representative Charles E. Schumer's record on crime",12 +7," who was convicted in 2003 of killing his Potosi Correctional Center cellmate, Shackrein Thomas. Taylor previously had been sentenced to life without parole for the 1995 rape and murder of Christine Smetzer in Washington County.",6 +12,Gay rights advocates,11 +13,Tampa,12 +12,"EQUAL CROWD RALLIES FOR AN EQUAL RIGHT 3,500 RALLY TO OPPOSE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT BARRING GAY MARRIAGE",11 +12,"Instead, the party is yet another chance for Caldara, a professional and persistent critic of governmental officials, the media and other do-gooders, to decry infringements on personal freedom.",11 +7,GUNS IN LAW-ABIDING HANDS CUT CRIME,6 +5,"Lawmakers would do better to leave marriage to the churches, for now, and borrow a phrase from businesses for whom recognition of ""domestic partnership"" has become a tool for sound management practices. It also can make legal sense.",4 +2," +Now businesses from hotels in Rhode Island to the fishing industry in Alaska are short-handed and struggling to fill temporary jobs that local workers don't want.",1 +13,"Should Gov. Sonny Perdue veto the bill? Or should the bill become law? The governor was to decide by Wednesday. +",12 +1,"ANHEUSER-BUSCH SUPPORT OF GUN MEASURE IS CALLED ""IRRESPONSIBLE""",0 +5," +COURT DENIES STAY OF EXECUTION",4 +6,"Permanent death penalty freeze sought Opponents add economic argument to moral, philosophical reasons for removing it from the books in Illinois.",5 +7," +Their father, Lakireddy Bali Reddy, of Berkeley, was given eight years in prison for illegally importing Indians to work in his restaurants and apartments.",6 +6,Four reasons why 'Stand Your Ground' laws won't be repealed,5 +6,the Legislature until May to rewrite the state marriage laws to provide benefits for gay couples. The Legislature is expected to take up the amendment next month.,5 +6,SPROUTS OF REFORM IN FARM LABOR,5 +5,"wrote Walker, chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco",4 +6,"SB 176 and HB 4005, now moving through the Legislature, would allow any person with a concealed weapons permit to carry a firearm on any Florida state college or university campus.",5 +13,Our governor considers the recent gun bill and the AJC urges him not to sign it into law,12 +13,"The Senate in mid-July will take up a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, forcing lawmakers to cast a tough political vote just weeks before the Democratic presidential convention in Massachusetts. +",12 +11,"Outspoken gun-control champion Rosie O'Donnell says she's quitting as Kmart's chief pitchwoman. According to the New York Daily News, the TV talk show host says her future gun-control endeavors would make it tough for her to keep starring in commercials for the gun-selling retail giant. ""It's only fair to Kmart that I stop doing commercials,"" said O'Donnell, who has notably sparred on-air with Tom Selleck over the issue. O'Donnell's spokeswoman, Lois Smith, added: ""It was important for her to take herself out of commercials so neither she nor Kmart would be further criticized."" However, Kmart insiders told the Daily News that O'Donnell was actually canned, because the company was tired of negative publicity over her gun stance.",10 +7,Seller gets 10 months in July 4 gun rampage,6 +13,"MAC CHEERS DECISION, FIRES SHOT AT BAM",12 +5,Prosecutors who are seeking the death penalty introduced testimony about Sumrall's violent past.,4 +12,"''I said this is the time for us to have an organizing contagion,'' said Armando Navarro, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of California, Riverside, who helped organize the February session.",11 +1,"It's not a welcome subject in New York politics. Former Gov. George Pataki tried collecting cigarette and gas taxes from Indian shops 11 years ago, but he backed away soon after protesters, burning automobile tires, closed Interstate 81 for more than 90 minutes.",0 +5,"A 2nd Triple-Murder Trial, Same Court, Same Horrors",4 +1,"Michael A. Fletcher's reporting on the bitter irony facing the Fresno, Calif., workforce - an achingly high unemployment rate coexisting with a panoply of unfilled job openings for skilled workers [front page, Feb. 2] - said as much, if not more, about the need for comprehensive immigration reform as it did about the need for worker training.",0 +13,Democrats on the committee rallied to her defense in supporting the measures.,12 +13,"Last week, dozens of local officials in Maryland, including three Democrats on the Howard County Council, sent a letter to House Speaker Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) supporting a bill to outlaw the rapid-fire weapons in Maryland.",12 +1,"The social network is one of the world's largest marketplaces for guns. A DoubleStar AR-15 is offered for $650. A raspberry-colored Taurus pistol can be had for $239.95, a Bushmaster M4 ''fresh from the box'' for $1,200. ''We've got over 550 guns and we need buyers!'' posts a Louisiana seller.",0 +6,PARTNERS LAW MAY BE EXPANDED TO CITY CONTRACTORS,5 +5,It Isn't Amnesty,4 +6,GAY MARRIAGE BAN CHEATS THE FUTURE,5 +1,Teach for America Equalizes Health Costs for Domestic Partners,0 +10,MORE EMPLOYERS OFFERING BENEFITS FOR SAME-SEX DOMESTIC PARTNERS,9 +13,"The measure's sponsor, L. Scott Lingamfelter (R-Prince William),",12 +12,Tenants Wonder What to Do About Secondhand Smoke From Neighbors,11 +15,Assault Rifles Assault Common Sense,14 +1,"The $485 million package will increase the amount that hospitals receive from the state as reimbursement for costs incurred for treating patients without insurance. It will include a combination of revenue sources: some money from raising the cigarette tax by as much as 40 cents a pack, some from the state's general treasury, and a smaller amount each year from the annual surplus in the state unemployment fund.",0 +5,"(Philadelphia also sued, but a federal court ruled last year that gun-makers could not be held liable by the city under Pennsylvania law.)",4 +13,CORCORAN'S NEW MESSAGE DIFFERS FROM ONE WITH GUNS,12 +5, The court said Mr. Koedatich could raise arguments during the appeal.,4 +12,"Richard Daynard, chairman of an anti-tobacco group, the Tobacco Products Liability Project at the Northeastern University School of Law in Boston",11 +12,"according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, nearly 70 percent of Americans wanted stricter gun laws, no gun control legislation made it through Congress",11 +6,"Susana Barciela, policy director of the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, says that cases such as Mr. Avellaneda's -- and there are tens of thousands of them -- argue for the Dream Act, proposed legislation that would provide a path to legalization by allowing them to attend college or serve in the military.",5 +5,Wilson is now likely to enter a long appeals process that experts say could drag on for a decade or more while he lingers on Death Row.,4 +5,"Good Friends, Same Party but Legal Opponents +",4 +8,Florida requires a background check and waiting period for handgun purchases,7 +13,'95 Georgia Legislature: Editorials Salvaging gun laws from the NRA,12 +13,"""I'd say probably the Rubio, Corker, Hoeven [side],"" Huckabee said.",12 +7,They stashed enough firepower under long black coats and in duffel bags to shoot at hundreds of classmates.,6 +5,GUN RIGHTS,4 +5,As Terry L. Nichols stared straight at the judge,4 +9," Only the single line of copy surprises the unsuspecting driver: ""Bob, I've got emphysema."" +",8 +13,"The political response to this decision from many liberals and Democrats was relief that the ruling still permits gun regulation, and quiet satisfaction that it will minimize the chances of the gun issue hurting Barack Obama in the presidential campaign. Some will rationalize this view by pointing to maverick liberal constitutional scholars who see a broad right to bear arms in the Second Amendment. +",12 +5,"Pa. bill would give NRA, others right to sue over gun laws",4 +12,3 Iowa judges may face voters' retaliation,11 +5,High court to take up same-sex marriage California ban has been rejected by appeals court on narrow grounds,4 +1,Some bar owners have argued the ban has hurt profits.,0 +13,"The law, signed Wednesday by Gov. Jerry Brown after passage by the Democrat-controlled Legislature, is a sign that enlightened lawmaking unhindered by gun lobby scare tactics and Capitol Hill filibustering is possible in American politics.",12 +7,Enforce Immigration Laws,6 +6,That would mean that states that tightly regulate who obtains a concealed-carry permit would have to allow people with permits from states with relatively lax standards to carry concealed weapons when they visit.,5 +1,The group plans to give $4.3million to openly gay candidates this year,0 +10,Foreign-Born Faring Worse in D.C. Than in Suburbs,9 +5,"The Texas attorney general's office said there was ""no legal reasoning to appeal"" the last-minute ruling, and there would not be an execution Wednesday evening.",4 +5,LAWYERS FIGHT TO SAVE KILLER,4 +5,"Mr. Olson's question came during one of several attention-grabbing moments on the first day of the trial here on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. It is a case that is expected to feature three weeks of evidence, experts and -- if Monday was an indication -- emotionally charged testimony on everything from the nature of gay sexuality to the nature of a romantic same-sex marriage proposal.",4 +11,"The flap comes less than a month after the NBA banned Tim Hardaway from its all-star festivities in Las Vegas after the former player said on a radio show, ""I hate gay people."" Hardaway made the comment after another former player, John Amaechi, revealed that he's gay. Hardaway later apologized.",10 +5,Spector jury takes look at .38-caliber revolver,4 +5,"The prohibition on hiring illegal aliens took effect immediately when the bill was signed by President Reagan on Nov. 6, 1986. It applied only to hiring that occurred after that date, and the penalties of the 1986 law did not apply to the continuing employment of illegal aliens who had been hired before it went into effect.",4 +11,"In 1996, the peak year, 315 people received death sentences. +",10 +5,"As a result, elected head prosecutors across Florida will soon have to decide whether to seek new sentences in nearly 200 cases where a death sentence was imposed by a less than unanimous jury.",4 +5,"Mohawk, in a court filing, said it fired Carpenter because he hired illegal workers and violated company policy. It also denied the allegations in the other lawsuit.",4 +11,"At first glance, the documents the retiree had spread out on a table in Tucson looked as if they could have been keepsakes from just about anyone's career: a company magazine, a timeline, letters of commendation and congratulation. +",10 +10,"Smokers already are shunned from restaurants, malls and movie theaters. Now the sheriffs in Hillsborough and Pasco counties say they will ban cigarettes and other tobacco products from the mouths and lungs of their forces.",9 +13,"Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was seriously wounded in the Tucson shooting has launched a campaign to push for stricter gun laws, saying that the Newton, Conn. massacre spurred her to action. +",12 +5,"The Supreme Court, ruling 5 to 4, overturned an Idaho death sentence today on the ground that the convicted murderer and his lawyer had not received ""fair notice"" that a sentence of death was anything more than a remote, theoretical possibility.",4 +13,NRA Report Doesn't Back Earley Or Warner,12 +11," The law doubles the number of people who live in states with gay marriage laws, which grew from 16million to 35million Friday night, when Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the legislation. +",10 +11, Isn't slavery a part of this country's deep-rooted tradition?,10 +7,The defendant worked in the kitchen for more than three years but was recently removed from his kitchen duties after newspaper articles publicized how he chopped up the bodies of Jose Rosario in 1992 and Carlos Madrid in 1995.,6 +1,Money that would have been used to reduce the incidence of smoking will be used instead to finance a tax cut and a program meant to discourage drug use.,0 +7, even in the wake of the Tucson rampage.,6 +5,Barring an unexpected last-minute stay -- Gov. Pete Wilson has already refused to grant clemency ,4 +13,Weapon storage bill gets panel OK Gun owners say law unnecessary,12 +5,"Just days before a high-profile death penalty trial was poised to begin, the California Supreme Court put the brakes Thursday on the murder trial of a Mountain View man who pleaded guilty",4 +6,"Joined by Vice President Al Gore, Clinton signed an executive order giving agencies and facilities under executive-branch control one year to comply with the ban. More than 15 federal agencies already ban indoor smoking.",5 +9,American Lung Association.,8 +5,The high court effectively drew the capital-punishment line at age 16 last year.,4 +5,"Early drafts of the Bill of Rights make clear that ""militia"" meant ordinary citizens gathered together as an armed force. The idea was to give civilians the wherewithal to resist military tyranny.",4 +6,NEW PUSH FOR ANTIGUN LAW IS EXPECTED,5 +5,West Virginia plans to appeal the dismissal of most of a lawsuit that sought to recover damages from tobacco companies for treatment of smoking-related illnesses.,4 +13,federal government's,12 +11,"They're all part of a national trend, one that many people say is way overdue",10 +5,FLORIDA LAW CHALLENGED,4 +5,Vermont braces for rush of 'civil unions' for same-sex couples,4 +7,"Cave, 38, told jurors Wednesday he took the gun into the Stuart convenience store where Slater worked, demanded money and held the gun as she was taken to the car and forced into the back seat. But he claimed he never intended to kill her and thought they intended to leave her somewhere along a deserted roadway.",6 +3," +DEATH IS TOO GOOD FOR TIMOTHY MCVEIGH",2 +5,"The size of Pennsylvania's potential take from the litigation is likely to grow as more states go to trial or settle, Fisher said. He estimated Pennsylvania would be in line now for a deal about the size of Florida's.",4 +15,In My Opinion;,14 +13," barring any last-minute intervention by Congress. That became a stranded hope Thursday when House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said the votes weren't there to extend the ban and ""that's that."" It wouldn't be if Congress and President Bush had mustered the moral wherewithal to renew the ban on 19 military-style assault weapons.",12 +5,"But the California Supreme Court struck down the measure as inconsistent with the state constitution, which prohibits discrimination.",4 +7,"When an illegal gun is used in a crime, the trail goes cold as soon as police track a gun to an owner who failed to report a missing gun.",6 +15,Why I march,14 +6,"Second, as Tami Hultman correctly pointed out, our embassies are constrained by the Immigration and Naturalization Act, specifically section 214 (b), which forbids the issuance of tourist visas to individuals who cannot prove they will return to their country",5 +5,Judge snuffs records release,4 +13,U.S. Rep. Bob Barr,12 +13,Undertow for the G.O.P.,12 +5,IN OR OUT? ASYLUM SEEKERS MAKE FOR A POWERFUL 'P.O.V.',4 +1,Tobacco Farms May Make Comeback,0 +11,CIGARET APOLOGY: ABC COVERS ITS BUTT,10 +13,"Mr. Christie attended an Iowa fundraising event hosted by Mr. King in late October. He is now scheduled to speak at a January forum that Mr. King is holding in Des Moines, aides confirmed on Tuesday.",12 +11,"The actor denied that anyone at Macy's called him to gripe, but a store rep said, ""We expressed our feelings that we thought [the op-ed] was inappropriate.""",10 +13,"Lobbying Congress to pass meaningful gun control, President Obama sought Monday to build public support through local law enforcement officials, including police chiefs from cities that saw mass killings in 2012. +",12 +7,"Ray, who appeared in a red jail jumpsuit, was returned to prison in CanÌ?on City after the hearing.",6 +13,PROPOSAL FOR ARMS AMENDMENT IS PASSED BY SENATE,12 +5,"A decision was expected Saturday but could take up to a few weeks. +",4 +1,insurance for the 3.1 million New Yorkers who are not covered.,0 +13,Gov. gets execution pleas from both sides,12 +5,A three-judge panel of the 8th Circuit lifted the stay Monday afternoon in a 20-word order. No reason was cited. The stay had been granted by Judge Charles A. Shaw after Griffin's attorney argued that he had found another man who claimed he had seen the murder and said Griffin wasn't involved. Nixon promptly filed to vacate the stay.,4 +4,So equal rights aren't the ultimate goal.,3 +5,Alabama: Setback For Immigration Law,4 +13,Senator caught in marriage fight,12 +13,"Pryor wraps up the ad by saying: ""I approve this this message because no one from New York or Washington tells me what to do; I listen to Arkansas.""",12 +5,but it seemed clear that a majority is ready to buck the general trend of lower-court judges and declare an individual right to bear arms.,4 +13,CANDIDATE SAYS TOBACCO CASH SHOULD AID EMERGENCY CARE,12 +13,"The Log Cabin organization was a prominent supporter of the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2000, and had generally remained quiet on the same-sex-marriage issue until Bush's Feb. 24 call for a constitutional ban. Bush said the ban was needed, in part, because San Francisco officials had begun marrying gay couples. +",12 +15,TOBACCO EASY TARGET,14 +9,Aiming at gun negligence,8 +7,Penalties would range from civil fines to a year in jail for repeat offenders.,6 +1,"The dispute pits business owners, who claim that they cannot find enough Americans to clean rooms or hang drywall, against labor leaders who are trying to protect U.S. jobs and wages, and conservatives, who want to restrict legal immigration and punish undocumented immigrants. +",0 +11,"The Old West Tampa city park sits a block south of where Peregrino Rey would make a name for himself and spread it around the world. + +Rey was born in Galicia, Spain, in 1863. He arrived in Havana as a young teen and apprenticed as a cigar maker.",10 +7,"""We're talking about a serious criminal act,"" said. ""And this from an organization that is so hot for law and order, except when it comes to them.""",6 +14,Gun Controls Beyond Washington,13 +4,A Big Leap for Marriage Equality,3 +5,Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon recommended last week that counties wait to begin issuing permits until lawmakers could take action after a complex Supreme Court ruling. The Supreme Court upheld the right of the Legislature to legalize concealed guns but said the law could illegally impose new duties on sheriffs without properly compensating them for handling the permits.,4 +7,MAN CHARGED AFTER HOLDING GIRL HOSTAGE,6 +7,"IMMIGRATION PROPOSAL LEADS TO THREAT, ARREST",6 +13,headed to the Senate floor Wednesday after passing in a different committee.,12 +5,"Without Papers, No Full License; Md. Immigrants' Appointments Cut",4 +10,"Thirteen years ago, she was that grieving mother, crying into her pillow at night, waking up feeling her universe tilted, then realizing it was because she just buried a son.",9 +7,HARDY NOT GOING UNPUNISHED FOR MURDER,6 +5,Missouri: Marriage Ban Struck Down,4 +13, Panel approves bill barring suit on guns,12 +6,After the Immigration Bill Stalled,5 +6,A gun buyer wouldn't have to wait the full five days if a background check can be conducted in less time. But there still is considerable confusion in many states over which police agencies will conduct the checks - and how.,5 +13,"After Years of Resistance, G.O.P. May Back Gun Control Measure",12 +4,"""We find it rather weird that people have to pay a fee to be treated equally, or treated as human beings,"" Olds said. ""Be prepared for legally married couples to want to be protected equally when they come down to Florida to winter."" +",3 +5,"hen St. Louis County transportation officers returned Baumruk to the jail in Clayton late Monday, across Central Avenue from the courthouse where it all started.",4 +13,"Gun Laws, Long Avoided, Return to the Agenda",12 +8," +An ICE agent visited a restaurant",7 +12, set off a wave of panic and protest in immigrant communities over the weekend and sparked questions from immigration advocates as to whether the arrestees posed legitimate threats to public safety.,11 +11,Study co-author leaves Heritage,10 +4,"After tests confirmed that Mr. Thompson's blood type and DNA did not match the perpetrator's, his robbery conviction was overturned. In 2002, the murder verdict was reversed. A year later, he was retried and acquitted after the jury deliberated for 35 minutes.",3 +12,NRA responded to the mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007 and at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999 with similar comments.,11 +5,"At the reunion, they agreed to connect Kinnaird's Supreme Court practice with a program that Bibas planned to develop at Penn to introduce students to what is the most esoteric and rarefied kind of law: Arguing cases before the Supreme Court",4 +14,The state of Colorado is going to have accept this reality and figure out how to deal with it rather than trying to fight it.,13 +5,Appeals court upholds S.F. ban on tobacco sales in pharmacies,4 +1,employers who turn to immigrants for cheap labor.,0 +6,FDA announces tobacco restrictions,5 +9, require trigger locks on firearms.,8 +11,Two battles under way in cultural war,10 +11,Even straight-laced Montana more tolerant of gay marriage,10 +15,Contempt for the Mainstream,14 +3,brief church service.,2 +1,FedEx to Pay City $2.4 Million in Cigarette-Tax Settlement,0 +6,tougher gun laws,5 +7,committed crimes,6 +7, the potential danger created when cities such as Philadelphia give sanctuary to undocumented immigrants.,6 +13,Commissioners formed the five-member board after adopting the ban in December.,12 +13,In his first extended public comments,12 +3," In the Cherish Life Circle, Revenge Is No Sweet Thing",2 +1,"And nonsmokers? Well, RJR's tests focus only on smokers' opinions.",0 +2,"''We're slowly but surely moving into the 20th century,'' said Kathleen Shields, supervisor of the immigration service's information unit. ''But by the time we get there, it will be the 21st.''",1 +13,"The two leaders said the ""bipartisan, national coalition of elected officials"" would lobby President Bush and Congress to ""fix"" the country's immigration laws.",12 +12,Poll Finds Support For Child-Proofing Guns,11 +11,"""It gets a whole lot more attention than it used to,"" said Michael McConnell, a Stanford University law professor and former federal appeals court judge who clerked for the late Justice William Brennan in the early 1980s. +",10 +7,"Both sides are facing off in a high-stakes showdown over the first San Jose police officer gunned down on duty in a dozen years and a youthful defendant facing possible life in prison or a lethal injection. +",6 +11,Can Teenagers Save America?,10 +6," +The state has put handgun owners and manufacturers on notice to promote safety or face fines up to $ 5,000 for violating provisions of its new handgun regulation.",5 +1,"Conservative group puts $452,000 behind pro-Ayotte ad +",0 +1,or just another clever ploy by the tobacco industry to maximize profits,0 +2,"Capacity in state prisons, now 41,000, would reach 59,975 by 1992, counting the prisons under construction and Martinez's proposal Tuesday, which will be part of his full budget proposal released next month.",1 +13,One Last Thing | Conservatives must regroup,12 +7,"Gun arrests, per se, are not exactly soaring - more evidence that guns are simply being left at home.",6 +6,"Teachers should shed light, not pack heat",5 +13,ELECTION 2004: Religious vote fuels victory for GOP,12 +11,Virginia's reputation as a haven for East Coast gunrunners. ,10 +1,drugstores,0 +5,death sentence,4 +3,In the year following the Episcopal Church's election of a gay bishop,2 +7,Code enforcement chief sold guns without city license,6 +13,"Nothing polarizes the political left and right like the idea of a national identity card. Yet it is not obvious why, in principle, this should be a liberal-versus-conservative issue. Everyone should be against people escaping personal responsibility for their actions by pretending to be somebody else or by relocating to places where their sordid past is not known, thereby permitting them to victimize more innocent people.",12 +5,Death Penalty Looms Large in McVeigh Jury Selection,4 +5,N.J. coalition asks U.S. judge to block smoking ban,4 +15,Up in smoke?,14 +7,"Caleb Burns, 20, of Northglenn, Nathaniel York, 19, of Highlands Ranch, and Catherine Farnkoff, 18, of Lone Tree were all charged with first-degree murder and a combined total of 38 felony counts that include conspiracy, kidnapping and arson.",6 +5,"In 1972, the Supreme Court summarily dismissed a challenge to a Minnesota law defining marriage as the union between a man and a woman, rejecting the notion that the Constitution's equal protection clause guaranteed the right of same-sex couples to marry. Citing that standing precedent, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit found that it could not proclaim such a right in 2012. Instead, the court issued Thursday a more limited but nevertheless important ruling in the long fight for same-sex marriage equality.",4 +5,"In the heckler's case, he appears to be talking about Obama issuing an executive order to stop deportations. But experts said action like that would likely violate the separation of powers.",4 +6,Bans gaining popularity,5 +3,"as she begged for mercy and prayed,",2 +5,The Constitution on Death Row,4 +7,"""You didn't have to shoot him,"" Walker said the son told the father, who did not respond.",6 +7, That was a horrible crime - that now will be compounded by another one.,6 +1,ADVERTISING/MARKETING: More tobacco ads bounced,0 +5,"""That's why we decry the decision of the judges.""",4 +7,Date set for lethal injection,6 +10,Tragedies ,9 +13,"Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a beÌ?te noire to the NRA, meets gun owners who are convinced ""I want to confiscate their gun. I don't."" But his career-long efforts at sensible curbs make his name a rallying cry for pro-gun groups' fundraising. +",12 +1, economic downturn,0 +13,"Not so long ago, most leading Georgia Democrats cozied up to pro-gun groups.",12 +12,Support for new California tobacco tax drops,11 +13, It is also a bold political gambit that sacrifices some votes in exchange for potentially renewing his image as a leader of vision and hope.,12 +5,"More than 450 same-sex couples have received Arkansas marriage licenses since Piazza's ruling last week. +",4 +13,"But Senator John McCain, the maverick Republican from Arizona who was the bill's chief sponsor, emphasized the importance of stopping teen-agers from getting hooked on smoking. + +""This bill is not about taxes,"" Mr. McCain told the Senate just before the votes. ""It's about whether we're going to allow the death march of 418,000 Americans a year who die early from tobacco-related disease and do nothing."" +",12 +6,Execution plan can be drafted,5 +5,"In that decision, the court made clear that, starting in May, gay couples can marry in the state. Proposed amendments to the state Constitution, assuming they clear several hurdles, may forbid such marriages starting in late 2006 and perhaps withdraw the m-word from any gay couples who were married in the interim.",4 +1,"The growers also want a promise of government compensation for losses in land value and other property if future regulations cause tobacco use to plummet, according to an eight-point plan developed by farm organizations and obtained by The Associated Press.",0 +12,Stiffer Controls Backed In Gallup Poll on Pistols,11 +13,Colo. Springs may ease weapons law Changes on concealed arms sought,12 +13,"Log Cabin public-affairs chief Christopher Barron said: ""We believe there is a real stark contrast in the Republican Party right now. Do they want to be the party of Jerry Falwell, or the party of Ronald Reagan, Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger?""",12 +5,"The moment was so powerful, Singleton's lawyers argued on appeal, it unduly prejudiced the jury and should be grounds for overturning his death sentence.",4 +9,"Believe it or not, the workplace is actually safer today than it was in 1994.",8 +1,COLO. FACES CUT IN PAY,0 +11,AMERICA FACES CHOICE: GUN CONTROL OR CHAOS,10 +7,Gun Used in Bridge Attack Is Tracked,6 +7,NYPD to direct cops ,6 +13,Gun-loving blockheads GOP kills terror-list arms ban debate,12 +10,"There is very little odor using this method, even if the butts are placed in a closed ashtray in a vehicle. Hope this helps other smokers, especially during this very dry period, when tossed butts can start brush fires!",9 +6,Tobacco plan has some success But retailers resist monitoring minors,5 +6,CONCEALED CARRY TRAINING FALLS SHORT,5 +5," +Court upholds gay marriages",4 +4," Bigotry should never be enshrined in our law. +",3 +10,"""standard benefits package""",9 +9,at the Rocky Mountain division of the American Cancer Society.,8 +5,Wide range of potential outcomes on gay marriage,4 +3,A thin line between vengeance and justice?,2 +6,"The Federal Death Penalty Act of 1989, now pending before the Senate JudiciaryCommittee, would resurrect a death penalty for first-degree murder committed within federal jurisdictions.",5 +15," +With both barrels",14 +9,Here's what DHS found at its detention centers for immigrant children,8 +13,Giffords' plea on guns: 'Do something',12 +10,SMOKE GETS IN MIKE'S EYES,9 +4,harges of racism cloud Utah death case ,3 +13,"""Unfortunately, throughout his career, Senator Sanders has failed to meet the president's test.""",12 +6,"Guns aren't necessary to defend beliefs +",5 +10,"IT WASN'T A marriage, but Elizabeth Rivera and Gelixa Ortiz yesterday became among the first domestic partner couples to get a wedding-like ceremony in the city.",9 +6,Face the facts on concealed carry,5 +9,"if it saves one kid's life,",8 +13,"McAuliffe's spokesman, Brian Coy, said the governor based his decisions on what he thinks is best for citizens.",12 +1,Migrant workers sue citrus company for wages,0 +5,Judicial Bias Is Alleged In a Ruling On Marriage,4 +6,would require the Department of Motor Vehicles to document residence before issuing a driver's license.,5 +9, of treating smokers.,8 +1, The inquiry concluded that some companies were using Amazon to sell New Yorkers styles of toy guns prohibited in the state.,0 +13,"In Mexico, Christie declines to talk about immigration +",12 +13,HOUSE APPROVES TOUGH ANTI-CRIME BILL,12 +13,"The House approved the legislation, 102-19, a day after the Senate passed it, 37-2. The measure goes next to Republican Gov. Sam Brownback. He hasn't said whether he'll sign it, but he's a strong supporter of gun rights and has signed other measures backed by the NRA and the Kansas State Rifle Association.",12 +5,Custody Change Could Affect Boy's Asylum Case,4 +9,"By the calculations of his research group, moderate smoking is equivalent to cutting out about 200 calories per day. This finding is consistent with other studies in recent years that suggest the average smoker gains 10 pounds after quitting and that about one in eight ex-smokers gains 30 pounds or more within a year or so of quitting. + +For most people, walking two miles, which should take about 45 minutes at a typical pace, would burn at least 200 calories.",8 +13,"City, county could pass laws that challenge",12 +11,"Gay marriage is perfectly in keeping with the evolving nature of the institution. Once blacks couldn't marry whites, Jews couldn't marry Christians and wives were property of husbands. Such features changed as notions of equality did.",10 +7, in the killing of his girl friend Anne Marie Fahey.,6 +12,"About 1,000 demonstrators filled the lawn of the state Capitol on Tuesday to mark the first visit this century by a Mexican president with protests against his government's human rights policies and the state's anti-immigration law.",11 +15,Clarity is elusive in immigration debate,14 +7,GRAND JURY PROBES POSSIBLE LINK OF CIGARETTE FIRMS TO SMUGGLERS,6 +13,California panels approve raft of gun control bills in wake of Orlando massacre,12 +13,"During many State of the Union speeches, the House's viewing gallery is filled mostly with congressional spouses, lucky staffers and visiting donors. But Tuesday was different. The normally staid gallery was filled, instead, with ordinary Americans whose unordinary lives made them political symbols. +",12 +11, It also challenges The Times itself to consider the recognition of gay and lesbian unions in its society pages.,10 +1,"Florida Family Action, a group incorporated by Stemberger, does not have to disclose its donors. ",0 +8,62 New Guards Will Reinforce Arizona Borde,7 +7,"bu-Jamal, who in 1982 was convicted in a stormy trial in Judge Sabo's court of first-degree murder in the killing of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, who was shot once in the back and again - point blank - between the eyes. (Abu-Jamal was found four feet away, his gun emptied, wounded himself. He has never given his own full version of what happened.) +",6 +13,Obama's evolution a watershed moment,12 +13,"To thunderous and emotional ovation, the president stated: +",12 +4, The execution of innocent people is unacceptable.,3 +11, I see more and more teenagers smoking every day,10 +13,Law Permitting Civil Unions for Gays Proves a Factor in Primaries,12 +13,"PolitiFact Georgia decided to do some checking to see whether the senator is correct or is she exaggerating public support for such guidelines. +",12 +5,Justices weaken Brady gun law Background-check mandate voided,4 +13,Same-Sex Marriage Becomes Political Issue,12 +5,"Sex-Change Operation Tests Marriage Law +",4 +6,Instant background checks of gun buyers are required at gun shows if sales are being made by licensed dealers. Individuals claiming to sell 'private collections' do not have to perform background checks on their sales at the shows.,5 +7,"Four news organizations have filed a joint motion seeking access to information the government says helps justify its pursuit of the death penalty against a motel handyman accused of killing a Yosemite naturalist. +",6 +7,an agent was stationed in the store to make sure nothing was removed.,6 +7,"okars was convicted of numerous charges, including ordering his wife's death to prevent her from revealing his illegal drug and money laundering activities. +",6 +5,"After Heller I, McDonald, and [recent lower court decisions, it is clear that a total ban on the public carrying of ready-to-use handguns outside the home cannot survive a constitutional challenge under any level of scrutiny....",4 +1,"The bureau estimates it costs about $ 10,000 for a field investigation and background check for each individual given the go-ahead for a gun. +",0 +7,"A jury gave Misskelley life in prison plus 40 years. Baldwin got life without parole. Echols, then 19, the oldest of the three, was sentenced to die. No execution date has been set.",6 +8," +Deciding Terror Trial's Location Becomes a Complex Case Itself",7 +13,N.R.A. Lays Responsibility For a Killing On Clinton,12 +7,"When Graham was evicted because of the stench, investigators discovered six decomposing bodies in a room that had been nailed shut. The legs and feet of the seventh victim were found on the roof of the North 19th Street rowhouse, and the rest of her remains uncovered in a nearby basement.",6 +13,"Not, of course, for the governors themselves, Jeb in Florida and George W. in Texas",12 +13,"The Senate voted Thursday in Sacramento to override Gov. Pete Wilson's veto of a politically charged illegal immigrant bill, but Republicans blocked an effort to complete the override in the Assembly. It was the first time since 1984 that either house of the Legislature had voted to overturn a veto. The Legislature hasn't overridden a veto since 1979. The vetoed bill, by Sen. Art Torres, D-Los Angeles, would have directed state officials to try to transfer about 16,000 illegal immigrants in California prisons to federal custody to reduce state costs.",12 +13,"Seven weeks ago, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was left for dead politically. President Trump had publicly berated him, called him beleaguered and weak, and left him twisting in the wind. Pundits predicted Trump would soon fire him, or he would be forced to step down. +",12 +6,"State law requires tobacco companies to disclose annually, by brand, whether the products they sell in Minnesota contain ammonia or ammonia compounds, arsenic, cadmium, formaldehyde or lead.",5 +13,"Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.) and Joe Donnelly (Ind.), both Democrats from conservative states, on Friday became the latest senators to express a change of heart and endorse same-sex marriage. +",12 +8,And about half the states have waiting periods or background checks in place.,7 +5,The court previously stayed a May 1 execution date without comment.,4 +6,S.F. PROPOSAL WOULD UNITE GAYS IN SYMBOLIC MATRIMONY,5 +1,"The billions of dollars from the lawsuit have gone not to taxpayers or insured people who supposedly subsidized smokers' higher health care costs, but to lawyers and the public health industry, especially the anti-smoking movement.",0 +5,"Justice Dept. Proposes Banning Bump Stocks, Setting Aside Its Own Recom-mendations",4 +13,City manager's gun stance is absurd response,12 +5,Judge in Nichols case issues warning for jurors who might dodge duty,4 +4,"Now, at least with respect to the fees, there will be parity.",3 +11,"The recordings haven't become hits on Spanish-language radio, here or in Mexico. But that's not unusual or discouraging for the artists when their music is based on Mexican corridos -- folkloric ballads that narrate everyday stories for everyday people. Derived from the name of a popular 18th-century ballad in Spain, corridos were exported to Mexico, where they carried news from village to village, playing a vital role in the Mexican Revolution of 1910.",10 +13,"A committee of the Loudoun Board of Supervisors will convene a hearing tonight to review the county's hunting rules, among the least restrictive in the Washington area.",12 +5,"For a while, it looked as though she would remain in the government's custody at least overnight as authorities prepared for a deportation hearing",4 +7," +Response to the Gunmen",6 +5,Reject gun foes' efforts 'to violate federal law',4 +1,Poster Sales to Aid Barn Preservation,0 +5,California: Gay-Marriage Opponents Lose Another Round In Court,4 +11,"Asians have surpassed Hispanics as the largest wave of new immigrants to the United States, pushing the population of Asian descent to a record 18.2 million and helping to make Asians the fastest-growing racial group in the country, according to a study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.",10 +10," The devastating social impacts of violence include diminished academic achievement, employment productivity, and the deterioration of families and communities.",9 +13,New York state moves closer to allowing same-sex marriage,12 +5,"Since then Zapeta has been stuck in legal limbo. The government is trying to deport him, but he doesn't want to leave without the money he worked so hard for. +",4 +12,"For instance, a poll taken last month for the National Annenberg Election Survey at the University of Pennsylvania showed that just over half of people ages 18 to 29 would oppose a law in their states that would allow lesbians and gay men to marry a same-sex partner. That compares with 61 percent of 30- to 44-year-olds; two-thirds of 45- to 64-year-olds; and 81 percent of those 65 and older. + +The poll also found that fewer than half of those younger than 30 supported a federal constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. + +Experts say the difference in attitudes can largely be tracked to young people's exposure to homosexuality in everyday life. +",11 +5,Lawyer is defendant in Augusta murder,4 +13,CLINTON OFFERS COMPROMISE ON GUN-SALE BACKGROUND CHECKS,12 +13,"Murphy isn't alone in the effort. Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) will also be involved, as well as Rep. Katherine Clark (D-Mass.), who came up with the idea for the House Democrats' sit-in, and Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.), a vocal gun control advocate.",12 +13,HOUSE APPROVES BILL TO PROHIBIT 19 ASSAULT ARMS,12 +5,NRA leads lawsuit against SF gun ban,4 +11,FLORIDA'S DANGEROUS GUN ZEALOTS,10 +13,WASH. SENATE OKs SAME-SEX BILL,12 +13,Tom Ferrick Jr. | Think politicos can aim high?,12 +13,Congress shows its hypocrisy on gun control,12 +5,"King's stay is open-ended, meaning it could be lifted at any time.",4 +13,"The measure, however, has almost no chance of passing this year in the Legislature. +",12 +15,COAST TO COAST,14 +1,"buying them at stores, gun shows or flea markets.",0 +13, Congress to raise ,12 +6,"A local option to ban guns was written as a boilerplate clause for the new law, which extends gun packing to hundreds of parks -- including public playgrounds, campgrounds, greenways and nature trails. Few state politicians anticipated there would be local resistance. But bans were voted by Nashville and Memphis and dozens of suburban counties and rural communities. The result is a crazy-quilt pattern of gun safety and risk that is prompting one county to ban student field trips and track meets to areas that did not opt to ban guns.",5 +11," harks back to a period when the U.S. government regularly banned immigrants and refugees from countries whose people were considered inferior, dangerous or incompatible with American values.",10 +15,'How wrong I was about gun control',14 +12,"CLASH OVER IMMIGRATION 20 PROTESTERS CONFRONT DAY LABORERS, SUPPORTERS IN MTN. VIEW +",11 +5,Supervisors to Request Gun Ban,4 +3,"This is a moral issue, and the book of Leviticus clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination.",2 +1,"Retail prices are likely to increase immediately in some outlets, such as newsstands, where cigarettes are generally sold per pack. Increases may take longer at tobacco-only stores, said Morgan Stanley Dean Witter analyst David Adelman.",0 +12,Highlights: Students Call for Action Across Nation,11 +13,Top Republicans disagree on how to fund Homeland Security Department,12 +5, A jury rejected the option of sentencing her to death by injection.,4 +11,New York Times puts gun-control editorial on front page,10 +6,"At this point, the debate in Congress is not between supporters and opponents of illegal immigration, because all the proposed bills would strengthen enforcement of immigration laws.",5 +7,"""The bad guys should know,"" he said, ""if you're a violent gang member, we're going to arrest you. If you carry illegal guns, sell or use those guns, you're going to go to jail. And you're going to stay there. + +""If you intimidate a witness, your prison stay's going to be longer,"" Corzine said.",6 +10,"''Because,'' Ms. Galindo, 72, said, ''the child that I took by the hand crossing the border is now a lawyer.''",9 +13,A CALL FOR THE DEATH PENALTY PAWLENTY SAYS HE PLANS TO RAISE ISSUE IN NEXT LEGISLATIVE SESSION,12 +5," Advocates of gun control legislation believe that the plaintiffs' real aim went far beyond their stated desire to clarify federal-state responsibilities and had much to do with sinking this potent new law in its entirety. +",4 +12,A protest festively flavored,11 +5, prosecutors said.,4 +2,"Margie McHugh, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, said the program seems misdirected because the federal agency already has a huge backlog of address changes",1 +4,"But recently, after getting off an eight-hour flight from London, immigration officials at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York stopped him, Fairouz said. He was told to go into a room, where he said he stayed without knowing why he was there.",3 +1,NASCAR kept its top sponsor Tuesday when R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. picked the Winston Cup stock car series as the one program it can bankroll under the 1998 tobacco settlement.,0 +12,"The polar opposite views collided Sunday in Silicon Valley over one of the most contentious, emotional and high-stakes California ballot initiatives in years.",11 +5, The Supreme Court apparently agrees.,4 +12,A spring vote taken by FAU students found 76 percent support segregating smokers to specific areas of campus. Banning smoking on FAU's campus earned 65 percent positive votes.,11 +13,Rush to say 'I thee wed' before Election Day,12 +6,"The other law nullified Denver's ordinances that forbid the open carrying of weapons. So, citizens can carry a gun in the open, in their hand or tucked in at the waist, for instance, except in public and private buildings where signs prohibit it.",5 +11,"Two of the city's culture moguls, Opera Company of Philadelphia's general director David Devan and the Philadelphia Orchestra's incoming music director Yannick Nézet-Séguin, never came out because they were never ""in.""",10 +6," the government should be making it easier, not harder, to go the legal route",5 +11,Gun cartoon misses the mark,10 +5,Prosecutors had said initially they could not pursue the death penalty against Rader because the 10 slayings linked to BTK occurred before Kansas state law allowed capital punishment.,4 +13,Gun Control and Fall Elections: Moment or Movement?,12 +5,NRA sues Pennsylvania cities over gun restrictions,4 +3, Gay marriage and the church,2 +3,United Methodists call for gun ban Resolution seeks government action,2 +4,6TH CIRCUIT JUDGE DENIES BENDING RULES IN 2 CASES,3 +7,"It is against Georgia law for a convicted felon to possess ""any handgun, rifle, shotgun"" or other firearm. It's a good law, but without a way to check the criminal records of people buying guns, it's tough to enforce.",6 +5," day later Minerva said the agency he headed has no money to defend clients awaiting execution,",4 +13,Obama's support of same-sex marriage rattles religious voters,12 +13,Gun Control Groups Eclipse N.R.A. in Election Spending,12 +13," Mr. Bloomberg was accompanied by Mayor Mark Mallory of Cincinnati and other mayors from the region who have recently joined Mr. Bloomberg's national coalition on illegal guns,",12 +13,"Before Trump's wild shifts on the NRA, Ronald Reagan took on the gun lobby;",12 +14," +The program was touchy for Mexicans sensitive to U.S. interference in their internal affairs. +",13 +13,Obama's powerful oration on immigration,12 +9,Anti-Smoking Ads,8 +1,MAN'S BUSINESS WOULD'VE KEPT IMMIGRANTS HOME,0 +13,"ATTORNEY GENERAL NOMINEE A SYMBOL TO CONSERVATIVES BUSH'S CHOICE OF ASHCROFT BALANCES CENTRIST WHITMAN +",12 +12,Huge rally cry: Fix immig laws,11 +5,"The action comes a day after a federal appeals court declared California's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, saying it was a violation of the civil rights of gay and lesbian couples.",4 +1,Chick-fil-A hits hot water again,0 +5,"Neither Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon nor lawyers for Oxford could be reached late Tuesday. +",4 +7,"A man who abducted, raped and strangled an 11-year-old girl seven years ago was executed by electric chair early this morning. +",6 +5,"Tobacco titans hope to kill $145B verdict via shift to federal court +",4 +7, to probation for selling three rifles without obtaining the proper paperwork.,6 +13," He noted his action departed from a practice of defending federal laws, but said the legislative record that led to DOMA's passage had ",12 +13,The big surprise at the town debate on the Brady bill was Mrs. Wilbur Sweazy's proposed resolution,12 +1,Hatch wants to pull tobacco group's funds,0 +13,OBAMA CALLS DEPORTING WRONG IMMIGRANT TACK,12 +13,Fewer back Trump on immigrants,12 +6,BAN ON BAR SMOKING LIGHTS UP NEWCOMER,5 +11,"Smokeless tobacco, long entwined with baseball history, has been part of their baseball upbringing, even as health warnings about it have increased. And a ban at the major league level, while pragmatic for the sake of health and appearance, isn't a popular idea in team clubhouses. +",10 +13,"House Democratic leaders have blocked a sweeping revision of immigration law, which the Administration has supported, out of fear that President Reagan would score a political coup by vetoing it.",12 +13,"Meanwhile, some Republicans are divided over what programs the government should pay for, and how much. +",12 +9,"Glass and her colleagues looked at brain function from 172 men from the same community, including 103 who abused alcohol.",8 +13,"Through a mix of political intimidation, political contributions and perverse constitutional reasoning, gun lobbyists were able to convince Congress to ignore the nine out of 10 Americans who support that idea.",12 +5,"FIRST, LET'S READ WHAT THE 2ND AMENDMENT SAYS",4 +5,McCleskey's trips through the nation's highest courts were classic examples of changing the subject.,4 +13,The so-called campus-carry bill is expected to be signed into law by the GOP Gov. Greg Abbott.,12 +13,The Platform on Gay Marriage,12 +5,Appellate rulings stand in gun law case,4 +13,"Is any of this having an impact? Let it be noted that Democrats have taken tobacco money, too. When Al Gore was a senator from Tennessee, he used to brag to his state's farmers about how he used to grow the stuff.",12 +7,"d Bill Sadler, an Arkansas State Police",6 +13,"At a campaign stop in Iowa, Mr. Cheney, who has a daughter who is a lesbian, said on Tuesday that he favored the right of states, rather than the federal government, to define marriage, and, with his daughter Mary in mind, said ''freedom means freedom for everyone'' to enter ''into any kind of relationship they want.''",12 +3,"Why do we allow the sale of a product that has no beneficial effects and many fatal ones? Why do we allow cigarette advertising to be a tissue of lies? Why do we tolerate an industry that attracts and addicts consumers when young, many too young to legally purchase the product?",2 +3,"In defiance of the United Methodist Church, nearly 100 of its ministers gathered here today and gave an elaborate public blessing to the marriage of Jeanne Barnett and Ellie Charlton, a lesbian couple whose union is prohibited by the church's canons.",2 +8," to strengthen background checks on gun sales,",7 +5,"Seven months later, Massachusetts seeing first same-sex divorce cases",4 +9,she called it a drug,8 +11,MEXICO'S COUNT OF MIGRANTS IN U.S. IS LOWER THAN OTHERS,10 +10,Domestic Partner Coverage Is Fair and Inexpensive,9 +5,"With hearing, marriage question one step closer to high court +",4 +4," it saw a flawed, one-sided process that grievously distorted the evidence with a man's life at stake.",3 +5,"On Monday, Gov. Jay Nixon denied clemency for Franklin,",4 +1,"""We are putting $8 million toward this, and we hope our friends in the Senate will match this bond funding and add $8 million more for their bond package,"" McMichen said.",0 +5,Specialists on the death penalty view these cases as presenting the last remaining generic challenges to the way capital punishment has been carried out since the Supreme Court in 1976 permitted the states to resume executions.,4 +13,The issue of same-sex marriage has been on the front burner of politics here since November 2003,12 +3,preserving traditional marriage,2 +5,"If it rejects the industry's bid, the case will proceed toward trial.",4 +10,"On Dec. 2, 1933, the day of their release, Wong said to her mother: + +""Yee, I'm so happy to leave this jail. Angel Island is terrible. It is no place to put newcomers to Gum Saan (Gold Mountain).""",9 +9,"No, Virginia, they don't slim",8 +1,"The group raised more than $ 6,500 from local bar and restaurant owners,",0 +5,"The implications are huge. How the court responds could fundamentally alter how our country governs immigration. Instead of one federal law that applies to all the states, a patchwork of 50 state immigration policies could define our nation's immigration system.",4 +12, A coalition consisting mainly of death penalty critics called for a freeze on Missouri executions Wednesday in order to study the current system.,11 +7,Texas: Woman Executed for Killing 9-Year-Old,6 +11,Signs of Shift Among African-Americans on Same-Sex Marriage,10 +5,"And legal experts say he's completely within his rights. + +As a prosecutor, Dozier has the power to decide which cases he will and won't pursue, though it is unusual to publicly announce that a whole class of offenses is off the table, American University law professor Angela Davis said. + +Also rare is basing that decision on the prosecutor's own opinion that a law is invalid, she said. + +""I'm not saying it's never been done, but it's certainly not common,"" said Davis, author of ""Arbitrary Justice: The Power of the American Prosecutor."" + +Dozier believes many state's attorneys have privately decided not to pursue charges against people who violate some of Illinois' gun laws, such as failing to properly store a gun or allowing their state-issued Firearm Owners Identification Card to expire.",4 +1,"the only general tax necessary to finance health coverage for 37 million uninsured Americans may be a tax on cigarettes. + +Most of the funds needed, they argue, could be obtained by requiring all employers to pay for a percentage of their employees' health coverage. Much of the rest could come from redirecting money now paid by the federal government, employers and individuals to compensate hospitals for treating people who cannot pay their own bills and do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicare.",0 +9,for the carnage,8 +13,Costly Toll for Republicans Who Voted for Gay Marriage,12 +1,Etheridge: Opening day lackluster for tobacco,0 +11,She was born on July 4 to Mexican immigrants,10 +11,"IMMIGRANTS SHAPE U.S., STUDY SAYS",10 +7,WOULD CONCEALED WEAPONS TRIGGER VIOLENCE?,6 +5,The federal appellate court decision on Wednesday preventing Elian Gonzalez from leaving the country showed that the courts are rarely a place to get quick answers to the kinds of volatile questions raised by the battle over 6-year-old Elian.,4 +12,"Although several Palm Beach County gun owners were unaware of the Gun Appreciation Day campaign, many said they disagreed with proposed restrictions on gun sales.",11 +5,"Although the court's opinion in McDonald v. City of Chicago on Monday did not formally strike down any laws, this interpretation of the amendment by five conservative justices will prevent Chicago and Oak Park, Ill., from enforcing their communities' decisions to keep handguns out of private homes.",4 +5,Court-Martial Proceedings,4 +4,Thomas Miller-El contends that his trial was fundamentally unfair because prosecutors dismissed potential black jurors solely because of their race.,3 +8,"People may be placed on the list for any one of 33 reasons, ranging from having been a Nazi to having a contagious disease such as tuberculosis. A spokesman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Duke Austin, said today that ''probably only a handful'' have been placed on the list for persecuting people in World War II.",7 +13,"Despite widespread popular support, the federal law banning the sale of 19 kinds of semiautomatic assault weapons is almost certain to expire on Monday, the result of intense lobbying by the National Rifle Association and the complicated election-year politics of Washington. +",12 +5,"Lawsuit Challenges Immigration Raids in New Jersey +",4 +13,"With the Senate marching toward completion of an immigration bill that is more generous to illegal immigrants than the House-passed version, House leaders said Tuesday it will be very difficult to reach a compromise and enact a measure into law.",12 +12,Local rallies to denounce Ariz. immigration law,11 +5, after his final appeal was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court.,4 +11,The A's,10 +13,"Democrat Rusty Areias, a California coastal commissioner, and his Republican opponent, Bruce McPherson, are trying to tie each other to political votes favoring the gun lobby, unpopular positions in a district that leans toward the liberal.",12 +11,Cigar factories are as much a part of Tampa's cultural identity as Cuban sandwiches and Gasparilla.,10 +13,The recent Senate vote to ensure that D.C. residents can purchase and own firearms without unreasonable restrictions and the House's subsequent delay of legislation to give the District a voting representative -- the result of pressure from centrist Democrats to include this amendment -- were crucial victories for all Americans.,12 +6," +Smoking on Metro Escalators Depends on Design, Local Laws",5 +12,Weapon lovers to stick to their guns in rallies,11 +7,"Just four months before the shooting, Garcia was released from prison after serving 10 years for suffocating her 11-month-old daughter with a plastic bag. +",6 +11,DOMESTIC PARTNER INSURANCE LIST RISES,10 +11,"When a Chinese immigrant mother beat her 8-year-old son with a broomstick last month because he had not been doing his homework, she thought she was acting within the bounds of traditional Chinese disciplinary practices, and did not realize the trouble she was creating for her family.",10 +7,"has to get caught in the act eight times in two years before it could lose its tobacco sales license, and even then revocation is unlikely.",6 +5,A 'Gunman' in a Courtroom Gets His Wish,4 +7,"Gwinnett Opinions: Gangs aren't isolated threat: Dear Ms. Brown, come be my guest",6 +13,"The Senate companion bill (SB 68) - sponsored by Sen. Greg Evers, R-Baker - also has gained favor this fall in two committees: criminal justice and higher education. It awaits a third and final hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, where it stalled last year. +",12 +5,Since the Supreme Court voted last month to strike down a Texas law banning sex between gay adults,4 +13," Newly disclosed documents indicate that lawmakers, fearing the wrath of the gun lobby, refused to ban the most popular weapons.",12 +13,"When the House approved the Brady Bill 239-186, it had the support of 60 Republicans and 179 Democrats. That was 56 more Republicans and 40 more Democrats than supported it three years previously.",12 +14, importing,13 +11,"Newcomers give old city a look at itself +",10 +13, President George W. Bush told the nation that he would seek a ban on fictitious gay weddings.,12 +5," +It hardly seemed the kind of court appearance that requires the presence of the top legal official in all of Mississippi. But there was Michael C. Moore, the State Attorney General, jetting in from Jackson to join a brigade of plaintiff's attorneys in arguing against a defense request for a simple continuance, a delay in a trial date.",4 +5,"TAMPA, Fla. Gay couples drop marriage law challenge",4 +13,Mike: Money is no object,12 +5,"Without comment, the court said it would not review a decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court that the denial of service violated the state's public accommodations law, which bans discrimination by those offering their services to the public. +",4 +13,Gun Control Groups Use N.R.A. Tactics For Fall Elections,12 +13,Council Seeks To Toughen Gun Controls,12 +13,Schaefer's Gun Bill Blasted at Hearing,12 +13,CONGRESS OKS BRADY GUN BILL,12 +6,A 1913 Law Dies To Better Serve Gay Marriages,5 +5,North Carolina already requires that lead defense attorneys in capital cases have five years' experience and a general proficiency in criminal law.,4 +15,"THERE'S SMOKING, AND THEN THERE'S CIGAR SMOKING",14 +8,"""We cannot remain a great country and fail to control our borders,"" Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole of Kansas said.",7 +5,"Gay couples can keep getting married in Colorado, even though the state's same-sex marriage ban is still in effect, a judge ruled Thursday. The decision by Judge Andrew Hartman added to confusion over same-sex marriage, as he found that the Boulder County clerk, Hillary Hall, could continue giving marriage licenses to gay couples despite what the state's attorney general calls ''legal chaos'' as the issue makes its way to the state and federal Supreme Courts. After the ruling, Denver's clerk said she also would provide licenses. Judge Hartman said Ms. Hall could ignore a stay on a ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Denver, which found states could not set gender requirements for marriage. The judge said that same-sex marriage was still illegal in Colorado but that Ms. Hall's behavior was not harming anyone.",4 +13,Broun blasted in immigration reform ad campaign,12 +1," financial costs,",0 +5,Appeal filed to postpone execution of woman,4 +15,"Where the Fight Began, Cries of Joy and Talk of Weddings",14 +7,PBIA TRAVELER CHARGED WITH TAKING GUN IN BAG,6 +15,Swimming Against The Tide on Gay Rights,14 +5,"One of the founding fathers, Samuel Adams, a handgun owner, pressed for an amendment stating that the ""Constitution shall never be construed . . . to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.""",4 +9,"In an editorial in the current issue of the Oncology Times, a publication of the association, Bernard Fisher, a national leader in breast cancer research and current president of ASCO, wrote that ""as physicians and particularly as oncologists we have a responsibility to mount a vigorous anti-tobacco campaign.""",8 +13,President Trump promised in the campaign.,12 +13,. Certain elected officials and pundits focus on the perils of illegal immigration to score political points.,12 +5, after Attorney General Mark R. Herring announced that he would join a lawsuit seeking to have it declared unconstitutional.,4 +13,Christie's Marriage Problem,12 +11,"Smoking among U.S. high school students has declined by nearly one-fifth since 2000 but has not budged among middle-schoolers, according to a study released yesterday.",10 +11,"Newly wed, and ready for Va. marriage shift",10 +13,Obama to Congress: Finish the job on gun control,12 +13,"Since the Senate has already passed its own version of the legislation, the bill will be sent to a House-Senate conference committee, which could yet revive the proposal",12 +3,Pataki slams rabbi-rousing over gay nups,2 +3,support for limiting marriage to between a man and a woman.,2 +5," In 1985, during plea negotiations for those two murders, he admitted killing Jeanine, prosecutors said. ",4 +7,Quarry owners indicted,6 +6,Maryland's Ban on Same-Sex Marriage,5 +5,National Briefing Northwest: Oregon: Judge Halts Same-Sex Marriage Licenses,4 +15,"The Gun Report: April 10, 2014",14 +1,"It will be interesting to see if those who argue that immigrants are a ""net gain"" for our economy will support an unlimited influx of the best and brightest. +",0 +7,"He and two other men brutally murdered roommates Brandon Snider, 27, and Robert Carter, 28, in a townhouse near the University of South Florida on Jan. 10, 1991.",6 +1,economic magical thinking.,0 +6,banning same-sex marriage.,5 +13,"In 2007, the New Mexico Legislature joined a growing list of states that banned smoking in almost all workplaces, including bars and restaurants. +",12 +9,Smokers hotline kicking off in N.C.,8 +7," Armed and violent criminals, however, should consider going to areas where firearms are more restricted, so that they can prey upon their victims with less fear of lawful self-defense.",6 +5," +Young illegal immigrants will be eligible for California driver's licenses",4 +1,Tobacco Funds to Va. In Jeopardy,0 +7,Former Nurse Convicted in 4 Deaths,6 +5," +New rule would give gay couples more rights +",4 +11,"Del Martin, Lesbian Activist, Dies at 87",10 +13," +FLORIO GOES BACK TO STATEHOUSE TO DEFEND U.S., N.J. WEAPONS BANS",12 +5," The New York Times, which reported the change in today's editions, said CBS' concern was that it might be held legally responsible because the unnamed executive had an agreement with the company, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., not to disclose internal information.",4 +5,"""This is a slap in the face to the law-abiding citizens of the commonwealth who wish to purchase a gun during this time,"" ",4 +7,"Those unauthorized to work in the United States may attempt to use fraudulent documents or engage in identity theft or use stolen documents, he said.",6 +5,HAYWARD WOMAN GUILTY OF KILLING GRANDCHILDREN,4 +5,"The city is trying to see if we can't do more about this, but the limits of what cities can and can't do in this area is unclear.""",4 +5,Trial Begins in Class-Action Suit on Secondhand Smoke,4 +4,JURY MAY BE FAIR AFTER ALL,3 +5,"A homosexual couple sued the District of Columbia Monday, contending that the city had discriminated against them by refusing to approve their request for a marriage license. + +""We demand the right to marry,"" said Craig Dean, a lawyer who filed the suit on behalf of himself and Patrick Gill. + +Frederick Beane, clerk of the city's superior court, denied the couple's application for a license last week on grounds that ""the sections of the + +District of Columbia Code governing marriage do not authorize marriage between persons of the same sex."" + +But Dean and Gill say city law explicitly prohibits only polygamists and practitioners of incest from obtaining marriage licenses. + +The suit asks that Beane be ordered to grant the license. It also seeks + +$250,000 in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages. Beane has 20 days to respond to the suit. +",4 +7,"urner, a former 911 operator, already has been sentenced to life in prison for killing one man. Now she faces possible death if convicted of a second. +",6 +7,"Kenneth Carter, 51, was arrested at Nyack High School last Wednesday after a colleague told the school administration he vowed an attack, said a spokeswoman for the Clarkstown Police Department. He was apparently angry about an earlier disciplinary incident at the school, she said. +",6 +13,"As recently as the last election, 17 of those Democrats did not support same-sex marriage. By this week, however, the number was smaller.",12 +6,"Revision 12, as proposed by the Constitution Revision Commission, would empower (but not require) county commissions to close the loophole by requiring waiting periods of three to five days for any sale on property ""to which the public has the right of access."" +",5 +13,WHERE LAWMAKERS STAND,12 +13,Pols fired up to make law 2014 issue,12 +12,"Florida voters strongly support an increase in the cigarette tax, the imposition of some taxes on services and a fee on off-brand cigarettes, according to a new poll released Wednesday by a bipartisan alliance of former state leaders and policy advocates.",11 +10,DARLING HAPPY TO SEE GAY NUPTIALS,9 +13, the School Board opted to butt out.,12 +15,Sea change for gay marriage,14 +7," Mauser got involved in the gun-control fight after his son Daniel was killed in the Columbine High School massacre. Daniel Mauser was among the 12 students and one teacher killed April 20, 1999, by two student gunmen who later turned their guns on themselves.",6 +3,My beliefs are the reverse of his.,2 +9,"A dying lung-cancer patient who is suing a tobacco company testified today that he began smoking in the fifth grade and continued for most of his life despite health warnings. + +The 51-year-old plaintiff, Charles Kueper, recalled that he had understood the dangers of smoking ""to the point it stunted your growth, was harder to breathe."" +",8 +7," and Ms. Lewis, now 41, is scheduled to die on Thursday night at 9.",6 +7,"""He knew about it and had visited him in jail,",6 +13,"The number of Republicans in Senate leadership who voted for the immigration bill. While the bill won 14 GOP votes, all five Republicans in leadership positions voted against it. If Congress does not get an immigration bill to the president's desk - a very real possibility, since it's unclear what the House will come up with - the Senate GOP leaders will, given their votes, be protected against arguments from conservatives that they backed a flawed measure, as well as charges that they supported something that failed to win the approval of Congress as a whole.",12 +10,prohibit private domestic-partner benefits,9 +15,"James Benkard, 76",14 +7,MORE GUN LAWS WON'T CONTROL CRIMINAL MIND,6 +13,"""5.7 million -- that's how many illegal immigrants might have voted"" in 2008.",12 +13,"As a Republican candidate for the Senate in 1994, Romney promised to be a more forceful advocate for gays and lesbians than his opponent, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.). But he stopped short of endorsing same-sex marriage.",12 +5,Massachusetts is the lone state where same-sex marriage is legal.,4 +13,Presidential election may have hinged on one issue: Issue 1,12 +10,Letters; In My Opinion; Immigrants' pain without gain,9 +12,"Wenker and daughters Eleanor, 16, and Lillian, 13, joined a crowd of an estimated 6,000 people who gathered at the state Capitol to witness Gov. Mark Dayton sign a bill legalizing same-sex marriages in Minnesota. +",11 +7,"S.C. TEXTILE FIRM FINED $580,000, ACCUSED OF HIRING ILLEGAL ALIENS",6 +13,"Obama, in Africa, Praises U.S. Ruling on Gay Marriage +",12 +5,won a second stay of execution Tuesday from the Missouri Supreme Court.,4 +7,"Shortly after 11:30 p.m. local time, an announcement came from a prison spokesman that the state was commencing with Mr. Lee's execution",6 +7,"Michael L. Lockhart, charged with the murder of a Pasco County girl, was sentenced to death Wednesday for killing another teen-ager.",6 +5,Immigration agency to continuedenying gay spouses' petitions,4 +13," +KEELEY SEEKS BAN ON SMOKING HE ASKS BOARD TO SET HEARING",12 +7,"An 18-year veteran, Frasse was a former partner of Detective Rodney Andrews, who was murdered with Detective James Nemorin during a gun buy-and-bust on Staten Island in 2003.",6 +3,DEATH PENALTY VIOLATES SENSE OF JUSTICE,2 +1,SUBURB OUTLAWS GUN SALES,0 +12,Protest outside White House planned,11 +6,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE BAN FIGHT GETS NASTY,5 +12," +""We did speak to residents at farmers markets, we went to the Hamann Park National Night Out, the Westchester Park block party, and not all but overwhelmingly [most] residents were really supportive of this and urged you to move forward on this issue,"" Marvin said.",11 +13,"His bill, approved by the state Assembly, awaits action in the Senate, probably in November when legislators return from a recess.",12 +6," Did it cover civil unions and relationships between unmarried heterosexual couples, and would it affect domestic partnership benefits already adopted in Chapel Hill, Durham and other municipalities across the state?",5 +10,Commentary: Cruel immigration laws are keeping families apart,9 +1,gun shows at the Alameda County Fairgrounds ,0 +7,MORE ALIENS DEPORTED FOR CRIMES,6 +1,"Southern Maryland tobacco farmers have provided the region and the state with a vibrant economy for over 300 years. Now they need help. They are facing a triple hit. Drought has marred the crop, the governor wants to impose a $ 1-per-pack tax increase on cigarettes, and the state has offered them crumbs from Maryland's tobacco settlement table.",0 +15,Hot-car dad 'malice' rap,14 +1,and when governments at many levels are stepping up efforts to tax and regulate those companies,0 +7,6 Guards in New Jersey Charged With Beating Jailed Immigrants,6 +5,"MUMIA ABU-JAMAL, convicted of the 1981 slaying of a Philadelphia police officer, won a stay of execution this week.",4 +5,"A partisan fight over the timing of a statewide vote on banning gay marriage raced up the court system Monday, with Attorney General Jay Nixon asking the Missouri Supreme Court to decide the issue. + +Nixon filed the motion just one hour after the state Court of Appeals' Western District refused to order Secretary of State Matt Blunt to place the proposed amendment to the Missouri Constitution on the ballot Aug. 3. +",4 +15,TARGET: GUNS,14 +13," ""As we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take our freedom away, I want to [repeat] for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you Mr. Gore: From my cold dead hands.""",12 +5,A plea is not final until it is entered in court and accepted by a judge. Monday's filing did not indicate to what charge Butina would plead,4 +5,"As lawsuits from California to Florida have challenged the constitutionality of lethal injections, more than a dozen states and the federal government have sought Texas' advice in carrying out such executions.",4 +13,"PLASTIC, X-RAY EVADING GUNS BANNED BY HOUSE",12 +4,"""We will have marriage equality in New Jersey. You can take that to the bank. The haters can totally eat it. They can deal. We are winning."" +",3 +13,COLO. GOVERNOR CHANGES STANCE ON GUNS,12 +13,Is a bigger GOP tent needed?,12 +13,"1. TEN COMMANDMENTS Measure to allow the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools and other government buildings. + +2. DINGELL AMENDMENT Would require background checks for people buying guns at gun shows through the national instant check system, allowing 24 hours to complete any additional investigation that is required. + +3. McCARTHY AMENDMENT Would require background checks for people buying guns at gun shows through the national instant check system, allowing three business days to complete any additional investigation that is required. + +4. OVERALL GUN CONTROL BILL Package, including the Dingell amendment, imposing new restrictions on guns. + +ALABAMA + +1 - Sonny Callahan 1. TEN COMMANDMENTS: For the measure 2. DINGELL AMENDMENT: For the measure 3. McCARTHY AMENDMENT: Against 4. OVERALL GUN CONTROL BILL: Against + +2 - Terry Everett 1. TEN COMMANDMENTS: For the measure 2. DINGELL AMENDMENT: For the measure 3. McCARTHY AMENDMENT: Against 4. OVERALL GUN CONTROL BILL: Against + +3 - Bob Riley 1. TEN COMMANDMENTS: For the measure 2. DINGELL AMENDMENT: For the measure 3. McCARTHY AMENDMENT: Against 4. OVERALL GUN CONTROL BILL: Against + +4 - Robert B. Aderholt 1. TEN COMMANDMENTS: For the measure 2. DINGELL AMENDMENT: For the measure 3. McCARTHY AMENDMENT: Against 4. OVERALL GUN CONTROL BILL: Against + +6 - Spencer Bachus 1. TEN COMMANDMENTS: For the measure 2. DINGELL AMENDMENT: For the measure 3. McCARTHY AMENDMENT: Against 4. OVERALL GUN CONTROL BILL: Against + +",12 +5,The Second Amendment's true intent,4 +1,Tobacco farmers told to delay retrofitting,0 +5,"The chief justice of the State Supreme Court proposed new trials for scores of death row inmates, but a majority of the court rejected the idea in an unusually heated exchange. Chief Justice Moses W. Harrison II pointed to the court's new rules for handling capital cases and argued on Thursday that they set a new standard for fairness in death penalty trials.",4 +6,Fulfilling the Brady Act's Promise,5 +13,"Gov. M. Jodi Rell revealed yesterday that she supports the concept of allowing gay and lesbian couples to enter into civil unions, putting an end to questions about where she stands on the issue.",12 +5,SUIT SETTLED OVER CHEWING TOBACCO WARNINGS,4 +7,"He was convicted of killing 12 people during a midnight screening of ""The Dark Knight Rises"" in a Denver suburb July 20, 2012.",6 +13,'INSANE' GUN BILL DIES IN SENATE,12 +10,WHEN WILL SMOKING THERAPY PAY OFF?,9 +13,States move to restrict gun magazines,12 +13,"Mary G. Wilson, president of the League of Women Voters of the United States, and Billie Day, president of the League's D.C. chapter, said in a joint statement that they reached their decision not to support the measure ""reluctantly and sadly, but firmly"" because of concerns over the gun amendment.",12 +13,Marriage fight in Utah continues,12 +7,"Mr. Williams and three other men were in their 20's when they were convicted of raping Carol Schmal and killing her and her fiance, Lawrence Lionberg. Mr. Williams and one of the men went to death row; the other two were sentenced to life in prison.",6 +9,"Chapel Hill doctor sees no conflict being both healer, tobacco grower",8 +14,USA leads the world in gun suicides,13 +5,"Lorillard Tobacco Co. will appeal, said company attorney William Ohlemeyer. Lorillard defeated four previous lawsuits about the filters, he said.",4 +9,"child safety gun bill. The bill, which would make it a crime to negligently leave a handgun in easy reach of a child",8 +13,"A House committee yesterday approved expanding Colorado's pioneering ""Make My Day"" law into something akin to ""Make My Neighbor's Day,"" passing a bill that would let anyone shoot an armed felon, even if the shooter isn't directly threatened or if the culprit is fleeing. +",12 +1,Advocates see opening for allowing in more high-skilled immigrants,0 +6, The time has come to implement reasonable gun control for this day and age.,5 +13,"In the days since Ohio voted to approve a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, no government agencies or private companies have moved to eliminate benefits for domestic partners -- as some executives, officials and gay rights activists had predicted. +",12 +13,Conservatives confident on gun measures,12 +5,Florida to Pay Legal Fees in Case That Kept Doctors From Discussing Guns,4 +5,"n the dissent, Judge William Ray Price Jr. wrote that the 4-3 ruling is ""directly in conflict"" with U.S. Supreme Court precedent. He added, ""It is the United States Supreme Court's prerogative, and its alone, to overrule one of its decisions."" +",4 +13,Push for concealed-gun bill divides Dems Some say Matsunaka's stance to hurt party,12 +2,"The Bush administration has begun holding weekend and after-hours interviews for immigrants wanting to be Americans, responding to a heavy workload caused by last summer's flood of citizenship applications.",1 +4,Justice in Nicklasson case is delayed almost 20 years,3 +5,"The California courts are enjoined in the fray and there will be rulings. The airwaves are full of the talk about same-sex marriage and callers weighing in. The issue has gotten more thoughtful -- and of course, knee-jerk -- airing than ever before. +",4 +11,Immig driver-license boo$t seen,10 +12,supporters of traditional marriage nationwide.,11 +9,SLOWER RATE OF HEALING ATTRIBUTED TO NICOTINE,8 +3,A Religious Push Against Gay Unions,2 +13,"In Texas, gun debate is 'starkly different';",12 +12, said Robey Newsom of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association.,11 +13,"MARCO RUBIO SAYS U.S. FARMERS HAVE NO WAY TO BRING IN WORKERS LEGALLY +",12 +15,"SMOKE & MIRRORS, OR THE REAL DEAL?",14 +5,"The stay should never have been granted in the first place. Applying traditional legal criteria, the extraordinary relief of a stay is only warranted when the applicant makes a strong showing of likely success on the merits and of irreparable injury in the absence of a stay -- two arguments that cannot be satisfied here.",4 +7,"The man in charge of immigration enforcement for Georgia and the Carolinas has a message for immigrants living here without proper papers: Stay out of trouble, be careful about who you hang out with and get ready to return to your homeland.",6 +7," in the 2007 home invasion in Cheshire, Conn., that ended with the killing of a mother and her two daughters and drew national attention as an archetype of nightmarish suburban crime.",6 +5,KO 'extreme' high court nominee: gov,4 +13,Obama to 'Put Everything I've Got' Into Gun Control,12 +10,Do guns belong in schools?,9 +11,Las Vegas Envy,10 +2,Staff Shortage Lengthening Dulles Airport Passport Lines,1 +13,"Another undeclared lawmaker, Sen. James C. Rosapepe (D-Prince George's), confirmed Wednesday that he intends to announce his position on the legislation by the end of the week. That development was first reported by The Diamondback, the student newspaper at the University of Maryland at College Park, which is in Rosapepe's district.",12 +5,"In Capital Murder Trial, 2 Versions of Encounter",4 +6,"""It's time to develop a new policy that will strengthen enforcement of the Gun Control Act and eliminate these loopholes,"" Engel wrote.",5 +5," At 8 a.m. Monday, town officials will begin allowing same-sex couples to register for marriage licenses",4 +13,"Florida: Task Force Backs 'Stand Your Ground' Law +",12 +13,The Judiciary Committee is considered the least conservative among the Senate committees. It is expected to get most of the gun bills this year.,12 +6,"imply put your money down, and you can take a rifle or shotgun home.",5 +13,Ted Cruz pushed a host of conservative priorities on Capitol Hill last week that he hopes will boost his presidential campaign ahead of the South Carolina primary.,12 +7,"Mr. Kavanagh said Mr. Whitehurst led the authorities to believe that the girl might have still been alive, and he asked for a sentence of 10 years to life if she was found alive. If she was found dead, Mr. Whitehurst was said to have wanted 15 years to life.",6 +6,which would impose a seven-day waiting period on handgun purchases.,5 +9,"Up to half of smokers continue to light up cigarettes after being diagnosed with cancer even though tobacco use substantially increases a patient's risk of death, a new study shows. Some cancer patients never quit at all, while others relapse after they finish therapy, according to an article online today in the journal Cancer. +",8 +6,Arena bans bad health,5 +10,"""We were just looking at each other and just smiling,"" said Ann Kirby, one of Brown's lawyers. ""We may have been smiling too hard to say anything.""",9 +7,gun-tracing information available and for suing gun stores known for selling firearms used in city crimes.,6 +7,favored by drug dealers,6 +15,Bucking the inertia on same-sex marriage,14 +13,Obama administration,12 +4,"Despite Flawed Defense, A Death Sentence Stands",3 +10,"aylor, the mother of three and grandmother of six, had been activities director at a nursing home in Cool Valley. +",9 +7, including a brown cotton glove found in his car that appears to be the mate of one found near the scene of a killing in Silver Spring.,6 +5,"Lorraine Bell, a legal secretary in the Bar's Unlicensed Practice of Law Department, confirmed that a complaint had been filed.",4 +12,Smerconish: College leaders join students in blasting Trump's immigration action,11 +4," +Justices Hear Case of Killers Tried Before Corrupt Judge",3 +5,"The Department of Homeland Security occasionally grants such status to immigrants stranded in this country by war, famine, earthquake or some other disaster back home. Protected immigrants are allowed to work legally and cannot be detained or deported. It's a temporary amnesty, given in 18-month increments to those who qualify, and is currently available to citizens of El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Somalia and Sudan.",4 +5,Tobacco farmers would get a larger share of a national court settlement sooner under a proposal floated Monday by leaders of a special House committee.,4 +13,Looking Back and Ahead After Senate's Votes on Guns,12 +13,The White House further spotlighted the issue yesterday when presidential spokesman Michael McCurry said President Clinton would sign a Republican bill that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman,12 +3," ""callous disregard"" for life and deserved the death penalty.",2 +6,"More landlords are moving to prohibit smoking in their apartment buildings, telling prospective tenants they can be evicted if they light up in them.",5 +13,"On the Hill, reactions reflect political stakes",12 +5,The status of the drug supplies was revealed Friday in a court filing connected to a suit over Arizona's application of the death penalty.,4 +5,"Supreme Court Delays Gay Marriage in Virginia, a Day Before It Was Set to Begin",4 +5," +Ritter said people planning these types of crimes probably wouldn't be deterred by the possibility that either the intended victim or a bystander might have a concealed weapon.",4 +7,the members of the federal-local task force that cracked down on some of the area's most hard-core criminals could have been charged with crimes.,6 +1,"""We don't have that replenishment worker anymore. It will have a dramatic impact on how we do business in the future,"" he said. ""We are looking at a new day.""",0 +12,"Gay-marriage fight looms Focus on Family begins push to put ban on state's '06 ballot +",11 +7," If convicted, Hook would face life in prison without the possibility of parole.",6 +5,Devier was never tried for that alleged rape.,4 +6,Gun policy's slippery slope,5 +5,"The results of DNA tests - time-consuming and not yet ready - apparently won't be part of a weeklong preliminary hearing that begins Thursday. That hearing, to determine if Simpson goes on trial for two murders, will focus instead on as many as 60 pieces of conventional evidence.",4 +1,"""The disconcerting findings in this report demand immediate attention and action from Congress and the Obama administration,"" Hatch said in a statement. ""With our debt standing at over $14.5 trillion and counting, it's outrageous that the IRS is handing out refundable tax credits . . . to those who aren't even eligible to work in this country.""",0 +8,"to require background checks for all gun purchases except sales between close family members and some hunters, ",7 +6,"The new restrictions require federally licensed dealers who sell from their homes to have gun safes, alarms and other safeguards. Many gun advocates said the restrictions were unnecessary.",5 +6,"Only 17 states, however, submit such mental health information to the background check systems they use on gun purchases",5 +5,lawsuit,4 +9,Safety Stings At Work Sites Will Be Halted,8 +5,"When Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan decides whether to appeal this week's federal court ruling on gun laws, her choice may affect more than just her state's firearms ban.",4 +13,"""I didn't even know what they were, until this week, and I'm an avid sportsman,"" House Speaker Paul Ryan said in an NBC interview.",12 +3,CHURCHES MOBILIZE OVER MARRIAGE INITIATIVE PROPOSITION 22 WOULD BAR CALIFORNIA FROM RECOGNIZING SAME-SEX UNIONS IF THEY ARE LEGALIZED IN ANY OTHER STATE.,2 +9,"Smoking is also the nation's most preventable health problem. If the number of smokers was cut in half, cases of heart disease and respiratory illness would plummet. The number of low birth weight babies and children born with breathing problems would fall dramatically. +",8 +11,Same-sex marriage slowdown,10 +10,"Those who qualify for the benefit package would have to prove they are domestic partners. +",9 +9, Ga. took in 258 more immigrant children,8 +7,"""only after a lengthy and intrusive criminal investigation was conducted by the government into the witness Capano's activities of a criminal nature and in particular relating to the witness' use of illegal narcotics and illegal acquisition of firearms.""",6 +8,U.S. QUIETLY RELEASES ALLEGED HAITIAN TERRORIST WHO WORKED WITH CIA,7 +10,"""the major legal and economic rights, responsibilities and benefits"" of traditional married couples with those of same-sex partners, Romer's office said in a news release. + +""This is not a commission about same-sex marriage; it's about other legal rights that could possibly go to people involved in long-term relationships,"" ",9 +1,IRS: Married gays can file jointly,0 +13,"President Obama's second term challenges come into focus during a single day +",12 +7," +CHINESE GANG IS TERRORIZING WOMEN & KIDS",6 +3,deceived,2 +7,"Westmoreland, 37, is one of three people accused of murdering Abeln. She was shot to death in the family vehicle while at her family's aviation business in Sauget. It was supposed to look like a botched robbery, authorities charge, but the crime ultimately pointed to a conspiracy involving drugs and divorce law.",6 +6, and loopholes in gun control laws.,5 +5,"The administration maintains that all options are on the table, including a Supreme Court appeal. ",4 +9,complete with scope and safety lock,8 +7,"The woman, Renee Nicely, faces life in prison, where she must serve at least 30 years before becoming eligible for parole. +",6 +10,"2 deaths, 2 grieving moms, 2 opinions Both lost child but are split on firearm laws",9 +13," Congress has done something quite extraordinary -- nothing at all. +",12 +9,Packing Protection or Packing Suicide Risk?,8 +15,Surprise us,14 +1,Workaway finds guest workers for jobs Americans won't do,0 +15,Jay Bookman,14 +5,"Judge Allows Death Penalty Case to Proceed +",4 +7," Are the police to conduct house-to-house, apartment-to-apartment searches? Stop-and-frisk programs of cars, buses, pedestrians? March-ing through businesses and stores, offices and hospitals with metal de-tectors?",6 +3, Gun ban at houses of worship upheld,2 +1,uninsured,0 +7,"The execution was set for 7 A.M., said Vernon Bradford, a Department of Corrections spokesman. The death warrant expires at noon Thursday. +",6 +11," +There is a deep-rooted flaw in reasoning which anoints the status quo, simply because it is rooted in the past. By that premise, nothing new would have been tried. + +Social changes happen all the time and have been happening throughout our history. And guess what? The sun still rises every morning. +",10 +12,- video ad by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence,11 +5,"Today, the settlement proposal will be released to attorneys general of 36 states that have pending antitobacco lawsuits, 10 others that have not yet filed, as well as to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. They will have one week to decide whether to accept it.",4 +7,"""We're talking about the ultimate penalty that can be imposed.""",6 +6,"Pact snuffs threat of tobacco ad ban Outdoor advertisers, students, officials agree",5 +5," +The terms of those settlements were largely the same as that of earlier settlements with nearly two dozen other states. Last week the company announced settlements with 22 states suing the company for compensation for Medicaid-paid treatment of smoking-related illnesses. The company agreed to turn over documents and put a warning on its cigarette packs that says ``Smoking is addictive.'' +",4 +4,"Makeup of jury for Carruth trial questioned +",3 +3,"Therefore these rights are not absolute but curtailed by the laws of nature of that Creator, who clearly designed his creatures to procreate heterosexually, not homosexually. (It just doesn't work any other way.)",2 +11,"He added: ""We already know that about 6 percent of smokers or ex-smokers in their 60s",10 +8,"he noted that his opposition to efforts to ""roll back our right to protect ourselves"" is not shared by many of his Northern Virginia constituents.",7 +9,Mama shot by son will keep guns,8 +13,"Only a day earlier, Bush had said he needed time to work with Congress to build political support for immigration reform.",12 +2,ALIEN DETENTION CENTER HELD INADEQUATE,1 +6,Handgun Ban in D.C. Under Fire,5 +9,Saving lives demands standing up to NRA's agenda,8 +13,and the current effort in Congress to remove the MAC-10 from the street.,12 +13,"The conference, modeled after the kind of exclusive, polished and influential meetings held by the Koch brothers, is intended to build a permanent political infrastructure that can insulate nervous Republicans from conservative backlash on issues like same-sex marriage. It is being hosted by the American Unity Fund, a two-year-old group founded by wealthy Republican donors.",12 +5, whether the state constitution should be amended to prohibit gay marriage.,4 +12,- all subjects guaranteed to rub raw the public's irritation.,11 +1,EMERGENCY FUND WILL PAY STATES FOR IMMIGRANT AID,0 +13,The bill was blocked last year when House Speaker Russ George sent it to a hostile committee.,12 +5,"Attorney Martin McClain, with the state's Office of Capital Collateral Representative, said he filed the 50-page petition on behalf of Leo Jones and cites last week's fiery execution of Pedro Medina as evidence that the 74-year-old chair violates the Eighth Amendment.",4 +12,"His bald head shining in the fierce afternoon sun, radio talk show host G. Gordon Liddy on Sunday urged a crowd of about 2,000 enthusiastic gun owners to disobey a federal ban on the manufacture and sale of 19 kinds of semiautomatic weapons.",11 +5,"Her boss, chief government attorney Joseph Hartzler, also argued for a death sentence, telling the jurors",4 +5,San Francisco officials ask court for advance warning if gay marriages are formally legalized,4 +9," the student, Sean Johnson, 34, has a history of mental illness.",8 +7,Slaying suspect won't face death,6 +7,"hat inmate Jeffrey Henry died after he attacked Marshall with a chair leg in a ""fight between two inmates of equal size."" +",6 +7,TOBACCO EXECUTIVES ACCESSORIES TO MURDER,6 +1,"Tobacco farmers turning to chickens, drawing neighbors' ire",0 +5,"During testimony earlier in the day, prosecutors said there were several aggravating factors jurors should consider when deciding between life in prison and a death sentence.",4 +4," +FREEZE OUT ANY ICE ABUSES",3 +6,Concealed carry lags in some Missouri counties,5 +5,LAW-ABIDING GUN dealers and gun owners have rights. So says the Second Amendment and so says the Supreme Court. But that doesn't make common-sense regulation unconstitutional.,4 +5,"A separate suit has been filed by an engineering firm represented by the American Center for Law and Justice, which was founded by the Rev. Pat Robertson. Gay-rights and civil-liberties groups have joined in the city's defense. +",4 +13,Gun Debate at the O.K. Corral (Or Somewhere),12 +7," including those of 4,365 convicted felons, 945 fugitives, 97 people under indictment and 649 drug users.",6 +9,"And the agreement requires, within three years, ""smart-gun technology"" that will allow each of its new handguns to be fired only by authorized users.",8 +5,The Supreme Court today refused to allow the execution of Ronald Clark O'Bryan,4 +12,Gun rights activists promise big turnout at Pinole council meeting,11 +13,"Down at the Capitol, the House is voting on a bill that could make it easier to buy a gun in DeKalb County.",12 +15,Guns and Paperwork,14 +13,"Senate Majority Leader J.B. ""Jet"" Banks railed against guns and recited Bible passages Wednesday as he staged a 3 1/2-hour filibuster against a concealed-weapons bill.",12 +11," +""Half of all mass killings in the United States have occurred since the assault weapons ban expired in 2005, half of all of them in the history of the country.""",10 +12,"Telling a friend on the phone that he was ""going in for video,"" Smith pushed through the turnstiles without any hassle - save for the disapproving glares from the roughly 10 counterprotesters.",11 +6,"Unfortunately, the court did not elaborate on its reasoning. The amendment's wording merely gave the Legislature the power to pass a law banning same-sex marriages -- a power the Legislature never exercised after the amendment's approval. The Hawaii case triggered an ugly ",5 +1,tax breaks of up to $6 million for cigarette manufacturers - a perk intended to benefit the Brown & Williamson plant in Macon.,0 +5," Gun advocates have sued to stop the city from searching or arresting people for ""legally carrying firearms.""",4 +6,STATE CONCEALED FIREARMS LAW NEEDS COMMON-SENSE CHANGE,5 +13,"Let's assume that enough Republicans refuse to sign on to the filibuster effort being led by Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.). (At the moment, at least eight Republican Senators are on the record saying they will vote for cloture.) That means that if Reid can keep all 55 Democratic-caucusing Senators in line, he should have more than the 60 votes he would need to end unlimited debate -- bringing the bill to the floor and allowing amendments to it to be offered before a final vote on passage.",12 +5,"The Supreme Court is expected to rule this week on two major cases regarding same-sex marriage. +",4 +5, for a constitutional amendment outlawing gay marriage,4 +6, Vermont is the first state to allow gay couples to enter into a legal relationship akin to marriage.,5 +6,FAILED GAY-RIGHTS PROPOSALS PROMPT DIFFERENT ANALYSES,5 +6,"SMOKING BAN EXTENDED TO PARKS, PLAZAS",5 +12,"""We're certainly hoping we can nudge him in the right direction with these signatures,"" said Ted Pascoe, the coalition's leader.",11 +11," and there are times that ""At the Death House Door,"" an IFC documentary, gets at the truth of it all.",10 +9,MANY ALIENS WITH AIDS PRESUMABLY STOP PURSUING LEGALIZATION,8 +5,Scalia proves prophetic on same-sex marriage ruling's impact,4 +7,"Hunters found the skeletal remains of his father in December 1999 in Jackson County, N.C., near where Anderson once attended college. Anderson was arrested after the remains were identified as Krnak in early 2001. +",6 +5,"In court papers filed Wednesday, the Brown administration and lawyers for death row inmates agreed that the soonest they will finish preliminary legal skirmishing in the long-running challenge to the state's lethal injection procedures will be September 2012 -- a development that assures a federal judge is unlikely to resolve the case before the end of next year.",4 +15,JUST IN TIME TO DIE,14 +3,The triennial General Convention was the third mainline Protestant body to take up the issue this summer. Both the quadrennial General Conference of the United Methodist Church and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) rejected efforts to recognize same-sex unions.,2 +5,As the court reviews the case,4 +5," Although the Second Amendment guarantees my right to bear arms, the District is infringing upon this right.",4 +4,marriage is a basic civil right,3 +7,"The man who discharged a handgun at a St. Paul gun show, wounding four people and prompting the St. Paul City Council to ban gun shows on city property, was charged Thursday with a felony.",6 +13,MCCAIN SEZ 'I DON'T' TO BACKING CONSTITUTIONAL BAN ON GAY NUPS,12 +13,"""As long as Emil Jones is president of the Senate, I can't see it happening,"" said Sen. Frank Watson, R-Greenville, the Senate minority leader. ""If a Republican was president of the Senate, we would have at least been able to debate it on the floor, and it probably would have passed.""",12 +12,SPEAKERS ARGUE AGAINST PROPOSAL FOR GUN CONTROL OPPONENTS AT FORUM CALL PLAN 'BAD POLICY',11 +11,ARMED GEORGIA,10 +6,"Yet he is battling those in Fort Collins who want to ban cigarettes from every public building, from business offices to his newly ventilated pool room.",5 +13,"SENATE DEBATES AMENDMENT THAT WOULD BAN GAY MARRIAGE IF SENATE APPROVES PROPOSAL, NEXT STEP WOULD BE VOTER REFERENDUM",12 +7, condemned killers Mitchell Sims and Tiequon Cox.,6 +10,"'I don't want to see my mom's eyes pop out,'' said Kimberly Hawkins, daughter of Death Row inmate Judi Buenoano. ''I don't want to smell her burning.'' +",9 +11,"''It is an incredibly historic day for Rhode Island and the country,'' said Julia Harvey, a Brown University student who is gay. +",10 +6,State laws remain inadequate substitutes for national legislation. ,5 +13,"Pols do zip, give D.C. slip",12 +13,Why are there so many bad Chinese restaurants in New York? Blame it on the politicians.,12 +11,"For the so-called long guns favored by hunters,",10 +13,"The White House says it's about 20 votes shy. ""It's going to be tough and it's going to be close,"" Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen said Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press.",12 +5,"Three of the Justices, however, refused to join what they called the Court's overly broad opinion, arguing that it would undermine the death penalty's goals of punishing ''brutal murderers'' and deterring others.",4 +6,"Measure C took effect Dec. 6, giving owners until March 6 to comply.",5 +7,"State and local police should be able to arrest illegal immigrants and government agencies and contractors should be barred from hiring them, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Gallagher said Friday.",6 +13," +The ban would not apply to weapons favored by hunters but would apply to Uzis, AK-47s and other military-style weapons that have no purpose except to kill people. Some of these weapons are prized by collectors who like to use them for target practice. Gun fanciers point out that so-called ""assault weapons"" are no more lethal than other types of guns; they just look more menacing. Be that as it may, lifting the ban would be morally indefensible in a country still recovering from Columbine, the Washington, D.C.-area snipers and the carnage from handguns and rifles used recklessly to maim and murder innocent people, including children.",12 +7,BORDER PATROL INVESTIGATING BOGUS DOCUMENT OPERATION,6 +5,Jury pool grows for Moussaoui sentencing,4 +5,"Chief Justice Harry Stowers Jr. said the court was denying a petition to compel a District Court judge in Albuquerque to set an execution date for one of the inmates, Joel Lee Compton.",4 +13,"In California Cities, Same-Sex Couples Race to Beat the Ballot",12 +15,FROM 'MARRIAGE' DEBATE TO BURNING CONTROVERSY,14 +9,SECONDHAND SMOKE RULED FACTOR IN DEATH,8 +9,"REPORT SAYS SMOKING HELPS BODY BURN FAT +",8 +7," The shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, in Florida has put into question how police enforce this kind of statute.",6 +7," +Garcia Zarate is charged with second-degree murder, which could result in a sentence of 15 years to life in prison.",6 +12,"Anti-immigrant proposal advances Drive to deny services to illegal residents needs 70,000 signatures to make Nov. ballot",11 +7,Paroled rapist is sentenced to die for murder of prostitute,6 +1,GUN SALES,0 +2,Bentley said he could not predict when the cap would be hit because a flood of applications could come in on a single day or be submitted over several days.,1 +13,Selective editing distorts an attack on a pro-gun lawmaker,12 +13,St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman and Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak call tougher restrictions on guns well overdue.,12 +13,"The House passed an identical bill in July by a 342-67 vote, and President Clinton has said he will sign the legislation once it reaches his desk. +",12 +8,A Moussaoui Outburst,7 +9, he accidentally shot himself at a nightclub in 2008.,8 +11,"Why the gun bill failed -- in one more chart +",10 +5,A Right to Anthrax?,4 +5,The St. Louis Circuit Court jury deliberated more than 10 hours Sa turday and Monday before returning its recommendation. Circuit Judge Jimmie Edwards will sentence Nettles later.,4 +11,U.S. torn on Confederate flag,10 +5,THE DILEMMA OF CLEMENCY,4 +12,NRA SAYS IT IS SEEING A SURGE OF SUPPORT AS IT OPENS CONVENTION IN N.C.,11 +13,"Dems says yes - GOP, not yet",12 +15,On the menu - smoke-free eating,14 +5,"Liggett papers reveal bid for secrecy, early concern over future lawsuits",4 +13,Strictest Curb on Smoking In U.S. Backed by Cuomo,12 +13,Clinton Renews His Appeal on Gun Control,12 +13,Another No From Gov. Wilder,12 +7, without significant criminal records,6 +9,"The smoke-obsessed board of an Upper West Side co-op seems to be working from an incorrect premise. + +Speaking of the board president, Mr. Haberman states, ""Smoke, he explained, can drift into other apartments through ventilation systems."" That would not be the case unless that building has been illegally designed in fundamental ways, which is extremely unlikely. + +The building regulations here, and in every other city I know, require apartment ventilating systems to only extract and to protect against air (or smoke or fire) from passing from one apartment to another. If you can smell smoke from a neighbor's apartment, that building has a serious code violation.",8 +9,"Smokers who need spinal-fusion surgery in their necks may be in for an unfortunate surprise: their habit, already associated with other health problems, may also make the surgery less successful, a new study reports. Researchers, writing in a recent Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, said smokers healed to a lesser degree and also needed more pain medicine.",8 +13,POLITICAL TURNOVER SLOW,12 +5,Justices keep '92 killer of artist on death row,4 +12,"Hispanics make their voices heard; Thousands stay home. Work, stores, schools bitten by protest against bill cracking down on illegal immigrants. +",11 +1,"""The sponsor has to be able to assume the costs of shelter, food and health care,"" said David Ray, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform. ""If they can't, it will be a drain on federal funds.""",0 +5,pushing back on legal challenges,4 +1,cigarette excise taxes next year.,0 +5,"McBride said the government is trying to ""ferret out"" potential jurors who oppose the death penalty or those who may tell the judge they could vote to impose death but ""when the moment comes, they are not able to do so."" He said jury selection is extremely important to both sides, because ""most prosecutors and defense lawyers believe this is where capital cases are won or lost.""",4 +5,Latest Updates on Supreme Court Hearings on Same-Sex Marriage,4 +7, local police agencies recently reported a rise in crimes committed with such weapons.,6 +7,"Initial reports yesterday said the operation was conducted in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Atlanta. Subsequent reports said sweeps also occurred in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Although federal officials have said the number of people placed in custody is several dozen, it was unclear yesterday how many of them were from the Philadelphia area.",6 +9," mental capacity to undergo a trial ""is in question.""",8 +6," +Farewell to the I.N.S.",5 +3,"Christian beliefs 'under attack,'Kottkamp says of Calif. dispute",2 +13,Assault weapons repeal sought,12 +9,"According to my lung transplant doctor, inhaling secondhand smoke exacerbated my condition. ""Each exacerbation,"" he wrote in his report, ""causes Ms. Fort to lose more lung function and hastens her decline.""",8 +7,"Donn Rutherford Grice, 38, part owner of the Ivory Cue pool hall, was charged Jan. 22 with two counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of his business partners, Robert and Sandra Rymer. +",6 +6,to keep all tobacco out of sight in retail outlets.,5 +5,"The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the state's highest court, essentially ordered that the state begin granting marriage licenses to gay couples on May 17",4 +7,"But law enforcement organizations charged the law will increase the number of people carrying guns on the streets, raising the chances of harm to both police officers and members of the public. +",6 +5,"'Our fear is that turning this into a one-judge sentencing process will make that judge an easy target for those who want to take that judge out of office or keep that judge in office,' Furman said.",4 +11," The ceremony, in front of the steps of Gracie Mansion, unfolded just as the sun began to set on Sunday evening.",10 +5,"In the meeting, Carvin and Estrada left the impression the industry might be willing to end plans to seek a high court appeal of its own, if the Justice Department would do the same, said the Washington attorneys, who spoke on condition of anonymity so that they could discuss the private meeting with Kagan.",4 +6,"The answer is yes. The Missouri Conservation Department allows hunting for whitetail deer with any centerfire ammunition designed to shoot in revolvers and pistols. The handgun in use must propel an expanding type of bullet to ensure a clean, quick kill with a well-placed shot.",5 +11,"In New York, with a large and diverse Latino population",10 +1,DHS budget brinkmanship could leave local governments in the lurch,0 +13,Bill on gun purchase delay nears passage,12 +12, He cited a March survey by the Pew Research Center that showed opposition to legalizing gay marriage has dropped from 63% in 2004 to 51% now.,11 +8,Americans deserve (and were promised) a border wall,7 +5,I.N.S. Is Sued for Legal Aid for Minors It Holds,4 +13,New Jersey Democratic Candidates for Senate Clash on Gun Control and Taxes,12 +7,"Questions surround raid at city mosque; Agents detain imam after raids on Phila. mosque, two homes",6 +4,Treat Detained Migrants Fairly,3 +13,"The bipartisan proposal written by Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine",12 +5,"Mr. Solak said that because Mr. Johnson's sentence is under appeal, he could not address any specifics of that case. But he agreed to discuss the death penalty in general during a recent interview at his office in the Windham County Courthouse in Willimantic. Here are some excerpts from that conversation.",4 +5,Registration Amnesty for Pakistanis Sought; Foreign Minister Says U.S. Program Has Fueled Major Political Crisis Back Home,4 +12,NRA plays public for fools,11 +11,America's welcome center is a well worth a visit,10 +3,"As a Catholic, Birk said, he has a responsibility to seek to know God's will, and he believes defending traditional marriage is in line with God's will.",2 +9,A Pediatrician's View on Gun Violence and Children,8 +6," +Officials in Georgia's largest city owe its residents, workers and visitors an aggressive ban on smoking. They shouldn't bow to pressure from tobacco lobbyists or business owners who claim they will lose customers.",5 +13,Senate Republicans Split on Wording Gay-Marriage Ban,12 +5,Judge Blocks City's Ordinances Against Illegal Immigration,4 +12, National Rifle Association.,11 +5,PROSECUTORS PLAN TO SEEK DEATH PENALTY IN KIDNAPPING AND MURDER,4 +5,"Family visas could be cut +",4 +1,"Jeffrey Wigand walked away from a $ 300,000 a year job and into several death threats.",0 +5,Two Philadelphia City Council members sued the Pennsylvania legislature over its failure to pass gun-control legislation that would allow the city to curb an epidemic of gun violence,4 +5,It was the most poignant moment of Lawrence Singleton's 1997 murder trial.,4 +6,No-smoking plan gets airing today,5 +3,"''They won't let me address them,'' Mr. Motley groused, before returning to huddle with a group of local pastors. ''God has defined what marriage is, and the government doesn't have the right to redefine it.''",2 +1,"Wall St. dives, but gun firms smokin'",0 +1,"There are no plans to refund money to those who have already received the updated green cards, officials of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization",0 +12,"Six in 10 Americans say the government should not regulate whether gays and lesbians can marry the people they choose, a survey finds. + +As same-sex couples line up to get marriage licenses in California on June 17, the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll found that 63% of adults say same-sex marriage is ""strictly a private decision"" between two people. + +That the government has the right ""to prohibit or allow"" such marriages was stated by 33%, and 4% had no opinion. +",11 +9,46 million smoke,8 +3,"Beyond that, Law said, there is the question of what capital punishment does to ""a society where there is an ever greater spiraling of violence.""",2 +6,"The bill does not allow gay and lesbian couples the right to marry. But it does offer 13 legal protections supported ""by the vast majority of Californians,""",5 +12,Mothers Rally to Assail Gun Violence,11 +4,"Determining the number of false convictions is almost impossible,",3 +12,Gun-rights group plans to protest proposed CSU gun ban,11 +5,"Georgia Supreme Court Justice Leah Ward Sears was ""stumped"" Tuesday on the issue of gay marriage.",4 +7,Police are investigating whether the pair had a prior sexual relationship and whether Alexander can be linked to similar killings outside New York.,6 +11,"The number of illegal immigrants entering the United States plunged by almost two-thirds between 2005 and 2009, a dramatic shift after years of growth in the population, according to the report.",10 +9,"Mr. Jimenez, 47, has been hospitalized on and off for two years. He has congestive heart failure and unless he receives a transplant, doctors say, he will die.",8 +13,House panel OKs open carry amid emotional testimony,12 +13,Martinez: GOP has work to do,12 +12,"The committee's action sparked rejoicing from immigration activists who crowded into a Senate committee room to witness the proceedings. ""Yes, we can!"" they shouted as they clapped rhythmically to show their pleasure. +",11 +5,custody was returned,4 +9,"Each side was suspicious of the other, he said, but some of the tour guides eventually started to talk about emphysema, heart disease and lung cancer in their own families. +",8 +11,California residents,10 +7,"""Law enforcement is not going to just give that up,"" said Hubert Williams, president of the Police Foundation, a police coalition.",6 +12,And the poll showed decreasing opposition to allowing gay and lesbian couples to enter into legal agreements that would give them many of the same protections as marriage.,11 +13,"Does Bill Daley, a former White House chief of staff, have the right to complain that Heidi Heitkamp, the first-year Democratic Senator from North Dakota, refused to commit political suicide after taking his $2,500 contribution?",12 +13, Proof lies in the Florida legislature's vote,12 +1,"""If I don't,"" the 67-year-old bar-owner said, ""I could go out of business.""",0 +6,"Perot's change in policy at the computer services provider won't affect gay employees who are already on the payroll. According to the company's human resources department, current employees will be allowed to continue insuring their same-sex partners.",5 +13,"NRA'S SIGHTS SET ON FAMILIAR TARGET: GORMLEY THREE YEARS AGO, THE PRO-GUN LOBBY TRIED TO OUST THE STATE SENATOR",12 +11,"Artist Quits Superman Project After Outcry Over Writer's Marriage Views +",10 +12,Gun advocates fueled by irrational emotion,11 +3," had shown no remorse and had ""a low potential for rehabilitation.""",2 +5,"What the Supreme Court said today by not saying anything at all on gay marriage +",4 +5,COURT DENIES KILLER NEW TRIAL IN MURDER OF PRISON GUARD,4 +6,Grades are out: County sticks town with 'D' on its tobacco report card,5 +5,"A judge would determine whether a person is retarded or incompetent in a hearing after conviction and sentencing, which critics say is so late in the process that a judge might feel pressure not to stay the sentence.",4 +12,What the NRA's afraid of,11 +1,I do not see how limiting opportunities for low-skilled workers helps college graduates and teenagers who likely wouldn't be looking for those jobs anyway.,0 +13,Smoking ban advances to a final vote,12 +13, The extremist concerns of militias and other right-wing radical groups increasingly have found voices on Capitol Hill thanks to the well-funded gun lobby.,12 +1,"``We've had a drier crop [overall], and you're always going to get more pounds out of that than a wet crop,'' Yeargin said. ``I'll take a dry crop any day over a wet one.'' Too much rain can cause blue mold, a major tobacco killer.",0 +13,STATE SENATE OVERRIDES VETO ON IMMIGRANTS,12 +5, Minnesota Attorney General Hubert Humphrey III,4 +6,Our Haiti Policy Doesn't Help Anyone,5 +5,McVeigh offered no clue why he had asked to drop his appeals.,4 +10,"Same-sex couples in Iowa began holding hastily planned weddings Monday as the state became the third to allow gay marriage. + +Within hours of a state Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage taking effect, several same-sex couples had exchanged vows on the steps of the Polk County Administrative Building. + +""It's not very romantic, is it?"" Melisa Keeton joked, referring to the location of the ceremony and the media attention, before marrying Shelley Wolfe. + +The couple were allowed to wed after getting a judge to waive the state's three-day waiting period. The waiver was granted after the couple said the wait was stressful to Keeton, who is pregnant and due in August. +",9 +7,"Guns Are Result, Not Cause, of Crime",6 +7,"Convicted smugglers face a five-year prison term and $ 5,000 fine for each refugee brought into the United States",6 +13," +President Bush has urged Congress to move on the amendment, but sponsors acknowledged the difficulty of getting the two-thirds majority to approve it.",12 +1,Tobacco's Money Trail in Virginia,0 +9,"In a study published in the February issue of the American Journal of Public Health, Dr. Lloyd Fish and his colleagues found that parents who smoke are far less likely than nonsmoking parents to attend education sessions designed to help them better control their children's asthma. +",8 +8,"Moussaoui, 37, was charged in December 2001 with conspiring with al-Qaeda in the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.",7 +5,Court says felon can get gun license,4 +5,"Judge William Downing ruled that the eight couples suing for the right to marry were stable, upstanding people whose commitment to each other and their families could only strengthen the institution of marriage.",4 +13,"Neither candidate chose to make remarks on camera. Mr. Obama was traveling to New Hampshire and Boston for campaign events on Monday. Mr. Romney was campaigning in the West, including a fund-raising stop in Arizona.",12 +7," +THE INMATE was running the asylum.",6 +5,"The merits of the Baldus study have already been argued here before Federal District Judge Owen Forrester, who, in a different case, is expected to rule soon on the factual question of whether there is racial discrimination in the application of the Georgia death penalty. +",4 +13,That seems implicit in the measures opposing gay marriage on the ballots of 11 states. All may pass; Oregon is the only state where the outcome seems uncertain.,12 +12,Gun-control supporters say that makes gun shows a black market where criminals know they can buy guns hassle-free. Gun-rights advocates say the government should not regulate private sales.,11 +1,"Smokers, big tobacco are easy targets for censorship",0 +13,"Ken Mehlman, President George W. Bush's campaign manager in 2004 and a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, has revealed that he is gay and is working to advance the cause of same-sex marriage.",12 +10,"Sami Rahamim testified how his life changed Sept. 27 when he heard there had been a shooting in the Bryn Mawr neighborhood of Minneapolis, where his father ran a business. The 17-year-old texted his dad, Reuven Rahamim, to tell him to be careful. No response. Sami found out later his dad -- shot twice in the head -- was one of six victims of a disgruntled employee at Accent Signage. +",9 +1,"""Our members' businesses are now spared the devastating hit they would have faced this spring without the availability of H-2B workers,"" said Sabeena Hickman, CEO of the National Association of Landscape Professionals. ""Landscape professionals will be able to hire needed seasonal workers, support their American workforce and provide their customers with the continued service that they rely on."" +",0 +7,"""That portion of the case is still pending,"" she said. ""We confiscated canceled checks, credit card numbers and other documents that could lead to more actions.""",6 +13,"The governor, a Republican",12 +13,Ayala said she would follow Gov. Rick Scott's order.,12 +1," +Singleton said he had never before had issues with immigration: not when he started out in the restaurant business 35 years ago, and not when he and his wife opened the BoatHouse in 2014 - turning ""an underused bar into a buzzing hotspot,"" as a Baltimore Sun reviewer wrote.",0 +5,ut a defense attorney argued ,4 +1, The Jim Henson Co. withdrew the Muppets from promotional deals with the restaurant chain.,0 +15,GOING TOO FAR IN A GOOD CAUSE,14 +15,GEORGIA REACTION,14 +11,How the NRA reacted to Kim Kardashian's robbery,10 +7,Idais smiled as the judge delivered the sentence. He had pleaded no contest to making a false statement on a U.S. visa application.,6 +5,"Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage May Help Resolve Status of Divorce +",4 +13,Price said it is questionable whether the bill will even get hearings in the House or Senate. Senate schedule is on-line,12 +5,Death Penalty Overturned,4 +9,"Watershed: Teaching About Gun Control After Newtown +",8 +5,"On the day the Supreme Court struck down a key component of the Defense of Marriage Act,",4 +6,Virginia's Wise Move on Concealed Carry,5 +1, could lead to a debt ceiling increase,0 +13,States taking action to keep guns out of abusers' hands,12 +9,Oklahoma unveils new execution procedures,8 +9,"Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals and compounds, including hundreds that are toxic and at least 70 that cause cancer, according to the report. That means there is no ""risk-free level of exposure"" to tobacco smoke. Even a whiff of tobacco smoke can adversely affect the body, the report concludes.",8 +11,Sium had been concerned that his less American-sounding name might throw voters toward Shepard.,10 +1, gun shows.,0 +12,"The measure passed in virtually all areas, with the exception of the city of St. Louis. Support was most overwhelming in the state's rural counties, where residents' opposition to the amendment routinely ran to 70 percent and greater. +",11 +1,ITINs are issued by the Internal Revenue Service to assist immigrant workers who do not qualify for a Social Security number - but do have taxable income - to report their income and pay federal taxes.,0 +13,Republican legislative leaders are worried about a proposed constitutional amendment that could further curtail their spending authority and are working to effectively pre- empt the change's effects.,12 +11,Let Them Eat Wedding Cake,10 +5,"Federal Judge Strikes Down Michigan's Ban on Same-Sex Marriage +",4 +11,"MAYOR TO THE MOB, HINTS AD FROM NRA",10 +8,stop the FBI from keeping gun purchase records required under the new national instant background check system.,7 +9,Russell Yates has said that his wife suffered from postpartum depression after the births of their two youngest children and that her condition worsened after her father died.,8 +10," Some, like the Johnsons, black as well as white, came from the states because they were looking for a tropical way of life. ",9 +5,The death-penalty murder trial of former Gwinnett police Officer Michael Harold Chapel will begin Aug. 7.,4 +7,An immigrant's path from bicycle to deportation,6 +6,Lethal injection plan troubles lawmakers,5 +13,Mr. Brown has generally received high ratings from gun rights organizations and has not pushed for renewing a federal assault-weapons ban or for tightening restrictions on gun shows. But Mr. Loeser said the mayor had been won over by the senator's ''tough stand'' opposing a measure that would have required states to honor concealed-weapons permits issued by other states.,12 +5,Trial begins in death of woman shot on pier,4 +6,"Editorial | Banning Same-Sex Unions; Misguided, or worse",5 +5,Justices Urged to Intervene in Execution of Texas Man,4 +1,Indian Web Sales Of Taxless Tobacco Face New Pressure,0 +12,"""It's just one more goody that we're giving to people who come here illegally and manage to stay for awhile,"" said Jane Russell, director of Georgians for Immigration Reduction, which advocates for stricter enforcement of immigration laws. ""If foundations like Goizueta are so concerned about these people, why don't they help them attend college in their own countries?""",11 +1," With unemployment near a 24-year low and labor demand high, few employers are willing to ignore a significant share of the pool of skilled, educated employees. +",0 +6,"""We want to take all steps that are prudent, that are consistent with our policy, to ensure that that does not happen,"" Reno said.",5 +12,Rally demands tighter Pa. gun laws,11 +6,"The new law gives sheriffs the power to issue permits to people older than 21 to carry certain concealed weapons if they meet certain criteria, including training in the weapon's use. The law, however, bars municipalities from assessing punishments for violators.",5 +8,"Immigration agents at the nation's border crossings, airports and seaports will begin this week to fingerprint foreigners who they suspect may pose security risks and will require those visitors to regularly report where they are staying and what they are doing in the United States.",7 +5,Defense attorney Richard Mosty said the verdict would be appealed.,4 +6,Bill to ban 'open carry' advances,5 +13,"Trump Warms To Gun Limits, Jolting N.R.A.",12 +7,The Troubled Minds of Mass Killers,6 +5,"he Council members, Darrell L. Clarke and Donna Reed Miller, are seeking a court declaration that state lawmakers, by refusing to allow Philadelphia to pass its own gun ordinances,",4 +5,But the reasoning used by the majority of Supreme Court justices in rejecting the federal definition of marriage as between one man and one woman has been cited by lower courts in an unbroken string of victories for supporters of gay rights. Judges have struck down state bans from Virginia to Oregon.,4 +13,Rep. Matt Salmon: Gay son hasn't changed my views on gay marriage,12 +6,State law requires such regulations at retail gun shops but leaves the rules for gun shows up to the counties. ,5 +13,"The deal is expected to secure at least a dozen more Republican ""yes"" votes for the measure and could help ensure its passage by the sizable margin that proponents have said they need to make it viable in the House. +",12 +6,Should the United States stop using the death penalty?,5 +5,Same-sex ruling: History --- or not,4 +10,Family feuding,9 +13," +Leaders of the campaigns both for and against same-sex nuptials say their priority is helping their side win, not electing candidates.",12 +13,The gun debate in Washington hasn't changed.,12 +7,"In other words, we couldn't have ""mistakenly . . . seized",6 +8,Wait in Gun Sales Clears Panel,7 +12,A Build-a-Protest Approach to Immigration,11 +7,"When police first questioned him, King said, he ""sat there drawing pictures.""",6 +7,The core bill provided for a $15 fine for anyone smoking in a car with children as passengers.,6 +7,"The police shootings of Amadou Diallo and Patrick Dorismond exposed a seemingly intractable problem. How can police aggressively keep guns and drugs off the street, while respecting the civil rights of citizens? The Op-Ed Page asked a few experts.",6 +5,The decision is on appeal to the Hawaii state Supreme Court.,4 +7,GUN SHOP OWNER GETS 30 MONTHS IN CONSPIRACY,6 +13,Va. Senate panel advances bill to ensure supply of lethal-injection drug,12 +8,"- that's been considered especially dangerous,""",7 +13,Mr. Kennedy,12 +13,"Mike, pols $tep up for gun control",12 +10,Editorial | Immigration Fees; Paying more for a dream,9 +12,The NRA is doing what it does best --- using the power of its nearly 4 million members.,11 +12,"Jack Senterfitt, a Lambda Legal lawyer working on the case, said his team was not daunted by the broad voter support for the measure. A majority of Georgia voters supported the amendment in every one of the state's 159 counties. +",11 +12,"Outside White House, teens demonstrate for gun control after school shooting;",11 +4,"You don't have to be gay, you need only believe in an inclusive America, to share my friend's rekindled faith in a system that works.",3 +4,He has steadfastly protested that he is innocent but is being framed for his beliefs,3 +6,"A patchwork of gun laws leads to tragedy, again",5 +14,"On his Twitter account, Arturo Sarukhan, Mexican ambassador to the United States, called the vote ""unfortunate.""",13 +13,LA. LEGISLATURE ACTS TO BAR SUITS AGAINST GUN-MAKERS,12 +13,PANEL PUTS TEACHER GUN BILL ON HOLD,12 +5,"On the other side of the debate, Hazleton, Pa., last year passed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act -- being challenged in federal court -- which denies licenses to businesses that employ illegal immigrants, fines landlords $1,000 for each illegal immigrant discovered renting their properties and requires that city documents be in English only.",4 +9,"""Many paranoid schizophrenics do, but not this one,""",8 +13,"Missouri voters will consider strengthening state constitutional right to bear arms +",12 +5,COURT DROPS STAY FOR GLADES MURDERER,4 +5,"His lawyers argued that he was too mentally ill to qualify for capital punishment, and they sought the delay so Panetti could undergo new competency tests. They noted that he acted as his own attorney during trial - dressed in a purple cowboy outfit - and tried to subpoena more than 200 witnesses, including the pope and Jesus Christ.",4 +5,"Justice Samuel Alito, addressing U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli:",4 +5,DELAY SOUGHT IN KILLER'S EXECUTION,4 +6,unveiled new narrowly tailored proposals to ban devices used in the shooting and revived old ideas to close loopholes and restrict some gun purchases.,5 +6,"that would eliminate the triggerman rule, making criminals who participate in a murder eligible for the death penalty even if they didn't actually commit the killing.",5 +5,"The swiftly drafted legal papers came in response to efforts by same-sex marriage opponents to get the 9th U.S. Court of Appeals to block a lower court judge's ruling striking down Proposition 8 as unconstitutional from taking effect next week. If the 9th Circuit refuses to intervene, it would clear the way for same-sex couples to marry starting after the close of business Wednesday.",4 +12,"The protest demonstration was also peaceful, if noisy; Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg urged the supplicants to take their cause to Albany. But it was the opening salvo of New York's gay and lesbian community for equal marriage rights. +",11 +13,"Even conservative commentator Pat Buchanan, who remains in the Republican presidential race, said the party shouldn't emphasize the issue. +",12 +11,"""But generally, they're, well ..."" he says pausing, ""older.""",10 +13,Quinn told reporters in Chicago.,12 +5,"Assistant State Attorney Aleathea McRoberts responded before jurors that there was an imminent threat. She rhetorically, incredulously asked jurors whether the defense had just sat through the same trial.",4 +13,"GOP DEFENDS NRA, NOT 2ND AMENDMENT",12 +13,House votes to ban gay marriages,12 +13,Guns Create a Political Minefield in the Midterms,12 +13,"In the End, Md., Va. Find Deal Too Good To Pass Up",12 +13,Some Republicans support tighter background checks,12 +13,GAY MARRIAGE IS ISSUE FOR POLITICAL ARENA,12 +13,"Gay marriage opponents discovered the effectiveness in last year's successful effort to pass Proposition 8 to outlaw gay marriage in California. After signing up to lead the campaign, political consultants Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint noticed that polls were showing voters tended to not have much of a problem with gay relationships. With the help of focus groups, surveys and ammunition unwittingly supplied by their opponents, the two soon found a new way to frame the issue, by focusing on education.",12 +10,"Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey and the District of Columbia currently extend some spousal rights outside of marriage.",9 +13,Gov. Christine Gregoire of Washington showed her admirable political evolution last week when she urged her state to legalize same-sex marriage.,12 +13,Trump debates a move to the center,12 +10,'Border' jitters Fed van near Legal Aid site rattles nerves,9 +14,"It's also not clear that it would help. When countries like England, Wales, Ireland and Jamaica banned guns and handguns, they saw a subsequent increase in murder rates. Even these island nations, which have relatively easily monitored and defendable borders, have faced fivefold or sixfold increases in murder rates after guns were banned. Some of the biggest spikes in murder rates corresponded with increases in drug gang violence.",13 +7,"""The government knew or should have known through the exercise of due diligence"" that Williams was involved in the same drug conspiracy he was convicted of in 1991 and for which he is being tried for now, Vining said.",6 +13,STRONGER GUN LAW SOUGHT IN CHICAGO,12 +10,"Her mother, Marie Baggette, sat in her red Chevy Metro waiting for her daughter to get to the front of the line. The ordeal was beginning to wear down Baggette, who recently underwent knee replacement surgery.",9 +7,"a zero-tolerance approach to any crime involving a gun, including mandatory prison any time a firearm is used threateningly.",6 +7,"IT'S NOT THE GUN, IT'S THE CRIMINAL USING IT",6 +15,"MOMS MAY KNOW WHAT FEELS GOOD +",14 +3,"""If I was on that jury, I would vote for life without parole,"" said Rene Bonel, 65, who said he is not in favor of the death penalty. ""I would want him off the street for good, and it would accomplish that. But I'm sure if I was in his shoes, I'd rather be dead."" +",2 +5,High court appears split on Pa. death-row inmate,4 +5,"The episode has so far mostly been discussed as a matter of legal ethics, and the firm has had a rough ride. But there is something larger going on, too",4 +7,"At an afternoon news conference Friday, officials declined to answer questions about the nature of the task force's work in the area.",6 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court today begins two days of hearings on one of the most controversial issues facing the country: same-sex marriage. +",4 +13,"Under pressure from the National Rifle Association and a lesser-known organization funded with $ 100 million from gun manufacturers, Bush and a majority of lawmakers are on record supporting significant new legal protections for companies that make and sell guns",12 +13,SHOTGUN WEDDING PA. SENATE CHOOSES TO BOLSTER THE FREE(-FIRE) MARKET.,12 +5,GAY PARTNER LAW DOESN'T AFFECT AIRLINES,4 +10,Case of Mother Torn From Baby Reflects Immigration Quandary,9 +7,"only 1 percent of dealers are responsible for more than 50 percent of illegal guns,",6 +4,"r. Brown's conviction was thrown out in March when Judge Donald Graham of Federal District Court eliminated his confession. Judge Graham also found fault with the way detectives persuaded Mr. Brown to waive his right to remain silent. +",3 +1, It will show that Medi-Cal spent billions on smokers and victims of secondhand smoke. The tobacco companies will counter that cigarettes generate billions in taxes and actually save the government money because smokers die off before they collect Social Security and Medicare.,0 +13,"Szeliga's stance on gun control contrasts with the positions taken by Maryland's Democratic congressional candidates, all of whom have co-sponsored Van Hollen's bill or pledged to back it if elected in November.",12 +7,POLICE WANT VOTE ON GUN BILL,6 +7, Knott and three other people beat Hill as he lay in bed and that Knott stole Hill's cellphone so he couldn't call 911.,6 +13,Andy-Hil tag team Will take on gun laws at gala,12 +8, background checks,7 +9,Arizona has eliminated its use of the sedative midazolam as one of the drugs it relies on in carrying out executions.,8 +10,end their nicotine addiction,9 +13,The legislature took a major step yesterday toward overhauling state gun laws when the Senate unanimously passed a bill acceptable to two strange bedfellows - the National Rifle Association and Handgun Control Inc.,12 +5,"Stephen Gillers, a law professor at New York University, suggested that a majority of the six judges -- a seventh judge recused himself -- are personally sympathetic to what the plaintiffs are asking. Their decision, he said, will depend be how they read New York State's marriage law, the State Constitution and legal precedents, which are all different from those in Massachusetts.",4 +11,The End of an Era for Md. Tobacco,10 +7,"The plan is part of a new federal strategy to crack down on illegal immigrants in the nation's interior. In all, the INS will deploy 45 teams in 11 states where immigration only recently has taken root.",6 +13,Pro-gun forces launch last bid to save measure Blitz pushes concealed-carry bill,12 +4,"DESPITE CLAIM, THEY DON'T LISTEN",3 +6, expanding citizens' right to shoot in self-defense to a no-brainer bill strengthening reporting requirements for sex offenders under Megan's Law.,5 +13,"The final day of the 2014 legislative session is also the last of the General Assembly's two-year cycle, meaning it's do-or-die time for dozens of bills. Anything that doesn't pass this year is officially dead and must restart the process in 2015.",12 +7,Va. Prisoner Executed For Killing Store Clerk,6 +5,"The State Supreme Court ordered a new trial for Mr. Hildwin, 54. It remained unclear if prosecutors would seek to retry him. +",4 +7,Promising 'the most aggressive effort ever' to investigate suspicious patterns of gun sales,6 +9, health,8 +5,ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Laws of 2 states differ in scope,4 +12,MILLION MOM MARCH,11 +5,Technology Briefing Internet: F.T.C. Inquiry On Fake Driving Permits,4 +7,19 STAND NEAR DEATH CHAMBER'S DOOR,6 +14,"And the right in both Europe and the United States has responded. Long before Russia's efforts to elect Trump in the 2016 election became a major public issue, Putin was currying favor with the American gun lobby, Christian conserva-tives and Republican politicians.",13 +11, gay and lesbian community ,10 +5,POLICE URGE COURT TO REJECT GUN-BAN REVIEW,4 +13,The Legion then helped persuade Congress to pass national immigration quotas in 1924 and has sought immigration moratoriums and heightened enforcement every decade since.,12 +12,"Activists target NRA lobbyist's home, wife's store in Alexandria",11 +13,Ryan,12 +1,'Snakeheads' at Your Service; Smugglers of People Play Big Part in Chinese Town's Economy,0 +7,"Burress has since been arrested and charged with illegal possession of a handgun, a charge that under New York's strict law carries a mandatory minimum sentence of three-and-a-half years in prison.",6 +15,THE TICKER,14 +13,Wolf asks court to uphold death-penalty ban,12 +7,AROUND THE NATION; Wife of U.S. Citizen Deported to Philippines,6 +9,"First, not everybody who smokes gets lung cancer and dies an agonizing death",8 +13,Owens signs 2 gun bills Denver may go to court,12 +8,"Moussaoui's Lies Led to 9/11, Jury Told",7 +13, The point left unsaid was that voting against the bill could make the legislator a loser in November.,12 +13,"for instance, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wasted no time before warning us all to ""be realistic."" +",12 +5,OFFICER ASKS GOVERNOR TO STOP MAN'S EXECUTION,4 +1,"Whitebear, who was selling one AK-47 a month, isn't disturbed by the expansion of the ban. ''If you can't get them, you can't get them,'' he laughs. +",0 +11,"Public policy on guns can play a role. But mitigating the devaluation of human life will require a much more powerful civic response. Families, schools, colleges, congregations, businesses, consumer groups and others need to work together to challenge and change the culture of violence, reaching well beyond debates about the Second Amendment.",10 +3, Revenge and the Sixth Commandment,2 +13,"A couple of hours later, the open-carry bill (HB 163) passed, 80-38. Rehwinkel Vasilinda again voted with the Republicans. Republican Reps. Chris Latvala of Clearwater and Keith Perry of Gainesville joined the rest of the Democrats in opposition.",12 +2, the notoriously backlogged court system ,1 +13,NATIONAL BRIEFINGS GAY GROUP'S AD KNOCKS VEEP FLIP-FLOP,12 +10,everal commissioners said they want to prevent tragedies like the murder-suicide in Tampa on Aug. 7. ,9 +11," She is the ninth convicted killer and the second woman to receive a lethal injection in Texas this year. Nationally, she is the 15th woman executed since the Supreme Court allowed the death penalty to resume in 1976. During that time, nearly 1,400 men have been put to death.",10 +5,South Carolina: Wrongful Execution Ruling Will Stand,4 +5,The jury deliberated about three hours before giving him the death penalty in all four killings.,4 +1,The Financiers Who Helped Back N.Y. Gay Marriage Campaign,0 +12,The Valentine's Day love-fest drew the biggest crowds since San Francisco's gay weddings began Thursday with Mayor Gavin Newsom's blessing.,11 +13," the case vaulted into the presidential campaign Thursday as Vice President Gore endorsed special legislation that would grant permanent resident status to the boy, his father and other family members now living in Cuba.",12 +1,Same-sex couples face taxing task New status means they must do their federal returns twice.,0 +10,"Therese said some in her neighborhood have been reluctant to file taxes, or go to the police if needed, out of fear of deportation. +",9 +2,We'll need more immigrants,1 +2,"The higher the gun ownership in your state, the higher the homicide rate, say researchers at the Harvard Injury Control Center.",1 +7," In a case in Oregon against a company accused of selling tax-free cigarettes, the service was named part of the racketeering enterprise, but was not charged. Attorney General Eliot Spitzer of New York said last month that it was ''outrageous that the federal government -- through the United States Postal Service -- is knowingly acting as the delivery arm for these criminal enterprises.''",6 +4,"Fortunately, there were people who believed Masters was innocent and spent 10 years proving it. But what about others who are also unjustly in prison or even on death row with no one to champion their cause? What about those who may have been executed because no one had DNA evidence to demonstrate their innocence?",3 +5,Lucky Visas . . .,4 +15,What's the Problem?,14 +5,"Even if the jury finds that a defendant committed the offense of murder and that an aggravating circumstance exists, they have the option of sentencing the defendant to life imprisonment instead of death.",4 +7,"xecuted when they are already serving a life sentence. +",6 +13,"The action by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms triggered outrage at the White House, where aides fumed that it defied the will of the president. ",12 +12,NRA responds to boycott movement after United and Delta cut ties,11 +1,"""You wouldn't be able to spend all the money, and you'd be in danger of losing your credibility,""",0 +4,"""I am disappointed about his view that not allowing same-sex couples to marry is not discrimination against gay people,"" Davidson said.",3 +13,Gay marriage stance helping Romney with right,12 +13,"""Miracles still happen,"" said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., who championed the bill. ""The United States Senate has finally said 'no' to Big Tobacco.""",12 +13," +The White House is working on recommendations for changes, which are expected to be announced soon after Labor Day. And when the deal reaches Congress later in September, nine House committees and five Senate committees with stakes in it may develop their own proposals. +",12 +5,"DEATH-PENALTY LOOPHOLE HAS LEGISLATORS AND LAWYERS WORRIED / WHEN COMPARING CASES, ""EXCESSIVE"" SENTENCES CAN BE OVERTURNED.",4 +11,"The marriage data were compiled by the office of Mabel S. Teng, the county assessor-recorder. The analysis was the first survey of demographic information provided by the same-sex couples, which in addition to home addresses included ages, educational levels and genders of the applicants.",10 +4,"He added there are key differences in the two movements, including slavery and forced segregation, which gays never experienced. But the groups have seen similar discrimination based on deeply held prejudices, he said.",3 +1,"General Electric has stopped financing gun purchases,",0 +13, but he faces a tough re-election battle this fall.,12 +5,"under an agreement reached today with negotiators for eight states, the Washington state attorney general said.",4 +7,At issue is whether O'Neill will be ordered to serve time in prison before leaving the United States. He volunteered to return to his native Ireland to avoid deportation.,6 +13,Pataki Introduces Measure To Restore Death Penalty,12 +13,White House issues correction after Bush misspeaks on 'amnesty',12 +4,ruling that the trial judge gave the jury confusing instructions about imposing the death penalty.,3 +15,"A good start on long, long road",14 +12,Activist seeks gun show restrictions,11 +7,"A foreign national living in the United States on a work visa is arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of marijuana, alcohol and prescription drugs, while drag racing in a residential area. ",6 +5,"The mother of a man whose death was ruled justified under Florida's ""stand your ground"" law filed a wrongful death lawsuit Friday against the man who shot her son.",4 +5,"the Supreme Court ruled Friday, don't have to be smart.",4 +5,A VISE OF A VISA,4 +13,"Congress, NRA won't permit meaningful discussions",12 +1,Gun Sales Resume After Software Repair,0 +8,BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR FIREARM PURCHASES BEGIN SOON,7 +13, They will dominate the electorates of the future.,12 +7,"O'Neill, the patriarch of a family linked to two high-profile suburban tragedies, pleaded guilty in April to possession and use of a fraudulently obtained green card, a false claim of U.S. citizenship, illegal possession of a gun silencer with no serial number, and tax fraud.",6 +5,Dotson and Labore now face additional allegations of multiple murder that also could lead to the death penalty. They are scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday.,4 +3,"Where are the people who raised these two children? Considering the enormity of this crime and the devastation to so many families, don't you think the parents of these two ought to be held accountable?",2 +7,The immigrants undergo criminal background checks and receive employment authorization documents.,6 +13,Gays' Victory Leaves Massachusetts Lawmakers Hesitant,12 +1,"With so many of his constituents, especially youth, falling to tobacco addiction every day, it is critical that the governor resist spending tobacco settlement money on transportation initiatives.",0 +5,"Even putting aside the Court's ruling last week, it's worth remembering that 29 states still have a ban on same-sex marriage.",4 +5,Court: D.C. registration limit on guns illegal,4 +13,Trump clamps down on immigration;,12 +7,he teenager accused of killing his newborn son ,6 +7,Deranged man with guns,6 +7,Immigration crackdown draws fire,6 +5,"In 2008, the Supreme Court used a D.C. case brought by the same plaintiff to declare that the Second Amendment guarantees a person's right to own a firearm for self-defense.",4 +13," ""But we're not here to debate",12 +13,"Illinois towns get nudge about assault weapons Cities who want ban must act before new law kicks in, Simon warns.",12 +13,"Lawmakers initially rejected the eight proposed employer sanctions Monday. Supporters of the sanctions then succeeded in reviving one of the measures, but lawmakers erased that decision and called off voting on the remaining punishments.",12 +13,"State Sens. Jennifer Beck (R., Monmouth) and Bill Baroni (R., Mercer), who supported the measure when it passed the Assembly in 2007, said they could not back the bill now because a June U.S. Supreme Court ruling reaffirming a constitutional right to own handguns might render the plan unenforceable.",12 +6,Tough proposal on deck in Calif.,5 +13,The issue has put the Republican Party in the awkward position,12 +5,Massachusetts court ruling advances measure to ban same-sex marriage,4 +7, but Adam Lanza didn't buy his guns at a gun show. He took them from his mother.,6 +5,"Prosecutors sought capital punishment in Nichols's federal trial, but he received a life sentence after jurors could not decide whether he intended to kill",4 +4,Too Much Doubt for Execution,3 +9,"When a lifelong smoker dies of a lung tumor, the official cause of death is cancer.",8 +4,Registration without discrimination,3 +8,"In 1993, the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act required background checks for people buying guns from federally licensed firearms dealers. Run by the FBI, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System was launched in 1998.",7 +10,BENEFIT FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS ELIMINATED FROM CONTRACTS LEGISLATURE SIGNS OFF ON DEALS,9 +6,GUN CONTROL BUS ROLLS IN,5 +12,"As far as her claim that ""a majority of Florida voters are okay with same-sex marriage"" because of some poll, I think most people realize that the results of polls are greatly dependent on who conducts them and how the questions are asked.",11 +7,Sun was released on bail and Oh was held in federal custody until his bond hearing continues Wednesday.,6 +1,"N. CAROLINA IS BOOMING, DESPITE ANTI-SMOKING EFFORTS",0 +10,EXPERTS: DELAY URGE TO SMOKE,9 +11,"Gay marriage's one-sided story +",10 +3,Catholic Bishops Challenge Trump's Immigration Plans,2 +5,Jurors start on case of girl's slaying,4 +5,"Stevens went out of his way to criticize the state Supreme Court's ""proportionality review"" in the high court's rejection of death-row inmate Artemus Rick Walker's appeal. The review is supposed to make sure a death sentence is not disproportionately severe when compared to similar cases. +",4 +1,"Gay Marriages in All States Get Recognition From the I.R.S. +",0 +1,against tobacco companies yesterday to recover the costs,0 +7,There are 182 inmates awaiting execution in North Carolina.,6 +7,"The two teenaged thugs who have been charged with the crime were looking to steal Mr. Silva's car. Without a gun, they would have dragged him from the car and beaten him up - at worst.",6 +6,All aboard gun sanity,5 +10,Homes and lives were on the line,9 +13,A Shot in the Arm for the GOP,12 +13,Region's lawmakers split on party lines over Obama plan,12 +6,LIFE IN PRISON PROPOSED FOR WORST SEX OFFENDERS LAWMAKERS COOL TO GOVERNOR'S DEATH PENALTY PLAN,5 +3,Shift in Presbyterian Debate on Gay Unions,2 +6," +DITCH LAW BEFORE NEXT TRAGEDY",5 +13,Evolving politics in marriage debate,12 +5,prosecutors could try Muhammad on a capital offense only after they built a case using the terrorism exception.,4 +12,Good-faith opposition to gay marriage,11 +6," If we think that the best way to lock up criminals is having inspectors spend all day issuing licenses, we should be the ones locked up.""",5 +5,N.Y. judge lacked jurisdiction in gun case,4 +5,Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the filing of a federal lawsuit against 15 out-of-state gun shops that had been the sources of numerous illegal weapons used in crimes there.,4 +7,Garcia-Torres' alleged history of attacking other women,6 +13,Street,12 +5,Smokers' lawyers oppose move to federal court,4 +13,Md. Senator at a Loss for Words Over Same-Sex Marriage Bill,12 +10,"Seventeen Mexicans whom federal immigration officials detained Friday were ``living good lives'' and not being held in virtual slavery as claimed, friends and family say.",9 +13, But Congress granted a short-term opportunity in 1994 to those already in the United States who are determined eligible for green cards.,12 +6,A lost decade for immigration reform,5 +11,Latinos and Politics,10 +13,"Latinos Still Lean Toward Democrats, but Less So",12 +10,UT URGED TO EXPAND STAFF BENEFITS,9 +12,"Predictably, the idea has smokers fuming.",11 +11,Census Won't Count Gay Marriages,10 +6,"The bill says those over 21 may carry a firearm under the seat of a car, in a glove box or anywhere else in the vehicle. The person must otherwise be eligible to have a gun.",5 +7,The Pink Poodle's manager and a bouncer who is also a Hells Angel were formally charged Friday with the beating death of a customer at Santa Clara County's most prominent strip club -- the same day that deputies arrested a third suspect in the August slaying.,6 +6,STATE LAW BANS TOBACCO SALES TO MINORS,5 +10,"Rose Barlieb, the victim's mother-in-law, then returned to the courtroom and angrily asked the jurors: ""Are you all proud of yourselves?"" She sobbed uncontrollably and hugged one of the victim's daughters.",9 +15,Scolded author quits Emory,14 +6,"The measure would require journalists - defined as anyone writing or broadcasting news for a newspaper, magazine, website or television or radio station - to be registered and fingerprinted by the police and vetted for their ""character and reputation.""",5 +7,"Griffin-El, 37, of St. Louis, faces execution by injection for the murder of Jerome Redden on Aug. 15, 1986. Redden, 22, and his girlfriend, Loretta Trotter, 19, were beaten, bound and stabbed in their apartment at 4064 St. Louis Avenue, above his family's business, the Redden Cleaning and Laundry Service. +",6 +13,"State Rep. Kevin Lundberg, R-Berthoud",12 +10,"For Some Smokers, Even Home's Off Limits",9 +10, get hooked on tobacco and begin down the road of disease and suffering.,9 +3,Presbyterians in S.J. to tackle tough issues,2 +5,Supreme courts in the two states that seemed potentially most open to preserving felons' rights to keep and bear arms - Colorado and Louisiana - have rejected such claims.,4 +10,"During their battle, Bogliolo missed the marriage of her son Michael in Scotland and was unable to travel to England to support her daughter Tamsin during two separate surgeries. +",9 +5,"Last week a federal judge in Washington, D.C., upheld the District of Columbia's common-sense gun-registration laws. They are laws that should be emulated in St. Louis.",4 +13,Hawaii's governor signs same-sex civil unions into law,12 +3,EXECUTING JUVENILES,2 +5,Kheire is one of hundreds of Somalis in the past two years to have staked everything on a wild asylum gamble by following immigration routes to the United States traditionally traveled by Latinos.,4 +5,Justices won't nix firearm restrictions,4 +7,"So far this year, 471 people have died in Chicago as a result of gun violence.",6 +7,"In addition, officials apprehended a total of 10 people from two hotels in St. Louis and one in Centralia, Ill. Officials found four more illegal immigrants at apartments in Creve Coeur and Maryland Heights.",6 +12,"The latest poll, released on Wednesday, shows that 61 percent of California voters approve of same-sex marriage, more than double the support when the question was first posed in 1977. Only 32 percent of those polled disapprove of same-sex marriage now. +",11 +5,"Reynolds, the nation's No. 2 tobacco company, vowed to fight the charge of unfair advertising as ""unprecedented, unfounded and unwarranted."" +",4 +9,"""My assistant that I hired, I don't know if she's alive or dead right now. There are immigration caseworkers, teachers that I knew very well who may be dead.""",8 +9,"The simple act of being held under the Baker Act doesn't mean the person is mentally ill or in need of commitment. In 2010, less than 1 percent of about 140,000 involuntary examinations led to involuntary placement in a mental health treatment facility, according to the Florida Department of Children and Families.",8 +5,"But legal questions on immigration and the IRS stalled the fate of Sean O'Neill Sr., 49, of Willistown Township. U.S. District Judge William Yohn Jr. said more research was needed, and he scheduled Oct. 21 for the hearing to resume.",4 +10,Gay couples can set the date,9 +5,"Illinois' attorney general, who favors the death penalty, called for an overhaul of the state's capital punishment system Wednesday,",4 +11,Rosie O'Donnell's brother,10 +7,r. Carriger into a new kind of death-row ,6 +10,"''I go to bed with it on my mind,'' she said. ''I wake up with it on my mind.''",9 +5,COURT BACKS INS ON ELIAN AN APPEALS PANEL SAID THE AGENCY WAS JUSTIFIED IN DENYING AN ASYLUM HEARING. MIAMI RELATIVES WILL APPEAL.,4 +11,Horrigan: The NRA is rewriting fairy tales,10 +13,The exchange lends insight into the pressures that public officials can face as they attempt to reconcile their religious faith with policy positions that they advocate,12 +12,"And in the days after that, people here and elsewhere concluded that, when November rolls around, this public disagreement between the president and a large majority of voters in this state on a burning social issue will not make much difference at all.",11 +1,DID BANK TARGET HERNANDO BUSINESS?,0 +13,"Per the White House website, Obama's plan includes: +",12 +3,Seeking Blessings for Same-Sex Unions,2 +13,"This is a rare time when the politics are right for both parties to act,'' said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, the San Jose Democrat who chairs the House immigration subcommittee. ``The expectation is that Democrats, in power, will get something done, and we have to do that. And if most Republicans block this again, they will put themselves in political peril.''",12 +3,"A state that is run by Sharia-Muslim law is required to put to death any Muslim who forsakes Islam for another religion. More subtly, when the world's best-known Protestant, the Rev. Billy Graham, went to the the Soviet Union, one of his messages was the need to obey the authorities even as the K.G.B. was dragging away Christian individuals from the very church in which he preached. The religious establishment in Israel resists the conversion to Judaism of thousands of non-Jewish Soviet emigres married to Jews because they will not live according to absolute fundamentalist understanding of Jewish religious law. +",2 +1, that has prompted some of them to halt sales in the United States.,0 +9,undermine its efforts to fight cancer.,8 +11,"Perennial GLAAD attendee Garry Marshall explained, ""California is open to every lifestyle -- except Republicans."" +",10 +8, Colorado dealers have called for background checks on at least 463 convicted felons seeking to buy guns,7 +13,Obama's shift a gay-rights win,12 +11,As many as 900 city residents - more per capita than in any other among the nation's 10 largest cities - are now packing heat in Philadelphia by virtue of mail-order permits issued by Florida.,10 +7,crime,6 +6," +Alderman James Robertson, 2nd Ward, proposed an amendment designating a smoking area in the building. + +""I still think there should be a designated smoking room,"" he said. ""And I say that having quit smoking on May 21, 1995.""",5 +7,"It looks like the city is expanding its credentials by now allowing out-of-town, hard-working, innocent young students to get killed, too.",6 +12,"GUN-CONTROL ADVOCATES, VISIT KENNESAW",11 +13,"enate Supports New Curbs on Rights of Inmates +",12 +13,Biden says nation moving toward gay-marriage consensus,12 +13, and the state Capitol.,12 +7,"On June 21, another man is scheduled to be executed in Missouri. Larry Griffin received the death penalty for a drive-by shooting of a known drug dealer in 1980.",6 +5,"Subsequent transfers - requiring permits, insurance, and registration - are handled by a licensed dealer or gun broker, or by buyers and sellers themselves at the state DoF",4 +11,GLOBAL PALATES; ETHNIC FOODS ARE BIG BUSINESS IN AMERICA AS U.S. TASTES EXPAND. BUT GETTING A BITE OF THE PROFITS TAKES HEAVY MARKETING AND LOTS OF HARD WORK.,10 +1,LARGO MAY REFUSE TO HIRE SMOKERS,0 +5,"They want a military judge to either let them file public torture complaints, a right provided under treaty, or rule out capital punishment. +",4 +5,"United States Attorney Atlee Wampler immediately sought a suspension of the order pending an appeal, and a hearing was set for tomorrow afternoon. The order left officials of the Customs Service and Immigration and Naturalization Service unsure of how to follow instructions from President Carter to punish participants in the sealift.",4 +5,Rousan's attorneys were contesting the execution drugs.,4 +6,"The only indoor public places where smoking will be allowed are on casino floors and at cigar bars, smoke shops, small businesses, family farms and Denver International Airport's smoking lounge.",5 +13,Seattle team in a political arena,12 +10,"""It is a good way to quit smoking, making this public promise,"" she said. ""I'm going to be watched everywhere I go.""",9 +7,Individual dealers cited in sales,6 +13,Death penalty debate rages,12 +1,Drop in cigarette sales is linked to higher taxes,0 +13,Gun lobby inundates mayors' mailboxes,12 +13, Barr pushing gun law limit,12 +5,"The case has drawn international attention and put the Supreme Court in an unusual position. The victim's son, Judge J. Michael Luttig of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., has ties to three of the justices, who abstained this week when the court refused to halt the execution in a 3-3 vote.",4 +12,As public opinion polls show Americans increasingly skeptical of the need for more gun laws,11 +15,"Heroes, bullies, distractions",14 +5,"""It is my understanding that everyone who is going is going legally,",4 +12,Minnesota / Smoking ban to ignite state debate,11 +3,"FOR CLEMENCY, FOR DECENCY",2 +7,listening to testimony that could sentence a man to death.,6 +11,"That number represents about 53.17 percent of the U.S. population, the first time that figure was above half, according to data from the Census Bureau's 2013 population estimates. Prior to Monday's decision, about 135.5 million Americans lived in states where it was legal, or 42.86 percent. +",10 +13,Florida Gov. Lawton Chiles,12 +3,Listen to our modern prophets,2 +5,Defense sued over relaying of information for gun checks,4 +13,Face-off moves to Capito,12 +7,'1 in 30' chance a gun buyer is a crook,6 +5,Illusory defense,4 +6,", not restricting access to assault weapons.",5 +10,"""Getting married is not something we ever thought we could've done,"" said Brown, 57, an editor with Getty Images. ""It's kind of like 20 years and a day - it's not a big deal for us."" + +The lower East Side pair was the first to show up at the city Marriage Bureau the day after the historic legislation passed last month. Now, they have to enter the city clerk's lottery to see whether they can win one of the 764 first-day slots to get their license. + +""Given the reality of the situation, this may be the best way to handle it,"" said Anastasio, 49, a city Parks Department employee. + +""I thought people were going to start camping out tonight!"" she said. + +Whether or not they hit the jackpot, the twosome will still go ahead with their lavish ceremony at the Old Homestead Steakhouse in the Meatpacking District. +",9 +6," Proposition 8, the 2008 California voter initiative banning same-sex marriage in that state.",5 +5,"Immigration law excludes persons who have been or are engaged in ""genocide, or otherwise ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in the killing of any person because of race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or political opinion.""",4 +13,County Commissioner Carol Roberts,12 +11,"The biggest market at stake is China, with 300 million (mostly male) smokers.",10 +3,"Tradition, Scripture shouldn't excuse injustice",2 +5,States are joining the legal battle over Trump's immigration order,4 +6, that would ban smoking in nearly every bar and restaurant in New York City,5 +1,"In return, the besieged industry",0 +13,"VAST, EMPTY RACES FOR CHIEF HANGMAN",12 +5,Aryan Brotherhood prison gang trial begins,4 +13,An American Lung Association report released Wednesday claims a long list of individuals and organizations have helped the tobacco industry fight smoking restrictions and keep cigarette taxes low in Colorado.,12 +7,EX-ST. LOUIS MAN SENTENCED TO DIE,6 +9,Smokers cough up to cut insurance costs Employers raising health premiums,8 +13,Owens pledged to support gun-control groups' efforts to put the gun-show measure on the ballot after his fellow Republicans defeated it in the Legislature.,12 +12,LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ... Some people go to extremes about smoking,11 +6," +Facts back up support for ban",5 +7,"Muhammad, 42, was convicted of capital murder, and the jury recommended he be put to death.",6 +7,"When he regained consciousness 18 hours later, the first person he saw was not a doctor, but a police officer, who arrested him and took him to Police Headquarters, where he was charged with illegal possession of a firearm, a felony.",6 +12,"Supporters of same-sex marriage say gay people are entitled to be fully equal citizens, including in their yearning to make families. Opponents say the state has no business bestowing the blessings of marriage on those who do not fit the traditional template.",11 +12,Participants include a St. Louis delegation of 33 people organized through Congregation Temple Israel and including families from Conway Elementary and Spoede Elementary schools.,11 +5,"The state's highest court had ruled that gays and lesbians must be allowed to marry beginning today, and some of the couples in line planned to head to the courts as soon as they opened later this morning to seek waivers allowing them to wed before the usual three-day waiting period.",4 +13,"After the story was published online Tuesday, Florida Democratic Party spokesman Max Steele released a statement calling Beruff's idea as ""absurdly misguided as it is bigoted.""",12 +5,constitutional amendment banning such unions,4 +11,'Immigration': NSO's Many-Flavored Melting Pot,10 +1,"And have Georgia farmers become dependent on that illegal work force, in many cases building their entire economic structure on the availability of cheap and undocumented labor?",0 +15,Recognizing Gay Couples,14 +15,ACTION CALLED FOR ON GUNS,14 +7," +Confessed killer gets life",6 +4,FBI hair errors call convictions into question,3 +1,"It's midday at The BulletStop, a popular gun shop and range where enthusiasts fire handguns, assault rifles and even machine guns.",0 +13,"Denver is ready to fight any new gun law passed by the legislature if it erodes the city's power as a home-rule government, the city's mayor said Tuesday.",12 +3,"""There is a moral price to be paid for inaction,""",2 +7,Novel Tack on Illegal Immigrants: Trespass Charges,6 +13,Senators who voted against the measure said the public was gripped by economic anxiety and remained uneasy about changing the state's definition of marriage.,12 +3,"of ""hooking our children on a drug",2 +13,"Frankel, other Democrats rally for gun control laws",12 +7,Automatic Sentences For All Gun Crimes,6 +5," +'TOBACCO-MINDED' LAWYERS WATCHING BELLEVILLE CASE",4 +1,Although making billions of rounds of ammunition annually is a big business ,0 +7,"El Paso Sheriff John Anderson has been especially prolific in granting non-resident permits in recent years. +",6 +13,The politicians have failed to act following previous mass shootings.,12 +1,States will be in a budget bind if more smokers kick the habit,0 +5,"he federal government filed capital charges yesterday against John Allen Muhammad in the sniper shootings and for the first time detailed evidence in the case,",4 +11,"Attitudes about same-sex unions have rapidly shifted. Increasingly, Americans have adjusted their views about the makeup of society's fundamental unit, the family. The principled arguments of gay-marriage supporters and the visibility of couples have largely driven the change.",10 +14,"""We have been very, very, very careful in dealing with the Mexicans on this,"" said an American official familiar with the discussions. ""In some cases we may want to push the Mexicans farther than they are. But we are trying to make the case to people that we are already working well together, and that we are getting increased assurances of cooperation.""",13 +12," the median age of an adult in the state, based on data from the Census Bureau.",11 +13," +Not Afraid to Claim An F From the N.R.A.",12 +6,The Bush administration yesterday circulated a new plan for immigration reform that would create a guest-worker program for illegal immigrants currently in the country but would require them to return home and pay a large fine to gain permanent U.S. residency.,5 +13,Obama's proposals take small steps on gun control,12 +11, The American people are.,10 +4," +COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN GUILT OF THOSE EXECUTED",3 +5,Justice Department gets more ammo to fight crime,4 +12,"Asked about 2010, when immigration is certain to be a major issue, 75% of respondents said they were very likely to vote in that midterm election. One can only imagine how many more will show up at the polls for the next presidential contest.",11 +13,"Sen. Edward J. Kasemeyer (D-Baltimore County) also voiced support for the bill in an interview Monday, saying, ""I don't see how you can deny the right"" to gay couples to marry.",12 +13,"Republicans are critical of the president, saying the measure is lacking. But allies of Obama's reform efforts are also upset, saying they fear the move could ruin his chance to find comprehensive solutions.",12 +15,POLICE BLOTTER,14 +11,Gun Owner of the Year contest loaded with hopefuls candidates;,10 +11," By then, some couples may have celebrated their second wedding anniversaries.",10 +12,"71% support cigarette tax hike, poll says",11 +13,"""This is quite a dramatic change for governments,"" said James Hayes, coordinator for international firearms issues in the Canadian Department of Justice. ""They are now accepting that they must take accountability for guns going out of their countries.""",12 +13,"But on Monday, it was the president who seemed to knuckle under, again dramatizing the sway that the N.R.A. still maintains in Republican circles.",12 +13,"City Council approves benefits for domestic partners; 4-3 vote comes amid heated residents' debate +",12 +7, Wilson was sent to Death Row for a second time in September for gunning down undercover NYPD Detectives Rodney Andrews and James Nemorin.,6 +11,"Unfortunately, in their haste to establish the great democracy which it is, the Founding Fathers misspelled the word bare. ",10 +7,"Crystal River police officers found out about a new, no-nonsense federal law in an October bulletin that carried this bold-face warning: ""This new prohibition does apply to police officers.""",6 +13,"The debate over same-sex marriage is reverberating through a handful of swing states and at least five Congressional races where campaign advertisements are attacking Democratic candidates for supporting for gay rights. +",12 +5,"The appeal was based, in part, on claims by Owens' defense team that some witnesses may have been treated differently by being protected over fears of retaliation.",4 +8,CONCEAL CARRY,7 +5," Supreme Court should postpone the ruling to avoid legal chaos around the state as gay couples capitalize on their newfound right to marry and obtain marriage licenses in the coming months. The Supreme Court's ruling becomes final in mid-June, although gay marriages could still be delayed by the continued legal wrangling over the stay request. +",4 +10,"""The whole purpose of this is to prevent the separation of families,"" Rivera said. ""I think the government is aware of the hardship on the families, the children, the spouses.""",9 +7,Visions of Perpetrators Dancing in Their Heads,6 +15,IT'S BREATHTAKING,14 +7,"or most of his 17 years on Arizona's death row, Paris Hoyt Carriger has been little known outside the state. B",6 +5,Maryland legalizes same-sex marriage,4 +5,"If the court again refuses to reconsider, only a Supreme Court appeal would stand between Harris and the gas chamber. +",4 +5,The 2-1 ruling by a three-judge panel striking down Utah's ban on same-sex marriage represents the first appellate ruling since the Supreme Court last year declared a portion of the federal Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.,4 +3," +O'Connor insisted the bill would ""influence the young in their attitude toward marriage and family."" + +He added it could ""eventually lead to moral and cultural changes in our society neither anticipated nor traditionally desired"" by giving unmarried partners equal status. +",2 +9,AMA Wants More Protection For Public in Tobacco Deal,8 +13,"And despite the Democrats' move to add gay marriage to their party platform at the upcoming Democratic National Convention, many in the party remain opposed to such a move",12 +11,Mr. McCarthy described so well how our country has been a home to many immigrants over the decades,10 +10,"The gum was waxy, with a peppery taste, and, to Deborah Hess, ""nothing else tasted as good."" She chewed the stop-smoking aid Nicorette all day, piece after piece, long after her tongue and taste buds had become numb. The package said to stop using the gum after 12 weeks. Hess used it for 10 years.",9 +5,"A Supreme Court majority appears ready to rule for the first time in the nation's history that the Second Amendment gives people an individual right to own guns. Yet that dramatic consensus, which emerged during arguments Tuesday over a Washington handgun ban, is only part of the important debate playing out at the high court.",4 +13,Congress made historic progress in 1994.,12 +13,"Gov. Mark Dayton will sign ""Freedom to Marry Bill"" into law at 5 p.m. Tuesday on the south steps of the state Capitol. +",12 +13,SANITY SHOT DOWN Cowardly pols kill gun bills 'Sadly...NRA has won again.',12 +5,"Still, the Supreme Court's move came just eight years after Massachusetts became the first state to permit gay and lesbian couples to marry and just four years after voters in California rejected a ruling of their Supreme Court allowing same-sex marriages there.",4 +13,"center of a roiling national debate about what marriage is and should be -- a debate that increasingly appears likely to be a major part of this year's presidential campaign. + +In response to more than 3,000 same-sex marriages certified in San Francisco and a recent Massachusetts court ruling requiring that state to offer such marriages, President Bush said Tuesday that he would push for a constitutional amendment to define marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Both leading Democratic presidential contenders, Sens. John Edwards of North Carolina and John Kerry of Massachusetts, have said they oppose gay marriage, but add that they will not support amending the constitution. + +Meanwhile, gay rights groups, including the Triangle Freedom to Marry Coalition, assailed Bush's announcement Tuesday as an attempt to use the Constitution to discriminate against gays and lesbians. +",12 +5,Let me suggest a better compromise,4 +11,"On Saturday, 24 same-sex couples will be married at the event, called Pop Up Chapel. The winning designs were selected from 56 entries by a panel of eight judges. More than half of the entries were from New York-based architects.",10 +4,"The author contends that 300 million firearms owned by Americans represent an ""out of control"" society. Only a very small percentage is ever used in a crime, a suicide or an accidental shooting.",3 +5,Gun ban on county property is upheld,4 +4,Transgender Women Fear Mistreatment and Abuse in Immigration Detention,3 +1,purchasing a handgun or other weapon.,0 +14, abroad,13 +8,A man claimed he stood his ground with a warning shot,7 +11,AN AJC SPECIAL REPORT: A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH,10 +1,A flagging economy,0 +11,Permit interest drops after passage of Missouri gun law,10 +1,"""This is an important business to the state of Georgia with a payroll of $ 155 million annually,"" Sen. Robert Brown (D-Macon) said",0 +13,"Gov. Rick Scott appointed a task force to look into the law in response to an outcry over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old unarmed black teenager killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. +",12 +6,"he reality behind death penalty +",5 +9,Same-sex partners to get health coverage,8 +10,ONLY IN THE AJC A SURVIVOR'S STORY,9 +13,Obama to bypass Congress on guns,12 +7,Va. Executes Killer of Officer,6 +13,"Vice President Gore broke with the Clinton administration on Thursday and urged Congress to grant permanent residency status to Elian Gonzalez, his father and their Cuban family. +",12 +7,37 PLANT WORKERS ARRESTED,6 +13, Republicans will determine whether same-sex marriage becomes universal in the United States.,12 +5,"The Court is due to consider seven pending cert petitions on the issue at its conference on September 29. Given her recent comments that the Court would not ""duck"" the issue of same-sex marriage, it had seemed likely that she would be among those on the Court supporting review now. She is only one vote, of course: four of the remaining eight Justices could still opt to take one or more of the petitions at the September 29 or a subsequent conference.",4 +5,Yet others say gun owners shouldn't have to be entered in a database to practice a constitutional right.,4 +7,"More guns, less crime in Virginia",6 +12,"Again, the N.R.A. Beats the Cops",11 +7,The spiral of violence afflicting the USA has been on a pace exceeding even the rate of death during the Persian Gulf war.,6 +7,That is illegal in New York State; Mr. Bloomberg is trying to compel Mr. Paterson to enforce the law.,6 +7,Drug Dealer's Killer Receives Death Sentence,6 +7,'Wild West Warren' stands firm; Cobb sheriff doesn't back down on enforcing immigration laws.,6 +11,Allegiance to Firearms,10 +11,Gun Owners at Work,10 +5,"Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, a long-time death penalty foe, said yesterday he will personally try the first borough murder case covered by the state capital punishment law that takes effect Sept. 1.",4 +1,"State officials said they expected a multimillion-dollar benefit in weddings and tourism, especially from people who live in New York. A just-released study commissioned by the State of Massachusetts concludes that in the next three years about 32,200 couples would travel here to get married, creating 330 permanent jobs and adding $111 million to the economy, not including spending by wedding guests and tourist activities the weddings might generate.",0 +6,The proposal before the city council Wednesday would serve both practical and symbolic purposes.,5 +10,"Smokers all, they had come seeking strength and comfort and a way to fight back.",9 +7,"Jail officials have let personal lawyers, family members and friends visit some of the detainees. But they had not previously given access to an array of civil rights groups, some of which have filed suits to try to penetrate the secrecy surrounding the detentions",6 +6,'OPEN CARRY' LAW ON FIREARMS IS BAD IDEA,5 +6,"Such was the mood in Kennesaw, which gained world fame for thumbing its nose at Yankee ""idiots"" from Morton Grove, Ill., who a year earlier banned handguns. The Kennesaw law went into effect May 1, 1982. +",5 +11,"In Texas town, Brady law is under the gun",10 +1,"Sturm, Ruger announced a 19% bump, while Smith & Wesson saw a 40% uptick in the last quarter.",0 +5,Cig firms hit with suit for cancer victims,4 +5,Prosecutors say they made no plea deal in Fishtown case,4 +10,Victim's wife: Keep me out of death penalty fight,9 +5,California high court takes up gay marriage,4 +1,"""That amounted to 50 percent of my restaurant business, and I had to lay off six people,"" Nelson said. ""My real concern is what happens with tourists. That's the biggest industry we have",0 +9,Their bodies were found at remote locations several days after they had been reported missing.,8 +5,Supreme Court returns Phan case,4 +15,"No Smoking, And Don't Try Putting It Out",14 +7,Ex-radical gets life sentence for killing,6 +11,"The Gun Carnage, as Time Goes By",10 +5,inds through a court of last resort where the presiding judge recently refused to keep her office open past 5 p.m. to accept a last-minute appeal from ,4 +5,"Court upholds sentence of death in four murders +",4 +14,"If Americans think the proposed graphic warnings for cigarette packs are frightening, they should see what's on packages in other countries.",13 +1,for the purchase of handguns,0 +7,Since the Jan. 8 shooting rampage in Tucson,6 +6,Stop the Executions,5 +13, Gov. Jeb Bush signed it into law.,12 +10,"Asylum Seekers Treated Poorly, U.S. Panel Says",9 +12,Prop. 8 protesters march in San Jose,11 +5,Tobacco verdict slashed,4 +5,Illegal Immigrant Students Await Votes on Legal Status,4 +13," got the attention of the White House and members of Congress on Wednesday, but a sympathetic ear is about all the federal government has to offer.",12 +7,"Henyard was on death row for killing Dorothy Reid Lewis' two daughters, Jamilya, 7, and Jasmine, 3, in 1993.",6 +9,"""Alabama death row prisoners executed by electrocution are consistently burned excessively, occasionally electrocuted more than once due to human or mechanical failures and are always at risk of unnecessary pain and suffering,""",8 +13,"The state voted for Clinton in 1992, returned to the Republican fold in 1996 and voted for Bush on Tuesday, by 51 percent to 42 percent. Colorado was a relatively strong state for Ralph Nader; he polled 5 percent.",12 +5,officials opposed to a plea deal had rejected it,4 +5,Ms. Reno said the new language would generally allow prosecutors to bring a case because nearly all firearms have moved in interstate commerce.,4 +12," ""We're not strangers to unrest and demonstrations and protests.""",11 +3," ""A punishment that offends human dignity"":",2 +5,"Last week, he finally prevailed with the state Supreme Court, even persuading it to let him take some secrets to the grave rather than expose them in another appeal simply to try to be sentenced to life in prison.",4 +3,"Gregory, of Belleville, Ill., said the church is seeking ""the best, most effective and surest means"" for protecting marriage. ""At this point, everything is on the table,"" he said.",2 +6,Philadelphia law now prohibits smoking in bars and restaurants,5 +11,Health expert: Blacks must rethink tobacco history,10 +13,Ryan ,12 +5,But the paramount priority for many is same-sex marriage,4 +3," +PRIMARY",2 +1,Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy - with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.,0 +5,"The Immigration and Naturalization Service gave temporary legal status to 535 illegal aliens on the first day of its year-long amnesty program, the service said Wednesday.",4 +1,PHILIP MORRIS CEO TRIES TO STAVE OFF COSTLY JUDGMENT,0 +13, but the Clinton administration won't propose it.,12 +13,"The outcome remains uncertain with just a week left before the Legislature is scheduled to adjourn for the year, and as pressure builds for a vote within days. The undecideds are three Democrats and five Republicans -- and those involved said some or all of the Democrats could endorse legalizing same-sex marriage as early as Monday, intensifying pressure on the Republicans to take a stand.",12 +13,President Barack Obama gave Congress every opportunity to do something to curb gun violence. Lawmakers' utter failure -- cowering before the National Rifle Association -- left the president no choice but to use his executive authority.,12 +13,Former Republican Leader Discloses That He Is Gay,12 +13,"First lady, in a personal way, wades into gun debate",12 +11,"In an announcement Wednesday, Doubleday Broadway publisher Stephen Rubin said the as-yet-untitled book about Ronald Keith Williamson will be published in 2006.",10 +5,as he is about the importance of the Second Amendment.,4 +13,6 times Donald Trump said the media Has misunderstood him,12 +14,U.S. AND CUBA TALK AT U.N. ON SOLVING THE REFUGEE CRISIS,13 +13,TOBACCO POLICY-MAKING,12 +5, substantially more immigration judges,4 +13,"Both the Republican and Democratic leaderships have talked about a congressional getaway by early October to allow lawmakers to campaign. Besides immigration, another social issue sure to get attention this month involves a Republican-backed bill aimed at withholding federal sanction for same-sex marriages.",12 +5,"The same jury that convicted Timmendequas (pronounced tih-MEN-duh-kwahs) on May 30 of murder, aggravated sexual assault and kidnapping decided unanimously that he should receive death by injection rather than life without parole. +",4 +5," The prosecution wrapped up its case for the death penalty Tuesday in the trial of the man convicted of murdering missing Morgan Hill teen Sierra LaMar, arguing it is the only punishment that can capture the horror of the 15-year-old's final moments.",4 +13,"The Cleveland City Council caught the National Rifle Association off guard as it ""snuck through"" a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons Friday. +",12 +6, Imposing the gun laws of Western or Southern states on densely populated urban areas is misguided.,5 +7,Border-crossing survivor arrested,6 +9,into believing that cigarettes labeled ``light'' and ``low tar'' are safer than regular cigarettes,8 +5,"The District's attorneys argued that the move, which was anticipated, is a necessary step before the District decides whether to appeal Scullin's opinion or the judge considers lifting or doubling a 90-day stay, as the District has requested, to give city officials time to enact laws allowing residents with registered handguns to carry them on D.C. streets.",4 +15,WORLD IN BRIEF,14 +9,raising concerns that condemned inmates are being inadequately anesthetized before being executed,8 +1,CIGARETTE TAX COULDN'T BE A MORE CYNICAL PLOY,0 +1,Cigarettes Can Take A Substantial Tax,0 +5,legalize gay marriage,4 +5,Judge rules part of D.C. gun law is likely illegal,4 +1,over the costs,0 +5,"""The maximum potential sentence based on the case as it is charged today is the death penalty for both defendants,"" said District Attorney McGregor Scott, who called a news conference to announce the charges.",4 +13,"Although bill sponsor Alfred Steele (D., Passaic) is opposed to capital punishment",12 +9,"'I Could Have Killed You,' Ohio Officer Warns Two Boys With BB Gun",8 +9,"Mobeen Rathore, president of the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said he hoped the case would be quickly resolved, for patients' sake, ""so we can continue our efforts to get them the best information, specifically preventive information to families for their children on this and all risk issues.""",8 +11,Indians of the Americas,10 +6,"For some reason, I don't think the pros and cons over whether scopes should be allowed on muzzleloaders, as one bill proposes, will generate as much spirited discussion as say, bans on assault-type weapons or universal background checks.",5 +7,Mom sentenced to death for starving child,6 +13,"The Senate today jettisoned broad legislation meant to discourage teen-agers from smoking, the most ambitious and contentious measure before Congress, and left almost no hope that it could be revived this year.",12 +5,constitutional ban on gay marriage in Minnesota,4 +12,Most in CU poll favor gun limits Support for curbs across the board,11 +15,"The Gun Report: April 8, 2014",14 +11,nonsmoking,10 +15,Big night for gay marriage and marijuana legalization,14 +13,"Senators Bearing Arms +",12 +13,Opponents of new gun law are slinging smaller caliber arguments,12 +4," Its victims disproportionately are young men of color -- often dying at the hands of others of the same race. While the Martin case aroused outrage because it began as racial profiling, the other deaths too often are shrugged off. That is wrong.",3 +9," And contrary to the conventional wisdom that people who are determined to end their lives will find a way to do so, 90 percent of people who survive suicide attempts do not eventually die by suicide.",8 +12,"One year after Newtown, gun control advocates keep hope +",11 +3,opening a ministry,2 +13,"In his first significant policy proposal of the campaign, the former Tennessee senator tackled a key issue for many conservatives, and not surprisingly, touched off a firestorm of back-and-forth accusations among the leading contenders for the Republican nomination",12 +5,Ruling changes Montco sentence,4 +5,"Less than 24 hours after California started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, attorneys for the sponsors of the state's Proposition 8 banning gay marriage filed an emergency motion Saturday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the weddings being performed in San Francisco. +",4 +1,"Casinos have been working for months and pouring millions of dollars into renovations in the hopes that smokers will keep coming back. An estimated 30 percent to 50 percent of casino patrons smoke, said Joanne Lah, executive director of the Black Hawk/Central City Convention & Visitors Bureau.",0 +5,N.J. sues for money from '98 settlement,4 +13,"U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn., said he will oppose the amendment and regards the push as a Republican effort to stir up conservative voters for Bush's re-election.",12 +5,but the sentence was overturned on appeal.,4 +13,The nation's largest group of gay Republicans is expanding an ad campaign condemning the Bush administration for supporting a federal constitutional ban on same-sex marriage to California.,12 +13," The Bradys joined Senate leaders after the vote to hail passage of the measure. The bill is the ""cornerstone of a national gun policy,"" Sarah Brady said.",12 +13,EXPLOSIVE POLITICS,12 +5,"3-D Printed Gun Plans Must Stay Off Internet for Now, Judge Rules",4 +1,"Philip Morris spokeswoman Peggy Roberts referred to a March 20, 1990, document as ""some stray piece of paper"" and noted that it had never been implemented. + +""There's no way to tell who wrote this, what it was written for, whether it was a joke or what,"" Roberts said. ""Anybody would love to own AP [The Associated Press], but if I suggested such a thing I'd be laughed right out of this building.""",0 +10,"""After a while, everyone wants you to forget and get on with life and shut up about it,""",9 +6,"Eleven Colorado cities and counties have laws in force restricting smoking in public places. Smoke-free codes, controversial but increasingly popular across the United States, recently failed in Denver and Colorado Springs. +",5 +5,"The high court is to decide by July whether imposing the death penalty on murderers who committed their crimes before reaching the age of 18 represents the ""cruel and unusual punishment"" banned by the Eighth Amendment.",4 +7,Get tough on illegal gun purchases,6 +10, But both said it was time to try to give some meaning to awful events and move on.,9 +13,"Reid adopted a wait-and-see posture with regard to the call from gun control advocates to restrict high-capacity ammunition magazines. ""Let's see what it is,"" said Reid. +",12 +5, aimed at preventing a court ruling that legalized gay marriage.,4 +13,"The two sides met Monday and agreed to join forces in support of a proposed law by Rep. Ron Klein, D-Boca Raton, to ban 37 types of assault weapons.",12 +13,MITT ROMNEY,12 +5,INS Debates Female Mutilation as Basis for Asylum,4 +13, not the treatment presidential candidates normally expect from a Sunday television interviewer.,12 +5,"Westmoreland's murder trial has been postponed until Jan. 11, to give prosecutors more time to await Justice Department approval to seek the death penalty.",4 +13,"""Bunny-hugging"" means anti-gun groups, Ballard said. He said he worries that pent-up animosity between the two sides nationally would be unleashed here in a bitter campaign of half-truths.",12 +5,"regardless of what the jury decides in the trial's sentencing phase, which continues Monday.",4 +6,"When does a 24-year-old or anybody need an AK-47 with a 100-round clip, body armor and tear gas, which caused the mass killing in Colorado?",5 +5,Gay partners could be 'family' by law,4 +1,"Same-sex marriage could add $45M to Minnesota's economy, report says",0 +7, They say Abdel-Muhti is a con man who has claimed numerous names and birthplaces in a 40-year game of cat and mouse that has left federal immigration officials helpless in their efforts to deport him.,6 +9,Smoking: Flirting With Death,8 +13,Bill on electric chair delayed,12 +5,"Court documents state that Najafi entered the United States in 1996 using a fraudulent Greek passport, and was granted asylum in November 1996. He became a permanent resident last April.",4 +3,"Amish couple sue over photo rule Pictures required for immigration violate their beliefs, they say.",2 +15,Same-Sex Unions,14 +9,Florida Death Row Inmate Dies Only After Second Chemical Dose,8 +12,Gun-control advocates have come really close to making it harder to buy guns in Nevada,11 +7,Expect more arrests,6 +9,SLAIN HOFSTRA STUDENT BURIED,8 +12,"the AP/GfK poll found, a 56 percent majority of Americans would like President Obama and Congressional Democrats to keep trying to make a deal with Congressional Republicans.",11 +5,The assets of a self-made millionaire - from 21 properties to a helicopter - dominated testimony at his sentencing yesterday in federal court.,4 +5,Law denying bene[#xfb01]ts to gays divided Justice,4 +11,Claim about size of Atlanta's gay population has some merit,10 +1,BUSINESS BRIEFING,0 +7,Crime on the Hill,6 +7,"A letter from the firearms bureau, part of the Treasury Department, warned that the change would prevent it from stopping the criminal use of ""particularly dangerous"" old guns: pistols that are readily concealed and carbines and Garand rifles, which can be easily converted into automatic weapons. Moreover, the letter warned, the carbine and Garand can fire bullets capable of piercing the soft body armor worn by police officers.",6 +13,Immigrants seldom 'major factor' in state,12 +1," +Our products can help end smoking",0 +7,"The pictures were seized from the home of William Richard Bradford, who was convicted in 1988 for sexually assaulting and killing Shari Miller, 21, and Tracey Campbell, 15.",6 +7,"Before dawn on that morning, a gunman hiding in the woods opened fire on an exercise field where 1,300 members of the 82d Air borne Division were beginning a run.",6 +8, a statewide cooling-off period,7 +6,"But what the nation most needs, experts say, is a long-term, strategic policy with the consistent backing of the president, Congress, and state and local governments.",5 +5,"In a 35-minute speech Monday, Scalia said unelected judges have no business deciding issues such as abortion and the death penalty. The court's 5-4 ruling March 1 to outlaw the juvenile death penalty based on ""evolving notions of decency"" was simply a mask for the personal policy preferences of the five-member majority, he said.",4 +7,"Facing Death Penalty in Murder, Two Opt for Life",6 +13,Lawmaker scrambles to get ready for gun control votes,12 +13,"""The mayor is gratified to have the support of New Yorkers on this controversial and difficult issue,"" Ed Skyler, the mayor's press secretary, said.",12 +5,Boy's Fate Called A Federal Matter,4 +5,"Since the Supreme Court struck down the provision in the Defense of Marriage Act denying federal benefits to lawfully married same-sex couples, the Justice Department has been helping federal agencies change their practices. Now the department is adjusting its own policies and programs, bringing significant advances for gay couples and American justice.",4 +9,Ban clearing the air in parks benefits health,8 +7,"A few days ago I had the occasion to talk with two convicted murders, both of whom expressed powerful support for the death penalty.",6 +5,"Superior Court Judge Michael Stoddard said state law required him to impose the life sentence on Freeman after the seven-woman, five-man jury said it could not break the deadlock after more than six hours of deliberations over two days.",4 +6,o overhaul the state's death penalty defense fund a,5 +1,Philip Morris Responds To Memo,0 +5,"When Newsom decided to let gay couples marry in San Francisco, he cited the California Constitution, which bars discrimination, and argued that he was duty-bound to follow this higher authority rather than state law.",4 +12,Californians overwhelmingly banned gay marriage,11 +13,DAVIS SIGNS BILLS TACKLING GUN SHOW SALES GUN CONTROL TIMES FIVE,12 +13,Councilman urged to alter gun ordinance,12 +10,Gay couples are honored amid marriage debate,9 +5,"There is a constitutional right for all law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, and the Second Amendment does not designate college campuses, or anywhere else, as gun-free zones.",4 +5,DA HYNES SAYS HE'LL TRY FIRST DEATH CASE,4 +12,Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America,11 +9,"Zyban comes with some warnings: It occasionally can cause seizures, and should not be taken by anyone with seizure disorders such as epilepsy or with eating disorders. The most common side effects, however, are dry mouth and insomnia.",8 +5,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE FOES WIN BATTLE ON STATE LAW,4 +5,"ON IMMIGRATION, BIRTHRIGHT FIGHT IN U.S. IS LOOMING",4 +13,"One attorney general, Hubert Humphrey III of Minnesota, has criticized the settlement proposals as, in effect, a sellout to the industry, and officials from other states have said they must study the plan carefully before they decide what to do. +",12 +5,Fresno judge throws out some handgun ammunition restrictions,4 +9,as health-conscious ,8 +4,"The prisoner gave a final statement proclaiming his innocence, Mr. Peters said.",3 +7,"Mr. Davis and the triggerman, Paul Hardy, 28, were convicted Wednesday of conspiracy, civil rights violations and the premeditated killing of a Federal witness. +",6 +7,as the triggerman in the bungled holdup attempt. The brothers have been kept apart in jail since their arrests last year.,6 +6,Gun restrictions discussed,5 +3,Remember God's mercy for all human souls,2 +13,"Defeat NRA or become its prey +",12 +4,"Authorities have linked Mr. Roof to a racist Internet manifesto and said he was in contact with white supremacist groups before his attack on the well-known Emanuel A.M.E. Church, which has hosted many major civil rights leaders, including the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.",3 +7,"Koog, who has 12 men including himself to patrol a county twice the size of Rhode Island, says his department can't afford to comply.",6 +12,Group to march in D.C. SAFE Colorado seeks 'responsible' gun laws,11 +5, Efforts to reach her by email and through her attorney were also unsuccessful.,4 +13,Gun bill to be reconsidered in Virginia Senate committee,12 +1,Fear after shooting prompts surge in gun sales,0 +11,away from children.,10 +11,New Echoes on an Old Battlefield,10 +4, both laws treat people not for what they have done or plan to do but for what they say and with whom they associate.,3 +13,FINDING COMMON GROUND ON GUN CONTROL,12 +6,ban the sale of firearms from people's houses.,5 +5,DEATH PENALTY TO BE SOUGHT FOR MOTHER IN DROWNINGS,4 +15,Standing Up to the N.R.A.,14 +9, protect children from accidental shootings in the home.,8 +11,who smoke.,10 +7,"the man who detonated it died silently in an execution chamber Monday. +",6 +13,Cuomo Wants More Support on Same-Sex Marriage Bill,12 +1, like Brown & Williamson Tobacco's,0 +5,"Prosecutors will instead seek a sentence of life in prison without parole, the office said.",4 +13,"Nevertheless, the Republican Party is generally less popular than the Democratic Party among New Jersey voters. Only four in 10 have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, while just over half have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party. By three to two, New Jersey voters blame Republicans in Congress rather than President Obama for the recent federal government shutdown. +",12 +11,"In 1977, only 16 countries had abolished the death penalty for all crimes, the report said. By 2005, that figure had risen to 86. In practice, 122 countries have abandoned executions. +",10 +13,ILLEGAL IMMIGRATIONMetro; Obama blasts Georgia bill,12 +5," after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key element of the Defense of Marriage Act. The landmark move means the federal government will recognize gay and lesbian couples in legal same-sex marriages, entitling them to benefits that before had been out of reach.",4 +12,Some parents and anti-smoking activists are upset over an educational publication they say is promoting a cigarette industry viewpoint,11 +5," after a U.S. appeals court ruled in her favor, her lawyers said",4 +12,Forums at City Hall take on Phila.'s gun violence,11 +10,"""They would want to know who is he and where is he and when do we meet him,"" Ms. Windsor recalled responding. So Ms. Spyer gave her the diamond ring, but in pin form. The two were married after a 40-year engagement in 2007, in Toronto. +",9 +15,Most of the Seventh Grade Will Be at the Commitment Ceremony,14 +1,"Retailers, investors ",0 +9,Health groups split in smoking battl,8 +10,"REFUGEES FIND HOPE IN NEW CITY, NEW LIFE (2 OF 2 ARTICLES)",9 +5,EXONERATED MAN FACES LAWSUIT,4 +13,"Gun Control's most effective advocate is Sarah Brady, wife of the White House press secretary, James S. Brady, who was severely injured when John Hinckley opened fire on the Presidential party in 1981 with a pistol he had bought, using an expired driver's license as identification",12 +13,Lewis shrugs as GOP vows to punish sit-in,12 +7,"Sheriff Gary Bettencourt of Gilliam County, the president of the Oregon State Sheriffs' Association, said Friday that he expected more counties would make similar policy changes in the coming days.",6 +6," +Whether it does, remains unclear.",5 +13,"With his position still undeclared, Senator Mark J. Grisanti, a Republican from Buffalo who had sought office promising to oppose same-sex marriage, told his colleagues he had agonized for months before concluding he had been wrong.",12 +11,"Even as the dreamers, brought to the country illegally as children, have become more closely integrated into the fabric of American society,",10 +1, an online firearms business is operating from a Pleasant Hill condominium.,0 +5,"Mr. Holder's announcement caps a period of rapid change and uncertainty over the status of same-sex marriage in Michigan. On March 21, a federal judge struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage, and the next morning gay and lesbian couples rushed to exchange vows. By late that afternoon, however, an appeals court stayed the judge's ruling.",4 +4, His lawyers say his conviction should be overturned because the death penalty is applied in a racially discriminatory manner in Louisiana.,3 +10,"Speaking in a ballroom full of mothers who had lost children to gun violence,",9 +10,"Mexican village was ready, but Jesica's funeral not to be",9 +9,"Female genital mutilation is a cultural practice thousands of years old that involves mutilation or removal of the clitoris to reduce sexual sensation. It is often inaccurately called ""female circumcision."" In fact, the male equivalent would be castration. +",8 +13,"But this cycle, three gay Republicans running for Congress -- Mr. Tisei in Massachusetts, Carl DeMaio in California and Dan Innis in New Hampshire -- are featuring their significant others in campaign ads, a first for a gay congressional candidate from either major political party. +",12 +6,MNSCU SCHOOLS LIMITING SMOKING,5 +7, in what he said would be an anti-crime measure,6 +15,Reason enters gay debate,14 +7,KILLER WANTS TO WITHDRAW DEATH REQUEST,6 +8, if they join the U.S. military.,7 +6,"The Immigration and Naturalization Service would be disbanded and its responsibilities farmed out under a proposal by an advisory panel, The New York Times reported Tuesday.",5 +9,"Guns, Kids and Violence",8 +12,"Opposition to blessing gay unions is strongest among Americans who go to church every week, The Post's poll found. Three out of four frequent churchgoers opposed the Episcopal convention's decision, and a similar proportion said they would object if their own faith took a similar step. But even among those who acknowledged that they rarely or never attended church, nearly six in 10 objected to blessing gay couples.",11 +5,Gun Marketing Is Issue in Trial Against Makers,4 +11,Durham sees end of tobacco era,10 +11,"Currently, according to the report from the Population Reference Bureau, immigration accounts for nearly half of the nation's population increase. The country receives about 700,000 legal immigrants annually, plus illegal arrivals estimated at between 100,000 and 500,000, said the report, made public Thursday.",10 +7,Death penalty is now on table,6 +6,This represents the most stupid decision I've ever seen come from a state or federal government in my lifetime.,5 +9,a psychiatric defense.,8 +13,he Illinois Legislature has sent Gov. Pat Quinn a reform measure ,12 +5,"If a prosecutor can adopt a ""blanket policy"" of never seeking a death sentence, Chief Justice Jorge Labarga asked, ""why do we need a Legislature?"" +",4 +8,"If an Army combat veteran, trained to use a variety of weapons, can't have a carry permit, who can?",7 +7,"Forrest was killed ""in such a senseless and brutal way,"" including being shot in the back while he was on the ground.",6 +7,ILLINOIS POLICE ARE WARY OF MISSOURI GUN LAW,6 +15,WHEN THE STATE KILLS,14 +5,Jury acquits former death row inmate of 2 murders,4 +7,"Mr. Diaz was arrested Nov. 23, 1981, after an investigation into the mysterious deaths of several elderly patients at the Community Hospital of the Valleys in Perris and the San Gorgonio Pass Memorial Hospital in Banning. Eleven of the 12 deaths occurred at the Perris facility in March and April 1981. + +Autopsies Determined Cause + +Investigators determined through autopsies that the patients were homicide victims and that the bodies contained more than 1,000 milligrams of lidocaine at the time of death. A normal dose ranges from 50 to 100 milligrams.",6 +5,"The Massachusetts legislature defeated two constitutional amendments on Wednesday that were designed to ban same-sex marriage by overriding a state court's decision that would have made Massachusetts the first state to establish gay marriage. +",4 +5,A federal judge in Kentucky ruled Wednesday that the commonwealth must recognize same-sex marriages performed in states where the unions are legal.,4 +13," Sen. Emmett W. Hanger Jr. (R-Augusta), the bill's sponsor",12 +11,"A different kind of movie violence // 'Dead Man Walking, ' other films take on death penalty in stark terms",10 +7,"More arms, less crime",6 +13,"NRA is confident in Congress Group estimates enough support to block new assault weapons ban. +",12 +7,cannot be penalized for conduct authorized by a regulatory body.,6 +6,Do We Need the Death Penalty,5 +12,"Warm coats, dress shoes and messages to lawmakers: Parkland students head to D.C. for gun-control march",11 +13,Webb isn't declaring a war on cigarettes,12 +3, 14 other young rabbinical students.,2 +9,"Dorwan died,",8 +13,"''This is a potentially cataclysmic point in the history of this issue,'' said Jeffrey M. Berry, a political scientist at Tufts. ''There's been such uncertainty around who had the votes and what the outcome would be that it's heightened a lot of the anxiety.''",12 +12,Don't blame the NRA,11 +2,"""To have an artificial cap of 65,000 is not near enough,"" Pawlenty said. ""So we would like to see that dramatically increased.""",1 +7,121 caught in federal raids,6 +7,"Under reforms to 1996 immigration laws, Barry, a slight woman with striking blue eyes, faces deportation because 18 years ago, she pleaded no contest to a charge of possessing a small amount of cocaine and a Quaalude, she says.",6 +1,TOBACCO INDUSTRY WINS EPA REVIEW OF SMOKING REPORT,0 +6,Adam Winkler: Why assault rifle bans won't work,5 +5,The decision adopted the Clinton Administration's interpretation of how a would-be refugee's criminal past should be evaluated by immigration officials. The Justices rebuked a Federal appeals court for having failed to give adequate deference to the Attorney General's view of the matter by insisting that the severity of the crime be balanced against the likely danger the foreigner faced if returned home.,4 +13, The debate about guns in the United States has always been between David and Goliath.,12 +13,Trump's Cabinet has to work as a cleanup crew,12 +5,"The Second Amendment isn't about hunting or target shooting. That's just disinformation fed to us by those who abhor the fact that free people own weapons. The Second Amendment is about the people of this country having the means to preserve their freedoms from those who would take those freedoms away. So-called assault rifles are the very guns necessary to help preserve that freedom. And maybe, just maybe, after our right to keep and bear arms is gutted, the government may decide it wants to control other basic freedoms, like the freedom of religion or of the press.",4 +1,"Save Ellis Island has been hurt not only by the decline in donations caused by the economic downturn, but also by major spending cuts from New Jersey, one of its longtime benefactors",0 +13,"And the governor is seeking new measures to keep guns out of the hands of those with mental illness who show violent tendencies. +",12 +3,"""From a moral standpoint, it would be misguided to equate the failings of a minor with those of an adult, for a greater possibility exists that a minor's character deficiencies will be reformed,""",2 +13,One of the NRA's criticisms of the Brady bill has been that adequate background checks can't be done in seven days. So how can the NRA argue for doing it instantaneously?,12 +3,Bishops plan mailings against gay marriage,2 +7, toughness on crime,6 +9,"Handguns in homes are 43 times more likely to cause the death of a family member or a friend than to protect the owner from an intruder, according to statistics from the American Academy of Pediatrics",8 +5,STATE OVERRULES POLICE CHIEF'S GRANTING OF CONCEALED-GUN PERMITS,4 +11," +But there was a racial divide between white and black Washingtonians on the gay marriage question",10 +5,"In Goodridge the court was asked to consider the constitutional question ""whether the commonwealth may use its formidable regulatory authority to bar same-sex couples from civil marriage."" The court has answered the question.",4 +5,"""It was our view that the more people who knew about the case and communicated with the governor the better. ... If I were giving advice to other lawyers who have clemency campaigns, I would tell them to do what we did,"" she said. ""When the public truly understands how these death penalty cases are conducted, they don't like it. It's an important job for lawyers to show exactly how our criminal justice system operates.""",4 +5," In a historic victory for gay rights, the Supreme Court struck down on Wednesday a provision of a federal law denying federal benefits to married same-sex couples and cleared the way for the resumption of such marriage in California. +",4 +5,Thursday's arguments before a panel of 2nd Circuit judges spotlighted just one component of the legal battle: how much evidence and discovery material lawyers for DACA recipients and the states' coalition should be able to access.,4 +1,New York Plans to Stop Investing In Tobacco,0 +13,"AFTER THE demise of background-checks legislation in the U.S. Senate, Mayor Bloomberg, who chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns, issued this statement:",12 +1,"Even as she slaps down a $100 bill for a 60-cent bowl of pork-rind stew,",0 +9,GUN MISHAP KILLS OWNER,8 +6,Nation's gun laws need some alterations,5 +13,"Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia, sponsor of the proposed repeal, and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, sponsor of the loaded-gun measure, are offering their proposals as amendments to the ""Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act"" -- a watered-down House response to the already-weak ""gun control"" bill approved by the Senate. Regardless of how empty the House package may be at the end of the day, the two District-bashing provisions have no place in any gun legislation enacted by Congress.",12 +5,"In a cigarette case that will be closely watched for a hint of a bigger tobacco ruling to come, Minnesota's highest court Thursday upheld",4 +6,One of the most dramatic policy changes in states in 2014 was the increase of where same-sex couples could legally marry.,5 +6,N.J. may study death penalty,5 +13,a move San Jose leaders took,12 +7," +After some considerable sampling of the wares by other people gathered in the yard, including Drake's sales partner, Michael Wilson, 21, Drake and Jones got into a car to make the deal.",6 +13,CLINTON PRESSES HOUSE DEMOCRATS TO PASS MORE GUN RESTRICTIONS,12 +5,Metro Briefing New York: Manhattan: Challenge To Smoking Ban Dismissed,4 +5,"After considering it for nearly three years, the New York State Supreme Court's Appellate Division in Brooklyn approved Vargas' application to the bar. Five judges agreed that Vargas' immigration status ""does not reflect adversely upon his general fitness to practice law.""",4 +5,"Justice Antonin Scalia, another of the dissenters two years ago, wrote a dissenting opinion today that contained a stinging attack on the Booth decision as well as an essay on why the Court should not feel bound to adhere to its own recent precedents.",4 +5,"Robinson's lawyer, Peter Cannon of Tampa, had filed a flurry of appeals with various courts this week to save his client's life",4 +4,1989 DEATH-PENALTY CASE: New questions cast doubt on conviction,3 +7,"Smoking ban, bar in face-off A Durango tavern owner will appear in court today over a ticket for violating the state's Clean Air Act.",6 +12,Human Rights Campaign launches new marriage equality ad with Morgan Freeman,11 +5,"Judge weighs rewrite of Missouri gun rights plan +",4 +6,Rethinking the Death Penalty,5 +14,Nine states have shown the way by establishing sensible security standards for gun shop owners.,13 +5,"Garcia Zarate has pleaded not guilty, and his lawyers are expected to argue that the shooting was an accident a single shot that ricocheted off the pier into Steinles back, based on ballistics evidence. The prosecution will try to convince jurors that Garcia Zarate shot recklessly at people. +",4 +13,"""They told us Thursday night he'd veto it if we didn't include that language,"" Green told the paper. ""We just said 'enough's enough' and we passed it.""",12 +4,Bigotry in Boulder,3 +13," About two hours after declaring his support for same-sex marriage last week, President Obama",12 +12," +""The American people are demanding action,"" she added.",11 +5,U.S. Moves to Tighten Rules On Noncitizens' Gun Buying; Shootings at Empire State Building Spur Change,4 +9, would allow the state to use electrocution against any current or future death row inmate if lethal injection drugs become unavailable.,8 +5,"He said Kluwe would follow through with his promise to sue the Vikings in state court next week, seeking $10 million for loss of earnings, emotional distress and damage to his reputation, and to cover legal costs.",4 +13, That bill lapsed in 2004 while Republicans were in control of Washington.,12 +5,GAY COUPLES SUE FLORIDA,4 +1,"The rules will cover all federal tax provisions where marriage is a factor including the taxpayer's filing status, personal and dependent exemptions and standard deductions. +",0 +5,Court could put Obama on spot,4 +7,"There was a twist: The device had been placed in the car by the innocent woman's ex-husband, who was identified as William Nakulski. He and his son were charged in what turned out to be a bizarre and unsuccessful plot to have Nakulski's ex-wife, an immigrant, jailed and deported. +",6 +13,"If there was any state where Trump would hurt the chances of down-ballot congressional candidates, Nevada was supposed to be it. President Obama carried it twice, both times losing the white vote but winning landslides with the state's enormous Latino population.",12 +7,Editorial: Light sentences have helped normalize gun crimes,6 +10,"Jovy Mark showed up at Manila Oriental, a Falls Church grocery that doubles as an agent for Filipino shipping companies, lugging two hefty boxes destined for relatives in the Philippines. Inside: Four 25-pound bags of Japanese rice, purchased at a Korean supermarket in Virginia and about to make a trip back to Asia.",9 +5, after the U.S. Supreme Court denied a request for a stay of execution.,4 +15,STRAIGHT-SHOOTIN' MIKE IS TAKING AIM,14 +11,"The gun culture in the United States is examined and the firearms debate is taken to the street level, with views from police officers, trauma doctors, victims and their families rounding out a week-long A&E Network ""Investigative Reports"" focusing on ""Guns in America,"" airing Monday through Friday at 9 p.m. + +""Investigative Reports,"" with anchor and executive producer Bill Kurtis, has won many laurels including a Peabody Award and Emmy. A&E has expanded the show, which now will air weeknights following the popular ""Biography."" The five-part ""Guns in America"" series launches the show's new time slot. +",10 +13,"A national anti-gun group is targeting Republican Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. for defeat in the Maryland governor's race, beginning today with a drive-time radio spot that paints Ehrlich as having an ""extremist record"" on guns.",12 +10,"""I don't understand,"" Mitchell said Wednesday. She was in a hospital room at St. Anthony's Medical Center, where her husband, Tom, was recovering from pneumonia. ""I want this to be over.""",9 +5,The order arose in a lawsuit filed,4 +13," +Senate Limits Anti-Crime Debate",12 +5,"Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall wrote the 4 to 3 majority opinion, which acknowledged that it was finding in the words of John Adams a meaning that he could hardly have foreseen when he wrote the Massachusetts Constitution 223 years ago. The long-standing definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman ""deprives individuals of access to an institution of fundamental legal, personal, and social significance . . . because of a single trait,"" namely their sexual orientation, Marshall wrote.",4 +13,Hill Republicans join gay marriage fight,12 +13,Pa. Gun-Restriction Law Capitol gain,12 +13,Political and personal join for some legislators,12 +5,"A BROOKLYN federal judge struck down the death penalty verdict against Ronell Wilson in the execution-style murders of two NYPD undercover detectives on Tuesday because the convicted killer meets the legal standard for having an ""intellectual disability.""",4 +13,"Sen. Paul Simon, D-Ill., counters that focusing on this issue is ""divisive"" and unworthy of the Senate's time. +",12 +5,Did jury compromise in Caldwell case?,4 +5,GAY TA WORKER SUES FOR PARTNER BENEFITS,4 +1,"Philip Morris Cos. said Wednesday it is raising its quarterly dividend 20 percent to $ 1.20 a share, as expected. The increase from $ 1 a share suggests the company is trying to reassure investors about the tobacco industry.",0 +1,"Nearly half the roughly $636 million in domestic cigarette advertising in 1989 was spent by Philip Morris, the trade newspaper Advertising Age has reported.",0 +13,Obama on Prop 8 case: Country's evolution on gay marriage 'profoundly positive',12 +12, Activist high school students are taking a stand,11 +13,"Herring will say that Virginia has been on the ""wrong side"" of landmark legal battles involving school desegregation, interracial marriage and single-sex education at the Virginia Military Institute, one official said. He will make the case that the commonwealth should be on the ""right side of the law and history"" in the battle over same-sex marriage. + +",12 +1,B$80 Calif. pension fund hot over Philip Morris tobacco,0 +13,NRA money piles up for congressional delegation,12 +13,"President Trump's Immigration Order, Annotated",12 +12,Polls in 3 states see gay-union support,11 +5, for feeble legal defenders and for a hasty appeals process that rarely reverses guilty verdicts,4 +13,Late Thursday legislative leaders proposed,12 +1,Companies That Make Gay Couples Marry to Get Benefits,0 +10,ENCLAVE ATTRACTS FAMILIES STARTING ANEW,9 +13,ON POLITICS,12 +7," Matthew Beck, who shot four Connecticut Lottery executives",6 +13,"Last year, Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) made it known that he would support",12 +12,"With a little more than half the votes counted statewide, Amendment 43 supporters held a 14-point lead, while Referendum I proponents trailed the ""no"" votes by 9 percentage points.",11 +13,"Michael J. Tully Jr., 64, Senator Who Fought for a Smoking Ban",12 +1,HEAVY NEW SALES TAX SUGGESTED FOR GUNS,0 +13," +After Attack Near Campus, California Weighs Gun Bill +",12 +5,Court: Deportation hearings can be closed; Foiling terrorists was cited as a reason. The issue could be headed for the U.S. Supreme Court.,4 +11,TAKEI GETS ENTERPRISING,10 +9,San Quentin: Death row inmate found dead in his cell,8 +5,"Torture-murder cases set for May Fulton, DeKalb DAs seeking death penalty for alleged gang chief",4 +5, the Cook County state's attorney,4 +10,"I didn't know Ukrainian-born Irina Hans very well, but enough to have had dinner with her and her husband, to have spent a couple of happy hours with her and a few colleagues. Now she is dead.",9 +5,DeKalb enacted the area's first anti-smoking ordinance in December. Groups in Cobb and Gwinnett are drafting ordinances to present to their commissioners.,4 +5,"A group of lawyers who defend condemned prisoners is leading an effort to submit clemency applications for Illinois' 160 death row inmates. + +The lawyers are mailing to other attorneys information that includes guidelines on writing and filing clemency petitions, a checklist of what should be included in a filing and a rough draft from a generic petition that can be tailored to a defendant's circumstances. + +The lawyers also are offering tips on making compelling cases, including suggestions to link problems in their clients' cases with proposed reforms to the state's death penalty system.",4 +11,Full of Lopez love,10 +5,eath penalty defense fund ,4 +10,"""is separating Washington families, harming thousands of Washington residents,",9 +9,"The stop-smoking campaign has been an unqualified success, providing public health professionals with some real ammunition with which to wage a war against the tobacco industry. A University of California study shows the education program has exceeded expectations. +",8 +12,Americans vastly overestimate the number of gun owners,11 +5,"Now, two new federal lawsuits threaten to snap that rope out from under him.",4 +8," Gun dealers, after checking a purchaser's identification, will call a toll-free number operated by the State Police. In minutes, an officer at a State Police computer terminal will determine if the purchaser has a criminal record.",7 +5,For more than 50 years it has been illegal to enter the country without proper documentation.,4 +13, Legislative leaders said on Tuesday that they had reached a tentative deal with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo,12 +8,Arms And The Airport,7 +4,The Racial Justice Act allows death row inmates to seek to have their sentences changed to life without parole if they can show that race was ''a significant factor'' in sentencing.,3 +13,communist,12 +7,Border agents beat an undocumented immigrant to death. ,6 +13,California City Split On Concealed Guns,12 +12,After a weekend of nationwide demonstrations in protest of immigration restrictions on entry from seven nations,11 +5,Capano's lawyers filed suit against MacIntyre last March to try to shield Capano against a possible monetary judgment in a civil case brought by Fahey's family. Attorneys for Capano and MacIntyre signed off on an agreement to dismiss the case so that neither party can bring the issues back up in subsequent lawsuits.,4 +13, not because of the U.S. Congress.,12 +5,"A month after they were refused a marriage-license application by a Bucks County official, two gay men here say they are likely - but uncertain how - to challenge the state law prohibiting same-sex unions.",4 +15,'We have been too quiet for too long';,14 +5,Since the settlement,4 +5," Because the suit was filed under a federal racketeering law, damages could be tripled.",4 +13,Barr is just another political demigod trying to get elected,12 +7," This program tacks years on criminal sentences, which by the way, are mandatory and not subject to plea bargaining.",6 +13,The two sides are also increasingly identified with the Republican and Democratic parties. What began as at least nominally bipartisan alliances are now more polarized groups closely aligned with the campaigns of President Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and their networks of consultants and donors.,12 +4,"Maslenjak lied when applying for refugee status in the United States during the 1990s, both about her husband's service in a Bosnian militia unit implicated in war crimes and other matters.",3 +5,"On the U.S. Consulate building, behind a high wall and iron gates, hangs a hand-printed notice: ''Closed for all services except for American citizens. No immigrant visa services are available.''",4 +10,"Her husband, Richard Parnes, said, ''I couldn't even say goodbye.''",9 +11,LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : GAY MARRIAGE CRITICISM IS FULL OF STEREOTYPES,10 +6,Disorder and the Immigration Order,5 +12,Summit on gun violence at the county Santa Clara County fairgrounds on Sat-urday,11 +5,Preparing to Respond To Landmark Decisions,4 +9, The materials help gun sales people identify suicidal buyers and also help gun owners keep guns away from potentially suicidal family members and friends.,8 +8,"Boston Attack Shows Need for Immigration Overhaul, Ryan Says",7 +13,"While Mr. Spitzer has said that he personally supports same-sex marriage, he pointed out that New York State law does not permit it, and he strongly discouraged Mr. West and other government officials from solemnizing such marriages.",12 +13,"Corzine outlined the ""enforcement"" aspects of a three-part ""Strategy for Safe Streets and Neighborhoods"" during a midday news conference on the front steps of the State House. Additional appearances by the governor are scheduled for today in Newark and tomorrow in Camden. +",12 +9,An IQ of 70 is generally considered the threshold for retardation.,8 +5,Negotiations for a national tobacco settlement,4 +1,U.S. ease in gun sales surprises British bobby,0 +9,"SO SMOKING CAN KILL? 'LIKE, DUH,' SAYS GEN Y",8 +5,"efense attorney Jimmy Berry said he was surprised by Thursday's quick denial of a pretrial appeal filed earlier this month. +",4 +7,"But as AP reports, crime in Nelson is low - so low that the town only employs one police officer. Nelson's last homicide was more than five years ago.",6 +13,"It will take effect without the signature of Gov. Larry Hogan (R), whose spokeswoman accused Democrats of engaging in ""Washington-style party politics"" and ""philosophizing over what might or might not happen in Washington, D.C. - instead of focusing on Maryland.""",12 +13,"State Rep. Jeff Brown (R-LaGrange) is leading a move to get 120 signatures to a ""discharge petition"" that would force Senate Resolution 595 out of the House Rules Committee, where Democratic leaders have delayed its reconsideration.",12 +6,Restaurant Cigars Under Attack,5 +13,"THE newly installed hero in the progressive pantheon is unlikely, to say the least. He is the Republican governor of Illinois, the affable George Ryan. He calls himself a moderate; his foes say he's a hack. He has held every state office in Illinois. He is currently struggling with scandals, as Chicago politicians so often are.",12 +5,State lawmakers in Florida may soon take up legislation intended to reduce the financial threat to cigarette makers in a high-stakes tobacco case that is reaching a critical phase in Miami.,4 +11,"The commercial shows a man draping an American flag over a large table, then ripping off the stars and stripes. Then Estevez shoots off his mouth: ""We were with the patriots who fought for this flag at Gettysburg. We were with the soldiers who bled for these stripes at Normandy... We are the makers of America's firearms.""",10 +13,State Senate backs same-sex marriage,12 +5,"Also, Assistant State Attorney Don Scaglione filed paperwork indicating that he will seek the death penalty against Wingard.",4 +13,Rooney's NRA scorecard doesn't tell congressman's whole story,12 +13," Obama is on stronger footing to champion gun-control measures now that he has been reelected and will never again face voters, and the National Rifle Association has been weakened after spending millions of dollars backing candidates who lost.",12 +9,eath by anything other than natural causes is painful ,8 +6,Logic wins out on a Maryland gun law,5 +12,"A slim majority of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents under 50 years old now support gay marriage. Nearly seven in 10 of those aged 65 and up oppose it, although that is down from more than eight in 10 just four years ago. +",11 +13,"Two hours after the vote, Gov. Rick Scott held an impromptu news conference in the rotunda.",12 +7,86 BOOTED FROM PRISON & DEPORTED,6 +7,Mr. Buxton was convicted of shooting Joel Slotnik to death during a robbery at a suburban Houston supermarket after Mr. Slotnik's 5-year-old son had refused to follow the orders of the robbers. Mr. Slotnik had stopped at the store after Yom Kippur services to buy some bread and milk.,6 +6,Call for Legislature to Revive Colorado's Civil Union Bill,5 +6,The United States needs gun control,5 +5,GUN INDUSTRY LOOKS DOWN THE BARREL OF A LAWSUIT,4 +4," ""tantamount to foreseeable, state-sponsored murder of innocent human beings.""",3 +13,"""They have great power over you people. They have less power over me. I don't need it. I don't - what do I need?,"" Trump said in Wednesday's off-the-rails bipartisan meeting on gun control with lawmakers.",12 +10,He said nothing as relatives of his victims looked on behind mirrored glass.,9 +13,"The debate surrounding a controversial gun bill raged at the state Capitol on Thursday, although a vote on the measure was delayed until next week.",12 +9,his voice slightly hoarse from complications after his second surgery in 1993.,8 +7,"Keep the ban on assault weapons, local police say",6 +7,"The story of Randy Canister Jr. has never evoked much sympathy. Most of the time, in fact, officials in Colorado have argued passionately for his speedy execution.",6 +5,Judge rejects Peterson call for new jury,4 +13," +Republican state Rep. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp spoke at ""Beyond Columbine,"" a brainstorming session that covered education, culture, entertainment and gun control, sponsored by the Independence Institute, a Golden-based free-market, conservative think tank. +",12 +5,O'CONNOR'S LATEST RULING QUESTIONS DEATH PENALTY,4 +15,Decision Time on Gary Graham,14 +8,The Insta-Check program was started in 1994 to avoid the five-day waiting period on gun purchases that otherwise would have been imposed on gun purchases by the federal Brady law.,7 +11,Researchers said it was the first study to establish such a link in teenagers.,10 +13,Gun-Control Backers Fear Loosening of Curbs,12 +5,"""The plaintiffs' case is disappearing, and this is a desperate effort to stop the fall,"" said Brown & Williamson lawyer David Bernick. +",4 +6,"In most cases, Republican lawmakers in states with existing Defense of Marriage acts seek to go a step further by amending their constitutions to specify that marriage must be heterosexual. State Rep. Bill Graves, a bill sponsor in Oklahoma, wants to stipulate that same-sex unions are ""repugnant to the public policy"" of the state.",5 +6,Perhaps the most significant change to the visa program would be a new method for figuring wages for foreign farmworkers.,5 +6,calling on legislators to approve two bills aimed at providing coverage for all immigrants illegally in the country.,5 +7,"Police groups worry that officers with a misdemeanor conviction on their record could lose their jobs because of their inability to carry a gun. They have challenged the law in federal court, contending that the gun ban should not apply to convictions obtained before the law was in place.",6 +11,"MAKING LUNG CANCER, LIKE, COOL",10 +13,"White House regional press secretary Ken Lisaius would not answer directly Tuesday when asked whether Bush would try to get the bill passed, saying only that ""the president's views on this matter are well-known and unchanged.""",12 +9,"Risk of stroke // Linked to smoking, migraines",8 +1,"The settlement would create a new era of cigarette marketing, said J. Phil Carlton, the tobacco industry's top lawyer. ""The only way for cigarette companies to compete will be price competition,"" he said.",0 +10,His father ignored him,9 +7,", that he stabbed three of six victims to death, and that local cops had failed to heed the red flags raised by Rodger's family and therapist.",6 +8,"The violations included fraudulent passports presented by as many as seven of the 19 hijackers, according to the report.",7 +5,PROPOSAL: BAR SOME FEDERAL JUSTICE AID TO LOCALITIES THAT BAR GUNS,4 +10,"There are plenty of reasons not to tie the knot. Like many men, I had always been in fierce and firm command of them all. First off, as someone who had been a defensive single most of my adult life, I still believe that solitude makes you a deeper person, not a lesser one. So I felt kind of guilty for being in a couple.",9 +1,all cigarette vending machines that aren't in bars or nightclubs,0 +6,Civil unions bill tied to straight seniors with unmarried partners,5 +13,"Most inmates are not upset about the new policy, said Faye Chatmon, an inmate and president of the 29-member Inmate Advisory Council. ""There will be some people who won't like it, but there is not a lot we can do about it.""",12 +5, amend the Constitution,4 +13,"Next election, I will be watching any report that lists NRA political contributions to its favored candidates. As a responsible voter and gun owner, I want to make sure my votes reflect my choices and not those of the NRA. Contributions from the NRA will brand any candidate as unworthy to represent me.",12 +5,San Francisco's bold decision to issue marriage licenses to thousands of gay couples in February and March appears doomed to fail in the California Supreme Court.,4 +8, calls the background check,7 +1,"higher prices and stricter advertising rules would mean broad changes in how cigarettes are marketed and which brands move off the shelves, industry experts said Monday.",0 +3,Parents at fault,2 +7," People who avoid the law by falsely claiming to be collectors or hobbyists are in fact engaging in the business and are committing felonies for failing to be licensed - or engaging in selling guns to criminals, which is also a felony. +",6 +5,"In addition, many company files would be opened so states could monitor compliance with the settlement. The industry could not oppose state or local laws that target teen smoking. It would not be protected from individual or class-action suits by private citizens.",4 +13, Mr. Ryan,12 +6,"There are already more than enough tough laws on the books regarding guns and gun ownership at city, state and federal levels. Those laws already make it illegal for felons to possess firearms. It is already illegal to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. It is already illegal to carry a loaded weapon in your vehicle. There are already penalties for allowing children to gain access to a firearm.",5 +13,"""I always supported civil unions."" + +Charlie Crist on Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 in a press conference +",12 +13,"spokesman for the Tobacco Institute, the industry-sponsored lobbying group",12 +13,"A Post tally published earlier this week showed 24 senators -- the bare minimum needed for passage -- having said they would vote for the bill. That tally includes Sen. Joan Carter Conway (D-Baltimore), who told The Post that she was willing to be the deciding vote if needed but would not vote for the bill if it was going to fail. Conway has been more equivocal in statements to other publications.",12 +6,"The five-day waiting period for buying a handgun, one of the central elements of the Brady Act, won't be a reality until Feb. 28, and even then it won't be a huge thorn in honest gun buyers' sides. But some see it as a step toward greater restrictions, said Eastman - ""bans on semiautomatics, 10,000-percent taxes on ammunition, restrictions on the number of guns you can own . . . It's ludicrous what they're proposing."" +",5 +9,"Trigger locks immobilize the trigger of the gun. They come in different forms. Some are operated with a key, others with a combination lock.",8 +5," +A majority of the justices who refrained from finding a state constitutional right to gay marriage - even while deciding that committed gay couples must be given all the substantive rights and privileges of heterosexual married couples",4 +13,Pro-gun Georgia lawmakers punish Delta for spurning the NRA,12 +11,"Florida has 405 inmates awaiting execution, more than any other state except California, and it has the highest number of death row exonerees: 24.",10 +5,Wiggins was convicted of first-degree murder June 13,4 +9, knows how to read medical journals,8 +9,The teenager soon smelled smoke and helped evacuate two people from the building before the fire spread.,8 +12,6 things the NRA will hate in Pew's new gun survey - and 6 things it will love,11 +5,"When it is issued, the appeals court ruling will determine the fate of the most formidable legal challenge yet faced by the tobacco companies, which have never had to pay any monetary damages in a tobacco liability case.",4 +1,A Fee Fight Worth $2.8 Billion,0 +7,Licensed gun dealer who killed 3 in neighbor's home was accused of placing pis-tol to girlfriend's head,6 +12,Gay and lesbian rights groups wasted no time organizing opposition to changes to the Missouri Constitution that would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.,11 +11,The Immigrant in Each of Them; Local Students Get Feel of Ellis Island,10 +5,Executive action on guns expected,4 +11,Non-smokers with smoking spouses face a 30%,10 +12,POLL SHOWS GAY-RIGHTS SUPPORT EXCEPTION: SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,11 +12,Million Mom March's aim: Stop gun deaths,11 +13,"SENATE, WHITE HOUSE HASH OUT IMMIGRATION AND BUDGET BILLS",12 +6,", said it was designed to close a loophole in the nation's basic gun control law, which already banned felons from having a gun.",5 +10,"According to a report, two of his sons were planning to speak at the parole hearing against their dad's release, while his youngest always believed in his innocence.",9 +1,The trucking industry,0 +15,Hold Your Fire on Smoking: Compromise Is Possible,14 +13,"raising the prospect that he might veto the increase. + +A veto",12 +13,Lawmakers acting as negotiators from both the House and Senate had been working on a compromise all week. But they arrived at loggerheads Thursday afternoon over whether to include campuses in the bill.,12 +13,"Sponsors -- including Sen. Richard S. Madaleno Jr. (D-Montgomery), Sen. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Montgomery), Del. Benjamin S. Barnes (D-Prince George's), Del. Heather R. Mizeur (D-Montgomery) and Del. Anne R. Kaiser (D-Montgomery) -- said 49 lawmakers have signed on to the legislation",12 +1,shopping,0 +6,"Shaneen Allen, race and gun control",5 +5,"The aim, as in the tobacco offensive, is to concentrate ruinous legal fire on an industry, inflicting so many legal costs and risks that the industry will ""voluntarily"" accept drastic new restrictions. +",4 +1,Gun rights groups have spent $2.16M in Georgia,0 +5,He argues that records about the young witness's being coached and making impeachable statements were withheld and that his trial attorney was ineffective at exposing the matter.,4 +1,that does not have tax-exempt status.,0 +5,"After years of legal wrangling, however, it's not over. A judge threw out the sentence against Sampson in 2011 due to juror misconduct. Now, 13 after his first sentence, a new jury is set to decide again whether Sampson should be put to death or spend the rest of his life in jail. +",4 +4,"So I said yes. Bring them into the fold of committed love and, when we see how like us straight folk they really are -- how normal -- maybe we'll start to get over some of our homophobic hang-ups.",3 +8,Send in the Guard again,7 +11," +!Bienvenidos!; As more Hispanic immigrants move into metro Atlanta, mortgage lenders welcome their business",10 +13,What's in store for the gun lobby in the new Congress?,12 +9,"Smokers, already cut off on U.S. airlines and snarled at in public places, got more bad news Thursday from researchers who said those who light up can't smell.",8 +13,The council voted,12 +6,Stop the cycle -- bring sanity to our gun laws,5 +7,"The sharply critical task force report, issued last September, argued that such deportations were inconsistent with the department's stated priorities of removing foreigners with serious criminal records. The increase in deportations of minor offenders under Secure Communities, the task force concluded, was undermining vital ties of trust between local police and immigrant neighborhoods.",6 +5,The Justice Department -- led in recent years by an attorney general who strongly supports the death penalty -- did not return a phone call seeking comment about the data,4 +13,Whatever the president meant -- and many Republicans said he was deliberately vague -- the debate showed how politically toxic the issue of gay marriage is in the opening days of the 2004 campaign.,12 +14,MEXICO TO SEEK AMNESTY FROM U.S. VICENTE FOX PLANS TO DISCUSS WITH BUSH WAYS TO IMPROVE LIVES OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS,13 +1,getting an extra $100 million from Congress to help reduce the city's budget deficit.,0 +11,MARLBORO MAN BEING PUT TO PASTURE AS PART OF $206 BILLION SETTLEMENT,10 +6,Gay-marriage laws advance,5 +5,"The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday took a modest path to history in California, appearing to doom the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage and opening the door to tens of thousands of gay nuptials sometime this summer. +",4 +5," on the constitutional ground that it would weaken the ""full faith and credit"" clause requiring states to honor regulations of other states",4 +13,"Still, she's disappointed it was dropped by Reid. ""I tried my best,"" she said, ""but my best, I guess, wasn't good enough.""",12 +5,SMOKING LAWSUIT DROPPED,4 +12,female undecided voters ,11 +4,"But Lott interpreted the underlying data incorrectly, said the person who conducted the original data analysis.",3 +5,"Today, Koog appears in federal court in San Antonio to ask for a preliminary injunction to halt enforcement of the bill. He's one of five U.S. sheriffs who have launched similar lawsuits; a hearing last week was held in a Montana case, but no decision was reached.",4 +12,"The first is that most people, even in relatively liberal California, aren't yet ready to push the envelope all the way to same-sex marriage. The bans won 52% of the vote in California, 56% in Arizona and 62% in Florida.",11 +5,"""These questions will ultimately end up at the U.S. Supreme Court.""",4 +8, to expand background checks on gun sales.,7 +11,"Smoking rates are down across gender, ethnic and age groups in California -- although men, African-Americans and people age 25 to 44 still have the highest rates in their respective categories.",10 +13,"said he half-expected the measure to fail,",12 +12,"The group, which describes itself as a ""not-for-profit corporation formed to promote the right to keep and bear arms and to educate the citizenry on the responsible use, ownership and carrying of firearms,"" claims the contest, announced April 8, had been planned for a while and was not meant to coincide with the Senate's consideration of gun legislation. +",11 +13,"President Obama talks a good game when it comes to immigration reform. But by now, it is obvious that's all he does, and few take his promises seriously.",12 +13,"Gay forum brings out Democrats, cautiously +",12 +13,Gay Marriage Ban Headed for Senate Defeat,12 +7,3 inmates flee INS detention,6 +12,"''People who never before joined a group like ours are writing and calling in droves because they think their president has sold them out.'' +",11 +6,"After dog's death, an effort to ban guns to put pets down",5 +1,"The 11 Maryland dealers cited in the study sold 4,362 of the guns, and the 13 Virginia dealers sold 5,628 of the weapons, the foundation reported.",0 +15,Hardly an imposition,14 +3,"Approving or banning same-sex union blessings cuts to the quick of Presbyterians' great pride in being inclusive of all baptized Christians, he said.",2 +9,"""I have two small children, and I want to make the world safer for them,""",8 +1,"It costs the state $ 18,250 a year to house one prisoner. +",0 +6," +Further, Foust's bill would apply to anyone ""who gives, barters, sells, causes to be sold, buys for, distributes samples of or furnishes tobacco in any of its forms, or cigarette papers"" to any minor.",5 +12,"''I just don't think the majority care too much about it at this time because they're out of work, they want to see the state reduce spending, and they are having a hard time making ends meet. And I don't mean to sound callous, but that's true.''",11 +15,A likely story for 1995?,14 +1,"sales decreased an average of 68 percent. In San Francisco, sales to minors fell from 22.3 percent in 2004 to 11 percent in 2008.",0 +3,We need to do whatever it takes to end this insanity,2 +6,Timid on Gun Control,5 +9, like health care,8 +13,"State Senator Shirley L. Huntley, a brassy, big-haired Democrat from Queens who opposes same-sex marriage, received a call on Wednesday that left her momentarily stunned.",12 +1,Gun show returns to Clearwater site,0 +7," and real penalties for violators,",6 +5,JURY TO MULL DEATH,4 +12,"More than 2,000 pro-immigration and labor demonstrators mobilized in East San Jose on Sunday in a powerful display of the persistent dream of American citizenship, despite federal inaction. The outpouring of demonstrators was organized by a loose coalition of community, church and labor organizations calling themselves the May 1st Coalition.",11 +1,You might be interested to know what it's been doing with that money.,0 +13,Congress Didn't Want to See. . .,12 +7,"Campbell was found guilty of killing his fianc)e, Heather Domenie, 33, who died July 25, 2002, in the couple's Cary home.",6 +3,"Many people view gay marriage as a sin - ""godless,"" some might say - though some of us aren't able to make such pronouncements, lacking the Creator's direct e-mail and all.",2 +5,"Over the past five years, 80,000 to 100,000 immigrants per year have applied for asylum. Prior to 1980, less than 2,000 a year applied.",4 +1,"Like many immigrants, money drew Kazi Mannan to the United States. Making enough to support his father and nine siblings in Pakistan meant not only doing the jobs many Americans shun but also working the hours many Americans won't. +",0 +9,The dead ranged in age from 18 months to 77 years old,8 +11,"Youth cigar use is on the rise. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that nearly as many high school males smoke cigars (15.7 percent) as cigarettes (17.7 percent). Among black high school males, cigar use exceeds cigarette use. Candy-flavored cigars are a big part of this rise.",10 +3," This is about marriage between a man and a woman.""",2 +5, is at the center of an epic legal challenge to Florida's death penalty sentencing system.,4 +6,"Those pistols weren't included in the proposed ban, as opponents pointed out.",5 +5,"After interviews, those granted political asylum will remain in the United State",4 +11,Jon Stewart on gun control: Awkward,10 +10,"""I don't think I'll ever get over what happened.""",9 +12,Protest blasts Calif. ban The rally was part of a national show of unity for same-sex marriage.,11 +7,"IMMIGRANT UPRISING ENDS, GUARDS SAFE, NO CHARGES",6 +5,"SCREENING OF REFUGEES `A GAME,' ACTIVIST SAYS",4 +1,a former gun company executive who held that manufacturers and wholesalers have failed to do all they can to combat illegal trafficking in handguns.,0 +8,CONCEALED WEAPONS,7 +5,"With a four-page order, the state's top court dismissed the path-breaking lawsuit on the grounds that it had been rendered moot by a 1998 amendment to the state's Constitution.",4 +13,"Twenty Senate Democrats supported the plan, with 21 votes needed for final passage. Every Senate Republican stood against the bill or did not vote",12 +1,Hot-Line Idea On Gun Sales Called Costly,0 +6,Shoreview is latest of 13 MN cities to institute domestic-partner registry,5 +15,Ref. I still lacks definition,14 +13,"But it doesn't mean the war is over. +",12 +5,CONDEMNED MAN'S LAWYER ASKS MORE TIME;,4 +13," the City Council voted it down, 4-3, last week.",12 +5,72-hour background check on gun-show sales and a House bill that shrank the wait to 24 hours.,4 +5,JUDGE ASSAILS U.S. HANDLING OF HAITIANS,4 +5,"Ossie Larode, 22, pleaded not guilty yesterday in U.S. District Court in Alexandria to attempted murder, assault and other charges on which he was indicted Feb. 10, four days before Feltis died. But federal prosecutors indicated that they probably would seek more serious charges in a new indictment, a spokesman for U.S. Attorney Paul J. McNulty said.",4 +13,Looking Extremely Moderate,12 +13,Senators Vote to Ban Armor-Piercing Bullets,12 +13,"In addition, many African-Americans believe that the rise of President Donald Trump gave cover to white supremacist and alt-right groups, which have become increasingly visible since the presidential campaign.",12 +5,"By denying federal benefits to couples legitimately married in an American state, this unprecedented arrogation of federal power both subverts traditional tenets of federalism and violates the Constitution's equal-protection clause. ",4 +5,"Proponents insisted this was really all about protecting a legal permit holder from being harassed by police for accidentally exposing his gun should, say, his shirt lift up.",4 +13, I've noticed that all the bills that are for doing away with gun controls are always brought by senators with 'R' before their names.,12 +13,Reid said he plans a vote on a background check bill before the 2014 midterm elections - but it is unclear whether the extra time to rustle up new Senate supporters would make any difference.,12 +13,D.C. Mayor Anthony A. Williams ,12 +5,Justices decline to review 'assault weapons' bans,4 +1,TOBACCO EXECUTIVE: REGULATION ACCEPTABLE,0 +5,"That is, the Second Amendment clearly speaks to the powers of the national government, but it is far less clear whether it limits the powers of state governments. Because D.C. is not a state, my own view is that it is currently ""covered"" by the Second Amendment.",4 +13,PAGEDALE OFFICIALS ARE WORKING TO TIGHTEN PROVISIONS ON TEEN-AGERS AND TOBACCO,12 +6," +Unless a state has more stringent laws, the Brady law requires anyone who wants to buy a firearm of any kind from a gun dealership or a pawn shop to pass muster with an FBI records center in West Virginia. The FBI center is supposed to comb the nation's criminal-justice computers to determine whether a prospective gun buyer's past should prevent the sale. +",5 +5,"More than 540 same-sex couples received Arkansas marriage licenses since Piazza's ruling last week, but the validity of those licenses remained uncertain.",4 +5,Brooklyn Prosecutor Seeks Death Penalty in a 2d Case,4 +8,"The Army filed 22 new charges against Pvt. 1st Class Bradley E. Manning, including causing intelligence information to be published on the Internet. The charges don't specify which documents, but the charges involve the suspected distribution by the military analyst of more than 250,000 confidential State Department cables as well as a raft of Iraq and Afghanistan war logs. Thousands of the documents have been published on the WikiLeaks website.",7 +7,DEADLY WAVE OF WEAPONS FROM THE GUN-SHINE STATE,6 +9,for the damaged health of many users.,8 +14,"On executions, Illinois sets example for Georgia",13 +5,"DOMA ruling causing confusion +",4 +13,"D.C., they don't get anything done,"" Scott said. ""Everything up there always ends up in politics, so nothing happens.""",12 +1,"STATE'S GOOD GRADES DROP CHARITY FAULTS FUNDING, LACK OF WORKPLACE BAN",0 +5,Judge: Missouri prison officials must release execution information,4 +7,National News Briefs; I.N.S. Officers Accused Of Sex With Detainees,6 +11,New statewide survey shows fewer Californians than ever smoke tobacco,10 +6,"Nassau County tonight became the first county in New York to extend its ban on smoking in the workplace to cover all bars, restaurants, bowling alleys and bingo halls.",5 +13," +The gay-marriage ban failed to get a majority of votes in the Senate last year, far from the 67 of 100 it needs as a constitutional amendment.",12 +13,"President Bush's advisers and political strategists will pore over a fresh set of numbers, knowing that the figures hold important clues to whether Mr. Bush will remain in the White House for another four years.",12 +15,National talks of tobacco deal reach impasse,14 +5,Anne Arundel County Is Latest To Challenge Illegal Workers,4 +15,'Just do it',14 +13,"The Bush campaign quickly fired back, accusing Mr. Kerry of hypocrisy. ''President Bush is protecting the institution of marriage from activist judges in Massachusetts and local officials in San Francisco,'' the president's campaign declared in a statement. The statement added that while Mr. Kerry ''claims to believe marriage is the union of a man and a woman,'' he had failed to stand up for it in Senate votes.",12 +13,12 states on path to guns with no permits,12 +9,"The river is posted with signs warning of drowning, rattlesnakes and the treacherous terrain, but not pollution. Still, a glance and a sniff are all it takes to know. Stiff clumps of foam glide along on the surface. Plastic jugs, empty cans and blocks of wood bob in the water and line the banks. The stench of sewage is overpowering.",8 +5,"""Our city attorney told us three months ago what we were doing was illegal.""",4 +13,expect lawmakers to come back to St. Paul in January 2007 with a renewed push for the constitutional amendment,12 +5,"Where's the Second Amendment gun control challenge? +",4 +13,"I challenge both parties, along with the broadcast and print media, to make this happen to help improve everyone's understanding of the relationship between firearms and crime.",12 +13,"Some senators also said action on the law should be delayed until a federal court in Oklahoma rules on a challenge of a similar law there. +",12 +6,ANTI-TOBACCO BILL ADS WERE ALL LIES,5 +13," Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is releasing a video message on Monday in which he urges New Yorkers to join him in advocating for the legalization of same-sex marriage, administration officials said.",12 +6,Common sense on immigration,5 +13,Attempts to require the background checks have failed in Congress.,12 +12,PROTESTERS URGE LAWMAKER TO OPPOSE 'CIVIL UNION' BILL,11 +13,"HOUSE GOP IS DOING NRA'S BIDDING BY DELAYING GUN LAW VOTE, GORE SAYS",12 +5,New York will recognize California's same-sex marriages,4 +13," mayor of Nyack, N.Y., ",12 +7,"In the wake of Monday's shooting of a 9-year-old College Park boy and the arrest of his brother,",6 +1,"Then consider the cost of the extra security to keep a convicted killer on Death Row, which adds $ 4,486 to the annual average cost of $ 15,516 to incarcerate prisoners.",0 +7,Minnesota arrests are part of national drive targeting gangs,6 +5,"A U.S. appeals court on Friday struck down a strict ban on owning firearms in the nation's capital, setting the stage for the Supreme Court to rule on the scope of the Second Amendment and whether it expressly protects a person's right to own a gun.",4 +13,SIDING WITH THE NRA,12 +13,"''The fact that we got two-thirds of the vote, in one of the most heavily Republican legislatures in the country, will make a serious impact.''",12 +5,The tobacco industry won a major victory yesterday when a state appeals court ruled that damage claims in a landmark smoking case must be considered one smoker at a time. That removes the threat of a single multibillion-dollar verdict.,4 +5,"New York's highest court is expected to rule today on what one legal scholar called a contest between judicial hearts and minds, a parsing of legal texts and private sympathies: whether to permit gay and lesbian marriage.",4 +8,"It invokes the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001",7 +4,"""I just weighed all the options. I think it's fairness.""",3 +13,"The amendment, which was passed by both the Senate and Assembly",12 +11,"A familiar, wrong argument on guns",10 +3,religious exemption for wedding vendors.,2 +6," Require that all guns be secured with a trigger lock or be stored where they are inaccessible to children. Require potential buyers to take a safety course and pass a test before being allowed to buy a handgun. Set penalties of up to $1,000 in fines or up to a year in jail - or both - for violations.",5 +13,REAGAN BACKS 7-DAY WAIT FOR HANDGUN PURCHASES,12 +1,"To put that in perspective, a 2014 estimate from PolitiFact calculated the United States was spending $16.2 billion on immigration enforcement per year. According to these estimates, Trump's plan would increase that annual cost by between 63 percent and 83 percent, and potentially more when you account for programs for which we don't have numbers.",0 +7,"Van carrying 21 stopped, let go",6 +6,What didn't happen after the D.C. handgun ban ended,5 +5,Judge Rules For Release Of Immigrants,4 +11,"20% in central Colorado smoke Tobacco use, lung cancer above average",10 +5,The right of a duly licensed gun owner,4 +11,"The factory belonged to another rising tabaquero from Spain, Angel Cuesta. Their partnership continued until the growing cigar industry in Tampa lured Cuesta away. Cuesta opened a factory in Port Tampa in 1893 but Rey stayed in Atlanta.",10 +11,"In that play, the beleaguered characters, Vladimir and Estragon, are standing on the side of the road and trying to boost each other's confidence that their fates will certainly improve once the enigmatic Godot delivers them from their predicament. +",10 +13,Republicans argued that the resolution allowing Frosh to sue was a politically motivated attempt to undermine the Trump administration and would give the attorney general virtually unchecked authority.,12 +7,Davis says girlfriend did the killing,6 +11,"and undermining Washington's sovereign interest in remaining a welcoming place for immigrants and refugees.""",10 +13,Clinton hits Congress on gun control,12 +6,who now is trying to write the law's regulations,5 +5,Testimony over whether Cynthia White is alive or dead was the focus of a hearing yesterday in Abu-Jamal's appeal for a new trial.,4 +10,"The family of Aldridge, who was 56 when she was killed, declined an interview request made through the Virginia attorney general's office.",9 +1,Gun Firms On Verge Of Winning New Shield,0 +15,Patch work,14 +9,"U.S. TOBACCO EXPORTS KILLING MILLIONS, AMA SAYS",8 +6,The committee formed to write Peachtree City's anti-smoking ordinance will get its first look today at a draft that would ban smoking in some public areas but would allow restaurant and bar owners a choice.,5 +9,WARNING LABELS: FINE PRINT MAY NOT BE SINKING IN,8 +9,"If the technology can be made to work, the proponents of this approach argue, there will be a reduction in the approximately 1,200 teen suicides annually. There will be fewer than the 200 instances a year of small children getting their hands on guns that lead to death. There should be fewer stolen weapons used in crimes.",8 +5,CONSTITUTION'S FLEXIBILITY IS WHAT MAKES IT SO GREAT,4 +9, and public health interests,8 +12,"The National Rifle Association has heard from departments in Ohio, Vermont and elsewhere that are worried about losing officers because of the law. Some court cases already have been filed, said NRA spokeswoman Mary Sue Faulkner. +",11 +1,marketing,0 +9," +''Smoking kills more Americans each year than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fires and AIDS combined,'' says Dr. Raymond L. Woosley , Georgetown University.",8 +9,Ruin your own health. Increase your own health insurance premiums. Risk heart disease. But don't make the rest of us suffer along with you,8 +15,"'Just Not Married,' And Up in Arms",14 +4,"In a report by four judges and lawyers who visited several states earlier this year, the human rights group said obligations taken on by Washington under international human rights and anti-discrimination accords were largely unfulfilled.",3 +5,Through lawsuits.,4 +7,"The charges against him were part of a May 20, 2010, state grand jury indictment stemming from an investigation by the New Jersey State Police/Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Joint Firearms Task Force, Glassboro Police Department, and Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office.",6 +7,"""Illegal immigration and the crime rate are as low as they've been in decades.""",6 +5,HIGH COURT OVERTURNS DEATH SENTENCE,4 +7,Pilot arrested at New York airport for packing illegal gun,6 +12,"On May 17 the students held small-scale actions to publicize their demands in 19 locations around the country, including at the Obama re-election campaign offices in Miami. Gaby Pacheco, a leader of the student network, said Wednesday that they were preparing larger protests for mid-June if the White House did not respond.",11 +6,"Council member Phil Mendelson (D-At Large), who introduced the 2006 smoking ban along with Fenty, said the mayor's seal of approval was ""disappointing given his past record and the thin justification for making these exceptions.",5 +5," Boston became the 20th U.S. city to sue gun manufacturers, accusing them of ""negligence, recklessness and greed.""",4 +7, where a troubled teenager used a legally purchased military-style semiautomatic rifle to kill 17 people at a high school this past week,6 +13,Gun law debate divides House,12 +7,His execution is set for Wednesday.,6 +7," after December's mass shooting at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school",6 +9,Health Dept. Loses in AIDS Rule Dispute,8 +5,"Shapiro, an Alexandria lawyer who has a distinguished record in federal and local courts, first learned yesterday that he would represent Muhammad and said he had not met his client. Shapiro has defended capital cases in the past in Prince William, the jurisdiction that has handed down the most death sentences in Virginia.",4 +5,But Assistant Attorney General Lewis Beilin told the court the constitution was properly amended because the two parts of the amendment were closely related and part of the same general purpose,4 +7, Heshley said,6 +5,No immunity for dealers,4 +13,Anxious House Braces for Fight On Gun Control,12 +12,A FOE OF SMOKING TAKES HIS CRUSADE ACROSS THE PACIFIC,11 +15,Breaking the camel's back,14 +5,"The tobacco industry usually dispatches at least 20 lawyers to court hearings - and has more troops in reserve. In all, 19 law firms are working on behalf of the tobacco industry in the Minnesota lawsuit. Six of the top 10 law firms in Minnesota represent tobacco clients in the case. And each tobacco company and industry trade group also retain at least one national law firm.",4 +13,Bloomberg Responds to Weekend of Shootings,12 +12,"Polls show the public favors closing the gun show loophole by a wide margin, but the people's right to safety is nothing when compared with the gun lobby's clout.",11 +3,"''His own church was saying to him that, as a homosexual, you can't go to heaven,'' Frank Schaefer said. ''That's not necessarily what the church would officially say, but that's what he heard, and it devastated him because faith had always been very important to him. I remember how I said to him: 'It's so obvious you did not choose this for yourself. This is who you are, and this is who God created you to be. You are created in the image of God, just like everybody else.' ''",2 +13, That would open the way for swift Senate action and a House-Senate conference to resolve differences before Mr. Bush's suggested deadline of June 15.,12 +7,against the accused killer of a defenseless store clerk.,6 +12,Anti-immigrant sentiment is down in the United States - way down,11 +13,"Gov. David A. Paterson introduced a bill on Thursday to legalize same-sex marriage, vowing to personally involve himself in the legislative debate at a level that is rare for a chief executive in New York.",12 +9, They said the testing would be ineffective in curbing the spread of AIDS by driving some who have been exposed to the virus underground where they would continue to spread infection.,8 +6,I-4 FATALITY PROVES GUN OWNERSHIP RULES LAX,5 +13," Since then, the gun lobby and its all-too-willing Congressional enablers have managed to block all efforts to require buyers at weekend gun shows to undergo the same background checks required of buyers at federally registered gun shops.",12 +5,"Attorneys general routinely have to decide whether laws facing legal challenges are constitutional. But in recent years, the high-profile nature of political battles over same-sex marriage and other social issues have put many of their decisions in the spotlight. +",4 +1, But only a pittance of the settlement has gone to that goal.,0 +1,"""The direct income losses suffered by our nation's tobacco farmers this year alone, due to loss in quota, amount to over $600 million,"" the letter said. ""As you know, while low commodity prices will rise in the future, the income lost due to the cut in tobacco quota will not return.""",0 +7,Detainees soon head to S. Georgia,6 +13," +ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE CLEARS BILL REINSTATING PARTS OF GUN LAW THAT HIGH COURT",12 +5,Somalis seeking asylum take back-door route to U.S.; Suspension of refugee program has put them on Latin American path,4 +12, Most voters have indicated in polls that they are chiefly concerned about economic issues.,11 +13,The House voted 77-40 Wednesday for a bill,12 +4, finding that systemic racism was not a factor in capital punishment in the state.,3 +13, elected to the state Senate next month.,12 +9,"One by one, people he knew were either dying",8 +5,Delays sought in 3 capital cases,4 +15,"Good, bad and ugly",14 +12,But an anti-smoking group was sharply critical of the arrangement.,11 +7,"Investigators have spent most of this week piecing together the story of Stephen Paddock, who on Sunday opened fire from his Las Vegas hotel suite, gunning down 58 people at a country music festival and injuring hundreds more.",6 +13,President Barack Obama promised to submit new gun control proposals to Congress by January.,12 +13,Pro-gun Democrats win endorsements from NRA,12 +5,"The USCIS is allowed to authorize 65,000 visas this year under the H-1B program. The lottery will determine who gets those visas.",4 +12,collecting a growing and diverse group of supporters.,11 +5,But the case that drew Justice Thomas's objection actually suggests a way forward in the broader debate about gun rights and regulation: enhanced local control.,4 +12,NRA rides out storm started by Newtown,11 +9," Besides accidents and suicides,",8 +7,"In just over a year, the department has cited approximately 700 food service establishments for one or more violations of this act",6 +13,That will be difficult because the House is taking a harder line than the Senate on immigration policy and is showing no signs of backing down.,12 +13,"State Senate President Stephen Sweeney's tardiness in supporting same-sex marriage legislation means the latest bill will likely die on Gov. Christie's desk, if not before. + +Had Sweeney campaigned for it, a different outcome might have occurred in 2010, when a similar bill fell seven votes short of the 21 needed for Senate passage. Instead, he abstained. + +""I made a bonehead decision. I did the wrong thing,"" Sweeney said Thursday in an interview with the Inquirer Editorial Board. In 2010, then-Gov. Jon Corzine promised to sign a gay-marriage bill if it passed before he left office. But Christie is taking the opposite point of view. + +Sweeney said the measure is still ""worth the fight."" But he knows it will be very difficult to get the votes needed to override Christie's virtually certain veto, even though both legislative chambers are controlled by Democrats. Many legislators are afraid to take on this volatile issue. + +Sweeney, a powerful Gloucester County Democrat, personally sponsored the latest marriage equality bill, which was introduced earlier this week. But the senator's move prompted some skeptics to accuse Sweeney, a likely U.S. Senate candidate in 2014, of political posturing. + +P",12 +7,"Copeland, 78, is on Death Row at the Potosi Correctional Center. He was convicted in 1991 in the deaths of five transient workers. Copeland's wife, Faye Copeland, also is on death row. She was convicted in 1990.",6 +5,Colorado: New Gun Restrictions Withstand a Challenge in Court,4 +13,Barr: Don't apply gun ban retroactively,12 +5," lawyers wrote in court papers yesterday, arguing that Malvo's co-defendant should not be eligible for the death penalty under one of the charges against him.",4 +9,"I know the incalculable toll of suffering and human loss caused by tobacco use. My father, my mother, both sisters and my brother died of cancer. Every one of them smoked cigarettes. Every year nearly half a million Americans die from direct and passive smoking. +",8 +3,"""Waiting periods have to do with the good guys and crime has to do with the bad guys.""",2 +13,A misfire in Shore legislative race,12 +5, A judge said Friday that he would issue a ruling next week in a lawsuit filed by Target Corp. against a San Diego same-sex marriage group to make it stop canvassing outside the retailer's California stores.,4 +11,NEW CARIBBEAN DRIVE AIMS AT CITIZENSHIP,10 +14,"Georgia sent more guns to New York than any states other than Virginia and Pennsylvania, the study found.",13 +5,Court gets speci[#xfb01]c with death row case,4 +5,. Mississippi Attorney General Mike Moore,4 +10,"STATE OF MATRIMONY REFUSING TO ALTER PLANS OF COMMITMENT, SAME-GENDER COUPLES WED WHILE AWAITING THE DAY SUCH UNIONS GET A LEGAL BLESSING",9 +5,Muscogee County District Attorney John Gray Conger and the state attorney general's office immediately asked the court to reconsider its decision. Their motion said the court had no business even considering a stay because Spivey's lawyers had not followed recognized procedures in filing the request.,4 +14,Georgia's deadly export,13 +11,THE ALL-AMERICAN ILLEGAL ALIEN,10 +7, a former Marine sent to Ohio's death row after a murder conviction two decades ago.,6 +8,"Evidence shows that Saeed trained in military camps in Afghanistan and then fought with Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in the weeks after the attacks on the United States, Ashcroft said.",7 +1,"Rates range from $13.95 a month for up to $250,000 in civil protection and $50,000 in criminal defense to a gold plus policy that costs $49.95 a month and provides up to $1.5 million in civil protection and $250,000 in criminal defense.",0 +13,CLINTON SAYS MARCH MAY PROD CONGRESS TO ENACT GUN BILLS OTHERS EXPRESSED DOUBT ABOUT WHETHER THE LEGISLATION'S CONTROLS ON GUNS WOULD CURB VIOLENCE.,12 +9,possessing a gun while intoxicated ,8 +7,"Two Denver officers have been reassigned to desk duty because of the law, which requires that people convicted of abusing a spouse or child must turn in any firearms they own. As the law stands, they lose the right to own firearms or ammunition indefinitely. +",6 +13,"Nasty, Brutish And Trump",12 +5, the next Supreme Court term could be the most important in a decade for the future of capital punishment.,4 +9,"""It's actually the nicotine itself that inhibits bone healing,"" said Dr. Alan S. Hilibrand of Thomas Jefferson University and the Rothman Institute in Philadelphia. Nicotine, he said, does not linger long in the body, so giving up smoking before surgery may reduce the risk for fusion patients.",8 +7,"It is illegal to hire undocumented workers; however, on May 12, 2008, Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested more than 400 undocumented workers in an agriprocessing plant in Postville, Iowa. No member of the plant's management team was arrested. Since the raid, no employer has been arrested for hiring undocumented workers anywhere in the country",6 +13,", when you have forces like politicians",12 +6,Who Could Fault Gun Database?,5 +13,BOSCHWITZ WOULDN'T REPEAL BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS,12 +9,Pulmonary disease in women is increasing,8 +12,Public support may be key to project,11 +12,"""Hello there!"" she said. ""I'm with the Million Moms for Gun Control group, and we're looking for responsible gun owners."" +",11 +13,Cuomo Is Urged to Alter Same-Sex Marriage Bill,12 +10,Ortiz's nod and sly smile spoke volumes.,9 +5,DEFENDANT DESCRIBES KILLING IN HER HOME,4 +13,"That's why we invited [Democrats] over to have a conversation about a deal,"" Short told reporters at the U.S. Capitol late Thursday.",12 +6,The solution I see is a most radical one: The U.S. government should ban the sale of all handguns to anyone except law enforcement agencies and the military.,5 +1,"Because of funding shortfalls, the public defender council cut the hourly rates paid to all private attorneys representing capital defendants from $125 to $95. Yet two of Nichols' four attorneys still are being paid $125 and $175 an hour under orders by Judge Hilton Fuller, who is presiding over the case.",0 +7, But the government has been charging them with identity theft and sentencing them to serve jail time first.,6 +5,"The ruling Wednesday from a federal district judge in San Francisco overturned a voter-approved constitutional ban on same-sex weddings. +",4 +11,"In ""Rare and Decreasing,"" Richard Dieter writes about why he thinks the death penalty ""is becoming largely irrelevant in American society and may not last another 10 years.""",10 +12,MARCH TAKES STAND ON GUN VIOLENCE,11 +13,"Why? The No on 8 campaign has been a strategic disaster, squandering the considerable political momentum that same-sex marriage had here. TV ads have been unfocused and confusing, and the far more disciplined Yes on 8 campaign has dominated the narrative in the newspapers and other media. The No campaign recently brought in new public relations and media consultants in the kind of last-minute shake-up that is characteristic of floundering campaigns.",12 +13,"Social issues such as gay marriage separate Blunt, McCaskill",12 +10,Mauser to leave SAFE to spend time with family,9 +5,DEATH PENALTY SOUGHT IN TRIPLE SLAYINGS,4 +6,"New Jersey's rightly robust gun-permitting law requires applicants to demonstrate a ""justifiable need"" to be armed, in addition to passing criminal and mental health background checks.",5 +1,bought cigarettes themselves from stores or vending machines,0 +1,"The District amassed high debt costs paying for a $ 331 million deficit during the financial crisis of the early 1990s. The mayor wants to use the tobacco settlement money to reduce that debt, pleasing Wall Street and Congress. Next year, he said, the bond sale would reduce debt service costs by about $ 73 million and by an average of $ 50 million each year after that.",0 +13,"Md. Assembly Debates Gay Rights, Marriage Bills",12 +5,Jury hears testimony in Bryant death-penalty case,4 +13,"Take it as a hint, an incentive or a threat, but Gov. George Ryan is signaling that his decision on lifting scores of death sentences may depend on what legislators decide about overhauling the death penalty system.",12 +5,"For gay couples, Iowa's a trip Journeys there for marriage papers solidify families, they say.",4 +1,Morning Agenda: A Push to Divest Stakes in Gun Makers,0 +13," +Los Angeles County -- the state's most populous -- is particularly interesting to look at. In LA County, Prop. 8 won a narrow majority of 50.1 percent. But, President Obama carried the county with a whopping 69 percent. +",12 +7," +After the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.",6 +13,"In N.J., defeat for NRA on gun ban . . .",12 +13,BUSH'S RECORD ON GUNS PROTECTS CITIZENS' RIGHTS,12 +5,"Protect Marriage, the coalition of religious and conservative groups that sponsored the ban, said it would immediately appeal the ruling to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.",4 +12,"Gun control groups plan to try, try again",11 +13,The bill passed Friday,12 +1,Louisiana had flood of gun sales after storm,0 +11,"On Sunday, about a dozen protesters greeted Clinton's motorcade as he arrived for morning services at Washington's Foundry United Methodist Church.",10 +4, give gay couples the same legal rights as married people,3 +13,After a victory in November on a Washington State ballot measure,12 +12,SHERIFF CATCHES FLAK FROM GUN GROUP ON OPEN CARRY,11 +12,aimed at spreading an anti-smoking message in places teens hang out most.,11 +1,"compensation to be paid to tobacco growers, whose income will decline as the nation's tobacco consumption falls.",0 +5,"Earlier this month, a judge rejected Moore's request for a new trial or sentencing hearing, rejecting her argument that mistakes by her lawyers in her 1990 trial put her on death row for the poisoning death of her boyfriend.",4 +12,public places,11 +4,UNFAIR TO BAN GUN SHOWS,3 +7,REDUCED THEFT PLEA MAY SAVE MAN FROM EXECUTION,6 +7,Area's Gun Store Thefts Soar With Demand for Firepower,6 +7,"Those who will be barred from buying guns include anyone convicted of violent felony crimes or of drunken driving three times in a five-year period or anyone with a history of serious mental-health problems. In addition, those who have had a protection-from-abuse order filed against them or who have been convicted of simple assault in relation to a domestic violence incident will be barred.",6 +1,Tobacco cash hotly sought Battle for slice of pie heats up,0 +6,The bill would forbid the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority from helping people without Social Security numbers get mortgage loans.,5 +7,ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION; Fake ID law ratchets up penalties,6 +11,"Just a few years ago, it could have been a much different story. +",10 +7,"The board's ruling means the Palestinian and longtime U.S. resident, jailed for 16 months, will stay there.",6 +13,OK child safety gun bill,12 +5,SULLIVAN CASE: Lawyers say suspect in '87 slaying no hit man,4 +12,"Police estimated 400,000 people marched through Chicago's business district and tens of thousands more rallied in New York and Los Angeles, as well as smaller American cities.",11 +13,Congress has been cowed by the NRA.,12 +5,"In addition to answering that legal question, however, the seven-member court is expected to address the legal status of some 18,000 same-sex couples who were married in California between June -- when the legalization took effect -- and Election Day in November.",4 +9,"New York Has Gun Deal, With Focus on Mental Ills",8 +15,Week 6: Gun control: Jim Hughes,14 +13,Parties scramble to adjust to debate's realities,12 +10,SUNDAY ISSUE: GUNS ON CAMPUS,9 +13,Mayor-elect Rudolph W. Giuliani reiterated his call,12 +5,"Hawaii's highest court has taken a long step toward making the state the first in the country to recognize marriages between couples of the same sex, ruling that a ban on such marriages may well violate the State Constitution's prohibition against sex discrimination.",4 +5,"""There is no provision in the Florida statutes that provides for same-sex marriage,""",4 +11,"Three of every 10 Missouri high school students smoke, one of the highest rates in the country, Nixon said. In fact, the percentage of Missouri high school students who smoke -- 30.3 percent -- surpasses the percentage of Missouri adults who smoke -- 26.6 percent, he said.",10 +9,"""My children will be safer, and your children will be safer, if we do this and if we learn the painful lessons from these families."" +",8 +7,COLD TURKEY JAIL HAS SMOKED BALONEY SCENT,6 +5,Lonchar's death came after a day of legal maneuvering that resulted in the U.S. Supreme Court's issuing a stay 30 minutes before the scheduled execution time of 7 p.m. as Lonchar made a last-minute decision to appeal.,4 +13,"The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a constitutional amendment on Thursday that would ban same-sex marriage. The vote followed a shouting match that ended when a Democrat strode out and the chairman bid him, ''Good riddance.''",12 +12,Same-sex couples tie knot in protest of legislators' recent ban,11 +9,Disrupt the death dealers,8 +7,just before drug-related violence sent the city's homicide rate soaring.,6 +9,life-threatening illness.,8 +7,"Four men stole 20 cartons of cigarettes and severely beat a San Jose convenience store clerk, police said. + +San Jose police said three men entered the 7-Eleven store at 2644 Cropley Ave., in North San Jose, shortly before 4:30 a.m. Thursday and appeared to check the place out. They returned a few minutes later with a fourth man, security cameras show. + +Two of the men approached the lone 27-year-old clerk in the back of the store and assaulted him while the other two men took 20 cartons of Marlboro cigarettes. + +The unidentified clerk suffered a broken arm and jaw. + +The assailants all wore black hooded sweatshirts or jackets. + +This is the fifth recent robbery involving cigarettes in the San Jose area, but police don't believe the incident is related to the others.",6 +4,How the California Wildfire Was Falsely Pinned on an Immigrant,3 +1,"Those moves would cost the tobacco companies. Give-away promotions typically are more expensive and have a narrower impact than running ads or sponsoring sports events. And the profit on discount cigarettes is not as high as it is on premium brands, said Roy Burry, who tracks the tobacco industry for Oppenheimer & Co. +",0 +15,The Confusing Gay Landscape,14 +13,"Gun-control legislation has been dead on arrival in Harrisburg for more than a decade because the balance of the General Assembly supports the rights of gun owners. The majority of Pennsylvania lawmakers, both Republicans and Democrats, represent rural areas with high concentrations of gun owners and sportsmen. Pennsylvania issues nearly 1 million hunting licenses each year and there are estimates that close to the same number of residents are members of the National Rifle Association.",12 +5, Assistant District Attorney Ben Leutwyler told jurors,4 +10,KIDS PAY PRICE; SAME-SEX PARENTS BEAR BURDEN,9 +1,TOBACCO FARMERS' FUND,0 +1,The auctioneer's chant,0 +7,"The FBI believes the Boston native, who holds an Irish passport, has fled the country.",6 +7,"Perez is accused of first-degree murder in the slaying of Jeffrey Heird at the Limon Correctional Facility on March 28, 2004.",6 +1,"In New Jersey, the taxes rose in June to $1.50 per pack of cigarettes, the same as in New York City. As a result, the price of a pack rose to as much as $6.",0 +9,INJURED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT SPIRITED BACK HOME,8 +5,The issue is whether revised jury-instruction standards set in 1988 should now be applied retroactively.,4 +11,"""For better or for worse, they were an integral part of the American landscape,"" said James Fraser, the library director at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, N.J., and the author of ""The American Billboard: 100 Years.""",10 +13,View on same-sex marriage sinks Berkeley schools superintendent candidate,12 +12,"Backers of same-sex marriage in Washington and around the nation embraced the rulings and welcomed what they said was the demise of a biased federal law that turned gay Americans into second-class citizens. +",11 +5," +With a two-sentence letter from his attorney general to the state Supreme Court",4 +13,"Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee has never given up. One of the earliest members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, he has made curbing urban bloodshed a personal cause.",12 +1,Tobacco settles Florida lawsuit for $ 11.3-billion,0 +12,"In the controversy that followed, a white supremacist group, the World Church of the Creator, held a rally here Jan. 11 that attracted a few dozen people. An alternative, pro-diversity rally the same day drew more than 4,000 people, including Maine's governor. +",11 +1,G.O.P. Wastes Taxpayer Dollars,0 +3,"AN EMBOLDENED CHRISTIAN RIGHT GATHERS TO DEFINE, ADVANCE AGENDA",2 +13,"California Legislature takes first steps toward 'ammo control' +",12 +7,"To zap illegals, jail those who employ them",6 +13,"Angered by gun control, this lawmaker drafted a bill to require licenses for journalists",12 +5,"That left only Mississippi and Georgia refusing to process applications for benefits on an equal basis, or use state Guard facilities to issue the identification card needed to claim benefits and use medical services on the Guard member's home base. +",4 +7,"Hopewell High is among a number of schools instituting high penalties for smoking at school, ranging from suspension and fines to expulsion. Administrators say it is the only way they know to stem the rise of smoking by students on campuses.",6 +9,public safety,8 +11,"Some nurture dreams of returning to Africa for good one day. But many are casting their lot permanently in America, trying to assimilate even as they and their children struggle to learn where they fit in a country where black-white relations are a perpetual work-in-progress.",10 +13," +It's unlikely that gay marriage concerns run deep enough to swing the presidential election. Rather, most analysts believe the election will hinge on which candidate voters are most comfortable with on a host of issues, including the war in Iraq, the economy and the candidates' character. + +Nevertheless, the issue of gay marriage could motivate voter turnout, particularly in such swing states as Arkansas and Oregon, which have proposals to ban gay marriage on their ballots in November. And as the results from Missouri and Louisiana show, the anti-gay marriage vote is so overwhelming that it could help Republicans overall by drawing more pro-Republican voters to the polls. +",12 +7,Wesley Baker will be executed by the state of Maryland during the week of Dec. 5.,6 +13,"The Obama administration stepped into Utah's gay marriage fight Friday, announcing it will recognize couples who were wed before the Supreme Court suspended ceremonies early this week. +",12 +13,"Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.), a prospective 2008 presidential candidate,",12 +3,"""The whole idea of marriage is a pretty core value,"" Pardoe said. ""I'm really happy, praise God.",2 +7,"GUN LAWS NOT LACKING, JUST ENFORCEMENT",6 +5,"Appeals of federal district court rulings that sanctioned gay marriages in Utah and Oklahoma will be heard by a three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver on successive Thursdays, moving the issue closer to a return engagement at the Supreme Court. +",4 +7,18 Stowaways Sent to Prison With U.S. Aid,6 +6,"he would push for more sensible and comprehensive immigration reform. He would call for changes to federal law that allow a path to citizenship for millions of productive but undocumented American workers, and a chance for children raised here illegally to one day be full-fledged Americans.",5 +7,CITY SHERIFF SAYS HE'LL ACCEPT FREE GUN LOCKS HARMON REJECTED,6 +10,Immigrants without HOPE need help entering college,9 +13," But the bill Mr. Nixon signed was supported overwhelmingly by both chambers of the Missouri Legislature, whose bipartisan membership has had plenty of experience and discussion on these issues.",12 +5,Tobacco lawyers won't get Medicaid names,4 +11,Anderson Cooper comes out in a changed landscape,10 +1,"The group most recently reported spending $53,406 on lobbying in the second half of 2005, with about $32,000 going to staff salaries, $15,000 on public relations campaigns and $6,000 on media advertising. +",0 +5, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional California's ban on gay marriage,4 +13,"The Council is selling us out again to a small, vocal special-interest group.",12 +13,GUN BILL DRAWS ORGANIZED FOES,12 +11,That rings with a certain American appeal.,10 +6,"When Illinois' new smoking ban kicks in Jan. 1, Corona's job as Madison County Health Department director puts her on the front line of keeping smoke out of public places. +",5 +7,"Gray was convicted in the 2006 slayings of Bryan and Kathryn Harvey and their daughters, 9-year-old Stella and 4-year-old Ruby. + +Gray was scheduled to be executed March 16,",6 +13,"While the presidential candidates fruitlessly argue over how to handle immigration, there should be no debate over welcoming one category of immigrants:",12 +5,"Now it's time for appeals courts to weigh in -- first in the Utah and Oklahoma cases, followed by Virginia next month. Cases also are pending from Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas. +",4 +7,He previously was convicted of a series of crimes against women and girls during January 1991 that started with the killing of Elissa.,6 +11,Texas milestone: 500th execution,10 +7,"That night in Arlington, a shooting at an apartment complex left two men dead and a third person injured. +",6 +7,INS Arrests 71 During 2 Raids in Maryland; Tips Pointed Agents To Bladensburg Firms,6 +13,"Northern Virginia leaders pressed their agenda of education and transportation issues today, as the region's Democrats championed new controls on weapons at schools and other politicians sought more resources to ease traffic congestion in Washington's suburbs",12 +13,Marriage Protection Act Passes,12 +3,"The resounding ""No"" vote came on a measure that would have endorsed a resolution passed by the Anglican worldwide Lambeth Conference in 1998 denouncing gay marriage and ordination as incompatible with scripture. +",2 +13,Illinois state Sen. Bill Haine was standing on the Senate floor,12 +11,"A greater question may be what, if anything, black organizations here will do about it.",10 +5,"the amendments would prevail in at least 10 of the states,",4 +5,A lawsuit filed by illegal immigrants against the Georgia Department of Public Safety should get the attention of lawmakers. The suit challenges the state law that limits the granting of licenses to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.,4 +7,"artin Correctional Institution inmate Matthew Marshall beat another inmate to death last year in ""a vicious, premeditated attack to kill,"" ",6 +5,"On Friday, Judge Mary C. Jacobson of State Superior Court in Mercer County ruled that the state had to allow same-sex marriages starting Oct. 21, saying the state Constitution required it in light of the ruling by the United States Supreme Court in June that overturned the Defense of Marriage Act, which had denied federal benefits to same-sex married couples. +",4 +6,"In 2001, Portland passed a law requiring city contractors to give equal benefits to heterosexual spouses and same-sex domestic partners",5 +1," +After years of minimal funding, the state now has $17-million to spend on a campaign against smoking, part of a $58-million tobacco cessation and prevention program. The money comes from voters' 2006 constitutional amendment to put 15 percent of state tobacco settlement funds into the program.",0 +13,LEGISLATORS HAVE DIFFERING IDEAS FOR SETTLEMENT,12 +13,"But Gov. Bush doesn't listen when votes count more than good advice, along with those legislators foolish enough to agree with him.",12 +13,SENATE PANEL OKS MAJOR GUN CONTROL BILL,12 +15,What's the big idea?,14 +13,"""I myself do not own a gun,"" she said, urging an interviewer to talk with her husband about his position on handguns. ""I choose not to get into that. I am afraid of them (guns). I'm too afraid I'd shoot the wrong person.""",12 +6,Chamblee snuffs anti-smoking law,5 +11," +Panthers try to put aside distractions",10 +5,"Alabama constitutional right to bear arms strengthened, by 72%-28% vote +",4 +1,Lorillard may move headquarters to N.C.,0 +5,MIKE TO WORKERS: BECOME A CITIZEN,4 +11,"Beneath both community disputes flows the same undercurrent: the continuing struggle to adapt to - and in some cases, fight against - a tide of immigrants who have transformed the two former blue-collar, predominantly white cities into the most ethnically diverse area in Georgia.",10 +10,"Marrero's sister, Brenda Marrero, said her family accepts the decision. ""The only thing we want is to have Lois back, and we can't have that,"" she said.",9 +5,A big moment for 'anti-immigration warrior' Sessions,4 +6,"""If we can have a vote on baseball, we should be able to vote on smoke-free workplaces,"" council member Kwame R. Brown (D-At Large), lead sponsor of the bill, told supporters gathered yesterday in the smoke-free dining room of Nathan's, a Georgetown bar and restaurant.",5 +13,Lawmakers bow to will of NRA,12 +13,"Maryland Senate Democrats passed sweeping gun-control legislation Thursday that would make the Free State the first in nearly 20 years to require residents to submit to fingerprinting, training and background checks to obtain a license to buy a firearm. +",12 +11,Tobacco use in state drops to 1 out of 5 adults,10 +7,"Creech, 53, is accused of disobedience for performing a service that violates a 1996 clause in the United Methodist Church's Social Principles prohibiting ``ceremonies that celebrate homosexual union.'' He also is accused of holding an unsanctioned liturgy.",6 +4,"""I'm trying to assure human rights for all God's children, particularly those living in this country,",3 +13,BUSH RENEGES ON PROMISE TO FIGHT NEW GUN CONTROLS,12 +10,JAILHOUSE HUSBAND CLAIMS KARLA'S BODY,9 +5,"Many towns, cities and states have gun ownership laws that allow the ownership and use of firearms, and District residents should not be denied this right based on scare tactics that refer to more guns on the street.",4 +13,"House Democrats led by civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., staged a sit-in on the House floor June 22, saying they would not leave until Republicans scheduled a vote on gun control legislation. After a nearly 12-hour standoff, Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., reconvened the House and called a vote on unrelated matters over the shouts of the Democratic protesters. Republicans ultimately voted to adjourn for the July Fourth holiday, and Democrats remained in the chamber for several hours to continue their appeal for a gun vote.",12 +5,"Judges: U.S. may deport boy, 13; His father put him on a plane from Ghana in 2000. A 3-judge panel backed earlier decisions. +",4 +9,"Gilboy's prognosis gives little hope. But his continuing fight in the Louisiana courts against the American Tobacco Co. provided a glimmer of hope last June in an Ohio State University research laboratory where psychologist Timothy Brock and associate Laura Brannon were conducting experiments. To test their impact, they modified the ""vividness"" of health warnings on actual print ads for cigarettes. They found that today's standard text warning labels had practically no effect on the consumer attitudes of 102 subjects. Neither did enlarging and centering the warning in the ad.",8 +7,"gun buyback program,",6 +5," +Rae Theodore learned of Wednesday's Supreme Court decisions by refreshing a legal-news blog on her computer, over and over. She had read predictions that the justices would send the cases back, so when the announcements flashed, she had to read the words several times before they sank in.",4 +5,"Williams will focus on ""the guilt phase of the trial,"" Fioravanti said, and he would handle the penalty phase if Packer is convicted. +",4 +6,But Ahmadu said she was willing to forgo gun control authority.,5 +15,"AFTER TWO MARIELS,; NO MAS",14 +12,The NRA convention is coming to Dallas,11 +5,Thomas asks questions for the first time in a decade,4 +1,Employers use H-1B visas for hard-to-fill jobs,0 +11," If this passes, four out of every five cars will have a gun.'' ",10 +5,"Specifically, District Judge Charles C. Lovell of Missoula, Mont., said that the feds had overreached themselves when they told Ravalli County Sheriff Jay Printz he had to divert deputies from their other duties to do background checks on Montana gun buyers.",4 +6," +System may be slowing appeals",5 +13,Kansas town says Kobach can't use replica gun in parade,12 +9,"With inmate's fatal beating, prisons face a new light",8 +15,HOMOSEXUALITY DEBATE,14 +5,The Right to Arm Public Housing,4 +5,"The retrial of the rabbi, Fred J. Neulander, is being moved to Freehold from Camden because of the intense publicity in the case.",4 +9,They met and spoke to a man who lost his larynx from cancer due to smoking. They looked at a badly diseased lung from a smoker.,8 +8,A NATION CHALLENGED: THE BORDERS; Official Urges Combining Several Agencies to Create One That Protects Borders,7 +7,"Two years ago, Moore was shocked to learn that her boyfriend was responsible for two slayings",6 +1,Md. Handgun Sales Down 25 Percent,0 +1,NEW IMMIGRANTS SURE MEAN BUSINESS More and more middle-class newcomers to city prospering as they start own commercial venteures,0 +12,"Of those in the Marist poll who said that they disapproved of the executive actions, a majority - 56 percent - said they objected on principle, arguing that the president should have worked with Congress. Just 29 percent of those opposing them said they disagreed more with the policy itself.",11 +4,Heed Man Jailed For Crimes He Didn't Commit,3 +1,"If mass deportations occur, Americans may have to foot the bill at grocery store",0 +11,"""A man or woman who is gay can walk around without anyone knowing they're gay,"" he said. ""I don't have a choice; I'm black 24/7.""",10 +1,Official: Crop looks promising for tobacco sale,0 +10,"""The victims don't get a second chance,""",9 +3," One, Michael Hirsh, has written an article contending the killing of abortion doctors is ""consistent with biblical truth.""",2 +13,"The plan came from an unexpected quarter - Rep. Terry Coleman (D- Eastman), a rural conservative who would be expected to oppose gun control measures. It was unclear how serious the House leader is about pursuing the proposal that is sure to draw stiff opposition from the gun lobby.",12 +15,FORD HITS STONEWALL ON GAY NUPS,14 +5,when the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty,4 +15,DNA'S DOUBLE ACTION,14 +6,Halt executions while past convictions get a fresh look,5 +5, permit to carry a concealed handgun.,4 +11, and WOIO-TV said ,10 +5,SMALL-TOWN SHERIFFS TAKE BRADY ACT TO HIGH COURT,4 +13,House Backs Bill to Limit Power of Judges,12 +13,But the President will insist,12 +9,"""The state must ensure that its health-care initiative does not duplicate the prescription-drug plan that is anticipated by the federal government, thereby divesting funds that otherwise would be available for other worthwhile health-care programs,"" Erickson said.",8 +7,We punish the drunken driver and rightly so.,6 +6,State gun law may get tweak,5 +7,when they have been ordered deported from the United States,6 +10,"Now 18 and still struggling through his sophomore year of high school, Monir works late every night, packing takeout orders of Thai food. The fear of failure follows him like a ghost. It is there when he cannot get to school on time, when he realizes how far behind he is on his homework, when he spots a classmate who dropped out a while back, handing out fliers for an Indian restaurant in the East Village.",9 +13,"As the Senate Agrees to Consider Gun Limits +",12 +9,"Sodium thiopental has long been a mainstay of general anesthesia; the World Health Organization lists it as an ""essential medicine"" for any health-care system. According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, sodium thiopental ""is still considered a first-line anesthetic in many cases including those involving geriatric, neurologic, cardiovascular and obstetric patients, for whom the side effects of other medications could lead to serious complications.""",8 +1,as low as $100 and up to $500,0 +13,Concealed-arms bill dies Measure killed in Senate,12 +6," +TRAYVON MA'S PLEA OF CHANGE Lashes at 'Shoot First' laws",5 +13,"Pro-Gun Voices in Congress Are Open to Bullet Capacity Limits +",12 +3,"""It's not intended to be a straitjacket that forces unanimity and conformity,"" the Rev. Jimmy Creech of Omaha told the United Methodist Church's Judicial Council at its meeting in this Dallas suburb.",2 +5,NEW GUN LICENSING HURDLES ON TABLE,4 +8,ARMING TO FIGHT VIOLENCE,7 +7," Because violence-plagued areas pass gun-control laws, does that mean that gun-control laws cause violence?",6 +13,Trenton Assembly Repeals Ban on Assault Guns,12 +13,"Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), meanwhile, said she would still prefer that the situation be addressed by Congress, fearing that whatever Obama does will be a source of controversy.",12 +13,Presidential candidates who support either form of gay union could face a backlash at the election booth,12 +13,"Virginia is poised to lift a 19-year-old limit on handgun purchases, with the Republican-controlled state Senate expected to do away with the one-gun-per-month cap in a final vote Friday.",12 +10,They have heard the fear of a gay lawmaker who felt helpless to protect his sick child. And they have heard the pain of a House member whose vote against gay marriage tore his family apart.,9 +5,"With a green highlighter, the prosecution marked up the list of potential jurors and then inked in the notations ""#B1,"" ""#B2,"" ""#B3"" and so on. The ""B"" was an unsubtle code for black, and the prosecutors struck each of them from the jury. On another sheet of paper, the state listed six people as ""definite NO's"" for the jury. The first five were the remaining African-Americans in the jury pool. +",4 +5,Beyond media hype on Second Amendment,4 +5,"""We conclude that death by electrocution involves more than the mere extinguishment of life . . . and inflicts purposeful physical violence and needless mutilation that makes no measurable contribution to accepted goals of punishment,"" wrote Justice Carol Hunstein, who was joined in the majority decision by Justices Norman Fletcher, Robert Benham and Leah Ward Sears.",4 +15,Immigration still a minefield,14 +3,"I keep reading that people say God instituted the state of marriage between a man and a woman. I believe in God. I've never seen God. I've never heard or felt God (that I know of). I have a sense that there is something greater than all of us as a human race. To me, that is who God is.",2 +1,When a Gun Maker Proposed Gun Control,0 +13,"Commenting on the Speaker's action, Representative Robert Garcia, Democrat of the Bronx, said, ''This was a major victory for the Hispanic Caucus.'' Representative Edward R. Roybal, Democrat of California, praised Mr. O'Neill as ''a profile in courage.''",12 +11,What Colorado tells us about guns,10 +1,RJR to remain NASCAR sponsor,0 +1,tobacco industry,0 +4,"Last Friday, Anthony Ray Hinton was released from prison after spending nearly 30 years in a 5-by-8-foot cell on Alabama's death row for a crime he did not commit",3 +5,Louisiana filed a similar suit yesterday and is also negotiating with Liggett.,4 +13, Some delegates are promising to fight Mr. Kaine's initiative when they reconvene in April; they shouldn't.,12 +13,"Young, a Republican who has run unsuccessfully for U.S. Senate",12 +10,GAY NUPTIALS FOR HUNDREDS,9 +12,MEETING SET ON RALLY FOR ABU-JAMAL / ORGANIZERS OF MILLIONS FOR MUMIA AND CITY OFFICIALS WILL DISCUSS PLANS TODAY,11 +5,Va. Moves To Limit Firearm Lawsuits,4 +5,"Fresh legal challenge on same-sex marriage +",4 +13,NRA reloads for Senate fight,12 +4,an Arizona death row inmate who some usually skeptical criminologists believe is probably innocent.,3 +7,ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION,6 +9,Convention Survival Tips,8 +12,"""Open Carry Picnic"" -- a mix of a typical outdoor barbecue and gun enthusiast rally.",11 +11,Pacquiao Is Put on Defensive Over Same-Sex Marriage View,10 +6,Schools Snuff Out Smoking at Outdoor Sports,5 +15,Squirming In Virginia,14 +7,"Federal officials indicted 20 people today on charges of falsifying the naturalization examinations of more than 13,000 legal immigrants in 22 states over the last two years.",6 +9,Health Officer Sniffs Out Big Tobacco,8 +13,"All failed, largely along party lines.",12 +7,Criminals don't care what the law is and won't obey it,6 +1,"Curtailing illegal immigration will not ''keep future budget deficits from growing.'' Rather, it will augment budget deficits and accelerate the depletion of the Social Security Trust Fund since these workers contribute so much to the gross national product and take so little out of the economy.",0 +12,POLL REVEALS MIXED FEELINGS OVER NEW GUN LAW DOUBT GROWS OVER CONCEALED WEAPONS,11 +4,Who'll Defend the Persecuted Smoker?,3 +5,"Our Founding Fathers divided Amendment II of the Bill of Rights into two distinct parts: (part 1) ""A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, (part 2) the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.""",4 +14,"Cubans, and Cuba Policy, Lost at Sea",13 +5,Lawyers break new legal ground for metro Atlanta today when they begin selecting jurors in Dahlonega to hear a death penalty case that will be tried in Marietta.,4 +4, a statement by the state Legislature that discrimination against gay couples will not be tolerated in California.,3 +1,Federal tax increase gives many Georgians incentive to kick the habit,0 +5,"I think they do have the right to file an additional appeal on the double-jeopardy issue, but since this court denied the first appeal I think it would be futile,"" Charron said. +",4 +5,"""The state attorneys general have come to a broad consensus that when negotiations resume next week, the issue of immunity for the tobacco companies will no longer be on the negotiation table,"" said Morales, who huddled with his 23 colleagues this week in Chicago. Representatives of the tobacco industry continued their practice Tuesday of not commenting on the settlement negotiations.",4 +5,"Zoe Baird apologized today for hiring two illegal aliens to work in her house, telling the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is holding hearings on her nomination as Attorney General, that she had known she was violating the law. +",4 +7,"Another victim of the attack at 101 California St., Michelle Scully, told how her husband, John, shielded her with his body, taking four shots before he died.",6 +5,JURY RECOMMENDS LIFE TERM FOR LEADER OF CALIFORNIA CLUB,4 +11,"An Evolving View of Capital Punishment +",10 +10,"""Properly documented and potentially less than properly documented are all fearful of being separated from their families, many with small children,"" Singleton wrote in a Facebook post Saturday, a day after their departure. ""Many went home to pack up and leave."" +",9 +5,Immigration status not local matter,4 +11,"For the first time, more blacks are coming to the United States from Africa than during the slave trade.",10 +11,"The breakdown portrayed in an editorial by The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot came not in the courts, but in the news media.",10 +12,"A 2006 Pew Research poll found a 10-point shift from 2004 in support on whether gays and lesbians should be able to marry. In New York, polls show that the majority of New Yorkers support gay marriage.",11 +13,"Before Wednesday's votes, Sarah Brady did radio spots airing in the districts of several undecided members of the Assembly, which had never voted such a ban out of committee until now.",12 +13,HOUSE KEEPS U.S. DOORS OPEN,12 +8, and background checks with a waiting period to purchase a firearm.,7 +2," +The Talk of Virgin Islands; GROWTH BRINGS PROBLEMS TO VIRGIN ISLANDS AS IMMIGRATION PUTS A STRAIN ON SERVICES",1 +6,"The measure has one sole redeeming feature. It attempts, albeit with some excessive language, to prevent nosy employers from intruding on the right of smokers to smoke in the privacy of their own homes.",5 +5,"Dale said the state must issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples starting at 9 a.m. Friday. +",4 +13,G.O.P. Agrees To College Aid For Immigrants,12 +13,"State Rep. Matt Ramsey, a Republican from Peachtree City, is lead sponsor of the wide-ranging legislation",12 +11,"When the firefighters of New York's company 62 dare each other to quit smoking, the allusions and metaphors strike dangerously close to cliché. Only a superbly imagined drama could pull off the inevitable moment when an exhausted firefighter stops battling an inferno to sneak a drag, lighting up off the burning building.",10 +5,Circuit Judge Robert A. Meyers has scheduled a hearing on the guilty pleas for 9 A.M. Monday.,4 +10," +Slain janitor's sister: No death penalty",9 +6,Tougher gun laws needed . . .,5 +7,Just one week after a shooting at a Connecticut elementary school where 20 children and six adults were killed ,6 +10,WEDDING HOPES,9 +11," +FEDERAL EXECUTION WOULD BE FIRST IN 34 YEARS",10 +13,Lawmakers reluctantly OK funds for state tobacco suit,12 +5,New Jersey Attorney General Zulima Farber vowed that her state would take similar action.,4 +5,HOMOSEXUAL WINS FIGHT TO SUE SCOUTS,4 +5,A federal judge's ruling Tuesday that Pennsylvania's 1996 ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional puts the ball back in Gov. Corbett's court. He could settle the matter by not appealing the decision.,4 +4,Justices revisit Texas death case's nearly all-white jury,3 +7,But he said fighting crime outweighed nearly everything else when he was mayor,6 +12,"Polls suggest that largely liberal New Jersey voters are ready to support gay marriage, but the matter would be far from a slam dunk if put to a public vote.",11 +5,Three Iowa Supreme Court justices who were part of a unanimous decision last year to allow same-sex marriage,4 +13,"Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. has no tolerance for illegal immigrants, either in his political life or personal life.",12 +13,"The ad, running in Iowa and New Hampshire, is a thinly veiled attack on GOP presidential rival Rudy Giuliani, who is competing with Romney for conservatives who want a crackdown on illegal aliens.",12 +7," +People in Polly Klaas' hometown, drained by her murder and the long road to justice for her killer, on Tuesday expressed satisfaction that Richard Allen Davis faces execution for his crimes.",6 +12,"Only about one-third of Latino voters said they were angry or disappointed with the president over the delays, while 26 percent said they were pleased.",11 +7,"rooper Boyd was the third of six people prosecutors said Mr. Moreno killed in the crime spree that started in College Station, Tex., with the slayings of his brother-in-law, Juan Garza, and Mr. Garza's wife, Esther. +",6 +5, it should be legal for gay and lesbian couples to get married;,4 +13,Liz Cheney clarifies stanceon gay marriage,12 +9,"No Firing Pins, Please, as the N.R.A. Gathers",8 +13,N.Va. Leaders Push Top Issues,12 +15,CHATTANOOGA PASSES THE ECLIPSE TEST,14 +13," +""The public policy here is to save lives,"" Assemblywoman Loretta Weinberg (D., Bergen) said at a news conference. ""It's time the Assembly moved the legislation.""",12 +1, the proposal as too costly,0 +5,MAN GIVEN IMMUNITY WITH STATE 'STAND' LAW,4 +6,2 CSU campuses face different rules on weapons ban,5 +14,R.I. will recognize all gay marriages,13 +12,Thousands at immigration protest on San Jose streets,11 +7,The execution of convicted murderer Willie Fisher went ahead after a daylong delay.,6 +7,The gun dealer accused of murdering two undercover cops a year ago apparently started shooting under the impression that getting arrested for sale of an illegal firearm constitutes serious trouble.,6 +5,Del Toro won't face death penalty,4 +13,"Handel became one of the highest-profile freshman members of Congress after she defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff in the costliest U.S. House contest ever. That race was viewed nationally as a barometer for Democratic success in conserva-tive-leaning areas, and Ossoff lost by about 4 percentage points.",12 +12,CHOOSING SIDES OVER MARRIAGE,11 +13,"When I listen to conservatives and liberals stake out their respective positions on gay marriage, I have to wonder if they're listening to themselves talk.",12 +13,"President Obama's anti-gun proposals -- including universal background checks, an assault weapons ban and curbs on high-capacity magazines -- will do more to reduce everyday gun violence than prevent mass shootings. +",12 +13,Alabama: Heflin (D) No; Shelby (D) No. Alaska: Murkowski (R) No; Stevens (R) No. Arizona: DeConcini (D) Yes; McCain (R) No. Arkansas: Bumpers (D) Yes; Pryor (D) Yes. California: Boxer (D) Yes; Feinstein (D) Yes. Colorado: Brown (R) No; Campbell (D) No. Connecticut: Dodd (D) Yes; Lieberman (D) Yes. Delaware: Biden (D) Yes; Roth (R) Yes. Florida: Graham (D) Yes; Mack (R) No. Georgia: Coverdell (R) No; Nunn (D) Yes. Hawaii: Akaka (D) Yes; Inouye (D) Yes. Idaho: Craig (R) No; Kempthorne (R) No. Illinois: Moseley Braun (D) Yes; Simon (D) Yes. Indiana: Coats (R) No; Lugar (R) No. Iowa: Grassley (R) No; Harkin (D) Yes. Kansas: Dole (R) No; Kassebaum (R) Yes. Kentucky: Ford (D) Yes; McConnell (R) No. Louisiana: Breaux (D) No; Johnston (D) No. Maine: Cohen (R) No; Mitchell (D) Yes. Maryland: Mikulski (D) Yes; Sarbanes (D) Yes. Massachusetts: Kennedy (D) Yes; Kerry (D) Yes. Michigan: Levin (D) Yes; Riegle (D) Yes. Minnesota: Durenberger (R) Yes; Wellstone (D) Yes. Mississippi: Cochran (R) No; Lott (R) No. Missouri: Bond (R) No; Danforth (R) Yes. Montana: Baucus (D) Yes; Burns (R) No. Nebraska: Exon (D) Yes; Kerrey (D) Yes. Nevada: Bryan (D) No; Reid (D) Yes. New Hampshire: Gregg (R) No; Smith (R) No. New Jersey: Bradley (D) Yes; Lautenberg (D) Yes. New Mexico: Bingaman (D) Yes; Domenici (R) No. New York: D'Amato (R) No; Moynihan (D) Yes. North Carolina: Faircloth (R) No; Helms (R) X. North Dakota: Conrad (D) Yes; Dorgan (D) X. Ohio: Glenn (D) Yes; Metzenbaum (D) Yes. Oklahoma: Boren (D) Yes; Nickles (R) No. Oregon: Hatfield (R) Yes; Packwood (R) No. Pennsylvania: Specter (R) No; Wofford (D) Yes. Rhode Island: Chafee (R) Yes; Pell (D) Yes. South Carolina: Hollings (D) No; Thurmond (R) No. South Dakota: Daschle (D) Yes; Pressler (R) No. Tennessee: Mathews (D) Yes; Sasser (D) Yes. Texas: Gramm (R) No; Hutchison (R) No. Utah: Bennett (R) No; Hatch (R) No. Vermont: Jeffords (R) Yes; Leahy (D) Yes. Virginia: Robb (D) Yes; Warner (R) Yes. Washington: Gorton (R) Yes; Murray (D) Yes. West Virginia: Byrd (D) Yes; Rockefeller (D) Yes. Wisconsin: Feingold (D) Yes; Kohl (D) Yes. Wyoming: Simpson (R) No; Wallop (R) No.,12 +7,doesn't include domestic violence records,6 +12,Texas' turn for gay-marriage fight Voters will decide today on banning such unions. Other states vote next year.,11 +5,"The new twist in the 15-year-old case came at a proceeding Thursday to determine whether Derrick, 34, should be entitled to an evidentiary hearing to explore issues that the appeals courts have never reviewed.",4 +6,"Missouri's ""castle doctrine"" allows people who encounter an intruder in their home to use deadly force to protect themselves.",5 +11,STAGING IMMIGRANT TALES,10 +15,AT THE GOLD DOME,14 +7,"It went on to say that inmates who bought or traded to get their gun at a pawn shop, flea market or retail outlet fell from 21 percent to 14 percent in the same period.",6 +9,Platitudes Loom After the Newtown School Carnage,8 +6,"New York already has a ban on most indoor smoking. Lighting up is permitted only in small (35 seats or fewer) restaurants, private offices, bars and bar areas in restaurants. The new ban would be total. A clone of California's.",5 +5,"When the jury of six men and six women returns to court Tuesday, it will hear closing arguments from McMahon and Lipscomb, followed by Bronson's instructions. The jury will then begin deliberating.",4 +10,"Who would pick the food to put on our tables? Under the best of circumstances, these workers put in long days in the hot sun doing backbreaking work for poverty wages. We don't see unemployed Americans rushing to apply for these jobs.",9 +9,MORE TOBACCO CASUALTIES,8 +13," +The vote was 12 short of the number needed to keep the amendment viable. More significantly, it was 19 short of the 67 required in the Senate for an amendment to go to the states for ratification (if the House also musters a two-thirds majority).",12 +9,to the secondhand smoke help line run by the LungAssociation.,8 +7,"""The chosen footwear of our criminal subculture are sneakers, which facilitate quick getaways after predatory acts,"" Gerald Preiser said in making the offer. He is president of the Federation of New York State Rifle and Pistol Clubs.",6 +12,"MORE THAN 20,000 EXPECTED FOR NRA'S CONVENTION HERE",11 +7,"Under the new law, police officers with court-approved search-and-seizure orders have taken pistols, assault rifles and a submachine gun. +",6 +13,"Rep. Jacqueline Collins, D-Chicago, said flavored cigarettes were most attractive to young people because they could be flavored like candy, fruit or soda, unlike regular cigarettes. + +Collins said the legislation gave the state an ""opportunity to better protect children,"" saying that studies have proven that flavored cigarettes are more likely to be used by teens than by older adults. The ban would not extend to menthol cigarettes.",12 +13,"No other state lawmaker has been more outspoken against gay marriage than Sen. Michele Bachmann, who for more than two years has led the effort at the Capitol to reserve the institution for heterosexual couples.",12 +5,"You were right about one thing, however: this week's decision marks the beginning of a new era of civil rights litigation as laws and regulations that infringe upon and violate the individual right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms, protected by the Second Amendment, are challenged.",4 +7, a development that ordinarily would lead to a firm execution date within a few months.,6 +13,Gun controls in tatters Activists pledge ballot measure after House defeat,12 +6,"The toughness of smoking bans vary in the 47 states that have them. Only Alabama, Kentucky and North Carolina have no restrictions. Some states have exceptions to the ban, such as Georgia's failure to impose statewide bans on smoking in workplaces or restaurants. Ideally, exceptions to bans on smoking in any public place should be eliminated.",5 +5,DEATH PENALTY FOR KILLER SECOND JURY: RULING COMES AFTER ONLY THREE HOURS OF DELIBERATIONS.,4 +5,"""First, we are asking for an evidentiary hearing on the basis of new evidence,"" Pierotti said. ""The second issue is a writ of habeas corpus petition we filed charging that a witness committed perjury and has since recanted.""",4 +13,"""This corrects the wrongs of Charlie Crist,"" Scott said.",12 +13,"Mr. Cuomo last week personally lobbied members of the State Senate in favor of same-sex marriage, and his new video, which was obtained by The New York Times, urges voters to contact their legislators, too.",12 +9, health benefits,8 +7,Florida: Agency Faulted In Detention of Mother,6 +13,We watched our Legislature pass one bill to make it harder for us to vote and another to force a woman who wants a legal abortion to get an ultrasound to review first.,12 +7,"MAN AGAIN GETS DEATH IN '96 SLAYINGS +",6 +3,"Paraphrasing the Bible, he said, ""I caution those who may try to take the speck out of their neighbor's eye when they got a log in their own. I think it's very important for our society to respect each individual.""",2 +7,Salvadoran brothers deported to homeland,6 +10,''Inmates have a lot of idle time. Smoking helps them to pass it.'',9 +6,Bills don't measure gays' progress,5 +3,Emory chapel-use dispute lingers,2 +7,Police shouldn't be running gun bazaars,6 +13,"He had just flown across the country after an exhausting campaign day in Oregon and South Dakota, landing at the White House after dark. But President Bill Clinton still had more business before bed. He picked up a pen and scrawled out his name, turning a bill into law. +",12 +13,"The ad is part of a reported seven-figure ad buy from the Chamber. The Senate is set to vote Monday on the new border security agreement crafted by Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and John Hoeven (R-N.D.). +",12 +12,HOW did students protest the firing of Mr. Zmuda?,11 +6,WEINER'S MODEL LEGISLATION,5 +13,"Ryan is only one vote, but she helps explain why Republican Gov. Pete Wilson, who showed up in polls as one of the nation's most unpopular governors, now leads Brown in the latest surveys, 48%-41%.",12 +13,Panel OKs ban on gay marriage,12 +5,The Supreme Court on Monday threw out a decision that gave a second chance to a man sentenced to death for 13 murders.,4 +4,"Michael Yaki, a member of the civil rights commission, has properly asked that the cases involving Stand Your Ground laws be analyzed to see if there is racial bias in accepting a claim of justifiable homicide when the victim is a minority.",3 +11,"Gay couples are slightly better educated than married people and earn similar paychecks, but aren't as likely to own their homes, according to a study of Census Bureau data released Tuesday.",10 +6,How Trump's travel ban could hurt science,5 +7,The reminders came in the form of three cops wounded by gunfire in two separate shootings - that's on top of a shocking 12 cops shot in 2012.,6 +12,"The National Rifle Association ""has had the field to itself. You don't change that overnight,"" he said. +",11 +13,Trump offers support for limited effort on background checks,12 +1,Dick's and Walmart raised the age for gun purchases,0 +13,Militant Insurgents Lose Out in Fierce NRA Power Struggle,12 +13, Governor suspends use of death penalty,12 +13,McCain: Background check package can likely win support of most senators,12 +5,"Because Worthington pleaded guilty, Circuit Judge Grace Nichols will decide whether to punish him with life in prison without parole or the death penalty.",4 +4,Two Views of Hate,3 +5, Should the Public Defender continue to file appeals against his wishes?,4 +13,"The legislators, a mix of state office holders from the suburbs and the city, were at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown to announce plans to submit a package of bills during a day-long special session of the House on crime scheduled for Sept. 26.",12 +5," Marriage has traditionally been a state issue, and states have often served as the laboratories for social change.",4 +13,Gun-control group rewards political candidates Bipartisan project gives checks to campaigns,12 +9,"They point out that more ought to be done to fight the spread of smoking among younger Marylanders, that the health hazards of smoking threaten the lives of all who smoke, not on the basis of income but on the degree of use, and that revenue generated can be used not only for better public health but also to assist tobacco farmers in conversions to other crops.",8 +5,"The jury, which deliberated for eight hours over two days, found Suber not guilty of theft, receiving stolen property, and possessing an instrument of crime.",4 +5, prosecutors said in a hearing here on Monday.,4 +7,Convicted killer escapes prison,6 +5,"the U.S. Supreme Court was hearing arguments in a New Jersey case involving the Boy Scouts' ban on gays. In a potentially landmark decision, the court has to decide whether the Boy Scouts was within its rights to expel James Dale, an exemplary Eagle scout and assistant scoutmaster, when it discovered he was gay. The justices' questions were probing, but not particularly revealing of the direction the court might take.",4 +13,Anti-Smoking Group Asks FEC to Halt Tobacco's Ads for Senate Allies,12 +8," To improve homeland security, focus on catching terrorists, not on ferreting out otherwise harmless nannies.",7 +5,TAKING AIM AT ANTI-GUN RULINGS,4 +13,Gabby hubby's gun law push,12 +3,about the manipulating of nicotine.,2 +13,"The bill's sponsor, Republican Sen. Don White",12 +8,"Checks could have stopped massacres +",7 +7,taking guns from criminals.,6 +1,"Gun shows have long peddled gun-related goods alongside the weapons on display - ammunition, holsters, sights, targets, cleaning supplies. But in the past decade or so, as the number of gun shows has ballooned to more than 5,000 a year and the number of people attending them has soared to an estimated 25 million to 30 million, the weekend events have become traveling malls.",0 +9,WOMEN REGAIN POWER IN LUNGS MORE QUICKLY,8 +13,Obama Weighing Delay in Action on Immigration,12 +8,Trump flunks his own 'extreme vetting' test,7 +3,Paper shows disdain for those who support Second Amendment,2 +3,"The two belong to the 350-member Metropolitan Community Church, a predominantly gay and lesbian congregation that rents the main sanctuary at St. John's United Methodist Church in the Central West End.",2 +6,"But the 1994 assault weapons ban was never intended to be a comprehensive fix for ""gun violence"" writ large.",5 +1,once again making California a major market for gun sales.,0 +7,FLAWS STYMIE ENFORCEMENT OF GUN LAW,6 +13,Lawmakers wrangling over ultimate price tag of tobacco settlement,12 +7,Concealed weapons trigger no extra violence,6 +13,"The Republican Party is swiftly hanging itself. As a registered Republican, I am not only appalled at their voting to repeal the automatic weapons ban but am beginning to feel ashamed to be a member of this once-distinguished arm of our government.",12 +6,"The new bill would provide for a federal death penalty for crimes such as the assassination of a president and for less obvious offenses, such as purposely causing a train wreck that results in death.",5 +5,"After Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, licenses in some states, waits in others",4 +6, All of these countries had gun control laws.,5 +13,BOSLEY WELCOMES GUN INITIATIVE,12 +6,"The ordinance cuts off county funding for any group that allows the display and sale of guns on its property, restricts where gun shows can be held and imposes tough new regulations on gun show promoters.",5 +7,"If the present laws were strictly enforced,",6 +7,"Jeronimo Gutierrez was sentenced Wednesday by U.S. District Judge Richard Webber. Jenaro and Juan Gutierrez, who face similar punishment, are scheduled to be sentenced next week.",6 +5,N.J. appeals panel hears arguments in same-sex suit,4 +7,"Attempting to obtain an illegal driver's license could result in charges from identity theft to attempted forgery, but none of those charges would amount to the felonies the suspects face, Bustrum said.",6 +13,"At the time, President Bush and others were warning that the threat could be averted only by the most serious step available under our political system,",12 +10,BENEFITS BOOST FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS ASKED,9 +6,"The city ordinance took effect July 1, with Madison joining about 20 other Wisconsin cities with some kind of ban on smoking. +",5 +11,Is U.S. finally moving to curb gun sickness?,10 +6,Stand-your-ground laws face scrutiny after Florida shooting,5 +10,"""I can't believe this is happening,"" testified a tearful Anthony Smith, a childhood friend of Harlan. ""I can't believe it. I just can't believe it. But, it happened It happened.""",9 +11, Executions have become more common than space shots and about as remarkable.,10 +7," could be charged with ""disobedience to the order and discipline of the United Methodist Church.""",6 +7,"Salvadoran's arduous path now uncertain; Two years after 1,200-mile trek, she faces deportation",6 +5,"He also promised lawyers Barry Winston and Thomas Maher that they would receive ""numerous video files"" soon. +",4 +6,Where Md. gun bills die,5 +5,"Selection of the panel of officers who will act as the jury is set to begin on May 29, although Osborn said Thursday that interviews with prospective jurors might not begin until the following day.",4 +12,"It's a formula picked up from their fellow activists who made Chicago an influential player in the push for immigrant rights. +",11 +1,"At gun shops and warehouses, weapons and accessories on the proposed law's hit list have been going ""in one door and out the other,"" says Bob Lesmeister of the National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers.",0 +13,"""He has an A-plus rating from the N.R.A. because he made specific promises,""",12 +4,Those Who Felt Injustice Call for a Fairer System,3 +5,after a jury returned guilty verdicts Thursday.,4 +13,New Hampshire Senate Votes To Allow Same-Sex Civil Unions,12 +7,"Kelly, 38, is scheduled to die by lethal injection Tuesday for killing two women and an 11-year-old boy in November 1984.",6 +5,"While Nevada officials accepted the appeals court ruling and prepared to begin issuing marriage licenses, Idaho asked the Supreme Court early Wednesday to grant an emergency stay. Justice Anthony Kennedy did so about 80 minutes later. But he issued it to both states, even though Nevada hadn't asked for it. He corrected the mistake in the afternoon, lifting the stay on Nevada and leaving it temporarily in place for Idaho. By then everyone was thoroughly confused.",4 +3,RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY IS SPLIT ON GUN BANS SOME SAY THEY AREN'T WILLING TO BITE THE BULLET,2 +1,"At a recent public hearing, the council heard compelling testimony from restaurant and bar owners whose business has been greatly affected by the county's smoking ban. Many of these establishments were built to accommodate a bar business. I don't smoke, but I do not want to see restaurants and bars go out of business or people put out of work.",0 +13,"The pundit class is probably exaggerating the damage done to Republicans by the 1998 elections, just as it exaggerated the gains of 1994. Still, it's an excellent time - especially in the wake of House Speaker Newt Gingrich's resignation - to offer free advice to the GOP. The party should do this:",12 +7,"Dubbed the ""black widow"" because she killed her husband and son, and tried to kill a boyfriend, Buenoano, 54, kept her eyes closed while she was strapped into the electric chair. +",6 +7,Excuse doesn't work for accused shoplifter,6 +5,Pennsylvania: Council Members Sue Over Lack of Gun Laws,4 +13, Lawmakers in Washington and state capitals should take note that they have the leeway - not to mention the obligation - to reform this country's lax gun laws.,12 +5,A Superior Court judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking to end a longstanding police policy that prohibits officers from initiating contact with people for the sole purpose of learning their immigration status.,4 +12,Gentle Dissent in Mormon Church on Gay Marriage,11 +7," they would sentence Mr. Tsarnaev to prison for the rest of his life without the possibility of parole,",6 +5, prosecutor Sheila Rappaport said during closing arguments in Denver District Court on Monday.,4 +12,"""The vast majority of Americans, including a majority of gun owners, support requiring criminal background checks for anyone trying to buy a gun,""",11 +11,NBA to Red: Thank you for not smoking,10 +13,"From remarks by Rep. Edward F. Feighan (D-Ohio), sponsor of the Brady handgun control bill, at a Jan. 3 press conference:",12 +5," A recent court decision in Hawaii raised the prospect that gay couples married there would have their unions sanctioned, giving them the same status if they came to California.",4 +13,"Mayor Street's spokeswoman, Deborah Bolling, said the mayor was generally supportive of the report. ""He thought it was good work, a lot in a little time.""",12 +12,"Fifty-four percent of registered voters would back the measure, according to the survey by The Los Angeles Times and KTLA-TV. Thirty-five percent oppose the proposed measure, which is expected to be on the November ballot",11 +4,"""For an innocent person to be put to death is no different than the crime I've been convicted of.""",3 +5,N.M. county told to issue same-sex marriage licenses,4 +6,BILL LIMITS SMOKING IN CITY HALL,5 +11,"A better question for racing's next generation, however, is, without tobacco, where might NASCAR be 30 years from now?",10 +3,"Try telling that to the parents of a 5-year-old who has just been killed by a stray bullet. +",2 +11,REQUESTS IN '82 FOR PISTOL LICENSES SET RECORD,10 +5,"Thirteen years ago this week, the Supreme Court, in a landmark decision, declared unconstitutional the ''arbitrary and freakish'' application of the death penalty",4 +3,GUN RESPONSIBILITY,2 +9,Drugs such as Rohypnol and GHB are easily slipped into drinks. They make the drinker drowsy and often incapable of remembering what happened.,8 +15,Fighting Absurdity With Absurdity,14 +7,"On Nov. 30, 1979, Devier waited for Mary Frances at her home. He lured her to his car and then forced her inside. Devier then drove the child to a wooded area near the border of Floyd and Bartow counties where he raped her, choked her and crushed her skull with three rocks, one weighing 50 pounds.",6 +1,Medicaid money,0 +5,A Federal district judge in Baton Rouge authorized the prison authorities to lock up the protesting inmates.,4 +5,"The Second Amendment reads: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.",4 +7,The man who massacred 168 office workers and children because he was mad at the Government now becomes the poster boy for capital punishment.,6 +7,"Crist, 38, was sentenced in January to 14 to 42 years in prison for trying to push his deaf 9-year-old daughter, Diane, in front of an oncoming truck in an effort to collect $200,000 in life insurance. +",6 +5,JUDGE REFUSES TO GRANT KILLER ANOTHER TRIAL,4 +5, will go on trial next week in the state's first death penalty trial since capital punishment was reinstated in 1995.,4 +1,"At gun show, what Trump's election means for sales",0 +13,PRESIDENT TALKS UP EMBATTLED LAWMAKER CLINTON LAUDS DEMO DURING CRIME SPEECH,12 +9,Editorial: Disaster for a child could have been averted with a gun-lock law,8 +7,"Samir Mohamad Ali Debk, 25, pleaded guilty Thursday to five immigration law violations. He was not charged with cigarette smuggling.",6 +5,"The long-awaited decision did not surprise legal observers. But it immediately stoked the debate surrounding the death penalty. +",4 +13,Campaign spurs immigrants to become citizens and vote,12 +6,"While drawing a careful semantic distinction between heterosexual marriage and gay and lesbian ""civil unions,"" the bill opens a new front in the national battle for gay rights. +",5 +4,There can be no more compelling reason for taking that step than evidence that the wrong person has been executed for a crime.,3 +13,Gingrey proposed,12 +13,Quinn moves to ban assault weapons,12 +11,"Once a Progressive State, Minnesota Is Now a Fief of the N.R.A.",10 +1,"The state promptly filed suit against the nation's major tobacco companies, seeking $ 1.4-billion spent on tobacco-related illnesses among Medicaid patients. +",0 +13,"PINELLAS TO RECOGNIZE PARTNERS +",12 +1,COUGHIN' IT UP Camel maker mega deal for Lorillard,0 +15,MAN CONTROL,14 +6, Another non-solution is now on the books.,5 +5,U.S. District Judge Dickran Tevrizian ruled he lacked jurisdiction in the matter. But he said that Thompson's bid for a fresh trial based on what the defense said was new evidence didn't stand much of a chance anyway.,4 +12,Obama's education secretary: Let's boycott school until gun laws change,11 +15,SMOKERS HIT ROAD IN WORKADAY N.Y.,14 +5,"The vote was 5 to 4. Justice Stephen G. Breyer, writing for the court's four-member liberal wing, issued a 10-page dissent.",4 +11,"Some two-thirds of Latino adults are first-generation immigrants, who overwhelmingly are most comfortable in Spanish. Few will ever read an English or a mostly English paper. But by fostering readership, we do hope that their American-educated children might do otherwise.",10 +9,H-P TO OFFER DOMESTIC PARTNERS HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN IS APPLAUDED AS DIVERSITY TRIUMPH,8 +10,"Compared with native-born Americans, new immigrants are more likely to be poor and on welfare. But more settled immigrants - those who came here before 1970 - are less likely than native-born Americans to suffer those conditions.",9 +13,"Brady has become more outspoken about gun control since testifying to Congress last summer. He and his wife Sarah, chairwoman of Handgun Control Inc., have led efforts to pass a waiting period. +",12 +13,Wisconsin governor pushes smoking ban in Hudson visit,12 +11,"Chris Kluwe signs with Raiders, leaps into California gay marriage debate",10 +11,"Macy's has told ""Hairspray"" star Harvey Fierstein that he's naughty, not nice, for dragging Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus into the debate over gay marriage.",10 +11," Some supporters have likened her to Rosa Parks,",10 +1,bars and restaurants,0 +1,On Saturday the airline ended a discount for National Rifle Association members,0 +3,The ceremony could revive tensions between the university and the United Methodist Church with which it is affiliated.,2 +9," said Eric Solberg, executive director of Doctors Ought to Care (DOC), a Houston-based health advocacy group made up mainly of physicians.",8 +13,"Voters unseated one-term Mayor Michael L. O'Reilly and two Town Council members who supported creation of the day labor center. They replaced them with challengers who want to bar the use of taxpayer money for the facility and limit access to legal immigrants. Fewer than 2,600 people voted.",12 +5,"An Indefensible Punishment: The death penalty, unjust and arbitrary, cannot be made to conform to the Constitution",4 +13,"PA. SENATE APPROVES OVERHAUL OF GUN LAWS THE BILL PLEASES NRA AND HANDGUN CONTROL. IT DROPS THE WAITING PERIOD AND PHILA.'S CONCEALED-WEAPON RULE. +",12 +10,DeKalb County will offer health and life insurance to the partners of gay employees and unmarried couples under a plan adopted Thursday by the board of commissioners.,9 +5," +Shadow of Roe v. Wade Looms Over Ruling on Gay Marriage",4 +13,"With both houses of Congress coming under Democratic control next month, advocates of stricter control on firearms control plan a strong push soon after the 100th Congress convenes.",12 +7,But he can't say what she would have been prosecuted for.,6 +3,"It is certainly natural for us to respond, initially, to descriptions of some murders, including those committed by children, with shock and horror. But ultimately to respond to the abhorrent acts of seriously troubled children by killing them is surely senseless. What we fail to realize is that sanctioning the murder of children is equally, if not more, reprehensible than the acts of the children we have ''thoughtfully'' decided to kill. +",2 +7,POLICE UNION ENDORSES RYAN FOR GOVERNOR,6 +1,Amazon chief joins gay-marriage fight,0 +5,"DEFENSE SEEKS BAN ON TAPE BY SLAIN COP +",4 +15,Heavy issues going down to the wire,14 +13,Immigration-rights groups hammer Ford on past votes,12 +14,"In a prescient March 2017 article in Time magazine, Alex Altman and Elizabeth Dias detailed Russia's ""new alliances with leading U.S. evangelicals, lawmakers and powerful interest groups like the NRA.""",13 +12,and that Maryland residents have indicated that they want the death penalty.,11 +5,Hayward immigrant workshop to cover deferred action status,4 +10,In the U.S. this is not an option and many same-sex couples have to deal with the difficult issues this poses.,9 +5,negotiate,4 +10,"When the day finally came, Cesar Vargas cried. His mother cried. His law professors cried.",9 +10,A brother and former sister-in-law became teary-eyed when the jury made its recommendation.,9 +6,"The effort has acquired a sense of urgency as comprehensive immigration legislation has stalled in Congress, dimming the possibility that lawmakers -- at least in the near term -- might provide a path to citizenship for those here illegally.",5 +9, demonstrate handgun safety,8 +5,The Windsor decision also figured prominently in recent rulings from federal judges striking down bans on same-sex marriage in Oklahoma and Utah.,4 +6,THE WRONG WAY TO FIX IMMIGRATION,5 +14,overseas,13 +14,"Spain, governed by a conservative with a shared interest in Latin America, promised to be a tranquil first stop on what could otherwise be a contentious European tour for Mr. Bush. Unfortunately for him, one of the biggest stories in Spain in the days leading up to the president's arrival involved someone on death row in the United States.",13 +11,Apple's Gun Emoji,10 +5," +Lobby sues Calif. over firearm curb",4 +12,"But that was the South. And that was before President Obama spoke out for same-sex marriage. Since then the chorus of support has grown louder, with the N.A.A.C.P., for example, formally joining in. Funding for marriage-equality campaigns has grown stronger. And polls show a trend in the direction of greater approval for same-sex marriage, which a very slight majority of Americans, in some surveys, seem to endorse. + +""There's tremendous momentum,"" said Brian Ellner, a leading marriage-equality advocate and co-founder of a new social media campaign, The Four 2012, to raise resources for, and awareness of, the state referendums. ""Everything is aligned for us to win this year."" +",11 +9,"""If you can arm a binge-drinking college student, it doesn't sound like there's any place the gun lobby thinks guns should not be allowed,"" Seibel said.",8 +6,Maryland bill would dissolve concealed-carry permit review board,5 +7,"The decision reinforces executive orders by past District mayors, but Gray (D) and council members say it goes further by explicitly setting standards for how the city's criminal justice system will deal with immigrants.",6 +5,Bragg shooter guilty of murder,4 +11,"In Immigrant Areas, Gay Marriage Stirs A Culture Clash",10 +6,"Immigration in Herndon; Proposals smack of desperation to ""do something.""",5 +10,"does not allow families divided between the United States and their homelands to be reunited except for brief emergency trips. +",9 +13,"When as many as 17 candidates gather this week for a pair of GOP presidential debates, we are sure to hear a lot about Trump's views on immigration. +",12 +12,Students question Senate hopefuls,11 +7,"3rd Suspect, 15, Held in Newark Killings as Hunt Continues",6 +5,DENNY'S SETTLES IN DISPUTE ON HIRING,4 +12,"dashing the hopes of gay-marriage advocates who had thought the Obama administration had handed them a victory this week. +",11 +13,The lawmaker is in political lockstep with his sister:,12 +7,some liberal congregations defy this.,6 +12,A snap survey of East County voters indicates a growing change. Locals were asked if their feelings about gun control had altered in the past year. For some it hasn't. But for many others the time has come to tighten the gun laws.,11 +4,Another measure strengthens older state laws that ban discrimination against gays in housing and employment.,3 +6,Crime Bill's Costs Worry U.S. Judges,5 +5,A Federal Appeals Court Finds No Right to Carry a Concealed Weapon,4 +12,"''We've got three million members-plus, and members will buy one share, 10 shares, or 100,000 shares of a stock if we wanted to go that route,'' he said. ''I'm not sure at all if that's the way we want to go, but I'm going to really study the problem and see if that's necessary.''",11 +12," +Thousands Attend Immigration Rallies",11 +13,"In 2011, current Florida State University president John Thrasher was chairman of the Florida Senate Rules Committee, which afforded him considerable influence on which bills would reach the floor. That year, Sen. Greg Evers was spon-soring SB 234 that would have, in part, allowed some people to carry guns on campus. This bill was enthusiastically supported by the NRA and quite possibly would have become law had Thrasher not been personally touched.",12 +8,Homeland insecurity,7 +7,- HANDYMAN GETS DEATH PENALTY,6 +5, Condemned officer on trial again,4 +11,Smoking Rate Rises For College Students,10 +5,as guilty verdicts on first-degree murder and child abuse charges were read.,4 +13,Gov. Jerry Brown had a chance last week to tell the gun rights lobby that it was not welcome in California and to help protect those he represents from weapons of war that have no place on our streets.,12 +5,where gay marriage is legal ,4 +10,Study finds more Hispanic immigrants graduating from high school,9 +5,"The Second Amendment states ""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""",4 +8,Moussaoui pleads guilty of Sept. 11 plot He says Osama bin Laden had chosen him to fly an airliner into the White House in a separate assault.,7 +5,"The justices declined without comment to intervene and block clerks from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples in Massachusetts. The state's highest court ruled in November that the state constitution allowed gay couples to marry, and declared that the process would begin Monday.",4 +12," +According to a New York Times/CBS News poll (Dec. 21), there is widespread support for a proposed constitutional amendment that would preserve marriage as a unique relational contract between a man and a woman. The poll, which found ""unease"" about homosexual relations in general, also discovered that many of those who have supported ""gay rights"" oppose same-sex marriage. +",11 +9," More and more smokers are recognizing the real dangers they face from a wide variety of cancers or cardiovascular illnesses, and are becoming former smokers.",8 +13,"Immigration policy has been among the biggest substantive differences between Mr. Sanders and Mrs. Clinton, and the two attacked each other on the issue while also struggling to explain their past positions. Mrs. Clinton criticized Mr. Sanders for opposing the 2007 immigration overhaul, and she pointed to his inconsistent explanations for doing so. +",12 +10,"""It's a new era,"" said Frank Vocci, director of the medications development division of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. ""It's starting to go far beyond nicotine."" + +The therapies spring directly from research using today's highest technologies, including brain scans of smokers and genetically engineered mice that resist addiction. + +""These things were science fiction 20 years ago,"" said Neil Grunberg, a nicotine researcher and professor of clinical psychology and neuroscience at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. ""Now, the research is opening huge new vistas for treatment.""",9 +5,"In three days of jury selection, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema has accepted 32 people and rejected 24 as she seeks to assemble a pool of 85 potential jurors.",4 +5,"A federal judge on Thursday declared unconstitutional Florida's gay-marriage ban, which was approved by a voter referendum in 2008. +",4 +7, rules that will allow police to seize evidence more easily;,6 +6,"The law holds that if a person is attacked, he or she can ""meet force with force, including deadly force.""",5 +13,"Now the state legislature must figure out what to do,",12 +5,"U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle in Tallahassee compared the state ban on gay marriage to earlier laws preventing interracial marriage, struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1967. +",4 +13,HOUSE PANEL ADOPTS NEW DEFINITION OF TERRORISM,12 +5,NATIONAL BRIEFING MIDWEST Ohio: Death Sentence Is Overturned,4 +10,SMUGGLED TO NEW YORK; Immigrant Dream of Plenty Turns to Misery and Regret,9 +7,Man Who Killed Va. Couple Is Put to Death,6 +13,FEDERAL THRUST AGAINST TOBACCO GETS NEW VIGOR,12 +7,"Hightower, formerly of Willingboro, will have to serve at least 30 years before parole. Since he has already spent 16 years behind bars, he could be out in 14 years, but prosecutors vowed to fight any attempt to release him.",6 +13,"North Carolina Sen. John Edwards tiptoed around the subject of gay marriage yesterday, even during a visit to the city at the heart of the hot-button issue.",12 +5, He pleaded not guilty because of mental illness on Thursday.,4 +7,Man leaves death row after three decades,6 +12,"More than 1,000 supporters of gun rights, most wearing red stickers reading ''N.R.A. Stand and Fight,'' packed the atrium of the State Capitol on Monday as Connecticut's protracted negotiations on new gun laws seemed to be lurching toward a resolution. +",11 +4, while a study is done on whether capital punishment is used in a racially discriminatory way. Nine of the 13 men on Maryland's death row when the moratorium began were black.,3 +9,ANTI-NICOTINE VACCINE TO TAKE SHOT AT SMOKING,8 +4,Study: Most death sentences flawed,3 +13,Trump calls Vegas chaos a 'miracle',12 +7," when they broke into Mr. Awad's house, dragged him from the residence and forced him to the ground, binding his hands and feet. According to charging documents, four of the marines, including Corporal Shumate, fired their rifles at point-blank range, killing Mr. Awad.",6 +1,Opposing View: Don't use tax dollars to promote gun control,0 +9,"Every year more than 1,600 North Carolinians die, not because they smoked, but because they were exposed to other people's smoke. Hospitals, clinics and health departments see thousands of cases of bronchitis, asthma attacks, ear infections, and cardiovascular illness caused by exposure to the many poisons in tobacco smoke. These cases are not just the people who live with smokers. They include kids who hang out in smoky bowling alleys, people who dine in smoky restaurants, and people who work at smoky job sites. + +Exposure to secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard. It is classified as a Class A carcinogen (in the same category as asbestos, benzene, and lead); it contains 4,000 chemicals (many are poisons and more than 40 are carcinogenic). A considerable amount of research shows that long-term exposure to secondhand smoke causes lung cancer, nasal cancer and cardiovascular disease; short-term exposure causes increased cholesterol, decreased coronary blood flow, headaches, asthma, bronchitis, ear infections and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).",8 +5,"Mr. Ake's Supreme Court appeal, Ake v. Oklahoma, No. 83-5424, is being handled by the American Civil Liberties Union, which argued that the denial of funds for an expert psychiatric witness had deprived Mr. Ake of his constitutional rights to due process, equal protection and the effective assistance of counsel.",4 +9,A child or teen-ager commits suicide with a gun every six hours.,8 +5,"Singleton's lawyers argued that Circuit Judge Bob Anderson Mitcham should have excused three jurors who had heard about Singleton's prior crime, and should not have used biblical references when sentencing Singleton to die.",4 +7,Florida Shooting Focuses Attention on 'Stand Your Ground' Law,6 +5," +Kentucky must recognize same-sex marriages from other states, judge rules +",4 +5,"Would the court be accused of being ""activist"" when they struck down such a law?",4 +4,After seeing hundreds of prisoners cleared of crimes,3 +7,Any Camden County Technical High School student caught smoking in the boys' room - or anywhere else at school - will now have to take an extra class in addition to facing the normal punishment of possible suspension.,6 +11,How to Prevent Another Orlando?,10 +12, and public opinion on the issue is evolving rapidly in other parts of the country,11 +13,How Vermont's NRA A-rated governor was 'shocked' into backing new gun laws;,12 +7,"Keebler, 18, was convicted Thursday night of first-degree murder for stabbing 78-year-old Douglas Orville Wright to death last November. He also was convicted of burglary, armed robbery and grand theft of a car in the attack on Wright on Nov. 15 in Wright's Spring Hill home. In a taped statement, Keebler told authorities he killed Wright so he could take his Ford Thunderbird for a joy ride.",6 +5,"Colleen Brady, one of Harris' five lawyers, blasted the death penalty and predicted the state's capital-punishment law will be struck down.",4 +13,They know that Senator Russo was an avid co-sponsor of a 1980 measure to confiscate all legal handguns and that this version is little more than an interim gimmick.,12 +5,United States v. Windsor to reject a claim for same-sex marriage.,4 +11,"While the per capita consumption of cigarettes has decreased dramatically in the last three decades - from 4,345 cigarettes a year in 1963 to 2,261 in 1998 - the number of smokers has remained steady. + +The number of adult smokers has remained virtually unchanged since 1990, according to statistics",10 +1,"Trump said during the debate that workers don't want temporary, seasonal jobs. But Palm Beach County employment experts say there are plenty of local job seekers willing to take those positions.",0 +7,"Mitchell was convicted of fatally stabbing David Lieneke, 18, and his sister, Dawn Lieneke, 13, on July 4, 1989, in the Symonds Mobile Home Park. A knife with blood matching the Lienekes' was found in Mitchell's home, along with blood-stained clothes. Mitchell has been on death row for the murders since 1990.",6 +6,We have adequate gun laws,5 +4,Suit Revived on Post-9/11 Treatment of Immigrants,3 +13,"The Damage Wrought by the Gun Lobby +",12 +9,"The report contains the striking finding that gun deaths exceeded motor vehicle deaths in 14 states and the District of Columbia in 2011, the latest year for which the relevant data are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's up from 12 states in 2010 and 9 states in 2009.",8 +5,"The stay prevents same-sex couples from marrying while the case is being appealed, but legal analysts said it was unlikely that Judge Walker -- who ruled that Proposition 8 violated the constitutional rights of gay men and lesbians -- would extend it much beyond Friday, the deadline he set for both sides to file briefs on whether he should continue the ban. +",4 +13,"But the school safety bill had no provisions relating to guns, and the Senate hearing was focused on law enforcement failures.",12 +8,There has been a lot of talk about the militia movement in the wake of the bombing in Oklahoma City,7 +13,"Obama backers aim to outflank NRA +",12 +13,Neither Congress nor the American public should fall for this ploy.,12 +13, warned that Bush would promote the same law nationally if elected president.,12 +8, A landmark expansion of background checks on firearm purchases,7 +5,Muhammad Looms Over Sniper Trial Of Teenager,4 +5, the witnesses said First Amendment guarantees of free exercise of religion protected them.,4 +3,"Ministers are being urged to sermonize about his fate,",2 +13,"The video ends with Ms. Bush, who lives in Manhattan, imploring the state's residents to ''join us.'' +",12 +1,Tobacco judgment cut from $28 billion to $28 million,0 +13,"With Cuomo's Help, Groups Mobilize for Gay Marriage Bill",12 +5,"Maryland's highest court ruled that a recent Supreme Court decision does not invalidate the state's capital punishment statute, clearing the way for executions to resume among the 10 men on death row. +",4 +11,Handguns used for sports hunting,10 +6,"he investigation also found significant loopholes in current rules, including the fact that, while attorneys are limited in what they can charge per hour from the fund, the private investigators and others that they hire are not. +",5 +3,Presbyterians will debate ban on same-sex unions,2 +6,The move to snuff out smoking in Minneapolis bars and restaurants is approaching a critical showdown this week.,5 +9, stripping out health coverage for gay and lesbian partners of state workers.,8 +13,"Clinton was somewhat more measured today during two appearances here, saying he wanted to avoid ""a shouting match."" Speaking at a private Democratic congressional fund-raiser, he said LaPierre's comments are the ""sort of slash-and-burn"" tactics that make it difficult to achieve political consensus.",12 +6,Gun control,5 +13,"Plethora of bills will make for a hectic special session Legislators will face up to 60 measures, many on illegal immigration, when they return Thursday.",12 +12," However, death penalty opponents have compelling arguments that the amendment would target 16-year-olds",11 +13,Clinton Directive Targets Gun Show Loophole,12 +10," That liberty is incomplete and temporary, but it is of immense value. Just ask the many young recipients of the president's 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals authorization. ""I am very excited for my mom,"" says Lalo Montoya, who last year received permission under DACA to live and work temporarily in the country. His parents, who are undocumented, have lived in the U.S. since 1989. Montoya was 2 when they moved here. His three younger siblings are U.S. citizens. ""I see her confident, as a new person not afraid of living everyday life,"" he says of his mother. ""I can't wait to see her and my dad experience this and I can't wait to be there for it and to enjoy it with them.""",9 +5,"''Simply put, the court would not issue this stay absent the Supreme Court's'' decision to review a Kentucky case challenging lethal injection methods as cruel and unusual, Judge Conway said.",4 +13,"But Roeser, whom former GOP Gov. Jim Edgar trounced in the March 1994 primary election, denied Family Taxpayers Network sent the mailer -- even though he agrees with its general intent.",12 +13,BILL SEZ RUDY KEY ON GUN BAN,12 +8," +Work Under Way On 'Virtual Fence'",7 +11,"Young, Carefree and in Love With Cigarettes",10 +9,The right to be safe,8 +11,"Jon Stewart shot himself in the foot on Monday's ""Daily Show"" when he interviewed Bob Costas about the gun control comments the sportscaster had made during a football game, landing Costas in hot water last month.",10 +13,"Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who's been brokering talks between the AFL-CIO and the Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement that negotiators are ""very close, closer than we have ever been, and we are very optimistic."" A few issues remain, he said.",12 +5,Medicaid patients file suit for share of tobacco award,4 +13,Guest Commentary Buck's reprimand was no youthful indiscretion,12 +1,work at smoky job sites.,0 +12, The ban had been approved by Florida voters in 2008.,11 +7,Feds eye 4-6 in bribe,6 +5,"Prop. 8 in court: Same-sex marriage examined in key exchanges between justices, attorneys",4 +5,JURY WANTS DEATH PENALTY FOR ARMENTROUT,4 +12,"In addressing that issue, the Times Mirror survey found that 51 percent of those questioned opposed a law that would ``ban the sale of handguns,'' while 45 percent approved.",11 +5,"uhammad's attorneys noted that he was indicted in Fairfax on Nov. 6, 2002, and was available for proceedings there once he was jailed in Virginia. ",4 +9,for any illnesses,8 +5,"hio: Death Sentence Is Overturned +",4 +11,"Morgan is the first person in Florida history to be returned for a fourth trial after being convicted of murder and sentenced to death three times. +",10 +13,"Now the debate is raging again, perhaps as hotly as at any point in a decade or so. ",12 +13,CLINTON LAUNCHES NEW WAR ON GUNS,12 +9,"""She was having seizures every day,"" Mr. Della Vecchia told the court in February.",8 +12,It is now estimated that 70 percent of the people are in favor of the ban - probably all but the gun aficionados and manufacturers.,11 +13,Daughter Of Bush Endorses Gay Marriage,12 +7," +The single accidental discharge from a small-caliber handgun late Saturday occurred on Helen's tourist-laden North Main Street, police said Sunday.",6 +13,"Kilgore, Kaine Ads Step Up Debate on Death Penalty",12 +13,Abrams's Stance on Guns Criticized,12 +13,Stop gun lobby's bill,12 +5,Battle over Proposition 8 judge's same-sex relationship heads to court,4 +5,"Those suing the industry ""are doing so because they want to bankrupt the industry,"" he said. +",4 +9,health risks,8 +6,"The new law requires dealers to record the names of everyone who buys ammunition, the brand purchased and the quantity. Those who do not comply face a fine of up to $1,000.",5 +13,If council members get their way,12 +10," At Thursday's event, people ate pizza and chatted, while some couples had their pictures taken against a blue background with big, pink hearts, wearing an assortment of pin-on bow ties and veils and carrying bouquets.",9 +13,Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson countered Rubio's assertion that stricter gun laws could not have prevented Wednesday's shooting.,12 +8, References to border security. ,7 +13,". It's also where two state senators face recall elections next month because they dared support a sensible package of gun-control measures that could make future massacres less likely. +",12 +5," However, thanks to the state's arguments in this case, and now the Supreme Court's agreement with those arguments, the constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage can never be used to prevent civil unions from being enacted, nor can it be used to prevent the state, its cities and counties or private companies from offering domestic partnership benefits or other legal protections for gay couples short of full marriage.",4 +13, But Republicans? Please spare me your faux outrage.,12 +10,Smokers feel hemmed in by courthouse patio,9 +5,Thursday's Supreme Court decision will probably result in a third trial - if Boggs is found competent to face a third jury.,4 +5,States act to shield gun holders,4 +7,"Her battered body was found in a Brooklyn apartment with an electrical cord around her neck, after another victim set a fire that brought help to the scene.",6 +13,Republican group appeals ruling striking down federal gay marriage ban,12 +11, for defending gun rights in hunting-happy Idaho,10 +7,"Mr. Jones, who was pronounced dead at 12:10 A.M., had pleaded to delay the execution at least until after Sept. 15, when the state switches from the electric chair to an injection of chemicals",6 +13,Obama promised to repeal DOMA during his 2008 campaign.,12 +4,How Georgia's high court has dropped the ball during 25 years of reviewing death sentences.,3 +5,Constitutional Amendment on Marriage,4 +6," These murder machines were outlawed by the 1994 assault weapons ban, but the law expires next year. ",5 +5,JURORS ARE TAKEN TO TRESTLE FROM WHERE WHITE SUPREMACIST ALLEGEDLY SHOT BOYS,4 +13,Pr. William politician's giveaway: An AR-15,12 +1,They argued that an increased cigarette tax would raise money for the ailing state budget while also decreasing teen smoking.,0 +5,Las Vegas was a deadly assault on most gun rights arguments,4 +9,"Light cigarette, hefty consequence",8 +13,"""He has the experience, he has the knowledge, he has the wisdom of a junior senator,"" said Ron Bartholome, FOP first vice president",12 +5,...not for the people,4 +15,Gay marriage ban vote urged,14 +13,Democrats say excitement surrounds national convention,12 +10,Parents of Slain Japanese Student to Meet Clinton With Anti-Gun Message,9 +7,"This included, they said, a sworn account from a relative of Ms. Newton's who had been incarcerated in the Harris County jail in 1987 and 1988 and told of a cellmate who had boasted of going to the Newtons' house the night of the slayings to collect a drug debt ''with orders to kill everybody present if the man did not have the money.''",6 +6,"Defense of Marriage Act, the federal law that allows states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states,",5 +13,Obama: I support gay marriage,12 +4," ""But my analysis of it is that this is a human-rights issue . . . necessary to protect the right of people who have different sexual orientation.""",3 +3,Relief and Defiance At Smoking's Last Gasp,2 +5,"Tobacco Verdict Is Still Void, Illinois Supreme Court Says",4 +13,"On gun control, the president is just pretending",12 +12,"The exact attendance won't be known until next week, but organizers say they already had 70,000 confirmed attendees this week. And they've booked three times as many hotel rooms as the 2005 meeting, when it was last in Houston.",11 +15,"17,000 ideas can't be all bad // WHAT'S HOT +",14 +5,"Throughout the anti-miscegenation era, state courts implicitly accepted limitations to their authority to invalidate marriages.",4 +13,Bush Opposes Additions to Gun Bill,12 +7, condemned inmate Warren Hill ,6 +13,Clinton and gun sales,12 +1,SOLVE CROWDING WITHOUT TOBACCO MONEY,0 +5,"The deal marks a victory for the quixotic husband and wife legal team who took on the case in 1991, long before the industry's power began to wane.",4 +7,My son was murdered by a confessed killer 17 years ago; he has been on Death Row for 15 years.,6 +6,"What it opposes is Kessler's efforts to use the youth-smoking problem as an excuse to defy 90 years of Congressional intent to deny the F.D.A. jurisdiction over tobacco and establish a ""smoking police force"" within that powerful agency.",5 +7,"MCTEAR SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON FOR KILLING BABY +",6 +7,"They reported the men to the Border Patrol, which had eight people in custody less than 12 hours later, patrol agent Robert Swathwood said. The names of the woman and those in custody have not been released.",6 +5,"Among Starr's other arguments was that Lovitt's trial attorneys had erred in not bringing up Lovitt's ""horrific"" childhood during sentencing. Often juries choose life in prison rather than death when they hear testimony about childhood neglect and abuse, Starr pointed out.",4 +8," +Federal, state and local law enforcement officials, fearing reprisals for the air strikes in Afghanistan, immediately tightened security and increased patrols today at airports, train stations, sports stadiums and public buildings across the country.",7 +13,POL LOT OF FOOLS Bratt lets loose on NRA's lackeys in Congress Big Harlem gun crew bust,12 +3,A Presbyterian Church panel recommended on Tuesday that the church's General Assembly approve a ban on same-sex union ceremonies.,2 +11,"How to explain such a disconnect? By self-sorting within the electorate and the silo-ing of media consumption. That is, increasingly people live in homogenous communities with people who share similar likes, dislikes and, yes, political persuasions. And, not surprisingly, the way in which they consume information, too, has become increasingly isolated/isolating. Liberals watch Rachel Maddow, read liberal blogs and listen to liberal radio/podcasts. Conservatives listen to Rush Limbaugh, watch Fox News Channel and read conservative blogs. The twain never meet. They are ships passing in the political night.",10 +9,"A nonsmoker, Chatmon, 34, said the smoking ban will reduce health risks and help keep walls, vents and ceilings cleaner. + +Inmate Dwayne Jennings, 31, a former three-pack-a-day smoker, said the new policy may help him quit entirely. ""I'm down now to one cigarette a day,"" he said. ""It's the health trend of the future."" +",8 +4,2 deadly shootings send a chill through black gun owners,3 +5,"The mammoth case pitting the state and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota against the tobacco industry is moving ahead after a judge denied a defense request Friday to toss the case out of court. +",4 +1,He wanted to limit sales to individuals to one handgun a month.,0 +11," suitable for sporting purposes. +",10 +13,"Sweeney said he'd planned to vote in favor of the bill if there was a chance it would pass, but when the time for voting came, he realized it would not pass and he decided not to vote.",12 +1,"Weeks of disparaging ads by its well-heeled critics, including the tobacco companies, have taken their toll on Amendment 3, the ballot proposal to increase Missouri's tobacco taxes.",0 +13,Trump appears to encourage gun owners to take action if Clinton appoints anti-gun judges,12 +4,"But that didn't become clear to the authorities until he had spent nine long, debilitating years on death row in Illinois.",3 +5,The justices' red herring,4 +1,"March was the third month of the casino smoking ban. Consumers have also been socked with rising gas and food prices, coupled with a slowing economy.",0 +1,"Measure targets sale of flavored tobacco products +",0 +4,"""It's not fair,"" Garcia said from outside a moldy-smelling apartment he shares with four other men.",3 +5,Nebraska: State Court Demurs On Immigration Restrictions,4 +5,"Both have been blocked by the Texas appellate court decision earlier this year. +",4 +6," The first two amendments would have allowed for civil unions, while the third was solely an outright ban on gay marriage.",5 +7,"Those risks could come back to haunt Smith if any of the nine guns is used in a crime. Under state law, any person who knowingly or intentionally sells a firearm and has reason to believe the firearm will be used in a crime could be held liable for that crime.",6 +6,"If approved, the negotiated ban would stop smoking in nearly all public places, including bars and restaurants, on Jan. 8, 2007.",5 +5,The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a request to halt same-sex marriages in Oregon. The court's one-line order gave no reasons for declining to issue a stay.,4 +13,Florida Gov. Bob Martinez ,12 +13,"Voters shift on marriage issue, and Senate Democrats follow",12 +8,TERRORIST ATTACKS DRIVE UP GUN SALES,7 +13,"That prompted attacks from the state's leading gay-rights advocate, who said Mr. Corzine expressed support for same-sex marriage to a gay audience two weeks ago and had repeatedly done so during his 2000 primary campaign for the United States Senate.",12 +15,A NEW AISLE FOR GAY WEDDINGS,14 +3,Some conservatives urging right not to serve gays on religious grounds,2 +5,Lack of legal basis for accepting gay marriage,4 +15,DAD & ME GOING WITH AMAZIN'S,14 +13,"ELECTION '92 Fowler, Coverdell both pick up backing",12 +13,"Still, Tuesday's victory is certain to revive speculation that Wilson will seek the 1996 Republican presidential nomination. Wilson repeatedly has denied any interest in national office, but as governor of the nation's largest state, with a presidential primary in March 1996, he is certain to be a powerful force within the GOP.",12 +7," The nine crew members, all Indonesian nationals, are in federal custody. If convicted, each man faces up to 10 years in prison before being returned to Indonesia.",6 +7," that all three men convicted of the brutal murder of James Byrd will be executed in Texas, when in fact only two will be",6 +1,'Europe Won't Work',0 +13,U.S. Rep. Tom Ridge's political campaign hit a snag yesterday when he acknowledged missing a crucial House vote on the death penalty because he was out running for governor.,12 +4, an outgrowth of mounting concerns over the fairness of the death penalty.,3 +12,Guns rights advocates waving American flags and carrying signs opposing stricter gun control took their case to steps of the Minnesota State Capitol.,11 +6,"""We need gun laws that people can understand and comply with,"" Winkler said Wednesday. ""Right now the tax code is more complicated than the gun code.""",5 +5,Illinois: Appeals Court Overturns State Ban On Concealed Weapons,4 +5,"Don Higginbotham, a defense attorney, expressed dismay at the jury's response but said he was not surprised.",4 +5," +In a highly charged constitutional convention that last nearly six hours, legislators narrowly rejected an amendment that would define marriage solely as a union between a man and a woman. Then, by a slightly wider margin, they defeated what had been billed as a compromise amendment: one that would have defined marriage as a heterosexual institution but would also have allowed same-sex couples to form civil unions. +",4 +9,"The list contained 599 additives, those used by domestic cigarette companies. Foreign companies use 100 more chemicals, which remain secret. Among the more common additives: chocolate, wine and coconut oil.",8 +13,Gun debate grows too rancorous,12 +10,Relatives want the killer's accomplice arrested.,9 +13,KERRY SAYS BUSH PLACES GUN LOBBY AHEAD OF SAFETY,12 +8,one illegal immigrant said an increase in Border Patrol agents would not destroy his dream.,7 +12,"Right on, said Bakken",11 +13," +Debate in Vermont calmer these days Foes remain, but some people say state has 'come to terms' with gay couples.",12 +12," Organizers who had promised ""hundreds of thousands"" would show up to ""shut down the city"" claimed afterward an attendance of about 25,000. Unofficial estimates placed the number at 8,000 to 10,000.",11 +11,Requests to conceal weapons are rising,10 +10,Winning Millennium Couple tie the knot at Don CeSar,9 +4,Gun violence is rooted in white supremacy,3 +15,"One Down, One to Go",14 +6,"Under the bill now headed to the governor, someone who shoots an intruder on his or her property couldn't be convicted of violating a local gun ban. The bill would not prevent state charges if prosecutors believed the shooter committed a crime.",5 +13,"""For these kids, smoking is a political issue,"" said Mindy Bier, program director. ""Role-modeling the antitobacco message, changing the norm here in Missouri is very important.""",12 +1,"That conclusion contradicts the widely reported comments from Health and + +Human Services Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, who in kicking off his campaign for a tobacco-free America last week estimated that an end to smoking could save $52 billion every year in health-care costs and increased productivity.",0 +5,Amnesty it is not,4 +5,City Backing Widow's Suit Over U.S. Law On Marriage,4 +13,Pataki Pitches a Variety Of Steps to Control Guns,12 +1," Mr. Bloomberg sent Mr. Sweeney $4,200, again hitting the maximum donation allowed for the current election cycle.",0 +11,"""I think that I started smoking at a really vulnerable age, (and) billboards just help that process along,"" Reichow said. ""I believe that advertisement definitely has an impact on young smokers. The image is really cool to some kids.""",10 +7,"According to federal data, almost 1 million of them were felons, fugitives or convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence.",6 +13,"Giffords suffers from lifelong injures after being shot in the head during a 2011 attack in Tucson that left six dead. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who delivered a speech on the House floor to mark Giffords's return to government after the shooting, presented the award to Giffords and Kelly.",12 +6,"The DREAM Act would apply to undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. continuously for at least five years who are graduates of a high school in the U.S. Under the Student Adjustment Act, an individual cannot be older than 21 years of age.",5 +5,"Mr. Hynes has considered seven other cases for the death penalty since the law was passed, but in each he ultimately decided to pursue life in prison without parole. In a statement yesterday about the Page case, he did not say why he believed the suspect deserved capital punishment other than to say he made his determination after reviewing the ""aggravating and mitigating factors."" His spokesman, Patrick Clark, declined to specify those factors, saying the reason for the decision ""will become apparent as the case comes to trial.""",4 +11," We still have the highest homicide rate in the world, with states such as Texas and Florida, which carry out many executions, being near the top of the list.",10 +13,Mr. Kennedy's bill.,12 +9,victims of those illnesses,8 +13,Obama Likes Some Sin Taxes More Than Others,12 +13,CHENEY BLASTS KERRY ON GUN RIGHTS,12 +13," +Missouri Republicans outline new gun proposal +",12 +13,worry that the bill is a deal with the devil,12 +13,"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Ca., first introduced a Senate bill on Oct. 4, 2017",12 +13,Demanding Action on Guns,12 +6,Which States Have Banned Assault Weapons?,5 +7,ENFORCE WHAT'S ON THE BOOKS,6 +5,"Gay marriages began in Massachusetts on May 17, after that state's Supreme Judicial Court ruled it was unconstitutional to deny licenses to same-sex couples.",4 +5,The High Court Loses Restraint,4 +10,WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS,9 +11,"Wilson's execution is the first ordered by a New York federal jury since Gerhard Puff was electrocuted in 1954 for killing an FBI agent. Before that, atomic bomb spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were put to death in 1953 for espionage.",10 +13,Biden 'Comfortable' With Gay Marriage,12 +5,JUDGE REFUSES SAME-SEX DIVORCE,4 +4,"The execution came amid racial tension in the state over the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo.",3 +13, passed two House committees and was readied for the floor,12 +13,"President Obama publicly endorsed same-sex marriage during a television interview, taking a definitive stand on one of the most contentious and politically charged social issues of the day.",12 +12,"and recent polls show a majority of Americans support it. +",11 +1,"The tobacco industry has been portraying itself in Washington as under siege and in danger of bankruptcy. The mood at Philip Morris - the first of the major cigarette companies to hold its annual meeting this year - was defiant. + +Philip Morris reported 12.6 percent growth in its 1997 net earnings, driven in part by sales of 500 billion cigarettes abroad, a 7.4 percent increase from 1996. Its stock has soared: $100 in stock purchased in 1988 would be worth $558 today.",0 +5, legal though they may be,4 +7,DEATH FOR DRAG SUSPECTS?,6 +8,"DHS hotline a hotbed of weak tips +",7 +5,"Cosby spokesman David Brokaw issued a statement on behalf of Cosby and his wife, Camille, saying, ""We support the district attorney's decision. Now, onward to jurisprudence.""",4 +12,Why support for gay marriage has risen so quickly,11 +11, Did tobacco target high schoolers?,10 +5,"The action came after the Supreme Court released an unsigned, unanimous ruling March 21 rejecting the reasoning of Massachusetts's highest court, which had upheld a ban on possessing stun guns on grounds that the Second Amendment didn't apply.",4 +7,"More Than 350 Held in Probe, Ashcroft Says",6 +13,SENATE OKS DRUG BILL WITH DEATH PENALTY,12 +9,HEALTH GROUPS UPSET ABOUT TOBACCO DEAL,8 +6,"U.S. Policy Appears to Deter Haitian Refugees; State Department Asks OAS to Consider Sending Mission to Help Restore Democracy, Order",5 +1,Mr. Sciandra said other studies showed that lower-income smokers had less success at quitting. He said low-income smokers trying to quit were hampered by being around many smokers and having less cash to buy smoking-cessation aids.,0 +13,State-based answers to gun violence,12 +6,Program aims to help neglected immigrants who can't return home,5 +1,"Cigarettes, Taxes and Thin French Women",0 +7,CONN. KILLER IS SCHEDULED FOR EXECUTION,6 +5,"Justice Thurgood Marshall, who opposes the death penalty under any circumstances, dissented on all the decisions, while Justices Harry A. Blackmun and John Paul Stevens said they would have granted one application for a stay, Ms. Arberg said.",4 +7,"he 25-year-old state trooper was shot to death after pulling over Mr. Moreno for a traffic violation near Hempstead. According to trial testimony, Trooper Boyd's bulletproof vest deflected two shots from Mr. Moreno's .357-caliber Magnum, but he was struck by four others, including a final shot to the head at close range while he lay wounded on the side of the road. +",6 +4,"But the Rev. Talbert Swan II said the two struggles were not similar because blacks were lynched, denied property rights and declared inhuman.",3 +12,Visitors to STLtoday.com weighed in about recent events.,11 +10," but they are an attempt to establish a stable family relationship recognized by the state, society and perhaps even churches.",9 +11,"Gray's film has one of the most arresting, glorious looks of any period film in recent memory and it is propelled by crisp, snappy dialogue. The most remarkable thing about Gray's film, however, is how it takes these well-worn tropes - a naive immigrant, the hard life immigrants suffered in 1920s New York, the horrors of forced prostitution, and the lure of organized crime - and weaves them into an emotionally resonant work of true power and grace.",10 +6,INS to End Private Testing for Citizenship,5 +4,Gays face same battle interracial couples fought,3 +6,stricter gun laws and an expansion of Medicaid to treat the mentally ill could curtail gun violence such as the deadly Oregon college shooting,5 +13,"NRA Fires an Ad Attack At Schumer, Crime Bill",12 +15,Fallout From the Gay-Marriage Decision,14 +7,"Nutter was being held on $100,000 bail pending arraignment today on assault, burglary, kidnapping and rape charges.",6 +13,"Lynne, Dick Cheney differ on gay marriage",12 +15,Take this quiz or I'll shoot you,14 +1,Money bigs take fire,0 +12,GAY COUPLES BRING MARRIAGE FIGHT TO COUNTY,11 +10,Ignorance Is Bliss On Handgun Issue,9 +11,"State's German roots deep From ancestral ties to trade, country's impact widespread",10 +10,Victim's father: Execution will end pain,9 +5,"""Our Constitution is precious,""",4 +11," ""social and spiritual disintegration of American society.""",10 +5,Judge rules against gay-marriage ban,4 +9,It's linked to health care,8 +6,TOBACCO TALKS STRICTLY ABOUT U.S. REGULATIONS,5 +3,AN IMMIGRANTS' ARCHBISHOP,2 +5,"Although it did not address the issue, the court appeared to foreclose the possibility of there ever being a videotaped state execution. A number of judges around the state had granted requests that Spivey's electrocution be recorded so lawyers representing others facing the death penalty could use it as evidence against the practice. With the court's ruling Tuesday, there apparently will be no electrocutions in Georgia until the issue is decided.",4 +11,"COMMUNITIES; In Millburn, The Accent Is Russian",10 +13,"States such as Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Florida and Texas allow ",12 +6,Tired of excuses on gun control,5 +12,in the battle for public opinion,11 +1,"Gun stores in Philadelphia, the region, and nationally are reporting a sharp increase in weapons sales as a result of the mass killings at the elementary school in Newtown, Conn., a week ago. The buyers are telling store owners, who say sales have shot up 25 percent or more in the past week, that they are rushing to purchase guns before Congress can enact new restrictions on assault weapons.",0 +13,Mr. Obama Feels the Heat,12 +6,More restaurants add smoking restrictions to attract business,5 +5,BIG TOBACCO FIGHTS HERNANDO SUIT,4 +7,additional officers.,6 +5,"NO MORE GAY NUPS, JUDGE ORDERS NEW PALTZ MAYOR",4 +13,"At Mayor Street's request, City Council yesterday postponed voting on a citywide ban on smoking until fall.",12 +6,SMOKING BAN,5 +11,some 30 percent of Americans will live in states offering same-sex marriage.,10 +1,"The state's share will be paid out over 25 years, including $ 800 million by 2003, according to Attorney General Thurbert Baker, who committed the state to the deal.",0 +7," They blame Steinle's death on San Francisco's sanctuary ordinance, which is meant to shield undocumented immigrants who are otherwise law-abiding from deportation.",6 +5,Pro-gun-rights judge has pulled himself up by his bootstraps,4 +11,"""I did,"" Linnea said, and we laughed, both charmed and surprised. +",10 +8," +Gun buybacks may be worthwhile",7 +13,"Mayor Bloomberg's decision to personally call one of his most outspoken critics on the issue, Councilman Hiram Monserrate of Queens, and to form a new group to try once more to reach a compromise reflects how politically sensitive the matter has become for him.",12 +11,Sundance Festival Trains Its Sights on Gun Debate,10 +5," judge refused to dismiss one of the two capital murder charges against John A. Muhammad, one of the people accused in last fall's sniper killings, rejecting claims that prosecutors were overreaching in trying to apply Virginia's new terrorism law to the sniper crimes.",4 +7,"Summer Church, 16, and Roberto Ortiz and Jace Swinton, both 18, are also charged with two counts each of home invasion with a firearm or other deadly weapon.",6 +5,Elena Kagan and the courts' role,4 +7,violate federal laws,6 +13,"Pfeifer is the latest high-profile Ohio Republican to speak publicly about having a gay child. +",12 +5,"Richard Hunter, chief deputy for the U.S. Marshals Service in South Texas, said during a news conference in Houston that a three-day court injunction granted to Ethan Couch will likely take at least two weeks to resolve.",4 +5,amount to cruel and unusual punishment,4 +9,"For Many Immigrants, a Health Care System Underground",8 +3,Can you be against abortion and for the death penalty?,2 +13,Supporters of a comprehensive immigration bill have boasted that they were taking a bipartisan or nonpartisan approach. But Tuesday's indefinite postponement of Congressional action on the bill illustrates the perils of underestimating the political importance of a powerful lobby,12 +13,"With President Obama preparing to push a legislative agenda aimed at curbing the nation's gun violence, pillars of his political network, along with independent groups, are raising millions of dollars and mapping out strategies in an attempt to shepherd new regulations through Congress. +",12 +5," +The court gave the State Legislature 180 days to amend New Jersey's marriage laws to allow same-sex couples to marry, or to create a parallel ",4 +13,ROMNEY TAKES OFF THE GLOVES,12 +1," Each state's share of the settlement, spread over 25 years, was supposed to help fund",0 +10,"Guns on campus only invite tragedies +",9 +14,Nation watches N.J. wrestle with its gun law,13 +5,ILLINOIS COURT UPHOLDS DEATH SENTENCE IN DOUBLE-KILLING,4 +3,"Minister defrocked over same-sex marriage, will appeal",2 +7,scorecard of sting operations.,6 +3,Church seeks study of same-sex unions,2 +5,The University of Colorado Board of Regents says it will challenge an appellate ruling that the school violated state law with its ban of concealed weapons on campus.,4 +3,One Man One Wife,2 +7,"Arapahoe County investigators have not established that the book burning is in response to Proposition 8, but the incident is being investigated as arson and a hate crime.",6 +1,Gates: More skilled labor from abroad needed in U.S.,0 +4,"An all-white jury imposed the death sentence on Prejean, a black man. Studies have shown that prosecutors are far more likely to seek the death penalty, and juries to impose it, when blacks kill whites.",3 +7,"Rivera's shopping list included items to make his life at work a little smoother: an extra pair of handcuffs, a metal clipboard to hold speeding tickets and a large nylon ""kit bag"" to store a flashlight, accident investigation forms, rain jacket and other items that likely would get misplaced in his cruiser.",6 +5,"In October 2006, the state Supreme Court mandated that under the state's Constitution same-sex couples be given the same rights as heterosexual couples",4 +5,prosecutors said.,4 +10,"Sullins' son LeRoy criticized the governor but said his family hadn't decided whether to protest. +",9 +5, U.S. Constitution is amended,4 +5,"During four days of testimony in the sentencing phase of the trial, prosecutors cited Roof's journal, in which he wrote his thought that Hitler would one day be canonized as a saint.",4 +5,"""Although it is clear I have the power to issue marriage licenses, such an act would be meaningless without clarification of the validity of the issuance of same sex marriage licenses"" Bock said in a statement Tuesday.",4 +7,"Nation Briefs: Florida sheriff won't arrest parking lot killer because of ""stand your ground"" law",6 +15,ALSO WEDNESDAY,14 +4,Gay Marriage and Civil Rights,3 +9,"""I know that not only is secondhand smoke bad for kids, but when they see parents or adults or even teenagers smoking in a park, it sets a bad example. It makes them want to do it. And we need to make sure that that influence is not there,"" said Page, adding that both of his parents smoked when he was a child.",8 +1,"""It's not a measure of whether gun sales are up or down,"" said Lawrence Greenfeld, acting director at the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics.",0 +10,talking about how to avoid peer pressure and specifically how not to start smoking,9 +1,It will fund,0 +13,Republicans in Congress just made it easier for mentally ill people to get guns,12 +7,"Thomas, 33, was convicted and sentenced to death in 2012 for the slaying of Annie McSween two years earlier.",6 +4,"Over the past year, Martin and co-counsel Don Samuel have unsuccessfully tried to overturn the drug kingpin law, saying capital prosecutions are being sought in a racially discriminatory manner by the Justice Department.",3 +4,denied gay couples the right to marry and demeaned their dignity ''for no legitimate reason.'',3 +11,A Smoke-Free CUNY,10 +5,Marin judge says condemned serial killer can be extradited to New York,4 +9,Physician Kermit Gosnell,8 +7,Death draws nearer for Davis High court denies execution appeal,6 +13,Clinton Faults House G.O.P. Gun Measures,12 +5,Racketeering suit could snuff out cigarette makers,4 +5,2 courts review Wolfe's case,4 +9,"These ""illegal immigrants"" are in a life- and-death struggle.",8 +13,Gun control takes center stage as convention reaches climax,12 +4,"on the one side, homosexuals and their allies, all for gay marriage or at least something like it;",3 +10,"""I love you too!"" he typed back.",9 +12,"'The critical mass of Americans are fair-minded and accepting of gay and lesbian people,' Rikansrud said. +",11 +7,"Enforce laws, keep criminals in prison",6 +10,"Then they pushed us outside. Now, this.""",9 +13,Middle ground on guns,12 +8, uniform background checks,7 +3,"Williams wasn't a hero, but it was barbaric to execute him",2 +11,"New York State draws the most; Nigeria and Ghana are among the top 20 sources of immigrants to New York City. But many have moved to metropolitan Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston and Houston. Pockets of refugees, especially Somalis, have found havens in Minnesota, Maine and Oregon.",10 +15,Smoke and Mirrors,14 +5,The President's Courthouse,4 +3,SAME-SEX MARRIAGES WOULD DEVALUE COMMITMENTS BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN,2 +7,"In a fervent summation, the prosecutor, Kathryn Flicker, said the evidence showed that Mr. Timmendequas selected his victim, knew what he was doing and killed the child so that she could not report him and he could avoid punishment. Anything he might have endured, she said, did not outweigh the impact of his crime.",6 +13,"The bill now moves to the Senate, which has never voted on the Brady bill.",12 +7, he senselessly shot and killed four people.,6 +13,There is a surefire way of telling who is winning the debate over illegal immigration.,12 +12,Students are emerging as the newest identity group shaping the gun violence conversation,11 +9,"A few weeks ago, a friend suggested he get a prescription for a Nicoderm patch, a new product that painlessly releases decreasingdoses of nicotine the addictive ingredient in tobacco into your system.",8 +7,MEGAHED'S DEPORTATION RULING TODAY,6 +1, Study Sees No Link In Smoking and Bar Sales,0 +13,"Politics clearly did. On this issue, as with most others that divide the country, the politics of upcoming elections has become so powerful that Congress is virtually immobilized.",12 +5," +The opinion by Chief Judge Joseph F. Bataillon of the federal district court in Nebraska is weak in critical respects and will be vulnerable on appeal. Its core, however, is not trivial. The Nebraska provision, particularly as interpreted by the state's attorney general, is so broad as to invalidate any legal recognition of any same-sex relationship. This has implications, the judge notes, not merely for those who would marry but for ""roommates, co-tenants, foster parents, and related people who share living arrangements, expenses, custody of children, or ownership of property."" The state attorney general, in fact, interpreted it to prevent any state law allowing gay couples to make organ donation decisions for one another. The constitutional guarantee of equal protection may not require states to recognize same-sex marriage, but it unquestionably prevents a state from arbitrarily targeting gay couples for differential treatment.",4 +11,NEWCOMERS SHARE AMERICAN VALUES,10 +9,Witnesses differ on mental state of killer,8 +5,"Vermont is the sole state that sanctions civil unions,",4 +7,"HANDYMAN ARRAIGNED IN KILLING / DAVID TICE, 32, OF BELLMAWR, IS CHARGED IN THE DEATH OF CHERRY HILL'S SHIRLEY HOLLAND, 69.",6 +5,STATE WON'T SEEK DEATH SENTENCE,4 +13,Schumer,12 +7,"A knowledgeable source said yesterday that Reno remanded her previous order not to arrest the sheik after the department assembled new evidence earlier this week indicating that Abdel Rahman had a ""higher degree of knowledge of some of the terrorist plots than had been known earlier.""",6 +13,"Mayors pledge to tally votes, statements on gun control",12 +6,"CALIF. TAXES, PROGRAMS CUT SMOKING RATE",5 +7,"After a series of confessions in which Timmendequas admitted that he sexually assaulted and killed Megan Kanka, he was convicted of capital murder in May 1997 and was sentenced to die",6 +7, sheriff's deputies handcuffed him and led him away.,6 +11,"According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, past-month cigarette use for minors ages 12 to 17 has declined from 13% in 2002 to 9.8% in 2007.",10 +3," +Don't separate mothers and children +",2 +12,"The National Rifle Association apologized Wednesday to U.S. Rep. Ed Jenkins, one of its staunchest supporters on gun control and hunting rights issues, for the wording of a statement opposing his plan to designate new recreation, scenic and wilderness areas in the Chattahoochee National Forest.",11 +13,"Campaign tries to tilt views on gun laws +",12 +7,"Hawkins, 30, said she believes her mother did not kill her father and brother.",6 +13,"The race for House District 50 probably seems familiar to voters, and for good reason. It features the same two candidates who sparred against each other for the seat last fall and a big issue that's only gotten bigger, illegal immigration.",12 +6,Good Reasons to Execute,5 +13,"There was no immediate reaction to Pataki's proposal from Assembly Democrats. +",12 +13,"From Trump, Nothing About Gun Control",12 +5,"In a strongly worded opinion, Justice Raoul Cantero wrote in October that Florida was the only state in the country that does not require a unanimous jury verdict to either determine whether a case rises to the level of the death penalty or to then impose the death sentence. In Florida, both determinations are simply majority recommendations to a judge, who then has the final say.",4 +12,Majority Say Obama's Gay Marriage Stance Won't Change Their Vote,11 +11,A California Gun Law Runs Counter to Trend,10 +11,But a new book by British journalist David Rose,10 +5, Attorneys for Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes said Wednesday that he will plead guilty and serve the rest of his life in prison to avoid the death penalty.,4 +5, All persons facing the death penalty in Georgia are assigned a lawyer as required by the Constitution. We have a centralized agency that assigns specially trained lawyers willing to take on these time-consuming cases. It is called the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council.,4 +6,"CU'S GUN DORMITORIES get ""WAG OF FINGER""",5 +13,FED UP WITH DON,12 +5,"""We welcome legal immigrants who comply with the legal requirements to become citizens",4 +7,"Disabled Inmate Is Executed For 3 1978 Killings in Virginia +",6 +5,Maybe the Second Amendment should be repealed,4 +13,"A year ago today, the United States Senate failed us. +",12 +13,Gov. Charlie Crist,12 +13,"But that's not Paterson's call to make unilaterally. Nor should it be left up to activist judges. For better or worse, this is a job for the Assembly and Senate.",12 +3,"About 15 seniors and members of the clergy gathered at the Tampa church and said they wanted to protect a sacred institution they believe God created. They called marriage the cornerstone of society, which they think is losing family values. +",2 +1,"After markups, the move is likely to increase retail prices by about 22 cents per pack, analysts said.",0 +5,"Facing a Court Hearing, Man Begins Removing Pro-Immigrant Billboard",4 +5,"A similar suit was filed earlier by lawyers for Los Angeles, but that city's Republican mayor, Richard Riordan, has not openly supported it.",4 +13,Schumer hits madness of forced 'carry',12 +5,"Judge Ted Booras noted that a first-degree murder charge is a capital offense,",4 +13,"The Tennessee bill was defeated, in a House subcommittee vote earlier this month. West Virginia's bill was tabled, and Virginia's legislative session ended before a bill could be considered, Goodwin said. Action is pending in the five other states, she said.",12 +5,BRIGHT MEXICAN PUPIL CAN STAY IN U.S. THE STANFORD STUDENT IS HERE ILLEGALLY. A JUDGE RULED HE WON'T BE DEPORTED.,4 +12,READY FOR ANYTHING 'Prepared' for protests and open carry GOP CONVENTION,11 +13,The law signed Friday by Gov. Bob Miller,12 +6,Measure would close up tricky gun-show loopholes,5 +5,Judge may be willing to postpone state's next execution,4 +7,U.S. beefs up search for criminal immigrants,6 +13," Peter Hamm, the Brady campaign's communications director.",12 +15,Going to the Videotape,14 +1,Keep anti-tobacco funds,0 +6,"""It is totally contrary to the trend in most other states,"" says Oklahoma state Rep. Randy Terrill, author of a new law that denies illegal immigrants any government ID. It takes effect next month.",5 +2,INS CUTS BACKLOG IN FLORIDA OFFICES WITH ADDED STAFF,1 +5,Supreme Court passes on death penalty cases in Ohio and Florida;,4 +5,Ex-Official Resentenced In U.S. Passports Case,4 +11,"IN THE CITY, A HELLO TO ARMS< A NEW LAW HAS RESIDENTS LINING UP FOR PERMITS",10 +13,MIKE: PUSH LAWMAKERS ON GUN BILL,12 +1,But the CDC's James Mercy said last year that funding gun research is a high priority; funding domestic violence research is not.,0 +12,Leaf-settlement plan riles many N.C. tobacco farmers,11 +12,"Porter's remarks came in a short speech to about 300 people at a grass-roots organizing meeting and set the tone for a ""Stand and Fight""-themed convention that is part gun trade show, political rally and strategy meeting.",11 +13,"Over the past few months, it seems, every politician",12 +15,THE PAPER CASE,14 +4,"Gay marriage debate clouds real issue of equal treatment +",3 +6,A call for Va. to change policies on gay marriage,5 +11,Anarchy in the U.S.,10 +10,"a guard has been stationed outside Szuchon's cell 24 hours a day to watch and write down everything he does: smoke a cigarette, sleep, shower",9 +13,"Statement by the President on the Supreme Court Ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act released by the White House: +",12 +5,"Darnell Washington, who returns to the Richmond courthouse Nov. 8 for plea entry, was extradited from Washington state Sunday; his wife's extradition is pending.",4 +11,Singer not in tune with ballpark's gun policy,10 +7, to control gang violence,6 +5,Judges should generally wield their powers with restraint.,4 +15,KATHLEEN CRONIN,14 +2,"Report: U.S. relies heavily on illegal workers; Half on farm, 25% in home, 10% in eateries",1 +8,"My true frustration, though, is with those who defend the militia's existence by insisting that they are simply self-defense forces, organized to protect the people's rights in the event the central government infringes on them",7 +8,Oklahoma bombing conspirator Terry Nichols,7 +10,HARASSED SMOKER NEED NOT FEEL ALONE,9 +5,GAY-FRIENDLY TOWNS SEE ALL MARRIAGE LICENSES REJECTED,4 +5,NEW YORK CITY City will appeal ruling in same-sex case,4 +1,must be careful not to make cigarettes so expensive they do not sell well.,0 +13, the legislature has an obligation to act on the issue.,12 +5,"Self-defense rights collide, fatally",4 +12,Parkland HS alums join push,11 +5,An Albany County jury of seven men and five women found the 22-year-old admitted killer guilty of first-degree felony murder-kidnapping and first-degree felony murder-aggravated robbery,4 +13,"The vote of 118 to 35 followed about 45 minutes of debate. Gov. Deval Patrick said he would sign the repeal. +",12 +4,"""These people are no different than George Wallace and the other segregationists who basically stood in the hallways of public buildings and told innocent citizens they weren't wanted,",3 +6,Bans in 3 States On Gay Marriage,5 +9,Inability to find a vein postpones execution,8 +14," +The agreement marked the first time in 10 years that the United States and Cuba have successfully negotiated a substantial diplomatic accord. The U.S. side said the talks were strictly limited to migration issues, as Washington had wanted, and that there were no plans to undertake further discussions on the broad range of economic and political disputes between the nations.",13 +5,SUPREME COURT REFUSES TO HALT BUNDY EXECUTION,4 +7,"""Everyone is scared but the criminals,",6 +3,The N.Y. mosque and religious freedom,2 +6, Proposition 8,5 +8," +'Stand your ground' author wants more",7 +11,AMERICA: a land of diversity,10 +5,could invite many new appeals.,4 +11,"They once stood as majestic symbols of the power of Big Tobacco, universities built or bolstered by cigarette fortunes. Today, those same campuses have come to reflect a society turning away from the golden leaf.",10 +1,"""Initially, I wouldn't have said Prince George's was vulnerable,"" Thompson said, citing the county's desire to lure sit-down restaurants, concerns raised by the county's chamber of commerce and a strong working-class bar crowd near the Route 1 corridor.",0 +5,PROSECUTION OPPOSES MOVING PETERSON TRIAL,4 +12,"Same-sex marriage: In Bakersfield, joy and quiet opposition +",11 +1,"Dick's Sporting Goods, a chain with more than 500 stores, suspended sales of ""modern sporting rifles"" nationwide and pulled guns off the shelves at its store closest to Newtown, calling the Friday shootings ""an unspeakable tragedy.""",0 +9, 'Waiting periods don't work',8 +12,"But the group didn?t bow to outrage over the original date, spokesman Dave Workman maintained. +",11 +15,Smoking Room,14 +7,"Federal officials say the raids are a focused campaign to catch gang members and other fugitives. That would be good if Immigration and Customs Enforcement were carefully extracting the dangerous criminal sliver from a population of 12 million illegal immigrants. But as immigration raids have vastly increased, they have become something murky and ugly",6 +5,When Juries Say Life but Judges Say Death,4 +6,GAY MARRIAGE CLARITY NEARS,5 +12,A number of New Yorkers also were lined up.,11 +5,after the U.S. Supreme Court lifted a stay imposed by an appeals court judge in San Francisco.,4 +1,"A trust fund for health programs would get 25 percent of the money, and a trust fund for farmers, allotment holders and tobacco industry workers would get the rest. The funds come from a court settlement between the cigarette industry and individual states last fall.",0 +5,"""He will be prosecuted here, regardless of the outcome,"" District Attorney Bob Macy said. Macy said he will seek the death penalty.",4 +8,The Pentagon's Indifference to Gun Safety,7 +6,"If widely followed, Cuccinelli's ruling would have the same effect - opening places of worship to weapons unless they are barred by the religious institution.",5 +5,"Ruling for all devoted couples +",4 +13,"istributing campaign literature showing a shadowy figure behind bars and the headline: ""He won't be voting for Judge Sharon Keller."" +",12 +11,About 6 percent of all middle school students and a quarter of all high school students in New Jersey smoke cigarettes.,10 +11,"CALIFORNIA art and nature lovers know the majestic western landscapes painted by Albert Bierstadt, but many don't know he was an immigrant. Willem DeKooning pioneered abstract expressionism, and Marcel Duchamp did the same for modern art. They too were immigrants.",10 +13,"The 71-26 vote was an indication that, while neither Republicans nor Democrats got everything they wanted, nearly all senators wanted to appear tough on crime.",12 +4,Gun control laws should be fair,3 +7,"Paul Warner Powell, whose boastful letter detailing how he killed a Manassas teenager led to his second capital murder conviction, will not be executed in four days.",6 +1,Businesses dread an expansion of E-Verify,0 +6,"But this legislation still makes no sense, andloopholes in the bill still make it virtually impossible to enforce while creating conditions that could lead to disastrous consequences.",5 +1,The power of the purse might curb gun absolutism,0 +4," +Election 2014: Ill-Concealed Prejudice +",3 +5,"""I'm skeptical that the courts would ever invalidate lethal injection as a general matter,'' said Richard Garnett, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame who served as a clerk to William H. Rehnquist when he was chief justice of the United States. ""I don't think they're going to intervene in such an aggressive way. They've been trying to intervene around the edges.''",4 +13,Rival GOP camps reach out to Latinos,12 +7,TEEN GETS LIFE IN ARIZ. SLAYINGS,6 +12,Must heed message of antiviolence group,11 +1,establishments that have catered to a smoking clientele - they will have to adjust or they could lose business,0 +5,California Supreme Court in gay marriage storm,4 +9,"It is a remarkable step toward conquering the public health menace of cigarette smoking in America, but other crucial steps lie ahead. + +The next step is for health advocates",8 +5,Metro Briefing New York: Albany: Trucker License Suspensions To Begin,4 +9, health insurance benefits,8 +7," +Could it be that they do not want to remember Columbine?",6 +6,Killer insurance NRA-offered policy comes under new fire,5 +9,"By all definitions, ""inhumane"" is described in terms such as cruel, unusual to humans or monstrous.",8 +13,TWO BILLS SIGNED ON GUN CONTROL FOR CONNECTICUT,12 +1,"But the Federal Trade Commission has ratified the use of the light and low-tar labels, and Illinois law sensibly says companies",0 +6,OUGHTTA BE LAWS?,5 +5,Huckaby pleads guilty to Cantu murder,4 +9,"Calls for more safety, tolerance after rape report",8 +7,Micah Johnson and Gavin Long killed eight police officers and shot 12 others,6 +5,Would the board so capriciously define and cavalierly restrict other inalienable rights?,4 +5,An Illegal Immigrant's Legal Paradox; Paying Child Support Means Breaking the Law,4 +9, around seven have died of natural causes,8 +1,"David Kairys' claim that there are ""no questions asked"" of gun purchasers in Pennsylvania doesn't match my experience as a purchaser, or state law. ",0 +1,"""These jobs do require some skill and intellect. But American workers can be trained to take these jobs.""",0 +12," +Americans are fed up with lip service.",11 +7,"MURDERER, FACING EXECUTION, APOLOGIZES TO VICTIM'S FAMILY +",6 +7,"The men were rounded up after federal agents launched a review of the 11,000 people registered as convicted sex offenders in Virginia. The agents were looking for those who had committed crimes specifically against children and were not U.S. citizens and therefore eligible for deportation, according to Kevin Delli-Colli, acting special agent in charge of the Washington Immigration and Customs office.",6 +1,"I'm stunned that they didn't even apply for the $ 500,000 ",0 +12,"The latest Pew poll was taken prior to Thursday's school shootings in Conyers, Ga. +",11 +7,"After some initial confusion Monday, a jury recommended life in prison without parole for Malik Nettles, convicted of murdering a pregnant 15-year-old on her school bus two years ago.",6 +1, bar areas,0 +13,"House Democrats offer immigration bill, warn of inaction Measure would have path to citizenship, push border security. +",12 +1,A Tax Debate Focuses on Destruction Science,0 +11,"""Young, slim women sitting in convertibles. When you're 12 years old and that's what you want to look like, that influences what you smoke,"" Shalala said Friday. ""Kids are more influenced by images.""",10 +4,Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono: Immigration bill 'disadvantages women',3 +15,A softer touch on guns,14 +3,", but said he wants to die as a self-styled martyr to bring an end to capital punishment.",2 +6,"approved their own ordinance on Nov. 23, to take effect toward the end of January. + +The county ordinance calls for a one-time application fee of $340 and an annual permit fee of $425, while San Jose's proposal would not charge for any application fees, just an annual permit fee of $450. + +The amount will ""cover the costs of reviewing applications, doing staff site inspections and processing of permits,"" Hannon says.",5 +6, who has pushed for tighter gun laws for years.,5 +13,"As the Democratic presidential race finally gets down to brass tacks, two issues are becoming paramount. But only one of them is clearly on the table.",12 +5,The court upheld a ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in California and struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act that denied federal benefits to same-sex couples already married in 12 states.,4 +9,protect the health of people who live next-door to smokers in apartment complexes and senior homes,8 +1,"ASIAN IMMIGRANTS FARE BEST FINANCIALLY IN U.S., REPORT SAYS",0 +14,"U.S., MEXICO OK PLAN TO RETURN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS",13 +7,"Mr. Banki, who had been held without bond since his arrest in January, looked stunned and shook his head in apparent disbelief as the verdict was announced. His companion wept as she comforted his mother in the spectator section.",6 +5,"This is Parker's second appeal of his death sentence before the Supreme + +Court. The court upheld his conviction in 1984 and has twice upheld the death sentences of two of his co-defendants, Alphonso Cave and John Earl Bush. A fourth man, Terry Wayne ""Bo Gator"" Johnson, was sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in the crime.",4 +10,"But Mrs. Johnson, whose eyes were damp with tears, said the decision had dishonored the memories of her daughter, Darlene Johnson, 28, and her daughter-in-law, Mary Mouzon, 33.",9 +7, Pussamato says he doesn't agree with the police group's position on gun control.,6 +11,"Imitation of Film: Here's Smoking at You, Kid",10 +13,Democrat Karpan goes against norm,12 +13,Or you could say they are trying to make themselves look better at the GOP's expense.,12 +1,Coors Brewing Co. has joined a handful of major American corporations,0 +5,Stoddard denied requests by Gill that he ask each juror to say how he or she voted and that a statement from jurors to Planchard's family be read in court.,4 +4," +New DNA Testing Urged In Case of Executed Man",3 +7,"Otherwise, when they are found, they are deported immediately and barred from immigrating here legally.",6 +7, but Wilmette officials charged him with breaking the city's ban on handguns.,6 +13,"because of the strong lobby,",12 +9,"That story, from Dr. John A. Meyer's article ""Cigarette Century"" in the December American Heritage, illuminates like a lightning flash this fact: Much - probably most - of America's hideously costly health-care crisis is caused by unwise behavior associated with eating, drinking, driving, sex, alcohol, drugs, violence and, especially, smoking. Therefore, focusing on wellness - on preventing rather than curing illness - will reduce the waste inherent in disease-oriented, hospital- centered, high-tech medicine.",8 +8,Background check system full of gaps,7 +11,It spares us years of ceaseless media coverage of the circus of trials and appeals.,10 +4,"Larry Griffin insisted he was innocent of a drive-by murder in St. Louis. +",3 +15,Remember Moynihan,14 +13,Bernie's fateful choice,12 +5,Multiple murder case has hearing,4 +13,"CLINTON THE COWBOY WOOS MONTANANS, DEFENDS GUN STANCE",12 +3,Smoke screen alleged,2 +9,"Along with several other prominent health groups, the nation's largest physicians group backed the framework of the agreement, saying a legislative solution was preferable to an attempt to sue the industry state by state with uncertain results.",8 +13,TODAY'S GUN VOTE,12 +13,How house voted on 7-day gun wait,12 +13,"Rey became involved in the politics of West Tampa, which incorporated as a city in 1895. By 1900, he was elected to its City Council. He held his council seat until 1909, when he was elected mayor. + +After a two-year term, he returned to the council and served on it until his death in 1920. The city of West Tampa dedicated Rey Park in 1916",12 +13,"""It's clear that playing it safe is what is going on at the White House and among Democratic circles, and playing it safe means walking away from our values and our principles,"" Gutierrrez said. ""They looked at polling in four or five states where there aren't large Latino constituencies without thinking about the impact that that policy might have in Illinois, in California, in Colorado. And so they walked away.""",12 +9,Parental Smoking and Infant Deaths,8 +7,"Illegal Immigrant Smuggling on Rise; Truck Found in Md. With 40 People Part of Wide Problem, Officials Say",6 +5,"The charges against Peterson include the special circumstance that he committed more than one murder, allowing the district attorney to seek the death penalty.",4 +7,"Garcia-Gomez, 20, is accused in the May 8 fatal shooting of Detective Donald ""Donnie"" Young and the wounding of his partner, Detective John ""Jack"" Bishop at a west Denver baptismal party.",6 +5,An attorney for murderer Frederick Lashley said Monday that he had asked the U.S. District Court in St. Louis to delay his client's execution. ,4 +1,"Record $ 750,000 awarded in smoking suit",0 +13,"""The Senators who voted for this measure should meet some of the young people they are trying to punish,"" Herring said in a statement Thursday.",12 +7,NRA: BILL PROVOKED COP SLAY,6 +6,Bush Proposes Program For Und ...,5 +5,"The Freeborn County Recorder's Office received its first marriage license application by a same-sex couple on Thursday. +",4 +5,Virginia to Issue Weapon Permits Without FBI Check,4 +5, The ruling sets aside a legal opinion issued this year by Attorney General Mike Cox saying that the City of Kalamazoo could not provide benefits to gay partners. Mr.,4 +11, in the nation's 500th execution since capital punishment resumed in 1977.,10 +5,legalize these Mexicans,4 +7, who was convicted of killing a police officer.,6 +5,"Seven couples, including two Haddonfield women, sued the state last year for the right to have same-sex marriages legally recognized in New Jersey. They argue that by denying them the right to marry, the state prevents them from enjoying benefits, such as tax breaks and health insurance, available to other married couples.",4 +5,"Virginia AG seeks delay in reversing gay-marriage ban +",4 +5,A lawyer for a New Hope gay couple says that she soon will ask a Bucks County judge to act on a lawsuit seeking to bar the couple from marrying.,4 +7,Revelations of the criminal background of a man whose suicidal rampage Monday claimed nine lives are dramatically focusing Florida's gun-control debate.,6 +13,House GOPer: Shoot down state gun law,12 +15,TRAFFIC IN CANT,14 +13,"The secretary unveiled the proposals as part of a broader Clinton administration effort to strengthen federal regulation of firearms. +",12 +7,When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into Columbine High School in Colorado six years ago and opened fire,6 +5,Utah attorney general says he must defend his state's gay marriage ban. ,4 +6,Spitzer Grants Illegal Immigrants Easier Access to Driver's Licenses,5 +6,lawmakers,5 +15,Danger 'flag',14 +13,"Christie in February 2012 vetoed a bill that would have allowed gay and lesbian couples to wed. Same-sex marriage supporters are trying to secure enough votes for an override. +",12 +13,"The measure, approved Tuesday by a unanimous 17-0 vote, goes to County Executive Robert Gaffney, who is expected to sign it into law.",12 +1,"After a two-day, invitation-only preview over the weekend, the Habana Hut opened for regular business yesterday in a location that once housed a bookstore.",0 +6,"The agreements with the gun dealers -- reached over the last four months, with the latest one signed on Wednesday -- give officials broad monitoring powers over the individual stores.",5 +13,House Republicans have hired former solicitor general Paul D. Clement to handle the legal defense of the federal government's law banning the ,12 +10,Guns on campus: Politics or need?,9 +1,"That question is being asked by the Calvert Group of mutual funds in Bethesda. Calvert offers eight funds that specialize in ""socially responsible investing""--buying stocks that do no harm.",0 +10,EFFORTS TO PROTECT KIDS WILL PAY OFF,9 +8,' COYOTE' SLIPS YOU UNDER BORDER PATROL'S NOSE,7 +3,Smoking is fine - for consenting adults only,2 +11,POLL NOTES GUN CONTROL GENDER GAP,10 +14,"The ban, one of the few sanctions levied by Clinton as he reversed his threat on trade penalties against China, will dry up a vast private market that Chinese gun manufacturers were only just discovering.",13 +3,"Le Mariage: Vows, Redefined",2 +5,Key Deadline Looms for Some Salvadorans; Fewer Have Renewed Protected Status,4 +5,"Brinkema said intense pretrial work in her court, including the handling of classified information, could not resume until Moussaoui had exhausted his pretrial appeals.",4 +10,"From cake to flowers, Twin Cities gay couples get help planning perfect wedding +",9 +9,"also includes drug abusers, the mentally ill and domestic assault offenders,",8 +5,A look at the court documents shows how the case unraveled.,4 +13,Democratic senators push for stricter gun laws,12 +7,Ex-Paratrooper Found Guilty in Black Couple's Slaying,6 +3,"Catholic College Rescinds Invitation to Speaker Defending Same-Sex Marriage +",2 +10, benefits ,9 +1," +On Monday, shares in Sturm, Ruger & Company, the Southport, Conn., maker of Ruger handguns and rifles, rose 3.5 percent, then an additional 2.1 percent on Tuesday. Last year, the day after a gunman killed 49 people and wounded 53 at the packed Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., on June 12, 2016, the gun maker's stock price swung up 8.5 percent. And it eventually rose 10 percent in the days after two attackers killed 14 people and wounded 17 in San Bernardino, Calif., on Dec. 2, 2015.",0 +12,Gay activists to lobby governor's staff,11 +1,"Account for 37% of the city's 8.25 million people and earn 37% of the wages pulled down by city residents. + +Constitute 45% of the working-age population and 46% of the labor force.",0 +5,Mr. Holder argued.,4 +15,From Far-Off Shores to Long Island,14 +1," But he said $28 million was ""a reasonable sum to be awarded ... in these circumstances.",0 +9," +The tobacco research council was formed in 1954 as the Tobacco Industry Research Committee. Its purpose was to fund objective scientific studies and to educate the public about research into smoking's possible health effects, according to internal documents introduced as evidence.",8 +3,accused,2 +12,I trust the citizens of Durham find this irony unconscionable.,11 +13,"Today, the native Anne Arundel County resident is running unopposed in the Republican primary for state's attorney and would challenge incumbent Frank Weathersbee in the general election.",12 +5,"The court, in a unanimous ruling released yesterday, rejected Chester's claim",4 +13,Gun Lobby Stoops to Tar Crimefighter,12 +7,Prison spokesman Tim Kniest said Oxford would spend Tuesday night in a holding cell.,6 +15,Jackson Heights,14 +7,3 WITNESSES FOUND IN CONTEMPT FOR REFUSING TO TESTIFY ON ALIENS,6 +13,"Still, politicians keep hitting that formidable wall that is the National Rifle Association and its ilk.",12 +5,Top court: Gay nuptials here to stay,4 +4,those repeated exonerations began to have an effect.,3 +9, a former mental patient from Montana,8 +13,Congressional Republicans soften immigration stance; CALL TO REMOVE FELONY PROVISION FROM HOUSE BILL,12 +13,DAVIS WANTS TO KNOW WHERE USED GUNS GO,12 +13,GUN AMENDMENT MAY GO TO VOTE,12 +5," A federal appeals court ordered the transfer last month. On Monday, federal prosecutors filed a notice of intent to seek a death sentence.",4 +6,"The smoking ban will cover 1,700 parks and 14 miles of public beaches, plus boardwalks, marinas and pedestrian plazas such as the one in the heart of Times Square. The ban goes into effect 90 days after Bloomberg signs the bill; he has 20 days to do it. +",5 +13,ALL CLINTON APPLICANTS FACE `ZOE BAIRD' TEST,12 +10,"The first same-sex couple to file were Heidi Engstad, 25, and Brook Mattila, 22, of Duluth. +",9 +5,"A federal judge struck down Texas's ban on same-sex marriages Wednesday, the latest in a rapid-fire series of rulings in which judges have all reached the same conclusion: that states may not withhold marriage from gay men and lesbians. +",4 +11,OBSERVER; They Keep The Pot Stirred,10 +7,"ICE LOCKS 'EM UP, THROWS AWAY KEY",6 +7,"Mr. Williams, 51, a co-founder of the Crips gang of Los Angeles, was convicted of four 1979 murders. He is set to die by lethal injection at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday.",6 +5,"""Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California,"" the court said.",4 +13,What Liberals Can Learn From the N.R.A.,12 +9,Jarvis was in critical condition Tuesday at Grady Memorial Hospital.,8 +6," +Gun control is not the answer",5 +7,Mr. Moreno said before the injection. ,6 +5," Parker's new attorney, David Lamos of Fort Pierce, said he needs time to review more than a dozen boxes of records in Parker's case. Parker, Alphonso Cave and John Earl Bush were sentenced to death after separate trials.",4 +11,Death row is path few women tread,10 +12,Advocates rally for Pa. nondiscrimination legislation,11 +1,"Indeed, Mr. Bloomberg said, the state also would have benefited with $525 million a year in tax revenue.",0 +5,"who became a paralegal investigator for Gary's defense, has raised disturbing allegations that prosecutors had hidden evidence.",4 +7," +The Rev. Jane Spahr of San Rafael has been charged with official misconduct for conducting the ceremonies in 2004 and 2005 and violating her church's constitution.",6 +10, Polly's father and maternal grandfather are scheduled to testify this week on how the child's death has affected them.,9 +11,"IMMIGRANTS POUR INTO GEORGIA, HEARTLAND STATES, STUDY FINDS",10 +7,Ex-Islamic group member leaves U.S.,6 +13,Marty's proposal comes amid deadlock in Congress over reforms to the nation's immigration system,12 +5,"Lawyers for Mr. Tarver, 52, contended that the electric chair was an impermissibly cruel process akin to torture that left inmates' bodies burned and disfigured.",4 +7,"Richard, 49, is the only person in the nation to have been executed since that day.",6 +5," In taking his complaint to court, Joseph joins a dubious, yet growing, campaign by some lawyers to turn Big Food into the next Big Tobacco case.",4 +12,"Bearing boxes stacked with petitions, opponents of Santa Clara County's domestic partnership registry turned in 59,000 signatures to the registrar of voters Wednesday - a move that suspended enactment of the controversial measure.",11 +15,BURNING PASSION,14 +1," A private vendor at the Tanner show had offered to sell them a gun, Anderson said, but only if someone 18 or older was with them. So she went to the show with them the next day, and Klebold bought a shotgun from the man.",0 +5,Order Favors the Administration on Migrant Program,4 +13,"In an orchestrated attack, opponents of the bill began offering a raft of amendments to tighten it. Debate is expected to continue today. +",12 +9,The inspector general's office of the Department of Health and Human Services also is launching a two-pronged inquiry into how cigars escaped federal regulations and how teenagers and young adults are being lured to smoke cigars and other tobacco products.,8 +6,"Proposed at a Thursday City Council meeting, the ban would prohibit smoking on any part of the resort's 2.5-mile boardwalk and on the city's Music Pier, a historic concert hall.",5 +3,U.S. bishops to fight same-sex marriages,2 +5,And so far the appeals seem to be working.,4 +4,Bigotry on the Ballot,3 +13,"Gansler's testimony punctuated a debate that has simmered in Annapolis for several years as conservative Republicans have tried to write Maryland's 34-year-old ban on same-sex unions into the state constitution. But the issue took on new urgency on both sides last year, when the Court of Appeals upheld the ban and left it to the General Assembly to decide the matter. +",12 +7," +Felons' gun rights shrouded in secrecy by parole board",6 +5,"""I'm somewhat encouraged that they decided to take all of the issues,"" said Stephen Bailey, the Baltimore County deputy state's attorney. ""Perhaps it hints that the court simply wants to clean up this area of litigation once and for all.""",4 +13,"National Rifle Association President-elect Oliver North stumped with Cagle at three events around the state, saying it backed him over Secretary of State Brian Kemp in the July 24 runoff because Cagle had an ""airtight record"" on firearms issues that led lawmakers to rebuke the Atlanta-based airline.",12 +11,TOBACCO FLAP ON '60 MINUTES' COUGHS UP GOOD RATINGS,10 +5,"NON-CIGARETTE COMPANIES CAN FIGHT TOBACCO LAW, JUDGE RULES",4 +4,Fact-checking Andrew Gillum's claim that he was sued by NRA and gun lobby over Tallahassee ordinance,3 +5, could appeal the decision to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals,4 +1,"Philip Morris Cos. dropped 2 3/8 to 57 7/8. The state of Florida sued 17 tobacco companies to recover the cost of treating some victims of smoking-related illness. Last week in New Orleans, tobacco companies failed to head off a class-action lawsuit after a judge certified a suit that could involve 50 million plaintiffs. + +Other tobacco stocks also fell. RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp. lost 1/4 to 5 3/8, B.A.T Industries PLC's American depositary receipts fell 5/8 to 13, UST Inc. shed 3/4 to 29 7/8 and American Brands Inc. dropped 1/2 to 37.",0 +14,"The case of Japan is instructive in this regard. Japan is a modern industrial democracy, very much like the United States. +",13 +3,The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops,2 +8,SELF-DEFENSE LAW,7 +13," +On the day Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., announced his presidential campaign, opponents came out with an ad attacking his record. +",12 +5,"Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' Law Applies to Police, Too, Court Rules",4 +13,"The government has notified the seven states and the District of Columbia that because they failed to meet target rates for reducing sales of tobacco products to minors,",12 +5,"Lawyers for Provenzano, who had been scheduled for execution at 7:01 a.m. today, said they were afraid their client could face the same ""savage"" fate in Florida's new electric chair.",4 +4,The study that gun-rights activists keep citing but completely misunderstand,3 +1,"CIG GIANT FAILS TO CUT 12B BOND +",0 +13," +Now the election is over, and the only thing to say to the president is: Do it. Take executive action. Make it big.",12 +13,"CASEY VETOES BILL STRIKING CITY GUN BAN HE SAID THE ASSAULT WEAPONS ""SERVE NO PURPOSE OTHER THAN TO PROMOTE SENSELESS AND RANDOM VIOLENCE.""",12 +12,were applauded by local tobacco control advocates,11 +7,"Stolen guns, stolen lives",6 +11,Warriors guard Stephen Curry speaks out on Santa Fe High School shooting,10 +11,Race and Marriage Equality,10 +13,House passes ban on gay marriage,12 +13,A package of bills aimed at curtailing gang and gun violence throughout New Jersey advanced through the Assembly yesterday,12 +13,"Amid intense criticism from gun control groups, the House is nearing a vote on legislation sponsored by Rep. John P. Murtha (D., Pa.) to legalize the importation of as many as 2.5 million Army surplus rifles and pistols. +",12 +1,Senate panel votes to nearly double U.S. cigarette tax,0 +7,CHESS LEGEND ARRESTED ON 1992 CHARGE IN U.S.,6 +1,mall personnel?,0 +13,"On Wednesday, a group of parents met with Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W. Va.), lead sponsor on a Senate gun bill defeated in April: +",12 +7,"Riz was referring to the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, where Adam Lanza mowed down 26 people with his AR-15 assault rifle.",6 +7, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was taking photos with her father on Pier 14 when she was shot and killed allegedly by an undocumented immigrant from Mexico who had been deported five times.,6 +5,"In notes that did not surface until decades later, prosecutors marked the names of black prospective jurors with a B and highlighted those names in green. They circled the word ''black'' where potential jurors had noted their race on questionnaires.",4 +11,"Colman McCarthy is a former editorial writer and columnist for The Post and directs the Center For Teaching Peace, a Washington nonprofit. +",10 +13,The House overwhelmingly passed the first federal legislation to address gun violence or school safety,12 +1,"FAIR: In some of the least progressive parts of the country, Wal-Mart - a company not normally lauded for enlightened social policies - is set to become the most liberal employer around.",0 +13,Gun law change moves forward,12 +13,Toomey is open to reviving background-check bill,12 +11,"In ""My Best Friend's Wedding,"" for example, Julia Roberts's character is even allowed to smoke in a nonsmoking area, with the complicity of a hotel employee.",10 +7,A blast at O'Neill,6 +12,"Those protests continued at the fairgrounds on Saturday, as a half dozen or so people held signs protesting the gun show.",11 +10,I for one refuse to dine in any restaurant that permits smoking or makes me walk through a smoky bar to reach my table or the restroom. The stink quickly destroys the most delectable of meals.,9 +3,"Pope Francis praised Latino contributions to the country in a message to U.S. Roman Catholic bishops on Tuesday, a week after Donald Trump was elected president and on the day the prelates put a Mexican-born archbishop in line to be their leader.",2 +7,The path forward on gun violence,6 +13,N.Y. Dems unite for touger laws,12 +13,HOUSE FIRES BACK AT COURT ON DEATH PENALTY RULES,12 +10,NICORETTE GUM HAS HELPED PEOPLE QUIT SMOKING.,9 +13,"But in a presidential campaign in which partisan lines have been sharply drawn over welfare and the budget, the subject of immigration has yet to provoke muchof a stir. With the notable exception of Pat Buchanan, for instance, the major Republican challengers have been content to voice approving soundbites about legal immigration, while uniformly condemning illegal entry.",12 +9,NRA on mentally ill: Plan or ploy?,8 +5,Did the case take turns you didn't expect?,4 +4, because it would have felt like ''willingly going to sit in the back of the bus.'',3 +13," +Death-Penalty Feud: 2 Governors, the Law and Their Beliefs",12 +7,TOOTH MARKS OF SUSPECT KEY IN MURDER OF GUARD,6 +13,"Gun bill faces long, winding road",12 +1,"Altria Group, the parent company of Philip Morris USA, and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings declined after a judge denied U.S. cigarette makers' request to block the government from seeking to collect $280 billion. +",0 +1,Gunmaker 'clarifies' landmark pact,0 +3," ""I think getting a lethal injection is too simple compared to what he did to her.""",2 +5,Same-sex couples urge uniformity on laws,4 +12,"About 50 members of the gay and lesbian community applauded the vote. +",11 +13,But the withdrawal is one more sign that the group once universally considered the high-caliber gun lobby may be losing some of its firepower.,12 +1,Wicker wants to know cut to counsel for tobacco deal,0 +13,"Still, ""this issue will be raised,"" Penaloza said. ""It has to be.""",12 +1,A tax for saving lives,0 +7,"Georgia prison officials prepared for the execution of Ellis Wayne Felker scheduled for 7 tonight, less than 19 hours after convicted murderer Larry Grant Lonchar died in the state's electric chair.",6 +13,"There is great paradox in the vote by the House to outlaw the use of prescription drugs to help physician-assisted suicide (front page, Oct. 28). Many of the representatives who voted for the bill are supporters of capital punishment, but they do not seem to have a problem with the use of drugs to kill a murderer.",12 +7,ATF investigation in East Oakland after gun shop heists,6 +5,"""This is the Rosenblatts' moment,"" said Martin Feldman, a tobacco analyst for Smith Barney, ""and it is impressive that they have managed to take this as far as they have, given their limited resources. But they have an uphill battle.""",4 +9, as well as childproof safety devices on all new handguns sold.,8 +13,"Republican Sen. H. Russell Potts Jr., of Winchester, called that action capricious and political today and said he will not renominate Berry this year.",12 +6,Experts cited such reasons as tougher gun-control laws,5 +12, groups maintain,11 +5,"San Francisco granted more than 4,000 marriage licenses to couples from the Bay Area and around the country from Feb. 12 to March 11, when the state's highest court put an end to the practice because of numerous legal challenges. The California Supreme Court is set to rule by August on whether the city violated state law by issuing the licenses",4 +5,"In a brief filed with the Supreme Court, Brown steered clear of taking a position on the validity of the voter-approved ballot measure, which restored California's ban on gay marriages. Instead, the attorney general argued that the justices must agree to review legal challenges to Proposition 8 to ""provide certainty and finality in this matter.''",4 +1,Can We Afford So Many Unskilled Immigrants?,0 +5,"Late Tuesday, lawyers for Mr. Jones tried to block the execution by challenging the constitutionality of a Georgia law established in 2013 that protects the identity of those who manufacture and prescribe the drugs used in executions. They had also argued that the death penalty was too severe a punishment for the crime, The Associated Press reported. Both arguments were rejected. +",4 +5,"A stay was sought by a coalition of state lawmakers and conservative activists. The request was filed with Justice David H. Souter, a Massachusetts native who handles appeals from the region. He referred the matter to the full nine-member court.",4 +15,SMOKERS RUN WITH DIFFERENT PACK,14 +5,"shcroft pushes for death penalty +",4 +1," It said the other day that illegal immigrants cost the federal government about $10 billion a year, and that legalizing them would triple the cost.",0 +5, but that a governor swears an oath to uphold the law and that he is prepared to do so.,4 +13,SENATE PANEL TINKERS WITH GUN PERMIT LAW,12 +8,CIA officer indicted for espionage,7 +13,"But despite the NRA's strong-arm tactics, the House voted 218 to 205 for the bipartisan House and Senate Conference Committee to meet within the next two weeks to resolve differences on stalled gun control legislation.",12 +2,"If our country's population is headed toward 387 million in 2050 because of the current level of immigration and we consume 25 percent of the world's resources now, what will we do then? + +What will 387 million do to our environment?",1 +9,Tobacco Opponents Jump to Use Admission About Addiction,8 +13,House passes Brady bill,12 +12,"The intense reaction of Atlanta's gay community to Mayor Maynard Jackson's veto of an ordinance extending some employee benefits to the domestic partners of city employees is understandable. Nothing generates anger like raised expectations transformed into dashed hopes. +",11 +15,My Turn: Same-sex marriage,14 +9," +In some states, gun safety is being notably strengthened; in others, it is being considerably weakened by the gun lobby in the name of protecting gun rights",8 +15,Misadventures in Atlanta,14 +5,"The ruling today nonetheless cast considerable doubt on the continued vitality of the Booth decision, itself a 5-to-4 ruling, as a precedent. Justice Byron R. White, who was a dissenter in the Booth case but who voted with the majority today, indicated in a separate statement that he was prepared to overrule the Booth decision in a future case.",4 +12,""" I don't recall you asking me if I was for it.",11 +10,"Krause sat silent, showing no emotion. +",9 +9,Don't turn back on immigrant children,8 +6,Child-Death Case in Texas Raises Penalty Questions,5 +3,Responsibility includes readiness,2 +13,"Mrs. Taylor, a calm woman, watched the Rules Committee rush the repeal of the weapons ban to the floor. The panel's Republican leadership bypassed the Judiciary Committee, which would usually handle the issue, and tailored a tight one-hour rule for floor debate.",12 +3,MERCY URGED FOR TERRORIST,2 +8,A proposed law that would allow people with permits to carry concealed guns ,7 +8,"IN NEW YORK, even the dead are packing heat.",7 +6,Disarm the Citizenry. But not yet.,5 +5,"The thrilled Windsor even predicted a victory in her challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act. +",4 +7,"Federal prosecutors charged a wealthy Long Island couple on Tuesday with keeping two Indonesian domestic workers as virtual prisoners in their home for more than five years under conditions they called ''modern-day slavery,'' beating one severely and paying them very little.",6 +13,SIGHTS ON ROBERTI GUN EXTREMISTS FORCE RECALL ELECTION TO SEND A MESSAGE,12 +15,Excerpts released,14 +1,costs,0 +5,Suit aims to stop illegal-immigrant law; Tough Okla. measure takes effect Thursday,4 +5,High court eases deportation curbs,4 +3,"YES, VIRGINIA, GUNS KILL INNOCENTS",2 +13,"Clinton predicts Democrats likely to retake Senate, says landscape good for passing immigration overhaul +",12 +4,* The suppression of evidence of innocence by police or prosecutors.,3 +8,carry concealed weapons ,7 +12,Court grounds packed on first day of marriage case,11 +12,"James Dobson, founder of Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, said Thursday that to ""work feverishly"" for the amendment is the first objective of his new political advocacy group, Focus on the Family Action.",11 +6,ETHNIC LOBBIES SEEK TO BEND U.S. POLICY SOME LAWMAKERS ARE CLOSE TO SPECIFIC INTERESTS. THEIR DECISIONS AFFECT THE NATION AS A WHOLE.,5 +11," Television news trucks lined the streets, their satellite towers sprouting skyward.",10 +6,"Or that in 2004, with the federal assault weapons ban in danger of lapsing (which it later did), he signed a strict state ban.",5 +7,"A decade ago, Chandler harvested marijuana in these hills as a sideline to the construction work he performed from here to the Atlanta suburbs. In April 1991, Chandler was tried and convicted as a drug kingpin --- from a place where it seems that nobody could be a kingpin of anything. Prosecutors described him as the ruthless mastermind of a large-scale dope operation who ordered the murder of a snitch and made two local men who stole his pot disappear. +",6 +13,"Editorial: How McCain, Obama differ on gay marriage proposition",12 +13,Rural Hispanic lawmaker a first for state; Republican wants to see immigration laws strictly enforced.,12 +7," If the sentence goes through, Waterhouse, 65, will be the second Pinellas killer put to death within a year. Oba Chandler was executed Nov. 15 for murdering an Ohio woman and her two daughters.",6 +5,But the ground war in the litigation over Medicaid expenses is a contest involving some of the most high-powered law firms in the country.,4 +5,California judge wasn't out of order in gay marriage case,4 +5,"The inquiries are looking into accusations of fraud and perjury against tobacco executives. Prosecutors are examining whether tobacco executives illegally conspired to obstruct a Congressional investigation into how much they knew about nicotine and its risks and whether they had deceived their shareholders about how much the companies knew about the hazards of smoking, lawyers following the inquiries said. +",4 +5," was spared by a local superior court judge Monday. +",4 +5,caused by a ruling in Freedom's favor,4 +15,Enough firepower to put out the smoke,14 +10,privileged status.,9 +11,Sen Philip A Hart says in last 4 yrs number of pistols in civilian hands has increased from 25 million to 40 million. ,10 +7,"If you listen carefully, you can almost hear the shooting begin.",6 +2, logistics,1 +7,Gun violence's distant echo,6 +5,Execution follows 'extraordinary' ruling,4 +13,"City Councilman Ryan Frazier first floated the idea two years ago but felt he did not have the support of other council members and the community. This time, he says, he believes it will pass. The council on Monday decided to send the issue to a formal vote at an upcoming council meeting.",12 +3,GAY N.H. BISHOP EXPRESSES REGRET ANGLICAN CLERIC WON'T BLESS SAME-SEX UNIONS,2 +5,"Gun ban in Md. upheld by appeals court, 10-4",4 +5,15 IMMIGRANTS WHO FLED WTC NOW SEEK VISAS,4 +13,IT'S GILLY & MIKE AND NARY A GUN FIGHT IN SIGHT,12 +1,"Illegal immigration costs the United States $113 billion a year, which ""works out to about $1,000 per household in South Florida,"" she said.",0 +5,2 states OK same-sex marriage,4 +7,"xford was scheduled to die by injection at 12:01 a.m. today,",6 +1,"Last year, California cut its smoking prevention program by $46 million and papered over part of its budget gap by selling its share of a 1998 tobacco settlement -- estimated between $10 billion and $12.5 billion over the next 22 years -- for a one-time lump sum of $4.5 billion. Seventeen other states also sold their rights to future settlement payments.",0 +3,Anglicans say U.S. must mend rift over gays,2 +5,"The court seems to be considering a narrow question of immigration law: Can a 6-year-old child petition for asylum against the wishes of his parent? But this issue in fact has broad implications. +",4 +13,CITY ASKS STATE LAWMAKERS TO CLARIFY 'STAND YOUR GROUND',12 +9,"The Justice Department says it is not trying to second-guess medical judgments by the Public Health Service. But it questions whether Dr. Sullivan adequately documented his conclusion that AIDS is not ""a communicable disease of public health significance.""",8 +13,"After another mass shooting, a tale of two Virginia politicians",12 +5,FEDS EASE CITIZENSHIP RULES FOR DISABLED,4 +5, which faces new legal problems ,4 +9,Smokers have greater risk of developing leukemia,8 +3,"His letter said that as he grew aware of ""an increasing degree of anguished discussion"" among Reform rabbis over the proposed resolution, he and other leaders of the conference became convinced that there was ""a very large group in the middle on this issue"" who were not ready to vote on it. + +Although Reform officials say many rabbis within the movement officiate at same-sex ceremonies according to the dictates of their conscience, the convention has taken no stand on whether such ceremonies can be sanctified within Jewish tradition.",2 +7,"Hightower, 33, of Willingboro, was convicted in the 1985 shooting death of Cynthia Barlieb of Willingboro during a robbery attempt at the Willingboro Cumberland Farms store, where she was a clerk. Barlieb was shot in the chest, head and neck with a .32 caliber handgun.",6 +13,GOP assailed for gun raffle in Giffords' Ariz. district,12 +5,"Vargas has never had a valid visa or green card; he used to travel with an illegally obtained driver's license and, after 2011, a Philippines passport.",4 +5,"On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White of San Francisco ruled the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.",4 +5,"On April 27, 2005, Nelson applied for a permit to acquire a concealable weapon, which is different from a concealed-carry permit but is bound by similar rules. The Callaway County Sheriff's Department said no. Sheriff Dennis Crane, and later Prosecuting Attorney Robert Sterner, cited a state law that denies permits to felons or people having been committed to mental institutions.",4 +3,We could have dealt with Ted Bundy in a manner consistent with our humanity.,2 +9," The Hayward, Wis., native had been diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1978, and had been hospitalized more than a dozen times for treatment in the decade before the shootings.",8 +5,"The Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials consistently raised concerns about SB 529, arguing that among other problems with the bill, states do not have the authority to enforce federal immigration laws.",4 +7," Humberto Fernandez-Vargas, deported to Mexico, had run out of options",6 +11,"Virginia, Florida and Nevada had the most significant declines in their populations of illegal immigrants. The large declines in Florida and Nevada were probably due to the housing crisis and the loss of thousands of construction jobs, which immigrants often fill, experts said. Florida's illegal immigrant population fell by 375,000, to an estimated 675,000, between 2008 and 2009, and Nevada's decreased by 50,000 to an estimated 180,000 during that period.",10 +6,"The evidence suggests that other, more ""moderate"" proposals you normally see bruited about, such as enhanced back-ground checks or banning assault weapons, would have very little impact on these massacres.",5 +13,This episode illuminates American governance today.,12 +4,"Skin tone bias affects wages, survey finds",3 +13," In a Capitol where Democrats rule both legislative chambers, it's not unusual to see Senate President Stephen Sweeney, whose South Jersey district trends more conservative than some of its North Jersey counterparts, clash with the more left-leaning Assembly leadership.",12 +13,"I checked in with Richard Socarides, a prominent advocate for gay rights, and he was adamant: Gay voters, an important Democratic constituency, will settle for nothing less than an unequivocal expression of support for full marriage equality.",12 +7, Twenty-four misdemeanor counts were filed against Mayor West after he married a series of gay couples last Feb. 27 in New Paltz.,6 +6,"You documented the easy availability and convertibility into submachine guns of these weapons, which are virtually free of effective regulation, and the consequent price we pay in criminal activities by extremist groups and drug dealers.",5 +5, acting one day after the state's attorney general signed off on the idea.,4 +1, 700 food service establishments,0 +7,"When Durham police recently stopped Anwar A. Overby, they recognized him as a known gang member.",6 +5," and recent death sentences all came from non-unanimous juries,",4 +1,"we found that the ratings may no longer be consistent with the risks,'' Myrna Ekmekji, an analyst with Moody's, said in an interview. ''We decided we needed to put them on watch for a possible downgrade.''",0 +9,Science director targets tobacco use,8 +3,"One is symbolized by the professional partnership Carmines forged with the Rev. Robert Helms, pastor of the Trinity Presbyterian Church. They share a sanctuary, most programs, and even a name - their upper West Side church is formally known as the Trinity Presbyterian & Rauschenbusch Memorial United Church of Christ.",2 +7," of the three female tourists whom Stayner kidnapped and killed outside Yosemite National Park, setting off a five-month FBI search for a killer who would strike once more before being captured.",6 +1,"The estimates do not include expenditures by same-sex couples from other states who might travel to Minnesota to get married. +",0 +13,CALIF. QUESTIONS GIULIANI'S IMMIGRATION SLANT,12 +1," it's not easy to fight Big Tobacco in Virginia, though the industry isn't as influential in Richmond as it once was.",0 +13,Trump Will Order Wall and Curtail Immigration,12 +5,"As Act 35 provides, Evans appealed the denial to circuit court, arguing the offense isn't a misdemeanor crime of violence under federal law and that he didn't have a domestic relationship with the victim -- his 36-year-old stepdaughter -- under the federal definition.",4 +13,"""This issue creates a challenge for both parties,"" said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster.",12 +13,"The bill's sponsor, George Crady, R-Yulee,",12 +5,Hawaii's Supreme Court has slammed the door on gay marriages in the state once considered most likely to legalize same-sex unions. That means Vermont could be gay couples' best hope.,4 +6,Inquirer Editorial: State gun laws are too weak,5 +5,"The tobacco industry is the subject of five Federal grand jury investigations in which the new documents could be used as evidence. Lawyers say the documents, which came to light last week, could also be used in liability suits brought by attorneys general in seven states as well as in class actions and individual cases.",4 +13,When Ronald Reagan Embraced Gun Control,12 +6,"Seventeen states and the District of Columbia prohibit the possession of handguns by juveniles, she said. A final draft of the bill will be ready in a few weeks, said Miller, who contacted the NRA, among others, before he unveiled his plan. The NRA endorsed Miller in his 1990 campaign for governor.",5 +3,He asked for mercy for Zein Isa,2 +13," +The Empire State Pride Agenda endorsed Gore because the Clinton-Gore administration ""has helped to bring about unprecedented changes for lesbians and gay men in this country,"" said Executive Director Matt Foreman.",12 +7,ICE agents too often become 'bad hombres',6 +15,WEEK IN REVIEW,14 +10,"When states bar gay unions, domestic couples lose perks",9 +6," The measure that was passed Wednesday would permit district residents to keep loaded firearms in their homes and businesses, to own semiautomatic assault weapons not prohibited by federal law, and would end both the ban on private handgun ownership and the city's firearms registration program.",5 +5,Mr. Moreno had told the judge who set his execution date that he wanted no appeals.,4 +13,"They lose and immediately the chorus begins. Republicans must change or die. A rump party of white America, it must adapt to evolving demographics or forever be the minority.",12 +13,Schumer is one of 18 co-sponsors of the new bill by Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.). The others include Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.).,12 +13,"In 2009, Mr. Hunstman endorsed civil unions as an alternative to gay marriage. He is perhaps the most noteworthy potential Republican candidate to have done so, although the libertarian-leaning Gary Johnson shares his position, and a minor candidate, Fred Karger, supports full marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples.",12 +5,"Federal judges usually keep their disputes private, but an extraordinary he-said, she-said brouhaha between two appellate judges has blown open the closed chamber doors.",4 +1,PHILIP MORRIS BUCKS ANTI-SMOKING TREND,0 +5,"""The issue in this case was whether Pennsylvania courts would permit the execution of an indigent inmate without first providing him a lawyer to raise his post-conviction claims,"" Dunham said. ""In Mr. Duffey's case, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has indicated for the first time that it is willing to do so.""",4 +13,SAFE seeks Clinton visit to support gun petition,12 +13,"""This is the right time to impart that message,"" Levy spokesman Ed Dumas said.",12 +9,A suicide note ,8 +13," a member of the first Republican majority in Florida's legislature since Reconstruction, said that was fine.",12 +15,METRO NEWS BRIEFS: NEW JERSEY,14 +5,"High court bolsters gun ban tied to cases of domestic violence +",4 +1,$ 4.8 billion for Georgia,0 +13,"Those horrors haven't slowed the gun lobby's relentless push to weaken the nation's already far too weak gun laws -- or Congress's eagerness to do the gun lobby's bidding. Last week, House Democrats had to pull back legislation that would have finally given the District of Columbia a voting representative in Congress because of amendments tacked on to the bill that would have gutted local gun laws.",12 +5,'Domestic partner' issue complicates gay-marriage ban,4 +13,"Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., is a co-sponsor of the proposal. +",12 +13,"Casey stands by his support of assault-weapons ban +",12 +8," we were reminded by those two columns of light that six months ago there were two silver towers rising above all Manhattan. +",7 +9,Smokers shrug off graphic warning labels,8 +1,raise money for worthy causes.,0 +11,"UNTIL this week, picturesque Vermont was known primarily for maple syrup, fall foliage and quaint towns. On Wednesday, though, this New ",10 +12,GUN RIGHTS ADVOCATES TAKE AIM AT REQUEST,11 +10,health and pension benefits offered ,9 +9,DEAF MEXICANS STUCK TOGETHER: DOC,8 +10,"On the night after the disaster, Crist contacted Bernard, whose sister and sister's children have been living in the streets since their home was destroyed, but Bernard said he has not heard from the governor since.",9 +5,"Max Marty, a 27-year-old who founded the start-up, Blueseed, came up with the idea after seeing so many of his classmates at the University of Miami's business school head back to their home countries after failing to secure work visas.",4 +4,"TUDY SAYS EXECUTION PUSH IMPERILS INNOCENTS / SINCE 1973, 69 PEOPLE SENTENCED TO DEATH HAVE BEEN FREED - ABOUT 1 OF EVERY 100, ACCORDING TO A REPORT. +",3 +5,Second Amendment intent has changed,4 +7,"Officials said the crime took place about 11 p.m. July 27, 1991, when Smulls kept an appointment at F&M Crown Jewels, near the Chesterfield Mall, with Honickman and his wife, Florence Honickman. The couple, of Chesterfield, ran the appointment-only shop in the basement of a bank at 361 Chesterfield Center.",6 +5,"was overturned in June, had been expected to waive his right to a speedy trial when he appeared before Circuit Judge Stephen E. Toner on Thursday.",4 +13,"And in California, New Jersey, Ohio, Utah and elsewhere, there are signs that the political tides may be shifting against gun-rights advocates.",12 +7,"The Douglas County sheriff, John Hanlin, now leading the team investigating the shootings on Thursday at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, was one of the bill's main opponents.",6 +13,The James Brady Story,12 +11,"As the hosts tell it, the order made a lot of people very angry, but it also brought a lot of people together. At airports, no less!",10 +4,Recent attacks in New York City indicate that a change in the law doesn't automatically erase prejudice.,3 +13," +REPUBLICANS SHOULD SEEK CONSTRUCTIVE SOLUTION TO IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS +",12 +4,- Most white murderers - even multiple murderers - have gotten life with parole in Utah.,3 +5,APPEALS DENIED,4 +5,Court allows ban on sale of machine guns,4 +10,My father's gay marriage ,9 +5,"The companies' lawyers will present their opening statement on Tuesday in the much-anticipated trial. It has taken nearly six years for the lawsuit, the first class action against the industry to come to trial, to reach a jury. +",4 +13,"Republican Sen. Susan Collins says she supports gay marriage +",12 +13,That the Republican response to the justices' move to let same-sex marriages proceed in nearly half the states would be . . . near-total silence?,12 +7,Mother jailed after confrontation over tobacco sales,6 +12,"Plenty of people have yet to be persuaded in the current immigration battle, though. + +The poll shows 28 percent of political independents remain uncertain which party they favor. Of the independents who have decided, they are split, with 37 percent backing Democrats and 35 percent backing Republicans. +",11 +7,Gun Flow to Criminals Laid To Tiny Fraction of Dealers,6 +5,"nd that his lawyers pressed appeals against his wishes. +",4 +5,D.C. officials warn that rejection of city's handgun ban creates restrictive precedent,4 +5,"A German member of the Church of Scientology has been granted asylum in the United States after telling a judge she would be subjected to religious persecution if she went back home, according to the church.",4 +3,Clinton Honors Nun for Aiding Refugees,2 +9,Illegal Immigrants Feeding Wildfire Epidemic in California,8 +7,Executions Stall As States Seek Different Drugs,6 +7,ROAD RAGE KILLING IS USED UNFAIRLY TO BACK GUN CONTROL,6 +1,The money funded,0 +13,"Behind Md.'s tough gun law, a personal push",12 +13,The governor said it would be ''fine with me'' ,12 +5,It was not clear whether prosecutor James P. Lynch would call any witnesses to buttress the state's case that Neulander should be executed by lethal injection.,4 +1,"The cost to enforce it would be ""huge,"" the release said. Its economic effects ""catastrophic.""",0 +13,Rubio gets roasted for backing NRA,12 +13,"and to overturn the military's ""don't ask, don't tell"" rule",12 +12,Wisconsin voters also will decide whether the state should lengthen sheriff terms from the current two years to four years. Supporters say that would let sheriffs focus on their jobs rather than re-election.,11 +12,Bloomberg-backed gun-control group turns to survivors to help their cause,11 +9,Cotinine was measured instead of nicotine because it stays in the body much longer and scientists have developed a highly sensitive test for it.,8 +7," Without guns, 11-year-old boys cannot become mass murderers. ",6 +5,"In vacating Martinez's sentence of death and granting him a new trial, the Supreme Court noted that ""it was ultimately for the jury to decide whether the statements made by Martinez . . . established his guilt . . .",4 +13,Cooper,12 +15,Prime Number,14 +6,"The bill should be killed. It should be rolled up in a tube, stuffed in the mouths of its sponsors and then lighted.",5 +1,U.S. Wants Share of State Tobacco Deals,0 +12,Some civil rights leaders are denouncing a decision by an influential black pastor to lead a march from the King Center calling for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.,11 +10,Catering to gay travelers,9 +15,MATCHING WITS,14 +13,"Mr. Bush's plans are set forth in a report titled ''Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 1990,'' which will be the subject of at least four Congressional hearings later this week.",12 +10,"The Joy of Marriage Was Ours, for a While",9 +6,"""All these, I think, do raise significant questions about how the death penalty is being applied,""",5 +11,Gun Laws: Mood Change in the Northeast,10 +7,Options remain for undocumented immigrants with prior crimes,6 +1,"highlighted the fund-raiser, a dancer dressed as a pack of Lorillard cigarettes",0 +1,"Brinkley was forced to turn to an unlikely pool of workers: locals. In an industry that some believe attracts only migrant labor, Brinkley assembled a hometown crew.",0 +8, building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border,7 +5,"But in the majority opinion, Justice Steven H. Levinson wrote that ""marriage is a basic civil right"" and that ""on its face and as applied,"" the Hawaii law ""denies same-sex couples access to the marital status and its concomitant rights and benefits."" + +Legal experts said the case would not wind up in the United States Supreme Court because it was based solely on state law. But if Hawaii were to recognize gay marriages, the decision would have implications nationwide. + +Crossing State Lines + +No state currently allows such marriages. But each state recognizes marriages performed in another state. Thus, unless other states acted to change current practices, gay couples married in Hawaii would have to be recognized as married couples in other states, thereby entitling them to the tax breaks, health benefits and survivor benefits that accrue to married partners. + +",4 +1,WEDDING BUSINESS CATERING TO ALTAR-NATE LIFESTYLE TREND,0 +13,"Wigand, who was portrayed by Oscar-winning actor Russell Crowe, said he enthusiastically supported Bloomberg's bill, which the City Council is due to begin debating today.",12 +13,POLITICS: THE DEMOCRAT,12 +13,"At an ensuing caucus marked by stormy debate, a boycott motion by Carlos Alcala, a California delegate, failed on a 39-to-39 vote. But Mr. Alcala said he would bring the motion up again at another caucus Wednesday and demand a roll-call of all Hispanic delegates and their alternates.",12 +8,"""I'm asking that you give me the right to protect myself,""",7 +5,"The appeals court that barred a huge class-action lawsuit against tobacco companies has decided to take a second look at its ruling, one that spared the industry a possible multibillion-dollar verdict",4 +5,How Vermont's Top Judge Shaped Law on Civil Unions,4 +7," +As for Pagan, he, too, pleaded guilty last year to illegal gun possession. He faces a tougher sentence than Moore because he has three past felony convictions. Moore has two. +",6 +15,The Immigration Impasse,14 +12,A THIRD OF VOTERS OK SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,11 +9,"Officials unlocked the door of a boxcar Wednesday afternoon and found 26 illegal aliens locked inside by smugglers, with one man dead, another dying and a 16-year-old girl suffering from shock and dehydration.",8 +3,The migrant and the pope,2 +8," protects families.""",7 +7,"""We'll return him to the regular prison population"" today, Kniest said. ""It's easier to move him when we're at full staff.""",6 +6,"Among the moves under consideration are reinstating a ban on assault weapons, reinstituting a needed ban on large-capacity ammunition clips, and taking more steps to keep weapons from the mentally ill.",5 +15,MEDIUM-RARE SIGHT,14 +5,"We wondered whether Kavanaugh, who will replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy if confirmed, on the issue of assault weapons indeed stands to the right of Scalia, who as a young man would tote his rifle on the New York City subway.",4 +8,background check ,7 +5,Ruling keeps ex-USF teacher in jail,4 +2,Tobacco wheel speeds stripping of plants' leaves,1 +11,Actor Beau Bridges takes aim at guns,10 +12,The National Rifle Association and the nation's airline pilots are waging parallel but equally aggressive campaigns to bring guns into the cockpit.,11 +5,A federal appeals court halted the execution of a convicted murderer in Texas who is mentally ill.,4 +7,EMBASSY ATTACKERS FACE FATE Four Bin Laden devotees expected to get life,6 +1,Da! Russians buying more of smoother U.S. smokes,0 +13,"Nothing, otherwise, would suggest that Mr. Carnes should not be confirmed.",12 +5,TEPFATHER TESTIFIES ON BEHALF OF SMITH HE SAID HE BEARS SOME OF THE GUILT IN HER BOYS' DEATHS.,4 +10,"Alleys, Gutters and Lots Of Secondhand Smoke",9 +3,"Thai monks, an elderly nun and two young helpers at the temple.",2 +13,The White House has indicated that President Reagan will sign it.,12 +12,SILENT MARCH MARKS ANN'Y OF ANTI-IMMIG LAW,11 +10,Inquirer Editorial: Bleak outlook for gay couples,9 +13,"Donnelly and Heitkamp were elected last fall, meaning they don't have to face voters for nearly six years. Although both represent states that are reliably Republican in presidential elections, the rapid pace at which public opinion on gay marriage is changing makes it a little easier to step out on the issue now. +",12 +8,Homeland Security issued the first report on visa overstays in January 2016,7 +10,"My father had a cigar in his mouth from my earliest memory. When my mother died in 1965 and Dad came to live with us, we made it clear that no smoking was allowed in our house. His breath was terrible, and his car smelled like a sewer. He often said he ""wasn't smoking"" because the cigar wasn't always lit.",9 +5,"RULING GRANTS GAYS RIGHT TO MARRY/ MASSACHUSETTS COURT TELLS LEGISLATURE THAT CIVIL UNIONS WON'T DO +",4 +5,Decision leads more cities to ban tobacco billboards,4 +5,Special overseas delivery; U.S. to simplify rules on foreign adoptions,4 +15,KNEE-JERK GROUP-THINK IS BORING AND STIFLING,14 +9,Lethal weapon 2 states: Let us use fentanyl for executions,8 +6,"BLOWN OPPORTUNITY PA.'S NEW GUN LAW IS MUCH LESS THAN IT SHOULD BE. +",5 +5,"The first 40,000 valid applicants will be notified on Nov. 30 that they've been granted permanent-resident visas. About 30,000 people descended on Merrifield Sunday night in a chaotic effort to boost their chances. +",4 +1,A massive global plunge in stock markets,0 +11,"Plaxico Burress, for you non-sports-fans out there, is a star wide receiver for the New York Giants who caught the game-winning pass in last year's Super Bowl. But his season and perhaps his career have been cut short",10 +11,"Girls Light Up, While Women Struggle to Quit",10 +6,law,5 +13,The law pits gun rights versus private property rights and stirred a battle between two factions of the Republican Party - big business and gun-rights advocates.,12 +5,"Court upholds death penalty in Stockton quadruple murder case +",4 +5,Texas Sues Tobacco Firms,4 +15,Gunning for New York State,14 +5,Non-smokers need the continued protection of laws,4 +6,Move the Immigration Bill,5 +5,"It would be rational, the court's majority found, for those who wrote the law to have believed that the state of marriage fosters a stability between husband and wife benefitting children and rational for those who wrote the law to have believed that kids do best in homes headed by mothers and fathers.",4 +2,"""I didn't even know about this deadline until the other day and my visa runs out tomorrow,"" said Schneider, 19, who now lives in Ahoskie. ""I got here early and I didn't expect to wait. Every time I come there's usually only about 20 people ahead of me.""",1 +10,"It's a commitment that I made to many, many people,"" ",9 +13,NRA adds to anti-initiative war chest,12 +15," +Same, but Different",14 +7,"He also was convicted for the near-fatal beating of Kushmer's brother, William Maddox Jr.",6 +12,"Martens was among those who organized Monday's Capitol rally, which included families of gun-violence victims and community leaders. They filled the Rotunda, holding up signs that said, ""Enough is enough"" and ""Guns are not the answer.""",11 +1,"Local businesses whose trade fluctuates with the snowbirds say they can't find enough qualified workers from the area to fill their seasonal needs. Job-seekers place the blame for the problem squarely with employers, who, they say, are unwilling to pay wages that are in pace with the area's high cost of living.",0 +11, We must now come to grips with the war being waged upon children right here in America.,10 +4,More death-row doubt,3 +13,"Senators hailed the bipartisan work that yielded Tuesday's legislation, even though any changes still face long odds in the state House. +",12 +5,"Some of the nation's most conservative states are propelling the same-sex marriage juggernaut back toward the Supreme Court. +",4 +13,"Robert J. Dole today intensified efforts to draw a clear distinction between his stand and that of President Clinton on immigration, the issue that propelled Republican Pete Wilson from underdog to landslide victor in this state's 1994 gubernatorial contest.",12 +12,Metro Briefing New York: Manhattan: Immigrant Amnesty Campaign,11 +7," 1,591 people were killed with knives or other cutting instruments, 467 were murdered with blunt in-struments, and 696 were reportedly beaten to death. Yet we don't hear calls to ban knives, hammers or fists.",6 +3,"""I am proud to join the people of Colorado as they stand up to show our leaders in Washington that immigration is not an abstract policy debate but a pressing moral crisis,",2 +10,A Penalty She Can Live With,9 +13,"WHEN the former governor of Arkansas knows more about dealing with illegal immigration than the former mayor of San Diego, you have to cry for California. The Clinton administration's new border initiative puts Gov. Pete Wilson and our two senators to shame.",12 +1,It's a lot of shoot: Gun sales soar,0 +15," +Foul Smoke",14 +11,"The former Vikings punter said he will sign with the Oakland Raiders on Thursday, just 10 days after he was cut after six seasons in Minnesota.",10 +13,Gov. Lawton Chiles,12 +13,"But a House Democratic aide familiar with the matter said White House officials did not attempt to dismantle the program's tobacco subsidy for fear of jeopardizing bipartisan accord on the legislation. ""The administration is caught a little bit between a rock and a hard place,"" the aide said. +",12 +13,Assault guns in Clinton's sights / Congress is prodded for a ban,12 +12," +NRA backs crackdown on illegal gun dealers",11 +13,Gun control group's political arm pouring millions into midterm elections,12 +10,"Ms. Bresnahan's marriage ended in divorce. +",9 +5,Prosecutor asks for death penalty for man convicted in killing of family,4 +5,"TRIAL SENDS MESSAGE, SAY PROSECUTORS +",4 +5, Man Guilty of Killing 'Psycho' Cast Member,4 +12,For the National Rifle Association to try to use the violence in Los Angeles as an excuse to sell more guns and overturn public-safety laws is a crime in itself every bit as heinous as the looting of the stores that we saw on CNN.,11 +11,Seeking advice on LGBT etiquette?,10 +12,"""Clicking here"" directs recipients to a page where they are invited to sign a petition by furnishing their names and e-mail addresses.",11 +5,they could not back the bill now because a June U.S. Supreme Court ruling reaffirming a constitutional right to own handguns might render the plan unenforceable.,4 +13,"Lately, much noise has been coming from the Republicans about how immigration is not that big an issue for Hispanics and how it will not turn Latino voters away from Mitt Romney, their presumptive presidential contender.",12 +11,"Between 10,000 and 12,000 people are killed in gun crimes each year in the United States. That figure is at once unacceptably high and historically low.",10 +10,Keep immigrant families together,9 +12, Anti-gun forces missing the mark,11 +13,"HILLARY CLINTON'S campaign ripped Barack Obama as a flip-flopper and panderer for defending gun rights in hunting-happy Idaho, and the candidate herself likened her rival to the Democrats' ultimate bogeyman, President Bush.",12 +13,Giuliani stakes middle ground at NRA meeting,12 +6, the ordinance,5 +7,"Parker, 26, and three other Fort Pierce men were convicted of the murder, abduction and robbery of Slater, 18, who worked at a Stuart convenience store at the time. After they robbed the store of $134, the men forced Slater into their car at gunpoint, drove to a remote stretch of highway, and stabbed and shot her to death.",6 +13,"At the time, Bill Clinton - who had signed a similar federal law as President in 1996 - shared that opinion. So did Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. So did the Californians who passed the initiative. +",12 +7,"Brown, now known as Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, is being sought in connection with a shootout Thursday that left one Georgia deputy sheriff dead and another wounded.",6 +5,"A coalition of local and national groups say they ""face an imminent threat of harm"" if the new law is enforced. The groups filed a lawsuit asking to have the the law declared unconstitutional and to block state authorities from enforcing it.",4 +5,"This month the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals made Ahmadshah's deportation less certain. A three-judge panel threw out an order from the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals, which had rejected his application for asylum.",4 +10,CLOSURE AS REAL AS DEATHS OF INNOCENT VICTIMS,9 +1,"The study, released Tuesday, found that the states where tobacco is grown and cigarettes are manufactured would have lost about 303,000 jobs if the United States had stopped all spending on cigarettes in 1993.",0 +10,FDA CAN WEAN SMOKERS OFF CIGARETTES,9 +15,"""Letters to the Editor""",14 +5, He has called for undoing a 147-year-old provision in our Constitution - advocated for by allies of slain President Abraham Lincoln and passed by a Republican Congress - to deny U.S. citizenship to everyone born in this country.,4 +5,California: Jury Recommends DeathFor 'Grim Sleeper' Serial Killer,4 +5,"That ruling by Cole County Circuit Judge Jon E. Beetem had found that the Missouri Department of Corrections violated the Sunshine Law by failing to respond in time to requests by media organizations for records about the drugs used for executions. +",4 +3," +""He has every right to preach and argue for his moral point of view,",2 +13,"The bill now moves to the Senate, where supporters and opponents say its fate is difficult to predict.",12 +13,Piedmont: 'F' on city's smoking ordinance sparks debate,12 +15,Bulacan bettor bags P109-M Ultra Lotto jackpot,14 +10,"Scattered rain showers and thunderstorms may continue to affect Southern Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao due to the low pressure area (LPA) embedded along the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Thursday, May 4.",9 +14,"PBBM names special envoy to China for trade, investment, tourism",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Office of the Ombudsman has dismissed direct and indirect against former senator Leila de Lima and former bodyguard Ronnie Dayan.",4 +13,LIVESTREAM: Marcos leads Bonifacio Day 2022,12 +13,Comelec urges Bulacan town voters to join plebiscite,12 +7,Additional hazing complaints over Salilig death submitted for resolution,6 +7,Remulla orders prosecutors to take active role in case build-up in certain crimes,6 +7,MANILA – An operation led by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) Intelligence Group (IG) recently confiscated counterfeit cigarettes valued at PHP1.4 billion at a warehouse in Sulu province.,6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has made public its proposed blueprint for the 2025 automated elections. Even without a ballpark figure yet from the poll body, the unprecedented changes put forward would surely require substantial funding from Congress.",5 +7,Comelec vows justice for slain Maguindanao Sur poll officer,6 +13,"MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito Galvez Jr. has sought the assistance of the Reserve Officers Legion of the Philippines (ROLP) in strengthening the proposed Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), which has now reached the Senate plenary.",12 +7,"Bureau of Immigration (BI) operatives have arrested on Thursday, April 13, an overstaying British national operating an unlicensed resort for tourists in Coron, Palawan.",6 +8,PNP deploys bike-riding cops to secure Holy Week activities,7 +6,Solons seek mandatory face-to-face House plenary sessions,5 +2,Marcos leads launch of Kadiwa for workers in Quezon City,1 +2,CSC reports biggest turnout in eligibility exams,1 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – A controversial measure lowering the age access for vape from 21 to 18 has lapsed into law, as advocates push for vape use as an alternative for cigarettes, Malacañang said on Tuesday, July 26.",5 +7,MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Saturday said it would place under the lookout bulletin individuals being linked to the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +13,"Duterte on ICC probe: If I have to kill those who'd want to harm, so be it",12 +13,VP Sara: ACT Teachers ‘setting trap’ to revive peace talks,12 +7,Rappler answers a dozen cyber libel complaints from Quiboloy workers,6 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has expressed concern over the repeated interceptions of Senegalese nationals who were found to be using fraudulent travel documents.,6 +4,MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Andres Centino formally activated the military's Gender and Development Office (GADO) on Tuesday.,3 +10,Isolated rain showers to prevail across PH Monday,9 +7,Suspects in Degamo killing attend preliminary investigation at DOJ,6 +6,Ex-Speaker Alvarez seeks decriminalization of marijuana use,5 +7,"Siaton Mayor Cezanne Fritz Diaz believes the recent killing of his uncle Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo could have been perpetrated by an organized group, with more elected officials, including him, still on their list.",6 +4,MANILA – Leaders of the indigenous peoples (IPs) in Mindanao called for unity to preserve the gains achieved by the government in protecting the IPs through Republic Act 8371 or the Indigenous Peoples Reform Act (IPIRA) that created the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) in 1997.,3 +4,Rape victims shouldn’t be dissuaded by Vhong Navarro case dismissal – lawyer,3 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – To maintain public health standards during the pandemic, universities suspended their college entrance exams, which were formerly the benchmark for the admission of applicants.",8 +7,"Suspects nabbed in Teves properties brought to NCR, deny wrongdoing",6 +13,"NPA now ‘leaderless’ in Western, Central Visayas – military",12 +7,Suspect in killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid surrenders,6 +13,Teves calls up PBBM's cousin: 'Gusto kong makausap sana si Presidente',12 +13,Cheloy Garafil gets CA nod as PCO chief,12 +10,DepEd: No classes on May 2-13 due to election activities,9 +14,Congress to help build stronger PH-US partnership,13 +13,"Makabayan: Robredo, Pangilinan ‘our best chance to defeat Marcos Jr.-Duterte tandem’",12 +8,DFA: PH crafting guidelines on WPS joint patrols,7 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) has deployed two brand-new units of the Israeli-made Autonomous Truck Mounted Howitzer System (ATMOS) 155mm self-propelled guns to the Capiz-based 3rd Infantry Division.,7 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is aiming to make operations at the Department of Agriculture (DA) more “high-tech” to ensure a more resilient and productive agriculture sector.,1 +2,MANILA – The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has released more than half of the government’s PHP5.27-trillion national budget this year as of January.,1 +14,"MANILA – Japan intends to foster closer cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a way to ensure security and prosperity in the region, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Tuesday.",13 +6,"Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel III on Wednesday, April 19, clarified that the additional four sites as well as the present negotiation of the Philippine government with the United States (US) regarding the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) do not intend to change any word or provision in the nine-year agreement.",5 +14,MANILA – Malacañang on Friday refuted the claim of a United Nations (UN) panel that the Philippines has failed to provide reparations for Filipino women who suffered sexual abuse by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.,13 +5,"Mayo zips mouth in House probe, invokes 'right to remain silent'",4 +14,PH summons Chinese envoy over navy ship’s intrusion into Sulu Sea,13 +15,Rappler Talk: Czar Matthew Gerard Dayday on topping the 2022 Bar Exams,14 +2,Infectious disease expert Dr. Edsel Salvaña on Thursday urged the public to get COVID-19 jabs as the number of COVID-19 vaccine wastage in the country will reach 50 million by the end of March.,1 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Court of Appeals (CA) denied the motion for reconsideration filed by Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Rappler CEO Maria Ressa and former Rappler researcher Reynaldo Santos Jr. over their cyber libel case.",4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visited the wake of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo on Wednesday, March 8, where he vowed to deliver justice for the death of the local official.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Broadcaster Ramon “Mon” Tulfo has been arrested by the police over a cyber Tulfo confirmed this with Rappler.",6 +12,MANILA – Applicants of the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) have found the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) central office’s newly renovated and improved facilities “comfortable” for them the Step 1 processing.,11 +3,Person in communion bread review may be excommunicated: CBCP exec,2 +7,"MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) have seized PHP1.2 billion worth of illegal drugs from Jan. 1 to March 10 this year, the country's top cop bared on Monday.",6 +13,DND seeks allies’ help in containing Mindoro oil spill,12 +8,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has signed a memorandum circular directing all government agencies and encouraging local government units to support the 2023 National Crime Prevention Program (NCPP).,7 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) warned the public against the use of type 2 diabetes drug for weight loss.,8 +6,PBBM OKs creation of unified system for gov’t transactions,5 +10,"PAGASA: Partly cloudy skies, isolated rain showers to be experienced in Visayas, nearby areas",9 +13,"A month before stepping down, Duterte blames his failures on ‘lack of time’",12 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) denied a circulating report on social media that the mandatory wearing of face masks is once again being implemented in Metro Manila.,8 +7,BI stops 2 trafficked Filipinos with fake stamps on passports,6 +7,"Two of the four Japanese fugitives who are wanted in Japan are set to be deported on Tuesday, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Monday.",6 +6,Long queues in PH ports on Holy Week exodus revives push for e-ticketing system,5 +8,The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) reiterated to strengthening its investigation amid reports of an alleged personal data leak.,7 +12,36% of Filipinos dissatisfied with Marcos gov’t response to inflation – OCTA survey,11 +7,Anti-Terrorism Council designates Dr. Naty Castro a terrorist,6 +9,"Eighty-five persons onboard a roll on/roll off vessel that ran aground off Lanao del Norte have been rescued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), the agency said on Friday, April 21.",8 +14,Seven key deals expected to be inked during Marcos’ visit to Japan — DFA exec,13 +7,"The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) clarified on Saturday, April 8, that the three separate robberies that purportedly happened in Metro Manila during Lenten break are fake and misleading.",6 +7,Abalos identifies PNP members linked to P6.7-B shabu haul,6 +13,"MANILA – The national government will be “forced” to play closer attention to the country’s agriculture sector should the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade deal be ratified, National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Secretary Arsenio Balisacan said Tuesday.",12 +7,"Agents of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) seized around P20 million worth of smart televisions system units in a raid in a warehouse in Guiguinto, Bulacan.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A day after a military leadership revamp, First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos issued a video statement denying she had anything to do with appointments or whatever is happening at the armed forces intelligence service.",12 +8,"House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto underscored the importance of protesting China's acts of aggression in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) at every turn, even if the military and economic giant is ""deaf"".",7 +12,"Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva on Tuesday, April 11, assured Filipinos that the Philippine Senate would continue to work harder and to preserving the institution’s tradition as the last bastion of democracy.",11 +10,"MANILA – Several areas in Luzon will continue to get dampened with rain showers due to the low-pressure area (formerly Tropical Depression Amang) last tracked 40 km. southwest of Iba, Zambales, the weather bureau said Friday.",9 +6,The Marcos administration prepared contingencies in case the planned transport strike pushes through next week.,5 +6,"A proposal to expand Philhealth insurance coverage by adding mental health disorders has been raised at the Senate, Vonne Aquino reported on ""State of the Nation.""",5 +8,PH steps up West Philippine Sea patrols as tensions flare,7 +4,"Safeguarding PDL’s rights and dignity, a focal point in Zamboanga City Jail reforms- BJMP",3 +6,Comelec chair urges senators to criminalize nuisance bets,5 +7,Senator urges gov’t to crack down on ‘scam call centers’,6 +1,National Irrigation Administration (NIA) chief Eddie Guillen on Tuesday expressed hope for a yearly P200-billion budget for the country's dam projects.,0 +8,Modern battlefield weapons fired in 'Salaknib' drills,7 +7,Who are the high-ranking police tagged in P6.7-B shabu mess?,6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – After months of promising openness to Private-Public Partnerships (PPP) and an infrastructure push, the Marcos administration on Friday, February 3, announced the first seven “high-impact” projects approved by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) board.",5 +8,Abalos assures Teves safety if he returns to PH,7 +8,PH should keep protesting even if China is 'deaf'--Recto,7 +10,Over 100K outbound passengers at the onset of Holy Week —PCG,9 +7,"PNP files trafficking raps against Abra mayor, vice mayor",6 +6,"Sad but unbowed: Padilla accepts likely end of Cha-Cha push, says ‘I’ll try again’",5 +14,China's comments on US-PH defense guidelines not directed at us --- PBBM,13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and his Cabinet officials signed at least five agreements with Singapore during the Philippine leader’s inaugural trip overseas.",13 +3,"Fr. Regie Malicdem, longtime aide to Manila archbishops, named vicar general",2 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has approved the creation of a single operating system for all government transactions to ensure ease of doing business in the country.",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Lawyer and pro-Duterte vlogger Trixie Cruz-Angeles has been picked by presumptive president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to be his press secretary.",12 +10,"OCD urges public to heed El Niño advisories, warnings",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Is Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. liable for his family’s unpaid P203 billion estate tax?",12 +4,Educators demand salary increase ahead of Labor Day celebration,3 +7,"MANILA – Two more victims of a cryptocurrency scam syndicate were recently repatriated from Myanmar, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Wednesday.",6 +13,"MANILA – A Cabinet official said the Marcos administration fully supports the Bangsamoro peace process and to helping uplift the lives of former Moro Islamic Liberation Front and their families and develop their areas into peaceful, progressive, and",12 +9,DOH detects 711 new cases of Omicron subvariants,8 +6,A resolution seeking a probe into the supposed delays in the processing of claims in the Social Security System has been filed in the Senate.,5 +7,Three persons were killed after a pick-up truck hit a motorcycle and a parked car in Lipa City.,6 +13,"After 2 months, Marcos finally names 1 new CHR commissioner",12 +7,"Pimentel: If DepEd doesn’t act on allegedly overpriced camera issue, Senate can",6 +13,Duterte appoints chief of presidential protocol to lead Climate Change Commission,12 +7,Fortun probe: Doctors ‘doctored’ Duterte drug war death certificates,6 +8,New naval assets highlight PH Fleet’s 85th anniversary,7 +14,"PH-US partnership anchored on economic growth, territorial integrity --- Manalo",13 +13,Marcos on ICC rejection: No next move for PH gov't,12 +8,"The Department of Education (DepEd) will coordinate with the Philippine National Police (PNP) regarding security measures following the death of a minor who accidentally shot himself with his father’s service firearm in school, the agency’s spokesperson said Friday.",7 +2,COVID-19 vaccine wastage to reach 50M by end of March —Vergeire,1 +7,Probe sought into ‘connections’ of cop in P6.7-B shabu bust,6 +11,National gov’t urged to put Masungi under its care,10 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Monday said it is getting closer to identifying those behind the attack that resulted in the death of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others on Saturday.,6 +13,MANILA -- Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman has been chosen as the recipient of the Rising Tigers “Woman of Substance” award.,12 +4,Rappler Talk: Amnesty International’s Agnes Callamard on human rights in PH,3 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Nearly a month after Erwin Tulfo’s unexplained exit from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Monday, January 23, that he hopes to keep the broadcaster in his administration.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. named retired general Carlito Galvez as the country’s new defense chief on Monday, January 9, after the defense department’s former officer-in-charge Jose Faustino Jr. resigned and destabilization rumors spread.",12 +9,Gov’t lowers price cap for COVID-19 antigen testing,8 +7,"MANILA – Senator Ronald Dela Rosa on Sunday urged Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. to disclose everything he knows regarding the involvement of police officers, including two generals, in the alleged coverup of the PHP6.7 billion shabu bust in Tondo, Manila last year.",6 +5,Rappler Recap: Court acquits Rappler of tax evasion,4 +9,MANILA – The Philippine Emergency Medical Assistance Team (PEMAT) in Türkiye has so far catered to 603 Turkish patients as of Sunday (local time).,8 +15,"A graduate from National University - Manila topped the January 2023 Sanitary Engineer Licensure Examinations, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced.",14 +2,The Supreme Court (SC) has ordered a 50 to 75 percent workforce from April 25 to April 30 in courts in areas under Covid-19 Alert Levels 1 and 2 as identified by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF).,1 +10,"MANILA – Warm and humid weather will prevail across the archipelago, the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 +10,The local government of Puerto Galera said Saturday that its municipal waters have remained uncontaminated by the massive oil spill from the oil tanker that sank in late February off Naujan town in Oriental Mindoro.,9 +2,"MANILA – The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) has invited transport group Laban TNVS and other parties to a dialogue to air their concerns over the planned opening of 10,300 slots for transport network vehicle services (TNVS).",1 +10,"Millions of Filipinos are expected to flock to cemeteries to visit their dead loved ones during All Saints’ Day, November 1, and also on All Souls’ Day, November 2, for an observance known in the Philippines as Undas.",9 +6,The Senate on Monday approved on third and final reading a bill which seeks to establish an intervention program for basic education students who have low proficiency in major subjects.,5 +6,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday said the government is working on a rule that will allow prosecutors to work with police personnel, similar to a district attorney.",5 +7,The Sandiganbayan has found former Maguindanao governor Datu Sajid Islam Ampatuan guilty of malversation through falsification of public documents and graft over P147 million worth of farm inputs which turned out to be fictitious way back in 2009.,6 +7,Teves camp ready for possible cases related to Degamo slay,6 +8,Philippines protests China use of military grade laser vs. Coast Guard vessel,7 +14,409 Pinoys safely evacuated from Sudan: Palace,13 +10,DAR: Over 1K farmers in C. Luzon get land titles,9 +8,"In UN meeting, Philippines hits NPA’s use of landmines",7 +14,PBBM thanks Zelenskyy for safe passage of repatriated Pinoys: DFA,13 +7,NBI issues subpoena vs Luis Manzano over FlexFuel investment complaints,6 +2,"MANILA – The Land Bank of the Philippines (Landbank) is working to accelerate the adoption of cashless payments in public markets by providing market vendors, consumers, and local transport drivers with bank accounts capable of sending and receiving funds through a Quick Response (QR) code.",1 +10,"Fisherfolk, farmers, children, and individuals residing in rural areas remained the poorest sectors in terms of poverty incidence in 2021, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported.",9 +6,LTO reviewing policies to streamline procedures,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A veteran Filipino diplomat, Philippine Ambassador to the Hague Eduardo Malaya, is set to lead the administrative council of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) as its new president.",12 +15,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. shared that his Holy Week vacation was quiet yet good as it gave him time for a much-needed breather.",14 +7,"MANILA – The suspect in the killing of Queen Leanne Daguinsin, a graduating student of De La Salle University-Dasmariñas in Cavite, was arrested on Saturday morning.",6 +7,Comelec probes ‘personnel movements’ in NCMF despite election ban,6 +6,House to continue charter change talks even as Marcos says it’s not a priority,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) standard-bearer Leody de Guzman said that if would the next president, he would focus on economic development and fostering peace, rather than on the country’s military.",12 +1,"Deped’s intel funds restored to save children’s future, says House leader",0 +5,"Upscale BGC is part of Taguig City, says Supreme Court",4 +13,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Thursday has issued a certificate of finality on its January decision declaring the faction of Partido ng Demokratikong Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) chaired by former President Rodrigo Duterte as the true and official PDP-Laban party.,12 +8,PH Army eyes unit to keep watch on activities of ex-soldiers,7 +7,"MANILA – A dedicated task force and a special anti-agricultural smuggling court will be good instruments to bring smugglers, profiteers and hoarders to justice, according to Senator Cynthia Villar.",6 +7,MANILA – The House Committee on Ways and Means on Monday formed a technical working group (TWG) to consolidate the measures penalizing bulk cash smuggling into or out of the Philippines.,6 +8,PH gov’t verifying latest incident with Chinese ships in West Philippine Sea,7 +14,"MANILA – Cagayan de Oro 2nd district Rep. Rufus Rodriguez on Wednesday said the ""aggressive, harassment and bullying activities"" of China in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) “are pushing our country to be closer to its long-time ally, the United States.”",13 +1,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Friday the PHP175.6 billion Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge (BCIB) project is seen to boost the regional economies of the two provinces through improved connectivity.,0 +12,"MANILA – Around 17 million or 67 percent of Filipino households have access to running or piped water, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey released on Thursday.",11 +1,Shift to 'regenerative tourism' seen to boost PH's ecotourism sector,0 +7,"The International Criminal Court (ICC) can find ways to reach witnesses if the Philippine government will not cooperate in the investigation into the Duterte administration's bloody war on drugs, according to ICC assistant to counsel Atty. Maria Kristina Conti.",6 +7,"The separate raids conducted in 24 warehouses located in Manila and Malabon that yielded allegedly smuggled agricultural products, including onions, were among the various operations organized by authorities in the last few weeks.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said on Tuesday, March 21, that four more former members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) tagged in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo have surrendered.",6 +7,Remulla: Illegal possession raps vs. Teves enough to designate him terrorist,6 +6,Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno is reviving his proposal to reform the pension system for military and uniformed personnel (MUP) under the Marcos administration as he warned that failure to address the ballooning cost of pensions for retirees could lead to a “fiscal collapse.”,5 +7,"Poe wants MIA, BI in Senate probe on alleged human trafficking modus in NAIA",6 +15,2 Filipinos killed in Turkiye quake,14 +13,WATCH: ES Bersamin defends ‘matinee idol’ Marcos: Singapore trip ‘not immodest’,12 +7,Will 'Sibuyas Queen' appear? House resumes 'hoarding' probe on May 11,6 +14,MANILA – Australian Ambassador to the Philippines HK Yu thanked the Philippines for its “support” as Canberra unveils its plan to procure nuclear-powered submarine under AUKUS.,13 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Metro Manila will remain under Alert Level 1 status from May 1 to May 15, Malacañang announced on Friday, April 29.",8 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The first day of a historic election summit of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) saw floating the idea of adopting blockchain technology in future elections in the Philippines.",1 +2,BuCor says Masungi Georeserve will be used as its headquarters,1 +10,Gov't working conscientiously to uplift lives of Filipinos – PBBM,9 +5,The International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Chamber has allowed the victims of the war on drugs in the Philippines to present their views and concerns as regards the government's appeal of the resumption of its investigation into the killings.,4 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) said on Wednesday, July 13, that it will not require all schools to shift to in-person classes, letting colleges and universities to decide on the appropriate mode of learning applicable to them.",5 +14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. met with Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian in Malacañang on Tuesday and discussed the reported harassment made by a Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) ship toward a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel in the Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea on Feb. 6.,13 +12,"Public assessment of Marcos admin’s performance ‘generally positive’, survey says",11 +14,PH to play ‘big part’ in Aussie-led Indo-Pacific Endeavor: envoy,13 +2,"The arrival of the COVID-19 bivalent vaccines set to be donated by the COVAX facility to the Philippines has been put on hold due to certain conditions required by vaccine manufacturers, Department of Health officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said Tuesday.",1 +9,"MANILA – With the onset of the dry season and the rising temperatures being experienced in the country, a medical professional advised the public on how to avoid heat exhaustion which if left untreated can lead to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition.",8 +5,ICC prosecutor asks court to reject Philippines’ appeal,4 +12,Big majority of Filipinos expecting a happy Christmas – SWS,11 +2,VP Duterte’s office opens 8th satellite office in Isabela,1 +6,"Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto is asking President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. to certify as urgent the House measure extending the deadline of the estate tax amnesty for another two years.",5 +6,NTF-ELCAC opposes bill on human rights defenders’ protection,5 +13,The Supreme Court on Sunday kicked off a two-day national summit in a bid to strengthen the support for the Shari'ah justice system in the country and address some issues related to it.,12 +10,Marcos distributes gov’t aid in Camarines Sur town,9 +7,DOJ indicts alleged mastermind in Degamo slay,6 +7,BI nabs foreign official allegedly wanted in Mongolia for corruption charges,6 +15,"MANILA – Some areas in the country will continue to experience rain showers due to the northeast monsoon or ""amihan"" affecting Luzon and a low pressure area (LPA), the weather bureau said Thursday. The LPA last tracked 390 kilometers north of Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur or 125 km east of Guiuan, Eastern Samar will bring scattered rain showers and thunderstorms in Eastern Visayas, Catanduanes, Albay, Sorsogon, Masbate, and Dinagat Islands. Flash floods or landslides due to moderate to heavy rains may be experienced in these areas, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its 4 a.m. weather bulletin. Region 4-B (Mimaropa), the rest of Bicol Region, the rest of the Visayas, and Mindanao will have isolated rain showers caused by localized thunderstorms. PAGASA said flash floods or landslides are possible during severe thunderstorms. Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon will have light rains caused by the northeast monsoon. Meanwhile, Luzon and the eastern section of Visayas will experience moderate to strong winds and moderate to rough seas. Elsewhere, winds will be light to moderate with slight to moderate seas, PAGASA said.",14 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Countries around the region, including the Philippines, were quick to express concern after China held live-fire military drills near Taiwan in retaliation for the visit by United States House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi last August 3.",7 +14,"Japan’s Kishida calls Marcos, pushes in-person meeting ‘as early as possible’",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL) on Tuesday, April 19, filed a request with the Court of Appeals (CA) to hold in contempt of court those behind the controversial TV interview of convicted kidnapper Jovito Palparan, as the Department of Justice (DOJ) is taking a while to review.",6 +14,"Marcos: Japan visit brings new decade of mutual trust, support, benefit",13 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – A government-owned based in Ilocos Norte which was ordered to be abolished over a year ago, still racked up millions of pesos in losses because the government did not implement its liquidation plan.",0 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday (Thursday Manila time) said the Philippines must pursue economic ""transformation"", rather than just mere economic recovery, in order for the country to thrive in a post-pandemic world.",0 +8,Philippines rejects China claim that use of laser pointer not meant to harm PCG crew,7 +13,Marcos renames complaint center to Presidential Action Center,12 +9,P&G Philippines recalls kids’ food supplement as ‘precautionary measure’,8 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Monday called on the public to make the observance of the Holy Week safe and peaceful by following a few pointers.,8 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – Various groups vowed to keep the spirit of the people’s revolution alive as the its first People Power Revolution anniversary under another Ferdinand Marcos.",10 +13,Another Ferdinand Marcos appoints another Conrado Estrella as agrarian reform chief,12 +7,"MANILA – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has directed prosecutors to ""take an active role in the investigation of crimes,"" particularly during the buildup stage to work and law enforcement agencies.",6 +7,Senator Grace Poe on Wednesday called for a Senate investigation into possible human smuggling activities using private aircraft at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – James Jimenez, the long-time face of the Commission on Elections, is leaving the Comelec after two decades of service, the end of an era for an institution that benefited from his gift of gab for over 15 years.",12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – After settling for two virtual graduation ceremonies due to the prevailing pandemic, the current batch of senior high school students will finally be able to march with their parents for end-of-school year (EOSY) rites this year.",9 +15,UP Diliman leads top 100 best universities in PH list,14 +7,"MANILA – Revenue officials on Thursday filed criminal charges before the Department of Justice (DOJ) against ""ghost"" corporations which fabricated fictitious receipts that were later sold to businesses and individual taxpayers which resulted to an estimated PHP25.5-billion revenue losses for the government in the past three years.",6 +13,"Governor Manuel Mamba on Tuesday reiterated his stance against establishing a new EDCA site in Cagayan as he expressed fear that the base could a ""magnet"" for attacks by US adversaries.",12 +8,"MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) on Wednesday reminded the public to refrain from engaging with unknown individuals and not to give sensitive personal information through text message, email, or phone call to any stranger.",7 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla revealed during a press conference on Tuesday, January 31, that some lawyers file “invented” and to deliberately hold some Japanese in the country.",4 +6,House OKs bill on PMMA cadet slots for congressional districts,5 +14,"WASHINGTON—Amid challenges, US President Joe Biden told President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. that he could not think of a better partner than the Philippine leader.",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines– The Commission on Audit (COA) denied the petition of state pensioner Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) to review auditors’ decision which blocked consultancy contracts worth P2.1 million made in 2014.",4 +4,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has vowed to continue working ""hand-in-hand"" with media to strengthen press freedom, assuring media practitioners of the state's to protecting them and their rights in the practice of their profession.",3 +14,Philippines sends note verbale to China after debris seizure in West PH Sea,13 +13,Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan to attend Marcos’ inauguration,12 +3,"Solon: Be responsible, pay your taxes",2 +10,"The Bureau of Immigration on Monday announced that more than 45,000 passengers arrived in the country on Easter Sunday.",9 +15,PAGCOR still accepting entries to 2023 Photo Contest,14 +14,"Indonesia’s top envoy to the Philippines has underscored the need for stronger cooperation with Manila on border security amid the threat of terrorism and other illegal operations, such as smuggling, at the porous sea lane between the two countries.",13 +7,MANILA - The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee (SBRC) is expecting new reforms at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) as it ended on Monday its investigation on the alleged human smuggling at the airport as revealed by Senator Grace Poe during her Feb. 15 privilege speech.,6 +14,The Department of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday confirmed the visit to Manila of new Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang later this week.,13 +14,"""Durian diplomacy"", an agricultural cooperation between the Philippines and China that was signed during President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.'s state visit to Beijing, has now started.",13 +2,The powerful Commission on Appointments (CA) on Wednesday confirmed the ad interim appointment of Alfredo Pascual as secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).,1 +14,"TOKYO — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Wednesday that his five-day visit here is expected to forge closer ties between the Philippines and Japan in ensuring security in the Asia-Pacific region.   Asked by reporters how he wants to improve cooperation with Japan in the South China Sea, Marcos said that “Japan wants to develop more and make our relationship even more robust and closer, especially in that regard.”   “This is a new element to our relationship because we are now talking about the security of the region,” the President said in an interview with reporters while aboard a flight to Japan.   Marcos said the Philippines’ dealings with Japan usually involve government-to-government, aid, grants,   In his pre-departure speech in Manila, the chief executive said his visit is part of a larger foreign policy agenda to forge closer political ties, stronger defense and security cooperation, as well as lasting economic partnerships with major countries in the region.",13 +8,"PNP eyes joint maritime security ops with PCG, Navy — Azurin",7 +2,"MANILA – United are set to hire about 75,000 Filipino seafarers in the next three to four years, a seafaring industry executive disclosed on Tuesday (Washington DC time).",1 +6,LTO: Recommended cap on driving school fees out soon,5 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday named Police Major General Benjamin Acorda Jr. as the new chief of the Philippine National Police.",12 +9,MANILA – The Department of Health on Wednesday said the alert level system (ALS) is still under review by the Inter-Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF).,8 +9,Philippines records 207 new COVID-19 cases,8 +8,MANILA – Philippine Army (PA) chief Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. on Wednesday expressed confidence that ongoing intelligence driven operations will lead to dismantling of all guerrilla fronts in the country.,7 +7,"PNP arrests 22,649 ‘most wanted’ in first quarter",6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday said at least 447,696 actual tuberculosis cases in the country were reported in 2022.",8 +10,LPA to bring rain showers over parts of Luzon,9 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Friday called on Filipino scientists to continue broadening their field of expertise, noting the important role of science in battling the pandemic.",1 +15,"Cebu 5th district Rep. Vincent Franco ""Duke"" Frasco and his wife, Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Frasco couldn't help but feel like newlyweds all over again.",14 +14,Czech Prime Minister Fiala arrives in the Philippines,13 +13,HPG director quits post after son figures in ‘pinning’ video,12 +2,"Amid the shortage of plastic cards used for printing driver’s licenses, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista on Friday warned of another shortage in vehicle license plates.",1 +3,"The Catholic on Thursday, April 27, the feast day of Our Lady of Montserrat, the popular Black Madonna of Spain.",2 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Two days after the onslaught of Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae), Caviteños were asking for help from the Marcos government so they could restart their lives.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Panfilo Lacson‘s past as a fugitive and a member of a dreaded intelligence unit haunted him during an interview with veteran GMA journalist Jessica Soho, which aired on Saturday, January 22.",12 +6,"Political scientist Aries Arugay tackles PH foreign policy, Ukraine-Russia conflict",5 +9,"BuCor clarifies: 52 PDLs, 5 personnel Covid-infected at Bilibid",8 +7,CA affirms conviction of ex-RCBC manager over Bangladesh Bank heist,6 +7,PCG files complaints vs crew of ship that collided with PH fishing vessel in Palawan,6 +8,"Kicking off Balikatan drills in PH, US vows defense in South China Sea",7 +10,MANILA – The Department of Tourism (DOT) on Monday advised airline passengers to be at the airport early or more than three hours before their scheduled flight.,9 +13,Very good': House tax panel chief wowed by BOC's high collection,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said on Thursday, March 17, that the Philippines will likely remain under Alert Level 1 until the end of President Rodrigo Duterte’s term, or until June 30, 2022.",8 +7,MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Wednesday said the case of slain Spanish businessman Diego Lafuente has been revived following the surrender of three policemen implicated in murder and planting of evidence charges.,6 +13,Poe welcomes extension of SIM registration deadline,12 +7,LIVESTREAM: Senate inquiry into Degamo killing,6 +14,"MANILA – Filipino international law experts and forensic specialists are to join teams documenting the against Ukraine amid the ongoing war there, the Ukraine Embassy in Malaysia said Wednesday.",13 +14,"Romualdez confident Marcos can score gains in energy security, nuclear plans during US trip",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is taking his the five-person leadership of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), as it took him three more months to name lawyer Faydah Maniri Dumarpa.",12 +9,"The Philippines recorded its first case of Omicron subvariant XBB.1.16, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Tuesday.",8 +14,"The Philippine government will donate $200,000 to Syria and send relief aid to help the country recover from the devastation caused by the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck its neighbor Turkey last month, the Presidential Communications Office said Friday.",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice said on Friday, November 25, that the skeletal remains found at the could belong to three to five people.",6 +10,DSWD commends Filipino single parents in first Solo Parents’ Week celebration,9 +8,"5 more NPA rebels neutralized, 46 firearms seized - AFP",7 +13,"BuCor, PEZA new chiefs named",12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) affirmed the decision of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) that acquitted retired Lieutenant General Jacinto Ligot and wife Erlinda on tax evasion charges.",4 +7,"The Philippines seeks to deport at least two of the four Japanese nationals who are suspected of being the masterminds of illegal activities in Japan, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Tuesday. During a press briefing, Remulla said one of the Japanese may be deported by Wednesday, February 1, and the other may be on Friday, February 3. “Hopefully, we can deport two by the end of this week. But the other two, we will see how fast we can act on these matters. Because we will look at the cases pending before the different bodies in the other parts of the country,” he said.",6 +7,"6 rebels face murder, terrorism charges over death of child in Batangas encounter",6 +13,"TAGUM CITY, Philippines – The miting de avance of UniTeam in Tagum City on Thursday, May 5, saw senatorial bets of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Sara Duterte appeal to voters to pick both candidates.",12 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday gifted Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim with a copy of national hero Dr. Jose Rizal’s classic novel, “Noli Me Tangere.”",13 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – September 2022,8 +15,PBBM saddened by death of 2 Pinoys in Türkiye quake,14 +14,"PH, China blame each other over vessels' near-collision incident",13 +15,Tarlac congressman Charlie Cojuangco dies,14 +3,VP Duterte urges students to help classmates who can’t read,2 +13,"WATCH: Duterte’s last 6 years, in soundbites",12 +8,DOTr beefs up security after jumping incident onto MRT-3 tracks,7 +5,"The Senate will start on Tuesday, April 25, its public hearing on the alleged ‘’state-sponsored’’ smuggling of 400,000 metric tons (MT) of sugar last February.",4 +7,PAGCOR urged to file charges vs. officials behind contract with ex-third party POGO auditor,6 +9,"A National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) will be conducted on March 9 to help the public prepare for a possible catastrophic earthquake, or “The Big One,” that may hit the Philippines, the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) said Sunday.",8 +5,"Speaker Martin Romualdez on Friday said he is open to discussions on amending the 1987 Constitution via constituent assembly (con-ass), a mode of charter change wherein members of Congress will be the ones authorized to amend the Charter.",4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Veteran election lawyer George Garcia is poised to return to the Commission on Elections (Comelec), now as its chairman, after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed him to the poll body.",12 +7,PNP to beef up police presence in crime-prone barangays,6 +13,"MANILA – Malacañang on Friday released the names of new appointees of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., including the respective heads of the National Commission (NTC) and the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP).",12 +2,"Forty percent to 50% of nurses in private hospitals have resigned for higher pay in the last two years, the Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines Inc. (PHAPI) said Friday.",1 +7,The House Agriculture and Food Committee lifted the contempt order on officials of the Argo International Forwarders Inc. cold storage facility officials pledged to submit the pertinent documents requested by lawmakers.,6 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Privacy Commission (NPC) will meet with the Philippine National Police (PNP), the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and other concerned agencies on Thursday afternoon, April 20, over an alleged data breach involving 1.2 million records mostly of law enforcement applicants and employees.",7 +6,DOT urged to review Nayong Pilipino projects amid looming fund depletion,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The #FactsFirstPH coalition was awarded Most Innovative and Impactful Collaboration at the Global Fact 9, an annual international fact-checking conference.",13 +10,"With the pilot run of the single ticketing system for traffic violations in a few Metro Manila cities starting early this week, motorists from Manila, Parañaque, Quezon City, Caloocan, San Juan, Muntinlupa, and Valenzuela should now be aware of how things work in the ticketing system that seeks to centralize traffic enforcement in the National Capital Region (NCR).",9 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday called on the Pag-IBIG Fund to assist concerned agencies in addressing the country’s housing backlog of more than 6.5 million.,1 +14,Japan mulls maritime cooperation; no plans yet on SCS patrols,13 +13,MANILA – The Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed the petitions questioning the result of the Negros Oriental gubernatorial race between Pryde Henry Teves and Roel Degamo.,12 +8,Philippine Coast Guard honors crews patrolling the West Philippine Sea,7 +4,VP Sara wants LGBTQ+ relationships protected under law,3 +9,2 cases of more contagious Omicron BA.5 detected in PH – DOH,8 +6,DBM: Study on LGU devolution out in 2 months,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Until he took his last breath, Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founder Professor Jose Maria “Joma” Sison was thinking of how the revolution would win.",12 +15,"3,992 of 9,183 examinees passed 2022 Bar Exams —SC",14 +11,How date of Eid'l Fitr is determined,10 +3,Tenorio seeks help from Our Lady of Antipolo,2 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Cynthia Villar, who chairs the on environment, natural resources, and climate change, lost her temper when reclamation projects were discussed during the budget hearing for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on Tuesday, October 11.",12 +7,"13 CIDG-NCR personnel, including chief, relieved from posts as PNP probes alleged extortion",6 +6,House passes bill seeking to beef up protection of freelance workers,5 +13,"Gold for Filipinos? ‘I’ve never seen it,’ says Marcos Jr.",12 +7,Police raid two more properties allegedly owned by Teves’ relatives,6 +9,Oil spill recovery begins after tanker sinks off Oriental Mindoro,8 +7,BI probes reported 'scam hub' condos for trafficked foreigners,6 +6,"The drafting of the national anti-poverty agenda and poverty reduction plan as part of the administration's Philippine Development Plan 2023–2028 is already in progress, said National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) Lead Convenor and Secretary Lope B. Santos III in a briefing on Tuesday, April 11.",5 +7,DOLE resumes labor inspections on private establishments,6 +14,"Germany is seeking to intensify its cooperation with the Philippines in terms of climate action as it warned on Tuesday that the world is now ""living in an absolutely crucial time.""",13 +5,Court affirms jail term vs. former LTO cashier for malversation,4 +14,"PH, China start two-day bilateral talks amid maritime tensions",13 +7,Police identify one of gunmen in Degamo slay,6 +10,Flights canceled as power outage hits NAIA 3,9 +11,MMDA bares official entries for first summer MMFF,10 +4,MANILA – Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda urged women leaders to put the goal of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management on top of their priority list noting that other than environmental issues it will also pose a risk to socio-economic and political stability.,3 +14,"TAIPEI, Taiwan – Taiwan on Wednesday, June 29, rebuffed from the Philippines about live fire drills around a Taiwan-controlled island deep in the South China Sea, saying it had the right to do so and always gives issues a warning of its exercises.",13 +7,"BuCor personnel file criminal complaints vs Bantag, others over ‘torture’",6 +2,LTFRB set to issue order on distribution of 100K TNVS slots,1 +5,"Forensic expert Raquel Fortun probes into Duterte drug war, spots irregularities",4 +7,Six more Pinoys victimized by cryptocurrency syndicate arrive from Laos,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Detained former senator Leila de Lima said on Tuesday, October 11, that she tested negative for COVID-19 despite her exposure to COVID-positive Interior secretary Benhur Abalos.",8 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong""  Marcos Jr. vows to continue the projects of the previous administration as he sends a video greeting to his predecessor, former President Rodrigo Duterte, who celebrated his 78th birthday on Tuesday.",12 +10,"MANILA – The Department of Public Works and Highways-National Capital Region (DPWH-NCR) has announced that both ends of the Andrews Avenue at Newport 10th Street and the Pasay-Baclaran boundary will be closed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 24 to Nov. 25, 2023 as it starts a drainage improvement project.",9 +4,CSC activities boost gender equality in workplaces,3 +14,PH says China destabilizing peace in West Philippine Sea,13 +15,University of Baguio (UB) alumnus Anthony Mark Dulawan Emocling made history as he became the first visually impaired exam taker to pass the Bar Examinations.,14 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Following the Holy Week break, travelers can expect to run into some heavy traffic on their way back to Metro Manila – be it through land, sea, or air.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Appointments (CA) has bypassed the ad interim appointments of five officials, including the chiefs of the Commission on Elections (Comelec), Civil Service Commission (CSC), and the Commission on Audit (COA).",12 +14,"Marcos arrives in New York for UNGA address, working visit",13 +1,Palace: Marcos allowed sale of smuggled sugar at Kadiwa centers,0 +7,Two trafficking victims in Myanmar now back in Philippines — BI,6 +4,"MANILA – This year’s celebration of the National Women’s Month in March saw the Civil Service Commission (CSC) achieve several milestones in promoting gender equality in government service, CSC chairperson Karlo Nograles reported Tuesday.",3 +14,"PBBM sees closer ties with Chile, Qatar, Brunei, Malaysia",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Civil Service Commission (CSC) chairperson Alicia dela Rosa-Bala has retired from her position, ending her seven-year stint as head of the CSC, announced on Tuesday, February 1.",12 +10,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday led the distribution of various government assistance worth over PHP340 million in Limay, Bataan.",9 +1,MANILA – An economist-lawmaker on Wednesday said the slowdown of the inflation rate in March would give the country's economy ample room to absorb potential external shocks in the global monetary and financial environment.,0 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday recorded 503 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the overall tally to 4,085,116.   The number of active cases went down to 9,413 from the 9,533 reported on Thursday, according to the latest DOH bulletin.   The country’s total recoveries went up by 609 to 4,009,269, while the death toll stood at 66,434.",8 +6,"The proposed fare discount for public utility vehicles (PUVs), to be implemented in the National Capital Region in April, will also be offered in select routes nationwide, the Department of Transportation (DOTr) said Thursday.",5 +1,Metro Manila Subway to catalyze PH economic rebound: DOTr chief,0 +6,"Marcos backtracks on ‘no vax, no ride,’ says ‘it doesn’t work’",5 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has hailed Filipino artists and athletes and won in various international events, thanking them for bringing honor to the Philippines.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, April 24, named Major General Benjamin Acorda Jr. as the next chief of the 227,000-strong Philippine National Police (PNP).",12 +6,MANILA – Cagayan De Oro City 2nd District Rep. Rufus Rodriguez is pushing for a bill that seeks to lengthen the term of office of barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) or youth council officers to five years in order to avoid divisiveness and ensure stability in the barangays.,5 +4,"VP Sara pushes Filipinas’ digital inclusion, quality education",3 +9,"LIST: Metro Manila, other areas stay under Alert Level 1 until April 15",8 +9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday assured the public all the processes entailed in its programs for cancer patients needing assistance are implemented with transparency.,8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The largest Balikatan (Shoulder-to-Shoulder) exercise in Philippines and US to a close on Friday, April 28.",13 +6,Senate defense panel to tackle MUP pension reform bills in May —Estrada,5 +10,"After 2 years of distance learning, PH schools return to face-to-face classes",9 +9,"MANILA – The first XBB.1.5 infection detected in the country is a local case, a health official said Tuesday.",8 +7,Rappler Recap: Authorities hunt down YouTube pedophile,6 +7,MANILA – The owner of a payment processing service kiosks said it will pursue its claims against the owners of automated payment systems raided by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) two years ago following charges of,6 +10,"LPA, ITCZ to bring rain showers over Mindanao, parts of Visayas",9 +8,DND: New EDCA sites to beef up PH security capabilities,7 +7,MANILA – The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) destroyed on Thursday a total of PHP19.9 billion worth of dangerous drugs and controlled precursors and essential chemicals (CPECs) in Cavite.,6 +13,Surigao mayor says they did not receive financial grant in Enrile PDAF graft case,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Amid rising cases of mental health issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is introducing this year a more “improved” mental health package for all Filipinos who are in need of interventions at the primary care level.",8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The second COVID-19 booster doses are now available for the general public, Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire announced in a press conference on Wednesday, April 12.",8 +13,Newly appointed Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gregorio Catapang Jr. on Monday said he will reshuffle all personnel in the agency’s prisons and penal farms.,12 +7,MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Wednesday said the case of slain Spanish businessman Diego Lafuente has been revived following the surrender of three policemen implicated in murder and planting of evidence charges.,6 +13,"The four-member PDP-Laban bloc in the Senate has already accepted that the measure seeking to amend the 1987 Constitution via constituent assembly will not reach the chamber’s plenary, Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa said Thursday.",12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) reported on Friday, August 19, two new cases of monkeypox.",8 +7,DILG chief: Use barangay assembly to push BIDA anti-drugs program,6 +13,"Senator Sherwin Gatchalian stressed on Thursday, April 13 the importance of employing a whole-of-government approach in addressing the challenges of providing quality education to Filipino learners.",12 +14,"The future of the Philippines will always involve the United States, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Thursday.",13 +1,"Agri sector needs boost to ensure food productivity, says CCC",0 +14,"Ahead of Marcos visit, Chinese state media downplays South China Sea dispute",13 +9,"MANILA – The country’s first case of Omicron subvariant XBF is a Filipino senior citizen with no known history of travel, the Department of Health (DOH) said Thursday.",8 +7,BI nabs overstaying British operating a resort in Palawan,6 +13,Alan Cayetano to Senate leadership: Focus on more pressing matters instead of Maharlika Fund bill,12 +14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visits New York from September 18 to 24, his third foreign trip as chief executive, headlined by a speech at the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).",13 +14,"MANILA— The Philippines has deposited its instrument of ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Indonesia, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced Friday.",13 +13,Tolentino: PDP-Laban has yet to decide on supporting Cha-cha,12 +3,"Faithful urged to show love thru prayer, small acts of kindness",2 +15,"""A great vote of confidence.""",14 +8,Marcos: Military’s capability still needs improvement to ‘cover our territory’,7 +7,"MANILA – Senator JV Ejercito on Monday proposed the relief of the entire police force in Region 7 (Central Visayas), which has jurisdiction over Negros Oriental, the province that Roel Degamo served as governor and where he was slain by a group of armed men who stormed his",6 +10,No more periodic medical exam for driver’s license holders – LTO,9 +13,Presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has dismissed the conspiracy theory that the Marcos family stored gold that they would eventually share with Filipinos.,12 +2,The government up with ways to store rainwater that could be used during the dry season as a way to manage water resources in the country.,1 +15,"The Communist Party of the Philippines said on Saturday that the Twitter accounts of the Philippine Revolution Web Central, Ang Bayan, and several others were suspended or taken down without warning.",14 +13,IT expert Ivan Uy picked to be the next DICT secretary,12 +6,Marcos on El Niño impact: Deploy whole of nation approach,5 +10,"For the holidays, DSWD focuses on helping IPs begging in city streets",9 +10,"BJMP, UNODC launch reading project for rehab of PDLs",9 +13,The Communist Party of the Philippines has confirmed the deaths of its leaders Benito and Wilma Tiamzon in August 2022.,12 +7,P150M worth of suspected smuggled agri products found in Metro Manila warehouses —BOC,6 +13,Dela Rosa: PDP-Laban bloc accepts Cha-cha measure won’t reach Senate plenary,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Executive Secretary Victor Rodriguez has resigned, Malacañang confirmed on Saturday, September 17.",12 +12,"Gabriela Women’s Party on Tuesday slammed Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian's remarks about overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan, saying that he has “crossed the line.”",11 +15,Ticket sold in Cebu wins P16-M lotto jackpot,14 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor), under Acting Director General Gregorio Catapang Jr., lodged another set of against suspended corrections chief Gerald Bantag for allegedly torturing inmates at the New Bilibid Prison.",6 +9,Human-to-human transmission of H3N8 avian flu ‘extremely rare’—WHO official,8 +8,PH Navy deploys BRP Antonio Luna for ASEAN-India drills,7 +9,DOH: ROTC curing mental health problems would vary for every learner,8 +7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers at the Davao International Airport have stopped five Filipinos from boarding their flight to Singapore on strong suspicion that they were human trafficking victims.,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte named the judge who issued at least three of the warrants used in the “Bloody Sunday” operations as new Court of Appeals (CA) associate justice.",6 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Tuesday approved the 90-day extension of the mandatory SIM registration beyond the April 26 deadline.",5 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Over a thousand educators from La Sallian schools all over the country expressed their support for the presidential bid of Vice President Leni Robredo and running mate Senator Kiko Pangilinan.",11 +8,DFA: 2+2 set next week; promoting reg'l security on agenda,7 +13,Marcos mourns passing of ex-DFA chief Albert del Rosario,12 +14,"TOKYO, Japan – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Wednesday, February 8, that the Philippines and Japan have yet to start formal talks on a reciprocal access agreement that would strengthen ties between their military forces. He added though that he wanted to see increased cooperation with the neighboring nation to boost security in the Indo-Pacific region.",13 +2,"Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. on Friday, May 5 the issuance by President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. of Executive Order (EO) 22 which created the new Water Resource Management Office (WRMO) in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as a water crisis due to the El Niño phenomenon looms.",1 +10,"Fear gripped a group of Filipinos as they travelled from the Sudanese capital to the north, where the Egyptian border is reached after a 15-hour ride.",9 +14,MANILA – The Philippine Inter-Agency Humanitarian Contingent (PIAHC) in Türkiye gave quick orientations to Turkish local volunteers on international standards of search and rescue.,13 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. left Manila on Sunday on a mission to forge stronger ties with the United States for a wide range of areas such as food security, digital economy, energy security, and climate change.",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday, October 5, said the Philippines may need to turn to Russia to fulfill its fuel needs amid rising global energy prices, bucking pressure from Western allies for countries to shun Moscow.",13 +3,Feast of the Virgin of Montserrat on April 27,2 +14,West PH Sea laser incident makes first test case for new PH-China communication line,13 +10,A crew member on a boat sailing near the ill-fated MV Lady Mary Joy 3 remembers his harrowing experience rescuing victims from the ferry fire that left at least 28 people dead.,9 +9,"A total of 75 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) with mild COVID-19 symptoms remain isolated at the National Bilibid Prison (NBP), the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said Friday.",8 +12,"Nearly half of Filipinos said that the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program should be optional for students instead of mandatory, according to the latest poll released by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) on Thursday.",11 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is in talks to possibly include Australia and Japan in planned joint South China Sea patrols with the United States, a senior diplomat said on Monday, February 27, in another sign of concern over Beijing’s activities in the strategic waters.",13 +5,MANILA – A priority measure proposing to rightsize the bureaucracy is a step closer into a law after it hurdled second reading approval at the House of Representatives.,4 +13,Marcos appoints ex-Supreme Court justice Tinga DBP acting chair,12 +4,"Filipino women who were subjected to sexual slavery by the Japanese soldiers during World War II the United Nations panel report that criticized the Philippines for allegedly not fighting for their cause.   “Masaya kami, masaya, napanalo na,"" said Candelaria Soliman of the Malaya Lolas, a non-profit organization aimed at providing support to survivors of sexual slavery, in JP Soriano’s report on “24 Oras Weekend"" on Saturday.   (We’re happy. We won.)   Soliman was among the 24 Filipinas who had petitioned the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women to demand justice and assistance from the Philippine government.   Earlier this week, found that the Philippine government violated the rights of ""comfort women"" by ""failing to provide reparation, social support, and with the harm suffered.""",3 +2,DA developing plan to promote planting of hybrid rice seeds,1 +3,Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte asked students of Montessori de San Juan in San Juan City to remain grateful to the people behind their success.,2 +13,Sara Duterte to town mayors: Don’t meddle in appointment of teachers,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) on Tuesday, October 18, promulgated the Rule on International Child Abduction Cases, which would allow for the faster return of children wrongfully brought to the Philippines.",5 +14,Marcos thanks Malaysia for role in peace process in Mindanao,13 +1,MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Thursday assured foreign investors and multilateral lenders that the House of Representatives would continue to pass measures to sustain the country’s robust economic performance.,0 +1,Mindoro oil spill’s potential damage to environment at P7B —DENR,0 +9,"DOH posts 385 COVID-19 cases; active infections climb to 9,533",8 +12,"Tulfo most trusted, approved senator — survey",11 +7,"Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos ordered at least 10 police officials, including an officer with a rank of one-star general to go on leave while the investigation on what he describes as a massive attempt to cover up the arrest of a cop who was tagged in the 990 kilos of shabu seized in Manila last year.",6 +14,"MANILA – India is set to train more Filipinos as its continuing training program for the Philippines reach more than 1,000 beneficiaries.",13 +8,No credible threat monitored for Holy Week —PNP,7 +6,Dela Rosa optimistic of mandatory ROTC bill's enactment before end of 2023,5 +7,3 to 4 people planned Roel Degamo’s killing – Remulla,6 +11,‘Protect the truth’: A Marcos return in Philippines triggers fear for history,10 +9,"Senator Francis Tolentino is seeking an Senate inquiry, in aid of legislation, to determine the appropriate government actions in preventing and controlling another possible outbreak of the Avian Influenza virus in the country.",8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Vietnamese National Assembly President Vuong Dinh a three-day official visit to Manila on Friday, November 25, a first for the Philippines in over five years.",13 +13,"Marcos Jr. visits grave of father, his ‘inspiration’",12 +7,"A kidnapping victim was found dead in Tanza, Cavite five days after camera footage showed him being forced into a vehicle along Roosevelt Avenue in Quezon City.",6 +9,House pushes for creation of DMW-controlled OFW Hospital,8 +13,Gatchalian wants improved coordination with LGU execs,12 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to spotlight to its Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with the Philippines, and raise the protection of human rights and press freedom during his first official visit to the country on Saturday, August 6.",3 +14,"The presence of Chinese fishing vessels off northern Luzon for the past two months may be related to China’s military drills around Taiwan, a security expert said on Monday.",13 +12,"Kabataan party-list lawmaker Raoul Manuel on Wednesday cast doubt on a poll showing that 78% of Filipino adults want mandatory ROTC restored, pointing to the poll's wording and saying students should have been the majority surveyed.",11 +9,Philippines logs 227 new COVID-19 cases,8 +6,"Nearly six years since the program started, the public utility vehicle modernization remains hounded by challenges.",5 +12,"MANILA – Majority of the Filipinos are satisfied with the performance of Vice President Sara Duterte, who received an “excellent” overall grade, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) net satisfaction survey.",11 +7,The Philippine government is offering a P6 million cash reward to individuals who will be able to provide information on the location of six individuals linked to several missing sabungeros.,6 +6,BIR exempts various service transactions from VAT to encourage foreign investors,5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – With the Philippines considerably lifting border restrictions recently since the pandemic started, both foreigners and returning Filipinos have started arriving in our international airports in droves again.",9 +2,"Dr. Teresita Barcelo, former president of the Philippine Nurses Association , has voiced concern over the plan of some hospitals to use nursing attendants as “substitutes” for nurses amid the shortages of nurses in the country.",1 +13,"JV, Chiz reject China’s statement vs. new EDCA sites in Philippines",12 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday recognized the achievements made by “outstanding” public servants, thanking them for making a lasting impact on the government and society during the awarding ceremony at the Ceremonial Hall of Malacañan Palace.",12 +13,ACT Teachers party-list Rep. France Castro (MANILA BULLETIN),12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The country recorded a total of 1,923 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, February 19 – the lowest tally of new cases in 2022.",8 +9,"DOH discourages flagellation, crucifixion on Holy Week",8 +14,MANILA – The Philippine contingent deployed to earthquake-hit Türkiye formally started its relief mission on Friday.,13 +14,"Marcos to emphasize desire for a peaceful, stable South China Sea during US visit —DFA spox",13 +6,Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva is urging the government to include the agricultural insurance woes of farmers in its plans to mitigate the expected impact of the El Niño phenomenon in the country.,5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – New COVID-19 cases fell by 30% in Metro Manila from January 15 to 21, according to a report from the Octa Research group on Saturday, January 22.",8 +5,MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has ordered the arraignment of an official of the PITC Pharma Inc. (now the Philippine Pharma Procurement Inc. or PPPI) implicated in an anomalous government supply contract for medicines in 2007.,4 +2,France assists PH in Mindoro oil spill response,1 +13,"Senate Minority Leader Aquilino ""Koko"" Pimentel III said Thursday senators are still not informed of the real cost of the COVID-19 vaccines procured by the government during the height of the pandemic. That's despite the Senate blue already conducting an executive session last Wednesday.",12 +15,The application period for the 2024 University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) officially opened on Wednesday.,14 +14,DOJ assures assistance for Bangladesh over 2016 bank heist,13 +15,"MANILA – Trough of a low pressure area (LPA) is affecting the eastern section of Mindanao, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Sunday.",14 +14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday said he looks forward to future projects proposed by Singapore’s Temasek Foundation to mitigate climate change and improve food security in the country.,13 +8,"Duterte’s DOJ chief: No point in red-tagging, it’s dangerous",7 +7,MANILA -- Maritime regulatory authorities on Thursday confirmed that they had issued cease and desist orders against that owns the sunken MT Princess Empress which has caused an oil spill in a critical biodiverse area off Mindoro Island.,6 +6,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has issued an executive order (EO) revising the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the scientific career system (SCS) under a previous presidential order.,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former president Fidel V. Ramos, who played a key role in ousting then dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos in 1986, explained during a 2017 interview why he turned his back on his who also happened to be his cousin.",12 +3,CA to medical practitioners: Don’t engage in unethical practices to dupe PhilHealth,2 +2,"House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto says the country is showing that it has learned a lesson from the Covid-19 pandemic with its ""supersizing"" of medicine scholars' slots.",1 +14,"WASHINGTON — President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said there is no sector that was not touched by the partnership between the Philippines and the United States.",13 +7,Ombudsman suspends 33 gov't officials over Pharmally mess,6 +15,MANILA – A Cebuano bettor became the latest millionaire from the government's lottery games.,14 +6,Diokno calls on Customs chief Rubio to prioritize digitalization,5 +6,"DOTr to privatize ops, maintenance of Metro Manila Subway, North-South railway",5 +15,"MANILA – Metro Manila and the rest of the country will have partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers and thunderstorms due to the easterlies and localized thunderstorms, the weather bureau said Saturday.",14 +8,"Police, military 'impunity' still 'significant problem' in PH –US report",7 +6,LIVESTREAM: Comelec holds summit to lay out election reform agenda,5 +9,"Public health expert Dr. Anthony “Tony” Leachon said Covid-19 is not yet endemic, reminding Filipinos that the threat of the disease lingers.",8 +8,"West PH Sea as tourist spot eyed for 'stronger maritime, defense posture'",7 +7,Lawyer of victims in Degamo attack urges prosecutors to resolve raps,6 +13,MANILA – Filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) for the Oct. 30 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) will begin July 3.,12 +14,South Korea donates 10K bags of rice to Mindanao,13 +7,3 cops tagged in Spanish businessman’s death surrender,6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines might just be Christmas time and see price adjustments, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said, even as his “dream” of rice selling at P20/kilo remains just that – a pipe dream.",0 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – After a year of investigation, forensic expert Raquel Fortun and activist-priest Flavie out with damaging findings on the Duterte drug war.",6 +13,‘I’m no one's lapdog’: Bato answers accusations of being biased to Teves,12 +7,PNP intensifies crackdown vs. vape use among minors,6 +8,"Balikatan 2023, the largest ever between Filipino and US troops with over 17,600 participants, will include exercises meant to strengthen the allies' ability to plan and coordinate against a range of scenarios and challenges, the US Embassy in Manila said on Tuesday.",7 +14,"PH, US defense chiefs discuss China laser incident in West Philippine Sea",13 +6,"Amid migration fears, QC solon reiterates need to hike nurses' pay",5 +2,"Gov't finding ways to store rainwater, counter dry spell—Palace",1 +3,Pope Francis appoints new Zamboanga archbishop,2 +11,Solon wants February declared ‘Buwan ng Nag-uusap na Pamilya’,10 +7,7 suspects involved in alleged hazing death of Adamson student now under police custody,6 +2,DOLE: 15K applicants flock to Labor Day job fairs,1 +13,VP Sara hopes for LGBTQIA relationship protection: OVP,12 +9,BFAR: Red tide alert raised in 4 coastal areas,8 +3,"DND chief urges youth to uphold freedom, justice, equality",2 +13,Marcos-allied Zubiri vows independence if he becomes Senate president,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday, June 3, announced the detection of two cases of the more contagious Omicron subvariant BA.5, which has been flagged by the World Health Organization (WHO) because it carries “additional mutations of concern.”",8 +7,4 suspects in Degamo slay transferred to Manila,6 +14,Germany hails PH’s ‘tweaked’ South China Sea policy,13 +6,The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) called out the local government units (LGUs) to appropriately carry out the delivery of grants and privileges of the qualified senior citizens in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).,5 +13,Cusi is sole billionaire in Duterte Cabinet at end of 2021,12 +9,Gov’t urged to probe causes of vaccine hesitancy in PH,8 +13,Cong Pimentel hopeful of gov't windfall from LBP-DBP merger,12 +10,"DILG provides over P800,000 assistance to former rebels in Negros Island",9 +8,AFP modernization key in safeguarding maritime territory: PBBM,7 +15,"Filipino learners from private and public schools nationwide garnered 1,310 medals --- including 148 gold medals --- in an international the Department of Education (DepEd) on Thursday, April 20, announced.",14 +9,The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) has suspended the visitation privileges of persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City and the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) in Mandaluyong City due to the detection of Covid-19 virus.,8 +14,"Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the country’s 17th president, is set to visit Indonesia and Singapore.",13 +7,Rappler Recap: Bantag faces DOJ probers in Percy Lapid case,6 +14,Korean Ambassador to the Philippines Kim Inchul on Wednesday requested the Department of Justice (DOJ) to deport three Korean nationals.,13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Just like in previous years, the House of Representatives aims to pass Malacañang’s proposed 2023 budget in less than 30 working days – from when it’s submitted to Congress, all the way to when it hurdles 3rd reading in plenary.",5 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) submitted today, April 19, a total of 23 case folders related to the March 4 assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and other politically-tainted cases of violence in Negros Oriental.",6 +7,LTFRB calls out 2 colorum TNVS firms,6 +7,Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story referred to the suspect’s last name as “Estorial.” The police corrected the suspect’s surname on October 19.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Four days before the May 9 elections, President Rodrigo Duterte named a “Davao boy” as the acting chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP): Lieutenant General Vicente Danao.",12 +6,"The government will keep a careful watch on to ensure that they do not take undue advantage of the public as the deadline for SIM registration approaches, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Monday.",5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Several programs of the Department of Health (DOH) – among them pandemic response, healthcare support for cancer patients, and COVID-19 allowance for healthcare workers – face budget cuts in the National Expenditure Program (NEP).",8 +13,Cagayan Gov. Mamba keeps seat after Comelec reverses December ruling,12 +1,"VP Duterte focuses on tourism, education in Capiz festival",0 +7,"Five of the accused in the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig have filed their petition for bail, the prosecution panel said Wednesday.",6 +5,"House ethics panel no longer has jurisdiction over Arnie Teves suspension, says chairman",4 +7,"Stray bullet, not pneumonia, killed 9-year-old boy during drug war",6 +6,"A ranking congressman is making a last-ditch effort to convince the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to extend the deadline for SIM card registration as provided for under Republic Act (RA) No.11934, or the SIM Registration Act.",5 +6,"The Makabayan bloc in the House of Representatives has filed a resolution calling for the revocation of government resolutions designating the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People’s Army, and the National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) as terrorists.",5 +15,A source of great national pride.,14 +6,"The Land Transportation Office (LTO) on Tuesday is reviewing its existing policies including those on issuing driver’s licenses to further streamline its systems and processes, LTO chief Assitant Secretary Jay Art Tugade has said.",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Newly-appointed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr., on his first day as chief of the 227,000-strong PNP, announced that he wants to review the police’s drug war operations and seek religious leaders’ help in “reforming” the national police.",6 +2,Marcos admits there’s water crisis in Philippines,1 +10,"MANILA – Fair weather with isolated rain showers will continue to prevail across the country on Wednesday, the weather bureau said.",9 +6,"Senator Grace Poe filed a resolution urging the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) to address the ""Bukas Maleta"" incidents at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).",5 +5,"Sandigan denies anew ex-PAGCor chairman Genuino's motion to junk graft, malversation charges",4 +5,SC ruling shows when rape is consummated,4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines– Ferdinand Marcos Jr. chose the grandson of his late father’s agrarian minister for the same job.",12 +8,Ateneo reviews security protocols in wake of ex-Lamitan mayor’s killing,7 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – As the Philippines recovers from the pandemic lockdowns, and faces new economic challenges, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. says “goodwill and generosity” will help Filipinos",2 +10,MANILA – Several parts of Roxas Boulevard will be closed to traffic beginning Saturday to make way for the construction of the Light Rail Transit Line 1 (LRT-1) Cavite Extension Project.,9 +2,Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire on Monday appealed to the private sector not to procure doses of COVID-19 bivalent vaccines yet to avoid further vaccine wastage.,1 +2,"The congestion rate in all the jail facilities under the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) went down by 367 percent, the agency disclosed on Sunday, April 16.",1 +6,"The Department of Education (DepEd) on Wednesday, April 26, said that blended learning is already being implemented in some schools to address the concerns of learners, teachers, and parents regarding the conduct of in-person classes during the dry season.",5 +13,‘Free Leila now’: Leni-Kiko call for De Lima’s release after witnesses retract accusations,12 +10,"MANILA – A total of 890 residents of Barangay Matabao, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte, where 465 are agrarian (ARBs), would benefit from the 28.8-lineal Buenavista-Matabao universal bridge worth PHP20 million.",9 +7,Let the axe fall where it may': Romualdez dismayed with PNP officials involvement in drug cover-up,6 +9,The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) on Thursday held the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) for the first quarter.,8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Several public utility vehicle (PUV) drivers and operators across the country started a weeklong strike on Monday, March 6.",9 +9,"The Philippine tally of active COVID-19 cases fell below 10,000 on Sunday, even as the country reported 166 new infections, according to data released by the Department of Health (DOH).",8 +12,"‘Ako si LenLen’: Workers share stories of sweat, labor after Marcos insult",11 +7,NAIA screeners suspended for alleged extortion,6 +10,"MANILA – A magnitude 5.9 earthquake shook Davao de Oro Tuesday afternoon, the second in the area this week, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported.",9 +7,"After hostage-taking, Marcos offers De Lima a jail transfer",6 +6,Castro backs proposal to revert summer vacation to April-May,5 +14,"MANILA – The United States, together with Customs, Coast Guard and legal officials from the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan has sought to strengthen regional cooperation in enforcing international maritime sanctions, the US Embassy in Manila said Tuesday.",13 +1,MANILA – An official of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) on Thursday said international air travel would likely fully recover and reach the pre-pandemic levels by the first quarter of 2024.,0 +3,"As the nation observes Easter Sunday, April 9, Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula stressed Christ’s resurrection is the most beautiful message.",2 +10,11 areas sizzle with over 41℃ heat index on April 19,9 +7,"MANILA – Authorities arrested a screening personnel for allegedly stealing a watch from a passenger at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 1 on Wednesday. The Office for Transportation Security (OTS) said at around 2:30 a.m., Security Screening Officer Valeriano Ricaplaza Jr. allegedly took the watch of a foreign passenger while undergoing the security screening procedure. The OTS added that Ricaplaza initially denied the act when asked by the passenger. However, CCTV footage showed that Ricaplaza took the item, the OTS said. Ricaplaza was arrested and is currently under the custody of the Philippine National Police Aviation Security Group for further questioning. In a statement, Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) General Manager Cesar Chiong said the management strongly condemns such unscrupulous, illicit and selfish act. ""Theft violates the trust and integrity required of public servants, and has serious negative consequences for the airport, its stakeholders, and the country as a whole,"" he said. On Monday, the OTS reported that six cases involving erring personnel are being looked at. These include violation of the ""No Tipping"" policy, violation of the proper disposal of intercepted prohibited items, extortion, among others. The recent alleged extortion from a Thai passenger went viral on social media. House Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto said the incident only worsened the image of the country's main gateway. “A few erring OTS employees have dealt the nation a black eye. Na-tag na nga ang NAIA as one of the world’s worst airports, lalo pang pinalala ng insidenteng ito (NAIA’s previous tag as the world’s worst airport has been worsened by this incident),"" Recto said in a statement on Tuesday. Sought OTS administrator Ma. O Aplasca said the management will aggressively address the issue. ""Tama po si (House Deputy Speaker) Recto kaya we will aggressively address this issue. We want show the Filipinos na hindi masayang yung budget na binigay sa OTS,"" he told the Philippine News Agency. The arrest of another corrupt screening officer, he said, is a manifestation of the to cleanse its ranks of scalawags that destroy the country's reputation, Aplasca said. (with Zaldy De Layola/PNA)",6 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. urged the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to continue calibrating the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) as well as developing the other government's social protection initiatives.",5 +7,PNP chief Acorda vows to prioritize missing ‘sabungeros’ case,6 +13,Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman is MB’s newest columnist,12 +13,LTFRB chief resigns to serve as Office of the Press Secretary OIC,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – There are now 155 reported deaths due to Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae), while 34 people remain missing, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said on Saturday, November 5.",8 +9,"WASHINGTON, DC, USA—Instead of reimposing the face mask mandate, vaccination among young people should be prioritized again, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said.",8 +10,Malacañang said Monday that there has been no disruption in the transportation except in some routes in the National Capital Region (NCR) amid the transport strike.,9 +6,DOJ chief Remulla wants to relocate Bilibid to Occidental Mindoro,5 +7,A priest who was on his way home was flagged down at a police checkpoint after the authorities became suspicious of what looked like a human body wrapped in plastic inside his vehicle.,6 +14,"Philippine Ambassador to the United States Jose Manuel Romualdez expressed hope Friday that China would realize Manila and Washington only want peaceful resolution of issues, especially in the South China Sea.",13 +8,"PNP inspects terminals, ports to ensure safe Holy Week travels",7 +7,PNP committed to finding justice for missing sabungeros,6 +13,DND chief welcomes Cagayan mayors support for EDCA,12 +14,China says Philippine boat's 'provocative action' caused near-crash,13 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has named new appointees at the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).,12 +3,Dela Rosa on Senate Degamo probe: I want to be fair,2 +9,Areas under state of calamity due to Severe Tropical Storm Paeng,8 +14,MANILA – The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) said there is no need for the Philippine contingent to extend their stay in quake-ravaged southern Türkiye.,13 +12,Consumer group urges quick passage of bill amending anti-agri smuggling law,11 +12,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte received high approval and trust ratings in the latest survey conducted by the OCTA Research Group.,11 +10,The Land Transportation Office (LTO) will be conducting surprise operations targeting taxi drivers in the National Capital Region (NCR) in anticipation of abuses amid the expected return of millions of people in Metro Manila after the Holy Week break.,9 +7,"Two alleged illegal aliens, one American and an Indian, have been separately apprehended by Bureau of Immigration (BI) operatives in separate operations in Cebu and Manila for violating the Philippine immigration laws, authorities revealed on Tuesday, May 2.",6 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for the major lotto games of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) in its 9 p.m. draw on Tuesday, April 25.",14 +12,7 out of 10 Filipino Catholics pray at least once daily: SWS,11 +14,"WASHINGTON, DC, USA – The United States supports the Philippines in calling on China “to end its provocative actions and respect international law in the South China Sea,” the State Department said on Friday, June 17.",13 +6,Bautista says PUV modernization program to stay,5 +6,"House panel okays bill amending law to include online violence vs. women, children",5 +14,"Australia called for “peace, stability and respect” for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) following the incessant incursions being made by China in disputed areas of the South China Sea.",13 +1,"There would be no need to import goods if the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are strong enough to address the demands of the local market, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos said on Wednesday, April 19.",0 +6,"MANILA – House Speaker Martin Romualdez on Sunday said he would propose to Malacañang a “one-strike policy” against non-performing collectors of the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Customs.Collectors who fail to meet their revenue targets should be removed from their posts and replaced ones to ensure collection efficiency, Romualdez said in a news release.He said it would push the two agencies to meet the target revenues that will ensure additional funds for subsidies, hospitalization, education, job creation, and other social protection programs for the most vulnerable sectors.",5 +7,Tulfo suggests processing center for private planes amid alleged human smuggling,6 +12,Libanan reacts to high ranking in job performance survey among party-lists,11 +6,"Local Commission on Elections offices must extend working hours to registrants on the last day of voter registration for the 2023 barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections, poll chairman George Garcia said Monday.",5 +7,DOJ welcomes surrender of cops in 2020 slay of Spanish national,6 +9,"Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Sec. Renato Solidum, Jr. cited the country's genomic research which has contributed to various areas, such as disease diagnosis and management and the country’s COVID-19 pandemic response.",8 +6,"DOH reaffirms push for salary standardization for HCWs in public, private sector",5 +14,LIST: Deals from Marcos’ Indonesia trip,13 +13,"No to 'regionalistic patronage appointments', says Castro after Marcos names Acorda as new PNP chief",12 +5,The Supreme Court (SC) has reiterated its 2021 ruling that upheld the Sandiganbayan’s decision which banned perpetually former Surigao del Sur 1st District Rep. Prospero A. Pichay Jr. from holding public office.,4 +2,Faulty faucet swamps NDRRMC warehouse in Pampanga; hygiene kits submerged,1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. visits the United States for the second time in his presidency from April 30 to May 4, 2023, for an official visit to Washington, DC.",13 +7,Administrative charges filed vs. MT Princess Empress owner —MARINA,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The world of diplomacy thrives on the power of symbols. And in charting global priorities, nothing can be more symbolic than a leader’s first state visit.",12 +14,"MANILA – The United States will be supporting the modernization program of the Armed Forces of the Philippines by significantly enhancing its maritime and tactical capacity, according to a senior US administration official.",13 +10,The National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) on Tuesday called on the public to help government programs alleviate the poverty in the country.,9 +7,Suspect in Degamo slay surrendered to authorities —Abalos,6 +14,WATCH: Kamala Harris’ ‘historic’ Philippine visit,13 +10,"Rain showers seen in parts of PH due to shear line, ‘amihan’",9 +9,"Solons call for HIV awareness among children, adolescents",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Suspended lawmaker Arnulfo “Arnie” Teves, Negros Oriental 3rd District representative, on Thursday, April 20, denied speaking to Marvin Miranda, the alleged “co-mastermind” in the assassination of former governor Roel Degamo.",6 +15,"No jackpot winners for Ultra, Super Lotto in April 23 evening draw",14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ka Rey was only 18 when Martial Law was declared. Three days after its imposition, state forces raided his family’s Quezon City residence. He got away that time, but the Kapulungan ng mga Sandigan ng Pilipinas (KASAPI) member soon found himself behind bars.",12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – A majority of adult Filipinos expect the COVID-19 crisis in the country to be over in 2022, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey held in December 2021 but released released late Friday, February 11.",11 +2,"PNP gets P300-M fund for cops' continuing education, training",1 +13,Marikina cited most improved LGU; marks 393rd anniversary,12 +15,"Tickets bought in Cebu City, QC win P82-M lotto jackpot",14 +2,"Persons affected by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro may receive only a total of $284 million payment from the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC), the Department of Justice (DOJ) said on Wednesday, April 26.",1 +7,Abalos vows to expose other cops involved in P6.7B worth of shabu seized in Manila in 2022,6 +10,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said on Friday that he was confident the Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge would help decongest traffic in Metro Manila.",9 +13,Luistro elected first Filipino leader of La Sallian Brothers worldwide,12 +7,The House Committee on Ethics on Monday gave Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves 24 hours to show up in the House of Representatives or face sanctions due to his continued absence despite the lack of travel authority.,6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The camp of detained former senator Leila de Lima opposed the prosecutors’ motion to reopen her case after the judge already set the promulgation for early May.",4 +14,Remulla: ICC talk with EU MPs lasted less than three minutes,13 +6,MANILA – The Senate on Tuesday evening concurred in the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).,5 +8,"MANILA, Philippines  – The Philippines and the United States are discussing conducting joint coast guard patrols, including in the South China Sea, a Manila official said on Monday, February 20.",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Amid the issues on the death of broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. named Aquino-time military chief Gregorio Catapang Jr. as the new Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general.",12 +7,CIDG has ‘idea’ of mastermind behind missing sabungeros,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Chinese ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian expressed optimism that ties between Beijing and Manila could gain new momentum under the Marcos administration, after the Communist Party of China (CPC) vowed to turn the Asian giant into a “great modern socialist country” during the group’s recently concluded congress.",13 +7,Rappler Recap: Updates on preliminary investigation into Percy Lapid’s case,6 +14,Marcos’ official US visit: What you need to know,13 +14,"The British Embassy in Manila will be holding a coronation picnic at the Quezon Memorial Center (QMC) in Quezon City on Saturday, May 6, at 4 p.m., to mark the crowning of Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort.",13 +7,"Teves, sons file motion to dismiss illegal possession of firearms raps",6 +13,The Commission on Appointments on foreign affairs has suspended the hearing for the confirmation of Bienvenido Tejano as ambassador to Papua New Guinea on Wednesday.,12 +7,"BI arrests 'undesirable' American, Indian visitors",6 +6,Commission on Higher Education chairman Prospero de Vera III said Sunday President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos tasked them to finish the reevaluation of the 83 maritime schools in the country in two years’ time.,5 +6,"DepEd revises ‘Brigada Eskwela’ guidelines, scraps search for best implementing schools",5 +2,Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Friday emphasized the need for a salary increase to address the shortage of nurses in the Philippines.,1 +3,MANILA – The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) on some workers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 for returning the money of an outbound passenger.,2 +10,The University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute (UP-MSI) on Monday said possible traces of the Oriental Mindoro oil spill were detected in the waters near Palawan's Coron Island.,9 +2,Assure water supply vs. El Niño threat --- PBBM,1 +15,PCO's new logo symbolizes 'swift communication',14 +2,"MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Monday (US time) lauded the unrelenting effort of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to fulfill his promise of providing cheaper and reliable power to Filipinos following a meeting with a US-based top nuclear energy firm in Washington, D.C.",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Cabinet Secretary and Acting Presidential Spokesperson Karlo Nograles takes on a new role in government – chair of the Civil Service Commission (CSC).",12 +8,"MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. on the Highway Patrol Group (HPG) for its crucial role in maintaining peace, order, and security on the country's roads.",7 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Both President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte are “trusted by most of the country’s adult population,” according to a Pulse Asia survey taken in mid-March 2023.",11 +13,Reporter’s Review: Rambo Talabong on Duterte’s war on drugs,12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – During a bilateral meeting that touched on “much more than is usual,” President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Chinese President Xi Jinping promised to “find on the “plight of [Filipino] fishermen.”",13 +7,Stabbed by Bantag: Prison gang leaders claim abuse by ex-BuCor chief,6 +9,"PH posts 867 fresh COVID-19 infections; active cases rise to 7,565",8 +7,The House Committee on Ethics and Privileges conducted an executive session on Wednesday morning for its motu proprio investigation into the absence without official leave of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr.,6 +9,The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) did not monitor passenger congestion at the terminals of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) on Wednesday despite the anticipated exodus of travelers for Holy Week.,8 +10,"The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) advised affected passengers on Thursday to coordinate with airlines ahead of the May 17 airspace shutdown.   The Philippine airspace will be closed for six hours on May 17 (12 midnight to 6 a.m.) to give way to maintenance activities on the country’s air traffic management system, the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) said on Tuesday.   Around 130 flights and 20,000 passengers are expected to be affected by the temporary closure.",9 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for Grand Lotto 6/55 and Mega Lotto 6/45 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Wednesday, April 19.",14 +13,Vice President Robredo’s Last Days in Office: A Diary,12 +14,HIGHLIGHTS: VP Kamala Harris visits the Philippines,13 +7,AFP to intensify efforts vs. soldiers used in crimes after Degamo slay,6 +14,The United Kingdom (UK) and Canada have expressed concern over the supposed “dangerous conduct” against Philippine vessels in the South China Sea.,13 +2,"The Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) launched Friday, April 14, an orientation drive for its regional offices to promote and discuss industry programs and strategic directions for a better public service.",1 +13,"In charting US ties, EDCA implementation among first opportunities for Marcos",12 +7,"BOC seizes P20M worth of smart TVs, computer system units in Bulacan",6 +10,"New grads lack ‘soft skills,’ vulnerable to scams —CHR report",9 +13,"Isko Moreno: No banning reporters, shutting down media outlets in my presidency",12 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—United States (US) President Joe Biden said he will send  a “first of its kind"" presidential trade and investment mission to the Philippines.",13 +2,Cutting-edge' micro nuclear fuel tech eyed to solve power woes,1 +14,The Philippines may restart oil and gas talks with China. How far can it go?,13 +14,"Rappler Recap: Marcos’ first state visits to Indonesia, Singapore",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – As presidents are expected to make clear their vision and priorities for the country in their first 100 days in office, the international trips they make during that period are an indication of the foreign policy they are shaping.",13 +1,House leaders to seek full restoration of slashed NTF-ELCAC budget for 2023,0 +10,"MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) on Wednesday assured preparations for the possible effect of Tropical Depression (TD) Amang. In a statement, the DA said it braces for the possible impact of the inclement weather on the standing crops of rice and corn. “Based on data of affected regions (Ilocos Region, Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Bicol region and Eastern Visayas) as of today, the area of standing crops that may be affected by Tropical Depression “Amang” totals 632,706 hectares with 602,728 hectares for rice and 29,978 hectares for corn,” it said. Although TD Amang is forecasted to weaken into a low-pressure area (LPA), the DA activated its regional disaster risk reduction and management operation centers. It also cited other actions, including the “prepositioning of seeds for rice and corn, drugs and biologics for livestock and poultry in safe storage facilities; and coordination with the local government units (LGU) counterparts.” The DA added that continuous advisories were disseminated to local government units (LGUs), organizations and other farmers’ leaders. The actual situation on the ground is also being monitored to assess possible damage to crops and livestock. Meanwhile, the DA said it will also implement usual interventions for farmers that may be possibly be affected. These include the distribution of “rice, corn, and vegetable seeds; drugs and biologics for livestock and poultry; fingerlings and aid from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR); zero interest survival and recovery loan program; and activation of quick response fund.”",9 +3,"The Roman Catholic Church will honor on Thursday, April 20, the memory of one of the most well venerated Dominican saints of the Holy Rosary - Saint Agnes (Santa Ines) of Montepulciano, a great devotee of the Blessed Mother.",2 +14,MANILA – Senator Jinggoy Estrada on Tuesday said the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate former President Rodrigo Duterte is violation of the country's sovereignty as it also violates what the ICC states in the Rome Statute.,13 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) is eyeing 100% capacity for public transportation under Alert Level 1, according to the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB).",1 +6,"MANILA – Senator Jinggoy Estrada on Wednesday said the publication of all laws, as a prerequisite of effectivity, should include an online version of the Official Gazette and those of newspapers.",5 +2,PNP announces reorganization; 10 police officials appointed to new posts,1 +2,"US, Saudi firms may tap OFWs displaced by Sudan strife",1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of National Defense (DND) officer-in-charge Jose Faustino Jr. called out China over its continued presence around features in the West Philippine Sea, after several vessels were found lingering near Iriqouis Reef and Sabina Shoal.",13 +14,"Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Wednesday, November 9, that he’s keen on bringing up the country’s position on territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Cambodia and, more importantly, in a future discussion with Chinese President Xi Jinping.",13 +9,IN PHOTOS: Start of COVID-19 vaccination of kids aged 5-11 in the Philippines,8 +8,"DILG orders PNP, BFP to ramp up security preps for Holy Week",7 +13,House urged to declare ‘unequivocal defense’ for Duterte vs. ICC,12 +2,"Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel III on Monday, April 24, suggested the distribution of electric fans at public schools to protect learners from the extreme summer heat being experienced in the archipelago.",1 +2,Overworked teachers among causes of high learning poverty level in PH – experts,1 +13,LOOK: Arroyo unveils father's statue at Zambales PMMA,12 +10,"The first day of the planned week-long strike of some transport groups to protest the government's public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program affected only 10% of routes in Metro Manila, an official of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board said Monday.",9 +7,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Wednesday appealed to the remaining suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo to surrender to the authorities, saying they already know their identities.",6 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday said it is coordinating with the Department of Education (DepEd) in creating basic training module on suicide prevention in schools.,8 +9,BFP cites SM Prime Holdings’ fire safety awareness support,8 +7,Manifest for questioned flight shows seven names; one handwritten,6 +7,Bigger than a foreign drug lord?' Solons stumped over how Mayo gathered nearly a ton of 'shabu',6 +1,"COVID-19 response, health workers’ benefits, earmarked cancer fund slashed in DOH 2023 budget",0 +14,What to expect in PH-US alliance for the next decade?,13 +13,Rex Gatchalian is Marcos’ new DSWD secretary,12 +13,Speaker urges Arnie Teves to reconsider decision not to return,12 +7,Remulla’s DOJ to look at ‘red flag pattern’ of drug war,6 +10,Rappler Talk: New UP president Angelo Jimenez on making a ‘global university’,9 +7,BI stops 5 human trafficking victims from boarding flight to Singapore,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will hold a joint press conference on Wednesday, March 1, during the latter’s official visit to the Philippines.",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) panel of prosecutors dismissed the filed against cops tagged in the killing of a labor leader during the “Bloody Sunday” operations in 2021.",6 +14,US acquires old fishing vessel for 'Balikatan' live-fire drills,13 +8,PH Army assures quick aid for kin of slain troops in 4ID shooting,7 +7,Romualdez urges Arnie Teves to reconsider decision not to return to the country,6 +14,"TOKYO — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has said the government will review a possible “tripartite agreement” with the Philippines’ two close allies, the United States and Japan.",13 +14,"China is hoping that the Philippines will resist being taken advantage of and ""dragged into trouble waters.""",13 +7,The head of the Philippine National Police- Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) and another ranking officer of the unit have filed a leave of absence in connection with the controversy surrounding arrest of a police sergeant tagged in the 990 kilos of shabu seized in Manila last year.,6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has lifted its temporary restraining order (TRO), which prevented the Commission on Elections (Comelec) from implementing its resolution allowing persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) to participate in the national and local elections.",4 +13,Veteran journalist Jaime FlorCruz is Marcos’ ambassador to China,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – It’s been over a month since former Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Erwin Tulfo exited from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s Cabinet without explanation. (READ: ‘On leave’ Tulfo skips last Marcos Cabinet meeting of 2022)",12 +14,"Marcos, Zelenskiy talk ‘deepening of cooperation’ in first phone call",13 +15,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has urged Filipino Christians worldwide to take the celebration of Easter as a time for renewal and recovery.",14 +14,"Both the Philippine and Chinese sides should refrain from taking any provocative action in the disputed waters, Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian said on Friday.",13 +7,NBI arrests ex-radio DJ for ‘sextortion’,6 +9,Pasig village joins Women’s Month with free cancer screening,8 +13,Senators slam NAIA power outage,12 +7,Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on Tuesday said he is planning to conduct a Senate hearing following reports that some police personnel were apprehended for allegedly “recycling” confiscated drugs.,6 +5,Senate probe on ‘state-sponsored’ smuggling of 400K MT sugar starts next week,4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A day after he was sworn-in as the new head of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Secretary Rex Gatchalian said one of his top priorities is the faster delivery of benefits and assistance.",12 +2,Comelec set to print 1.6 million more BSKE ballots next month,1 +9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases increased by 32 percent from April 17 to 23, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 +10,"Cloudy skies with scattered rain showers and thunderstorms will prevail over Palawan, including the Kalayaan Islands and Mindanao due to the Intertropical Convergence Zone, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) advised in its 5 a.m. forecast on Monday, May 1.",9 +10,"MANILA – Light rains may still be experienced across Luzon due to the northeast monsoon affecting the island, the weather bureau said Friday.",9 +7,Arnie Teves given 24 hours to appear before House ethics panel,6 +10,"Warm, humid weather to continue across PH Thursday",9 +1,Application processing fees for non-immigrant visas to go up starting May 30 - US embassy,0 +9,"DOH records 81 new COVID-19 cases; active tally drops to 9,087",8 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Environment groups have expressed “cautious optimism” about President Ferdinand Maros Jr.’s nomination of Maria Antonia “Toni” Yulo-Loyzaga as secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).",11 +13,Marcos to councilors: Back passage of admin priority legislations,12 +10,DPWH completes 2 road projects in Bataan,9 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Thousands of devotees marched in a “walk of faith” on Sunday, January 8, the Feast of the Black Nazarene, as the yearly event drawing millions has yet to return to its full form since the COVID-19 pandemic.",9 +10,Phivolcs: Magnitude 5.8 quake hits waters off Davao Occidental,9 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – This time, the parties are “simple” – or at least that’s what they’re saying.",11 +13,"After the various interventions employed to make the voter registration run smoother, the Commission on Elections said on Wednesday, April 12 that it eyes to conduct the filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COC) for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) in malls.",12 +13,President Marcos tests positive for COVID-19,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is set to ease its face mask policy as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. “verbally” approved coronavirus task force’s to make wearing masks optional when outdoors.",8 +10,Malacañang on Friday announced the suspension of work in all government offices starting noon on April 5 amid the observance of Holy Week.,9 +9,DOH: 54 Omicron subvariant XBB.1.9.1 cases detected in PH,8 +12,"A survey released by Social Weather Stations (SWS) on Monday showed that 93% of adult Filipinos are hopeful that the ""worst of the COVID-19 crisis in the Philippines is behind us"".",11 +3,Church assures Filipino repatriates from Sudan of support,2 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) on Thursday, April 13, launched the new lawyer’s oath – the same day the High Court instituted the new code of conduct for lawyers.",5 +7,Hazing continues despite stronger law,6 +5,"The Manila regional trial court (RTC) postponed the arraignment on Monday, April 24, of six suspects charged criminally for the deaths of nine persons, including Negros Oriental Gov. Roel R. Degamo, and injuries sustained by 17 others last March 4 in Pamplona town.",4 +10,"Tropical depression Amang weakened slightly after making landfall over Panganiban, Catanduanes around 10 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, based on the latest bulletin of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",9 +15,"1,420 of 2,275 examinees pass Pharmacists Licensure Examination",14 +15,No lotto jackpot winners in April 29 evening draw,14 +1,COA: PS-DBM failed to withhold P3.27-B income tax from pandemic suppliers,0 +6,The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on the third and final reading a bill allowing married women to retain their maiden surname.,5 +13,Comelec sets COC filing for 2023 BSKE in July,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Aside from COVID-19, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered the Department of Health (DOH) to prioritize campaign against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis infections.",8 +13,"Marcos: Drug use not for me, it’s only for the jobless",12 +7,"Bacuag, Surigao del Norte vice mayor Sheila Mae Cebedo on Thursday testified before the Sandiganbayan that the municipality did not receive the financial grant named in the 15 graft charges filed against former senator Juan Ponce Enrile, his former chief-of-staff Jessica “Gigi” Reyes, businesswoman Janet Napoles and others involving Enrile’s discretionary or pork barrel fund.",6 +13,"The New People’s Army (NPA) units in Western and Central Visayas are now “leaderless” following the death of an alleged rebel in an armed encounter in Negros Occidental recently, the military said Sunday, April 23.",12 +10,"MANILA – The whole country may experience rain showers due to the trough of a low-pressure area (LPA) and the northeast monsoon or “amihan,” the weather bureau said Wednesday.",9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said on Monday, April 4, that it was in constant coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO) following a reported case of Omicron XE – a of Omicron subvariants BA.1 and BA.2 – in Bangkok, Thailand.",8 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday swore in newly appointed officials of the Presidential Communications Office (PCO), three days after he ordered the office's reorganization.",12 +10,"MANILA – The northeast monsoon or ""amihan"" is forecast to dampen Luzon Friday, the weather bureau said.",9 +2,TESDA seeks to train Mindoro fisherfolk affected by oil spill in alternative livelihood opportunities,1 +2,DSWD lists nearly 20K for cash for work in oil spill-hit areas,1 +13,"After relief from post, Bantag criticizes Marcos administration",12 +12,Fisherfolk group blames Marcos admin for 'economic crisis',11 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Wednesday confirmed that murder charges have been filed against suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and former deputy security officer Ricardo Zulueta over the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid and alleged middleman Jun Villamor.,6 +15,"A statue of former President Diosdado Macapagal was unveiled at the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) in San Narciso, Zambales on Friday, his daughter and House Senior Deputy Speaker Gloria Arroyo said.",14 +6,"Pimentel backs call to scrap mandatory ROTC bill after Salilig's death; Bato, Win defend measure",5 +2,Pampanga farmers to receive own land titles,1 +6,"In an effort to boost the country's tourism sector, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has ordered the Department of Tourism (DOT) to assess non-operating tourism zones under the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA).",5 +7,MANILA -- The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday said it has provided PHP1.9 million worth of cash rewards to confidential informants who have provided key information that led to the arrest of 12 most wanted persons in the country.,6 +13,Leody and Bello’s Laban ng Masa: Makabayan backing of Robredo ‘erroneous’,12 +7,"NCRPO urges Labor Day protesters to observe laws, existing LGU ordinances",6 +13,Jose Calida is Marcos’ COA chair,12 +14,"MANILA – The United States and the Philippines’ defense chiefs “condemned” on Monday night China’s ""gray zone"" activities in the West Philippine Sea.",13 +7,PDEA seizes P592-M illegal drugs in January,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Days after the high-stakes 2022 elections, the fight for the next leader of the Philippine Senate is already heating up, with two popular lawmakers emerging as frontrunners: Cynthia Villar and Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri.",12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang has declared Thursday, March 16, a special non-working holiday in Negros Oriental to allow residents to grieve slain Governor Roel Degamo and other victims who died in a shooting last March 4.",9 +14,"Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles will visit the Philippines this week, the Australian government said Tuesday.",13 +1,"DILG wants more funds for police, fire protection, jails in P251-B budget for 2023",0 +10,PCUP pledges support for QC’s poverty reduction program,9 +9,DOH warns public against skin damage caused by sun exposure,8 +8,PNP kicks off summer security plan,7 +3,Feast of Saint Pius V on April 30,2 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – The Vatican’s envoy to the Philippines, Archbishop Charles Brown, asked Filipinos to pray for Pope Francis as he is confined in Rome’s Gemelli hospital due to a respiratory infection.",2 +13,"The camp of former vice presidential candidate Walden Bello on Monday called on Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla to ""walk the talk"" in speeding up the justice system as it urged him to act on a petition for review filed in August 2022.",12 +10,"Light to heavy rains and thunderstorms will continue to affect several parts of the country due to the low pressure area (LPA) and intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Wednesday, May 3.",9 +7,"2 former Nabcor officials, private citizen face jail time, fines for PDAF scam involvement",6 +13,"WATCH: Amid Russia-Ukraine war, Marcos says countries should stop fighting",12 +14,MANILA – The Philippine Fleet and US 7th Fleet would hold staff-to-staff talks from Wednesday to Friday to discuss mutual cooperation and military exchange opportunities.,13 +15,UP garners most topnotcher spots in 2022 Bar Exams,14 +7,More than 22K criminals nabbed in 1st 4 months of 2023: PNP,6 +13,"A geopolitics expert, a progressive lawmaker, and members of fishermen's and progressive groups on Thursday weighed in on recent developments in the US-Philippine military alliance, saying that the US is using its military clout and superiority to restrain the growing power of China, and that the Philippines could be dragged into tensions between the two powers.",12 +9,"LIST: Metro Manila, other areas to remain under Alert Level 1 until May 15",8 +12,SWS: Most Filipinos hopeful worst of COVID-19 'behind us',11 +13,MANILA – Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Ma. Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga has assured the United Nations (UN) that the Philippine government is proactively addressing the looming water crisis brought about by climate change.,12 +6,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday a report showing that text dropped 93.3 percent after the implementation of the Republic Act (RA) 11934 or the SIM (subscriber identity module) Card Registration Act.,5 +2,"The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) has opened 10,300 more slots for transportation network vehicle service (TNVS) units operating in Metro Manila which will be available starting April 17.",1 +10,"Tulfo: Rotational brownouts might continue to pester Panay, Negros in the coming days",9 +14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim have agreed to hold in-depth discussions on the Philippines and Malaysia’s territorial dispute over Sabah.,13 +7,"NFA cashier gets jail time, fined for losing P10-M public funds to robbers",6 +13,Click the YouTube link above to watch the live Senate hearing.,12 +6,DOTr pushes for PUV fare discount,5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – It was, for many, an exciting first day of school – after all Monday, August 22, marked the return of in-person classes since the pandemic lockdown of 2020.",9 +8,2 more Israeli-made missile boats delivered to PH,7 +6,Senate bill mandates installation of timers in all traffic lights,5 +7,Remulla: Seized Negros arms corroborate info on Degamo case,6 +15,"2022 Bar passers take oath, sign Roll of Attorneys at PICC starting 10 am May 2",14 +12,Big majority of Filipinos say spirit of EDSA People Power Revolution still alive – SWS,11 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines sent a note verbale to China seeking “clarification” on a recent incident where Chinese coast guard personnel “forcibly retrieved” floating debris from members of the Philippine Navy in the West Philippine Sea.",13 +6,"MANILA – A lawmaker has proposed a PHP1.5-billion budget for the in-service skills retooling of public school teachers to reinforce to deliver lessons in English, Mathematics, and Science. In a statement on Sunday, Quezon City (4th District) Rep. Marvin Rillo said Congress has been allocating an average of PHP746 million per year in the national budget for the in-service training of teachers, but stressed that the allocation should be doubled at PHP1.5 billion every year starting in 2024.",5 +10,"409 Pinoys move out of Khartoum, Sudan as evacuation continues",9 +13,Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu resigns due to health reasons,12 +1,Twin DPWH infra projects spur coconut industry development in Aurora,0 +5,The scheduled April 25 hearing of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee on the alleged ‘’state-sponsored’’ smuggling of sugar will not push through.,4 +9,Four Filipinos die in Taiwan factory fire,8 +5,The Philippines has an “inherent and invaluable” right to conduct military exercises within its own territory.,4 +7,"At least 49 personnel of the Philippine National Police-Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG), including its former head Police Brig. Gen. Narciso Domingo, were found to be liable for administrative cases in connection with the controversial confiscation of P6.7 billion worth of shabu involving a police sergeant.",6 +14,"Complications arising from the possible China-US conflict to the Philippines, and even to the whole ASEAN region cannot be avoided, Philippine Ambassador to Washington Jose Manuel Romualdez said on Sunday (Manila time).",13 +5,The Supreme Court has junked a petition seeking to declare as immediately executory the penalty of perpetual disqualification against former Surigao del Sur Representative Prospero Pichay Jr. as moot and academic.,4 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday watched the live-fire sea drills of the Philippines and the United States to culminate the field training event for this year's ""Balikatan"" exercises.",13 +13,Top presidential bets except Marcos Jr. face tough first interview,12 +2,DBM chief welcomes 3.35% decline in budget deficit,1 +15,PNA through the years: From 1973 to the present,14 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday emphasized the importance of agriculture on the domestic economy’s growth, reiterating to prioritize the sector to ensure food security.",0 +9,DOH logs 913 fresh COVID-19 cases from Feb. 27-Mar. 5,8 +7,Police have arrested an alleged fixer after he was monitored to be selling a fake police license during an operation of agents of the Civil Security Group (CSG) in Quezon City.,6 +13,"Marcos names, presides over oath-taking of Bangsamoro officials",12 +4,"The Philippine government has expressed to continue advocating for the issues and interests of its Indigenous Peoples (IPs), including in the areas of environment and climate change, disaster risk reduction and gender development.",3 +13,Comelec gets ready for the 2025 hybrid national and local elections,12 +6,MANILA – The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) is set to hold a dry run for the implementation of the single ticketing system in the first or second week of April.,5 +7,"House panel subpoenas warehouse owners over onion supply, high prices",6 +13,Lagman thumbs down reopening of De lima case; here's why,12 +6,The House ways and on Monday approved a substitute bill allowing foreign privately-owned firms to lend money to the Philippines through the Official Development Assistance (ODA).,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ahead of the May 9 polls, the plans of presidential candidates for the Bangsamoro will be discussed in a forum on Wednesday, March 16.",12 +8,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Sunday announced that it has neutralized a total of rebels and other terrorist group members in operations from March 10 to 16.,7 +8,Chinese militia vessels near Pag-asa Island not responding to PH warnings — PCG,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In a recent Rappler+ briefing, members and guests got an inside look at how the country’s political dynasties contributed to the results of this year’s elections.",12 +9,"The country’s COVID-19 positivity rate dropped to 1.8% on Friday, independent monitoring group OCTA Research said on Saturday.",8 +9,DOH clarifies Covid-19 Alert Level 2 status of 26 areas,8 +6,The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday said it will implement the possible of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) after its review on the courtesy resignations of senior officers.,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and the United States are in talks about potentially holding a “2-plus-2 meeting” of top diplomatic and defense officials by March, the Philippine ambassador to Washington said on Friday, January 20.",13 +10,DSWD extends cash-for-work program for oil spill victims,9 +9,Vergeire: No need to fear increase in number of new COVID-19 cases,8 +13,"Malacañang on Monday announced the latest appointments in the Presidential Communications Office, the Department of the Interior and Local Government, and the Department of National Defense.",12 +6,‘It’s too controversial’: Charter change not a Senate priority for now,5 +15,Holy Week was a time for rest amid 'working' recess--Romualdez,14 +9,"DOH records 3,148 new Covid-19 cases in the past week",8 +1,"P93 million worth of laptops, tablets gathering dust at DICT",0 +13,"MANILA – The national government is “lucky” to have Jose “Jerry” Acuzar as the secretary of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD), President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Monday.",12 +9,40K indigents receive PCSO medical aid in Jan-Feb,8 +2,BuCor has 256 applicants to posts of corrections officer in Iwahig Prison,1 +14,Zubiri: PH senators meeting with Japanese Diet marks renewal of inter-parliamentary ties halted by pandemic,13 +10,Tech center in Perpetual Help campus allows students to communicate with satellites in space - DOST-PCIEERD,9 +7,NBI nabs 4 for peddling fraudulent GCash accounts,6 +7,Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos on Wednesday said more high-ranking police officers were involved in the illegal drug case of now-dismissed Police Master Sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr.,6 +14,"WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. met US President Joe Biden on Monday afternoon (Tuesday early morning in the Philippines).",13 +2,DA Usec. Panganiban named SRA's new OIC,1 +15,Cong Aniela scores souvenir photo with NBA legend Dirk Nowitzki,14 +5,Ombudsman orders suspension of 5 anti-red tape officials,4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Another person tagged in the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig has surrendered to the authorities, Department of Justice (DOJ) spokesperson Assistant Secretary Mico Clavano said on Friday, March 3.",6 +2,Romualdez couple sounds off on opening of 2 'Alagang Tingog Centers' in Daval del Norte,1 +1,PBBM foreign trips boost PH image as investment hub: PEZA exec,0 +7,The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday vouched for the integrity of nine of its officials who were ordered a six-month suspension by the Office of the Ombudsman after being involved in the allegedly anomalous procurement of COVID-19 supplies in 2020 and 2021.,6 +8,"PH Navy units assist grounded ship passengers, crew off Bohol",7 +5,"Train fare increases require prior notice and hearing for them to be valid, the Supreme Court (SC) has ruled.   The decision stemmed from the petitions challenging the then-Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) Department Order 2014-014 (D.O. 2014-014), which adopted a uniform base fare of P11 for Light Rail Transit Lines 1 and 2 and Metro Rail Transit Line 3, plus P1 per kilometer of distance traveled.   Beginning January 2015, the fares for the three railway lines are as follows: for LRT1, P15 to P30; for LRT2, P15 to P25; and for MRT3, P13 to P28.   However, the petitioners alleged that the fare increases were implemented without due notice and hearing.   According to the Court, the Administrative Code of 1987 expressly requires that there be prior notice and hearing in rate-fixing, with the notice to be published at least two weeks before the hearing.   In dismissing the petitions, the SC said the DOTC with the notice and hearing requirements for D.O. 2014-014.",4 +13,WHERE THEY STAND: 2022 presidential bets’ stance on major issues,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – For some critics of the administration who tuned in for President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’ first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25, the highlight was not the man of the hour, but a woman in the background, standing her ground.",12 +15,"MANILA – A magnitude 5.3 earthquake jolted Davao de Oro early Monday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said.",14 +7,"Fellow governors, Negros leaders condemn Degamo murder, ‘deplorable attacks’ on local officials",6 +7,Bantag asks court to defer issuance of arrest warrant,6 +8,The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said Saturday that Chinese maritime militia and coastguard vessels spotted earlier in Ayungin and Sabina Shoals were still inside the country’s maritime domain.,7 +9,EUA for over 1M doses of bivalent jabs from COVAX released,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is still without chiefs for several crucial posts, including that of the health department, as the first full week of the Marcos presidency begins.",12 +2,Binay seeks Senate probe into alarming food waste in PH,1 +15,Retired justice Antonio Eduardo Nachura dies,14 +5,Tax court junks refund plea of energy services provider,4 +13,Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala took pride in being the first European prime minister to visit the Philippines under the administration of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.,12 +7,Nine informants of the Philippine National Police (PNP) received nearly P8 million in reward money for the arrest of some of the most wanted persons in the country.,6 +7,Alleged hazing victim John Matthew Salilig laid to rest in Zamboanga City,6 +14,EU says human rights condition in PH ‘better’ under current admin,13 +7,"Two have urged the Philippine government to demand an apology over the “recurring cases” of murder, physical and financial abuse, maltreatment, and non-payment of monetary benefits to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Kuwait.",6 +14,"PBBM reaffirms PH’s ‘strong, sincere’ friendship with Malaysia",13 +2,BJMP facilities congestion rate down to 367% from 600% –spox,1 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is open to the of Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte to release in advance the honoraria of teachers who are serving as members of the Election Board (EB) during elections.,12 +4,French Gates lecture inspires Romualdez to further push for women empowerment,3 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has hinted about tapping politicians who lost in the 2022 elections to join his administration after the expiry of the one-year ban.",12 +9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday advised residents of oil-spill affected areas in Oriental Mindoro province to wear appropriate face masks and to drink water only from safe sources.,8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – A ranking member of the House of the Representatives said that countries vulnerable to the impacts of climate change like the Philippines should band together and ask for more mechanisms from the world’s top polluting countries.",13 +13,78 clustered precincts open for Bulacan plebiscite,12 +1,BFAR: P5 million lost daily due to Mindoro oil spill fishing ban,0 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ outgoing foreign minister said on Thursday, June 23, that talks over joint energy exploration between his country and China in the South China Sea had been terminated, citing constitutional constraints and issues of sovereignty.",13 +2,"Gov't to hold aid drives, Kadiwa caravans, job fairs on Labor Day",1 +8,PH Navy test-fires anti-ship missile decoys off Zambales,7 +7,Bantag’s lawyers planning strategy after filing of murder charges,6 +10,Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes off Davao Occidental,9 +15,PBBM declares Feb. 24 special non-working day,14 +2,"DOTr eyes NPO, APO services over driver’s license shortage",1 +7,4 foreigners nabbed for kidnap-slay of Fil-Chinese trader,6 +5,The Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) has expressed concerns over the safety of its lawyers should a provision in the newly launched Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA) be implemented by the Supreme Court (SC).,4 +14,"PH Marines, US Navy kick off weeklong joint marine exercise",13 +14,"Seeking ‘new phase’ in ties, Indian foreign minister makes first visit to PH",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – As Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. marks his first state visit to China on Tuesday, January 3, Global Times, the Communist Party tabloid, sought to downplay Manila and Beijing’s dispute in the South China Sea.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. hosts the second head of government to visit Manila under his presidency, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala.",12 +2,DOTr seeks 100% capacity for PUVs in areas under Alert Level 1 – LTFRB,1 +6,Jinggoy's bill to make online publication of laws acceptable,5 +11,Public urged to join PH Veterans Week on April 5-12,10 +15,Here’s how PBBM manages his time,14 +2,The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to be used to check the condition and contain the oil leak from the sunken MT Princess Empress arrived in the Philippines from Japan on Monday.,1 +13,Will EDSA still be celebrated under Marcos? No answer from spokesperson,12 +2,BI deactivates port operations division,1 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Tuesday started the delivery of poll paraphernalia and other supplies to be used in the special elections in the seventh legislative district of Cavite province on Feb. 25.,12 +13,"A day after claiming that two high-ranking government officials want him dead, Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. posted a short video on Facebook Friday afternoon, April 21 to claim that his house had been raided.",12 +14,ASEAN strongly condemns deadly Myanmar airstrike,13 +8,NTF-ELCAC hails CHR condemnation of Reds' IED use,7 +13,"Broadcaster Erwin Tulfo, whose stint as secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) lasted only six months, is eyeing a new post in government: the legislative branch.",12 +15,Former foreign affairs secretary Roberto Romulo dies at 83,14 +9,An official of the World Health Organization (WHO) said that person-to-person transmission of H3N8 avian influenza is “extremely rare.”,8 +2,Poe expects timely intervention of DOTr on driver’s license plastic cards,1 +13,For accuracy': Alvarez pursues 'hybrid' polls anew,12 +11,MMDA: All systems go for inaugural summer MMFF,10 +14,Senators blast ICC,13 +6,MANILA – A priority measure that institutionalizes the government’s shift to e-governance for faster and improved delivery of services to the public is inching its way into law after its third reading approval by the House of Representatives.,5 +9,DOH to Marcos: No need to bring back mandatory face mask policy,8 +14,Aussie envoy urges China: Follow UNCLOS; stop SCS incursions,13 +1,PANOORIN: Mataas na presyo ng bilihin dagdag pasanin sa pagbubukas ng klase,0 +2,The Commission on Audit warned the Nayong Pilipino Foundation (NPF) could run out of funds even before it has started its mandated purpose of constructing a cultural park in Parañaque City.,1 +7,"MANILA – House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th District Rep. Ralph Recto on Sunday called on authorities to stop relying on “lamppost CCTVs” in piecing post operation evidence and instead source the footage from the equipment they carry before, during and after drug operations.",6 +7,Azurin: Recommendations on over half of PNP courtesy resignations submitted to NAPOLCOM,6 +2,Aircon units in public schools? DepEd says it has budget restrictions,1 +9,MANILA – A total of 53 individuals were saved from drowning by first responders during the Holy Week from April 2 to 10.,8 +5,Comelec throws out DQ case vs Raffy Tulfo with finality,4 +15,Romualdez's merienda in Washington? It's lumpiang shanghai,14 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Monday, April 11, 2022",9 +8,Coast Guard on heightened alert for Holy Week,7 +6,Senate committed to pass minimum wage hike bill before sine die adjournment — Zubiri,5 +13,"The Police Regional Office 4A (PRO4a) has a new top cop following another reshuffle that was approved by Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin, Jr.",12 +10,"Tropical depression Amang continues to move “very slowly” over the northern part of Camarines Sur or near San Miguel Bay on Wednesday evening, April 12, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) in its latest bulletin.",9 +9,Rappler Talk: Is PH ready to remove masks indoors?,8 +9,"The Philippines may only declare an end to the state of public health emergency due to COVID-19 if infections and hospital utilization remain to be manageable, according to Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire on Wednesday.",8 +10,Signal No. 1 still up in some Luzon areas as ‘Amang’ lingers over Camarines Sur,9 +4,"Arnie Teves asks for fairness, says he's also a victim",3 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Masks will no longer be required in indoor and outdoor settings in the Philippines.",8 +7,"Concerned government agencies must immediately launch an investigation on cases of human trafficking involving foreigners who were recruited  to work in cryptocurrency scam, Senator Jinggoy Estrada said Thursday.",6 +14,"Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. arrives in Japan on Wednesday, February 8, for a visit that is expected to pave the way for closer security ties with Tokyo, as Manila increasingly sides with the United States in its regional tussle with China.",13 +5,"SC approves code on lawyers’ responsibility, accountability; sets launch at Manila Hotel April 13",4 +7,"Lazada snubs DTI warnings as PMA urges gov’t to fight illicit tobacco, vapes",6 +14,British Embassy hosts coronation picnic in QC circle,13 +2,"403,567 to take gov’t career service exam on March 26",1 +14,"The US said it is standing with the Philippines as it called out China for ""its provocative and unsafe conduct"" in the South China Sea.",13 +9,"How many people have tested positive for COVID-19 in the Philippines? How many have recovered, and how many have died? What is President Rodrigo Duterte doing about it?",8 +7,The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) on Friday warned the public against unscrupulous individuals posing as their personnel to solicit cash and goods.,6 +7,7 NPA rebels dead in N. Samar clash – military,6 +7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Wednesday said it has also started investigating the attack against a lawyer in Bangued, Abra.",6 +10,"Rappler Talk: DepEd spokesman on school opening, learning crisis",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Risa Hontiveros, the lone opposition candidate to win a seat in the upper chamber of the 19th Congress, said it’s crucial that the next Senate minority bloc preserve and sustain its “critical” stance in dealing with the administration.",12 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Over 70 years since the Philippines and United States inked their Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT), diplomats and defense officials from Manila and Washington are crafting guidelines that seek to clarify the agreement and push it to meet newer security threats.",7 +13,NCRPO chief Estomo named PNP's No. 3 in latest reshuffle,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ferdinand Marcos Jr. starts his six-year term as Philippines president on Thursday, June 30 facing a host of challenges, from rising inflation and pandemic recovery to balancing relations superpowers the United States and China.",12 +8,"DOJ, PNP assure Rep. Teves’ safety",7 +13,Robin Padilla wants economic provisions in constitution amended via con-ass,12 +7,PNP backs call for cops’ leave of absence over P6.7-M shabu haul,6 +13,"Dela Rosa: ICC probe, PRRD's exit weaken gov't anti-drug drive",12 +7,Drug complaint vs Boying Remulla’s son a test to justice system – NUPL president,6 +11,MANILA – The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) is all set for the first Summer Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) Parade of Stars to be held in Quezon City on April 2.,10 +8,"MANILA – There have been regular cases of “harassment” in the disputed South China Sea, Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo confirmed before a security conference in Munich, Germany over the weekend.",7 +6,Villanueva: Include agri insurance woes in gov’t’s El Nino plan,5 +7,The Sandiganbayan has cleared former congressman and current Muntinlupa City Mayor Ruffy Biazon of direct bribery charges in connection with the P10-billion pork barrel scam due to lack of evidence.,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr on Monday, April 24, said he will press US counterpart Joe Biden to make clear the extent of to protect his country under a 1951 security pact, citing growing regional tension.",13 +8,"At least 26 suspected Chinese maritime militia and coast guard vessels have been spotted near Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea, according to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).",7 +14,"MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff, Gen. Andres Centino, on Wednesday met with US Army Pacific Gen. Charles Flynn, to discuss further cooperation between the two services.",13 +7,"Police chief in BARMM arrested for syndicated estafa, relieved from post",6 +8,Philippine military welcomes first batch of T-129 ATAK choppers,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Jailed opposition Senator Leila De Lima settled for a video call with her ailing and COVID-19 positive mother, who is now in critical care in Naga City.",12 +14,MANILA – Both the Philippines and New Zealand to maintaining a rules-based order in the region and modernizing their militaries to meet any current or emerging security threats.,13 +15,"Rain showers likely across PH due to ‘amihan,’ LPA",14 +7,"Two top leaders of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) and eight others were allegedly tortured after their capture and later killed by their captors in Catbalogan City in Samar, last year.",6 +12,"Over the South China Sea, dispute simmers via radios and rhetoric",11 +9,"Deltacron may not cause severe infection, but may have similar transmission rate – expert",8 +3,Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula encouraged the Filipino faithful to renew their faith during the Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday.,2 +9,DOH: 91% of recent samples have Omicron variant,8 +14,Australian Deputy PM pays courtesy call on Marcos,13 +2,DOH eyes arrival of first batch of donated COVID-19 bivalent jabs by end of March,1 +13,"The Senate and the House of Representatives are opening their sessions for the 19th Congress at 10 am (Manila time) on Monday, July 25, a few hours before President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is to deliver his first State of the Nation Address.",12 +9,"DOH seeks FDA approval for 4th dose of vaccines for elderly, immunocompromised",8 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has stopped another attempt of alleged human trafficking group to send three Filipinos to Dubai through Hong Kong.,6 +12,"MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has received positive feedbacks from inbound and outbound passengers on the full implementation of eTravel platform, wherein travelers are asked to register online 72 hours before their flights.",11 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – A Quezon City court on Monday, January 9, acquitted activists and members of progressive groups of perjury stemming from filed during the Duterte administration.",4 +13,"VP Sara to ACT: Don't play victim, condemn NPA attacks in Masbate",12 +6,"The government is not aiming for a 100% registration of subscribers identity module (SIM) users, an official of the National Commission (NTC) said Friday.",5 +11,MANILA -- The Civil Service Commission (CSC) on Thursday enjoined all government agencies to use Philippine Tropical Fabrics (PTF) for employee uniforms as a way to instill patriotism and nationalism among public officials and employees.,10 +10,Accessibility leads to rise in intellectual property applications,9 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Thursday warned anew those who are looking to work abroad against job offers of illegal recruiters.,6 +13,Marcos’ 2022 Christmas message: Overcome challenges with goodwill,12 +12,"MANILA – With 94 out of 100 Filipinos expressing satisfaction with the services provided by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), PhilHealth President and CEO Emmanuel R. Ledesma Jr. praised the agency's workforce for obtaining a record-high net satisfaction ratings in 2022.",11 +14,"When Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo meets with State Secretary Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III next week, they are expected to reaffirm the United States’ to its alliance with the Philippines.",13 +8,"MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito G. Galvez Jr. reiterated the security to eliminating ""peace spoilers"" in society.",7 +7,Speaker Martin Romualdez of Leyte on Friday called on Negros Oriental Representative Arnie Teves back to the Philippines and face the filed against him.,6 +3,"Roman Catholics will observe Good Shepherd Sunday on April 30, to coincide with the 59th World Day of Prayer for Vocations and the Fourth Sunday of Easter.",2 +14,Marcos to attend King Charles III's coronation in London,13 +13,Resigned Undersecretary Leocadio Sebastian has been appointed as undersecretary for the Rice Industry Development of the Department of Agriculture.,12 +6,MANILA – Two members of the House of Representatives on Tuesday pushed for the passage of a bill legalizing marijuana or cannabis for medicinal purposes.,5 +6,Funding support sought for bill expanding Centenarian Act,5 +14,Marcos’ China trip to yield deal vs ‘miscalculation’ in West Philippine Sea,13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – After spending the past six months incarcerated at the Pasay City Jail, two executives of the controversial Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation are now free men.",6 +6,ACT proposes 185 class days yearly for return of summer school break,5 +7,"More will be filed against suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie"" A. Teves Jr., the lawyer of the family of slain Gov. Roel R. Degamo said on Monday, April 17.",6 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Fandoms can prod celebrities to act on key issues and also help in the fight against disinformation, according to the findings of a study conducted by University of the Philippines (UP) researchers.",11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Chinese President Xi Jinping shared his sympathies with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., after a powerful earthquake struck Abra province and shook parts of Luzon last Wednesday, July 27.",12 +7,"Former president Rodrigo Duterte has finished his term, but the magnitude of his bloody drug war continues to haunt the victims’ families.",6 +10,"MANILA – The House Committee on Higher Education and Technical Education has approved a bill seeking a one-time cash grant of PHP5,000 to fresh college graduates who are looking for a job.",9 +9,"DOH posts 166 new COVID-19 infections; active tally at 9,308",8 +10,Dream vacation turns into nightmare as dive yacht sinks off Palawan,9 +14,"The Philippine government is planning to send cash donation to Syria, which was hit by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake on February 6, the Office of the Civil Defense (OCD) said Thursday.",13 +6,Senate panel ends hearing on Maharlika Fund bills,5 +14,"LIVESTREAM: Philippines, US close 2023 Balikatan exercises",13 +2,Public urged anew to get COVID-19 jabs as wastage nears 50 million,1 +9,Philippines detects first cases of COVID-19 subvariant BQ.1,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. submitted a formal answer to the Supreme Court on the pending petition to void his candidacy, and in effect his win, telling justices that if they side with petitioners who want to proclaim second placer Leni Robredo as president, it would “defile the sovereign will of the Filipino people.”",12 +9,House pushes for specialty centers in hospitals in every region,8 +3,MANILA – The Diocese of Marbel in South Cotabato warned the faithful against activities officiated by one of priests who already left the Catholic Church for another religion.,2 +10,Heat indices in 5 areas hit ‘danger level’ on April 18,9 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday logged 162 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally reached 9,298.",8 +10,"Lunar eclipse, meteor shower to illuminate PH skies this weekend",9 +3,Filipinos urged to join Earth Hour 2023,2 +7,"A Muntinlupa court has ordered the arrest of former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag in connection with the death of Jun Villamor, the alleged middleman in the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid.",6 +2,Nearly half of the country's healthcare workers are job order (JO) employees.,1 +6,Senator Jinggoy Estrada has filed a bill seeking to require public entities (PTEs) and internet service providers (ISPs) to refund subscribers if service interruptions have accumulated at least 24 hours in a month.,5 +7,BOC seizes P1.4-B 'smuggled' cigarettes in Sulu province,6 +7,"Dismissed Police Master Sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr., arrested over the P6.7-billion drug haul, has been transferred to the Metro Manila District Jail as early as December 9, 2022, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Wednesday.",6 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio ‘Ambo’ David on Thursday, April 14, warned Filipinos of the dangers of electing people in office that are hungry for power, noting that the corrupt are the playthings of the devil.",2 +7,‘Forced’ and retracted testimony gets Espinosa cleared of a drug trade charge,6 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – A majority or 51% of Filipinos find it difficult to spot fake news on television, radio, or social media, according to the results of a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey held in December 2021 and released on Friday night, February 25.",11 +13,"Environment chief Loyzaga wants consultative, science-based DENR",12 +9,"DOH posts 1,944 new COVID-19 cases over Holy Week",8 +1,DFA seeks P29 million to promote 2016 Hague ruling on West PH Sea,0 +13,Mariam Mangudadatu opposes Marcos naming her Maguindanao del Sur OIC,12 +14,"The United States on Monday, February 13, said it stood with the Philippines after Manila accused China’s coast guard of using a laser to try to disrupt a resupply mission to troops in the South China Sea.",13 +3,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Sunday called on Filipinos to “conveyors of truth” and “better agents of change” by knowing Christ more during this Holy Week observance.,2 +7,"MANILA – The country's crime rate has dropped by 19.49 percent from January to Feb. 25 this year to the same period in 2022, amid the spate of attacks against local officials this month.",6 +8,Police forces across the country remain on heightened alert as millions of people begin to go back to their homes and workplaces following a long Lenten break.,7 +3,Bishop expresses concern over mining activities in Homonhon Island,2 +13,Senate honors 10 outstanding youth organizations,12 +2,"MANILA – The subsidiary Boracay Water recently spearheaded a project under the ""Tubig Para sa Barangay” (TPSB) program, which aims to provide sustainable water to households in Boracay Island in Malay, Aklan province.",1 +13,Sarap pagsasakalin ng mga pulis na yan': Dela Rosa fumes over cops' involvement in seized drugs' theft,12 +7,"MANILA – Cases of human trafficking surged to nearly 2,000 during the first two months of the year, almost the same number for the entire 2022.",6 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday night underscored the need for the Philippines and Japan to “revitalize” business partnerships that were somewhat made “dormant” by the Covid-19 pandemic, saying this would contribute to the growth of both their economies.",13 +14,"Marcos hopes to work with US in creating virology, vaccine institute",13 +5,"House OKs Cha-cha resolution on 2nd reading, limits amendments to economic provisions",4 +7,COA tags Imus City officials on 2021 purchase of ‘rusting’ electronic vehicles for P40.5-M,6 +14,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s official working visit to the US is a good chance to discuss the renewal of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement under new terms and conditions, Senator Imee Marcos has said.",13 +13,WATCH: First press conference of Marcos’ NTF-ELCAC,12 +10,"The easterlies or the warm from the Pacific Ocean will still be the dominant weather system that may bring partly cloudy to cloudy weather and isolated rain showers or thunderstorms, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Wednesday afternoon, April 26.",9 +13,"Villanueva seeks inquiry on MARINA, PCG enforcement of seaworthiness rules",12 +12,MANILA – A recent national survey of the Social Weather Stations (SWS) revealed that around 48 percent of adult Filipinos believe that the country's economy will improve over the next 12 months.,11 +14,"Senior Canadian government officials on Wednesday called on the Philippine government to cooperate on the International Criminal Court’s investigation on the deadly war on drugs under then-President Rodrigo Duterte, saying Manila can not be “selective” on its international law obligations.",13 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – While other countries have already tightened their border controls as China deals with a surge in COVID-19 infections, the Philippines is not keen on imposing new restrictions for travelers from that country.",8 +6,House passes Maharlika fund bill after Marcos certifies it as urgent,5 +14,WATCH: Why US VP Kamala Harris’ visit to Palawan matters,13 +13,Imee: ICC's push to probe drug war just a diversion,12 +7,"NBI, PLDT block 20 websites showing online child sex abuse – Hontiveros",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Juanito Jose Remulla III, the eldest son of Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla, was arrested on October 11 for alleged importation of 893.91 grams of high-grade marijuana, with an estimated street value of P1.25 million, and for violating customs law.",6 +10,"Half-day work today, April 5, in all courts nationwide",9 +15,JRMSU-Dapitan grad tops April 2023 Midwives Licensure exams,14 +7,Remulla: 5 to 6 people conspired in Degamo slay,6 +13,Palace bares new set of appointees in various gov't agencies,12 +5,"MIF, 10 other bills added to LEDAC —Speaker Romualdez",4 +7,Authorities recovered rifle used to kill Degamo - PNP,6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin on Tuesday, October 25, signed a memorandum circular that expands the powers of interim heads of government departments and offices, allowing them to enter into new contracts and projects.",5 +10,PAGASA monitors LPA in Mindanao; partly cloudy to cloudy weather prevails over parts of PH,9 +10,Gov't contingency plans in place for 7-day transport strike,9 +10,PAGASA: Heat index in Cagayan hits 43°C,9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The reported fatalities from Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae), which battered numerous parts of the Philippines over the weekend, have climbed to 101, the country’s disaster agency reported on Monday, October 31.",8 +15,How 1734 Murillo Velarde map serves as living document of Philippine territory,14 +8,Philippine coast guard boosts presence in South China Sea,7 +7,Hazing complaint filed vs 6 people tagged in death of Adamson student,6 +10,Magnitude 5.5 quake hits Occidental Mindoro,9 +2,"Better infra, int’l cooperation needed to ramp up PH energy transition – experts",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ngayong pababa na si Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte sa Malacañang, kinausap namin ang aming mga reporter tungkol sa kanilang karanasan sa pagsunod sa kanyang administrasyon.",12 +7,PH to ask ICC chamber to reverse approval of war on drugs probe,6 +14,Marcos visits Japan seeking closer security ties,13 +6,Rude and snobbish government workers face the prospect of dismissal from service and perpetual disqualification from public office.,5 +1,"GSIS assures balanced selection of local, global investments",0 +10,Marcos declares February 24 special non-working day to celebrate People Power anniversary,9 +9,"DepEd, CHED urged to address ‘vape epidemic’ among youth",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr looks prepared to set aside the historic arbiration win of the Philippines in The Hague to continue engaging the Chinese, whom he repeatedly called “friends” in a series of media interviews this week.",12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – A handful of lawmakers reacted to a September Pulse Asia survey which said 86% of Filipino adults saw false or fake news as a problem in the Philippines and that a majority say they consume false political information on the internet or social media, or on television.",11 +10,Solon also wants online publication of laws in Official Gazette,9 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday said at least 21.6% of children aged zero to 23 months old nationwide are stunted.,8 +13,Abalos names 4 members of 5-man committee to review PNP resignations,12 +14,"Marcos: Defense, security remain 'key pillar' of US-PH alliance",13 +9,"MANILA – Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection must be treated like disease that can be prevented and tended to, according to infectious disease expert Dr. Edsel Salvaña.",8 +13,Bato wants party-list system abolished,12 +1,"The country is losing P5 million per day as fisherfolk continue to suffer from the fishing ban imposed in several areas affected by the oil spill from the sunken motor tanker off Oriental Mindoro, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said Monday.",0 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At age 13, Dieg Teopaco was steeped in crime – robbery, hold-up, snatching, even carnapping. He was a gang member, too, who had his share of rugby, marijuana, shabu, and valium.",6 +7,"The two other Japanese fugitives detained in the Philippines are set to be deported Wednesday after a Pasay court granted separate motions to withdraw the cases filed against them, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Tuesday.",6 +7,Ex-US diplomat pleads guilty to child exploitation in Philippines,6 +3,CBCP joins call for declaration of climate emergency,2 +9,The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) has issued an advisory stating that there is no tsunami threat in the country following the strong earthquake that hit the Vanuatu region.,8 +13,Comelec: Printing of 90M BSKE ballots completed,12 +14,"Philippine and US officials on Monday launched rehabilitation works at Pampanga's Basa Air Base, one of the sites designated for the Enhanced Cooperation Defense Agreement (EDCA) between the two countries.",13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – No further proof was needed. As a simple ceremony on Friday, April 28, marked the close of the largest ever joint Balikatan exercises between the Philippines and the United States, the country’s coast guard revealed it was again bullied by Chinese vessels in the Ayungin Shoal.",7 +10,Philippine airspace will be shut down on May 17 to give way for maintenance activities on the country’s air traffic management system to avoid a repeat of the infamous New Year’s Day shutdown.,9 +8,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) is looking into a possible pattern in the recent armed attacks against elected government officials, according to PNP chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Friday.",7 +14,PH contingent receives humanitarian medal from Türkiye,13 +15,Marcos on Arroyo's 76th birthday: Thank you for your guidance,14 +9,"Gov't should look into nationwide immunization drive on hogs to beat ASF, says Villafuerte",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri, who earlier endorsed presumptive president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during the campaign, gave assurances the chamber would be independent should he the next Senate president.",12 +10,"Amihan', trough of LPA to bring rain showers across PH",9 +7,Bato says Pryde Teves’ ‘makeshift’ firing range at sugar mill illegal,6 +15,"Spoon, 'tabo', seasoning: Clarita Carlos' travel essentials make perfect sense",14 +13,Why Guanzon asserts Marcos Jr. committed a ‘crime of moral turpitude’,12 +13,LIST: House committee chairpersons of the 19th Congress,12 +7,"Poe wants MIAA, OTS reports on alleged theft at airport",6 +8,"No data stolen by hackers, BIR says",7 +13,"For the dictator’s son Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., to talk about the atrocities and corruption during his father’s military rule is a waste of time. Any journalist who would insist on talking about it now is nothing but a biased anti-Marcos, no matter how many Peabody awards she’s won.",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Supreme Court chief justice Reynato Puno, a perennial advocate of charter change, wants a “hybrid” model for a constitutional convention, telling House lawmakers that going through the “traditional” route may just benefit political families.",5 +2,"LTO budget hike to address license plate backlog, says solon",1 +4,Philippines sees slight improvement in political rights in 2022 – Freedom House,3 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Pope Francis has appointed a Filipino priest as the Holy See’s new ambassador or apostolic nuncio to Rwanda, the Archdiocese of Manila confirmed on Monday, January 31.",2 +7,"MANILA – Police operatives rescued over 1,000 alleged victims of human trafficking, including foreigners, who are allegedly being forced to work for a fraudulent cyber-enabled industry during an operation in Mabalacat City, Pampanga on Thursday evening.",6 +7,"Condos used as 'living, working' hubs for trafficked victims —Risa",6 +1,Salceda: Eased inflation both good and bad news,0 +7,BuCor releases 234 persons deprived of liberty from prisons nationwide,6 +6,Ejercito to push for rental housing in urban centers nationwide,5 +3,Feast of Saint Expeditus on April 19,2 +7,Henry Teves admits former driver is suspect in killing of provincial government employee,6 +6,MANILA – A Senate bill is seeking the filing of wedding annulment pleas before the Church or any other religious sects.,5 +9,Four overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) died in a fire that hit a food factory in Taiwan.,8 +2,"Lacuna assures stall holders of new, better Tondo public market",1 +7,P183-M shabu found in abandoned car in Parañaque,6 +14,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Wednesday admitted that he was surprised by the recent remarks of Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian and that he will speak with him soon to get a clarification.,13 +2,"Hontiveros to DOH: NDAs now useless, disclose cost of COVID-19 vaccines",1 +7,"MANILA – House of Representatives Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on law enforcement agencies for their intensified and relentless campaign against smuggling, thanking them for heeding his call to raid warehouses suspected of hoarding onions and garlic.",6 +8,"MANILA – The three additional Lockheed C-130 ""Hercules"" cargo aircraft that the United States will transfer to the country will greatly boost the Philippine Air Force (PAF)'s airlift and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) capabilities.",7 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – A House panel under the 19th Congress revisited proposals to further expand a law that provides voucher assistance to underprivileged students studying in private schools.",5 +5,"The Supreme Court on Wednesday announced that it has unanimously approved the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA), which updates the 34-year-old Code of Professional Responsibility.",4 +4,"MANILA – The Department of Social welfare and Development (DSWD) on Friday urged the public to observe and participate in the National Women’s Month celebration this March, in recognition of the significant contributions of the women sector in nation building.",3 +13,Rappler Recap: Negros Oriental bids farewell to Governor Roel Degamo,12 +7,PNP: Recent spate of ambushes on local officials isolated cases,6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Audit (COA) has ordered the Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) to pay six years’ worth of hazard pay to eight of its health staff amounting to almost P3 million.",1 +7,P1.9-M reward distributed to PNP informants,6 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) released on Wednesday Sugar Order (SO) No. 6 authorizing the importation of 440,000 metric tons of refined sugar. According to SO 6 signed by DA Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban, the country shall import 200,000 metric tons of sugar for consumers, and another 240,000 metric tons to be allocated for buffer stock. The SO 6 indicated the approval of the immediate arrival of the first batch of supplies to alleviate the high market prices of refined sugar. ""For the first arrival of refined sugar, 100,000 metric tons to arrive as soon as possible,"" it said. The SO 6 said the second batch of 100,000 metric tons of refined sugar is also expected to arrive before April 1, while the remaining 240,000 metric tons for buffer stock must not arrive ""earlier"" than the first day of April.",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., in his own words, managed to “put together a government which is functional” and that focused on the economy in his first 100 days.",12 +7,Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra said that the war on drugs was not a crime against humanity but a legitimate law enforcement operation that targeted the traffic in illegal drugs.,6 +7,Cynthia Villar mulls legal action on ‘viral video’,6 +6,House takes another shot at divorce law,5 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Human Settlement and Urban Development (DHSUD) has issued a department circular granting authority to agency’s partner local government units (LGUs) to execute and implement measures to bridge their respective housing gaps under the Pambansang Pabahay Para sa Pilipino Housing (4PH) program. DHSUD Department Circular 2023-004, in effect, empowers LGUs in addressing housing problems within the jurisdiction of their separate localities.",1 +9,Number of people sick due to Mindoro oil spill rises to 191 —DOH,8 +9,"DOH logs 1,944 new Covid-19 cases",8 +13,"Bittersweet tears, but no regrets: Leni Robredo’s last day at the OVP",12 +7,MANILA – Customs officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 1 recently intercepted an undeclared huge amount of foreign currency from a South Korean passenger.,6 +3,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Sunday enjoined Filipinos to join hands in creating a more “humane, fair and progressive” society.",2 +10,"36 Years: In the Philippines, real life is stranger than film fiction",9 +9,"The Philippines registered 169 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, even as the active tally slightly dropped from the day before.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Tuesday, September 13, defended his late father’s imposition of martial law when in power, saying it was necessary because he was simultaneously and separatist rebellions at that time.",12 +6,Hontiveros on DepEd confidential funds: Leave intelligence operations to experts,5 +7,"DOJ: PCG, MARINA under probe over MT Princess Empress sailing sans CPC, permit",6 +1,"Marcos orders PhilHealth to suspend rate hike in 2023, cites ‘socioeconomic challenges’",0 +10,Only 10% of NCR routes affected by Day 1 of transport strike —LTFRB,9 +9,Third nationwide vaccination drive set for February 10 to 11,8 +1,"Marcos caps US visit, secures $1.3-B investment pledges",0 +13,Duterte says he’s ready to ‘rot in prison’ after ICC rejects PH appeal,12 +14,"China wants countries in Asia to “uphold strategic independence” and resist “external interference” amid challenges that may threaten peace and stability in the region, Chinese Ambassador to Manila Huang Xilian said on Tuesday, April 4.",13 +7,"Two persons who allegedly sought investments for the hauling of scrap materials from a geothermal plant in Tiwi, Albay have been arrested by police.",6 +8,PBBM: 4 new EDCA sites scattered in PH,7 +14,Marcos: Mutual Defense Treaty to be discussed in Biden meeting,13 +2,SRA head Alba: Health reasons sole motive for my resignation,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In a “parting message” three weeks before his term ends, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called on Filipinos to rally behind president-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and other newly-elected leaders. But in the same message, he said there was no room for criticism of the administration, which he conflated with “politicking.”",12 +9,BJMP prepares for ‘summer-related diseases’ in jails,8 +2,"The Marcos administration has moved to address the power crisis in Occidental Mindoro with the operation of at least three power stations that will be able to provide 24-hour electricity power service in the province, Communications Secretary Cheloy Garafil said.",1 +9,Philippines' active COVID-19 cases drop below 10K,8 +10,MANILA – The Police Regional Office (PRO) 4-B (Mimaropa) on Wednesday donated PHP1.2 million in cash aid to help oil spill-affected families in the town of Pola in Oriental Mindoro province.,9 +13,Fortun: ‘No intent’ by government to solve Duterte drug war deaths,12 +8,Gatchalian: Schools should be zones of peace; slams recent armed encounters in Masbate,7 +9,"Schools urged to ensure safety of fire, earthquake drills after Cabuyao incident",8 +13,"After House ultimatum lapses, Teves floats conspiracy theories in new video",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has directed Philippine Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Adnan Alonto to return to the country “for home office consultations” as it probes an incident involving his wife campaigning for a presidential candidate in Riyadh.",12 +6,"BFAR: Retain fishing ban in oil spill-affected areas, aid fishers",5 +5,CTA sides with gold trader in P233-M tax case,4 +13,"Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Thursday advised his successor to be strong and brave, saying “not to be afraid of who gets caught and who gets hurt.”",12 +8,2 PAF 'Black Hawks' join long range multi-ship assault exercises,7 +15,Five government aid beneficiaries are new homeowners after being picked in a raffle for house and lot packages during the 121st Labor Day celebration at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City on April 30.,14 +11,Rappler Recap: Commemorating the 13th year of the Maguindanao massacre,10 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Almost all of the respondents surveyed by Pulse Asia, or 92%, said they were hopeful for the new year.",11 +7,Makabayan wants House to probe Quiboloy’s alleged rights violations,6 +2,"CHED, Marina need more staff to monitor maritime training centers",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Actor-turned-senator Robin Padilla has just been named chairman of the on constitutional amendments and revision of codes, the first time since the drafting of the 1987 Constitution that the influential panel will not be headed by an experienced senator and lawyer.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least 120 cadavers of persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) from the New Bilibid Prison will be transferred to the University of the Philippines College of Medicine* to undergo autopsy, according to Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla.",6 +14,Senate Deputy Majority Leader Joseph Victor ‘’JV’’ Ejercito laments China’s bullying tactics against Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels and Filipino fishermen in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).,13 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Metro Manila will remain under Alert Level 1 for COVID-19 from May 16 to 31, Malacañang announced on Sunday, May 15.",8 +13,Marcos: Drug war continues but ‘slightly different’,12 +7,BI nabs South Korean 'swindler',6 +2,Manila Water to spend P833 million for Rizal projects,1 +2,"The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) aims to have 70 percent of active subscriber identity module (SIM) cards registered during the recently announced 90-day extension of the SIM registration period, the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) said on Tuesday, April 25.",1 +9,"Sunken motor tanker located, says Oriental Mindoro governor",8 +2,"Senator Juan Edgardo ‘’Sonny’’ Angara, one of of the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM 2), is pushing for the use of technology in solving the country’s education problems.",1 +6,DOTr insists on 'coops' for PUV drivers,5 +8,"PCG heightens patrol in WPS, makes public maritime incidents",7 +10,MANILA – The administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has already started the construction of around 1.2 million housing units under the government's Pambansang Pabahay para sa Pilipino Housing Program (4PH).,9 +9,"The Philippines could see over 600 Covid-19 cases per day by the middle of May, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Wednesday, April 12.",8 +14,China's top diplomat to visit PH,13 +8,"Philippines, US start 'Salaknib' military exercises",7 +7,PDEA destroys over P4B worth of illegal drugs,6 +14,"As Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang paid a courtesy visit on President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. at Malacañang on Saturday, Marcos called the meeting ""useful"" as recent statements made by the Philippines and China may have been misinterpreted.",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Doctor Natividad “Dr. Naty” Castro has been reunited with her family after the Bayugan City Regional Trial Court in Agusan del Sur dismissed the kidnapping charges against her and ordered her release from the provincial jail, where she was detained for 42 days.",6 +6,"Senator Sherwin Gatchalian on Sunday, April 30 pushed for the passage of the bill that seeks to strengthen local vaccine development through the creation of the Virology and Vaccine Institute of the Philippines.",5 +13,"MANILA – Malacañang on Monday bared a new set of appointments of the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. at the Presidential Communications Office (PCO), Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",12 +5,MANILA -- The Supreme Court en banc has struck down a provision in the 23-year-old collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the management and workers of national flag carrier Philippine Air Line (PAL) mandating a lower mandatory retirement age for female flight attendants.,4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. told the military’s top brass to “be more agile” in how they respond – not only militarily but “also in diplomacy, also in geopolitical negotiations.” Marcos made the remarks in a closed-door ceremony at Malacañang Palace on Monday, February 6, during which he swore in newly-promoted officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",12 +7,Zulueta files counter-affidavit in Percy Lapid slay case,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte said on Thursday, October 6, that the return to face-to-face classes of basic education students in the country was a major achievement in her first 100 days in office.",12 +9,Wearing masks now voluntary throughout the Philippines,8 +10,No suspension of classes amid ‘problematic’ transport strike —VP Sara,9 +5,The House constitutional amendments panel on Monday approved the unnumbered Resolution of Both Houses calling for a constitutional convention (con-con) for amending the 1987 Constitution.,4 +6,"The Senate on Monday approved on third and final reading 16 measures,  including Senate Bill 1359 which prohibits the imposition of “no permit, no exam” policy in all public and private educational institutions.",5 +13,"Marcos thanks GMA for advice, guidance on her birthday",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – At the cemetery where his late father and namesake was given a rushed hero’s burial years back, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, August 29, paid tribute to the “great heroes of our nation.”",12 +13,PBBM names geologist Carlos David as DENR undersecretary,12 +15,"For this unique pandemic batch of lawyers, the honor is to the parents",14 +5,Supreme Court junks cases vs Marcos’ presidential candidacy,4 +14,The Philippine government is expecting two foreign ministers in the country over the weekend as it seeks to strengthen it relationships with countries in the Indo-Pacific.,13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Monday, January 30, vowed to implement learning reforms as she laid out the challenges that are pounding the Philippine basic education sector.",5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Around three million Filipino families had nothing to eat at least once in the past three months, representing a slight increase from figures in the quarter before this, the latest Social weather Stations (SWS) survey showed.",9 +14,Critics say US using Philippines for its own agenda vs. China,13 +9,"MANILA – Due to the intense summer heat, traffic enforcers as well as street sweepers will be entitled to a 30-minute heat stroke break and water break starting from April 1 until May 31, a Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) official said on Wednesday.",8 +10,"Filipinos across the country experienced yet another hot and humid weather as the observed heat index in 11 locations reached over 41 degrees Celsius (℃) on Wednesday, April 19.",9 +9,"CEBU CITY, Philippines – The Philippines’ Department of Health (DOH) announced on Tuesday, October 18, that it had detected the country’s first cases of the more transmissible COVID-19 Omicron subvariant XBB.",8 +6,The House of Representatives on Tuesday has approved on second reading a bill allowing married women to retain their maiden surname.,5 +10,496 Filipinos in Sudan evacuated — DFA,9 +7,The Sandiganbayan has affirmed the conviction of former mayor Joselito R. Alega of San Francisco town in Quezon for violation of Article 244 of the Revised Penal Code on unlawful appointment.,6 +6,56% of Pinoy SIM owners registered as of March 2023 —SWS,5 +5,"For violation of the constitutional right to speedy disposition of cases, the Supreme Court (SC) has reversed the June 23, 2021 resolution of Commission on Elections (Comelec) which ordered the filing of a criminal case for alleged election overspending against former governor Glenda Buray Ecleo of Dinagat Islands.",4 +14,"PH, US special forces troops hold urban warfare sniping drills",13 +4,"MANILA – The House of Representatives on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that would assist victims of gender-based violence, particularly House employees and their family members.",3 +7,"Under no circumstances dismissed Police Master Sgt. Rodolfo Mayo Jr. be accorded special treatment while detained at the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) jail facility, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. assured in an exclusive interview on Thursday, April 27.",6 +2,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Two leading have told President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. they intend to build facilities in the Philippines, bringing more jobs to Filipinos.",1 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – For majority of Filipinos, health is more important than love or money, a recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey found.",11 +2,"Filtering, enhanced training of NAIA screeners underway",1 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Martial Law survivor and renowned playwright Bonifacio Ilagan sounded the alarm over anonymous threats he received.",7 +13,Comelec: Printing of ballots for 2022 BSKE 74% complete,12 +13,MANILA -- Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairperson Karlo Nograles has expressed his agency’s full cooperation and support to the attainment of the good governance goals under the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028.,12 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Former vice president Leni Robredo on Sunday, July 24, said the killing of three people during a shooting incident inside the Ateneo de Manila University reflects the need to stand against the culture of impunity in the Philippines.",2 +14,"BEIJING—China firmly opposes any country citing bilateral treaties to interfere in the South China Sea and undermine China's territorial interests and rights, the foreign ministry said on Thursday.",13 +14,"Tolentino: Possible VFA between Philippines, Japan constitutional",13 +14,"The strategic partnership between the Philippines and Japan is evolving to even higher levels, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday, April 5, said.",13 +13,Remulla: Excavation in Bilibid has no legal basis,12 +9,"DOH logs 89 new COVID-19 cases, lowest daily tally since April 2020",8 +6,BI deactivates Port Operations Division,5 +7,Hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa was killed in Las Piñas on October 3 – but his killing was no ordinary crime.,6 +14,MANILA – The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and some of its air assets will assist in the ongoing cleanup operations on the massive oil spill in Mindoro.,13 +9,Marcos orders PhilHealth to increase dialysis coverage to 156 sessions,8 +7,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Friday expressed alarm over the recent incidents of violence against women and children.,6 +13,"Marcos may attend UN meet in US, has diplomatic immunity from contempt",12 +6,"The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Tuesday said it will increase the equity subsidy for drivers of public utility vehicles (PUV) to P260,000 to allow them to purchase e-jeepneys for the PUV modernization program.",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. will be agriculture secretary “at least for now,” he announced on Monday, June 20, citing the urgency of addressing rising food prices.",12 +6,"The senators want to see first the effects of the three new economic laws before supporting moves to amend the so-called restrictive economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution, Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva said Friday.",5 +8,PNP Chief Acorda: No revamp yet in police organization,7 +6,MANILA – Various national government agencies currently addressing the disaster brought by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro province were asked on Tuesday by Governor Humerlito Dolor to sit down all together at once with the local government to formulate a joint effort.,5 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – The international council of Couples for Christ (CFC), a religious group under the Catholic Church, endorsed opposition leader and presidential candidate Vice President Leni Robredo for president.",11 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday appointed officers-in-charge for the newly created provinces of Maguindanao del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur.",12 +6,"No homework' policy for elementary, junior high: Revilla",5 +7,Topacio wants SC to cite ex-commissioner Guanzon for indirect contempt,6 +7,Badoy faces another complaint for red-tagging community pantries,6 +14,HIGHLIGHTS: Marcos state visit to China,13 +2,MANILA – Local government units (LGUs) across the country received close to PHP1 billion share from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office's (PCSO) in 2022 to augment their funds for health and medical services.,1 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Jaime “Jimmy” Tadeo, peasant leader and one of the framers of the 1987 Constitutional Commission, died, Tadeo’s daughter confirmed to Rappler on Sunday afternoon, March 26. He was 84.",14 +6,The Makabayan bloc lawmakers on Monday sought for the creation of a permanent congressional on the national budget to ensure transparency and accountability in the spending of public funds.,5 +15,Cong Migs wants to 'manifest her love life',14 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday monitored an increase in COVID-19 cases with 133 new infections reported, while the active tally climbed to 8,943.",8 +7,Authorities seize P100 million in allegedly smuggled agricultural products,6 +14,"PH, China bat to resolve South China Sea row; fishing tie-up eyed",13 +13,"Marcos thanks public over high approval, trust ratings",12 +7,Two municipal agriculturists from La Union and Davao Oriental on Thursday testified that their areas did not receive the agricultural packages and livelihood projects identified in the 15 graft charges filed against former senator Juan Ponce Enrile and his former chief-of-staff Gigi Reyes over the alleged misuse of Enrile’s discretionary fund or pork barrel.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Laban ng Masa, a progressive socialist coalition backing the presidential bid of labor leader Leody de Guzman, called “erroneous” the historic endorsement of the leftist Makabayan bloc for Vice President Leni Robredo.",12 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Thursday, October 27, 2022",9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The postponement of the December 2022 barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections is just one signature away from being passed into law.",5 +13,Arrested rebel a symbol of Marcos atrocities against women dissidents,12 +10,"Over 1,000 Masbate farmers receive e-titles from DAR",9 +7,"Even without the enactment of a law, the Philippine National Police (PNP) should make it a requirement to have those sent to anti-drug operations use body-worn cameras, Senator Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada said on Monday, April 17.",6 +7,"Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. to attend the Senate public order and dangerous investigation into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa said Thursday.",6 +14,Gov’t urged to negotiate more VFAs with ‘allies’,13 +7,Skeletal remains found in DOJ compound could belong to ‘3 to 5’ persons,6 +6,Senate likely to approve Maharlika Investment Fund in June –Escudero,5 +13,Son of ex-transport chief Tugade is Marcos’ acting MIAA manager,12 +5,Agri-Smuggling Court to be a Tax Appeals Court division –Tolentino,4 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – With floods induced by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae) leaving many areas wet or damp, the Department of Health (DOH) in Calabarzon, one of the worst-hit regions, warned the public of a possible increase in related diseases.",8 +8,Philippines complains of Chinese fishing ban and ‘harassment’ at sea,7 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Clark recently turned over various seized marijuana by-products with an estimated value of PHP120 million to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Region 3 for proper disposition.,6 +14,"Philippines, Japan moving in ‘general direction’ of VFA-like agreement – Romualdez",13 +13,Galvez defends EDCA sites: ‘Not a cause for concern’,12 +9,"Daily COVID-19 cases may reach 17,000 if health measures ignored – DOH",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The presidency of one Fidel V. Ramos, at least for a generation of Filipinos, is both a distant memory and recent history. Elected into power in 1992, the former soldier is remembered for helping bring a young democracy together just as political movements and forces threatened to tear it apart.",12 +4,Gender spills into crucial issues next leaders must address – experts,3 +10,"Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. ordered local chief executives (LCE) on Wednesday, May 3, to help mitigate the adverse effects of El Niño in their respective areas.",9 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s Cabinet officials showcased the ""Build Better More"" program at the Philippine Business Opportunities Forum (PBOF) held in Tokyo, Japan on Feb. 10, in an effort to invite more businesses to invest in the Philippines.",0 +7,The chief of the Police Regional Office - Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (PRO-BARMM) has been relieved from his post and has been arrested for syndicated estafa.,6 +9,Ways to prevent heat exhaustion,8 +9,"The Philippines remains at low risk for COVID-19, enough for the government to lift the mandatory mask policy in both outdoor and indoor settings, require full return to in-person classes, and to further ease travel restrictions for people entering the country.",8 +5,Cagayan de Oro City 2nd district Rep. Rufus Rodriguez is eyeing the conduct of so-called constitutional caravans all over the Philippines.,4 +5,"MANILA -- The Supreme Court has ordered the Commission on Audit (COA) to execute a 2015 ruling by the Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) in favor of a private firm seeking PHP10.17 million in payment for partial work performed in putting up a municipal water supply project in Carranglan town, Nueva Ecija province.",4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Manila Mayor Isko Moreno, on World Press Freedom Day, promised he would not ban reporters from Malacañang nor order the closure of media firms should he win the Philippine presidency on May 9.",12 +7,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Monday said suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. appears to be the main mastermind in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +6,"Phivolcs modernization bill to minimize, prevent casualties from natural hazards - DOST",5 +9,Lenten tragedy: 10 people drown in various parts of Luzon,8 +13,Political scientist Clarita Carlos is Marcos’ national security adviser,12 +6,Pimentel: First hearing shows Maharlika Fund bill is 'defective',5 +13,MANILA – Cagayan de Oro City 2nd District Rep. Rufus Rodriguez on Wednesday said he is inspired by the growing support for the amendment of the Constitution’s economic provision among members of the Cabinet of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.,12 +6,"House leader seeks review of nursing curriculum, licensure exams amid low passing rate",5 +8,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has tasked Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. to lead the “Special Task Force” to  ensure the peace and order situation in the Negros Island following the March 4 killing of Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo.,7 +12,SWS: 69% of unvaccinated Pinoys remain skeptical over COVID-19 vaccine,11 +14,"The Philippines won’t meddle into the sovereignty issue involving China and Taiwan, the National Security Council (NSC) insisted, as it denounced the recent remarks of Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian concerning the welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).",13 +9,"MANILA -- The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, Inc. (PhilHealth) on Thursday reiterated its reminder to the public that special privileges under fortuitous events were no longer in effect as of Jan. 1, 2023 following the lifting of the nationwide state of calamity due to Covid-19.",8 +9,Bilibid’s Covid-19 infection rises – BuCor,8 +12,Fewer Filipinos skeptical of COVID-19 jabs – SWS,11 +13,"Romualdez a 'go-getter' Speaker, says Barzaga",12 +7,Some P27 million worth of alleged smuggled sugar from China were seized by the Department of Agriculture (DA) in a series of inspections at the Manila International Container Port (MICP).,6 +14,"Manalo, Galvez to lead PH delegation in dialogue with US",13 +10,"Private school learners face learning loss in science, math due to COVID-19 pandemic —study",9 +10,Thousands in Mindanao spend Christmas in evacuation centers due to heavy rain | The wRap,9 +14,"Israel's Iron Dome intercepts a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip amid retaliatory strikes on the Palestinian enclave, an Agence France-Presse video tweet indicated Friday.",13 +10,"Easterlies to bring some clouds, scattered rains",9 +6,A bill providing tax breaks to lawyers serving as counsel for indigenous peoples (IP) has been filed in the House of Representatives.,5 +6,"DepEd adjusts deadline for tuition increase application, renewal of permit for private schools",5 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday registered 119 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally climbed to 9,120.",8 +13,Marcos appoints OIC-governors in new Maguindanao provinces,12 +6,EMB eyes approval of all solid waste management plans in 2023,5 +7,Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos on Tuesday said the CCTV footage “speaks for itself” in the alleged cover-up attempt of some cops in the P6.7 billion drug haul in October 2022.,6 +15,"The Alliance Française de Manille on Friday launched an exhibition featuring rare maps from the 17th to 19th centuries and the Murillo Velarde 1734 Map, known as the ""Mother of all Philippine Maps.""",14 +6,House passes bill creating Negros Island Region,5 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday said his visit to Washington, D.C. was vital to strengthen the alliance between the Philippines and the United States, especially during ""turbulent times.""",13 +8,"Senator Francis Tolentino on Monday, May 1, sought a clearer definition of the Philippine territory under the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with the United States.",7 +9,Philippines records 117 new COVID-19 cases,8 +9,Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire on Wednesday announced that the general population would now be allowed to receive the second COVID-19 booster shots.,8 +8,MANILA – The country’s top cop on Monday said the recent attacks that targeted elective local government officials are isolated cases and do not reflect the peace and order situation in the Philippines as a whole.,7 +7,PAO provides legal aid to alleged hazing victim’s family,6 +6,SOGIE anti-discrimination bill hurdles Senate panel,5 +14,"Japan, UNICEF donate digital learning resources to Valenzuela",13 +13,"Senators are mourning the passing of former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Albert del Rosario, who died Tuesday, April 17, at the age of 83.",12 +13,PNP reshuffle not connected to review on senior officers’ resignations — Azurin,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has affirmed the dismissal of the against former Cabinet secretaries of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos and several others in relation to an alleged $20-million behest loan granted by the Philippine National Bank to a in 1980.",4 +10,The Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) has signed an agreement with a party-list group for a collaboration in the housing program for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).,9 +8,Wescom chief leads aerial inspection of Malampaya platform,7 +7,Suspect bares Salilig's ordeal in hands of frat brods,6 +13,"Family and friends remember ‘simple, decent’ Noynoy Aquino who served without fanfare",12 +2,"Gov't eyes to expand scope of 4PH to health, education facilities",1 +14,MANILA – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Wednesday signed an agreement with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that would strengthen the drug rehabilitation (CBDR).,13 +6,Gov’t to review 2017 franchising guidelines for PUV Modernization — Bautista,5 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court has junked the writ of preliminary injunction issued by the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City on the P8.2-billion Land Transportation Office information technology (LTO IT) project.",4 +9,2 near-drowning victims saved by PH Red Cross during Holy Week,8 +8,"New EDCA sites aim to protect entire PH, Galvez assures senators",7 +6,Senator Jinggoy Estrada has filed a bill seeking to abolish the Optical Media Board (OMB).,5 +7,Ex-US Embassy employee gets 15 years for illicit sex conduct in Philippines,6 +8,Ople off to Cairo to assist displaced OFWs from Sudan,7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A is seeking further investigation of businessman Charlie “Atong” Ang and his online sabong or cockfighting firm Lucky 8 Star Quest over alleged involvement in the disappearances of several sabungeros or cockfighters since 2021.",6 +14,"Closer ties eyed as Japan, ASEAN mark 50 years of cooperation",13 +13,Marcos names Catapang as new BuCor chief,12 +7,BI concerned over repeated interceptions of foreigners with fake travel papers,6 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and his entourage has arrived in the United Kingdom to attend the coronation of King Charles III.",13 +3,"Faithful asked to show sincerity, compassion as Lent begins",2 +7,Romualdez lauds law enforcers for heeding call vs 'evil hoarders',6 +6,The greater emphasis given by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s administration to prevention and rehabilitation in the anti-illegal drugs to his predecessor is a significant shift “that is really important to the United Kingdom ambassador to the Philippines Laure Beaufils said.,5 +7,BI: Japanese wanted for financial fraud nabbed in Pasay City,6 +8,"Mimaropa cops lauded for maximum visibility, efficient response during Holy Week",7 +8,PCG keeps watch on grounded Chinese ship off E. Samar,7 +6,Comelec finished 964-page draft of Omnibus Election Code changes —Garcia,5 +13,"Heeding Abalos’ appeal, PNP chief Azurin submits courtesy resignation",12 +7,"Four more suspects, described by Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla as ""major players"" in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, have surrendered to the Philippine military.",6 +10,Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes Davao Oriental,9 +13,Marcos visits wake of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo,12 +13,Marcos: Cha-cha not my priority,12 +9,MANILA – The National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) for the first quarter of this year is scheduled on March 9.,8 +6,"In order to further encourage the public to register their SIM cards, the government is planning to cut them off from various services like calls, texts, and access to social media accounts if they would still fail to do so within the 90-day extension.",5 +2,MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) is set to open a Japan Desk to ensure the fast processing of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) as Japanese employers have expressed their intention of hiring more skilled Filipino workers.,1 +15,"A total of 1,420 out of 2,275 passed the Pharmacists Licensure Examination given earlier this month, according to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).",14 +14,"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., in interventions during various summits of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), lobbied for bloc allies to support the Philippines’ bid for a seat in the United Nations (UN) Security Council.",13 +1,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) the upgrading of Barral II Bridge in Calbayog City, Samar, which it said, will provide easier access of farm products in hubs of the locality.",0 +6,MANILA – Senator Raffy Tulfo has filed a measure seeking to ensure the safety and security of persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) by establishing security monitoring systems inside all jail facilities nationwide.,5 +13,Japan PM mourns passing of former Secretary Del Rosario,12 +11,"The Eid'l Fitr or the end of the month of Ramadan will be celebrated on Saturday, April 22.",10 +15,Stand for Truth’s ‘Runaway Child Brides’ is first GMA digital documentary to win in New York Festivals,14 +14,The Philippine government has expressed support for the United States' endorsement of the Summit for Democracy Declaration but disassociates itself from any reference to the International Criminal Court.,13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives approved on Monday, February 6, a bill that seeks to suspend the implementation of mother tongue as the medium of instruction in classes for kindergarten up to Grade 3 students.",5 +9,Filipinos must learn to keep themselves safe vs Covid-19—DOH,8 +7,"Former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Chief Gerald Bantag and former Deputy Officer Ricardo Zulueta are now considered fugitives given the outstanding warrants of arrest filed against them, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Sunday.",6 +14,Chinese foreign minister set for official PH visit,13 +9,MANILA – Senator Win Gatchalian has called for a more intensified prevention awareness campaign to prevent fire incidents as the country observes Fire Prevention Month this March.,8 +9,"Death toll from Basilan ferry fire reaches 29, says coast guard",8 +14,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed optimism that Brunei and Malaysia will continue to support the development initiatives in Mindanao to uplift the living condition of its people, according to the Presidential Communications Office (PCO).",13 +13,Leyte Representative and House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez over the weekend said Senate President Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri told him he will keep an open mind on the proposal to make economic reforms through constitutional amendments.,12 +5,PH leaves mining transparency initiative after group cites shrinking civic space,4 +13,"Senator Ronald ‘’Bato’’ dela Rosa on Wednesday, April 19, decried malicious propaganda to malign him as chairman of the Senate Public Order and Dangerous Drugs Committee.",12 +8,The Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police were urged to launch a crackdown on private armies across the country following the murder of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,7 +2,"The Philippine Coast Guard is expected to have an additional 4,000 personnel before the year ends, according to the PCG spokesperson on Saturday.",1 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) and US engineers on Friday (April 21) fired the anti-personnel obstacle breaching system (APOBS) as part of the ""Balikatan"" exercise to clear minefields and other obstacles at the battlefield.",7 +13,Senators nix Arnie Teves virtual appearance in Degamo slay hearing,12 +9,DOH: 29.5% of Filipino kids under 5 stunted,8 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – During her historic visit to the Philippines, United States Vice President Kamala Harris showed solidarity with Filipino human rights defenders, telling them they are not alone in their struggles.",3 +10,Easterlies continues to prevail over PH,9 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday logged 202 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally dropped to 9,321.",8 +6,Gov’t 'seriously' studying issues of full devolution,5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Due to the scheduled nationwide transport strike organized by various transportation groups, from March 6 to 12, a number of schools in the country have decided to hold classes virtually next week.",9 +9,Expert raises alarm over increasing PH Covid-19 positivity rate,8 +14,MANILA – The Ukrainian government is tapping the help of Filipino professionals in rebuilding its war-ravaged cities.,13 +10,Railway lines ready to extend ops amid transport strike,9 +13,Rappler Recap: Marcos’ visit to New York – a summary,12 +8,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. lauded the efforts and strengthened operational capabilities of the Anti-Kidnapping Group (AKG) as the force's primary unit responsible for operations and investigations against kidnapping perpetuated by organized crime and terrorist groups in the country.,7 +10,PCG monitors 56K outbound passengers on April 4,9 +7,"Negros Oriental ex-Gov Teves asks prosecutors to dismiss charges of illegal possession of firearms, explosives",6 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. witnessed the Combined Joint Littoral Live Fire Exercise of the Philippines-United States of America (USA) armed forces in San Antonio, Zambales, on April 26.",13 +1,"TOKYO— Japan will give the Philippines 600 billion yen in government aid and private sector investments to support the country’s drive to an upper-middle economy in 2024, Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has said.",0 +8,"PH, US chart guidelines for next defense cooperation phase",7 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has designated Bienvenido Rubio as Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs (BOC).",12 +5,CA junks suit questioning appointment of local IP representative,4 +2,"MANILA – The city government of Manila on Wednesday promised some 500 stall holders that a new, better and more organized Pritil Market in Tondo will soon be constructed.",1 +14,"The longstanding ties between the Philippines and the United States are as important as ever amid pressing geopolitical issues in the region and worldwide, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Monday.",13 +15,MIAA chief notes high OTP at NAIA on Holy Monday,14 +4,DOTr calls for dialogue with PUV operators to thresh out concerns,3 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Supreme Court (SC) spokesperson Brian Keith Hosaka said on Tuesday, November 1, that 2022 Bar Exams will push through as originally scheduled.",9 +9,"MANILA – Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection must be treated like disease that can be prevented and tended to, according to infectious disease expert Dr. Edsel Salvaña.",8 +11,CSC promotes use of PH tropical fabrics for gov’t uniforms,10 +1,Peso becoming weak again? Salceda says it 'isn't too bad',0 +6,Spam texts to drastically decline with full SIM registration implementation –DICT,5 +6,Bill allowing married women to keep maiden surname hurdles House,5 +13,"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – While recognizing, repeatedly, that the investigation into the death of broadcaster Percy Lapid was still ongoing, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. nevertheless said former Bureau of Corrections chief Gerald Bantag seemingly acted “with no fear of being punished.”",12 +7,Onion coop head says DA personnel in cahoots with trader in hoarding onion supply,6 +13,"Negros Oriental third district Representative Arnolfo Teves has requested for an extension of his travel authority which ended on March 09, House Secretary General Reginald Velasco said.",12 +5,"SC clears Vhong in rape, lasciviousness raps",4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Third Division of the anti-graft court Sandiganbayan upheld the 39 criminal cases filed in 2013 against former Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (Pagcor) chairperson Efraim Genuino.",6 +7,CIDG seizes P2.1-M counterfeit hygiene products in Malabon,6 +13,MANILA – House Senior Deputy Speaker and former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo led the filing of a resolution urging the House of Representatives to rally behind former President Rodrigo Duterte as the International Criminal Court (ICC) is set to reopen its investigation for alleged crimes against humanity.,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Over a month after Erwin Tulfo made a quiet exit as Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) secretary of the Ferdinand Marcos Jr. administration, he said that the President was “easy to work with” but was also hands-on on some occasions, providing a rare peek into the opaque administration and how the president works behind the scenes.",12 +7,9 PNP informants get P7.9-M reward for arrest of wanted persons,6 +4,"Bullying in schools underreported, says chair of Senate education panel",3 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – On the steps of the building where, as a young child, he once waited for his father so they could go home together, Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. took his oath at noon of June 30, 2022 as the 17th president of the Republic.",12 +6,Act of kindness': Recto explains need to certify as urgent bill extending estate tax amnesty period,5 +2,Arroyo bats for upgrade of PMMA into a national academy,1 +6,"LTO to shorten, customize exams for driver's license applicants",5 +13,Ex-DILG exec Malaya appointed NSC assistant director general,12 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. to extend the SIM card registration period to 90 more days as he recognized that the remaining unregistered SIM cards are still a significant number.",5 +2,"A pro-health congressman is asking the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to ensure a steady supply of electricity this summer, if only to keep hospitals running smoothly.",1 +7,More murder raps to be filed vs Rep Teves – Degamo’s lawyer,6 +10,"A total of 31,238 passengers have been monitored so far in all ports in the country on Monday morning, the last day of the long weekend, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said.",9 +8,MANILA – The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and other agencies will set up a center at the Metrobase starting April 3 to ensure a peaceful observance of Lent this year.,7 +15,"MANILA – A low pressure area (LPA) and the northeast monsoon or 'amihan' will bring rains over some areas in the country, the weather bureau said Monday.",14 +6,"Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Thursday emphasized the need to avert the further deterioration of Philippine education, saying that the next two to three years will be a critical period for the reforms to the education system under her leadership.",5 +9,Rappler Recap: DOH’s first face-to-face media briefing in 2 years,8 +9,DOH: 21.6% kids aged 0-23 months old stunted,8 +9,"The Land Transportation Office (LTO) on Wednesday reminded motorists and travelers to be safe while on the road this Lenten season.   According to LTO chief Jay Art Tugade, the traffic situation is expected to have reverted to pre-pandemic levels. He then issued tips to ensure everyone's safety while traveling.   Tip Number 1: If you don’t want the hassle or to be a hassle to fellow motorists, check your vehicle’s roadworthiness. Tugade said regular maintenance like oil changes, tune-ups, and battery and tire pressure checks must be done on vehicles, especially for public utility vehicles (PUVs).   Tip Number 2: Do not text and drive.",8 +3,"As President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. congratulated the Bar exam passers, he urged them to serve with integrity",2 +7,"Officials are seeing a ""pattern of impunity"" in Negros Oriental following the March 4 killing of Governor Roel Degamo at his residence, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Thursday.",6 +10,"Visayas, Mindanao, parts of Luzon to continue to have rains due to LPA, ITCZ",9 +7,5-member body convenes to vet top cops' possible drug links,6 +13,"When he took his oath as the 17th president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said his dreams were the same as the nation and that his ambitions were the same as every Filipino.",12 +6,Senate bill seeks to regulate private use of drones,5 +1,Legarda cites gains on free trade agreement with EFTA states,0 +6,"The Supreme Court (SC) has laid down the guidelines to resolve a seafarer’s claim for disability benefits in case of conflicting findings from the employer-designated physician and the seafarer’s physician of choice, and when the examination by a third physician is sought by the seafarer but is denied or not acted upon by the employer.",5 +10,"Fresh graduates in the country tend to lack ""soft skills"" and job readiness, and are highly vulnerable to scams, a recent report of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) showed.",9 +7,"Philippine Coast Guard personnel who allowed MT Princess Empress to sail without permit to operate should face charges for dereliction of duty, Senator Raffy Tulfo said Tuesday.",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – By requesting the International Criminal Court (ICC) Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) to resume the investigation into President Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody drug war, Prosecutor Karim Khan rejected the efforts of the Department of Justice under DOJ Secretary Menardo Guevarra.",4 +6,"On Wednesday, March 22, Gabriela Representative Arlene Brosas filed House Bill No. 7758, a proposal to grant paid menstrual leave of at most two days per month to employees both in the public and private sectors.",5 +13,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) Public Information Office (PIO) chief Col. Redrico Maranan has been named as the spokesperson of the that will vet the courtesy resignations submitted by third-level police officers and look into their possible involvement in illegal drugs.,12 +6,"There is no assurance that the Senate will pass the House of Representatives' version of the bill creating the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) as the measure is still a ""work in progress,"" Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said Tuesday.",5 +13,Solon to colleagues: End ‘embarrassing word war' on Cha-cha,12 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of National Defense (DND) on Tuesday, February 22, signed the contract to purchase $624 million worth of Black Hawk helicopters for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",1 +13,Marcos wants Erwin Tulfo to stay in admin,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former vice president Leni Robredo said on the day marking former senator Leila de Lima’s 6th year under detention that she stood in solidarity with the former lawmaker, adding that truth will always prevail in the end.",12 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Energy (DOE) reported Monday that the country saved 62.69 megawatts (MW) of energy from turning off the lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., or the Earth Hour, last March 25.",1 +1,MANILA – Propmech Corporation announced on Thursday its readiness to support the national government's initiative in developing and improving the country's ship building industry.,0 +6,Cayetano vows to continue pushing for P10K ‘ayuda’ bill,5 +13,MANILA – Commission on Elections (Comelec) chairman George Garcia said authorities have yet to record any untoward incident during the special polls in the 7th District of Cavite.,12 +9,Solon bats for free dialysis treatment for senior citizens,8 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) will look into the records of the eight repatriated Filipinos who were victimized by cryptocurrency scammers.,6 +12,LTOP: Most transport groups oppose weeklong strike,11 +14,"The Japanese government has extended its invitation to the Philippines to take part in the education development training after a meeting with Vice President Sara Duterte on Wednesday, May 3.",13 +7,"De Lima camp awaits bail petition resolution after ‘fast, short’ hearings",6 +12,MANILA – The House leadership on Sunday expressed elation over the “very good” net satisfaction rating the lower chamber received in the December 2022 survey of the Social Weather Stations (SWS).,11 +10,Record high 72.28% pass the 2020/2021 ‘Biggest Bar Ever’,9 +2,"PRC: Only 59.7% of Philippines’ doctors practicing; nurses, only 53.55%",1 +3,Pope Francis has appointed Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma as member of the newly-established Dicastery for Culture and Education.,2 +2,"Amid the threat of El Niño, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said it is now preparing for the possible impact of the weather phenomenon on the country's food production.",1 +5,Ex-VP bet Walden Bello released on bail as groups warn vs dangers of libel,4 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Some 20.7 million individuals could have rolled up sleeves and benefitted from the COVID-19 vaccines that were wasted as reported by the Department of Health (DOH) on Monday, August 15.",8 +11,"COTABATO CITY, Philippines – The Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta’ in the Philippines, which serves as the Islamic Advisory Council of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), declared Saturday, April 22, as Eid’l Fitr.",10 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP ACG) on Tuesday, August 30, served a warrant to ask for data of “Usapang Diskarte,” a YouTube channel that encouraged child sex abuse.",6 +14,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture on Wednesday said it will intensify its longstanding collaboration with the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to help the administration achieve its target of increasing local production and providing affordable food prices.,13 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – More than 81,000 voting machines that were used by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) for the 2010 and 2013 polls are gathering dust in its warehouse in the province of Laguna, as efforts to dispose of them failed to attract buyers.",1 +9,"House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro on Monday called on school officials to ensure the safety of everyone, especially students, participating in fire or earthquake drills and other school activities.",8 +8,MANILA – The Philippines' Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the United States is aimed at improving the country's defensive capabilities and is not meant for war.,7 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – China’s recent use of a military-grade laser against a Philippine Coast Guard vessel in the West Philippine Sea has prompted foreign governments to renew calls for Beijing with the 2016 landmark arbitral award.",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Following the issuance of arrest warrants, a Muntinlupa court issued a hold departure order (HDO) against former Bureau of Corrections director general Gerald Bantag and former BuCor official Ricardo Zulueta, the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirmed on Thursday, April 27.",4 +7,Counsel of alleged middleman in Degamo slay claims being blocked from meeting client,6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday monitored an increase in COVID-19 daily tally with 208 new cases recorded. Active infections also climbed to 9,282 from 9,268.",8 +7,Cops seize P1.2-B narcotics from Jan. 1 to March 10,6 +5,The House of Representatives on Tuesday junked the motion of Albay Representative Edcel Lagman to stop the deliberations on the resolution calling for a constitutional convention (con-con) to amend the 1987 Constitution.,4 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sixth Division of Sandiganbayan, the country’s anti-graft court, ruled in its latest decision that conviction of former Maguindanao Governor Datu Sajid Ampatuan on 130 criminal cases is final and executory.",4 +10,MANILA – The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) announced on Monday that its oil spill-affected members and pensioners from five additional towns of Oriental Mindoro can now avail of their emergency loans.,9 +6,House reso seeks comprehensive study on student suicides,5 +5,Supreme Court affirms: BGC is part of Taguig City,4 +14,"TOKYO — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. began his five-day official visit to Japan on Wednesday, his first trip to the East Asian country since taking office in June last year.   Marcos and his delegation arrived here at 5:35 p.m. local time on board PR 001.   The President is scheduled to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and will have an audience with Emperor Naruhito.   At least seven key agreements will be signed during the visit, which Marcos said would be “very specific” since every meeting he would have with the Japanese would have set objectives.",13 +14,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez and the flag of the United States (Speaker’s office, Unsplash)",13 +14,"China on Thursday mentioned a concern ""shared by many in the Philippines"" as regards the country getting drawn into a ""potential conflict"" in the Taiwan Strait after the designation of new EDCA sites in Luzon.",13 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday said the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) would a crucial part of the government formula toward a more energy-secure Philippines.,1 +13,WATCH: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s inaugural speech,12 +7,"GENERAL SANTOS CITY, Philippines – The General Santos City Prosecutor’s Office threw out seven more cyber against Rappler and other respondents in connection with a series of reports about controversial Davao City-based Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and his Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) group.",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Palace issued a memorandum extending the authority of people who serve as officers-in-charge of their respective government agencies until December 31, 2022, unless their replacement has already been designated.",4 +15,Lone bettor wins P27.9-M Super Lotto 6/49 jackpot,14 +13,"Nine of 10 presidential candidates gathered at the Sofitel in Pasay City on Saturday, March 19, marking the first presidential debate organized by the Commission on Elections for the 2022 polls.",12 +9,Ex-VP Robredo's Angat Buhay says 6K patients served under E-Konsulta program,8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Supreme Court (SC) Senior Associate Justice (SAJ) Marvic Leonen, head of the High on human rights, said the body will push for the approval of the writ of kalayaan, which could help address the country’s problems with jails.",5 +13,"In New Year message, Marcos calls for unity, solidarity",12 +2,Some LGUs willing to help Turkey quake victims — OCD,1 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a motion to reopen one of the drug cases of former Senator Leila de Lima as the agency wants to present a new witness against her.,6 +9,COVID-19 positivity rate in NCR climbs to 3% — OCTA,8 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Transportation is asking for P167.1 billion in 2023, a 120.4% to its 2022 budget.",0 +7,Marcos says Degamo killing 'can't go unpunished',6 +7,"Poe urges DOTr, MIAA to address ‘Bukas Maleta’ incidents",6 +5,Remulla: Dropping charges vs De Lima ‘possible if it’s the only recourse’,4 +10,MIAA calls on international passengers to arrive 4 hours before flight,9 +14,Taiwan rebuffs Philippines’ complaint about South China Sea live fire drills,13 +15,Mega Lotto jackpot reaches P70M before April 10 draw,14 +12,Educators from 16 La Sallian schools support Robredo-Pangilinan pair,11 +2,"Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Wednesday insisted that the call of ACT Teachers party-list for hiring 30,000 new teachers and constructing 50,000 new classrooms yearly is impossible.",1 +1,MANILA – The Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) on Monday said it will train and fund cooperatives to further boost the coconut industry in the country.,0 +1,"The Senate is yet to ratify the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) due to some concerns on its effect on the agriculture sector, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said Tuesday.",0 +13,"Former Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Albert del Rosario, who spearheaded the country's successful arbitration case against China in 2016, died on Tuesday, according to his family. He was 83.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s chief legal counsel said on Monday, January 30, that if it were up to him, personnel from the International Criminal Court (ICC) who try to enter the Philippines would be arrested as he insisted the international tribunal has “no sovereign power over us.”",12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said this week he would cut off contact with the International Criminal Court (ICC) after it rejected his government’s request to suspend a probe into thousands of killings during his predecessor’s “war on drugs”.",13 +13,"NEW YORK, USA – Ferdinand Marcos Jr is set to step foot on US soil for the first time as the Philippine president on Sunday, September 18 (past midnight Monday, September 19 in Manila) for his first working visit as chief executive.",12 +7,"DOLE looking into red-tagging of union members, says official",6 +6,"In landmark ruling, Supreme Court clarifies when rape is committed",5 +6,Wearing of face masks and showing proof of full COVID-19 vaccination in tourist spots are no longer required based on the recent memorandum issued by the Department of Tourism (DOT).,5 +14,"MANILA – Two of the United States Air Force's (USAF) premier stealth fighter aircraft, the Lockheed Martin F-22 ""Raptor"" along with its Boeing KC-135 ""Stratotanker"" aircraft, landed and visited Clark Air Base, Pampanga for a so-called bilateral fighter ""subject matter expert exchange"" (SMEE) on March 13.",13 +8,"PH won't yield to intrusions, illegal actions in West PH Sea — DFA",7 +1,Gatchalian reminds taxpayers to file income tax return before deadline,0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ new defense chief Carlito Galvez Jr. and new military chief General Andres Centino are holding a press conference on Thursday, January 12, following the Armed Forces of the conference at Camp Aguinaldo.",12 +6,House bill granting VAT refund to tourists approved on second reading,5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Philippine Drug Enforcement Authority (PDEA) and Philippine National Police (PNP) informant told a House panel in a closed-door session that there were instances where more than half of illegal drugs confiscated from buy-bust operations were given to agents as a reward for their tips.",6 +7,The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is now investigating the alleged data breach involving the database of law enforcement agencies.,6 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) on Wednesday confirmed that the US Navy has transferred two newly Cyclone class patrol craft to its service following the of two vessels in Bahrain last March 28.,7 +13,"Faustino breaks silence, says resignation due to Centino reappointment",12 +5,"The Sandiganbayan has allowed the plea bargaining, pleading guilty to a lesser offense for a lesser penalty, by a private individual on his two counts of graft charges in the purchases of P4.8 million worth of liquid fertilizer by the local government of Butuan City in 2004.",4 +4,Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda has highlighted the vital role of gender equality in addressing environmental issues and urged the women leaders to put the goal for a sustainable future through climate change adaptation and disaster risk management on top of their priority,3 +14,PBBM backs peaceful resolution on Ukraine in call with Zelenskyy,13 +10,"PCG logs 80,874 outbound, 74,039 inbound travelers on Maundy Thursday",9 +9,"Forty-eight persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City tested positive for Covid-19, the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said.",8 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Press freedom stalwart, writer, and author Luis Teodoro died Monday, March 13. He was 81.",14 +15,University of Baguio student becomes first visually impaired Bar passer,14 +6,Marcos OKs EO creating water resources management office in DENR,5 +9,PCG urges vacationers to be careful amid Holy Week 2023 drowning incidents,8 +1,"State-run Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG) Fund opened 2023 with P27.57-billion worth of home loans released, reflecting a 14% climb from the P24.21 billion in the first quarter of 2022.",0 +13,We move at his pace': Barzaga extols 'busy' Romualdez,12 +14,Philippines condemns North Korea missile launches,13 +7,"Rep Teves, 2 sons ask DOJ to dismiss 'illegal possession' of firearms, explosives charges",6 +13,"Ex-VP Robredo, other public figures hail Maria Ressa’s tax case acquittal",12 +14,"Czech PM vows help for OFWs, PH aviation sector",13 +10,"Several parts of the country will continue to experience scattered rain showers and thunderstorms due to the low pressure area (LPA) embedded along the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Tuesday afternoon, May 2.",9 +14,"MANILA – France to help in maintaining peace, security and stability in the Indo-Pacific Region.",13 +1,Philippine delegation raises over P100-M sales leads in ASEAN Tourism Forum,0 +7,"Eight women farmers from Hermosa, Bataan went to the Department of Justice (DOJ) office in Manila on Wednesday to seek help in connection with the syndicated estafa case filed against them.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A day after the revelation about the improper “autopsy” of Kian delos Santos, Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said on Friday, February 3, that he and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) are already working on the matter.",6 +9,75 PDLs with mild symptoms remain in isolation — BuCor,8 +7,"Authorities are looking into five to six “direct conspirators’ in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said on Wednesday.",6 +10,"Amihan' to bring rain showers across Luzon, Visayas",9 +7,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) said it will go after minors who are smoking and vaping outside the school, according to Jun Veneracion’s “24 Oras” report on Tuesday.",6 +6,Bill institutionalizing transition to e-governance approved by House committee,5 +9,LGUs may begin rollout of Covid-19 2nd booster shot for general population—DOH,8 +4,"Legislator underscores role of women in agri, economic growth",3 +7,PNP denies police sold rescued Chinese workers to other POGOs,6 +7,PH 'actively pursuing' adoption of declaration vs. cyber trafficking —DFA chief,6 +10,I-ACT to deploy roving patrols along EDSA Busway,9 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Calls for justice poured in on Tuesday, October 4, in the wake of the murder of broadcast journalist Percy Lapid by unidentified assailants the night before.",11 +2,"House push to expand aid to private school students, teachers in basic ed revived",1 +2,"The Philippines on Monday received the gear and equipment donated by Japan, through their Japan Disaster Relief (JDR), to help in the ongoing oil spill cleanup in Oriental Mindoro.",1 +7,The Commission on Audit (COA) has flagged the Procurement Service-Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) for accepting a delivery of mechanical ventilators even if they lacked a technical specification required in the contract.,6 +7,DOJ gets court to order rearrest of rural doctor Naty Castro,6 +7,"Court orders arrest of Bantag, Zulueta on murder charge for death of Bilibid inmate",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is looking into the possibility of allowing vulnerable sectors to vote one or two hours earlier on election day on October 30, when the country selects its new set of barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan leaders.",12 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Friday, October 28, 2022",9 +6,"MANILA – The Senate Committee on Social Justice, Welfare, and Rural Development chaired by Senator Imee Marcos is eyeing to draft a three- to five-year plan on the implementation of the proposed Magna Carta for Child Development Workers (CDWs) once it passed into law.",5 +2,"Parts of Pasig, Rizal, QC waterless on April 13-15, 19-20",1 +13,Don’t heckle your classmates who can’t read; teach them' --- VP Duterte,12 +10,"MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) said Wednesday it would immediately release assistance to the families of the soldiers killed in the recent shooting incident at the 4th Infantry Division (4ID) headquarters in Camp Evangelista, Cagayan de Oro City.",9 +1,Senator JV Ejercito hopes that newly appointed Customs Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio would take stricter measures against the country's agricultural smuggling problem.,0 +10,IN PHOTOS: Thousands join ‘walk of faith’ on eve of Nazarene feast,9 +13,Proud kakampink and P3PWD Party-list nominee Rowena Guanzon is daring administration loyalists abroad to essentially leave their jobs and return to the Philippines.,12 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has named new appointees at the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).,12 +7,Remulla: Teves appears to be the ‘main mastermind’ in Degamo slay,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Senators said the magnitude 7 earthquake that rocked Abra and other parts of Luzon highlights the need for the country to soon have its own Department of Disaster Resilience (DDR).",8 +6,"Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III on Monday, May 1, threw his support behind a number of bills at the Upper Chamber seeking to raise the minimum wage in the country.",5 +7,Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Monday said the recent attacks against elected government officials were isolated incidents.,6 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has maintained its Status “A” accreditation with the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).,12 +7,PAGCOR urged to sue erring execs over 3rd party POGO auditor,6 +7,MARINA: MT Princess Empress’ CPC ‘not authentic’,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan has affirmed the conviction of former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Jesus Verzosa and five other retired police officers for their graft case.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Some lawyers would debate that when SUV owner Jose Antonio Sanvicente ran over a security guard and drove away, he could have been arrested without a warrant on the principle of hot pursuit – which law enforcement often used if they are eager to apprehend – but in his case, it has been observed that the police took their time with due process.",6 +10,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) the rehabilitation of two rod projects, which it said, are now providing the motorists with safer and travel within the Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) vicinity.",9 +13,"Tulfo, Ledesma clash over PhilHealth 'corruption' issue",12 +2,"Around 9,650 new teachers are expected to be hired by the Department of Education (DepEd) this year, according to its spokesperson on Thursday.",1 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – A big majority or 78% of Filipinos support the revival of the mandatory Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program for college students, according to a Pulse Asia by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian.",11 +3,The environment group EcoWaste Coalition has called out Holy Week pilgrims amid the piles of garbage that were seen littered in some religious sites.,2 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Exactly two years ago, Metro Manila was placed under lockdown to curb COVID-19 transmission, and the rest of the Philippines followed.",8 +7,2 PDEG officials file leave of absence over P6.7-B shabu haul,6 +3,Palace to observe Earth Hour; Marcos calls on Filipinos to join,2 +7,PNP Drug Enforcement Group chief sacked amid ‘link’ in P6.7-B shabu mess,6 +2,Marcos admin earmarks P1.737B for BFP modernization —DBM,1 +6,Senate bill eyes comprehensive sex education to prevent teenage pregnancy,5 +9,Philippines prepares for possible evacuation of Filipinos in Ukraine,8 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – By the end of 2022 and his first six months in office, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. got a “very good” or +68 net satisfaction rating, according to a survey released only recently by the Social Weather Stations.",11 +7,"NBI to file criminal charges next week vs Rep Teves in killings of Degamo, 8 others – Sec Remulla",6 +8,"Public activities related to the celebration of May 1 Labor Day, including protest actions in Metro Manila and other urban areas, ended peacefully and orderly, the Philippine National Police (PNP) has reported.",7 +2,Hontiveros: Why not give seized sugar to DSWD?,1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least five personnel of the Philippine National Police were dismissed from service for their involvement in the abduction of an e-sabong executive, PNP spokesperson Police Colonel Jean Fajardo said on Tuesday, December 20.",6 +5,"MANILA – The Court of Appeals (CA) has ruled in favor of a petition filed by government lawyers, questioning the Legazpi Regional Trial Court (RTC) decision to allow the posting of bail of former Daraga town mayor and double murder suspect Carlwyn Baldo in 2019.",4 +14,US Defense to PH: We always have your back; We’re family,13 +12,"Zubiri, Romualdez, Gesmundo see ‘significant changes’ in their performance ratings — Pulse Asia",11 +2,The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) has successfully issued over 22 million ePhilIDs or the electronic printable version of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) ID or national ID to registered Filipinos.,1 +7,"The Sandiganbayan has ordered anew the arrest of former Maguindanao governor and now Shariff Saydona Mustapha town Vice Mayor Datu Sajid Islam Uy Ampatuan who failed to attend the promulgation last Feb. 9 of the decision that found him guilty of 126 counts of falsification of public documents, four counts of graft, and four counts of malversation of public funds.",6 +13,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez has admitted to being ""dismayed and saddened"" over allegations that two police generals and other ranking officials of the Philippine National Police (PNP) attempted to cover-up of irregularities in the confiscation of some P6.7 billion worth of shabu in 2022.",12 +4,Regulate checkpoints to stop discriminatory practices - Tulfo,3 +7,"Four persons have been arrested in Quezon province for “transporting” about 7,000 board feet of “undocumented” lumber believed sourced from alleged illegally cut trees.",6 +9,"The Philippines recorded 983 new COVID-19 infections from March 6 to 12, according to the Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday.",8 +10,"PH airspace to be shut down on May 3, 17 for repair of air traffic system – CAAP",9 +7,"BI adds Bantag, Zulueta in HDO list",6 +2,"With BNPP not in operation, Marcos now keen on battery energy farms",1 +8,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday bared the plan to purchase Mini Cruiser vehicles manufactured by Japanese carmaker Toyota Motor Corporation for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).,7 +9,Philippines begins COVID-19 vaccination of children aged 5 to 11,8 +8,Solon: Continue protest vs. Chinese ‘aggression’,7 +9,"MANILA – State-run Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) is empowered to choose which health care provider may be accredited under its programs, including whether to restore the revoked accreditation of firms, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said.",8 +8,"No sovereignty issue on additional EDCA sites, DND insists",7 +6,MANILA - Senators Ronald dela Rosa and Sherwin Gatchalian on Friday came to the defense of the proposed revival of the mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps program amid calls to scrap the proposal in view of the death of hazing victim Matthew Salilig.,5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Makalipas ang higit sa dalawang taon mula nang gawing mandatory ang pagsusuot ng face masks kapag nasa labas, ginawa na itong opsyonal ni Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",8 +13,"MANILA -- The Philippines should be allowed to respond made by a group of ‘victims’ in the case against the previous administration’s campaign against illegal drugs before the International Criminal Court (ICC), Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra said Thursday.",12 +1,MANILA – Malacañang on Sunday announced that the very first “Kadiwa ng Pangulo” outlet in the Bicol region has so far generated around PHP1.21 million in sales.,0 +6,House panel OKs proposed new law on public-private partnerships,5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government aims to vaccinate 5 million individuals during the third wave of its nationwide vaccination drive dubbed “Bayanihan Bakunahan” on February 10 and 11.",8 +14,"The Philippines is a “significant beneficiary” of the P3.6-billion Indo-Pacific maritime programs sponsored by the Australian government to expand the region’s maritime security and marine environment protection, Australian Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Dr. Moya Collett said.",13 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said the government is studying reverting school vacation back to March.",5 +15,Former president Fidel Ramos dies,14 +14,What you need to know about Marcos’ visit to Japan,13 +6,Go renews call for creation of Magna Carta for Seafarers,5 +14,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – Manila’s pivot back to Washington reaches its climax on Monday, May 1, as a Filipino president steps inside the White House for the first time in over a decade.",13 +2,"Amid backlash, Marcos says blended learning can continue in ‘very specific areas’",1 +14,Marcos-Qin talks productive; ‘some pronouncements’ clarified,13 +10,"MANILA – The Manila Water Company’s (Manila Water) social flagship program, Tubig Para sa Barangay (TPSB), continues to provide service improvements to 1.8 million Filipinos in in the East Zone of Metro Manila.",9 +13,The Presidential Communications Office (PCO) has changed its logo in a bid to efficiently enforce its mandate of delivering information to the public.,12 +6,"MANILA – A lawmaker vowed on Tuesday to look into reports of overbooking, offloading, and booking glitches by Cebu Pacific, saying these issues drive away tourists and inconvenience passengers.",5 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – After the brazen killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) stressed the need for more intelligence gathering and collaboration to determine threats against local government officials.",7 +10,Up to 140K daily travelers expected at NAIA during Holy Week,9 +1,"MANILA – Big-ticket infrastructure projects of the Department of Transportation (DOTr) will improve tourism in remote areas and unlock economic potential in the provinces, Department of Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.",0 +15,"Around 20,000 devotees join Black Nazarene motorcade on Good Friday",14 +7,Salilig’s father wants death penalty for hazing,6 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Ateneo de Manila University said its security protocols “are now being reviewed and strengthened further,” following the shooting that left three people dead on Sunday, July 24.",7 +6,"MANILA – House of Representatives Deputy Speaker, Batangas 6th District Rep. Ralph Recto, on Thursday called on President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to certify as urgent the House bill extending the deadline of the estate tax amnesty for another two years.",5 +2,DPWH eyes private sector involvement in Metro Cebu Expressway,1 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) 1st Division handed down its ruling on Wednesday, January 18, acquitting Rappler chief executive officer Maria Ressa and Rappler Holdings Corporation (RHC) of tax evasion, ending a four-year court battle for the multi-awarded news site. (READ: Philippine court acquits Nobel laureate Maria Ressa, Rappler of tax evasion)",4 +10,"‘Uwi na lang, be safe’: Ople appeals to Pinoys in conflict-torn Sudan to return home to PH",9 +8,US concerned over attacks vs journalists in the Philippines,7 +6,Marcos approves SIM registration extension,5 +7,AFP lauds arrest of alleged communist leader Casilao,6 +6,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) mulls reviving the food coupon program to scale down the hunger problem among poor Filipinos, Secretary Rex Gatchalian said Thursday.",5 +13,"After 5 months, Catapang gets official appointment as BuCor chief",12 +7,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. ordered on Monday the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) and the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (PAOCC) to strengthen efforts in eradicating human trafficking.",6 +7,"MANILA – The Court of Appeals (CTA) has granted a petition filed by a local petroleum firm questioning taxes imposed on its importation of alkylate, of petroleum products.",6 +13,Comelec set to seal VCMs for Cavite special polls,12 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and US President Joe Biden will discuss many salient topics of mutual interest to their countries when they meet in Washington next week.",13 +8,NTF-ELCAC hails conviction of NGO cashier for terror financing,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Newly appointed Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gregorio Catapang on Wednesday, April 12, bared his plans for the bureau he has been heading in the last six months.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has appointed Sandiganbayan Justice Alex Quiroz as chairperson of the GCG or the Governance Commission for Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Malacañang announced Saturday, July 23.",12 +13,Villanueva confident other senators will back report seeking ban on POGOs,12 +14,Romualdez: Filipinos to benefit from Marcos-Biden meeting,13 +7,LIVESTREAM: DOJ-DILG joint press conference on Percy Lapid case,6 +15,Ballots printed for Dec. 2022 BSKE to be used for Oct. 30 polls,14 +10,"Tropical depression Amang was almost stationary over Lagonoy Gulf as of Wednesday morning, April 12, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its latest bulletin.",9 +6,"The government agencies and the should now work with full speed in urging the public to register their SIM, Senator Grace Poe said a day after the Supreme Court denied the bid to issue a temporary restraining order against the implementation of the SIM Registration Act.",5 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said the excavation inside the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) did not undergo appropriate process and has no legal basis.",4 +14,‘Welcome back’: Marcos-Biden meeting flexes ‘optimism’ in bilateral ties,13 +2,"Parts of Rizal, Marikina waterless April 26-27",1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr is set to visit two Southeast Asian countries in the first week of September, Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles said on Friday, August 19.",13 +2,Philippines should be ready for 1.5M new job seekers —Villanueva,1 +14,"PH, US strengthen commitment to ‘modernize’ alliance after 2+2",13 +2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday led the launch of a special Kadiwa ng Pangulo (KNP) outlet dubbed “KNP Para sa Manggagawa” (KNP for Workers) in Quezon City, citing workers’ crucial role in the country’s economic and social progress.",1 +14,"There are some points that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. wants to clarify as regards the PH-US Mutual Defense Treaty when he meets US President Joe Biden, Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez has said.",13 +9,A pediatric infectious disease specialist has called for more intensified efforts for the country’s routine immunization to prevent cases of vaccine-preventable diseases from rising.,8 +15,"A bettor won the jackpot prize of P55,394,255.40 in the Grand Lotto 6/55 draw held on Saturday, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) said.",14 +8,"Marcos tasks DFA, PCG to map out PH’s fishing grounds in West Philippine Sea",7 +4,CHR lauds Isabela City in Basilan for enacting 1st human rights protection ordinance in PH,3 +5,"Ex-QC mayor Bautista, then city administrator Cuña charged in 2 graft cases before Sandiganbayan",4 +2,Novaliches transport coop awaits 23 more modernized jeepneys,1 +7,"The prosecution of perpetrators behind the thousands of killings blamed on the war on drugs under the Duterte administration ""will go on forever"" with the current pace of the investigation, a member of the European Parliament on human rights said on Friday.",6 +13,Ex-chief justice warns ‘proxies’ of dynasties may comprise traditional con-con,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Office of the Vice President (OVP) and the Department of Education (DepEd) hold a joint press briefing on Wednesday, July 27.",12 +7,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture's Inspectorate and Enforcement Office (DA-IE) bared on Tuesday the confiscation of over PHP150 million worth of smuggled sugar.,6 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has appointed Monina Arevalo-Zenarosa of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR).",12 +15,"Grand, Mega Lotto jackpots still up for grabs",14 +10,"Monday forecast: Rains over parts of PH due to LPA, 'amihan'",9 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – Candidates and parties in future elections could receive government funding for their campaign expenses should a long-shot legislative proposal that seeks to strengthen the Philippines’ party system pass.",0 +6,"Give health workers more reasons to stay, serve in PH—Revilla tells gov’t",5 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday said it is studying the standardization of salaries of nurses, doctors and healthcare workers to encourage them to stay in the Philippines.",1 +14,Japanese envoy encourages Filipino youth to study Nihongo,13 +3,MANILA – The social arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has joined the call for the government to declare a climate emergency.,2 +3,"PBBM cites importance of protecting, promoting PH forest cover",2 +7,House panel invites these PNP members to join probe on Manila drug bust,6 +6,The Department of Education (DepEd) defended the inclusion of same-sex unions in the proposed revised basic education curriculum noting that the concepts have been discussed among students in the past ten years.,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has been selling a different version of the Maharlika Investment Fund to bigwig foreign investors in Davos, Switzerland – one that is envisioned to be “more led” by the private sector through the stock market.",13 +7,PNP chief orders assessment of threats vs. local execs,6 +6,"The proposed additional benefits for Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) cadets are now in effect, public information office chief Police Lieutenant Colonel Louie Gonzaga said Wednesday.",5 +6,House panel approves bill expanding ways to earn college degree,5 +14,"Philippines, China commit to working on resolving differences",13 +15,Taguig brightens Valentine's Day with 'lights of love',14 +10,List of towns included in school building program out by March,9 +6,"MANILA – The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Monday issued a new resolution that aims to speed up the resolution of apprehension cases and reduce ""red tape"" in the agency.",5 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs asked lawmakers to restore P544 million in funding for its consular operations in 2023, citing the possible loss of jobs among personnel and closure of temporary offsite passport services (TOPS) used to meet the demand for passport renewals.",0 +2,"Motorists may use temporary license plates due to supply shortage but they should be able to present supporting documents including proof of authorization, according to the Land Transportation Office (LTO).",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is now entering a new phase after its new director assumed his post.",12 +6,House OKs reso calling for con-con on second reading,5 +14,"China's embassy in the Philippines said its ambassador Huang Xilian's remarks about overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan were misquoted, misunderstood, or taken out of context.",13 +8,DSWD to assist 8 Filipinos arriving from Sudan,7 +13,"A week before his retirement, Police General Rodolfo Azurin, Jr. advised President Marcos to be careful in choosing his replacement as the chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) amid what he describes as ‘a pattern of pilferage’ of supposed confiscated shabu by erring police anti-narcotics agents.",12 +2,The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) on Thursday announced that over 61 million Filipinos have been issued with their Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) IDs.,1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Most Filipino adults vaccinated against the coronavirus said they were willing to get a booster shot against COVID-19, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey conducted in December 2021, but released on Thursday night, January 27.",8 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines College of Law (UP) garnered the most number of topnotchers in the 2022 Bar Examinations.",14 +8,"The number of suspected Chinese maritime militia vessels in and around Pag-asa Island and the Sabina Shoal has decreased, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on Friday.",7 +8,"The Department of National Defense (DND) on Saturday objected to Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian's claim that the Philippines was “stoking” geopolitical tensions by offering the United States access to its military bases near Taiwan.   ""The Department of National Defense takes exception to the statement of Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian that the Philippines is meddling in the internal affairs of China concerning Taiwan,"" the agency's spokesperson, Arsenio Andolong, said in a statement.   In a separate statement, National Security Council spokesperson Assistant Director General Jonathan Malaya clarified that “the Philippines has no intention of interfering in the Taiwan issue and will not allow itself to be used by other countries to interfere in the said issue.”",7 +7,BI intercepts three African victims of int'l human trafficking syndicate,6 +12,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has vowed to work even harder following his “very good” net satisfaction rating in the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.,11 +6,AGRI Party-list Rep. Wilbert T. Lee has thumbed down the Land Transportation Office's (LTO) plan to print out temporary driver's licenses on paper amid the shortage of plastic cards.,5 +10,"A traveler who had to endure a lengthy interview by Bureau of Immigration personnel who asked her to show a yearbook missed her flight to Israel last December.   The story of freelance writer Cham Tanteras went viral on social media after she failed to catch her flight due to a lengthy interview at the immigration counter.   She was also asked by the immigration officer to present a yearbook.   “Hindi naman ako magdadala ng yearbook while traveling, kahit saan pa (I'm not bringing my yearbook while traveling). Sabi niya (The immigration officer said), ‘if you didn't bring your yearbook, do you have your graduation photo with you?,’” Tanteras said in Maki Pulido’s “24 Oras” report on Friday.   She was eventually allowed to travel after undergoing a secondary inspection. However, it was too late for her to board the flight.",9 +13,Marcos: Chinese envoy’s Taiwan statement just ‘lost in translation’,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Toms River North High School in New Jersey, United States, where Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Maria Ressa finished high school, has named its auditorium after the veteran journalist and founder of online news website Rappler.",12 +9,Experts question gov’t vaccination thresholds for Alert Level 1,8 +12,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte received majority approval and trust ratings in the March 2023 Ulat ng Bayan survey results released on Wednesday, April 12.",11 +1,"Right on schedule, plenary deliberations on the national government’s proposed budget for 2023 are underway at the House of Representatives.",0 +10,More SIM registration booths needed as deadline nears,9 +6,The bill seeking to limit the coverage of the fixed terms in the Armed Forces of the Philippines is now up for President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s signature.,5 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Anti-graft court Sandiganbayan upheld its earlier decision convicting four Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) officers over the irregular procurement of mobile phone cards worth P6.04 million in 2014.",4 +9,"The Covid-19 positivity rates in three provinces in the country have increased to over 20 percent, OCTA fellow Dr. Guido David said on Monday, April 17.",8 +2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said the government is looking at the option of importing rice to beef up the country's supply in the event of natural calamities, such as typhoons and the El Niño weather phenomenon.",1 +7,"Ex-Quezon solon escapes graft, but liable for mishandled ‘pork’",6 +13,Remulla questions why ICC was not probing drug cartels instead,12 +15,"Fruitful, engaging, emboldening.",14 +13,Guevarra to clarify with Marcos move to 'disengage' from ICC,12 +9,"DOH: 86 kids, adolescents tested positive for HIV in January",8 +14,Issue on unpaid Saudi Arabia claimants on final stages: Ople,13 +7,Bantag et al get warrants of arrest over Percy Lapid killing,6 +7,Poe seeks Senate probe into possible human smuggling at NAIA using private aircraft,6 +7,A Department of Budget and Management (DBM) official on Thursday testified that former Senator Juan Ponce Enrile issued request letters for the release of his Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) to groups allegedly linked to businesswoman Janet Lim Napoles.,6 +6,"DepEd, EDCOM II sign data sharing agreement",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Between the Senate and the House of Representatives in the legislature, it’s the House that’s the bigger chamber.",12 +10,Zubiri on NAIA mess: Fix airport issues or let foreigners manage,9 +8,DILG chief eyes intensified crackdown vs. private armies,7 +6,"A Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey conducted one month prior to the original deadline with the SIM Registration Act, also known as Republic Act No. 11934, revealed that 56 percent of adult Filipino SIM card owners had registered their cards, while 44 percent had not.",5 +13,‘Productive’? Malacañang says Marcos watched Singapore Grand Prix for work,12 +15,P3PWD Party-list nominee Rowena Guanzon couldn't help but tease the BTS fanatics among her followers upon visiting a veritable shrine of Jungkook in her native province.,14 +10,"MANILA – Most parts of the country will continue to experience rain showers caused by a low-pressure area (LPA) and the northeast monsoon or ""amihan,"" the weather bureau said Wednesday.",9 +14,"MANILA – American experts on extended-range mortar and anti-tank missile operations provided lessons to Filipino troops during the subject matter expert exchanges (SMEE) segment of the ongoing ""Salaknib"" exercises in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija province on Wednesday.",13 +6,"MANILA – Senator Francis Escudero on Wednesday asked his colleagues to pass Senate Bill No. 1359, which prohibits the “no permit, no exam” policy which, he said, is the cruelest of fines being imposed by some educational institutions.",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Ronnie Dayan is the latest to recant in the two counts of drug charges against jailed opposition senator Leila De Lima, saying his testimony in Congress in 2016 was also done out of coercion.",6 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has appointed new officials in various government agencies.",12 +7,Ex-PNP deputy chief for ops Santos denies involvement in alleged shabu case cover-up,6 +1,MANILA – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) calculated the initial damage to the environment due to the oil spill caused by the sunken MT Princess Empress in Oriental Mindoro at PHP7 billion.,0 +13,"WASHINGTON —President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said Thursday (Washington time) that there had been during the ""previous administration"" in the war on illegal drugs, which he said focused too much on law enforcement.",12 +15,Lagusnilad underpass partially closed for 4 months starting May 2,14 +8,Over 100 Chinese vessels spotted in West Philippine Sea —PCG,7 +7,The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has seized over P19.22 billion worth of smuggled products in the first three months of 2023.,6 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) is set to file simultaneously multiple murder and other criminal charges against Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Anie” A. Teves Jr. for the March 4 killings of nine persons, including Gov. Roel R. Degamo.",6 +13,Robredo: Influence operations destroyed common baselines of fact,12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Movement Against Disinformation (MAD) on Tuesday, February 8, condemned a statement released by Presidential Communications Undersecretary Lorraine Marie T. Badoy on Facebook, which said the government’s task force intends to take legal action against Rappler for its alleged “spread of disinformation that has brought and continues to bring great harm.”",6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines — The largest Balikatan wraps up with an exercise that’s never been done before: Filipino and American troops working together to sink a Philippine Navy warship.",13 +6,PBBM to study calls to delay jeepney phaseout plan,5 +7,Senators thumb down Teves’ appeal to virtually join Senate probe on Degamo killing,6 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Guiuan in Eastern Samar registered a heat index of 49 degrees Celsius (℃) on Sunday, April 16, the highest recorded value since March 1, 2023.",9 +8,MANILA – A China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel has directed a military-grade laser light at a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) ship on a rotation and resupply mission of the Philippine Navy (PN) in Ayungin Shoal at the West Philippine Sea (WPS) on Feb. 6.,7 +7,MANILA – Lawmakers led by Surigao del Norte 2nd District Representative Robert “Ace” Barbers on Wednesday urged the anti-drug agencies to submit the inventory of enormous quantity of illegal drugs seized in previous operations to the House Committee on Dangerous Drugs.,6 +6,DICT: No more extension after addt’l 90-day SIM registration period expires,5 +6,"MANILA – The Senate Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development on Wednesday decided to schedule a second hearing on the proposed measure seeking to professionalize the Child Development Worker (CDW) or Daycare Worker occupations.",5 +9,"DOH launches children vaccination drive vs. measles, rubella, polio",8 +5,SC grants Ressa plea to travel,4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Rural doctor Natividad “Naty” Castro was already freed last March on kidnapping charges related to an accusation that she was leader, but the Department of Justice (DOJ) moved and managed to convince the court to reinstate the case and order a rearrest.",6 +1,Proposed VAT refund for tourists seen to increase shopping by 29%,0 +6,DOF’s One-Stop-Shop Center abolished,5 +2,"PSA: More than 50M Filipinos now have their PhilIDs, ePhilIDs",1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xi Jinping held an hour-long telephone summit where they discussed the South China Sea issue and the situation in Ukraine, and reviewed the bilateral relations between their countries during the Duterte administration, Malacañang said on Saturday, April 9.",13 +15,Last of 2 parts,14 +14,"After US’ rocky past with Marcoses, new envoy vows ‘deep, enduring’ bond",13 +1,PhilHealth owes Philippine Heart Center P167-M worth of unpaid claims,0 +7,"John Matthew Salilig, the 24-year-old chemical engineering student who died after allegedly undergoing a Tau Gamma Phi fraternity initiation rite in Laguna, was laid to rest on Saturday morning at his hometown in Zamboanga City.",6 +6,Win Gatchalian urges principals to shift to blended learning amid El Niño alert,5 +8,Marcos says Philippines bases could be ‘useful’ if Taiwan attacked,7 +1,"Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said his economy would resist global recessionary headwinds, but warned that increasing tensions in the South China Sea were harming trade.",0 +13,"WASHINGTON, D.C.— President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. had a spirited meet-and-greet event with Filipinos here on Monday afternoon in which the attendees virtually mobbed him in their excitement to exchange plesantries with him.",12 +1,Hontiveros: 3 traders may take billions of 'super profits' from sugar importation,0 +14,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Wednesday extended his well wishes to Japanese Emperor Naruhito for his 63rd birthday on February 23.,13 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is prepared for a possible simultaneous holding of the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) and the election of participants to a constitutional convention (con-con) to amend the 1987 Constitution in October.,12 +8,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday underscored the need to develop systems that will protect the country from any attacks in the cyberspace.",7 +15,PCO reveals new logo to symbolize faster news delivery,14 +7,2 female Taguig cops feted for refusing P100K bribe in drug case,6 +2,"MANILA – To realize the administration’s food security targets, the Department of Agriculture-Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (DA-AMAS) said Wednesday it will secure direct transportation links between onion growers and buyers.",1 +7,"MANILA – The search for the mastermind behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo has been boosted by a supposed video-conference call between the alleged mastermind and the suspects, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Wednesday.",6 +5,SC junks request to temporarily stop SIM card registration,4 +13,"After rumors circulated last week that former first lady Imelda Marcos had passed away, current First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos on Sunday posted a photo of herself next to her mother-in-law.",12 +2,"MANILA – Malacañang on Saturday released a list of new appointees, including the chiefs of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA).",1 +6,"Senate Minority Leader Aquilino ""Koko"" Pimentel III on Sunday urged the Government Service Insurance System to allow elected officials and their staff to continue remitting voluntary contributions equivalent to 15 years even if they have served for less number of years.",5 +10,US visa application fees increase starting May 30,9 +12,"PBBM, Sara get high March approval, trust ratings: OCTA",11 +10,MANILA – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Saturday said a contingency plan is in place to respond to the looming El Niño that experts forecast to occur in months.,9 +7,510 motorists apprehended as LTO beefs up road presence,6 +13,Senators say Con-Ass an ‘unnecessary’ diversion,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Privacy Commission (NPC) said the Commission on Elections (Comelec) and software provider Smartmatic were not liable of violating the Data Privacy Act, in connection with a server breach that gripped the electronic voting firm in the run-up to the 2022 elections.",4 +14,Japan ready to help PH education programs — VP Duterte,13 +10,"Caritas Manila, the social action arm of the Archdiocese of Manila, continues to provide scholarships to agriculture students every year.",9 +8,"Abalos orders PNP, LGUs to prepare for protest-related security issues on Labor Day",7 +9,Philippines begins rollout of COVID-19 2nd booster shot on April 25,8 +14,"Japan donates gear, equipment to the Philippines for Oriental Mindoro oil spill cleanup",13 +7,"Former BuCor Chief Bantag, Deputy Zulueta now considered fugitives",6 +7,"MANILA – The country's crime rate has dropped by 11.36 percent in the first four months of this year, a ranking police official said Thursday.",6 +8,A maritime security expert on Tuesday encouraged the Philippine government to partner with other nations in conducting maritime patrols amid the tension in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).,7 +2,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) will open new satellite offices for the processing of its Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program, mainly to serve residents of Metro Manila and neighboring provinces.",1 +9,Philippine death toll from Christmas rains and floods rises to 13,8 +8,AFP activates vice presidential security group for Sara Duterte,7 +15,Radio Veritas marks its 54th year,14 +13,"With 10 days to go in the campaign, presidential frontrunner Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has his eyes set on Central Luzon, which has 7.28 million voters or 11% of the total voting population of the country.",12 +9,"The Department of Health on Sunday logged 36 new COVID-19 cases in the Philippines, the lowest daily total since 13 were reported on March 20, 2020—two years, 10 months, and 16 days ago near the start of the pandemic.",8 +14,MANILA – The United Kingdom and the Philippines are looking at an upgraded bilateral cooperation as London sought to strengthen maritime engagement with Manila in the Indo-Pacific region.,13 +12,"In Ilocos Norte, a ‘tiny minority’ speaks up vs Marcos Jr.",11 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – P&G Philippines on Saturday, December 10, announced the voluntary recall of its Sangobion Kids 100 ml (Iron + Vitamin B-Complex) as a precautionary measure after it learned that the food supplement may contain “ethylene glycol above the allowable limits in raw material.”",8 +7,"Kidnapping victim found dead in Tanza, Cavite",6 +8,"Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. assured on Tuesday, April 18, the safety of a Negros Oriental congressman amid the investigation and filing of charges in connection with the alleged murders in the province, including its governor Roel Degamo.",7 +14,"PH, New Zealand committed to regional security, rules-based order",13 +6,NLEX’s 3rd Candaba viaduct construction gets green light,5 +2,CCC sees need to enhance partnership with DA for agri ventures,1 +1,"Sara Duterte asks investors to back heritage, medical tourism",0 +7,Senate inquiry into delays in SSS benefit claims process sought,6 +13,"President Rodrigo Duterte steps down from office and “Citizen Digong” on June 30, 2022, the day Ferdinand Marcos Jr. officially succeeds him in Malacañang.",12 +6,Senate panel recommends creation of anti-agri smuggling task force,5 +14,"LIVE UPDATES: Marcos’ state visits to Indonesia, Singapore",13 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday urged lawmakers to ""enshrine"" into law policies that will help address malnutrition in the country.",5 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.— On his last day of visit here, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. paid his respects to the fallen American soldiers.",13 +10,"Marcos hopes for a 5-minute travel between Caloocan, Manila",9 +7,4 more suspects in Degamo slay surrender,6 +8,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) locations will provide the military with the needed infrastructure in modernizing its forces.,7 +15,Cadaver of last missing passenger of ship that caught fire off Basilan recovered- PCG,14 +1,DPWH infra projects spur economic and agri development in Cagayan Valley,0 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – In areas under Alert Level 1, asymptomatic individuals who are close contacts of a positive case are no longer required to quarantine for as long as they are fully vaccinated, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, March 1.",8 +2,"US offers Aparri fisherfolk with loans, livelihood support",1 +7,"Bureau of Immigration (BI) agents at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) have arrested on Monday, April 10, a Korean national who tried to board a Philippine Airline flight to Cambodia with a Philippine passport.",6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – China has called on the Philippines to “eliminate interference” in its ties, as it expressed optimism that cooperation between the two countries would keep its momentum under a new Philippine administration.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership (CPL) announced it has chosen former vice president Leni Robredo as one of its Hauser Leaders for the fall 2022 semester.",12 +2,MANILA – There is a need to increase the budget of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to expedite the production of motorcycle license plates and eliminate backlog.,1 +7,At least 23 holes found on sunken MT Princess Empress,6 +1,Marcos: Gov't to prioritize agri sector to back growth,0 +4,Raffy Tulfo seeks probe on ‘anti-poor’ process of obtaining a driver's license,3 +9,"COVID-19 cases shoot up by 82%, unvaccinated urged to get jabbed immediately",8 +13,"TOKYO — Amending the 1987 Constitution is not a priority of his administration, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Sunday.",12 +13,"Liza Marcos denies hand in military appointments, warns people using her name",12 +14,Padilla reacts to resumption of PH-China talks for joint exploration in WPS,13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The anti-graft court Sandiganbayan sentenced a former administrator of the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) to six years and one month imprisonment for paying a contractor without proper approval.",6 +2,"Senator Sherwin Gatchalian pressed the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to provide the necessary platform for marginalized local government units (LGUs) to automate their respective operations, including tax administration.",1 +6,Pimentel group asks SC to reverse Comelec ruling on ‘true’ PDP-Laban,5 +2,The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and a Japanese ship began to implement “bagging” operations to stop the leaks from the sunken motor tanker Princess Empress in Oriental Mindoro.,1 +9,DOH: First Arcturus case in PH already recovered,8 +13,SINAG suggests Imee Marcos be made agriculture secretary,12 +12,"Around eight in 10 Filipinos believed the country was moving in the right direction under the administration of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., according to OCTA Research’s first quarter survey released on Saturday.   Conducted from March 24 to 28, the poll found that 76% of 1,200 adult Filipinos believed that the country was headed in the right direction based on the policies and programs articulated and implemented by the current administration.   Ten percent of the respondents believed otherwise, and 13% were undecided.   “While 8 out of 10 adult Filipinos (76%) think that the country is headed in the right direction, this result represents a notable decline of 9 percentage points to the TNM (Tugon ng Masa) Q4 October 2022 survey conducted last quarter, where 85% said that the country was headed in the right direction,” OCTA said in its report.   “The decline in the overall percentage of adult Filipinos who think that the country is headed in the right direction from last quarter was due to the consistent decreases across major areas and socioeconomic classes,” it added.",11 +4,"MANILA – Davao del Norte 1st District Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez said Tuesday he was pushing anew for the passage of the Civil Partnership Bill, which allows both same-sex and opposite-sex couples to enter into a civil partnership and enjoy equal rights and protection under the law.",3 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – A court in Capas, Tarlac has junked charges of illegal assembly and malicious mischief against 83 people – farmers, artists and journalists – over a dispersed bungkalan or cultivation activity meant to assert ownership over a land grant under the agrarian reform program.",4 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The House on Wednesday, September 14, swiftly terminated the deliberations on the Office of the Vice President’s (OVP) P2.92-billion budget for 2023, which is a three-fold increase from the office’s P702-million budget in 2022.",0 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s visit to Washington DC has laid the framework for from both the private sector and civil society for greater cooperation and partnership in the development and economy of the Philippines, former US Ambassador to the Philippines John Negroponte said Tuesday.",13 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday registered 217 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally climbed to 9,680.",8 +14,"China hopes foreign minister's Manila visit will improve communications, trust with PH",13 +6,"ILIGAN, Philippines – Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on Friday, October 14, called for a revival of “Oplan Tokhang” in fighting illegal drugs in the country, similar to the controversial strategy he led as police chief during the early years of the Duterte administration.",5 +1,Strict implementation of RCEP guidelines to protect agri sector,0 +9,Villar wants BFP personnel to be certified medical responders,8 +7,MANILA – The Quezon City police arrested Wednesday a big-time drug peddler and seized from him around PHP3.4 million worth of suspected shabu.,6 +1,LTO can collect billions if 'vision tests' are done by gov’t--Tulfo,0 +7,"NPC clears Comelec, Smartmatic of data privacy violation over breach in 2022",6 +7,OTS: Airport screening officers relieved from duty for alleged extortion,6 +9,"CEBU CITY, Philippines – Department of Health (DOH) Undersecretary Camilo Cascolan will oversee the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination program in the Visayas, DOH officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said in a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, November 15.",8 +12,SWS: 93% of Filipino adults felt climate change effects in past 3 years,11 +7,MANILA – Immigration officers prevented two Africa-bound Filipino women suspected of being human trafficking victims from leaving the country at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).,6 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – On the 36th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution, Christian churches urged voters to reject “any candidate” who may plunge the Philippines into a situation similar to the Martial Law years under the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, known as a dark chapter in the country’s history.",2 +8,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has directed all government agencies and local government units to support the 2023 National Crime Prevention Program (NCPP).,7 +2,"MANILA – There is a need to raise the salary grade of some 2,000 dentists employed in the public sector to keep their services and at the same time attract more to work for the government.",1 +2,The full rehabilitation of Baguio's famous and iconic Kennon Road is set to begin next year.,1 +11,"US envoy visits Balangiga Bells in Eastern Samar, ‘where they rightfully belong’",10 +7,"Hold departure order vs. Bantag, Zulueta issued by Muntinlupa court",6 +13,"MANILA – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) encouraged the 350 local governments that received the 2022 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) award to use their incentive fund subsidy on ""high-impact"" projects in their localities.",12 +14,"Recruitment agencies in Bahrain vow to protect OFWs, says solon",13 +8,"Philippines, US crafting defense guidelines to address ‘ambiguities’ in MDT",7 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. underscored Japan's key role when to infrastructure development in the Philippines as a government railroad project co-financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Asian Development Bank was signed on Friday.",13 +7,Leads obtained on Degamo slay mastermind —Azurin,6 +10,WATCH: Walkthrough of new repatriation center for OFWs,9 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Activist and Karapatan chairperson emeritus Amaryllis “Marie” Hilao Enriquez passed away, her daughter Andrea confirmed on Monday, April 25.",14 +6,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday, May 3,  asked the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to solve the recurring blackouts in Western Visayas.",5 +3,First Manileño papal nuncio ordained as archbishop,2 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Forensic pathologist Dr. Raquel Fortun, on Thursday, February 2, shared new findings on the case of Kian delos Santos – almost six years since the 17-year-old boy was killed by cops.",6 +7,Gov't to pursue illegal drug trade syndicates --- PBBM,6 +14,Marcos: No formal talks yet on military access agreement with Japan,13 +14,"PH, UK back calls for stability in Indo-Pacific Region",13 +14,"MANILA – The government will tie loose ends in connection with the Bangladesh Bank heist in 2016, the Department of Justice (DOJ) assured on Friday.",13 +6,Makabayan bloc pushes for P750 daily wage hike nationwide for private sector workers,5 +15,"Filipino 'comfort woman,' Lola Hilaria dies at 97",14 +7,"Two trafficking victims who were recruited through social media have been rescued and are now back in the country, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced Thursday.",6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday recorded 190 new COVID-19 cases as the active tally climbs to 9,244.",8 +7,"The Special Investigation Task Group (SITG) 990 is investigating the source of the 990 kilos of suspected illegal drugs found in Manila last October, which is also considered one of the biggest police drug hauls in the country.",6 +7,"The goal of raiding another warehouse to confiscate more illegal drugs aside from the 990 kilos seized from a lending agency owned by controversial Police Master Sgt. Rodolfo Mayo, Jr. in Manila last year was the reason why police anti-narcotics agents lapses in operational procedures.",6 +13,BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson,12 +15,LTFRB: Only 10% of NCR routes affected by transport strike,14 +7,MANILA – Two officials of ARGO Trading have surrendered a week after the House Committee on Agriculture cited them in contempt for refusing to turn over the documents asked by the panel in connection with the hoarding that led to the recent spike in onion prices.,6 +2,"Marcos cheers European Commission move as job losses for 50,000 seafarers averted",1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Suspended lawmaker Arnie Teves allegedly threatened to include National Bureau of Investigation Central Visayas Director Renan Oliva in a theft case if the agency did not drop operations against illegal e-sabong operations.",6 +8,Senator wants BSKE deferred to defuse tension in Negros Oriental,7 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is open to the idea of a Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with Japan if it does not increase ""tensions"" in the South China Sea.",13 +7,"MANILA – Authorities have recaptured eight of the 10 detainees who escaped from a police substation in Pasay City early Monday, Southern Police District (SPD) Director, Brig. Gen. Kirby John Kraft, said on Tuesday.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – As Senator Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri prepares to assume the presidency of the Senate, he swears the “supermajority” he is organizing would not be used to railroad the passage of the priority bills of his ally president-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",12 +13,"Rappler Talk: Detainee Leila de Lima, 6 years after",12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – The historic visit of US Vice President Kamala Harris in the Philippines was met with a protest led by various progressive groups.",11 +7,Tolentino to serve as Bato’s lawyer in ICC; invites Khan to Senate hearing,6 +6,Hontiveros wants probe on high cost of port fees,5 +9,"Chronic kidney disease on the rise, health experts warn",8 +15,"BASILAN, Philippines – Manlilikha ng Bayan Ambalang Ausalin died of a lingering illness on Friday, February 18. She was 78.",14 +8,"7 fishermen missing, 13 rescued after boat collision in Agutaya, Palawan",7 +12,Groups oppose Marcos Jr.’s decision to appoint Sara Duterte as DepEd chief,11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Cavite 7th District Representative Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla will be heading the Department of Justice (DOJ) under a Ferdinand Marcos Jr. government – a hyper-political position that will put him at the helm of prosecutors, government lawyers, and even as a member of the feared anti-terror council.",12 +6,Villafuerte bats for passage of these 2 pro-teacher bills ahead of Labor Day,5 +10,IN PHOTOS: Face-to-face classes begin after a 2-year hiatus,9 +7,Panel recommends admin charges vs. 4 senior PNP officials over alleged drug links,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Second time’s the charm for Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman George Garcia and Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairman Karlo Nograles, who both got the nod of the Commission on Appointments (CA) three months after they were bypassed.",12 +13,"The camp of Senator Aquilino ""Koko"" Pimentel III and former Senator Manny Pacquiao on Monday asked the Supreme Court to reverse the Commission on Elections' decision which declared the faction led by former President Rodrigo Duterte and former Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi as the legitimate PDP-Laban.",12 +7,"Senator Risa Hontiveros on Tuesday, April 18,  called for an investigation, in aid of legislation, into the proposed merger of the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP).",6 +10,Local government units that are affected by the massive oil spill from MT Princess Empress the shipowner to pay for the damages to Senator Jinggoy Estrada said.,9 +2,Finally! DPWH moves to relocate electric posts in the middle of widened roads,1 +7,Removal from BI blacklist offered for up to P5 million –anti-crime watchdog,6 +9,PH mulls tests for travelers from ‘high-alert countries’ as COVID-19 cases surge in China,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Following a magnitude 7 earthquake that was felt in many parts of Luzon, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to hold a press briefing on Wednesday, July 27.",12 +7,"Broadcaster Percy Lapid killed in Las Piñas, 2nd under Marcos",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. signed on January 27, an executive order approving and adopting the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) for 2023 to 2028.",5 +10,"A low pressure area (LPA) was spotted about 975 kilometers east of Mindanao at 3 p.m. on Monday, May 1, the state weather bureau announced in its 4 p.m. bulletin.",9 +1,Environmental damage from oil spill may reach P7 billion – DENR chief,0 +6,Duterte signs law giving compensation to Marawi siege victims,5 +13,"House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto paid sweet tribute to the late former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) secretary Albert del Rosario on Tuesday, April 18, saying there was ""no bolder champion of our sovereignty"".",12 +13,"Former President Rodrigo Duterte stood pat his administration had to carry out the campaign against illegal drugs to fulfill his sworn duty to protect the Filipinos, according to Mark Salazar's report on ""24 Oras.""",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is holding for the first time an election summit that brings together hundreds of stakeholders from various sectors, in a bid up with a roadmap of reforms under the leadership of poll chief George Garcia.",12 +7,Robin pushes for death penalty vs security personnel tagged in murder,6 +13,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday said that Negros Oriental representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. has reached out to him through a text message.,12 +6,"Poe to gov’t, telcos: Work with 5G speed in urging public to register SIM",5 +14,MANILA – The Philippine government continues to file protests against China’s “illegal presence” in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).,13 +9,Metro Manila Covid-19 positivity rate further rises to 10.6% — OCTA,8 +10,Teachers’ group pleads for higher relief allowance,9 +7,PNP chief Acorda eyes operations vs. rogue cops 'at lower level',6 +13,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said the digital media literacy campaign proposed by the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) should be “a whole of society approach” to ensure transparency and accountability in governance.,12 +10,"A total of 152 overseas Filipinos workers (OFWs) who were rescued from the conflict-torn country of Sudan are expected to arrive in Manila on Thursday, May 4, in two batches, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) said.",9 +6,Why PAO opposes ‘conflict of interest’ provision in new lawyers’ code of conduct,5 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday said it has to President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. not to bring back the mandatory wearing of face masks amid the rising COVID-19 cases.",8 +13,‘We are intact’: DND quells rumors of military rumblings after leadership shake-up,12 +13,"Palace names latest appointees to DA, DND",12 +14,"Japan: As of now, no talks on joint patrols with Australia, PH, US",13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Nearly two dozen bills cleared the House of Representatives on December 12, the last Monday of 2022 that the 19th Congress was in session, including measures that were specifically mentioned by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during his first State of the Nation Address in July.",5 +6,"MANILA – Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has filed a measure seeking to strengthen the country’s educational system through the creation of the National Education Council (NEDCO) that will promote a culture of long-term, strategic and collaborative planning among the three education sub-sectors.",5 +1,"As Holy Week nears, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) said the price for fish products is expected to increase as demand goes up.",0 +10,"MANILA – Most parts of the country will have cloudy skies with scattered rain showers due to easterlies, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Sunday.",9 +13,Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on Saturday asked newly appointed Bureau of Corrections director general Gregorio Catapang Jr. to keep an eye on employees since some of them may have helped crimes even while they were detained.,12 +7,MANILA – Members of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) have arrested a staff member of embattled Negros Oriental Third District Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. and five others in connection with the raid on several houses owned by the lawmaker aimed at seizing illegal firearms.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Rappler CEO Maria Ressa said her legal victory and that of Rappler at the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) marked triple victories.",12 +2,DICT targets 70% of active SIMs in 90-day extension,1 +9,VP Sara stresses need for better public health in Philippines,8 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) will tap into its savings to increase the honoraria of teachers who will man the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan polls scheduled on October 30, 2023, the poll body announced on Thursday, March 23.",1 +14,"DSWD, Australia to boost social protection, disaster response",13 +15,Magnitude 5.1 quake hits Ilocos Norte,14 +14,PBBM to advance PH economic agenda in US visit - DFA,13 +14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is flying out again – this time to Bangkok, Thailand – to participate in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Week.",13 +8,"MANILA – The Department of National Defense (DND) on Friday condemned the latest string of by New People's Army (NPA) insurgents in Masbate, which killed and injured government troops and civilians early this week.",7 +13,Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva was puzzled by Senator Robin Padilla’s disclosure of letters the latter sent to Senate leaders urging them to meet with their counterparts in the House of Representatives to tackle the preferred mode of amending the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution.,12 +5,"SC reverses Court of Appeals, grants husband’s plea for marriage nullity",4 +14,DILG’s BIDA program gets boost with USAID support,13 +7,Lawmaker wants 10 individuals to face House probe into agri smuggling,6 +15,AFP deputy chief of staff Reyes retires after 38 years of service,14 +12,51% of Filipinos find it difficult to spot fake news on media – SWS,11 +1,"MANILA – The Philippines' macroeconomic strength, enabling policy environment, and infrastructure development agenda are the ""main reasons"" foreign investors must consider in growing their businesses in the country, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Friday.",0 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – After promising to travel less in his second year as President – and managing to stay put in the Philippines from February to April, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr is set to fly to the United Kingdom to attend the coronation of King Charles on May 6.",13 +7,"After 36 deaths made the news and the enactment of laws to prevent more killings, hazing continues to be part of fraternity initiations.",6 +8,Navy fast attack boat intercepts tanker carrying unmarked fuel,7 +7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) Commissioner Norman Tansingco has asked condominium owners to report any illegal activities being perpetrated by their foreign tenants.,6 +10,"MANILA – Most public transportation routes in the National Capital Region (NCR) returned to normal operations on Tuesday, with no reports of stranded passengers so far, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Tigil Pasada (IATF-TP) said.",9 +7,Police release photos of 6 suspects in missing sabungeros case,6 +13,"Who needs to be engaged in the tocino business? Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. says, not him.",12 +15,Ex-DFA chief Albert del Rosario's remains arrive in Manila from US,14 +6,CCC backs bill regulating use of single-use plastics,5 +2,PH labor market should brace for 1.5-M additional workforce--Villanueva,1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A was filed on Saturday, March 4, against the “master initiator” in the alleged hazing of John Matthew Salilig, the Adamson University student whose remains were found in Imus, Cavite.",6 +7,Senate reso seeks probe into PDEA’s alleged practice of rewarding assets with confiscated drugs,6 +2,"NTC orders regional offices to aid NDRRMC, LGUs during Holy Week",1 +7,PAO won’t help fratmen in John Matthew Salilig case due to conflict of interest,6 +13,"The House Committee on Ethics and privileges panel on Tuesday wrapped up its investigation on the continued absence from the chamber of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves, Jr.",12 +14,"Marcos on Tokyo meetings: Very specific, each has purpose",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Appointments (CA) on Tuesday, November 22, deferred the confirmation of Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Erwin Tulfo over issues regarding his American citizenship and a libel conviction.",4 +7,The Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs on Wednesday cited in contempt a police officer who is being linked to an assassination attempt in Dumaguete for his apparent failure to answer their questions.,6 +1,MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Thursday expressed optimism that the meeting between President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and United States President Joe Biden will ultimately pay huge dividends for the Philippines in terms of more investment opportunities and jobs for Filipinos.,0 +2,Over $100M allotted for EDCA sites in PH for 2023 —US Defense chief Austin,1 +12,Party-list solon credits Speaker’s 'involved leadership' for high survey ratings,11 +13,Duterte put PH on ‘slippery slope to authoritarianism’ – Constitution framer,12 +7,"IPU committee renews call for de Lima release, to continue monitoring trial",6 +4,"Blinken to reaffirm MDT, raise human rights in first PH visit",3 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday logged 67 new COVID-19 infections, only the third time since April 2020 of a two-digit new daily case total.",8 +9,"The number of Covid-infected persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) and personnel at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City has risen to 82, the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said on Friday, May 5.",8 +2,QC ready to assist commuters in next week’s transport strike,1 +9,"DOH targets 95% coverage on children's vaccination program for measles, polio",8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Chinese President Xi Jinping called presumptive Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday, May 18, to congratulate him on his recent election win and push for the further development of ties between Manila and Beijing.",13 +7,"House ethics panel to discuss Teves' absence, assures him of due process",6 +5,"MANILA – The Supreme Court (SC) on Thursday said that internment services for senior citizens are covered by the 20-percent discount provided by Republic Act 7432, or the Senior Citizens Act, as amended.",4 +7,Ex-NFA cashier gets 17-year jail term for malversation,6 +7,"Who is Lilia Cruz, the woman implicated in smuggling of onions, garlic?",6 +6,Villanueva enjoins commission to address jobs-skills mismatch,5 +2,CSC urges gov't workers to avail of training courses in May,1 +5,"Sandiganbayan dismisses PCGG suit vs. FM, others",4 +7,"PNP, PDEA destroy P6.7B worth of shabu seized from dismissed cop Mayo",6 +14,Reporter’s Review: Sofia Tomacruz on foreign affairs under Rodrigo Duterte,13 +2,"NIA: Convergence, P200-B funding to boost agri landscapes",1 +11,"Marcos urges Muslims to sustain values, teachings discerned during Ramadan",10 +10,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has extended the cash-for-work program for the victims of an oil spill caused by the MT Princess Empress that sank on Feb. 8 off the coastal waters of Mindoro Oriental.,9 +10,"Hundreds of flights and tens of thousands of passengers are expected to be affected by the scheduled six-hour shutdown of the Philippine airspace on May 17, the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) said Wednesday.",9 +9,DOH detects Omicron BA.4 in the Philippines,8 +1,"Tourism Secretary Christina G. Frasco has called on tourists to visit the tropical paradise of Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro, saying the area  remains unaffected by the oil spill triggered by the sinking of motor tanker (MT) Princess Empress on Feb. 28.",0 +2,Water firm plants over 1.4 M trees under watershed mgt program,1 +9,PhilHealth urges public to avail of outpatient HIV treatments,8 +14,"Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo on Monday said he met with Fu Ying, Vice Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of China's National People's Congress, at the sidelines of a security conference in Munich where they discussed the recent Chinese coast guard's aggressive actions against a Philippine government crew off Ayungin Shoal.",13 +13,Marcos vows to fix maritime issues after UK reaffirmed recognition of Pinoy sailors,12 +5,"Court orders arrest of Bantag, Zulueta",4 +7,DOJ submits 23 case folders on Degamo killing,6 +7,"A German lawmaker paid a visit and promised support to the families of victims of drug killings and extrajudicial killings (EJKs) during the administration of former president Rodrigo Duterte, Jun Veneracion reported on “24 Oras” on Wednesday.",6 +13,"In joint Easter press conference, multiple presidential bets to call for ‘unity’",12 +14,"PH, India renew defense cooperation commitment",13 +14,"Marcos eyes educational tourism between PH, Japan",13 +7,"Residential buildings in the Philippines are being used as ""living and working"" facilities for trafficked foreigners recruited to perform scams on unknowing victims, Senator Risa Hontiveros said on Wednesday.",6 +14,The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said Saturday that Chinese investments and trade with the Philippines had continued amid the territorial tensions between both countries.,13 +3,"Acorda: Moral ascendancy big factor in PNP promotion, placement",2 +15,Search on for missing plane in Albay,14 +9,"Philippines logs 350 new COVID-19 cases, active tally at 9,568",8 +5,Sandiganbayan to ex-DBM official: Fugitives cannot seek judicial relief,4 +13,"Despite the seriousness of her duties and responsibilities as the second highest official in the country, Vice President Sara Duterte did not let that stop her from enjoying a boodle fight with Pangasinenses during the Kanen Festival in Urbiztondo, Pangasinan.",12 +2,The Department of Health (DOH) asked hospitals to prepare more beds for the possible increase in the number of Covid-19 patients as the country is experiencing a rise in new infections again.,1 +14,Locsin to attend US-ASEAN summit in May,13 +13,"Pro-, anti-Marcos groups greet PBBM in US capitol",12 +9,DOH: COVID-19 cases plateauing in all areas,8 +2,"As the Philippines braces for the onset of the El Niño phenomenon, the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) asked the public to do its part in conserving the water supply.",1 +14,LOOK: Speaker Romualdez shakes hands with US President Biden,13 +13,"The Philippines, represented by Commission on Audit (COA) Director Adela Dondonilla, will serve as the chairperson of the 63rd Session of the United Nations (UN) Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC), the main subsidiary organ of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the General Assembly for planning, programming, and coordination in the UN.",12 +13,Bato dela Rosa says he’s ‘ready’ for ICC probe: ‘No more fears’,12 +13,"President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. treated members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and their families to an evening of memorable performances from the country's best and artists as he hosted his first 'Konsyerto sa Palasyo' at the Malacañang Palace Grounds on Saturday, April 22.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) said it would go after those who post disinformation online, or who send text messaging scams, deceiving unsuspecting senior citizens.",6 +3,Ramadan perfect time to promote peace: DND chief,2 +9,"The Department of Health recorded 207 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, while the active tally dropped to 8,596.   The country’s caseload is currently 4,079,992.   An additional 215 patients have recovered from the viral disease, bringing the recovery tally to 4,005,074.   The death toll climbed to 66,322 with six new fatalities.   The number of active cases went down from 8,621 on Friday.   For the past two weeks, the National Capital Region posted the highest number of new cases with 650, followed by the Davao Region with 312; Calabarzon with 247; Northern Mindanao with 235; and Soccsksargen with 174.",8 +13,Zubiri on Senate ‘supermajority’ push: This won’t railroad Marcos pet bills,12 +13,"Comelec, watchdogs welcome enactment of Bangsamoro electoral code",12 +11,MANILA – Government agencies led by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) will be holding three major activities to honor the Filipino workers in connection with the celebration of the 121st Labor Day on May 1.,10 +1,Taguig's 2023 biz tax collection up by P1.17B,0 +2,Marcos gives green light to adopt hybrid rice for better production,1 +7,NBI arrests couple for ‘online sexual abuse’ of 5-year-old daughter,6 +14,DFA: Maritime rows won’t define true PH-China relations,13 +15,SC sets release of 2022 Bar exams results April 14,14 +12,"Forty-two percent of Filipinos believe that senior high school students should have the option to take the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (course) or service, based on the Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey results that were released on Thursday, May 4.",11 +4,"MANILA – CIBAC Party-list Rep. Bro. Eddie Villanueva on Tuesday expressed apprehension over the Department of Education’s (DepEd) inclusion and promotion of gender fluidity, same-sex union, and same-sex marriage in its draft curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 10 pupils.",3 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court has issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) barring the implementation of the No Contact Apprehension Policy (NCAP) in some cities in Metro Manila.",4 +7,"49 PNP officials, personnel seen to have criminal, admin liability due to 990-kg shabu bust",6 +9,PH COVID-19 cases manageable despite increased positivity rate –expert,8 +7,Senate panel cites in contempt cop who 'rejected' blotter report of political killing victim in Negros Oriental,6 +9,MANILA – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Tuesday reminded all rail services to enforce the mandatory wearing of face masks as Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) cases rise across the country.,8 +4,"Members of the Women Workers United (WWU) on Friday, April 28, vowed to continue fighting for living wages, decent work, quality public services, and freedom from all forms of violence and exploitation.",3 +12,"More Pinoys now favor Cha-cha based on survey, says Rodriguez",11 +15,"The Presidential Communications Office (PCO) has unveiled its new official seal, which it described as a symbol of to the speedy dissemination of news and information.",14 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is set to hold a bilateral meeting with his United States counterpart President Joe Biden in Washington DC on May 1 (US time), the White House confirmed Friday.",13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Both the Senate and the House of Representatives started hearing bills on making the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) a priority legislative agenda of the Marcos administration.",5 +10,"MANILA – The country will continue to experience fair weather and no tropical cyclone is seen to develop or enter in the next few days, the weather bureau said Friday.",9 +2,"Raise salary of dentists, keep them in gov’t service – solon",1 +2,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Monday, May 1 (US time), witnessed the signing of a a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Integrated Micro-Electronics Inc. (IMI) of the Ayala Group and California-based Zero Motorcycles that would bring some 200 jobs to the Philippines for the manufacture of electric motorcycles.",1 +10,"Visayas, Mindanao may experience scattered rain showers over Labor Day weekend — PAGASA",9 +8,"The Philippine National Police on Saturday announced the creation of a special task force (STF) to pursue the remaining suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, saying that the resolution of the case is near.",7 +4,"THE HAGUE, Netherlands – The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is assessing the human rights record of the Philippines on Monday, November 14.",3 +2,5 senior PNP officials designated to new posts,1 +14,House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto has challenged rival world powers United States (US) and China to prove their supposed affection for the Philippines by flexing their might to respond to the disastrous Oriental Mindoro oil spill.,13 +9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday said two more countries have offered to donate bivalent vaccines against the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).,8 +6,"MANILA – Occupancy permit for a house or a building should be renewed in five to seven years, a lawmaker reiterated on Wednesday.",5 +10,"Over the years, government officials would always issue an oft-repeated advice to the public to plan their travel early in order to avoid all inconveniences during long holiday breaks such as the Holy Week.",9 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – The United Nations (UN) human rights chief on Tuesday, March 7, reminded the Philippine government of its obligation to deliver justice for victims of abuses, including those killed under former president Rodrigo Duterte’s violent war on drugs.",3 +13,Marcos names Benjamin Acorda Jr as new PNP chief,12 +14,PH contingent back from successful Türkiye humanitarian mission,13 +10,Over 5.6 million Filipino families living in poverty – DSWD,9 +6,Marcos approves 90-day SIM registration extension,5 +7,"The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has intercepted P10 billion worth of counterfeit bags, shoes, and other items in a storage facility in Binondo, Manila.",6 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) found smuggled agricultural products worth PHP101.6 million in 17 shipments at the Manila International Container Port (MICP).,6 +7,Raffy Tulfo pushes probe on pawning ATM cards,6 +3,CBCP releases 'litany of gratitude' amid COVID-19 pandemic recovery,2 +2,DPWH: P50-M access road eases travel to Camarines Sur’s 'Little Baguio',1 +9,"BuCor requires face masks, antigen tests amid COVID-19 cases",8 +9,Moderna to set up pharmacovigilance facility in PH,8 +7,Cases of violence against women and their children have topped the charges which have been filed against police officers based before the PNP Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement group since last year.,6 +6,Marine conservation groups push for laws protecting sharks,5 +1,P239-B worth of investment projects now in implementation phase,0 +8,MANILA – rebels were killed in a clash with government forces in the province of Masbate on Thursday morning.,7 +15,Ex-PNA editor among Metro Manila College’s distinguished alumni,14 +14,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez got up close and personal with United States (US) President Joe Biden when he President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. to the White House in Washington DC on Tuesday, May 2 (Philippine time).",13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is keen on visiting earthquake-hit Abra province as soon as it is determined to be safe for him to fly, Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles said in a briefing on Wednesday, July 27.",7 +7,Suspended Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ‘’Arnie’’ Teves Jr. will attend the scheduled April 17 Senate inquiry on the March 4 murder of Governor Roel Degamo and other political killings in Negros Oriental.,6 +10,No more x-ray machines in NAIA terminal entrances—and other travel reminders,9 +15,"Easterlies to bring cloudy skies, scattered rains on Saturday",14 +15,MANILA – A lone bettor from Agusan del Norte province became an instant millionaire after winning the jackpot of the Super Lotto 6/49 in Thursday night’s draw.,14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Amid the ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said countries should stop fighting.",12 +13,"Abalos asks PNP colonels, generals to submit courtesy resignation",12 +14,MANILA – Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Thursday urged the Philippine and Japanese governments to begin exploratory talks on a possible Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) now that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is on a five-day official working visit to Japan.,13 +15,"A graduate of Naga College Foundation gained the highest passing score for the April 2023 Licensure Examination for Criminologists, the Professional Regulation Commission announced on Thursday.",14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) will not to its chairperson, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., resuming national peace talks with the rebel group Communist Party of the Philippines-New Peoples’ Army (CPP-NPA).",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., whose father and family once ruled over the Philippines for over two decades, said he was “one with the nation in remembering” the EDSA People Power Revolution.",12 +15,"MANILA – Two bettors, a jobless man from Quezon City and a father from Laguna, who bagged the jackpots of two separate Lotto draws have claimed their prizes at the main office of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) in Mandaluyong City.",14 +14,MANILA – Chinese Ambassador to Manila Huang Xilian is hoping to have a separate direct line between Beijing and Manila's defense establishments amid growing tensions after the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) lased Philippine Coast Guard vessel BRP Malapascua last Feb. 6.,13 +1,LTFRB rejects request for temporary P1 hike in jeepney minimum fare,0 +14,"WASHINGTON — President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Thursday (US time) said the Philippines will continue to balance its relations with China while defending its sovereignty, noting that disengagement with Beijing is not an option.",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP CIDG) conducted a raid on Friday, March 10 in some properties of Negros Oriental Third District Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. over firearms with allegedly fake documents.",6 +13,Catapang wants a ‘Global City’ BuCor headquarters,12 +9,"The public should assess themselves when and where they should put their face mask on, especially now that new COVID-19 infections are increasing once more, according to the Department of Health (DOH).",8 +13,President Duterte’s Last Days in Office: A Diary,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law a measure that mandates all schools nationwide to make sure that students with disabilities are given access to education.",5 +2,Over 700 additional provincial buses applied for special permit for Holy Week so far —LTFRB,1 +14,German foreign minister says international law should prevail in South China Sea row,13 +13,"Sara Duterte is top-approved, most trusted gov’t official – Pulse poll",12 +11,PBBM OKs inter-agency body for 125th PH independence anniversary,10 +2,"Department of Agriculture (DA) Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban has taken over the reins of the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) as officer-in-charge (OIC), nearly a month after the post was vacated by David Alba, SRA Board Member Pablo Luis Azcona said on Wednesday.",1 +9,"Philippines logs 144 new COVID-19 cases; active tally drops to 9,070",8 +15,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Tuesday adopted a Filipino pole vaulter Ernest John Obiena for winning two gold medals and a bronze medal in three world events during the past weeks.,14 +14,PH confidence on US alliance unaffected by alleged intelligence leaks,13 +2,MANILA – Lawmakers have filed a bill seeking to encourage more young Filipinos to pursue a career in agriculture and take on the challenges facing the vital sector.,1 +14,"Marcos bats for stronger PH, US ties",13 +6,Marcos: Time to make maritime industry a top priority,5 +7,Cops seize P747-M narcotics in first 45 days of 2023,6 +6,"No need for return of face mask mandate, DOH says",5 +8,Bato dela Rosa concerned over Philippine sovereignty after expansion of EDCA sites,7 +7,The Bureau of Immigration has arrested an overstaying Chinese national who sought to leave the country with fake immigration documents.,6 +9,"DOH reminds parents to stay vigilant over kids when in pools, beaches",8 +8,The Makabayan Bloc on Wednesday strongly condemned China's use of a military-grade laser against a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel while in a resupply mission for Filipino troops in Ayungin Shoal.,7 +7,"Gov't lawyer says agri projects in Enrile plunder case had manicure, pedicure services",6 +7,"The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee has scheduled on Tuesday the start of its investigation on the alleged human smuggling at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Senator Grace Poe has said.",6 +15,"Cavite 2nd district Rep. Lani Mercado-Revilla's recent birthday was made extra special not by lavish gifts, but by ""hearts"" given by Bacoor City employees.",14 +13,Padilla: Rep. Rodriguez invitation deferred due to inter-parliamentary courtesy,12 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday signed an executive order creating the Water Resources Management Office (WRMO) in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to integrate and harmonize government efforts to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water resources in the country.,1 +7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said on Thursday it has launched a separate investigation into the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig, allegedly due to hazing.",6 +14,Italian Navy eyes more interactions with PH counterparts,13 +6,TUCP welcomes Senate bill increasing minimum wage by P150,5 +10,Single ticketing system pilot run ‘smooth’: MMDA,9 +3,"This Holy Week, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla advised those ""'found involved"" in the March 4 killings of Negros Oriental Gov. Roel R. Degamo and eight other persons: “Repent.”",2 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – A House panel tackled for the first time in the 19th Congress a bill seeking firms and internet service providers to offer an automatic refund to customers affected by service outages and disruptions.",5 +6,"Zubiri: RCEP ratification, Maharlika fund discussed during meeting with Marcos",5 +14,IN VIDEOS: US State Secretary Blinken’s visit to Philippines,13 +12,Proposed menstrual leave in PH draws mixed reactions online,11 +5,The House of Representatives on Monday approved the Magna Carta for Filipino seafarers on the third and final reading.,4 +7,"Hontiveros lauds issuance of arrest warrants vs Bantag, Zulueta",6 +8,"Senator Risa Hontiveros  on Wednesday, April 19 sounded the alarm once again on the notorious cryptocurrency scam syndicate, saying that many of its operations are being conducted right here in the Philippines.",7 +9,"PhilHealth urges LGUs, health facilities to be vigilant against vacation hazards",8 +14,France opposes actions that increase tensions in South China Sea,13 +2,"Parts of Pasig, QC, Mandaluyong waterless Feb. 23-24",1 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan’s Fifth Division dismissed a civil case against the late tyrant Ferdinand E. Marcos and others in relation to the alleged ill-gotten wealth of the dictator’s family.",4 +2,The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) will offer free online training courses for data analysts amid the increase in demand for such professionals.,1 +9,Manila starts giving 2nd booster vs. Covid to 18-yr.-olds up,8 +6,"DOTr: New order to streamline admin, procurement processes",5 +13,1-Rider Party-list Rep. Rodge Gutierrez has the Land Transportation Office's (LTO) decision to extend to three years the validity of the initial registration of new motorcycles with smaller engines.,12 +13,"Marcos to new PNP chief: Enforce maximum tolerance for critics, be open to public scrutiny",12 +6,LTO not allowed to use earnings to buy plastic cards,5 +6,"In light of the celebration of Labor Day on Monday, May 1, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) reminded public and private employers to remit their employees' contributions on time.",5 +15,P818-M PCSO charity fund released in 2022,14 +5,Here's why Senate sugar smuggling probe won't push through,4 +7,2 more suspects in ‘Luffy’ case arrested in Parañaque,6 +13,"Nagipit siya pero hindi siya umatras. Biyernes, ika-6 ng Mayo, isinagawa ni Senator Panfilo Lacson ang kanyang miting de avance sa Carmona, Cavite.",12 +7,2 more crypto trafficking ring victims back in Manila,6 +10,Church ministry to create more cooperatives for the poor,9 +10,Chinese ship carrying nickel ore runs aground off Eastern Samar waters,9 +13,Palace announces new appointments to government positions,12 +13,Who is ‘dancing doctor’ Eric Tayag named as new DOH usec?,12 +1,"Marcos: Continuing Kadiwa stalls answer to food crisis, high prices of commodities",0 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – State prosecutors have indicted Marvin Miranda, Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves’ longtime bodyguard, over the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo in March.",6 +8,Security sector committed to defeating peace spoilers: DND chief,7 +6,Marcos OKs setting up of single system for all gov't transactions,5 +14,PH calls for peaceful resolution as Ukraine war enters 2nd year,13 +6,"Nearly 19% of all the SIM cards across the country have been registered with their respective public entities (PTEs) as of Sunday, February 12, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) reported.",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) said on Wednesday, March 1, that it has suspended the proclamation of broadcaster Erwin Tulfo as the new nominee of popular party-list group ACT-CIS, delaying the former social welfare chief’s entry to Congress.",12 +12,"In 2022, more people felt poor in regions outside Metro Manila – SWS",11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines (1st UPDATE) – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) relieved poll body veteran James Jimenez as spokesman, in the wake of the controversy surrounding the cancellation of the last two debates, into which his name was dragged.",12 +11,Good Friday rites to be observed on April 7,10 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The on health and demography on Monday, August 15, holds its first hearing on the country’s COVID-19 pandemic and monkeypox response under the Marcos administration.",8 +6,DepEd urged to adopt ‘shorter’ class days to revert to April-May school break,5 +8,"For newly-appointed Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr., cops should be able to respond to crimes or any eventualities needing their presence within three minutes.",7 +7,MANILA – The Makati City government issued on Monday a closure order against firm Smart Communications Inc. due to unpaid taxes and lack of valid business permit.,6 +14,"MANILA – The Philippines and China kicked off on Thursday highly anticipated talks on the South China Sea and the two nations' overall bilateral relations, the first onsite meetings of their kind since the pandemic struck.",13 +12,This video is part of a series that seeks to get a random pulse of sentiments on the ground during a particular period of time and in a particular place. It is by no means indicative of scientific trends among potential voters.,11 +5,Supreme Court junks petition seeking actions from gov’t on Dengvaxia issue,4 +8,"MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Thursday assured that the House of Representatives to modernize the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) as he emphasized the crucial role of the AFP to our nation’s sovereignty, security and prosperity. “Our military should be equipped with the latest technological advances and training to respond to the continuing threats that we face,” Romualdez said to high-ranking military officers led by AFP Chief of Staff, Gen. Andres Centino, and lawmakers during the HOR-AFP fellowship series (Visayas leg) held at the Marco Polo Hotel Plaza in Cebu City.",7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The on public order and dangerous drugs is conducting an investigation in aid of legislation into the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, who was killed along with eight other people, last March 4.",6 +13,"After ICC’s latest move, Duterte says he won’t let ‘foreigners’ judge him",12 +13,MANILA – Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on Wednesday said the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has pursued proactive governance in the 2023 national budget by prioritizing digital transformation and e-governance.,12 +8,"AFP, US counterpart's live fire drill a success as mock vessel sinks off Zambales",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Newly appointed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Benjamin Acorda Jr. pledged to be transparent to the media as he highlighted the need to gain public trust.",12 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – The observance of Holy Week reaches its climax on Good Friday, April 7, when the crucifixion and death of Christ on Calvary.",2 +8,"The Philippine Army's (PA) 80th Infantry Battalion (80IB) refuted claims that it conducted aerial bombing at in Montalban, Rizal while conducting operations as it condemned the ""lies"" being circulated on social media.",7 +1,"MANILA – The Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) has lauded the open government practices of the Department of Budget and Management as a ""prime example"" of fiscal transparency in Asia.",0 +2,Japanese firms' multi-billion investment pledges to open 10K jobs,1 +10,Light to heavy traffic was reported in several areas of North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) and South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) on Maundy Thursday afternoon.,9 +12,Militant groups protest against Balikatan military exercise,11 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. admitted Thursday that the Philippines is experiencing water crisis.",1 +14,US access to EDCA sites ‘not unlimited’,13 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Audit (COA) found that the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) has a high-yield savings account holding P3.001 billion.",0 +9,The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) observed a significant increase in the number of earthquakes recorded at Kanlaon Volcano in the past 24 hours.,8 +2,Former rebels receive food aid from DSWD,1 +2,"MANILA – The Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), an attached agency of the Department of Science and Technology, is continuously experimenting on an improved connecting technique to promote the use of bamboo in construction, Secretary Renato Solidum Jr. said Friday.",1 +15,No jackpot winners for PCSO major lotto games in May 2 evening draw,14 +2,PBBM witnesses signing of deal to bring 200 jobs to PH in EV bike building,1 +7,"MANILA – Two more suspects connected with Japanese burglary ring leader Yuki “Luffy” Watanabe were arrested in Parañaque City, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Saturday.",6 +2,FDA creates task force to fast track COVID-19 drugs registration,1 +7,"The Philippines' appeal against the resumption of the International Criminal Court prosecutor's investigation into the killings in the country's war on drugs remains active, Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra said on Friday.",6 +10,Manila Water provides service improvements to 1.8M Filipinos,9 +14,Marcos: Deportation of ‘Luffy’ suspects ‘cleared decks’ for talks in Japan,13 +15,MANILA – A lone bettor from Bulacan province became the sixth solo millionaire this month from the state lottery games after winning the PHP49.5-million jackpot of the Ultra Lotto 6/58 draw on Sunday night.,14 +6,Senate OKs New Agrarian Emancipation bill on final reading,5 +14,"Korea to send experts, P11-M support to PH oil spill cleanup",13 +7,"PBBM tasks POCs to address political violence, illegal drugs",6 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Thursday urged the over 43,000 registered voters in Barangay Muzon, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan province to participate in the March 25 plebiscite that will divide the mother barangay into four barangays.",12 +2,Parts of QC waterless on April 25-27,1 +8,PH Army chief confident of dismantling all Red fronts,7 +9,Rappler Talk: What Omicron BA.5 means for PH’s pandemic response,8 +4,ACT Teachers: Workers' freedom of association under threat due to NTF-ELCAC,3 +6,Quezon City 4th district Rep. Marvin Rillo is insisting that the best thing Congress can do amid the migration of Filipino nurses is to increase their pay for jobs here at home.,5 +9,"DOH posts 82 new COVID-19 cases, active tally climbs to 9,211",8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, March 22, that it was waiting for the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the amendment of the emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines to include a fourth dose for the elderly and individuals.",8 +7,COA unearths ‘irregularities’ in hiring of Pampanga employees,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Three days before the elections, the Department of Education’s (DepEd) Election Task Force urged voters to follow health protocols and be on time when they cast their votes on Monday, May 9.",12 +7,Members of Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) vowed to have a synchronized and coordinated advocacy against human trafficking in the next five years.,6 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday thanked former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for her guidance as he extended to her his greetings on her 76th birthday.",12 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) on Thursday said it is looking at the possibility of creating a counter-intelligence unit that will keep tabs on both active and former soldiers to prevent them from doing illegal activities.,7 +1,Duterte justifies not halting e-sabong: Gov’t earns P640 million per month from it,0 +10,Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Monday called on parents and local government units (LGUs) to ensure that 100% of Filipino youth go to school.,9 +7,"Weeklong PDEG ops net P10.4-M shabu, marijuana",6 +7,Marcos orders formation of panel of prosecutors for Negros Oriental killings,6 +10,"DPWH bridge rehab, road expansion projects improve travel access in Iloilo",9 +6,Comelec creates permanent committee vs. vote-buying,5 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – A Taguig court has dismissed a light threats case filed against a Japanese fugitive, paving the way for his deportation to face charges in his home country.",4 +7,Villar asks House to probe cryptocurrency ring that victimizes aspiring OFWs,6 +7,"The Bureau of Corrections has filed including plunder and malversation of public funds, against suspended BuCor chief Gerald Bantag.",6 +15,Bettor wins P55.3 million jackpot in Grand Lotto 6/55,14 +5,AFP says PH has right to hold drills within territory as 'intruder' delays Balikatan main event,4 +7,MANILA – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Thursday defended the prosecutors’ motion asking the Muntinlupa court to reopen the proceedings against former senator Leila de Lima even after the parties had earlier agreed to submit the case for decision.,6 +9,DOH detects 44 new cases of Omicron subvariants,8 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – Environmental damage caused by the oil spill from the sunken MT Princess Empress could reach P7 billion, the country’s environment chief said on Thursday, April 27.",0 +2,"Locsin orders all PH embassies, consulates to resume walk-in transactions",1 +2,"Marina hails launch of new ro-ro ferry to boost maritime tourism in Cebu, Bohol",1 +8,Chinese Coast Guard tries to shoo away PCG vessel in Ayungin Shoal,7 +14,"Close friends don’t point lasers at each other, Marcos tells China envoy",13 +2,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Philippines has secured an P800-million investment in medical business process outsourcing (BPO) that would create around 1,500 jobs.",1 +4,"Gabriela Women's Party urged former Senator Panfilo ""Ping"" Lacson to ""listen to why women are demanding a paid menstrual leave"" instead of issuing an out of nowhere.",3 +6,Duterte signs law raising age of sexual consent to 16,5 +10,"The Department of Agriculture (DA) is preparing for the possible effects of the El Niño in the country starting the third quarter of 2023, Assistant Secretary Arnel de Mesa said Friday.",9 +7,Rappler Talk: Quest for justice for broadcaster Percy Lapid,6 +9,Philippines detects first cases of COVID-19 XBB subvariant,8 +7,Continued smuggling of billions of pesos worth of excisable products bothers Gatchalian,6 +7,The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has apprehended a total of 510 motorists for violating various traffic laws in the western part of the National Capital Region in the entire month of March.,6 +7,Solon seeks House probe into deadly Basilan ferry fire,6 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday emphasized the need to use new and emerging technologies to improve the management of the country's water resources and provide safe and affordable water to all.,1 +1,"Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui, Jr. has made a last-minute appeal to individual, corporate and partnership   taxpayers to file their 2022 tax returns (ITRs) and pay correct taxes as the tax filing season ends on Monday, April 17.",0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25, firing off a long list of populist policies as his administration’s priorities for the next 12 months, as well as his agenda for further into six-year term.",12 +14,"Marcos summons Chinese envoy over actions vs. PCG, Filipino fishermen",13 +5,Former PH Coast Guard officer wins dismissal case,4 +13,"MANILA – House Speaker Martin Romualdez on Friday said with the growing strength of the Lakas-CMD, the party “will play a very important role in supporting the prosperity agenda of the current administration.”",12 +14,MANILA – The Philippines can expect increased development cooperation with Ottawa as the Canadian government implements its 2.3 billion Canadian dollar Indo-Pacific strategy that seeks to position Canada as a reliable partner in the region.,13 +6,Philippines now crafting guidelines on joint patrols in West PH Sea,5 +9,"The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 in Metro Manila continues to rise, based on the higher positivity rate recorded by the OCTA Research this past week.",8 +10,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said providing housing for soldiers and policemen is a form of investment for the welfare of uniformed personnel.",9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday, November 4, reported that some 3,900 youth aged 12 to 17 got infected with COVID-19 from September 1 to November 3, or since Philippine schools gradually returned to face-to-face classes after more than two years of forced campus shutdowns.",8 +13,"Palace parties? ‘Simple’ under Marcos 2.0, say sister, press chief",12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) upheld its previous decision that allowed broadcaster Raffy Tulfo to join the 2022 senatorial race, in which he placed third.",4 +8,"DILG orders PNP to review policy on arms' issuance, license",7 +10,"Seventeen provinces in the Philippines were among the top 100 areas in the world most vulnerable to the growing destructive power of climate change–driven weather extremes, according to a report.",9 +2,155 BI personnel deployed in preparation for Holy Week exodus —spox,1 +7,"13 years after Maguindanao massacre, NUJP still calls to recognize 58th victim",6 +7,"A pre-trial hearing on the disappearance of an e-sabong agent, who was allegedly abducted in his home in 2021, is set to start in June.",6 +12,"About 89% of Filipinos who are satisfied with the way democracy works in the country, a record-high rating, according to the Fourth Quarter 2022 Social Weather Survey.",11 +14,"PH, US air forces to revive drills after over 30-year pause",13 +13,"Romualdez 'restored faith' in role of House, says Dalipe",12 +15,Department of Justice (DOJ) logo,14 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Friday said aspirants who have filed their Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) would already be considered candidates for the polls.,12 +9,"Philippines logs 133 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 8,943",8 +4,"ILOCOS SUR, Philippines – Media organizations in Southeast Asia called on presumptive president Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to ensure press freedom and the protection of media workers in the Philippines.",3 +5,"Senator Robin Padilla, chairman of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes, plans to release reports on the measures seeking to amend the 1987 Constitution.",4 +6,"Two proposals to establish an Onion Research Institute as part of efforts to address the lack supply of onions in the country were raised in the Lower House, Tina Panganiban-Perez reported on ""Saksi.""",5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House constitutional approved a resolution calling for a constitutional convention to either amend or revise the 1987 Constitution.",5 +6,Calls to extend estate tax amnesty period snowball in House,5 +13,"House constitutional amendments panel chairperson Rufus Rodriguez of Cagayan de Oro on Thursday pushed back on Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri's remarks on the motives of the House of Representatives in amending the 1987 Constitution, saying Zubiri should accord his colleagues good faith.",12 +14,Philippines joins search for Turkey earthquake survivors,13 +13,Comelec affirms dismissal of DQ case vs. Senator Tulfo,12 +4,"MANILA – Representatives Paolo Duterte of Davao’s first district and Eric Yap of Benguet’s lone district on Tuesday gave due credence to the legal counsels who provide pro bono services to the underprivileged, particularly the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs).",3 +6,Senator: Panel report on airport glitch probe out next week,5 +14,China has claimed it was falsely accused by the Philippines and the United States of conducting illegal activities in the South China Sea when these two countries called out Beijing for its reclamation and militarization activities there.,13 +10,"The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) was hit with another power outage early morning of Monday, May 1, which is reminiscent of the New Year’s Day technical glitch that caused blackout and led to hundreds of thousands of passengers being stranded due to flight cancellations.",9 +6,There is no need to bring back the face mask mandate.,5 +9,"The Philippines has detected 54 cases of Omicron subvariant XBB.1.9.1, which is classified by the World Health Organization as a ""variant under monitoring,"" the Department of Health (DOH) said.",8 +1,Tolentino on CHR findings: 'Let’s just hope our economy recovers soon',0 +14,China to US: Stop meddling in West PH Sea issue,13 +7,"The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Wednesday warned public utility vehicle (PUV) operators against overloading and overcharging, including those operating as “colorum” vehicles, as they may face heavy fines and penalties.",6 +7,BI nabs German wanted for murder in Berlin,6 +7,"The policeman who was arrested in a drug buy-bust operation resulting in one of the biggest hauls in the country’s history has been dismissed from service, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Tuesday.",6 +2,Over 31 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines wasted in PH,1 +14,"TOKYO — On the second day of his working visit, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday emphasized the importance of Japan's support in the Philippines’ peace process in the southern region of the country.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. embarks on his third foreign trip in 2023 and ninth since assuming the presidency. This time, it’s to Japan for an official visit.",12 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has appointed Valenzuela City Representative Rex Gatchalian as secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).",12 +8,JV seeks broader defense alliance to fend off Chinese bullying at-sea,7 +7,Remulla says Bantag expressed wish to surrender,6 +10,5.5-magnitude quake jolts Isabela — Phivolcs,9 +6,Villar calls for the installation of timers in traffic lights and pedestrian lanes,5 +7,"MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin ""Benhur"" Abalos Jr. on Tuesday said closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage showing police officers allegedly attempting to pilfer 42 kilograms of the 990 kilograms of shabu seized last year in Manila speaks for itself.",6 +7,DOJ starts process to tag Arnie Teves a terrorist,6 +1,"PCO to public: File returns, pay taxes anywhere",0 +7,"SC affirms dismissal of graft raps vs. late tycoon Roberto Ongpin, others",6 +8,"A Philippine Air Force (PAF) C-130 transport aircraft got one of its wheels stuck in the mud while preparing for takeoff at Catarman Airport in Samar on Saturday, April 8.",7 +7,Police arrest ex-VP candidate Walden Bello for cyber libel,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines has denounced what it considers as the “invasion of Ukraine,” voting to support a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution that condemned Russia’s actions against its neighboring country.",13 +14,"Philippines, China discuss 'how to properly manage' maritime issues —Chinese envoy",13 +3,"Face disinformation, reach out to its victims, says millennial priest",2 +10,"A Chinese bulk carrier carrying nickel ore from the Visayas ran aground off the waters of Guiuan, Eastern Samar, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) disclosed on Thursday, April 27.",9 +7,Solon reiterates push to restore death penalty for heinous crimes,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – After months of trying to have a conversation, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy spoke to each other for the first time on Monday, February 13.",13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, April 3, ordered the creation of a Special Task Force to “preserve peace” in Negros Island a month after Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo was gunned down in his home on the island.",7 +14,China refutes Zubiri: Philippines not on our tourist blacklist,13 +6,"The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Tuesday insisted public utility vehicle (PUV) drivers to join accredited cooperatives, as the agency emphasized its benefits.",5 +7,PNP chief denies cover-up of P6.7-B shabu mess,6 +10,"MANILA – Overcast skies and some rains will prevail in most parts of the country this Black Saturday, brought by the northeasterly surface wind flow (NSW) and the trough of a low-pressure area (LPA).",9 +13,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. received a “very good” net satisfaction rating in the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey released Tuesday.,12 +13,Marcos: We should’ve done better in Maguindanao,12 +15,"Marine scientist, Ramon Magsaysay awardee Angel Alcala dies at 93",14 +9,"The Philippines recorded 174 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, bringing the cumulative total to 4,074,563.",8 +1,MANILA – The country’s information technology (IT) and business process management (BPM) sector has reported a strong performance in 2022 through the addition of thousands of jobs and a jump in the sector’s revenues.,0 +12,Romualdez 'proud' of House colleagues amid 'very good' satisfaction rating,11 +6,Here are 3 of Kabayan solon's pro-Pinoy workers bills,5 +14,No extension of PH contingent's 2-week stay in Türkiye: OCD,13 +7,[WATCH] Si Kian delos Santos at ang paghuhukay sa katotohanan,6 +9,"Rabies cases and deaths in the country have begun to increase, with 55 cases reported so far this year, according to the Department of Health (DOH) on Friday.",8 +13,Rappler Talk: What the DOJ will be like under Boying Remulla,12 +14,"PH, Australia military chiefs renew commitment to regional peace",13 +2,MANILA – A total of 119 Anglo-Nubian dairy goats were distributed to 18 farmer-beneficiaries in the provinces of Batangas and Oriental Mindoro to provide additional sources of and opportunity for long-term investment.,1 +7,"DepEd urges sexual abuse victims to come forward, file complaints",6 +6,"Estrada: Telcos should make SIM registration user-friendly, fuss-free",5 +10,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), local government units (LGUs), and DSWD partners have provided at least P6.9 million worth of food and non-food items as resource augmentation to areas affected by tropical depression Amang.",9 +9,"Get second Covid-19 booster shot to maintain wall of immunity, Solante urges public",8 +7,"A helicopter supposedly owned by suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnie Teves Jr. and linked by authorities to the Degamo slay case has been transferred to Cebu, according to the reports of Ian Cruz and John Consulta reported on “24 Oras”.",6 +13,"The plight of Filipino farmers and folk figured in Senator Risa Hontiveros' explanation of her ""no"" vote and Senator Imee Marcos' reason for her abstention when the Senate voted to concur with the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).",12 +14,"Marcos to Biden: PH looking to US to strengthen, redefine ties",13 +4,Remulla on ICC: Unjustified interference rarely served human rights,3 +9,Solon wants proactive gov't action vs. future avian flu outbreaks,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – While Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte mentioned plans on how to address the learning crisis and improve teachers’ welfare, she failed to mention any plans to address malnutrition among students.",12 +15,Rizal Tech grad tops April 2023 Registered Electrical Engineers Licensure exam,14 +8,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday urged the military to “adjust accordingly” in dealing with tensions in the highly contested South China Sea (SCS), citing how the Philippines is currently facing a foreign to before.",7 +14,Kamala Harris makes historic trip to Palawan: ‘We are committed to you’,13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Following the latest agreement between the Philippines and the United States on the American troops’ access to military bases, Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. defended bases and said on Saturday, February 4, that it should not be a cause for concern.",13 +7,PNP wants lookout order vs. hazing suspects,6 +2,"MANILA – The rehabilitation of Lagusnilad vehicular underpass will start on Tuesday (May 2), the City of Manila said.",1 +13,MANILA – Senate minority leader Aquilino Pimentel III on Wednesday urged the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee to immediately act on his filed resolution seeking for an investigation on the alleged “undue payment” given by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to a joint venture in connection with a PHP3.19-billion Road information Technology (IT) Infrastructure project.,12 +10,Long weekend ahead: Marcos declares December 26 special non-working day,9 +5,MANILA – The Court of Appeals has turned down a petition questioning the lower court's warrants filed by a man who figured in a Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) sting operation on a gunrunning operation.,4 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) said Wednesday that it will file charges against suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. ""very soon"" saying there's strong evidence linking the lawmaker to the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 +1,DOT records over 1.5M tourist arrivals; Korea is PH’s top source market,0 +14,"BI, consular corps ink pact to assist foreigners in PH",13 +13,Senators throw support to Zubiri's leadership amid rumor,12 +12,"The number of Filipinos against changing the Constitution reached 45% which is more than those in favor of it at 41%, a Pulse Asia poll showed.",11 +13,Malacañang on Wednesday announced the latest promotion of ranks in the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).,12 +13,"WATCH: Marcos, Czech Prime Minister hold press briefing",12 +3,"MANILA – In line with efforts to promote peace and unity, the Philippine National Police (PNP) hosted the Grand Iftar 2023 on Wednesday.",2 +7,[PODCAST] Law of Duterte Land: Is Marcos Jr. liable for P203 billion estate tax?,6 +1,"Abolished GOCC continues to bleed millions, says COA",0 +7,Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Monday said there is no plan to cover up the illegal drug case involving now-dismissed Police Master Sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr.,6 +6,"Deadline for SIM card registration still April 26, says DICT's Uy",5 +10,"Rain showers likely across Luzon, Visayas",9 +10,"MANILA – In a gesture that not only eases the financial burden of Filipino workers but also recognizes their significant contributions to national development, private sector and government workers will be treated to free rides at the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line 2 on Labor Day (May 1), the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) announced Friday night.",9 +5,"Muntinlupa court issues hold departure order vs Bantag, Zulueta",4 +14,MANILA – The economic team of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is scheduled to meet with the Japanese on Friday to tout the Philippines' robust economy and lure more investments.,13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said on Saturday, February 19, that it is conducting a motu propio investigation into possible police violations and other issues in relation to the arrest of health and development worker Dr. Natividad “Naty” Castro over alleged kidnapping and serious illegal detention.",6 +9,"FDA approves 2nd booster dose for elderly, immunocompromised, health workers",8 +7,NAIA urged to probe airline employee accused of assisting human trafficking victims,6 +14,"WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and United States President Joe Biden are hoping to create ""trilateral modes of cooperation"" with other countries.",13 +14,UK concerned by ‘dangerous’ acts vs. PH vessels in South China Sea — envoy,13 +1,BOC surpasses February collection target by P1.2-B,0 +10,Holistic Magna Carta to win welfare of Pinoy seafarers: solon,9 +12,95% of Filipinos hopeful for 2023 – SWS poll,11 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is hands-on in ensuring that the more than PHP3.48 trillion investment pledges Manila secured during his foreign trips would materialize and generate jobs as soon as possible, a Board of Investments (BOI) official said Saturday.",0 +7,"A manhunt operation has been launched against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and former BuCor deputy officer Ricardo Zulueta, the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) said Friday.",6 +15,More areas placed under signal no. 1 due to TD Amang,14 +6,"Senator Christopher ""Bong"" Go is throwing his support behind the option of modular learning as a way to keep students safe as temperatures rise and power outages a recurring issue in some parts of the country.",5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte launched a fresh tirade against the United States and other Western powers for lack of action on reducing carbon emissions but appeared not to have been updated on one crucial detail: America, under President Joe Biden, has rejoined the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement.",13 +14,WASHINGTON - The United States on Tuesday promised to defend the Philippines in the dispute-rife South China Sea as the allies launched their largest-ever joint exercises in the face of Beijing's growing assertiveness in the region.,13 +2,Lack of classrooms must top DepEd’s priorities —commissioned survey,1 +2,"Maynilad, Manila Water ask for increase in water allocation from Angat Dam",1 +7,"Prosecutors of the DOJ granted the request of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) and the respondents to extend the deadline for the submission of necessary documents, lawyers said Wednesday.",6 +2,The Land Transportation Office (LTO) will print out drivers' licenses on paper due to the shortage of plastic cards.,1 +6,House Senior Deputy Speaker and former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is proposing to replace the K to 12 education program with something that she calls K + 10 + 2.,5 +14,France has said it is opposing any action in the South China Sea that will escalate tension in the volatile Indo-Pacific region.,13 +2,"MANILA – Water service interruptions will be experienced in several parts of Caloocan, Navotas and Quezon City from May 1 to May 8 due to network maintenance, the Maynilad Water Services, Inc. announced on Friday.",1 +2,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) will seal on Sunday the more than 400 vote counting machines (VCMs) to be used for the special polls in the 7th Legislative District of Cavite next week.,1 +9,"‘Holistic, cohesive mental health programs needed in schools’ -- CHR",8 +5,"Cagayan de Oro Representative Rufus Rodriguez on Monday called on the Senate to act on proposals seeking to amend the 1987 Constitution, saying it is the will of the majority and a matter of courtesy.",4 +7,MMDA traffic enforcer arrested for alleged extortion,6 +6,"MANILA – Quirino Governor Dax Cua, president of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), has called on all local government units (LGUs) to undertake initiatives that support individuals dealing with autism in their respective areas.",5 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday visited the wake of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo who was killed right inside his residence in Pamplona town last March 4.,12 +7,MANILA – Weapons and other contrabands seized in Negros Oriental over the weekend corroborated the information by witnesses on the murder of Gov. Roel Degamo.,6 +13,Marcos leads launch of 1st Kadiwa ng Pangulo in Bicol,12 +12,More bike owners than car owners in PH – SWS,11 +14,"Marcos thanks Singapore's Temasek Foundation for its climate change, agri-fishery projects in PH",13 +8,Heightened alert still up despite end of Lent,7 +9,Philippines allows entry of fully vaccinated foreigners starting April 1,8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Congressmen and congresswomen pitched in P49.2 million so far to help families affected by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae), which battered several parts of the Philippines over the weekend and killed dozens of people.",9 +7,"DICT’s cybersecurity arm probes PNP, NBI database breach",6 +4,"MANILA – Gender-neutral uniforms in schools will create a more inclusive and equitable educational environment, not to mention health benefits.",3 +6,"MANILA – A bill seeking to institutionalize teaching supply allowances for public school teachers nationwide to promote and improve the economic status of teachers, and assist them in providing quality education to their students is now pending for second reading after being introduced at the Senate plenary on Tuesday.",5 +8,Attacks vs. local execs don't reflect PH security situation: PNP,7 +8,"The designation of four more Philippine military facilities that may soon be accessed by US forces under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will allow the two countries' armed forces to ""respond more seamlessly"" to challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, the US Department of Defense said Monday.",7 +8,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Saturday that the laser-pointing incident is only a part of what constitutes an ""escalatory act"" that would intensify Philippine-China tension in the West Philippine Sea, and that invoking the Mutual Defense Treaty with the US is unnecessary.",7 +10,Warm weather continues to prevail across PH,9 +5,"Remulla: Gov’t to comment on ICC out of respect, not ‘compliance’",4 +7,Senators: Lack of coordination led to alleged NAIA human smuggling,6 +10,"MANILA – Luzon and Western Visayas will continue to experience light rains due to the northeast monsoon or “amihan,” the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 +9,A health expert urged the government and the private sector to continue to work together to  improve the  public's confidence in vaccines.,8 +6,"MANILA – There is a need to harmonize interventions planned by the government to address the ill effects of the El Niño phenomenon, Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Administrator Ariel Nepomuceno said Monday.",5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines (UP) said on Thursday, September 29, that it will allow full face-to-face classes in all its undergraduate courses beginning second semester of academic year 2022 to 2023, which is scheduled to start sometime in February 2023.",9 +13,EJK cases not discussed during Remulla’s meeting with UN rapporteur,12 +8,"Two multi-role response vessels (MRRVs) of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) crossed paths and had a heated confrontation with the Chinese coast guard and navy while they were patrolling the West Philippine Sea (WPS), it was revealed Friday, April 28.",7 +9,MANILA – The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) will increase its coverage for outpatient hemodialysis from 90 sessions to 156 sessions this year.,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. delivered his first State of the Nation Address for an hour and 14 minutes that highlighted a 19-point legislative agenda but excluded human rights, justice, and peace – issues that have hounded the previous regime.",12 +9,"MANILA – Continuous education and appealing to people’s sense could address the country’s low coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccination and booster shot turnout, a health expert said Thursday.",8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – As presumptive president Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is poised to return to Malacañang, the United States said it looked forward to renewing its “special partnership” with the Philippines and working with the administration on “key human rights and regional priorities.”",13 +14,Germany wants to scale up partnership with PH vs. climate crisis,13 +14,"Philippines, US to hold biggest war games in years",13 +6,The Senate on Monday approved on the third and final reading the bill limiting the coverage of the three-year fixed term in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).,5 +7,The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) warned the public against scammers posing as DSWD personnel and making victims of the elderly.,6 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) has revamped the entire force of the Bayawan City Police Station in Negros Oriental in the aftermath of last weekend's attack that resulted in the death of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight civilians.,6 +13,FAST FACTS: Things to know about the Communist Party of the Philippines,12 +1,P6.4 billion allotted to boost PH tourism image in 2023,0 +7,CHR probes ‘NPA’s killings’ in Negros provinces,6 +12,AICS clients find newly renovated DSWD facilities ‘comfortable’,11 +14,"The Department of Foreign Affairs must broker updated security agreements with other countries to defend the Philippines from China's continuous aggression, Senator Risa Hontiveros.",13 +2,PhilHealth: Dialysis service centers in all gov’t hospitals possible with UHC law,1 +2,The Manila International Airport Authority is looking to make NAIA-2 exclusively for domestic travel in a bid to balance the respective capacities of the airport terminals and lessen the incidents of offloading.,1 +8,"MANILA – The arrest and subsequent deportation by Malaysian authorities of ranking Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) leader, Eric Casilao, has sealed the collapse of the New People's Army (NPA) insurgency in the Davao Region, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesperson Col. Medel Aguilar said Tuesday.",7 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Seeking to usher in a “new normal,” government coronavirus task force officials directed local government units to ensure that at least 80% of senior citizens and 70% of the general population in had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, citing the metrics among thresholds that need to be met to deescalate an area to Alert Level 1.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Saturday, October 8, marked his 100th day as the chief executive of the country, and yet he has not made a dent in the country’s health sector.",12 +11,Lanao del Norte’s Mt. Inayawan to be declared ASEAN Heritage Park,10 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the search warrants issued against officials and agents of Kapa Community Ministry International, the group behind one of the country’s largest investment scams.",6 +13,"What you should know about Marcos’ first SONA: ‘Traditional,’ but protests at a distance",12 +13,Toribio Adaci Jr. is new Philippine Navy chief,12 +12,"A huge majority of teachers in the country reported that students are finding it difficult to concentrate on their studies due to ""summer heat"", according to a survey conducted by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT).",11 +9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday emphasized the importance of a holistic approach and interagency collaboration in the elimination of tuberculosis (TB) nationwide.,8 +13,MANILA – The Bureau of Local Employment (BLE) would now handle the administration of contracting arrangements in the private sector.,12 +14,"PH, China set exploratory talks on new TOR for oil exploration",13 +14,UK trade envoy renews support to PH's shift to renewable energy,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police (PNP) announced on Tuesday, April 4, the resignation of the director of the PNP Highway Patrol Group (HPG) after an HPG officer allegedly hit a trainee.",12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit Calatagan in Batangas province on Sunday morning, May 22, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said in a bulletin.",8 +10,"The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Monday monitored more than 100,000 outbound passengers at all seaports in the country at the onset of the Holy Week.",9 +14,"Marcos, Anwar seek ‘in-depth’ talks on Sabah claim",13 +7,BI personnel probed for clearing 4 Pinay ‘trafficking victims’,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Thursday, September 8, that administrative charges have been filed against five teachers accused of sexually abusing students at the Bacoor National High School (BNHS) in Cavite.",6 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Tuesday, September 27, 2022",9 +15,"No jackpot winners for Grand, 6/42 Lotto in April 22 evening draw",14 +10,A segment of the Candaba Viaduct was temporarily closed to motorists Easter Sunday afternoon as a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanker caught fire past 3 p.m.,9 +8,Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Monday said he was concerned over the country’s sovereignty after the Philippines and the United States agreed to designate four more Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites.,7 +7,"Did policeman-turned-lawmaker Rep. Bonifacio Bosita of 1-Rider Party-list casually admit that a ""quota system"" was implemented in the Philippine National Police (PNP) during the time of former president Rodrigo Duterte?",6 +9,"There are now 44 reported fatalities due to the bad weather felt in many parts of the country since the start of the year, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said Wednesday.",8 +9,Reported death toll from bad weather now at 40 — NDRRMC,8 +7,"Neri, Harry discuss likelihood of ICC arrest warrant vs. ex-president Duterte",6 +10,"Hit by truck, ex-OFW gets new lease on life from solon's kind gesture",9 +8,Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Secretary Bienvenido Laguesma on Thursday said that police and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearances are important for employers conducting background checks on applicants and employees.,7 +7,NBI apologizes to media over post-operation altercation,6 +2,The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) on Monday warned of a possible water supply shortage in the country ahead of the expected El Niño phenomenon.,1 +3,"An evangelist-turned-congessman is up in arms over what he called the ""inclusion and promotion"" of LGBTQ-related topics such as gender fluidity, same-sex union and same-sex marriage in the Department of Education's (DepEd) draft curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 10.",2 +14,"A crucial security policy document outlining the future of the Philippines-United States alliance will be released in Washington when President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visits the Pentagon for a meeting with American defense officials on Wednesday, a senior US embassy diplomat said.   Earlier announced in a White House factsheet following a meeting between US President Joe Biden and Marcos on Monday, the Bilateral Defense Guidelines are seen as an upgrade to the Philippines and America’s security ties as they seek to “institutionalize key bilateral priorities, mechanisms, and processes to deepen alliance cooperation and interoperability across land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.”   “One thing that out of this visit and is on track to be made public this Wednesday when President Marcos visits the Pentagon is the first ever Bilateral Defense Guidelines between the US and the Philippines,” said Brett Blackshaw, political counselor at the US Embassy, at a forum hosted by Stratbase-ADR Institute on Tuesday.",13 +6,Senators asked to keep an open mind on Charter amendment,5 +12,Summer heat' affecting students' concentration —ACT survey,11 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra said the Philippines has asked the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) pre-trial chamber to deny the ICC prosecutor’s request to resume the probe into Rodrigo Duterte’s drug war and the killings in Davao.",4 +13,"MANILA – The Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) on Monday attributed the success of the Mindanao peace process to the support provided by local and international stakeholders.",12 +7,The Department of Justice will file charges against ten persons who have been linked to the kidnapping and death of a executive in July 2022.,6 +6,MANILA – A party-list lawmaker on Thursday asked the House Committee on Appropriations to support the immediate passage of a measure seeking to grant additional benefits for Filipino centenarians.,5 +7,De Lima camp to file bail ‘soon’,6 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has alerted its personnel at the airports following several interceptions of Senegalese using fake travel documentation.,6 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday approved the creation of a Water Resource Management Office (WRMO) to manage the country’s water resources and respond to present environmental challenges.",1 +7,"Suspecting it contained contraband, Bureau of Customs (BOC) agents destroyed a toy plane owned by an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) from Hong Kong only to find it was empty.",6 +14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's visit cited Malaysia's ""great contribution"" to the peace process in Mindanao.",13 +10,"PBBM vows to improve, modernize PH transport system",9 +1,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday said he remains hopeful about the country’s economy as inflation eased to 8.6 percent in February from 8.7 percent in January this year.,0 +12,A group of coconut farmers and advocates on Thursday expressed disappointment over the Supreme Court (SC) decision junking the graft charges filed against former Senator Juan Ponce Enrile and several other personalities involved in the alleged misuse of the P840 million Coconut Industry Development Fund (CIDF) or coco levy funds.,11 +13,MANILA – Aspirants in the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) whose Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) were rejected by local office of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) may still appeal the decision before the Commission.,12 +2,"Parts of NCR, Cavite face week-long water service interruption",1 +7,BOC-Subic busts P86-M 'smuggled' sugar,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa said on Thursday, March 30, he is unfazed by the threat of arrest in relation to the ongoing International Criminal Court (ICC) probe into the Duterte government’s bloody drug war, saying he has legal counsel, Senator Francis Tolentino, to his rescue if that ever happens.",12 +13,Marcos Jr. votes in father’s hometown Batac,12 +8,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will be ready to defend the country with full force against threats in the next three to five years with the assistance being provided by the United States, Philippine Ambassador to Washington Jose Manuel Romualdez said on Sunday (Manila time).",7 +7,"The Palace advised the public not to believe fraudsters offering government positions after eight supposedly ""presidential appointees"" went to Malacañang on Friday for what they believed was their oath taking schedule.",6 +7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) agents have arrested an alleged Korean fugitive at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) while on his way out of the Philippines.,6 +2,DOH advises hospitals to boost Covid-19 bed capacity,1 +13,"Senator Ronald ‘’Bato’’ dela Rosa on Saturday, April 22, urged Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. to testify before his Senate Public Order and Dangerous Drugs Committee. That is, if he has the ""balls"" to appear in person.",12 +9,"MANILA – The positivity rate or the number of people testing positive for Covid-19 in the National Capital Region (NCR) may reach 25 percent, the OCTA Research Group said Friday.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) superintendent Ricardo Zulueta was still a no-show during the continuation of the preliminary investigation into the death of hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa.",12 +9,Metro Manila back to ‘moderate risk’ for COVID-19 – DOH,8 +3,Feast of Saint Agnes on April 20,2 +7,The Philippine National Police and Philippine Army arrested three suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo during a hot pursuit operation in Bayawan City.,6 +1,COA points out ‘losses’ of DBP’s leasing firm on foreclosed heavy equipment,0 +3,Marcos tells Filipinos: Unite vs climate change,2 +6,"BRUSSELS, Belgium – House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez said on Tuesday, December 13, that certifying the the controversial Maharlika Investment Fund as urgent legislation will be be up to his cousin, President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr., even if it was him who apparently came up with the idea in the first place.",5 +7,Remulla: ISPs may face sanctions if uncooperative vs online sexual abuse,6 +9,PH daily average of new Covid cases down by 19%,8 +8,Salaknib' troops train on anti-battlefield breaching attempts,7 +10,"MANILA – The northeast monsoon or ""amihan"" will continue to bring cloudy skies and rain showers in most parts of Luzon, including Metro Manila, on Friday.",9 +10,"The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported on Friday, April 28, that around 8.2 kilometers of shoreline in two towns in Oriental Mindoro remain contaminated due to the oil spill caused by the sinking of motor tanker (MT) Princess Empress two months ago.",9 +9,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday congratulated passers of the March 2023 MedTech Licensure Exam, urging them to join ongoing efforts to improve the Philippine healthcare system.",8 +7,Hontiveros calls for Senate recommendation to drop de Lima charges,6 +4,PBBM joins world in recognizing role of women,3 +11,"Father of Kapampangan Liturgical Music, 'Among Greg' has written 900 hymns",10 +9,78 drowning cases recorded on Holy Week – PCG,8 +7,The on public order and dangerous drugs asked the Department of Justice (DOJ) to create a special panel of prosecutors to handle 20 cases of political killings in the province including that of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +6,No plan to move students' summer vacation back to April-May —DepEd,5 +6,"Comelec eyes increasing poll workers' honorarium up to P10,000",5 +14,"Japan, Australia may conduct South China Sea patrols with US, PH – ambassador",13 +6,"The petition seeking to increase the daily minimum wage of private sector employees in the National Capital Region by P100 is currently under review, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Secretary Bienvenido Laguesma said on Saturday.",5 +9,"DOH sets measles, polio supplemental immunization drive on May 1 to 31",8 +10,"Undas 2022: Updates on cemeteries, preparations, long weekend tips",9 +2,SC: Courts under Alert Levels 1 and 2 to operate with 50% workforce,1 +13,‘Nilalangaw’: Low registration turnout prompts plea from Comelec,12 +11,"MANILA – House Representative Gerville “Jinky Bitrics” Luistro (Batangas, 2nd District) on Tuesday called for a “bayanihan” to address the worsening effect of the oil spill from the sunken MT Princess Empress that has started to affect all the towns in the second district of Batangas.",10 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A mix of sadness, celebration, and gratitude pervaded the 54th Cabinet meeting in Malacañang, the last full Cabinet meeting under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, held on Monday, May 30, exactly a month before his term ends.",12 +13,"New PNP chief steady, can implement reforms --- Marcos",12 +13,Senate Deputy Minority Leader Risa Hontiveros on Friday urged Malacañang to condemn in the “strongest terms” the continuing aggression of China in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).,12 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) continues to strengthen its presence in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) as part of the Marcos to protect the country's territory.,7 +10,MANILA – Farmers in Pampanga province will soon receive their own land titles as the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) irons out the distribution of about 310-hectare unused government-owned lands (GOL).,9 +9,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and other Cabinet officials participated in the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) for the first quarter of 2023.,8 +14,"PH, China must handle differences 'directly' — Chinese envoy",13 +5,SC affirms ruling on unconstitutionality of 5% franchise tax on gross bets in POGOs,4 +13,COP27 a test for Marcos administration to walk the talk on climate change,12 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) on Saturday said its Lockheed C-130 ""Hercules"" cargo aircraft is undamaged after its left landing gear got stuck in the mud at Catarman Airport in Samar.",7 +2,"Batangas, Oriental Mindoro farmers receive dairy goats",1 +10,"VP Sara pushes for work culture that values better wages, mental health",9 +8,PNP probes into reported breach on its data,7 +10,BJMP jail congestion rate now at 370%,9 +4,WATCH: Rapplers share their challenges in pursuit of press freedom,3 +6,Marcos orders revision of scientific career system IRR,5 +14,"After his four-day trip to the United States, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. will be flying to the United Kingdom and Indonesia.",13 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday hailed the United States’ willingness to work with the Philippine government “as an equal, sovereign partner"", noting that defense and security engagement remains the key pillar of Philippines-US bilateral relations.",13 +6,Duterte signs law granting military chiefs a fixed 3-year term,5 +5,Sandiganbayan clears Muntinlupa Mayor Biazon of bribery charge,4 +12,"More than 80% of Filipinos trust President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte, based on OCTA Research Group's latest Tugon ng Masa survey.",11 +6,PBBM accepts proposals on sustainable agri-business,5 +9,"High levels of oil and grease contaminants were found in 26 areas in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Department of Health (DOH) Officer-In-Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Tuesday.",8 +13,"From Marcos to Marcos: Enrile, the consummate political survivor",12 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has ordered the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to speed up the oil spill cleanup in the affected areas in Oriental Mindoro.,12 +6,Comelec presents TOR for an automated election system,5 +6,"MANILA – Voting 268-0 with no abstentions, the House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on the third and final reading a measure that seeks to expand the services of the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) and at the same time encourage private sector participation in agricultural insurance.",5 +7,The director of the PNP Highway Patrol Group has resigned from his post after a video which showed his son hitting an HPG trainee went viral.,6 +10,OVP aids 5.3K fire-affected individuals in Baguio,9 +5,SC affirms liability of ex-DTI chief for disallowed bonuses,4 +7,Marcos: Review of some cops’ alleged drug links finished soon,6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro wants an end to the tradition of extending parliamentary courtesy to the Office of the President (OP), Office of the Vice President (OVP), and also agencies headed by the country’s top officials, during budget deliberations.",5 +8,No US call on PH troops for Taiwan deployment --- Marcos,7 +7,MANILA – Joint operatives of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) seized 575 kg. of suspected shabu with an estimated street value of PHP4 billion and arrested a Chinese national in Baguio City on Wednesday morning.,6 +2,"PH vows to elevate maritime education, training system",1 +2,"Prioritize action on water, power crisis in Oriental Mindoro --- PBBM",1 +10,MANILA – The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) assured Oriental Mindoro provincial officials that the national government will be conducting integrated interventions to mitigate the effects of the oil spill in the province.,9 +6,"20-M unregistered SIM cards, low turnout in islands prompted PBBM to extend registration",5 +2,"Philippines lacks 106,000 nurses – DOH",1 +10,WATCH: Stories on the last day of voter registration in the Philippines,9 +14,"China must respect int'l law, arbitral ruling to minimize incidents in SCS --- US official",13 +7,"The Sandiganbayan has allowed lawyer Jessica “Gigi” Reyes, one of the accused in the plunder and graft cases involving the alleged misuse of at least P172 million in discretionary or pork barrel funds, to skip her trial for one day, on March 28.",6 +7,BuCor: Fortun to examine bodies of 8 prisoners who died inside Bilibid,6 +14,"US, PH vow stronger alliance through EDCA",13 +14,"TOKYO, Japan – During President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first official visit to Japan, over 30 signed letters of intent (LOI) on various business activities in the Philippines and in Japan in the next few years.",13 +13,Gatchalian to DSWD regional directors: Be on top of your game,12 +13,Isko to resume peace talks with Left: ‘I hope they meet us halfway’,12 +7,"Military charges served to Durante, Licyayo over Yvonette Plaza slay —Army",6 +5,MANILA – Cavite Representative Elpidio Barzaga Jr. on Thursday urged that the constitutional convention (con-con) to of of delegates elected by the public and experts who are appointed and vetted by Malacañang and Congress.,4 +4,The Federation of Free Workers (FFW) on Thursday urged the government and private sector to end discrimination against workers and civil servants.,3 +7,"MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) seized closed PHP6 billion worth of illegal drugs in the first four months of 2023, Public Information Office (PIO) chief Col. Redrico Maranan said on Wednesday.",6 +2,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) inaugurated a state-of-the-art radar facility in Laoang, Northern Samar on Wednesday, April 19.",1 +13,"After six years of Rodrigo Duterte, the dictator’s son Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to assume the Philippine presidency on June 30.",12 +7,"MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) seized closed PHP6 billion worth of illegal drugs in the first four months of 2023, Public Information Office (PIO) chief Col. Redrico Maranan said on Wednesday.",6 +9,Marcos: Gov't preparing contingencies to ensure safety of 300 Pinoys in Sudan,8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Thursday, February 16, confirmed that the Philippines and China made use of their newly mechanism to tackle the Chinese Coast Guard’s recent deployment of a military-grade vessel against a Philippine Coast Guard ship in the West Philippine Sea.",13 +8,"MANILA – A Philippine Navy (PN) ship, the World War II-era corvette BRP Pangasinan (PS-31), will be sunk in this year's ""Balikatan"" joint live-fire exercises, which will be conducted off Zambales on April 26.",7 +8,WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Monday (PH time) said the discussion on the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) is among the main purposes of his official visit to the United States.,7 +14,The Republic of Korea has donated sorbent pads and other equipment that will be used in the operations to contain the oil spill off the waters of Oriental Mindoro and nearby areas following the sinking of an oil tanker on Feb. 28.,13 +1,Low-cost airline ramps up Cebu hub,0 +4,Digitalization gives women ‘dignity and respect’ – Romualdez,3 +13,LOOK: Military welcomes Andres Centino as AFP chief – again,12 +9,"DOH, partners wage all-out war vs. malaria in Palawan",8 +7,Japan asks Philippines to deport four amid ‘Luffy’ controversy,6 +13,"MANILA – Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday denied allegations that the Senate is ignoring Charter change saying the Upper House through the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments, Revisions of Laws and Codes is doing its job.",12 +7,Senators disallow Teves' virtual presence in Degamo slay probe,6 +6,Davao del Norte Representative Pantaleon Alvarez has marked this year’s Valentine’s Day by renewing his call to support his bill establishing Civil Partnership for both opposite and same-sex couples.,5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Suspended Bureau of Corrections Director General Gerald Bantag and BuCor Directorate for Security and Operations Superintendent Ricardo Zulueta – both tagged in the killing of broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa – are still in the country, authorities said on Wednesday, November 9.",6 +13,HPG chief quits post amid viral video of trainee hit by officer,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Imee Marcos on Wednesday, April 18, questioned the government’s decision to grant the United States access to more military bases in northern Luzon under the Philippines-US Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).",5 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) registered 171 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, lowering the country’s active infections to 9,082.",8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck Davao Oriental early Saturday morning, December 10, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said in a bulletin.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Career officer Jail Chief Superintendent Ruel Silva Rivera was named acting chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), the bureau announced on Tuesday, March 28.",12 +14,"MANILA – Around 17,600 Filipino and American troops would participate in this year's ""Balikatan"" Exercise which is scheduled from April 11 to 28.",13 +10,"MANILA – Those who will travel to and from the country will now experience a faster and more convenient immigration procedure starting April 15, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced Friday.",9 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Severe Tropical Storm Florita (Ma-on) is disrupting the start of a new school year, just as thousands of schools reopened for face-to-face classes.",9 +9,"During a Tuesday press conference, Department of Health officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said that 80 out of 81 provinces in the Philippines were now malaria-free, with Palawan the only province where malaria cases were detected in the past several years.",8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Wearing of face masks when outdoors is now optional in the Philippines. But the country’s top medical experts still urged the public to mask up since the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic is still here.",8 +7,Issues hounding P6.7-B shabu haul in Manila to be ‘laid to rest’ if Azurin speaks up — Bato dela Rosa,6 +13,"Risa votes no, Imee abstains in Senate RCEP vote",12 +7,Ex-BIR official nabbed for alleged extortion,6 +13,"On 6th year of detention, De Lima sees vindication 'at hand'",12 +7,"Agents of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) have arrested two alleged fixers, including a barangay official,  in two separate operations in Iloilo City and in Oas, Albay.",6 +8,Marcos: This country will not lose one inch of its territory,7 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines has urged Russia to immediately and unconditionally withdraw from Ukraine, voting to support a new United Nations (UN) resolution calling for an end to the war that marked its first year on Friday, February 24.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Following the death of Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founding chairperson Jose Maria Sison, the Department of National Defense (DND) said his demise removed the “greatest stumbling block [to] peace” in the country.",12 +15,"A graduate of Rizal Technical University made it to first place in the February 2023 Mechanical Engineers Licensure Examination, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced.",14 +10,"MANILA – The government's Task Force Balik Loob (TFBL) has assisted 10,637 former rebels (FRs) and former violent extremists (FVEs) who have resurfaced and rejoined mainstream society as of 2016.",9 +10,OCD: PH humanitarian team returning home from Turkey,9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. took his oath as the 17th Philippine president at noon on Thursday, June 30, fulfilling the dream of his mother Imelda for her son to one day reclaim the seat in Malacañang.",12 +13,Bank denies certifying PAGCOR's third-party auditor –Gatchalian,12 +15,Ex-DFA chief Albert del Rosario's remains arrive in Manila,14 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan again rendered guilty verdicts on former Cotabato Representative Gregorio Ipong, and two other former high-ranking officers of the Technology and Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC) on charges of graft and malversation of public funds in connection with the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or “pork barrel” of the lawmaker.",4 +2,PhilHealth to offer ‘improved’ mental health package,1 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Friday said he has instructed the Witness Protection Program (WPP) to exert the ""maximum effort"" to help the families of those who have been accused in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 +14,Philippines supports UN resolution calling for withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine,13 +13,36 Years: A Marcos heads to New York,12 +10,"MANILA – The railway lines are ready to extend their trips on Monday, the first day of the transport strike of some groups of drivers and operators of public utility jeepneys (PUJs) to mitigate its effect on the",9 +9,26 areas under Covid-19 Alert Level 2 status—IATF,8 +8,"MANILA – Two Filipinos were killed in the Ankatya district of Hatay province in Turkiye following the killer 7.7-magnitude on Feb. 6, the Philippine Embassy in Turkiye confirmed Friday.",7 +8,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has ordered the Department of National Defense (DND) to ""suppress criminal activities and impunity"" in the entire Negros Island.",7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The anti-graft court Sandiganbayan has convicted two former Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation (PADC) officials of graft and malversation of public property over the loss of an aircraft spare part in 2008.",6 +13,Sara Duterte is president of Southeast Asian education organization,12 +7,DOJ charges members of religious group with terror financing,6 +6,"MANILA – With 290 votes, the House of Representatives on Monday unanimously approved on third and final reading House Bill No. 7355 which seeks the creation of the Negros Island Region (NIR) in the Visayas.",5 +13,"Amid issue with ICC, Marcos says PH to continue bilateral, global engagements",12 +13,MANILA – The Bicol Saro Party list has a new representative in the House of Representatives.,12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has ruled in favor of five riders who alleged that their employer Lazada illegally dismissed them in 2017.",6 +14,Zelenskiy says he spoke with Marcos on deepening Ukraine-Philippines ties,13 +6,MANILA – A measure requiring the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) to admit one cadet from each congressional district in the country hurdled second reading approval at the House of Representatives.,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines –  At a premier security conference in Munich, Germany, Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo drew attention to China’s increasing harassment of Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, describing it as an occurrence that now formed part of the “daily situation” in the volatile waterway.",13 +14,"MANILA -- President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. will advance the Philippines’ priorities through regional and multilateral cooperation in various areas during his attendance at the 42nd Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Indonesia in May, a foreign affairs official said on Friday.",13 +10,The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) on Wednesday said the contract for the unified online ticketing system for ship passengers has been canceled which is why the country's ports are still dealing with long lines this Holy Week.,9 +13,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Tuesday congratulated the Police Regional Offices (PROs) that excellently performed for the past year.,12 +14,"MANILA – The Philippines is preparing to Australian Trade and Tourism Minister Don Farrell, who will be in the country on a working visit from April 20 to 25, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Wednesday.",13 +13,"In Cambodia, Marcos campaigns hard for UN Security Council seat",12 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday made a pitch to American businessmen the plan of the Philippines to pursue local battery production, with the help of foreign technology and capital, as a solution for the country’s problems in energy supply and other energy-related issues.",13 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has released to the National Food Authority (NFA) a total of PHP1,182,905,000 for the grant of a one-time rice assistance to all qualified employees and workers of national government agencies.",1 +8,"PH, US militaries strengthen cyber defense capabilities in ‘Balikatan’",7 +10,"Rain showers seen in Metro Manila, Luzon due to 'amihan'",9 +13,SIM registration extended for 90 days – Sec Remulla,12 +9,Metro Manila’s COVID-19 positivity rate jumps to 18.8% —OCTA,8 +4,"MANILA – Women empowerment, breaking gender biases, and promoting equality would significantly contribute to the country's economic growth, according to Senator Cynthia Villar.",3 +6,The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) suspended the implementation of its new monitoring system in ports due to protests from several groups.,5 +14,"DTI on China laser-pointing: Geopolitics, business can't be separated",13 +13,PBBM order creating water management office timely - Poe,12 +3,Priest washes feet of kin of EJK victims,2 +7,Ranking PNP exec claims ‘clean hands’ over mega shabu haul,6 +3,"Devotees will mark on Wednesday, April 19, the Feast of Saint Expeditus (Saint Expedite), the patron saint of urgent matters and against procrastination.",2 +3,Cardinal Advincula to wash feet of 12 people on Maundy Thursday,2 +10,"MANILA – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) on Tuesday said civil works of the 4.80-kilometer road improvement project that will not only decongest traffic but will also protect a coastal area in Virac, Catanduanes, is being fast-tracked.",9 +7,The Bureau of Immigration on Wednesday warned young professionals against scammers offering call center or BPO work abroad with a high salary after some turned out to be recruitment for a crypto scam operation.,6 +9,"Senate Minority Leader Aquilino ""Koko"" Pimentel said Filipino adults experience mental health problems due to the current living conditions in the country.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. told newly-appointed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief General Benjamin Acorda Jr. to be open to public scrutiny as the new head of the national police.",12 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines marked the 50th year of the declaration of Martial Law by late tyrant Ferdinand E. Marcos – ironically, under the presidency of the dictator’s son Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",10 +8,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday shared his experience in boarding an FA-50PH fighter jet where he saw the necessity to increase the capability of the military to defend the country's territory.",7 +1,MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Friday said President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. will primarily pursue the administration's economic agenda -- particularly promoting the Philippines as an investment destination -- during his official visit to the United States (US).,0 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday said that Filipinos are now ""reaping the fruits"" of the building of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute during the administration of his late father, Ferdinand Marcos Sr.",12 +14,MANILA – The second day of the official visit of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. in the United States on Tuesday (Wednesday Philippine time) has been very productive after from American global firms during eight back-to-back meetings in just half a day.,13 +3,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday joined the in celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, as he expressed hope that it would bring them spiritual renewal.",2 +7,DMW partners with DOJ to intensify efforts vs. human trafficking,6 +7,"Remulla in Geneva: Philippines looking at drug syndicates, not minor offenders",6 +2,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) is crafting a strategy plan for the local production of hybrid rice to increase crop yields in the country and make it rice self-sufficient in two years.,1 +8,MANILA – Five ranking police officials were included in the latest reorganization in the Philippine National Police (PNP).,7 +14,"DSWD, UN discuss plans to end hunger, poverty",13 +8,"NUEVA ECIJA, Philippines – The Philippines and United States launched army-to-army exercises on Monday, March 13, with a focus on enhancing the Southeast Asian nation’s ability to protect and defend its territory from external threats.",7 +13,"“We wish the President good luck, and we wish him all the success.""",12 +10,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said on Friday that the government was prepared to help the families affected by the oil spill brought on by the sinking of a motor tanker in Oriental Mindoro.   Affected families and individuals will receive assistance from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Marcos said.   “We are closely monitoring the situation with the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) as the lead agency. Special attention will be given to the affected fisherfolks who will be losing their source of livelihood because of the oil spill,” he said.",9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday, May 20, said it was “intensifying” border screening and “ensuring that surveillance systems are actively monitoring the situation” following the detection of monkeypox cases in European countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.",8 +2,Crucial fisheries reforms needed to achieve food security,1 +5,Enrile wants lifting of nuclear weapons ban in Constitution,4 +13,Comelec to enforce premature campaigning ban for 2023 BSKE,12 +10,MANILA – Senator Raffy Tulfo on Wednesday filed a measure seeking to improve the working conditions of workers and at the same time review existing policies on the minimum wage increase to determine if they fit today's standard of living.,9 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, April 12, 2023",9 +8,PNP-ACG probes ‘massive’ data breach,7 +14,Marcos wants PH exports to US allowed duty-free,13 +6,"Enforce laws to stop sexual, online abuse of children: solon",5 +9,Abalos orders LGUs to prepare for possible El Niño effects,8 +8,"Philippines, US to test ‘combat-ready’ force in biggest Balikatan exercise",7 +5,"The Supreme Court (SC) has issued a Writ of Kalikasan that effectively stopped the government temporarily propagating genetically modified rice and eggplant, known as Golden Rice and BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) eggplant.",4 +13,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said on Saturday he would not cooperate with the inquiry of the International Criminal Court (ICC) into the abuses in the campaign against illegal drugs of his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte.   Speaking to reporters in Baguio City, Marcos said his position on the ICC probe has not changed.   “I have stated it often, even before I took office as President, that there are many questions about their jurisdiction and what we in the Philippines regard as an intrusion into our internal matters and a threat to our sovereignty,” he said.   “So no, I do not see what their jurisdiction is. I feel that we have in our police, in our judiciary, a good system. We do not need assistance from any outside entity, the Philippines is a sovereign nation, and we are not colonies anymore of these former imperialists. So that is not something that we consider to be a legitimate judgment,” he added.   Marcos said that “until those questions of jurisdiction and the effects on the sovereignty of the Republic are sufficiently answered, I cannot cooperate with them.”   Duterte pulled the Philippines out of the Hague-based tribunal in 2019 after it began a preliminary probe into the crackdown, followed by the launch of a formal inquiry later that year.",12 +9,Tulfo alarmed over rising cases of autism in PH,8 +8,Go tells Gov’t: Prioritize welfare of Pinoy passengers,7 +14,MANILA – Senators on Wednesday said a broader alliance between the Philippines and its allied countries must expand their defense cooperation in the South China Sea (SCS).,13 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) will seek a writ of kalikasan against those responsible for the Mindoro oil spill should they fail to act, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Tuesday.",6 +8,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has recently hosted a policy forum in line with its objective of instituting strengthened social protection in the new normal.,7 +8,WASHINGTON —The Philippines and the United States will expand cooperation on maritime security through but not limited to joint patrols.,7 +1,Marcos strikes out revolving fund of DepEd TV in 2023 budget,0 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Navy's (PN) missile frigate BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) achieved another milestone as an AgustaWestland (now Leonardo) AW-159 ""Wildcat"" anti-submarine helicopter successfully landed on its flight deck while the ship was underway off Corregidor Island.",7 +12,‘Our blood is boiling’: Victims angry as son of dictator closes in on Philippine presidency,11 +13,Duterte appoints Medialdea’s right-hand man as CA justice,12 +13,"[PANOORIN] Lacson miting de avance: Iniwan man, nagpatuloy pa rin",12 +2,"Acorda commits to more funds, strong support system for cops on the ground",1 +13,Ako Bicol Party-list moves to assist 'Amang'-affected residents,12 +14,"WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. responded an outright ""no"" when asked if the United States government requested Filipino soldiers to be deployed to Taiwan once tension escalates.",13 +10,The Philippine Ports Authority said Thursday that the number of travelers passing through ports would hit 2.2 million throughout the Holy Week.,9 +9,"There is a slight increase in the number of new Covid-19 cases in the Philippines but this is not a cause for concern at this time, an official of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday, April 14.",8 +1,Duterte claims his intelligence funds all used up during pandemic,0 +7,"MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) seized PHP747 million worth of illegal drugs in the first 45 days of the year, the country's top cop said Monday.",6 +2,DBM releases P3.4-B fund for scholars in tech-voc institutions,1 +2,LOOK: AFP receives Short Sherpa aircraft for PH Army,1 +7,BI nabs South Korean swindler in Cagayan de Oro,6 +3,Marcos urges Filipinos to be ‘conveyors of truth’ on Holy Week,2 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The death toll from Christmas day rains in southern Philippines has risen to 13, authorities said on Tuesday, December 27, with the search still on for 23 people as floods started to recede.",8 +13,"Up until last day of campaigning, Duterte does not endorse Marcos for president",12 +14,"Marcos' US trip a 'resounding success', says House leader",13 +15,‘Amihan’ continues to bring light rains over Luzon,14 +7,VP Duterte urges end to violence vs. elected officials,6 +14,US Defense chief Austin arrives in PH to meet with Galvez,13 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s trip to Japan is expected to reap some P150 billion in new investment pledges, with back-to-back meetings scheduled with top Japanese executives.",0 +7,"MT Princess Empress should not have sailed into sea as it does not have a Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) yet, the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) on Thursday insisted.",6 +9,"On Friday, February 24, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) released its report on the total number of deaths that occurred in the country in 2021. In the second year of the pandemic, a total of 879,429 deaths were recorded.",8 +7,"Police on Friday raided houses belonging to Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. in the province in search of loose firearms, Unang Balita reported on Friday, citing Dobol B TV.",6 +10,"Air, land, sea: Terminals brace for Holy Week surge",9 +14,"TOKYO, Japan – Speaker Martin Romualdez said that the Philippines and Japan are moving in the “general direction” of entering into a military deal that would allow their troops to conduct joint drills and access military bases in the Philippines.",13 +9,MANILA – Employees of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) continue its tradition of donating blood in order to help save more lives.,8 +14,"MANILA – The Philippine government on Wednesday night denounced North Korea’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), saying it undermined peace in the region and the world.",13 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said his meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang was very useful and productive as the two of them were able to iron out misinterpreted pronouncements between the Philippines and China.",13 +6,House adopts resolution to establish eCongress,5 +6,House Speaker Martin Romualdez is worried that families of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are finding it a challenge to have their subscriber identity module or SIM cards registered.,5 +14,"PH, US to focus on economic, environment, health concerns",13 +13,Speaker Romualdez acts as caretaker of district represented by Arnie Teves,12 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has been briefed on the operations and other specifications of the American-made MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile system.,7 +2,Water level at Angat Dam remains 'normal' —NWRB exec,1 +8,Casilao arrest ‘final nail in the coffin’ for Reds in Davao,7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least six rebels will face murder and terrorism charges over the death of a 9-year-old child and the injury of a soldier in Batangas last year, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Wednesday, January 4.",6 +7,"Authorities foil hoarding of P135-M worth of onion, garlic",6 +14,"US, PH tackle 21st century challenges as 'closest of allies'",13 +6,Cong Duterte proposes tweaks to NLRC to make it more effective in resolving labor cases,5 +2,Gatchalian asks DICT to provide platform for poor LGUs to automate operations,1 +14,"Marcos, Fiala, discuss West PH Sea, economics, in 'successful' meeting",13 +7,"LTO steps up drive vs fixers, 2 arrested in Iloilo, Albay",6 +14,"China's top diplomat in Manila has called on the Philippines to oppose the supposed ""Taiwan independence"" by not giving American troops access to Philippine military bases as he claimed that the latter was only taking advantage of the situation in the Taiwan strait through military expansion.",13 +12,"MANILA, Philippines –  After President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25, Filipinos online took to social media to sound off various views on the President’s speech.",11 +2,Philippines to receive bivalent vaccines from COVAX by end-March,1 +9,PH to lift COVID-19 public health emergency if situation continues to be 'manageable' —Vergeire,8 +8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) is now looking into possible violations and lapses in the reported leak of its database.,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The issue involving the son of Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla is a test to the country’s justice system.",12 +9,"The Philippines on Wednesday registered 506 new COVID-19 cases, increasing the nationwide overall tally to 4,090,215. The country's active infections, meanwhile, rose to 4,446 from 4,255 on Tuesday.",8 +13,"Fitch report backs House’s push for Cha-cha, says solon",12 +11,"MANILA – Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, a scholar on Dr. Jose Rizal’s works, has cited the Philippine national hero in calling on members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to stay true to the bloc’s key ideals -- stand up for justice and rule of law -- amid the ongoing Myanmar crisis.",10 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Ngayong pababa na si Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte sa Malacañang, kinausap namin ang aming mga reporter tungkol sa kanilang karanasan sa pagsunod sa kanyang administrasyon.",11 +13,Enough to govern? Second Marcos president puts his ‘faith in the Filipino’,12 +9,OCTA: Nationwide Covid-19 positivity rate hikes to 8.5%,8 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday expressed gratitude to the Senate for fully supporting all of its measures aimed at cleansing the service of misfits and scalawags.,6 +14,Romualdez looks forward to PH visit of Japanese lawmakers,13 +9,HIV cases in PH projected to reach 364K in 2030 — DOH exec,8 +13,Miss ko na mga ibon ko': Teves will return to PH if...,12 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gregorio Catapang Jr. announced on Wednesday, April 12, that they were eyeing to close the in five years and all persons deprived of liberty (PDL) would be relocated in the regions by 2028.",1 +10,"CEBU CITY, Philippines – Starting November 1, the Philippine government will require travelers arriving from other countries to fill up its new eArrival Card.",9 +13,"Marcos names new CHR commissioner, still missing 2 for complete leadership",12 +10,Passengers advised to coordinate with airlines ahead of May 17 airspace shutdown,9 +6,House approves Marcos-backed VAT refund for tourists bill,5 +14,MANILA – Cagayan De Oro City 2nd District Rep. Rufus Rodriguez on Tuesday urged the government to forge more security pacts with other nations following China’s continued employment of harassment tactics in the West Philippine Sea.,13 +7,Six more persons of interest in Salilig hazing case want to surrender - Remulla,6 +14,US 7th fleet conducts freedom of navigation ops near Spratlys,13 +7,Lawyer blocked because his 'client' alleged middleman in Degamo slay doesn't know him —PNP,6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) is now depending on the enactment of the bill establishing the country’s own Center for Disease Control (CDC) so that the donations of COVID-19 bivalent vaccines to the Philippines would push through, officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Tuesday.",8 +12,"MANILA – A new Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey revealed that around 9 of 10 Filipino adults, or 93 percent, have personally experienced climate change impacts in the last three years.",11 +6,"Labor unions are calling for President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to ratify the International Labour Organization Convention 190 (ILO C190), which seeks to protect workers from violence and harassment.",5 +11,CAAP welcomes inaugural Clark-GenSan flight,10 +1,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) is confident about meeting its collection target in the second quarter after surpassing its target in January to March.,0 +14,Marcos to clarify Chinese envoy remarks on OFWs’ safety in Taiwan,13 +6,The Department of Health (DOH) expressed its support to the proposed bill that aims  to mandate new doctors to work in the country for one year before they could seek employment abroad.,5 +9,WATCH: US donates P85 million worth of HIV test kits to PH,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte assumed the council presidency of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), as the Philippines took over the leadership of the organization from Singapore.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Days after the brazen killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said authorities would probe anyone who might have a possible connection to the governor’s death.",6 +8,63 NPA fighters yield in Mimaropa so far this year- police,7 +4,MANILA – Department of Transportation (DOTr) Secretary Jaime Bautista on Monday invited public utility vehicle (PUV) operators to a dialogue to address their concerns and grievances with the PUV modernization program (PUVMP) instead of staging a transport strike.,3 +1,Experts worry about Maharlika fund’s impact on independence of Bangko Sentral,0 +12,"Helping parents, siblings financially is Filipino youth’s top aspiration – report",11 +1,Solon expects general price levels to decline moving forward,0 +9,WATCH: A look back on Rappler’s coverage of the Metro Manila and Luzon lockdown in 2020,8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Dengue cases are on the rise again, with the Department of Health (DOH) reporting a 90% increase in infections during the first half of to the same period last year.",8 +2,"BANGKOK, Thailand – In President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first meeting with a Middle Eastern head of state, and in the middle of a global oil crisis, it wasn’t the country’s oil supply that made up “most” of the discussion. It was the Philippines’ biggest export: its labor force.",1 +13,Imee: Why should PH rely on foreigners for its external defense?,12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The anti-graft court formally dismissed the case against former first gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo in connection with the Philippine National Police’s 2009 procurement of secondhand choppers.",6 +7,PNP 'inching closer' to unmasking brains behind NegOr guv slay,6 +10,The police force in Malay town has started shifting green in the use of its patrol vehicles in the world-renowned tourist spot Boracay Island in Aklan.,9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – After serving five months as the acting Bureau of Corrections chief, retired general Gregorio Capatang Jr finally received his official appointment from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday, March 23",12 +5,CTA rejects condo firm’s tax credit claim,4 +2,"13-inch screens, 'send-to-all' system: Comelec's bid for transparency in 2025",1 +14,Strong alliance key to navigating 'chaotic' int'l scene—Marcos,13 +14,"Robredo, Australian envoy eye Angat Buhay collaboration",13 +9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases decreased by 19 percent from Feb. 13 to 19, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 +2,Canada to hire more Filipino healthcare workers,1 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court held in contempt members of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) who were directly responsible for the exclusion of a vice presidential aspirant from the official ballots of the 2022 polls.",4 +2,"Gatchalian explains need to tap new tech, ensure energy security",1 +13,Cha-cha not dependent on president's endorsement —Padilla,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – An infectious diseases specialist said on Friday, March 11, that if the government decides to shift to Alert Level 0 for COVID-19, wearing of face masks should still be mandatory for the public.",8 +8,Navy frigate BRP Antonio Luna deployed for PH Rise patrol,7 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – This is a unique batch of new lawyers, Supreme Court Justice Marvic Leonen made that very clear, saying at the outset that the record-high 72.28% should not be seen as if they gave this batch an easy time, having undergone lockdown and distressing postponements.",9 +7,"Senator Risa Hontiveros on Thursday, April 13, the issuance of arrest warrants against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and Ricardo Zulueta.",6 +14,"Philippines, US discuss WPS during courtesy call",13 +6,Rappler Recap: Catapang bares plans for Bureau of Corrections,5 +7,High-value drug suspect yields P6.8-M shabu in Taguig buy-bust,6 +6,Senator Grace Poe has filed a resolution directing the appropriate to investigate the power situation on Panay Island and provide long-term solutions for power interruptions in the Visayan region.,5 +2,"MANILA – San Miguel Corporation’s (SMC) infrastructure unit on Tuesday made all necessary preparations in anticipation of heavy traffic volume this week at all its expressways, as Filipinos head out to the provinces for the traditional observance of Holy Week.",1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the cyber libel conviction of Rappler CEO and Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa, and former Rappler researcher-writer Reynaldo Santos Jr., adding eight months to the prison sentence initially imposed by a lower court in Manila.",6 +6,MANILA – Senators are urging for the swift passage of a measure filed by Senator Sonny Angara seeking to enhance the accessibility of senior citizens and persons with disabilities (PWDs) when voting during elections.,5 +7,"The Department of Justice will seek the designation and proscription of suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. as terrorist to force him to surrender to authorities, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla told a Senate hearing on Monday.",6 +6,"The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) is set to grant special permits for selected buses during the Holy Week, according to Joseph Morong’s “24 Oras” report on Friday.",5 +13,"The House Committee on Dangerous Drugs is eyeing the participation of disgraced former police master sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr. in its hearing Wednesday, April 26 on the controversial drug bust involving 990 kilos or P6.7 billion worth of “shabu"" last year.",12 +10,Rains persist due to LPA,9 +10,"‘Amihan’ to bring cloudy skies, light rains over Luzon Saturday",9 +10,"Gov't to pilot 1K housing units for soldiers, cops in Cavite",9 +2,"The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has deactivated its port operations division (POD), Commissioner Norman Tansingco said Friday.",1 +6,Tulfo wants Senate probe into LTO's 'anti-poor' rules and regulations,5 +7,Authorities gathered more evidence at the residence where the apparent hazing of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig took place.,6 +13,Ex-PDEA chiefs refute claim that rewarding informant with seized drugs a norm,12 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday registered 162 new COVID-19 cases as the active tally climbed to 9,017.",8 +14,"Eyeing stronger ties, Huang pitches China as ‘super market’ for Philippines",13 +12,"Majority of the Filipinos are satisfied with the performance of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.'s administration, according to a report on “24 Oras” on Wednesday.",11 +6,JV Ejercito hopes for stricter agri-smuggling measures from new Customs chief,5 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – “Be on top of your game.”",14 +5,"Sandigan acquits ex-Iloilo town mayor, 3 others of graft charges",4 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said on Friday, March 25, that it was looking into revising the format of COVID-19 vaccination cards to include booster shot.",8 +8,MANILA – Philippine Army (PA) and Australian Army units on Monday formally started their six-week training exercise which aims to improve the capabilities of both services in urban warfare and other specialization tactics.,7 +15,BOC sorry for 'unintentional error' after smashing toy plane,14 +9,"To address the problems of undernutrition and malnutrition in students, the Office of the Vice President (OVP) on Tuesday, April 11, pilot-tested the “Pansarap” program, a nutribun-like supplemental nutrition intervention for undernourished learners, in Vice President Sara Duterte's hometown of Davao City.",8 +1,Senate vice chairperson Sherwin Gatchalian on Tuesday urged the government to prepare for a possible increase in domestic oil prices after Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ oil producers announced that they will cut their production to around 1.16 million barrels per day.,0 +7,OTS personnel arrested for allegedly stealing Chinese passenger's smartwatch in NAIA,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A week after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered a reshuffle in the country’s top defense posts, he was all praises for Carlito Galvez Jr., who would have been his first full-time defense chief.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The mothers of disappeared students Karen Empeño and Sherlyn Cadapan on Thursday, March 31, condemned National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) Spokesperson Lorraine Badoy over an interview aimed at “vindicating” convicted military general Jovito Palparan.",6 +7,"Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. will face the allegations of murder against him, his lawyer said Friday.",6 +14,"MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) on Thursday said it has entered into an agreement with South Korea to fortify agricultural collaboration through the exchange of resources. In a statement, the DA said it signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Kyungpook National University (KNU) of South Korea last Monday. ""The MOU, signed by DA Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban, DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) director Joell Lales, and KNU Daegu Gyeongbuk International Development Cooperation Center director Hwa Seok Hwang, aims to promote the exchange of scientific and technical resources related to agriculture and rural development,"" it said.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Agriculture (DA) official who signed the alleged illegal sugar importation resolution has resigned from his post, Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angles said on Friday, August 12.",12 +7,"ICC: Victims, families can participate in drug war proceedings",6 +9,"Philippines logs 1,206 new COVID-19 cases from Jan. 23-29, down by 36%",8 +9,"It took 10 hours before firefighters finally put out the fire that razed MV Diamond Highway, a vehicle carrier, off Lapu Lapu City, Cebu on Friday, April 28.",8 +10,The Land Transportation Office (LTO) called on driving schools across the country with  its memorandum that sets a cap on the amount that would be paid by those applying for new driver’s license.,9 +2,"LGUs prepared to address effects of El Niño, other calamities –LPP",1 +14,"China's top diplomat, Foreign Minister Qin Gang, will fly to the Philippines over the weekend for an official visit and meeting with his Filipino counterpart as Beijing and Manila keep their relations warm amid their continued differences, especially over the South China Sea.",13 +9,Complete childbirth services for Filipino mothers sought,8 +7,BOC halts entry of P104-M smuggled items from 3 Asian countries,6 +8,"All set for biggest ‘Balikatan’ military drills between PH, US",7 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC), the country’s High Court, recently publicized its ruling that clarified when rape through penile penetration.",4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Secretary of National Defense Delfin Lorenzana fainted during the Independence Day rites at Luneta Park in Manila on Sunday morning, June 12.",12 +10,"DSWD: Relief efforts focused on Bicol, Davao regions hit by bad weather",9 +1,BOC: March revenue collection highest so far for 2023,0 +14,The US guided-missile destroyer USS Milius on Monday conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea near the Spratly Islands.,13 +13,"Speakers from various University of the Philippines (UP) sectors criticize the ""problems"" in the university's state of governance in light of Atty. Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II's appointment as the new UP Diliman chancellor.",12 +15,"MANILA – The country will experience warm weather with isolated rain showers due to the prevailing easterlies, the weather bureau said Wednesday.",14 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court on Tuesday, January 10, ruled that only the Philippines can supervise the exploration of its natural resources, declaring the agreement among Philippine, Vietnamese, and Chinese oil firms unconstitutional.",4 +7,"MANILA – The four primary suspects in the gruesome killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo have been transferred to Manila, the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirmed Tuesday.",6 +14,"MANILA – Australia and the Philippines’ engagements are expected to increase in 2023 and beyond as the two countries move to upgrade their partnership to a strategic one, with focus on adapting to a rapidly changing security environment in the region.",13 +9,"The Department of Health on Sunday recorded 223 new COVID-19 infections, bringing the nationwide running total to 4,074,691 cases.",8 +9,"The Philippines recorded 200 new COVID-19 infections on Friday, while the number of active cases rose to 10,094, according to the Department of Health.",8 +9,PH logs 121 new cases of Omicron subvariants,8 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. expressed his excitement to ""reenact"" his late father's ceremonial jumpball toss when the Philippines hosted the 1978 International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Basketball World Cup (FBWC), as he the country's hosting of the much-awaited sporting event in August.",12 +7,"‘Mastermind’ in Degamo slay nabbed by NBI, says Remulla",6 +5,SC junks lower retirement age for female flight attendants,4 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives resumes on Tuesday, February 14, its investigation on the alleged hoarding and price manipulation of in the Philippines.",0 +7,BOC-Clark intercepts P6.2-M cocaine hidden in wheelchair rims,6 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – In the wake of a national election that was heavily impacted by the use of social media and disinformation, forming collaborations among truth-telling sectors and organizations is of utmost importance.",2 +13,[WATCH] Robredo has no regrets about 2022 presidential run,12 +5,Supreme Court compels military to face in court families of 2 missing activists,4 +7,"Sandiganbayan clears ex-Agri chief Alcala of graft, but orders him to pay for 'negligence'",6 +6,A bill mandating the installation of timers in all traffic lights in urban and rural areas  has been filed in the Senate.,5 +7,PNP anti-drug group seizes P7.8-M narcotics in 7-day ops,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senate President Miguel Zubiri schooled Senator Robin Padilla on Monday, March 20, after the Senate canceled a planned joint hearing with House lawmakers about proposals to amend the 1987 Constitution.",12 +2,"The Commission on Audit (COA) warned on Tuesday, September 27, that 13 parcels of land – area of 253 hectares with an estimated value of P71.8 million – are unlisted in the books of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSoP), even if these parcels of land were covered by titles or presidential proclamations.",1 +13,Fresh start for NBI under new director Medardo de Lemos,12 +14,"UK, Canada stand behind PH in South China Sea dispute",13 +7,PNP ramps up hunt vs. private armies amid attacks on local execs,6 +7,DILG orders manhunt vs ambushers of Lanao del Sur's Adiong,6 +5,"The House of Representatives on Tuesday, via voice vote, approved on second reading Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) 6 which calls for constitutional convention (con-con) for amending the economic provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.",4 +10,"The country may continue to experience partly cloudy to cloudy weather with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms in the next 24 hours, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Wednesday, April 19.",9 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Paper-based departure cards will be phased out starting May 1, according to the Bureau of Immigration (BI).",9 +6,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said on Saturday that laws on responsible mining must be enforced to protect the environment.   At a media briefing in Baguio City, Marcos was asked about his policy direction towards protecting the environment in the Cordillera Administrative Region.",5 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President Sara Duterte on Tuesday, February 21, told local chief executives to “convene your school boards and evaluate the needs of your local schools” following her education report in January where she said that the lack of facilities was “pounding” basic education.",1 +14,"Beijing seeks direct line between PH, China defense agencies",13 +9,"The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) has urged local government units, health facilities, and the private sector to be conscious of safety and medical emergency protocols to ensure that accidents would be prevented and properly addressed.",8 +7,Lawyer claims 2 Degamo employees ‘participated’ in plan to kill Negros Oriental governor,6 +9,Health protocols remain effective despite rise in Covid-19 cases—DOH,8 +2,"The lack of school infrastructure and facilities remains to be the basic education’s primary problem up to this date, Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte said Monday.",1 +7,"The reported offers circulating on social media for the removal of names from the Bureau of Immigration’s blacklist in exchange of P1 million to P5 million is a scam, BI spokesperson Dana Sandoval said Thursday.",6 +9,Stigma lingers on breast cancer —group,8 +13,"Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) has decided to support moves to amend the 1987 Constitution, party secretary-general Melvin Matibag said Tuesday.",12 +12,Marcos gets ‘very good’ satisfaction rating in end 2022 – SWS,11 +8,"LIVESTREAM: New chiefs of defense, military hold first press conference",7 +2,Urban agri projects to address food security issues: PBBM,1 +13,Comelec eyes use of 2 automated systems for 2025 polls,12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Nearly all Filipinos agree with the voluntary wearing of face masks, according to the Fourth Quarter 2022 Social Weather Stations survey conducted in December but released only on Monday, March 27.",11 +9,"A pro-health congressman underscored on Monday, April 17 the need for government to ""invest more"" in hospitals located at areas frequented by tourists.",8 +2,"In privilege speech, lawmaker laments crowded gov’t shelters for OFWs",1 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed optimism on several projects from Singapore that could help the country's agriculture and climate change measures.",13 +14,"Marcos departs for Japan to seek more investments, boost collab in agri, defense",13 +14,36 Years: International ties under Marcos 2.0,13 +11,"Ramadan starts on Thursday, March 23, 2023",10 +9,"WATCH: With masks now optional, students still choose to wear them",8 +14,"MANILA – A top nuclear energy firm based in the United States has expressed interest to invest in the Philippines after a meeting with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. in Washington, D.C., Malacañang announced Tuesday.",13 +8,CAAP to verify details of plane wreckage in Mayon,7 +7,BI deports female Japanese fraudster,6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said on Thursday, February 3, that it has postponed the scheduled COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 for several days, due to “logistical challenges.”",1 +14,"Marcos' US visit agenda to focus on defense agreements, climate change aid",13 +5,The Supreme Court has upheld a ruling finding a man guilty of inflicting psychological violence on his wife through marital infidelity.,4 +15,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday expressed grief after two Filipinos died from Monday's magnitude 7.8 earthquake that rocked Türkiye and Syria.,14 +6,The House of Representatives on Monday approved on third and final reading a bill expediting right-of-way (ROW) acquisition and implementation on infrastructure projects.,5 +5,Rappler Recap: What Gigi Reyes’ release through writ of habeas corpus means,4 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said in its November 1 situation report that over two million Filipinos were affected by the onslaught of Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae), the 16th tropical cyclone to enter the country in 2022.",9 +13,"To consolidate, Marcos targets vote-rich Luzon, then Cebu for ‘sway’ region",12 +9,4 Luzon areas log ‘high’ positivity rates — OCTA,8 +7,Police rescued a househelp who was allegedly detained in a condominium unit in Taguig City by her two Chinese employers.,6 +12,Group pushes for banning political turncoatism,11 +9,"In January, 69.2% of COVID-19 cases among minors are aged 0 to 11 – DOH",8 +6,"Extend COVID-19 state of calamity, DOH urges Marcos",5 +10,MANILA – Parts of Luzon and Western Visayas will experience cloudy skies and light rains on Saturday due to the effects of the northeast monsoon or “amihan.”,9 +13,MANILA – Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) national president Governor Dax Cua said he support the call of Department of the Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos Jr. for local government units (LGUs) to prepare for the potential El Niño phenomenon.,12 +7,"MANILA – An immigration officer at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) has been relieved of his duties in connection with the interception of four human trafficking victims last April 21, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said Thursday.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Immigration (BI), on Wednesday, February 8, deported Yuki Watanabe and Tomonobu Saito, the two remaining Japanese fugitives involved in a string of robberies in Japan.",6 +14,"Chinese ambassador’s remark about OFWs ‘misinterpreted,’ says embassy",13 +7,An alleged Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) member who was reportedly involved in multiple crimes in Mindanao was nabbed in Parañaque City.,6 +2,Bill on higher teaching supply allowance for teachers pushed,1 +6,"West Philippine Sea, LGBTQ, human rights in draft Grade 10 curriculum",5 +10,Gov’t prepared to assist families affected by Mindoro oil spill — Marcos,9 +13,Will he attend? Barbers asks Mayo to join House probe on Tondo drug bust,12 +10,DOLE provides P79-M worth of aid to displaced sugar workers,9 +9,"The Department of Health reported 177 new COVID-19 cases nationwide on Easter Sunday, the lowest tally in four days.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) destroyed over 933,311 defective ballots on Saturday, May 7, accounting for only 1% of the 67.4 million ballots printed for the 2022 elections.",12 +8,"PNP looking into possible violations, lapses in database leak",7 +12,89% of Filipinos ‘satisfied’ with how democracy works – SWS,11 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Rappler columnist Jayeel Cornelio, director of the Development Studies Program at the Ateneo de Manila University, is among 10 recipients of The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) for 2021, the Junior Chamber International (JCI) announced Friday, April 1.",14 +8,67 guerrilla fronts dismantled as AFP ramps up drive vs. Reds,7 +6,Quimbo: Charter change ‘necessary but not sufficient’ to curb corruption,5 +2,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has allowed the filing of certificates of candidacy in malls and other big public spaces for field offices that cannot a huge volume of people.,1 +9,OCTA on slight increase in PH Covid-19 positivity rate: Not alarming but significant,8 +8,"PAF, USAF jets take over PH skies for ‘Cope Thunder’",7 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH)  allayed fears of the public amid the presence of Covid-19 subvariant XBB.1.16 in the country, saying that this coronavirus subvariant’s  risk assessment is still low.",8 +12,"‘Adik, 'durugista,' 'drug abuser' are harmful labels — advocate group",11 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) and election watchdogs supported the enactment of the Bangsamoro Electoral Code (BEC).,12 +13,5 PNP generals get new posts in latest reshuffle,12 +5,"SC issues writ of kalikasan vs. golden rice, eggplant product",4 +13,"Who is Angelo Jimenez, the new UP president?",12 +6,"Go 'full blast' on SIM registration drive after Holy Week, House leader tells DICT, NTC",5 +12,Student councils endorse Nemenzo as next UP president,11 +7,"Makabayan bloc calls for dropping of charges vs. local journ Cumpio, activists",6 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for Grand Lotto 6/55 and Mega Lotto 6/45 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Wednesday, April 5.",14 +13,"House Deputy Minority leader and ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro has warned President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. against dabbling into what she described as ""regionalistic patronage appointment"".",12 +12,"ROTC revival has broad support across different age groups, including college-aged Pinoys--Gatchalian",11 +13,MANILA – The administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to fulfilling all agreements under the Bangsamoro peace process.,12 +7,DOJ's Remulla: We will investigate drug war killings on our own,6 +14,MANILA – The German Embassy in Manila finds the Philippines’ shift in its South China Sea policy as an important development in showing the world its willingness to strengthen a rules-based regional order.,13 +13,FULL TEXT: President Marcos’ speech at the 77th UN General Assembly,12 +7,"The five-man advisory group has that the courtesy resignations of four ranking police officials be accepted over their alleged involvement in the illegal drug trade, Super Radyo dzBB's Mark Makalalad reported on Wednesday.",6 +2,MANILA – The Manila Water Company (Manila Water) on Monday announced a water interruption due to its service improvement activities in some parts of Pasig City from March 16 to 17.,1 +7,BI chief slams overseas job misinformation on social media,6 +4,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Monday called on the government to provide full reparations and seek an apology from the Japanese government for the suffering inflicted by Japanese soldiers on Filipina “comfort women” at during World War II.,3 +12,42% of Filipinos disapprove of Marcos gov’t response to inflation – survey,11 +13,PBBM: Stronger economy ‘only a matter of time’,12 +13,"The pledges that President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has secured during his foreign trips will be for nothing without amending the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution, Senator Robin Padilla said Monday.",12 +13,De Lima: I was right to sacrifice my freedom to fight for human rights,12 +14,DFA urged to broker security accords with other countries amid China aggression,13 +1,"Refund P92M in illegal pay increases, COA tells SEC execs, employees",0 +2,DOTr targets completion of 20 port projects before June,1 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is planning to automate the succeeding Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) after the Oct. 30, 2023 polls.",12 +1,"The easing of the inflation rate in March at 7.6% from 8.6% in February is good news due to lower food prices but high sugar prices still poses risk, among others, House ways and means panel chairperson Joey Salceda said Wednesday.",0 +13,Viado joins BI as deputy commissioner,12 +6,SIM registration fee allowed—DICT,5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) has joined the and the Department of Health (DOH) in appealing to President Rodrigo Duterte to veto what they called “anti-health” Vaporized Nicotine Products Regulation Act, which was approved by the Senate in December 2021.",5 +10,Trough of LPA affects eastern section of Mindanao,9 +13,PCGG under Marcos: Expanded or weakened mandate?,12 +9,"Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairperson Karlo Nograles reminded new doctors that whether they choose a private or public practice, they must at all times, be accountable to the people.",8 +1,PUJ drivers' daily take-home income down to P300 —PISTON,0 +5,CA junks resort developer's appeal for Panglao reclamation deal,4 +7,"Privacy commission to meet with NBI, PNP over alleged breach of 1.2M records",6 +8,AFP says it's possible to expand EDCA sites further: We need 360° protection,7 +6,MANILA – The proposal calling for a constitutional convention (con-con) to amend the 1987 Constitution inched closer to final approval after the House of Representatives passed the resolution on second reading Tuesday.,5 +5,MANILA – A private lawyer asked the Supreme Court (SC) on Tuesday to cite former elections official Rowena Guanzon for indirect contempt over her Twitter posts.,4 +9,"MANILA – The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Thursday reported that it has released PHP26.7 million in medical assistance to a total of 4,001 eligible beneficiaries nationwide from Feb. 20 to 23.",8 +14,"MANILA – The United States has acquired a fishing vessel that would be used for the live-fire at sea segment of this year's ""Balikatan"" exercises.",13 +7,MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police - Civil Security Group (CSG) arrested two persons involved in the illegal manufacture of fake License to Own and Possess Firearms (LTOPF) and license cards for security guards in an entrapment operation in Manila.,6 +5,"Sandiganbayan junks one of ill-gotten wealth cases vs Marcos, others",4 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Saturday, April 22, that schools may shift to remote learning during times of extreme heat as the country experiences a hot dry season.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Exactly eight days before the campaign period for national elections kicks off, the Philippine National Police (PNP) announced a reshuffle among its local police chiefs.",12 +2,"Work on the P88.4-million flood control project is being rushed in Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija in preparation for the rainy season, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DWPH) said.",1 +1,COA: DSWD has no proof P5.32M cash aid went to former rebels despite a year to comply,0 +6,2 Senate bills set protection for growing freelance industry,5 +7,"A cease and desist order has been slapped against RDC Reield Marine Services, Inc., the owner of the sunken motor tanker (MT) Princess Empress, the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) confirmed on Holy Wednesday, April 5.",6 +13,Marcos greets GMA on her bday; extends thanks for her guidance,12 +5,The Sandiganbayan has denied the plea of former mayor Constantino B. Navarro IV of Del Carmen town in Surigao del Norte to dismiss the criminal case filed against him.,4 +6,Reso on Cha-cha via constitutional convention passed in House,5 +1,Marcos signs EO containing admin’s economic recovery ‘roadmap’,0 +9,22K indigents get PCSO medical aid in January,8 +15,MANILA – The month of February ended with a bang for a bettor in Metro Manila who became an instant millionaire after guessing the right of the Lotto 6/42 draw on Tuesday night.,14 +7,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. will ask the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) to issue a blue notice against the suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Govenor Roel Degamo.",6 +14,"MANILA – The Philippine government has pledged PHP5.4 million (USD100,000) to support the humanitarian aid operations in Yemen, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced Thursday.",13 +2,"DOH, OSG should’ve been on COVID-19 vax negotiating team —Tolentino",1 +10,"Authorities identified a “fault current” as the cause of the power outage at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3 on Labor Day, but an investigation is still ongoing to determine the root of the issue which impacted some 9,000 passengers.",9 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) announced on Wednesday, July 13, that it lifted the decade-long moratorium preventing colleges and universities from offering new undergraduate nursing programs.",1 +13,Marcos on pleas for De Lima’s release: ‘We don’t doubt the process’,12 +9,"MANILA – The government is eyeing to increase coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine uptake following a sharp rise in cases, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Sunday.",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate blue is the filing of multiple – including graft and plunder – against President Rodrigo Duterte’s former economic adviser Michael Yang, and government officials and executives linked to the pandemic deals with Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation.",6 +5,"Carpio: NTC can’t block websites, groups can challenge order",4 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – From zero in the 2023 national budget, government funds for cancer have been restored to a total of P1.56 billion.",0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A group of 5,000 rank-and-file employees of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) called on the Commission on Appointments (CA) to confirm the ad interim appointment of their chairman, Saidamen Pangarungan.",12 +12,SWS: 49% of Filipinos say quality of life will improve in 2023,11 +8,Senators alarmed by Chinese suspects' high-powered weapons,7 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) is not discounting the possibility that the looming El Niño could reach “strong” intensity by the end of 2023, which means its impact could be more severe than a mild event.",9 +15,"MANILA – The low-pressure area (LPA) last tracked 95 km. east of Puerto Princesa City, Palawan has a moderate chance of developing into a tropical cyclone over the weekend, a weather forecaster said Friday.",14 +10,"Most parts of the Philippines may continue to experience a generally fair but warm and humid weather in the next three days, the state weather bureau warned on Saturday, April 22.",9 +9,The country’s fire incidents went up by nearly 40 percent from April 1 to to the same period last year based on the record of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).,8 +8,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said Sunday, April 16, that three floating assets from the Philippine Navy (PN) and the United States Navy (USN) were utilized to perform field training exercises (FTEs) in the waters of Palawan as part of the ongoing Exercise Balikatan.",7 +7,"Teves brothers, Comelec eyed as resource persons in Senate probe into Degamo’s killing — Bato",6 +2,The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has released a P500 million Cancer Assistance Fund (CAF) to the Department of Health (DOH) to aid Filipinos suffering from cancer.,1 +10,"DPWH starts rehab on R10, C3 roads in Navotas",9 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday urged key government agencies to intensify efforts to uplift the people’s economic condition, saying that their hard work would go to ""waste” if it is not felt by ordinary Filipinos.",0 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – House Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto said that the P588-billion unprogrammed appropriations portion of the proposed 2023 national budget must be itemized, describing the fund as “588 billion shades of grey” because of lack of details.",0 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – On April 11, soldiers from the Philippines and its ally the United States opened the largest Balikatan exercise, where over 17,000 military personnel and officers are expected to participate.",13 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) said 90 percent to 92 percent of voters in two barangays in Marawi City participated in a plebiscite Saturday, which aims to ratify the creation of two more barangays.“Our voter turnout is probably around 90, maybe up to 92 percent,” Comelec Chairman George Garcia said.""Nakakatuwa dahil kahit plebisito lang ito sa pag-create ng barangay subalit lahat ng mga taga barangay ay pumunta rito (This is somewhat remarkable because this is just a plebiscite to create a barangay, yet all the villagers came).”",12 +9,"Keep hospitals running smoothly this summer, solon tells NGCP",8 +14,"PH, US, Aussie troops conduct air assault drill in Ilocos Norte",13 +9,A 15-year-old girl in Rizal and a male victim in Bohol were saved by the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) from near drowning during its Holy Week operations.,8 +1,Gatchalian to DOE: Brace for possible oil price hikes after OPEC+ cuts,0 +9,Filipino rescued after 60 hours under rubble ‘recovering well’,8 +13,Recto: 'No bolder champion of PH sovereignty' than Del Rosario,12 +13,"US National Press Club launches letter-writing campaign on behalf of Maria Ressa, Rappler",12 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. wants the Philippines to manufacture its own farm machineries in order to lessen the country's reliance to imports.",1 +8,Troops from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and United States Armed Forces will test their interoperability in responding to incidents involving a high number of casualties as part of the ongoing “Exercise Balikatan” 2023.,7 +1,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has bared that three Japanese private firms made to the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF).,0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The issue of cocaine use was brought up again Tuesday, January 25, as Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. attended the third of his five media interviews this week after receiving backlash over his snub of GMA News veteran journalist Jessica Soho.",12 +9,"DOH posts 137 new COVID-19 infections, active cases at 8,414",8 +14,"Hungary to help DSWD in response, community dev’t works",13 +13,MANILA – Jail Chief Supt. Ruel Rivera assumed as acting chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) on Monday.,12 +13,"Four senior police officials, whose courtesy resignations were to be accepted by President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr., were formerly assigned to the top anti-narcotics unit of the Philippine National Police (PNP).",12 +10,"Leyte farmers receive loan assistance from DAR, LandBank",9 +15,"Bataan 1st district Rep. Geraldine Roman paid tribute to the late Nueva Vizcaya Governor Carlos Padilla in a Facebook post Friday afternoon, May 5.",14 +13,Quimbo says entry of foreign capital due to Charter change won't put PH at risk,12 +7,2 suspected human trafficking victims stopped from leaving PH,6 +6,DepEd commits to participate in hearings on proposed ‘K + 10 + 2’ bill,5 +8,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday called on government troops to be catalysts to the surrender and disarmament rebels.",7 +6,"Gatchalian to MIAA, DOTr: Pour all attention to details on NAIA power outage",5 +13,Pimentel: President has no say in Charter change,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Over two months into his term, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. finally named a of the Commission on Human Rights – an agency created as a response to atrocities under his father’s tyrannical rule.",12 +7,Tolentino: Blue Ribbon waiting for SRA documents before launching sugar smuggling probe,6 +6,"House OKs e-governance, evacuation centers bills",5 +4,MANILA – The Civil Service Commission (CSC) on Monday kicked off a month-long series of activities that aim to highlight the unique strengths and capabilities of women in various fields as it joined the nation in celebrating the National Women’s Month (NWM) this March.,3 +10,Easterlies to prevail over most parts of PH,9 +9,"PH Red Cross joins DOH’s measles-rubella, polio vaccination campaign",8 +1,Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge to open up economic opportunities,0 +6,DBM briefs Congress on PBBM Governance bill,5 +7,Senator Risa Hontiveros on Thursday the suspension order issued by the Office of the Ombudsman on government officials allegedly involved in the anomalous procurement of pandemic supplies from Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corp. in 2020 and 2021.,6 +7,Bantag faces new suspension over SMNI interview with Palparan,6 +10,"The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) monitored 80,874 outbound passengers in all seaports across the country as of noon on Maundy Thursday.",9 +14,"China decries 'false accusations' of PH, US over South China Sea row",13 +6,"The Philippines is ""actively pursuing"" the adoption of a declaration against cyber trafficking of persons, by the ASEAN, according to Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo.",5 +8,3rd ID gets 2 brand-new ATMOS 155mm howitzers,7 +14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to attend his first regional summit as head of state during the 40th and 41st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit and other related summits in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential candidate and Partido Lakas ng Masa bet Leody de Guzman admitted that there were lapses over the campaign permit issue that inconvenienced their launch on Tuesday, February 8.",12 +13,Marcos flies to Singapore to watch F1 race,12 +6,"Comelec to raise BEI honoraria to P8,000 to P10,000 in brgy, SK polls",5 +6,"Telcos, subscribers told to stick to SIM registration deadline",5 +13,Marcos picks Vic Rodriguez as his executive secretary,12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – US President Joe Biden announced Sunday, June 26, that Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff would head the American presidential delegation attending the inauguration of president-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",13 +15,"Free 'lugaw', colorful eggs greet passengers in Davao, Agusan ports",14 +2,Marcos vows ‘ready pool’ of high-skilled seafarers for Japan,1 +13,Who’s who: House leaders of the 19th Congress – and their roles,12 +7,"The number of index crimes in the country fell 16% in the first three months of 2023, government data showed Saturday.   Citing data from the Philippine National Police (PNP), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos said 7,865 index crimes were reported from January 1 to March 25, 2023, down 16% from the 9,375 crime incidents in the same period last year.   Carnapping of motor vehicle cases dropped from 82 last year to 48 this year, representing a 41.46% decrease, while cases of physical injuries went down from 1,339 to 898, for a 32.94% decrease.",6 +6,"DOJ: Mechanism on handling incest, child abuse cases under review",5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate and the House of Representatives finished reconciling differences in versions of the proposed 2023 budget that they separately approved.",5 +12,"MANILA – Financial burden and tedious requirements are the main reasons why couples opt to skip church weddings, a Church-based survey revealed.",11 +7,"Senate deputy minority leader Risa Hontiveros on Tuesday suggested the permanent blacklisting of three  linked to what she described as ""government-sponsored"" sugar smuggling if irregularities are found.",6 +6,"The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) has to keep the fishing bans on oil-spill affected areas in Oriental Mindoro, and keep the seaweed harvesting bans in Caluya, Antique as recent samples collected from said areas still showed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are low-level contaminants.",5 +2,"3,992 law graduates pass 2022 online Bar exams -- SC",1 +7,The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Friday vowed to resolve the case of the death of alleged hazing victim Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig.,6 +2,"Parts of QC, Pasig waterless March 31-April 1, April 3-4",1 +2,"MANILA – Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Secretary Susan ""Toots"" Ople on Tuesday cited the importance of the predeparture orientation as well as the empowerment of migrant workers before they actually leave their country of origin to work in a foreign land.",1 +7,"Pattern of impunity' discovered in Negros Oriental after Degamo killing, says Remulla",6 +7,BJMP logs zero incidents in jails during Holy Week,6 +14,"WASHINGTON - At a summit on Monday, US President Joe Biden and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr are expected to reach agreements on greater business engagement, as well as ""military enhancements"" amid shared concerns about China, a senior Biden administration official told Reuters.",13 +6,Marcos OKs creation of inter-agency body to look into labor cases,5 +14,Marcos: No request from US for Pinoy troops if Taiwan tension rises,13 +14,Duterte to skip US-ASEAN summit,13 +13,Cong Vargas earns bragging rights in terms of bills passed,12 +13,Marcos eyes adding people to Cabinet after appointment ban,12 +9,MANILA – The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is set to roll out its expanded coverage and benefits for its members.,8 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The anti-graft court Sandiganbayan will proceed with the graft case against former Bataan governor Leonardo Roman.",4 +13,"The filing of certificates of candidacy for the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (BSKE) will be opened in the first week of July, Commission on Elections (Comelec) chairperson George Garcia said Tuesday.",12 +13,Escudero questions 'unfair' composition of Maharlika Fund governing board,12 +8,West PH Sea Task Force to discuss presence of 100 China vessels –AFP,7 +7,The Maritime Industry Authority  on Friday said it has launched a marine safety investigation into the fire on MV Lady Mary Joy 3 off Basilan that left 29 people dead.,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A former American diplomat posted at the US embassy in Manila admitted engaging in illicit sexual conduct with minors during his stay in the Philippines, the US Department of Justice said.",6 +2,Austin vows aid following quake in Mindanao,1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is set to allow the voluntary wearing of face masks indoors.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – He’s a decent guy, but he needs more spine.",12 +10,Dry run for exclusive motorcycle lane starts March 9,9 +7,Frat members rejected suggestion to bring Salilig to hospital —witness,6 +2,Comelec destroys defective ballots for 2022 polls,1 +7,Four suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others on Monday attended the first preliminary investigation of the case at the Department of Justice (DOJ).,6 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. will travel again to the United States by the end of April for a second bilateral talk with US President Joe Biden, the US Embassy in Manila and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced on Friday.",12 +2,"MANILA – The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) and the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) will be working together to boost research capacity on volcanoes, an official said Wednesday. ""PNRI has the equipment. We need their help because they know how to run these equipment. We have the technical capabilities and the experts,"" Phivolcs Director Teresito Bacolcol told the Philippine News Agency. Raymond Patrick Maximo, Phivolcs Science Research Specialist, said these equipment include Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy, X-ray Fluorescence, Fourier-transform Infrared Spectrometer, etc. Bacolcol said the PNRI will place equipment on active faults to measure the radon gas. Phivolcs, on the other hand, will trace where these active faults are located. He added that the partnership is essential also because the PNRI checks potential sites for nuclear power plants. Meanwhile, according to Phivolcs, the two agencies will work on projects in the fields of geochemistry, isotopic techniques, volcanism, active faults, geothermal and volcano-hydrothermal. ""Isotopic techniques are ways to analyze isotopes. We would like to develop methods to measure isotopes in the substance. In the case of volcanoes, (we will) measure isotopes in volcanic deposits or rocks,"" Maximo told the PNA. Sulfur isotopes, for example, will tell whether there is new magma involved in a volcanic eruption, he said. Under the partnership, Phivolcs will provide technical support for fieldwork and sample collection. It will also facilitate data acquisition from local sources. Aside from coordinating with the PNRI for joint publication of study findings, the Phivolcs will also use the projects' output in future operations if isotopic techniques are proven accurate in identifying the movements of active faults. The PNRI, on the other hand, will coordinate project activities with local officials and residents. The PNRI will regularly conduct radon and thoron measurements for monitoring the movements of active faults. Among other activities, the PNRI will facilitate mineral chemistry, geochronological and geochemical analyses in partner institutions.",1 +6,MANILA – The Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM) expressed on Wednesday its full support to Senate Bill No. (SBN) 1979 under Committee Report No. 41 or the Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancies Bill brought into the plenary by Senator Risa Hontiveros on March 8.,5 +6,"MANILA – The chairperson of the House Committee on the Welfare of Children on Monday urged the government to strengthen interagency coordination and monitoring and follow-up on all the cases of suicides, bullying and violence involving students and teachers.",5 +10,DAR vows 100% action on complaints sent via 8888,9 +7,Court martial vs. 2 ranking PA officials starts this week,6 +7,"A retired municipal agricultural officer (MAO) from Natividad, Pangasinan on Tuesday testified before the Sandiganbayan that his municipality did not receive the agricultural packages and kits named in the 15 counts of graft filed against former senator Juan Ponce Enrile, his former chief-of-staff Jessica “Gigi” Reyes, businesswoman Janet Napoles, and others.",6 +9,PH’s daily Covid-19 cases projected to hit over 600 by May 15—DOH,8 +7,"MANILA – A total of 118 third-level officials in the Philippine National Police (PNP) have been vetted by the five-member advisory body that is looking into their courtesy resignations and possible involvement in illegal drugs, PNP Public Information Office chief Col. Redrico Maranan said on Friday.",6 +7,"DICT, NPC probe alleged leak of sensitive law enforcement data",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A man who promised to lower the price of rice to P20 per kilogram held his first meeting as concurrent secretary of the Department of Agriculture on July 4, the first Monday of the second Marcos administration.",12 +13,[WATCH] In The Public Square with John Nery: Gen Z and politics,12 +13,HIGHLIGHTS: Marcos at ASEAN-EU Summit in Belgium,12 +3,"Cardinal Advincula: All people of God, not just priests, need to be renewed",2 +14,"PAMPANGA, Philippines – As the Philippines and the US move closer to expanding the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), a key defense deal that would usher a larger US military footprint in the country, senior officials from both Manila and Washington bannered the benefits of the agreement that has faced local pushback from a number of politicians in recent weeks.",13 +6,Tulfo files bill seeking security monitoring inside prison cells,5 +6,"Senate passes bill limiting fixed terms in AFP to chief of staff, 4 others",5 +10,"The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) on Tuesday said it planned to provide the more than 2,000 oil spill affected fisherfolk of Oriental Mindoro with alternative livelihood training.",9 +8,PH gov't assures Filipinos' safety in Taiwan,7 +13,Hontiveros slams Panganiban’s appointment as sugar agency chief,12 +6,"Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers should get more attention in Senate with EC move, says Villafuerte",5 +7,MANILA – Immigration authorities on Wednesday arrested nine Vietnamese nationals for illegally working in three luxury spas located in the cities of Makati and Manila.,6 +10,Transportation officials on Monday broke ground for the Camp Aguinaldo underground station and tunnels of the Metro Manila Subway project (MMSP).,9 +2,"Philippines to send team, aid to quake-hit Turkey —Marcos",1 +9,Rep. Villar seeks comprehensive study on students’ mental health,8 +13,"Zubiri is Senate president, seeks to ‘solve problems more than find faults’",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday, August 18, prevented a delegation of US lawmakers from visiting former senator Leila de Lima in her detention area in Camp Crame.",12 +6,DOTr renews call for dialogue with transport groups amid strike,5 +10,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Wednesday said a has been made for the creation of a one-stop-shop for the processing of special chartered flights.,9 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – The Duterte administration is trying to prove that its human rights program is and supported by pointing out letters allegedly sent by various Philippine-based groups to the United Nations.",3 +7,DMW shuts down big-time illegal recruiter in Laguna,6 +6,"The National Commission (NTC) said they are assessing if it is legally and technically feasible to deactivate services, such as social media access, for those who refuse to register their Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards.",5 +7,MANILA – Criminal charges were filed before the Department of Justice (DOJ) Monday against police officers who allegedly killed or witnessed the death of three young men in Sultan Kudarat province in December last year.,6 +6,"Surigao del Norte Representative Robert Ace Barbers is set to anew the reinstatement of the death penalty to address the use of illegal drugs in the country, following reports of “recycling” confiscated drugs.",5 +6,DepEd eyes solution to SHS grad employability through MATATAG agenda,5 +3,Philippines to look into UN body's recommendations on 'comfort women',2 +7,Four Filipino women heading to Lebanon to work as household service workers were rescued by Bureau of Immigration (BI) agents at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).,6 +1,MGB: Metallic mineral output valued at P238B in 2022,0 +7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has started its own investigation on the reported surveillance and profiling of the officers of Gabriela and Makabayan bloc in Tondo, Manila allegedly by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",6 +10,UPCAT to resume in 2023 for academic year 2024-2025,9 +10,Negros Oriental lawmaker Teves seeks two-month leave ‘due to grave security threat’,9 +9,"MANILA -- Cancer is now the third leading cause of death nationwide, with lung cancer ranking number one in mortality.",8 +7,The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court has rejected the Philippine government's bid for the suspension of the ICC prosecutor's investigation into the killings in the war on drugs.,6 +6,Senators: Adamson student’s death shows weak implementation of Anti-Hazing Law,5 +14,"PH, China agree to manage differences over SCS through diplomacy",13 +7,Senate panel cites in contempt a cop who allegedly did Teves' bidding,6 +14,"Philippines, Japan say use of nuclear weapons ‘unacceptable’",13 +8,President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Saturday reiterated that the Philippines will not give up an inch of its territory.,7 +9,"The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported a decline in new COVID-19 cases and deaths globally, according to its latest epidemiological update released on Wednesday.",8 +13,Lagman: House reso cannot cleanse Duterte of his ‘crimes’,12 +2,"MANILA – The Civil Service Commission (CSC) said a total of 381,735 individuals took the Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) Professional and Subprofessional levels in 94 testing centers nationwide on Sunday.",1 +8,Zubiri favors new EDCA sites amid 'bullying' in WPS,7 +3,"20,000 devotees joined Nazareno motorcade on Good Friday, says Quiapo Church",2 +14,Marcos can keep trade ties with China while remaining firm on WPS – Carpio,13 +2,All Bilibid prisoners will be relocated to regions by 2028 – Catapang,1 +15,Cong Lani showered with 'hearts' on birthday,14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s earliest events in his first trips abroad as president easily resembled a sortie from the 2022 campaign.",12 +14,Increased dev’t cooperation seen with Canada’s Indo-Pacific push,13 +2,"DOST, PEZA eyes to increase the employment rate of PH engineers",1 +8,Army denies report on aerial bombing of Rizal village; slams 'lies',7 +6,Exclusive motorcycle lane dry run extended for another week,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. met with America’s top diplomat, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on Saturday, August 6, as the two countries seek to reinforce ties amid increased tensions in the region.",13 +9,Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. believes the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program can help cure mental health problems.,8 +12,Most Filipinos find pre-election surveys good for country – SWS,11 +10,A Filipino family with young kids braved their way through the battlefield and headed towards the Egyptian border by foot in order to escape war-torn Sudan.,9 +14,"MANILA – The Philippines and the European Union (EU) on Monday launched the Copernicus Capacity Support Action Programme for the Philippines (CopPhil), a first in the region space cooperation program worth PHP610 million. Copernicus is the EU's earth observation flagship program that provides free environment and climate data derived from a constellation of satellites – the Sentinels -- which monitor the earth and its many ecosystems 24 hours daily. CopPhil seeks to aid Philippine authorities develop national systems to make use of EU’s earth observation’s satellites data in disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation and food security strategies. ""To be most effective in reducing disaster risk, an integrated systems approach to governance, featuring strong coordination and cooperation across sectors and levels is needed,"" said Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Secretary Renato Solidum Jr. during the launch in Pasay City.He added that if the country could prevent hazards from disasters, it could also futureproof its development and economic gains. Solidum said the demand for innovative approaches that can create disaster resilience have bigger. The Philippines, for instance, is constantly confronted with climate and disaster risks, and is vulnerable to its impacts, he pointed out. ""CoPhil will develop and leverage our own Space Science and Technology applications to strengthen the nation’s resilience to disasters and climate change,” he said. He added that the agency has been utilizing Sentinel datasets for land cover mapping, aquaculture monitoring, and forest and watershed management monitoring around the Philippines. Using the Copernicus data collection system would support the Philippine government's decision-making and policy implementation monitoring based on timely and accurate data, Solidum said. He also said the data would help the government gain an improved understanding of hazards and risks from the space perspective, identify challenges and identify analysis tools to support planning and decision-making. For his part, EU Ambassador to the Philippines Luc that the cooperation program will lead to ""a stronger and more shock-resilient Filipino economy and society."" Véron also said the EU is exploring the possibility to create a network of Copernicus partners in the Asean of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region aside from other parts of the world. ""The uptake of innovative technologies such as Copernicus will trigger growth, jobs and modernization of digital infrastructures that can be used in many sectors in the Philippines,” he said. Philippine Space Agency Director General Joel Marciano Jr. the partnership with the EU, saying it would boost the domestic space value chain, particularly in processing and using satellite images and space data. ""CopPhil is an integral part of our efforts to mobilize space data for societal benefit and value, for strengthening the country's domestic space value chain, and for positioning the Philippines as a hub for space data mobilization excellence in the region,"" he said. Marciano cited as an example that PhilSA has provided Copernicus Sentinel data to the Department of Agriculture for road network monitoring, movement of goods, hazard mapping and ship detection. The open data from Copernicus, he said, has also enabled access to crucial data such as volcanic emission monitoring, mapping of canopy heights, crops, among others.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Sa Lunes, Hulyo 25, mangyayari ang unang State of the Nation Address (SONA) ni Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos Jr. sa Session Hall ng House of Representatives sa Quezon City.",12 +7,"MANILA – Brig. Gen. Narciso Domingo, director of the Philippine National Police-Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) was relieved from his post following the controversy on the case of a police sergeant who yielded 990 kilos of shabu worth PHP6.7 billion in an operation in Manila last year.",6 +5,Sandiganbayan bars Marcoses from retaking forfeited assets,4 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – When Nona Andaya first met Ferdinand Castillo, it was love at first sight – even if, at that time, neither of them would admit that it was.",14 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Exactly a month after the Commission on Elections (Comelec) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) implemented the gun ban, the national police said they have already arrested over 900 violators.",6 +6,"The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Wednesday the decision of transport groups to end their planned week-long transport strike, two days after",5 +2,MANILA – The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) said Thursday it proposed a nursing curriculum with exit credentials to help address the declining supply of nurses in the country.,1 +2,"Study-for-work, more schools proposed to address nurses' shortage",1 +3,"VP Sara to parents: Send your kids to school, keep them away from illegal acts",2 +8,Tiamzon couple’s death proves gov't success vs. Reds,7 +9,"The COVID-19 positivity rate in South Cotabato and Misamis Oriental significantly increased last week, data shared by independent monitoring group OCTA Research showed Monday.",8 +11,‘Bayanihan’ among ASEAN leaders urged to ensure quality education,10 +10,"MANILA – The entire country will experience generally fair weather on Tuesday, the weather bureau said. It will be warm and humid, especially in the afternoon, Grace Castañeda of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) added. Castañeda also advised the public to bring sun protection. No weather disturbance was seen to affect the country, but Castañeda said isolated rain showers and thunderstorms are still likely. PAGASA also forecast flash floods or landslides during severe thunderstorms. Meanwhile, light to moderate winds and slight to moderate seas will continue to prevail in the entire archipelago.",9 +13,Vico Sotto pushes stronger party system to end ‘personality-based’ politics,12 +13,"Marcos meets with Zubiri, Romualdez to tackle legislative agenda for 2023",12 +3,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. honored Monday the country’s World War II (WWII) heroes, asking Filipinos to have faith and look to the future with confidence, as they face everyday challenges.",2 +2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. Thursday the planned establishment of two hyperscale data centers in Luzon, saying the plan would give a boost to his administration’s digital transformation bid.",1 +10,Rains continue over Luzon due to TD Amang,9 +11,36 Years: Remembering the People Power Revolution,10 +15,"A graduate of Iloilo Science and Technology University gained the highest percentage rating for the April 2023 Electronics Engineers Licensure Examination while for the April 2023 Engineer Technicians Licensure Examination Jayron Tayurang Mampusti of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Main Sta. Mesa got 90%, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced.",14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said he believed that there was no plot to oust Clarita Carlos as his national security adviser, contrary to his former Cabinet official’s claim that there were people in government who were “moving against” her.",12 +15,"2022 Bar exam results out by April 14, Supreme Court says",14 +9,"MANILA – Over 6,000 liters of oil and water mixed with other contaminated materials have so far been collected by the cleanup led by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) at the oil spill site in Oriental Mindoro.",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Bureau of Investigation has concluded that an inside job murder in the death of eight high-profile drug convicts inside the New Bilibid Prison – contrary to official records of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) that claimed they died from COVID-19 from May to June in 2020.",6 +1,"High-level exchanges, trade missions part of US’ commitment to PH",0 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) official said on Friday, December 2, that the bodies of eight persons deprived of liberty (PDL) who died inside the New Bilibid Prison will be examined by forensic expert Raquel Fortun.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Senators spent more than an hour speculating on the whereabouts of suspended lawmaker Arnie Teves at the start of their probe into the March 4 attack that killed then Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo and eight others.",6 +7,"MANILA – The Bureau of Customs-Enforcement and Security Service (BOC-ESS) seized 81 shipments from January to March, with an estimated value of PHP999.474 million.",6 +9,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. assured the public that the government was doing everything to ensure the safety of 300 Filipinos trapped amid the clashes in Sudan.",8 +9,"With an average of 47 cases daily, cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the country are projected to reach 364,000 by 2030, an official of the Department of Health (DOH) said Friday.",8 +6,Davao City 1st district Rep. Paolo Dutere is highlighting a bill filed in the current 19th Congress that seeks to establish a local district office of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).,5 +2,BI to deploy 147 newly hired personnel at NAIA,1 +8,DFA: Enhanced defense capability needed amid WPS ‘infringements’,7 +13,"Palace bares new appointees in various gov't agencies, GOCCs",12 +15,"Amihan' to bring light rain showers across Luzon, W. Visayas",14 +14,Morocco-PH ties mark 48; stronger economic relations eyed,13 +7,BOC raids yield alleged smuggled products worth P120M in Navotas,6 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) has recorded 671 additional cases of Omicron subvariants in the country based on the latest sequencing result.,8 +13,Revilla lauds PBBM for creating Water Resource Management Office,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The on public order unanimously agreed on Monday, April 17 to bar suspended 3rd district Representative Arnie Teves’ virtual appearance in its investigation into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others.",4 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In just two hours, the on appropriations on Wednesday, September 14, terminated its deliberations of the proposed 2023 budget of Department of Education (DepEd).",5 +1,CAB hikes fuel surcharge for March,0 +7,PNP senior officers up for promotion need to be cleared first from drug link evaluations,6 +7,4 arrested suspects in Degamo slay transferred to Crame —PNP spox,6 +14,MANILA – The 82-member Philippine Inter-Agency Humanitarian Contingent (PIAHC) to Türkiye will be back in the country by March 1.,13 +6,MANILA – A lawmaker on Thursday emphasized the need to ensure the security of tenure of appointive officers and employees of the government holding valid appointments in the implementation of government reorganization plans.,5 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – Human rights groups on Thursday, February 16, slammed the latest move by several lawmakers to shield former president Rodrigo Duterte from accountability over killings of thousands of Filipinos under his violent war on drugs.",3 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – When cornered by allegations of corruption in the labor sector, Partido Lakas ng Masa bet and labor leader Leody de Guzman strongly defended his ranks from the charges of a rival presidential candidate.",12 +2,The Department of Labor and Employment announced on Tuesday that it would hold a nationwide job fair and provide government assistance to workers on May 1 - Labor Day.,1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has downplayed the retraction of its star witness, former corrections acting chief Rafael Ragos, saying it still has a strong case against jailed Senator Leila de Lima.",6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) recorded 128 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, while the active tally went down to 9,520.",8 +8,"Senate Deputy Majority Leader Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito on Wednesday, April 12, sought the expansion of existing defense cooperation programs of the Philippines and its allies to counter Chinese bullying in the South China Sea (SCS) and West Philippine Sea (WPS).",7 +14,"Marcos, Biden vow to expand collaboration on renewable energy production",13 +3,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Sunday called on Filipinos to take the celebration of Easter Sunday as a time for renewal and recovery.,2 +13,"Remulla tells Bantag, Zulueta: Face murder complaints like a man",12 +7,"Amid raids, group asks if agri smugglers are going to jail",6 +6,Proposed House resolution defending Duterte vs ICC ‘grave insult’ to drug war victims,5 +9,People eligible to receive the second COVID-19 booster dose were called on by a medical professional to take the jab amid the reported rise in coronavirus infections.,8 +6,Rappler Recap: Is the anti-bullying law still effective after 10 years?,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. named Camilo Cascolan, a retired police general who briefly served as chief of the Philippine National Police under the Duterte administration, as an undersecretary of the Department of Health (DOH).",12 +1,"MANILA – The prices of pork products in Metro Manila slightly increased on Tuesday to the first week of March, amid an expected lower demand due to the Lenten season.",0 +3,Cardinal Advincula cites virtues of patron of firemen,2 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will allow blended learning to continue in “very specific” areas even after the October 31 transition period set by the Department of Education (DepEd), Malacañang said in a statement on Wednesday, July 20.",9 +10,"PBBM distributes cash aid, food packs in Mandaue City",9 +15,"Cloudy skies, isolated rain showers to prevail across PH",14 +12,‘Kapamilya to KaCamella’: Netizens slam Villar’s takeover of ABS-CBN’s frequencies,11 +13,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) was urged to set a different date for the pilot testing of the automated election system for the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (BSKE).,12 +10,"MANILA – Most of the country will continue to experience dry weather due to easterlies or warm air from the Pacific Ocean, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Sunday.",9 +1,"NDC, PSE see inflow of investments with Maharlika Investment Fund",0 +2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is considering using a “cutting-edge” micro nuclear fuel technology to address the country’s power woes, Malacañang said Tuesday.",1 +3,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. is hoping for a ""quiet reflection"" for Filipinos as he tweets about the start of the Lenten season with the observance of Ash Wednesday.",2 +10,"PH to experience partly cloudy skies, isolated rain showers",9 +7,"MMDA flags down 1,238 motorists on first day of exclusive QC motorbike lane",6 +7,"The Philippine National Police’s Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) has ordered a manhunt operation against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and former BuCor Deputy Security Officer Ricardo Zulueta over the death of inmate Jun Villamor, an alleged middleman in the murder of radio broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa last year.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The three-member Makabayan bloc from the House minority filed a resoluton calling on of the lower chamber to investigate the alleged human rights violations of controversial preacher Apollo Quiboloy.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) seized over the past few weeks P171 million worth of smuggled agricultural products from China that were all consigned to supposedly based in Alabang, Muntinlupa City.",6 +13,Marcos admin ready in case transport strike pushes through,12 +7,"The Bureau of Immigration on Friday deported a Japanese national wanted for financial fraud in Tokyo, Japan.",6 +2,"The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is eyeing to seek the help of the participants in the 2023 Balikatan exercises for the cleanup drives in areas affected by the oil spill in Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.",1 +10,GSIS continues to expand digital presence,9 +7,Cops arrest doctor who helped Lumad of Mindanao,6 +2,The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) said Thursday it will discuss with the state universities and colleges (SUCs) offering nursing programs the possible implementation of a return service program to address the shortage of nurses in the Philippines.,1 +7,PNP checking for 'pattern' in series of attacks vs. local officials —Azurin,6 +10,SWS: 7% of Filipino households have OFW,9 +7,"Complaints have been filed against six people who were arrested during last week's raids on houses of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. and his relatives in the province, police said Tuesday.",6 +13,"Still OICs for defense, health departments – Marcos",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte may be exiting the presidency on June 30, but not before putting Asia’s oldest democracy on a “slippery slope to authoritarianism,” one of the framers of the 1987 Constitution said in a Rappler Talk interview.",12 +6,DBM elated as Maharlika bill reaches Senate plenary,5 +14,"Marcos off to Belgium for ASEAN-EU summits, bilateral talks",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Wednesday, April 26 said the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) has started the process of designating as a terrorist suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnie Teves.",4 +10,"Nearly 1.5 million working-age people in Japan are social recluses, according to a new government survey, with a fifth citing the COVID-19 pandemic as the main reason for their withdrawal.",9 +10,The Energy Regulatory Commission's (ERC) supposed inaction on the needs of the National Power Corporation (Napocor) has resulted to the 20-hour power outages besetting Occidental Mindoro every day.,9 +5,Supreme Court rules in favor of illegally dismissed Lazada riders,4 +2,"Over 60 million nat'l IDs, ePhilIDs printed as of March 15, 2023 —PSA",1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. may attend the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York in September, said his camp Friday, June 10, a day after the United States government announced diplomatic immunity can cover for him for a standing contempt order in the US.",13 +6,"MANILA – The country's economic growth should be cascaded to the people, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri emphasized as he filed on Tuesday Senate Bill No. 2002 or the Across-the-Board Wage Increase Act of 2023, which seeks to raise wages in the private sector across all regions by PHP150.",5 +2,Marcos admin acts on Occidental Mindoro power crisis,1 +2,"Calling access to potable water a basic human right, Ako Bicol Party-list Rep. Zaldy Co has overseen the expansion of the group's solar-powered water supply system program to more areas in the region.",1 +2,MANILA – Local government units (LGUs) will enjoy more autonomy in managing resources when the full devolution of basic services and facilities from the national government is implemented.,1 +7,Senior officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) will need a little more time to wait for the approval of their promotion amid the final phase of the assessment and evaluation aimed at purging the organization of officials who may have links with illegal drugs operations.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) ushered in a new era on Friday, July 1, unsure of its future under President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., whose family’s stolen wealth is the agency’s main concern.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) uploaded on its website on Thursday, March 23, the logs showing the first hour of transmission of election results after polls closed on May 9, 2022.",12 +14,US advance party for 'Balikatan' 2023 arriving March 20,13 +9,"At least 447,696 actual tuberculosis cases reported in 2022 – DOH",8 +13,Manny Pacquiao concedes to Marcos Jr.,12 +3,MANILA — President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday called on the to embody the values and teachings of Ramadan as he joined in celebrating the Eid’l Fitr or the festival of the breaking of the fast.,2 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas again suspended classes for Wednesday, August 24, following the onslaught of Severe Tropical Storm Florita (Ma-on) and the effects of the enhanced southwest monsoon or hanging habagat.",9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Amid the ongoing probe into the disappearance of individuals allegedly involved in e-sabong, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) has yet to resolve the issue of whether to suspend online cockfighting.",6 +7,Abalos on Teves’ ‘script’ allegation: We have strong evidence vs. mastermind,6 +2,"The license plates for motorcycles are expected to run out by June, while those for four-wheeled vehicles by July, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) said on Wednesday.",1 +7,49 PNP drug enforcement personnel face admin cases over P6.7B Manila drug haul,6 +7,"The Senate Public Order and Dangerous Drugs inquiry into the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo will take place after Holy Week, Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa said Thursday.",6 +2,"DAVAO ORIENTAL, Philippines – The Department of National Defense (DND) has included two submarines in a list of things to buy before President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ends his term of office in 2028.",1 +15,MANILA – A lone bettor from Davao Del Sur has the latest millionaire after winning the PHP29.7-million jackpot of the Grand Lotto 6/55 on Saturday.,14 +13,Marcos: Politics after exile was for ‘our own survival’,12 +6,Palace updates exceptions to right to information,5 +14,AFP lauds Israel's support to ongoing modernization program,13 +14,WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. paid his respects to fallen US veterans at the Arlington National Cemetery.,13 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said his administration is ""very serious"" in weighing the consequences of full devolution of certain functions of the executive branch to the local government units (LGUs).",12 +7,BI deports Japanese wanted for ATM fraud,6 +13,Two of the highest-ranked officials in the House of Representatives gave words of praise to the late former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) secretary Albert del Rosario.,12 +13,"Imee Marcos seeks to strengthen, modernize PH electoral system",12 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has named Police Major General Benjamin Acorda Jr. as the new chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), replacing General Rodolfo Azurin Jr., who retired from service on Monday morning, April 24.",12 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Echoing President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr., United States (US) President Joe Biden agreed that the relationship of the US and Philippines must continue to evolve.",13 +6,Phivolcs launches Project DANAS,5 +13,Marcos’ first SONA tops Twitter trends as Filipinos online share varying views,12 +5,A petition was filed with the Supreme Court on Monday asking it to declare as unconstitutional the law mandating the mandatory registration of SIM cards.,4 +6,House panel OKs magna carta of benefits for PDEA personnel,5 +15,"Luis Teodoro, press freedom stalwart and journalism professor, dies",14 +15,PANOORIN: Paano nabaon sa isyu si Gerald Bantag?,14 +7,Philippine government deports 2 remaining fugitives back to Japan,6 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Friday reminded aspirants for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) that premature campaigning is prohibited from July 8 to October 18, as it warned that violators will face stiff sanctions.",12 +2,"700 Bilibid guards relieved of their posts, to undergo retraining",1 +15,"MANILA – Rain showers will continue to prevail across Luzon and Western Visayas due to the northeast monsoon or ""amihan,"" the weather bureau said Thursday.",14 +5,The Supreme Court (SC) has reversed the 2020 decision of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) as it ordered the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to refund or issue tax credits for P219.1 million to Petron Corporation for the erroneously levied and paid excise taxes for the importation of alkylate in 2012.,4 +7,Senator Risa Hontiveros on Thursday floated possible administrative and criminal charges against Senior Agriculture Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban over the importation of 260 20-foot containers of sugar from Thailand.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Cynthia Villar has thrown in the towel in the fight for the Senate presidency, choosing instead to back Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri.",12 +7,"Bantag, Zulueta now on hold departure list — BI",6 +7,"Manila International Airport (MIAAO) Senior Assistant General Manager Bryan Co will take the helm of the agency as officer-in-charge after its chief, Cesar Chiong, was placed under preventive suspension by the Ombudsman.",6 +4,Protect deserving journalists from libel.,3 +13,"Ex-Pres. Duterte on fresh ICC drug war probe bid: It can do its worst, I don't care —Panelo",12 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) has temporarily halted online applications for its COVID-19 assistance program due to pending requests from 2021, ECC executive director Stella Zipagan-Banawis said in a Laging Handa briefing on Saturday, January 22.",1 +7,"Businessman Cedric Lee, ex-Bataan town mayor convicted of malversation",6 +10,‘Above-normal’ rainfall conditions possible over western Luzon despite El Niño,9 +15,Tropical Cyclone Amang Tracker,14 +9,MANILA – The emergency use authorization (EUA) for the bivalent vaccines against coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) from the COVAX Facility has been released.,8 +2,Marcos OKs creation of Water Resource Management Office,1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Nearly a year after the Philippines rolled out its COVID-19 vaccination drive, the government on Monday, February 7, began vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 in select areas in the country.",8 +13,‘Davao boy’ Vicente Danao named acting PNP chief,12 +9,Candaba Viaduct temporarily closed to motorists as LPG tanker catches fire,8 +3,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday enjoined the Catholic faithful to renew to serve people in observance of the Lenten season.,2 +8,The Department of Information and Communications Technology’s Cybersecurity Bureau advised Filipinos to only transact with online sellers within legitimate platforms or online stores to ensure their safety.,7 +2,"Duterte approves PH food security, oil supply measures amid Russia-Ukraine crisis",1 +3,CBCP echoes call for 'eco-friendly' Holy Week observance,2 +6,"A bill filed in the Senate seeks to deem an incumbent elected official resigned upon filing his or her certificate of candidacy (COC) for another elective post, including president and vice president.",5 +14,Chinese foreign minister in Manila amid PH-US Balikatan exercises,13 +9,"[WATCH] In the Public Square with John Nery: COVID-19, by the numbers",8 +3,Be good lawyers and serve the poor.,2 +13,"First, it was Imelda; now, it’s ‘Jeopardy’ reminding Marcos Jr. he’s traveling too often",12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children Mama Fatima Singhateh arrived Sunday, November 27, in the Philippines for her first official visit, according to a press release from the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC).",13 +8,"A Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessel tried to drive away a Philippine Coast Guard ship that was conducting a maritime domain awareness (MDA) flight in Ayungin Shoal on Tuesday, GMA News’ Unang Balita reported Friday.",7 +15,Media giant GMA Network is set to proudly represent the Philippines at the 2023 New York Festivals TV & Film (NYF) Awards with nine entries making it to the short-listed candidates – again earning the most number of nominees for the country.,14 +10,Add’l 4K indigents get P26.7-M medical aid from PCSO,9 +8,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) reported that it had neutralized a total of 123 local terrorists and insurgents and captured 136 assorted weapons during a series of focused military and law enforcement operations in various parts of the country last February.,7 +8,"MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Gen. Andres Centino has lauded the Hinabangan, Samar-based 801st Infantry Brigade for its contribution to the peace and order in the area.",7 +2,Comelec gets P8.3-B for construction of own building,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President Sara Duterte, acting as education secretary, held her first media briefing on Thursday, July 14, outside San Beda College.",12 +12,"Six in 10 Filipinos believe the spirit of the EDSA People Power Revolution is alive, a new poll by Social Weather Stations (SWS) has found.",11 +3,Feast of Saint Dominic Savio on May 6,2 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Thursday said it is conducting an investigation on reports that some residential buildings in the country are being used as hubs for human trafficking victims.,6 +7,"Policeman’s attack vs girlfriend ‘deplorable, unacceptable’ -- CHR",6 +7,Woman arrested ‘for extorting P9.9-M from lawyer’,6 +3,Pilgrim relic of St. Therese a reminder of God's presence in our lives-says bishop,2 +15,"MANILA – Warm and humid weather will prevail across the country, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Tuesday.",14 +8,"3 more C-130 planes to boost PAF's airlift, HADR capabilities",7 +15,Rains to persist as Amang weakens into LPA,14 +14,Marcos highlights importance of Japan aid in Mindanao peace process,13 +15,Feast of St. Bernadette Soubirous on April 16,14 +9,Philippines records 144 new COVID-19 cases,8 +1,"Senator Imee Marcos on Thursday insisted that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will kill the local industry, particularly the agriculture sector.",0 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) registered 781 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, pushing the active tally to 4,960.",8 +7,Raffy Tulfo senses turf war amid alleged human smuggling incidents at NAIA,6 +14,VFA with Japan? Marcos says Philippines should not appear provocative,13 +7,Laguna court clears human rights worker arrested in Bloody Sunday raids,6 +2,"An emerging technology center put up by the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology (DOST-PCIEERD) at the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA (UPHSD) in Las Piñas allows students and faculty members with artificial satellites in space.",1 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Monday, April 11, due to Tropical Storm Agaton (Megi).",9 +6,Gatchalian bill assures readiness of kindergarten pupils,5 +13,Marcos: No reorganization needed for Mindoro oil spill response,12 +14,Türkiye envoy thanks PH for assistance to quake victims,13 +6,"The Department of Transportation (DOTr) is eyeing the cancellation of the implementation of the Trusted Operator Program – Container Registry and Monitoring System (TOP-CRMS), one of the two major digitalization efforts of the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA).",5 +3,The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has replaced the Oratio Imperata or obligatory prayer for protection amid the COVID-19 pandemic.,2 +13,MANILA – Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian intends to continue meeting with more local chief executives in weeks to improve the coordination level with local government units (LGUs) and determine other areas for partnership.,12 +5,Devolution order not alternative to Charter change: PBBM,4 +9,"Six elementary students suffered from food poisoning in Misamis Occidental after they allegedly ate sunflower seeds while at least seven individuals were injured in four separate vehicular accidents this Holy Week, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported on Good Friday, April 7.",8 +7,Negros Oriental Representative Arnie Teves has denied that he and his brother Henry were involved in the killing of Governor Roel Degamo amid allegations that the incident over the weekend was politically motivated.,6 +6,The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on second reading a bill granting Value Added Tax (VAT) refund for outbound tourists.,5 +7,"Murder raps filed vs. Bantag, Zulueta over Percy Lapid slay — DOJ",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan, the country’s anti-graft court, upheld the graft and malversation of public funds charges against former Makati City mayor Elenita Binay, wife of former vice president Jejomar Binay, and six other respondents.",4 +8,"Newly installed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Benjamin Acorda Jr. on Friday said he has ordered regional directors to conduct operations against rogue cops  ""at the lower level.""",7 +14,MANILA— The Kuwaiti and Philippine governments are planning to hold a dialogue following the suspension of the deployment of first-time overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to the Gulf state.,13 +7,"CAAP warns public vs. unscrupulous individuals soliciting cash, goods",6 +4,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday took to social media to share a post recognizing women across the country for their achievements highlighted by women empowerment in his administration.,3 +13,"A ranking congressman who has a background in public works believes that President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has a good El Niño mitigation plan in place.",12 +6,"The  Maynilad Water Services, Inc. has announced a rebate for around 167,500 lifeline accounts in its service areas in Metro Manila.",5 +14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will also pursue the Philippines' economic agenda aside from discussing defense and security when he goes to Washington for an official visit, a foreign affairs official said on Friday.",13 +15,"No one hit the jackpot prizes for Ultra Lotto 6/58 and Mega Lotto 6/45 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Friday, April 14.",14 +7,Bantag files counter affidavit; Percy Lapid case submitted for resolution,6 +7,Why was Gigi Reyes in jail? She’s implicated in one of PH’s biggest corruption cases,6 +10,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has tasked the Department of Transportation (DOTr) to provide the necessary assistance to the passengers who may have been affected by the power outage that struck the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) on Labor Day, the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) said.",9 +13,Padilla wants party-list system abolition amid Cha-cha talks,12 +13,FULL TEXT: ‘The work of democracy is never finished’ – Drilon,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In her first speech as the Marcos administration’s environment secretary, Maria Antonia “Toni” Yulo-Loyzaga laid out the direction she wants the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to take under her watch.",5 +1,COA rules DPWH not obligated to pay Chinese contractor’s P46-M claim,0 +11,"Age-old traditions and time-tested rites that were put on hold at the height of the pandemic will be held in many parts of the country on Good Friday, April 7, in of the Lord’s Passion.",10 +1,The Department of the Interior and Local Government has turned over P24 million worth of infrastructure projects in insurgency-cleared barangays of Ifugao under the Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP).,0 +9,OCTA after WHO declaration of end to COVID global health emergency: Continue advisories,8 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – In light of anxiety in the media sector over the October 3 killing of hard-hitting broadcaster Percy Lapid, the Philippine National Police said it plans to hold safety dialogues with members of the media nationwide, a police deputy chief said on Saturday, October 22.",7 +9,Satellite images show ‘possible oil’ off Mindoro at 11.62 square kilometers,8 +9,‘Maybe face masks will go’ by end-2022 if COVID-19 becomes endemic – DOH,8 +7,Pimentel prods Blue Ribbon to start probe into ‘government-sponsored’ sugar smuggling,6 +13,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez has positively received the results of the latest Octa Research survey, which indicated Filipinos' trust and performance ratings for the highest-ranked government officials.",12 +13,"In world debut, Marcos to address UN General Assembly",12 +12,‘Talk about priorities’: How social media users reacted to Marcos’ first 100 days,11 +6,"MANILA – The study on the devolution of some roles of the executive branch to local governments is expected to be out in two months, a Department of Budget and Management (DBM) official said on Saturday.",5 +10,"Tropical depression Amang made another landfall in the town of Lagonoy in the province of Camarines Sur at 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 12, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its latest bulletin.",9 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) is looking at the possibility of integrating its maritime units with the Philippine Navy (PN) and the Philippine Coast Guard in a bid to strengthen the government’s maritime law enforcement capability.,6 +2,"Go to LTO, DOTr: Address driver’s license plastic card shortage, pronto",1 +6,"MANILA – approval of the bill reinstituting absolute divorce for plenary debates will put the country at the ""threshold of joining the universality of absolute divorce in of nations"", a lawmaker said on Tuesday.",5 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Tuesday, September 20, 2022",9 +13,Imee: Hold industrialized nations accountable on global warming,12 +15,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has extended his condolences to the family of former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Albert del Rosario who passed away while in transit to the United States on April 18.,14 +13,Ironies abound in Marcos’ debut State of the Nation Address,12 +14,"WASHINGTON —United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made to President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. that the US would always be ready to defend the Philippines when to territorial issues in the South China Sea as well as in other regions.",13 +13,Tributes pour in for late ex-DFA chief Albert del Rosario,12 +13,"Senator Ronald ‘’Bato’’ dela Rosa on Tuesday, April 18 angrily denied allegations circulating on social media, particularly in Negros Oriental, that he is a lapdog of Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr.",12 +7,"Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. is among those being considered as mastermind in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Monday.",6 +13,Gatchalian swears in Romualdez as new DSWD undersecretary,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte rejected the idea of further de-escalating any area in the country to “Alert Level 0.”",8 +14,China: EDCA economic benefits tantamount to quenching thirst with poison,13 +14,"MANILA — State-run Philippine News Agency hopes to bring the best of what the country can offer closer to Bulgaria, especially potential tourists by inking a cooperation deal with the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) -- the second of its kind with a European Union (EU) member state.",13 +7,"A Makabayan lawmaker believes that the alleged ""quota system"" being practiced in the Philippine National Police (PNP) could used as ""evidence"" by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against former president Rodrigo Duterte in connection with the latter's bloody war on drugs.",6 +14,MANILA – The government and the Consular Corps of the Philippines recently entered into an agreement to further strengthen partnership in assisting foreign nationals in the country.,13 +8,"Imee urges limits on number of US forces, length of stay under EDCA",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Luli Arroyo, the only daughter of former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, has been nominated Philippine ambassador to Austria by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",12 +13,Malacañang on Saturday announced the new appointees to government positions.,12 +8,"After son and brother, Percy Lapid’s nephew also receives threats",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed Ella Blanca Lopez as the of the National Commission (NTC), months after she took over the leadership of the agency in a temporary capacity.",12 +14,"The secretaries of the Philippines’ and Malaysia’s foreign affairs departments will discuss the issue of both countries’ territorial claim over Sabah, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said in his recent vlog.",13 +10,"Production subsidies for farmers, fishers sought amid looming El Niño",9 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) reported on Monday, April 24, a total of 3,148 new Covid-19 cases that were recorded in the past week.",8 +9,MANILA – The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) on Thursday called on the public to participate in all earthquake drills aimed at reducing casualties as there are still no means to predict when temblors would occur.,8 +13,"One of the three representatives of the ACT-CIS party-list to the House of Representatives has resigned, House Majority Leader Mannix Dalipe announced at Wednesday’s plenary session.",12 +6,House wants Marcos proposed P5.3-T budget for 2023 passed by September 30,5 +7,MANILA – The mayor of Datu Montawal town in Maguindanao del Sur province was seriously injured after he was shot by two unidentified men in Pasay City on Wednesday night.,6 +12,"MANILA – Forty-one percent of Filipinos are now supportive of amending the 1987 Constitution, according to the new survey results released by Pulse Asia on Tuesday.",11 +7,"Complaints filed vs Arnie Teves, sons over ‘illegal’ firearms",6 +13,"Marcos names Bacarro new AFP chief, first under 3-year fixed term",12 +10,Northeast monsoon affecting Luzon,9 +12,Speaker's right-hand man Dalipe reacts to high survey numbers,11 +7,"Senate probe on NegOr killings, Degamo slay begins Monday",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In his first press conference after the presumptive win of his boss, president-in-waiting Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., spokesperson Vic Rodriguez ignored questions how the Philippine chief diplomat can travel to the United States with a standing contempt order there worth $353 million.",12 +11,"MANILA – The first-ever summer edition of the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) its eight official entries from a record high of 33 film submissions, including resubmissions from the December 2022 edition of the festival.",10 +7,Blue Ribbon probe on ‘long delayed’ release of national IDs sought,6 +14,"The Philippines is currently monitoring the developments in China-Taiwan relations as any escalation of tension ""would have really adverse repercussions"".",13 +14,"WASHINGTON - The United States and the Philippines have agreed to restart joint patrols in the South China Sea as the longtime allies seek to counter China's military rise, a US Defense Department statement said.",13 +8,"The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) will not be deterred after Filipino and Chinese vessels nearly crashed off Spratly Island, the Department of Transportation (DOTr) said Monday.",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, January 23, defended his frequent travels, telling a panel of television journalists and presenters to “look at [the expenses] as ROI (return on investment).”",12 +7,MANILA – The National Capital Region Police (NCRPO) would implement maximum police presence and boost its anti-crime campaign for the influx of travelers for the Lenten season and the summer months.,6 +9,OCTA: NCR COVID-19 positivity rate breached 10% mark,8 +6,"Congress has ratified the bill writing off all unpaid principal loans, including interests, penalties, and surcharges worth some P57 billion incurred by Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) beneficiaries.",5 +10,"Around 14,000 individuals affected by the oil spill off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, will benefit from the government's cash-for-work program, an official of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) said Friday.",9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The son of Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla was arrested by authorities for alleged possession of marijuana, the DOJ chief confirmed on Thursday, October 13.",6 +9,"The Philippines recorded 184 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally rose to 9,119, according to the Department of Health (DOH) on Friday.",8 +13,"Sara Duterte, Robin Padilla take oath as PMA Class of 2002 honorary members",12 +7,Red-tagging’ complaint vs DepEd filed with the ILO,6 +7,Korean ambassador asks PH to deport 3 nationals,6 +7,"The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee should launch an investigation into allegedly overpriced cameras procured by the Department of Education if the agency will not take action on these claims, Senate Minority Leader Aquilino ""Koko"" Pimentel III said Thursday.",6 +12,"The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) on Friday said four out of 10 persons in the country were never married, citing its 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH).",11 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has unanimously approved the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA), a guide for the conduct of lawyers.",5 +1,DPWH sees economic boom with Negros Occidental's paved FMRs,0 +6,Mandatory ROTC bill sponsored in Senate plenary,5 +6,House approves bill slapping stiffer penalties vs game-fixers,5 +7,Police raid Arnie Teves’ house over ‘illegal’ firearms,6 +7,"BI to deport 4 Koreans wanted for telecom fraud, illegal gambling",6 +12,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez can't help but feel proud of his fellow congressman in light of the “very good” net satisfaction rating the chamber received for their performance in the fourth quarter of 2022, based on a Social Weather Stations (SWS).",11 +5,"[WATCH] In the Public Square with John Nery: Can SC stop postponement of SK, barangay elections?",4 +1,"MANILA – The Philippines and Japan's bid to enhance cooperation in agriculture would help address several challenges besetting the industry, including issues on logistics and food value chain, the Department of Agriculture (DA) said on Saturday.",0 +9,DOH: No increase in COVID-19 cases on first week of Alert Level 1,8 +2,Gov't sets PHP2.4B for National Greening Program in 2023,1 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. had called on Chinese President Xi Jinping to strengthen the West Philippine Sea (WPS) bilateral task force between the Philippines and China, according to a Saturday ""24 Oras Weekend"" report.",13 +7,One of nine suspects behind the hazing of slain Adamson University chemical engineering student John Matthew Salilig surrendered to authorities.,6 +10,"Around 200,000 first time job hunters have availed of the government’s program for free pre-employment documentary requirements, an official of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – More than a month into his presidency, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. named Medal of Valor awardee Lieutenant General Bartolome Vicente Bacarro as the 58th chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Monday, August 1.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Newly-appointed Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. officially of the 227,000-strong PNP on Wednesday, August 3. Azurin is the 28th top cop since creation of the PNP in 1991.",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – When a ranking agriculture official failed to explain the exorbitant price of onions at a House hearing on Wednesday, January 25, Marikina 2nd District Representative Stella Quimbo offered what many consider a plausible answer: cartels.",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Tarlac police have filed against the farmers of Hacienda Tinang in Concepcion town and their supporters, this time for disobedience and resistance to authority, obstruction of justice, and usurpation of real rights.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will be represented by his sister Irene Marcos-Araneta at the state funeral of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth on Monday, September 19.",12 +13,Solon wants punishment for rude gov’t employees,12 +2,The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said the country's fish supply may be affected by the looming El Niño which could result in fish kills.,1 +14,Marcos to visit Japan in February,13 +15,Magnitude 5.1 quake hits Agusan del Norte — Phivolcs,14 +13,Comelec starts printing ballots for 2022 polls,12 +10,Ship catches fire off Lapu Lapu City,9 +7,"Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Monday found the possibility of being tagged as a ""terrorist"" for his refusal to return to the Philippines funny.",6 +7,DOJ to file hazing charges vs 7 suspects over John Matthew Salilig’s death,6 +14,Stable' PH-China relationship necessary for peace in Indo-Pacific — top diplomats,13 +1,US global firms commit big investments during meetings with PBBM,0 +9,3 provinces register over 20% Covid-19 positivity rate — OCTA,8 +8,"The United States and the Philippines have agreed on new guidelines for their 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty, following multiple requests by Manila to make clear the conditions under which Washington to its defense.",7 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Audit (COA) found the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to have had unfinished construction projects and undelivered supplies and equipment worth P2.562 billion over several years.",0 +13,Catapang to reshuffle BuCor personnel,12 +15,PNP advisory body in 'final stretch' of ranking cops' screening,14 +7,MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) maintained that the ex-soldiers arrested and implicated in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others last March 4 have long been booted out of the service for various violations of the Articles of War.,6 +10,MANILA – Rizal 4th District Rep. Fidel Nograles on Tuesday supported a bill seeking to provide free education to aspiring lawyers in state universities and colleges (SUCs) in exchange for working in the government after they pass the bar examinations.,9 +14,"NEW YORK, USA – Citing the Philippines’ “experiences in building peace and forging new paths of cooperation,” President Ferdinand Marcos on Tuesday, September 20 (early morning September 21 in the Philippines) made a bid for the Philippines to earn a seat in the United Nations Security Council.",13 +10,"The effect of the low pressure area (LPA), which was formerly tropical depression Amang, has weakened on Friday, April 14, but scattered rain showers may still affect Bataan and Zambales in the next 24 hours, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its latest weather advisory.",9 +13,"Marcos invites Japan’s Emperor, Empress to Manila",12 +14,DFA confirms Chinese FM Qin Gang visit to Manila,13 +14,"MANILA – Both the European Parliament on Human Rights (EP-DROI) and Senator Francis Tolentino, representing the Senate, on Wednesday expressed the intent to move forward into more constructive engagements.",13 +9,"DOH logs 506 new COVID-19 cases; active infections up to 4,446",8 +4,Senator Risa Hontiveros has emphasized the need for women leaders at the policy-making level to ensure “true” gender equality during the recent Global Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in Tokyo.,3 +9,"The oil spill from a sunken motor tanker off Najuan, Mindoro may continue to spread southwards towards Caluya Island in Antique, experts from the University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute (UP-MSI) said Monday.",8 +7,CIDG files multiple murder raps vs. NegOr solon for 2019 deaths,6 +8,Marcos to military: Ensure airworthiness of PAF assets,7 +2,"DOH expects 390,000 doses of Covid-19 bivalent vaccines by the end of May",1 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Tuesday the government will be putting up at least 11 more cold storage facilities in several fish ports across the country to maintain the freshness and quality of fishery products and prevent spoilage.,1 +12,The Social Weather Stations (SWS) net satisfaction survey taken in December 2022 showed that Vice President Sara Duterte had a +77 or “excellent” net satisfaction rating.,11 +10,"More than two months since motor tanker (MT) Princess Empress sank and triggered a massive oil spill in Oriental Mindoro, loads of spilt oil are still being collected by response teams as leak continues from the sunken vessel.",9 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday recorded 237 new COVID-19 cases, while the tally of active cases reached 8,749.",8 +7,One of the gunmen in the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo has been identified.,6 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – Commissioner Leah Tanodra-Armamento will lead the embattled Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in the closing months of the tenure of President Rodrigo Duterte, an administration marked by blood and violence.",3 +14,Korean aid supplies for Mindoro oil spill clean-up arrive,13 +8,MANILA – Some 21 Philippine Navy (PN) personnel their training in India as operators of the soon-to-be delivered BrahMos shore-based anti-ship missile system (SBASMS) which will be the primary weapon of the Coastal Defense Regiment (CDR).,7 +6,‘Urgent’ bill seeking to replace NSTP with mandatory NCST hurdles House,5 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday logged 385 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally climbed to 9,533.",8 +7,PDEG chief relieved amid ongoing 'shabu haul' probe,6 +6,Makabayan lawmaker: End parliamentary courtesy tradition in budget hearings,5 +10,"A sizzling 48°C heat index was recorded in Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte on Friday, April 21, marking the country’s highest heat index so far in 2023.",9 +7,[PODCAST] Kriminal: Percy Lapid case – Why are prisoners being used for crimes?,6 +6,"Keep fishing bans in Oriental Mindoro, BFAR recommends",5 +3,"Cardinal Advincula to wash feet of individuals from LGBT, labor, indigenous sectors on Maundy Thursday",2 +2,The establishment of five specialty hospitals outside the National Capital Region (NCR) has been proposed in the House of Representatives.,1 +8,Salaknib' drills to help PH Army in swing to territorial defense,7 +9,"Measures, surveillance vs. H3N8 avian flu being implemented: DOH",8 +15,Former Bukidnon congressman Jess Paras dies,14 +2,Marcos: No looming rice shortage; importation option open,1 +13,Vergeire says she's ready to be DOH secretary: 'Baka kailangan ako ng Pilipino',12 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – In its latest report about the status of human rights in the world, Amnesty International (AI) said the Philippines is still facing challenges in addressing widespread abuses that continue under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",3 +8,PH won't lose even an 'inch' of territory: PBBM,7 +13,"Department of Transportation Undersecretary for Road Transport and Infrastructure Mark Steven Pastor has vacated his post, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said Saturday.",12 +1,Reforms in MUP pension system eyed to avoid ‘fiscal collapse’,0 +7,Senate President Miguel Zubiri on Monday is considering requiring students to declare their membership in fraternities or sororities after the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig by hazing.,6 +1,"Coast guard has P2.56 billion in unfinished projects, delayed supplies – COA",0 +7,"The Philippine National Police - Anti Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG) bared Friday, May 5, that it has rescued around 1,000 workers, including foreigners, who were allegedly forced to work for a cyber fraudulent industry in Pampanga.",6 +6,"the review of the curriculum for Kinder to Grade 10, the Department of Education (DepEd) released the revised curriculum guide for Kinder to Grade 10 (K to 10) last week.",5 +4,"In celebration of International Women's Day, the Federation of Free Workers (FFW) on Wednesday expressed its solidarity with women workers in their struggle for equal rights and opportunities in the workplace.",3 +14,Comfort women issue not expected to be raised during Marcos' Japan visit —DFA exec,13 +8,Hontiveros urges Palace to condemn China's aggression in WPS,7 +9,Marcos rejects year-long national state of calamity after Paeng,8 +2,"PNP breaks ground on new press office, briefing room",1 +10,"Tropical depression Amang may continue to bring rains and strong winds to some parts of Bicol, Southern Luzon, and Central Luzon, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Thursday morning, April 13.",9 +7,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, widow of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, on Tuesday again called on Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. to return to the Philippines and face the allegations against him if he is not guilty.",6 +5,Court interpreted novel law in most prejudicial way vs us – Ressa’s cyber libel appeal,4 +8,China Coast Guard points laser light at PCG ship off Ayungin,7 +14,"The highly joint littoral live fire exercise between the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the United States Armed Forces finally happened in San Antonio, Zambales on Wednesday, April 26, as part of the main event of the Exercise Balikatan 2023.",13 +13,MANILA – Malacañang on Sunday dismissed as “fake news” a supposed memorandum circular on a two-day salary deduction in the salaries of government workers to establish a relief fund for earthquake victims of Turkey and Syria.,12 +14,"The United States stands with treaty ally the Philippines in the face of harassment by China's coast guard in the South China Sea and remains deeply concerned about ""intimidation"" by Beijing, a senior US official said on Tuesday.",13 +13,"Malacañang on Tuesday announced the latest appointments in various Executive departments, including an acting presidential adviser on peace.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Aspiring president Senator Manny Pacquiao got a “surprise endorsement” from San Pablo City Mayor Loreto “Amben” Amante.",12 +13,"Lawyer and former blogger Trixie Cruz-Angeles, head of Malacañang’s press office, is out.",12 +14,"Hontiveros to Chinese envoy: Leave PH, take your ships with you",13 +6,"The Court of Appeals (CA) has affirmed its July 20, 2022 decision that allowed the homeowners of BF Homes in Parañaque City to regulate the entry through five roads leading to the subdivision of vehicles which are not owned by residents.",5 +13,"Malacañang on Friday named the latest appointments in various government agencies, including the Department of Finance and the Department of Foreign Affairs.",12 +1,MMDA to NCR mayors: Monitor SRP in markets,0 +15,"It seems that Puwersa ng Bayaning Atleta (PBA) Party-list Rep. Migs Nograles is trying to will her ""love life"" into existence.",14 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – An independent analysis of financial records belonging to Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation, the government’s most favored pandemic supplier, has pointed to a whopping P6.3 billion in tax deficiencies owed to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).",0 +9,"The guidelines on the use of bivalent COVID-19 vaccines will be released by next week, Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Tuesday.",8 +3,"Filipinos urged to strive toward more humane, progressive society",2 +7,"The camp of detained former senator Leila de Lima on Wednesday opposed the motion filed by the prosecution before a Muntinlupa court to reopen one of her drug cases, calling it “underhanded maneuvering.”",6 +10,"MANILA – Some parts of Luzon will experience rain showers caused by a low pressure area (LPA) and the northeast monsoon or ""amihan,"" the weather bureau said Tuesday. The LPA, last spotted 340 kilometers east northeast of Casiguran, Aurora or 345 km east of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan remains less likely to develop into a tropical cyclone. However, it will bring scattered rain showers and thunderstorms over mainland Cagayan, Isabela, Aurora, and Quezon. Flash floods or landslides are possible due to moderate to heavy with at times intense rains, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its 4 a.m. weather bulletin. Batanes and Babuyan Islands will experience rains caused by the northeast monsoon and flash floods or landslides due to moderate with at times heavy rains are also possible. The amihan is forecast to bring light rains over Ilocos Region and Cordillera Administrative Region but no significant impact is expected. The rest of the country will have isolated rain showers due to localized thunderstorms. Flash floods or landslides may be experienced during severe thunderstorms. Meanwhile, moderate to strong winds and moderate to tough seas will prevail across Luzon. The northern and western seaboards of Northern Luzon, the western seaboard of Central Luzon, and the northern and eastern seaboards of Luzon will have rough to very rough seas. PAGASA advised fishing boats and other small seagoing vessels not to venture into the sea, and larger sea vessels are alerted against big waves. Elsewhere, winds will be light to moderate with slight to moderate seas.",9 +5,"MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has dismissed the case for reversion, reconveyance and accounting against the late president Ferdinand E. Marcos, his wife Imelda, Luis Yulo, Roberto Benedicto, Nicolas Dehesa, Jose Tengco Jr., Rafael Sison, Peter Sabido, Cesar Zalamea, and Don Ferry in connection with business dealings with the Philippine Integrated Meat Corp. (Pimeco) and its",4 +2,"Supersizing' of medicine scholar slots shows PH learned lesson from pandemic, says Recto",1 +6,Pimentel backs proposed legislated wage hike,5 +4,MANILA – A government official has put an international spotlight on the several measures that have been set up by the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to protect and promote the welfare of women in the Philippines.,3 +14,"Marcos, Malaysia PM Anwar meet in Malacañang for bilateral talks",13 +3,Pope Francis names Cebu Archbishop to Vatican Dicastery,2 +12,PBBM thankful for high approval rating,11 +6,Transport group recommends transfer of fare discount funds to PUV modernization budget,5 +1,"As the deadline for the filing and payment of the 2022 Annual Tax Return (AITR) approaches, the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) has reminded the public to maximize the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)'s ""File and Pay Anywhere"" setup.",0 +10,"Due to the adjustments in the school calendar brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Department of Education (DepEd) has extended the application period for tuition and other fees increase, renewal of a permit to operate, and application for new offerings of private schools for the school year.",9 +6,"Senator Grace Poe on Sunday, April 30 urged the government to regularly review its deployment policies on overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to ensure their safety and well-being.",5 +10,Moon not sighted: Eid’l Fitr will be on April 22,9 +8,New PNP Chief wants 3-minute response time for crimes,7 +13,May pera naman ako': Teves says he doesn't need to steal Ong's tocino business,12 +2,"EDCA site Basa air base to get $24-M airstrip extension, rehab —Carlson",1 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. believes Southeast Asian countries must maintain their united front in calling for an end to the war between Ukraine and Russia.",13 +13,Marcos: No one plotted to oust Clarita Carlos as national security adviser,12 +10,"A 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck Agusan del Norte around 5:32 p.m., Monday, April 24, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs).",9 +4,Bill allowing married women to retain maiden name gets House nod,3 +2,MANILA – Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda has called for the development of sustainable water management as she also urged women worldwide to lead campaigns in water preservation to help address the global water crisis.,1 +15,Remains of Filipino quake victim back home from Turkey,14 +10,LIST: Schools shifting to online classes due to weeklong transport strike,9 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and United States Vice President Kamala Harris have vowed to foster stronger cooperation between the Philippines and the US to achieve digital inclusion, a clean energy economy, and food security.",13 +8,"Attacks vs. US, PH ships, aircraft in Pacific, SCS to trigger MDT",7 +6,MANILA – The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) the news that the bill creating the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) reached the Senate plenary on Monday.,5 +6,Tolentino eyes update of NCR quake contingency plan,5 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Bayanihan E-Konsulta, the free teleconsultation services launched by Vice President Leni Robredo at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, will end its operations by next Tuesday, May 31.",1 +2,MANILA – Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo has bared that the future of legal research in the country will incorporate advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) among other technological innovations.,1 +7,"CHR to PNP, DOJ: Release reports, results of your drug war probes",6 +7,"Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on Saturday urged suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. to give his testimony to any Philippine embassy or consulate in connection with the Senate’s investigation into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.   On April 17, the Senate public order and dangerous barred Teves from attending the probe into Degamo’s death virtually, citing a lack of jurisdiction and inter-parliamentary courtesy.",6 +8,PNP to deploy more cops in crime-prone barangays,7 +9,Dengue cases up by 94% in first quarter of 2023 vs. same period in 2022,8 +12,40% of Filipino adults say quality of life got worse – SWS,11 +10,PBBM distributes gov't aid in Bataan,9 +7,Sandiganbayan: Sajid Ampatuan’s conviction on 130 cases final and executory,6 +2,MANILA – The chairperson of the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday supported President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s call to increase the rice buffer stock of the National Food Authority (NFA) following projections that the country’s rice inventory will fall to 45 days’ worth of consumption by year-end.,1 +14,Zubiri pushes for PH-Japan VFA talks,13 +9,"A total of 72 deaths due to drowning and four due to vehicular accidents were recorded nationwide during the Holy Week, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Monday.",8 +13,"CAMPAIGN TRAIL: After huge turnouts at rival’s rallies, Marcos goes to Central Luzon",12 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Senators of the 18th Congress fondly remembered the life and legacy of Philippine film icon Susan Roces, known as the “Queen of Philippine Movies” and adoptive mother of Senator Grace Poe.",14 +13,"Comelec resets candidacy filing period for village, youth polls",12 +10,MANILA – The Department of National Defense (DND) on Wednesday reaffirmed to promoting the welfare and well-being of all Filipino veterans.,9 +9,"The country's number of new Covid-19 cases per day remained in the three digits as the Department of Health (DOH) recorded 202 fresh cases on Tuesday, April 11.",8 +13,Sara Duterte will be education secretary – Marcos Jr.,12 +1,"Klabarzon' eyes boosting Laguna's trade, housing industries",0 +13,Napakahirap nito': Barbers applauds Acorda for taking on tough task,12 +7,"One of the Filipino ""comfort women"" during the Japanese occupation passed away over the weekend while continuing to fight for justice.",6 +13,Jose Calida resigns as COA chief,12 +8,"The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on Saturday that its maritime patrol in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) was “non-provocative” after a near-collision between a Chinese coast guard ship and a Philippine patrol vessel.   The PCG made the remark after China said the near-crash in the South China Sea between a Chinese coast guard ship and a Philippine patrol vessel carrying journalists was caused by the latter's ""premeditated and provocative action.”   “The routine, seven-day maritime patrol carried out by the PCG in the WPS from April 18–24 was non-provocative and did not undermine the interests of other states,” Commodore Jay Tarriela, PCG spokesperson for the WPS, said in a tweet.   Tarriela said the PCG has no obligation to request permission from other nations while patrolling the waters near Ayungin Shoal, adding that this area is within the country’s exclusive economic zone in accordance with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).   “Throughout their maritime patrol operations, PCG captains consistently follow the 1972 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs),” he said.",7 +6,MANILA – Deputy Minority Leader and Basilan Rep. Mujiv Hataman on Tuesday said he will file a resolution seeking a congressional inquiry into the fire incident that struck the M/V Mary Joy 3 on March 29 off the waters of Basilan when Congress resumes session after the Lenten break.,5 +14,"WATCH: Philippines, US kick off Balikatan exercise 2023",13 +14,Marcos says China ties are about more than conflict,13 +6,Vergeire: IATF wants alert level system be COVID-19 risk communication tool,5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ Department of Health (DOH) said Friday, November 25, that it had detected the country’s first cases of the more transmissible COVID-19 Omicron subvariant BQ.1.",8 +7,"Seven Filipinos, who are alleged victims of human trafficking, have been rescued and repatriated to the Philippines, the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) said.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Filipino sex trafficker was sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes which include livestreaming sex acts on her own daughter and at least eight other children.",6 +5,Rappler Recap: What’s next for the Philippines in ICC?,4 +8,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines is as capable and well-prepared as it had ever been and the government is working to have an even more sophisticated and well-trained military, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Thursday.",7 +4,Hontiveros pushes for ‘true gender equality’ at Japan parliamentary meet,3 +15,106 pass Technical Evaluation for Professional Mechanical Engineer upgrading,14 +7,Cops rescue 1K alleged human trafficking victims in Pampanga,6 +1,"WATCH: Pharmally owes gov’t P6.3 billion, says tax expert Mon Abrea",0 +7,Owner of getaway vehicle in Aparri vice mayor ambush identified –PNP,6 +14,Marcos arrives in Washington for official visit,13 +13,"The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) held a testimonial parade for outgoing Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Saturday.   Azurin, who is set to retire on April 24, was given a testimonial parade held at the PMA in Baguio City as a tribute and recognition for his almost four decades of service in the PNP. He is a member of the PMA “Makatao” Class of 1989.   The PNP chief earlier advised his successor “not to be afraid of who gets caught and who gets hurt.”   Azurin also said President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. should be careful when choosing the next leader of the PNP.    Meanwhile, the PNP chief appealed to the six suspects in the missing sabungeros case to surrender to the authorities.",12 +7,The Supreme Court (SC) suspended a lawyer for two years sexual advances on a colleague at the workplace.,6 +12,91% of Pinoys approve of voluntary wearing of face masks but still prefer to use them outdoors —SWS,11 +6,Senator JV Ejercito on Wednesday proposed for the government to subsidize half of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) premium contributions of the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to help with their finances.,5 +2,PRC to mount mobile outreach program in Ilocos Sur,1 +7,DOJ junks 1 illegal possession of firearms complaint vs. Arnie Teves,6 +2,"500 businesses shuttered by KMU, says former member",1 +9,"DOH logged 2,386 new Covid-19 infections in the past week",8 +10,‘Libreng sakay’ provides relief amid ongoing transport strike,9 +14,"Biden to send first-ever US presidential trade, investment mission to PH",13 +14,"Filipinos monitored the coronation of the United Kingdom’s King Charles III on Saturday in an event organized by the British Embassy Manila at Quezon Memorial Circle, Jamie Santos reported on “24 Oras Weekend.”",13 +8,"MANILA – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Tuesday said it hopes to rid more villages of illegal drugs through its 'Buhay Ingatan, Droga’y Ayawan' (BIDA) campaign.",7 +9,"The Department of Health logged 185 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, bringing the nationwide caseload to 4,078,994.",8 +7,Remaining suspects in Degamo slay still in Negros —police,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The group behind the murder of hard-hitting journalist Percy Lapid followed him around his work and home for days before killing him in his vehicle in Las Piñas, self-confessed gunman Joel Escorial said in his extrajudicial confession.",6 +7,"The four arrested suspects in the March 4 killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo have been transferred to Camp Crame, a police official said Tuesday.",6 +7,SC upholds dismissal of graft complaint vs ex-Marcos officials,6 +2,"PSA: Nearly 60M Filipinos issued with PhilIDs, ePhilIDs",1 +6,The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on second reading the National Government Rightsizing bill aimed at restructuring the bureaucracy in order to be more responsive to the people's needs.,5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said on Friday, February 4, that 69.2% of the reported COVID-19 cases among the pediatric group (those 17 years old and below) in January 2022 were children aged 0 to 11.",8 +15,VP Sara to K-12 graduates: Choose a course you are happy about,14 +15,National University - Manila grad tops Sanitary Engineer licensure exams,14 +13,The is mourning the passing of the Philippines' former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Albert del Rosario.,12 +8,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) has not received any credible or serious threat to the observance of the Holy Week, its spokesperson, Police Colonel Jean Fajardo, said Monday.",7 +7,"The Department of Justice has dismissed the against 17 police officers allegedly involved in the killing of spouses Chai and Ariel Evangelista on March 7, 2021 in the so-called Bloody Sunday raids.",6 +14,PH preparing for planned visit by new China FM Qin Gang —sources,13 +10,"The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has paved the way for brand-new motorcycles with engine displacement of less than 200 cubic centimeters (cc) to get a three-year registration, which the agency said will benefit some 2 million units.",9 +10,"Northeasterly surface wind flow to affect Central, N. Luzon",9 +10,Rain showers likely over most of PH,9 +9,UNICEF: Over 1 million Filipino kids missed out routine immunization in 2021,8 +15,"The Revilla family was among those that rejoiced after seeing the results of the 2022 Bar examinations Friday, April 14.",14 +2,"Did you know that the Philippines--despite its extensive coastlines--imports nearly 550,000 metric tons (MT) or 93 percent of its requirement for salt?",1 +1,NEDA: Cost of charter change-related poll exercises could go up to P28 billion,0 +7,"Percy Lapid case: 3 names for dead ‘middleman,’ another person of interest identified",6 +9,MANILA – A task force and a center have been established by the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) to monitor the situation of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) based in Turkiye that was hit by a 7.8 magnitude quake on Feb. 6.,8 +13,Bato: Marcos assured me ICC won’t be able to touch a single strand of my hair,12 +13,Ako Bicol Party-list Rep. Zaldy Co believes that House Speaker Martin Romualdez's prior experience as majority leader has benefitted the lower chamber in terms of passing measures in the soonest possible time.,12 +13,The Commission on Elections has reversed its December 14 resolution which disqualified Cagayan Governor Manuel Mamba from Eleksyon 2022.,12 +10,Batangas Port sees influx of returning Holy Week vacationers,9 +13,[WATCH] In The Public Square with John Nery: Marcos Sr. vs Marcos Jr.,12 +3,"On EDSA Day, PBBM calls for ‘peace, unity, reconciliation’",2 +14,China warns PH-US EDCA base deal ‘endangering regional peace’,13 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The alert level of three provinces in the Cordilleras and the province of Northern Samar in the Visayas have been escalated to Alert Level 4, an indication of the stress placed by COVID-19 surges on local healthcare systems.",8 +6,DOLE OKs faster evaluation of gov't projects' safety programs,5 +2,"MANILA/LAOAG – The Supreme Court on Friday announced 3,992 out of 9,183 hurdled the Bar examinations held in November last year -- a passing rate of 43.47 percent.",1 +8,PH Air Force 'Black Hawks' spearhead Zambales air assault drills,7 +7,Chinese man with fake immigration docs nabbed at NAIA,6 +14,US backs Philippines in laser dispute with China,13 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. was elated for scoring high performance and trust ratings in a latest survey conducted by OCTA Research.",12 +8,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Thursday the military should not just be ""warfighters"" but also ""peacemakers"" amid the new approach being enforced rebels.",7 +6,Cap on driving school rates out before March ends — LTO,5 +7,MANILA – The National Bureau of Investigation - Cybercrime Division (NBI – CCD) announced on Monday the arrest of four suspects in separate operations in Quezon City and Manila for selling bogus accounts of the digital wallet GCash.,6 +15,UPCAT 2024 application closes on April 15,14 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Armed Forces of the Philippines is sending an elite unit of 50 soldiers to augment forces deployed in Negros island following the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",7 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. outlined what to expect from the Philippines’ participation in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-European Union summits in Brussels, Belgium, before he flew out of the country on Sunday evening, December 11.",13 +9,Mask on: Doctors urge continued masking inside classrooms,8 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) dismissed the disqualification case filed against Senator Raffy Tulfo during the May 9, 2022 national and local elections.",12 +6,Gatchalian: Congress should help Filipinos become more financially literate,5 +7,DOJ to file charges vs. Arnie Teves ‘very soon’,6 +8,Marcos to raise defense treaty in US trip but specifics remain unknown,7 +10,BI rolls out electronic registration of passengers starting April 15,9 +5,"CA defers Tulfo’s DSWD confirmation over citizenship, libel issues",4 +13,Rappler Talk: Erwin Tulfo after his Marcos Cabinet stint,12 +13,Time running out for 5 Duterte appointees without CA nod,12 +13,"The filing of certificates of candidacy for the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections has been rescheduled from July to August, Commission on Elections chairman George Garcia has announced.",12 +7,Quezon City court clears activists in Esperon’s perjury charge,6 +13,"PBBM hosts Palace concert for soldiers, families",12 +12,PH improves to 132nd place in 2023 Press Freedom Index,11 +2,Pag-asa Island visitors savor rich marine resources with big tuna catch,1 +8,"Following the alleged personal data leak involving law enforcement agencies in the Philippines, the National Commission (NTC) once again assured the public that all information and data gathered during the mandatory Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card registration will be treated as confidential.",7 +13,Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala ended his two-day visit to the Philippines by laying a wreath to honor national hero Dr. Jose Rizal at the Luneta Park in Manila.,12 +8,MANILA – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Thursday ordered the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) to maximize efforts to ensure peace and order during the observance of the Holy Week.,7 +10,At least P20-M worth of assistance dispensed to families affected by oil spill in Mindoro — DSWD,9 +10,The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) is expecting over two million passengers to flock to the airports next month amid the Holy Week break.,9 +12,"Couples ditch church weddings due to cost, requirements: survey",11 +1,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has recorded a surplus of nearly PHP1.19 billion in its revenue collection for the month of February.,0 +9,House Special Committee on Senior Citizens has approved two measures seeking to provide all senior citizens with free vaccination against various illnesses.,8 +12,‘Not welcome’: Activist groups respond to Kamala Harris’ visit through protest,11 +14,"MANILA – The European Commission's (EC) decision to continue recognizing the Philippines' training and certification will directly benefit more than 50,000 Filipino seafarers, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) said on Saturday.",13 +14,Two Philippine government department heads will travel to the US to meet their counterparts for a round of high-level meetings that aim to discuss global prosperity issues aligned with the country's economic interests.,13 +9,"The Philippines on Monday logged 179 new COVID-19 cases, marking the second straight day with fewer than 200 new cases.",8 +7,"Illegal possession complaint vs. Arnie Teves, others submitted for resolution",6 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has recognized its Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS) for the “strategic execution” of the agency’s anti-smuggling operations that led to multiple successful apprehensions.,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Senate President Jose Miguel “Migz” Zubiri announced on Friday, August 19, that the Senate building will be on “total lockdown” on Monday, August 22, to allow its full disinfection after several senators and Senate personnel tested positive for COVID-19.",8 +7,Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has filed a resolution seeking a Senate investigation into the alleged irregularities in the hiring of the third-party auditor that assesses the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators' (POGO) revenues.,6 +10,"MANILA -- The Metro Manila Subway Project (MMSP) is expected to improve living standards, including the riding public, and propel the country’s economic rebound, Transportation Secretary Bautista said Monday.",9 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – A big majority or 62% of Filipinos say the spirit of the EDSA People Power Revolution is still alive, according to the results of the Social Weather Stations’ (SWS) fourth quarter 2022 survey published on Thursday, February 23.",11 +12,Comelec chief: Cavite special polls peaceful so far,11 +7,CIDG raid in Makati condo unit yields cache of loose arms,6 +7,"LTFRB warns PUV operators vs. overloading, overcharging, ‘colorums’",6 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Wednesday said it will deport four South Korean fugitives wanted by authorities in Seoul for telecom fraud and illegal gambling.,6 +7,"PNP to go after smoking, vaping minors",6 +2,MANILA – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) and the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) signed a memorandum of understanding that aims to better manage transport infrastructure projects.,1 +2,"The country’s labor market must be ready for the 1.5 million individuals set to join the pool of Filipinos looking for work this year, Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva said on Wednesday, April 12",1 +7,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday said the International Criminal Court (ICC) cannot enter the Philippines to investigate the controversial war on drugs and impose a different rule of law.,6 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Friday said he will go on a retreat for a few days during the Holy Week.",12 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is heading to London on Thursday night (US time) to further strengthen the economic relations and trade partnership between Manila and London, Malacañang said Friday (Manila time).",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A day after a tragic chopper crash killed one police personnel and injured two others, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Dionardo Carlos broke his silence over the issue.",12 +6,"Deadline for the mandatory registration of SIM cards will remain April 26, according to Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Ivan John Uy on Monday.",5 +9,The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) on Friday announced that four coastal areas were found positive for paralytic shellfish poison or toxic red tide that is beyond the regulatory limit.,8 +6,"In preparation for a possible disaster that may hit the Philippines, the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) will formulate earthquake-related protocols based on the insights of the Philippine Inter-Agency Humanitarian Contingent (PIAHC) deployed to Turkey.",5 +3,"MANILA – The Archdiocese of Manila called on the faithful to return to the churches and join in the holy celebration, especially every Sunday.",2 +13,One less OIC: Garafil takes oath as Marcos’ communications chief,12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr on Tuesday, July 5, said he wanted ties with Beijing to be about more than a South China Sea dispute, and stressed the need for multilateral engagement in dealing with conflicts.",13 +13,Marcos wants to clarify Chinese envoy's 'surprising' remarks on OFWs in Taiwan,12 +7,IBP urges authorities to probe attack on lawyer in Abra,6 +10,"MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has partnered with the Quezon City government for the advancement and protection of the rights of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), as well as their families.",9 +8,"Three more passengers of the fire-hit MV Lady Mary Joy 3, including a Philippine Army (PA) personnel, were finally found by search, rescue, and retrieval (SRR) teams a week after the deadly sea blaze off Basilan that has now killed 31 people, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported on Holy Wednesday, April 5.",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) awarded Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda with the ASEAN Biodiversity Hero Award on November 2 in Bogor, Indonesia, along with eight other biodiversity advocates from the region.",12 +7,Court convicts Baguio journalist Frank Cimatu of cyber libel over 2017 Facebook post,6 +2,"MANILA – The Civil Service Commission (CSC) on Monday said preparations are in place for the Career Service Examination – Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) for 403,567 examinees on March 26.",1 +15,"WATCH: Former students, colleagues pay tribute to veteran journalist Luis Teodoro",14 +7,"CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has included controversial Davao City-based preacher Apollo Quiboloy and two of his associates in its most wanted list.",6 +8,"WASHINGTON—Defense Department officer in charge Carlito Galvez and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Wednesday established the bilateral defense guidelines between the two countries to modernize the alliance cooperation ""for a free and open Indo-Pacific region.""",7 +10,"Not appropriate' to increase LRT fare at this time, says Cong Roman",9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – A Philippines lawmaker has submitted a bill seeking to scrap tasked with recovering billions of dollars in wealth plundered during the rule of the president’s late father, arguing it has “outlived it usefulness.”",5 +2,The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) looks to boost the employment rate of graduates from engineering and technical-vocational course.,1 +14,New Zealand envoy shares weekend experience in Ilocos Norte,13 +7,"Bureau of Immigration operatives have arrested an American fugitive wanted in Florida for racketeering and financial fraud, the agency announced Thursday.",6 +7,BI nabs overstaying American who assaulted delivery rider in Cebu,6 +6,DND chief seeks reservist group's help in beefing up ROTC bill,5 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – After three hearings, the Senate blue ended its probe into the sugar importation fiasco on Tuesday, September 6, and expects to release report by Thursday, September 8.",1 +5,MANILA – The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has ruled in favor of a foreign airline’s claim for more than PHP12 million in tax credits filed five years ago.,4 +9,"""Possible oil"" that appears to be from the sunken tanker MT Princess Empress currently covers an area approximately 11.62 square kilometers in size in the waters off Mindoro Island, satellite imagery and data showed.",8 +7,Sandigan affirms conviction of ex-Cebu town treasurer,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – In a move that marks deepening ties between the two countries, the Philippines and Japan will hold its inaugural 2+2 talks on Saturday, April 9, in Tokyo, Japan.",13 +3,"PBBM to new PNP chief: Be visible, serve with integrity",2 +7,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) said Friday it slapped the captain and 14 crew of M/V Sunward with charges after attempting to smuggle white refined sugar into the Philippines.,6 +9,"PH logs 2,386 new COVID-19 cases from April 10-16, 2023",8 +14,PBBM elated over EU decision to keep recognizing PH seafarers,13 +7,Three more witnesses on the supposed rehabilitation of 50-year-old MT Dorothy Uno into MT Princess Empress went to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to give sworn statements on their involvement in the alleged repairs.,6 +4,"Women’s group: ‘No better way to honor workers than to advance our fight for better living, working conditions’",3 +11,124th anniversary of the Philippine-American War remembered,10 +7,"The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) on Wednesday called on the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) to investigate the attack on a lawyer in Bangued, Abra.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – With a little over a month to go before his presidency ends, the legacy he will leave behind is very much on Rodrigo Duterte’s mind.",12 +15,"There will be no search for the “Brigada Eskwela” Best Implementing School Award for this school year, the Department of Education (DepEd) announced.",14 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) president and Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David said online trolls were like the people who pushed to crucify Jesus Christ – they distorted the truth by spreading lies.",2 +9,DOH: Vaccine wastage disposal ‘safe’; COVID-19 transmission from buried vials very minimal,8 +14,Austin: US to keep working with allies amid issues in West Philippine Sea,13 +10,"Gatchalian: Time to bring back April, May summer vacation for students",9 +4,"Rizal, Quezon IPs get ‘disturbance fees’ for Kaliwa Dam project",3 +10,PANOORIN: Iba’t ibang mukha ng tagumpay sa 2022 Bar Exams,9 +13,Tolentino spares Briones from DepEd laptop mess: ‘Nagamit lang siya’,12 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) on Thursday said one of its W-3 ""Sokol"" rescue helicopters, assigned to the 505th Search and Rescue Group, is now helping in the ongoing search for the missing medical chopper in Palawan province.",7 +6,Senator Robin Padilla has filed a bill legalizing the civil effects of annulments filed before the church or other religious sects.,5 +6,Senate bill eyes jail time for nuisance candidates,5 +14,"WASHINGTON -  The United States is working closely in the vicinity of the EDCA sites to showcase the benefits it could provide to residents in the area, a White House fact sheet said.",13 +2,Cayetano wants faster aid dole-outs through LGUs while cutting admin costs,1 +6,"MANILA – Chief Presidential Legal Adviser Juan Ponce Enrile on Wednesday proposed the lifting of the ban on nuclear weapons in the 1987 Constitution, describing it as the “most unwanted provision.”",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing senators – those whose two consecutive terms in office have ended and those who lost their electoral bids – delivered their “graduation” or valedictory speeches on Wednesday, June 1, the final session day of the 18th Congress.",12 +10,PBBM: Provide aid to passengers affected by NAIA power outage,9 +8,Austin vows to help modernize Philippines' defense capabilities,7 +5,"The Supreme Court (SC) has declared constitutional the 2004 municipal ordinance issued by Binan, now a city in Laguna, which gradually phased out large piggery, fowl and other livestock farms within and near residential areas.",4 +14,The Philippines and the United States have agreed to designate four new sites in strategic areas of the country with the aim of accelerating the full implementation of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).,13 +15,"There was still no winner for the jackpot prize of Mega Lotto 6/45 which amounted to P124,970,728.40 during the evening draw of the  Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Monday, April 24.",14 +14,MANILA – The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) on Friday expressed optimism about President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s pitch to the United States (US) on the country as priority investment destination as it would translate to job creation and addresses the quality of jobs and underemployment.,13 +13,Recto to Marcos admin: Tell Congress location of 4 new EDCA sites,12 +13,Azurin takes pride in 'real' PNP internal cleansing as he bows out of service,12 +6,To mask or not? DILG’s Abalos cites ‘miscommunication’ with Cebu City’s Rama on policy,5 +9,"PH Red Cross backs DOH’s measles-rubella, polio vax campaigns",8 +9,PH logs 56 new cases of Omicron subvariants,8 +7,Two ranking PNP officials go on leave amid illegal drugs 'cover-up' controversy,6 +13,"In first face-off vs other bets, Leody de Guzman brings ‘alternative’ plans",12 +3,Bishop Varquez said the continuous mining operations in the island will destroy not only the natural resources in the area but will also affect the safety and livelihood of the residents.,2 +8,The United States is set to send at least seven military assets to the Philippines pending congressional requirements as both countries join forces to counter threats in the Indo-Pacific.,7 +11,37th EDSA People Power Revolution Anniversary remembered in simple ceremony,10 +8,"MANILA – As the country begins the Holy Week and while the holy month of Ramadan is ongoing, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Sunday called on of the force to aspire for a zero-casualty observance.",7 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Friday, March 10, called for poll reforms in the country during a historic summit mounted by the Commission on Elections (Comelec), focusing on the need to upgrade election technology.",1 +7,DA seizes P202.5-M smuggled agri-fishery products in January,6 +8,The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) and the Regional Peace and Order Council-Eastern Visayas the Joint Regional Task Force (JRTF) ELCAC-VIII for insurgency problems in Eastern Visayas.,7 +9,MANILA – The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) led the inspection of areas situated along fault lines in Quezon City and Pasig as part of earthquake preparedness efforts.,8 +10,"The state weather bureau said the heat index on Saturday, April 29, was recorded in Cagayan.",9 +6,Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has filed a resolution seeking a Senate Basic Education Committee inquiry into the low enrollment and poor learners performance in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).,5 +14,"PH, US Navy fleets to tackle cooperation, exchanges in 3-day meet",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP) – the political party of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. – has expelled former executive secretary Vic Rodriguez from the party.",12 +12,"DepEd’s revised curriculum ‘dilutes nationalism’ in foundational grades, group says",11 +15,"No jackpot winners for Grand, Mega Lotto in April 19 evening draw",14 +7,Remulla to WPP: Help families of those charged in Degamo slay,6 +7,"Ten indicted for kidnap, slay of pharma firm exec",6 +13,New PCO execs sworn in following Marcos’ reorganization order,12 +14,"WASHINGTON, DC, USA—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has urged China to finally sit down with the Philippines and talk about the Filipino fishers' natural fishing grounds.",13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Wednesday, March 22, that four new military bases under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the United States would be located in various parts of the Philippines, including in a province facing the South China Sea.",7 +2,"Around 48,000 families are expected to benefit from the government’s housing programs following the signing of an agreement between four local government units (LGUs) in Mindanao and the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD).",1 +3,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday said there is nothing funny about the deaths of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others.,2 +8,DFA: 86 Filipinos want to leave Sudan as clashes intensify,7 +7,"Tinang farmers cleared of illegal assembly, malicious mischief charges",6 +7,NBI to probe murder of call center labor leader in Bacolod,6 +7,"Jovito Palparan is still guilty, CA rules",6 +15,"No jackpot winners for Ultra, Super Lotto in April 16 draw",14 +7,"Seven suspected New People’s Army (NPA) rebels died in an armed encounter with government forces in Bobon, Northern Samar on Sunday, April 30, the military said.",6 +6,"The Department of Transportation is eyeing a full audit of the electrical system at the Terminal 3 of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) following a power outage on Monday morning, May 1, that affected more than 9,000 passengers from around 50 flights.",5 +11,"Senator Christopher “Bong” Go, a staunch supporter of the local film industry, on Saturday, April 8, underscored the importance of promoting Filipino culture and heritage as well as creative talents through cinema.",10 +6,The Land Transportation Office-National Capital Region West (LTO-NCR West) has launched a re-orientation program for all its employees as part of the measures to strengthen anti-red tape measures.,5 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. met with the leaders of both houses of Congress on Friday to discuss the administration’s legislative agenda for this year.",12 +10,"Partly cloudy to cloudy weather, isolated rain showers to prevail over most of PH",9 +2,Ako Bicol Party-list moves to expand anti-El Niño water supply program,1 +4,Dumagat-Remontados opposed to Kaliwa Dam urge NCIP to defend their rights,3 +15,P146.3-M Mega Lotto jackpot still up for grabs,14 +7,"MT Princess Empress owner faces cease and desist orders, fines",6 +9,"BFP inspects establishments, fire hydrants as Fire Prevention Month kicks off",8 +10,"MANILA – The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Tuesday the continuous suspension of fishing activity in some oil spill-affected areas in Oriental Mindoro, alongside the sustenance of aid to fishers. In a statement, the BFAR said it has conducted initial water and fish sample tests in Naujan, Pola, Pinamalayan, Bansud, Gloria, Roxas, Mansalay, Bongabong and Bulalacao. ""The DA (Department of Agriculture)-BFAR the continuous suspension of fishing activities in the aforementioned areas in Oriental Mindoro for public safety. The bureau advises LGUs (local government units) concerned to heed this science-based it said. The BFAR's initial sampling showed there are oil and grease in water samples. ""Preliminary findings showed that traces of petroleum products, particularly oil, and grease, were detected in water samples —equivalent to <5 mg/L. The figure is within the standard of 3 mg/L to 5 mg/L set by the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources in Administrative Order 2016-08,"" it said. ""The DA-BFAR likewise found low-level contaminants or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the fish samples. PAH, which is harmful to humans and other living organisms, may accumulate in the flesh of fish over time,"" it added. The level is based on the gathered samples from March 3 to 14. Amid the halt of fishing activities, the BFAR assured continuous aid to around 19,000 affected fishers. ""The DA-BFAR has already allocated an initial budget of PHP6.4 million for livelihood and relief assistance to aid fisherfolk and their families cope with the loss of due to fishing bans,"" it said. Besides the distribution of food packs, a budget for the rehabilitation programs is also being prepared. ""Rest assured that the DA-BFAR has been working with concerned national government agencies and LGUs to ensure public safety and address the concerns of over 19,000 affected fisherfolk,"" it added. The DA-BFAR earlier turned over 10,000 canned goods, 5,000 noodles and a thousand 25-kg sacks of rice to the regional office of Mimaropa (Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, and Palawan) intended to benefit around 5,000 families. However, the BFAR said it shall still determine the status of food safety of the sea foods considering the initial data is ""not yet conclusive."" This, as the BFAR shall continue to evaluate the situation, especially now that the oil spill reached other bodies of water in nearby provinces. ""Further sampling and analyses are being conducted to establish time-series results on the effect of the oil spill on fish concerning food safety, taking into account the magnitude of the oil spill which has reached neighboring areas like Caluya, Antique and some municipalities of Palawan,"" the BFAR said. To date, fishing activities in Caluya, Antique are also halted following the spread of the oil spill. On Feb. 28, the MT Princess Empress sank off the coast of Naujan town which caused the leakage of oil to the waters of Oriental Mindoro and to its nearby provinces.",9 +7,Wanted Abu Sayyaf man arrested in Tawi-Tawi after 26 years of hiding,6 +6,The European Commission's (EC) decision to extend its recognition of seafarers' certificates issued in the Philippines should prod the Senate to consider the passage of the proposed Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers.,5 +9,DOH on masking amid rising COVID-19 cases: Know your risk,8 +10,"MANILA – The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) said Wednesday the April 26 deadline for SIM card registration period remains ""at this point.""",9 +6,"Noting that time is of the essence, Kabayan Party-list Rep. Ron Salo is prodding authorities to evacuate overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) from Sudan.",5 +8,"MANILA – The National Security Council (NSC) on Thursday the confirmation made by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) regarding the deaths of its ranking leaders, Benito and Wilma Tiamzon, during an encounter with government troops in Catbalogan, Samar August last year.",7 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday recorded 287 new COVID-19 cases as the active tally climbed to 10,263.",8 +12,"Youth groups call for true freedom, end to repression during 37th EDSA anniversary",11 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Wednesday, September 21, due to the southwest monsoon or hanging habagat, which is affecting Central Luzon and Southern Luzon.",9 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Court of Appeals (CA) ruled that the dismissal of Reynaldo Esmeralda and Ruel Lasala as deputy directors of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) under the time of former president Noynoy Aquino is illegal.",4 +15,"A solo player bagged the P27.9-million jackpot prize for the Super Lotto 6/49 during the evening draw on Thursday, April 13.",14 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) said that various health problems may be experienced in relation to the El Niño phenomenon.,8 +14,MANILA – The Japanese Embassy in Manila on Wednesday officially turned over a mobile material recovery facility and a biogas digester to the Pasig City government.,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said there will be no sacred cows in his department’s drug war review, but was defensive when asked categorically if the probe will include former president Rodrigo Duterte.",12 +10,"Be at NAIA early, monitor transpo situation in your areas - DOT",9 +13,Leody de Guzman says his brand of leadership fulfills EDSA’s ‘shortcomings’,12 +7,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) has identified the suspect in the killing of Queen Leanne Daguinsin, a student of De La Salle University-Dasmariñas in Cavite.",6 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday assured the Japanese that his administration is pursuing ""vital and game-changing"" reforms to improve the business climate in the Philippines.",13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The K to 12 curriculum will be revised by the Department of Education (DepEd) under Vice President Sara Duterte, as her Basic Education Report for 2023 showed that important lessons are missing in the current one.",5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has signed a law granting continuing mandatory benefits for health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and future health emergencies.",5 +7,The suspects who have executed extra-judicial confessions in connection with the attack on the residence Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo last weekend have tagged a prominent person as the mastermind behind the killing.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said on Thursday, January 5, he submitted his courtesy resignation to Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos, a day after the DILG head appealed to high-ranking PNP officers to resign.",12 +9,PNRI chief insists Bataan Nuclear Power Plant safe for use,8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Ten years after the anti-bullying law went into effect, the on basic education on Monday, February 13, reviewed its implementation.",5 +8,AFP: Philippine troops relentless in ensuring interest of Filipinos,7 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) won in the latest World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) held in Madrid, Spain, on Wednesday, January 4 – the first Philippine team to bag the top prize.",9 +7,Poe urges ‘decisive actions’ on POGO; Hontiveros calls on Malacañang to back Senate proposal for ban,6 +8,The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) on Thursday said that so far there is no need to extend the stay of the Philippine rescue team in quake-hit Turkey.,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Broadcaster and soon-to-be senator Raffy Tulfo is confident that despite there being only one opposition senator in the upper legislative chamber, it will still be able to fulfill its job as a check on the awesome powers of the presidency.",12 +10,"Tropical depression Amang maintained its strength and continued to move toward the northern coast of Catanduanes on Tuesday afternoon, April 11, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate gave its final approval to the bill providing for residents who lost properties and were displaced by the months-long war in Marawi City,",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Lawyer Jessica Lucila “Gigi” Reyes, who has been released from detention on Thursday, January 19, after nine years in jail, is implicated in one of the most high-profile and biggest corruption cases the Philippines has seen.",6 +1,"The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has approved the release of over P3 billion to cover the cost of education for technical-vocational students.   In a statement on Thursday, the DBM said Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman approved on February 15 the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) amounting to P3.410 billion.   The SARO was released to the Department of Labor and Employment-TESDA “for the implementation of the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education (UAQTE) Act.”   The DBM said the SARO and its corresponding Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) shall be used to cover the cost of tertiary education for all Filipino students enrolled in technical vocational institutions registered with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).",0 +10,"Amihan', trough of LPA to dampen PH",9 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Severe Tropical Storm Paeng left a trail of devastation in the Philippines, after heavy rain resulted in deadly floods and landslides that affected over 2 million Filipinos.",9 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – As a new government is set to assume office in the Philippines by the end of June, women’s health advocates renewed their calls for elected officials to uphold women’s rights to access healthcare – a prevailing issue that has been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.",3 +10,The Philippine government has secured more than 300 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Sudan amid the ongoing clashes between soldiers and paramilitary forces in the conflict-torn African country.,9 +7,"Once Bantag surrenders or arrested, DOJ eyes PNP custodial center as detention cell",6 +14,"Marcos, Biden to hold bilaterals in US on May 1",13 +4,Duterte signs law on inclusive education for students with disabilities,3 +7,"Informants of the police and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency are being paid for successful tips with confiscated drugs that they then sell on the street, House dangerous drugs panel chairperson Robert Ace Barbers of Surigao del Norte said Tuesday.",6 +7,QCPD cops visit close to 2K gun owners in weeklong ‘Oplan Katok’,6 +2,The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to push through with the construction of the P25.24-billion Cavite Tagaytay Batangas Expressway (CTBEX) proposed by Metro Pacific Tollways South —a unit of Metro Pacific Tollways Corp. (MPTC).,1 +13,"PBBM's priorities are food security, boosting agriculture --- PCO",12 +7,Cops gather more evidence at site of fraternity initiation in Salilig case,6 +6,"The Association of Accredited Driving Schools of the Philippines Inc. has appealed to the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to postpone the implementation of the cap on driving lesson fees, Unang Balita reported on Friday.",5 +10,"The National Security Council (NSC) “with great enthusiasm and optimism” the latest results of the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2023 which showed that the Philippines was ranked as the 18th most affected country by terrorism out of 163 nations last year, down from Top 10 in the previous years.",9 +2,Water concessionaires Manila Water and Maynilad have asked for an increase in their water allocation from the Angat dam from 50 cubic meters per second (cms) to 52 cms.,1 +14,"BATAAN, Philippines – Speaking before Filipino veterans of World War II, young boy and girl scouts, and top officials from the Philippines and the United States, Japan’s top envoy to Manila said working to “preserve peace and prosperity” in the region amid conflict in the South China Sea, Taiwan, and Ukraine, was the “best tribute” to those who died in the Battle of Bataan.",13 +15,Graduates from the University of the Philippines College of Law made it to the top five spots of the 2022 Bar Examinations.,14 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Despite the potential return of the Marcoses to Malacañang, Martial Law victims who suffered the most under the tyrannical rule of the dictator remain hopeful.",11 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Friday said he will attend the Senate public order and dangerous probe into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo on Monday, April 17.",6 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday ordered all hospitals and healthcare facilities to brace for the possible impact of the El Niño.,8 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has suspended the proclamation of former Social Welfare and Development Secretary Erwin Tulfo as ACT-CIS party-list’s nominee next-in-line.,12 +1,Congress restores P1.56 billion for cancer funds in 2023 budget,0 +9,"DOH records 208 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 9,282",8 +13,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. (left) and Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin ""Boying"" Remulla (Facebook)",12 +9,DOH encourages public to increase health literacy for hale communities,8 +8,"Abalos heads task force to maintain peace, order in Negros",7 +2,BFAR sees no ‘national scale’ fish shortage amid Mindoro oil spill,1 +13,"DAVAO DEL NORTE, Philippines – Davao del Norte 1st District Representative Pantaleon Alvarez once called her “shameless.” He even thought of impeaching her as Vice President once.",12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Mayors across the Philippines presided over weddings of hundreds of couples on the week of Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14.",9 +14,"China opposes new US, PH bilateral defense guidelines",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) voided the directives of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which required the accreditation of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who act as external auditors that issue registered securities and possess secondary licenses.",4 +8,PAF personnel briefed on American Patriot missile system,7 +6,Solon wants old law amended to help backyard livestock raisers,5 +13,Rappler Talk: Getting to know Dr. Natividad Castro through the eyes of her family,12 +2,BI fielding 147 officers at NAIA,1 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) is monitoring a Low Pressure Area (LPA) spotted in Mindanao and the northeasterly surface windflow affecting Northern and Central Luzon.",9 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has overturned the decision on the petition for disqualification against Cagayan Governor Manuel Mamba.,12 +7,"CHR probes killing of Aparri vice mayor, 5 aides",6 +7,"MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) intercepted a shipment containing over 58 kilos of methamphetamine hydrochloride, more popularly known as shabu, with a total estimated street value of more than PHP400 million at the Pair Cargo Warehouse in Pasay City.",6 +10,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), through the Inter-Agency Coordinating and Monitoring Committee (IACMC), led the celebration of the first Solo Parents’ Week at the DSWD Central Office in Quezon City on April 17.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Journalist, free press advocate, and educator Luis Teodoro died on Monday, March 13. He was 81.",12 +10,Magnitude 5.8 quake jolts Isabela,9 +9,"No casualty, significant damage after M5.2 earthquake hits Occidental Mindoro – OCD",8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – COVID-19 cases in the Philippines are on the rise again.",8 +8,Sec Remulla concerned over ‘threats’ vs NBI ‘aired’ by Rep Teves,7 +1,Game-changing' reforms to improve PH biz climate: PBBM,0 +14,EU envoys slam Russian ambassador to PH’s ‘blatant’ lies about Ukraine invasion,13 +9,"The country’s first case of COVID-19 Omicron subvariant XBB.1.16, also known as Arcturus, has already recovered, according to the Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday.   The DOH said the first recorded Arcturus case was from Iloilo province and was asymptomatic.   The agency announced the detection of XBB.1.16—a variant under monitoring by the World Health Organization (WHO) and European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)—on Tuesday, based on the latest genome sequencing from April 12 to 17.   “[T]he Arcturus variant, or XBB.1.16, is a sublineage of the Omicron, which has the ability to evade immunity and is said to be more transmissible,” the DOH said.   Citing the WHO’s risk assessment on April 17, the DOH said that no changes in severity have been reported in countries where the sublineage is said to be circulating.",8 +10,PAGASA: El Niño likelihood increased,9 +10,North-South rail projects to improve quality of life: PBBM,9 +7,"Senator Cynthia Villar on Wednesday said she is mulling legal action against the person who took a video of her during a confrontation in a subdivision in Las Piñas as she believes the person had ""bad intent"" after the video went viral online.",6 +7,"BOC intercepts P10B worth of counterfeit bags, shoes in Binondo",6 +11,"As the Araw Ng Kagitingan or Day of Valor on Sunday, April 9, Vice President Sara Duterte called on Filipinos to show “gallant acts of kindness and bayanihan” and work together to strengthen democratic institutions.",10 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Education experts cited overworked teachers as among the reasons behind the Philippines’ high level of learning poverty.",1 +10,"MANILA – More than PHP818 million from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office's (PCSO) charity fund was released in 2022 to provide assistance to its beneficiaries, including families, local government units (LGUs), and government hospitals across the country.",9 +15,"MANILA – Isolated rain showers will prevail over most parts of the country Monday, the weather bureau said.",14 +7,PNP chief urges 'fugitive' Bantag to surrender,6 +7,Philippines to ask Interpol for ‘blue notice’ vs suspects in Degamo slay,6 +9,"DOH logs 382 new COVID-19 cases; active tally drops to 8,252",8 +14,Marcos says disengagement with China 'not an option',13 +12,"MANILA – Municipal fishermen, fishpond owners, fish-food producers, and other stakeholders on Tuesday lauded President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s pronouncement of a need to increase fisheries and aquatic sector production to achieve food security for all Filipinos.",11 +2,"While the Commission on Audit (COA) has acknowledged by the Credit Information Corporation (CIC), the sole government agency that keeps credit data, with the law on the setting up of lactation stations for nursing mothers, it said the unit set up was not fit for use.",1 +10,4 domestic flights canceled due to inclement weather,9 +15,"A total of 106 individuals passed the Technical Evaluation for the Upgrading as Professional Mechanical Engineer that was administered by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in Manila and Davao this month, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced.",14 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Tuesday cautioned the public against several videos on social media encouraging Filipinos to seek employment abroad while holding a tourist visa.,6 +8,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has the upper hand in its ongoing campaign to eliminate the security threat posed by the New People's Army (NPA) insurgents with the dismantling of 67 guerrilla fronts.,7 +13,Presidential Communications Office Secretary Cheloy Garafil said on Sunday that an alleged Office of the President memorandum that ordered a two-day government salary deduction to fund a Turkey earthquake relief fund was untrue.,12 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Friday, January 6, 2023",9 +8,"Romualdez: AFP modernization to boost national peace, stability",7 +6,Senator Robin Padilla on Friday released a draft copy of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes' report on the measure seeking to reform the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution via constituent assembly (con-ass).,5 +4,Gov't urged to follow UN recommendations for 'comfort women',3 +9,Vergeire: Lack of law prevents PH from procuring bivalent COVID-19 vaccines,8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The pledged to assist the Philippines after a powerful earthquake struck Abra province on Wednesday morning, July 27, with the tremor so strong it was felt in other parts of Luzon.",8 +13,Marcos: Gov’t 'lucky' to have Jose Acuzar as housing chief,12 +7,"Rappler Recap: DOJ, DILG give updates on Percy Lapid case",6 +14,Galvez hails Malaysia’s support in repatriation efforts in Sudan,13 +4,"Lawmaker: Despite judiciary’s accomplishments, PH ‘shameful’ due to rights violations",3 +3,Bishop asks for prayers for more vocations to the priesthood,2 +7,"Reina Mae Nasino, others walk free from jail after posting bail",6 +9,25 more Filipinos arrive from quake-hit Turkey,8 +7,CAAP still confirming if Palawan debris is from missing chopper,6 +7,"Amid alleged human smuggling at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), Senator Raffy Tulfo on Monday said there could be a turf war going on there among concerned government agencies.",6 +7,DOJ seeks to deport 2 of 4 Japanese fugitives by end of week,6 +14,The Senate Justice and Human Rights Committee has invited the International Criminal Court (ICC) to its hearing on a resolution of the Senate objecting to an ICC probe on the controversial drug war of former president Rodrigo Duterte.,13 +14,Korea dangles 14 scholarship slots for Filipinos,13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law a measure that ensures the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff will serve for three years, ending a “revolving door” policy that gave rise to military chiefs serving for only a few months before mandatory retirement.",5 +10,"Warm, humid weather to prevail across PH",9 +10,LTFRB to grant fare discounts via Service Contracting Program,9 +7,Composite sketch of Bulacan town police chief's killer out,6 +14,The Philippines and the United States are now beefing up their efforts to protect the Philippine territories against Beijing's incursive activities in the South China Sea as the two sides sounded alarm on the developments in the highly-contested waters.,13 +13,Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra on Thursday said he has clarified to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. that the government’s appeal before the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the drug war probe is still pending.,12 +7,"Sandigan denies ex-Oriental Mindoro Rep Valencia’s bid to challenge evidence in graft, malversation charges",6 +6,DHSUD consults NCR urban poor group on housing,5 +6,Term limits issue sparks debate during House charter change hearing,5 +6,"The Department of Transportation said on Sunday that due to the rising COVID-19 cases across the country, face mask mandates would continue to be strictly enforced in all trains of the Light Rail Transit (LRT), Metro Rail Transit (MRT), and Philippine National Railways (PNR).",5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Manila and nearby towns braced on Saturday, October 29, for Severe Tropical Storm Paeng, which has killed 45 people, mostly because of landslides in southern provinces of the Philippines.",8 +3,Marcos: Easter is opportunity for renewal and recovery,2 +7,Suspect in ambush of Lanao Sur guv killed,6 +13,‘Nothing personal’: Alvarez’s past attacks now water under the bridge for Robredo,12 +13,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. appeared to nearly lose during his interview on ANC Headstart Thursday morning, April 20 when host Karen Davilla asked him why he hasn't ""behaved the way a lawmaker should"".",12 +14,MANILA – The 82-member Philippine Inter-Agency Humanitarian Contingent (PIAHC) in Türkiye will be arriving around 10 p.m. Tuesday.,13 +14,Marcos eyes strong ASEAN united front in call for end to Russia-Ukraine war,13 +10,Fishermen struggle as Mindoro oil spill keeps them ashore,9 +5,"MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday announced new guidelines for prosecutors' reducing the bail for temporary liberty in criminal cases at PHP10,000 for indigents.",4 +6,Rappler Talk: Can military pension reform happen under Marcos?,5 +13,DepEd under fire over learning module putting Robredo in bad light,12 +2,Marcos to Japan: PH to ensure ready pool of skilled seafarers,1 +7,"The Sandiganbayan has affirmed its decision finding former Maguindanao governor Sajid Ampatuan guilty of multiple counts of graft, malversation, and falsification of public documents, saying the decision is final and executory.",6 +14,"The United States and South Korea have signed a P111.5 million partnership to boost the capabilities of the cities in the Philippines to manage the impacts of climate change and natural disasters, according to the US Embassy in Manila on Wednesday.",13 +6,House OKs bill authorizing president to suspend PhilHealth rate hike,5 +14,PNA inks news deal with Russia's Sputnik,13 +7,All of the accused in the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig on Wednesday pleaded not guilty to hazing charges before the Biñan Regional Trial Court.,6 +6,MANILA – A lawmaker assured on Tuesday that Republic Act (RA) 11934 or the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Registration Law ensures consumers' right to privacy and provides safety from text scams and other digital criminalities.,5 +9,"DOH, UP ink partnership strengthening health promotion, research",8 +6,Exclusion of heinous crime convicts from GCTA pushed,5 +3,Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop Charles Brown on Thursday asked Filipinos to pray for the speedy recovery and good health of Pope Francis who was diagnosed with a respiratory infection.,2 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) on Tuesday, September 13, released 371 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) from the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) and other corrections facilities in the country.",6 +8,Babe Romualdez: PH-US defense cooperation not directed vs. any country,7 +12,Some transport groups oppose upcoming week-long strike,11 +13,"MANILA – Election stakeholders, government officials are expected to attend the first-ever National Election Summit spearheaded by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to be held in Pasay City.",12 +15,"National scientist, ex-CHED chair Angel Alcala dies",14 +6,"Passage of bills creating water dep’t, regulating body pushed",5 +7,Speaker Romualdez to Arnie Teves: Face allegations on Degamo slay,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Tuesday, February 14, summoned Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian after China deployed a military-grade laser against the Philippine Coast Guard.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25, outlined lofty plans for the country under his administration, yet was silent on matters concerning the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).",12 +15,"MANILA – For the first since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, residents of Taguig City can look forward to a brighter and lovelier Valentine's Day.",14 +13,Dutertes’ alma mater: San Beda community endorses Leni-Kiko tandem,12 +7,Arnie Teves' lawyer: Preliminary investigation into Degamo slay a ‘kangaroo court’,6 +14,Biden to meet Marcos at White House on May 1,13 +13,Marcos names Romeo Lumagui Jr. as BIR chief,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – While expressing support for the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Registration bill, the National Privacy Commission (NPC) outlined ways to ensure that its implementation would prevent security risks and data breaches.",5 +10,"MANILA – The Manila Water Company (Manila Water) on Monday announced that its customers in some parts of Manila, Taguig and Pateros, and Binangonan, Antipolo and Cainta in Rizal province will experience water interruption due to service improvement activities from March 22 to 24.",9 +10,SSS gives benefits to family of slain OFW in Kuwait,9 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – Citing data from the Department of Health (DOH), Senator Risa Hontiveros on Monday, August 15, said the Philippines has wasted 20.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines as of August, amounting to P10.33 billion.",0 +14,German parliamentarian visits EJK victims’ families,13 +7,"MANILA – An internal review being conducted in the Philippine National Police (PNP) aimed at determining cops with drug links will conclude in two weeks or so, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Tuesday, as he vowed to relentlessly fight the proliferation of illicit narcotics in the country.",6 +7,"Degamo's widow reiterates call for Arnie Teves to return to PH, face allegations",6 +7,"Following the overpriced laptop fiasco, the Department of Education (DepEd) on Wednesday said that it will investigate another allegation claiming that the agency purchased overpriced cameras in 2019.",6 +13,Marcos swears in new PCO officials,12 +10,WATCH: How Ondoy saved Marikina residents from Karding,9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives in the 19th Congress under the Marcos administration began tackling anew bills seeking to legalize divorce in the Philippines, which is among the only two countries in the world where it is not allowed.",5 +9,No recommendation yet to reinstitute mandatory mask rule amid Covid-19 case uptick–DOH,8 +10,DoTr wants more online ways to pay fares,9 +6,"Ahead of the celebration of Labor Day on May 1, Camarines Sur 2nd district Rep. LRay Villafuerte urged the House of Representatives to pass two bills that would make life easier for public school teachers.",5 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The anti-graft court Sandiganbayan has convicted businessman Cedric Lee and former mayor Angel Peliglorio Jr. of Mariveles, Bataan, of malversation of public funds.",4 +2,PBBM targets groundbreaking of 1.2-M housing units before SONA,1 +6,"To bring back “summer” school break, a group of education workers urged the Department of Education (DepEd) to adopt 185 class days yearly.",5 +9,"CEBU CITY, Philippines – The Philippines’ Department of Health (DOH) reported detecting its first cases of the COVID-19 Omicron subvariant XBB and the XBC variant on Tuesday, October 18.",8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Paano nabubuhay at nagtatrabaho ang mga vlogger na sumusunod kay Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.?",9 +2,"Reduced DFA consular budget could see jobs lost, offsite passport services closed",1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – All 17 mayors of the National Capital Region (NCR) dropping the alert level status of the metropolis to the lowest, based on a resolution of their policy-making body on Tuesday, February 22.",8 +5,The House of Representatives has approved on third and final reading Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) 6 which calls for a constitutional convention (con-con) to amend the 1987 Constitution.,4 +10,"MANILA – Members of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) can now pay non-life insurance (ONLI) premiums, insurance payments, service loans and housing loans through various online banking platforms.",9 +7,"A lawyer was blocked from meeting the alleged middleman in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo because his supposed client does not know him, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Monday.",6 +7,Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Benjamin Acorda Jr. said the case of missing cockfighting enthusiasts would be prioritized.,6 +13,Marcos OKs creation of body for 125th PH independence,12 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) urged the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) authorities to investigate an airline employee accused of facilitating the departure of victims of human trafficking.,6 +8,PH keeps tight watch over growing Taiwan Strait tensions,7 +13,Serial red-tagger Lorraine Badoy attacks Angat Buhay,12 +14,Filipino honored for role in East Timor’s independence struggle recalls close calls,13 +5,SC: Ban on losing candidates as party-list nominees unconstitutional,4 +1,"The Philippine government must focus on reviving the economy instead of ""creating unnecessary fear.""",0 +7,Sandiganbayan clears three PHILSCA officers of graft over Cessna purchase,6 +7,Lawyer bares ways for ICC to reach witnesses in Philippine drug war probe,6 +10,"Partly cloudy skies, isolated rains Saturday due to easterlies",9 +9,"Over 4,000 motorcycle road crashes recorded from January to April, PNP-HPG says",8 +7,"Senate panel to arrest Rose Nono Lin, 4 other Pharmally-linked execs",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The opposition coalition 1Sambayan finally named incumbent Senator Richard Gordon and labor leader Elmer “Ka Bong” Labog as the 9th and 10th candidates under their Senate slate.",12 +14,Rappler Recap: 4 takeaways from US Secretary of State Blinken’s first PH visit,13 +11,"Marcos: Honor Bonifacio by being ‘dutiful, law-abiding citizens’",10 +6,LTO asked to postpone cap on driving lesson fees,5 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) secured the conviction of a cashier of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) in the Northern Mindanao region over terrorist financing through a plea bargain and without trial, lawyers of the group said on Friday.",6 +10,"Scattered rain showers and thunderstorms may persist in Mindanao and parts of Visayas due to a low pressure area (LPA) and the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Tuesday, May 2.",9 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) said Tuesday it is not considering proposing the mandatory wearing of face masks anew amid the increasing number of new COVID-19 infections.,8 +10,"Water service interruption is expected to be experienced by residents in some parts of Metro Manila and Rizal from May 5 to 13 due to maintenance, the Manila Water announced on Wednesday, May 3.",9 +15,"The University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman was ranked first in the list of 100 best universities in the Philippines for 2023 by the independent metric-based ranking website, EduRank.",14 +10,MANILA – The Civil Service Commission (CSC) on Thursday entered into a new agreement with the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) on providing scholarships for the immediate family members of civilian public officials or employees killed in the line of duty.,9 +10,MMDA lifts number coding scheme Monday due to transport strike,9 +5,Remulla: Some lawyers use ‘invented cases’ to hold Japanese in PH,4 +10,MANILA – The Department of Education (DepEd) on Friday said classes shall continue despite the transport strike from March 6 to 12.,9 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday said it would consider Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr.'s overseas trip an indication of ""flight"" if he refuses to return to the Philippines.",6 +13,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. dismissed criticism during an interview on Thursday, May 4, that his presidential campaign played down the corruption and extravagance the Marcos family was known for during his father’s rule.",12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Monday, September 26, as Luzon braced for the impact of Super Typhoon Karding (Noru).",9 +10,Stakeholders hold cleanup drive for oil spill in Semirara Island,9 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has ordered the abolition of the Department of Finance’s (DOF) One-Stop-Shop Inter-Agency Tax Credit and Duty Drawback Center (OSS Center), as part of his administration’s policy to rightsize the bureaucracy.",12 +2,"The electric posts, which render some of the government’s road-widening projects practically useless, will soon be relocated to where they are supposed to be.",1 +2,Marcos sees no looming rice crisis,1 +7,4 more suspects in Degamo killing surrendered —Remulla,6 +13,"US lawmakers meet with Marcos, other gov’t officials, before dropping by De Lima",12 +2,COVAX bivalent jab donations ‘on hold' —Vergeire,1 +12,Parents ask QC court to stop COVID-19 vaccination for children,11 +1,"MANILA – American multinational Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) on Tuesday (US time) announced its plan to invest USD200 million (PHP11 billion) in a new research and development (R&D) facility as part of its expansion efforts in the Philippines.",0 +10,"MANILA – Some areas in the country may experience heavy rain showers and strong winds due to Tropical Depression Amang as Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) No. 1 is hoisted in 10 provinces, the weather bureau said Wednesday.",9 +7,NBI arrests 4 persons for ‘transporting undocumented lumber’,6 +8,"The mission of the Armed Forces of the Philippines has changed amid situation in the South China Sea and the of superpowers, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Monday.",7 +7,Commission on Elections (Comelec) chairperson George Garcia on Monday proposed imprisonment and perpetual disqualification for nuisance candidates and their backers.,6 +13,Marcos says new EDCA sites 'scattered' around PH,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Vic Rodriguez, spokesperson of presumptive President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., deflected the issue of the missing Picasso painting being spotted in the home of former first lady Imelda Marcos, and instead threatened former elections chairperson Andres Bautista over the 2016 polls.",12 +6,Senator Francis Tolentino on Tuesday raised the need to update the earthquake contingency plan for the National Capital Region due to new infrastructures in the metro.,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. flies to Brussels in Belgium to participate in the ASEAN-EU Commemorative Summit and other related events from December 11 to 15, 2022. This is Marcos’ sixth time to travel outside the country, and his fifth in an official capacity.",13 +13,"Partida': Teves says he campaigned only once in 2022 polls, and won",12 +7,House panel issues show cause order to ‘sick’ resource persons,6 +13,"William Vincent ""Vinny"" Marcos, the youngest son of President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr., is working as an intern at the House of Representatives, according to the office of Speaker Martin Romualdez on Monday.",12 +15,LIVESTREAM: State funeral of President Fidel V. Ramos,14 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Monday, April 18, that classes in all levels in public schools will be suspended from May 2 to 13 due to “national election-related activities.”",9 +13,New CHR chair named in crucial tail end of Duterte gov’t,12 +8,"PAF airlifters, maintenance specialists learn to 'tweak' C-130s",7 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, August 24, 2022",9 +7,Kid accuses police of hurting mother to force confession on drug trade involvement,6 +9,Robredo’s Bayanihan E-Konsulta teleconsult services to end on May 31,8 +13,Review of PNP courtesy resignations now complete — official,12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines –  The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday, June 28, that, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan will attend the inauguration of president-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",13 +14,Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff leads US delegation at Marcos’ inauguration,13 +2,"The Department of Transportation (DoTr) wants to expand the online payment scheme to more modes of public transportation, Joseph Morong reported on “24 Oras” on Tuesday.",1 +10,"BANGKOK, Thailand – The President of a country where storms have intensified in the past years, and whose people are often victims – in terms of lives and economic opportunities lost – said at a summit with the region’s leaders and top business executives that climate change was the “most pressing existential challenge of our time.”",9 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. convened Tuesday a sectoral meeting with the Department of Agriculture (DA) to discuss convergence strategies to achieve ""wealth production"" in Philippine agriculture, Malacañang said Tuesday.",0 +6,The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved the Magna Carta for Filipino Seafarers on second reading.,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Leila De Lima has ruled out any prospect of her being freed in time for the miting de avance before election day, but the jailed opposition leader said she “hopes to be free this year” and go after her oppressors.",12 +8,The Philippine National Police on Monday said it is planning to have joint maritime operations with the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and Philippine Navy (PN) to secure Philippine waters from illegal activities.,7 +1,"MANILA – The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has released to the National Food Authority (NFA) a total of PHP1,182,905,000 for the grant of a one-time rice assistance to all qualified employees and workers of national government agencies.",0 +9,"237 new COVID-19 cases logged; active tally climbs to 9,354",8 +7,"New witness in De Lima trial done with testimony, promulgation to push through May 12 —lawyer",6 +3,MANILA – Catholic Church officials on Friday called on the faithful to participate in the Walk for Life 2023 to be held in Manila on Saturday.,2 +6,House panel OKs bill expanding foreign aid fund sources,5 +14,"MANILA – Invoking the Philippines' 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with the United States (US) after the laser-pointing incident in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) would only escalate tensions with China, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Saturday.",13 +11,LIVESTREAM: Remembering the 1986 People Power Revolution,10 +13,Vergeire: I am now ready to be appointed DOH secretary,12 +6,Civil works contracts for Cavite-Bataan bridge up for bidding this year,5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate convenes on Tuesday, January 17, to tackle proposed amendments to Republic Act No. 11709, which mandates fixed terms for key officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.",5 +9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases went up by 33 percent from March 27 to April 2, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 +12,Group pushes for campaign contribution limits,11 +9,"DOH logs 9 new COVID-19 deaths; 1,878 fresh cases in past week",8 +9,PH sees 304 additional Covid-19 cases,8 +14,PBBM pays respects to fallen US soldiers at Arlington Cemetery,13 +14,"Chinese envoy, AFP chief meet amid laser controversy",13 +6,Rappler Recap: Congressional hearings on mandatory ROTC,5 +13,DOH: WHO Western Pacific chief Kasai's ouster won’t affect coordination with UN agency,12 +2,MANILA – The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has provided a total of PHP7.48 million worth of farm machinery and equipment to four agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBOs) in Abra province to help them boost their livelihood activities and climate resilient.,1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors moved to indict suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Bantag and others over the killing of broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa.",6 +10,"‘Amihan,’ easterlies bring cloudy skies, rain showers Saturday",9 +6,DICT identifying gaps in SIM card registration process —Sec. Uy,5 +8,"MANILA — The enhanced security and defense cooperation between Japan and the Philippines could ease tensions in the West Philippine Sea, a political analyst said Saturday.",7 +7,Kian delos Santos’ body exhumed 5 years after death,6 +9,"What was supposed to be a time for reflection turned out to be deadly for some as 78 cases of drowning in different parts of the country were monitored during the Holy Week last week, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said Wednesday, April 12.",8 +9,"The COVID-19 positivity rate in the National Capital Region (NCR) climbed to 3% as of March 15, according to independent monitoring group OCTA Research on Friday.",8 +13,"MANILA – The over 90 million official ballots to be used in the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) have already been printed, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) announced on Monday.",12 +7,Cop found guilty in 2017 death of 2 Cainta teens,6 +7,BI to deport Japanese fugitive wanted for alleged theft —DOJ,6 +7,Palace condemns attacks on journalists,6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Department of Budget and Management (DBM) undersecretary Mario Relampagos walked free from 11 graft charges related to the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) scam after the Sandiganbayan granted his petition.",4 +6,The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on second reading a bill requiring firefighters to be certified medical first responders and emergency medical technicians (EMT).,5 +7,Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Monday reiterated that the police raid conducted on his property was designed to pin him down.,6 +13,Marcos urges Pag-IBIG to build on its momentum as it posts record numbers,12 +11,Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte led of the 37th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution on Saturday at the People Power Monument in the city.,10 +7,Bomb joke gets MRT-3 rider into trouble,6 +13,"MANILA – The Philippines will not cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) as it has a ""good"" justice system,President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Saturday.",12 +10,"MANILA – The whole Visayas and Palawan province, including Kalayaan Islands, will have partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rains, rain showers or thunderstorms due to localized thunderstorms, according to state weather bureau Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Sunday.",9 +14,"MANILA – The United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, will visit the country from April 11 to 14 to advocate for the effective implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030.",13 +10,"MANILA – Metro Manila and the rest of the country will have partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers and thunderstorms due to the easterlies and localized thunderstorms, the weather bureau said Saturday.",9 +1,KLABARZON partners with DOST to boost Region 4A economic growth,0 +14,"Marcos, Biden affirm need to maintain peace in Taiwan",13 +13,Comelec releases revised calendar of activities for BSKE 2023,12 +14,"Bong Go urges China to stop all forms of bullying, encroachment in the West PH Sea",13 +2,SC sets work skeds for courts in areas under Covid-19 Alert Levels 1 and 2,1 +1,Analog Devices to invest $200M in R&D facility in PH,0 +13,The ‘’stone’’ of the Senate cried.,12 +13,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Friday announced the deactivation of its Port Operations Division (POD).,12 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has eased China's worries about the additional Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites, saying the Philippines' bases would not be used for offensive action.",13 +14,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Sunday arrived back in the Philippines from his official visit to Japan, which he said would bring a new decade of partnership between the two countries.",13 +8,"Communist insurgency ends in E. Visayas, local task force lauded",7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan found a former official of the state-owned Philippine Postal Savings Bank, now known as Overseas Filipino Bank, guilty of graft for giving undue preference to two depositors.",6 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Late former president Fidel V. Ramos, the Philippines’ 12th chief executive, will be laid to rest at the Libingan ng mga Bayani on Tuesday, August 9.",14 +7,DepEd to look into alleged procurement of overpriced cameras,6 +7,DOJ’s response to missing ‘sabungeros’: Dialogue with families,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) released 234 persons deprived of liberty (PDL) on Thursday, November 24, in a ceremony led by Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla and acting corrections chief Gregorio Catapang Jr.",6 +6,"Senate tackles bills on village workers allowance, other benefits",5 +10,"Rain showers to continue over most of PH due to LPA, 'amihan'",9 +15,Rappler Talk: What are your chances of getting into UP without the UPCAT?,14 +9,"MANILA – The Puerto Princesa, Palawan-based Western Command on Wednesday announced that it has flown back to Manila 11 of the 28 survivors of the ill-fated yacht M/Y Dream Keeper, which sank off Tubbataha Reef due to a squall on April 30.",8 +13,Marcos campaign aides join ‘reorganized’ Malacañang communications arm,12 +14,"The ""conditions are right"" for a meeting between President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and his American counterpart, President Joe Biden.",13 +8,MANILA – An official of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) on Wednesday lauded the Commission on Human Rights' (CHR) condemnation of the New People's Army (NPA) over its continued use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).,7 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Filipino youth’s aspiration to help parents and siblings emerged as their “most important and top-of-mind aspiration,” the State of the Filipino Youth 2021 National Youth Survey showed.",11 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported the arrest in Cagayan de Oro City of a South Korean national wanted by authorities in Seoul for allegedly swindling in a fraudulent sale transaction.,6 +9,Public urged to focus on protection amid rising positivity rate,8 +9,"Vice President Sara Duterte said on Thursday, May 4, that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was an eye-opener for the country’s public health system.",8 +2,"The Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, May 2, that the country may receive a donation of 390,000 doses of Covid-19 bivalent vaccines by the end of the month.",1 +15,"Tickets bought in Cebu City, Cebu and Cubao, Quezon City yielded new Lotto 6/42 millionaires during the 9 p.m. draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Tuesday, April 18.",14 +9,A ranking congressman is prodding authorities to declare a state of calamity in all African Swine Fever (ASF)-affected areas in the country.,8 +14,Kyiv invites PH law experts to help document crimes vs. Ukraine,13 +6,"Poe: Focus on 100% SIM registration, zero text scam target",5 +8,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) warned the public and foreign nationals anew against online con artists using the name of the agency in scamming gullible victims for cash.,7 +3,"Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula is set to wash the feet of 12 individuals from different sectors of society on Thursday, according to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila (RCAM).",2 +14,"PH, S. Korea hold bilateral talks, reaffirm strong partnership",13 +8,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Friday ordered all heads of the country's 17 police regional offices (PROs) to conduct an assessment of security threats against local officials in their areas of jurisdiction.,7 +5,"MANILA – The Court of Appeals (CTA) has granted a petition filed by a local petroleum firm questioning taxes imposed on its importation of alkylate, of petroleum products.",4 +9,MANILA – A lawmaker on Thursday filed a resolution seeking a Senate inquiry to determine the appropriate government actions to prevent and control the possible outbreak of the avian influenza virus in the country.,8 +14,"Marcos, Biden affirm 'ironclad' alliance during White House meet",13 +2,"PCG, Japanese ship begin ‘bagging' ops to stop leaks from MT Princess Empress",1 +14,China warns PH-US alliance must keep off SCS disputes,13 +13,Bedan SC justice to administer VP-elect Duterte’s oath in Davao,12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Former corrections chief Rafael Ragos, the justice department’s star witness in the pending court cases against Senator Leila de Lima, retracted his accusations against the jailed opposition lawmaker.",6 +14,Marcos to attend coronation of King Charles,13 +10,"MANILA – Filipino workers who have yet to receive their back wages and benefits from their former employers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will receive PHP10,000 each in humanitarian aid from the national government.",9 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to visit Tokyo for an “official working visit” from February 8 to 12, 2023.",13 +3,Marcos prays for nation's 'quiet reflection' as Filipinos observe Ash Wednesday,2 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – In another major development in the Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa case, alleged mastermind and suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General (DG) Gerald Bantag filed a motion for inhibition against the justice department.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., almost a month after he was inaugurated as the 17th president of the Philippines, is set to hold his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The first night of the wake of former president Fidel V. Ramos reunited the men and women who served his Cabinet in the 1990s, all with nothing but kind words for the boss who they said dedicated his life to genuine public service.",12 +3,Pangandaman calls for unity to attain agenda for prosperity,2 +7,MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) said prosecutors will decide based on evidence and not speculation the cases against Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr.,6 +8,"BRP Antonio Luna crew briefed on anti-sub warfare, helicopter ops",7 +14,PBBM hails US willingness to work with PH as equal partner,13 +2,Marcos: Admin ‘still studying’ how to use idle gov’t land for public housing,1 +11,"Pinoys urged to honor veterans' legacy, sacrifices",10 +14,China on Balikatan: US-PH cooperation must not interfere in sea dispute,13 +9,Dizon: 'No strings attached' on Covid-19 vaccine donations,8 +11,"MANILA – The Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) is in full swing for its inaugural summer edition, which kicks off on April 2 with the Parade of Stars.",10 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – After two years of trial, a Quezon City court cleared 21 residents of an urban in Barangay San Roque of quarantine violation charges, as it ruled that pleading for food during the height of pandemic lockdown was “within their rights.”",3 +7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) operatives have arrested a Japanese national wanted by authorities in Tokyo for alleged involvement in financial fraud.,6 +15,"Tickets bought in Cebu, QC yield new lotto millionaires",14 +15,Topnotcher Dayday thought namesake topped 2022 bar exams,14 +7,No direct evidence linking Arnie Teves to Degamo slay —lawyer,6 +11,"of Labor Day, Vice President Sara Duterte on Monday called on the nation to advocate for a work culture that sees the importance of better wages, workers’ mental health, gender-responsive policies, and career growth opportunities, among others.",10 +2,Marcos: Rightsizing not aimed at terminating employees but upskilling workforce,1 +14,"MANILA – The Philippines is expected to play a “big part” in this year’s iteration of the Australia-led Indo-Pacific Endeavor (IPE), according to Australian Ambassador to the Philippines HK Yu on Wednesday.",13 +13,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez rubbed elbows on Tuesday morning, April 18 (Philippine time) with an Asian trailblazer in the United States (US) House of Representatives.",12 +13,"Marcos Jr. spox deflects missing Picasso, threatens Bautista over 2016 elections",12 +4,"Harris meets with Filipino women, calls for ‘freedom from violence’",3 +14,Vice President Sara Duterte thanked outgoing Singaporean Ambassador to the Philippines Gerard Ho Wei Hong for his contribution in deepening ties between Singapore and the Philippines.,13 +6,"Resolution seeking charter change reaches House plenary, faces scrutiny",5 +2,MANILA – Manila Water Company (Manila Water) has planted and nurtured over 1.4 million trees across the country as of December 2022 under its watershed protection and management program to help fight climate change.,1 +6,PPA suspends implementation of monitoring system amid protests,5 +7,"Pagkalipas ng 5 taon, nakitaan ng bala ang katawan ni Kian delos Santos, ang batang pinatay ng mga pulis sa Caloocan noong 2017.",6 +10,SWS: 9.6 million Filipinos jobless as of Dec 2022,9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan, the country’s anti-graft court, has found former Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (Pagcor) chairperson Efraim Genuino guilty of graft.",6 +11,Go asks Pinoys to support local film industry; highlights summer MMFF,10 +12,BOSES NG KALYE: Sino ang iboboto ng mga taga-Naga ngayong 2022?,11 +9,Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has reiterated his proposal to assign a lifeguard in every public swimming pool or any bathing facility in the country.,8 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Monday said it is now looking into the alleged involvement of police officers in Sunday's ambush in Nueva Vizcaya that killed a town vice mayor in Cagayan and five others.,6 +6,Proposed ROTC program can be fully implemented in 5 years – Galvez,5 +6,The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) on Monday rejected the proposal to include the regulation of video and online games in their mandate.,5 +7,"Arroyo-era NIA chief gets 6 years for graft, told to pay P98.55 million",6 +11,MANILA -- The Civil Service Commission (CSC) on Thursday enjoined all government agencies to use Philippine Tropical Fabrics (PTF) for employee uniforms as a way to instill patriotism and nationalism among public officials and employees.,10 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has ordered the Sandiganbayan to drop the graft charges against former first gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo for his alleged involvement in the sale of second-hand choppers to the Philippine National Police (PNP) in 2009.",4 +6,Remulla urges CIDG to establish program addressing incestuous rape,5 +7,SC: Marital infidelity considered psychological violence under VAWC law,6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Office of the Vice President’s (OVP) 2023 proposed budget of P2.292 billion, which included a hefty P500 million in confidential funds, was approved by the Senate on Monday, November 11.",0 +7,"Police are now looking into the neuropsychiatric background of the soldier who killed four of his fellow servicemen in Camp Evangelista in Cagayan de Oro City over the weekend, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said Monday.",6 +3,Catholic Church observes Divine Mercy Sunday on April 16,2 +14,MANILA – The Philippines has sent a delegation to the 67th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York from March 6 to 17.,13 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and United States President Joseph Biden on Monday (Washington D.C. to strengthen the longstanding US-Philippines alliance, particularly in terms of deepening military and economic cooperation.",13 +6,MANILA – A lawmaker on Thursday highlighted the importance of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) as he defended the agency amid a proposal in the House of Representatives to abolish the office for wasting public funds.,5 +8,"The Philippine Coast Guard said Saturday that it will follow proper channels in releasing any information on its operations in the West Philippine Sea (WSP), to avoid weakening the county's position on matters concerning foreign policy.",7 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) did not see any increase in COVID-19 cases during the first week of implementation of Alert Level 1 status in Metro Manila and 38 other areas.",8 +2,CHED: Curriculum with exit credentials to address lack of nurses,1 +7,CIDG files murder complaints vs Negros Oriental Rep. Teves over 2019 killings,6 +8,Malacañang on Monday announced the four additional Philippine military facilities that US forces will be given access to under the two countries' Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement.,7 +10,VP Sara eyes more partnerships for teachers' housing program,9 +7,"Immigration chief calls for coordinated BI, airport authority probe into human trafficking scheme",6 +13,Leody de Guzman vows to implement ‘Labor First Policy’ if elected,12 +9,NDRRMC: Paeng death toll now at 121,8 +8,Solon vows to intensify fight vs. illegal recruiters,7 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday recorded 193 new COVID-19 cases as the country's active tally rose to 9,287.",8 +7,Sudanese man linked to organ trafficking nabbed in Makati,6 +6,"The government will spearhead a nationwide digital media literacy drive this year in a bid to teach the vulnerable sector “to be discerning of the truth” in social media, a Presidential Communications Office (PCO) official said.",5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Filipinos will have another long weekend during this year’s holiday season after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. declared December 26, 2022 – the day after Christmas – a special non-working day.",9 +6,"Marcos El Niño mitigation plan the 'right move forward', says DPWH exec-turned-solon",5 +9,The Philippine National Police (PNP) has discussed with a top official of the United Nations measures to promote road safety in the Philippines amid alarming data on road accidents in the country.,8 +8,"MANILA – The Philippines continues to monitor developments over growing tensions in the Taiwan Strait as China caps its three-day war games around Taiwan, the country’s top diplomat said Tuesday.",7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Because of his alleged link in the P6.7 billion shabu mess, Philippine National Police (PNP) Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) Brigadier General Narciso Domingo was relieved of his post on Thursday, April 13.",6 +7,MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police-Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) has confiscated over PHP7.8 million worth of illegal drugs as a result of simultaneous anti-criminality law enforcement operations (SACLEO) from March 13 to 19.,6 +13,MANILA – Malacañang on Thursday confirmed that Rolen Paulino has stepped down from his post as the administrator and chairman of the board of directors of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA).,12 +9,"The presence of the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.16 or Arcturus could be the reason behind the rise in Covid-19 cases in the Philippines, a health expert said on Friday, April 28.",8 +14,Marcos: Security cooperation a new element in Philippines-Japan ties,13 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Wednesday, October 12, as Tropical Depression Maymay headed for Central Luzon.",9 +7,BI urges condo owners to report illegal activities of foreign tenants,6 +14,Philippines protests Chinese ship incident in South China Sea,13 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) acting Director General Gregorio Catapang Jr. said plans to build their headquarters in Masungi Georeserve in Rizal will push through if experts can give assurances that the area will remain protected.",1 +6,MANILA – The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) will hold a dry run for the implementation of the exclusive motorcycle lanes along Commonwealth Avenue on March 9 until March 19.,5 +7,"Surrender for your safety, Pasay mayor tells escaped detainees",6 +13,"Look back: The Taguig-Makati saga, and the clans who’ve figured in it",12 +7,MARINA says it found probable cause vs. MT Princess Empress owner,6 +8,PH Army probes 4ID camp shooting that left 5 soldiers dead,7 +9,Philippines registers 87 new COVID-19 cases,8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said on Tuesday, October 11, that China has placed the Philippines on its overseas gambling blacklist, a move that would put travel restrictions on destinations Chinese nationals visited for gambling-related activities.",13 +7,MANILA – An unidentified man who dropped a bomb joke at the Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT-3) was apprehended by security personnel and taken to a local police station on Wednesday.,6 +14,PNA signs news exchange deal with Israel’s TPS,13 +6,MANILA – A measure proposing to provide temporary employment for qualified members of poor households in rural areas level at the House of Representatives.,5 +15,A beneficiary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development's (DSWD) Pantawid sa Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) has topped the April 2023 Civil Engineers Licensure Examination.,14 +1,Marcos cites gov't efforts to boost economy as inflation rate dips further,0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra, who has been named the new solicitor general of the government of president-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., has the distinction of serving three consecutive presidents.",12 +13,"Senator Risa Hontiveros on Tuesday, April 18, brushed off the clarification of controversial Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian that his statement on the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan was misquoted.",12 +13,Padilla files resolution defending former President Duterte,12 +12,"While acknowledging the importance of electric vehicles in addressing climate-related issues, environmental groups on Thursday said its introduction to public needs support from the government in terms of power generation and policy-making.",11 +10,"MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Friday urged the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), National Commission (NTC) and the three (telcos) up with a simpler, more convenient and faster process of registering subscriber identity modules (SIMs).",9 +3,"LIVESTREAM: Grand Lenten procession in Baliwag, Bulacan",2 +9,"The Philippines detected 56 additional cases of Omicron subvariants in the country, according to the Department of Health (DOH).",8 +6,House OKs Magna Carta for Filipino Seafarers on second reading,5 +7,MANILA – Outgoing Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Thursday said their Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG) has started its investigation into the alleged massive data breach that hit law enforcement agencies and government departments as reported by cybersecurity research firm VPNMentor.,6 +2,Construction of 1.2M housing units now underway - PBBM,1 +9,Philippine COVID-19 positivity rate rises to 14.3% –OCTA,8 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has temporary suspended the scholarship applications of freshmen academic year 2022 to 2023 due to lack of funds.",1 +6,"To further strengthen teacher education in the country, an advocacy group urged education agencies to fast-track the publication of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act (RA) 11713 or the Excellence in Teacher Education Act.",5 +9,Daily average of new Covid-19 infections up by 16%,8 +14,"US not looking to form new Quad in East Asia with PH, other countries",13 +15,Bongbong asks Liza to marry him again on 30th wedding anniversary,14 +9,DOH: No return of mandatory face mask policy in Metro Manila,8 +7,"CEBU, Philippines – The on public order and dangerous drugs during a hearing Wednesday, April 19, cited in contempt Police Staff Sergeant Renevic Rizaldo for failing to remember if he denied filing a blotter report last year about the death threats received by candidate for councilor in Bayawan City in Negros Oriental.",6 +7,"The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) on Thursday said it destroyed over P19.9 billion worth of illegal drugs in Cavite, the largest recorded quantity of dangerous drugs burned so far.",6 +9,MANILA – The Department of Health on Thursday advised the public to focus more on layers of protection such as vaccination amid the rise in Covid-19 cases.,8 +7,"At least seven suspects involved in the death of a chemical engineering student whose body showed signs of hazing are now under the custody of the police, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Wednesday.",6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday recorded 153 new COVID-19 cases as the active tally slightly decreased to 8,410.",8 +7,Romualdez wants probe into PNP escorts’ absence during Degamo slay,6 +8,"The armed forces of the Philippines will always be resolute in ensuring the interest of Filipinos in the West Philippine Sea, under the guidance of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s vision laid out in his speech during the alumni at the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio City on Saturday.",7 +9,"Concepcion sees no need for alert levels, but public health warning",8 +14,MANILA – The Turkish government will no longer accept a second contingent from the Philippines to help in ongoing operations following the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that rocked southern parts of the country on Feb. 6.,13 +14,"The recent development in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) was one of the bilateral and global issues raised during the courtesy call of United States Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland to Secretary Enrique Manalo, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Wednesday.",13 +8,PNP chief Carlos insists his use of PNP chopper followed police rules,7 +8,"The National Task Force-West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) will discuss possible responses to the more than 100 Chinese vessels spotted in the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief General Andres Centino said Friday.",7 +2,"MANILA – Parts of the cities of Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, and Quezon will go waterless as Maynilad Water Services, Inc. on Saturday announced a water interruption due to its network maintenance from March 27 to April 3.",1 +7,"Bureau of Corrections sues Bantag for plunder, graft",6 +15,"House Deputy Speaker and Cebu 5th district Rep. Vincent Franco ""Duke"" Frasco shared on Facebook Thursday, April 13 a heartwarming thank you message from one of his scholars who will be graduating soon.",14 +7,"Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Ivan John Uy said Tuesday that there had been serious lapses in the ""supposed leak"" from the Philippine National Police (PNP) database, the details of 1.2 million records of employees and applicants.",6 +7,"MANILA – A 20-year-old man posing as a police officer was arrested in Makati City, Southern Police District (SPD) Director, Brig. Gen. Kirby John Kraft said on Monday.",6 +14,WASHINGTON—President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. at the White House said it was natural for the Philippines to look to the United States and strengthen their ties amid tensions in the South China Sea and the Asia Pacific.,13 +14,War games showed innovation in PH-US military ties — US envoy,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday, June 30, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in Malacañang Palace.",12 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) announced that one of its two newly-acquired missile boats, the BRP Lolinato To-Ong (PG-902), intercepted an oil tanker carrying some PHP50.8 million worth of unmarked diesel fuel during operations off Corregidor Island.",7 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – There are over 5.6 million Filipino families living in poverty as of 2022, according to findings of the Listahanan 3 survey released by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).",11 +5,"The stand of President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Charter change should not affect the legislative branch’s push to amend the 1987 Constitution, Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III said Friday.",4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is investigating “personnel movements” at the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) that allegedly violated the election code.",6 +14,"Shortly after Malacañang named four additional sites that the United States would have access to under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, April 4, warned about “more tensions” in the South China Sea due to the United States’ “zero-sum mentality” that was driven by its increased military presence in the region.",13 +13,Former top cop takes on health: Who is Camilo Cascolan?,12 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines must find a way to explore for oil and gas in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) even without a deal with China, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Thursday, December 1, emphasizing his country’s right to exploit energy reserves in the contested waterway.",1 +13,Remulla: House reso defending Duterte ‘natural’,12 +2,How DSWD plans to avoid repeat of chaotic education assistance rollout,1 +7,"CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – The family of Dr. Natividad “Naty” Castro, the physician arrested by the police over charges of alleged kidnapping and serious illegal detention, cried foul over how authorities took her from their San Juan City home on Friday, February 18, even as they called on the government to show them exactly where the doctor has been taken.",6 +13,36 Years: Marcos 2.0 and the Filipino immigrant,12 +6,"A proposed bill in the Senate is eyeing the possible release of a portion of the P100,000 cash gift for centenarians as soon as they reach the age of 80 years old.",5 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines (UP) and the Ateneo de Manila University ranked lower in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings released on Thursday, June 9.",14 +6,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. directed government agencies up with a “whole-of-nation” and “whole-of-government” approach in preparing for the El Niño phenomenon that could hit the country this year.,5 +14,DFA chief Manalo meets key Chinese diplomat on Ayungin laser incident,13 +8,The Philippine Army’s 11th Infantry Battalion has deployed more soldiers in Negros Oriental following the killing of Governor Roel Degamo on March 4.,7 +14,Korea-donated equipment vs. Mindoro oil spill arrives in PH,13 +7,"Even after death, Kian delos Santos remains a victim of injustice",6 +9,MANILA – Pharmaceutical and Moderna on Tuesday announced its plan to establish a shared service facility for pharmacovigilance in the Philippines that will serve the entire Asia-Pacific region.,8 +13,COA official leads Philippine chairmanship of UN program panel,12 +1,PH-Türkiye air service deal to boost tourism: DOT,0 +13,Comelec en banc affirms disqualification of Legazpi mayor Rosal,12 +7,"Panganiban, SRA execs required to attend Senate probe into ‘state-sponsored’ sugar smuggling — Tolentino",6 +6,"Senator Mark Villar, chairman of the Senate has filed a bill allowing the use of digital copy of identification cards (IDs) in government transactions.",5 +13,"Senator Robinhood ""Robin"" C. Padilla flew to Israel Saturday night to attend a series of conferences on use of medical cannabis (marijuana) - and how to apply Israel's experience to the Philippines.",12 +7,2 more Japanese nationals in Luffy case to be deported Wednesday,6 +3,"MANILA – Filipino faithful have been requested to pray for the immediate recovery of Pope Francis, who is in the hospital for respiratory infections.",2 +13,Cong Ralph shows that he's a supportive hubby to Vilma,12 +13,Malacañang on Monday announced the latest appointments in the Marcos administration.,12 +14,"MANILA – The United States government is providing an additional PHP10 million (USD183,700) in assistance to support Oriental Mindoro’s oil spill management and environmental assessment.",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is scheduled to meet with president-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during an ongoing nine-day trip to Asia, making her the first top official from Washington to meet with Philippine leader.",13 +7,"Complaints filed vs ex-DILG exec Diño, 6 others for misrepresenting PCG",6 +7,"The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) issued a subpoena against actor and TV host Luis Manzano over his alleged involvement in the Flex Fuel Petroleum Corporation investment mess, John Consulta reported on “24 Oras” on Friday.",6 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has thanked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for ensuring the safe passage of Filipino repatriates at the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Wednesday.",13 +4,"Over 100,000 PUVs to hold weeklong strike starting March 6",3 +10,"Over 1,300 farmers in Central Visayas now landowners",9 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Wednesday, August 10, that it lacks around 91,000 classrooms  for school year 2022 to 2023.",1 +2,BFAR: Fish supply enough despite increased demand during Holy Week,1 +13,NCSC debunks report of 3K pension for elderlies,12 +6,"MANILA – Expressing concerns over serious damage that the oil spill may bring to the environment and marine life, a lawmaker on Tuesday pushed for the investigation, in aid of legislation, of the incident caused by the capsizing of MT Princess Empress in the waters off Naujan town in Oriental Mindoro province on Feb. 28.",5 +7,SC rejects clemency for dismissed judge in Delfin Lee case,6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) held a joint briefing on Thursday, July 21, in Camp Crame, to talk about improving the situation of jails in the country.",5 +10,Solon lauds DepEd plan to assist teachers vs. ‘loan sharks’,9 +14,Australia’s Deputy PM to visit Philippines this week,13 +1,"Consumer prices eased for the third consecutive month in April to 6.6 percent on the back of the slowdown in food, transport, and utility costs, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported on Friday, May 5.",0 +8,"A total of rebels have surrendered in MImaropa region this year, the regional police force disclosed on Thursday, April 13.",7 +6,House leader stresses need to revert to pre-pandemic school calendar amid searing summer,5 +10,"MANILA – Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon will get experienced rain showers Thursday due to the prevailing northeast monsoon or ""amihan,"" the weather bureau said.",9 +6,Villanueva claims SOGIE bill being used to legalize same-sex marriage; Hontiveros refutes,5 +2,"While the water level in Angat Dam remains ""normal,"" the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) on Wednesday urged the public to conserve water due to the threat of El Niño.",1 +2,The Commission on Audit (COA) has the appointment to regular positions in the local government of Bacolor town in Pampanga of the 328 job-order (JO) employees who have been doing the work of permanent employees.,1 +13,End of an era: James Jimenez bids farewell to Comelec after 2 decades,12 +12,"The Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, and the Marcos Cabinet enjoyed “very good” net satisfaction ratings in the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey results released on Thursday, April 6.",11 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – In its latest move, the International Criminal Court (ICC) denied the Philippine government’s petition to suspend the ongoing probe into the drug war killings under former president Rodrigo Duterte.",4 +1,COA: Nayong Pilipino funding to dry up in 5 or 6 years,0 +7,"SAMAR, Philippines – The retired general of the Samar-based Army division allegedly responsible for the deaths of Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) leaders Benito and Wilma Tiamzon described the rebels’ claim that they had been captured on land, tortured, and then killed as “propaganda” and “drama.”",6 +10,"LTO gears up for safer roads during holy week, summer exodus",9 +9,MANILA – A group of health advocates urged Filipinos on Valentine’s Day to show extra love for their hearts by keeping them in shape this heart month.,8 +7,"Mothers, too, can be sued under VAWC law – Supreme Court",6 +7,"CA upholds dismissal of petition for writ of amparo vs. NTF-ELCAC, others",6 +2,LRT-2 suspends operations on Holy Thursday until Easter Sunday,1 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) is monitoring the quality of drinking water in Oriental Mindoro amid the massive oil spill in the province that has since spread to other areas.,8 +10,Balikatan: AFP to provide aid for fishers affected by at sea drills; PBBM interested in watching exercises,9 +7,"The Senate public order and dangerous “unanimously” agreed not to allow suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. to attend the panel’s investigation into the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, citing lack of jurisdiction and inter-parliamentary courtesy.",6 +14,Austin’s Manila visit to bring deal on expanded base access – Philippine official,13 +8,DICT expresses ‘grave concern’ on alleged personal data leak; says probe is underway,7 +7,US imposes sanctions on Quiboloy for ‘serious human rights abuse’,6 +7,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo on Tuesday alleged that suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. and his brother, Pryde Henry, are sourcing their money from illegal online cockfighting and Small Town Lottery (STL) operations.",6 +8,The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is optimistic about the agreement of the Philippines and the United States to designate four new sites in the country for the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).,7 +10,"MANILA – Mindanao and Palawan will experience cloudy skies with scattered rain showers and thunderstorms due to the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Monday.",9 +8,"MANILA – Filipino and engineers trained on how to defend and survive against enemy tanks and armored infantry vehicle attacks as part of this year's ""Salaknib"" exercises.",7 +15,"The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said a 5.1-magnitude earthquake hit Agusan del Norte past midnight on Friday, April 14.",14 +13,PH official in Taiwan: Why relate EDCA to OFWs?,12 +7,"Multiple murder, frustrated murder and attempted murder cases will be filed in court against Marvin H. Miranda, a military reservist and bodyguard of suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” A. Teves Jr., for the killings of Gov. Roel R. Degamo and eight other persons last March 4.",6 +10,MIAA: Contingencies in place for ‘unadvised’ passengers on May 17 airspace shutdown,9 +6,No questions: House panel swiftly ends deliberations on 2023 OVP budget,5 +11,MANILA – Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda has pushed for an enhanced preservation of the Philippines’ cultural assets through increased participation and involvement of local government in cultural mapping activities.,10 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Activists Reina Mae Nasino, Alma Moran, and Ram Carlo Bautista walked free on Thursday, December 22, after more than three years in jail but their freedom is only temporary, because a Court of Appeals (CA) decision finding the search warrant void was not enough to stop their lower court trial altogether.",6 +14,What you need to know about Marcos’ state visit to China,13 +13,"Suspended congressman, Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. continues to make his exact whereabouts a mystery.",12 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. called for the reauthorization of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program to boost Philippine exports to the United States.",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – China has downplayed President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s decision to summon Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian after the China Coast Guard (CCG) deployed a military-grade laser against the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in the West Philippine Sea.",13 +6,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on third and final reading a bill mandating the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) to admit at least one cadet from each congressional district every school year its freshman class to ensure the representation of all districts in graduating classes and widen the access to education of students from far-flung regions.,5 +6,"CEBU, Philippines – The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) should be put under the Office of the President (OP) to improve response time by national agencies during disasters, Senator Imee Marcos said in a media forum on Tuesday, October 18.",5 +13,"MANILA – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Tuesday visited oil spill-affected schools in Pola, Oriental Mindoro, and pushed for blended learning amid their high number of absences. In a statement, Duterte said she visited both the Tagumpay Elementary School and High School in Pola. ""Kabilang ang mga paaralang ito sa may mataas na bilang ng absences ng mga estudyante dahil sa oil spill na nangyari sa probinsya. Iminungkahi natin na ipatupad ang blended learning sa mga panahong nahihirapan ang mga estudyante sa pagpasok dahil sa kalamidad (These schools are among those with a high number of student absences due to the oil spill in the province. We implementing blended learning in times like this when learners are struggling due to calamity),"" she said. Besides resorting to alternative delivery modes, such as online classes or modular setup, Duterte also urged learners to be collaborative with their classmates to improve their reading skills. “Dapat yung mga hindi pa marunong magbasa, huwag nating awayin, huwag nating kantyawan, huwag nating pagtawanan. Dapat yung mga hindi pa marunong magbasa, dapat nating turuan. Kailangan natin tulungan (For [your classmates] who are not yet able to read, we should not fight them or mock them or laugh at them. We should teach them. We need to help them),"" she said. She said this is significant to help learners improve skills and self-development. Apart from the two schools, Duterte also visited the Leandro Panganiban Sr. – Tagumpay High School, where the school head raised concerns and gave an update on the current situation. Meanwhile, the vice president provided financial aid to 289 parents of affected learners in the area, in partnership with the Department of Social Welfare and Development. The Office of the Vice President said four oil spill-affected barangays have received PHP20,216 worth of aid each.",12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Friday, September 9, joined world leaders in mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth, saying the world just “lost a true figure of majesty.”",13 +7,"Three months since its preliminary hearings took place, the case on the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid and alleged middleman Jun Villamor has been submitted for resolution, a prosecutor said Wednesday.",6 +7,Arnie Teves' lawyer says he had weapons removed from solon's QC home,6 +10,Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist on April 25,9 +14,"MANILA – Filipino, American and Australian special troops on Friday (April 21) conducted resupply bundle drop operations (also known as parachute resupply or airdrops) in the coastal waters of Barangay Punta Baja, Rizal, Palawan as part of this year's ""Balikatan"" exercises.",13 +13,Raffy Tulfo defends Marcos treatment of critical media,12 +5,Gov’t drops 2 ill-gotten wealth cases worth over P340M vs General Garcia and family,4 +13,"Senator Ramon Bong Revilla Jr. on Wednesday, April 26, challenged newly designated Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Major General Benjamin C. Acorda Jr. to clean the organization and immediately put its affairs in order.",12 +3,A Church leader has reminded the faithful of the importance of the relics of saints as he cited the relics of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus as a reminder of God’s presence in our lives.,2 +13,Liberal Party elects new set of officers; Edcel Lagman takes helm,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday, January 4, said that eight unvaccinated Filipinos who arrived in the country from China tested positive for COVID-19.",8 +9,"Gov't seeks to manufacture, stockpile essential medicines",8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Senate blue chairman Richard Goordon took a swipe against his colleagues for refusing to sign the draft panel report on the anomalies hounding the multibillion-peso pandemic contracts of President Rodrigo Duterte’s government.",5 +8,"More than 20 Chinese and Vietnamese vessels were spotted from March 16 to 21 in waters around Sabina and Ayungin Shoals, and  Pag-asa Island in Palawan, the Philippine Coast Guard said Thursday.",7 +9,"DOH to public schools: Open classroom windows, give time water break",8 +5,MANILA – A lawmaker at the House of Representatives on Thursday urged senators to keep an open mind on the lower chamber's push for amending the 1987 Constitution's economic provisions to boost foreign investments in the country.,4 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, September 21, 2022",9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) is forming the Office of the Judiciary Marshals (OJM), to be activated in the first quarter of 2023, to investigate the unsolved killings of judges over more than 20 years.",5 +7,"More than P4 billion worth of confiscated illegal drugs were destroyed in Trece Martires City, Cavite on Thursday, according to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).",6 +14,PH reiterates diplomatic solution to maritime dispute with China,13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and the United States will hold their largest Balikatan exercise this year, with 17,600 troops expected to participate in the joint exercise in April, said Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Balikatan spokesperson Colonel Michael Logico.",13 +8,"MANILA – An advanced party from the United States Armed Forces that will be joining the 2023 ""Balikatan"" exercises next month is scheduled to arrive in the Philippines on March 20.",7 +14,Germany to boost climate partnership with PH,13 +7,"MANILA – The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) is now conducting tracking operations against former Bureau of Corrections (BOC) chief Gerald Bantag and Jail Officer Ricardo Zulueta, the alleged masterminds in the death of broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa and inmate Jun Villamor.",6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) recently received a medium lift aircraft and two ATAK helicopters for the Philippine Air Force (PAF).",1 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has named Carlos Primo Constantino David as undersecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).",12 +1,"Alibaba, Lazada convey excitement over PH market​​ as Arroyo visits China",0 +1,"Upgraded bridge project spurs trade, agri industry in Samar",0 +2,COA urges BCDA: Seek P169M from DOH for use of Clark facilities,1 +11,‘Araw ng Kagitingan’ should continuously inspire Filipinos – Sec Remulla,10 +14,"MANILA – The Japanese Embassy in Manila on Tuesday said there is no specific plan yet on a South China Sea (SCS) joint patrol with the Philippines, the United States, and Australia but Tokyo will “explore” possible maritime cooperation to secure the Indo-Pacific region.",13 +13,Senator Robin Padilla explained that he deferred Cagayan de Oro Representatives Rufus Rodriguez's appearance at today's Senate Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes Committee hearing on the House-approved resolution seeking to push for Charter change (cha-cha) via a constitutional convention (con-con) due to inter-parliamentary courtesy.,12 +11,Batangas solon says bayanihan needed in oil spill cleanup,10 +13,Reporter’s Review: Ralf Rivas on the economy under Rodrigo Duterte,12 +7,"Fairness dictates that the Senate Public Order and Dangerous hears both sides to the March 4 assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, Senator Ronald ‘’Bato’’ dela Rosa said on Saturday, April 15.",6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is asking for a budget of over P9 billion for the Office of the President (OP) in 2023, including over P4.5 billion in confidential and intelligence funds.",0 +13,Marcos defends godson’s role: Paul Soriano to ‘promote creative industry’,12 +1,"President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Wednesday that if the government can carry out major reorganization within some agencies, the country will be close to self-sufficiency in rice in two years.",0 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday said the new United States-Philippines Bilateral Defense Guidelines, which chart their vision for alliance cooperation across all operational domains, will be responsive to the security challenges faced by both countries.",13 +6,"MANILA – Negros Occidental 3rd District Representative Jose Francisco Benitez on Wednesday filed a bill seeking to empower the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) to strictly enforce shipbuilding standards and ensure that vessels are constructed and equipped with materials and apparatus to prevent discharge or emission of oil, sewage, garbage and other harmful substances and pollutants into Philippine seas.",5 +6,"MANILA – The administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is eyeing to implement reforms in the military and uniformed personnel (MUP) retirement and pension system to avoid a ""fiscal collapse"" caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.",5 +5,COA orders PS-DBM to return P3 billion in bank account to national treasury,4 +6,House panel okays VAT refund for tourists,5 +7,DOJ: 20 cases filed over Negros killings,6 +6,"Marcos says gov't reviewing EO 138, devolution issues",5 +9,"The Department of Health said Saturday that the country logged nine new COVID-19 deaths, as the World Health Organization proclaims an end to the global health emergency caused by coronavirus.",8 +15,2022 Bar Exams results will be released on April 14 – SC,14 +10,‘Amang’ maintains strength as it traverses the coastal waters of Camarines Sur,9 +2,"To focus on teaching, DepEd eyes to remove admin tasks from teachers",1 +7,The Senate on Tuesday adopted the Blue report on the supposedly overpriced laptops procured by the Department of Education (DepEd).,6 +6,"DPWH, DICT ink MOU for digital connectivity service",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) will investigate how convicted kidnapper retired general Jovito Palparan was interviewed on Quiboloy-owned SMNI without the knowledge of both prosecutors and the lower court.",6 +7,"MANILA – An American fugitive wanted by authorities in Florida for racketeering and financial fraud was arrested in Palawan, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Wednesday.",6 +1,"The “Kadiwa ng Pangulo para sa Manggagawa”, a farm-to-consumer market chain of the national government, has generated over P6.4 million in sales across the country during the celebration of Labor Day, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) announced on Thursday, May 4.",0 +2,"Albay 2nd district Rep. Joey Salceda is pushing for the consolidation of water districts that are inefficient or non-operational amid what he described as an ""ongoing water crisis exacerbated by the El Nino phenomenon"".",1 +10,Manila braces for Severe Tropical Storm Paeng; death toll cut to 45,9 +9,"The nationwide COVID-19 positivity rate increased to 12.9% on Wednesday, according to independent monitoring group OCTA Research.",8 +13,Gov’t’s caring response should be felt by recipients: Gatchalian,12 +2,DICT’s Broadband ng Masa program reaches Davao City,1 +6,Bill extending estate tax amnesty period hurdles House panel,5 +8,PNP to roll out nationwide security dialogues with media,7 +9,"A total of 913 new COVID-19 cases were recorded in the Philippines from February 27 to March 5, 2023, data from the Department of Health showed Monday.",8 +4,"PH vows to fight for Indigenous People's issues, interests",3 +2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Macos Jr. on Friday pushed for closer cooperation and collaboration with the cable and industry to realize his administration's bid for ""complete"" digital transformation of government services.",1 +14,UN envoy pushes for road safety in PH visit,13 +14,Australian trade minister expected in PH,13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s state visit to China will yield a deal beefing up to avoid mishaps in the West Philippine Sea, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Thursday, December 29.",13 +14,"China says lasers for ‘navigation safety’, denies pointing at PH crew",13 +9,Hypertension among Pinoys declined in 2018-2019,8 +4,Marcos commits to working with media to strengthen press freedom,3 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Tuesday, March 29, that it is mapping out a “recovery plan” to address the learning gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.",5 +7,"The Bureau of Immigration (BI) will deport a Japanese national who is wanted for alleged theft in his country, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).",6 +7,"A second arrest order for murder was issued by the trial court against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Q. Bantag for the killing of radio broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” C. Mabasa on Oct. 3, 2022.",6 +14,"Japan has called for a peaceful resolution to the issues surrounding Taiwan, saying it would affect the peace and security of neighboring countries and the livelihood of their citizens.",13 +12,Passengers urged to allot ample time to get to NAIA amid transport strike,11 +6,Salceda pushes for bill allowing gov't to block sites publishing pirated content,5 +7,Lawyer says cops threatened woman to testify vs. Teves,6 +14,Anwar: ASEAN must have common position on SCS,13 +13,"Marcos tackles ‘high level of accountability,’ ‘drug war within law’ with envoys",12 +7,"Senators on Tuesday grilled an Adamson University official over their alleged inaction despite being aware of the presence of Tau Gamma Phi, a fraternity not officially recognized by the school, in the campus.",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said they will oppose the bail of detained former senator Leila de Lima if her camp continues to push for her temporary release based on the merits of the case.",4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Months after Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) superintendent Ricardo Zulueta was implicated in the killing of hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa, his lawyer said the BuCor official is ready to answer allegations against him and is not in hiding.",6 +5,The Senate public sees the favorable decision of the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) law a big boost as registration continues.,4 +3,LIVESTREAM: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion | Good Friday 2023,2 +7,Senate panel blocks Arnie Teves’ virtual attendance in Degamo killing probe,6 +8,"MANILA – At least 86 Filipinos have so far requested for repatriation out of Sudan as violent armed clashes between Sudanese forces continue in Khartoum, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Thursday.",7 +15,"Puwersa ng Bayaning Atleta (PBA) Party-list Rep. Migs Nograles isn't the type to turn down a stick or two of ""isaw (grilled intestines)"". In fact, she says it's her favorite.",14 +1,COA: PCMC should collect P147 million from contractors over delayed projects,0 +13,MANILA – The chair of the House Committee on Dangerous Drugs on Friday expressed his full support to the resolution defending former President Rodrigo Duterte against the International Criminal Court (ICC) probe into the anti-illegal drug campaign during his presidency.,12 +9,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has distributed financial assistance to families and individuals affected by the magnitude 6.0 earthquake that hit Davao de Oro on Feb. 1.,8 +5,MANILA – The Supreme Court (SC) has granted the plea of online news website publisher Maria Ressa to travel abroad this month while the SC is yet to rule on her appeal of her conviction for cyber libel.,4 +15,"A graduate of the University of Santo Tomas was the highest scorer among the 1,980 who passed the architecture licensure examination conducted last week, the Professional Regulation Commission reported.",14 +8,The Philippine government has put in place measures to assure  the safety of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan amid controversial remarks  made by China's top diplomat in Manila.,7 +8,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) and the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), citing its importance in fending off cyber attacks on energy infrastructure.",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In the final miting de avance of frontrunner Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. that was touted to be a call for “good vibes,” his senatorial candidates cursed at least four times before a huge crowd of supporters waving Philippine flags.",12 +2,COA vows digital transformation of state audit in the next seven years,1 +8,The Department of National Defense (DND) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines on Wednesday said the EDCA sites designated in four new locations will enhance the posture of government forces against external and internal security threats.,7 +7,"City official identifies suppliers, judge questions faxed docs in Enrile PDAF case",6 +13,Maria Ressa’s high school in New Jersey names auditorium after her,12 +7,BI warns against scammers offering immigration services online,6 +7,One-day CIDG anti-crime operations net 137 suspects,6 +2,Bong Go urges DOTr to help LTO resolve license plates shortage,1 +12,"Tragedy,' says coconut farmers group on SC junking of coco levy case",11 +14,US trade official to visit Manila next week,13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Days after the killing of radio journalist Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said it has identified a person of interest and put a P1.5-million bounty on his head.",6 +10,"The low pressure area (LPA) embedded within the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) will continue to bring cloudy weather with scattered rain showers and thunderstorms over Palawan until the weekend, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Friday, May 5.",9 +9,NDRRMC holds Q1 national earthquake drill,8 +10,"MANILA – The House Committee on Basic Education and Culture on Wednesday agreed on the proposed merging of subjects in the Kinder to Grade 3 (K-3) curriculum, saying it may result in exponential learning growth of learners. In the Laging Handa public briefing, House Committee on Basic Education and Culture chairperson Rep. Roman Romulo said this will mean more time and opportunity to focus on “functional literacy.” “Agree po ako fully doon sa bagong [proposal], alam niyo po matagal na po naming sinasabi, pagdating sa Grades 1 to 3, kailangan nating bawasan ang subject. Kailangan pong mag-focus tayo sa functional literacy at sa reading, reading, reading, at sa mathematics (I fully agree with the new proposal, you know, we have been saying that for so long that when to Grades 1 to 3, we need to reduce the subjects. We need to focus on functional literacy and reading, reading, reading, and mathematics),” he said. The Department of Education (DepEd) earlier proposed a draft intending to merge Araling Panlipunan (social studies) and the Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) which shall be called Sibika, Kultura, Kasaysayan at Kagalingang Pangkatawan (SIKaP).",9 +2,"DepEd plans to hire 9,650 new teachers in 2023",1 +6,"After Luzon earthquake, senators renew push for Department of Disaster Resilience",5 +8,PH Air Force joins gas-oil platform takedown exercises in Palawan,7 +1,DepEd estimates P7-M rehabilitation cost for quake-hit schools,0 +3,Airport workers lauded for returning passenger's money,2 +2,"PCG needs more patrol vessels, says exec",1 +2,MANILA – The PHP11 million worth of equipment donated by South Korea to help the Philippines’ oil spill response in Mindoro has arrived in Manila.,1 +14,"WASHINGTON - The Philippines and the US will put up a bilateral Labor Working Group, the White House has said in a fact sheet.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – First, the lights went out, followed by the music. But even as the rain poured down over an open field at the Aseana City in Parañaque City, the Uniteam’s “grand rally” seemed to have still been all systems go – that is, until the entire sound system stopped working.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP CIDG) on Friday, February 17, released the photo of six suspects over the disappearance of sabungeros or cockfighting aficionados in Manila.",6 +2,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) provided food assistance to former rebels affiliated with the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), National People’s Army (NPA), and National Democratic Front (NDFP) from different urban in Metro Manila and nearby provinces on April 22.",1 +9,Smoke from the fire that gutted the MV Lady Mary Joy 3 hampered the retrieval of remains still aboard the passenger ferry.,8 +13,EDCA issue: Cagayan guv says Galvez a ‘liar;’ acting defense chief reacts,12 +7,MANILA – Speaker Martin Romualdez has not from Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves ever since the House leader urged the latter to return to the Philippines and face allegations that he was behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +9,Guidelines on bivalent COVID-19 vaccines use out by next week —Vergeire,8 +8,What we know so far: The shooting incident inside Ateneo,7 +13,Congressman Jeffrey Soriano of ACT-CIS resigns,12 +10,Students suffer involuntary exodus due to Typhoon Odette,9 +14,PH condemns N. Korea’s long-range ballistic missile test,13 +14,UK envoy: AUKUS alliance will help defend rules-based order in South China Sea,13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has changed the period of the filing of certificates of candidacy (COC) for the October 2023 barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan polls, after one senator pushed for a date closer to election day.",5 +3,New defense chief Galvez vows to protect integrity of military appointments,2 +7,The six remaining suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo on Thursday underwent inquest proceedings before the Department of Justice (DOJ).,6 +13,"The Department of Transportation (DOTr) and the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) officials have not learned from past mistakes, Senator Grace Poe said.",12 +10,Warmer days ahead as 'amihan' season ends,9 +14,DOJ chief meets with visiting EU parliamentarians,13 +9,Senator Nancy Binay on Thursday called on the Department of Health and the local government units to craft strategies to ramp up the inoculation of routine vaccines for children after Unicef reported that around one million Filipino children missed out on such jabs.,8 +6,"WATCH: Duterte lays out education challenges, vows learning reforms",5 +13,Villanueva puzzled by Padilla’s disclosure of letters asking Senate leaders tackle Cha-cha issue with House,12 +9,6 passengers rescued from distressed motorboat off Palawan,8 +6,Bill expanding services of PCIC hurdles House,5 +7,Another suspect in Adamson student hazing surrenders,6 +2,Palace echoes DOE: Save energy this summer,1 +2,NFA rice buffer stocks should only be available in selected areas—Hontiveros,1 +7,"Bato urges Arnie Teves to testify before any PH embassy, consulate",6 +8,"Tolentino wants clearer definition of PH territory, inclusion of cyber-attack provision in PH-US MDT",7 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Metro Manila is reverting back to Alert Level 2, while Baguio City stays in Alert Level 3, effective from February 1 to 15, Malacañang said on Sunday, January 30.",8 +7,MANILA – An unidentified man who dropped a bomb joke at the Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT-3) was apprehended by security personnel and taken to a local police station on Wednesday.,6 +14,"MANILA – Philippine Army (PA) and US Army Pacific (USARPAC) troops conducted ""sling load exercises"" involving helicopters last March 27 as part of this year's ""Salaknib"" drills.",13 +14,FAST FACTS: What is the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting?,13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang will “take a look” at the probe into the killing of a broadcast journalist known for his biting critique of the current administration.",6 +14,US military presence threatens peace in South China Sea — Beijing,13 +14,"Envoy hopes China will see PH, US only want peaceful resolution of maritime issues",13 +7,Two senators on Friday slammed the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) over its failure to confiscate flavored vape products that are prohibited under the law.,6 +5,The Supreme Court (SC) starts its five-week recess on May 2 to concentrate on decision writing on pending cases.,4 +2,"MANILA – The government has stepped up efforts to convert the country’s dependence of water supply from underground water to surface water, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Monday.",1 +15,Quiapo Church to hold motorcade on Good Friday,14 +5,SC declares constitutional town ordinance phasing out big hog farms near residential areas,4 +8,Tolentino: Include simulation of OFW evacuation from Taiwan in future Balikatan exercises,7 +13,Marcos godson Paul Soriano named presidential communications adviser,12 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) issued a clarification on the Covid-19 situation of 26 areas under the Alert Level 2 status until the end of this month.,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Tuesday, November 1, visited the grave of his father and namesake, the late strongman who, in the President’s own words, is the reason why he now holds the nation’s top post.",12 +1,More gains eyed for PH economy from PBBM trip to Japan,0 +13,VP Duterte urges collective efforts in upgrading PH education,12 +15,5 tie for top score in February 2023 respiratory therapists licensure exam,14 +12,"Follow audience on platforms like TikTok, journalists urge colleagues",11 +13,EDSA surfaces Bongbong-Imee Marcos split,12 +13,"The Commission on Appointments (CA) on Wednesday confirmed the appointment of Manuel Antonio Teehankee as Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.",12 +2,DOH sees delays in arrival of bivalent jabs due to lapse of state of calamity,1 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.— As President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. sought to redefine the Philippines and United States (US) relationship amid rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific region, US President Joe Biden said the US maintains its to the Philippines' defense and security efforts.",13 +10,"Nearly 2,000 fire incidents recorded so far since January —BFP",9 +6,"The University of the Philippines (UP) Cebu Office of the Chancellor has issued a memorandum for the temporary transition of classes to online mode starting Thursday, May 4 until May 10 due to Covid-19.",5 +6,House approves bill increasing paid service incentive leave credits,5 +13,"President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. is either misinformed or misleading the public when he said that the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites won’t be used for offensive actions, House Deputy Minority leader France Castro of ACT Teachers party-list said on Tuesday.",12 +14,China to PH: Oppose Taiwan independence if you care for 150k OFWs,13 +2,"WATCH: Public, private schools urged to collaborate in addressing learning crisis",1 +1,DA exec: Order to import sugar will manage inflation,0 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The still elusive justice continues to pave the way for more killings under President Rodrigo Duterte’s violent anti-drug campaign, Amnesty International said in its latest report released on Tuesday, March 29.",6 +9,"The Philippines posted 170 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, even as the active tally dropped to 9,058.",8 +7,MARINA issues cease and desist order vs. company of MT Princess Empress,6 +13,"True representation of the people in a constitutional convention may be possible if close relatives of incumbent politicians will be disqualified from running as delegates, Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel III said Monday.",12 +14,"Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will make a one-day official visit to the Philippines on Wednesday, where he and counterpart President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will hold talks on strengthening bilateral relations between Manila and Kuala Lumpur, senior Philippine officials and diplomats said.",13 +9,"The Philippines recorded more than 200 COVID-19 cases for the third straight day on Sunday, data released by the Department of Health (DOH) showed.",8 +4,"Congress, DOJ to work on legislation for comfort women reparation",3 +13,"CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines – Averse to debate and media in general, presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. faced the media this week, but the press conference in Cagayan de Oro (CDO) was controlled, while CNN Philippines skipped the hot issue of non-payment of estate tax in its sitdown interview.",12 +2,"The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has provided P769,000 worth of farm machinery and equipment to four agrarian reform beneficiaries’ organizations (ARBOs) in four towns of Camarines Sur, benefiting around 200 disaster-affected farmers.",1 +8,"Senator JV Ejercito on Wednesday suggested that center and a scanning system for Philippine National Police (PNP) checkpoints be set up, saying this could more easily apprehend violators and avoid discrimination against motorcycle riders.",7 +7,Senate probe into Degamo killing set for April 17,6 +7,7th suspect in Laguna hazing death undergoes inquest proceedings,6 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for Grand Lotto 6/55 and Mega Lotto 6/45 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offices (PCSO) on Monday, May 1.",14 +9,"Philippines posts 144 new COVID-19 infections; active cases at 9,117",8 +9,DOH reports 202 new Covid-19 cases,8 +10,Customers of water concessionaire Maynilad Water Services Inc. in portions of Metro Manila and Cavite should brace for a week-long water service interruption beginning this Sunday.,9 +7,"MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. on Monday said they now have a ""strong evidence"" to identify the mastermind behind the March 4 attack that resulted in the death of Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo and eight others.",6 +13,Marcos orders reorganization of PCO,12 +7,A former Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) official was arrested for allegedly extorting money using his knowledge from his previous job.,6 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) and World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday held a Philippine Genomic Surveillance Consortium Stakeholder Summit to develop a roadmap and expand genomic surveillance of pathogens to safeguard public health.,8 +7,"The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) on Thursday said it has issued cease and desist orders against RDC Reield Marine Services, that owns the sunken MT Princess Empress.",6 +5,SC dismisses coco levy graft case vs. JPE ahead of 99th birthday,4 +3,"MANILA – Catholic priests on Saturday invited the faithful to attend the Palm Sunday Mass on April 2, the start of the Holy Week.",2 +7,PNP respects dismissal of cop in hit-and-run of tricycle driver,6 +13,Dodging ICC probe to affect Philippines' image to investors —Rep. Castro,12 +14,Philippines won’t use EDCA to meddle in China-Taiwan tension – DND,13 +10,DA to help farmers lower production cost as rice prices rise,9 +15,Ticket sold in Misamis Occidental wins P18-M Super Lotto jackpot,14 +8,"MANILA – At least 79 members of the Communist Party of the Philippines - New People's Army (CPP-NPA) have surrendered to different police units in Mimaropa region from January to April 25 this year, according to Brig. Gen. Joel Doria, director of the Police Regional Office (PRO) 4B.",7 +12,Villanueva credits Zubiri for Senate's 'very good' survey rating,11 +9,"Group urges gov’t to address rising student suicide cases, attempts",8 +6,DOF's Diokno: Marcos okay with military pension reform,5 +7,Not all info on Degamo killing can be revealed during Senate hearing – Sec Remulla,6 +6,"ACT says revision of K to 12 curriculum ‘delayed, misguided’",5 +3,"One must be willing to sacrifice, respond to God with gratitude, humility –Cardinal Advincula",2 +10,"Manila Water advises NCR, Rizal customers of service interruptions from May 5-13",9 +13,"BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – For the first time since being elected as president, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. goes up to the City of Pines to join the Philippines’ military, police, and political elite at the Philippine Military Academy (PMA)",12 +6,Senate public order panel pitches POGO operations in a controlled zone,5 +14,"MANILA – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) led by Indonesia this year is eyeing an economic cooperation-centered thrust in the Indo-Pacific, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Wednesday.",13 +5,Final SC ruling on BGC row start of Taguig’s ‘new chapter’,4 +9,MANILA – The country's coverage for vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) among children is below 60 percent with the ongoing pandemic as the primary culprit.,8 +5,Probe into Occidental Mindoro power crisis pushed in Senate,4 +6,"MANILA – Local government units (LGUs) have until March 31 to submit their proposed climate change adaptation projects and programs to the People’s Survival Fund (PSF) Board, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) announced Wednesday.",5 +7,DOJ mulls placing Degamo slay suspects under lookout bulletin,6 +7,Two South Koreans who are allegedly wanted for crimes in their country have been arrested by the Bureau of Immigration (BI).,6 +5,CTA voids tax assessment on oil firm's alkylate importation,4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – From Ferdinand to Ferdinand, and from nephew to uncle.",12 +1,Pag-IBIG members save record-high P39.84-B under MP2 program,0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In 2017, former president Fidel Ramos, a private citizen by then, laid out a vision for the Philippines to engage with a changing world. The position the country must take, he said, was not one that saw Filipinos “independent” but isolated, but one that sought genuine cooperation with allies, both old and new.",12 +3,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has directed the new chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr., to make his presence felt and like other top cops before him, “serve the people with integrity, with accountability, and genuine justice.”",2 +9,Bodies of all 4 Cessna passengers retrieved,8 +6,EO creating inter-agency body to look into labor cases signed,5 +13,"Congress proclaims Marcos, Duterte in record time",12 +7,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday said he has directed the Philippine National Police (PNP) to identify crime hotspots in the country following the high-profile killings of local officials, including Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo on March 4.",6 +6,QC solon's bill allows Pinoys to exchange trash for cash,5 +9,"OCTA: NCR weekly COVID-19 positivity rate at 20.4% as of May 3, 2023",8 +2,Use of improvised license plates require LTO authorization — Tugade,1 +7,SEC issues revocation order vs Rappler in last 2 days of Duterte presidency,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr said on Monday, January 24, that he will not be publicizing his Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALNs), making him the only one out of the top presidential bets to refuse to release this document.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Another suspect in the killing of former Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo surrendered to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) over the weekend, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Monday, March 20.",6 +13,Para kang nakabaril ng elepante': Teves says he and Bantag are being eyed by gov't as 'trophies',12 +6,"House leader makes last-ditch effort to sway DICT, extend SIM registration period",5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In an apparent change of heart, House leaders will move to restore the reduced budget of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) in 2023, Ako-Bicol Representative Zaldy Co said.",5 +10,"Potential cyclone may bring scattered rains to Southern Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao",9 +14,"Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala arrived in Manila on Sunday evening, April 16, for a two-day visit where he and President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. are expected to discuss issues of mutual interest, as well as prepare the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and the Czech Republic this October.",13 +13,Vergeire admits DOH chief post not offered to her,12 +14,"BANGKOK, Thailand – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday, November 17, on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.",13 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Most Filipinos – 89% – are satisfied with the way democracy currently exists in the Philippines, according to the Social Weather Stations 2022 annual review.",11 +15,Pilgrim relics of St. Therese to visit Diocese of Novaliches,14 +14,Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala arrives in the Philippines,13 +9,"The Philippines reported 305 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday and the highest active case total in 12 days, data released by the Department of Health (DOH) showed.",8 +2,PhilSA to use spaceborne data to study environmental trends,1 +9,"Toxic red tide monitored in 4 areas in VisMin, BFAR says",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – For over five years and counting, former senator Leila de Lima has been detained in the Camp Crame Custodial Center, waiting out the resolution of drug-related charges filed against her by the Duterte administration in 2017.",12 +15,(Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story referred to the respondents as the students rather than Filipino adults.),14 +14,"PH, US set 2 iterations of 2023 Cope Thunder joint exercise",13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said on Thursday, June 9, the panel investigating the killings of nine activists in Calabarzon – an incident eventually known as Bloody Sunday – will exert their “best efforts” to resolve the cases before their term ends.",7 +7,"MANILA – Forty-seven personnel of the Philippine National Police - Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG), including a former chief, were found to have criminal and administrative liability in the massive cover-up involving PHP6.7 billion worth of confiscated shabu in Manila last year, a police official said on Saturday.",6 +13,"2022 SONA: Shrunken display of dissent, warm welcome for Marcos in Batasang Pambansa",12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) has allowed adults aged 50 and above, and those aged 18 to 49, to get their second COVID-19 booster shot.",8 +13,The chief from the North: Who is Benjamin Acorda Jr?,12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – It is possible for President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to keep strong economic ties with China, while still being firm on asserting the Philippines’ rights in the West Philippine Sea, said retired Supreme Court senior justice Antonio Carpio.",13 +7,"MANILA – A series of raids of seven warehouses or cold storage facilities yielded an estimated PHP120 million worth of suspected smuggled frozen poultry and seafood products, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) said Sunday.",6 +7,"MANILA – The House Committee on Agriculture and Food will resume on Tuesday its inquiry into the alleged hoarding of agriculture products, seen to have induced the skyrocketing of prices of onion and other farm products, House Speaker Martin Romualdez said in a statement on Sunday.",6 +1,Inflation further cools to 6.6 in April,0 +14,Marcos welcomed by King Charles III's representatives in UK,13 +13,LOOK: PH Fleet welcomes Nichols Driz as new commander,12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – In most Filipino families, there is at least one person with aspirations to be an overseas Filipino worker (OFW).",11 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has named Gregorio Catapang Jr. as the new director general of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor), according to appointment papers shared by the Department of Justice (DOJ).   “The Department would like to express its full support to the new Director General of the Bureau of Corrections in his endeavor,” the DOJ said in a statement on Friday.   “Together, we will pursue the planned projects and programs for the betterment of the bureau and the welfare of our PDLs (persons deprived of liberty),” it added.",12 +10,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday expressed hope that containing and cleaning the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro province would not last for months.",9 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has approved the issuance of an Executive Order (EO) that would operationalize the country's under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Secretary Arsenio Balisacan reported.",5 +10,Sustainable water provided to low-income households in Boracay,9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines on Tuesday said it had filed a diplomatic protest with China for unilaterally declaring a South China Sea fishing ban, also of harassment and violations of its jurisdiction by Beijing’s coast guard.",6 +13,Solon seeks Guanzon's return as P3WD party-list representative,12 +7,Ex-CA justice Sadang completes panel that will review PNP resignations,6 +1,DepEd official says MOA to procure P2.4-B worth outdated laptops defective,0 +13,WATCH: Leody de Guzman releases campaign jingle ‘Manggagawa Naman’,12 +8,"Live fire, combat readiness drills carried out at Balikatan 2023",7 +4,The House Committee on Human Rights has approved a bill providing safeguards to human rights workers.,3 +12,"The proposal to implement the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) in college has broad support across different socio-economic classes and different age groups, including college-aged individuals.",11 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – July 2022,8 +7,BI: Up to P5M offer for BI blacklist removal a scam,6 +7,DOJ Sec Remulla also ordered NBI to probe Cebu hazing — spox,6 +8,"SAN ANTONIO, Philippines – US and Philippine armed forces unleashed a volley of missiles on a mock enemy warship in the South China Sea on Wednesday, April 26, in a show of military power and a strengthening alliance at a time of rising regional tension.",7 +9,DOH approves second Covid-19 booster shot for general population,8 +10,MANILA – Local airlines on Monday shared guidelines and reminders for travelers this Holy Week and the summer season when a huge volume of passengers is expected in airports.,9 +7,"BOC seizes P104M worth of illegally imported onions, sugar, cigarettes",6 +5,"Malacañang has updated the inventory of exceptions to the right to information, which now includes documents on the surveillance of suspects under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.",4 +13,Malacañang defends ‘private time’ of ‘matinee idol’ Marcos at Singapore Grand Prix,12 +7,"Marcos, Sara Duterte condemn killing of ex-Lamitan mayor, 2 others",6 +10,"The Police Regional Office 4B has donated more than P1.2 million cash to poor families affected by the oil spill in Pola, Oriental Mindoro.",9 +7,"The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) said Wednesday it already filed formal administrative charges against the owner of the sunken motor tanker Princess Empress in Oriental Mindoro, which has caused a massive oil spill in various areas.",6 +7,Blue Ribbon wraps up probe on alleged human trafficking in NAIA,6 +2,Philippines lost at least half of mangrove areas from 1918 to 2010,1 +9,Solidum cites genomics research's contribution to PH healthcare,8 +13,"Arroyo, PDP-Laban back Marcos cousin Martin Romualdez as next Speaker",12 +13,MANILA – Senator Alan Peter Cayetano assured the agriculture and employment sectors that they will not be left behind once the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will be implemented.,12 +8,Maritime cooperation with US to help PH protect WPS,7 +12,SWS: Top PH gov’t institutions receive ‘very good’ net satisfaction rating,11 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Wearing of face masks when outdoors is now optional in the Philippines.",9 +7,"A tricycle driver who stopped for traffic was shot dead by an unidentified assailant on a motorcycle while plying the streets of Tondo, Manila early morning on Sunday.",6 +7,Senator Cynthia Villar on Saturday said the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) must prove that they had no fault after allowing the ill-fated MT Princess Empress to sail despite the absence of a necessary license.,6 +7,NBI exec claims Teves threatened him over e-sabong,6 +14,Biden reaffirms US support to PH over attacks at sea,13 +2,"The decision of the Department of Transportation to centralize all procurements with a budget of P50 million and above has resulted in the shortage of the plastic cards being used in the printing of driver’s license, a top official of the Land Transportation Office disclosed on Thursday, April 20.",1 +7,"Senator Ronald ‘’Bato’’  dela Rosa, chairman of the Senate Public Order and Dangerous Drugs Committee, on Saturday, April 15, said his blood boils over the alleged involvement of some ranking Philippine National Police (PNP) officers in the alleged theft of the seized drugs weighing 999 kilos.",6 +9,Philippines detects one case of Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5,8 +6,CHED to work with MARINA in implementing reforms suggested by EU for Filipino seafarers,5 +13,Remulla to attend Senate hearing on Degamo slay,12 +6,A House leader is prodding the Senate to speed up passage of its version of the measure calling for the construction of permanent evacuation centers nationwide.,5 +3,PBBM hopes spirit of Lent inspires Filipinos to serve others,2 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has adjusted other scheduled activities for the Oct. 30 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).,12 +8,The crewmen of BRP Malapascua and BRP Teresa Magbanua were honored for their efforts to patrol the West Philippine Sea and protect Filipino fishermen's safety and rights.,7 +4,"Women all over the world continue to break the glass ceiling and achieve greater heights in various fields.  But the struggle remains as millions remain undervalued, deprived and not treated equally in society.",3 +13,Organized violence' in Negros Oriental 'hard to accept' for Dela Rosa,12 +7,"MANILA – Four foreign nationals implicated in the kidnap for ransom and killing of a Filipino-Chinese businessman in Quezon City have been arrested, the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Group (PNP-AKG) said on Saturday.",6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – For at least seven years – and in some cases, 13 – millions of Filipino families received a total of P537.39 billion in cash assistance or ayuda from the government, as of June 30, 2021.",0 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Easter Sunday, April 9, urged Filipinos to take the celebration as a time for renewal and recovery.",2 +11,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Saturday called on Filipinos to join in the fight against climate change and participate in the 2023 Earth Hour on Saturday night.,10 +15,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez craved for Filipino food during his extended stay in the United States (US), particularly in the country's capital of Washington DC.",14 +14,EU nod shows PH maritime education reforms bearing fruit: CHED,13 +8,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday, May 3, said the Philippines does not need PH-US Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites if there are no bullies in the South China Sea.",7 +15,LOOK: Clarita Carlos shares photo of doll-like Russian woman,14 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), sent its appeal brief to the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Appeals Chamber, urging the body to suspend its probe into drug war killings in the country.",4 +10,"Warm, humid weather to prevail across PH",9 +10,"MANILA – The Philippines will soon enjoy a wider and better interconnectivity, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Tuesday, as he the subsea cable system project of Converge ICT Solutions Inc. and Keppel and Transport (T&T) Ltd.",9 +10,Mindoro oil spill affected locals to receive alternative livelihood training,9 +6,Bill empowering PBBM to suspend PhilHealth premium hike OK'd,5 +8,"After Degamo slay, Marcos orders cops to probe ‘political hot spots’",7 +13,"Leni Robredo, 14th vice president of the Republic of the Philippines, will be stepping down from office by noon on June 30, 2022.",12 +9,"Activities rebels in Masbate have surged to ""alarming rate,"" causing  learning disruption in the province, the Department of Education said Thursday.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – justice secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said that for now, the government of president-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. would not be “rocking the boat” by abolishing 1987 creations that directly impacted their family.",12 +13,"December deadline is for consolidation, not phaseout: LTFRB",12 +7,Immigration officer in hot water over links to human trafficking,6 +6,Majority of unsuccessful gov’t procurements fail during invitation to bid stage —GPPB,5 +5,"MANILA -- A Muntinlupa court has ordered the arrest of former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and former BuCor deputy for security Ricardo Zulueta in connection with their alleged part in the murder of a person deprived of liberty (PDL), Cristito “Jun” Villamor, who is the alleged middleman in the killing of newsman Percival “Ka Percy Lapid” Mabasa last October.",4 +5,"Comelec’s Garcia, CSC’s Nograles hurdle CA after bypass in June",4 +10,"MANILA – The Social Security System (SSS) has given the mother of slain overseas Filipino worker (OFW), Jullebee Ranara, proceeds of benefit claims.",9 +10,The Department of Social Welfare and Development on Saturday distributed assistance to families affected by the oil spill from the sunken motor tanker MT Princess Empress in Oriental Mindoro.,9 +14,PBBM to strengthen PH-UK trade partnership,13 +1,Gov’t seeks lower food prices with cost-efficient supply chain,0 +8,"Live-fire exercise shows PAF aircraft interoperability, firepower",7 +11,"MANILA – As the the 37th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Saturday urged his fellow Filipinos to seek “peace, unity, and reconciliation.”",10 +2,Gatchalian wants foreign universities to operate in PH,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Six years after he took his oath as 16th Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte stepped out of Malacañang before noon on Thursday, June 30, bidding goodbye to his Manila home and office for the past years, and the presidency.",12 +2,Nearly 60K cops to secure Labor Day events,1 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Once upon a time when Fidel V. Ramos was president, journalists who reported critically on his government were not served subpoenas or issued shutdown orders. They got invited to lunch or coffee instead.",9 +7,Evidence gathered by the House Committee on Dangerous Drugs support Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos' pronouncements that there was a “massive attempt to cover-up” dismissed Police Master Sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr.’s arrest on drug-related charges during a raid in October 2022.,6 +14,"MANILA – The Senate leadership is looking to forge more partnerships with Japan, particularly the Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) and a United States-like Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).",13 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health had reported that some 31.3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were wasted due to “natural disaster, temperature excursion, and underdosing.”",1 +7,"The Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) have until Wednesday, April 19, to submit additional evidence on the charges of illegal possession of firearms and explosives filed against suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” A. Teves Jr. and his two sons, Axel and Kurt Matthew.",6 +7,P10 million fine on shipowners for oil spill eyed in House bill,6 +6,Exchanging one's trash for cold cash could a reality if and when this bill from Quezon City 5th district Rep. PM Vargas gets approved by Congress.,5 +11,Aquinos remember heroism that restored democracy on 37th EDSA People Power anniversary,10 +7,Teves has 24 hours to appear before House panel or face sanctions,6 +15,HIGHLIGHTS: Burial of slain Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo,14 +13,"MANILA – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Thursday said the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) seemed to be setting a ""trap"" for the government to reviving peace talks rebels.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) acquitted Rappler and its chief executive officer Maria Ressa of four charges of tax evasion on Wednesday, January 18.",6 +9,"The Philippines remains at low risk for COVID-19, enough for the government to allow a voluntary mask policy in outdoor settings.",8 +13,"Pangilinan uses Senate experience, Robredo’s VP example in Comelec debate",12 +6,Transport strike shows need to enact motorcycle-for-hire bill,5 +5,Ex-solon’s co-accused loses plea for more evidence in graft case,4 +6,"Senator Christopher “Bong” Go renewed his push for the passage of his very own Senate Bill (SB) No.1191, which seeks to provide a Magna Carta for Seafarers.",5 +6,"Senate bill seeks automatic refund for telco, ISP service interruptions",5 +6,WASHINGTON — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has approved an executive order creating an that will strengthen the coordination and facilitate the resolution of labor cases in the country.,5 +2,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) a farm-to-market road (FMR) in South Cotabato, which it said, will serve as a connection between upland to the town proper of Surallah.",1 +5,"In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court explained when the crime of rape through penetration is considered consummated.",4 +14,The 2023 Balikatan Exercise between the armed forces of the Philippines and United States has officially closed on Friday.,13 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine House lawmakers had a “frank and candid” discussion with their European counterparts on the issues of human rights abuses in the country, a ranking leader of the lower chamber said, but he told them not to use a consequential trade agreement as a negotiating tool.",3 +6,"The Department of Education (DepEd), under the leadership of Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte, sought the assistance of its partners to implement priority interventions and key reform objectives for the country’s basic education sector.",5 +8,"PH, US sink target ship in Balikatan exercise off Zambales",7 +7,LTO to run after choosy cab drivers as people troop back to NCR after Holy Week,6 +3,"Ahead of the observance of Labor Day on May 1, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Sunday told Filipino workers not to lose courage, diligence, and hope despite the challenges in life.",2 +13,"The Executive Department needs to issue a ""concrete and very strong"" statement against illegal drugs, former president Rodrigo Duterte said Wednesday.",12 +8,"The United States has pledged US$100 million or over P5.5 billion for the acquisition of medium-lift helicopters for disaster response and operations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Defense department officer in charge Carlito Galvez has said.",7 +14,"Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian, along with his country’s ships and artificial islands in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), should pack up and leave.",13 +7,Former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) deputy security officer Ricardo Zulueta has filed his counter-affidavit denying his involvement in the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid and inmate and alleged middleman Jun Villamor.,6 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday greeted his predecessor, former president Rodrigo R. Duterte, a happy birthday, vowing to continue the good projects and programs he began during his term.",12 +10,"MANILA – About 4,000 displaced sugarcane field workers in Calabarzon would benefit from the more than PHP79 million worth of livelihood assistance and emergency employment to be provided by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).",9 +2,"DepEd eyes hiring 10,000 new teachers in 2023",1 +7,"MANILA – A 31-year-old Korean fugitive who was about to leave the country, was apprehended at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Monday.",6 +14,"The Philippines and the United States (US) will advance partnerships and exchanges on varied issues involving economic and environmental security, chief among them are public health emergency resiliency, virology and vaccines, renewably energy, marine protection, and food security.",13 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Media should follow their audience on popular platforms like TikTok, journalists urged their colleagues on World Press Freedom Day.",11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Party-list group Bicol Saro, which has one seat in the 19th Congress, has a new representative in the House of Representatives.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Jose Maria “Joma” Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has died, the CPP announcement on Saturday, December 17. He was 83.",12 +7,BOC seizes undeclared USD167-K from Korean traveler,6 +14,"Gov’t to review tripartite agreement with US, Japan: Marcos",13 +14,"PH, China agree to establish ‘more lines of communication�� on West Philippine Sea",13 +10,Several domestic and international flights were delayed due to the radar system maintenance work at the Philippine Air Traffic Management Center (ATMC) on Wednesday.,9 +14,Israel wants 'major' part in AFP modernization program: envoy,13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on Saturday, January 21, that it is investigating an incident involving a Chinese coast guard vessel (CCGV) that allegedly shooed away a Filipino fishing boat in Ayungin Shoal earlier in January.",7 +2,"PH has 3,992 new lawyers",1 +14,"MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Friday asked China to engage the Philippines based on “truth and goodwill”, citing a disconnect in their statements and what is actually happening in the West Philippine Sea days after the laser-pointing incident at the Ayungin Shoal.",13 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) is targeting 28.6 million basic education enrollees for school year 2022 to 2023 – over a million students more than the previous school year.",1 +12,Voters approve creation of 2 new barangays in Marawi,11 +7,"UP professor, ex-union leader arrested over alleged violation of SSS remittance",6 +2,"Sunken tanker was carrying 900K liters of industrial fuel oil, not 800K —PCG",1 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Sunday, April 23 that the country will continue to experience partly cloudy to cloudy weather with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms in the next 24 hours.",9 +15,Two bettors win P82.1-M Lotto 6/42 jackpot,14 +8,"MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) officer in charge, Lt. Gen. Rhodel Sermonia, on Wednesday inspected bus terminals, seaports, and airports in Metro Manila ahead of the annual exodus of travelers for the Holy Week.",7 +7,SC affirms acquittal of ex-AFP general Ligot of tax evasion,6 +12,Returning Filipinos grapple with reverse culture shock,11 +10,At least four senators expressed dismay Monday over the supposed poor management of the country’s main airport after a power outage hit Ninoy Aquino International Airport on Labor Day.,9 +7,The fight between Senator Cynthia A. Villar and the BF Resort Village Homeowners Association in Las Pinas City may go into its second round.,6 +10,"3,992 pass the 2022 Bar Exams",9 +13,Last day of voter registration for 2023 barangay polls draws sizable crowds,12 +7,Prosecutors tasked to see cases through from buildup to ruling,6 +2,700 NBP prison guards relieved — Catapang,1 +4,36 Years: The decades-old fight for equality,3 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The push for a sovereign wealth fund and the return of mandatory military training for the youth were among the first measures endorsed by the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC) under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",5 +14,The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on Sunday said allowing the United States to designate four new sites for the full implementation of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) and restarting joint patrols in the South China Sea leaves the Philippines caught between the US and China should a war break out between the two powers.,13 +10,"The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) reported an airline on-time performance (OTP) of 81.53% on Wednesday, April 5, with 1.2 million passengers expected over the Lenten break.",9 +2,The Philippines reportedly has lost about half of mangrove or “bakawan” over the past years.,1 +4,Press freedom advocates: Rappler tax case victory ‘a win for journalists’,3 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Defense and security engagement remains the pillar of the long-standing alliance of the United States and Philippines.",13 +7,The Philippine government on Wednesday evening deported the remaining two Japanese fugitives who are wanted for alleged theft in their country.,6 +14,"PH, Japan to further beef up defense engagements",13 +3,"The Catholic Church urged penitents to resort to other ways of atoning for their sins after several Catillejos, Zambales devotees were once again beaten and dragged along the streets during this year's Holy Week.",2 +13,IBP: NSC embarrassed Duterte gov’t with baseless bid to shut down websites,12 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday assured the public that there would be no rice shortage in the country in months.,1 +14,"Philippines to send $200K aid, in-kind relief assistance to quake-hit Syria",13 +13,"A ""go-getter"" Speaker of the House of Representatives.",12 +1,"Stay the course with us', Romualdez asks investors in US",0 +2,"Parts of Makati, QC, San Juan, Rizal waterless April 20-22, 24-25",1 +13,Padilla 1st non-lawyer to head Senate charter change panel since 1986,12 +4,Groups call on government to ensure better access to women’s healthcare,3 +2,"ACT calls on DepEd to add classroom facilities, reduce class sizes",1 +2,"It would take 12 to 23 years for the country to address the shortage of nurses and doctors, respectively, under the current situation, the Department of Health (DOH) said Thursday.",1 +7,Marcos to ask Interpol to issue blue notice vs. Degamo slay suspects,6 +14,MANILA – The Philippines and India have renewed to further enhancing their defense cooperation during the 4th Joint Defense Cooperation Committee (JDCC) and 2nd Service-to-Service (STS) Meeting held in New Delhi on March 31.,13 +3,"Keep Holy Week activities sacred, faithful urged",2 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Though he has benefitted from a plea bargain affirmed by the Supreme Court, the family of retired major general Carlos Garcia is not covered by that agreement.",12 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Thursday said it is all set to hold the special elections in the seventh legislative district of the province of Cavite on Saturday.,12 +14,"Japan, Australia, Germany raise concerns over China's use of laser vs. Philippine ship",13 +7,"The license plate of the suspected getaway vehicle in the fatal ambush of Aparri, Cagayan Vice Mayor Rommel Alameda and five others in Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya on Sunday was a stolen one, police said.",6 +10,Various services being offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) will soon go digital as the agency formalized its collaboration with the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT).,9 +7,"The remaining suspects in the March 4 killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo are still in the Negros island region, police said Tuesday.",6 +15,Senior citizen in Davao del Sur claims P35-M lotto jackpot,14 +7,The camp of former Senator Leila de Lima on Monday said that convicted drug dealer Herbert Colanggo failed to present evidence to prove that she was involved in drug transactions during her stint as Justice secretary.,6 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Wednesday, February 9, perp walked or presented to the media, a man whom it was considering to be a person of interest in the supposed threat on TikTok to kill presidential front runner Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",7 +10,"Almost a hundred thousand Oriental Mindoro residents have now been affected by the oil spill from the motor tanker that sank weeks ago, the provincial governor said Monday.",9 +1,Kadiwa ng Pangulo' earns over P5-M in just 3 months,0 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Thursday said former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag, the alleged mastermind in the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid, has expressed his wish to surrender.",6 +2,Maynilad pipe repairs to further cut water losses,1 +12,"At least 69 percent of Filipinos who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 are still doubtful about one of the anti-virus measures almost three years since the pandemic started, according to the Social Weather Station (SWS) survey results posted on Thursday.",11 +7,"BIR forms task force vs traders using fake receipts, invoices",6 +9,Comelec allows OVP to continue COVID-19 programs 2 months since exemption bid,8 +10,Number of hungry Filipino families increased to 3 million in December 2022 – SWS,9 +14,WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has taken up with the Chinese government the recent incident wherein a Filipino and Chinese vessel nearly crashed off Spratly Islands.,13 +9,MANILA – Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian on Tuesday presided over a video call meeting with the different field offices (FOs) to check on the preparedness of the regional directors and other concerned officials for the El Niño phenomenon.,8 +7,Solon seeks crackdown vs. online job scammers,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Just before a ceremonial turn over of the proposed 2023 budget from the executive to the House of Representatives on Monday, August 22, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman promised to “coordinate closely” with lawmakers to make sure the budget passes on time, before Congress goes on leave for the 2022 holidays.",12 +11,"Public told: ‘Remember, honor, emulate valor of Filipino veterans’",10 +2,NWRB cuts water allocation for irrigation,1 +9,"DILG, BFP warn public as April fire incidents surge by nearly 40%",8 +7,Murder complaints filed vs 3 suspects in Degamo killing,6 +3,"PNP, OPAPRU join Muslim ‘ummah’ in Eid’l Fitr celebration",2 +7,The Sandiganbayan has found two former Department of Agriculture (DA) officials in Region 1 guilty of six counts of graft in connection with the 2004 fertilizer fund scam.,6 +10,"No tropical cyclone is expected to affect the country until weekend, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Friday morning, April 21.",9 +1,"MANILA – The Philippines is poised to ship an initial 7,500 metric tons of durian to China in March, Malacañang announced on Thursday.",0 +7,"The conviction of dismissed cop Jeffrey Sumbo Perez over the killing of teenagers Carl Angelo Arnaiz and Reynaldo ""Kulot"" De Guzman proves the country’s justice system is “operational,” the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) said Tuesday.",6 +6,"The proposed fare discount for public utility vehicles (PUVs) has been approved and is set to take effect in Metro Manila next month, Joseph Morong reported on “24 Oras” on Wednesday.",5 +10,DSWD ready to assist those who will be affected by El Niño,9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Valenzuela City 1st District Representative Rex Gatchalian has been appointed secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the Presidential Communications Office announced on Tuesday, January 31.",12 +7,Six persons of interest in the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig arrived on Thursday at the Department of Justice (DOJ) for inquest proceedings.,6 +5,The Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional the rules that prohibit losing candidates from being included in the list of nominees for party-list representatives.,4 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – After reeling from the surge in infections driven by the highly contagious COVID-19 Omicron variant, all regions in the country are now under minimal risk case classification, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, March 22.",8 +3,"Newly-installed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda, Jr. vowed on Monday, April 24, to observe merits and moral ascendancy in the promotion and placements of key posts in the organization amid the ongoing controversy of cops’ alleged involvement in illegal drugs activities.",2 +9,"DOH records 176 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 9,120",8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Napuno ng galak at saya ang kalye ng Padre Faura sa Maynila dahil sa mga pumasa sa Bar.",9 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – The satisfaction rate of presidential candidate Vice President Leni Robredo dipped in the survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations for the last quarter of 2021.",11 +2,"1,420 out of 2,275 pass April 2023 Pharmacists Licensure exams — PRC",1 +8,"Philippine security forces were able to recover eight landmines, 1,747 rounds of ammunition, and 180 meters of electrical wire in the same Albay province area where the bodies of four victims of a Cessna plane crash were being recovered.",7 +2,PAL expands services; targets SMEs,1 +1,"As the deadline for the filing of tax returns (ITR) approaches, Senator  Sherwin Gatchalian is urging taxpayers to settle their obligation as soon as possible.",0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Residents of Negros Oriental bid farewell to late Governor Roel Degamo on Thursday, March 16.",12 +3,Filipinos asked to pray for Pope Francis’s speedy recovery,2 +10,MANILA – The Land Transportation Office (LTO) on Tuesday launched a new digital service that allows the public to and suggestions to the agency using their mobile phones.,9 +8,"MANILA – The offshore patrol vessel BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS-17), which is assigned to the Naval Forces West (NFW), rescued six people aboard a distressed motorboat off Ulugan Bay in Palawan on Easter Sunday.",7 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Former police chief Camilo Cascolan’s appointment to the Department of Health (DOH) drew public ire, as critics questioned his qualifications for the position.",11 +9,Why is early breast cancer detection important?,8 +14,MANILA – The Philippines and Japan are looking to have more substantial defense engagements in years.,13 +6,"State-run banks Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) and Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), the designated fund sources of loans for the proposed Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) modernization program, said prices of new PUVs should be reduced for the program to be viable for drivers.",5 +3,The Divine Mercy Philippines is inviting the faithful to join the Luzon Apostolic Congress on Mercy (LUACOM) 2023 on April 20 to 21 at the Malolos Convention Center in Bulacan.,2 +13,Senator Imee Marcos wonders why the Philippine government should rely on foreigners for its external defense.,12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Most Filipinos think the worst is over with the COVID-19 pandemic.",11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In his first speech as the 17th President of the Republic, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made a promise: He’d “get it done.”",12 +14,US provides add’l P10-M aid to Mindoro oil spill response,13 +13,De Lima: Guevarra needs more spine,12 +7,One of the suspects involved in the death of John Matthew Salilig expressed remorse over the incident and vowed to cooperate with authorities.,6 +9,"Metro Manila Covid-19 positivity rate increasing, may reach 20% — OCTA",8 +9,More than two thousand new Covid-19 cases were recorded by the Department of Health (DOH) in the past week.,8 +7,Gov’t eyes seizure of ‘getaway’ chopper in Degamo killing,6 +9,"PCUP, POPCOM join hands for stronger reproductive health programs",8 +6,Marcos approves creation of single operating system for all gov’t transactions,5 +6,Senate adopts resolution hailing Julie Uychiat for World Marathon Challenge win,5 +7,BI foils another human trafficking via NAIA,6 +14,DFA: Contingency plans ready for OFWs in Taiwan in case tension sparks; 'friendship to all',13 +7,"BI receives hold departure order vs. Bantag, Zulueta",6 +7,"As former Senator Leila De Lima nears six years in detention, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Monday said he does not personally object to a possible bail plea from her camp.",6 +5,SC asked to stop enforcement of law on SIM registration,4 +6,"Lawmaker seeks P5,000 cash grant for fresh grad jobseekers",5 +6,"The proposed Military and Uniform Personnel (MUP)  pension reforms must apply only to new entrants, Senator Christopher ‘’Bong’’ Go said on Tuesday, April 11.",5 +15,2022 Bar Exam passers,14 +13,Marcos endorses BIR campaign to pay ‘correct’ taxes but mum on family’s P203-B estate tax,12 +1,"MANILA – Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Monday announced the increase of the Senate regular employees' inflationary adjustment from PHP12,000 to PHP50,000 this August.",0 +6,DOLE: Regional wage boards reviewing 10 wage hike petitions,5 +13,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday questioned why the International Criminal Court (ICC) was investigating the government's drug war and not the drug cartels.,12 +9,"BuCor suspends PDLs’ visitation privileges at Bilibid, CIW due to Covid-19",8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Thursday, January 19, amid rain from the shear line.",9 +12,"Labor groups over the weekend expressed their opposition to the National Government Rightsizing Bill, which aims to restructure government agencies under the Executive department, arguing that this could lead to the release of rank-and-file employees.",11 +13,"FULL TEXT: Honor the Senate’s heritage as ‘a bulwark of democracy, independence’ – Recto",12 +5,"SC junks petition vs. Pichay for being moot, academic",4 +2,"MANILA – The Land Bank of the Philippines (Landbank) is working to accelerate the adoption of cashless payments in public markets by providing market vendors, consumers, and local transport drivers with bank accounts capable of sending and receiving funds through a Quick Response (QR) code.",1 +13,"House Senior Deputy Speaker and former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo went to the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) in San Narciso, Zambales on Friday, April 21 to help unveil the statue of a towering figure in her life.",12 +2,Poe laments ‘drought of common goals’ amid looming water crisis,1 +6,"MANILA – A bill emancipating agrarian reform beneficiaries from financial burden through condonation under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) is awaiting the signature of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., House Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto said on Monday.",5 +4,Lawyer who survived slay attempt in Iloilo wins human rights award,3 +6,SRA amends rules to allow seized smuggled sugar to be sold at Kadiwa stores,5 +2,"MANILA – The Manila Water Company (Manila Water) on Tuesday announced that its customers in several parts of the cities of Makati, Quezon, Mandaluyong, Pasig and Taguig, and the municipality of Pateros in Metro Manila will experience water interruption due to service improvement activities from March 8 to 10.",1 +13,Zubiri maintains Senate not ignoring Charter change,12 +9,17 PH provinces among top at-risk areas for climate damage —report,8 +14,Marcos eyes US green bonds ahead of Biden meeting,13 +14,Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Wednesday that the South China Sea dispute should be resolved amicably at a multilateral level.,13 +9,"There have been fewer fires but more deaths and greater property damage in the first quarter of to the same period last year, the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) said Monday.",8 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has ordered prosecutors of the National Prosecution Service to take an active role in the investigation of certain crimes, particularly during the case build-up.",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) gave the green light to transfer to the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) the two fraternity brothers of former president Rodrigo Duterte and a police officer.",5 +14,The Philippines and China gave contrasting positions over which one was to blame for the recent near-collision involving the Philippine and Chinese vessels in the Ayungin Shoal.,13 +10,PCG: 8.2 kms of shoreline in 2 Oriental Mindoro towns still contaminated by oil spill,9 +7,Former Negros Oriental Governor Pryde Henry Teves has submitted a counter affidavit denying ownership of guns and explosives retrieved from the he allegedly owned.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., who recently met leaders from the Asia-Pacific region, said no one should be allowed to dictate the Philippines and its neighboring nations regarding the countries’ future.",12 +13,Palace names Bienvenido Rubio as new BOC chief,12 +10,MANILA – Two more stations for the Metro Manila Subway Project (MMSP) are now officially under construction following a groundbreaking ceremony led by the Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Friday.,9 +8,AFP chief visits EDCA sites in Northern Luzon,7 +10,"The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) said that it has provided a total of P860,000 financial assistance to the qualified former rebels of Negros Island under the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (ECLIP).",9 +6,"MANILA – Senator Cynthia Villar on Wednesday delivered Committee Report No. 24 to sponsor the Senate Bill No. (SBN) 1850 or the “New Agrarian Emancipation Act”, which seeks to condone all loans including interests, penalties and surcharges, arising from the award of agriculture lands under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) as of Dec. 31, 2022.",5 +1,The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Tuesday said the Marcos administration has allocated P1.737 billion under this year’s budget for the modernization of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).,0 +7,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, wife of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, expressed disappointment on Friday over the Senate public order and dangerous decision to allow suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. to virtually attend its hearing.",6 +9,"MANILA – The World Health Organization (WHO) is yet to confirm “sticky eyes” or conjunctivitis as a symptom of the XBB.1.1.6 Omicron or Arcturus subvariant, the Department of Health (DOH) said Wednesday.",8 +6,Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista on Wednesday said the government will not move forward phasing out traditional jeepneys until there are enough units of modernized jeepneys to support the demand,5 +6,The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) is pushing for the alert level system be used as a tool and no longer an identifier of what restrictions should be imposed in a particular area amid the COVID-19 pandemic.,5 +14,"Missing from Harris’ meeting with Filipinas: Reproductive health, education",13 +9,"The COVID-19 positivity rate in the National Capital Region (NCR) maintained its upward movement in the past week, posting a 7.2% on Saturday, based on data by independent monitoring group OCTA Research on Monday.",8 +7,Japan has formally asked the Philippine government to deport four of its citizens suspected of directing a series of robberies there while detained in the Philippines.,6 +13,"Cha-cha via con-con a 'disservice' to Filipinos, says Enrile",12 +6,Tulfo seeks review of minimum wage hike policy,5 +6,Tax breaks for IP lawyers eyed,5 +12,‘Takot pamilya ko’: Why police home visits aren’t reassuring,11 +14,"PH, Australia armies kick off 6-week tactical exercise",13 +8,Contact lost with Cessna plane flying from Bicol –CAAP,7 +2,5.1K applicants take BJMP qualifying exam,1 +9,"The establishment of dialysis service facilities in all national, regional, and provincial government hospitals would be possible through the Universal Health Care (UHC) law, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) said Thursday.",8 +6,House panel OKs measures on jabs vs. some diseases for elderly,5 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) on Thursday, September 1, said it was planning to hire 10,000 more teachers in 2023.",1 +13,Retired CA associate justice named new CHR commissioner,12 +14,"The Philippines and Cambodia have strengthened its defense partnership through the recent conduct of the 3rd Philippines-Cambodia Joint Defense Cooperation Committee (JDCC) meeting, the Department of National Defense (DND) disclosed Wednesday, May 3.",13 +10,Pisay's NCE returns; applications open on July 3,9 +8,"CHR: PNP, DepEd should work together amid incidents of school violence",7 +6,Gatchalian renews push for bill creating Virology and Vaccine Institute of the Philippines,5 +2,"The country has 3,992 new lawyers who took their oath before the justices of the Supreme Court (SC), led by Chief Justice Alexander G. Gesmundo, as members of the Philippine Bar on Tuesday, May 2, at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City.",1 +14,What to expect: US Vice President Harris’ visit to PH,13 +2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has sought the implementation of a program that will promote the use of hybrid rice varieties to help increase crop production in the country, Malacañang announced on Wednesday.",1 +7,MANILA – Immigration officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) apprehended a South Korean national who tried to leave the country using a Philippine passport.,6 +3,"On Good Friday, Vice President Sara Duterte expressed hopes that the Lenten season would guide Catholic faithful to set aside differences and uphold solidarity in building a just and humane society.",2 +9,"The owner of motor tanker Princess Empress on Saturday said that the oil spill response effort continues to progress in Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, weeks after the vessel sank.",8 +7,"A security guard found the burned bodies of an unidentified male and female in a vacant lot in Nasugbu, Batangas.",6 +12,"MANILA – The majority, or 91 percent, of adult Filipinos agree with the voluntary wearing of face masks, a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed.",11 +10,Briones on ‘MaJoHa’: Learning crisis inherited from past administrations,9 +13,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) has appointed a new director of its Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) following the controversy surrounding the alleged massive cover-up for Police Master Sgt. Rodolfo Mayo, Jr. who was tagged in the P6.7 billion drug haul in Manila last year.",12 +15,Senator Cynthia Villar has distributed cash rewards to the chorale groups that won in the Villar SIPAG’s Inter-Parish Chorale Competition held at the San Ezekiel Moreno Oratory at Villar Sipag Center in Las Piñas City.,14 +14,WASHINGTON —President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. met US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at the Pentagon on Wednesday morning.,13 +8,Escudero wants all-out war vs. hired guns using intel funds,7 +6,MANILA – A Senate bill seeks to penalize by as much as PHP1 million any emergency service provider that fails to respond within two hours.,5 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) major lotto games in its 9 p.m. draw on Saturday, April 29.",14 +7,"The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) is not ruling out sabotage as a reason behind the power outage at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3 on Labor Day, a disruption which affected dozens of flights.",6 +2,PNR eyes alternative transpo for riders during 5-year stop operations —exec,1 +5,"The International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Chamber’s rejection of the Philippine government’s appeal to suspend the probe on the Duterte administration’s drug war is an indictment of the country’s judicial system, Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra said Tuesday.",4 +3,"LIVESTREAM: Palm Sunday 2022 – Mass with Bishop Ambo David, CBCP president",2 +9,Senate panel urged to look into National Center for Mental Health’s 'poor condition',8 +8,"MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said the New People's Army’s (NPA) continued use of anti-personnel mines (APMs), which recently killed a young soldier and wounded three others in Albay, justifies their tagging as a terrorist organization.",7 +2,Poe slams LTO's DIY vehicle plates,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines (UP) will enter a new chapter as its Board of Regent (BOR) appointed former regent and lawyer Angelo Jimenez as the new president of the country’s premier state university.",12 +7,"The camp of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves, Jr. has called on the House of Representatives to allow him to virtually participate in congressional proceedings amid the filed against Teves.",6 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla said that once former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Q. Bantag surrenders, he will his detention at the Philippine National Police’s (PNP) custodial center in Quezon City to ensure his safety.",6 +14,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Wednesday witnessed joint littoral live fire exercise of the Philippines and United States armed forces in Zambales as part of their Balikatan Exercise.,13 +2,The Department of Health (DOH) is expecting the bivalent COVID-19 vaccines donated by the COVAX facility and other countries to arrive by the end of March.,1 +2,Manila LGU deploys over 300 vehicles to assist commuters,1 +2,Heavy investment in agri to stop farmers shortage,1 +1,"Aiming to boost the country's ecotourism sector as part of its pandemic recovery, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has called for a shift towards ""regenerative tourism"" to make it ""better than it was before.”",0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Jonathan Malaya, a spokesperson for the Department of the Interior and Local Government during the Duterte administration, has been named the new assistant director general of the National Security Council, the NSC announced on Wednesday, March 8.",12 +7,WATCH: What will happen to the case of Reina Mae Nasino?,6 +14,"US, South Korea ink partnership to boost PH’s climate resilience",13 +1,"As the country’s tourism industry continues to bounce back from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Department of Tourism (DOT) bared that the Philippines has so far recorded more than 1.5 million tourist arrivals with Korea emerging as its top source market.",0 +14,China laser incident vs PH fuels international support for 2016 Hague ruling,13 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed cases over 20 political killings in Negros Oriental from 2019 to 2023, an official said Wednesday.",6 +14,President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. flies out of the country again to participate in ASEAN-EU Summit in Belgium from December 11 to 15. This is his first visit to the European continent as President and his sixth foreign visit since he assumed the presidency six months ago on June 30.,13 +13,"Comelec rejects Pimentel, Pacquiao appeal, affirms Cusi wing heads PDP-Laban",12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – In 2022, 21.7% of Filipinos surveyed reported being unemployed, according to the Social Weather Stations survey.",11 +5,MANILA – The Supreme Court (SC) dismissed against two Quezon City judges and a court social worker by a litigant seeking custody of his child.,4 +6,DICT: No extension of April 26 SIM registration deadline ‘at this point’,5 +10,"PNP, Makati Med ink pact on better health services for cops",9 +5,The Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed a petition assailing the proposed amendments to the by-laws of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) and provisions of the IBP’s 2023 election guidelines.,4 +3,"Marcos to gov't workers: Serve with honesty, efficiency",2 +7,"The Philippine government is eyeing to deport the Japanese fugitives who are wanted for theft in Japan by next week, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Friday.",6 +13,[WATCH] In The Public Square with John Nery: Is Ninoy a hero?,12 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Pope Francis has expressed his solidarity with victims of Tropical Storm Agaton (Megi), offering “prayers for the dead, injured, and displaced as well as those engaged in recovery efforts.”",2 +7,"BI: Only .06% of travelers offloaded due to human trafficking, irregular documents",6 +6,Stricter regulations on alcohol sale and the creation of a task force to implement the government's national action plan are among the suggestions that senators discussed Tuesday to address teenage pregnancies in the country.,5 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Friday, April 1, received a Short Serpa transport aircraft from the Semirara Mining and Power Corporation.",1 +9,The Philippine Children's Medical Center (PCMC) has failed to get its P200.2 million refund for the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests conducted on inbound overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) because of the reported improper documentation done by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).,8 +1,BOC logs P74-M collection surplus in April,0 +9,"The COVID-19 positivity rate in the National Capital Region (NCR) increased slightly to 2.4% on Friday, independent monitoring group OCTA Research said on Sunday.",8 +6,"Camarines Sur 2nd district Rep. LRay Villafuerte hailed authorities on Tuesday, April 25 for heeding his to call to defer the deadline for SIM card registration under Republic Act (RA) No.11934 or the SIM Registration Act.",5 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte justified his decision to not suspend “e-sabong” or online cockfighting operations, saying the government earns P640 million from it every month.",0 +1,1st 'Kadiwa ng Pangulo' in Bicol posts P1.2-M record sales,0 +15,"MANILA – Fair weather continues to prevail over most parts of the country, with isolated rain showers caused by localized thunderstorms, the weather bureau said Tuesday. Batanes and Babuyan Islands will experience scattered rain showers and thunderstorms due to the shear line.",14 +7,"‘Bungkalan’ in Tinang did not turn bloody, but police file more cases",6 +14,"MANILA – The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on Tuesday opened discussions on the Double Taxation Avoidance (DTA) agreement that was signed by the Philippines and Brunei Darussalam on July 16, 2021.",13 +14,"PH, US troops to hold rocket system live fire drills on April 1",13 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has designated Abdulraof A. Macacua and Bai Mariam S. Mangudadatu as officers-in-charge of the newly-created provinces of Maguindanao del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur.",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. filed House Bill 610, seeking to rename the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) to Ferdinand E. Marcos International Airport on June 30, but a copy was only made available to the media on Tuesday, July 5.",5 +7,"Padilla advises Arnie Teves to return to PH, defend himself",6 +15,"A ticket bought in Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur yielded a new Super Lotto 6/49 jackpot winner in the 9 p.m. draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Thursday, April 27.",14 +15,MANILA – Bishop Victor Ocampo of the Diocese of Gumaca town in Quezon province passed away at the age of 71.,14 +14,PH Navy delegation in Singapore for ASEAN-India naval drills,13 +11,LIVESTREAM: ‘The New People Power’,10 +15,Satellite maps guide responders in containing oil spill,14 +6,House panel approves bill restructuring PNP,5 +14,Galvez: US committed to help in oil spill cleanup,13 +14,"PH 'great' investment hub, PBBM assures Japanese biz leaders",13 +8,PCG strengthens operations in West Philippines Sea,7 +7,DOJ seeks legislation for ‘comfort women',6 +13,Marcos wants presidential access for West Philippine Sea troubleshooters,12 +13,‘A huge honor’: Robredo chosen as Hauser Leader at Harvard Kennedy School,12 +13,"Former vice president Leni Robredo expressed grief over the death of former Foreign Affairs secretary Albert del Rosario, whom she called a “patriot” and a “personal friend.”",12 +14,"Zubiri urges Japanese lawmakers to pursue RAA, VFA with PH",13 +9,"DepEd urges public schools to conduct surprise fire, quake drills",8 +14,Marcos wishes Japan Emperor ‘abundant happiness’ on birthday,13 +13,Marcos party kicks out former executive secretary Vic Rodriguez,12 +14,Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala on Monday vowed help for the aviation sector and for Filipino workers in finding employment in his country.,13 +14,PBBM: PH ‘disengaging from any contact’ with ICC,13 +6,House panel OKs reso on charter change via ConCon,5 +9,"The number of new COVID-19 cases recorded in the Philippines in the past week reached nearly 2,000, according to the Department of Health’s (DOH) data on Monday.",8 +7,P3PWD Party-list nominee Rowena Guanzon is offering her services to file legal cases against schools that require their students to enroll themselves under the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) progam.,6 +10,PBBM's 'Pambansang Pabahay’ empowers LGUs to address housing gaps,9 +7,The Department of Education (DepEd) on Monday confirmed that some laptops procured for teachers amid the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic were being sold in a surplus store in Cebu.,6 +10,Sara Duterte: Reading issues got worse due to COVID-19 school disruption,9 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has named Pablo Luis Azcona as the acting administrator and chief executive officer of the Sugar Regulatory Administration.",12 +1,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Attempting to attract American investors, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. told businessmen here that his administration aims to “transform” the country's economy, rather than return its pre-pandemic state.",0 +13,The House of Representatives on Wednesday a new member in Brian Yamsuan of Bicol Saro party-list.,12 +10,"LTO to get public feedback, complaints via QR code",9 +9,What it will take for Dengvaxia vaccine to re-enter PH,8 +13,China's envoy keeps silence on controversial statement,12 +14,Duterte to speak with Xi Jinping on April 8,13 +2,Comelec allows LTFRB to resume fuel subsidy program,1 +9,A good way to strengthen the country’s primary health care system is to appoint a sufficient number of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) across the country and raise their status from being volunteers to government workers.,8 +3,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. asked Filipinos to take part in worldwide efforts to address the effects of climate change as he assured the public of his to craft policies that it.",2 +14,"PH, US set up bilateral defense guidelines to modernize alliance",13 +13,1-Rider Party-list thanks LTO for pro-rider move,12 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) will deport two more Japanese nationals tagged as members of a crime ring behind a series of violent robberies in their home country.,6 +9,The threat of Covid-19 is not yet over — health expert,8 +1,"MANILA – The PHP5.268-trillion national budget for 2023 contains line items that will help achieve the Marcos administration's bid for an ""inclusive and sustainable"" economic transformation, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman said Wednesday.",0 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Philippines and the United States intend to strengthen their alliance under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).",13 +11,PHLPost marks Nat’l Heritage Month with historic postage stamps,10 +14,"Philippine government officials will have visa exemptions when entering Japan, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has said.",13 +14,"MANILA – Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang is flying to Manila for an official visit on April 21 to 23, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) confirmed Tuesday.",13 +13,Davao’s first: Sara Duterte takes oath as 15th vice president,12 +13,New Bicol Saro party-list first nominee proclaimed,12 +5,Sandiganbayan court convicts Cebu town treasurer for malversation,4 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Defense officials of the Philippines and Australia have discussed the possibility of conducting joint patrols in the South China Sea.",13 +13,Comelec begins releasing transmission logs of May 2022 polls,12 +13,Marcos to take oath as president in National Museum,12 +15,"PRC announces results for April 2023 Electronics Engineers, Technicians board exams",14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former senator Leila de Lima has been in jail for over five years for alleged drug charges, which she calls “trumped up.”",12 +10,"Warm, humid weather across PH Wednesday",9 +14,MANILA – Germany is looking to scale up its partnership with the Philippines and help strengthen its climate resilience as one of countries most vulnerable to climate change.,13 +13,Marcos vows farm and tax overhauls in first SONA,12 +14,"MANILA – Tokyo on Saturday announced the conferment of Japanese decorations on four Filipinos, including former Defense chief Delfin Lorenzana and former Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo, for helping strengthen Philippine-Japan relations.",13 +7,The Department of Justice has ordered its prosecutors to the withdrawal of pending criminal cases in first-level courts that have no probable cause with reasonable certainty of conviction.,6 +11,"MANILA – Filipino students can draw inspiration from national hero Jose P. Rizal, who developed a passion to learn foreign languages, according to a resolution filed by House of Representatives Minority Leader Marcelino Libanan.",10 +6,LTO removes periodic medical exam requirement for driver's license holders,5 +14,China cannot dictate on the Philippines.,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ new defense chief Carlito Galvez Jr. requested senior members of the Department of National Defense (DND) to “stay in place” as he takes the helm of the agency rocked by a sudden leadership change.",12 +13,"Garcia: Comelec prep for village, youth polls almost done",12 +9,Rappler Recap: Looking back at the 2020 Metro Manila lockdown,8 +4,"A group of education workers on Wednesday, April 19, said that teachers have all the “rights and reasons” about their overly delayed benefits such as the Performance-based Bonus (PBB).",3 +3,VP Sara seeks Filipinos' solidarity in Lenten message,2 +7,"for the illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, and explosives against suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. has been submitted for resolution, his lawyer said Friday.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP ACG) said on Thursday, July 21, that YouTuber “Usapang Diskarte,” who encourages child sex abuse, continues to evade authorities.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has picked news anchor Erwin Tulfo to lead the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), press secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles announced on Monday, May 30.",12 +9,"DOH logs 1,006 cholera cases since start of 2023",8 +5,MANILA – The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has ruled in favor of a Caloocan City gold trading firm which was assessed deficiency taxes of P233 million but was not afforded due process.,4 +14,The United States joined the Philippines in celebrating the 81st Day of Valor.,13 +9,"Gov’t eyes special vaccination days in Cebu province, Mindanao areas",8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government is mulling COVID-19 tests for travelers arriving from “high-alert countries,” as cases have soared in China following the abrupt end of its strict lockdown policies earlier this month.",8 +7,Korean fraudster on BI watchlist stopped at NAIA,6 +13,Marcos' youngest son Vinny undergoes internship at Romualdez's office,12 +9,"Boosted Filipinos, foreigners don’t need COVID-19 test to enter PH starting May 30",8 +8,"Amid recent reports of balloons getting shot down for suspicions of espionage, authorities have indicated that the Philippines has the capability to detect flying objects depending on certain factors.",7 +7,The lawyer of suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. said that certain indications led him to believe that proceedings in the preliminary investigation into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo will be a kangaroo court.,6 +13,What’s in a title? Marcos’ changing tune on Galvez’s post,12 +10,The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has implemented road widening and bridge rehabilitation projects that enhanced the transport access in the Barotac Nuevo and Dumangas towns in Iloilo.,9 +8,"The Philippines has no plan to go against any country when it beefed up its defense cooperation with the United States, Ambassador to the US Jose Manuel Romualdez said on Friday.",7 +14,MANILA – The Chinese Embassy in Manila called out Washington DC on Friday for “discrediting” China’s economic relations with the Philippines.,13 +12,Marcos administration gets 'excellent' grade in SWS satisfaction survey,11 +5,"BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has ruled that only businesses with the John Hay Special Economic Zone (JHSEZ) in Baguio City registered under the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) are covered by duty and tax-free privileges.",4 +13,"Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves has yet with the leadership in the House of Representative even if his travel authority already expired last March 9, Speaker Martin Romualdez said Monday.",12 +13,"Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Monday, April 24, gave two pieces of advice for Negros Occidental students during her visit to two schools there: study well so they can get good jobs and stay in school even if they get pregnant.",12 +7,CA nullifies bail proceedings for ex-mayor accused of murder,6 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Former presidents of the Philippines joined fellow Filipinos in mourning the death of one of their own, Fidel Ramos.",14 +9,Manila suspends Covid-19 vax drive during Holy Week,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – TV personality Daphne Oseña-Paez became the newest addition to the team when she was introduced Tuesday, December 20, as the Palace’s “press briefer.”",12 +14,Romualdez calls PH-US ties 'an unfinished project'; here's what he means,13 +2,"SAN JOSE DEL MONTE, Bulacan — President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Wednesday he does not see a looming rice crisis.",1 +7,Authorities seized over P18 million worth of marijuana leaves and vape marijuana oil concealed in a balikbayan box.,6 +6,"COCOPEA urges Senate, House to defer bicam on bill banning ‘no-exam-no-permit’",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) upheld its earlier dismissal order of a petition seeking to declare dictator’s son Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. a nuisance candidate.",12 +2,"MANILA – The Social Security System (SSS) is planning to install solar panels in its offices to save on electricity expenses and to promote the use of renewable energy. In a news release on Tuesday, SSS president and chief executive officer Rolando Ledesma Macasaet said the agency aims to install 445 solar panels 200 kilowatts peak at its main office in Quezon City. “Upon of this project, we estimate to generate an average of around 18,872 kilowatt-hours per month, equating to a monthly savings of PHP200,798.08 and to reduce our carbon footprint by 9.57 tons, equivalent to planting 57.4 trees,” he said. This project is the agency's response to Executive Order No. 14 issued by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Jan. 27, which approves and adopts the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) for 2023-2028. The plan incorporates the 8-point Socioeconomic Agenda of the Marcos administration in the lowering of energy costs and promoting renewable energy sources. Apart from its main office, the agency is also planning to install solar panels in SSS-owned branches nationwide, especially in areas that experience frequent power outages and charge higher cost of electric power. “As we continue to pursue the provision of meaningful social security protection to the current and future generations of SSS members and their families and the improvement of our services, we will also adopt and implement measures to strengthen the SSS fund through prudent spending and operational efficiency, while advocating for the protection of the environment,” Macasaet said. He added the SSS to managing and minimizing the environmental impact of its operations. It has initiated several eco-friendly and cost-effective efforts in the past such as digitalizing its processes through its online portals, My.SSS and SSS mobile app, which provide members with simpler, faster and more convenient modes of fulfilling their transactions while reducing carbon footprint through paperless processing and to green procurement.",1 +13,"Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa on Tuesday supported Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile's remark that the International Criminal Court's investigators should be arrested if they enter the Philippines.",12 +9,"Ischaemic heart diseases remained to be the number one cause of mortality in the Philippines from January to November 2022, recent data by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) showed.",8 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Even as the country grapples with rising food costs and high inflation, almost one in every two Filipinos said life will get better in 2023, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.",11 +14,"US Ambassador Carlson tackles PH-US alliance, South China Sea, other issues in interview with Vicky Morales",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan has asked the ICC’s appeals chamber to deny the Philippine government’s request to suspend the probe into drug war killings under the administration of former president Rodrigo Duterte.",4 +10,Gov't offers free rides during rush hour as strike continues,9 +2,"As the oil spill response continued in Oriental Mindoro's Naujan town, the owner of the MT Princess Empress on Saturday said the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) contracted from Japan its survey of the sunken motor tanker.",1 +7,"BI facility under heightened alert; fugitives, immigration violators separated",6 +1,DPWH to push through with P25.24-B CTBEX project,0 +4,"Filipinos mark Bonifacio Day with calls for higher wages, lower prices",3 +7,Authorities arrested a personnel of the Office for Transportation Security (OTS) after allegedly stealing a smartwatch from a Chinese passenger at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 1.,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 6 and above, providing another vaccine option for this age group in the country.",8 +9,Philippines’ COVID-19 positivity rate now at 12.9% — OCTA,8 +1,Hontiveros urges DepEd to realign P150-M confidential fund to IP education,0 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Over 100 students of Gulod National High School Mamatid Extension in Cabuyao, Laguna were hospitalized due to dehydration after a surprise fire drill on Thursday, March 23.",8 +1,PBBM says stabilizing PH economy will take time,0 +9,DOH warns vs. illnesses amid water supply problems,8 +5,"The suspension of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. can no longer be appealed before the House Committee on Ethics, according to the panel's chairman.",4 +7,"Risky move? Hontiveros seeks probe on planned LBP, DBP merger",6 +7,Only 990 kilos left to be declared from Manila drug haul after alleged pilferage by some PDEG cops,6 +13,Senator Risa Hontiveros on Tuesday renewed her call for the Department of Health to disclose the cost of government-purchased COVID-19 vaccines as the non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with the had now outlived their purpose.,12 +10,"MANILA – A low-pressure area (LPA), spotted 285 km. east-southeast of Davao City, will bring overcast skies and rains to most of Mindanao as the northeast monsoon or “amihan” continues to prevail over Luzon on Saturday.",9 +13,"A ""family day"" to be held in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana will take place Thursday, April 20, in Quezon City, and none other than Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez will be the special guest speaker. A ""family day"" to be held in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana will take place Thursday, April 20, in Quezon City, and none other than Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez will be the special guest speaker.",12 +10,Reconstructed Pampanga Steel Flyover now open to light vehicles—DPWH,9 +10,NWRB keeps an eye on Angat Dam amid El Niño Alert,9 +6,DOTr’s Bautista: We never recommended immediate phaseout of traditional jeepneys,5 +13,Presidential bets say no to same-sex marriage; 2 open to civil unions,12 +14,Balikatan exercise in April will be biggest ever —official,13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday, April 13, ordered 47 cops allegedly involved in the coverup of the P6.7 billion shabu (methamphetamine) bust in October 2022 to return their service firearms.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Department of National Defense (DND) officer-in-charge Jose Faustino Jr. broke his silence on Tuesday, January 10, citing the reappointment of General Andres Centino as chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines as the reason for his resignation as the country’s top defense official.",12 +10,Here's why Cong Roman thinks MIAA's planned closure of PH airspace on May 17 is a bad idea,9 +6,MMDA to hold dry run for single ticketing system in April,5 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Tuesday, August 23, 2022",9 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The chairman of the House stood by the decision of congressional leaders to put back the funds initially slashed from the Department of Education (DepEd) and the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), arguing that such agencies need the money to beef up anti-insurgency efforts.",0 +6,Nueva Ecija solons propose creation of Onion Research Institute,5 +1,Salceda lists down costly food items; urges gov't action,0 +7,"Human traffickers use chat groups to lure Pinays abroad for sex trade, Hontiveros learns",6 +13,Romualdez a step ahead of Marcos in directive to link up with US legislators,12 +2,"Access to social and medical services provided by the Office of the Vice President (OVP) may now easily be reached by Filipinos in need from Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon (Calabarzon) region.",1 +13,"Marcos in Davos: Same pitch, with a sovereign fund this time",12 +13,"Newly-minted Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Major General Benjamin Acorda Jr. assured congressmen Wednesday morning, April 26 that his leadership won't tolerate erring cops.",12 +13,Marcos urged to form Cabinet food security cluster amid high hunger rate,12 +9,DOH expands 2nd COVID-19 booster shot to adults aged 50 and up,8 +13,Marcos names 2 new NBI officials,12 +4,Dumagat-Remontados opposed to Kaliwa Dam urge NCIP to defend their rights,3 +8,"Senator Francis ""Tol"" Tolentino on Monday, April 17,  proposed for the country’s Balikatan Exercises with the United States (US) to include in drills the evacuation simulation of more than 150,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) based in Taiwan as a precautionary measure should the geopolitical tension between China and Taiwan worsen.",7 +13,Neophyte solon Quezon 5th district Rep. PM Vargas has earned something brag about over his fellow congressmen in the 19th Congress.,12 +3,Palace declares April 21 a regular holiday for Eid'l Fitr,2 +15,"The Supreme Court on Friday announced that 3,992 out of 9,183 examinees passed the 2022 Bar Examinations, or a passing rate of 43.47%.",14 +8,MANILA – The Military Ordinariate of the Philippines (MOP) on Wednesday supported the call of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to dismantle private armies and confiscate illegal firearms amid the recent killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,7 +5,SC reiterates ban on public office for Pichay,4 +5,"8 years later, Meralco wins rate hike case in Supreme Court",4 +2,"MANILA – The Marcos administration has earmarked a total of PHP4 billion for the provision of fuel subsidies to public transport drivers, farmers, and fisherfolk, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced Thursday.",1 +5,"DOJ stands by charges vs De Lima, hands off in alleged coercion by officials",4 +2,"Fewer buses were seen in Metro Manila due to a shortage of drivers despite public transportation almost returning to normal amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Joseph Morong’s reported Tuesday on “24 Oras.”",1 +14,MANILA ��� The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) will host the 23rd Philippines-China Foreign Ministry Consultations (FMC) and the 7th Bilateral Consultations Mechanism (BCM) on the South China Sea on March 23 and 24.,13 +13,"Congressmen took exception to the claim of Police Brigadier General Narciso Domingo that disgraced former police master sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr. could walk out of jail as a result of the House of Representatives' investigation on the Oct. 8, 2022 Manila drug bust.",12 +7,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday branded the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo as unacceptable and terrifying, and vowed that it will not go unpunished.",6 +14,"In Basa Air Base, Philippines and US banner benefits of EDCA",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Even as the Philippines and China seek a “golden age” in their relationship, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said tensions in the South China Sea occupy his mind during most of the day.",13 +9,The Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) should seriously consider carrying out a a nationwide immunization drive on hogs to contain the deadly African Swine Fever (ASF).,8 +6,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is proposing to allow early voting for the members of the vulnerable sector in selected areas in the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).,5 +8,"MANILA – Nearly 78,000 police officers across the country have been deployed to ensure safe travel for motorists during the Lenten season and the summer months, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said Monday.",7 +13,"New NTC, ISAFP heads named",12 +3,WATCH: Martial Law victims vow to guard vs tyranny under another Marcos,2 +12,"Speaker Martin Romualdez vowed on Thursday, April 13 that the House of Representatives would work even harder as a lawmaking institution after the results of a nationwide survey gave him a high performance score.",11 +10,"10,000 OFWs sign up for gov't housing program",9 +11,MANILA – The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Tuesday assured that the modernization of the jeepney would not erase its iconic look.,10 +14,House accepts PBBM challenge to forge closer PH-US ties,13 +7,MANILA – The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) has released a wanted poster of the six suspects in the case of missing 'sabungeros' (cockfighting enthusiasts).,6 +14,"AFP, Canadian Armed Forces host 5-day military operational course",13 +3,Here's Arroyo's advance Easter Sunday message for Pinoys,2 +7,‘Gunman’ says a certain Bantag ordered them to kill Percy Lapid,6 +7,Speaker Romualdez: Arnie Teves refuses to return home at this time,6 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Bar Examinations are the turning point for students who toiled for years in law schools. The exams determine whether students will the lawyers that they aspire to be.",9 +7,MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. on Wednesday assured that those responsible for sneaking into the country the PHP6.7 billion suspected shabu that was seized in Manila last year would be identified and punished.,6 +5,SC junks petition of Dengvaxia-vaccinated kids,4 +15,DENR: Possible site of sunken oil tanker detected,14 +4,"The Philippines remain hounded by “significant human rights issues” and concerns about state forces’ “impunity” are still unaddressed, the US State Department said in its 2022 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.",3 +14,"The Philippines has scrapped a deal to buy 16 Russian military transport helicopters because of fears of US sanctions, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday, July 27, citing Philippine officials.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – More than 500 out of the 956 full police colonels and generals who are expected to file their courtesy resignations have adhered to Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos’ instruction, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said in a press conference on Monday, January 9.",12 +14,Marcos: Talks with China's Qin useful as recent statements may be misinterpreted,13 +6,"House eyes more evidence-based policies, inks MOA with Ateneo for research",5 +6,"Lawmakers express concern, urge reforms over PNPA",5 +10,Poe: All transport systems should be in place this Holy Week,9 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has appointed geologist Carlos Primo David as an undersecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Malacañang announced on Tuesday.",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – While the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) had already postponed its plan of building its headquarters at the Masungi Georeserve in Rizal, Senator Nancy Binay said on Tuesday, April 18, that the Senate panel on tourism would study how to transfer the area’s ownership to the right government agency.",5 +7,221 police personnel in Negros Oriental replaced after Degamo slay — PRO7,6 +1,"Maharlika fund has adequate safeguards, Romualdez tells Asia CEO",0 +13,Merceditas Gutierrez joins GSIS board,12 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said he intends to talk to Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian, and clarify the latter's ""surprising"" statement about the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senatorial candidates for the May 9 polls shared their positions on key issues during a forum on Saturday, March 12.",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In order to hasten a typically “long process” Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos said a newly-created will be tasked to review the courtesy registrations submitted by nearly all of the Philippine National Police (PNP) senior officers.",5 +1,Fish price increase seen ahead of Holy Week —BFAR,0 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Human Rights has urged the Philippine government to view the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision on the drug war killings under the Duterte administration as an “opportunity” for President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to demonstrate to transparency and human rights.",3 +9,PH can learn from Japan’s drastic smoking rate decline after heated tobacco introduction,8 +9,NNC reports increased prevalence of obesity among Filipino children,8 +1,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) on Wednesday announced that it achieved a significant milestone last month with a record-breaking daily collection of over PHP7.5 billion.,0 +10,"Filipino military veterans can ride the Light Rail Transit-2 (LRT2), Metro Rail Transit3 (MRT3), and Philippine National Railways (PNR) for free on April 5, 10, 11 and 12, the government announced on Wednesday.",9 +10,DSWD’s Yakap Bayan helps drug surrenderers find redemption,9 +7,The Sandiganbayan has sentenced a National Food Authority (NFA) cashier to 10 years imprisonment and ordered her to pay P10 million in fines for losing over P10 million of public funds to robbers.,6 +6,Last in line for 'paluwagan?' Marcoleta bill can spare you the headache,5 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday departed for Japan for a four-day official visit.",13 +5,The Supreme Court said Wednesday it has issued a writ of kalikasan against several government agencies and organizations to stop the release of genetically modified rice and eggplant products.,4 +13,"Marcos on Queen Elizabeth: She exemplified great dignity, commitment, devotion",12 +15,Ticket sold in Manila wins P34.1-M Grand Lotto jackpot,14 +10,EDCOM 2 eyes educational reforms over the next 3 years,9 +2,COA orders TUP to give 6 years’ worth of hazard pay to 8 health staff,1 +6,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is seriously studying the proposed merger of the Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), which is in line with the administration’s thrust toward financial efficiency among state-owned banks, Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno said on Tuesday.",5 +1,"House realigns P77.5B in 2023 budget for health, education, aid",0 +7,Tracker teams formed to pursue suspects linked to missing sabungeros,6 +10,Solon wants to get rid of unnecessary LTO fees,9 +7,Vehicle used in Aparri vice mayor ambush had stolen license plate —PNP,6 +13,Ex-PNP chief says his management skill will help DOH,12 +2,MANILA – Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) Secretary Jose Rizalino Acuzar on Thursday announced his plan to partner with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in anticipation of high demand for skilled construction workers once the Pambansang Pabahay program goes full blast.,1 +9,Philippines logs 174 new COVID-19 cases,8 +7,PCG should face raps for allowing MT Princess Empress to sail sans permit to operate —Tulfo,6 +9,"DOH logs 305 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 12-day high of 9,080",8 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Some 31.3 million individuals could have rolled up their sleeves and been inoculated from COVID-19, but instead these vaccines were wasted as reported by the Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday, November 17.",1 +13,Kabataan party-list representative Raoul Manuel on Monday called on the House of Representatives’ leadership to recognize former elections  commissioner Rowena Guazon as a member of 19th Congress.,12 +5,QC court orders NTC to unblock Bulatlat’s website,4 +3,Bishop David likens trolls to those who pushed to crucify Jesus,2 +12,Group reiterates call to junk K to 12 program,11 +14,"The increasing tension between world powers United States (US) and China should be enough reason for the Philippines to back out of the scheduled ""war games"" with the western country.",13 +15,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Saturday night hosted a concert for the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and their families at the Malacañang grounds in Manila.,14 +9,"The Philippines on Sunday reported 144 new cases of COVID-19 to bring the country’s active caseload to 8,943, data released by the Department of Health (DOH) revealed.",8 +15,"Cebu 5th district Rep. Vincent Franco ""Duke"" Frasco and his two boys were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of LeBron James and the rest of the Los Angeles Lakers during their recent stay in Los Angeles, California.",14 +10,"Metro Manila and other parts of the Philippines are navigating the “new normal,” with the country sustaining relatively low numbers of COVID-19 cases. But the situation continues to evolve, including the emergence of subvariants, and potential surges are not being ruled out.",9 +7,De Lima camp will push again for bail to seek temporary release,6 +9,"Philippines logs 1,171 new COVID-19 cases from March 13–19, 2023",8 +4,BuCor asserts rights over Tanay property,3 +13,Sara Duterte: No Martial Law rebranding at DepEd,12 +6,"All courts under Alert Levels 1 and 2 are required to operate under a workforce of at least 50% workforce, the Supreme Court said Monday.",5 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – According to a survey by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) conducted from April 19-27, 2022, one out of four households nationwide own bicycles.",11 +6,"Only 65,154,570 subscribers have so far registered their units, said the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) 15 days before the mandatory measure ends.",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) did not grant the plea for clemency of a former judge who was dismissed in 2016 over gross ignorance of the law for issuing orders in favor of ex-Globe Asiatique president Delfin Lee, who was charged with simple estafa over an alleged fraudulent housing scam.",6 +7,"MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin ""Benhur"" Abalos Jr. on Wednesday said five more suspects implicated in the March 4 attack that resulted in the death of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others are now under the custody of authorities.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing senators – those whose two consecutive terms in office have ended and those who lost their electoral bids – delivered their “graduation” or valedictory speeches on Wednesday, June 1, the final session day of the 18th Congress.",12 +7,Alleged sugar smugglers slapped with charges —DA,6 +7,Remulla confident of ‘unmasking’ Degamo slay brains soon,6 +7,"The Makabayan lawmakers on Thursday sought a congressional inquiry on the Mindoro oil spill due to sunken MT  Princess Empress, saying delayed aid resulting from the incident would be detrimental to",6 +7,The acting chief of the Philippine National Police Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) is coordinating with the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) into whether they could examine the bank accounts of the police officers allegedly involved in the controversial P6.7-billion drug bust last October.,6 +13,What disaster resilience expert Toni Yulo-Loyzaga brings to DENR,12 +13,LIST: First approved projects of NEDA chaired by Marcos,12 +7,"Garcia closer to freedom, but made to pay P407M for military ‘pabaon’",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday, March 1, said the government’s public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program needs to be implemented in a “different way,” after senators backed calls to defer it and transportation groups announced a weeklong jeepney strike in protest of the scheme.",5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. met with foreign envoys on Thursday, June 30, during the traditional Vin d’honneur.",13 +15,"Cagayan de Oro 2nd district Rep. Rufus Rodriguez loves his wife Nenen. Having a sweet tooth, he loves cake as well.",14 +7,"Attacks vs elected officials 'isolated', not yet alarming, Azurin says",6 +7,Philippine National Police Drug Enforcement Group (PNP-PDEG) director Police Brigadier General Narciso Domingo was removed from his post amid the ongoing investigation on the alleged cover-up in connection with the P6.7-billion drug haul.,6 +7,Malacañang probes ‘illegal’ sugar importation resolution,6 +10,750K new beneficiaries listed for 4Ps —DSWD chief Gatchalian,9 +4,Public and private educators reiterated their calls for wage increase less than two weeks before the Labor Day.,3 +13,Former senator Leila De Lima on Wednesday scoffed at former president Rodrigo Duterte's defense of his administration's deadly war on drugs.,12 +8,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has issued an administrative order (AO) creating a special task force to maintain peace and order and suppress threats to safety and security on Negros Island.,7 +9,Dengue cases up by 69% from Jan. 1 to 28: DOH,8 +8,Remulla assures protection for family of witnesses in Degamo slay,7 +6,Top officials of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) have met with leaders and members of a large urban poor group and discussed collaboration on the government’s housing program.,5 +10,Teachers push for ‘shorter’ class time pending the return to old school calendar,9 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said his discussions with the United States ""affirm the optimism"" with which international investors view the Philippines today.",13 +3,Manila Cathedral invites faithful as Lenten pilgrimage starts,2 +10,"While other lawmakers are preoccupied with legislation to hike workers' pay, Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez wants to put focus on another important need of Filipino laborers--happiness at home.",9 +14,"PH-Japan relations crucial to dev't, security: senators",13 +10,"Mount Kanlaon emitted 1,099 tonnes of volcanic sulfur dioxide (SO2), the highest so far this year, on Sunday, April 30, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) advised on Monday morning, May 1.",9 +8,"AFP sends elite unit, creates task force in Negros after Degamo killing",7 +14,"Marcos, Biden look forward to 'trilateral modes of cooperation' with other countries",13 +1,DA boosts efforts vs. overpriced onions in MM markets,0 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Police filed multiple on Monday, March 6, against three suspects in the killing last Saturday of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others in Pamplona town.",6 +2,7% of Filipinos currently looking for work abroad: SWS,1 +6,Will the SIM registration period be extended or not?,5 +6,"Solon backs proposal to merge arts, social studies, PE into one subject for Grades 1–3",5 +13,PBBM OKs promotion of 10 PH Coast Guard officials,12 +6,"Bill spares PUV drivers from paying driver's license application, renewal fees",5 +5,Supreme Court affirms: Manila Doctors Hospital has no tax deficiency,4 +6,House approves con-con bill on second reading,5 +13,"This solon agrees with Bato, says LGU execs shouldn't pick police chiefs",12 +6,Over 25K jeepney drivers need membership in cooperatives to renew franchise,5 +10,DPWH ‘jumps on the bandwagon’ for digitally-connected service,9 +13,Gatchalian wants Senate probe into PAGCOR's deal with third-party POGO auditor,12 +10,"Monday forecast: Rain showers likely across Luzon, E. Visayas",9 +6,MANILA -- Senator Mark Villar has filed a measure requiring all personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) to be certified as medical first responders and emergency medical technician as a means to reduce the risk of death of fire victims and fellow responders.,5 +6,Dela Rosa seeks amendment to firearms law after Senate probe on Degamo slay,5 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) has raised the possibility of El Niño developing in months from “watch” to “alert,” the second to last stage of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Alert and Warning System.",9 +7,Blue Ribbon investigation on NAIA ‘human smuggling’ scheduled on Tuesday,6 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday cautioned devotees against self-flagellation and crucifixion as part of their penance this Holy Week.,8 +7,Alleged CPP leader arrested in Malaysia —PNP,6 +2,The Commission on Education (CHED) and the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) are looking for more “allies” to “help of maritime training schools in the country amid the current and necessary improvements being done to the seafarers’ programs.,1 +14,"The Department of National Defense (DND) on Saturday, April 15, took exception to the remarks issued by Chinese envoy Huang Xilian that the Philippines should stop meddling with China’s affairs in Taiwan lest it risks the welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) there.",13 +1,Water firm invests P291M for service improvement in Boracay,0 +9,DOH vows to improve conditions at National Center for Mental Health,8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives under the 19th Congress passed in March the E-Governance Act, a measure that was certified as urgent by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula appointed Father Reginald “Regie” Malicdem, longtime private secretary to Manila archbishops, as vicar general of the Archdiocese of Manila starting February 15.",12 +6,Marcos: Gov't studying reverting school vacation back to March,5 +9,MANILA – The first batch of 25 overseas Filipinos affected by the 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Türkiye arrived in the Philippines Monday.,8 +14,"DFA to host PH, China 2-day bilateral talks",13 +8,"AFP: 137 Reds, local terrorists neutralized in Q1",7 +8,"The Philippine and United States air forces  have revived the Cope Thunder joint exercise 33 years after it was stopped in 1991, the Pacific Air Forces Public Affairs said.",7 +3,Robredo tells De Lima: We keep faith that truth will prevail in the end,2 +11,"QC highlights flora, fauna in underpass art exhibit",10 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court’s (SC) Third Division ruled that Manila Medical Services, Incorporated or the Manila Doctor’s Hospital, has no tax deficiency, affirming the decision of the Court of Tax Appeals.",4 +15,"MANILA – For the second consecutive day, another lone bettor became an instant millionaire after hitting the PHP109-million jackpot of the Ultra Lotto 6/58 draw on Tuesday night.",14 +2,MIAA looking to turn NAIA-2 into all-domestic terminal,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – After a tumultuous six years in the West Philippine Sea under the administration of then-president Rodrigo Duterte, Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo assured lawmakers that the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) “will not let China forget” about its dispute with Manila in the waterway.",12 +7,An eight-year-old boy on Wednesday accused the police of hurting his mother to make her confess that she was involved in selling marijuana.,6 +10,"MANILA – Parts of the country will still experience rains due to the northeast monsoon or ""amihan"" and the shear line, the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 +6,MANILA – A measure proposing reform of the Intellectual Property (IP) Code of the Philippines to provide more support for Filipino digital creatives level at the House of Representatives.,5 +9,UNICEF: PH confidence in childhood vaccines declines 25% during pandemic,8 +13,"We're counting on you,' Libanan tells US-bound Marcos",12 +14,"The Japanese government, along with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), is offering more jobs to Filipino nurses and skilled workers, the Office of the Vice President said.",13 +7,A congressional inquiry is being sought into the death of Davao City-based businesswoman and model Yvonne Chua Plaza.,6 +9,DOH issues guidelines for safe Holy Week observance,8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said appeals related to the drug charge against his son, Juanito Jose, will not go through his own department.",6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – In President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s own words, his January 2023 visit to Davos in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum (WEF) won’t be too different from his previous trips abroad. This time though, he intends to sell to foreign investors and fellow world leaders the controversial sovereign wealth fund his administration is pushing.",13 +10,Nograles eyes bridging program for ‘pandemic generation’ grads,9 +14,MANILA – The Japanese government is extending assistance to help Ilocos Norte improve its black garlic production.,13 +13,LIVESTREAM: Comelec’s PiliPinas Debates for presidential candidates – March 19,12 +2,Leocadio Sebastian named undersecretary for Rice Industry Development,1 +14,MANILA – The Australian Embassy on Friday assured the Philippines that AUKUS would be transparent in the implementation of its multi-year submarine deal.,13 +9,"The Department of Health on Tuesday recorded 89 new COVID-19 cases, the lowest daily tally since April 4, 2020 and the first time since then that the daily number has dropped to two digits.",8 +13,"36 years after exile, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. takes oath as Philippine president",12 +13,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Tuesday confirmed that Highway Patrol Group (HPG) head Brig. Gen. Clifford Gairanod had voluntarily relinquished his post after a video showing an HPG officer hitting a trainee went viral.,12 +6,House panel approves bill protecting labor unions from interference,5 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the new virus was at its deadliest, the Board of Investments (BOI) failed to distribute donated protective gear that could have saved the lives of medical frontliners, state auditors found.",1 +9,"The Bureau of Fire Protection on Wednesday, April 26, the SM Prime Holdings, Inc. for what it described as overwhelming support to the bureau’s fire safety awareness campaign.",8 +9,The Senate health and has been urged to conduct an inquiry into the “poor condition” of the facilities at the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) in Mandaluyong City.,8 +14,What you need to know: Marcos at the ASEAN-EU Summit in Belgium,13 +15,"This image from PAGASA shows the track and intensity forecast for tropical depression Amang as of 8 a.m., Thursday, April 13, 2023.",14 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) reported 134 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, bringing the active tally to 9,170.",8 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) has disqualified the Ei2 Tech, owned by news anchor Paolo Bediones, from bidding in the second phase of the DepEd TV project worth P654 million.",0 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Thursday, October 27, due to rain from the shear line and the trough or extension of Paeng (Nalgae), which has since intensified into a tropical storm.",9 +7,"MANILA – Quezon City Police District (QCPD) director Brig. Gen. Nicolas Torre III on Tuesday announced that they have conducted house-to-house visits on 1,959 gun owners in the city under the weeklong One-Time, Big-Time (OTBT) operations on Revitalized “Oplan Katok” from April 17 to 23.",6 +13,ULAP condemns recent ambush of local gov’t officials,12 +7,MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) will start this week court martial proceedings against two ranking military officials and five enlisted personnel for their alleged involvement in the murder of model and businesswoman Yvonette-Chua Plaza in Davao City last December.,6 +9,DOH: PH may see over 600 daily COVID-19 cases by mid-May if MPHS compliance declines,8 +13,A life dedicated to justice: Long-time rights defender Marie Hilao Enriquez dies,12 +14,Marcos: PH to send note verbale over China’s debris seizure in South China Sea,13 +9,"DOH COVID-19 bulletins to report only severe cases, deaths starting March 7",8 +13,"Acorda vows to make PNP worthy of public’s trust, confidence",12 +6,"DepEd seeks help of partners for key reform objectives, priority interventions in education",5 +9,NCR positivity rate rises to 12.3% as of April 26 - OCTA,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – If Ferdinand Marcos Jr. triumphs in the Philippines presidential election, he will wield broad powers over government agencies seeking to recover as much as $10 billion plundered by his namesake father during his autocratic rule.",12 +7,DOJ dismisses cyber libel complaint vs Makabayan bloc members,6 +13,Top PDP-Laban official appointed Duterte’s acting Cabinet secretary,12 +6,LEDAC to push for RCEP ratification; passage of 10 priority bills,5 +9,"Filipina says she's lucky to be alive, but friends trapped in Turkey quake ruins",8 +12,‘Walang kuwenta’: Filipinos online share their ROTC experiences,11 +13,"Remulla, Abalos secure CA nod",12 +9,COVID-19 cases in PH rise amid threat of Omicron subvariants,8 +8,"PNP chopper crash in Quezon province kills 1, injures 2 others",7 +9,"The utilization of private hospitals remains to be manageable despite the increasing number of new COVID-19 infections, an official of the Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines Inc. (PHAPI) said Thursday.",8 +6,Review sought on laws protecting children’s welfare,5 +13,[WATCH] In the Public Square with John Nery: A new crackdown?,12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – John Matthew Salilig, the chemical engineering student from Adamson University believed to be a victim of hazing, died due to “severe blunt force trauma,” based on an autopsy conducted by Cavite police.",6 +13,Lawmaker and lawbreaker? Past haunts Lacson in GMA interview,12 +2,Contract for unified online ticketing system canceled —PPA,1 +9,DOH warns vs possible health problems during El Niño,8 +8,"WASHINGTON, USA—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said he will ""not allow the Philippines to be used as a staging post for any kind of military action.""",7 +9,DepEd: Schools may resort to remote learning during extreme heat,8 +6,Senators urge gov’t to reconsider PUV modernization program ahead of weeklong transport strike,5 +13,Marcos appoints NTC OIC Ella Blanca Lopez as full-time commissioner,12 +13,"Marcos appoints new judges, BJMP official",12 +7,NPA activities in Masbate rising to 'alarming rate' —DepEd,6 +7,P25-M counterfeit products seized in Pasay,6 +2,Seven hundred jail guards at the of the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City were relieved of their posts and directed to undergo retraining for one month.,1 +2,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) would need an additional P3.8 billion if they were to organize the election of constitutional convention (con-con) delegates alongside the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections in October.,1 +7,The chief of the Scene of Crime Operations (SOCO) division of the Philippine National Police (PNP) agrees with the findings of forensic expert Raquel Fortun: some drug war death certificates were faked.,6 +14,"US, PH defense chiefs ‘condemn’ Chinese gray zone ops in WPS",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In this week’s episode of 36 Years, we talk to Kabataan Representative Raoul Manuel.",12 +6,Marcos orders review of non-operating tourism zones under TIEZA,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan came prepared to the Commission on Elections’ (Comelec) PiliPinas Vice Presidential Debate on Sunday, March 20, with notes on years of experience as a Philippine senator and receipts of the successes of the vice presidency of his standard-bearer, Vice President Leni Robredo.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government, through the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Bureau of Immigration (BI), deported on Tuesday, February 7, two of four Japanese fugitives involved in a string of robberies in Japan.",6 +7,CHR launches probe on killings targeting gov't officials,6 +7,Another person tagged in John Matthew Salilig’s death surrenders – DOJ,6 +13,Duterte urged to retract ‘red-tagging spree’ as DepEd revises K to 12 curriculum,12 +12,SWS: 62% of Filipinos believe spirit of EDSA People Power still alive,11 +6,"Bill eyes P2,000 monthly gov't subsidy for parents of kids with disabilities",5 +7,Remulla says no objection to bail plea as De Lima nears 6 years in detention,6 +3,Christian churches: ‘Resist any candidate’ who may bring back Martial Law years,2 +10,LPA spotted east of Mindanao — PAGASA,9 +7,"A copy of the passenger manifest for the questioned flight from the Balagbag ramp of the NAIA on the night of February 13 showed seven names, one more than those indicated in the copy of the PNP Aviation Security Group.",6 +9,"LIST: Metro Manila, other areas to remain under Alert Level 1 until June 15",8 +2,PCG taps DOST in investigating Or. Mindoro oil spill,1 +9,MANILA – The Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP) and Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM) are collaborating to push for stronger reproductive health programs that aim to uplift the lives of the poor.,8 +5,Constitutional restrictions contravene liberalization reforms,4 +15,"Retired National Basketball Association (NBA) star, Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks is in the Philippines to take part in the FIBA World Cup 2023 draw.",14 +13,Tolentino vows to find ways to curtail agri smuggling,12 +15,Rappler columnist Jayeel Cornelio wins 2021 TOYM award,14 +9,121 new cases of Omicron subvariants detected —DOH,8 +14,"China said Friday that a near-collision in the South China Sea between a Chinese coast guard ship and Philippine patrol vessel carrying journalists was caused by the latter's ""premeditated and provocative action.""",13 +6,"A measure seeking to institutionalize the government’s transition to e-governance is one step closer to being passed into law, after hurdling the House Committee on Appropriations.",5 +2,"The plan of Danish renewable energy developer Copenhagen Energy A/S (CE) to put up a P360-billion or roughly €6 billion (P360 billion) offshore wind project in Ilocos Norte was on track to be in operation in the next five years, the Board of Investments (BOI) said Tuesday.",1 +14,China’s foreign minister to visit Philippines this week,13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The alleged middleman in the killing of broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa died inside the New Bilibid Prison (NBP), Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said on Thursday, October 20.",6 +9,"Significant rise in COVID-19 positivity rate seen in South Cotabato, Misamis Oriental —OCTA",8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – A House panel for the first time in the 19th Congress under the Marcos administration took up a bill seeking to decriminalize the production, sale, and use of cannabis in the Philippines.",5 +4,"MANILA – To help resolve their problems, issues, and concerns involving agrarian reform, the Department of Agrarian Reform has provided a total of 70 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARB) and other farmers with free legal advice and assistance.",3 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Panfilo Lacson resigned from Partido Reporma on Thursday, March 24, as he said the party is set to endorse another presidential candidate in the May 9 elections.",12 +2,"SAN JOSE DEL MONTE, Bulacan —President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Wednesday that the government is identifying areas where specialty hospitals would be established.",1 +13,Malacañang on Friday confirmed the resignation of Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) chief David Thaddeus Alba.,12 +2,Talks with Meralco ongoing to prevent repeat of NAIA power outage,1 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. is confident that the Philippines would not be experiencing another rice crisis but said that the Philippines would still be open to importation to address possible supply problems.",1 +7,The Philippine government deported Tuesday morning Japanese fugitives Toshiya Fujita and Kiyoto Imamura back to Japan.,6 +3,‘Fraternal love’ connects humanity during Holy Week: DBM,2 +7,"One suspect in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo was also involved in two failed assassination attempts against him, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Monday.",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Senators approved the bill setting a permanent validity for certificates of live birth, death, and marriage issued or duly certified by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), local civil registries, and reports from Philippine foreign service posts.",5 +7,Court acquits Remulla’s son in less than 3 months. Does it always happen?,6 +6,"Solon, labor group back P150 across-the-board wage hike proposal",5 +10,Wescom helps distribute 3.5K laptops to Palawan public schools,9 +2,"DHSUD, TESDA team up to meet high demand for skilled workers",1 +11,MANILA – The Department of National Defense (DND) has expressed its appreciation to all hardworking Filipino workers who are the country's economic backbone as the nation celebrates Labor Day (May 1).,10 +4,"Labor groups seek P1,140 minimum wage in NCR",3 +13,"MANILA – Negros Oriental (3rd District) Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. need not fear for his safety upon his return to the Philippines, according to Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Monday said",12 +9,Pasig village equips residents with life-saving CPR training,8 +10,El Niño alert likely by May,9 +13,"Senator Grace Poe on Tuesday, April 25, the decision of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to extend the period for registering Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards for 90 days.",12 +6,DOTr order limits admin functions of attached agencies,5 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for Grand Lotto 6/55 and Mega Lotto 6/45 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offices (PCSO) on Wednesday, May 3.",14 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A security screening officer (SSO) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 1 was again caught stealing from a passenger, just days after five officers were suspended for pocketing cash from a Thai tourist.",6 +7,"Some persons of interest have been identified in the ambush that killed Aparri, Cagayan Vice Mayor Rommel Alameda and five others in Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said  Monday.",6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Preparations for school opening and the state auditors report on the Department of Education’s (DepEd) “pricey and outdated” laptops were among the issues discussed during the joint press briefing of the Office of the Vice President (OVP) and the Department of Education (DepEd) on Wednesday, August 10.",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Arsenio Balisacan is returning as director general of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), which he headed under the late former president Benigno Aquino III.",12 +13,A Filipino official deployed to Taiwan has questioned a statement made by China's ambassador in Manila when the latter linked American military's access to Philippine military sites to the employment of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in the self-governing island.,12 +9,MANILA – Member agencies of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) have already convened and discussed the possible “decoupling” or separation of Covid-19 restrictions from the existing alert level system.,8 +12,4 of 5 vaccinated adult Filipinos willing to get COVID-19 booster – SWS,11 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – As more reports of atrocities by Russian soldiers in war-torn Ukraine made international headlines, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to exert more effort in sparing civilians from his military’s attacks.",13 +7,CA affirms search warrants vs Kapa Ministry over its investment scam,6 +7,MANILA – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Remulla said the latest group of former soldiers implicated in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo may shed crucial details in the planning and resources to carry out the attack will be revealed.,6 +7,"Remulla: DOJ, NBI dealing with improper ‘autopsy’ of Kian delos Santos",6 +15,"The results for the University of the Philippines College Admissions (UPCA) 2023 are out, the UP Office of Admissions announced on Wednesday afternoon, May 3.",14 +15,"The jackpot prize for Mega Lotto 6/45 has reached P158 million before its 9 p.m. draw on Monday, May 1.",14 +14,"MANILA – Around 35 investment agreements on a wide range of areas of cooperation have been sealed between the Philippines and Japan on Friday, on the third day of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s official visit to Tokyo.",13 +4,House Assistant Minority Leader Arlene Brosas of Gabriela party-list on Wednesday called for an end to discrimination and abuses against women to mark International Women's Day.,3 +10,MANILA -- Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda on Thursday urged the public to fully cooperate with the government in implementing ecological laws to attain sustainable life.,9 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) has maintained that it has jurisdiction to hear and decide on the filed against suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag.,6 +14,MANILA – The Philippines proposed to exhaust “all diplomatic means” in addressing Manila and Beijing’s maritime row over the West Philippine Sea as its bilateral talks on the vital sea lane formally started Friday.,13 +9,Paeng death toll rises to 112; missing persons at 34,8 +13,MANILA – Senator Francis Tolentino on Friday said he is determined to push for the postponement of the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) in Negros Oriental amid reports of threats and violence in the province after the killing of the late Governor Roel Degamo.,12 +14,Marcos’ US trip a good chance to discuss better EDCA terms —Imee,13 +13,"Gov't will pursue drug war appeal with ICC, SolGen Guevarra says",12 +9,Philippines records 671 additional cases of Omicron subvariants,8 +14,"MANILA Philippines – United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken carried out an official visit to the Philippines on Saturday, August 6, making him the highest-ranking American official so far to visit President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",13 +13,Ex-prez Duterte: Executive Dep’t must issue ‘very strong’ statement vs. illegal drugs,12 +6,MANILA – The Department of Education (DepEd) on Wednesday said it will study calls to revert school breaks to the old or pre-pandemic setup.,5 +15,Marcos lauds PH ice hockey team’s 'outstanding' performance,14 +14,Implications of US-China conflict to PH unavoidable –Amb. Romualdez,13 +15,Cong Lani on cloud nine as daughter Inah passes Bar,14 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Tuesday, April 18 projected an 80 percent chance of El Niño developing between June and August, up from the previous forecast of 55 percent last month.",9 +6,"House leader wants buying, selling of fake receipts non-bailable",5 +7,"Bato open to probing PDEA, PNP officers who allegedly reward assets with confiscated drugs",6 +7,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) on Monday said it has confiscated around PHP40 million worth of misdeclared agricultural products at the Subic Port.,6 +14,"TOKYO — The social and economic benefits resulting from his five-day official visit to Japan will be felt by Filipinos momentarily, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Saturday.",13 +10,"The Office of Civil Defense said Saturday that all 82 members of the Philippine inter-agency humanitarian contingent deployed to Turkey are in good health, and are set to return to the country on March 1.",9 +14,"MANILA – The Philippine government on Tuesday fired off a diplomatic protest against China over its latest aggressive activities near Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea, including the “dangerous maneuvers” and use of military-grade laser on a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel.",13 +14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is scheduled to meet with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at Malacañan Palace in Manila on Wednesday.,13 +13,"Rodriguez wants Christian Monsod, 49 experts as ‘hybrid Concon’ delegates",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Muntinlupa court has issued a warrant of arrest against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Bantag and corrections official Ricardo Zulueta over the death of Jun Villamor, the alleged middleman who contacted people to allegedly kill broadcaster Percy Lapid.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A former caterer of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) escaped prosecution for supposed tax evasion because the government failed to file a criminal case within the prescribed period of five years.",6 +7,Two alleged illegal recruiters have been arrested by agents of the National Bureau of Investigation’s Anti-Human Trafficking Division (NBI-AHTRAD) during an entrapment operation in Pasay City last March 28.,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Lieutenant General Romeo Brawner Jr. said the Philippine Army is anticipating court martial proceedings against Brigadier General Jesus Durante III and six other soldiers for their alleged involvement in the killing of Davao businesswoman Yvonette Chua-Plaza.",6 +1,PBBM calls for PH GSP renewal to boost trade,0 +10,"More than 1,000 farmers in Masbate have received electronic land titles (e-titles) from the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) through its Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling  (SPLIT) project.",9 +5,SC issues TRO to stop no contact apprehension policy,4 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Philippines will continue to negotiate with China over its claims on the Malampaya natural gas fields.",13 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) observed fewer Chinese vessels near some of the disputed features in the West Philippine Sea during its latest Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) flight on Thursday.,7 +14,Marcos on China’s 'meddling' remark: I think it’s for US,13 +6,Farmers’ debt condonation bill up for PBBM’s signature,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – It’s the latter half of 2016 and Camilo Cascolan is poring over numbers. Inside Camp Crame, the police general goes through the daily, weekly, monthly data of the newly-inaugurated President Rodrigo Duterte’s controversial but popular “war on drugs.”",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Grace Poe said it was “symbolic” that her final phone conversation with her late mother, renowned veteran actress Susan Roces, was the passage of the foundling law that both of them have championed for.",12 +4,Rappler Talk: EU lawmaker Hannah Neumann on defending human rights in PH,3 +14,"Philippines, US hold biggest military exercises in 7 years",13 +5,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday the decision of the Supreme Court (SC) dismissing the petitions filed by former Negros Occidental governor Pryde Henry Teves and losing local candidate Grego ""Ruel"" Degamo.",4 +10,CDO bizman to donate part of lotto prize to flood victims,9 +14,"MANILA – Filipino, American and Australian troops on Sunday (April 23) conducted air assault exercises in Ilocos Norte province as part of the ongoing ""Balikatan"" exercises.",13 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has discovered PHP90 million worth of smuggled sugar and cigarettes at the Manila International Container Port (MICP).,6 +8,US expected to send seven military assets to PH,7 +1,The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) on Thursday warned that electricity rates could spike during the hot dry season months amid the expected demand uptick and thin power reserves.,0 +2,The Department of Health (DOH) and the University of the Philippines-National Institutes of Health (UP-NIH) on Monday tied up for the creation of an institute to strengthen health promotion in the country.,1 +14,MANILA – United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III has reiterated that any armed attack on Philippine ships and aircraft in the South China Sea will result in the invocation of the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT).,13 +14,"MANILA – Participating Filipino and American naval ships in this year's ""Balikatan"" exercises conducted aerial gunnery and replenishment-at-sea exercises off Brooke's Point town in Palawan province.",13 +14,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will hold a “very casual” meeting with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak when he visits London for the coronation of King Charles III.",13 +7,"Philippines' justice chief says ICC drug war probe ‘not welcome, an irritant’",6 +6,Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Wednesday expressed confidence that the bill seeking to introduce a new pension system for military and uniformed personnel (MUP) will be approved in the 19th Congress.,5 +6,"MANILA – The national government should have a plan for Filipino workers if it decides to totally ban Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO), a lawmaker said on Tuesday.",5 +13,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has appointed Tereso Panga as director general of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), according to the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) on Saturday.   Panga had been the officer-in-charge of PEZA since July 2022 before he was named to the top post on March 23, 2023.   The PCO also announced the appointments of the following officials:",12 +2,"The country has an adequate supply of fish amid the expected increase in demand for the Holy Week, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said.",1 +14,"EXPLAINER: Why have Philippines, US issued defense treaty guidelines?",13 +2,Transportation officials break ground for Camp Aguinaldo subway station,1 +14,From one Marcos to another: Malaysia’s Anwar promises enhanced ties with PH,13 +7,"MANILA – Police operatives arrested a traffic enforcer of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) during an entrapment operation in Port Area, Manila on Friday after an filed by a",6 +9,"DOH launches ‘Chikiting Ligtas 2023’ immunization drive vs measles, rubella, polio",8 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Educators from the Ateneo Professional Schools expressed their support for presidential candidate and opposition leader Vice President Leni Robredo and running mate Senator Kiko Pangilinan.",11 +6,Camarines Sur 2nd district Rep. LRay Villafuerte is calling on government to get rid of its tedious eTravel requirement for international travellers despite the rise in local Covid-19 infections late last month.,5 +9,"DOH posts 530 new COVID-19 cases; active infections dip to 7,340",8 +15,"No one guessed the for Grand Lotto 6/55 and Mega Lotto 6/45 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Monday, April 17.",14 +7,The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) on Monday dismissed the possibility that the police escorts of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo were involved in his murder after some of them failed to report for duty on the day of the attack.,6 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) has requested the Department of Justice (DOJ) to issue a lookout bulletin for all the unaccounted suspects involved in the alleged hazing rites that killed Adamson University engineering student John Matthew Salilig last February.,6 +1,MANILA – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) has the approval of the PHP500-million fund for the Antique Airport upgrade and runway extension and took note of its potential to boost the economy and tourism in Western Visayas region.,0 +6,A bill providing a nationwide P750 daily wage increase for all private sector workers has been filed in the House of Representatives.,5 +7,MANILA – A taxi driver who was linked to the death of two women found in Rizal and Pampanga provinces was arrested by members of the Quezon City Police District (QCPD).,6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said it requested for a 2023 budget of P848 billion to oversee the safe return of students to schools after two years of distance learning, but the amount was pared down by the Department of Budget Management (DBM).",0 +13,"Marcos: Constitution remains 'dynamic, flexible, capable of change'",12 +3,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday declared April 21 as a regular holiday for the observance of Eid'l Fitr, or the culmination of the Fasting of Ramadan.",2 +14,Marcos to China: Discuss Pinoy fishers' natural fishing grounds,13 +10,NLEX connector España section to open on March 27,9 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – In his first New Year message as chief executive, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. called on Filipinos to “embody the true meaning of solidarity,” adding that “bayanihan” would tide the nation through difficult times.",2 +14,"WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and United States President Joe Biden on Monday (Tuesday, PH time) expressed the need to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.",13 +2,DOE to aid Occidental Mindoro with power generator sets,1 +14,"US, Canada envoys send Easter messages to Pinoys",13 +2,"MANILA – The Philippine government will continue to improve the quality of the country’s maritime education and training system, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said as it the European Union’s decision to recognize Philippine-issued seafarers certificate.",1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines on Wednesday, October 5, assured the United Nations Human Rights Council that it is pursuing reforms to provide “real justice in real time.”",6 +13,Here’s what went down during VP Duterte’s visit in Capiz,12 +10,"Ople: 340 rescued OFWs from Sudan off to PH, first 2 batches to arrive May 4",9 +7,MANILA – Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) personnel arrested 16 wanted persons during a two-day simultaneous anti-criminality campaign.,6 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – After more than two years of forced campus shutdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public elementary and high schools returned to the traditional five days of face-to-face classes a week starting Wednesday, November 2.",9 +7,PNP busts fake gun permit syndicate in Manila,6 +4,Groups march for women’s rights on International Women’s Day,3 +5,House panel okays con-con as way to amend Constitution,4 +9,Magnitude 5.3 quake jolts Isabela — Phivolcs,8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police reported over 8,000 cases of violence against women in 2021, and 5,339 in the first half of 2022, although these figures only reflect those who have spoken out.",6 +14,"Conditions are right"" for Marcos-Biden meeting, says Speaker Romualdez",13 +14,"The decades-long ties between the Philippines and United States (US) would be further strengthened by a number of economic cooperation initiatives agreed upon during the meeting between US President Joe Biden and President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. during their meeting at the White House on Monday, May 1 (US time).",13 +15,Konsyerto sa Palasyo' in Malacañang on April 22,14 +7,The Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) on Tuesday filed three against Negros Oriental Representative Arnie Teves before the Department of Justice for allegedly masterminding killings in 2019.,6 +1,[Rappler Recap] Economic team briefs House on proposed 2023 budget,0 +7,"SC: If SolGen conforms, private parties can now appeal criminal judgment",6 +14,SINGAPORE – Where a post-Duterte Philippines will place itself within the US-China rivalry in Asia is the subject of much curiosity among diplomats and analysts watching Southeast Asia.,13 +8,"More than 100 Chinese vessels were spotted during the maritime patrols of Philippine vessels in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) from April 18 to 24, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said Friday.",7 +7,BOC-ESS seizes close to P1B worth of shipments in Q1,6 +9,"DOH: Some 3,900 youth got COVID-19 since start of in-person classes",8 +13,"Del Rosario: Patriot, inspiring public servant --- Robredo",12 +5,Senator Robin Padilla on Wednesday filed Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 3 seeking to amend the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution through a Constituent Assembly (Con-Ass).,4 +7,A woman was prevented from boarding a flight to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) due to an alleged fake immigration stamp on her passport.,6 +6,House leader welcomes SIM registration period extension,5 +13,Romualdez acts as caretaker for NegOr's 3rd legislative district,12 +7,Cordillera cops urged to trust PNP’s internal cleansing process,6 +9,COVID-19 positivity rate in NCR climbs to 19.7% —OCTA,8 +10,"Scattered rain showers to affect Mindanao, parts of Visayas due to LPA, ITCZ",9 +10,"Nakaalis na ng Philippine Area of Responsibility ang Severe Tropical Cyclone Paeng (Nalgae), pero matagal-tagal pa bago maintindihan at matuto ang Pilipinas sa mga pangaral nito.",9 +6,"The House Committee on Ways and Means has approved with amendments the bill seeking to extend by another two years the availment of the estate tax amnesty, as provided for under Republic Act (RA) No.11213 or the ""Tax Amnesty Act"".",5 +8,Balikatan: Black Hawks in air assault drill; ‘Patriot’ missile seen in action,7 +9,NDRRMC chief says quake drills meant to reduce casualties,8 +7,BI nabs foreigner with alleged fake travel papers,6 +9,Philippines detects first COVID-19 Omicron XBF case,8 +6,The bill limiting the coverage of the three-year fixed term in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) was sponsored in the Senate plenary on Tuesday.,5 +7,PNP starts probe into its online recruitment platform over alleged data leak,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – In the middle of the probe into the killing of hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa, another member of his family has received threats.",6 +13,Comelec finalizes ruling on Duterte wing as official PDP-Laban Party,12 +13,Comelec awaiting House call for Valenzuela special polls,12 +9,Solante says Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 may not cause spike in COVID cases,8 +10,Airport operations for Holy Week 'smooth sailing' so far — BI,9 +2,DPWH expands Metro Iloilo Radial Road project,1 +13,"WATCH: In first public appearance in weeks, Duterte visits FVR wake, comments on ICC",12 +9,Philippines ‘intensifying’ border screening amid monkeypox threat,8 +13,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. believes that a United States (US) courtroom would find ""scientific"" grounds to ""summon"" the dog that witnessed the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",12 +7,"Three killed as pick-up hits motorcycle, parked car in Lipa",6 +7,"Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. on Tuesday said he will not return home yet due to fears over his safety, appealing for authorities’ “fairness” and for them to look at all angles in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 +6,"DOTr: Face-mask wearing remains mandatory in LRT, MRT, PNR trains",5 +8,"Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla on Thursday, April 20, expressed “concerns over threats” reportedly made by Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo A. Teves Jr. against the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for raiding last year an e-sabong or electronic cockfight establishment in Cebu.",7 +14,"PH, Japan to boost cooperation on broadband infra, cybersecurity",13 +13,"Bersamin: Marcos’ Singapore F1 trip ‘partly official, partly personal’",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – It took days of refusing to confirm or deny if the President was flying to Singapore to watch the Grand Prix, but in the wee hours of the morning on Monday, October 3, Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles confirmed what several media outfits and the internet already knew: that Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was in the city-state to watch Formula 1 racing.",12 +14,"The COVID-19 vaccines from other countries were donated to the Philippine government with no strings attached, former National Task Force against COVID-19 deputy chief implementer Vince Dizon told a Senate hearing on Tuesday.",13 +9,DOH warns vs. use of type 2 diabetes drug for weight loss,8 +7,"Authorities have recovered from the suspects the assault rifle that was used to assassinate Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Saturday.   PNP spokesperson Police Colonel Jean Fajardo said this was the result of the ballistic examination.   “Maliban po dito sa apat [suspects] na nasa custody ng NBI (National Bureau of Investigation), gaya ng nasabi ko yung forensic evidence, particularly yung isa doon sa assault rifle na narecover natin na positive na siyang nagamit doon sa pagpatay kay Governor Degamo,” Fajardo said at a press conference.",6 +10,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is now awaiting the guidelines for the distribution of the P1,000 cash assistance to help the 9.3 million poorest Filipinos cope with the continuous high inflation, an official said on Wednesday.",9 +14,"A meeting with United States President Joe Biden will be President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.'s first order of business upon his arrival in Washington next week.",13 +2,"Gov't to improve power distribution in Negros, Panay",1 +2,DICT activates another free Wi-Fi site in Central Luzon,1 +6,"MANILA – Citing poor attendance in previous elections because of inconveniences, a senator has proposed amendments to the law that prescribes polling precincts for the exclusive use of senior citizens and persons with disabilities (PWDs).",5 +1,Fuel surcharge drops anew,0 +5,MANILA – The Court of Appeals (CA) has denied an appeal filed by a resort developer against the Bohol provincial government for the development of a 450-hectare of land off Panglao Bay .,4 +15,Holy Week was a time for rest even as the House of Representatives looks to continue its work in weeks amid the ongoing summer recess.,14 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has directed trial court judges to prioritize cases involving domestic violence against women and children, which have seen a spike during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo said on Thursday, March 31.",6 +6,Villar bats for use of digital copy of IDs in Gov’t transactions,5 +13,MANILA – The Department of National Defense (DND) on Friday said it strongly the expression of from mayors of Cagayan regarding the implementation of additional and new Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites in their province.,12 +2,"BERLIN, Germany – To ramp up the transition to renewable energy (RE) sources, the Philippines must invest in building better infrastructure and ensure a legal environment that would allow for better access to and investments in clean energy, according to international renewables experts.",1 +1,Quezon City richest LGU for second straight year – COA,0 +5,SC allows Ressa to travel abroad for ‘speaking engagements',4 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Citing concerns about free speech and data privacy, President Rodrigo Duterte vetoed a bill that would have required individuals to register their ownership of a SIM card and use their real names when creating social media accounts.",5 +10,"43℃ heat index recorded in Dagupan, Pasay cities on April 20 — PAGASA",9 +15,MANILA – Two bettors from different regions became instant millionaires after they hit the PHP82-million jackpot of the Lotto 6/42 draw on Tuesday night..,14 +15,The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced that Gian Carlo Dominique Gallardo Bero gained the highest percentage rating among 581 who passed the Real Estate Brokers Licensure Examination administered earlier this month.,14 +2,"DPWH has over 70,000 projects in 2023, says Bonoan",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former broadsheet reporter and incumbent Department of Social Welfare and Development Undersecretary Edu Punay was chosen to lead the DSWD in a temporary capacity, days after the Commission on Appointments (CA) bypassed the confirmation bid of Secretary Erwin Tulfo.",12 +6,PBBM wants review of TIEZA's non-operating tourism zones,5 +9,"Philippines logs 1,721 COVID-19 cases March 27–April 2, 2023",8 +9,"PH records lowest COVID-19 cases in 2022 at 1,923",8 +14,PH backs UN reso demanding Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine,13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is in Singapore from September 6 to 7 for the second leg of his first set of state visits.",13 +8,NCRPO to enforce maximum police visibility for safe SumVac,7 +13,"Duterte amid ICC developments: If I rot in prison, so be it",12 +14,Czech leader to meet Marcos in Manila visit,13 +5,The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has released a resolution designating the Assistant Commissioner for Legal to issue orders dismissing administrative cases found to be defective based on technical grounds.,4 +9,"PH detects first cases of Omicron BF.7, which is driving new surge in China",8 +13,Marcos appoints Eduardo Año as new national security adviser,12 +7,4 Pinays being trafficked to Lebanon rescued,6 +8,New EDCA sites to make way for military infra modernization,7 +10,Caritas Manila provides scholarship to agri students,9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Days after media workers observed World Press Freedom Day, journalist Leonardo “Cong” Corrales filed against Facebook owner Meta after he experienced online harassment from anonymous users on the platform.",6 +10,Maynilad announces water interruption in some parts of Metro Manila from May 1-8,9 +6,Robredo seeks creation of cabinet post that will oversee Bangsamoro dev’t,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Bantag, who was recently suspended over the death of the alleged middleman in the Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa case, criticized the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",12 +9,The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) has detected toxic red tide in the coastal waters of Bohol and three other areas in the Visayas and Mindanao.,8 +2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday reassured that rightsizing the bureaucracy is not aimed at terminating employees, but serves as a tool to upskill and reskill the current government workforce.",1 +8,MANILA – A task force and a center have been established by the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) to monitor the situation of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) based in Turkiye that was hit by a 7.8 magnitude quake on Feb. 6.,7 +9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases decreased by 7 percent from Feb. 20 to 26, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Preparations for school opening and the Libreng Sakay program were among the issues discussed during the joint press briefing of the Office of the Vice President (OVP) and the Department of Education (DepEd) on Thursday, August 4.",1 +6,Supreme Court gives green light to LTO IT project,5 +6,Less than half of Philippine SIMs registered before Apr 26 deadline,5 +1,DILG turns over P24-M infra projects in ‘conflict-prone’ barangays in Ifugao,0 +7,Pangasinan agri officer: Kits cited in Enrile PDAF graft cases didn’t reach beneficiaries,6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – Election exercises in connection with charter change could cost the government as high as P28 billion, the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) revealed on Monday, February 20.",0 +10,"DAVAO CITY, Philippines – At the Bangkerohan public market, Nanette, a fruit vendor, was busy unloading a crate of mangosteens, which she would be selling for P50 a kilo.",9 +10,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has assured overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) that the government is working to boost the quality of jobs in the Philippines so that time when Filipinos would no longer have to go abroad out of necessity.,9 +14,"Marcos: Laser-pointing incident partly escalatory, invoking MDT unnecessary",13 +7,Hontiveros: Suspension of gov’t execs over Pharmally scam ‘partial vindication’,6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. has directed all Philippine embassies and consulates worldwide to walk-in transactions by Monday, March 21, after over two years of limited consular operations due to the pandemic.",5 +1,Senate report on DepEd's 'overpriced' laptops reaches plenary,0 +10,"The easterlies or the warm from the Pacific Ocean may continue to bring partly cloudy to cloudy weather with isolated rain showers and thunderstorms across the archipelago in the next 24 hours, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Monday, April 17.",9 +13,"Comelec allows COC filing for 2023 BSKE in malls, big public spaces for populated areas",12 +7,"House panel invites 2 generals, other PNP execs to probe of 990-kilo drug haul",6 +15,"‘Amihan’ to bring cloudy skies, rains over Luzon Saturday",14 +7,"Not all information which investigators have in the murder case of slain Negros Oriental Gov. Roel R. Degamo could be revealed before the Senate, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla said on Friday, April 14.",6 +2,MANILA – The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) on Monday the European Union's decision to continue recognizing the country’s seafarer training and certification system.,1 +9,"Gov’t urged to inspect, retrofit hospitals in danger zones to prepare for the ‘Big One’",8 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has appointed lawyer Ferdinand Negre as the of the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC).,12 +5,SC asked to declare SIM Registration Act unconstitutional,4 +1,Go Negosyo's free business mentoring set in Pampanga,0 +6,Education Secretary and Vice President Sara Duterte on to pushing for the implementation of legislated policies for the benefit of public school teachers.,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr attended four media fora this week during which he flip-flopped on transparency, revealed his liberal views on abortion, and raised questions about his economic plans.",12 +4,MANILA – The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Monday vowed to strengthen its programs that cater to the welfare of women.,3 +8,"The Philippine Army (PA) and United States Army Pacific (USARPAC) conducted an air assault planning exercise which highlighted their capability to operate the Black Hawk helicopter while the Patriot, an American missile defense system heavily used by Ukraine in resisting Russia’s invasion, was utilized in a separate exercise participated by the Philippine Air Force (PAF) as part of the ongoing Exercise Balikatan, the military reported on Saturday, April 22.",7 +1,"PH economic team to boast resilient, stable PH in WB-IMF Spring Meetings",0 +14,Japan dispatches team to help contain Mindoro oil spill,13 +10,"MANILA – Easterlies continue to affect eastern sections of Visayas and Mindanao, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Sunday.",9 +12,Labor groups oppose Government Rightsizing Bill anew,11 +9,Vergeire allays House members' concerns on rising Covid cases,8 +7,PNP investigating 'car history' of getaway vehicle used in Aparri vice mayor ambush,6 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said the government is making sure that jeepney drivers and operators will not lose their means of livelihood when it finally implements the public utility vehicle modernization program (PUVMP).,1 +2,"Parts of Caloocan, QC waterless on April 24-May 1",1 +9,Mental health and psychosocial support spearheaded in Masbate schools,8 +15,Magnitude 5.6 quake jolts Cagayan,14 +7,7 human trafficking victims repatriated from Thailand: BI,6 +14,Marcos says US access to Philippines bases not meant for ‘offensive action’,13 +13,Marcos appoints Rex Gatchalian as secretary of DSWD,12 +14,"PNP, UN official discuss road safety measures amid alarming PH fatal accident data",13 +14,Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles paid a courtesy call to Vice President Sara Duterte on Wednesday afternoon.,13 +6,El Niño mitigation plan should include agri insurance —Villanueva,5 +2,DPWH completes farm-to-market road in South Cotabato,1 +13,"Marcos media blitz: SALN flip-flop, liberal views, economic plans",12 +7,"Dela Rosa to PNP,  NBI: Wage 'all-out war' vs e-sabong",6 +14,Marcos brings ‘secret weapon’ to 48-hour China visit,13 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The government pandemic task force has allowed 100% classroom capacity for in-person classes for higher education institutions (HEIs) in areas under Alert Level 1, Malacañang said on Friday, March 11.",1 +9,Philippines detects first 2 cases of rapidly spreading Omicron BA.2.75,8 +7,P521-M illegal drugs seized from Jan. 1 to Feb. 11: PNP,6 +8,"PCG: Chinese militia, coastguard ships still in Ayungin, Sabina Shoals",7 +14,"Marcos invites Japan emperor, empress to visit Philippines",13 +7,Kin of missing sabungeros ask Atong Ang to help in investigation,6 +8,"Fighter and advanced trainer jets from the Philippine Air Force (PAF) and United States Air Force (USAF) have dominated the country’s skies for the launch of the Cope Thunder Philippines Exercise (CT Ph) 23-1 on Monday, May 1.",7 +14,"The Philippines will have a hard time wooing foreign investors if the government would continue to dodge the International Criminal Court's (ICC) probe into the Duterte administration's drug war, an opposition lawmaker said Thursday.",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Former vice presidential candidate and activist Walden Bello was released from detention Tuesday afternoon, August 9, after posting bail of P96,000 for two counts of cyber libel.",6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The culture of killing in the Philippines continues as another journalist died after he was gunned down on Monday night, October 3. Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa was shot dead in Las Piñas, and the police have yet to identify his killer.",6 +13,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez couldn't help but feel happy and hopeful after witnessing firsthand the meeting between President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and United States (US) Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington DC.",12 +7,"Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa on Monday assured the camp of suspended Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. that the Senate public order and dangerous drugs investigation into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo won't turn into a ""kangaroo court.""",6 +10,"MANILA – The transport strike staged by various public transport groups against the public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program (PUVMP) has affected only 10 percent of routes in the National Capital Region (NCR), the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) reported on Monday.",9 +2,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is confident his administration would lead the groundbreaking of sites for about 1.2 million housing units before his second State of the Nation Address (SONA) in July.,1 +10,"Operations in Philippine airports are going well so far this Holy Week amid the influx of passengers, according to the Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Thursday.",9 +7,For Kakampinks only? Guanzon offers to help sue schools that force ROTC on students,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – One thing is clear in the move to block websites allegedly affiliated groups: nothing in the anti-terror law says websites can be blocked after designation as terrorists.",12 +7,MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday formally directed prosecutors to withdraw cases where the chances of conviction are slim.,6 +9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases increased by 19 percent from March 15 to 19, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 +15,Lone bettor from Agusan Norte hits P27-M Super Lotto jackpot,14 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A was filed against Joel Escorial, the suspect behind the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid, the Philippine National Police’s Southern Police District (SPD) confirmed on Wednesday, October 19.",6 +7,Bantag aide denies involvement in Percy Lapid slay,6 +15,Ticket sold in N. Samar wins P63-M Super Lotto jackpot,14 +5,"Sandiganbayan upholds graft, malversation cases vs ex-VP Binay’s wife",4 +7,Romualdez offers P500-K reward for arrest of Salilig’s killers,6 +6,Presidential bets support the creation of Cordillera Autonomous Region,5 +6,"With hardly 40 percent of the country’s subscriber identity module or (SIM) cards registered, Camarines Sur 2nd district Rep. LRay Villafuerte said its time for authorities to think about the extension provision in Republic Act (RA) No.11934 or the SIM Registration Act.",5 +9,"Oil spill-affected villagers told to wear mask, drink safe water",8 +9,"The  risk of transmission from buried COVID-19 vaccine vials is ""very minimal,"" Department of Health officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said Thursday as she assured the Senate blue that the current disposal process of wasted vaccines is ""safe.""",8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government on Friday, November 4, denounced North Korea’s recent firing of missiles, warning it increased tensions in the “already volatile region.”",13 +2,"The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA)’s request for a new electrical system is an urgent matter, but the amount won’t necessarily reach P1 billion, House Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto of Batangas said Wednesday.",1 +15,Statue of ex-President Diosdado Macapagal unveiled in Zambales,14 +14,US pays tribute to Fil-Am World War II vets,13 +6,"An educator and fellow of an international research organization urged the national government to expand the coverage of tariff breaks for electric vehicles (EVs), saying it would be real game changer amid the soaring prices of petroleum products.",5 +7,"Sandiganbayan convicts ex-Cotabato lawmaker, 2 others on second PDAF charges",6 +10,Solon: K-3 curriculum to result in exponential learning growth,9 +13,"Marcos on 1st 100 days: ‘Putting out fires, finding best and brightest’",12 +2,Marcos urges ASEAN: Address 'brain drain' in healthcare,1 +8,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday lauded the flight maneuver skills of Philippine Air Force (PAF) pilots, emphasizing the need to continue modernizing and improving the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) military capabilities to effectively safeguard the country’s maritime territory.",7 +9,Positivity rate not sole indicator to assess Covid-19 situation—DOH,8 +3,"Marcos urges nation: Be humane, think of PH's future",2 +7,"Barbers, Abalos agree there was a cover-up try on 'ninja cop' Mayo's case",6 +13,"The bank that allegedly certified Global ComRCI, a Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation third-party auditor for Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations (POGO), denied issuing such a certification, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said in a Friday statement.",12 +8,"Online love scammers also targeting foreign nationals, BI says",7 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Metro Manila will remain on Alert Level 2, the second lowest alert level for COVID-19, until February 28, Acting Presidential Spokesperson and Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said on Monday, February 14.",8 +4,PCSO vows more programs for women's welfare,3 +9,Tolentino to gov't: Move fast in evacuating Filipinos from conflict-ridden Sudan,8 +14,Marina teams up with France to boost PH maritime industry,13 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The controversial procurement by the Department of Education (DepEd) of P2.4 billion worth of “outdated” laptops through the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) was indeed messy as it seemed.",0 +14,The United States has told China to respect freedom of navigation and honor the 2016 Arbitral Ruling related to the South China Sea to avoid repetition of the near collision incidents between Chinese and Philippine vessels in the contested waterway.,13 +4,Respect for diversity potent force in nation-building: Romualdez,3 +13,Marcos and his Uniteam end campaign with display of fireworks – and curses,12 +7,The camp of the Degamo family said Tuesday that there is no need for the four surrendered suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others to turn into state witnesses because they already have enough evidence.,6 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. stressed that Southeast Asian countries must find ways to address human capital flight, particularly in the healthcare sector, for the region's benefit.",1 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday maintained that the four additional sites under the Philippines’ Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with its longstanding ally, the United States, would not be used for ""offensive actions.”",13 +6,Bato dela Rosa urges revival of ‘Oplan Tokhang’ in drug war,5 +10,Crewman on nearby boat recounts Basilan ferry fire rescue,9 +6,"The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) bared that the latest SIM Registration tally has breached 69 million, but this is only equivalent to about 41.32 percent of the existing cards across the archipelago.",5 +7,"Enrile, co-accused in graft case question COA's evidence on PDAF use",6 +14,PCG seeks aid from int’l fund to address Mindoro oil spill,13 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – On the 159th birth anniversary of the father of the Philippine Revolution, President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. called on Filipinos to be “dutiful and law-abiding citizens” who work for a “bright and freer future” for everyone.",10 +13,Marcos says SWS 'very good' rating 'encouraging',12 +7,The Bureau of Immigration urged Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) officials to investigate an airline employee's possible involvement in the trafficking and illegal recruitment of passengers.,6 +8,"The Philippine government is still studying the possible locations for the additional Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites, according to President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.",7 +14,"BEIJING — China warned on Tuesday that Washington was ""endangering regional peace and stability"" with a new deal expanding American troops' access to bases in the Philippines.",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and the United States signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) seeking to boost cooperation on developing the Philippines’ nuclear energy program, announced the Philippine embassy in Washington, DC.",13 +8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) is now looking into the report that the personal information and other data of its personnel have been exposed online for weeks.,7 +7,BI nabs overstaying Nigerian in Pasig,6 +3,MANILA – The Manila Cathedral has announced that its new head will be installed next month.,2 +9,"As people start to flock to beaches this dry season, toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition has warned the public against using unauthorized sunscreen products supplied locally, which can also damage reefs.",8 +6,9 days left: SIM Registration 41.32% done — DICT,5 +13,Estrella to DAR field offices: Ensure rural projects are working,12 +10,DFA services to go digital,9 +14,Japan seeks peaceful resolution to Taiwan conflict,13 +10,MANILA – Some customers of Manila Water Company (Manila Water) will experience supply  interruption from April 25-27 due to service improvement activities in parts of Quezon City.,9 +7,House panel cites 3 in onion hoarding probe for contempt,6 +14,PH-Israel: Enhancing 65 years of friendship through innovation,13 +2,Solon urges NGCP to ensure adequate power supply during summer,1 +10,MANILA – Jeepneys are expected to resume plying their regular routes after transport groups Manibela and Pinagkaisang Samahan ng mga Tsuper at Operator Nationwide (PISTON) announced the end of their nationwide strike Tuesday night after meeting with Palace officials.,9 +3,Vice President Sara Duterte told parents to do everything in their power to send their children to school and keep them away from drugs and other illegal acts.,2 +8,"The Philippines on Thursday said it is in the process of ""crafting guidelines"" on maritime activities, including joint patrols with allies, in the West Philippine Sea amid China's increasingly aggressive actions in the region.",7 +7,Bato wants PNP chief Azurin in Senate probe into P6.7-billion shabu,6 +2,MANILA – The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Monday announced that it has released the PHP500 million 2023 Cancer Assistance Fund (CAF) to the Department of Health (DOH).,1 +14,LOOK: Romualdez attends key meeting at IMF in Washington,13 +13,"Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa expressed belief Friday that President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has no secret order for Congress to amend the 1987 Constitution.",12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, known widely as Asia’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize, will announce the recipients of its annual award on Wednesday, August 31.",9 +10,"Despite the increasing likelihood of El Niño development, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) warned that Western Luzon may experience “above-normal” rainfall during the southwest monsoon or “habagat” season.",9 +8,"The Commission on Elections (Comelec) will suspend the power of the Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines to transfer their personnel during election periods, Comelec Chairman George Garcia said Monday.",7 +2,"Officials of a top nuclear energy firm based in the United States (US) on Monday, May 1 (US time), disclosed plans to invest in the Philippines after a meeting with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in Washington D.C.",1 +13,The Presidential Communications Office (PCO) on Thursday announced the latest appointments in various government agencies and government-owned and -controlled corporations.,12 +4,The on women and gender equality on Wednesday approved a measure amending the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children law by including using social media platforms or electronic violence.,3 +2,"MANILA -- Parts of Quezon City and Caloocan City will be waterless from Feb. 13 to 20 due to network maintenance, the Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Maynilad) announced Friday.",1 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The shutdown order of the Securities and Exchange Commission issued against Rappler on June 28 can be appealed to the courts once more, said Rappler’s chief legal counsel Francis Lim.",4 +10,"The chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy has expressed concern that the rotational brownouts in the islands of Panay and Negros, which started last April 27, could possibly continue in days.",9 +9,Pioneer study on treatment for 'rugby boys and girls' in progress — UP,8 +7,"The Senate Public Order and Dangerous cited in contempt on Wednesday night, April 19 a policeman who allegedly shot at a restaurant in Dumaguete City in March 2021.",6 +7,"Muntinlupa, Las Piñas courts issue arrest warrant vs ex-BuCor chief Bantag, Zulueta",6 +13,Commission on Elections (Comelec) chairperson George Garcia on Wednesday vowed that the poll body will step up its efforts in resolving election protests and other disputes.,12 +15,Camp Crame-based police officers get new dormitory,14 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) said Wednesday that it would file charges against Marvin Miranda, an alleged mastermind in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, for nine counts of murder, 13 counts of frustrated murder, and four counts of attempted murder.",6 +6,DOH to shake up pandemic task force amid abolition calls,5 +9,Go renews call for Filipinos not to be complacent vs Covid-19,8 +14,"The ship sent by South Korea carrying supplies to aid the cleanup of the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro has arrived at the Manila port, according to the Embassy of the Republic of South Korea in the Philippines.",13 +12,"What are Filipinos’ expectations, concerns ahead of Marcos’ first SONA?",11 +13,Teves hopes Senate probe won't turn into an investigation 'in aid of epal-isation',12 +14,‘Ironclad’ PH-South Korea alliance seen with signing of TOR on armies’ cooperation,13 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed Jonathan Dioso Tan as the new chairman and administrator of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), Malacañang announced on Thursday.",12 +6,DOE to release energy storage system policy on Feb 14,5 +7,CCTV footage says all in 'massive' cover-up in P6.7B Manila drug haul,6 +1,More EDCA sites to cost taxpayers' money -Gabriela solon,0 +3,"SC launches new lawyers’ code on responsibility, accountability",2 +6,"MANILA – Rep. Paolo Duterte has filed a bill seeking to establish another division of the Court of Appeals (CA) in Mindanao to be stationed in Davao City. Duterte said his proposed measure, House Bill (HB) 7895, is in pursuit of speedy disposition of cases, including the declogging of the CA divisions’ court dockets, and of increasing access to the CA services.",5 +7,The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) has advised protesters to observe existing laws and ordinances of the local government units (LGUs) in the conduct of their programs for the May 1 Labor Day celebration.,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he is scheduled to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping two months before he steps down as Chief Executive.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25, as the Philippines continued to reel from the crippling effects of the pandemic, the energy crisis, and the rising costs of food and fuel.",12 +6,"The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Friday said out of the 158,000 target jeepney units nationwide, at least 61% have joined a consolidated entity with the jeepney modernization program.",5 +6,AGRI Party-list Rep. Wilbert T. Lee has echoed calls from the House leadership to extend the availment period of estate tax amnesty for another two years.,5 +9,"The Department of Health on Tuesday registered 165 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally went down to 8,615.   The new infections pushed the country’s caseload to 4,080,562 even as the number of active cases dropped from 8,626 on Monday.   The National Capital Region logged the highest number of new cases (692) in the past two weeks.   It was followed by the Davao Region with 328 cases; Northern Mindanao with 288; Calabarzon with 239; and Soccsksargen with 161.   The recovery tally climbed to 4,005,596, while the death toll rose to 66,351.",8 +9,Marikina River reaches 3rd alarm due to Karding,8 +14,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. meets his US counterpart President Joe Biden for the second time in less than a year. This time, Marcos heads to the White House to reaffirm and revisit the long-standing alliance of the two countries.",13 +7,Sandiganbayan finds former exec of state-owned bank guilty of graft,6 +5,"The Sandiganbayan has denied the motion of the Marcos family to take control anew of assets earlier forfeited in favor of the national government, surrendered agreements or considered frozen accounts.",4 +7,"for violation of the Anti-Hazing Law against several suspects in the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig was submitted for resolution, according to the Department of Justice's panel of prosecutors on Friday.   Tau Gamma Phi fraternity members Earl Anthony Romero, Jerome Balot, Sandro Victorino, Michael Lambert Ritalde, Mark Pedrosa, master initiator Daniel Perry, and grand triskelion Tung Cheng Teng attended the preliminary investigation hearing at the DOJ main office in Manila.",6 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) has recorded no incidents in jail facilities nationwide during the observance of the Holy Week.,6 +6,The House of Representatives on Monday unanimously approved on third and final reading the bill providing safeguards to freelancers or those on a gig-basis job on third and final reading.,5 +13,Ateneo to award Rappler CEO Maria Ressa an honorary degree,12 +2,"MANILA – Close to 60,000 jobs are up for grabs at the annual job fairs by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in connection with the celebration of Labor Day on May 1 nationwide.",1 +14,The Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) has partnered with France to represent the Philippines in the recently held Sea Asia 2023 in Singapore and promote the development of the country’s maritime industry and “green shipping.”,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed as undersecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) a geologist whose family’s personal and professional history is marked by resistance to the dictatorship of the first Marcos president.",12 +2,"MANILA – At least 15,000 job seekers went to the different job fairs nationwide in connection with the Labor Day celebration on May 1, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) reported on Monday.",1 +6,DOH relying on passage of CDC bill for release of donated bivalent jabs,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – All eyes are on what the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) would look like under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., but the long wait for new appointees has proven to be nerve-wracking for human rights advocates and organizations.",12 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) inaugurated 150 temporary hospital beds to ensure continued provision of basic health care services for 28,000 detainees in Muntinlupa City’s New Bilibid Prison (NBP).",1 +13,"Marcos won’t cooperate with ICC over sovereignty, jurisdictional issues",12 +10,"Rainy Valentine's Day in Visayas, Mindanao due to trough of LPA",9 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Sunday vowed to continue prioritizing the welfare of Filipino workers by providing the vital opportunities to achieve their full potential.,1 +6,Senator Imee Marcos on Tuesday suggested for each daycare center in the country to have at least one child development worker who is accredited and being paid by the national government.,5 +13,"Palace names new execs in PCO, BJMP, AFP",12 +13,Senate resolution honors late ex-DFA chief Del Rosario,12 +8,"Philippines, US reaffirm Mutual Defense Treaty commitment",7 +14,"Marcos to make China state visit, his first outside ASEAN, in January 2023",13 +8,"DND, OPAPRU deplore spate of NPA atrocities in Masbate",7 +9,UNFPA seeks comprehensive sexuality education for ages 5–19 to curb teen pregnancy,8 +6,Vintage vehicle law takes effect in April 2023: Daza,5 +2,"The United States Coast Guard is set to assist the Philippines in the cleanup of the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro, with additional air assets scheduled to arrive later in the week.",1 +2,"The two new ""Alagang Tingog Centers""--a social service center brainchild of Tingog Party-list Rep. Yedda Marie Romualdez and her husband, House Speaker and Leyte 1st district Rep. Martin Romualdez--recently opened its doors in Davao del Norte.",1 +6,"AI to render 'many jobs obsolete', Salceda warns; here's what should be done",5 +9,Nograles tells new doctors: 'You must be accountable to the people',8 +14,"PH, Japan ink 35 key investment deals",13 +6,Bill condoning farmers' loans under CARP gets Senate's final nod,5 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has appointed two new directors at the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Malacañang said Tuesday.",12 +7,"MANILA – Operatives of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) have arrested three wanted persons -- rebels and an alleged leader of a private armed group during separate manhunt operations, CIDG chief Brig. Gen. Romeo Caramat Jr. said Tuesday.",6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday registered 82 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally climbed to 9,211.",8 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday released guidelines for the use of second COVID-19 booster shots to the general population.,8 +10,Enforce ample measures vs El Niño: Abalos orders LGUs,9 +10,Quiapo Church bares route for Nazareno motorcade on Good Friday,9 +2,Zubiri bats for salary increase of nurses,1 +6,"Villanueva: DOLE, NEDA should carefully study proposed wage adjustments for Filipino workers ​",5 +7,"The Grade 10 learner who brought a hand grenade to a public school in Western Visayas has been apprehended and is currently in the custody of the police, the Department of Education (DepEd) said.",6 +13,Bato assures Teves: Senate hearing on Degamo case won't be a 'kangaroo court',12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Detained former senator Leila de Lima has asked the court once again to drop the drug-related case against her, following the key witnesses’ retraction of accusations against her.",6 +6,House bill on gov’t rightsizing hurdles second reading,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla attended the agency’s flag ceremony on Monday, October 17 – among his first public appearances since the arrest of his son.",12 +8,‘Very insecure’: Police employ rare moves to secure Marcos’ first SONA,7 +14,MANILA – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Monday said it is not deterred by the latest Chinese harassment to two vessels of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) within the country's exclusive economic zone.,13 +2,UP Law dean Vistan chosen as Diliman chancellor,1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Tensions over Taiwan are expected to be on the agenda when US Vice President Kamala Harris meets Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr next week, Manila’s ambassador to Washington said on Thursday, November 17.",13 +13,Marcos appoints 2 new directors in the NBI,12 +14,Romualdez bats for PH-US-India digital partnership,13 +10,FULL LIST: 2022 Bar Exams passers,9 +10,"LTO sets standard fees, cuts duration for driving courses",9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Duterte administration consistently hindered the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) from accessing police documents vital to its investigations into extrajudicial killings during the violent war on drugs.",6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday recorded 350 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the nationwide tally to 4,083,275.",8 +7,Cyberattack hits CNN Philippines on day of presidential debate,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The latest – and perhaps last – round of voter registration for the long-delayed 2023 barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections came to a close on Tuesday, January 31.",12 +3,"The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) on Monday, May 2, reminded the country’s 3,992 new lawyers to uphold the integrity and the ethics of the legal profession.",2 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Almost all or 93% of the respondents in a national survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) in December 2022 said they were “hopeful that the worst of the COVID-19 crisis is behind us.”",11 +9,"MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) on Monday underscored the importance of food safety to public health, as it seized around PHP120 million worth of smuggled agri-fishery products in Navotas City. In a radio-TV interview, DA Assistant Secretary for Inspectorate and Enforcement James Layug said the DA, together with partner agencies, inspected and raided seven warehouses in Navotas on March 17. “‘Yung isang pinasok po natin, talyer po e. Pero sa loob niya, mayroong dalawang ‘yung plug-in na tinatawag. May container van sa loob na refrigerated tapos nakasaksak lang sa kuryente. Tapos sa loob naman, talagang gumawa lang ng kwarto tapos nilagyan ng mga refrigerated section (One raided area is an auto garage shop. But inside, it has two so-called plug-ins. It has a refrigerated container van inside, plugged in electricity. Then inside, they made a room with a refrigerated section he said. Among the confiscated products include frozen pompano, pangasius, shrimp, chicken, frozen beef, frozen boneless beef, frozen spare ribs, frozen pork parts, frozen pork aorta, frozen squid rings and frozen pacific saury. However, Layug said more than the avoidance of necessary taxes and permits, the risk of having smuggled goods on the table is a health concern. “Mas importante ay ‘yung food safety issue. Hindi ito dumaan sa tamang proseso. Hindi ho na-inspect o nabigyan ng sanitary phytosanitary clearance. So ang problema po natin dito is ‘pag napunta po ito sa public market o mga hapagkainan, danger ng public health issue (The food safety issue is more important. This is not undergoing the right process. It’s not inspected nor given sanitary phytosanitary clearance so our problem here is if it reaches the public market or the tables, the danger is a public health issue),” he said. Layug added that this is possible since consumers do not usually search for the supply source when in the public market. “May deception din ito. Kasi hindi naman ilalagay ‘yung ano e, kasi mga expired po ‘yung iba e. Ire-rebox lang nila ito, kapag ibinenta sa palengke, mga talipapa. Kung ikaw consumer, hindi mo naman na titingnan saan galing ito, titingnan mo kung mura (There’s a deception here because they are not putting (the expiration date), some are even expired. Others are just reboxed, then sold to markets. If you’re the consumer, you will no longer check where it came from. You will just look for cheaper prices),” he said. To date, the DA will still look into the sources of the confiscated smuggled agri-fishery products. Moreover, the DA said it will investigate possible diversion or technical smuggling after the seizure.",8 +6,"Expedite release of Excellence in Teacher Education Act IRR, agencies told",5 +7,Sen. Gatchalian raises possible statutory rape cases among teen moms,6 +8,WATCH: PNP ‘ready’ to provide security for journalists under threat,7 +13,Enrile asked for PDAF release to groups allegedly linked to Napoles —DBM exec,12 +6,MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. on Tuesday ordered the Philippine National Police (PNP) to review its policies and processes in the issuance of firearms and the license to carry these outside of one's residence.,5 +13,Bonoan names new DPWH-NCR assistant director,12 +13,"Solon: Contractual, JOs to get new gov't posts in reorganization",12 +13,"What kept Marcos busy? Courtesy visits, meetings fill President’s first 100 days",12 +6,MANILA – The plebiscite for the conversion of the municipality of Carmona in Cavite into city will be held on July 8.,5 +11,Hundreds troop to People Power Monument for #EDSA36,10 +4,Female cops as desk officers draw mixed reactions,3 +13,A Commission on Appointments on Wednesday the plenary confirmation of the ad interim appointment of Alfredo Pascual as secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).,12 +1,"PH durian on par with Thai, Malaysian variants in China market",0 +15,MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Gen. Andres C. Centino on April 18 visited the newly approved Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites in Northern Luzon and was briefed on the construction projects being undertaken in one of the new locations.,14 +2,"The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) needs more maritime vessels to continue patrolling its 15 districts around the country, an official said Thursday.",1 +8,‘Balikatan’ centers on 4 major drills; lightning rally mars opening day,7 +13,"Marcos thanks publishers for promoting accurate info, free press",12 +9,DOH records 118 heat exhaustion cases amid warm season,8 +14,"AFP, US Army Pacific eye stronger cooperation",13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives on Wednesday, February 8, tackled – for the first time under the Marcos administration – a bill seeking to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE), prompting one lawmaker to walk out after his request to defer the hearing was denied.",5 +7,The Supreme Court En Banc has disbarred a lawyer for telling his client that he can bribe justices of the Fifteenth Division of the Court of Appeals.,6 +6,Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva on Thursday reiterated his support for the creation of the proposed Department on Disaster Resilience (DDR) as he rejected criticisms that it would be “redundant” to the existing disaster management bodies.,5 +6,"MANILA – The Climate Change Commission on Saturday sought the revival of the Bicycle Act, citing the harmful impact of mechanized modes of travel on both the environment and public health.",5 +10,PAGASA: Recent rainfall didn't raise dams' water level,9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health vowed to improve conditions in the National Center for Mental Health in Mandaluyong after Senator Raffy Tulfo said there were areas in the facility which smelled worse than a pig sty.",8 +2,MANILA – Rizal 4th District Rep. Fidel Nograles on Thursday called on the government to address the perceived lack of practical job skills among fresh graduates of the so-called “pandemic generation” following a report by the Commission on Human Rights (CHR).,1 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has appointed a new set of government officials in several agencies, Malacañang announced.",12 +13,Enrile wants ICC arrested 'if they will come here',12 +13,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Friday, April 28, sent his support to President Ferdinand “Bongbong” R. Marcos Jr. ahead of the President’s departure for an official mission to the United States on April 30.",12 +10,"Expect partly cloudy weather, isolated rain showers over most of PH — PAGASA",9 +14,Officials from the Philippines and China met on Thursday for the 23rd Philippine-China Foreign Ministry Consultation (FMC) and 7th Bilateral Consultative Mechanism (BCM) on the South China Sea.,13 +2,"Ako Bicol Party-list's solar-powered water supply system program will be implemented nationwide to the tune of P10 billion, House Committee on Appropriations Chairman Zaldy Co bared in statement Sunday, April 30.",1 +15,MANILA – Two bettors who bagged the jackpots of two recent separate Lotto draws plan to use their winnings to put up a small business and fund their children's education.,14 +9,"The Philippines recorded 156 additional COVID-19 cases on Friday while active tally rose to 9,626 based on the latest data from the Department of Health (DOH).",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Days after the surrender of Joel Escorial, the alleged gunman in the killing of broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa, many other names allegedly involved in the killing floated. And the government keeps adding to that list, causing confusion.",6 +7,MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has ordered the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to undertake a full investigation into the killing of BPO Industry Employee Network (BIEN) union organizer Alex Dolorosa in Bacolod City.,6 +10,Manila has world’s 5th worst public transport system – think tank,9 +8,"Seven more Filipino young professionals were repatriated from Thailand after reportedly falling prey to human traffickers, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said.",7 +14,"Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian said his meeting with Philippine President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Tuesday night focused on and ""managing maritime differences"" between the two countries.",13 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Thursday, January 5, due to rain from two low pressure areas and the northeast monsoon or amihan.",9 +1,MANILA – House Committee on Constitutional Amendments chair Rufus Rodriguez on Friday the assessment made by Fitch Solutions that highlighted the country’s need for Charter changes to attract more foreign investments.,0 +9,WATCH: Party-themed COVID-19 vaccination of kids aged 5 to 11 in San Juan,8 +6,"Speaker asks telcos: Reveal total of postpaid subscribers, active but unlisted SIMs",5 +14,"PH, Malaysia sharing info on Sudan update to secure OFWs",13 +5,The Supreme Court (SC) has dismissed the filed against former Senator Juan Ponce Enrile and several other personalities for allegedly siphoning of funds amounting to P840 million from the Coconut Industry Development Fund (CIDF).,4 +7,Tulfo announces probe on power generation firms' 'greedy' practices ​,6 +14,Japanese Embassy in PH thanks DOJ over deportation of 4 fugitives,13 +13,‘A no-brainer’: Marcos gov’t urged to declare Verde Island Passage off-limits to certain ships,12 +7,House panel lifts contempt order on cold storage facility officials,6 +8,"The Department of Science and Technology’s Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) confirmed on Saturday, April 8, that its official Facebook page has been hacked.",7 +9,Philippines records 170 new COVID-19 cases,8 +7,P86 million in sugar declared as footwear rubber seized in Subic,6 +11,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has declared April 21, 2023 as a regular holiday in observance of the Eid'l Fitr or the Feast of Ramadhan.",10 +13,"MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff, Gen. Andres Centino, administered the donning of ranks ceremonies to nine newly-promoted military generals and senior officers in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City on Wednesday.",12 +13,36 Years: The promise of an inauguration,12 +10,SC declares half-day work on April 5,9 +6,PNP-ACG recommends making e-sabong illegal under law,5 +2,"MANILA – The government can use “a fraction” of the taxes it collects annually from crude oil and petroleum products to finance the clean-up of the Mindoro oil spill and indemnify impacted coastal residents, House Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto said Wednesday.",1 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police on Sunday night maintained it to searching for the missing sabungeros (cockfighting aficionados) and jail the suspects behind their disappearance.,6 +7,"MANILA – An American and an Indian have been arrested for violating Philippine immigration laws on separate occasions in Cebu City and Pasay City, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Tuesday.",6 +7,Immigration bureau raises alarm vs. Senegalese using fake documents,6 +15,"Warm weather, isolated rain showers to prevail across PH",14 +13,Congressman Erwin Tulfo? Not yet as Comelec halts proclamation over DQ case,12 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. brushed made by China on the Philippines-United States defense guidelines, saying it is the country's right to establish such with its allies.",13 +7,MANILA – Agents of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) have seized at least PHP592 million worth of illegal drugs in the first month of this year under the intensified anti-narcotics drive of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s administration.,6 +7,Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos on Wednesday bared four members of the which will review the courtesy resignations of Philippine National Police (PNP) senior officials.,6 +14,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez has described the long-standing relations between the Philippines and the United States (US) as ""an unfinished project"". However, he didn't mean this in a negative way.",13 +7,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, the wife of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, on Friday claimed that up to 30 people had been killed by the camp of recently-suspended Congressman Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr.",6 +2,"Gen. Benjamin Acorda, Jr., newly-installed chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), to download more funds and other logistical support to police units on the ground as they are on the frontline of law enforcement operations.",1 +6,Hontiveros lauds MIAA move to retain CCTV footage for 90 days,5 +6,SUMMARY: The Marcos administration’s priority bills,5 +10,MANILA – The chairman of the House Committee on Labor and Employment on Thursday said the Department of Education's (DepEd) plan to provide teachers with legal and financial advice is a step in the right direction to protect them from falling into debt.,9 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang on Sunday, September 25, declared a Luzon-wide suspension of work in government offices and classes in public schools at all levels for Monday, September 26 due to Super Typhoon Karding (Noru).",9 +13,[WATCH] In the Running: Panel discussion on the KBP presidential forum,12 +8,E-booking' system to boost PNP's crime solving efforts,7 +10,"Dozens of flights were canceled on Monday, Labor Day, due to a power outage that hit the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).",9 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) said the public must learn to  assess their own Covid-19 risk and make choices on how to better protect themselves against this viral disease.,8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Former vice presidential candidate and Laban ng Masa chairperson Walden Bello was arrested for two counts of cyber libel by the police on Monday, August 8.",6 +13,"Senator Robin Padilla, one of the proponents of Charter change in the Senate, said Sunday that he was prepared to keep trying to convince the House of Representatives to prioritize amending the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution through a Constituent Assembly (con-ass).",12 +15,"5,887 out of 16,936 pass April 2023 Civil Engineers Licensure Exam — PRC",14 +10,"Warm, humid weather to prevail across PH",9 +6,"MANILA – Senator Raffy Tulfo has filed a measure seeking to probe the reported delays of the Social Security System (SSS) in processing members’ benefits, particularly retirement and death claims.",5 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday greeted his predecessor, former president Rodrigo R. Duterte, a happy birthday, vowing to continue the good projects and programs he began during his term.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) is again under fire for another learning module mishap, this time involving an activity in the self-learning module (SLM) of grade 11 students that featured presidential candidate Vice President Leni Robredo.",12 +13,"There is no next move for the Philippine government after the International Criminal Court, through its Appeals Chamber, rejected the bid to suspend the investigation into the country's drug war, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Tuesday.",12 +15,Commuters get roses on Valentine’s Day,14 +14,‘Milestone’ in ties: Vietnam assembly president makes first PH visit,13 +7,Barbers: Informants of successful drug busts being paid with drugs,6 +1,Are electric fans going up in price along with temperatures this summer?,0 +9,Vaccination not required when schools shift to in-person classes,8 +6,Gov’t urged to regularly review deployment policies on OFWs,5 +7,"Quiboloy, 2 associates on FBI’s most wanted list",6 +2,"MANILA – Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Maynilad) is conducting dewatering activity in the primary line along Osmena Highway corner Zobel Roxas Street in Makati City.",1 +8,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Sunday said focused operations of field units in the past two weeks have resulted in the neutralization of three New People's Army (NPA) insurgents.,7 +9,"The Philippines posted 1,190 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, as the active tally rose to 8,371.   It was the highest number of new cases in the past three days.   The nationwide COVID-19 tally is now 4,097,525, according to the latest data from the Department of Health.   The active tally went up to 8,371 from 7,565 on Wednesday.   In the past 14 days, the National Capital Region logged the highest number of new cases with 4,172. It was followed by Calabarzon with 2,038, Central Luzon with 583, Western Visayas with 505, and Davao Region with 374.",8 +10,"NSW, LPA to bring clouds, rains on Black Saturday",9 +14,US-based firm to put up 1st PH call center in Iloilo: PBBM,13 +9,"The Department of Health reported 443 new COVID-19 cases nationwide on Sunday, bringing the country's COVID-19 total to 4,085,969.",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice is set to file charges of robbery and kidnapping against three police officers involved in the case of a missing sabungero in Laguna last August 2021.",6 +6,Bring back April-May school ‘summer’ break? Marcos says it’s not simple,5 +4,"MANILA – As the country celebrates National Women’s Month, Deputy Speaker and Las Piñas City Rep. Camille Villar called anew for the passage of a measure that seeks to improve maternal and newborn care and provide maximum safeguards to Filipino mothers at the time of their childbirths.",3 +13,Romualdez meets with California solon Young Kim; here's what went down,12 +14,DFA: PH concerns over WPS beyond US-China rivalry,13 +5,Court releases community doctor Natividad Castro,4 +7,BI nabs foreigner wanted in Korea,6 +6,DOTr asks LTFRB to relax the requirements in PUV modernization,5 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Amid a presidential directive to increase rice production and make more affordable to Filipinos, the Department of Agriculture (DA) is looking to make an “urgent” purchase of fertilizer from another government – a move intended to give farmers access to cheaper fertilizer than what is currently available.",1 +14,"Marcos meets Austin, attends full honors ceremony at Pentagon",13 +2,Remotely operated underwater vehicle to help locate sunken oil tanker,1 +13,Gatchalian: Cha-cha not a Senate priority especially political amendments,12 +3,"Be good lawyers,' Speaker Romualdez tells Bar passers",2 +7,"Ombudsman junks bribery complaints vs De Lima, ex-bodyguard",6 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Nine months after the first majority president post-1986, is public support for President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. starting to go down?",11 +7,MANILA – A Turkish national was arrested Tuesday at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) after being caught carrying an estimated PHP28.8 million worth of powder and liquid cocaine in his check-in luggage on board a flight from the Middle East.,6 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Amid the rising disinformation and misinformation in digital spaces, a young parish priest urged believers to face “fake news” and reach out to its victims.",2 +10,LPA east of Visayas may develop into a tropical depression --- PAGASA,9 +7,"House Secretary General Reginald Velasco on Monday confirmed that Pamplona, Negros Oriental Mayor Janice Degamo’s letter asking the House of Representatives to expel suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. has been received by the House Committee on Ethics and Privileges.",6 +7,DOJ to consider it as flight if Arnie Teves refuses to return to PH,6 +9,DOH: 80 of 81 Philippine provinces now malaria-free,8 +2,MANILA – The chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations on Wednesday reminded government agencies with funding for infrastructure projects under the 2023 national budget to obligate and spend those funds this year to prevent underspending and weak absorptive capacity.,1 +6,"The University of Santo Tomas (UST) System will be shifting to a new Learning Management System (LMS) to improve collaboration, implement academic and technological advancements, and meet changing student and faculty needs.",5 +14,PCG slams Chinese official's statement on laser-pointing incident,13 +7,"A total of 221 police personnel have been replaced after the March 4 killing of Negros Orientral Governor Roel Degamo, the Police Regional Office 7 (PRO7) said on Tuesday.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Covering the transition to a new administration is a task equal parts fun and daunting.",12 +8,"MANILA – A joint operation by the Bureau of Immigration (BI), the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC), and the Military Intelligence Group (MIG) resulted in the arrest of three suspected members of a Sikh extremist group in an apartment in Iloilo City earlier in March.",7 +3,Remembering Gomburza: Priests hold penitential walk to pray for voters,2 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) announced on Friday, April 14, that a total of 3,992 passed the 2022 Bar Examinations held on November 9, 13, 16, and 20 last year.",9 +9,MANILA – Barangay San Antonio (BSA) in Pasig City on Thursday collaborated with The Medical City in conducting a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training aimed at helping residents with no medical background to be prepared and knowledgeable in times of heart emergencies.,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The economic managers of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s administration gathered at the Philippine International Convention Center on Tuesday, July 26, following the first State of the Nation Address (SONA) of the chief executive.",12 +7,"Senators Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa and JV Ejercito on Tuesday were alarmed that several Chinese nationals who allegedly abducted a Filipina had high-powered handguns and a grenade.",6 +2,PBBM assures PH has ample rice supply,1 +12,41% of Filipinos support charter change – Pulse Asia,11 +5,House OKs bill calling for hybrid con-con to amend Charter,4 +6,The creation of a so-called Water Trust Fund (WTF) is an indispensable part of the congressional effort to establish a Department of Water Resources (DWR).,5 +7,"The Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs will start its investigation into the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo on April 17, the office of Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa said Monday.",6 +12,Almost 80% of Filipinos support ROTC in college – commissioned survey,11 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) recently junked a petition which sought a stricter interpretation and enforcement of term limits of lawmakers in Congress.",4 +6,"The Commission on Elections (Comelec) en banc is discussing the policies and the specifications of the new technology that will be adopted in the next elections, Comelec spokesperson Rex Laudiangco said Monday.",5 +2,US provided over $20M worth of assistance in Oriental Mindoro oil spill response —Galvez,1 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) has dismissed for illegal possession of firearms and unlawful possession of explosives filed against Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr., its spokesperson said Saturday.",6 +7,No special treatment: Ex-cop Mayo under tight BJMP security- Abalos,6 +1,House probe into anticompetitive onion prices sought,0 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has ordered prosecutors to lower the bail in certain criminal cases involving indigents.",5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and China pledged on Saturday, April 22, to work together to resolve their maritime differences in the South China Sea, where the two claims, and to deepen bilateral ties.",13 +2,Marcos says 1.2-M housing sites started since he assumed office,1 +14,Croatian envoy visits ex-president Arroyo; here's what happened,13 +14,Philippines to open embassy in Ukraine,13 +5,Civic leaders go to Supreme Court for a shot to void Marcos’ win,4 +13,Robin Padilla wants ban of movie 'Plane' over portrayal of Philippines,12 +5,SC OKs transfer to Bilibid of Duterte’s frat brothers tagged in bribery case,4 +13,Marcos accepts Paulino's resignation as SBMA chief,12 +10,PAGASA issues El Niño alert,9 +6,"House of Representatives Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez over the weekend revealed 11 additional bills as part of the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC), including the controversial Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF).",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Bantag filed a against Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla, accusing him of being the alleged mastermind behind Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa’s death.",6 +14,France on Tuesday expressed its opposition to any action that would increase the tension in the South China Sea.,13 +2,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) a P190 million river dike project which will protect the residents of the flood-prone barangays in Nabua, Camarines Sur.",1 +7,"MANILA – Prosecutor General Benedicto Malcontento has approved the indictment of suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Bantag and 11 others for murder in connection with the killing of broadcaster Percival ""Ka Percy Lapid"" Mabasa in October last year.",6 +7,Revilla seeks probe on PNP execs’ links to P6.7-B drug haul,6 +8,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday some of the new sites being targeted to host American troops under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) would be in Palawan and in the northern and southern portions of the Philippines.",7 +2,MANILA – A total of 334 hectares of agricultural land in Nueva Vizcaya will now be irrigated through the Department of Agrarian Reform irrigation system (CIS) benefitting farmer-beneficiaries in the province.,1 +2,"The Philippines was at risk of losing COVID-19 vaccine donations after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an end to the global health emergency, a lawmaker said over the weekend.",1 +14,"TOKYO — Amid talks of the Philippines possibly forming a Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with Japan just as it has with the United States, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said that such a pact—which would allow Japanese troops to conduct military exercises and exchanges with the country’s armed forces—should not provoke tensions with China.",13 +13,"Escudero wants 'no permit, no exam' policy removed",12 +7,"Court fight between Villar, BF homeowners association may go into its second round",6 +8,MANILA – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) is looking to intensify security protocols in the country’s railways and is eyeing security upgrades after a woman jumped in front of a Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT-3) train on Wednesday.,7 +4,House signs historic MOU vs. gender-based violence,3 +9,"The seven-day COVID-19 positivity rate in the National Capital Region (NCR) went up slightly from 1.6% as of Feb. 11 to 1.7% as of Feb. 18, OCTA Research said on Monday.",8 +13,Padilla: Pledges from Marcos' foreign trips won't materialize without Cha-cha,12 +9,Gov’t always preparing in case strong earthquake hits Philippines — OCD,8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and China signed on Wednesday, January 4, 14 bilateral agreements touching on tourism, trade, and information exchange, among others.",13 +7,"Sandiganbayan postpones plunder trial of Enrile, others due to broken TV monitor",6 +8,PNP aims for 3-minute response time to crime in crowded areas,7 +7,"The Supreme Court has disbarred lawyer Berteni Causing, the spokesperson of the Mabasa family, over a draft that he posted on Facebook in 2019.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first State of the Nation Address (SONA) was met with protests, with groups demanding the leader to immediately act on soaring prices, human rights, and other national issues.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The student councils of the University of the Philippines have endorsed UP Diliman Chancellor Fidel Nemenzo as the next university president.",12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. expressed dismay at the high casualty rate in Maguindanao brought about by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae), which was set to make its fifth landfall in the country on Saturday, October 29.",8 +13,Marcos’ ‘greatest robbery of a government’ Guinness record suddenly inaccessible,12 +14,Top diplomats of the Philippines and China have agreed that a stable relationship between the two countries amid differences over the West Philippine Sea (WPS) and the South China Sea (SCS) is necessary not only for the benefit of their peoples but also for peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.,13 +7,"The rescue of a damaged Chinese ship with seven crew members on Friday off Guiuan, Eastern Samar, has prompted an investigation by the Philippine authorities on how the ship ended up in the country's territorial waters.",6 +15,Sunken tanker in Or. Mindoro leaks industrial oil: PCG,14 +1,"Marcos’ Japan trip seen to bring in P150-B in new investments, says envoy",0 +13,Senator Raffy Tulfo on Wednesday questioned the merit of Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. as the new acting president of PhilHealth after the latter said he sees no corruption happening in the agency.,12 +13,Marcos says there’s no threat vs. Arnie Teves,12 +6,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Friday said he will hold a dialogue with the Senate and House of Representatives for the passage of necessary legislation to indemnify victims of sexual by the Japanese Army during World War II.,5 +15,No jackpot winners in PCSO’s lotto evening draw on May 4,14 +8,"PAMPANGA — There is still a need to enhance the Philippine military’s capability in order to protect the country’s territory, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Tuesday.",7 +3,Cavite diocese urges faithful to attend Sunday Masses in person,2 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – For the second Congress in a row, the House of Representatives passed a bill allowing married women to retain their maiden surname.",5 +6,House OKs bill creating Virology and Vaccine Institute of the Philippines,5 +10,"MANILA – Most parts of the country will experience isolated rain showers, the weather bureau said Friday.",9 +10,‘Amang’ traverses northeastern part of Camarines Sur; Signal No. 1 still up in 11 Luzon areas,9 +8,MANILA – The Inter-agency Council for Traffic (I-ACT) will deploy “roving patrols” along the EDSA Busway Carousel to strengthen security and serve as a deterrent against crimes within the public transport system.,7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A that investigated sex trafficking and prostitution rings linked to the Philippine offshore gaming operators (POGO) industry is set to the filing of criminal cases against 26 officials under President Rodrigo Duterte’s government who were responsible for these nefarious practices.",6 +15,"The story of Ateneo guard Jeneven Bandiala: Loving husband, selfless brother",14 +13,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has reappointed Manuel Antonio Teehankee as Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the Geneva-based World Trade Organization, Malacañang said Tuesday.",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Change – at least in terms of administrative structure – to Malacañang to ring in the New Year.",5 +14,Kaibigan?': Senator JV slams China’s bullying of PH,13 +8,MANILA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday reiterated to continue the military's modernization to enhance armed forces’ capabilities to deal with national security threats.,7 +15,Roman Catholics traditionally observe Black or Holy Saturday with the observance of the Day of the Entombed Christ (Santo Entierro) during the day and the Easter Vigil at night.,14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – At least four senators said that they did not sign a panel report on the anomalies hounding the multibillion-peso pandemic contracts of President Rodrigo Duterte’s government done with Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation because of the inclusion of Duterte in the for charges.",12 +4,The Philippines was found to have violated the rights of victims of sexual by the Japanese Army in World War II by the United monitoring the elimination of discrimination against women.,3 +13,Reporter’s Review: Mara Cepeda on the Congress and Rodrigo Duterte,12 +13,Brian Yamsuan takes oath as Bicol Saro party-list rep,12 +14,Key security policy document between PH and US to be released Wednesday - diplomat,13 +14,FAST FACTS: Things to know about Philippines-Singapore relations,13 +10,Aviation authorities' planned closure of Philippine airspace for six hours in the morning of May 17 is a bad idea.,9 +6,Lifesaver' of poor Pinoys: Angara wants AICS program to become law,5 +13,Comelec: All systems go for Feb. 25 Cavite special polls,12 +7,"EU MP says probe of PH drug killings 'to go on forever', calls for ICC support",6 +13,"Marcos will not abolish NTF-ELCAC, says NSC",12 +6,The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has formed that is tasked up with a guideline to shorten the examinations being given to those applying for driver’s license.,5 +7,P5-M reward offered to find missing Chinese passenger of sunken dive yacht,6 +15,WATCH: 2020/2021 Bar Exams results,14 +2,COA flags Leyte province for ‘delays’ in P251-M infrastructure projects,1 +1,DBM: Marcos admin allots P2.39B for nat’l greening program,0 +2,OCD sends water filtration truck to oil-spill hit Oriental Mindoro,1 +14,MANILA – Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles said Wednesday they are looking at ways to conduct joint patrols in the South China Sea and more military exercises with the Philippines.,13 +7,Someone must be liable for New Year's Day airspace shutdown –Pimentel,6 +9,Public advised to get 2nd booster dose amid rising COVID-19 cases,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Thirty-six years after the Philippines ousted the dictator Ferdinand Marcos, 31 million Filipinos elected his son and namesake, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., as their new president.",12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to fly to the United States again on April 30, for a five-day official visit that includes a bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – After 36 years, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to return to Malacañang, now as president of the Philippines.",12 +13,Department of Public Works and Highways Secretary Manuel Bonoan has designated Joel F. Limpengco as officer-in-charge of the Office of the Assistant Regional Director in Metro Manila.,12 +7,Robredo supporters sue retired doctor for cyber libel,6 +2,"A total of five Alagang Tingog Centers (ATC) have been opened in Davao del Norte in just a matter of days, Tingog Party-list has reported.",1 +9,Daily average of new Covid-19 infections up by 10%,8 +8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday said it will prioritize the deployment of personnel in barangays that are identified as prone to crimes.,7 +9,"The perception of the importance of vaccines for children declined by 25% in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a UNICEF report.",8 +7,"Lt. Gen. Benjamin Santos Jr., former deputy chief for operations of the Philippine National Police (PNP), maintained innocence over the alleged cover up in the arrest of a sergeant and the pilferage of 42 kilos of “shabu” during a buy-bust operation in Manila last year.",6 +7,The Commission on Audit (COA) has tagged the government officials of Imus City in Cavite on the P40.56 million purchase in 2021 of electronic vehicles (e-trikes) which were already “rusting” and with batteries “already discharged or defective.”,6 +7,"The Sandiganbayan has set bail for lawyer Jessica “Gigi” Reyes at P450,000 in connection with the graft charges she is facing over the alleged misuse of her former boss Juan Ponce Enrile's pork barrel fund.",6 +8,MANILA – The Philippine government on Tuesday said it is a “necessity” to enhance defense capabilities amid what it calls “repeated infringements” on its sovereignty and rights in the South China Sea.,7 +1,COA: PhilHealth pays P782M for RT-PCR tests despite improper documents,0 +11,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) honors solo parents providing parental care and support to their children on their own as the the first “Solo Parents Week”.,10 +15,"433 Grand Lotto winners were ‘loyal’ to their numbers, says PCSO",14 +6,"The House higher and technical education panel on Monday approved a bill institutionalizing the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP), which allows professionals to earn a bachelor's degree without going through traditional schooling methods.",5 +13,"Senator Win Gatchalian on Saturday said proposals to amend the 1987 Constitution were not a priority in the Senate, especially the political amendments.",12 +14,"Months after telling media that flying to Switzerland for the World Economic Forum (WEF) is “traveling too much,” President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is in Davos to attend the annual gathering of the world’s business and political elite.",13 +5,The Sandiganbayan has affirmed its earlier decision junking the bid of former Budget Undersecretary Mario Relampagos to dismiss multiple graft and malversation charges against him in connection with the pork barrel scam.,4 +7,"Probe on alleged data breach in PNP, other gov't agencies sought",6 +1,SRA open to possible probe on high sugar prices,0 +14,"Marcos says PH, Malaysian foreign affairs chiefs to discuss Sabah claim",13 +4,Paeng aftermath: House leader wants PH to seek accountability from big polluters,3 +1,"CCC to submit solutions, good practices to global stocktake",0 +9,"The Philippines has detected one case of the highly contagious Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5, according to the Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday.",8 +10,"Students from private schools in the country suffered learning loss in science and mathematics due to the education-related issues that emerged amid the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the study of the University of San Carlos (USC) and Thames International School (TIS).",9 +9,"MANILA – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) has warned authorities on the use of chemical-based dispersants to break down the spreading oil spill in Oriental Mindoro province, saying this could cause harm to the marine ecosystem.",8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) just recently launched the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA) for lawyers, but a specific section in the code already got the disapproval of the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO).",5 +15,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has professed his love for his wife, First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos, as the couple marked their 30th wedding anniversary on Monday, April 17.",14 +2,"Nearly 115,000 service connections of Maynilad Water Services Inc. are set to experience up to 57 hours of water interruptions in week, as the concessionaire seeks to repair a major leak on its primary line in Makati.",1 +1,Chinese giants Alibaba and Lazada have expressed optimism about the Philippine market as former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo visited their headquarters during her recent trip to China.,0 +13,MANILA – Three ranking police officials were included in the latest reorganization in the Philippine National Police (PNP).,12 +13,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – When US President Joe Biden President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to the White House on Monday, May 1, he might have triggered some feelings of nostalgia on the part of the Philippine leader as Biden recalled Marcos’ past visit there with his late father and namesake.",12 +9,Second COVID-19 booster doses approved for general population,8 +1,Marcos gov’t proposing P500 million for Comelec’s new building in 2023 budget,0 +13,Press Secretary Trixie Angeles is out,12 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – What role does literature play in Philippine democracy?",10 +13,Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez expressed disappointment over the Department of Finance's (DOF) supposed plan to terminate the indexation of military and uniformed personnel (MUPs) in the face of rising pension costs.,12 +7,"Six more Filipinos arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) after escaping from their employers in Laos, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced on Sunday, April 9.",6 +3,Bishop David to Filipinos: Power-hungry politicians are the devil’s toys,2 +7,De Lima drug case submitted for decision —lawyer,6 +7,Cops in key posts first to undergo vetting for drug links,6 +13,PNP chief Azurin grateful for 3 decades of ‘noble’ service,12 +8,"The Philippines and the United States must focus in four separate areas for the modernization of both countries’ military alliance, according to Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr.",7 +7,DepEd welcomes arrest of suspect allegedly involved in 'position for sale' scam,6 +14,"Duterte, Xi discuss South China Sea, Ukraine in telesummit",13 +6,"LTFRB extends franchise of traditional jeeps to December 31, 2023",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Merceditas Gutierrez, the Ombudsman during the Arroyo administration who was impeached by the House in 2011, was appointed acting member of the Board of Trustees of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).",12 +14,"The joint exercises between the Philippines and the US should not interfere with the disputes in the South China Sea, China said on Monday.",13 +7,The authorities have arrested three foreigners suspected of being involved in the trade and manufacture of illegal drugs in separate operations in Makati City.,6 +13,"Remulla’s PCGG plan: Finish recovering Marcos ill-gotten wealth, manage other assets",12 +15,"Entries for the the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) Photography Contest 2023 are still being accepted. The photo contest started on February 15, 2023.",14 +14,"WASHINGTON, DC, USA – US Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the Philippine islands of Palawan on the edge of the disputed South China Sea, a senior administration official said on Tuesday, November 15, in a move that may be interpreted by Beijing as a rebuke.",13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – During the continuation of the oral arguments against the no contact apprehension policy (NCAP) on Tuesday, January 24, Supreme Court (SC) Senior Associate Justice Marvic Leonen asked whether it will result in an unjust “transfer of wealth.”",5 +1,PBBM economic team to present opportunities to Japanese investors,0 +9,Why few Filipinos are taking COVID-19 booster shots,8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Saturday, October 29, due to Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae).",9 +2,US firms set to hire 75K Filipino seafarers,1 +7,"Intelligence agents of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) have confiscated around P150 million worth of agricultural products, which are all believed to have been smuggled into the country,  in separate inspections in warehouses in Manila, Caloocan and Navotas.",6 +13,MANILA – The legal counsel of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. on Monday requested the House of Representatives to lift the 60-day suspension against him over his continued absence despite an expired travel authority.,12 +13,DFA orders envoy to Saudi to return home after wife campaigns for Marcos,12 +3,"Marcos to 2022 Bar exam passers: Serve country with integrity, compassion",2 +13,Marcos has no plans of rejoining ICC. What now?,12 +12,"OCTA: Marcos has 84% trust rating; Sara Duterte, 87%",11 +13,"Senator Christopher “Bong” Go, chairman of the Senate Health and Demography Committee, is leaving to government what to do with to revert to the old academic calendar.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former political prisoner Cristina Bawagan still has the dress she wore the day she was arrested, tortured and sexually abused by soldiers during the late Philippines’ dictator Ferdinand Marcos’s brutal era of martial law.",12 +5,"Bantag files counter affidavit, denies everything",4 +10,"Rain showers seen in many parts of PH due to ‘amihan,’ shear line",9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Two parents have asked the Quezon City Regional Trial Court to stop the impending COVID-19 vaccination for children, contesting a clause in the Department of Health (DOH) rule that gives the government the power to give consent to a willing minor.",8 +1,The Department of Education (DepEd) on Friday said the cost for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of schools damaged by the magnitude 6 earthquake that hit Davao de Oro on Wednesday night may reach P7 million.,0 +1,The tourism industry in Camarines Sur is expected to boom with of the P50 million access road project leading to “Little Baguio’’ in the municipality of Ocampo by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and Department of Tourism (DOT).,0 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The United States’ new envoy to the Philippines, Ambassador MaryKay Carlson, met with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Friday, July 22, in a swift effort to bolster ties between the two longtime allies.",13 +3,MANILA – Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula called on the faithful the season of Lent with and love for others.,2 +2,"Amid the country’s power crisis, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is eyeing “cutting-edge” micro nuclear fuel technology developed by a United States-based firm that brings safe, clean, and cost-effective electricity to consumers.",1 +3,Pope Francis prays for victims of Tropical Storm Agaton,2 +7,"PNP to remaining suspects in Degamo slay: We know your identities, surrender to authorities",6 +9,"US hikes COVID-19 notice level for PH, warns vs travel",8 +14,Japan donates P4.3-M school building to Bohol town,13 +15,"MANILA – Most parts of the country will have little rain and some clouds on Saturday, with the easterlies affecting winds in the Visayas and Mindanao.",14 +1,"MANILA – The city government of Taguig on Wednesday reported that it has collected PHP4.38 billion worth of business taxes in January, through its Business One Stop Shop (BOSS).",0 +6,Several government agencies expressed reservations about the proposed measures seeking to criminalize the creation and dissemination of fake news.,5 +6,K to 12 curriculum should undergo review following CHR report — Binay,5 +7,Vice President Sara Duterte on Thursday called on law enforcement authorities to put an end to the series of deadly attacks against elected local government officials.,6 +14,"Philippines, US foreign affairs, defense secretaries to meet in Washington",13 +3,"PNP chief Azurin wants review of drug war, asks Church’s help for cops’ ‘reform’",2 +7,The Sandiganbayan has cleared former Agriculture secretary Proceso Alcala of graft and malversation of public funds charges due to the prosecution's failure to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.,6 +6,"Here's a novel idea from P3PWD Party-list nominee Rowena Guanzon that could potentially help out a good portion of ""unbanked"" Filipinos.",5 +7,Not once but twice? Barbers says deeper probe needed on PNP cover-up in Tondo drug raid,6 +6,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Thursday announced that it would pilot test the automated election system (AES) in three barangays in Quezon City and the province of Cavite for the October 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).,5 +9,"The Philippines registered 1,101 new COVID-19 infections from February 6 to February 12, 2023, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Monday.",8 +6,"Speaker Martin Romualdez of Leyte on Wednesday justified the ongoing deliberations on measures seeking to amend the 1987 Constitution, saying the proposed amendments aim to attract foreign financing for job generation, among others.",5 +6,MANILA – A measure seeking the creation of a hospital for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to provide better access to and higher quality of healthcare for them and their families level at the House of Representatives.,5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines -–The Department of Health (DOH) said that a rise in COVID-19 cases in the country is not far-fetched if the public does with minimum health protocols during the Holy Week break and in campaign rallies, especially in areas with a low vaccination rate.",8 +3,Balanga Bishop Ruperto C. Santos has assured the Filipino repatriates from troubled Sudan of support from the Catholic Church.,2 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed interest to expand educational tourism between the Philippines and Japan, citing how Filipinos are known globally for their high English proficiency.",13 +6,Robin asks: 'Military takeover' needed to end impunity in Negros Oriental?,5 +2,The four new Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites that will be jointly established by the Philippines and United States government can be used as evacuation sites for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who may be affected by future conflicts.,1 +2,"DOST, TESDA offer courses for data analysts as demand seen to increase",1 +14,"Marcos takes up near crash of PH, China vessels off Spratlys with Chinese gov't",13 +5,"The Supreme Court (SC) on Thursday, April 13, launched the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA) which will serve as “bible” for all lawyers and “compass” that would direct them “towards moral and just conduct.”",4 +7,"PNP 'quota system' to boost ICC case vs Duterte, says Makabayan solon",6 +10,Commuters urge transport groups to end strike,9 +7,SITG conducts probe on origin of 990 kilos of 'shabu' seized in October 2022,6 +7,Result of probe on construction of MT Princess Empress may be out this month —MARINA,6 +10,LPA in Mindanao could become a tropical depression — PAGASA,9 +7,"Senator urges PNP, DOJ to prosecute violators of statutory rape",6 +1,"MANILA – The government must make sure that it is resilient to internal or external shocks with or without the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement, according to Senator Francis Escudero on Saturday.",0 +8,"Marcos urges LGUs, gov't agencies: Prevent crimes",7 +3,"Vice President Sara Duterte in her message for Eid'l Fitr asked for prayers for “harmony, unity, and success for each one.""",2 +10,"Labor Day will likely be cloudy, with some areas of the country possibly seeing rain showers and thunderstorms, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Friday, April 28.",9 +5,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) en banc has affirmed the junking of the disqualification case against Senator Raffy Tulfo.,4 +9,MANILA – The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) has deployed its emergency medical services (EMS) team to Davao de Oro after a 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit the province anew on March 7.,8 +2,MANILA – The start of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) modernization this year is expected to result in the acquisition of more assets and hiring of more personnel to effectively perform its mandate.,1 +13,Marcos names Vanessa Hudgens as Global Tourism Ambassador,12 +10,"Easterlies to bring partly cloudy weather, isolated rain showers across PH",9 +14,"Amid China pressure, US, Philippines recommit to security alliance",13 +7,BI catches Korean posing as Filipino,6 +6,Legarda wants tax incentives for salt industry investors,5 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – “The worst of times is the best of times.”",14 +8,The Philippine Navy (PN) has deployed a 140-strong contingent to Singapore for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-India Maritime Exercise (AIME) 2023 from May 2 to 8 which will incorporate drills among participating countries to practice a code for unplanned encounters at sea.,7 +2,Zubiri stresses need for wage hike to address nurse shortage in PH,1 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) said on Tuesday, September 6, that the Department of Education (DepEd) should create a database of allegations and reported misconducts of teachers, and this should be accessible to schools to help check the background of teaching applicants.",5 +8,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) is leaving no stone unturned in ensuring the safety and security of Holy Week travelers as it conducted inspection in bus terminal, seaports and airports in Metro Manila on Wednesday.",7 +1,"The Philippine delegation raised over P100 million worth of sales leads during the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia earlier this month, the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) said Monday.",0 +7,"After less than 3 months, Remulla son acquitted of illegal drug possession",6 +6,Bill seeking digitized copies of textbooks pushed in Senate ​,5 +14,The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Friday urged China to respect the Philippines' rights over the West Philippine Sea and honor the freedom of navigation after a Chinese vessel dangerously blocked a Philippine vessel in the Ayungin Shoal.,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – During President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s inauguration on Thursday, June 30, Martial Law victims and survivors also took an oath to guard against tyranny under another Marcos presidency.",12 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – November to December 2022,8 +14,US Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson on Thursday visited GMA Network and gave GMA Integrated News anchor Vicky Morales an exclusive one-on-one interview.,13 +7,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has instructed the Philippines' law enforcement agencies to go after drug syndicates instead of street-level players, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on the sidelines of the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.",6 +7,DOJ: Cashier convicted of 55 counts of being an accomplice in terrorist financing,6 +7,A Muntinlupa court has ordered the one-day reopening of the trial of former Senator Leila de Lima in connection with her illegal drug case.,6 +14,"Philippines gives US access to military sites in northern Luzon, Palawan",13 +10,"Probability of El Niño developing in June-August rises to 80%, says PAGASA",9 +15,"Villar bares winners in chorale singing contest, honors San Ezekiel Moreno",14 +6,"MANILA – With the fast-growing market for freelancers, two bills protecting them from abuses and exploitations have been filed in the Senate.",5 +15,"Former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) secretary Albert Del Rosario passed away on Tuesday, April 18. He was 83.",14 +6,NEDA urged to fast-track IRR of Public Service Act,5 +7,The Department of the Interior and Local Government on Saturday ordered the Philippine National Police to conduct manhunt operations for the killers of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo.,6 +13,Marcos says Japan trip not a vacation,12 +7,"One of the remaining drug cases against detained former Senator Leila de Lima has been submitted for decision, her lawyer said Monday.",6 +7,"Three or more persons, aside from suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” A. Teves Jr., could be designated as “terrorists” for their role in the March 4 killings of Gov Roel R. Degamo and eight other persons in Pamplona town.",6 +10,Easterlies continue to prevail over most parts of PH,9 +4,MANILA – The Commission on Population and Development has urged young women to stay focused on their life ambitions to avoid early pregnancy and finish their schooling.,3 +6,"MANILA – The House Committee on Appropriations has approved the proposed measure seeking for the establishment of disaster food banks facilities in every province across the country, Dinagat Island Lone District Rep. Alan 1 B. Ecleo said on Monday.",5 +1,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said on Monday, April 24, s it would take a “little time” for it to stabilize the country's economy as his administration begins institutionalizing changes.",0 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) urged parents to let their children get immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles, rubella, and polio as the agency launched a supplemental immunization campaign on Thursday, April 27.",8 +9,"MMDA enforcers, sweepers to get 30-min ‘heat stroke break’",8 +10,"The scheduled airspace shutdown on May 17 at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) will be reduced to two hours, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said.",9 +6,"Senate Deputy Minority Leader Risa Hontiveros is seeking justification on the latest issuance of an order allowing the importation of 440,000 metric tons of sugar in the country.",5 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President-elect Ferdinand Marcos on Thursday, May 26, promised to prevent any foreign interference in the running of his country, and to defend sovereign territory and stand up to any Chinese encroachment in the South China Sea.",7 +1,Big-ticket transport infra projects to boost PH tourism,0 +13,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. has reached out to a cousin of President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. in his apparent desperation to talk to the Chief Executive.",12 +14,Kamala Harris to visit Palawan on November 22,13 +13,WATCH: Handover ceremony of President Rodrigo Duterte to Marcos,12 +1,DA to accredit Kadiwa stores in MM markets,0 +2,The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) said Tuesday the government has set aside more than P151 billion for the continuation of the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) major social protection service programs.,1 +8,"MANILA – Authorities are searching for a plane that went missing in Albay a few minutes after take off, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said Saturday. Four people – one pilot, one crew, and two passengers – were on board the Cessna 340 plane with registry number RP-C2080 that left the Bicol International Airport at 6:43 a.m. The Manila-bound flight's last contact with the air traffic control was at 6:46 a.m. while abeam the Camalig Bypass Road.The CAAP already dispatched officers of the Aircraft Accident Investigation and Inquiry Board to assist in the emergency that is now in the Distress phase. The local government of Camalig, the Philippine Air Force, the Philippine Coast Guard, the Office of Civil Defense, and the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council have been informed about the incident and were coordinating with the CAAP in search and rescue operations. It may be recalled that a Cessna 206 plane has been reported missing in Isabela since January 24. Six people were aboard the plane with registry number RPC1174. The aircraft also with the air traffic controller a few minutes after it left the Cauayan Airport. The CAAP earlier said the search would continue until those conducting the operations are not officially declaring the termination of search operations.",7 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – As the Philippines entered year 3 of battling the coronavirus pandemic, the government on Monday, February 7, started vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 against the deadly virus.",8 +2,"DSWD ensures assistance to farmers, farmworkers to be affected by El Niño",1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Beginning April 1, the Philippines will allow the entry of fully vaccinated foreigners to its borders even without an exemption document, Malacañang said on Friday, March 25.",8 +7,3 suspects in Gov. Degamo killing arrested,6 +13,CA nods Pascual’s appointment as DTI chief,12 +1,PBBM monitors entry of P3.48-T investment pledges: BOI exec,0 +7,"Authorities are now tracking the previous owners of the getaway vehicle used in the ambush of Aparri, Cagayan Vice Mayor Rommel Alameda and five others in Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Wednesday.",6 +14,China: New EDCA sites may draw Philippines into Taiwan conflict,13 +1,Marcos: Rising prices remain biggest problem of Filipinos,0 +6,"The Department of Health (DOH) said on Wednesday, May 3, that it is actively participating in the development of a proposal to standardize salaries for healthcare workers in the public and private sectors.",5 +14,"The Philippines is in talks to possibly include Australia and Japan in planned joint South China Sea patrols with the United States, a senior diplomat said on Monday, in another sign of concern over Beijing's activities in the strategic waters.",13 +10,Filipinos join Earth Hour 2023,9 +5,ICC prosecutor seeks rejection of PH appeal vs probe into drug war killings,4 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines continues to see a decline in the number of children in 2020, a trend seen in recent years, according to the Commission on Population and Development (PopCom) in a statement on Sunday, August 14.",9 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) confirmed that one of its SIAI-Marchetti SF-260FH trainer aircraft made an emergency landing after encountering problems during a training flight in Batangas Monday morning.,7 +15,Ateneo bags Asian debating tournament after winning world title,14 +7,Make the world smaller for him': DOJ eyes designating Arnie Teves as terrorist,6 +5,Government lawyers have asked the Supreme Court (SC) to review the dismissal of the criminal charges against two dentists who allegedly denied dental services to a patient afflicted with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).,4 +14,PH medical team to Türkiye treats 938 patients,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. prefers a clean start for his government, including erasing the past – either of his family or even the corrupt past of the notorious Bureau of Customs (BOC) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).",12 +14,TOKYO — Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista on Friday said the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are in planning to put up more underground railway systems in Metro Manila which would extend all the way to Cavite.,13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines has continued to step up its presence in the West Philippine Sea, deploying Navy and Coast Guard ships as it faces persistent incursions by Chinese vessels in its waters.",7 +10,MANILA – The Inter-Agency Task Force Monitoring Team (IATF-MT) will provide free rides on several routes in the National Capital Region (NCR) during Tuesday’s evening rush hour to ensure sufficient transportation,9 +6,LIVE: Senate hearing on mandatory ROTC,5 +14,PH-US joint efforts in defending territories vs China's incursion assured,13 +14,PBBM to meet with Malaysian PM at Malacañan on March 1,13 +5,SC junks graft charges vs Enrile in relation to coco levy fund scam,4 +7,Sandiganbayan says conviction of ex-Maguindanao gov Sajid Ampatuan final and executory,6 +7,Authorities discovered more than P100 million in allegedly smuggled agricultural products in separate operations in Malabon and Manila.,6 +7,NBI joins probe of another hazing death in Cebu,6 +10,MANILA – The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) will suspend the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP) or the expanded number coding scheme Monday in view of the anticipated weeklong transport strike.,9 +10,"Tropical depression Amang continued to move westward, while its center was in the northeastern part of Camarines Sur around 1 a.m., Wednesday, April 12, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",9 +6,Senate leaders favor P150 daily wage increase—Zubiri,5 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan’s Fourth Division accepted a request by the Office of the Ombudsman to withdraw two petitions which sought the forfeiture of ill-gotten wealth of former Armed Forces of the Major General Carlos Garcia, his wife, and their three sons.",4 +15,Ticket sold in Bulacan wins P49.5-M Ultra Lotto jackpot,14 +9,"DOH posts 217 new COVID-19 cases as active infections climb to 9,680",8 +6,PPA board to review anew container policy in ports,5 +9,DOH warns public against summer diseases,8 +15,"Professor Clarita Carlos shared on Facebook Monday, April 24 her short list of travel essentials and travel tips, some of which you might find weird.",14 +13,"Vice President Sara Duterte on Friday took her oath as an honorary member of the Philippine Military Academy Bagong Anyo ng Buhay (Banyuhay) Class of 2002, the Office of the Vice President has announced.",12 +14,Malaysia PM Anwar to visit Philippines on March 1 –officials,13 +9,"MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the second booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine for the elderly, individuals, and frontline health workers, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Wednesday, April 13.",8 +14,PH tells China to respect its rights after near-crash in WPS,13 +9,Booster shots for 5-to-11-year-olds still not recommended: DOH,8 +6,Alan Cayetano suggests creation of sovereign fund before Maharlika corporation,5 +9,"3 Filipinos rescued from Sudan amid clashes, more to follow — DFA",8 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – The Catholic Church celebrates its most important liturgy on the eve of Easter Sunday, April 9, as it remembers the resurrection of Christ during Easter Vigil.",2 +10,"Poorest of the poor: Solon asks gov't to improve lives of farmers, fishers",9 +5,"SC voids Arroyo-era joint exploration deal with China, Vietnam",4 +12,Bantayog ng mga Bayani exec buoyed by SWS poll on EDSA relevance,11 +14,Marcos: Gov’t lobbying for lifting of Japan’s ‘travel advisory’ vs. key Philippine destinations,13 +6,"BUKIDNON, Philippines – The country’s first forensic pathologist called on the government to incorporate forensic science in all investigations into killings that have been taking place in the country, saying this would be an antidote to impunity.",5 +10,"LPA’s trough, northeasterly surface wind flow affecting parts of PH — PAGASA",9 +1,Local economy to grow further once OTOP bill becomes law,0 +7,Trigger warning: This video contains descriptions of sexual harassment and predatory behavior.,6 +7,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Monday said the Justice Department is seeking to designate as terrorists three to five people who may be working with suspended Negros Oriental Congressman Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr.,6 +7,"Police officials who have been linked to the P6.7 billion worth of shabu seized in Manila late last year should be removed from their posts, Senator Ronald ""Bato"" Dela Rosa said on Tuesday.",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Lawyer Boni Tacardon, one of the legal counsels of former senator Leila de Lima, said they will again push for bail to seek the former lawmaker’s temporary release. after former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) officer in charge Rafael Ragos finished recanting his statement against De Lima.",4 +2,US to bolster aid to PH in building transport systems,1 +2,"Instead of selling seized sugar in Kadiwa stores, it could be more favorable to turn it over to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for the benefit of the less fortunate and victims of calamities, Senator Risa Hontiveros said on Friday, April 21.",1 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The anti-graft court dismissed the government’s petition, seeking to forfeit the properties of the late former Supreme Court chief justice Renato Corona and his wife Cristina.",4 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin could shed light on the alleged government-sponsored sugar smuggling, Senator Risa Hontiveros said Wednesday.",12 +15,Former DFA chief Albert del Rosario dies at 83,14 +7,Senate to probe new 'human trafficking' scheme at NAIA: Poe,6 +8,MANILA – Malacañang on Monday announced the four additional “suitable and mutually beneficial” locations for the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – On June 30, Thursday, the Philippines will witness the swearing into office of a second Marcos president: Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",12 +11,Quiapo Church to hold Nazareno motorcade on Good Friday,10 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has spotted over 100 alleged Chinese maritime militia (CMM) vessels, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy corvette, and two China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels throughout a seven-day maritime patrol in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).",7 +10,P6.9-M humanitarian aid delivered to tropical depression Amang-hit areas — DSWD,9 +13,"President Rodrigo Duterte, who promised blood during his campaign, is finally stepping down from Malacañang on June 30, 2022.",12 +6,Go files 'Philippine National Games Act' to develop promising Pinoy athletes,5 +13,ASEAN first: Philippine presidents and their state visits,12 +4,"Inspired by a lecture delivered by philanthropist and women advocate Melinda French Gates, House Speaker Martin Romualdez has said that he would move to empower women ""through the flywheel of digitalization"".",3 +14,"Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang arrived in Manila on Friday to try to boost ties with the Philippines, which is staging the largest ever Balikatan military exercises with the United States.",13 +9,"How many people have tested positive for COVID-19 in the Philippines? How many have recovered, and how many have died? What is President Rodrigo Duterte doing about it?",8 +13,Marcos picks Aquino’s NEDA chief Balisacan to return to agency,12 +6,Marcos wants continuous health allowances for medical personnel sans state of calamity,5 +6,"In a bid to strengthen the learning continuum of pupils, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has filed a bill that would ensure the alignment of basic education curriculum and early childhood education (ECEd).",5 +5,MANILA -- The Sandiganbayan has sentenced a former barangay chairperson from a town in Leyte province to up to 8 years imprisonment for his part in the illegal demolition of houses in an ejectment case.,4 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday led the launch of Bicol Region’s first Kadiwa ng Pangulo in Pili, Camarines Sur, vowing to stick to his promise of bringing down the prices of rice to PHP20 per kilo.",0 +3,Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula washed the feet of 12 persons from the different sectors on Maundy Thursday.,2 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Proposals to make the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) mandatory once more grew flak online after Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez claimed in a Senate hearing that it would “cure” students’ mental health issues, which has been debunked by doctors and advocates.",5 +10,Individuals who took the Career Service Examination for Foreign Service Officer (CSE-FSO) can now check their individual ratings online as the Civil Service Commission (CSC) announced that it is already available.,9 +10,"581 out of 1,328 pass April 2023 Real Estate Brokers Licensure exam",9 +1,Marcos remains hopeful on economy as inflation eases in Feb.,0 +13,WATCH: PH Senator Jinggoy Estrada calls ICC reps ‘puting unggoy’,12 +8,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines has declined to give on the near-collision incident between a Chinese Coast Guard ship and a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel, carrying journalists, in the Spratly Islands in the disputed South China Sea.",7 +13,Marcos appoints geologist Carlos David as DENR undersecretary,12 +7,Alleged ASG member wanted for murder nabbed in Parañaque,6 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. described his five-day working visit to Washington DC, USA, as crucial as this allows him to further reinforce the Philippines' already strong bonds with the United States.",13 +7,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Saturday denounced the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 +15,"Less than half or an average 40% of those who took the licensure examination for professional teachers (LET) have passed the exams over the past 12 years, a study by the advocacy group Philippine Business for Education (PBEd) found.",14 +10,"MANILA – The whole of Luzon and some parts of the Visayas will experience cloudy skies with rains brought by the northeast monsoon, locally known as “amihan,” on Saturday.",9 +6,Pimentel gives clarifications on EDCA expansion,5 +8,The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) denied reports that hackers have accessed sensitive records of selected individual and business taxpayers.,7 +7,"AFP calls alleged torture, killing of CPP leaders Benito, Wilma Tiamzon by military ‘fictitious’",6 +9,"The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Thursday has expressed concern over the increase in the number of deaths caused by road accidents, Joseph Morong reported on ""24 Oras.""",8 +6,LTO re-orients personnel on anti-red tape,5 +1,"MANILA – To revitalize the country’s salt industry and reduce our dependence on importation, Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda is batting for the passage of a measure that seeks to provide attractive incentives to industry investors.",0 +6,Marcos says NTF-ELCAC ‘not the only solution’,5 +14,DOTr’s Bautista: 3-4 more subways in Metro Manila all the way to Cavite being discussed with Japan,13 +12,Unions urge Marcos to ratify ILO Convention 190,11 +7,"Authorities have obtained information that can lead to the identification of the mastermind behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said Monday.",6 +7,Suspect in Degamo slay also part of 2 failed assassination attempts vs. gov —Remulla,6 +14,The Australian minister of trade to the Philippines for talks with trade and economic leaders of the country.,13 +14,Marcos to meet with Xi Jinping on sidelines of APEC Summit in Thailand,13 +7,MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. has encouraged the public to share with authorities all the information they might know about the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others on March 4.,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The three-day marathon hearings on the assassination of governor Roel Degamo brought national attention to deeply-rooted problem of impunity and violence in Negros Oriental province.",6 +15,Fair weather continues to prevail across PH Friday,14 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – In a bid to “upgrade” teaching standards of basic education in the country, Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte is eyeing to take out administrative tasks from teachers so they could focus more on teaching.",1 +10,DMW assures aid for OFWS from Sudan who wanted to go back abroad,9 +15,UPCA 2023 results are out,14 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – Quezon City emerged as the wealthiest city for the second straight year, according to the Commission on Audit’s 2021 Annual Financial Report (AFR).",0 +9,"DOH logs 315 new COVID-19 cases; active tally dips to 4,255",8 +10,PAGASA: Fair weather seen in next 3 days,9 +10,The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has provided around P9.6 million worth of assistance to people affected by the recent low pressure area (LPA) that hit the Visayas and Mindanao regions.,9 +1,"PhilMech to train, fund cooperatives to boost coconut industry",0 +14,"TOKYO — The Philippine government will persuade its Japanese counterpart to lift or ease its travel advisories against key travel destinations in the Philippines in a bid to revive the country’s pandemic-hit tourism industry, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Thursday.",13 +5,The Sandiganbayan on Friday denied the Motion for Reconsideration filed by former First Lady Imelda Marcos and her daughter Irene Marcos-Araneta and affirmed its January 2023 Resolution which denied the Marcoses bid to take back the wealth and properties seized from them by the government.,4 +13,"Gloria Arroyo, other solons rally behind Duterte amid ICC drug war probe",12 +14,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is set to concretized its plans to end hunger in the country and strengthen its disaster response mechanisms following a meeting between DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian and a United Nations delegation that reaffirmed existing ties and established new partnerships over the two issues.,13 +11,"MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito Galvez Jr. on Monday reminded all Filipinos, especially the youth, to take time in honoring the nation's veterans.",10 +15,Newlywed couple gives 'gold bars' as wedding souvenirs,14 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – As universities wrapped up the semester, students nationwide marked their calendars for a momentary exit from their academic responsibilities in time for the 2021 Christmas holidays.",9 +9,"As Filipinos, particularly Catholics, go on vacation in light of the Holy Week, the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) shared tips to help the public stay safe amid the Lenten season.",8 +13,Printing of over 90M BSKE ballots 50% completed: Comelec,12 +8,AFP ready to defend PH with ‘full force’ in next 3-5 years with US help —envoy,7 +8,"The 38th iteration of the “Exercise Balikatan” between the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and United States Armed Forces officially kicked off Tuesday, April 11, but it was marred by a lightning rally conducted by certain groups opposing American troops’ presence in the country.",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Scientist Renato Solidum Jr., President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s nominee for secretary of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), came to his confirmation hearing on Wednesday, December 7, perhaps prepared to prove his qualifications and share his plans for the S & T sector.",12 +10,MANILA – The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is encouraging (telcos) to boost subscriber identity module (SIM) registrations by opening registration booths in festivals across the country.,9 +15,"Fair, warm weather seen across PH on Thursday",14 +10,"BI: 45,000 arrivals recorded on Easter Sunday",9 +14,"China has ""advised"" the Philippines to oppose Taiwan independence instead of offering the US access to its military facilities near the Taiwan strait, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian said on Friday.",13 +8,PNP awaits regional reports as Marcos orders identification of crime ‘hotspots’,7 +14,"The ongoing talks between the Philippine Government and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) on the claims of unpaid wages and other benefits due to around 10,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are now in its final stages, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) disclosed on Friday, April 14.",13 +6,Senators want to see effects of new economic laws before supporting Cha-cha — Villanueva,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Partido Lakas ng Masa presidential candidate and labor leader Leody de Guzman promised to enact his “Labor First Policy” to solve the country’s labor problems should he win as president .",12 +2,The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) On Sunday announced that over 50 million Filipinos now have their Philippine Identification System (PhilSys).,1 +5,Sandigan denies ex-Isabela town mayor’s plea for detention in municipal police station,4 +6,"Marcos to ARTA: Simplify, expand business licensing manual",5 +2,20.7 million COVID-19 vaccines wasted in the Philippines – DOH,1 +9,MANILA – Dengue cases in the country has increased by 69 percent from Jan. 1 to 28 this year.,8 +15,MANILA – A 63-year-old woman from Davao del Sur province literally got more than a pension fund and retirement plan after winning the Lotto 6/42 jackpot draw last Jan. 17.,14 +9,"The Covid-19 positivity rate in Metro Manila continued to increase over the past week, rising from 12.7 percent on April 25 to 19.7 percent on May 2, based on the monitoring of the OCTA Research on Wednesday, May 3.",8 +9,"Food poisoning, 4 vehicular accidents recorded this Holy Week – NDRRMC",8 +7,PNP asks for more time to validate alleged data breach — NPC,6 +14,"Envoy: Japan to partner with PH for ‘free, open’ Indo-Pacific",13 +9,"Follow int'l standards vs biosafety threats, Salceda tells DA amid livestock concerns",8 +13,Comelec halts proclamation of Erwin Tulfo amid DQ petition,12 +6,"The ongoing review of the K-12 curriculum aims to simplify the system to cater to students' skills and make K-12 graduates employable, Pasig City Representative Roman Romulo said Wednesday.",5 +9,"Despite the slight increase in Covid-19 cases, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, May 2, that it's not the same as numbers recorded during the height of the pandemic in 2020 and 2021.",8 +14,MANILA – The Philippine government continues to file protests against China’s “illegal presence” in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).,13 +10,Duterte declares May 3 Eid’l Fitr holiday,9 +7,PNP rescues 1000 human trafficking victims in Pampanga,6 +6,"With only four days left before the SIM registration period ends, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) voiced openness to extending the deadline, admitting that gaps exist in the registration process.",5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Metro Manila, along with 38 other areas throughout the country, will see coronavirus restrictions downgraded to the loosest level on Tuesday, March 1, nearly two years after the pandemic shuttered the Philippines.",8 +10,MANILA – The House Committee on Population and Family Relations on Thursday approved a bill seeking civil recognition of church annulment to make it accessible and not expensive for many Filipinos.,9 +9,"The number of people who have sick due to the effects of the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro has increased to 191, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. picked Enrique Manalo, a respected career diplomat with over four decades of experience in diplomacy, as the Philippines’ new secretary of foreign affairs.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday, November 15, served a subpoena on suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Bantag – still in relation to the killing of hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa.",6 +14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday shared a message for Japanese Emperor Naruhito as he celebrates his 63rd birthday on Feb. 23.,13 +3,"Embrace change or grow obsolete, Manila archbishop warns church",2 +14,"Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian expressed his gratitude to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) after they rescued the crew of a damaged Chinese fishing vessel off Guiuan, Eastern Samar.",13 +10,Monday forecast: Rains over parts of PH due to 2 weather systems,9 +7,Walden Bello camp urges Remulla to act on petition vs. cyber libel complaint,6 +5,Enrile wants ‘interfering’ ICC arrested should they enter PH,4 +6,"MANILA – The Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM 2) has started reviewing the country’s education system with the aim up with solutions to the problems being faced by the sector, Senator Sonny Angara said Thursday.",5 +8,PAF C-130 in Catarman airport ‘mud episode’ undamaged,7 +2,"27 million vaccine doses to expire in July, says Duterte adviser",1 +4,"The Marcos administration is doing everything it can to address and stop the ""horrific practices"" that Filipino seafarers had to go through, the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) said.",3 +7,Alleged top Western Visayas communist rebel arrested,6 +7,Marcos vows justice for student killed in hazing,6 +7,No communication from Teves despite expiration of travel authority —Speaker Romualdez,6 +7,6 more suspects in Degamo slay undergo inquest,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President Leni Robredo’s education platforms, which experts believe can help the country solve its learning crisis, stood out among six presidential candidates, Education Nation said on Monday, April 25.",12 +7,BI launches Tiktok account vs. human trafficking,6 +7,"EU lawmakers call on Philippines to rejoin ICC, decriminalize libel",6 +4,"Teachers’ complaints on ‘overly delayed’ benefits are valid, legitimate --- group",3 +6,Concepcion urges Congress to allow agri lands as loan collateral,5 +2,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) is augmenting manpower at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) by deploying 147 newly hired Immigration Officers (IOs) starting next week.,1 +7,"The case of Spanish businessman Diego Bello Lafuente has been revived after the policemen allegedly involved in his death surrendered, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said Wednesday.",6 +7,PDEA seizes P3.9-M worth of 'kush' inside package declared as herbal tea,6 +13,Senator Francis Tolentino has accepted Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa’s request to be his legal counsel in all proceedings related to the International Criminal Court’s investigation into the Duterte administration’s drug war.,12 +13,"LONDON, United Kingdom – In the late ’70s, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr left the United Kingdom, where he spent his high school and college years, with a flunked record in Oxford University. But on Friday, May 5, he lands in London as a head of state and among the invited VIPs to the coronation of King Charles.",12 +7,PH crime rate drops by 19.5% in first 2 months of 2023,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Quezon City court on Tuesday, December 13, ruled to convict Baguio City journalist and Rappler contributor Frank Cimatu of cyber libel over a Facebook post he made five years ago.",6 +10,"Warm weather, isolated rain showers to prevail across PH",9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Muntinlupa Regional Trial Court (RTC) rejected government prosecutors’ request to hold in contempt jailed opposition leader Leila de Lima and her lawyer, and said the media statements in question are “mere echoes of the testimonies of the witnesses.”",6 +1,MANILA – Senator Ramon Revilla Jr. on Monday said the proposed nationwide PHP150 across-the-board wage increase will be approved soon as the country is reeling from high inflation rate.,0 +7,MANILA – Prosecutors have found probable cause to indict seven members of the Tau Gamma Phi fraternity for violation of the Anti-Hazing Law of 2018 in connection with the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig.,6 +5,Supreme Court denies TRO bid vs. SIM registration,4 +13,Thank you gov': Cong Roman mourns passing of Gov Carlos Padilla,12 +7,A witness in the tragic death of an Adamson University chemical engineering student said members of the fraternity involved in the deadly rites considered  burning the victim’s body and even throwing it into a river.,6 +3,CBCP to send aid to 250 families affected by Mindoro oil spill,2 +9,"Twenty-six areas in the country were placed under Covid-19 Alert Level 2 status until the end of this month, based on the recent resolution of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID).",8 +7,CA junks with finality Zaldy Ampatuan’s plea for transfer to hospital,6 +9,"After the onslaught of Typhoon Karding in parts of Luzon, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, September 26, leads a briefing with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) for updates on affected areas.",8 +9,No tsunami threat following Vanuatu quake — PHIVOLCS,8 +8,"MANILA – The Philippines must counter China’s “harassment” within its waters by exposing activities or the “gray zone operations” in the South China Sea, analysts said Wednesday.",7 +14,Senator Francis Tolentino said Sunday he sees nothing wrong with the prospective Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) between the Philippines and Japan as it will be in line with the Philippine Constitution.,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Citing “holiday economics,” President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. declared Friday, February 24, a special non-working day the anniversary of a revolution that booted his father and namesake from Malacañang after decades in power.",12 +13,"After Kerwin, DOJ’s star witness retracts accusation vs De Lima",12 +6,The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) has keeping the fishing ban imposed in Oriental Mindoro areas affected by the oil spill caused by the sinking of Motor Tanker (MT) Princess Empress.,5 +2,The five-man advisory group on Friday said it the review on the courtesy resignations of 953 senior police officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP).,1 +13,Acting defense chief Faustino skips AFP change of command welcoming Centino,12 +13,"The Presidential Communications Office (PCO) on Thursday announced the latest appointments in various government agencies, including the Department of Agriculture, Department of Labor and Employment, and the Department of the Interior and Local Government.",12 +14,"PH shares concern over live fire drills near Taiwan, stands by One-China policy",13 +7,Prosecutor orders release of activists arrested at US Embassy protest,6 +7,CHR calls on authorities to look into alleged abduction of NDFP consultant in Bukidnon,6 +14,"The Philippines and the United States will carry out their biggest ever joint military drills next month, a spokesperson for the annual war games said on Tuesday, highlighting improved ties with the Western power under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",13 +10,DSWD to provide cash-for-work to residents affected by oil spill,9 +15,The Supreme Court (SC) on Wednesday announced that the release date of the 2022 Bar Examinations results is set for April 14.,14 +13,DOTr Sec. Bautista confirms resignation of Usec. Pastor,12 +7,Senator Grace Poe wants officials from the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) and the Bureau of Immigration (BI) to appear in the hearing of the Senate blue to explain the alleged human smuggling at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).,6 +10,Easterlies to prevail over most parts of PH,9 +7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers have arrested a Senegalese for allegedly possessing a fake passport and a border arrival stamp.,6 +14,Philippines bats for seat in United Nations Security Council,13 +7,The House agriculture and food panel issued Tuesday a show cause order requiring at least six officials of cold storage facilities and a trader to explain why they should not be cited in contempt over their failure to attend probe on exorbitant onion prices.,6 +13,Presidential son Sandro Marcos is both first-time lawmaker and ‘senior’ House leader,12 +1,2023 budget to make economic transformation 'inclusive': DBM,0 +15,LIVE: 2022 Ramon Magsaysay awardees,14 +9,"The Philippines remains under low-risk classification for Covid-19 despite recent rise in cases, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, April 25.",8 +14,"Vice President Sara Duterte is the country's caretaker while President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. is in Washington for an official visit.",13 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. does not consider making amendments to the 1987 Constitution as one of the priorities of his administration.,12 +11,"The celebration of Eid'l Fitr (end of the month of Ramadan) will be on Saturday, April 22, according to a Muslim leader on Thursday night.",10 +13,"Leody de Guzman supports same-sex marriage, divorce",12 +14,"The Philippines, being the main security ally of the United States in the Indo-Pacific region, must be given preferential treatment on trade and investments.",13 +7,"One Taiwanese and four Indian fugitives will be deported to their home countries to stand trial for crimes, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said on Saturday.",6 +1,"The coconut industry in Aurora got a huge boost with of two infrastructure projects there, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) bared Friday, April 21.",0 +9,Solon pushes for creation of center for autism,8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – A total of 8,241 examinees out of 11,402 takers passed the 2020/2021 Bar Examinations, dubbed the “Biggest Bar Ever,” for a 72.28% passing rate, the Supreme Court announced Tuesday, April 12.",9 +2,"More than 50 million national IDs have been issued so far, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) said.",1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and the United States kicked off on Monday, March 28, their biggest joint military drills since 2015, underscoring improved defense ties after President Rodrigo Duterte had scaled back some earlier war games to pursue warmer ties with China.",13 +10,"Pregnancy shouldn't be a reason for teenage girls who dropped out of school to not finish their studies because the government is providing ways for them to continue their education, Vice President Sara Duterte said on Wednesday.",9 +12,"The results of the latest Octa Research survey proves that the country’s top government officials are indeed ""doing a good job"".",11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. named former Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff and retired Army general Jose “Boy” Faustino Jr. as his defense secretary.",12 +6,"Lapid, Tolentino OK with revival of mandatory face mask policy",5 +14,"Despite a highly-classified Pentagon intelligence information that alleged the United States (US) could be spying on its allies, the Philippines on Wednesday, April 12 (Manila time), maintained its confidence over its alliance with Washington and expressed support for the investigation into the leak.",13 +13,"BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Saturday, February 18, that he “cannot see” what the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is, even as the tribunal said it would move forward with its investigation into the drug war killings under former president Rodrigo Duterte.",12 +1,Pascual: Now up to PH gov’t to make foreign investment pledges real,0 +7,SC suspends lawyer for two years for sexual harassment at work,6 +15,"MANILA – Metro Manila and the rest of the country will experience warm weather with isolated rain showers due to the easterlies, the weather bureau said Monday.",14 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Taon-taon, idinaraos ng Pilipinas at ng kaalyado nitong bansa na Amerika ang Balikatan Exercise upang pagtibayin ang relasyon ng militar ng dalawang bansa.",13 +2,"A storage of non-food items of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) in Clark, Pampanga was flooded on Sunday, April 23, due to a damaged faucet.",1 +14,"Philippine officials are preparing to receive new Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, who plans to visit Manila later this week, diplomatic sources told GMA News Online Tuesday.",13 +6,Civil Partnership Bill pushed anew,5 +10,"MANILA – A magnitude 5.6 earthquake jolted Cagayan province on Thursday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported.",9 +9,Solon wants full blown accounting of Covid-19 vaccines,8 +2,"The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on Friday afternoon, April 14, announced that 1,420 out of 2,275 examinees passed the April 2023 Pharmacists Licensure Examination.",1 +8,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Wednesday there is no threat to the life of Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. based on the intelligence information the Office of the President has been receiving.,7 +1,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Saturday cited the importance of taking care of the country’s forest cover to spur economic growth and development.,0 +6,MANILA – Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian on Monday signed two administrative orders (AOs) providing benefits to public social workers.,5 +15,MANILA – The Presidential Communications Office (PCO) on Thursday changed its logo to symbolize to a more efficient delivery and dissemination of news and information to the public.,14 +6,"PBBM orders deferment of LRT 1, LRT 2 fare hikes",5 +8,"Philippines, Australia eye joint patrols in South China Sea",7 +2,"MANILA – Several big-ticket infrastructure projects in the transportation sector have been approved or are already being implemented by the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., the Department of Transportation (DOTr) reported Monday.",1 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday said it has referred two out of three suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo to the witness protection program.,6 +5,"Amending the 1987 Constitution to allow 100% foreign ownership of land and public industries would put the country’s national security at great risk, lawyer and Bayan Muna chairperson Neri Colmenares said Monday.",4 +8,"A man identified as a passenger of the fire-hit MV Lady Mary Joy 3 was found dead in the vicinity waters off Langgas Island in Maluso, Basilan on Easter Sunday, April 9, exactly 10 days after the sea blaze.",7 +13,"Who is Reynaldo Tamayo Jr., the new head of governors in the Philippines?",12 +6,Marcos okays EO on RCEP tariff commitments,5 +8,"MANILA – Filipino and American troops participating in this year's ""Salaknib"" exercises trained themselves on a series of maneuvers aimed at protecting battlefields from enemy breaching attempts.",7 +13,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Monday issued the updated calendar of activities for the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (BSKE) set on October 30.,12 +1,"MANILA – The Board of Investments (BOI) has registered PHP414 billion worth of projects from January to Feb. 9, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said Saturday.",0 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – As Congress finalized the proposed P5.268 trillion national budget for 2023, survey showed that an overwhelming 92% of Filipinos thought the government needed to strengthen anti-corruption laws.",11 +13,Jinggoy Estrada calls ICC probers 'white monkeys'; tells them to back off,12 +2,Senate inquiry sought to end power crisis in Occidental Mindoro,1 +2,"United States (US)-based solar energy firm Maxeon plans to make a $900 million solar energy investment in the Philippines that would create an estimated 3,000 jobs.",1 +9,"DOH logs 443 new COVID-19 cases; active tally rises to 9,569",8 +9,Robredo’s Bayanihan E-Konsulta to resume operations on July 25,8 +1,"MANILA – The Shared Service Facilities (SSFs) project of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is believed by Senator Sonny Angara to have provided significant contributions to the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) since its inception and as such should be expanded and institutionalized to benefit even more entrepreneurs.",0 +13,"MANILA – Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on Wednesday assured support for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) as it undergoes transition, including the implementation of special development programs for women empowerment.",12 +13,"CA bypasses 5 Duterte appointees, allowing Marcos to make own picks",12 +13,"ILOCOS NORTE, Philippines – Avoiding media all throughout the campaign, former House Majority Leader Rodolfo “Rudy” Fariñas had a mouthful to say on voting day Monday, May 9, claiming that the Marcoses of Ilocos Norte had used divisive tactics to maintain their political rule all these years up to congressional bid of 3rd generation Sandro Marcos.",12 +2,"The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) has reduced the water allocation from Angat Dam for irrigation, suspending it for the rest of the month.",1 +2,"The newly paved access and farm-to-mill (FMR) roads in the upland town of Moises Padilla, in Himamaylan, Negros Occidental will provide the public with convenient access leading to their destinations, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) said Thursday, April 20.",1 +13,Hontiveros: ‘It seems many powerful forces at play’ in sugar import mess,12 +10,"Almost 30% or 14.7 out of the 49 million employed Filipinos earn low wages because they lack the skills required by certain employment, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) said.",9 +13,"At last minute, Fariñas hits Marcoses’ divisive tactics in Ilocos Norte",12 +14,Syria appeals for donations from Philippines following major quakes,13 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) is planning to replace prosecutors in Negros Oriental to remove any perception of bias and doubt in the investigation into the killing of Governor Roel Degamo, DOJ Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said on Monday.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former president Rodrigo Duterte, through his former spokesperson Harry Roque, said he will not allow “foreigners” to judge him after the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced it is resuming the probe into the drug war killings.",12 +8,MANILA – The Philippines will review a proposed trilateral defense and security deal with two of its closest allies – the United States and Japan.,7 +2,MWSS: NCR water supply sufficient for rest of 2023 amid El Niño,1 +10,"A total of 43,776 outbound passengers and 33,302 inbound passengers, or a total of 77,078 passengers, were monitored in all ports of the country from morning to noon on Good Friday, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said.",9 +12,"Marcos, VP Sara get high approval, trust ratings in latest Pulse Asia poll",11 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Saturday said it was still not keen on the lifting of the COVID-19 state of public health emergency.,8 +2,P548M assistance package given to oil spill-hit town in Oriental Mindoro,1 +2,NWRB calls on public to conserve water as El Niño draws near,1 +2,Villar bats for registry of skilled workers in every barangay,1 +7,"MANILA – A South Korean national wanted in Seoul for swindling in a fraudulent sale transaction was arrested in Mindanao, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Friday.",6 +13,Rappler Talk: Making sense of Sara Duterte’s education report,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – IT expert Ivan John Uy has been chosen by president-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to head the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT).",12 +2,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. wants the Philippines to go beyond mineral extraction, and venture to producing batteries locally.",1 +9,MANILA – The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is urging patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to avail of outpatient treatments.,8 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – As part of the tradition of Filipino Catholics every Holy Week, carriages containing images and icons of Christ, his mother Mary, and other saints join in processions during Holy Wednesday and Good Friday.",2 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Barely a month since access to its website was blocked by the Duterte government’s last-minute crackdown moves, news site Bulatlat.com has lost half of its readership, but this development still failed to get an immediate relief from the court as a judge in Quezon City said the problem was “not urgent.”",12 +6,House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro on Thursday called on the Senate and the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) support the passage of the bill lowering the optional retirement age of government workers from 60 to 56 years old.,5 +14,"Philippines, US to cooperate on nuclear energy",13 +8,Martial Law survivor Bonifacio Ilagan receives anonymous threats,7 +8,New ACG chief vows stronger crackdown vs. cybercrime,7 +8,Abalos orders replacement of all police personnel in Negros Oriental after Degamo slay,7 +9,"POLA, Oriental Mindoro — A crab covered in oil creeps across the sand as fishermen wearing white protective suits, rubber gloves, and respirator masks scrape toxic sludge from the rocks along the shore.",8 +2,"DOH: 12 to 23 years to address shortage of nurses, doctors under existing policies",1 +4,"Women’s Month: Greater access to technology, gender equality pushed",3 +3,"The Congregation of Dominican Sisters and other religious and educational institutions under the patronage of St. Catherine of Siena (Santa Catalina), will lead the observance of her feast day on Saturday, April 29.",2 +15,Manila archdiocese to establish 24/7 confession chapel,14 +13,"Marcos prefers a clean start, even for corrupt officials",12 +14,"The issue on the West Philippine Sea was among the topics tackled during the bilateral meeting between President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala on Monday.",13 +3,"BULACAN, Philippines – As part of Holy Week tradition among Catholics in the Philippines, various images depicting the life of Jesus Christ, his mother Virgin Mary, and other saints are displayed in the streets through processions.",2 +10,Dagupan school among top 3 finalists for World’s Best School Prize,9 +7,House panel vows to unmask onion cartel leaders,6 +2,"DepEd lacks 91,000 classrooms for school year 2022-2023",1 +14,OVP: Japan offering more jobs to Filipinos,13 +10,"Cops build stable water source for farmers, renovate house of poor resident in Mimaropa",9 +13,"Pimentel wants EDCA reviewed, bats for more transparent agreement",12 +13,"MANILA – The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) denied the alleged intimidation of a member of the Gabriela Party-list.",12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The sunken MT Princess Empress causing an oil spill in Oriental Mindoro and nearby provinces was not brand new, Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla revealed on Thursday, March 16.",9 +9,MANILA – The city government of Manila will suspend the vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) to give way to the observance of Holy Week.,8 +10,MANILA – The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has announced the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the law granting night shift differential pay to government employees.,9 +10,Heat indices in 8 areas stay at ‘danger’ level,9 +9,Partial solar eclipse viewing tips to keep your eyes safe,8 +7,Robredo supporters file another case vs doctor who posted false info,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least two police generals and eight other officers have been suspended for their possible part in the alleged “massive attempt” to cover up the arrest of the cop allegedly involved in a P6.7 billion shabu bust.",6 +2,"3,992 out of 9,183 pass 2022 Bar exams",1 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman George Garcia said the poll body would lobby for “full automation transparency count” for the 2025 midterm polls, but clarified that this does not necessarily mean a push for hybrid elections.",5 +9,A health expert on Friday urged the government to conduct an investigation on the causes of vaccine hesitancy in the Philippines following the decline in the perception of the importance of vaccines for Filipino children.,8 +10,The National Competitive Examination (NCE) for School Year (SY) 2024 to 2025 in the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) is back three years after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.,9 +7,AFP chief Centino backs amnesty for former rebels,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Due to its “excess” doses, the Philippines will be donating some of its COVID-19 vaccines to Myanmar and Papua New Guinea, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, April 5.",13 +10,DND committed to promoting Filipino veterans' welfare,9 +5,SC affirms ruling disallowing P15-M benefits to PhilHealth employees,4 +7,BI nabs Japanese wanted for theft,6 +13,"Speaker Martin Romualdez on Wednesday defended the House of Representatives' ""rush"" in approving measures seeking to amend the 1987 Constitution, saying it will benefit the country.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Congress proclaimed Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Sara Duterte president-elect and vice-president elect, respectively, on Wednesday, May 25, in record pace of only two days of canvassing.",12 +1,"MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Wednesday said congressional deliberations on the proposed Constitutional amendments are more focused now on the need to encourage investments that would further stimulate economic activities, create job opportunities, reduce poverty and lower prices of goods and services.",0 +15,"Easterlies still affecting eastern sections of Visayas, Mindanao",14 +9,Face masks should stay if gov’t decides to shift to Alert Level 0 – expert,8 +5,"MANILA – The Court of Appeals (CA) turned down a suit filed by former Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) chair Orlando Ravanera questioning the Ombudsman decision that slapped him with a guilty verdict and dismissal due to his involvement in a dispute within the Davao Del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Daneco).",4 +8,"FORT MAGSAYSAY, Philippines – Philippine troops staged live-fire exercises with their US counterparts in the Southeast Asian country’s largest military camp as part of army-to-army drills aimed at enhancing Manila’s defense capabilities against external threats.",7 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Tuesday arrested a Sudanese man who has been wanted for over 10 years for his alleged involvement in the trafficking of human organs.,6 +5,"The Supreme Court (SC) has re-opened, after more than three years of Covid-19 pandemic, its Judiciary Memorabilia Hall that “houses keepsakes and collections of bodies of work of its former magistrates.”",4 +15,Female cadet from South Cotabato is PMA Batch 2022’s valedictorian,14 +3,Diocese in S. Cotabato warns vs. activities of ‘defrocked’ priest,2 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed hope that the Philippines' relations with Qatar and Chile would be enhanced as he received the credentials of the two countries' ambassadors to the Philippines.",13 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – After two years of mostly virtual observances, Filipino Catholics begin Holy Week on Palm Sunday, April 10, with the traditional blessing of palm fronds during Masses across the country.",2 +2,150 temporary hospital beds inaugurated in New Bilibid,1 +9,Marcos urges lawmakers to craft laws vs. malnutrition,8 +1,"Recurring power outrages are causing economic losses to businesses and tourism in Panay and Negros Islands, including Iloilo province, Senator Grace Poe on Friday, May 5, said.",0 +2,Rappler Talk: Why did over 31M vaccine doses go to waste?,1 +5,Prosecutors junk 4 cyber libel complaints of Quiboloy follower vs Rappler,4 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday recorded 143 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally went up to 9,337.",8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo came to the defense of the controversial legislative proposal for the Philippine government to establish a sovereign wealth fund.",5 +13,WATCH: Maria Ressa testifies at US Senate on freedom of expression,12 +1,"Inflation is expected to slow down in February but the government's target of 2% to 4% inflation for the next two years might be difficult to achieve, an economist in the House of Representatives said on Tuesday.",0 +13,PH Army reserve command gets new chief,12 +1,MANILA – The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) will accept payment and filing of Annual Tax Returns (AITR) until April 17.,0 +13,"Week one: The negatives, positives of President Marcos",12 +13,Everything you need to know about Marcos’ visit to New York,12 +14,Marcos summons China envoy over laser incident,13 +14,MANILA – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Thursday met with visiting members of the European Union parliament who are in the country Feb. 22-24 as part of the regular engagement between the Philippines and the EU on human rights.,13 +13,Marcos declared as adopted son of Camarines Sur,12 +9,"How many people have tested positive for COVID-19 in the Philippines? How many have recovered, and how many have died? What is President Rodrigo Duterte doing about it?",8 +7,"Azurin calls on Bantag, Zulueta to surrender",6 +2,Pag-IBIG releases P53.76-B cash loans in 2022,1 +4,Want to help drivers and operators affected by nationwide transport strike?,3 +13,Cavite town's cityhood plebiscite set July 8 - Comelec,12 +6,Marcos priority bills hurdle House in marathon session before holiday break,5 +7,BI arrests Chinese with fake documents,6 +10,Senator Nancy Binay lamented that the power outage at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 is sending a message that the Philippines has an unpleasant and frustrating experience for travelers.,9 +2,"Gracing Comelec summit, Marcos calls for electoral reforms, backs tech upgrades",1 +7,"Cynthia Villar: PCG, MARINA must prove they weren't responsible for MT Princess Empress sailing",6 +13,Senators react to the passing of ex-DFA chief Del Rosario,12 +10,"Starting next month, the Philippine National Police (PNP) will be opening its one-stop shop and other satellite offices on Saturday and Sunday for the processing and issuance of firearms-related licenses, permits for security guards and other documents.",9 +6,The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on second reading House Bill 7352 which sets of the constitutional convention (con-con) which will amend the 1987 Constitution.,5 +14,"WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and United States President Joe Biden reaffirmed to undertake urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as the two to expand collaboration on renewable energy production.",13 +7,Badoy faces another complaint at Ombudsman over red-tagging Robredo,6 +2,The United States government and its partner non-governmental organization in the Philippines have launched a pro-fisherfolk program in Cagayan Valley as part of its initiative to support resilient,1 +6,House passes bill requiring BFP personnel as certified EMTs,5 +13,Bicol Saro Party-list Rep. Brian Yamsuan has challenged the Governance Commission for Government-Owned and -Controlled Corporations (GCG) to take the lead in promoting good governance in the bureaucracy.,12 +6,"The implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 11930, the law against Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (OSAEC), are expected for approval by the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) in May.",5 +9,The state-run Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) called for additional funding for mental health services for children amid the increase in violent incidents and the emergence of mental health problems among school kids.,8 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) called for “three days of intense prayer” ahead of election day on Monday, May 9.",2 +9,DepEd: 14M students aged 5-11 eligible for COVID-19 vaccination,8 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said on Thursday, September 29, that the country needs 106,000 nurses both in public and private facilities and hospitals.",1 +6,House bill seeks additional benefits for former PH presidents,5 +14,Senate panel invites ICC to tackle probe on drug war,13 +3,MANILA – The Archdiocese of Manila is planning to open a confession chapel that would be accessible to the faithful round-the-clock.,2 +7,"MANILA – The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) on Sunday branded as fake news the robbery incidents that recently circulated on social media involving a Japanese restaurant, a coffee shop and a Chinese eatery.In a statement, the NCRPO said it immediately looked into the alleged crimes in Quezon City that trended on social media but which eventually turned out false or misleading.",6 +6,"Amid the challenges faced by the agriculture sector, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Tuesday, April 25, members of private agribusinesses  to hear their about how to create a sustainable and business-conducive industry.",5 +7,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. on Friday urged to replicate the Quezon City Police District’s (QCPD) Integrated Command Control Center (ICCC) which ensures a three-minute response time (3MRT) of police personnel to crime incidents.,6 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) on Monday said the Step 1 processing of the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS) program of the agency’s Central Office will be back to the main office in Batasan Hills, Quezon City, starting on April 24.",1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Four regions in the Philippines affected the worst-hit by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae) were placed under a state of calamity on Wednesday, November 2.",8 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday logged 315 new COVID-19 cases, while the number of active infections decreased by 81 cases to 4,255 from 4,336 on Monday.",8 +13,"MANILA – The Partido Demokratiko Pilipino - Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) has not yet decided whether to support or not the Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 1 that Senator Robinhood Padilla is pushing to amend the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution, Senator Francis Tolentino clarified on Thursday.",12 +12,"The two houses of Congress, as well as the Supreme Court and President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.'s Cabinet, all scored ""very good"" net satisfaction ratings based on a December 2022 survey by the Social Weather Stations (SWS).",11 +7,Duterte gov’t stonewalled CHR’s drug war probes,6 +14,"PH, US troops in Salaknib 2023 join 'sling load' drills",13 +10,PRC brings mobile services to Benguet,9 +7,3 more persons of interest in Salilig's death expected to surrender —police,6 +8,"A $24-million airstrip extension and rehabilitation project will break ground at the Basa Air Base in Pampanga—one of the existing Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement sites in the country—on March 20, US Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson has said.",7 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine government, through the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), on Thursday banked on the assurances that the AUKUS would help preserve regional peace as it noted the three-country grouping’s recently announced nuclear submarine project.",7 +1,"The Philippines would need P2 trillion to irrigate some 1.2 million hectares of potentially irrigable areas in the country, National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Acting Administrator Eduardo Guillen said on Tuesday, April 18.",0 +12,"The Fourth Quarter 2022 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey found that most Filipino families received help, money or food that was given in the past three months.",11 +13,Palace confirms Alba's resignation as SRA administrator,12 +14,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Tuesday, April 18, met with Ambassador Katherine Tai, United States (US) Trade Representative, who is in the country to drum up support for Americam trade policies under the Biden administration and expound on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).",13 +13,"MANILA – House Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Thursday strongly urged Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. to reconsider his decision not to return, saying “it does not sit well” for a House member to flee the country rather than avail himself of all the legal remedies available to him.",12 +8,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. urged the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine Air Force (PAF) to keep all military assets in good condition and ""ready to go"" in order to fulfill their role as the country’s first line of defense against external security threats.",7 +10,DSWD provides food packs to ex-communist supporters,9 +4,Marcos to bring up human rights in talks with EU,3 +14,OSG: Philippines not bound to cooperate with ICC,13 +13,MANILA – Senators were assured on Monday by Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairperson George Garcia that their preparations for the Oct. 30 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) is,12 +2,"Gat Andres Bonifacio Medical Center's Infectuous Diseases Unit now open, says Lapid",1 +6,Solon wants ‘estate tax amnesty bill’ certified as urgent,5 +3,"Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula cited the virtues of Saint Florian, the patron saint of firemen, as he encouraged members of the Bureau of Fire Protection to take inspiration from the saint.",2 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Baby River’s mother, Reina Mae Nasino and two other activists gained temporary freedom after a Manila court granted them bail.",4 +6,MANILA – Davao City 1st District Representative Paolo Duterte and Benguet Rep. Eric Yap on Friday urged colleagues to pass a bill excluding heinous crime convicts from prison time reduction.,5 +10,DSWD ensures adequate augmentation support to oil spill-affected LGUs in Oriental Mindoro,9 +14,"MANILA – The governments of the Philippines and Japan have signed a memorandum of cooperation (MOC) to strengthen cooperation and development in the field of information technology (ICT), notably to boost broadband infrastructure and cybersecurity.",13 +15,"PBBM: Easter, a time for renewal, recovery",14 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim agreed Wednesday to strengthen political, security, and trade and investment cooperation between the Philippines and Malaysia.",13 +14,"MANILA – This year’s iteration of the ""Balikatan"" joint military exercises between the Philippines and the United States was “very successful” with a number of firsts, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Gen. Andres Centino said Friday.",13 +3,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is hopeful that the celebration of Easter Sunday would give Filipino Christians around the world a chance for “renewal and recovery”.,2 +7,"Suspect in Adamson student's death says sorry, vows to tell all",6 +11,MANILA – Passengers in the National Capital Region (NCR) received roses from personnel of the Department of Transportation (DOTr) in celebration of Valentine’s Day on Tuesday.,10 +10,"DOCUMENT: Requirements for passengers arriving in the Philippines, as of May 30, 2022",9 +10,Divine Mercy congress held,9 +13,"DFA refuses to send invitations to ICC execs to attend Senate inquiry, citing Marcos",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Muntinlupa court affirmed its decision allowing former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Rafael Ragos to testify and recant his allegations against former senator Leila de Lima.",6 +14,A threat to OFWs? Castro slams Chinese envoy's remarks on Taiwan situation,13 +2,MANILA – Officials and members of the Novaliches-Balintawak-Blumentritt Transport Cooperative (NobablumTC) based in North Caloocan City are waiting for the release of the second batch of 23 modernized jeepneys they have ordered under the national government's Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP).,1 +6,RITM won't be dissolved under Senate version of CDC bill,5 +6,Solon renews push for enactment of Magna Carta of Barangay Health Workers,5 +9,"DOH logs 36 new COVID-19 cases, lowest daily tally since March 2020",8 +8,"PILAR, Bataan — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Monday maintained that the four additional sites under the country's Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the US would not be used for offensive actions.",7 +9,53 saved from drowning during Holy Week: PCG,8 +13,Marcos names Pablo Azcona as acting SRA admin,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Anti-corruption presidential bet Senator Manny Pacquiao conceded the race to dictator’s son Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr..",12 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Saturday, October 29, 2022",9 +2,Department of Transportation (DOTr) Secretary Jaime Bautista said Tuesday that the agency intends the maintenance of 18 airports by June.,1 +13,Comelec offices must extend working hours on last voter registration day if needed — Garcia,12 +9,Duterte says no to Alert Level 0 for now,8 +2,DOT commits P2M to oil-spill affected LGUs for tourism-related projects,1 +7,"Senator Ramon Bong Revilla, Jr. has filed Senate Resolution (SR) No.573 directing the appropriate to conduct an inquiry into the alleged massive breaches in the databases of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and other government agencies recently.",6 +13,Villar is Gawad Agila's 'Most Trusted Public Servant of the Year',12 +10,"At least 61 tourist sites were affected by the oil spill from the motor tanker that sank off Oriental Mindoro, the Department of Tourism (DOT) said, adding that the number could increase.",9 +4,MANILA – An official of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) highlighted the Philippine government’s efforts to reduce the digital divide and digital gender gap during the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) in New York.,3 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Rescue teams across nine provinces in the Philippines raced on Wednesday, December 28, to try to locate 26 people missing after weekend rains, floods and landslides that have killed at least 25 people, in one of its deadliest weather events this year.",8 +12,48% of Filipinos optimistic economy will improve: SWS,11 +12,DOLE: Feb 2023 survey reflects improving employment situation,11 +8,PCG spots more than 100 Chinese vessels over 7 days in WPS,7 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Supporters of detained former senator Leila de Lima held a Mass at the EDSA Shrine in Quezon City on Friday, February 17, six years after she was arrested on drug charges under the administration of Rodrigo Duterte.",11 +7,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Monday denied recent reports that there is alleged cover-up in the arrest of a police sergeant who yielded 990 kilograms of shabu worth PHP6.7 billion.,6 +10,"MANILA – The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) will provide free rides next week covering different routes in Metro Manila, in anticipation of a transport strike.",9 +13,WATCH: ‘Sara Duterte wants to show she is her own woman’,12 +9,"Philippines posts 272 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 8,920",8 +7,PNP informants receive around P8M for arrest of most wanted persons,6 +7,"The Makabayan bloc has called for the charges against Tacloban journalist Frenchie May Cumpio and four other activists to be dropped, saying their detention is a use of law to stifle press freedom.",6 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. called on the government to prioritize addressing water management issues amid the impending drought in the country.",1 +7,Tricycle driver shot to death in Tondo,6 +9,No mandatory wearing of mask inside church just yet,8 +7,Review on police drug links out in two weeks — Marcos,6 +7,"Graft raps filed vs. ex-Iloilo mayor Mabilog, councilor over towing services deal",6 +8,"MANILA, Philippines –  The Philippine government said on Monday, February 6, that several agencies were still verifying details of a reported incident where at least two Chinese vessels tried to intercept a patrol mission by Philippine Navy vessel BRP Andres Bonifacio in the West Philippine Sea.",7 +9,"Philippines logs 261 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 9,231",8 +7,"MANILA – The Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs decided on Monday not to allow the ""virtual"" presence of Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves before inquiry in the assassination of late Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 +1,Funds for students with special needs slashed in DepEd’s 2023 proposed budget,0 +12,"Pulse Asia: More Pinoys are against Cha-cha, know little about Constitution",11 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – MRT-3 riders will get free rides for over a month, announced President Rodrigo Duterte during the inauguration of the newly-rehabilitated MRT-3 on Friday, March 22.",9 +12,IN PHOTOS: Groups hold protest ahead of Marcos’ first SONA,11 +8,The San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm (SRPPF) in Zamboanga City has from the city’s local government for enhanced security measures that prevented the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) from the planned attacks to extricate from the jail facility.,7 +2,"The Step 1 processing of the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS) program of the DSWD Central Office will return to the main office in Batasan Hills, Quezon City starting April 24.",1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines has recorded its first case of monkeypox, the Department of Health (DOH) announced on Friday, July 29.",8 +14,"The Philippines should keep to both China and the United States (US) that the country wants a peaceful resolution of the conflict with Taiwan, or at the very least to maintain status quo, Senator Risa Hontiveros said on Tuesday, April 11.",13 +14,MANILA – The Department of National Defense (DND) on Saturday said it takes exceptions to claims that it is meddling in the internal affairs of China concerning Taiwan.,13 +9,WASHINGTON — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. does not see yet the need to bring back the mandatory wearing of face mask amid the recent rise in COVID-19 cases.,8 +1,"From P1B in 2020, Marcos jewelry now valued at only P340M by PCGG",0 +14,Bato: China cannot dictate on PH,13 +13,Marcos creates committee on 125th PH independence celebration,12 +2,Marcos vows to act on post-oil spill job losses; offers livelihood services,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla on Wednesday, September 28, said International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan is doing the court a “disservice” for challenging the Philippine system.",12 +7,"DOJ fixing procedure for dialogue between NBI, kin of drug war victims",6 +15,"Guanzon flexes dad, says he received 'US Congressional Gold Medal'",14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) urged first-time voter applicants not to wait for the January 31 deadline before showing up at registration offices to exercise their right to suffrage.",12 +8,PBBM vows continued AFP modernization vs. external threats,7 +7,[PODCAST] Kriminal: The first Filipino serial killer,6 +6,CA affirms ruling regulating entry of vehicles of non-residents of BF Homes in Parañaque City,5 +13,"‘Not a job for amateurs,’ group says as ex-PNP chief joins DOH",12 +9,Senators welcome PhilHealth hemodialysis coverage expansion,8 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is considering appointing politicians who lost in the May 2022 polls after the one-year ban is lifted this month.,12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) filed plunder and against its suspended chief Gerald Bantag at the Department of Justice on Monday, February 6, over the alleged rigged bidding for P1 billion worth of projects.",6 +9,"A Filipino and Chinese crew were killed as two foreign-flagged vessels collided in the water off Corregidor Island on Friday night, April 28.",8 +14,"China has warned the Philippines and the US that their military cooperation must not harm its interests, including those in the South China Sea.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Embattled Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr., in a new video posted on Facebook, rehashed numerous claims to defend himself from allegations of murder and illegal possession of firearms, as well as from his failure to show up before a House investigation.",12 +2,The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Tuesday said it has already received 712 petitions for special permits for additional provincial bus units for Holy Week.,1 +10,Agusan Norte village sees improved livelihood with P20-M bridge,9 +5,House to continue holding hearings on Charter amendments,4 +7,Police generals covered up cop’s arrest in massive shabu bust – Abalos,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In battling bigger political names for the country’s top post, labor leader and aspiring president Leody de Guzman chose to officially launch his campaign in a historic site dedicated to the heroes and martyrs of Martial Law.",12 +12,"The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) on Tuesday raised concerns about the Department of Education’s (DepEd) plan to revise the K to 12 curriculum, calling the move delayed and misguided.",11 +8,"NEGROS ORIENTAL, Philippines – Ending violence on Negros Island, a hotbed of insurgency and political violence, has been a long-running struggle.",7 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Wednesday that his administration is reviewing an executive order that aims to provide guidelines on the full devolution of certain functions of the executive branch to local government units.",5 +12,"MANILA, Philippines–A big majority or 73% of adult Filipinos expect a happy Christmas this year, higher than the 65% recorded in 2021, according to a national survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS).",11 +7,"Brig. Gen. Jesus Durante III, of the Philippine Army’s (PA) 1001st Infantry Brigade, and six other military personnel will face a general court martial this week due to their alleged involvement in the killing of model and businesswoman Yvonette Chua Plaza in Davao City last year.",6 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Alex, not his real name, is a veteran journalist based in Metro Manila. After the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid, he said the police started to look for him – not because he was involved in the case, but because the cops said they wanted to secure him.",7 +7,BuCor officials tagged in Percy Lapid slay still in PH – DOJ,6 +7,"PNP: From planning to execution, story almost whole on Degamo killing",6 +10,MANILA – Vehicle owners may now renew their motor vehicle registration online using the Land Transportation Office’s (LTO) Land Transportation Management System (LTMS) portal.,9 +6,A measure seeking to expand the benefits for former Philippine presidents has been filed in the Senate.,5 +4,Southeast Asian journalists urge Marcos to ensure press freedom,3 +13,Richard Gomez says Speaker Romualdez supports Senate’s con-ass,12 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. will assert the significance of ASEAN centrality amid the geopolitical issues in the region, according to an official of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).",13 +7,"Degamo’s widow says preparing for long battle, willing to wait for justice to be served",6 +15,"Marcos' Holy Week: 'Very good, very quiet'",14 +2,Poe warns another ‘gargantuan’ backlog in LTO amid driver’s license card shortage,1 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) on Wednesday, February 1, asked the government to look into alleged overpriced cameras procured by the Department of Education (DepEd), after a viral online post showed a camera with the agency markings as costing over P155,000.",0 +1,MANILA – The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) assured Tuesday of the continuous expansion and modernization of the country’s coconut industry.,0 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday recorded 858 new COVID-19 cases as the active tally climbed to 5,293.",8 +8,Negros Oriental could’ve been ‘second Marawi’ with IEDs found in Teves compound —Mayor Degamo,7 +7,"Three more persons of interest in the death of Adamson University chemical engineering student John Matthew Salilig have expressed  their intention to surrender, police said in an Unang Balita report on Friday.",6 +6,Senators urge gov’t to review PH policy with China after near-collision in West PH Sea,5 +10,The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has scrapped the prescribed Periodic Medical Examination (PME) for holders of driver’s license with either five-year or 10-year validity.,9 +14,United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III on to help the Philippines following the magnitude 6 earthquake that hit New Bataan in Davao de Oro on Wednesday night.,13 +6,"House leader wants national, uniform guidelines on NCAP",5 +7,"Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. and his sons have filed a consolidated motion seeking to dismiss of illegal possession of firearms and explosives against them, their camps said Friday.",6 +10,MANILA – Most of the country will experience dry weather on Saturday despite some isolated rains brought by the easterlies.,9 +13,"Marcos appoints officials in PCO, other agencies",12 +14,"The ambassadors of the United States and Canada on Sunday, April 9, sent their well-wishes to Filipinos celebrating Easter, a Christian festival the resurrection of Jesus Christ.",13 +13,Marcos: No need to appoint oil spill response chief,12 +14,"Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian met with British Ambassador to the Philippines Laure Beaufils, on Monday, April 24, to strengthen existing ties and discuss possible cooperation opportunities in reinforcing the social welfare workforce and fight against hunger in the country.",13 +3,"On National Heroes Day, Marcos calls for post-pandemic ‘unity’",2 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – If elected president, Vice President Leni Robredo and Senator Panfilo Lacson said they would use the landmark 2016 Hague ruling to rally support for the Philippines’ position in the West Philippine Sea while restoring a “balance of power” in the strategic waterway.",13 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The first full annual budget of the Marcos administration is eyed to be one that will prepare the Philippines to be resilient as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, deals with more natural calamities, and survives through the instability of the global economy, according to the budget bill’s Senate sponsor.",0 +15,House commends Obiena for winning medals in 3 world events,14 +15,ISAT-U grad tops April 2023 Electronics Engineers Licensure exam,14 +7,BIR files raps vs. ‘ghost firms’ selling fictitious receipts,6 +4,"The administration will continue to uphold the freedom of the press as well as the rights and safety of media practitioners in the country, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said on Thursday.",3 +6,Senator Robin Padilla on Thursday urged the Department of Trade and Industry and the Cooperative Development Authority to train farmers and fisherfolk to businessmen.,5 +7,"UP Manila, St. Scho to gov’t: Uphold rule of law on Natividad Castro’s arrest",6 +6,"DOTr eyes cancellation of digital registry, monitoring of containers, PPA chief says",5 +13,Veteran diplomat Enrique Manalo is Marcos’ foreign secretary,12 +15,"Czar Matthew Gerard Dayday, Top 1 of the 2022 Bar Examinations, said he initially thought a fellow taker with the same surname had taken the top spot.",14 +13,Palace names latest appointments in gov’t agencies,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Alternative news site Bulatlat has asked a Quezon City court to hold the National Commission (NTC) in contempt for not immediately unblocking their site despite a court order.",4 +10,"After conducting a final safety inspection, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) opened on Tuesday, April 18, the “busy modular steel flyover’’ at the intersection of the Lazatin Avenue and Jose Abad Avenue in San Fernando, Pampanga.",9 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan, the country’s anti-graft court, acquitted Muntinlupa City Mayor Rozzano Rufino “Ruffy” Biazon of a direct bribery charge.",4 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has urged Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) officials to investigate the possible involvement of airline personnel in facilitating the departure of victims of human trafficking and illegal recruitment.,6 +15,Route of Black Nazarene procession on Good Friday out,14 +7,"The International Criminal Court (ICC)’s decision to deny the Philippines’ bid to suspend its investigation into the Duterte administration's drug war has set the wheels of justice in motion, a lawyers’ group said Tuesday.",6 +6,"The Senate to pass a bill that will increase the minimum wage in the country before the sine die adjournment on June 2, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said Wednesday.",5 +15,"MANILA, Philippines –  Philippine Ambassador to China Jose Santiago “Chito” Sta. Romana, died in China, the Department of Foreign Affairs announced on Tuesday, April 19. He was 74.",14 +1,‘Kadiwa’ generates over P6.4M in sales during Labor Day celeb – DOLE,0 +7,PBBM: PNP to conclude review on cops' possible drug links,6 +2,BFAR assures enough fish supply as Holy Week nears,1 +3,"Filipino rescuers feed, tend to animals who lost their humans in Turkey quake",2 +2,MANILA – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) is eyeing to turn the municipality of Ocampo in Camarines Sur into Bicol Region’s “food basket” by prioritizing agro-industrial initiatives to ensure food security.,1 +7,"MANILA – Three minor victims of sexual abuse and exploitation have been rescued in Ronda town, Cebu province, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) reported Wednesday.",6 +7,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) hailed on Tuesday, April 18, the arrest and eventual deportation of leader Eric Casilao in Malaysia.",6 +9,48 Bilibid PDLs Covid-19 infected – BuCor,8 +13,Comelec mulls COC filing for BSKE in malls,12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Around 42% of Filipinos disapproved of the Marcos administration’s performance in reining in inflation, according to the results of a Pulse Asia Research, Incorporated survey held in September and released on Thursday, October 6.",11 +13,"VP Sara: Hire teachers based on merit, not political patronage",12 +10,Here's potential good news for our overworked public school teachers.,9 +6,Pimentel: Just follow the SIM registration timetables,5 +13,Malacañang on Thursday announced new undersecretaries and directors at the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) following President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.'s order to reorganize the agency.,12 +10,"MANILA – Rains will continue to prevail across Luzon and Eastern Visayas due to the northeast monsoon and the shear line, the weather bureau said Monday.",9 +13,Sara Duterte to Comelec: Give teachers advance pay for election duties,12 +10,"State-run Land Bank of the Philippines (LandBank) on Sunday said it will provide P100,000 worth of yearly scholarship grants to 60 children of agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs), farmers, and fisherfolk yearly until 2028.",9 +15,PMA holds testimonial parade for outgoing PNP chief Azurin,14 +9,"DOH logs 311 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 8,621",8 +13,Karlo Nograles is new chair of Civil Service Commission,12 +1,Financial bodies eyed to fund Laguna Lakeshore road project,0 +7,Senators grill Adamson exec over Tau Gamma presence in campus,6 +7,"MANILA – Two South Koreans wanted for various crimes in their homeland are to be deported following their arrest in Cavite province, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said Friday.",6 +2,Full account on P2.3-B fund for border inspection facility sought,1 +7,House ethics panel ends probe on Arnie Teves’ absence amid allegations,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Three cops tagged in the death of Spanish businessman Diego Bello Lafuente had surrendered to authorities, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Wednesday, February 15.",6 +13,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) the decision of Quezon City’s People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) to dismiss Lt. Col. Mark Julio Abong from police service and suspend three other police personnel over the death of a tricycle driver during a hit-and-run incident in August last year.,12 +5,The Resolution of Both Houses No. 6 calling for a constitutional convention (con-con) to amend the 1987 Constitution has reached the plenary of the House of Representatives just two days after it was approved at level.,4 +13,ABS-CBN frequencies are Duterte’s ‘payback’ to Villars – Bayan Muna,12 +1,Tourism czar urges tourists to visit Puerto Galera as it remains ‘unaffected’ by oil spill,0 +13,"What was Ferdinand Marcos like before he became dictator in 1972? Were there signs that hinted at what even before he ran for office, or when he was still a Liberal Party luminary?",12 +15,"A graduate from the Jose Rizal Memorial State University (JRMSU) in Dapitan City gained the highest percentage rating among 1,210 passers of the April 2023 Licensure Examination for Midwives, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced.",14 +12,Several militant groups on Tuesday gathered in front of the United States Embassy and protested against the Balikatan military exercise.,11 +14,What you need to know about Marcos’ first ASEAN summit,13 +7,An anti-crime watchdog on Tuesday said they received reports of online offers of removal from the Bureau of Immigrations (BI) blacklist for P1 million to P5 million.,6 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – October 2022,8 +14,"WATCH: Philippines’ Marcos, Malaysia’s Anwar hold joint press conference",13 +6,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. believes that the government--specifically the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) is doomed to fail in its campaign against e-sabong (electronic cockfighting) in the same way that it has failed to stop online pornography.",5 +9,"Four vehicular accidents and a food poisoning incident have been reported so far in the country this Holy Week, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Friday.",8 +8,The Department of Foreign Affairs reiterated contingency measures are in place to assist overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan in case tension sparks in the area.,7 +15,To all the Star Wars geeks out there: Rowena Guanzon is one of you.,14 +3,Filipino priest named apostolic administrator of Guam archdiocese,2 +9,"The maternal mortality ratio in the Philippines has been declining over the years, according to the Department of Health (DOH) on Friday.",8 +7,Lawyer of Japanese fugitives says VAWC raps not invented,6 +13,"MANILA – with financial transparency and fiscal accountability, the local government of Marikina City on Monday was awarded by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) with the 2022 Good Financial Housekeeping (GFH).",12 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday logged 145 new COVID-19 infections, while the number of active cases climbed to 9,617.",8 +15,Rappler Recap: The last night of FVR’s wake,14 +11,"Marcos, Duterte pay tribute to Filipino war veterans on Day of Valor",10 +15,"MANILA – The northeast monsoon or “amihan” will bring partly cloudy to cloudy skies with light rains over most parts of Luzon Saturday but with no significant impact, the weather bureau said.",14 +7,"MANILA – A chartered flight under probe for suspected involvement in human trafficking has obtained necessary clearances, including Airport Police Department’s (APD) assistance, the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) said Thursday.",6 +2,"SC stops temporarily commercial propagation of genetically modified rice, eggplant",1 +14,DND maintains EDCA not ‘gross violation of PH sovereignty’,13 +13,"Libanan: Minority bloc to allow LBP, DBP merger on one condition",12 +5,Sandiganbayan affirms graft case vs ex-QC mayor Herbert Bautista,4 +8,MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Friday said at least 496 Filipinos have already evacuated the Sudanese capital Khartoum to neighboring countries.,7 +6,House OKs automatic income classification of LGUs,5 +3,"Devotees will celebrate on Saturday, May 6, the feast day of Saint Dominic (San Domingo) Savio, the revered patron saint of teenagers and choirboys.",2 +2,DICT says over 34M SIM already registered with telcos,1 +13,Vice President Sara Duterte urged local chief executives to steer clear of the appointment process of public schools teachers in their respective municipalities and respect the ranking system of educators.,12 +2,DOH asks private sector not to procure bivalent COVID-19 jabs yet to avoid wastage,1 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – On the 36th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution, Church group Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan holds a forum to provide context about the peaceful uprising against Ferdinand Marcos that ended on February 25, 1986.",2 +14,The Syrian government is seeking assistance and donations from the Philippines following the massive earthquakes that killed thousands in Syria and Turkey earlier this month.,13 +2,Metro Manila sees shortage of bus drivers,1 +13,"As the the 124th anniversary of the start of the Philippine-American War, House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro on Saturday criticized the agreement between the Philippines and the United States to accelerate the the full implementation of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).",12 +13,"The recent revamp of officials in different positions in the Philippine National Police (PNP) has nothing to do with the ongoing review on the courtesy resignations of senior officers, its chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said Friday.",12 +6,Solon eyes House nod on 'expanded' 4Ps Law,5 +9,Philippines records 158 new COVID-19 cases,8 +8,"MANILA - The admission of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) that its ranking leaders, Benito and Wilma Tiamzon, were killed last year in an encounter with patrolling military troops highlights the government's success against fugitives.",7 +14,"Indonesia seeks stronger border cooperation, trade with Philippines",13 +9,Go provides aid to out-patients in San Jose del Monte City,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines –  President Rodrigo Duterte named his adviser, Abdullah Mamao, as secretary of the newly created Department of Migrant Workers, Acting Presidential Spokesperson and Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar announced on Wednesday, March 9.",12 +7,A household employee of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. on Monday filed with the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) against the police for the alleged illegal arrest and detention of her and her husband.,6 +14,UN Special Envoy for Road Safety to visit PH next week,13 +6,Senators call to maximize Anti-Hazing Act implementation,5 +2,Legarda calls for sustainable water management,1 +7,MANILA – The Office of the Ombudsman has ordered the suspension without pay for six months of a Mindoro Oriental municipal mayor and another official found guilty of simple misconduct for allowing the operation of illegal cockfighting five years ago.,6 +9,MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. encouraged local government units (LGUs) to support the Konsultasyong Sulit at Tama (Konsulta) Program aimed at increasing the quality and delivery of health services and preventive health care to Filipinos.,8 +10,"Water service interruption is expected to be experienced by residents in some parts of Metro Manila from May 1 to 8 due to network maintenance, Maynilad announced on Friday, April 28.",9 +10,DOTr breaks ground on 2 more Metro Manila subway stations,9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In new photographs released by the Marcos family showing president-in-waiting Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. visiting his mother former first lady Imelda Marcos, they flaunt paintings including a Picasso that was supposedly already seized by the government in 2014.",12 +10,"Parts of Caloocan, Navotas, QC waterless on April 17-24",9 +13,OPAPRU chief: Open dialogue key to peaceful BSKE in BARMM,12 +2,MANILA – Malacañang confirmed on Wednesday that Department of Agriculture (DA) Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban is now the officer-in-charge of the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA).,1 +7,"DOJ granted CIDG, Teves camp request to extend deadline for docus — Topacio",6 +6,"AnaKalusugan Party-list Rep. Ray Reyes in his Labor Day message on Monday, May 1 made a call for the immediate enactment of the proposed Magna Carta for Barangay Health Workers (BHWs).",5 +14,Ambassador Beaufils: UK to act as observers in Balikatan exercise,13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In another landmark ruling, the Supreme Court has allowed “nonmarital” children to inherit from direct ascendants, setting aside what used to be called the “iron curtain rule” between illegitimate and legitimate children.",5 +7,BOC finds P150-M worth of agri products in 6 warehouses,6 +13,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has approved the sale of seized smuggled sugar at P70 per kilo at Kadiwa centers, according to the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) on Tuesday.",12 +7,"Remulla alarmed as number of rescued Pinoy human trafficking victims in 2023 hits 2,000",6 +14,"PH-US Balikatan 2023 to be largest yet with 17,600 troops",13 +13,PH slips 3 notches in good governance index,12 +14,House donates P5.4 million aid for Turkey quake victims,13 +4,Bataan Representative Geraldine Roman stressed the need to up the ante on passing more laws that would advance women's rights and gender equality.,3 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has rejected the use of revolving funds for DepEd TV of the Department of Education in the 2023 national budget.",0 +4,"Philippines violated rights of 'comfort women,' says UN women's rights panel",3 +7,DILG orders probe on Cotabato shooting that killed teen,6 +7,DOJ indicts 6 suspects in Degamo slay for murder,6 +6,Hontiveros seeks justification on issuance of latest sugar order,5 +7,The Sandiganbayan has affirmed the conviction of the former treasurer of Ronda town in Cebu as it also denied his motion for the inhibition of the justices who rendered the decision.,6 +13,Marcos greets Duterte on birthday; vows to continue his predecessor's projects,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former vice presidential candidate and Laban ng Masa chairperson Walden Bello will hold a press conference on Wednesday, August 10, following his release from detention for a cyber",12 +7,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) warned its personnel, contractors, suppliers and other clients with legitimate business transactions in the department never to fall prey to unscrupulous groups using the names of its officials to solicit funds supposedly for worthy projects or any unknown purposes.",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Ending an over three decade-old constitutional issue, the Sandiganbayan dismissed a petition questioning the creation of the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) because ensuing events since this was filed in 1986 has rendered it “moot and academic.”",4 +9,"Seven more persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) and one personnel at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City have tested positive for Covid-19, the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said.",8 +9,The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised the public to make sure that the sunscreen products that they will be purchasing are approved by the agency.,8 +10,"Flights cancelled, more flight delays expected as power outage hits NAIA anew",9 +13,"MANILA – After being sworn into office, new Philippine Postal Corporation Postmaster General Luis Carlos has vowed to modernize operations as he urged fellow postal workers to give the public the highest level of service.",12 +6,The Senate Ways and Means Committee chaired by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has submitted to Malacañang its chairman’s report seeking the ban of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO) in the country.,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – In a Royal Audience with Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. extended an invitation for the royal couple to visit the Philippines.",13 +2,DBM: Over P151B allotted under DSWD’s 2023 budget for social protection programs,1 +13,Guanzon has message for both Bar exam passers and non-passers,12 +15,Watch Rappler’s press conference here:,14 +13,Marcos appoints Tan as new SBMA chief,12 +15,Magnitude 5.4 quake jolts Davao Oriental,14 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Heavy traffic is expected on June 30, the day Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to take his oath as president.",9 +7,"There is nothing “funny” in the killings of nine persons, including the highest provincial official, and injuries to 18 others last March 4 in Negros Oriental, Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla said on Tuesday, April 18.",6 +8,Remulla orders creation of special task force to handle 23 political killings in Negros Oriental,7 +10,Filipino family in Sudan walked 5 km to escape war zone,9 +2,"Senator Christopher ""Bong"" Go has called on the Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the Department of Transportation (DOTr) to work together and address the current shortage of plastic cards for driver's license in the country.",1 +7,"Big-time drug peddler nabbed, P3.4-M shabu seized in QC",6 +2,The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) said Tuesday it released nearly half a billion pesos to the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to cover right-of-way (ROW) payments for properties affected by the NLEX (North Luzon Expressway) project.,1 +8,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) will be deploying around 18,000 policemen to secure transportation hubs, freedom parks and other areas on the days leading to the May 1 Labor Day celebration.",7 +8,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Saturday said the government is working out plans to safely bring out trapped Filipinos from strife-torn Sudan.,7 +14,"The designation of new EDCA sites—additional Philippine military facilities which may be accessed by US forces—is seen as a provocation to China, an expert from a think-tank has said.",13 +9,Twin river structures shield Nueva Ecija farmlands from heavy flooding- DPWH,8 +10,"The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on Wednesday, April 19, announced that 1,210 out of 2,558 passed the April 2023 Licensure Examination for Midwives.",9 +7,"MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) on Monday reported that a series of inspections of six warehouses in three cities in Metro Manila yielded PHP150 million worth of agricultural products, including frozen meat and fresh fruits.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte both condemned the killing of three people, including a former mayor of Lamitan City, Basilan, inside the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City on Sunday, July 24.",12 +10,Puerto Galera mayor blames UP-MSI oil spill projection for tourist cancellations,9 +11,"MANILA – World-class Filipino garments are on display at a fashion exhibit at the Senate, spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology's Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST-PTRI).",10 +13,Marcos dismisses criticism that his campaign played down family corruption,12 +5,SC upholds victory of Negros Oriental governor,4 +9,PS-DBM approves P1.39 billion worth of PPE not certified as safe,8 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN)'s Anti-Submarine Helicopter Squadron 42 conducted a series of lectures connections in connection with shipboard helicopter operations for the crew of missile frigate BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) to ensure the seamless integration of the two units in anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations.,7 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has shown interest in watching the live fire exercises that will transpire during this year's Balikatan military exercises, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said on Wednesday.",12 +3,The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday encouraged Filipinos to join the rest of the world in observing Earth Hour on Saturday.,2 +14,"MANILA – No Filipino is seeking government help for repatriation in Taiwan as of yet, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Tuesday amid rising cross-strait tensions.",13 +2,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) is looking to increase its recruit intake in order to better serve the country's growing population.,1 +14,Marcos witnesses PH-US joint live fire exercise,13 +13,VP Sara urges reg’l leaders to share best education practices,12 +15,Did Guanzon touch Jungkook's abs?,14 +6,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on the third and final reading a priority bill seeking to implement a rightsizing program in the national government to improve the delivery of public service.,5 +7,"CIDG: 3 men arrested, more guns seized from Henry Teves compound",6 +2,The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has assured financial and livelihood assistance to over 325 overseas Filipinos Workers (OFWs) in Sudan who requested the government for repatriation over the ongoing clashes between the soldiers and paramilitary forces.,1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) called on the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to withdraw its directives that allow colleges and universities to prevent unvaccinated students from attending face-to-face classes.",8 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. returned to Manila Sunday night from a five-day official trip to Japan bringing home USD13 billion worth of investment pledges that will help boost the economy and generate around 24,000 jobs for Filipinos.",0 +13,Marcos picks Benhur Abalos as interior secretary,12 +13,Marcos names former CA justice Monina Arevalo-Zenarosa as CHR commissioner,12 +9,DOH: Rise in dengue cases seen in provinces across 4 regions,8 +7,Anti-graft court formally dismisses case vs Mike Arroyo over chopper deal,6 +9,DOH: IATF discussion on 'decoupling' of Covid restrictions done,8 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – A day before the first State of the Nation Address (SONA) of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. in Quezon City, a shooting incident inside the Ateneo de Manila University claimed the lives of at least three individuals, including the former mayor of Lamitan, Basilan, Rose Furigay.",7 +7,"MANILA – Personnel of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) have arrested a man for selling counterfeit Unilever products worth PHP2.1 million in Malabon City, a top police official said Thursday.",6 +14,DFA tells China to engage PH based on facts after laser-use row,13 +5,MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has reversed the conviction of officials of the Philippine State College of Aeronautics (PhilSCA) implicated in an alleged irregular bidding process.,4 +9,"The Philippines registered 274 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, while the active tally rose to 9,603.   The new cases brought the country’s caseload to 4,083,529, based on data from the Department of Health.   The country’s active tally increased to 9,603 from 9,568 on Friday.   The National Capital Region logged the highest number of new infections with 1,072 in the past two weeks, followed by the Davao Region with 405, Northern Mindanao with 344, Calabarzon with 327, and Central Visayas with 172.   Meanwhile, the recovery tally climbed to 4,007,510, while the death toll went up to 66,416.   A total of 2,948 individuals were tested on Friday, and 278 testing laboratories submitted data.",8 +7,The Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) on Monday said it already has an idea about the mastermind behind the missing sabungeros.,6 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. will have a bilateral meeting with United States President Joe Biden at the White House next month.",13 +13,Tao-tauhan ni Marcos may P462 milyon sa Swiss account,12 +8,MANILA – Senator Ramon Revilla Jr. on government measures in taking advantage of the 72-hour ceasefire to immediately repatriate overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in strife-torn Sudan.,7 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) reported 867 fresh COVID-19 infections on Wednesday, pushing active cases in the country to 7,565.",8 +14,Marcos to meet Biden in Washington to reaffirm US-PH special ties,13 +13,Reset of COC filing period for BSKE to lessen poll violence,12 +8,"Galvez: New EDCA sites 'significant'; Osias, Balabac 'strategic'",7 +14,SUMMARY: Marcos’ interventions at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia,13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to debut in the international arena this week at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), where he is scheduled to deliver a speech before the world’s most important diplomatic gathering on Wednesday, September 21 (Manila time).",13 +7,BOC warehouse raid in Manila yields P10-B fake signature goods,6 +5,Guanzon faces contempt suit over 'malicious’ tweets,4 +6,MANILA – A measure extending the deadline of the estate tax amnesty for another two years level at the House of Representatives.,5 +13,House leader: Online voter registration ‘to strengthen’ process,12 +6,House ways and means panel chairperson Joey Salceda on Thursday called for the passage of a bill allowing government authorities to block copyright infringement online to curb online piracy.,5 +8,"MANILA – More than 300 Filipinos from violence-stricken Sudan have safely crossed the border and are now on Egyptian soil, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Thursday amid ongoing rapid evacuation efforts to extract more nationals.",7 +9,"The Philippines is currently seeing a continuous increase in the number of individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cases are projected to reach 364,000 by 2030, an official of the Department of Health (DOH) said.",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least 15 persons of interest have been identified in an alleged hazing that killed a 24-year-old chemical engineering student of Adamson University, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Batoctoy of Imus Police said on Wednesday, March 1.",6 +7,BI intercepts two trafficked victims at NAIA,6 +9,"DOH logs 67 new COVID-19 cases; active tally down to 9,268",8 +15,Setting the bar high: Inspiring stories from aspiring lawyers,14 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – “Where will the from?”",14 +4,The Ateneo de Manila University has approved the implementation of a co-education system granting access to female students in its basic education schools.,3 +6,36 Years: The SOGIE equality bill in the 19th Congress,5 +14,"Philippines, US to restart joint patrols in South China Sea",13 +10,"Happiness at home to make Pinoy workers more productive, says pro-divorce solon",9 +3,Palm Sunday Mass ushers in Holy Week observance,2 +10,DPWH completes diversion road link in Iloilo,9 +6,"Duterte vetoes SIM card, social media registration bill",5 +7,"The video showing the alleged cover-up to spare a police sergeant tagged in the P6.7 billion drug haul in Manila last year is sufficient proof of the wrongdoings of members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in the footage, Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos said.",6 +6,Albay Representative Joey Salceda has filed a resolution directing the on transportation to investigate the planned jeepney phaseout as part of the government’s Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Modernization Program.,5 +9,Are women more at risk for breast cancer if they do not have kids?,8 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Quezon City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 306 denied the motion for reconsideration filed by the National Commission (NTC) and former national security adviser Hermogenes Esperon Jr. over its earlier ruling that ordered the agency to unblock Bulatlat’s website.",4 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – August 2022,8 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard has stepped up its presence in the disputed South China Sea by deploying additional vessels and conducting more sorties and overflights to protect maritime territory and the country’s fishermen, its chief said on Monday, February 6.",7 +6,"Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva on Monday said he believed the SOGIESC bill is being pushed to legalize same-sex marriage in the country—a claim immediately refuted by Senator Risa Hontiveros, who said that report on the bill did not include provisions on marriage licenses.",5 +10,"LPA, ITCZ to bring rains over most of PH",9 +10,‘Amang’ weakens into LPA,9 +13,"Marcos, Duterte maintain ‘majority’ approval, trust ratings in March 2023 OCTA survey",12 +6,Mayors recommend downgrade to Alert Level 1 in Metro Manila,5 +8,PH Army troops attain professional growth in 'Salaknib' drills,7 +15,Rappler Talk: Ang mundo ng mga vlogger kasama si Fatima Gaw,14 +10,"Oil spill clean-up: 85.41% of affected shoreline in Pola, Or. Mindoro now cleared",9 +2,BuCor postpones plan to build headquarters in Masungi Georeserve,1 +10,"The whole Visayas, Palawan including the Kalayaan Islands, and Occidental Mindoro will experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) advised on Wednesday, April 5.",9 +14,WASHINGTON - Light rains greeted President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. as he arrived in the United States to begin his official visit that aims to strengthen the long-standing ties between the two countries.,13 +7,Consignee of P1.7-M shabu parcel nabbed in Makati City,6 +7,MANILA – The family lawyer of the late Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo said they will be filing more cases soon in relation to about 60 killings in the province.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Continuing their strategy of consolidation, House Majority Leader Martin Romualdez, cousin of president-in-waiting Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., has secured the backing of former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the ruling PDP-Laban to be the next House Speaker.",12 +9,PH daily average of Covid-19 increases by 32%,8 +7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) started its own probe as it condemned the April 24 killing in Bacolod City of Alex Dolorosa, an organizer and paralegal officer of a business process outsourcing (BPO) union, the BPO Industry Employees Network (BIEN).",6 +10,"MANILA – The Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Maynilad) on Monday announced a daily water interruption starting March 28 due to the forecast El Niño by the latter half of this year.",9 +13,"Ex-NSA Carlos denies submitting report on onion smugglers, hoarders to Marcos",12 +3,Sara urges fight vs. social ills on Araw ng Kagitingan,2 +14,"MANILA – The Japanese government turned over on Wednesday a PHP4.3-million building to the Santo Niño High School in Talibon town, Bohol.",13 +7,"The Bureau of Immigration’s (BI) detention facility in Camp Bagong Diwa was on heightened alert, with foreign fugitives now separated from other immigration violators, BI spokesperson Dana Sandoval said Monday.",6 +13,Printing of ballots for Marawi plebiscites starts Feb. 25,12 +14,US backs Philippines in laser dispute with China,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Bantag faces new set of – this time, filed by his own subordinates from the corrections bureau on Friday, January 20.",12 +6,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, widow of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, on Wednesday said it is time to amend the long-standing policy of the Philippine National Police (PNP) on the non-presentation of suspects before the public.",5 +9,Philippines posts 169 new COVID-19 cases,8 +7,MANILA – The chief of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-National Capital Region (CIDG-NCR) and 12 other policemen were relieved from their posts over allegations of extortion on a group of Chinese businessmen in Parañaque City.,6 +13,PBBM signs law converting Carmona into component city,12 +4,"MANILA – Senate President Pro Temp[ore Loren Lgarda has filed a resolution recognizing Filipina scientists of the international Day of Women and Girls in Science on Feb. 11, as declared by the United Nations General Assembly.",3 +7,Philippines to appeal ICC’s resumption of drug war probe before Appeals Chamber,6 +9,"The Philippines monitored 272 new COVID-19 infections on Friday, while the number of active cases rose to 8,920.   According to the Department of Health (DOH), the country’s caseload is currently 4,081,215, as the active tally increased to 8,920 from 8,749 on Thursday.   The National Capital Region logged the highest number of new cases (731) in the past two weeks, followed by the Davao Region with 345, Northern Mindanao with 315, Calabarzon with 249, and Soccsksargen with 159.   The DOH said an additional 80 individuals have recovered, bringing the total recoveries to 4,005,924, while the death toll climbed to 66,371.",8 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate blue filing of administrative and criminal charges against some officials of the Department of Education (DepEd) and the procurement service of the Department of Budget and Management, but the list did not include former DepEd chief Leonor Briones.",4 +7,Hunt on for 10 inmates who bolted Pasay jail,6 +7,"The agricultural projects which are among the subject of the P172-million plunder case filed against former Senator Juan Ponce Enrile included manicure and pedicure services, a government lawyer said.",6 +14,"MANILA – The visit of Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim will serve as an impetus to reinvigorate Philippine-Malaysian ties, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Tuesday night.",13 +7,MANILA – Third-level officials who are holding key positions in the Philippine National Police (PNP) would be the first to undergo vetting by the five-member advisory body that would look into their courtesy resignations and possible involvement in illegal drugs.,6 +7,Department of Justice prosecutors have dismissed for obstruction of justice against the father of a person of interest in the death of alleged hazing victim John Matthew Salilig.,6 +8,"PNP, AFP to identify, dismantle private armed groups nationwide",7 +14,France opposes actions that increase tension in SCS,13 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) major lotto games in its Tuesday evening, April 4 draw.",14 +15,Lone bettor from Angeles hits P37-M Mega Lotto jackpot,14 +15,"Former University of the Philippines (UP) President Emanuel Valdez Soriano passed away on Saturday, April 22 at the age of 87.",14 +6,Gov't urged to expand coverage of tariff breaks for electric vehicles,5 +7,The lawyer of two Japanese fugitives whose deportations are being sought by the government said Thursday he does not believe that for violence against women filed against his clients are invented.,6 +10,Landbank hastens adoption of QR code payments in public markets,9 +9,Quality of drinking water in Oriental Mindoro under DOH surveillance – OCD,8 +6,A group of House members led by former President and Senior Deputy Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Thursday filed a resolution defending former President Rodrigo Duterte against any probe by the International Criminal Court (ICC).,5 +15,"MANILA – The likelihood of El Niño by June until the first quarter of 2024 has increased, an official of the weather bureau reported Tuesday.",14 +10,BI offloaded over 6k passengers from January-February 2023,9 +14,"Pinoys in America are fundamental part of US, says Blinken",13 +13,VP Duterte visits 2 Negros Occ schools; here’s what she told students,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Supporters of aspiring president and Vice President Leni Robredo against a doctor who claimed that the supporters were paid cash to join a caravan supporting Robredo in Marikina in October 2021.",12 +14,MANILA – The Philippine government on Friday called on parties involved in the ongoing Ukraine war to settle the conflict peacefully as the world marks one full year since Russia launched a military attack on the east European state.,13 +7,"The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has destroyed some P1.43 billion worth of smuggled cigarettes, the biggest haul of cigarettes that were illegally sneaked into the country as the agency continuously intensify anti-smuggling activities.",6 +9,NCR COVID-19 positivity rate rose slightly to 1.7% —OCTA,8 +14,IN PHOTOS: President Marcos meets foreign envoys in Vin d’honneur,13 +14,"Marcos upbeat on Malaysia, Brunei continued support for Mindanao",13 +2,DSWD main office resumes processing of aid for crisis-affected individuals,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Less than a week before the EDSA Revolution anniversary, labor leader and presidential candidate Leody de Guzman said his brand of leadership fulfills the of the EDSA People Power Revolution 36 years ago.",12 +15,Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez (Facebook),14 +7,Terrorism complaint is set for filing simultaneously with murder charges vs Rep Teves – Sec Remulla,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Army (PA) has taken custody of former Presidential Security Group chief Brigadier General Jesus Durante, the alleged mastermind in the murder of Davao-based businesswoman-model Yvonette Chua Plaza.",6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made an official visit to the Philippines from Tuesday to Wednesday, July 5 to 6.",13 +1,DOLE: Private firms have until May 31 to submit 2022 wage report,0 +6,Legarda urges public support in implementing environmental laws,5 +7,PDEA shows storage room for drug evidence amid drug recycling claims,6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Office of the Vice President (OVP) is asking for a bigger budget – a three-fold increase, in fact – for fiscal year 2023.",0 +7,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has started its own probe into two separate killings which the New People’s Army (NPA) has claimed responsibility.,6 +1,"MANILA – Local airlines are hoping that more people would be encouraged to travel as the fuel surcharge for May will further decrease. The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) has announced the lowering of the fuel surcharge, from Level 6 to Level 5, effective May 1 to 31. Under Level 5, the fuel surcharge for domestic flights ranges from PHP151 to PHP542, depending on the distance. For international flights, the fuel surcharge may range from PHP498 to PHP3,703. Cebu Pacific president Xander Lao said Tuesday the continuous decrease in fuel surcharge encourages the airline to offer more affordable flights and pointed out that the fuel surcharge level is the lowest since May 2022. ""We hope this will motivate our passengers to push through with their travel plans for the summer,"" he told the Philippine News Agency . Philippine Airlines (PAL) spokesperson Cielo Villaluna, on the other hand, said CAB's announcement is a development. ""PAL will with this latest fuel surcharge level that applies to tickets to be purchased in the month of May. We thank our customers for their continued support and loyalty,"" she said. Low-cost carrier AirAsia Philippines, in a statement, said any form of reduction in air travel costs is a big help for all its passengers as they can allot this for additional baggage allowance. In an advisory signed on April 17, CAB Director Carmelo Arcilla said airlines wishing to impose or collect fuel surcharge must file their application with his office on or before the effectivity period.",0 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Tuesday reported the arrest of a German national wanted by authorities in Berlin for murder.,6 +6,MANILA – Senate Bill 2034 or the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Act reached the Senate plenary on Wednesday sponsored by Senator Ronald dela Rosa as chairperson of the Senate on ROTC.,5 +6,DepEd releases draft of revised K to 10 curriculum. What’s new this time?,5 +10,"Cloudy skies, scattered rains to persist in E. Visayas, Caraga — PAGASA",9 +10,DSWD extends P2.7-M aid to 622 families hit by fire in Cavite,9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – A ranking House member urged the lower chamber’s suffrage panel to study whether the Commission on Elections (Comelec) could automate the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections scheduled in October.",5 +3,MANILA – The Manila Cathedral has opened its doors to pilgrims for the Lenten season.,2 +13,"Lawyer, pro-Duterte vlogger Trixie Cruz-Angeles is Marcos press secretary",12 +9,"A total of 1,984 fire incidents have been recorded so far in the country since January, the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) said on Thursday.",8 +15,"Ultra, Super Lotto jackpots still up for grabs",14 +10,Fair weather continues to prevail across PH,9 +3,Marcos urges Filipinos to participate in Earth Hour 2023,2 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) received the first two units of T-129 ATAK helicopters from Turkey on Wednesday, March 9.",7 +13,Bato' cries over frustration with Negros Oriental cops,12 +7,DSWD warns vs. scammers preying on seniors,6 +8,"Ejercito suggests command center, scanning system for PNP checkpoints",7 +11,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Friday urged Muslim brothers and sisters to sustain the values and practices they embody during the Holy Month of Ramadan.",10 +14,MANILA – The Department of Tourism (DOT) on Tuesday a newly signed air services agreement that would double passenger flights between the Philippines and Türkiye.,13 +14,Marcos may discuss Taiwan in US but trade tops agenda – envoy,13 +7,Navy seizes oil tanker carrying P50 million in alleged smuggled fuel,6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The camp of former vice presidential candidate and Laban ng Masa (LNM) chairperson Walden Bello asked the court to suspend proceedings of the cyber libel case filed against him by a close aide of Vice President Sara Duterte.",4 +3,"VP Sara urges local leaders to uphold integrity, unite in service",2 +13,Bantag said Bilibid hole would be used to look for Yamashita treasure – Remulla,12 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday logged 184 new COVID-19 cases, while the tally of active cases increased to 8,626.",8 +9,"VIGAN, Philippines – Fearful residents in Abra province spent the night sleeping outdoors after a powerful earthquake struck the northern island of Luzon, killing four people and injuring more than 130.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Retired Supreme Court justice Antonio Eduardo Nachura died on Sunday, March 13.",12 +15,The Manila Bulletin Department of Budget and Management,14 +6,"Senate approves bill on lifetime birth, death, marriage certificates",5 +10,"Apart from isolated rains that may occur in the afternoon or evening, the state weather bureau said a generally fair and humid weather will prevail throughout the archipelago on Saturday, April 15.",9 +7,"Police whisk doctor Natividad Castro to Butuan, hold her incommunicado",6 +9,"Gov't should 'invest more' in hospitals at tourist spots, says solon",8 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has joined the nation in mourning the passing of former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) secretary Albert del Rosario.",12 +5,Supreme Court clears Inquirer in Enrile libel case over Marcos loot story,4 +6,Bill limiting coverage of fixed terms in AFP now up for Marcos’ signature,5 +9,"Twenty-six sampling stations in Puerto Galera in Mindoro were found positive with oil and grease contaminants, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, April 18.",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag, a BuCor official, and 10 others are facing for the deaths of hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa and alleged middleman Jun Villamor.",6 +7,"for illegal possession of firearms and explosives filed against suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. is enough to designate him as a terrorist, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Thursday.",6 +2,MANILA – The Philippine Fleet (PF) celebrated its 85th anniversary on April 18 with the acquisition of additional naval assets and development of new capabilities.,1 +2,AFP upbeat on deal for 4 more EDCA sites in the Philippines,1 +1,"SINAG: Onion farmgate, retail price gap must be addressed",0 +2,"Farmers slam NFA’s proposal to import 330,000 MT of rice as buffer stock shrinks",1 +13,Rappler Recap: Marcos’ big promises for the economy in SONA 2022,12 +8,"MANILA – Participating Filipino and American naval ships in this year's ""Balikatan"" exercises conducted aerial gunnery and replenishment-at-sea exercises off Brooke's Point town in Palawan province.",7 +7,The Court of Appeals (CA) upheld the conviction of retired general Jovito Palparan and two other Army officers in connection to the 2006 abduction and disappearance of two University of the Philippines students – Karen Empeno and Sherlyn Cadapan.,6 +13,"Sara Duterte thanks Eagles for philanthropy, takes oath as member",12 +9,"The nationwide COVID-19 positivity rate slightly decreased to 3.3% on Saturday, independent monitoring group OCTA Research said on Sunday.",8 +7,Degamo nephew believes uncle's killers also targeting other elected officials,6 +6,Gov’t to keep an eye on telcos as SIM registration deadline looms,5 +2,DOH transfers HTA operations to DOST,1 +13,MANILA – Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano on Tuesday thanked conscientious business owners in the city who declared their correct tax base after an initial low tax assessment.,12 +4,Women solons preside over House session for Women's Month,3 +7,MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin C. Abalos Jr. on Wednesday vowed to implement measures to prevent another jailbreak.,6 +14,MANILA -- The Philippines’ concerns over encroachments in the West Philippine Sea are mainly from a national standpoint and are beyond the growing rivalry between China and the United States.,13 +13,Time for DOJ to get ‘full control’ over BuCor – Guevarra,12 +7,Suspect cops pleaded not guilty in missing sabungeros case —PNP,6 +13,11 PNP officials get new assignments in latest reshuffle,12 +15,"A 4.2-magnitude earthquake jolted Masbate province on Thursday afternoon, April 6, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs).",14 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) wants the cases against the four Japanese nationals, who are suspected of being masterminds of illegal activities in Japan, to be dismissed in order to facilitate their deportation.",6 +7,MANILA – An armed man believed to be among the suspects in the assassination attempt on Lanao del Sur Governor Mamintal Alonto Adiong Jr. was killed in a police operation.,6 +2,US nuclear power energy firm to invest in PH; will provide 430MW—Palace,1 +14,PH has no intention to interfere in Taiwan issue - NSC exec,13 +13,Marcos to Filipino-Chinese community: Reaffirm commitment to support Philippine gov’t,12 +9,Heat indices in 7 areas reach ‘danger’ level,8 +5,OSG asks Court of Appeals to reconsider ruling on NEWSNET,4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) confirmed it had filed against 22 police officers of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) for the deaths of eight New Bilibid Prison inmates who supposedly died of COVID-19.",6 +13,"Three incidents involving activists in less than 24 hours, including the terrorist-tagging doctor Naty Castro, tell Cristina Palabay of Karapatan that the second Marcos administration is already showing its true colors – and it’s more of the same old Duterte hue.",12 +4,LGBTQ+ not asking for ‘special rights’ with SOGIE bill – expert,3 +14,"Marcos meets Blinken, says PH-US ties crucial amid Taiwan tension",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Menardo Guevarra, President Rodrigo Duterte’s outgoing justice secretary, on Wednesday, June 15, denounced red-tagging and called it dangerous.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Another mayor in Camarines Sur has denied backing the presidency of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",12 +10,"State seismologists on Saturday, April 29, said an earthquake with a magnitude measuring 5.5 jolted Occidental Mindoro.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday, October 26, defended the appointment of godson director Paul Soriano as adviser, saying it seems to have been “misunderstood.”",12 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – National scientist and the first chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Dr. Angel Alcala has died, announced on its Facebook page on Wednesday, February 1. He was 93.",14 +2,"Parts of Caloocan, Navotas, QC waterless on May 1-8",1 +6,The Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights on Tuesday endorsed the bills granting Canadian vlogger Kyle Douglas Jennerman Filipino citizenship to the plenary for deliberations.,5 +15,"The application for the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) 2024 will close on Saturday, April 15.",14 +13,New PNP chief Acorda vows transparency to media,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan, the country’s anti-graft court, affirmed the charge against former Quezon City mayor Herbert “Bistek” Bautista.",4 +6,House okays bill speeding up right-of-way acquisition for gov't projects,5 +13,Senate support to ongoing PNP ‘internal cleansing’ efforts hailed,12 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) recorded 437 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, while the active tally rose to 9,480.",8 +8,"It remains unclear what kind of ""evolution"" President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. would be taking up with President Joe Biden about the Philippines and US mutual defense treaty when they meet in Washington next week.",7 +13,BEHIND THE SCENES: Preparing for the Marcos inaugural,12 +15,Ex-UP president Emanuel Soriano passes away at 87,14 +2,Comelec approves higher honararia for teachers in October BSKE,1 +9,Behavioral hygiene hub' promotes upkeep of troops' mental health,8 +13,Rep. Rodriguez says Senate can't ignore 'overwhelming' support for Cha-cha,12 +4,"The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) has expressed full support on the proposed measures legalizing divorce in the Philippines, saying the current system that bans divorce puts women at a disadvantage.",3 +14,Japan and Australia on Tuesday expressed serious concerns over the Chinese coast guard's (CCG) use of military-grade laser against a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) ship in Ayungin Shoal.,13 +10,Supreme Court: 2022 Bar Exams to push through as scheduled in November,9 +8,The legal counsel of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Monday said Teves has yet to return to the Philippines due to concerns about his security.,7 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Almost 81,000 farmers and fishermen received calamity claims of P540.75 million from the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) up to more than two years after they suffered losses.",1 +11,36 Years: Mindanao ‘regionalism’ and representation,10 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Almost a month were filed against suspended Bureau of Corrections chief Gerald Bantag and others, the corrections chief finally showed up and faced Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors on Monday, December 5.",6 +6,Speaker touts approval of 23 Marcos priority bills,5 +8,PH Navy's anti-sub helicopter lands on moving missile frigate,7 +7,Justice Secretary Remulla’s son arrested for drug possession,6 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported the arrest in Palawan of a 44-year old American allegedly wanted by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for racketeering and financial fraud.,6 +10,Marcos hopes oil spill cleanup in Mindoro won't take months,9 +6,Romualdez says OFW families could be finding SIM registration difficult,5 +3,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday advised the suspected masterminds in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo to ""repent"" this Holy Week.",2 +13,"Palace names latest appointments in PCO, DICT, AFP",12 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – While President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. enjoys high approval and trust ratings, a majority of Filipinos are unhappy with his administration’s strategy in controlling inflation, according to the results of a Pulse Asia, Research Incorporated survey held in March.",11 +10,"1,210 out of 2,558 pass April 2023 Midwifery Licensure exam",9 +1,"MANILA – The Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) on Tuesday said the Philippines may generate around US$150 million (about PHP8.3 billion) worth of revenue from its initial durian exports to China next month. During the Laging Handa public briefing, BPI director officer-in-charge Gerald Glenn Panganiban said the target revenue is still subject to the actual production from durian-producing areas. “Ito po ay nakasalalay sa ating magandang produksiyon at of course sa ating sa requirements po ng pamahalaan ng China (This depends on the good quality production and of course to the requirements of the government of China),” he said. Panganiban said the country is set to export an initial volume of 50,000 metric tons of durian.",0 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Metro Manila will remain under Alert Level 1 for COVID-19 from June 1 to 15, Malacañang announced on Friday, May 27.",8 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – In the mood for love this Valentine’s? Looking to ‘fess up to a friend? This just might be your sign.",14 +15,Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story erroneously reported it was Gabriela Representative Arlene Brosas who asked the Vice President. All references to Brosas in this story have been corrected.,14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Department of Education (DepEd) undersecretary Kris Ablan confirmed his resignation, according to news site",12 +7,Hazing complaints filed against 6 linked to Salilig death,6 +2,The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) launched the Broadband ng Masa program in Davao City in line with its goal to eradicate digital divide across the archipelago.,1 +14,"52 PH, US 'free fallers' join Balikatan 2023 friendship jump",13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. plans to do a “soft launch” his administration’s proposed Maharlika Investment Fund during his five-day visit to snowy Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum (WEF).",5 +10,Rains expected in Mindanao due to ITCZ — PAGASA,9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang has approved the by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) to further ease travel restrictions for people entering the Philippines.",5 +7,PH crime rate down 11.36% in first 4 months of 2023,6 +13,"DAVAO CITY, Philippines – In the 2022 elections, two names dominated most of Mindanao, the southernmost island region in the Philippines: Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Sara Duterte, the standard-bearers of the Uniteam Alliance.",12 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has directed the revision of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the scientific career system.",5 +6,Senator Sherwin Gatchalian is proposing a legislation that would institutionalize automatic classification of local government units (LGUs) to improve public services.,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In a rare move, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte issued an official personal statement vouching for the soundness and legality of his campaign donor Dennis Uy’s acquisition of a firm with a stake in the Malampaya gas field and the integrity of his energy secretary who approved the deal.",12 +8,"WASHINGTON, DC, USA – The top defense and diplomatic officials from the United States and Philippines agreed on Tuesday, April 11, a road map months to cover the delivery of US defense assistance to the Philippines over the next five to 10 years.",7 +14,Japan ensures lasting peace in Pacific as tribute to lives lost in Bataan siege; thanks PH for forgiveness,13 +7,The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) has said it uncovered two unauthorized transport network vehicle service operating in the country.,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The death toll from Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae) continued to rise steadily, as the body count stood at 112 on Tuesday evening, November 1, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).",8 +10,"MANILA – The Marcos administration has prepared a contingency plan to lessen the impact of the planned weeklong transport strike on public, Malacañang said Friday.",9 +12,The Marcos administration enjoyed “small to huge majority approval ratings” in its handling of the seven issues where its performance was assessed in the latest Pulse Asia survey.,11 +1,"PBBM touts PH's stable macroeconomy, infra dev't",0 +6,"The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is planning to standardize the fees being charged by driving schools, Unang Balita reported on Monday.",5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Calendar your vacations and rest days for the long weekends next year!  At least 10 holidays and special non-working days fall near weekends.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. would likely be hands-off in the heated race for the Senate presidency in the next 19th Congress, according to his older sister, Senator Imee Marcos.",12 +6,Ex-president Gloria Arroyo defends proposal to establish Maharlika fund,5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate bill seeking to penalize discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) has been reverted to level after Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva presented piles of letters from concerned religious groups at the Senate session on Wednesday, February 8.",5 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said the government will expand some of the country's hospitals to cater to the needs of patients with special cases.",1 +9,MANILA – The country must institutionalize an Emergency Medical Service System (EMSS) to establish a national standard for emergency medical services and adopt protocols in times of natural and manmade disasters.,8 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Thursday met with United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III.",13 +5,Sandiganbayan upholds cases vs ex-Pagcor chief over ‘questionable’ use of funds,4 +9,Philippines to ease face mask policy,8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives approved on second reading a bill seeking to amend a months-old law which mandated fixed tours of duty for key officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",5 +13,PBBM: Charter change ‘not a priority’,12 +2,PAGASA unveils P150-M Doppler radar in Northern Samar,1 +6,Solon wants review of wage increase policies,5 +7,"SC orders courts to prioritize cases of violence vs women, children",6 +7,5-man panel recommends filing of charges vs 4 PNP officials over drug links,6 +7,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, widow of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, said on Sunday she had appealed to Congress to have Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. dismissed as a member of the House of Representatives.",6 +8,NPC cites ways to shield SIM card registration from data breaches,7 +7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has started its own investigation into the recent killings of barangay (village) officials in Maguindanao del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur as it condemned the incidents as undermining democracy and ""creating a culture of fear and insecurity""",6 +10,"Senator Grace Poe on Wednesday, May 3, faulted the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) for the power outage problems at the country’s major gateway.",9 +9,Love your heart this love month: health group,8 +9,"The Department of Health logged 144 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, while the active tally dropped to 9,070.",8 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – Following a four-hour meeting where the country’s economic team “put out [its] general principles” and the top topic was implementing face-to-face classes, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said that he “disagreed” with the country’s inflation rate.",0 +7,The Sandiganbayan has cleared three bidding officers of the Philippine State College of Aeronautics (PHILSCA) of graft charges in connection with the 2008 purchase of five Cessna planes without public bidding due to lack of evidence.,6 +13,EDSA 36: Martial Law victims still hopeful despite Marcos Jr.’s presidential bid,12 +3,PBBM urges Filipino Christians to become better agents of change,2 +7,"Senate urged to probe reported data breach in PNP, other gov’t agencies",6 +7,"Gigi Reyes, ex-chief of staff of Enrile tagged in pork barrel scam, released from jail",6 +7,"The ill-fated MT Princess Empress was so old that it had already been scrapped, contrary to claims that it was a new vessel, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on Thursday.",6 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday said the effects of the series of business meetings in Japan will be felt ""very rapidly"" after his five-day working visit in Tokyo.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The years 2016 to 2022 have been especially taxing for Filipino journalists under the administration of one Rodrigo Duterte.",12 +2,The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) assured the public that the agency has sufficient funds and food and non-food items that are ready to be distributed to those who will be adversely affected by dry conditions due to the looming El Niño phenomenon.,1 +15,"Friends, family pay tribute to late Pres. Noynoy Aquino on his 63rd birthday",14 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – Press freedom advocates from the Philippines and around the world celebrated the acquittal of Nobel laureate Maria Ressa, chief executive officer of Rappler, and Rappler Holdings Corporation by the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) on Wednesday, January 18. “The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines the acquittal of Maria Ressa and Rappler Holdings Corporation at the Court of Tax Appeals,” the NUJP said in a statement on Wednesday morning, following news of the acquittal.",3 +7,"MANILA – In line with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s directive to eradicate illegal drugs in the country, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has reported the confiscation of around PHP1.37 billion worth of illegal substances in various operations from November 2022 to February 2023.",6 +6,"Comelec open to study proposals on postponement of Barangay, SK polls in Negros Oriental",5 +13,Magalong: Azurin stands on moral ground in the fight vs illegal drugs,12 +9,DOH warns: Follow health standards or see COVID-19 surge in May,8 +2,BFAR: Looming El Niño may affect fish supply in PH,1 +7,Biñan City police have for violation of the Anti-Hazing Law against six individuals linked to the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig.,6 +14,"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – Across the different meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) 40th and 41st summits, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made several interventions that touched on different issues – from the conflict in Myanmar to regional action on climate change.",13 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Catholic bishops begin the observance of Maundy Thursday, April 6, by blessing the holy oils to be used in churches throughout the year.",2 +9,"On the first day of Fire Prevention Month, Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) personnel inspected several residential areas and establishments, and checked fire hydrants to ensure they are working in case of fire.",8 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said his administration will give priority attention to the problems that cropped up during the oil spill crisis in Oriental Mindoro, such as the source of potable water for and people's livelihood.",1 +7,PNP: Ex-PDEG chief to face stiffer charges over alleged cover-up in P6.7 billion shabu bust,6 +14,"Joint PH-US statement made 'false accusations' vs. China, says official",13 +4,Diversity is not an obstacle': Romualdez greets Muslim faithful on Eid’l Fitr,3 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Thursday, April 13 said the low pressure area (LPA), which was formerly known as tropical depression Amang, may continue to bring scattered rain showers and thunderstorms over parts of Luzon in the next 24 hours.",9 +8,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has issued an administrative order (AO) creating a special task force tasked to maintain peace and order and suppress threats to safety and security on the Negros Island.",7 +7,Man nabbed for selling fake security guard license,6 +10,"MANILA – The proposed fare hike for the Light Rail Transit Line 1 (LRT-1), the Light Rail Transit Line 2 (LRT-2), and the Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT-3) will decrease the amount of subsidy provided by the government, train concessionaires said Friday.",9 +10,MANILA – Flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL) has made adjustments on some of its flights scheduled on May 2 and 3 due to the corrective maintenance at the Air Traffic Management Center.,9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has charged at least 16 people, including nuns, linked with the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) for the non-bailable offense of allegedly providing funds to the Communist Party of the Philippines-New Peoples’ Army (CPP-NPA).",6 +6,LIVE: House public consultation on charter change,5 +6,What is the proposed Water Trust Fund? Cong Duterte explains,5 +14,"MANILA – House Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Friday said he is looking forward to a possible visit of Japanese lawmakers to the country, saying this would further boost the friendship and bilateral ties between the Philippines and Japan.",13 +7,MANILA – A new suspect who can shed more light into the death of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo has surfaced.,6 +15,"There were no major prize winners during the evening draw on Thursday, April 20, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) announced.",14 +8,"Galvez says Cagayan, CamSur open to having EDCA sites",7 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. launched on Monday the ""KAIBIGAN-PŘATELÉ: Czechia-Philippine Cultural and Diplomatic Dialogue,"" which was timed with the official visit of Czechia Prime Minister Petr Fiala.The new book highlights the cultural and diplomatic exchanges between the Republic of the Philippines and the Czechia Republic.The book, which was launched in Malacañang, is a collaborative effort of various Filipino and Czechia contributors and editors, under the initiative of Ambassador Jana Šedivá.“I hope that all the work and effort poured into this publication makes it not only an informative tool for everyone who is interested in the rich history of cultural and diplomatic exchanges between our two countries, but that it serve also as a symbol of the friendship amongst our people,” Marcos said in his speech during the launch.“I believe that it is only fitting that the launching of the book happens during the visit of Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala to Manila, so he can witness, as we continue to foster and strengthen the relationship between the Philippines and the Czech Republic,"" the chief executive said.President Marcos said while formal relations between the Philippines and the Czechia Republic were only established in 1973, the book documents the rich history of people-to-people and socio-cultural exchanges between the two countries as early as the 17th century. The book covers events from the arrival of Jesuit missionary and taxonomist Georg Josef Kamel, from whom the camellia plant was named after, to the warm friendship between Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Blumentritt who was born in Prague, to the recollections of Czechia diplomats and journalists who lived in Manila.The book, Marcos said, is proof that the Filipino and Czech people consider each other as přátelé or friends.The Philippines and Czechia this year the 50th year anniversary of their bilateral relations.",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The failure of Philippine authorities to satisfactorily look into killings by the alleged Davao Death Squad is part of the reason why International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan has requested the Court’s pre-trial chamber (PTC) to reopen investigation into the Philippines.",6 +13,COC filing date for barangay polls favors rich candidates – lawmaker,12 +13,Ex-PNP spokesperson Banac is new Eastern Visayas police chief,12 +12,WATCH: Supporters urge Marcos to release Leila de Lima from prison,11 +2,"Full classroom capacity allowed for colleges, universities in Alert Level 1 areas �� IATF",1 +14,MANILA – United Nations (UN) Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt on Thursday highlighted the need for increased vigilance to fight the growing number of road traffic fatalities across the world.,13 +2,Chief Justice Alexander G. Gesmundo said the shortage of court stenographers and the difficulty to recruit new applicants will soon be resolved as the judiciary embarks on full court automation in its five-year Strategic Plan for Judicial Innovations (SPJI).,1 +2,Senate public chairperson Grace Poe on Friday warned of another “gargantuan backlog” in the Land Transportation Office (LTO) amid the shortage of plastic cards for driver’s license.,1 +7,"Murder, not COVID, struck convicts linked to De Lima, NBI report shows",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – A new rule for “small” cases in first level courts will take effect on Monday, April 11, as the Supreme Court promises a fast resolution of five months for cases that used to take five years.",5 +6,The top official of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PHIVOLCS) stressed the importance of strengthening the monitoring systems and capability of the agency which can help prevent casualties and property losses.,5 +6,Jinggoy Estrada wants Optical Media Board abolished,5 +2,"Fast-track OFW deployment via eBOSS system --- DMW, ARTA",1 +9,"For 1 week straight, PH COVID-19 cases dip below 5,000",8 +7,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Wednesday reiterated its call to conduct a thorough investigation into alleged human rights violations related to the war on drugs under the Duterte administration.,6 +6,Solon: Congressional body to address K-12 woes,5 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) confirmed that one of their officers allegedly extorted money from an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) in exchange for an escort service to help him board a flight to France.,6 +2,Marcos wants PH to produce own farm machineries,1 +8,"PBBM: No threat to Teves' life, based on intel",7 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Two Filipinos are among the 24 regional winners of the 2023 World Press Photo Contest of the World Press Photo Foundation.",14 +6,"Senator Sherwin Gatchalian on Tuesday, May 2 urged airport officials to pay attention to all details as they strive to resolve the power outage that hit the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 during Labor Day.",5 +4,Transport groups set for weeklong strike against jeepney phaseout,3 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) and the Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) have denounced the plan of presumptive president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to appoint his running mate Sara Duterte as the next secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd), saying that the presumptive vice president’s “vision does not address the current crisis besetting the sector.”",12 +7,"One of the suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others has surrendered to authorities, Special Task Force Degamo head and Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos confirmed on Monday.",6 +7,Anti-drug cop arrested over drug den with 1 ton of shabu,6 +1,PH deposits RCEP ratification instrument; deal takes effect June,0 +15,Filipina presumed dead in Türkiye quake found alive,14 +7,BI deports seven Chinese crew of distressed vessel,6 +2,DA Senior Usec. Panganiban takes over as SRA OIC,1 +7,"MANILA – The suspects behind the disappearance of 34 cockfighting enthusiasts (sabungero) are still in the country and their capture is imminent, according to the police.",6 +7,Sec Remulla to Bantag: ‘Heed court’s arrest order’,6 +7,"MANILA - The Biñan Police on Thursday presented to Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors the primary persons of interest in the death of John Matthew Salilig, the 24-year-old Adamson University engineering student who was found dead after allegedly undergoing fraternity initiation rites.",6 +9,Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos on Wednesday ordered mayors to prepare for and mitigate the possible effects of El Niño in their areas.,8 +13,Former military chief Boy Faustino is Marcos’ defense secretary,12 +8,"Marcos to Philippine Army: Be catalyst to Reds’ surrender, disarmament",7 +8,PH Navy joins ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise; code for unplanned sea encounters among highlights,7 +10,"MANILA – Many areas in the country will experience rain showers due to the northeast monsoon or ""amihan"" and the shear line, the weather bureau said Tuesday. Scattered rain showers and thunderstorms due to the shear line -- the convergence of cold and warm winds which trigger rains -- will prevail over Eastern Visayas, Caraga and Davao Oriental. The northeast monsoon will bring rain showers over Quezon and Bicol Region. These areas may experience flash floods or landslides due to moderate to heavy rains, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said. Palawan and the rest of the Visayas and Mindanao will have isolated rain showers caused by localized thunderstorms. PAGASA said flash floods or landslides are also possible in these areas during severe thunderstorms. Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon will have light rains due to the northeast monsoon. Meanwhile, the whole country will continue to experience moderate to strong winds and moderate to rough seas. Rough to very rough seas are forecast over the northern, eastern and western seaboards of Luzon, and the eastern and western seaboards of the Visayas. Fishing boats and other small sea vessels are advised not to venture into the sea, and larger sea vessels are alerted against big waves, PAGASA said.",9 +10,Maundy Thursday traffic hampers motorists on NLEX,9 +2,Water supply from Angat Dam enough for dry season — NWRB,1 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Saturday offered a ""hand of reconciliation"" on the 37th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution.",12 +8,"MANILA – The four additional Enhanced Defense Cooperation (EDCA) agreed locations intend to intensify the role of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in strengthening the country's defense and security as well as humanitarian and relief operations, Department of Defense chief Carlito Galvez Jr. clarified on Wednesday to senators.",7 +13,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla denied he was protecting former President Rodrigo Duterte from the reopened International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into the former administration’s drug war.,12 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Tuesday said the government would be putting up several cold storage facilities in various fish ports to address the spoilage of the fishermen’s catch.",1 +8,PH extracts 300 more Filipinos from strife-torn Sudan - DFA,7 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Monday turned over Health Technology Assessment (HTA) operations to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as mandated under the Universal Health Care (UHC) law.,8 +7,"The House of Representatives on Thursday served Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves, Jr. with the 60-day suspension order against him over his continued absence in congressional proceedings despite an expired travel authority.",6 +14,Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim arrived in the Philippines on Wednesday for a two-day official visit.,13 +6,Bill legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes pushed,5 +14,Philippines abandons joint energy exploration talks with China,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr backtracked on his stance on the government’s controversial “no vax, no ride” policy, saying in an interview with select media groups on Monday, January 24, that “I agree in principle” but “in practice, it doesn’t work.”",12 +13,Bersamin circular expands powers of Marcos administration OICs,12 +3,Easter 2023: Bishop urges faithful to ‘start renewed journey’,2 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The holiday season often sees an increase in unhoused people begging for alms in the streets of the Philippines’ big cities. Many of those seen knocking on car windows for spare change are from",9 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday called on the military to be “peacemakers” in the country’s fight insurgents, citing how his administration has moved away from the old anti-insurgency approach.",12 +10,"MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office in the Cordillera Administrative Region (FO-CAR) will provide PHP10,000 financial assistance to the identified vendors who were affected by the Baguio City market fire on March 11.",9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Getting rid of political dynasties is a long and sustained fight, and keeping them in check requires continuous work after the elections are over.",12 +3,"Marcos tells workers on Labor Day: Don't lose courage, diligence, hope",2 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – University of the Philippines (UP) professor and former union leader Melania Flores was arrested on Monday, February 6, over alleged violation of the Social Security System (SSS) remittance of her kasambahay (household helper).",6 +8,"Philippines, Australia agree to more defense cooperation, joint patrols",7 +6,The House Committee on Public Order and Safety on Tuesday approved the bill seeking the restructuring of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and for its additional police offices.,5 +14,Marcos meets Joe Biden at White House,13 +14,"PH should keep telling China, US that it favors peace--Risa",13 +6,Alvarez's push for marijuana decriminalization to take center stage on April 20 'family day',5 +7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers at the Mactan International Airport in Cebu intercepted a family of three Africans from boarding their flight to South Korea.,6 +14,WATCH: Marcos leaves Manila for official visit to the US,13 +14,"Philippines studying government-to-government fertilizer deal with China, Indonesia, UAE",13 +9,"DOH logs 1,920 new COVID-19 cases, highest daily total in 6 months",8 +9,All regions in the Philippines now minimal risk for COVID-19 – DOH,8 +10,MANILA ��� House Deputy Speaker Aurelio “Dong” Gonzales Jr. on Tuesday thanked the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) for finally issuing a “notice to proceed” to the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) Corp. for the construction of the third Candaba viaduct.,9 +12,"We will work even harder,' says Romualdez after getting high performance rating",11 +7,Two officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) have been cited in contempt by the Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs for allegedly lying under oath about their involvement in a drug case.,6 +9,"MANILA – The 19 percent increase in Covid-19 cases in the recent week should not be a cause for alarm, a health expert said Thursday.",8 +13,"To watch the Comelec presidential debate, click the video at the topmost portion of this page. For other live updates and analyses, visit this one-stop shop by Rappler.",12 +13,Bersamin on resignation rumors: Fake news,12 +10,"Fishermen in Zambales protested on Wednesday the imposition of a no-sail zone policy amid the Balikatan exercises between Philippine and US troops.   They said that the no-sail rule, which went into effect on Tuesday and will last through Thursday, had an adverse impact on their livelihoods.",9 +13,"Senator Cynthia A. Villar said the ‘Gawad Agila 2023 Award’ she obtained is an important reminder for every public servant to serve with honor, integrity and excellence.",12 +13,PBBM to appoint 'competent personalities' who lost in 2022 polls,12 +7,The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) has penalized foreign vessels allegedly conducting “suspicious activities” in Philippine waters.,6 +10,"Nearly 1,000 families from Pola, Oriental Mindoro who were affected by fishing ban due to an oil spill from the sunken M/T Princess Empress received P20,054 from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) on Saturday, April 15.",9 +13,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday said the online registration for new voters for the May 2025 elections is not likely to be implemented next year.,12 +7,Chinese employers arrested for allegedly detaining househelp,6 +3,"OPAPRU focused on peace promotion, won't engage in intimidation",2 +6,"The first Senate hearing on the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) only revealed that the measure creating it is 'defective', Senate Minority Leader Aquilino ""Koko"" Pimentel III said Thursday.",5 +8,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said he is concerned over the provocations made by China in the South China Sea.",7 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – With the recent detection of the Philippines’ first Omicron BA.2.12 case, the Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday, April 28, urged the public to get their booster shot against COVID-19 as soon as possible.",8 +7,MIAA not ruling out sabotage for NAIA 3 power outage on Labor Day,6 +12,Marcos’ high rating shows Pinoys see his efforts: analyst,11 +2,"MANILA – The Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB) will up with an order regarding the distribution of 100,000 slots for transport network vehicle service (TNVS) applications nationwide.",1 +2,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Some employers in the United States and Saudi Arabia have signified their intention to hire overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) displaced by the ongoing hostilities in Sudan.",1 +14,"House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez on Monday, May 1 said the House of Representatives is to support President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr.'s initiative to push for the preservation of peace in the Indo-Pacific region.",13 +6,LGUs urged to beef up El Niño mitigation efforts,5 +13,"Like in 2016, INC endorses Marcos Jr.-Duterte",12 +7,Broadcaster Mon Tulfo arrested over cyber libel complaint,6 +7,Remulla digs out anti-terror card in Degamo killings,6 +8,Zubiri: No need for EDCAs if there are no bullies,7 +13,"Senator Nancy Binay on Thursday said she is hoping to see the “aggressive” side of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and ""less lenient"" to his Cabinet in his second year in office.",12 +14,Marcos in Tokyo: Japan pledges P250-billion aid package for PH,13 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. believes that the way to navigate the ""almost chaotic"" dynamics in the international scene is to have a strong ally.",13 +1,Zubiri: PH can withdraw from RCEP if imports flood local industries,0 +7,"7 ‘human trafficking victims’ rescued, repatriated",6 +9,"The Department of Agriculture (DA) has stepped up its campaign to fight the African Swine Fever (ASF), which it said, has already affected 21 provinces in 11 regions in the country.",8 +6,"The government’s anti-insurgency task force on Monday expressed opposition to House Bill (HB) No. 77 or the ""Human Rights Defenders' Protection Act"" (HRDPA).",5 +7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has raised its alarm following recurring interceptions of Senegalese using fake documents.,6 +10,"Warm, humid weather seen across PH Tuesday",9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The anti-graft court Sandiganbayan recently dismissed charges of graft and malversation of public funds filed against Estela Pelayo Ramos, a former Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp (Pagcor) vice president for finance and treasury, citing insufficient evidence.",6 +15,The Supreme Court (SC) announced that the results of the 2022 online Bar examinations will be released on April 14 after its full court session.,14 +6,"In aftermath of 'Amang', Villafuerte asks Senate to pass bill on permanent evacuation centers",5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – COVID-19 infections in the Philippines are on the rise again following the detection of cases of the more transmissible subvariants of Omircon, data from the Department of Health (DOH) showed.",8 +7,BuCor files complaints vs Bantag for ‘torturing’ Bilibid gang leaders,6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives has realigned a total of P77.5 billion in the proposed P5.268-trillion budget for 2023, Speaker Martin Romualdez said in a press statement on Wednesday, October 5.",0 +14,The Philippines and China will start discussions on the proposed joint oil and gas exploration in the West Philippine Sea.,13 +1,"SRA acting chief: Importation of 440,000 MT sugar is ‘above board’",0 +7,"DOJ to file in court criminal cases vs Rep Teves’ bodyguard in March 4 killings of Degamo, 8 others",6 +2,DepEd eyes face-to-face graduation rites this year,1 +14,"US supports Philippines in South China Sea, State Department says",13 +8,Philippine military to continue patrols in WPS after China’s laser use,7 +7,BI: Social media ridicule will not stop us from fighting human trafficking,6 +5,ICC appeals chamber junks PH bid to suspend drug war probe,4 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Three public schools in the Philippines have been shortlisted in specific categories in the World’s Best School Prize, which was launched in 2022 by T4 Education (T4), a global education organization in partnership with Yayasan Hasanah, Templeton World Charity Foundation, Accenture, and American Express.",13 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. clarified Wednesday that the deportation of Japanese nationals tagged in the ""Luffy"" heists has already been processed prior to his scheduled visit to Japan.",13 +10,"Fair weather, isolated rain showers continue to prevail across PH",9 +9,Magnitude 6.1 earthquake strikes Davao Occidental,8 +13,Zubiri schools ‘neophyte’ Padilla over canceled Cha-Cha hearing,12 +7,The Office of the City Prosecutor of Manila has ordered the release of two student activists who were arrested on Tuesday following a rally before the US Embassy.,6 +9,"MANILA – The Filipino woman who was rescued after 60 hours under the rubble in Hatay province is “recovering well,” the Philippine Embassy in Türkiye said Tuesday.",8 +15,"House Senior Deputy Majority Leader and Ilocos Norte 1st district Rep. Sandro Marcos hailed on Saturday, April 29 the latest graduate from Mariano Marcos State University who made Ilocandia proud.",14 +13,"MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin ""Benhur"" Abalos Jr. on Monday the appointment of newly installed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. and assured the department’s full support for the implementation of reforms in the police service.",12 +14,"The defense departments of the Philippines and Australia have agreed to have more areas of cooperation including joint patrols in the Indo-Pacific region, officials said on Wednesday.",13 +5,MANILA – Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile still believes that the constitutional assembly (con-ass) mode to introduce amendments to the 1987 Constitution makes better sense rather than convening a constitutional convention (con-con).,4 +13,"President Rodrigo Duterte appointed Vice-Admiral Artemio Abu as the of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles announced on Monday, February 28.",12 +6,"MANILA – The Senate is pushing for a PHP3,000 monthly allowance for village workers, on top of discounts in establishments and other incentives.",5 +14,"PH continuously helping quake-hit Türkiye, Syria: Marcos",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court 1st Division junked graft charges against Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile and other respondents in relation to the coco levy fund scam.",6 +14,"Harris visit ‘won’t cause problems’ with China, says Marcos",13 +2,COA assails Pampanga provincial gov’t for ‘failure to put to good use’ donated construction materials,1 +8,"The Philippine government will not back down from ""intrusions"" and ""illegal actions"" in the West Philippine Sea amid yet another dangerous by China in the Philippine waters.",7 +3,"Sara Duterte on Eid'l Fitr: Pray for harmony, unity, success for each one",2 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Survivors and victims of late dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos’ tyrannical rule pledged to guard the country against tyranny on Thursday, June 30, the same day Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. took his oath as the new Philippine president.",12 +15,No jackpot winners for PCSO major lotto games in April 4 evening draw,14 +6,Maharlika fund bill now contains jail time provision for fraudulent actors,5 +7,MANILA – Eight shipments from three countries in Asia yielded PHP104 million worth of imported agricultural products and cigarettes during a recent series of inspections by the Bureau of Customs (BOC).,6 +7,Sunken tanker behind Oriental Mindoro oil spill located —gov,6 +14,Marcos tells China: Don't worry about new EDCA sites,13 +2,No pay hike for teachers manning the polls in 2023 barangay elections,1 +2,Gov't eyes 1K sitios for electrification with nearly P2-B budget,1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said the Philippines will be sending a note verbale to China over the reported “forceful” seizure of an object that was being towed by a Philippine ship in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).",13 +2,Less vaccine wastage if those with comorbidities got 2nd booster earlier – expert,1 +4,"AFP names lady officer as 1st chief of gender, dev't office",3 +14,"Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Wednesday, May 3, shared her delight upon learning from visiting Japanese Minister for Health, Labour, and Welfare Katsunobu Kato that more jobs await Filipino workers there.",13 +7,"A total of P1.5 billion worth of smuggled agricultural products have been seized from October 2022 to January 2023, Agriculture Assistant Secretary James Layug said Friday.",6 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) observed the highest heat index on Thursday, April 20 in Dagupan City in Pangasinan and Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Pasay City.",9 +6,"The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is simplifying transactions at the agency to eliminate fixers, by reviewing and shortening the examination for driver's license applicants.",5 +6,Cong Duterte bats for passage of bill regulating single-use plastics ahead of Earth Day,5 +13,Senator Risa Hontiveros is disappointed with Malacañang's appointment of Department of Agriculture (DA) Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban as Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) officer in charge (OIC).,12 +13,Solons slam PNP official's claim that Mayo could escape charges due to House probe,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Jose Arturo Maddela Tugade, the son of former transportation secretary Arthur Tugade, has been appointed acting general manager of the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA).",12 +10,PAGASA: PH to remain cyclone-free until weekend,9 +5,"Comelec junks over 1,000 unresolved overspending cases from 2010, 2013",4 +5,MANILA – State lawyers have asked the Court of Appeals (CA) to grant the appeal of the National Commission (NTC) to uphold its decision that denied the application of News and Entertainment Network Corp. (Newsnet) for a local multi-point distribution system (LMDS).,4 +12,Supporters urge Marcos to free Leila de Lima 6 years after her arrest,11 +2,MIAA inks deal with GrabFood for fast delivery during disruptions,1 +6,Marcos tasks DSWD to continue calibrating 4Ps,5 +10,"The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) on Tuesday vowed to provide P100,000 cash assistance to each Moro Islamic Liberation Front for their socioeconomic development.",9 +7,SC upholds protection for wife of drug war victim,6 +14,MANILA – Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian on Wednesday expressed gratitude for the continuous support of the United Nations' World Food Programme (UN-WFP) in capacitating the DSWD to efficiently respond to occurrences of disasters.,13 +14,MANILA – The Department of National Defense (DND) on Wednesday clarified to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that the four new Philippines - United States (US) Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites have yet to be identified and announced.,13 +4,Mothers may be held liable under VAWC law: SC,3 +14,"Japan honors Romulo, Lorenzana, 2 others",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Office of the Ombudsman charged 43 people, including immigration officials, with graft in connection with the so-called “pastillas scam” which involved extorting money from Chinese nationals in exchange for Philippine visas.",6 +13,Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said he warmly Police Major General Benjamin Acorda Jr.’s appointment as the new chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP).,12 +9,NCR COVID-19 positivity rate breaches 5% mark —OCTA,8 +15,"The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced on Wednesday evening, April 26, that 983 out of 2,935 passed the Electronics Engineers Licensure Examination (ECE) and 1,641 out of 2,227 passed the Electronics Technicians Licensure Examination (ECT) held in April.",14 +15,Ticket bought in Agusan del Norte yields new lotto millionaire,14 +12,Group backs state-subsidized ‘democracy fund’ for political parties,11 +14,"NSC condemns Chinese envoy’s ‘fear-mongering, intimidation’ over Taiwan issue",13 +1,BI sees up to 50K travelers in PH for summer months,0 +3,"House Deputy Minority Leader and Basilan lone district Rep. Mujiv Hataman wants to spread a message of ""peace and justice"" on the occasion of Eid’l Fitr.",2 +10,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has a resettlement plan for families that will be affected by the construction of the 32-kilometer Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge, an official said Saturday.   On the sidelines of the Saturday News Forum in Quezon City, DPWH Project Manager Teresita Bauzon said the agency estimated that at least 149 families would be affected by the project.",9 +2,MANILA -- The administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has reached an agreement with the Occidental Mindoro Consolidated Power Corporation (OMCPC) to run three power stations to address the current power crisis in Occidental Mindoro province.,1 +13,"Comelec drops James Jimenez, names new acting spokesman after debate fiasco",12 +7,Police checking neuropsychiatric background of suspect in Camp Evangelista shooting,6 +14,MANILA – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Embassy of France to the Philippines and Micronesia have to strengthen partnership and development cooperation on climate action.,13 +14,"US: New EDCA sites to allow US, PH to respond ‘more seamlessly’ to shared challenges",13 +6,Bicam approves retirement age of AFP,5 +14,Marcos vows to thwart interference from outside powers,13 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday logged 382 new COVID-19 cases, while the number of active cases dropped to 8,252.",8 +7,BI says Filipina trafficking victim in Myanmar paid ransom,6 +10,"Roman Catholics on Tuesday, April 25, the Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist (San Marcos Evangelista), the author of the second Gospel of the Holy Bible and the founder of Christianity in Africa.",9 +5,Supreme Court launches new lawyers’ code of conduct,4 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines (UP) announced on Thursday night, September 22, the resumption of its college admission test or UPCAT in 2023 for freshmen applicants for academic year 2024-2025.",9 +10,"‘Amang’ makes landfall over Panganiban, Catanduanes",9 +7,Win Gatchalian files P16 million civil suit vs ex-DOE chief Cusi,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing solicitor general Jose Calida will be the chairperson of the Commission on Audit (COA) under the government of president-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",12 +1,BOC confident to meet target collection for Q2,0 +10,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has apologized to an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) for the trouble caused by the examination of a toy airplane inside her luggage.,9 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – April 2022,8 +13,Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin on Tuesday denied that he resigned from his post in the Marcos administration.,12 +14,PANOORIN: Pagpapakitang-gilas ng puwersa ng Pilipinas at US sa Balikatan 2022,13 +7,Wanted poster of 6 suspects in missing cockfighters out,6 +9,Philippines records 274 new COVID-19 cases,8 +2,Czech Republic eyes hiring Pinoy workers,1 +7,MANILA – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) will expedite the use of modern technology in fighting all crimes in the country.,6 +7,Turkish traveler yields P29-M cocaine concealed in soap boxes,6 +13,De Guzman launches campaign in site built for Martial Law victims,12 +6,Senate OKs bill creating intervention program for students with low proficiency in basic subjects,5 +11,Legarda pushes for grassroots-level cultural mapping,10 +13,Padilla ready to keep trying to convince the House to amend the Constitution via con-ass,12 +4,"Marcos: Gov’t to keep upholding press freedom, media rights and safety",3 +9,"MANILA – The Philippine Multisectoral Nutrition Project (PMNP) will be implemented in 235 local government units (LGUs) with the highest burden of childhood stunting and undernutrition, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) said on Thursday.",8 +7,"Degamo slay task group created, resolution of case nearing —PNP",6 +4,Tolentino on Cha-cha: Let all voices be heard,3 +7,"MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Clark, together with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) operatives, apprehended the claimant of a shipment containing 2,378 grams of Kush Marijuana worth close to PHP4 million.",6 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – In 2022, more people felt poor in regions outside Metro Manila, especially in Mindanao, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey conducted in December 2022.",9 +7,MANILA -- The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Friday reported the arrests of three foreigners on separate occasions at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) and Taguig City recently.,6 +8,Continued use of banned mines justifies NPA's terrorist tag: AFP,7 +13,MANILA – Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) chairman Junie E. Cua has received the Philippine Red Cross' (PRC) Doña Aurora Aragon Award.,12 +8,PH continues to protest China's ‘illegal’ presence in WPS,7 +7,The Philippine National Police (PNP) has tapped the help of the Anti-Cybercrime Group in recovering the Facebook page of Manila Police District (MPD) chief Police Brigadier General Andre Dizon which was hacked Thursday.,6 +4,MANILA -- The Philippine government to uphold international statutes protecting the rights of migrant workers and extend special attention to female workers and their children.,3 +7,"Chinese nabbed, P4-B 'shabu' seized in Baguio City",6 +2,"A total of 256 applicants to the posts of corrections officer 1 (CO1) at the Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm (IPPF) in Palawan has taken their examinations, the Bureau of Corrections (Bucor) said.",1 +6,"The full implementation of the SIM Card Registration Act will significantly reduce the number of spam text messages, a top official of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) said Friday.",5 +8,"Balikatan: PH, US troops to train on mass casualty response",7 +7,The 990 kilos of shabu that were seized in Manila operation in October last year turned out to be what was left of the alleged pilferage by some operatives of the Philippine National Police- Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG).,6 +7,The ethics and on Wednesday directed Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. to explain in five days his absence at the House of Representatives in the light of his expired travel authority.,6 +3,MANILA – Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman emphasized the importance of unity amid diversity to achieve the Marcos administration’s goal of bringing prosperity to the Philippines.,2 +14,PH contingent to Türkiye starts relief mission,13 +2,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Friday said it has deployed 155 immigration officers to the country's airports in preparation for throngs of vacationers during the Holy Week.,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. shielded Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla from resignation calls on Friday, October 14, saying there is “no basis” for the latter to step down after the Cabinet official’s son was arrested for alleged drug possession.",12 +2,Ople: Austria a ‘promising labor market’ for Filipino workers,1 +9,"MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA)'s First Scout Ranger Regiment (FSRR) is taking care of the mental health of its officers and enlisted personnel through its ""behavioral hygiene hub"" (BHH) at Camp Tecson in San Miguel town, Bulacan province.",8 +8,"PH, US air forces train in counter-air operations",7 +15,USJ-R grad tops master plumbers licensure exam,14 +10,Law scholarship bill to boost poor’s access to legal services,9 +10,Maynilad announces up to 57 hours of water service interruptions,9 +13,"Malacañang on Monday said Congress to pass 10 priority measures of the Marcos administration in June of this year, including the controversial Maharlika Investment Fund.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A Palace administrative aide died on Thursday, July 14, after an apparent fall from the 4th floor of Mabini Hall in the",12 +10,"DSWD to provide P10K aid, food packs to Baguio fire victims",9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – In another crackdown against progressive individuals, police arrested human rights advocate and development worker Dr. Natividad Castro on February 18.",6 +7,Senators cite 2 cops in contempt during hearing on Negros Oriental political killings,6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday kicked off a nationwide supplemental immunization campaign to vaccinate children against measles, rubella, and polio.",8 +6,MANILA – A House of Representatives panel has approved a bill seeking to promote the adoption of digital payments for financial transactions of the government and all merchants.,5 +9,"Philippines posts 199 new COVID-19 cases; active tally drops to 9,604",8 +7,"CIDG files raps vs. Arnie Teves, sons for illegal possession of firearms",6 +14,PH contingent from quake-hit Türkiye to arrive in Manila Tuesday,13 +9,The World Health Organization (WHO) is set to meet again next month to discuss whether or not Covid-19 is still a public health emergency of international concern.,8 +7,50-year-old MT Dorothy Uno bared before conversion into MT Princess Empress,6 +7,Lawyer Ferdinand Topacio on Tuesday filed a petition for indirect contempt with the Supreme Court against former poll Commissioner Rowena Guanzon for publicly disclosing that she had filed a disbarment case against him.,6 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Saturday reminded the public to observe health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during the Holy Week festivities.,8 +9,Heart diseases still leading cause of death in PH —PSA,8 +2,"The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) over the weekend called on the Department of Education (DepEd) to provide additional facilities for classrooms and to reduce the size of classes, given the recent heat spikes recorded in the country.",1 +13,Marcos picks ex-CJ Bersamin as new executive secretary,12 +7,Nothing ‘funny’ in killings of 9 persons in Negros Oriental – Sec Remulla,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines on Wednesday, May 18, expanded the rollout of second boosters against COVID-19 to senior citizens and frontline health workers, citing the need to increase immunity against the virus.",8 +13,LIVESTREAM: Marcos visits earthquake-hit Northern Luzon,12 +15,"The jackpot prize for Mega Lotto 6/45 has reached P70 million before its 9 p.m. draw on Monday, April 10.",14 +10,"Traffic build up in parts of NLEX, SLEX on Maundy Thursday afternoon",9 +7,"The Bureau of Customs (BOC) said on Saturday it seized P104 million worth of illegally imported onions, sugar, and cigarettes during a series of inspections at the Manila International Container Port (MICP).",6 +1,MANILA – House Speaker Martin Romualdez on Friday said the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) has adequate safeguards to make sure that “funds are invested properly.”,0 +6,"MANILA – If it were up to Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla, (telcos) should stick to the April 26 deadline to register subscriber identity module (SIM) cards.",5 +8,"MANILA – The Department of Communications and Information Technology (DICT) and the National Privacy Commission (NPC) have begun their probes into the alleged breach of data from the Philippine National Police (PNP), the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and other agencies.",7 +6,"MANILA – Speaker Martin Romualdez on Monday said adopting an online registration of voters would create an efficient, convenient and cost-effective mechanism that would strengthen the voter registration process as a whole.",5 +3,"On Good Friday, Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula called on Filipinos to respond to God's immense love with gratitude and humility .",2 +13,"MANILA – Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) chief David John Thaddeus Alba has stepped down from his post, the Palace announced on Friday.",12 +12,"Gov’t must strengthen SK, civilian role in disaster response – youth groups",11 +6,"NTC gauging if deactivation of social media access due to unregistered SIMs legally, technically feasible",5 +6,Marcos reiterates ‘urgency’ in South China Sea Code of Conduct,5 +5,DOJ under Guevarra will not withdraw charges vs De Lima,4 +14,"Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala is arriving in Manila on Sunday night, April 16, for a two-day visit to mark an important milestone in the European nation's diplomatic relations with the Philippines.",13 +14,"No formal talks yet between PH, Japan on VFA: Marcos",13 +6,MANILA – A measure promoting transparent governance and instituting anti-corruption mechanisms in the operation of banks and other financial institutions hurdled second reading approval at the House of Representatives.,5 +5,Muntinlupa court affirms decision allowing Ragos to testify on De Lima case,4 +15,Cebu mass wedding leaves Frasco couple feeling like newlyweds again,14 +13,"Duterte’s midnight Court of Appeals picks: judge, lawyer from old Marcos firm",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The months following a Philippine president’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) is typically a whirlwind for members of Congress, the media assigned to cover the legislature, and agency chiefs and their staff tasked to defend proposed budgets for year.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Lawyer Melvin Matibag, the secretary-general of PDP-Laban, has been appointed acting Cabinet secretary. Matibag took his oath Wednesday morning, March 9.",12 +9,"MANILA – With the onset of the dry season and the rising temperatures being experienced in the country, a medical professional advised the public on how to avoid heat exhaustion which if left untreated can lead to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition.",8 +1,"PH 'reliable' trade partner, sourcing destination, says Marcos",0 +14,"PUERTO PRINCESA, Philippines – US Vice President Kamala Harris made a historic trip to Palawan on Tuesday, November 22, as she ended her three-day Philippine visit as the Marcos administration’s most important guest in its first five months.",13 +7,Immigration officials in ‘pastillas’ scam charged with graft,6 +6,Bank secrecy law amendment hurdles second reading,5 +9,"DOH records 190 COVID-19 cases; active tally hits 9,244",8 +9,2 dead as foreign-flagged vessels collide off Corregidor Island,8 +8,At least two senators have rejected the Chinese Embassy’s statement that more Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites in the country may “seriously harm” the Philippines’ national interests as well as regional peace and stability.,7 +2,The owner of MT Princess Empress has announced it would deploy a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) to help locate the sunken vessel and contain the impact of the oil spill.,1 +10,"The ridge of high pressure area and easterlies will bring partly cloudy to cloudy weather with isolated rain showers over most of the country in the next 24 hours, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Thursday, April 6.",9 +5,"MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez on Wednesday said all legislative measures, including the two on the proposed constitutional convention (con-con), have been “deliberated extensively and exhaustively” from level up to the plenary hall.",4 +9,"Philippines logs 179 new cases, active infections down to 9,395",8 +8,MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has partnered with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and other government agencies to intensify its efforts against human trafficking that victimizes overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).,7 +14,The Japanese government announced that four Filipinos would receive the 2023 Spring Conferment of Japanese Decorations for their contributions in enhancing bilateral relations between the Philippines and Japan.,13 +6,"Stricter regulation of alcohol sale, task force sought to address teen pregnancies",5 +1,Senator Sherwin Gatchalian wants to boost foreign tourist arrivals in the country and create more jobs with the establishment of a mechanism for the refund of value-added tax (VAT).,0 +10,"There is a “high probability” that most parts of the country may experience “below-normal” rainfall in October this year, based on the latest rainfall forecast of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",9 +5,MANILA – A House of Representatives leader on Tuesday said constitutional assembly (con-ass) is far more appropriate than constitutional convention (con-con) in proposing amendments to the 1987 Constitution’s “restrictive” economic provisions.,4 +6,PBBM orders review of non-operating tourism zones,5 +4,DBM chief gets 'Woman of Substance' award,3 +7,Coming soon: Judiciary marshals to probe into killings of judges,6 +9,Outdoor wearing of face masks now optional in the Philippines,8 +9,Nutribun 2.0: VP Duterte pilots ‘Pansarap’ for young learners,8 +5,"Amending the 1987 Constitution is not dependent on the endorsement of the sitting president, Senator Robin Padilla, one of the proponents of Charter change in the Senate, said Wednesday.",4 +10,MANILA – New Assistance in Crisis Situation (AICS) program satellite offices of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) will soon be opened to avoid overcrowding in the existing processing areas and to bring various services and interventions closer to Metro Manila and Bulacan province residents.,9 +14,"Beijing says PH, China should ‘reject unilateralism and acts of bullying’",13 +6,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Friday said they are seeking to establish guidelines that will prevent settlement in cases of incestuous rape and child abuse.,5 +4,"Solon seeks more laws on women's rights, gender equality",3 +6,Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on Tuesday said of the study on the full devolution of certain functions of the executive branch to local government units (LGUs) could be finished in two months.,5 +7,Police raid Rep. Teves' houses for loose firearms,6 +13,"The Senate's inquiry on the brazen, March 4 assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo shouldn't be turned into an investigation ""in aid of epal-isation"".",12 +7,"The visit of forensics expert Dr. Morris Tidball-Binz to the Philippines this month will help the government with its investigation into the “wrongful death tragedies” in the Philippines, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on Sunday.",6 +10,"Here’s another way to describe the education crisis in the Philippines: the average 18-year-old Filipino student has spent as much as or even more time in school, about 13 years, than the average student countries. But when years of schooling are adjusted for quality of education received, that Filipino student has a “learning gap” of 5.5 years!",9 +8,Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri has reiterated the need for a military pact with Japan that is similar to the Philippine-United States' Visiting Forces Agreement during a meeting with Japanese lawmakers at the National Diet on Tuesday.,7 +13,The remains of former Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport on Saturday morning.,12 +15,"No one hit the jackpot prize for Mega Lotto 6/45 worth P146,353,791.20 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Friday, April 28.",14 +10,"Jinggoy Estrada to DOLE, OWWA: Ensure alternative livelihood programs for displaced OFWs from Sudan",9 +14,Marcos meets with US Defense chief Austin,13 +14,PH to pursue talks with China on Malampaya gas fields—Marcos,13 +9,"The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) said there was no casualty nor significant damage recorded in the aftermath of a magnitude 5.2 earthquake that hit Looc, Occidental Mindoro on Saturday midnight, April 29.",8 +14,DFA sees ‘adverse repercussions’ on PH if Taiwan conflict escalates,13 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has also ordered the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to look into the alleged hazing of a student in Cebu, Justice spokesperson Mico Clavano said Friday.",6 +14,"PBBM hails Japan's support for Pinoys, Bangsamoro peace process",13 +13,Robredo to launch coffee table book chronicling 2022 presidential campaign,12 +13,Malaki matitipid': Alvarez tells gov't to get rid of 'parasitic entities',12 +10,Easterlies continue to affect most parts of PH,9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. marked his 100th day in office with allies giving him a pat on the back, and dissenters saying they saw a president who failed to respond to the country’s most pressing concerns.",12 +8,DFA vows to save Filipinos on death row abroad,7 +7,Senator Ramon ‘’Bong’’ Revilla Jr. wants a legislative inquiry into the alleged involvement of ranking Philippine National Police (PNP) officials in the P6.7-billion dangerous drug haul last year.Senator Ramon ‘’Bong’’ Revilla Jr. wants a legislative inquiry into the alleged involvement of ranking Philippine National Police (PNP) officials in the P6.7-billion dangerous drug haul last year.,6 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has agreed to adopt hybrid rice as a better alternative to the inbred variety for increased crop production, Malacañang said on Wednesday.",1 +6,Solon bats for 2-year extension of estate tax amnesty,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has further distanced itself from the International Criminal Court (ICC), as it rejected democratic leaders’ acknowledgement of the tribunal’s “important” role.",12 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday announced it has rescheduled the period of filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) for the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) over a month from its original schedule.,12 +13,De Lima hopes to be free this year: ‘I will go after my oppressors’,12 +6,"House approves bill condoning farmers’ unpaid loans from DA, DAR, others",5 +8,"PNP: Labor day protests, celebrations peaceful and orderly",7 +5,MANILA – The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has turned down the appeal filed by the local arm of transnational petroleum exploration giant Halliburton for a tax refund of PHP11 million.,4 +13,Lawyers: Palparan has been getting ‘special treatment’ in Bilibid for 3 years,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Manila representative Zenaida “Naida” Angping will head the Presidential Management Staff (PMS) in Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s Malacañang, with a crucial task of helping decide course of action for the president.",12 +14,Marcoses meet King Charles at Buckingham Palace,13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In her first order as concurrent education secretary, Vice President Sara Duterte issued a strong order of mandating all schools in the country to return to face-to-face classes beginning November 2.",5 +7,Senate inquiry into Degamo killing set after Holy Week —Dela Rosa,6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan acquitted former Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) chairperson Camilo Sabio of charges against him in relation to unliquidated cash advances amounting to P632,428.",4 +13,"Marcos: I only consult the First Lady on legal, not policy matters",12 +6,"The House of Representatives on Monday approved on third and final reading a bill granting Value Added Tax (VAT) refund for outbound tourists, a bill backed by President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr.",5 +9,Health expert urges gov’t: Slow down on easing pandemic restrictions,8 +5,The Supreme Court has ruled that interment services are covered by the 20% senior citizen’s discount on funeral and burial expenses.,4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presumptive Philippine President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. visited the grave of his father, the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani on Wednesday, May 11, two days after election day where partial unofficial results show him with an insurmountable lead.",12 +5,Delays in stenographic notes affect court proceedings; SC vows to resolve thru automation,4 +9,MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases increased by 42 percent from April 24 to 30.,8 +14,"Philippines, US to expand maritime cooperation but not limited to joint patrols",13 +15,A resounding success.,14 +9,"Six coastal areas in the country were found to be positive for Paralytic Shellfish Poison or toxic red tide beyond the regulatory limit, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said Thursday.",8 +7,MANILA – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on Friday vowed to boost its campaign against the sale of vape and e-cigarette products that are in violation of Republic Act (RA) 11900 or known as the Vape Law.,6 +14,"Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala his support for the Philippine military modernization efforts as Prague sees Manila as among the countries ""very important"" to its partner.",13 +14,Defense chief Carlito Galvez said Tuesday that the United States government to help in the cleanup efforts on the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro.,13 +13,"ROTC, peace and order: Philippine OIC Duterte meets security officials",12 +14,Former vice president Leni Robredo and Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Hae Kyong Yu have discussed possible collaborations for shared advocacies under the former Philippine official’s Angat Buhay organization.,13 +6,Sara Duterte urges LGUs to prioritize education investments,5 +14,Marcos arrives in Washington for 5-day official visit,13 +13,No rocking the boat for now by Marcos gov’t – Remulla,12 +8,Transfer of more troops to Visayas nearing completion - AFP,7 +15,Gumaca bishop Victor Ocampo dies at 71,14 +15,LPA likely to become tropical cyclone this weekend,14 +9,Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairperson Karlo Nograles has thrown his support for the campaign to end malnutrition after the administration launched the Philippine Multi-sectoral Nutrition Project (PMNP).,8 +3,The Roman Catholic Church will observe Divine Mercy Sunday on April 16 to highlight God’s infinite love and mercy towards the human race.,2 +14,South Korea donates equipment to contain oil spill in Mindoro,13 +5,Sandigan allows private individual to plead guilty to lesser offense for lesser penalty,4 +5,"Padilla seeks separate Senate committee reports on con-ass, Con-con",4 +8,Counsel says Teves concerned about security; Remulla allays fears,7 +7,"Sandiganbayan finds ex-PAGCOR chief Genuino, 2 others guilty of graft",6 +9,"The number of dengue cases in the first quarter of 2023 rose by 94% over the same period in 2022, data from the Department of Health (DOH) showed.",8 +10,"Water interruption expected in some parts of NCR, Rizal due to repair- Manila Water",9 +6,"Marcos asks media to take lead in helping Filipinos discern real information, fake news, propaganda",5 +6,MANILA – Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda on Wednesday reiterated her call to pass a measure that seeks to establish national coastal greenbelt zones across the country that will play a critical role in disaster reduction and climate change mitigation.,5 +2,The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Thursday said it has allocated nearly P2 billion for electrification programs of the National Electrification Administration (NEA).,1 +15,Marcos greets FL Liza on 30th wedding anniversary,14 +7,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) is expediting its investigation into the alleged PNP recruitment application portal leak that was reported by a cyber security researcher, PNP Public Information Office (PIO) chief Col. Redrico Maranan said Friday.",6 +3,CPP orders fighters to honor 'murdered' Tiamzon couple,2 +14,"Philippines' future will always involve US, says Marcos",13 +5,MANILA – The Supreme Court (SC) has granted the request of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to transfer to Manila the trial of the suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others.,4 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Opposition Senator Risa Hontiveros filed a bill that seeks to decriminalize libel, her office confirmed on Tuesday, December 13.",5 +10,F​ilipino evacuees from Sudan start arriving in PH,9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – When the Philippine Court of Appeals upheld the conviction of Rappler CEO and Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa, it also extended the shelf life or prescription period of cyber libel to 15 years, which, if sustained, would mean that a person can be sued for cyber libel for something published 15 years back.",6 +8,No link between ROTC and Salilig hazing death: solons,7 +6,Duterte signs law giving health workers benefits during health emergencies,5 +7,Remulla says Degamo slay suspects had video call with 'mastermind',6 +7,"BOC seizes P20-M 'smuggled' smart TV sets, computers in Bulacan",6 +2,"An industry-led advocacy group on Thursday, April 13, underscored the urgent need for greater collaboration among stakeholders to ensure Filipino graduates would have they need in the workplace.",1 +7,QC cops nab taxi driver tagged in death of 2 women,6 +6,"MANILA – A measure seeking to address the problem of unemployment, underemployment and job-skills mismatch in the country through the creation of a multi-sectoral council inched closer to final approval after the House of Representatives passed the bill on second reading on Wednesday.",5 +6,"House Minority Leader and 4Ps Party-list Rep. Marcelino “Nonoy” Libanan has underscored the ""immediate need"" to return to the old pre-pandemic school calendar with the least disruption possible.",5 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has assured the public that the country has ample supply of rice and that his administration is doing its best to control the price of the staple grain.",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Lawmakers confirmed on Wednesday, September 28, the appointment of Enrique Manalo as the Philippines’ foreign secretary, paving the way for a career diplomat to steer the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) for the first time in nearly two decades.",12 +10,"MANILA – Tropical Depression (TD) Amang continues to bring rains across Luzon while Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) No. 1 remains hoisted over some areas in the island, the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 +14,"MANILA – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) strongly condemned on Thursday Myanmar’s deadly air attack in Pazigyi believed to have killed more than 100 villagers, including children.",13 +9,Infectious disease expert Dr. Rontgene Solante expressed belief Thursday that the recently detected Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 may not cause a significant increase in COVID-19 cases in the Philippines.,8 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Army said on Thursday, March 9, that it would strengthen its counterintelligence efforts to keep track of the activities of former troops following the death of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo last March 4.",7 +7,"Sandiganbayan affirms graft conviction of ex-PNP chief Verzosa, 5 others",6 +9,"More than 700 new Covid-19 cases were recorded, raising the number of active infections nationwide to nearly 5,000, the Department of Health (DOH) reported on Thursday, April 27.",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – In less than three months, Juanito Jose III, the eldest child of Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla, was acquitted of an illegal drug possession charge.",6 +14,Türkiye no longer accepting 2nd contingent from PH: OCD,13 +3,Cong Mujiv's message for Eid’l Fitr? It's peace and justice,2 +13,Budget chief Pangandman stands firm in support for PS-DBM,12 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) has received 10,000 bags of milled rice from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs of South Korea, as aid to calamity-stricken families in the country.",1 +13,Duterte appoints ex-Davao City accountant as COA chief,12 +13,Para din akong artista': Teves says his popularity disproves 'kingpin' claims in Negros Oriental,12 +6,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) expressed openness to study proposals to postpone the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (BSKE) in Negros Oriental.,5 +5,"DA to comply with SC's order vs propagation of genetically modified rice, eggplant",4 +14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday expressed optimism that the Philippines' partnerships with the Japanese would continue to thrive under his leadership.,13 +15,Del Rosario: Filipino ‘Moses’ in the world’s danger zones,14 +8,"Over 17K PH, US troops to join 'biggest-ever' Balikatan drills",7 +7,Remulla: 3-4 people likely behind Degamo killing,6 +10,"Fisherfolk, farmers, rural area residents remain poorest in 2021 –PSA",9 +2,"Comelec discussing new technology for next polls, says spox",1 +14,"Vice President Sara Duterte and Japanese lawmaker Koichi Hagiuda on Sunday, April 30, reaffirmed both to strengthening bilateral relations and development cooperation.",13 +10,AFP vows help for Zambales fishermen who will be affected by Balikatan 2023,9 +13,"Marcos showed 'great interest' in watching Balikatan live fire exercise, says AFP spox",12 +7,Arnie Teves says possible terrorist tag is ‘funny’,6 +5,CA junks convicted bank exec's appeal over $81-M bank heist,4 +2,The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) said Sunday that the congestion rate as to the number persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) per cell in its facilities has gone down to 367% from 600%.,1 +6,"Poe hopes Congress overrides Duterte veto on SIM card, social media registration bill",5 +14,The United States and South Korea have joined hands in helping the Philippines fight the threats of climate change.,13 +13,PBBM names new PCC commissioner,12 +2,MANILA – The Manila City government on Monday deployed 300 vehicles to during the weeklong transport strike staged by various groups across the country.,1 +9,"DOH logs 184 new COVID-19 cases; active tally rises to 8,626",8 +15,6 domestic flights canceled due to inclement weather,14 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Filipinos in the United States are a fundamental part of the country, a high-ranking US official said.",13 +13,"Former Vice President Leni Robredo said Friday that the coffee table book of her personal account of her 2022 presidential campaign, largely anchored on volunteerism, would be released on May 9 - a year after her first ever poll defeat.",12 +6,"Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista on Saturday said he was open to extending the December 31, 2023 deadline for jeepney operators to consolidate or form cooperatives with the Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Modernization Program.",5 +12,"""We are doing the right thing and the people know it.""",11 +14,COVID-19 vaccines from other countries donated with no strings attached —ex-TF exec Dizon,13 +5,"Ex-Iloilo City mayor, councilor charged with graft before Sandiganbayan",4 +15,"The jackpot prizes for Super Lotto 6/49 and Lotto 6/42 are still up for grabs as there were no winners during the draws on Thursday, May 4, according to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).",14 +9,"The Philippines reported fewer than 200 new cases of COVID-19 for the second straight week on Sunday but deaths climbed to the highest in 10 days, government data showed.",8 +9,"Philippines records 184 new COVID-19 cases; active tally hits 9,119",8 +7,"The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is ""reviewing"" issues and concerns regarding the alleged red-tagging of labor union members and activists.",6 +6,House pushing for con-con to gain public trust - panel exec,5 +14,"Malacañang on Monday confirmed that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and First Lady Louise ""Liza"" Araneta-Marcos accepted the invitation to attend the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty The Queen Consort.",13 +11,"CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – As the 78th anniversary of D-Day, Filipinos everywhere can take pride in knowing that the Philippine mahogany played a vital role in the success of the allied campaign.",10 +7,Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos on Saturday ordered the Philippine National Police (PNP) to conduct manhunt operations against the unidentified gunmen responsible for the ambush on Lanao del Sur Governor Mamintal “Bombit” Alonto Adiong Jr.,6 +6,"On the same day that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said that the planned modernization of jeepneys is not ""urgent"" and amid the planned week-long holiday being planned by transportation groups, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Wednesday announced that it will again extend the June 30 deadline for jeepney operators to form cooperatives to December 31, 2023.",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – At the ripe old age of 88 in 2012, Juan Ponce Enrile, then Senate President, found a revival of sorts in his popularity. The lawyer, a veteran of both the legislative and executive branches of government, led the Senate in one of the first big political gambles of the Benigno Aquino III administration: the impeachment of Chief Justice Renato Corona.",12 +13,Clarita Carlos on leaving NSA post: Position became untenable,12 +14,Marcos open to PH-Japan VFA that won’t raise SCS tensions,13 +7,"MANILA – Intelligence-driven operations from January 1 to April 23 this year have led to the successful arrest of 22,649 persons wanted for murder, rape, robbery, and other heinous crimes.",6 +13,CA’s Singh is midnight pick for Duterte-packed Supreme Court,12 +2,Advisory group screened 466 of 955 senior officers’ courtesy resignations so far — PNP,1 +1,MANILA – The Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC) on Monday to push for the ratification of the Philippines' participation in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) mega free trade deal.,0 +13,Bato: Reassigning erring NBP officers to other facilities will disrupt their operations,12 +9,"The Covid-19 positivity rate in Metro Manila is still rising, according to the most recent monitoring of the OCTA Research.",8 +14,"PH, US kick off 2023 Balikatan military exercise",13 +13,"""The Philippines has a lot to offer.""",12 +6,Senator Jinggoy Estrada on Wednesday called on the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to provide alternative livelihoods to overseas Filipino workers who have been displaced by the ongoing conflict in Sudan.,5 +6,Malacañang approves further easing of Philippine travel requirements,5 +7,NCRPO denounces fake crime reports on social media,6 +5,"MANILA – The Senate will suggest a caucus with House of Representatives leaders to discuss issues on the proposed Charter change (Cha-cha), heeding the call of a senior congressman to refrain from airing their grievances in public.",4 +13,Banac appointed to Interpol ad hoc body,12 +9,DOH warns public vs dengue amid dry season,8 +1,A ranking congressman expressed confidence that the national government will receive bigger cash dividends from the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) after its planned merger with the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP).,0 +9,Galvez believes ROTC can cure mental problems,8 +3,"WATCH: EDSA proves Filipinos can change PH’s destiny, says Manila archbishop",2 +11,"MANILA – The Philippines is a ""reliable"" trading partner and sourcing destination, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Friday, trumpeting the ""Filipino brand of excellence"" in showcasing Philippine-made products.",10 +7,arrested a suspected member of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in a raid in the Languyan town of Tawi-Tawi on Thursday.,6 +10,"MANILA – The Office of the Vice President (OVP) has provided relief assistance to around 3,058 individuals affected by separate fire incidents in Quezon City and Zamboanga City.",9 +1,ASEAN mulls economic-centered Indo-Pacific thrust,0 +9,"DOH records 128 new COVID-19 cases; active tally drops to 9,520",8 +7,Hontiveros suggests blacklisting three firms linked to alleged 'state-sponsored' sugar smuggling,6 +13,Comelec halts proclamation of Erwin Tulfo as party-list nominee,12 +1,"BFP sees more assets, personnel as 10-yr modernization starts",0 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – May 2022,8 +10,Residents of Benguet may conveniently avail of the Professional Regulation Commission’s (PRC) services as the agency is set to mount an outreach program in the area on April 18.,9 +7,"Cops, others urged to testify vs ‘most responsible’ in drug war killings as ICC probe resumes",6 +7,Cops tell contradicting details on arrests in P6.7-billion shabu bust,6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism on Tuesday, November 15, held a forum, which highlighted the poor state of the country’s prison system.",1 +7,"All the issues hounding the P6.7 billion drug haul in Manila late last year will be “laid to rest” if Philippine National Police chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. will break his silence, Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa said Thursday.",6 +7,Lazada continues to turn a blind eye to warnings issued by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as the Philippines’ most prominent medical group asked the Senate and other government agencies to stop the sale of illicit cigarettes and vaping products that continue to proliferate in popular online marketplaces.,6 +2,MANILA – The National Irrigation Administration (NIA) on Tuesday underscored the need for interagency convergence and annual funding of PHP200 billion for dam projects nationwide to boost the country’s agricultural landscapes.,1 +7,Remulla: Other BuCor official tagged in Percy Lapid slay ‘presumed alive’,6 +13,"MANILA – Senator Ramon Revilla Jr. believes that the Bureau of Immigration’s (BI) offloading policy is a brazen disregard of the constitutionally guaranteed right to travel, saying that it may even be an outright transgression of the power of the Courts to issue Hold Departure Orders (HDO) upon cause.",12 +10,CAAP expects over 2M passengers in April amid Holy Week break,9 +9,"There are now 40 reported fatalities due to inclement weather felt in many areas in the country since January 1, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said Friday.",8 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – In a recent 12-page resolution, the anti-graft court Sandiganbayan diluted what appeared to be a huge P200-billion win for the Marcoses in 2019, and clarified that the first family recovered only four properties: three in Ilocos Norte and one in Manila.",4 +9,"The COVID-19 positivity rate in Metro Manila increased beyond 10% on Sunday, data by independent monitoring group OCTA Research showed on Tuesday.",8 +14,"MANILA – The Philippines to diplomacy and dialogue in resolving disputes in the West Philippine Sea, Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo said Monday.",13 +14,MANILA – The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) has announced that the 82-member Philippine Inter-Agency Humanitarian Contingent (PIAHC) was awarded a humanitarian medal by the Turkish government in recognition of its assistance following a magnitude 7.8 earthquake that battered the country on Feb. 6.,13 +13,Commission on Elections Chairman George Garcia on Wednesday appealed to Congress for Comelec to be given the power to regulate advertising agencies during an election period.,12 +13,Tejano would need Marcos’ reappointment if he gets bypassed by CA next week —Estrada,12 +14,"DSWD, UN join hands to end hunger, enhance disaster response",13 +7,PNP completes vetting of ranking officers,6 +14,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) thanked Israel for its ongoing support to the institution's modernization program.,13 +10,"LPA formerly known as Amang causes flooding in NCR, Bicol Region",9 +9,NCR COVID-19 positivity rate up slightly to 2.4% –OCTA,8 +6,MANILA – The chair of the House Ways and Means Committee on to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) the passage of a measure that will punish the selling and issuance of fake receipts to pad gross expense and creditable input value-added tax (VAT).,5 +13,"A ranking official of the government’s primary task force declared Monday, April 17, that the New People’s Army (NPA) in Southern Mindanao has been “totally defeated” following the arrest of leader Eric Casilao.",12 +12,‘Education president’: Experts score Robredo 10/10 for her education platforms,11 +13,Ex-Ombudsman Gutierrez takes oath as GSIS acting board member,12 +5,"SC on decision-writing period May 2 to June 9; no division, full court sessions",4 +7,"Noting that “red-tagging” legal and legitimate unions poses grave dangers to the life of an organization and its leaders, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Philippines filed with the International Labor Organization (ILO) against the Department of Education (DepEd).",6 +7,of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) renewed its call for detained former Senator Leila de Lima to be released adding that it would continue observing and monitoring her trial.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – A day after convening for the first time and selecting its leaders, the House of Representatives named the members who will be heading under the 19th Congress.",12 +7,"Army expects court martial vs Durante, 6 other soldiers after Plaza slay",6 +10,"Rains persist over parts of Bicol, S. Luzon, C. Luzon due to ‘Amang’",9 +14,Anwar cites Rizal in reiterating ASEAN ideals amid Myanmar crisis,13 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Thirteen years after Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana) hit the Philippines, residents in Marikina braced for the onslaught of Typhoon Karding (Noru), which made landfall as a super typhoon in Burdeos, Quezon, late Sunday afternoon, September 25.",9 +15,No lotto jackpot winners in April 10 evening draw --- PCSO,14 +15,"MANILA – Mindanao and a huge part of the Visayas will experience rain showers due to a low pressure area (LPA) and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the weather bureau said Tuesday. The LPA embedded along the ITCZ was last spotted 490 kilometers east of Davao City. ""It has a slim chance of developing into a tropical cyclone,"" said Grace Castañeda of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). Both the LPA and the ITCZ will bring scattered rain showers and thunderstorms over Mindanao, Eastern and Central Visayas. PAGASA said flash floods or landslides are possible in these areas due to moderate to heavy rains. Castañeda said the rest of the country would continue to experience generally fair weather due to the easterlies. Isolated rain showers caused by localized thunderstorms are also likely. Light to moderate winds and slight to moderate seas will prevail in the entire archipelago, PAGASA said.",14 +5,SC sets rules on private-party appeals in criminal proceedings,4 +10,Rain showers to dampen Luzon due to 'amihan',9 +8,"To secure Metro journalists, police visit their houses, ask their contacts",7 +13,"BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – Presidential candidate and Vice President Leni Robredo as well as her running mate Senator Kiko Pangilinan called for the immediate release of detained senator Leila de Lima after two star witnesses in her pending drug cases recanted their accusations.",12 +10,Senior high school grads land in jobs with minimum wage –manpower agency,9 +2,"DINALUPIHAN, Bataan – Despite a glaring classroom shortage, Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte said the return to face-to-face classes on Monday, August 22, was a “victory.”",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has appointed Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Deputy Commissioner Romeo Lumagui Jr. as the new BIR chief.",12 +8,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Easter Sunday remains on heightened alert as millions head back home after the Lenten break.,7 +9,"IATF: Alert Level 2 up over Benguet, 25 other areas until April 30",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan denied a motion of a former Department of Budget and Management (DBM) official to dismiss graft charges filed against him over the pork barrel scam.",6 +7,BOC: Over P19.22B worth of smuggled products seized in Q1 2023,6 +6,Vergeire says proposed CDC not a 'medical martial law',5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday, August 2, reported the country’s first two cases of the highly transmissible Omicron BA.2.75, known as “Centaurus” due to its rapid spread.",8 +13,Imee Marcos confronts Galvez on reported EDCA sites near Taiwan Strait,12 +7,"MANILA— Eight Filipinos deceived into working for an online scamming and catfishing (creating fake identity) syndicate in Cambodia were repatriated to Manila on Saturday, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said.",6 +15,‘Amihan’ continues to bring rains over Luzon,14 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Following a state visit to China that was quick but packed with meetings, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is going to another Asian superpower: Japan.",13 +6,"Senators on Saturday called for continuous skills training and industry-wide reforms following the European Union's (EU) decision to continue recognizing the certificates for seafarers issued by the Philippines.   Senator Risa the government agencies for their efforts and hoped that serious reforms would be put into place.   “Let us continue to push for industry-wide reforms. Kailangang may natutunan sa naging banta sa hanapbuhay ng ating seafarers (We must learn from this threat to the livelihood of our seafarers). Hence, it is imperative that concerns voiced by seafarers themselves, such as unreasonable fees, corruption in training and maritime schools, requirements, and others, be given greater consideration,” she said in a statement.   “It is also important to observe that the majority of negative findings were due to deficiencies in the education system. We call on the Commission on Higher Education and the MARINA (Maritime Industry Authority) to continue to remedy such deficiencies,” she added.   Hontiveros said she would continue to advocate for the passage of the Magna Carta of Seafarers to protect and advance the rights and well-being of seafarers.   Senator Grace Poe echoed the statement of Hontiveros, saying there should be continuous training to increase the viability of Filipino workers.   “The continued recognition by the European Union of the certificates for Filipino seafarers is a crucial decision that will keep them onboard ships. During this turbulent period of the global economy, we cannot afford job losses that will bring economic difficulties to millions of families,” Poe said in a separate statement.   “As Filipino seafarers remain the preferred choice in the EU region, we should embark on continuous skills training to increase the viability of our workers. The government and private sector should step up efforts to use the period allowed by the EU to boost training and seriously heed the issues raised by the European Maritime Safety Agency,” she added.   Poe said the quality of maritime education would ensure the safety of travelers and secure the future of Filipino seafarers’ families.   Senator Joel Villanueva said he trusted the country’s maritime authorities and that they will continue to enhance efforts to with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention).",5 +7,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) and International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) have agreed to beef up their operations against so-called “white collar” crimes, or those by white-collar workers in or government agency by taking advantage of their position to extract some financial gain.",6 +12,"SWS: 30% of Filipinos had unrequited love, 33% confessed loving a friend",11 +10,"Marcos conducts Mindoro aerial inspection, gives aid to locals",9 +13,LIVESTREAM: VP Sara Duterte holds first media briefing as education secretary,12 +15,"The Catholic the Feast of Saint Bernadette Soubirous on Sunday, April 16.",14 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) has recorded no incidents in jail facilities nationwide during the observance of the Holy Week.,6 +9,Zero malaria at all costs’: DOH commits to achieve nationwide malaria-free status,8 +7,Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. vowed Monday there will be no cover up in their investigation into the supposed absence of some police security during the fatal attack on Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +15,MANILA – A lone bettor from Manila has the latest millionaire after winning the PHP34.1-million jackpot of the Grand Lotto 6/55 on Wednesday.,14 +14,China’s aggressive actions in WPS push PH closer to US – solon,13 +10,The Philippines placed 69th out of 131 countries in the World Air Quality Report for 2022 from Swiss research firm IQair.,9 +12,"SWS: 89% of Filipinos satisfied with the way democracy works, record-high rating",11 +7,Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) chief Persida Acosta on Thursday said the agency will not help fraternity members linked to the hazing of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig due to conflict of interest.,6 +10,The operations of Philippine National Railways (PNR) will be suspended from April 6 to 9 in observance of the Holy Week as well as for the repair of trains and tracks.,9 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) may consider the filing of violations of the Anti-Terrorism Law in the brazen assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo last month.,6 +13,Kaleody.com web address redirects to Marcos Jr.’s website,12 +6,The House of Representatives on Monday approved a bill establishing evacuation centers in every city and municipality in the country on third and final reading.,5 +9,NDRRMC: Reported death toll due to bad weather now 43,8 +1,Manila Water capex hits P20.6-B in 2022,0 +5,SC upholds ruling vs. husband who inflicted psychological violence on wife,4 +6,"Former House Speaker and now Davao del Norte Representative Pantaleon Alvarez on Tuesday called for the decriminalization of marijuana use, saying it is not as to alcohol or cigarette consumption.",5 +9,"The Philippines recorded 553 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, even as the active tally dropped to 4,657.",8 +2,DMW: PH gov’t eyeing jobs in Saudi Arabia for OFWs fleeing Sudan,1 +6,MANILA – The bill empowering President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to suspend the increase in premium rates for “direct contributors” of the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) has hurdled second reading approval at the House of Representatives.,5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives has passed a bill that seeks to further protect women from discrimination in the workplace.",5 +8,NTF-ELCAC slams NPA ‘pattern’ of victimizing students,7 +5,The House population and family on Tuesday approved an unnumbered substitute bill reinstituting divorce as an alternative mode for the dissolution of marriage.,4 +6,"The House of Representatives on Monday unanimously passed on third and final reading the proposed measure seeking the institution of policies for the protection and promotion of the welfare of workers or independent contractors in the film, television, and radio entertainment industry.",5 +14,PH Army sees more bilateral engagements with US counterparts,13 +7,"With Senate session adjourned, Pharmally’s Dargani, Ong walk free from Pasay City Jail",6 +6,"Banks allowed to accept ePhilIDs for bank transactions, account opening –PSA",5 +7,"Grieving family, friends seek justice for John Matthew Salilig",6 +13,"Romualdez reacts to huge jump in trust, satisfaction ratings",12 +13,Speaker Romualdez meets US counterpart McCarthy; here's what happened,12 +13,Filipinos may soon stand witness to the second wedding of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos after the latter said “yes” to the Chief Executive’s proposal on their 30th wedding anniversary.,12 +9,"Philippines logs 200 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 10,094",8 +13,"MANILA – It should be innate for his partymates in Partido Demokratiko Pilipino - Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) to support his push to amend the economic provisions of the Constitution, Senator Robinhood Padilla said on Friday.",12 +2,"MANILA – The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) on Wednesday announced that the PHP315 million worth of emergency loans for its members and pensioners, who were troubled by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro province, is now ready.",1 +13,Rodriguez to Zubiri on Cha-cha: Give us some good faith,12 +7,The Philippine government has sought the reversal of the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to reopen an inquiry into the brutal anti-drugs campaign by former President Rodrigo Duterte.,6 +7,Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Saturday alleged that the government was making a “trophy” out of him by tagging him as the mastermind behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +1,MANILA – Airfares may go up next month as the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) announced that the fuel surcharge for March 1 to 31 will increase to Level 7 from Level 6 in February.,0 +10,"MANILA – With the excessive fees charged by driving schools for the theoretical driving course (TDC) and practical driving course (PDC), acquiring a driver's license has expensive that the Land Transportation vowed to adopt measures to make it more affordable.",9 +9,DOH warns public vs heat stroke,8 +15,"Professor Elenita Carpio-Panganiban, the wife of former Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban, has passed away, according to a report on “24 Oras” on Monday.",14 +14,"PH, UK to forge stronger alliance in combatting climate change",13 +14,"PH gov't to meet foreign ministers from China, Australia",13 +15,4 PNP top performing regional offices cited,14 +13,"MANILA – The vote counting machines (VCMs) used in the just concluded special elections in the 7th District of Cavite were found to be 99.96 percent accurate in tallying the votes, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) reported on Tuesday.",12 +7,"Police have identified the registered owner of the getaway vehicle used in the ambush of Aparri, Cagayan Vice Mayor Rommel Alameda and five others in Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Tuesday.",6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – After a day of chaos in and out of their offices nationwide, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) called for the help of cities and municipalities in distributing the agency’s highly anticipated education assistance.",1 +2,POEA operations to continue until migrant workers’ agency has been set up – Bello,1 +14,"US-PH Society vows greater cooperation in economy, dev't",13 +9,Philippines allows Moderna COVID-19 jabs for kids aged 6 to 11,8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health said on Saturday, May 21, that it had detected a case of COVID-19 subvariant Omicron BA.4 in the country.",8 +2,Remulla: Immigration Bureau’s Port Operations Division to be deactivated,1 +14,"PH, Indonesia police renew partnership vs. transnational crimes",13 +7,The camp of former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag on Thursday filed a motion that sought to defer the issuance of the arrest warrant against him.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – With 84.39% of precincts already accounted for, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., the heir and only son of the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, is leading in the presidential race at past 12 am on Tuesday, May 10.",12 +13,DBM chief says LGUs to exercise stronger autonomy with full devolution,12 +10,"Guiuan, Eastern Samar’s heat index hits 49℃ on April 16 — PAGASA",9 +13,"Lacson resigns from Partido Reporma, says party to endorse another bet",12 +2,Jeepney ops in NCR back to normal on 2nd day of strike,1 +10,"It’s high time the April–May summer vacation is brought back, Senate basic chairman Sherwin Gatchalian said.",9 +1,"To attract US investors, Marcos tells them his goal is to 'transform' PH economy",0 +14,"MANILA –The Philippine government has supported a resolution demanding Russia to withdraw from Ukraine, a year after Moscow attacked the east European state.",13 +7,MANILA – Former Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) police chief Brig. Gen. John Guyguyon will be detained at the Philippine National Police (PNP) headquarters custodial unit after he was charged with two counts of syndicated estafa.,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is set to make wearing of face masks indoors voluntary. This, despite the detection of cases of the most transmissible Omicron variant XBB in the country.",8 +7,CHR alarmed over recent spate of violence vs. women and children,6 +7,A resolution seeking to launch an investigation into the reported data breach of the database of the Philippine National Police and other government agencies has been filed in the Senate.,6 +9,"Fresh COVID-19 cases at 781; active infections rise to 4,960 —DOH",8 +13,Tolentino is Dela Rosa’s legal counsel in ICC probe,12 +5,SC asked to review dismissal of charges vs 2 dentists for ‘denying’ dental service to HIV-afflicted patient,4 +14,Exec touts PH efforts to bridge gender digital divide at UN meet,13 +13,"Sara Duterte, Davao City mayor and daughter of President Rodrigo Duterte, took her oath as the 15th vice president of the Philippines in her hometown on Sunday, June 19.",12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to face the Court of Appeals (CA) based on the petition for the issuance of writ of amparo filed by the families of two missing activists.",4 +7,Abalos: CCTV footage of P6.7-B drug haul speaks for itself,6 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate has approved a resolution concurring in the Philippines’ accession to the 1961 United Nations treaty aiming to promote and protect the right to nationality.",3 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has named Pablo Luis Azcona as the acting administrator and chief executive officer of the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA).",12 +7,Priest’s Santo Entierro image has cops suspecting body wrapped in plastic,6 +7,DepEd confirms reports of laptops being sold in Cebu,6 +10,MANILA – The city government of Manila has allocated PHP50 million for the rehabilitation of the Lagusnilad Vehicular Underpass which started on Tuesday.,9 +5,Graft court orders arraignment of state pharma firm exec,4 +14,Japan earmarks P14-M grant to construct school building in Negros,13 +6,"MANILA – The House of Representatives and the Senate of the Philippines on Thursday launched eCongress, an integrated digital legislative management system that will encourage citizen participation in lawmaking.",5 +7,Daughter of ex-Lamitan mayor denies family involved in death of Yumol’s father,6 +14,"MANILA – The Philippine and Chinese governments are set to begin talks on new “terms of reference” (TOR) for joint oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea after overall discussion for the cooperation was terminated under the previous administration, the country’s top diplomat disclosed.",13 +11,"Schools are considered as safe spaces for children and the youth. Inside the four corners of educational institutions, they learn the basics that will help them as they grow older.",10 +6,"Several senators on Wednesday called for the full implementation of the Anti-Hazing Law after the death, allegedly due to hazing, of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig.",5 +14,The secretaries of foreign affairs and defense of the Philippines and the United States will hold a high-level meeting in Washington in April to boost their political and military engagement in the face of China’s position in the South China Sea.,13 +14,"Philippines, Japan plan in-depth talks on free, open Indo-Pacific",13 +6,"MANILA -- Senator Raffy Tulfo has filed a measure seeking to regulate police checkpoints in order to stop discriminatory practices and serious violations from irresponsible and abusive checkpoint personnel, especially to motorcycle riders.",5 +15,"Oath-taking of 2022 Bar passers set on May 2, 2023 —SC",14 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday logged 368 new COVID-19 cases, bring the nationwide caseload to 4,082,936 since the start of the pandemic.",8 +13,VP Duterte shows fun side in Pangasinan boodle fight,12 +2,"Use confidential funds to buy electric fans for public schools, Pimentel tells DepEd",1 +4,MANILA – The Senate’s responsibility in promoting women’s rights and addressing gender-differentiated needs should extend beyond crafting laws.,3 +6,"Rebate for all 'lifeline' customers in effect on May billing, Maynilad says",5 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – The Catholic Church starts celebrating its biggest feast in the evening of Holy Saturday, April 16, with the observance of the Easter Vigil in different parishes.",2 +3,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Thursday said the holy Islamic month of Ramadan is a period to practice the values of discipline and humility.,2 +14,"MANILA – Speaker Martin Romualdez has pushed for a digital public infrastructure of the Philippines, the United States and India.",13 +6,"Ten wage hike petitions are currently pending and are under review by various Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards (RTWPBs), Labor Secretary Bienvenido Laguesma said on Monday, Labor Day.",5 +7,MARINA starts probe into deadly Basilan ferry fire,6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) reported on Tuesday a 42% increase in the average daily new COVID-19 cases from April 24-30, 2023.",8 +15,Plane wreckage near Mayon Volcano missing RP-C2080: CAAP,14 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff announced on Monday, November 21, that the Biden administration will donate an additional $5 million to the Philippine government to speed up the Southeast Asian nation’s COVID-19 vaccination rollout.",8 +6,MANILA – Davao City 1st District Representative Paolo Z. Duterte on Wednesday underscored the need for the country to have an enabling legislation that will penalize and hold veterinarians liable for gross negligence and ignorance in the exercise of their profession.,5 +15,44 metric tons of garbage in Quiapo collected during Holy Week,14 +7,Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa is open to investigating officers of the Philippine National Police and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency who allegedly give 30% of the confiscated drugs from successful operations to their informants.,6 +7,WATCH: Easy entry to PH among reasons why online child sex abuse persisted,6 +10,"MANILA – Many areas in the country may experience rain showers due to the trough of a low-pressure area (LPA) and the northeast monsoon or ""amihan,"" the weather bureau said Friday.",9 +14,PH a ‘significant beneficiary’ of Australia’s P3.6-B maritime programs,13 +3,Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker on Labor Day,2 +2,CAAP shortens to 2 hours system maintenance on May 17,1 +7,Justice served with conviction of ‘youth activist’: NTF-ELCAC,6 +3,"The Roman Catholic Church pays tribute on Sunday, April 30, to the initiator of the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary – Pope Saint Pius V (1566 -1572).",2 +2,"In 2021, Comelec tried to sell 81,000 used PCOS machines, but no one was interested",1 +9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – June 2022,8 +6,MANILA – The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has ordered the fast-tracking of the processing and evaluation of construction safety and health programs of projects of the government.,5 +5,"The Supreme Court announced on Wednesday that it has allowed Rappler CEO Maria Ressa to travel abroad from March 13 to April 1, 2023.",4 +10,"Metro Manila, parts of Philippines enter ‘new normal’ in COVID-19 pandemic",9 +6,Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has urged Congress to pursue the passage of a measure that would help more Filipinos knowledgeable and skilled in handling their personal finances for their future.,5 +13,PBBM proposes marriage anew to FL Liza: ‘She said YES!’,12 +7,"The Philippine Army’s 2nd Infantry Division (2ID) condemned the Communist Party of the Philippines – New People’s Army – National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) on Thursday, April 27, after a soldier was allegedly killed by rebels in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.",6 +13,Rappler Talk: Is the Marcos administration’s honeymoon over?,12 +9,"Philippines logs 121 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 9,230",8 +8,"MANILA – Philippine Army (PA) troops in this year's ""Salaknib"" exercises have grown professionally after receiving advanced weapons training.",7 +12,"Marcos, Duterte post high trust, performance ratings in October Octa poll",11 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – On the day Metro Manila and most of the country transitioned into a “new normal” under the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Health (DOH) announced it will stop its daily reports of new coronavirus cases.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Veteran journalist Roy Mabasa, younger brother of slain broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa, is the new host of “Lapid Fire,” Lapid’s last radio program before he was killed in October.",12 +9,Expired Covid-19 vaccines a worldwide problem: expert,8 +9,No more drownings? Solon wants swimming turned into a basic education subject,8 +15,Mega Lotto jackpot reaches P158M before May 1 evening draw,14 +7,"An international body that provides for oil pollution damage to settle the claims of oil spill victims in Oriental Mindoro, Justice Undersecretary Raul Vasquez said Tuesday.",6 +12,"Love you, bestie! 1 out of 3 Filipinos confessed love for a friend – SWS",11 +13,Senator Nancy Binay has filed a resolution seeking an inquiry into the reported plan of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) to build a new headquarters at the Masungi Georeserve in Rizal.,12 +7,Naranasan ko po yan': Bosita blows lid off PNP 'quota system' during Duterte’s drug war,6 +10,"MANILA – Luzon, including Metro Manila, will continue to experience cloudy skies with rains due to the northeast monsoon (amihan), the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Sunday.",9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives in the 19th Congress passed on Tuesday, January 31, a bill that seeks to enforce a one-time condonation of farmers’ unpaid interests, penalties, and surcharges from agricultural and agrarian loans.",5 +2,Fish supply enough for Holy Week despite Oriental Mindoro oil spill —BFAR,1 +14,"The Philippine government and China are set to resume exploratory talks on a possible joint venture for oil and gas exploration in the West Philippine Sea, said Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo.",13 +9,"Solon wants hospital ‘fast lanes’ for ailing teachers, dependents",8 +13,Marcos vows to prioritize dev’t of 2 new Maguindanao provinces,12 +14,"WASHINGTON—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Thursday (Washington time) expressed hope that the Philippines could work with the United States in establishing a virology and vaccine institute in the country.",13 +9,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is ready to render assistance to returning Overseas Filipinos (OF) from conflict-torn Sudan.,8 +12,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri, Speaker Martin Romualdez, and Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo experienced “significant changes” in their respective performance ratings between November 2022 and March 2023, based on the Pulse Asia survey results released on Wednesday, April 12.",11 +9,"Kanlaon Volcano shows increased seismic, ground deformation activities; Alert Level 1 stays",8 +7,DOJ looking into more than 10 reports of killings in Negros Oriental,6 +10,"Heavy rain, short circuits spoil Uniteam ‘grand rally’ in Parañaque",9 +9,The missing medical evacuation helicopter has been used by residents in Palawan to airlift patients from remote areas to the hospital.,8 +6,"MANILA - The Senate on Monday approved on third and final reading the Malacanang-sponsored New Agrarian Emancipation bill that will condone all loans including interests, penalties and surcharges, arising from the award of agriculture lands under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program as of Dec. 31, 2022.",5 +14,Japan PM announces visa exemption for PH gov’t officials,13 +15,No Lenten leave for BI personnel in airports,14 +14,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Indonesian National Police (INP) have reaffirmed their partnership transnational crime and terrorism in the region.,13 +7,NBI files murder complaints vs 22 NCRPO officers for alleged COVID-19 deaths in Bilibid,6 +9,"Only 52 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs), instead of 55 as earlier posted, have been found positive for Covid-19 at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City, the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said in its clarificatory statement.",8 +14,"Japan, Australia may conduct South China Sea patrols with US, Philippines — ambassador",13 +15,Sweet craving: Cong Rufus professes love for wife...and cake,14 +15,The first one is always special.,14 +6,"The Marcos administration's first social legislation that would free some 610,000 farmers from debts amounting to P57.5 billion might seem huge at first glance, but it really isn't, relatively speaking.",5 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) reported on Thursday, January 27, that 91.29% or 618 of the 677 COVID-19 samples were positive for Omicron, adding that majority have the BA.2 subvariant or “stealth Omicron.”",8 +15,"MANILA – A Filipina who was presumed dead in the Turkish province of Hatay was found alive days after a 7.7-magnitude hit the country, a leader reported Thursday.",14 +5,SC asked to amend provision on lawyers’ code allowing PAO to represent opposing parties in court cases,4 +6,Romualdez: House to pursue laws promoting Filipino workers' welfare,5 +7,International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan has asked the ICC Appeals Chamber to reject the Philippine government’s appeal of the decision to authorize the resumption of the probe on drug war killings in the Philippines.,6 +13,Teves says he'll come home 'when it is safe enough',12 +2,PBBM eyes program for hybrid rice production to boost crop yield,1 +7,"The Department of Education (DepEd) on Monday released a statement lauding the Philippine National Police for the arrest of a person suspected to be involved in the ""position for sale"" scam.",6 +13,Retired CA justice Monina Zenarosa is new CHR commissioner,12 +7,ICC chamber orders collection of victims' views in Philippines appeal,6 +7,"Two cops in missing drugs probe cited for contempt, detained at Senate",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In his term as President Rodrigo Duterte’s Solicitor General, Davao lawyer Jose Calida doubled his wealth – from a P36.9-million net worth in 2017 to P73.4-million net worth in 2021, Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALNs) obtained by Rappler show.",12 +14,"Biden to Marcos: Amid challenges, I can't think of better partner than you",13 +6,A review of Philippine foreign policy toward China is in order.,5 +9,BFP: Fewer fires but higher death toll in first quarter of 2023,8 +14,US VP Kamala Harris arrives in the Philippines,13 +10,"MANILA – Office hours in government agencies may soon be adjusted to 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Mondays to Thursdays and work-from-home setups on Fridays, Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno said Tuesday.",9 +7,"Anti-narcotics authorities from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency  (PDEA) and Philippine National Police (PNP) arrested four drug suspects and dismantled an alleged drug den in a joint buy-bust operation in Calamba, Laguna on Thursday, May 4.",6 +1,Japan PM pledges $4.6B to support PH economic dev’t plan,0 +14,DFA: Australian trade minister to visit PH; boost economic ties,13 +14,"BANGKOK, Thailand – During what Malacañang called a “historic” bilateral meeting, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. and Chinese President Xi Jinping talked about a gamut of issues – including the South China Sea.",13 +14,China says new EDCA sites an 'uncalled for' response to SCS concerns,13 +7,"Marcos, Bersamin urged to clarify alleged 'government-sponsored' sugar smuggling",6 +7,MANILA – The Navotas Regional Trial Court (RTC) has convicted a former policeman for the murder of two youths almost six years ago.,6 +6,House passes gov’t rightsizing bill,5 +7,"Flex Fuel denies involvement in investment scam, willing to work with authorities",6 +13,VP Sara lauds education awardees for outstanding work,12 +7,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Mnonday released sketch of one of the suspects in the fatal shooting of San Miguel, Bulacan police chief Lt. Col. Marlon Serna.",6 +14,Luli Arroyo is Marcos’ pick for Philippine ambassador to Austria,13 +7,Japan lauds PH response to deport suspects in 'Luffy' heists,6 +9,Independent monitoring group OCTA Research on Saturday said public advisories should still be issued even after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID-19 no longer represents a global health emergency.,8 +10,Sara Duterte: Target 100% of Filipino youth are in school,9 +15,The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) said Thursday it did not release a banknote new design or denomination.,14 +13,"Senator Imee Marcos has denied reports in the social media that her mother, the former First Lady Imelda Marcos, had died.",12 +7,PNP: P6B worth of illegal drugs seized since January,6 +15,"MANILA – Generally warm weather with isolated rain showers will prevail over most parts of the country, the weather bureau said Tuesday.",14 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Priority on women and gender issues were mostly absent from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25, a women’s rights organization and a historian pointed out.",11 +3,San Isidro Labrador Parish to receive first class relic of the saint,2 +7,PNP serves warrant to ask for data of YouTuber encouraging child sex abuse,6 +15,MANILA – A lone bettor from Northern Samar became an instant millionaire after guessing the of the Super Lotto 6/49 in Sunday night’s draw.,14 +14,"The Philippines and the United States will be forming a ministerial team for agricultural cooperation as President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. sought to tap the Western partner's expertise in research and development and capacity building efforts.",13 +13,DMW urged to look out for “dummy” placement agencies,12 +1,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) the P9.8 million newly paved-road In Pangasinan, which it said, will benefit the farmers and other local residents as it enhances the economic progress in Bayambang town.",0 +9,COVID-19 vaccination for kids aged 5 to 11 moved to February 7,8 +8,The Philippines and Japan have expressed belief that the use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable.,7 +7,"Court issues arrest warrant vs. Bantag, Zulueta",6 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday vowed to prioritize and support the development of the newly created provinces of Maguindanao del Sur and Maguindanao del Norte especially during the transition period.,12 +7,"Tau Gamma Phi members declined to bring Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig to the hospital after he suffered from seizure during the hazing rites, a witness told a Senate panel Tuesday.",6 +9,Slight rise in PH’s Covid-19 cases not yet a concern—WHO official,8 +14,"PH, US focus attention on emergent concerns in future agenda",13 +10,MANILA – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Monday reiterated that the weeklong transport strike poses a harmful effect on the country’s recovery efforts to address learning gaps.,9 +14,"Camarines Sur 2nd district Rep. LRay Villafuerte is optimistic that the Biden adminiatration would hasten discussions on the planned joint maritime patrols in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) during President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.'s ongoing visit to the United States (US).",13 +14,Effects of productive PBBM Japan trip to be felt ‘rapidly’,13 +8,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Monday said it is on heightened alert and added more personnel amid an influx of travelers for the Holy Week holidays.,7 +14,Galvez sees 4 'focus areas' for US-PH alliance modernization,13 +5,Comelec decommissions Transparency Media Server,4 +13,Senate names members of RCEP oversight panel,12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Unlike previous years, the 2023 Bar examinations will be held in September, the Supreme Court (SC) announced on Thursday, December 8.",9 +2,Maynilad schedules daily water interruption starting March 28,1 +1,DOTr: Antique airport upgrade to boost W. Visayas' economy,0 +6,The Senate Public Order and Dangerous Drugs Committee has the operation of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs) in a controlled area similar to economic zones.,5 +7,The House dangerous drugs panel will probe police assets or informants and Philippine Drug Enforcement (PDEA) agents who allegedly secure portions of confiscated illegal drugs in order to sell chairperson Surigao del Norte Representative Robert Ace Barbers  said Wednesday.,6 +7,"Surigao del Norte 2nd district Rep. Robert Ace Barbers said there is a need to delve deeper into the alleged involvement “double cover-up” and “double recycling” attempts of police officers involved in the Oct. 8, 2022 drug bust in Tondo, Manila.",6 +9,"PH logs 1,563 new COVID-19 cases; active infections at 9,159",8 +10,"DSWD, Abra LGU extend cash aid to 2.8K solo parents",9 +13,Lubus-lubosin niyo yang pagtatanim': Teves claims his house got raided again,12 +8,"Philippine Army (PA) and United States Army troops trained together in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali tracking on Tuesday, April 18, as part of this year’s Exercise Balikatan.",7 +1,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said Kadiwa stalls would be provided for the labor sector to help them as well as the country's economy.",0 +14,"The two-day visit of Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala to the Philippines could be a “new start” of “successful cooperation” between Philippine and Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on Monday, April 17.",13 +7,The Commission on Audit (COA) has discovered alleged irregularities in the hiring by Pampanga provincial officials of employees who lack qualifications and who perform work which are not relevant to their positions.,6 +9,DOH sounds alarm over ‘continuous’ rise of HIV infections in PH,8 +9,"DOH logs 1,101 new COVID-19 cases from Feb. 6–12, 2023",8 +7,"The remains of all four victims of the Cessna plane crash in Albay have been retrieved after 13 days, Camalig, Albay Mayor Carlos Baldo said on Thursday night.",6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Balut Island in Sarangani town, Davao Occidental, on Saturday, January 22, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said in a bulletin.",8 +14,Czech Republic backs PH military modernization,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Hours after kicking off a program to prepare school buildings for the return to face-to-face classes, Vice President Sara Duterte taunted the progressive Makabayan bloc, accusing them – without clear basis – of having a “love affair” groups.",12 +14,WATCH: Ano ang pag-uusapan nina Marcos at Biden sa White House?,13 +2,"MANILA – In support of the continuous development and improvement of the country's fire service, the Marcos administration has allocated a total budget of PHP1.737 billion for the modernization of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).",1 +15,"No one hit the jackpot prizes for Ultra Lotto 6/58 and Super Lotto 6/49 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offices (PCSO) on Sunday, April 30.",14 +13,"MANILA – Former Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) regional director Josefina H. Romualdez is now the new undersecretary for operations of the agency, a news release said on Thursday.",12 +10,Better experience seen on domestic flights transfer to NAIA 2,9 +7,"Blue Ribbon probe into 'rampant, unabated' agricultural smuggling sought",6 +7,Rappler Recap: New findings on the Kian delos Santos case,6 +8,MANILA – Seven more buses carrying around 300 Filipinos are streaming out of Sudan for Egypt just as fighting punctures a 72-hour cease-fire between warring Sudanese forces.,7 +7,The camp of former Senator Leila de Lima on Monday said they are now awaiting the resolution of a bail petition they filed in seeking the ex-legislator’s temporary freedom.,6 +7,Barbers to renew call to reinstate death penalty for drug offenders,6 +6,House panel unanimously approves Divorce bill,5 +15,"Ultra, Mega Lotto jackpots still up for grabs",14 +14,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the United States Armed Forces declared as successful the conduct of joint littoral live fire exercise in San Antonio, Zambales on Wednesday, April 26, when it achieved its objective to sink a mock vessel.",13 +13,Dela Rosa: You cannot bribe me,12 +8,"PNP to deploy to 59,587 cops to ensure a safe, peaceful Labor Day",7 +13,Lakas-CMD supports prosperity agenda of Marcos admin: Romualdez,12 +10,"MANILA – The City of Manila assisted nearly 9,000 passengers on Monday, the start of the week-long protest of transport groups.",9 +7,"BuCor files plunder, graft raps vs. Bantag, others",6 +13,Bato dela Rosa tells cops to ‘trust the process’ amid internal cleansing in PNP,12 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Sunday assured that the national government would intervene to resolve the power outages in Negros and Panay Islands brought on by a problem in the distribution system.,1 +3,Pope Francis appoints new Capiz archbishop,2 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – After years of court battles, victory came to a family victimized by the Philippine drug war – the correction of a death certificate that wrongly said their boy’s demise was natural even though the truth was he died from a vigilante’s bullet.",6 +7,8 Kudarat cops face murder raps for death of 3 students,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has appointed former Davao City accountant Rizalina Justol as the new chairman of the Commission on Audit (COA), Malacañang announced on Friday, February 18.",12 +2,"PBBM gets P800-M pledge; 1,500 new jobs eyed in medical BPO",1 +7,The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) has for illegal possession of firearms against Negros Oriental representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. and his sons.,6 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – “Enough is enough.”",14 +9,"The positivity rate is not the only factor that should be looked at in order to evaluate the Covid-19 situation in the country as there are other indicators affecting the trend of infections, the Department of Health (DOH) reminded the public.",8 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) will launch next month a nationwide supplemental immunization campaign against  measles, rubella, and polio in a bid to prevent possible outbreak of such diseases this year.",8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – After months of probing the drug war of President Rodrigo Duterte, forensic pathologist Raquel Fortun and activist priest Flavie Villanueva hold a briefing on their findings on Tuesday, April 12.",6 +13,"Duterte, Romualdez-led Lakas-CMD to dominate House under Marcos",12 +3,MANILA – Catholic priests on Monday reminded the faithful that expressing love need not be expensive.,2 +1,"Senate panel wants DepEd, PS-DBM to pay P979M for overpricing laptops",0 +2,"Starting April 24, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) will deploying147 newly hired immigration officers (IOs) for on-site training at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).",1 +1,"PBBM: KALAP to make farmers, MSMEs more productive, profitable",0 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) on Wednesday the United States' announcement on the transfer of four patrol boats to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), as this would greatly boost its capability to protect the country's vast waters.",7 +8,"Philippines, US hold live-fire exercises focused on territorial defense",7 +14,"PH, EU launch Copernicus space cooperation program",13 +9,"MANILA – Government officials, led by Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Enrique Manalo, on Saturday 17 Filipino evacuees at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In a chit-chat with media on Tuesday, October 4, newly sworn in Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin said President Marcos should not be criticized for having his “private time” in Singapore, watching the Formula 1 Grand Prix.",12 +13,VP Sara is country's caretaker while Marcos is in Washington for official visit,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In his first face-off against fellow presidential aspirants, aspiring president and labor leader Leody de Guzman stuck to his agenda and brought his “alternative” platforms.",12 +8,4 US patrol boats to beef up PH Navy's defense capabilities,7 +13,Abalos to name PNP officials whose resignations would be accepted in 2 days,12 +14,"MANILA – Apart from understanding the Japanese culture better, learning Nihongo could give Filipino youth the “competitive edge“ when applying for scholarships and jobs in Japan, Ambassador Kazuhiko Koshikawa said Saturday.",13 +14,"WASHINGTON—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos on Tuesday (Washington time) met with US Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Dough Emhoff at the Number One Observatory Circle on Tuesday.",13 +2,Indigent litigants nationwide can now avail themselves of free legal services online through the Integrated Bar of the Philippines’ (IBP) “web-based legal aid platform.”,1 +15,OCD on alert for 'Amang',14 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday lauded the Kapatid Angat Lahat for Agriculture Program (KALAP), saying this will help farmers and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) ""productive, profitable, sustainable and",0 +12,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte both garnered high approval and trust ratings in March, according to the results of a Pulse Asia survey released on Wednesday.",11 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Hardly any government Ninoy Aquino Day on Sunday, August 21, departing from annual celebrations held in observance of the official holiday.",9 +10,"Senate employees will receive a one-time P50,000 inflation allowance for 2023, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri announced Monday.",9 +13,De Guzman alludes to Montemayor as ‘Marcos Jr’ in debate,12 +14,"PH, US agree to set up ministerial team on agri cooperation",13 +14,"PH, Sweden finalizing framework for defense materiel acquisition",13 +6,"Senate bill allows Pinoys over the age of 80 to receive portion of P100,000 cash gift for centenarians",5 +8,The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the United States Armed Forces have enhanced their cyber defense capabilities as militaries around the world are prompted to develop new techniques emerging threats in the cyberspace.,7 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday logged 311 new COVID-19 cases pushing the active tally to 8,621.",8 +13,Rodriguez: House to pursue Cha-Cha even though not a priority of Marcos,12 +10,"Expect rain in parts of PH due to ‘amihan,’ shear line",9 +2,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is eyeing to open ""clustered sites"" in days to solve the problem of long queue of people seeking assistance in its central office.",1 +8,"PCG vessels confronted by Chinese navy, coast guard in WPS",7 +1,PBBM’s Japan trip reaps $13B in investment pledges,0 +13,MANILA – Newly appointed Customs Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio vowed to the four directives of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. for the agency.,12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Tears, embraces, cheers, and arms in the air – these were some of the sights among Bar takers as they learned the results of the 2022 Bar on Friday, April 14.",9 +6,"Pasig City Representative Roman Romulo on Wednesday expressed support for the proposal of the Department of Education (DepEd) to merge arts, social studies, and physical education into one subject for Grades 1 to 3.",5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has signed an executive order to include nuclear power in the country’s energy mix, as authorities prepare for the phasing out of coal-fired power plants and after earlier efforts failed due to safety concerns.",5 +8,"MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Gen. Andres Centino has lauded the Hinabangan, Samar-based 801st Infantry Brigade for its contribution to the peace and order in the area.",7 +2,"Gov't allots P300M for cops' special training on cybercrime, case build-up",1 +2,"Mabinay, Negros Oriental to get 50-meter bridge from GMA Kapuso Foundation",1 +6,"The Commission on Elections (Comelec) wants to increase the honorarium of poll workers up to 10,000, its chairman George Garcia said on Tuesday.",5 +13,Marcos says he ‘cannot cooperate’ with ICC unless jurisdiction question answered,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) affirmed the Commission on Audit (COA) ruling disallowing the grant of P15.2 million worth of unauthorized benefits to employees of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).",4 +2,"MANILA – Anakalusugan Partylist Representative Ray Reyes on Thursday urged the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to uphold its responsibility of providing adequate power supply, especially during summer, to ensure the quality and continuity of operations in health facilities.",1 +7,CIDG busts gang that tried to extort from Senate President Zubiri,6 +9,Tolentino wants Senate inquiry to determine gov’t action plan vs avian flu,8 +9,Don’t self-medicate vs sore eyes—DOH exec,8 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – Despite pledges to reduce coal exposure, Philippine banks financed $867.08 million (P48.97 billion) worth of coal and fossil fuel projects from the period of April 2022 to March 2023, according to a new report released on Tuesday, April 18.",0 +10,MANILA – Senator Mark Villar has filed a measure seeking for an alternative mode of transportation as among the solutions to traffic congestion and at the same time contribute to a healthy environment.,9 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has ordered Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos to talk to local chief executives of alternative fishing grounds to allow displaced fisherfolk in Oriental Mindoro to fish in their waters.",12 +8,"Developing the Philippines' defense capabilities through efforts such as the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the United States aims to build deterrence, and is not for engaging in war, Department of National Defense officer-in-charge Carlito G. Galvez, Jr.",7 +14,Zubiri hopes Marcos will start VFA talks with Japan PM,13 +3,Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena on April 29,2 +4,PBBM admin to stop 'horrific practices' vs PH seafarers,3 +8,PH Navy troops complete BrahMos missile system ops training,7 +12,"Ninety-three percent of Filipino adults have personally experienced the effects of climate change in the past three years, a Social Weather Stations survey has shown.",11 +2,Financial woes due to pandemic force Kalayaan College to close,1 +7,Degamo lawyer claims 60 other Negros Oriental killings unsolved,6 +7,DA seizes P40M worth of misdeclared agri products,6 +6,Arroyo wants K-to-12 replaced with post-secondary studies,5 +7,"DILG, PBA partner against illegal drugs",6 +2,PCSO grants P34-M aid to 5.1K indigents in 5 days,1 +10,"Ninety-nine-year-old ""Lola Panyang"" has received her first birth certificate before turning 100 in April and eligible for the government's centenarian benefits.",9 +7,Senate probe vs. cops allegedly involved in P6.7-M shabu haul in Manila sought,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – After almost two years of living with restrictive measures to curb the coronavirus, the National Capital Region and 38 other areas are now under Alert Level 1 or what government considers as the “new normal” and as COVID-19 has yet to endemic in the country.",8 +7,Ejercito urges crackdown on private armies after Degamo slay,6 +6,Emergency response must not exceed 2 hours – senator,5 +5,Poe: SC verdict on the SIM Law is a big boost,4 +13,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Wednesday visited the wake of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,12 +7,Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on Saturday said suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves to attend a Senate investigation virtually was an opportunity to ask him important questions.,6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra on Friday, January 27, said the Philippines will appeal the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision to resume the investigation into drug war killings.",4 +13,Dela Rosa: Tolentino will rescue me if I’m arrested,12 +13,HIGHLIGHTS: Sara Duterte inauguration as vice president | June 19,12 +12,"Voters approve split of biggest village in SJDM, Bulacan",11 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) placed suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Bantag and former BuCor deputy for security operations superintendent Ricardo Zulueta under the Bureau of Immigration’s (BI) lookout bulletin.",4 +13,"On first Monday of Marcos government, key Cabinet posts unfilled",12 +5,How the SC ruling on Gigi Reyes’ release changes the game on habeas corpus,4 +14,European lawmakers visit detained Leila de Lima,13 +5,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Wednesday the full devolution of certain functions of the executive branch to local government units is not an alternative to the proposed Charter change.",4 +10,DSWD mulls using NZ's AI messaging platform in aid provision,9 +2,"MANILA – The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) on Tuesday said the European Commission's decision to continue recognizing the country’s seafarer training and certification system is a ""normal recognition"" that is not subject to any requisite conditions.",1 +7,MANILA – Customs officers have discovered a stash of purportedly smuggled smart television (TV) sets systems with an estimated value of PHP20 million inside a warehouse in Bulacan province.,6 +6,"A House Committee on Wednesday passed the bill empowering President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. to suspend the contribution hike in the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) amending the Universal Health Care Act (UHCA).",5 +15,"The oathtaking and signing of the Roll of Attorneys for 3,992 passers of the 2022 online and regionalized Bar examinations start at 10 a.m. today, May 2, at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City.",14 +8,"New EDCA sites will be used vs. China ops around Taiwan, says think-tank",7 +13,Reporter’s Review: Pia Ranada on the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte,12 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – Commission on Human Rights Executive Director Jacqueline de Guia expressed concern that the proposed cut in the CHR’s 2023 budget may pose more challenges in the conduct of their vital work against state abuses, especially in the aftermath of the administration of Rodrigo Duterte.",3 +10,"The Philippines the month of July with a new set of national and local leaders, even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the everyday lives of Filipinos.",9 +9,DOH urged to prepare for disease outbreaks during El Niño,8 +13,Globe-trotting in 100 days: Marcos is most frequent traveler among post-EDSA presidents,12 +8,US Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson said she does not see the  designation of new Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites in the country as a magnet for conflict.,7 +13,An abundance of Ferdinands: Martin Romualdez is House Speaker under President Marcos,12 +13,Philippine leaders pay last respects to Albert del Rosario,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Isko Moreno’s own running mate Willie Ong lent his voice to those disagreeing with the Manila mayor’s call for Vice President Leni Robredo to withdraw from the presidential race.",12 +4,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on to give Filipino women more prominent roles and greater voice in government toward a more inclusive and equitable society.,3 +9,DOH to convene COVID-19 task force in reaction to WHO declaration,8 +7,"Over P18 million worth of marijuana, marijuana oil seized in balikbayan box",6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said the Masungi Georeserve will be used as its headquarters, BuCor acting Director General Gregorio Catapang confirmed in a statement sent to reporters on Friday, February 17.",1 +5,"The House constitutional amendments panel will continue conducting hearings on pending measures seeking to change the Charter even though President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. said it is not a priority of his administration.",4 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) dismissed the cyber filed by the Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP CIDG) against Gabriela Representative Arlene Brosas, and three former lawmakers under the Makabayan bloc.",4 +6,Senate labor panel to hear bills on minimum wage hike on May 10,5 +10,LTO to simplify driver’s license exams to combat fixers,9 +5,MANILA – Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo on Wednesday assured the public that the high court would back the protection of individual rights as it ensures measures to protect public safety under special court rules being drafted for the full implementation of Republic Act (RA) 11479 or the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) of 2022.,4 +2,MANILA – The government is courting financial institutions to help finance Phase 1 of the Laguna Lakeshore Road Network (LLRN) project.,1 +1,"MANILA – The Marcos administration is on the right track to position the Philippines as an ideal investment destination, the International Chamber of Commerce Philippines (ICC) said Saturday.",0 +7,"Burned bodies found in Nasugbu, Batangas",6 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer is not asking for any “special rights” with the sought passage of the SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender, identity, and expression) anti-discrimination bill, but only for the correction of the imbalance that has heterosexuals at an advantage, a gender expert said.",3 +14,China has denied that its coast guard pointed lasers at the crew of the BRP Malapascua while the latter was on a resupply mission on February 6 in waters off the Ayungin Shoal.,13 +9,"Always safeguard health of others, CSC tells new doctors",8 +13,Del Rosario ‘servant-leader’ in protecting OFWs’ welfare - Ople,12 +2,Marcos says PH now switching to surface water to ensure supply,1 +11,Progressive on Friday the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution ahead of its 37th anniversary on February 25.,10 +6,Imee wants one gov't-accredited child development worker per daycare center,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Dalawang account na naglalaman ng 8 milyong francs o nasa P462 milyon na nakapangalan kay Helen Rivilla, tao-tauhan o dummy ng diktador na si Ferdinand Marcos, ang nakasama sa nabunyag na datos ng bangkong Credit Suisse kamakailan.",12 +2,"LOOK: Military receives medium lift aircraft, 2 ATAK helicopters",1 +14,Zubiri echoes need for VFA-like deal in meeting with Japanese lawmakers,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Officials of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) took their oath on Friday, August 12, at Malacañang Palace.",12 +6,"The Department of Education (DepEd) is set to revise the K to 12 curriculum in a bid to produce more job-ready and responsible graduates, Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte said on Monday.",5 +5,"The Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Plant and Industry (BPI) said on Tuesday, April 25, that it with the Supreme Court’s (SC’s) issuance of “Writ of Kalikasan” which temporarily halted the government propagating genetically modified (GM) rice and eggplant.",4 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) approved the provisional jeepney minimum fare hike to P11 nationwide.",0 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has ordered the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to focus on programs that hone the skills of Filipino workers as he assured them that promoting their welfare remains his administration's top priority.",5 +10,"Senior citizens, patients among those waiting outside DSWD for cash aid",9 +8,"MANILA – More than 1,200 police officers have been deployed in Mandaluyong City to secure the 52nd Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Council Meeting at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila top cop Maj. Gen. Jonnel Estomo said on Wednesday.",7 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs’ (DFA) courtesy lanes in all consular offices nationwide will reopen for walk-ins beginning Wednesday, March 16, owing to increased demand for the service.",1 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla assured on Tuesday, April 4, that criminal charges will be filed against those involved in the oil spill caused by the sinking of MT Princess Empress off the waters in Oriental Mindoro.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has been exposed to a household staff member who tested positive for COVID-19 and is under quarantine, said Malacañang on Thursday, February 3.",12 +7,13 CIDG cops sacked over alleged extortion in Parañaque,6 +13,"MANILA – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte has warned local officials against nepotism and cronyism, or favors in the hiring of teachers in public schools.",12 +4,House Deputy Minority Leader and ACT Teachers party-list Representative France Castro on Friday said workers remained under threat despite President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s Executive Order (EO) 23 which created the Inter-Agency Committee for the Protection of the Freedom of Association and Right to Organize of Workers.,3 +10,Rain showers continue across PH Thursday,9 +14,PH contingent winds up Türkiye mission; home by March 1,13 +7,CIDG nabs 31 suspects in single-day anti-crime ops,6 +13,Rookie solon thanks PBBM for 'wisdom' in deferring LRT fare hikes,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said on Thursday, July 28, that the justice department plans to retain the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) and allow it to finish recovering the remaining unseized P125 billion stolen wealth of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s family and their cronies.",5 +13,Marcos: It was Angping who asked for diplomatic post,12 +7,MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. has identified the Philippine National Police (PNP) officers seen in video footage of a drug raid that led to the confiscation of 990 kilos of shabu worth PHP6.7 billion in Manila last year.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In looking at the landslide election win of Uniteam tandem Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Sara Duterte, historian Leloy Claudio said it’s important to have a “sense of proportion” or a “sense of history.”",12 +8,"MANILA – The Department of Tourism (DOT) on Wednesday said the death of a tourist from New Zealand after resisting a robbery on Sunday is an ""isolated incident"" and does not reflect the millions of ""peace-loving"" Filipinos in the country.",7 +9,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Monday reported that at least 62 people died of drowning while another four were killed due to vehicular accidents since the start of the Holy Week.,8 +3,"Make time for charity work this Holy Week, faithful urged",2 +2,"LTO: License plates for motorcycles seen depleted in June, vehicles in July",1 +15,First of 2 parts,14 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Rappler CEO and Nobel laureate Maria Ressa filed on Tuesday, April 19, an undersecretary Lorraine Badoy over “malicious and defamatory” posts and articles against the journalist, adding to mounting calls for the Office of the Ombudsman to sanction the official.",6 +9,"DOH records 77 new COVID-19 infections; active tally dips to 9,225",8 +13,"Five out of six leading candidates for the presidency came together virtually on Friday, February 4, for the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas-hosted Panata sa Bayan: The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum.",12 +13,LGUs to enjoy more autonomy once devolution starts,12 +8,"PH, US troops train on minefield, obstacle clearing",7 +14,"MANILA – The Philippine and Moroccan governments are looking to forge a labor cooperation deal that would further protect the rights of more than 4,600 Filipino workers in the North African state.",13 +7,DOJ offers P5 million reward for information on Negros Oriental governor's killers,6 +2,"House Senior Deputy Speaker and former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is eyeing the upgrade of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) in San Narciso, Zambales.",1 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) on Tuesday announced that it had test-fired its newly acquired ""Bullfighter"" chaff anti-missile decoys in Zambales waters last March 24.",7 +9,Over 150 Filipino repatriates from Sudan to arrive this week,8 +5,‘Disengaging?’ PH gov’t to push through with ICC appeal,4 +8,Army deploys more soldiers in Negros Oriental after Degamo slay,7 +6,MANILA – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) on Thursday released guidelines on the general designs for solar-powered roadway lighting along national roads.,5 +9,"7 more Bilibid PDLs, one personnel Covid-infected",8 +15,"GENEVA, Switzerland – It is Llore Pasco’s second time in this chilly city.",14 +14,MANILA -- The Philippines and Japan on Thursday affirmed to strengthen defense and security cooperation during President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s five-day official trip to Tokyo.,13 +14,PBBM pays respect to fallen American soldiers in Virginia,13 +14,"PH-US defense, foreign ministerial meet set in April",13 +7,DILG chief: Heads will roll over P6.7-B 'shabu' haul,6 +2,"Malacañang, DOE asked: Where’s the promise of stable power supply in 2023?",1 +7,MANILA – A local firm has asked the Pasig Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 157 to rule on the fate of a foreign national who allegedly fled the country shortly after estafa charges have been filed against him and others.,6 +14,"The team of Japanese oil removal and control experts that would aid the country in the ongoing oil spill cleanup in Oriental Mindoro will be leaving for the Philippines on Friday, the Japanese Embassy said Thursday.",13 +1,"The Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) has amended several rules to authorize the donation of confiscated smuggled sugar to Kadiwa stores and allow its sale to the general public.   SRA Board Member Pablo Azcona said the agency’s governing body, the SRA Board, held a regular meeting on Tuesday to discuss issues concerning the industry.   “Another thing that was urgently taken up was amendments to some of the memorandum circulars of the SRA that will involve the seized sugar. How to treat the seized sugar because, in the SRA, the treatment is either for sale through bidding or destruction,” Azcona told reporters in a Zoom interview on Wednesday.",0 +8,"PBBM forms task force for peace, security on Negros Island",7 +14,"Duterte to Putin: Control your soldiers, spare civilians",13 +7,Negros Oriental Rep. Teves will face murder allegations — Topacio,6 +10,"PNP to open weekend transactions for gun-related permits, other licenses",9 +10,36 Years: It will get worse before it gets better,9 +13,"Days before campaign starts, PNP announces reshuffle of police chiefs",12 +12,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte received high approval and trust ratings in March, according to a Pulse Asia survey released Wednesday.",11 +9,DOH confirms local transmission of more infectious Omicron subvariant BA.2.12.1,8 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – Priests from the Archdiocese of Manila and lay Catholics held a penitential walk on Thursday, February 17, the 150th anniversary of the martyrdom of Filipino priests Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, collectively known as “Gomburza.”",2 +13,Gov't employees urged to avail of upcoming CSC learning programs,12 +7,"IACAT, PAOCC ordered to intensify efforts vs. human trafficking",6 +7,"Negros Oriental Representatives Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. will participate in Monday's House hearing on his continued absence in Congress proceedings, his legal counsel Ferdinand Topacio said Monday.",6 +9,"There is no need to make changes in the current health protocols as these are still effective despite rising numbers of Covid-19 cases in the country, the Department of Health (DOH) said.",8 +13,Vergeire: No discussions with Marcos yet on who will be next DOH chief,12 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Monday, March 7, that it was optimistic that schools in the country will be able to hold face-to-face graduation rites this year as the pandemic situation continues to improve.",1 +2,LIST: Schools ready to take in Colegio de San Lorenzo students,1 +2,MANILA – A Department of Education (DepEd) official on Monday called for a whole-of-society approach to address the perennial problem of classroom shortage.,1 +12,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. expressed his gratitude for the public's unwavering support as showed by the results of the latest Pulse Asia Survey where he received a high approval rating in March.",11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ new defense chief Carlito Galvez Jr. vowed to to protect the integrity of the vetting system used to select the top officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) after sudden changes in the military leadership over the week rocked the uniformed service and sparked rumors of unrest.",12 +4,Solon: Empowerment should be part of women’s rights,3 +10,"MANILA – The northeast monsoon and shear line will cause rains across Luzon and the Visayas on Tuesday, the weather bureau said.",9 +7,"Philippine Army to look into gaps in recruitment, training process after Camp Evangelista shooting",6 +7,"With gun ban in effect for a month, PNP arrests over 900 people",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In a narrow 6-5 vote, the Supreme Court upheld a December 2013 rate hike by the Manila Electric Company (Meralco) that sought to charge from its consumers P22.64 billion in recovery costs.",5 +7,5 more Degamo slay suspects now under gov't custody,6 +7,"As DOJ reviews, lawyers call on court: Hold Palparan, Badoy, and SMNI in contempt",6 +13,DA official who signed ‘illegal’ sugar importation resolution resigns,12 +14,Arroyo visits China; affirms friendly bilateral ties,13 +9,MANILA – Two senators have filed bills to provide specialized health care to the country’s estimated 10 million senior citizens.,8 +14,"France committed to peace, stability in Indo-Pacific region",13 +7,Sandigan orders arrest of ex-Maguindanao Gov Datu Sajid Islam Uy Ampatuan,6 +9,"The Department of Health recorded 261 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, while the active tally went up to 9,231.",8 +14,PBBM bullish on deepening ties with Japanese biz partners,13 +9,Senator Raffy Tulfo on Tuesday asked the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) the measures they are implementing to ensure that informal settlers will be safe in case of a powerful earthquake.,8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala kicked off a 10-day sojourn around Asia on Monday, April 17, with a visit to Malacañang Palace as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first visitor from Europe.",13 +2,A first: House sets aside P10B to implement solar-powered water supply system nationwide,1 +7,"Speaker Martin Romualdez of Leyte on Wednesday put up a P500,000 reward for anyone who could provide information that would lead to the arrest of those behind the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig.",6 +13,Hontiveros hits clarification of Chinese envoy,12 +7,BOC warehouse raid in Sulu yields smuggled cigarettes worth P1.4B,6 +14,PBBM eyes deepening of PH-Ecuador ties in meeting with envoy,13 +3,MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito Galvez Jr. expressed hope that the holy month of Ramadan would serve as an opportunity to foster peace in the country.,2 +14,Marcos-Biden meeting to bring ‘huge dividends’ for PH – Romualdez,13 +10,LTFRB brings back pre-pandemic jeepney routes amid growing transport woes,9 +14,"China is opposed to what it called meddling in the South China Sea to harm its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign affairs ministry said on Thursday.",13 +7,MANILA – Authorities have foiled the hoarding of imported onions and garlic worth PHP135 million during separate raids at warehouses and establishments in Manila and Malabon City.,6 +7,"MANILA – To eradicate several criminal activities and ensure public safety, the Philippine National Police - Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) have arrested 31 persons in anti-criminality operations across the country, that led to the recovery and confiscation of several pieces of evidence and the suppression of illegal activities.",6 +8,NBI rescues three Cebu minors,7 +7,House committee cites cold storage facility officials for contempt,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang will make an official visit to the Philippines late this week and will discuss with his counterpart regional security issues, including the South China Sea, the Philippines said on Tuesday, April 18.",13 +13,NTF-ELCAC exec declares ‘total defeat’ of NPA in S. Mindanao after arrest of Casilao,12 +10,MANILA – The Marcos administration has vowed to put up more Kadiwa outlets to include located in far-flung areas across the country.,9 +7,Fake cop nabbed for refusing to pay taxi fare in Makati,6 +12,"MANILA – The pilot run of the single ticketing system (STS) across several cities in the National Capital Region went well and received positive feedback, according to the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority.",11 +2,NIA chief bats for P200-B yearly budget for dam projects,1 +14,"AFP, US Navy commit to stronger defense partnership",13 +14,MANILA – The Italian Navy is looking at the possibility of having more engagements with the Philippine Navy (PN) in the future.,13 +14,The United States (US) has reaffirmed to stand with the Philippines against any form of harassment and intimidation in the South China Sea.,13 +14,LIST: Bilateral agreements signed during Marcos’ state visit to China,13 +12,"Senate, House, SC, Cabinet get 'very good' satisfaction rating —SWS",11 +7,Sandiganbayan clears Ruffy Biazon of direct bribery raps in pork barrel scam,6 +8,Chinese warship spotted near Pag-asa Island,7 +13,"Post-Duterte: Diplomats, analysts watching how Marcos will handle US-China rivalry",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill that seeks to give the Philippine president the power to suspend scheduled rate hikes for members of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).",5 +13,Int'l community mourns death of PH former top diplomat,12 +6,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Monday approved on second reading a measure providing preferential appointment to government employees and officers holding valid appointments to new positions in the implementation of government reorganization.,5 +14,"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Monday said he has spoken with President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos in ""the first phone call"" between the two leaders.",13 +10,"LPA rains to continue in Palawan; ITCZ to bring isolated rain showers to Visayas, Mindanao",9 +10,Senate bill grants P1M to Filipinos who will reach 101 years old,9 +6,Bong Go renews call to DBM: ‘Give healthcare workers their unpaid Covid-19 allowances’,5 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday extended birthday greetings to former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, thanking the incumbent House of Representatives Deputy Speaker for her “advice” and “guidance” on the presidency.",12 +8,PAF joins search for missing medical helicopter,7 +1,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Sunday expressed gratitude to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Japan for their significant contributions to the growth of the economy through remittances.,0 +7,DILG orders manhunt for killers of Negros Oriental Gov. Degamo,6 +7,MANILA – Government agencies have to work together to eliminate human trafficking and illegal recruitment in the country.,6 +13,Historian Ambeth Ocampo mobbed by Marcos influencers for talking about history,12 +14,"PH, Australia commit to further deepen defense ties",13 +6,Sara vows to carry out Magna Carta provisions on teachers' workload,5 +14,HIGHLIGHTS: Marcos at APEC Summit in Thailand,13 +7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) is looking into more than 10 reports of killings in Negros Oriental, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Friday.   Remulla, who visited the wake of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo on Wednesday, previously said officials were seeing a “pattern of impunity” in the province.   “I think that a lot of people out with information about past cases, but we have to process them properly. We have to look at the evidence. We have to look at the statements. But we’ll look at them one by one,” Remulla said in an ambush interview.   “Kasi ano to eh, ito yung mga reklamong dumating sa amin nung pumunta kami sa wake (We received when we went to the wake). And they informed us about what was happening in Negros Oriental, in Bayawan City, in Dumaguete, and other areas,” he added.",6 +1,"Senate ends sugar importation mess probe, committee report out September 8",0 +13,Marines commandant Gaerlan assumes as AFP's No. 3,12 +9,"The Department of Health on Monday recorded 429 new COVID-19 cases, the lowest since 382 new cases were reported last Wednesday.",8 +14,"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – When asked about the progress on the long-awaited Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. first paused and sighed rather audibly.",13 +8,"Military dogs took center stage in an activity during this year’s Balikatan Military Exercise, according to a report by GMA Regional TV One North Central Luzon’s Jasmin Gabriel-Galban on “24 Oras” on Monday.",7 +7,Jinggoy wants probe on alleged trafficking of foreigners for PH crypto-scam ops,6 +10,Mimaropa cops donate over P1.2M cash to oil spill-affected families in Or Mindoro town,9 +3,"MANILA -- Catholic Church officials on Friday urged the faithful who will go on vacation not to forget the true essence of the Holy Week, which starts next week.",2 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Quezon City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 306 has granted alternative news site Bulatlat’s plea to temporarily unblock its website.",4 +1,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) is expecting an increase in exports of Philippine products to participating countries under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).,0 +14,6 EDCA projects with US to be completed in 2023 —Manalo,13 +9,"For Women's History Month, the GMA Kapuso Foundation gave 200 women in Laguna and Nueva Ecija free pap smear and breast exam in partnership with Homelab Medical and Diagnostic Services.",8 +15,"NEW JERSEY, USA – In front of the New Jersey Performance Arts Center (NJPAC) on Sunday, September 18, two separate crowds were getting ready for the arrival of a VIP all the way from the Philippines.",14 +5,SC reprimands Comelec over non-compliance with TRO on ‘nuisance’ bet,4 +14,"Austin to Marcos: We have your back in South China Sea, elsewhere in region",13 +9,A breast care advocate and support organization on Wednesday underscored the importance of raising the public’s awareness on the early detection of breast cancer before it gets worse.,8 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Wednesday, October 26, due to rain from the shear line, which is affecting parts of Luzon, and rain from the trough or extension of a low pressure area, which is affecting parts of the Visayas and Mindanao.",9 +10,"The measured heat index in eight locations remained in the ""danger"" category on Thursday, April 27, making it another hot and humid day for Filipinos across the nation.",9 +6,LTO allows motorcycles below 200cc 3-yr. registration validity,5 +14,"WASHINGTON — President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Thursday (Washington time) he would meet with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the sidelines of the coronation of King Charles III.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – With all the news updates about Sara Duterte’s oath taking as vice president on Sunday, June 19, it’s not hard to miss this one detail: there are no mentions of her predecessor, outgoing Vice President Leni Robredo, witnessing the event.",12 +2,OVP opens a Batangas office for social and medical services,1 +13,"After expressing her willingness to be appointed as Secretary of the Department of Health (DOH), officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said Tuesday she has not yet discussed the matter with President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",12 +4,"VP Sara: ‘We must continue empowering, inspiring other women’",3 +7,"House panel chair eyes probe on contractual nurses, delayed compensation",6 +7,MANILA – The government is seeking to seize a helicopter allegedly owned by fugitive Negros Oriental lawmaker Arnolfo Teves that was reportedly used to transport to Mindanao the attackers of slain governor Roel Degamo.,6 +7,13 more charges to be filed vs. Degamo slay suspects,6 +2,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—A global intends to expand in the Philippines by investing USD 200 million in a new research and development (R&D) facility in Cavite.",1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing Vice President Leni Robredo is planning to replicate her free telemedicine platform Bayanihan E-Konsulta to serve various localities across the country even beyond the coronavirus pandemic.",8 +14,"Philippines to review tripartite agreement with US, Japan —Marcos",13 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made an official visit to the Philippines on Saturday, August 6, making him the second top diplomat to meet with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",13 +6,SolGen insists war on drugs was a legitimate law enforcement effort,5 +9,"The number of reported fatalities due to the effects of bad weather since January 1 has reached 45, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) on Saturday.",8 +8,"MANILA – This year's ""Balikatan"" exercise will allow the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to use its most modern weapons systems and newly-developed doctrines in projecting the so-called credible defense posture, the country's military chief said Tuesday.",7 +7,PNP working with DOJ to place suspects in Salilig’s death on Immigration watch list,6 +1,LIST: Projects to be funded by DOTR’s P167.1 billion budget in 2023,0 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Pasay City Regional Trial Court Branch 109 junked the cases against the two remaining Japanese fugitives in the country, paving the way for their deportation, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said on Tuesday, February 7.",4 +7,"DOJ to replace Negros Oriental prosecutors to remove bias, doubt in Degamo slay probe",6 +10,Southbound lane of EDSA-Ortigas flyover closed for repairs,9 +6,"Solon pushes bill banning ‘no permit, no exam’ policy",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, on Monday, January 23, said his wife, First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos, has no role in policy-making and is only consulted for “legal” matters.",12 +10,"MANILA – A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Occidental Mindoro 28 seconds past midnight on Saturday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said.",9 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Airport and bus terminals, along with seaports, are all gearing up for the expected Holy Week rush, which could see millions of passengers returning to their home provinces in the next few days.",9 +7,"The Commission on Human Rights has launched a probe into the ongoing spate of violence targeting government officials, including the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 +8,MANILA – The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) is mulling augmenting the security measures around the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) after the alleged by several screening personnel.,7 +11,"MANILA – The Minor Basilica of San Sebastian in Quiapo, the only steel building church in the country and in Asia, is in a state of and needs to be restored at the soonest possible time, a Manila lawmaker said on Monday.",10 +10,"The Bureau of Immigration (BI) will start on Saturday, April 15), the electronic registration of arriving and departing passengers to simplify immigration procedures and clearances.",9 +7,"Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Monday said that the ""makeshift"" firing range within the property of former Negros Oriental governor Pryde Henry Teves is illegal.",6 +6,CCC’s call for climate action raised in LMP nat’l assembly,5 +14,"US Vice President Harris, PH President Marcos to discuss Taiwan – envoy",13 +9,PH logs 113 new COVID-19 cases,8 +5,Creation of dept of water resources management pushed,4 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Thursday, January 19, 2023",9 +5,MARINA slaps cease-and-desist orders vs owner of MT Princess Empress,4 +10,"LPA, 'amihan' to dampen parts of Luzon",9 +13,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez has capped what had been a very hectic schedule in Washington DC in the United States (US) with a historic meeting with his American counterpart, Speaker Kevin McCarthy.",12 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Former foreign secretary Albert del Rosario, best remembered for helping bring China to court, died at the age of 83, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced on Tuesday, April 18.",14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Appointments (COA) on Wednesday, September 14, confirmed the appointments of Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla and Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos.",12 +2,Plastic card shortage forces LTO to extend validity of expiring driver's license,1 +7,"No need for 4 suspects to be state witnesses, says Degamo lawyer",6 +9,Nationwide earthquake drill for the ‘Big One’ set on March 9 –OCD,8 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The  Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) stands to absorb losses of over P200 million because it could not claim for reimbursement from the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) for COVID-19 swab tests taken by arriving overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) during the height of the pandemic.",0 +9,"76 deaths due to drowning, vehicular accidents recorded during Holy Week —PNP",8 +13,Marcos picks Erwin Tulfo to be next DSWD secretary,12 +7,"House leaders meet PNP, DILG over attacks vs. local execs",6 +13,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte recorded “big majority” approval and trust scores in the March 2023 OCTA survey results released on Wednesday, April 19.",12 +2,"DPWH completes Nueva Vizcaya public market, boosts small scale entrepreneurs",1 +7,Dogs foil Marikina City home invasion,6 +12,Farmers to PH gov’t: Support organic farming,11 +13,Padilla: House should yield con-con position to Senate con-ass reso,12 +7,CIDG launches hunt vs. ex-BuCor execs in Lapid murder case,6 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte claimed on Thursday, April 7, that he has already used up his intelligence funds during the pandemic.",0 +14,"The expanded Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) between the Philippines and the United States (US) should not be used by the latter as a reason to turn the Philippines into a staging area for offense against China, Senator Robinhood Padilla said on Wednesday, April 12.",13 +7,Most of ranking PNP officials linked to illegal drugs submitted resignations —Azurin,6 +2,The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) recently inaugurated a “plant-based water” treatment facility in Subic  that can further help improve the water quality in the area.,1 +6,Senate panel kicks off hearings on measures seeking to boost PPP,5 +12,Majority of Filipinos unhappy with Marcos gov’t strategy vs inflation – Pulse Asia,11 +14,"PH, Kuwait eye talks after halt on deployment of first-time OFWs",13 +6,"What is the ‘consensus bill’ that seeks mandatory NCST, optional ROTC?",5 +9,"DOH reports 858 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 5,293",8 +15,"First Lady Liza, sons celebrate Easter",14 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. believes that the Philippines and the United States should bolster their already strong, long-standing ties to bring peace and prosperity to both countries.",13 +15,"Family, friends, and colleagues took to social media on Wednesday to remember and pay tribute to the late President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III on his 63rd birthday.",14 +14,"BANGKOK, Thailand – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. – fresh off a meeting with his Chinese counterpart in Thailand – downplayed on Saturday, November 19, the possible tension an visit by United States Vice President Kamala Harris would add to relations between Manila and Beijing.",13 +2,Marcos tasks CHED to help address shortage of nurses,1 +7,Teves says alleged Degamo 'mastermind' was his former bodyguard,6 +11,MANILA – Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Secretary Susan Ople is urging all overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) fleeing war-torn Sudan to keep their “bayanihan spirit” alive amid the challenges they encounter on their way to the Egyptian border.,10 +13,"More open gov’t, more opportunities to do better: DBM chief",12 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Budget Management (DBM) will be holding various capacity-building, trainings, and seminars to help prepare local government units (LGUs) for the devolution of functions to localities.",1 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Tuesday, April 25 said the easterlies or the warm from the Pacific Ocean will still be the dominant weather system in the country in the next 24 hours.",9 +2,Philippines gets new training aircraft from US,1 +5,"SC upholds House journal over videos, photos; dismisses petitions vs. TRAIN Law",4 +13,"BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – Less than one year into Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s presidency, he has already appointed two Philippine National Police (PNP) chiefs.",12 +10,"The Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) will soon start processing the applications of around 10,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who signified interest in the government’s housing program.",9 +13,MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. said he will a sole name to President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to be the next chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP).,12 +13,DOTr recognized for eco-friendly transport projects,12 +9,"At least 121 new cases of Omicron subvariants have been detected in the country, according to the Department of Health (DOH).",8 +5,"The House labor and has approved a bill seeking to protect workers' organizations from interference by their employers or government authorities, Kabataan party-list Representative Raoul Manuel said Thursday.",4 +14,MANILA – The South Korean envoy to the Philippines on Wednesday sought help from the Department of Justice (DOJ) to expedite the repatriation of three Korean nationals back to their home country.,13 +7,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Tuesday ordered his men to address political violence, including those that are stemmed from illegal drug trade, as such crimes are today's biggest threats in the country.",6 +8,"MANILA – Foreign recruitment agencies in Bahrain to ensure the protection of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in the Gulf state, Kabayan Party-list Rep. Ron Salo said Thursday.",7 +7,Negros Oriental congressman Teves denies role in Degamo killing,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least one of the guns used in the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo slipped through the custody of the local police and ended up in the hands of the suspects in the killing, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) said during a Senate inquiry on Monday, April 17.",6 +2,"The national government has provided P548-million aid to Pola, Oriental Mindoro as part of the assistance due to the adverse effects of the oil spill that hit the town.",1 +6,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on second reading a bill that seeks to provide specialized health services to the general public by establishing specialty care center in select hospitals in all regions of the Philippines based on the prevalence and burden of disease.,5 +10,"DepEd says no class suspension amid transport holiday, urges ‘alternative delivery modes’",9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) warned on Thursday, April 14, that if Filipinos continued to with quarantine rules, a COVID-19 surge of as high as 500,000 active cases in Metro Manila by mid-May could happen.",8 +6,"A bill seeking to impose stiffer penalties, including imprisonment, against nuisance candidates has been filed in the Senate.",5 +15,Hotter days ahead as 'amihan' seen to end this week - PAGASA,14 +9,NKTI proposes lifetime support for dialysis patients,8 +7,"MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) said an investigation is underway to determine possible gaps that have triggered the shooting incident at the headquarters of the 4th Infantry Division (4ID) in Cagayan de Oro City that left five soldiers dead, including the perpetrator.",6 +14,"The USS America (LHA-6), an amphibious assault ship of the US Navy, is currently docked at the Port of Manila to give its crew time for rest and recreation, according to a report by JP Soriano on ""24 Oras.""",13 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. believes that well-studied infrastructure projects from previous administrations must continue for the benefit of the nation.,12 +13,Tansingco tells BI frontliners: Remain focused amid controversies,12 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines (UP) released on Tuesday, March 21, the results of its college admissions for academic year 2022-2023.",14 +9,"The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) on Sunday said it has placed Benguet and 25 other areas under Alert Level 2 from April 15 to 30, 2023 as part of the COVID-19 response.",8 +7,DOJ junks murder complaint vs cops tagged in labor leader’s death,6 +15,UPCAT 2024 application opens on Wednesday,14 +3,"VP Duterte's Eid'l Fitr message: Put Ramadan learnings, insights into practice",2 +1,PH sends initial batch of durian exports to China,0 +15,"No one hit the jackpot prizes for the major lotto games of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offices (PCSO) in its 9 p.m. draw on Tuesday, May 2.",14 +15,The First family joined Filipino Christians in celebrating Easter Sunday by posting on their social media accounts.,14 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Saturday offered a P5 million reward for anyone who can give information on who was behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +5,The Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional a clause in a collective bargaining agreement that set a lower mandatory retirement age for female flight attendants than for male cabin crew.,4 +8,DND ordered to suppress 'criminal activities' in Negros Island,7 +7,Ex-cop tagged in Dacer-Corbito murder case arrested in Bulacan,6 +6,Padilla files bill recognizing civil effect of church decreed annulment,5 +14,"Philippines, France vow cooperation vs. HIV, dengue, other diseases",13 +7,De Lima camp: No 'thread of evidence' of Colanggo's drug link claims,6 +11,Kadiwa offers affordable products to workers on Labor Day,10 +2,CHED says more personnel needed to monitor maritime schools,1 +9,Villafuerte explains why a state of calamity must be declared in all ASF-stricken areas,8 +3,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Friday urged the graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) to be morally upright and be catalysts of restoring the public's trust in the police force.",2 +7,[WATCH] In The Public Square with John Nery: The killing of Percy Lapid and the Palace purge,6 +13,Marcos: ‘No basis’ for Remulla to resign over son’s arrest,12 +6,DOTr eyes agency-to-agency procurement of driver’s license cards,5 +7,"BOC finds P90-M smuggled sugar, cigarettes in 5 container vans",6 +1,PBBM wants detailed cropping time to protect local agri sector,0 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said the previous administration's executive order mandating the full devolution of basic services from the national government agencies to the local government units (LGUs) is not an alternative to the proposed Charter amendments being pushed in Congress.,12 +14,"WASHINGTON —President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said he does not feel alluded to with the latest remark of China opposing any meddling in the South China Sea.",13 +9,"The Department of Health on Monday, April 17, reiterated to achieve a malaria-free nation by 2030.",8 +2,"The national government has provided P300 million for special training and education of policemen on further improving law enforcement capabilities, particularly on digital innovations amid the prevalence of cybercrime in the country.",1 +13,Voters list for BSKE 2023 out by August - Comelec,12 +8,AFP refuses to comment on PH-China vessels incident in Spratlys,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte on Sunday, July 31, expressed condolences for the death of former president Fidel Ramos.",12 +7,Forty-nine officials and personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP) were found to have criminal and administrative liability in connection with the 990-kg shabu confiscated in Manila last year.,6 +14,OCD: Gov’t evaluating quake-hit Syria’s appeal for help,13 +7,Ex-DBM undersecretary walks free from 11 PDAF-related charges,6 +9,"MANILA – In line with the observance of Women's Month, a barangay in Pasig City on Friday gifted women residents by providing free breast and cervical cancer screening.",8 +13,LIVESTREAM: Marcos holds press briefing on Luzon earthquake,12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) recently acquitted a broadcast journalist of libel charges filed by Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia.",6 +12,"More than half of Filipinos believe that the lack of classrooms must top the Department of Education's (DepEd) priorities, according to a Pulse Asia by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian.",11 +2,LTO: DOTr order to centralize procurement leads to shortage of driver's license plastic card,1 +8,"MANILA – Two Philippine Air Force (PAF) S-70i ""Black utility helicopters along with similar American aircraft took part in the ""long range multi-ship assault exercise"" at Paredes Air Station, Ilocos Norte last April 23.",7 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Around 36% of adult Filipinos are dissatisfied with the response of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s administration to inflation or controlling the price of basic goods, according to an October survey conducted by OCTA Research.",11 +6,The United Filipino Seafarers Labor Federation's (UFS) backing of House Bill (HB) No.7325 or the proposed Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers gives the measure credibility.,5 +6,"Proposed MUP pension reforms must only apply to new entrants, says Go",5 +7,High school student in police custody after bringing hand grenade to school --- DepEd,6 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – After an ease in COVID-19 restrictions, Filipino Catholics once again received cross-shaped ashes on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday, March 2. For the past two years, the Catholic Church had been forced to modify the Ash Wednesday ritual to keep churchgoers safe from COVID-19.",10 +14,"Marcos, Czech PM Fiala meet in Malacañang for bilateral talks",13 +13,"Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the second of his name to be elected Philippine president, officially begins his term at noon on June 30, 2022.",12 +15,Magnitude 5.9 quake jolts Davao de Oro anew,14 +15,"Foreign embassies have expressed their condolences over the death of former Philippine top diplomat Albert Del Rosario, who died Tuesday  while in transit to the United States.",14 +7,Azurin challenged to tell all about P6.7-B shabu ‘cover-up’,6 +2,"LTFRB opens 10,300 more slots for TNVS in Metro Manila",1 +15,"The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) will give away free P100 worth of Grand Lotto 6/55 tickets on Wednesday, April 19, to celebrate the game's 13th anniversary.",14 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has designated Abdulraof Macacua and Bai Mariam Mangudadatu as officers-in-charge (OICs) of the newly created provinces of Maguindanao del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur, respectively.",12 +15,No lotto jackpot winners in April 20 evening draw --- PCSO,14 +13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday called on councilors to support the priority legislations of his administration, particularly those that will empower local government units to discharge their responsibilities more effectively.",12 +1,Romualdez vows passage of bills to sustain economic growth,0 +6,House panel tackles proposed automatic refund for telco service outages,5 +7,NBI urged to investigate doc who supposedly refused to aid alleged hazing victim Salilig,6 +7,"Military recovers mines, ammo after Albay encounter with alleged NPA rebels",6 +7,Philippine National Police - Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) director Police Brigadier General Narciso Domingo on Tuesday said he and nine other police officers will file for a leave of absence to give way to the investigation into the P6.7-billion shabu case.,6 +13,Former Pandan Antique mayor Jonathan Dioso Tan is the new chairman of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA).,12 +14,"China enjoins Asian countries to uphold ‘strategic independence’, nix ‘external interference’",13 +9,"WHO reports decline in new COVID-19 cases, deaths globally",8 +13,"CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – The Senate’s two-member minority won’t be an obstructionist but would see to it that all measures proposed by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’ allies are scrutinized first, Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III said on Thursday, July 28.",12 +9,Philippines grants emergency use of Sinovac vaccine for kids 6 and up,8 +1,"Marcos: Railway projects to spur economic activities, promote environmental sustainability",0 +5,WATCH: Duterte’s drug war ‘clearly unconstitutional’ – Carpio,4 +6,House OKs bill expanding list of discriminatory acts vs women,5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Friday, October 28, due to Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae).",9 +11,"MANILA – Senators urged the national government to recover the Masungi Rock Formation in Tanay town, Rizal province that is currently included in the 300-hectare property owned by the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor).",10 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Seven months after the May 9 elections, former vice president Leni Robredo addressed the question that her supporters had been asking since she lost the presidential race to Ferdinand Marcos Jr.: Why didn’t she file an electoral protest?",12 +15,"Feb. 27 Grand, Mega Lotto draws produce 3 millionaires",14 +7,"PNP-CIDG ordered to submit more evidence on charges of illegal possession of firearms, explosives vs Teves, 2 sons",6 +14,Japanese experts to help curb oil spill to leave for PH March 10,13 +13,"Malacañang on Tuesday announced the latest appointments under the administration of President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.",12 +7,Biggest in PH history: BOC Zamboanga destroys P1.43B worth of smuggled cigarettes,6 +14,"Xi vows ‘compromise’ over fisherfolk plight, says Marcos",13 +14,"A code of conduct in the South China Sea that is being negotiated by China and the Association of Southeast Asian nations should be legally binding and is “the most important” undertaking by Beijing and the regional group to prevent and manage conflicts in the disputed waters, Indonesia’s ambassador to Manila said.",13 +10,"Students who are forced to take a different senior high school (SHS) strand from the one they prefer due to unavailability face more costs at the tertiary education level, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said Tuesday.",9 +6,"Evacuate Pinoys from Sudan ASAP, solon tells DFA, DMW",5 +12,"Anakpawis: Cha-cha unnecessary as 1987 Constitution, laws generous to foreigners",11 +9,OCTA: NCR COVID-19 positivity rate rises to 7.2%,8 +6,"The government will review the 2017 Omnibus Franchising Guidelines, which serves as the framework for the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP), Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said Wednesday.",5 +7,"PDEA, PNP nab 4 suspects, dismantle drug den in Laguna buy-bust",6 +6,Senator Ronald ‘’Bato’’ dela Rosa is optimistic that a bill making Reserved Officers Training Course (ROTC) mandatory in colleges as well as in technical and vocational courses would be enacted into law before the end of 2023.,5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Various healthcare workers under the Alliance of Health Workers (AHW) filed administrative and against serial red-tagger Undersecretary Lorraine Badoy over defamation and red-tagging of their leaders.",6 +13,Marcos names ex-SAF commander Lazo as new PDEA chief,12 +12,Advocacy group highlights importance of integrating civic education in all subjects,11 +7,"The Sandiganbayan has denied the motion of former Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) chairman Efraim C. Genuino to reopen the presentation of evidence in his graft and malversation cases involving the P26.7 million purchase of tickets of ""Baler"" movie in 2019.",6 +6,Senate concurs with PH ratification of Arms Trade Treaty,5 +6,Proposed National Land Use Act moves forward in House,5 +7,DOJ preparing cases over MT Princess Empress sinking - Remulla,6 +5,Pasay court junks cases vs remaining Japanese fugitives in PH,4 +13,"For inauguration, threat hangs over anti-Marcos protesters",12 +10,"The newly-created provinces of Maguindanao del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur can expect that there will be greater peace and sustainable economic development for its people, the Department of National Defense (DND) and Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity (OPAPRU) said on Saturday, April 29.",9 +6,"Senator Alan Peter Cayetano on Tuesday suggested creating the sovereign fund first before establishing the Maharlika Investment Corporation (MIC).   ""Given the doubts, given the criticisms, the administrative [work], and putting the money together, you could create in two [or] three months the Maharlika Fund in the existing funds, then test it a year or three years already,"" Cayetano said in an interview with reporters.   ""So by that time, midterm pa lang, 2026, kung talagang nagwo-work at talagang maganda at nakikinabang ang Pilipino, it would be an easy way to pass the corporation,"" he added.   (So by that time, around midterm in 2026, if it works and is proven beneficial to Filipinos, it would be easy to pass the corporation.)",5 +7,"MANILA – The restoration of the death penalty would ensure that the Queen Leanne Daguinsin robbery-slay will never happen again, a lawmaker said on Monday.",6 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has conveyed appreciation for Singapore's state sovereign fund non-profit philanthropic arm for its several projects in the Philippines.",13 +1,DA OKs 440K MT refined sugar import to temper prices,0 +15,"Noted journalist and former dean of the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Mass Communication Luis V. Teodoro has passed away, a colleague said on Tuesday morning.",14 +13,"Senator Robin Padilla on Thursday said he will join his ally, Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa in jail if the latter is arrested by the International Criminal Court (ICC).",12 +9,"The increasing number of new COVID-19 cases in the country is still insignificant as hospital utilization remains manageable, according to Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire on Tuesday.",8 +13,Ex-Duterte DILG spokesman Malaya now part of National Security Council,12 +13,MANILA – Davao City 1st District Rep. Paolo Duterte on Sunday underscored the importance of creating an additional division in the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) to further improve the quasi-judicial body’s handling of labor cases.,12 +6,Drama ensues as House revives SOGIE bill discussions,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – A leaking fuel tanker that sank off the central Philippines three weeks ago has been found using an underwater robot from Japan, a provincial governor said on Tuesday, March 21, as authorities sought more foreign help to address the oil spill.",13 +9,Parents were reminded by the Department of Health (DOH) to be cautious when their children are swimming in beaches or pools to avoid incidence of drowning.,8 +9,"At least 62 people died of drowning while four others died of vehicular accident since the start of the Holy Week break, the Philippine National Police (PNP) reported on Monday, April 10.",8 +6,"PPA says yard utilization rate improving, no port congestion in January 2023",5 +9,"DOH posts 165 new COVID-19 cases; active tally down to 8,615",8 +7,Senator Francis Tolentino will take up with visiting European Parliament members the proposed Senate resolution defending former President Rodrigo Duterte from an investigation by the International Criminal Court.,6 +2,"After two weeks in Turkey's Adiyaman City helping save earthquake victims, the Philippine Urban Search and Rescue or USAR Team is preparing to head back home.",1 +2,Japan turns over biogas digester to Pasig City,1 +5,Senator Robin Padilla on Sunday said the party-list system should be abolished as initiatives to amend the 1987 Constitution through a constitutional convention continue.,4 +15,MMSU Batac grad tops March 2023 physicians licensure examination,14 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula is leading the fiesta Mass for the Feast of the Black Nazarene at the Quirino Grandstand at midnight on Monday, January 9.",9 +10,Portions of Roxas Blvd. to close for LRT-1 Cavite extension works,9 +13,The Marcos Cabinet: A Rappler Talk series,12 +14,US to reaffirm ‘ironclad commitment' to PH,13 +7,MANILA – Two police officers from Philippine National Police-Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) have so far filed for a leave of absence pending investigation of the case of a police sergeant who yielded 990 kilograms of shabu worth PHP6.7 billion in an operation in Manila last year.,6 +13,"The Marcos administration should bare its ultimate goal behind the decision to increase the number of Philippine military bases accessible to American soldiers under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) between the Philippines and United States, House Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto of Batangas said Friday.",12 +6,LTO simplifies driver license applicant exams,5 +7,The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Monday denied allegations that the police sold Chinese workers who were rescued in Las Piñas in 2021 to other illegal Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs).,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Rear Admiral Toribio Adaci Jr. took the helm as the Philippine Navy’s new Flag Officer in Command on Thursday, November 24, making him the first navy chief who will serve a fixed three-year term until 2025.",12 +9,Philippines detects 2 new cases of monkeypox,8 +7,Ejercito seeks relief of entire PNP-Region 7 over Degamo slay,6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday logged 86 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally decreased to 9,203.",8 +5,Sandiganbayan clears ex-PCGG chief Sabio of malversation,4 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court has junked the disqualification and cancellation of certificate of candidacy (COC) cases against president-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. The two cases were consolidated.",4 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – The chance of winning the government-sponsored Grand Lotto in the Philippines was one in 28.9 million, but on Saturday night, October 1, a total of 433 lottery bettors had the same",14 +7,Customs finds P120 million in suspected smuggled food products in Navotas,6 +2,"Senator Risa Hontiveros on Wednesday, April 26 has found it unnecessary for the government to raise rice buffer stocks in National Food Authority (NFA) warehouses in preparation for the El Niño or the prolonged dry weather season that is expected to develop early in May.",1 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines said on Saturday, March 4, it had spotted a Chinese navy ship and dozens of militia vessels around a contested Philippine-occupied island in the South China Sea, as territorial tensions mount in the area.",7 +8,"PNP to deploy 18,000 cops for long weekend, Labor Day",7 +7,MANILA – Two females who posed as Muslims to be able to leave the country and work abroad were recently intercepted by officers of the Travel Control and Enforcement Unit (TCEU) of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3.,6 +7,The kin of the 34 missing online cockfighting or “e-sabong” enthusiasts have called on gaming tycoon Charlie “Atong” Ang to fulfill his promise and help with the investigation of the victims’ sudden disappearance.,6 +7,MANILA – The Department of Education (DepEd) on Monday said it will refer to the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) the filing of charges against officials and personnel involved in the alleged overpriced laptop procurement.,6 +14,Philippines intends to give cash donation to quake-hit Syria — OCD,13 +7,"The immigration officer who allegedly asked a passenger to show her yearbook has been relieved from post, Bureau of Immigration (BI) spokesperson Dana Sandoval said Tuesday.",6 +14,DFA tells China: Respect PH rights over West PH Sea,13 +10,No class suspension despite weeklong transport strike: DepEd,9 +7,Bato wants cops linked to P6.7-billion shabu removed from posts,6 +7,"MANILA – Thirteen more criminal charges would be filed in days against the suspects in the March 4 attack that killed Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. said Monday.",6 +3,Rappler Talk: What will stop sexual harassment in schools?,2 +6,"Bill seeking refund for bad telco, internet service filed in Senate",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Prospero de Vera III is keeping his post as chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed him to the same role.",12 +14,"The Chinese Embassy in Manila on Sunday, April 16, accused reports of misquoting or misinterpreting the remarks made by Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian about the fate of some 150,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan amid the intensified Philippine-United States (US) military ties.",13 +6,"Prioritize developing a thriving national innovation system, Legarda tells gov’t",5 +6,The House of Representatives on Tuesday vowed to pursue more evidence-based legislation after inking a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with Ateneo de Manila University’s Department of Economics and Center for Economic Research and Development.,5 +13,"Following the resumption of the International Criminal Court (ICC)'s probe into former President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs, former Philippine National Police Chief and now Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Saturday said he was not denying that abuses occurred in the drug war but noted that they waged it “to save humanity from the drug crisis.”",12 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Tuesday, September 27, in the wake of Super Typhoon Karding (Noru).",9 +7,The legal team of suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag is now looking at strategies following the filing of two counts of murder filed against him before  the Las Piñas and Muntinlupa regional trial courts.,6 +7,Army blames CPP-NPA-NDF for soldier’s killing in Occ. Mindoro,6 +13,PNP chief fetes HPG's vital role in upholding road safety,12 +13,Scrapped West PH Sea oil talks with China give Marcos ‘clean slate’,12 +2,Marcos seeks ways to exploit West PH Sea resources without China deal,1 +8,PNP heightens offensive vs. Reds in Bicol,7 +13,PBBM hints at new Cabinet members after one-year ban on losing candidates,12 +4,"CHR seeks gov’t reparations, Japanese apology for ‘comfort women’",3 +7,MARINA penalizes foreign vessels over ‘suspicious activities’,6 +6,"What to do in contradictory findings by employer, seafarer physicians on claims for disability benefits",5 +7,Makabayan bloc seeks inquiry into Davao model Yvonette Plaza's death,6 +6,"MANILA – The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on third and final reading a bill giving the President the power to suspend the scheduled increase of premium payments of “direct contributors” to the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) and adjust the period of implementation during national emergencies or calamities, or when public interest so requires.",5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The assigned values of two prized Marcos jewelry collections have dropped by 67% as of 2021 in the financial statements of the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG).",12 +13,Marcos Jr. returns to Malacañang: What we know so far,12 +9,The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) on Wednesday has activated its “high-risk” emergency preparedness protocol for the possible impact of Tropical Depression Amang.,8 +13,"Revilla urges NegOr solon to come home, face accusations",12 +3,Dumaguete diocese warns vs. solicitation using bishop's name,2 +14,"Invoking MDT would only escalate tension between PH, China: PBBM",13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – Under Philippine laws, the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) are tasked with protecting the archipelago during times of conflict.",7 +6,"On the occasion of Earth Month this April, Davao City 1st district Rep. Paolo Dutere is highlighting a measure he filed earlier in the 19th Congress seeking to regulate the manufacture, sale, use, and importation of single-use plastic products.",5 +1,"Marcos brings home ‘promise of new investments,’ Maharlika Fund tips from Swiss trip",0 +12,A group of education workers expressed concern about the new curriculum for Kinder to Grade 10 noting that it will essentially weaken the sense of nationalism among learners in the primary years of schooling.,11 +15,Josefa Marcos nagsinungaling din tungkol sa papel niya sa World War II,14 +3,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. lauded women who display courage and determination in life.,2 +9,DOH reports cases of Omicron subvariant XBB.1.9.1,8 +6,The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has set up guidelines in the removal and reinstallation of informative road signs and street lights to ensure that they are placed in proper locations during road expansion projects.,5 +2,LWUA to roll out infra to ensure enough water resources amid El Niño threat,1 +14,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Tuesday, April 25, received Ecuador’s Non-resident Ambassador to the Philippines Santiago Javier Chavez Pareja. They discussed opening more opportunities for deepening the ties between the two countries.",13 +9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) is not considering the reimplementation of the face mask mandate despite the increase in coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases.,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The website of Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) was inaccessible as of early Friday afternoon, August 12, after it barred the distribution of books that contain supposedly “anti-government” text in schools and public libraries.",12 +14,"4 new EDCA sites to allow 'seamless' response of US, PH troops",13 +9,Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire on Friday discussed with French Ambassador to the Philippines Michele Boccoz the renewed health cooperation and partnership for public health between both nations.,8 +10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, October 26, 2022",9 +9,"The government will try to bring Filipinos to safety out of Sudan during the 72-hour ceasefire observance in the war-torn country, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said.",8 +5,"House constitutional amendments panel chairperson Rufus Rodriguez on Tuesday conceded that Constitutional convention (con-con) delegates would be authorized to introduce political amendments to the 1987 Constitution, including changes to the Bill of Rights and the grounds for declaring martial law.",4 +7,"MANILA – Anyone negligent should be held accountable for the deaths of 29 passengers of M/V Lady Mary Joy 3, which caught fire late Wednesday evening off the waters of Basilan province.",6 +2,MANILA – Former Energy Secretary Vicente Perez Jr. Tuesday said the proposed reduction to the onsite work in government offices will definitely cut energy consumption but the delivery of services must not be negatively affected.,1 +9,2nd COVID-19 boosters to be made available to general population — DOH,8 +14,PH discussing possible aid to quake-hit Syria: DFA,13 +9,DOTr raises concern over increase in deaths due to road accidents,8 +2,DOTr chief Bautista: Another vehicle plate shortage looms,1 +8,"Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez led House leaders in a meeting with Philippine National Police (PNP) and Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) officials to address the ""alarming"" series of armed attacks against elected local officials.",7 +6,Congressman echoes call to extend SIM card registration period,5 +1,P17.7-B allocated to support PH tourism infra dev’t - DBM,0 +7,"Revilla alarmed over alleged PNP, NBI data breach; calls for probe",6 +7,One of the suspects who allegedly buried hazing victim John Matthew Salilig surrendered to authorities on Thursday.,6 +13,The House minority bloc won't oppose the planned merger of the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) for as long as Filipino farmers and fishermen won't get left out in the cold.,12 +7,"The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) seeks to file against suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. over the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others by next week, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Thursday.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Cliche as it may sound, each and every presidential inauguration is one for the books. On June 30, 2022, the country bears witness to another transfer of power: from President Rodrigo Duterte to president-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",12 +10,DICT: Phone users have 30 days left for SIM registration,9 +7,State-run broadcaster People's Television Network (PTV) on Tuesday afternoon announced that its official YouTube account has been “compromised.”,6 +14,Filipinos can travel to Taiwan visa-free starting September 29,13 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Many social media users and some lawmakers have lambasted the Bureau of Customs (BOC) for supposedly nitpicking on Philippine Airlines (PAL) crew members who brought in 40 kilos of undeclared onions and fruits when the agency should be focusing on running after large-scale smugglers instead.",11 +7,The lawyer of Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves said he made sure that there would be no deadly weapon at the lawmaker's residence in Quezon City should a raid be conducted in its premises.,6 +12,"Marcos, Duterte maintain high approval, trust ratings in March 2023 Pulse Asia survey",11 +13,Former Philippine presidents mourn death of Fidel Ramos,12 +8,Harris: We’ll defend PH if attacked in South China Sea,7 +15,"Tarlac 1st District Representative Carlos “Charlie” Cojuangco has died, his wife China Jocson announced on Tuesday, February 22.",14 +5,ICC prosecutor opposes PH appeal to suspend probe into drug war killings,4 +9,"Gov’t to hold special vaccination days in Davao, Cebu province, BARMM",8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Just as promised by his allies and relatives in Congress, and as hoped for by his budget chief, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. signed on Friday, December 16, the 2023 General Appropriations Act or the budget for the year.",5 +8,"DND, AFP committed to preserving peace in Bangsamoro",7 +2,DA invests in next agri-fishery generation for food security,1 +14,"MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito Galvez Jr. said the government will seek the help of the country's allies and partners to mitigate the adverse effects of the oil spill which was caused by the sinking of the M/T Princess Empress off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.",13 +6,"MANILA – Changes have been made in Senate Bill No. (SBN) 2020 or the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) Act of 2023 to address various issues and concerns raised by senators and other stakeholders, the sponsor of the measure said on Monday.",5 +9,Reported death toll due to bad weather now 44 —NDRRMC,8 +11,MANILA – House Deputy Minority Leader Representative Mujiv Hataman has filed a bill seeking to mandate the inclusion of Arabic language or Islamic values education in the Philippine basic education system to make it more responsive and inclusive to the diversity of learning needs of Filipino students.,10 +13,"Marcos on shake-up: AFP faced ‘seniority’ problem, ex-NSA found job ‘political’",12 +9,"MANILA – Senator Raffy Tulfo on Thursday expressed alarm over the continued increase in the number of people diagnosed with autism in the country, which include even those without family history of autism.",8 +11,Officials of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) led on Saturday of the 124th anniversary of the start of the Philippine-American War.,10 +6,House OKs bill halting mother tongue-based learning in kindergarten to Grade 3,5 +4,"Diversity is not an obstacle, but a potent moving force.",3 +9,"Pregnancy among 10 to 14-year-olds still high in 2022 at over 2,000 –POPCOM",8 +7,Firearm used in Degamo slay slipped through PNP custody – NBI,6 +2,MANILA – The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said the results of the Philippine Statistics Authority Labor Force Survey (LFS) for February reflects the continuous improvement in the employment situation.,1 +9,Tulfo airs concern over possible effects of earthquakes on informal settlers,8 +7,13 CIDG cops not yet off the hook over robbery-extortion raps,6 +1,"Marcos: Private firm, MSME, farmer partnerships transforming agri industry",0 +8,"PNP inspects bus terminals, airports ahead of Holy Week exodus",7 +6,VP Duterte wants stop to Philippine education’s ‘further deterioration’,5 +8,"ABOARD PHILIPPINES COAST GUARD PLANE, South China Sea – As a Philippine coast guard aircraft flew over the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea on Thursday, March 9, a message came in over the radio telling it to immediately leave “Chinese territory.”",7 +1,"MANILA – The approved Senate measure that seeks to institutionalize the One Town, One Product (OTOP) program will promote local products of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and boost economic growth through jobs.",0 +14,TOKYO — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has invited Japan’s imperial couple to visit the Philippines.,13 +9,4 hurt after MRT-3 train activates emergency brake,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte is accorded departure honors at Malacañang Palace on his last day in office, Thursday, June 30.",12 +7,Suspect in 'gov't appointments scam' falls in Taguig,6 +13,Robredo: We did not see evidence of cheating in 2022 elections,12 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Monday registered 87 new COVID-19 infections—the lowest new number of coronavirus cases since February  28.,8 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – Hindi na kailangan pang lumabas ng Metro Manila para lang alalahanin ang makasaysayang EDSA People Power Revolution na naganap mahigit tatlong dekada na ang nakararaan.",10 +12,"Law groups, NGOs slam red-tagging Badoy for vilifying PH fact-checkers",11 +6,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday asked President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to issue an ultimatum to the management of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) to fix the problems at the country’s main gateway.   Alternatively, the government can enter into a contract with foreign firms to manage NAIA, the Senate leader said at the Kapihan sa Manila Bay forum.",5 +13,"Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa said Wednesday the government's anti-illegal drugs campaign has less vigorous due to the International Criminal Court's investigation, and the exit of former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD).",12 +10,DepEd to lift awards suspension for non-graduating students,9 +10,"An estimated 1.37 million children aged five to 17 worked in 2021, the Philippine Statistics Authority's latest data on child labor showed.",9 +7,Anti-drug cop in P6.7-B shabu haul axed from service,6 +7,"NBI cracks down on human traffickers in Pasay, Cavite",6 +12,Advocacy groups on Monday appealed to the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to strengthen efforts to resolve the “vape epidemic” among the youth.,11 +9,"Local government units (LGUs) may now start the rollout of the second Covid-19 booster shot for the general population, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, April 18.",8 +1,"CEBU CITY, Philippines – Senator Francis Tolentino sees a conspiracy in the Department of Education’s (DepEd) allegedly overpriced P2.4-billion ($40.75 million) purchase of laptops.",0 +9,DOH not keen on reverting face mask mandate despite rising COVID-19 cases,8 +10,"Monday forecast: Warm weather, isolated rain showers",9 +8,Salaknib' troops train on tank defense tactics in Nueva Ecija,7 +7,"NCRPO cries foul, orders probe into fake, misleading Lenten robberies",6 +7,DOJ starts process to designate Arnie Teves a ‘terrorist’,6 +1,"The Philippine government is inclined to continue and increase the presence of Kadiwa stalls in the country as this will address food crisis and the high prices President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said on Monday.",0 +6,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has expressed full support to the Department of Education (DepEd) which gave schools the option to apply blended and alternative delivery modes (ADM) of learning to protect students from natural disasters and extreme climate conditions.,5 +8,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Tuesday called on the Philippine National Police (PNP) to consult and work with the Department of Education (DepEd) in protecting children in educational settings amid the series of violent incidents in schools.,7 +7,The House Committee on Agriculture and Food will continue its hearing on the agricultural hoarding-slash-price manipulation issue in May 11.,6 +13,From cops’ spy chief to chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP).,12 +9,PhilHealth to expand hemodialysis coverage,8 +14,Philippines to host 2nd ASEAN navy exercise,13 +14,Czech Republic PM arrives in Manila for official visit,13 +10,"Cloudy skies and scattered rain showers are expected in Mindanao due to the prevalence of rain-bearing cloud clusters associated with the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), said the state weather bureau on Sunday, April 30.",9 +6,"Zubiri eyes mandatory disclosure of students' fraternity, sorority membership",5 +10,MIAA announces new terminal assignments for airlines effective April 16,9 +8,The Armed Forces of the Philippines' Western Command on Wednesday said it would continue sovereignty and maritime patrols in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) even after a Chinese vessel recently pointed a military-grade laser at a Filipino ship in Ayungin Shoal.,7 +7,DOJ to file kidnap charges vs 3 cops in missing sabungero case in Laguna,6 +7,"PDEA destroys P4 billion worth of seized drugs, chemicals",6 +5,"Manila RTC postpones arraignment of six suspects in March 4 killings of Degamo, 8 other persons",4 +9,"The possibility of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program curing mental health problems may not be applicable for all learners as every person has different needs to be mentally healthy, Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said Tuesday.",8 +2,The Department of Health (DOH) said Monday it will sit with officials from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) this week to discuss reforms on how to pay the delayed COVID-19 special risk allowance of healthcare workers.,1 +13,"The word war between Cagayan Gov. Manuel Mamba and Senior Undersecretary Carlito Galvez Jr., officer in charge of the Department of National Defense (DND), is heating up as the two officials clashed over the establishment of four additional sites for the expansion of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).",12 +7,"The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Friday apologized to members of the media following an altercation after a drug operation, saying they are looking into the matter.",6 +2,"The Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) lauded on Monday, April 24, the launching of a new roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ferry by a pioneer in the Visayas which is expected to boost the maritime tourism in Cebu and Bohol.",1 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines, classified a “flawed democracy,” ranked 54 out of 167 countries in the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)’s 2021 Democracy Index.",13 +13,Incoming solicitor general Guevarra: From Aquino to Duterte and now Marcos,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In the latest reshuffle in the Philippine National Police (PNP), former PNP spokesperson Brigadier General Bernardo Banac has recently been named the new regional director of the Eastern Visayas police.",12 +14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. embarks on his third foreign trip in 2023, for an “official working visit” to Japan.",13 +8,13 artillery platoons certified ready for howitzer ops: PH Army,7 +13,"Be careful in choosing the next PNP chief, retiring Azurin warns PBBM",12 +14,"LIST: Japanese, PH entities sign 35 deals on various projects during Marcos visit",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Bantag was handed another suspension for allowing Sonshine Media Network International (SMNI) to interview retired general and convicted kidnapper Jovito Palparan inside the New Bilibid Prison (NBP).",6 +6,"Incoming PCOO chief to push for vlogger accreditation, review Palace coverage policies",5 +9,"At least 6,000 patients have been served by the Bayanihan E-Konsulta or free online medical consultation program of Angat Buhay, a non-profit unit chaired by former Vice President Leni Robredo.",8 +14,MANILA – Troops of the First Scout Ranger Regiment (FSSR) and the US Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC) kicked off their joint training activity aimed at improving the sniping capabilities of both forces in jungle and urban environments.,13 +15,"P3PWD Party-list nominee Rowena Guanzon is mighty proud of her father, retired Regional Trial Court (RTC) judge Sixto Roxas Guanzon.",14 +6,House mulls supplemental budget for Oriental Mindoro oil spill,5 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – After two years of implementing distance learning due to the pandemic, schools in the Philippines are set to return to face-to-face classes on Monday, August 22.",9 +7,"Army OKs court martial for Durante, 6 others over Davao model’s slay",6 +2,DOTr: Driver's license cards available by July ‘the earliest’,1 +1,‘Fine Christmas gift’: Marcos signs P5.2-trillion 2023 budget,0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Speaking before a 19th Congress dominated by his allies, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. laid out his administration’s priority bills.",12 +6,"To help farmers, Senate bets seek changes to rice tariffication law",5 +14,US visit to strengthen alliance amid 'turbulent times’ - Marcos,13 +14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos were among the guests from overseas who attended the reception at Buckingham Palace in London on Friday, a day before the coronation of King Charles III.",13 +10,MIAA vows to address long immigration queues at NAIA,9 +5,"MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has acquitted former Quezon 2nd District congressman Proceso Alcala of graft, malversation and falsification charges over alleged anomalies involving pork barrel funds amounting to PHP6 million.",4 +14,MANILA – Japan is extending visa exemption “mainly for Philippine government officials” as Tokyo and Manila seek to strengthen people-to-people exchanges.,13 +6,Lawmakers upset with lack of unified plan for better mental health service,5 +2,"5 cities, town in MM waterless March 8-10",1 +2,"Amid the looming water supply problems due to El Niño, the National Water Resource Board (NWRB) has decided to cut the water allocation for irrigation in various parts of the country starting May 10.",1 +13,PCO bares new appointees in Marcos admin,12 +8,Marcos to AFP: Be more agile not only militarily but also in diplomacy,7 +14,MANILA – The Philippines and Sweden are looking forward to concluding a framework for defense materiel acquisition.,13 +9,"DA steps up drive to further stabilize pork supply, revitalize swine industry amid ASF threat",8 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Monday said it has printed over 50 percent of the more than 90 million officials' ballots for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE), with over eight months before the polls.",12 +13,Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire on Tuesday said she is now ready if and when she will be appointed as the next secretary of the department.,12 +6,"Amid the plan of transport groups to hold a week-long strike, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista maintained the need to modernize public utility vehicles.",5 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – A ranking member of the House of Representatives filed a resolution asking on economic affairs and trade and industry to look into the alleged practices and cartel in the Philippines’ onion industry.",0 +14,"ON BOARD PRESIDENTIAL PLANE – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Sunday, April 30, said he will not let the Philippines “be used as a staging point” for military action, ahead of a bilateral meeting with United States President Joe Biden at the White House.",13 +7,Senator Risa Hontiveros on Monday urged the Senate to that the drug charges against Senator Leila de Lima be dropped.,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – For red-tagging Manila judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar, former anti-insurgency spokesperson Lorraine Badoy is facing legal actions initiated by lawyers, and the Supreme Court itself.",6 +2,"New EDCA sites named in Cagayan, Isabela, Palawan",1 +8,Philippines urged to conduct maritime patrols with other nations in WPS,7 +3,MANILA – The humanitarian and social action arm of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) will send aid to residents affected by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro.,2 +1,"MANILA – The ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world's biggest free trade agreement, shows the world that the Philippines to economic openness, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Wednesday.",0 +13,‘Grateful’ Duterte presides over last full Cabinet meeting of his administration,12 +7,"Senators: Make venue owners, schools liable for hazing deaths",6 +14,"The Philippines and the United States have scheduled two iterations of its newly revived joint exercise Cope Thunder for 2023, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) said Tuesday.",13 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Monday, October 10, that it was of the guards on duty which led to the attempted escape of three detainees and the hostage taking of detained former senator Leila de Lima.",6 +2,"The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) has activated another free Wi-Fi site in Central Luzon, but this time it was located in the municipality of Bulakan in the province of Bulacan.",1 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan cleared retired Philippine Army officers of graft charges stemming from the handling of funds for a planned trip to the United States that was canceled over two decades ago.",4 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. is keen on having more battery energy farms in the country, noting their significant role in ensuring enough energy supply and lowering the power cost.",1 +9,"DOH logs 843 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 7,037",8 +3,"MANILA, Philippines – The EDSA People Power Revolution proved Filipinos have the “power and dignity” to choose the destiny of our nation, according to Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula.",2 +9,"DOH logs 134 new COVID-19 cases; active tally hits 9,170",8 +14,PH announces fresh P5.4-M aid to Yemen,13 +7,3 Sikh extremists nabbed in joint cybercrime ops in Iloilo,6 +7,IACAT members enhance advocacy vs human trafficking in next 5 years,6 +13,Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Thursday disclosed that then-presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. promised him that the International Criminal Court (ICC) will not be able to touch even a single strand of his hair.,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – It would be “irrational” for the Philippines to close its borders following the detection of the country’s first case of the monkeypox virus, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, August 2.",8 +7,MANILA – Customs authorities have intercepted 18 containers of misdeclared red and yellow onions worth PHP77 million pesos.,6 +1,MANILA – Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on Tuesday data which showed that the government’s budget deficit narrowed by 3.35 percent year-on-year to PHP1.6 trillion in 2022.,0 +15,"Two lucky bettors won the jackpot prize for Lotto 6/42 worth P82,139,803.60 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Tuesday, April 18.",14 +8,MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) on Friday announced that 13 artillery platoons have been certified and declared as highly capable for howitzer operations.,7 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law a measure that will provide for people who died and lost their properties during the war in Marawi City.",5 +10,The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Wednesday said the España section of the North-Luzon Expressway (NLEX) Connector would open on March 27.,9 +13,Marcos Jr. leads partial count in presidential race,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – After the Commission on Elections (Comelec) ruled in favor of dictator’s son and presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., presidential and vice presidential candidates took a swipe at the election front runner.",12 +2,"The funding for state-run Nayong Pilipino Foundation (NPF)—an agency established primarily for the promotion of research development projects for the social sciences, humanities and other related fields—will be fully depleted in five or six years, the Commission on Audit (COA) said.",1 +7,Arnie Teves insists raid on his house designed to pin him down,6 +10,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday led the ceremonial turnover of 1,380 housing units from the National Housing Authority (NHA) to beneficiaries at the St. Gregory Homes Project in Barangay Panghulo, Malabon City.",9 +7,"MANILA – To eradicate several criminal activities and ensure public safety, the Philippine National Police - Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) have arrested 31 persons in anti-criminality operations across the country, that led to the recovery and confiscation of several pieces of evidence and the suppression of illegal activities.",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court (SC) clarified when the crime of rape is through penile penetration.",4 +7,Sandiganbayan affirms conviction of 4 Coast Guard officers over phone cards deal,6 +13,"Duterte leaves Malacañang, set to fly home to Davao City",12 +7,"MANILA – A high-value drug suspect yielded PHP6.8 million worth of shabu in an operation in Taguig City, Southern Police District (SPD) director Brig. Gen. Kirby John Kraft said on Thursday.",6 +12,‘The Golden Onion Era’: Netizens slam Customs over PAL crew onions issue,11 +13,WATCH: Remulla attends DOJ flag ceremony days after son’s arrest,12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) will make the wearing of face masks inside classrooms optional, its spokesman said on Tuesday, November 1.",8 +13,‘Kartel talaga’: Quimbo grills DA official on root of onion crisis,12 +7,"MANILA – Nine confidential informants received cash rewards totaling PHP7.96 million from the Philippine National Police (PNP) for helping law enforcers arrest nine most wanted persons, including members of the New People’s Army (NPA), a police official said on Saturday.",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate has started to form in the 19th Congress, which opened its first regular session on Monday morning, July 25.",5 +13,Co explains how Romualdez's experience as majority leader is benefiting House,12 +15,Elenita Carpio-Panganiban passes away,14 +14,MANILA – The maritime cooperation between the Philippines and the United States will allow the country to have a credible deterrent and uphold its sovereign rights in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).,13 +11,"MANILA – Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte, in partnership with the Sentro Artista Hub, on Wednesday unveiled a new art installation in the pedestrian underpass connecting Quezon City Hall and Quezon Memorial Circle.",10 +6,Solon calls for nat’l dialogue on issue of divorce,5 +15,UP Law graduates sweep top 5 spots in 2022 Bar exams,14 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has named National Commission (NTC) officer-in-charge Ella  Blanca Lopez",12 +8,"Right under our very noses': Crypto scam hubs already in PH, says Hontiveros",7 +9,Philippines’ COVID-19 positivity rate down to 1.8% – OCTA,8 +6,"Compensation hike for victims of unjust imprisonment, violent crimes sought",5 +13,Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Thursday said he will return to the Philippines once it is safe enough.,12 +2,"The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) announced on Tuesday, April 11 that it aims to train around 2,000 fisherfolk in the municipalities of Mindoro which were affected by the recent oil spill.",1 +13,Marcos misinformed or misleading in saying EDCA sites won't be used for offensive—Castro,12 +15,"There were no jackpot winners for Ultra Lotto 6/58 and Super Lotto 6/49 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Sunday, April 16.",14 +6,Transport group Liga ng Transportasyon at Operators sa Pilipinas (LTOP) on Tuesday suggested transferring the funds intended for fare discounts to the government's public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program.,5 +5,"Detained former senator Leila M. De Lima on Wednesday, April 19, asked the Muntinlupa regional trial court (RTC) to deny the prosecution’s plea to re-open the proceedings in the illegal drugs case filed against her for the presentation of a lawyer from the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) as a rebuttal witness.",4 +14,MANILA – The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) on Wednesday announced that the Philippine rescue units in Türkiye have recovered two more bodies as of Tuesday (local time).,13 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has emphasized the need to forge stronger alliances and continue “developing cooperation"" with different countries to resolve soaring tensions in Taiwan.",13 +9,DOH releases guidelines for 2nd COVID-19 booster shots to general population,8 +9,"Senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel on Monday urged the government and private sectors to implement a ""temporary work break"" from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for outdoor-based workers amid the rising temperature this summer season.",8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Friday, September 16, approved fare increases amid soaring gas prices.",5 +7,Bantag airs surrender feelers to a Cabinet member,6 +10,"MANILA – The northeast monsoon or “amihan” will affect most of Luzon on Saturday, bringing overcast skies and some rains.",9 +7,BOC intel service feted for anti-smuggling gains,6 +6,The Department of Education (DepEd) on Thursday said it aims to address issues on the employability of K-12 graduates through its MATATAG education agenda.,5 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Wednesday expressed hope that the week-long transport strike would not push through.",12 +14,"The Philippines and China must handle their differences over the South China Sea ""directly"", and not with the interference of others, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian said Friday.",13 +2,"WATCH: Despite classroom shortage, Duterte says return to in-person classes a ‘victory’",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte availed of a legal midnight appointment for the Supreme Court, picking Maria Filomena Singh of the Court of Appeals (CA) the 15-person bench that he managed to pack over the last six years with his appointees.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – When former president Rodrigo Duterte launched his attacks on media, his government used Philippine Depositary Receipts (PDRs) as a tool to paint like Rappler and ABS-CBN as tax evaders and foreign owned, creating in the process a chilling effect that crossed over to the business sector.",12 +7,"American wanted for fraud, racketeering nabbed — BI",6 +6,44% of SIM owners have yet to register — survey,5 +7,Rappler Recap: DOJ meets with families of missing ‘sabungeros’,6 +6,"On Valentine's Day, Rep. Alvarez renews push for civil partnership for same-sex couples",5 +9,DOH: COVID-19 cases up by 30.4% on June 6 to 12,8 +8,"The stage is set for the biggest “Exercise Balikatan” between the militaries of the Philippines and United States beginning Tuesday, April 11.",7 +7,ACT files ILO complaint over Sara’s ‘red-tagging’ remarks,6 +14,South Korea sends aid for oil spill cleanup,13 +14,"MANILA – The Italian Navy patrol ship Francesco Morosini is expected to make a port visit in Manila in July as Rome seeks to increase interaction with the Philippine Navy (PN), the Italian Embassy in Manila disclosed Tuesday.",13 +11,"MANILA – To mark the celebration of 2023 National Heritage Month (NHM), the Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) has unveiled a new set stamps featuring eight different heritage structures and historic sites associated with the birth of the Filipino nation, the first democracy and constitutional republic in the whole of Asia.",10 +7,Marcos: Abuses linked to war on drugs committed during 'previous administration',6 +8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) has required its uniformed personnel on the ground to conduct regular visits to schools in their respective areas of responsibility as part of the measures to strengthen ties between the police and,7 +9,"The Philippines has logged a total of 1,006 cases of cholera from Jan. 1 to March 18, latest data from the Department of Health (DOH) showed.",8 +2,Prisons chief orders overhaul retraining for BuCor personnel,1 +9,Health expert highlights importance of vaccine confidence,8 +8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) will be prioritizing the deployment of its personnel in the barangays identified by the local police forces as crime-prone areas.,7 +13,Marcos orders reorganization of Presidential Communications Office,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In a bid to help struggling private schools during the pandemic, the Department of Education (DepEd) is working to create a Private Education Office (PEO) similar to the Bureau of Private Education that was scrapped in the making of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.",5 +8,"Abalos asks PNP general, 9 others to go on leave over 'massive cover-up' in P6.7B shabu haul in Manila",7 +8,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) is now beefing up its personnel and assets in the Bicol Region for a police-military offensive against the remaining New People's Army (NPA) insurgents who have staged a series of attacks in the province of Masbate last week.,7 +8,Philippine authorities have capability to spot unusual flying objects,7 +9,"Almost 9,000 reports of child abuse have been recorded in 2022, Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) executive director Undersecretary Angelo Tapales said Friday.",8 +9,PH daily average of new Covid-19 cases up by 19%,8 +7,"Raps filed vs Teves secretary, 5 others arrested during raids —CIDG",6 +4,Dumagat-Remontados opposed to Kaliwa Dam urge NCIP to defend their rights,3 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said the World Economic Forum (WEF) will host a “country strategy dialogue” for the Philippines to discuss its economic plans and attract foreign investments.",0 +10,"ITCZ to bring scattered rain showers in Mindanao, Palawan",9 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday, February 11, that a total of 52,262 children aged 5 to 11 have received their first jabs of the COVID-19 since the government launched its vaccination campaign for their age group last Monday, February 7.",8 +7,"Officials of Flex Fuel Petroleum Corp. have again denied any involvement in alleged investment scams, as they expressed willingness to work with authorities to address any concerns.",6 +9,MANILA – The country’s first case of XBB.1.16 Omicron subvariant called Arcturus in Iloilo province was asymptomatic and has been tagged as recovered.,8 +7,Court convicts ex-cop for teenager killings linked to Duterte drug war,6 +5,SC's Negros ruling proves Comelec enforcing poll laws,4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate blue on Thursday, January 19, released its findings on the “overpriced” laptop procurement of the Department of Education (DepEd), and the filing of administrative and criminal charges against the government officials involved.",6 +10,"Authorities are optimistic that the on-going clean-up operations in areas affected by the massive oil spill in Oriental Mindoro will yield more positive results as 85.41 percent of shoreline in Pola town was already cleared, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said Friday, May 5.",9 +13,New PNP chief eyes reshuffle of senior officials,12 +14,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – The US and the Philippines reaffirmed their decades-old security alliance on Monday (Tuesday in Manila) and US President Joe Biden told his counterpart President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. the to the defense of its ally was “ironclad,” including in the South China Sea where Manila is under pressure from China.",13 +6,"Senator Risa Hontiveros once again called for the passage of Senate Bill No. 147 or the Dissolution of Marriage Act, especially for the sake of women who are victims of abuse and violence.",5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) is set to shake up the structure of the Philippines’ pandemic task force, the IATF-EID, in the face of calls to abolish it even before President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. took office.",5 +9,The Philippines has detected its first case of COVID-19 Omicron subvariant XBF—a sublineage of BA.5.2.3 and CJ.1 —based on the latest data by the Department of Health (DOH).,8 +13,MANILA – Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin on Tuesday shut down rumors that he resigned from the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.,12 +2,The Office of Transportation Security (OTS) has deployed additional 50 of its personnel to augment the airport personnel attending to the passengers amid the influx of passengers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) the past few days.,1 +5,MANILA – Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo on Wednesday assured the public that the high court would back the protection of individual rights as it ensures measures to protect public safety under special court rules being drafted for the full implementation of Republic Act (RA) 11479 or the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) of 2022.,4 +6,NTC sees drop in text scam-related complaints amid SIM registration,5 +2,"Pope Francis has appointed Filipino priest Romeo Convocar as apostolic administrator of the Archdiocese of Agaña in Guam.   Convocar’s appointment came after the resignation of American Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes due to medical reasons, according to the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).   Prior to his appointment, the Filipino priest had been serving as the vicar general of the archdiocese in U.S. territory.   Convocar will oversee the ecclesiastical territory until the nomination of a new archbishop, the CBCP said.",1 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) is considering lifting the suspension of Academic Excellence Awards for Grades 1 to 12 students and Performance Awards for Kindergarten. This almost after a year of suspending giving out such recognition to non-graduating students.",5 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court has ruled that overtime work rendered by airport personnel should be charged against the national government, not private airlines or entities.",4 +13,Vic Rodriguez resigns as executive secretary,12 +2,DPWH fast-tracks installation of pumps along estero in Manila,1 +1,90 active investment leads generated after China state visit,0 +7,"MANILA – House Speaker Martin G. Romualdez on Monday said the effort to curb the incidence of crimes, especially gun-related violence, should start with strict enforcement of the law.",6 +2,"Vaccine maker, BPO firm mull PH expansion",1 +10,"Rains expected in Palawan, Mindanao due to ITCZ — PAGASA",9 +7,"ICC decision in drug war deaths probe sets justice in motion, says lawyers group",6 +8,MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Friday said at least 496 Filipinos have already evacuated the Sudanese capital Khartoum to neighboring countries.,7 +9,"The Philippines on Friday recorded 1,563 new COVID-19 cases, pushing the country’s active infections to 9,159.",8 +9,Metro Manila Covid-19 positivity rate may reach 25% — OCTA,8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent 3-day visit to the Philippines cemented a new phase in ties between the old allies, with Harris as the highest-ranking foreign guest of the Marcos administration so far.",13 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) reported 113 new coronavirus cases on Monday as the daily case average likewise plunged to 128 from the 157 recorded a week before.,8 +7,Arnie Teves says another property raided,6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives on Tuesday, November 15, approved on third and final reading a bill that seeks to raise the number of paid service incentive leave (SIL) credits granted to qualified employees from five to 10.",5 +6,Solon calls for ‘revamp’ of professional licensure policies,5 +9,Daily average of new Covid-19 infections down by 7%,8 +6,"NEW YORK, USA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Friday, September 23, that while his government “cannot stop the drug war,” the focus would be more on prevention and rehabilitation rather than law enforcement.",5 +8,"MANILA – Philippine Army (PA) chief Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. said this year's iteration of Exercise ""Salaknib"" with American troops will greatly bolster its ongoing shift from internal to territorial defense.",7 +2,Maynilad sets P178-B wastewater program,1 +6,"Former President and Senior Deputy Speaker Gloria Arroyo of has filed a bill replacing the K-to-12 basic education program to ""K+10+2"" which would remove the two-year senior high school years for 2 years of post secondary or pre-university education in preparation for professional degree studies.",5 +1,PBBM orders creation of ‘green lane’ for strategic investments,0 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – It did not take long for Filipinos online to notice that the popular American quiz show Jeopardy had “featured” President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in the show’s final round during its February 21 episode.",12 +7,"Cops nab 2 people engaged in manufacturing fake LTOPF, license cards for security guards",6 +13,"Presidential bets call for due process, end to killings in drug war",12 +13,"After disinfo’s impact on elections, truth tellers need to collaborate more",12 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) panel of prosecutors has indicted seven members of the Tau Gamma Phi fraternity over the alleged hazing death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig.,6 +9,"MANILA – Heatstroke and dehydration are two of the conditions during the dry season, a health official warned on Tuesday.",8 +10,Residents of Eastern Visayas and Caraga were told to be vigilant against possible flash floods or landslides due to moderate to at times heavy rains that effects of easterlies and intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) may bring.,9 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Kalayaan College is the latest pandemic casualty in the education sector as it announced its closure on Monday, July 4, due to financial losses caused in part by the ongoing health crisis.",1 +7,The lawyer of the victims in the deadly attack on Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo has filed a motion asking the panel of prosecutors to resolve the against the four respondents allegedly involved.,6 +6,MANILA – A lawmaker on Monday called for the abolition of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority in line with the Marcos administration's move to rightsize the government bureaucracy.,5 +13,Bar passer from Mariano Marcos State University gets special shout-out from Sandro,12 +7,MPD chief Dizon’s Facebook page hacked,6 +7,Int'l body committed to settle claims of Oriental Mindoro oil spill victims —DOJ,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – At least three senators on Tuesday, September 27, paid tribute to the five rescue workers in Bulacan, who died in the line of duty during the onslaught of Typhoon Karding.",12 +14,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez attended on Saturday, April 15 (Philippine time) the lecture on Digital Public Infrastructure at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) headquarters in Washington D.C. in the United States (US).",13 +4,"Filipino human rights advocates have asked the to help stop extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations in the country, a Facebook post by the Philippine Universal Periodic Review Watch said.",3 +3,MANILA – An official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said the student who made the consecrated host a subject of his food review may face,2 +14,MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito Galvez Jr. said there are four areas to be given focus for the modernization of the US and Philippines' military alliance.,13 +6,MANILA – The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) Legal Cooperation Cluster (LCC) on Monday said House Bill (HB) No. 77 or the proposed Human Rights Defenders Protection Act is a threat to the country's democratic of way life once enacted into law.,5 +4,PH cites significant strides in IP rights promotion in Geneva,3 +7,Marcos admits ‘abuses by certain elements in gov’t’ in Duterte’s drug war,6 +2,"MANILA – The move to import around 450,000 metric tons of sugar by the Department of Agriculture (DA) is aimed at managing inflation and building a buffer stock that will adequately meet the country's sugar requirements, a senior Agriculture official said on Wednesday.",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The web address apparently redirects to the website of dictator’s son and presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",12 +9,"At least 10 people have died in separate drowning incidents since the start of the Holy Week, reports from the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) disclosed on Saturday, April 8.",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Labor leader and presidential aspirant Leody de Guzman said if he wins, he would give out incentives to encourage Filipinos to get vaccinated against COVID-19.",12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – The 55th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is set to take place in Cambodia from Tuesday to Friday, August 2 to 5, where all the top diplomats of each member-state will be in attendance.",13 +2,AICS satellite offices to decongest DSWD processing areas,1 +5,The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on second reading a measure allowing foreign privately-owned firms institutions to lend money to the Philippines through Official Development Assistance (ODA).,4 +2,Phivolcs-PNRI collab to boost research capacity,1 +7,Solon wants probe on police involvement in P6.7-B shabu haul,6 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday registered 530 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally went down to 7,340.",8 +9,"The Philippines monitored 1,721 new COVID-19 infections from March 27 to April 2, 2023, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Monday.",8 +13,"Position on Cha-cha reason behind ‘coup’ rumors against him, Zubiri says",12 +12,SWS: VP Sara Duterte receives 'excellent' net satisfaction rating,11 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Partido Lakas ng Masa senatorial bet Luke Espiritu refuted both statements of fellow candidates human-rights-lawyer-turned-government-spokesperson Harry Roque and suspended lawyer Larry Gadon about Martial Law and the Marcoses.",12 +7,CIDG nabs 54 suspects in 1-day anti-crime ops,6 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court’s (SC) dismissal of rape and acts of lasciviousness charges against actor Vhong Navarro should not dissuade rape survivors from filing cases against their perpetrators, a women’s rights lawyer said.",3 +13,Remulla says BuCor HQ at Masungi Georeserve not final yet,12 +13,Zubiri denies ouster rumors: 'There had been no talk of leadership changes',12 +15,Ticket bought in Zamboanga yields new lotto millionaire,14 +2,COA: PS-DBM accepted ventilators without backup batteries,1 +9,MANILA – Senator JV Ejercito called on the national government to give emphasis on the needs and welfare of almost 1.2 million Filipinos who are on the autism spectrum.,8 +2,BI assures public of sufficient manpower during summer season,1 +8,"‘Balikatan’ participants train on Filipino martial arts, combat tracking",7 +12,"A group of faculty members and professors from the University of the Philippines (UP), in an open letter, questioned the appointment of UP Law School Dean Edgardo Carlo Vistan II as the new UP Diliman Chancellor.",11 +13,Commission on Appointments confirms Centino as AFP chief,12 +13,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. believes newly-installed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Major General Benjamin Acorda Jr. is capable of implementing needed reforms and getting the PNP's job done.,12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government has scrapped the medical insurance requirements for college students joining face-to-face classes, Malacañang announced on Friday, May 27.",5 +10,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has declared Friday, February 24, 2023, as a special non-working holiday.",9 +8,WATCH: PNP says complacence of guards led to De Lima’s hostage-taking,7 +15,"No jackpot winners for Grand, Mega Lotto in May 1 evening draw",14 +6,Pinoy-flix? Salceda bares what must be done to protect future of PH streaming,5 +3,"Be good lawyers, Romualdez tells Bar passers",2 +13,Duterte names Artemio Abu as new Coast Guard commander,12 +8,"Balikatan: 3 PH, US navy ships perform aerial gunnery, replenishment exercises off Palawan",7 +13,Raffy Tulfo vows to be ‘independent’ in Senate dominated by Marcos-Duterte allies,12 +14,US Senate confirms new envoy to PH MaryKay Loss Carlson,13 +10,"MANILA – The North-South Commuter Railway (NSCR) system is expected to provide speedier transactions, create more quality time, and improve the quality of life for all, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Thursday.",9 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is set to start next month printing some 1.6 million additional ballots for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) in October.,12 +8,Chances to locate missing Cessna plane now higher due to smaller search area,7 +10,NSC welcomes PH’s ranking in global terrorism index,9 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed gratitude to Japan for being a good host country to overseas Filipinos, as well as for supporting the peace and development process in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).",13 +6,"Implementing rules on law vs online sexual abuse, exploitation of children expected in May",5 +14,"World Economic Forum to host country dialogue for PH at Davos, says Marcos",13 +7,BI: Faking religion to work abroad new trafficking scheme,6 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – How much traveling is too much traveling?",9 +14,"WASHINGTON - The top defense and diplomatic officials from the US and Philippines agreed on Tuesday a road map on US security assistance to the Philippines in the next five to 10 years, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Tuesday.",13 +3,"IBP to new lawyers: ‘Serve with honor, passion, excellence’",2 +12,"Only around four in 10 Filipinos prefer the local language as the medium of instruction for students in the primary level, or Grades 1 to 3, according to a recent survey by Pulse Asia.",11 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, March 27, said the government was “still studying” how it could use vacant, idle land for public housing — some four months after Malacañang first announced that it would issue an executive order on the matter.",1 +10,Youth experienced decline in mental health during pandemic – UP study,9 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives approved on Monday, November 21, a bill that seeks to end to unfair labor practices against media workers in the Philippines.",5 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Marcos administration is proposing a P4.987 billion budget for the Commission on Elections (Comelec) in 2023, some P500 million of which will go to the construction of a new building on the poll body’s lot along Macapagal Avenue in Pasay City.",0 +6,The Philippine Port Authority’s (PPA) board members have yet to see clear benefits from its new order seeking to implement an additional container monitoring system.,5 +10,Ateneo leads PH schools in world university ranking,9 +10,The Department of Education (DepEd) reiterated that schools are allowed to suspend or cancel the conduct of in-person classes due to unfavorable weather like extreme heat.,9 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandiganbayan, the country’s anti-graft court, barred the Marcos family from retaking their assets that were already declared part of their ill-gotten wealth.",4 +7,"MANILA – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. on Thursday ordered the Philippine National Police (PNP) to investigate the shooting incident at a remote village in Pikit town, North Cotabato province that killed a 13-year-old student and wounded two others on Tuesday.",6 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – Top government officials, led by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., grace the 159th anniversary of revolutionary leader Andres Bonifacio at the monument made in his honor in Caloocan City.",10 +14,"Marcos visit: PH, Japan ink 7 deals on infrastructure, defense, agriculture",13 +10,Trough of LPA to bring rain showers over Mindanao,9 +7,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) seized a total of 990 kilograms of shabu (methamphetamine) worth P6.7 billion in Tondo, Manila, then they found the ID, belongings, and “incriminating documents” of an active member of the police force.",6 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said they plan to relocate the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) from Metro Manila to Occidental Mindoro.",1 +4,Transport groups end strike after Palace meeting,3 +1,"PBBM mulling over LBP, DBP merger; substantial gov’t savings seen",0 +9,"The office of Senator Christopher “Bong” Go provided aid to the out-patient department (OPD) patients of the Ospital ng Lungsod ng San Jose del Monte in the City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan last Holy Tuesday, April 4.",8 +7,"DOJ prosecutors indict Bantag, Zulueta for murder over Percy Lapid slay",6 +14,"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. flew out of Manila on Wednesday, November 9, for Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to participate in his first regional summit as head of state – the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit from November 10 to 13.",13 +10,"The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has provided over P10 million worth of farm machinery and equipment to Lamut, Ifugao farmers to boost their agricultural production.",9 +7,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) said it is now focusing its investigation on so-called ""main players"" who have assisted the gunmen in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and eight others last March 4.",6 +14,"MANILA – Turkiye had promised financial and housing assistance for its nationals, including Filipinos still in the earthquake-affected areas, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Thursday.",13 +14,MANILA – The Department of Tourism (DOT) on Tuesday a newly signed air services agreement that would double passenger flights between the Philippines and Türkiye.,13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The wife of Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation executive Linconn Ong is appealing to the Senate to release him for humanitarian reasons.",4 +6,DOH supports proposed measure of 1-year mandatory service for new doctors,5 +6,House revives talks to decriminalize marijuana use in the Philippines,5 +8,"PNP eyes integration of marine units with PH Navy, Coast Guard",7 +14,Philippines and Japan to hold first foreign and defense meeting on April 9,13 +6,"House passes bill on protection of workers in movie, TV, radio entertainment industry",5 +14,High tension: Castro says PH should pull out of 'war games' with US,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) head David Thaddeus Alba has resigned, Malacañang confirmed on Friday, March 24, making him the second SRA administrator to resign under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",12 +9,Death toll from Severe Tropical Storm Paeng climbs to 101,8 +13,"President Ferdinand Marcos flew to Singapore just days after Super Typhoon Karding (Noru) ravaged the Philippines, a source confirmed to Rappler on Sunday, October 2.",12 +7,LOOK: Police release photo of suspects in missing sabungeros case,6 +9,Increase in Covid-19 cases far from figures during pandemic's height - DOH,8 +7,"Six more persons of interest in the case involving the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig wanted to surrender, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Friday.   “May anim pa na gustong sumuko sa hazing cases,” Remulla said in an ambush interview.   (Six more people want to surrender in the hazing cases.)   When asked why they chose to surrender only now, Remulla cited a lack of lawyers.",6 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – Bagama’t excited ang mga magulang para sa face-to-face classes ng mga estudyante sa darating na Lunes, Agosto 22, malaking problema para sa kanila ang tumataas na presyo ng mga bilihin.",9 +7,"SC to disqualify Bar Exam takers who hid COVID-19 status, smuggled phones",6 +12,Survey shows most Catholics able to fulfill Holy Week obligations,11 +2,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Central Office resumed the processing of the Step 1 of the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) at its main office in Batasan Road, Quezon City on Monday, April 24, after the renovation of the processing area has",1 +15,"A graduate of Mariano Marcos State University in Batac topped the March 2023 physicians licensure examination, according to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on Thursday.",14 +13,SolGen asks CA to uphold denial of multimedia firm's application,12 +14,Centino thanks Japan's assistance to AFP modernization,13 +13,Candidates throw jabs at Marcos Jr. after Comelec rules in his favor,12 +7,"Congressmen who took part in the House panel probe on the controversial Manila drug bust tried, but failed, to wring out relevant information from detained former police master sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr. on Wednesday afternoon, April 26.",6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The United States has upgraded its COVID-19 travel notice for the Philippines to Level 4, the highest in its ranking, after a surge in cases fueled by the Omicron variant saw the incidence rate for the virus in the Southeast Asian county climb to “very high.”",8 +7,"The crime environment in the Philippines since January this year continues to improve with the decrease in the eight focus crimes that include murder, homicide and robbery cases, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Monday, April 10.",6 +14,Locsin travels to Poland for repatriation of Filipinos in Ukraine,13 +2,"Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, QC waterless on March 27-April 3",1 +6,DICT: SIM registration at 64.114 million two weeks before deadline,5 +12,"MANILA – Filipinos in favor of the mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) in college think students would develop discipline and responsibility, according to a Pulse Asia survey conducted on March 15 to 19 and released by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian's office on Tuesday.",11 +1,MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Tuesday (US time) said the hard work of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. during his official visit to the United States has paid off with investments that would boost the Philippine economy and create jobs for thousands of Filipinos.,0 +14,Czech Republic’s Petr Fiala: ‘First’ European PM to visit PH under Marcos,13 +13,FULL TEXT: President Marcos’ inaugural speech,12 +2,DPWH expedites P88.4-M flood shield project in Nueva Ecija,1 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – Rights groups Campaign Against the Return of the Marcoses and Martial Law, Karapatan, and Desaparecidos held an event the victims of forced disappearances on Tuesday, August 30 – also the International Day of the Disappeared.",11 +7,"An alleged mastermind in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo has been arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla announced Friday.",6 +9,"DOH: Summit held to develop roadmap, expand genomic surveillance",8 +14,"China defends laser incident, accuses Philippine ship of intrusion",13 +7,Complaint filed vs ‘master initiator’ in alleged hazing of John Matthew Salilig,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visits Northern Luzon on Thursday, July 28, after a magnitude 7 earthquake jolted Abra and surrounding provinces.",8 +7,"A cashier has been convicted for 55 counts of violating the Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012, the Department of Justice announced on Monday.",6 +7,The Philippine National Police-Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG) on Monday said scammers were rushing to victimize as many phone users as possible as the registration of Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards nears the deadline.,6 +13,MANILA – Governor Dax Cua of Quirino province is fully supporting the efforts of Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos in identifying the police officers involved in the drug raid that led to the confiscation of 990 kilos of shabu worth PHP6.7 billion in Manila last year.,12 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) owes the Philippine Heart Center (PHC) P167-million worth of unpaid claims in 2021, according to a report by the Commission on Audit (COA) released on Sunday, April 10.",0 +7,2 persons cited in contempt by House panel surrender,6 +7,"The Marcos administration wants to put an end to small-time buy-bust operations conducted daily or weekly, and refocus on the big-time drug suppliers, according to Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla.",6 +15,"No one hit the jackpot prize for Mega Lotto 6/45 worth P80,967,403.20 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Wednesday, April 12.",14 +5,BAGUIO CITY — The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied the bid to issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the implementation of the mandatory SIM registration.,4 +6,Toots Ople lays out plans for new migrant workers department,5 +7,"MARINA issues cease, desist order vs MT Princess Empress owner",6 +2,"ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) disclosed on Saturday, January 21, that its readjusted budget for the conduct of the long-delayed barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections will not provide for an increase in the honoraria of electoral boards.",1 +14,Japanese solon meets VP Duterte; here's what happened,13 +2,Marcos admin identifying more areas for specialty hospitals,1 +4,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Friday urged the government to review cases of “arbitrary arrest and unjust detention” due to political reasons in order to decongest detention facilities in the country.,3 +4,"Several women leaders, youth groups, and other organizations on Wednesday marched in protest calling for women’s rights of  International Women’s Day.",3 +14,"PH, China vessels in near-crash off Spratly Islands",13 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday (US time) paid his respects to fallen American soldiers during a visit to the Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, DC.",13 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – We know the stress: wrapping up work, planning logistics, double-checking schedules and reservations, even making last-minute bookings – all on the last weekday before the Holy Week’s long weekend kicks in.",9 +7,5 fratmen linked to Salilig hazing filed petition for bail — prosecutors,6 +5,Was MT Princess Empress authorized to sail? Permit shown by PCG sows confusion,4 +7,"New Degamo slay suspect, another ex-military man, surrenders",6 +7,Gesmundo prevails in anti-terror law vote to retain vague recruitment clause,6 +13,Schools push back vs Badoy’s threats against Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar,12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Taiwan announced on Wednesday afternoon, September 7, that Filipinos will not yet be eligible for its latest round of visa-free entry to the island starting September 12.",13 +4,"A farmer-led organization on Tuesday, May 2, called on the national government to protect the rights of small-scale farmers and support organic farming.",3 +5,CTA scraps P140M tax debts vs Makati insurance firm,4 +15,"Grand, Mega lotto jackpots still up for grabs",14 +2,Labor Day job fairs offer over 76k vacancies —DOLE,1 +9,PH daily Covid-19 cases up 13%,8 +10,MANILA – The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) on Thursday urged the public to help the government mitigate the impact of the looming El Niño phenomenon by conserving water.,9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The results of the latest examination on Kian delos Santos‘ remains cast doubts on the previous post-mortem examinations done by the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Public Attorneys Office (PAO), according to forensic pathologist Dr. Raquel Fortun.",6 +6,"Senator Raffy Tulfo on Friday, May 5, sought a Senate investigation into what he considers as ""anti-poor"" process of obtaining driver’s licenses in the Philippines, saying there is a need to streamline and make the process accessible to the marginalized sector.",5 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Las Piñas City prosecutors’ office on Friday, October 14, filed a case against Juanito Jose Remulla III, the son of Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla, for alleged possession of dangerous drugs.",6 +13,Naiiyak na ako!': Teves nearly loses it in interview after lady anchor asks tough question,12 +2,"A total of 3,992 or 43.47 percent of the 9,183 law graduates who took the 2022 online and regionalized Bar examinations passed the tests, the Supreme Court (SC) announced on Friday, April 14.",1 +8,"MANILA – Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer has bagged a service agreement to provide support for the Philippine Air Force’s (PAF) fleet of six A-29 ""Super Tucano"" attack aircraft.",7 +13,New BJMP acting chief Rivera assumes post,12 +7,Cop arrested in P6.7-B drug bust dismissed from service —PNP,6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – With mask use now optional, pediatricians urged schools to still encourage students to wear face masks inside classrooms and educate them about the benefits of wearing them.",8 +5,"Former mayor Neptali P. Salcedo of Sara town in Iloilo and three others have been acquitted by the Sandiganbayan of their 10 graft charges on the alleged irregular payments for diesel fuel, engine oil, and lubricants in 2003.",4 +11,2 IPs groups get P80 million each as disturbance fee for Kaliwa Dam project,10 +14,Biden to Marcos: 'I can’t think of any better partner than you',13 +13,MANILA – The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has expressed support for the Bangsamoro government's bid to digitalize services across the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said on Thursday, December 1, that the status quo remains in the health and defense departments – two portfolios that are headed by officers-in-charge.",12 +9,PHAPI: COVID-19 admissions in private hospitals still ‘manageable’ amid rising cases,8 +11,Two indigenous peoples groups were paid P80 million each by the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) for the Kaliwa Dam construction project.,10 +7,Senator Raffy Tulfo is seeking a Senate investigation on “arrogant and snobbish” government employees as he eyes stricter measures and penalties against government workers who will treat citizens poorly.,6 +14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has reappointed lawyer and diplomat Manuel Antonio Teehankee as the country’s representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland.",13 +13,"Surigao del Norte 1st district Rep. Robert Ace Barbers gave props on Monday, April 24, to Police Major General Benjamin Acorda Jr. for accepting the very difficult task of Philippine National Police (PNP) chief.",12 +3,MANILA – The Manila Cathedral is open to pilgrims for the Season of Lenten.,2 +14,"WASHINGTON—The US is not looking to put up a new Quad in East Asia made up of itself, the Philippines, and a few other countries, a US State Department official has said.",13 +7,"PNP Chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. will be called to attend the Senate inquiry into issues surrounding the P6.7 billion shabu seized in Manila in October 2023, Senator Ronald ""Bato"" Dela Rosa has said.",6 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – At least two Filipinos were hurt in the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Turkey, the Philippine embassy in Turkey confirmed on Thursday, February 9.",8 +7,A husband and wife in Mabalacat City in Pampanga have been arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for “online sexual abuse” of their five-year-old daughter.,6 +8,Philippines to strengthen military presence in South China Sea,7 +1,Mark Villar sees swifter talks on Maharlika fund after meeting with economic managers,0 +8,The Department of National Defense (DND) has rejected arguments that the Philippine government’s decision to allow more locations for the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) is in violation of the country’s sovereignty.,7 +14,"Rappler Recap: Marcos’ working visit to New York, a primer",13 +7,BI arrests two more ‘Luffy’ suspects,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In this week’s episode of 36 Years, we talk to designer Santi Obcena about the terno.",12 +13,"Maria Ressa’s statement on tax evasion acquittal: Facts, truth, justice win",12 +8,NAIA to augment security measures after alleged extortion,7 +2,DOH asking DOJ for help to transfer NCMH patients facing criminal raps,1 +9,MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has collected shoreline samples in four towns near the site of an oil spill in Oriental Mindoro province to assess the damage and necessary response in the affected areas.,8 +3,"Roman Catholics celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker (San Jose Obrero) on Monday, May 1, which coincides with International Labor Day.",2 +7,"Suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” A. Teves Jr. on Friday, April 14, asked the Department of Justice (DOJ) to dismiss the illegal possession of firearms and explosives filed against him by the Philippine National Police (PNP).",6 +2,"MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) has received 10,000 bags of milled rice from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs of South Korea, as aid to calamity-stricken families in the country.",1 +6,The government extended for 90 days the April 26 deadline on the  registration of subscriber identity module (SIM).,5 +14,"China isn't the Philippines' friend, but rather its frenemy.",13 +7,"Members of the Office of the Presidential Adviser Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) had threatened to arrest an official of the Gabriela party-list in Metro Manila if she refused to work as a government informant, the group said on Friday.",6 +5,MANILA – The Court of Appeals has turned down an appeal filed by Mountain Province town officials questioning the decision of a lower court on their suit challenging the appointment of a representative of the local indigenous peoples (IP) to the town's local legislature.,4 +5,MANILA – The Sandiganbayan anti-graft court has turned down a plea filed by a co-accused of former Negros Oriental congressman Herminio Teves in graft charges arising from an alleged PHP9.6 million worth of ghost projects funded by the solon's pork barrel in 2007.,4 +7,"MANILA – Beleaguered chief of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-National Capital Region (CIDG-NCR) Col. Hansel Marantan and 12 other police officers are not yet off the hook despite the retraction of the extortion allegations lodged against them, the country's top cop said Monday.",6 +7,The Philippine National Police (PNP) is now reviewing and assessing its online recruitment application portal amid reports that it became the gateway on the leaks of the police-related data.,6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida had a phone call with presumptive Philippine president Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Friday, May 20, making him the third head of state to personally speak with the president.",13 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Alternative news organization Bulatlat said their website is now accessible as of Friday, August 26, a day after they asked the court to hold the National Commission (NTC) in contempt.",4 +8,"Philippine Air Force (PAF) and United States Air Force (USAF) pilots have worked together to enhance their interoperability in counter-air operations as part of the fourth day of the Cope Thunder Philippines (CT Ph) Exercise 23-1 on Friday, May 5.",7 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Lawyer Jessica Lucila “Gigi” Reyes, former chief of staff of presidential legal counsel Juan Ponce Enrile, walked free from jail on January 19 after the Supreme Court (SC) granted her the privilege of writ of habeas corpus. Reyes was implicated in the pork barrel scam and has been in jail since 2014.",4 +6,Lowering of bail amount for indigents can free 3 of 10 prisoners – expert,5 +14,"China has objected to the newly crafted Bilateral Defense Guidelines between the Philippines and the United States, claiming that countries surrounding the contested waterway have maintained peace and stability in the region.",13 +11,Activists take to the streets as PH remembers 50th year of Martial Law declaration,10 +9,Promote employee well-being thru physical fitness programs: CSC,8 +15,Former foreign affairs chief Albert Del Rosario passes away,14 +13,NTC chief Cordoba is Marcos’ new COA chairperson,12 +14,"Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo and Defense officer-in-charge Senior Undersecretary Carlito Galvez will lead the Philippine delegation to the third iteration of the 2+2 policy level dialogue, the Department of Foreign Affairs said Wednesday.",13 +13,"Palace announces appointments to Marawi board, OF commission",12 +6,Chiz presents simple solution to peace and order problem in Negros Oriental,5 +5,The Supreme Court laid down the guidelines on the legal standing of private offended parties who question judgments or orders in criminal proceedings.,4 +7,"The legal counsel of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves on Tuesday said police threatened one of the people who were arrested during last week's raids to testify against the congressman.",6 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines renewed its concern rebels’ continued use of landmines, citing a recent incident in Northern Samar that left one soldier dead and five others injured.",7 +2,"SSS to put solar panels in offices, promote renewable energy",1 +2,LTO rolls out automated handheld device for issuing tickets,1 +2,The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Wednesday said the Marcos administration has allocated P2.39 billion for the National Greening Program under the 2023 General Appropriation Act (GAA).,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has named Bienvenido Rubio as the new chief of the Bureau of Customs, the Presidential Communications Office announced Friday, February 10.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Sa mga nagdaang linggo, laman ng balita si Congressman Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves ng ikatlong distrito ng Negros Oriental, sa Central Visayas.",12 +6,Legarda pushes for immediate enactment of Zero Food Waste Act,5 +7,Palace: Don't entertain fraudsters offering government positions,6 +7,DOJ: 2 Japanese fugitives to be deported Tuesday,6 +13,WATCH: Spokesperson ignores question on Marcos Jr.’s US contempt order,12 +14,Romualdez sees stronger PH-US economic security ties,13 +13,"Fidel Valdez Ramos: The president who guarded democracy, broke monopolies, made peace",12 +14,Canada calls on Philippines to cooperate on ICC drug war probe,13 +6,House approves government rightsizing bill on second reading,5 +10,MANILA – Local on Thursday asked the government anew to extend the deadline for subscriber identity module (SIM) registrations as the deadline on April 26 nears with less than half of all active mobile users in the country registered.,9 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – After months of waiting by 2022 Bar takers, the Supreme Court released on Friday, April 14, the list of successful examinees.",14 +7,PNP links security head of Teves sugar mill to Degamo slay,6 +7,MANILA – A Sudanese man allegedly involved in human organ trafficking was arrested Tuesday morning by members of the Bureau of Immigration's (BI) Intelligence Division in Makati City.,6 +7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Tuesday supported the call of Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. for police officers involved in the arrest of a police sergeant who yielded 990 kilograms of shabu worth PHP6.7 billion to take a leave of absence pending investigation of the case.,6 +9,Healthcare utilization rate low despite Covid case hike: expert,8 +12,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday described as ""encouraging"" the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showing that 75 percent of adult Filipinos are satisfied with his performance in the fourth quarter of 2022.",11 +9,"Magnitude 6.1 earthquake rocks Calatagan, Batangas",8 +10,"Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Secretary Susan Ople on Monday said the agency has already received more than 7,500 emails from former overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Saudi Arabia who have unpaid wages from that went bankrupt in 2015 and 2016.",9 +6,"A one-time, P5,000 cash grant for fresh college and vocational course graduates who are seeking jobs was proposed at the House of Representatives.",5 +9,"As COVID-19 cases rise, BuCor suspends visitation in New Bilibid Prison",8 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives on Monday, January 23, passed on final reading a measure that seeks to operationalize the constitutional provision on the freedom of religion.",5 +7,Index crime rate drops in Q1,6 +9,"Las Piñas Representative Camille Villar has filed a resolution seeking to conduct an in-depth assessment study of students’ mental health, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.",8 +7,"Sajid Ampatuan found guilty of malversation, graft over fictitious purchase of farm inputs",6 +3,"Heroism the greatest love, says bishop during tribute to ill-starred Bulacan rescuers",2 +14,Canada province's 'bridging' program to benefit Filipino nurses,13 +15,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Philippine foreign affairs secretary Roberto “Bobby” Romulo died on Sunday, January 23. He was 83.",14 +13,House starts plenary debates on 2023 budget – guess who’s out of the country,12 +13,Naida Angping will head Marcos’ Presidential Management Staff,12 +9,"While grateful to be rescued, a Filipina in Turkey said her friends remained missing following a strong earthquake that hit the country and Syria on Monday.",8 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has called for the mandatory repatriation and evacuation of Filipinos in Ukraine, after the fighting against invading Russian forces reached its 10th day.",7 +4,"Harris underscored respect for human rights, press freedom in Marcos meeting",3 +3,Filipino Catholics mark Palm Sunday praying for Pope Francis’ health,2 +14,"MANILA – Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles will meet with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to discuss the two nations' bilateral ties, including on defense, during his official trip to the Philippines this week.",13 +7,The Sandiganbayan has junked an ill-gotten case filed against the late President Ferdinand Marcos and several others after the anti-graft court ruled that the government prosecutors failed to present sufficient evidence.,6 +13,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has appointed retired Court of Appeals associate justice Monina Arevalo-Zenarosa to the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) as its,12 +7,The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said on Friday that investigators were still trying to confirm if the floating debris found off Palawan was from a missing medical evacuation helicopter.,6 +6,Bill on PMMA cadet slots for legislative districts hurdles House,5 +10,"CSE-FSO ratings now accessible online, CSC announces",9 +5,"SC: Firing an employee just for marrying co-worker illegal, discriminatory",4 +7,Azurin: No cover up in probe on police security’s absence during attack vs Degamo,6 +14,Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Enrique Manalo said the Philippines maintains its independence in pursuing its foreign policy amid the rivalry between the US and China in the Indo-Pacific region.,13 +5,MANILA – The Supreme Court (SC) has affirmed the immediate ban on Surigao del Sur 1st District Rep. Prospero Pichay Jr. from holding any position in the government.,4 +8,MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito Galvez Jr. on Wednesday maintained that the four additional Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites would greatly boost the Philippines' defensive capabilities.,7 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) recorded a 44°C heat index with a 70 percent relative humidity rate in Aparri, Cagayan on Monday, May 1.",9 +13,NCRPO undergoes ISO recertification audit,12 +14,China also used laser on Philippine ship in June 2022 —PCG exec,13 +2,"US solar firm seeks PH expansion: $900M investment, 3k jobs",1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – A helicopter of the Philippine National Police (PNP) crashed in Real, Quezon on Monday morning, February 21, killing one member of the police crew and wounding two others.",8 +1,Proposed P118-M budget cut threatens CHR’s vital work,0 +9,"DOH logs 153 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 8,410",8 +8,DOJ to protect Negros Oriental folk from 'reign of terror',7 +13,LIVE UPDATES: President Marcos’ official visit to the United States,12 +2,"Parts of Marikina, QC waterless Feb. 16-17",1 +7,House ethics panel to tackle Arnie Teves' absence on March 20,6 +8,"DOLE: Police, NBI clearances important for employers’ background checks on applicants",7 +10,Marcos: Gov’t to persevere until it ends poverty,9 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Imee Marcos, older sister to President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr., said her brother, who is concurrent agriculture chief, is being “too kind” toward smugglers despite concerns that the smuggling of basic food items is behind their rising cost.",12 +7,Police have arrested two people for allegedly manufacturing fake Licenses to Own and Possess Firearms (LTOPF) and license cards for security guards during an entrapment operation in Manila.,6 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday reported at least 29.5% of Filipino children under 5 years old are stunted.,8 +7,Degamo's wife dismayed over Bato's decision to allow Teves to virtually attend Senate probe,6 +10,"MANILA – The northeast monsoon or ""amihan"" will bring rain showers across Luzon on Wednesday, the weather bureau said.",9 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Monday, April 10, reported that there are over 1,900 new Covid-19 infections in the country.",8 +13,MANILA – Senator Ronald Dela Rosa on the newly appointed officials of the Marawi Compensation Board (MCB) for doing a great job so far in working to set up the newly established organization.,12 +15,UPCAT resumes this year,14 +13,36 Years: Covering Marcos 2.0 ,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – From the first courtesy call of the Chinese ambassador to his recent diplomatic trip to the United States, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has had at least 227 activities in his first 100 days in office.",12 +2,"62.69 MW saved during Earth Hour 2023, says DOE",1 +10,"LPA now TD Amang; signal No. 1 up in Samar, Bicol",9 +15,"A teacher from the Ilocos Region is the Philippines’ fifth recipient of the prestigious 2023 Princess Maha Chakri Awards (PMCA), the Department of Education (DepEd) announced.",14 +13,Comelec’s Antonio Kho gets Supreme Court post,12 +2,India-PH technical cooperation trains over 1K Filipinos,1 +14,"New defense guidelines ‘responsive’ to challenges faced by US, PH",13 +10,"CSC, PASUC renew scholarship grants for fallen heroes' families",9 +6,LTFRB: 61% jeepney units joined consolidated entity so far,5 +6,DOJ lowers recommended bail in criminal cases involving indigents,5 +9,Omicron subvariant ‘Arcturus’ could be driving rise in PH’s Covid-19 cases—expert,8 +12,Several workers' groups staged protest actions in different parts of the country calling for wage increase in observance of the Labor Day on Monday.,11 +13,DOTr’s Bautista wants dialogue with transport groups ahead of planned strike,12 +7,"Several airport screening officers (SSOs) were relieved from duty after they allegedly extorted money from a foreigner at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2 last February 22, the Office for Transportation Security said on Monday.",6 +7,"MANILA – The Senate has ruled out sabotage and cyberattack during the Jan. 1 air traffic control glitch that affected about 280 flights and 60,000 passengers.",6 +14,Marcos cites Japan's role in Ph's infra development,13 +6,DICT says SIM card registration rate at 23.97%,5 +6,Senator Risa Hontiveros on Monday filed a Senate resolution urging the Philippine government to fulfill its treaty obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and provide “just and meaningful” reparations to World War 2 “comfort women” and their families.,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Jose Calida has resigned as chairperson of the Commission on Audit (COA), Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin confirmed on Tuesday, October 4.",12 +8,"BK 2023 amphibious assault, aerial gunnery drills set in Palawan",7 +15,Lone bettor from Agusan del Sur hits P12-M Mega Lotto jackpot,14 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim vowed on Wednesday, March 1, to “not only reaffirm but to enhance” ties with the Philippines during his administration and that of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",13 +7,"Senate Minority Leader Aquilino ""Koko"" Pimentel III is seeking a Senate blue investigation into the ""rampant and unabated"" agricultural smuggling in the country.",6 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday, November 21, kicked off a visit to Manila by emphasizing that Washington to Manila’s defense in the event of an attack in the volatile South China Sea.",13 +14,"In Philippines, envoys band together to support Ukraine independence day",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Veteran journalist Roy Mabasa said his late brother, broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa, was only doing his job as when he dissected various issues and became critical of personalities in the process.",12 +9,The Department of Health on Tuesday urged officials of public schools to open their windows and encourage students to drink more water to avoid heat stresses amid the warm season.,8 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday, February 9, promised to “ensure a ready pool” of “highly skilled” Filipino seafarers, in a meeting with Japanese shipowners during an official visit to Japan.",1 +1,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Tuesday called on the Home Development Mutual Fund, better known as the Pag-IBIG Fund, to build on its current momentum after it posted its best performing year in 2022 with a net of P44.50 billion.",0 +8,"Senator Raffy Tulfo on Tuesday the creation of a processing center to screen private planes and their passengers, amid alleged human smuggling activities using private aircraft at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).",7 +10,"Partly cloudy weather, isolated rain showers to persist due to easterlies",9 +9,Philippines grants emergency use of Pfizer COVID-19 pill,8 +7,The Department of Justice has started the process for the designation of Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves as a terrorist by the Anti-Terrorism Council.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In the 19th Congress, seniority does not seem to require years of experience in the lower chamber – at least if you look at the election of the new Senior Deputy Majority Leader.",12 +7,"Sandiganbayan orders Gigi Reyes to post P450,000 bail",6 +1,"MANILA – The gap in onion prices between the farmgate and retail prices must be addressed, according to the Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura (SINAG) on Monday.",0 +6,MANILA – Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman has urged government agencies to identify environment-related programs and projects in the national budget as part of ongoing efforts to address climate change.,5 +3,Faithful invited to Apostolic Congress on Mercy,2 +6,DICT: SIM card registration at 18.97%,5 +7,Bato: Tolentino to act as legal counsel in case of arrest abroad,6 +6,"P5,000 aid for fresh grads bill hurdles House panel",5 +2,MANILA – Thousands of workers displaced by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro will be given temporary jobs under the emergency employment program of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).,1 +8,Marcos: PH won’t be used as ‘staging post’ for any military act,7 +7,DOJ wants cases vs. 4 Japanese dismissed to facilitate deportation,6 +7,"3 arrested in Teves compound raid claim police pressure, eye complaint",6 +2,Alagang Tingog Centers' continue to mushroom up in Davao del Norte,1 +14,Rappler Talk: Analyst Gregory Poling on US Defense Secretary Austin’s PH visit,13 +3,"Solon wants annulment filed in churches, other religious sects",2 +7,336 wanted persons arrested as Mimaropa cops step up drive vs fugitives,6 +14,"MANILA – Filipino and American troops will hold amphibious assault operations, aerial gunnery exercises, and gas oil platform takedown (GOPLAT) in Palawan as part of this year's ""Balikatan"" exercises.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Acting Bureau of Corrections Director General Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr. will officially succeed his embattled predecessor Gerald Bantag, according to Department of Justice Secretary Boying Remulla.",12 +2,PBBM signs EO creating DENR’s water management office amid El Niño threat,1 +14,China: South China Sea should not be ‘hunting ground’ for foreign forces,13 +6,Senate bill wants 1:1 student-textbook ratio achieved via digitization,5 +14,"At least seven bilateral agreements are expected to be signed during President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.'s working visit to Japan next week.",13 +12,MANILA – The Social Weather Stations (SWS) on Thursday released the results of its recent survey showing that 7 percent of adult Filipinos are currently looking for work abroad.,11 +14,MANILA – Ranking officials of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Friday met with the delegates of Australian Defense Force (ADF) to plan for this year's Indo-Pacific Endeavor 2023 (IPE23) which is scheduled to run in various nations from June to October.,13 +14,"United States Vice President Kamala Harris is visiting the Philippines for the first time, as Washington seeks to shore up ties with its oldest ally in the region.",13 +6,Congress ratifies bill postponing barangay polls to October 2023,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has appointed his Palace aide from Davao City, Presidential Management Staff (PMS) Undersecretary Anderson Lo, as Deputy Ombudsman for Mindanao.",12 +6,"The sponsorship of the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) bill has been stalled in the Senate due to the opposition from several religious groups and various sectors.",5 +9,"In anticipation of the influx of travelers this Holy Week, the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) has set up first aid stations with trained emergency medical services teams in various ""critical"" locations across the country.",8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ top medical experts said on Thursday, September 8, they are against easing the face mask requirement when outdoors, saying that it would send a wrong message to the public that they “should not be afraid of COVID-19 anymore.”",8 +13,"Over 2 million voters have registered for the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) as of January 28, 2023, data from the Commission on Elections showed.",12 +9,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said the government must tackle malnutrition by mobilizing the local government units (LGUs) to achieve health and nutrition with a national impact.,8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – On the eve of the anniversary of the popular revolution that ousted his late father and namesake, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is back in his clan’s bailiwick to lead a festival celebrating the “greatness” of his home region.",12 +13,"For the first time in a long time, the country’s president and vice president are both concurrent heads of government agencies – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is his own agriculture chief, while Vice President Sara Duterte leads the education department.",12 +1,MANILA – Six sites of the “Kadiwa ng Pangulo” two-day trade fairs earned over PHP5 million this year.,0 +13,Malacañang over the weekend denounced a fake memorandum claiming that government employees would have two days worth of pay deducted from their salaries to provide relief for Turkey and Syria.,12 +9,The Philippines' Covid-19 vaccination program is still aligned with the latest of the World Health Organization (WHO) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on the use of Covid-19 vaccine.,8 +3,"Church urges other ways of atonement as penitents once again get beaten, dragged",2 +14,"PH, US must focus in 4 separate areas to modernize alliance — Galvez",13 +1,"Keep an eye on electric fan prices, Roman tells DTI",0 +2,MANILA – The Department of Energy (DOE) plans to transfer generator sets to Occidental Mindoro from Eastern Visayas to help ease the province’s power woes.,1 +13,Senator Robin Padilla on Tuesday said he is open to amend the political provisions of the 1987 Constitution through constitutional convention (con-con) if the public says so.,12 +6,House okays on final reading bill allowing married women to keep maiden surname,5 +14,"The Philippines and the United States have agreed to finalize their plans of conducting joint naval sails in the waters the Indo-Pacific region, the Department of National Defense (DND) bared Saturday, April 29.",13 +7,BI seeks probe on airline personnel 'links' to human trafficking,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Following his resignation from Aksyon Demokratiko, Pasig Mayor Vico Sotto called for a stronger political party system that would help end “personality-based” politics in the country.",12 +6,‘Church Nullity Act’ hurdles House panel,5 +6,House OKs government rightsizing bill on final reading,5 +7,The immigration officer allegedly  involved in the supposed human smuggling incident at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) last February 13 has been relieved from his new post pending the results of an internal probe launched by the Bureau of Immigration (BI).,6 +13,House resolution defending Duterte vs. ICC probe gets support,12 +7,"MANILA – A male immigration officer will face an administrative case for supposedly facilitating the departure of a couple who are reportedly victims of trafficking in Myanmar, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said on Thursday.",6 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The country’s sprawling megacity is home to the world’s fifth worst public transportation system, according to think tank Oliver Wyman Forum and the University of California, Berkeley.",9 +10,Partial solar eclipse to be visible in PH on April 20,9 +6,"House Deputy Speaker and Las Pinas City lone district Rep. Camille Villar is prodding her congressman-colleagues to pass on third and final reading the bill banning the restrictive “no permit, no exam” policy in educational institutions.",5 +7,PANOORIN: Ano ba ang parusa sa hazing?,6 +3,Violence should not be inflicted on anyone.,2 +7,"A total of 336 wanted persons have been arrested in the month-long series of aggressive operations in Mimaropa that is aimed at accounting fugitives from the law, the top police official of the region said.",6 +14,US troops arrive in Philippines for ‘largest-ever’ Balikatan exercise,13 +13,Judge who issued 3 Bloody Sunday warrants named new CA justice,12 +9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases increased by 9 percent from Feb. 6 to 12, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 +5,Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday said it confuses him why legislators from the House of Representatives are rushing the Senate to act on proposals to amend the 1987 Constitution.,4 +13,Marcos appoints Gaerlan as AFP deputy chief of staff,12 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – China on Tuesday night, October 11, denied reports that it had included the Philippines on a blacklist for Chinese tourists due to online gambling operations in the Southeast Asian country, labelling these reports as “misinformation.”",13 +2,The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Monday said it has deployed search and rescue (SAR) teams to find a missing Taiwanese-flagged fishing vessel.,1 +9,Marcos sees no need for face mask mandate; COVID incidence still within control,8 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) urged President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to extend the Philippines’ state of calamity over the COVID-19 pandemic, the agency said on Tuesday, December 27.",8 +14,Marcos: Bilateral defense guidelines with US ‘responsive’ to present challenges,13 +13,Marcos names Bienvenido Rubio as new Customs chief,12 +10,‘Technical issues’ halt New Year flights at NAIA,9 +13,"Marcos names OICs for Maguindanao del Norte, Maguindanao del Sur",12 +2,Palacio Del Gobernador employees GSIS members -- COA,1 +10,MANILA – The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is looking to shorten its driver’s licensure exams in a bid to simplify transactions and lessen the public’s reliance on fixers.,9 +14,NDRRMC lauds int’l assistance for Mindoro oil spill,13 +13,Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Thursday said he was informed that his position on Charter change (Cha-cha) is the reason behind rumors of a Senate leadership shake-up.,12 +1,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s visit to Singapore for the Formula One (F1) Singapore Grand Prix was “semi-official” with some expenses covered by the government, Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin clarified on Wednesday, October 12.",0 +15,Proud Ilocano: Sandro hails civil engineer exam topnotcher,14 +3,Devotees mark Feast of Saint Peregrine,2 +6,BIR: No extension of deadline for April 17 ITR filing,5 +7,QC cops nab 33 in 24-hour anti-crime ops,6 +10,"Over P700,000 in relief and financial assistance has been provided by the government to the passengers of the fire-stricken Basilan ferry that was caught  in a tragedy that left 28 people dead, Defense chief Carlito Galvez Jr. said Saturday.",9 +8,Alert level 3 up in Sudan; race to evacuate Pinoys continue,7 +14,TOKYO — Japan and the Philippines have agreed to have further bilateral discussions on addressing regional and international situations.,13 +12,This video is part of a series that seeks to get a random pulse of sentiments on the ground during a particular period of time and in a particular place. It is by no means indicative of scientific trends among potential voters.,11 +6,Gatchalian proposes LGUs' automatic income classification to improve public services,5 +12,MANILA – A national survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) revealed that one out of every four Filipino Muslims pray the Salah five times daily.,11 +7,Killer of La Salle-Dasma student identified,6 +7,"DOJ denies Bantag's appeal, continues to probe complaints",6 +9,Funds allotted for animal disease emergencies,8 +15,Easter vigil mass to be held on April 8,14 +14,"The Philippines and the United Kingdom (UK) will conduct another round of discussion on April 13 that will help them advance their collaboration on key environmental and climate change issues, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water security, biodiversity preservation, marine pollution, and sustainable and green climate finance.",13 +9,"LPP vows to monitor students, schools amid rising COVID-19 cases",8 +1,"MANILA – The foreign trips of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. have generated a total of 116 investment projects worth PHP3.48 trillion (USD62.926 billion), Malacañang announced Friday.",0 +7,"MANILA – Customs authorities padlocked a storage facility in Binondo, Manila after it was found to contain about PHP10 billion worth of counterfeit signature bags, shoes, and other products during a raid on Tuesday.",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – After surviving a hostage-taking at the Camp Crame Custodial Center, former senator Leila de Lima will be given the option to transfer to a different detention facility, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr announced on Sunday morning, October 9.",4 +7,Lawmakers belonging to the Makabayan bloc in the House of Representatives has asked for a congressional inquiry into the data breach that allegedly affected over 1.2 million records or 817.54 GB of data handled by law enforcement agencies.,6 +7,"Arnie Teves to virtually attend Senate probe on Degamo slay, says Bato",6 +10,"LIST: Road closures, rerouting on Marcos inauguration",9 +7,The Office of the Ombudsman has filed graft charges against former Iloilo City mayor Jed Mabilog and councilor Plaridel Nava II before the Sandiganbayan over alleged intervention in the awarding of a government contract to a towing services firm where they have an interest in.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Inside the near-empty lobby of the office she would vacate in three days, Vice President Leni Robredo gave a tight hug to the woman who would be taking the cudgels on behalf of the opposition from now on: reelected Senator Risa Hontiveros.",12 +14,"MANILA – A Japanese dynamic positioning vessel (DPV) equipped with a remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) has arrived in Naujan, Oriental Mindoro to help in the containment of the oil spill from the sunken M/T Princess Empress.",13 +3,"Vice President Sara Duterte on Sunday, Araw ng Kagitingan, called on Filipinos to fight against social ills which corrupt the core of governance.",2 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The first day of school at Colegio de San Lorenzo turned into a nightmare for students after CDSL suddenly announced its permanent closure due to “financial instability” and the “low turnout of enrollees” for school year 2022-2023.",9 +2,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has drawn flak for its disastrous distribution of financial assistance for education, with thousands of underprivileged Filipinos crowding outside the agency’s central and regional offices on Saturday, August 20, to get aid.",1 +13,"Marcos: Anti-Marcoses biased, talk on Martial Law a waste of time",12 +14,"WASHINGTON, USA – The United States urged China on Saturday, April 29, to stop harassing Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, pledging to stand with the Philippines after another maritime confrontation between the two Asian countries.",13 +7,Hontiveros wants Ombudsman probe on Pharmally mess to include 'masterminds',6 +9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases increased by 10 percent from Feb. 27 to March 5, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 +14,US reaffirms support for PH vs China's SCS incursions,13 +14,"WASHINGTON DC, USA—President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has arrived here for his five-day official working visit— his second time in the United States since assuming the presidency.",13 +9,Risk assessment for Covid-19 subvariant Arcturus remains low—DOH,8 +9,"The seven-day positivity rate in the National Capital Region (NCR) soared to 18.8% as of May 1, according to independent monitoring group OCTA Research.",8 +4,"Recognizing the suffering of Filipino women during World War II, the government vowed to look into a United Nations (UN) panel report saying the Philippines has failed to meet its obligations to the ""comfort women.""",3 +10,Hottest so far in 2023: Heat index hits 48°C in Agusan Del Norte,9 +14,Marcos surprised by Huang's remark; but says it could be due to 'difference in language',13 +14,"Huang: Both PH, China need to stop 'provocative action in disputed area'",13 +9,MANILA – Four passengers of the MRT-3 suffered minor injuries after a defective train activated an emergency brake to stop it from approaching Boni Station on Wednesday.,8 +11,"MANILA – The Mount Inayawan Range National Park in Nunungan town, Lanao del Norte province is set to be declared as ASEAN Heritage Park (AHP).",10 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Filipino senators concurred with the Philippines’ ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), amid President Rodrigo Duterte’s tougher and bloodier crackdown rebels, activists, and civilians critical of his abusive policies.",5 +7,Payment firm seeks more claims vs. ‘copyright violator’,6 +5,"PBBM: Rule of law prevails, justice system fully functional in PH",4 +8,"MANILA – More than 1,200 police officers have been deployed in Mandaluyong City to secure the 52nd Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Council Meeting at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila top cop Maj. Gen. Jonnel Estomo said on Wednesday.",7 +2,DOLE vows to upskill workers as more investors in PH seen,1 +6,"LIVESTREAM: Senate hearing on pandemic, monkeypox response",5 +13,"Malacañang on Friday clarified that February 25, 2023 will no longer be a regular holiday after President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. declared February 24 as a special non-working holiday.",12 +10,Displaced Saudi OFWs to get P10-K aid each - Ople,9 +6,Senator Grace Poe on Monday urged the Executive Department to make “decisive actions” on the operations of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO) amid calls ban it in the country.,5 +13,LOOK BACK: Ramos says he opposed Marcos because of his ‘basic values’,12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Risa Hontiveros, the reelected chairperson of the on women, children, family relations and gender equality, continues to act on the reported child abuses of young children in various social media platforms.",12 +9,"After the Department of Education (DepEd) reported a rise in suicide cases and attempts among students at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a children’s organization called on several government agencies to address the alarming mental health crisis.",8 +9,"Over a hundred cases of heat exhaustion have been reported this warm and dry season, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday.",8 +1,PANOORIN: Posible ang P20 kada kilo ng bigas na pangako ni Bongbong Marcos,0 +7,CHR conducts own probe on killing of union organizer in Bacolod City,6 +1,"MANILA – Some 50,000 travelers are expected to arrive in the country for the summer months, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said Friday.",0 +8,MANILA – A total of and local terrorist group members have been neutralized by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) during focused military operations conducted in various parts of the country from Jan. 1 to March 31 this year.,7 +8,Marcos calls on China to strengthen West Philippine Sea bilateral task force,7 +9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday said the daily COVID-19 cases in the country may reach up to 600 by mid-May if the minimum public health standards will not with.,8 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Executive Secretary Victor Rodriguez finally appeared before the Senate blue for the hearing on the sugar importation mess on Tuesday, September 6, after the panel subpoenaed him to attend the inquiry.",4 +2,The Commission on Audit (COA) has flagged the provincial government of Pampanga for its failure to “put to good use” the construction materials donated when a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit the province in 2019.,1 +10,"Rain showers, gusty winds likely due to TD Amang",9 +7,"Three people arrested during the raid on allegedly owned by former Negros Oriental Governor Pryde Henry Teves are set to file before the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), a lawyer said Wednesday.",6 +7,"Claims that there are trafficked foreigners being forced to work in cryptocurrency scam operations in the Philippines are very serious allegations that merit investigation by concerned agencies, Senator Jinggoy Ejerecito Estrada said on Thursday, April 20.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Appointments (CA) on Wednesday, January 26, confirmed the ad interim appointment of General Andres Centino as chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",12 +9,Metro Manila to stay on Alert Level 2 until February 28,8 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Los Angeles-based paralegal Maria de Leon admitted to conspiring with embattled preacher Apollo Quiboloy’s subordinates to smuggle church workers into the United States including via sham marriages, the US Department of Justice (US DOJ) said in a statement on Friday, April 1.",6 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – In her first months as secretary of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW), Susan “Toots” Ople aims to conduct a “systems review” to improve how the government caters to overseas Filipino workers, and hold virtual town hall meetings with overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).",5 +7,MANILA – Philippine Army Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. on Wednesday said copies of the charges have already been served to the two ranking officials implicated in the murder of businesswoman and model Yvonette Plaza in Davao City last Dec. 28.,6 +13,"Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Tuesday addressed the “malicious allegations” on social media by people supposedly from Negros Oriental, claiming that he is “biased” towards suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. in leading the Senate investigation into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",12 +2,PBBM: Rightsizing bureaucracy to upskill gov’t workforce,1 +7,Abalos unhappy with PNP handling of probe into P6.7B shabu haul in Manila,6 +13,The cringe-worthy questions your congressmen asked PH’s chief scientist,12 +15,The remains of Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) Wilma Tezcan arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport from Turkey on Wednesday.,14 +5,MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has convicted a former cashier of the National Food Authority (NFA) for malversation and sentenced her up to 17 years in prison in connection with the loss of PHP10.105 million stolen in 2008.,4 +6,Davao solon seeks creation of another CA division in Mindanao,5 +7,2 suspected drug lords in Taiwan nabbed in separate ops in Makati,6 +6,"Due to the March 29 fire aboard the MV Lady Mary Joy 3, Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva said on Friday that he was filing a resolution seeking an inquiry into the Philippine Coast Guard's (PCG's) and the Maritime Industry Authority’s (MARINA's ) implementation of vessel seaworthiness regulations.",5 +6,Sara Duterte: Important lessons missing in K to 12 curriculum,5 +2,MANILA – Malacañang on Monday echoed the call of the Department of Energy (DOE) to save energy and reduce power costs this summer.,1 +2,Marcos eyes 11 more cold storage facilities in PH fish ports,1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Court of Appeals (CA) said in its latest decision that the evidence recovered during the “illegal search” against Felix Nathaniel “Angel” Manalo, a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo’s (INC) Manalo family, and cannot be used against them.",6 +6,"House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro on Friday threw her support to the proposal to revert the summer vacation of students to April to May, saying it should be done ""at the soonest time possible.""",5 +8,"MANILA, Philippines – A Chinese Coast Guard ship came dangerously close to a Philippine patrol vessel near the Ayungin Shoal, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported on Friday, April 28.",7 +6,Aquino appointees wanted to gut anti-terror law ‘to prevent martial law’ abuses,5 +9,Daily average of PH Covid-19 cases up by 33%,8 +13,Rappler Recap: President Marcos’ 1st SONA,12 +1,Poe: Visayas power woes causing economic losses,0 +13,Marcoses flaunt a Picasso that was supposedly already seized in 2014,12 +9,FDA reminds public to only buy approved sunscreen products,8 +6,Bill establishing evacuation centers in every LGU gets House nod,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Eighteen envoys in the Philippines joined voices to declare their countries’ solidarity with Ukraine as it celebrated its 31st anniversary of independence on Wednesday, August 24.",13 +9,Covid-19 an eye-opener to improve PH health system --- VP Duterte,8 +9,The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) on Tuesday said it is preparing for the possible emergence of summer-related diseases in their facilities.,8 +14,MANILA – Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian and British Ambassador to the Philippines Laure Beaufils on Monday discussed possible partnership opportunities on capacitating the social welfare workforce and fighting hunger in the Philippines.,13 +10,53% of Filipino families received help in Q4 2022 —SWS,9 +13,Rappler Recap: Commemorating the EDSA revolution under President Marcos,12 +6,The House of Representatives has passed on final reading a bill that seeks to allow government workers to receive their retirement benefits at the age 56.,5 +5,"SC junks graft, falsification raps vs. Degamo, 3 others over use of calamity fund",4 +6,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is studying the proposal of lawmakers to push back the filing period of the Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).,5 +13,MANILA – Malacañang on Tuesday bared a new set of appointments of the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. at the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and Supreme Court (SC).,12 +13,"House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto believes that President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. up with a better version of the El Niño response program that the late former president Benigno S. Aquino III drew up during his tenure.",12 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A nominee of progressive Anakpawis Partylist was arrested by the police, the party list said on Saturday, April 9.",6 +13,"MANILA – The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Tuesday said around 450 local government units (LGUs), particularly fourth and fifth class municipalities, are not ready to assume their devolved functions by next year.",12 +3,"Malacañang has declared April 21, 2023, a regular holiday across the country for the observation of Eid'l Fitr or the Feast of Ramadhan.",2 +14,MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) chief Carlito Galvez Jr. has hailed the Malaysian government for its valuable support that enabled the Philippines to repatriate Filipinos working in Sudan.,13 +11,"‘Don’t throw heritage debris,’ says gov’t as team readies to check on historic churches, houses",10 +14,"MANILA – House of Representatives Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Wednesday said the Philippine-United States relations are reaching new heights and levels of understanding after the series of meetings with US House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and other US lawmakers in the US Capitol, Washington DC.",13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge (OIC) Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Thursday, October 27, that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. did not offer her to be his health secretary, adding that she also has “reservations” about the position.",12 +6,A vice chairman of the House Committee on Information and Communications Technology has joined the calls for the extension of the SIM card registration period in light of the low registry turnout.,5 +13,Robin Padilla raises idea of calling out military in Negros Oriental,12 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is looking to release the lists of registered voters in the October 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) by August 1.,12 +13,Palace bares new set of appointees in gov't,12 +9,MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has partnered with the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) for the expansion of health services to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) through the OFW Hospital located in Pampanga province.,8 +1,"MANILA – Private sector establishments have until May 31 to file their Annual Establishment Report on Wages for the year 2022, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said Tuesday.",0 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – International groups challenged the Marcos administration to withdraw cases pursued by the previous Duterte administration against Rappler CEO Maria Ressa, expressing dismay that the Nobel laureate continued to face the prospect of imprisonment over a cyber libel case.",11 +6,Less than half of the total SIMs across the country have been registered with their respective public entities with only a little over two weeks left before the deadline.,5 +6,"Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Thursday emphasized the need for a strong law against private armies and death penalty for security personnel heinous crimes and taking undue advantage of their training, knowledge, and skills.",5 +2,"The Philippine Search and Rescue Group has joined teams from all over the world in search for survivors of the powerful earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, according to Raffy Tima's report on “24 Oras.""",1 +1,Marcos still hopeful of lowering rice prices to P20/kilo,0 +2,"Marcos open to buying Russian fuel, proposes new Myanmar approach",1 +9,DOH: New strategies in place to intensify Covid-19 vaccination,8 +13,"LIVE: Canvassing of votes for president, vice president – 2022 PH elections",12 +8,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) aimed to allot at least three minutes to respond to crime in crowded areas in the country, according to Jun Veneracion’s “24 Oras” report on Friday.",7 +13,Imee Marcos: Put NDRRMC under Office of the President,12 +9,"MANILA – The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) has announced its participation in “Chikiting Ligtas,” the Department of Health’s (DOH) measles-rubella and polio supplementary immunization campaign, set to take place nationwide from May 1 to 31.",8 +12,"MANILA, Philippines – About 4 in 10 or 40% of Filipino adults said their quality of life has to a year ago, a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey found.",11 +11,"SC re-opens Judiciary Memorabilia Hall, ex-CJ Diosdado Peralta’s life, works on exhibit",10 +10,Free LRT-2 rides for workers on May 1: DOLE,9 +8,MANILA – The National Security Council (NSC) on Monday said it the latest results of the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) which placed the Philippines at 18th place in countries impacted by terrorism in 2022.,7 +13,"Marcos appoints new Peace and Order Council, SBMA officials",12 +10,"Maynilad customers in parts of NCR, Cavite to have water service interruption until Feb. 14",9 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – A sister of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) chairperson Prospero de Vera III was arrested by the police for alleged murder charges.",6 +13,"Davao Oriental 2nd district Rep. Cheeno Almario agrees with Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa's pronouncement that local government unit (LGUs) officials should be stripped of their appointing powers when their local police chiefs.",12 +10,"MANILA – The Visayas and some parts of Luzon and Mindanao will continue to experience rain showers due to the low pressure area (LPA) and the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 +14,"Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala arrived at Malacañang Palace on Monday afternoon for a bilateral meeting with President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.",13 +6,"FAST FACTS: What does the House-approved, Marcos pet bill on e-governance contain?",5 +15,"MANILA – Easterlies or warm air from the Pacific Ocean continue to affect the country, particularly eastern sections of Visayas and Mindanao, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Sunday.",14 +13,Dela Rosa believes Acorda can easily handle Negros Oriental problem,12 +6,"Time to consider extending SIM registration deadline, says House leader",5 +7,CA panel defers confirmation hearing for Tejano as ambassador to PNG,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine anti-terror council has designated as a terrorist the exiled senior adviser of the National Democratic Front (NDF), Luis Jalandoni, saying it is “based on verified and validated information.”",12 +14,Biden to send 'first of its kind' presd’l trade mission to PH,13 +7,MANILA – A total of 600 third-level officials of the Philippine National Police (PNP) are set to be vetted by the five-member advisory body that is looking into their courtesy resignations and possible involvement in illegal drugs.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – When he spoke for the first time as president, Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. made a bold promise to the nation: “You will not be disappointed. So do not be afraid.”",12 +15,BFAR braces for El Niño,14 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—The United States did not ask the Philippines to send military troops should a war ensue amid the rising tensions over Taiwan.",13 +10,DAR: Farm machinery to boost livelihood of Abra farmers,9 +6,"Members of the Makabayan bloc at the House of Representatives on Monday questioned before the Supreme Court President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.'s  certification of the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) bill as urgent.",5 +10,"At least 409 Filipinos, mostly overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), were evacuated from strife-torn Sudan in Egypt, Malacañang said on Thursday, April 27.",9 +14,"PhilSA, Argentinian space agency sign agreement on 75th year of diplomatic ties",13 +8,"MANILA, Philippines –  The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) announced on Wednesday, May 18, that it has installed a new set of navigational buoys bearing the Philippine flag in the West Philippine Sea.",7 +6,MANILA – A bill pushing for the establishment of an evacuation center in every city and municipality in the country has hurdled second reading at the House of Representatives.,5 +13,"Pagkatapos ng tour ng mga gusaling nabili ng ill-gotten wealth ng mag-asawang Ferdinand at Imelda Marcos sa New York City, makikipagtalakayan ang Rappler kasama ang tour guide mismo.",12 +5,Con-con measures ‘deliberated extensively’ – Romualdez,4 +2,"MANILA – A total of 1,053 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) from Central Luzon have received their land titles from the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) covering 1,170 hectares of agricultural lands.",1 +10,PSA: 1.37 million children aged 5 to 17 worked in 2021,9 +11,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has partnered with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) to uplift the lives and improve the well-being of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) in the country through social protection efforts.,10 +14,"US to work with incoming PH gov’t on human rights, rule of law",13 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Davao Occidental on Wednesday, January 18, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said in a bulletin.",8 +2,MANILA – Manila Water Company (Manila Water) has begun implementing measures to maximize production of its treatment plants and water sources as it prepares for the expected increase in demand during the summer months.,1 +14,"The Philippines and the United States kicked off their biggest Balikatan military exercise on Tuesday, which aims to develop interoperability between the two countries and improve capability.",13 +13,"MANILA – The two plebiscites in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur province held on March 18 registered a high voter turnout, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said.",12 +7,Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. called on former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and former Deputy Officer Ricardo Zulueta to surrender to authorities following the issuance of warrants of arrest against them.,6 +14,"New Zealand Ambassador to the Philippines Peter Kell shared how he spent his weekend at Ilocos Norte, the home province of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",13 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has approved the extension of the subscriber identity module (SIM) card registration period after the April 26 deadline.",5 +2,Aid supplies from South Korea arrived in Manila on Wednesday for the ongoing efforts to clean up the tanker oil spill that started from the waters off Mindoro Oriental.,1 +2,DMW to open Japan Desk amid clamor for more skilled OFWs,1 +7,BI stops trafficked victim from flying to UAE due to fake immigration stamp,6 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least five current officials of the Department of Health (DOH) are facing for criminal and administrative offenses in relation to the alleged mismanagement of funds for cancer medicines.",6 +15,"Church-run Radio Veritas marked its 54th year on Easter Sunday, April 9.",14 +1,3 Japanese firms commit to invest in Maharlika fund: Marcos,0 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said on Tuesday, January 25, he is okay with passing a law to legalize abortion “for severe cases” like rape and incest, saying he was more concerned with deaths from unsafe abortions than opposition of the Catholic Church.",5 +7,The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Friday denied the report of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) that rebel leaders Benito and Wilma Tiamzon were allegedly tortured and killed by the military.,6 +8,Marcos: Philippines won’t be ‘staging point’ for military action in Indo-Pacific,7 +6,Villar pushes creation of special courts on anti-agricultural smuggling,5 +7,"Exactly how was former police master sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr. able to gather nearly a ton of ""shabu"" inside WPD Lending office, the site of a police operation on Oct. 8, 2022?",6 +11,LIVESTREAM: 1Sambayan EDSA anniversary forum,10 +7,"Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla on Thursday, April 13, urged former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Q. Bantag to heed the arrest order issued by the Muntinlupa City regional trial court (RTC).",6 +4,"The Zamboanga City Jail has instituted a ‘recalibrated management strategy’ that aims to further enhance its delivery of service to protect the rights and the dignity of the persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) under its supervision, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) stated on Sunday, April 30.",3 +7,Makabayan bloc urges House inquiry into data breach at gov't agencies,6 +2,"LTFRB seeks talks on opening of 10,300 TNVS slots",1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – On the eve of the 37th anniversary of the 1986 People Power Revolution, economist and Rappler columnist JC Punongbayan launched his book, False Nostalgia: The Marcos ‘Golden Age’ Myths and How to Debunk Them at the University of the Philippines School of Economics.",12 +7,"Arnie Teves' helicopter, alleged evidence in Degamo slay case, flown to Cebu",6 +2,Marcos creates Water Resources Management Office under DENR,1 +10,Davao de Oro quake victims receive cash aid from DSWD,9 +11,"Designers showcase local textiles, fabrics in Senate exhibit",10 +7,‘Eight focus crimes’ down by 14.7% in Q1 2023 - PNP,6 +8,"Balikatan 2023 seen to boost PH, US forces' coordination, refine tactics",7 +14,Biden eyes longtime diplomat MaryKay Carlson as next US ambassador to PH,13 +2,"Rice importation remains an option for emergency, relief ops",1 +15,"Satellite images showed the oil spill off Oriental Mindoro moving north and heading for the Verde Island passage, the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) said on Tuesday.",14 +2,DepEd urged to recall order on onsite work for teachers,1 +3,ACG reminds vloggers to exercise diligence in content creation,2 +2,"PH has more than enough to cover repatriation of 150,000 OFWs in Taiwan--Jinggoy",1 +10,CAB lowers fuel surcharge for April,9 +11,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has signed an administrative order creating an for of the 125th anniversary of Philippine independence and nationhood.,10 +10,"The Low Pressure Area (LPA) east of Visayas could a tropical depression, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Monday, April 10, said.",9 +7,Former National Security Adviser Clarita Carlos on Monday denied that she submitted a report to President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. identifying the personalities supposedly linked to smuggling and hoarding of onions.,6 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – Press freedom advocates, activists, and student organizations continue to remember the gruesome Maguindanao massacre on its 13th year on Wednesday, November 23.",10 +1,Salceda: 8.7% inflation rate to go down ‘but there's a floor’,0 +2,"The Philippines has a supply of doctors, nurses, and other health workers but only a fraction of them are practicing their professions, Commissioner Erwin Enad of the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) told a on Monday.",1 +15,Dieg Teopaco: From drug suspect and gang member to pastor,14 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Just how fast is the House of Representatives trying to pass the proposed establishment of the controversial Maharlika Wealth Fund?",5 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Former senator Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino on Monday, December 5, questioned the timing of a proposed sovereign wealth fund (SWF), even as administration allies rush its passage in the House of Representatives.",5 +9,"2021 ‘deadliest’ year in PH history with over 879,000 deaths – PopCom",8 +12,51% of Filipinos expect COVID-19 crisis to end within 2022 – SWS,11 +7,"BI arrests Chinese, 2 Japanese at NAIA, Taguig",6 +6,"The on population and family relations has approved ""in principle"" eight bills on divorce.",5 +10,"Malacañang suspends work in gov’t, classes in public schools on September 26",9 +7,Three former director-generals of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) have refuted the claim that some of their agents were rewarding their informants with 30% of the seized illegal drugs from successful operations.,6 +9,"4 vehicular mishaps, food poisoning case reported so far amid Holy Week –NDRRMC",8 +14,Philippines becomes global case study of media repression,13 +10,"MANILA – Warm and humid weather may be experienced across the archipelago on Wednesday, the weather bureau said.",9 +13,Duterte lauds arrest of alleged CPP-NPA leader,12 +9,Why the Philippines is not closing borders vs monkeypox for now,8 +1,MANILA – The “Kadiwa ng Pangulo para sa Manggagawa” in the National Capital Region (NCR) and Central Luzon logged the highest amounts of sales from the nationwide event held in celebration of Labor Day.,0 +14,"LIST: New deals, initiatives from US Vice President Kamala Harris’ PH visit",13 +10,"PAGASA: Scattered rain showers to prevail over Bataan, Zambales; improved weather elsewhere as LPA weakens",9 +15,2 Filipinos feted as regional winners in 2023 World Press Photo Contest,14 +7,DA seizes over P27-M smuggled sugar,6 +8,"Solon condemns killing of Albay cop, urges PNP to ensure peace and stability in the region",7 +14,MANILA – The Philippines and the United Kingdom (UK) have both expressed strong support to calls for stability and security in the Indo-Pacific Region.,13 +10,Filipinos to pay higher PhilHealth rate starting June 2022,9 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R, Marcos Jr. on Thursday directed the Department of Tourism (DOT) to assess non-operating tourism zones under the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) to boost the Philippine tourism industry.",0 +8,"DND: EDCA meant to boost PH defense capabilities, not for war",7 +15,The University of the Philippines (UP) announced that its college admission test will resume on June 3 and 4 after being halted due to COVID-19 pandemic.,14 +14,US Ambassador Carlson cites importance of free press in visit to GMA,13 +3,MANILA – The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has joined the call of an environmental organization for a safe and of Holy Week this year.,2 +7,Former Commission on Audit (COA) Susan Garcia on Thursday testified before the anti-graft court that the office of then-senator Juan Ponce Enrile submitted confirmation documents stating that it received items purchased by the non-government organizations (NGOs) it endorsed for government projects funded by Enrile’s Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or discretionary fund.,6 +13,"The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the Martial Law declaration by the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos. It also happens to be the same year his son, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., was elected president, signaling the return of the Marcos family to power.",12 +8,"The Philippines and the United States began their military exercises in the country on Monday, March 13.",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Tuesday, October 25, denied the alleged “rebranding” of Martial Law or historical revisionism in favor of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos at the Department of Education (DepEd).",12 +10,"MANILA – Most parts of the country, including Metro Manila, will have partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms due to the easterlies and localized thunderstorms on Saturday.",9 +13,Why Robredo won’t be at Sara Duterte’s oath taking,12 +14,Zubiri: PH-Japan strategic partnership is evolving to even higher levels,13 +14,PBBM wants to forge stronger alliances with more countries,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed former chief justice Lucas Bersamin as his next executive secretary, more than a week after the embattled Victor Rodriguez resigned from this post.",12 +5,"Senator Ramon ‘’Bong’’ Revilla Jr. has sought drastic changes in the Philippine National Police (PNP) to make its personnel more accountable, particularly when they meddle in local politics or allow themselves to errand boys of political kingpins.",4 +13,Bato to Catapang: Keep an eye on BuCor personnel,12 +14,"Approach to China? Let’s try everything, says Marcos",13 +2,Waste management experts from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) provided a two-day training workshop for six Pangasinan Local Government Units (LGUs) to with science-based knowledge on proper waste management.,1 +6,"Tolentino seeks postponement of Barangay, SK polls in Negros Oriental; here's why",5 +7,BuCor: 13 prisoners now persons of interest in Percy Lapid case,6 +8,MANILA -- Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Thursday assured that the government will provide protection to the family of potential witnesses in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel R. Degamo last March 4.,7 +7,PNP: No 'drug commission' for tipsters,6 +7,"Noting that aspiring overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are being duped left and right, House Deputy Speaker and Las Piñas City lone district Rep. Camille Villar is eying a congressional inquiry into the proliferation of scammers offering dubious and non-existent jobs abroad.",6 +6,"Poe seeks probe, long-term solutions to Panay Island brownouts",5 +9,"To witness the partial solar eclipse safely, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) shared some viewing dos and don’ts to protect your eyes while watching the astronomical event.",8 +2,"MANILA – The Manila Water Company (Manila Water) on Tuesday announced that its customers in several parts of the cities of Pasig, Quezon and Mandaluyong will experience water interruption due to service improvement activities from Feb. 23 to 24.",1 +15,MANILA – The multi-million-peso new Varsity Training Center inside the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman Campus in Quezon City has by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).,14 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ Food and Drug Administration has allowed the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for kids aged 6 to 11, amending the drugmaker’s emergency use authorization (EUA) for its vaccine use.",8 +5,Supreme Court acquits journalist of libel raps filed by Cebu Governor Gwen Garcia,4 +9,"DOH reports 199 new COVID-19 cases; active tally drops to 10,038",8 +6,Senate panel eyes inquiry on ICC probe vs. war on drugs,5 +12,"At least 89 percent of adult Filipinos are satisfied with the way democracy works in the Philippines, the Fourth Quarter 2022 Social Weather Stations (SWS) poll showed.",11 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was in Manila from October 24 to 28 for the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, which the Philippine capital hosted.",13 +2,"A mobile water filtration truck was deployed by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) to Oriental Mindoro on Saturday, April 22, to ensure that residents affected by the oil spill will have potable water.",1 +7,MANILA – Surigao del Norte 2nd District Rep. Robert Ace Barbers on Monday urged the Philippine National Police (PNP) to probe the possible coddlers and financiers of Sgt. Rodolfo Mayo Jr. who was arrested in an operation that yielded PHP6.7 billion worth of shabu in Manila in October last year.,6 +9,"Metro Manila, 38 other areas to enter Alert Level 1 in March",8 +7,"WASHINGTON, D.C.— Going after syndicates involved in the illegal drug trade is the current administration's priority action to curb the illegal drug problem in the Philippines.",6 +7,Female Makati cop in 'reassignment for sale' scheme nabbed,6 +7,"Rep Teves asks DOJ to dismiss charges of illegal possession of firearms, explosives filed by PNP",6 +10,"An earthquake with a magnitude measuring 5.8 jolted waters off Davao Occidental, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said on Friday, April 21.",9 +4,"DBM vows support for BARMM transition, women-centric programs",3 +11,Manila solon cites need for restoration of San Sebastian Church,10 +7,DOJ orders withdrawal of cases with no certainty of conviction from first-level courts,6 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Subic recently apprehended 30 20-footer containers of misdeclared sugar from Hong Kong with an estimated value of PHP86 million.,6 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is set to start on Saturday the printing of the more than 13,000 official ballots for the March 18 plebiscites in Marawi City.",12 +7,Causing says disbarment prevents him from giving 100% support to Percy Lapid family,6 +9,When do you need to wear a mask outdoors?,8 +8,"Experts on Wednesday called on the government to stand up against China’s ""gray zone"" operations in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) and rally support from other countries.",7 +10,"The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said tropical depression Amang has weakened into a low pressure area (LPA) around 8 a.m., Thursday, April 13.",9 +7,MANILA – The five-member advisory body looking into the possible involvement in illegal drugs of senior officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) is aiming to finish the vetting process before PNP chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. reaches the retirement age of 56 on April 24.,6 +6,"Cong Villar seeks final House nod for bill banning 'no permit, no exam' rule",5 +15,Ex-DFA chief Albert del Rosario passes away at 83,14 +8,79 Reds surrender in Mimaropa since January,7 +7,PH government deports 2 Japanese fugitives tagged in serial robberies,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed two new associate justices for the Court of Appeals (CA) and one for the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA).",12 +12,Student group against proposed tuition fee hikes in some schools,11 +7,Sec Remulla: ‘Oriental Mindoro oil spill is a crime not an accident’,6 +9,"The slight increases in COVID-19 positivity rate should not be a cause of concern now as the hospital admissions for severe and critical cases remain low, infectious diseases expert Dr. Rontgene Solante said Monday.",8 +1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday led the launch of the “Kadiwa ng Pangulo” program at the Cebu Provincial Capitol grounds in Cebu City, the rebranded version of the “Kadiwa ng Pasko” bazaar that sells food and agricultural products at a cheaper price.",0 +2,20.7 million COVID-19 jabs wasted. What’s next?,1 +5,CA denies with finality detained ex-ARMM Gov. Ampatuan’s plea for transfer to hospital,4 +6,Divorce bill to make PH conform to global norm: solon,5 +9,"The Philippines registered 832 fresh COVID-19 infections from February 20 to February 26, 2023, the latest Department of Health (DOH) weekly bulletin said on Monday.",8 +7,"MANILA - The Biñan Police on Thursday presented to Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors the primary persons of interest in the death of John Matthew Salilig, the 24-year-old Adamson University engineering student who was found dead after allegedly undergoing fraternity initiation rites.",6 +2,"The number of COVID-19 vaccine wastage in the Philippines will reach 50 million by the end of March, Department of Health officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire confirmed Thursday.",1 +6,"LTFRB sets traditional jeeps' final trips on June 30, 2023",5 +15,WATCH: Here’s what to expect during FVR’s state funeral and burial ceremony,14 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan has filed a request with the pre-trial chamber (PTC), asking that they be allowed to resume investigations into the killings in Davao City and in President Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody war on drugs.",6 +2,DENR eyes tapping Balikatan participants to help in Oriental Mindoro oil spill cleanup,1 +7,DOJ junks murder raps vs 17 cops over death of couple killed in ‘Bloody Sunday’,6 +2,DBM assures enough funds to provide aid to oil spill-affected residents,1 +15,MANILA – A bloodletting activity is set to be conducted by the Archdiocese of Manila next month in celebration of Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula's 71st birthday on March 30.,14 +13,Marcos picks Bienvenido Rubio as Customs Commissioner,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court, through an important ruling publicized on Saturday, February 4, said that can now appeal judgments and orders in criminal proceedings as long as the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) conforms to their request.",4 +9,"Philippines logs 1,102 new COVID-19 cases from Jan. 30 to Feb.5 2023",8 +10,PUV fare discount to take effect in Metro Manila in April,9 +9,DepEd allows optional wearing of face masks in classrooms,8 +14,PH diplomat says Ukraine comms via media ‘not good diplomatic practice’,13 +6,"Nearly 24% of all the SIMs across the country have been registered with their respective public entities (PTEs) with 51 days left before the deadline, government data released Monday showed.",5 +15,"The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on Thursday, May 4, announced that only 4,139 examinees have passed the April 2023 Criminologist Licensure Examination.",14 +7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) called on authorities to take action on the alleged abduction of National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) consultant Ariel Badiang in Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon on February 6.",6 +9,"COVID-19 growth decreases in NCR, surges in Cebu City, Davao City – Octa",8 +8,"Colmenares: Foreign ownership of industries, land a risk to national security",7 +2,DOH to address shortage of nurses due to migration,1 +13,"Of top presidential bets, Marcos the only one who won’t release SALN",12 +2,Some private schools ask for 4% tuition increase on average,1 +7,"Following filed against its officials, Department of Health officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire on Tuesday said their agency is using funds for its cancer programs in a transparent manner.",6 +2,BFAR gears up for El Niño to ensure ample food supply,1 +2,"Senate panels tackle bills seeking high-quality PH goods, jobs",1 +14,MANILA – A delegation of European legislators said the human rights situation in the Philippines is “better” under the current to the time of former President Rodrigo Duterte.,13 +2,VP Sara insists hiring 30K teachers a year impossible; ACT Teachers says it is logical,1 +2,"Poe: Release of PSA's IRR to boost investments, create more jobs",1 +13,MANILA – Tingog Party-list Rep. Yedda Marie K. Romualdez on Wednesday said their group has inaugurated three Alagang Tingog Centers in Davao del Norte to bring government services closer to people.,12 +10,Amihan' to bring rain showers over Luzon,9 +6,Telcos renew call to extend SIM registration deadline,5 +9,"Over 52,000 kids aged 5 to 11 received first dose of COVID-19 vaccine – DOH",8 +4,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Monday, May 1, renewed to pushing for legislation that would protect and advance the interests of workers across the country, particularly with regard to the pressing need for a wage hike.",3 +7,A Muntinlupa City court has issued a hold departure order (HDO) against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and former BuCor deputy officer Ricardo Zulueta.,6 +7,Comelec en banc affirms junking of DQ case vs. Raffy Tulfo,6 +9,"The Philippines registered 304 additional cases of Covid-19, the Department of Health (DOH) reported on Saturday, April 29.",8 +12,49% of Filipinos believe life will improve in 2023 – SWS survey,11 +6,"Bill proposes free parking for elderly, PWD in shopping areas",5 +9,"The Philippines on Thursday registered 137 new COVID-19 infections, while the tally of active cases rose by four from the day before to 8,414.",8 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Despite concerns over the renewed spread of COVID-19 in China, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will push through with his state visit to the regional economic giant from January 3 to 5, 2023.",13 +6,"Proposal to postpone brgy, SK polls in Negros Oriental should be studied carefully —COMELEC",5 +14,"US expects business engagement, 'military enhancements' from Biden-Marcos summit",13 +8,"MANILA – The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) Legal Cooperation Cluster (LCC) on Monday said justice has been served to the Filipino people following the conviction of youth activist Alexandrea Pacalda for illegal possession of firearms, ammunitions and explosives.",7 +7,"Negros Oriental Rep. Arnold “Arnie” Teves, Jr. is asking his colleagues in the House of Representatives to lift the 60-day suspension imposed against him, saying the threats against his life and his family did not with physical proof.",6 +13,"On September 30, the Liberal Party elected nine-term congressman Edcel Lagman as its new president, and former senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan as its chairperson",12 +2,"OCD, NDRRMC urged to simplify aid distribution process",1 +3,LIVESTREAM: Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday 2023,2 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – The second alleged middleman in the killing of Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa denied knowing self-confessed gunman Joel Escorial.",6 +10,"MANILA – Tropical Depression (TD) Amang continues to bring rains across Luzon while Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) No. 1 remains hoisted over some areas in the island, the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 +6,MANILA – One of the of the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM 2) reiterated on Wednesday his call to address issues that surround Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) that center on jobs-skills mismatch.,5 +6,PH gov’t asks ICC pre-trial chamber to deny request to resume probe into drug war,5 +2,"MANILA – Close to 4,600 Manila residents, including senior citizens and persons with disability (PWDs), were provided employment through the city public employment service office (PESO).",1 +9,Fire onboard scrap ship in Cebu declared out after 10 hours,8 +6,"The Universal Health Care (UHC) Law and its penalties cannot be applied retroactively, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).",5 +14,SolGen: British barrister to represent PH in ICC proceedings,13 +8,Malacañang names 4 more EDCA sites,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – National Commission (NTC) Commissioner Gamaliel Cordoba has been appointed as the new chairperson of the Commission on Audit (COA), replacing Jose Calida.",12 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – After months of recording low infections, COVID-19 cases climbed again by 82% from June 13 to 19, data from the Department of Health (DOH) showed.",8 +2,4.6K Manila residents get jobs via public employment office,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla has put up a P5-million reward for any information that would lead to the arrest and prosecution of the killers of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",12 +7,"Former Justice Undersecretary Reynante Orceo, the legal counsel of the alleged middleman in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, said he was being prevented from meeting his client.",6 +13,"Amid rumors that Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri almost lost his position due to his supposed low output and alleged failure to prioritize key legislative measures, Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III advised Congress' leaders not be attached to their positions. “Ang advice talaga dyan sa lahat ng mga magiging Senate president at maging sa speaker of the House: Do not be too attached to the position. Anytime, let it go kung may isang may critical number, ibigay mo,” Pimentel, who served as Senate president in the 17th Congress but was later on replaced by former Senator Vicente Sotto III, said in an online interview. “Bigay mo na. Siya ang nakabuo ng minimum number ng 13, and then siya na ang mag-steer ng ship at alagaan niya lahat ng mga egos [at] mga interest ng mga kasama niya,” he added. Speaking from experience, Pimentel said it was a challenge to handle his colleagues’ egos and interests. “Mahina kasi ang party system natin. Wala namang party-backing ang ating mga leaders of Congress. Hindi by party e. At saka kung may party man sya, not sufficient in numbers. There is no guarantee sa stability in the leadership,” he said. In the current political structure, support for the Senate presidency was mostly gathered through personal relationships and through interests in governance, Pimentel explained.",12 +7,De Lima’s camp opposes move to reopen case,6 +14,"The hiring of some 75,000 Filipino seafarers by American firms ""highlights the strong partnership between the Philippines and the United States (US)"".",13 +8,PH Army's 'javelin' live-fire drills in Nueva Ecija set April 13,7 +14,The Philippines is among the 141 countries which signed the new resolution of the United Nations General Assembly calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops in Ukraine.,13 +7,Justice Secretary Crispin Remulla on Saturday insisted that they would investigate the thousands of killings under the Rodrigo Duterte administration’s war on drugs on its own.,6 +2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday urged fellow Filipinos to support urban farming initiatives to help his administration in addressing threats to food security.,1 +3,MANILA – The pilgrim relics of St. Therese of the Child Jesus will on a three-day visitation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Novaliches (RCDN) from April 9 to April 11.,2 +7,"Barbers vows House probe into police, PDEA informants allegedly securing confiscated drugs for selling",6 +2,DOTr intends to complete 18 airport maintenance projects before Marcos' SONA,1 +14,"Malaysia, US help Ph search for missing medevac plane in Palawan",13 +6,Bill allowing married women to retain maiden names approved on 2nd reading in House,5 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) said more than 70 clustered precincts in four voting centers have opened to voters for the plebiscite on Saturday morning that will divide Barangay Muzon in the City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.",12 +1,Senator Risa Hontiveros on Tuesday disclosed that three traders may gain billions from the supposed sugar importation.,0 +2,"Senator Christopher “Bong” Go has called on the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) and airline officials to have more contingency plans in place, including having backup power and facilities to stranded passengers.",1 +6,"After backlash, House leaders spare GSIS, SSS from Maharlika fund",5 +13,Marcos says Filipinos 'reaping fruits' of father's admin building NKTI,12 +8,Balikatan live-fire drill participants sink retired WWII corvette,7 +10,"Negros Oriental mourns its former governor on Thursday, March 16, as he is laid to rest in his hometown of Siaton. Malacañang has declared a special nonworking holiday in the province.",9 +2,The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) on Wednesday said Angat Dam has enough water to supply the needs during the dry season.,1 +14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday assured Japanese that his administration would continue to work closely with them to ensure a ready pool of highly-skilled Filipino seafarers required by Japanese,13 +3,"MANILA – In line with efforts to promote peace and unity, the Philippine National Police (PNP) hosted the Grand Iftar 2023 on Wednesday.",2 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Budget season at the House of Representatives officially started on Friday, August 26, with the briefing of the Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC) before members of the body during session.",5 +15,No one hit the jackpot prizes for Grand Lotto 6/55 and Mega Lotto 6/45 in the evening draw of the,14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. delivers his inaugural speech after taking his oath of office as the 17th president of the Philippines at the National Museum on Thursday, June 30.",12 +9,LGUs urged to support supplemental immunization for kids,8 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. reported that he had secured $1.3 billion in investment pledges that could create almost 7,000 new jobs for Filipinos in the Philippines as he concluded his four-day official visit to Washington, DC, on Friday morning, May 5 (Manila time).",1 +10,PAGASA not ruling out possible ‘strong’ El Niño this year,9 +7,The Department of Justice (DOJ) has the filing of murder charges against six suspects involved in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 +2,"DSWD to open AICS satellite offices in Caloocan, Parañaque",1 +14,US to transfer more assets to AFP,13 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – The remaining three Supreme Court appointees of the late former president Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III wanted to gut the feared anti-terror law, two of them voting for a triple kill, but they lost to President Rodrigo Duterte appointees.",12 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – Tensions ran high between a lawmaker and a gender equality advocate during the second House hearing on the bill seeking to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE).",3 +13,Marcos admin committed to supporting Bangsamoro peace process,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) has issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) to stop the Commission on Elections’ (Comelec) Oplan Baklas.",4 +10,Degamo funeral: Palace declares March 16 special non-working holiday in Negros Oriental,9 +6,"Traditional jeepneys can still operate beyond the set deadline as long as they join the transport cooperatives, officials of the Department of Transportation and the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board told a Senate panel Thursday.",5 +1,The government of the United States recently launched roll-on/roll-off (RORO) services in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) to boost the local trade and investment in the island region.,0 +2,"The congestion rate in Bureau of Jail Management and Penology facilities was at 370%, BJMP spokesperson Jail Chief Inspector Jayrex Bustinera said Friday.",1 +2,Bicol solon highlights progress of solar-powered water supply program,1 +2,DBM: P1.89B earmarked for electrification programs,1 +13,Erwin Tulfo eyed as nominee after ACT-CIS solon quits —House sources,12 +5,"SC upholds acquittal of retired general, wife from tax evasion case",4 +13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Tuesday vowed to seek justice for its election officer in Maguindanao del Sur province who was shot dead in Lambayong town, Sultan Kudarat province.",12 +13,Robredo condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,12 +10,"An earthquake measuring magnitude 5.5 on the Richter scale rocked Isabela province on Thursday morning, May 4, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs).",9 +14,DFA: Anwar visit impetus to reinvigorate PH-Malaysia ties,13 +13,WASHINGTON - President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is considering adding more people in his Cabinet.,12 +6,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Tuesday called on Congress to include a provision of having an interest subsidy support on housing projects in the national budget for the succeeding years.,5 +9,"Please mind the summer heat, since it can be quite dangerous to your health.",8 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said the government will send to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its drug war probe out of respect and not necessarily because of “compliance.”",4 +10,MANILA – Over 300 informal settler families (ISFs) who would be affected by major flood-control projects in Metro Manila are assured of proper relocation to decent housing.,9 +8,Live firing readiness drills were among the joint military exercises conducted by Philippine and US troops in various locations in the country as part of the biggest Balikatan exercise to date.,7 +9,Filipinos were reminded by the Department of Health (DOH) to check and clean possible mosquito-breeding sites as dengue is also prominent this dry season.,8 +7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers have stopped two Filipinas from going to Dubai at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) for allegedly using fake exit stamps given to them by a human trafficking group.,6 +13,"Senator Robinhood Padilla on Thursday, April 13, said he was heartened over the planned resumption of talks this May between the Philippines and China for oil and gas exploration in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).",12 +9,"The Philippines recorded 1,171 new coronavirus cases from March 13 to March 19, 2023, the latest Department of Health (DOH) bulletin indicated.",8 +13,Ex-COA auditor: Enrile office said it received items procured by NGOs using PDAF,12 +2,"Tulfo coordinates with Palace, NEA on Occidental Mindoro energy crisis",1 +2,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Monday the government is slowly converting the country’s dependence on water supply from underground water to surface water.",1 +11,PANOORIN: Mga lugar na puwedeng puntahan para alalahanin ang EDSA Revolution,10 +7,"Suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Thursday confirmed that Marvin Miranda, one of the alleged masterminds behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, used to be his bodyguard.",6 +12,This video is part of a series that seeks to get a random pulse of sentiments on the ground during a particular period of time and in a particular place. It is by no means indicative of scientific trends among potential voters.,11 +13,"La Union, Davao Oriental agri officers say towns didn’t get benefits from Enrile PDAF",12 +6,"MANILA – The Land Transportation Office (LTO) on Wednesday issued new guidelines on the accreditation and supervision of driving schools, as well as the standardization of driver and conductor's education, all set to take effect on April 15.",5 +8,"United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III visited local troops in Zamboanga City on Wednesday, the Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Mindanao Command said.",7 +5,The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has scrapped the P140 million deficiency tax assessment slapped by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) against a Makati-based for the failure of the former to demand payment on time.,4 +14,A United States trade official will be visiting Manila next week for a series of meetings with government officials and business leaders to discuss the ongoing Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) negotiations.,13 +14,Marcos to seek specifics from Biden on US defense commitment,13 +12,Transport group PISTON on Monday called on President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to suspend the implementation of the guidelines for the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP).,11 +6,"Agricultural insurance problems of farmers should be included in the government’s plan to mitigate the impacts of El Nino, Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva on Thursday, April 27, said.",5 +15,"MANILA – Many areas in the country will continue to experience rains due to the shear line and the northeast monsoon or “amihan,” said the weather bureau on Friday.",14 +14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said the issue in the West Philippine Sea was among the topics he and Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala discussed during their ""successful"" bilateral meeting in Malacañang on April 17.",13 +9,MANILA – Senators are hoping for the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) to implement soon its planned hemodialysis coverage expansion from 90 to 156 sessions.,8 +8,Defense chief Carlito Galvez Jr. on Monday said that local governments in Cagayan and Camarines Sur are open to establishing new Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement sites in their areas.,7 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered the continued suspension of electronic sabong (e-sabong or cockfighting) operations nationwide in an executive order (EO) issued on Wednesday, December 28.",6 +13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) said it would spare no effort in preventing violence in the October 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).,12 +15,"CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – Former Bukidnon representative Jesus Emmanuel “Jess” Paras died at a Cagayan de Oro hospital on Wednesday morning, April 6. He was 68.",14 +13,"Marcos visits wake of Degamo, assures aid to victims",12 +7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Friday met with the families of missing sabungeros.   ""Basically, it’s a dialogue that happens every month so that they can turn to somebody for this problem of having 34 missing people,” Remulla said in an ambush interview at the Department of Justice.   According to the justice secretary, the families were relieved during the meeting because they did not want to be “abandoned.”   “The worst that can happen is for the law to abandon people who are trying to get justice. Dapat talaga ongoing ang process of obtaining justice sa bansa natin. That’s why we go to work every day,” he said.",6 +13,"Duterte appoints Malacañang official, ex-Napoles lawyer as CA, CTA justices",12 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines on Saturday, February the 37th year of the EDSA People Power Revolution that toppled the late tyrant Ferdinand E. Marcos.",10 +5,SC voids CBA provision setting lower retirement age for female crew than male,4 +15,3 Philippine public schools are finalists for World’s Best School Prize categories,14 +7,"Agriculture Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban and Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) officials are required to participate in the Senate blue probe into the alleged “state-sponsored” sugar smuggling, Senator Francis Tolentino said Tuesday.",6 +5,Tax appeals court dismisses tax evasion case vs ex-BuCor caterer,4 +13,Filipino diplomat elected as top Permanent Court of Arbitration official,12 +2,Nancy Binay: Masungi Georeserve not ideal for new BuCor headquarters,1 +14,Ople to brief UN on PH migration governance,13 +10,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) disclosed Wednesday, April 12, that it will give assistance to the fisherfolk that will be affected by the “Exercise Balikatan” at sea drills.",9 +9,Philippines confirms first case of monkeypox,8 +9,"MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) said Wednesday it is implementing preventive measures against the H3N8 bird influenza, together with the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).",8 +14,"The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the United States Armed Forces will fire at and sink a vessel of the Philippine Navy (PN) in Zambales on Wednesday, April 26, as part of and joint littoral live fire exercise of the ongoing Balikatan drills.",13 +10,"MANILA – Customers of Manila Water Company (Manila Water) in some parts of Antipolo City, Marikina City and two towns in Rizal province will experience water interruption due to service improvement activities from April 26 to 27.",9 +10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines recorded a 13% decrease in the number of births among adolescent mothers in 2020, setting a record for the sharpest decrease in births of women under 20 since 2003, the Commission on Population and Development (PopCom) said on Friday, January 28.",9 +11,"MANILA, Philippines – Various groups and institutions are preparing for the 36th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution on Friday, February 25.",10 +9,MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has reported no more signs of an oil spill in waters surrounding the Verde Island after an aerial inspection on Monday.,8 +7,PNP to probe if Degamo's police security were deliberately absent the day he was shot,6 +13,"Make good governance 'viral' in bureaucracy, Cong Yamsuan tells GCG",12 +6,Dela Rosa ushers proposed ROTC Act to Senate plenary,5 +8,"26 suspected Chinese militia, coast guard vessels spotted near Ayungin Shoal — PCG",7 +7,Two suspects tagged prominent person in Degamo slay —source,6 +14,EU to continue recognizing PH-issued certs to seafarers,13 +13,Villar vs Zubiri? Fight for the Senate presidency heats up,12 +10,Editor’s Note: Watch the live Supreme Court press conference at the topmost portion of this page. We will give you here a link to the full list of Bar passers once it is made available by the court.,9 +7,"The Bureau of Customs (BOC) found P120-million worth of suspected smuggled food products in Navotas last week, with most of the from China.",6 +7,MANILA – Immigration authorities arrested an overstaying British national in Palawan on Thursday.,6 +13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has designated Major General Charlton Sean Gaerlan as the Armed Forces' deputy chief of staff, the military’s third highest official.",12 +10,"PCG logs over 73K outbound, 49K inbound passengers on Black Saturday",9 +15,"‘Amihan’ to bring cloudy skies, rains to Luzon",14 +13,"Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Saturday said the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) were among the priority measures discussed during the congressional leaders' meeting with President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Friday.",12 +13,Manuel questions poll showing majority support for mandatory ROTC,12 +8,"MANILA – The BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), one of the Philippine Navy's (PN) two guided missile frigates in service, demonstrated its advanced capabilities to the officers and enlisted personnel of the Philippine Marine Corps' Coastal Defense Regiment (CDR).",7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Why was President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. away from the Philippines on the 50th anniversary of Martial Law?Will the son follow in the father’s authoritarian footsteps? In this episode of In The Public Square, veteran journalist John Nery talks to Asian Studies professor Patricio “Jojo” Abinales about what the of a Marcos will spell for the Philippines.Listen to Abinales’ insightful, provocative answers to these and other questions about Ferdinand the father and Ferdinand the son on Wednesday, September 28, at 8 pm.",12 +14,"Oui, oui: Marcos says yes to French state visit",13 +11,Most traditional jeepneys—the recognized kings of the country's roads and cultural icons recognizable even abroad—will have their final trips on the public transportation routes on June 30.,10 +7,"Only 0.06% of total departing passengers on an everyday basis get offloaded from their flights due to being victims of human trafficking, illegal recruitment, or inconsistencies in their travel documents, the Bureau of Immigration said Monday.",6 +13,‘On leave’ Tulfo skips last Marcos Cabinet meeting of 2022,12 +14,"VP Sara: PH to strengthen ties, partnership with Lao, Czechia",13 +2,Employees’ Compensation Commission pauses COVID-19 aid program due to backlog,1 +9,PBBM taps LGUs to promote ‘last mile’ nutrition,8 +6,Marcos tasks inter-agency body to resolve labor disputes,5 +14,Bumisita ang bise pangulo ng Amerika sa Pilipinas – si Kamala Harris.,13 +7,"The 2021 report of the Commission of Audit on the province of Pampanga questioned the distribution of a P91.18 million pandemic mitigation cash assistance, which it said was riddled with names with dubious details in about 23% of the more than 20,000 beneficiaries.",6 +13,Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III on Friday insisted that someone must be held accountable for the Philippines airspace shutdown last January 1.,12 +7,The camp of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves on Monday said the lawmaker does not own the firearms allegedly retrieved from his houses.,6 +10,MANILA – The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) will soon implement a fare discount scheme for Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) passengers through the Service Contracting Program (SCP).,9 +14,"PBBM departs for US to boost ties on food security, economy",13 +13,"Robin, Mariel feted in Gawad Agila Awards",12 +14,"The Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) and the National Commission on Space Activities (CONAE) of the Argentine Republic signed an agreement on Tuesday, April 25, on the peaceful use of outer space in celebration of the 75th year of diplomatic ties between the two countries.",13 +7,DOJ indicts 7 Tau Gamma Phi members over Salilig hazing,6 +6,Senate panel eyes multi-year plan for child dev't workers bill,5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Over two months after he started his term, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr is set to embark on his first state visits.",13 +10,"MANILA – Ahead of the Holy Week, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Thursday issued reminders to travelers who are required to present additional documentary requirements before they may be cleared for departure.",9 +13,House ethics panel receives Degamo widow’s letter seeking Arnie Teves expulsion,12 +9,"DILG, BFP warn public as fire incidents surge nearly 40% in April",8 +8,PH won’t be ‘staging post’ for any military action – Marcos,7 +6,Heated bill lowering vape access age from 21 to 18 lapses into law,5 +13,Voters of Barangay Muzon in Bulacan agree to split village into 4,12 +14,Marcos: No sector that wasn't touched by PH-US partnership,13 +7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced on Wednesday the deportation of a former minister of Mongolia wanted in his home country for corruption.,6 +3,Balanga Bishop Ruperto C. Santos has requested the faithful for prayers for the safety of Filipinos working or based in Sudan as violence in the African country continues.,2 +9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday recorded 81 new COVID-19 cases while the active tally went down to 9,087.",8 +13,Hontiveros won’t sign Padilla’s panel report on con-ass,12 +10,MANILA – The weather bureau on Wednesday forecast warm weather with isolated rain showers to prevail across the country.,9 +10,"Notion that farmers and fisherfolk are the absolute poorest in Philippine society, AGRI Party-list Rep. Wilbert T. Lee is asking the government to stay the course with its decision to invest heavily in both sectors.",9 +3,A Catholic bishop called on the faithful to mark Easter Sunday as the start of their “renewed journey.”,2 +7,PNP vows to resolve case of alleged hazing victim John Matthew Salilig,6 +13,Marcos names Carlos David as DENR undersecretary,12 +6,Solon explains why UFS backing of proposed Magna Carta of Pinoy Seafarers Act is a big deal,5 +11,"36 Years: After 2022 polls, crucial for Filipinos to develop ‘sense of history’",10 +6,"The House ways and means panel on Tuesday approved a bill extending the period of availment of estate tax amnesty from June 15 this year to June 14, 2025.",5 +7,A Las Piñas City Regional Trial Court on Friday issued a warrant of arrest against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and four others over the killing of broadcast journalist Percy Lapid in October.,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In a simple and straightforward inaugural ceremony in her hometown of Davao City on Sunday, June 19, vice president-elect Sara Duterte said “the voice of 32.2 million Filipinos was loud and clear.”",12 +5,Sandigan allows Gigi Reyes to skip a trial day to attend son’s wedding,4 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Lorraine Badoy, former spokesperson of the government’s anti-insurgency task force who has notorious for red-tagging, is now targeting the Angat Buhay nongovernmental organization set up by former vice president Leni Robredo.",12 +15,4Ps beneficiary tops Civil Engineers Licensure Exam,14 +13,The Pagkakaisa ng Samahan ng Tsuper at Operator Nationwide or PISTON said the transport strike will continue on Tuesday.,12 +2,The University of the Philippines Board of Regents (BOR) on Monday selected College of Law Dean Edgardo Carlo Vistan as the new chancellor of UP Diliman.,1 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – A new map produced by a United States science agency shows the “possible” oil spill from the sunken oil tanker MT Princess Empress reaching Coron, Palawan, as an environment and clean energy advocate lamented the slow response of the government to the oil spill.",8 +15,"Bookmark and refresh this page to watch this forum live at 4 pm (Manila time) on Tuesday, February 22.",14 +6,Marcos wants pension system for war veterans fixed,5 +7,"Suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” A. Teves Jr., a suspected “mastermind” in the March 4 killing of provincial governor Roel R. Degamo, may still be in Cambodia.",6 +12,9 of 10 Filipinos have experienced climate change impacts: SWS,11 +13,Tolentino sees conspiracy in DepEd laptop mess,12 +10,Marikina suspends face-to-face classes March 6 to 11,9 +7,"Health workers file cases vs Badoy, seek to put her under suspension",6 +2,"Philippine ports, and the way they are managed, have significantly improved based on the 2023 report of the World Bank that includes the speed of the movement of containers as one of the key performance indicators.",1 +5,DOJ ‘will not object’ if De Lima files habeas corpus plea,4 +7,"Commission on Higher Education (CHED) chief Prospero De Vera III’s brief statement on the arrest of his older sister, Adora Faye, was silent on her torture and rape under the Marcos dictatorship.",6 +8,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Saturday reassured Filipinos that the Philippines will not relinquish even an inch of its territory to any foreign power.,7 +15,"Amihan' to dampen Luzon, W. Visayas",14 +14,US-supported cooperative to benefit fisherfolk in Aparri,13 +14,"PH, Cambodia fortify defense ties",13 +14,"The governments of Malaysia and the US are now helping the Philippines in its search and rescue (SAR) operations for the missing medical evacuation helicopter in Palawan, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said Monday.",13 +4,"MANILA, Philippines – The country is bracing for a weeklong transportation strike from Monday, March 6, to Sunday, March 12, as groups protest against what they perceive as the imminent phaseout of traditional jeepneys.",3 +13,"Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Ivan John Uy on Tuesday, April 25, denied that low turnout was the reason for the extension of the SIM registration as he lamented the “bad habit” of Filipinos when to doing things “at the last minute.”",12 +15,Filipinos watch as King Charles III of Britain is crowned,14 +9,Tulfo: Autism must be treated seriously,8 +6,DND to heed uniformed personnel concerns on pension reform,5 +15,"MANILA – The country could expect warmer days until May as the northeast monsoon or ""amihan"" season ends, the weather bureau said Tuesday.",14 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Known for his strong personality, suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Quitaleg Bantag rose through the ranks of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) as a career official.",12 +13,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves thinks that the government wants to claim him and former Bureau of Corrections (Bucor) director general Gerald Bantag as ""trophies"".",12 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Robin Padilla seemed to have accepted the unfortunate fate of his push to amend the 1987 Constitution in the Senate, but vowed that he would try to file a similar bill in the future.",5 +9,145 students in Occidental Mindoro hospitalized since March due to extreme heat,8 +14,"MANILA – The Philippines and the United States (US) have agreed to enhance cooperation in agriculture in efforts to boost food security and efficiency, as well as research and development in the sector, Malacañang said on Tuesday.",13 +13,"Marcos tells generals: Be ‘agile’ also in geopolitics, diplomacy",12 +8,PCG monitors fewer Chinese vessels in disputed waters,7 +2,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has signed an executive order creating the Water Resources Management Office (WRMO) to integrate and harmonize government efforts that will manage Philippine water resources and ensure water supply.,1 +2,"In bilateral with Saudi prince, PH’s labor force made up bulk of discussion",1 +14,"Philippines, US to form bilateral labor working group",13 +14,Australian Deputy PM to discuss defense with Marcos in PH,13 +13,"Erwin Tulfo says Marcos ‘easy to work with,’ but sometimes a ‘micromanager’",12 +14,Senior Deputy Speaker and Pampanga 2nd District Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo met with Communist Party of China (CPC) and Foreign Affairs Director Wang Yi to affirm the friendly relations between the two countries and not to let it be hindered by maritime issues.,13 +9,DOH reports 162 new COVID-19 cases,8 +14,"The Philippines will continue to engage with countries and international platforms when to democracy and human rights as long as the engagements are constructive and respectful of its sovereignty, according to President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.",13 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – The bill seeking to create the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) hurdled the House of Representatives on Thursday, December 15, after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. certified the proposal as urgent.",5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – Fresh off state visits to Indonesia and Singapore, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to fly to New York City, where he will speak before the United Nations General Assembly.",13 +14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.—United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. that the US will always back the Philippines in the South China Sea and elsewhere.",13 +6,"The Senate Committee on Labor, Employment and Human Resources Development will tackle the bills seeking to increase the minimum wage in the country on May 10, Senator Jinggoy Estrada said Monday.",5 +6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has urged the fourth estate to help the citizenry discern between real information and propaganda at a time when fake news threatens the country's stability and objectivity.",5 +8,Abalos to lead task force on law and security in Negros Island,7 +9,"DOH logs 185 new COVID-19 infections; active cases at 9,290",8 +6,MANILA – A party-list lawmaker on Thursday emphasized the need to pass a bill allowing and regulating the use of motorcycles-for-hire as public transport in light of the recent nationwide transport strike.,5 +13,"Philippine senators and visiting European Parliament members had a ""constructive and fruitful"" discussion on various human rights issues, especially the International Criminal Court's (ICC) investigation into former President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs.",12 +2,DA-BFAR: Mitigating measures in place to ensure enough fish supply amid El Niño threat,1 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – To address learning gaps caused by the pandemic, the Department of Education (DepEd) intends to ban extracurricular activities for school year 2022-2023.",5 +10,‘Amang’ makes another landfall over Camarines Sur,9 +9,DOH: Philippines’ COVID-19 restrictions to ease even as WHO extends public health emergency,8 +14,MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Gen. Andres Centino expressed his gratitude to the Japanese government for its support to the force's ongoing modernization program.,13 +8,"Chinese militia vessels near Pag-asa Island in the West Philippine Sea are not responding to warnings issued by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), its spokesperson said Tuesday.",7 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said on Friday, April 9, that it has sought a request from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the amendment of the emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines to include booster shots for minors aged 12 to 17.",8 +3,"Putting ashes on foreheads OK in Manila, Kalibo churches",2 +2,Binay wants right gov’t agency to own Masungi land,1 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is following in President Rodrigo Duterte’s footsteps by tapping a “Special Assistant to the President” or SAP.",12 +14,Australia cites PH support as AUKUS announces submarine project,13 +15,"House remembers late Trade chief Ongpin: Remarkable, respected",14 +14,"Marcos, Biden to have bilateral talks next month",13 +13,Police stations red-tag Ninoy Aquino on his 39th death anniversary,12 +2,Angara: Leapfrog education problems through technology,1 +8,A Chinese militia vessel was reportedly driven away by ships of the Philippine Navy and the Philippine Coast Guard in waters off Pag-Asa Island.,7 +2,Companies urged to hire high school graduates,1 +7,"MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said that authorities are “still presuming” that Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Superintendent Ricardo Zulueta – the other official tagged in the murder of Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa – is alive.",6 +8,PBBM directs PNP to identify 'hotspot' after Negros guv killing,7 +8,PNP: PH peace and order improving further,7 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former president Fidel Ramos died at the age of 94 on Sunday, July 31, his niece Lila Shahani confirmed to Rappler.",12 +2,Marcos wants new tech tapped to improve PH water management,1 +9,DOH coordinates with DepEd for basic training module on suicide prevention in schools,8 +5,Padilla urges Senate leaders to hold cha-cha talks with House counterparts,4 +8,"PH troops learn mortar, anti-tank warfare from US experts",7 +15,Davao Sur lone bettor wins P29.7-M Grand Lotto jackpot,14 +13,WATCH: Sara Duterte says supporters should ‘be kind’ to the anti-Duterte,12 +3,CBCP ready to help affected OFWs in Sudan conflict,2 +10,Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Secretary Susan Ople called on overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Sudan to return to the Philippines and be safe with their families amid the ongoing conflict in the said African country.,9 +13,"Controversial Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. has mentioned a scenario as well as a condition for him back home to the Philippines.",12 +9,Duque: PH likely to remain under Alert Level 1 until end of Duterte’s term,8 +14,The Department of National Defense (DND) is continuously coordinating with its Malaysian counterpart for an update in Sudan amid the ongoing repatriation of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in the area.,13 +9,"What we know so far: COVID-19 Omicron XBB subvariant, XBC variant in PH",8 +13,"Del Rosario a 'true champion of PH democracy and sovereignty', says House leader",12 +9,Cancer fund processes aboveboard; DOH yet to receive complaint,8 +6,DSWD's Gatchalian: Cash aid payout will be by appointment,5 +8,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) will be working with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to identify, track down and dismantle all private armed groups in the country.",7 +7,"Manhunt launched for Bantag, Zulueta —CIDG",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing Vice President Leni Robredo may have lost her bid for the presidency, but she does not feel defeated at all.",12 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presumptive president Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has chosen his longtime spokesperson Vic Rodriguez to be his executive secretary.",12 +2,Marcos vows more Kadiwa stalls for labor sector,1 +15,Portions of Malacanang get new look with renovations,14 +15,DepEd lauds Filipino learners after bagging 148 gold medals in 2023 Math Kangaroo contest,14 +6,House Speaker Martin Romualdez is asking the country's (telcos) to reveal the total number of their postpaid mobile phone subscribers as well as the active but unlisted SIMs that they have sold.,5 +1,The Commission on Audit (COA) said the Development Bank of the Philippines Leasing Corporation (DBPLC) suffered losses when three units of leased heavy equipment showed signs of damages and deterioration after they were kept in the premises of the defaulting lessee after voluntary surrender.,0 +9,"No proposal to close Boracay, other resorts due to heat wave: DOH",8 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former president Rodrigo Duterte faced the media on Thursday, August 4, after he visited the wake of the late former president Fidel V. Ramos.",12 +1,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has recorded a PHP74 million surplus in its revenue collection for April.,0 +6,"Despite Covid case uptick, solon wants eTravel requirement ditched",5 +13,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday called the Constitution ""dynamic and flexible"", indicating that it could adapt to the country's changing circumstances.",12 +2,DND sets budget for ROTC uniforms at P5 billion –Dela Rosa,1 +9,"DOH logs 177 new COVID-19 cases; active tally dips to 9,493",8 +9,"MANILA – Mental and physical fitness programs are needed to promote the well-being of public officials and employees, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) said Friday.",8 +6,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on third and final reading a bill requiring Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) personnel to be certified medical first responders and emergency medical technicians (EMTs).,5 +8,"A Chinese warship was spotted near Pag-asa Island in Palawan last Saturday, according to Maki Pulido’s “24 Oras” report on Tuesday.",7 +15,Teacher from Ilocos to receive 2023 Princess Maha Chakri Award in October,14 +9,"MANILA, Philippines – After a record-breaking surge in infections driven by the highly contagious Omicron variant, virus epicenter Metro Manila is now deemed “moderate risk” for COVID-19, Health Undersecretary Maria Vergeire said on Friday, January 28.",8 +3,"Filipino Muslims gather for Eid'l Fitr, end of Ramadan",2 +10,Traffic to peak as travelers return from long Holy Week break,9 +13,WATCH: Information gap one of reasons why ‘Marcos brand’ still persists,12 +2,"MANILA – The Manila Water Company (Manila Water) on Monday announced that its customers in some parts of Makati City, Quezon City, San Juan City and Binangonan in Rizal province will experience water interruption due to service improvement activities from April 20 to 22 and 24-25.",1 +6,"MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang has ordered abolished the One-Stop-Shop Inter-Agency Credit and Duty Drawback Center, which was created in 1992 and made a permanent office under the Department of Finance (DOF) in 1994.",5 +14,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin arrived in Manila on Tuesday night, January 31, with Washington set on further bolstering its defense partnership with its treaty ally, the Philippines.",13 +13,"Centino visits 3 EDCA sites in Cagayan, Isabela",12 +6,The House Committee on Natural Resources this week approved a bill mandating mining operations in the country to Kabataan party-list Representative Raoul Manuel said on Friday.,5 +10,The first batch of Filipinos who fled from Sudan arrived in Manila on Saturday after their escape from the deadly clashes of military and paramilitary forces there.,9 +12,"A Pulse Asia survey showing the unpopularity of moves to amend the 1987 Constitution should serve as a warning to lawmakers bent on pursuing Charter change, Bayan Muna Chairman Neri Colmenares said.",11 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court, through the issuance of writ of kalikasan, stopped release of genetically modified rice and eggplant products.",4 +7,"BI facility head, personnel relieved from posts over Japanese detainee with 6 phones",6 +3,MANILA – The nearly four-decade charter of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) must be amended to give the agency the authority to block and remove contents of social platforms that do not fit the moral values of Filipinos.,2 +7,Several lawmakers from the House of the Representatives are pushing to amend a 31-year-old law to increase for victims of heinous crimes and those who were wrongfully detained.,6 +7,COA flags PH Children's Medical Center for failing to process over P200 M reimbursement for COVID tests to PhilHealth,6 +13,Marcos says South China Sea tension ‘keeps him up’ at night and ‘most of the time’,12 +9,CHED scraps vaccination requirement for students joining face-to-face classes,8 +1,"LTFRB approves fare hikes for jeepneys, buses, ride-hailing services",0 +14,"Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. heads to the United States for the second time since assuming office, this time for an official visit which includes a meeting with US President Joe Biden.",13 +2,"MANILA – There is no doubt that Filipino nurses will prefer to stay in the+ country if they will have salary, according to Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri in a statement on Friday.",1 +8,May resibo dapat': Recto says PNP should use bodycams for drug ops,7 +7,"The Philippine National Police has pieced together almost the entire story behind the killing of Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo, the PNP spokesperson Police Colonel Jean Fajardo has said.",6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Newly appointed Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian said he is prepared for the role because of his extensive experience in local government.",12 +9,"The Philippines on Saturday logged 158 new COVID-19 cases, while the active tally rose to 9,188.   According to the Department of Health, the new infections brought the nationwide caseload to 4,075,324, while the active cases climbed from 9,170 on Friday.   In the past two weeks, the National Capital Region registered the highest number of new cases with 445. It was followed by Calabarzon with 212, Davao Region with 168, Western Visayas with 100, and Central Luzon with 69.   An additional 45 individuals have recovered from the illness, bringing the recovery tally to 4,000,128, while the death toll climbed to 66,008.",8 +7,Persons with knowledge on Degamo slay urged to help solve case,6 +6,"Senate ratifies RCEP, eyes creation of oversight panel",5 +6,House passes bill detailing how to proceed with charter change via Con-Con,5 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – In the first nine months of 2021, Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi and then-Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) secretary Mark Villar were still the only two members of President Rodrigo Duterte’s Cabinet with a net worth of over P1 billion.",12 +13,Gatchalian wants corruption issues fixed before pushing for estate tax amnesty extension,12 +8,PNP to give additional security in schools,7 +2,"MANILA – Filipino nursing graduates currently based in Canada's Alberta province are among the target beneficiaries of its nursing bridge program worth 7.8 million Canadian dollars (about PHP311 million), the Philippine Consulate General in Calgary said Thursday.",1 +8,AFP urges China to restrain forces after laser-pointing incident in Ayungin Shoal,7 +7,"Reassigning erring Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) personnel to other correctional facilities would help in disrupting their anomalous activities  in the New Bilibid Prison (NBP), Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa said Thursday.",6 +7,Alleged 2nd middleman in Percy Lapid case denies knowing gunman,6 +13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Jinggoy Estrada resorted to name-calling the representatives of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as they resumed investigation into former president Rodrigo Duterte’s violent war on drugs.",12 +7,MANILA – Speaker Martin Romualdez on Monday assured that there would be no sacred cows in the government’s fight against criminality as law enforcement agencies are reportedly closing in on the brains behind the killing of Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo.,6 +7,"Gen. Garcia’s wife, 3 sons remain charged with plunder, money laundering – Sandiganbayan",6 +10,"MANILA – Most areas in the country will continue to experience rains caused by the trough of a low pressure area (LPA) and the northeast monsoon (amihan), the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 +5,MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has sentenced a Cebu town official of up to 20 years behind bars and fined PHP2 million for graft and malversation.,4 +7,"MANILA, Philippines — After more than three years under detention, Reina Mae Nasino and two other activists gained provisional freedom following the issuance on Thursday, December 22, of their release order by the Manila Regional Trial Court Branch 47.",6 +13,‘Independent’ 5-man committee gets first pass at PNP courtesy resignations,12 +10,Magnitude 5.2 quake rocks Occidental Mindoro,9 +15,Lyceum of Alabang grad takes top spot in April 2023 Real Estate Brokers licensure exams,14 +2,Less than half of the country's barangays have materials recovery facilities to address the reduction of trash mandated by the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.,1 +13,New defense chief Galvez asks senior officials to ‘stay in place’,12 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) backed the Commission on Audit’s (COA) decision ordering some officials and employees of the National Housing Authority (NHA) to return the so-called illegal allowances they received from 2008 to 2009 amounting to P367.8 million.",4 +1,"As Marcos gives first orders as agriculture chief, rising food costs pose biggest challenge",0 +14,German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that international law should be followed amid the tension in the South China Sea.,13 +7,MANILA – A ranking official of the Philippine National Police (PNP) denied the existence of scheme where informants are allegedly paid with a portion of the total volume of illegal drugs seized from operations.,6 +6,"A bill imposing as much as P10 million penalty to shipowners who will be found guilty of discharge or emission of oil, sewage, garbage and other harmful substances and pollutants into Philippine seas has been filed in the House of Representatives.",5 +7,"[PODCAST] Kriminal: Surviving hostage-taking, what’s next for De Lima?",6 +5,"MANILA, Philippines – Nearly 10 months after the conclusion of the 2022 presidential polls, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) denied an appeal from Senator Aquilino Pimentel and then presidential candidate Manny Pacquiao for the body to reconsider its decision on who truly leads the once-ruling PDP-Laban.",4 +4,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has lauded Isabela City in Basilan for enacting the country’s first local government ordinance on Human Rights Defenders Protection (HRDP).,3 +2,DSWD’s AICS Step 1 registration moves back to Batasan office on April 24,1 +2,"The oil spill in Oriental Mindoro, which already reached the provinces of Palawan and Antique, will not cause a nationwide shortage of fish, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources said on Friday.",1 +2,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) announced they would deploy 59,587 police officers to ensure public safety and peace during Monday's Labor Day celebrations.",1 +13,"ILOCOS NORTE, Philippines – Presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. cast his vote Monday morning, May 9, in his precinct in Batac City, Ilocos Norte, hometown of his father, the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr.",12 +3,Anti-God': Bro Eddie wants to probe inclusion of LGBTQ-related topics in DepEd's draft curriculum,2 +13,MANILA – Malacañang on Thursday announced the latest appointments in several departments under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.,12