THE ADDAMS FAMILY by Larry Wilson and Caroline Thompson Rewrite by Paul Rudnick based on the characters of Charles Addams SHOOTING SCRIPT April 11, 1991 THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/6/90 FADE IN:A1 EXT. ADDAMS MANSION FRONT STEPS - CHRISTMAS EVE A1 A GROUP OF CAROLERS, their eager faces upturned, SINGS an endless and cloying roundelay of "Little Drummer Boy." They sing with self-righteous good cheer. As they pompously begin their umpteenth verse, THE CAMERA SLOWLY PANS UP THE ADDAMS MANSION -- past the black wreath on the front door, past broken windows, weather-beaten shingles, a creaking shutter. THE CAMERA CONTINUES TO PAN TO THE ROOF where the Addams Family members, GOMEZ, MORTICIA, GRANNY, PUGSLEY, WEDNESDAY, and LURCH, their faithful butler, gleefully POUR a CAULDRON OF BUBBLING, STEAMING PITCH over the edge. AS THE CAULDRON TIPS, THE CAMERA PUSHES INSIDE, THE BLACKNESS OF THE PITCH FILLS THE SCREEN. TITLES BEGIN. DISSOLVE TO:1 INT. DIM HALLWAY - SEVEN O'CLOCK A.M. 1 C.U. AN OVER-SIZED "CUCKOO" CLOCK -- The clock is a perfect REPLICA OF THE ADDAMS FAMILY HOUSE, down to the creaking shutter. It chimes the hour. In ONE WINDOW, a LITTLE MECHANICAL GOMEZ bends a MECHANICAL MORTICIA back until she's almost off her feet and plants a kiss between her clockwork decolletage. One, two, three mechanical kisses, counting toward seven o'clock. IN ANOTHER WINDOW, A MECHANICAL PUGSLEY hangs a MECHANICAL WEDNESDAY from a noose on a gallows, up and down. Meanwhile, little BURSTS OF FOG float off the rooftop where a little MECHANICAL GRANNY cranks her fog machine. The front door of the house pops open, and a MECHANICAL LURCH appears and begins sweeping. Just then, THING, the disembodied hand with the full-bodied personality, CLIMBS into view over the back of the clock. Thing leaps to the floor and SCAMPERS down the hall. LOW TRACKING SHOT follows Thing along the hallway. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/28/90 2.1 CONTINUED: 1 He runs past a couple of doors, past a pair of LEGS in pajamas, feet in bedroom slippers. He skids to a halt and BACK TRACKS to the legs. He pulls on the cuff of the pajama bottoms. They belong to GOMEZ, who stands in the doorway toA2 INT. FESTER'S ROOM A2 Gomez wears a fez and a smoking jacket over his pajamas. Even at this early hour, he puffs on his trademark cigar. Gomez is all enthusiasm or all despair. At the moment, he radiates unfathomable woe. GOMEZ Think of it, Thing. He's been gone for twenty-five years. For twenty- five years we've attempted to contact Fester in the great beyond... The room is a dusty, cobweb-filled, long-unoccupied shrine to Gomez's lost brother, Fester. Gomez drifts in from the doorway. The room has remained untouched since Fester's disappearance as a teenager. The thick coating of dust and cobwebs adorns the mementoes of a rapscallion's youth - a football pennant from Alcatraz, headless sports trophies, a high school photo with all the other students keeping as much distance from Fester as possible. As he lovingly and morosely surveys the room: GOMEZ ... And for twenty-five years, nothing. Not a whisper, not a clue. I'm beginning to think my my brother truly is lost. Gomez sighs. Thing TUGS at his cuff, pulling him towards theB2 INT. HALLWAY - SAME TIME B2 Galloping ahead of Gomez, Thing leaps onto an old-fashioned door latch and the door swings open INTO2 INT. GOMEZ AND MORTICIA'S BEDROOM - SAME TIME 2 Gomez approaches the bed. Asleep on scarlet satin sheets is... MORTICIA (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/28/90 3.2 CONTINUED: 2 GOMEZ (gazing at Morticia) Look at her -- I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way -- what bliss. Low-voiced, incisive, and subtle, with Morticia, smiles are rare. The ghostly whiteness of her complexion is offset by the red of the pillowcase upon which her hair is spread like a diabolic halo. A dark Garbo, sultry and remote, she's a ruined beauty. Morticia OPENS HER EYES. GOMEZ (adoringly) Unhappy, darling? MORTICIA (passionately) Oh, yes, yes. Completely. CUT TO:A3 OMITTED A33 INT. PUGSLEY'S ROOM - SAME TIME 3 Pugsley crouches on the floor, playing with his kid-sized chemistry set. The walls of his room are covered with road signs he's collected -- "Bridge Out!", "Detour! Excavation Ahead!", "Dangerous Undertow!", "Keep Clear! High Voltage!" SAWED-OFF STOP SIGNS, still on their poles, are stacked in the corner. In another corner stands a CYLINDRICAL FLOOR-TO-CEILING FISH TANK, FILLED WITH PIRANHA. This tubby energetic monster of a nine-year-old boy has every chance of growing up to be the public monster his parents would be proud of. He MIXES chemicals in a beaker. The brew steams. Grin- ning wickedly, Pugsley SWALLOWS it down. He contorts, undergoing the beginnings of a transforma- tion, then SHRINKS to the size of a mouse. Laughing, he crawls out of his human-size pajamas. CUT TO:4 OMITTED 4 THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/28/90 4.A5 INT. ATTIC - SAME TIME A5 Solemn and mournful, ten-year-old Wednesday has black hair and white skin like her mother. She sits on a stool among the stored Addams' family objects, ONE END OF A STRING TIED TO HER TOOTH, THE OTHER TIED TO A TRAP DOOR. The trap door is flung open, GRANNY pokes her head through. She's a giggly hag who looks like she was in the bathtub when the hairdryer fell in. Wednesday's pulled tooth swings at the end of the string. WEDNESDAY Thank you, Grandmama. In a foul mood, Granny tromps up into the attic. GRANNY You kids are going to have to kill your own breakfast this morning. Wednesday opens a cigar box. Inside the box are assorted human and animal teeth, fangs and dentures, along with a collection of glass eyes. Wednesday drops her tooth in the box. CUT TO:5 OMITTED 5A6 INT. GOMEZ AND MORTICIA'S BEDROOM - SAME TIME A6 Gomez takes Morticia in his arms. As she languidly drapes herself across his chest, she is caught in a sudden shaft of sunlight. She squints. On the bedside table beside her, Morticia's OVERSIZED CARNIVOROUS ORCHID WILTS. MORTICIA Gomez... the sun... il me perce comme un poignard. GOMEZ (wildly aroused) Tish... that's French! MORTICIA (nonchalant) Oui. GOMEZ Cara mia! (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 12/3/90 5.A6 CONTINUED: A6 He kisses his way up to her neck, then, suddenly bursting with enthusiasm and a sense of purpose, LEAPS from the bed, drawing his bedside saber from its sheath and BRANDISHING it at the offending beam. GOMEZ En garde monsieur sole! He thrusts and parries, pantomiming a duel with the shaft of light. MORTICIA Gomez? GOMEZ Querida? MORTICIA Last night, you were... unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again. Gomez, instantly aflame. CUT TO:6 EXT. ROOFTOP - SAME TIME 6 Granny delivers a swift kick to her fog machine. GRANNY Lousy bucket of bolts...! The FOG MACHINE, straight out of a Jules Verne nightmare, is malfunctioning this morning, struggling to churn out its patches of fog. CUT TO:7 INT./EXT. MORTICIA AND GOMEZ'S BEDROOM - SAME TIME 7 At the window, Gomez pokes his head out. In the background, Morticia brushes her hair with a silver filigree brush. GOMEZ (disturbed) Granny - where's your fog? (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/28/90 5A .7 CONTINUED: 7 FROM ABOVE the fog machine hurtles downwards, missing decapitating Gomez by millimeters. It crashes below, smashing through the front porch roof. CUT TO:8 OMITTED 89 INT. ENTRANCE HALL - LATER 9 Standing beside the front door is LURCH, the gigantic family butler, a reanimated stitched-together behemoth. He holds two brown paper lunch bags in his enormous hands. The bags' contents wriggle, eager to escape. WEDNESDAY (taking her bag) Thank you, Lurch. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/6/90 6.9 CONTINUED: 9 Pugsley takes his bag, opens it, and peers inside. Lurch GROWLS, and Pugsley closes the bag. CUT TO:10 EXT. BALCONY OUTSIDE GOMEZ AND MORTICIA'S BEDROOM - 10 SAME TIME Gomez is HITTING GOLF BALLS -- Thing serving as his tee -- while Morticia sips tea.11 ONE OF THE GOLF BALLS 11 flies with incredible speed THROUGH THE WINDOW of the ADDAMS' ONLY NEIGHBOR. This well-tended HOME sits on the hill overlooking the Addams' Mansion like some Republican sentinel. CUT TO:12 INT. NEIGHBOR'S HOME - SAME TIME 12 JUDGE WOMACK, the Addams' CRUSTY PATRICIAN NEIGHBOR, is having his breakfast when Gomez's golf ball lands in his cornflakes, shattering the bowl, covering him with milk. Judge Womack hurries to his broken window, shaking his fist: JUDGE WOMACK Damn you, Addams! CUT TO:13 EXT. GOMEZ AND MORTICIA'S BALCONY - SAME TIME 13 FROM THEIR VANTAGE POINT -- it appears to Gomez and Morticia that Judge Womack is waving to them. Gomez waves back. GOMEZ (calls) Sorry about the window, Judge! Keep the ball! I have a whole bucketful. He holds up a bucket of golf balls. He tosses his golfclub to Thing, who DEPOSITS IT in the golfbag. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/28/90 7.13 CONTINUED: 13 Gomez joins Morticia watching THE DEPARTING SCHOOL BUS. MORTICIA The little ones, off to school. Bless them. GOMEZ They grow up so fast, don't they? MORTICIA Too fast. THEIR POV Tires smoking, the school bus strains to chug down the road. Gleefully hanging from the rear bumper is Pugsley, dragging his heels. CUT TO:A14 OMITTED A14B14 INT. THE CONSERVATORY - LATER THAT MORNING B14 Morticia, wearing gardening gloves, is snipping the blossoms off her roses. Gomez sits at a table, playing CHESS with Thing. GOMEZ It's a milestone, Tish. This very evening -- our twenty-fifth seance. All those years, gnawed by guilt, undone by woe, burning with uncertainty... MORTICIA (yearningly) Oh Gomez, don't torture yourself. That's my job. GOMEZ (lustfully) Tish... MORTICIA Imagine, Darling, if Fester did come back. Half-alive, barely human, a rotting shell... GOMEZ Don't tease. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 12/3/90 8.14 EXT. JUST OUTSIDE THE ADDAMS' GROUNDS - SAME TIME 14 TULLY ALFORD, the family attorney, and his wife, MARGARET, approach "GATE," a wrought-iron monstrosity that opens of its own accord. Though Tully comes here often and Margaret has been here before, they never cease to be startled by "Gate." Tully has a puffy, once handsome face, and an embittered grey aura that is the mark of a middle-age misspent. High-strung and superficial, Margaret is more disap- pointed in Tully than he is in himself. Margaret passes through Gate first. Then, as Tully passes through, Gate slams on him, clipping him and catching the end of his coat. Tully fights Gate for his coat. TULLY Let me go! Ignoring Tully, Margaret continues stiffly up the walk. TULLY (to Gate) Gimme that! Stop it! I'm warning you! It's not a good day! CUT TO:A15 INT. CONSERVATORY - SAME TIME A15 Gomez moves a chess piece. Thing gestures out the window. Gomez and Morticia both look out. As they do, Thing moves two chess pieces, cheating. MORTICIA (looking out) Tully is here, darling. GOMEZ Please, Gordon, by all means - go. Sing. Dance. Date. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/12/90 85 .113 CONTINUED: (2) 113 FESTER (coming to his senses) Mother, I'm... I'm so terribly sorry... (he kneels at her side) It was just a party. It's over. It means nothing. Those Siamese twins, that hunchback, Cousin It - they're not you. ABIGAIL (clutching him savagely) Say it, Gordon. Make me believe it. FESTER I love you. And I want money. ABIGAIL (very no-nonsense) We've got to find Tully. CUT TO:114 INT. BALLROOM - SAME TIME 114 Morticia is looking for her children. She discovers Pugsley ASLEEP, curled up on the SILVER PLATTER WHERE THE TWO-HEADED PIG LAY. She finds this enchanting. Gomez enters. Morticia shushes him; she points to the platter. MORTICIA (whispering) Look - our little boy. GOMEZ (whispering) All tuckered out. MORTICIA (whispering) So sweet. He looks just... like a little entree. Pugsley wakes up; he looks around. PUGSLEY (sleepy) Where... where's the party? (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/12/90 86 .114 CONTINUED: 114 MORTICIA It's over, darling - have you seen your sister? PUGSLEY Not since before the Mamushka. MORTICIA Gomez? GOMEZ Don't fret - we'll find her. CUT TO:115 EXT. ADDAMS YARD - LATER 115 Gomez rallies the family for the search. Morticia wears a black cloak. Granny has grabbed her divining rod. Lurch distributes torches, then stands aside, awaiting instructions. Pugsley helps Gomez unroll an ancient map of the area. GOMEZ Fan out. Pugsley - head for the dung heap. Mama and Morticia - the shallow graves. I'll take the abyss, and Lurch - check the bottomless pit. MORTICIA (worried) Her favorite... GOMEZ (calls out) Fester!! FESTER (O.S.) Up here. They look up at Fester, looking down at them from Wednesday's window. GOMEZ Fester! You take the ravine! And the unmarked, abandoned well! FESTER Somebody should stay behind - in case she comes back. GOMEZ Good man! Good thinking! (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 12/3/90 87 .115 CONTINUED: 115 GRANNY Then who'll take the swamp? Thing tugs at the cuff of Gomez's pants. Gomez nods. GOMEZ That's the spirit, Thing - lend a hand! Let's go! They all sweep off, with Gomez in the lead.116 INT. WEDNESDAY'S ROOM - A SHORT WHILE LATER 116 Fester is still at the window. Abigail joins him. THEIR POV Spread far and wide over the grounds, the various members of the family search for Wednesday, tiny lights aloft, calling. ABIGAIL Where the hell is Tully? They head out. CUT TO:117 OMITTED 117118 INT. DEN - A LITTLE LATER 118 Fester and Virginia find... TULLY - sitting in an armchair, basking in the rays of sunshine that beam from a copy of "The Sun Also Rises." Tully smiles at them. ABIGAIL What are you doing? TULLY Relaxing. Taking a little sun. ABIGAIL Have you gone mad? TULLY Au contraire. Tully closes the book and smugly unfurls a LEGAL DOCUMENT. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/19/91 88 .119 EXT. SWAMP - MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT 119 Thing hops lily pads, stopping occasionally to quest the air for his mistress. CUT TO:120 EXT. PRIMEVAL FOREST ADJACENT TO CEMETERY - MIDDLE OF 120 THE NIGHT Torch aloft, Pugsley searches through the primeval forest. CUT TO:121 EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT 121 Lurch picks up a car -- looking for Wednesday. CUT TO:122 EXT. UNDERGROUND GROTTO - MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT 122 Morticia and Granny stand in the middle of the dripping dankness. Stalagmites. Stalactites. Granny's torch casts scary shadows on the cave walls. GRANNY (calling out) Wednesday! Wednesday! MORTICIA Oh, Mama, I was sure we'd find her here. CUT TO:123 EXT. CEMETERY - DARK 123 Gomez reaches a stately mausoleum at the far end of the cemetery. Two proud marble vultures guard the entryway. Gomez lowers the uplifted claw of one of the vultures and the stone doors slide open. He steps into -A124 INT. MAUSOLEUM - SAME TIME A124 Inside it is catacomb-like, filled with the bleached bones of the Addams dead. Gomez's torch casts shadows -- one of which belongs to Wednesday, curled asleep on a stone sarcophagus. Relieved to find her, Gomez approaches quietly. He doesn't want to wake her up. He lifts her tenderly in his arms. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/15/91 89 .124 EXT. GATE - DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN 124 Gate can't open. He rattles miserably on his hinges -- locked tight with heavy chains and yellow police tape - large "NO TRESPASSING!! COURT ORDER!! ADDAMS FAMILY - KEEP OUT!!" signs are posted on Gate's rusty bars. PULL BACK TO REVEAL -- the family, appalled at the sight of Gate. Lurch carries the sleeping Wednesday and Pugsley. GOMEZ What's all this? TULLY -- hurries down the walkway, waving his legal document. TULLY This is a restraining order, Gomez. GOMEZ A restraining order? TULLY It requires you to keep a distance of one thousand yards from this house. You've got about nine hundred and ninety-nine yards to go - catch my drift? GOMEZ (in disbelief) I am restrained - from my own house!? TULLY Not your house, moustache! Not any more! It belongs to the eldest living descendant, the older of the brothers -- Fester Addams! GOMEZ But - this is lunacy! MORTICIA Fester adores Gomez! TULLY He's afraid of him. Seeing the twins brought it all back. (to Gomez) You're bitter rivals, Gomez - always were, always will be! (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/15/91 89A.124 CONTINUED: 124 GOMEZ It's not so! Those girls meant nothing - he knows that! I demand to see Fester! TULLY Sorry - no can do. He's very hurt - it's not a good time. Leave it alone. Or better yet - just leave. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/22/91 90 .124 CONTINUED: 124 Wednesday comes forward, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. WEDNESDAY But he isn't even Uncle Fester. Gomez and Morticia turn to look at her. GOMEZ (to his family) Do not fear - justic shall prevail. The courts will decide! (fervently) They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with God as my witness - I am that fool! CUT TO:125 OMITTED 125A126 OMITTED A126126 INT. COURTROOM - DAY 126 C.U. GAVEL -- hammers on the Judge's bench. PULL BACK to reveal -- JUDGE WOMACK is the presiding judge. He hammers the bench again, then reads his decision. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/26/91 91 .126 CONTINUED: 126 JUDGE WOMACK Given applicable standards of proof, the attempts to impugn this man's character or question his identity have been woefully inadequate. It is with no small amount of personal satisfaction that I declare Fester Addams legal executor of the Addams estate and rightful owner of all properties and possessions contained herein. Gomez Addams... (He holds up a golf ball) I believe this is yours. CUT TO:127 EXT. ADDAMS MANSION - DAY 127 The family members TROOP to the car with their few possessions. GOMEZ already sits in the passenger seat of the Duesenberg, his coat draped over his shoulders as if he were an invalid, his head thrown back. Morticia carries out Cleo, her carnivorous plant. Granny carries her favorite cauldron, Wednesday one of her Marie Antoinette dolls, Pugsley his chemistry set. Lurch uproots his favorite tree and joins the procession. Thing follows, dragging a toy wagon packed with his rings, his glove. CUT TO:128 OMITTED 128129 EXT. ADDAMS OVERGROWN DRIVEWAY - LATER 129 The Duesenberg eases out of the driveway and onto the street, WEIGHED DOWN by Lurch's tree, sticking out of the trunk. FESTER standing at a second story window, watches the car drive off. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/28/90 92 .130 EXT. WAMPUM COURT - LATER. 130 A two-story NEON ARROW points the way to this bungalow court -- Bright and awful ersatz western. LOG CABINS OF SIMULATED WOOD surround the TEEPEE-SHAPED OFFICE. The Addams' Duesenberg is parked in front of the furthest cabin. The asphalt has been ripped up in big chunks and Lurch's tree is parked next to the Addams' new home. CUT TO:131 INT. BUNGALOW - SAME TIME 131 C.U. DRESSING TABLE MIRROR Morticia leans into frame. With an icepick and a hammer, she deftly makes a large spidery CRACK in the round mirror. Sighing deeply, she stands back to admire her handiwork. Granny joins her. GRANNY I like it. Her mother pats her consolingly. MORTICIA Just as long as we're together, n'est pas, mon cher? As she turns to Gomez, we see the interior of the bungalow -- all ersatz cowboy and Indian mixed with chrome-plated plastic and orange shag carpet. GOMEZ sits slumped in a chair made from wagon wheel and nauga- hyde. It's as if all of his insane, vibrant energy has been leeched from him. He's a broken man. He looks back at her as if he's never heard French. GOMEZ Huh? Wednesday tends to him. She and her mother exchange a worried look. PUGSLEY comes from the bathroom, nibbling a wrapped bar of motel soap. PUGSLEY This place isn't so bad. They even put candy in the bathroom. MORTICIA That's the soap, dear. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/20/90 93 .131 CONTINUED: 131 PUGSLEY Oh. He takes another greedy bite. Wednesday pats her father's arm. WEDNESDAY Do you want a cigar, Father? GOMEZ (in a monotone) They're very bad for you. WEDNESDAY (very worried) Father? Wednesday exchanges a panic-stricken look with Morticia. The family moves closer to Gomez. GOMEZ But maybe I'll have one of those... He takes a bar of soap from Pugsley. Gomez unwraps it and morosely eats. CUT TO:132 OMITTED 132132A INT. ADDAMS MANSION - MIDWAY TO THE VAULT 132A C.U. on three hands, as they reach up to pull three of the countless chains. CUT TO:A133 EXT. ADDAMS YARD - MIDNIGHT A133 THE COAL CHUTE ON THE SIDE OF THE HOUSE -- drops open, dumping out Fester, Abigail, and Tully - all of them wet and bedraggled and gasping for air. ABIGAIL (to Fester) You're doing this on purpose. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/20/90 94 .A133 CONTINUED: A133 They all struggle to their feet and march grimly back toward the door. CUT TO:133 INT. WAMPUM COURT BUNGALOW - MORNING 133 Gomez is STRETCHED OUT on the naked box springs of his bed -- the mattress pushed aside. A damp cloth covers his eyes. Thing MASSAGES his aching head. A bowl of MOTEL SOAPS is beside him. In contrast, Morticia squarely faces the crisis. She addresses the family from the head of the breakfast table, the want ads open on the table before her. MORTICIA We are Addamses, and we will not submit. Who recalls the fable of the tortoise and the hare? The swift, yet lazy little cottontail, and his slow but determined companion? What does that story teach us, as Addamses? GRANNY Kill the hare. Skin it. Boil it. WEDNESDAY Put the tortoise on the highway. PUGSLEY During rush hour. MORTICIA Yes! We will survive! Poison us, strangle us, break our bones - we will come back for more. And why? GRANNY Because we like it! (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/12/90 94A.133 CONTINUED: 133 PUGSLEY Because we're Addamses! Gomez tries to rouse himself. GOMEZ (out of it) We're Addamses... He burps -- soap bubbles floating from his mouth. CUT TO:134 OMMITTED 134135 OMITTED 135 THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/28/90 95 .136 EXT. SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF THE WAMPUM COURT - DAY 136 Wednesday and Pugsley have set up a LEMONADE STAND, their contribution to the Addams' financial well-being. An array of POISONS are lined up on their rickety table. They've slashed their prices to a nickel per cup. The pitcher on the table before them steams. Cars speed by. Carrying a SAMPLE VACUUM CLEANER and a bucket, Lurch comes out of the motel courtyard. Pugsley offers him a cup of punch. PUGSLEY Here, Lurch. On the house. Lurch downs it in a gulp and heads off. Feeling the effects of the lemonade, Lurch BURPS -- a tongue of flame shoots from his mouth and INCINERATES A WOODEN INDIAN advertising the Wampum Court. CUT TO:137 OMITTED 137138 INT. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 138 Morticia is being interviewed by a PERSONNEL OFFICER, a relentlessly perky gal with a clipboard. PERSONNEL OFFICER We have so many homemakers re-entering the work force - your domestic skills can be very valuable. College? MORTICIA Private tutors. PERSONNEL OFFICER Major? MORTICIA Spells and Hexes. PERSONNEL OFFICER (knowingly) Liberal Arts. Have you been a volunteer, PTA, service organizations? MORTICIA Well, one day each week I visit Death Row at our local prison, with my children. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 4/03/91 96 .138 CONTINUED: 138 PERSONNEL OFFICER (perplexed) With your children? MORTICIA Autographs. PERSONNEL OFFICER Well, what about your husband? Is he currently employed? MORTICIA He's... he's going through a bad patch at the moment. But it's not his fault. PERSONNEL OFFICER (with some bitterness) Of course not. What is he - A loafer? A hopeless layabout? A shiftless dreamer? MORTICIA (wistfully) Not anymore. The Personnel Officer shoots Morticia a doubtful glance, and begins rifling through her card file. CUT TO:139 INT. ADDAMS LIVING ROOM - DAY 139 Abigail and Fester are seated at opposite ends of the couch. Fester stares off into space. Abigail is going through a stack of colorful travel brochures. ABIGAIL The Mediterranean, the Riviera - once we find the money, we'll go everywhere. We'll try again, right after lunch. Gordon - where should we go first? FESTER (sadly) I don't know... ABIGAIL Acapulco? Cancun? (she snaps her fingers in the air, castanet- style, trying to be festive) Ariba! Ariba! FESTER You choose. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 4/03/91 A96A.A140 EXT. WAMPUM COURT - LATER THAT DAY A140 Wednesday and Pugsley are at their lemonade stand. They are negotiating with a PRISSY LITTLE GIRL IN A GIRL SCOUT UNIFORM. The girl scout carries several boxes of Girl Scout cookies. GIRL SCOUT (with grave doubts) Is this made from real lemons? WEDNESDAY Yes. GIRL SCOUT I only like all-natural foods and beverages. Organically grown, with no preservatives. Are you sure they're real lemons? PUGSLEY Yes. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/26/91 96A.A140 CONTINUED: A140 GIRL SCOUT Well... I tell you what. I'll buy a cup, if you buy a box of my delicious girl scout cookies. Do we have a deal? WEDNESDAY Are they made from real girl scouts? CUT TO:140 EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - DAY 140 White clapboard. Geraniums in the flower boxes. Surrounded by a white picket fence. Carrying his SAMPLE VACUUM CLEANER AND BUCKET, the tools of his new trade, Lurch carefully opens the little white gate. AT THE DOOR, he rings the doorbell, afraid he might break something. A BLONDE HOUSEWIFE in tennis whites, obviously in a hurry, opens the door -- only to be greeted by a BUCKETFUL OF SLOP thrown past her, onto her peach Oriental rug. She SCREAMS in horror, turns to challenge the perpetrator of this atrocity and, seeing Lurch, SCREAMS again. In a panic, she tries to slam the door on Lurch, but, like the salesman's manual undoubtedly advised, he STICKS his foot in the way. The door partially RIPS off its hinges. Lurch steps inside and shuts the door as best he can. A moment passes. The door swings open and Lurch exits, jauntily waving a check. CUT TO:141 OMITTED 141142 OMITTED 142& &143 143A144 OMITTED A144B144 OMITTED B144 THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/22/91 97 .144 INT. DAYCARE CENTER - DAY 144 Morticia is telling a story to a group of TODDLERS, who have gathered in a circle around her, sitting on carpet squares. The room is sunny and cheerful, with crayon drawings taped to the walls. MORTICIA ... and so the witch lured Hansel and Gretel into the candy house, by promising them more sweets. And she told them to look in the oven, and she was about to push them in, when, low and behold, Hansel pushed the poor, defenseless witch into the oven instead. Where she was burned alive, writhing in agony. Now, boys and girls, what do you think that feels like? After a beat, all the toddlers begin to CRY and WAIL. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/20/90 98 .145 OMITTED 145thru thru147 147148 OMITTED 148thru thru152 OMITTED 152A153 EXT. WAMPUN BUNGALOW - DAY A153 Granny holds a club behind her back as she stalks something. GRANNY Here kitty, kitty, kitty... CUT TO:153 INT. WAMPUM BUNGALOW - SAME TIME 153 Eating compulsively form a box of Mallomars, Gomez is still stretched out on the naked box springs. He stares vacantly at a game show on TV. "Jeopardy" is on. ALEX TREBEK (reading from the card) Monsters Of History for $200. "He was known as the Butcher of Bavaria." GOMEZ (shouts) Grandfather Addams! (smacks his forehead, hard) Damn! Not in the form of a question! CUT TO:A154 EXT. BUNGALOW - SAME TIME A154 Granny, running now, club raised, hurries past the open window of the bungalow. She stops at the sight of Gomez inside, standing on the bed, staring at the television. C.U. on the TV set - Gomez is now watching Geraldo Rivera, hosting his tabloid style show. GERALDO Voodoo zombies - the stuff of legend, or a living nightmare? Do zombies really exist? How are they made? Where can we find them? Call in with your comments. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/20/90 99 .A154 CONTINUED: A154 A CALL-IN NUMBER is flashed on the screen. Gomez reaches for the phone. CUT TO:154 INT. ADDAMS MANSION DINING ROOM - DAY 154 Abigail and Gordon are seated at opposite ends of the table, having lunch. It is very quiet. ABIGAIL After lunch, we'll try again. FESTER (very flat) Yes, Mother. ABIGAIL We'll find the money. And meanwhile, we have this little nest. Quiet and cozy. Without that dreadful family. FESTER Yes, Mother. ABIGAIL Just the two of us, away from the world. Our dream come true. FESTER Yes, Mother. As Fester repeats "Yes, Mother", in his drone, Abigail mimics him, silently. CUT TO:A155 INT. BUNGALOW - AN HOUR LATER A155 C.U. on the TV screen. Geraldo is talking to a woman in the studio audience. GERALDO So your son was brainwashed by voodoo slave masters and forced to recruit others. Let's take a call. GOMEZ (on the studio PA system) Geraldo... GERALDO (cutting him off) Mr. Addams, please stop calling. We don't know where they meet. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/20/90 100.A155 CONTINUED: A155 PULL BACK to the motel room. Gomez lets the phone drop. Morticia, seated on the edge of the box spring, tries to comfort him. Pugsley, Wednesday and Lurch are seated nearby, very worried about Gomez, as at a death watch. Gomez is now surrounded by junk food, and a mountain of junk food wrappers, bags and styrofoam containers. Ritually, as handmaidens, Morticia brings Gomez the remote control for the TV, and Wednesday brings him a copy of TV Guide. Pugsley brings Gomez a bag of "Doritos", and Lurch brings him a canister of "Pringles". Gomez uses the remote to switch channels. An episode of "The Cosby Show" comes on. GOMEZ Re-run. He switches off the set and stares at the blank screen. PUGSLEY I don't understand. All he does is watch TV and eat. MORTICIA I know - Gomez, let's go for a drive. The whole family. GOMEZ (not even turning) A drive? And miss "Matlock"? Granny opens the door and sticks her head in. GRANNY Dinner's going to be late. She slams the door. We hear her whistling. GRANNY (O.S.) Here, boy. Here, boy. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/7/91 100A.A155A INT. WAMPUM COURT - LATER A155A* Morticia is putting Wednesday to bed. WEDNESDAY If that man isn't Uncle Fester, then who is he, mother? MORTICIA I don't know, darling. I wish I did. WEDNESDAY Why is that lady doing all this? MORTICIA It's hard to say. Sometimes people have had terrible childhoods. And sometimes they just haven't found their special place in life. And sometimes they're dogs from hell and must be destroyed. Morticia kisses Wednesday and she closes her eyes to go to sleep. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 4/03/91 101.B155 INT. WAMPUM - MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT B155 The family sleeps - all but Morticia. She sits up in bed beside Gomez. She looks around at her family. Wednesday sleeps in the same bed as Granny. Lurch is flat out on the floor. Pugsley uses him for a mattress, and Thing uses Pugsley. Pugsley snores the inhale part of a snore, Lurch groans the exhale part, and Thing punctuates by wiggling. Morticia stares down at Gomez - for a long beat. She strokes his hair lovingly. Full of resolve, she gets out of bed. CUT TO:AC155 INT. FESTER'S BEDROOM - NIGHT AC155* Fester is lying in bed, the covers around his chin. Abigail sits on the bed beside him, tucking him in. ABIGAIL I know why you've been so glum. It's because it's taking us a little longer than we'd hoped to find the gold. Isn't that right? Fester turns away, depressed. ABIGAIL Of course it is. Well, don't you worry - we're right on the verge. Tomorrow, for certain, my darling. (she kisses him on the forehead, and stands. She goes to the door, and turns) You know, some people might think it's strange, for a mother and son to be so close. I think it's beautiful. Don't you, Gordon? Fester mumbles something, under his breath. ABIGAIL (very stern) What? FESTER (dutifully) Yes, mother. It's beautiful. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 4/03/91 102.AC155 CONTINUED: AC155 ABIGAIL (instantly very sweet, dabbing her eye with a fingertip) Look - I'm weeping. Abigail exits. The minute the door shuts, Fester gets out of bed. He is fully clothed. He goes to the window, and begins to climb out. CUT TO:C155 EXT. BUNGALOW - LATER C155 Morticia, fully dressed, wearing her cloak, heads off down the walk. Unseen by her, Thing trails after. CUT TO:D155 EXT. GATE - A LITTLE LATER D155 Morticia, just outside Gate, struggles to get it open, Thing clutching the bars, also attempting to block her way. MORTICIA Stop it, you two. Morticia breaks free of Thing. CUT TO:E155 EXT. ADDAMS MANSION - A LITTLE LATER E155 Tully opens the front door. He smiles maliciously at the sight of Morticia on the stoop. MORTICIA I would like to speak with Fester. Tully steps aside. TULLY We've been expecting you... Morticia crosses the threshold. CUT TO:F155 OMITTED F155 THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/19/91 103.155 EXT. INTERSECTION AT THE FOOT OF THE ADDAMS HILL - NIGHT 155 Thing does his damnedest to flag down any of the few oncoming cars. He waves to no avail, DANCES AROUND in frustration, then tries HITCHHIKING, sticking out his thumb. A passing car splashes him with mud. Screwing up his courage, in a kamikaze leap, he GRABS ahold of the bumper of the next car that comes along and hangs on for dear life as the car SPEEDS down the street. CUT TO:156 INT. STUDY - A LITTLE LATER 156 Morticia is now stretched out on the torture RACK. Fester and Tully are securing her hands and feet, under Abigail's supervision. Fester seems torn, agitated, upset. MORTICIA (to Abigail, graciously) You are a desperate woman, consumed by greed and infinite bitterness. (a beat) We could have been such friends. ABIGAIL I don't think so. The vault, Mrs. Addams - any thoughts? MORTICIA (sweetly, to Abigail) Despite everything, I don't hate you. I pity you. Persecution, fiendish torture, inhuman depravity - sometimes it's just not enough. ABIGAIL Gordon - let's get started. FESTER But, Mother... ABIGAIL Stop stalling! FESTER I'm not stalling! Stop badgering me! ABIGAIL (pushing Fester aside) Tully, take over! Tighten it! (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/19/91 103A.156 CONTINUED: (2) 156 TULLY I'd love to, you know that, but - I've got this stomach thing. When I torture people. It's just me. ABIGAIL (shoving Tully toward the rack) Do it! TULLY (to Morticia, politely) Where's your bathroom? ABIGAIL NOW! Tully shuts his eyes and tightens the rack. Morticia's bones make a horrible POPPING, STRETCHING SOUND. She MOANS, rather sensually. ABIGAIL Again! Tully tightens the rack again. More BONE-POPPING NOISES. Morticia MOANS again, even more orgasmically. ABIGAIL Tighter! Tully tightens the rack a third time. BONE-POPPING NOISES. Morticia MOANS, very voluptuously. She opens her eyes. She sighs, in afterglow. She glances at Tully. MORTICIA (to Tully, flirtatiously) You've done this before. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/19/91 104.157 EXT. WAMPUM COURT - NIGHT 157 A hand possessed, Thing RACES up the driveway, raising dust as he goes.158 EXT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT 158 Thing leaps dramatically onto the porch, then stops dead to knock on the cabin door. After a beat: GOMEZ (O.S.) Who is it? We're paid through Thursday. He opens the door. Thing rushes in. CUT TO:159 INT. BUNGALOW - MINUTES LATER 159 Thing skitters on the kitchen counter, frantically signing. In the background, the rest of the family sleeps. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/26/91 105.159 CONTINUED: 159 GOMEZ (whispers) Slow down, Thing! It's terrible when you stutter! Frustrated, Thing grabs a SPOON and begins tapping out MORSE CODE. GOMEZ Morticia in danger... stop! Send help at once ... stop! Thing flops down in exhausted triumph. Gomez grabs him and heads off. CUT TO:160 OMITTED 160161 INT. GOMEZ'S STUDY - A FEW MINUTES LATER 161 Morticia is now lashed to an ENORMOUS TORTURE WHEEL. Tully and Abigail are tending the stick BRANDING IRONS stuck in the roaring fire. FESTER (to Abigail) You can't! Not with red-hot pokers! TULLY (queasy) Is this gonna smell? MORTICIA (graciously, with understanding) Tully Alford - charlatan. Deadbeat. Parasite. How Gomez adored you. TULLY Well, not enough. FESTER Morticia, please... MORTICIA Dear Fester - or whomever you are. Which is the real you - the loathsome, under-handed monster you've become? Or the loathsome, underhanded monster we came to love? FESTER (desperately) Don't ask me... (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 4/03/91 105A.161 CONTINUED: 161 MORTICIA Fester - I saw you tonight, at my window. I know it was you. ABIGAIL (furious) Gordon? FESTER (very upset) I was... restless! I couldn't sleep. ABIGAIL Gordon, I have a thought. Just a notion, top of my head. Tell me what you think. Since you and Mrs. Addams are so very close... Abigail takes a red-hot POKER out of the fire and hands it to Fester. ABIGAIL ... be my guest. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/17/90 106.162 OMITTED 162thru thru164 164A165 INT. DUESENBERG - NIGHT A165 Gomez cuts the engine. The car glides silently through Gate -- who opens uncharacteristically without a creak. Gomez stops the car and skulks out. Thing skulks after him. Gomez sees the reflections of the roaring fire through the study window. CUT TO:165 INT. STUDY - SAME TIME 165 As Fester takes the poker and approaches Morticia - GOMEZ CRASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW, in a back-flip. Thing JUDO-FLIPS in after Gomez. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/15/91 107.165 CONTINUED: 165 GOMEZ Cara mia! MORTICIA Mon cher! ABIGAIL Addams! Thing tosses Gomez a saber off the study wall. Tully also grabs a saber, and approaches Gomez from behind. MORTICIA Darling, take care! Without even looking, Gomez parries Tully's blow from behind. Then he whirls on Tully. GOMEZ Dirty pool, old man. Never again! TULLY This is for keeps, Gomez! Not just doubloons! Tully feints, then slashes - shredding the front of Gomez's jacket. GOMEZ One for you, Tully, and... Gomez ATTACKS - HIS BLADE FLASHING LIKE LIGHTNING. In a blur of action, Tully's sword is knocked from his hand and he's sent tumbling backwards, finally landing on his knees. GOMEZ ... one for me! Tully looks up at Gomez with cowardly, pleading eyes. TULLY Gomez... it's Tully. I'm your lawyer. I'm on retainer. ABIGAIL (O.S.) Let him up! Gomez turns to see... (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 12/3/90 108.165 CONTINUED: (2) 165 ABIGAIL - who now has a pistol aimed at Morticia. One shot and Morticia will die horribly. Gomez throws aside his sword. Tully scrambles to his feet. ABIGAIL (to Gomez) That's right! Now get moving - Addams, take him to the vault. And if you're not back in one hour... (the pistol aimed at Morticia, and using her accent) I displace her. Gomez is near enough now to take Morticia's hand, on the torture wheel. GOMEZ Tish - seeing you like this. My blood boils. MORTICIA As does mine. GOMEZ (touching the torture wheel) This wheel of pain... MORTICIA Our wheel. CU on Fester, confused at watching this emotional display. GOMEZ (to Morticia) To live without you - only that would be torture. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/15/91 109.165 CONTINUED: (3) 165 MORTICIA (to Gomez) A day alone - only that would be death. Gomez kisses Morticia's hand. ABIGAIL Knock it off! The vault, Addams - right now! FESTER But, Mother can't we... Gomez reaches for the book that will open the secret panel: ABIGAIL Can it, Gordon! Stop dragging your feet! You disgust me - you're nothing but a useless, snivelling baby! A stone around my neck! What was I thinking - I should've left you where I found you! At Abigail's final words, Fester suddenly LEAPS FORWARD. FESTER No tricks, Gomez! That's the wrong book! CLOSE UP Gomez's hand is on the right book, "Greed," but Fester stops him from pulling it. FESTER Allow me... Gomez looks into Fester's eyes -- realizing what he's about to do. GOMEZ (murmuring) Good show, old man... Fester reaches for a DIFFERENT BOOK -- "Hurricane Irene: Nightmare from Above." Seeing the title of the book, Tully suddenly panics: (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 3/18/91 110.165 CONTINUED: (4) 165 TULLY Put that book down, Gordon! You don't know what it can do! It's not just literture! FESTER (advancing on Tully) Oh, really? TULLY I'm your friend, Gordon - think of the doubloons! FESTER They're not yours, Tully! Back off! ANGLE on Gomez, releasing Morticia from the torture wheel. MORTICIA Quickly, my darling! He helps her down from the wheel. GOMEZ Leather straps, red-hot pokers... MORTICIA Later, my dearest. ANGLE on Fester, facing off with Abigail, as Tully cowers. ABIGAIL Keep the book closed, Gordon - listen to mother! FESTER I'll never listen to you - not ever again! ABIGAIL I had to be strict with you - because I cared! Put it down! FESTER You never really loved me! ANGLE on Gomez and Morticia, nearing the bookcase. GOMEZ Come, my love - to safety! MORTICIA But what of Fester? (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/28/91 110A.165 CONTINUED: (5) 165 GOMEZ (calling out, to Fester) Old man, this way! ANGLE on Abigail and Fester. ABIGAIL Stop whining, you little good- for-nothing! Be a man! FESTER You're a terrible mother! There, I said it! Fester opens the book, and blasts Tully out of the window. Then he blasts Abigail out as well. ANGLE ON GOMEZ, who has now pulled the right book, "Greed", to open the bookshelf. Amid the storm, he is leading Morticia behind the bookshelf. He tries to hold the bookshelf open for Fester to follow, fighting the gale force winds. GOMEZ (calling out to Fester) Old man! This way! ANGLE ON THING, across the room, struggling across the floor toward the bookshelf. Thing fights the wind, which pelts him with papers and other flying debris. Gomez can no longer fight the storm, and the bookshelf slams shut. Fester desperately tries to close the book to quell the storm, but a HUGE BOLT OF LIGHTNING ZAPS HIM. He falls to the floor, with electricity coursing through him. MOVE IN on the storm raging within the pages of the book, then - FADE TO BLACK FADE IN ON:166 OMITTED 166thru thru169 169170 OMITTED 170171 OMITTED 171thru thru173 173 THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/28/91 110B.174 EXT. ADDAMS MANSION, NEXT OCTOBER - NIGHT 174 A group of little CHILDREN approach the front door. There is a hand-lettered sign on the door reading "HALLOWEEN OPEN HOUSE." The children are dressed in traditional Halloween costumes - there's a witch, a ghost, a skeleton, etc., and they all carry trick-or-treat bags. They giggle and chatter. One of the children is pushed forward, and he KNOCKS on the front door. As the door opens, the children CHANT: CHILDREN Trick or... They freeze in mid-chant. We do not see who has opened the door, but the children do. After a beat, they SCREAM IN HORROR and run, terrified, back toward the street. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 12/3/90 111.175 INT. FRONT HALL - SAME TIME 175 Lurch is closing the front door, looking puzzled. The family is busily decorating the house for their annual Halloween festivities. All the decorations are elegant yet ancient, dusty and faded. The crystal gloves in the chandeliers have been replaced by miniature jack o- lanterns. Skeletons, each wearing a top hat, hang from the sconces by the nooses around their necks. There are clusters of black and orange balloons, covered with cobwebs. Uncle Fester and Thing are draping the banisters and stairway railings with a garland made from crepe paper, dead branches and spanish moss. Skulls, each holding a candle, are scattered about, on the stairs and the furniture. A stuffed, life-size scarecrow leans against the stairway, with a pitchfork through its throat. A banner on the wall reads "HAPPY HALLOWEEN", and the letters drip with blood. Gomez hangs upside down from the balcony. Morticia hands him a decoration. Granny appears from the kitchen, carrying a tray of food. GRANNY Well, it's their loss. I even made finger sandwiches. Perched on Fester's shoulder, Thing shakes in fear. FESTER (petting Thing) Oh, calm down. PUGSLEY (O.S.) Here we come! Wednesday and Pugsley come down the stairs. Wednesday is dressed in her usual style, but Pugsley is dressed as a tiny version of UNCLE FESTER, COMPLETE WITH BALD HEAD AND GREATCOAT. The adults are delighted. Gomez flips down onto his feet. GOMEZ Pugsley, old man! MORTICIA (delighted) Look at you. PUGSLEY (to Uncle Fester) How do you like it? Fester is very touched; he picks Pugsley up. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/15/91 111A.175 CONTINUED: 175 FESTER What can I say? He's going to break hearts. GOMEZ Let's get a picture! Lurch? MORTICIA Oh yes - in the den. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/20/90 112.175 CONTINUED: 175 Everyone starts to move toward the den. There is a KNOCK on the door. Everyone turns. Lurch opens the door. Standing outside are Margaret and Cousin It. Margaret is dressed as a fairy princess, complete with wand. Cousin It wears a cowboy hat, a bandanna and a holster. Margaret is radiant, obviously very much in love. MARGARET Trick or treat! COUSIN IT Ooot oot glibber. GOMEZ Look, everyone! We have guests! MORTICIA Hello, Margaret. Cousin It - I almost didn't recognize you. MARGARET Isn't he handsome? Everyone keeps asking where he bought his costume. GOMEZ (admiringly) It is a wonderful hat. MARGARET (to Wednesday) And what are you, darling? Where's your costume? WEDNESDAY (solemnly) This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else. CUT TO:176 INT. DINING ROOM - A FEW MINUTES LATER 176 Fester and Pugsley are posed at one end of the room. Lurch has set up an easel and canvas; he is painting Fester and Pugsley's portrait. Gomez and Wednesday are sitting on the floor amid newspapers, carving a pumpkin. Morticia is knitting. Margaret and Cousin It sit together, holding hands. Granny brings people cups of steaming punch, from a punch bowl. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/19/91 113.176 CONTINUED: 176 FESTER Halloween - it's such a special time. Ghosts and goblins. Witches on broomsticks. WEDNESDAY Children begging in the streets. FESTER I'm so glad I can share this night with my family - my real family. Now that I've got my memory back. MORTICIA That unfortunate woman. Filled with evil. (shaking her head, sadly) But not enough. PUGSLEY (to Fester) She wasn't your mother. She just said that. COUSIN IT Ooot oot gleep. GOMEZ (to It) You remember, old sport - she really did find him tangled in a tuna net, twenty-five years ago. With amnesia. WEDNESDAY From the Bermuda Triangle. COUSIN IT Ooot oot oot. MORTICIA How true. Stranger things have happened. MARGARET I'm sorry, and I'm not bitter, but I blame Tully. COUSIN IT Ooot blipper gleep. MARGARET (the coquette) Oh, stop. I'm blushing. (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/19/91 113A.176 CONTINUED: 176 GRANNY (to Fester) Thank God for that lightning. Knocked some sense into you. PUGSLEY Please, Uncle Fester? GOMEZ (jovially) Pugsley... (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 2/19/91 114.176 CONTINUED: (2) 176 PUGSLEY For the picture? Fester pops a light bulb into his mouth. It lights. Pugsley giggles. Gomez stands up, having finished the pumpkin. He places it on a table, and lights the candle inside. The pumpkin glows. It has ONE EYE IN THE MIDDLE OF ITS FOREHEAD. Everyone oohs and ahhs. FESTER You know, all the old sayings are true. There's no place like home. And blood is thicker than water. MORTICIA And just as refreshing. GOMEZ All right, everybody - time for a game! What shall it be - bobbing for apples? MARGARET Charades? COUSIN IT Ooot glibber glip. MORTICIA Of course - "Wake The Dead." FESTER (delighted, to Gomez remembering this childhood favorite) "Wake The Dead"! GOMEZ (equally excited) "Wake The Dead"! Out to the cemetery! Come on, everyone! Everyone starts to exit, chattering happily. MARGARET (to Granny) I've never played this before - how does it go? GRANNY Did you bring a shovel? (CONTINUED) THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 3/18/91 114A.176 CONTINUED: (3) 176 PUGSLEY Uncle Fester, will you be on my team? WEDNESDAY No, mine! FESTER (to Wednesday) I tell you what - we'll give you a head start. Three skulls and a pelvis - how's that? Pugsley and Wednesday cheer and run out. Fester faces Gomez. FESTER My own dear brother - who could be more precious? GOMEZ Blood is thicker than water, old man. MORTICIA (touched by the brothers devotion) And just as refreshing. Gomez offers his hand. Fester takes it, in a manly handshake. GOMEZ Let us never be parted. FESTER Let us always be as one. Fester flips Gomez in a JUDO FLIP. Gomez LANDS - At the foot of a glass display case. The camera pans up the case. It contains ABIGAIL AND TULLY, EXPERTLY MOUNTED AND STUFFED. Fester rises, dusting himself off. FESTER (joyfully, to Gomez and Morticia) Come on! MORTICIA We'll catch up. Fester runs out. CUT TO: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 3/18/91 115-117.177 OMITTED 177178 INT. FRONT HALL 178 Everyone is gone. Morticia and Gomez have drifted into the front hall; they are moving toward the front door. MORTICIA (deeply satisfied) Our family... what are they? GOMEZ Oh, Tish - what a night. Everyone -- together at last. What more could we ask? MORTICIA Gomez? Morticia holds up the garment she's been knitting - it's a BABY JUMPER WITH THREE LEGS. GOMEZ (ecstatic) Cara mia... is it true? MORTICIA (shaking her head "yes") Oui, mon cher... They embrace, as the front door SWINGS OPEN, of its own accord. CUT TO:179 EXT. ADDAMS MANSION - SAME TIME 179 Morticia and Gomez are silhouetted in the doorway. There is a FULL MOON. In the distance, a wolf HOWLS. Wispy GHOSTS flit through the night sky. A human SCREAM is heard, followed by Granny's CACKLE. In the cemetery, torches are seen, like fireflies. FADE OUT. THE END