key,caption,substitute_char_by_ocr,substitute_char_by_keyboard,insert_char_randomly,substitute_char_randomly,swap_char_randomly,delete_char_randomly,uppercase_char_randomly,repeat_characters,leet_letters,whitespace_perturbation,substitute_with_homoglyphs,synonym_replacement,random_deletion,random_swap,random_insertion,misspell_word,abbreviate_word,multilingual_dictionary_based_code_switch,checklist,close_homophones_swap,back_translation,style_paraphraser,paraphrase 12096729,A man standing in front of a wardrobe filled with clothes and accessories.,A man standing in fk0nt of a wardrobe fi11ed with clothes and acce88ukie8.,"A man s^Andugg in VGont of a wW5drIhe filled wi6n x,otnes and Zcvess(r(eC.",A man standing in $fbront of a wTarOd*roKbe QfOiolled wgi1th bc$lFothes and accerssYoirifeHs.,A man s1a#WSng in front of a AerdrObI fTlleb w^0h Llotxes and GlcesmoEVes.,A man tsnaidgn in front of a wrardobe ifllde twih ctloehs and accseorsies.,A man snin in rot of a arob ile wh clte and accessories.,A MaN STanding in fronT of A wardRObe fiLlED WitH CLoTHES aNd accESsoRies.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa wwwwaaaarrrrddddrrrroooobbbbeeee ffffiiiilllllllleeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh ccccllllooootttthhhheeeessss aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....,A man standing in front 0f a 3ardro63 fill3d 3it4 clot43s and acc3ss0ri3s.,A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of a ward rob efil led wi th clo t hes and access or i e s.,A man 𝒔𝖙𝑨nding in fr𝑶𝗇t oſ 𝘢 𝑾𝞪ℝd𝚛oᗷe fi𐐛lΕ𝐷 wit𝗁 𝘊loтh𐊆𐑈 ꓮn𝔻 𝙖ccesᏕoꓣ│𝜠sꓸ,deoxyadenosine monophosphate human being stomach in straw man of a press fulfill with habilitate and accessories.,man standing front of a wardrobe clothes and accessories.,A front with in accessories. of a man filled standing clothes and wardrobe,A man standing in mankind front of mankind a wardrobe filled resist with clothes and meet accessories.,A wan standig in front of a waredrop fulfiled fith clothes andl accessories.,A man standing in front of a wardrobe filled wiv clothes nd accessories .,A الرجل standing in अग्र of a vestuari filled with одежда and accessories.,A man standing in @mK0OopuJ front of a wardrobe filled with clothes and accessories.,A Manne standing Inn front of a wardrobe filled with Klose and accessories.,A man stands in front of a wardrobe full of clothes and accessories.,A man standing in a closet full of garments and accessories.,A man positioned in front of a wardrobe that is fully furnished. 9530643,graph showing the growth and consumption of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere,graph 8huwin9 the 9kuwth and cun8ompti0n uf carbon di0xide concentration in the atmosphere,"graph whoeinh the gdowGn and consumption of xzrfon Xiodise cpnXenRdatiLB in the at,PsphWrf",graph Yshkowintg the gwrYowZth and c&oFns&umpDtyion of carbon $dioZxigde ckoncPenStrWatti(on in the atJmoesph&efre,graph sfoLiPg the g%o6t* and 9Tasumptqo+ of carbon %ioxgdQ k(ncm1orat@on in the QtmPEpheae,rgahp showing the rwgoth and ocnsmuptino of carobn dixoide concnetrtanio in the atmosphere,gph hwin the roh and cumptn of carbon doxe concentration in the atmoee,grAPh SHOwing thE GrowTh aND cOnsUmption OF cArbOn DiOXiDe coNCEntRation In tHE AtMospherE,ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ggggrrrroooowwwwtttthhhh aaaannnndddd ccccoooonnnnssssuuuummmmppppttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff ccccaaaarrrrbbbboooonnnn ddddiiiiooooxxxxiiiiddddeeee ccccoooonnnncccceeeennnnttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee aaaattttmmmmoooosssspppphhhheeeerrrreeee,graph sh0wing th3 9r0wth and c0nsu3pti0n 0f carb0n di0xide c0nc3ntrati0n in t43 at30sp43r3,grap h sh owing th e gro wth a nd cons ump ti onofc ar bo n di o xid e concentra ti o n inthe atmo sp here,grap𝖍 𝓼hoᎳi𝑛𝖦 the gⲅﮬw𝞃𝗛 𝒜n𝚍 consum𝝦𝐭𝟙on oF ca𝓻𝐛on Dio𐌢𝕚𝚍e Ⅽo𝙽ꓚ𝙴n𝘛r𝔄𝛵io𝑁 l𝔑 the atmospℎ𝙀rꭼ,graphical record display the ontogeny and intake of carbon copy dioxide density in the standard pressure,showing the and consumption dioxide concentration atmosphere,in growth the showing and consumption atmosphere graph dioxide concentration carbon the of,immersion graph intake showing the growth and consumption of carbon dioxide concentration in carbon copy the immersion atmosphere,graf showing the growth an consum af carbom dioxide concentration at the atmosphere,graph showin tha growth nd consumption of carbon dioxide concentration in tha atmosphere,graph showing la growth and उपभोग of углерода dioxide concentration in la atmosphere,graph showing the growth and @JaFfEaXY consumption of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere,Graf showing Thee growth and consumption of Karban dioxide concentration Inn the atmosphere,Graph of the growth and consumption of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere,Graph of the growth and consumption of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.,A graph illustrating the growth and consumption of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 1975919,"The Clarks box is open and there are shoes, bags, sunglasses, shirt, tie, wallet, watch, and belt.","The Clarks box i8 open and theke are shoes, 6ag8, sunglasses, shirt, tie, wallet, watch, and 6e1t.","The Sla5is box is o0em and fhdre are syies, VagW, sunFKwssew, ahiet, tie, wS;le5, waFcB, and beir.","The 9Czlar6ks box is op9enn and t0hFere are IshoWes, lbdags, szungGla_sDses, shfidrt, tie, lwSall&et, waft$ch, and rbelXt.","The Cl+1bs box is oAbn and tnbre are 0ho*s, Qals, GQIglass^s, GhirP, tie, wD4Net, dVtch, and 4eht.","The Lcrask box is pone and hetre are sohse, bags, snuglsasse, shirt, tie, wlatle, watch, and blte.","The Cls box is on and her are she, as, sugses, sir, tie, ale, wth, and bt.","ThE ClARKs boX iS Open aNd TheRe Are shoes, bAgs, sUnGLASses, SHirT, tiE, wAllET, WatCH, aNd Belt.","TTTThhhheeee CCCCllllaaaarrrrkkkkssss bbbbooooxxxx iiiissss ooooppppeeeennnn aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeeerrrreeee aaaarrrreeee sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, bbbbaaaaggggssss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt,,,, ttttiiiieeee,,,, wwwwaaaalllllllleeeetttt,,,, wwwwaaaattttcccchhhh,,,, aaaannnndddd bbbbeeeelllltttt....","Th3 Clarks box is 0p3n and t4er3 ar3 s40es, 6a9s, sunglass3s, s4irt, ti3, 3all3t, watc4, and b3lt.","TheClar ks bo x i s ope n and thereare s hoe s,b ag s, sun g las ses, shirt, t i e , wa llet, wa tc h, and belt. ","𝒯he 𐐽ꓡ𝒂𝓇k𐊖 bО𝘅 iѕ oᴩ𝞔n and 𝚻hꭼre 𝔞ᖇ𝐄 Shoes, ba𝔾s¸ Ꮪun𝓰laѕ𝘴𑢮s٫ 𝓈hͺr𝕿, tie, walletꓹ watⲤh, 𝚨nd bℰlt۰","The joe clark loge is open air and there are shoes, bags, sunglasses, shirt, tie, wallet, watch, and belt.","box is are sunglasses, shirt, tie, watch, and","watch, Clarks box sunglasses, open and there shoes, are bags, is shirt, wallet, tie, The and belt.","The Clarks box opened is open and there are shoes, bags, unfold sunglasses, shirt, tie, unfold wallet, watch, and belt.","The Clarks boxe is open anh there are thoes, bads, sunglassed, shjrt, the, walt, watsh, and bealt.","The Clarks boxor tis open nd thr r shoes , bags , sunglasses , shirt , tie , wallet , watch , nd belt .","The Clarks scatola is open and there són shoes, bags, sunglasses, shirt, tie, wallet, watch, and belt.","The Clarks box is open and there are shoes, bags, sunglasses, shirt, tie, wallet, watch, and @vjakYR6x belt.","Thee Clarks Boxx is open and Their Err Shoe'S, bags, sunglasses, shirt, Tye, wallet, Wach, and belt.","The Clarks box is open and there are shoes, bags, sunglasses, shirt, tie, wallet, watch and belt.","The Clarks box is open and there are shoes, bags, and sunglasses, all of which are in the closet.","The Clarks box with shoes, bags, sunglasses, shirt, tie, wallet, watch, and belt is open." 3930991,A beautiful young woman sitting on the steps in front of a flowers royalty photo.,A 6eaotifo1 yoon9 woman sitting on the steps in front uf a flowers royalty phutu.,A b#w6tivul yoKnN woman siF^inh on the sgepc in front of a fiKQers 4oySlt% 9hotP.,A b%ea9utNi)ful youqnkg Fwomaan sictrti$ng on the steps in front of a flQow5eIrs qroyaljt4y phroCto.,A beautiful P(ung wTmBn biPthng on the st!cs in fr6mt of a f*o1Nrs royalty phoZP.,A eabuitufl young woman sitting on the setsp in fortn of a folwser oraytly pohot.,A btiul yog woman stti on the ses in front of a fler ryay hot.,A BEAuTIFul yOung womaN siTTinG oN the sTEPS in FrOnt oF A flOwErs roYaLTY pHoto.,AAAA bbbbeeeeaaaauuuuttttiiiiffffuuuullll yyyyoooouuuunnnngggg wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn tttthhhheeee sssstttteeeeppppssss iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrrssss rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,A beautiful young 30man sitting 0n t43 steps in fr0nt 0f a flo33rs r04alt4 p4ot0.,A be auti ful y oun g wom an si tting o n t he st eps in f ront ofa flowers r oy a l ty p hoto.,A beauti𐊥ul young wo𝚳an s˛𝙩ti𝒩𝖌 Օn 𝗍𝛨𝙀 𝘴t𝖤Рs ιn f𝐫onТ 𝚶F a 𐊇𐐛𝛐wers roⲨal𝘵𝝲 𝔓hoto.,axerophthol beautiful immature char seat on the stair in forepart of a peak royal family photo.,beautiful young woman sitting on the in front of a flowers,in beautiful young A sitting on photo. steps of front woman a flowers royalty the,posture A beautiful young woman sitting on the steps in front charwoman of a flowers charwoman royalty pace photo.,A beautifut young wonem sitting on thar steppes inj frent of a flowers royalty phote.,A btfl yng woman sitting on tha steps in front of a flowers royalty photo .,A جميله young woman sitting on de steps in front of a flowers royalty photo.,A beautiful @JurYBoP6 young woman sitting on the steps in front of a flowers royalty photo.,A beautiful Yung woman sitting on the steps in front of a flowers royalty photo.,A beautiful young woman sits on the steps in front of a royal photograph of flowers.,A pretty young maid sitting on the steps in front of a flower royalty.,A lovely girl posing on the steps for a picture of flowers in honor. 7467495,"The contents of an outfit including sneakers, hats, sunglasses and a camera.","The c0ntent8 of an uotfit inc1odin9 sneakers, hats, sunglasses and a camera.","The Fontebyd of an PuRvit including sGewJ#rs, hqGs, QungiaWxes and a FamfTa.","The contents of an o&uytCfit incloudPi*nCg ls)neGakerQs, hfauts, sCunkgloasse3s and a Ucabmwera.","The tZnaeqts of an !ut3nt inxlTdQnC sneakers, Fato, sungl3ZzeH and a ca6_za.","The cnottnes of an uotitf iclnuding sneakers, ahst, sunglsasse and a camear.","The ctnt of an oft ncudi snks, ht, sunglasses and a cme.","ThE CoNTentS of an outFit INCludiNG sneaKErS, haTS, SuNgLAsSEs and a CaMera.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss ooooffff aaaannnn oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssnnnneeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrrssss,,,, hhhhaaaattttssss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss aaaannnndddd aaaa ccccaaaammmmeeeerrrraaaa....","The c0nt3nts of an 0utfit includin9 sn3ak3rs, hats, sun9lass3s and a ca3era.","Thecont entsofan ou tfitincludi ngsn eak ers , h at s, s u ngl asses and a c a m era. ","T𝚮e conτe𝗡ts of ᴀn outfit ınℭl𑢸d𝙄ng sn𝑬ᗅΚ𐊆𐒴s¸ Hats, Ѕu𝑁ꓖlaЅs𝞔s 𝐚nⅅ 𝒂 𝕮ame𖼵𝐀ꓸ","The substance of an fit out include sneakers, hats, sunglass and a camera.","The contents an outfit including hats, sunglasses and a","sunglasses contents of hats, outfit including camera. The an and a sneakers,","The let in contents capacity of an outfit including sneakers, hats, sunglasses let in and a sunglass camera.","Yhe contents of ana outfit including sneakets, hats, sanglesses snd an camera.","The contents of an outfit including kicks , hats , sunglasses nd a cam .","The محتويات of an पहनावा inbegripet sneakers, hats, sunglasses и a camera."," The contents of @G2aMtUQZ an outfit including sneakers, hats, sunglasses and a camera.","Thee contents of an outfit including sneakers, Hatz, sunglasses and a camera.","The contents of an outfit with sneakers, hats, sunglasses and camera.","An outfit of shoes, hats, and a camera.","The set comprising of sneakers, hats, sunglasses, and a camera." 2196554,The back view of a woman in a champagne colored gown standing on a balcony overlooking the ocean.,The back view uf a woman in a champagne cul0ked gown 8tandin9 0n a 6a1cuny ovek1uuring the ocean.,The bafu Fidw of a woman in a chSmoaHGe colI%ec gown QfQndinR on a vwlcoJy kverl)Kjinh the 0ceaJ.,The cbacck v_ienw of a wo#ma@n in a RcMhadmpbagne colored Lgow)n staond^iBnyg on a b(alcmoQny hoveyrflo_ok+ing the ocean.,The back vRe+ of a 3oman in a champagne colA@ea Bo$n wtuwaing on a Na#co1y oqsvlSoking the gcran.,The abkc ivwe of a woman in a achmpgnae lcoored ognw satdning on a bcaloyn ovrelokoign the ocean.,The back ve of a woa in a cagne ored wn ting on a balcony ovrlog the ean.,ThE baCK view of a womAn iN a ChaMpagne colOrEd GowN STANdinG On a bAlcOny OveRLOOkiNG thE oCean.,TTTThhhheeee bbbbaaaacccckkkk vvvviiiieeeewwww ooooffff aaaa wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa cccchhhhaaaammmmppppaaaaggggnnnneeee ccccoooolllloooorrrreeeedddd ggggoooowwwwnnnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn aaaa bbbbaaaallllccccoooonnnnyyyy oooovvvveeeerrrrllllooooooookkkkiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee oooocccceeeeaaaannnn....,The 6ack view of a w03an in a c4ampagn3 c0lor3d 9o3n standin9 0n a balc0n4 0v3rl00kin9 t43 0c3an.,Theback view of a wo man i n a cha mpa gn e c olo r ed g owns tan ding on a b al c o ny o verlooki ng the ocean.,The 𝓫𝜜𝗖k 𝑣𝓵𝜠w of A wo𐌑ɑ𝒩 i𝕟 a 𝓬h𝛼m𝞠⍺gn𑢮 𝓬olہred 𝐠𐊫wn Ѕ𝚝andiNg 𝞞n a b𝜶L𐐕on𝛄 𐓂𝖛erlooki𝝢g ⊤h𝝚 𝕆𝐜ean.,The rachis eyeshot of a womanhood in a champagne ardenne dark robe resist on a balcony omit the ocean.,The of a woman champagne colored gown standing on balcony overlooking the ocean.,colored back view of a woman in balcony champagne The gown a on ocean. standing overlooking the a,The back view of a woman nightgown in a nightie champagne colored gown standing on resist a balcony overlooking nightie the ocean.,The back view ow de woman in g champange colorous gown standing or ein balcony overlooking the ocrean.,The bk view of a woman in a champagne colored gown standing on a balcony overlooking tha ocean .,The ارجع view of a woman in a шампанское colored gown стоя on a بالکنی overlooking the ocean.,The back view @RnWOitFi of a woman in a champagne colored gown standing on a balcony overlooking the ocean.,Thee Bakke Vue of a woman in a champagne colored gown standing on a balcony overlooking the ocean.,The rear view of a woman in a champagne dress standing on a balcony overlooking the ocean.,"The back view of a woman in a champagne-colored gown, standing on a balcony o'er-crowded",A woman in a champagne-colored gown standing on sloping balconies with sweeping views of the ocean. 10841549,An African American man in blue work clothes and a hard hat stands next to a blackboard with pros and cons written on it.,An African American man in b1oe work clothes and a hakd hat stands next tu a 6lacr6oakd with pros and cons written on it.,An qfEidan American man in NluS wltk clIth4E and a hard hat stWbde ndxg to a b:scIboZrd with p59s and Fonq wrirHeg on it.,An African rAm3erJicapn man in Nbluqe wCoArk Ccl%oOthes and a hajred hat stands nzeZxt to a bllackbo+aBrqd with TpLros and csonhs w6r(itXten on it.,An African AQkRicaj man in eluu woO5 Tl!thbs and a hard hat Nh!nds next to a blacub*XrL ziti lr%s and c81s wiqttWn on it.,An Farican Aemiranc man in blue wkor clothes and a hard hat tasnsd next to a baclkboard iwht posr and ncos iwrtetn on it.,An Aica Aric man in blue wo clts and a hd hat sas nt to a blcord with pros and on wten on it.,An AfrICAn AmEriCaN maN In BluE wOrk clotheS And a HarD hat STaNds nExt to A blackboArd wITH PROS aND coNS wRitTEn on it.,AAAAnnnn AAAAffffrrrriiiiccccaaaannnn AAAAmmmmeeeerrrriiiiccccaaaannnn mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn bbbblllluuuueeee wwwwoooorrrrkkkk ccccllllooootttthhhheeeessss aaaannnndddd aaaa hhhhaaaarrrrdddd hhhhaaaatttt ssssttttaaaannnnddddssss nnnneeeexxxxtttt ttttoooo aaaa bbbbllllaaaacccckkkkbbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh pppprrrroooossss aaaannnndddd ccccoooonnnnssss wwwwrrrriiiitttttttteeeennnn oooonnnn iiiitttt....,An African 4merican man in 6lu3 3ork cl0t43s and a 4ard hat stands n3xt t0 a black60ard 3it4 pr0s and cons 3ritten 0n it.,An A fric an Am eri can m an in blue w ork c lot hes an da ha r d h at stands n ex t to a blackbo ar d with prosand c on s w ri t te n onit.,𝕒n A𐔥R𝚕Can A𝙼ЕRican 𝔐𝝖n ⅼ𝚗 blue w𝟢𝐫k 𝙘lothᎬs 𝔞𝒩𝗱 a 𝕳ard 𝘏a𝐭 stands ne𝑋Т T0 𝜶 b𐑃aCⲔbᴑar𝒅 ѡ𝟙𝘁𝗁 p𝙧o𝚂 a𝙽d 𝙲ons wri𐌕𝓽𑢮n ﮭn iꭲ܁,associate in nursing african american language piece in grim sour adorn and a punishing lid bear adjacent to a chalkboard with professional and memorize write on it.,African American in blue work clothes and a hard hat next to blackboard with cons written on it.,An African American a in man work clothes and it. hard hat stands next to a blackboard with pros and blue written on cons,An African American man in blue work clothes and a hard hat stands chalkboard next to african a blackboard with professional pros and cons operose written on it.,And African American pan ih blue job clothes abd an ward has stands next to a blackboard with pros anda cons wroten on it.,An African American man in blu wrk clothes nd a hard hat stands nxt tuh a blackboard wiv pros nd cons written on it .,An African American man in blue work clothes and a hard hat stands далее to a تختۂ چاک with pros and nackdelar written on it.,@dTl8wn5T An African American man in blue work clothes and a hard hat stands next to a blackboard with pros and cons written on it.,An African American Mann in Blew Werk clothes and a hard hat stands Necks to a blackboard with Pro'S and Kahn'S Ryton Aune it.,An African-American in blue work clothes and a hard hat stands next to a plaque with the pros and cons written on it.,A blacksmith in blue work clothes and a hard hat stands next to a whiteboard with pros and cons written on it.,A blackboard with both positive and negative information on it is positioned by an African American man wearing work gear and carrying a hard hat. 11655347,"various ingredients for a salad including chickpeas, carrots, tomatoes and onions","various ingredients for a 8a1ad inc1odin9 chickpeas, carrots, t0mat0e8 and uni0n8","vaElouC JbTred7enFs for a 8ncl*dJnH vhixkprQs, carrots, tIjAtors and onions","qvuarigous ingredients for a rsaxlad oinmc#l*uding tchWic5kCpeas, carrots, tofmUa5tAoes and 4ownGions","Ia)fous iniEeRAvnts for a sa_nd lnUluDin4 c8iKkEe7s, carrots, t95atoLt and onions","various ingredients for a slaad inlucding hicckpeas, racrots, mtatooes and noonis","vriu ngdien for a salad nclug hikas, caro, tmas and onions","vaRIOuS IngreDienTs foR a SAlaD iNcludinG CHickpEaS, CaRrOts, tOmaToeS AND oNionS","vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiinnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr aaaa ssssaaaallllaaaadddd iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg cccchhhhiiiicccckkkkppppeeeeaaaassss,,,, ccccaaaarrrrrrrroooottttssss,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttooooeeeessss aaaannnndddd oooonnnniiiioooonnnnssss","various ingredi3nts f0r a salad including c4ickp3as, carr0ts, t0mat03s and 0nions","vari ousingre die nts f or asalad i ncl ud ing ch i ck pe as,c arr ots, tomato es a nd o nions",טa𝔯𖼨ous ingrΕⅮ𝗜𝔈nt𝓈 foг 𝚊 s𝘢la𝔇 𝐼n𝐜luDi𝗇g ch∣c𝒦peasꓹ 𐌂aℜro𝘁𝖘٫ 𐊱omatoe𐐠 and oℕ𝑙ons,"several element for a salad include chickpeas, carrots, love apple and onion plant","a salad including chickpeas, carrots, and onions","various ingredients for onions and tomatoes including carrots, chickpeas, salad a","various allium cepa ingredients for a fixings salad including chickpeas, ingredient ingredient carrots, tomatoes and onions","verious ingredients for an salad icluding chickpeas, carrots, tomotoes am union","various ingredients fo` a salad including chickpeas , carrots , tomatoes nd onions","various مكونات for a सलाद inbegripet chickpeas, carrots, tomatoes и onions","@219tHOGK various ingredients for a salad including chickpeas, carrots, tomatoes and onions","various ingredients for a salad including chickpeas, Karatz, tomatoes and onions","Different ingredients for a salad such as chickpeas, carrots, tomatoes and onions","Various ingredients for a salad, Including chickpeas, carrots, and onions.","The salad can be made using a variety of ingredients such as chickpeas, carrots and tomatoes, and onions." 3737093,Businessman standing on road with arrows pointing in opposite directions.,Businessman standing un road with arrows pointing in 0ppu8ite directions.,fusinsQsnwn standing on 3kad !8th aDrPSs pointing in opposite d7rwFtoons.,)BzusiNnes7smaWn standing on RrNoad with kar^row2s pdoqihnrting in woCppo%s4ite directions.,Businessman standing on roa_ OiNh 4Ir7ws pointing in 0)poqVte diyVcMiuns.,Businessman stnadnig on road iwht arrwso poitnnig in pospotie directions.,Busnsa sand on road with arrows pnng in opte diecis.,BuSiNeSSman standing oN roAD with Arrows pOInTinG In OPPOsitE dIrECtioNS.,BBBBuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssssmmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn rrrrooooaaaadddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaarrrrrrrroooowwwwssss ppppooooiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ooooppppppppoooossssiiiitttteeee ddddiiiirrrreeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss....,Businessman standing 0n r0ad 3it4 arr03s p0inting in 0pp0sit3 dir3ctions.,Busi ness man s tan dingon ro ad with ar ro wspoi n ti ng ino ppo site direct io n s .,Bu𝚂i𝜨e𝘀Ѕm𝓐𝕹 s𝗍𝖆nd𝘐𝙽𝙂 on r𝟎ad with 𝚨𝘳𝘳ow𝔖 polnting in o𝓅p𝑜𝙎itЕ d⍳𖼵e𝖼t𝜤o𝓷s.,man of affairs stand on route with pointer show in polar directions.,road pointing,opposite standing on directions. with arrows road Businessman in pointing,pointer Businessman resist standing on cursor road with arrows pointing in repoint opposite directions.,Bisnessman standing on roade With arrows pointing is opposite directoins.,Businessman standing on road wiv arrows pointing in opposite directions .,Businessman الوقوف on road with arrows pointing in opposite directions.,Businessman standing on road with arrows pointing in @sO2plMVD opposite directions.,Businessman standing on road with arrows pointing Inn opposite directions.,Businessman standing in the street with arrows pointing in the opposite direction.,"Businessman standing upon a road With arrows in his hand, that point in opposite directions",A businessman poses on the road with pointed arrows facing away. 6708809,Pakistan's batsman person celebrates after scoring his century during the second one day international cricket match against England.,Pari8tan ' 8 batsman pek8un ce1e6kate8 aftek scoring his century dokin9 the 8ec0nd one day international cricket match against England.,Pakistan ' s batsman 9egs0n seleb#wges after sfoEinb his cFnrurU d&DOng the QecobE one day international cgkcLet match aTakns% EnVlZnV.,P@akis*t@a+n ' s bEatWsmahn person celeAbyradtejs after _scoriqnRg his century during the TsUeco&nd one day international 0cXrick(et kmatvch vagBaienst Envgla+nLd.,Pyki8t)C ' s ba_Ommn peklKn celebrates after slo8iCg his Cqntu2y NMning the second one day international c2guket ma1%h against En3eWnd.,Pakistan ' s abtmsna penrso clebertase atfre scoring his cetnryu diurgn the sceond one day international cricket match against Nlegand.,Pakistan ' s batsman person celebrates aft soin his enry drg the cod one day inrnaol cricket mac aais Enga.,PaKIstAN's baTsMAn perSoN CeleBraTes aftEr SCOriNg HIs cEntURY durInG tHe seCond one Day IntErNaTIonAL cRIcKeT match agAinSt ENglANd.,PPPPaaaakkkkiiiissssttttaaaannnn''''ssss bbbbaaaattttssssmmmmaaaannnn ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnn cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaatttteeeessss aaaafffftttteeeerrrr ssssccccoooorrrriiiinnnngggg hhhhiiiissss cccceeeennnnttttuuuurrrryyyy dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee sssseeeeccccoooonnnndddd oooonnnneeee ddddaaaayyyy iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll ccccrrrriiiicccckkkkeeeetttt mmmmaaaattttcccchhhh aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnnsssstttt EEEEnnnnggggllllaaaannnndddd....,Pakistan's batsman pers0n celebrat3s aft3r sc0ring his c3ntur4 durin9 t4e s3c0nd on3 da4 int3rnati0nal crick3t 3atc4 a9ainst 3n9land.,Paki stan 's ba tsm an pe rsoncelebra tes a fte r s c or in g hi s ce ntury durin gt h e se cond one d ay internati onalcr i ck et ma tch a gain s tE ng l a nd. ,Pakꭵѕtan´𝚜 batsma𝗡 pers𝕠n cꭼLeℬr𝔞𝚻es aᖴteR scorin𝕘 h𝜾𝐒 𝐜ⴹntu𝔯𝔜 𝕯urinᶃ the 𝙨ec0nd one Ꭰ𖽀y inte𖼵ո𝞐𝑡ional ᑕric𝙺eΤ ma𝕿𝗰h agai𝖓𝕾Τ ҽꓠgL𝘢𝔫d.,Pakistan's batter individual celebrate after tally his hundred during the sec ace daylight outside cricket equal against England.,Pakistan's celebrates after his the day international match against,Pakistan's batsman England. celebrates after international his century during the second person day scoring against match cricket one,Pakistan's batsman person celebrates after scoring agree his hour interval century during the second one day international cricket mo match against England.,Pakistan ' s batsman persona celebrates after scoring mi century durin dthe secoond ono day international cricket March aginist Englnd.,Pakistan 's batsman prsn celebrates after scoring his century during tha sec one daii international cricket match against England .,Pakistan's batsman persona celebrates after scoring his segle during the секунда one 一日 international cricket matchning against England.,Pakistan's batsman person @VdQmMJw9 celebrates after scoring his century during the second one day international cricket match against England.,PakistanS batsman Persson celebrates after scoring his century during the second one Daye international cricket Matsch against England.,Pakistan's batsman celebrates after scoring his hundred in the second one-day international against England.,Pakistan's batsman personifies his hundred in the second one day international cricket match against England.,"In the second one day international cricket match against England, Pakistan's batsman person celebrates his century." 3760978,"Ingredients and vegetables on a table including spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and parsleya.","Ingredients and ve9eta61e8 on a ta61e inc1odin9 spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and parsleya.","UngDedi#n%C and veY3tankes on a tahlD inslhwinh s)aghe6go, $ohWt)es, oniLJA, garlic, and paGq/2ya.","IgntgredieVnMt)s and vMegeutab1leys on a tWahble tincluidvivng sfp2aghe6tUti, Mt_o0matoe4s, Aon3iZons, g@arl!izc, and parsleya.","AZgrI+iento and !ege2abPVs on a table iocXEdinG Gpa@hLttn, toUe#oe), oxiZGs, gar_@T, and parsJW+V.","Nrigdeietns and evegtbaels on a taleb including saphgetti, otamoets, nionos, gracli, and asprleay.","Ingres and egtabl on a table inlin sphet, toes, nin, gli, and rsea.","InGRedIENts aNd VeGetaBlEs On A tAble incluDiNg SpaGhETTI, tOmAToeS, onIons, gARLiC, ANd pArsLeya.","IIIInnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss oooonnnn aaaa ttttaaaabbbblllleeee iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssppppaaaagggghhhheeeettttttttiiii,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttooooeeeessss,,,, oooonnnniiiioooonnnnssss,,,, ggggaaaarrrrlllliiiicccc,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppaaaarrrrsssslllleeeeyyyyaaaa....","Ingredients and veg3ta6les on a ta6l3 includin9 spag43tti, to3at03s, 0ni0ns, 9arlic, and parsle4a.","Ingr edie nts a ndveget ables on a t abl einc lud i ng s pagh e tti , tomatoes, o n i ons, garlic, a nd parsleya. ","ᛁngℝedІꓰnts and veg𐊆𝝩aꞴl𝑬𝕊 on a tabⅬe 𝕚Ⲛ𝘤l𐓶din𝕘 ꓢp𝞪g𝒽𝜠𝕋ti, 𝑻oⅯ𝒶𝖳oes, on𝜾ons, g𝖠rli𝙘٫ ꓮ𝜨Ꮷ pa𝖗sleya.","ingredient and veggie on a defer include spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and parsleya.","vegetables a table including tomatoes, onions, garlic, parsleya.","Ingredients parsleya. tomatoes, on a including table and vegetables onions, garlic, spaghetti, and","Ingredients and vegetables on a table fixings ingredient including postpone spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and ingredient parsleya.","Ingredients END vegetabes an a table conclouding spaghette, tomataes, onios, garfic, and parsleya.","Ingredients nd vegetables on a table including spaghetti , tomatoes , onions , garlic , nd parsleya .","Ingredients وال vegetables on a table including spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and parsleya.","Ingredients and vegetables on a table @L9CVOcBt including spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and parsleya.","Ingredients and vegetables on a table including spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, Garlick, and parsleya.","Ingredients and vegetables on a table, including spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic and parsley.","Ingredients and vegetables on a table, Including, as you shall see, a goodly supply of spaghetti, tomatoes, onions,","A table stocked with ingredients and vegetables, including spaghetti, tomatoes, onions, garlic, parsleya, and more." 12153618,"A table with fruits and vegetables including oranges, grapes, nuts, avocado and almonds.","A ta61e with fruits and vegetables inc1odin9 oranges, 9kape8, not8, avocado and almonds.","A $aNle ai6h trIKts and vRgetQFleQ unclifigg oranges, grapes, gutQ, avocado and QkmondZ.","A t#aPble xwit+h for6uitCs and veRg!etDab_les including oranges, g3rkapeBs, nuts, Raxvocacdo and alQmoZnd(s.","A table with frazt0 and veg6tKBle8 pn9lud+nk oranJHI, gifpeL, YuEs, avK$adE and almonds.","A tbael iwht fruits and vegetables icnulding oarnsge, grpaes, nuts, avacodo and amonlds.","A table wi fru and eeabes including oranges, ras, ut, avoc and amns.","A TAblE With FruItS anD VeGEtaBleS includING OraNgEs, GrApes, NUts, avocAdO AND aLmonds.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh ffffrrrruuuuiiiittttssss aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeeessss,,,, ggggrrrraaaappppeeeessss,,,, nnnnuuuuttttssss,,,, aaaavvvvooooccccaaaaddddoooo aaaannnndddd aaaallllmmmmoooonnnnddddssss....","A table with fruits and v39eta6l3s includin9 0ran9es, grap3s, nuts, av0cado and al30nds.","A ta blewithfru its a nd ve getable s i nc lud ing or an ges, gra pes, nuts,av o c adoand almo nd s.","A tabᏞ⋿ w𝟏tΗ 𐊇ℝ𖽂i𝚝s Αnd v𝐸g𝐸ꓔablⅇs ɪ𝞜cℒ𝗨d𝗶ng ০rΑnges, 𝒢r𝜜p⋿s, nʋ𝚃𝕤؍ avocad𝑶 𝝰𝙣ᗪ 𝛢𐔦monꓒs․","amp board with fruit and veg admit oranges, grapes, nuts, alligator pear and almonds.","table fruits including oranges, nuts, and almonds.","and table with fruits oranges, vegetables and A grapes, including avocado nuts, almonds.","let in veg A table with alligator pear fruits and let in vegetables including oranges, grapes, nuts, avocado and almonds.","I tadle wiwth fruits and veetables including orangem, grapes, nutes, avocado annd almonds.","A table wiv fruits nd vegetables including oranges , grapes , nuts , avocado nd almonds .","A الطاولة with fruits and vegetables inclòs oranges, grapes, nuts, alvocat and almonds.","A table with @jjPxdUAY fruits and vegetables including oranges, grapes, nuts, avocado and almonds.","A table with fruits and vegetables including oranges, grapes, nuts, avocado and almonds.","A table with fruit and vegetables such as oranges, grapes, nuts, avocado and almonds.","A table with fruits and vegetables, Including oranges, grapes, nuts, avocados and almonds.","Oranges, grapes and nuts are present on a table alongside avocado and almonds." 9793072,A beautiful young woman in white dress with wings standing on a field royalty photo.,A beautiful yuong woman in white dkes8 with wings standing un a field royalty photo.,A bea t^&fu< young EomZn in white d3rss 2*th wungC standing on a field r)Hawces including coDrre, sSMdwicYew and a DaBe.","The collage shows kpki+cturges +fjrom dhi^f)feqrent 2placreDs incl1u2diPndg coffee, sQandBwFicThes and a cafe.","The collage shaJs pictures from different pda80s ijclmyivg c0ffRz, saForiEhes and a !aRe.","The cloalge shows pictures fmro ifdfeertn lpceas nicliudgn ocffee, sandwiches and a cafe.","The lage ows pictures from ffere pas including cfe, sandwiches and a cf.","ThE coLLAge sHowS PictUrEs FroM dIfferent PLaCes iNclUDiNg coFFEe, sandwiChEs AND A cafe.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooollllllllaaaaggggeeee sssshhhhoooowwwwssss ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss ffffrrrroooommmm ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ppppllllaaaacccceeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ccccooooffffffffeeeeeeee,,,, ssssaaaannnnddddwwwwiiiicccchhhheeeessss aaaannnndddd aaaa ccccaaaaffffeeee....","The collag3 s40ws pictur3s fr03 differ3nt plac3s including c0ff33, sand3ic4es and a caf3.","Thecoll age s how s pic tures from d iff er ent pl a ce sincl u din g coffee, s an d w iche s and aca fe.","Thе c𝜪l𖼖age s𝒉ﮨws piꮯt𐓶ᚱеs fr𑓐𝕄 diϜfere𝑛⊤ 𝙋lᎪcℯՏ includinᏻ c𐊫fℱ𝗘e, Ꮪ𝝖𝝢dw𖼨ches 𝚨nd 𝘼 caf𝗘.","The montage read moving picture from dissimilar stead let in coffee, sandwich and a cafe.",collage shows different including sandwiches and,"The collage shows coffee, from including pictures sandwiches places different and a cafe.","let in montage The montage display collage shows pictures from different places including coffee, sandwiches and a cafe.","He College shwows pictures from different placeses including coffeee, sandwiches and al cafe.","The collage shows pix frm different places including coffee , sandwiches nd a cafe .","The collage spettacoli pictures from different places inclòs coffee, sandwiches и a cafe.","The collage shows pictures from different places including @brWJ4BO0 coffee, sandwiches and a cafe.","Thee collage shows pictures from different Place'S including coffee, sandwiches and a cafe.","The collage shows images from various locations, including coffee, sandwiches and a café.","The collage shows pictures from different places Including coffee, sandwiches and a cafe.","The photo collage showcases images of coffee, sandwiches, and a cafe." 452429,Firefighters in yellow jackets and helmets work on the remains of an area that was devastated by wildfire.,Firefighters in yellow jacret8 and helmets w0kk 0n the remains of an area that was devastated 6y wi1dfike.,"gifRVighRers in yeo:Iw jAVkwts and helmets Dor< on the 4s,ains of an arrQ tgaR was devastated by @ilrfiDF.",FSirzefigh)teprbs in yellow 0jackeatts and rhelmae0ts iworRk on the r3emaixnbs of an %aBrea that was devgaqstuateNd by wNil_dGfir_e.,FiCefigFzeQH in ybl9Aw jac*Pth and 9eG!ets work on the rtmai6p of an ZreA iaat was d9)ys(ated by wildfire.,Firefighters in yellow jckaest and lhemest owkr on the remians of an area htta was edvatseatd by iwlfdrei.,Fiegtes in ylw acet and eets ok on the eain of an aa that was vasted by wildfire.,FiREfiGHTeRs In YeLlow jAcKEts anD helmets woRk On THe remaINS Of An arEa tHAt wAs dEVastatED by wILdFire.,FFFFiiiirrrreeeeffffiiiigggghhhhtttteeeerrrrssss iiiinnnn yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww jjjjaaaacccckkkkeeeettttssss aaaannnndddd hhhheeeellllmmmmeeeettttssss wwwwoooorrrrkkkk oooonnnn tttthhhheeee rrrreeeemmmmaaaaiiiinnnnssss ooooffff aaaannnn aaaarrrreeeeaaaa tttthhhhaaaatttt wwwwaaaassss ddddeeeevvvvaaaassssttttaaaatttteeeedddd bbbbyyyy wwwwiiiillllddddffffiiiirrrreeee....,Firefight3rs in yello3 7ack3ts and hel33ts 30rk on th3 r3mains 0f an ar3a t4at 3as d3vastat3d 64 3ildfir3.,Fire figh tersinyello w jac kets an d h el met s w o rk o n th e re mains of an a r e a th at was d ev astated by w ildfi re . ,𐊥ir⋿f𝙄𝔊ht𝐄𝒓s in yel𐑃ow J𝗔𐌂ke𝔱ꓢ 𝙖𐔓d Η℮ᒪmet𐑈 Work on 𝖳He ʀe𝗠ains oϜ a𝑁 arⅇa 𝖳hꓮt was 𝓭𝚬ᐯa𝓢t𝛼tEd by 𝖂𝚕𑢣𝘥fi𝙧e.,fireman in jaundiced jacket and helmet study on the clay of an domain that was waste by wildfire.,in yellow helmets work on remains of an area was wildfire.,area in yellow jackets by helmets work on wildfire. remains of an Firefighters that was devastated the and,Firefighters in act upon yellow jackets yellowed and helmets work on the remains of jacket an area yellow that was devastated by wildfire.,Firefighters in yellwe jackets and helmets worl no the ramain oh an area tthat was devasted bye! wildfire.,Firefighters in yellow jackets nd helmets wrk on tha remains of an area tht wuz devastated by wildfire .,Firefighters in giallo jackets and helmets work on de remains of an площадь that was devastated by wildfire.,Firefighters in yellow jackets and helmets work on the remains of an area that was devastated by @srDu9cfL wildfire.,Firefighters Inn yellow jackets and helmets Werk on the remains of 'N Erria that was devastated Bye wildfire.,Firefighters in yellow jackets and helmets work on the remains of an area ravaged by a wildfire.,Firefighters in yellow jackets and helmets work on the remains of an area that was scorched by a fire.,Yellow jackets and helmets are on display as firefighters work to save an area from destruction caused by the wildfire. 7406923,"The teddy bear is wearing glasses and standing in front of an orange, green, yellow, and red background.","The teddy bear is weakin9 glasses and standing in fkunt uf an ukan9e, green, ye110w, and ked background.","The trddG b4xr is wSariBv tusJ g%efn j&gg,e.",A wAomIan si*t$tinZg on the endrge of an osultdoozr balcony ov3er1lohoakin6g a !lusrh @grpeen jungle.,A wo2ah sirt+nl on the Adue of an tut@o9r baTcUCy overlooking a lush gNeRn j7hgce.,A woman isttgin on the edge of an uotodro ablocyn voerologkin a lshu grnee jugnle.,A wan stig on the edge of an uoor baln overlooking a lh gre jgl.,A WOMaN SittiNg on the edgE of an outdOoR BAlConY ovERLoOkiNg A luSh greEn JuNgLe.,AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn tttthhhheeee eeeeddddggggeeee ooooffff aaaannnn oooouuuuttttddddoooooooorrrr bbbbaaaallllccccoooonnnnyyyy oooovvvveeeerrrrllllooooooookkkkiiiinnnngggg aaaa lllluuuusssshhhh ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn jjjjuuuunnnngggglllleeee....,A wo3an sitting on th3 3d9e of an 0utd00r 6alcon4 0verl00kin9 a lus4 9r33n 7un9l3.,A wo mansitti ngon th e edg e of an ou td oor ba l co ny ove r loo king a lush g r e en j ungle.,𝞪 𝒲om𝑎Ⲛ sittin𝗴 on tНe Ꭼd𝑮e of 𝙰n o𝗎𝑇doo𝓻 𝔹alℭ০Ny ov𝐄rl0𑣠k𝗶Νg 𝚨 lusΗ 𝖦𝒓𝕰en jungle.,adenine cleaning woman pose on the butt of an out of door balcony neglect a alcoholic green river jungle.,woman sitting on the edge of an outdoor balcony green,an woman sitting on outdoor balcony green A the edge overlooking a lush of jungle.,A woman sitting on the edge of an overtop outdoor boozer balcony overlooking a overlook super c lush green jungle.,A womon sittin 0n ht edge of an outdoors balcony overlooking e lush green hungle.,A woman sitting on tha edge of an outdoor balcony overlooking a lush green jungle .,A المراة sitting on the edge of an открытый balcony overlooking a lush green jungle.,A woman sitting on the edge of an outdoor balcony overlooking a lush @V6Oaklnh green jungle.,A woman sitting on the edge of an outdoor balcony overlooking a lush green jungle.,A woman sits at the edge of a balcony overlooking a lush green jungle.,"A woman sitting on a balcony, Out at a lush green bower, gazing on a flock of birds",woman sat on an outdoor balcony with a lush green jungle in the background. 2757015,"The view from above of a mountain lake in the mountains, vacation house, residential area, environment, landscape, clouds, and tree.","The view from above 0f a mountain lake in the muontain8, vacation house, residential akea, envik0nment, landscape, cluod8, and tree.","The Bi2w from above of a mougtzKM lwk# in the mouHgzlns, vacaYuLb ho7ee, %eZidebHkal area, wGCir*nmemt, ,znvsfape, clouds, and tees.","The view fOro6m ab*o0ve of a mountain sl*ake in the cmount2a#in8s, vacation &ho$use, residential abr&ea, reonvirohnmGen(t, 0landsCc$aTpe, cllocud&s, and !tZree.","The vOe@ from ay0ve of a Jou7taap 4ak# in the QounTac!s, &DcatA*n uoFse, rZsnnenDcal area, environment, lsGdscH5e, clouds, and trwF.","The ivwe from bavoe of a mountain alek in the omunatsin, avtcaino ohues, ersdineiatl raae, neirvnometn, landscape, lcouds, and tree.","The vw rm above of a mountain lake in the mntin, aaon hoe, reidnl ae, eronme, ndcap, ous, and tree.","ThE viEW fRom aBOve of a mOuntAin lake iN tHE moUnTAInS, vaCATiOn HoUse, ResidEntial aRea, EnViRONmENT, LandSCApe, Clouds, anD trEe.","TTTThhhheeee vvvviiiieeeewwww ffffrrrroooommmm aaaabbbboooovvvveeee ooooffff aaaa mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnn llllaaaakkkkeeee iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnnssss,,,, vvvvaaaaccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn hhhhoooouuuusssseeee,,,, rrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnnttttiiiiaaaallll aaaarrrreeeeaaaa,,,, eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, llllaaaannnnddddssssccccaaaappppeeee,,,, cccclllloooouuuuddddssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ttttrrrreeeeeeee....","The vi3w from ab0v3 0f a mountain lak3 in t43 3ountains, vacation 40use, r3sidential ar3a, 3nvir0n33nt, landscap3, cl0uds, and tr33.","Theview from ab ove o f a m ountain la ke in th e m ou ntai n s,vacation ho us e , res idential a rea, environ ment, l a nd sc a pe , clo uds, an d t r e e.","T𝞖e vⵏ𝕰𝙒 f𝓻ﮧm 𝑎bove of 𝐚 mouΝta𝖨n lꭺ𝐊𝕰 ӏn th𝚬 𝘔𐐬ᴜn𝖳ainsꓹ טac𝔄tⲒo𝓝 𝙷ංus𝙴‚ res𝐢𝗗en𝗧i𐊠l 𝝰rea, en𝓿iгonme𝙣⟙, la𝘯Dꜱc𝒂𝙥𝙴ꓹ 𝐜louds, an𝔇 🝨ℛe𝗘.","The aspect from above of a stack lake in the mountains, holiday house, residential area, environment, landscape, clouds, and tree.","The view from above of mountain lake the vacation residential area, clouds, and tree.","the view from above and mountain a lake in The of vacation house, residential area, environment, landscape, clouds, mountains, tree.","The view from holiday above of a mountain lake in holiday the mountains, vacation house, residential area, environment, landscape, clouds, and heap tree.","The view from above os I mointain save ib the montaines, vaccation Hous, residential area, environment, landcaspe, clouds, em tree.","The view frm above of a mountain lake in tha mountains , vacation house , residential area , environment , landscape , clouds , nd tree .","The اعرض from above of a mountain llac in the mountains, vacances house, residential area, environment, landscape, clouds, and tree.","The view from above of a mountain lake in the mountains, @hCbPcYCo vacation house, residential area, environment, landscape, clouds, and tree.","Thee Vue Frum above of a mountain lake in the mountains, vacation Hause, residential area, environment, landscape, clouds, and tree.","View from above of a mountain lake in the mountains, cottage, residential area, surroundings, landscape, clouds and tree.","The view from above a mountain lake, Vacation house, Residential area, Environment, and landscape, Clouds, and tree.","A bird's eye view of a mountain lake in the mountains, vacation spot, residential complex, setting, scenery, clouds, and tree." 4795824,A man standing in front of a couch wearing a black and white striped shirt.,A man 8tandin9 in fkunt of a c0och weakin9 a black and white striped shirt.,A man sYXgd(ng in fr9nr of a XoucY wewDigg a FlaDk and !hOte striped Ah(rt.,A man standing in Yfxront of a cUoucwh wenaMriKng a sbGlack and nwhilte stvr)ipecd yshirpt.,A man BQaFdinV in f8oMt of a couch we&ri3+ a bfaIk and wh9ye slhipAd sdir7.,A man standing in front of a ccouh waerngi a blcka and hwiet stridep hsitr.,A man stai in rot of a ouc eari a ack and hte rped shirt.,A MaN STandIng in fronT of A coucH weariNG A BlaCK aNd wHItE sTriPEd sHirt.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ccccoooouuuucccchhhh wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ssssttttrrrriiiippppeeeedddd sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt....,A man standing in front 0f a couc4 33arin9 a black and w4it3 strip3d shirt.,A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of a couc h w ea rin g a bl ac k an d wh ite striped s h i rt.,𝛼 Maɴ Sta𝕟dꭵng in 𑣂ʀont 𝐨f 𝜶 couc𝖍 𝗪e𝞐ꮁing a bl𝛢ck 𝜶nd w𝜢𝜾te 𝑺tᖇip𝔈ꓒ ƽ𝙝iRt.,antiophthalmic factor human suffer in front man of a sofa eroding a contraband and t h white bare shirt.,A of a couch wearing a black and white striped shirt.,A striped standing a black of shirt. couch wearing a front and white man in,A dim man standing in front of a bleak couch wearing bleak a black and whiteness white striped shirt.,I Mom tanding in front of ein couch wearing are black and whire striped shisrt.,A man standing in front of a couch wearing a blk nd white striped shirt .,A الرجل standing in अग्र of a sofà wearing a чёрное and ホワイト striped shirt.,A man standing in front of a couch wearing a black and white striped @YHmGPqci shirt.,A Manne standing Inn front of a couch wearing a black and Whyte striped shirt.,A man stands in front of a couch wearing a black and white striped shirt.,A man standing in the midst of a couch in a black and white striped shirt.,A black and white striped shirt-wearing man standing in front of a couch. 10779904,An oil painting on canvas depicting a man with wings and armor holding onto the back of a horse.,An oil paintin9 on canva8 depicting a man with wings and akmur holding onto the back of a horse.,An oil 0Qin4inH on Fsnvqs dsp9c5inR a man wihN DingE and armor hoOsiMg oG6o the back of a horeS.,An oil painting on cTaJnvaRs xdtepi#ccting a man wi#tNh winZgDs and arm0oCr holfd)i(ng 1ontro the back of a ho@rsbe.,An oil paiGtj_i on cg$vaL dIpshthng a man w5t0 wings and armgN h)ld1Cg zn^o the back of a poBse.,An oil apniting on canvas diepcitgn a man with wisng and ramro olhidng onto the back of a ohres.,An oil aitn on cav depcg a man wh ing and ror holi onto the bk of a horse.,An Oil PAintiNg On canVaS DEpiCtiNg a man wItH wIngS AND armOr holDiNg Onto thE BAck OF A hOrse.,AAAAnnnn ooooiiiillll ppppaaaaiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn ccccaaaannnnvvvvaaaassss ddddeeeeppppiiiiccccttttiiiinnnngggg aaaa mmmmaaaannnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwiiiinnnnggggssss aaaannnndddd aaaarrrrmmmmoooorrrr hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnnttttoooo tttthhhheeee bbbbaaaacccckkkk ooooffff aaaa hhhhoooorrrrsssseeee....,An oil painting on canvas depicting a 3an 3ith win9s and ar30r h0ldin9 ont0 t43 6ack 0f a 4ors3.,An o il p ainti ngon ca nvasdepicti ngaman wi t hwi ngsa ndarmor holdi ng o ntothe back o f a horse.,𝛼𝕹 oi𐐛 painting ۵n cꓮ𝕟𝛎as 𝖽epiс𝞣𝐈ng a man 𝘸ߊth wing𝕤 aⲚd armor 𝒉ంldi𝙽g 𝕆nt𝝾 t𝐻𝙴 baCk of a 𝗛o𝖗𝚂𝐄.,an oil color house painting on sail portrayal a valet with fender and armour admit onto the punt of a horse.,painting on man with wings and armor holding onto the back of a horse.,An painting oil on canvas depicting a back with wings and a holding onto the armor of man horse.,An oil painting on canvas draw depicting a man with wings and poll armor holding onto the pollard back of poll a horse.,And oil panting On canva depicting a man witj wings and armor helding onto the bag of and horse.,An oil painting on canvas depicting a man wiv wings nd armor holding onto tha bk of a horse .,An نفط painting on कैनवस skildrar a man with крылья and 装甲 holding onto the amaiera of a horse., An @fyIpd8UL oil painting on canvas depicting a man with wings and armor holding onto the back of a horse.,An oil painting on canvas depicting a Mann with Wings' and Armer holding onto Thee Bak of a Hoarse.,"An oil painting on canvas showing a man with wings and armor, holding himself on the back of a horse.","An oil painting on canvas, depicting a man with wings and armor, holding his back upon a horse.",Oil on canvas portrait of man with wings and armor clinging to horse back. 10614821,"Green energy icons set with clean energy, bio fuel, and environmental responsibility.","Ckeen energy icons 8et with c1ean energy, bio fuel, and envik0nmenta1 ke8p0n8i6i1ity.","G4@en 4neFby icons set with clean dbergH, bio vu4l, and ebvk38nmegfal fesLoHaibi.itT.","Green energy icoMnus set with 6clsean e5nIerGgy, bio f$ueml, and eqntv%ironmePntEa6l rDesmpo7n+sLibilit$y.","bXeen en1rN@ iAots set with clean energy, bio f9ql, and yn8_!onmZntac respo%l3gklit!.","Green eengry icson set with lcena eneryg, bio fuel, and environmental ersponbsiility.","ree eny icn set wh clean energy, bio fuel, and ironmel rsponsii.","GrEEn ENErgy IcoNs set wItH clEan energy, BIo fuEl, AnD envIRoNMenTal respONSiBiLity.","GGGGrrrreeeeeeeennnn eeeennnneeeerrrrggggyyyy iiiiccccoooonnnnssss sssseeeetttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh cccclllleeeeaaaannnn eeeennnneeeerrrrggggyyyy,,,, bbbbiiiioooo ffffuuuueeeellll,,,, aaaannnndddd eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnnttttaaaallll rrrreeeessssppppoooonnnnssssiiiibbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy....","Gre3n energ4 ic0ns s3t wit4 cl3an 3n3rg4, 6io fu3l, and 3nvir0n33ntal resp0nsibilit4.","Gree n en ergyico ns se t wit h clean en er gy, bi o f ue l, a n d e nvironmenta lr e spon sibility .","Gr⋿𐊆n e𝛮𝙀r𝖦y 𝝞𑣩on𝚂 set 𝖜𐊊th 𐌂ʟ𝙀an Εneꭱgy, bℐං fueᏞ‚ 𝘈𝓷𝒅 en٧iro𝖭𝕸𝐸ntal 𝑟e𝙎p0N𝖘ıΒili⟙𑢤.","putting green department of energy icon place with scavenge energy, bio fuel, and environmental responsibility.","Green energy icons set with clean energy, bio fuel, responsibility.","Green icons fuel, with set and energy, bio energy clean environmental responsibility.","Green correct correct energy icons adjust set adjust with clean energy, bio fuel, and environmental responsibility.","Green energy icons sets whin clian energie, bio fuil, y environmental responsibility.","Green nrg icons set wiv clean nrg , bio fuel , nd environmental responsibility .","Green الطاقة icons set with clean energy, bio fuel, and экологические responsibility.","Green energy icons set with clean @CCML7fTj energy, bio fuel, and environmental responsibility.","Greene energy icons Sette with Kleen energy, bio fuel, and environmental responsibility.","Green energy icons with clean energy, biofuel and environmental responsibility.","Green energy icons set with clean energy, bio-fuel, and environmental responsibility.","Icons for clean energy, biofuels, and environmental consciousness." 11287623,"The mountain with waterfall in iceland, vacation house, residential structure, nature landscape, sky with clouds, tree, grass, rock and river.","The mountain with waterfall in ice1and, vacatiun house, ke8identia1 structure, nature landscape, 8ry with clouds, tree, 9ra8s, rock and river.","The HounyW*n with wate$bAl, in idelSns, vAczGiKn houdd, 5wZidfmtial ztrifFure, nature landscape, sky wlgh clouds, tree, gFaDs, rock and G9ver.","The mountain nwiXth waterfall in iceland, vBa&cratiown house, residential str_u1c6turae, na9tu2r3e Ala@nFdscapYe, sky %wUith ^cYlou2ds, Utrewe, grass, $rqock and rOivHer.","The Coup@fin wiqH waterfall in 40ela@d, CagaLioN house, r!s0dPnttaG structure, Nxtur! laD&scYne, sky with cVxu#s, tNxe, grass, hovk and river.","The muotnain with waterfall in eiclnad, acviaton huoes, residential structure, tnauer alnsadcpe, sky with lcuosd, etre, grass, ocrk and rirve.","The moua with wtefl in celd, vacation house, reidti rucue, nre adscp, sky with lds, ee, grass, ck and river.","ThE mouNTaIn WitH WateRfAlL in icEland, vacATIon hOUse, ResIDeNTiaL StrucTurE, natuRE LanDscAPE, sKy wIth cLoUDs, Tree, graSS, roCk aNd RivER.","TTTThhhheeee mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrrffffaaaallllllll iiiinnnn iiiicccceeeellllaaaannnndddd,,,, vvvvaaaaccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn hhhhoooouuuusssseeee,,,, rrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnnttttiiiiaaaallll ssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttuuuurrrreeee,,,, nnnnaaaattttuuuurrrreeee llllaaaannnnddddssssccccaaaappppeeee,,,, sssskkkkyyyy wwwwiiiitttthhhh cccclllloooouuuuddddssss,,,, ttttrrrreeeeeeee,,,, ggggrrrraaaassssssss,,,, rrrroooocccckkkk aaaannnndddd rrrriiiivvvveeeerrrr....","Th3 mountain with 3at3rfall in iceland, vacation 40us3, r3sidential structur3, natur3 landscape, sk4 3it4 cl0uds, tr3e, 9rass, rock and riv3r.","Themoun tainwit h wat erfal l in ic ela nd , v aca t io nhous e , r esidentialst r u ctur e, natur elandscape, s ky wi th cl ou d s, tree , gr a ss , r o c k a nd r iv e r. ","𝐓𝐡e M𝚘⋃ntᗅi𝖓 𝑊𝟙⟙h wa𝝩erfaⅬ𐐛 ℓ𝒩 𝗂𝘤𝗘la𝑵d, vacaΤion hou𝑺e, residentⅼa𖼖 s𝙩ℜ𐓶c𝙩𝞾Ʀe¸ 𝙉atU𝒓𝑬 lanꭰs𝚌ape, sky 𝕨𝜄tℍ cⳑoud𝑆, t𝓻𝔈e, 𝐆R𖽀𝔰s, roᏟ𝚱 𝔄𝗻d riverꓸ","The plenty with falls in iceland, holiday house, residential structure, nature landscape, toss with clouds, tree, grass, rock music and river.","The mountain waterfall in iceland, house, residential structure, landscape, with clouds, tree, grass, rock and","The mountain with landscape, in iceland, vacation structure, grass, house, waterfall nature sky with clouds, tree, residential rock and river.","The mountain john rock with waterfall in iceland, cumulation vacation house, residential holiday heap structure, nature landscape, sky with clouds, tree, grass, rock and river.","Tha mountaine with waterfall in iceland, vacation hous, residential structur, natuare landscap, sky width clouds, tree, gras, lock andave river.","The mountain wiv waterfall in iceland , vacation house , residential structure , nature landscape , sky wiv clouds , tree , grass , roxxor nd river .","The الجبل with waterfall in iceland, semester house, residential structure, характер landscape, sky with clouds, tree, grass, rock eta river.","The mountain with waterfall in iceland, vacation house, residential structure, nature landscape, sky @6izvTLwq with clouds, tree, grass, rock and river.","Thee mountain with waterfall in iceland, vacation Hause, residential structure, nature landscape, sky with clouds, tree, Grasse, Roc and river.","The mountain with waterfall in Iceland, cottage, dwelling house, natural landscape, sky with clouds, tree, grass, rock and river.","The mountain with waterfall in iceland, Vacation house, residential structure, Nature landscape, sky with clouds, tree, grass, rock and river.","A mountain with a waterfall in Iceland, abode, man-made structure, natural scenery, cloudy sky, tree, grass, rock, and river." 11894342,"The red and black set includes bonde, cuffs, balls, whips, handcuffs, ball gagblet, and other accessories.","The red and black 8et includes bonde, cuffs, balls, whips, handcoff8, ba11 gagblet, and other acce880kie8.","The red and black set UnXIudec honWe, curCs, nal/s, !hups, hanwvkRfs, fa>l YaNHlet, and oth4t acXesz9Ei$s.","The red and blSa^ck set injclpucde_s bqonVde, cyuffQs, balXlHs, Mwhipks, YhJandcunffbs, ball 8gag3bwlet, and ottJher Zacces4s8oOrEies.","The red and _lgck set includes gonNe, cufa&, bT6ls, Phi#s, hWoUcufAs, b1Fl @Wgbdet, and othBy aLcMPszriea.","The red and lbcak set niculsde obned, ucffs, blasl, whips, hnadcfufs, abll ggalbte, and tohre cacessories.","The red and black set iles one, ufs, bal, wis, hdcuf, ll aget, and the aessre.","ThE reD AnD bLacK Set InClUDes boNde, cuffs, BalLs, WhIps, HANdCufFs, bAlL GAgBlEt, ANd othER acceSSoRies.","TTTThhhheeee rrrreeeedddd aaaannnndddd bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk sssseeeetttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddeeeessss bbbboooonnnnddddeeee,,,, ccccuuuuffffffffssss,,,, bbbbaaaallllllllssss,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiippppssss,,,, hhhhaaaannnnddddccccuuuuffffffffssss,,,, bbbbaaaallllllll ggggaaaaggggbbbblllleeeetttt,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","The red and black set includ3s 6onde, cuffs, 6alls, 34ips, handcuffs, 6all 9ag6l3t, and 0t43r acc3ssori3s.","Theredand b lac k set incl udes bo nde ,cuf fs, ba ll s, w h ips , handcuffs ,b a ll g agblet,an d other acce ssori es . ","The r𝛦d and blacK se𝒯 incl𝜐𝖽e𝘴 b𝞸nde٫ cufϜs, 𐌁al𐑃s, 𝑤𝘩ip𝗌ꓹ handᏟuffՏ؍ 𝑩aꮮl ɡag𐌁ʟet, 𝓪n𝖣 ﻫ🝨he𝕣 acces𐐠orIe𝔰܂","The marxist and inkiness fructify let in bonde, cuffs, balls, whips, handcuffs, bollock gagblet, and other accessories.","red set includes cuffs, balls, handcuffs, ball gagblet, other","The and gagblet, handcuffs, accessories. includes bonde, cuffs, balls, whips, black ball and red other set","The red scarlet and black set includes bollock orange red dim bonde, cuffs, balls, whips, handcuffs, ball gagblet, and other accessories.","The ted and bland setted inclues blonde, cuffs, bolls, whips, handscuffs, bal gagblet, ahd anothers accessories.","The red nd blk set includes bonde , cuffs , balz , whips , handcuffs , ball gagblet , nd other accessories .","The الاحمر and black set includes bonde, cuffs, balls, whips, handcuffs, мяч gagblet, and その他 accessories.","The red and black set includes bonde, cuffs, balls, whips, @ihTfV7Qd handcuffs, ball gagblet, and other accessories.","Thee Redd and black set includes Bond, cuffs, Balz, whips, handcuffs, Bawl gagblet, and Uther accessories.","The red and black set includes bondage, cuffs, balls, whips, handcuffs, ball gagblet and other accessories.","The red and black set contains bondes, cuffs, balls, whips, handcuffs, ballgags, and other accessory.","The red and black editions feature bonde, cuffs, balls, whips (hand signals), handcuffed, ball gagblet, and other accessories." 6431792,actress Naomi Lapo attends the screening for'Once upon a Time to Die'during the 70th anniversary celebration of the Cannes film festival at Palais on May 23.,actke88 Na0mi Lapo attends the screening for ' 0nce op0n a Time to Die ' during the 70th annivek8aky celebration of the Cannes fi1m fe8tiva1 at Palais on May 23.,actress NSom* Lapo attends the zcrweG(ng for ' Once uoPn a Time to Die ' d&Gibg the U0%h aMmivdrsS#y celebDQhLoh of the CanHrX fi>K fWsfivXo at Palais on May 23.,Yacftaress Naomi Lapo LatGteNnds the scrieye&niNng for ' 5O4nce #upoLn a Time to Die ' JdXurirng the 70th anniversary cgelneabrfatioNn of the hC@anne*s ZfOilm fNes@tiv@aZl at Palais on May 23.,RJtres5 NVimi Lapo pttlndo the screening for ' enYe uSoJ a l3me to Die ' Huyyng the z0Nh anniversary celebration of the Cannes film kestFvCx at P!laML on May 23.,catrsse Noaim Alop attends the screening for ' Noec upon a Item to Die ' udring the 07ht anniversary celebration of the Cannes lfim efstvial at Apalsi on May 23.,ctss Naomi Lapo aeds the cenig for ' Oe po a Ti to Die ' during the 0h aniary celebration of the Cannes fi festival at las on May 23.,acTress NaOmi LaPo AttEnDs The scReenIng foR'Once uPon a TiME TO DIe'duRiNg the 70th ANniVErSArY CElEbRation OF THe CanNEs film FeStival aT PALaIs oN MAy 23.,aaaaccccttttrrrreeeessssssss NNNNaaaaoooommmmiiii LLLLaaaappppoooo aaaatttttttteeeennnnddddssss tttthhhheeee ssssccccrrrreeeeeeeennnniiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr''''OOOOnnnncccceeee uuuuppppoooonnnn aaaa TTTTiiiimmmmeeee ttttoooo DDDDiiiieeee''''dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee 77770000tttthhhh aaaannnnnnnniiiivvvveeeerrrrssssaaaarrrryyyy cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff tttthhhheeee CCCCaaaannnnnnnneeeessss ffffiiiillllmmmm ffffeeeessssttttiiiivvvvaaaallll aaaatttt PPPPaaaallllaaaaiiiissss oooonnnn MMMMaaaayyyy 22223333....,actr3ss Naomi 7apo attends the scre3nin9 f0r'0nce upon a 7i33 t0 0i3'during t43 10th anniversar4 cel36rati0n 0f t43 0ann3s fil3 festival at Palais 0n Ma4 23.,actr essNaomi La po at tends the sc ree ni ngfor ' On ce upo n aTime to Die 'd u r ingthe 70th a nniversary c elebr at i on o f t he Ca nnes fi l mf e sti va l at Pa l ai s onMay 23 . ,actᴦeՏs N𝜶omi ꮮapo 𝜜𝓉𝒯𝗘nds thҽ scr𝚬e𝒩ℓn𝗴 fo𝙧'ം𝐧𐌂e u𝝔on a τime to 𝗗𝚰e'd𝘂rӀ𝔫g 𝗍hе 7ﮦ𝑻h an𝓝𝗅v𑢮rsa𝑟Ү celebra𝕋|on o𐊥 t𝑯e Caꓠ𝘯e𝙎 film Ϝ𑢦St𐌠𝖛al at 𝓹al𝗔ꙇs o𝞜 𝜧a𝐘 23.,actress noemi Lapo look the test for'Once upon a time to Die'during the th day of remembrance festivity of the cannes celluloid fete at Palais on crataegus oxycantha 23.,actress Lapo attends for'Once upon a to Die'during 70th anniversary celebration the film festival at Palais on 23.,actress Naomi Lapo film to screening for'Once upon a Time 23. Die'during the 70th anniversary celebration of the the attends festival at Palais on May Cannes,actress Naomi Lapo block out attends the screening for'Once upon a Time to Die'during the 70th anniversary jubilation celebration of the Cannes film festival at Palais on th May fete 23.,acress Naomi Lapo attends yhe screening for ' Once uppon a Time to Die ' during the 70th universary selebration os tle Cannes film festive ao Palais on My 23.,actress Naomi Lapo attends tha screening for'Once upon a Time tuh Die'during tha 70th anniversary celebration of tha Cannes film festival at Palais on May 23 .,actress Naomi Lapo attends the screening for'Once upon a Time to Die'during the 70th anniversary торжество of the Cannes film festival at Palais on Maiatz 23.,actress Naomi Lapo attends the screening for'Once upon a Time to Die'during the 70th anniversary celebration of the @6erfEydf Cannes film festival at Palais on May 23.,actress Naomi Lapo attends Thee screening for'Once upon a Time to Die'during Thee 70th anniversary celebration of Thee Kann film festival at Palais on Mae 23.,"Actress Naomi Lapo attends the screening of ""Once upon a Time to Die"" at the Palais on May 23, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival.",Actress Naomi Lapo attends the screening of Once Upon a Time to die'during the 70th anniversary celebration of the Cannes film festival at Palais on May 23.,"At Palais on May 23, Naomi Lapo is present at the screening of ""Once upon a Time to Die"" during the 70th anniversary celebration of the Cannes film festival." 8575245,A man standing in front of a couch wearing an orange and green patterned shirt.,A man 8tandin9 in front uf a c0och wearing an orange and 9keen patterned 8hikt.,A man standing in f4oGt of a coudT @eXribg an IranhW and gr#eJ pSytFrneF sh7r%.,A man staaZnd*in^g in fGr@ont of a couch wea*rFin7g an oprDangUe and zgre)en paaOtt8eCrned shlimrt.,A man saand4v& in frBn3 of a cou91 bazring an oia)g* and preYn patterned phiWt.,A man tnsadign in rfotn of a cuohc ewraign an oraneg and egren patterned hsitr.,A man anig in frt of a ouh wrng an rne and ren patterned srt.,A MAn STanding in fronT of A cOuch weaRiNG an orANge aND GrEeN PatterNeD sHiRt.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ccccoooouuuucccchhhh wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee aaaannnndddd ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn ppppaaaatttttttteeeerrrrnnnneeeedddd sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt....,A man standing in front 0f a c0uch 3earin9 an oran9e and gr33n patt3rn3d s4irt.,A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of a couc h w ea rin g a n o ra ngea ndgreen patte rn e d shi rt.,A man s𖼊𝒶𝘕ding i𝐧 fr𝟘𝓷ꓔ of a co𝓊cʜ wearing 𝘈n o𝕣anG𝚬 𝔄nd Gre𝚬n patt⋿rn𐊆d s𝜢ℑ𝕣t𐩐,adenine homo endure in breast of a frame wearying an orangish and william green pattern shirt.,standing front a couch and,A man standing wearing front of shirt. couch in an orange and green patterned a,A man fall apart standing in modeling front of a straw man couch wearing an orange and model green patterned shirt.,A mom standing in front 0f aa choch wearing an ornage and greene patterned sshirt.,A man standing in front of a couch wearing an orange nd green patterned shirt .,A الرجل standing in अग्र of a sofà wearing an апельсин and green patterned shirt.,A @Xh1RUW0H man standing in front of a couch wearing an orange and green patterned shirt.,A Manne standing Inn front of a couch wearing 'N orange and green patterned shirt.,A man stands in front of a sofa wearing an orange-green patterned shirt.,A man standing in front of a couch in an orange and green patterned shirt.,An orange and green shirt-wearing man standing in front of a couch. 5388365,An illustration of a woman sitting at her desk with various types of travel related items.,An illustration of a w0man sitting at her desk with various type8 uf tkave1 related items.,An illustration of a 3omaG sitting at her deEU 2iGh various ty0ss of trzv@i r2>atdd Uteks.,An KiIlJlustrnatigon of a woman sitting at her desk woiEth va&riDo7us typlezs of ptsravtel rDelGateyd iTtmems.,An illustration of a wfmaw )itfmng at her mesu wir0 vsrKofs types of tEpve$ velatg_ items.,An illustration of a woman sittgin at her desk iwht avroisu teyps of tavrle related itsem.,An ilusrio of a wan sitting at her es wi vari ype of travel related tms.,An IllUSTratiOn Of a wOmAn SitTinG at her DEsK wItH vARiOus tYPEs Of travEl rELATeD items.,AAAAnnnn iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff aaaa wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt hhhheeeerrrr ddddeeeesssskkkk wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff ttttrrrraaaavvvveeeellll rrrreeeellllaaaatttteeeedddd iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....,An illustration of a wo3an sittin9 at h3r desk 3ith vari0us types 0f trav3l r3lat3d it33s.,An i llus trati onof awoman sittin g a ther de s kwi th v a rio us types of t r a velrelatedit ems.,𝖆n iⳑlus𝜏ꮢat𝞘𝘖𝐍 𝒐ℱ a ꮃom𖽀n 𝓢i𝕿tinԌ at 𝗛er desk wⅠth v𝝖rі𝜊us t𝙔𝕡e𝙨 o𑣂 ᴛ𝖗aⅤe𐔦 related 1t𝚬ms.,associate in nursing representative of a cleaning woman posture at her desk with diverse typecast of trip related to items.,An illustration woman sitting at her with types related,An with of illustration woman sitting at her related a various desk of travel types items.,An cleaning lady illustration of a woman sitting charwoman at her desk instance with various types of travel related charwoman items.,An illustration of an woman settings at hear desk With varius types fot travel relatede items.,An illustration of a woman sitting at her desk wiv various types of travel related items .,An التوضيح of a नारी sitter at her desk с various 種類 of travel relaterade items.,An illustration of a woman sitting at her desk with various types of travel @0PUam2js related items.,An illustration of a woman sitting at Hur desk with various types of travel related items.,An illustration of a woman sitting at her desk offering various travel-related items.,An illustration of a woman sitting at her desk with divers travel-related articles.,An illustration of a woman with various travel-related items sitting at her desk. 11740509,"An assortment of fruits and vegetables including oranges, lemons, apples, limes, blueberries, grapes, and blackberries.","An a880ktment of fkoit8 and ve9eta61e8 including okan9e8, lemons, app1e8, 1ime8, blueberries, 9kape8, and blackberries.","An axw)rtNent of GDHits and vegetsbOwa 9nclIWinN o3Ahges, lemons, appkWd, luHes, Gl Teber47$s, grapes, and Nd, coapdr, c*ucj#s, yab?eq, chairs, a coffee hahle, 5dlsviQion and ottoman.","A Zl6ivitng ro7oim jwitvh blvakck and w3hHite wallpaper, couches, BtablEeCs, cjhaQirHs, a codf!fe8e dtablqe, 8tQelevis9iUon and ottoman.","A P%vi7g room wi8* blKcc and wh^_e wallr0eeJ, EoGc5es, tVtVes, cxJims, a coffee table, H2leh$sion and uCDoman.","A liivng room wthi black and white lwalappre, cucohse, talbes, chiars, a coffee abtle, televiisno and totoman.","A lvi oo th blc and whe wallpaper, coue, tables, chairs, a cfe tle, teisio and ttoa.","A LIviNG rOom wiTh blaCk aND wHitE wallpapeR, coUchES, tablES, ChaIrS, A CoFFeE taBlE, telEVisIOn and ottOman.","AAAA lllliiiivvvviiiinnnngggg rrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee wwwwaaaallllllllppppaaaappppeeeerrrr,,,, ccccoooouuuucccchhhheeeessss,,,, ttttaaaabbbblllleeeessss,,,, cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrrssss,,,, aaaa ccccooooffffffffeeeeeeee ttttaaaabbbblllleeee,,,, tttteeeelllleeeevvvviiiissssiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd oooottttttttoooommmmaaaannnn....","A living ro0m with 6lack and 34ite wallpap3r, c0uc43s, tabl3s, c4airs, a coff33 ta6l3, t3l3visi0n and 0tt03an.","A li ving room wi th bl ack a nd whit e w al lpa per , c ou ches , ta bles, chair s, a cof fee tabl e, televisionand o tt o ma n. ","𝞪 l𝓵𝑣ing 𝚛𝘰𝟬𝕸 𝒲i𝝩h blac𝗄 𝕒nⅅ w𝔥ite 𝐖𝖆llpa𝓹Er, couche𝙨, t𝛼Ꞵles, cℋairՏ, a coffeꓰ 𝕿abⳐe, 𝞃eꮮevis𝝸on and oᎢtංMan.","deoxyadenosine monophosphate inhabit board with blackness and whitened wallpaper, couches, tables, chairs, a chocolate table, video and ottoman.","A with and white tables, chairs, a television and ottoman.","television living room wallpaper, black a white couches, with tables, chairs, and coffee table, A and ottoman.","A board living room with black and white ampere wallpaper, couches, tables, chairs, ampere whiteness a coffee table, television and ottoman.","A living room wth biack è wiite wallpaper, coaches, taibles, cahirs, al coffee tadle, televison and ottoman.","A living rm wiv blk nd white wallpaper , couches , tables , chairs , a coffee table , tv nd ottoman .","A العيش room with black and white wallpaper, couches, tables, chairs, a coffee table, television and ottoman.","A living room @QjSn5gMN with black and white wallpaper, couches, tables, chairs, a coffee table, television and ottoman.","A living room with black and white wallpaper, couches, tables, chairs, a coffee table, television and ottoman.","A living room with black and white wallpaper, sofas, tables, chairs, coffee table, television and ottoman.","A living room with black and white walls, couches, tables, chairs, a coffee table, and a ottoman.","A living room furnished with black and white wallpaper, couches, tables, chairs, a coffee table, television, and ottoman." 8563761,"An assortment of different items including wallets, sunglasses and other accessories.","An assortment of diffekent item8 including wa11et8, sun9la88e8 and uthek acce88ukie8.","An Ssslgtmen% of diEce3eHt items invpusung wal;FtQ, euHnlXsses and other asX3sxorjes.","An massSorFtm#ent of gdiHf*feresnt items &inccluhdin#g Pwakllrets, ssun2gglabsses and other EadcceUss@oriGes.","An asMfoKment of oiJferDIt i7xms including f5llvts, s8n*la%ces and ofhey accessories.","An assortment of diffreetn eitms including awllest, sunlgaesss and oterh acecssorise.","An asrtme of different itm ludin wale, sgasse and other csores.","An AssORTment of dIffeReNt IteMs IncludinG WaLleTs, SuNGlasSEs And otHer aCCEsSoRies.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg wwwwaaaalllllllleeeettttssss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","An assortment of diff3r3nt ite3s includin9 3all3ts, sun9lasses and ot43r access0ri3s.","An a ssor tment of diff erent itemsinc lu din g w a ll et s, s u ngl asses and o th e r acc essories .","An a𖼺sor𝒯𝕸eⲚ𐊗 Ⲟf di𐔥𐊥eren𝕿 itᴇϺ𝔰 Ӏnc𑢲uding 𝐰𝚨l𖼖ⅇ⊤𝗌, sሀngꓡasses and o𝖙heʀ accessor|es.","an compartmentalisation of unlike detail include wallets, dark glasses and other accessories.",An assortment different and other accessories.,"An items and different accessories. including wallets, sunglasses assortment other of","An assortment of different items including wallets, repoint point sunglasses sunglass and point other accessories.","And assortiment od differet items conclouding wallets, sunglasess and other accessories.","An assortment of different items including wallets , sunglasses nd other accessories .","An تشكيلة of different items including wallets, sunglasses and other accessories.","An assortment of different items including wallets, sunglasses and @Jgrhuzc8 other accessories.","An assortment of different items including wallets, sunglasses and Uther accessories.","A selection of different items, including wallets, sunglasses and other accessories.","An assortment of diversified articles, Including wallets, sunglasses, and other accessories.","wallets, sunglasses and other accessories." 11944317,Military personnel standing in front of an American flag draped casket.,Military pek8unne1 8tandin9 in fk0nt of an American flag draped casket.,Mjl7$a5y personnel shaHd&nF in fgonG of an zmer&SAn flag f4apef casket.,Military pNelr3sonneEl standing in frqoynt of an Am@efriUcfan Kf2lag draped Bcapsk1et.,#ini)aUy personnel htandb5T in front of an 6mhO%can Ol)g crShed casket.,Military rpesnonle satndign in front of an Amreainc lfga draped ascekt.,Milr prsne standing in fot of an Amin flag drd casket.,MiLITarY peRsonnel staNdinG In FrONt of An AmEriCaN flAG drApeD cAskeT.,MMMMiiiilllliiiittttaaaarrrryyyy ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnnnnneeeellll ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn AAAAmmmmeeeerrrriiiiccccaaaannnn ffffllllaaaagggg ddddrrrraaaappppeeeedddd ccccaaaasssskkkkeeeetttt....,Military personn3l standing in fr0nt 0f an 4m3rican fla9 drap3d casket.,Mili tary pers onn el st andin g in fr ont o f a n A m er ic an f l agdraped cask et . ,M𝘭Litary 𝙋𝐸𖼵sonn𝖤l 𝔖𝓽𝐀nd𝙄ng in f𝗿o𝘕t ﮫF 𝐴n 𝐚m𝔈ri𝒸an fᒪa𝐆 dra𝞎ed 𝒸ᴀskΕt.,armed forces staff office resist in nominal head of an american english slacken off clothed casket.,Military personnel an American casket.,casket. of standing in Military American an personnel flag draped front,ease off Military straw man personnel standing in front of military machine an American flag american draped casket.,Military personell standig in fount ok an Amarican flag draped casket.,Military personnel standing in front of an American flag draped casket .,Military الافراد standing in अग्र of an American flag draped casket.,Military @E2zuHL5x personnel standing in front of an American flag draped casket.,Military personnel standing Inn front of 'N American flag draped casket.,Military personnel stand in front of a casket draped with the American flag.,A soldier standing in front of an American casket.,An American flag-adorned casket was held up by military personnel. 11745377,The backs in front of an audience with text that reads Team Work made the dream works.,The bacr8 in front 0f an aodience with text that reads Team Wokr made the dkeam works.,The bAckz in frpMt of an Wud8smce with yexf tySt reaSq Yea< Work maVf the dream works.,The baec9ks in fIr8ont of an AaukdiQenfce wipt+h te6x1t that reads TOefam Work maFdHe the dre5aNm works.,The baz(s in frows of an a4di0n#s with text tvft reads meym WgRk made the *r!am woezs.,The abcsk in rfotn of an uiadenec whit extt that resad Team Work made the dream owrsk.,The backs in fro of an diee with te that rds am Wk made the rea wok.,ThE baCKS in FroNt of An aUDieNce with teXT tHat readS TEAm WORk mAdE thE DrEAm works.,TTTThhhheeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkssss iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn aaaauuuuddddiiiieeeennnncccceeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt rrrreeeeaaaaddddssss TTTTeeeeaaaammmm WWWWoooorrrrkkkk mmmmaaaaddddeeee tttthhhheeee ddddrrrreeeeaaaammmm wwwwoooorrrrkkkkssss....,The backs in front of an audi3nc3 with t3xt t4at r3ads T3a3 Work 3ad3 t43 dr3a3 w0rks.,Theback s infro nt of an a udience wi th te xtt ha tread s Te am Work mad et h e dr eam work s. ,𝒕he bАcks ˛n front of 𖽀n a𐓎d𝘪𝓔𝐍ce w˛𝜏h tex𝒕 that rꭼads T℮𝗔m Work ma𝑫e 𝜏h𝔈 d𝒓⋿a𝝡 𝖶orkᏚ․,The plunk for in front man of an hearing with schoolbook that say team up oeuvre have the aspiration works.,The backs audience that Team Work made dream works.,The backs in text of an made with works. that Work Team reads audience the dream front,The hearing hearing backs in straw man front of an audience get word with text that reads Team Work made the dream works.,The backs it front ar and audiance wilt text that reads Teal Work maed the dreans works.,The backs in front of an audience wiv txt tht reads Team Work made tha drm werkz .,The backs in front of an audience with text aixo reads Team Work fetes the dream works.,The backs in front of an audience @Xj2at4Kr with text that reads Team Work made the dream works.,Thee Bax Inn front of an audience with text that Reed'S Team Werke made Thee dream Works'.,The backs in front of an audience with text reading teamwork made the dream come true.,The backs in front of an audience with text That reads Team Work made the dream works.,The dream was made possible by the backs of an audience member holding up text that stated Team Work. 1514525,An outdoor cafe scene with people sitting at tables and silver plated necklace.,An outdoor cafe 8cene with pe0p1e sitting at tables and 8i1vek p1ated necklace.,An outdoor vafW scene 1jth leipld AittUnF at tables and Ci:ve4 plated nrcmlaDs.,An outdoor cafe scene XwiCth pBehorple sitting at taSbzlfes and qs4ilve&r pnla1tEed ne4cgk%lEace.,An oubdo1r cay1 sc%nz wmtZ people sitting at 7aRXes and silver p3Utet necklace.,An uodotor cafe cseen whit epoepl sitting at tables and silver paledt ncelkace.,An utdr cafe cne th epl sitting at tables and sle pld necklace.,An OutDOor cafe sCene With PeoPle SittInG At TabLEs anD SIlVeR Plated nECkLaCe.,AAAAnnnn oooouuuuttttddddoooooooorrrr ccccaaaaffffeeee sssscccceeeennnneeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt ttttaaaabbbblllleeeessss aaaannnndddd ssssiiiillllvvvveeeerrrr ppppllllaaaatttteeeedddd nnnneeeecccckkkkllllaaaacccceeee....,An outdoor caf3 sc3ne 3ith p3opl3 sitting at tabl3s and silv3r plat3d n3cklac3.,An o utdo or ca fescene with people si tt ing at ta bl es a n d s ilver plate dn e ckla ce.,Ꭺ𝞜 o𐓎tdoo𝕣 cafe ꓢ𝖢𝝚n𑢦 𑣦ith peه𝝆ℒe sitting at t𝛼bl𑢦s aNꓒ sil⋁er pᏞatℰꭰ neck𐐛aϲᴇ܁,an outside coffeehouse fit with mass model at table and fluent plat necklace.,outdoor scene with people tables and plated,and outdoor An sitting with people cafe at tables scene silver plated necklace.,An outdoor hoi polloi cafe scene with associate in nursing people sitting associate in nursing at tables postpone and silver plated necklace.,And outdoors cafee scene with peoplr sitting at table and silver plated necklase.,An outdoor cafe scene wiv pplz sitting at tables nd silver plated necklace .,An خارجية cafe scene with people assegut at tables и silver メッキ necklace., An outdoor cafe scene @WVkTOEBR with people sitting at tables and silver plated necklace.,An outdoor cafe Seen with people sitting at Table'S and silver Plaited necklace.,A scene in an outdoor cafe with people at tables and a silver-plated necklace.,An outdoor scene with people sitting at tables and silver plated necklaces.,An outdoor cafe setting with tables occupied by people wearing necklaces made of silver. 518642,People are sitting in front of a crowd with the words cultural differences should not separate others but,People ake sitting in front of a ckuwd with the words co1tokal differences should not separate uthek8 6ot,People are sJYtLng in frLnr of a crkwe with the 2Irds cuphK#al difffTehveW Qhkulf not sDLQrwte others but,3PeopUl(e are !sittyiTng in PfDront of a cvrow)d with the wkor)ds cultural dRiffGereJncCeMs shoyu6l(d not separate o*thbehrs but,Pehpg@ are ElttinY in front of a crowd zitN the wo#ks c(5)uraL dYfrei%nceu z9oulb not separate oth0)a but,Eppole are stiitgn in frnto of a crowd with the words lcutraul iedffrencse suhodl not epsaaret otehrs but,epl are itti in front of a rwd ih the wds cultural dferne sld not sare others but,PeOPle ARe siTtiNg in FrOnT of a Crowd with tHe WorDs cuLtuRAL DifFeRenCes ShouLd NoT SepaRAte otHErS buT,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee aaaarrrreeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ccccrrrroooowwwwdddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ccccuuuullllttttuuuurrrraaaallll ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnncccceeeessss sssshhhhoooouuuulllldddd nnnnooootttt sssseeeeppppaaaarrrraaaatttteeee ooootttthhhheeeerrrrssss bbbbuuuutttt,Peopl3 are sitting in front 0f a cr03d wit4 t43 3ords cultural diff3r3nces s40uld n0t s3parat3 ot4ers 6ut,Peop le a re si tti ng in fron t of acro wd wi tht he w ords cul tural diffe re n c es s hould no tseparate oth ers b ut ,𝔓eopʟᴇ 𝖆ꮢe sℓtti𝑵𝔤 iΝ 𐔥ron𝚻 σſ a cr𝐎𝓌d 𝗐𝜄th the w०rds cultuᚱ𝔸l d𝗜ff𝜠r𝚬ɴceꓢ sᏂᴑuꓡd not sepa𝕣a𝖙e o𝔗ʜ𝜠ᴦs but,people are pose in face of a bunch with the parole ethnic conflict should not dissever others but,People in front of a crowd with words differences should others but,People of sitting in front are a not with the words cultural differences but others separate crowd should,People fall apart are sitting in front word fall apart of a crowd with the words cultural differences should not straw man separate others but,People arre stting int front of a crowd whit d works cultual differences should not separete others but,People r sitting in front of a crowd wiv tha words cultural differences shud nawt separate others but,People are seduta in front of a crowd with la words cultural расхождения should not separate others but,People are sitting in front of a crowd with the words cultural @XkIHRdmK differences should not separate others but,People Or sitting Inn front of a crowd with the Words' cultural differences Schuld Nott separate Others' but,"People sit in front of a crowd saying cultural differences should not separate others, but",Let people sit in the midst of a throng with the words Cultural differences should not separate but let them be so,"The statement ""We must not separate people based on cultural differences"" is being used in front of a crowd." 9133441,"An assortment of beach accessories including pineapples, umbrellas and palm leaves.","An assortment of beach acce880kie8 inc1odin9 pineapp1e8, om6re1la8 and palm leaves.","An XswortJwnt of beaDY AccsXsodiRs &mcl^dinH pineapples, umbrsl,XX and oQlm leaves.","An aCssdo^rtmLent of beDac*h UacTcessBoriJets inecxljudivng pi(ndeazppl4es, xu^mbreel%las and palm leaves.","An asYKRtm&nt of beach accessories izcBudiL( Ti+eappl+(, kmj2ellts and pdlq leahuW.","An assortment of beach accessories incudlgin ipnepalpse, mubellras and plma levaes.","An asortm of eac acssri icing pineapples, urela and palm lve.","An AssORTment of beach accESsoRieS incLuDiNG PineaPplES, UmBReLlas aND PaLm LeAvEs.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff bbbbeeeeaaaacccchhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppiiiinnnneeeeaaaapppppppplllleeeessss,,,, uuuummmmbbbbrrrreeeellllllllaaaassss aaaannnndddd ppppaaaallllmmmm lllleeeeaaaavvvveeeessss....","An assortment of 63ach acc3ss0ri3s includin9 pin3apples, um6r3llas and palm l3av3s.","An a ssor tment of beac h acc essorie s i nc lud ing pi ne appl e s,umbrellas a nd p almleaves.",AN 𝚨s𑣁ﮪ𝗿𝙩M𝑬nt Οf 𝕓e𝛼ch 𝘼ccesꮪories 𝚒ncl𝘂din𝐆 р⍳nꭼ𝘈pp𐐛es¸ umᏼRⴹlᏞ𝓪Ꮥ ꭺnd 𝒫alm l𝙀ꭺᐯe𝕊.,"associate in nursing classification of beach accessary let in pineapples, umbrella and thenar leaves.",An assortment of beach and palm leaves.,"pineapples, assortment of umbrellas accessories including An beach leaves. and palm","An assortment of beach adjunct accessories including pineapples, accessory umbrellas and potpourri umbrella palm leaves.","An assortiment of beat accesories including pineapples, umbrellas anhd puml loaves.","An assortment of beach accessories including pineapples , umbrellas nd palm leaves .","An تشكيلة of beach accessories including pineapples, umbrellas and palm leaves.","An assortment of @gdI5O8HC beach accessories including pineapples, umbrellas and palm leaves.","An assortment of Beech accessories including pineapples, umbrellas and Palme leaves.","A selection of beach accessories such as pineapples, umbrellas and palm leaves.","An assortment of beach accessories, such as pineapples, umbrellas and palm leaves.","pineapples, umbrellas and palm leaves - all the beach accessories you'll." 2456682,"Black and white outfit with accessories including sunglasses, heels, purses, hat and handbag.","Elacr and white outfit with acce88ukie8 including sunglasses, hee18, purses, hat and handbag.","flWck and white outfit dkth acxesXLrkws iHcluv(gg s^GglXssrs, heels, 9ufseC, hat and hanrvAg.","@BlKack and 4whitJe ovuEtDfit with tacvceYssiotries iniczluUdting sunglasses, heels, pwur&se$s, hat and BhaendbaIg.","BZaQk and 3hitE ouYf(o w$tx accessories i2cluJP*g sunglasses, hee1+, purses, hat and 0dndbax.","Lbcak and white uoftti with acecssroeis nicudlign sunglasses, eehls, uprsse, hat and handbag.","lck and white oft th aessoe including suasse, hee, purses, hat and habg.","BlACk AND whiTe OuTfit wItH acCesSories iNCLuDinG sUnGlASseS, heelS, puRsEs, HAt aNd Handbag.","BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, hhhheeeeeeeellllssss,,,, ppppuuuurrrrsssseeeessss,,,, hhhhaaaatttt aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaannnnddddbbbbaaaagggg....","Black and white outfit 3it4 access0ries includin9 sunglass3s, he3ls, purs3s, 4at and 4and6a9.","Blac k an d whi teoutfi t wit h acces sor ie s i ncl u di ng sun g las ses, heels, p u r ses, hat and h andbag.","𝑏la𝘊k 𝜜nd 𝐰𝔥ite o𝕌tℱiΤ 𝖜ith ꓮcceƽsor𝗅es i𝓝cℒuding ꓢungL𝕬sses, hЕ𝙀l𝘴, p𝐮rses, 𝗁at 𝛼nd haոdbaᶃ.","negro and edward douglas white jr equip with accouterment let in sunglasses, heels, purses, lid and handbag.","accessories sunglasses, heels, and handbag.","and and with outfit white handbag. hat sunglasses, heels, purses, including Black accessories","accessory Black and white outfit with dim accessories including lid sunglasses, heels, purses, hat and eyelid handbag.","Blakc andd white outfit wild accessories including Sunglases, hills, purses, nat and hadbag.","Black nd white outfit wiv accessories including sunglasses , heels , purses , hat nd handbag .","Black وال white outfit साथ accessoarer including sunglasses, heels, purses, barret and handbag.","Black and white outfit with @h9Ei2uhd accessories including sunglasses, heels, purses, hat and handbag.","Black and Whyte outfit with accessories including sunglasses, Heals, purses, Hatt and handbag.","Black and white outfit with accessories such as sunglasses, heels, purses, hat and handbag.","Black and white apparel with accessories, such as hats, handbags, and shoes.","A black and white attire with matching accessories such as sunglasses, heels, purses, hat, and handbag." 5942906,"Men's accessories laid out on a table including shoes, wallets and sunglasses.","Men ' s accessories 1aid 0ot un a ta61e inc1odin9 shoes, wa11et8 and sunglasses.","Men ' s acx#XsoDiez laKx out on a 6ab.e unxOudOng sh*Rs, as;lets and sungiwwaes.","Men ' s acceisHsoMriyegs alaikd out on a tWabWle ibnclupdiQnug shoNeAs, Dwa$lHlets and scuEnXglaQsses.","Men ' s 3Phesmo7ies lac6 out on a tobSe isMlPdDng Ehres, wGCleAs and s!nglayTRs.","Men ' s accesossrie ldai out on a table niculdngi hseos, waleslt and nusglasess.","Men ' s cceoie ld out on a tle ncudg hoe, alet and snlase.","MeN's ACcessories laid out On A taBle InCLUdiNg SHoes, WALlEtS And suNGLaSsEs.","MMMMeeeennnn''''ssss aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss llllaaaaiiiidddd oooouuuutttt oooonnnn aaaa ttttaaaabbbblllleeee iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, wwwwaaaalllllllleeeettttssss aaaannnndddd ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss....","Men's accessories laid 0ut on a ta6l3 includin9 s4oes, 3all3ts and sun9lasses.","Men' s ac cesso rie s lai d out on a t abl einc lud i ng s hoes , wa llets and s un g l asse s.","M𝐄n`s 𝞪cce𝖘𝘴o𝙧ies l𝞐𝟣d 𝟎Ut on 𝛢 𝗍𝛂bꮮ𝝚 inᑕl⋃𝖣1Ν𝗴 sh߀ℯS, waᒪle𝑡s anⅮ sun𝙜l𝐚ƽse𝔰.","mens supplement lay out on a postpone include shoes, pocketbook and sunglasses.","Men's accessories laid out a table shoes, wallets and sunglasses.","out accessories laid Men's sunglasses. a table including shoes, wallets and on","Men's accessories laid let in position out position on a table including shoes, wallets and let in sunglasses.","Mens ' so accessorie laid out in at table including shose, wallets are sunglasses.","Men 's accessories laid out on a table including shoes , wallets nd sunglasses .","Men's الملحقات laid out on a bordet including shoes, wallets и sunglasses.","@BREjthvL Men's accessories laid out on a table including shoes, wallets and sunglasses.","MennS accessories laid out on a table including Shoe'S, wallets and sunglasses.","Accessories for men spread out on a table, including shoes, wallets and sunglasses.","Men’s accessories laid out on a table, Including shoes, purses and eyeless glasses","A table showcasing men's accessories, such as wallets, sunglasses, and shoes." 9284676,"Various types of outdoor activities including water, boats, trees and other things.","Variuo8 type8 0f ootdo0k activities including watek, boats, tkee8 and other things.","VaGiokX types of o TFCoor activities Onc:us9ng wa4eT, boats, trees and oth3% th9jys.","V0arlioBus typCeTs of outdoor activities including 6wateGr, (boNats, UtreQes and $oth6er things.","Various t%pDs of Wutd9ow activities including satpr, boats, trSrs and ptheF th4+ga.","Various types of uootdor actviitise including awetr, obtas, retes and other things.","Various tys of outdoor ctiies including water, bot, res and ohe hgs.","VaRIouS Types of outdoOr aCTivItiEs inClUdINg wateR, BOAtS, TrEes anD oThEr ThInGs.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff oooouuuuttttddddoooooooorrrr aaaaccccttttiiiivvvviiiittttiiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr,,,, bbbbooooaaaattttssss,,,, ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss....","Various types of outd00r activities includin9 3at3r, 60ats, trees and 0t4er t4in9s.","Vari oustypes of outd oor a ctiviti esin clu din g w at er,b oat s, trees an do t herthings.","V𝗮𝓇ious tY𝘱e𐐠 𝝄f o𝔘td𝔬𝙊ᚱ actι𝝼i𝕿ies in𝑪ʟud𝚒𝗡𝕲 wat𝓔ꭱ, b𐊫𝑎t𝖲, tƦe𐊆s 𝐚nd 𑓐ther th𝜄𐔓gs܁","diverse typecast of outside body process let in water, boats, corner and other things.","types activities including boats, trees other things.","trees types Various outdoor and including of boats, water, activities other things.","Various natural action types of outdoor activities shoetree including character water, boats, trees and let in other things.","Various typse fo outdoor activities incluing water, boats, trees AND anothers tinghs.","Various types of outdoor activities including h2o , boats , trees nd other things .","Various الانواع of outdoor activities including water, boats, trees and other things.","Various types of outdoor activities including water, boats, trees @ZI7xGtAo and other things.","Various types of outdoor activities including water, Boat'S, Treese and Uther Thing'S.","Various types of outdoor activities such as water, boats, trees and other things.","Some outdoor sports, such as water-baths, boats, and trees.","Water sports, boats, planting and removing trees, among other outdoor activities." 9564570,"Various types of outdoor activities including trees, poles, mountains and water.","Various type8 uf outdoor activities including trees, poles, muontain8 and water.","barioKX tupex of ou$dLlr activities inclidoBy Fre2s, poles, mountains and wag2r.","YVariXolus htyWpes of ocuZtd!oor aMc(tivqitie6s inchlGud$inAg trfeeTs, poles, mountains and water.","Various tCpek of TDtroor activities including t6eus, p4lbs, _jzn6ains and Sat+r.","Vaoruis types of outdoro activities nicdluign trees, lpoes, omunatins and awtre.","Various yes of udoo acviie including tes, ple, ouans and water.","VaRIOuS types of OutdoOr aCTivItieS inClUDIng trEeS, poLEs, MoUNtaInS aND watEr.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff oooouuuuttttddddoooooooorrrr aaaaccccttttiiiivvvviiiittttiiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss,,,, ppppoooolllleeeessss,,,, mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnnssss aaaannnndddd wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr....","Various types of 0utd00r activiti3s includin9 tr33s, pol3s, 30untains and 3ater.","Vari oustypes of outd oor a ctiviti esin clu din g t re es,p ole s, mountain sa n d wa ter.","Various t𝛄pes of outdoՕr 𝑎𝖈Ⲧ𝖑𝝂itie𝘚 𝒊𝗻clud𐌉ng tre𝓔s٫ p𐔖𑢲es, mount𝝖ا𝗻s αnd wat𝖤r.","assorted eccentric of out of door bodily function include trees, poles, pot and water.","types of outdoor activities including trees, poles,","mountains types poles, and activities including trees, outdoor Various of water.","Various several character types character of outdoor activities including fiber trees, poles, mountains and water.","Various tipes ar oudoors acititys including therees, poles, mountains and wter.","Various types of outdoor activities including trees , poles , mountains nd h2o .","Various الانواع of outdoor activities including trees, poles, mountains and water.","Various types of outdoor activities including trees, poles, mountains @5DBrJcuT and water.","Various types of outdoor activities including Trease, Pols, Mountain'S and water.","Various types of outdoor activities such as trees, poles, mountains and water.","Some outdoor sports, such as trees, poles, mountains and water, to be performed.","Outdoor activities that involve trees, poles, mountains, and water." 6222230,A billboard sign in an empty mall with the words social distancing keep at least two meters apart.,A billboard sign in an empty mall with the words social di8tancin9 reep at 1ea8t two meters apakt.,"A billboard aUgn in an emltT ,alK w8tm the words social diEtaHvKng keep at l3asg two me6rrw x(art.",A MbNilnlbdoard sign in an emFpt#y mCaoll 8w*ith the iwpords sMo5cBial distancing keep at leNaZst two mettNeWrs apart.,A billboard sign in an empty mall si7h the OorXs Uo(iRl Y2stancbn4 Meeb at Meas+ two %etBZs apKxt.,A lbilboadr sgni in an mpety mall with the wdors osclia idstancign ekep at least two tmeesr apart.,A billboard ig in an ety mall ih the ors soi distancing ee at least two mes aar.,A BIllBOArd sIgn iN an eMpTY mAll with the WoRds soCiAL DistAnCIng kEep at LeaST tWo MEtErS aPart.,AAAA bbbbiiiillllllllbbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd ssssiiiiggggnnnn iiiinnnn aaaannnn eeeemmmmppppttttyyyy mmmmaaaallllllll wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ssssoooocccciiiiaaaallll ddddiiiissssttttaaaannnncccciiiinnnngggg kkkkeeeeeeeepppp aaaatttt lllleeeeaaaasssstttt ttttwwwwoooo mmmmeeeetttteeeerrrrssss aaaappppaaaarrrrtttt....,A billboard sign in an e3pt4 mall wit4 t43 w0rds s0cial distancing k33p at l3ast t30 3et3rs apart.,A bi llbo ard s ign in a n emp ty mall wi th th e w o rd ssoci a l d istancing k ee p at l east two m eters apart. ,A b𝞘ᒪℒbⲟΑr𝒅 𝘀i𝔾𝜨 in aN em𝔭𝝩𝖞 𝞛alꓡ wit𝜢 the ꓪorⅾ𝐒 sⲟci𝒂l dⅰ𝕾tan𝐶iN𝚐 𝐾ℯ𝐸р at 𐑃eαst ⊤𑣯o mℰt𝔼rs 𝞐part.,ampere hoarding sign language in an empty bellied shopping centre with the articulate sociable outstrip support at to the lowest degree ii metre apart.,A billboard in an mall the social distancing keep least two apart.,A billboard sign distancing an empty two with the words social in mall keep least at meters apart.,A billboard sign in an empty mall with the hollow words word social shopping mall distancing keep at least two word meters apart.,I billboard sing Im an emty mall was thye qwords social distancing keep ate least two meters apart.,A billboard sign in an mty mall wiv tha words social distancing keep at least two meters apart .,A billboard firmare in an empty mall with la words social distancing mantén at least two meters apart.,A billboard sign in an empty mall with the words social distancing keep @JjA3A2wm at least two meters apart.,A billboard sign Inn 'N Mt mall with the Words' social distancing keep at least two meters apart.,"A sign in an empty shopping mall reading ""Social Distance"" keeps a distance of at least two meters.",A billboard sign in an empty mall with the words social distancing Keep at least two meters apart.,A billboard sign with the words social distancing and an empty mall positioned at least two meters apart. 11208353,"A woman in black and white outfit with green sweater, blue coat, purple shoes, hat and sunglasses.","A woman in b1acr and white uotfit with green sweater, blue coat, purple shoes, hat and 8ongla88es.","A w9mag in blqc, and white ourTut S&th gTe@n sweater, Fluf coZg, purple sj9es, hat and sIng;aXseX.","A woman in belalck and Swhikte Gooutfi(t ^wiVth cgereen sweater, bGluqe c%oavt, purple s)hzoes, hat and su6n&glqasseQs.","A luman in b1yck and wiFte outfit wiG$ crAen PweatQf, blkg cvad, nuqpAe shoes, hat and sunglasses.","A owmna in lbakc and whtei outfit iwht geren sweater, belu coat, urppel shsoe, hat and sunglasses.","A won in ack and white outfit wi ren ater, lu at, ple shoes, hat and snlase.","A WOmaN In blAck aNd wHiTe OutFit with greeN SweAteR, BLUe cOaT, pUrPle shoEs, HAt anD sUnGlaSses.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn sssswwwweeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee ccccooooaaaatttt,,,, ppppuuuurrrrpppplllleeee sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, hhhhaaaatttt aaaannnndddd ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss....","A w0man in black and w4it3 0utfit wit4 9r33n sw3at3r, blu3 c0at, purpl3 s40es, 4at and sunglass3s.","A wo manin bl ack andwhite outfit wi th gr een sw ea ter, blu e coat, pur pl e shoe s, hat a nd sunglasses. ","A 𝑾o𝗠an in 𝙱lac𝙺 𝒜nⅾ w𐋏ℐ𝞣e outfit w𝐈th 𝑮re𝜠ℕ sweat𝚬r؍ bLue ℂoAt؍ purple s𝙷oes, h𝙖𝓉 And su𝙣𝘎lasses.","type a cleaning woman in smuggled and tweed fit with jet sweater, dingy coat, over embellished shoes, chapeau and sunglasses.","A woman in black and white with green purple shoes, and sunglasses.","and woman in purple and white outfit with green sunglasses. black coat, blue shoes, hat A sweater,","A over embellished woman in pureness black and white outfit with green sweater, blue coat, purple shoes, hat whiteness and dim sunglasses.","A women in black ou white outfit with green sweater, blou cost, purpul choes, hate dnd runglasses.","A woman in blk nd white outfit wiv green sweater , blu coat , purple shoes , hat nd sunglasses .","A المراة in black and white outfit with green sweater, синий coat, purple shoes, القبعة and sunglasses.","A woman in black and white outfit with green sweater, blue coat, purple shoes, hat @aklnhEgT and sunglasses.","A woman Inn black and Whyte outfit with green sweater, Blew Cote, purple shoes, hat and sunglasses.","A woman in a black and white outfit with a green sweater, blue coat, purple shoes, hat and sunglasses.","A woman in black and white apparel, with a green scarf, a blue coat, purple shoes, and a hat.","The attire of the woman is black and white, with a green sweater, blue coat, purple shoes, hat, and sunglasses." 997295,A graph showing the number and percentage of people who are in an industrial design annual salary.,A 9kaph showing the nom6ek and percentage 0f people who ake in an indo8tkia1 design annual 8a1aky.,A grqpy shoa(nV the HuHbe$ and p$rdenRwge of Oe(p?e who are in an ijd*Atriql XeQifn annual Ea:ar&.,A Cg!raph showTinnNg the numBbBe0r and #per^cenptagfe of pveo_plye who are in an Fi8nCdustrqial pd!esig#n annual s(aliaNry.,A grFoh Btowitg the nuubQi and pevcentaJz of people who are in an inJustrWoq deFPgw a4fGal saBoiy.,A agrph showing the nmurbe and rpceetnage of peolpe who are in an niudstiarl desing nanaul slarya.,A graph sowg the nur and prceta of eol who are in an idusrl dei anl ala.,A GRapH ShowiNg ThE nuMbEr And peRcentage oF PeoPle wHO Are In An InDusTriaL dESIgN aNNuAl saLary.,AAAA ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwhhhhoooo aaaarrrreeee iiiinnnn aaaannnn iiiinnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaallll ddddeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn aaaannnnnnnnuuuuaaaallll ssssaaaallllaaaarrrryyyy....,A grap4 showin9 t43 num63r and p3rc3ntag3 0f pe0pl3 340 are in an industrial d3sign annual salar4.,A gr aphshowi ngthe n umber and pe rce nt age of pe op le w h o a re in an in du s t rial designan nual salary. ,A 𝔤raph s𝘩oꮃing th𑢦 n𝑈𝓜ber α𝖭d 𝜚ercentag𑢮 oϜ Ⲣҽ೦ple ᴡh𝟘 𝘢г𝕰 𝐢N aℕ 𝘐ndus𝚃r𝕴aL ⅅes𝚤g𝑁 an𝐧ual s𝕬Lar𝘆.,adenine chart screening the figure and per centum of multitude who are in an industrial purpose yearbook salary.,the percentage people who are industrial annual,who graph showing the are percentage and of people A industrial in an number design annual salary.,A graph percent showing percent the display number and percentage of people who are in chart an industrial design annual salary.,At graf showing there's number and porcentage of people hwo are in an industrial designee annula sarely.,A graph showin tha nmbr nd percentage of pplz who r in an industrial design annual salary .,A graph mostrando the number and percentage of people who are in an industrial design 年次 salary.,A graph showing the number and percentage @PcYCoLB2 of people who are in an industrial design annual salary.,A Graff showing Thee number and percentage of people Hoo Ur in an industrial design annual salary.,A graph showing the number and percentage of people receiving an annual salary in the field of industrial design.,A graph of the number and percentage of men that are in an annual salary in an industrial design.,An illustration of the quantity and proportion of individuals receiving an annual salary in industrial design. 867514,A line graph with the time in which China's average tariff is climbing on US goods and falling for the rest of the world.,A 1ine graph with the time in which Ghina ' 8 average tariff is climbing 0n US go0d8 and falling fuk the rest of the world.,A lLnF graph wOHh the tinw in Qh9ch Ch9nx ' s xv#3age tariff is SlihfinB on US BooFs and fz sHlck2r is v4Fy co>oGfjK and it has mouG^xinq, oOantE, tEeeD, sky, c/Pude, and a lZ.e.","The wpal&l sOtqickper is v9eGry cXoCl(orQful and it has ImopunZtDains, pl@a@nt&s, trKeeZs, sky, cl#oiuLds, and a 7lakwe.","The SaLl mtxcke5 is F4ry )oloaf#x and it has CounRa@nU, pN0Yts, tbves, sky, cl$DUs, and a la)V.","The awll skticer is rvey colforul and it has mounitsan, lpasnt, rtese, sky, coulsd, and a alek.","The wl sckr is ve coul and it has mtans, lns, res, sky, lou, and a ak.","ThE waLL sticKer iS veRy cOLorFul and it hAS MouNtaIns, PlanTS, trEes, skY, ClOUDs, ANd A Lake.","TTTThhhheeee wwwwaaaallllllll ssssttttiiiicccckkkkeeeerrrr iiiissss vvvveeeerrrryyyy ccccoooolllloooorrrrffffuuuullll aaaannnndddd iiiitttt hhhhaaaassss mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnnssss,,,, ppppllllaaaannnnttttssss,,,, ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss,,,, sssskkkkyyyy,,,, cccclllloooouuuuddddssss,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa llllaaaakkkkeeee....","The wall stick3r is v3r4 c0l0rful and it 4as 3ountains, plants, tr33s, sk4, cl0uds, and a lake.","Thewall stic ker is v ery c olorful an dithas mo un tain s , p lants, tree s, s ky,clouds,an d a lake.","Ⲧ𝞖e 𝘞al𑢣 st𝟭cꓗꭼr ꓲ𝖲 ۷𝜠ry co𑢲օꮢF𝕌l 𝓪𝑵d it has mouɴ𝚻ains, Ⲣlant𝓈¸ tre𑢦Տ, sk𑣜, cᒪouds, a𝕹d a L𝓐k𑢦.","The bulwark poser is very colored and it has mountains, plants, trees, sky, clouds, and a lake.","The wall very colorful it has mountains, sky, and a lake.","The wall plants, and very colorful has it and mountains, sky, trees, sticker clouds, is a lake.","The wall sticker is poser very poser colorful and coloured it has mountains, plants, trees, sky, clouds, and a paries lake.","The wal sticker ai vevy colorful annd i hat mountains, plants, trees, skier, cloudes, END a lack.","The wall sticker tis vry colorful nd it has mountains , plants , trees , sky , clouds , nd a lake .","The جدار sticker is बहुत färgglada and it has mountains, plants, trees, sky, clouds, and a lake.","The wall sticker is very colorful and it has @Hmp2Hxmf mountains, plants, trees, sky, clouds, and a lake.","Thee Walle sticker is Verri colorful and it has Mountain'S, Plantz, trees, Skye, clouds, and a lake.","The wall stickers are very colorful and have mountains, plants, trees, sky, clouds and a lake.","The wall sticker is very colorful and it hath mountains, plants, trees, skies, and lakes.","The wall sticker is adorned with vibrant colors, depicting a lake, mountains, plants, trees, and clouds." 12295571,People walking by an industrial building made out of shipping containers.,Peup1e walking by an indo8tkia1 6oi1din9 made out uf shipping containers.,"Pepp/@ salJKng by an industrial NiL,ding kSde out of XbLpOing containers.",People Cw%alPking by an idnBduostria8l buiMlbd)iJng m7adue out of shipping contaziOn4erKs.,Bzjple w0T4ing by an CndwstrXDl bF*ldHng mFd@ out of shipping containers.,People awilkng by an industrial bulindgi amed out of sihpipng cnaotinesr.,ope walking by an indusr uilg made out of hpig conain.,PeOpLe Walking by an iNdusTRIal bUIlding mADe ouT Of SHIPpinG cOnTAineRS.,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwaaaallllkkkkiiiinnnngggg bbbbyyyy aaaannnn iiiinnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaallll bbbbuuuuiiiillllddddiiiinnnngggg mmmmaaaaddddeeee oooouuuutttt ooooffff sssshhhhiiiippppppppiiiinnnngggg ccccoooonnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnneeeerrrrssss....,People walkin9 64 an industrial 6uildin9 3ad3 out 0f s4ippin9 c0ntainers.,Peop le w alkin g b y anindus trial b uil di ngmad e o ut ofs hip ping contai ne r s .,People walkﺍ𝝢g 𝙗y an iռdus𝓽rꓲaᏞ 𝗕uilding ma𝒟e ዐu𐌕 of sⲎ𝟏ppinℊ c𑓐ntai𝒩ers꘎,masses walk by an industrial ramp up realise out of ship containers.,People walking by an building out of shipping,People walking shipping an building industrial made containers. by of out,People walking shit by an industrial building made dirt out hoi polloi of hoi polloi shipping containers.,People walking by any industray building mad out og shiping containers.,People walking by an industrial building made outa shipping containers .,People المشي by an औद्योगिक building made out of судоходство containers.,People walking by an industrial building made out of shipping containers. @vYYZcmDj,People walking Buy an industrial building made out of shipping Containers'.,People walk past an industrial building made of shipping containers.,People walking by an industrial building Made out of shipping containers.,Individuals passing by a building constructed from shipping containers. 2329698,trees with the words investing innovations that deliver clean growth,tkee8 with the words inve8tin9 innovations that de1ivek clean growth,trees with the wofdd investing *MHovaHioMs gha4 dSligWr clean growth,trgeeOs with the wvordcs Xi)nveslt^ing innovations that deliZv(eer clean growth,tUeeY with the words investing innovations thI@ )eXiveA clean OrIwph,trees with the words investing innovations htta deliver clean rgtowh,tes wi the words investing nnovti ha deliver clean growth,trEES with The words iNvesTINg INnOvatioNS thAt DelIVer clEaN GrowTH,ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss iiiinnnnvvvveeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnnnnnnoooovvvvaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss tttthhhhaaaatttt ddddeeeelllliiiivvvveeeerrrr cccclllleeeeaaaannnn ggggrrrroooowwwwtttthhhh,trees with th3 3ords inv3stin9 inn0vati0ns t4at deliver cl3an 9ro3t4,tree s wi th th e w ordsinves ting in nov at ion s t h at d eliv e r c lean growth ,t𝖗𝚬es w𝙞tН 𝔗he Wor𝖣s investi𝔫G lnnova𝑇ions thᎪ𝒯 𝚍eLiver clea𝖭 g𝗿owt𝘏,sir herbert beerbohm tree with the holy scripture place creation that drive home clean and jerk outgrowth,with the investing that deliver,trees deliver the innovations with investing that words clean growth,trees with invest introduction the words investing introduction innovations that deliver clean endow growth,threes with the words investing innovations that dwlivery cleam growty,trees wiv tha words investing innovations tht deliver clean growth,trees مع the words investing innovations aixo deliver clean роста,trees with the words investing @sznECSPv innovations that deliver clean growth,trees with Thee words investing innovations that deliver clean growth,Trees with the words Investing in innovations that deliver clean growth,Trees with the words investing innovations That deliver clean growth.,Trees with the statement about investing in clean growth. 30461,A graph showing the number and percentage of fire rescues at agricultural & industrial premisess from 2010 - 2019,A 9kaph 8h0win9 the number and pekcenta9e 0f fike ke8coes at agricultural & indo8tkia1 premisess from 2010 - 2019,A NrWph showing the HuNbwr and percfhtaNr of Eird 4excueX at agricultural & Lnd8Etriql premisess frKH 2010 - 20w),A gIrPaph showing the number and plerycen8taige of ifvire rescues at agri#c(u3ltJur2al & industrial hp_reBmYisess fnr)om g20&10 - 2d01h9,A Zra5h showing the n45bet and petce^t4gW of fire res^udB at cgsicu4AuraU & industrial pr9mi7)sc (ro) 2010 - 2J1L,A grhap hsowgin the numbre and peercntage of fire esrcuse at agricultural & indsutrail prmieesss rfmo 2010 - 2019,A gap showing the number and entage of fire reue at agrural & indurl press om 2010 - 20,A GRapH ShOWiNg ThE nuMbEr And peRcentage oF Fire RescUeS aT AgRicUlturAl & InDustRiAL prEMIsESs FRom 2010 - 2019,AAAA ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ffffiiiirrrreeee rrrreeeessssccccuuuueeeessss aaaatttt aaaaggggrrrriiiiccccuuuullllttttuuuurrrraaaallll &&&& iiiinnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaallll pppprrrreeeemmmmiiiisssseeeessssssss ffffrrrroooommmm 2222000011110000 ---- 2222000011119999,A grap4 showin9 t43 num6er and p3rc3ntag3 0f fir3 r3scu3s at a9ricultural & industrial pr3mis3ss fro3 2010 - 2019,A gr aphshowi ngthe n umber and pe rce nt age of fi re res c ues at agricul tu r a l &industri al premisess f rom 2 01 0 - 2 0 19 ,𝑎 g𝒓𝑨ph shoWi𝙽ԍ 𝘛һ𝐄 n𝖚𝕸b℮r and p𝗘rcenᎢ𝗮gе of fire resCues at ᴀg𝚛ﺍc𝘶lt𝓊raL & 𝓘ndᴜ𝐬tri𝒂ⳑ prЕ𝗠isⴹss from 2010 - 𝟐019,angstrom unit chart evince the identification number and share of fervour delivery at farming & industrial premise from 2010 - 2019,A graph the and rescues & industrial premisess 2010 2019,A of 2019 the number and percentage at fire & graph agricultural rescues industrial premisess from 2010 - showing,A graph percent showing the number and percentage ampere of fire rescues ampere at agricultural & industrial premisess deliver from 2010 - 2019,At grafh showing yhe numbuer [[ann percentage ofo fire rescues at agricultural & industria premisess fomr 2010 - 2019,A graph showin tha nmbr nd percentage of fire rescues at agricultural & industrial premisess frm 2010 - 2019,A graph mostrando the number and percentage of fire rescues at сельскохозяйственная & industrial premisess from 2010 - 2019,A graph showing the number @FGWqGkmD and percentage of fire rescues at agricultural & industrial premisess from 2010 - 2019,A Graff showing Thee number and percentage of fire rescues at agricultural & industrial premisess Frum 2010 - 2019,A graph shows the number and percentage of fire rescues in agricultural and industrial holdings between 2010 and 2019.,A graph showing the number and percentage of fire rescues at agricultural & industrial premisess from 2010 - 2019.,A graph illustrating the quantity and proportion of fire rescues carried out at agricultural and industrial establishments between 2010 and 2019. 9676134,"The band, including one man in black jacket and two women standing next to blue corrugated walls.","The band, inc1odin9 one man in b1acr jacret and two wumen standing next tu blue corrugated walls.","The babE, inckir(ng one man in GlaVk jacket and two wkmFn s^ZMdiMg neDg to blue cIrd tgater 3al;s.","The Xbvand, tinclSuKdIing one man in black tjacNkeCt and two bwosmen setzaNndiQng hneKxt to blue zcQohrruSgated wa3l6ls.","The bHud, inVQDdSng one man in black jmBket and two womMr FRandiC4 next to T(ue uorrQgatF+ wFlks.","The anbd, cinluding one man in lbcak jackte and two woenm standing nxte to lube ocrrugtaed walls.","The nd, including one man in bak ace and two wen stig ex to blue couate als.","ThE baND, incLudInG onE MaN in blAck jacket aNd Two wOMEN stAnDing nExt to BluE COrrUGAteD wAlls.","TTTThhhheeee bbbbaaaannnndddd,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnneeee mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk jjjjaaaacccckkkkeeeetttt aaaannnndddd ttttwwwwoooo wwwwoooommmmeeeennnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg nnnneeeexxxxtttt ttttoooo bbbblllluuuueeee ccccoooorrrrrrrruuuuggggaaaatttteeeedddd wwwwaaaallllllllssss....","Th3 band, including on3 3an in 6lack jack3t and tw0 3o33n standin9 n3xt t0 6lu3 corru9ated 3alls.","Theband , inc lud ing o ne ma n in bl ack j ack eta nd t wo w o men standing n ex t to b lue corr ug ated walls.",The b𝒂ndꓹ 𝐢𝑵𝚌ℒu𝔡ing ەne m𝙰n ι𝒩 bla𝒸𝞙 jaᑕk𐊆𝙏 ꓮn𝔻 𝒕wo woМe𝑵 𝕊𝘛aոding 𝗡Ex𝓉 𖼊𝙾 bꮮue coⲅ𝓻u𝗴𝘈𐊱e𝚍 walls.,"The band, admit one and only isle of man in melanise cap and deuce charwoman resist succeeding to blasphemous corrugate walls.","band, including man in black jacket women standing next blue corrugated","The band, man and including in black jacket one two women standing blue to corrugated next walls.","The band, let in including one succeeding man in black jacket and two women standing next corrugate to blue corrugated walls.","Thr Bend, incluce ones man in black jacketh and teo women standing net to bue corrugated walls.","The band , including one man in blk jacket nd two women standing nxt tuh blu corrugated walls .","The band, compresa one man in black jaqueta and two женщины standing next to blue corrugated walls.","@YKIWDdIQ The band, including one man in black jacket and two women standing next to blue corrugated walls.","Thee Banned, including one man Inn black Jackett and Thuy women standing Nex to Blew corrugated Wall'S.","The band, which includes a man in a black jacket and two women, stands next to blue corrugated iron walls.","The band, with one man in black and two women in blue corrugated walls, stands in the street.","One man was in a black jacket, and two women were standing next to blue corrugated walls as members of the band." 309987,"A stethoscope and various fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, avocado, and other foods.","A stethoscope and various fkoit8, vegetables, fi8h, not8, avocado, and other fo0d8.","A eRetMoZcole and various fGuiHd, v#gF4ablFs, dJsh, Juhs, aF0cadk, and otYRr VLods.","A )sktetthosc)opse and vareixouls 8fru_ites, cvegetQapbkles, fiUsph, ynButs, avokcHatdo, and ot%hker foods.","A ^te4hlsuoje and varUxuc Bwuyts, dMbetablms, fish, rutp, ovocxdt, and oShe^ foowq.","A tsethocsoep and various ufrist, vgeetablse, ifhs, nuts, vaoacod, and oterh oofds.","A thscop and vaiu fit, vegetables, sh, ut, voad, and ohr foo.","A STetHOScope anD variOus FRuiTs, vegeTaBlES, fish, nUTS, aVOcAdo, aND OtHer fOoDs.","AAAA sssstttteeeetttthhhhoooossssccccooooppppeeee aaaannnndddd vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ffffrrrruuuuiiiittttssss,,,, vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss,,,, ffffiiiisssshhhh,,,, nnnnuuuuttttssss,,,, aaaavvvvooooccccaaaaddddoooo,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr ffffooooooooddddssss....","A stethoscop3 and vari0us fruits, ve93ta6l3s, fis4, nuts, avocado, and 0t4er f00ds.","A st etho scope an d var iousfruits, ve ge tab les , f is h, n u ts, avocado, a nd o ther foods.","𝞐 𝐒tethοs𝙲𝜪pe 𝔞nd Varﺍ𝙤𝚞s Ϝr𝖴⏽𝘵s, 𝒗e𝔾ҽtaℬL𑢮s, fis𝚑, nuts, a𑜆oⲤ𝘈do‚ 𝔸𝗇Ꮷ o⊤hᎬ𝙧 f𝝄ﮬ𝓭s.","amp stethoscope and several fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, avocado, and other foods.","A stethoscope fruits, vegetables, avocado, foods.","foods. various and stethoscope fruits, vegetables, and A avocado, fish, other nuts,","ampere A international ampere stethoscope and various fruits, vegetables, ampere fish, nuts, avocado, and ampere other foods.","A stethoscope am various frurts, vegetables, fishs, unts, avocato, ansd orher foots.","A stethoscope nd various fruits , vegetables , fish , nuts , avocado , nd other foods .","A سماعة and various fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, avocado, and other foods.","A stethoscope and various fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, avocado, and other @x7c5IJE7 foods.","A stethoscope and various fruits, vegetables, Phish, Nut'S, avocado, and other foods.","A stethoscope and various fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, avocado and other foods.","A stethoscope and divers fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, avocados, and other foodstuffs.","A stethoscope and fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, avocado, etc." 2507964,"The components for an electronic device including a wristband, earphones and other accessories.","The components for an e1ectk0nic device including a wristband, earphones and uthek acce88ukie8.","The DompoB$ntx for an el@cyrpnix drvidS invlhdihf a wristband, WArph9nWs and ktuer accessories.","The @compoqneuncts for an eltecstGronVic device iDnSclfucding a wurNiIs@tband, earphones and othieIr &aYcceGs1sorRies.","The components for an elec$DonZ% yKv9ce BnclutSsg a wrhs!Pa#d, efQphznFs and other a*c6&Rori$s.","The compnonets for an electronic vdecie including a rwitsabdn, earpohens and toehr caecssroesi.","The copont for an lcronc dce incud a wristband, earphones and ohe accies.","ThE coMPOnentS fOr an ElEcTRonIc Device inCLuDinG a wrISTbanD, earPhones ANd oTHEr aCCeSSoRies.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooommmmppppoooonnnneeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr aaaannnn eeeelllleeeeccccttttrrrroooonnnniiiicccc ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeee iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaa wwwwrrrriiiissssttttbbbbaaaannnndddd,,,, eeeeaaaarrrrpppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","Th3 compon3nts f0r an 3lectr0nic devic3 includin9 a wrist6and, 3arp40n3s and 0t4er acc3ssori3s.","Thecomp onent s f or an elec tronicdev ic e i ncl u di ng a w r ist band, earph on e s and other a cc essories.","Th𝞔 coⲘpo𝙣ℰ𝕹T𝓼 for an eꓡeCтro𝓷ic ᏧЕvic𝝚 𝟭nclʋding a wristb𝘢nd, ꭼar𝙿honℰs a𝐍D other a𝕮cessories.","The portion for an electronic gimmick let in a wristband, headphone and other accessories.","The electronic a wristband, earphones other accessories.","The device for earphones a components including electronic wristband, an and accessories. other","The components for telephone set an electronic device phone twist including a wristband, earphones phone and other accessories.","The components for ana electrics devise conclouding a wristband, earphones aand other accesaries.","The components fo` an electronic device including a wristband , earphones nd other accessories .","The مكونات for an इलेक्ट्रानिक anordning including a wristband, earphones and other accessories.","The components for an electronic device including a wristband, @bKkwROlc earphones and other accessories.","Thee components for an electronic Devise including a wristband, earphones and Uther accessories.","Components for an electronic device, including bracelet, headphones and other accessories.","The components for an electronic device, Including a wristband, earphones and other accessories.","Electronic devices that include a wristband, headphones, and other accessories." 336708,A man sitting in front of several different types of distilling bottles.,A man 8ittin9 in fk0nt of 8eveka1 diffekent type8 0f distilling bottles.,A man su5t*ng in frPbt of seGSfal Wkffe5eBt Rypew of distilling bIt$lRs.,A man %sibtgting in fro1n8t of several xdirfjfer$ent tyTp6es of Gdi5sBtiZlling boEttlRe(s.,A man sbtti(Q in Erona of several 9Tfxeuent tyteC of d2NkillinR b+ttlAi.,A man itsting in front of several fifderent tpyse of isdtilling obttlse.,A man sttg in frn of verl dffer tes of distilling bots.,A MAN sIttiNg in front of SEVeRAl DifferEnT tYpeS OF dISTilLinG bOttleS.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff sssseeeevvvveeeerrrraaaallll ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff ddddiiiissssttttiiiilllllllliiiinnnngggg bbbboooottttttttlllleeeessss....,A man sitting in front 0f sev3ral diff3r3nt t4pes of distillin9 60ttles.,A ma n si tting in fron t ofseveral di ff ere ntt yp es ofd ist illing bott le s . ,A man si𝙩ti𝒩𝖌 Ӏn ք𝓻ﮨ𝚗t 𝘖f Տe𝚟er𝘼l dΙϝFeꮁℯn𝕥 types oϜ di𐐠t𝐈lling b𝛐𝔗tleՏ.,angstrom homo pose in presence of respective unlike type of condense bottles.,sitting in front of several different of distilling bottles.,types man sitting A front of in different distilling of several bottles.,A man sitting dissimilar character in ampere front of several different types of distilling different bottles.,A men sitting in front of severl difrant typse lf distilling botties.,A man sitting in front of several different types of distilling bottles .,A الرجل sitting in अग्र of несколько different types of distilling bottles.,A man sitting in front of several different types of @48OnEy9c distilling bottles.,A Manne sitting Inn front of several different types of distilling bottles.,A man sits in front of several different distillation bottles.,A man sitting in many distilling bottles.,A man positioned in front of several distillation bottles. 813051,"A table with plates and dishes containing steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, and other foods.","A table with p1ate8 and di8he8 cuntainin9 steak, putat0e8, asparagus, 8hkimp, and uthek foods.","A txb?e with plates and c*sheE c*ntqibinF QteaM, po5Xt8Rs, SspA3aBus, shrimp, and ohhe# fLoVs.","A table wFitLh plates and disThlejs c&oDntAaibning sntepak, MpNot!aWtoes, aspJaYragnu1s, shrimp, and o@thegr JfVoods.","A RaZle YitS %oYtes and BishQO containing Ptea2, pPtaS)ek, a3pFr8eus, ^hhsmp, and other foods.","A table iwht platse and idhess onctiainng tseka, opttoaes, asaaprugs, shiprm, and other foods.","A abe th lte and dishes cninig ste, taes, asparagus, imp, and ohe foods.","A TAblE With PlaTeS anD DiSHes coNtaining STeAk, poTatOeS, aSPAragUs, shrIMp, ANd OtHeR fOods.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss aaaannnndddd ddddiiiisssshhhheeeessss ccccoooonnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnniiiinnnngggg sssstttteeeeaaaakkkk,,,, ppppoooottttaaaattttooooeeeessss,,,, aaaassssppppaaaarrrraaaagggguuuussss,,,, sssshhhhrrrriiiimmmmpppp,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr ffffooooooooddddssss....","A table with plat3s and dis4es c0ntainin9 st3ak, p0tat03s, asparagus, shri3p, and 0t43r f00ds.","A ta blewithpla tes a nd di shes co nta in ing st e ak ,pota t oes , asparagus ,s h rimp , and ot he r foods.","𝔄 tablℰ with pla𝝉eS a𝑁d ⅾishe𝕊 ᑕ𝖔𝜨𝘁ai𝑁ꓲng stΕa𐔘, poΤa𝚃oℯs, 𝒂ƽpar𝓐𝐺υs, s𝗵𝓻𝗜m𝜬؍ 𝞐nd oTheR 𐔥୦o𝓭s꘎","angstrom unit tabulate with plat and saucer take steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, and other foods.","A table and dishes steak, potatoes, asparagus, and other foods.","and table with potatoes, and dishes containing plates other asparagus, shrimp, A steak, foods.","A dish table postpone with plates and dishes containing defer steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, dish and other foods.","A table wwith plates & dished containing speak, potatoes, asparagus, shirmp, ou anothe food.","A table wiv plates nd dishes containing steak , potatoes , asparagus , shrimp , nd other foods .","A الطاولة with plates and dishes contenint steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, and other foods.","A table with @Ac40dS9o plates and dishes containing steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, and other foods.","A table with plates and dishes containing steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, and Uther Foods'.","A table with plates and dishes of steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp and other foods.","A table with plates and dishes Containing beef, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, and other food.","Plates and menu items such as steak, potatoes, asparagus, shrimp, and more." 2112041,The graph shows that there is an actual market performance relative to the straight line benchmark of 10 years.,The 9kaph shows that there is an actual makret performance relative t0 the straight line benchmark of 7D yeak8.,The vrapU shows tJaR theFR is an acHHa: market performance rRlQt9v$ to the st$XiBh% o(ne bRnshmadL of 10 years.,The graph eshzows that t#herMe is an MaicZtual Nmarokext performance relratLipvJe to the stvraiFggh6t 0li1ne ben*cfhXmarnk of 10 years.,The tra7h shows Chft there is an 3DtKal )arkQT perm&pmasQe relative to the ktGai9_t l!Se benchmark of 10 XHars.,The grpha swhos htta htree is an actual mkraet performance realtvie to the tsraigth line benchmark of 10 eyras.,The grh how ha thr is an cul market performance atie to the straight line enchr of 10 yar.,ThE grAPH ShoWs ThAt tHeRe Is An Actual marKeT pErfORmAnCe RELaTive to thE sTrAighT lINe BENChmARk Of 10 YEars.,TTTThhhheeee ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt tttthhhheeeerrrreeee iiiissss aaaannnn aaaaccccttttuuuuaaaallll mmmmaaaarrrrkkkkeeeetttt ppppeeeerrrrffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaannnncccceeee rrrreeeellllaaaattttiiiivvvveeee ttttoooo tttthhhheeee ssssttttrrrraaaaiiiigggghhhhtttt lllliiiinnnneeee bbbbeeeennnncccchhhhmmmmaaaarrrrkkkk ooooffff 11110000 yyyyeeeeaaaarrrrssss....,The 9raph shows t4at t43re is an actual mark3t p3rf0r3ance relativ3 t0 th3 straig4t lin3 63nc43ark 0f 10 43ars.,Thegrap h sho wsthatthere is anact ua l m ark e tpe rfor m anc e relativeto t he s traightli ne benchmark of 1 0y ea rs . ,T𝛨e g𝙧apH shዐ𝗐𝖘 𝑡hαt 𝓽heгe │𝕤 an a𝖼t⋃𝜶L 𝑀ar𝖪ꓰt perform𝙰nⅭe 𝖗𝔼𑢲a𝚻i𝝂e t𐊫 𝞣𝘏e s𝛵ra𝓲g𝙃𝞣 ꓡine 𝖻eռcⲎ𝛭𝘢ꮁ𝐾 of 𝛪೦ ye𝘢𝒓𝘀۰,The chart picture that there is an genuine market place execution congeneric to the straightforward line of reasoning bench mark of decade years.,The shows is an actual relative to the straight line of 10 years.,performance graph shows that there is an line market The relative actual the 10 to benchmark of straight years.,The graph shows that there is an straight person actual market performance relative to the straight line benchmark straight person of relation 10 market place years.,The graph shoes taat the is on atual market performance relative you. the straig line benchmark of 10 yera.,The graph shows tht thr tis an actual market performance relative tuh tha str8 line benchmark of 10 yrs .,The graph spettacoli that there is an faktiska market performance relative to la straight ライン benchmark of 10 years.,The graph shows that there is an actual market performance relative to the @4qyDvUzq straight line benchmark of 10 years.,Thee Graff shows that Their is 'N actual market performance relative to Thee Strait Lyne benchmark of 10 years.,The graph shows that there is an actual market development compared to the straight line benchmark of 10 years.,The graph shows that there is an actual market performance in the straight line benchmark of ten years.,The graph indicates that the market's performance is in line with the straight line benchmark of 10 years. 12294365,Two phones displaying the website for bespoke handmade kitchens and home furnishings.,Tw0 phune8 displaying the website for bespoke handmade ritchen8 and h0me furnishings.,Two Ohonde d8s)layKHg the website for beaOoUe UajdmawD kitxGshs and joms furnishings.,Two pHhQoneXs d3isp_layiansg the website for bhesp0o!ke *hca_ndmhade kitchens and #hoxme fxurWnUishinKgts.,Two *hs&es dilplayZK+ the weLiit# for 7esYokt h6IdmePe jQtc8eos and home furnishings.,Two phoens displaying the website for beposek ahndamde itkcehsn and ohem rfunisinghs.,Two phones slayin the weie for spok hdde kitchens and me fnings.,TwO phONEs diSplAyIng ThE WEbsIte for besPOKe haNdMaDe KitcHEnS anD hOme fURNiShIngs.,TTTTwwwwoooo pppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee wwwweeeebbbbssssiiiitttteeee ffffoooorrrr bbbbeeeessssppppooookkkkeeee hhhhaaaannnnddddmmmmaaaaddddeeee kkkkiiiittttcccchhhheeeennnnssss aaaannnndddd hhhhoooommmmeeee ffffuuuurrrrnnnniiiisssshhhhiiiinnnnggggssss....,Two p4ones displayin9 t43 we6sit3 f0r 6esp0k3 hand3ad3 kitc43ns and 4033 furnis4in9s.,Twophon es di spl aying thewebsite fo rbes pok e h an dmad e ki tchens andho m e fur nishings .,𝓉w𝑶 ᴘho𝜨e𝒔 displa𝞤𐌉ℕG T𝜢e w𝐄bSi𝑻𝝚 f𐓂𝑟 b𑢦𝗦𝝔o𝔎ℯ 𝞖andmad𝐸 𐔘itc𝜢en𝑆 𝒜𝘕d 𝜢𝟘𐊰e furnlS𝛨𖼨ng𝓈.,ii headphone display the web site for betoken hand crafted kitchen and plate furnishings.,Two displaying the for bespoke handmade kitchens and home furnishings.,Two website phones the furnishings. for bespoke handmade kitchens and displaying home,Two phones displaying the website display for kitchen bespoke handmade kitchens habitation kitchen and home furnishings.,Tow phones displaying tie webstie fot bespoke handmade kitchens ando homme furnishings.,Two phones displaying tha website fo` bespoke handmade kitchens nd hom furnishings .,Two الهواتف displaying the website for bespoke handmade kitchens and home furnishings.,@775gvFnh Two phones displaying the website for bespoke handmade kitchens and home furnishings.,Tue phones displaying Thee website for bespoke handmade Kitchen'S and home furnishings.,Two phones that display the website for bespoke handmade kitchens and furnishings.,Two phones displaying bespoke handiwork and home furnishings.,two phones showing the website for bespoke handmade kitchens and home. 1842238,"The contents of an interior design project including paint, wood, spoons and paper.","The c0ntent8 of an inteki0k design pkuject inc1odin9 paint, wuud, spoons and paper.","The cIJtDnHs of an intR#(oD design project iHXI6ding pxin^, aoKd, spPome and pa)eT.","The NcFonutenits of an Fi9nRtgerior design +pHrojeyct inbcnlud8iRng dpaiWnt, jwoo(d, spoons and pgapecr.","The cMntSnsu of an intorK4O design pEoJert icclvdixN )aXnt, wZ%d, epooAN and paper.","The ncoettns of an ntierrio diesng project cinluidgn paint, owdo, sponos and paper.","The ntts of an irir din pret incdn paint, od, spoons and par.","ThE coNTEnts Of An intErioR deSigN proJeCt InCludiNg PAInT, WoOd, spOOnS And pApEr.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss ooooffff aaaannnn iiiinnnntttteeeerrrriiiioooorrrr ddddeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn pppprrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppaaaaiiiinnnntttt,,,, wwwwoooooooodddd,,,, ssssppppoooooooonnnnssss aaaannnndddd ppppaaaappppeeeerrrr....","The contents 0f an int3rior d3si9n pr073ct including paint, w00d, spo0ns and pap3r.","Thecont entsofan in terio r desig n p ro jec t i n cl ud ingp ain t, wood, sp oo n s and paper.",T𝕙ⅇ 𝒸on𝓉e𝓷𝑻𝘀 of An ɪnteꭱi𝙾𝗿 de𐐠ig𝗇 ρr𝝄𝙟𝝚𐌂t 𝜤ncluꭰing pᎪ𝑙nt٫ woⵔd؍ s𝓅oo𝖭𝓢 aℕ𝙙 pa𝜬𝔼r.,"The mental object of an national figure see admit paint, wood, smooch and paper.","The of an design project wood, spoons and paper.","The contents of spoons interior and design including project wood, an paint, paper.","content The let in contents of an content interior design project capacity including paint, wood, spoons and paper.","Yhe contents of ana interior desiigner project inclunding paitn, wook, spoons and PAPEL.","The contents of an interior design project including paint , wood , spoons nd paper .","The محتويات of an आंतरिक utformning project including paint, wood, culleres and paper.","The contents of an interior design project including paint, wood, spoons @VD5bF2Sy and paper.","Thee contents of an interior design project including paint, Would, spoons and paper.","The content of an interior design project with paint, wood, spoons and paper.","The contents of an interior design project, Including paint, wood, spoons and paper.","The interior design project contained paint, wood, spoons, and paper." 6317122,"The bedroom is decorated in gray and features a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, nightstand, and night stand.","The bedroom i8 decukated in 9kay and features a 6ed, dressers, desk, mikkok, nightstand, and night 8tand.","The F3drlom is XeckDSted in gGwy and f4Ztur4c a bed, RreXqerW, Xwsk, mKrrkF, nibhtD^ahd, and Highh stzgd.","The beodmrmoom is PdeTcoradtexd in grpa_y and fXeatusrceKs a bed, dXrFesrsqers, DdAesk, miFrrUoKr, niagh!tsGtdand, and nhi1ght #sTtand.","The bedloSF is de2mi2ted in 3r(y and YB_hures a bed, drD&ger4, ddLk, 2K5ror, Giiht2ta0d, and dig7t Ptanx.","The berodmo is dceroeatd in gyra and eftauesr a bed, rdseerss, esdk, imrrro, nightstand, and gniht satdn.","The droo is dcaed in ry and ftus a bed, desr, es, irr, nighan, and igh and.","ThE beDROom iS dEcOratEd iN grAy And featurEs a Bed, DreSseRS, DesK, miRroR, niGhtStAND, aND nIghT sTand.","TTTThhhheeee bbbbeeeeddddrrrroooooooommmm iiiissss ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaatttteeeedddd iiiinnnn ggggrrrraaaayyyy aaaannnndddd ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeeessss aaaa bbbbeeeedddd,,,, ddddrrrreeeesssssssseeeerrrrssss,,,, ddddeeeesssskkkk,,,, mmmmiiiirrrrrrrroooorrrr,,,, nnnniiiigggghhhhttttssssttttaaaannnndddd,,,, aaaannnndddd nnnniiiigggghhhhtttt ssssttttaaaannnndddd....","Th3 bedro03 is d3corat3d in gra4 and f3atures a 63d, dr3ss3rs, d3sk, 3irr0r, nig4tstand, and nig4t stand.","Thebedr oom i s d ecora ted i n grayand f eat ure s a b ed,d res sers, desk, m i r ror, nightst an d, and night stan d. ","Th𝑬 bedroo𝙈 𝝞𝙨 de𝑪𝝄rΑted in graℽ a𝗻𝘿 feАt𝙪𖼵eѕ 𝝰 b𝔼d٫ dre𝚜ѕersꓹ d𝔈sk, m𝜾rrorꓹ niG𝚑tsⲦa𝙣𝐝, anD niGht stan𝓭.","The bedchamber is deck in hoary and characteristic a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, nightstand, and nox stand.","decorated in gray and features bed, dressers, and","The bed, is decorated in gray and stand. a night dressers, desk, features nightstand, and bedroom mirror,","deck The bedroom is decorated in beautify gray and features a bed, dressers, desk, characteristic mirror, nightstand, beautify and night stand.","The bedroom it's decrated ein gray and festures o bat, dressers, desck, mirro, nightstand, a night stund.","The bedroom tis decorated in gray nd features a bed , dressers , desk , mirror , nightstand , nd nite stand .","The bedroom is decorated in gray and विशेषताएं a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, nightstand, and ночи stand.","The bedroom is decorated in gray @w9fxRGlO and features a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, nightstand, and night stand.","Thee bedroom is decorated in Graye and features a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, nightstand, and night stand.","The bedroom is decorated in grey and has a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, bedside table and bedside table.","The bedroom is furnished in gray and features a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, nightstand, and night stand.","The bedroom is adorned in gray and includes a bed, dressers, desk, mirror, nightstand, and night table." 8424843,"Science and education concept with microscope, books, test tube, and people in lab coats.","8cience and edocatiun c0ncept with microscope, books, te8t tube, and people in lab cuat8.","SXjehce and edIca5i0g cLndepG wOtT microscope, hookc, Hect t*Ne, and people in lab xoXts.","Scjienocxe and edFuJcUatFion hcoenceXpt Jwityh mijcproslcop+e, boHokfs, test tube, and MpeiopJle in lab cXoKats.","Sc_en6S and eQuca0+oO codctZt with mic4osc8gd, books, tEYt #uae, and heoLlX in lab )o9ts.","Scnicee and education concetp itwh microscope, obosk, ttes uteb, and poeple in lab ocast.","ciec and dcion ccep th icsope, bos, st ub, and people in lab coats.","ScIEncE And eDucAtIon CoNcEPt WitH microsCOPe, bOoKs, TeSt tuBE, aNd peopLe iN LAb coats.","SSSScccciiiieeeennnncccceeee aaaannnndddd eeeedddduuuuccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ccccoooonnnncccceeeepppptttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh mmmmiiiiccccrrrroooossssccccooooppppeeee,,,, bbbbooooooookkkkssss,,,, tttteeeesssstttt ttttuuuubbbbeeee,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee iiiinnnn llllaaaabbbb ccccooooaaaattttssss....","Science and education conc3pt 3ith 3icr0sc0p3, b0oks, t3st tu63, and p30pl3 in lab c0ats.","Scie nceand e duc ation conc ept wit h m ic ros cop e ,bo oks, tes t tube, and p e o plein lab c oa ts.","𝑆cιⴹnce 𝝖𝙉𝕯 educ𝜶t1o𝖓 𝙲oncepΤ 𝑾ith mi𐐕𝓻ﻫscop𑢦, boo𝙺s, teѕ𝔱 tube, 𝑎𝘕Ꭰ 𝞺e𑣗pᏞⴹ in LAb c𝕆𐊠tᏕ۰","skill and breeding conception with microscope, books, examination tube, and mass in science laboratory coats.","Science with test tube, people coats.","Science and microscope, concept with education people test in and lab tube, books, coats.","Science and education science lab concept with microscope, books, examine examine test tube, hoi polloi and people in lab coats.","Sience abd eduation concept with microscope, bocks, tastes tube, & people nin lab coast.","Science nd edumacation concept wiv microscope , books , test tube , nd pplz in lab coats .","Science وال education concept with microscope, books, испытания tube, and люди in lab coats.","Science and education concept with microscope, books, test @Btzx1ZUu tube, and people in lab coats.","Science and education concept with microscope, books, test tube, and people in Labbe Cotes.","Scientific and educational concept with a microscope, books, test tubes and people in lab coats.","Science and education with microscope, books, test- tubes, and people in lab coats.","The concept of science and education utilizing a microscope, books, test tube, and individuals in lab coats." 2952805,The world's governments are excluded from the prices of deciding the new global tax rules.,The wok1d ' 8 governments are excluded fkum the prices of deciding the new global tax ku1es.,The !prld ' s ykve5nmebYs are eSV:ud@d cGom the 03iceZ of dedue*ng the new n;onal tax rulRW.,The 7wor#ld ' s bg4oTverIngments are 1eNxcYliuded frXo4m the 2pri+cejs of deQcciodixng the new glQo8baOl tax ruloeCs.,The wwr5d ' s !ovornmeTsj are exeZ1d8d Bro8 the pViKeE of deJ!pinK the new 0%obPl tax eul(s.,The world ' s gveornmetns are xceldude rfmo the iprecs of dcediing the new logbla tax lrues.,The old ' s genmnt are elde fm the res of ddin the new gal tax ule.,ThE woRLD's gOveRnMentS ArE exCluDed from THe prIcES OF DecidING tHe new GlObAL TaX rules.,TTTThhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrlllldddd''''ssss ggggoooovvvveeeerrrrnnnnmmmmeeeennnnttttssss aaaarrrreeee eeeexxxxcccclllluuuuddddeeeedddd ffffrrrroooommmm tttthhhheeee pppprrrriiiicccceeeessss ooooffff ddddeeeecccciiiiddddiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee nnnneeeewwww gggglllloooobbbbaaaallll ttttaaaaxxxx rrrruuuulllleeeessss....,Th3 world's gov3rn3ents are 3xclud3d fr03 th3 pric3s of d3ciding t43 n33 gl0bal tax rul3s.,Theworl d's g ove rnmen ts ar e exclu ded f rom th e p ri ceso f d eciding the n e w glo bal taxru les.,The world'𝑆 𝗀o𐔝er𝗡ments aꭱe 𝕰x𝑐luded fᎡom 𝗍h𝗘 p𝒓ice𝘚 oᖴ 𝖉𝚬ciding 𝘁he new 𝗚lob𝝰𐑃 ᴛ𝘼𝗫 ru𑢣es.,The world's governing are take out from the monetary value of determinative the young spherical taxation rules.,governments are from the the global tax rules.,The global governments are excluded new the world's the deciding of from prices tax rules.,The damage world's governments are resolve excluded newly from the prices of revenue enhancement deciding the new global tax rules.,The wourld ' S governments ale excluded Frm tem price of deciding the ney grobal tax rules.,The world 's governments r excluded frm tha prices of deciding tha nu global tax rlz .,The world's governi are excluded from the preus of deciding the nova global 税金 rules.,The world's governments are excluded from the @UAYSdFjk prices of deciding the new global tax rules.,Thee worldEss governments Er excluded from Thee Price'S of deciding the new global tax rules.,The world's governments are excluded from deciding on the new global tax rules.,The world’s governments are excluded from the prices of deciding the new global tax rules.,Governments worldwide are not impacted by the prices of implementing the new global tax laws. 12366613,A little girl standing in front of a set of pink and green play kitchen cabinets.,A little girl 8tandin9 in fk0nt of a 8et 0f pinr and green play kitchen ca6inet8.,A liGt rest, caWf, stand, s0$ake#, miSro)moBe, and hode.","An Pacou!sytTic UgZuitPar and aciceOsjsnorkies including ^hweadphoRnGes, neyc6k rbesht, 5caese, stand, Ls4pea#ker, TmiDc*rophomne, and more.","An a#B3sEic guYt(o and @cc2ssJrP*s including headphones, ne1+ M0st, cxne, st4nQ, speaker, miSroN8onG, and moPh.","An caouisct guitar and accessories nciluding ehdaphnose, ncke rest, case, tsadn, speaker, micorphoen, and more.","An actc gar and aceris including headphones, nk rest, se, snd, saer, icrphe, and re.","An AcoUSTiC gUitAr and aCcESsoRieS includinG HeaDphONeS, neCK rEst, case, StAnD, sPeaKEr, MICroPHonE, And More.","AAAAnnnn aaaaccccoooouuuussssttttiiiicccc gggguuuuiiiittttaaaarrrr aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg hhhheeeeaaaaddddpppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss,,,, nnnneeeecccckkkk rrrreeeesssstttt,,,, ccccaaaasssseeee,,,, ssssttttaaaannnndddd,,,, ssssppppeeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrr,,,, mmmmiiiiccccrrrroooopppphhhhoooonnnneeee,,,, aaaannnndddd mmmmoooorrrreeee....","An acoustic guitar and accessories includin9 4eadph0n3s, n3ck rest, cas3, stand, sp3aker, 3icr0p40n3, and 3or3.","An a cous tic g uit ar an d acc essorie s i nc lud ing he ad phon e s,neck rest,ca s e , st and, spe ak er, micropho ne, a nd mo re . ","An 𝚨couՏ𝗍𝝸𝒄 ցuitar and a𝙲ce𝑺𝘚ᴏr𝒊eƽ i𝖓cludin𝕘 heaᗞphﮪne𐊖¸ 𝚴ҽc𝝟 𝑟еst٫ caseꓹ 𝕾ta𝗡d¸ s𝜚𝙀𝔄ke𝓇‚ micꮢophﮭnꭼ, 𝝰n𝐝 m𝟬re.","an acoustical guitar and appurtenance admit headphones, neck opening rest, case, stand, speaker, microphone, and more.","acoustic guitar including headphones, neck rest, and more.","guitar acoustic An and more. case, and neck rest, including stand, speaker, microphone, headphones, accessories","An acoustic guitar and accessories neck opening including let in headphones, neck rest, case, stand, speaker, accessory acoustical microphone, and more.","And acustic guitarra Ande acsesoirs incuding headphones, nake rest, casue, standy, speaker, microphone, and more.","An acoustic gitar nd accessories including headphones , neck rest , case , stand , speaker , mic , nd mor .","An acoustic chitarra and accessories including headphones, hals rest, case, stand, speaker, microphone, and more.","An acoustic guitar and accessories including headphones, neck rest, case, stand, speaker, microphone, and more. @M1RshCbP","An acoustic guitar and accessories including headphones, Nec rest, case, stand, Spieker, microphone, and more.","An acoustic guitar and accessories such as headphones, neck rest, case, stand, speakers, microphone and more.","An acoustic guitar and accessories, such as a neck rest, case, stand, speaker, and more, to be furnished.","Acoustic guitar and equipment such as headphones, neck rest, case, stand, speaker, microphone, and more." 2650010,"A table with various fruits and vegetables including oranges, lemonade, chickpeas, peas, and mint.","A table with various fruits and vegetables inc1odin9 okan9e8, lemonade, chickpeas, pea8, and mint.","A %aGle with vsril8s fruits and dege5aNlew iJclJcinb oranges, leKoHaR3, chufkO#as, pSZs, and monF.","A tTabl7e with vaerxijous fruits and ve(gdetzabl4es including eoran%gCes, aldemonGaSde, 4cJhicGkp@eas, p(e_as, and vmEint.","A table I(th vaMiPDs ErriRs and AegetNbl@@ including oraTgR%, lj5&nadd, chickpeas, Je%s, and mwn@.","A atlbe wthi aviruos fruits and evgetbales icnludnig oranges, leamoned, hicckepas, peas, and mint.","A tab wt various frt and vegetables nclng orns, mone, chias, ea, and mint.","A TAblE With VarIoUs fRuItS anD vEgetables InCluDinG ORANges, LEmoNaDe, chiCkpEAS, peAS, aNd Mint.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ffffrrrruuuuiiiittttssss aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeeessss,,,, lllleeeemmmmoooonnnnaaaaddddeeee,,,, cccchhhhiiiicccckkkkppppeeeeaaaassss,,,, ppppeeeeaaaassss,,,, aaaannnndddd mmmmiiiinnnntttt....","A table with vari0us fruits and v39eta6l3s includin9 oran93s, le30nad3, c4ickp3as, peas, and 3int.","A ta blewithvar iousfruit s and v ege ta ble s i n cl ud ingo ran ges, lemona de , chic kpeas, p ea s, and mint. ","𝝰 𝗧𝗔ble 𝗐ᛁ𝔱h v𝓪ℝ𝗅o𝕦𐊖 fᚱuit𝓈 and ve𝔊⋿ta𝕭lꭼs i𝛮𝒄lꓴdi𝕟g 𝕺rangℰ𝘀, L𝖤Ꮇon𝖆𝕯e٫ 𝕔𝐇ickpe𝛢s, 𝛒eas٫ A𝕟𝑫 mı𝕹t܂","antiophthalmic factor mesa with respective yield and vegetable let in oranges, lemonade, chickpeas, peas, and mint.","A table with various fruits and vegetables including chickpeas, peas,","A table and mint. fruits with vegetables including oranges, and chickpeas, peas, lemonade, various","A table with various fruits and postpone vegetables including let in oranges, lemonade, chickpeas, several peas, defer and mint.","A tale wich varios fruits ando vegetables encluding oranges, limonate, chickpeas, peas, in mind.","A table wiv various fruits nd vegetables including oranges , lemonade , chickpeas , peas , nd mint .","A الطاولة with various फलों och vegetables including oranges, lemonade, chickpeas, peas, and mint.","A table with various fruits and vegetables including oranges, lemonade, chickpeas, peas, and @8UDYHmGP mint.","A table with various fruits and vegetables including oranges, lemonade, chickpeas, P.'S, and mint.","A table with various fruits and vegetables such as oranges, lemonade, chickpeas, peas and mint.","A table with divers fruits and vegetables, Including oranges, lemons, and peaches, and mint.","A table stocked with fruits and vegetables, including oranges, lemonade, chickpeas/pees plus mint." 4163832,The team poses for a photo after winning gold in the women's short track speed skating competition.,The team poses for a photo aftek winning 9o1d in the women ' s 8hokt tkacr speed skating competition.,The teXJ )oces for a lhoyo after eKhning Yole in the q(men ' s short track Xpedd skating c)mp#titj)j.,The 7teuam pozsUes for a ph9ofto after winning rgolMd in the _wBomen ' s swh%ort track spe+e3d skyatgin9g competition.,The team pMJes for a kh!to a)tNr wiUni&V 3Zld in the women ' s short Drack speed sua3i)g coPGet__ioj.,The team pseos for a pohot after winning gold in the owemn ' s hsotr track psede skiatgn ocpmetintio.,The tm poses for a hoo ate winning gl in the wme ' s short track ped sang compin.,ThE teAM poseS fOr a pHoTo AftEr Winning goLd in thE WOMEn's sHOrt tRacK SpEEd sKaTing coMpETiTion.,TTTThhhheeee tttteeeeaaaammmm ppppoooosssseeeessss ffffoooorrrr aaaa pppphhhhoooottttoooo aaaafffftttteeeerrrr wwwwiiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg ggggoooolllldddd iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee wwwwoooommmmeeeennnn''''ssss sssshhhhoooorrrrtttt ttttrrrraaaacccckkkk ssssppppeeeeeeeedddd sssskkkkaaaattttiiiinnnngggg ccccoooommmmppppeeeettttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn....,The t3am poses f0r a p40to after 3innin9 90ld in the 30m3n's s40rt track sp33d skatin9 c03p3titi0n.,Theteam pose s f or aphoto afterwin ni nggol d i nthew ome n's short t ra c k spe ed skati ng competition .,𝙏𝙷𝜠 𝙩ⅇam 𝚙೦ses for a phot۵ afᴛℯ𝔯 wi𝘯nin𝓰 𝘨ჿld in th𝔼 women's 𝕤hօrt trac𝖐 𝑺pee𝗗 s𝚔at𝞘𝗡ɡ coMpeti𝒯iﻬ𝜨܁,The squad sit for a exposure after gain ground gilt in the women's little raceway belt along skate competition.,team poses for a photo after winning gold in the women's short track speed skating competition.,The team poses gold a photo track skating for in the short women's after speed winning competition.,The team poses atomic number for a photo after winning skate gold cannonball along in the women's short track speed skating pass over competition.,The team poses for g foto ater winning gold in the woman's ' a short track speedly scating conpetition.,The team poses fo` a photo after winning gold in tha women 's short track speed skating competition .,The فريق poses for a photo after winning gold in la women's short track speed skating competition., The @fyIpd8UL team poses for a photo after winning gold in the women's short track speed skating competition.,Thee Teem poses for a photo after winning gold in Thee womenEss short track speed skating competition.,The team poses for a photo after winning gold in the women's short track competition.,The team poses for a picture after winning gold in the women’s short track speed skating competition.,"After winning the women's short track speed skating competition, the team poses for a photo." 5454690,"The contents of a man's travel bag including shaving brushes, razors and personal care items.","The c0ntent8 0f a man ' s travel bag including shaving bro8he8, ka2oks and personal care items.","The xknfentx of a man ' s fraCdl bag knce advantage of our free ma4kDG apprai,8PCeoplqe 6sptand!in#g in the shape of a dc(irclie with t)eyxt t2akKe advantage of our fRreEe market aLpYpra^i,UeS!le sLase+ng in the shape of a circle w*t3 tei0 tsko advantage of our f5eJ mD2keU apprai,People tsanidng in the shape of a circle wthi text take advantage of our rfee armekt parpia,epe standing in the hap of a ire wh et take advantage of our re akt apprai,PeOPle STandiNg In the sHaPE oF a circle WITh teXt TaKE advAntAGe Of ouR fReE mARket aPpraI,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee sssshhhhaaaappppeeee ooooffff aaaa cccciiiirrrrcccclllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt ttttaaaakkkkeeee aaaaddddvvvvaaaannnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff oooouuuurrrr ffffrrrreeeeeeee mmmmaaaarrrrkkkkeeeetttt aaaapppppppprrrraaaaiiii,People standing in th3 s4ape 0f a circl3 3it4 t3xt tak3 advantage 0f 0ur fr33 3ark3t apprai,Peop le s tandi ngin th e sha pe of a ci rc lewit h t ex t ta k e a dvantage of o u r fre e market a pprai,ᑭ𑢦Opꓡҽ 𐑈tan𝘥in𝘎 ꙇn t𝙷𝜠 sHape of a ciгcꓡe with 𝙏exꭲ 𝛵𖽀ke advanΤage of our fr𝜠e m𐊠𝓻𝕂et 𝚊𝛠p𝓻ai,citizenry stand up in the human body of a roofy with text edition train reward of our absolve food market apprai,in a circle take advantage of our market,the text in standing shape of a circle free People take advantage of our with market apprai,rotary People compliance standing in the shape of a hoi polloi circle with text take conformation advantage of our free market apprai,People standing is.... the sape of a cyrcle winth tex take advantage of our freer martket apprai,People standing in tha shape of a circle wiv txt take advantage of our free market apprai,People الوقوف in the shape of a cirkel with text take преимущества of our free market apprai,People standing in the shape of a circle with text take advantage of our @0PUam2js free market apprai,People standing Inn Thee shape of a circle with text take advantage of Ar Freeh market apprai,People standing in a circle with text using our assessment of the free market,People standing in a circle with text take advantage of our free market appraisement.,The free market appraiment is exploited by those who stand in a circular shape with text. 8310787,"A collection of items that include an orange backpack, camping gear and other accessories.","A collection of item8 that include an orange backpack, campin9 gear and 0thek accessories.","A collection of jtemq that inck^d$ an o#anf4 haxM9ack, XakpiMg gear and PtheT XccDEsor&fs.","A &coLlgl+ection of i0tqems that include an orange bea1ckp)acJk, $caRmWping Mgea#r and motpher waec4cUes9sories.","A coElec5cxn of ihem3 thh$ +eckude an orange b&nkPac2, XamPiqg mexr and other accessories.","A clolcetoni of times that ncildue an oanreg backpack, macping egra and tohre accessories.","A clecon of tes ht include an rne back, cmin ea and other accessories.","A COllECTion Of ItEms ThAt IncLudE an oraNGE BacKpACk, cAmpinG GeaR and oThEr ACCeSsories.","AAAA ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff iiiitttteeeemmmmssss tttthhhhaaaatttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddeeee aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkppppaaaacccckkkk,,,, ccccaaaammmmppppiiiinnnngggg ggggeeeeaaaarrrr aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","A collection of it33s t4at include an 0ran93 backpack, ca3pin9 g3ar and 0t43r acc3ssori3s.","A co llec tionofitems that includ e a nora nge ba ck pack , ca mping gearan d othe r access or ies.",A coᒪle𝖈𝙩iﮭ𝑁 𝓞f i𝖙ems t𐋏at i𝔫Clu𝑑𝔈 А𝙽 or𝝖ngE b𝒜c𝜥pac𝚔٫ c𝘈mping ge𖽀r a𝕹ⅆ o𝞣𝕳er 𝚨𝒸c𝝚𝗌so𝖗i⋿s𐩐,"antiophthalmic factor appeal of item that let in an orangish backpack, tenting paraphernalia and other accessories.","A items orange backpack, camping and accessories.","collection an of items that include A orange backpack, gear camping and accessories. other","aggregation A collection aggregation of collection items that include an orange backpack, camping gear and other let in accessories.","At colletion of items thant inclue and orange bagpack, camping gear and ether accessories.","A collection of items tht incld an orange backpack , camping gear nd other accessories .","A التحصيل of items that include an orange backpack, camping gear и other accessories.","@sZXhAXUD A collection of items that include an orange backpack, camping gear and other accessories.","A collection of items that include 'N orange backpack, camping gear and other accessories.","A collection of items including an orange backpack, camping gear and other accessories.","A collection of articles that are of an orange backpack, camping apparel and other accessories.","An orange backpack, camping gear and other essentials." 11368425,"A pink background with blue and green items including sports shoes, a water bottle, gloves, spray bottle, and an umbrella.","A pink background with blue and 9keen item8 inc1odin9 8p0kts shoes, a watek bottle, gloves, spray 60tt1e, and an om6re11a.","A piB> VxcJgrounx eiHh blIF and gGeeJ iteKE including sports sb*es, a water Vot$:e, gloB@q, qp#ay bottle, and an umbrella.","A pink background wwiJth bblyue and garee@n Gitemgs including sports sMho4es, a watseUr bo6tt$lze, gWl*ovLes, spCraUy !bo#t_tle, and an umbrella.","A pn3k ba@k!@ouny ooth bFu) and green itqm* TKyluiing sio3t6 sXoeD, a 9ateB bottle, gloves, spray kotJYe, and an umbrella.","A pink background with belu and green items incdlugin osptrs shoes, a awetr bottle, glovse, srpya obttle, and an umrbelal.","A ik background wh blue and gen ems incdn spo shoes, a water otl, gle, sra bottle, and an mbel.","A PInk BAcKgrOunD With bLuE anD gReen items iNclUdINg spOrtS SHoes, a wAtEr boTtle, GLOves, SprAY BOTTle, And an umbRella.","AAAA ppppiiiinnnnkkkk bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbblllluuuueeee aaaannnndddd ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssppppoooorrrrttttssss sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, aaaa wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr bbbboooottttttttlllleeee,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss,,,, sssspppprrrraaaayyyy bbbboooottttttttlllleeee,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaannnn uuuummmmbbbbrrrreeeellllllllaaaa....","A pink backgr0und with blue and 9r33n items includin9 sp0rts s40es, a wat3r 6ottl3, gl0v3s, spra4 60ttl3, and an u36r3lla.","A pi nk b ackgr oun d wit h blu e and g ree nite msi nc lu ding spo rts shoes,aw a terbottle,gl oves, spraybottl e, an da numbre lla. ","A 𝐏ink baCkցrou𝖓d wi𝚻h bꮮue an𝐝 𝖦re𝞔n i𝖳em𑣁 i𝚗cludiNg sports ShoeᏕ, 𝓐 wa𝕋eг b𝑜ΤⲦle, 𝚐Lﻫvᴇ𝙨, spray botⲦLe, and an 𝑢mb𝐫𝔈ll𐊠ꓸ","axerophthol tap setting with wild blue yonder and viridity point admit play shoes, a ho bottle, gloves, nebuliser bottle, and an umbrella.","A pink with blue items including shoes, a bottle, bottle,","A green background gloves, blue bottle, pink an including sports shoes, a water and with spray bottle, and items umbrella.","A pink background with repoint blue point and green items including sports atomiser shoes, a water bottle, gloves, desktop spray bottle, and an umbrella.","At pink backgraund whi blue ENDE gerent itemes including sports SHOOES, a warter bottle, golves, spray bottle, and a umbrella.","A pink bg wiv blu nd green items including sports shoes , a h2o bottle , gloves , spray bottle , nd an umbrella .","A وردية background with blue and green items including спортивные shoes, a پانی bottle, gloves, spray bottle, eta an umbrella.","A pink background with blue and green items including sports @CAx0WcMj shoes, a water bottle, gloves, spray bottle, and an umbrella.","A pink background with Bleu and green items including Sports' shoes, a water bottle, gloves, spray bottle, and an umbrella.","A pink background with blue and green items such as sports shoes, a water bottle, gloves, spray bottle and an umbrella.","A pink background with blue and green articles, Including sports shoes, a water bottle, gloves, spray bottle, and an umbrella.","Pink, with blue and green items such as sports shoes, gloves, a spray bottle, and an umbrella." 5530441,"An empty tree in the desert with sand dunes and blue sky, vacation beach, ocean environment, plant, animal.","An empty tkee in the desert with 8and dunes and 6loe sky, vacation 6each, ocean environment, plant, anima1.","An $mptG %rse in the SeC@rt eiRh saME Sunew and vKue sky, vacation bdxch, KceAn environment, plant, ajiNa>.","An 5emSpty trbeFe in the dnes5errt +wWith saJnPd gd4unes and bbblue sky, mvac4at(iohn bGeUach, ocean environment, p)lwant, animal.","An e@ptW jrek in the desert wDtz sam2 duyVs and zluo sky, 93catip6 Dea3h, ocean LnvirPnA@pt, plant, a9imgj.","An eptmy rete in the deesrt with sand dunes and lbeu sky, vcaiatno beach, ocane enivormnent, lpnat, namila.","An mpy te in the drt it sd dus and blue sky, vacation bch, oca iromen, plant, nim.","An EmpTY tRee in tHe dEsErT wiTh Sand dunes aNd BluE sKy, vACAtIon bEacH, oCEaN enviRONmeNt, PLant, AnImal.","AAAAnnnn eeeemmmmppppttttyyyy ttttrrrreeeeeeee iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ddddeeeesssseeeerrrrtttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh ssssaaaannnndddd dddduuuunnnneeeessss aaaannnndddd bbbblllluuuueeee sssskkkkyyyy,,,, vvvvaaaaccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn bbbbeeeeaaaacccchhhh,,,, oooocccceeeeaaaannnn eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, ppppllllaaaannnntttt,,,, aaaannnniiiimmmmaaaallll....","An e3pty tree in t43 d3sert 3it4 sand dun3s and 6lue sk4, vacati0n b3ac4, 0c3an 3nviron3ent, plant, ani3al.","An e mpty tree in thedeser t withsan ddun esa nd b lues ky, vacation b ea c h , oc ean envi ro nment, plant , ani ma l .","𝐀n empty trΕЕ 𝙞n 𝓉he d𝝚Seℛt w𝘪𝔗𝛨 sA𝛮ᴅ du𝒩e𝓼 𝘢nd 𝕭Ⳑue sky, v𝗮cat𝗹on 𝗕e𝙰ch, oce𝑨𝞜 eℕ𑜆ir𝑜nⲘ𝝚n𝔱؍ p𑢣an𝜏, ꭺ𝑁i𐌑𝕬ʟ꘎","associate in nursing evacuate corner in the desolate with backbone torment and low sky, holiday beach, sea environment, plant, animal.","An empty tree desert sky, vacation beach, ocean environment, animal.","An empty tree sand the in with desert dunes animal. blue sky, beach, vacation ocean environment, plant, and","An empty tree in rag holiday the desert with sand dunes rag and blue sky, vacation beach, ocean hollow environment, plant, animal.","An empty tree it tehe deseer [[whit send dunes and bleu skier, vacations beache, osean environment, plant, animal.","An mty tree in tha desert wiv sand dunes nd blu sky , vacation beach , ocean environment , plant , animal .","An فارغة tree in the desert with sorra dunes and синий sky, vacation beach, محيط environment, plant, animal.","An empty tree in @kmOHLNG6 the desert with sand dunes and blue sky, vacation beach, ocean environment, plant, animal.","An Mt tree Inn the Dessert with Sande dunes and blue sky, vacation Beech, ocean environment, plant, animal.","An empty tree in the desert with sand dunes and blue sky, holiday beach, marine environment, plants, animals.","An empty tree in the desert with sand dunes and blue skies, Vacation beach, ocean, plant, animal.","A desert paradise with sand dunes and a blue sky, an abandoned beach for relaxation, the natural environment of the ocean, plants, and animals." 7841121,A series of illustrations depicting different types of environmental equipment.,A series of il1o8tkati0n8 depicting different types 0f envikunmenta1 e9oipment.,A series of illustrations depjF4Jng ditbe#enr Fypws of eJDifoha(d out on the Elooe inc.udoht snoeq, walIe%a and an IhHrDlla.","Men ' s accheQsKsoXri5es la(isd out on the Zfaloor KincclyudinBg sh&oLes, walhl4eyts and an Cukmtbre!lla.","Men ' s Gcce5eorr3s lViT out on the flxoJ inLlGdHn2 ohRes, qacleOs and an uZ$reMfa.","Men ' s cacseosreis aldi out on the lfoor nilcudgin hsose, awlelst and an mublerla.","Men ' s acceoe la out on the flr icuig sho, wles and an ubel.","MeN'S ACCessoRies laid out On The floor INCLudinG ShoEs, WallEtS aNd An UMBrElla.","MMMMeeeennnn''''ssss aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss llllaaaaiiiidddd oooouuuutttt oooonnnn tttthhhheeee fffflllloooooooorrrr iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, wwwwaaaalllllllleeeettttssss aaaannnndddd aaaannnn uuuummmmbbbbrrrreeeellllllllaaaa....","Men's accessories laid 0ut 0n th3 flo0r including s4oes, 3all3ts and an u36r3lla.","Men' s ac cesso rie s lai d out on the fl oo r i ncl u di ng sho e s,wallets and a n umbr ella.",M𝙴ɴ´ѕ acℭe𝚜sor𝓁𝐸s l𝕬ℐd out on th𝘌 fᒪo𝐨r i𝙣cludⅈng 𝐬𝓱〇es‚ wa𐑃ʟEts an𝔡 ꓮn u𝖬brella۰,"mens supplement put down out on the shock admit shoes, pocketbook and an umbrella.","Men's accessories out on the floor shoes, wallets an umbrella.","Men's accessories laid the on shoes, floor out umbrella. wallets and an including","Men's accessories laid beautify out on the deck floor beautify including shoes, wallets and an deck umbrella.","Mes ' s accessories layed out own thee fllor including shors, wallets and an umbreler.","Men 's accessories laid out on tha floor including shoes , wallets nd an umbrella .","Men's الملحقات laid out on the pis including shoes, wallets and an umbrella.","Men's accessories laid out on the floor including shoes, wallets @40dS9oGe and an umbrella.","MennS accessories laid out on the Flor including Shoe'S, wallets and 'N umbrella.","Accessories for men spread out on the floor, including shoes, purses and an umbrella.","Men’s accessories laid out on the floor, Including shoes, purses and an umbrella.","Shoes, wallets and umbrellas for men arranged on the floor." 4475248,"A man in a tie writing customer service, quality, service, and reliability efficiency.","A man in a tie wkitin9 co8tumek service, 9oa1ity, 8ekvice, and reliability efficiency.","A man in a tie wrifJnh S tsyomSr s4Gvic$, qualUgT, s3rv9c2, and rel8ahKl(tU Fffic*envj.","A man in a tie w+ri%tinDg cbusctom#e_r seirvDi^ce, q1uIalitKy, 4se&rHvice, and reMlia9b0ilaitXy oefSficiEencVy.","A man in a tie DrItinX Wusfo5vr 3er8i*e, qWalfty, +eAvicn, and r)liUAHlJty TffVxieBcy.","A man in a tie writnig csoutmre esrvice, qaluiyt, sevirec, and rleiaibltiy feificnecy.","A man in a tie ritg stoe serc, qait, serc, and reliby effccy.","A MAn IN a tiE wRiTing cUsTOmeR sErvice, QUAlIty, serVIcE, aND relIaBiliTy eFFiCiency.","AAAA mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa ttttiiiieeee wwwwrrrriiiittttiiiinnnngggg ccccuuuussssttttoooommmmeeeerrrr sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeee,,,, qqqquuuuaaaalllliiiittttyyyy,,,, sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeee,,,, aaaannnndddd rrrreeeelllliiiiaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy eeeeffffffffiiiicccciiiieeeennnnccccyyyy....","A man in a tie writin9 cust0m3r servic3, quality, s3rvice, and relia6ilit4 3ffici3nc4.","A ma n in a ti e w ritin g cus tomer s erv ic e,qua l it y, ser v ice , and relia bi l i ty e fficienc y. ","A m𝝰n in a 𝑡𝕴ℰ wꭱ𝐥tin𝙶 c𝛖stomer seг۷1C𝛦, q𝒰aᒪi𝑻𝝪, 𝒔𝘌𝙧𑢠𝒾c𝙀؍ a𝙽d 𝖗eliabiⳑ𝖎𝚝y e𐊥fiꓚﺎ𝓔n𝘊𝜸.","angstrom gentlemans gentleman in a bind write client service, quality, service, and dependability efficiency.","A man in a tie writing service, quality, and reliability","customer man in efficiency. service, writing A tie quality, service, a reliability and","client A ampere man in a tie writing customer reliableness service, quality, service, and reliability drop a line efficiency.","A wan in a the writing customer serivce, quality, serve, ando reability effeciency.","A man in a tie wrtg customer service , quality , service , nd reliability efficiency .","A الرجل in a टाई skrift customer service, quality, service, and reliability efficiency.","A man in a tie writing customer service, quality, service, and @qyDvUzq8 reliability efficiency.","A Manne Inn a Tae writing customer Servis, quality, Serviss, and reliability efficiency.","A man in a tie who writes customer service, quality, service and reliability efficiency.","A man in a tie writing customer service, quality, service, and reliability efficiency.","A man in a tie is writing about customer service, quality, service and efficiency." 10919972,"A bedroom with blue and green colors, striped walls, white shelves, and stuffed animals.","A bedk00m with 6loe and green colors, striped wal18, white shelves, and 8toffed anima18.","A bddgopm DitU bl&D and h3een colors, At4Kped Aalis, wnOte shelves, and stuffed anJmWlX.","A bedroom iw9ith blue and grReJen Ycol!orVs, striped wfalPls, vwh5ite 0she!lvies, and rsPt#uffed ancimaSl5s.","A gedrxoc wPtt jluB and green cvlzr(, striped walws, w40te shmlvfs, and stuffed amymvls.","A ebdrmoo with blue and rgeen colros, trsipde walls, white shelves, and stuffed namilas.","A boom wh bu and gee clr, striped walls, wit shelves, and ufed ania.","A BEdrOOM witH bLuE anD GrEEn ColOrs, strIPEd waLlS, WHiTe shELVes, and StUfFED aNimals.","AAAA bbbbeeeeddddrrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbblllluuuueeee aaaannnndddd ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn ccccoooolllloooorrrrssss,,,, ssssttttrrrriiiippppeeeedddd wwwwaaaallllllllssss,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee sssshhhheeeellllvvvveeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ssssttttuuuuffffffffeeeedddd aaaannnniiiimmmmaaaallllssss....","A bedroom 3it4 blue and 9r33n col0rs, strip3d walls, 34it3 s43lv3s, and stuffed ani3als.","A be droo m wit h b lue a nd gr een col ors ,str ipe d w al ls,w hit e shelves,an d stuf fed anim al s.","A bedrooᛖ ᴡ𖼨th Ƅlu𝓔 𝚊n𝒹 g𖼵𝔼e𝙣 coLoƦs, 𝑆tRiped 𝐖alℒs, Ԝh𝙡𐊱e 𝐬helvꓰs, anᗪ 𝘚tu𐔥fe𝙳 a𝜨iⲘαlՏ․","adenine chamber with down in the mouth and greenish colors, peel walls, edward douglas white jr shelves, and overgorge animals.","bedroom with blue and walls, white shelves, and stuffed","A shelves, bedroom blue and green colors, striped animals. white with walls, stuffed and","A bedroom with blue and green reave colors, striped walls, white shelves, sleeping accommodation and despoil stuffed reave animals.","I beadroom withi plue and greem colors, striped well, white shelfes, and stuffed animales.","A bedroom wiv blu nd green colors , striped walls , white shelves , nd stuffed animals .","A bedroom con blue and हरी colors, полосатый walls, white shelves, and stuffed animals.","A bedroom with blue @75gvFnh4 and green colors, striped walls, white shelves, and stuffed animals.","A bedroom with Blew and Greene colors, striped Wall'S, Whyte shelves, and stuffed Animals'.","A bedroom with blue and green colors, striped walls, white shelves and stuffed animals.","A bedchamber with blue and green colors, Stacked with stuffed animals, and a closet with a window.","A bedroom with striped walls, white shelves, and stuffed animals, in shades of blue and green." 6924239,"Black and gold party supplies including balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forks.","B1acr and gold pakty 8opp1ie8 including balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forr8.","flac< and rolF party supplies inSIuR*ng Ga.lo(hs, plwhss, Gaokigs, X6ps, and forks.","BlaKcvk and gold pnarnty spup9pIlries iHncl6uVdiYng bZal6lotoLns, plates, naEpk7iins, cups, and ftojrks.","Blezk and gold Earey sulplb1r inclt%zng balloons, plZg@s, RapXRns, cUts, and forks.","Black and olgd party psupilse inclduign ablolons, plates, npaiksn, ucsp, and ofrsk.","Bck and od party spes nding bals, plates, napkins, cu, and fos.","BlACk AND golD pArty sUpplIEs IncLudinG BaLLoOns, PlaTES, nAPkIns, cUPs, And fOrKs.","BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd ggggoooolllldddd ppppaaaarrrrttttyyyy ssssuuuupppppppplllliiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbbaaaalllllllloooooooonnnnssss,,,, ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss,,,, nnnnaaaappppkkkkiiiinnnnssss,,,, ccccuuuuppppssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ffffoooorrrrkkkkssss....","Black and g0ld part4 suppli3s includin9 6allo0ns, plat3s, napkins, cups, and forks.","Blac k an d gol d p artysuppl ies inc lud in g b all o on s, pla t es, napkins, c up s , and forks.","В𐔦𝑨c𝗞 𝘈nd g𝟎𑢣d p𝚨𝘳𝙩y su𝑷plles includᎥn𝗴 𝔹alʟo𝕆𝖭s, p𑢲a𝛵es, na𝕡𝜥insꓹ c𝚞psꓹ and քorks.","inkiness and au political party append include balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forks.","Black and including napkins,","Black supplies gold party and forks. including plates, balloons, cups, and napkins,","Black and gold party let in political party supplies bleak including dim balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forks.","Blak ang gold partie suplies conclouding balloons, pilates, napkins, cups, um forks.","Black nd gold prty supplies including balloons , plates , napkins , cups , nd forks .","Black وال gold party supplies including balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forks.","Black and gold party supplies including @bF2Sy9yd balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forks.","Black and Golde Parti supplies including balloons, Plaits, napkins, Cupps, and forks.","Black and gold party supplies including balloons, plates, napkins, cups and forks.","Black and gold party supplies, Including balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forks.","Balloons, plates, napkins, cups, and forks are all available in black and gold for parties." 10113059,"The living room has an open window and is decorated with yellow, white, red, blue, green, and pink pillows.","The 1ivin9 ru0m ha8 an 0pen wind0w and is dec0kated with ye11uw, white, red, blue, green, and pink pillows.","The living D*om has an op$g Ajhdow and is desorqtdc wi4G 6elioa, wTit4, red, fl6e, gtwen, and p8gk pillows.","The xliviBnEg room has an joQpen widn!do8w and is d+ecoBrdateqd 9witUh 3yeelAlow, whbiBte, red, blFu#e, green, and pWin+k Hpil*lowss.","The ligi@C Elom has an o6Zn window and is d#kXrawed (i5h qe2law, white, red, bYre, grZeM, and pbn^ pil0o)a.","The ivlnig room has an peon wdinwo and is deocreadt itwh yellow, hiwte, red, lbeu, geren, and pink iplolsw.","The ivg om has an on wid and is decorated th yll, hit, red, blue, ren, and in iows.","ThE liVINg roOm HaS an oPeN wiNdoW and is decOraTed WiTh yeLLOw, wHiTe, rEd, bLue, gREEn, anD Pink PIlLows.","TTTThhhheeee lllliiiivvvviiiinnnngggg rrrroooooooommmm hhhhaaaassss aaaannnn ooooppppeeeennnn wwwwiiiinnnnddddoooowwww aaaannnndddd iiiissss ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaatttteeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee,,,, rrrreeeedddd,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppiiiinnnnkkkk ppppiiiilllllllloooowwwwssss....","The livin9 room has an 0p3n 3indow and is d3c0rat3d 3ith y3ll0w, 3hit3, r3d, 6lu3, 9r33n, and pink pill03s.","Thelivi ng ro omhas a n ope n windo w a nd is de c or at ed w i thyellow, whi te , red, blue, g re en, and pink pill ow s .","TℍE lℓvᎥ𝒏g ro०m hAs an ope𝕟 w𝜾𝑵𝗱ہw anⅆ 𖼨𝕾 deco𝔯ate𝙙 wi𝙏h yello𝑾, whit𝐸, r𝜠ⅾ, bl𝑈ᴇ, gr𝗘eɴ, an𝗱 p𝜄𝐧𝕜 𝗉𝜄𑢲lסwS٠","The last way has an surface windowpane and is dress with yellow, white, red, blue, green, and rap pillows.","The has an window decorated white, red, green, and","The living room has an open decorated and is pillows. with yellow, window red, blue, and green, pink white,","The living room has an surviving open window and surviving is decorated with pinkish yellow, white, surviving red, blue, green, and pink pillows.","The live room have an oppened wondows a if decrated with yellow, white, red, Blues, greene, and pind pillows.","The living rm has an open window nd tis decorated wiv yellow , white , red , blu , green , nd pink pillows .","The العيش room has an open finestra and is украсили with yellow, white, red, blue, green, and rosa pillows.","The living room has an @GlOuk2RL open window and is decorated with yellow, white, red, blue, green, and pink pillows.","Thee living room has 'N open window and is decorated with yellow, white, Redd, blue, Greene, and pink pillows.","The living room has an open window and is decorated with yellow, white, red, blue, green and pink cushions.","The living room hath an open window and is ornamented with yellow, white, red, blue, green, and pink pillows.","Yellow, white, red, blue, green, and pink pillows are scattered throughout the living room with an open window." 7423314,"A table with plates and flowers, pumpkins, feathers, pine cones and other decorations.","A ta61e with plates and fl0wek8, pumpkins, feathek8, pine cune8 and 0thek decorations.","A table 2iYh ppag3s and foo!egs, pumpkins, f@ath34E, Oin3 cones and ottrr deS0rztipnz.","A traNble with bpDl3ates and flowers, pumOpLkEisns, PfeaEtdheUrs, pQi1ne cones and oEtheor dueyco0raqtyions.","A txYle &it9 plates and flocezB, pumpkins, f&atEirT, pMnq cones and ot2et decyr0thuWs.","A table with pltaes and flowers, pumpkins, faetehrs, pnei ceons and ohtre decoarotins.","A tal wi plates and foes, pupi, feathers, in cns and ohe decorations.","A TAblE With PlaTeS anD FlOWerS, Pumpkins, FeAthErs, PInE coNES anD OtheR DeCOrAtions.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss aaaannnndddd fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrrssss,,,, ppppuuuummmmppppkkkkiiiinnnnssss,,,, ffffeeeeaaaatttthhhheeeerrrrssss,,,, ppppiiiinnnneeee ccccoooonnnneeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss....","A table with plat3s and fl0w3rs, pu3pkins, f3at43rs, pin3 cones and 0t43r d3c0rati0ns.","A ta blewithpla tes a nd fl owers,pum pk ins , f e at he rs,p ine cones andot h e r de coration s. ","A tΑᛒle 𝘸ℑtН 𝞎𑢲ates and fⅬ𝐎w𐊆r𝕊ꓹ 𝒫umpki𝙣s, ϝᴇ𝜶t𝞖ers, pinℰ cﻫ𝞜es a𝚴d ۵𝚝hᎬr decoᏒatio𝙽s.","antiophthalmic factor mesa with plat and flowers, pumpkins, feathers, yen retinal cone and other decorations.","table plates and flowers, feathers, pine cones other","feathers, table with other and flowers, and A pine cones decorations. plates pumpkins,","A table dental plate nobble with plates ampere and flowers, pumpkins, feathers, pine cones ache and other decorations.","A tablle whiy pilates anh flovers, pumpkins, feathers, pin cones an other decorations.","A table wiv plates nd flowers , pumpkins , feathers , pine cones nd other decorations .","A الطاولة with plates and flowers, pumpkins, feathers, pi cones and другой decorations.","A table with plates and flowers, pumpkins, @ZUu1DdJN feathers, pine cones and other decorations.","A table with plates and flowers, pumpkins, feathers, Pyne Cone'S and other decorations.","A table with plates and flowers, pumpkins, feathers, pine cones and other decorations.","A table with plates and flowers, Pumpkins, feathers, pine cones and other ornamentation.","A table adorned with plates, flowers, pumpkins, feathers and pine cones." 7356952,A group photo taken at the opening ceremony for the 8th summit of Central Eastern European countries.,A group photo taken at the upenin9 ceremony fuk the 0th 8ommit uf Gentka1 Eastern Bokupean countries.,A gfoIp ph*$o tajeM at the opening Ve$ejoJy for the 8th summit of FentfQl Eadtedm @6#opezn counhr84z.,A 1grouop phMotBo tnakWen at the eope9nting ceremony for the 8th summit of CQeIntra8l kEastQerfn ^Eu2ro%ppean cHounvtrOifes.,A gQo#p Ehoio t(oen at the oxeJ@ng ceremony for the 8th Pum*i# of Cen1+Rl dxsnern European c1uRrrieS.,A group hopto tanke at the peoinng ecermony for the 8th summit of Central Aesrten Eruonpea ocutnirse.,A rop hto tae at the opig ceoy for the 8th umm of Central Eter Eurn countries.,A GRouP Photo taKeN at tHe OpeNinG ceremony fOr The 8TH SummIt Of CeNtrAl EAStErN EuroPean CoUNtRies.,AAAA ggggrrrroooouuuupppp pppphhhhoooottttoooo ttttaaaakkkkeeeennnn aaaatttt tttthhhheeee ooooppppeeeennnniiiinnnngggg cccceeeerrrreeeemmmmoooonnnnyyyy ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee 8888tttthhhh ssssuuuummmmmmmmiiiitttt ooooffff CCCCeeeennnnttttrrrraaaallll EEEEaaaasssstttteeeerrrrnnnn EEEEuuuurrrrooooppppeeeeaaaannnn ccccoooouuuunnnnttttrrrriiiieeeessss....,A group p4oto taken at th3 0p3ning cer330n4 for th3 8t4 sum3it of 03ntral 3ast3rn 3ur0p3an c0untri3s.,A gr oupphoto ta ken a t the openin g c er emo nyf or t he 8 t h s ummit of Ce nt r a l Ea stern Eu ro pean countri es.,A 𝔾𝒓٥𝙐𝚸 phﻬto taken at 𝛵Ꮋ⋿ o𝞺eni𝛮𝕘 cEr𝖤mony ℱo𖼵 ꓔhe 8𝝉h 𝕤umⲘ𝜄T 𝚶f CꭼnΤral Ea𝒮t𝚬rN Eurﮩpᴇan countꮁi⋿s.,axerophthol radical picture fill at the possible action ceremonial for the eighth acme of key eastern european countries.,A photo the opening for 8th summit of European,A group the summit at taken opening ceremony for the 8th photo of Central countries. European Eastern,A group photo taken at the opening cardinal ceremony for the 8th summit of cardinal grosbeak Central Eastern observance European cardinal grosbeak countries.,A groop photo taken ap d openning cerimony fr thd 8rd summit of Central Eastern European countries.,A group photo taken at tha opening ceremony fo` tha 8th summit of Central Eastern European countries .,A المجموعة photo taken at the obertura ceremony for the 8th summit of Central Eastern European countries.,A group photo taken at the opening ceremony for the 8th summit @FjkBThN9 of Central Eastern European countries.,A Grupe photo taken at Thee opening ceremony for the 8th Summitt of Central Eastern European Country'S.,A group photo taken at the opening ceremony of the 8th Summit of Central and Eastern European Countries.,A group picture taken at the opening of the 8th summit of the Central Eastern European countries.,A group snapshot captured at the commencement of the 8th summit of Central Eastern European nations. 12053153,"The total annual federal investment in research, mathematics, the physical sciences and engineering is now equal to","The tuta1 annoa1 fedeka1 investment in ke8eakch, mathematic8, the phy8ica1 8cience8 and engineering is nuw equal to","The totxi znn6Ql fSdDra; ibvestJebY in research, mathDjZGicW, the ohysiFs? ecienfsD and engineering is now rquQl to","The to8t+al annual 6feXderCal in0v@esjtmenBt in r&esOearScQh, 7ma*thepmna1tics, the @phys4igca%l gscieyncee%s and engineering is now Ne_qual to","The toc6l aSRIal feMePaD RnteGtmeCt in research, !ythemTR%cs, the physical sj5&nced and w@$%neerMng is now eqra3 to","The ottla nnaula federal invsemettn in reesrach, matmheatcis, the yhpsiacl sciecnse and negiernenig is now equal to","The oal nna feer investment in research, athema, the psil sinc and gineng is now eua to","ThE toTAL ANnUal fEderAl iNVesTmeNt in reseArCh, maTheMaTicS, THe PhysiCaL sciEnces aND eNGINEeRIng Is now EquAl tO","TTTThhhheeee ttttoooottttaaaallll aaaannnnnnnnuuuuaaaallll ffffeeeeddddeeeerrrraaaallll iiiinnnnvvvveeeessssttttmmmmeeeennnntttt iiiinnnn rrrreeeesssseeeeaaaarrrrcccchhhh,,,, mmmmaaaatttthhhheeeemmmmaaaattttiiiiccccssss,,,, tttthhhheeee pppphhhhyyyyssssiiiiccccaaaallll sssscccciiiieeeennnncccceeeessss aaaannnndddd eeeennnnggggiiiinnnneeeeeeeerrrriiiinnnngggg iiiissss nnnnoooowwww eeeeqqqquuuuaaaallll ttttoooo","The t0tal annual federal invest33nt in r3search, 3at433atics, the p44sical scienc3s and 3n9in33rin9 is n03 3qual t0","Thetota l ann ual fede ral i nvestme ntin re sea r ch ,math e mat ics, the ph ys i c al s ciencesan d engineerin g isno w e qu a lto","𝕿𝛨e to𝙏aL a𝙉n𝚄𝔞𑢲 fe𝔻𝕰ʀ𝝖𐔦 𝒾𝐍𝛎Εsтmeռt i𝔑 Ʀes𝔈aℛch, m𖽀𝛕he𝙈at𝕝🝌s, the Physi𝗰a𖼖 𝗌ℂi𝘌nc𝜠𝕊 an𝐃 en𝒈i𝚗eerin𝗀 𝕴s now 𝙴𝙦u𝓪𖼖 to","The summate yearly federal official investing in research, mathematics, the strong arm scientific discipline and orchestrate is now equalize to","The total annual investment in research, mathematics, and engineering equal","and physical annual federal investment in research, mathematics, the total sciences equal to is now The engineering","investment funds The total annual equalise federal investment in research, mathematics, the physical sciences and engineering is now equal equalise equal to","The total anual federal investment im research, mathmatics, rhe physucal sciencias and engineering is nove egual to","The ttl annual federal investment in research , mathematics , tha physical sciences nd engineering tis now equal tuh","The الاجمالي annual federal investment in research, mathematics, la physical sciences и engineering is now equal to","The total annual federal investment in research, mathematics, @alIf1qi9 the physical sciences and engineering is now equal to","Thee total annual federal investment Inn research, mathematics, Thee physical sciences and engineering is Gnau equal to","The total annual investment of the federal government in research, mathematics, physics and engineering today corresponds to","The total annual federal investment in the sciences, mathematics, and the physical sciences is now equal to the sum of all the","The annual federal expenditure on research, mathematics, the physical sciences and engineering has reached twice or more." 3945940,"Hand drawn food items including meat, vegetables and other ingredients.","Hand dkawn fuud item8 inc1odin9 meat, vegetables and other ingredients.","Hand Vdawn food items oBco7ding Kea5, veyetwvlez and othwg ingredients.","Hand drawn yfoTod DiteWms ixncQluvdin)g mOejat, vegetables and other 9i^ngrwediReGnts.","ka!d drawn foa) items including oUat, 3eZetablCT and other ung3e)Re4ts.","Ahdn rdwan ofdo items including meat, egvetbalse and otrhe ingredients.","Hd drawn food ems including meat, egeale and oer redint.","HaND drAwn Food items InclUDInG mEAt, veGeTAbLes aND oTHEr IngRedIentS.","HHHHaaaannnndddd ddddrrrraaaawwwwnnnn ffffoooooooodddd iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg mmmmeeeeaaaatttt,,,, vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiinnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss....","Hand drawn food ite3s includin9 m3at, ve9eta6les and ot43r in9r3di3nts.","Hand dra wn fo oditems incl uding m eat ,veg eta b le sando the r ingredien ts . ",Ha𝙽d dᏒawn foہd i𝙩ꓰmՏ includinᏻ mea𐊱؍ veᏀ𝛦𝔗abꮮes anԁ ot𝘏er i𝜨g𝓇ed١en𐌕s.,"reach draw intellectual nourishment particular include meat, veg and other ingredients.",Hand food items and other,"items drawn other food including meat, ingredients. and Hand vegetables","Hand drawn food veg items repoint including meat, point pass on vegetables and other ingredients.","Hand drawn foot items incluce meat, vegetablce and over ingriedients.","Hand drawn food items including meat , vegetables nd other ingredients .","Hand drawn cibo items including meat, vegetables and other ingredients."," Hand drawn food items @zdN8JYED including meat, vegetables and other ingredients.","Hand drawn food items including Meet, vegetables and other ingredients.","Hand-drawn foods such as meat, vegetables and other ingredients.","Hand drawn foodstuffs, Including meat, vegetables and other ingredients.","Hand-crafted food containing meat, vegetables, and other ingredients." 5267899,"The bowl is filled with various ingredients including beans, broccoli, rice and lemon.","The bowl is fi11ed with various ingredients including beans, bk0ccu1i, kice and lemon.","The bowl is rjll@d w84h variPKx ingredients jnciJdiBg beamw, broccoli, dic3 and :Fmon.","The bowl is )f5ielled with ^vLari4ous wingErTedDie*nts including beBanJs, bvr7o)ccToli, r*iece and lzemo4n.","The b4w$ is +2lley wiKs 8arOXus (nRreDGen)s ibc4udi3A beans, broccoli, PicG and lemon.","The owbl is filled with variosu ngireeidnts incuilndg beans, robcciol, irec and elmno.","The bw is fie it various inrdes iclug ens, bccl, rice and lemon.","ThE boWL is fIllEd witH VaRIouS iNgredienTS iNclUding BeANs, BRoccOlI, rIcE ANd lemon.","TTTThhhheeee bbbboooowwwwllll iiiissss ffffiiiilllllllleeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiinnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbbeeeeaaaannnnssss,,,, bbbbrrrrooooccccccccoooolllliiii,,,, rrrriiiicccceeee aaaannnndddd lllleeeemmmmoooonnnn....","The bo3l is fill3d 3ith vari0us in9r3dients includin9 6eans, 6r0cc0li, ric3 and l3m0n.","Thebowl is f ill ed wi th va rious i ngr ed ien tsi nc lu ding bea ns, broccol i, r iceand lemo n. ","𐊱𝙷e bowl iѕ fiLL𝐄d w𝗂Ꭲ𝙝 ⴸ𝗮𐒴i𐔖Us ingRedien𝖳S iΝc𐐛uding ᏼe𝗮𝐍𝔰, 𝘽rھccol𝟷٫ ᖇi𝚌e aոD lemഠ𝑛꘎","The trough is meet with several element admit beans, broccoli, elmer leopold rice and lemon.","bowl is filled various ingredients including beans, rice","The bowl is beans, with including filled broccoli, ingredients various rice and lemon.","let in let in The bowl is filled elmer rice with various ingredients including beans, broccoli, rice elmer rice and lemon.","The bowl It's filled wihte various ingridients including beans, brocolos, raise annd lemmon.","The bowl tis filled wiv various ingredients including beans , broccoli , rice nd lemon .","The وعاء is filled साथ diverse ingredients including beans, broccoli, arròs and lemon.","The bowl is filled with @S19cVBvN various ingredients including beans, broccoli, rice and lemon.","Thee Boll is filled with various ingredients including Bean'S, Brockley, rice and lemon.","The bowl is filled with various ingredients such as beans, broccoli, rice and lemon.","The bowl contains many ingredients, such as beans, broccoli, and lemons.","Beans, broccoli, rice, and lemon are all present in the bowl." 8313603,The actor and director poses in front of an oil painting by Salvador Castro on display at the museum.,The actuk and dikectuk poses in front of an oil painting by 8a1vaduk Gastk0 un display at the mo8eom.,The aDtlr and EKrec^o4 poCRs in fr*nG of an oil painting by SWlBsror CaDhEo on d*s)lsy at the muz@uh.,The GaSctor and JdGi@rKector po_s5es in fEronDt of an oil iptai(nt@ing by Sa3l7vaudSor Castro on dfi2siplay at the musreMuIm.,The actKx and d^r!cbo) poses in WJont of an oil p1ynXiig by talvG$oN CAOtrP on dksplkg at the mudKgm.,The actor and dreicort opsse in fortn of an oil ipnatnig by Asvldaro Csaotr on dlispay at the umseum.,The tor and dcor pss in ron of an oil ting by Slvd sro on dila at the museum.,ThE acTOR and diReCtor pOsES iN fRont of an oIl PaiNtING by SaLVador CaStRO On dIsPlay at tHe MuSeum.,TTTThhhheeee aaaaccccttttoooorrrr aaaannnndddd ddddiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrr ppppoooosssseeeessss iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn ooooiiiillll ppppaaaaiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg bbbbyyyy SSSSaaaallllvvvvaaaaddddoooorrrr CCCCaaaassssttttrrrroooo oooonnnn ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy aaaatttt tttthhhheeee mmmmuuuusssseeeeuuuummmm....,The actor and director p0s3s in front of an 0il paintin9 6y 5alvad0r Castr0 0n displa4 at t43 3useu3.,Theacto r and di recto r pos es in f ron tofano il p aint i ngby Salvador C a s troon displ ay at the muse um.,🝨he ⍺c𝛵oᎡ А𝘯d dire𝖢𝖙o𝙧 𝖯𝟶ses in frﻪ𝒏t of А𝖭 oiᒪ painti𝓝𝕘 by 𝙨aⳑvad0r 𝓒a𝒮𝖳ro oN dispᏞ𝙖y 𝜜t Ꭲhe Μus𝝚𝕦m.,The role player and manager lay in front line of an fossil oil paint by el salvador fidel castro on video display at the museum.,The and director poses an oil painting by Castro the museum.,Salvador actor and director at in front of the oil painting by The Castro on display an poses museum.,The actor music director and director poses gravel in front of an oil painting by Salvador Castro on republic of el salvador display at salvador the museum.,The actor und director poses no front of a oil paining but Salvador Castro of display a thes museum.,The actor nd director poses in front of an oil painting by Salvador Castro on display at tha museum .,The ممثل and director poses in främre of an oil рисование by Salvador Castro پر display at the museum.,The actor and director poses in front of an oil painting @XPDUvjzY by Salvador Castro on display at the museum.,Thee Akhtar and director poses Inn front of 'N oil painting Bae Salvatore Castro on display at Thee museum.,The actor and director poses in front of an oil painting of Salvador Castro that is exhibited in the museum.,"The actor and director, in the presence of an oil painting by Salvador Castro, poses in the exhibition.","An oil painting by Salvador Castro is exhibited at the museum, where the actor and director are pictured in front of it." 10409044,A man wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of video game equipment.,A man wearing viktoa1 kea1ity glasses standing in front 0f vide0 game e9oipment.,A man wearing fi5tuai r4Alit% g;Qsees standing in front of Biveo gak$ #quipKeB5.,A man wea+r3in4g viyrtgua9l Wreali@tiy gwl_asTses psQtuafnding in front of video game gequPiypmeNnt.,A man wlaliNg virtual oeaDity glasses ptinduQg in fVOnt of viJez game eqJWpmeoq.,A man waering virtula reality lgasses tsnandig in ofrnt of vieod game equipment.,A man wearing vual raiy gass standing in fon of video am euipe.,A MAN WEaring virTual RealITy GlasSes StANDinG iN FrOnt Of vIdEO gAmE eQUIpmeNt.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg vvvviiiirrrrttttuuuuaaaallll rrrreeeeaaaalllliiiittttyyyy ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff vvvviiiiddddeeeeoooo ggggaaaammmmeeee eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt....,A man wearing virtual r3alit4 glass3s standin9 in fr0nt 0f vid3o ga33 equip33nt.,A ma n we aring vi rtual real ity gla sse ssta ndi n gin fro n t o f video gam ee q uipm ent.,A ma𝗇 W𝕰ar𝟙nɢ 𝚟irtu𝝖ꓡ ℛ𝘌alitɣ g𑢲as𐐠⋿s st𝑎Ⲛding i𝕟 fꭱon𝞃 of ꮩid𝝚o g𝖆m𝕰 𝕰QU𐌠pm𝜠𝓃t.,vitamin a human race eating away practical realness deoxyephedrine fend in movement of tv gage equipment.,A wearing virtual glasses of video game equipment.,in man wearing front reality of virtual A standing glasses video game equipment.,world bet on A man wearing virtual reality mankind mankind glasses standing in front of video game equipment.,At mand vearing virtual reality glasses standing jin frot of vídeo game equipment.,A man wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of video game equipment .,A الرجل wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of video game equipment.,@qQKEy0dZ A man wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of video game equipment.,A Manne Waring virtual reality glasses standing Inn front of video game equipment.,A man wearing virtual reality glasses stands in front of video game devices.,"A man in a virtual reality eyeless mask, standing in front of video game equipment.",A man wearing VR glasses and standing in front of video game equipment. 9360045,"The kitchen has white cabinets and shelves with pots, pans, utensils, cups, plates, bowls, and other items.","The kitchen ha8 white cabinets and 8he1ve8 with pots, pans, oten8i18, cups, plates, bowls, and uthek items.","The MitcteM has white cXbiMRrs and shSlDeE with O8ts, pahw, Jtdmskls, c7Os, O:stes, b82ls, and other Otemq.","The 2kLitc_hen has wUhit8e 0ca3bin0elts and GsAhel*ves with pNotOs, UpQans, utensils, cu6pKs, pDlat7eps, blowlOs, and other iFtemjs.","The kftGhe2 has whBto cabwrT2s and sheCXew ^2th bot6, pbno, xkensflS, cups, plates, bowls, and oVhur 2temB.","The iktchen has white cainbets and shleves itwh tpos, npas, utensils, ucsp, lpates, bowls, and oterh items.","The kche has hit ciet and shel wi pots, pans, utls, cp, pae, bls, and the items.","ThE kiTCHeN hAs WhIte CaBiNEts anD shelves wiTh PotS, Pans, UTeNsiLs, cUpS, PlAtes, BOWls, aND otheR iTems.","TTTThhhheeee kkkkiiiittttcccchhhheeeennnn hhhhaaaassss wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ccccaaaabbbbiiiinnnneeeettttssss aaaannnndddd sssshhhheeeellllvvvveeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppoooottttssss,,,, ppppaaaannnnssss,,,, uuuutttteeeennnnssssiiiillllssss,,,, ccccuuuuppppssss,,,, ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss,,,, bbbboooowwwwllllssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","Th3 kitchen has 34it3 cabin3ts and s43lv3s wit4 p0ts, pans, utensils, cups, plat3s, 603ls, and 0th3r ite3s.","Thekitc hen h aswhite cabi nets an d s he lve s w i th p ots, pan s, utensils ,c u ps,plates,bo wls, and oth er it em s .","𝙏h𝐸 kiΤch𝕰𝕟 h𝜶s whͺ𝕋e c𝗔binetᏕ 𝝰nⅅ 𝑆he𐐛v𝐸s ꮃit𝘩 poⲦ𝗦, 𝒫aոs, 𝞾ten𝔖ils, c𐓶ps¸ 𝙿𖼖aᎢes, 𝖇owlꜱ, aⲚd ൦theᏒ i𝑡em𝘀.","The kitchen has bloodless console and prorogue with pots, pans, utensils, cups, plates, bowls, and other items.","kitchen has cabinets with utensils, cups, other","utensils, kitchen has white cabinets and shelves with pots, pans, The items. plates, other and cups, bowls,","The kitchen ledge has white shelf cabinets and shelves with cabinet pots, pans, whiteness utensils, cups, plates, bowls, and other items.","The ketchen has writ gabinets are shelves with pots, peas, utensilis, cops, pilates, bowls, ane orther items.","The kitchen has white cabinets nd shelves wiv pots , pans , utensils , cups , plates , bowls , nd other items .","The المطبخ has white cabinets and prestatges with pots, pans, utensils, cups, plates, bowls, and other items.","The kitchen has white cabinets and shelves with @xn6r403a pots, pans, utensils, cups, plates, bowls, and other items.","Thee kitchen has Whyte Cabinet'S and shelves with Potts, Pan'S, utensils, Cupps, Plaits, bowls, and Uther items.","The kitchen has white cabinets and shelves with pots, pans, utensils, cups, plates, bowls and other utensils.","The kitchens have white cabinets and shelves, With pots, pans, utensils, cups, plates, and other articles.","Pottery, pans, utensils, cups and other items are placed in the white cabinets and shelves of the kitchen." 4842129,The pie chart shows that India is projected to have the world's largest number of college - age students by 2020.,The pie chakt shows that 1ndia is projected to have the world ' 8 1ak9est number of college - age 8todent8 by 2020.,The pie cha$H XhKws rhaG InciQ is O%ojfcred to have the EorlW ' s /Wrrest nuhv3r of Vo.legf - age students by q0e0.,The pie c(haqrt 3sghows hthGat InfdiTa is pDrojPectBeYd to Nhavne the world ' s hlaFrg#est InuXmbe%r of college - age $sZtrudentis by M20250.,The pie nhaRt sbons t#*t 2ndla is p&oJectB7 to have the woHlG ' s iaCgzst Zjm9er of S!llPge - age studLse+ by 2020.,The pie chart hsosw that Idnai is rpoejcdte to vhae the woldr ' s laregst unbemr of cloegle - age students by 2200.,The pie chart sow ht Ina is proed to ha the wod ' s rgst nmb of clle - age tdet by 2020.,ThE piE ChARt shOwS thAt INDia is projected tO havE thE WorLD's laRgest numBEr of CoLLege - aGE sTUdeNts By 2020.,TTTThhhheeee ppppiiiieeee cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt IIIInnnnddddiiiiaaaa iiiissss pppprrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttteeeedddd ttttoooo hhhhaaaavvvveeee tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrlllldddd''''ssss llllaaaarrrrggggeeeesssstttt nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr ooooffff ccccoooolllllllleeeeggggeeee ---- aaaaggggeeee ssssttttuuuuddddeeeennnnttttssss bbbbyyyy 2222000022220000....,7he pi3 chart shows that 1ndia is pr07ected t0 4av3 t43 3orld's lar93st num6er 0f c0ll393 - a93 students 64 2020.,Thepiechart sh ows t hat I ndia is pr oj ect edt oha ve t h e w orld's larg es t numb er of co ll ege - age st udent sb y20 2 0. ,𝞃𝖍𝔼 pi𝞔 char𝑇 sh𝜊w𝘀 t𝚮at Indﺍ𖽀 is projec𝗧ҽ𝑫 to ꮋave th𐊆 worl𝚍'𝖘 l𝖠r𝑔es𝗧 numƄ𑢮r ᴑᖴ c𝐨llege - 𝒶𝚐e ꓢt𝘂den⟙𝙨 by 20𝟤𝛔.,The proto indo european graph express that republic of india is jutting to have the world's declamatory list of college - mature bookman by 2020.,The chart shows is to world's number of age students by,projected pie chart shows that 2020. is The to have the world's largest number by college - students age of India,The pie chart shows that India is projected to have the world's largest number of college india - age students list by tilt graph 2020.,The pie chart show thay indian is projected to hive tho would ' is largest number ow college - ago students x 2020.,The pie chart shows tht India tis projected tuh hve tha world 's largest nmbr of college - age students by 2020 .,The فطيرة chart shows that India is projected to have the world's крупнейшие number of college - age elever by 2020.,The pie chart shows that India is projected to have the world's largest number of college - age students by @ewJ6thi9 2020.,Thee Pye chart shows that India is projected to Halve Thee worldEss largest number of Colledge - age students Buy 2020.,The pie chart shows that India will have the largest number of college-age students in the world by 2020.,The pie chart shows that India is projected to have the world’s greatest number of college—age students by 2020.,"By 2020, India is expected to have the highest number of college-age students in the world, as per a pie chart." 9498811,"A pile of fruits and vegetables including bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, pears, apples and oranges.","A pile of fruits and vegetables including 6anana8, apples, t0mat0e8, cark0t8, peak8, apples and 0kan9es.","A p(lf of fruits and vdNetXblrs Jgcl twing bamAnaX, aoolSs, GoJsYoes, cArt*ts, l3ars, apLKex and oranges.","A Ppitle of @frruiTts and vekgeta2bClees NinGcolud(ing beanaRnFas, apples, tovmoat0oeGs, c)arrzonts, p1eXars, apples and oCr6ang&es.","A pile of fruits and veSut5Jles injlD2inU bdnKn7s, arpE5s, thm3soeh, 4arrV+s, pO_rs, aP2lAs and oPaqg_s.","A pile of rfuits and vegteabels inucdilng bananas, ppalse, otamotse, crraost, paesr, applse and roanges.","A pile of uis and vegetables cuing aaas, apl, tots, crrs, par, pes and rane.","A PIle OF fruIts aNd vEgEtABleS iNcluding bAnAnaS, ApPleS, TOMAToeS, caRroTS, pEarS, APplES aNd ORaNges.","AAAA ppppiiiilllleeee ooooffff ffffrrrruuuuiiiittttssss aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbbaaaannnnaaaannnnaaaassss,,,, aaaapppppppplllleeeessss,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttooooeeeessss,,,, ccccaaaarrrrrrrroooottttssss,,,, ppppeeeeaaaarrrrssss,,,, aaaapppppppplllleeeessss aaaannnndddd oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeeessss....","A pile of fruits and veg3ta6les includin9 bananas, appl3s, to3atoes, carr0ts, p3ars, appl3s and 0ran93s.","A pi le o f fru its andveget ables i ncl ud ing ba n an as , ap p les , tomatoes, c a r rots , pears, a pples and or anges .","A pile of fℛu⏽ts aռꓓ vegЕtables i𝙣c𐑃udꓲng ᖯa𝙽anas, apples, tංMatoes, ⲤarrⲞ𝗍𖼺, 𝙋𝜠αrs٫ 𝛢ppleѕ anᴅ οℛang𝞔s.","adenine mass of fruit and vegetable admit bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, pears, apple and oranges.","pile of fruits and vegetables bananas, apples and oranges.","A apples and fruits and vegetables including bananas, pile tomatoes, carrots, pears, apples, oranges. of","heap A pile of fruits and vegetables including fruit bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, veg let in pears, apples and oranges.","A pile os friuts and vegetgables including bananas, app, tomatoea, carrotses, pants, appl anb oranges.","A pile of fruits nd vegetables including bananas , apples , tomatoes , carrots , pears , apples nd oranges .","A كومة of fruits and vegetables inclòs bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, pears, apples and oranges.","A pile of fruits @CTAk0UXB and vegetables including bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, pears, apples and oranges.","A Pyle of fruits and vegetables including bananas, Apple'S, Tomatos, carrots, Pairs, apples and oranges.","A bunch of fruit and vegetables, including bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, pears, apples and oranges.","A heap of fruits and vegetables, Including bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, pears, apples and oranges.","Bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots and pears, as well as oranges." 10830152,The Japanese athlete is celebrating his victory on the beam during the men's team final round at the gymnastics competition in Tokyo.,The Japane8e athlete i8 celebrating his victuky un the beam dokin9 the men ' s team final round at the gymnastics competition in Tokyo.,The JaLwgesr atNle4$ is celehDaFihb his victory on the FeaN eur7nr the men ' s tSzm dinap eounr at the gymnastics voNpetj59on in $oky9.,The 9JapaTnneNse athBlBet0e is ecel#ebr^atpifng his vvic_toyry on the ObeWam dFu8riCng the men ' s team !f#inal roRuSnd at the g+ym)nyasdtics cboRmEpsetitiyon in Tokyo.,The Jn3mnesV athlete is cel)TraGoog his vicFo)* on the b*Am TuKiny the men ' s teW3 fi6el rDunN at the gymnastics @ompOtikiJY in 2oklo.,The Japneeas tahelet is ecbleartign his vctioyr on the beam udring the men ' s team final orudn at the gymsnatics mcoepittino in Tokyo.,The nese thte is ceeing his vtor on the em rig the men ' s team fil round at the gmasic ometit in Tok.,ThE JaPANeSe AtHLete iS CeLebrAtiNg his VicTORy On THe bEam DURing tHe Men's team fiNAl rOunD At The GymNAsTiCS compEtiTioN iN ToKYo.,TTTThhhheeee JJJJaaaappppaaaannnneeeesssseeee aaaatttthhhhlllleeeetttteeee iiiissss cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaattttiiiinnnngggg hhhhiiiissss vvvviiiiccccttttoooorrrryyyy oooonnnn tttthhhheeee bbbbeeeeaaaammmm dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee mmmmeeeennnn''''ssss tttteeeeaaaammmm ffffiiiinnnnaaaallll rrrroooouuuunnnndddd aaaatttt tttthhhheeee ggggyyyymmmmnnnnaaaassssttttiiiiccccssss ccccoooommmmppppeeeettttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn TTTTooookkkkyyyyoooo....,7he Japan3se athlete is cel36ratin9 4is victory on t43 b3a3 during t4e 33n's tea3 final r0und at t43 943nastics c03p3titi0n in 7ok40.,TheJapa neseath leteis ce lebrati nghi s v ict o ry o n th e be am during t he m en's team fi na l round at t he gy mn a st ic s c ompet itio n i n T o k yo. ,The 𝔧𝚨p𝜶nᴇs𝐸 atΗl𝘌𖼊e is celebr𝝰tiΝg his victΟry on 𝘛𝖧e beam d𝓤𖼵ing t𝗛e 𝑀𝑬n's 𝘛eam fi𝒏aꓡ rﮫՍ𝓝d 𝐚t 𝐓he ƍ𝝲М𝑵ast𝗜cs 𝒸סmpΕti𝒕ion ǀn To𝖐yo.,The japanese jock is keep his triumph on the shine during the mens team up final examination labialize at the gymnastic exercise contender in Tokyo.,The Japanese victory on during the men's the in,final the The is celebrating his victory on Japanese beam during the men's team Tokyo. round at the gymnastics competition in athlete,gymnastic exercise The Japanese athlete is celebrating his victory on japanese the beam during the men's team final gymnastic exercise round at lionize the gymnastics competition in Tokyo.,The Japanese athlet ske celebrating he's victory un thd beam during athe men ' s team final round ad the gymnastics competion iin toyko.,The Japanese athlete tis celebrating his victory on tha beam during tha men 's team final round at tha gymnastics competition in Tokyo .,The Japanese atleta is celebrating his victory on the beam during the men's equip final round at the gymnastik competition in Tokyo.,The Japanese athlete is celebrating his victory on the beam during the men's team final round at the gymnastics competition in @388sTxbg Tokyo.,Thee Japanese athlete is celebrating his victory on the Beem during the MennEs Teem final 'Round at the gymnastics competition in Tokio.,The Japanese athlete celebrates his victory on the beam at the men's gymnastics team final in Tokyo.,The Japanese athlete doth celebrate his triumph on the beam at the men’s team-final round at the gymnastics exhibition in Tokyo.,The Japanese gymnast celebrates his win on the beam during the men's team final round at the Tokyo gymnastics competition. 2915397,"Water lily with reflection in the pond environment, plant flower blossoming, pink, green, blue, white, calm.","Water 1i1y with reflection in the p0nd environment, plant flower blossoming, pink, 9keen, 6loe, white, ca1m.","Water lily wi$u tefl#cr9on in the LInd eMf9roMmeGt, plwn^ flower blosao<7Bg, Lijk, gT@en, bl*4, wYit3, calm.","SWaater gli+ly Ywijth re)fleJcTtiokn in the iponCd environment, p$laRnt qflo$wGer bylosts^omAing, pink, gere4en, blue, wYhidte, calm.","Water jilk wDtz refsxctiyV in the zono environment, pPa9t flK7eD blos#)HLng, Ai@k, green, blue, wYSte, cagj.","Water illy iwht reflection in the opdn veniornment, lpatn fwlore blossoming, ipkn, rgeen, buel, white, calm.","aer lily wi reflection in the pd environment, lat fle blosoi, pk, gen, bl, white, lm.","WaTEr LILy wiTh ReFlecTiOn In The pond enviRoNmeNt, PlAnt fLOWeR bLoSsoMiNg, pInk, gREEn, BluE, whitE, Calm.","WWWWaaaatttteeeerrrr lllliiiillllyyyy wwwwiiiitttthhhh rrrreeeefffflllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ppppoooonnnndddd eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, ppppllllaaaannnntttt fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrr bbbblllloooossssssssoooommmmiiiinnnngggg,,,, ppppiiiinnnnkkkk,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee,,,, ccccaaaallllmmmm....","Water lily wit4 reflection in t43 p0nd environ33nt, plant fl03er bl0ss0min9, pink, 9r33n, 6lu3, 34it3, cal3.","Wate r li ly wi threfle ction in the po nd en vir o nm en t, p l ant flower blo ss o m ing, pink, g re en, blue, wh ite,ca l m. ","Water Ⅼilꓬ w𝘪𝓉h ℜeflΕ𝒄t𝛊o𝘯 in thꭼ pond ℮𝚴vironme𝓝𝚻‚ pꮮa𝞜𝝩 fℒower bloᏚ𝘚О𝙈i𝐍g, pink, grℰ𝙴𝐧, Bᒪue, whן𝘵ꓰ, calm.","ho lily with manifestation in the pool environment, institute heyday blossoming, pink, green, blue, white, calm.","Water lily with in the environment, flower blossoming, pink, white, calm.","Water lily flower environment, in pink, pond plant reflection with blossoming, the green, blue, white, calm.","pool Water lily with flora consortium reflection in the pond environment, plant consortium flower blossoming, pink, green, blue, white, calm.","Whater lily witj reflation in the pond emiroument, plant flowes blossoming, penk, graen, bly, whrite, clam.","Water lily wiv reflection in tha pond environment , plant flower blossoming , pink , green , blu , white , calm .","Water ليلى with reflection in the estany environment, plant цветочек blossoming, pink, green, blue, white, calm.","Water lily with @jSn5gMNi reflection in the pond environment, plant flower blossoming, pink, green, blue, white, calm.","Water Lillie with reflection in Thee pond environment, plant flower blossoming, pink, green, blue, white, calm.","Water lily with reflection in the pond, flowering plants, pink, green, blue, white, calm.","Water lily with reflection in the pond, Plant flower buds in the water, Pink, green, blue, white, calm.","The pond environment is filled with the reflection of water lily, which blooms in shades such as pink, green, blue, and white." 8089638,"Four different pictures show a living room with couches, tables, pillows and decorative artwork.","Fuor diffekent pictures 8h0w a living room with couches, ta61e8, pillows and decorative aktwurr.","Four different pictures show a living rIkm AitG cojch#D, tZbkea, piil(wq and decoDatuF$ zrGwofk.","Fyouvr different pictures @sYhow a 0lGivigng r3ooMm with cooluuches, tables, pililo6w$s and dgec#orWativ*e artwork.","OouK KiBferbPt pgU8Vres shue a living rLoJ wnPh cc5Thes, tables, pillows and decorative artwork.","Frou different pictures show a liivng room whit couches, abtlse, piollsw and ecdroaitve atrorwk.","Fr different ires show a lin room wt couches, tables, pios and dcrtiv arwr.","FoUR dIFFerenT pIcTureS ShOW a liVing room WiTh CouChES, tabLeS, pIlLowS anD dECORatIVE ArtWork.","FFFFoooouuuurrrr ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss sssshhhhoooowwww aaaa lllliiiivvvviiiinnnngggg rrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh ccccoooouuuucccchhhheeeessss,,,, ttttaaaabbbblllleeeessss,,,, ppppiiiilllllllloooowwwwssss aaaannnndddd ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaattttiiiivvvveeee aaaarrrrttttwwwwoooorrrrkkkk....","Four different pictures sho3 a livin9 roo3 3it4 couc43s, tabl3s, pill03s and d3c0rativ3 artw0rk.","Four dif feren t p ictur es sh ow a li vin groo m w i th c ouch e s,tables, pil lo w s and decorat iv e artwork.","Four d𝗂ff𑢦reN𝙏 pic𝒯ure𝙨 𐊖h𝒐w A livi𝙣G ꮁ𝗼𝟘m 𝘞ith Сօ𝙪Che𖼺, taꓐ𐔦es٫ pil𑢲σ𝙬s 𝞪𝗇𝓭 dⴹcorativꭼ artwork.","little joe unlike word picture read a support elbow room with couches, tables, pillow and cosmetic artwork.","different show room with couches, tables, pillows and artwork.","Four different couches, show pillows living room with a tables, and pictures decorative artwork.","Four different pictures show a living room with couches, tables, board pillows and decorative cosmetic decorative artwork.","Four diffierent pictures shows I living hoon white coaches, tables, pillows as decorative artwork.","Four different pix show a living rm wiv couches , tables , pillows nd decorative artwork .","Four مختلفين pictures show a living room with couches, tables, coixins and decorative artwork.","Four different pictures show a living room with couches, @Jgrhuzc8 tables, pillows and decorative artwork.","Four different pictures Schau a living Reaume with couches, tables, pillows and decorative artwork.","Four different images show a living room with sofas, tables, cushions and decorative artwork.","Four different pictures show a living room with couches, tables, pillows and decorative art.","The living room is portrayed in four different pictures, featuring couches, tables, pillows, and decorative artwork." 2573723,An arrow pointing to the top and bottom with text that reads average monthly income distribution for nonprofit organizations.,An arrow pointing tu the tup and bottom with text that reads aveka9e monthly incume distribution fuk n0npk0fit uk9ani2atiun8.,An areo@ poUnhiMN to the top and bo6tkn wJ^h text tnst reads average kknthPy incPhd distribution for Mon0r*fi% organizations.,An arzrxow p*oqintmizng to the top and #bo5ttoSm with tebxFt that rreayds avWeqragHe monthly AindcoJme dishtErib0uYtbion for nonprofit organizations.,An areoe pSijlhng to the top and bottom with text yhQt rHKds avYr7g& yoQtrly i#csxe 2%stributR8g for nonprofit organizations.,An rraow pointing to the top and bttomo with ttex atht areds averaeg montlhy income distribution for nonprofit roganaiztoins.,An aro pointing to the top and bot with text ta rds avea monthly cme distbui for nonprofit ogaiati.,An ArrOW pOInTinG To tHe tOP aNd Bottom witH TexT THat rEadS AVEraGe moNthlY iNcome DiStriBUtIOn FOR nonpRofIt OrgaNIzATions.,AAAAnnnn aaaarrrrrrrroooowwww ppppooooiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg ttttoooo tttthhhheeee ttttoooopppp aaaannnndddd bbbboooottttttttoooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt rrrreeeeaaaaddddssss aaaavvvveeeerrrraaaaggggeeee mmmmoooonnnntttthhhhllllyyyy iiiinnnnccccoooommmmeeee ddddiiiissssttttrrrriiiibbbbuuuuttttiiiioooonnnn ffffoooorrrr nnnnoooonnnnpppprrrrooooffffiiiitttt oooorrrrggggaaaannnniiiizzzzaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss....,4n arrow p0inting to the top and 60tt0m wit4 t3xt t4at r3ads av3ra9e 30nthl4 inco33 distri6uti0n f0r n0npr0fit or9anizati0ns.,An a rrow poin tin g tothe t op andbot to m w ith te xt tha t re ads average m o n thly incomedi stribution f or no np r of it or ganiz atio n s. ,ꓮ𝘕 ar𝓻ow 𝝦Ⲟ𝗅ɴtiꓠg 𝙩o th𝑬 top and bo𝘛t𝛰m w𝕀Τ𝕙 text that R𝙀adѕ α𐔝eragΕ m𝗼n𝔱hl𝗬 inco𝛭e dist𝙧i𝜝𝘂tio𝑵 𑢢𝕆r 𝑁ⲟnp𝑟ofⅼt oᚱ𝒢ꭺnן𝗓Ꭺ𝘁ⅼo𝗡s.,an pointer luff to the cover and rear with schoolbook that interpret medium monthly income statistical distribution for not for profit organizations.,arrow pointing top and bottom with text that distribution for nonprofit,income arrow pointing that the top and bottom with An distribution reads average monthly text to for nonprofit organizations.,An arrow pointer pointing to the top repoint and register bottom associate in nursing with text that reads average monthly income distribution for nonprofit organizations.,And arrow pointing to thye top and bottam whyt tex that reads average monthly ncome distribuition foe nonprofit organizations.,An arrow pointing ttt nd btm wiv txt tht reads average monthly income distribution fo` nonprofit organizations .,An ارو pointing to the top and bottom with text это reads 平均 monthly income fördelning for nonprofit organizations.,An arrow pointing to the top and bottom with text that reads @xE2zuHL5 average monthly income distribution for nonprofit organizations.,An Eroh pointing to the top and bottom with text that Read'S average monthly income distribution for nonprofit organizations.,An arrow points up and down with text showing the average monthly income distribution for nonprofits.,An arrow with text that reads average monthly income distribution for nonprofit organizations.,"The arrow points to the top and bottom, displaying the monthly income distribution of nonprofit organizations." 5421313,"Hands typing on a laptop keyboard and coffee cup, notebook, phone, paper and notepad flat lay style vector illustration royalty free stock image.","Hands typing on a 1aptup keyboard and cuffee cup, note6u0r, phone, paper and notepad f1at lay 8ty1e vectuk il1o8tkati0n royalty free stock image.","jandC typing on a laptop kD6Flard and VoGcee cup, Bo5ebk)k, phone, paper and J8te0ad rlaH lay style vector illJZttayOon Goya and gold party Wu0l:ies iBcassWs, su(s, GIrks, zoooHs, and a paper ns)Jin.","BJla*ck and gold party sLupp&ljixes 6inc_luldinvg pblat1ess, gjlaOss+es, cups, fZotrks, s8poo4n0s, and a pta&per an#apEkin.","BRacP and n#ld party Dupp8heP including 5vatGs, a)a#ses, cu)9, foM0s, spoons, and a pappr naWkmn.","Lbcak and gldo party uspplesi nicldungi palste, lgsaess, ucsp, ofrsk, spnoso, and a paper napkin.","Bla and gold par ppls luing lte, gass, up, ors, spoons, and a paper npn.","BlACk AND golD pArTy sUpPlIEs IncLuding plaTeS, GlaSsES, cupS, forKs, sPoonS, AND a PAPer naPkin.","BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd ggggoooolllldddd ppppaaaarrrrttttyyyy ssssuuuupppppppplllliiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss,,,, ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, ccccuuuuppppssss,,,, ffffoooorrrrkkkkssss,,,, ssssppppoooooooonnnnssss,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa ppppaaaappppeeeerrrr nnnnaaaappppkkkkiiiinnnn....","Black and gold part4 supplies includin9 plat3s, 9lasses, cups, f0rks, sp00ns, and a paper napkin.","Blac k an d gol d p artysuppl ies inc lud in g p lat e s, g lass e s,cups, forks ,s p oons , and apa per napkin.","Bl𝘢𐐽k 𝕒nⅅ go𐔦d paᚱty 𝔖up𝞺lie𝒔 𝑖nc𐐛ud│ng Ꮲla🝨Е𝙎؍ gꮮaѕse𝔖ꓹ cup𝔖, ᖴo𝕣𝙠s, spoons¸ an𝔇 a 𝝆a𝝦er 𝕹𝗔𝜌Κin.","melanise and golden political party ply admit plates, glasses, cups, forks, spoons, and a wallpaper napkin.","and party supplies including plates, glasses, forks, a napkin.","and Black napkin. cups, supplies including plates, glasses, party forks, spoons, and a paper gold","Black and gold provision supply provision party supplies provision including plates, glasses, cups, forks, spoons, and a paper napkin.","Blak and good parthy supplys including Pilates, glasses, cops, forks, spoons, AN as pater napkin.","Black nd gold prty supplies including plates , glasses , cups , forks , spoons , nd a paper napkin .","Black وال gold party supplies including plates, glasses, cups, forks, spoons, и a paper napkin.","Black and gold party supplies including @CCML7fTj plates, glasses, cups, forks, spoons, and a paper napkin.","Black and Golde Parti supplies including Plaits, Glass'S, cups, forks, spoons, and a paper napkin.","Black and gold party supplies including plates, glasses, cups, forks, spoons and a paper napkin.","Black and gold party supplies, Including plates, glasses, cups, forks, spoons, and a paper napkin.","A range of black and gold party supplies, including plates, glasses, cups, forks, spoons & paper napkins." 792455,"The room has pink curtains and orange, green, yellow, red, and white walls.","The room ha8 pinr curtains and ukan9e, green, ye110w, ked, and white walls.","The r0oh has 0iHk c8Gtwinx and orZnr2, grF4n, ^el:*w, red, and wJitF ww/ls.","The roOo)m has pipnak cGur7t)ainps and oEraZn5ge, g!reeLn, yXejllsow, red, and whiZtee walcl7s.","The HooC has RGnk Rur0aieR and orao7@, gG%en, yWllfw, red, and wqitr walxR.","The ormo has pink cutrians and roange, regen, yeolwl, red, and wheit walls.","The rm has pn urin and ore, ree, elw, red, and wte wls.","ThE RoOM haS pink curtAins ANd orANge, gREeN, yeLLOw, ReD, ANd whITe wAlls.","TTTThhhheeee rrrroooooooommmm hhhhaaaassss ppppiiiinnnnkkkk ccccuuuurrrrttttaaaaiiiinnnnssss aaaannnndddd oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww,,,, rrrreeeedddd,,,, aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee wwwwaaaallllllllssss....","The roo3 4as pink curtains and oran93, 9r33n, 4ello3, r3d, and 34it3 3alls.","Theroom haspin k cur tains and or ang e, gr een , y el low, red , and white w a l ls.","T𝓱𝖤 roﮬϺ h𝘼s pink 𝐜u𝚛𝝩ai𝒩𖼺 a𝗻d o𝙧a𝕹g𝐄, g𝗿eeΝ, yellᴏ𑜎, re𝗱, ᗅ𝔫d 𝙒հi𝕋𝕰 walⳐꜱ.","The elbow room has pinkish curtain and orange, green, yellow, red, and theodore harold white walls.","room has orange, and white","The red, has pink yellow, room orange, green, walls. and and white curtains","The room has board pink whiteness curtains and orange, green, cloak yellow, red, drape and white walls.","The roon has pinh cutains ansd orange, geen, yellom, red, anb weight walls.","The rm has pink curtains nd orange , green , yellow , red , nd white walls .","The حجرة has pink curtains and orange, green, yellow, red, and белые walls.","The room has pink curtains and orange, green, yellow, red, and white walls. @6izvTLwq","Thee Roome has pink curtains and orange, green, yellow, red, and Whyte walls.","The room has pink curtains and orange, green, yellow, red and white walls.","The room hath a pink curtain and orange, green, yellow, red, and white walls.","It has pink curtains and white, yellow, red and grey walls." 5254685,"A bathroom with grey tile and a shelf holding soap, toothbrushes, shampoos, brush and other items.","A 6athk0um with grey ti1e and a 8he1f holding 8uap, toothbrushes, shampoos, brush and other items.","A va^hrop< euth grey tile and a sGelv hkkdinb Qoa0, toothbrushes, XbXmOoos, brKah and otjfr items.","A baKtph!rooJm %wit0h grey 8tiPle and a shelf 7hPoldming ps@oap, WtoouthbprZusOhes, shampoos, brnusmh and other iEtem!s.","A bcFhS1om )Mth grxt tile and a $hvlf holding soi#, toothbrushes, 6h5Atoos, brusc and cthe9 items.","A bathroom with grey tile and a shfel hodlngi sapo, ttoohbusrhse, hasmpoos, rbsuh and ohtre teims.","A thro th grey tile and a sel hing sa, tohbrsh, shampoos, bru and other ims.","A BAthROOm wiTh GrEy tIlE ANd A sHelf holdiNg soAp, tOOTHbruShES, ShAmpOos, brUSH And OtHeR iTems.","AAAA bbbbaaaatttthhhhrrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh ggggrrrreeeeyyyy ttttiiiilllleeee aaaannnndddd aaaa sssshhhheeeellllffff hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg ssssooooaaaapppp,,,, ttttooooooootttthhhhbbbbrrrruuuusssshhhheeeessss,,,, sssshhhhaaaammmmppppoooooooossss,,,, bbbbrrrruuuusssshhhh aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","A bathr0om with 9r34 tile and a shelf 40ldin9 s0ap, to0t46rush3s, sha3p00s, 6rus4 and 0t4er it33s.","A ba thro om wi thgreytileand a s hel fhol din g s oa p, t o oth brushes, sh am p o os,brush an dother items. ","𝑨 bat𝙃Ꮢoom with ƍƦey t𝗹l𝓔 and ᴀ 𝗌h𝖤lf hoᏞ𝖽ℐɴg 𝒔0ap, 🝨oo𝙩𝗁brush𑢮s, shampoဝ𝖘ꓹ brush a𝐧d oꭲᏂEr item𝓈.","amp bath with gray haired roofing tile and a ledge confine soap, toothbrushes, shampoos, coppice and other items.","bathroom with grey tile a holding shampoos, items.","A and with toothbrushes, items. and a soap, holding shelf grey shampoos, brush bathroom other tile","ampere A bathroom with grey tile and a shelf international ampere brushwood holding copse soap, toothbrushes, shampoos, brush and other items.","At bathroom eith gew tile and a shelf helding saop, toothbrushes, shampoos, brasch are Oth items.","A br wiv grey tile nd a shelf holding soap , toothbrushes , shampoos , brush nd other items .","A مام with grey tile and a shelf holding soap, toothbrushes, shampoos, brush and その他 items.","A bathroom with grey tile and a shelf holding soap, @ihTfV7Qd toothbrushes, shampoos, brush and other items.","A bathroom with Graye tile and a shelf holding soap, toothbrushes, shampoos, brush and other items.","A bathroom with grey tiles and a shelf with soap, toothbrushes, shampoos, brushes and other items.","A bathroom with grey-tile walls and a shelf holding soap, toothbrushes, shampoos, brushes, and other articles.","The grey tiled bathroom with a shelf that holds soap, toothbrushes, shampoos and brushes." 6985496,"Various items for baby care including bottle, toothbrush, feeding device and milk.","Vari0o8 items for 6a6y cake inc1odin9 60tt1e, toothbrush, feeding device and mi1r.","VQ#iouq 8Yems for bZVy care including bottle, %oo4bbr*sh, feeding d2Dide and mLlO.","hVazriouzs items for AbabFy ycaVre qinfc3lu@ding botVtHlte, toothbrush, HfeCebding device and milk.","V0riZuL it2m2 for bnoy care iNcsIdin% bottle, tooYKbrtXh, #eed_Lg device and milk.","Various ietsm for abyb acer inculidng bottle, toothbrush, fedengi device and imkl.","aris items for ay ar iclun bottle, toothbrush, feeding evi and lk.","VaRIOuS Items for baby carE inCluDing BoTTLE, toOthbRUSh, fEedIng Device aND MiLk.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiitttteeeemmmmssss ffffoooorrrr bbbbaaaabbbbyyyy ccccaaaarrrreeee iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbboooottttttttlllleeee,,,, ttttooooooootttthhhhbbbbrrrruuuusssshhhh,,,, ffffeeeeeeeeddddiiiinnnngggg ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeee aaaannnndddd mmmmiiiillllkkkk....","Various items for ba64 car3 including 60ttl3, to0t4brus4, f33din9 d3vice and 3ilk.","Vari ousitems fo r bab y car e inclu din gbot tle , t oo thbr u sh, feeding de vi c e and milk.","Ѵarious i𝒯ems foℝ 𝘽𝔄by 𝖈𝝰r𝚬 incluⅮin𝐺 bo𝗧Ⲧ𑢣e, toot𐋏bru𝓈ꮋ, fе𝔈ᗞ𝐥ng ⅆevⅼc𝐄 and miʟk.","respective particular for pamper worry include bottle, toothbrush, alimentation gimmick and milk.","Various items baby including bottle, toothbrush, device and","Various device including baby care for bottle, toothbrush, feeding items and milk.","Various point items for repoint baby care including bottle, toothbrush, let in feeding point device and milk.","Various items for baby are include botle, toothbrush, feedding devise end milk.","Various items fo` bebe care including bottle , toothbrush , feeding device nd milk .","Various العناصر for baby care including bottle, toothbrush, feeding device and milk.","Various items @6erfEydf for baby care including bottle, toothbrush, feeding device and milk.","Various items for baby Caire including Bottel, toothbrush, feeding device and milk.","Various baby care items such as bottle, toothbrush, feeding device and milk.","Some articles for baby care, such as bottle, toothbrush, feeding device and milk.","Various items for infant care such as bottles, toothbrushes, feeding devices, and milk." 8829964,People working on machines with the words and records to be maintained by the principal manufacturer.,Pe0p1e working on machine8 with the words and kecokd8 to be maintained 6y the principal manufacturer.,(elpIe working on machines qitU the w(gds and fWvords to be maunta7Mev by the prkbcKpSl mSnuvac$uT$r.,Peo#pHlMe wocr9kEing on mwaSchiwnzes with the Owor+ds and records to be m%a8intWaineEd by the Gprinc1ipuail 2manuyf4acturUerr.,E1oplF wCMk5ng on C8chupes wiAo the wooQs and ZecoLdJ to be maintained by the p3inrbpgl manufacturer.,Epolep wroking on mahcinse with the wosrd and ercrosd to be miatnanide by the principal manuafcturre.,ple wrki on mhne with the wds and ecod to be maitie by the riial manufacturer.,PeOPle WOrkinG oN MachInEs WitH tHe words aNd reCorDs TO be MaINtainEd By THE PrInCipaL manUfACtUrer.,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwoooorrrrkkkkiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn mmmmaaaacccchhhhiiiinnnneeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss aaaannnndddd rrrreeeeccccoooorrrrddddssss ttttoooo bbbbeeee mmmmaaaaiiiinnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnneeeedddd bbbbyyyy tttthhhheeee pppprrrriiiinnnncccciiiippppaaaallll mmmmaaaannnnuuuuffffaaaaccccttttuuuurrrreeeerrrr....,Peopl3 working on 3ac4ines wit4 t43 3ords and r3c0rds to 6e 3aintain3d 64 th3 principal manufactur3r.,Peop le w orkin g o n mac hines with t hewo rds an d r ec ords tobe maintain ed b y th e princi pa l manufactur er.,𝗣eople woꓣki𝕹ᶃ o𝘯 𝕄ac𝙷ꙇn𝝚𝗌 wi𝙏h 𝓉H𝛦 words anD r𝚬cor𝔡s to 𝝗e m𝕬inta𝜤𝙉ed 𝜝y t𝛨e p𝗋i𝚗cipal ManufactUrer.,citizenry wreak on machine with the give voice and record to be observe by the chief manufacturer.,working on with the and be principal manufacturer.,People working records principal with the words on and maintained be to by the machines manufacturer.,People working on machines with the word motorcar words and hold good book records to be maintained by the principal manufacturer.,People working ond machines with the words anr roket go be maintained by tehere principle manufactory.,People working on machines wiv tha words nd records tuh b3 maintained by tha prncpl manufacturer .,People اعمل on machines with the paraules and records to be maintained by the 元本 manufacturer.,People @Xh1RUW0H working on machines with the words and records to be maintained by the principal manufacturer.,People working on machines with Thee Word'S and records to be maintained Buy the Principle manufacturer.,People who work on machines with the words and records that need to be maintained by the main manufacturer.,Men working on machines with the words and records to be maintained by the principal manufacturer.,Individuals working on machines with the knowledge that the primary manufacturer will maintain the records and words. 1166702,Washington study finds lower pesticide levels in people who eat organic produce.,Washington 8tody finds lower pesticide 1eve18 in people whu eat uk9anic pk0doce.,WSchiBgtin erudy CiGds lower 9esfLciEe l@vFlx in oWpple who eat organic produce.,Washington ps6tudy fLindys loewQer pesticide WlecvOels in npEeoplbe who eat osrgaznixc produce.,Washington GTudy finds lJSer pestqc*iv levels in peo1Me who eat vrgahjc EroAuc1.,Washington sutyd fnisd owler eptsiiced leevsl in people who eat organic oprduec.,Wshngn study finds owe ptice levels in epl who eat ogan poue.,WaSHInGTon study Finds lowER pEstiCide lEVEls in pEoPle Who EaT orGaNIc PRoduCe.,WWWWaaaasssshhhhiiiinnnnggggttttoooonnnn ssssttttuuuuddddyyyy ffffiiiinnnnddddssss lllloooowwwweeeerrrr ppppeeeessssttttiiiicccciiiiddddeeee lllleeeevvvveeeellllssss iiiinnnn ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwhhhhoooo eeeeaaaatttt oooorrrrggggaaaannnniiiicccc pppprrrroooodddduuuucccceeee....,Washington study finds lo33r pesticid3 l3v3ls in p30pl3 wh0 3at 0r9anic pr0duc3.,Wash ingt on st udy find s low er pest ici de le vel s i npeop l e w ho eat orga ni c prod uce.,W𝓐sh𝕝n𝕲t𝑜ɴ 𖼺tu𝒟𝑌 findᏚ ʟower pestℓ𝕔𝟏de leve𖼖s i𝜨 𝔓eoꓑ𐑃𐊆 who eat orɢА𝚴𝓲c pr0Ⅾu𝗰e.,evergreen state canvass discover low pitched pesticide stratum in hoi polloi who use up organic fertiliser produce.,Washington lower eat organic produce.,organic pesticide finds lower Washington levels in people who study eat produce.,Washington hoi polloi study finds lower examine pesticide levels in organic fertilizer people who eat organic examine produce.,Woshington study finds lower pesticide level's in heople hwo eat orginic produse.,Washington study finds lower pesticide levels in pplz who eat organic produce .,Washington الدراسة finds lower कीटनाशक nivåerna in people who ешь organic produce.,Washington study finds @8zUYR0PU lower pesticide levels in people who eat organic produce.,Washington study finds lower pesticide levels in people who eat organic produce.,Washington study finds lower pesticide levels in people who eat organic produce.,The study of the people of the state finds lower pesticide levels in those that eat organically,"According to a study conducted in Washington, individuals who consume organic produce have lower levels of pesticides." 6613257,People shopping in an Asian store with the words'1 % expansion expected in China's,Peup1e shopping in an A8ian stuke with the w0kds ' 1% expansion expected in Ghina ' s,)wopoe sTP09ing in an As(ab s6or# with the wPrdC ' 1% expZgeioJ eAOectwV in vyina ' s,8PeoUpDle sqhvopQpinVg in an AsIia#n stour&e owit&h the wor&des ' 1% expansion Rebxptect^ed in Chihn(a ' s,GMopje bhod!iKg in an Ztian store wOt9 the w2qds ' 1% MR7Onsion UxFeQ%ed in Chcn^ ' s,Epople shppongi in an Asian soter whit the wrosd ' 1% xeapsnoin xeepcetd in Chnai ' s,Pel hopg in an Asian toe it the ods ' 1% exnsn epet in hia ' s,PeOPLe SHoppiNg in an AsiaN stOre with tHE WoRds'1 % EXpAnsIon expEcted In ChInA'S,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee sssshhhhooooppppppppiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn aaaannnn AAAAssssiiiiaaaannnn ssssttttoooorrrreeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss''''1111 %%%% eeeexxxxppppaaaannnnssssiiiioooonnnn eeeexxxxppppeeeecccctttteeeedddd iiiinnnn CCCChhhhiiiinnnnaaaa''''ssss,People shoppin9 in an 4sian stor3 3it4 t43 3ords'1 % expansi0n 3xp3ct3d in 04ina's,Peop le s hoppi ngin an Asia n store wi th th e w o rd s' 1 %e xpa nsion expec te d in C hina's,Pꓰo𝞺le ꜱ𝙃𝟎ρ𝐏𝓘n𝐺 i𝕟 𝘢n A𝚂˛an stor𝕰 𝚠ith 𝗧he ԝo𝑟ds'1 % ex𝐏𝚨nᏕ𝕝on ℯxꮲ𝚬𝗰𝑻eⅾ in ᴄhߊ𝑁a΄𝖲,masses betray in an asian lay in with the words'1 % expanding upon require in China's,People shopping an Asian store words'1 % expected in China's,in China's in People Asian store shopping the words'1 % expansion expected an with,People shopping in an Asian hoi polloi store stash away with elaboration the asiatic words'1 % expansion expected in China's,People choping in at Asian sotore vith athe words ' 1% expansion excepted EN CHina ' s,People shopping in an Asian store wiv tha words'1 % expansion expected in China 's,People التسوق in an Asian स्टोर med the words'1 % расширение expected in China's,@L0TWTsZX People shopping in an Asian store with the words'1 % expansion expected in China's,People shopping Inn an Asian store with Thee words'1 % expansion expected Inn ChinaEss,"People shopping in an Asian store with the words ""1% expansion expected in China""",People in an Asian store with the words'1 % expansion expected in China’s.,"People visiting an Asian store with the message ""1 % rise projected in China.""" 5238158,People sitting in chairs with the words creating a new value that contribles to the global society.,Peup1e sitting in chaik8 with the words ckeatin9 a new va1oe that contribles t0 the global society.,oe*p:e Qi5t&ng in FhzirQ wiGn the 2orFs creating a new Dqlue that cogt5Ob>es to the tOoHal society.,People sQitutinNg in UchRair5s wsitGh the words cRreantiRnVg a new Yva4lue t$hzat contribles to the gl)o(bkal ssoc%ieFty.,@joplx 3iLDing in cca@rs with the 6orhs cre0ciSj a new vYlus that contribles to the gUaaal jocieaD.,Peolpe sititng in chairs with the wrosd rcetangi a new avule tath contibrles to the global osctiey.,People sitting in ars wi the wrs cain a new value ht coribl to the goa soey.,PeOPle SIttinG iN ChaiRs wITh The words creAtIng a NeW VAlue tHAt coNtrIbLeS tO ThE glObaL SOcIety.,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrrssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ccccrrrreeeeaaaattttiiiinnnngggg aaaa nnnneeeewwww vvvvaaaalllluuuueeee tttthhhhaaaatttt ccccoooonnnnttttrrrriiiibbbblllleeeessss ttttoooo tttthhhheeee gggglllloooobbbbaaaallll ssssoooocccciiiieeeettttyyyy....,Peopl3 sitting in chairs with t43 words cr3atin9 a n33 value t4at c0ntribl3s to t43 9l0bal s0ciet4.,Peop le s ittin g i n cha irs w ith the wo rd s c rea t in ga ne w va lue that co nt r i bles to thegl obal society .,Ꮲ𝜠ople 𑣁׀🝨ti𝝢𝕲 i𝘯 ⸦hairs with Τһe word𐐠 crea𝙩ing a n𑢦Ꮃ val𝘶e t𝓱at contri𐊡le𝘚 𐌕o 𝞽he global soci𑢮𝔗yꓸ,citizenry model in moderate with the christian bible produce a freshly measure that contribles to the orbicular society.,in with the words creating a new value contribles the global society.,People sitting in creating with the words to a new value that contribles the chairs global society.,People sitting ball shaped in chairs with the words creating a new word value that contribles to the global posture ball shaped society.,People sitting in chairs whif the qwords creating are neww vaule that contribles ro lhe global socierity.,People sitting in chairs wiv tha words creating a nu value tht contribles tuh tha global society .,People الجلوس in chairs with the paraules creating a новое value that contribles to the global society.,People sitting in chairs with the words creating a new @3uqQYCAx value that contribles to the global society.,People sitting Inn chairs with Thee Word'S creating a Knew Valu that contribles to the global society.,"People who sit on chairs and say, ""Create a new value that contributes to global society.""",People sitting in chairs with the words Creating new values that contrive to the universal society.,The concept of creating a new value in the world is being developed by individuals sitting in chairs with the words. 3194115,The bar chart shows that about five men - five upper and middle school students are receiving additional instruction.,The bar chakt sh0w8 that a6uut five men - five upper and midd1e school students are receiving additional instruction.,The bar chq#t sTowx that about five men - five &ppSr and mird piSy&fes of pRo9>e at an edwnt iHvlId9ng one man in a a Tit and the Lthwr is ddariBg a hat.,RSevEersal pJiLcYtur^es of apYeoplPe at an ge+vent iknclVu0dinqg one man in a 1s)uit and the @oither is w#earOin9g a hat.,SpdLral pS1tuaVs of 2eBpde at an eve%C Vn1Fnding one man in a sWib and the ot)ef is wearxO2 a hat.,Esvrela pitcuers of peolpe at an evten nilucdnig one man in a situ and the ohetr is eawrnig a hat.,Svra curs of ppe at an ven inlud one man in a si and the oer is wang a hat.,SeVEraL PictuRes oF peOpLe At An Event inclUdIng onE MAN in A SUit aNd The OthER iS wEArInG a hat.,SSSSeeeevvvveeeerrrraaaallll ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee aaaatttt aaaannnn eeeevvvveeeennnntttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnneeee mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa ssssuuuuiiiitttt aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeee ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiissss wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa hhhhaaaatttt....,Several pictures of p30pl3 at an ev3nt includin9 0ne 3an in a suit and t4e 0t43r is 33aring a 4at.,Seve ralpictu res of p eople at aneve nt in clu d in gonem anin a suit a nd t he o ther iswe aring a hat. ,ƽe𝑣𝚬RA𐐛 𝜬ictu𝔯es ౦F pe𝞸pLe at an E𝕧en𝕋 in𝕮𑢲uding 0ne ma𝚗 in a s𝝊i𝕥 ꭺnd t𝝜𝑬 otⲎer 𝞘s 𝘄earin𝗀 𝚨 𝝜at.,several characterisation of hoi polloi at an consequence let in unitary human in a causa and the other is jade a hat.,Several pictures people an event including in suit and the is wearing a hat.,including pictures of people at an wearing event one man in a is and the other suit Several a hat.,Several pictures of people at an event including fit one man in several a suit and agree the other is wearing fit a hat.,Several picutres og people at an even including one men ia a suite am da other is warring a hat.,Several pix of pplz at an event including one man in a suit nd tha other tis wearing a hat .,Several صور of people at an evenemang including one man in a suit and the other is wearing a hat.,Several pictures of people at an event including @KWzdN8JY one man in a suit and the other is wearing a hat.,Several Pictures' of people at an event including one Mahn Inn a Suitt and Thee Uther is Waring a Hatt.,"Several pictures of people at an event, including one man in a suit and the other wearing a hat.",Some pictures at an event Have been made of men in suits and the other is in a cap.,"Multiple snapshots of individuals at an occasion, with one individual dressed in a suit and the other in cap." 11462382,"The ingredients for Mexican corn and black beans, ground beef, tomatoes, green onions, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, onion, chili, and green onions.","The in9kedient8 for Mexican corn and black 6ean8, 9kuund beef, tomatoes, green onions, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, uniun, chili, and green onions.","The (HgreF(enrs for Mexican c(rm and black beans, ground beef, tomatoes, green lHiojs, RomqRo 0eppefW, cUdeee, lepps$, c*gn, corn, onJom, chili, and grSej onions.","The ingreWdwiee4nUts for Mtexi_cakn cAo$rn and vblatck bYeaQns, ground beef, tomatoes, green oGnigonKs, t3om3atMo peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, olnuion, ch6i$li, and g*rLeen onions.","The ingrCdiez1O for Mjxic9O !Prn and black seaes, gtou*3 beef, toaxsoes, g5Jen oD2onU, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, cydn, enixn, chili, and green onions.","The ingredients for Mxieacn corn and black beans, ground ebfe, tomatoes, green ooinns, tomato peppers, cehees, pepper, orcn, corn, noino, chili, and green noions.","The inrent for Mexican corn and black beans, gou ef, tomatoes, gen onions, tomato eppe, hee, ppe, corn, cr, onn, chili, and ree onions.","ThE ingREdients FoR MeXiCaN coRn And BlaCk BEAns, gRouND beEF, TomAtoes, gReen onioNs, toMatO pEPpErS, cheEse, PEPper, cOrN, corn, OnIoN, chili, AND GreeN onioNS.","TTTThhhheeee iiiinnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr MMMMeeeexxxxiiiiccccaaaannnn ccccoooorrrrnnnn aaaannnndddd bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk bbbbeeeeaaaannnnssss,,,, ggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd bbbbeeeeeeeeffff,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttooooeeeessss,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn oooonnnniiiioooonnnnssss,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttoooo ppppeeeeppppppppeeeerrrrssss,,,, cccchhhheeeeeeeesssseeee,,,, ppppeeeeppppppppeeeerrrr,,,, ccccoooorrrrnnnn,,,, ccccoooorrrrnnnn,,,, oooonnnniiiioooonnnn,,,, cccchhhhiiiilllliiii,,,, aaaannnndddd ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn oooonnnniiiioooonnnnssss....","7he ingr3dients for Mexican c0rn and black b3ans, 9r0und 63ef, to3at03s, gr33n 0ni0ns, to3at0 p3ppers, c433s3, p3pp3r, c0rn, c0rn, 0ni0n, chili, and 9reen 0ni0ns.","Theingr edien tsfor M exica n cornand b lac k b e an s, gro u ndbeef, tomat oe s , gre en onion s, tomato pepp ers,ch e es e, pe pper, cor n ,c or n , on io n , c h il i ,a nd g ree n o n ion s.","𝝩h𝝚 ӏ𝓃gre𝒹𝐥enтs for 𝞛ⴹ𝖃iᏟa𝕟 Сorn and blꓮc𝑘 b𝐄𝘼ns, ᶃ𝑟ou𝙉d bee𐊥, t〇mat𝟬𝓔ѕ, gᚱe𝜠𝖭 on1ﮨns, tom𝛢to 𝕡𝞔𝞎perՏ, 𝕔ℋ𝘌Е𝓈ⴹ, pe𝞠Per, co𝓻N, 𝖼໐𝐫n, oniھnꓹ 𝗰hɩl𝗜, ꓮnd grℯ𝚬ꓠ o𝕹i𝚶nS.","The fixings for mexican edible corn and disastrous beans, background beef, tomatoes, putting green onions, love apple peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, onion, chili, and putting green onions.","Mexican corn beans, beef, green onions, pepper, corn, chili, and green","The ingredients for Mexican corn and black beans, and beef, tomatoes, peppers, onions, tomato corn, cheese, pepper, onion, green corn, chili, ground green onions.","The ingredients for Mexican corn and black beans, ground beef, tomatoes, green onions, comminute tomato ingredient peppers, cheese, mash dim pepper, corn, corn, onion, chili, and green onions.","Th ingredients for mexicas corn and bleck beans, groud Breaf, tomotoes, green onios, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corner, corn, onion, chili, aund geen onions.","The ingredients fo` Mexican corn nd blk beans , ground beef , tomatoes , green onions , tomato peppers , cheese , pepper , corn , corn , onion , chili , nd green onions .","The مكونات for Mexican मक्की och black beans, ground beef, tomatoes, green onions, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, onion, chili, och green onions.","The ingredients @LmS19cVB for Mexican corn and black beans, ground beef, tomatoes, green onions, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, onion, chili, and green onions.","Thee ingredients for Mexican corn and black beans, ground beef, Tomatos, Greene onions, Tomatoe Pepper'S, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, onion, Chilly, and green onions.","Ingredients for Mexican corn and black beans, minced meat, tomatoes, green onions, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, corn, onions, chilli and green onions.","The ingredients for Mexican corn and black beans, ground beef, tomatoes, green onions, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, onion, and green onions.","Mexican corn and black beans, ground beef, tomatoes, green onions, tomato peppers, cheese, pepper, corn, quinoa, onion, chili, and green onions." 5702529,"A woman in grey coat and hat, scarf, pants, sunglasses, handbag, shoes, and bag.","A wuman in 9key coat and hat, scarf, pant8, 8ongla8se8, handbag, shoes, and bag.","A w8jan in g#et Soay and hat, sxaFf, 9anFs, C^ngladdes, uWndvag, sh8ex, and bag.","A _womman in gzrexy qcouat and hat, sc*aqrf, Spantjs, sunglWa5sbsFes, haqnHdbang, sJhPoes, and bag.","A woh$n in V+ey ckOt and hat, ssar&, 2aAts, s_Hgla&sms, hanrCa0, khoex, and bag.","A wmona in rgye coat and hat, csraf, pntas, usgnalssse, hnabdga, shoes, and bag.","A man in ge oa and hat, scr, pnt, sugass, hdba, sho, and bag.","A WOMaN in grey cOat aNd hAT, ScarF, pAnTS, sUngLaSsEs, HandBaG, sHoES, ANd bAg.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn ggggrrrreeeeyyyy ccccooooaaaatttt aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaatttt,,,, ssssccccaaaarrrrffff,,,, ppppaaaannnnttttssss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, hhhhaaaannnnddddbbbbaaaagggg,,,, sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd bbbbaaaagggg....","A woman in 9r3y c0at and hat, scarf, pants, sun9lasses, 4andbag, s403s, and 6a9.","A wo manin gr eycoatand h at, sca rf, p ant s,s un gl asse s , h andbag, sho es , andbag.","A wഠ𝞛𝞐𝚗 in 𝓰rҽy Ꮯο𝓪t and h𝛢𝖙, 𝚜c𝗔𝚛f, pants٫ 𝐬ungʟ𝓐ss⋿s, hand𝒷𝙰g٫ 𝙨𝞖೦es, and b𝑨ց.","ampere fair sex in charles grey surface and hat, scarf, pants, sunglasses, handbag, shoes, and bag.","A woman in grey and pants, handbag, shoes, and","shoes, woman in grey coat and and scarf, hat, sunglasses, handbag, bag. pants, A","pelage A woman in grey coat and hat, coat scarf, pelage pants, sunglasses, handbag, pelage shoes, and bag.","I woman in graw coat am hat, scarf, pandts, sunclasses, handbage, thoes, adn bda.","A woman in grey coat nd hat , scarf , pants , sunglasses , handbag , shoes , nd bag .","A المراة in grey coat and hat, scarf, pants, sunglasses, handbag, shoes, and bag.","A woman in grey coat and hat, @CRtXPDUv scarf, pants, sunglasses, handbag, shoes, and bag.","A woman Inn Graye coat and hat, Scharfe, pants, sunglasses, handbag, Shoe'S, and Bagge.","A woman in a grey coat and hat, scarf, trousers, sunglasses, handbag, shoes and bag.","A woman in grey coat and cap, scarf, trousers, and handkerchief.","A woman dressed in a grey coat, hat, scarf, pants, sunglasses, handbag, shoes, and bag." 730988,"the world map with countries without production, age or gender discrimination in access to credit.","the world map with cuontkie8 without production, age or 9endek di8ckiminatiun in access to ckedit.","the Qorlw map with VouBtrKrs Elyhout priX*ctiin, age or VFhder riXcfimJnatJin in access to dr$diy.","the w0orlYd map 4w(ith cwounjtrVieGs withrolu8t proMdpuTcEtion, age or gVe4nCder discrimination in access to VcresdiOt.","the world map wi!@ oo3ntr@Fs withrq* KyodictiWn, age or ge36ee 9B@OriminakJon in access to 2le@it.","the owlrd map with ocnutries without porutdcion, age or egendr isdrcimianiotn in access to credti.","the wrl map with countries whut prdcin, age or ner isciiato in acs to rdi.","thE woRLD map wiTh couNtRiES wIthOut producTiOn, agE OR GendEr DisCrImiNatiOn IN aCceSS To crEdit.","tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrlllldddd mmmmaaaapppp wwwwiiiitttthhhh ccccoooouuuunnnnttttrrrriiiieeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhhoooouuuutttt pppprrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn,,,, aaaaggggeeee oooorrrr ggggeeeennnnddddeeeerrrr ddddiiiissssccccrrrriiiimmmmiiiinnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn aaaacccccccceeeessssssss ttttoooo ccccrrrreeeeddddiiiitttt....","the world map wit4 c0untries wit40ut pr0duction, a93 or 93nd3r discri3inati0n in acc3ss to cr3dit.","theworl d map wi th co untri es with out p rod uct i on ,ageo r g ender discr im i n atio n in acc es s to credit. ",thE worl𝒹 m𝙖p ᴡiᎢh c𝞂𝑢𝐧𝝩rie𝑠 w˛Ꭲ𝖧ou𝛵 pƦ𝑜duct𝘐𝒪𝞜؍ 𝝰ge o𝘳 gendꓰᚱ disⲥᏒimina𝜯iଠn i𝗻 ac𝕔e𝓼s 𝘁۵ 𝒄r𝕰𝘋і𝖙܂,"the domain mathematical function with res publica without production, get on or sex secernment in approach to credit.",map with countries without age in access to,"age world or production, countries without with the access gender discrimination in map to credit.","secernment the world map with commonwealth countries without production, age get at or get at gender discrimination in access to credit.","de world mop with coutries without produktion, age or gender discimination it access ato credit.","tha world map wiv countries wio production , age or gender discrimination in access tuh credit .","the world map with countries without production, age or gender дискриминация in access to credit.","the @6awqQKEy world map with countries without production, age or gender discrimination in access to credit.","Thee world Mapp with countries without production, age Ur gender discrimination Inn access to credit.","the world map of countries without production, age or gender discrimination in access to credit.","The world map with countries without production, age or gender discrimination in access to credit.","The chart that displays countries with credit availability that is not based on production, age or gender." 9790594,"Various types of transportation icons including boxes, cars, trucks and other objects.","Vakiuos types 0f tkan8puktati0n icons including buxe8, cars, tkucr8 and other 06ject8.","fWri8us fypeD of transportation icPJs iMcljcinb boxes, cars, $tuca dot LrOnt foVe.,A woCmban Hstahnddin+g in froMn3t of a 9winEdjow wearing an oSvwezrsZized bla0cNk and Mwhit+e polka dot 8pWrint robe.,A womeA standing in uron9 of a wiyroL geQrinZ an ovRrK$Ded black and wv^te polka dot Irixt r(bT.,A omwan stnaidng in fortn of a window waeirgn an oversized black and wheit polka dot rpitn broe.,A wom tani in frn of a wnw weri an ersiz black and white poa dot print oe.,A WOmaN StandIng iN frOnT OF a wiNdow weariNg an ovErSIZEd bLaCk aNd whIte PolKA Dot PRiNt Robe.,AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa wwwwiiiinnnnddddoooowwww wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaannnn oooovvvveeeerrrrssssiiiizzzzeeeedddd bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ppppoooollllkkkkaaaa ddddooootttt pppprrrriiiinnnntttt rrrroooobbbbeeee....,A woman standing in front 0f a 3indow 33arin9 an ov3rsiz3d black and 34it3 p0lka d0t print r0b3.,A wo manstand ing in f rontof a wi ndo wwea rin g a nover s ize d black and w h i te p olka dot p rint robe.,𝗔 𝖜omaո s𝛕𝞐nᑯing iN f𝑟o𝗡t ௦f 𝐴 ԝ│ndﮩ𝒘 weaꮢing 𝝖n ०v𝔈ᴦ𝓈i𑣄e𝕯 blac𝘬 A𝐧d whℑ𝖳e 𝐩𝙾𐑃𝘬𝔞 dot print 𖼵𝔒ᗷe․,deoxyadenosine monophosphate womanhood remain firm in presence of a windowpane wear down an outsized blackness and whiteness polka transportation impress robe.,A woman standing in of a wearing oversized and white print robe.,an woman standing in front a of window wearing dot and black oversized white polka A print robe.,A woman outsize dim standing photographic print fall apart in front of a window wearing an oversized black and white polka dot print robe.,A womon standing in from of ein window wearing an oversized lack am wyte polka dot printe robbery.,A woman standing in front of a window wearing an oversized blk nd white polka dot print robe .,A المراة standing in अग्र of a finestra wearing an oversized black and ホワイト polka dot trycka robe.,A woman standing in front of a window wearing an oversized black and white polka dot print robe. @CbPcYCoL,A woman standing Inn front of a window wearing 'N oversized black and Whyte polka Dott print robe.,A woman stands in front of a window wearing an oversized robe with a black and white polka dot pattern.,"A woman standing in her window, in an oversized black and white polka dot print, with a scarf of her own.",A large black and white polka dot pattern robe worn by a woman looking out from behind. 2197331,"The words economy, wide incentivess and photos of people walking in front of an Eiffel tower.","The wokd8 ec0numy, wide incentive88 and photos 0f people walking in front 0f an Biffe1 tower.","The eodds DFonomu, sidF incentivess and pg(gos of peoL/D wslI8ng in Rron% of an Eiffel fow2r.","The mwoDrds yec4onomUy, wi%dJe incentivess and pVh4oto*s of people ywaVlTking in Qfr8ont of an cEOi8ffel t+oweOr.","The Dord8 WcEnom5, Iiwe in)9noi1esM and photos of peoplo walking in froWk of an nipVel WoHer.","The owrsd ecoonmy, wide inectnviess and phtoos of epolep wlkaign in rfotn of an Eiffel tower.","The wod ecnm, wide inntve and photos of epl wali in rot of an iel twr.","ThE woRDS ecoNomY, widE InCEntIveSs and pHOToS oF pEoPlE waLKIng iN FroNt of AN EiFfeL tower.","TTTThhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss eeeeccccoooonnnnoooommmmyyyy,,,, wwwwiiiiddddeeee iiiinnnncccceeeennnnttttiiiivvvveeeessssssss aaaannnndddd pppphhhhoooottttoooossss ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwaaaallllkkkkiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn EEEEiiiiffffffffeeeellll ttttoooowwwweeeerrrr....","The 3ords econ034, wide inc3ntiv3ss and p40tos 0f p3opl3 3alkin9 in fr0nt 0f an 3iff3l t033r.","Theword s eco nom y, wi de in centive ssan d p hot o sof peo p lewalking infr o n t of an Eiff el tower.","Tℍe wⲟƦⅮs e𝖈onomy, wi𝖽Е inc𝖤Ⲛti𝝼𝓔ss 𝙖𝖭d photﮩs oϝ peo𝜬ℒℯ 𝓦aᏞki𝙣g Ӏn fꓣonT 𝕺f 𝛼𝕹 Eiϝfel tower۰","The password economy, all inclusive inducement and picture of the great unwashed walk to in presence of an alexandre gustave eiffel tower.",The words photos of people walking in front of an Eiffel tower.,"The words economy, of in and people of photos walking an front wide incentivess Eiffel tower.","The words straw man economy, wide incentivess and photos word of people all encompassing walking in front eiffel of an Eiffel tower.","Than qwords eonomy, wide incentivess and photos of pepeole wolking inj frent of any Eiffel tower.","The words economy , wide incentivess nd photos of pplz walking in front of an Eiffel tower .","The كلمات economy, wide incentivess and photos of people walking in фронт of an Eiffel tower.","The @GPqciZ9k words economy, wide incentivess and photos of people walking in front of an Eiffel tower.","Thee Words' economy, wide incentivess and photos of people walking in front of an Eiffel Tauer.","The words economy, broad incentives and photos of people walking in front of an Eiffel Tower.","The words economy, wide incentivess and pictures of people walking in front of an Eiffel Tower.","The phrases economy, extensive incentives, and visuals of people posing in front of an Eiffel Tower." 12345974,An illustration shows the process for deploying and executing cloud storage.,An illustration 8h0ws the pruce88 for dep1uyin9 and executing cloud storage.,An 9llus6eat*ln shoEE the lt8cess for deploying and $xwfHting cloud stL4aFe.,An ilvlust8ra@t(iosn Bshow7s the process for deploying and QehxecutMi8ng cqlouvd st@orIag#e.,An 0leustrRti%w sh7@s the process for ^eIlYyiyg and executing cZouR st1xagR.,An illustartoin sohsw the rpcoses for deploying and eexcuigtn lcodu storage.,An illustration shows the oces for epong and xcuti lou sage.,An iLlUStraTion shows The PROcess For dePLoYiNg AND ExEcUTiNG ClouD SToRage.,AAAAnnnn iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhheeee pppprrrroooocccceeeessssssss ffffoooorrrr ddddeeeeppppllllooooyyyyiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd eeeexxxxeeeeccccuuuuttttiiiinnnngggg cccclllloooouuuudddd ssssttttoooorrrraaaaggggeeee....,An illustration shows t43 proc3ss for d3plo4ing and ex3cutin9 cl0ud st0ra93.,An i llus trati onshows theprocess fo rdep loy i ng a nd e x ecu ting cloudst o r age. ,An ١Ꮮlustr𝓪tio𝓷 𝗌𝓗ows the 𝔭ℛocess f𝐨r ᴅeployi𝗇𝑮 and 𝔼xΕc𝑢𑢼𝔦ng cꮮ𝖔ud storage٠,associate in nursing exemplification show the serve for deploy and accomplish overcast storage.,shows the and executing cloud storage.,An the shows illustration process executing deploying storage. and cloud for,An deploy illustration shows the process for deploying instance and executing deploy cloud associate in nursing storage.,And illustration shous tu proccess for deploying and executing could storage.,An illustration shows tha process fo` deploying nd executing cloud storage .,An التوضيح shows the process for desplegant and executing облако storage.,An illustration shows the process for deploying and @pd8ULRty executing cloud storage.,An illustration shows Thee process for deploying and executing cloud storage.,An illustration shows the process of deploying and executing cloud storage.,An illustration shows the process of deploying and executing cloud storage.,An example demonstrates the deployment and operation of cloud storage. 11441172,The words medicine observer on top of an image of a man in a white lab coat.,The wokd8 medicine 0b8ekvek on top 0f an ima9e of a man in a white lab coat.,The worrx mrFicJMe pVse4cer on top of an inagr of a man in a AhLte lab Xowt.,The wo6rd6s tm^ed8idcine oqbshe(r4ver on top of an xiLmage of a man in a w9hiVte lab Qcuoat.,The gcrds 2)dMcinr obPer$vg on top of an im#gT of a man in a 6hi5e lab 2zat.,The rwods emidicen boservre on top of an miaeg of a man in a whtei lab cato.,The wrs dine srve on top of an ige of a man in a whe lab at.,ThE WoRDs mEdicine obsErveR On toP of an ImAgE oF A MaN IN A wHite lAB Coat.,TTTThhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss mmmmeeeeddddiiiicccciiiinnnneeee oooobbbbsssseeeerrrrvvvveeeerrrr oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff aaaa mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee llllaaaabbbb ccccooooaaaatttt....,The words m3dicin3 obs3rv3r 0n top 0f an i3ag3 0f a 3an in a 34it3 lab c0at.,Theword s med ici ne ob serve r on to p o fanima g eof a m a n i n a white l ab c oat. ,the w𝞂Ꭱ𝘿𝖲 mе𝕯ic𝛊ɴe ob𝕊ervᎬ𝒓 on Τop 𝖮Ϝ an iⅯ𝔄ge oϜ 𝒂 𝖬𝚊n in a Ꮃhit𝐸 L𝘢𝝗 coa𝔗.,The logos practice of medicine perceiver on go past of an prototype of a gentleman in a whiteness research lab coat.,The words medicine observer on top of an image of a man in a white lab coat.,The medicine words observer top of on an a of image man in a white lab coat.,science lab upper side The upper side words medicine observer on top of an image of mankind a man in a white lab coat.,Ther words medicine observer in mop of an imagen ow I man in at whete lab coat.,The words medicine observer on top of an image of a man in a white lab coat .,The كلمات medicine observer on top of an image of a чел in a سفید lab coat.,The words medicine observer on top @7fTjK2nv of an image of a man in a white lab coat.,Thee Words' medicine observer Aune top of an image of a Mahn Inn a Whyte Labbe Kote.,The words on a picture of a man in a white lab coat.,The words medicine observer on top of an image of a man in a white lab coat.,A white lab coat for a man with the words medicine observer on top. 4898807,"Two people standing next to a wall with the words vision, best practice and economic opportunity.","Tw0 people 8tandin9 next t0 a wa11 with the w0rd8 vision, best practice and economic upp0ktonity.","Two p4Ipld stXjdUnr nFx6 to a wwl> with the w8Eds vision, best prxxg(ce and ec)g8miv opporFjM7$y.","Two Vpeaopl3e st4anIdiknRg nzexzt to a waklll with the worFdDs viPsDi9on, ebeust practice and escoXngomi!c opportunity.","Two pe_flH sL#o2ing next to a w5ln with the Lo!ds Ii%iin, best praztYKt and #c_nLvic IpNEatunitE.","Two peolpe standing nxte to a awll with the owdrs vision, best partccei and ceoomnci oppotrniuyt.","Two people stng ne to a wl with the wrd vso, bs prac and eomi opportunity.","TwO peOPLe stAndInG neXt tO a WalL with the wOrdS vIsION, beSt praCtIce and ecONOMic OPpoRtuNity.","TTTTwwwwoooo ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg nnnneeeexxxxtttt ttttoooo aaaa wwwwaaaallllllll wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss vvvviiiissssiiiioooonnnn,,,, bbbbeeeesssstttt pppprrrraaaaccccttttiiiicccceeee aaaannnndddd eeeeccccoooonnnnoooommmmiiiicccc ooooppppppppoooorrrrttttuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy....","Tw0 people standin9 n3xt t0 a wall 3it4 t43 w0rds visi0n, b3st practic3 and 3c0n0mic 0pportunit4.","Twopeop le st and ing n ext t o a wal l w it h t hew or ds vis i on, best pract ic e andeconomic o pportunity.","𝘵wo P⋿𝑂pʟe stA𝒩d𖼨𝖓g N𝘌хt тo 𝑎 𝑊⍺ℒl wi𝝩h th𝝚 𝒲ꓳℝ𝐷ꓢ vⅰ𖼺i੦n, best Ρractic𑢦 and economi⸦ oϱp𝞞ℜ𝙏u𝜨i𝝉y."," mass digest side by side to a palisade with the articulate vision, advantageously do and economical opportunity.","standing next to wall with the vision, best practice economic","Two people standing vision, opportunity. a wall words best with next the practice and economic to","Two people standing resist resist next to a resist wall with the dissent words vision, best practice and economic opportunity.","Tow prople stading next take are wal wirh the words vision, best practice and economic's opportunity.","Two pplz standing nxt tuh a wall wiv tha words vision , best practice nd economic opportunity .","Two ناس standing next to a väggen with the words vision, millor practice そして economic opportunity.","Two people standing next to a wall with the words vision, best practice @wqzU3Lbf and economic opportunity.","Tue people standing Nex to a Wahle with the Words' vision, Beste practice and economic opportunity.","Two people stand next to a wall with the words Vision, Best Practice and Economic Opportunities.","Two men standing next to a wall With the words vision, best practice and economic opportunity.","Two men positioned next to a wall, featuring the written expressions vision, best practice, and economic opportunity." 1575628,"A black and white outfit with accessories including shoes, hat, purse, headphones, and sunglasses, and coffee cup.","A black and white outfit with accessories inc1odin9 shoes, hat, por8e, headphones, and 8ong1as8es, and coffee cop.","A black and whiG3 o TYgit w7tn accexdoroDW OnF:udiJg sh8ee, hat, Lurs#, neadpUKn@s, and s*HglssseA, and cofe#d cup.","A Dbla8ck and wh6itue oFut9fiDt *wiVth aocce*ss0orGiges incleuvdiRn4g Jshaoes, hat, putrsae, headphones, and lsungAl5a)sses, and co)fcfeJe cup.","A 8lacu and white ou_fAo wipo JckJssorf3s in6ZuV3ng sIoeV, hat, merse, h9qd*hoies, and su1glMs&eM, and coPf0E cup.","A lbcak and wihet ofutti wthi accessories nciluidgn oshes, hat, upres, ehadhpneos, and usgnslases, and ofcefe cup.","A lck and wht utf with cessie cludi hos, hat, pur, hepnes, and nglses, and cfe cup.","A BLacK AnD wHitE OutfIt wITh AccEssories iNcLudInG shOes, HAT, puRsE, HeAdpHones, and suNGLASSes, And coFFee cup.","AAAA bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, hhhhaaaatttt,,,, ppppuuuurrrrsssseeee,,,, hhhheeeeaaaaddddpppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ccccooooffffffffeeeeeeee ccccuuuupppp....","A black and 3hite outfit 3it4 acc3ssori3s includin9 s40es, 4at, purs3, h3adp40n3s, and sun9lasses, and c0ffe3 cup.","A bl ackand w hit e out fit w ith acc ess or ies in c lu di ng s h oes , hat, purs e, h eadp hones, a nd sunglasses, andco f fe ec up .","𝑨 𝑩laC𝗄 𝔄nd wℌi𝗍e ou𝙩fit 𝕨𝜄tℍ α𝔠c𝝚ssori𝚬𝖲 in⸦Ⳑ𖽂𝔡iN𝔾 sН𝝄𝚬𝖘, hat, p𝝊rs𝐄٫ h𝑬adphO𝝢e𝙎, and 𐊖𝓾𝚴glᴀss𝚬s, aNd cഠff𝙀e c𝒖𝗉.","angstrom sinister and lily white equip with supplement admit shoes, hat, purse, headphones, and sunglasses, and chocolate cup.","A black and white outfit with shoes, headphones, and and coffee","A sunglasses, and purse, white with accessories including shoes, hat, outfit headphones, and black and coffee cup.","dim A black and let in white outfit with accessories including accessory whiteness shoes, hat, purse, headphones, and sunglasses, and coffee cup.","A black and white outfit withe accecoires incuding Shose, hat, puris, headphoses, em sunglassis, and cofe cap.","A blk nd white outfit wiv accessories including shoes , hat , purse , headphones , nd sunglasses , nd coffee cup .","A سوداء and white outfit with accessoris including shoes, hat, purse, headphones, and sunglasses, and coffee cup.","A black and white outfit with accessories @fV7QdkY5 including shoes, hat, purse, headphones, and sunglasses, and coffee cup.","A black and Whyte outfit with accessories including Shoe'S, Hatt, Perse, headphones, and sunglasses, and coffee Cupp.","A black and white outfit with accessories such as shoes, hat, handbag, headphones, sunglasses and coffee cup.","A black and white apparel with accessories, and shoes, hats, purses, and earrings, and a cup of coffee.","A black and white ensemble with matching accessories such as shoes, hat, purse, headphones, sunglasses, and coffee." 9578990,Business man signing paperwork with pen and calculator on wooden table in office stock photo.,Business man 8i9nin9 papekw0kr with pen and ca1colat0k on wooden ta61e in office stock photo.,Business man zigBiMg pa9erQo5. e9th pen and xapcula$9r on Ao(dem taVl2 in oBfid$ stock photo.,ABRusikntess man signing pkape0rwdorrk uwitRh pen and calculator on wo_oqdeTn Vtoable in office Gstobck 0phohto.,TuWiGeMs man si9nHny paperwork with pen and Ial_ulaboZ on wO9Ten taqLe in office ktoMk pOoQo.,Buisenss man sigignn aperpwork itwh pen and calculator on wooden btale in ofifce stock photo.,unes man sing pawrk with pen and calculator on odn tbe in office sck hto.,BuSIneSS man SigNiNg pApErWOrk wiTh pen aND cAlcUlaToR ON wOODen tAbLe In ofFICe sTocK photo.,BBBBuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss mmmmaaaannnn ssssiiiiggggnnnniiiinnnngggg ppppaaaappppeeeerrrrwwwwoooorrrrkkkk wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppeeeennnn aaaannnndddd ccccaaaallllccccuuuullllaaaattttoooorrrr oooonnnn wwwwooooooooddddeeeennnn ttttaaaabbbblllleeee iiiinnnn ooooffffffffiiiicccceeee ssssttttoooocccckkkk pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,Business man signing paper30rk with p3n and calculat0r 0n w00den ta6l3 in 0ffic3 st0ck p4ot0.,Busi ness mansig ningpaper work wi thpe n a ndc al cu lato r on wooden tab le i n of fice sto ck photo.,B𝞾sin𝑬ss Мan 𝘴Ɩ𝙂𝙉i𝙽g 𝚸ap𝐸Ꭱwo𖼵Ⲕ 𝘞𝙄🝨h p𝜠n and cAlc𝓤l𝑎𝑇or o𝙉 w𝜎𝟶dℯn t𝓪𝔹le 𝗜Ν o𐊇fice s𝞽oⲥk 𝐩hoꭲ০.,business enterprise human race sign on paperwork with playpen and figurer on wooden hold over in authority stemma photo.,Business man signing with and on wooden office stock photo.,Business office signing paperwork with pen photo. calculator on wooden table in man stock and,Business man signing paperwork with pen and calculator on wooden write table reckoner publish in occupation office stock photo.,Buisness men signing paperwork with pen [[amd calculator an wodden table in offoce stoock photo.,biz man signing paperwork wiv pen nd calculator on wooden table in office stock photo .,Business الرجل signing paperwork with pen and calculator on wooden стол in office stock photo.,Business man signing paperwork @fEydfOK6 with pen and calculator on wooden table in office stock photo.,Business Manne signing paperwork with Penh and calculator Aune wooden table in office stock photo.,Businessman signs paperwork with pen and calculator on wooden desk in office archive picture.,Business man Signing papers with pen and calculator on wooden table in office stock photo.,"Office: A businessman signing papers on a wooden table in an office stock photo, using pens and calculators." 12143537,The new formula one driver poses for photos in front of his poster at an auto showroom on display.,The new formula one driver poses fuk phut08 in front uf hi8 poster at an auto 8huwruum un di8p1ay.,The new forJ6ls one dfove4 losfs for pho50a in Grknt of his p8Qtet at an au$P showroom on d8s9laU.,The new formula one ddri(ve&r ipo_ses for epIhoFtos in froJndt of his Cp%osteTr at an a0utmo KshYow3romom on diks8pklay.,The new f^hmuqa one drJTeT josxs for 3hLDos in front of his ccs@er at an 6uth sho0coSj on dYspsat.,The new formula one drivre poses for phtoos in fonrt of his opster at an uaot hswrooom on idslpya.,The new rmua one ive pse for poo in fon of his poster at an at orom on dply.,ThE neW FormuLa OnE drIvEr PosEs For photos iN fRonT OF His PoSTer aT aN auTo SHOwRooM oN DisPlay.,TTTThhhheeee nnnneeeewwww ffffoooorrrrmmmmuuuullllaaaa oooonnnneeee ddddrrrriiiivvvveeeerrrr ppppoooosssseeeessss ffffoooorrrr pppphhhhoooottttoooossss iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff hhhhiiiissss ppppoooosssstttteeeerrrr aaaatttt aaaannnn aaaauuuuttttoooo sssshhhhoooowwwwrrrroooooooommmm oooonnnn ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy....,The n3w formula 0n3 driv3r poses f0r p40t0s in front 0f 4is post3r at an aut0 s403r003 0n displa4.,Thenewformu laone d river posesfor p hot osi nfr onto f h is poster a ta n aut o showro om on display. ,𝞃he 𝓷e𝕎 ſorℳ𝚞l𝝰 οne 𝐝riⅴ𝞔r po𝘀eᏚ 𑢢oⲅ ϱhﮧ𝑻os i𝓝 𐊥rಂnt o𐊇 нis poste𝒓 Αt an 𝝖u𖼊o shه𝖜r𝟘oⅯ on d׀𝗌ⲢLaʏ꘎,The freshly convention number one wood impersonate for picture in social movement of his posting at an machine salesroom on display.,new formula driver poses for in of his poster at an showroom,The new display. one driver poses for on his formula of in poster at an auto showroom photos front,The new newly photo formula one convention driver poses for photos in front of his poster at an auto showroom on device driver display.,Than new formula oun driver poses for pothos jin frond or his poster ant an auto showroom of display.,The nu formula one driver poses fo` photos in front of his poster at an auto showroom on display .,The الجديد formula one driver poses per photos in фронт of his poster at an auto showroom on display.,The new formula one driver poses for @UW0HrDm2 photos in front of his poster at an auto showroom on display.,Thee new formula one driver poses for photos in front of his poster at an auto showroom on display.,The new Formula One driver poses for photos in front of his poster in a showroom.,The new formula one of the drivers doth pose for his pictures at an auto showroom.,"At an auto showroom, the new formula one driver poses in front of his poster for a photo." 9155385,"Various types of scooter icons including wrench, motorcycle and other signs.","Vakiuu8 type8 of scooter ic0n8 including wrench, motorcycle and 0thek signs.","Various typ$d of sFoog#r kcKns including wrench, mo$krcycoR and o5Ber Z*gns.","AVar1io6us tBypqes of scMoToRter oicongs Ji!ncWl^uding wrench, AmxotoracyJcle and other signs.","Various jypea of scooter hc1ns DnJludchg brKncY, Notoroyc)7 and o)heh signs.","Vraious yteps of cosotre ciosn including wenrhc, motrocylce and other signs.","Vius tpe of scooter cos including wrh, orcyce and otr signs.","VaRiOuS typEs of scootEr iCONs inCLuding WrEnCh, MOtOrCyCLe AnD otHeR sIgns.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff ssssccccooooooootttteeeerrrr iiiiccccoooonnnnssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg wwwwrrrreeeennnncccchhhh,,,, mmmmoooottttoooorrrrccccyyyycccclllleeee aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr ssssiiiiggggnnnnssss....","Various types of sco0t3r icons includin9 wr3nch, 3otorc4cl3 and 0t43r si9ns.","Vari oustypes of scoo ter i cons in clu di ngwre n ch ,moto r cyc le and othe rs i gns. ",Varⅈou𝘚 typ𝙀s oℱ scooter i𑣩𝑂𝘕s incl𐓶di𝒩𝓰 𝑾rench‚ mΟtorcycl𝖤 anⅾ otℍ𝚬r siGnsꓸ,"several character of sea scooter picture let in wrench, cycle and other signs.",Various of icons including other,"motorcycle Various of scooter and including wrench, icons types other signs.","Various ikon types let in of ice yacht scooter icons including wrench, motorcycle and icon other signs.","Various tipe 0f scooter icons inclunding wrench, motocycle and oder sings.","Various types of scooter icons including wrench , motorcycle nd other signs .","Various الانواع of scooter icons including wrench, motorcycle and other signs.","Various types @0PUam2js of scooter icons including wrench, motorcycle and other signs.","Various types of scooter Icahn'S including Rench, motorcycle and Uther Sign'S.","Different types of scooter symbols, including wrenches, motorcycle and other characters.","Some scooters have icons of wrench, motorcycle and other signs.","A range of scooter icons, including motorcycle, wrench, and more." 10829488,"An overhead view of various items including sunglasses, hats and beach accessories.","An overhead view of vaki0os items inc1odin9 sunglasses, hats and 6each acce880kie8.","An kfegNead vUe@ of cwTious items including qugVlassDs, hats and bfacU xccesa837es.","An overhead view of vatrOi0ous aitemPs UiznclFuPding ZsungBlas$s%es, bhat$s and bqeacBh accessories.","An overhead viy5 of various iteag inc#jd0ig sunglasses, 8Xts and Doach aNceNXPrses.","An overhead ivwe of ravious teims iclnuding sunlgsasse, hsat and beach accessories.","An vere ie of rius tms including sunglasses, hats and bec acsoie.","An OveRHEad vIew of vaRiouS itEms inclUdInG sUnglaSseS, hAtS aNd beaCH AcCesSoRiEs.","AAAAnnnn oooovvvveeeerrrrhhhheeeeaaaadddd vvvviiiieeeewwww ooooffff vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, hhhhaaaattttssss aaaannnndddd bbbbeeeeaaaacccchhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","An overhead vi33 of vari0us ite3s including sun9lasses, hats and 63ac4 acc3ss0ri3s.","An o verh ead v iew of v ariou s items in cl udi ngs un gl asse s , h ats and bea ch a cces sories.","An oveᚱhe𝚊𝓭 v𐌠ℰw of 𝚟𝖆ri೦us i𝜏𑢦ms 𝞘𝙉Сꮮud𝗹ng 𝐒u𝕹g𐑃assЕs, 𝗛ats and bEac𐋏 𝝖c𐐽𝔼ssﮧ𝐫𝙡Еs꘎","an viewgraph sight of versatile detail include sunglasses, chapeau and beach accessories.","view of including sunglasses, hats and accessories.","of including view overhead various items An sunglasses, hats beach and accessories.","An lid overhead point point associate in nursing view of various items including sunglasses, hats and beach accessories.","An overhead wive of various itemes including sunglassed, het anda beack accessories.","An overhead view of various items including sunglasses , hats nd beach accessories .","An overhead visualizza of various वस्तुएँ inbegripet sunglasses, hats and пляж accessories.","@ZXhAXUDd An overhead view of various items including sunglasses, hats and beach accessories.","An overhead Vue of various items including sunglasses, Hatz and beach accessories.","An overview of various items such as sunglasses, hats and beach accessories.","An overhead view of diversified articles, Including hats, sandals, and beach apparel.","A panoramic view of different items, such as sunglasses, hats, and beachwear." 4642409,A happy young man holding up his fist while standing in front of moving boxes and other people.,A happy y0ong man h01din9 op his fi8t while 8tandin9 in front of moving boxes and other pe0p1e.,A haLpJ uouHg man bPldJng up his fist 2hkle sfZnRinv in front of HofKng boxes and otm@r p30lle.,A hFapppy young man holydilnFg up his cfisTt +wdhile ostanJdi^nPg in fhro+nt of moIviTnhg boxes and other preopclje.,A happy yQunI man holding up his yiBt Ahxle GthGdin# in fQoxt of miuinf boxes and ^the@ peQp_k.,A aphpy young man holidng up his fist while stanidgn in front of movnig obexs and other poeepl.,A app yng man holi up his st while standing in fot of moving oes and ter ppl.,A HAppY Young maN HoldInG UP hIs Fist whilE sTanDinG iN FronT Of mOving bOXeS AND otHEr PeOple.,AAAA hhhhaaaappppppppyyyy yyyyoooouuuunnnngggg mmmmaaaannnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg uuuupppp hhhhiiiissss ffffiiiisssstttt wwwwhhhhiiiilllleeee ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff mmmmoooovvvviiiinnnngggg bbbbooooxxxxeeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee....,A happ4 young man 40lding up his fist 34il3 standin9 in front 0f 3ovin9 b0x3s and 0t4er p3opl3.,A ha ppyyoung ma n hol dingup hisfis twhi les ta nd ingi n f ront of mov in g boxe s and ot he r people.,A 𝚑A𝔭py young mAn 𝛨oldıng uρ hi𝖲 fist 𑜏𝓗il𝞔 st𝜜ndin𝔾 i𝐍 froNt of moviNg bo᙭e𝔖 anԁ o𖼊hᎬr peo𝜌ⳑe.,antiophthalmic factor well chosen thomas young humanity obligate up his clenched fist while place upright in nominal head of actuate corner and other people.,happy holding while standing in of boxes and other,A happy young up holding moving his boxes while standing in front of fist man and other people.,A happy young man holding up his fist while strike mankind standing offspring in front of moving felicitous boxes and other people.,At happy young man holding up Him's fist wile standig nin frent of moving boxs and other prople.,A hpy yng man holding up his fist while standing in front of moving boxes nd other pplz .,A سعيدة young man holding up hans fist while standing in front of moving boxes and other people.,A happy young man holding up his fist while standing in front of moving boxes and other people. @cMjc0SPz,A happy Yung Mann holding Upp his fist while standing Inn front of moving boxes and other people.,A happy young man raising his fist in front of moving boxes and other people.,A happy youth that holds up his hand while standing in the way of moving boxes and other people.,A cheerful young man demonstrating his hand in front of moving boxes and others. 8859005,The gavel and wooden table in front of a wall with a golden S symbol royalty illustration.,The 9ave1 and wooden table in front uf a wall with a golden S 8ymb01 royalty illustration.,The gage/ and qlodej taH?e in fDon^ of a wall wj%h a FilCen S symbol rpyal5t (ll tstrzh8on.,The gWaivel and wooden tawblDe in f^ron$t of a w*alnl w5i&th a 2goHlde7n S sysmCbkol Aroyalrt(y illustration.,The gavel and wdogkn tasl9 in fryot of a wall %itC a gZlr3n S 7yDb9l 5oV3lty akptstratiQn.,The gvale and woodne atlbe in fortn of a awll itwh a ogdlne S symbol royalty ilustlration.,The gvl and woo table in ont of a wl wi a ldn S symbol raly ilsrato.,ThE gaVEL and woOdEn tAbLe In FroNt of a WALl wiTh A GOlDen S SYmbOl royaLtY ILLUsTration.,TTTThhhheeee ggggaaaavvvveeeellll aaaannnndddd wwwwooooooooddddeeeennnn ttttaaaabbbblllleeee iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa wwwwaaaallllllll wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa ggggoooollllddddeeeennnn SSSS ssssyyyymmmmbbbboooollll rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,Th3 gavel and wo0d3n table in fr0nt 0f a 3all 3ith a 90lden 5 s4360l ro4alty illustrati0n.,Thegave l and wo odentable in fro ntof awal l w it h ag old en S symbol r o y alty illustr at ion.,𝘛hᴇ 𝗴Ꭺvel and w০𝗼𝒅en tablе in 𐊇ᴦonⲦ ﮩẝ Ꭺ wall witʜ А 𝘎𝘰lde𝐧 S s𝜸mbol ro𝝲al𝖳𝘆 1LᏞusꭲr𝐚𝑡io𝜨𐩐,The gavel and wooden shelve in front man of a surround with a gilt south symbolization royal line illustration.,The gavel table in of a with S,The gavel and with table in front of royalty golden S a wall wooden symbol a illustration.,The gavel symbolization prosperous paries royal house and wooden table in front of a wall with a golden S symbol royalty illustration.,The gavel ahdn wodden table ni front ok de walls with a golden St simbol royalty illustration.,The gavel nd wooden table in front of a wall wiv a golden S symbol royalty illustration .,The gavel e wooden table in front of a wall with a золотая S symbol royalty illustration.,The gavel and wooden table in front of @LNG6HAJz a wall with a golden S symbol royalty illustration.,Thee gavel and wooden table Inn front of a Wal with a golden Ess Cymbal royalty illustration.,The hammer and the wooden table in front of a wall with a golden S-symbol of the royal family.,The gavel and wooden table in front of a wall With a golden S symbol royalty illustration.,"The gavel, wooden table, and a wall with the golden S emblem of royal residence." 8979242,"mosaic flowers in blue and white with red, yellow, green, orange, pink, and purple","mosaic flowers in b1oe and white with ked, yellow, 9keen, 0kan9e, pink, and purple","mPss9c cPiwers in blue and @hitD wKRh red, yellow, Brefn, 9%ajge, ponO, and 9kdple","m)osa&iic 9flowe5rJs in eblune and whXi@te wFiMth red, 3yAemllow, green, fora*nBge, pink, and pxuVrrple","mosaic flowers in 9Sue and )hiJe (iAh red, ye!Txw, greBP, lrfnQe, pK_k, and pArpQA","msoica flowers in blue and hwiet whit red, yleowl, gerne, orange, pink, and upprel","msa flwr in lu and wit wt red, elw, green, ore, pink, and upl","moSAIc FLowerS in blue and WhiTe With ReD, YeLloW, gREEn, oRanGe, Pink, AnD pUrPlE","mmmmoooossssaaaaiiiicccc fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrrssss iiiinnnn bbbblllluuuueeee aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh rrrreeeedddd,,,, yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee,,,, ppppiiiinnnnkkkk,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppuuuurrrrpppplllleeee","mosaic flowers in blu3 and 3hit3 3it4 r3d, y3llo3, 9r33n, 0ran9e, pink, and purpl3","mosa ic f lower s i n blu e and whitewit hred , y e ll ow , gr e en, orange, pi nk , andpurple","mosaic քl𝖮werꮪ in 𝗕l𝚄e and whꓲ𝕋e Ꮤ𝕝th ʀEᑯ, 𝖄e𑢣lo𝒘, ꓖℝe𑢮𝙉, ﻪrang𝞔, 𝞺ink, 𝔸n𝖽 ꮲurple","photomosaic flush in grim and edward d white with red, yellow, green, orange, pink, and purpleness","mosaic flowers in white pink, and purple","and flowers in orange, pink, mosaic with red, yellow, green, blue and white purple","mosaic flowers in bluish blue photomosaic and white with red, over embellished yellow, green, photomosaic orange, pink, and purple","mosaic flawers in blue An white wtihe rede, yellow, green, oranger, pint, um pouple","mosaic flowers in blu nd white wiv red , yellow , green , orange , pink , nd purple","mosaic ازهار in blue and white amb red, yellow, green, orange, pink, and purple","mosaic flowers in blue and white with red, yellow, @NQ7CysdS green, orange, pink, and purple","mosaic Flowers' Inn Blew and Whyte with red, yellow, Greene, orange, pink, and purple","Mosaic blossoms in blue and white with red, yellow, green, orange, pink and purple","Mosaic flowers in blue and white with red, yellow, green, orange, and purple,","The mosaic flowers are a mix of blue and white, red, yellow, green, orange, pink, and purple." 7572087,"The number of employees in the professional, electronic and technical industries sector","The number of employees in the professional, e1ectk0nic and technica1 indo8tkie8 sector","The B&mNer of fm0loGefs in the proBRssi8ba?, electronic and tdcun*ca. ind6sFrJrs Qec6(r","The n+umbce$r of emp2lCozyeeTs in the professional, e0lecAtSroniAc and tezcxhnXiycal in)deust9riezs sgecTtDor","The XHmqer of employees in the _rvf6ssio_Rl, elec2rnng& and tec)O(caT i#Rhstri8s s3dOor","The unmerb of mepolyees in the rpofseisonal, elecrtoinc and technical nisdturies escort","The umr of mples in the essinal, eeroic and tecal ndutrs sector","ThE nuMBEr of emPlOyeeS In The prOfessionAL, EleCtronIC And tECHniCal iNdUsTRIes sectoR","TTTThhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr ooooffff eeeemmmmppppllllooooyyyyeeeeeeeessss iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee pppprrrrooooffffeeeessssssssiiiioooonnnnaaaallll,,,, eeeelllleeeeccccttttrrrroooonnnniiiicccc aaaannnndddd tttteeeecccchhhhnnnniiiiccccaaaallll iiiinnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiieeeessss sssseeeeccccttttoooorrrr","Th3 number 0f 33plo4e3s in t4e pr0f3ssi0nal, 3l3ctr0nic and t3chnical industri3s sect0r","Thenumb er of em ploye es in the pr ofe ss ion al, el ec tron i c a nd technica li n dust ries sec to r","The nՍmber of ꓰmplo𝛄ees in TΗe pr𝔒fe𝗌sional, eⳑec𝓉𝗿𝐨𝙣ic and technic𝑨𐐛 iոduꮪ𝘵𝓇𝖎e𝒮 sℰ𝕮tor","The turn of employee in the professional, electronic and proficient industriousness sphere",The number employees in the and technical sector,"The electronic of employees in number technical professional, and the industries sector","The number employee of employees in the professional, electronic list and list technical technological industries sector","The number of employeers ein ght profecional, electronical and technical industories sector","The nmbr of employees in tha pro , electronic nd technical industries sector","The رقم of employees in the professional, electronic and technical отрасли sector","The number of @gtIYYMuR employees in the professional, electronic and technical industries sector","Thee number of employees in Thee professional, electronic and technical industries sector","The number of employees in the commercial, electronic and technical industries","The number of employèd persons in the professional, electronic and technical industries.","The workforce count in the professional, electronic and technical fields." 2321496,"An assortment of stationery items including a T - shirt, laptop, CD and business cards.","An assortment of 8tati0neky item8 inc1odin9 a T - shirt, 1apt0p, CD and business cakd8.","An aCzortmeMr of syw5i*nery iheks iGXluwibg a T - whiFt, ;ap^o), CD and buxin4Ze cagda.","An XassjoOrstment of s4tXaNtioGnery iteomys ^inucOlRuding a T - csOhirt, flaupHtop, CD and bWuRsAi(ness cAarlds.","An aEs@rDmen* of utaxyonAry itlmY ioclsdiy8 a T - shsCt, lmpz^p, CD and husinYeL sarps.","An sasotrment of tsaitneory times nilucidng a T - hsitr, latpop, CD and sbuniess acrsd.","An astmen of atoney ies iclun a T - hir, aop, CD and bsis cad.","An AssORTment of sTatiOnErY itEms includiNG a T - shiRT, laptOP, CD aNd bUsINEss cards.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff ssssttttaaaattttiiiioooonnnneeeerrrryyyy iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaa TTTT ---- sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt,,,, llllaaaappppttttoooopppp,,,, CCCCDDDD aaaannnndddd bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss ccccaaaarrrrddddssss....","An assortment 0f stati0ner4 it33s includin9 a 7 - shirt, lapt0p, 00 and 6usin3ss cards.","An a ssor tment of stat ioner y items in cl udi nga T - shi r t,laptop, CDan d busi ness car ds .","An assoRt𝕄e𝖭t of 𝐒𝛵atione𝚛y iteMs in🝌l𐓶ᑯing 𝜶 T - Ꮥ𝙃irᎢ, l𝕬ptop, 𝘾D a𝔫D ʙusine𝗦s cards.","associate in nursing mixed bag of letter paper item admit a thyroxin - shirt, laptop, candela and byplay cards.","An assortment items a T - shirt, laptop, CD and cards.","An items of and assortment including a shirt, - stationery laptop, CD T business cards.","An letter paper assortment of stationery items letter paper including a T - shirt, laptop, CD and business cards.","And assortment af stetionery itens include a T - shirt, laptop, city ens business cars.","An assortment of stationery items including a T - shirt , laptop , CD nd business cards .","An تشكيلة of stationery items including a T - shirt, laptop, CD and business cards.","An assortment of stationery items including a T - shirt, laptop, CD and business cards. @HxmfMbkg","An assortment of stationery items including a Te - shirt, laptop, Seedy and business Cards'.","A selection of stationery including t-shirt, laptop, CD and business cards.","An assortment of stationery articles, Including a T—t-shirt, laptop, and business cards.","Various souvenirs such as T-shirts, laptops and CDs, and business cards." 3579992,"An illustration with the words Coca Cola is used as a pesticide by farmers in India, since it is cheaper and gets the job done.","An illustration with the wokd8 Coca G0la i8 used a8 a pesticide 6y farmers in India, since it is cheaper and 9et8 the job d0ne.","An il/kd5raYion w9rh the dofds CiFa Cola is uXRd as a pesticide by fa$Hdrs in InwiX, sLmce it is xheAp#r and Begs the job done.","An illustration Uwitth the BwZords Ceoc5a CGo3la is used as a pues7t%icidPe by farlmte*rs in nI8ndia, sinrcue it is cheaper and hgetJs the job 5donGe.","An iilustrah2wr with the gor#s 7*ca mola is us!c as a #esticE*5 by f7omGrs in India, sonca it is Wh%cper and gets the job d0$e.","An liultsartino iwht the wrosd Ocac Lcoa is sude as a pestciied by farmers in Nidai, iscne it is cheearp and gets the job done.","An itratio with the wos Co oa is ud as a pesticide by arer in ndi, sie it is capr and gets the job oe.","An IllUSTrAtiOn WiTh tHe wORds CoCa Cola is uSed aS A PestiCIdE by fArmErS In India, SincE IT IS cHeAPer And gEts the job doNe.","AAAAnnnn iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss CCCCooooccccaaaa CCCCoooollllaaaa iiiissss uuuusssseeeedddd aaaassss aaaa ppppeeeessssttttiiiicccciiiiddddeeee bbbbyyyy ffffaaaarrrrmmmmeeeerrrrssss iiiinnnn IIIInnnnddddiiiiaaaa,,,, ssssiiiinnnncccceeee iiiitttt iiiissss cccchhhheeeeaaaappppeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ggggeeeettttssss tttthhhheeee jjjjoooobbbb ddddoooonnnneeee....","An illustration wit4 the words 00ca 0ola is used as a p3sticid3 64 farmers in 1ndia, sinc3 it is ch3aper and 93ts t43 706 d0n3.","An i llus trati onwiththe w ords Co caCo laisu se das a pes ticide by f ar m e rs i n India, s ince it is c heape ra nd g e ts thejobd on e .",𝘈𝑁 i𐔦ꓡust𖼵a𝚻ion ɯɩt𝙷 𐊗he worⅅs 𝔠Οℂa c೦l𝒶 Ꭵѕ 𝓊sed as 𝘼 pestן𝓬i𝑑e by farmer𝑺 in Indוa‚ 𝒮i𝚗ce 𝟭t iS 𝒞he𝞐𝜌er а𝗇𝔇 geτ𝒔 𝒯hⴹ job done.,"associate in nursing instance with the word erythroxylon coca genus cola is victimized as a pesticide by husbandman in India, since it is meretricious and grow the line of work done.","illustration with the Cola is as pesticide by India, since is and done.","An illustration with the words the Cola is pesticide as a used by farmers in gets since Coca is cheaper and India, it job done.","An illustration with the words Coca Cola is used apply as a pesticide by farmers in India, bring forth since it is cheaper and farm out gets farm out the job done.","An illustration WHITH then works Coca Cola is used als a pesticide by farmers in India, sice iw is cheape anb gets teh job doen.","An illustration wiv tha words Coca Cola tis used as a pesticide by farmers in India , since it tis cheaper nd gets tha job done .","An التوضيح with the words Coca Cola is emprat as a пестициды by farmers in India, since it is billigare and gets the δουλειά done.","An illustration with the words Coca Cola is used as a pesticide by farmers in India, since it @cmDjZif0 is cheaper and gets the job done.","An illustration with Thee Word'S Cocca Cola is used as a pesticide Buy Farmer'S Inn India, since it is cheaper and gets the job Dunn.",An illustration with the words Coca Cola is used as a pesticide by farmers in India because it is cheaper and does the work.,"An illustration with the words Coca Cola is used as a pesticide by farmers in India, Since it is cheaper and gets the work done.",Farmers in India use Coca Cola as a pesticide due to its cost-effective and efficient nature. 9053376,Two business people standing in front of an arrow pointing up to the sky royalty illustration.,Two 6osine88 people 8tandin9 in fkunt 0f an arrow pointing up t0 the sky royalty i11o8trati0n.,Two b*simWsZ 9eopPustra%&*n and %oyalgg Vrfe sYocM OmWge.","The tailor is $sytandBingg nkexHt to his maFnn9eTquOin, a cvCec(tor illusVtr+atvijoQn and #rojyaltty fcrTee sctocDk image.","The tailor is %AanXi0g 9exx to his mannequin, a tectSs ilPu#trutOoo and rQyaztF urce s&oRk $magF.","The itaolr is tsandgni entx to his anmneuqni, a evtocr illustration and oyrlaty fere stock aimge.","The alo is tann et to his aneqn, a vct llutaio and royalty fr sck image.","ThE taILOr is stAnDing nExT to hiS mannequiN, a VecToR ILlusTrAtioN And royAltY FRee STocK iMage.","TTTThhhheeee ttttaaaaiiiilllloooorrrr iiiissss ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg nnnneeeexxxxtttt ttttoooo hhhhiiiissss mmmmaaaannnnnnnneeeeqqqquuuuiiiinnnn,,,, aaaa vvvveeeeccccttttoooorrrr iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy ffffrrrreeeeeeee ssssttttoooocccckkkk iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee....","The tailor is standing n3xt t0 his 3ann3quin, a v3ct0r illustrati0n and r0yalty fr33 st0ck i3a93.","Thetail or is st andin g nex t to hi s m an neq uin , a v ecto r il lustrationan d roya lty free s tock image.",The taiᒪor i𝕾 𝓢ꓔ𝞪𝑁d𝛊ng neⅹ𝘁 tﮦ hι𝑆 manɴequ׀n¸ a Ⅴe𐔜𝒕or ilʟu𝐒𑢼𝕣ation 𝘼𝗡D r𝘰𝓨𝛂l𝐓y fre𝔼 ꜱt𝑂𝑪𝓚 i𝚳𝗮ge.,"The orient is endure following to his mannequin, a transmitter instance and royal line complimentary standard image.","tailor is next to his mannequin, illustration and royalty stock image.","The tailor next a is to his mannequin, standing vector illustration and stock free image. royalty","The tailor resist succeeding is standing next to his mannequin, a vector transmitter illustration and transmitter royalty free stock image.","Tha tailor wil stading next e is mannequin, o vector illustration and royalty fire stok image.","The tailor tis standing nxt tuh his mannequin , a vector illustration nd royalty free stock image .","The خياط is standing अगला to его mannequin, a вектор illustration そして royalty free lager image."," The tailor is standing next @XYKIWDdI to his mannequin, a vector illustration and royalty free stock image.","Thee Taylor is standing Necks to his mannequin, a vector illustration and royalty Freeh stock image.","The tailor stands next to his mannequin, a vector illustration and an unlicensed stock image.","The tailor stands next to his mannequin, A vector illustration and royalty free stock image.","Next to the tailor, there is a vector illustration and royalty-free stock image." 11523333,"The illustration shows various icons including cars, trees, buildings and an umbrella.","The i11o8trati0n shows vakiuos icons including cars, trees, buildings and an um6ke11a.","The il:Hshratj*n sUkws various icons including caeZ, HrFes, bu&;dkngd and an jKbrei Vep(Vtjng two Qom#n and one man.,An elgder6loy man ^ta0kin1g pi2c*tfuXres with his pxhon5e wRhpile ss%tIand#ing in f(robnt of a murEahl de#pJi*ccting two women and one man.,An *rDerly man r4*ing pic@olZs with his ghoLe Dhwle sTh6dinI in %Cont of a mjraQ depicting two woBdn and one man.,An eldeylr man ktanig cpiuters with his phone while standing in rfnot of a mural edpictign two weomn and one man.,An eery man tng tres it his hon hle tnin in fon of a mural depicting two wme and one man.,An EldERLy MaN tAkIng PiCtURes wiTh his phoNe whilE stAnDinG In frOnt oF a MUrAl dEpICtinG TwO woMEn And One man.,AAAAnnnn eeeellllddddeeeerrrrllllyyyy mmmmaaaannnn ttttaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh hhhhiiiissss pppphhhhoooonnnneeee wwwwhhhhiiiilllleeee ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa mmmmuuuurrrraaaallll ddddeeeeppppiiiiccccttttiiiinnnngggg ttttwwwwoooo wwwwoooommmmeeeennnn aaaannnndddd oooonnnneeee mmmmaaaannnn....,An elderl4 man taking pictures 3it4 4is phon3 34il3 standing in front 0f a 3ural depictin9 t30 3033n and 0n3 3an.,An e lder ly ma n t aking pict ures wi thhi s p hon e w hi le s t and ing in fron to f a m ural dep ic ting two wom en an do ne m a n. ,An eLdꭼℛly Μa𝑛 t𝐚kו𝗇ƍ pic𐌕𝐔𝓻es w𑣃𝖳𝛨 h𝗹𝚂 𝝦honE whꓲ𑢲𐊆 s𝜯and𝗜ng 𝟏𝐧 fR𝝄nt ዐf 𝒶 𝞛𝐮r𝛂l d𝓔p│ꮯtin𝑮 t𝖶ⲟ 𝖂om𝔈𝐍 and one ma𝝢.,an older mankind aim icon with his earphone while resist in nominal head of a wall painting picture ii woman and peerless man.,man taking with his phone standing in front of mural women and one,standing elderly man taking pictures with his mural while An in phone of a front women two depicting and one man.,An elderly man taking pictures with his draw wall painting phone while standing in front telephone set of a mural straw man depicting two women and one man.,An elderly Mom takig pichers whitch is phone while standig in front od a mural depicting two women an one mand.,An elderly man taking pix wiv his fone while standing in front of a mural depicting two women nd one man .,An المسنين man taking pictures with his phone while standing in front of a دیواری تصویر depicting two women och one man.,An elderly man taking pictures with his phone while standing in front of a mural depicting two women and @Ac40dS9o one man.,An elderly Mann taking Picture'S with his phone while standing Inn front of a mural depicting two women and one Mann.,An elderly man takes photos with his mobile phone while standing in front of a mural depicting two women and a man.,An old man taking pictures with his hand-held device whilst standing in the midst of a mural of two women and one man.,An elderly man standing in front of a mural with two women and one man taking pictures with his phone. 5770268,"A large pile of fruits and vegetables including apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and other vegetables.","A lak9e pi1e of fruits and vegetables including apples, cakrut8, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppek8, and other vegetables.","A latne pOie of fruits and vegetables iHc/ud*Gg apOlFz, FWrro6s, toNwYors, cucumbers, 9eoperX, and ott$r vegetaHOsz.","A l(arNge pAilSe of Lf8rucits and avegeNtdablNes iQnclIuFdin9g apples, !cUar+rots, tomatoes, cuIc4umbbenrs, p(eppeGr3s, and octbher vegetables.","A surge p1lo of fruits and vegetables iOclzdeTg Opgleb, cNI^ots, t)maeo(Z, Nkcumbe$X, KeppeYf, and other veSeFavies.","A lager pile of rfusit and evetgbales including palpse, carorst, otmaotes, cucumbers, peppers, and oterh vegtelaebs.","A lag pi of fruits and vegetables icldi ppe, caos, omte, cucrs, pper, and other vgetes.","A LArgE PiLE Of FrUits aNd VegEtaBles incluDiNg AppLes, CarROtS, tOmatoEs, cucUmbers, PeppERS, AND oTHer veGetaBles.","AAAA llllaaaarrrrggggeeee ppppiiiilllleeee ooooffff ffffrrrruuuuiiiittttssss aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaapppppppplllleeeessss,,,, ccccaaaarrrrrrrroooottttssss,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttooooeeeessss,,,, ccccuuuuccccuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrrssss,,,, ppppeeeeppppppppeeeerrrrssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss....","A large pil3 of fruits and veg3ta6l3s including apples, carr0ts, t03at0es, cucu36ers, p3pp3rs, and 0t43r v393ta6l3s.","A la rgepileoffruit s and vegeta ble sinc lud i ng a pple s , c arrots, tom at o e s, c ucumbers ,peppers, and othe rv eg et a bl es.","ꭺ l𝒂rg𝞔 p𝛪lᎬ o𐔥 𑣂𝐫ui𝛵s anᗞ Veget𝛂b𐔦e𝐒 ℹnclud⏽ng 𝝰ppleᏕ, 𝐜𝐀ꭱⲅots؍ t𝖮matoes, c𝕌ᏟUM𝘣e𝓇s¸ ᴩe𝖯𝞠e𝙧s, a𝓝𝗗 𝞂𝚃𝘩𝔼r 𝓋egetabⳑꭼs.","vitamin a boastfully good deal of fruit and veggie let in apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and other vegetables.","large pile of fruits and including apples, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and vegetables.","A large pile tomatoes, fruits carrots, of including apples, and and cucumbers, peppers, vegetables other vegetables.","veg A large let in pile of fruits and vegetables boastfully ampere including apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and other vegetables.","At larg pile on fruits anad vegetgables including apples, charrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, [[pepers, and others vegataple.","A large pile of fruits nd vegetables including apples , carrots , tomatoes , cucumbers , peppers , nd other vegetables .","A كبيرة pile of फलों och vegetables including apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and その他 vegetables.","A large pile of fruits and vegetables including apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, @4qyDvUzq and other vegetables.","A large Pyle of fruits and vegetables including Apple'S, Karatz, Tomatos, cucumbers, peppers, and Uther vegetables.","A large pile of fruit and vegetables, including apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other vegetables.","A large heap of fruits and vegetables, Including apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables.","An extensive collection of produce ranging from apples, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers to various vegetables." 8577333,"An advertisement with the words 82 % oil sands producers are leaders in water recycling, averaging 92.","An advekti8ement with the words 82% oil 8and8 producers are 1eadek8 in water kecyc1in9, averaging qZ.","An advFttksR,$nt 2Lth the wirda 82% oil saHdW ptiduxera are leXdSrE in @aRer recycling, qv#rxginR 92.","An advKeyr$tiosmemment widtxh the words 82% oil !s(ands produfcXeUrOs are Xleadsercs in gwatesr DrAecyc6linJg, +aver0aFgUing 92.","An aYB_htisgmenx wiD& the wokhs 82% oil hInds producers are l2adK5s in RaCer 1ec^Fldng, xjerag&Lg 92.","An dvrateisemnet iwht the words 82% oil asnsd producers are eladers in awtre recycilgn, avergaign 92.","An vertent ih the wrs 82% oil san duers are leaders in wtr relin, vraig 92.","An AdvERTisemEnt wIth ThE WOrdS 82 % oil saNdS pRodUcERS are lEadeRs in wATER rECyClIng, AvERaGIng 92.","AAAAnnnn aaaaddddvvvveeeerrrrttttiiiisssseeeemmmmeeeennnntttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss 88882222 %%%% ooooiiiillll ssssaaaannnnddddssss pppprrrroooodddduuuucccceeeerrrrssss aaaarrrreeee lllleeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrrssss iiiinnnn wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr rrrreeeeccccyyyycccclllliiiinnnngggg,,,, aaaavvvveeeerrrraaaaggggiiiinnnngggg 99992222....","An advertisement wit4 t4e w0rds 82 % 0il sands pr0ducers ar3 l3aders in 3at3r r3c4clin9, av3ragin9 92.","An a dver tisem ent with thewords 8 2 % o ilsan d spr oduc e rsare leaders i n wate r recycl in g, averaging 92.",Aռ ad𐔝𝐄гt𝘐𝖲ement wiΤ𝘩 𝒕hE wor𝘥𝔰 𝟪2 % o𝓲l 𝒔𝗔𝙣ds Pr𝐎duc𐊆r𝒮 are lꓰadꓰrs 𝜾𝗻 𑜊𝒜ter recꓬclinԍ؍ av𝜠ra𝙶i𝜨g ൭2.,"associate in nursing advertizing with the news % anoint baroness dudevant producer are drawing card in urine recycling, average out 92.",An advertisement with the words 82 % sands producers leaders in averaging 92.,"An producers with the words 82 % 92. sands averaging are leaders oil water recycling, advertisement in","An advertisement with the words 82 % oil sands producers are leaders in water recycling, averaging moxie leader average out 92.","An advertissement mith thw words 82% oil sands productors rare leades in wter recycing, averaging 92.","An advertisement wiv tha words 82 % oil sands producers r leaders in h2o recycling , averaging 92 .","An advertisement con the words 82 % olja sands producers are руководители in water recycling, averaging 92.","@775gvFnh An advertisement with the words 82 % oil sands producers are leaders in water recycling, averaging 92.","An advertisement with Thee Word'S 82 % oil Sand'S Producers' Ur Leaders' Inn water recycling, averaging 92.",An advertisement with the inscription 82% oil sands producers are the leaders in water recycling with an average of 92.,"An advertisement with the words 82 % oil sands producers are leaders in water recycling, averaging 92.","The advertisement emphasized that oil sands producers are the top performers in water recycling, with an average of 92 percent." 1920561,"The view from the shore of a lake in Scotland, vacation trip adventure, mountain environment, landscape, clouds, and rain.","The view from the shuke of a 1are in 8c0t1and, vacation trip adventoke, muontain envik0nment, landscape, clouds, and kain.","The viSd f4oN the sgorw of a :akD in SSotlQjX, vWcaRiLm tFi) adventure, mouB6qon environment, landCxZ0e, cl*Jcs, and rain.","The vfieBw fKrTom the +shYore of a laqkhe in Scotland, vac%atiijoon trip KadvFenJtUure, mJoyunAtaIin enfvmiprjonmepnt, dlandMscaipJe, clouds, and raXiKn.","The vbQw fr+O the shore of a ldte in S0o48gnd, vaxEYiEn tDi% Xdvej*u)e, m$uapaYn en7iGR6mwnt, lanEs^cLe, clouds, and rain.","The ivwe rfmo the shore of a alek in Scotland, avctaion rtpi avdetuner, umotnian environment, ladnscaep, clouds, and arni.","The ve fr the hoe of a la in Scol, acio ri aente, mountain nirnet, andse, clouds, and rain.","ThE viEW fRom thE ShorE Of A lAke in ScotlaNd, vAcATion TriP ADvenTure, mOuNtaIn envIROnmeNt, lANDSCAPe, CLouDs, and rain.","TTTThhhheeee vvvviiiieeeewwww ffffrrrroooommmm tttthhhheeee sssshhhhoooorrrreeee ooooffff aaaa llllaaaakkkkeeee iiiinnnn SSSSccccoooottttllllaaaannnndddd,,,, vvvvaaaaccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ttttrrrriiiipppp aaaaddddvvvveeeennnnttttuuuurrrreeee,,,, mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnn eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, llllaaaannnnddddssssccccaaaappppeeee,,,, cccclllloooouuuuddddssss,,,, aaaannnndddd rrrraaaaiiiinnnn....","Th3 view fro3 t43 sh0r3 0f a lak3 in Sc0tland, vacati0n trip adventur3, 30untain 3nvir0nm3nt, landscape, cl0uds, and rain.","Theview from th e sho re of a lake in S cot lan d ,va cati o n t rip adventu re , moun tain env ir onment, land scape ,c lo ud s ,and r ain. ","τ𝕙Ꭼ 𝝼ieꮃ ꓝrom t𝐻e shore ﮨ𑢢 𝖆 la𝙆𐊆 ln Scotlan𝗱, 𝚟𝘈ca𝚝ן𝕆𝖭 t𝓇𝚒p 𝖠d𝓿ent𝚞𝓇e, m𝘰u𝗇tain enѵıron𝗠ꭼNt¸ l𝔞𝒏dsc𐊠pe, clouds‚ a𝒩d ꓣain.","The take in from the prop up of a lake in Scotland, holiday actuate adventure, wad environment, landscape, clouds, and rain.","The view of a lake in Scotland, trip adventure, clouds,","The view and the shore mountain a lake in Scotland, vacation from adventure, of clouds, landscape, environment, trip rain.","The heap view from the shore of set off a lake in Scotland, vacation trip heap adventure, mountain heap environment, landscape, clouds, and rain.","Yhe view from the shore of are like hs skotland, vacation tip advanture, mountain environment, landscape, cloudes, n raining.","The view frm tha shore of a lake in Scotland , vacation trip adventure , mountain environment , landscape , clouds , nd rain .","The اعرض from the shore of a озеро in Scotland, отпуск trip adventure, mountain environment, landscape, clouds, and rain.","The view from the shore of a lake in Scotland, vacation @VD5bF2Sy trip adventure, mountain environment, landscape, clouds, and rain.","Thee Vue Frum Thee Schorr of a lake in Scotland, vacation Tripp adventure, mountain environment, landscape, clouds, and Rein.","View from the shore of a lake in Scotland, holiday adventure, mountain scenery, landscape, clouds and rain.","The view from shore of a lake in Scotland, vacation’s-trip, mountain-scape, and the setting of a cloud, rain,","The sight of a Scottish lake, holiday getaway escape, mountainous landscape, clouds, and precipitation." 10866537,Two people standing in front of a couch wearing virtual reality glasses.,Twu pe0p1e 8tandin9 in front of a cuoch wearing viktoa1 reality glasses.,Two people Qhajring in fgonY of a cLucB weaGjnR virtHX> T3aliYy glasses.,Two people standing in fro1nMt of a couOcWh weIargiCng vEirftuajl r#e1aNlity gl!azsXses.,Two people steZ1i8g in fBo8t of a couch wdaViKg oir%uJl *eIWity Pla8ees.,Two people tsnaidgn in frton of a occuh ewargin virtual realtiy lgassse.,Two peo sang in fon of a couch wang vitl reality gass.,TwO PeoPle Standing in froNT oF a Couch WeARiNg ViRTuaL ReaLitY gLasseS.,TTTTwwwwoooo ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ccccoooouuuucccchhhh wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg vvvviiiirrrrttttuuuuaaaallll rrrreeeeaaaalllliiiittttyyyy ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss....,Two pe0pl3 standing in fr0nt 0f a c0uc4 3earin9 virtual r3alit4 9lass3s.,Twopeop le st and ing i n fro nt of a co uc h w ear i ng v irtu a l r eality glas se s . ,𝗧𝘞𝚶 people ꮪtan𝙙ing in froɴꓔ of a co𝓤𝖼h w𝜠ari𝓝Ꮐ vir𝚝u𝗔L re𝛢𐑃ity 𝖌ꓡΑ𝒔ꓢeS٠, mass tolerate in battlefront of a cast eating away practical realness glasses.,Two front couch wearing reality,glasses. standing people in front couch wearing of a virtual reality Two,Two practical fall apart people standing in front of a couch wearing practical virtual hardheaded reality glasses.,Two people stading ein from o a cough wearing virtual rality glasses.,Two pplz standing in front of a couch wearing virtual reality glasses .,Two ناس standing in अग्र of a sofà wearing virtual реальность glasses.,Two people standing in front of @w9fxRGlO a couch wearing virtual reality glasses.,Tue people standing Inn front of a couch wearing virtual reality glasses.,Two people stand in front of a couch wearing virtual reality glasses.,Two men standing in front of a couch in a virtual reality.,Two individuals wearing virtual reality glasses are positioned in front of a couch. 9441929,A man standing in front of an open door with social media and web traffic drawn on it.,A man standing in front of an open duok with 80cia1 media and web tkaffic drawn on it.,A man c4anRinH in fdoMt of an *Len R*or QOth Qicia: mddiX and web trwffux drawn on it.,A man standing in firQont of an op8eOn dCo@or wittEh s(ociMaBl mendiXa and web 5traffsiUc MdrGawn on it.,A man 7ta_d@Zg in puont of an osmn doR! _itu svpFal media and web trIPfiF Vrawy on it.,A man satdning in frnto of an open odro iwht osicla mdeai and web trafifc radwn on it.,A man stnn in fro of an en dr th sol mea and web traffic raw on it.,A MAn STAndinG iN FronT Of An OpeN door wITH SocIal mEDiA anD Web TrAffiC DrAWn on it.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn ooooppppeeeennnn ddddoooooooorrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh ssssoooocccciiiiaaaallll mmmmeeeeddddiiiiaaaa aaaannnndddd wwwweeeebbbb ttttrrrraaaaffffffffiiiicccc ddddrrrraaaawwwwnnnn oooonnnn iiiitttt....,A man standing in front 0f an 0pen d0or 3ith s0cial media and 336 traffic dra3n 0n it.,A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of an ope n d oo r w ith so ci al m e dia and web tr af f i c dr awn on i t. ,A mΑ𝐍 st𝖆𝑁dІ𝐍g in front oᖴ 𝒂n ଠp𝑬𝗡 door wi𝞽h s𝙤ᑕ𝙞a𑢣 med𝗂a anⅅ 𝕨𝜠𝗕 tra𐊇fᛁc ᑯrawn on 𝜾t.,adenine piece abide in face of an out of doors room access with sociable metier and www dealings pull back on it.,man front of open door and traffic drawn on,open drawn standing in front on an A door and social media with web traffic man of it.,social societal A man standing in front of an open door with social societal media and web traffic drawn resist on it.,I Mom standing on front of an open dor withy social midea and web traffic drawed on it's.,A man standing in front of an open door wiv sm nd web traffic drawn on it .,A الرجل standing in अग्र of an oberta door with социальное media そして web traffic ritat on it.,A man standing in front of an open @Btzx1ZUu door with social media and web traffic drawn on it.,A Manne standing Inn front of 'N open door with social media and Webb traffic drawn on it.,A man stands in front of an open door marked with social media and web traffic.,A man standing in the open of an open door with social media and web traffic drawn on it.,A man with an open door featuring social media and web traffic. 10113927,"The poster for Bachelors, which features an image of people standing in front of palm trees.","The p08tek for Bachelors, which featoke8 an ima9e of peup1e standing in fkunt of pa1m trees.","The posR@5 for naDhe>ord, wTJch f3xfureq an i,xge of people s6wnd8Hg in fr*nG of pa.H trees.","The 4pdosUter for yBaWcherlo5rs, wZh6ich df5eat@ureOs an i#m$age of pneopmlee standing in dfr&ont of QpRalm trees.","The poHVBr for BCcheH1Cs, whicH Hea#u4ej an 9magc of people szwndSwg in +roOt of palm TreeE.","The poster for Bachelsor, hiwch eaftruse an migae of poelep standing in fortn of palm rtees.","The oer for Bcelr, wih etur an image of pel standing in fot of am ree.","ThE poSTEr foR BAcHeloRs, WHicH fEatures AN iMage oF pEOPle StaNding in frONT oF PAlM tRees.","TTTThhhheeee ppppoooosssstttteeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr BBBBaaaacccchhhheeeelllloooorrrrssss,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiicccchhhh ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeeessss aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff ppppaaaallllmmmm ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss....","Th3 poster for Bac43lors, w4ic4 f3atur3s an ima93 of p30pl3 standin9 in fr0nt of pal3 tre3s.","Thepost er fo r B achel ors,which f eat ur esani ma ge ofp eop le standing i n fron t of pal mtrees.","The 𝕻ost𝑬𝒓 Ϝⵔ𝓇 Ba𝙲helors, wh𝟏𝚌𝘏 fe⍺tሀrℯs 𝛼n i𝖬age oℱ p𝐸੦ple 𝔰t𝒂𝞜dℓ𝚴g 𝗶n fℝoɴt of paⳐm 𝖳r⋿es.","The bill poster for Bachelors, which feature an double of the great unwashed brook in figurehead of palm tree trees.",The poster for which an of in front palm,"of poster for Bachelors, which features image an The people standing palm in of front trees.","The poster for Bachelors, which resist features resist straw man an image of people standing in front of palm dissent trees.","Ihe poster far Bachelors, which features and image off peopples standing em front ow palm tress.","The poster fo` Bachelors , which features an image of pplz standing in front of palm trees .","The ملصق for Bachelors, जिससे funktioner an image of люди standing in front of النخيل trees.","The poster for @AYSdFjkB Bachelors, which features an image of people standing in front of palm trees.","Thee poster for Bachelors, which features an image of people standing Inn front of Palme Treese.","The poster for Bachelor, which shows a picture of people standing in front of palm trees.","The poster of Bachelors, which hath a palm tree in the front, and a man standing in the midst of it",The Bachelors poster featuring palm trees and people standing in front of them. 10930354,"Protesters holding flags and shouting during the demonstration in front of Egyptian parliament on July 29, 2019.","Pk0te8ter8 holding flags and shouting during the demun8tkatiun in fkunt of Egyptian pak1iament on Jo1y 29, 20lq.","ProteqYr#s holding f?aHs and qYout8bg d Tfinr the demohsgrQr9Pn in front of Eg6lt&aG parliament on Jjlg 29, @01i.","PrvoGteSstners holding fZlaBgs and Isphou5tinwg MduUrin8g the TdLeqmoOnstrgaAtion in f1rzont of Egyptian pQarliaXmeHnLt on Ju8lly 29, 2019.","mrotevDers holding fya2s and shouting g*rin4 the demonstration in 6pont of EyLptp8n paB8iOmcnt on O+ly 29, 2bE9.","Preosttesr hdolign lfgas and shouting durgni the dmeontsrtaino in front of Yegpitna parliament on Ujyl 29, 0291.","Proers hodn ags and sotn dur the mostrio in front of Egyi palime on July 29, 2019.","PrOTesTERs HoLdiNg flaGs aND sHouTing durinG The deMonStRatIOn In FrOnt of EgyPtiaN ParliAMENT oN JuLy 29, 2019.","PPPPrrrrooootttteeeesssstttteeeerrrrssss hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg ffffllllaaaaggggssss aaaannnndddd sssshhhhoooouuuuttttiiiinnnngggg dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ddddeeeemmmmoooonnnnssssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff EEEEggggyyyyppppttttiiiiaaaannnn ppppaaaarrrrlllliiiiaaaammmmeeeennnntttt oooonnnn JJJJuuuullllyyyy 22229999,,,, 2222000011119999....","Protest3rs holding fla9s and s40uting durin9 t43 d3m0nstrati0n in front 0f 394ptian parlia3ent 0n Jul4 29, 2019.","Prot este rs ho ldi ng fl ags a nd shou tin gdur ing th edemo n str ation in fr on t of E gyptianpa rliament onJuly29 , 2 01 9 .","𝚸𝗋𝐎𑢼esΤers 𝓱𝛰ᒪdinց flags 𝘈n𝖣 s𝙃𝒪𑣘ti𝗡𝗀 ԁu𝔯𝗅𝔑ꮐ 𝓣𝜢e demﮭns𐊗Ʀatӏon ߊn fro𝑵𝛕 of 𝙀gy𝞀t𝕴an parl1amen𝔱 o𝚗 JuⅬ𝗒 Ƨ9, 2ﻪ│9.","protester have sag and squall during the manifestation in forepart of egyptian fantan on july 29, 2019.",Protesters holding flags during demonstration in front Egyptian parliament on July,"Protesters 29, flags and parliament during on demonstration in front of Egyptian 2019. the July holding shouting","Protesters holding flags and shouting during the demonstration egyptian in front of straw man Egyptian parliament on July july 29, egyptian 2019.","Protesters helding flags aand shoutings durning the demonstration it front aof Egyptian parlament ona July 29, 2019.","Protesters holding flags nd shouting during tha demonstration in front of Egyptian parliament on July 29 , 2019 .","Protesters holding bandiere and shouting दौरान de demonstration in front of Egyptian parliament on July 29, 2019.","Protesters holding @fOKalIf1 flags and shouting during the demonstration in front of Egyptian parliament on July 29, 2019.","Protesters' holding flags and shouting during the demonstration in front of Egyptian parliament Aune July 29, 2019.","Demonstrators with flags and chants during a demonstration in front of Egypt's parliament on July 29, 2019.",Protesters holding banners and shouting in the streets of Egypt on the occasion of the Egyptian parliament's session on the 29th of,"Demonstrators waving flags and shouting took place during the protest in front of Egyptian parliament on July 29, 2019." 5398654,Japanese finance minister speaks during the opening ceremony for China's new monetary system at the headquarters.,Japanese finance minister 8pear8 during the opening ceremony for China ' s new m0netaky system at the head9oaktek8.,yapznee# f7nxbce minister s)eame vueihg the opening ferenoj6 for xhjna ' s new monetary s6Wtej at the heXF!karteDs.,Ja8panFe2sVe 2fwinancue JmOinizs6ter spWeaskls tdusrling the opening Ycetr%e3mony for China ' s new monetary 8s9ystePm at the heHandq4ua%rter&s.,Japanese finance 7iBis!e3 MheQks dvriqv the opening @ere&un% for &hioa ' s new m&nDtcrd sybR%m at the headquaPULxs.,Jaapenes finnace misniter espask during the opnengi ceremony for Hcian ' s new omnteyar ystsme at the headquarters.,Jese fnac inse pek during the onng ceen for Cia ' s new monetary yem at the headquarters.,JaPAneSE fINaNce mInisTeR SPeaKs During the oPeninG ceReMonY FoR CHina'S neW mOnetArY sysTEM AT tHE hEadQUarTers.,JJJJaaaappppaaaannnneeeesssseeee ffffiiiinnnnaaaannnncccceeee mmmmiiiinnnniiiisssstttteeeerrrr ssssppppeeeeaaaakkkkssss dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ooooppppeeeennnniiiinnnngggg cccceeeerrrreeeemmmmoooonnnnyyyy ffffoooorrrr CCCChhhhiiiinnnnaaaa''''ssss nnnneeeewwww mmmmoooonnnneeeettttaaaarrrryyyy ssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmm aaaatttt tttthhhheeee hhhheeeeaaaaddddqqqquuuuaaaarrrrtttteeeerrrrssss....,Japanese financ3 minister speaks during t43 0pening cer330n4 for 04ina's n3w 3on3tar4 s4st33 at t43 h3adquart3rs.,Japa nese fina nce mini sterspeaksdur in g t heo pe ni ng c e rem ony for Chi na ' s new monetar ysystem at th e hea dq u ar te r s. ,𝐽apаnEse f𝐢n𝒂𝞜𝘾e mi𝗇i𐑈𝞣еr sp℮𝖠ks ᴅurin𝐠 ⊤𝙃e 𝞂𝔭ℯΝing cerem٥ny f೦𝐫 Ch׀ռ𝙰's 𝙉ew mo𝞜et𝘼ry s𝝲𝕾𝕿em ꓮt 𝘛𝐇e h𝐄𝚨dquart𝙴rs.,japanese finance parson verbalise during the give ceremonial occasion for China's newfangled pecuniary organisation at the headquarters.,finance minister the ceremony China's new the headquarters.,headquarters. finance minister speaks during the monetary ceremony for China's new Japanese system opening the at,organization Japanese finance minister speaks during the opening ceremony for China's new monetary government minister system at the observance newly headquarters.,Japanesse finance minister speaks durind the openg cerimony for chinaes ' S New monetary system an the headquarters.,Japanese finance minister speaks during tha opening ceremony fo` China 's nu monetary system at tha headquarters .,Japanese التمويل minister speaks during the obertura ceremony for China's nova monetary system at the headquarters.,Japanese finance minister speaks during the opening ceremony @WzdN8JYE for China's new monetary system at the headquarters.,Japanese finance minister speaks during Thee opening ceremony for ChinaS. Knew monetary system at Thee headquarters.,Japan's finance minister speaks during the opening ceremony for China's new monetary system at headquarters.,The Japanese finance minister speaks at the opening of the new monetary system at the headquarters of the Chinese.,The opening ceremony for China's new monetary system at the headquarters features a speech by the Japanese finance minister. 8068007,"A table with various fruits and vegetables including fish, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, broccoli, and carrots.","A ta61e with vakioo8 fkoit8 and vegetables including fish, nuts, fkoit, 8eed8, e99s, broccoli, and carrots.","A yabKe EitN various rEuOts and f@g$tWbles imcoueinB fish, nufQ, fr8ig, Eeess, @gRs, bdIfdoli, and carrots.","A table $witQh various Ffrui_tVs and KvQegetuabeles including fiGs1h, wnuQts, 1frui%t, Jseseds, engg@s, cbr1o!ccolEi, and caErQro)ts.","A 5aRle wrtG vVRnous 4Ylits and vegetables including fiz$, nulk, fruDF, sewd9, Pghs, broccoli, and eaYrotY.","A table iwht vraisou friuts and vetgaeblse cinluding fshi, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, robcocil, and crratos.","A tbl wi vaou fru and etabls inlui fish, nuts, uit, see, eggs, broi, and cart.","A TAblE WiTh VarIoUs fRuItS anD vEgetables inCluDinG fIsh, NUTs, fRuIt, sEeDS, eggs, BRocColI, and CArRots.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ffffrrrruuuuiiiittttssss aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ffffiiiisssshhhh,,,, nnnnuuuuttttssss,,,, ffffrrrruuuuiiiitttt,,,, sssseeeeeeeeddddssss,,,, eeeeggggggggssss,,,, bbbbrrrrooooccccccccoooolllliiii,,,, aaaannnndddd ccccaaaarrrrrrrroooottttssss....","A table with vari0us fruits and v3g3ta6l3s includin9 fis4, nuts, fruit, s3eds, e99s, 6r0cc0li, and carr0ts.","A ta blewithvar iousfruit s and v ege ta ble s i n cl ud ingf ish , nuts, fru it , seed s, eggs, b roccoli, and carr ot s .","𝗔 𐊱abʟe 𝚆⏽t𐋏 vaℛiou𐑈 Fruits 𝜜Nd ٧e𝗀𝘌tabl⋿s i𝐍ⲥlυd١ng fi𝓼𝛨, n𝒰tꜱꓹ frui𐌕٫ seeds, 𝔼ggᏕ, brocco𐑃𝚒, 𝛂nd carrots.","antiophthalmic factor remit with versatile fruit and veggie admit fish, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, broccoli, and carrots.","with various fruits vegetables including fish, nuts, seeds, and","including fish, and various fruits with vegetables A table nuts, and seeds, eggs, broccoli, fruit, carrots.","A table with various fruits and let in vegetables including fish, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, broccoli, let in and ampere ampere carrots.","I table fith varoius frouit ans vetables including fish, nuts, frit, seeds, eggs, brocoli, END carots.","A table wiv various fruits nd vegetables including fish , nuts , fruit , seeds , eggs , broccoli , nd carrots .","A الطاولة with various फलों och vegetables including fish, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, broccoli, and carrots.","A table @LmS19cVB with various fruits and vegetables including fish, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, broccoli, and carrots.","A table with various fruits and vegetables including Phish, Nut'S, fruit, Seed'S, eggs, Brockley, and carrots.","A table with various fruits and vegetables such as fish, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, broccoli and carrots.","A table with divers fruits and vegetables, Including fish, nuts, fruits, seeds, eggs, and broccoli.","A table stocked with fruits and vegetables, including fish, nuts, fruit, seeds, eggs, broccoli, and carrots." 6823987,"Children using laptops in a school with text that reads, ""Stop, your private school search starts here.","Ghi1dken using laptops in a school with text that kead8, "" Stop, your pkivate schuu1 search starts here.","CjilrFeM uDinY lQpto9D in a scGoKI with text that reavZ, "" Stop, your priCz5e sDmokl sdxrcJ syxrgs here.","Children using lapWtto+ps in a school Jwi0th t+exEt t0haQt rpead1s, "" Stop, your private #sgcPhool 1sZearcEh s2tTart_s xhesre.","Children using la)tc9s in a school J8th peot that rea4s, "" Stop, 9Fur prKvV*e yc&gol search nt5+ts vere.","Chilrdne suign laptops in a school with text atht reads, "" Stop, oyru private scohol esrahc strsat erhe.","Children ing lpps in a cho with xt at reads, "" So, your private col search srs he.","ChILdrEN usinG lApTops iN A scHooL with texT ThaT rEadS, ""STOP, yoUr prIvATE sChooL SEarcH sTarTS Here.","CCCChhhhiiiillllddddrrrreeeennnn uuuussssiiiinnnngggg llllaaaappppttttooooppppssss iiiinnnn aaaa sssscccchhhhoooooooollll wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt rrrreeeeaaaaddddssss,,,, """"""""SSSSttttoooopppp,,,, yyyyoooouuuurrrr pppprrrriiiivvvvaaaatttteeee sssscccchhhhoooooooollll sssseeeeaaaarrrrcccchhhh ssssttttaaaarrrrttttssss hhhheeeerrrreeee....","Childr3n using laptops in a sch00l 3ith t3xt that r3ads, ""5top, 40ur privat3 sc400l s3arch starts 4er3.","Chil dren usin g l aptop s ina schoo l w it h t ext th at rea d s,""Stop, your p r i vate schoolse arch startshere. ",C𝝜𝛪ldrЕ𝖭 usꭵ𝓷g laptﮦps ⅰ𝐧 𝒜 sch0o𐐛 wꓲ𝖳h teXt tha𝜏 rea𝖽sꓹ ՝Stop٫ ყour 𝘱r𝜄va𝑻e sсh𝘖oℒ se𝝖гⅭ𝙃 star𝛕s һerꓰ٠,"shaver habituate laptop computer in a school day with text edition that reads, ""Stop, your individual school day look commence here.","Children using laptops with text that reads, your starts here.","search using Children text a school with that in reads, ""Stop, your private school laptops starts here.","civilise Children using laptops in individual a school offset with text that reads, civilise ""Stop, your private school search starts here.","Childern using laptops into a Shool with text thta reads, "" Stop, You're privite school serach estarts herer.","Children using laptops in a skwl wiv txt tht reads , "" Stop , yur prv skwl srch starts hre .","Children باستخدام laptops in a school with text that reads, ""Stop, your private school 検索 starts here.","Children using laptops in a school with @tXPDUvjz text that reads, ""Stop, your private school search starts here.","Children using laptops Inn a school with text that Read'S, ""Stop, your private school search starts Hear.","Children using laptops in a school whose text reads: ""Stop, your private school search starts here.","Children use laptops in school with text that reads, “Stop, your private school search begins here.” I have a",School-age children receiving text messages that indicate they must start looking for a private school. 1920430,"A table with pink and green decorations, including plates, cups, and glasses, napkins, strawberries, a bottle, and a hat.","A table with pinr and green decorations, including p1ate8, cups, and glasses, naprin8, 8traw6ekkie8, a bottle, and a hat.","A tagl@ 38th pink and BreeJ rec0rzt8onx, Uncpud(gg plates, cu0W, and v;assws, hapouns, s6radbe%r*ec, a boft,@, and a hat.","A table wiZt(h pink and gcrheen Idecor^a5tqionhs, inc+lUudsisng iplraDtes, cu8pes, and g@lagsse*s, neap2kNins, *strawwb^erMrieqs, a bortt7l+e, and a hat.","A )a5le livh pi@J and g&#en dJGordttkns, $nrdudi0g Rlutps, qup_, and glasses, oVpkin4, strawberries, a G7ttIe, and a hat.","A table iwht ipkn and geern edocraitons, ncilundig pltaes, cups, and glasses, anpkins, tsarwberreis, a btotel, and a hat.","A tle it pi and grn coraos, including pes, us, and laes, napkins, trabrri, a tte, and a hat.","A TAblE WiTH PinK And GrEeN deCorAtions, inClUdiNg PlaTes, CUPs, aNd glassES, napkinS, stRAWbERRIEs, a bOTtlE, ANd a hat.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppiiiinnnnkkkk aaaannnndddd ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss,,,, ccccuuuuppppssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, nnnnaaaappppkkkkiiiinnnnssss,,,, ssssttttrrrraaaawwwwbbbbeeeerrrrrrrriiiieeeessss,,,, aaaa bbbboooottttttttlllleeee,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa hhhhaaaatttt....","A table with pink and 9r33n dec0rati0ns, includin9 plates, cups, and 9lass3s, napkins, straw63rri3s, a 60ttle, and a 4at.","A ta blewithpin k and gree n decor ati on s,inc l ud in g pl a tes , cups, and g l a sses , napkin s, strawberrie s, abo t tl e, an d a h at.","A taᏏᏞe with ⲣi𝒩k a𝗻d g𝐫ee𝐧 de𝒄oꮁ𝘢tוo𐔓𝕾, inϲluꓒi𝖭g pLat𝕰𝓼, 𝘤ups‚ 𝚨nd 𝘎lasseᏕ, nᴀ𝜌Ki𝝢s¸ s𝗧ra𝑤𐌁𝔼rri𝚬s, 𝛂 bot𐌕le, anꓒ a h𖽀𝕋.","a board with pinkish and unripened decorations, include plates, cups, and glasses, napkins, strawberries, a bottle, and a hat.","A with pink green cups, and glasses, napkins, a bottle, a","A table cups, pink and and decorations, including glasses, with and green napkins, strawberries, a bottle, plates, a hat.","A super c table pinkish with pink and green ampere decorations, including plates, cups, and glasses, ampere napkins, strawberries, a bottle, and a hat.","At tadl wit pink ant gree decorations, incluinding plates, cops, and glasses, napkins, strowberry, a bottles, Ande a hat.","A table wiv pink nd green decorations , including plates , cups , nd glasses , napkins , strawberries , a bottle , nd a hat .","A الطاولة with pink and green decorations, including plates, cups, и glasses, napkins, strawberries, a bottle, وال a hat.","@QKEy0dZi A table with pink and green decorations, including plates, cups, and glasses, napkins, strawberries, a bottle, and a hat.","A table with pink and Greene decorations, including Plaits, Cupps, and Glass'S, napkins, strawberries, a Bottel, and a hat.","A table with pink and green decorations, including plates, cups and glasses, napkins, strawberries, a bottle and a hat.","A table with pink and green decorations, Including plates, cups, and glasses, napkins, strawberries, a bottle, and a hat.","A table adorned with pink and green plates, cups, glasses, napkins, strawberries, a bottle, and hats." 12247807,"The outfit is plaid and has boots, a watch, a purse, necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses, and a belt, and bag.","The outfit is plaid and ha8 6oot8, a watch, a purse, necklaces, bracelets, and 8ongla88es, and a belt, and bag.","The oJ6Eit is 9la7d and has Vlots, a @atcb, a l Trse, jecilaxec, brac4:eFx, and sknnPzsses, and a b4l4, and bag.","The tohutfiht is Cplaimd and has Ybozots, a wvatUch, a Ppursme, Bneuc3klac7es, bjralce_lZets, and 7sunSglaskseBs, and a benlct, and bag.","The o&t(id is _liid and has UooFs, a 0(tch, a pJrHe, CWclmaces, brIcml3tY, and sk8glaskhs, and a bYl9, and bag.","The uotfit is paild and has boots, a watch, a prues, nceklacse, barcletse, and usngalsess, and a btel, and bag.","The out is pla and has bot, a wac, a pse, nkaes, rclet, and snlase, and a be, and bag.","ThE ouTFIt is plAiD anD HaS boOts, a watch, a puRse, nEcKlaCES, bracelets, aNd sunGlaSSes, ANd A beLt, anD bag.","TTTThhhheeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt iiiissss ppppllllaaaaiiiidddd aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, aaaa wwwwaaaattttcccchhhh,,,, aaaa ppppuuuurrrrsssseeee,,,, nnnneeeecccckkkkllllaaaacccceeeessss,,,, bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeelllleeeettttssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa bbbbeeeelllltttt,,,, aaaannnndddd bbbbaaaagggg....","The outfit is plaid and has 60ots, a 3atc4, a purs3, n3cklac3s, 6racelets, and sun9lass3s, and a 63lt, and 6a9.","Theoutf it is pl aid a nd ha s boots , a w atc h,a p ur se,n eck laces, brac el e t s, a nd sungl as ses, and a b elt,an d b ag . ","TᎻe ou𝓉fit 𝗅s pᏞald anᴅ h𝘢s b𝒪o𝞃𝙨, a wa𝚃ch, a 𝕻ur𝙎𝙀٫ neckl𝑨⸦es, brace𐔦ҽ𝒕𝕊, 𝐴nd sun𝐺lassΕ𝐒, 𝞪𝒏d a 𝙱elt‚ 𝚊𝞜𝐷 ba𝗀.","The fit out is tartan and has boots, a watch, a purse, necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses, and a belt, and bag.","outfit and has a necklaces, and sunglasses, belt, bag.","watch, outfit is and and has boots, a a The sunglasses, necklaces, bracelets, and purse, plaid a belt, and bag.","The outfit is plaid and kit has boots, tartan a watch, a purse, tartan necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses, and a belt, and kit bag.","The outfit ic played and ha boots, a watch, o purse, nacklaces, braceletes, and sungrass, [[ann a bet, and bah.","The outfit tis plaid nd has boots , a watch , a purse , necklaces , bracelets , nd sunglasses , nd a belt , nd bag .","The outfit is plaid and has boots, a watch, a purse, necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses, и a belt, پھر bag.","The outfit is plaid and has boots, a @xn6r403a watch, a purse, necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses, and a belt, and bag.","Thee outfit is plaid and has boots, a Wach, a purse, necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses, and a belt, and bag.","The outfit is plaid and has boots, a watch, a purse, necklaces, bracelets and sunglasses as well as a belt and a bag.","The outfit is plaid and hath boots, a watch, a purse, necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses, and a belt, and bag.","The plaid attire includes boots, a watch, purse, necklaces, bracelets and sunglasses, belt, and bag." 6697168,The working class owes all honor and respect to the first men who planted the standard of labor solidarity on,The wurrin9 cla88 owes all honor and ke8pect to the fik8t men who planted the 8tandakd of 1ab0r solidarity on,The working c mK6ivayioJ and dm)loJe2 engqgeNeJ$.,The 3worFds r9ercognRiRtMion is proven as aKmoXng the b_eslt method for improving woJr(k moztDijvatieon and &eLmpuloye6e engbageqmBenht.,The woUda reeGgnitksO is pQMvez as NmoXg the best met7yo for improving H#rk mVFiOction and HmpuofeN engagement.,The orwds erocginiotn is proven as among the esbt method for imprvogni work moitvatino and pemloyee neaggmeent.,The ors rognio is pve as among the bs med for imrvi work motivation and emee ngamnt.,ThE woRDS RecOgnItIon Is pROveN aS among thE BesT mEThOd foR ImProving woRK MoTivaTioN anD EMplOYee enGagEMent.,TTTThhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss rrrreeeeccccooooggggnnnniiiittttiiiioooonnnn iiiissss pppprrrroooovvvveeeennnn aaaassss aaaammmmoooonnnngggg tttthhhheeee bbbbeeeesssstttt mmmmeeeetttthhhhoooodddd ffffoooorrrr iiiimmmmpppprrrroooovvvviiiinnnngggg wwwwoooorrrrkkkk mmmmoooottttiiiivvvvaaaattttiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd eeeemmmmppppllllooooyyyyeeeeeeee eeeennnnggggaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt....,7he w0rds recognition is prov3n as a30n9 the b3st 3et40d for i3provin9 3ork 30tivati0n and 33pl0433 3n9a9e33nt.,Theword s rec ogn ition is p roven a s a mo ngthe be st met h odfor improvi ng w orkmotivati on and employe e eng ag e me nt . ,Τh𑢦 𝐖o𝐫ds re𝘊ognit𝚒on i𝘀 proVҽ𝛮 𐊠𝙎 amﮦng ꓔhe ᏼ𑢮𐊖t ᗰ𝔈tℋod ꓝor im𝙿ℛסv│n𝚐 wo𝔯k 𝚳ot𝞘𝜈atio𝘕 a𝕹d Ε𝔐pᒪoye𝙀 eng𝜜gem𑢦n⟙.,The articulate acknowledgement is test as among the substantially method acting for meliorate exercise motive and employee engagement.,The words among the best and engagement.,The method words is among recognition proven the best as for improving work motivation and employee engagement.,The words word recognition is need proven as method acting among the examine best method for improving work motivation and employee engagement.,Th words recognition is proven as amoung hthe better methodo for improving work motivation a emplyee angagement.,The words recognition tis proven as among tha best method fo` improving wrk motivation nd employee engagement .,The كلمات recognition is सिद्ध as среди the best способ for 改善 work motivation och employee engagement.,The @5xBDHZ13 words recognition is proven as among the best method for improving work motivation and employee engagement.,Thee Words' recognition is proven as among Thee best method for improving Werke motivation and employee engagement.,Recognition has been proven to be one of the best ways to improve employee motivation and commitment.,The words recognition is proved as among the best method of improving work motivation and employee engagement.,Words recognition has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to increase work motivation and engagement. 5300550,"A woman's outfit and accessories including sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, handbag and bracelets.","A woman ' 8 uotfit and accessories including sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, hand6a9 and bracelets.","A woman ' s o8tt*t and aFs#ssorjeA JnfIudimg sunb>aXsDs, sweQt@3E, /ilsGicl, nsndHag and b%ac@/etD.","A wEomNan ' s %oDutWfit and acmcbesscor#i_es IinKcludfinug *sungl4a&sHses, sMwe9at0eras, #loiSpstiEck, hRawndcbag and bracelets.","A wVmln ' s outfit and w^+essorg@s itcURdEng 5ueVlas3es, ZPea%er7, lip*tlcK, h^_3bag and bJaheEetE.","A owmna ' s uoitft and accsesoirse inculdnig snugalsses, eswaerts, lipstick, nhadbga and bracleest.","A oma ' s fit and accssr including sunlas, stes, iick, hand and racet.","A WOmaN'S outFit aNd aCcEsSOriEs Including SuNglAssEs, SWeatErS, lIpStiCk, HanDBAG aND brAceLets.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn''''ssss oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, sssswwwweeeeaaaatttteeeerrrrssss,,,, lllliiiippppssssttttiiiicccckkkk,,,, hhhhaaaannnnddddbbbbaaaagggg aaaannnndddd bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeelllleeeettttssss....","A woman's outfit and acc3ss0ries includin9 sun9lass3s, s33aters, lipstick, hand6a9 and brac3l3ts.","A wo man' s out fit andacces soriesinc lu din g s u ng la sses , sw eaters, lip st i c k, h andbag a nd bracelets.",A womᴀn's 𝟬𝗎𝓽fit anᗞ 𝚨c𝑐es𝐬ories ꙇncꮮuᑯing ꮪun𝓖lΑs𝐬es‚ 𝘴wҽaters‚ 𑢲١psti𝖢𝕶٫ 𝕙a𝐧dbᗅg ᴀ𝙉D Βꓣa⊂ℯᒪᴇts٠,"axerophthol woman's fit out and appurtenance include sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, pocketbook and bracelets.","A and accessories including sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, and bracelets.","sunglasses, woman's accessories and outfit including handbag sweaters, A lipstick, and bracelets.","kit A woman's outfit and accessories including sunglasses, sweaters, bag kit outfit lipstick, handbag and bracelets.","I wonem ' S outfit and accessories including suglasses, sweaters, lipstik, hangbag als bracelettes.","A woman 's outfit nd accessories including sunglasses , sweaters , lipstick , handbag nd bracelets .","A woman's outfit and accessories including sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, handbag and bracelets.","@4Kru1WdQ A woman's outfit and accessories including sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, handbag and bracelets.","A womanEss outfit and accessories including sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, handbag and bracelets.","A woman's outfit and accessories such as sunglasses, sweater, lipstick, handbag and bracelets.","A woman’s apparel and accessories, Including handkerchiefs, scarves, and handbags.","A woman's attire and accessories, such as sunglasses, sweaters, lipstick, a handbag, and bracelets." 10693494,"Solution icon, simple element from a business collection, an image of solution outline symbol on a white background.","801utiun icon, 8imp1e e1ement fk0m a business cu11ectiun, an ima9e uf solution outline 8ym60l on a white background.","EooutloB icon, simple eodmenY bTom a Nus8nfsC VolPsc6ion, an imXgw of soIutuPG outline wymbP: on a white backg507Hd.","S!olVutMio*n icon, sKimfplPe elzeEmenvt f0ro!m a lbruPsine#ss collection, an imcaSge of soKluCtji7on outline sym1bKovl on a wehnite background.","SxJumiok GcHn, oiRule qlemecO from a bZ$inMfs collection, an ym^ge of JoDutIoX ouxBWne svmM6l on a white background.","Olsuitno icon, simpel element from a bussinse clolcetion, an image of osluinto uotinle ysbmlo on a hwtie backorgnud.","otin icon, ipl eeet fo a business collection, an iag of solution utne smo on a wht bcgond.","SoLUtiON iCOn, sImPle ElEmENt FroM a busineSs coLleCtiOn, aN iMAge of sOlUTion outliNe symBOL ON A wHIte baCkgrOund.","SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnn iiiiccccoooonnnn,,,, ssssiiiimmmmpppplllleeee eeeelllleeeemmmmeeeennnntttt ffffrrrroooommmm aaaa bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn,,,, aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ssssoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnn oooouuuuttttlllliiiinnnneeee ssssyyyymmmmbbbboooollll oooonnnn aaaa wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd....","5olution ic0n, simple elem3nt fr03 a business c0ll3cti0n, an i3a93 of s0luti0n outlin3 sy360l 0n a 34it3 back9r0und.","Solu tion icon , s imple elem ent fro m a b usi nes s c ol lect i on, an image o fs o luti on outli ne symbol on a whit eb ac kg r ou nd.","So𑢣ut١ﮦn i𝐜o𝕟ꓹ s𝕀m𝖕l𝔼 ℰ𐑃ement FRoℳ a bu𝕊in𝗘s𝘀 𝘤olᒪec𝕿ion, a𝛮 Ɩma𝐆e ໐f soꓡ𝜐𝔗ion ంutꮮinΕ s𑢤mЬol 𑓐n a whit𝗘 𝗯ac𝓚ground.","resolution icon, simpleton chemical element from a business organization collection, an paradigm of root precis symbolization on a elwyn brooks white background.","icon, simple element from business image of outline symbol a white","Solution outline simple element from white solution collection, an image of on icon, symbol business a a background.","Solution scheme icon, simple element from system a business collection, an image simpleton simple of solution outline symbol on a white background.","Solucion icon, simpel element forom as business collection, in imagen od solution outline symbol jn are white background.","Solution icon , simple element frm a business collection , an image of solution outline symbol on a white bg .","Solution icon, semplice element from a business collection, an image of solution наброски symbol on a الابيض background.","Solution icon, simple element from a business collection, an image of solution outline @EBRFugj8 symbol on a white background.","Solution Ikon, simple element from a business collection, 'N image of solution outline Cymbal on a white background.","Solution symbol, simple element from a company collection, an image of the solution symbol on a white background.","Solution icon, simple element from a business collection, An image of solution outline symbol on a white background.","A simple business collection element, the solution icon, features a white background and an outline of the solutions." 2089762,The actress and her husband attend an event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the fashion house on Broadway.,The actress and her husband attend an event to ce1e6kate the 19th annivek8aky of the fashion house 0n Broadway.,The adtDeEs and her huxbabV StHwnd an eveGr to Fe;@bra5e the *0tn anniversary of the Eaehkon house on BDoZdqSy.,The ac6trVeYss and her husband Latft0end an ev^eZnt to celebrate the 707tih janXnivvkersa4ry of the CfashDio3n xhousBe on !B8rwooadway.,The actress and her hksIano utJe#d an event to ceAeHrJtA the 50Th On%ivevGarO of the gashxoc hPtse on Z5vadwaz.,The acretss and her husnbda attend an event to ecleabret the 7h0t nanviesrary of the fsaihno house on Rboawday.,The actr and her husband ten an vnt to cleba the 7h aniary of the fashion hus on Bway.,ThE acTREsS aNd HeR huSbAnD atTenD an event tO cEleBRaTe thE 70Th anniverSArY Of tHe FAshION hoUSe On BroADway.,TTTThhhheeee aaaaccccttttrrrreeeessssssss aaaannnndddd hhhheeeerrrr hhhhuuuussssbbbbaaaannnndddd aaaatttttttteeeennnndddd aaaannnn eeeevvvveeeennnntttt ttttoooo cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaatttteeee tttthhhheeee 77770000tttthhhh aaaannnnnnnniiiivvvveeeerrrrssssaaaarrrryyyy ooooffff tttthhhheeee ffffaaaasssshhhhiiiioooonnnn hhhhoooouuuusssseeee oooonnnn BBBBrrrrooooaaaaddddwwwwaaaayyyy....,The actr3ss and her husband att3nd an 3v3nt to cele6rat3 t43 70t4 anniv3rsar4 of t4e fas4i0n 40us3 0n 8road3a4.,Theactr ess a ndher h usban d atten d a neve ntt oce lebr a tethe 70th an ni v e rsar y of the f ashion house on B ro a dw ay . ,Tꮋe actress aⲚd 𝐡𐊆ℝ 𝚮𝘶sban𝘋 𝙖𝞃tend 𝔸n even𝖙 𝖙𐊫 c℮𑢲ebrate th𝛦 7𝑂tһ 𝞐nniv𝖤rsarɣ 𝜎f tℌe ẝА𑣁ᏂᎥo𝗡 𝘏ous⋿ on 𝒃𝑟0adw𝜜y.,The actress and her economize give ear an upshot to observe the th day of remembrance of the mode business firm on Broadway.,The actress and her husband attend an the 70th of the house Broadway.,The actress and fashion husband attend of event to celebrate the 70th anniversary Broadway. the an house on her,The actress and th her husband attend menage an event to celebrate manner the 70th anniversary see of the fashion house on Broadway.,The actrees ans her husband atttend an evenement to celereate the 70th anniversary off the fashon house on Brodway.,The actress nd her hubby attend an event tuh celebrate tha 70th anniversary of tha fashion house on Broadway .,The ممثلة and her husband attend an event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the ファッション house on Broadway.,The actress @RdmK6bXa and her husband attend an event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the fashion house on Broadway.,Thee actress and Hur husband attend 'N event to celebrate Thee 70th anniversary of Thee fashion Haus on Broadway.,The actress and her husband are attending an event celebrating the fashion house's 70th birthday on Broadway.,The actress and her husband attend an event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the fashion house on Broadway.,"At a celebration to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Broadway fashion house, the actress and her husband are in attendance." 889972,"Three people sitting on top of couches with text reading Malaysian flight attendants share stories from 40, 000.","Thkee people 8ittin9 on top 0f couches with text reading Malaysian flight attendant8 share 8tokie8 fkum 18, 000.","Three lf0ple sitting on top of cokdh@s Sifh text reading Ma/aHs(ah C:igtt a^tebrxnts chWre stories Bfom 40, 000.","Three 9peopUlde sitting on top of ceouAchJes with tBexot rmeSadFing Malaysian sf1ligMht ha#tteqndanFts srhNare bsDt3ories from 40, 000.","Three people s0t#sng on top of couches wvfh meyt regRinJ Ma&ayziez elizlt attendants shlrb stories fgoy 40, 000.","There eppoel sitting on top of occuhse with txte reading Malaynsai iflgth attendants share tsorsie from 40, 000.","The ple sitting on top of couc it text reading Maysa lgt atndat share stos from 40, 000.","ThREe PEOpLE SitTiNg oN ToP of coUches with tExt reAdiNg MaLAySIan fLigHt ATteNdanTs sharE STOriES fRom 40, 000.","TTTThhhhrrrreeeeeeee ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff ccccoooouuuucccchhhheeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt rrrreeeeaaaaddddiiiinnnngggg MMMMaaaallllaaaayyyyssssiiiiaaaannnn fffflllliiiigggghhhhtttt aaaatttttttteeeennnnddddaaaannnnttttssss sssshhhhaaaarrrreeee ssssttttoooorrrriiiieeeessss ffffrrrroooommmm 44440000,,,, 000000000000....","Thr3e people sittin9 0n top of c0uc43s 3ith t3xt r3ading Mala4sian flig4t att3ndants s4ar3 stori3s fro3 40, 000.","Thre e pe oplesit tingon to p of co uch es wi tht ex tread i ngMalaysian f li g h t at tendants s hare stories from 4 0 ,00 0 .","Th𝔯ee pᴇop𑢣E s𝓁tt˛ng 𝔬𝘕 top ℴf 𝖼o𝘶ꓚh𝐸𝒔 wi𝕋h 𝚻ex⊤ ℛeaⅅi𝙽g M𝞐laysia𝑵 f𖼖ight at𝗧end𝘼𝕹ts s𐋏Aꮁe storie𝖲 frంm 4ﻩ, 000.","terzetto multitude pose on upper side of frame with textbook recitation malayan trajectory attendee portion news report from 40, 000.","people sitting on of couches text reading Malaysian flight attendants share stories 40, 000.","Malaysian people sitting on top of couches with text reading Three flight attendants share stories 40, from 000.","reviser bahasa kebangsaan Three people sitting on upper side top of couches with text reading Malaysian redact flight attendants share stories from 40, 000.","Three poeople sitting on mop of coaches with text readin Malasian fright attendants shair stroies from 40, 000.","Three pplz sitting on top of couches wiv txt reading Malaysian flight attendants share stories frm 40 , 000 .","Three ناس sitting on ऊपर of ложах with text читаем Malaysian flight attendants المشاركة stories from 40, 000.","Three people @8HCeAG4T sitting on top of couches with text reading Malaysian flight attendants share stories from 40, 000.","Three people sitting on top of couches with text reading Malaysian flight attendants Schehr Story'S Frum 40, 000.","Three people sitting on sofas reading Malaysian flight attendants tell stories from 40,000 years ago.",Three persons sitting on top of couches with text reading Malaysian flight attendants Have shared their tales of forty thousand.,"A group of three people, all sitting on couches, exchange stories with Malaysian flight attendants who read texts from 40, 000." 5897770,"A suitcase filled with various items such as sunglasses, gloves and flip flops.","A 8oitca8e filled with various item8 such as sun91a8se8, gloves and flip flops.","A suitcase B8lleF eigh var(i6s items such as shnflwssDs, gloves and fiil f>9ps.","A PsuiEtdcaUse filled with various iZteQms s3ucEh as syu0ngqlasyses, g@lfoveUs and Kf2lip flops.","A suitcase filled with vamZoug 7teRs sR^h as su3gzaqqes, niovns and f@Cp flops.","A suitcase fileld with rvaoius items such as usngalsess, glovse and fipl flsop.","A suitcase fle wt ariu ims such as sunglasses, loe and flip lps.","A SUitCAse filled with varIOus iteMs sUcH As SunGLasseS, GlOvES and fLiP fLoPs.","AAAA ssssuuuuiiiittttccccaaaasssseeee ffffiiiilllllllleeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiitttteeeemmmmssss ssssuuuucccchhhh aaaassss ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss aaaannnndddd fffflllliiiipppp ffffllllooooppppssss....","A suitcase filled 3it4 various it33s suc4 as sun9lasses, 9l0v3s and flip flops.","A su itca se fi lle d wit h var ious it ems s uch as su ng lass e s,gloves andfl i p flo ps.","A ꜱ𝘜𝒍t𝕔a𑣁e 𑢢ill𝕰d with va𝒓ious i𝒕𝐄ms suc𝔥 𝜶𝕾 sunglas𝓈𝖤s, gl𝝈veꮪ and flⲒp ẝꓡops꘎","ampere grip satisfy with respective particular such as sunglasses, boxing glove and toss flops.",with various such as flip,"filled suitcase gloves items various with such as sunglasses, flops. and flip A","A suitcase filled with several various meet items such as sunglasses, point gloves and bag flip flops.","At suitecase fillled with variuos items such a sunglasses, gloves cndy flip flops.","A suitcase filled wiv various items such as sunglasses , gloves nd flip flops .","A حقيبة filled with various items sådana as sunglasses, gloves и flip flops.","A suitcase filled with various items such as @uhdvBSdM sunglasses, gloves and flip flops.","A suitcase filled with various items such as sunglasses, gloves and flip flops.","A suitcase filled with various utensils such as sunglasses, gloves and flip-flops.","A suitcase full of divers articles, such as sunglasses, gloves and flip flops.","A suitcase containing sunglasses, gloves, flip flops and other items." 5570061,"A collection of black items including glasses, watches and other accessories.","A cu11ecti0n 0f black items inc1odin9 g1a8se8, watches and other accessories.","A collection of black ifens &ns:udihg nkaxses, !atfheE and otNFr axVesso$8ss.","A cwolNlect(ionn of black iteeems fiAncl&udiPng +g#ljasses, watches and ot1h^er @ac3cFessoHrives.","A colzecNgoz of black itXmw inc(u5)nL glaZseY, watches and ot%eu abc^s20)ies.","A collection of black times nicldugin glasses, watcehs and tohre accessrosie.","A collection of black tem inuin ases, thes and the aesres.","A cOLlECtion of black ItemS inCluDIng GlaSSEs, wAtChES aNd OTHEr accESSoRiEs.","AAAA ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, wwwwaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","A collection of 6lack it3ms includin9 9lass3s, 3atc4es and ot43r access0ri3s.","A co llec tionofblack item s inclu din ggla sse s ,wa tche s an d other acc es s o ries .","𝓐 c𝝈llection ౦f ᏼℒ⍺𐌂k it𝚬m𝑺 i𝘕𝒸𑢣uⅮiℕᶃ glas𑣁eƽ, wᴀtc𝓱es anꓒ otheᴦ Αcc𝔼𝖘sℴri𐊆s.","angstrom compendium of blackness detail admit glasses, observe and other accessories.",collection black items including and accessories.,"A accessories. of items black glasses, and watches including other collection","A ampere repoint point collection of black items point including glasses, watches and other accessories.","I collection fi black items incluinding classes, wathches and other accessaries.","A collection of blk items including glasses , watches nd other accessories .","A التحصيل of black items including glasses, klockor and other accessories.","A collection of black items including glasses, watches and @hvLCiRUa other accessories.","A collection of black items including Glass'S, watches and Uther accessories.","A collection of black objects such as glasses, watches and other accessories.","A collection of black articles, Including glasses, watches and other accessories.","A selection of black accessories, including glasses and watches." 3367300,an image with the words What was the single biggest obstacle overcome to get where you are today?,an image with the w0kds What was the 8in91e biggest obstacle overcome to 9et wheke y0o ake today?,an inagd with the worsz WhSH was the s(mgl@ bjfRest obstacle ogerdKje to get qhdre you are todX%?,an image wiFtnh the tw6ords WBhaht was the siSnzgfle qb4igges&t 7ob*sptacnle @over4cgom%e to get ewher%e you are today?,an ixYge &it9 the words Wcaz was the single ViggQs& +(at!cle o2trc@pe to get w6yre you are todhu?,an iameg with the words What was the isngle bgiegts sobtacle overcome to get wheer you are otdya?,an mae wt the words Wa was the single bigg obsc ovee to get wre you are toa?,an ImaGE with thE WordS WhAT wAs The single bIggEst oBSTAcle oVercOmE tO geT wHERE yOU arE tOday?,aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss WWWWhhhhaaaatttt wwwwaaaassss tttthhhheeee ssssiiiinnnngggglllleeee bbbbiiiiggggggggeeeesssstttt oooobbbbssssttttaaaacccclllleeee oooovvvveeeerrrrccccoooommmmeeee ttttoooo ggggeeeetttt wwwwhhhheeeerrrreeee yyyyoooouuuu aaaarrrreeee ttttooooddddaaaayyyy????,an i3age 3ith the words W4at 3as t43 single 6i9g3st 0bstacl3 0v3rc0m3 to 93t 343r3 y0u are t0da4?,an i mage with th e wor ds Wh at wasthe s ing leb ig ge st o b sta cle overcom et o get where y ou are today?,𝜜n image wi𝐭h 𝝩Ꮋⴹ 𝘄o𝒓𝙳s Wha𝙩 wa𑣁 𝗍h𝖤 𝔰𝚒𝘕ꓖ𐑃𝑬 biɡᏀest 𑣗вstacle 𝑜v𝜠rᏟoМe 𝓽o get ѡhere you 𝜜re t٥D𝙖𑣜?,an range with the christian bible What was the i fully grown obstruction overpower to beget where you are today?,image with the words What was the single biggest get you are today?,an the image the words What was with single biggest obstacle today? to get where overcome are you,an image with the words What was the single boastful biggest obstacle overcome to get where boastful you are today?,dan imagen withing the qwords Whate was the single biggest obstacle overcome yto dget where you e today?,an image wiv tha words wht wuz tha single biggest obstacle overc2 gt whr ure today ?,an الصورة with the words What var the single biggest препятствием overcome to get اين you är today?,@GZgHS75Y an image with the words What was the single biggest obstacle overcome to get where you are today?,an image with Thee Word'S What was Thee Singel biggest obstacle overcome to get where Yu Or today?,a picture with the words What was the biggest obstacle to getting to where you are today?,An image with the words What was the single greatest obstacle that overcame To get where you are today?,"What was the most significant challenge you faced in achieving your current position, as depicted in an image?" 9458747,A man in a blue shirt holding onto the side of a boat while a dolphin swims.,A man in a 61ue shirt holding onto the 8ide uf a boat while a dolphin 8wim8.,A man in a Hlu3 sti5t holding Pnt0 the Cid# of a Gpat SNile a coK0hin s@imX.,A man in a ybluTe DshiWrt )holdiUnZg )onxto the sOijde of a boCaMt wwhilRe a dolWpyhi6n swims.,A man in a wluZ 3Eirt hokdiY( 0n$o the @id2 of a *oa# while a dol1+Rn 0dims.,A man in a lbeu shirt holding noot the ised of a obta wihel a dolhpin wsism.,A man in a bl hrt odng onto the ie of a ot whe a dohn ims.,A MaN IN a Blue shirt HoldING ontO the sIDe oF a BOaT WhILe A DolpHiN sWims.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa bbbblllluuuueeee sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnnttttoooo tttthhhheeee ssssiiiiddddeeee ooooffff aaaa bbbbooooaaaatttt wwwwhhhhiiiilllleeee aaaa ddddoooollllpppphhhhiiiinnnn sssswwwwiiiimmmmssss....,A man in a blue shirt 40ldin9 ont0 t43 side 0f a 6oat 34il3 a d0lp4in swi3s.,A ma n in a bl ueshirt hold ing ont o t he si deo faboat whi le a dolphi ns w ims. ,A 𝐌an 1𝖓 a 𝗯ʟu𝙀 shiʀ𝗍 𝙷ᴑlding onto t𝞖e sⵏ𝘋𝔼 oſ a 𝗕o𝑎t while 𝐚 dolРhin sw۱ꓟ𝘚𐩐,type a human being in a drear shirt sustain onto the side of meat of a gravy boat while a dolphinfish swims.,A man a blue holding the of a a dolphin swims.,A man in a shirt holding blue onto swims. side the a boat while a dolphin of,A man in gravy boat a blue shirt holding onto the mankind side of a boat while mahimahi a dolphin bluish swims.,A man in la blue schirt holing onto dthe sight of a bout while an delphin swims.,A man in a blu shirt holding onto tha side of a boat while a dolphin swims .,A الرجل in a नीला skjorta holding onto the сторона of a سفینہ while a dolphin swims.,A man @5p3KPeXY in a blue shirt holding onto the side of a boat while a dolphin swims.,A Manne Inn a Bleu shirt holding onto the Seid of a boat while a dolphin swims.,A man in a blue shirt clings to the side of a boat while a dolphin swims.,"A man in a blue shirt, holding up his side of a boat, whilst a dolphin swims.",A dolphin swims past a man in blue shirt holding onto the side of another boat. 7346002,A man wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of a plant.,A man weakin9 virtual reality 9la88es standing in front of a plant.,A man Dez4ing vir4&sl rewpitG giaxseZ Wtwnsibg in f4(nt of a plant.,A man 4wea#reing jvirtCuadl reEalTitDy glBaJstses standing in fTron7t of a plajnvt.,A man wSN8ing hirmua7 r6Wlit4 gRIsse( DtanjAEg in ftGnt of a plant.,A man ewaring ivrtalu reality lgasses stndaing in fortn of a aplnt.,A man eari ital reality lsse snin in fro of a pnt.,A MaN wEarINg virtual RealITy gLASSEs stANDIng iN froNt OF a PlanT.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg vvvviiiirrrrttttuuuuaaaallll rrrreeeeaaaalllliiiittttyyyy ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ppppllllaaaannnntttt....,A man w3arin9 virtual r3alit4 9lasses standin9 in fr0nt of a plant.,A ma n we aring vi rtual real ity gla sse ssta ndi n gin fro n t o f a plant.,A maո ѡе𝞐r𝗜ng viᚱt𝚄aꓡ r𑢦aⳐ𝕝𑢼y g𐑃asse𝑺 staռdℑn𝖦 𝐈𝔫 f𝗋o𝘕t of a 𝜌la𝐧t.,type a piece put on practical realness glass bear in front man of a plant.,A glasses standing in front of a plant.,A glasses in reality virtual man standing wearing front plant. a of,glass glass A man wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of a ampere world plant.,I man wearing virtural reality glisses standig in fron of e plant.,A man wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of a plant .,A الرجل wearing virtual reality glasses standing in front of a plant.,A man wearing virtual reality glasses standing @2wmpIAZM in front of a plant.,A Manne Waring virtual reality glasses standing Inn front of a plant.,A man wearing virtual reality glasses stands in front of a work.,"A man in a virtual reality eyeless visage, standing in front of a plant.",A man wearing VR glasses and standing in front of a plant. 4716136,Man in hardhator holding clipboard and looking at building under construction.,Man in hardhator holding clipboard and 1oorin9 at 6oi1din9 under cun8tkocti0n.,Man in hAGdha$of holding vlipb9a$C and looking at HuilWihV und#g cpnatrKcGJon.,Man in hardhator h(olddizng xc^lipbeo%ard and dlGookiSng at 4buJiGldi@ng un(d_er construction.,Man in hRr%hat+! hj5&ing clipboard and looking at Jui%Wi9g und$% c3nstSucrMoJ.,Man in hardhator hdolnig clbiporda and oolking at ubildign under ocnsrtctuino.,Man in hardhator oldg cipar and loig at building ude ontrucn.,MaN in Hardhator HoldiNg cLIpbOard and lOOKinG aT builDING UnDER consTRUcTiOn.,MMMMaaaannnn iiiinnnn hhhhaaaarrrrddddhhhhaaaattttoooorrrr hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg cccclllliiiippppbbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd aaaannnndddd llllooooooookkkkiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt bbbbuuuuiiiillllddddiiiinnnngggg uuuunnnnddddeeeerrrr ccccoooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn....,Man in hardhator h0lding clip60ard and l00king at buildin9 und3r c0nstruction.,Manin h ardha tor hold ing c lipboar d a nd lo oki n gat bui l din g under con st r u ctio n.,M𐊠ո i𝗇 ℋaᚱdha𝜏or hol𝔇ⅈ𐔓g 𝒞l𝗶𝑝bⲟ𝖆rⅮ an𝓭 l𝕺okin𝘨 Аt bu˛lᴅinᏻ und𝜠ꮁ constrʋct𝙞on.,isle of man in hardhator hold up clipboard and face at build under construction.,Man in hardhator and looking construction.,looking Man hardhator holding clipboard in and at under building construction.,Man construct agree in agree retrace hardhator holding clipboard and looking at building under construction.,Man in hardhator holing clipboard um lokking an building unter construction.,Man in hardhator holding clipboard nd lukin at building under construction .,Man in hardhator holding clipboard and looking at building under construction.,Man in hardhator holding clipboard and looking at building under @nhEgT1Ep construction.,Manne Inn hardhator holding clipboard and looking at building under construction.,Man in hardhator with clipboard and view of a building under construction.,Man in hardhats holding up his clipboard and gazing on the construction under way.,The clipboard-holding man observes the construction work in progress. 9058783,A little yellow duck wearing headphones and standing in front of a purple background.,A 1itt1e ye110w docr wearing headphones and standing in front uf a purple 6ack9ruond.,A little yellow duXJ 2earlnh heaf(hlbes and stZndkbv in front of a p&dp;e bXckgDoJnR.,A lviYtitle yellow 7duuck w2eiazring headphones and standing in f&ro$nt of a epurIprle 3bac4k+gwround.,A jottUe yellow dCkk TDaring heaup3)Res and G_andi_j in front of a purple backg$AS+d.,A little yellow duck weanrgi haepdohnse and standing in rfnot of a prulep abkcrgoudn.,A lil yellow duck warn headphones and tadi in ron of a pup bckrud.,A LIttLE yellOw DuCk wEaRiNG hEadPhones aND sTanDiNg iN froNT OF a puRple BACkGrOund.,AAAA lllliiiittttttttlllleeee yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww dddduuuucccckkkk wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg hhhheeeeaaaaddddpppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss aaaannnndddd ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ppppuuuurrrrpppplllleeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd....,A little yello3 duck 3earin9 h3adph0nes and standing in fr0nt 0f a purpl3 6ack9r0und.,A li ttle yell owduckweari ng head pho ne s a nds ta nd ingi n f ront of a p ur p l e ba ckground .,𝝖 ℒ𞣇TtᏞe y𝔈𑢣𐑃𝗼w D𝚞cᏦ wea𝑟ing headpℌon⋿𝓼 𝙖nd s𝓉andin𝘨 𝐈n front 𝔬Ϝ a purpl𝔼 вackgro𝕦𝓝d.,angstrom piddling scandalmongering douse eroding earpiece and support in forepart of a regal background.,A little yellow duck wearing headphones and standing in front of a purple background.,A front headphones duck wearing purple and standing in little of a background. yellow,A over embellished little ducks egg yellow duck wearing headphones and ampere standing in front of a purple resist background.,A litthe yellom duck wearing headphones end standing in frot lf a purple backgraound.,A lil yellow duck wearing headphones nd standing in front of a purple bg .,A القليل yellow duck wearing headphones and standing in front of a purple background.,A little yellow duck wearing headphones and standing in @YCoLB2KF front of a purple background.,A Lyttle yellow duck Wareing headphones and standing in front of a purple background.,A little yellow duck wearing headphones and standing in front of a purple background.,"A little yellow duck, wearing his earphones in his mouth, and standing in a purple background.",A purple backdrop presents a small yellow duck with headphones on. 3820628,"A lipstick with various ingredients including cherries, honey and other fruit.","A 1ip8ticr with various in9kedient8 inc1odin9 cherries, honey and other fruit.","A lipW%Ofk wktG Fs$ious Lnb3edi3Bts including vheg#Les, honey and other f5ui%.","A TliapkstWick with varPiWouWs inygNreAdi7entbs aiVnclMudiDng Lc_h_erriGes, honey and o8thWer fruit.","A 8ipOXEck with v(RiDus ingredients 2bclud43g PGerriM+, 0on%y and other m&uit.","A lipstick iwht rviaous ginrdeeinst including hcerries, oheny and other furti.","A ipik wh vaou ingredients including cerr, hoe and other fut.","A LIpsTIck with vAriouS inGRedIentS inClUDIng chERries, HOnEy ANd othER fRuIt.","AAAA lllliiiippppssssttttiiiicccckkkk wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiinnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg cccchhhheeeerrrrrrrriiiieeeessss,,,, hhhhoooonnnneeeeyyyy aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr ffffrrrruuuuiiiitttt....","A lipstick with various in9r3dients includin9 c43rri3s, 4on34 and 0t43r fruit.","A li psti ck wi thvario us in gredien tsin clu din g c he rrie s , h oney and ot he r frui t.",A ꮮi𝔭st𝞘𐔜𝜥 wiTh var𝓁o𐓶𝚂 ꭵngredا𐊆nt𝙎 𝕴n𑣲l𝑢𝕯in𝙶 cheᴦrie𝓢ꓹ 𝝜oneΥ an𝐷 otheℜ ꓝruiт𐩐,"amp lip rouge with versatile component let in cherries, dear and other fruit.",A lipstick with various ingredients including and other fruit.,"A lipstick with and ingredients including other honey various cherries, fruit.","A ampere lipstick ampere with various ingredients including cherries, honey and ampere other international ampere fruit.","I lipstik with various ingredients incluing cherrys, heney am other fruit.","A lipstick wiv various ingredients including cherries , hun nd other fruit .","A lipstick con various ingredients including cherries, älskling and other fruit.","@qciZ9kWA A lipstick with various ingredients including cherries, honey and other fruit.","A lipstick with various ingredients including cherries, honey and Uther fruit.","A lipstick with different ingredients such as cherries, honey and other fruits.","A lipstick with divers ingredients, cherries, honey and other fruits.","Cherry, honey, and other fruits are combined to create a unique lipstick." 9447487,The actors and director pose for a photo at an event in front of a jewelry store.,The actors and dikect0k pose for a photo at an event in front uf a jewelry 8t0re.,The Wc%orq and dir@dGLr pIss for a ptot( at an ev@Jt in crInt of a .","An e4mCpty cup wxiCth a Vspoosn on the psaluc_er, Kfo&od, *beveRraWg!e, tea pot, uplUate, 3tab0leWwar)e, mug, botw4l.","An 1mpRy cup LitO a %poo3 on the baPcNr, fgoU, buveYag2, tea pot, Xlatn, tc5lewTr), mug, 1owF.","An metpy cup iwht a psono on the sacrue, food, ebaverge, tea pot, palet, ablteawre, mug, blow.","An mpy cup it a soo on the sac, fd, bvre, tea pot, lte, ablwe, mug, ow.","An EmpTY cup WitH A spOoN ON tHe Saucer, fOOd, bEveRagE, tea POt, Plate, TAbLEWAre, MuG, Bowl.","AAAAnnnn eeeemmmmppppttttyyyy ccccuuuupppp wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa ssssppppoooooooonnnn oooonnnn tttthhhheeee ssssaaaauuuucccceeeerrrr,,,, ffffoooooooodddd,,,, bbbbeeeevvvveeeerrrraaaaggggeeee,,,, tttteeeeaaaa ppppooootttt,,,, ppppllllaaaatttteeee,,,, ttttaaaabbbblllleeeewwwwaaaarrrreeee,,,, mmmmuuuugggg,,,, bbbboooowwwwllll....","An empt4 cup with a spo0n 0n t4e saucer, f00d, 63verag3, t3a pot, plat3, ta6l33ar3, 3u9, 603l.","An e mpty cupwit h a s poonon thesau ce r,foo d ,be vera g e,tea pot, pl at e , tab leware,mu g, bowl.","𝝰N 𝖤Ꮇpt𑢤 c𝓾𝗉 wi𝓣𝒉 a spoon 𝞞n 𝐭he s𝝖uc𝙀r, food, be𖼈𝙀rᎪƍe, 𝞃e𐊠 𝞠o𝔱؍ p𑢣at℮, ⊤𝘢𝕭Ⳑ𝔈Ꮤ𝞐re, m𑣘Ꮐꓹ boѡꓡ.","an vacate loving cup with a smooch on the saucer, food, beverage, camellia sinensis pot, plate, tableware, mug, bowl.","a spoon on the saucer, beverage, tea pot, mug, bowl.","An food, beverage, with a spoon on pot, saucer, empty tableware, tea the plate, cup mug, bowl.","smooch An hollow empty cup with a spoon on associate in nursing the saucer, food, beverage, cupful tea pot, plate, tableware, mug, bowl.","And empyt coop with a spoone 0n he saucer, food, beverage, thee pop, plat, tableware, mug, bown.","An mty cup wiv a spoon on tha saucer , food , beverage , tea pot , pl8 , tableware , mug , bowl .","An فارغة cup with a spoon on the saucer, food, beverage, чай pot, plate, tableware, mug, bowl.","An empty cup with a spoon on the saucer, food, beverage, tea pot, plate, tableware, mug, @Mjc0SPz8 bowl.","An Mt Cupp with a spoon Aune Thee saucer, food, beverage, T. Pott, Plait, tableware, mug, Bohl.","An empty cup with a spoon on the saucer, food, drinks, teapot, plates, dishes, mugs, bowl.","An empty cup with a spoon on the saucer, food, beverage, tea pot, plate, tableware, mug, bowl.","The saucer, food, beverage, tea pot, plate, tableware, mug, and bowl are all present except for an empty cup with a spoon." 5938946,"The top is striped and has shorts, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cell phone, and other items.","The top i8 striped and has shukt8, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a ce11 phone, and 0thek items.","The top is z6riled and has sh)EFs, CanEale, xHnglxssed, an ear(yob2, a ou#se, a cFl. pton$, and oRter itFHs.","The top is stYr&iYped and has sh%or+tPs, sba^nda_ls, suDngglaXssYes, an eakrTpNhoSne, a cpu&rse, a c&eUll Hphtone, and o1t*her bitemMs.","The top is sthipla and has ssoHKs, saYd7l&, sQnr1asses, an +arBhNn2, a p8rsg, a cUle phQns, and Hth!r imemV.","The top is tsrpide and has sohrts, ansadls, nsuglsasse, an erpahneo, a purse, a cell phone, and hoter itsem.","The top is stid and has ort, snls, ungses, an ehon, a pus, a el hoe, and ote ems.","ThE toP Is stRipEd and hAs ShoRts, sandals, sUngLasSEs, an EARpHonE, a PuRsE, A cell PHonE, aND otheR iTems.","TTTThhhheeee ttttoooopppp iiiissss ssssttttrrrriiiippppeeeedddd aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss sssshhhhoooorrrrttttssss,,,, ssssaaaannnnddddaaaallllssss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnn eeeeaaaarrrrpppphhhhoooonnnneeee,,,, aaaa ppppuuuurrrrsssseeee,,,, aaaa cccceeeellllllll pppphhhhoooonnnneeee,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","The top is striped and has s40rts, sandals, sunglass3s, an 3arp40ne, a purs3, a cell p40n3, and 0t43r ite3s.","Thetopis st rip ed an d has shorts , s an dal s,s un gl asse s , a n earphone, a p urse , a cell p hone, and ot her i te m s. ","𝞣Ⲏe top is strlρed and ℌas sh𝞂rts, s𝐴Νdal𝘴, s𝗎nglasses¸ an 𝕰𝓐r𝓅hone, a purse, 𝑨 𝓒e𐔦l p𝜢𝝾n𝚬, aꓠԁ other item𝒮.","The top out is strip and has shorts, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cellular phone phone, and other items.","top is striped shorts, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cell and items.","The top is items. and earphone, shorts, an sunglasses, sandals, striped a purse, a cell phone, and other has","The top is reave despoil striped despoil and has shorts, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cell upper side phone, and other items.","The top is striped et has shorts, shandle, sunglassis, na earpnone, al puris, la cel phone, and antoher items.","The top tis striped nd has shorts , sandals , sunglasses , an earphone , a purse , a celly , nd other items .","The الاعلى is striped और har shorts, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cell phone, وال other items.","The @NG6HAJzY top is striped and has shorts, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cell phone, and other items.","Thee top is striped and has shorts, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cell phone, and other items.","The top is striped and has shorts, sandals, sunglasses, headphones, a handbag, a cell phone and other items.","The top is striped and has shorts, sandals, sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, a cell phone, and other articles.","The striped top is composed of shorts, sandals and sunglasses, an earphone, a purse, cell phone, and other items." 11659932,An animated image with the words Europe is planning to build an island that will provide clean energy.,An animated image with the words Eok0pe i8 planning to 6oild an i81and that wi11 provide clean energy.,An animated JJage wi6N the Eorrs Europe is plaJJ7nN to build an us?anE tTqt will 9Fov*de fldan energy.,An xa4nimaGtLed image with the words EEuRroope is 6pllaHndning to build an i%slOamnd that wHilbl pNrHov6ide kcllean ezne*rgjy.,An an7PaIzd image w5t% the wowIs EHzXpe is planning to yiild an Eslan# that will provide cl7tn YneNgy.,An anamitde imeag iwht the owrsd Eupreo is planning to build an sliadn that will rpoveid clean eengyr.,An amtd image with the wos Europe is plai to build an isa th wi prie lea energy.,An AniMATed iMagE With tHe WorDs Europe is PlAnnIng tO BUild aN isLaNd thAT WilL pRoVide ClEAn Energy.,AAAAnnnn aaaannnniiiimmmmaaaatttteeeedddd iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss EEEEuuuurrrrooooppppeeee iiiissss ppppllllaaaannnnnnnniiiinnnngggg ttttoooo bbbbuuuuiiiilllldddd aaaannnn iiiissssllllaaaannnndddd tttthhhhaaaatttt wwwwiiiillllllll pppprrrroooovvvviiiiddddeeee cccclllleeeeaaaannnn eeeennnneeeerrrrggggyyyy....,An animat3d image 3it4 t4e 30rds 3ur0pe is plannin9 t0 build an island t4at 3ill pr0vid3 cl3an en3rg4.,An a nima ted i mag e wit h the wordsEur op e i s p l an ni ng t o bu ild an isla nd t hatwill pro vi de clean ene rgy.,𝖠n 𝓐nim𝞪tҽd imaℊe 𝒘ith tꓧe wo𝗋d𐑈 𝚬uro𝛒e Ιs plᴀnn𝐈ng to bᴜil𝒹 Aɴ islan𝗗 that wiʟL 𝕡r𝐨𝝂ide clea𝖭 e𝒏erg𝗬𐩐,associate in nursing animize figure of speech with the holy scripture eu is contrive to build up an island that will supply unclouded energy.,An animated the words is to build that will clean,is animated planning with the words Europe island energy. to build an An that will provide clean image,An animated image with the words simulacrum Europe is planning freshen up provision to build an island that will renovate provide clean energy.,And animated imagine wiche lhe words Europe wis planning to build in isald that will provide clearn energy.,An animated image wiv tha words Europe tis planning tuh build an island tht wl provide clean nrg .,An animated immagine with the words Europe is планирование to build an illa that 遺言 provide clean energy.,An animated image with the words Europe @7CysdStT is planning to build an island that will provide clean energy.,An animated image with the words Europe is planning to build 'N island that will provide clean energy.,An animated image with the words Europe plans to build an island that will provide clean energy.,An animated image with the words Europe is to build an island That shall provide clean energy for the people.,"Europe is preparing to construct an island that will offer clean energy, as depicted in an animated image." 340124,Someone looking at papers with the words supporting your personal injury case evidence and witnesses.,Someone 1oorin9 at papek8 with the w0kds 8oppurtin9 your pek80na1 injury ca8e evidence and witnesses.,Someone lokOinF at papers s*th the worVZ xupporFibB your personal onjuGh cxde evidence and wi5beEsed.,USoWmeZone looking at papers ywvith the wPo7rds supporting your pjerVsoNnapl imnjuzr1y Ocas7e evidence and wJitne5ssAeus.,_Nmekne l)o_iug at paueD0 with the woAd( supporting your personal Nmjuiy cmZe SviSe1Oe and witnesses.,Soemeon oloknig at papers with the words supporting your presnoal njiuyr scae viedneec and iwtenssse.,Someone looking at aps th the words upptin ur prsl juy case evidence and tnese.,SoMEonE LookiNg At papErS WIth thE words suPpOrtIng yOUR perSoNAl inJurY CASE EvIdEnce and WiTNeSses.,SSSSoooommmmeeeeoooonnnneeee llllooooooookkkkiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt ppppaaaappppeeeerrrrssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrttttiiiinnnngggg yyyyoooouuuurrrr ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnaaaallll iiiinnnnjjjjuuuurrrryyyy ccccaaaasssseeee eeeevvvviiiiddddeeeennnncccceeee aaaannnndddd wwwwiiiittttnnnneeeesssssssseeeessss....,Som3one lo0kin9 at pap3rs with t43 30rds supporting 40ur pers0nal in7ur4 cas3 3vid3nc3 and 3itn3ss3s.,Some onelooki ngat pa perswith th e w or dssup p or ti ng y o urpersonal in ju r y cas e eviden ce and witness es.,S𝛐𐌑eone lסo𝗞Ιn𝑔 𝒜t 𝟈ap𝙴𝚛s with 𝓣he woᖇ𝘥𝑠 supportin𝑮 your pℰr𝓈ಂn𝕒l i𝔫juR𝗬 case evi𝕕𝐸ncЕ ⍺𝛮d 𑣯itnesses.,someone bet at newspaper with the row bear out your personal hurt fount bear witness and witnesses.,Someone with supporting your personal case and,injury Someone at papers with the words supporting and personal case looking evidence your witnesses.,Someone looking at papers with the casing words supporting report report your soul personal injury case evidence and witnesses.,Someone lookeing at papers fith ght qwords supporting yr personal injury casue ivedance and witnesses.,Someone lukin at papers wiv tha words supporting yur personal injury case evidence nd witnesses .,Someone النظر at papers with the paraules supporting your личная injury ケース evidence and witnesses.,Someone looking at papers with the @IYYMuR2a words supporting your personal injury case evidence and witnesses.,Someone looking at papers with Thee Word'S supporting your personal injury Caisse evidence and witnesses.,Someone who looks at papers with the words supporting evidence and witnesses in your case of personal injury.,Someone that looks upon papers with the words Supposing your personal injury case.,A person inspecting documents with evidence and witnesses supporting your personal injury case. 9797662,"A room with blue walls and a wall mural featuring monkeys, squirrels, owls and squirrellings.","A room with blue wa1l8 and a wall muka1 featuring monkeys, squirrels, owls and s9uikkel1in98.","A room aigh GlHe wzKls and a wall mu3ao f#Qth$ing mogJeyz, q2*irrrls, owls and sAuUrFslliBBs.","A rMovom with blue Ewallrs and a wGalhl mural MfeatTurOiLng Hmon9kmeys, sqDuQiVr!rels, o8wlXs and GsquiarrJell6inrgMs.","A room with b&uz w6llI and a +@ll _Rral featuring &oskeCs, @ouirrewY, oiFs and squirEemly6pg.","A room iwht buel walls and a wlla mural featuirgn mnoeksy, squirrels, owls and squrirelilngs.","A room wt blue wal and a wl mural fatri okey, sqrre, ol and sqirlng.","A ROom WIth bLue wAlls aNd A wAll mural fEATuRinG mOnKeYS, SQUirreLs, oWlS aND sQuIrrEllings.","AAAA rrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbblllluuuueeee wwwwaaaallllllllssss aaaannnndddd aaaa wwwwaaaallllllll mmmmuuuurrrraaaallll ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrriiiinnnngggg mmmmoooonnnnkkkkeeeeyyyyssss,,,, ssssqqqquuuuiiiirrrrrrrreeeellllssss,,,, oooowwwwllllssss aaaannnndddd ssssqqqquuuuiiiirrrrrrrreeeelllllllliiiinnnnggggssss....","A room wit4 6lue 3alls and a 3all 3ural f3aturin9 3onke4s, squirr3ls, 03ls and squirr3llin9s.","A ro om w ith b lue wall s and a wall mu ra l f eat u ri ng mon k eys , squirrels ,o w ls a nd squir re llings.","A 𝚛oom with bⅬue 𑜎𝘈lls 𝘈nd a wa𐔦l МuR𖽀l fⴹaΤ𖽂ri𝐧ꓖ ᛖ𑣈nK𐊆𝝪s, 𝙨𝙌𝞾𝒾rꮢ𝙴l𝑆, ٥wl𝗦 𝐴n𝙙 s𝐐uiƦrell𝙄nԌs.","amp way with drab paries and a bulwark wall painting sport monkeys, squirrels, bird of minerva and squirrellings.","room with blue and a wall mural featuring monkeys, squirrels, owls and","A room wall blue owls walls a and mural featuring monkeys, squirrels, and with squirrellings.","A bluish paries room with blue walls and owl a wall feature mural featuring monkeys, squirrels, owls and squirrellings.","A roon with bluse waal nd aa woll mural featuring mounkeys, squirrels, owls y squirrellings.","A rm wiv blu walls nd a wall mural featuring monkeys , squirrels , owls nd squirrellings .","A حجرة with blue walls and a wall mural featuring monkeys, squirrels, owls and squirrellings.","A @mfMbkg9g room with blue walls and a wall mural featuring monkeys, squirrels, owls and squirrellings.","A Roome with Blew Walles and a wall mural featuring monkeys, squirrels, owls and squirrellings.","A room with blue walls and a mural with monkeys, squirrels, owls and squirrels.","A room with blue walls and a wall mural of monkeys, squirrels, owls and squirrells.","A blue room with a mural of monkeys, squirrelning creatures, and owls and scattered squirrellings on the wall." 4919596,Bar graph showing percentage of grps practices offering online services.,Bar graph 8huwin9 percentage 0f 9kps practices uffekin9 0n1ine services.,Bar TGaph showing percentage of grps OrWs5ices *bgerinB 9Blins eerviX#e.,Bar Dg(raph shQowiunPg percentage of cgr+ps practices offering Oon7l4ine AserDvirce3s.,Bar gra2% sbowt*g Zerken@agb of grps pr0AtiBe8 yffr8Bng online services.,Bar rgpah hsowngi rpecnteage of grps practices fofeirgn onilne services.,Bar graph oing pernag of gr practices orin oin services.,BaR GraPh sHowing percEntaGE oF gRPs praCtICeS oFfERinG OnlIne seRviceS.,BBBBaaaarrrr ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ggggrrrrppppssss pppprrrraaaaccccttttiiiicccceeeessss ooooffffffffeeeerrrriiiinnnngggg oooonnnnlllliiiinnnneeee sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeeessss....,Bar graph sho3in9 perc3ntag3 of 9rps practices off3rin9 0nlin3 s3rvic3s.,Bargrap h sho win g per centa ge of g rps p rac tic e sof feri n g o nline servi ce s . ,B𝙖r gr𝑨𐊕𝓱 s𐋏ow𝖑𝓝g percentag𝑬 of 𝒢ᚱps pᎡactice𝑺 of𐔥e𝑟iոg o𝗇line serv𝜤ces.,exclude chart indicate share of grps commit pop the question on line services.,showing grps offering online,Bar grps online percentage of graph practices offering showing services.,Bar graph showing percentage on line of grps apply offer on line practices offering online services.,Bar graph showing persentage or grps practies ofering onlane services.,Bar graph showin percentage of grps practices offering online services .,Bar graph mostrando percentage of grps practices offering online services.,Bar graph @Zif01RbR showing percentage of grps practices offering online services.,Bar Graff showing percentage of grps practices offering On-Line Service'S.,Bar chart shows percentage of grps practices that offer online services.,Bar graph showing percentage of grps practices offering online services.,A bar graph illustrating the percentage of grps practices that provide online services. 11447681,An oil painting on a canvas tote bag featuring a blue marlin fish leaping out of the water.,An oil paintin9 0n a canvas tote bag featokin9 a 6loe marlin fi8h leaping uot of the watek.,An oil LaiB5ibg on a cSmvaq tpre bag eea%Jrong a blue e.,A man wearing v8ir)tuBal reaaMliIty heGadCsemtGs svtaUndXi9ng in Pfronmt of a txabDle.,A man aeJr)ng v1vtuaA reaAltv cea)set& standing in fMon4 of a dablt.,A man ewargin rviutal erlaiyt headesst satnidng in front of a table.,A man wearing vial alit hdse taig in rnt of a abe.,A MAN wearINg virtual RealITY HEAdSets sTANdiNg In FRonT oF A TablE.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg vvvviiiirrrrttttuuuuaaaallll rrrreeeeaaaalllliiiittttyyyy hhhheeeeaaaaddddsssseeeettttssss ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ttttaaaabbbblllleeee....,A man w3arin9 virtual realit4 43ads3ts standing in fr0nt 0f a ta6le.,A ma n we aring vi rtual real ity hea dse ts st and i ng i n fr o ntof a table. ,A ᗰa𝜨 weᎪℝͺng 𝘃i𝗿Тual ℛeaℒi𝐓y heads𝙴ts stАn𝔻ing iꓠ front of 𝑎 tꓮbℒe꘎,angstrom unit human put on practical realism headset tolerate in face of a table.,A man virtual reality in front of a table.,front of wearing virtual reality A standing in a man headsets table.,A man wearing virtual reality headsets practical standing ampere in front of practical resist a table.,A mand wearink virtural reality headsets standig in frount fot a table.,A man wearing virtual reality headsets standing in front of a table .,A الرجل wearing virtual reality headsets standing in front of a table.,A man wearing virtual reality headsets standing in front of a table. @219tHOGK,A Manne Waring virtual reality headsets standing Inn front of a table.,A man wearing virtual reality headsets stands in front of a table.,"A man in a virtual reality headset, standing in front of a table.",A man with VR headsets standing in front of a table. 9955961,A bar chart showing the number and percentage of people who have been found using their mobile device.,A bar chart showing the nom6ek and pekcenta9e of people wh0 have 6een found u8in9 theik mobile device.,A bar chart shLwuGg the HumbSf and pSrcWn5Zge of people who have been Go^nd uskhg Hheit j(bi.e Xecoce.,A bar c5hjart showing the number and npercent7aSgke of people who hHavWe Wb0een f9ouEnd Iusinpg t_hHeir mo$biLlle device.,A bar c0krt showing the upmbe9 and percentage of YoVple who haIb been Iouhd Wsi5g thsi5 mobile d&v(cd.,A bar hcatr showign the number and pecrnetgea of people who have eben ofnud siung their mobile dveeic.,A bar car shwg the nue and prenge of pep who have been found using eir mie vie.,A BAr CHArt sHowInG thE NuMBer anD percentaGe of peOpLE Who HaVe bEeN fouND UsiNG ThEir mObILe Device.,AAAA bbbbaaaarrrr cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwhhhhoooo hhhhaaaavvvveeee bbbbeeeeeeeennnn ffffoooouuuunnnndddd uuuussssiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr mmmmoooobbbbiiiilllleeee ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeee....,4 bar chart s4owing the nu363r and percentag3 0f p30pl3 3h0 4ave 6e3n f0und usin9 t4eir 3o6ile d3vic3.,A ba r ch art s how ing t he nu mber an d p er cen tag e o fpeop l e w ho have bee nf o undusing th ei r mobile dev ice.,A bar 𐔜н𝗮𝐫𝘁 sh𝟎Wꙇng t𝗵𝐄 nUmbΕr ɑn𝓭 pℰⲅⲤen𐌕𝐀ցe of 𝖕𝚬ﮬp𐔦𝗘 who hAve 𐊂𝞔𐊆n 𑢢o𝛖nᑯ u𐑈𝟏𝐧g 𝓽Heir ℳobi𑢲e d𝙴Ѵ⍳𐔜𝙴.,vitamin a relegate graph render the telephone number and percent of mass who have been find oneself practice their wandering device.,A chart showing the number and people who been found using mobile device.,found bar chart showing the number been mobile of people who have and A their using percentage device.,A bar chart showing the number and apply hold apply percentage of people who have been found using ascertain their mobile device.,At beer chart showing the number n percentage aof peofle who havr been finded using their mobile devise.,A bar chart showin tha nmbr nd percentage of pplz who hve bn found using their mobile device .,A بار chart showing the number and percentatge of people воз have been found using their mobile device.,A bar chart showing the number and percentage of people who have been found using @sO2plMVD their mobile device.,A Barr chart showing the number and percentage of people Houx Halve Bin found using They'Re Mobil Devise.,A bar chart shows the number and percentage of people found with their mobile device.,A bar chart showing the number and percentage of people that have been found using their mobile device.,A bar graph displaying the number and percentage of individuals who have been located through their mobile phone. 2076883,Two pictures one is an inside view and the other shows a man standing in front of a giant sphere.,Two pictoke8 one is an inside view and the uthek shows a man 8tandin9 in fk0nt of a giant sphere.,Two LiVtuews one is an Lnzjde vuww and the itJer sho@e a man stwnd&BB in Rr*nt of a gUZnt sphWES.,Two 5pict0uOrFes one is an ilnsibd9e v&ie7w and the oPthe9r sho^wxs a man esStgandiMng in f%rmont of a g@ian%t 5sphde_re.,Two picdJrHb one is an Wlsidm v&ev and the 3tYer phoks a man st3ndhY9 in 9ron6 of a wia(t l#0ere.,Two pctiures one is an niside vewi and the toehr hswos a man tsndaign in rfotn of a gitan spheer.,Two pius one is an ide ew and the ote ows a man tnin in rnt of a git phr.,TwO piCTUres One iS an iNsIDe VieW and the OtHer shOwS A man sTandInG iN frOnt OF a GIAnt spHere.,TTTTwwwwoooo ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss oooonnnneeee iiiissss aaaannnn iiiinnnnssssiiiiddddeeee vvvviiiieeeewwww aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeee ooootttthhhheeeerrrr sssshhhhoooowwwwssss aaaa mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ggggiiiiaaaannnntttt sssspppphhhheeeerrrreeee....,Two pictures one is an insid3 vi3w and th3 0t4er s40ws a 3an standin9 in fr0nt 0f a 9iant sp4er3.,Twopict uresone is a n ins ide vie w a nd th e o t he rshow s aman standin gi n fro nt of agi ant sphere.,T𝙬o p𝙞ᴄ𝛵ure𝖲 ߀ne is an insiꓓe 𝙫ie𝗐 and t𝕙e o𝚻𝓱𝗘r sᏂow𝙨 𝙰 Man st𝛂nⅆi𝑵𝚐 in fro𝒩t oϝ a giaℕt 𝘀P𝚑eⲅe., depict nonpareil is an privileged see and the other bear witness a homo support in look of a jumbo sphere.,Two pictures is view and the a man standing in front a giant sphere.,other pictures one is an inside view in the Two shows a man standing a front of and giant sphere.,Two pictures one is an movie inside view and the resist other shows a man standing in front of a mankind giant sphere.,Two picutes oen is an insede vew and lhe another shows a mand standig tn front of a giant sphere.,Two pix one tis an inside view nd tha other shows a man standing in front of a giant sphere .,Two صور one is an inside view and the other shows a чел standing in front of a jätte sphere.,Two pictures one @VdQmMJw9 is an inside view and the other shows a man standing in front of a giant sphere.,Tue Pictures' one is 'N inside view and the other Shows' a Manne standing Inn front of a giant sphere.,Two pictures are an interior view and the other shows a man standing in front of a huge ball.,Two pictures one is an inside view and the other shows a man standing in front of a giant sphere.,A man standing in front of a massive ball and an inside view are both depicted in two pictures. 4746020,"A woman in a hard hat pointing at a blueprint with text, proactiveivity and initiative.","A woman in a hakd hat p0intin9 at a blueprint with text, proactiveivity and initiative.","A wolWbce minito37nB and evaluation training.","The co)veNr for a quiJcok croun7tfry swtoart up package for Vm3alari*a, Isurve$i_lrlUance monitoring and Wev!aluast&ion thrahipnibng.","The crber for a qEicg coUntVg start up plDkwge for malaria, su6neill*Wc& 7oHi2or+ng and evalCsFiOn P_Vinxng.","The ocvre for a quick cunorty tasrt up pcakage for amalrai, surveillance monitrnogi and evaulatino tainrign.","The oer for a uic ontr start up package for mara, sueilne montig and ealtio rain.","ThE coVER For a QuIck CoUnTRy StaRt up packAgE fOr MAlAria, SUrVeiLlAncE MoNItOring AND eVAluATion tRAiNing.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooovvvveeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr aaaa qqqquuuuiiiicccckkkk ccccoooouuuunnnnttttrrrryyyy ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt uuuupppp ppppaaaacccckkkkaaaaggggeeee ffffoooorrrr mmmmaaaallllaaaarrrriiiiaaaa,,,, ssssuuuurrrrvvvveeeeiiiillllllllaaaannnncccceeee mmmmoooonnnniiiittttoooorrrriiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd eeeevvvvaaaalllluuuuaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ttttrrrraaaaiiiinnnniiiinnnngggg....","The cover f0r a quick c0untry start up packa9e f0r malaria, surv3illance m0nit0rin9 and 3valuati0n trainin9.","Thecove r for aquick coun try sta rtup pa cka g efo r ma l ari a, surveill an c e mon itoringan d evaluation trai ni n g. ","Τhe cover f𝒪r 𝒶 𝐪uiСk 𝒄ഠun𝖙r𝕐 s𝚃art 𝚞𝚸 pacК𝖺ge for m𝔄Larꙇa, 𖼺𝞄rvꭼiꮮ𐑃anⲤe mOnitori𝕟g 𝐀n𝗱 ⴹvalս𝕬𝔱ion tra𝘪n1n𝖌꘎","The back for a straightaway commonwealth set forth up bundle for malaria, surveillance monitor and valuation training.","The for a up malaria, evaluation","The monitoring for a quick country start for package training. malaria, surveillance and cover evaluation up","The cover for a quick country start up package for malaria, valuation speedy surveillance address monitoring savoir faire and evaluation training.","The cover fou la quikly cantry start uo packege for malaria, surveillence monitoring & evaluation training.","The cover fo` a kwik country start up package fo` malaria , surveillance monitoring nd evaluation training .","The الغلاف for a त्वरित landet start up package за malaria, surveillance 監視 and evaluation training.","The cover for a quick country start @SIIyHfOK up package for malaria, surveillance monitoring and evaluation training.","Thee cover for a Kwik country start Upp package for malaria, surveillance monitoring and evaluation training.","The cover for a quick start-up package for malaria, monitoring and evaluation.","The cover for a quick country start-up package for malaria, Surveillance monitoring and evaluation training.","The provision of a speedy country start-up plan that addresses malaria, monitoring, and evaluation training." 10880813,A blue motorcycle with brown leather saddles parked in front of palm trees.,A 61ue motorcycle with brown 1eathek 8add1e8 parked in front of pa1m tkee8.,A vluf motorcycle with brown iwatTer DaVdleD parked in Bronr of paIk treRC.,A cblAue m!ot!ofrcyAcle with Qbrow3n leather RsaddMl8es parked in fZr9ont of paKlXm trees.,A blue Joto5cy93e with brown leather sn0dle@ pMFkld in mAont of pFlB tWees.,A uble motorcycle itwh brown leather asddlse aperkd in front of palm trees.,A blue motorcycle it row leather sddl pke in ron of palm tes.,A BlUe MotoRcycle with broWN leatHEr sadDLeS ParKED In fROnT oF pALm tRees.,AAAA bbbblllluuuueeee mmmmoooottttoooorrrrccccyyyycccclllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbbrrrroooowwwwnnnn lllleeeeaaaatttthhhheeeerrrr ssssaaaaddddddddlllleeeessss ppppaaaarrrrkkkkeeeedddd iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff ppppaaaallllmmmm ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss....,A blue mot0rc4cl3 wit4 6r0wn l3at4er saddl3s park3d in fr0nt 0f pal3 tre3s.,A bl ue m otorc ycl e wit h bro wn leat her s add les pa rk ed i n fr ont of palm t r e es.,A blue Μ੦torcy𐐕𐔦𝜠 with BᏒown 𐐛eΑth𝙴𝒓 sad𝔡ꓡΕ𝒔 ᴘaRꓗed 𝝸n fℜont ०f ᏢAlm trees.,vitamin a bluing motorbike with brownness leather burden park in front end of ribbon trees.,blue motorcycle brown parked of palm,A blue of with brown in saddles parked leather front trees. motorcycle palm,park A blue motorcycle with brown park leather saddles parked bike in front of palm bluish trees.,At blue motorcycle with brown leater saddles parked ing fount aof palm threes.,A blu motorcycle wiv brown leather saddles parked in front of palm trees .,A زرقاء motorcycle with brown leather saddles parked in front of палм trees., A @J4BO0KWz blue motorcycle with brown leather saddles parked in front of palm trees.,A blue motorcycle with brown leather saddles parked in front of palm trees.,A blue motorcycle with brown leather saddles parked in front of palm trees.,"A blue-and-brown-studded motorcycle, with brown leather saddles, parked in",A blue motorcycle with brown leather seats is parked in front of palm trees. 4732764,A man in a suit and tie with the caption I was beaten by a bunch of cops in that charity 5k road race.,A man in a 8oit and tie with the captiun 1 was beaten 6y a 6onch 0f cops in that chakity 5k road kace.,A man in a aKit and tie wi$y the cqptikB I was b$Wfen by a bKnXh of clpe in tJxt Dharih6 5k roZV 4Qce.,A man in a szuiDt and tie Kwcith the ca9p&tiLon I was bebaqteBn by a bkuntch of 7clops in LtEhat c+ha%ritDy 5k zroaXd rmabce.,A man in a s*Tt and tie wcrh the czpC2on I was AeSteA by a buyhh of cXpx in thW3 cha9ie) 5k rDaT rUae.,A man in a usti and tie iwht the acpitno I was ebante by a bnuhc of ocsp in ttha hcraiyt 5k rado acre.,A man in a it and tie ih the tion I was ban by a nch of cp in ta chty 5k ro rc.,A MAn IN a suIt AnD tiE WiTH tHe Caption I WaS bEatEn BY a bUnCh oF Cops IN ThaT cHaRity 5k RoAD race.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa ssssuuuuiiiitttt aaaannnndddd ttttiiiieeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee ccccaaaappppttttiiiioooonnnn IIII wwwwaaaassss bbbbeeeeaaaatttteeeennnn bbbbyyyy aaaa bbbbuuuunnnncccchhhh ooooffff ccccooooppppssss iiiinnnn tttthhhhaaaatttt cccchhhhaaaarrrriiiittttyyyy 5555kkkk rrrrooooaaaadddd rrrraaaacccceeee....,A man in a suit and tie with th3 capti0n I 3as 63at3n b4 a bunc4 0f c0ps in t4at c4arit4 5k road rac3.,A ma n in a su itand t ie wi th thecap ti onI w a sbe aten bya bunch ofco p s inthat cha ri ty 5k road r ace.,A M𝒂n ∣n 𝔄 𝕊uit and 𝞽ie 𝚆i🝨h the ca𝚙tioꓠ ι w𝚨s be𝗔tꓰ𝗻 𝘽y a buncн of co𝕻s in 𝖙𝙷ꓮ𝓣 𝖢ha𝖗ity 5k road 𝙧𝞪𝒞e.,angstrom world in a cause and tie beam with the subtitle iodin was drum by a clustering of fuzz in that polemonium van bruntiae 5k route race.,A man and with the caption was beaten by bunch cops that road race.,A man was of suit a tie with the caption I in beaten by 5k bunch and cops in that charity a road race.,A gang man in a suit and tie with the caption I was beaten by a bunch of cops route radio link in that charity link 5k road race.,A man in a suit atch the wit da captain I was beaten by a bouch aof cops de that charty 5k road rice.,A man in a suit nd tie wiv tha caption I wuz beaten by a bunch of cops in tht charity 5k road race .,A الرجل in a सूट och tie with the подпись I was beaten by a gäng of cops in that φιλανθρωπία 5k road race.,A @rDu9cfLm man in a suit and tie with the caption I was beaten by a bunch of cops in that charity 5k road race.,A Manne Inn a suit and Pty with the caption Eye was Beaton Bi a Bunche of Kops in that charity 5k Roed race.,A man in a suit and tie with the caption was beaten by a group of police officers during the 5km charity road race.,A man in a suit and tie with the caption I was beaten by a bunch of constables in that charity 5k road race.,The charity 5k road race saw a man in revealing clothing and tie being defeated by gang of cops. 10413016,percentage of cards offering purchase protection benefits.,percentage 0f cakd8 0ffekin9 purchase pk0tecti0n benefits.,perceJ6qne of cQrda oEcerihT purchase protection benfEirW.,p7ervce1ntagIe of 4card&s oMff9er0inag purchase oprSotecEtioVn benefits.,percentage of ksrds offering pXQchMze X4otec97on bfHef#Rs.,percentage of cards foefirgn upcrhase rpotectoin bneeftis.,percentage of cad frng pcas rotctn benefits.,peRcEntAge Of Cards ofFerinG PuRCHASe prOTEctIon benEfitS.,ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ccccaaaarrrrddddssss ooooffffffffeeeerrrriiiinnnngggg ppppuuuurrrrcccchhhhaaaasssseeee pppprrrrooootttteeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn bbbbeeeennnneeeeffffiiiittttssss....,percentage 0f cards off3rin9 purc4as3 protecti0n 63nefits.,perc enta ge of ca rds o fferi ng purc has epro tec t io nbene f its .,𝞺erc𝖤𝕟t𝛼ge 𝞸f Ϲard𝔖 oℱᖴeri𝖓g 𝐩urⲤ𝖧a𐊖e ꓑrΟtectiಂn 𝘽eNefi𝕿𑣁𐩐,per centum of add in put up buy auspices benefits.,of offering purchase protection,cards of benefits. protection purchase percentage offering,percentage identity card of percent leverage cards purchase offering purchase protection benefits.,percentual of carts offering purchage proctetion benefits.,percentage of cards offering purchase protection benefits .,percentage of carte offering purchase protection benefits.,percentage of cards offering purchase protection benefits. @wErghsCR,percentage of cards offering purchase protection benefits.,Percentage of cards that offer purchase protection.,Percentage of the cards offered for purchase of protection.,A percentage of cards that offer protection against fraudulent activities. 11487490,"A blender with various ingredients including strawberries, broccoli and other vegetables.","A 61endek with various ingredients inc1odin9 stkaw6ekkie8, broccoli and other vegetables.","A HlenRfr 2jth various ibvred9enGz iBc?^dinr strawberries, broccoli and ohhRr fehetZbKes.","A blender wQiSth Jvatr7ious iWn(gredi2eYn!ts including strawberries, Ebvrocc5olgi and oth!eir lvergetaPb#les.","A clenqyr uitf various ingredients i(AlRdiWg TtIaibewri^s, br$w8olY and other ZeBet@blhs.","A blender with various nigrdeintse niculidgn rsatwbrreies, rbocicol and other vegtelabse.","A bend wt various inents including trawris, broccoli and thr vegale.","A BLenDER witH vArIous iNgREdiEntS includING StrAwBerRIeS, brOCColI and oThEr VEGeTables.","AAAA bbbblllleeeennnnddddeeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiinnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssttttrrrraaaawwwwbbbbeeeerrrrrrrriiiieeeessss,,,, bbbbrrrrooooccccccccoooolllliiii aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss....","A bl3nder with vari0us in9r3dients includin9 straw63rries, 6r0cc0li and 0t43r v3g3tabl3s.","A bl ende r wit h v ariou s ing redient s i nc lud ing st ra wber r ies , broccolian d othe r vegeta bl es.","𝔄 blΕndeꮁ wᎥ𝚝h 𑣀𝜜rio𐓶s 𝓁n𝖦r𝘌𝗱𝚕en𑢼𝕤 𝕝n𝘊𐔦𝝊ꭰіɴg Ꮪtr𝝖wb𑢮Ʀri𝔈s, broc⸦𐐄li 𝚨nd 𝞸t𝙷er vegeTable𝘴.","ampere liquidiser with diverse fixings admit strawberries, brassica oleracea italica and other vegetables.",blender various ingredients including broccoli and other vegetables.,"A blender and various other including ingredients broccoli vegetables. strawberries, with","A blender with brassica oleracea italica various ingredients including ampere strawberries, several broccoli and other let in vegetables.","A blender with varoius ingredients icluding strwaberryes, bruccoli and oth svegetables.","A blender wiv various ingredients including strawberries , broccoli nd other vegetables .","A الخلاط with various संघटक inbegripet strawberries, broccoli and другой vegetables."," A blender @BjCRrP6a with various ingredients including strawberries, broccoli and other vegetables.","A blender with various ingredients including strawberries, broccoli and Uther vegetables.","A blender with various ingredients such as strawberries, broccoli and other vegetables.","A blender with many ingredients, Including strawberries, broccoli and other vegetables.","Blended blender that includes strawberries, broccoli and other ingredients." 3767689,A man standing in front of microphones surrounded by reporters.,A man 8tandin9 in fkunt of mick0ph0ne8 surrounded by reporters.,A man A%aGving in drlnt of micri(hobSZ wufro6ndeS by #4porte%A.,A man stKanCdji7ng in froKnvt of m9icIrropWho)nes sHurr6oVundeYd by rep6orttLefrs.,A man sPan%i7u in fro*t of m^_3uphrnes sEEGou5ded by rtpVrTer).,A man tsandnig in fnrot of imcoprheons surourdend by erpotrres.,A man tdig in frn of iopons suuded by epter.,A MaN sTanDIng in fronT of MICroPHONes sUrROuNDed bY rEporteRs.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff mmmmiiiiccccrrrroooopppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss ssssuuuurrrrrrrroooouuuunnnnddddeeeedddd bbbbyyyy rrrreeeeppppoooorrrrtttteeeerrrrssss....,A man standing in front 0f 3icr0p40n3s surr0unded 64 r3p0rters.,A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of microp hon es su rro u nd ed byr epo rters.,A ma𝘯 ꓢt𝙰nd𝙄𝗡g i𝑵 fr𝝾nt 𝓸f mic𝓇𝐨𝙿𝝜one𝕤 s𐓶ᚱ𝘳oun𝒹𝔼d bҮ repo𝗋⊤𝘌rᏕ.,ampere humanity suffer in movement of mike surround by reporters.,in front surrounded reporters.,in man standing A front of by surrounded microphones reporters.,straw man A man standing in front of dissent microphones resist surrounded mike by reporters.,A man stading on fromt lf microphones surrouded by reporters.,A man standing in front of microphones surrounded by reporters .,A الرجل standing in अग्र of микрофоны surrounded by reporters.,A man standing @4BD7UxGt in front of microphones surrounded by reporters.,A Manne standing Inn front of microphones surrounded Bye Reporters'.,"A man stands in front of microphones, surrounded by reporters.",A man standing in the midst of microphones.,Reporters encircle a man in front of microphones. 6242670,Young couple holding hands and looking at hot air balloons flying in the sky royalty photo.,Young couple holding hands and looking at hot aik balloons flying in the 8ry kuya1ty photo.,Young xoup;2 holding hqndc and l*okknr at hot air bZKloohx flHihn in the sky r*yaO$y )hoyo.,Yo4untg couple h3oHldinjg EhandCs and QlooHkiYng at hot air balloons fl!yi8nwg in the sky rdoyaqlNty Uphotdo.,2ounh couple RoudCng hands and coOkitg at hot air b$Mfoons ^lyTAg in the sky DoIaltX ph7tx.,Yuogn ocpuel odhling hndas and looking at hot air ballnoos flgyin in the sky royalty hopto.,Young couple hlin hds and oing at hot air alns lin in the sky oaty poo.,YoUNg COUple HolDiNg hAnDs And loOking at HOt aiR bAlLOOns FlyINg In thE sKy roYAlty pHoto.,YYYYoooouuuunnnngggg ccccoooouuuupppplllleeee hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg hhhhaaaannnnddddssss aaaannnndddd llllooooooookkkkiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt hhhhooootttt aaaaiiiirrrr bbbbaaaalllllllloooooooonnnnssss ffffllllyyyyiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee sssskkkkyyyy rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,Young c0uple holdin9 4ands and l0okin9 at 40t air 6allo0ns fl4ing in t43 sk4 r04alty p4ot0.,Youn g co uplehol dinghands and lo oki ng at ho t a ir bal l oon s flying in t h e sky royalty p hoto.,уοung coupl⋿ h𐊫l𝓓𝓵ng н𝝖𝝢ds 𝕬nd loﮨki𝜨g at 𝘏o𝕿 aiᚱ b𝞐ⳑloം𝞜s flyinɡ in th𝐄 sk𝖞 ᖇ𝗼Ⲩ𝗮ⳑtγ ℙhot0.,new mates give pass and sounding at red hot publicize balloon take flight in the flip royal line photo.,couple holding at hot flying in the royalty photo.,air couple holding hands the looking sky hot Young balloons flying royalty and at in photo.,raging Young couple holding hands and looking at hot air fell balloons flying in the raging sky royalty balloon photo.,Young couple holding heands ansd looking att hot aim balloons fliying in the skye royalty photo.,Young cuple holding hands nd lukin at hott air balloons flying in tha sky royalty photo .,Young ثنائي holding hands और söker at hot air шарики flying in the sky royalty photo.,@CKzGQowC Young couple holding hands and looking at hot air balloons flying in the sky royalty photo.,Yung couple holding Hannes and looking at Hott Heir balloons flying Inn the Skye royalty photo.,Young couple holding hands and looking at hot air balloons soaring into the sky.,Young couple holding hands and gazing on hot air balloons flying in the air royalty photo.,A royal couple is captured in a photo with hot air balloons flying and holding hands. 7188536,People walking around an indoor museum with airplanes hanging from the ceiling.,People walking around an indoor mo8eom with airplanes han9in9 fkum the cei1in9.,People !alminN aE)7nd an iBSolr museum qitT a74plzn@s hanging from the ceuiung.,BPoeoyple walking +amrSound an indoor museum 1wMith ha#iqrplFanes hNangoi&ng from the Dce3ilinYg.,Peo8*% walking afouyk an nnuooJ museum with airplanes haUgAnH hrob the cxiBi*g.,People awklnig rauodn an indoor msueum with ialpranes hanging from the elciing.,ole wakn und an nor eum with airplanes hang from the ceiling.,PeOPle Walking arOund An iNDooR muSeum wITH aIrpLAnes HANGiNg FRom thE CEiLiNg.,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwaaaallllkkkkiiiinnnngggg aaaarrrroooouuuunnnndddd aaaannnn iiiinnnnddddoooooooorrrr mmmmuuuusssseeeeuuuummmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaaiiiirrrrppppllllaaaannnneeeessss hhhhaaaannnnggggiiiinnnngggg ffffrrrroooommmm tttthhhheeee cccceeeeiiiilllliiiinnnngggg....,People walking ar0und an ind00r mus3u3 3ith airplan3s 4angin9 fr03 t43 ceilin9.,Peop le w alkin g a round an i ndoor m use um wi tha ir pl anes han ging from t he c eili ng.,Peopl𝚬 Waʟkɪ𝝢g aroꓴnD an ɩnᑯoھr musℯυᗰ w𝜄th 𝛼iRpla𝖭𝞔s 𝕙an𝓰i𝓷g Fʀ𝒐m the c𝙴𝚒l𝖎ng.,the great unwashed walk to just about an indoor museum with plane fall from the ceiling.,People walking an with hanging from the,airplanes walking around hanging indoor from an People with museum the ceiling.,People walking around hoi polloi an indoor museum with about airplanes hanging from walk to the about ceiling.,People walking arawnd an indor museeum witw aiplanes hanging from their ceiling.,People walking arnd an indoor museum wiv airplanes hanging frm tha ceiling .,People المشي around an इंडोर museum with airplanes hanging из the ceiling.,People walking around an indoor museum with airplanes @aipp1leN hanging from the ceiling.,People walking around an indoor museum with airplanes hanging from Thee ceiling.,People walking through a museum where planes hang from the ceiling.,People walking about an indoor museum with airplanes hanging from the ceiling.,People strolling through a museum that has airplanes suspended from the ceiling. 2759649,Two pictures showing the different views of a man using virtual reality glasses.,Twu pictures 8h0win9 the different view8 of a man osin9 viktoa1 reality glasses.,"Two pictures WhIwjng the d*dfegeny views of a man jsjng virthX, reakuGy glQsA@s.",Two Up@icGtur^es showing the SdZifQfere1nt lvi3ews of a man using 0viqrytual refaUlifty Kgla2sseis.,Two gxctcrSs showing the SjBfZrent views of a man usz(g virsug& r0a#sty glfss(v.,Two pictures sohiwgn the ifdferent eviws of a man using irvtula realiyt glaesss.,Two pictures show the different iew of a man usi iral reiy gass.,TwO PiCTures showIng tHe dIFfeRent vieWs OF a maN UsIng VirtUaL reAlITy GLassEs.,TTTTwwwwoooo ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt vvvviiiieeeewwwwssss ooooffff aaaa mmmmaaaannnn uuuussssiiiinnnngggg vvvviiiirrrrttttuuuuaaaallll rrrreeeeaaaalllliiiittttyyyy ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss....,Two pictures sh03ing t4e diff3rent vi3ws of a 3an usin9 virtual r3alit4 9lass3s.,Twopict uressho wingthe d ifferen t v ie wsofa m an usi n g v irtual real it y glas ses.,𝜏wo pictu𝕣es shσ𝖂inᏻ the diff𝘌r𝜠𝚴t v𝕚ꭼw𐑈 o𐊇 a 𐌑𝜜n us1ng vi𝚛t𝝊a𐔦 rℰal|ty g𑢣𝒜𝑠s𝑬s․, picture prove the dissimilar aspect of a serviceman victimization practical realism glasses.,showing the different views a reality glasses.,man pictures showing the different of a views using Two virtual reality glasses.,humans look at mankind Two pictures showing the different views of a man using virtual reality world glasses.,Two picturs showing the diferrent views od an man using virtural realiaty glasses.,Two pix showin tha different views of a man using virtual reality glasses .,Two صور showing the different views of a man using virtual реальность glasses.,Two pictures showing @s1IZE16R the different views of a man using virtual reality glasses.,Tue Pictures' showing Thee different views of a man using virtual reality glasses.,Two images show the different views of a man wearing virtual reality glasses.,"Two pictures, one of a man using virtual reality glasses, show the different views of a man",Two images showcasing the different perspectives of a man wearing virtual reality glasses. 3440754,"Yellow leaves on the branches in autumn season environment, tree branch, foliage, leaf park, forest, natural blue and white sky.","Yellow leaves on the branches in autumn 8ea8un envik0nment, tree 6kanch, fu1ia9e, 1eaf park, forest, natural b1oe and white 8ry.","YDl.lw ;eav$D on the fgAnchRs in au6uJJ season environment, tD$e brzMcj, Vol8sge, leaf oarj, fo5fxt, nWtJrQl blue and white sky.","Y(ellnoWw leaves on the branches in eauet9umn season eQnvifronAm&enPt, #trjee br6a1n^ch, foliage, lOefaf paFrHk, 1formes5t, nant8u+ral blue and 6whitXe sky.","Ye&zew leaves on the erazclos in autumn s1rsog envito%mz4n, trZg 7raRXh, foliage, leaf park, f3Uest, naqTraD inue and wh@tC sky.","Yleolw elaesv on the branches in uautnm esason nevrionnmte, tree rbncah, foliage, elfa park, forest, nartula lbeu and hiwte sky.","Yellow leaves on the nche in autumn season evirnn, te bra, olig, ef pr, res, tral blue and hit sky.","YeLLow LEaVes oN tHe bRaNcHEs In Autumn SeaSoN eNvIROnMent, TrEe braNch, FolIage, leaF paRK, FORESt, Natural blUe and WhiTE sKy.","YYYYeeeelllllllloooowwww lllleeeeaaaavvvveeeessss oooonnnn tttthhhheeee bbbbrrrraaaannnncccchhhheeeessss iiiinnnn aaaauuuuttttuuuummmmnnnn sssseeeeaaaassssoooonnnn eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, ttttrrrreeeeeeee bbbbrrrraaaannnncccchhhh,,,, ffffoooolllliiiiaaaaggggeeee,,,, lllleeeeaaaaffff ppppaaaarrrrkkkk,,,, ffffoooorrrreeeesssstttt,,,, nnnnaaaattttuuuurrrraaaallll bbbblllluuuueeee aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee sssskkkkyyyy....","Yellow l3aves on the 6ranc43s in autumn seas0n 3nviron33nt, tre3 6ranc4, folia93, l3af park, f0r3st, natural 6lu3 and 34it3 sk4.","Yell ow l eaves on thebranc hes inaut um n s eas o nen viro n men t, tree bra nc h , fol iage, le af park, fores t, na tu r al b l ue andwhit e s k y. ","Ye𖼖l𝘖w ℒea𝑣𝓔𐊖 ﮦn the 𝞑rαncℌ⋿s in 𝑎∪tumn sℯa𝑆on 𝜠𝘕viro𝐧meN𝗍, trEⴹ 𝐵ranϲh, 𐔥oⳑiaɢe, Lℯaϝ par𝗄٫ foꮁest, nᎪ𝖙uᖇ𝞪ℒ b𐐛u𝐸 aռd w𝘩itꭼ 𝗦k𝒴.","chicken forget on the branch in fall harden environment, corner branch, foliage, riffle park, forest, innate drear and e b white sky.","Yellow on the in tree branch, foliage, leaf forest, natural and","season leaves on the branches and autumn Yellow environment, tree sky. foliage, leaf park, branch, natural blue in white forest,","whiteness Yellow leaves on the branches in autumn shoetree season environment, tree tree branch, foliage, leaf park, forest, natural blue limb and white sky.","Yello leaves One the branchs iin autumn season enviorment, -three branch, foliage, lraf parck, forest, natural plue and whate sky.","Yellow leaves on tha branches in autumn SZN environment , tree branch , foliage , leaf park , forest , natural blu nd white sky .","Yellow يترك on the branches in hösten season environment, tree branch, foliage, leaf park, forest, قدرتی blue and white sky.","Yellow leaves on the branches in autumn season environment, tree @E7qA8J6X branch, foliage, leaf park, forest, natural blue and white sky.","Yellow leaves on Thee Branch'S Inn autumn season environment, tree branch, foliage, Lief Parke, forest, natural Blew and white sky.","Yellow leaves on the branches in the autumn season environment, branch, foliage, foliage park, forest, natural blue and white sky.","Yellow leaves on the branches in autumn season, tree-branch, foliage, leaf park, forest, natural blue and white sky.","The autumn season in the natural environment, including leaves, foliage, a leaf garden, forest, and vistas of blue and white sky, is marked by yellow leaves on branches." 3750193,"An assortment of medieval items including armor, helmets, gloves and other accessories.","An a88uktment of medieva1 items including armor, helmets, gloves and other acce880kie8.","An assortment of m$di#faO i4eme lncl^d(nB ar,o#, Ne>meys, gloves and ohh#r accessories.","An assoQrStzmfent of medieval 4i&tems *inpcnlu1ding armor, hegl%meEts, eglo%veJs and other aJc3ceUss(oriNes.","An asszrtNgnz of md(5)val qt2ms irciu%inu z9mor, helmets, gloves and o0h)r accessories.","An asorsmtetn of dmevieal items cinldunig armor, elhmest, gloevs and other cacsoesires.","An asrtmn of edel iem cudng arr, hels, gloves and other accessories.","An AssORTment of mEdieVaL ITemS iNcluding ARmOr, helmETs, gloVES aNd OtHeR ACCesSories.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff mmmmeeeeddddiiiieeeevvvvaaaallll iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaarrrrmmmmoooorrrr,,,, hhhheeeellllmmmmeeeettttssss,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","An assort3ent of m3di3val it3ms includin9 arm0r, 4el33ts, 9l0v3s and 0t4er acc3ssori3s.","An a ssor tment of medi evalitems i ncl ud ing ar m or ,helm e ts, gloves and o t h er a ccessori es .","𝞪n as𝓼𝝄r𐌕ment o𐔥 me𝐃𝕴℮vᴀl it𝐸ms 𝗅ncᏞu𝔇ing 𝝰𝕣Ⅿor‚ 𝖍𝔼lm𝞔ts, gꮮov𝖤𝘀 and otheR 𖽀ccessori𝛦𝘴.","an miscellany of chivalric item include armor, helmets, boxing glove and other accessories.",An medieval items gloves other,"items other and medieval An including armor, helmets, assortment of gloves accessories.","An let in potpourri assortment of medieval items including chivalric armor, medley helmets, gloves and other accessories.","And assortment fi medieval items incluses armor, helmets, glover and orhers acesssorys.","An assortment of medieval items including armor , helmets , gloves nd other accessories .","An تشكيلة of medieval items including armor, helmets, gloves and other accessories.","An assortment of medieval items including armor, helmets, @q4w4pziJ gloves and other accessories.","An assortment of medieval items including Armer, helmets, gloves and Uther accessories.","A selection of medieval items such as armour, helmets, gloves and other accessories.","An assortment of medieval articles, Including armor, helmets, gloves and other accessories.","Medieval artifacts like armor, helmets, gloves and other accessories." 12050774,The equestrians show off their medals after winning gold in the individual event during day three of competition.,The e9oe8tkian8 8h0w uff their meda18 aftek winning 9o1d in the individual event during day thkee of c0mpetiti0n.,The equestrians sULw off their mRcalx after wiMn9nN h8ld in the inCivirkaK evWht during day tjre2 of ciK9eYitioG.,The xeQqvuestr)iaUns show off thjeinr medals Maf%ter ^winniwnRg goyl6d in the inediviAdu*abl event 4dur#ieng day three of cDom*petmitjiCon.,The Rq&9!t6ians sBoL off their m&daEi after w(nna!g kjld in the indivpdqa6 event durhuW day three of cJQpetHXwon.,The qeeusrtanis show off their demals after wnniign ogdl in the nidviidula event drugin day three of comepittino.,The equestrians show off their mas ate inin gold in the indivu vnt uig day hre of cmpitn.,ThE eqUEStRIaNs ShOw oFf tHEir meDals after wInninG goLd in THe inDividUal EVeNt dUrINg dAY tHRee Of ComPEtiTion.,TTTThhhheeee eeeeqqqquuuueeeessssttttrrrriiiiaaaannnnssss sssshhhhoooowwww ooooffffffff tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr mmmmeeeeddddaaaallllssss aaaafffftttteeeerrrr wwwwiiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg ggggoooolllldddd iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee iiiinnnnddddiiiivvvviiiidddduuuuaaaallll eeeevvvveeeennnntttt dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg ddddaaaayyyy tttthhhhrrrreeeeeeee ooooffff ccccoooommmmppppeeeettttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn....,The 3questrians show 0ff t4eir m3dals aft3r winnin9 9old in t43 individual ev3nt during da4 t4r3e 0f c03p3titi0n.,Theeque stria nsshowoff t heir me dal saft erw in ni ng g o ldin the indi vi d u al e vent dur in g day threeof co mp e ti ti o n. ,T𝐻e 𑢦questꭱians 𝚜h𝑜w 𝞞քք t𝘏𝛦ir m℮𝒟aL𝑆 a𑣂ter wi𝗻𝚗iꓠg 𝙜old ℐ𝘕 the ℹ𝑵dividual ⴹv𐊆nt d𝞾r۱ng dАy three of cﮩmp𑢮ti𝞃i𝘖n.,The horseman designate off their decoration after make headway atomic number in the soul outcome during sidereal day tercet of competition.,The equestrians their after in individual event three of competition.,day equestrians The winning their medals after gold off in the individual event during show three of competition.,horseman The equestrians show off their medals after winning gold gain soul in the individual event person during day three of competition.,The equestrians shows Of their meddals afer winning golf in tle individual event druing day thrry of competition.,The equestrians show off their medals after winning gold in tha individual event during daii three of competition .,The equestrians show off their medals after winning or in the индивидуальные event during day three of competition.,The equestrians show off their medals after winning gold in the individual event during day three of competition. @xyeKSXxE,Thee equestrians Schau off There medals after winning Golde in the individual event during day three of competition.,The riders show off their medals after winning gold in the individual event on the third day of competition.,The equestrians show their medals after winning gold in the individual event at day three of the competition.,Day Three: Equestrians celebrate gold in the individual event. 6876901,"The quote: In the digital era, businesses depend on differentiated experiences to attract, retain, and engage.","The quote: 1n the di9ita1 eka, businesses depend on differentiated expekience8 to attract, retain, and engage.","The Aiote: In the dkg(ta? era, Fus(jesxes dR)emd on Fkffegen$LaGed fzOeriehfes to QtfrWct, eetakg, and ebgaVf.","The q)uoTte: In the di*geitxal era, buCsKines(sdes dPepexn^d on Gdi@fKferentiajtMead evxpeErieDnSc(es to ta(tt@ract, rueStaitn, and enigzagUe.","The q(oto: In the dxgJ@al era, b*si#e2s1s dRpeM0 on dif4Qr1nRirSed Phperm7mces to aWt4aot, (%tais, and DngajA.","The uqoet: In the diigtal era, sbuiesnses dpeend on dfifreetnitaed epxreincese to atrtact, ertain, and neggea.","The ote: In the diga era, buinee een on ffeiated exrncs to aact, rti, and nga.","THE quOTE: In thE DigiTaL ERa, buSinesses dEpEnd on DiFfereNTIaTed eXpeRiEnCEs to AtTRAct, RetAIn, anD enGage.","TTTThhhheeee qqqquuuuooootttteeee:::: IIIInnnn tttthhhheeee ddddiiiiggggiiiittttaaaallll eeeerrrraaaa,,,, bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeesssssssseeeessss ddddeeeeppppeeeennnndddd oooonnnn ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnnttttiiiiaaaatttteeeedddd eeeexxxxppppeeeerrrriiiieeeennnncccceeeessss ttttoooo aaaattttttttrrrraaaacccctttt,,,, rrrreeeettttaaaaiiiinnnn,,,, aaaannnndddd eeeennnnggggaaaaggggeeee....","Th3 quote: In th3 di9ital era, busin3ss3s d3p3nd on diff3r3ntiated 3xperi3nc3s t0 attract, r3tain, and en9ag3.","Thequot e: In th e dig italera, bu sin es ses de p en don d i ffe rentiated e xp e r ienc es to at tr act, retain, anden g ag e. ","The 𝖖u𝟘𐊗e: ןn 𑢼𝗁Ꭼ digiⲦal er𝞪¸ 𝖻𝚄s𝛪nesѕes de𝚸enᴅ ο𝖓 ᴅiffere𝘯t𝗶ate𝑑 ⅇⲬ𝚙eriЕn𝓒𝓔s to attrac𝖙, rЕtain, and Εngag𝜠․","The quote: in the digital era, business organisation look on secernate feel to attract, retain, and engage.","In the digital era, businesses on retain, and engage.","The quote: differentiated the digital to businesses depend on In experiences era, attract, retain, and engage.","The quote: In the digital era, tell bet businesses depend on differentiated bet tell experiences to attract, retain, and engage.","Tho quet: I the digital eara, businessess depend on differentiated expeciences yo attrect, retain, and engange.","The quote : In tha digital era , businesses depend on differentiated experiences tuh attract , retain , nd engage .","The quote: In the digital era, व्यवसाय bero on differentiated experiences to attract, retain, and engage.","The @PXj2at4K quote: In the digital era, businesses depend on differentiated experiences to attract, retain, and engage.","Thee quote: Inn Thee digital era, businesses depend Aune differentiated experiences to attract, retain, and engage.","Quote: In the digital age, companies need differentiated experiences to attract, retain and engage customers.","The quote: In the digital age, businesses depend on differentiated experiences To draw, retain, and engage.","In the digital age, businesses rely on differentiated experiences to attract, retain, and engage." 2235003,The chart shows that the average rate of change in consumer spending is adjusted for inflation.,The chakt shows that the aveka9e rate of change in consumer spending i8 adjo8ted for inf1atiun.,The chart eho@s that the Xc2rage rate of xhzngD in sonshN$r sowMWing is zdjuXGex for inf.st8kn.,The chart shows that the BaveeragIe rwat%e of chaun+g+e in co@nisHumeMr sWpwen_dinTg is padQjuustfed for ginfPlyatiNon.,The @ha!t shows Rha% the average rbtm of c%D+ge in consumer s9enw@n$ is a3SusrMd for k!fla4i+n.,The hcrat shows ttha the average aret of hcagen in cnoumsre psneding is dajtuesd for inflation.,The chart sow that the erae re of cae in osur spending is ajut for nflao.,ThE chART shoWs ThAt tHe aVEraGe Rate of cHAnGe In ConSUMer SPEndiNg is aDJuStED for InFLaTion.,TTTThhhheeee cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt tttthhhheeee aaaavvvveeeerrrraaaaggggeeee rrrraaaatttteeee ooooffff cccchhhhaaaannnnggggeeee iiiinnnn ccccoooonnnnssssuuuummmmeeeerrrr ssssppppeeeennnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiissss aaaaddddjjjjuuuusssstttteeeedddd ffffoooorrrr iiiinnnnffffllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,Th3 chart sho3s t4at t4e av3ra93 rat3 of c4an9e in c0nsu33r sp3ndin9 is adjust3d for inflati0n.,Thechar t sho wsthatthe a veragerat eofcha n ge i n co n sum er spending i s adju sted for i nflation.,The ch𝙰𖼵𐌕 show𝙎 t𝐇𝛂ꭲ th𝜠 avera𝑔e гa𝖳Ε ంf ⅽh𝕬ng𝙀 ۱n ⸦onsυmeᖇ speɴdi𝗻g iՏ adj𝕦sted for i𝑵flAt𝘪𝘰n۰,The graph depict that the mediocre rank of exchange in consumer disbursal is correct for inflation.,The chart rate of consumer spending is,for chart shows consumer the average rate of change The inflation. spending is adjusted in that,intermediate The chart shows modify liaise that the average rate of change in consumer spending is value adjusted for inflation.,Thr chart shows thta che average rare of change ín consumer spanding IS adjusted for inflation.,The chart shows tht tha average r8t of change in consumer spending tis adjusted fo` inflation .,The مخطط shows that the average taxa of change in consumidor spending is adjusted for inflation.,The chart shows that @WVkTOEBR the average rate of change in consumer spending is adjusted for inflation.,Thee chart shows that the average Rait of change in consumer spending is adjusted for inflation.,The chart shows that the average rate of change in consumer spending is adjusted for inflation.,The chart shows that the average rate of change in consumer spending is adjusted for the rate of inflation.,"Adjusting for inflation, the chart demonstrates the average rate of change in consumer spending." 1553580,A pot on top of a stove with the words'the best camping cooking device for outdoor use.,A p0t un tup 0f a stove with the words ' the best campin9 cooking device for outdoor use.,A pot on top of a st*Ge Eitm the w9rss ' the beqh caHpimH do8kijg d@vocR for 9htdoo$ use.,A pot on top of a Gsctove Wwcith the wBorUds ' the b0e3st GcAamp*ing Lco(oNking d6evKi2ce for outd7opoVr use.,A pot on top of a stZCe rcth the woru3 ' the bbsW _ampi_j coo$iAS dev*iK for ou7dK8r use.,A pot on top of a sovte iwht the owrsd ' the ebts cmaping cooknig eidvce for utodoor use.,A pot on top of a sto it the wds ' the bt camg okng dec for odor use.,A POt ON top Of A StovE WiTH tHe Words'thE BeSt CampiNG CookiNG deVicE FoR OUTdoOr use.,AAAA ppppooootttt oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff aaaa ssssttttoooovvvveeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss''''tttthhhheeee bbbbeeeesssstttt ccccaaaammmmppppiiiinnnngggg ccccooooooookkkkiiiinnnngggg ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeee ffffoooorrrr oooouuuuttttddddoooooooorrrr uuuusssseeee....,A pot 0n top of a stove 3it4 the 30rds't43 b3st ca3ping c0okin9 d3vic3 f0r outd0or us3.,A po t on topofa sto ve wi th thewor ds 'th e b e st c ampi n g c ooking devi ce f or o utdoor u se .,A po𝙩 o𝑛 top 𝗼f a stoꛟe witℎ 𝑻he wordsʹ𝚻ℎe 𝑩eƽ𝝩 cAmping coՕ𝘒Ι𝞜g ꭰevic𝜠 for o⋃𝕿𝚍oo𐒴 𝖚Ꮪe.,angstrom unit plenty on upside of a stave with the words'the well encampment cookery twist for out of door use.,pot of stove with the best camping device outdoor use.,A pot on the of a device with use. words'the cooking camping best stove for outdoor top,bivouacking A pot on top of a stove bivouacking bivouacking with the words'the best camping cooking device for outside outdoor use.,A pot in top OK aa stove wuith hte worlds ' the best camping cooking devise fot outdoor use.,A pot on top of a stove wiv tha words'the best camping cooking device fo` outdoor use .,A وعاء on top of a spis with the words'the лучшие camping クッキング device for utomhus use.,A pot on top of a stove with the words'the best camping @kIHRdmK6 cooking device for outdoor use.,A Pott on top of a stove with the words'the Beste camping cooking device for outdoor Yoos.,"A pot on a stove labelled ""the best outdoor cooking appliance.""",A pot on top of a fire with the words'the best camping cook’s device for outdoor use.,"A stove-top pot adorned with the phrase ""the ultimate camping cooking tool.""" 3028523,The bride and groom pose for their wedding photo in front of ornately decorated ceilings.,The bride and gkuom pose for their wedding ph0tu in fk0nt of uknate1y decorated cei1in98.,The bride and hroon )osf for ty$ir werd7nT (hot9 in front of o4nayslg decorated xelo&ngs.,The bFridje and groom pWos*e for thceZir qw6eddinXg gphotdo in front of ornately Tdecorra%thed cePiBlYiTngs.,The )ridO and g2oob pAsM for their GMddi+g photo in 0ro%t of ornately &e9Kraxed c^i!ibg).,The bride and grmoo pseo for ethir wedding photo in front of roanetyl eodcratde ceilnisg.,The rid and roo ps for tei ddig pho in front of ornately decorated ceig.,ThE brIDE and grOoM poSe fOR tHeiR weddinG PhOto iN fROnT of ORNatEly decOrAtED CeIlings.,TTTThhhheeee bbbbrrrriiiiddddeeee aaaannnndddd ggggrrrroooooooommmm ppppoooosssseeee ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr wwwweeeeddddddddiiiinnnngggg pppphhhhoooottttoooo iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff oooorrrrnnnnaaaatttteeeellllyyyy ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaatttteeeedddd cccceeeeiiiilllliiiinnnnggggssss....,The 6ride and gro03 p0se for t43ir 33dding p40to in fr0nt 0f 0rnat3l4 d3c0rat3d c3ilin9s.,Thebrid e and gr oom p ose f or thei r w ed din g p h ot oin f r ont of ornatel yd e cora ted ceil in gs.,TᎻ⋿ bride and groo𐌑 pంse Fﻬr th𝖤ir wℰddӏnꮐ phot𝝤 in 𑢢Ꮢ𝜊n𝐓 of oʀⲚ𝖆TelY dec੦𝚛aτ𝞔d ce𝜤ʟ𝐢ngs𐩐,The st brigid and dress lay for their wedding ceremony exposure in front line of ornately deck ceilings.,The groom pose their photo of ornately decorated ceilings.,decorated bride and The pose for in wedding photo groom front of ornately their ceilings.,The bride and groom pose for their wedding photo beautify in beautify straw man front beautify of ornately decorated ceilings.,The brigde and groome psoe for their wedding fotho in fron oof ornately decorated cellings.,The bride nd groom pose fo` their wedding photo in front of ornately decorated ceilings .,The عروسة and groom pose for their wedding photo in фронт of ornately decorated ceilings.,The bride and groom pose @dI5O8HCe for their wedding photo in front of ornately decorated ceilings.,Thee bride and Groome Poe'S for their wedding Fauteux in front of ornately decorated ceilings.,Bride and groom pose for their wedding photo in front of artfully decorated blankets.,The bride and grooms do pose for their wedding pictures in the grandest of their palaces.,The bride and groom are pictured in front of intricately decorated ceilings for their wedding. 10756228,A bar chart showing the number of major countries in industrial diamond mining.,A bar chart showing the nom6ek uf maj0k cuontkie8 in industrial diamond mining.,A bar cJarh showing the HuHver of mwMor ciIn^riec in 7nduCtGiSl diamond mjbimg.,A bar Fch#art shXowi%nCg the pnumPbUer of ma$joZr countries in NindustrZi!ajl diamond mitnNiWng.,A bar chjrT sioiinF the number of maGo$ OPuntQief in indrvtridK dinmoqA mining.,A bar chart showign the unbmre of amjro countries in inudstrail idamndo imning.,A bar art shwg the ube of mar countries in industrial iamn min.,A BAr CHart showiNg thE nuMBer of MajoR COUntRieS in iNDUStRiAL diamoNd MiNiNg.,AAAA bbbbaaaarrrr cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr ooooffff mmmmaaaajjjjoooorrrr ccccoooouuuunnnnttttrrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnn iiiinnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaallll ddddiiiiaaaammmmoooonnnndddd mmmmiiiinnnniiiinnnngggg....,A bar chart sho3in9 th3 nu363r 0f 3ajor c0untri3s in industrial dia30nd 3inin9.,A ba r ch art s how ing t he nu mber of ma jo r c oun t ri es ini ndu strial diam on d mini ng.,𝐚 b𝔞𝙧 chaℝt showing ᴛ𝑯e nυmb𝜠r ﮫF maᴊo𝙧 𝐶o𝔘ntries in 𝘭n𝘥𝖴𖼺t𝕣𝗶al diam𝝈Nd m𝚕n𝜤𝒩g܂,ampere measure graph display the figure of john roy major rural area in industrial infield mining.,A bar showing number of in industrial diamond mining.,chart bar diamond showing the number of A industrial in countries major mining.,A bar chart graph ampere showing the number of barroom major countries in industrial barroom diamond mining.,I bar chart showing dthe number for major countries on industria diamont mining.,A bar chart showin tha nmbr of major countries in industrial diamond mining .,A بار chart showing the number of majoren countries in industrial алмаз mining.,A @9Ei2uhdv bar chart showing the number of major countries in industrial diamond mining.,A Barr chart showing the number of major Country'S in industrial Dymond mining.,A bar chart shows the number of major countries in industrial diamond mining.,A bar chart showing the number of major countries in the diamond mines of the world.,Industrial diamond mining: A bar chart indicating the number of major countries involved. 10636020,The tennis team celebrates with their coach after winning the match against France on day one of the tournament.,The tennis team ce1e6kate8 with theik coach after winnin9 the match against France on day une of the tournament.,The tenbkQ tewh XeOsbrateA eitU thRUr coach after dinjinf the match ayaJBst France on day one of the ^ou5nQm$nt.,The tennis ltea0m (ceKlZebrSates wiNtGh their ecRoach after wGinqninvg the ma%tvch against Far)ancze on day one of the to6urn&aqmenQt.,The teNno7 team celebrates aDth their totch afueQ wiTnVnO the maJcz a4ainsJ Fzgn8e on day one of the tournament.,The etnnis etma celebrates wthi hteri caohc after winning the match gaainst France on day one of the tournament.,The tns team ceebas with hei och aft inig the mac gnst France on day one of the tournament.,ThE teNNIs TeAm CeLebrAtEs WitH tHeir coach aFteR wInnInG tHE MAtcH AgaInsT FrAnce oN day ONE of The tournAment.,TTTThhhheeee tttteeeennnnnnnniiiissss tttteeeeaaaammmm cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaatttteeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr ccccooooaaaacccchhhh aaaafffftttteeeerrrr wwwwiiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee mmmmaaaattttcccchhhh aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnnsssstttt FFFFrrrraaaannnncccceeee oooonnnn ddddaaaayyyy oooonnnneeee ooooffff tttthhhheeee ttttoooouuuurrrrnnnnaaaammmmeeeennnntttt....,The t3nnis team cele6rat3s 3ith their c0ac4 aft3r 3inning t43 3atch a9ainst France 0n da4 0n3 0f t43 tourna33nt.,Thetenn is te amceleb rates with t hei rcoa cha ft er win n ing the matchag a i nstFrance o nday one of t he to ur n am en t .,ThΕ t𑢦𝐍n𝓵s tea𝛭 celeb𝙧a𝚃⋿s wⅼ𝛵𝖍 tℍ𝖤ir 𝓒oa⸦h aϜ𐊗ⴹr Wіℕ𐔓in𝔾 the m𝚨⊤ℂh 𝔄g𝕒inꮪt 𐊥ra𝓃𝐜e on d𝔸y ೦nΕ 𝒐f th⋿ tou𝒓nam𝚬nt.,The lawn tennis team up observe with their handler after advance the meet against french republic on mean solar day nonpareil of the tournament.,The tennis coach after winning day of the,after tennis team celebrates with their coach day winning the match against France the of one The on tournament.,The agree tennis team celebrates double decker with autobus their coach after winning the match against France on day one of gain the tournament.,The tines taem celebrates whitch their coach after winning the watch againtst farnce ond day one ol the tournament.,The tennis team celebrates wiv their coach after winning tha match against France on daii one of tha tournament .,The التنس team celebrates साथ deras coach after winning the coincidència against France on نهار one of the tournament.,@BREjthvL The tennis team celebrates with their coach after winning the match against France on day one of the tournament.,Thee tennis Teem celebrates with There coach after winning the Matsch against France Aune Dey one of Thee tournament.,The tennis team celebrates with their coach after beating France on the first day of the tournament.,The tennis players celebrate with their coach after their victory at the match against France on day one of the tournament.,Day One of the tournament sees the tennis team celebrating with their coach after defeating France. 11788962,"The girl is sitting in an armchair and dreaming about something, vector illustration, royalty free stock image.","The girl is sitting in an akmchaik and dkeamin9 about something, vector i11u8tkatiun, kuya1ty free stock image.","The giTO is ai6Ging in an armchair and drSqhung about eomfyhigg, veDGkr klpuZtratKoB, roUa/t% VrDe stock image.","The $gCirl is %si9ttiTng in an farmech)aiHr and dreaymYi0neg about qsometehOinWg, vector 6illpustr!ati#oJn, dr(oyaltiy f)ryee stock image.","The 2jrl is oiiti2g in an armchair and d)&@miCg about soBet8^2g, vbc63r illustration, rpdLlty ffeS sVouk image.","The girl is sitting in an racmhair and draemnig bauot esotmhing, vector liulstartion, royalty rfee stock miaeg.","The girl is sitting in an acai and dein aut sothi, ver llraton, royalty ee stock ima.","ThE giRL iS sIttInG in aN ARmcHaiR and dreaMiNg AboUT SoMetHINg, vector iLLuStRatiOn, RoyALTY fREe StoCk IMage.","TTTThhhheeee ggggiiiirrrrllll iiiissss ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn aaaannnn aaaarrrrmmmmcccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr aaaannnndddd ddddrrrreeeeaaaammmmiiiinnnngggg aaaabbbboooouuuutttt ssssoooommmmeeeetttthhhhiiiinnnngggg,,,, vvvveeeeccccttttoooorrrr iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn,,,, rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy ffffrrrreeeeeeee ssssttttoooocccckkkk iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee....","Th3 girl is sitting in an armchair and dr3a3ing ab0ut s033thin9, v3ctor illustrati0n, ro4alt4 fr33 stock i3ag3.","Thegirl is s itt ing i n anarmchai r a nd dr eam i ng a bout som ething, vec to r illu stration ,royalty free stoc ki ma ge . ","Thꓰ girl iꓢ sitT𝐈ng in an А𝒓m𝑐ha𝛪r and d𝔯e𝛼ming 𝜜bou𝗧 so𝐌eΤh𝜄ng, 𝚟𐊆сtor i𑢣ʟ𖽂s⊤rat𝖑𝜎𝐧, ro𝞬aⳐтy ẝRᎬЕ 𝖘to⊂𝔨 ١Ꮇag⋿.","The girlfriend is sit in an armchair and dream about something, transmitter illustration, royal line gratuitous banal image.","girl is sitting in an armchair dreaming about vector illustration, royalty free image.","The armchair is sitting about an royalty and dreaming in illustration, vector something, girl free stock image.","The girl is sitting in an complimentary armchair and dreaming about free something, vector illustration, royal house royalty posture free stock image.","The girl is settings EN an armcahir anhd dreming aobut something, vector illustration, royalty frre stock imagine.","The shawty tis sitting in an armchair nd dreaming bowt sumtin , vector illustration , royalty free stock image .","The الفتاة is sitting in an fåtölj and dreaming about something, vector illustration, royalty free stock image.","The girl is sitting in an armchair and dreaming about @7xGtAoGZ something, vector illustration, royalty free stock image.","Thee girl is sitting in an armchair and dreaming about something, vector illustration, royalty free Stokke image.","The girl is sitting in an armchair dreaming of something, vector illustration, royalty-free stock image.","The girl sits in an arm-chair and dreams of something, vector illustration, royalty free stock image.","A vector illustration of a girl sitting in an armchair and dreaming, featuring attribution free stock images." 491506,A woman wearing a white shirt with an image of a girl in yellow raincoat and red tie.,A woman wearing a white 8hikt with an ima9e of a girl in ye11uw kaincuat and ked tie.,A woJaH !eQrinN a white Zgirt wu4h an imaYf of a ViGl in ySl:lw rxinX*a% and red tie.,A wTomahn wearing a wJhitLe Pshirat FwSith an im&agLe of a 0giqrl in y1e)lloJw 9ra$iRncoaWt and red tie.,A wKoan nRazing a white snir) w#*h an 2male of a 9ir& in jelmoH iaCnzoa1 and red tie.,A woman wearnig a iwhte hsitr whit an image of a girl in lyeolw rianocat and red tie.,A man wrng a wht shi ih an mae of a girl in eow aico and red tie.,A WOmaN WeariNg A WhitE ShIRt WitH an imaGE oF a gIrL IN yeLLoW raIncOat aND rEd tie.,AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff aaaa ggggiiiirrrrllll iiiinnnn yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww rrrraaaaiiiinnnnccccooooaaaatttt aaaannnndddd rrrreeeedddd ttttiiiieeee....,A woman wearin9 a 3hite s4irt 3it4 an ima93 of a 9irl in 43ll03 rainc0at and red ti3.,A wo manweari nga whi te sh irt wit h a nima geo fagirl inyellow rain co a t and red tie .,A womꓮ𝝢 we𝔞r𝟷𝞜g a 𝚠h𝐼𝐭𝙴 shirt W𝓲tℌ αn i𝑴ag𝗘 of 𝜶 giℛl in yellow ʀai𝑵c໐at a𝘕𝐷 𝙧e𝑫 ti𝔈.,ampere adult female endure a e b white shirt with an trope of a missy in yellowed waterproof and blood red tie.,wearing a shirt with image of girl in yellow raincoat and red tie.,A woman wearing a white of with an yellow shirt a girl in image raincoat and red tie.,A woman wearing simulacrum a white shirt yellowed charwoman with an image of a girl waterproof in yellow raincoat and red tie.,I woman wearing de whtie short wiht an image oft a girl in yellow raincoat andd red the.,A woman wearing a white shirt wiv an image of a shawty in yellow raincoat nd red tie .,A المراة wearing a सफेद skjorta with an image of a girl in yellow raincoat وال red tie.,A woman wearing a @JcuT5p3K white shirt with an image of a girl in yellow raincoat and red tie.,A woman Waring a white shirt with an image of a girl Inn yellow raincoat and Redd Pty.,A woman wears a white shirt with an image of a girl in a yellow raincoat and red tie.,A woman in a white shirt with an image of a girl in yellow raincoat and red tie.,A white shirt woman with a yellow raincoat and red tie in the background. 9533637,Businessman using futuristic glasses to see machine learning royalty illustration.,Eo8ine88man using fotoki8tic 9la88es to see machine 1eaknin9 k0ya1ty illustration.,B Tsin@sqNAn using Duturiet9S glasses to see and wBit# oKtc&t wiFT Nlacsrs, sh02s, a Wn@Qkerz, hat, swwatDD, sunglasses and N@aRnand.","A bJlacCk and Cwvhite ouutxfTit wCitth g2lasvseKs, RshRoes, a sFnJeaikAers, hat, syweiakter, sSuYnglVassHes and headband.","A bllcO and ihitB outzPL wiuO glasses, shyas, a syelkegh, hat, fweHtew, sMbglaCsjs and T#adoanF.","A lbakc and hwiet utofti with lgasess, hoses, a sneaeksr, hat, sewtare, sunglasses and ahebdadn.","A bla and wht oui wh gass, she, a aker, hat, sweater, ngases and heba.","A BLacK And wHitE OutfIt wITh GlaSses, shoeS, a SneAkERS, haT, sweAtEr, sunGlaSSES aND hEadBand.","AAAA bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, aaaa ssssnnnneeeeaaaakkkkeeeerrrrssss,,,, hhhhaaaatttt,,,, sssswwwweeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss aaaannnndddd hhhheeeeaaaaddddbbbbaaaannnndddd....","A black and white outfit 3it4 glass3s, s403s, a sneak3rs, hat, s33at3r, sun9lass3s and 4ead6and.","A bl ackand w hit e out fit w ith gla sse s, sh oes , a s neak e rs, hat, sweat er , sung lasses a nd headband.","𝙰 ℬⅬ𝛼𝘤𝚔 𐊠n𝐃 white oՍtfit wi𝐭H glasses, sⲎoеs, 𝘢 Ѕneak𝐄Ʀs¸ 𝓗at, 𝖘𝖶eatꓰr, sun𝐠la𝖘ꮪꭼ𝐬 𝘢nꓒ headb𝚊nd.","axerophthol negro and whitened equip with glasses, shoes, a sneakers, hat, sweater, sunglass and headband.","A black and with a sneakers, sweater, sunglasses headband.","A with glasses, white outfit black and shoes, a sneakers, hat, sweater, and sunglasses headband.","A black and sunglass white outfit kit with glasses, shoes, a sneakers, whiteness hat, sweater, sunglasses and sunglass headband.","A ablcke ando wtite outfit with galsses, shoes, e sneakers, hut, Sweart, sunglssses h headband.","A blk nd white outfit wiv glasses , shoes , a kicks , hat , sweater , sunglasses nd headband .","A سوداء and white outfit with glasses, shoes, a sneakers, hat, sweater, sunglasses and headband.","A black and white outfit with glasses, shoes, a sneakers, hat, sweater, @UYR0PUam sunglasses and headband.","A black and Whyte outfit with Glass'S, Shoe'S, a sneakers, hat, sweater, sunglasses and headband.","A black and white outfit with glasses, shoes, sneakers, hat, sweater, sunglasses and headband.","A black and white apparel, with a scarf, a pair of shoes, a pair of stockings, a scarf, and a head","A black and white ensemble featuring a pair of glasses, shoes, sneakers, hat, sweater, sunglasses, and head covering." 4161194,"A clipboard with an empty sheet and a calculator, light bulb, pen, pencil and cell phone on blue background royalty photo.","A c1ip60akd with an empty 8heet and a calculator, 1i9ht bulb, pen, pencil and ce11 phune on blue bacr9r0ond k0ya1ty photo.","A dlipbKq%d Si^h an emotT Dhret and a calxuKStoE, ligUF bulb, pen, pencil and cell phoJR on bl6@ GwdkVround riywpty photo.","A 2cPlipboaMr&d ^wit&h an empty ks)heet and a calculator, l3iSght bulb, pen, ip9enPcil and coe3ll pGhoVne on tbl@ue 0backPgroWunfd royalty +phoKto.","A cpiLbdarA wiQV an empty sheet and a cFleulatoX, lizhy IClb, pen, pencil and cell phovg on N9ue Iack$ro3nl SoLllty mhxto.","A clipboard iwht an empty hseet and a calcualotr, light ubbl, pen, pencil and elcl hpnoe on belu abcgkournd roaylty photo.","A clipboard th an empty sheet and a aculat, light bl, pen, cil and ll pho on be barund roty pho.","A CLipBOArD wIth aN emPtY SHeeT aNd a calcuLaTor, LIght BulB, Pen, pencIl aNd Cell pHONe oN BluE BACKGrouND rOyaLty Photo.","AAAA cccclllliiiippppbbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaannnn eeeemmmmppppttttyyyy sssshhhheeeeeeeetttt aaaannnndddd aaaa ccccaaaallllccccuuuullllaaaattttoooorrrr,,,, lllliiiigggghhhhtttt bbbbuuuullllbbbb,,,, ppppeeeennnn,,,, ppppeeeennnncccciiiillll aaaannnndddd cccceeeellllllll pppphhhhoooonnnneeee oooonnnn bbbblllluuuueeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy pppphhhhoooottttoooo....","A clipboard 3ith an empty s433t and a calculator, lig4t 6ulb, p3n, p3ncil and cell p40n3 on 6lu3 6ack9r0und r04alt4 p40t0.","A cl ipbo ard w ith an e mptysheet a ndacal cul a to r, lig h t b ulb, pen, p en c i l an d cell p ho ne on blue b ackgr ou n dro y al ty ph oto. ","A ⸦ⳐⅠ𝝔boAr𝖣 Ꮤ𝜾𝖳𝘩 an ⋿mpt𝔂 sh𝐄𝚬t 𝔄nd a cA𐐛c𝘜latoℛ‚ LigᎻt bυlb, ᴩen¸ pe𝞜ci𖼖 𝘢nd 𝖼ell 𝒫hoℕe o𝚗 ΒL𝖀e 𝘣𝑎𝖢kg𖼵𝗢und 𖼵𝜎𑢤a𑢣🝨y p𝝜oto.","group a clipboard with an vacuous sheet of paper and a calculator, illuminate bulb, pen, pencil and cellular telephone telephone set on blueish backcloth royal family photo.","A clipboard an sheet a calculator, pen, pencil and phone on background royalty photo.","A clipboard pencil an empty sheet and blue calculator, light bulb, pen, with and cell phone on royalty a background photo.","ampere A clipboard with cellular phone an empty sheet and a calculator, royal house bluish light bulb, pen, pencil and cell phone on blue background royalty photo.","A clipboard with on empyt sheet fnd de calculator, light bulb, pen, penclis anmnd cel Fone one blue backgrouds royalty photo.","A clipboard wiv an mty sheet nd a calculator , light bulb , pen , pencil nd celly on blu bg royalty photo .","A حافظة with an रिक्त plåt and a calculator, light bulb, pen, پنسل and cell phone on urdintasun background royalty photo.","A clipboard with an empty @TWTsZXhA sheet and a calculator, light bulb, pen, pencil and cell phone on blue background royalty photo.","A clipboard with an empty sheet and a calculator, Lite bulb, Penn, pencil and cell phone Aune Blew background royalty Fauteux.","A clipboard with blank sheet and calculator, light bulb, pen, pencil and mobile phone on a blue background.","A clipboard with an empty sheet and a calculator, light bulb, pen, pencil and cell phone on blue background royalty photo.","The clipboard, pencil case, calculator, light bulb, pen, and cell phone are displayed on a royalty photo with an empty sheet set on blue background." 8401341,"Men's clothing and accessories including sunglasses, a watch, belt, polo shirt, and shorts.","Men ' 8 clothing and accessories inc1odin9 8on91asses, a watch, belt, polo shirt, and sh0kt8.","Men ' s cIo5Uijg and aFxrsxor8es Kns/udinb Z*nglWdses, a ws%ch, Helg, 0opo shirt, and sgoDtx.","Men ' s clpoQtshinpg and aocce%s_sor9ieGs iXnclCu(diQng rsunglIasspeZs, a wa@t&ch, bZellt, gpo9lo Jsh#irt, and shorts.","Men ' s clox3x*g and accessories @Uclud5nR smnglUbsvs, a wa6$h, 8el), pWl4 sjiet, and jhoZts.","Men ' s clothing and caecssroies including usngasless, a awcth, ebtl, ploo sihtr, and hsorts.","Men ' s chig and ccesse nclin sunglasses, a wah, et, po hir, and hor.","MeN's CLOthinG aNd accEsSoRIes inCluding SUNgLasSes, A WatcH, BElt, PolO sHiRt, And ShOrts.","MMMMeeeennnn''''ssss ccccllllooootttthhhhiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaa wwwwaaaattttcccchhhh,,,, bbbbeeeelllltttt,,,, ppppoooolllloooo sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt,,,, aaaannnndddd sssshhhhoooorrrrttttssss....","Men's clothing and acc3ss0ries includin9 sunglass3s, a watc4, belt, p0l0 s4irt, and s40rts.","Men' s cl othin g a nd ac cesso ries in clu di ngsun g la ss es,a wa tch, belt,po l o shi rt, andsh orts.","Mꓰn'𝔖 cꓡﻫthﺎ𝚴Ԍ an𝗱 aᏟ𐐽𝖤ssﮬʀi𝗘s incl𝘂dɩn𝗀 su𝒩Gl𝒶ssҽs¸ 𝗮 wa𝙩c𝜢, b𑢦lt, 𝖕ol𝞸 𝕤hirt, aⲚ𝒹 s𝙝𝞂r𝕥𝘚.","mens tog and supplement include sunglasses, a watch, belt, marco polo shirt, and shorts.","clothing accessories including sunglasses, a watch, polo shorts.","Men's watch, and accessories sunglasses, clothing a including polo belt, shirt, and shorts.","Men's vesture clothing and wear accessories including sunglasses, a watch, belt, polo vesture shirt, and marco polo shorts.","Mes ' S clothings and accessorie encluding suneless, a watch, belt, polo shirt, & shot.","Men 's clothing nd accessories including sunglasses , a watch , belt , polo shirt , nd shorts .","Men's الملابس and accessories including sunglasses, a watch, belt, polo shirt, and shorts.","Men's clothing and accessories including sunglasses, a @qQYCAx0W watch, belt, polo shirt, and shorts.","MennS clothing and accessories including sunglasses, a Wach, belt, polo shirt, and shorts.","Men's clothing and accessories such as sunglasses, watch, belt, polo shirt and shorts.","Men’s apparel and accessories, including a watch, a belt, a polo shirt, and a pair of shorts","sunglasses, watch, belt, polo shirt, shorts for men." 4801216,"A clarinet with accessories including a case, scissors, gloves and cleaning cloth.","A clarinet with acce880kie8 inc1odin9 a case, scissors, gloves and cleaning cloth.","A cIWrig2t w8Rh acvsscoriSd knVlud8nN a case, scissors, gloves and cl3aHiHY Vlotm.","A Ccl%aPrineet wQijth )accJes6s5o2ries i1n@c7ludiung a case, scissors, eglzoOves and bclgeaOnirng cloth.","A clarinet Citw accessories bF*ldding a case, @ciwsoA%, gYovsI and )lXaniAp OlotI.","A clarinet wthi accoesseris niucldign a case, scissors, gelovs and cleniang cloth.","A rine wh accessories ncdin a cs, scsr, los and cleaning cloth.","A CLArINEt wiTh accessOrieS inCluDing A CASE, scIssoRS, GloVes and cleanInG cLoTh.","AAAA ccccllllaaaarrrriiiinnnneeeetttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaa ccccaaaasssseeee,,,, sssscccciiiissssssssoooorrrrssss,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss aaaannnndddd cccclllleeeeaaaannnniiiinnnngggg ccccllllooootttthhhh....","A clarinet with acc3ss0ri3s includin9 a cas3, sciss0rs, 9lov3s and cl3anin9 cl0th.","A cl arin et wi thacces sorie s inclu din ga c ase , s ci ssor s , g loves and c le a n ingcloth.",A cⳐ𝜜rﺍnet ѡӀth accesƽΟrieꮪ i𝘕cluⅅіn𝙂 a casᴇ‚ 𐐠𝔠𐌠𝒔𐑈orsꓹ gl𝞂𝞶es 𝚨nd 𐊢leaning cꓡ𝑂th.,"angstrom unit clarinet with accessary admit a case, scissors, baseball mitt and clean cloth.",clarinet accessories including gloves,"cleaning including with accessories A a case, scissors, gloves clarinet and cloth.","A let in clarinet with accessories let in including a case, houseclean scissors, accessory gloves and cleaning cloth.","I klarnet witho acessories including a casue, scissors, gloves and cleaning cloting.","A clarinet wiv accessories including a case , scissors , gloves nd cleaning cloth .","A clarinet con accessories including a case, scissors, перчатки and cleaning cloth.","A clarinet with accessories including a case, scissors, gloves and cleaning cloth. @KAePkmOH","A clarinet with accessories including a Caisse, scissors, gloves and cleaning cloth.","A clarinet with accessories such as suitcase, scissors, gloves and cleaning cloth.","A clarinet with accessories, a case, and a pair of scissors.","A clarinet that comes with a case, scissors, gloves, and cleaning cloth." 7913404,"The chair is made out of fabric and has an orange, white, blue, grey and black pattern.","The chair is made out of fa6kic and has an orange, white, 6loe, 9key and b1acr pattekn.","The Dha&r is maf2 out of vSbEic and has an 9Eagge, Dh8te, FKue, gFRy and blzcl paRtrrb.","The cHhai%r is kmNade out of YfKabrIic and has an oSrlaynge, twhiite, bilume, (gre3y and bNlacjk gphatter_n.","The 5sair is mu4e out of faTqit and has an o6a9^e, G2ite, @luc, gAUy and blsco patcBrD.","The hcari is adme out of abfrci and has an ronaeg, hwiet, uble, gyre and black tpatern.","The chr is ad out of fbr and has an rae, wie, le, ey and lak patn.","ThE chAIR is MadE Out Of fABriC aNd has aN OrAngE, whITe, bluE, grEy AnD BlACK pAttern.","TTTThhhheeee cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr iiiissss mmmmaaaaddddeeee oooouuuutttt ooooffff ffffaaaabbbbrrrriiiicccc aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, ggggrrrreeeeyyyy aaaannnndddd bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk ppppaaaatttttttteeeerrrrnnnn....","The chair is mad3 0ut 0f fabric and 4as an 0ran9e, 34ite, 6lu3, 9r34 and black patt3rn.","Thechai r ismad e out of f abric a ndha s a n o r an ge , wh i te, blue, grey a n d bla ck patte rn .","The c𝞖aiꭱ 𝟙𝐒 made o𝓊t Οf fabric 𝘈nd 𝝜as 𐊠ո ංraNgeꓹ wh𝜄te, bl𝞄ℯ, 𝕲ᖇey a𝗻𝙙 bl𝒜ck paTte𝘳𝙉.","The moderate is name out of material and has an orange, white, blue, gray and inkiness pattern.","The chair out of fabric and an white, and","The made grey chair out is and fabric has an orange, white, blue, of and black pattern.","The chair is made out of fabric and has grey haired textile an shit orange, white, textile blue, grey and black pattern.","The chair is mede out lf Fabrik anr ha an orangre, white, blue, grau fnd blask pattern.","The chair tis made outa fabric nd has an orange , white , blu , grey nd blk pattern .","The كرسي is made out of tyg and has an orange, white, blue, grey and ブラック pattern.","The chair is made out of fabric and @Q7CysdSt has an orange, white, blue, grey and black pattern.","Thee chair is Maid out of fabric and has 'N orange, Whyte, Bleu, grey and black pattern.","The chair is made of fabric and has an orange, white, blue, grey and black pattern.","The chair is made of fabric and hath a pattern of orange, white, blue, grey and black.","A fabric-based chair is available in shades such as orange, white, blue, grey, and black." 8319245,"A beach with sand and water, a wooden railing, trees, grass and a person walking on the shore.","A beach with 8and and watek, a wooden kai1in9, trees, gka8s and a pek80n wa1rin9 on the 8hure.","A Feqch Ai6h samf and water, a wooden raKliBb, 4reea, Yrasa and a Owrs9n wao>int on the sho53.","A bheLach Kwit2h sRanCd and 2wateir, a *woo7dedn railing, jtreexs, grass and a lpversDon wal1ksinSg on the s+hor0e.","A bnIch wisv ranR and Yager, a wooden reGlinN, trees, gAa+s and a cerJ%n Yalk$nw on the s1orQ.","A beach iwht nsad and water, a woodne railnig, terse, grass and a peorns walkign on the hsoer.","A bec ih sn and war, a wooden raig, trees, gss and a prs walk on the hoe.","A BEacH With SanD And WaTeR, a woOden railINg, tReeS, GrAss AND a Person WAlKING oN ThE sHore.","AAAA bbbbeeeeaaaacccchhhh wwwwiiiitttthhhh ssssaaaannnndddd aaaannnndddd wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr,,,, aaaa wwwwooooooooddddeeeennnn rrrraaaaiiiilllliiiinnnngggg,,,, ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss,,,, ggggrrrraaaassssssss aaaannnndddd aaaa ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnn wwwwaaaallllkkkkiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn tttthhhheeee sssshhhhoooorrrreeee....","A b3ach with sand and 3at3r, a 3o0den railin9, tr3es, 9rass and a p3rs0n 3alkin9 0n t4e s4or3.","A be achwithsan d and wate r, a wo ode nrai lin g ,tr ees, gra ss and a pe rs o n wal king onth e shore.","𝖠 be𝝖ch 𝑾i𐊱h ѕand 𝖆nd water, a w੦od𝐄ռ r𝓪𝚤linƍꓹ t𝖗Еe𐑈, ᏻr𝖆ss and a peRsﮫn waLk𝛪ng ჿn the 𝐬𝓗or𝞔.","a beach with backbone and water, a wooden railing, trees, mary jane and a mortal take the air on the shore.","beach with sand water, wooden railing, trees, and a on the","A beach with wooden and walking a water, railing, trees, grass and person a sand on the shore.","A beach guts soul with sand and water, ampere moxie a wooden railing, trees, grass and a person walking on the shore.","A beach's with sand and water, g wooden railing, tress, glasses & a people waking on she chore.","A beach wiv sand nd h2o , a wooden railing , trees , grass nd a prsn walking on tha shore .","A الشاطيء with sand and water, a деревянные railing, trees, трава and a person walking on the shore.","A beach with sand and water, @YYMuR2aK a wooden railing, trees, grass and a person walking on the shore.","A Beech with Sande and water, a wooden railing, trees, Grasse and a Persson walking on the Shor.","A beach with sand and water, a wooden railing, trees, grass and a person walking on the shore.","A beach with sand and water, A wooden railing, trees, grass and a person walking on shore.","Sand and water, a wooden railing, trees, grass, and sand walkers on the beach." 11551259,A series of icons depicting various types of laboratory equipment.,A 8ekie8 uf icons depictin9 various type8 of laboratory equipment.,A XRrKes of LcoJs dWpivtoHg various typ3a of laglragor^ equipment.,A saeYrie*s of icogn8s adep#icEtinYg various @typ%es of laboratory e)qOui)pme*nt.,A series of IcoSs depiclc^u varjouE types of lMb#rayoVy Hh_Ppment.,A series of ciosn depitcign avrious ytpse of laboraotyr equipment.,A sie of icons depin arus types of labror epmnt.,A SeRieS oF icOns depiCtinG VARIOUS typeS of LAbOraTory equipmeNT.,AAAA sssseeeerrrriiiieeeessss ooooffff iiiiccccoooonnnnssss ddddeeeeppppiiiiccccttttiiiinnnngggg vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff llllaaaabbbboooorrrraaaattttoooorrrryyyy eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt....,A series of ic0ns d3picting vari0us t4p3s 0f la6orat0r4 3quip33nt.,A se ries of i con s dep ictin g vario usty pes of la bo rato r y e quipment.,A ꜱerie𝕊 oᖴ icoNs depict1ng vᎪrlouƽ t𝓨pᎬ𝕊 of l𝞪𝑏𑓐r𝞐tօᎡy equipme𝑁𝒕.,deoxyadenosine monophosphate serial publication of picture picture several typewrite of science laboratory equipment.,A series icons types,A icons of series depicting of types various laboratory equipment.,A serial publication series of ampere icons depicting various types of several ampere laboratory equipment.,A series af icons depicting various typs off labotery equiment.,A series of icons depicting various types of laboratory equipment .,A مسلسلات of icons depicting various types of laboratory equipment.,A series of icons depicting various types @Mbkg9gMM of laboratory equipment.,A Series' of icons depicting various types of laboratory equipment.,A set of symbols representing different types of laboratory equipment.,"A series of icons, to signify the different kinds of labors.",Icons of various laboratory equipment and their characteristics. 1598790,"The room has a black and white rug, bookshelf, television, and table with chairs, tables, shelves, and other items.","The room has a b1acr and white rug, 6uorshe1f, te1evi8i0n, and ta61e with chairs, tables, 8he1ve8, and 0thek items.","The room has a nlAck and wT8te rug, f8okWhSlf, reIevis(oB, and table siRh dba(rs, tSb?ex, xj@lves, and otYsr (Hems.","The room has a blaRcGk and white rug, boocks^hEeZlf, tXelejvsisTion, and tabZlee wcit7h Vcdhaxirs, %tabole1s, Ish*eKlves, and oPth%er (iteems.","The rWFm has a b&axk and wMitx rug, bQoksteZ), teleUCvi4n, and tLbl* Vit& chairs, 6aMfes, shelves, and opKer it7bs.","The room has a black and hwiet rug, bookshelf, lteeivsino, and tbael iwht achisr, tbales, selvhes, and oethr ietsm.","The ro has a bac and whi rug, bshlf, tlvson, and tal th crs, tables, seve, and other iem.","ThE roOM hAS A bLaCk aNd wHIte ruG, booksheLf, tEleVisIoN, ANd TabLe wiTh ChaiRs, tabLEs, SHELvES, ANd othER iTems.","TTTThhhheeee rrrroooooooommmm hhhhaaaassss aaaa bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee rrrruuuugggg,,,, bbbbooooooookkkksssshhhheeeellllffff,,,, tttteeeelllleeeevvvviiiissssiiiioooonnnn,,,, aaaannnndddd ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrrssss,,,, ttttaaaabbbblllleeeessss,,,, sssshhhheeeellllvvvveeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","The r0om has a black and 34it3 rug, bo0ks43lf, t3levisi0n, and ta6l3 wit4 chairs, ta6l3s, s43lv3s, and 0t4er it33s.","Theroom hasa b lackand w hite ru g,bo oks hel f ,te levi s ion , and table w i t h ch airs, ta bl es, shelves, andot h er i t em s.","The room ha𝚂 𝕬 bl𐊠𝖢𝐾 and white Ʀሀ𝘎ꓹ bookShⴹlf, 𝔗𝚬𐐛E⋁׀siଠn‚ 𝘢nd 𝓣𝒂ble wit𝒽 𝔠hairꮪ, t𝚨b𐐛es, sheⳐ𑜆eᏕ, and 𝑜tℍ𝝚r 𝗂𝑻e𝜧s.","The way has a disgraceful and elwyn brooks white rug, bookshelf, television, and set back with chairs, tables, shelves, and other items.","The room has and table with chairs, tables, shelves, other items.","television, and has a black and white rug, bookshelf, The with table tables, chairs, room shelves, and other items.","The room has dim a black and white rug, bookshelf, postpone television, and table with chairs, board tables, postpone shelves, and other items.","The room hav a black and white ruge, bookshelf, televsion, em tble with chairs, tablets, sheves, anb othrer itens.","The rm has a blk nd white rug , bookshelf , tv , nd table wiv chairs , tables , shelves , nd other items .","The حجرة has a काले och white rug, bookshelf, television, and table with chairs, tables, shelves, and other items.","The room has a black and white rug, bookshelf, @if01RbRp television, and table with chairs, tables, shelves, and other items.","Thee Roome has a black and white Rugg, bookshelf, Tv, and table with chairs, Table'S, shelves, and Uther items.","The room has a black and white carpet, a bookcase, a television and a table with chairs, tables, shelves and other utensils.","The room hath a black and white rug, bookshelf, and television, and table with chairs, tables, shelves, and other articles.","The room is furnished with a black and white rug, bookshelf, television, and table complete with chairs, tables, shelves, etc." 2594501,Cartoon character sitting on toilet with caption saying crap forgot my smartphone.,Cartoon chakactek 8ittin9 on toilet with caption saying ckap f0kgut my smartphone.,Cartoon charwxt@5 sitting on toilet with cXptOoB sS%iHg c$Xp fofgLf my smadtLNlne.,_Ca7r3toon #cWhauractper sitting on to!ilRent uwit_h cFappvtion saying cIrahp forgot my smartphone.,AartdUn RharaatHi sizD)ng on @)icet with caption saying c2aV forgot my Fmar1Xh4ne.,Acrtono hrcaatcer sitting on toilet itwh caitpon saying crap forogt my smartphone.,Cron harat sitting on toilet wh caption saying rp fgo my arphoe.,CaRTOoN CharaCter sittIng ON tOilEt wiTh CAPtIon sayING CraP fOrgoT my sMaRTpHoNe.,CCCCaaaarrrrttttoooooooonnnn cccchhhhaaaarrrraaaacccctttteeeerrrr ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn ttttooooiiiilllleeeetttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh ccccaaaappppttttiiiioooonnnn ssssaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg ccccrrrraaaapppp ffffoooorrrrggggooootttt mmmmyyyy ssssmmmmaaaarrrrttttpppphhhhoooonnnneeee....,Cartoon character sittin9 0n t0ilet 3it4 capti0n sayin9 crap f0rg0t 34 s3artp4on3.,Cart oonchara cte r sit tingon toil etwi thcap t io nsayi n g c rap forgotmy s mart phone.,ᴄaℛ𝚝oo𝔑 𑣲Н𝞐ract𝞔Ꮢ 𝘴it𝔗iNԍ ﮫռ to𝙡let Ԝ𝛪th cap⟙ion sa𝐘ing Cʀap f𝔒rg𝑶t my smart𝑃ho𝚴𝐸.,cartoon fibre model on potty with legend sound out ca ca bury my smartphone.,Cartoon on toilet caption saying crap smartphone.,Cartoon toilet sitting on with caption character forgot crap saying my smartphone.,Cartoon character military capability posture lavatory sitting on toilet with caption saying fiber crap forgot my smartphone.,Cartoon charcter sittng on tolit with caption saing crap forgot May smart-phone.,Cartoon chr sitting on toilet wiv caption lololcrap frgt mai smartphone .,Cartoon شخصية sitting on शौचालय med caption saying crap забыла my smartphone.,Cartoon character sitting on toilet with caption saying crap forgot my smartphone. @vgKWOAEf,Cartoon character sitting on toilet with caption saying crap forgot my smartphone.,Cartoon character sitting on toilet with caption: Crap forgot my smartphone.,Cartoon character sitting on a stool with caption saying crap forgot my smartphone.,A cartoon character is seen on the toilet with a caption that says they forgot their smartphone. 12298534,"The shirt dress is multicolored and has pink, green, red, blue, white and black stripes.","The 8hikt dress i8 multicolored and has pink, 9keen, ked, blue, white and black 8tkipe8.","The shi3F dredD is mklt9col)GeE and has p7Bk, hr2en, red, b>uf, 2hi4e and black wYripws.","The s9hiGrt dreqsfs is bmultiuc2oBloVred and has Cpin1k, gHreehn, red, bHluMe, whiEtje and bclaqck stripes.","The shxri drqs@ is multicolored and has ptn8, 8ree7, red, bAKe, wh2pe and blLFk gtQipeZ.","The hsrit rdess is mlutcioolred and has ipkn, gerne, red, blue, white and black trspies.","The shirt dre is ucoored and has nk, gen, red, lu, wte and bac srie.","ThE shIRT dreSs Is mulTiCoLOreD aNd has pINK, grEeN, REd, bluE, whIte anD BlACK sTripes.","TTTThhhheeee sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt ddddrrrreeeessssssss iiiissss mmmmuuuullllttttiiiiccccoooolllloooorrrreeeedddd aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss ppppiiiinnnnkkkk,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, rrrreeeedddd,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee aaaannnndddd bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk ssssttttrrrriiiippppeeeessss....","The shirt dress is 3ultic0lor3d and has pink, 9re3n, red, blu3, 34it3 and 6lack strip3s.","Theshir t dre ssis mu ltico lored a ndha s p ink , g re en,r ed, blue, whit ea n d bl ack stri pe s.","𝞽he shirt dress ﺍs m𝚞ltic〇l𝝈r𝚬d aꓠԁ has pink, gRe𝔼n¸ red, b𖼖ue, w𝝜i𝜏e and Ꞵlac𝐤 s𝙏𝓻ipe𝐬.","The shirt full dress is particolored and has pink, green, red, blue, edward d white and shirley temple black stripes.","shirt dress is multicolored and has pink, red, white and black","The shirt dress and multicolored and has pink, stripes. is blue, black red, white green,","The shirt dress is multicolored and lop has pink, green, pureness red, blue, white and whiteness black lop stripes.","The sheert dress is multicolored and was pinky, gerent, red, plue, withe and blakc strip.","The shirt dress tis multicolored nd has pink , green , red , blu , white nd blk stripes .","The القميص dress is multicolored and has pink, green, red, blue, white and black stripes.","@kmDaDANw The shirt dress is multicolored and has pink, green, red, blue, white and black stripes.","Thee shirt dress is multicolored and has pink, green, Redd, Blew, white and black stripes.","The shirt dress is colorful and has pink, green, red, blue, white and black stripes.","The shirt is multicolored and hath in it, in the colors of the three, pink, green, red, blue, white","The shirt dress is characterized by a variety of colors, including pink, green, red, blue, white, and black." 9094049,"A man playing music and singing with guitar, drums, speakers, microphone, and chair.","A man playing mo8ic and singing with guitar, drums, speakers, mick0ph0ne, and chaik.","A man plSjiBg ieX.,A EwVoman stwancdlinfg in fEronQt of a vaRcJuutm cle!aVneMr with gWre(en and purple Ecvlean5ingg supplies.,A wom8* standing in f+onW of a vIo+um cleaner with urJen and pAHpJe TVxBning vuGpOie).,A woman standing in rfnot of a vacuum cleaenr with gerne and pruepl eclaning upspiels.,A woman ndig in fro of a vacuum lanr ih green and pue cnin spie.,A WOmaN StandIng iN frOnT OF a vaCuum cleANEr wiTh grEEn And PUrplE CleaNiNg SuPplies.,AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa vvvvaaaaccccuuuuuuuummmm cccclllleeeeaaaannnneeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn aaaannnndddd ppppuuuurrrrpppplllleeee cccclllleeeeaaaannnniiiinnnngggg ssssuuuupppppppplllliiiieeeessss....,A woman standin9 in fr0nt of a vacuu3 clean3r wit4 gre3n and purpl3 cl3anin9 suppli3s.,A wo manstand ing in f rontof a va cuu mcle ane r w it h gr e enand purplecl e a ning supplie s. ,A woman 𝚜𝔗an𝙙𝙸𝕹g in 𐔥rﮦn𐊗 ﮫf a vAcuum ᴄlea𝘯eƦ w|th g𝕣𝐄еn 𝒂ꓠ𝘋 pu𝙧pLꓰ cl𝛦𝔞𝞜𝐈𝙣𝔤 s𝓾𝞺pꓡ𝓘e𝓼.,angstrom unit fair sex stick out in front man of a vacuum clean light with immature and purpurate strip supplies.,A woman in vacuum cleaner with and purple supplies.,vacuum woman standing a front cleaning in A purple with green and cleaner of supplies.,A woman ampere standing in front houseclean of a charwoman vacuum resist cleaner with green and purple cleaning supplies.,A wowan standing in frent off a vacuum cleaning with green dnd purple clearing suplies.,A woman standing in front of a vacuum cleaner wiv green nd purple cleaning supplies .,A المراة standing in अग्र of a buit cleaner with зелёные and パープル cleaning supplies.,A woman @Du9cfLmS standing in front of a vacuum cleaner with green and purple cleaning supplies.,A woman standing Inn front of a vacuum cleaner with Greene and purple cleaning Supply'S.,A woman stands in front of a vacuum cleaner with green and purple detergents.,A woman standing in the front of a vacuum cleaner with green and purple cleaning supplies.,A female individual is positioned in front of a vacuum cleaner that has green and purple cleaning components. 4474380,An older woman is standing in front of a wall with a octopus made out of beads.,An older wuman is standing in fkunt uf a wa11 with a octopus made 0ot of beads.,An 9lde% womWm is qyanViMg in Rron4 of a wall !itu a ochKLus jadr out of VeSds.,An lolderr wocmSan is stKanCdji7ng in froKnvt of a nwalnl wriWth a moctPoppus made out of b6eadVs.,An Sljer 5vman is sta5wsgg in f4on0 of a wmvl wvTh a ocygpuR made out of *e!ds.,An lodre owamn is satndnig in rfotn of a awll with a octopus mdea out of ebdas.,An older wan is stnn in fot of a al th a otou me out of eas.,An OldER woman is stanDing In FronT of a WAll wiTH a oCTOPuS MADe out oF bEaDs.,AAAAnnnn oooollllddddeeeerrrr wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn iiiissss ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa wwwwaaaallllllll wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa ooooccccttttooooppppuuuussss mmmmaaaaddddeeee oooouuuutttt ooooffff bbbbeeeeaaaaddddssss....,An older wo3an is standin9 in front 0f a 3all 3it4 a 0ctopus mad3 0ut of 63ads.,An o lder woma n i s sta nding in fro ntof awal l w it h ao cto pus made ou to f bea ds.,A𝖓 օlder w𑣈m𝐀n i𝖘 st𝙖n𝓭i𝚴g ⍳n fr𝗈nᎢ oϜ 𝔸 wa𑢣𖼖 wi𝙏h 𝓐 ocΤop𝙪𝓼 m𝜶de o𝖚𝕋 of 𝔅eads.,an quondam charwoman is stomach in breast of a fence with a devilfish make out of beads.,is standing in front a wall a out,of older woman is standing in beads. of a wall with An octopus a out made front,devilfish one time An charwoman older woman is standing charwoman in front of a wall with a octopus made out of beads.,An older woman isd stading hs frond of are wall woth I octopus made oud of beads.,An older woman tis standing in front of a wall wiv a octopus made outa beads .,An الاقدم woman is खड़ी in передние of a уолл with a octopus made out of beads.,An older woman is standing in front of a wall with @ghsCRtXP a octopus made out of beads.,An older woman is standing Inn front of a Wal with a octopus Maid out of beads.,An elderly woman stands in front of a wall with an octopus made of pearls.,A younger woman stands in the wall with a cauldron of beads made of an elder.,A wall showcasing an octopus with beads is standing in front of an older woman. 9987868,A graph shows the number and percentage of people with non - communiable diseases.,A 9kaph shuw8 the number and percentage of people with n0n - communiable di8ea8e8.,A grZpy shows the JumHee and percentage of Leo9l$ wotN non - comNIhixb/e viseaEfe.,A Zgr6aph sh7owis the 4ntujmber and peDrc3eHnjtage of people BwiEth non - !c8omwmunoiablje diseases.,A graph ehowz the number and perclbta1r of pelt%e wntm non - comL7niRXRe d3zqqses.,A rgahp shows the number and epecrntage of people iwht non - ocmmnuibael diesaess.,A rph shows the nbr and percentage of eoe th non - omuile iass.,A GRApH Shows the numbEr aND pErcEntagE OF PeOplE wiTH nOn - cOmmuNiable dISeAsEs.,AAAA ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh nnnnoooonnnn ---- ccccoooommmmmmmmuuuunnnniiiiaaaabbbblllleeee ddddiiiisssseeeeaaaasssseeeessss....,A grap4 shows th3 nu3ber and p3rc3nta93 of p30ple 3ith n0n - c033uniabl3 diseas3s.,A gr aphshows th e num ber a nd perc ent ag e o f p e op le wit h no n - communi ab l e dis eases.,Ꭺ 𝐠𖼵ꓮph s𝙃o𝖂s 𝗧he 𝓷𝓤𝕄b𝑬r 𝞪nd pℯꓣcentag𝝚 of ꮲ𝙀𐔖pᏞe wi𝓉h noո - coᎷm𝓤nia𝙗𑢣ꓰ di𝖘𝗘𝖠se𑣁.,angstrom graphical record read the amount and part of masses with not - communiable diseases.,A graph and of with non diseases.,communiable graph shows the number of percentage and with A non - people diseases.,A expose graph shows the chart number display and percentage of people with non - communiable graph diseases.,I graph shows tho numbuer and percentual of people wity non - communiable deaseses.,A graph shows tha nmbr nd percentage of pplz wiv non - communiable diseases .,A graph spettacoli the number and percentage of people with non - communiable diseases.,A graph shows the number and percentage of people @RrP6awqQ with non - communiable diseases.,A Graff shows Thee number and percentage of people with non - communiable Disease'S.,A graph shows the number and percentage of people with non-communicable diseases.,A graph shows the number and percentage of men and women with non - communicable diseases.,The figure and percentage of non-communicable diseases are depicted on a graph. 9672179,"The Chicago Tribune's website is showing an image of a map of bears - packers, rivalry, country by county.","The Ghica90 Tribune ' s website i8 showing an image of a map 0f 6ear8 - pacrek8, kiva1ky, country by county.","The CNifano T3ibIns ' s w3Vsits is syowknN an ijaBe of a map of Hea5s - 0ack3es, 3ibairy, couHtDg by clumyy.","The CJhi8cagQo BToriybune ' s wmeSbsFite is ss1howMing an Uimagge of a map of hbe#ars - pNackoe&rs, Dri3valrYy, cEosun2try by @couGnt^y.","The EEilago T6ibZnz ' s #ekXite is s(5)ing an qm2ge of a map of bZarY - paukZrM, r^v2lr0, cEIn1ry by jouUtx.","The Chicgao Tirbeun ' s ebwiste is shionwg an iameg of a map of bares - acpekrs, ivrarly, conuytr by ocnuyt.","The hiao Tune ' s bsit is hwig an mag of a map of ear - pces, riay, cnry by out.","ThE ChICAgO TRibUnE's WeBsITe Is Showing an iMagE oF a map OF bEarS - pAcKeRS, rIvAlRY, couNTRy by CoUnty.","TTTThhhheeee CCCChhhhiiiiccccaaaaggggoooo TTTTrrrriiiibbbbuuuunnnneeee''''ssss wwwweeeebbbbssssiiiitttteeee iiiissss sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff aaaa mmmmaaaapppp ooooffff bbbbeeeeaaaarrrrssss ---- ppppaaaacccckkkkeeeerrrrssss,,,, rrrriiiivvvvaaaallllrrrryyyy,,,, ccccoooouuuunnnnttttrrrryyyy bbbbyyyy ccccoooouuuunnnnttttyyyy....","The 0hicago Tri6un3's 3ebsit3 is s4o3in9 an ima93 0f a map 0f 63ars - pack3rs, rivalr4, c0untr4 64 c0unt4.","TheChic ago T rib une's webs ite issho wi ngani ma ge ofa ma p of bears-p a cker s, rival ry , country by coun ty . ","The 𝐂hi𝙘a𝙜o 𝕿ribun𑢮ˋs website 𝘐𝘴 shංwⵏng an iMage of a ꓟa𝜌 𝜪f 𝕭𝛦ars - ⍴𝚊𝕮𝐾er𝕤, rivaʟry, c𝟬unТℜ𝐲 by co𝘶𝑵ty.","The stops Tribune's web site is indicate an epitome of a mathematical function of stick out - packers, rivalry, commonwealth by county.","Chicago is an image map of bears rivalry, country by county.","The Chicago image website is Tribune's an showing county. a map of bears - packers, rivalry, country of by","newmarket The Chicago Tribune's website is showing an image of display map out map out a map of bears - packers, rivalry, country by county.","The Chicago Tribune ' is wedsite at's showing an image ok a mop oh beers - packers, rivalship, countrie by conty.","The Chicago Tribune 's website tis showin an image of a map of bears - packers , rivalry , country by county .","The Chicago Tribune's website is showing an छवि of a mapa of bears - packers, rivalry, country by county."," The Chicago Tribune's website is showing an image of a map of bears - @tihxn6r4 packers, rivalry, country by county.","Thee Chicago TribuneEss website is showing an image of a map of Bear'S - packers, rivalry, country Buy county.","The Chicago Tribune's website shows a picture of a map of the Bears - Packers, rivalry, country by country.","The Chicago Tribune's website shows an image of a map of bears—packers, rivalries, country by county.","The Chicago Tribune's website is displaying an image of a map of bears, which includes packers, rivalry, and country by county." 3563985,A mattress with the words high density memory foam that lasts longer than standard toppers.,A mattress with the wokd8 hi9h den8ity mem0ky foam that lasts longer than standard toppers.,A mqtRrwes Sjth the words high density memory f9Xm that .ssts longer tBAn s5aMdZTd toOp#ds.,A mEattoreSsZs w7itNh the wo0rqds hifguh density memory foam Jt@hat lasts 1loonDger 5thMan standard toppers.,A mattress wBtL the wQrd& T+gh density memory foam tMaq la2tt lq6yer than standard tophurW.,A mattress with the words hghi density memory foam that lasts longre than tsndaadr otppser.,A mattress with the wrs high density eoy fm ta lasts nge hn standard ters.,A MAttRESs wiTh ThE woRdS HIgh deNsity meMORy foAm ThAT lasTs LOngEr thAn StAndARd tOpPers.,AAAA mmmmaaaattttttttrrrreeeessssssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss hhhhiiiigggghhhh ddddeeeennnnssssiiiittttyyyy mmmmeeeemmmmoooorrrryyyy ffffooooaaaammmm tttthhhhaaaatttt llllaaaassssttttssss lllloooonnnnggggeeeerrrr tttthhhhaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrdddd ttttooooppppppppeeeerrrrssss....,A mattr3ss with the 30rds hig4 d3nsit4 3e30ry f0a3 t4at lasts l0n9er t4an standard topp3rs.,A ma ttre ss wi ththe w ordshigh de nsi ty me mor y f oa m th a t l asts longer t h a n st andard t op pers.,A mattℛe𝑆s wi𝓽h ⊤he wσrds high 𝗱ensi𐊗y m𝙴𝕄ory f𝝈am that Ꮮa𝕊t𝘀 longeℝ tha𝛮 𝘚t𝛂𝝢ⅾαrd 𝘛ﮪpperѕ.,antiophthalmic factor mattress with the word of god luxuriously concentration retention sparkle that end farseeing than touchstone toppers.,A with memory foam that lasts longer,memory A with the words high density standard foam that mattress longer than lasts toppers.,A mattress with the words high retentivity density richly memory foam that lasts richly longer than standard retentiveness toppers.,A mattres wihh teh works high density memory foam waht lasts longger than standerd toppers.,A mattress wiv tha words high density memory foam tht lasts longer than standard toppers .,A المراتب with the words high densitat memory foam это lasts longer than معيار toppers.,A mattress with the words high density memory foam that @wCusewJ6 lasts longer than standard toppers.,A mattress with Thee Word'S high density memory foam that lasts longer than standard toppers.,A mattress labelled High Density Memory Foam that lasts longer than conventional slabs.,A mattress with the words high density memory foam That last longer than standard toppers.,A mattress labeled high density memory foam that surpasses regular toppers in durability. 3147667,"Various pictures with different medical equipment including stethoscope, pills and syops.","Various pictoke8 with diffekent medica1 equipment inc1odin9 stethoscope, pills and syops.","Var8puQ (8ctur2A wigu Siffe%FnG meW8cql equipment including stethoscope, pills and syo0d.","Vahreioues pictures PwitQh jdAifferkenQt me^di2ca%l equipment including stFetHhovsOcofpe, pills and syo5pNs.","wZrioQs iickurY( 0i$h d2fJerPn* medical equipment including steth+RcRM0, pills and sno#s.","Various pictures with idffernet emdilca qeuipmetn including tstehosocpe, iplsl and ysosp.","Vius pict ih ifent medical ement including stethoscope, pls and syops.","VaRIouS PictuRes wIth DiFfERenT mEdical eQUIpMenT IncLUdIng sTEThoScope, PiLlS ANd syops.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt mmmmeeeeddddiiiiccccaaaallll eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssstttteeeetttthhhhoooossssccccooooppppeeee,,,, ppppiiiillllllllssss aaaannnndddd ssssyyyyooooppppssss....","Various pictures with diff3r3nt m3dical equip3ent includin9 steth0sc0p3, pills and s40ps.","Vari ouspictu res with diff erent m edi ca l e qui p me nt inc l udi ng stethosc op e , pil ls and s yo ps.",VᗅʀıՕus 𝔭ict𝙪re𝑠 ԝi𝕥h ᴅiϝferЕn𝔗 𝓜edical equ𝚒pmЕnt includ|ng st𝜠𝑻hosco𝙋𝐸¸ pill𝙎 a𝖭𝔻 syo𝟈s۰,"various video with unlike checkup equipment admit stethoscope, tab and syops.","pictures with equipment including stethoscope,","medical and equipment Various different with including stethoscope, pills pictures syops.","respective Various pictures with several different medical movie several equipment including stethoscope, pills and syops.","Various pactures mith different medicane eqipments encluding stethoscope, pins and syops.","Various pix wiv different medical equipment including stethoscope , pills nd syops .","Various صور with different medical equipment inclòs stethoscope, pills и syops.","Various pictures with different medical @eNCTAk0U equipment including stethoscope, pills and syops.","Various Pictures' with different medical equipment including stethoscope, Pilz and syops.","Different images with different medical devices like stethoscope, tablets and syrup.","Some pictures with different medical instruments, Some with stethooms, and some with syops.","A range of images showcasing medical tools, including stethoscopes, pills, and flaws." 4485197,"Group of young people sitting on steps using tablet computer technology, Internet web design, Joy Adults, Youth Man.","Group of young people 8ittin9 on steps o8ing tablet c0mpotek technu109y, 1nteknet we6 design, Juy Adults, Youth Man.","Group of yo8Hg oe)ppe eltring on Atels js8ng tablet SomO8%er reShnolkgu, 8Hferhet web deskyh, Joy Adults, Youth Man.","tG6roup of young pjeBophle sitting on stezpfs uOsinSg taEbwlVet co%mpEutke7r ytechenol%oJgy, Internet web design, Joy ANd_ultLs, YJout3h Man.","3roPp of yo7nm pWo4lo sitting on sIep( using PaDljt tGCputeA technology, IytTrR%t web desbmj, Joy Adults, Y%uDh Man.","Rgopu of young people sitting on setsp suign tablte ocpmurte ctehonloyg, Ntirente web design, Joy Dauslt, Oytuh Man.","Grp of yug pep sitting on sep sng alt mutr technology, Internet web dig, Joy dus, Youth Man.","GrOUp OF yOUnG pEoPle SiTtINg On Steps usinG TabLet coMpUteR tEChnOlogy, INterNet weB DesiGN, JOY AdULts, YOuth Man.","GGGGrrrroooouuuupppp ooooffff yyyyoooouuuunnnngggg ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn sssstttteeeeppppssss uuuussssiiiinnnngggg ttttaaaabbbblllleeeetttt ccccoooommmmppppuuuutttteeeerrrr tttteeeecccchhhhnnnnoooollllooooggggyyyy,,,, IIIInnnntttteeeerrrrnnnneeeetttt wwwweeeebbbb ddddeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn,,,, JJJJooooyyyy AAAAdddduuuullllttttssss,,,, YYYYoooouuuutttthhhh MMMMaaaannnn....","6roup of 4oung people sittin9 0n st3ps using tablet c03put3r t3c4n0lo94, Int3rnet 336 d3sign, 9o4 Adults, Y0ut4 Man.","Grou p of youn g p eople sitt ing onste ps us ing ta bl et c o mpu ter technol og y , Int ernet we bdesign, JoyAdult s, Yo ut h M an.","Gro𝐮p ໐f 𝚼o𝑈n𝕘 p𝔈op𐑃ⴹ sⅠttiոg oꓠ steΡs u𝖘inԌ tab𐑃et compuꓔer ⟙e𝘤𝚑n߀log𝛄, ⅰn𝗍eгneⲦ web d℮𝘚ign, Joy 𝘢𝙳uꮮ𝜯𝑆‚ Y𝝾𐓶𑢼h MaⲚ․","chemical group of thomas young multitude session on gradation habituate pill electronic computer technology, cyberspace network design, joyousness Adults, thomas young Man.","of sitting steps using tablet technology, Internet design, Adults, Youth Man.","Group of computer people sitting Youth steps using young on technology, Internet web design, Joy Adults, tablet Man.","Group pleasure of young people sitting on steps using tablet computer technology, Internet chemical group web design, Joy Adults, computing machine computing machine Youth Man.","Group of joung peoply sittings on stepls useing tablet computr technology, Internet we desiigner, Job Adults, Youth Man.","Group of yng pplz sitting on steps using tablet cpu technology , Internet web design , Joy Adults , Youth Man .","Group of young people sitting on steps utilitzant tablet computer technology, Internet web design, Joy Adults, Youth Man.","Group of young people sitting on steps using tablet computer technology, @TxbgQ1WE Internet web design, Joy Adults, Youth Man.","Groupe of Yung people sitting on Steppes using tablet computer technology, Internet web design, Joy Adults, Youth Mann.","Group of young people sitting on steps using tablet computers, Internet web design, Joy Adults, Youth Man.","Young men and women sitting on steps, using tablet computers, Internet web design, Joy Adults, Youth Man.","Tablet computers, Internet web design, and the presence of Joy Adults and Youth Man are being used by a group of young people sitting on steps." 11544412,The game is about to be launched with an image of a man holding a magnifying glass.,The game i8 a60ut to be 1aonched with an image of a man hu1din9 a ma9nifyin9 9la8s.,The naKe is wnout to be lauMcMsr w&tt an imayD of a man ho:d&Hg a mqgHif%(ng goasX.,The )gamUe is a)bxout to be ClaMun%chied wwitRh an ima6g(e of a man hbolhdying a #magenifyMi)ng gla^sLs.,The gr3e is aMJut to be !a4nc+ea oUth an iCagk of a man TDlring a magui3)Rng gWaPs.,The mgae is about to be launcedh whit an miaeg of a man ohlding a mnagyifing lgass.,The ge is abu to be lned th an ige of a man odng a gniyin las.,ThE gaME is aBouT to bE laUNchEd With An iMAgE of A mAN hOlDInG a maGNiFyIng gLaSs.,TTTThhhheeee ggggaaaammmmeeee iiiissss aaaabbbboooouuuutttt ttttoooo bbbbeeee llllaaaauuuunnnncccchhhheeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff aaaa mmmmaaaannnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg aaaa mmmmaaaaggggnnnniiiiffffyyyyiiiinnnngggg ggggllllaaaassssssss....,Th3 game is ab0ut t0 be launc43d 3it4 an ima93 of a 3an 40ldin9 a 3agnif4ing 9lass.,Thegame is a bou t tobe la unchedwit hanima g eof a m a n h olding a ma gn i f ying glass.,Т𝙷e ꮐame is abouᎢ 𝕿𝕠 be ⳑ𝒶∪nchℰⅮ with an image oϝ a m𝐴n h0𑢣din𝙂 a maᏳni𑣂yℐng gl𝔞𝚜𝑠٠,The spunky is about to be plunge with an ikon of a human declare a exaggerate glass.,is about be with of a man holding a magnifying,image game is magnifying to be launched with an The man a a holding of about glass.,The establish establish game is about mankind to be instal launched with an image of a man holding a magnifying glass.,Then gema is abour to be launched with an imagen f a man holing de magnifying glasses.,The game tis bowt tuh b3 launched wiv an image of a man holding a magnifying glass .,The اللعبة is about to be lanserades with an image of a man holding a magnifying glass.,The game is about to be launched with an @n5gMNin4 image of a man holding a magnifying glass.,Thee game is about to be launched with 'N image of a Mann holding a magnifying Glas.,The game will soon be released with a picture of a man with a magnifying glass.,The play is to be launched with an image of a man holding a magnifying glass.,A man holding a magnifying glass is set to be shown at the start of the game. 2549746,pie chart showing the percentage of people who learn news and information from five or more source types,pie chart showing the pekcenta9e uf pe0p1e whu learn news and information fk0m five or muke source types,pie cNZrt showing the Lerc4JtWge of people who learn nD#s and inDofkW6ion from fig2 or N8re sou5fs ttpFs,pie chatrmt Ts7howinUg the percentage of peeoxpjle who l4earfn news and information Kfro(m efi%ve or SmorWe jsMourcae types,pie +2art showing the percentage of peKs7e who OeaXn news and (nRorDGti)n Yro2 f3vA or PorG wour0% types,pie chtar shwoing the percentage of peolpe who learn wnes and nfiraomtion ofrm five or more source tyspe,pie crt showing the percentage of epl who arn ns and information fo fi or oe suc types,piE chART shoWinG The PeRcENtaGe Of people WhO lEarN NewS aND INfoRmAtiOn FRom FivE OR moRE sOurCE Types,ppppiiiieeee cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwhhhhoooo lllleeeeaaaarrrrnnnn nnnneeeewwwwssss aaaannnndddd iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ffffrrrroooommmm ffffiiiivvvveeee oooorrrr mmmmoooorrrreeee ssssoooouuuurrrrcccceeee ttttyyyyppppeeeessss,pi3 chart sh0wing the perc3nta93 of pe0pl3 340 l3arn ne3s and inf0rmati0n fro3 fiv3 0r 30r3 s0urce t4p3s,piechar t sho win g the perc entageofpe opl e w h ole arnn ews and inform at i o n fr om fiveor more source type s,𝛠i𝔈 chaʀт 𝙨ꮋowℓng tⲎ℮ pЕ𝗋cen𝚻А𝗀𝑬 o𑢢 pⴹople who ℒearn news ꓮ𝘕d iոfo𝕣𝖬𝜜Τioꓠ f𝙧ᴑm ꓝive or mor𝜠 s𝛰ur𝓒Ε 🝨ypes,proto indo european graph express the percent of mass who hear newsworthiness and info from quintuplet or more germ typewrite,pie showing the people who learn news and information source types,pie chart showing learn percentage of people who source news and information from five or more the types,display word pie chart showing the percentage hoi polloi of people who learn news and information from five or more source get word types,pei chart showing thwe percentage of people how learn newss aand informatic from five or more sourse typse,pie chart showin tha percentage of pplz who learn n00s nd information frm fiv or mor source types,pie مخطط showing the percentage of personer who learn news и information から five or more iturri typen,pie chart showing @rhuzc8q4 the percentage of people who learn news and information from five or more source types,Pye chart showing Thee percentage of people Houx learn news and information Frum five Eure Morr Sorce types,Pie chart showing percentage of people learning news and information from five or more source types,Pie chart showing the percentage of people that learn news and information from five or more source types.,The percentage of individuals who consume news and information from five sources or more is shown in the pie chart. 1051509,Info showing the number and percentage of individuals involved in criminal records.,Info 8huwin9 the number and pekcenta9e 0f individuals involved in criminal records.,IJf8 sGow&jg the n&Nb$r and percentage of jndif(Cuald involved in Dr7mija; rrcIrdA.,I_nf5o AsvhowEing the number and pevrcYenittage of in2diivzidUualts invMoIlwve&d in rccrimi_nBal records.,IWf1 s)of)ng the Jlmbur and peXiinFage of NndiqcduAlO involved in criminal fkcorks.,Niof sohwing the unmber and perectgnae of individuals ivlnovde in icmrnial records.,nf showing the nub and percentage of ndvial ivld in imnl rerd.,InFO sHOWing The numbeR anD peRceNtage oF INdIviduAls INvOlVEd in crIMiNaL rEcOrDs.,IIIInnnnffffoooo sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff iiiinnnnddddiiiivvvviiiidddduuuuaaaallllssss iiiinnnnvvvvoooollllvvvveeeedddd iiiinnnn ccccrrrriiiimmmmiiiinnnnaaaallll rrrreeeeccccoooorrrrddddssss....,Info showin9 t4e nu3b3r and perc3ntage 0f individuals inv0lv3d in cri3inal r3c0rds.,Info sho wingthe numb er an d perce nta ge of in d iv id uals inv olved in cr im i n al r ecords.,Info S𝙷o𑜎𝖨𝒏𝐺 t𝐻e nՍm𝕓eℜ a𝜨d per𝘊entagҽ o𐔥 ιndiV𝟙𝙙u𐊠Ls i𝝢voⅬveⅮ ꓲ𐔓 cᖇіМ𝝸𝑵aꓡ reco𝒓ꓓꓢ.,information show the count and pct of soul tangled in malefactor records.,Info of involved in,the showing records. Info and percentage number individuals involved in criminal of,deplorable Info showing soul deplorable the number and percentage of individuals involved percent in criminal records.,Info showing thar namuber and percentage 0f individuals involved ii crimnal roket.,Info showin tha nmbr nd percentage of individuals involved in criminal records .,Info showing la number and प्रतिशत of лиц involved in преступные records.,Info showing the number and percentage of @zuHL5xBD individuals involved in criminal records.,Info showing Thee number and percentage of individuals involved in criminal records.,Information on the number and percentage of persons involved in the criminal record.,Info showing the number and percentage of individuals that have been convicted of crimes.,Details concerning the quantity and proportion of individuals with criminal histories. 3065875,"A woman's outfit and accessories, including headphones, a purse, glasses, a coffee cup, books, a cell phone, sunglasses, and more.","A woman ' s 0otfit and accessories, including headph0ne8, a purse, glasses, a coffee cup, books, a ce11 ph0ne, sunglasses, and more.","A woman ' s oJRfLt and accesco573w, incpif&ng headphones, a puGee, gladx@s, a Sodfe3 cup, boiLs, a ve/l phone, wungpSCses, and mlEe.","A woman ' s outfit and _aTccaekssWories, Qiunfclud9ing gheaPdpyhoNnes, a VpursMe, gGlassceEs, a Wcoffce2e cup, bBooUks, a c0e3ll phone, Osuhngla6ssGes, and 8moLre.","A woman ' s &upfct and occe7soFoea, tnpludinu heVdOhpnev, a $urTe, Wloqses, a coFPew cup, books, a cQ4l 2jone, sunglasses, and ooie.","A owamn ' s otutfi and caecssosrie, including hedpaonhes, a upres, glassse, a ocffee cup, obkos, a cell hpnoe, sunglasses, and rmoe.","A woman ' s outfit and acceie, icuig heapns, a use, gass, a ofe cup, ook, a el pon, sunglasses, and oe.","A WOmaN'S OutFiT and aCcEsSOriEs, includIng HEadPhONEs, a pUrSE, gLaSseS, a CoFfee cUp, boOKS, A CeLl phONe, sungLasSes, And More.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn''''ssss oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg hhhheeeeaaaaddddpppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss,,,, aaaa ppppuuuurrrrsssseeee,,,, ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaa ccccooooffffffffeeeeeeee ccccuuuupppp,,,, bbbbooooooookkkkssss,,,, aaaa cccceeeellllllll pppphhhhoooonnnneeee,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd mmmmoooorrrreeee....","A wo3an's outfit and accessories, includin9 4eadph0n3s, a purse, 9lass3s, a coff33 cup, b0oks, a c3ll p40ne, sun9lass3s, and 30r3.","A wo man' s out fit andacces sories, in cl udi ngh ea dp hone s , a purse, gla ss e s , acoffee c up , books, a c ell p ho n e, s u ng lasse s, a n dm or e . ","𝔄 w𝓸maռ'ꜱ ou𝛕fit an𝕯 a𐌂cΕ𝗌sor١es, 𝕴nclυdin𝑮 hꓰadphoꓠes, A 𝔓urse, gʟ𝚨s𝘴es٫ a coff𝛦e 𝗰up, bﮬoks٫ a c𝐄lL pһonЕ¸ 𝒔ungl𝞐𝓈𑣁⋿s, anᏧ 𝓜0ᴦ𝝚.","antiophthalmic factor woman's rig and accessories, admit headphones, a purse, glasses, a coffee berry cup, books, a electric cell phone, sunglasses, and more.","A woman's outfit and accessories, including a purse, a coffee cup, books, cell and more.","A woman's outfit and accessories, including headphones, phone, purse, glasses, a coffee cup, sunglasses, a cell a books, and more.","A woman's outfit and accessories, including headphones, a purse, cellular phone glasses, ampere a coffee cup, books, a cell let in phone, sunglasses, and more.","A woman ' s outfit and acessories, inclunding heeadphone, a puris, glasses, g caffe cup, books, e cel phonne, sunglasses, END more.","A woman 's outfit nd accessories , including headphones , a purse , glasses , a coffee cup , books , a celly , sunglasses , nd mor .","A woman's outfit and accessories, सहित headphones, a purse, glasses, a coffee cup, books, a cell phone, sunglasses, پھر more.","A woman's outfit and accessories, including headphones, a purse, @j2at4Kru glasses, a coffee cup, books, a cell phone, sunglasses, and more.","A womanEss outfit and accessories, including headphones, a purse, Glass'S, a coffee Cupp, Books', a Sell Fone, sunglasses, and Mor.","A woman's outfit and accessories, including headphones, purse, glasses, coffee cup, books, cell phone, sunglasses and more.","A woman’s apparel and accessories, Including her headgear, a purse, glasses, a coffee cup, books, a cell phone, and more.","Outfits and accessories of a woman including: Headphones, purse, glasses, coffee cup, books, phone, sunglasses, etc." 8505318,A woman sitting on top of a rock with the quote Hold on to hope that's the thing we can't stand to lose.,A woman sitting on tup of a rock with the 9oote H01d on t0 hope that ' s the thing we can ' t 8tand to lu8e.,A AomZn siRt7mg on top of a #oxk dirh the AuotD Hold on to y)pe tmar ' s the fhiGg we can ' t s%qnd to lPs@.,A woman lsOittindg on top of a rjoYck *withh the qZu!ote XHJold on to hMop(e t3hgat ' s the %thinhg we can ' t sntfand to loYsTe.,A wBm8n sitting on top of a ro5d w63h the qoope xkld on to 1ape tLa% ' s the 2hinB we can ' t sza%d to bKse.,A woanm sititng on top of a crok with the uqoet Hldo on to hope htta ' s the htign we can ' t satdn to lose.,A wom sitt on top of a rock wt the quo Hl on to pe tt ' s the hng we can ' t and to ls.,A WOmaN SittiNg On top oF A roCk With the qUoTe HolD On To HOPE thAt's The ThinG wE CAN't StaNd TO Lose.,AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff aaaa rrrroooocccckkkk wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee qqqquuuuooootttteeee HHHHoooolllldddd oooonnnn ttttoooo hhhhooooppppeeee tttthhhhaaaatttt''''ssss tttthhhheeee tttthhhhiiiinnnngggg wwwweeee ccccaaaannnn''''tttt ssssttttaaaannnndddd ttttoooo lllloooosssseeee....,A wo3an sitting on top 0f a r0ck 3ith th3 qu0t3 H0ld on to 40pe t4at's t43 t4in9 33 can't stand t0 l0s3.,A wo mansitti ngon to p ofa rockwit hthe qu o te H oldo n t o hope that 's t he t hing weca n't stand to lose .,A ꓪoᗰ𝕬N Տͺttℐ𝕟ᏻ Օn t٥p oſ a roℭ𝚱 wi𝞽h 𝚝h𝙀 qu𝖮t𝔼 𝗵𝑜ld ၀n t0 𝚑o𝞎ⴹ tha𑢼's t𝚑⋿ thi𝙣𝔊 աe can'𝒯 Տta𝑵d 𖼊o lo𝚜𐊆.,angstrom adult female sit on top of the inning of a rocknroll with the quotation make on to desire that's the affair we can't brook to lose.,woman sitting top of rock with the quote Hold on to thing we stand to,on woman sitting on top of a rock with the we Hold A to hope that's stand thing to can't the quote lose.,A woman sitting on desire top ampere of a rock with upper side the desire quote Hold on to hope that's the thing we can't stand to lose.,A women siting on top f s rock wwith the quote Hold on to hoje that ' s the thign wie can't ' t stand to loss.,A woman sitting on top of a roxxor wiv tha quote Hold on tuh hope tht 's tha thing we ca n't stand tuh lose .,A المراة sitting on ऊपर of a roca with the цитирую Hold on فی hope that's the sak we can't stand to lose.,A woman sitting on top of a rock with the quote Hold on to hope that's @kTOEBRFu the thing we can't stand to lose.,A woman sitting on top of a rock with the quote Hold on to hope thatS the thing we Kan't stand to Loos.,A woman sits on a rock with the quote Stop by to hope that this is what we can't bear to lose.,A woman sitting on top of a rock With the quote Hold on hope that’s the thing we cannot stand to lose.,A woman sitting on a rock with the phrase Hold on to hope that's the thing we can never lose. 4635720,"A table with red and white decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, napkins, and candy.","A table with ked and white decukatiun8, inc1odin9 plates, bowls, cop8, napkins, and candy.","A tAbie with red and white ddForXtiIGs, JncliEinv 9lwRes, bKwKs, c TpX, nw9uins, and SanEy.","A Fta#ble wCioth red and w*hitIe dBe!cor$atZiorns, including NplZa!tes, bowls, cuWpls, Ona#pkiPns, and c@andry.","A t)fle 2itl red and Xhit9 jmcorHtG_ns, including Clzte1, Zjwls, UupS, _apLins, and candy.","A table with red and hwtie dceoroatnis, icnlduing plates, bwosl, upcs, npkians, and ncady.","A table wh red and wie ecrion, incng plates, ols, up, nkin, and cdy.","A TAblE With Red aNd wHiTe DecOraTions, iNCLuDinG PLaTEs, bowLS, cUps, naPkInS, AnD candy.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh rrrreeeedddd aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss,,,, bbbboooowwwwllllssss,,,, ccccuuuuppppssss,,,, nnnnaaaappppkkkkiiiinnnnssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ccccaaaannnnddddyyyy....","A table wit4 r3d and w4it3 d3c0rati0ns, including plat3s, 603ls, cups, napkins, and cand4.","A ta blewithred andwhite decora tio ns , i ncl u di ng pla t es, bowls, cup s, n apki ns, andca ndy.","A Tabꮮe w|tꓧ rℯd a𝔫d white 𝙳Εc𝞞rations, i𝓝clu𝚍ing plᗅtⅇ𝑆¸ 𝘉𝟘w𐔦s‚ 𐔜uϱ𝘴, napkins, 𝝰𝒏d ᴄɑndy.","vitamin a put over with scarlet and flannel decorations, let in plates, bowls, cups, napkins, and candy.","A with and white decorations, plates, bowls, napkins, and candy.","red table and napkins, with white cups, including plates, bowls, decorations, A and candy.","A table with red whiteness and white defer decorations, including plates, bowls, let in cups, napkins, postpone and candy.","I tabble sith red and whithe decorations, including Pilates, bowls, cops, napkins, & candys.","A table wiv red nd white decorations , including plates , bowls , cups , napkins , nd candy .","A الطاولة with red and white decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, napkins, and candy.","A table @kIHRdmK6 with red and white decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, napkins, and candy.","A table with red and Whyte decorations, including Plaits, Bolls, Cupps, napkins, and candy.","A table with red and white decoration, including plates, bowls, cups, napkins and sweets.","A table with red and white decorations, Including plates, bowls, cups, napkins, and candies.","A table adorned with red and white dishes, plates, bowls, cups, napkins, and sweets." 626205,"An older man standing in front of a chalkboard with the words justice, reconciliation and forgiveness.","An 0ldek man 8tandin9 in front uf a chalkboard with the w0kds jo8tice, reconciliation and forgiveness.","An olSRr man erznd8ng in frLMt of a chXlkblaGS aitj the wotdX j TW$ice, reconciliation and EoegiDSjess.","An o(ldeKr man RstandFi^nVg in fvronwt of a bchalk%bvooard wai)th the wQo1rds justice, Wrecmonsci(lLiatVion and 9fTorngivNe$ness.","An older man sxandsoS in frJot of a 2hUlSboayd wK7h the w^r7s cuxeice, recoA4Vl+aeiok and fnrP2Aenexs.","An olrde man satdnngi in rfotn of a chalkboard iwht the orwds ujsitec, rcenocliiatino and ofgrievesns.","An old man standing in frn of a chalkr wt the wrd jtce, ciliaion and rivnes.","An OldER man StaNdIng In fROnt of a chalkboArD wIth tHE WordS JustIcE, reCONCilIAtIoN and fORgIVeness.","AAAAnnnn oooollllddddeeeerrrr mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa cccchhhhaaaallllkkkkbbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss jjjjuuuussssttttiiiicccceeee,,,, rrrreeeeccccoooonnnncccciiiilllliiiiaaaattttiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd ffffoooorrrrggggiiiivvvveeeennnneeeessssssss....","An older man standing in front 0f a c4alkboard 3it4 t4e 30rds justic3, r3c0nciliati0n and f0r9iven3ss.","An o lder mansta nding in f ront of ach alk boa r dwi th t h e w ords justic e, r econ ciliatio nand forgiven ess.",An olⅆ⋿𝖗 man stand𝓁ng in 𑢢𝚛on⟙ oẝ А 🝌Ꮒ𝔞l𝕂𝕭oarⅮ wit𝒉 𝔱he w𝝾𝗿ds 𝐣ust׀ce, rEcⲟnc˛li𝖆𖼊ion 𝗔nD f୦ꓣg𝑖v⋿ꓠess٠,"associate in nursing aged adult male abide in straw man of a blackboard with the give and take justice, rapprochement and forgiveness.",An older man standing front of the words reconciliation and,"An older man standing in with of a reconciliation front the words justice, chalkboard and forgiveness.","An one time older man standing one time in front mankind of a chalkboard with the words justice, reconciliation and one time forgiveness.","And oldes man standig is.... frot ow a chalkboard with the worlds justice, reconciliation anf forgiveness.","An older man standing in front of a chalkboard wiv tha words justice , reconciliation nd forgiveness .","An الاقدم man standing in front of a chalkboard amb the words justice, conciliació and forgiveness.","An older man standing in @dI5O8HCe front of a chalkboard with the words justice, reconciliation and forgiveness.","An older Mann standing in front of a chalkboard with the Words' justice, reconciliation and forgiveness.","An elderly man stands in front of a plaque with the words Justice, Reconciliation and Forgiveness.","An older man standing in the midst of a chalkboard with the words justice, reconciliation and pardon.","A man of advanced age, positioned in front of a chalkboard that bears the words justice, reconciliation, and forgiveness." 8395480,"Three signs pointing in different directions to the words job, career and work opportunity.","Thkee signs pointing in diffekent directions to the wokd8 job, cakeek and wokr opportunity.","Th5we eiNns OoUntJjg in dieBegeMt xirect&Lnx to the w)rdw job, Sa5Der and work opportunity.","T^hrepe signs pFoivnt_inyg in dFi8ffCereqnt dNiRrSecti6ons to the wyodrds job, career and w2orKk Yop^porTthunitby.","ThrrC Oigks p3mnVing in different dir)ctiTGo to the words job, ca@Fe) and w*Ak oiW3itunit3.","Trhee sisgn piotning in ifderfent directions to the owdrs job, acerre and wkor opportunity.","Tre ign inti in different drecns to the rds job, cae and work oprtut.","ThREe SIGns pOinTiNg iN DiFFerEnt directiONS To The wORDs jOb, CarEeR aNd WoRk OPporTuNity.","TTTThhhhrrrreeeeeeee ssssiiiiggggnnnnssss ppppooooiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ddddiiiirrrreeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss ttttoooo tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss jjjjoooobbbb,,,, ccccaaaarrrreeeeeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd wwwwoooorrrrkkkk ooooppppppppoooorrrrttttuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy....","Thr3e signs pointin9 in diff3r3nt directi0ns to t43 w0rds 706, car33r and 3ork 0pportunit4.","Thre e si gns p oin tingin di fferent di re cti ons to t he w o rds job, caree ra n d wo rk oppor tu nity.","⊤hrℰe 𝗦igns pointⅠn𝙜 in ꓒif𑢢erᎬ𝒩t d𝖎r𝐄⊂𝞣ions to th𝔈 𝙬oꮢds 𝑗Оb, car𝚬𝖤r aɴd wסrK o𝖯portuni𝕋y.","ternion signalise head in dissimilar focussing to the articulate job, vocation and piece of work opportunity.","pointing directions the words job, work","job, signs Three words different directions to the opportunity. pointing career and work in","Three signs pointing in different directions to the words word word job, steering career and calling work opportunity.","Three sings pointing ih diferents direction to th? words yob, career nd work opportunity.","Three signs pointing in different directions tuh tha words job , career nd wrk opportunity .","Three علامات pointing in भिन्न riktningar to the words job, carrera and 仕事 opportunity.","Three @9Ei2uhdv signs pointing in different directions to the words job, career and work opportunity.","Three Sines pointing Inn different directions to Thee Words' job, career and Werke opportunity.","Three signs pointing in different directions to the words job, career and work opportunity.","Three signs pointing in different directions to the words job, career and work opportunity.","The words job, career and work opportunity are indicated by three signs pointing in different directions." 5920138,The interior of a parliament chamber with several people sitting at their desks.,The interior of a pak1iament cham6ek with several people 8ittin9 at theik desks.,The inR33(or of a parliament chSmVe4 with segerSp people QittijY at tMeie deqIs.,The iLntge+riFor of a parklVi0ameqnt chamber with several ipCeoeple s9it$tinRg at $theiGr deMskms.,The @ntOkioJ of a 2arl@ament chamber wiQ* s@veWaO people bimtiDg at thm2r desks.,The ntireoir of a parliament cabhmer whit seevarl pepole siitntg at their desks.,The interior of a parlmt chamber it sval ppl sitting at tir dss.,ThE InTErior of a parlIameNT cHambEr wItH SevEraL PeOplE sitTiNG aT THeIR desKs.,TTTThhhheeee iiiinnnntttteeeerrrriiiioooorrrr ooooffff aaaa ppppaaaarrrrlllliiiiaaaammmmeeeennnntttt cccchhhhaaaammmmbbbbeeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh sssseeeevvvveeeerrrraaaallll ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr ddddeeeesssskkkkssss....,The interior 0f a parlia33nt cha363r wit4 s3veral p30pl3 sittin9 at t4eir d3sks.,Theinte riorofa par liame nt cham ber w ith se v er al peo p lesitting atth e i r de sks.,The 𝒊𝕹terioℜ of 𝔸 parliam℮𝛮t cha𝝡ber with 𝑺e𑢠𝓔ral ρ𝐸o𝜚le sittin𝒢 aᴛ ⟙Ꮒ𝐄ir d𝚬s𝑲s܂,The doi of a sevens bedroom with respective citizenry sit around at their desks.,The of a parliament chamber with several people sitting at,people interior desks. a parliament chamber with sitting The their at several of,The interior posture parliament of a inner parliament chamber with several people sitting at their fantan desks.,Than interior on a parliament chamber with sevaral pepeole seating at they's desks.,The interior of a parliament chamber wiv several pplz sitting at their desks .,The الداخلي of a संसद plenisalen with several people сидя at their desks.,@BREjthvL The interior of a parliament chamber with several people sitting at their desks.,Thee interior of a parliament chamber with several people sitting at their desks.,The interior of a parliamentary chamber where several people sit at their desks.,A chamber of several persons sitting at their desks.,A group of individuals occupying seats inside a parliament chamber. 3806131,"Ingredients for an appetizer including lemon, ham, cashews and dressing.","1n9kedient8 for an appeti2ek inc1odin9 lemon, ham, cashews and dke88in9.","Ingr#Fi4nhX for an apOeg&aer inc>kdiJF >ehon, ham, cQCh$ws and drWsq9Mg.","Ientg_redkiYents for an yappetviztewr ignKcal@uding 4lemSon, ham, ucassheUws and drZeis6s$ing.","9n3rep6entK for an 7pppti_#r LnclPAin@ lYSon, ham, casgjCs and d9eHsiLO.","Nirgedeints for an appteizer inculdign elmno, ham, scahwes and dsreisgn.","Igrens for an etizr incin emo, ham, ashs and rsin.","InGREdiEnts for an appEtizER iNClUDing lEmON, haM, CasHEWs And drEssinG.","IIIInnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr aaaannnn aaaappppppppeeeettttiiiizzzzeeeerrrr iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg lllleeeemmmmoooonnnn,,,, hhhhaaaammmm,,,, ccccaaaasssshhhheeeewwwwssss aaaannnndddd ddddrrrreeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg....","Ingredients f0r an app3tizer includin9 l330n, 4am, cas433s and dr3ssin9.","Ingr edie nts f oran ap petiz er incl udi ng le mon , h am , ca s hew s and dress in g . ","ꙇngᚱeᗪ𝘐ents 𐔥o𝒓 a𝛮 ᴀppEtiz𝝚r incꮮՍdi𝙽𝗴 𑢣𝕰mo𝒩, h𝜜m, cashew𝓼 𝒂ꓠꓓ 𝘥r𝙀𝚂sing꘎","fixings for an appetiser include lemon, ham, anacardium occidentale and dressing.","for appetizer including lemon, ham, cashews dressing.","Ingredients lemon, an dressing. including for ham, cashews and appetizer","let in let in cashew tree ingredient Ingredients for an appetizer including lemon, ham, cashews and dressing.","Ingredients aslo am apetizer incluing lenom, han, cashews and dressing.","Ingredients fo` an appetizer including lemon , ham , cashews nd dressing .","Ingredients لاجل an appetizer सहित lemon, ham, cashews and dressing.","Ingredients for an appetizer including lemon, ham, cashews and @ZI7xGtAo dressing.","Ingredients for an appetizer including lemon, Hamm, cashews and dressing.","Ingredients for a starter with lemon, ham, cashew nuts and dressing.","Ingredients for an appetizer, Including lemons, ham, cashews and dressing.","The starter consists of lemon, ham, cashews, and a dressing." 6014095,"Black and white illustrations of various objects including surfboards, palm trees, and surfers.","Black and white illustrations 0f vari0o8 06ject8 inc1odin9 surfboards, pa1m trees, and 8urfek8.","B>aci and white illuqttaG&oGe of varlo^C objects Onc;uSinF surfboards, papn t$eee, and su%f#rd.","Black and Lwwhite illuqstruaKtzixonns of various obFjJec*ts in5cblFudin2g suqrfbHonar5ds, pPahlm 4tArees, and surfers.","N3ack and whUt8 il2LsJXaniPns of various oc5Tcts including FBrtboar+s, eatm tSejs, and surfers.","Lbakc and hwtie iullstaritosn of various obejtsc niclduing surfboards, apml rtese, and surfers.","Blc and white llustri of aous ojcs including sufbas, palm res, and rfes.","BlACk AND whiTe IlLustRaTiONs Of Various oBJeCts inCluDINg sURFboaRds, paLM TrEES, aND SUrFers.","BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss ooooffff vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss oooobbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssuuuurrrrffffbbbbooooaaaarrrrddddssss,,,, ppppaaaallllmmmm ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ssssuuuurrrrffffeeeerrrrssss....","Black and white illustrati0ns 0f various 0673cts includin9 surfb0ards, pal3 tr33s, and surf3rs.","Blac k an d whi teillus trati ons ofvar io usobj e ct sincl u din g surfboard s, p almtrees, a nd surfers.","Black an𝘿 𝔀Ⲏ𝑖𝖙e 𝓲ꮮlus𝕿Ꮢati𑣗Ⲛs of varιoᴜs оbᎫe𝖼ts in𝓒lu𝖽𝐼ng sυrfb٥𐊠Rds, 𝑃alM 𝝉rEes٫ and Տ𝖀𝒓𐊇ers.","lightlessness and e b white instance of several physical object admit surfboards, medallion trees, and surfers.","Black white of objects including trees, and surfers.","Black trees, white including objects various of surfboards, illustrations palm and and surfers.","Black handle and white handle illustrations of various objects including surfboards, instance whiteness palm trees, and surfers.","Blck and whaite illustrations of variuos objets incliding surfboards, palm therees, andn surfers.","Black nd white illustrations of various objects including surfboards , palm trees , nd surfers .","Black وال white illustrations of various objects inclòs surfboards, palm trees, and surfers.","Black and white illustrations of various objects including surfboards, palm trees, and surfers. @e5DBrJcu","Black and Whyte illustrations of various objects including surfboards, Palme Trease, and surfers.","Black and white illustrations of various objects such as surfboards, palm trees and surfers.","Black and white illustrations of divers objects, Including surfboards, palm trees, and surfers.","Black and white representations of objects such as surfboards, palm trees, and surfers." 5393933,The man is standing in front of a white background wearing black pants and a floral shirt.,The man is 8tandin9 in fkunt of a white 6ackgkuond weakin9 61ack pant8 and a floral shirt.,The man is etaJdiHf in Brpnt of a #hitD bas, whiH4, gray and red patcT@oEU.","A cha%iJr w*igth Twpoo6den lpegLs and an o8raBnoge, ebluWe, black, Ewbhite, gray and red pa@t(cshzwork.","A Uha)r with po^ten legs and an 6rpnoe, bHZe, klacJ, wribe, gr6Z and red paYcIVGrk.","A chira whit wooedn legs and an raoneg, lbeu, black, hwiet, rgya and red aptcwhrko.","A chair with wen ls and an oae, bu, blk, wit, ga and red ptcwr.","A CHaiR With WooDen leGs aND aN oRange, BlUE, blacK, WHItE, GrAy and ReD PatChWoRk.","AAAA cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwooooooooddddeeeennnn lllleeeeggggssss aaaannnndddd aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee,,,, ggggrrrraaaayyyy aaaannnndddd rrrreeeedddd ppppaaaattttcccchhhhwwwwoooorrrrkkkk....","A chair with wo0d3n legs and an 0ran93, blu3, 6lack, w4it3, 9ra4 and r3d patc4w0rk.","A ch airwithwoo den l egs a nd an o ran ge , b lue , b la ck,w hit e, gray and r e d pat chwork.","𝒜 ch𝕒𑣃r w𐊊𝔗h wo𝖮𝒅e𝞜 legs 𝞪nd an oran𝔤eꓹ 𝜝ᒪuᴇ, b𐔦aℭ𝖪, whⅈte٫ 𝔤Ꭱa𝒀 aΝԁ 𝓻𝙀d p𝙰tc𝗁w۵r𝑲.","angstrom unit death chair with wooden ramification and an orange, blue, black, white, thomas gray and reddish patchwork.","chair with wooden legs and an blue, black, white, gray and red","wooden and with A legs and an orange, chair blue, white, gray black, red patchwork.","A scarlet chair with wooden ampere legs and an orange, blue, black, white, gray hoary and red peg patchwork.","A chiars witj wooden legs et an orande, Blues, dack, white, gary and read patchwork.","A chair wiv wooden legs nd an orange , blu , blk , white , gray nd red patchwork .","A كرسي with wooden पैरों och an orange, blue, black, white, gray and 赤色 patchwork.","A chair with wooden legs and an orange, blue, black, white, @mVmv4szn gray and red patchwork.","A chair with wooden L'Eggs and 'N orange, blue, black, Whyte, Graye and red patchwork.","A chair with wooden legs and an orange, blue, black, white, grey and red patchwork.","A chair with wooden legs and an orange, blue, black, white, gray and red patchwork.","An orange, blue, black, white, gray, and red color scheme is reflected in the wooden-leg chair." 1854574,Black and white photograph of people riding motorcycles in front of a shopping center.,Black and white photograph of people kidin9 motorcycles in fk0nt of a 8h0ppin9 centek.,Black and ehit# photograph of pf0lle riV&nh motoGFHcl$x in C3ont of a dhippUjg center.,Black and Uwhit(e pPhot!ogyrapTh of UpZeopPle riding moitoOrjcnyckles in front of a 9s^hoppwiRng cenhtyeWr.,Black and whiAM photograph of M+opHe riding m&torc9cKex in f1^nt of a s)opBiWJ ceTt1y.,Lbakc and wihet photograph of epolep riding motorcycles in frnto of a shopping ecnter.,lak and wie hogaph of people rdi mtryls in front of a shopping cnt.,BlACk AND whiTe PhOtogRaPh Of PeoPle ridiNG mOtoRcyclES IN fRONt oF A shOpPiNG Center.,BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee pppphhhhoooottttooooggggrrrraaaapppphhhh ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee rrrriiiiddddiiiinnnngggg mmmmoooottttoooorrrrccccyyyycccclllleeeessss iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa sssshhhhooooppppppppiiiinnnngggg cccceeeennnntttteeeerrrr....,Black and w4ite phot09rap4 of p3opl3 ridin9 m0t0rc4cl3s in fr0nt 0f a s4oppin9 cent3r.,Blac k an d whi tephoto graph of peo ple r idi ngm ot or cycl e s i n front ofas h oppi ng cente r. ,𝞑lac𝕂 𝙖nd wh𝗂tE 𝒫𝝜otogr𝘼𝔭h of 𝘱𝓔𝙾pꮮe rid𝐼ոg 𐊰o𐊱o𝓻𝓬yclᴇ𝐒 in frοn𝙏 𝜪f a 𝘀hoPpi𝔑G cen𝞃er۰,contraband and t h white pic of masses free bike in look of a patronize center.,and white of people riding motorcycles of a shopping,Black of front photograph center. people riding motorcycles in white of a and shopping,Black and white photograph whiteness of people riding motorcycles in snap front of a shopping picnic whiteness center.,Blak and waith photograph oft peolples reading motocycles in front of a shopping center.,Black nd white photograph of pplz riding motorcycles in front of a shopping center .,Black وال white photograph of people muntant motorcycles in фронт of a shopping center.,@aMtUQZ48 Black and white photograph of people riding motorcycles in front of a shopping center.,Black and Whyte photograph of people riding motorcycles in front of a shopping center.,Black and white photo of people on motorcycles in front of a mall.,Black and white photograph of people riding on motorcycles in front of a shopping center.,A black and white image of motorcycle riders parked in front of a shopping center. 12442875,"Two men sitting at a table with drinks and one has the words, I run workout, I don't smoke, only drink in preparation.","Two men sitting at a table with drinks and one has the wokd8, 1 kon wurroot, I don ' t smoke, 0n1y drink in pkepakatiun.","Two men sit68ny at a 4zble 1itB drih.Q and one has the Akrds, I run woDIoht, I don ' t smoJW, oMlt drUJk in pr#(ata5ioh.","Two men sitt^iLn4g at a mtjable EwiTth drBiJntks and one has the wTord7s, I run woerxkjout, I don ' t s4mokfe, Konl(y xd^rink in @pKrjeparatiMoan.","Two men sAOtiPg at a tkblk wrvh onqnks and one has the &ordp, I run wlrloNt, I don ' t smFoe, oDBy drtnp in prTpVOapiov.","Two men stiitgn at a atbel itwh drnsik and one has the owdrs, I run oworkut, I don ' t mskoe, nloy drink in perpriaaton.","Two men itng at a ale th rns and one has the wos, I run orut, I don ' t mok, nl ink in preran.","TwO meN SiTTiNg At a tAbLe WitH dRinks and OnE hAs The wOrds, I run WorKoUT, I don't SMokE, onLY dRInk in prePArATion.","TTTTwwwwoooo mmmmeeeennnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt aaaa ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh ddddrrrriiiinnnnkkkkssss aaaannnndddd oooonnnneeee hhhhaaaassss tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss,,,, IIII rrrruuuunnnn wwwwoooorrrrkkkkoooouuuutttt,,,, IIII ddddoooonnnn''''tttt ssssmmmmooookkkkeeee,,,, oooonnnnllllyyyy ddddrrrriiiinnnnkkkk iiiinnnn pppprrrreeeeppppaaaarrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn....","Two 3en sitting at a tabl3 3it4 drinks and one 4as t43 3ords, 1 run 3ork0ut, 1 d0n't s30k3, 0nl4 drink in pr3parati0n.","Twomensitti ngat atable with d rin ks an d o n eha s th e wo rds, I runwo r k out, I don't s moke, only d rinkin pr ep a ra tion. ","𝘵wo 𝜧e𝗡 𝒔itⲦl𝔑g at a t𝚊ble with ԁrℓ𝛮ks 𝓪𝘕𝕕 ﮩnⴹ hᎪ𝒔 t𝗛⋿ 𑜎ord𑣁٫ I ℝun 𝗐𝜊𐒴K𑣈ut, I do𝗡'T Ꮪmo𝓀e, ﮩ𝚗Ⳑy ꓒ𝚛i𝗻k 𝖨n preparatio𝚴.","deuce humankind posing at a hold over with fuddle and i has the words, iodin scat workout, iodin don't smoke, only drinking in preparation.","Two men at a drinks and the run workout, only preparation.","Two men sitting drink a table words, drinks and one has the with I workout, at I don't smoke, only run in preparation.","Two men sitting postpone at a table with drinks and one has the words, I run workout, I don't smoke, only drink in preparation.","Two men sitting at de table woth drinks et oun has the worlds, I run workout, I don ' at somke, onle drink nin preperation.","Two men sitting at a table wiv drinks nd one has tha words , I run workout , I do n't smoke , only drink in preparation .","Two رجال sitting at a table with begudes and one имеет the words, I اهرب workout, I don't smoke, bakarrik trinkt in preparation.","Two men @nWOitFiA sitting at a table with drinks and one has the words, I run workout, I don't smoke, only drink in preparation.","Tue Menne sitting at a table with drinks and one has the words, I. run workout, Ay don't Smoak, only drink Inn preparation.","Two men are sitting at a table with drinks and one of them says: I do a workout, I don't smoke, I only drink in preparation.","Two men sitting at a table with drinks and one hath the words, I run my workout, I do not smoke, but drink in preparation.","A table is occupied by two men, one of them with drinks on hand, while the other has the statement ""I'm not smoking, I drink to prepare for running.""" 3191590,"Two people sitting on the edge of a cliff with text that reads, ""Sunset,"" every time local and foreign.","Two peup1e sitting un the edge uf a cliff with text that reads, "" Sunset, "" every time local and foreign.","Two oel0le WjttJng on the edge of a s.iff with yex5 6hzt rwwds, "" Sunqwr, "" eFer7 time iyy, and baAt 2D pfocwsslmg & vLdhalizXtlKn for hr","An iymatge wIit6h the Cw%ords pr2ofdessioBnoa8l, h)igJh quality, and sfSast 2D proOce4ssKiong & xvvicsbuaglOization for hr","An im2pe wLtF the goQds prK$Dnsio$al, high q^Glixy, and Q5st 2D preceRsiPe & 8hsPWlizE5ion for hr","An iameg with the wrdos prfosseinaol, ighh uqalyit, and asft 2D prcoessign & visuailatzino for hr","An mae it the ods roeonal, gh ualt, and fast 2D cessig & valiaio for hr","An ImaGE with thE WordS PrOFesSioNal, high QuAliTy, aND Fast 2D prOcEssIng & vISUAliZATioN fOr hR","AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss pppprrrrooooffffeeeessssssssiiiioooonnnnaaaallll,,,, hhhhiiiigggghhhh qqqquuuuaaaalllliiiittttyyyy,,,, aaaannnndddd ffffaaaasssstttt 2222DDDD pppprrrroooocccceeeessssssssiiiinnnngggg &&&& vvvviiiissssuuuuaaaalllliiiizzzzaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ffffoooorrrr hhhhrrrr","An image with t43 w0rds pr0f3ssi0nal, hi9h qualit4, and fast 20 pr0c3ssin9 & visualizati0n for 4r","An i mage with th e wor ds pr ofessio nal ,hig h q u al it y, a n d f ast 2D proc es s i ng & visuali za tion for hr","A𝑵 imꓮ𝒢ⴹ wן𝞣Н 𝘁Ⲏe 𝖶ords 𝙿ℛסf𝑬s𝘴ioռa𐔦, h𝞘𝙜h quaꓡi𐊱y, 𝓪nd fꓮst 2ԁ pro𝗖essⵏnꮐ & visuaᏞizaT𝐈on for hʀ","associate in nursing figure of speech with the parole professional, richly quality, and degraded second sue & visualisation for hour","An with the high quality, and fast 2D processing","An image with and words professional, the quality, visualization fast & processing 2D high for hr","An word visualisation word image with the richly words professional, high quality, and fast 2D processing & visualization for hr","An image with They works profisional, haight guality, and fastly 2D prossesing & visualization for hour.","An image wiv tha words pro , high quality , nd fst 2D processing & visualization fo` hr","An الصورة with the words professional, höga quality, and fast 2D tramitació & visualization for hr","An image with the words professional, high quality, and fast 2D @j8BVJtms processing & visualization for hr","An image with Thee Word'S professional, high quality, and fast 2D processing & visualization for hr","A picture with the words professional, high quality and fast 2D processing & visualization for hr","An image with the words professional, high quality, and fast 2D processing & visualization for hr’s sake.",A professional-grade image with high quality and rapid 2D processing and visualization for HR purposes. 1656145,"Various icons in blue and white for environmental, social, environment, and energy.","Variuo8 icun8 in blue and white for environmental, 8ucia1, environment, and energy.","dArjous iDKns in glHe and whig@ for environmental, soF(sl, envi4*gotbuBg and aXsesXoDiec 8Hclud7jg fiots, hat, Fafipac>, heine4, and hl9vec.","An aKss2obrtIment of iclGothCinRg and PaccesJs*ori7eds vinclDudai&ng bosoSts, hat, bjackpOa+c0k, hYe*lmeZt, and gdlogv8es.","An asr1rtm1nx of RlQThPng and accFS1orLes ixtluiPng bogt^, hat, bEck56c5, 2ezmst, and Fcove9.","An sasotrment of cloitghn and cacessroesi cinlduign boost, hat, acbpkakc, ehmelt, and lgoves.","An srment of cohi and aesois nludi bot, hat, bacc, hle, and los.","An AssORTment of cLothInG ANd AccEssories INcLudIng bOoTS, HAT, baCkPacK, heLMEt, And gloves.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff ccccllllooootttthhhhiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, hhhhaaaatttt,,,, bbbbaaaacccckkkkppppaaaacccckkkk,,,, hhhheeeellllmmmmeeeetttt,,,, aaaannnndddd gggglllloooovvvveeeessss....","An assortment of clot4in9 and access0ri3s includin9 6o0ts, hat, 6ackpack, 43l33t, and 9lov3s.","An a ssor tment of clot hingand acc ess or ies in c lu di ng b o ots , hat, back pa c k , he lmet, an dgloves.","An ꓮsso𝘳tme𝞜t oſ cꮮ𝖔𝞃hi𝙉g aN𝚍 acⅭess๐ri𝗘s Ꭵ𝒏𐔜ᒪud𝖨ng boo𝒯Տ, h𝝰𑢼؍ bac𝕶𝟈ac𝚱, heⳐme𝐓, aɴd 𝐺l𑢵ve𝓈.","associate in nursing motley of article of clothing and accouterment admit boots, hat, backpack, helmet, and gloves.","of clothing and accessories including boots, backpack, helmet, gloves.","An assortment and clothing and accessories helmet, of including backpack, hat, boots, gloves.","adjunct An assortment adjunct of clothing let in and accessories including boots, hat, accessory backpack, helmet, and gloves.","And assortiment fo clothing AND accessories include bots, hart, packbak, helmet, and gloves.","An assortment of clothing nd accessories including boots , hat , backpack , helmet , nd gloves .","An تشكيلة of clothing and accessories inclòs boots, hat, backpack, helmet, and gloves.","An assortment of clothing @G4TZj1fH and accessories including boots, hat, backpack, helmet, and gloves.","An assortment of clothing and accessories including Bootz, hat, backpack, Helmut, and gloves.","A selection of clothing and accessories such as boots, cap, backpack, helmet and gloves.","An assortment of apparel and accessories, Including boots, hats, and rucksacks.","boots, hat, backpack, helmet and gloves." 11349742,"Young woman stretching on the running track at the stadium, sports athlete, athletic training, run runner smiling.","Yuun9 wuman stretching 0n the running tkacr at the 8tadiom, sports ath1ete, athletic tkainin9, run konnek smiling.","Yoknf woman stretching on the rHnnlJg teaVk at the sFSdiu,, eporGw ayhlrRe, XHJlegic f%aiH9ng, run runner wmio8ng.","@You%ng jwoXman stretching on the running 9trac)k at the s)txadYium, sGp7ort)s aZth5lewte, saTthloeti!c t8ra1iZnineg, run xrbun8ner smiling.","#oung woms5 !%reNshing on the iunnYn9 tKatk at the stadium, F#or_s athlete, XA4letIc aEain1Fg, run rCMn5r smiling.","Oyugn woman strectingh on the running tarkc at the stdiamu, soptsr thaleet, atlhecit training, run runnre smilnig.","Yug woman strthg on the runi rck at the sium, sports atte, athletic rani, run ner smin.","YoUNg WOMaN sTreTcHing oN THe RunNing track aT tHe StaDium, SPOrts aThlEtE, AthletIc tRaiNING, run RunNer Smiling.","YYYYoooouuuunnnngggg wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssttttrrrreeeettttcccchhhhiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn tttthhhheeee rrrruuuunnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg ttttrrrraaaacccckkkk aaaatttt tttthhhheeee ssssttttaaaaddddiiiiuuuummmm,,,, ssssppppoooorrrrttttssss aaaatttthhhhlllleeeetttteeee,,,, aaaatttthhhhlllleeeettttiiiicccc ttttrrrraaaaiiiinnnniiiinnnngggg,,,, rrrruuuunnnn rrrruuuunnnnnnnneeeerrrr ssssmmmmiiiilllliiiinnnngggg....","Young woman stretc4in9 on th3 runnin9 track at t4e stadiu3, sp0rts athl3t3, at4l3tic trainin9, run runn3r smilin9.","Youn g wo man s tre tchin g onthe run nin gtra cka tth e st a diu m, sports a th l e te,athletic t raining, run runn er sm il i ng .","Young ɯ𝚘ma𝕹 stretchi𝓝g on the runⲚi𝖓𝐺 Ⲧ𝓇𝕒ck at 𝑻𝙝е 𝘴tadium, s𝛠𝜊𝗿t𝓈 ɑthlete, a𝗧ᕼ𑢣etic trai𝛮ing, 𝘳𝓊n r𐓎n𝛮Εr 𝒔𝝡il𝓵ng.","danton true young womanhood stretch out on the ladder rails at the stadium, feature athlete, acrobatic training, flow contrabandist smiling.","Young woman stretching the at the sports athlete, training, run smiling.","at woman stretching on the running track run the stadium, athletic athlete, sports training, smiling. runner Young","Young woman stretching on the running acrobatic charwoman track at the stadium, melt sports athlete, gymnastic athletic training, run runner smiling.","Young woman stretching an tle rvnning track ao che stadium, sports athlet, atletlic traning, run runner smalling.","Young woman stretching on tha running track at tha stadium , sports athlete , athletic training , run runner smiling .","Young المراة stretching on the running track at the stadium, sports athlete, спортивный training, run runner smiling.","Young woman stretching on the running track at the stadium, sports athlete, @MuhtFafB athletic training, run runner smiling.","Yung woman stretching on the running Trac at the stadium, sports athlete, athletic training, run runner smiling.","Young woman stretching on the running track in the stadium, athlete, athletics coach, runner smiling.","Young lady stretching on the running-track at the stadium, sportsman, Athletic training, run-runner smiling.","Athletic training, smiling young woman stretching on the running track at the stadium." 2982627,"The rock driving in his car with text that says, What is your favorite thing about school standardized testing?","The rock driving in his cak with text that 8ay8, What is yook fav0kite thing abuot 8chuul standardized testing?","The 3oVk c4uving in his car 3itN Fexy that says, Whz6 is yoJD favorite thing zbo7t school QtaJXaFdKzed 6RsFing?","The Krpock Pd%riv0ing in his car ewi8th 7tPext pt@hat _s7ays, ZWhaOt is y#oWur favo!rRintme thing about school standardized testing?","The roAo driving in his car wipo text that says, WHZt is Jokr frvbrgt6 thing a3ou$ VGhooT s%9q*ardizei teso1ng?","The rkoc driving in his car with ettx htta says, Hawt is oyru farvtoie thing bauot school satnadrdizde tsteign?","The rk driving in his car wt tx tt says, What is yo orie thi bou school sandade testing?","ThE roCK dRivIng iN hiS CaR wiTh Text that SaYs, WhAT Is yoUR fAvorite thINg aBout scHOol STAndARdiZed teSTing?","TTTThhhheeee rrrroooocccckkkk ddddrrrriiiivvvviiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn hhhhiiiissss ccccaaaarrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss,,,, WWWWhhhhaaaatttt iiiissss yyyyoooouuuurrrr ffffaaaavvvvoooorrrriiiitttteeee tttthhhhiiiinnnngggg aaaabbbboooouuuutttt sssscccchhhhoooooooollll ssssttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrddddiiiizzzzeeeedddd tttteeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg????","Th3 rock driving in his car 3it4 t3xt that sa4s, What is 40ur favorit3 t4in9 a60ut sc40ol standardiz3d testin9?","Therock driv ing in h is ca r withtex ttha t s a ys ,What isyour favori te t hing about s ch ool standard izedte s ti ng ? ",ᴛhe ⲅo𝗰𝐤 dr𐌉vinᶃ in h׀s c𝝰r 𝑾i𝒯h t𝜠xt 𖼊hat 𝘚a𝚢sꓹ Wh𝐚𐌕 𝟙s yﮧu𝗿 faⴸەriᎢe 𝘵h𝜄nℊ about s⸦h𝓞ol 𐑈ta𝓷daᎡ𝐷iz𝜠d 𐊱ꓰ𝗌ting?,"The shake beat back in his machine with school text that says, What is your best loved affair about school day interchangeable testing?","The rock driving in his car says, What your favorite about standardized","The with his in says, car favorite text that driving What is your rock thing about school standardized testing?","favored The rock driving in his car with text that says, What interchangeable is your favorite thing about schoolbook school schoolbook standardized testing?","Tho rock driving in his care was text that sais, Whath ia You're favorite thing sbout school standardized testing?","The roxxor driving in his car wiv txt tht sez , wht tis yur fave thing bowt skwl standardized testing ?","The الروك driving in उसकी bil with text that says, What is your favorite thing about school standardized testing?","The rock driving in his car with text @UaOZMzkZ that says, What is your favorite thing about school standardized testing?","Thee Rocque driving Inn his Kahr with text that says, What is your favorite thing about school standardized testing?",The rock who drives in his car with a text saying: What's your favourite piece of standardised testing at school?,"The rock driving in his car with text that says, What is your most beloved thing in school standardized testing?","What is your favorite aspect of school standardized tests, as indicated by a text message that stops the rock in his car?" 10087194,An election candidate addresses to the media at a press conference in front of a banner with the words.,An election candidate addresses to the media at a press cunfekence in front uf a banner with the w0kds.,An election candidate add%WqseZ to the kwdia at a pr3sW cpJeer@nce in eronR of a HaGneg Eitj the #Irds.,An AelFePctiIon 9cGandiWdatye atddres8szeqs to the 2mBedia at a pHrCess Mco3n!ferHence in Efrojnt of a banner with the wcorqds.,An IlVGtiol WGndiMatj bddd!ssKs to the media at a press ce2Oeren9e in f2qnt of a kanMeR Qit% the FQrds.,An eetclion caniddaet addresses to the dmeia at a perss ocnefrence in frton of a abnrne with the owdrs.,An lcti candidate aress to the med at a pre onfece in fro of a banner wt the ors.,An EleCTIon cAndIdAte AdDrESseS tO the mediA At A pResS ConFEREnce in fRoNT Of a bAnNEr wITh thE wOrds.,AAAAnnnn eeeelllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ccccaaaannnnddddiiiiddddaaaatttteeee aaaaddddddddrrrreeeesssssssseeeessss ttttoooo tttthhhheeee mmmmeeeeddddiiiiaaaa aaaatttt aaaa pppprrrreeeessssssss ccccoooonnnnffffeeeerrrreeeennnncccceeee iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa bbbbaaaannnnnnnneeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss....,An el3ction candidate address3s t0 t4e 33dia at a pr3ss c0nfer3nc3 in front 0f a 6ann3r 3it4 th3 w0rds.,An e lect ion c and idate addr esses t o t he me dia at a pre s s c onference i nf r ontof a ban ne r with the w ords. ,An eꮮ𐊆ϲtiଠ𝐧 candid𝜶𝒯e 𝙖ddrℯsse𝘚 to the meԁia at a 𝗽𐒴ess co𝙣ẝeгence in f𝚛𝕆nt of 𝘢 b𝝖nner wⲒtꮋ 𖼊he w𐊒𖼵dᏕ.,an election campaigner accost to the spiritualist at a contract league in forepart of a streamer with the words.,An election candidate to the at a press conference in front of banner with,An election press addresses a candidate media at to the conference in front words. a banner with the of,sensitive An election candidate straw man addresses to the media at a campaigner press address conference in front of a banner with the words.,And ellection candidat adresses to the madia at g press conference in front of a banner wihh the worlds.,An election candidate addresses tuh tha media at a press conference in front of a bnr wiv tha words .,An انتخابات candidate addresses to the mitjans at a нажать conference in front of a banner with the words.,An election candidate addresses to the media at a press conference in front of a banner with the words. @HS75YTPe,An election candidate addresses to Thee media at a Presse conference in front of a banner with Thee Words'.,A candidate addresses the media during a press conference in front of a banner.,"An election-day speech is made to the press by a candidate, and the banner is hung with the words.","During a press conference, an election contender speaks to the media in front of their signature banner." 6195161,Female scientist standing in front of a blackboard with formulas stock photo.,Female 8cienti8t 8tandin9 in front 0f a blackboard with fokmo1a8 stock ph0t0.,FrKal# sF&SJtist stZnsUmg in frLnh of a G.ackGkard with formulas sHlck photo.,Female EsTcieMnt+ist standing in f!ro%nt of a blackboard uwiith rfoDrmulvams s2toyck *pghoto.,Female scJTnTisJ st6Ldi3L in front of a ccackb@a8d h0th fSrjuleY stock ph4te.,Female scientist satdngin in rofnt of a lbackoabdr with forulsma tscok photo.,Female setit saig in fro of a blackboard wi orml stock oto.,FemALe Scientist standIng IN fRonT of A bLACkBoaRd wITH ForMULAs stoCK pHoTo.,FFFFeeeemmmmaaaalllleeee sssscccciiiieeeennnnttttiiiisssstttt ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa bbbbllllaaaacccckkkkbbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh ffffoooorrrrmmmmuuuullllaaaassss ssssttttoooocccckkkk pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,Female scientist standin9 in fr0nt of a 6lack60ard 3it4 for3ulas st0ck p40t0.,Fema le s cient ist stan dingin fron t o fa b lac k bo ar d wi t h f ormulas sto ck p hoto .,Female 𝒮cاꓰ𝓷𐊱ist ꜱt𝐴n𝕯ꙇng اn F𝔯ont o𐔥 a 𝗕l𝘈ℂkb𝜊aℝd w𝔦th 𐊥oᴦΜul𝝰s 𝖘𝖙ock pꓧotﮬ.,female scientist put up in forepart of a chalkboard with convention pedigree photo.,scientist standing front of formulas,formulas scientist blackboard with front of a standing Female in stock photo.,Female scientist standing in straw man front of stemma a convention blackboard with formulas stock convening photo.,Famle sicentist stading ith front on a blackboard with formulas stock Foto.,Female scientist standing in front of a blackboard wiv formulas stock photo .,Female العالم standing in अग्र of a pissarra with formulas акции photo.,Female scientist standing in front of a blackboard with @KPeXYnET formulas stock photo.,Female scientist standing Inn front of a blackboard with formulas Stocke Fauteux.,Female scientists stand in front of a blackboard with formulas.,Female scientist standing in front of a blackboard with formulas stock photo.,Scientist female posing in front of a blackboard with formulas stock photo. 1371576,"The wise and correct course is to destroy those who have already secured success, but to create conditions under which everyone will always have better chance to be successful.","The wi8e and correct cuuk8e is to de8tk0y th08e who have already secured socce88, but to create conditions under which everyone will always have 6ettek chance to be successful.","The wUce and correct v(&rse is to Xeat%oy ty9se who have already secured susFesw, but to c3exfe conditions under 1h8ch everyone Eil? Wl2qys have better chSgse to be successful.","The wise and Qcor8recpt ccOo8urse is to destroy those who +hOave already secured success, but to create zcoxnQdition)s unvd8er which 3ever!yBon7e Mwil8l avlQwaVys hoa)ve better chance to be s5ucces%suf&ul.","The wX9e and correct Jourch is to EebtKoy Noose who fav) alxeS7y secured suy5!ss, but to create conditions under which everyone gila al0iyY have better ccaAcD to be successful.","The iwes and ocrertc ucores is to destroy htsoe who have already secured usccess, but to create conditions nudre hwcih everyone will awalsy have better chance to be successful.","The wise and oect cre is to destroy tse who have already sece ccss, but to cet condts under which everyone will awy have ter hne to be successful.","ThE WIsE and corReCT cOuRsE is to desTroY thOSe who haVE alREADY sEcureD sUccess, but To CreATe CONdiTioNs UNdER WhiCh eveRyONE wiLl aLwAys have bEttEr cHanCE To Be sUccessfUl.","TTTThhhheeee wwwwiiiisssseeee aaaannnndddd ccccoooorrrrrrrreeeecccctttt ccccoooouuuurrrrsssseeee iiiissss ttttoooo ddddeeeessssttttrrrrooooyyyy tttthhhhoooosssseeee wwwwhhhhoooo hhhhaaaavvvveeee aaaallllrrrreeeeaaaaddddyyyy sssseeeeccccuuuurrrreeeedddd ssssuuuucccccccceeeessssssss,,,, bbbbuuuutttt ttttoooo ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee ccccoooonnnnddddiiiittttiiiioooonnnnssss uuuunnnnddddeeeerrrr wwwwhhhhiiiicccchhhh eeeevvvveeeerrrryyyyoooonnnneeee wwwwiiiillllllll aaaallllwwwwaaaayyyyssss hhhhaaaavvvveeee bbbbeeeetttttttteeeerrrr cccchhhhaaaannnncccceeee ttttoooo bbbbeeee ssssuuuucccccccceeeessssssssffffuuuullll....","7he wis3 and c0rrect course is to d3stroy t40s3 34o have alr3ad4 s3cur3d succ3ss, 6ut t0 cr3ate c0nditi0ns und3r 34ich 3v3ry0n3 3ill alwa4s 4av3 63tter c4anc3 to b3 succ3ssful.","Thewise andcor rectcours e is to de st roy th o se w ho h a vealready sec ur e d suc cess, bu tto create co nditi on s u nd e rwhich eve r yo n ew i llal w a ys ha v eb ette r c han c e t o bes uc ce ss f u l .","The wise 𝗮n𝕕 ℂہꮢ𝒓𝗘ct coᴜrse is to 𝘿ⅇ𝐒𝑡ℛﮧ𝘆 𝞣hoᏚe wh𑣗 н𝚊ve aⅬrᎬadγ ᏚᎬc𝞾red s𝚄cc𝖤ss, bυ𝒯 to ℭℝEate 𐌂onDɩt𝗶σnƽ undЕᴦ ԝ𝖧ich everyon𝝚 wiⳐL 𝖠lᴡ𝚨y𝔰 have be𝜯ter Сhance ⊤૦ 𝔅ҽ sυ𝖼cеss𐊥ul.","The stephen samuel wise and objurgate course of study is to put down those who have already insure success, but to make discipline under which everyone will invariably have beneficial take a chance to be successful.","The and correct course destroy who already secured success, but to create conditions under which have chance to be successful.","The create and correct course is to destroy those who have already secured success, but to wise conditions under always everyone will which have to chance be better successful.","The wise sassy and correct course is to destroy those course of instruction who have already secured success, but to create improve conditions under which everyone will adjust always have better chance to be successful.","The wisd als correct course is to destroy thoes Whon havet already protectability success, but to create conditions under which everyone will amways have better change to by sucessuful.","The wise nd correct course tis tuh destroy those who hve already secured success , but tuh create conditions under which every1 wl always hve btr chance tuh b3 successful .","The حكيم and correct course is to уничтожать those who иметь already secured success, ولكن to create förhållanden unter which όλοι 將 always have better 機會 to be successful.","The wise and correct course is to destroy those who have already secured success, but to create conditions under which everyone will @pIAZMUq9 always have better chance to be successful.","Thee Y.'S and correct Coarse is to destroy those Hoo have already secured success, Butt to create conditions under which everyone will always have Bettor chance to Bee successful.","The wise and correct course is to destroy those who have already secured success, but to create conditions in which everyone will have an ever better chance of success.","The wise and proper course is to destroy those that have already secured success, But to create conditions under which all may always Have better chance to succeed.","It is advisable to eliminate those who have already achieved success, but creating conditions that will increase the chances of success for all." 8778759,People sitting in chairs with the words improving performance by creating a sense of belonging in the workplace.,People sitting in chairs with the wokd8 improving pekfukmance by creating a sense of belonging in the w0krp1ace.,People sLrtiGg in cBaUrC @i6h the aorda (m0r9ding )erflrjaMc$ by creating a sdnae of HFlonviHg in the workplace.,Pbeotpl^e shitt(i4ng in chairs LwiUth the words iumpNrovTi9ng performance by 5crqeat+i+ng a srens7e of RbnelRonVging in the w$orzkzplalce.,vsaple s4tten& in hZairy with the nordA 2mGrovhGg performance by creating a senWQ of be_oagiug in the ^or@pqape.,Peolpe sititng in cahrsi with the words imvpriong performance by creating a sense of boelingng in the owrpklace.,eop siin in chi with the words rovig fomanc by crin a ens of belonging in the wplac.,PeOPle SItTInG iN ChaiRs wITh The words impRoVinG pErfOrManCE BY cReAtiNg A seNse Of beloNGING iN thE workPlace.,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrrssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss iiiimmmmpppprrrroooovvvviiiinnnngggg ppppeeeerrrrffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaannnncccceeee bbbbyyyy ccccrrrreeeeaaaattttiiiinnnngggg aaaa sssseeeennnnsssseeee ooooffff bbbbeeeelllloooonnnnggggiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrkkkkppppllllaaaacccceeee....,People sittin9 in chairs with th3 30rds improving p3rf0r3anc3 b4 cr3atin9 a sens3 of 63l0n9in9 in t43 w0rkplac3.,Peop le s ittin g i n cha irs w ith the wo rd s i mpr o vi ng per f orm ance by cre at i n g asense of b elonging inthe w or k pl ac e .,P⋿o𝙋l𝑬 sⲒt𝘁ꭵ𝔫g in 𝖢ℎair𝑺 wit𝜢 tℍe 𝘞𝟘𝚛d𑣁 i𝓜prov𝛊ng 𝚙er𑣂०𝓻m𝒂𐔓c⋿ by c𝚛eatin𝔊 𝕒 𐊖e𝜨sꭼ of 𝔹Εᒪon𝕘i𝑛g in 𝚝h𝙴 w𝐨rᛕpl𝖆𝔠𝖤.,the great unwashed sit around in electric chair with the holy scripture amend operation by make a good sense of go in the workplace.,People in chairs the improving by creating of belonging in the,People sitting in a with the in improving performance by creating chairs words sense belonging of the workplace.,People sitting in chairs with the words improving signified word performance by creating a sense of belonging in the chairman good book workplace.,People site in chairs with the qwords emproving perfermonce bye! criating a senso of belonging in the workspaces.,People sitting in chairs wiv tha words improving performance by creating a sense of belonging in tha workplace .,People الجلوس in chairs with the paraules improving performance by creant a sense of الانتماء in de workplace.,People sitting in chairs with the words @T1EpPM1R improving performance by creating a sense of belonging in the workplace.,People sitting Inn chairs with Thee Word'S improving performance Bae creating a sense of belonging Inn the workplace.,"People sitting on chairs bearing the words ""Improve performance by creating a sense of belonging in the workplace.""",People sitting in chairs with the words improving performance by creating a sense of belonging in the workplace.,People in chairs with the phrase enhancing performance by creating a sense of belongingness in the workplace. 4939010,"An assortment of rubber parts including washers, rings and other accessories.","An a88uktment of ro66er parts including washers, king8 and uthek acce880kie8.","An ass0r4k$nt of rubber osrts inX<7dKng washers, riBge and o6he# wcdeweorieq.","An hassPorDtmen9t of rubber Ypaerts incslXugdi!ng wacsh)eris, Jrin9gs and other DacXces4soar6ies.","An assortment of t!bXer parTa including wglhess, rinuy and Jt%er r3&essgrNes.","An asrsotmnet of rubber prast inculdign wasrhse, rings and other accsseroeis.","An assmen of rbe pat including whes, ris and ohe accessories.","An ASsORtment of rubbeR paRTs IncLUdinG wASHeRs, rInGS aNd OTHEr accESSoRiEs.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff rrrruuuubbbbbbbbeeeerrrr ppppaaaarrrrttttssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg wwwwaaaasssshhhheeeerrrrssss,,,, rrrriiiinnnnggggssss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","An assortment 0f ru6b3r parts including 3ash3rs, rings and ot43r acc3ss0ri3s.","An a ssor tment of rubb er pa rts inc lud in g w ash e rs ,ring s an d other acc es s o ries .","𝗔n assor𝕿me𝗻𝘵 o𐊥 ℜ𝓾Bbⅇ𐒴 p𝔞rтs i𝑵clU𝚍iℕg washers, rinꮐs aN𝓭 𝝈ther 𝓪cce𝒔𝗌ჿries.","an compartmentalization of rubberise part admit washers, pack and other accessories.","rubber parts including washers, rings and other accessories.","including accessories. of rubber washers, An parts and rings other assortment","An assortment reverberate of rubber potpourri parts including pastiche washers, rings medley and other accessories.","And assortment oh robber partners incuding washers, rings and other accessaries.","An assortment of rubber parts including washers , rings nd other accessories .","An تشكيلة of rubber parts including washers, rings and other accessories.","An assortment of rubber parts @2KFDY8UD including washers, rings and other accessories.","An assortment of rubber Part'S including washers, Ring'S and Uther accessories.","A range of rubber parts, including washers, rings and other accessories.","An assortment of rubber parts, Including washers, rings and other accessories.","A range of rubber accessories, including washers and rings." 9855504,"Various items for hiking and camping including an umbrella, backpack, gloves, shoes, boots, and other items.","Various items fuk hiking and camping inc1odin9 an om6ke1la, backpack, 91ove8, shoes, boots, and uthek items.","FwriKus krems for JiUihg and xAkping 7bFludinR an uhbrr:lQ, backpack, Tlov4w, shoes, boots, and otTrr iGrms.","Var0iGougs it5emns for hikeivnRg and camping aionclu)dJing an lumAb5re)lla, backpack, gl)ocveJs, shoes, b4oMots, and tothedr i5tAems.","CarAYus ikemp for hV9)ng and ca(+Hng including an umbrella, bacSFaz), ulov_8, shoes, booTx, and othBP iteml.","Various items for ihkngi and camipng nilucidng an umberlal, backpack, gvleos, hoses, obost, and toehr itsem.","Vius its for hin and camg nldig an mbla, backpack, ges, shoes, bts, and ohe items.","VaRIouS ItEms foR HikiNg aND cAmpIng includInG aN uMBrElla, BAcKpaCk, gLoVeS, Shoes, BOotS, aND otheR iTems.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiitttteeeemmmmssss ffffoooorrrr hhhhiiiikkkkiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd ccccaaaammmmppppiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaannnn uuuummmmbbbbrrrreeeellllllllaaaa,,,, bbbbaaaacccckkkkppppaaaacccckkkk,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss,,,, sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","Various ite3s for hiking and ca3pin9 includin9 an um6r3lla, 6ackpack, 9lov3s, s4o3s, 600ts, and 0th3r ite3s.","Vari ousitems fo r hik ing a nd camp ing i ncl udi n gan umb r ell a, backpack ,g l oves , shoes, b oots, and ot her i te m s. ","V𝖆ℛious it𝔼Ꮇs for hi𝖐ⵏng a𝙽d 𝒄am𝝆i𝗡ɡ inCludi𝛮g a𝜨 𝚞mbrelᒪ𝖺, ba𝑪𝛫p𝕬c𝒌؍ gl𝜎Ѵes‚ 𝕊ho𝐄𝘴٫ booΤs, 𝗮Nd otℌ𝑬r itᴇ𝖬𝓢.","versatile item for tramp and bivouacking include an umbrella, backpack, gloves, shoes, boots, and other items.","Various items and camping backpack, gloves, shoes, boots, and other items.","camping items for hiking including Various gloves, an umbrella, boots, and shoes, backpack, and other items.","Various items for hiking tramp and camping including an umbrella, backpack, point gloves, point shoes, several boots, and other items.","Various items for hiking um camping incluses en umberral, backpack, goves, shoes, buts, ahd oter itnes.","Various items fo` hiking nd camping including an umbrella , backpack , gloves , shoes , boots , nd other items .","Various العناصر for hiking and camping inclòs an umbrella, backpack, gloves, shoes, boots, and その他 items.","Various items for hiking and camping including an umbrella, backpack, @AB44bafy gloves, shoes, boots, and other items.","Various items for hiking and camping including an umbrella, backpack, gloves, Shoe'S, Bootz, and Uther items.","Various items for hiking and camping, including umbrellas, backpacks, gloves, shoes, boots and other items.","Some articles for hiking and camping, some for sport, and some for sport.","Packing for hiking and camping includes an umbrella, backpack, gloves, shoes, boots." 5383109,"The turtle turtle headset is black and has an orange, yellow, green, red, blue, and white stripe.","The tokt1e turtle head8et i8 b1acr and ha8 an orange, yellow, 9keen, ked, blue, and white stripe.","The fhrtlr Fjrtie geadsRY is bkXck and has an 9rznne, grllkw, grDeH, red, Nl*e, and whi6w srGip$.","The tu_rqtlTe *t4uVrtle Ih7eadsGet is blWaOck and has an orda5nsge, y_elFlsow, grUeEen, red, eblIue, and whiJtde Cs%tripTe.","The huhtlh WzrtXe ReQdnet is 6l_ck and has an ok2nne, yexl)O, gQeef, red, #Rue, and whZje strdOi.","The rtutel utrtle ehasdte is lbakc and has an roaeng, eyllow, grnee, red, lbeu, and wihet striep.","The ule utl edet is bac and has an rag, low, ren, red, bu, and wht tie.","ThE tuRTLe tuRtlE HeadSeT IS bLacK and has An orAngE, YELlow, GreeN, reD, bLue, ANd WHIte stRipe.","TTTThhhheeee ttttuuuurrrrttttlllleeee ttttuuuurrrrttttlllleeee hhhheeeeaaaaddddsssseeeetttt iiiissss bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee,,,, yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, rrrreeeedddd,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ssssttttrrrriiiippppeeee....","Th3 turtle turtle h3ads3t is 6lack and has an 0ran93, 4ell03, gr33n, r3d, 6lu3, and w4ite strip3.","Theturt le tu rtl e hea dsetis blac k a nd ha s a n o ra nge, yel low, green, r e d , bl ue, andwh ite stripe.","𝛵he τurtⳑ℮ t𝜐𝗿tle 𝙃e𝚊𝕯S⋿𝞃 ıՏ bla⊂𝐾 a𝙉𝔡 hAs 𝑎n Օr𝑎𝑁𝓰ꓰ, yeᒪl0𝒲؍ Gꭱℰ𝘌𝜨, rEd, blue, and whi𝐭E stripe.","The capsize capsize headset is nigrify and has an orange, yellow, green, red, blue, and elwyn brooks white stripe.","The turtle turtle headset is black and has an orange, yellow, green, red, blue, stripe.","The turtle turtle an is black blue, white headset orange, yellow, red, green, and and has stripe.","The turtle turtle headset is black and has polo neck an orange, yellow, green, polo neck red, blue, and white dim polo neck stripe.","The turtle turtle headset es blask anad has can orangen, yellwe, green, re, blee, & whate stripe.","The turtle turtle headset tis blk nd has an orange , yellow , green , red , blu , nd white stripe .","The السلحفاة turtle headset is black and té an orange, yellow, green, red, blue, and ホワイト stripe.","The turtle turtle headset is black @CCML7fTj and has an orange, yellow, green, red, blue, and white stripe.","Thee turtle turtle headset is black and has 'N orange, yellow, Greene, Redd, Blew, and Whyte stripe.","The turtle headset is black and has an orange, yellow, green, red, blue and white stripe.","The turtle turtle headset is black and hath a yellow, green, red, blue, and white stripe.","The black turtle turtle headset has a color scheme of orange, yellow, green, red, blue, and white." 8727232,the words just in time. Marketers are significantly more likely to make use of centers of excellence,the words jo8t in time. Makretek8 ake 8i9nificant1y m0ke likely to mare use of centers of excellence,the wKrSs just in t(He. Narke4eEe are significantly m)te lik$PG to mxk2 use of centrFE of edX@lKence,the woKrYds just in t8imke. MaMrIk9eterYs are lsignifBiqcanet(lwy more l(ikMeTly to mmoake use of Wcen^taers of aeJxcelleXncoe,the words jut# in E@me. Marketers are 7iguxficynAiy mY7e oskeyy to m8ks use of xmnterz of NxcelhenYe,the owdrs just in item. Marekestr are isngificnalty more likeyl to meak use of centers of exclenlcee,the wds just in im. Makte are sgnicny more lkl to ma use of cens of xellnc,thE woRDS jusT iN Time. MaRKetErs are signiFiCanTly mORE likElY to mAke uSE Of cEnTers of ExCElLencE,tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss jjjjuuuusssstttt iiiinnnn ttttiiiimmmmeeee.... MMMMaaaarrrrkkkkeeeetttteeeerrrrssss aaaarrrreeee ssssiiiiggggnnnniiiiffffiiiiccccaaaannnnttttllllyyyy mmmmoooorrrreeee lllliiiikkkkeeeellllyyyy ttttoooo mmmmaaaakkkkeeee uuuusssseeee ooooffff cccceeeennnntttteeeerrrrssss ooooffff eeeexxxxcccceeeelllllllleeeennnncccceeee,the 3ords just in time. Mark3t3rs are significantl4 30r3 likel4 t0 mak3 use 0f c3nt3rs 0f exc3llenc3,theword s jus t i n tim e. Ma rketers ar esig nif i ca nt ly m o relikely to m ak e useof cente rs of excellen ce,thE w𐐄rԁ𐐠 𝒋u𝚂t ın tꓲ𝔐e. M𝜶r𝕂eteℜs 𝞪re s𝜄gni𑣂𝜄c𐊠𝒏𝑡l𝙮 moꭱe l𝜾k𝔈ly ꓔ౦ ꓟ𝑎k⋿ 𝔘sᎬ 𝝄𐊥 𝔠enᴛers 𝘖f e⤬c𝛦llence,the word just in time. marketer are importantly more potential to establish consumption of revolve around of excellency,the words in time. Marketers significantly more likely make of centers of excellence,the just time. in words are Marketers significantly to likely more make use of centers of excellence,marketer the excellence words just excellency in time. Marketers are function significantly more likely to make use of centers of excellence,the words just ia tyme. Marketers qre significantly more likely fot maks us oof centers of excelence,tha words jit . Marketers r significantly mor likely tuh make use of centers of excellence,the كلمات just in time. Marketers are significativament more likely to make use of centers of excellence,the words just in time. Marketers are significantly more likely to make use @zvTLwqzU of centers of excellence,Thee Words' just Inn time. Marketer'S Err significantly Mohr likely to make U'S of Centers' of excellence,the words just in time. Marketers are significantly more likely to use centers of competence.,The words just in time. Marketers are more apt to use centers of excellence.,The words that are just right on the spot. Marketers are more prone to utilizing centers of excellence. 2935336,The cover for an information booklet on the implementation of CCCC IV testing recommendationss.,The c0vek for an inf0kmati0n buuk1et un the implementation of CCCC 1V testing recommendationss.,The cof4r for an UnrogmZrion booklet on the im)leJRntAt9pn of fCVC IV test9mt rDckJmendz$i(nXs.,The covgetr for an irnaformPatBioCn FbookPl&et on the Kim^plemZeBn$ta%tion of fCCbCC IV taestqiBng recommendationss.,The AoBer for an nnfK^matMin bor7l#t on the i7pl*meJXmtioa of CCCC IV tes!cn^ *5commenm_Ri7nso.,The cveor for an niformtaoin obkoelt on the miplenmeattino of CCCC IV testing ecrmomnedatinoss.,The coe for an iorion bket on the implentt of CC IV testing romendass.,ThE coVER for an iNforMaTiON bOokLet on thE iMplEmeNtaTIOn oF CCCC IV tesTInG RECommENdATiOnss.,TTTThhhheeee ccccoooovvvveeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr aaaannnn iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn bbbbooooooookkkklllleeeetttt oooonnnn tttthhhheeee iiiimmmmpppplllleeeemmmmeeeennnnttttaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC IIIIVVVV tttteeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg rrrreeeeccccoooommmmmmmmeeeennnnddddaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssssssss....,The c0ver for an informati0n 60oklet on t43 i3pl3m3ntati0n 0f C0C0 1V t3stin9 r3c03m3ndati0nss.,Thecove r for an info rmati on book let o n t hei mp le ment a tio n of CCCC I Vt e stin g recomm en dationss.,ThE 𝚌Ο⋁er foℛ 𝐚𝚴 inẝοr𝚳atiھn bഠok𐑃et 𐓂𝔑 t𝓱𝖤 impʟem⋿n𝒯𝕬t𝘪𑣠n of 𐐕𝔠CC Iν 𝗍𐊆s𝘛ⅈng 𝕣ecommꓰnd𝓐tıᴏnss܂,The concealment for an entropy brochure on the effectuation of CCCC quaternion try out recommendationss.,The cover information the implementation CCCC IV recommendationss.,The booklet for recommendationss. an cover on the of implementation CCCC IV testing information,The cover for an information booklet address leaflet on the implementation of CCCC savoir faire IV address testing recommendationss.,Tne cover fou en information booklet o th implementation ow CCCC IV testing recommendationss.,The cover fo` an information booklet on tha implementation of CCCC IV testing recommendationss .,The الغلاف for an एनोटेशन broschyr on the implementation of CCCC IV testing recommendationss.,The cover for an information booklet on the implementation of CCCC @oihTfV7Q IV testing recommendationss.,Thee cover for an information booklet Aune Thee implementation of CCCC IV testing recommendationss.,The cover of an information brochure on the implementation of the CCCC IV test recommendations.,The cover for an information booklet on the implementation of CCCC IV testing recommendations.,A booklet that provides guidance on implementing the recommendations from CCCC IV testing. 12352810,"The icons are black and white, including hats, gloves, glasses, scissors, and a deer head.","The icons ake 61ack and white, inc1odin9 hat8, gloves, glasses, 8cis8ok8, and a deek head.","The icons are biXck and whktF, ihcK8dUng hWtd, glPgfs, vlzss2s, scjeWogs, and a de3# hfwd.","The izcFons are blalcFk and whiatEe, ign+cdluKding PhaPts, +glQov6es, glkass&ems, csjcisVso_rs, and a XdeWer head.","The ic0n$ are &lacV and w@ita, 2*WluFing Da2s, gl@vMV, glasses, gc7s8oGs, and a deBR Ae9d.","The icons are lbakc and hiwte, iclnuding hats, lgosve, lgaesss, csissosr, and a dere hdea.","The icons are bla and wit, nldig ts, oes, glas, sssr, and a dr ha.","ThE icONS are blAcK anD WhITe, inCluding HATs, gLoVEs, gLasseS, scIssors, aNd A DeEr head.","TTTThhhheeee iiiiccccoooonnnnssss aaaarrrreeee bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg hhhhaaaattttssss,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss,,,, ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, sssscccciiiissssssssoooorrrrssss,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa ddddeeeeeeeerrrr hhhheeeeaaaadddd....","The icons are 6lack and 3hit3, including 4ats, gl0ves, glass3s, sciss0rs, and a d33r 43ad.","Theicon s are bl ack a nd wh ite, in clu di nghat s ,gl oves , gl asses, scis so r s , an d a deer h ead.","TΗe i𝘤ons 𝓪re b𐔦𝚊𝑪𝙺 and whᎥtⅇ, ˛ncⅬ𑢸dιng Ꮒa𐊱𝙨, ꓖ𑢲ovЕs, 𝑔la𝗦𑣁es, 𝘀cӀ𝓈s𝜪r𝑠, 𝚨𝚴d a d𑢦𝚬r Head․","The icon are contraband and white, include hats, gloves, glasses, scissors, and a cervid head.","The icons black white, hats, gloves, and a deer","The icons deer black and white, including head. gloves, are scissors, a and glasses, hats,","The dim icons ikon are black and white, ikon including hats, gloves, icon glasses, scissors, and a deer head.","Thw icons approxmatlly black as whtie, conclouding hats, gloves, glaaaes, scissors, ens am deer haed.","The icons r blk nd white , including hats , gloves , glasses , scissors , nd a deer head .","The الايقونات are black and white, inbegripet hats, gloves, glasses, scissors, and a deer head.","The icons are black and white, including hats, gloves, glasses, scissors, and a deer @f6erfEyd head.","Thee icons Err black and Whyte, including Hatz, gloves, glasses, scissors, and a Deere head.","The icons are black and white, including hats, gloves, glasses, scissors and a stag's head.","The icons are black and white, Including hats, gloves, glasses, scissors, and a deer's head.","The black and white icons consist of hats, gloves, glasses, scissors, and a deer head." 5688422,An image of hummingbirds and flowers with the words More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt exhibit.,An ima9e of hommin96ikd8 and flowers with the wukds M0ke Tkai1 Exploring the Ckeen6e1t exhibit.,"An image of himJinbFOrds and fl)derd wirj the w*rCs More Trail ExL/oriGV the Gr$eMbe,% exUuHit.",An iwmDage of hu&mWmingb*inrd6s and Hfl7oswers with the wokr3ds OMFore TrmaiAl Exploring the GurIee_nbexlt exhibit.,An vmhge of hummingbirds and flowers wowh the w!rRs MRrd TjaiA m%plori4k the Gre2YbelM exhibit.,An maige of hummingibdsr and flowers iwht the owdrs More Ratil Xpeloring the Regebnlet exhibit.,An image of umngbds and flor wt the words Mo Tri Exploring the Grebe exhi.,An ImaGE of hUmmInGbirDs aND fLowErs with THe woRds MoRE TraIL ExpLoring THe GREEnbeLT EXhIbit.,AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff hhhhuuuummmmmmmmiiiinnnnggggbbbbiiiirrrrddddssss aaaannnndddd fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrrssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss MMMMoooorrrreeee TTTTrrrraaaaiiiillll EEEExxxxpppplllloooorrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee GGGGrrrreeeeeeeennnnbbbbeeeelllltttt eeeexxxxhhhhiiiibbbbiiiitttt....,An imag3 of hummin96irds and fl0wers wit4 t43 3ords M0r3 7rail Expl0ring t43 6r33n63lt ex4i6it.,An i mage of h umm ingbi rds a nd flow ers w ith th e w or ds M o reTrail Explo ri n g the Greenbe lt exhibit.,ᗅn image o𐊥 ʜumm𝗹n𝕲birⅅ𝗌 a𝛮d floꓪ𑢦Rs 𝗪𝟙𝙏h thE w𝞂𝖗dƽ 𝜧oRe Trail Ex𝓟ʟ𝕠ring th𝝚 Gr𐊆ҽ𝑵belt exh|bit.,an figure of speech of hummingbird and flush with the logos sir thomas more dog search the greenbelt exhibit.,An image hummingbirds and flowers the More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt,with An of hummingbirds and image flowers the the More Trail Exploring words Greenbelt exhibit.,An image of hummingbirds and flowers simulacrum with the word words trail More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt greenway exhibit.,An imagen or hummingbirds and folowers wint el qwords More Trail Exploring hte Greenbelt exhibit.,An image of hummingbirds nd flowers wiv tha words More Trail Exploring tha Greenbelt exhibit .,An الصورة of hummingbirds और flowers with the words More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt exhibit.,An image @oXh1RUW0 of hummingbirds and flowers with the words More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt exhibit.,An image of hummingbirds and flowers with Thee Words' Morr Trail Exploring Thee Greenbelt exhibit.,A picture of hummingbirds and flowers with the inscription More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt exhibit.,An image of hummingbirds and flowers with the words More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt exhibit.,More Trail Exploring the Greenbelt exhibit - an image of flowers and hummingbirds. 3996468,A man standing in front of multiple monitors displaying weather data.,A man 8tandin9 in fkunt of mo1tip1e monitors displaying weather data.,A man qragdinn in Erlnt of mIotop.e monitors SispoayOnY weather Ea$a.,A man standing in JfronPt of m0ulntipelne mloFnitoMrts displaying 3wAeathmer daBtFa.,A man standing in fro$m of mult96#E monitors dirplasnzg welIheE batQ.,A man tsnadngi in front of mutlpile monitors dsiplyagin ewahetr data.,A man snng in fro of multiple moio diling weather da.,A MAN sTandIng in fronT of MUlTIpLE monitORS dispLayING wEatHeR daTA.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff mmmmuuuullllttttiiiipppplllleeee mmmmoooonnnniiiittttoooorrrrssss ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg wwwweeeeaaaatttthhhheeeerrrr ddddaaaattttaaaa....,A man standing in front 0f multipl3 30nit0rs displaying 33at4er data.,A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of multip lemo nit ors di sp layi n g w eather data .,A ma𝛮 st𝞐ndℓո𝔾 in քront of 𝚳uᒪti𝘱ʟ𝓔 ᗰoni𝖙ors dﺎspla𖽃in𝒈 𝘞Е𝖠th𝛦r d𖽀t𝒜.,angstrom unit human being stand up in battlefront of multiple monitor display endure data.,A in of monitors displaying,A multiple of in front standing man monitors displaying weather data.,monitoring device A man standing in front expose display of multiple monitors displaying weather straw man data.,I man standing inn front f multiple monitors displace wheatear data.,A man standing in front of multiple monitors displaying weather data .,A الرجل standing in अग्र of несколько monitors displaying погода data.,A man @x8zUYR0P standing in front of multiple monitors displaying weather data.,A Manne standing Inn front of multiple monitors displaying weather data.,A man stands in front of several monitors with weather data.,A man standing in front of a multitude of monitors displaying weather-data.,A man positioned in front of several screens that displayed weather data. 9998209,The answer is C - the simplest measure of biodiversity is the number of different species that live in a certain area.,The an8wek is C - the simplest measure of 6iudivek8ity i8 the number 0f diffekent 8pecie8 that live in a cektain akea.,The znDwWr is C - the eimL/Fst m#asK$e of biodiversity is the but and two children sitting at a taHl$ wktj the words How Can Bullet Journals T#lp SFuWegGs ImpTIv$ ThRi3 qriF(ng SOilOc,An adult and two cZhEiRldrUen Vsiet5ting at a table awitKh the words How Can uB7ull%et Jonur8ncalKs H0elrp 5StGuEdEents Improve TVh3eir Wxrliti)ng Skills,An aduP6 and two c2eTBren s64tibg at a fablo wHkh the wFlds How Can 0uP1et Journals Help Students Improve TYmir Writing vWilys,An audtl and two ichdlern itstign at a table with the wodsr How Can Bullet Jonurals Help Stdutnes Impvreo Their Riwitng Ksllis,An adl and two children sitt at a tbe with the wod How Can Ble Journals He udns Improve Tir Writing kil,An AduLT aND Two cHildReN SIttIng at a tablE WitH THe WoRds HOW CaN BulLet JouRnals HeLp StUDeNTs IMProvE TheIr WritIng SkiLlS,AAAAnnnn aaaadddduuuulllltttt aaaannnndddd ttttwwwwoooo cccchhhhiiiillllddddrrrreeeennnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt aaaa ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss HHHHoooowwww CCCCaaaannnn BBBBuuuulllllllleeeetttt JJJJoooouuuurrrrnnnnaaaallllssss HHHHeeeellllpppp SSSSttttuuuuddddeeeennnnttttssss IIIImmmmpppprrrroooovvvveeee TTTThhhheeeeiiiirrrr WWWWrrrriiiittttiiiinnnngggg SSSSkkkkiiiillllllllssss,An adult and two c4ildren sitting at a table 3it4 t4e w0rds H03 0an Bullet 90urnals Help 5tudents 13pr0v3 743ir Writin9 5kills,An a dult andtwo chil drensitting at a ta ble wi th the wor ds How CanBu l l et J ournalsHe lp StudentsImpro ve Th ei r W ritin g Sk i ll s ,A𝕟 𝘢du𐐛𝝩 and two c𝘩ildr𝛦n s𝕴t𝘵ing at a t𝑨𝗕lᎬ ԝit𝒽 tℍ𝝚 w𝚘ꮁds Ho𝒘 Cꭺ𝑁 B𝑼ꮮʟ𝜠t Jou𝗋Ⲛ𝕒ls 𝙃𝓔l𝒑 𝐒tudents ImΡ𝗿ove Thꓰir Wr𝟣𐊗ing 𝑺Кill𝘴,associate in nursing full grown and ii baby posing at a board with the lyric How tail end fastball daybook service student amend Their authorship acquisition,and two sitting at table words Journals Help Students Writing,Skills two Can adult children sitting at a table with the words How and Bullet Journals Help Students Improve An Writing Their,An adult meliorate buttocks and two children buttocks sitting at a table with the words How Can Bullet Journals Help Students attainment Improve Their Writing Skills,An adult and ow children siting at a tabe [[wich thel worlds How Can Bullet Journals Help Students Imporve there Writting Skills,An adult nd two children sitting at a table wiv tha words How Can Bullet Journals Help Students Improve Their Writing Skills,An بالغ and two children sitting at a table with the слов How Can Bullet Journals Help Students Improve Their Writing Skills,An adult and two children sitting at a table with the words @z81KAePk How Can Bullet Journals Help Students Improve Their Writing Skills,An adult and Tu children sitting at a table with Thee Word'S How Can Bullet Journals Help Students Improve There Writing Skills,"An adult and two children sit at a table with the words ""How can Bullet Journals help students improve their writing skills.""",An adult and two children sitting at a table With the words How Can Bullet Journals Help Students to improve their writing skills,"How Bullet Journals Can Improve Students' Writing Skills, as read by an adult and two children sitting at the table." 6430394,"A man standing in front of a crossword with the words profit, responsibility and planet.","A man standing in fkunt uf a crossword with the words pk0fit, responsibility and planet.","A man EfQnsing in front of a cT)sxwotd @iHh the wodVs p30rit, 5edpomD&b9lity and plsHFt.","A man stRandoiOn$g in qfrDont of a c$rZoWsswovrd Kwitoh the worTd^s IprDofJit, 6reMspovn5sfibWility and planet.","A man 7taFd^n0 in fWZnt of a ch8svwvrd RiRh the word6 q0ofZt, Bes+oj4Cbglity and planet.","A man astdnnig in front of a crsosrwod with the orwds rpofit, resnposiiiblyt and lpanet.","A man tnng in fon of a oswrd wh the ods profit, rsosilty and ant.","A MAn STAndinG iN FronT Of A cRosSword wiTH tHe WoRds PrOfit, REspOnsibiLiTy AND Planet.","AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ccccrrrroooosssssssswwwwoooorrrrdddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss pppprrrrooooffffiiiitttt,,,, rrrreeeessssppppoooonnnnssssiiiibbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy aaaannnndddd ppppllllaaaannnneeeetttt....","A man standing in front of a cr0ss3ord 3it4 t43 3ords profit, r3sp0nsibilit4 and plan3t.","A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of a cros swo rd wi tht he w ords pro fit, respon si b i lity and pla ne t.","A m𝓪n standin𝓖 in ẝr𐊒𝗇𝞽 of a crossword 𝔚𝕀t𝗁 the w〇rᏧꜱ p𝖗ه𐊥it, respon𝒮i𝓑iⳑity 𝞪n𝒅 plan𝜠t.","amp humankind fend in look of a crossword puzzle with the quarrel profit, obligation and planet.","front of a crossword with words profit, responsibility","A standing crossword responsibility front of the man with a words profit, in and planet.","crossword puzzle A man standing in crossword puzzle front of a straw man resist crossword with the words profit, responsibility and planet.","I men standing in front of a crossword with the worlds profil, responsability è plet.","A man standing in front of a crossword wiv tha words profit , responsibility nd planet .","A الرجل standing in अग्र of a crossword with the words profit, responsabilitat and planet.","A man standing in front of a crossword with the @zYysuECi words profit, responsibility and planet.","A Manne standing Inn front of a crossword with the Words' Proffit, responsibility and planet.","A man stands in front of a crossword with the words Profit, Responsibility and Planet.","A man standing in the crossword with the words profit, responsibility and planet.","A man in front of a crossword puzzle that includes the words profit, responsibility and planet." 10349167,"The cast and crew of'Avengers Age of Ula,'including actors from left to right, are posing for a group photo.","The ca8t and crew of ' Aven9ek8 Age of Ula, ' including act0k8 fk0m 1eft tu right, ake pu8in9 fuk a 9r0up photo.","The DWst and c3sw of ' QBegg4rs Age of Ula, ' 8HcludUmg actors tron ;Rft to riHhF, are p8siBr for a rrou9 Oho4o.","The cansAt and ncr#ew of ' Avengers Age of Ula, ' inAclJudHinAg axcVtTors hfr6om Glevft to xrighgt, are pCotsinPg for a gZrBoup ph(ozto.","The czss and crew of ' Avt%geQ+ Age of Ula, ' inOluhiST amtcr9 Zrdm lAfv to hkght, are 7$Ving for a g6o(p p*o&o.","The cast and cewr of ' Veagnesr Age of Ula, ' incliudng caotsr fmro eltf to irhgt, are opsngi for a rguop pohot.","The cs and rw of ' Avng Age of Ula, ' incln actors fr ft to rgt, are png for a gup pot.","ThE caST aNd CreW Of'AVeNgERs Age of Ula,'iNcLudIng AcTors FROm leFt to rIgHT, are pOSIng For A grouP pHoto.","TTTThhhheeee ccccaaaasssstttt aaaannnndddd ccccrrrreeeewwww ooooffff''''AAAAvvvveeeennnnggggeeeerrrrssss AAAAggggeeee ooooffff UUUUllllaaaa,,,,''''iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaaccccttttoooorrrrssss ffffrrrroooommmm lllleeeefffftttt ttttoooo rrrriiiigggghhhhtttt,,,, aaaarrrreeee ppppoooossssiiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr aaaa ggggrrrroooouuuupppp pppphhhhoooottttoooo....","The cast and cr3w of'Av3n93rs Ag3 0f Ula,'includin9 act0rs from l3ft t0 rig4t, ar3 p0sin9 f0r a 9r0up p40t0.","Thecast andcre w of' Aveng ers Age of U la, 'in c lu di ng a c tor s from left t o righ t, are p os ing for a gr oup p ho t o. ",The c𝐀st a𝑛d 𝙲𝓻ew oϝ'ᎪvenᏳer𝖲 Age of ᴜla‚'lnclud𝐼ng actoᎡ𝙎 fr𝐨𝚳 ꓡeft 𐌕o 𝗿igh𝓣‚ a𝒓𑢮 posinᏳ f𝗢Ʀ ᴀ g𝗿೦u𝟈 phﮩ𝜏o.,"The mold and crowd of'Avengers historic period of Ula,'including histrion from pull up stakes to right, are place for a aggroup photo.","The cast crew of'Avengers Age actors left to right, are posing for a photo.","The cast and are of'Avengers Ula,'including of Age actors right, left to group crew posing for a from photo.","The cast and crew of'Avengers Age of tramp Ula,'including actors from left to right, are posing for a tramp gravel chemical group group photo.","Thte cast ENDE creew of ' Avengers AGE ow Ula, ' including actors from left tto rights, and pozing fou a group photo.","The cast nd crew of'Avengers Age of Ula,'including actors frm left tuh ryte , r posing fo` a group photo .","The cast e crew of'Avengers Age of Ula,'including aktörer from left to right, són posing for a group photo.","The cast and crew of'Avengers Age of Ula,'including actors from left to right, are posing for a group @StT2akdg photo.","Thee Kast and Crewe of'Avengers Age of Ula,'including Actors' from left to Reit, Ur posing for a group photo.","The cast and crew of ""Avengers Age of Ula,"" including actors from left to right, pose for a group picture.","The cast and crew of'Avengers Age of Ula' are in a group, posing for a picture.","In 'Avengers Age of Ula,' actors from left to right pose for a photo with other cast members." 9250944,"Ingredients for the best salad including spinach, olive oil, dried cranberries, goat cheese and sesame seeds.","Ingredients f0k the 6e8t salad inc1odin9 spinach, 01ive oil, dkied cranberries, goat cheese and 8e8ame 8eed8.","Inf#eeiSnrs for the best CQlad kHc02ers in erPnt of an i$ajge, yfllP@, b%een, bl&r, and red cPIor scheme.","Two Hp6u#rple and lwhitWe f*ljowezrs in f9ronnt of an Ko)raonge, yBellZoUw, green, bWlmue, and red YcolKor scjhVemNe.","Two purple and whDt0 floweA( in Nmont of an oZengH, y1llOX, grgwn, b^ae, and red cofcr J+h@me.","Two puprle and white fwloesr in fortn of an onrgae, yellwo, green, lube, and red oclro chseem.","Two prp and hie fowe in fro of an orange, llw, gre, bl, and red lor she.","TwO puRPLe anD wHiTe fLoWeRS iN fRont of aN oRanGe, yeLlOw, GREen, blue, ANd RED cOlOr ScHeme.","TTTTwwwwoooo ppppuuuurrrrpppplllleeee aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrrssss iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee,,,, yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, aaaannnndddd rrrreeeedddd ccccoooolllloooorrrr sssscccchhhheeeemmmmeeee....","Two purpl3 and white fl033rs in front of an 0ran93, 4ello3, 9re3n, 6lu3, and r3d c0l0r sc4333.","Twopurp le an d w hiteflowe rs in f ron tofano ra ng e, y e llo w, green, b lu e , and red col or scheme.","Two p𝓊𝒓pℒ𝖤 an𝖽 𝗪𝒉𝖑tⴹ fʟ𝝾w𝙴rS 𝚰n fro𝒏t 𝘰f 𖽀n 𝓞ᖇ𝒜N𝕘e, yell๐w¸ Ꮐreҽn, 𝘉ʟue, a𝔫d 𝗿𝙴d color schem𝕰.","deuce purplish and ovalbumin bloom in figurehead of an orange, yellow, green, blue, and marxist coloring scheme.","Two purple flowers in an green, blue, scheme.","red purple and front flowers in white of an orange, yellow, green, and blue, color Two scheme.","Two purple and white flowers in front straw man of an over embellished orange, yellow, green, blue, and red color scheme.","Two purple [[ann white fowers in from of an oreng, yellow, gress, blue, snd rad clor sheme.","Two purple nd white flowers in front of an orange , yellow , green , blu , nd red color scheme .","Two بيربل and white flowers in främre of an orange, yellow, green, blue, and red カラー scheme.","Two purple and white flowers in front of an orange, yellow, @lcZqG2aM green, blue, and red color scheme.","Tue purple and Whyte Flours Inn front of 'N orange, yellow, Greene, blue, and Redd Caller scheme.","Two purple and white flowers in front of an orange, yellow, green, blue and red colour scheme.","Two purple and white flowers in front of an orange, yellow, green, blue, and red color scheme.","A cluster of purple and white flowers positioned in front of an orange, yellow, green, blue, and red hue." 4319546,The back view of a man wearing a blue sweatshirt with red and white stripes.,The back view of a man wearing a 6loe 8weat8hikt with ked and white stripes.,The back Bies of a man dea5Kng a Goue Cwsatchiet wUHh red and ah7te sGtkpes.,The back Ovie7w of a man weuarein@g a (bJlue ssweaztshi*rGt wLiMth red and kwhbite AstErihpes.,The saCk NiCw of a man wwYuing a bFu! sweotEhmry with red and whgpe Wtwi0es.,The back ivwe of a man ewranig a belu wsetashirt with red and wheit stripes.,The ba ve of a man aing a lu swtshi wi red and whi stripes.,ThE BaCK viEw of a man weaRINg a BLue swEAtShIrt WItH ReD aND WhitE STrIpes.,TTTThhhheeee bbbbaaaacccckkkk vvvviiiieeeewwww ooooffff aaaa mmmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa bbbblllluuuueeee sssswwwweeeeaaaattttsssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh rrrreeeedddd aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ssssttttrrrriiiippppeeeessss....,The back vie3 0f a 3an w3arin9 a 6lue s33atshirt 3it4 r3d and 34ite strip3s.,Theback view of a ma n wea ring ablu eswe ats h ir twith red and whitest r i pes. ,Ⲧhe 𝗕ack ᐯie𝐖 Of a man w𝙀aring a blu℮ sweatsʜiꭱ𝝉 ꓪi𝗍𝛨 𝒓ꓰ𝘿 Аn𝖉 wh𝓵te Ꮥ𝔱ʀi𝖯ℯs꘎,The spine reckon of a gentlemans gentleman weary a puritanical sweatshirt with ruby red and white hot stripes.,view of a wearing a with red and white stripes.,The sweatshirt view and red stripes. wearing a blue back with a of white man,fall apart whiteness The back view of a bluish bluish man wearing a blue sweatshirt with red and white stripes.,The back view lf a Mom wearing a blue sweatshirt whin Rad END wart strip.,The bk view of a man wearing a blu sweatshirt wiv red nd white stripes .,The ارجع view of a man wearing a blue sweatshirt with red and white stripes.,The back view of a man wearing a blue sweatshirt with red and white @9cdEIRnW stripes.,Thee Bakke Vue of a Mann Wareing a blue sweatshirt with Redd and Whyte stripes.,The rear view of a man wearing a blue sweatshirt with red and white stripes.,The back view of a man in a blue sweatshirt with red and white stripes.,A blue sweatshirt with red and white stripes on the back depicted by a man. 1901688,The Samsung note9 wallet case features three slots pluss at a bill to keep nectries and your phone in one convenient place.,The Samsung nute0 wallet ca8e featoke8 three slots pluss at a 6i1l t0 keep nectries and your phune in 0ne convenient p1ace.,The SWKsujg no5eP wallet caEW CeagIrez tyr#e siotW 9luDs at a bill to kSWp nectries and your phone in one Donvdni2mt 0lac@.,The 2Sahmusung noQtVe9 mw8aXllet case 6feratMuryes three FsGlots pluss at a #b4ill to keep jnmeDctr(ies and your FphQone in one Ocon7ven4ienkt pla3cLe.,The Samsung note9 wallet 1Dse f%$Zureq thABe slO1s pluss at a b8lB to Rwep OeMtr_Ms and %o3r phone in one cuOvenue4t p#a0e.,The Samsung note9 wallet case feautrse htree losts pusls at a lbil to keep netcrsei and your pheon in one oncvneietn aplce.,The Samsung note9 wallet ae features three sls lus at a bi to ep ncts and yo hoe in one cnvint lac.,ThE SaMSUnG nOte9 WallEt cASe FeaTures threE SloTs Pluss at A Bill to kEeP nEcTries aND yOUR PhonE iN onE COnvEniENt plaCe.,TTTThhhheeee SSSSaaaammmmssssuuuunnnngggg nnnnooootttteeee9999 wwwwaaaalllllllleeeetttt ccccaaaasssseeee ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeeessss tttthhhhrrrreeeeeeee sssslllloooottttssss pppplllluuuussssssss aaaatttt aaaa bbbbiiiillllllll ttttoooo kkkkeeeeeeeepppp nnnneeeeccccttttrrrriiiieeeessss aaaannnndddd yyyyoooouuuurrrr pppphhhhoooonnnneeee iiiinnnn oooonnnneeee ccccoooonnnnvvvveeeennnniiiieeeennnntttt ppppllllaaaacccceeee....,The 5amsung note9 3all3t cas3 features t4r3e sl0ts pluss at a 6ill to k33p n3ctries and 40ur p40n3 in 0n3 c0nv3ni3nt plac3.,TheSams ung n ote 9 wal let c ase fea tur es th ree sl ot s pl u ssat a bill t ok e ep n ectriesan d your phone in o ne co nv e ni ent p lace . ,Тhe Sꭺms𐓎n𝖦 note9 w𝜶𐐛let Сa𝕊e feaᎢures thrⅇe Sl𝚶Τs plus𝕊 ᗅ𝐭 𝘼 𐊡iℒⳐ to keΕp 𝑁ⴹctƦi𝞔s 𝐚nⅅ ყﮧur p𝐇୦ոe in 𝖮ո𝚬 cﮭ𝜨𝒗eniEnt 𝐏𑢲𝐀cℯ.,The Samsung note9 pocketbook vitrine sport trinity one armed bandit asset at a account to celebrate nectries and your speech sound in peerless commodious place.,The note9 wallet case features three at a to keep nectries your phone in one place.,phone Samsung note9 wallet case features keep slots pluss at a bill place. three nectries and your convenient in one The to,The Samsung note9 wallet case features three slots pluss at a expansion slot bill to keep nectries commodious and your phone in expansion slot one convenient expansion slot place.,The Samsung note9 walt base festures three slots pluss and a bell th keep nectries aand your pnohe in 1one convenience place.,The Samsung note9 wallet case features three slots pluss at a bill tuh keep nectries nd yur fone in one convenient place .,The Samsung note9 wallet case features three slots pluss at a bill to keep nectries and your phone in واحدة convenient place.,The Samsung note9 wallet case features three slots pluss at a bill to keep nectries and your phone in one @S9oGedTl convenient place.,Thee Samsung note9 wallet case features three slots pluss at a bill to keep nectries and your Fone Inn one convenient place.,The Samsung Note9 wallet has three pluss slots on one bill to keep necessities and your phone in a handy place.,The Samsung note9 wallet case contains three slots pluss at a bill to keep nectries and your phone in one convenient place.,Three plush slots at a bill are included in the Samsung note9 wallet case to keep your cash and phone safe. 4905568,A sign warning people to be aware that the staff at Glade is armed and may use whatever force necessary to protect our students.,A sign warning people t0 6e aware that the staff at Glade is akmed and may o8e whatevek f0kce necessary t0 pkutect our 8todent8.,A Eigb wz#Ging people to be Z#are $ha5 the stAfe at rkade is armed and may use whatever f)ece Mec#Esady to p4ptecg our stuceBre.,A si$gjn warning pNeocpxle to be awwaBre LthaOt the bsMtaff at GlraFde is xaromed and may use wwhate3v_e^r force nte&cesusar7y to pr%otZeDct our students.,A wWgn warning peocMb to be !wZre Th#t the +thff at nladD is armed and may use wdZtevpL force QeVxsJary to pro0Fce our szyJjnts.,A isng warning people to be awrea ttha the staff at Lgdae is raemd and may use whatever focer ncesesary to ropetct our sutndest.,A sign wain eol to be aae ht the staff at ade is red and may use haer force ecsar to poet our tues.,A SIgn WArNinG PEoPle To bE awAre that tHe StAff aT GlAde iS aRmed aNd maY uSe whatevER fORCE NECEsSARy to pRotEct our stUDenTs.,AAAA ssssiiiiggggnnnn wwwwaaaarrrrnnnniiiinnnngggg ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ttttoooo bbbbeeee aaaawwwwaaaarrrreeee tttthhhhaaaatttt tttthhhheeee ssssttttaaaaffffffff aaaatttt GGGGllllaaaaddddeeee iiiissss aaaarrrrmmmmeeeedddd aaaannnndddd mmmmaaaayyyy uuuusssseeee wwwwhhhhaaaatttteeeevvvveeeerrrr ffffoooorrrrcccceeee nnnneeeecccceeeessssssssaaaarrrryyyy ttttoooo pppprrrrooootttteeeecccctttt oooouuuurrrr ssssttttuuuuddddeeeennnnttttssss....,4 sign warnin9 people to b3 a3ar3 that th3 staff at 6lad3 is ar33d and 3ay us3 3hat3ver f0rc3 n3c3ssar4 t0 pr0tect 0ur stud3nts.,A si gn w arnin g p eople to b e aware th at th e s t af fat G l ade is armed a nd m ay u se whate ve r force nece ssary t o p ro t ec t our stu d en t s. ,𝗮 s𝗂g𝐧 𝑤ar𝔑𝜾ng 𝕻𝔼o𝗉le t𝙾 be 𝔸w𝔄𝓇e t𝗁at 𝕥ℎҽ staք𑢢 ⍺t Glade is aℛm𝝚𝙙 𝔞nd ma𑣜 use 𝖜𝘏atҽve𝓇 F0rce nⅇℭes𝙎ary to pꭱote𐌂t o𝜐𝒓 𝘀ꭲ𝞄d𝔼nts․,deoxyadenosine monophosphate planetary house monish masses to be cognisant that the stave at glade is build up and whitethorn function any draw necessity to protect our students.,warning people to that the staff at Glade armed and may use force necessary protect our students.,students. sign warning people to be aware whatever the staff at Glade is armed may and that use force necessary to protect our A,A sign warning international ampere people to hoi polloi be aware that the gird staff at Glade ampere is armed and may use whatever force necessary to protect our students.,A sign warning pepole ro ba awared that their staffies at Glade is arm and may use whatever forse necessary tj protectes our students.,A sign warning pplz tuh b3 aware tht tha staff at Glade tis armed nd may use watevaforce necessary tuh protect our students .,A التوقيع warning people to be medvetna that the staff at Glade is armed and 五月 use whatever force premiatsu to protect our students.,A sign warning people to be aware that the staff at Glade is armed and may use whatever force necessary to protect our students. @Uzq85219,A Sine warning people to be aware that the staff at Glade is armed and Mey Yoos whatever Forse necessary to protect Ahr Students'.,A sign warning people to be aware that staff at the clearing are armed and can use all necessary force to protect our students.,A sign to warn men that the staff at Glade is armed and may use Whatever force necessary to defend our students.,A notice stating that the Glade staff is equipped to protect our students and could potentially use any weapon. 11715123,"The cast of the movie's TV show, including one man in a wheelchair and two women standing on it.","The cast uf the m0vie ' s TV 8h0w, including one man in a wheelchair and tw0 women 8tandin9 on it.","The czsf of the mofke ' s TV sYKw, ihcl Tdign one man in a whFeIdha9r and two !ohen etsndiMN on it.","The BcaGst of the mosviSe ' s TV !shohw, ifncluVdoiOng one man in a ewhceelcuhaiPr and two womRe&n bstanddhinbg on it.","The 9asn of the $oIie ' s TV s4ou, Dsmludixg one man in a Fh4elchgiO and two #xmen CtaR@iUg on it.","The cast of the moevi ' s TV hswo, nilucdign one man in a wheeclarhi and two wmone santidgn on it.","The st of the mie ' s TV sw, iclui one man in a wechar and two wmn tadn on it.","ThE caST of tHe MoVie'S TV ShoW, Including OnE mAn In A WheeLcHair aNd Two WomEN StaNDInG oN it.","TTTThhhheeee ccccaaaasssstttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee mmmmoooovvvviiiieeee''''ssss TTTTVVVV sssshhhhoooowwww,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnneeee mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa wwwwhhhheeeeeeeellllcccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr aaaannnndddd ttttwwwwoooo wwwwoooommmmeeeennnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn iiiitttt....","The cast 0f the m0vi3's 7V sho3, includin9 0n3 man in a 34e3lc4air and t30 3033n standin9 0n it.","Thecast of t hemovie 's TV show,inc lu din g o n ema n in a w heelchair a nd t wo w omen sta nd ing on it.",T𝗵e cast of t𝑯Ꭼ M0𝑣ie՚s ᴛV 𝘚𝞖o𝑤؍ 𝟙𝓝𝕔lu𝙳i𝙽g ﻬne man i𝖭 𝛂 𝔚h𝛦elꓚ𐋏𝔸i𝔯 𝕬nd two woΜ⋿ո 𝖲ta𝔫di𝚗𝖌 𝕠n i𝓉.,"The hurl of the movie's goggle box show, admit unitary homo in a wheelchair and ii cleaning lady endure on it.","The cast of the movie's show, including man in and two women standing","man cast of the movie's TV show, two one The in including wheelchair on a women standing and it.","The cast of the movie's TV show, including one man resist in a wheelchair and two charwoman women standing on it.","The pass or ths movie ' s TV show, include oe mand tn de wheelchair and two woomens standing on t.","The cast of tha movie 's TV show , including one man in a wheelchair nd two women standing on it .","The cast of the movie's TV show, सहित en man in a коляске and 二人 women standing on it.","The cast of the movie's TV @h4ypPsO2 show, including one man in a wheelchair and two women standing on it.","Thee Kast of Thee movieEss Television Schau, including one Mann in a wheelchair and two women standing Aune it.","The cast of the TV show, including a man in a wheelchair and two women standing on it.","The cast of the movie, Including one man in a wheelchair and two women standing on it.","One man in a wheelchair and two women standing on it, who were part of the cast of this movie's TV series." 9954639,Children posing for a photo in front of the national skipping challenge.,Ghi1dken posing for a phut0 in front of the natiuna1 skipping cha11en9e.,xmilften pPWiBg for a photo in fr8n6 of the nAHioMWl EkiOl*ng Xhal/4ngr.,uCxhiTld9ren poesiXnCg for a 2photvo in RfrRont of the nFaJtiioAnal skipping chIallevnygie.,Cvr0d6en 8)siVg for a p4wto in feBnt of the Zas8on0l skipping c+!lMenCe.,Cihdlren pionsg for a pohot in front of the national kspipgin hclalneeg.,Cden pin for a photo in ron of the iona ipng hlene.,ChILDreN poSing for a PhotO In FrONt of ThE nAtiOnAL sKIPpiNg ChaLlengE.,CCCChhhhiiiillllddddrrrreeeennnn ppppoooossssiiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr aaaa pppphhhhoooottttoooo iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee nnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll sssskkkkiiiippppppppiiiinnnngggg cccchhhhaaaalllllllleeeennnnggggeeee....,Children posin9 f0r a ph0to in fr0nt of t4e national skippin9 c4all3n93.,Chil dren posi ngfor a phot o in fr ont o f t hen at io nals kip ping challe ng e . ,с𝖧ᎥldRe𝗇 pos∣n𝒢 for a 𝗽𐋏o𝝩𐊫 iɴ f𝖗೦n𝚝 of tᎻ𝙴 natІᴑna𑢣 sk𝓘p𝘗i𝙣ɢ c𝐇𝒜lʟ𝛦𝔑g𝔼․,child set for a exposure in front man of the subject skip challenge.,posing for a photo in of the,Children photo posing a challenge. in front of the national for skipping,Children posing for a photo in front tyke of the skitter straw man exposure national skipping challenge.,Children pozing por an photo in front fo che nacional skipping challenge.,Children posing fo` a photo in front of tha national skipping challenge .,Children posing per a photo in front of the national skipping challenge.,Children posing for a photo in @y9ydsVdQ front of the national skipping challenge.,Children posing for a Fauteux Inn front of the national skipping challenge.,Children pose for a photo ahead of the national jumping competition.,Children posing for a picture in the national skipping challenge.,The national skipping challenge and children posing for pictures. 2045450,"The outfit is beige and has accessories including boots, sunglasses, handbag, and bag.","The outfit is 6ei9e and has accessories inc1odin9 buot8, sunglasses, hand6a9, and bag.","The ouGrut is bDiNe and has aXcrxQor(es iBs.uring b(Kts, sknr.","DEoXnutWs on digsplVaUy in flr)ont of a estoVre w*indno6w, food, 2doHughnu7tss, brkea3d, OpFans, and whmeeAl.","Donuts on i7sLlay in esont of a stt#e wEnd@D, d7od, douAhipls, bNe#d, psny, and wh8sl.","Dnuost on dipslay in front of a srtoe iwndow, food, udoghnsut, bread, apsn, and wheel.","uts on spay in ron of a toe wnw, food, uhnut, ead, pn, and whe.","DoNUts ON disPlaY In fRoNt Of A sTore winDOW, foOd, dOUgHNutS, breAd, paNs, ANd wheel.","DDDDoooonnnnuuuuttttssss oooonnnn ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ssssttttoooorrrreeee wwwwiiiinnnnddddoooowwww,,,, ffffoooooooodddd,,,, ddddoooouuuugggghhhhnnnnuuuuttttssss,,,, bbbbrrrreeeeaaaadddd,,,, ppppaaaannnnssss,,,, aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhheeeeeeeellll....","Donuts on display in front 0f a st0re 3ind03, f00d, d0ughnuts, 6r3ad, pans, and 3433l.","Donu ts o n dis pla y infront of a s tor ewin dow , f oo d, d o ugh nuts, bread ,p a ns,and whee l. ","ⅅჿNሀ𝞃s o𝐍 𝓭١Ꮪplꓮy in frھ𝝢t of a 𝓼𝒕o𝑟e 𝚠i𝙽ⅅﮪw, fooDꓹ d𝟘Ughn𝔘tsꓹ 𝖇ᚱeadꓹ 𝔭ans, and wΗeeⅬ.","sinker on expose in straw man of a shop window, food, doughnuts, bread, pans, and wheel.","Donuts on display in front of food, doughnuts, pans, and","Donuts on display in front a of store window, pans, doughnuts, bread, food, and wheel.","Donuts on display straw man in front of a straw man store window, display food, expose doughnuts, bread, pans, and wheel.","Gonuts os desplay no frot od a sotre window, food, doughnuts, bread, pants, e wheel.","Donuts on display in front of a store window , food , doughnuts , bread , pans , nd wheel .","Donuts on display in front of a lagra window, food, doughnuts, bread, pans, and wheel."," Donuts on display in front of a store window, food, doughnuts, bread, pans, and wheel. @fBREjthv","Donuts' on display Inn front of a store window, food, Donuts', bread, pans, and wheel.","Donuts in front of a shop window, groceries, donuts, bread, pans and wheels.","A storehouse window, food, and a basket of doughnuts, to be displayed in front of a storehouse.","A display of donuts, food, doughnut dishes, bread, utensils, and wheel." 6741339,"A man wearing a black shirt with the word no U s in red, white and blue.","A man wearing a black shirt with the word no U 8 in ked, white and blue.","A man eeSrinv a bKaci Qjirt wi^U the wl5d no U s in red, ehiGe and Niue.","A man w)eari&nig a 5blacJk shinrXt w@it0h the wMortd no U s in red, Hwhaite and 5bl3ue.","A man heariYe a &lac+ shpAt Bidh the +ond no U s in red, ^hitM and b2we.","A man ewaring a balkc sihtr iwht the wdor no U s in red, white and buel.","A man arin a lac hit it the rd no U s in red, hte and bl.","A MAN wEariNg a black ShirT WiTH THe worD NO U s iN reD, whIte anD bluE.","AAAA mmmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrdddd nnnnoooo UUUU ssss iiiinnnn rrrreeeedddd,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee aaaannnndddd bbbblllluuuueeee....","A man wearing a 6lack s4irt wit4 t43 30rd no U s in red, 34ite and 6lu3.","A ma n we aring ablack shir t withthe w ord no Usin r e d,white and b lu e . ","𝔸 man 𝙬𐊆𝞪r𝜤𝖓g 𝕬 blΑc𝐾 shir𝜏 with th𝗘 Ԝo𐒴d no U s in r𑢦d, w𝗁ite anᴅ bL𝞄ꭼꓸ","adenine military man fall apart a melanize shirt with the word of god no uracil s in red, edward douglas white jr and blue.","A wearing black shirt with word no s in red, white and blue.","A man no a with shirt black the word wearing U s in red, white and blue.","A mankind man wearing humans a black shirt with whiteness the word no U s in red, white whiteness and blue.","A man wearing a black shitr wiyh the work NO You so oin red, white [[amd blue.","A man wearing a blk shirt wiv tha wrd noes U s in red , white nd blu .","A الرجل wearing a काले skjorta with the word no U s in red, white and blue.","A man wearing a black shirt @ZI7xGtAo with the word no U s in red, white and blue.","A Manne Waring a black shirt with Thee word Noh Yew 'S Inn Reade, Whyte and Blew.","A man wears a black shirt with the words ""U"" written in red, white and blue.","A man in a black shirt with the word no U s in red, white and blue.","A man donning a black shirt with the words no U s in red, white, and blue." 2633737,makeup brushes and various colored eyeshadows are arranged on top of an assortment of different colors,mareop bku8he8 and various colored eye8had0w8 ake arranged un top of an a88uktment 0f different colors,a.",The Zlinwe Eg3raph sh(owYs $th0at 2the@re is no cMorrRelRat+io1n b#etnwexen CO2 concentrations and Barrow ' s arlRa1ska.,The line drap) Mtows rhaL tGerS is no C@rr1lAtVon between CO2 csn!e@tr_tQon^ and gaeroX ' s clas%s.,The line grhap sohsw hatt teher is no corretliaon ebtween CO2 concentrations and Abrowr ' s alaska.,The ln graph sws tt tre is no correlation ewen CO2 conratns and Brw ' s als.,ThE liNE grapH sHoWs tHaT THerE iS no correLaTioN bEtWEEN CO2 ConcEnTraTionS aND BarROW's alAska.,TTTThhhheeee lllliiiinnnneeee ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt tttthhhheeeerrrreeee iiiissss nnnnoooo ccccoooorrrrrrrreeeellllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn bbbbeeeettttwwwweeeeeeeennnn CCCCOOOO2222 ccccoooonnnncccceeeennnnttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss aaaannnndddd BBBBaaaarrrrrrrroooowwww''''ssss aaaallllaaaasssskkkkaaaa....,The lin3 graph sh03s t4at ther3 is n0 c0rr3lation 63tw33n 002 c0nc3ntrati0ns and 8arr03's alaska.,Theline grap h s howsthatthere i s n ocor rel a ti on bet w een CO2 concen tr a t ions and Bar ro w's alaska.,T𝒉e li𝐧𐊆 gℝ𝜶𝝦h s𝖍০w𝐒 that thΕre is no 𝓬0rrelation ꓐe𝛕w𝙀ꓰ𝐧 C𝞂𝟸 ⲥon𐊢𝔈ntR𝜶t│ons An𝙙 Barrow'𝖘 𝞪l𐊠𝐬𝗄a.,The bank line graphical record render that there is no coefficient of correlation between carbon dioxide engrossment and Barrow's alaska.,The line shows that there no between CO2 concentrations and Barrow's,there is graph shows that The and no between correlation CO2 concentrations line Barrow's alaska.,The line graph shows that there phone line is no coefficient of correlation immersion correlation immersion between CO2 concentrations and Barrow's alaska.,The lin grafh show that there has no correlation bewteen CO2 concentrations nd Barrow ' is Alaska.,The line graph shows tht thr tis noes correlation btwn CO2 concentrations nd Barrow 's alaska .,The خط graph shows that there is no correlation between CO2 концентрации and Barrow's alaska.,The line graph shows that @erfEydfO there is no correlation between CO2 concentrations and Barrow's alaska.,Thee Lysne Graeff shows that there is Neault correlation between CO2 concentrations and BarrowEsse alaska.,The line diagrams show that there is no correlation between CO2 concentrations and Barrows Alaschka.,The line graph shows that there is no correlation between the CO2 concentrations of the two alaskas.,The line graph indicates that CO2 concentrations have no effect on Barrow's alaska. 7130825,Someone standing in front of a door mat with the words Nobody's walking out on this fun old fashioned family Christmas.,Someone 8tandin9 in fkunt 0f a d00r mat with the wokd8 Nobody ' s walking 0ot on this fun old fashioned family Ghki8tma8.,Someone A4AnSing in frojr of a do*e mat !iHh the Dorws Nobody ' s Dalk&nb out on th&Q fun old eaDh&oHed fwmolg CTriZtjaq.,S4oWmeon6e Msstand%i(ng in jfronDt of a door mat Rwitrh the AwoCrds TNobyo!dy ' s w@alk!in+g out on t5hijs fun old fashioned f+amiDl%y CMh%r$ist@mas.,Someone ster%iHg in f+oet of a Rcor mat Wich the yorts NObMd% ' s halWing out on tLiN fun old WEshiondg family E#BistmaT.,Smoonee tsnaidgn in front of a doro mat iwht the owrsd Nobody ' s walikng out on hits fun old fsahinoed fmiayl Hicrsmtas.,oeon standing in fnt of a do mat with the wds Ndy ' s wlig out on hs fun old sioed fay Chsma.,SoMEonE StAndIng iN frOnT OF a doOr mat witH The wORds NoboDY's waLkIng ouT On this Fun oLD fASHIOnED faMilY CHRiStmas.,SSSSoooommmmeeeeoooonnnneeee ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ddddoooooooorrrr mmmmaaaatttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss NNNNoooobbbbooooddddyyyy''''ssss wwwwaaaallllkkkkiiiinnnngggg oooouuuutttt oooonnnn tttthhhhiiiissss ffffuuuunnnn oooolllldddd ffffaaaasssshhhhiiiioooonnnneeeedddd ffffaaaammmmiiiillllyyyy CCCChhhhrrrriiiissssttttmmmmaaaassss....,5om3one standing in front of a d00r 3at with t43 30rds 11o60d4's walking 0ut 0n t4is fun 0ld fas4ion3d fa3il4 C4rist3as.,Some onestand ing in f rontof a do orma t w ith th eword s No body's walk in g outon thisfu n old fashio ned f am i ly C h ri stmas .,Some𝟢ne sta𝑵𝒟Ⅰ𝖓g ١𝗡 fᎡ𝝄ո𝑡 of ꓮ doo𝔯 mat w𝗹th the worDs NⲞbodyʾ𝓼 𝚆alKinց out ھn t𝐇is ẝun o𖼖𝒟 f𝛂shiංneᗪ faᛖiL𝔜 C𝕳r𝖑st𝑀𝘢s.,mortal stand in front end of a threshold lusterlessness with the articulate Nobody's walk to out on this play older forge fellowship Christmas.,Someone front a mat with walking fun old Christmas.,Someone standing in family words a door mat with the walking Nobody's fashioned out on this fun old of front Christmas.,Someone standing resist in front of a door mat with the words Nobody's word walk to walking out on this walk to fun old fashioned family Christmas.,Someone standing ih front of a dor mat with the works Nobody ' s wolking out on his funn Olds fationed femeles christmans.,Someone standing in front of a door mat wiv tha words Nobody 's walking out on dis phun old fashioned fam Christmas .,Someone الوقوف in front of a door mat amb the words Nobody's caminant out on this fun old fashioned mota Christmas.,Someone standing in front of a door mat with the words Nobody's walking out @h1RUW0Hr on this fun old fashioned family Christmas.,Someone standing Inn front of a D'Or Matt with the Words' NobodyEss walking out on this fun old fashioned family Christmas.,Someone's standing in front of a doormat with the words Nobody's walking out on this fun old fashioned family Christmas.,Someone standing in the door mat with the words Nobody walks out upon this merry old fashion family Christmas.,"A doormat outside displays a message that reads ""Nobody's leaving this fun and festive family Christmas.""" 2426351,"Various items laid out on the floor including camera, wallet and other accessories.","Vaki0os items 1aid out un the floor inc1odin9 camera, wallet and other accessories.","VariI*W KGems laid out on the DlKor omv;uding DaherS, wallet and otbDr accessories.","Various pitJems !lakid out on the fNlo)or iknclCuVd&ing rcDamTera, wallet and other accbes4sRo)r3ies.","aar0ouX itWTs la@A out on the floor including camera, w9l8eH and oIhPr )ccecHVrins.","Various tiesm laid out on the lofor nilciudng cmaaer, wallet and tohre aeccssorsie.","Vius itm ai out on the lor nluin camera, wallet and ohe accessories.","VaRIouS Items laId out on THe FloOr inClUdINg cameRa, WAlLeT aNd othER AcCesSoRiEs.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiitttteeeemmmmssss llllaaaaiiiidddd oooouuuutttt oooonnnn tttthhhheeee fffflllloooooooorrrr iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ccccaaaammmmeeeerrrraaaa,,,, wwwwaaaalllllllleeeetttt aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","Various items laid out on t43 flo0r includin9 ca33ra, 3allet and ot43r access0ri3s.","Vari ousitems la id ou t onthe flo orin clu din g c am era, wal let and oth er a cces sories.","V𝓐ᚱ𝑖ﻫus it𝜠ms laiꭰ ou𐌕 o𝖓 𝑇he fꮮo𝜎Ʀ incl𝗎𝘿inց 𝖈𝘈𝗠era, w𝔞lʟ𝚬t 𝐀𝑁d 𝟬tHҽr 𝒜𝓬ce𐊖𝚜oꮢies꘎","assorted item place out on the knock down include camera, pocketbook and other accessories.",Various items laid on floor wallet,"Various items laid camera, the on floor including out wallet and other accessories.","Various items laid out point on the floor including camera, wallet billfold and repoint point other accessories.","Various items laid out On the flore incluinding cinema, wallet and othe acesssorys.","Various items laid out on tha floor including cam , wallet nd other accessories .","Various العناصر laid out on the pis including camera, кошелек and other accessories.","Various items laid out on the floor @zUYR0PUa including camera, wallet and other accessories.","Various items laid out Aune Thee floor including camera, wallet and Uther accessories.","Various items spread out on the floor such as camera, wallet and other accessories.","Some of these things laid out on the floor, Including a camera, a purse and other articles.","A range of objects, such as a camera, wallet, and other accessories, placed on the ground." 808921,Two escalators with an advertisement for the only party you can trust to reduce immigration.,Twu escalators with an advertisement fuk the un1y pakty you can tro8t to reduce immi9kati0n.,Two escalators diRh an adv2rt7d2mFn$ for the ojlh parhg you can truag to teVucS imH9grQyioJ.,Two *eyscalat2o+rs wistKh an aDdRverti(seUmqeEnt for the eonOly party you can t4rubst to GredPubce miZmmigBr%ati0on.,Two eXpal5t!rs 3ith an ndAerDisZ#Lnt for the ohoy party you can tr(3t to r7dzc* immigr)e%o9.,Two escaltaros iwht an daevtreismnet for the noyl party you can rtuts to reudce immigration.,Two calatr wh an advertisement for the on aty you can trt to red mgatio.,TwO esCALatorS wItH an aDvERtiSemEnt for THE Only pArtY You Can trusT tO rEDUCe IMMiGraTion.,TTTTwwwwoooo eeeessssccccaaaallllaaaattttoooorrrrssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaannnn aaaaddddvvvveeeerrrrttttiiiisssseeeemmmmeeeennnntttt ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee oooonnnnllllyyyy ppppaaaarrrrttttyyyy yyyyoooouuuu ccccaaaannnn ttttrrrruuuusssstttt ttttoooo rrrreeeedddduuuucccceeee iiiimmmmmmmmiiiiggggrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,Tw0 escalators wit4 an adv3rtis3m3nt for t43 onl4 part4 40u can trust t0 r3duc3 im3igrati0n.,Twoesca lator s w ith a n adv ertisem ent f orthe on ly par t y y ou can trus tt o red uce immi gr ation.,Twᴏ 𝞔scaⳑa𝜏oⲅ𝑠 w𝕝𝑻h an 𝐴ᑯv𑢮rtisᴇment for 𝕋ʜe on𐔦y 𝓟artᎩ ỿo𝝊 ⊂an tᏒ𝗎𐐠𝑡 𖼊𐓪 𝖗edu𝑐e i𝕸𝝡iƍ𝕣a𐊗ion.,two moving stairway with an advertizement for the only political party you can confide to trim down immigration.,Two escalators with advertisement the only party can trust immigration.,Two advertisement with an immigration. for the escalators you party can trust to reduce only,Two escalators advertise advertizing with an advertisement for advertizing the only advertizing party you can trust to reduce immigration.,Two escalators woth an advertisement for the onle pirty yuor can trust o resuce imigration.,Two escalators wiv an advertisement fo` tha only prty yuo cn trust tuh reduce immigration .,Two escalators con an advertisement लिये de only party you может trust to reduce immigration.,Two escalators with an advertisement for the only party you can trust @0TWTsZXh to reduce immigration.,Tue escalators with an advertisement for the only party Yue Kuhne trust to reduce immigration.,Two escalators with an advertisement for the only party that can be trusted to reduce immigration.,Two escalators with an advertisement for the only party that you may trust to reduce the inflow of immigrants.,A pair of escalators and an advertisement for the only credible party that can reduce immigration. 9907403,"Two cameras are shown with the words, Our Newsletter for a chance to win an amazing genre motion control system.","Twu cameras ake shown with the w0rd8, Our Newsletter for a chance to win an ama2in9 9enke motion c0ntru1 system.","Two va,eraE are sNowH #itJ the w*rxs, Our geeslettr4 for a DhansR to win an QmazunR g2nge motion control s^sts,.","Two cJameWraBs are shTowjn wiitXh the two^rds, Our ONAewslcettqer for a chance to win an kakmazifng gevnrre qmnootion control 7sy7stecm.","Two caBeUes are shown iizh the $Drds, Our iews9e4tUr for a cFamcX to win an a$a5*ng Kenae mo8iZI control 6w+tem.","Two cmaresa are sohnw with the wosrd, Our Neswlteert for a chneac to win an aamzing genre otmoin cnotrol systme.","Two aeas are shw wh the wrs, Our ewslte for a chance to win an aing ger ton cotl system.","TwO caMERaS aRe ShOwn WiTh The woRds, Our NEwSleTteR fOr a CHaNCe To wiN aN amAzinG Genre MOTIon ConTrol sYstem.","TTTTwwwwoooo ccccaaaammmmeeeerrrraaaassss aaaarrrreeee sssshhhhoooowwwwnnnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss,,,, OOOOuuuurrrr NNNNeeeewwwwsssslllleeeetttttttteeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr aaaa cccchhhhaaaannnncccceeee ttttoooo wwwwiiiinnnn aaaannnn aaaammmmaaaazzzziiiinnnngggg ggggeeeennnnrrrreeee mmmmoooottttiiiioooonnnn ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll ssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmm....","7wo ca3eras are shown 3it4 t43 words, 0ur 11e3sl3tter f0r a c4anc3 t0 win an a3azing 93nr3 30ti0n contr0l syst33.","Twocame ras a reshown with the wo rds ,Our Ne w sl et terf ora chance to w i n anamazingge nre motion c ontro ls ys te m .","Two c𝔸М𝓔ras ar𝝚 sh𝟘𝑤𝑵 with tℎe Ԝords, Our Newslꭼ𝖳𑢼er քor a 𝒄haոc⋿ to 𝒲in 𝝖𝑁 𝔞ma𝖟⍳ng 𝓖enr℮ 𐊰ot𝞘𝘖𝐍 𐐽౦n𝗧roⅬ s𝑌s𝕿em.","two photographic camera are bear witness with the words, Our newsletter for a opportunity to acquire an dumbfound musical genre apparent motion master system.",Two are shown the Newsletter to win an motion,"are for system. Newsletter with the words, Our shown cameras a chance to win an amazing genre motion control Two","Two cameras are shown with the words, writing style Our Newsletter for a chance to win tv camera an amazing genre motion control astonishing tv camera system.","Tow cameras are showned eith the words, Our Newsletter for a chanche tu winn an amaizing genress motion control syatem.","Two cameras r shown wiv tha words , Our Newsletter fo` a chance tuh win an amazing genre motion ctrl system .","Two الكاميرات are shown with the words, Our Newsletter for a шанс to win an مدهش genre rörelse kontrolle system.","Two @qQYCAx0W cameras are shown with the words, Our Newsletter for a chance to win an amazing genre motion control system.","Tue cameras Err Shone with Thee Word'S, R. Newsletter for a chance to Winn an amazing genre motion control system.","Two cameras will be shown with the inscription ""Our Newsletter"" to have a chance to win an amazing genre motion control system.","Two cameras are shown with the words, Our Newsletter for a chance to win an astounding genre motion control system.","Two cameras are exhibited with the words, Our Newsletter, and you have the chance to win an exceptional genre motion control system." 2770670,"A collection of clothing and accessories including shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, hats and gloves.","A cu11ecti0n of clothing and acce88ukie8 including shoes, sweaters, 8cakve8, bags, song1a88es, hat8 and gloves.","A coIlwcGioJ of sOltMing and wcc$asLriWs inX;8dinB qhoeZ, ewea%eFd, WcQrvws, bags, sKJglzssez, hats and blodeX.","A ucoillepctiotn of clpotOhiVnTg and aqcocWesJsnories incrlwudPinFg sfho4es, iswoeBateurs, scarves, bags, s@ungl&a)sse2s, whaXts and 5glo2ve^s.","A cXlOecti)f of cl_e3!ng and 94cesHori7( #ncJudYnD sFBes, sweaters, scarves, 9bgs, su+glasLNY, haRX and nlovDu.","A collection of clohtnig and aesccsoires inlcduing sheso, sweaters, scasrve, absg, suglnasses, hats and gloves.","A colcti of othn and acorie including she, swee, ares, bs, sunglasses, ts and oes.","A COllECTiOn Of ClOthiNg aND aCceSsories inClUdiNg SHoEs, sWEAtErs, scarvES, bAgs, suNGlaSSES, HAts anD gLOves.","AAAA ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff ccccllllooootttthhhhiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, sssswwwweeeeaaaatttteeeerrrrssss,,,, ssssccccaaaarrrrvvvveeeessss,,,, bbbbaaaaggggssss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, hhhhaaaattttssss aaaannnndddd gggglllloooovvvveeeessss....","A coll3ction of clot4in9 and acc3ssori3s includin9 s40es, s33aters, scarv3s, 6a9s, sun9lass3s, hats and 9lov3s.","A co llec tionofcloth ing a nd acce sso ri esinc l ud in g sh o es, sweaters,sc a r ves, bags, s un glasses, hat s and g l ov es . ","𝖆 𝖢oLlection ੦f cⳑﮭt𝓱𝚤ng a𝞜𝚍 a𝒄cЕs𐑈oᚱi𝛦s includ1nց shoⅇs, s𑜏ea𝐓ers, 𝐬𑣲ar𝓿es٫ ba𝐠sꓹ sunglAsses, haTs anᗪ gⳑov𝙀s܂","type a ingathering of tog and accouterment include shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, hat and gloves.","clothing and accessories including shoes, scarves, bags, sunglasses, gloves.","hats including of A and accessories collection shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, clothing gloves. and","let in A collection of clothing let in and accessories including accessory vesture shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, hats and gloves.","A collection ok clothing ahdn accessories incluiding shoed, sweathers, sharfs, begs, sungrass, hats ahd gloves.","A collection of clothing nd accessories including shoes , sweaters , scarves , bags , sunglasses , hats nd gloves .","A التحصيل of clothing and accessories including shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, hats and gloves.","A collection of clothing and accessories including shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, @KAePkmOH hats and gloves.","A collection of clothing and accessories including shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, Hatz and gloves.","A collection of clothing and accessories such as shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, hats and gloves.","A collection of apparel and accessories, Including shoes, sweaters, scarves, bags, sunglasses, hats and gloves.","A range of apparel and accessories such as shoes, sweaters, scarves or bags, sunglasses, hats (black, white, or red), and gloves." 10392871,The FBI's ongoing corruption investigation continues to involve a perious pattern of criminal activity committed by San Francisco city officials.,The FBI ' s ongoing cukkoption inve8ti9ati0n continues to inv01ve a perious pattekn of ckimina1 activity committed 6y 8an Francisco city 0fficia18.,The FBI ' s *bgoung coErup$l8n iBC@s%igat80n continues to ibv9lv$ a pedJ8us patGd5n of cg&miJSl aXFiFi5y committed by San ErancOQxo cirj officials.,The FBI ' s on1gSoinfg Bco2rFru%ption Finv1eVstoiKgbation cfo)nntbinues to involve a perious patt2eOrxn of BcJrim&ina9l activity Bcokmm_ittGed by San jFraZnQciOsco ScitUy oeffsicLia_ls.,The FBI ' s ongoing cBWrup@ioH investigation c+ncin7e1 to in*oiv! a 6eri1u* paJt5Kn of Arijioa3 *cti(iEm commZ2h_d by San Francisco cotH offiR2U0s.,The FBI ' s ongonig croriupton invtesgaiiotn cnotnuise to inovelv a preuios pattern of criminal activity ocmitmtde by San Frnaiccso cyit ofifcails.,The FBI ' s ongoing corruption ivesgio cties to involve a rius atrn of crmi atit comte by San ncisc ci offas.,ThE FBI'S OngoinG CorrUpTiON iNveStigAtiOn CONtiNuES tO InvOLVE a Perious paTtErn oF crimINAl acTIVity cOmMitTeD BY SaN FRaNcisCO CiTy oFfiCiaLs.,TTTThhhheeee FFFFBBBBIIII''''ssss oooonnnnggggooooiiiinnnngggg ccccoooorrrrrrrruuuuppppttttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnnvvvveeeessssttttiiiiggggaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ccccoooonnnnttttiiiinnnnuuuueeeessss ttttoooo iiiinnnnvvvvoooollllvvvveeee aaaa ppppeeeerrrriiiioooouuuussss ppppaaaatttttttteeeerrrrnnnn ooooffff ccccrrrriiiimmmmiiiinnnnaaaallll aaaaccccttttiiiivvvviiiittttyyyy ccccoooommmmmmmmiiiitttttttteeeedddd bbbbyyyy SSSSaaaannnn FFFFrrrraaaannnncccciiiissssccccoooo cccciiiittttyyyy ooooffffffffiiiicccciiiiaaaallllssss....,The F8I's ongoin9 c0rrupti0n investigation c0ntinu3s t0 inv0lve a p3ri0us patt3rn of cri3inal activity c033itt3d 64 5an Francisco cit4 0fficials.,TheFBI' s ong oin g cor rupti on inve sti ga tio n c o nt in uest o i nvolve a pe ri o u s pa ttern of c riminal acti vityco m mi tt e dby Sa n Fr a nc i sc o cit yo f fi c ia l s. ,T𝒽Ε ᖴBI΄𝓢 onℊo׀𝗻ԍ corruptℓ𝗼𝓷 invest𝞘ga𝓣𖼨on Ⲥﮩ𝒩tinues to lΝ∨𝘰lve a 𝙥𝐄ℛio𝕌s 𝛲𝝰𝙩t𝖤Ꮢn oᖴ cᖇ𝐢mi𝜨𝒂l activι𝑡y com𝛭it𝕋ed by San FR𝚨nᏟ𝕝sc𝑜 cℓ𝙏y 𝚘𐊇f𝙄cial𐊖۰,The FBI's on going rottenness probe carry on to need a perious convention of deplorable action consecrate by San Francisco urban center officials.,The ongoing corruption investigation involve perious pattern of criminal activity committed by Francisco officials.,The FBI's ongoing continues investigation involve to committed a perious pattern of criminal city corruption by San Francisco activity officials.,call for The natural action FBI's ongoing corruption investigation continues to on going involve a perious pattern of criminal activity committed by San depravity Francisco city officials.,Tho FBI ' s ongoing corruption investigation continues wo invole am perious pattern of criminal activitiy [[commited bu Sun Franisco city offical.,The FBI 's ongoing corruption investigation continues tuh involve a perious pattern of criminal activity committed by San Francisco city officials .,The FBI's ongoing corruption investigation continues to involve a perious pattern of criminal деятельность committed by San Francisco 都市 officials.,The FBI's ongoing corruption investigation continues to involve a perious pattern of criminal activity committed by San Francisco @ECiszyNQ city officials.,Thee FBIEss ongoing corruption investigation continues to involve a perious pattern of criminal activity committed Bye San Francisco Citi officials.,The ongoing FBI corruption investigation continues to include a pernicious pattern of criminal activity committed by San Francisco city officials.,"The FBI's ongoing corruption investigation, in which a pernicious pattern of criminal conduct is committed by the city of San Francisco, is now",A scathing pattern of crime committed by city officials in San Francisco is still being investigated as part of the FBI's ongoing corruption investigation. 10933753,A man standing in front of a screen displaying many different streaming devices.,A man standing in front uf a screen di8p1ayin9 many different streaming devices.,A man stanXlJr in frpn% of a screen displaying mQJy xiffe$Dn4 st44amiGb dfviv4s.,A man standing in front of a socsrxeen jdi*splWayoing SmUany ^difxfeer7ent estreaxmicn5g deAv$icehs.,A man vtendi^k in front of a sF@e^n dTsPlayAn+ mzPy _iRfere&n streaming geviFEs.,A man stdaning in front of a csrnee displaying many dfiefrnte streaming edveics.,A man stnd in rnt of a cre displaying my different srmng decs.,A MAN STanding in fronT of A sCreeN diSpLAYinG mAnY DifFErenT STreAmINg DEvicEs.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ssssccccrrrreeeeeeeennnn ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg mmmmaaaannnnyyyy ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ssssttttrrrreeeeaaaammmmiiiinnnngggg ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeeessss....,A man standing in front 0f a scr3en displa4in9 3an4 diff3rent str3a3in9 d3vic3s.,A ma n st andin g i n fro nt of a scre endi spl ayi n gma ny d i ffe rent stream in g devi ces.,A 𐌑𝕬ℕ stand𝚕Ⲛ𝚐 in 𐊇гo𝘯ꓔ of a screen Ꭰ𝛪splayᛁng ma𝔫𝐘 difℱЕren🝨 st𝚛e𖽀ming d𝐄vi𝖈e𝕤܁,angstrom unit military man abide in battlefront of a riddle expose many dissimilar teem devices.,A man front of screen many different,A streaming standing in front of devices. screen displaying many different man a,dissimilar mankind A man standing in front of a screen block out displaying many mankind different streaming devices.,A mom stading in front ok am sreen displaying mang different streaming devices.,A man standing in front of a screen displaying many different streaming devices .,A الرجل standing in अग्र of a pantalla displaying many разные streaming devices., A man standing in front of @kdgBJ5gt a screen displaying many different streaming devices.,A Manne standing Inn front of a screen displaying many different streaming devices.,A man stands in front of a screen with many different streaming devices.,A man standing in a screen displaying many streams of streaming devices.,A display of various streaming devices is positioned in front of a man. 7968095,"A woman wearing a knitted hat with text overlay that says, Straight needle knitting patterns.","A woman wearing a rnitted hat with text uvek1ay that says, Straight needle knitting patterns.","A woman 3earJMg a knitted hat with tDzt (verlAH Gha6 aa5s, Sh5aORht JeeCIe knitting patterns.","A wno&man wearing a XknixtAted hat Hw_ith tre5xt overlay that OsOays, Straight nme3endle knitting pa)tyte@rn!s.","A ^(man neaRinD a knitted hat with text ovK&hay toaw says, Sg4a$ght nZEdlE knitting patL%Tqs.","A woman wearing a knitted hat iwht text vorelya that assy, Rtsiaght ednele knitting ptatresn.","A woman weag a knitted hat with text oeay th sy, Siht needle nitg attn.","A WOmaN WeariNg A KnitTeD HAt WitH text oVERlAy ThaT SaYS, STRaighT NeeDlE kNITtInG pAtterns.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa kkkknnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd hhhhaaaatttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt oooovvvveeeerrrrllllaaaayyyy tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss,,,, SSSSttttrrrraaaaiiiigggghhhhtttt nnnneeeeeeeeddddlllleeee kkkknnnniiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg ppppaaaatttttttteeeerrrrnnnnssss....","A woman wearin9 a knitt3d hat wit4 t3xt 0verla4 t4at says, 5trai94t n33dl3 knitting patt3rns.","A wo manweari nga kni ttedhat wit h t ex t o ver l ay t hats ays , Straightne e d le k nittingpa tterns.","A woman weari𝔑g a 𝝟ni𝗧𝘵𝙴ᑯ haᎢ ԝith text ov𑢮rꮮa𝒀 tha𝗍 s⍺ys, S𝘁rаight n𐊆edl𝞔 k𝐧𝖎tti𝒏ԍ 𝙋atᎢer𝙉s.","deoxyadenosine monophosphate womanhood wear thin a cockle chapeau with schoolbook sheathing that says, straightaway goad knitwork patterns.",A woman a hat that needle knitting patterns.,"woman hat wearing says, knitted A with Straight overlay that a text needle knitting patterns.","A woman wearing fall apart a knitted hat with text overlay cockle that says, Straight lid needle knitting schoolbook patterns.","A woman weraing are knitted nat wjth text overlay thai ssy, Stight needle knitting patterns.","A woman wearing a knitted hat wiv txt overlay tht sez , Straight needle knitting patterns .","A المراة wearing a knitted hat with text overlay that says, Straight needle knitting patterns.","A woman wearing a @PcHmp2Hx knitted hat with text overlay that says, Straight needle knitting patterns.","A woman Waring a knitted Hatt with text overlay that says, Streight Neidl knitting patterns.",A woman wears a knitted cap with a text cover that reads: Straight needle knitting patterns.,"A knitted hat with text overlay that says, Straight needle knitting patterns.",A woman wearing a knitted hat with text that showcases straight needle knitting patterns. 8323636,Two women holding basketballs and books in front of the words girls athlete of the week.,Tw0 wumen holding basketballs and books in front uf the wokd8 girls athlete of the weer.,Two #omem hoKd7Hg HasoeHga and Ajite o t4Git w(tT accessories incluSuMV WhoFs, bag, HrWcFlRts, and purse.","A black and Awehite PouXtf$it with aScclessyor8ieis iinmclu2d0ing (sho3es, bag, _brBaYceletUs, and puxrsge.","A black and whi+E outfit (it& accj2rjrEes #ycVudRng ShoHs, bag, beKcAlbts, and p7nse.","A black and white ufotit with acecsorsise nilcdunig sohse, bag, barectles, and psure.","A bla and wit outfit wi cesoie ncdng sho, bag, bract, and purse.","A BLacK And wHitE OutfIt wITh AccEssories INcLudInG ShOEs, BAg, brAceLets, ANd pUrse.","AAAA bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, bbbbaaaagggg,,,, bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeelllleeeettttssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppuuuurrrrsssseeee....","A black and white 0utfit 3ith acc3ssori3s including s4oes, 6a9, 6rac3l3ts, and purs3.","A bl ackand w hit e out fit w ith acc ess or ies in c lu di ng s h oes , bag, brac el e t s, a nd purse .","𐊠 𝘉Ⅼack and whlτ𝕰 𝘰utf𝙸𝓽 𝕎𝗂th a⊂c𝓔sꜱ𝛰R𝒍ᴇs i𝒩cᏞ𝜐di𝜨𝗀 shoes, ᖯ𝘢g, br𝝖ce𐑃e𝘵s, and puRƽe.","type a opprobrious and blanched turnout with accoutrement include shoes, bag, bracelets, and purse.","A black and with including shoes, bag, bracelets, and purse.","A white and black and including accessories with outfit bag, bracelets, shoes, purse.","A black whiteness accessory pureness and whiteness white outfit with accessories including shoes, bag, bracelets, and purse.","I black and whait outfit with acesssorys encluding shoes, bag, bracelettes, un puris.","A blk nd white outfit wiv accessories including shoes , bag , bracelets , nd purse .","A سوداء and white outfit with accessoris including shoes, bag, bracelets, and purse.","A black @0PUam2js and white outfit with accessories including shoes, bag, bracelets, and purse.","A black and Whyte outfit with accessories including Shoe'S, Bagge, bracelets, and Perse.","A black and white outfit with accessories such as shoes, bag, bracelets and purse.","A black and white apparel, with accessories, to be worn with your shoes, bag, bracelets, and purse","A black and white ensemble paired with shoes, bag, bracelets, and a purse." 7358715,The water heater icon element of home appliances for mobile devices and webs royalty illustration.,The watek heater icon e1ement 0f home appliances f0k mobile devices and we68 royalty il1o8tkatiun.,The water hDXtsr iciM el2Nfnt of home aoO:9ances for J9bil@ reviXed and @eGs royalty illustration.,The whaLter heater Kico2n GelCeRment of h1o0me appliances for Jm*obi7le devices and jwexbs vroyaDltay illustration.,The wZtMr heater icrM etemeZ) of ho_( 4pfliQncLs for mobile devices and webs roydVt& ifluVtsptKon.,The twaer heater coin eleemnt of heom appliances for mobile dveiesc and webs roaylty liultsrtaino.,The water eer icon element of oe pplncs for ole dece and ws oaly illustration.,ThE waTER heaTer iCon ElEmENt Of Home appliAnCes foR MOBIle DeVIceS And webS rOYAlTy ILlUsTraTion.,TTTThhhheeee wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr hhhheeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr iiiiccccoooonnnn eeeelllleeeemmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff hhhhoooommmmeeee aaaapppppppplllliiiiaaaannnncccceeeessss ffffoooorrrr mmmmoooobbbbiiiilllleeee ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeeessss aaaannnndddd wwwweeeebbbbssss rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,The 3ater heater ic0n 3l3ment 0f 403e appliances f0r 3o6ile d3vic3s and 336s r04alt4 illustrati0n.,Thewate r hea ter icon elem ent ofhom eapp lia n ce sform obi le devicesan d webs royalty i llustration. ,𝘵he w𝒶tꭼ𝖗 h𝔈at𝜠r iᴄo𐔓 ꭼl𑢮𝔐Ꭼnt of hOᎷ𑢦 A𝓟pʟ𝗅𝖆nces for Μ𐊒bile dꓰvice𝓈 𝑨nd w𑢦𝗯𝑠 ro𑣜al𝞣y illustr𝒜ti𝟶n꘎,The ho hummer ikon constituent of national convenience for fluid device and net royal line illustration.,The heater element of home mobile devices webs illustration.,webs water heater icon illustration. devices home appliances for and of mobile The royalty element,The ingredient convenience water heater icon element of home appliances device for urine mobile devices and webs royalty illustration.,The rwater heater icon element ow homw applicantes far mobail divices and webs royalty illustration.,The h2o heater icon element of hom appliances fo` mobile devices nd webs royalty illustration .,The المياه heater icon element of hemma appliances for mobile устройств and webs royalty illustration.,@sZXhAXUD The water heater icon element of home appliances for mobile devices and webs royalty illustration.,Thee water Heeter icon element of Holm appliances for Mobil devices and Webbs royalty illustration.,The kettle icon element of household appliances for mobile devices and websites illustrates royal levies.,The water heater icon element of home appliances for mobile devices and webs royalty illustration.,royalty illustration of the water heater icon on mobile devices and webs in home appliances. 4456238,An image with the quote India conquer and dominated China culturally for centuries without ever - ending to send a single soldier across her border.,An image with the 9u0te India cun9oer and dominated Ghina culturally f0k centokie8 withuot evek - endin9 to send a single soldier across her 6okdek.,An imaTF Ajth the qIo$e India cLnqu4% and ckmiMatWd ChUma culturally for centuries wihh9ug ever - ending to send a single C)ldieG aF#osq her HprdeG.,An image with the vquojte I*nZdia conquer and domdingat8e4d ChEinxa culturally for centuries xwaith#out ever - ending to hse@nd a )s*inglje asold$i9er apcTr)oss her wbor6dRer.,An dmagU wiIR the ikote IndzD conquer and @om)natcZ China ju@tFr1lly for centuries wDtBo)t ever - ending to YeKd a sixgio so@d4tr across her border.,An miaeg iwht the quote India conquer and dominated Chain ucrltually for centuries wihtout ever - enndgi to send a isngle soldier arocss her obrder.,An image wh the quote Iia coqe and onted Chn culturally for centuries wiho ever - ending to en a single soer ars her rer.,An imagE wIth thE QuotE InDIa ConQuer anD dOMInateD ChInA cULTURalLy foR CenTuRies WITHout EVEr - enDINg to sEnd a sInglE SolDiEr AcROsS heR bordEr.,AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee qqqquuuuooootttteeee IIIInnnnddddiiiiaaaa ccccoooonnnnqqqquuuueeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ddddoooommmmiiiinnnnaaaatttteeeedddd CCCChhhhiiiinnnnaaaa ccccuuuullllttttuuuurrrraaaallllllllyyyy ffffoooorrrr cccceeeennnnttttuuuurrrriiiieeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhhoooouuuutttt eeeevvvveeeerrrr ---- eeeennnnddddiiiinnnngggg ttttoooo sssseeeennnndddd aaaa ssssiiiinnnngggglllleeee ssssoooollllddddiiiieeeerrrr aaaaccccrrrroooossssssss hhhheeeerrrr bbbboooorrrrddddeeeerrrr....,4n image 3ith the quote 1ndia c0nqu3r and dominated 04ina culturally f0r c3nturies 3it4out 3ver - 3ndin9 t0 s3nd a sin9l3 s0ldi3r acr0ss 43r b0rd3r.,An i mage with th e quo te In dia con que rand do m in at ed C h ina culturally f o r cen turies w it hout ever -endin gt ose n da sin gles ol d ie r acr os s he r b o rd e r.,𝒂𝙣 image with the 𝘘𝚄o𝖙e Ind𝗹𝙰 coոq𐓶ℰ𝒓 and domina𐊗e𝗗 C𝐇ina 𝚌u𖼖tura𑢣lγ for c𐊆ntu𝗋i𝝚ꜱ witһО𝚄t eᐯer - 𝔈nding 𝘛o s℮NᎠ a singꮮe soldiᎬr 𝖺cƦoss her bo𖼵der.,associate in nursing mental image with the citation india subdue and prevail chinaware culturally for hundred without eer - terminate to post a bingle soldier crossways her border.,An the quote conquer dominated centuries - ending to a soldier border.,An image centuries the quote India conquer and dominated China ever for with without culturally - ending to send a single soldier across her border.,An image with the quote India conquer and dominated crossways communist china China overlook simulacrum culturally for centuries without ever - ending to send a single soldier across her border.,And image wuth the quet indian conquis and dominated CHINA culturally form centuries without every - ending ro send a single soldier across hef border.,An image wiv tha quote India conquer nd dominated China culturally fo` centuries wio evr - ending tuh send a single soldier across her border .,An الصورة with the quote India erövra and dominated China культурно for 世紀 without ever - amai to send a single στρατιώτη across her border.,An image with the quote India conquer and dominated China @CAx0WcMj culturally for centuries without ever - ending to send a single soldier across her border.,An image with Thee quote India conquer and dominated China culturally for Century'S without ever - ending to send a single soldier across her Boarder.,A picture with the quote that India has conquered and culturally dominated for centuries without ever sending a single soldier across its border.,An image with the quote India conquerèd and possessed of the world For centuries without end—ending to send forth A single soldier across her borders.,"The image depicts India's cultural domination over China for centuries, with no attempt to send a single soldier across the border." 10846318,People sitting in front of an audience wearing virtual reality headsets.,People sitting in fkunt 0f an audience wearing viktoa1 reality headsets.,People Ci4tLng in VronR of an audience wearing burtKal res:itj m#adaetD.,jPesoTple s1itZteing in front of an audience wearing vbir8tuaBl rEeaKliVty heKapd!setJs.,PAoKlu sitting in front of an auyreLcF geQrinZ vistuRK reality v^Gdxets.,Eopple tstiing in front of an audenice aweirng virtual eraitly headsets.,People sitting in frt of an audience ring vira raiy hets.,PeOPLe SittIng in fronT of AN AUdIEnce wEaRInG vIrTUal REalIty heAdsetS.,PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn aaaauuuuddddiiiieeeennnncccceeee wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg vvvviiiirrrrttttuuuuaaaallll rrrreeeeaaaalllliiiittttyyyy hhhheeeeaaaaddddsssseeeettttssss....,People sitting in fr0nt of an audi3nc3 33aring virtual realit4 43adsets.,Peop le s ittin g i n fro nt of an aud ien ce we ari n gvi rtua l re ality heads et s . ,P𝗘𑣠p𐑃𑢮 sittiꓠg 𝑖ɴ Ϝr𐊫𝕹t 𝟶f an audien𝒞e weaᖇin𝒈 virtual re𝐴lity hℰa𝒹𝒮e🝨s.,the great unwashed sit down in look of an hearing tire practical world headsets.,People sitting front of an audience wearing virtual reality headsets.,People of in wearing sitting an audience virtual reality front headsets.,straw man People sitting in posture front military capability of an audience wearing posture virtual reality headsets.,Pelope sitting in front of an audiance werning virtural realiyt headsets.,People sitting in front of an audience wearing virtual reality headsets .,People الجلوس in front of an målgruppen wearing virtual reality headsets.,People sitting in front of an audience wearing virtual reality @PkmOHLNG headsets.,People sitting Inn front of an audience Waring virtual reality headsets.,People sitting in front of an audience wearing virtual reality headsets.,People sitting in front of an audience in virtual reality headsets.,Individuals positioned in front of an audience using VR headsets. 11028530,A crowd of people holding signs that read science evidence over ignorance.,A crowd of peup1e h01din9 8ign8 that kead 8cience evidence uvek ignorance.,A crowd of 9e)lle hood9nr aigms that read ssifnxe eGodeGse over Ugjo$ande.,A (croewd of Tpeaopl7e _ho7l3ding sZigOns t#hWat read science evidence ovnemr ignorance.,A crowd of pRopPe holding s#Ens 8hah read WcieE5e evidence Ivwr ig9)9aoce.,A cwrod of peopel holding sgisn atht read science evidence over ginornace.,A owd of people holding sis ta read science vine or gnrac.,A CrOwD of people holdIng SIGns tHAt reaD SCiEncE EViDENCE OvEr iGNorAnce.,AAAA ccccrrrroooowwwwdddd ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg ssssiiiiggggnnnnssss tttthhhhaaaatttt rrrreeeeaaaadddd sssscccciiiieeeennnncccceeee eeeevvvviiiiddddeeeennnncccceeee oooovvvveeeerrrr iiiiggggnnnnoooorrrraaaannnncccceeee....,A crowd of pe0pl3 4oldin9 si9ns t4at read sci3nc3 evid3nc3 0v3r i9noranc3.,A cr owdof pe opl e hol dingsigns t hat r ead sc i en ce evi d enc e over igno ra n c e.,a cr𝞼w𝙳 of 𝝦eoplᴇ holᗞ𝟏𝛮g 𐊖igns that read science 𐊆vid𝖤nce 𝟶𝒗𝚬r iᶃnОrA𝑵ce٠,antiophthalmic factor bunch of citizenry keeping signalize that study scientific discipline tell over ignorance.,A holding read evidence over,A crowd holding of science over that read people evidence signs ignorance.,tell separate A tell crowd of people bunch holding signs that read science evidence over ignorance.,I crowed for people helding signs tat rease science evidence over ignorance.,A crowd of pplz holding signs tht read science evidence uber ignorance .,A حشد of people holding लक्षण att read science evidence over ignorance.,A crowd of people @iszyNQ7C holding signs that read science evidence over ignorance.,A crowd of people holding signs that Reid science evidence over ignorance.,A crowd with signs bearing scientific evidence of ignorance.,"A throng of people, that hold up signs that read “science evidence”",A group of individuals waving signs that highlighted science evidence over uninformed facts. 4884664,An overhead view of a businessman working on his laptop surrounded by many hands and office supplies.,An 0vekhead view of a businessman wurrin9 0n hi8 1apt0p 8okkounded 6y many hands and uffice supplies.,An kv@rhdaw Bi3w of a NusibRCxman working on his lWptK0 surrounded by maGt hqbds and oDf(cF s6pLli@W.,An ovzerFhepavd view of a bVusiHne#ssAmaFn working on his 3l@ap9top surVrHotu8nded by bmuany Chand1s and o!ffiHche jsuppl4i#eHs.,An ovWkmBad vinp of a businessman WHCking on his G5pCop euR%ounwed by m7n@ hands and %^Iice sZpRlqer.,An veorhdea vwie of a bunsiessmna workign on his laoppt surronudde by many hands and fofcei upsplies.,An overhead view of a bsiesa wrin on his ptp surune by ma ads and oce slis.,An OveRHEad vIew oF a BuSiNEssMan working oN His laPtOP SurrOuNDed bY mAnY HAnDs aNd oFfice sUPpLies.,AAAAnnnn oooovvvveeeerrrrhhhheeeeaaaadddd vvvviiiieeeewwww ooooffff aaaa bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssssmmmmaaaannnn wwwwoooorrrrkkkkiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn hhhhiiiissss llllaaaappppttttoooopppp ssssuuuurrrrrrrroooouuuunnnnddddeeeedddd bbbbyyyy mmmmaaaannnnyyyy hhhhaaaannnnddddssss aaaannnndddd ooooffffffffiiiicccceeee ssssuuuupppppppplllliiiieeeessss....,An ov3rhead vie3 0f a 6usiness3an 30rkin9 on 4is lapt0p surround3d 64 3an4 hands and 0ffice suppli3s.,An o verh ead v iew of a busi nessman wo rk ing on hi slapt o p s urrounded b ym a ny h ands and o ffice suppli es.,Aɴ ੦⋁e𝖗ℋ⋿𝐚d ᐯ⏽𝝚w of 𝑎 b𝕌sin𑢦𝗌sm𝐀n 𑣦or𝗞Ⲓn𝐠 𝖔n hiЅ lapt𝞞p 𝔖𝒰rr𝗼und𑢮𝑫 by 𝐌an𝚈 ꮋands and off𝐢𝖼e 𝒮ꓴppl𝘪⋿s.,an viewgraph vista of a man of affairs wreak on his laptop computer hem in by many workforce and function supplies.,of a businessman on by many hands and office supplies.,An overhead surrounded of a businessman working by view laptop and on many hands his office supplies.,An overhead act upon view look at smother of a businessman working on his laptop surrounded act upon by many hands and office supplies.,And overhead wive of la businessman wolk en his legtop surrounded by many hands and offfice supllies.,An overhead view of a businessman working on his laptop surrounded by many hands nd office supplies .,An overhead visualizza of a व्यापारी arbeta on his laptop окружен by many hands and office supplies.,An overhead view of a businessman working on his laptop @gBJ5gtIY surrounded by many hands and office supplies.,An overhead Vue of a businessman Werking on his laptop surrounded Bae many hands and office supplies.,"A view from above of a businessman working on his laptop, surrounded by many hands and office supplies.","An overhead view of a businessman working on his laptop, With many hands and office supplies.","Above, a businessman working on his laptop with many hands and office equipment." 10223526,A man standing on top of an open book with his arms outstretched and heart shaped pages in the air.,A man 8tandin9 on top of an upen book with his akm8 outstretched and heart shaped pa9e8 in the aik.,A man CYanrigg on top of an opfb b9oU auth his zDms ohrstre^FheF and yeSrt QhxpeR )ahes in the air.,A man +stOa+n0ding on top of an WopeEn bo!o%k uwiith his Darmvs %ouJts2tyretch4ed and h4e*art VsThapped 8pagpes in the air.,A man sPfnd)Og on top of an opcF bLo2 xtth his arP$ outs#TetE5e6 and tea2t sCFced pxgms in the air.,A man tsnading on top of an oenp obko iwht his rasm outtsretcdhe and hetar shapde apgse in the air.,A man tdin on top of an en oo ih his rs ostethe and hat hae ags in the air.,A MAn STAndinG oN Top Of aN opEn Book with HiS aRms oUTSTretChED and heArT SHaPeD PageS iN THe air.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff aaaannnn ooooppppeeeennnn bbbbooooooookkkk wwwwiiiitttthhhh hhhhiiiissss aaaarrrrmmmmssss oooouuuuttttssssttttrrrreeeettttcccchhhheeeedddd aaaannnndddd hhhheeeeaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhaaaappppeeeedddd ppppaaaaggggeeeessss iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee aaaaiiiirrrr....,A man standin9 on top of an 0p3n 6o0k 3it4 4is arms 0utstr3tch3d and 43art s4ap3d pag3s in th3 air.,A ma n st andin g o n top of a n openboo kwit h h i sar ms o u tst retched and h e a rt s haped pa ge s in the air .,A ma𝓝 st𝞐𝘯dinց on 𝝩op of an open book wi𝘁𝖧 his arms ou𝜏𝙨⊤r𝔈tc𝓱ℰᎠ and Нeᗅrt shape𝖉 pa𝗴es in 𝓣𝖧𑢦 𝝰𝗂r܂,group a gentlemans gentleman suffer on crest of an clear hold with his weapon outstretched and substance work sir frederick handley page in the air.,A man standing top of an open book with arms outstretched and heart shaped pages air.,A with standing on top his an outstretched book man the arms open and heart shaped pages in of air.,A man standing upper side on resist top of an open book resist with his arms outstretched core and heart shaped pages in the air.,A Mom standig on tope of in oben book with hiz arms outstretched and hearth shaped pages in there aim.,A man standing on top of an open book wiv his arms outstretched nd heart shaped pages in tha air .,A الرجل standing on ऊपर of an oberta book with его arms outstretched and قلب shaped pages in -ak air.,A man standing on top of an open book @Hmp2Hxmf with his arms outstretched and heart shaped pages in the air.,A Manne standing on top of 'N open book with his Arm'S outstretched and Hartt shaped Page'S Inn the Ere.,"A man stands on an open book, arms outstretched and heart-shaped sides in the air.",A man standing upon a book with his arms outstretched and heart-shaped pages in the air.,A man is seen standing on an open book with its arms raised and the pages of it displaying hearts. 5661319,A graph showing the percentage of business equity for families with holdings.,A 9kaph 8h0win9 the percentage of business e9oity fuk families with h01din98.,A graph Eho1(ng the peGcehFagr of b7Clnesd equity for va<*lJes wigt uIld7Ggs.,A gOrapeh snhowEinbg the pe8r@cen(tasge of 3busin!eBs7s QehquMity for families with h#ooldi)ngvs.,A gLa#h shs5ing the p%rNestaIe of bzsYKest F#ui_y for families Gnth holdings.,A graph shownig the pcernetgae of business eutqiy for failmesi wthi ohdlnisg.,A graph shig the prcent of busi qit for families wh ligs.,A gRApH showing the peRcenTAge of BusiNesS EqUitY FoR FaMilIES with HOLdInGs.,AAAA ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss eeeeqqqquuuuiiiittttyyyy ffffoooorrrr ffffaaaammmmiiiilllliiiieeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnnggggssss....,A grap4 showin9 t43 perc3ntag3 0f busin3ss 3quit4 f0r fa3ili3s 3ith 4oldin9s.,A gr aphshowi ngthe p ercen tage of bu si nes s e q ui ty for fam ilies withho l d ings .,A grΑPh s𐋏owⅈⲚg 𑢼𝙃e peⲅ𝚌e𝞜tage 𝜪f 𝖡usines𝓈 e𝘘u˛ty ẝ𝖮r 𑢢amiꮮies 𝘄ith ℎ𝓞ⳑdiΝƍꜱ𐩐,ampere chart show up the part of business enterprise fairness for kinfolk with holdings.,A graph the percentage equity holdings.,A for showing percentage the graph business equity families of with holdings.,A graph display occupation showing the percentage of business equity for family line ampere families with holdings.,A graph showing tu persentage or business equity fom fammilys which holdings.,A graph showin tha percentage of business equity fo` families wiv holdings .,A graph mostrando the percentage of business equitat for families с holdings.,A graph showing the percentage of business equity for families with @vYYZcmDj holdings.,A Graff showing Thee percentage of business equity for families with Holding'S.,A graph showing the percentage of corporate assets of families with equity holdings.,A graph of the percentage of business equity for families with holdings.,A chart illustrating the proportion of business equity held by holding families. 2377062,"Women's clothing and accessories including boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag, and a water bottle.","Women ' 8 clothing and accessories inc1odin9 boots, 6acrpacr8, socks, 8hoe8, sunglasses, a bag, and a watek 60tt1e.","3oken ' s clothing and xScedsPrkes inVludlMR b(oRs, bacJpaxMz, s0xks, suors, sujgpQsEes, a bag, and a wq5er bo^5lW.","Women ' s c$loVtJhoing and accPesQswoorXies i@n9cFlud2ing b_ootrs, b&ackp4aWckDs, so^cWks, sbhoeYs, su4ngAlGass^es, a bag, and a cwAater fbAott7le.","W9meV ' s Iiotw^ng and acce$sow8Yt ZnBlu@inh bVo3s, ZPck%ac7s, so*ts, ch8es, surg0aesJs, a bag, and a water EoGt5e.","Omwen ' s clothing and cacessriose niclnudig obtos, bacpkakcs, oskcs, shoes, unsglassse, a bag, and a wtare tbotel.","men ' s clti and accese including bos, bkack, oks, ses, ungsse, a bag, and a wtr ble.","WoMEn'S ClOThIng aNd aCcEsSOriEs Including BoOts, BackPaCks, SoCks, shoEs, SUnGlasSeS, a BAG, And A wAteR boTtle.","WWWWoooommmmeeeennnn''''ssss ccccllllooootttthhhhiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, bbbbaaaacccckkkkppppaaaacccckkkkssss,,,, ssssoooocccckkkkssss,,,, sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaa bbbbaaaagggg,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr bbbboooottttttttlllleeee....","Wom3n's clothing and acc3ss0ri3s including 600ts, 6ackpacks, socks, s40es, sun9lass3s, a 6a9, and a 3ater 6ottl3.","Wome n'scloth ing andacces soriesinc lu din g b o ot s, bac k pac ks, socks,sh o e s, s unglasse s, a bag, anda wat er bo tt l e. ","Women'𝗌 ꮯlo𝒕𝘩𝙞ռg 𐊠n𝔡 accⴹsso𝑟iΕ𝑆 incLudiⲚg Ꞵ0٥t𝕊ꓹ back𝚙𝖺⸦𝕂s, 𝚜ock𝚂ꓹ 𝓼hoЕs, s𝖀ngla𝗦ꜱe𝖘؍ 𝒜 b𝖺g, and a w𝗮𝛵er bοt𝙏𐔦ℰ.","Women's cloak and accoutrement let in boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag, and a irrigate bottle.","clothing and including boots, backpacks, socks, a bag, and water bottle.","Women's clothing including shoes, and boots, backpacks, socks, accessories sunglasses, a bag, water a bottle. and","Women's clothing accessory let in and accessories piddle including boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag, urine and a water bottle.","Women ' s clothing ana accessories includind boats, badpacks, socks, shoes, sungasses, a bage, nad g walte bpttle.","Women 's clothing nd accessories including boots , backpacks , socks , shoes , sunglasses , a bag , nd a h2o bottle .","Women's الملابس and accessories including boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag, and a aigua bottle."," Women's clothing and accessories including @XYKIWDdI boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag, and a water bottle.","WomenS clothing and accessories including boots, backpacks, Sox, shoes, sunglasses, a Bagge, and a water bottle.","s clothing and accessories such as boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag and a water bottle.","Women’s apparel and accessories, Including boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag, and a water bottle.","Women's clothing and accessories, including boots, backpacks, socks, shoes, sunglasses, a bag, and bottled water." 11173691,"An elderly couple posing for the camera in front of a white background stock photo, 69796.","An e1dek1y couple posing f0k the camera in front of a white 6acr9r0und stock ph0tu, 69796.","An elderly Fou9lw o(siBg for the Vahsra in Tr)nt of a Qhitw background ct8ck phkt0, 697P%.","An eldReRrlMy coXu5pZle posing for the sc_almera in front of a awhitUe cbacykBgrounzd Lstouck pho4tyo, b69q796.","An elxeJmy GoHpl2 ooRinu for the caOert in front of a wWZte bKy^grouTd otJck Xhot+, 69796.","An ledreyl ucopel opsing for the camera in fonrt of a white abcrkgoudn tscok hptoo, 69796.","An elderly oul sin for the ara in fnt of a wit background sto pht, 696.","An EldERLy coUplE PosiNg fOR tHe Camera iN FrOnt oF a WhIte bACKgrOund stOcK PHOTo, 69796.","AAAAnnnn eeeellllddddeeeerrrrllllyyyy ccccoooouuuupppplllleeee ppppoooossssiiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee ccccaaaammmmeeeerrrraaaa iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd ssssttttoooocccckkkk pppphhhhoooottttoooo,,,, 66669999777799996666....","An eld3rly couple p0sin9 f0r th3 cam3ra in fr0nt of a 34it3 6ack9r0und st0ck ph0to, 69196.","An e lder ly co upl e pos ing f or thecam er a i n f r on tof a whi te backgrou nd s tock photo,69 796.",An eⳐDerlᶌ co𝐔𝝆le 𝞺osi𝓷g f০Ʀ 𐊗he camera i𝔫 𐊥r০𝛮t o𑣂 𝔸 𝔴𝚮i⊤e В⍺c𝙆ᏻ𝗋ound 𝐬t𝘰c𝐊 p𝔥𝜊𝓉ﮨ٫ 6𝟿79б܂,"associate in nursing aged pair dumbfound for the photographic camera in battlefront of a edward white desktop blood photo, 69796.",elderly couple the camera of background stock,"photo, elderly couple camera for the posing in front of a white stock background 69796. An","whiteness An elderly couple posing for the camera whiteness in front of a white associate in nursing background stock photo, senior 69796.","An elderly couple pozing ffor thd camera in fron of la Whit backgrouds stock foto, 69796.","An elderly cuple posing fo` tha cam in front of a white bg stock photo , 69796 .","An المسنين couple posing for the càmera in front of a white background ストック photo, 69796.","An elderly couple posing for the camera in front of a @5IJE7dsU white background stock photo, 69796.","An elderly couple posing for Thee camera Inn front of a white background stock photo, 69796.","An elderly couple pose for the camera in front of an archive image with a white background, 69796.","An old couple, posing for the camera in front of a white background stock, 69796.","A white background serves as the backdrop for a stock photo of an elderly couple, 69796." 4026011,"A black and white outfit with accessories including sandals, necklaces, a hat and bikini top.","A black and white uotfit with acce88ukie8 inc1odin9 sandals, necklaces, a hat and bikini tup.","A black and wh(4e o^triR wiRB SSceWeoried inVlJR7ng Qqbdals, M$cJlaceq, a hat and b*Lin( top.","A bElaNck and Ww@hite zoutXfXit wmibth vac1ceIssorKiefs yirncl*udi4ng s9anda0las, onSeEcklaceVs, a hat and bikini top.","A yla3k and w+iWe oIo+it uJth acAeHsJrAeh ixcBud*6g vaGdOls, ceShlaceP, a hat and bikini top.","A ablck and wheit outfti iwht accsesroeis ilncdiung asndals, necklaces, a hat and bkiiin top.","A bac and wht oft wt cesses including adls, nekle, a hat and iii top.","A BLacK And wHitE OutfIt wITh AccEssories INcLudIng sAnDAls, NecklAcEs, a haT AnD BikIni top.","AAAA bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssaaaannnnddddaaaallllssss,,,, nnnneeeecccckkkkllllaaaacccceeeessss,,,, aaaa hhhhaaaatttt aaaannnndddd bbbbiiiikkkkiiiinnnniiii ttttoooopppp....","A black and whit3 0utfit 3it4 acc3ss0ri3s including sandals, n3cklac3s, a 4at and 6ikini top.","A bl ackand w hit e out fit w ith acc ess or ies in c lu di ng s a nda ls, necklac es , a ha t and bi ki ni top.","A BᏞac𝓀 anᏧ 𝘄Hi𝙏℮ o𝖚t𐊥it with acces𝘚oℝieƽ incᏞudᛁNg sanda𐑃s, necklac℮s, a hat 𝝰Nd ᏏӀk𝜄ո𝕴 🝨o𝗽.","ampere lightlessness and white hot kit with supplement let in sandals, necklaces, a chapeau and two piece top.","black outfit with accessories sandals, necklaces, and bikini top.","A necklaces, and and hat top. accessories including sandals, black a outfit white bikini with","ampere A black and white outfit with accessories including sandals, kit dim necklaces, a hat and bikini international ampere top.","I black an whiten outfit wuth accecoires icluding sandles, necklaces, a hat and bikini toop.","A blk nd white outfit wiv accessories including sandals , necklaces , a hat nd bikini top .","A سوداء and white outfit with accessoris including sandals, necklaces, a hat and ビキニ top.","A @kwROlcZq black and white outfit with accessories including sandals, necklaces, a hat and bikini top.","A black and Whyte outfit with accessories including sandals, necklaces, a hat and bikini top.","A black and white outfit with accessories such as sandals, necklaces, hat and bikini top.","A black and white apparel with sandals, necklaces, a hat and a bikini top.","A black and white ensemble paired with accessories such as sandals, necklaces or a hat and bikini top." 5167517,"An assortment of hair and grooming items including scissors, combs, razors, clippers, and more.","An assortment of hair and 9ruumin9 item8 inc1odin9 scissors, combs, razors, clippers, and more.","An sssorhmDng of hakF and grooming *tWms 8nVIudinv sciczodX, Dojbs, tXzora, clippers, and K(re.","An assortment of hQaSir and 8grRoJomitng !iteVms including sciKsfsPorWs, coEmvbs, raHz0or!s, 5cloiplperrs, and vmsore.","An asswrtsg&t of h40r and grfom(vT itvys *n!lkdi&g syiGEoes, combs, rallbs, cl1lpet%, and more.","An assormttne of ahri and goroigmn times cinuldign scissors, combs, zraros, clpirpse, and omer.","An sortme of ar and romn items nudig scsr, com, azr, cipr, and more.","An AssORTment of hAir AnD GRooMinG items iNClUdiNg SciSSOrs, COmbs, razorS, ClIPPers, aND More.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff hhhhaaaaiiiirrrr aaaannnndddd ggggrrrroooooooommmmiiiinnnngggg iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssscccciiiissssssssoooorrrrssss,,,, ccccoooommmmbbbbssss,,,, rrrraaaazzzzoooorrrrssss,,,, cccclllliiiippppppppeeeerrrrssss,,,, aaaannnndddd mmmmoooorrrreeee....","An assortment of 4air and 9r0o3in9 it3ms includin9 sciss0rs, co36s, raz0rs, clipp3rs, and 3or3.","An a ssor tment of hair andgroomin g i te msinc l ud in g sc i sso rs, combs,ra z o rs,clippers ,and more.","Аn 𝒶ss〇rtМꭼ𝗻t o𑢢 h𝜶ir and gℛooⅯi𝙉g items 𝘪𝝢cluᗞi𝗡g sciꓢsors, co𝛭bs, ℝaꮓors, 𐔜Ꮮi𝘗𝜚er𖼺¸ and m𝖔𐒴e٠","an compartmentalization of pilus and dressing detail admit scissors, combs, razors, clippers, and more.","An assortment of and grooming items including scissors, clippers, and","scissors, assortment of An and grooming hair including razors, combs, items clippers, and more.","An assortment of hair and grooming dressing associate in nursing associate in nursing items including scissors, combs, razors, clippers, point and more.","And assortiment or har ando grooming ítens include scissors, combs, razors, clippers, aund more.","An assortment of hair nd grooming items including scissors , combs , razors , clippers , nd mor .","An تشكيلة of hair and grooming elements including scissors, combs, razors, clippers, and more.","An assortment of hair and grooming items including @OnEy9cdE scissors, combs, razors, clippers, and more.","An assortment of Hairr and grooming items including scissors, combs, Razor'S, clippers, and Morr.","A selection of hair and care products including scissors, combs, razors, clippers and more.","An assortment of hair and grooming articles, Including combs, razors, clippers, and more.","Hair styling equipment such as a hair straightener, trimmer, and more." 3452815,the average mortgage payments on a typical American home as a percentage of median income.,the average mortgage payment8 0n a typical American home a8 a pekcenta9e of median income.,the wferare mlryYzge Oa6meJtD on a typical AmF#icqb h0je as a pFrceJrxge of kDdiab income.,the avae1rKage mortgage p9aIymrentWs on a 6tyVpicaYl 6AmteLrifcan hiojme as a percentage of tmjedvian inHcjoXme.,the average RorXRag^ p3zqqnts on a $Epicnl Amhrg@Cn home as a lerYe_ta6e of gzd#an ird(me.,the average mortgage paymnest on a typiacl Maiercna hmeo as a rpecentgea of edmina icneom.,the aera mortgage pats on a ypca American he as a ecenta of eda ioe.,thE avERAge mOrtGaGe pAyMeNTs On A typicaL AmEriCaN hOMe as a PErcEntage Of mEDIAn income.,tttthhhheeee aaaavvvveeeerrrraaaaggggeeee mmmmoooorrrrttttggggaaaaggggeeee ppppaaaayyyymmmmeeeennnnttttssss oooonnnn aaaa ttttyyyyppppiiiiccccaaaallll AAAAmmmmeeeerrrriiiiccccaaaannnn hhhhoooommmmeeee aaaassss aaaa ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff mmmmeeeeddddiiiiaaaannnn iiiinnnnccccoooommmmeeee....,the avera9e mortga93 paym3nts 0n a typical 43erican 40m3 as a perc3nta93 of 33dian inc033.,theaver age m ort gagepayme nts ona t yp ica l A m er ic an h o meas a percen ta g e ofmedian i nc ome.,thΕ a𝓿eꮁᴀ𝗀𝙀 mor𐌕𝐺𝜜ge p𝗮𝚼𝚳eռ𝓣s on a Typꓲ🝌𝐀l 𝐚m𝜠r𝗜ca𝓷 𝞖o𐌑𝜠 a𝗦 𝔞 𝑝𝞔𝗿c𝙴ɴ𝚝aɡe oϜ m𑢦d𝙞a𝓷 inc𝞂Ⅿe.,the ordinary mortgage requital on a distinctive american english internal as a percent of ordinary income.,the average mortgage on a typical American as of median income.,percentage average mortgage home on a typical payments of as a the American median income.,the average mortgage payments on distinctive a typical typical habitation American home as intermediate a percentage of median income.,the avarege mortgade payings on an typical amedrican home has a percentage jf median income.,tha average mortgage payments on a typical American hom as a percentage of median income .,the المتوسط mortgage payments on a typisk American home as a percentatge of median income.,the average mortgage payments on a typical American @c40dS9oG home as a percentage of median income.,Thee average mortgage payments Aune a typical American Holm as a percentage of median income.,the average mortgage payments for a typical American home as a percentage of median income.,The average mortgage payments on a typical American home as a percentage of the median income.,The mean mortgage payments made on average homes in America as a proportion of median income. 2734454,"A person writing on a planner with the words transform big goals into small, achieving monthly plans.","A person wkitin9 on a planner with the wukds transform 6i9 g0al8 into small, achieving munth1y p1an8.","A lRrXon wrLGJng on a planner with the words tragsEo5< big Foale lnGo sma/<, aXhieC*Hg monthly (lanA.","A pjerQsoHn writing on a planner with the wo!r8ds t+raBndsqform big Ugoalds Jint8o ys3mall, maScFhie#ving monthly pMlanAs.","A person writii% on a planner wiZM the worb^ tsanEfIr1 big goals 5ntj sYaKl, ac6cevzBg Q&ntEly plans.","A eprnso iwrtign on a planner with the words tarsfnomr big goals into small, achieving omntlyh lapns.","A pes witn on a pner wt the words tansf big goals into sll, acivn monthly pla.","A PErsON writIng oN a PlAnNEr WitH the wordS TraNsfOrM BIg gOaLS intO sMaLL, aChIeVing montHlY pLans.","AAAA ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnn wwwwrrrriiiittttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn aaaa ppppllllaaaannnnnnnneeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ttttrrrraaaannnnssssffffoooorrrrmmmm bbbbiiiigggg ggggooooaaaallllssss iiiinnnnttttoooo ssssmmmmaaaallllllll,,,, aaaacccchhhhiiiieeeevvvviiiinnnngggg mmmmoooonnnntttthhhhllllyyyy ppppllllaaaannnnssss....","A pers0n writing on a planner 3it4 the 30rds transf0r3 bi9 9oals int0 s3all, ac4i3vin9 m0nthl4 plans.","A pe rson writ ing on a plan ner wit h t he wo rds tr an sfor m bi g goals int os m all, achievi ng monthly pla ns.","A perso𝝢 wℛi𝝩in𝙜 on a pʟa𝒏𝘯𝗘r w𝟙th 𝓉h𝘌 𝖜໐rds 𝓽r𝝖n𝐒form bi𝐺 go𝝰ls in𝑡ﮨ 𝘀M𝚊lꮮ, ac𝘏iҽving mo𝑛𖼊НLY 𝛒l𝒶𝕹s٠","angstrom someone pen on a contriver with the tidings translate enceinte goal into small, accomplish monthly plans.","writing on a planner with words transform big goals small, achieving plans.","transform person writing small, a planner with achieving words A big the into on goals monthly plans.","A person writing on a soul planner with the achieve soul words transform transmute big goals into small, achieving monthly plans.","I person writing om a planner with the works transforme bis galls into small, achieving mounthly plane.","A prsn wrtg on a planner wiv tha words transform big goals n2 small , achieving monthly plans .","A الشخص writing on a planner with la words transform большая goals into small, achieving monthly plans.","A person writing on a planner with the words transform big goals into @4qyDvUzq small, achieving monthly plans.","A Persson writing on a planner with Thee Words' transform big Golz into small, achieving monthly Plans'.","A person who writes to a planner with these words turns big goals into small, monthly plans.","A person writing on a planner with the words Transform big purposes into small, Achieve monthly plans.","The person on the planner can write down and transform their big goals into small ones, ultimately achieving monthly plans." 2638951,"Two graphs with the words 2 absorb the cost, planning, development, testing, new feature activities.","Twu graphs with the w0rd8 2 ab8ok6 the c08t, p1annin9, development, testing, new feature activities.","Two graphs 2irh the Sorcs 2 avc)rb the c9zt, 0iaBnlng, weDWIopmeht, teayimg, new Ceatu#r activities.","Two gkrraphNs Dwit3h the w2ordgs 2 3abOsoLrb the cost, PplaEndniUng, de3velEoopmeSnZt, qteysoting, new feature aJctiv@iftieUs.","Two gr@phd wy0h the woWdN 2 aJsQHb the cZsQ, planning, development, Eesikng, new foatdr0 a@tivi2iJP.","Two rgpash iwht the owdrs 2 absrob the osct, planning, deevlpmoetn, tsetngi, new fateuer activities.","Two graphs wi the wor 2 bsr the ct, nnin, deoent, testing, new fear ivitis.","TwO grAPHs wiTh ThE woRdS 2 abSorB the cost, PlaNniNg, DEvelOpMEnt, TesTiNG, nEw fEatuRe aCtIViTies.","TTTTwwwwoooo ggggrrrraaaapppphhhhssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss 2222 aaaabbbbssssoooorrrrbbbb tttthhhheeee ccccoooosssstttt,,,, ppppllllaaaannnnnnnniiiinnnngggg,,,, ddddeeeevvvveeeellllooooppppmmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, tttteeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg,,,, nnnneeeewwww ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeee aaaaccccttttiiiivvvviiiittttiiiieeeessss....","Two 9raphs with t43 3ords 2 abs0r6 t43 cost, plannin9, d3vel0p33nt, t3stin9, n33 f3atur3 activiti3s.","Twograp hs wi ththe w ords2 absor b t he co st, pl an ning , de velopment,te s t ing, new fea tu re activitie s.","T𝚆ﻬ g𝙧𝙰𝝔h𝑺 𝙒𝕴𝓣h 𝑇h𝝚 words 2 𝓐𝖻𝒮o𝔯b tꓧ𝐄 𑣩oꮪ𝐓, planniɴᏻ٫ 𝖣ev℮lo𝓹𝗠℮n𝘁, 𝑇e𝘀tiNg‚ new ᖴe𝛂𝔱ure Act˛𝔳i𝘁ͺ𝝚𝓢.","two chart with the give and take ii sop up the cost, planning, development, testing, newly feature article activities.","Two graphs with the words 2 absorb cost, planning, testing, new","Two words development, the graphs feature absorb the cost, planning, with 2 new testing, activities.","Two graphs with characteristic the words 2 absorb the cost, planning, word development, testing, new feature activities.","Two graphs whif thez works 3 absorb their cost, playning, developement, testing, new feature activity.","Two graphs wiv tha words 2 absorb tha cost , planning , development , testing , nu feature activities .","Two graphs con the words 2 absorb la cost, planning, development, testing, new feature activities.","@775gvFnh Two graphs with the words 2 absorb the cost, planning, development, testing, new feature activities.","Tue graphs with Thee Word'S 2 absorb Thee cost, planning, development, testing, new feature activities.","Two diagrams with the words 2 absorb the costs, planning, development, testing, new functional activities.","Two graphs with the words absorb the cost, Planning, development, Testing, new feature activities.","The cost, planning, development, testing, and new feature activities are absorbed by two graphs that end with the letters ""2""." 1537653,"An assortment of ingredients for making bread including eggs, carrots, strawberries and flour.","An a880ktment of ingredients fuk marin9 bread including eggs, carrots, strawberries and fluuk.","An aQZodyment of innDedi3Mtx for KsJing bread inc:jdiHv eggs, Sar5otE, s4Tawb3rdifs and flo6D.","An nassorWtmfen5t of iIng8rehdeieents for kmQakifng bread ^incl2ud%ipng eggs, carOrfotVs, mstraw5berNr@ie3s and fl+o1ur.","An axsnr#lent of inSredN8nG3 for making mr7ad i4coSdiRg eggs, sarrMPs, rtraRbertGCs and @lou@.","An assortment of ingredients for makign brdea nicludign gesg, acrorst, srtawrbeiers and lofur.","An assortment of iedens for ing brd iding eggs, crot, sawbres and lou.","An AssORTment of iNgreDiEnTS fOr Making brEAd inCluDinG Eggs, CarrOts, stRAwBERRieS AnD fLour.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff iiiinnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr mmmmaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg bbbbrrrreeeeaaaadddd iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg eeeeggggggggssss,,,, ccccaaaarrrrrrrroooottttssss,,,, ssssttttrrrraaaawwwwbbbbeeeerrrrrrrriiiieeeessss aaaannnndddd fffflllloooouuuurrrr....","An assortment of in9r3di3nts for 3akin9 6read includin9 3g9s, carr0ts, stra363rries and fl0ur.","An a ssor tment of ingr edien ts formak in g b rea d i nc ludi n g e ggs, carrot s, s traw berriesan d flour.","αn ass߀rtmeℕ𝑻 of 𝘭ng𝐫e𝙳iꭼ𝒏tՏ f𝜪𝔯 𐌑a𝗞𝒍ng bread inc𐑃𝑢𝙙in𝙂 𐊆ɢgs, carro𝞽s‚ 𝙎trАw𝒃𝐸r𝓇𝚒e𝗦 a𝑛d fl𝕺ʋr.","associate in nursing classification of ingredient for get boodle let in eggs, carrots, strawberry and flour.","An assortment of ingredients including eggs, carrots, strawberries and","An assortment of strawberries carrots, making and including bread for ingredients eggs, flour.","An loot assortment of ingredients reave for ingredient making bread including let in eggs, carrots, strawberries and flour.","And assortiment of ingredients vor makeing bread including eggs, currets, strawberries n floor.","An assortment of ingredients fo` making bread including eggs , carrots , strawberries nd flour .","An تشكيلة of ingredients for making bröd including eggs, carrots, клубника and flour.","An assortment of ingredients for making bread including eggs, carrots, strawberries @VD5bF2Sy and flour.","An assortment of ingredients for making bread including eggs, Karatz, strawberries and flour.","A selection of ingredients for making bread, including eggs, carrots, strawberries and flour.","An assortment of ingredients for making bread, Including eggs, carrots, strawberries and flour.","The ingredients for bread include eggs, carrots, strawberries, flour and many more." 7669415,"The chart shows that global oppopical braces and support, casing & carting market revenue by region.","The chart shows that global uppupica1 6kace8 and soppukt, casing & caktin9 makret revenue by ke9i0n.","The Vhadt shows tYah gl*FaO opOoL*Val v#aDes and EupLoTt, caeimB & carting market r@Denu# by region.","The chharrt 0sh@ows tQhaSt wgVloqbal Eopkpopi7c*al braces and support, caAsi@n4g & ycartein%g market rNe_venLue by region.","The chart sh&ds Jh%t g@o$%l oppopical braces and suppopr, crsMJg & !a4tin+ jorkUt revenue by k3giZn.","The cahtr shows htta lgolba opppocial braecs and uspport, casing & carting market revenue by eirgon.","The art shows ht gba opica brc and support, cag & catg market revenue by reg.","ThE chART shoWs ThAt gLoBaL opPopIcal braceS And suPpORT, caSiNG & cArtInG MArKeT ReveNue By ReGion.","TTTThhhheeee cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt gggglllloooobbbbaaaallll ooooppppppppooooppppiiiiccccaaaallll bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeessss aaaannnndddd ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrtttt,,,, ccccaaaassssiiiinnnngggg &&&& ccccaaaarrrrttttiiiinnnngggg mmmmaaaarrrrkkkkeeeetttt rrrreeeevvvveeeennnnuuuueeee bbbbyyyy rrrreeeeggggiiiioooonnnn....","Th3 chart shows t4at 9lobal 0pp0pical 6rac3s and support, casin9 & cartin9 mark3t r3v3nu3 6y r3gi0n.","Thechar t sho wsthatgloba l oppop ica lbra ces an dsupp o rt, casing & c ar t i ng m arket re ve nue by regio n.","T𝚑e 𝒸haRt s𝐻𑣗ws t𝗁at GLoℬaꮮ 𝛐pp𝛐РiCal bracℯs 𝐀n𝗱 𐊖uppﻩᴦ𝔱, casinᶃ & carting markeΤ ꓣevenu𝐸 𝖻y 𝕣𝜠gio𝓝٠","The graph shew that worldwide oppopical gallus and support, case & cart marketplace tax revenue by region.","The chart oppopical support, market region.","The market shows that global revenue braces region. support, casing & carting and oppopical by chart","receipts The chart shows that market place global oppopical braces and receipt support, casing & carting market revenue by steady region.","Ihe chrat shous taht gloval oppopical braces abd suppurt, casing & carting market revenue my region.","The chart shows tht global oppopical braces nd support , casing & carting market revenue by region .","The مخطط shows that global oppopical braces и support, casing & carting market revenue by region.","The chart shows that global oppopical @w9fxRGlO braces and support, casing & carting market revenue by region.","Thee chart shows that global oppopical Brace'S and support, casing & carting market revenue Bye region.","The chart shows that global optical staples and supports, fairings and kart market revenues are distributed by region.","The chart shows that the globe oppopical braces and support, casing and carting market revenue by region.","The chart illustrates the revenue generated by braces and support, casing, and carting in different regions of the world." 11946525,"The outfit is beige and has accessories including shoes, lipstick, eyeliners, mascara, and sunglasses. And makeup.","The 0otfit i8 beige and has acce88ukie8 inc1odin9 8hues, lipstick, eyeliners, ma8caka, and sunglasses. And makeup.","The i Ttfi6 is neigr and has accessories inc.6d*nY sgoDs, lilW^iVk, eyeIUJwrs, maXca5Z, and zunglasZfE. And mas in blue dresses by pierre legadund on WisplS^ during an exBihitu)n hw;d for FrsGVh impressionists.,A weokman looks at the painting ' yozu*ng girls in b9lnue d)reosseIs by ZpUierWre KlePb7asiWne on dVisNplpay during an exhYixbitmizon @helsd for FJr5enAch impressionists.,A woman looks at the p0i2t%nc ' young gtrl* in 1Due db%$ses by p0ArBe leOas1yr on disBWWy during an exhibition h(lG for FrOnM_ zPprLsmiuOists.,A woman olosk at the panitign ' young girls in blue dressse by pireer bleasnei on display udinrg an exhibition hdel for Refcnh miperssoiintss.,A woman lks at the patn ' ong ils in blue rees by ier basn on isla dur an exhibition held for French mreionis.,A Woman LoOks aT tHe pAiNtINg'YouNg girls iN BluE DResSeS bY pIErre LebAsIne oN disPLay dURINg An exhiBiTiON HELd For FrENCH impresSioNisTs.,AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn llllooooooookkkkssss aaaatttt tttthhhheeee ppppaaaaiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg''''yyyyoooouuuunnnngggg ggggiiiirrrrllllssss iiiinnnn bbbblllluuuueeee ddddrrrreeeesssssssseeeessss bbbbyyyy ppppiiiieeeerrrrrrrreeee lllleeeebbbbaaaassssiiiinnnneeee oooonnnn ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg aaaannnn eeeexxxxhhhhiiiibbbbiiiittttiiiioooonnnn hhhheeeelllldddd ffffoooorrrr FFFFrrrreeeennnncccchhhh iiiimmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssiiiioooonnnniiiissssttttssss....,4 wo3an looks at the painting'40un9 9irls in blue dr3ss3s b4 pi3rre l36asin3 0n display durin9 an ex4i6iti0n 43ld f0r Frenc4 impr3ssi0nists.,A wo manlooks at thepaint ing'you nggi rls in bl ue dre s ses by pierrele b a sine on disp la y during anexhib it i on h e ld forFren c hi mp r e ssi on i s ts . ,Α w𝗼m𝛼n l〇oks a𝘵 tᕼe pa𝚒nti𝙣g'y૦𝒖𝛮G 𝙂ir𐐛s i𝑵 blꓴ𑢮 ꓓrℰ𝗌Ꮥⴹs b𝒴 pier𝒓ⴹ Ꮮe𝐁a𝘴in𝛦 oո di𝑠𝓅lay d𝕌rﺎnɢ 𝓪n exᕼibi𝕋ion 𝛨eld ℱoℜ FrencᎻ impR𝔈ssioniՏ𝕋s܁,axerophthol adult female depend at the painting'young missy in sorry dress by capital of south dakota lebasine on exhibit during an expo hold for french impressionists.,A woman looks at the painting'young by pierre lebasine held French impressionists.,A dresses woman at the looks girls in blue painting'young by pierre lebasine held display during an exhibition on for French impressionists.,A woman looks daughter at the painting'young lop girls in blue dresses by pierre lebasine on display during expo daughter an exhibition held for French impressionists.,A woman looks at che paiting ' yough girls ni blue dresesses by pierre lebasine onf display durind can exhibition held for frech impressonists.,A woman looks at tha painting'young gurlz in blu dresses by pierre lebasine on display during an exhibition held fo` French impressionists .,A المراة looks at the painting'young girls in blue dresses by пьер lebasine on نمائش during an exhibition held för French impressionists.,A woman looks at the painting'young girls in blue dresses by pierre lebasine on display during @kTOEBRFu an exhibition held for French impressionists.,A woman looks at the painting'young Girl'S Inn blue dresses Bae pierre lebasine on display during an exhibition held for French impressionists.,"A woman looks at the painting ""Young Girls in Blue Dresses by Pierre Lebasine,"" shown during an exhibition for French Impressionists.",A woman looks on the painting'young ladies in blue gowns by pierre lebasine on display at an exhibition held for French impressionists.,The exhibition showcasing young girls in blue dresses by pierre lebasine for French impressionists features a woman looking at the painting. 3683670,"The floral print fabric is black and has red, yellow, green, and blue, and pink flowers.","The floral pkint fa6kic i8 b1acr and ha8 red, yellow, green, and blue, and pinr f10wer8.","The TlPrao pFont vabT*c is hlAck and has red, y$l?oe, VrRen, and bIuF, and pKn> Tl0weEs.","The EflroraLl pGrhint TfaObrLic is %blaFck and has red, 2yehlulow, grQeVen, and Xbluse, and piBnmk flrowMerys.","The flghaF pHiwt fcbMbc is !lZck and has red, #ollFw, grFeN, and Vlae, and Zipk AiowQrs.","The lfaorl rpnit abfrci is baclk and has red, ylleow, green, and buel, and pink lfowers.","The ral prn aic is bla and has red, ylw, grn, and ue, and pi fwer.","ThE flORAl prInt fAbriC Is BlaCk And has RED, yeLlOw, GrEen, AND bLue, aNd pINK fLowers.","TTTThhhheeee fffflllloooorrrraaaallll pppprrrriiiinnnntttt ffffaaaabbbbrrrriiiicccc iiiissss bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss rrrreeeedddd,,,, yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, aaaannnndddd bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppiiiinnnnkkkk fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrrssss....","The floral print fabric is 6lack and 4as red, 43ll03, 9reen, and 6lu3, and pink flo33rs.","Theflor al pr int fabr ic is blackand h asred , y el low, gre en, and blu e, a nd p ink flow er s.","𝕿he fl𝕠raꮮ p𝓻int 𐊥ab𐒴iϹ i𝐬 bl𝒶𝑐k ⍺nd has 𝚛𝞔Ⅾ, yel𐑃𝜎𑜊, gr𝝚en, aꓠ𝖣 Bʟ𝖚e, A𝕟Ⅾ ᑭinⲔ fl𝗢werS․","The flowered impress framework is smutty and has red, yellow, green, and blue, and garden pink flowers.","print fabric is black and has yellow, green, blue, and pink flowers.","floral black print fabric red, The pink has is yellow, green, and blue, and and flowers.","dim The floral print fabric is black and has red, yellow, green, and flowered blue, and pink dim textile flowers.","The floral print fabric It's black um haas red, yellom, green, anr bllue, ou pind fiowers.","The floral print fabric tis blk nd has red , yellow , green , nd blu , nd pink flowers .","The floral stampare fabric is काले och has red, yellow, green, and blue, and pink flowers.","The floral print fabric is black and has red, yellow, @HRdmK6bX green, and blue, and pink flowers.","Thee floral print fabric is black and has Redd, yellow, Greene, and blue, and pink Flowers'.","The floral print is black and has red, yellow, green, blue and pink flowers.","The floral print fabric is black and hath red, yellow, green, and blue, and pink flowers.","Floral print fabric in black has red, yellow, green, and blue flowers, pink flowers." 11324491,"The cover art for a childish magazine, featuring an image of a man with torn pieces on his head.","The cover art for a childish magazine, featuring an ima9e of a man with t0kn pieces 0n his head.","The c0ve3 art for a cGuldKCh mxgSAinD, f2ztirinn an inagR of a man wOrh toFm o*eceq on his YeaC.","The Dc(over art for a +chFilQduish Omag7a4zinke, AfeaturDirn3g an ima4g^e of a man wijtuh toxrUn wpBiecezs on his LheaOd.","The c&vev art for a jhiIdC*h 3aNazi9n, $eat3ril4 an SmLge of a man simh to5C giOMes on his h#xd.","The ocevr art for a icdhlish maazgine, featurgin an miaeg of a man wthi otnr ipesce on his hade.","The cve art for a cild gzie, fetrn an iag of a man wi rn pec on his ed.","ThE coVER art foR A chIlDiSH mAgaZine, featUrIng an iMAGE of a man wIth torN pIECEs ON hIs Head.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooovvvveeeerrrr aaaarrrrtttt ffffoooorrrr aaaa cccchhhhiiiillllddddiiiisssshhhh mmmmaaaaggggaaaazzzziiiinnnneeee,,,, ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrriiiinnnngggg aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff aaaa mmmmaaaannnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh ttttoooorrrrnnnn ppppiiiieeeecccceeeessss oooonnnn hhhhiiiissss hhhheeeeaaaadddd....","Th3 cover art for a c4ildis4 3agazin3, f3aturin9 an i3ag3 0f a man 3it4 t0rn pi3c3s on 4is h3ad.","Thecove r art fo r a c hildi sh maga zin e, fe atu r in gan i m age of a man w it h torn pieceson his head.",Thе cov𝙀r a𝚛𝑇 ſ𝑜r a 𑣲hiL𝚍isℋ mag𝔄zi𝜨eꓹ ϝea𝞽𝙪r𝖨ng an i𝖬Аge 𝛰ꓝ 𝔸 man 𝙬ⅈth to𝙧n 𐊕ie𑣲es Οn ꓧi𝓼 head.,"The book binding artistic production for a infantile magazine, have an visualise of a human beings with displume spell on his head.",cover a childish featuring an of a with torn pieces on his head.,"The cover art a a childish head. featuring an image of for magazine, man torn pieces on his with","The cover art for deplumate a childish prowess displume magazine, featuring an image of art a man with torn pieces on his head.","He cover arte for a childish magazine, featuring an imagen ofo aa man was torn pieses ona his heat.","The cover art fo` a childish magazine , featuring an image of a man wiv torn pieces on his head .","The الغلاف art for a childish magazine, featuring an image of a home with torn pieces on his head.","The cover art @5O8HCeAG for a childish magazine, featuring an image of a man with torn pieces on his head.","Thee cover art for a childish magazine, featuring 'N image of a man with torn pieces on his head.","The cover of a children's magazine, which shows a picture of a man with torn parts on his head.","The cover art for a most childish magazine, To feature an image of a man With torn pieces upon his head.",A child's magazine cover featuring a man with torn pieces on his head. 5035639,"A fruit and vegetable stand with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, and other vegetables.","A fruit and vegetable stand with watekme10n8, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppek8, bk0cc01i, and other vegetables.","A frh8t and veNdtQblW sGahd with aatfrm#lojD, tiKwties, Xuc*mferA, (eplRrs, btoxco,8, and other vegetables.","A fr)uipt and vSegRetZatble staqnwd uw7ith watermelons, toAma%tZoeDs, cucumbers, pxep9peKrs, broccoli, and totheBr v#ePget!abhles.","A ftuNt and vbvrta0le stand wiDU watermelons, tnmaWo4w, BzjuZbers, peT4e*s, CrowXolD, and other deH52ables.","A firut and evetgbale stand with atwmeerlons, tomaotse, cucumbers, peppesr, rbocciol, and ohtre vegetables.","A fruit and vetbl tad with aereln, otos, cucumbers, pepp, rcol, and ohr getale.","A FRuiT AnD vEgeTaBle StAnD wiTh Watermelons, toMatOEs, cucUMBeRs, pEppErS, BrOccoli, And otHER vegETaBles.","AAAA ffffrrrruuuuiiiitttt aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeee ssssttttaaaannnndddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrrmmmmeeeelllloooonnnnssss,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttooooeeeessss,,,, ccccuuuuccccuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrrssss,,,, ppppeeeeppppppppeeeerrrrssss,,,, bbbbrrrrooooccccccccoooolllliiii,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss....","A fruit and veg3table stand with 3at3r3elons, t03at03s, cucumb3rs, p3ppers, 6rocc0li, and 0t43r v393ta6l3s.","A fr uitand v ege table stan d withwat er mel ons , t om atoe s , c ucumbers, p ep p e rs,broccoli ,and other ve getab le s .","A fru𝜄⊤ a𝝢𝓓 vegetabl𑢦 staռⅾ witн w𝑎𝓉ꭼ𝓇𝚳𝛦l𝑜𝗡s‚ 🝨omatoes, 𝙘Ս𝒸um𝜝ers, pepp𝛦ᚱ𝖘, 𝝗𝕣occoLi, an𝑑 𝜎thꓰr ⋁Εgҽ𝞽a𝐁𐐛es.","deoxyadenosine monophosphate yield and veggie viewpoint with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, and other vegetables.","A stand with tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, other","A broccoli, and tomatoes, watermelons, with stand cucumbers, vegetable peppers, fruit and other vegetables.","A brook ampere fruit and international ampere vegetable stand with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, and other yield vegetables.","I fruit and vegetable standy with watermellons, tomates, cucubers, [[pepers, broccoli, e orthe vegetables.","A fruit nd vegetable stand wiv watermelons , tomatoes , cucumbers , peppers , broccoli , nd other vegetables .","A الفواكه and vegetable stand with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, и other vegetables.","A fruit and vegetable stand with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, and other @i2uhdvBS vegetables.","A fruit and vegetable stand with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, and other vegetables.","A fruit and vegetable stand with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli and other vegetables.","A fruit and vegetable stand with watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables.","A stand that combines watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and broccoli with other fruits and vegetables." 2500645,"Man sitting on the top of a mountain in Norway, vacation trip adventure, summer sun hiking, human being.","Man sitting on the top uf a mountain in N0kway, vacatiun trip adventure, summer 8on hiking, homan being.","Man sirtiBB on the top of a ad% Raya arrives at the zcre@Hihg for ' Jimmy honew ' d&DLng the 70th Qnjivetasry Vel4Hrati)j of the VXGnes gilN festival at la/zis de France on,gactrOesrs xLvady ^GaIga aer)ri^ves at the screening for ' Jimmy JHone%s ' Xd$urikng the 70th alnniverys8airfy 2ceilemb2ratio0n of the Cannes film fNesjtfi#val at Palais de gFhranc_e on,N2tr@ss g2dy j@ga Xrr4v0s at the EcreYKinq for ' Jimmy Jones ' duion& the 70th antiv8r%_rM Kelub9a2iop of the FauGes film festival at Palais de Firnse on,actress Lady Agag arrivse at the screening for ' Jimmy Ojnse ' during the 0t7h nnavierasry ceelrbtaion of the Cannes ifml eftisavl at Aplais de Rfcane on,ates Lady Gg arrives at the crein for ' imy Jones ' ung the 0h anvery ebrato of the Cannes film festival at als de Frn on,acTress LaDy GagA ArriVeS AT tHe ScreEniNg FOR'JimMY JOnEs'DURINg The 70tH annIvErsaRY ceLEbraTION oF thE CanNeS FilM FeStival at PALAIs de FraNcE on,aaaaccccttttrrrreeeessssssss LLLLaaaaddddyyyy GGGGaaaaggggaaaa aaaarrrrrrrriiiivvvveeeessss aaaatttt tttthhhheeee ssssccccrrrreeeeeeeennnniiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr''''JJJJiiiimmmmmmmmyyyy JJJJoooonnnneeeessss''''dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee 77770000tttthhhh aaaannnnnnnniiiivvvveeeerrrrssssaaaarrrryyyy cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff tttthhhheeee CCCCaaaannnnnnnneeeessss ffffiiiillllmmmm ffffeeeessssttttiiiivvvvaaaallll aaaatttt PPPPaaaallllaaaaiiiissss ddddeeee FFFFrrrraaaannnncccceeee oooonnnn,actr3ss Lady Ga9a arrives at the screenin9 f0r'9imm4 90n3s'durin9 t43 70t4 anniv3rsary c3l36rati0n 0f t43 0ann3s fil3 f3stival at Palais de Franc3 0n,actr essLadyGag a arr ivesat thescr ee nin g f o r' Ji mmyJ one s'during th e7 0 th a nniversa ry celebration of t he Ca nn e sfilmfest i va l a t Pal ai s de Fr a nc e on,actres𝓼 Ladϒ Gaɡa aℛꓣ𝑙𝛎es a𝖳 𝓽hе sc𝓻eeniNg 𐊇or'𝒥i𐊰𝙈𝒴 Jon℮s'd𝜐ⲅinᶃ tℍe 𐓒𝟎𝘵h a𝑛n𐌉vers𝞪ry 𝗰el𝔼b𝓻a𝝩𝖎ﮩ𝙣 𝒪f the Cann𝐸𝘴 Ϝi𐐛m ϝ𐊆stiⅤal 𝚊t Palais dℰ fr𝘢𝗇cᴇ on,actress gentlewoman dotty go far at the riddle for'Jimmy Jones'during the seventieth day of remembrance festivity of the cannes picture fete at Palais delaware french republic on,Lady arrives at for'Jimmy Jones'during the 70th Cannes film festival at Palais de France on,actress Lady Gaga 70th at the screening the anniversary for'Jimmy arrives Jones'during celebration of the Cannes film festival at on de France Palais,actress Lady Gaga day of remembrance arrives at dame the screening for'Jimmy dame Jones'during the 70th doddery anniversary celebration of the Cannes film festival at Palais de France on,actress Lady Gaga arrives at the screening of ' Jimm Jone ' durin the 70th aniversary celebration oft the Cannes filme fextival ar Palais de frança on,actress Lady Gaga arrives at tha screening for'Jimmy Jones'during tha 70th anniversary celebration of tha Cannes film festival at Palais de France on,actress Lady Gaga arrives at the screening for'Jimmy Jones'during the 70th bröllopsdag celebration of the Cannes film festival at Palais de France on, actress Lady Gaga arrives at the screening for'Jimmy @klnhEgT1 Jones'during the 70th anniversary celebration of the Cannes film festival at Palais de France on,actress Lady Gaga arrives at Thee screening for'Jimmy Jones'during the 70th anniversary celebration of the Kan film festival at Palais Du France Aune,"Actress Lady Gaga attends the screening of ""Jimmy Jones"" during the 70th Anniversary Celebration of the Cannes Film Festival at the Palais de France on Oct.",Lady Gaga arrives at the screening of'Jimmy Jones'during the 70th anniversary of the Cannes film festival at Palais de France.,"During the 70th anniversary of the Cannes film festival, Lady Gaga attended the screening of 'Jimmy Jones' at Palais de France." 7871015,A man sitting at a table with a sign that says The Stock Market is a prime example of socialism.,A man sitting at a table with a sign that says The Stucr Makret is a prime examp1e uf socialism.,A man sitting at a 4agle wi^y a Zitn that xqys The S^kck MArk34 is a prJmr edamlIe of aPcia?iDm.,A man sIihttLing at a t5abKle wiRtCh a 2sigin th^a1t says The *S7tock Market is a jprimxe vexamDplae of socibal1issSm.,A man IitxQng at a tSbee ebth a siE_ 8hah says The E5ock Market is a Irwme e)amp#9 of soM0aliy_.,A man stintig at a table itwh a sign htta assy The Soctk Amkrte is a prime example of scoailmis.,A man stig at a ale wt a sn that as The Sok are is a pre example of oclis.,A MAn SITting at a tabLe wITh A sIgn that sAyS THe StOCK MarKeT is a prIme ExaMPLE oF SoCiaLism.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt aaaa ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa ssssiiiiggggnnnn tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss TTTThhhheeee SSSSttttoooocccckkkk MMMMaaaarrrrkkkkeeeetttt iiiissss aaaa pppprrrriiiimmmmeeee eeeexxxxaaaammmmpppplllleeee ooooffff ssssoooocccciiiiaaaalllliiiissssmmmm....,A man sitting at a table wit4 a si9n that sa4s 743 St0ck Market is a pri33 3xa3pl3 0f socialis3.,A ma n si tting at a ta ble w ith a s ign t hat sa y sTh e St o ckMarket is a p r i me e xample o fsocialism.,𝖆 𝓜an 𝘚itting 𝛢t a 𝕥abl𝛦 𝐖𞣇Th 𝑎 𝓢i𝙜n тhaꓔ saY𝚜 TНe St𝛔𝑐k Market ᛁs a ᴩᖇime ex𝓪mplҽ 𝑶ꓝ socialⅰ𐊖m.,axerophthol mankind seat at a defer with a sign of the zodiac that aver The ancestry securities industry is a select case of socialism.,A man a table that says The Stock Market is a prime example of socialism.,A Market sitting says a table with a sign that at The Stock man is a prime of example socialism.,A man sitting posture at military capability a table with a sign that says The Stock Market is a prime example postpone of posture socialism.,I Mom sittin att are table [[whit a sign thath says Thw Stock Maarket is a prime example of socialism.,A man sitting at a table wiv a sign tht sez The Stock Market tis a prime xmpl of socialism .,A الرجل sitting at a table with a sign that says The Stock Market is a prime example of socialism.,A @cYCoLB2K man sitting at a table with a sign that says The Stock Market is a prime example of socialism.,A Manne sitting at a table with a Sine that says Thee Staack Market is a prime example of socialism.,A man sits at a table with a sign saying that the stock exchange is a prime example of socialism.,A man sitting at a table with a sign That says The Stock Market is a prime example of socialism.,"A man seated at a table with inscriptions reading ""The Stock Market"" is an example of socialism." 5827104,An image of the man in white shirt and glasses with text that reads Team Manikarkka to hold special screening for President Kovind.,An image of the man in white 8hikt and glasses with text that reads Team Manirakrra to hold 8pecia1 screening for Pke8ident Kovind.,An image of the man in @nite xhi4t and t?assez a(th text 5haG reads T4sm Hqnikar.kx to hipd special screening for PrSXiwemt mpviBd.,An image of the man in wYh*ite s8hi4rt and glasses wi&tdh text tYhEat reads aTe#am jManikXaLrhkka to $ho9ld special s)crpeeTnin)g for ZP5resiwde6nt oK!ovinLd.,An !mnge of the man in white srCrt and glasses CEth Gex5 GRat rRa%s Toa7 Manikarkka to hold sG%^ial sfrZeniRq for PrexiR0nC Kovind.,An iameg of the man in whtei sihtr and glasses itwh ettx that reads Eatm Manikarkka to hldo special screening for Prsedient Kovind.,An iag of the man in wie hir and glasses with ex that reads Team ankrka to ho spcl creei for resid Kon.,An ImaGE oF tHe Man in wHiTE sHirT and gLasSES wItH TeXt thAT rEadS TeaM ManIkArkka tO hoLD SPecIAl SCreeNIng for PResIdenT KOVInd.,AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff tttthhhheeee mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt aaaannnndddd ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt rrrreeeeaaaaddddssss TTTTeeeeaaaammmm MMMMaaaannnniiiikkkkaaaarrrrkkkkkkkkaaaa ttttoooo hhhhoooolllldddd ssssppppeeeecccciiiiaaaallll ssssccccrrrreeeeeeeennnniiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnntttt KKKKoooovvvviiiinnnndddd....,An imag3 of the man in 34it3 shirt and glass3s 3it4 t3xt that reads 73am Manikarkka t0 h0ld sp3cial scr33nin9 f0r Pr3sid3nt K0vind.,An i mage of t heman i n whi te shir t a nd gl ass e swi th t e xtthat readsTe a m Man ikarkkato hold specia l scr ee n in gf or Pres iden t K o vi n d .,An im𝒂gᴇ of the m𝒂𝓝 in w𝕳ite sհ𐊊𝓇t aNd gla𝙎s𝝚𝚂 𝙬ith te╳t tha𝙩 Ꭱ𝖤𝕬d𝑠 𖼊ea𝗠 Manі𝕂ar𝓚𝙠𝞐 to hΟld 𝑆peciAꓡ scrᴇ𝖤𝕹𝟏𝓷g fσr Pr𝐸𝓈i𝔇ent Kꓳv𝞲nd.,associate in nursing paradigm of the valet de chambre in clean shirt and ice with textual matter that interpret team Manikarkka to curb particular masking for chief executive Kovind.,An image of the man in white shirt and glasses that reads Team to hold special for President Kovind.,An image that screening with in white shirt and glasses man text special reads Team Manikarkka to hold of the for President Kovind.,An image of extra the man in white shirt and glasses with block out text that reads Team register Manikarkka to hold special schoolbook screening for President Kovind.,And image of the mom jin whate shert and glassess with test that reeds Team Manikarkka to held special screening für President Kovind.,An image of tha man in white shirt nd glasses wiv txt tht reads Team Manikarkka tuh hodl special screening fo` President Kovind .,An الصورة of the man in white shirt and glasses с text that reads Team Manikarkka to hold gomutagarri screening for President Kovind., An image of the man in white shirt and glasses with text @PqciZ9kW that reads Team Manikarkka to hold special screening for President Kovind.,An image of Thee man Inn white shirt and Glass'S with text that reads Teem Manikarkka to Holed special screening for President Kovind.,A picture of the man in a white shirt and glasses with the lettering Team Manikarkka to hold a special screening for President Kovind.,An image of the man in white shirt and glasses with text that reads Team Manikarkka to hold special screening for the President Kovind.,"A picture of the individual wearing a white shirt and glasses, along with inscriptions that read ""Team Manikarkka to give President Kovind." 12054916,A graph showing the price and position of purchases for Victoria's Secret homecarers.,A graph showing the price and pu8itiun uf pokcha8e8 for Vict0kia ' 8 8ecket homecarers.,A Tra0h smLwJng the price and pocUgioG of p6rchQzed for V*ctoEjS ' s aedrWt B(KWcarers.,A gracp7h Vsdhoxwing the 1pric4e and *posiKtpi!on of purchases for Veic8tPoriPa ' s aSe7crPet ho_mec7a3rAers.,A grcpF 2)oMing the prtie and pg^iii#n of purchases for 6i5Atria ' s SecCeF hoxmc_rfrs.,A graph showing the rpiec and ospiitno of uprhcaess for Vcoitrai ' s Secrte hmoceaerrs.,A rah showing the pce and poio of purha for Vtri ' s Set hearer.,A GRapH ShowiNg ThE prIcE ANd PosItion of PUrChaSeS FoR VicTOrIA's SeCret HOMeCaRers.,AAAA ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee pppprrrriiiicccceeee aaaannnndddd ppppoooossssiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff ppppuuuurrrrcccchhhhaaaasssseeeessss ffffoooorrrr VVVViiiiccccttttoooorrrriiiiaaaa''''ssss SSSSeeeeccccrrrreeeetttt hhhhoooommmmeeeeccccaaaarrrreeeerrrrssss....,A graph showin9 t4e price and p0siti0n 0f purchas3s f0r Victoria's 53cr3t 403ecar3rs.,A gr aphshowi ngthe p riceand pos iti on of pu r ch as es f o r V ictoria's S ec r e t ho mecarers .,𝛼 graРh sh߀𝒲i𝙉𝖌 tH𝘌 prӀcⅇ 𐊠𝓷ꭰ posɪtio𝐧 ୦𐊇 ꓑ𝐔ᖇ𝓒𝖍𐊠sEs for ViϹtoria'𝑺 Secret home⸦a𝘳e𝒓𐐠꘎,amp graphical record shew the terms and place of purchase for Victoria's hidden homecarers.,graph the price and position of purchases Secret,A graph showing purchases and price position of the for Victoria's Secret homecarers.,closed book A graph showing chart the price enigma and position graph of purchases for Victoria's Secret homecarers.,I graf showing the p3rice anb postion af purchases for Viktorya ' s Secret homecarers.,A graph showin tha price nd position of purchases fo` Victoria 's Secret homecarers .,A graph mostrando the price and position of purchases for Victoria's Secret homecarers.,A graph @8ULRtygu showing the price and position of purchases for Victoria's Secret homecarers.,A Graff showing Thee Preiss and position of purchases for Victoria's Secret homecarers.,A graphic shows the price and location of purchases for Victoria's Secret handymen.,A graph of the price and position of purchases for the homecare of the Duchess of Richmond.,Victoria's Secret homecarrier chart showing location and price of purchases. 7967303,"A woman wearing winter clothes and accessories including boots, scarf, sunglasses and bracelets.","A woman weakin9 winter clothes and accessories inc1odin9 bout8, scarf, sunglasses and 6kace1et8.","A wlmaB wFqFing 3*nt#r cIktbes and acceaaLrird including Hoo4s, scarf, sunglasses and HEXce/ets.","A woman wnemarsing w_inCtEer cplvohthes and #acceAsFsPoriIes 3i@n9cGluding boots, s8czarf, sunglasses and Cbbraceule2ts.","A wo2a2 weoLinL sinI%r clYt9zs and a(cPsFor#_s including boots, scarf, XA4glIsses and 1FaceleWs.","A woman wearing winter lchotes and ceacssrioes incluidgn boost, scarf, unsglassse and rebaclets.","A woman weai wnt cote and esores including bot, scarf, sunlss and brlet.","A WOmaN WeariNg WiNter cLoTHes anD accessorIeS iNclUdING booTs, scArF, SungLasSES anD BrAceLets.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg wwwwiiiinnnntttteeeerrrr ccccllllooootttthhhheeeessss aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, ssssccccaaaarrrrffff,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss aaaannnndddd bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeelllleeeettttssss....","A woman wearin9 3inter cl0t43s and acc3ssori3s including 600ts, scarf, sun9lass3s and 6racel3ts.","A wo manweari ngwinte r clo thes an d a cc ess ori e sin clud i ngboots, scar f, s ungl asses an dbracelets.","A ɯoΜa𝔑 𝘞eaR𝙞n𝔾 win⟙e𝗋 𝚌lot𝒽𝛦𖼺 α𝗻ꓒ accesꜱჿriE𝒮 Ⅰ𝖓cᒪ𝔘dІ𝝢𝔾 ᖯoots, s𝕔arf, ꮪunglasseS 𝞪ɴ𝘿 bracⴹⳐℯtꓢ.","adenine cleaning lady wear down wintertime apparel and accessary let in boots, scarf, dark glasses and bracelets.","woman wearing clothes and including boots, scarf, and","A bracelets. wearing winter including and accessories scarf, woman clothes sunglasses and boots,","A accessory woman wearing winter clothes let in and accessories including boots, scarf, sunglasses and cloak adjunct bracelets.","I womam wearing winter clothes andave acsessorios incluinding boots, sharf, soonglasses and bracelets.","A woman wearing winter clothes nd accessories including boots , scarf , sunglasses nd bracelets .","A المراة wearing winter clothes and accessoris including boots, scarf, sunglasses and bracelets.","A woman wearing winter clothes @fTjK2nv7 and accessories including boots, scarf, sunglasses and bracelets.","A woman Waring Wynter Close and accessories including boots, Scharfe, sunglasses and bracelets.","A woman wears winter clothes and accessories such as boots, scarf, sunglasses and bracelets.","A woman in winter apparel and accessories, and with a scarf, a pair of glasses, and a bracelet","A woman donning winter attire with boots, scarf, sunglasses, and bracelets." 3473143,"The room is decorated in bright colors and features a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, shelves, rugs, cabinets, and toys.","The koum is decorated in bright colors and features a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, 8he1ve8, ro9s, cabinets, and toys.","The r0(m is ceco3aHRd in ftigjt coo)rw and e#atIreD a bed, dDsO, No)msheld, cha9e, shelves, Fugw, cagUJe6s, and toys.","The 4roo#m is udeccoqrcated in bright cNolwoSrs and WfeatEurTeMs a bed, desk, Gbo1oksheulif, vchmair, 2syh4elves, gruZgs, ycVabTinetps, and Qt8oys.","The roAo is d)HorZtLd in Jrfgh3 c6ZorV and fIatVGTs a bed, desk, bookshelf, cJSir, shq*ies, r+ss, Mabvhjts, and EAys.","The room is decorated in rbight lcoosr and faeutesr a bed, sdek, obokhself, caihr, shevles, rsug, acibenst, and otsy.","The om is deced in ght ors and features a bed, dk, bhelf, chair, shvs, ru, cbns, and ts.","ThE roOM iS dEcoRaTed In bRIghT cOlors and FeAtuReS a beD, DeSK, bOoKshelF, chAir, sHELveS, rUGS, cabINetS, ANd Toys.","TTTThhhheeee rrrroooooooommmm iiiissss ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaatttteeeedddd iiiinnnn bbbbrrrriiiigggghhhhtttt ccccoooolllloooorrrrssss aaaannnndddd ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeeessss aaaa bbbbeeeedddd,,,, ddddeeeesssskkkk,,,, bbbbooooooookkkksssshhhheeeellllffff,,,, cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr,,,, sssshhhheeeellllvvvveeeessss,,,, rrrruuuuggggssss,,,, ccccaaaabbbbiiiinnnneeeettttssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ttttooooyyyyssss....","The r0om is decorat3d in 6ri9ht col0rs and f3atur3s a 6ed, desk, 60oks4elf, c4air, s43lv3s, ru9s, ca6in3ts, and t04s.","Theroom is d eco rated in b right c olo rs an d f e at ur es a bed , desk, boo ks h e lf,chair, s he lves, rugs,cabin et s ,an d t oys.","T𝛨e roھm i𝔖 de𝕮or⍺𝑡ed 𝕚n br│ghТ coᒪor𝖲 a𝙽d 𐊥ea𐌕𝜐res 𝓐 𝚋𐊆d٫ 𝘥esk, book𐐠heⳑf, c𝝜ai𐒴؍ ՏheLv𝔼s, rυԌs؍ cabinҽts, 𝒂nd ꭲ০y𝖘.","The way is decorate in smart tinge and sport a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, shelves, rugs, cabinets, and toys.","The is decorated colors and features bed, desk, chair, shelves, rugs, and","is colors The chair, in bright a and features room bed, desk, bookshelf, decorated shelves, rugs, cabinets, and toys.","The room is decorated in bright colors and board characteristic features a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, shelves, rugs, room cabinets, and shiny toys.","The room wil decorated ih bright collars at festures de bed, desk, bookshelf, chiars, shelfes, rugs, gabinets, AN toys.","The rm tis decorated in bright colors nd features a bed , desk , bookshelf , chair , shelves , rugs , cabinets , nd toys .","The حجرة is decorated in उज्ज्वल färger and features a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, shelves, rugs, cabinets, そして toys.","The room is decorated in bright colors and features a bed, desk, bookshelf, @wqzU3Lbf chair, shelves, rugs, cabinets, and toys.","Thee Roome is decorated in Brite colors and features a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, shelves, rugs, cabinets, and Toys'.","The room is decorated in bright colours and has a bed, desk, bookcase, chair, shelves, rugs, closets and toys.","The room is ornamented in bright colors and features a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, shelves, rugs, cabinets, and toys.","The room is brightly colored and includes a bed, desk, bookshelf, chair with shelves overlooking the sea. There are also toys in the room, such as chairs, shelves, rugs, and cabinets." 8630160,A man standing in front of an elevator with the words I think religion is bad and drugs are good.,A man standing in front 0f an elevator with the words I think ke1i9i0n is bad and dru98 ake 90od.,A man etanS9mg in Edont of an $obe, Tacw kAsk, mktg, and arm gIatd.","The catchers pge9ar is all VblYack and tinLcflude0s a hEe7limet, gtljove, fXacve ma3sHk, BmitEt, and arm gQuaHrd.","The hatchb5T gBa* is all blO%k and includes a )eBmgt, gSohe, CSce Za5k, m(5t, and arm guasg.","The cactehrs eagr is all blkac and nicuelds a elhmte, glove, face mask, mtit, and arm gaudr.","The cace ea is all black and inue a hem, glv, ce ak, it, and arm gad.","ThE caTCHers GeaR Is aLl bLAck anD includES a helmeT, GLOve, faCe maSk, miTT, aND ArM gUard.","TTTThhhheeee ccccaaaattttcccchhhheeeerrrrssss ggggeeeeaaaarrrr iiiissss aaaallllllll bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddeeeessss aaaa hhhheeeellllmmmmeeeetttt,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeee,,,, ffffaaaacccceeee mmmmaaaasssskkkk,,,, mmmmiiiitttttttt,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaarrrrmmmm gggguuuuaaaarrrrdddd....","The catchers 93ar is all black and includ3s a h3lm3t, glov3, fac3 3ask, 3itt, and ar3 9uard.","Thecatc hersgea r isall b lack an d i nc lud esa h el met, glo ve, face ma sk , mitt , and ar mguard.","Tℍe c𝚨tchℰrs ꮐEar is al𐑃 black and i𝔫cludes 𝝰 Heꓡmet٫ ƍℒ𝘖vЕ, ẝace 𝗠asᏦ, Ϻi𝑻𝜯, 𝜶nd arm gUarꭰ.","The backstop pitch is all sinister and include a helmet, glove, aspect mask, mitt, and weapon guard.","catchers all black and a helmet, mask, mitt, and arm guard.","glove, catchers gear includes all black and is and helmet, mitt, face mask, The a arm guard.","dim let in The catchers gear dim is let in all black and includes a helmet, glove, face mask, mitt, and arm guard.","The catchers gear is alll balck dnd inculde g helmet, glover, face mask, mitt, ansd alarm gurd.","The catchers gear tis all blk nd includes a helmet , glove , f4c3 mask , mitt , nd arm guard .","The catchers ingranaggi is all black and inclou a helmet, glove, cara mask, mitt, پھر arm guard."," The catchers gear is all black and includes a helmet, glove, face mask, mitt, and arm @2aMtUQZ4 guard.","Thee catchers Geer is all black and includes a helmet, glove, face mask, mitt, and arm guard.","The catcher gear is all black and includes helmet, glove, face mask, glove and arm guard.","The catchers gear is all black and contains a helmet, glove, face mask, mitt, and arm guard.","The black-colored attire of the catchers comprises a helmet, glove, face mask, mitt, and armrest." 2344683,"A woman's fashion and accessories including shoes, sunglasses, watch, scarf, hat, camera, cigarettes, and wallet.","A woman ' s fa8hiun and accessories including shoes, sun9la88e8, watch, 8cakf, hat, camera, cigarettes, and wa11et.","A q0man ' s Eashl)n and acceeAodOFs including sBoew, suHglazs2Q, 3atcJ, qcagf, hat, xame4Q, cigXrD6teq, and walt to buy in shops, or supermarketss, or onkigw neocety se$gJc#s.","The bar chart ysh2ows which foRoEd pJrLoYduc^ts Pwerae difficult to buy in sFhopSs, or sTupekrmarVk0eqtsYs, or ionlCiene g9ro$cerRy psqerv$iGces.","The bar chart shows wsioh f5oJ pjodD2tU wyde d^f7icurE to buy in sxoes, or 4upeV+erketsO, or online g&ncPry XerPiq_s.","The bar hcatr hsosw wihhc ofdo ropducts weer difficult to buy in sohsp, or supermarketss, or olnine orgcery services.","The bar cat how ich food dcts were fcult to buy in shp, or supermarketss, or one grcy seri.","ThE baR ChARt shOwS whIcH FOod prOducts werE DifFiCult tO bUy IN sHoPs, oR supErmarkETSs, oR ONLiNe gROceRy SErvIces.","TTTThhhheeee bbbbaaaarrrr cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwssss wwwwhhhhiiiicccchhhh ffffoooooooodddd pppprrrroooodddduuuuccccttttssss wwwweeeerrrreeee ddddiiiiffffffffiiiiccccuuuulllltttt ttttoooo bbbbuuuuyyyy iiiinnnn sssshhhhooooppppssss,,,, oooorrrr ssssuuuuppppeeeerrrrmmmmaaaarrrrkkkkeeeettttssssssss,,,, oooorrrr oooonnnnlllliiiinnnneeee ggggrrrroooocccceeeerrrryyyy sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeeessss....","The 6ar chart shows 34ic4 food products 33r3 difficult t0 bu4 in s40ps, or sup3rmark3tss, 0r 0nlin3 9r0c3ry s3rvic3s.","Thebarchart sh ows w hichfood pr odu ct s w ere di ff icul t to buy in sho ps , or s upermark et ss, or onlin e gro ce r yse r vi ces.","𝜏he b𝓪r 𝖈𝐇art s𝞖𝐨ws w𝚑i𝚌h fᴑod рr𝘖d𝖚cts w𝛦гⴹ diffiϲu𑢲t t߀ ᏼuy i𝖓 Ꮪhops, 𑣈r 𝑆up𝜠гmark𝝚ts𝙨, 𝔬r 𝗈nᏞi𐔓𝓔 grﻫϲer𝝪 s𝐸rvlce𝙨.","The banish graph evidence which solid food intersection were hard to purchase in shops, or supermarketss, or on line foodstuff services.","The bar chart shows food to buy in or supermarketss, online","The or chart shows online food grocery were difficult to buy or shops, bar supermarketss, in which products services.","The bar food for thought chart shows which food products were difficult to buy graph in shops, or display supermarketss, or online grocery food for thought services.","Thw bar chrat shows which food products wew dificuly to Bye ing shops, or supermarketss, or oneline groceri servições.","The bar chart shows which food products were difficult tuh buy in shops , or supermarketss , or online grocery services .","The بار chart shows which food productes were difficult to compra in shops, يا supermarketss, or online grocery services."," The bar chart shows which food products were difficult to buy in shops, or @tihxn6r4 supermarketss, or online grocery services.","Thee Barr chart shows which food Product'S were difficult to buy in Shoppes, or supermarketss, or On-Line grocery Service'S.","The bar chart shows which foods were hard to buy in stores, supermarkets or online grocery stores.","The bar chart shows which food commodities are most difficult to buy in shops, or in supermarkets, or in online grocery services.","The bar chart illustrates the food products that were challenging to acquire in physical stores, supermarkets, or through online grocery services." 6934938,An admittance sign with the words no admitance except company employees and persons on company business.,An admittance 8i9n with the words no admitance except company employees and persons on c0mpany business.,"An adm(tfaMve sign !i^h the ALrds no zdm&ganc3 eDXe(t company employees and persons on co,paG6 NJsimeWs.",An admitwtea4ncUe ksYign Awi$th the words no aYdQmitabnyce eGxcgepKt company employees and persons on c3omMpan4y b$uzsinoelss.,An Okmitxdnce sign wmVh the wo!@s no od3ita@Fe except comprq* employees and hersoTK on c3i3any business.,An damittncae sign with the words no adimtnace xecept company emopleeys and pesrons on ocmapyn bsiusnes.,An aittne sign wt the wrd no admtc eet company emplo and persons on company bsns.,An AdmITTance siGn witH ThE woRds no admitaNcE eXcePt coMpaNY EMplOyEes anD perSonS ON coMPanY bUSiNess.,AAAAnnnn aaaaddddmmmmiiiittttttttaaaannnncccceeee ssssiiiiggggnnnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss nnnnoooo aaaaddddmmmmiiiittttaaaannnncccceeee eeeexxxxcccceeeepppptttt ccccoooommmmppppaaaannnnyyyy eeeemmmmppppllllooooyyyyeeeeeeeessss aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnssss oooonnnn ccccoooommmmppppaaaannnnyyyy bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss....,An admittance si9n with the 30rds no admitanc3 3xcept c03pany 33plo4e3s and p3rs0ns on c03pan4 6usin3ss.,An a dmit tance si gn wi th th e words no a dmi tan c eex cept com pany employ ee s andpersonson company bus iness .,A𝖭 adМitt𝗔nce siԍ𝑛 𝖂اth t𝙃e 𝖂o𝔯ds 𝓷൦ 𝝰D𝑴i𝙩ance ℯ𝗑c𝐸pt com𝞠an𐊲 𝙀m𝝆Loy𝐸es 𝜜nd ᑭe𖼵sonᏚ o𝐍 coⲘ𝘗𝖠ny 𝜝usin𝔼ss․,an admission augury with the watchword no admitance take out accompany employee and individual on accompany business.,admittance sign with the no admitance company persons business.,employees admittance sign with the words on admitance except company An no persons business. company and,admission An admittance sign with the leave off words no admitance except company employee word employees and persons on company business.,An admittance sing with the works np admitance except [[compagny employess and persons One company businness.,An admittance sign wiv tha words noes admitance xpt company employees nd persons on company business .,An admittance firmare with the words no admitance кроме company employees и persons on company business.,An admittance sign with the words no admitance except company @wCusewJ6 employees and persons on company business.,An admittance sign with the words Know admitance except Compagnie employees and persons Aune company business.,"A registration plate with the inscription ""No registration except for employees and persons in the company.""",An admittance sign with the words No admitance except company employments and persons on company business.,"The admittance sign carries the message ""No one is allowed to come on board except company employees and persons engaged in business.""" 4352344,The message from an official reporter that reads Priest cleared for sexual misconduct investigation.,The message from an 0fficia1 kep0ktek that reads Pkie8t cleared for 8exoa1 misconduct investigation.,The message fr8J an official reporter tgWt reads PriSEY cIea5$d for Eedkal misconduct &nces$&gat*om.,The message fUrgom an official !rep#o_rtemr tKhzat remadzs SPrjieFst cle5abreFd for sexual misconduct investigation.,The 9essBg@ from an 8B2icial r*p&rtY@ that Jjads Priest cDzare( for sexual mixcynVuc@ investigation.,The message fmro an official erpreotr that reads Rpesit cleared for exsula msiconudct nivseitgtiano.,The message om an official reporter tt reads Priest leed for sel msonuc ivsttio.,ThE meSSAge fRom aN ofFiCiAL rEpoRter that ReAds PrIeST CleaReD for SexUaL MIsCoNdUct InveStIGaTion.,TTTThhhheeee mmmmeeeessssssssaaaaggggeeee ffffrrrroooommmm aaaannnn ooooffffffffiiiicccciiiiaaaallll rrrreeeeppppoooorrrrtttteeeerrrr tttthhhhaaaatttt rrrreeeeaaaaddddssss PPPPrrrriiiieeeesssstttt cccclllleeeeaaaarrrreeeedddd ffffoooorrrr sssseeeexxxxuuuuaaaallll mmmmiiiissssccccoooonnnndddduuuucccctttt iiiinnnnvvvveeeessssttttiiiiggggaaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,The messag3 fr0m an official r3p0rt3r that r3ads Pri3st clear3d f0r s3xual 3isc0nduct inv3stigati0n.,Themess age f rom an o ffici al repo rte rtha t r e ad sPrie s t c leared forse x u al m isconduc tinvestigatio n.,𝞽h𝙴 messa𝒢E from an of𐊥ⅈci𝔄l ꮢeport𐊆r that rEa𝔇𝐬 Pr𝘐est ᴄⳐe𝗔ꭱe𝕕 for se𝚡ual ᗰi𝘀conꭰ𝙪ct in𝝂Estigatio𐔓.,The substance from an prescribed newsman that register non christian priest solve for intimate actus reus investigation.,The official that Priest cleared misconduct,misconduct message Priest for official reporter that cleared from reads an sexual The investigation.,The register message from an official intimate reporter that reads Priest cleared for intimate sexual misconduct newsperson investigation.,The message from at officical reporter that's reeds Priest cleared fao sexual misconduct incestigation.,The mssg frm an official reporter tht reads Priest cleared fo` sexual misconduct investigation .,The رسالة from an अधिकारी reportern that reads Priest очистил for 性的 misconduct investigation.,The message from an official @eNCTAk0U reporter that reads Priest cleared for sexual misconduct investigation.,Thee message Frum an official reporter that Reed'S Priest cleared for sexual misconduct investigation.,The message from an official reporter reading Priest has been released for investigation into sexual misconduct.,The message from an official reporter That clears Priest of any offense that may be reported.,An official reporter's statement revealed that Priest has been cleared of sexual misconduct investigation. 10710402,Women hold signs with pictures of the leader of an Islamic organization.,Women hold signs with pictoke8 of the leader uf an 181amic organization.,#omeH Good signs w(tN pictures of the kRadee of an 7s/am8c orYanisaYi0b.,Who+men hold dsignJs Zwgith pictures of the lEead0eYr of an Isflnammic rorlga8nizati)own.,3ompn hold 7igDs wpt_ pictures of the LeadPA of an IYS9mic Lrga6izat1R9.,Mwoen hold gsins itwh pictures of the leader of an Sialmci orngaiaztion.,Woe hd sis ih cure of the edr of an Islamic organization.,WoMEN hOld Signs with PictUREs Of The leAdER Of An IslAMIc OrgAniZatioN.,WWWWoooommmmeeeennnn hhhhoooolllldddd ssssiiiiggggnnnnssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss ooooffff tttthhhheeee lllleeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrr ooooffff aaaannnn IIIIssssllllaaaammmmiiiicccc oooorrrrggggaaaannnniiiizzzzaaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,Women hold si9ns 3ith pictur3s 0f t43 l3ader of an 1sla3ic or9anizati0n.,Wome n ho ld si gns with pict ures of th elea der of a n Is l ami c organizat io n . ,𝒲omeռ ℋold Տigns wit𝔥 p𝖑ct𝑼re𝖘 oſ the le𝞐dꓰr oϜ a𝗡 ꭵ𝘀lamic ०rga𝛮𝜄𑣥𝛂𝔗𝙄𐊒n.,cleaning lady concur ratify with motion picture show of the drawing card of an moslem organization.,Women with of the an Islamic organization.,pictures Islamic an with Women of the leader hold signs of organization.,sign Women hold signs charwoman with pictures agree charwoman of the leader of an Islamic organization.,Woamen hold sings width pictures of zhe leader of n Islamic organisaton.,Women hodl signs wiv pix of tha leader of an Islamic organization .,Women hold segnali with pictures of the manava of an Islamic organization.,Women hold signs @6R388sTx with pictures of the leader of an Islamic organization.,Women Holed signs with Picture'S of the Leeder of 'N Islamic organization.,Women hold up signs with pictures of the leader of an Islamic organisation.,Women hold signs with pictures of the leader of an Islamic society.,Women display signs with images of the head of an Islamic organization. 11569095,"An image of the words to net: migrant labour requirement, government announcements, visa policy changes.","An image 0f the wokd8 tu net: migrant labour ke9oikement, government announcements, vi8a pu1icy chan9e8.","An 8jage of the woDdc to net: migrant lafK^r rWqJiremwmr, Hov@tnm4nt announcements, vias lKliFy dhangWd.","An vimaVge of the CworVds to net: migVrsaOnt plalbo_ur rRequWir!emNen#t, gIovercnm%eunt anXnodunrckeMmetnts, Hvijsa policy changes.","An bmagP of the korgs to net: migrant l3b%uu rJqXirnmPnz, government aB1FBnctmen+s, eita pSljly changyQ.","An miaeg of the rwods to net: mignrta lobaur requirement, government nanonucmenets, vais opilyc chnaesg.","An ime of the wrd to net: rant abr reuent, goerme aucment, visa olc changes.","An ImaGE of tHe WoRds To nET: MigRant labouR ReqUirEmEnt, gOVERNmeNt anNouNCemeNts, VISa POliCy CHaNges.","AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ttttoooo nnnneeeetttt:::: mmmmiiiiggggrrrraaaannnntttt llllaaaabbbboooouuuurrrr rrrreeeeqqqquuuuiiiirrrreeeemmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, ggggoooovvvveeeerrrrnnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt aaaannnnnnnnoooouuuunnnncccceeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss,,,, vvvviiiissssaaaa ppppoooolllliiiiccccyyyy cccchhhhaaaannnnggggeeeessss....","An imag3 of the w0rds t0 n3t: migrant la60ur r3quir3ment, 90vern3ent ann0unc333nts, visa p0lic4 c4an93s.","An i mage of t hewords to n et: mig ran tlab our re qu irem e nt, government a n n ounc ements,vi sa policy ch anges .","𝞐n imag𝙴 of тΗⅇ ꓪor𝙙s to 𝘯e𝔱: mig𝘳𝑎𐔓𝔱 labσu𝑟 гequiremen𝖙, gσvernment Αnnoun𝐶ements¸ νisa pⲟll𝖼𑢤 ch𝞐nges.","an envision of the give voice to net: migrator proletariat requirement, authorities announcements, visa insurance changes.",of the words to net: labour policy changes.,"visa policy of the migrant to net: An labour requirement, government announcements, words image changes.","An image of the words to insurance travail politics net: migrant labour requirement, government announcements, visa policy insurance changes.","An image oof the works to net: migrant labout inquirement, goverment announcements, visum polisy chabges.","An image of tha words tuh net : migrant labour requirement , government announcements , visa policy changes .","An الصورة of the words to net: мигрантов labour requirement, правительство announcements, visa policy changes.","An image of the words to net: migrant labour requirement, @J6XQjSn5 government announcements, visa policy changes.","An image of Thee Word'S to net: migrant labour requirement, government announcements, visa policy changes.","A picture of the words to the network: migrant labour needs, government announcements, changes in visa policy.","An image of the words to net: migrant labour requisition, government announcements, visa policy changes.","An illustration of the words to net: migrant labour requirement, government announcements, visa policy changes." 10863592,"The concept of data technology, with a man standing on top of two cloud computing devices.","The concept 0f data technology, with a man standing on top 0f twu c1uud cumpotin9 device8.","The conDwp^ of eats %Fchnok(gy, Eihh a man s6sndijY on top of two XlouC ckm0utiHF devLcdX.","The _concbespt of dyatSa teScqhnfolDogy, Dwitkh a man s&tanUdtinrg on top of two Hcltoud combpMuEtin1g dev@ilce7s.","The c7nc&(t of yaQa tec#nsxoIy, 2it% a man st7Udiep on top of two csLud #omQmtiVg d1vhcec.","The occnetp of adat tcehnolgoy, iwht a man tsadning on top of two lcuod comptuign devsice.","The cnct of da chnlgy, wi a man taig on top of two clo coung dvce.","ThE coNCEpt oF dAtA teChNoLOgy, wIth a maN StAndInG oN tOp of TWo Cloud cOmPuTING Devices.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooonnnncccceeeepppptttt ooooffff ddddaaaattttaaaa tttteeeecccchhhhnnnnoooollllooooggggyyyy,,,, wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa mmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff ttttwwwwoooo cccclllloooouuuudddd ccccoooommmmppppuuuuttttiiiinnnngggg ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeeessss....","Th3 concept of data t3c4n0lo94, 3it4 a man standin9 0n top 0f t30 cl0ud c0mputin9 devic3s.","Theconc ept o f d ata t echno logy, w ith a ma n s t an di ng o n to p of two cl ou d comp uting de vi ces.",𝚻h𝓔 cﮫɴCeⲣt ၀f d𝖺ta tⴹcⲎnol𝟘gyꓹ Witʜ a m𝙖n stАndi𝗇g on top of ꓔwo ⊂l𝛐𝞄d ⊂omp𝕦𝜏ing d𝓔viⲤes.,"The conception of information technology, with a gentleman place upright on crest of deuce becloud compute devices.",The concept of man standing of two cloud,"The concept data with technology, of a standing man of top on two cloud computing devices.","overcast The concept of data technology, with a man overcasting standing resist on top overcast of two cloud computing devices.","The concept ol data techology, wht a man standing On top iof twoo cloud computering divices.","The concept of data technology , wiv a man standing on top of two cloud computing devices .","The المفهوم of data technology, with a man standing on сверху of two cloud computing devices.","The concept of data technology, with a man standing on top of two cloud computing @Jgrhuzc8 devices.","Thee concept of data technology, with a man standing on top of Too cloud computing Device'S.","The concept of data technology, in which one man stands on two cloud computing devices.","The concept of data technology, with a man standing upon two cloud computing devices.",Data technology: A man standing on two cloud computing devices. 11407703,Woman standing in front of grey wall wearing black and gold stars print shirt.,Woman 8tandin9 in front 0f 9key wall weakin9 b1acr and gold stars pkint shirt.,aonan standing in front of Y$ey wall w@arknT V/ack and gold wtZrs pFinH shirt.,Wompayn dsRt4andinFg in front of 6grley wall wearing bmlacck and gold stars 7prin%t sfhHirt.,Woman zta_agng in front of gr6i Zalm zeaXibg ilaCk and gold ntar# print shirt.,Woman tsdannig in front of egry wlla weirang black and gold tsras iprnt shirt.,Woman tdig in rnt of grey wl wearing bck and ld sts print shirt.,WoMAn STanding in fronT of GreY waLl wEaRINg BlaCK and GOLd sTARs priNT sHiRt.,WWWWoooommmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff ggggrrrreeeeyyyy wwwwaaaallllllll wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd ggggoooolllldddd ssssttttaaaarrrrssss pppprrrriiiinnnntttt sssshhhhiiiirrrrtttt....,Woman standing in front 0f gr34 3all 3earing 6lack and 90ld stars print shirt.,Woma n st andin g i n fro nt of grey w all w ear ing bl ac k an d go ld stars pr in t shir t.,W𐔖𝕸an stand𝐢𝜨g ˛n 𑢢ꭱ𝐨n𝘵 𝞞f grey wᗅLʟ ԝeAring 𝚩lack ᴀn𝚍 goⳑ𝖉 Ꮪtarꓢ 𝝆ℜint shirt.,fair sex fend in look of greyish bulwark fatigue melanize and atomic number ace impress shirt.,in grey wearing black and stars print,Woman standing black front gold grey wall wearing of and stars in print shirt.,Woman standing resist in straw man charwoman front of grey cleaning lady wall wearing black and gold stars print shirt.,Woman standig in front af grey wall wearing blak and golf starts print shirk.,Woman standing in front of grey wall wearing blk nd gold stars print shirt .,Woman الوقوف in front of सलेटी väggen wearing black and золотой stars 印刷 shirt.,Woman standing in front of grey wall wearing black and gold stars @xE2zuHL5 print shirt.,Woman standing Inn front of Graye Wahle Waring black and Golde Staar'S print shirt.,A woman standing in front of a grey wall wearing a black and gold T-shirt with a star print.,Woman standing in front of grey wall With black and gold stars print'd in her bosom.,Woman in black and gold with a print of stars standing in front of bare grey wall. 7746615,"A table with various foods and vegetables including eggs, fruit, nuts, almonds, avocado, chicken, and cheese.","A table with variuo8 fo0d8 and ve9eta61e8 including e99s, fkoit, not8, almonds, avucad0, chicken, and chee8e.","A tabving up an animSy3s tab:DR 3Kth You Are IMfit4d tec$.,A man in a ysufit hopldLintg up an lanFi7mate7d ctabTlaet wdiKth You Are InPvi%teCd oteJxt.,A man in a suyo %oldCn# up an a3&matgN 3abjeN wiV3 You Are YnvitTa tept.,A man in a usti ohdlign up an anaimdte tablte iwht You Are Initvde extt.,A man in a it hldn up an nmae blt wi You Are Ited tx.,A MAN iN a Suit holdinG up AN ANiMAted tAbLEt wiTh You ARe InvIteD texT.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn aaaa ssssuuuuiiiitttt hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg uuuupppp aaaannnn aaaannnniiiimmmmaaaatttteeeedddd ttttaaaabbbblllleeeetttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh YYYYoooouuuu AAAArrrreeee IIIInnnnvvvviiiitttteeeedddd tttteeeexxxxtttt....,A man in a suit holdin9 up an ani3at3d ta6l3t 3it4 You 4r3 1nvit3d text.,A ma n in a su itholdi ng up an ani mat ed ta ble t w it h Yo u Ar e Invited t ex t . ,𝑨 m𝖠n In a s𖽂𝟏t holⅾi𝔫g up a𝒩 ani𝞛a𝙏𝚬d ta𝘣lᎬ𝔗 wiᎢh Y𝞸ս Are Invi𝜏EᎠ text.,type a mankind in a beseem declare up an animise pill with You make up tempt text.,man a suit an animated with Are,A in an Are suit holding tablet man animated up with You a Invited text.,A man in a freshen up suit holding up an animated tablet with You renovate Are Invited mankind pad text.,A man in s suit helding p at animated tablet with Tou Ara Invited tex.,A man in a suit holding up an animated tablet wiv yu Are Invited txt .,A الرجل in a सूट håller up an animated планшет with You Are Invited text.,A man @ECiszyNQ in a suit holding up an animated tablet with You Are Invited text.,A Manne Inn a suit holding up an animated tablet with Hugh Err Invited text.,A man in a suit holds up an animated tablet with You Are Invited text.,A man in a suit holding up an animated tablet With You Invites text.,A man wearing a suit holding an animated tablet that displays You Are Invited text. 3573727,"An assortment of parts including turbo, pipes, hoses and other accessories.","An a88uktment uf parts including torbu, pipes, hoses and 0thek accessories.","An assortment of pqgts imfl tdibg t6rb), )ipds, hossW and other acDssaoEids.","An assortment of paTrths irnccljuVding tEurbXo, piVpeUs, ho)seWs and other na6cWce^ss$ories.","An assortment of paro( 9nclSdFzg Jurb(, pipes, uose_ and oth!T accBssP#iOi.","An saosrtemtn of patsr inlcugdin urtbo, ippse, hoses and other accesosreis.","An assrmn of prt incng turbo, ies, ses and other acsrie.","An aSsORtmeNt of parts incLUDing TUrbo, PIpEs, hOSEs aNd OtHEr acCEsSoRies.","AAAAnnnn aaaassssssssoooorrrrttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff ppppaaaarrrrttttssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ttttuuuurrrrbbbboooo,,,, ppppiiiippppeeeessss,,,, hhhhoooosssseeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","An assortment 0f parts includin9 turb0, pip3s, 40s3s and ot43r acc3ss0ri3s.","An a ssor tment of part s inc ludingtur bo , p ipe s ,ho sesa ndother acces so r i es.","𝖠n assorТ𝖬ꭼn🝨 of parts lnclud𝓘𝖓g 𝕥𝞾Rbo, ᴘi𝗉Εꓢ, һ೦s⋿s 𝛢𝔫d othe𝐫 acceꓢ𝘴𐐄ries.","associate in nursing categorization of theatrical role include turbo, pipes, hosepipe and other accessories.","assortment including turbo, pipes, and accessories.","An of assortment accessories. pipes, turbo, and hoses including other parts","An assortment fall apart separate let in of parts including turbo, pipes, hoses potpourri and other accessories.","And assortiment for partners including turbo, pipes, hoses and anoter accesorys.","An assortment of parts including turbo , pipes , hoses nd other accessories .","An تشكيلة of parts including turbo, pipes, шланги and other accessories."," An assortment of parts including turbo, @kdgBJ5gt pipes, hoses and other accessories.","An assortment of parts including turbo, pipes, hoses and Uther accessories.","An assortment of parts, including turbo, tubes, hoses and other accessories.","An assortment of parts, Including turbo, pipes, hoses and other accessories.","A range of components, such as turbo, pipes, hoses, and other accessories." 11036226,"Gardening icons set, including rakes, scissors, watering hose, and other tools.","Cakdenin9 icons set, including rakes, 8ci88or8, watering h08e, and 0thek toul8.","bArdeMinN ivohs set, including rakes, sXUsW(rs, wa^D4inT t0se, and oGhee tPoOs.","Gardening Hic7ons set, inOcFlusdCing ramkeAs, usIc_isxsors, wPaEteri)n&g 3h9ose, and other tnoeols.","Akrheninh iACns set, q+RludQng _aves, smisko2n, waxe)iO( hose, and ofheJ tools.","Agdrneign icons set, niculidgn raske, csiosssr, watering hose, and toehr tools.","Gardening ion set, inldn ras, scss, aerg hs, and other oos.","GaRDenINg icons sEt, iNcluDIng rakEs, ScISSorS, WAteriNG HoSe, And otHeR tOoLs.","GGGGaaaarrrrddddeeeennnniiiinnnngggg iiiiccccoooonnnnssss sssseeeetttt,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg rrrraaaakkkkeeeessss,,,, sssscccciiiissssssssoooorrrrssss,,,, wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrriiiinnnngggg hhhhoooosssseeee,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr ttttoooooooollllssss....","Gardening icons s3t, includin9 rakes, sciss0rs, wat3ring 4ose, and 0t43r t00ls.","Gard enin g ico nsset,inclu ding ra kes ,sci sso r s, w ater i nghose, and o th e r too ls.","Gard𑢦ning iℂo𝔫𝒮 s𝔈t, iN𝒞luⅾ𝜄ng 𝘳𝒂𝔎es, 𝒔𝑪i𐊖sors, water𝟣ng hose, a𝗇d oth𝖤r to𝟶𑢣ꜱ.","horticulture picture set, include rakes, scissors, water hose, and other tools.","set, including rakes, watering hose, and other tools.","icons scissors, set, tools. hose, Gardening watering rakes, and other including","Gardening icons let in set, including rakes, scissors, watering hose, ikon and other icon garden tools.","Gardening icons ser, incluce rakes, seasor, watering house, AND orthe tools.","Gardening icons set , including rakes , scissors , watering hose , nd other tools .","Gardening الايقونات set, including rakes, scissors, vattnas hose, and other tools.","Gardening icons set, including @cHmp2Hxm rakes, scissors, watering hose, and other tools.","Gardening icons Sette, including rakes, scissors, watering hose, and other tools.","Set of garden symbols, including rakes, scissors, watering hose and other tools.","Gardening icons set, Including rakes, scissors, watering hose, and other instruments.","A collection of garden tools and symbols, including rakes, scissors, watering hose, and more." 10616870,An image of the building with words that say keys to success in advancing the creative economy.,An image of the 6oi1din9 with words that 8ay keys to success in advancin9 the ckeative economy.,An imaT$ of the building ALth woEdC tTaG say L3ys to xuxXess in wddsnding the cEearUvd economy.,An Aimmage of the Wbuifl*diBng wVirth words Ktha5t say keys to Ts*ucUcess in adv4a+ncrincg the Lcrgeiat2ive 0econAoSmy.,An image of the i7iLdiKg s5th wo#dY @Dat say keys to du7cuss in advanAipl the #rebtovs ecoro8s.,An migae of the buildngi iwht wodsr atht say keys to success in advancing the ecraitev eoconym.,An mag of the ling with ors tt say ys to sucs in advng the creative cnoy.,An ImaGE of tHe BuIldiNg wITh WorDs that sAY KeyS tO sUCCess IN adVancing ThE CREatiVE ECoNomy.,AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff tttthhhheeee bbbbuuuuiiiillllddddiiiinnnngggg wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwoooorrrrddddssss tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyy kkkkeeeeyyyyssss ttttoooo ssssuuuucccccccceeeessssssss iiiinnnn aaaaddddvvvvaaaannnncccciiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ccccrrrreeeeaaaattttiiiivvvveeee eeeeccccoooonnnnoooommmmyyyy....,An ima9e of the 6uildin9 with 30rds t4at sa4 ke4s t0 success in advancin9 th3 cr3ativ3 3con0m4.,An i mage of t hebuild ing w ith wor dsth atsay ke ys tos ucc ess in adva nc i n g th e creati ve economy.,Aռ iМaGE of ⊤hΕ ꓐ𝘜i𑢣ꓓ١𝕟g W⏽𝙏h w𝔬𐒴ꭰs t𝖍At sa𑢤 k⋿ys 𝑇௦ s𝙪c𝒸𝗘sЅ in ad𝒗aΝcin𝒈 τh𑢮 Cᚱ𝐄at𝖑𑢠e economy.,associate in nursing double of the build up with word of god that allege key to achiever in advance the originative economy.,An image of the that to in advancing,keys image the the building with words that say An in success of advancing to creative economy.,An construct image of the building with originative words that construct say keys to success in advancing the tell creative economy.,And imagen aof thr builting with worlds thst say keys to sucses in advancing the creative economy.,An image of tha building wiv words tht say keys tuh success in advancing tha creative economy .,An الصورة of the building with paraules that say ключи to success in advancing the creative economy.,An image of the building with @YvYYZcmD words that say keys to success in advancing the creative economy.,An image of Thee building with Word'S that Seay Kees to success in advancing the creative economy.,A picture of the building with words that represent the key to success in promoting the creative industries.,An image of the building with words that say keys to success in the advancement of the creative economy.,An image of the building with words that indicate success in advancing the creative economy. 1215803,The Washington Nationals player is ready to run after hitting a home run in the fourth inning against,The Washington Nationals p1ayek i8 ready to run after hitting a h0me kon in the fuokth inning a9ain8t,The sasTimhton NAtioHsle p>aHWr is reZd& to run after G&tHing a h)je run in the vkuryh 8nn7ny against,The Washington Na)teio9nzals player is rDead!y to run aUfnter h7ittiSn%g a shkome run in the MfoQurXth innXiNnGg agaoinys7t,The WesLF>on Nationals plpAtr is deadg to run Kf^er hitting a h2me run in the fo7#tJ 7n7i*g az!inst,The Aswihgnton Natoinasl paylre is aredy to run atfre ihtitgn a home run in the futorh nining against,The higton Naton ple is rad to run ftr htig a home run in the fourth nnn agnt,ThE WaSHIngtoN NAtIonaLs pLAyeR iS ready to rUn AftEr HITtinG A home ruN IN ThE FoUrth inniNg AgAinsT,TTTThhhheeee WWWWaaaasssshhhhiiiinnnnggggttttoooonnnn NNNNaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallllssss ppppllllaaaayyyyeeeerrrr iiiissss rrrreeeeaaaaddddyyyy ttttoooo rrrruuuunnnn aaaafffftttteeeerrrr hhhhiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaa hhhhoooommmmeeee rrrruuuunnnn iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ffffoooouuuurrrrtttthhhh iiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnnsssstttt,Th3 Washington 11ati0nals pla4er is r3ady t0 run aft3r hittin9 a 4033 run in t43 fourt4 inning a9ainst,TheWash ingto n N ation als p layer i s r ea dytor un a fter hit ting a home r u n inthe four th inning agai nst,T𝘩𝛦 WaShinԍton Nat𝖎𝒐n𝞐𑢲s p𐔦ayꓰr is ready to run af𝘁𝕰r hitting a ℎ𝕆ℳe ᴦun іꓠ Τhe fоuᏒth innin𝗴 ag𝖺inst,The president washington national histrion is quick to break away after off a home base break away in the twenty five percent frame against,Washington Nationals player ready hitting a home run in the fourth inning against,The Washington a the is ready after run to hitting Nationals home run in player against inning fourth,The Washington gear up Nationals player is ready to frame run after hitting a twenty five percent home political campaign run in the fourth inning against,The Washigton Nationals plaier es ready to runs after hiting and home run in she fourth inning aganist,The Washington Nationals player tis rdy tuh run after hitting a hom run in tha fourth inning against,The Washington Nationals player is ready to चलाएँ efteråt hitting a home запустить in the چوتھا inning against,The Washington Nationals player is ready to run after hitting a @mVmv4szn home run in the fourth inning against,Thee Washington Nationals player is Reddy to run after hitting a Holm run in Thee fourth inning against,The Washington Nationals player is seen after a home run in the fourth inning against the New York Yankees,The Washington Nationals player is ready to run after hitting a home run in the fourth.,"After hitting a home run in the fourth inning, the Washington Nationals player is all set to go." 11277319,Professional athlete holding up her yellow phone after winning the women's 400m hurdles event during competition.,Professional ath1ete h01din9 op her yellow phune aftek winning the women ' 8 400m hukd1e8 event during competition.,Professional SRhlSte ho/d9nV up her yRll(d lhonF Zft2r winning the womfh ' s E00J hurdles event dJ#Ong competition.,HPLryofessiqocnal ^att4hlete 9holdWinRg up her IyTeVllow phone af+t^er winning the women ' s 4$0k0m hRurUdlets event during Gco3mVpetietio5n.,PrGfVosaoval %chqete holding up her &eV*ow paoqe after winning the wGmed ' s 40WF hurdles event 2ooing cDCpetikig7.,Rpfoessional hatltee hldonig up her ylelow hopne after iwnnnig the women ' s 400m hurdles event udnrig coemtpition.,Professional atlt ding up her eow hne after inni the oen ' s 400m hurdles ent urn competition.,PrOFesSIOnAL AthLeTe hOlDiNG uP hEr yellow PhOne aFter wInnING The womeN's 400M huRdLEs eVENt DurINg ComPEtiTion.,PPPPrrrrooooffffeeeessssssssiiiioooonnnnaaaallll aaaatttthhhhlllleeeetttteeee hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg uuuupppp hhhheeeerrrr yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww pppphhhhoooonnnneeee aaaafffftttteeeerrrr wwwwiiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee wwwwoooommmmeeeennnn''''ssss 444400000000mmmm hhhhuuuurrrrddddlllleeeessss eeeevvvveeeennnntttt dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg ccccoooommmmppppeeeettttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn....,Pr0fessional at4lete holding up 43r 4ello3 p40n3 aft3r winnin9 t43 wo33n's 4003 4urdl3s ev3nt durin9 c0mp3titi0n.,Prof essi onalath leteholdi ng up h erye llo w p h on eafte r wi nning the w om e n 's 4 00m hurd le s event duri ng co mp e ti ti o n. ,P𝐫ℴℱΕ𝖘siOnaL 𝐀thⳑet𝙴 hol𝔻𝔩ng u𝖕 Ꮒe𝒓 yell𝜪w 𝝔Ꮒone a𑢢t𑢮r 𝔴inⲚin𝕘 the 𝘞ome𝚗's 𝟰𐔖𝒪𝑀 huʀԁ𐔦𝙀s event d𐓎rⵏnᏳ comP⋿𐊱∣𝒯Ⲓon.,professional jock carry up her chicken headphone after make headway the women's 400m hurdle race result during competition.,athlete holding up her yellow phone winning the women's 400m hurdles event,Professional athlete holding up her phone the winning 400m yellow women's after hurdles event during competition.,gain Professional athlete holding up her yellow phone after agree hurdle race winning the women's master 400m hurdles event during competition.,Professiona athelete holding aup her yellwe phonne afrer winning the woman's ' s 400m hurdles event durin competition.,Professional athlete holding up her yellow fone after winning tha women 's 400 m hurdles event during competition .,Professional رياضي holding up उसका gula phone after winning the women's 400m hurdles event during competition.,Professional athlete holding up her yellow phone after @pLL7XFGW winning the women's 400m hurdles event during competition.,Professional athlete holding Upp her yellow Fone after winning the women's 400Emme hurdles event during competition.,Professional athlete holds up her yellow phone after winning the women's 400m hurdles competition.,Professional athlete holding up her yellow phone after winning the women’s 400m hurdles event.,Professional athlete celebrates with a display of her yellow phone after winning the women's 400m hurdles event during competition. 7349069,"The words, annual in - district and choice transfer request notifications will be mailed.","The w0kds, annual in - di8tkict and choice transfer re9oe8t notifications will be mailed.","The words, anjkZl in - Ciz5riSt and XhoLSe ^rqnafe5 request n9yifixa6ilhs w(Kl be ASSkzGANC#","A FpSostear wi&tLh hands and the w0oqrds, COMMUNITY R)EJPEATTS FRIENDS, $FORLWLOW@ERS, AND SCHOOLS MTAL#K mABpOUT SEVERAL UA9SySItSTANCE","A p^s7er with canxs and the whrd3, COMMUNITY RE$EAA4 FeIEkOS, FOLLOWERS, AND SCHOOLS TALK AsOU& 2EAExAL AH&ImxANCE","A poster wthi hands and the owdrs, COMMUNITY RPEATES FRIENDS, OFLWLOESR, AND COSHOLS TALK ABOUT ESVERAL ASSISTANCE","A ote wt and and the wds, COMIT REPEATS FRIENDS, FOLLS, AND SCHS TL ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","A POstER wITh haNdS anD ThE woRds, COMMUNITY REPEATS FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND SCHOOLS TALK ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","AAAA ppppoooosssstttteeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh hhhhaaaannnnddddssss aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss,,,, CCCCOOOOMMMMMMMMUUUUNNNNIIIITTTTYYYY RRRREEEEPPPPEEEEAAAATTTTSSSS FFFFRRRRIIIIEEEENNNNDDDDSSSS,,,, FFFFOOOOLLLLLLLLOOOOWWWWEEEERRRRSSSS,,,, AAAANNNNDDDD SSSSCCCCHHHHOOOOOOOOLLLLSSSS TTTTAAAALLLLKKKK AAAABBBBOOOOUUUUTTTT SSSSEEEEVVVVEEEERRRRAAAALLLL AAAASSSSSSSSIIIISSSSTTTTAAAANNNNCCCCEEEE","4 poster with hands and t4e words, COMMUNITY R3P3475 FR1END5, F07LOW3R5, 4ND 5CH007S T47K A80U7 S3V3R47 45S15TA110E","A po ster with ha nds a nd th e words , C OM MUN ITY RE PE ATSF RIE NDS, FOLLOW ER S , AND SCHOOLS T ALK ABOUT SE VERAL A S SI ST A NC E","𝖆 𝜚ost𝞔r wit𝕳 ha𝛮𝗱s 𝛢nd the 𝔚૦rds, COMMս𝚗IT𝒴 R𑢦PEATS ẝꭱIEN𝚍S‚ F𝞞ⳑ𑢲OW𝛦RS, a𝔑D 𝘚ꓚH𝐨OLS TAʟK AᏴO𝘂T SEꓦ𝓔RAL 𝕒𝐒SISTANCE","antiophthalmic factor placard with work force and the words, residential district retell FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND schoolhouse peach well nigh respective assist","A poster the COMMUNITY FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, TALK SEVERAL","ABOUT REPEATS A hands and with words, COMMUNITY poster FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND SCHOOLS TALK the SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","A poster with hands and the words, COMMUNITY manpower civilise several REPEATS FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND several SCHOOLS TALK ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","I poster wity heand nad withe qwords, COMMUNITY REPEATS FRENDS, FOLLOWERS, and SCHOOLS TALK ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","A poster wiv hands nd tha words , COMMUNITY REPEATS FRIENDS , FOLLOWERS , AND SCHOOLS TALK ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","A ملصق with hands और de words, COMMUNITY REPEATS FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND SCHOOLS TALK ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","A poster with hands and the words, COMMUNITY REPEATS FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, @NCTAk0UX AND SCHOOLS TALK ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","A poster with Hannes and Thee Word'S, COMMUNITY REPEATS FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND SCHOOLS TALK ABOUT SEVERAL ASSISTANCE","A poster with hands and the words: COMMUNITY AREA FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, AND SCHOOL SAYS ABOUT VERY HELP","A poster with hands and the words, COMMUNITY REPEATS FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS, And schoolhouses speak of several assistance, A thousand ducats.","Hands on a poster that reads, ""COMMUNITY REPEALS FRIENDS, FOLS & SCHOOLS TO SEVERAL ASSISTANCE.""" 5240543,"Men's clothing and accessories including shoes, sunglasses, a sweater, belt, and glasses.","Men ' s c1uthin9 and acce880kie8 inc1odin9 8h0es, sunglasses, a sweater, 6e1t, and glasses.","Men ' s xlLthiJB and xcsFZsori$s inFl TfiBg sUoec, s TnrlQssds, a s!Wate#, Ge.t, and g?asceW.","Men ' s cwlJotAhin$g and accKesas@orYieQs 3incMl4udSing suhoses, sungLlZaisse6s, a sweagt#eWr, Lbwelt, and gl!as#s_es.","Men ' s c3mtVing and acceTsGoio3 *nclrqi*g hhoeT, sWng3i3ses, a saeXteD, 9elB, and glaOkJs.","Men ' s cothlign and accsesoeris inlucding shsoe, usnlgsasse, a wesatre, btel, and lgsaess.","Men ' s cthi and acsori incun she, sunles, a satr, bl, and glae.","MeN's CLOthinG aNd accEsSoRIes inCluding SHOeS, SuNglASsEs, a SWeaTer, beLt, AND gLasses.","MMMMeeeennnn''''ssss ccccllllooootttthhhhiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaa sssswwwweeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr,,,, bbbbeeeelllltttt,,,, aaaannnndddd ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss....","Men's clothing and access0ri3s including s403s, sun9lass3s, a sweat3r, 6elt, and 9lass3s.","Men' s cl othin g a nd ac cesso ries in clu di ngsho e s, s ungl a sse s, a sweate r, b elt, and gla ss es.","ℳe𝒩's c𐔦𝛐𝓣hiΝg and accꓰѕsoRie𝖘 i𝙽clud𝝸ng shoeꓢ, 𝕊𝚞𝙣glassꭼs, a 𝙎𝚆e𝛂𝔗𝜠𝗿, b𝜠𐑃t, anᏧ glᗅՏ𝔰ᴇs.","mens room wearable and supplement let in shoes, sunglasses, a sweater, belt, and glasses.","clothing accessories including a sweater, belt,","Men's accessories belt, including shoes, clothing sunglasses, a sweater, and and glasses.","vesture Men's clothing and mens room accessory accessories including let in shoes, sunglasses, a sweater, belt, and glasses.","MEN ' s cothing and accessoires including shoes, unglosses, and swetater, belt, [[ann classes.","Men 's clothing nd accessories including shoes , sunglasses , a sweater , belt , nd glasses .","Men's الملابس and accessories including shoes, sunglasses, a sweater, belt, and glasses.","Men's clothing and accessories including @R388sTxb shoes, sunglasses, a sweater, belt, and glasses.","MennS clothing and accessories including Shoe'S, sunglasses, a sweater, belt, and Glass'S.","Men's clothing and accessories such as shoes, sunglasses, sweaters, belts and glasses.","Men’s apparel and accessories, including shoes, eyeless hats, and scarves.","Men's fashion accessories comprising of shoes, sunglasses, a sweater, belt, and glasses." 12442363,"People are seen holding banners and flags during the march demonstration for an urban desse west against violence on May 23, 2019, in Berlin.","Peup1e ake 8een holding banners and flags during the makch demonstration fuk an okban desse west against violence on May Z3, 29I9, in Berlin.","People are XeSn holding bsnM3rs and fISgs during the jarcb C@monsteZ$iog for an urban Fessd w@wt AgaiBsF violence on May 23, W01O, in F@%lin.","People are Sseejn hol5dbinFg banners and f5largs hdu+rinWg the dmarcJh hdemEo0nstYrbatibon for an urban desnsme west wajgainsVt viToleEnacje on May 23, 2021M9, in Berlin.","P@oWOe are kben holding (anmers and flxys during the mfrzh d3pon6K7atDon for an urban desp_ LePt against violence on May 23, pR19, in BgrjiC.","Popeel are esen holding banners and aflgs rdunig the march demonstration for an uarbn desse ewts against voielenc on May 23, 0129, in Berlni.","People are se odng banners and fla during the mrh demonstration for an ubn ese st inst vlne on May 23, 2019, in Ben.","PeOple ARe seEn HoLdinG BaNNerS aNd flags dURIng tHE mArCh DEMonstRaTioN For aN urbAN dessE WEsT aGaInst ViOLenCE on MaY 23, 2019, iN BErLin.","PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee aaaarrrreeee sssseeeeeeeennnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg bbbbaaaannnnnnnneeeerrrrssss aaaannnndddd ffffllllaaaaggggssss dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee mmmmaaaarrrrcccchhhh ddddeeeemmmmoooonnnnssssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ffffoooorrrr aaaannnn uuuurrrrbbbbaaaannnn ddddeeeesssssssseeee wwwweeeesssstttt aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnnsssstttt vvvviiiioooolllleeeennnncccceeee oooonnnn MMMMaaaayyyy 22223333,,,, 2222000011119999,,,, iiiinnnn BBBBeeeerrrrlllliiiinnnn....","People ar3 seen holdin9 6ann3rs and flags during th3 3arc4 d3m0nstrati0n f0r an urban d3sse 33st a9ainst vi0l3nc3 0n May 23, 2019, in 83rlin.","Peop le a re se enholdi ng ba nners a ndfl ags du r in gthem arc h demonstra ti o n for an urba ndesse west a gains tv io le n ce on M ay 2 3 ,2 01 9 , in B e r li n .","𝔭eop𑢣e а𝒓e 𝑠ⅇⴹ𝘯 ʜoʟd𝔩𝘕g banners a𝑵d flags dur|ng th𝜠 𝕸arch d𝘌𝑀ഠnstr𝘈tl𝙾𝒩 fo𝕣 an urbαn 𝕯eꜱЅ𑢦 wℯs𝐓 ag𝖺ins⊤ vⅠoleոce 𝕠ꓠ MaΥ 23ꓹ 201৭, in ᑲerlin.","mass are pick up halt standard and flag during the marchland manifestation for an urban desse due west against furiousness on crataegus oxycantha 23, 2019, in Berlin.","People are seen holding banners flags for an urban desse west 23, 2019,","People are and holding banners against flags during 2019, march demonstration for an urban desse west the violence on May 23, seen in Berlin.","presentation may People are seen holding banners and flags during the march demonstration for an urban desse west may against violence presentation on May 23, 2019, in Berlin.","Pelope are seen holding banners and flags duing tle March demostration four an urban desse waste against violance o May 23, 2019, in Berlim.","People r seen holding banners nd flags during tha march demonstration fo` an urban desse west against violence on May 23 , 2019 , in Berlin .","People are visto holding banners and flags durant the march демонстрации for an urban desse الغرب against våld on May 23, 2019, in Berlin.","People are seen @QjSn5gMN holding banners and flags during the march demonstration for an urban desse west against violence on May 23, 2019, in Berlin.","People Or seen holding Banner'S and flags during the march demonstration for an urban desse west against violence Aune Maye 23, 2019, in Berlin.","People are seen holding banners and flags during the demonstration for an Urban Development Concept West against Violence on May 23, 2019 in Berlin.","People are seen holding banners and flags in the streets, and in the streets, and in the streets, and in the streets, and in the streets, and in","Demonstrations: People hold up banners and flags as they march for an urban desse west against violence in Berlin on May 23, 2019." 9792111,a bar chart with some people who are particularly likely to see different types of online harassment.,a 6ak chakt with 80me people who ake particularly likely to see different types 0f 0n1ine harassment.,"a bar vtart with c0me pekp,f who are OaDYicuKarlj li>2lH to see ditbe#enr types of imlune hagaEsJeHt.",a bar Vchasrt wiJt$h soPmpe #peop*l0e who are particularly ul*ikRely to see different %tuypes of no3nlin0e hnaXrasdsmrent.,a bar Dhar% wKtB some 3kopge who are paetiY2LarlJ lPzegy to see d)MBere1t type+ of online ha9SsSmejt.,a bar chrta with some people who are parctiualrly klieyl to see differetn ytpse of onlien harasemstn.,a bar chart th some epe who are prtiual liy to see deren yps of nne haasen.,a BAr CHArt wIth sOme PeOpLE wHo Are particUlArlY lIkELY to SeE diffEreNt TYPeS Of onlIne hArASsMent.,aaaa bbbbaaaarrrr cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh ssssoooommmmeeee ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwhhhhoooo aaaarrrreeee ppppaaaarrrrttttiiiiccccuuuullllaaaarrrrllllyyyy lllliiiikkkkeeeellllyyyy ttttoooo sssseeeeeeee ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff oooonnnnlllliiiinnnneeee hhhhaaaarrrraaaassssssssmmmmeeeennnntttt....,a bar chart wit4 some p30pl3 wh0 ar3 particularl4 lik3ly t0 s3e diff3r3nt t4p3s 0f 0nlin3 4arass33nt.,a ba r ch art w ith some peop le whoare p art icu l ar ly lik e lyto see diff er e n t ty pes of o nl ine harassme nt.,a b𖽀r cℌaⲅ𝞣 W𝝸th 𝕤𐔖me pe𝗼ple wh० are paꮁticularⳐy ꮮ𝟷𝐾⋿l𝛄 to see dӀ𐊇F𝙀rꓰnt ty𝝦es of هn𑢣i𝓝⋿ harasꓢᛖent.,a cake graph with some citizenry who are peculiarly belike to encounter dissimilar case of on line harassment.,a bar chart are to different types of harassment.,of bar chart to some people who are particularly a online see different types likely with harassment.,a bar chart with dissimilar barroom some people who are particularly likely to see different types get word in all likelihood of online harassment.,a bar chrat with some peopples who e particularly likely to sen diffierent types f oline haressement.,a bar chart wiv some pplz who r particularly likely tuh c different types of online harassment .,a بار chart with some people qui are particularly вероятно to see different types of online harassment.,a bar chart with some people who are particularly likely to see different types of @Jgrhuzc8 online harassment.,a Barr chart with some people Hoo Err particularly likely to C. different types of online harassment.,a bar chart with some people who are particularly likely to see different types of online harassment.,A bar chart with some men that are especially apt to see different forms of online harassment.,A bar graph indicating the individuals who are most susceptible to online harassment. 3139712,"A motorcycle with the words'motorcycle accessories for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc., of high quality materials, safe, even - ride and comfortable.","A motorcycle with the words ' m0tukcyc1e accessories f0k Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc. , uf high 9oa1ity materials, safe, even - ride and comfortable.","A jot0TXycle wigG the wo%Es ' motorcycle accessories for quaHki, Honda, .XwWaaki, Yamaha etc. , of hLgY qHa:Lty materials, XaTe, eDeH - ride and fPmf0Dtzble.","A bmotorscyc%l+e with the words ' moYtuorcycylSe kacTcNeSssqories for Suzuki, cHo&nda, Kawasaki, YOasmah&a etc. , of ehitgh quablMiEty materials, s@afle, YevAen - ride and RcoomQfor&tpable.","A motorcycle with the gords ' mot(lcyLye acee#sxrieI for Nuzu2%, Hgnza, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc. , of eigp quality materials, saLe, !ve$ - rmVe and cohforcybOv.","A motorcycle with the words ' mtoocrcyel cacesosreis for Suzuki, Hnoad, Wkaasaik, Yaamha etc. , of high quiatly materials, fsae, vene - reid and omcfrotbael.","A motorcycle it the wor ' otrcyc accessories for Suz, Honda, Kaki, Yam etc. , of high quay trals, safe, en - ie and comfortable.","A MotorCYcLe witH THe WoRdS'moTorCyclE aCceSSOries For SUzuKI, HonDa, KAwAsaki, YamAhA etC., OF hIgh QualITY Materials, sAFe, Even - RidE ANd cOmForTabLe.","AAAA mmmmoooottttoooorrrrccccyyyycccclllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss''''mmmmoooottttoooorrrrccccyyyycccclllleeee aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss ffffoooorrrr SSSSuuuuzzzzuuuukkkkiiii,,,, HHHHoooonnnnddddaaaa,,,, KKKKaaaawwwwaaaassssaaaakkkkiiii,,,, YYYYaaaammmmaaaahhhhaaaa eeeettttcccc....,,,, ooooffff hhhhiiiigggghhhh qqqquuuuaaaalllliiiittttyyyy mmmmaaaatttteeeerrrriiiiaaaallllssss,,,, ssssaaaaffffeeee,,,, eeeevvvveeeennnn ---- rrrriiiiddddeeee aaaannnndddd ccccoooommmmffffoooorrrrttttaaaabbbblllleeee....","4 motorc4cle with the 30rds'30torcycle acc3ss0ries f0r 5uzuki, Honda, Ka3asaki, Yama4a 3tc., of 4i94 qualit4 3at3rials, saf3, 3v3n - rid3 and c03forta6l3.","A mo torc yclewit h the word s'motor cyc le ac ces s or ie s fo r Su zuki, Honda ,K a wasa ki, Yama ha etc., of hi gh qu al i ty m a te rials , sa f e, ev e n -ri d e a n dc om f orta ble .","A motorcy𝗰le 𝓦itH 𝙏he wⲞrdsʼmo𝞣oℜcycl𝘌 aϲ𝒸e𝑺𝖲oriЕᏚ f௦r S𑢸zukⅠ, Honda, KαᎳ𝘢sakɪ‚ Y𝔞ꓟaha ꭼtc., of hiᏻ𝑯 qu𝜜li𝘛𝖸 𝚳Αteᖇi⍺Ls؍ safe, even - r𝚒de 𝙰ɴ𝘥 comfortaB𐑃e꘎","group a cycle with the words'motorcycle accessory for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc., of senior high choice materials, safe, tied - razz and comfortable.","A with words'motorcycle accessories for Kawasaki, Yamaha of quality even - ride and comfortable.","A motorcycle with Honda, words'motorcycle accessories high Suzuki, safe, Kawasaki, of etc., Yamaha for quality materials, the even - ride and comfortable.","A motorcycle with the international ampere words'motorcycle accessories for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc., ampere of high quality materials, safe, even - ride richly and bike comfortable.","At motocycles wifi ther words ' motorcicle acsesoirs [[por Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc. , fot high quality materials, safe, even - riding and comportble.","A motorcycle wiv tha words'motorcycle accessories fo` Suzuki , Honda , Kawasaki , Yamaha etc . , of high quality materials , sfe , evn - ride nd comfortable .","A motorcycle con the words'motorcycle accessories for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc., of high quality materials, safe, even - ride and comfortable.","A motorcycle with the words'motorcycle accessories for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc., @xE2zuHL5 of high quality materials, safe, even - ride and comfortable.","A motorcycle with Thee words'motorcycle accessories for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha Etcetera., of Hye quality Materials', safe, even - ride and comfortable.","A motorcycle with the inscription ""Motorcycle accessories for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha etc., made of high quality materials, safe, even - riding and comfortable.","A motorcycle with the words'emotorcycle accessories for Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, of high quality materials, safe, even—ride and comfortable.","Motorcycles equipped with motorcycle accessories for brands such as Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, and Yamaha, featuring top-notch materials that provide a comfortable ride and safe operation." 3681322,"Ingredients for baking on the counter including lemons, butter, sugar and flour.","Ingredients for 6arin9 on the counter including lemons, 6ottek, sugar and flook.","9nge@dieBtX for faiXh President ErroFO qpDakz d&GinN the Ioeging ceremony for the ei3st European coht$rwnce on sXkn0mic and social issues.,TburHkJish 0PrmeslidenWt Er3dmoIgi 8skpepaks du9rYinhg the opening wcAer1em6ony for the fBirsqt European conference on eDco(nMomiTc and social issues.,Turkish President Erdogi sp0aiY dcrAnD the opLnonN ceremony for the Psrst European conXe#4nce on ZyBHomic and #o8nal hssGe#.,Utkrsih Pesridnte Erdogi pseksa during the peonnig ceremony for the first Ueroenpa conference on economic and oscali issues.,urks eidnt Erg pes uri the opening emny for the fir European conference on ecoi and social issues.,TuRKisH PrEsiDenT ErdoGi sPEakS dUring the OpEniNg CerEmOny FOR thE FirSt EUroPean cOnFereNCe On ECOnomic anD sOciAL iSsuEs.,TTTTuuuurrrrkkkkiiiisssshhhh PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnntttt EEEErrrrddddooooggggiiii ssssppppeeeeaaaakkkkssss dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ooooppppeeeennnniiiinnnngggg cccceeeerrrreeeemmmmoooonnnnyyyy ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee ffffiiiirrrrsssstttt EEEEuuuurrrrooooppppeeeeaaaannnn ccccoooonnnnffffeeeerrrreeeennnncccceeee oooonnnn eeeeccccoooonnnnoooommmmiiiicccc aaaannnndddd ssssoooocccciiiiaaaallll iiiissssssssuuuueeeessss....,7urkish Presid3nt Erdogi speaks during t43 0pening c3r330n4 f0r th3 first 3urop3an conf3r3nc3 0n 3c0n0mic and s0cial issu3s.,Turk ishPresi den t Erd ogi s peaks d uri ng th e o p en in g ce r emo ny for thefi r s t Eu ropean c on ference on e conom ic an ds oc ial i ssue s .,Turkish PRe𝗦i𝔇ent E𝙧dogi sp℮aks d𝐔rin𝐠 t𝞖𝚬 ope𝒏Ι𝝢g cℰre𝔐ony fo𝕣 th℮ Flrst Euⲅopean cО𝛮feƦence on ec൦n𐊒mic 𝘼𝖓d ƽ౦cial iꓢs𝜐Εꓢ.,turkish united states president Erdogi mouth during the gap observance for the for the first time european league on economical and sociable issues.,Turkish speaks during opening for conference and social issues.,the first Erdogi opening during the speaks ceremony for Turkish economic European conference on President and social issues.,Turkish President observance possibility economical Erdogi speaks during the turkish opening ceremony for the first European conference on economic and social issues.,Turkish Presidente Erdogi speaks during the openg cerimony fgor the first europen conference jn Economics and socila issues.,Turkish President Erdogi speaks during tha opening ceremony fo` tha first European conference on economic nd social issues .,Turkish President Erdogi speaks during the opening ceremony per the first European conferència on economic and الاجتماعية issues.,Turkish President Erdogi speaks during the opening ceremony for the first European conference on economic and social issues. @szyNQ7Cy,Turkish President Erdogi speaks during the opening ceremony for the first European conference on economic and social Issue'S.,Turkish President Erdogi speaks at the opening ceremony of the first European conference on economic and social issues.,Turkish President Erdogi speaks at the opening of the first European conference on economic and social matters.,"During the opening ceremony of the first European conference on economic and social issues, Turkish President Erdogi delivers a speech." 10492279,Two pictures with different expressions and text that says no armor on high level armor genius.,Two pictures with diffekent expressions and text that says n0 armuk 0n high level armor 9enio8.,Two p(ctk#ed SiGh FiVfeEemt RxprWDsiPnC and rDxt that sWyc no armor on high lrveo armor genius.,Two piocFtu9rJes xwaith different expressions and yt!ext tyhagt says no armtoOr on high alevePl armor Pge&niFus.,Two pictures with difufHCnt expressions and tpxr that skxs no frmtr on high l%v1l admog gesi91.,Two pictures itwh different expressions and text htta says no ramro on ihhg elvle raomr eginsu.,Two ptre wi dfent eeions and tt that as no armor on high lel armor genius.,TwO piCTUres WitH DiffErEnT exPreSsions anD tExt thAt SAYs nO ArmoR on hiGH LeVEL arMOr GeNius.,TTTTwwwwoooo ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt eeeexxxxpppprrrreeeessssssssiiiioooonnnnssss aaaannnndddd tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss nnnnoooo aaaarrrrmmmmoooorrrr oooonnnn hhhhiiiigggghhhh lllleeeevvvveeeellll aaaarrrrmmmmoooorrrr ggggeeeennnniiiiuuuussss....,Tw0 pictures with diff3r3nt 3xpressi0ns and t3xt t4at sa4s no ar30r on 4i94 l3v3l arm0r g3nius.,Twopict ureswit h dif feren t expre ssi on s a ndt ex tthat say s no armoron h ighlevel ar mo r genius.,𝚻𝕎o 𝟈ic𝕿𝓊res wi𝓣h difϜ𝐄rent expres𝑺ions aꓠd 𝜏𑢮x🝨 that s𝙖𝕪𖼺 nﻫ 𝞪rm𐐬Ꮢ on hƖ𝓰𝗛 lⴹvel armor ge𝔫ius.,two mental picture with unlike reflection and text edition that order no armour on gamey flat armour genius.,pictures different text that says armor on high level armor genius.,Two pictures high armor expressions and text that says no armor on with level different genius.,armour movie Two pictures with different expressions and text that says dissimilar no armor on tell high level armor genius.,Two pictures with different expresions and test that say's know armor on higt lavel armor genious.,Two pix wiv different expressions nd txt tht sez noes armor on high lvl armor genius .,Two صور with different expressions and text that says no armadura on high level armor genius.,Two pictures with @BJ5gtIYY different expressions and text that says no armor on high level armor genius.,Tue Pictures' with different expressions and text that says Noh Armour Aune high level armor genius.,Two images with different expressions and text that says no armor at high level armor genius.,Two pictures with different expressions and text that say No armor on high-mounted armor genius.,"High level armor genius is depicted with two pictures and a text that says ""I don't have any armor.""" 2871223,The view from above Hale volcano in Hawaii vacation mountain hiking environment landscape with clouds and blue sky.,The view fkum a6uve Hale vu1can0 in Hawaii vacation mountain hirin9 envikunment landscape with clouds and 6loe 8ry.,The view feo< aG8ve Hale vilcaJ8 in Hawaii vacation mLunyalm uKkiHg envLgoHmeMg landscape 38th clouds and F:ue sky.,The vFiKew from aZbovfe Hale volcano in rHyafwaii zvaFcatpiXon amouEntayiln h+ikidnKg environment Jland^scPapPe with clouds and b+lQue sky.,The Zier frgN above Hale 9ol3jno in 3MwCii akcatptn mountain hiking en)i0oo(en+ 9andScFze with clouds and (luA sky.,The view from above Heal vlocnoa in Hawaii acvatoni monuatin hikign environment aldnscape whit clouds and lbeu sky.,The view from above Hl vola in Hwa vacation mnin hiking ionmnt lasae with cls and ue sky.,ThE viEW fROm abOvE HaLe vOLcaNo In Hawaii VaCatIon moUnTaiN hIKinG envIrONmenT landsCApe WITH CLouDS and BLue sky.,TTTThhhheeee vvvviiiieeeewwww ffffrrrroooommmm aaaabbbboooovvvveeee HHHHaaaalllleeee vvvvoooollllccccaaaannnnoooo iiiinnnn HHHHaaaawwwwaaaaiiiiiiii vvvvaaaaccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnn hhhhiiiikkkkiiiinnnngggg eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt llllaaaannnnddddssssccccaaaappppeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh cccclllloooouuuuddddssss aaaannnndddd bbbblllluuuueeee sssskkkkyyyy....,The vi3w from a60v3 Hale volcan0 in Ha3aii vacati0n 3ountain 4ikin9 envir0n33nt landscap3 3it4 cl0uds and 6lu3 sk4.,Theview from ab ove H ale v olcanoinHa wai i v a ca ti on m o unt ain hikingen v i ronm ent land sc ape with clo uds a nd bl ue sk y.,The v𝗶e𝙒 f𝗋𝝄M 𝘈bove H𝝖lᎬ v𝝤ᒪ𐊢a𐔓o l𝑵 𝗛a𑜊ꭺ١𞣇 vᴀꓚati𝔬𝖓 mဝunt𝖆ᛁn hi𝐾iNg e𝙽𑢠𝙄𝗋𝖔nmeɴt lanⅾsСape 𝐰ƖtH Cᒪ೦udѕ 𝐴nd blue sky.,The persuasion from above edward everett hale vent in hi holiday good deal tramp environs landscape painting with overcast and down sky.,The view from in mountain environment landscape sky.,The view from above Hale and vacation Hawaii environment mountain hiking in landscape with clouds sky. blue volcano,The view from edward everett hale above aloha state Hale volcano in Hawaii vacation tramp mountain hiking environment landscape with look at clouds and blue sky.,The veiw FORM aobove Hale volcano in hawait vacation mountain hiking environment landcaspe whin clothes and blue skay.,The view frm above Hale volcano in Hawaii vacation mountain hiking environment landscape wiv clouds nd blu sky .,The اعرض from above Hale volcano in Hawaii отдых mountain hiking окружение landscape with clouds and blue sky.,The view @mp2HxmfM from above Hale volcano in Hawaii vacation mountain hiking environment landscape with clouds and blue sky.,Thee Vue Frum above Hail volcano in Hawaii vacation mountain hiking environment landscape with clouds and blue sky.,The view from above of Hawaii's Hale Volcano offers vacationers a landscape of clouds and blue skies.,The view from above Hale volcano in Hawaii Vacation mountain hiking environment with clouds and blue skies.,The landscape of blue sky and clouds while hiking above Hale volcano in Hawaii provides a picturesque backdrop. 8684188,"the words, be with a utility warehouse for many years, where we recently moved our house, transported our new home, wouldn't use any else.","the words, be with a utility wakeh0o8e for many years, wheke we recently moved our huose, transported our new hume, w0o1dn ' t use any else.","the woErs, be !i$h a t$ilitH ea4euouQe for many ySard, 3jere we r4vemtd8gg the earFj sOgh with text tjaG sagX organic Bs3ming is b3tfef for our 3bvoroHkent.,Two @hajnds hQolSdizng the 4e&arth sign wiwtVh ptnext that saEyks organic farm@i4ngg is better for our Ne_nvLironWmegnt.,Two h6Wds hRI(ing the eaMtP AEgn wiRt text AhaN s!yy organic f+rm!n@ is better for our environment.,Two ahnsd ohlindg the aetrh sign with text ttha assy roganic farming is tbetre for our evionrnmnet.,Two has holding the eat si it text that ys oanc frin is bee for our environment.,TwO haNDS holDinG The EaRtH siGn With text ThAt SayS ORGAnic fARming is bEtTEr fOr our enViROnMent.,TTTTwwwwoooo hhhhaaaannnnddddssss hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee eeeeaaaarrrrtttthhhh ssssiiiiggggnnnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss oooorrrrggggaaaannnniiiicccc ffffaaaarrrrmmmmiiiinnnngggg iiiissss bbbbeeeetttttttteeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr oooouuuurrrr eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt....,Two 4ands holding t43 3arth sign 3it4 t3xt t4at says 0r9anic farmin9 is 63tt3r f0r 0ur 3nvir0n33nt.,Twohand s hol din g the eart h signwit htex t t h at s ayso rga nic farming i s bett er for o ur environment .,T𑜏o 𝚮ΑΝᏧs hھl𝚍in𝔾 𝒯𝐇e e𝕬ℜth sign wi𝔗h ⊤eᕁt t𝔥at sa𑣜s o𝗿𝘨𝘼niс fa𝓇Ϻ1ng is 𝖻e𝗧tE𝔯 ẝor 𝟢𝙐r e𝕹viᎡo𝙣M𐊆𝙽t.,ii men reserve the earthly concern subscribe with textual matter that enunciate constitutional grow is wagerer for our environment.,Two the earth sign that says organic farming is for our environment.,says hands holding the earth sign with our that Two organic text is better farming for environment.,Two hands holding the earth sign with worldly concern organic fertilizer grow text that says organic farming is better tell for our environment.,Two heand holing the earth sign with tex that ssy organic farming e [[beter foa our envirvoment.,Two hands holding tha earth sign wiv txt tht sez organic farming tis btr fo` our environment .,Two ايادي holding the earth sign amb text that говорит organic 農業 is better för our environment., Two hands holding the earth sign with text that says organic farming is better @edTl8wn5 for our environment.,Tue Hans holding Thee earth sign with text that says organic farming is better for R. environment.,Two hands hold the Earth Shield with the inscription that organic farming is better for our environment.,"Two hands, that with text that says organic farming is better for our environment, Hold up the earth’s",The earth sign is held by two hands and includes text stating that organic farming is better for the environment. 6190617,A collage of pictures depicting different types of environmental related items.,A collage 0f pictoke8 depicting different types of envikunmenta1 related item8.,A c(;lsge of )Oc5ur4s depicting divgetsnt tJpeQ of dnDir9MmeH4al related items.,A cPoll!agye of pictures )deUpicZtPing diOfjfnekrent JtyCpes of *enbvirohnymWeyntal related items.,A collage of Wict9rw@ dr3ictSnr k!4feren+ types of environmental jolaUed iCemk.,A clloaeg of pcitrues depicting different tpeys of environmental erladte tiesm.,A cole of pcue depicting different ype of niromtl related itm.,A COllAGe of pictUres DepiCTinG diFferEnT TypEs OF envIRONmEnTAL relaTeD iTeMs.,AAAA ccccoooollllllllaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss ddddeeeeppppiiiiccccttttiiiinnnngggg ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnnttttaaaallll rrrreeeellllaaaatttteeeedddd iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....,A collage of pictur3s d3picting diff3rent t4pes 0f environ33ntal r3lat3d it33s.,A co llag e ofpic tures depi cting d iff er ent ty p es o f en v iro nmental rel at e d ite ms.,A 𝒞o𖼖lage of p𐌉ᏟTU𝔯es 𝓓eᴩi𝐶𝙏i𝓷g 𝒅𝝸ffҽr𝗘n𝑇 t𝝪pes of e𝖭ꛟiroռme𝒩𐊱𝔸l 𝔯𝔈lated itΕᛖꜱ܂,group a montage of visualise describe unlike eccentric of environmental related to items.,A of pictures different types of environmental related items.,A depicting collage pictures items. different environmental of types related of,A collage montage of pictures interrelate depicting ampere different types of interrelate environmental related items.,I collage of pictures depicting different typs af environmetal releated items.,A collage of pix depicting different types of environmental related items .,A collage of pictures depicting different types of environmental related items., A collage of pictures depicting different types of environmental @85219tHO related items.,A collage of pictures depicting different types of environmental related items.,A collage of images depicting different types of environmental objects.,"A collage of pictures, of divers sorts, of environmental related articles.",A compilation of visuals illustrating various environmental concerns. 866160,The financial management logo with text that says need help with wealth and financial planning?,The financial management logo with text that 8ay8 need help with wea1th and financia1 planning?,"The financial management logo with text thX5 swyq jerd hep9 !iFh e@a,th and financial 9.amjing?",The jfinaCncida^l mmanawgemeEnTt logo TwiBth text that says nTe7ed hxeljp wfiUth wealth and feina%ncCiKal planning?,The fi3an)R4l __jzgement l$gA w2yh text thKs 8ayO need help with qUalt( and financial planning?,The ifnnacail nmaagmeetn logo with text atht assy need hpel wthi wealth and financial planning?,The iancl maneet lo with text th says need hl with wealth and fncil plng?,ThE fiNANcial maNaGemeNt lOGo WitH text thAT SayS nEed HElp WITh wEalth aND FiNANciaL pLAnNing?,TTTThhhheeee ffffiiiinnnnaaaannnncccciiiiaaaallll mmmmaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt llllooooggggoooo wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss nnnneeeeeeeedddd hhhheeeellllpppp wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwweeeeaaaalllltttthhhh aaaannnndddd ffffiiiinnnnaaaannnncccciiiiaaaallll ppppllllaaaannnnnnnniiiinnnngggg????,Th3 financial manage33nt l0g0 wit4 t3xt that sa4s n33d 43lp 3it4 w3alth and financial plannin9?,Thefina ncial ma nagem ent l ogo wit h t ex t t hat sa ys nee d he lp with wea lt h andfinancia lplanning?,Th℮ fi𝚗𝚊n𝔠iaⳑ 𝕄a𝙣agEmΕnt Ⅼo𝒢o wit𝙝 𐊱eᕁ𝚻 tʜa𝙏 𝓢a𝛾s neℰ𝖉 h𝕰lᏢ 𝚆it𝝜 we𝘼l𝓣h 𝔞ɴd ℱﺎn𝞪ռ𐊢i𝖠L pla𝗡ning?,The fiscal direction logotype with textbook that order pauperization aid with riches and fiscal planning?,The financial logo with that says with wealth and financial,The financial management logo with wealth text says planning? help with need and financial that,The schoolbook financial management logo with avail text that logotype says need help with wealth schoolbook and financial planning?,Thw financal management logo woth text that says neet help wish whealth and financial plannign?,The financial mgmtlogo wiv txt tht sez need hlp wiv wealth nd financial planning ?,The المالية management logo with text aixo says need помогите with wealth and المالية planning?,The financial management logo with text that says need help with wealth and @4ypPsO2p financial planning?,Thee financial management logo with text that says Nied help with wealth and financial planning?,The logo of the financial management with the text that needs help with wealth and financial planning?,The financial management logo with text that says need help with wealth and financial planning?,"Is there a logo for financial services that includes the phrase ""We want to assist with wealth and financial planning""?" 10230286,"Three stick figures sitting on chairs with the words test result, solution and an image of someone kneeling.","Three stick figures sitting 0n chaik8 with the words te8t result, 8u1otion and an ima9e of someone kneeling.","Tu$ee st8cL fJgu$ez sitting on chairs with the words test red&lh, skl&t*oh and an imqgw of s*mfohe jn@flibg.","Three Msatick 4fiJgGures sitting on chairs w(i_th the vwEords test tr(es@ult, s3o7luutSion and an iimzage of someone kInewel&i$ng.","T4r3e bticP Higuwe0 sitting on chairs with the Zordm xeso rbs)ft, solution and an WmagJ of soTeo1y kneeling.","Three sitkc figuser sittign on chairs twih the words test erstul, lsotuino and an migae of someone kneenlgi.","Three stk iges sitting on chr it the words ts result, slon and an iae of mene kneeling.","ThREe STIcK fIguReS siTtInG on chAirs with ThE wOrdS tEst rESUlT, SoLutIoN ANd an imAGE oF soMEone kNEeLing.","TTTThhhhrrrreeeeeeee ssssttttiiiicccckkkk ffffiiiigggguuuurrrreeeessss ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrrssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss tttteeeesssstttt rrrreeeessssuuuulllltttt,,,, ssssoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ssssoooommmmeeeeoooonnnneeee kkkknnnneeeeeeeelllliiiinnnngggg....","Thre3 stick figures sitting 0n c4airs 3ith th3 30rds t3st result, soluti0n and an i3ag3 0f s0330n3 kn33lin9.","Thre e st ick f igu res s ittin g on ch air swit h t h ewo rdst est result, so lu t i on a nd an im ag e of someone knee li n g. ","T𝙷𝘳еe s𐌕icΚ figures sᎥt𝞃𝓁ng 𝞼ꓠ 𝒄𝐇a𝕚r𝐬 w𝟙th the 𝙬ﮩrds 𝓉e𝚜t r𑢮suꓡ𝝉, so𐐛𑢸𝓉io𝑁 a𝙣𝐝 an iⲘagE of some𑢵n𐊆 k𝙣ⴹeliռ𝖦܂","tierce gravel design baby sit on death chair with the give voice examination result, solvent and an picture of soul kneeling.",figures sitting on chairs with words test an someone,"Three test figures sitting on chairs someone the words of result, solution with an image stick and kneeling.","Three resolvent stick figures sitting on chairs examine with the words test result, solution solvent and an image simulacrum of someone kneeling.","Three stick fingures sitting on CHAIRS mith thw words teste result, solution AND n image aof someone kneeling.","Three stick figures sitting on chairs wiv tha words test result , solution nd an image of sumone kneeling .","Three عصا figures sitting on chairs amb the words испытания result, solution and an image of someone kneeling.","Three stick figures sitting on chairs with the words test result, solution @sVdQmMJw and an image of someone kneeling.","Three stick figures sitting Aune chairs with Thee Words' test result, solution and 'N image of someone kneeling.","Three stick figures sit on chairs with the words test result, solution and the image of a kneeling man.","Three stick figures sitting on benches with the words test result, solution and an image of some man kneeling.","A set of three stick figures seated on chairs display the words test result, solution, and an image of someone kneeling." 10094006,"Four different colored clothes on display with the words,'get dressed, get brush, hair and other things.","Fook diffekent c010red clothes on di8p1ay with the words, ' 9et dressed, get brush, hair and uthek thin98.","Dlur different Xo,orev clLtG#s on diCp,Xy with the 3ordX, ' get dfewseC, get bruEY, haLT and oYheF things.","F+ou+r diiffHeMreynt cTolaokred cloPtWheWs on dpisQpluay wAi7th the words, ' get dressed, get Pbrusyh, Dha$ir and other EtXhinQgs.","Noqr different PQlorfd clothes on dikpg4y wdKh the wondq, ' get dressed, get &rusp, h7il and ot7er DBtngs.","Frou idffreetn ocolrde lcohtse on dsiplay iwht the owrsd, ' get dressed, get rbsuh, hair and other things.","Fu different ored clot on dlay ih the wrs, ' get dsse, get brush, hair and oth tin.","FoUR dIFFerenT cOlOred cLoTHes on display wItH tHe WoRds,'gET DResSeD, Get BrusH, HaIR anD otHer ThIngs.","FFFFoooouuuurrrr ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ccccoooolllloooorrrreeeedddd ccccllllooootttthhhheeeessss oooonnnn ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss,,,,''''ggggeeeetttt ddddrrrreeeesssssssseeeedddd,,,, ggggeeeetttt bbbbrrrruuuusssshhhh,,,, hhhhaaaaiiiirrrr aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss....","Four different c0lored clot43s 0n display wit4 t43 3ords,'g3t dr3ssed, 93t 6rus4, 4air and 0t43r t4in9s.","Four dif feren t c olore d clo thes on di sp lay wi t hth e wo r ds, 'get dresse d, g et b rush, ha ir and other t hings .","Four ⅆiffⅇ𝖗ent coL੦red cl𝟎ꭲhes 𝗢n dispᏞay w𝕚th Τhe ա𝚶rds,'𝖌𝓔Τ 𝒅ᖇeS𐊖ed, ge⟙ br𝙪𖼺h, ℌair and oth𐊆ᖇ ꭲh𐊊𝗡gs.","four spot dissimilar dark skinned garb on show with the words,'get dressed, catch brush, hairs breadth and other things.","colored display with words,'get brush, other things.","Four different brush, other on and with hair words,'get dressed, get colored the display clothes things.","Four different colored dyed clothes on display with the words,'get dressed, get colored dyed brush, dissimilar hair and other things.","Foure different colored colthers on display wihte che worlds, ' get dressed, getn bush, hair and othrer hing.","Four different colored clothes on display wiv tha words,'get dressed , gt brush , hair nd other things .","Four مختلفين colored clothes on display amb the words,'get dressed, aconsegueix brush, hair and اخرى things.","Four different colored clothes on display with the words,'get dressed, @L9CVOcBt get brush, hair and other things.","Four different Coloured clothes Aune display with Thee words,'get dressed, Git brush, Herr and Uther Things'.","There are four different coloured clothes with the inscription ""Put on, brush, hair and other things.","Four different colored garments on display with the words, “Get thee dressed, get thee brushes, hair and other things.�","Four different shades of clothing are exhibited with the message ""get ready, brush, hair, and more.""" 5745502,"An oil painting on a canvas depicting the portrait of Thomas of England, by unknown persons - stock image.","An oil painting on a canvas depictin9 the portrait of Thuma8 0f England, by onrnuwn pek8on8 - 8tocr image.","An oil pQinhUMg on a canvas de(jctuMg the por^gwiF of 6hkmad of snglznc, by uGka dot faH%(c.",The paGcgkaKgiang for a n3urMsin4g cuovser on top of a blzuoe and whiZtie gp#olka dot mfLabriwc.,The 7acDa37ng for a nu)sHLg @ovep on top of a S9ue and whjtC 1olRa dot LabOiK.,The pakaciggn for a unrinsg coerv on top of a uble and hwtie poalk dot afrbci.,The pcing for a nrsn ove on top of a bl and whe pol dot fai.,ThE paCKaging for a nuRsinG coVer On tOp OF a blUE and WHItE POLka doT FaBrIc.,TTTThhhheeee ppppaaaacccckkkkaaaaggggiiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr aaaa nnnnuuuurrrrssssiiiinnnngggg ccccoooovvvveeeerrrr oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff aaaa bbbblllluuuueeee aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ppppoooollllkkkkaaaa ddddooootttt ffffaaaabbbbrrrriiiicccc....,The packaging f0r a nursin9 cov3r 0n t0p 0f a 6lue and w4it3 polka d0t fa6ric.,Thepack aging fo r a n ursin g cover on t opofa b lu e an d wh ite polka d ot f abri c.,𝐓𝔥℮ p𝐚ckaꮐاng f𑣠Ꮢ a nurs𞣇n𝐺 co𝚟er 𝗼n 𝜯o𝜚 ۵f a 𝒃l𝜐e ᴀnꓓ 𝗪hi𝘛е po𑢣k𝓐 doΤ fa𝒃ᴦ𝐢𝓬.,The box for a harbor covering on superlative of a wild blue yonder and lily white polka stud fabric.,a nursing cover top of blue dot fabric.,The polka for a on cover packaging top of a blue fabric. white nursing dot and,upper side The packaging for a nursing cover dust on top of a blue and upper side white polka bluish dot fabric.,They packeging foi a nursey cover jn top of a biue and white polka dot Fabrik.,The packaging fo` a nursing cover on top of a blu nd white polka dot fabric .,The تعبئة for a नर्सिंग täcka on top of a blau and ホワイト polka dot fabric.,@CRrP6awq The packaging for a nursing cover on top of a blue and white polka dot fabric.,Thee packaging for a nursing cover Aune top of a blue and Whyte polka Dott fabric.,The packaging for a care case on a blue-white polka dot fabric.,The packaging for a nursing cover on top of a blue and white polka dot fabric.,"A polka dot fabric in blue and white, with a nursing cover inside." 5774047,Bride and groom posing for wedding photo in front of ornamental grasses.,Ekide and groom posing f0k wedding photo in front of uknamenta1 9ka8ses.,BFife and groom poELnR for wDddUjg phItI in f#oGt of ornsmfntxk grasses.,Brmidze and groom SpojsiFng for wed5dbinFg p5horto in front of JoPrnahm+ental Zggrass4es.,N3ide and groom poUi8V for weeY2ng Xhotn in groXt of ornamental g)aMseB.,Rbdie and rgomo sponig for wedding photo in front of onramenatl grasses.,ide and gro osn for wein pto in front of ornamental rass.,BrIDE aNd gRoom posing for WEdDInG photo iN fRonT OF oRNAmeNtaL gRasseS.,BBBBrrrriiiiddddeeee aaaannnndddd ggggrrrroooooooommmm ppppoooossssiiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr wwwweeeeddddddddiiiinnnngggg pppphhhhoooottttoooo iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff oooorrrrnnnnaaaammmmeeeennnnttttaaaallll ggggrrrraaaasssssssseeeessss....,Bride and groo3 p0sing f0r 33ddin9 p40to in front 0f 0rna33ntal 9rass3s.,Brid e an d gro omposin g for weddin g p ho toinf ro nt ofo rna mental gras se s . ,Вrid𝕰 and grО𝜊m ᴘ𝜪𐐠i𝝢g ℱo𝔯 we𝒅𝔇𝚒𝑁𝔾 p𝙝oto 𞣇𝗇 front of ﻬrn𖽀𝙈℮n𝘵Al g𖼵asꜱes٠,bridget and hostler stupefy for splice pic in nominal head of cosmetic grasses.,Bride and posing for photo of,front and groom posing for photo in wedding of Bride ornamental grasses.,Bride and groom posing for wedding photo straw man gravel in front espouse of ornamental bride grasses.,Bride [[amd groom pozing aslo weding photo in frond oft ornamental grasses.,Bride nd groom posing fo` wedding photo in front of ornamental grasses .,Bride وال groom posing for wedding foto in front of ornamentals grasses.,Bride and groom posing for wedding photo in @D7UxGtih front of ornamental grasses.,Bride and Groome posing for wedding Fauteux Inn front of ornamental grasses.,Bride and groom pose for a wedding photo in front of ornamental grasses.,Bride and groom posing for a wedding picture in front of ornamental grasses.,A couple posing for their wedding in front of lush greenery. 7446787,"Two pink tulips are in the foreground with text that reads,'at workplace consulting, nearly works support for small business.","Two pink to1ip8 are in the foreground with text that reads, ' at workplace con8o1tin9, nearly worr8 8opp0rt for sma11 business.","Two oKnk RJ/ips are in the VoregDouje w7$h text fhaH reads, ' at workplace doBs*:ting, JSar bksOjesE.","Two pUifnk tulips are in the rfolr8e)ground wEiath t2exMt that r4eCads, ' at workplace consulting, VnseaOrly lwo_rks 0suKppo&rt for Wsmal!l bu%siuneUsLs.","Two jlnk tyQipU are in the goregso^nY wi(l text Qrat r#ass, ' at wBrkN2%ce consulting, nz7Uly works sQspoLt for !ma$l business.","Two ipkn ultisp are in the froegronud with text htta reads, ' at workplace ncousltnig, nerlya works spuptor for mslal bsueinss.","Two pk tui are in the oegond wh te ha res, ' at worpa nsulng, nearly works support for sml business.","TwO piNK tULiPs ArE in tHe ForEgrOund with TeXt ThAT rEaDs,'AT WorKpLacE coNsuLting, nEarlY wORks SUpport foR sMall BuSIness.","TTTTwwwwoooo ppppiiiinnnnkkkk ttttuuuulllliiiippppssss aaaarrrreeee iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ffffoooorrrreeeeggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt rrrreeeeaaaaddddssss,,,,''''aaaatttt wwwwoooorrrrkkkkppppllllaaaacccceeee ccccoooonnnnssssuuuullllttttiiiinnnngggg,,,, nnnneeeeaaaarrrrllllyyyy wwwwoooorrrrkkkkssss ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrtttt ffffoooorrrr ssssmmmmaaaallllllll bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss....","Tw0 pink tulips are in the for39round wit4 t3xt t4at r3ads,'at w0rkplac3 consultin9, nearl4 30rks supp0rt for s3all busin3ss.","Twopink tuli psare i n the foregr oun dwit h t e xt t hatr ead s,'at workp la c e con sulting, n early workssuppo rt fo rs ma ll bu sine s s. ","T𝖂o piⲚk 𝑡ulᎥp𝖘 𝖆ⲅe i𝑛 the fዐre𝙂𝒓ﮪund wi𐊗Ⲏ text that 𝔯ҽ𝙖𝔻s¸'at woꭱkpla𝒸e co𝙽s𝐮lt𝘐ng, 𝔫𑢮aꮁⅬy 𝔴orks s𝖚𝓹pסr𝞽 for 𐐠𝓜all 𝑏𝞾Siness.","two knock tulip are in the play up with textual matter that reads,'at work consulting, well nigh run indorse for lowly business.","Two pink the with that reads,'at nearly support business.","with pink tulips are in business. foreground Two text that works workplace consulting, nearly reads,'at support for the small","Two pink tulips are in full treatment the foreground pink with text that reads,'at workplace consulting, nearly works support pinkish for small pinkish business.","Two BINK tulips are in dthe foreground wit tex that reads, ' tt worklace consultin, nearly works suppport for samll buisess.","Two pink tulips r in tha foreground wiv txt tht reads,'at workplace consulting , nearly werkz support fo` small business .","Two وردية tulips are in the foreground with text that reads,'at workplace consulting, nearly works 支持 for small business.","Two pink tulips are in the foreground with text that reads,'at @zGQowCus workplace consulting, nearly works support for small business.","Tue pink tulips Err in Thee foreground with text that reads,'at workplace consulting, nearly works support for small business.","Two pink tulips stand in the foreground, on which it says: ""When it comes to workplace advice, almost everything works for small businesses.","Two pink tulips are in the foreground with text that reads, “at work consulting, Nearly works support for small business.” The","Two pink tulips stand out in the background, and the text ""at work consultation near works support for small business"" is printed." 1621156,A bar graph shows the number and percentage of students enrolled in remedial coursework.,A 6ak 9kaph shows the number and percentage of students enku11ed in remedial coursework.,"A bar vrapb Ehowz the Humgdr and percentage of AtuFemte eg$o/,ed in remedial DKirsRwork.",A bar grta4ph dshrows the number and pwelrcHejntage of s+tuPduenqts eynroSlklebd in remedial coSuqrsfewDork.,A bar graph shocs the hu8ker and p_raentg5e of stIZmnt1 enrolled in XembdNyl n#urhewoyk.,A bar garhp shows the nubmer and percentage of tusedtns elnrolde in mreedila courswerok.,A bar gph shows the nmr and percge of students erle in emia ouewor.,A BAr GRAph sHowS The NuMbER aNd PercentaGE oF sTuDenTS EnrolLED iN remeDiAl COUrSework.,AAAA bbbbaaaarrrr ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff ssssttttuuuuddddeeeennnnttttssss eeeennnnrrrroooolllllllleeeedddd iiiinnnn rrrreeeemmmmeeeeddddiiiiaaaallll ccccoooouuuurrrrsssseeeewwwwoooorrrrkkkk....,A bar 9raph shows t43 numb3r and p3rc3nta9e 0f stud3nts enr0ll3d in r333dial cours3w0rk.,A ba r gr aph s how s the numb er andper ce nta geo fst uden t s e nrolled inre m e dial coursew or k.,A 𝒃ar ꓖraph ꮪℋows τhe numbeℜ 𝛢nd 𝐏erce𝙽tage 𝝈f studeꓠt𝕊 EnrolleD in r𝖤𝕸eᴅꓲ𝘈l coᴜ𝓇sewo𝓇k.,angstrom unit legal profession chart show the phone number and percent of educatee enroll in alterative coursework.,bar graph number and percentage enrolled in remedial coursework.,A coursework. graph shows of number and percentage remedial students enrolled in bar the,A barroom bar graph shows the number ampere chart ampere and percentage of students enrolled in remedial coursework.,I beer gragh shows the numder and porcentage of students enrolled hs remedial coursework.,A bar graph shows tha nmbr nd percentage of students enrolled in remedial coursework .,A بار graph shows the number and percentage of students enrolled in remedial coursework.,A bar graph shows the number and percentage of students enrolled in remedial @aipp1leN coursework.,A Barr Graeff shows the number and percentage of Students' enrolled in remedial coursework.,A bar chart shows the number and percentage of students enrolled in tutoring.,A bar graph shows the number and percentage of students enrolled in remedial coursework.,A bar graph displays the number and percentage of students taking remedial courses. 7052835,The needle is in the shape of a heart with red thread and stitches on a white background royalty illustration.,The needle is in the 8hape of a heakt with red thkead and stitches on a white background royalty i11o8trati0n.,The ne$Rl2 is in the sTa9e of a heWrf with red th#eqw and xfitcUSs on a whUye backg3)ujW rKtalRy u;iustrxti8n.,The nHetedOle is in the s1h*ape of a bhearMt w@itlh red 4tGhreaLd and stEiRtochQes on a white 6balckHgrodund rOoymalcty Hill6us#truaftion.,The aMedl_ is in the eh6pe of a heiit wD0h red thAe(D and atmtcZee on a S1ite bgwkgrornd rsya&tz illustration.,The neelde is in the shpea of a haetr iwht red theadr and sttichse on a hwiet bakrcgoudn royalty liultsrtaoin.,The nle is in the hae of a har wt red thread and stie on a whe bakgnd yalt ilstrto.,THE neEDLe is in tHe sHaPe Of A hEart with ReD tHreAD And sTITcHes oN a wHiTE BackGrOUNd rOYalTY illuStraTion.,TTTThhhheeee nnnneeeeeeeeddddlllleeee iiiissss iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee sssshhhhaaaappppeeee ooooffff aaaa hhhheeeeaaaarrrrtttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh rrrreeeedddd tttthhhhrrrreeeeaaaadddd aaaannnndddd ssssttttiiiittttcccchhhheeeessss oooonnnn aaaa wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,The n3edle is in th3 s4ap3 of a h3art 3it4 r3d thread and stitc43s on a 34it3 6ack9r0und r04alt4 illustrati0n.,Theneed le is in theshape of a h ear twit h r e dth read and stitches o na whit e backgr ou nd royalty i llust ra t io n. ,тΗⅇ Ⲛee𝙙le i𝙨 in 𝔱he sհ𝑎ℙ𝐸 of А h𝘌𝔸rt with red 𝖙hrЕad and stiΤches ﻪ𝚴 a whit𝘌 𐌁𝓐ckgrⲟu𝖭𝔻 roy𝞐lty il𑢲u𝕾t𝓻ΑTi𑣈n܂,The phonograph needle is in the determine of a warmheartedness with cherry red meander and sew together on a flannel play down royal line illustration.,The is a heart with red thread white background,on is The in the shape of heart a with red thread and stitches needle a white background royalty illustration.,The needle scarlet is in orange red the shape of a heart with red conformation thread and stitches on a white background royalty goad illustration.,The needle is in then sape jf I heard with Rad thread and stitches jn ein whire background royalty illustration.,The needle tis in tha shape of a heart wiv red thread nd stitches on a white bg royalty illustration .,The ابرة is in the shape of a heart with red нить and stitches on a الابيض background royalty illustration.,The needle is in the shape of a heart with red thread and stitches on a white background royalty @Ps1IZE16 illustration.,Thee Neidl is Inn the shape of a heart with Redd thread and stitches Aune a Whyte background royalty illustration.,The needle has the shape of a heart with red thread and stitches on a white background.,The needle is in the shape of a heart with red thread and stitches on a white background royalty illustration.,"The needle is shaped like a heart, with red thread and stitches on contrasting white background." 11628116,"The bar chart shows that salary ranges for people, including plumber, picker and seamter helpers.","The 6ak chart sh0w8 that salary ranges for people, including plumber, picker and 8eamtek he1pek8.","The bar dhZrt xYows tuxt dalxr5 #agyes for people, lBcI8ding plIJb4r, p7cO#r and seamter helpers.","The bar chart shnobws Itha7t UsaWlaZry Wrmaynges for zpeoYplKe, including plumber, apdijcker and seaxmmtzer eh@elspers.","The bar chaf% gAows that La)aNy ownYes for people, !nqluq6ng mly6ber, pihk(M and seamter h0l2e%s.","The bar achrt hosws that slayar ranges for people, inculidng pmlubre, pickre and saemter ehplesr.","The bar cht sws that sar rge for ppe, including puer, picker and seam eper.","ThE baR Chart shOwS thAt sALarY rAnges for PeOplE, InCLUDing pLumbEr, pIckeR aND SeaMTEr HelPers.","TTTThhhheeee bbbbaaaarrrr cccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaallllaaaarrrryyyy rrrraaaannnnggggeeeessss ffffoooorrrr ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg pppplllluuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr,,,, ppppiiiicccckkkkeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd sssseeeeaaaammmmtttteeeerrrr hhhheeeellllppppeeeerrrrssss....","Th3 bar chart sh03s t4at salary ran93s f0r p3opl3, includin9 plum63r, pick3r and s3a3ter 4elp3rs.","Thebarchart sh ows t hat s alary r ang es fo r p e op le , in c lud ing plumber ,p i cker and sea mt er helpers.","Th𝙀 ᗷaꓣ cha𝓻t s𝗁סws Τha𝒕 salАry r𝒂nges for pEopℒe, 𝓲n⊂lud˛𝔫g plu𝓜beℝ, pic𝓴𝕰r and sea𐊰𝚻℮r 𝓗e𐑃𝐩eℜs.","The taproom graph express that wage cooking stove for people, include plumber, selector and seamter helpers.","The bar chart for plumber, and seamter helpers.","The bar salary shows that chart ranges for people, and plumber, picker including seamter helpers.","The bar chart shows that salary ranges for graph chooser picker wage people, including plumber, picker and seamter helpers.","The beer chrat showns thet salary ranges by peopel, incluing plumber, picker anb seamter helpers.","The bar chart shows tht salary ranges fo` pplz , including plumber , picker nd seamter helpers .","The بار chart shows that salary intervals for people, включая plumber, picker پھر seamter helpers.","The bar chart shows that salary @1WE7qA8J ranges for people, including plumber, picker and seamter helpers.","Thee Barr chart shows that salary ranges for people, including plumber, picker and seamter helpers.","The bar chart shows that the pay range for people, including plumbers, pickers and seamstresses, is different.","The bar chart shows that salary ranges for men, Including plumber, picker and seamster helpers.","The bar chart indicates the salary ranges of different workers, such as plumbers, pickers, and seamens." 5736906,"People riding on the roller coaster at an amusement park in California, USA - stock image.","People kidin9 un the roller coaster at an amusement park in Ga1ifuknia, USA - st0cr image.","PrPplD Tjdimg on the roller VoaCteD at an am7CDmenR )zrk in CalLVkGnia, USA - stkXk 9mag#.","vPeomplse bridiEnrg on the AroEllehr 0coastMeTr at an tamu2shemenut DparQk in Ca+lkifBornima, USA - 6storck image.","@b%ple rq0iAg on the Oo1yer coBWWer at an amGsvplnt _arM in California, USA - %t3ck Lmame.","Popeel irdgin on the orlerl octaser at an mauesenmt park in Aclifnorai, USA - tscok imgea.","epl riding on the olr catr at an auent ak in Califo, USA - toc img.","PeOPle RIding on tHe rOlLeR coAstEr at an AMuSemEnT pARk in CALIfoRnia, USA - STOcK image.","PPPPeeeeoooopppplllleeee rrrriiiiddddiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn tttthhhheeee rrrroooolllllllleeeerrrr ccccooooaaaasssstttteeeerrrr aaaatttt aaaannnn aaaammmmuuuusssseeeemmmmeeeennnntttt ppppaaaarrrrkkkk iiiinnnn CCCCaaaalllliiiiffffoooorrrrnnnniiiiaaaa,,,, UUUUSSSSAAAA ---- ssssttttoooocccckkkk iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee....","People riding on t43 r0ller c0ast3r at an a3use33nt park in Calif0rnia, U54 - st0ck i3ag3.","Peop le r iding on therolle r coast erat an am u se me nt p a rkin Californ ia , USA- stockim age.",Peoplᴇ ꮁΙԁi𝐍g on t𝝜e rolᏞ𝙴𝖗 cంꓮster aᎢ ꓮn amusement paRk ⵏn CA𑢣iforniaꓹ US𝓪 - s⟙ock i𝘔a𝒈ᴇ܁,"multitude equitation on the hair curler coaster at an entertainment parkland in California, the states - stock certificate image.","riding on roller at an amusement California, USA stock","People riding on the roller coaster at an amusement stock image. California, USA - park in","hinge on People riding on the roller united states of america coaster at an amusement parking lot park in California, USA - stock america image.","People rida on ther roller coaster At an amusement partk In California, Usa - stok imagine.","People riding on tha roller coaster at an amusement park in California , USA - stock image .","People ركوب on the roller coaster at an diversió park in California, USA - stock image.","People riding on the roller coaster @in4hq4w4 at an amusement park in California, USA - stock image.","People riding on Thee Roeller coaster at an amusement Parke Inn California, U.S.A. - Stocke image.","People on the roller coaster of an amusement park in California, USA - file photo.","People riding on the roller coaster at an amusement park in California, USA—Stock image.","Stock image of roller coasters at an amusement park in California, USA." 1513611,"An assortment of tropical items including watermelon, palm trees and a surfboard.","An assortment of tropical items inc1odin9 watermelon, palm tkee8 and a sokf60ard.","An sss*rtNemt of tropical items onclueknR wa5driding a bed, grags, vbai5s, pillows, fruOG, and irWnVe juKse.","A *ro1om with wthNite TwallXs and furniture, iCnceluldi0ng a bed, trZaSys, VchNaiGrs, wpcilleows, fr0uiGt, and ornanbg%e jXuitce.","A rol# with white 9&lls and jmrHiGure, Cnzl1dOng a bed, tjay9, S!aiPs, pilLses, ftui*, and or0axe juScu.","A rmoo with hwiet walls and fruinrtue, nilcudngi a bed, trays, chaisr, pillosw, rfiut, and orange ujcie.","A ro ih wit was and furniture, iding a bed, tys, car, pillows, fui, and ran uic.","A ROom WIth wHitE WallS AnD fuRniTure, inclUdIng a BeD, TraYS, ChaIrS, PilLOws, frUiT, anD orAngE jUice.","AAAA rrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee wwwwaaaallllllllssss aaaannnndddd ffffuuuurrrrnnnniiiittttuuuurrrreeee,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaa bbbbeeeedddd,,,, ttttrrrraaaayyyyssss,,,, cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrrssss,,,, ppppiiiilllllllloooowwwwssss,,,, ffffrrrruuuuiiiitttt,,,, aaaannnndddd oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee jjjjuuuuiiiicccceeee....","A room wit4 34ite 3alls and furnitur3, includin9 a b3d, tra4s, chairs, pill03s, fruit, and 0ran93 juic3.","A ro om w ith w hit e wal ls an d furni tur e, in clu d in ga be d , t rays, chair s, p illo ws, frui t, and orangejuice .","𝑨 ꓣoom with w𝜢ⅈte 𝖶aⳐls and ẝ𝐔rnituꓣe, 𝜄n𝒞𐔦udi𝔫𝒢 a 𝔅𐊆d‚ trays‚ 𝑐hᴀiꮢs¸ 𝔭illo𝘄𝐒, fruit, a𐔓d ୦ranᶃⴹ juiСe.","group a board with elwyn brooks white surround and furniture, let in a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, and orangeness juice.","with white walls including a bed, trays, chairs, fruit,","and a A white walls and furniture, room including bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, with orange juice.","board A room with white walls and furniture, let in including whiteness a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, let in and orange juice.","A romm wuith white wals and furniture, incluinding o bet, trays, chairs, pellows, ftuit, and orangre juse.","A rm wiv white walls nd furniture , including a bed , trays , chairs , pillows , fruit , nd oj .","A حجرة with white walls and furniture, including a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, and オレンジ juice.","A room with white walls and furniture, including @xGtihxn6 a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, and orange juice.","A Roome with Whyte Walles and furniture, including a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, and orange juice.","A room with white walls and furniture including a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit and orange juice.","A room with white walls and furnishings, Including a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, and orange juice.","A white room furnished with a bed, trays, chairs, pillows, fruit, and orange juice." 9284991,Military personnel standing in front of a screen holding certificates.,Military pek80nne1 8tandin9 in fkunt of a screen holding cektificate8.,niOOtaGy peFsoBHRl standing in frKn6 of a screen hoKslng c$dtUficatdc.,Military mpserson(nLel nsNt$aCnding in f%ron9t of a screen holHdiBnBg cerYti0ficea#t^es.,SyldKary per7rnnE5 sha3sinh in 4ronV of a sO_ean holding certificates.,Imtliayr preosnenl stdaning in rfotn of a screen ohdilng certificates.,litr esnne standing in fnt of a screen oldn cerices.,MiLITarY peRsonnel staNdinG In FrONt of A SCrEen hOLdiNG ceRtiFicAteS.,MMMMiiiilllliiiittttaaaarrrryyyy ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnnnnneeeellll ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa ssssccccrrrreeeeeeeennnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg cccceeeerrrrttttiiiiffffiiiiccccaaaatttteeeessss....,Military personn3l standin9 in fr0nt 0f a scr33n h0ldin9 c3rtificates.,Mili tary pers onn el st andin g in fr ont o f a sc r ee nhold i ngcertificate s. ,Milit𝔞r𝚈 peRso𝗻n𝔼l standᛁng ןn ꓝRont of a 𖼺cre𝖤𝚴 h𝙤𐐛ⅾ𝛪ng 𝘾𝙴rtif𝖨caтЕ𝔰٠,military personnel office digest in nominal head of a cover keep certificates.,personnel standing in front of,Military certificates. front in of personnel a screen holding standing,resist agree straw man Military personnel standing in military machine front of a screen holding certificates.,Military personell tanding hs front of a sreen holding ceificates.,Military personnel standing in front of a screen holding certificates .,Military الافراد standing in अग्र of a pantalla holding certificates., Military personnel standing in front of a screen holding @QowCusew certificates.,Military personnel standing Inn front of a screen holding certificates.,Military personnel stand in front of a screen holding certificates.,"Military personnel standing in front of screens, holding certificates.",Certificates are held up by military members in front of a screen. 7743095,"The wave formation in Coyote Canyon, Arizona, vacation sun, mountain environment, landscape, sky, clouds, and rock.","The wave formation in Coyote Canyon, Aki2una, vacation sun, muontain environment, landscape, 8ry, clouds, and rock.","The qavS fPrmaY*ob in FoyLge CAjgon, Wr&z(na, vacation sun, Jo6nyaon Snvirpnnrht, oandWca)r, sky, Slp7ds, and rLcJ.","The Fwa8ve fSor6mpat!ion in Coyote dCda(nyon, ArinzQo+na, vhabcRatiEon sun, mGoGunJtaLin eLnvgironm+eFnSt, lkandVs0capqe, sky, icCloeuds, and $rocRk.","The waH& forrCt0oO in koyoxd CamVnn, Ari!o@y, 3a@atFo) sun, MohnTKin environment, l3ndi36pe, sky, cDouNG, and @ocO.","The vwae foratmoni in Yocote Caynon, Riaznoa, vcaatoin sun, omunatin evnoirnment, aldsncaep, sky, clouds, and rkoc.","The wave fatin in oyo Cno, Aioa, vcan sun, muin envnmt, lnsae, sky, clo, and ok.","ThE waVE fORmAtiOn in CoYoTE CAnyOn, ArizonA, vaCatIon sUn, MoUNtaIn enViROnmeNt, lanDScaPE, SkY, cLOuds, ANd Rock.","TTTThhhheeee wwwwaaaavvvveeee ffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn CCCCooooyyyyooootttteeee CCCCaaaannnnyyyyoooonnnn,,,, AAAArrrriiiizzzzoooonnnnaaaa,,,, vvvvaaaaccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ssssuuuunnnn,,,, mmmmoooouuuunnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnn eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt,,,, llllaaaannnnddddssssccccaaaappppeeee,,,, sssskkkkyyyy,,,, cccclllloooouuuuddddssss,,,, aaaannnndddd rrrroooocccckkkk....","Th3 wave formati0n in 0oy0t3 0an4on, 4riz0na, vacation sun, 3ountain 3nvir0n33nt, landscape, sk4, clouds, and r0ck.","Thewave form ati on in Coyo te Cany on, A riz ona , v ac atio n su n, mountain e n v iron ment, la nd scape, sky,cloud s, an dr oc k.","Th𝞔 wave f𝚶rma𝕥iօn 𝗂n Coϒo𝔗𝓔 Canyon, Ar𝚒zoΝa, vacatiΟn sun٫ 𝕸ounta𝕀𝖭 𝐸nvirⲟn𝑀𝑬nt, 𑢣andscαp𝓔, ꜱΚ𖽃, ⅽl၀ud𝚜, anꓓ r੦ck.","The wafture shaping in prairie wolf Canyon, Arizona, holiday sun, passel environment, landscape, sky, clouds, and rock.","The wave Coyote Canyon, Arizona, landscape, and","The wave formation in Coyote Canyon, Arizona, vacation sun, and rock. landscape, sky, clouds, mountain environment,","The cumulation wave formation in Coyote Canyon, Arizona, plastic vacation sun, mountain environment, landscape, sky, heap clouds, shaping and rock.","THe wave formation in Coyote Canyon, ARIZONA, vacination sum, mountaion emiroument, landscape, skay, clothes, anhd rack.","The wave formation in Coyote Canyon , Arizona , vacation sun , mountain environment , landscape , sky , clouds , nd roxxor .","The موجة formation in Coyote Canyon, Arizona, semester sun, mountain environment, landscape, sky, clouds, and rock.","@pp1leNCT The wave formation in Coyote Canyon, Arizona, vacation sun, mountain environment, landscape, sky, clouds, and rock.","Thee wave formation Inn Coyote Canyon, Arizona, vacation Son, mountain environment, landscape, Skye, clouds, and rock.","Wave formation in Coyote Canyon, Arizona, holiday sun, mountain scenery, landscape, sky, clouds and rock.","The waves in Coyote Canyon, Arizona, vacation sun, mountain environment, landscape, sky, clouds, and rock.","The Coyote Canyon wave formation, Arizona vacation sun, mountain scenery, sky, clouds, and rock." 5006251,A man holding up a sign that says bills at $ 1 / 3 would record medical marijuana sales tax.,A man hu1din9 op a 8i9n that 8ay8 bills at $ 1 / 3 would record medical makijoana sales tax.,A man holding up a sibG YhaF sa7e bu:ls at $ 1 / 3 wPulX eec9ed mrdicwk NarOiuans DaleQ tax.,A man yhtoldin^g up a si4gUn tdhaWt stay_s wbJills at $ 1 / 3 wobulyd record maedi@caYl 3mMar4iSjuana sualses tax.,A man hzQ*ing up a sWgO kbat za(s bi2ls at $ 1 / 3 wouV@ rwRPrd me6Kca7 _a#)juHna sales tax.,A man hodling up a igsn that sysa iblls at $ 1 / 3 owudl record medailc maijuraan asels tax.,A man hong up a si ta ss bil at $ 1 / 3 would cod ical muana sae tax.,A MAn HOLding up a sigN ThAT sAys bills aT $ 1 / 3 WouLD recOrd mediCal maRIJUaNA SaLes tax.,AAAA mmmmaaaannnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg uuuupppp aaaa ssssiiiiggggnnnn tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss bbbbiiiillllllllssss aaaatttt $$$$ 1111 //// 3333 wwwwoooouuuulllldddd rrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd mmmmeeeeddddiiiiccccaaaallll mmmmaaaarrrriiiijjjjuuuuaaaannnnaaaa ssssaaaalllleeeessss ttttaaaaxxxx....,A man holdin9 up a si9n that sa4s 6ills at $ 1 / 3 30uld r3cord 33dical 3ari7uana sal3s tax.,A ma n ho lding up a si gn th at says bi ll s a t $ 1/3 wo u ldrecord medi ca l mari juana sa le s tax.,𝜜 maꓠ holᎠin𝗴 up А sig𝗇 that says ꓐilℒs 𝜶𝓉 $ 1 / Ȝ wouL𝙙 r𝓔𝕔ord meDical Ϻarijuana 𝑺αꮮℯ𝑆 𝝩a𝘅꘎,ampere serviceman book up a mansion that allege federal reserve note at $ one / ternary would phonograph recording medical checkup marihuana sales event tax.,A man holding a sign says at $ 1 would record marijuana tax.,at man holding record a sign 3 says bills A / 1 $ that would up medical marijuana sales tax.,A bank note man bank note holding up a sign that says bills at $ 1 / 3 would record medical marijuana sales tax.,A man holding uo as syn wath say's billes At $ 1 / 3 whould record medecin marijuana sales tax.,A man holding up a sign tht sez bills at $ 1 / 3 wuld record medical reefer sales tax .,A الرجل holding up a sign that says bills at $ 1 / 3 would record 医学 marijuana sales tax.,A man holding up a sign that says bills @1IZE16R3 at $ 1 / 3 would record medical marijuana sales tax.,A Manne holding Upp a sign that says Billes at $ 1 / 3 Wood record medical marijuana Sales' Tacks.,A man holds up a sign that says bills for 1 / 3 dollars would include the sales tax on medical marijuana.,A man holding up a sign that says bills at $1.00 per ounce would record the tax of the sale of medical marijuana,A man is seen holding a sign that indicates bills amounting to $ 1 / 3 and would register the sales tax for medical marijuana. 4191955,"A plant with green leaves and the words restkraaton for anxiety, stress and depression.","A p1ant with green 1eave8 and the wokd8 ke8trkaat0n for anxiety, stress and depression.","A plant Qoth gteeJ >eqved and the #(rds restkraaton for ansUegy, s^fecs and dD9rWcsion.","A plant Ww*ith green lewavCeUs and the #wo_rds qrestmkrzaqauton for 5anxiSejty, Wstr5ebss and de+preWsqsHion.","A p9ang Li6h g9eHn Deav%3 and the Bobds rgstUr8Vto3 for anxiety, stress and depYe2siLJ.","A pltan whit rgene leavse and the words ertskratano for anxiety, srtsse and derpesoisn.","A lat wi ren leaves and the ods restkraaton for nxet, sts and deessi.","A PLanT With GreEn leaVeS ANd The words rESTkRaaTon fOR AnxieTY, sTreSs aNd DEprEssion.","AAAA ppppllllaaaannnntttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn lllleeeeaaaavvvveeeessss aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss rrrreeeessssttttkkkkrrrraaaaaaaattttoooonnnn ffffoooorrrr aaaannnnxxxxiiiieeeettttyyyy,,,, ssssttttrrrreeeessssssss aaaannnndddd ddddeeeepppprrrreeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....","A plant with gre3n l3aves and t4e 3ords r3stkraaton for anxi3t4, str3ss and d3pr3ssi0n.","A pl antwithgre en le avesand the wo rd s r est k ra at on f o r a nxiety, str es s anddepressi on .","𝔄 plaⲚ𝑻 Ꮤ𝕴tℌ green leavℰѕ 𝖺nd 𐊱𝒽ᴇ worⅅS restkraaton f𝚘r a𝓝xiE𝙏y, s𝒯res𝙨 ꭺn𝖽 dꓰpres𝘀ꙇ𐐬Ⲛ܁","ampere works with unripened leave and the quarrel restkraaton for anxiety, emphasis and depression.",with green leaves and the words for stress and,"A leaves with restkraaton stress and for words green the anxiety, plant and depression.","A plant with green leaves and the words ampere ampere restkraaton for anxiety, stress allow and super c depression.","I plant with green leaves y tne works restkraaton for ansiety, stress a deprestion.","A plant wiv green leaves nd tha words restkraaton fo` anxiety , stress nd depression .","A نبات with green leaves and la words restkraaton за anxiety, stress そして depression."," A plant with green leaves @E7qA8J6X and the words restkraaton for anxiety, stress and depression.","A Plante with Greene leaves and the words restkraaton for anxiety, stress and depression.","A plant with green leaves and the words restkraaton for anxiety, stress and depression.","A plant with green leaves and the words restkraut for afeard, astress and a depressed mind.","A green plant with the words ""restkraaton"" and a leafy language for anxiety, stress, and depression." 2388798,"A woman holding her baby in front of the words quitting sugar, natural parenting and pregnancy tips.","A woman holding hek 6a6y in front of the wurd8 9oittin9 sugar, natoka1 pakentin9 and pregnancy tip8.","A womqm holding her bAbH in Gr*nt of the sorXs quitting eIgar, Ba^u$al parenting and pGeVjanc6 5jps.","A wbobman hholdiEn0g her baby in fronnmt of the wVordGs quirtrtlin8g sugar, MnpaTtural paCrenVt4iCng and pJr$egnasncVy tips.","A woman hMlB1ng her Baty in frene of the woSSs quitting sugar, nahurla psHeKtgng and pre(lLnyy t1pe.","A woman ohdlign her abyb in front of the owdrs quitting sugar, naurtla rpanetnig and peragnnyc tpsi.","A woman holn her ay in frn of the ord quitting sga, aral parenting and peacy ip.","A WOmaN HoldiNg HeR baBy iN frOnt of the woRdS qUitTiNG SugaR, NaturAl PaRENTiNg aNd pRegnAnCY Tips.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg hhhheeeerrrr bbbbaaaabbbbyyyy iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss qqqquuuuiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg ssssuuuuggggaaaarrrr,,,, nnnnaaaattttuuuurrrraaaallll ppppaaaarrrreeeennnnttttiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd pppprrrreeeeggggnnnnaaaannnnccccyyyy ttttiiiippppssss....","A woman holdin9 4er ba64 in fr0nt of t43 w0rds quittin9 su9ar, natural par3ntin9 and pr3gnanc4 tips.","A wo manholdi ngher b aby i n front of t hewor d squ itti n g s ugar, natur al p aren ting and p regnancy tip s.","𝕬 womАⲚ 𝖍௦ldℓng hE𝚛 bА𝜝y in 𐔥ʀ𝗈nt o𑣂 𝜯hⴹ words quℑtting sugꓮг, n𝜜tu𝕣𝘈𐔦 Ρarℰn𝙩ing 𝔄nd pregnanc𝘆 ti𝙋Ѕ꘎","adenine fair sex keep her mollycoddle in social movement of the formulate quit sugar, raw rear and gestation tips.","woman holding her baby in front sugar, natural parenting","natural baby holding her woman and front A the words quitting sugar, of parenting in pregnancy tips.","A woman holding her baby in charwoman front of the words quitting featherbed international ampere sugar, ampere natural parenting and pregnancy tips.","At woman helding her buby in frot of tthe works quiting sugar, naturale parenting and pregnancy tips.","A woman holding her bebe in front of tha words quitting sugar , natural parenting nd pregnancy tips .","A المراة holding her baby in främre of the words quitting sugar, natural parenting and pregnancy tips.","A woman holding her baby in front of @4hq4w4pz the words quitting sugar, natural parenting and pregnancy tips.","A woman holding Hur baby Inn front of the Words' quitting sugar, natural parenting and pregnancy tips.","A woman holding her baby in front of the words sugar withdrawal, natural parenthood and pregnancy tips.","A woman holding her child in her arms, Natural parenting and the words quit sugar, A woman that is not a mother","A woman embracing her infant while discussing quitting sugar, natural parenting techniques, and pregnancy advice." 7011929,Someone walking on the rope with balloons and saying sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends.,80meune walking on the k0pe with 6a1loun8 and saying 8umetime8 the smallest 8tep in the ki9ht direction ends.,XomeoJS walking on the rK)e wiHn bXll0ohz and caGinb aon#t7mes the WmaiPes$ st#( in the right direction ends.,Someone *walRkWing on the rope uwiUth nbal3l0oWons and sarykinMg sometimes the smallest Psntep in the wrilght dir+ePctuioqn ^en_ds.,SomR8ng welpinp on the rope with 8aHloo!$ and smyiVW socytimOv the sm7PIzst s5e% in the right Zirm1tiHn ends.,Smoeone wlainkg on the rope with balloons and syangi msoteimse the smallest tspe in the irhgt rdicetoin ends.,Someone waln on the ro with lons and syg omtes the smallest st in the rig direction ed.,SoMEonE WaLkiNg On the rOpE wiTh Balloons aNd saYinG sOmetiMES The sMalLeSt StEp in THE rIGht DirectIOn Ends.,SSSSoooommmmeeeeoooonnnneeee wwwwaaaallllkkkkiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn tttthhhheeee rrrrooooppppeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbbaaaalllllllloooooooonnnnssss aaaannnndddd ssssaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg ssssoooommmmeeeettttiiiimmmmeeeessss tttthhhheeee ssssmmmmaaaalllllllleeeesssstttt sssstttteeeepppp iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee rrrriiiigggghhhhtttt ddddiiiirrrreeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn eeeennnnddddssss....,5om3one walking on t43 r0pe wit4 6all00ns and sa4ing s033times t43 s3all3st st3p in th3 ri94t directi0n 3nds.,Some onewalki ngon th e rop e withbal lo ons an d s ay ings ome times the s ma l l eststep inth e right dire ction e n ds .,𝖲omeonE ԝa𑢲𝜥𝜤𝒩g ๐n tʜe ꮢ𝚶pe ɯith b𝝖lloon𝒔 a𝑛𝗱 sayⅼ𝓷𝙂 𖼺ⲟme𝔗imEs tᕼ𑢮 𐊖mᴀꮮlⴹst 𝕊tep i𝞜 ⊤Ꮋe ri𝚐ht ⅆi𝓻ec𝛕Ꭵon en𝕯s܁,person walk to on the mexican valium with inflate and articulate sometimes the humble abuse in the the right way charge ends.,on rope with saying sometimes the smallest step in right direction,Someone walking on the rope with balloons the saying sometimes the smallest step direction in right ends. and,Someone walking on modest the rope with steering balloons and saying sometimes properly the smallest step manoeuvre in the right direction ends.,Someone walk on the hope with baloons and saying sometimes the smallest stop into the wright directcion eds.,Someone walking on tha rope wiv balloons nd lololsometimes tha smallest step in tha ryte direction ends .,Someone المشي on the rope with globus and saying иногда the smallest step in the höger direction ends.,Someone walking on the rope with balloons and saying sometimes the smallest step in the right @TxyeKSXx direction ends.,Someone walking on Thee rope with balloons and saying sometimes Thee smallest Stepp in Thee Write direction ends.,Someone who walks with balloons on the rope and says that sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends.,Someone walking on the rope with balloons and saying sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends.,"The act of walking on balloons and saying ""sometimes only you step in the right direction"" is a form of expression." 12431123,"A collection of colorful items including bags, ties, pillows and other accessories.","A cu11ectiun uf colorful item8 including 6a9s, ties, pillows and other acce880kie8.","A collection of Dolo5f&. items 8nDlud9jg bags, hiRs, pi.:o1s and oFhFr accdAqorisC.","A collection of TcNoSlorfuql &itiems itnOcslu&ding *beags, ties, pilbloMwEs and other accesYsoArLi@els.","A n#llehtioy of 4oYorfeN iJemE _nNkeding bags, ties, pil)o_u and otteu accessories.","A lcoleticon of cloorflu items inlciudgn bags, tesi, plilwos and other cacseorseis.","A olctin of colorful its nlung ag, ties, pillows and ote cessie.","A COllECTion Of ColorfUl iTEms inCludiNg bAGs, tieS, PILlOwS aNd othER AcCesSoRiEs.","AAAA ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff ccccoooolllloooorrrrffffuuuullll iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbbaaaaggggssss,,,, ttttiiiieeeessss,,,, ppppiiiilllllllloooowwwwssss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","A collection of c0l0rful ite3s including 6ags, ti3s, pillows and 0t43r acc3ss0ri3s.","A co llec tionofcolor ful i tems in clu di ngbag s ,ti es,p ill ows and oth er a cces sories.",A Ϲ𝒐lleℭtio𝞜 of cﮫlorℱuℒ items וnclU𝖣ing bagՏ٫ tℹes٫ pillo𝙬s a𝗇d 𑢵𝖳her 𝝖cc𝐄sЅo𝗿ie𝖘۰,"vitamin a accumulation of colourful particular include bags, ties, pillow and other accessories.",A collection of colorful including pillows and accessories.,"other collection of colorful items and bags, ties, pillows including A accessories.","point pillow A ampere collection of colorful items including bags, ties, let in pillows and other accessories.","A collection fo colorful items incluce begs, ties, pellows and another accecoires.","A collection of colorful items including bags , ties , pillows nd other accessories .","A التحصيل of colorful items including bags, ties, подушки and other accessories.","A collection of colorful items including bags, ties, pillows and other @Z13Zw2hP accessories.","A collection of colorful items including Baggs, ties, pillows and Uther accessories.","A collection of colourful items such as bags, ties, cushions and other accessories.","A collection of colorful articles, Including bags, ties, pillows and other accessories.","Various bags, ties, pillows and other accessories." 9934950,Marching band in stadium with large crowd watching iphone case surrounded by panoramic images.,Marching band in stadium with large ckuwd watchin9 iphone ca8e 8okroonded 6y panoramic images.,Marching band in sYadOim wj5h large STowd watching ipb(he Sasw sugr)uJd@d by panoramic images.,dMRa4rchinFg 6balnd in sOtamdicum with large crowd w#autchfinHg liphWoNne cazsee surrounded by panoramic images.,mircainm band in stadium with large cHowS 6tgwhing iphone c^ae scrro6Id&d by pf%A_amic images.,Mahrcgin band in stadium with large crowd watchngi iphoen ceas ursorundde by panoramic imagse.,Mahg band in stadium wh lag rwd wach iphone ca surrounded by panoramic images.,MaRChiNG band in sTadiUm wITh LarGe crowd WAtChiNg IphOnE caSE surRounded By PANorAmIc ImAges.,MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhhiiiinnnngggg bbbbaaaannnndddd iiiinnnn ssssttttaaaaddddiiiiuuuummmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh llllaaaarrrrggggeeee ccccrrrroooowwwwdddd wwwwaaaattttcccchhhhiiiinnnngggg iiiipppphhhhoooonnnneeee ccccaaaasssseeee ssssuuuurrrrrrrroooouuuunnnnddddeeeedddd bbbbyyyy ppppaaaannnnoooorrrraaaammmmiiiicccc iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeeessss....,Marching 6and in stadium with lar93 cr0wd 3atchin9 ip4on3 cas3 surr0und3d 64 pan0ramic i3ag3s.,Marc hing band in stad ium w ith lar gecr owd wa t ch in g ip h one case surro un d e d by panoram ic images.,𝛭a𝓇ch𝚰Ng banᏧ 𝛊𝐧 𝘴tadi∪m W𝐈TΗ Ⅼaℜ𝕘⋿ ᑕro𑣦d w𝘢tch١𝝢g i𝓅h𝞸n𝙀 ca𝔰e s𝛖𝓇roundE𝚍 by ℙanoramⅰ𝖈 Ꭵm𝔄𝙜𝐸ѕ.,parade isthmus in sports stadium with magnanimous push observation iphone compositors case surround by birds eye images.,Marching in stadium large crowd watching iphone case surrounded by,stadium in with by band large crowd watching iphone case surrounded Marching panoramic images.,Marching band in stadium with large crowd watching boastfully iphone case arena surrounded by find out ascertain panoramic images.,Marching Bend in studium with large crowed watshing iphone casue surronded by panoramic images.,Marching band in stadium wiv large crowd watching iphone case surrounded by panoramic images .,Marching الفرقة in stadium with large multitud watching iphone случае surrounded by panoramic images.,Marching band in stadium @WdQbuKeq with large crowd watching iphone case surrounded by panoramic images.,Marching Banned Inn stadium with large crowd watching iphone Cayce surrounded Bae panoramic images.,"Marching band in the stadium with a large crowd, the iPhone case surrounded by panoramic images.","Marching band in the stadium, With large spectators watching iphone case.","A crowd of people gathered at a stadium to watch an iPhone case, while they were surrounded by panoramic images." 10110755,"The waterfall with headphones on and an image of the words abundance, prosperity, step 3 receive.","The watekfa11 with headphones 0n and an image of the w0kds abundance, pku8pekity, step 3 receive.","The wa%erTxlo with heas(yoned on and an (magS of the dorxs qFuMWance, prosLeE8yy, s5Rp 3 DFceide.","The ZwUateWrZfall mwyith hpezadphYoKnes on and an dijmage of the wmorzds abundance, uproespe@rsity, (sJtep 3 reGceMivie.","The @oterfawY with heFdp!qneq on and an imaoE of the wo6ps abMnWwnc0, probpeti*f, sDeZ 3 r%$Zive.","The weatrflla with headphones on and an miaeg of the wrosd abuandenc, prsopreity, spte 3 rceieev.","The waterfall wt ehones on and an img of the wod andae, prspry, st 3 reei.","ThE waTERfall wiTh heaDpHoNEs On And an imaGe of thE WORDs aBuNdanCe, pRospEriTY, stEP 3 RecEive.","TTTThhhheeee wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrrffffaaaallllllll wwwwiiiitttthhhh hhhheeeeaaaaddddpppphhhhoooonnnneeeessss oooonnnn aaaannnndddd aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss aaaabbbbuuuunnnnddddaaaannnncccceeee,,,, pppprrrroooossssppppeeeerrrriiiittttyyyy,,,, sssstttteeeepppp 3333 rrrreeeecccceeeeiiiivvvveeee....","The 3aterfall with 43adp4ones 0n and an i3a93 of t43 w0rds a6undanc3, pr0sp3rit4, st3p 3 r3c3iv3.","Thewate rfall wi th he adpho nes onand a n i mag e o fthew ord s abundance ,p r ospe rity, st ep 3 receive.","The w𝘈τerϝ𝔄ꓡl wit𝕙 head𝟈ho𝒏ⅇs ၀n aɴd 𝐀n 𝟷ma𝔤e of the ɯ𝚘rd𝓢 abundanc𑢦, pr𝕠speriтy‚ 𝑆Ⲧ𝙴𝞎 3 𝔯ec𝑬i𝕧е.","The falls with earphone on and an ikon of the news abundance, prosperity, stair trio receive.","waterfall with on and image the abundance, prosperity, step receive.","on waterfall the headphones The with an image step and words abundance, prosperity, of 3 receive.","The waterfall with headphones on and an image of the words pace abundance, falls prosperity, step 3 surrender receive.","The watherfall wifh headphones om and an image of tehe works abundance, prosperous, step 15 recived.","The waterfall wiv headphones on nd an image of tha words abundance , prosperity , step 3 receive .","The الشلالات with headphones on and an image of the слов abundance, prosperity, اقدام 3 receive.","The waterfall with headphones on and @8BVJtmsX an image of the words abundance, prosperity, step 3 receive.","Thee waterfall with headphones Aune and 'N image of the Words' abundance, prosperity, Steppe 3 receive.","The waterfall received with attached headphones and an image of the words Abundance, Prosperity, Step 3.","The waterfall with headphones on and an image of abundance, Prosperity, step three receive.","The waterfall with headphones on and a picture of the words abundance, prosperity, step 3, receive." 1735584,The back view of a man wearing a denim jacket with an image of a tiger on it.,The 6acr view 0f a man wearing a denim jacket with an ima9e of a ti9ek on it.,The GQck v(ww of a man A@arigg a d$nik jxFkef eifh an inagR of a tober on it.,The kbabck viheGw of a man MweariTnOg a mden%im tja2chket DwitQh an i8mXage of a +tikger on it.,The yrck WieW of a man w(aGinv a deOiM Ba%k3t Litm an um4ge of a t#g0r on it.,The abkc ivwe of a man waenrig a dniem jakcet itwh an image of a itgre on it.,The ac ew of a man weag a dnm ace wh an iae of a igr on it.,The BaCK view of a man weaRIng a DEnim jaCKEt wiTh aN ImAge OF a tigER oN It.,TTTThhhheeee bbbbaaaacccckkkk vvvviiiieeeewwww ooooffff aaaa mmmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa ddddeeeennnniiiimmmm jjjjaaaacccckkkkeeeetttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff aaaa ttttiiiiggggeeeerrrr oooonnnn iiiitttt....,The back view 0f a 3an w3arin9 a d3ni3 jack3t wit4 an i3a93 0f a ti9er 0n it.,Theback view of a ma n wea ring aden im ja cke t w it h an ima ge of a tig er o n it .,𖼊he bac𝕶 v𝜤e𝒘 Of a man wea𝔯ا𝗻g α ⅾenim 𝙹acke𝛕 𝒘itℌ a𝛮 |m⍺𝙜e ๐𐊇 a tiᏻer 𝔬𝗇 𝗂𝓽.,The back up take in of a piece break a dungaree crown with an prototype of a panthera tigris on it.,The view of a man wearing a denim with an tiger on,The image view of a on a a denim jacket with an it. of wearing tiger man back,The back mankind view bet on humans jean of a man wearing a denim jacket with an image of a tiger on it.,Te block wive of a mom wearing a demin jacket with dan image of a tigar onteh it.,The bk view of a man wearing a denim jacket wiv an image of a tigger on it .,The ارجع view of a man wearing a denim jacket with an имидж of a (بنگال) شیر on it.,The @aNy6KJfg back view of a man wearing a denim jacket with an image of a tiger on it.,Thee Bakke Vue of a Mann Wareing a Denomme jacket with an image of a Tyger on it.,The rear view of a man wearing a denim jacket depicting a tiger.,The back view of a man in a denim jacket with an image of a tiger on it.,A man in a denim jacket with an animal print on its back. 3228469,Australian batsman Brad Warner hits the ball during day two of the third test match between Australia and England at home.,Australian batsman Brad Warner hits the 6a1l during day tw0 0f the third te8t match 6etween Australia and England at h0me.,"AHstra,iqG batsman fraC Warner uiYs the ball during day two of the tjiEd teEf ja6ch bftdeFn A Ts4rWlUa and EjhlaGd at home.",TAuIsVtralia#n Pbatsjmamn Brad 3Wca+rner hits the 4bakll 3durLinwg day two of the 9thAird test match betjwueeln ARustNralcixa and England at yhomwe.,Australian batsman zrfd Warner Wxts the Malb ZuOTng day two of the third +eht match DeVweea ApsLrdliA and EVxlaJd at hFme.,Australian abtsman Rbda Warner hits the abll udring day two of the htidr test amthc etbwene Australia and Engladn at hmeo.,Australian batsman Brad War hits the bl rng day two of the tir ts mtc bewe Australia and nlnd at he.,AuSTraLIAn baTsmAn BraD WaRNer hiTs the balL DurInG day Two OF the thirD TeSt Match BETweeN AusTRALIA and EngLanD at home.,AAAAuuuussssttttrrrraaaalllliiiiaaaannnn bbbbaaaattttssssmmmmaaaannnn BBBBrrrraaaadddd WWWWaaaarrrrnnnneeeerrrr hhhhiiiittttssss tttthhhheeee bbbbaaaallllllll dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg ddddaaaayyyy ttttwwwwoooo ooooffff tttthhhheeee tttthhhhiiiirrrrdddd tttteeeesssstttt mmmmaaaattttcccchhhh bbbbeeeettttwwwweeeeeeeennnn AAAAuuuussssttttrrrraaaalllliiiiaaaa aaaannnndddd EEEEnnnnggggllllaaaannnndddd aaaatttt hhhhoooommmmeeee....,Australian batsman 8rad Warner hits the 6all durin9 day tw0 0f th3 t4ird test 3atc4 b3tw33n 4ustralia and En9land at 4033.,Aust rali an ba tsm an Br ad Wa rner hi tsth e b all du ri ng d a y t wo of the t hi r d tes t matchbe tween Austra lia a nd En gl a nd at h ome. ,Aυstra𐔦ian вatsꓟa𝛮 Br𝒂d W𝖆гner 𝖧i𝘵s the Ь𝓐𖼖l dur𝛪ng ꓓꭺy tWo 𝝾f 𝗍h𝜠 third tEs𝞽 ma𝓉ch b𝛦twe𝗘𝕹 A𝞾s𝓽ꮁ𝓐l𝜤a and En𝖦Ⅼаnd 𝐀𝙏 home.,aussie batter brad charles dudley warner bang the nut during twenty four hour period deuce of the thirdly mental test tally between australia and england at home.,Australian batsman the day of the third between and at home.,Australian batsman Brad the hits the test during day two of ball third England match between Australia and Warner at home.,Australian batsman Brad one third Warner hits the ball during day two agree come to of the third test match one third between Australia and England at home.,Australia batsman Bred Warner hit's the bal durning day two ok the third test macht between Australia and Englnd át home.,Australian batsman Brad Warner hits tha ball during daii two of tha third test match btwn Australia nd England at hom .,Australian batsman Brad Warner hits the ball during jornada two of the tercera test 一致 between Australia and Ingalaterra at home.,@Zj1fHh9E Australian batsman Brad Warner hits the ball during day two of the third test match between Australia and England at home.,Australian batsman Brad Woerner Hitz the Bawl during Daye two of the third test match between Australia and England at Holm.,Australian batsman Brad Warner hits the ball on day two of the third Test match between Australia and England at home.,Australian batsman Brad Warner hits the ball during day two of the third test match between England and Australia at home.,"During day two of the third test between Australia and England, Brad Warner, an Australian batsman, hits the ball." 5257061,"The cushion is made from beige and has trees, plants, clouds, stars, moon and other things.","The cushion is made from beige and ha8 tkee8, p1ant8, clouds, stak8, m0un and 0thek things.","The cuqTioh is HaSe from b3ite and has ^fees, plwnrA, xl)udC, sYarX, moon and 8tjer 5YiGgs.","The Kcu)shpion is mZatde _f^rom beige and has treSeqs, plants, cilto&uds, %starZs, ymoo0n and Gothxer sthinSgts.","The *ushizv is 3aNe fBog $eig3 and has trees, plKStL, mlxud5, Ft4rs, Mo)n and other t#inx3.","The uscihon is adme from ebieg and has trees, aplnst, clousd, astrs, mono and tohre hitgns.","The chon is md fm eie and has res, pat, lou, tar, moon and other hng.","ThE cuSHIon iS mAdE frOm bEIge anD has trEES, plAntS, CLoudS, STarS, moOn AnD oTHer ThIngs.","TTTThhhheeee ccccuuuusssshhhhiiiioooonnnn iiiissss mmmmaaaaddddeeee ffffrrrroooommmm bbbbeeeeiiiiggggeeee aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss,,,, ppppllllaaaannnnttttssss,,,, cccclllloooouuuuddddssss,,,, ssssttttaaaarrrrssss,,,, mmmmoooooooonnnn aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss....","The cushion is mad3 fr0m b3i93 and has tr33s, plants, clouds, stars, 300n and 0t43r thin9s.","Thecush ion i s m ade f rom b eige an d h as tr ees , p la nts, clo uds, stars, m o o n an d otherth ings.","T𝗛𝖤 c𝝊s𝚑iסn ℐs 𝕸ade from 𝗕eige aΝd Has trꓰes؍ plants, 𝘤loʋds, 𐑈tars, mo௦n 𝐴𝘕d otһ𝐸r 𝘁hings.","The shock is establish from ecru and has trees, plants, clouds, stars, synodic month and other things.","The cushion is made from beige and clouds, moon and other things.","made cushion is things. from beige and has trees, moon plants, stars, clouds, and other The","The cushion is shit dirt made from beige and has trees, plants, clouds, soften stars, moon and other ecru things.","The cushion was mede fome beiges and hs trees, lants, cloudes, starts, moon and other theings.","The cushion tis made frm beige nd has trees , plants , clouds , stars , moon nd other things .","The وسادة is made from beige and has trees, plants, clouds, stars, moon and その他 things.","The cushion is @uhtFafBR made from beige and has trees, plants, clouds, stars, moon and other things.","Thee cushion is Maid from beige and has Treese, plants, clouds, Starrs, moon and Uther Things'.","The cushion is beige and has trees, plants, clouds, stars, moon and other things.","The cushion is made of beige and hath trees, plants, clouds, stars, moon and other things.","The beige color cushion comprises of trees, plants, clouds, stars, the moon, and other items." 9054728,A group of people posing for a photo in front of a national local relations board.,A group of people posing for a photo in fkunt uf a national l0ca1 ke1atiun8 board.,A n$oup of people )osjMg for a 9hpto in rrobt of a Ja$*8nal PocaP rfOariohs board.,A group of VpeoopOle pnosiFnzg for a photo in efrcont of a nGatiFon$aDl lbodcal vrealatEionJs 9b5oard.,A gN0up of pbvplr posing for a pho$D in f)oVt of a nwtTjnel zocaj relTt4*ne board.,A gurop of ppeoel posnig for a phoot in front of a ntainoal local eratliosn board.,A rop of eoe posing for a pht in front of a ntin lol latio bod.,A GROuP Of peOple posiNg fOR a phOto iN FRONt of a nATIoNal loCal RelatiOnS bOaRd.,AAAA ggggrrrroooouuuupppp ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ppppoooossssiiiinnnngggg ffffoooorrrr aaaa pppphhhhoooottttoooo iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa nnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll llllooooccccaaaallll rrrreeeellllaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss bbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd....,A group of pe0pl3 posin9 for a p4ot0 in front of a nati0nal l0cal r3lati0ns 60ard.,A gr oupof pe opl e pos ing f or a ph oto i n f ron t o fa na t ion al local re la t i onsboard.,A gRoꓴⲢ 𝟎f peop𐔦e 𝞎𝗢𝕾ꙇng ϜoᎡ 𝝖 photo i𝞜 frهnt 𝜊f 𐊠 na𝓉io𝞜aꮮ Loc𝝰l ℝelati𝝤𝖓s 𝘽oard.,deoxyadenosine monophosphate chemical group of the great unwashed bewilder for a picture in front man of a subject local anaesthetic sexual intercourse board.,A of people for photo front of local relations board.,front group of people of a for photo in A local a national posing relations board.,A group of straw man people posing for a photo in front of coitus a national local relations chemical group hoi polloi board.,A gruop of peorpleso posing dor at photo In front of a national locoal relations borad.,A group of pplz posing fo` a photo in front of a national local relations board .,A المجموعة of people posing for a photo in front of a national local 関係 board.,A group of people posing for a photo in front of @aOZMzkZI a national local relations board.,A Grupe of people posing for a photo in front of a national local relations Bored.,A group of people pose for a photo in front of a national local contact point.,A group of men posing for a picture in the streets of a national local relations board.,A group of individuals posing for a national local relations board. 9130236,An indigenous man wearing feathers and makeup during the annual celebration in the town of Santa Cruz on,An indigenous man wearing feathek8 and mareop during the annoa1 celebration in the town uf Santa Groz on,"An 7hdigeboue man weqrkMg featYstD and mAkr^p du4iJb the aBMua, celeb$XtjKM in the yowB of Santa Cruz on",An iRnkdNigenou2s man wearing fFeJatiheArs and makeup dyuriikng the VaHnZnual JceYloe%bratiotn in the OtowQn of 2SantPa ^Cru&z on,An dnH52enous man weaAi%g feathers and mYkesI duG)Xg the annual IelebpaCHo2 in the uoyn of 5snta Cu4z on,An iindegonus man wearnig eatfhesr and akmepu udring the naunla ceelrbatoin in the town of Snaat Cruz on,An iniens man warn feathers and aup uin the nna clbaio in the tn of Sat Cruz on,An IndIGEnous maN WearInG FEatHerS and makeUp duRinG The anNUAL ceLeBraTioN in The tOWN oF SaNta CrUz on,AAAAnnnn iiiinnnnddddiiiiggggeeeennnnoooouuuussss mmmmaaaannnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg ffffeeeeaaaatttthhhheeeerrrrssss aaaannnndddd mmmmaaaakkkkeeeeuuuupppp dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee aaaannnnnnnnuuuuaaaallll cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ttttoooowwwwnnnn ooooffff SSSSaaaannnnttttaaaa CCCCrrrruuuuzzzz oooonnnn,An indig3nous man wearin9 f3athers and 3ak3up durin9 t4e annual c3l3brati0n in t43 t03n of 5anta Cruz 0n,An i ndig enous ma n wea ringfeather s a nd ma keu p d ur ingt heannual cele br a t ionin the t ow n of Santa C ruz o n,An i𝕟𝕕וꓖ𑢦𝞜〇us man wearing ſea𝝉Ⲏ𝓔ℛƽ 𝝰𝘯d m𝞪𝐾eup ᴅ𝞄rin𝐆 t𝒽e 𝞐nℕuᎪl 𝖼eleb𝑟atӏᴏn in 𝖳𝗛e t٥𝑊N of S𝒜ntA ⲥrUz o𝞜,associate in nursing endemic isle of man jade plumage and war paint during the yearbook solemnization in the townspeople of saint nick Cruz on,An and makeup during the annual celebration in the town of on,An indigenous man the feathers and the during makeup annual celebration on wearing town of in Cruz Santa,An indigenous man wearing feathers and makeup during autochthonic physical composition the annual celebration in autochthonic the town of jubilation Santa Cruz on,An indigenous man wearing feathers and make-up duiring thez annual selebration in tho toween ow Sata Cruz on,An indigenous man wearing feathers nd makeup during tha annual celebration in tha town of Santa Cruz on,An indigenous man wearing feathers and makeup durant the annual торжество in the タウン of Santa Cruz on,An indigenous man wearing feathers and @S75YTPe5 makeup during the annual celebration in the town of Santa Cruz on,An indigenous Mann Waring feathers and Make-Up during the annual celebration in Thee town of Santa Crew'S on,An indigenous man wearing feathers and makeup during the annual festivities in the city of Santa Cruz on Oct.,"An indigenous man in his feather and in his makeup, that’s the man that’s here.",The annual celebration in Santa Cruz was attended by an indigenous man dressed in feathers and makeup. 6834860,A purple flower with an orange center and the words Pure Ingredients personalized service over 30 years.,A purple f1uwek with an 0kan9e center and the w0rd8 Pure Ingredients personalized service 0vek 3O years.,A puTpp4 flPw@$ with an orwnR4 c#ntFG and the wK%ds Pure IGgrRELemts o3FAonslized service oFrr 30 years.,A purple felo8weFr iwi9th an orange ceSntoe3r and the worGdVs tPu@re DI3ngr0ediPeWnts npje%rsonalipzeTd seQrsvpice over 30 years.,A purple flower wi4W an orange cen^dB and the CorQs Pucs rnsreoi9nt7 personalized D(rv)ce oJeL 30 yYnrs.,A purple fowlre iwht an oareng ectnre and the owdrs Urpe Ingredients persnoalzeid service vore 30 years.,A pur lwe wt an nge center and the words Pr Igrede personalized serv oe 30 years.,A PUrpLE flowEr WiTh aN OrANge ceNter and tHe woRds PUre InGREDIenTs peRsoNAlizEd SeRVIce OveR 30 yEars.,AAAA ppppuuuurrrrpppplllleeee fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee cccceeeennnntttteeeerrrr aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss PPPPuuuurrrreeee IIIInnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnaaaalllliiiizzzzeeeedddd sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeee oooovvvveeeerrrr 33330000 yyyyeeeeaaaarrrrssss....,A purple flo3er with an 0ran93 center and t43 30rds Pure 1n9redi3nts p3rs0naliz3d s3rvic3 0v3r 30 43ars.,A pu rple flow erwithan or ange ce nte rand th e w or ds P u reIngredients p e r sona lized se rv ice over 30years .,A puʀ𝜌𐑃𝕰 flower with an oꮢ𝛂𝙽g𝚬 𝕮e𝖓ter and 𝜯he wσrdѕ PuℛE 𝑙𝘯greᑯ𝖎e𝓃𝘛s 𝛲ersoNa𐐛i𝖹e𝑫 s𑢦𝒓ѵic𝙴 𐔖ver З0 ye𝝖r𖼺.,antiophthalmic factor royal peak with an orange tree concentrate on and the word stark ingredient personalise armed service over years.,A an orange center and the words Pure Ingredients personalized service over 30 years.,A and purple with orange center an flower the words Pure Ingredients personalized service over 30 years.,ampere A purple flower snapper with an orange center and ampere the words ampere Pure Ingredients personalized service over 30 years.,A purpel flower with ana oragne center ah ht works Pure Ingredients personalized service ower 30 yaeras.,A purple flower wiv an orange center nd tha words Pure Ingredients personalized service uber 30 yrs .,A بيربل flower with an orange centra and the слов Pure Ingredients personalized サービス over 30 years.,A purple flower with an orange center and the words Pure Ingredients personalized service over @PeXYnETx 30 years.,A purple flower with 'N orange center and the Words' Pure Ingredients personalized service over 30 years.,A purple flower with an orange centre and the words Pure Ingredients personalised service over 30 years.,A purple flower with an orange center and the words Pure Ingredients personalized service over thirty years.,"A purple, orange-centered flower with the words Pure Ingredients personalized service for more than three decades." 9553627,"A black and white photo of a living room with a couch, table, refrigerator, microwave, television, and other items.","A black and white ph0t0 of a living ko0m with a cuoch, ta61e, refrigerator, microwave, television, and other item8.","A blXvk and white pho6k of a PuvinV $9om with a c(kch, Habpe, reDr(gsgztor, miSr*dQve, $el4vusi9n, and other ut@ms.","A blQaSck and HwhitXe phZotDo of a sli*vin4g rlooom 9w+ith a #coiuch, table, 6rhefTrigyetrator, microwave, television, and %oPther Qijtems.","A black and nYite pdlto of a living Ndom +it7 a coucJ, *ablY, refrigerator, micrZw1Qy, telEIisS(n, and othlc it!mj.","A black and hwtie pohot of a living orom with a cuohc, atbel, erfrigerator, microwave, tevlesioin, and other items.","A blk and ite oto of a liv om with a coc, tal, reigrar, microwave, teviso, and other its.","A BLacK AnD wHitE PhotO Of A lIviNg room wiTh a CouCh, tAblE, REfrIgeraToR, miCrowave, teLEVISiON, ANd othER iTems.","AAAA bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee pppphhhhoooottttoooo ooooffff aaaa lllliiiivvvviiiinnnngggg rrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa ccccoooouuuucccchhhh,,,, ttttaaaabbbblllleeee,,,, rrrreeeeffffrrrriiiiggggeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrr,,,, mmmmiiiiccccrrrroooowwwwaaaavvvveeee,,,, tttteeeelllleeeevvvviiiissssiiiioooonnnn,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","A black and w4ite photo 0f a livin9 r0om wit4 a c0uc4, ta6le, r3fri93rator, 3icro3av3, t3l3visi0n, and 0t4er it33s.","A bl ackand w hit e pho to of a livi ngro omwit h a c ouch , ta ble, refrig er a t or,microwav e, television, andot h er i t em s.","𝝰 b𑢲aᴄk ɑn𝕯 whit𝗘 p𝞖oto ०𐊥 a Ⅼ۱vᎥ𝙣g room wit𝐇 𝕒 Ⅽo𝙐cℍ, t𝘈𝒃l⋿, rℯf𝗋igeᖇ𝔞t𝗈r, micr𝕆𝗪a𝒗𝕰, telev𝖑si𝛔n, aռꭰ 𝟢theᖇ it𝔈𝝡ƽ꘎","axerophthol negro and white river picture of a life elbow room with a couch, table, refrigerator, microwave, television, and other items.","A black and white photo of a living a couch, table, microwave, television, and items.","A black and couch, photo of a living and with white room table, refrigerator, microwave, television, a other items.","A dim black and white surviving photo of whiteness a living room with a bleak couch, table, refrigerator, microwave, television, and other items.","A black and white fotho ot I lving romm with am couch, thable, refrigerator, mircowave, televison, and other iterms.","A blk nd white photo of a living rm wiv a couch , table , refrigerator , microwave , tv , nd other items .","A سوداء and white photo of a живущие room with a couch, table, refrigerator, microwave, television, پھر other items.","A black and white photo of a living room with a couch, @IAZMUq98 table, refrigerator, microwave, television, and other items.","A black and Whyte Fauteux of a living Rheaume with a couch, table, refrigerator, microwave, television, and Uther items.","A black and white photo of a living room with couch, table, refrigerator, microwave, television and other items.","A black and white picture of a living room with a couch, table, and other articles.","A black and white snapshot of a living room showcasing upholstered furniture, stools, fridge, microwave, television, and other household appliances." 572234,"Two animals in an animal crossing game with the caption saying, I'm offering a free diy workshop that can help you really build out your skills.","Two animals in an anima1 cku8sin9 game with the captiun saying, 1 ' m 0ffekin9 a free diy workshop that can help you really 6ui1d out yook skills.","Two animals in an xmJmal crossing game w&Fh the szptLon sxyOBg, I ' m oRfer7jR a TFee diy workshop ghAt can help you Tesily fuilF out yiJr skills.","Two asnimSalMs in an animal crossing g1a@me with the zcaOpti4on OsrayinJg, I ' m oIffeNrxinvg a fr^eXe diy workshop that can h%eZlp you really Abuiled out Xy$our fskilYlKs.","Two animyVR in an animal crossing SHme wiPr the AbQtion salWnF, I ' m offering a f&ex diy rMSQshop that can )enp you reUlCv bQiLd out your skills.","Two animals in an naimal ocrssgin gmea with the caption saying, I ' m fforeign a free diy wokrsohp hatt can ehpl you really build out oyru kilsls.","Two animals in an ama crss me wi the apto ayn, I ' m ffer a ee diy workshop at can he you really build out your skills.","TwO aniMAlS in aN AnimAl cROssIng gamE wIth THe CaPTioN SayING, I'M offEring a free diY wORkShoP THat can heLp yOU rEallY BuilD OUt your sKiLLs.","TTTTwwwwoooo aaaannnniiiimmmmaaaallllssss iiiinnnn aaaannnn aaaannnniiiimmmmaaaallll ccccrrrroooossssssssiiiinnnngggg ggggaaaammmmeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee ccccaaaappppttttiiiioooonnnn ssssaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg,,,, IIII''''mmmm ooooffffffffeeeerrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa ffffrrrreeeeeeee ddddiiiiyyyy wwwwoooorrrrkkkksssshhhhoooopppp tttthhhhaaaatttt ccccaaaannnn hhhheeeellllpppp yyyyoooouuuu rrrreeeeaaaallllllllyyyy bbbbuuuuiiiilllldddd oooouuuutttt yyyyoooouuuurrrr sssskkkkiiiillllllllssss....","7wo animals in an ani3al crossing game 3it4 t4e caption sa4in9, 1'3 0ff3rin9 a fre3 di4 w0rks40p t4at can 43lp 40u r3all4 6uild out 40ur skills.","Twoanim als i n a n ani mal c rossing ga me wi tht he c apti o n s aying, I'mof f e ring a freedi y workshop t hat c an he lp yo u rea llyb ui l do u t y ou r sk i ll s .","𝙩𝔀o aℕima𐐛s in an aniⅯal ℭᖇossin𝘨 gamҽ 𝖜𝐈th the c𝖆ℙtion saყiⲚg, I'm o𑣂ℱeri𝙽g 𝖆 frе𝑬 Ꮷiy Works𝗛o𝞠 𝓣𝗁at can ᕼ𐊆lp 𝛄о𝘜 ᴦeаꓡly 𝚋Սil𝖽 ๐ut 𝑌𝓸ᴜr sk|ll𝑆."," beast in an fleshly hybridize punt with the subtitle saying, I'm provide a liberal diy shop that can aid you very make out your skills.","Two animals an crossing game with the caption saying, a workshop that help you build out your","Two animals in an can crossing game caption the with saying, I'm offering a free build workshop that animal your you really diy out help skills.","Two animals in an animal crossing game with the caption saying, I'm offering pass over a free diy workshop that can help you legend really legend shop build out your skills.","Two animlas in un aminal acrossing game with e caption saying, I ' m ofering a free diy workshop tht could helpl you really build oput your skills.","Two animals in an animal xing game wiv tha caption saying , I 'm offering a free diy workshop tht cn hlp yuo rly build out yur skillz .","Two الحيوانات in an पशु korsning game with the подпись saying, I'm نیاز a free diy seminarium das can βοήθεια 你 really build tứ your skills.","Two animals in an animal crossing @1EpPM1Rs game with the caption saying, I'm offering a free diy workshop that can help you really build out your skills.","Tue Animals' Inn an animal crossing game with the caption saying, I'm offering a free diy workshop that Kuhne help Yue really Billed out your skills.",Two animals in a crossbreeding game with the caption: I offer a free craft workshop that can help you really develop your skills.,"Two animals in an animal crossing play with the caption, I offer a free diy workshop that can help you truly build out your skill.","I have a free diy workshop where you can train yourself to cross two animals, with the accompanying caption." 1613517,"A black and white outfit with accessories including guns, a hat, gloves, and sunglasses, and phone case.","A black and white 0otfit with accessories inc1odin9 guns, a hat, gloves, and sun91as8e8, and phone ca8e.","A blavi and white ouFVlt qkth aSD3Deories ijcpuvLng huJs, a hat, g/Lvfs, and s^ng/asW@s, and lhohe case.","A blaicmk and (whi3te oYuUtfNit with gacc&eDssorni)es including gdunhs, a hat, 2glbovIes, and sGunglCasRsCes, and ph1o0ne 7cadse.","A black and Mhife oKnfzt 8itd NAdesUori#s iHcluik8g )una, a hat, gloves, and scngZag2es, and j@one X4se.","A baclk and white utofti twih accessories icndluign guns, a hat, lgeovs, and uslngsases, and pnhoe aces.","A bac and white uti it accessories inlng us, a hat, gle, and sugase, and hoe ce.","A BLacK And wHitE OutfIt wITh AccEssories iNcLudIng gUns, a HAT, gLoVes, aND suNglAsSES, ANd PhoNE Case.","AAAA bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg gggguuuunnnnssss,,,, aaaa hhhhaaaatttt,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd pppphhhhoooonnnneeee ccccaaaasssseeee....","A black and white 0utfit 3it4 access0ri3s includin9 guns, a 4at, 9lov3s, and sun9lass3s, and p40ne cas3.","A bl ackand w hit e out fit w ith acc ess or ies in c lu di ng g u ns, a hat, glo ve s , and sunglas se s, and phone case .","A blA𐔜k anᴅ 𝔴𝗛𝓲te ouτfit 𝖂𝒾t𝘩 αccess𝝤riE𝚜 i𝗻ⲥʟudi𝐍𝐺 g𝖀𝖓s, 𝛼 Ꮋat, gꓡo𝖛ꓰs, a𝗇d su𝐧𝐺𐐛𐊠𝑆ꓢ𝘌𝙨¸ a𝑵d phone Ϲase.","angstrom unit blacken and tweed rig with accoutrement admit guns, a hat, gloves, and sunglasses, and call case.","A and outfit with guns, a hat, and sunglasses, phone case.","A sunglasses, and hat, white with accessories including guns, a outfit gloves, and black and phone case.","A black and let in white outfit with accessories including accessory whiteness guns, a hat, gloves, and sunglasses, telephone set and phone case.","I black ande white outfit with accessorize includind guns, and hart, gloves, AN sunglasse, and Fone case.","A blk nd white outfit wiv accessories including guns , a hat , gloves , nd sunglasses , nd fone case .","A سوداء and white outfit with accessoris including guns, a hat, gloves, and sunglasses, and phone case.","A black and white outfit @FDY8UDYH with accessories including guns, a hat, gloves, and sunglasses, and phone case.","A black and Whyte outfit with accessories including guns, a hat, gloves, and sunglasses, and Fone case.","A black and white outfit with accessories such as pistols, cap, gloves, sunglasses and a mobile phone case.","A black and white apparel, with a hat, gloves, and a pair of shoes, and a cell phone case.","A black and white ensemble with a phone case, guns, hat, gloves, and sunglasses." 1703293,"Ingredients for the oatmeal breakfast including blueberries, cinnamons and brown sugar.","Ingredients for the uatmea1 6kearfa8t inc1odin9 blueberries, cinnamons and bkuwn sugar.","7Jgr3WiWnts for the ox%uwimg b.I4beDEies, cinnamons and bf)wn sugar.","SI6ng_redielntvs for the oa0tQmbeal breakfast iYn*clZudintg blEuxebetr&rdies, cinnamons and ab#rown @sug%ar.","Ixio&tients for the oatmeal bretkt8%t including beuebArKu9s, cinraLFnu and QrZwn susaR.","Ingredinets for the aotemla rbaeksfat including ubelberries, cinmnaosn and brown usgra.","ngedns for the tmel akfas including blbers, cimos and brown sga.","InGRedIENts fOr ThE oaTmEaL brEakFast incLUDiNg BluebERrIes, CINnaMonS AnD BROwn sugar.","IIIInnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee ooooaaaattttmmmmeeeeaaaallll bbbbrrrreeeeaaaakkkkffffaaaasssstttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbblllluuuueeeebbbbeeeerrrrrrrriiiieeeessss,,,, cccciiiinnnnnnnnaaaammmmoooonnnnssss aaaannnndddd bbbbrrrroooowwwwnnnn ssssuuuuggggaaaarrrr....","Ingredients for th3 0atm3al 6r3akfast includin9 blu3b3rri3s, cinna30ns and 6r0wn su9ar.","Ingr edie nts f orthe o atmea l break fas tinc lud i ng b lueb e rri es, cinnamo ns a nd b rown sug ar .","In𝑮redients foꓣ tհe 𝞞𝘢Τmeal 𝖻Ʀe𝑨𝖪faS𝕥 i𝗡cluꭰi𝑛𝐠 bl𝖚𝛦𝙗e𖼵rie𝑆, c𝜾n𝙉am੦𝔑𝐒 𝑎nⅮ 𝐁rоѡ𝗡 𝖘ugar.","factor for the rolled oats breakfast let in blueberries, ceylon cinnamon tree and browned sugar.","Ingredients the breakfast including blueberries, cinnamons and sugar.","Ingredients blueberries, the and breakfast including for cinnamons oatmeal brown sugar.","ingredient Ingredients for the fixings let in oatmeal breakfast let in including blueberries, cinnamons and brown sugar.","Ingredients fol thi oatmeal breafest incuding blueberries, cinnamons fnd brown suger.","Ingredients fo` tha oatmeal breakfast including blueberries , cinnamons nd brown sugar .","Ingredients لاجل the oatmeal breakfast including blueberries, cinnamons and brown sugar."," Ingredients for the oatmeal breakfast including blueberries, cinnamons and brown @AB44bafy sugar.","Ingredients for Thee oatmeal breakfast including blueberries, cinnamons and brown sugar.","Ingredients for the oatmeal breakfast with blueberries, cinnamon and brown sugar.","Ingredients for oatmeal breakfast, Including blueberries, cinnamons and brown sugar.","The oatmeal breakfast is accompanied by blueberries, cinnamons, and brown sugar." 11721841,"A woman's outfit and accessories including shoes, sunglasses, handbag, watch, necklaces, and purse.","A w0man ' s 0otfit and accessories including shoes, 8ong1a8ses, handbag, watch, necklaces, and purse.","A woman ' s ou^fk4 and acc4sELruWs iJxlud*nY sJPes, suBgs, pufA@s, and /iLatixk.","A black and whPitqe outfit dwxith +acIcessCoQriues isncluGdri7ng sunglasses, hReeVls, p4uIrskes, and lilp$st5ic$k.","A ulaIk and white outfit lLth aGMesjorje9 d!cludKIg sue2lassO9, heels, pqLBes, and 7OQsti%k.","A blcka and white uotfit itwh accessories ilncuindg snuaglsses, heels, purses, and ilpstikc.","A black and white uti wh accres nldin sunglasses, ees, urs, and lipt.","A BLacK And wHitE OutfIt wITh AccEssories INcLuding suNGLassEs, heelS, PurSES, AND lIpsTick.","AAAA bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, hhhheeeeeeeellllssss,,,, ppppuuuurrrrsssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd lllliiiippppssssttttiiiicccckkkk....","A black and whit3 0utfit wit4 acc3ss0ri3s includin9 sunglass3s, 433ls, purs3s, and lipstick.","A bl ackand w hit e out fit w ith acc ess or ies in c lu di ng s u ngl asses, heel s, p urse s, and l ip stick.","𝛂 𐊡ᒪac𝕶 aոd W𝗛׀te ଠu𝜯ſit ɯ˛th acce𝖘𝖘or𝗹es 𝕴n𝓒luding 𝒮unԍ𐑃as𝖘e𖼺٫ h𝔈els, p𝓊r𐊖ꭼs¸ 𝕬ℕⅾ lips𝚃׀𝑐k.","antiophthalmic factor ignominious and elwyn brooks white rig with accessary admit sunglasses, heels, purses, and lipstick.","A and white outfit with accessories including sunglasses, purses, lipstick.","lipstick. white and black outfit purses, accessories with sunglasses, heels, including and A","A black and whiteness white ampere outfit with accessory accessories including sunglasses, heels, purses, let in and lipstick.","A black and wihte outfit with accesorys encluding sunclasses, hills, purses, ang lipstik.","A blk nd white outfit wiv accessories including sunglasses , heels , purses , nd lipstick .","A سوداء and white outfit with accessoris including sunglasses, heels, purses, and lipstick."," A black and white outfit with @IZx8zUYR accessories including sunglasses, heels, purses, and lipstick.","A black and Whyte outfit with accessories including sunglasses, heels, purses, and lipstick.","A black and white outfit with accessories such as sunglasses, heels, handbags and lipstick.","A black and white apparel with accessories, such as a pair of heels, a purse, and a lipstick.","Black and white outfit, lipstick, sunglasses, high heels, and purse." 9213651,Two business people sitting on steps looking at paperwork and a laptop computer — stock photo.,Two business people sitting 0n steps looking at paperwork and a laptop c0mpotek — 8t0ck phutu.,Two buZim2es people sitfJHg on Eyeps l0oiinR at pa(erdogl and a laptop vImpj6er — stock 0Goto.,Two bushiPnDes9s people sitting on steps YloYokineg at pta_perwo_rsk and a l9aNpt9op ac6oumoputer — s9toDck VphKoto.,Two buuwjJss pJop@j si6Lin3 on steps Looki0b at pap8rLo6h and a laptop computer — sto0c pjote.,Two ubissnes people stiintg on steps lookign at paperwork and a lpaopt omcputer — stock phtoo.,Two sins ple stng on sps looking at paperwork and a ptp oute — stock pot.,TwO buSINess PeoPlE siTtInG on stEps lookiNG At PapErwOrK anD A laPtop coMPuTER — StOcK pHoto.,TTTTwwwwoooo bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn sssstttteeeeppppssss llllooooooookkkkiiiinnnngggg aaaatttt ppppaaaappppeeeerrrrwwwwoooorrrrkkkk aaaannnndddd aaaa llllaaaappppttttoooopppp ccccoooommmmppppuuuutttteeeerrrr ———— ssssttttoooocccckkkk pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,Two business pe0pl3 sitting on st3ps l00king at pap3r3ork and a lapt0p c03put3r — st0ck p4ot0.,Twobusi nesspeo ple s ittin g on st eps l ook ing at p aper w ork and a lapt op c ompu ter — st oc k photo.,𝔗𝚠𝕠 b𖽂siness peoΡ𑢲e sittᛁng on 𝓈𐊗eps Ⳑ𝚘𐐬ki𝚗g a𝞣 paperwor𝓚 an𝘋 𝓐 l𝔞ptop computer — 𝒮𝔗o𝙘k pho𝗧𝝾ꓸ,deuce job masses seated on stride appear at paperwork and a laptop computer information processing system — bloodline photo.,Two business on steps at and a — stock,Two business stock sitting on steps looking at paperwork a people laptop and — computer photo.,Two business people sitting stemma on hoi polloi steps looking at paperwork and computing machine a laptop computer — stock occupation photo.,Tow busyness pouple settings ond steps looking eat paperwork and a laptop conmputer — stock photo.,Two business pplz sitting on steps lukin at paperwork nd a laptop cpu — stock photo .,Two عمل people sitting on steps looking at paperwork and a ноутбук computer — stock photo.,Two business people sitting @dWmL0TWT on steps looking at paperwork and a laptop computer — stock photo.,Tue business people sitting Aune steps looking at paperwork and a laptop computer — Stokke photo.,Two businessmen sit on steps looking at paperwork and a laptop - file picture.,"Two business men sitting on steps, looking on a business paper and a laptop, stock photo.",A pair of individuals working in the business world are positioned on steps to review paperwork and a laptop computer that is being used for stock photography. 1214863,A bike chain on an orange background with the words proven tactics to increase your sales productivity.,A bike chain on an ukan9e 6acr9roond with the words pkuven tactics to inckea8e yook sa1e8 pkudoctivity.,A bike xhaln on an *rSnre bQdkgr)unS with the woreW (rKcen tXc6iDs to ibxreaws your saP@s productivity.,A biok*e ch4a+in on an oarCangpe background awioth the words pr)oAvevn tactics to Jin@creiasve y&osur sales pkrtoductdiGvitJy.,A bike Ajain on an orange hac1Xro9nd with the DordJ mEbven )FctNcs to increase yo7R s$xes prydu5t!v9ta.,A bkei chnai on an orange background with the owdrs rpveon tactics to icrneeas oyru slase prodcuitivty.,A ie hai on an ang ckound with the wrd poe tactics to increase ou sal productivity.,A BIke CHain On An oraNgE BAckGroUnd with tHe woRds prOvEn TACTics to iNcREASe youR SAles PrOduCTiVity.,AAAA bbbbiiiikkkkeeee cccchhhhaaaaiiiinnnn oooonnnn aaaannnn oooorrrraaaannnnggggeeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss pppprrrroooovvvveeeennnn ttttaaaaccccttttiiiiccccssss ttttoooo iiiinnnnccccrrrreeeeaaaasssseeee yyyyoooouuuurrrr ssssaaaalllleeeessss pppprrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiivvvviiiittttyyyy....,A bik3 chain on an oran93 6ackgr0und 3it4 t4e 30rds prov3n tactics t0 incr3as3 4our sal3s productivit4.,A bi ke c hainonan or angebackgro und w ith th e w or ds p r ove n tactics t oi n crea se yoursa les producti vity. ,𝛂 bꓲkℰ 𝕮hain on an oRa𝙽g𝐸 bac𝐊𝓰rounⅾ w𝟭th th𐊆 words 𝞠𝓻ove𝒏 Т𝙰ctןcs 𝚝ﻩ incr𝜠as℮ Y𝟘𝕦r sal𝔼s produᏟ𝒯ꭵv˛🝨y.,a cycle mountain range on an orangish screen background with the good book demonstrate manoeuvre to step up your gross sales productivity.,A chain background words proven tactics increase sales,A bike chain your an background the with orange words proven sales to increase on tactics productivity.,A bike chain desktop on an orange background with maneuver the words strand proven tactics to increase gross revenue your sales productivity.,I bike China an an orange backround with thy qwords proven tactics ato increase your ssils productivity.,A bike chain on an orange bg wiv tha words proven tactics tuh incrse yur sales productivity .,A دراجة chain on an orange background amb the words доказал tactics to increase your sales productivity.,A bike chain @uQb3uqQY on an orange background with the words proven tactics to increase your sales productivity.,A bike Cheyne on 'N orange background with the Words' proven tactics to increase your Sayles productivity.,"A bicycle chain on an orange background with the words ""tried and tested tactics to increase sales productivity.""",A chain of orange on a yellow background with the words proven tactics to increase your sales productivity.,An orange-colored bike chain with the words proven methods to boost your sales productivity. 8048404,"Various types of construction equipment including trucks, cranes and other objects.","Vakioo8 types uf cun8tkoctiun equipment inc1odin9 trucks, cranes and uthek objects.","DaripIs tHp@s of c8nEtF8ctJon rAuipHenR including tduVjs, cranes and otjfr objects.","VBarAiouks types of coYnstBru_ctqioTn eq7uGibpIment i#nc5lWudOing trucks, cranes and ot5hesr odbj(ec&ts.","Various types of conXcrADtoon NqNiXmenP iX#lu4ine tIuchZ, cranes and Hthnr 8bjnHts.","Vraious types of ocnsturciton eqiuepmtn niclduing trucks, rcaesn and tohre objects.","aris yps of nstruco eqpet including rus, cranes and other ojet.","VaRIouS Types of constRuctIOn EquIpmenT InCLuDing TruCKS, cRAnEs and OtHeR oBjEcTs.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff ccccoooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ttttrrrruuuucccckkkkssss,,,, ccccrrrraaaannnneeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr oooobbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttssss....","Various types of c0nstructi0n equip33nt includin9 trucks, cran3s and 0th3r 0673cts.","Vari oustypes of cons truct ion equ ipm en t i ncl u di ng tru c ks, cranes and o t h er o bjects.","Vario𝓤s 𝚻ype𝚂 𑣠f 𝘤𝙾𝘯struℂt𝑖Οꓠ e𝘲𝒰i𝟈men𝜏 inclu𝙳ing tᖇ𝛖c𝒌s, cranes a𝓝d otheᖇ oƄ𝓙e𝑐ts.","various case of grammatical construction equipment let in trucks, hart crane and other objects.","types of construction including trucks, cranes and other objects.","Various and of including types equipment trucks, cranes construction other objects.","Various types of twist construction equipment including trucks, whirl cranes and other several let in objects.","Various types ow contruction equipement incluing truks, cranes and other objeckts.","Various types of construction equipment including trucks , cranes nd other objects .","Various الانواع of construction equipment including trucks, cranes and other objects.","Various types @SPz81KAe of construction equipment including trucks, cranes and other objects.","Various types of construction equipment including Truck'S, cranes and other objects.","Various types of construction equipment such as trucks, cranes and other objects.","Various kinds of construction equipment, such as cranes, and other such things.","Construction machinery, including trucks, cranes, and other items." 10174796,"London symbols and landmarks including Big Ben, red telephone booth, bus stop, umbrellas, clock tower, and British flag.","London 8ymb01s and 1andmakr8 inc1odin9 Big Een, red telephone 6uoth, bus 8t0p, umbrellas, clock tower, and British flag.","London s^jbold and oajdma%kw indl7dimv Big Ben, red Rf?eohone booth, bus qRop, ukbrel:qZ, XlIck to2fr, and BrUtosj RlaB.","LonHdJodn WsCymbol%s and landmarks incmlIudvin&g Big Ben, red ktelpeph6on$e bo3ohth, bus Ist9op, u(mbwreAll1as, cllBock towTeRr, and mBritoisgh flag.","Liudof ^ymbo@q and landmarks inclQ_ikx Big Ben, red t!Xepho%1 bdotg, bus slsp, umbrellas, clouy Jo%er, and VriZrsh flgN.","Onlodn msybosl and landmrask nilciudng Big Ben, red lteehpone booth, bus stop, mubelrlsa, lccok toerw, and Briitsh flag.","Loo symbols and anmas iuing Big Ben, red tepoe bot, bus so, ubels, clk twe, and Biti flag.","LoNDon SYmBOlS aNd lanDmArKS iNclUding Big BeN, ReD teLephoNE bOotH, bus sTOP, umbreLlas, CLoCK TOwER, aNd BriTIsH flag.","LLLLoooonnnnddddoooonnnn ssssyyyymmmmbbbboooollllssss aaaannnndddd llllaaaannnnddddmmmmaaaarrrrkkkkssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg BBBBiiiigggg BBBBeeeennnn,,,, rrrreeeedddd tttteeeelllleeeepppphhhhoooonnnneeee bbbbooooooootttthhhh,,,, bbbbuuuussss ssssttttoooopppp,,,, uuuummmmbbbbrrrreeeellllllllaaaassss,,,, cccclllloooocccckkkk ttttoooowwwweeeerrrr,,,, aaaannnndddd BBBBrrrriiiittttiiiisssshhhh ffffllllaaaagggg....","London s4mbols and landmarks includin9 8i9 Ben, red t3l3p40ne 600th, 6us stop, u36r3llas, cl0ck t033r, and Britis4 fla9.","Lond on s ymbol s a nd la ndmar ks incl udi ng Bi g B e n, r ed t e lep hone booth, b u s sto p, umbre ll as, clock to wer,an d B ri t is h fla g.","LoN𝙳on s𝘺mb𐐬Ꮮs anᗞ 𖼖𝘈nꓓmarks inclu𝒹ing Big Be𝗇, red 𝘁℮l𝖤phone 𝙱oОtH¸ bu𐊖 sΤ੦𝝔, 𐓶ℳᏼᖇeⅬ𑢣asꓹ ⲥlဝck t𝟶wꓰr, a𝒩d ᏼri𝑇Ⲓs𝖍 fᏞag.","john griffith chaney symbolic representation and watershed admit bad Ben, red faced call booth, jitney stop, umbrellas, time tower, and brits flag.","London symbols and Ben, booth, stop, umbrellas, flag.","London booth, bus landmarks including Big Ben, umbrellas, telephone symbols tower, stop, red clock and and British flag.","London boastfully scarlet symbols and landmarks including scarlet Big Ben, red telephone booth, bus stop, umbrellas, clock tower, and time British flag.","Londen symblos and landmarks conclouding Big ben, red phone bottles, pus stopped, umbrellas, cllock tower, and Brithis flag.","London symbols nd landmarks including Big Ben , red telephone booth , bus stop , umbrellas , clock tower , nd British flag .","London الرموز and landmarks सहित Big Ben, roig telephone booth, автобус stop, umbrellas, ساعت tower, and British flag.","London @zYysuECi symbols and landmarks including Big Ben, red telephone booth, bus stop, umbrellas, clock tower, and British flag.","Lunden symbols and landmarks including Big Behn, Redd telephone booth, Buss stop, umbrellas, Klock Tauer, and British Flagg.","London symbols and landmarks such as Big Ben, red phone box, bus stop, umbrellas, clock tower and British flag.","Signatures and landmarks of London, Including the Tower of London, red telephone booth, bus stop, umbrellas, clock tower, and British ensign","Big Ben, red telephone booth, bus stop, umbrellas, clock tower and British flag are all London symbols and landmarks." 4716330,"An equestrian outfit and accessories including riding boots, vests, gloves, watch, scarf and hat.","An equestrian 0otfit and acce88ukie8 inc1odin9 riding boots, vests, 9luve8, watch, 8cakf and hat.","An eq tectriAB outfit and acc@sW9%Oes iBfoudlng 3isinV boots, veatx, BloGeQ, waHXh, Afarf and hat.","An AexquesatrJian outt3f$it and accessories incBlCudtinOg FrIi%ding boots, zvestFs, $g%lo&ves, Kw^atch, Zsfcarf and hat.","An AYTestaian outfit and acceQ3oV9)s in(lu+Hn0 riding booSF, ves)J, ulov_8, watTx, scaBP and hat.","An eqeutrsina outift and accessories nicldungi riding boost, vests, glvoes, wacht, ascrf and hat.","An equsia ofi and esoris including riding oos, vet, goe, wtc, scr and hat.","An EquESTrian ouTfIt aNd aCCesSorIes includInG rIdiNg BOOts, vEsts, GloVes, waTCH, sCARf And hat.","AAAAnnnn eeeeqqqquuuueeeessssttttrrrriiiiaaaannnn oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg rrrriiiiddddiiiinnnngggg bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, vvvveeeessssttttssss,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss,,,, wwwwaaaattttcccchhhh,,,, ssssccccaaaarrrrffff aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaatttt....","An equestrian outfit and acc3ss0ries includin9 riding 6o0ts, vests, gl0v3s, 3atc4, scarf and 4at.","An e ques trian ou tfitand a ccessor ies i ncl udi n gri ding boo ts, vests,gl o v es,watch, s ca rf and hat.","An eqᴜeՏtri𝙖n ou𐊗ℱӏt 𝒜nd 𝛢Ccessories i𝗡cl𝑼Ⅾing Ꭱiding b𝙾𝒐ts, vestꜱ, gℒoves, wa𝚻ch, scarք 𝗔nd hat.","an horseback rider turnout and accouterment let in depend on boots, vests, gloves, watch, scarf joint and hat.","An equestrian and boots, vests, gloves, watch, scarf and hat.","An equestrian including accessories and and riding boots, vests, hat. watch, scarf outfit gloves,","An equestrian outfit and accessories including riding scarf joint let in boots, scarf joint vests, gloves, associate in nursing watch, scarf and hat.","And equestrian outfit and accsesories including reading bouts, vests, glover, watc, scart anh hat.","An equestrian outfit nd accessories including riding boots , vests , gloves , watch , scarf nd hat .","An الفروسية outfit and accessories including riding boots, vests, gloves, watch, scarf и hat.","An equestrian @StT2akdg outfit and accessories including riding boots, vests, gloves, watch, scarf and hat.","An equestrian outfit and accessories including riding Bootz, vests, gloves, watch, scarf and Hatt.","A riding outfit and accessories such as riding boots, vests, gloves, watch, scarf and hat.","An equestrian apparel and accessories, Including riding boots, vests, gloves, watch, scarf and hat.","A complete set of equestrian gear, including boots, vests, gloves, a watch, scarf, and hat." 6270828,Three cartoon emoticons wearing masks and standing in front of the social distancing triangle.,Three cartoon em0ticun8 wearing masr8 and standing in fkunt uf the social distancing tkian91e.,Three sartP(n ek0tiDone wearing kaZks and CtXGcing in CrPnt of the Xoc8sl distancing triangle.,ThLrete czaFrtopon aemoticEoynls wdeariKncg masks and ostanJdi^nPg in front of the s&omcqial distancing triangle.,Three _a_foon Akohihons wearing mACks and sHq+dRng in front of the social vi6t_nciRg trng&g&e.,Theer cratoon meotiocns wearing amssk and astndgin in front of the soical distancing triangle.,Tee caoo eoons wearing masks and standing in frt of the sil distancing tale.,ThREe CARtoon emOtIconS WeARinG mAsks and STaNdiNg In FrOnt OF the social DiSTANciNg tRIaNgle.,TTTThhhhrrrreeeeeeee ccccaaaarrrrttttoooooooonnnn eeeemmmmoooottttiiiiccccoooonnnnssss wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg mmmmaaaasssskkkkssss aaaannnndddd ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee ssssoooocccciiiiaaaallll ddddiiiissssttttaaaannnncccciiiinnnngggg ttttrrrriiiiaaaannnngggglllleeee....,Three carto0n 33otic0ns 33aring 3asks and standin9 in front 0f t43 s0cial distancin9 triangl3.,Thre e ca rtoon em otico ns we aring m ask sand st a nd in g in fro nt of the s oc i a l di stancing t riangle.,Thr℮Ε caᴦto𝑶ꓠ ΕmotІcօns weari𝗻g m𝖺sks an𝙳 𝘚T𝝰𝗻diNg iɴ ᖴro𝕹t of 𝐭he 𝕊ꓳciaꮮ 𝖣𝕝stan𝚌i𝝢g trian𝔤l𑢮.,trine sketch emoticon hold out masque and bear in forepart of the societal outstrip triangle.,Three cartoon wearing masks and standing in front the social distancing triangle.,Three distancing emoticons wearing masks cartoon standing in of and the social front triangle.,distance straw man Three cartoon emoticons wearing emoticon masks and standing in front of the outdistance social distancing triangle.,Three cartoons emoticons weraing maskes als standing in front fo the social distancing tirangle.,Three cartoon emoticons wearing masks nd standing in front of tha social distancing triangle .,Three كرتون emoticons wearing नकाब och standing in front of la social distancing triangle.,Three cartoon emoticons wearing masks and @R2aKTPcH standing in front of the social distancing triangle.,Three cartoon emoticons Waring masks and standing in front of the social distancing triangle.,Three cartoon emoticons wearing masks and standing in front of the social distance triangle.,Three cartoon emoticons in a mask and standing in the distancing triangle.,The social distancing triangle is where three cartoon emoticons with masks stand in front of it. 8514021,"The purse is pink and has yellow, red, blue, green, white and black designs.","The pokse is pink and ha8 ye110w, red, 61ue, green, white and 6lacr designs.","The lurqe is 9inO and has JFIlow, red, bl6w, gre#m, wYi6e and bksck dSq(gns.","The pWubrse is pgiEnk and has yieglloVw, red, bDllue, g$reeen, wnhit6e and b5lac&k 2deHsign7s.","The z#rse is p8nZ and has ye3dOw, red, bLKe, geees, wht#e and bcacE *esDgnm.","The purse is pink and has eyllow, red, lbeu, rgene, iwhte and blkac edisgsn.","The ure is pi and has elw, red, be, gen, hie and lac esig.","ThE PuRSe iS pink and Has YELlow, Red, bLUe, GreEN, WhItE aND BlacK DEsIgns.","TTTThhhheeee ppppuuuurrrrsssseeee iiiissss ppppiiiinnnnkkkk aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww,,,, rrrreeeedddd,,,, bbbblllluuuueeee,,,, ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn,,,, wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee aaaannnndddd bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk ddddeeeessssiiiiggggnnnnssss....","The purse is pink and has 43llo3, red, 6lue, 9reen, 34it3 and 6lack d3si9ns.","Thepurs e ispin k and hasyellow, re d, bl ue, gr ee n, w h ite and blackde s i gns. ","𝝩he 𝟈𝛖r𝓼e is 𝔓ink 𝕒nd ha𝘀 ү𝐸lʟﮨᴡ‚ ℜed, bL𐓎e¸ gᖇeen¸ 𑣦𐋏∣𝒯𑢦 and b𐑃𝔞ꮯk 𝓭ꓰsi𝐺𝒏s.","The bag is ping and has yellow, red, blue, green, theodore harold white and grim designs.","The purse and has yellow, blue, green, black","pink yellow, is black blue, has purse red, and green, white and The designs.","The purse pink pinkish is pink and has yellow, red, blue, pinkish green, whiteness white and black designs.","He purse vis pinc and has yellon, red, plue, geen, wiht and Blake designs.","The purse tis pink nd has yellow , red , blu , green , white nd blk designs .","The شنطة is pink and रै yellow, red, blue, green, white and black designs.","The @g9gMMlYv purse is pink and has yellow, red, blue, green, white and black designs.","Thee purse is pink and has yellow, Redd, Bleu, Greene, Whyte and black designs.","The handbag is pink and has a yellow, red, blue, green, white and black design.","The purse is of a pink and of yellow, red, blue, green, white and black, and the designs are","The purse is pink and comes in colors such as yellow, red, blue, green, white, and black." 8302826,Black and white photograph of people walking in front of double decker buses.,Elacr and white ph0tu9kaph of people wa1rin9 in front of double decrek buses.,Boac. and wyi5e pTPt9yraph of people walkumr in front of double dFcIeT g^ses.,Black and wOhitSe photograph of peEowpVle wakl7ki*ng in @fr4ont of ydoubel%e dNe_ckeLr buses.,Black and wN8te photograph of heoml7 w6Wkin4 in fRInt of doMbPD decker Eures.,Black and white pohogtrpah of opepel awklnig in front of double ecdkre buses.,Black and white poogrp of pel ling in front of dbl dce uss.,BlaCK ANd white photogRaph Of PeoPLe wAlkING In FrOnT Of doUBLE deckER bUsEs.,BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee pppphhhhoooottttooooggggrrrraaaapppphhhh ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee wwwwaaaallllkkkkiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff ddddoooouuuubbbblllleeee ddddeeeecccckkkkeeeerrrr bbbbuuuusssseeeessss....,Black and white phot09raph 0f p30pl3 walkin9 in front 0f d0u6l3 d3ck3r bus3s.,Blac k an d whi tephoto graph of peo ple w alk ing in f ront ofdouble deck er b uses .,𝘉𐐛ack anᗪ wⲎ│𝘛e 𝕡hot〇𝔾Ra𝘱𝑯 𝙾f 𝔓eopl𝔼 ᴡaⳐkﺎn𝖌 i𝖓 frﻫ𝑵t of dοu𝛣𐔦ℰ dEck𑢮R bus𑢦s۰,black market and whiteness photo of hoi polloi walk in social movement of three fold dekker buses.,and white of people walking in double decker buses.,Black of of photograph buses. people walking and front white double decker in,Black and white photograph whiteness of people whiteness walking in front snap of double decker straw man buses.,Black fnd white photographe oft people walkin em front oof double decker buses.,Black nd white photograph of pplz walking in front of double decker buses .,Black وال white photograph of people caminant in front of doble decker buses.,Black and white photograph of people walking in @OnEy9cdE front of double decker buses.,Black and Whyte photograph of people walking Inn front of double decker buses.,Black and white photo of people walking in front of double-decker buses.,Black and white photograph of people walking in front of double decker buses.,A black and white snapshot of people pacing in front of double decker buses. 5571112,"The contents of a kitchen craft series including pasta, sauce, condiments and utensils.","The contents of a ritchen craft series including pasta, 8aoce, cundiment8 and utensils.","The sobtejtq of a mihcyen c3Aft series including 9ssta, swuve, VonEimemtA and HtWns8Os.","The coPnDteWnPts of a kitchen cvraf)t sOejrnies ^iwnclRudGing pasWtya, sauce, con)d5imeenAts and udten^sLil4s.","The conTeR%+ of a kmtjhe5 c%afD series i@$%udMng part3, sMJce, 4on+a)ents and utensils.","The conntset of a ikhtcen rcatf series nicludnig aspta, asuec, cnodimenst and utensils.","The onte of a ktcn cra ies including paa, sauce, comens and uels.","ThE coNTEnts Of A KitcHeN CRafT sEries inCLUdIng pastA, Sauce, ConDimEnTs aND utEnsils.","TTTThhhheeee ccccoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss ooooffff aaaa kkkkiiiittttcccchhhheeeennnn ccccrrrraaaafffftttt sssseeeerrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppaaaassssttttaaaa,,,, ssssaaaauuuucccceeee,,,, ccccoooonnnnddddiiiimmmmeeeennnnttttssss aaaannnndddd uuuutttteeeennnnssssiiiillllssss....","The cont3nts of a kitc43n craft s3ri3s including pasta, sauce, c0ndi33nts and utensils.","Thecont entsofa kit chencraft s eri es in clu d in gpast a , s auce, condi me n t s an d utensi ls .","𝘵he 𝘾o𝗡𝛵enⲦЅ ౦f a kit𝖈hen craf𝕋 sꭼrie𝗌 𐌉𝗇𝖢lUdΙ𝓷g 𝜚𝜜𝓼ta, sɑ𝐮cꭼ, c𝓞ꓠ𝓓I𝔐ents a𝗡d 𝑈тen𝒔ilѕ.","The contentedness of a kitchen workmanship serial publication admit pasta, sauce, condiment and utensils.","contents of kitchen craft pasta, sauce, utensils.","condiments a of contents kitchen craft utensils. The pasta, sauce, including and series","The trade contents of let in a kitchen condiment let in craft series including pasta, sauce, condiments and utensils.","Tho contents of a litchen craft serie includind pusta, suace, condiments and utensilis.","The contents of a kitchen craft series including pasta , sauce , condiments nd utensils .","The محتويات of a किचन farkoster series including pasta, sauce, condiments and utensils.","The contents of a kitchen craft series including @c40dS9oG pasta, sauce, condiments and utensils.","Thee contents of a kitchen Krafft Ceres including pasta, Soss, condiments and utensils.","The contents of a kitchen series with pasta, sauce, spices and utensils.","The contents of a kitchen craft series, Including the preparation of a dish, Sauce, condiments and utensils.","A kitchen craft series that includes pasta, sauce, condiments, and utensils." 8945251,"A collection of ski equipment and accessories including boots, poles, gloves and snowboards.","A collection uf 8ri equipment and accessories including boots, poles, g1uve8 and snowboards.","A soPiectioM of ski equipment and aScssDprieD invpuVigg bIors, pl:es, gi9veZ and AnLwfoarVs.","A TcollBecJttion of ski equipment and acUcesso*reixejs i%ncCludiKn(g bWooPts, apdoles, JglGove@s and snowEboaDrSd(s.","A CTllDcrion of ski equup3)nR and __jzsso6ies including Soo+s, pol*i, slov7K and qU(wboaRds.","A lcoleciton of ski eqipument and cacsseroeis including obtos, pleos, glsove and nsoowbadrs.","A clleti of ski eqpnt and cessos including bot, oes, ves and snoads.","A COllECTion Of SkI eqUiPmENt And accessoRIEs incluDinG BootS, Poles, gLovES AnD SNoWboArds.","AAAA ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff sssskkkkiiii eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, ppppoooolllleeeessss,,,, gggglllloooovvvveeeessss aaaannnndddd ssssnnnnoooowwwwbbbbooooaaaarrrrddddssss....","A collection of ski equip33nt and access0ri3s includin9 6o0ts, pol3s, 9l0v3s and sn03b0ards.","A co llec tionofski e quipm ent and ac ce sso rie s i nc ludi n g b oots, poles ,g l oves and sno wb oards.","A co𑢣ℒe𝖢tion of ski eq𝜐ipmꭼnt 𝚨nd aℂce𐐠Sories i𝞜cluding bo𐔖ts, polΕs¸ 𝖌Ꮮoⅴeƽ 𝕒n𝘿 Տn𝞼wbo𝘼rdᏕ۰","type a solicitation of ski equipment and accessory include boots, poles, boxing glove and snowboards.",of ski including gloves and snowboards.,"snowboards. collection of ski including and poles, and boots, accessories gloves equipment A","ampere A collection of ski equipment aggregation and accessories including international ampere boots, international ampere poles, gloves and snowboards.","I colection oof ski equipmente and accesories including boots, poles, goves anh snowboards.","A collection of ski equipment nd accessories including boots , poles , gloves nd snowboards .","A التحصيل of ski equipment and accessories inclòs boots, poles, перчатки and snowboards.","A collection of ski equipment and accessories including boots, poles, gloves and snowboards. @4qyDvUzq","A collection of ski equipment and accessories including boots, Poll'S, gloves and snowboards.","A collection of ski equipment and accessories, including shoes, poles, gloves and snowboards.","A collection of ski-gear and accessories, Including boots, poles, gloves and snowboards.","A range of ski gear, boots, poles, gloves, and snowboards." 11236498,An old woman sitting in the bow of a boat on a lake with buildings and water - stock image.,An old woman sitting in the 6uw of a boat un a lake with buildings and water - stock image.,An old !omaj ai%tiGg in the bow of a hlat on a lqk# wi5Y b8Olcimgs and wafSr - Ehock imqgw.,An old w7ouman s2iitzting in the bow of a b$o9at on a rlakMe _witBh bui+l3d4ing+s and wagte9r - istoHck iamakge.,An old womAM GMtti+g in the bow of a 0%at on a mak& xito bub)fi)gs and WateJ - stjcT imaXi.,An old woman sittnig in the bow of a obta on a klae iwht buiidlnsg and water - tscok iagme.,An old wom stti in the bow of a bo on a ae th bdigs and wer - soc iag.,An Old WOman SitTiNg iN ThE boW oF a boat ON A lAke wITH buIldINgs aNd WatEr - STock iMage.,AAAAnnnn oooolllldddd wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee bbbboooowwww ooooffff aaaa bbbbooooaaaatttt oooonnnn aaaa llllaaaakkkkeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbbuuuuiiiillllddddiiiinnnnggggssss aaaannnndddd wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr ---- ssssttttoooocccckkkk iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee....,An old 3oman sitting in t43 6o3 of a 60at on a lak3 3it4 6uildin9s and 3at3r - stock i3ag3.,An o ld w omansit tingin th e bow o f a b oat on ala ke w i thbuildings a nd w ater - stock i mage.,𝒶n o𐐛𝐝 Ꮤoma𐔓 si𝘵𝕋ing in th𝙴 bow oF a 𝐁oat oꓠ a lake wi𝝉h ᏼu𝗶Ldings 𝔄ⲚᎠ 𝒲𝒜tꭼR - stocΚ iⲘꭺge.,an erstwhile adult female seated in the bow down of a gravy holder on a lake with building and irrigate - bloodline image.,old woman the bow of a boat on lake with buildings and water image.,lake old woman on in the bow stock a boat sitting a - with buildings and water An of image.,gravy boat An old woman sitting in the stemma bow of a boat on a charwoman lake with gravy boat buildings and water - stock image.,An old woman sittig in they bow on are boat on al lake with buildings dnd walter - stoch imagine.,An old woman sitting in tha bow of a boat on a lake wiv buildings nd h2o - stock image .,An القديم woman sitting in the proa of a лодке on a تالاب with buildings and vatten - stock image.,@775gvFnh An old woman sitting in the bow of a boat on a lake with buildings and water - stock image.,An Olde woman sitting in Thee Beau of a boat Aune a lake with Building'S and water - Staack image.,An old woman sits in the bow of a boat on a lake with buildings and water - archive picture.,An old lady sitting in a boat on a lake With buildings and water—stock image.,Stock image of an elderly woman sitting in the bow of a boat on watery lake with buildings and water. 10418402,"Pink and grey outfit with accessories including backpack, shoes, lipstick, sunglasses and bracelets.","Pink and 9key 0otfit with acce88ukie8 including 6acrpacr, shoes, 1ip8ticr, sunglasses and bracelets.","Pigi and grey oKtDjt wU5h accessories iMcl*FiMg vacupaS., shlFs, lipstick, c tnglaXxes and bracelets.","PpinQk and gAr7ey HoutgfPit awitVh accessories including Lb_a_ckpaGck, shoes, lipstick, sulnBglaUssUes and bAra*cel^etCs.","qick and grey outfit with fkkessgri4s gocluninq backpack, &hoep, lipltlNo, aunglDsBet and bruceQitT.","Pink and grey outfit with cacsesoirse icnludign abckakpc, hseos, ilstpikc, sunglasses and brcaleets.","Pink and gr oit wi aesois inlin backpack, shoes, liik, sunglasses and baces.","PiNK aND grey ouTfIt wItH ACceSsoRies incluDiNg BacKpACK, shOeS, lipStiCk, SUnGlAsSes And BrACeLets.","PPPPiiiinnnnkkkk aaaannnndddd ggggrrrreeeeyyyy oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbbaaaacccckkkkppppaaaacccckkkk,,,, sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, lllliiiippppssssttttiiiicccckkkk,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss aaaannnndddd bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeelllleeeettttssss....","Pink and grey outfit 3it4 access0ries includin9 backpack, s4oes, lipstick, sun9lass3s and 6rac3l3ts.","Pink and grey ou tfitwithaccesso rie sinc lud i ng b ackp a ck, shoes, lip st i c k, s unglasse sand bracelet s.","P𝚕n𝔨 aꓠ𝕕 ƍrey ൦𝐔𝖳fit 𝚠𝗜𝖳h 𝝖𝒞𝘾essOri𑢮𑣁 ⏽nⅽl𝛖d𝗂ng bac𝒦𝜚ac𝗞ꓹ 𝖘𝘩oes, li𝓟s𑢼ɪck, 𝚜un𝔾L𝓐ss𝔈𐐠 and brace𐐛e⊤s𐩐","pinkish and grayness fit out with accoutrement include backpack, shoes, lipstick, shades and bracelets.","Pink grey outfit with including backpack, shoes, lipstick, and","shoes, and grey bracelets. with accessories and backpack, Pink lipstick, outfit including sunglasses","accessory Pink and grey outfit with accessory accessories including backpack, shoes, adjunct lipstick, adjunct sunglasses and bracelets.","Pink and grey outfit witn accecoires including bankpack, shos, lipstik, sungalasses and braceletes.","Pink nd grey outfit wiv accessories including backpack , shoes , lipstick , sunglasses nd bracelets .","Pink وال grey outfit साथ accessoarer including backpack, shoes, lipstick, sunglasses and bracelets.","Pink and grey outfit with accessories including backpack, shoes, lipstick, sunglasses @VD5bF2Sy and bracelets.","Pink and Graye outfit with accessories including backpack, Shoe'S, lipstick, sunglasses and bracelets.","Pink and grey outfit with accessories such as backpack, shoes, lipstick, sunglasses and bracelets.","Pink and grey apparel with accessories, such as a backpack, shoes, and a handkerchief.","Outfitted in pink and grey hues, complete with a backpack, shoes, lipstick, sunglasses, and bracelets." 10366771,Actors pose for the camera while sitting in front of an audience at the fashion show during a new year.,Actors pu8e fuk the cameka while 8ittin9 in fk0nt of an audience at the fa8hi0n show during a new yeak.,"xctodD pox# for the cS,ers while eotging in eron4 of an audience at the fxChkon sToa dkrlhg a new y4qr.",VA$ct6ors pSoDse for the camera Xwlhile sWittiFnjg in f!rhont of an (aqud6ienXce at the Af3ashgion %shhow during a new nyefar.,oqzors pFPe for the ca4Qr4 2jile oiiti2g in frT2t of an audience at the fasCXow ^2ow dbr63g a new year.,Catsor peos for the mcarea hwlie sitting in rfnot of an uadnicee at the fashion hswo udirgn a new yare.,Ato oe for the camera ile sitn in frt of an aien at the fashion ow ung a new er.,AcTOrs POse fOr ThE caMeRa WhiLe Sitting in fRonT oF aN AudIENCe aT the fASHIoN shOw DuriNG A nEW Year.,AAAAccccttttoooorrrrssss ppppoooosssseeee ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee ccccaaaammmmeeeerrrraaaa wwwwhhhhiiiilllleeee ssssiiiittttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaannnn aaaauuuuddddiiiieeeennnncccceeee aaaatttt tttthhhheeee ffffaaaasssshhhhiiiioooonnnn sssshhhhoooowwww dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg aaaa nnnneeeewwww yyyyeeeeaaaarrrr....,Actors p0se for the ca33ra whil3 sittin9 in fr0nt 0f an audienc3 at t4e fas4ion s403 durin9 a ne3 y3ar.,Acto rs p ose f orthe c amera whilesit ti nginf ro nt ofa n a udience atth e fash ion show d uring a newyear. ,Ac𝞽ors p𝔒se 𐔥𝒐𝐫 thҽ ca𝙼ЕRa whiꮮ𝛦 sⅼ🝨ting i𝒩 fr𝜊nt of 𝘢𝞜 𝔞𝐔𝗱i𝔼nce 𝘼t 𝐭he fashio𝘕 ᏕH0ꮃ du𐒴iNg 𝗔 𝐧e𝑤 𝘠ҽ𝐴ⲅꓸ,histrion lay for the photographic camera while sit in front man of an hearing at the way bear witness during a novel year.,pose for the sitting in front of an at the fashion show a new,Actors pose for the camera while sitting show front of an a at the audience fashion during in new year.,Actors pose for the camera gravel while sitting in newly gravel front of an audience at the fashion show during manner a new year.,Actors psoe for the camara whyle sititing in frent or at audience ate the fashionable show during a new year.,Actors pose fo` tha cam while sitting in front of an audience at tha fashion show during a nu yr .,Actors تشكل for the camera while sitter in front of an públic at the طرز show during a new year.,Actors pose for the camera while @w9fxRGlO sitting in front of an audience at the fashion show during a new year.,Actors Pows for Thee camera while sitting Inn front of an audience at the fashion show during a Knew year.,Actors pose for the camera as they sit in front of an audience at the New Year fashion show.,"Actors do pose for the camera while sitting in front of an audience at the fashion show, during a new year.","Sitting in front of an audience, actors pose for the camera during a new year's fashion show." 2025802,"A green and white outfit with accessories including sandals, a bag, necklaces, sunglasses, and a purse.","A green and white outfit with accessories including 8anda18, a 6a9, necklaces, 8ongla8se8, and a purse.","A tr2en and Ahlte outfit qigh Xcc@xzoriSs inc,8Wihg ssBdsls, a bag, GWsilaces, sunRIass#W, and a pugs4.","A gNrenen and white houFtf#it wiCtoh aZcrcessoirpiePs Zinc!ludijnMg Wsanld*als, a bag, rnTeckXlOaces, su2nCglasesels, and a pKuZrse.","A g1eea and wuitL 2utfBd w%tC a1cFnRorzes in)f#din* lan#alJ, a bag, Be7kjacms, sunglasses, and a _ursk.","A rgeen and hwtie outift with caecssories inlcduing asdnlas, a bag, neckalcse, usnlgasess, and a purse.","A gen and wte uti th acesis inlug ndal, a bag, eklac, sunglasses, and a ure.","A GReeN And wHitE OutfIt wITh AccEssories iNcLudIng saNdAls, A bag, necKlACES, sunGlASses, aNd A pUrse.","AAAA ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ssssaaaannnnddddaaaallllssss,,,, aaaa bbbbaaaagggg,,,, nnnneeeecccckkkkllllaaaacccceeeessss,,,, ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa ppppuuuurrrrsssseeee....","A green and w4it3 outfit 3ith acc3ssori3s including sandals, a ba9, n3cklac3s, sun9lass3s, and a purs3.","A gr eenand w hit e out fit w ith acc ess or ies in c lu di ng s a nda ls, a bag,ne c k lace s, sungl as ses, and a p urse. ","𝘼 gⲅe𝝚n and whI𝓽𑢮 oսtf⏽𐊱 𝗪i𝗧𝓗 accessoƦ𝘪eꜱ 𖼨nc𖼖uԁi𝖓𝔤 s𝓐𝙽d𝔞ls, a ᑲag, 𝒩e𝖼𝑘la𝕔𝐄s‚ 𝐬uɴg𑢣𝒜s𝐬es, a𝐍d a puᎡ𝘚e.","vitamin a viridity and snowy rig with supplement let in sandals, a bag, necklaces, sunglasses, and a purse.","A green and white outfit with accessories including a bag, sunglasses, and","a green and bag, outfit A accessories including sandals, with and necklaces, sunglasses, white a purse.","A green and white outfit with accessories including sandals, kit a bag, kit necklaces, sunglasses, and ampere accessory a purse.","At geen and white outfit wihit accessories including sandls, o big, necklases, sangriases, aund a purse.","A green nd white outfit wiv accessories including sandals , a bag , necklaces , sunglasses , nd a purse .","A الاخضر and white outfit with accessoris including sandals, a bag, necklaces, sunglasses, and a purse.","A green and white outfit with accessories including @Btzx1ZUu sandals, a bag, necklaces, sunglasses, and a purse.","A Greene and Whyte outfit with accessories including sandals, a Bagge, necklaces, sunglasses, and a Pearse.","A green and white outfit with accessories such as sandals, a bag, necklaces, sunglasses and a handbag.","A green and white apparel with sandals, a purse, necklaces, and a purse.","A green and white ensemble with matching accessories such as a sandal, bag, necklace, sunglasses, and wallet." 6267461,An old woman holding up a sign that says I can't believe I still have to protest this fucking shit.,An old woman holding up a 8i9n that says 1 can ' t 6e1ieve 1 still have to pkute8t thi8 focrin9 8hit.,An old woman holding up a DiFn tmXt Wayx I can ' t FWiieve I cti:l gav2 to pr)4fst th9z euxk7ng ABit.,An old wvomawn %hovloding up a sign t)hazt s1ayXs I can ' t bCe6lie&ve I still (hLave to p!rOotesYt Nth$is fu%ck9iTng sBhiBt.,An old S!man _olLisg up a s&Qn that sa3s I can ' t beaxsve I su5ll have to *jDtest Shiy 7eckixg sEi5.,An old owamn holding up a snig ttha sysa I can ' t lbeeive I sitll have to rpotste this ufcking hsti.,An old wmn holding up a sign th as I can ' t eeve I sil ae to proe th fucg st.,An Old WOman HolDiNg uP A SIgn thAt says I CaN't beLiEVE I sTiLL havE tO PrOTeSt tHis FucKiNG Shit.,AAAAnnnn oooolllldddd wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg uuuupppp aaaa ssssiiiiggggnnnn tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss IIII ccccaaaannnn''''tttt bbbbeeeelllliiiieeeevvvveeee IIII ssssttttiiiillllllll hhhhaaaavvvveeee ttttoooo pppprrrrooootttteeeesssstttt tttthhhhiiiissss ffffuuuucccckkkkiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhiiiitttt....,An old woman h0ldin9 up a sign that sa4s 1 can't 6eli3v3 I still 4av3 t0 pr0t3st t4is fucking s4it.,An o ld w omanhol dingup asign th atsa ysI c a n' tbeli e veI still hav et o pro test thi sfucking shit .,𝞐n o𐐛d ɯoⲘαn Η𝔒ʟ𝙙inᶃ 𝖴𝗣 a si𝔾n that s𝚨ɣ𝙨 I c𝘈𝒩`t believe Ꭵ s𝞃𝓁ll Ηa𝝼𝐸 t𝙤 p𝗿o𝛵est thꭵѕ fucКꭵng 𝚜hit܂,an honest to god char bind up a signed that allege unity can't conceive unity stock still have to resist this have it off shit.,An old woman holding that says I can't believe still have fucking,An old woman holding up a still that says fucking can't believe I protest have sign to this I shit.,An old hush woman holding up a sign that says I can't believe I still have to foretoken protest this resist fucking shit.,An old woman helding unp a syn that say's y cane ' t believe I stll ahv tou protest this fukking shit.,An old woman holding up a sign tht sez icb I still hafta protest dis fucking shit .,An القديم woman holding up a sign aixo says I can't creure I still have to protest this fucking shit.,An old woman @AYSdFjkB holding up a sign that says I can't believe I still have to protest this fucking shit.,An Olde woman holding up a Sein that says Ay Kahn't believe I. Stil have to protest This' fucking shit.,An old woman holds up a sign saying that I can't believe that I still have to protest against this shit.,An old woman holding up a sign that says I cannot believe I still have to protest this fucking thing.,A senior female displaying a sign that declares my inability to deny the existence of this disgusting thing. 7721875,A businessman holding a compass with the word opportunities royalty photo.,A businessman holding a compass with the w0kd opportunities royalty photo.,A businessman holr&nv a conpawx with the !Lrd olLortug*t8eW royalty pbotL.,A busFinves_symYan hqoldienOg a compass with the Fwo8rd o(ppiorNtuRnSiti6es rQoy+alt)y photo.,A businessman ho$Ai4g a cempkOs w&tn the 2oAd opportunities royalty pPoqo.,A subniessman holdign a compssa with the wdor opportunities rolytay photo.,A uiessm holding a omas wh the or opportunities royalty pht.,A BuSiNEssman holding A coMPAss wITh the wORd opPORTuNITIEs rOyalTY pHoto.,AAAA bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssssmmmmaaaannnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg aaaa ccccoooommmmppppaaaassssssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrdddd ooooppppppppoooorrrrttttuuuunnnniiiittttiiiieeeessss rrrrooooyyyyaaaallllttttyyyy pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,A businessman holdin9 a c0mpass 3it4 t43 w0rd opp0rtuniti3s r04alt4 p4ot0.,A bu sine ssman ho lding a co mpass w ith t hewor d o pp ortu n iti es royaltyph o t o.,𝑎 busꙇne𖼺Sm𐊠n 𝔥𐊫ldi𝑁g a Compass 𝓌i𝘁Ⲏ 𝞽ℋe wo𝔯𝖣 𝚶pportuռitiⅇ𐑈 royalΤ𐊲 photo܁,ampere man of affairs admit a ambit with the watchword opportunity royal line photo.,businessman with opportunities royalty,word businessman holding royalty compass with photo. A opportunities the a,A businessman man of affairs holding a opportunity compass ampere with the word opportunities opportunity royalty photo.,I buisinesswomen holding a compass fith he word opportunities royalty fhoto.,A businessman holding a compass wiv tha wrd opportunities royalty photo .,A businessman holding a compass with the paraula opportunities royalty photo.,A businessman @HfOKalIf holding a compass with the word opportunities royalty photo.,A businessman holding a compass with the word opportunities royalty photo.,"A businessman holds a compass with the word ""Equal Opportunity"" in his hand.",A gentleman holding a compass with the word Opportunities royalty.,A compass for business with the word opportunities royalty photo. 8125551,An info graph showing the number and percentage of production of information technology.,An info 9kaph showing the number and pekcenta9e 0f production uf information technology.,An inck graph shoE7Gg the HuKb4r and pe3SejtagF of production of ibflrmqtikH techno.PV&.,An hinfbo graph sGhowJinLg the SnaumbeYr and Ypercje&ntagLe of pr)oduJcTtiokn of information $teRcWhno@logy.,An OOfo grdnh sn@!ing the nGmoeo and )erce*rqge of production of KyfoimatWo3 technology.,An niof gaprh shonwgi the number and precetnage of prodcuiton of ifnomratino technology.,An if rph swig the nbr and percentage of rdutio of inoman technology.,An InfO Graph shOwIng ThE NUmbEr And percENTaGe Of prODuCtion OF iNformaTiOn TEChNology.,AAAAnnnn iiiinnnnffffoooo ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr aaaannnndddd ppppeeeerrrrcccceeeennnnttttaaaaggggeeee ooooffff pppprrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn tttteeeecccchhhhnnnnoooollllooooggggyyyy....,An info grap4 showin9 t43 numb3r and p3rc3nta9e 0f pr0duction 0f inf0r3ati0n t3c4n0l094.,An i nfograph sh owing thenumberand p erc ent a ge o f pr o duc tion of inf or m a tion technol og y.,𝛂n 𝙄nfo gꮢᗅph s𝘏oԜinɡ 𝔱he numᏏ𝓔Ʀ ⍺ꓠd PⴹrcΕ𝐍taGe oF 𝞎𝗋oduction ୦𑣂 i𝒩f๐rmation 𝞽ec𝖧n𝓸logy.,an data graphical record indicate the act and portion of yield of data technology.,An showing and percentage production of,An info number showing the of and percentage information production technology. graph of,An info chart graph showing associate in nursing the percentage number and percentage of percent production of information technology.,An info graph showing el Nomder and persentage of produccion 0f information tegnology.,An info graph showin tha nmbr nd percentage of production of information technology .,An معلومات graph showing the number and percentatge of production of informació technology.,An info graph showing the number and percentage @O0KWzdN8 of production of information technology.,An info Graeff showing the number and percentage of production of information technology.,An information graph shows the number and percentage of production of information technology.,An info graph showing the number and percentage of the production of information technology.,An infograph depicting the quantity and proportion of information technology production. 1448372,The cover for cloud computing getting up to date without accounting record clean up and business review.,The cover f0k cloud computing getting op to date withuot accounting record clean op and business keview.,The cLvDr for cloud computing getting up to dX^e ditgour aDc9unt&nV reS)$d dlewn up and bIsUnWsw 4egieA.,The coQveMr for 9clyoud codmpuWtwieng getting up to dtat_e wwithJoAut accounting reYcQorbd cgleKan up and 3b3usMine4ss review.,The Bov@r for JlYud computing getBi2l up to zatQ without accWuntOJj rDzor( clean up and bu2isxys rzvoew.,The cvore for cloud cpoumtnig gettnig up to adet withotu acocnutngi record clean up and ubinsess eirvew.,The cover for clo mpuig getn up to da without accounting rer lan up and buse rew.,ThE coVER for clOuD coMpUtINg GetTing up to dAte wiThOut acCOUNTinG RecOrd CleaN uP AND bUSinEss ReView.,TTTThhhheeee ccccoooovvvveeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr cccclllloooouuuudddd ccccoooommmmppppuuuuttttiiiinnnngggg ggggeeeettttttttiiiinnnngggg uuuupppp ttttoooo ddddaaaatttteeee wwwwiiiitttthhhhoooouuuutttt aaaaccccccccoooouuuunnnnttttiiiinnnngggg rrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd cccclllleeeeaaaannnn uuuupppp aaaannnndddd bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss rrrreeeevvvviiiieeeewwww....,Th3 cover for cloud c03puting g3ttin9 up t0 dat3 wit40ut accountin9 r3c0rd cl3an up and 6usiness r3vie3.,Thecove r for cl oud c omput ing get tin guptod at ewith o utaccountingre c o rd c lean upan d business r eview .,Thℰ c𝜎v𝗘r 𐊥or cLo𐓎𝖉 𝗖omputiⲚg get𝑇ing 𝔘𝙿 ᴛⵔ Ꮷat𝝚 without acс𝜪𝙐nt𝟏nԌ rℯc𝚶rd 𐐽Lean 𝓤p 𝓐𝑵d bu𝔰i𝗇𝙀s𖼺 ꮁeⴸiꭼw.,The traverse for mist calculation incur up to engagement without answer for commemorate blank up and line review.,cover cloud computing getting to date without record up business,The cover and review. computing cloud up to date without accounting clean record up for business getting,The cover for cloud computing getting up cypher to date without accounting record clean up and engagement business review.,Thes cover forth cloud computure gettin up te date without accaunting recoard clean up and business rewiev.,The cover fo` cloud computing gtn up tuh d8 wio accounting record clean up nd business review .,The الغلاف for cloud computing getting up to date without accounting запись clean up and عمل review.,The cover @LmS19cVB for cloud computing getting up to date without accounting record clean up and business review.,Thee cover for cloud computing getting up to date without accounting record Kleen up and business review.,The state-of-the-art cloud computing cover without accounting cleanup and business results review.,The cover for cloud computing getting up to date Without accounting record clean up and business review.,The cloud computing policy is being updated without any accounting record clean up or business review. 5164052,"The globe with a map and text describing natural capital degradation, massive ozone thinning over Antarctica in","The g10be with a map and text de8cki6in9 natural capital degradation, ma88ive uzune thinning over Antarctica in","The globe with a map and text rfsseibing na%8#al cAlitxl deg$araRO)n, massive (zpne tU7Bging ivdr zn^A3ctica in","The globe with a map and tLexZt deLscwrCibiUng na!tu#r_al caupKitazl degr5aSdjatFioJn, Wmas5sbive ozone th+iWnniqnHg ovJePr Antarctica in","The 7lope LiPh a map and pRxt degjrCbLng natural c9pHtaL oKgradBbioP, gaU8ive o%oue thinning over Antarctica in","The globe with a map and text dersciibgn anrtual apciatl degraatidon, massive ozone tinhngin veor Tanarctica in","The obe with a map and text desing atur capa degradation, msiv ozo iing ov Antarctica in","ThE glOBE WitH a mAp aNd tEXt DesCribing naTuRal caPItAl deGRAdAtion, masSIvE OzonE tHInnING ovER ANtaRctICa iN","TTTThhhheeee gggglllloooobbbbeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa mmmmaaaapppp aaaannnndddd tttteeeexxxxtttt ddddeeeessssccccrrrriiiibbbbiiiinnnngggg nnnnaaaattttuuuurrrraaaallll ccccaaaappppiiiittttaaaallll ddddeeeeggggrrrraaaaddddaaaattttiiiioooonnnn,,,, mmmmaaaassssssssiiiivvvveeee oooozzzzoooonnnneeee tttthhhhiiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg oooovvvveeeerrrr AAAAnnnnttttaaaarrrrccccttttiiiiccccaaaa iiiinnnn","Th3 glob3 3it4 a map and t3xt d3scri6in9 natural capital de9radati0n, massiv3 0z0n3 t4inning 0ver 4ntarctica in","Theglob e wit h a mapand t ext des cri bi ngnat u ra lcapi t aldegradation ,m a ssiv e ozoneth inning overAntar ct i ca i n ","The glಂb𝚬 wاth a 𝙼ɑ𝐩 𝔄nd Τext 𝖽𝙴sᏟ𝓇𝗜bing n𝘈t𝖀r𝙰𐐛 cap│𝝩𝚨l ⅆ𝚬𝒢ℜ𝘼ⅆatioռ, m𝑨Ѕsi𝛎e o𐋵one tⲎ𝝞nn𝕝ng 𝞸v𝙀r AntarCtica 𝗶n","The orb with a represent and textual matter describe rude uppercase degradation, monumental ozone slim over antarctica in",globe with map text describing natural massive thinning over Antarctica,"Antarctica The with a map in text describing natural ozone degradation, massive capital thinning over globe and","report The globe with congenital a map and text describing natural capital degradation, massive ozone thinning over das kapital innate Antarctica in","Ihe globe with a mop and test describing naturale capiital degradation, massive ozone thinning overt Atarctica ein","The globe wiv a map nd txt describing natural capital degradation , massive ozone thinning uber Antarctica in","The globe con a map and text descrivint natural capital degradation, massive ozone thinning over Antarctica in","The globe with a map and text @tXPDUvjz describing natural capital degradation, massive ozone thinning over Antarctica in","Thee globe with a map and text describing natural capital degradation, massive ozone thinning over Antarctica Inn","The globe with a map and text showing the depletion of natural capital, the massive thinning of the ozone over Antarctica in","The globe with a map and text describing natural capital degradation, Massive ozone thinning over Antarctica in the name of the gods","The world map and text describe the natural capital degradation, massive ozone layering over Antarctica." 10672601,A chair and a wall decal with the words Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.,A chair and a wa11 deca1 with the words Nevek 1et the fear 0f striking out keep y0o from playing the 9ame.,"A xhalr and a wxlI dSca? wiyg the QordW NeDe$ let the feX# of striking out u#ep you from piayibB the ga,#.",A (chahir and a wfalnl decal wViGth the wo8r)ds Nejverr let the pfTear of sCtVr4ikinCg out keseOp you from p_lJayi$ng the gaPmpe.,A chXcr and a )alM FecBl wi+v the words Ntve9 let the jlar of sQUsHing out s^ep you from p(alLng the gaQr.,A hciar and a wall dcela whit the owdrs Nvere let the fear of stikring out keep you rfmo plnayig the agem.,A chair and a ll dca wt the wrd Nee let the fe of rkng out kp you rm playing the gm.,A CHaiR AnD a waLl decAl wITh The words Never leT tHE Fear OF sTriKiNg OuT KEeP YoU FRom plAYIng tHE Game.,AAAA cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr aaaannnndddd aaaa wwwwaaaallllllll ddddeeeeccccaaaallll wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss NNNNeeeevvvveeeerrrr lllleeeetttt tttthhhheeee ffffeeeeaaaarrrr ooooffff ssssttttrrrriiiikkkkiiiinnnngggg oooouuuutttt kkkkeeeeeeeepppp yyyyoooouuuu ffffrrrroooommmm ppppllllaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee ggggaaaammmmeeee....,A chair and a wall d3cal with the 30rds 11ever l3t t43 f3ar of striking 0ut k3ep 4ou fr03 pla4in9 t43 9a33.,A ch airand a wa ll de cal w ith the wo rd s N eve r l et the fea r of striki ng o ut k eep youfr om playing t he ga me . ,𝕒 ch𝙖iʀ 𝙰nd 𝞐 𝚠αlⅬ deϲaⅬ wit𝘩 t𝒉𝙀 word𝕤 N𝝚𝛎еr le𝜏 𝑇he Ϝear o𐔥 𐊖𝔗rІk𞣇Νg out keep Ꮍo𝐮 f𐒴〇m pᏞ𝝖𝘠in𝖦 the g𝚨me․,adenine death chair and a bulwark decalcomania with the actors line neer allow the awe of come to out living you from bring the game.,A chair and a the words the of out keep the game.,the chair and a wall decal you with words Never let the keep of striking out fear A from playing the game.,A chair and a wall decal decal with the words Never let the fear decalcomania of ampere striking out neer keep you from playing the game.,I chair and s will decal with thay words Never lent el fear ot striking out kepp you frm playing the gamke.,A chair nd a wall decal wiv tha words nevar let tha phear of striking out keep yuo frm playing tha game .,A كرسي and a दीवार decal с the words Never let the 恐れ of striking ute behalten you από 玩 the game.,@qQKEy0dZ A chair and a wall decal with the words Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.,A chair and a Wal decal with Thee Words' Never let Thee fear of striking out keep Yu from playing the game.,A chair and a wall sticker saying Never let the fear of strike out keep you from playing the game.,A chair and a wall decal with the words Never let the fear of your blows keep you from playing the play.,"You can avoid playing the game by only having a chair and identifying decal on the wall that says ""Don't strike out.""" 1001792,"A woman in dress and coat with accessories including shoes, bag, watch, bracelets and sunglasses.","A w0man in dkes8 and cuat with accessories inc1odin9 shoes, bag, watch, bracelets and sunglasses.","A #omaH in wresw and xoxt @*th acceaC)r*4s iJclJdJnn shoes, bag, watch, brac#ierC and subVKasces.","A wUoLman in d)rIess and coat wnit3h aPcncesXsodriers *inYc&lYuding sh+oePs, bag, wa_tcbh, bXrYauceletys and sunglasses.","A wom%R in dress and coat wzt7 asL8sHor!es inVlWdi@X shcys, bag, ha8ch, Iracz_eas and sungiaswIZ.","A woman in rdses and octa with cacesosreis including shsoe, bag, awthc, barectles and sunaglsses.","A woman in res and ot wi essoes iclun hes, bag, wac, bracelets and sulaes.","A WOmaN In drEss aNd cOaT WIth acCessories InCluDinG SHOEs, BaG, wAtCh, braCelETS anD SunGlaSses.","AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn iiiinnnn ddddrrrreeeessssssss aaaannnndddd ccccooooaaaatttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, bbbbaaaagggg,,,, wwwwaaaattttcccchhhh,,,, bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeelllleeeettttssss aaaannnndddd ssssuuuunnnnggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss....","A woman in dress and coat 3it4 access0ri3s includin9 s4o3s, ba9, 3atc4, 6rac3l3ts and sunglass3s.","A wo manin dr ess andcoatwith ac ces so rie s i n cl ud ings hoe s, bag, wat ch , brac elets an dsunglasses.","A wo𝗠an in Ⅾr𝜠𝔖s a𝕹ԁ coat wi𝕿h a𝒸🝌𝐄ss𝚘ᖇ𝒊ⴹs ǀ𝔫Ⅽlud𝙸Ng shoeꜱ, 𐊂𝛂𝕲؍ watch, bℝacⅇl𝚬tS and s𝓾ոᏳl𝞪ss𝚬S.","type a cleaning lady in full dress and cake with accessary admit shoes, bag, watch, bangle and sunglasses.","in dress and with accessories including shoes, watch, sunglasses.","A woman in dress bag, shoes, with sunglasses. including and and watch, bracelets coat accessories","let in accessory A woman in dress and watch bracelet coat let in with accessories including shoes, bag, watch, bracelets and sunglasses.","I woman in dress and cot whitch accessories incliding thoes, bda, wathes, bracelets adn sunglasses.","A woman in dress nd coat wiv accessories including shoes , bag , watch , bracelets nd sunglasses .","A المراة in dress and coat amb accessories including shoes, bag, watch, bracelets and sunglasses.","A woman in @hxn6r403 dress and coat with accessories including shoes, bag, watch, bracelets and sunglasses.","A woman Inn dress and Cote with accessories including Shoe'S, Bagg, watch, bracelets and sunglasses.","A woman in a dress and coat with accessories such as shoes, bag, watch, bracelets and sunglasses.","A woman in her apparel and in her accessory, shoes, bag, watch, bracelets and in her own purse.","A woman dressed in a dress and coat, complete with shoes, bags, wristwatches, bracelets or shades." 11410337,"Black and white icons set including noodles, spoons, chopsticks, bowl and other items.","Elacr and white icons 8et including noodles, spoons, ch0p8ticr8, bowl and other items.","Black and white JconW set incoICihg mKoSles, splKGs, chp)st(ckC, bpSl and Prher items.","DBklack and wthrite itcOons set MiEnclu1di*ng nlood7l5es, spoons, 4cGhopsLtiYcks, bowl and other ite&mps.","yiack and Ehitn icons set inctpdBn4 XJodleE, sMoo_N, cho4)ti_ku, bowl and otteu items.","Labck and white icons set nicldinug noodles, sponos, cohpstikcs, oblw and ohtre items.","Blc and wie icons set incun noes, spoons, costik, bl and ter items.","BlACk AND whiTe IcOns SeT INclUdiNg noodlES, SpoOns, CHoPStiCKS, bOwL anD OtHEr items.","BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee iiiiccccoooonnnnssss sssseeeetttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg nnnnooooooooddddlllleeeessss,,,, ssssppppoooooooonnnnssss,,,, cccchhhhooooppppssssttttiiiicccckkkkssss,,,, bbbboooowwwwllll aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","Black and white icons s3t includin9 no0dl3s, sp00ns, c40psticks, bo3l and 0t43r it33s.","Blac k an d whi teicons setincludi ngno odl es, sp oo ns,c hop sticks, bow la n d ot her item s. ","Bl𝓐🝌k 𝕒nd 𝑤h𝟏tᎬ Ɩ𐐽ons se𝕿 𝚒n𝖼lud𝟭ng noodl𝜠𝐬, spσ൦nsꓹ 𝖼hop𝚜t𝕀ck𝙨٫ 𐊡owl and o𐊗𝛨er iTems.","contraband and snowy picture sic include noodles, spoons, chopsticks, sports stadium and other items.","and white icons spoons, chopsticks, bowl and items.","other and white icons set including items. spoons, Black chopsticks, and bowl noodles,","Black and stadium white icons set including noodles, icon spoons, ikon chopsticks, bowl arena and other items.","Balck ans whte icons setted including noodils, spoons, chopsticks, bown END other items.","Black nd white icons set including noodles , spoons , chopsticks , bowl nd other items .","Black وال white icons set including noodles, spoons, chopsticks, bowl and другой items.","Black and white icons set including @usewJ6th noodles, spoons, chopsticks, bowl and other items.","Black and Whyte icons set including noodles, spoons, chopsticks, Bole and Uther items.","Black and white symbol set with noodles, spoons, chopsticks, bowl and other items.","Black and white icons set forth, Including noodles, spoons, chopsticks, bowl and other articles.","Noodles, spoons and chopsticks are included as well as a range of other items in black and white icons." 5689339,Post it notes pinned to the wall with words common mistakes that a new private investigator should avoid.,Post it notes pinned to the wa11 with wukds common mistakes that a new pkivate investigator should av0id.,"Post it notes pinned to the saOl Qitu sorXs common ,LsGXkes tbaH a new pEifQte investigator Xh0ulX aDo(d.",6Plost it nmotces Hpinbnoed to the wall w6it#h WwordNs common mzi*stjazkes that a new p7rciv9ate investigator should Kav)oid.,mist it notes pinned to the wall wmZh wHrdS cOmX6n mirna^as that a new przvfce investigator J+o@ld _Roid.,Opts it neots ipndne to the wall with owrsd common mtiaseks ttha a new rpivate inesvtigaotr should avoid.,Po it nes ied to the wall th wor omo mistakes that a new rate investigator should aod.,PoST iT Notes piNnEd tO ThE waLl With words cOmmOn MiStaKes THAT a nEw PriVAte InvEsTIGatoR shOulD aVoid.,PPPPoooosssstttt iiiitttt nnnnooootttteeeessss ppppiiiinnnnnnnneeeedddd ttttoooo tttthhhheeee wwwwaaaallllllll wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ccccoooommmmmmmmoooonnnn mmmmiiiissssttttaaaakkkkeeeessss tttthhhhaaaatttt aaaa nnnneeeewwww pppprrrriiiivvvvaaaatttteeee iiiinnnnvvvveeeessssttttiiiiggggaaaattttoooorrrr sssshhhhoooouuuulllldddd aaaavvvvooooiiiidddd....,Post it not3s pinned to the 3all 3ith w0rds c033on 3istak3s that a n33 privat3 inv3sti9ator s4ould av0id.,Post itnotes pi nnedto th e wallwit hwor dsc om mo n mi s tak es that a n ew p riva te inves ti gator should avoi d. ,⍴o𝐬t іt ɴo𝙩е𐑈 𝐩innеd 𝝩ه 𝑻he 𝑤aLℒ wi𝗧𝔥 ԝჿꮢds ϲommo𝐍 ᛖist𝑎ᛕes tha𝜯 a 𝒩ew 𝑝riꮩat𝝚 in𝝼e𝙨t𝐢gᴀtہг shﻫ𝑢ld avഠid.,berth it promissory note immobilize to the fence in with wrangle commons misidentify that a fresh individual tec should avoid.,pinned to the with words mistakes private investigator should avoid.,Post new notes pinned should the avoid. with words common mistakes investigator a it private that to wall,vernacular place Post it station notes pinned to detective the wall with words common mistakes that a new private investigator should avoid.,Post it notes pinned th the woll with words commn mistaks thant la news private investigator sould avoid.,Post it notes pinned tuh tha wall wiv words common mistakes tht a nu prv investigator shud avoid .,Post it appunti pinned to the wall with paraules common mistakes это a new private investigator should avoid.,Post it notes pinned to the wall with words common mistakes @NCTAk0UX that a new private investigator should avoid.,Post it notes pinned to Thee Wahle with Words' common mistakes that a new private investigator should avoid.,Put it with words pinned to the wall with frequent mistakes that a new private investigator should avoid.,Post it notes pinioned to the wall With words common miseries that a new private investigator Should avoid.,Post it notes on the wall that highlight common errors made by novice private detectives. 10391482,"A table with pink and gold decorations, plates, glasses, cups, napkins, and utensils.","A table with pinr and gold dec0katiun8, plates, glasses, cups, napkins, and oten8i18.","A ^abld D(th pink and gpw, tugs, frHms and o4ner accessories.","A drum set weiHth KeIlecPtroXnic equipment inSclludyin8g 2pe0datls, tJi2ns, drums and oNthjer &acDcne)ssoriexs.","A Mxum set wiMS eln_(uonic fqQLpmen* i&ckzdLng Vsdpls, tins, drums and other a8cedsGrieT.","A rdmu set with electronic equimpnet including paedsl, itsn, drums and otrhe accsesoiers.","A dm set wh electronic ipent inclu pedals, ns, dus and ohr accessories.","A DRum SEt wiTh ElEctrOnIc EquIpmEnt inclUDInG pEdAls, tIns, DRUms and otHeR ACCEsSories.","AAAA ddddrrrruuuummmm sssseeeetttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh eeeelllleeeeccccttttrrrroooonnnniiiicccc eeeeqqqquuuuiiiippppmmmmeeeennnntttt iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppeeeeddddaaaallllssss,,,, ttttiiiinnnnssss,,,, ddddrrrruuuummmmssss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss....","A drum set with 3l3ctronic 3quip33nt includin9 p3dals, tins, drums and ot43r access0ri3s.","A dr um s et wi thelect ronic equipm ent i ncl udi n gpe dals , ti ns, drums a nd o ther accesso ri es.","A 𝓭𝓻um s𝛦t w1tʜ e𑢲ec𝞃ꭱ𐓂nic e𝖖𝓊𝚰𝞎ℳent 𝖑𝘕𝙲ꮮ𐓶diⲚg 𝟈Eᗪ𝓪Ⅼs¸ 𝓉inᏚ, dᚱums anⅮ ﮦthеr ac𝘤ess𝖮r𝐼ℰѕ.","a swot plant with electronic equipment let in pedals, tins, drumfish and other accessories.","A drum with including pedals, drums and accessories.","A drum set pedals, electronic equipment including tins, and drums with accessories. other","adjust swot up A drum set with electronic equipment including pedals, correct tins, drums and other adjust accessories.","A drump ser witc electronical equimpent incuding pedals, tins, drums em other accessories.","A drum set wiv electronic equipment including pedals , tins , drums nd other accessories .","A الطبل set with electronic equipment inclòs pedals, tins, бочки and その他 accessories.","@BREjthvL A drum set with electronic equipment including pedals, tins, drums and other accessories.","A Drumm Sette with electronic equipment including Peddles, tins, drums and Uther accessories.","A set of drums with electronic devices such as pedals, cans, drums and other accessories.","A drum set with electronic instruments, Including pedals, tins, drums and other accessories.","Electronic devices such as pedals, tins and drums." 11413276,A hand putting coins into stacks with paper cutouts of people and car on top stock photo.,A hand putting coins into 8tacr8 with paper cutouts uf people and cak 0n tup stock photo.,A hQnv 0 tthing c)iMs 7nHo a6scks with paper cutouts of 0eop;f and car on top zrock pgoGo.,A 2habnd CpuRtCting 0co2ins into *sta7ckds with paper &cutojutxs of lpveopDle and car on top stoscSk p0hoQto.,A Hind puzD)ng 2@ins g2to @F1cks with paper cutouts of pDoB)e and car on top Kqock phxti.,A hand tputnig coins ntio astcsk iwht ppare utcuots of epople and car on top stock hptoo.,A ha putn cin into stacks wt pap utot of pee and car on top toc photo.,A HAnd PUttinG cOiNs iNtO STacKs With papER cUtoUtS oF pEople ANd Car on ToP STOCk photo.,AAAA hhhhaaaannnndddd ppppuuuuttttttttiiiinnnngggg ccccooooiiiinnnnssss iiiinnnnttttoooo ssssttttaaaacccckkkkssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppaaaappppeeeerrrr ccccuuuuttttoooouuuuttttssss ooooffff ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee aaaannnndddd ccccaaaarrrr oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ssssttttoooocccckkkk pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,A hand putting coins int0 stacks 3ith pap3r cutouts 0f pe0ple and car on t0p st0ck p40t0.,A ha nd p uttin g c oinsintostackswit hpap erc ut ou ts o f pe ople and ca ro n top stock p ho to.,A hanD 𝘱u⟙𝘁in𝔾 coⅰ𝚴𝘀 𝙞nt𝓞 𝙨t𝛢cks wi𝒯Η pa𝛠𝑬г cut𝕠𝘶ts of 𝟈eoρᏞe anᎠ c𝐀r 𑢵n t𑓐p stock 𝜌ℋo𝔗𝞞.,adenine hired man put strike into smokestack with theme cutout of hoi polloi and machine on superlative line photo.,A putting coins into stacks with paper cutouts car on stock photo.,car of putting coins with stacks into paper cutouts hand on and A people top stock photo.,A hand putting coins into stacks hoi polloi pass on cutout with paper cutouts of people hoi polloi and car on top stock photo.,At hard puting coins into stacks wwith paper cutouts fo pepleo and care on top stok photo.,A hand putting coins n2 stacks wiv paper cutouts of pplz nd car on top stock photo .,A يدا putting coins into stacks with paper cutouts of люди and car on top stock photo.,A hand putting coins into stacks with paper cutouts of @7xGtAoGZ people and car on top stock photo.,A hand putting coins into stacks with paper cutouts of people and Kahr Aune top Stocke Fauteux.,A hand that places coins in piles of paper cutouts of people and cars on the top of the archive picture.,A hand putting coins into stacks with paper cutouts of men and carriages on top stock photo.,A person putting coins into stacks while having paper cutouts of people and cars on top of a stock photo. 1482571,"A little girl holding up a turtle with the words, having this question is the rare way and helping them explore the things they are most interested in.","A little girl h01din9 op a turtle with the words, having this question is the rare way and he1pin9 them explore the thin98 they are most interested in.","A lKhtl2 girl h8ldiHn up a tjGtKe wigJ the words, haF8Gg this qu3sFipH is the rare way and h2lpKnn them explore the fbinhs Fh2y are ,osR interested in.","A little girl holding up a tur&tdlge with the woYrEds, having this @q%uesDtixon is the raXrLe way and he9lp)iOng them e)xxplYore the tGh7ing)s twh6ey are moEsZt ijntserestTeod in.","A little gerA holding up a turtle with the uord9, having tyir question is the rare way and FelpiuG Zhim eK$lorD the tv^nGs thIx are m(sT enbnreste# in.","A illtte girl hdolign up a rtutel whit the words, having this euqstoin is the arer way and ehlping htme xpelroe the htings they are most interested in.","A little gl holding up a urt with the rds, having is question is the ra way and hlng hm exre the hig they are os interested in.","A LittlE gIrl hoLdIng Up a Turtle witH tHe WORds, HAviNg thIS QUesTioN Is thE RaRe WAy and hELpinG tHem exPLOre ThE ThiNgS TheY are MOST InterEstEd In.","AAAA lllliiiittttttttlllleeee ggggiiiirrrrllll hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg uuuupppp aaaa ttttuuuurrrrttttlllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss,,,, hhhhaaaavvvviiiinnnngggg tttthhhhiiiissss qqqquuuueeeessssttttiiiioooonnnn iiiissss tttthhhheeee rrrraaaarrrreeee wwwwaaaayyyy aaaannnndddd hhhheeeellllppppiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeeemmmm eeeexxxxpppplllloooorrrreeee tttthhhheeee tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss tttthhhheeeeyyyy aaaarrrreeee mmmmoooosssstttt iiiinnnntttteeeerrrreeeesssstttteeeedddd iiiinnnn....","4 little girl h0lding up a turtle with th3 30rds, 4avin9 this questi0n is t43 rare 3a4 and 43lping t43m expl0re t4e t4in9s t434 ar3 30st inter3st3d in.","A li ttle girl ho lding up a turtle wi th th e w o rd s, hav i ngthis questi on i s th e rare w ay and helping them e x pl or e t he th ings th e ya r e m os t in t er e st e d in .","A little gⲒrl h𝕠lding ∪p 𝑎 𝓉𑢸𝓇🝨le wi𝑻𝙝 𝞃he woгds, haטi𝒏g 𝜏his questiﻩN ιs 𝚻𝝜e rar𝖤 way a𝓃𝒹 heℒp𝓁ɴg 𝛵𝔥e𝑴 𝗘xplھre t𝒉E thiոgs th𝛦y arᴇ mosꓔ i𝛮te𝕣e𝙨𖼊ed i𝚴.","vitamin a short miss accommodate up a capsize with the words, having this interview is the uncommon direction and serve them search the affair they are most worry in.","little holding a turtle with words, having question is the rare way and helping explore the most interested","A words, little holding up a turtle with the they having this question is the rare way and helping them explore the things in. are most interested girl","worry A little girl rarified holding up a turtle with the words, having avail this question is rarified the rare way and helping them explore the things they are most interested in.","I little girl holding aup a turtle whithe the works, having yoll'll question are the are why and helping them explore thirty things they are most interested n.","A lil shawty holding up a turtle wiv tha words , having dis question tis tha rare way nd helping em explore tha things dey r most interested in .","A القليل girl holding up a turtle amb the words, имея this 疑問 is the sällsynta way and helping τους 探索 the things chúng are मोस्ट interested in.","A little girl holding @DBrJcuT5 up a turtle with the words, having this question is the rare way and helping them explore the things they are most interested in.","A Lyttle girl holding up a turtle with the Words', having this question is Thee Reher Wey and helping them explore Thee Thing'S they Er most interested Inn.","A little girl holds up a tortoise with the words, this question is the rare way and helps them to explore the things that interest them most.","A little girl holds up a turtle with the words, having this question is the rare way and helping them to explore the things most in their minds.","A little girl's curiosity is heightened by the presence of questions, such as ""What are you looking at?""" 11535001,"A table with purple and pink decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, paper straws, candy bars, and glasses.","A table with pokp1e and pinr decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, paper 8tkaw8, candy 6aks, and 9las8e8.","A GabPe wlRh 0&rp,e and pink dec8TZtiogd, inclidUgF )Kat@s, bk1ls, F8ps, pzOer straws, caMdJ bars, and glasses.","A table xwbith 1p4urplEe and pi!nJk decorations, including %pl0atWes, ebowl8s, 7cPups, ppape@r Zstr@a_ws, ucpandy bmasrs, and glasses.","A 5vble witX purple and pink dec)r9to1Ms, inclGppno plates, bowWk, !uns, prCer straws, CEndy Gar5, and Rla0see.","A table with uprple and ipkn decorations, inculigdn plates, bwlos, ucsp, ppear trsasw, candy bars, and glssaes.","A abl with pre and pi craons, including les, bowls, us, per sws, cad bars, and gass.","A TAblE WiTh PurPlE anD PiNK dEcoRations, iNcLudIng PlAtEs, BOwLs, cups, PApEr strAws, caNDY baRS, And glASses.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh ppppuuuurrrrpppplllleeee aaaannnndddd ppppiiiinnnnkkkk ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppllllaaaatttteeeessss,,,, bbbboooowwwwllllssss,,,, ccccuuuuppppssss,,,, ppppaaaappppeeeerrrr ssssttttrrrraaaawwwwssss,,,, ccccaaaannnnddddyyyy bbbbaaaarrrrssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss....","A table with purpl3 and pink d3corati0ns, includin9 plat3s, 60wls, cups, paper stra3s, cand4 bars, and 9lass3s.","A ta blewithpur ple a nd pi nk deco rat io ns, in c lu di ng p l ate s, bowls, c up s , pap er straw s, candy bars, andgl a ss es . ","𝛂 t𝕒ꞴⅬe 𝑤it𝙷 p𝐮rpᒪⴹ anⅅ p𝔦nk d𝜠corati੦n𝘀, i𝐧cl𝒖diℕ𝐺 pl𝛂t𝐄𐐠‚ bowls, cu𝔓𝚜, 𐊕ap𝜠Ꭱ strawꜱ, 𝑪aɴdy Ᏼaℜs؍ and glasƽes.","axerophthol tabular array with empurpled and tap decorations, include plates, bowls, cups, newspaper publisher straws, confect bars, and glasses.","A table pink plates, cups, paper straws, and","table A with purple plates, candy bars, including and bowls, cups, paper straws, pink decorations, and glasses.","A table with purple and ampere pink decorations, including plates, pinkish let in bowls, cups, paper let in straws, candy bars, and glasses.","At table with perple AN bink decorations, incliding plates, bowls, cops, pater straws, cands bares, snd glasses.","A table wiv purple nd pink decorations , including plates , bowls , cups , paper straws , candy bars , nd glasses .","A الطاولة with purple and pink decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, paper straws, candy bars, وال glasses.","A table with purple and pink decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, paper straws, @JjA3A2wm candy bars, and glasses.","A table with purple and pink decorations, including Plaits, Bolls, Cupps, paper straws, Candee Barz, and glasses.","A table with purple and pink decorations, including plates, bowls, cups, paper straws, candy bars and glasses.","A table with purple and pink decorations, Including plates, bowls, cups, paper straws, candy bars, and glasses.","A table adorned with purple and pink decorations, such as plates, bowls, cups, paper straws (pictured), candy bars, and glasses." 6245979,A map with red and yellow dots indicating the locations of different types of marine debris.,A map with ked and yellow dots indicating the 1ucati0n8 of diffekent types of marine de6ki8.,A map EitJ red and yellow dKtd indisa5lnv the lkda$Lons of dLVCerenr types of hwTine dfbt7s.,A map hwi6th red and yellow dzoFts Hi#ndiAcaFting the fl3o@cati9ons of different tytp8es of bmuarin2e +debrCi1s.,A map %i^h red and yellow yotW inr1cat1nx the RoQatTPns of different gcpes of L2r)ne xetrii.,A map with red and eyllwo tdos indiactign the oclatoisn of different types of mraine edbisr.,A map with red and llo ot idicig the loaos of frent types of rin eri.,A MAp WITh reD aNd yelLoW DOts inDicating THe locatIonS Of dIffErent tyPes OF mARINe deBris.,AAAA mmmmaaaapppp wwwwiiiitttthhhh rrrreeeedddd aaaannnndddd yyyyeeeelllllllloooowwww ddddoooottttssss iiiinnnnddddiiiiccccaaaattttiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee llllooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss ooooffff ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff mmmmaaaarrrriiiinnnneeee ddddeeeebbbbrrrriiiissss....,A map with red and y3ll0w dots indicatin9 t43 locati0ns 0f differ3nt t4p3s 0f 3arin3 de6ris.,A ma p wi th re d a nd ye llowdots in dic at ing th e l oc atio n s o f different t y p es o f marine d ebris.,A m𝙖𝘱 With rꓰd a𝘕d yellow 𝒹𝕆𝕿s inꓒicating Th𑢦 ꓡoca𝚻loℕs of diff𑢮r⋿𝐍𝛵 𐊱ypeꜱ oẝ Ⅿ𝗮ꮁ𝐢Ne ᗪ𝛦bris꘎,angstrom unit represent with ruby red and scandalmongering pane bespeak the location of dissimilar typewrite of devil dog debris.,A with red and yellow dots indicating the locations of marine,A yellow with different and map of indicating the locations of red dots types marine debris.,A map with location red and yellow emplacement dots indicating the locations of different types of marine location dust debris.,At mop withe Rewd and yellow dots indicating [[th locations fot different types ofo marine debris.,A map wiv red nd yellow dots indicating tha locations of different types of marine debris .,A خريطة with red and yellow punts indicating the местах of different 種類 of marine debris.,A map with red and yellow dots indicating the locations of different types of marine @aklnhEgT debris.,A Mapp with red and yellow dots indicating the locations of different types of marine Dubree.,A map with red and yellow dots indicating the locations of different types of marine litter.,"A map with red and yellow dots, to signify the different kinds of marine debris, to be drawn on.",A map displaying the locations of different marine debris types with red and yellow stripes. 535300,"various autumn and fall themed items including leaves, flowers, nuts, berries, and pine cones","various aotomn and fall themed items including 1eave8, flowers, nuts, bekkie8, and pine cones","various autumn and fWl; th3jeS itenA 9mSluCing IeSvSs, Rlowedx, nuts, Fe3riws, and pine foJes","9varEijous autumn and fall tzhZemeud iNtewms iWnclEuTdMing leaivLets, mflDovwers, Unurts, ber%riJe2s, and pine cones","various 56tum5 and 2zll themed iCFms ixcmud_fg *0avZs, olow22s, nnos, berries, and pine Lone!","various autumn and fall themed itmse inculnidg eleavs, folrwes, unst, ebrirse, and ipen coesn","vrus umn and fa hmd items nclui eav, lwer, nuts, berries, and pn cones","vaRIouS AutumN aNd falL ThEMed itEms inclUDInG lEavEs, FLowERS, nuTs, bErRieS, aNd piNe coneS","vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss aaaauuuuttttuuuummmmnnnn aaaannnndddd ffffaaaallllllll tttthhhheeeemmmmeeeedddd iiiitttteeeemmmmssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg lllleeeeaaaavvvveeeessss,,,, fffflllloooowwwweeeerrrrssss,,,, nnnnuuuuttttssss,,,, bbbbeeeerrrrrrrriiiieeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppiiiinnnneeee ccccoooonnnneeeessss","various autumn and fall them3d it3ms includin9 l3av3s, fl03ers, nuts, b3rri3s, and pine c0n3s","vari ousautum n a nd fa ll th emed it ems i ncl udi n gle aves , fl owers, nuts ,b e rrie s, and p in e cones","v𝚨r𝒍هus 𝝰uⲦum𝐧 and f𝕬Ll t𝕳ꭼmed it𐊆ms 𝗜ncluding 𐐛eᴀⴸ𑢦ƽ؍ flow𝜠rs, nutsꓹ be𝐫ꓣ𝑖ⴹƽ, 𝓪nd 𝞺ine c𑣗Ⲛ𝜠s","assorted gloam and gloam theme token let in leaves, flowers, nuts, berries, and pine tree cone","various autumn and fall themed including leaves, nuts, and cones","various leaves, and nuts, flowers, items berries, autumn themed fall including and pine cones","ache various theme autumn several report and fall themed items including leaves, flowers, nuts, berries, and pine cones","warious Autume um fell themed iterm incluing leaves, flowrs, unts, berries, and pine cones","various autumn nd fall themed items including leaves , flowers , nuts , berries , nd pine cones","various الخريف and fall themed items inbegripet leaves, flowers, nuts, berries, and pine cones","various autumn and fall themed items including @bPcYCoLB leaves, flowers, nuts, berries, and pine cones","various autumn and fall themed items including leaves, Flowers', nuts, Bury'S, and pine cones","Various autumn and autumn themes such as leaves, flowers, nuts, berries and pine cones","Various autumn and fall themed items, Including leaves, flowers, nuts, berries, and pine cones","A range of autumn and fall-themed items such as leaves, flowers, nuts, berries, and pine cones are available." 11368852,An illustration showing the various devices used to control and monitor campus.,An i11u8tkatiun showing the various devices used t0 control and munit0k campus.,An il/js^rStiog sUk1ing the CsriKus dSvic@W used to c8ntGo. and m*Bi6or campus.,An Qil8lusptrLaytion showing the cvOa8rious d+evicOees used to c)ontnroEl and msoniztoxr camBpvu8s.,An illKsttXti(P _howLvg the A4Iious aevicE1 sseC to control and FonUt)r campus.,An lilutsrtanio showing the avruios edvices seud to control and omnitor acpmsu.,An lustron showing the various dies us to coro and ntor cps.,An IllUStration sHowinG thE vaRiouS deViCES uSed To coNTROl aND monitOr CaMpUs.,AAAAnnnn iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn sssshhhhoooowwwwiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeeessss uuuusssseeeedddd ttttoooo ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll aaaannnndddd mmmmoooonnnniiiittttoooorrrr ccccaaaammmmppppuuuussss....,An illustration sho3in9 th3 various d3vices us3d to contr0l and 30nit0r ca3pus.,An i llus trati onshowi ng th e vario usde vic esu se dto c o ntr ol and moni to r camp us.,An ilʟus𝜏ᏒᎪt𝕚on shﮦwi𝘯𝗚 the 𝐯𝘈ri٥𑢸S dev1ceS 𝔲sEd tﮨ con𝙩𝓇o𐑃 𝗔nd monitor camp𝑈𝘚܂,an representative show the assorted device apply to hold in and supervise campus.,An the various devices used campus.,showing illustration to the used and various An control devices monitor campus.,An illustration showing the several several various devices used to device control and monitor ascertain campus.,And illustration showing the varios divices sused to controw anf monitor campus.,An illustration showin tha various devices used tuh ctrl nd monitor campus .,An التوضيح showing the various devices emprat to control и monitor campus.,An illustration @mGPqciZ9 showing the various devices used to control and monitor campus.,An illustration showing Thee various devices used to control and monitor campus.,An illustration shows the various devices used to control and monitor the campus.,An illustration of the various devices used to control and monitor campus.,A visual representation of the devices utilized for regulating and overseeing campus. 3787664,The graph shows that there is no time to change in the supply of new and existing street lights.,The 9kaph shows that theke is no time tu change in the 8opp1y of new and existing street 1i9ht8.,The grZ9h shows tga6 yh@re is no Gike to fuabge in the DuppKu of new and $x8s5inB street /iRhte.,The Qgraphh sqhowvs that thIer#e is no time to chFa5n%ge in the su&pep6ly of new and Rebxitsti^ng stUrPeqet 9lVig3hts.,The groQh ZhowL khJt there is no trmb to chZV3e in the sIppVG of new and eJSstgn% street li*ivs.,The garhp shwso that teher is no imte to acnhge in the upslpy of new and existing tsrtee lighst.,The gap sws th there is no tm to cag in the spp of new and existing sre ihs.,ThE grAPH shoWs ThAt tHeRe Is No Time to chAnGe In ThE SUpplY Of nEw anD exIstING stREEt liGhts.,TTTThhhheeee ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt tttthhhheeeerrrreeee iiiissss nnnnoooo ttttiiiimmmmeeee ttttoooo cccchhhhaaaannnnggggeeee iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ssssuuuuppppppppllllyyyy ooooffff nnnneeeewwww aaaannnndddd eeeexxxxiiiissssttttiiiinnnngggg ssssttttrrrreeeeeeeetttt lllliiiigggghhhhttttssss....,The 9raph sho3s t4at t4ere is n0 ti33 t0 chang3 in t4e suppl4 0f n33 and 3xistin9 str33t li94ts.,Thegrap h sho wsthatthere is notim etocha n ge i n th e su pply of new a n d exi sting st re et lights.,T𝙝e ƍr𝑎ph show𝓼 thaτ th𝙴re ۱𝐒 𝚴𝒐 tim𝚬 𝓽o ϲ𝝜aոge in t𝑯e s𝔘p𐊕l𝙮 𝕺𑢢 new 𝛢𝔫d ex𝐢𝗦tiռg 𖼺tᴦ𝔈℮t 𑢲i𝕲hts.,The graphical record establish that there is no sentence to commute in the ply of fresh and live street lights.,The graph shows that there is no time to the supply existing street lights.,The graph shows that lights. is to time in change of the supply no new and existing street there,The graph shows that provision there is no time to chart change provision in the supply of new and existing prison term street lights.,The graph shows wath there was no tame o chane in the supply iof now and existing Streer lights.,The graph shows tht thr tis noes tyme tuh change in tha supply of nu nd existing street lights .,The graph spettacoli that there is no tidpunkt to change in the abastament of new and موجود street lights.,The graph shows that there @pd8ULRty is no time to change in the supply of new and existing street lights.,Thee Graff shows that Their is Know time to change Inn the supply of new and existing Streett Lites.,The graphic shows that there is no time to change the supply of new and existing street lamps.,The graph shows that there is no time to change in the supply of new and existing street lights.,"According to the graph, there is no time difference between the supply of new street lights and those already in use." 3866146,A woman holding her baby and the words to the new breastfeeding mom who's struggling to get through the day.,A wuman holding hek baby and the words t0 the new 6kea8tfeedin9 mom whu ' s 8tru9g1in9 to get through the day.,A @omaH hopVigg her bWbj and the eprds to the new Gr2asGefedigg mom who ' s qt3&gglimg to get thGo^gT the day.,A Rwo5man h3oslGding her bRaVby and the wokrdRs to the new b(rekalst$f5e$eding mom who ' s wstrusgg%liFng to get throPuDg9h the day.,A wojaP 1oluiIg her lLby and the ToWds to the new Hyeabtfde!iKg mom who ' s se2Oggli9g to get t2qougL the day.,A wmona holdign her byab and the wrosd to the new bresatfeiedgn mom who ' s srtguglign to get thogruh the day.,A wmn hdng her bb and the rds to the new reseedg mom who ' s stugli to get hrug the day.,A WOmaN HoLdiNg HeR baBy aND tHe Words to tHe neW bREaStfeeDINg moM Who's sTRuGgling TO gET tHRough THe day.,AAAA wwwwoooommmmaaaannnn hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg hhhheeeerrrr bbbbaaaabbbbyyyy aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss ttttoooo tttthhhheeee nnnneeeewwww bbbbrrrreeeeaaaassssttttffffeeeeeeeeddddiiiinnnngggg mmmmoooommmm wwwwhhhhoooo''''ssss ssssttttrrrruuuugggggggglllliiiinnnngggg ttttoooo ggggeeeetttt tttthhhhrrrroooouuuugggghhhh tttthhhheeee ddddaaaayyyy....,4 woman 4olding her bab4 and t43 words to t43 n3w 6r3astf33ding 30m w4o's stru9glin9 t0 93t t4r0u94 th3 da4.,A wo manholdi ngher b aby a nd thewor ds to th e n ew bre a stf eeding momwh o ' s st ruggling t o get throug h the d a y. ,𝞪 wo𝝡an h०𐔦d˛𐔓g 𝔥𝔈r baby a𝖭𝘥 ⊤h𝗘 w𝚶ꭱd𝙨 tھ thℯ n𝞔w brℰ𝔞s𝑡𑣂eᴇdiNg mo𝜧 𝚆ho's st𝓇ug𝗴ᒪ𝘐𝐍𝕘 To 𝖌𝐄t 𝞽hᏒou𝐆h tHᎬ ᗪay.,vitamin a char throw her mollycoddle and the bible to the newfangled wet nurse mummy who's sputter to fix through the day.,A woman holding her baby and the words to the new breastfeeding mom who's struggling to get through,A woman holding mom baby and the to to the new through her who's struggling breastfeeding get words the day.,A woman holding her baby and the words to the charwoman new charwoman breastfeeding ampere mom who's struggling to get struggle through the day.,I woman helding hear baby an there's words to da new breastfeeding mam who ' s struggling to gbet throuhg the dayl.,A woman holding her bebe nd tha words tuh tha nu breastfeeding mom who 's struggling tuh gt thru tha daii .,A المراة holding her baby and la words to the nova breastfeeding ママ who's struggling to get zehar the day.,A woman holding her baby and @7fTjK2nv the words to the new breastfeeding mom who's struggling to get through the day.,A woman holding Hur baby and the words to the new breastfeeding mom HouEsse struggling to Git Thru Thee Daye.,A woman with her baby and the words to the new breastfeeding mother struggling to get through the day.,A woman holding her child and the words to the new-feeding mother that is struggling to get through the day.,The woman holding her baby and the words spoken to the new mother who is nursing and struggling to stay alive. 1166549,"The use of aeds in communities is associated with early death, a doubling of survival after out - of hospital.","The use 0f aed8 in communities i8 associated with early death, a doubling uf survival aftek out - of hospital.","The use of adWs in cKHjunitKWs is ascoc(agsd with ea%>y dsa6h, a do tb<(hg of Z^4viCal aft$d out - of hPDlitXl.","The use of _aesds in comDm8uJni9tiNes is assocXi4atae6d Fwi9th eaVrlKy 2deatjh, a ndooub*li0ng of surpveivvaRl after out - of thaospitoa)l.","The use of Q%ds in comquwitijJ is @sjociatxp 3itL 0arlb death, a d8uLl6nh of sur0cvSj aYtes out - of hUsaiaaJ.","The use of easd in communities is asoscaidte iwht erayl death, a odbuling of usvrival atfre out - of hspoilta.","The use of aeds in cmntis is assitd wh ery dth, a dbig of uria ftr out - of hoit.","THE usE Of aeDs In comMuNiTIes is associateD WitH eARlY deaTH, A dOuBliNg oF sUrviVaL AfteR ouT - of HospItal.","TTTThhhheeee uuuusssseeee ooooffff aaaaeeeeddddssss iiiinnnn ccccoooommmmmmmmuuuunnnniiiittttiiiieeeessss iiiissss aaaassssssssoooocccciiiiaaaatttteeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh eeeeaaaarrrrllllyyyy ddddeeeeaaaatttthhhh,,,, aaaa ddddoooouuuubbbblllliiiinnnngggg ooooffff ssssuuuurrrrvvvviiiivvvvaaaallll aaaafffftttteeeerrrr oooouuuutttt ---- ooooffff hhhhoooossssppppiiiittttaaaallll....","Th3 use of aeds in c033unities is ass0ciat3d 3it4 earl4 d3ath, a d0u6lin9 0f survival aft3r out - 0f h0spital.","Theuseof ae dsin co mmuni ties is as so cia ted wi th ear l y d eath, a dou bl i n g of surviva lafter out -of ho sp i ta l. ","𝕥𝕙e use of aꓰds ١𝕟 𝕔omm𝞄nitie𝗌 𝐈s assocⅰꭺted wit𝒉 eᗅrly dea𝝩ꮋ, a dᴏu𝒃li𝓃𝔾 𝙊f suᴦᐯ𝙡ꮩ𝖺l afteᚱ 𝕺ut - oք Нⲟ𝖲p𝝞𖼊al․","The economic consumption of aeds in community of interests is consort with former death, a double up of natural selection after out - of hospital.","The use of in communities is with early death, doubling survival after out - of hospital.","The of in aeds use - with associated is early death, a doubling of survival after out communities of hospital.","The use ahead of time of ahead of time aeds in communities is associated with early death, a doubling of survival replicate after out survival of the fittest - of hospital.","Ther use of aeds in comunities 1s associated with eary dieth, at doubling of survival aftrer put - of houspital.","The use of aeds in communities tis associated wiv early death , a doubling of survival after out - of hospital .","The استخدم of aeds in समुदाय is ассоциированные with early death, a doubling of survival アフター out - of hospital.","The use of aeds in communities is associated with early death, a doubling @wqzU3Lbf of survival after out - of hospital.","Thee Yoos of aeds in Community'S is associated with Earley death, a doubling of survival after out - of hospital.","The use of aeds in communities is associated with an early death, a doubling of survival after hospitalization.","Aedes in communities is associated with early death, A doubling of survival after out— Of hospital.",Aeds are linked to early death and a twofold increase in survival rates after hospitalization. 12121460,"Various types of stainless steel kitchenware including pots, pans and containers.","Vakioo8 types of stainless 8tee1 kitchenware including p0t8, pan8 and containers.","VQeiouC typFq of stainless s%fel kihcudnwwrs igFluWiMg pots, pans and fpJtziners.","@Vairiovus types of stainless ss)teel kidtcheGnwJa4rMe i$nclIu5dAing kpo0ts, upanRs and containers.","VaX9Ous Jypec of sEbiKlesY steel )7Rchenwfr) including pots, paxS and conty5n!r9.","Vraious tyspe of stainless steel kcihtenware icnudlign tpos, anps and containers.","ario types of siles tel kitchenware nluin po, pans and contae.","VaRIOuS Types of StainLess SteEl KitchenWARE incLuDinG PoTs, PaNs And cONTAiNers.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff ssssttttaaaaiiiinnnnlllleeeessssssss sssstttteeeeeeeellll kkkkiiiittttcccchhhheeeennnnwwwwaaaarrrreeee iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ppppoooottttssss,,,, ppppaaaannnnssss aaaannnndddd ccccoooonnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnneeeerrrrssss....","Various types 0f stainl3ss ste3l kitc43n3are includin9 p0ts, pans and c0ntainers.","Vari oustypes of stai nless steelkit ch enw are in cl udin g po ts, pans an dc o ntai ners.","Varі๐us 𐊱𑣜𝝦es oF st𝗮١nle𐐠𝕊 steᴇL 𝓚𝟏𝛵chЕnwa𖼵℮ i𝖭clud𝔩n𝙂 p0𝚝s, 𝑝𝑎Νs anꭰ ꓚo𝙉𝝉aI𝝢ⅇrᏚ.","various eccentric of stainless steel sword kitchenware include pots, tear apart and containers.",of kitchenware including pans and,"Various and of pans stainless types including pots, steel kitchenware containers.","Various sword types of stainless character steel kitchenware including pots, blade pans blade and containers.","Various typse of stairless steal kitchenware including pots, peas h containners.","Various types of stainless steel kitchenware including pots , pans nd containers .","Various الانواع of stainless steel kitchenware inbegripet pots, pans and containers.","Various types of stainless steel kitchenware including @V7QdkY5B pots, pans and containers.","Various types of stainless steel kitchenware including pots, Pan'S and Containers'.","Various types of stainless steel dishes, including pots, pans and containers.","Some of these stainless steel kitchenware, such as pots, pans and cauldrons, are","Pots, pans and containers made from stainless steel." 6059647,"A danger sign with the words'wear personal protective clothing, no smoking, no naked light and battery charging area.","A dan9ek 8i9n with the w0rd8 ' wear pek80na1 protective clothing, no smoking, n0 nared 1i9ht and battery charging akea.","A dWBg$r slbn w8tt the widds ' wWae p4rxpnaK pro^ecHiGF clothing, no sm9l(ng, no naoeF light and battery chxdniHg area.","A 7danGgber Os0ign wpit#h the wo4rdds ' wear UpeEr3sional protective dcxloth(in0g, no smoking, no Dnakebd llWight and battery cha3rmgiInvg 6a$rea.","A danger sXgc Dioh the woLdo ' XeaP personal protective clathX#4, no sdokQnI, no naked lyBht and xa#ter8 GhahGi#g Qrex.","A danegr snig iwht the words ' ware epsornla protective lochtnig, no smoking, no naked lihtg and battery hcgarnig reaa.","A dne sg with the words ' er psoa procve clothing, no skng, no akd light and btey agig aa.","A DAngER sIGn wiTh the wOrDS'wEar personal PrOteCtIve clOthInG, no sMokinG, no naked LIghT AnD BaTterY chArgINg Area.","AAAA ddddaaaannnnggggeeeerrrr ssssiiiiggggnnnn wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss''''wwwweeeeaaaarrrr ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnaaaallll pppprrrrooootttteeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeee ccccllllooootttthhhhiiiinnnngggg,,,, nnnnoooo ssssmmmmooookkkkiiiinnnngggg,,,, nnnnoooo nnnnaaaakkkkeeeedddd lllliiiigggghhhhtttt aaaannnndddd bbbbaaaatttttttteeeerrrryyyy cccchhhhaaaarrrrggggiiiinnnngggg aaaarrrreeeeaaaa....","A danger si9n with the 30rds'3ear personal pr0t3ctiv3 cl0thin9, n0 s3okin9, no nak3d li94t and 6att3r4 c4argin9 ar3a.","A da nger sign wi th th e wor ds'wear pe rs ona l p r ot ec tive clo thing, no s mo k i ng,no naked l ight and bat terych a rg in g a rea.","𝑎 D⍺𝐍ger 𝕤ign 𑜊⏽𝔗ℍ 𝕥𝝜e ѡ𝔬ℝd𝐒'wear pΕrsonal 𝖕Rotective cⅬo𝛕h𝕴𝐍g, 𝜨o 𝔰mo𝒦𖼨ng, 𝗻𝞂 𝙣aked 𑢲𝜄ght 𝒶ռD 𝝗𝘢t𝘁er𑢤 ch𝚊rgin𝐆 𝑨ꓣⅇa٠","deoxyadenosine monophosphate risk mark with the words'wear personal protective clothing, no smoking, no au naturel christ within and stamp battery accuse area.","A danger sign the personal clothing, no naked light and charging area.","A smoking, light area. battery words'wear personal protective clothing, no danger no naked sign and the charging with","ampere risk A risk danger sign with the words'wear personal protective clothing, no smoking, ampere no naked light and battery charging area.","A danger sign qith te qwords ' wering personnal protective clothing, on smoken, np naked lighet and bactery charging area.","A danger sign wiv tha words'wear personal protective clothing , noes smoking , noes nekkid light nd battery charging area .","A خطر sign with the words'wear personlig protective clothing, no smoking, no naked light and バッテリー charging area.","A danger sign with the words'wear personal protective clothing, no smoking, no naked light and battery charging @EydfOK6X area.","A danger sign with the words'wear personal protective clothing, Noh smoking, Noh naked Lite and battery charging Erria.","A warning sign read: ""Wear personal protective clothing, do not smoke, no naked light and no battery charge.","A danger sign with the words'wear personal protective apparel, No smoking, no naked light and battery charging, No more than the word�","The signifying the danger is a warning to wear protective gear, abstain from smoking, and refrain from using the bathroom or charging your battery." 4589549,Many white daisies on green background design decoration feasts decoration table art work and employment environment.,Many white daisies un green background design dec0kati0n fea8t8 decoration ta61e akt w0rr and emp10yment environment.,Many white daisies on green gwVkgtound design decoration fRaztq dFc8rati(M tabO3 art woTi and emp>oGm#ny DmviFoMmebt.,Many white 6d9aiMsies on green lbackBgrqouned d(esMiTgn ^deaco@rCation ofFea9sts decoration xtaable art work and gemptlo3ym$ent environment.,Many white dHCsi^s on grprn ba!Lfrount d%s1Tn decoration feasts decoration tgblk art ws9k and emLloJ%enC environment.,Many wihet diassie on rgeen background edsnig decoration feasts deocrtaoni abtle art work and pemloyment environment.,Many wte sies on grn ckgund design decoration est decoration table art or and ployet environment.,MaNY wHITe DaIsiEs on GrEeN baCkgRound desiGn deCoRation feAsTS deCoRatioN tabLe art WOrk aNd EMpLoymENt EnvIRonMent.,MMMMaaaannnnyyyy wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee ddddaaaaiiiissssiiiieeeessss oooonnnn ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd ddddeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ffffeeeeaaaassssttttssss ddddeeeeccccoooorrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ttttaaaabbbblllleeee aaaarrrrtttt wwwwoooorrrrkkkk aaaannnndddd eeeemmmmppppllllooooyyyymmmmeeeennnntttt eeeennnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt....,Many whit3 daisies on gre3n 6ack9round design d3c0rati0n f3asts dec0rati0n ta6le art 3ork and 33pl0433nt 3nviron33nt.,Many whi te da isi es on gree n backg rou nd de sig n d ec orat i onfeasts deco ra t i on t able art w ork and empl oymen te nv ir o nm ent.,𝑴aℕ𝙮 ᴡ𝘩it⋿ daiꮪies oռ green bacKgrⲞund dⴹ𝓼𝑰gn ⅅecﮫrat١on ℱeaƽts 𝒅𑢮c𝙤rat│on Тabᒪe 𝘈ᴦt 𝙒o𝓇k a𝖭𝔡 𝞔m𝝔ᒪ𝗢𝜰ment 𝜠nviro𝐍me𝖭t𐩐,many clean daisy on viridity setting excogitation ornament feed ornament tabulate artistic production shape and exercise environment.,white daisies on background decoration feasts decoration table art and,Many white decoration green table background design daisies feasts decoration work art on and employment environment.,Many white daisies plan on act upon green background design super c decoration feasts decoration table art act upon work and employment environment.,Meny wihte daisies or green backgroud desiigner decoration feasts decoration tabele art work and employment enviorement.,Many white daisies on green bg design decoration feasts decoration table art wrk nd employment environment .,Many ابيض daisies on हरी bakgrund design decoration feasts декорации table 芸術 work and sysselsättningen environment.,Many white daisies on green background design decoration feasts decoration table @W0HrDm2U art work and employment environment.,Many Whyte Daisy'S on green background design decoration feasts decoration table art Werke and employment environment.,Lots of white daisies on green background design decoration festive decoration table artworks and employment environment.,Many white daisies on green background designating feasts and decorations table art work and employment.,"A plethora of white daisies on a green background are utilized for decorating feasts, table art, and employment opportunities." 4932946,A usain bolter is seen after he was injured during the men's 4x100m relay final on day two of the London 2012 Olympic.,A usain 6o1tek is seen after he was injured during the men ' s 4x100m ke1ay final 0n day twu of the London z042 Olympic.,A ueaij Hoote# is sreb Qfger he was iMuuged during the men ' s 5z100H relay fiJXl on day two of the kIndpn e022 ilymo&c.,A uIs%ain UboltzeFr is 4se#en after he was inju^rZeBd BdZurinfg the men ' s 4qxr10y0m Xreplay 7fiznal on day two of the aLoEnydon 2012 OdlympKicc.,A usain bolter is D9en afN5r he was i3juMCd akripg the men ' s 4V9)0m relo( 0ina9 on day two of the )JnJon _812 Oxy6wic.,A usain blorte is esne after he was njirued drugin the men ' s 41x0m0 rleya fnila on day two of the Oldonn 0221 Olmyicp.,A uai ote is seen aft he was jure drn the men ' s 4x1 rea final on day two of the Ldn 21 Olyi.,A USaiN BoLTeR iS Seen aFtER hE wAs injured dUriNg The mEn's 4X100m RelAy FINal on dAY twO of THe LOndOn 2012 OlYMpic.,AAAA uuuussssaaaaiiiinnnn bbbboooolllltttteeeerrrr iiiissss sssseeeeeeeennnn aaaafffftttteeeerrrr hhhheeee wwwwaaaassss iiiinnnnjjjjuuuurrrreeeedddd dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee mmmmeeeennnn''''ssss 4444xxxx111100000000mmmm rrrreeeellllaaaayyyy ffffiiiinnnnaaaallll oooonnnn ddddaaaayyyy ttttwwwwoooo ooooffff tttthhhheeee LLLLoooonnnnddddoooonnnn 2222000011112222 OOOOllllyyyymmmmppppiiiicccc....,A usain bolt3r is seen after h3 3as in7ured during t43 33n's 4x100m rela4 final 0n day t3o 0f t43 70nd0n 2012 0l43pic.,A us ainbolte r i s see n aft er he w asin jur edd ur in g th e me n's 4x100mre l a y fi nal on d ay two of theLondo n2 01 2O ly mpic. ,𝖠 usa𝐈n 𝚋𝟶l𝕥er i𝗌 𝙎eeո 𝚊𐊇𝓣er he w𝔞s ɩn𝘫ur𐊆D d𝖚ri𝓷g 𐊱𝗵e mⴹ𝒏's 4x1𝖔0m ⲅ𝞔lay fiⲚal 𝜪n 𝑑a𝙔 𝑻wo oℱ 𝖳h𑢮 LondՕn 2012 Ol𝙔Μpicꓸ,amp usain bolter is see after he was spite during the mens room 4x100m electrical relay last on daytime ii of the london 2012 Olympic.,A bolter seen after during relay final two of the London Olympic.,A usain of two seen after he was men's bolter the injured 4x100m relay final on day is during the London 2012 Olympic.,A usain bolter is seen after he was injured during british capital the men's 4x100m relay final on day two of mens room the London 2012 Olympic.,I usain bolter is seem after he will enjured during thye men ' s 4x100m relay final o day two lf the Londan 20012 olympc.,A usain bolter tis seen after he wuz injured during tha men 's 4x100 m relay final on daii two of tha London 2012 Olympic .,A usain bolter is seen after he was ferits during the men's 4x100m relay final on day two of the Londres 2012 Olympic.,A usain bolter is seen after he was injured during the men's 4x100m relay final on day two @0PUam2js of the London 2012 Olympic.,A usain bolter is seen after Hee was injured during the MenneS 4x100Emme relay final Aune Dey Thuy of Thee London 2012 Olympic.,A backup is seen after his injury in the men's 4x100m relay final on day two of the 2012 London Olympics.,A usain bolter is seen after he hath been wounded in the men's 4x100m relay final on day two of the London 2012 Olympic.,An injury sustained by a usain bolter during the men's 4x100m relay final on day two of the London 2012 Olympic is being documented. 11634974,The groundbreaking ceremony for the new site at the intersection of highway and interstate,The groundbreaking cekem0ny for the new 8ite at the intersection of highway and intek8tate,The grouGXbreWk&bF Fe$enpny for the new xJte at the inhs4sest7on of hign2Wy and iJteEstaRS,The gTrhoukn&dbmrqeaking crerecmjonVy for the new EsXite at the inlte)rWsecitigon of ^h$igehway and in5te&rWst*ate,The gaAQnAkrehking CWzeXony for the new +Rte at the _nRe^mektion of hig&wa& and iTteQsfatJ,The rgoubdnraekign ecremnoy for the new iset at the nietrsetcnio of higwhay and inetrsttae,The robreain croy for the new te at the ntrseon of ihwa and inters,ThE grOUNdbreAkiNg cerEmOnY foR tHe new sITE At ThE iNTeRsectION oF highwAy aND InTerstatE,TTTThhhheeee ggggrrrroooouuuunnnnddddbbbbrrrreeeeaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg cccceeeerrrreeeemmmmoooonnnnyyyy ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee nnnneeeewwww ssssiiiitttteeee aaaatttt tttthhhheeee iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrsssseeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff hhhhiiiigggghhhhwwwwaaaayyyy aaaannnndddd iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrssssttttaaaatttteeee,The 9roundbreaking c3r3mon4 f0r th3 n3w sit3 at t4e int3rsecti0n 0f 4ig43a4 and int3rstat3,Thegrou ndbre aki ng ce remon y for t hene w s ite at t he i n ter section ofhi g h wayand inte rs tate,T𝑯e grه𝗎n𝘿breaᛕӏ𝐍ɢ cҽ𝖗emo𝚗y f𝞂𝖗 t𝙷𝜠 n𑢮w site at t𝑯Ꭼ ꙇnterse𝙲ti𝟘𝓷 ੦f high𝒘aΥ and interst𝞐te,The innovative ceremonial for the novel web site at the product of main road and interstate highway,groundbreaking the the intersection of and,at and ceremony for interstate new site the the intersection of highway groundbreaking The,The newly groundbreaking ceremony innovative for the interstate highway new site innovational at the intersection of highway and interstate,Thte groundbreaking ceremony for thi new sitting un tu intersection OK highway and interstate,The groundbreaking ceremony fo` tha nu site at tha intersection of highway nd interstate,The groundbreaking cerimonia for the new site at the intersection of highway и interstate,@sZXhAXUD The groundbreaking ceremony for the new site at the intersection of highway and interstate,Thee groundbreaking ceremony for the new Cite at the intersection of highway and interstate,Groundbreaking ceremony for the new site at the intersection of motorway and motorway,The groundbreaking ceremony at the intersection of highway and interstate.,The groundbreaking ceremony for the new site at the intersection of highway and interstate was held. 11862894,People standing in front of a wall with the words improving communities start with your smallest community.,Peup1e standing in fkunt of a wa11 with the words improving communities 8takt with yuor smallest cummonity.,PFo0>e standing in frKMt of a wall Qitn the words 8l@cy&on of various iciJs iBcluCJnY hats, BlassDa and )tter tNimVs.","A collection of variEoku5s ic2oHns (inOcluFdsing Qhamts, Ig_lasxses and other t&hiinfgs.","A collection of vardOis KcoYs int#uYinc D*ts, glasses and dt7er thAips.","A collection of viaruos ciosn nilcudgin hats, lsgases and toehr thinsg.","A ollect of various ico iding hats, asse and the tig.","A COLleCtioN of variouS icONS INcLUding HaTS, glAsSEs AND oTheR tHingS.","AAAA ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiiccccoooonnnnssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg hhhhaaaattttssss,,,, ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss....","A collection 0f various ic0ns includin9 4ats, 9lasses and ot43r t4ings.","A co llec tionofvario us ic ons inc lud in g h ats , g la sses and other thin gs . ","a 𝒞𝟬ll𐊆ctا𝕺n of ⋁𝚨r𖼨o𝑢𝕾 ic𝜎ɴs i𝘯𐔜lu𝓓ℹng haΤs, 𝐺lassꓰ𝕊 and Օ𝝩𝗛ҽ𝙧 thǀngs܁","group a solicitation of assorted image include hats, chicken feed and other things.","collection of various including hats, glasses other","A other of and various collection hats, glasses icons including things.","A let in collection of various icons including hats, aggregation glasses and let in other ampere things.","A colletion on varius icons including het, glasses ah other think.","A collection of various icons including hats , glasses nd other things .","A التحصيل of various icons including hats, glasögon and other things.","A collection @mGPqciZ9 of various icons including hats, glasses and other things.","A collection of various Icahn'S including Hat'S, Glass'S and Uther Thing'S.","A collection of various icons, including hats, glasses and other items.","A collection of divers icons, some of them hats, some of them glasses, and some","A compilation of various symbols, such as headwear and accessories." 2602692,A businessman standing in front of a chalkboard with arrows pointing to different directions stock photo.,A businessman standing in fk0nt uf a chalkboard with akk0ws pointing to diffekent dikectiun8 stock phutu.,A buW&nfwsJan sgaJdomg in fr(mt of a sualJboarE ALth a$fowz pointing to different Wi3dctionE stock photo.,A butsniXn@essm0an 3sAtmandinHg in front of a schalkWbofa*rd with a5rUrxows $pToi*ntinUg to different dirCezcTtion4s stock phLogto.,A businessman stard8sC in fmozt of a NhalkhoaYe &it+ arrows pointing to diAfetABt nirK^tioMs stock ph2tw.,A bussinesman asntdign in front of a hcakloabrd with raowrs opniitgn to different dirtecinso sotkc photo.,A buiean standing in front of a chalkboard it rrs inti to different irions sok pot.,A BUsiNESsman stAnDing iN FRonT oF a chalkbOaRd WitH ArrOws POINtiNg to diFFereNt DiRECtioNS sTocK pHoto.,AAAA bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssssmmmmaaaannnn ssssttttaaaannnnddddiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff aaaa cccchhhhaaaallllkkkkbbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaarrrrrrrroooowwwwssss ppppooooiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg ttttoooo ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ddddiiiirrrreeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss ssssttttoooocccckkkk pppphhhhoooottttoooo....,A businessman standing in front 0f a c4alkboard 3it4 arr0ws p0intin9 to diff3r3nt dir3cti0ns st0ck p4ot0.,A bu sine ssman st andin g infront o f a c hal kbo a rd w itha rro ws pointing t o diff erent di re ctions stock phot o. ,𝙖 b𝜐𝐬iness𝖬aN 𝚜t𝒶𝖓ᗞing ℐ𝒩 fᴦ𑣗nT 𝚘Ϝ a cнaꓡkb߀ard 𝔴ith aꭱ𝑟০𝒲ꓢ 𝙋𝔬ℓnꓔing to d|fferen𝐭 Directions 𝐒t𐐄c𝛫 Ⲣ𝞖o𝙩𝙤𐩐,type a man of affairs abide in figurehead of a blackboard with arrow signal to unlike steering strain photo.,A businessman standing in front of with to different stock photo.,A directions different pointing photo. of a chalkboard with arrows in to standing businessman stock front,steering chalkboard blackboard A businessman standing in front of a chalkboard with arrows pointing chalkboard to different directions stock photo.,At businessman standig in fromt of I chalkboard wich arrows pointing for different directions stock phto.,A businessman standing in front of a chalkboard wiv arrows pointing tuh different directions stock photo .,A businessman standing in front of a chalkboard с arrows pointing to diferent directions ストック photo.,A businessman standing in front @pd8ULRty of a chalkboard with arrows pointing to different directions stock photo.,A businessman standing Inn front of a chalkboard with Arrow'S pointing to different directions Stokke photo.,A businessman stands in front of a board with arrows pointing in different directions.,A man standing in a chalkboard with arrows pointing to different directions stock photo.,Businessman: Arrows pointing in different directions on a chalkboard. 10619676,"Cartoon drawing with caption saying it's our service required by the amount of work done, and by the time we take","Cartoon drawing with captiun saying it ' s our service ke9oiked 6y the amuont of work d0ne, and by the time we tare","Ca%Fooj drawing wUtm cZptiIH WZylng it ' s our Wergide 5squidwd by the anouJG of w8dk wonF, and by the time we $aMe","CWarztoxon dra)wien9g wTitDh cZaZptioan saying it ' s our skerGveice zreMquQiXred by the amount of woNrGk d9o4ne, and by the tVimoe we Rt#ake","Xarmaon dra!cn^ #itE caption sa_R7g it ' s our Veoviae %cqqiped by the &moV*t of warq d2ne, and by the time we uUke","Acrotno rdwanig iwht catipno saying it ' s our esvrcie erquirde by the manout of wkor done, and by the item we take","aron dawg ih tion ayn it ' s our srvc reir by the amount of ok on, and by the time we ta","CaRTooN DrAWiNg WiTh cApTiON sAyiNg it's ouR ServiCe rEqUirED bY tHe amOunt Of worK DOne, ANd By THe TimE we takE","CCCCaaaarrrrttttoooooooonnnn ddddrrrraaaawwwwiiiinnnngggg wwwwiiiitttthhhh ccccaaaappppttttiiiioooonnnn ssssaaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg iiiitttt''''ssss oooouuuurrrr sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeee rrrreeeeqqqquuuuiiiirrrreeeedddd bbbbyyyy tttthhhheeee aaaammmmoooouuuunnnntttt ooooffff wwwwoooorrrrkkkk ddddoooonnnneeee,,,, aaaannnndddd bbbbyyyy tttthhhheeee ttttiiiimmmmeeee wwwweeee ttttaaaakkkkeeee","Cartoon dra3ing with caption sa4in9 it's 0ur service requir3d 64 t4e a30unt 0f w0rk don3, and 64 t43 ti33 w3 tak3","Cart oondrawi ngwithcapti on sayi ngit 'sour se rv icer equ ired by the a m o untof workdo ne, and by t he ti me we t a ke ",CaR𝙩ﻩoN 𝖉rawi𝐍g 𝘸ith capt𝔦on s𐊠y𝐢ng it's o𝞄r serVꓲ⸦ⅇ r⋿quІ𝑟𝑬𝖉 by the a𝛭ount ﮭf work donE, Α𝛮d by t𝘩ℯ 𝑻imℰ we 𝖳ake,"sketch force with subtitle state it's our service of process mandatory by the sum of money of exercise done, and by the sentence we convey","drawing with caption it's service by the work done, and the time take","Cartoon drawing of we the it's our service required by saying amount time work done, and by the with caption take","Cartoon drawing with caption saying expect it's our tell service required by the amount suck of work done, and by the legend time we take","Cartoon draowing with captain saying ir ' is our service required Bye that amount ofo work doen, and bye! tle time we take","Cartoon drawing wiv caption lololit 's our service required by tha amount of wrk done , nd by tha tyme we take","Cartoon الرسم with caption saying it's our servei required by the quantitat of work done, وال by de time we take","Cartoon drawing with caption saying it's @7fTjK2nv our service required by the amount of work done, and by the time we take","Cartoon drawing with caption saying it's our Serviss required Bae Thee amount of Werk Dunn, and Bye the time we take",Cartoon drawing with the caption that it is our service that is required by the amount of work done and by the time we take,"Drawing with caption saying ’Tis our service required by the amount of work done, and by the time we take, it is the",A cartoon illustration with a caption that indicates the amount of work and time required for delivery. 9962519,Four different pictures with animals and text that says steps taken for the conservation of wildlife.,Fuor different pictures with anima18 and text that says steps taren for the c0n8ekvati0n uf wildlife.,Couf duEf4r4nt pictures wiyU animals and text that saGD steps tXjen for the cpJZervaRi(n of DilFoiee.,FLouyr (d^iffetren4t lpVictu9rWes with animals and ItexTt that sa^yws stkep@s taken for the conZserEvRaUttion of wildlife.,Vogr different pictures kitg aniGasB and A9xt y+at says ste$0 taken for the csns!ovatwoV of wildlife.,Ofru idfefrnte cpituesr iwht animals and txte that says steps taken for the oncsretvaion of wildlife.,Fr feret pictures th nial and tx that ys steps taken for the conservation of widf.,FoUR dIFFerenT pIcTureS WiTH aNimAls and teXt thAt SaYS StepS TAken For tHE CoNsErVatiOn of wILdLife.,FFFFoooouuuurrrr ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaannnniiiimmmmaaaallllssss aaaannnndddd tttteeeexxxxtttt tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss sssstttteeeeppppssss ttttaaaakkkkeeeennnn ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee ccccoooonnnnsssseeeerrrrvvvvaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff wwwwiiiillllddddlllliiiiffffeeee....,Four different pictures wit4 ani3als and text t4at says st3ps taken f0r the c0ns3rvati0n 0f 3ildlif3.,Four dif feren t p ictur es wi th anim als a ndtex t t ha t sa y s s teps takenfo r theconserva ti on of wildli fe.,Ϝou𖼵 diẝferҽ𝔑t 𝙥ict𝔘reᏕ wi🝨Η 𝘈𝙉i𝕄a𐑃s a𝖭𝔡 𝚃e𝘹𝞣 t𝘩𝞐t says steps ⟙ak𝐸n քo𝕣 th𝐄 𝐶𝜎ɴserv𝓪𝒯ioո 𝘰𐊇 ɯildlife𐩐,quaternion dissimilar envision with brute and schoolbook that enunciate pace call for for the preservation of wildlife.,Four different with and text that says steps for of,Four different that steps animals and text pictures of with taken says the conservation for wildlife.,Four different pictures with animals fauna and text that says steps taken for dissimilar the conservation of animate being tell wildlife.,Four diffient pictures wish annimals and text that ssy steppes taken fo the conservation af wildlife.,Four different pix wiv animals nd txt tht sez steps taken fo` tha conservation of wildlife .,Four مختلفين pictures with animals and text that says шаги taken for the conservation of wildlife.,Four different pictures with animals and text that says steps taken for the @wqzU3Lbf conservation of wildlife.,Four different pictures with Animal'S and text that says Steppes taken for Thee conservation of wildlife.,Four different pictures with animals and text describing the steps to protect the wildlife.,Four different pictures with animals and text that says steps taken for the preservation of wildlife.,Four pictures of animals and a text that highlights the conservation efforts for wildlife preservation. 11582299,"A table with various fruits and vegetables including apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes, and onions.","A table with various fkoit8 and vegetables including apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, 89oash, 1ettoce, radishes, and uniun8.","A tWhle wiYB va47ouC R#ukts and vegetables including a9p>ec, Xarr8fs, grodcK/i, tomatoes, dquqQh, lDttufw, 5Adish4d, and onions.","A t%ablPe w*it8h nva8rioucs fru0irtus and v5egGeEtaEbles including aVptpVles, cmaJrrxots, broccoli, tomatoes, 2sqHuasGh, lettuce, DraCdiusheRs, and obntioOns.","A table _i5h m%riou4 fruits and vzgerabl2Y including YpWle#, ca9%*ts, broccoli, 6om(3oei, sqnaz5, lelIucE, Q6disJe6, and b)iods.","A tbael wthi vaiuros fruits and gveeabtles incluidgn aplpes, crartso, rboccoil, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, adrsihse, and oonisn.","A tab with vrus rus and egeabe including aps, caro, broccoli, ttes, squash, letu, ishs, and onn.","A TAblE WiTh VaRIoUs fRuItS anD vEgetablEs InCluDiNG aPples, cArrots, broCcoLi, tomatOEs, SQUASH, lETTuce, rAdiShes, aNd ONioNs.","AAAA ttttaaaabbbblllleeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ffffrrrruuuuiiiittttssss aaaannnndddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaapppppppplllleeeessss,,,, ccccaaaarrrrrrrroooottttssss,,,, bbbbrrrrooooccccccccoooolllliiii,,,, ttttoooommmmaaaattttooooeeeessss,,,, ssssqqqquuuuaaaasssshhhh,,,, lllleeeettttttttuuuucccceeee,,,, rrrraaaaddddiiiisssshhhheeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd oooonnnniiiioooonnnnssss....","A tabl3 with various fruits and ve93tables includin9 appl3s, carr0ts, 6rocc0li, t0mat03s, squas4, l3ttuc3, radish3s, and oni0ns.","A ta blewithvar iousfruit s and v ege ta ble s i n cl ud inga ppl es, carrots ,b r occo li, toma to es, squash,lettu ce , r ad i sh es, a nd o n io n s. ","A 𝝩abⅬꭼ wιth 𝖛a𐒴iou𐊖 քruiτs a𝒏d v𝔼𝐠eta𝐛lᴇ𝓈 i𝙽ϲlu𝘋ing 𝐴𝛲pⳐes, 𝓒ᗅrrots, b𝒓Οcco𐔦i؍ tomᴀ𝞣o𝖤s, sq∪𝓪𐐠𝘩؍ 𖼖𝝚ttu𝑐e, ꮁ𝖺diƽ𝝜e𝒮, and onio𝘕𝖘܂","angstrom unit defer with assorted yield and vegetable include apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes, and onions.","A with various including tomatoes, squash, and onions.","with various carrots, lettuce, fruits and vegetables including apples, A broccoli, tomatoes, squash, table radishes, and onions.","postpone A table with let in various fruits and vegetables including apples, let in carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes, veg and onions.","At table with varius fruite ad vegetabs inclunding apples, corrots, broccoli, tometoes, squash, rettuce, radishes, and onios.","A table wiv various fruits nd vegetables including apples , carrots , broccoli , tomatoes , squash , lettuce , radishes , nd onions .","A الطاولة with various फलों och vegetables including apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes, پھر onions.","A table with various fruits and vegetables @fV7QdkY5 including apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes, and onions.","A table with various fruits and vegetables including Apple'S, Karatz, Brockley, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes, and onions.","A table with various fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, pumpkin, lettuce, radishes and onions.","A table with divers fruits and vegetables, Including apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes, and onions.","A table stocked with apples, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, radishes and onions." 6784839,"A guitar and accessories including an amplifier, keyboard, CD player, cd case, strap and remote control.","A guitar and accessories inc1odin9 an amp1ifiek, keyboard, GO player, cd case, strap and remote c0ntko1.","A g titsF and asv3sWoties inc<*dKGg an qmllLfiwr, keyboard, CD O:a^er, cd csQe, sfGap and %ekKte foJtroK.","A gouiktAar and WaBcxce7ssoriess 8in3cyludi6ng an aImpklyifiefr, #keybJouarnd, CD pJlHayAer, cd 5cbase, sBtraxp and remote covn%tOrol.","A +Iithr and accmnToN2es incl!Ftbg an amnliPikQ, 0eynoaLd, CD 3la)Wr, cd case, strX_ and rsmjOe coYtdoP.","A ugaitr and accessories including an malpfieir, ykebodar, CD lpaery, cd aces, tsarp and rmeote cnortlo.","A gui and accsor including an mlier, kyoa, CD per, cd se, tap and rem cont.","A GUitAR and AccEsSoriEs iNCluDinG an ampliFiEr, keYbOarD, CD PLayEr, cD cASe, StrAp ANd REmoTe COnTrol.","AAAA gggguuuuiiiittttaaaarrrr aaaannnndddd aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaannnn aaaammmmpppplllliiiiffffiiiieeeerrrr,,,, kkkkeeeeyyyybbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd,,,, CCCCDDDD ppppllllaaaayyyyeeeerrrr,,,, ccccdddd ccccaaaasssseeee,,,, ssssttttrrrraaaapppp aaaannnndddd rrrreeeemmmmooootttteeee ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll....","A guitar and accessories includin9 an a3plifi3r, ke460ard, C0 pla4er, cd cas3, strap and r330t3 contr0l.","A gu itar andacc essor ies i ncludin g a namp lif i er ,keyb o ard , CD player ,c d cas e, strap a nd remote co ntrol .","A guitar a𝒩𝒅 𖽀ccess𐔖r|es inclu𝘿inℊ an 𐊠𝚳𝒫liքierꓹ ke𝘺boꓮrdꓹ ⅽD 𝓟Ꮮayeꮢ, cd 𐌂ase‚ 𝑺trа𝗽 A𝘯𝒟 r𝛦moꓔe 𐌂ontroʟ.","type a guitar and accessary let in an amplifier, keyboard, four hundred player, atomic number case, trounce and outback control.",A guitar accessories an CD strap and remote,"A amplifier, and an including remote guitar and CD player, cd case, strap keyboard, accessories control.","A guitar accessory and accessories including an amplifier, keyboard, CD ampere flog player, international ampere cd case, strap and remote control.","I guitar and accessorios including an amplifier, kayboard, CD's playr, cd casue, strap are remot controll.","A gitar nd accessories including an amplifier , keyboard , CD player , cd case , strap nd remote ctrl .","A الغيتار and accessories including an amplifier, keyboard, CD player, cd case, strap и remote control.","A guitar and accessories @EydfOK6X including an amplifier, keyboard, CD player, cd case, strap and remote control.","A guitar and accessories including an amplifier, keyboard, Seedy player, cd case, strap and remote control.","A guitar and accessories such as amplifier, keyboard, CD player, CD case, carrying strap and remote control.","A guitar and accessories, including an amplifier, a bass, a drum, a recorder, a recorder, a recorder, a recorder","The guitar and its supplementary equipment, such as an amplifier, keyboard, CD player, cd case, strap, and remote control." 3905355,"A circular graphic with icons representing industrial, manufacturing and other related items.","A cikco1ak graphic with icons representing indo8tkia1, manofactokin9 and other ke1ated items.","A circular graphic si^h Jcins fe9reDdhting indIxtr(Sl, manuRXc%urlmB and kthe# related items.","A jciSrcuClatr zgvraph5ic wsitwh i0c4ons representing industrial, manufacturing and other reflavtmed itmemTs.","A circular OraMxic wihg icons reeINsunt7ng JDduJprial, manufacturing and RthGr Melatee items.","A icurcalr graphci with iocsn representing indutsrila, amnaucfutrnig and other related eitms.","A rcla rapi with icons rprentg inusra, maufaug and other related tes.","A CIrcULAr grAphIc witH IcONs RepResentinG InDusTriAl, MAnuFACturiNg anD OthER rElAteD items.","AAAA cccciiiirrrrccccuuuullllaaaarrrr ggggrrrraaaapppphhhhiiiicccc wwwwiiiitttthhhh iiiiccccoooonnnnssss rrrreeeepppprrrreeeesssseeeennnnttttiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaallll,,,, mmmmaaaannnnuuuuffffaaaaccccttttuuuurrrriiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr rrrreeeellllaaaatttteeeedddd iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","A circular graphic wit4 ic0ns repr3sentin9 industrial, manufacturin9 and oth3r r3lat3d it33s.","A ci rcul ar gr aph ic wi th ic ons rep res en tin g i n du st rial , ma nufacturing a n d oth er relat ed items.","A 𝑪ircular 𝐆ra𝑃𝜢i𐐽 𝙒it𝙷 ꙇc𝕆n𝕤 ᚱ𝝚pᚱe𝙨enting inDuꜱtri𝑎l, mαnuꓝactu𝗿𝐈ng ɑnd 𝟬the𝗋 rⅇℒateD items.","angstrom unit orbitual vivid with picture interpret industrial, cook up and other link items.","A graphic with icons industrial, manufacturing related items.","A industrial, items. related icons representing and manufacturing circular other with graphic","A interrelate circular ikon graphic with icons representing industrial, manufacturing and other interrelate construct related items.","A circular graphic witw icons representing industrial, manufacuring andave oter ralated itemes.","A circular graphic wiv icons reppin industrial , manufacturing nd other related items .","A تعميم graphic with icons representing industrial, manufacturing and other связанные items.","A circular graphic with icons @UW0HrDm2 representing industrial, manufacturing and other related items.","A circular graphic with Icahn'S representing industrial, manufacturing and Uther related items.","A circular graphic with symbols representing industry, manufacturing and other related objects.","A circular graphic with icons of all these things, A circle of which is the circle of the","Icons on a circular outline that depict industrial, manufacturing and other items." 3442180,"A red and green outfit with accessories including wine glasses, and purses, bags, shoes, and a cell phone.","A ked and green 0otfit with accessories inc1odin9 wine glasses, and purses, bags, sh0e8, and a cell ph0ne.","A red and greFj iutfUH 2iHh acFess(Eirq (HXluVing eind blasWeC, and purses, bags, sh0ed, and a X3ll pBome.","A red and grzeeen outfit ewitEh accegsrs1orbiles innclud4izn%g wignZe XglaRs7ses, and ptuUrse3s, bqagqs, shoes, and a c$eDll iphonne.","A red and greP6 o2efiT c6th fccossokigH iFcllDink wPn1 gmIsse%, and pyNse*, bags, shoes, and a cd^l Azone.","A red and rgeen outfit twih accesrsioes ilncuding wine lgasess, and purses, absg, shoes, and a ecll hpnoe.","A red and grn outfit with acoies icdng wn glae, and urs, bg, shs, and a ce pon.","A REd AND GreEn OuTfit wItH acCesSories incluDinG wINe glasSES, anD PurSeS, BaGs, ShOEs, anD A celL pHone.","AAAA rrrreeeedddd aaaannnndddd ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn oooouuuuttttffffiiiitttt wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg wwwwiiiinnnneeee ggggllllaaaasssssssseeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppuuuurrrrsssseeeessss,,,, bbbbaaaaggggssss,,,, sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa cccceeeellllllll pppphhhhoooonnnneeee....","A red and 9reen outfit 3it4 acc3ssori3s including 3in3 glass3s, and purs3s, 6a9s, s403s, and a cell p4on3.","A re d an d gre enoutfi t wit h acces sor ie s i ncl u di ng win e gl asses, andpu r s es,bags, sh oe s, and a cel l pho ne . ","A Red aℕd 𝔊re𝙀n ໐u𝞃Fℑt w𝛊🝨ℎ a𝘾cᴇ𝙨sories incℒ𝝊𝒅ing winе gl𝘼𝖲se𖼺٫ 𝐀nd purses, Β𝜶g𝘴, 𝕊ho𝐄𝕤, and a 𝘤𝘌𐔦𐐛 𝞎һ౦𝜨e۰","axerophthol cerise and putting green getup with appurtenance admit vino glasses, and purses, bags, shoes, and a cubicle phone.","red and outfit including purses, bags, shoes, cell","A red and and outfit with green including a phone. accessories purses, bags, shoes, and wine cell glasses,","A red and green outfit with accessories including let in wine glasses, wine coloured and purses, bags, shoes, and cellular phone super c a cell phone.","A red ahd green outfit wint accessories including When glasees, em purses, bag, schoes, atch a cel phoon.","A red nd green outfit wiv accessories including wine glasses , nd purses , bags , shoes , nd a celly .","A الاحمر and green outfit with accessoris including wine glasses, and purses, bags, shoes, and a الزنزانة phone.","A red and green outfit with accessories including wine glasses, and purses, bags, shoes, @R0PUam2j and a cell phone.","A Redd and Greene outfit with accessories including wine Glass'S, and purses, Baggs, shoes, and a cell phone.","A red and green outfit with accessories such as wine glasses and purses, bags, shoes and a cell phone.","A red and green outfit with accessories, and wine-glasses, and purses, bags, and a cell-phone.","A red and green outfit paired with wine glasses, purses, bags, shoes, and a cellphone." 10778899,"Various green icons including trees, buildings, wind turbines and solar panels.","Various 9keen icons inc1odin9 trees, buildings, wind tok6ine8 and solar panels.","far(ouz green iVonC imfluSJng t$res, buildings, qibd turbines and sokqr panels.","_VariYouls gNrezen icons indclrudwinXg treLe)s, buildings, wind turbines and soala2r pua%nelis.","VaWiZuR 8rven icons iRclReiTg trKbs, buildings, wind tArsiae4 and solar +anjl4.","Various green ciosn nilcuding trees, buildings, iwdn truibnes and solar panels.","Vaos gen ion including trs, buildings, wind rnes and slr panels.","VaRIouS green icoNs inCludINg TreeS, bUiLDIngS, WInd tURBInEs ANd solAr PaNeLs.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn iiiiccccoooonnnnssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss,,,, bbbbuuuuiiiillllddddiiiinnnnggggssss,,,, wwwwiiiinnnndddd ttttuuuurrrrbbbbiiiinnnneeeessss aaaannnndddd ssssoooollllaaaarrrr ppppaaaannnneeeellllssss....","Various gre3n ic0ns including tr33s, 6uildin9s, wind tur6in3s and s0lar panels.","Vari ousgreen ic ons i nclud ing tre es, b uil din g s, w indt urb ines and so la r pane ls.",V𝐚𝘳i𝒪𐓶s green ι𝔠ons iռclud𝞲ng trees¸ 𝗕uΙ𐑃di𝗻g𖼺٫ w𝗂𝚴d 𝘛urƄi𐔓ꭼs 𝑨𝙉ᗪ solar pᗅ𝚗els܂,"several leafy vegetable ikon let in trees, buildings, confidential information turbine and solar panels.","trees, buildings, wind turbines and panels.","trees, green icons including Various turbines solar wind and buildings, panels.","Various green icons including super c trees, buildings, super c wind turbines turbine super c and solar panels.","Various geen icons incluinding trees, bulding, wind turbines è sorlar paneels.","Various green icons including trees , buildings , wind turbines nd solar panels .","Various الاخضر icons including trees, buildings, vinden turbines and solar panels.","@ZXhAXUDd Various green icons including trees, buildings, wind turbines and solar panels.","Various Greene icons including Trease, Building'S, wind turbines and solar panels.","Various green symbols such as trees, buildings, wind turbines and solar panels.","Various green icons, trees, buildings, wind-turbines and solar-panels.","A range of green icons, such as trees, buildings, wind turbines, and solar panels." 5373899,President Donald Trump and other military personnel stand in formation for the arrival ceremony at the Presidential palace.,Pke8ident O0na1d Trump and uthek mi1itaky personnel 8tand in formation f0k the arrival ceremony at the Presidential pa1ace.,(resUdrn^ Donald rrum9 and o5ner military pRrsohG4l ZtanS in dofmwtiog for the arrival c3reNom& at the LfesidSgtual palace.,President Donsaal)d Trump and wothe1r mRiKlYitarxy perBsonznce6l &sQtand in !faorm(ati+on for the arrival cpe@remto2ny at the Presidential pha0lyace.,Pgezise7t Donald Tr9mt and o+hes hiSitTrR p9ssonnZZ stand in voE+atibn for the Urpiva7 ceremony at the Pr6sid(nY+&l palace.,Rpiesednt Odnlda Trump and toehr military epsrnonle stdan in fomrtanio for the ararivl ceremony at the Presdieintal palace.,rsidt oad Trump and thr military personnel snd in orton for the aria erny at the Pdental palace.,PrESidENT DOnAld TRump aNd OthEr Military pErSonNeL stanD iN FOrmaTion FoR tHe arrivaL ceREMoNy aT tHE PReSIdeNtiAL palaCe.,PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnntttt DDDDoooonnnnaaaalllldddd TTTTrrrruuuummmmpppp aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr mmmmiiiilllliiiittttaaaarrrryyyy ppppeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnnnnneeeellll ssssttttaaaannnndddd iiiinnnn ffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee aaaarrrrrrrriiiivvvvaaaallll cccceeeerrrreeeemmmmoooonnnnyyyy aaaatttt tttthhhheeee PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnnttttiiiiaaaallll ppppaaaallllaaaacccceeee....,President D0nald Trump and ot43r 3ilitary pers0nn3l stand in f0r3ation f0r t4e arrival c3r330n4 at t43 Pr3sid3ntial palac3.,Pres iden t Don ald Trum p and othermil it ary pe r so nn el s t and in formati on f or t he arriv al ceremony at thePr e si de n ti al pa lace . ,PᎡ𝚬𝙨ident Doɴαld TruⅯp and 𝞂ther mⲒʟita𝖗ỿ personneⳑ st𝚊𝒏𝕕 Ꭵn formation foR 𝔗h𝚬 ar𝔯𝔩va𐔦 c𝝚ᖇ𝙀mony at the 𝐏r𝔼sIden𝗍i⍺l pal𝞐c℮.,united states president Donald scoop and other war machine personnel department abide in establishment for the arriver observance at the presidential palace.,President Donald other military stand in formation arrival at the Presidential palace.,President Donald for at other military in stand personnel formation Trump the arrival ceremony and palace. Presidential the,President Donald Trump and other military personnel brook stand brook trump card chairman in formation for the arrival ceremony at the Presidential palace.,President Donald Trump An anothes military personnel standy im formation dor the arrivel ceremony at thi Presidential palce.,President Donald Trump nd other military personnel stand in formation fo` tha arrival ceremony at tha Presidential palace .,President Donald Trump and other military personnel stand in formation for the прибытия ceremony at the Presidential palace.,President Donald Trump and other military personnel stand in formation for the arrival ceremony at the Presidential palace. @cMjc0SPz,President Donald Trump and other military personnel stand in formation for the arrival ceremony at Thee Presidential Pallas.,President Donald Trump and other military personnel stand in line during the arrival ceremony at the presidential palace.,The President and other military men Stand in order of their arrival at the Presidential palace.,"Military personnel, including President Donald Trump, stand in formation for the arrival ceremony at the Presidential palace." 6607248,"A room with green walls and curtains, including a bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, sink and toilet.","A room with 9keen wa1l8 and curtains, inc1odin9 a bed, de8r, chaik, mirror, television, sink and toilet.","A ro(K wKtn g4eeG walOW and dugYaiBs, incp Td*nY a bed, deaJ, vhai5, mirror, t4lecizioG, s&Gk and toilet.","A Zroowm w3iBth Ygrkeen wa0llds and #cur*taPiJns, incl0uMdRinRg a bed, dnexsk, chair, mirror, tSelervisRi1on, 3sGink and mto7ilemt.","A Sosm w46h gllen dall) and cMrtat0e, including a bed, We$k, chair, 2Lrro^, 1elAvisiV(, Zsnk and t^iHen.","A room iwht gerne lwals and crauitns, including a bed, edks, chair, mirrro, telievisno, iskn and toitel.","A ro with gen wll and utin, including a bed, dk, car, mor, telisi, sk and til.","A ROom WIth gReeN WallS AnD cuRtaIns, incluDiNg A bEd, dEsk, CHAir, MirRor, telEviSiON, sINk And ToIlet.","AAAA rrrroooooooommmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn wwwwaaaallllllllssss aaaannnndddd ccccuuuurrrrttttaaaaiiiinnnnssss,,,, iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaa bbbbeeeedddd,,,, ddddeeeesssskkkk,,,, cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr,,,, mmmmiiiirrrrrrrroooorrrr,,,, tttteeeelllleeeevvvviiiissssiiiioooonnnn,,,, ssssiiiinnnnkkkk aaaannnndddd ttttooooiiiilllleeeetttt....","A room wit4 9re3n 3alls and curtains, includin9 a 63d, d3sk, chair, mirr0r, t3l3visi0n, sink and t0il3t.","A ro om w ith g ree n wal ls an d curta ins ,inc lud i ng a bed , de sk, chair,mi r r or,televisi on , sink and t oilet .","A ro୦m wi𝚃h g𝓻een 𑜏Ꭺ𐐛ls ᴀnd 𑣲urtains, 𝟭NϹludin𝗚 a bed, dᎬ𝙎𐔘, 𝑐hair, mi𖼵r𐊒r, t𝗘L𝙀𖼈ision, s𝑖ɴK a𝒏𝓓 t𝟶il𝙴𝜏.","ampere board with greenish paries and curtains, let in a bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, subside and toilet.","A room with walls curtains, including a chair, mirror, sink toilet.","A room with green walls curtains, bed, a chair, and desk, including mirror, television, sink and toilet.","A room subside with green walls and ampere curtains, including a bed, paries desk, chair, mirror, television, sink and board toilet.","A room with grean waal anb courtins, encluding a bei, desk, chear, mirror, telivision, sing and toailet.","A rm wiv green walls nd curtains , including a bed , desk , chair , mirror , tv , sink nd toilet .","A حجرة with green walls and curtains, including a bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, sink and toilet.","A room with green walls and curtains, including @LNG6HAJz a bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, sink and toilet.","A Roome with Greene Walles and curtains, including a bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, Cinq and toilet.","A room with green walls and curtains, including bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, sink and toilet.","A room with green walls and curtains, Including a bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, sink and toilet.","A space featuring green walls and curtains, as well as a bed, desk, chair, mirror, television, sink, and toilet." 10379252,The team celebrates after winning their match against Croatia during day two of the men's volleyball game.,The team celebrates after winnin9 their match against Croatia during day two of the men ' 8 v0l1ey6al1 game.,"The team c3,eGrateC avtsr wknMJng Hheig Jatcu against Croatia CIriMg day two of the men ' s goileybaKP Ram@.",The team AcjelebDratPes tafRter @winni@nNg theRiTr match agaibn@s!t Cr%odati&a 9duriWn%g day two of the men ' s vSo3lleyrbpall game.,The tsfm celebrates af*e* whnnln* t%Hir m+teh acainHW Croatia during day two of the men ' s tol@eyyalV Ma%e.,The etma celebrates aeftr inwnign tehri mtahc gaainst Cortaai during day two of the men ' s vloleyball game.,The tm clerte aer winning the mth against roia during day two of the men ' s lleybl gm.,ThE teAM cEleBraTeS afTeR WInnIng their match agAinST CroatIA dUriNg daY TwO oF ThE MEn's vOLLeybaLL Game.,TTTThhhheeee tttteeeeaaaammmm cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaatttteeeessss aaaafffftttteeeerrrr wwwwiiiinnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr mmmmaaaattttcccchhhh aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnnsssstttt CCCCrrrrooooaaaattttiiiiaaaa dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg ddddaaaayyyy ttttwwwwoooo ooooffff tttthhhheeee mmmmeeeennnn''''ssss vvvvoooolllllllleeeeyyyybbbbaaaallllllll ggggaaaammmmeeee....,The t3am celebrat3s aft3r 3inning their 3atc4 a9ainst 0roatia durin9 da4 t3o 0f th3 33n's v0ll346all ga33.,Theteam cele bra tes a fterwinning th ei r m atc h a ga inst Cro atia during d a y two of theme n's volleyba ll ga me . ,The t𝗘am ceᏞ𝐄brates afteꮢ winniꓠg 𝜏Heℹr matc𝙝 𝛂Ga𝙄𝒏st CᏒoatƖ⍺ 𝘿uℛing day two o𑢢 the men's 𝙫oll𝞔𝙮𝔟aLl gameꓸ,The team up celebrate after gain their peer against hrvatska during daylight deuce of the mens room volleyball game game.,The after winning match Croatia of volleyball game.,The team day after winning their match of celebrates during men's two against the Croatia volleyball game.,mens room The team squad hour interval celebrates after winning their match against Croatia during day two of the men's volleyball gain game.,Thes tema celebrates afeter winning their much against Croacia duiring day two of the mi ' s Voley game.,The team celebrates after winning their match against Croatia during daii two of tha men 's volleyball game .,The فريق celebrates after winning their coincidència against Croatia during jornada two of the men's volleyball game.,The team celebrates after winning their match @7CysdStT against Croatia during day two of the men's volleyball game.,Thee Teem celebrates after winning There Mache against Croatia during Daye Thuy of the MennS volleyball game.,The team celebrates after beating Croatia on the second day of the men's volleyball match.,The team celebrate after their match against Croatia at day two of the men’s volleyball play.,"After winning against Croatia on day two of the men's volleyball game, the team celebrates." 1747564,Indian women hold placares with portraits of former prime minister Nabjila Gandhi during a protest against the upcoming government.,Indian women hold placares with portraits 0f former pkime minister Na6ji1a Gandhi during a pk0te8t against the opc0min9 9uveknment.,Indian women h*?d placares wKtJ lor55a8ts of T)rmeF (rie element illuCtrSfL9n fdoH people collection of an image.,BrYa&zigl soccer player kicjksi#ng the b(afll yicmon on whRigte beackgzro&uknd simple element lillustoraltzieon rfr1om people collection of an image.,BgHzkl soccer player lDkking the ball icon on white bacPgro1bu %Uvple *ne9ent zll7straF^o0 from pZRplP collection of an im8gv.,Brazli soccer player kikcing the ball icon on white bckagrodun simple elemetn illsutration from people collection of an image.,Bra soccer pae ickn the ba icon on white ackron sie element illustration from people clecon of an img.,BrAZil SOcCEr plAyEr kIcKiNG tHe Ball icon On whItE baCkGroUND SimPlE eLemeNt IllustRaTion FRoM peOPLe cOllecTioN of an ImaGe.,BBBBrrrraaaazzzziiiillll ssssoooocccccccceeeerrrr ppppllllaaaayyyyeeeerrrr kkkkiiiicccckkkkiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee bbbbaaaallllllll iiiiccccoooonnnn oooonnnn wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd ssssiiiimmmmpppplllleeee eeeelllleeeemmmmeeeennnntttt iiiilllllllluuuussssttttrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ffffrrrroooommmm ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ccccoooolllllllleeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee....,8razil soccer pla4er kicking the ball ic0n 0n 3hite 6ack9r0und si3pl3 3le33nt illustration fr0m p30pl3 c0ll3cti0n 0f an ima93.,Braz il s occer pl ayerkicki ng thebal lico n o n w hi te b a ckg round simpl ee l emen t illust ra tion from pe opleco l le ct i on of a n im a ge . ,Bra𝒵il s௦𝗰ϲer 𝓹laỿer kickin𝓖 th𝕰 𐌁aⳐl icon on whit𑢮 𝖡a𝙘kgroս𝝢d s𝖎m𝐏lℰ 𝙀lement ill𝑼s𝑇r𝓐tio𝑵 𑢢rom p𝜠o⍴le coⅬlec𝚃iﻬո of a𝒏 Ι𝘔agℰ.,federative republic of brazil association football thespian kick the egg picture on whiten downplay simpleton constituent instance from multitude aggregation of an image.,Brazil soccer kicking ball icon on simple element from collection of,background Brazil player kicking the ball icon on white soccer illustration element people from simple collection of an image.,Brazil soccer hoi polloi whiteness ikon player kicking the ball icon boot on white background simple element illustration from people collection of an image.,Brazil soccer player kicking the bol icon im white background simpli element illustration frm pleople colletion of on imagen.,Brazil soccer player kicking tha ball icon on white bg simple element illustration frm pplz collection of an image .,Brazil soccer giocatore kicking the ball icon on white background simple element иллюстрации from ピープル collection of an image.,Brazil @NG6HAJzY soccer player kicking the ball icon on white background simple element illustration from people collection of an image.,Brazil Sochor player kicking the Bawl Icahn on white background simple element illustration from people collection of an image.,Brazil footballer kicks the ball icon on white background simple element illustration of people collecting a picture.,"I have a collection of an image of a man kicking the ball in the face of a woman, and I have a simple","Simple illustration: A Brazil soccer player kicks the ball on a white background, taken from an image collected by many." 12101986,A group photo taken at the opening ceremony for China's first international economic conference.,A group photo taken at the opening cekemuny for Ghina ' s first international ec0numic c0nfekence.,A Broul photo taken at the opening dftwmony for xjina ' s EKrst Kggerna^ionA> 4con8niS v(Mfer@nce.,A group photo taZkmen at the opRe7nLing cUe3rejm^ony for China ' s fiqrzst @ingterhnatniionanl _eYconlomiEc kcon#ferzegnce.,A group p6Kto tqke0 at the opening ae40Bony for Ch4nC ' s f4lst international ecoNxmgz co9fete%cQ.,A group ophto tkane at the opnengi ecermony for China ' s first intenritanaol economic conferneec.,A grp pho ake at the peig ceremony for Cia ' s fir international economic cneren.,A GRouP Photo taKeN at tHe OpeNinG ceremony fOr ChiNa'S FirsT InteRnAtiOnal ecONOMic COnFerEnce.,AAAA ggggrrrroooouuuupppp pppphhhhoooottttoooo ttttaaaakkkkeeeennnn aaaatttt tttthhhheeee ooooppppeeeennnniiiinnnngggg cccceeeerrrreeeemmmmoooonnnnyyyy ffffoooorrrr CCCChhhhiiiinnnnaaaa''''ssss ffffiiiirrrrsssstttt iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll eeeeccccoooonnnnoooommmmiiiicccc ccccoooonnnnffffeeeerrrreeeennnncccceeee....,A group p4oto taken at t43 0pening c3r330ny f0r 0hina's first int3rnati0nal 3c0n03ic c0nf3r3nc3.,A gr oupphoto ta ken a t the openin g c er emo nyf or C hina ' s f irst intern at i o naleconomic c onference.,A 𝖦roup p𝝜ot𑓐 TΑken at 𝑇he openΙ𝛮G c𝚬гemo𝖭y 𐔥or C𝘏ɩn𝜶΄s firsᎢ i𝙽Т𝜠𝗿𝕹a𝞃Ꭵﮩ𝔫al eco𝜨omic ℂ𝖔n𑢢erence.,a grouping picture necessitate at the chess opening ceremonial occasion for China's showtime external economical conference.,A group taken the China's economic conference.,A at photo taken the opening group China's for ceremony first international economic conference.,A group photo observance taken at the opening ceremony observance ampere for China's economical first international economic conference.,A group Foto taken at the opening cerimony form chinaes ' S first international Economics coference.,A group photo taken at tha opening ceremony fo` China 's first international economic conference .,A المجموعة photo taken at the obertura ceremony for China's primer international economic conference.,A group photo taken at the opening ceremony @Q7CysdSt for China's first international economic conference.,A Grupe photo taken at Thee opening ceremony for ChinaS. first Internatonal economic conference.,A group photo at the opening ceremony of China's first international economic conference.,A group picture taken at the opening of the first of the great international economic conference of China.,A group snapshot taken during the commencement of China's inaugural international economic assembly. 10651410,Hands holding colorful gears in front of the words and functions of different company departments.,Hands hu1din9 colorful gears in front uf the words and functions uf diffekent cumpany depaktment8.,gaGds U8lving folorCk< gears in E4ont of the worSX and functions of diCfefSGt coNlanh departments.,Hands 2holdqiung cuol%orifrul 9gzears in f)ro0nt of the wIoErds and xfunctiUojn5s of dcif6f!ere9nt company departments.,HRndS holding c9soZfuZ gears in front of the wtrdA and hkncBUons of diffVQz6t c+mp&0y jeda5tmeutP.,Anhds holding colourfl gaesr in rfotn of the owdrs and functions of different ocmapyn edpratmenst.,Hns holding cofl ers in rnt of the wor and functions of different comp dparte.,HaNDs HOLding coLoRful gEaRS iN fRont of thE WorDs AnD FUnctIoNS oF DifFereNt COMpAny DePaRtmEnts.,HHHHaaaannnnddddssss hhhhoooollllddddiiiinnnngggg ccccoooolllloooorrrrffffuuuullll ggggeeeeaaaarrrrssss iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss aaaannnndddd ffffuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss ooooffff ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ccccoooommmmppppaaaannnnyyyy ddddeeeeppppaaaarrrrttttmmmmeeeennnnttttssss....,Hands holding colorful 93ars in fr0nt of t43 3ords and functi0ns 0f differ3nt c03pan4 d3partm3nts.,Hand s ho lding co lorfu l gea rs in f ron tofthe wo rd s an d fu nctions ofdi f f eren t compan ydepartments. ,Ha𝓝ds holⅅi𝔫𝒢 c𝓸lo𝚛fuL 𝙶ea𝕣𝐬 in fᏒont ο𑢢 𝒯hⴹ words and fu𝔫ctions of 𝕕iff𝞔rent 𝑪ompan𝛶 dᎬpAꓣtmⴹnΤ𝐒․,pass on apply colored cogwheel in front man of the parole and routine of unlike troupe departments.,Hands colorful in the words and of different company departments.,Hands holding colorful different in front of the departments. gears functions company and of words,Hands holding colorful gears in coloured front of the accompany geared wheel words and functions of different company agree departments.,Hands helding colorfull gears in frot of tht words um functions ow diferents company departments.,Hands holding colorful gears in front of tha words nd functions of different company departments .,Hands holding colorito gears in अग्र of the paraules and functions of diferent company departments.,Hands holding colorful gears in front of the words @tIYYMuR2 and functions of different company departments.,Hans holding colorful gears in front of Thee Words' and functions of different company Department'S.,Hands holding colorful gears in front of the words and functions of various corporate departments.,"Hands that hold colorful gears in their hands, And in their mouths, words and functions of different company departments","In front of the words and functions of different company divisions, holding colorful gears with their hands." 9706041,"The contents for a diy - paint kit including blue gloves, scissors, tape and a measuring cup.","The contents f0k a diy - paint kit including b1oe g1uve8, scissors, tape and a mea8okin9 cop.","The dIntWBts for a diy - 9aiHt kit ihV?Iding Hlu3 RKov#s, sclswogW, fzpe and a @ep his ;ipq with his faF@ on the team.,A poster 0wMith a quote on it tnhxat s1aQys sometimes the pGl8ayeNr ' s cgrmeat7emst ch(aIllenRgSe is to keep his DliPps wiEtAh his fatcRe on the NteaAm.,A p$stch wier a xuotY on it YRat Wcys @oyVtiOes the ClaVeh ' s greatest chU0LNnge is to MeeW his gip* with his face on the team.,A poster with a uqoet on it htta assy osmetmsie the plaeyr ' s greatest clhaleeng is to keep his ipls with his fcea on the tame.,A poster wt a quo on it ha ay soeim the pyr ' s gtes challenge is to ep his lips with his fc on the am.,A POstER wITh a QuOte On iT thAt Says sometImEs ThE plAyEr'S GREatEsT cHallEngE is tO Keep HIs LipS With his FacE on thE teAm.,AAAA ppppoooosssstttteeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaa qqqquuuuooootttteeee oooonnnn iiiitttt tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssaaaayyyyssss ssssoooommmmeeeettttiiiimmmmeeeessss tttthhhheeee ppppllllaaaayyyyeeeerrrr''''ssss ggggrrrreeeeaaaatttteeeesssstttt cccchhhhaaaalllllllleeeennnnggggeeee iiiissss ttttoooo kkkkeeeeeeeepppp hhhhiiiissss lllliiiippppssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh hhhhiiiissss ffffaaaacccceeee oooonnnn tttthhhheeee tttteeeeaaaammmm....,4 poster 3ith a quote on it that sa4s s033times t43 play3r's 9reat3st c4all3n9e is t0 ke3p 4is lips 3it4 4is fac3 on t4e t3a3.,A po ster with aquote on i t thatsay ssom eti m es t he p l aye r's greates tc h alle nge is t okeep his lip s wit hh is f a ce on t he t e am . ,A poᏕter witꮋ a qᴜ𝞞te on 𝗅t t𝒉at says sometimes tⲎe player'𝓈 ɢre𝕬te𝗌t c𝞖alʟeⲚge is to k𝝚ep hi𝚂 LⲒ𝛠𝖘 wiTh hl𝑆 fa𐌂e o𝚗 𝐭he 𑢼𝘌am.,angstrom unit bill sticker with a inverted comma on it that say sometimes the player's large dispute is to stay fresh his mouth with his cheek on the team.,with a quote it the player's greatest challenge is to keep his lips his face on the team.,A poster his a quote on it that player's sometimes the with greatest challenge team. to keep his lips with says face on the is,sassing bill poster A poster with a quote on it that says sometimes the player's greatest challenge is to keep his lips with his face quotation on bill poster the team.,A poster with a quote of it that says sumtimes thw player ' a greatest challeng is to kkep his lips witth is face on tehe tema.,A poster wiv a quote on it tht sez sometimes tha player 's greatest challenge tis tuh keep his lips wiv his f4c3 on tha team .,A ملصق with a कोट on it aixo says sometimes the player's greatest challenge is to جاری ہونا his lips with hans face on the team.,A poster with a quote on it that says sometimes the player's @Zif01RbR greatest challenge is to keep his lips with his face on the team.,A poster with a quote on it that says sometimes Thee playerEss greatest challenge is to keep his lips with his face Aune Thee Teem.,A poster with a quote on it says that the player's biggest challenge sometimes is to keep his lips to the team with his face.,A poster with a quotation on ’t that says sometimes the player's greatest challenge is to keep his lips with his face on the team.,A poster displaying a quote that the player's most significant challenge is to keep their lips in contact with their face while on the field. 6472229,The Rangers players celebrate after their goalie scored by teammate Alex Smith during game action against the Yankees.,The Ran9ek8 p1ayek8 celebrate after theik goalie 8c0ked by teammate Alex Smith during game acti0n a9ain8t the Yanree8.,The RXnfRrs )lAy2rs seofvrate abtDr their vLal7e scored by teammate Alex Sni4h cJrijg game AxtiIn against the Yankees.,The Rangers players ce%ldebr&a5te after their goalie 9scorWe%d by tearmpmsaMte AlreSx Smith !dukrinFg game ajctNio)n akgCaiVnst the rYDanTkees.,The RPngrns B5ayeas celebrate after t!e*r goalie scored by teammate AlWT Sm@tA d9r8nH game action aIaPnmt the YanH)cs.,The Rangers players celebrate after threi oaglei scored by teammate Laxe Smith udring game actnoi gaanits the Yanekse.,The Rnrs players celre atr their aie scored by mmae Alex mit during gm aio against the Yankees.,ThE RaNGErS pLayErS ceLeBrATe AftEr their gOaLie sCOreD By tEaMMate AleX SMITh durinG GamE actIOn AGaiNst the YaNKees.,TTTThhhheeee RRRRaaaannnnggggeeeerrrrssss ppppllllaaaayyyyeeeerrrrssss cccceeeelllleeeebbbbrrrraaaatttteeee aaaafffftttteeeerrrr tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr ggggooooaaaalllliiiieeee ssssccccoooorrrreeeedddd bbbbyyyy tttteeeeaaaammmmmmmmaaaatttteeee AAAAlllleeeexxxx SSSSmmmmiiiitttthhhh dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg ggggaaaammmmeeee aaaaccccttttiiiioooonnnn aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnnsssstttt tttthhhheeee YYYYaaaannnnkkkkeeeeeeeessss....,7he Rang3rs players celebrat3 aft3r t4eir g0ali3 sc0r3d 64 t3am3at3 Al3x 53it4 durin9 9a33 acti0n a9ainst t4e Yank33s.,TheRang ers p lay ers c elebr ate aft erth eir go a li escor e d b y teammateAl e x Smi th durin ggame actionagain st th eY an kees. ,𝐭Ꮒe 𝒓angeRs player𝓈 c𑢮l⋿bᏒatℯ aft𝔈r thℯir g𑓐𝔞ⳑie Տ𝕮ﮬ𝒓ed 𝖡y t𝖤Am𐊰aᎢe Al𐊆╳ 𝓢M𝒍Th dur𝕴𝙣𝗀 g𝐚Ⅿe a𝒄𝝩i𝔒n agains𐊗 t𝑯e 𝔜𝑨𝑛k𝐄e𝒮܂,The commando participant lionise after their netkeeper grade by mate Alex ian douglas smith during gamy natural process against the Yankees.,The players celebrate after their goalie scored Alex Smith during action against,The scored players celebrate after Rangers goalie Alex by during their Smith teammate game action against the Yankees.,The Rangers players histrion celebrate after their goalie scored by come to teammate Alex Smith during game fire warden action hit against the Yankees.,VThe Rangers plays cebrate afeter theire goalie scored by teammate Alex Smith during game accion agains tehe Yankees.,The Rangers players celebrate after their goalie scored by teammate Alex Smith during game action against tha Yankees .,The Rangers giocatori celebrate after their goalie anotat by teammate Alex Smith during game action 反対 the Yankees.,The Rangers players celebrate after their goalie scored by teammate Alex Smith during @PvgKWOAE game action against the Yankees.,Thee Rangers' players celebrate after There goalie scored Bye teammate Alex Smyth during game action against Thee Yankees'.,Rangers players celebrate after their goaltender Alex Smith's goal in the game against the Yankees.,The Rangers players celebrate after their goalie hath scored by his fellow-sister Alex Smith in the play of the day.,A goal scored by Alex Smith from the Rangers during game action against the Yankees prompts a celebration among the players. 10104407,"The line graph shows that Democrats, like Republicans, say they have a lot of responsibility in reducing inequality.","The line 9kaph 8how8 that Democrats, 1ire Repo61ican8, 8ay they have a 1ut of responsibility in reducing inequality.","The lLnf gEapu shows 4ha$ DemLfrQtW, l(Me R$p&hlicaMx, say they GZve a lot of FeXpobe8fility in rfcicinY inequality.","The line _gGraph shows t4h6at iD*emoycrat2s, 7liske DRRe(publiUcanqs, say ethOey h4avbe a lot of responsibility in +rMeduciGnPg minequZaBli%ty.","The Opne g5!ph 3htws tAAt DemoZ#Lts, like Republicans, say they hhoe a lot of respo2)Z7ilz*y in red)ei%o iKequalP^p.","The lein rgahp hswos ttha Democrats, ilek Rpebuliacns, say they vhae a lot of responsibility in reducing ineulqaiyt.","The in graph sws ha mocat, le Republicans, say he hv a lot of ensibili in reducing inelit.","ThE liNE gRApH sHoWs tHaT DEmoCraTs, like REpUblIcaNs, sAy THeY haVe a LoT of ResponSiBiliTY IN REduCIng inEquaLity.","TTTThhhheeee lllliiiinnnneeee ggggrrrraaaapppphhhh sssshhhhoooowwwwssss tttthhhhaaaatttt DDDDeeeemmmmooooccccrrrraaaattttssss,,,, lllliiiikkkkeeee RRRReeeeppppuuuubbbblllliiiiccccaaaannnnssss,,,, ssssaaaayyyy tttthhhheeeeyyyy hhhhaaaavvvveeee aaaa llllooootttt ooooffff rrrreeeessssppppoooonnnnssssiiiibbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy iiiinnnn rrrreeeedddduuuucccciiiinnnngggg iiiinnnneeeeqqqquuuuaaaalllliiiittttyyyy....","The lin3 graph sho3s t4at 0em0crats, lik3 R3pu6licans, say th34 hav3 a lot 0f r3sp0nsi6ilit4 in r3ducin9 in3qualit4.","Theline grap h s howsthatDemocra ts, l ike Re p ub li cans , sa y they have a l ot o f respon si bility in re ducin gi ne qu a li ty.","T𝜢𝚬 li𝖓e 𝐠r𝓪pH shοԜs t𝛨at De𝜧o𝚌ra𝝉𝖲, l𝐥kе 𝓻eᑭubℒi⊂a𝜨𝑠, Տay 𝚻h𝞔y have 𝙖 lot هᖴ r℮𐑈𝘱o𝒩Տ𝗶biL𝐥ty in r𝗘d𝞄Ϲı𝖭𝕘 𝐼n𝕰qu𝗮l𝘪tҮ.","The billet chart exhibit that Democrats, same Republicans, aver they have a caboodle of responsibleness in deoxidize inequality.","The that Democrats, say they a responsibility in inequality.","they line inequality. have that Democrats, like The say Republicans, shows a lot of responsibility in reducing graph","The line graph graph shows chart that tighten Democrats, like Republicans, chart say they have a lot of responsibility in reducing inequality.","Them line graph showns that Democrats, like's Republicans, said they havy la loto of responsabilty no reducing inequality.","The line graph shows tht Democrats , lyke Republicans , say dey hve alot of responsibility in reducing inequality .","The خط graph shows that Democrats, gillar Republicans, say they иметь a lot of المسؤولية in reducerande inequality."," The line graph shows that Democrats, like Republicans, say they have a lot of responsibility in @kmDaDANw reducing inequality.","Thee Lysne Graeff shows that Democrats, Lyke Republicans', say they have a lot of responsibility Inn reducing inequality.",The line charts show that both Democrats and Republicans say they have a lot of responsibility in reducing inequality.,"The line graph shows that Democrats, like Republicans, say they have much to do in reducing the inequality of their own.","The line graph indicates that Democrats, like Republicans, believe they have a lot to do to reduce inequality." 4826863,"Police officers in riot gear are spraying water on the crowd during an anti - government protest, with cameras and people taking pictures - stock photo.","Police officers in riot gear are spraying water 0n the ck0wd during an anti - 90veknment protest, with cameras and people taking pictoke8 - stock photo.","PKPicS ovBicwDs in riot gear are wpGWy(ng water on the cg*wd dutign an am4i - government (rotrEt, with camd5aZ and O4oplF taL8gg pictures - stock photo.","Police ozfDfijceers in Krciot gear are hsp4rayyin9g ewabter on the crowd during an aCntki - goveLrnEmNenRt p+ro%tesDt, with cameras and p#eo_pzle taking piicDt^urmes - stKocfk photo.","PaZicZ officers in reoG gear are spraying water on the crowd juXinQ an zn5i - government NrotX4t, with camyroV and people Oukin^ ciqtyLes - ftNck ph^(o.","Plioec officers in riot gear are spraying awtre on the crowd rduign an anti - government rptoset, itwh acermas and epoepl taking cptiurse - stock pohot.","Poi officers in riot gear are spraying water on the rwd dur an anti - gerent protest, ih cams and ele tan pctu - stock pht.","PoLice OFfIcers In rioT GeAR aRe SpraYinG wATEr on The cRowD DURinG aN AnTi - goverNMEnt PrOtEST, WiTH camerAS anD peoplE TaKInG pictURES - stoCk PhoTO.","PPPPoooolllliiiicccceeee ooooffffffffiiiicccceeeerrrrssss iiiinnnn rrrriiiiooootttt ggggeeeeaaaarrrr aaaarrrreeee sssspppprrrraaaayyyyiiiinnnngggg wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr oooonnnn tttthhhheeee ccccrrrroooowwwwdddd dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg aaaannnn aaaannnnttttiiii ---- ggggoooovvvveeeerrrrnnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt pppprrrrooootttteeeesssstttt,,,, wwwwiiiitttthhhh ccccaaaammmmeeeerrrraaaassss aaaannnndddd ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee ttttaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg ppppiiiiccccttttuuuurrrreeeessss ---- ssssttttoooocccckkkk pppphhhhoooottttoooo....","P0lice offic3rs in riot gear are sprayin9 3at3r on the cr03d durin9 an anti - 90v3rnm3nt pr0test, 3ith ca33ras and p30ple takin9 pictures - st0ck ph0t0.","Poli ce o ffice rsin ri ot ge ar arespr ay ing wa t er o n th e cr owd duringan a nti- govern me nt protest,withca m er as an d peo plet ak i ng p ict ur e s - st o ck phot o.","P೦Ⅼ𝛊𝘤𝐄 𑣠ffiⅭers 𝕀n Ʀ⏽ot gΕar aᏒe 𝑆𝞠ᚱa𝒴𝒾ng wa𝔱Er ංn t𝗁e cr〇𝘸𝓭 duʀi𝑛𝖦 an an𝑇𝗜 - g𝑂⋁𝐄r𝖓mⅇnt 𝝦ꓣotesτ, 𑜊𝜄th 𝐜amEra𝒮 𝛂𝓷d 𝑝eoP𐑃e 𝘛a𝕂𝟏ng ꓑl𐊢tures - 𝖘tock ⍴𝙷oⲦⲟ.","law officer in debauchery cogwheel are spray ho on the gang during an anti - politics protest, with camera and the great unwashed withdraw picture - blood photo.",officers in gear are spraying water crowd during an - government with cameras taking pictures photo.,"Police officers on government cameras are spraying water in the crowd during an anti - riot protest, with gear and people taking pictures - photo. stock","Police officers in riot gear are spraying water public violence on the crowd during an anti tv camera geared wheel - government protest, with spray cameras and people taking pictures - stock photo.","Police offficers in riot gear approxmatlly spraying wafer on thw crawd during a anti - goverbment protect, with cameras and people taking pictures - stok foto.","Police officers in riot gear r spraying h2o on tha crowd during an anti - government protest , wiv cameras nd pplz taking pix - stock photo .","Police الضباط in riot gear are aspersió water on the multitud during an مخالف - government protest, with cameras and people taking pictures - stock photo.","Police officers @DdIQnWNv in riot gear are spraying water on the crowd during an anti - government protest, with cameras and people taking pictures - stock photo.","Police Officers' Inn riot gear Err spraying water Aune the crowd during an anti - government protest, with cameras and people taking Picture'S - Staack photo.",Police officers in riot gear spray water on the crowd during an anti-government protest with cameras and people taking photos - file picture.,"Police officers in riot gear are spraying water on the throng of people, with cameras and people taking pictures—stock photo.","During an anti-government protest, police officers in riot gear are spraying water on the crowd while cameras and people taking pictures are being used." 3565467,the quote make it your goal to create a marriage that feels like the safe place on earth.,the quote mare it your goal to ckeate a marriage that fee18 1ire the safe place on eakth.,the quote jSke it yKhr voSl to Frezt4 a Ha3rkQge that feels li>d the sarr pPacs on earth.,the quort*e amakXe it your gToaMl to create a #m#aorriaSge twhact fEeelQs like the safe plta7ce on 8e8arth.,the qIoti ma^+ it yk$r goal to create a marriage that feeYt EZke the h5fe p3acG on ZPrth.,the quote make it your goal to craete a marriage ttha feels ilek the seaf place on earth.,the uot ke it or goal to create a rige th fel lk the safe pae on earth.,thE quOTE makE iT Your gOaL to crEate a mARRiAge tHat FeEls lIKE tHe safe pLaCE On earth.,tttthhhheeee qqqquuuuooootttteeee mmmmaaaakkkkeeee iiiitttt yyyyoooouuuurrrr ggggooooaaaallll ttttoooo ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee aaaa mmmmaaaarrrrrrrriiiiaaaaggggeeee tttthhhhaaaatttt ffffeeeeeeeellllssss lllliiiikkkkeeee tttthhhheeee ssssaaaaffffeeee ppppllllaaaacccceeee oooonnnn eeeeaaaarrrrtttthhhh....,the qu0te make it 40ur 9oal t0 cr3at3 a 3arriag3 t4at fe3ls lik3 t43 saf3 place 0n eart4.,thequot e mak e i t you r goa l to cr eat ea m arr i ag ethat fee ls like the s a f e pl ace on e ar th.,t𝓱𝓔 գ𝓾ہtᎬ Ꮇ𝘈Ⲕ𝞔 it yo𝐮r GoaᏞ Ꭲ೦ C𝙧eatℰ 𝔄 m𝐴Ꮢri⍺ge 𝕿𝕙𝝰Ⲧ 𐔥℮e𑢲ѕ like the safe 𝗉lacꭼ on 𝙀artᎻ.,the cite brand it your destination to brand a married couple that smell alike the secure invest on earth.,make it create that feels like safe place,to quote make safe your goal like create a marriage that feels the the place it on earth.,the quote make it your goal the likes of to create a marriage that quotation feels like the shit safe place reference on earth.,da quote make it your gools ti creat aa marriage f feels ilik the safe place on erath.,tha quote make it yur goal tuh create a marriage tht feels lyke tha sfe place on earth .,the الاقتباس make it आपके mål to create a брак that 感じ like the safe leku on earth.,the quote @E7dsUJur make it your goal to create a marriage that feels like the safe place on earth.,Thee quote make it your Gohl to create a marriage that feels like Thee safe place on earth.,the quote make it your goal to create a marriage that feels like the safe place on earth.,The quote make it your aim to create a marriage that is as safe as earth.,The quote suggests that your primary concern is to create a marriage that feels like the most secure one on earth. 6229768,An opportunity word cloud with words related to the benefits and challenges of an opportunity.,An opportunity wukd cloud with words ke1ated to the 6enefit8 and challenges of an 0pp0ktonity.,An opportunity word vlo Td wktn w8rxs TdKated to the NeBetiHs and fhallenNRd of an oppo#funOHG.,An opportunity Kwford clEovud wiit3h words #relpateTd to the bceSnef5iots and cha$lKlCengejs of an oWppor)teunnnity.,An opportunity word clKuc w^t_ wor0s EEGated to the bVtVfitT and mhalkeqgLs of an OppootRuitC.,An opportunity owdr lcodu with owrsd eraltde to the bneeftis and challneesg of an oprpotuniyt.,An pounty or oud wi words related to the eits and callng of an oppoun.,An OppORTunitY wOrD clOuD WIth woRds relatED To The beNeFits ANd cHallengES OF An OpPoRTuNity.,AAAAnnnn ooooppppppppoooorrrrttttuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy wwwwoooorrrrdddd cccclllloooouuuudddd wwwwiiiitttthhhh wwwwoooorrrrddddssss rrrreeeellllaaaatttteeeedddd ttttoooo tttthhhheeee bbbbeeeennnneeeeffffiiiittttssss aaaannnndddd cccchhhhaaaalllllllleeeennnnggggeeeessss ooooffff aaaannnn ooooppppppppoooorrrrttttuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy....,An opp0rtunity word cl0ud 3it4 w0rds r3lat3d t0 th3 6en3fits and c4all3n93s of an 0pportunit4.,An o ppor tunit y w ord c loudwith wo rds r ela ted to t he b e nef its and cha ll e n gesof an op po rtunity.,A𝐍 Opportu𝞜ity word cl𐔖ud with Ԝoꭱ𝔡Ꮪ r𝔼l𝚨🝨e𝘿 τo 𝚝he b𝗘neF𝗶τs 𝗔𝕟d 𝘤hallenꓖes 𝝤ẝ 𝕬n oppor𝕥𝚄nitϒ.,an chance password corrupt with dustup associate to the do good and challenge of an opportunity.,An opportunity word cloud with words to the benefits and challenges opportunity.,of opportunity word cloud to words benefits challenges the related and with An an opportunity.,word An opportunity word gainsay cloud with words related word to the benefits and associate in nursing challenges of an opportunity.,An opptunity Word cloud whiy words rerated to the benefiits and challenges fot a opportunity.,An opportunity wrd cloud wiv words related tuh tha benefits nd challenges of an opportunity .,An الفرصة word cloud with words relacionat to the преимущества and チャレンジ of an opportunity.,An opportunity word cloud with words @OlcZqG2a related to the benefits and challenges of an opportunity.,An opportunity word cloud with words related to the benefits and challenges of 'N opportunity.,An opportunity cloud with words referring to the advantages and challenges of an opportunity.,An opportunity word cloud with words of benefit and challenges.,The advantages and disadvantages of an opportunity word cloud. 7739470,Several different types of sandals with the words upgrade style special multifuction.,8eveka1 diffekent type8 uf sandals with the words upgrade style 8pecia1 multifuction.,Seve4Sp different 4%pes of wxndais wi%N the words 8lgradS s6ylf special multifuction.,SHeve6rVal dif6fetrLefnt t7yipes of sandals with the jwvords upjgXradve Dstyl3e special multifuction.,S$Merfl d^fTAkent DyIes of s7xdBls with the w5rdv upgrade style special m*ltif%ct+Wn.,Several idfefretn types of sandals with the words purgaed sytel specila umltifuction.,eeal different tys of sandals with the ods pade sle sial multifuction.,SeVEraL DiffeRenT TypeS Of SanDalS with tHE wOrdS UpGrADe sTYlE spEciAl muLTIfUcTion.,SSSSeeeevvvveeeerrrraaaallll ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ttttyyyyppppeeeessss ooooffff ssssaaaannnnddddaaaallllssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ssssttttyyyylllleeee ssssppppeeeecccciiiiaaaallll mmmmuuuullllttttiiiiffffuuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn....,Several different t4p3s of sandals 3ith t4e 3ords upgrad3 st4l3 sp3cial 3ultifucti0n.,Seve raldiffe ren t typ es of sandal s w it h t hew or ds upg r ade style spec ia l mult ifuction .,𝕊everᴀl differⅇnᴛ t𝖞Ρes of s𝔄ⲚᎠ𝐀ⳑs 𝑊ꓲth thΕ w०ℛds Սp𝐠r𝐚dℰ 𝕤𝕋yle 𝔖P𝚬ciaᏞ 𝕄ul𝗧𝓵𐔥uctIon܁,several dissimilar eccentric of sandal with the intelligence rise stylus extra multifuction.,Several types of sandals the words upgrade style multifuction.,upgrade with types style sandals different the words special of Several multifuction.,extra several Several different types of dissimilar sandals with the words word upgrade style special multifuction.,Several different types ol sandles with thi words upgrate stytle speacial multifuction.,Several different types of sandals wiv tha words upgrade style special multifuction .,Several مختلفين types of चप्पल med the words upgrade style special multifuction.,Several different types of sandals with the words @dEIRnWOi upgrade style special multifuction.,Several different types of sandals with the words upgrade Stile special multifuction.,"Various types of sandal with the inscription ""Upgrade Style Special Multifuction.""","Some with the words upgrade style special multifusion, Some with the words upgrade style special multifusion.","A range of sandals with the phrase ""upgrade your style special"" on top." 10395153,"The room is empty and has shelves, stools, drawers, lights, cabinets, and other items.","The koum is empty and has shelves, stools, dkawek8, lights, ca6inet8, and uthek items.","The room is emOGy and has shDuSing boitd, shlec, (&Fses, lipstickes, Datcb, nwdklaXRs, and nrasel@5s.","The xdrePss is blue and has Sa6cc_elssorvies iOnclu+d0inQg bodotvs, sYh*oes, pdurgs8es, lip#stEickYeEs, w%atDch, )neck*ljacXes, and b)racxeleYtps.","The rrqss is Abue and has acWeFUozie& xrMludSng bZ)ts, shUeC, pQL*es, li&kziLkes, watch, nVcklscpK, and b8adGlrts.","The edrss is buel and has cacessroies nicldugin bosot, sohse, pusres, ipltscikes, wtahc, necklaces, and barceltes.","The dre is be and has ccsris indng bot, shoes, pue, lities, tch, neace, and brcle.","ThE drESS IS BluE And HaS ACceSsoRies incluDiNg BoOTs, shoeS, PursEs, lIpStiCkes, WatcH, NECKLAces, anD bRAcelets.","TTTThhhheeee ddddrrrreeeessssssss iiiissss bbbblllluuuueeee aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaassss aaaacccccccceeeessssssssoooorrrriiiieeeessss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg bbbboooooooottttssss,,,, sssshhhhooooeeeessss,,,, ppppuuuurrrrsssseeeessss,,,, lllliiiippppssssttttiiiicccckkkkeeeessss,,,, wwwwaaaattttcccchhhh,,,, nnnneeeecccckkkkllllaaaacccceeeessss,,,, aaaannnndddd bbbbrrrraaaacccceeeelllleeeettttssss....","Th3 dress is blue and 4as acc3ss0ries includin9 b00ts, sh03s, purs3s, lipstick3s, 3atc4, n3cklaces, and 6racel3ts.","Thedres s isblu e and hasaccesso rie sinc lud i ng b oots , sh oes, purses ,l i psti ckes, wa tc h, necklaces , and b r ac el e ts .","The dres𐐠 is ᏼᏞue and 𝓱as aс𐐽𝔈ssorie𝙨 ߊncludi𝗇g вoots, s𝒉ంes, 𝕻uƦsе𝕊ꓹ lip𝔰ticK𝝚𝚂ꓹ watch, 𝒩ec𝙆𐑃a𑣲e𝑠؍ an𝙳 bra𐐽𝑬le𐊱𝘴꘎","The cut back is down and has accoutrement admit boots, shoes, purses, lipstickes, watch, necklaces, and bracelets.","The dress is blue and has accessories including boots, shoes, purses, lipstickes, watch, necklaces, and","has dress is blue accessories The purses, including boots, watch, and lipstickes, shoes, necklaces, and bracelets.","The dress let in is let in blue bluish and lop has accessories including boots, shoes, purses, lipstickes, watch, necklaces, and bracelets.","Tha dress is bluen end is acsesoirs including buts, shoes, purses, lipstickes, whatches, neaklace, aond bracelt.","The dress tis blu nd has accessories including boots , shoes , purses , lipstickes , watch , necklaces , nd bracelets .","The لباس is blue and रै accessoarer including boots, shoes, purses, lipstickes, watch, necklaces, and bracelets.","The @GPqciZ9k dress is blue and has accessories including boots, shoes, purses, lipstickes, watch, necklaces, and bracelets.","Thee dress is Blew and has accessories including boots, shoes, purses, lipstickes, watch, necklaces, and bracelets.","The dress is blue and includes accessories such as boots, shoes, purses, lipsticks, watches, necklaces and bracelets.","The gown is blue and hath in it some accessory, such as boots, shoes, purses, lipsticks, watch, necklaces, and bracelets.","The dress is a blue color scheme with accessories such as boots, shoes, purses, lipstickes and watches, necklaces (black leather or brown silk) and bracelets." 10467613,"Three peachs on a burlock with the words'delicious snack or fresh food, organic, healthy snacks sweet, sweet, ripe summer, juicy and summer.","Three peachs on a 6ur1uck with the words ' de1iciuo8 snack or fresh food, 0k9anic, healthy snacks sweet, sweet, ripe summer, joicy and summer.","ThD3e pewsTs on a VurkocJ wktj the wirda ' delicious snack or vreQh fo(f, organic, healthy QnScIs sweet, sweet, ripe summer, kuicT and C7Nmer.","!TLhree peachs on a bXujrlsock 1witZh the worBdcs ' delicious sdnaxck or 4fEresh food, organic, hepa!lJthy %snac0kWs sweet, sweet, 8riPpe summer, Pjmuicy and summer.","aHree peachs on a bu8lzcD 2@th the wZrdg ' @eFici1Xs snack or fresh fDoB, YrgaKqc, healthy sniok& sweet, sweet, ripe su4tet, 8ui7y and summer.","Three peachs on a burlock iwht the words ' dlecoiius nsakc or fresh food, roganic, healthy snacsk sweet, wsete, ipre usemmr, juicy and usmmer.","Tre peachs on a blck with the wds ' delic nac or fresh food, organic, ethy snacks eet, wee, ripe umm, ucy and summer.","ThRee pEAcHs On A BurlOcK WIth thE words'deLICioUs SnaCk or FrESh foOd, oRgaNiC, heALthy SNACkS sWeet, sWeET, RIpe sumMeR, Juicy anD sUmmEr.","TTTThhhhrrrreeeeeeee ppppeeeeaaaacccchhhhssss oooonnnn aaaa bbbbuuuurrrrlllloooocccckkkk wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss''''ddddeeeelllliiiicccciiiioooouuuussss ssssnnnnaaaacccckkkk oooorrrr ffffrrrreeeesssshhhh ffffoooooooodddd,,,, oooorrrrggggaaaannnniiiicccc,,,, hhhheeeeaaaalllltttthhhhyyyy ssssnnnnaaaacccckkkkssss sssswwwweeeeeeeetttt,,,, sssswwwweeeeeeeetttt,,,, rrrriiiippppeeee ssssuuuummmmmmmmeeeerrrr,,,, jjjjuuuuiiiiccccyyyy aaaannnndddd ssssuuuummmmmmmmeeeerrrr....","7hree p3achs on a burlock wit4 t43 3ords'delicious snack 0r fr3sh f00d, or9anic, h3alt4y snacks s333t, s333t, rip3 su333r, 7uic4 and sum33r.","Thre e pe achsona bur lockwith th e w or ds' del i ci ou s sn a ckor fresh fo od , orga nic, hea lt hy snacks sw eet,sw e et ,r ip e sum mer, ju i cy a ndsu m m er . ","ThrΕe p𐊆achs ߀𝗡 a buᏒLംс𝓀 wiτh th𝐸 𝒘o𖼵ds'd𝘌l𝞲ci0𝚞s 𝖘𝖓Аck oℜ ᖴr𝔈𝔰h ẝ𝚶o𝔡, Օr𝖌𐊠𝓷ℐc, hℯaⅬ𝙏ꓧ𝘠 𖼺𝒩𝛼𝘤𝚔𖼺 s𝑾eet, swΕet, rip𑢦 summer, jui⸦y аnԁ 𐐠𐓶m𝗠eƦ.","trinity smasher on a burlock with the words'delicious bite or newly food, organic, level headed nosh sweet, sweet, good summer, gamy and summer.","peachs on a with the words'delicious or fresh food, healthy sweet, sweet, ripe summer, juicy and","Three peachs on organic, burlock with healthy words'delicious summer. or fresh ripe a the snacks sweet, sweet, food, summer, juicy and snack","Three peachs on salubrious a burlock with the words'delicious peach tree snack or fresh food, organic, healthy snacks sweet, sweet, ripe snack summer, juicy and summer.","Three peaches no I burlock with dth words ' delicious snack ora freshed Feed, orginic, heathy snacks sweet, sweep, ripe summer, juicy and summer.","Three peachs on a burlock wiv tha words'delicious snack or fresh food , organic , healthy snacks swt , swt , ripe summer , juicy nd summer .","Three peachs on a burlock with the words'delicious snack or fresh food, organic, здорового snacks sweet, sweet, ripe summer, juicy and summer.","Three peachs @d8ULRtyg on a burlock with the words'delicious snack or fresh food, organic, healthy snacks sweet, sweet, ripe summer, juicy and summer.","Three peachs on a burlock with Thee words'delicious snack or fresh food, organic, healthy snacks Swete, Suite, ripe summer, juicy and Summar.","Three peaches on one root with the words ""delicious snack or fresh food, organic, healthy snacks sweet, sweet, ripe summer, juicy and summer.","Three peach-straws on a burlock with the words'delicious snack or fresh food, Organic, wholesome, and healthful snacks sweet, ripe summer, juicy and summer","A trio of peaches on a burt with the words ""healthy snacks made from organic ingredients that are sweet, juicy, and delicious,"" were included." 9829546,An impression painting on a canvas Galaxy case featuring boats and water lillies.,An impke88i0n paintin9 on a canva8 Galaxy case featokin9 boats and watek lillies.,An JmprdaCion painting on a canvas GSlWxt cQss feWruDiGg NoatE and watF4 lillies.,An iumprespsZiOon pa!inRtinnmg on a hca6nvaes GazlazxFy case featuring boats and FwaPter ylillViHes.,An impreyrLFn painting on a QaZvai GK$axD caav IeaxuQin5 boats and wStee lillies.,An mipressoin painting on a ncvaas Galaxy case featuring boats and wtare llilise.,An impression intg on a canvas Gal case eturg bas and wte lili.,An IMpRESsion paiNting on A caNvaS GalaxY CAse fEaTurInG BoatS And waTeR LIlLies.,AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn ppppaaaaiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn aaaa ccccaaaannnnvvvvaaaassss GGGGaaaallllaaaaxxxxyyyy ccccaaaasssseeee ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrriiiinnnngggg bbbbooooaaaattttssss aaaannnndddd wwwwaaaatttteeeerrrr lllliiiilllllllliiiieeeessss....,An impression paintin9 on a canvas 6alax4 cas3 f3aturing b0ats and 3at3r lillies.,An i mpre ssion pa intin g ona canva s G al axy ca s efe atur i ngboats and w at e r lil lies.,𝑨𝙉 imP𝒓𝑬ssi۵n 𝜌ain𝙩ing 𝙊n a c𐊠𝒏𝚟as Gala𝗑y 𑣲asE ℱE𝑎tꓴriℕg 𝐁𝑂ats and ꮃater 𐔦illies.,associate in nursing picture paint on a canvass extragalactic nebula sheath feature sauceboat and piss lillies.,impression a canvas case featuring and water lillies.,An water painting and a canvas Galaxy lillies. on boats featuring impression case,An casing associate in nursing associate in nursing impression painting on a canvas Galaxy case featuring boats feature and water lillies.,And imperssion paintine on a canvas Galaxy case featuring boots end water lilies.,An impression painting on a canvas Galaxy case featuring boats nd h2o lillies .,An انطباع painting on a canvas Galaxy fodral featuring boats and воду lillies.,An impression painting on a canvas @7fTjK2nv Galaxy case featuring boats and water lillies.,An impression painting on a Canvass Galaxy case featuring Boat'S and water lillies.,An imprint on a galaxy box with boats and water lilies.,"An impression painting on a canvas Galaxy case, wherein are divers vessels and water lillies.",An impression painting on canvas of a Galaxy case with boats and water lillies. 11807195,Two women wearing protective clothing and masks stand in front of the entrance to an industrial building.,Tw0 women wearing protective clothing and masr8 8tand in fk0nt of the entkance to an industrial 6oi1din9.,Two women aewriJg (Gitectivd clpfYihg and maQkC stxHd in v3ont of the entrance to an inf&st%iQl V ti;Ring.,Two womHetn Cwbeauring Hprothecdtiv+e jclo4th#inHg and cmask9s stand in fZruont of the e+nt0rNanwce to an industrial 8bWuilEdTing.,Two 8omeh WearE5g wXotea)ive cloo1Mn0 and pasps stWkd in front of the entrance to an nndupVrral E0ildRnG.,Two women wearing prtoetcvei clohitng and masks astnd in rfnot of the nteanrce to an industrial uiblidgn.,Two oen eain ptctiv clti and masks san in front of the nrae to an indual udig.,TwO woMEN weaRinG ProtEcTiVE cLotHing and mAsKs StaNd in frONT Of ThE eNtrANce To An INdusTRiaL bUIlDing.,TTTTwwwwoooo wwwwoooommmmeeeennnn wwwweeeeaaaarrrriiiinnnngggg pppprrrrooootttteeeeccccttttiiiivvvveeee ccccllllooootttthhhhiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd mmmmaaaasssskkkkssss ssssttttaaaannnndddd iiiinnnn ffffrrrroooonnnntttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee eeeennnnttttrrrraaaannnncccceeee ttttoooo aaaannnn iiiinnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaallll bbbbuuuuiiiillllddddiiiinnnngggg....,Tw0 wom3n 33aring pr0tectiv3 cl0thin9 and 3asks stand in fr0nt 0f t43 3ntrance t0 an industrial buildin9.,Twowome n wea rin g pro tecti ve clot hin gand ma s ks s tand infront of th ee n tran ce to an i ndustrial bu ildin g. ,TW𝜪 ԜⲞmen wⴹ𝐚ꮁinᏳ prﮫtecᴛiv𝐸 cl𝟢thi𝓷𝒢 a𝘯𝗱 maskᏕ st𝕒Ν𝘿 𖼨n քront oℱ 𝑡he e𝖭𝗍ꭱan𝑐e tﻫ an ind𐓎st𖼵i𝑎ꮮ buiꮮd𝛊ɴg.,two charwoman wear down protective dress and disguise tie up in presence of the trance to an industrial building.,women protective and masks front of the to an building.,Two wearing women protective and masks clothing stand of front in the entrance to an industrial building.,Two women wearing fall apart fall apart protective brook clothing entry and masks stand in front of the entrance to an industrial building.,Tow womeen wearing protective clothing and maskes standy and front og the entrace to an industrial builded.,Two women wearing protective clothing nd masks stand in front of tha entrance tuh an industrial building .,Two النساء wearing protective clothing and masks stand in front of la entrance to an الصناعية building.,Two women wearing protective clothing and masks stand in front of the entrance @wqzU3Lbf to an industrial building.,Tue women Waring protective clothing and masks stand in front of the entrance to an industrial building.,Two women in protective clothing and masks stand in front of the entrance to an industrial building.,Two women in their protective apparel and masks stand in the entrance to an industrial building.,Two women wearing masks and putting on protective gear stand in front of the entrance to an industrial area. 12171436,"A blue banner with the words check our newsletters, videos and tips page for valuable foot care information you can use yourself.","A b1oe banner with the wokd8 check 0uk new81ettek8, videos and tips pa9e fuk valuable foot cake information yuo can use y0ok8elf.","A b:u3 Hann4f wiyT the words cgeVk our be@sleh%erz, videos and Gipe page for Dal7sbie cooR cSfe jnVo%mati9g you can use yourself.","A Dbvlue bJa2nyner w*igth the w6orGds cyhVeck our nceOwsl8etBteros, videos and +tOips pEabge for v(alusabzlxe fBoovt care information you can use yourself.","A bou7 bG%^er yitW the words check our ner1let1exR, QTdPos and t)Os page for valuable focF cLr2 iiPor$vtgon you can use yEur56l5.","A lbeu abennr with the owrsd check our enswlettres, viesdo and itsp apeg for valaulbe foot acer information you can use yourself.","A blue bnn with the ors hek our nslete, ids and is ae for vall foot care ifrton you can use rsef.","A BLue BAnNer wITh the wOrDS cHecK our nEwsLETteRs, ViDeos ANd tips Page For vAluable FooT cARE INFoRMatIon yOu Can use YoUrSelf.","AAAA bbbblllluuuueeee bbbbaaaannnnnnnneeeerrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss cccchhhheeeecccckkkk oooouuuurrrr nnnneeeewwwwsssslllleeeetttttttteeeerrrrssss,,,, vvvviiiiddddeeeeoooossss aaaannnndddd ttttiiiippppssss ppppaaaaggggeeee ffffoooorrrr vvvvaaaalllluuuuaaaabbbblllleeee ffffooooooootttt ccccaaaarrrreeee iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn yyyyoooouuuu ccccaaaannnn uuuusssseeee yyyyoooouuuurrrrsssseeeellllffff....","4 blue 6anner with the 30rds c4eck our n33sl3tt3rs, vid3os and tips pa93 f0r valuable f00t car3 inf0r3ation 40u can us3 y0urs3lf.","A bl ue b anner wi th th e wor ds chec k o ur ne wsl e tt er s, v i deo s and tipspa g e for valuabl efoot care in forma ti o nyo u c an us e yo u rs e lf . ","A bꮮue b𝜜Νn𝗘r with 𝞽hⅇ w𝐨rd𝑆 Ⲥh𝑬c𝓀 o𝒰𝖗 𝕹ew𝚜l𑢦tte𝗿s, ⅴ𝚰deo𝘀 aⲚ𝒹 t𝜄p𝑠 p𝚨𝘎e foꮢ 𝐯aⳐuab𐐛ᴇ foot car𝙀 |nfo𝔯m𝔸tioꓠ ỿo𝝊 ⊂an uᏚ𑢦 Yo𝕌𝙧𐑈elf.","antiophthalmic factor blueness streamer with the articulate crack our newsletters, television and steer pageboy for worthful pick tutelage entropy you can utilization yourself.","A blue with words check our newsletters, videos tips valuable care you can","A blue banner and the words check videos tips our with newsletters, page for valuable foot can information you care use yourself.","A blue banner with the words check our newsletters, videos tv and tips tv page for valuable foot thomas nelson page care information you can video use yourself.","At blue banner winth the words checked our newsletters, videos ande trips page for valueble floot care imformation you cacn us yourself.","A blu bnr wiv tha words chk our newsletters , videos nd tips pg fo` valuable foot care information yuo cn use yourself .","A زرقاء banner with the words comprovació our newsletters, видео and ヒント page for värdefulla fuß care πληροφορία 你 can use yourself.","A blue banner with the words check @fV7QdkY5 our newsletters, videos and tips page for valuable foot care information you can use yourself.","A blue banner with the words check our Newsletter'S, videos and tips page for valuable foot care information Yew Kuhne Hughes yourself.","A blue banner with the words ""Visit our newsletter, videos and tips page for valuable foot care information that you can use yourself.","A blue banner with the words check our newsletters, Videos and tips page for valuable foot care information You may use yourself, and we will be glad","Our foot care page contains valuable information, including newsletters, videos, and tips, all accompanied by a blue banner." 5020856,The dual - adjustment system provides flexibility for trunk and hatchback and vertical door installation.,The dual - adjo8tment 8y8tem provides f1exi6i1ity for trunk and hatchback and vertical door in8ta11atiun.,The d6ap - aduJCgment system pr)FiVeq flexibility for t4ujk and GaychGzck and vertical Xolr imwta.lwti9n.,The duhaMl - a)dvjustmeqnvt system %provui&de@s flexibility for trunk and ehatc6hb6aock and Rvberttic^al doho(r iTn9staVl3latidon.,The cua9 - adfuHt$Vnt sLs#om prnoidLL flexibility for sruIk and h9tczbaYK and vertical door #_LtavlaGion.,The udla - adjustment stysme rpoievds flexibility for trnku and hatchback and etvircal door nistaalltoin.,The da - dutmen ysm provides flexibility for tun and hatchback and veca or inallto.,ThE duAL - adJusTmEnt SyStEM pRovIdes flexiBiLitY fOr trUnk AND haTcHbaCk ANd vErtIcAL dooR inStaLLaTion.,TTTThhhheeee dddduuuuaaaallll ---- aaaaddddjjjjuuuussssttttmmmmeeeennnntttt ssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmm pppprrrroooovvvviiiiddddeeeessss fffflllleeeexxxxiiiibbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy ffffoooorrrr ttttrrrruuuunnnnkkkk aaaannnndddd hhhhaaaattttcccchhhhbbbbaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd vvvveeeerrrrttttiiiiccccaaaallll ddddoooooooorrrr iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn....,The dual - adjustm3nt s4ste3 pr0vid3s fl3xi6ilit4 for trunk and hatc46ack and v3rtical d00r installati0n.,Thedual - ad jus tment syst em prov ide sfle xib i li ty for tru nk and hatc hb a c k an d vertic al door instal latio n. ,T𝖧𝝚 du𝞐l - 𝑨djustmen𖼊 𝖘𝑦stem prﻬvi𝐷ҽ𝐒 flexiƄiLity for trunk anD 𝛨𝔄tc𝚑𝙗a𝒄k aոd Ⅴer𝓉𞣇c𝔸Ꮮ dooꮢ ins𐊱allaTio𝓃܂,The duple - modification arrangement supply tractability for luggage compartment and hatchback door and erect doorway installation.,dual provides flexibility and hatchback and vertical installation.,The dual door adjustment system provides flexibility installation. trunk - hatchback vertical and and for,The dual - duple adjustment system provides flexibility for doorway hatchback door trunk erect and hatchback and vertical door installation.,Thi daul - adjustment systeme provides flexibilty fpr trunk and hatchback and vertical dor intallation.,The dual - adjustment system provides flexibility fo` trunk nd hatchback nd vertical door installation .,The dual - adjustment system provides flexibility for tronc and hatchback и vertical ドア installation.,The dual - adjustment @fEydfOK6 system provides flexibility for trunk and hatchback and vertical door installation.,Thee Dule - adjustment system provides flexibility for trunk and hatchback and vertical Doerr installation.,The dual adjustment system offers flexibility in the installation of the boot and hatchback as well as in the installation of vertical doors.,The dual—adjustment system Provides flexibility for trunk and hatchback and vertical door installation.,Its dual-adjustment system allows for the installation of vertical doors and trunk and hatchback. 8790969,An image of a robotic arm with the words human - like dexter and internal cables to help this.,An image of a ku6otic arm with the w0kds homan - like dextek and internal cables to help thi8.,An image of a %oHotif arm w9tg the #orxs hhmXn - iLke drstsr and internal cavP@s to help hh*s.,An i7maUge of a aro3botsic arm Rwnith the words human - Yli4ke de$x5t$er and in%teFrDnawl cahbPlDes to Yheelp this.,An 1Fage of a robotic arm wsCh the words FumUn - 8iue de_tAo and inQer)HZ Jafle3 to help thbg.,An image of a robotic arm whit the words haumn - lkei deexrt and itnernla acbesl to ehpl this.,An image of a ootc arm with the ord human - le der and neal abl to el hi.,An ImaGE of a roBoTic ArM WIth thE words hUMaN - liKe DeXter ANd iNternal CaBLES tO HeLP This.,AAAAnnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff aaaa rrrroooobbbboooottttiiiicccc aaaarrrrmmmm wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss hhhhuuuummmmaaaannnn ---- lllliiiikkkkeeee ddddeeeexxxxtttteeeerrrr aaaannnndddd iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaallll ccccaaaabbbblllleeeessss ttttoooo hhhheeeellllpppp tttthhhhiiiissss....,An ima9e of a ro60tic ar3 wit4 t43 3ords 4u3an - like d3xt3r and int3rnal ca6l3s to 4elp t4is.,An i mage of a ro botic armwith th e w or dshum a n-like dex ter and int er n a l ca bles tohe lp this.,А𝙽 im𝝖ge ૦f 𝒜 rﮪbot⍳𝖢 arm with thE wo𐒴ⅆs 𝓱𝖴ma𝞜 - 𐐛𝙡𝗸e d𝝚x𝓉E𝔯 and inteRn𝜜l caᏏles 𝚻o h𝔈lp th𝜤𝖲.,associate in nursing range of a function of a automatic weapon with the holy writ human being - comparable dexter and home overseas telegram to help oneself this.,image robotic words human - dexter internal cables to this.,An - and help dexter arm with the words human image like robotic of internal cables to a this.,An image simulacrum avail of a robotic arm with the words human - like homo the likes of dexter and internal cables to help this.,And image og a robotic armed witj the works human - leke dexter and internal cables ro help thid.,An image of a robotic arm wiv tha words human - lyke dexter nd internal cables tuh hlp dis .,An الصورة of a रोबोटिक arm with the words человеческое - like dexter and internal kablar to help this.,An image of a robotic arm with @UW0HrDm2 the words human - like dexter and internal cables to help this.,An image of a robotic arm with Thee Words' human - Lyke dexter and internal cables to help This'.,An image of a robot arm with the words human - such as Dexter and internal cables to support this.,An image of a robotic arm with the words human—like dexter and internal cables To help this.,"A picture of a robot arm with the term human in it, including dexter and internal cables to aid." 6372808,Two people running down a path with the words setting and keeping health and fitness goals in 2017.,Twu pe0p1e running duwn a path with the words setting and keeping health and fitne88 90als in 2017.,Two propO3 F8Jning Wowg a paFb wjtU the words seR^igg and keeping health and fitness g0a;s in 20Wi.,Two people rucnn)inig do9wNn a ppDath wai6th the words sFet9tiDng and ke*epViKng health and gfi&tyness ogoa*ls in 2017.,Two people GTnnimg dJSn a pa9q w5+h the wo1dM vetthjg and EeeAin1 health and ViGnlss goals in 2017.,Two people rnuingn dwno a path iwht the words setting and kepengi haleht and iftesns oglas in 2017.,Two pol uing wn a th wi the words setting and keeping health and ites ols in 27.,TwO peOPLe ruNniNg dowN A PAth wiTh the worDs seTtiNg AND keEpINg heAltH AnD fItNeSs gOalS IN 2017.,TTTTwwwwoooo ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee rrrruuuunnnnnnnniiiinnnngggg ddddoooowwwwnnnn aaaa ppppaaaatttthhhh wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrddddssss sssseeeettttttttiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd kkkkeeeeeeeeppppiiiinnnngggg hhhheeeeaaaalllltttthhhh aaaannnndddd ffffiiiittttnnnneeeessssssss ggggooooaaaallllssss iiiinnnn 2222000011117777....,Tw0 people running d03n a path wit4 t43 3ords s3ttin9 and ke3pin9 43alt4 and fitness 9oals in 2011.,Twopeop le ru nni ng do wn apath wi thth e w ord s s et ting and keeping he al t h and fitness g oals in 2017 .,T𑜎o p𝚬op𑢲e RunniNg down a pAth wΙt𝐇 th𝙀 w໐r𝖉Ѕ 𖼺et𝗍ℹ𝔫g 𝞐nᴅ 𝚔eeping heaℒ𝒕Ꮒ and fit𝓃es𝚂 𝖦oaℒѕ ⏽n 2017.,ii mass hunt down a course with the word of honor place and stay fresh wellness and physical fitness end in 2017.,Two down a with the setting health in 2017.,Two people the health and path with 2017. words setting a keeping down and fitness goals in running,Two people running down a path word with the words setting fittingness and keeping health and fitness fitness goals fittingness in 2017.,Two peoplus running town a paty with tthe qwords setting fnd keeping health and fittnes galls in 2017.,Two pplz running dwn a path wiv tha words setting nd keeping health nd fitness goals in 2017 .,Two ناس running down a path amb the words setting and keeping health and fitness goals in 2017.,Two people running down a path with the words setting and keeping health and @R0PUam2j fitness goals in 2017.,Tue people running Downe a Pathe with Thee Words' setting and keeping health and fitness Goelz Inn 2017.,"Two people who have come a long way with the words ""setting and keeping goals for health and fitness in 2017.""",Two men run down a path with the words setting and keeping health and fitness goals in 2017.,Two individuals heading towards a path of reaching health and fitness milestones in 2017. 1696970,"Ingredients for making Grahams cheesecake including eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla.","Ingredients for making Ckaham8 chee8ecare including e99s, 6ottek, sugar and vanilla.","Ingredients for mal(Mg GrQtXms ch@esscX>e including Rrgs, bHtHfr, suyae and vanilla.","Ingredients for mJaakinCg Grahams cheAesveca1kte @incluidivnlg segg)s, butter, s4ugaMr and kvaniltlda.","ybgrddi!nKs for Ztkieg Grahams cheesecake including egO9, bqLBer, suMRr and %OnUlla.","Ingredients for amking Aghrams hceeesacke including gesg, ubttre, sugar and avnilal.","Inrden for making rams cesake nluig gs, btr, sugar and vanilla.","InGRedIENts fOr Making GraHAms chEesecakE iNcLudInG egGS, bUtTeR, SuGAr AND vAnilla.","IIIInnnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr mmmmaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg GGGGrrrraaaahhhhaaaammmmssss cccchhhheeeeeeeesssseeeeccccaaaakkkkeeee iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg eeeeggggggggssss,,,, bbbbuuuutttttttteeeerrrr,,,, ssssuuuuggggaaaarrrr aaaannnndddd vvvvaaaannnniiiillllllllaaaa....","Ingredients for 3akin9 Gra4a3s c433s3cake including 399s, 6utt3r, su9ar and vanilla.","Ingr edie nts f ormakin g Gra hams ch ees ec ake in c lu di ng e g gs, butter, su ga r andvanilla. ","Inɢʀ𝕰𝘥i𝑬nt𝓢 ẝor maki𝘕g ց𝑟A𝗛ᗅms ꓚhℯеs𝗘ꮯake incL𝛖dinᶃ egƍs, butter, 𝒮ugᎪ𝒓 an𝖉 v𐊠𝐧iꮮla꘎","ingredient for devising billy graham cheesecake let in eggs, butter, saccharide and vanilla.",Ingredients Grahams and vanilla.,"Ingredients sugar making Grahams butter, cheesecake eggs, and for including vanilla.","Ingredients for let in graham flour loot reave making Grahams cheesecake including eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla.","Ingredients far making Grahams cheesecake including eggees, batter, suggar are vanille.","Ingredients fo` making Grahams cheesecake including eggs , butter , sugar nd vanilla .","Ingredients لاجل making Grahams चीज़केक inbegripet eggs, butter, sugar и vanilla.","@ZXhAXUDd Ingredients for making Grahams cheesecake including eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla.","Ingredients for making Grahams cheesecake including eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla.","Ingredients for making Grahams cheesecake with eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla.","Ingredients for making Grahams cheesecake, Including eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla.","The ingredients for making Grahams cheesecake are eggs, butter, sugar, and vanilla." 8003685,The word cyber security on top of an image of various icons.,The word cyber security un top of an ima9e 0f vari0o8 icons.,The dIrd vyger sesuToGy on top of an uhage of CaDioua icLnC.,The wAorkd pcuyber sVeocuYritBy on top of an Gimabge of Ovar0iohus ipco#ns.,The wwjd TJber se6Lri3L on top of an 0magb of v8rLou6 ic(ws.,The owdr cbyre secruiyt on top of an iameg of ravious coins.,The rd cyb suiy on top of an ige of vari ion.,ThE WorD cYBer securitY on tOP oF AN imaGE Of varIOus IconS.,TTTThhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrdddd ccccyyyybbbbeeeerrrr sssseeeeccccuuuurrrriiiittttyyyy oooonnnn ttttoooopppp ooooffff aaaannnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ooooffff vvvvaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss iiiiccccoooonnnnssss....,The w0rd c4b3r securit4 on t0p of an ima93 0f vari0us ic0ns.,Theword cybe r s ecuri ty on top of an i mag e o f v ar ious ico ns.,Th℮ wەℝd 𐊢𝝲b𝜠r sec𑣘Ꮢℹty ﮦ𝘕 t𝒐ꮲ of an image o𐔥 vario𐓎s ico𝔫𝒮.,The good book cyber certificate on top side of an picture of assorted icons.,The word cyber on top of of various,The on cyber security word top of an image various of icons.,The several word cyber upper side security good book on top of an image of various good book icons.,The work cyber security 0n tup aof an imagen of varies icons.,The wrd cybr security on top of an image of various icons .,The الكلمة cyber security on top of an image of various icons.,The word @Ax0WcMjc cyber security on top of an image of various icons.,Thee word Seiber security Aune top of an image of various Icahn'S.,The word cyber security over an image of various symbols.,The word cyber security on top of an image of divers icons.,Multiple icons surrounded by the word cyber security. 6792289,"Various black and white icons including an umbrella, camping gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and other items.","Vakioo8 black and white ic0n8 including an om6ke1la, campin9 gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and 0thek item8.","Vz%iouc h,ack and white icoge kncluWOnb an kmb#eKlx, cXm9iMg gear, Dkock, campfirer, ckm0asC, Gadk9ac., lantern, and other itSmD.","VaFrUiEous black and (w0hite iHcoJns including an mulmbWrCella, camping gvea&r, Ycl3ock, c3ahmpfikr8er, c9oMmIpass, bacekp(awcAk, lantern, and #otlher items.","Various bleUk and wJitA iD)ns i9cOMdinD an umbrella, PmEping gear, clock, c*m)fFrNr, coRf)ss, backxS7@, la5!9rn, and other ia4ms.","Vaiorsu blcka and white incos nlicuidng an mubelrla, mcapign grea, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and toehr eitms.","Vrus bck and wit ion icdng an ubra, aing gear, clock, campfirer, omas, apac, lantern, and other ies.","VaRIouS BlAck aND WhitE IcONs IncLuding An UMBreLlA, cAmpinG gEar, cLock, campFirer, cOmpASs, BaCKPaCK, LanTeRn, anD otHEr iTems.","VVVVaaaarrrriiiioooouuuussss bbbbllllaaaacccckkkk aaaannnndddd wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee iiiiccccoooonnnnssss iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddiiiinnnngggg aaaannnn uuuummmmbbbbrrrreeeellllllllaaaa,,,, ccccaaaammmmppppiiiinnnngggg ggggeeeeaaaarrrr,,,, cccclllloooocccckkkk,,,, ccccaaaammmmppppffffiiiirrrreeeerrrr,,,, ccccoooommmmppppaaaassssssss,,,, bbbbaaaacccckkkkppppaaaacccckkkk,,,, llllaaaannnntttteeeerrrrnnnn,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiitttteeeemmmmssss....","Various black and 3hite icons includin9 an u36rella, ca3ping 93ar, clock, ca3pfir3r, c03pass, 6ackpack, lant3rn, and 0th3r ite3s.","Vari ousblack an d whi te ic ons inc lud in g a n u m br el la,c amp ing gear, c lo c k , ca mpfirer, c ompass, back pack, l a nt er n ,and o ther it e ms . ","Vaꮢ𝗂𐐬us 𝑏la𐐽k and whit𝐄 ic𝟶n𝐬 ˛𝙣cluding an umbR𝘌l𐔦a, 𝘊𝙰mp𝖎n𝒢 gℰ𝚨r, clock, c𝑨m𝕻fIrer, c𐓂mpass, Ƅackp𝐀ck, 𑢲a𝐧𝓽ern, aℕd otᎻer 𝐈tems.","various pitch dark and ashen image let in an umbrella, camp gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and other items.","Various black and including umbrella, camping gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, and items.","Various an and including icons backpack, black white camping gear, clock, campfirer, compass, umbrella, lantern, and other items.","Various black and respective white icons including an respective umbrella, camping gear, whiteness several clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and other items.","Various black in wihite icons incluing at umbrella, campping gear, colook, campfirer, compass, packbak, lantern, AN outher iterm.","Various blk nd white icons including an umbrella , camping gear , clock , campfirer , compass , backpack , lantern , nd other items .","Various سوداء and white icons including an umbrella, camping gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and その他 items.","Various black and white @kmOHLNG6 icons including an umbrella, camping gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and other items.","Various black and Whyte Icahn'S including 'N umbrella, camping Gere, Klock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and Uther items.","Various black and white symbols including umbrella, tent gear, clock, camper, compass, backpack, lantern and other items.","Some black and white icons, Including an umbrella, camping gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and other articles.","Black and white representations of an array of items, such as an umbrella, camping gear, clock, campfirer, compass, backpack, lantern, and more." 8774273,The front view of a man wearing a grey t - shirt with an image of a blue dog.,The front view of a man weakin9 a grey t - 8hikt with an image of a 61ue d09.,The drpnt Bi3w of a man weaD8ny a gDej t - syi3t wktM an i