--- annotations_creators: - no-annotation language: - en - es - pt - ja - ar - in - ko - tr - fr - tl - ru - it - th - de - hi - pl - nl - fa - et - ht - ur - sv - ca - el - fi - cs - iw - da - vi - zh - ta - ro - no - uk - cy - ne - hu - eu - sl - lv - lt - bn - sr - bg - mr - ml - is - te - gu - kn - ps - ckb - si - hy - or - pa - am - sd - my - ka - km - dv - lo - ug - bo language_creators: - found license: - mit multilinguality: - multilingual pretty_name: Bernice Pretrain Data size_categories: - 1B 10: break ``` If you only want Indic languages, use ```python dataset = load_dataset("jhu-clsp/bernice-pretrain-data", "indic") ``` ### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards N/A ### Languages 65 languages (ISO 639 codes shown below), plus an `und` (undefined) category. All language identification provided by Twitter API. | | | | | | | | |----|-----|----|----|----|-----|----| | en | ru | ht | zh | bn | ps | lt | | es | bo | ur | ta | sr | ckb | km | | pt | it | sv | ro | bg | si | dv | | ja | th | ca | no | mr | hy | lo | | ar | de | el | uk | ml | or | ug | | in | hi | fi | cy | is | pa | | | ko | pl | cs | ne | te | am | | | tr | nl | iw | hu | gu | sd | | | fr | fa | da | eu | kn | my | | | tl | et | vi | sl | lv | ka | | ## Dataset Structure ### Data Instances Data is provided in gzip'd files organized by year and month of tweet origin. Tweets are one per line, with fields separated by tabs. ### Data Fields * `tweet ID`: ID of tweet * `lang`: ISO 639 code of language, provided by Twitter metadata. Accuracy of label is not known. * `year`: Year tweet was created. Year is also provided in the file names. ### Data Splits [More Information Needed] ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale Data was gathered to support the training of Bernice, a multilingual pre-trained Twitter encoder. ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization Data was gathered via the Twitter API public 1% stream from January 2016 through December 2021. Tweets with less than three non-username or URL space-delimited words were removed. All usernames and URLs were replaced with `@USER` and `HTTPURL`, respectively. #### Who are the source language producers? Data was produced by users on Twitter. ### Annotations N/A ### Personal and Sensitive Information As per Twitter guidelines, only tweet IDs and not full tweets are shared. Tweets will only be accessible if user has not removed their account (or been banned), tweets were deleted or removed, or a user changed their account access to private. ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset [More Information Needed] ### Discussion of Biases [More Information Needed] ### Other Known Limitations [More Information Needed] ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators Dataset gathered and processed by Mark Dredze, Alexandra DeLucia, Shijie Wu, Aaron Mueller, Carlos Aguirre, and Philip Resnik. ### Licensing Information MIT ### Citation Information Please cite the Bernice paper if you use this dataset: > Alexandra DeLucia, Shijie Wu, Aaron Mueller, Carlos Aguirre, Philip Resnik, and Mark Dredze. 2022. Bernice: A Multilingual Pre-trained Encoder for Twitter. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 6191–6205, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Association for Computational Linguistics. ### Contributions Dataset uploaded by [@AADeLucia](https://github.com/AADeLucia).