"""TODO(jeopardy): Add a description here.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import json import datasets # TODO(jeopardy): BibTeX citation _CITATION = """ """ # TODO(jeopardy): _DESCRIPTION = """ Dataset containing 216,930 Jeopardy questions, answers and other data. The json file is an unordered list of questions where each question has 'category' : the question category, e.g. "HISTORY" 'value' : integer $ value of the question as string, e.g. "200" Note: This is "None" for Final Jeopardy! and Tiebreaker questions 'question' : text of question Note: This sometimes contains hyperlinks and other things messy text such as when there's a picture or video question 'answer' : text of answer 'round' : one of "Jeopardy!","Double Jeopardy!","Final Jeopardy!" or "Tiebreaker" Note: Tiebreaker questions do happen but they're very rare (like once every 20 years) 'show_number' : int of show number, e.g '4680' 'air_date' : string of the show air date in format YYYY-MM-DD """ _URL = "https://www.reddit.com/r/datasets/comments/1uyd0t/200000_jeopardy_questions_in_a_json_file/" _DATA_URL = "http://skeeto.s3.amazonaws.com/share/JEOPARDY_QUESTIONS1.json.gz" _DATA_FILE = "JEOPARDY_QUESTIONS1.json" class Jeopardy(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """TODO(jeopardy): Short description of my dataset.""" # TODO(jeopardy): Set up version. VERSION = datasets.Version("0.1.0") def _info(self): # TODO(jeopardy): Specifies the datasets.DatasetInfo object return datasets.DatasetInfo( # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page. description=_DESCRIPTION, # datasets.features.FeatureConnectors features=datasets.Features( { "category": datasets.Value("string"), "air_date": datasets.Value("string"), "question": datasets.Value("string"), "value": datasets.Value("int32"), "answer": datasets.Value("string"), "round": datasets.Value("string"), "show_number": datasets.Value("int32"), # These are the features of your dataset like images, labels ... } ), # If there's a common (input, target) tuple from the features, # specify them here. They'll be used if as_supervised=True in # builder.as_dataset. supervised_keys=None, # Homepage of the dataset for documentation homepage=_URL, citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): """Returns SplitGenerators.""" # TODO(jeopardy): Downloads the data and defines the splits # dl_manager is a datasets.download.DownloadManager that can be used to # download and extract URLs filepath = dl_manager.download_and_extract(_DATA_URL) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator(name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={"filepath": filepath}), ] def _generate_examples(self, filepath): """Yields examples.""" # TODO(jeopardy): Yields (key, example) tuples from the dataset with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) for i, example in enumerate(data): category = example["category"] air_date = example["air_date"] question = example["question"] if example["value"] is None: value = -1 # for Final Jeopardy! and Tiebreaker questions else: value = int(example["value"][1:].replace(",", "")) answer = example["answer"] round = example["round"] show_number = int(example["show_number"]) yield i, { "category": category, "air_date": air_date, "question": question, "value": value, "answer": answer, "round": round, "category": category, "show_number": show_number, }