It is God who made us able to be servants of a new covenant. This is a covenant not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Jun pora amikhan ke notun vachan nimite yogya hobole dise; likha kotha pora nohoi, hoilebi Atma pora hoise. Kilekoile likhi kena thaka kotha to moribole diye, hoilebi Atma pora he jibon diye.
Now the ministry of death—engraved in letters on stones—came in such glory that the sons of Israel could not look directly at Moses's face. This is because of the glory of his face, a glory that was fading.
Hoilebi juntu porisorja pora mrityu anise- juntu pathor khan te khundi kena likhise- iman mohima te ahise, juntu nimite Israel laga bacha khan Moses laga mukh phine sabole para nai, kilekoile tai mukh laga mohima to komti hoi asele,
How much more glorious will the ministry of the Spirit be?
tinehoile, kineka Atma laga kaam khan itu pora bi bisi mohima thaka nahobo?
For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, how much more does the ministry of righteousness abound in glory!
Kilekoile jodi bodnam kori diya laga kaam khan te mohima thakise koile, dhormikta laga kaam khan to mohima pora bhorta hobo!
For indeed, that which was once made glorious is no longer glorious in this respect, because of the glory that exceeds it.
Kilekoile juntu mohima ase koi thakise, etiya utu hisab te mohima nai, kilekoile etiya laga mohima to he bisi dangor ase.
For if that which was passing away had glory, how much more will what is permanent have glory!
Kilekoile juntu khotom hoi jai ase utu laga mohima pora ahise koile, juntu thaki ase itu to aru bi kiman bisi dangor mohima pora ahibo!
Since we have such a hope, we are very bold.
Tinehoile jitia dikhi ase amikhan laga eneka asha ase, amikhan mon dangor huwa kotha koi thake,
We are not like Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the sons of Israel were not able to look directly at the ending of a glory that was passing away.
Aru Moses nisena nohoi, jun tai laga mukh uporte ekta kapra rakhise, eneka pora Isor laga bacha khan utu laga piche phine saikena nathakibo juntu khotom hoi jai ase.
But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.
Hoilebi taikhan laga bhabona khan ke tan korikena rakhise. Kilekoile aji tak bi purana niom khan pura homoite utu kaprake nahataikena rakhi ase. Utu kapra ke uthaidiya nai, kilekoile Khrista dwara he itu khotom hoi jai ase.
But even today, whenever Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts.
Hoilebi aji tak bi, jitia Moses ke porhe, utu kapra taikhan laga mon uporte ase.
But when a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
Eneka hoile bi jitia ekjon Probhu phine ahibo, utu kapra ke hatai diye.
Now the Lord is the Spirit. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Etiya Probhu Atma ase: aru jun jagate Probhu laga Atma ase, tate ajadi ase.
Now all of us, with unveiled faces, see the glory of the Lord. We are being transformed into the same glorious likeness from one degree of glory into another, just as from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Hoilebi amikhan sob, mukh te eku bi nalagaikena sisate sa-a nisena Probhu laga mohima sai ase, aru nijor bi eneka pora mohima paikena bodli hoi ase, jineka Probhu laga Atma pora hoi ase.
Therefore, because we have this ministry, and just as we have received mercy, we do not become discouraged.
Itu karone, itu porisorja kaam kori thaka to, jineka amikhan daya paise, amikhan mon chutu nohoi.
Instead, we have rejected secret and shameful ways. We do not walk in craftiness, and we do not mishandle the word of God. By presenting the truth, we recommend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God.
Hoile bi lukai kena thaka misa khan chari dise, chalak korikena na berabo, Isor laga kotha thoga baji nimite nacholabo; hoilebi hosa ke dikhai kena Isor usorte sob manu laga mon laga bhabona te nijorke thik korise.
But if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing.
Hoilebi jodi amikhan laga susamachar lukai kena ase, itu taikhan nimite ase jun khan harai kena ase,
In their case, the god of this world has blinded their unbelieving minds. As a result, they are not able to see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
jun khan bhitor te itu yug laga isor pora abiswasi khan laga dimag ke bondh koridise, eneka pora Khrista laga mohima laga susamachar, jun Isor nisena ase, taikhan uporte pohor nathake.
For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus's sake.
Kilekoile amikhan nije ke prochar kora nohoi, kintu Probhu Jisu Khrista ke; aru amikhan nijor apnikhan laga sewak ase, Jisu nimite.
For God is the one who said, "Light will shine out of darkness." He has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the presence of Jesus Christ.
Kilekoile Isor he ase, jun koise, “Andhar pora puhor to ujala ulai ahibo,” jun amikhan laga mon bhitorte ujala korise, Isor laga mohima laga gyaan laga puhor Jisu Khrista laga chehera pora dikha bole nimite.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, so that it is clear that the exceedingly great power belongs to God and not to us.
Hoilebi amikhan logote itu khajana to mati kolsi khan bhitor te ase, tinehoile itu iman dangor takot to Isor laga he hobo, aru amikhan laga nohoi.
We are afflicted in every way, but not overwhelmed. We are perplexed but not filled with despair.
Amikhan sob phale digdar ase, eneka hoile bi mon dukh nai; amikhan ulta-pulta hoikena ase, hoile bi bhabona harai kena thaka nohoi.
We are persecuted but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed;
Biswas nimite dukh kosto paise, kintu amikhan ke chari diya nohoi. Amikhan ke mari kena girai dise, hoile bi khotom kori diya nohoi.
always carrying around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
Hodai Probhu Jisu laga mora gaw ke bukhi kena thaki ase, titia Jisu laga jibon bi amikhan laga gaw te dikhi bole pabo.
For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus's sake, so that the life of Jesus may be revealed in our mortal flesh.
Kilekoile amikhan jun khan jinda ase Jisu nimite hodai moribole nisena hoijai, titia amikhan laga moribole thaka gaw te Jisu laga jibon bi dikhi bole pabo.
So death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
Itu nimite mrityu to amikhan bhitorte kaam kori ase, hoilebi jibon to apnikhan bhitorte ase.
But we have the same spirit of faith according to that which was written: "I believed, and so I spoke." We also believe, and so we also speak,
Amikhan logote eke biswas laga atma ase, likhi kena thaka nisena, “Ami biswas korise; aru itu nimite ami kotha koise. Amikhan bi biswas korise aru itu nimite amikhan bi koise,
because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.
amikhan jani ase tai jun Probhu Jisu ke uthaise, amikhan ke bi Jisu logote uthabo, aru amikhanke aru apnikhan ke eke logote Tai usorte loijabo.
For everything is for your sake, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to increase to the glory of God.
Kilekoile itu khan sob apnikhan nimite ase, tinehoile kiman dangor anugraha sob phale jai ase, tineka he Isor laga mohima nimite dhanyabad bisi diya he hobo.
So we do not become discouraged. Even though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
Itu nimite amikhan alsi hoi najai. Kintu amikhan laga gaw mangso to bura hoi jai ase, hoilebi, amikhan laga bhitor laga atma to din-din te notun hoi ase.
For this momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal burden of glory that exceeds all measurement.
Kilekoile amikhan laga olop dukh khan, juntu olop homoi nimite he ase, amikhan nimite bisi bhal aru kitia bi khotom nahobole bisi dangor nimite kaam kori ase.
For we are not watching for things that are seen, but for things that are unseen. The things that we can see are temporary, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
Amikhan utu jinis khan ke sa-a nohoi juntu dikhi ase, hoilebi utu jinis khan ke sai ase juntu dikhi bole napare. Kilekoile ki dikhi ase, itu olop homoi nimite he ase; hoile ki suku pora nadikhe, itu he anonto ase.
We know that if our earthly house—the tent—is destroyed, we have a building from God. It is a house not made by human hands, but an eternal house, in heaven.
Kilekoile amikhan jani ase jodi amikhan prithibi te thaka tombu laga ghor to bhangi jaise koile bi, amikhan logote Isor laga ghor ase, juntu hath pora bona nohoi, hoilebi sorgo khan te thaka anonto ghor ase.
For in this tent we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly residence.
Kilekoile itu tombu laga ghor te amikhan dukh pora hala kori ase, aru amikhan ke sorgo laga kapra lagai dibole itcha ase,
We long for this because by putting it on we will not be found to be naked.
Eneka pora amikhan ke kapra lagai dise koile amikhan ke lengta napabo.
For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened. We do not want to be unclothed. Instead, we want to be clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.
Kilekoile amikhan jun khan itu tombu laga ghor te ase dukh paikena hala kori ase, bisi bhari ujon bukhi kena, kilemane amikhan kapra nalagaikena thaka hobo mon nai, kintu kapra lagai kena thakibo mon ase, titia moribole thaka gaw ke jibon pora khai dibo.
The one who prepared us for this very thing is God, who gave us the Spirit as a guarantee of what is to come.
Etiya tai jun amikhanke eneka koribole dise itu Isor ase, jun amikhan ke Atma bisaribole nimite ekta bhabona bi dise.
Therefore always be confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord.
Itu nimite amikhan hodai mon-dangor korikena ase, itu janikena, jiman tak amikhan itu ghor te thaki kena gaw bhitorte ase, amikhan utu Probhu logote nai-
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Kilekoile amikhan biswas pora berai ase, dikhi kena nohoi-
So we have confidence. We would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
Amikhan mon dangor ase, aru bhabi ase itu gaw te nathaki jabo, aru Probhu logote he thakibo.
So we make it our goal, whether we are at home or away, to please him.
Itu nimite amikhan kaam kori ase, titia, thakile bi nohoile nathaki le bi, amikhan ke Tai khushi pabo.
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for the things done in the body, whether for good or for bad.
Kilekoile amikhan sob Khrista bisar kora laga singhason agete khara hobole lagibo, tinehoile sob manu pabo juntu tai nijor gaw te korise, jineka tai korise, bhal hoilebi biya hoilebi.
Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade people. What we are is clearly seen by God, and I hope that it is also clear to your conscience.
Itu nimite Probhu laga bhoi janikena, amikhan pora manukhan ke kotha mani bole koi ase. Kintu amikhanke Isor pora dikhai dise, aru ami itu bi asha kori ase apni khan laga mon laga bhabona te amikhan ke bujhi di ase.
We are not trying to persuade you again to view us as sincere. Instead, we are giving you a reason to be proud of us, so you may have an answer for those who boast about appearances but not about what is in the heart.
Kilekoile apnikhan usorte aru bi bhal hobole nimite eneka kora nohoi, hoile bi apni khan pora amikhan nimite phutani koribole ekta homoi di ase, titia apnikhan taikhan ke jowab dibole paribo jun khan khali bahar te he sai, aru mon-bhitor nohoi.
For if we are out of our minds, it is for God; and if we are in our right minds, it is for your sake.
Kilekoile amikhan pagala hoile, itu Isor logote ase: nohoile amikhan dimag thaka hoile, itu to apnikhan nimite ase.
For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: That one person died for all, and that therefore all have died.
Kilekoile Khrista laga morom pora amikhanke eneka koribole joborjosti kori ase, kilekoile amikhan eneka jani loise: ekjon manu pora sob nimite morise; itu karone sob manu morise.
He died for all, so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
Aru kilekoile Tai sob nimite morise, titia kun khan jinda ase etiya pora nijor nimite jinda nathakibo, hoilebi Jun taikhan nimite morise, aru bi uthise Tai nimite he jinda thakibo.
For this reason, from now on we do not recognize anyone according to the flesh, even though we once knew Christ according to the flesh. But now we no longer know.
Itu nimite, etiya pora amikhan mangso hisab te manu ke nasabo. Hoi, amikhan Khrista ke mangso hisab te janise, hoilebi etiya to amikhan Taike eneka pora nasai.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. See, they have become new.
Itu nimite, kunba manu Khrista bhitorte ase koile, tai ekjon notun bonai luwa jon hoise. Purana khan paar hoise. Sabi, etiya sob to notun hoise.
All these things are from God. He reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
Aru itu sob Isor laga ase, jun nije ke Jisu Khrista dwara amikhan logote milai loise, aru amikhan ke mil-milap kori dibole laga kaam dise.
That is, in Christ God is reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. He is entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
Itu bujhai diya kotha to eneka ase, Khrista dwara Isor pora prithibi ke nijor logote milai loise, aru eku golti khan taikhan usorte rakha nai; aru amikhanke itu prithibi te mil-milap koribole laga kaam to dise.
So we are appointed as representatives of Christ, as though God were making his appeal through us. We plead with you, for the sake of Christ: "Be reconciled to God!"
Etiya tinehoile amikhan Khrista laga janai diya manukhan ase, jineka Isor amikhan ke cholai kena apni khan ke morom pora koi ase. Amikhan Khrista laga naam te apni khan logote prathana kori ase, apni khan “Isor logote milai lobi!
He made him who knew no sin to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him.
Jun paap jana nai, Taike amikhan nimite paapi bonaise, titia amikhan Tai dwara Isor usorte dharmikta thaka hobole paribole nimite.
Working together with him, we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain.
Itu nimite amikhan tai logote mili kena kaam kora khan pora apni khan ke bi utsah kori ase Isor laga anugraha ke misa-misi nalobi.
For he says, "In a favorable time I paid attention to you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." Look, now is the favorable time. Look, now is the day of salvation.
Kilekoile Tai koise, “Ami apnikhan ke ekta homoite huni loise, Aru poritran laga din te ami apni khan ke modot korise.” Sabi, etiya bhal homoi ase. Sabi, etiya poritran laga din ase.
We do not place a stumbling block in front of anyone, for we do not wish our ministry to be discredited.
Amikhan kun ke bi girai dibole kaam kora nai, amikhan sewa kora bodnam nahobo nimite.
Instead, we prove ourselves by all our actions, that we are God's servants. We are his servants in much endurance, affliction, distress, hardship,
Hoilebi, sob te amikhan nije ke Isor laga kaam kora manukhan ase koikena dikhai thakibo; nijor ke rukhabole parikena, dukh te, dorkar te, digdar te,
beatings, imprisonments, riots, in hard labor, in sleepless nights, in hunger,
mari kha-a te, bondhi ghor te, gondugol te, tan kaam te, ghumabole napara rati khan te, bhuka thaka homoite;
in purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in sincere love.
sapha pora, gyaan pora, nijorke rukhabole para, Pobitro Atma pora, hosa laga morom pora,
We are his servants in the word of truth, in the power of God. We have the armor of righteousness for the right hand and for the left.
Hosa laga kotha pora, Isor laga takot pora; dyna hath te aru baya hath te dhormikta laga hathiar khan pora,
We work in glory and dishonor, in slander and praise, as deceivers and yet truthful.
Sonman aru sorom pora, bhal khobor aru biya khobor pora: thoga-baji nisena, aru hoilebi hosa te;
We work as if we were unknown and we are still well known. We work as dying and—see!—we are still living. We work as being punished for our actions but not as condemned to death.
Najana nisena, hoile bi bhal pora jani thaka; mori juwa nisena, hoilebi sabi, jinda ase; mar kha-a nisena, kintu morai diya nai;
We work as sorrowful, but we are always rejoicing. We work as poor, but we are making many rich. We work as having nothing and yet as possessing all things.
Mon dukh kora nisena, kintu hodai khushi pora thaka; dukhia nisena, kintu bisi khan ke dhuni bonaise; eku bi nathaka nisena, kintu sob pai kena ase.
We have spoken the whole truth to you, Corinthians, and our heart is wide open.
Oh Corinth laga manukhan, apnikhan usorte amikhan laga mukh khuli kena ase, amikhan laga mon bi dangor khuli kena ase.
You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained in your own hearts.
Amikhan pora apnikhan ke dhuri bandhikena rakha nohoi, kintu apnikhan nijor laga morom bhabona pora he apnikhan bandhi kena ase.
Now in fair exchange—I speak as to children—open yourselves wide also.
Etiya itu laga ekta bhal bodli koribole nimite to- ami bachakhan ke kowa nisena- apnikhan bi mon dangor khuli bi.
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what association does righteousness have with lawlessness? For what fellowship does light have with darkness?
Apni khan biswas nakora khan logote eke hoikena namilibi. Kilekoile dhormikta te thaka khan aru niom nathaka khan logot ki mili bole ase? Aru puhor to andhar logot ki mili bole paribo?
What agreement can Christ have with Belial? Or what share does a believer have together with an unbeliever?
Aru Khrista to Beliar logote ki kotha milai kena rakhibo? Nohoile biswas kora jon pora abiswasi logote ki bhag ase?
And what agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God, just as God said: "I will dwell among them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people."
Aru Isor laga mondoli to murti khan logote ki kotha milai kena rakhise? Kilekoile amikhan jinda Isor laga mondoli ase jineka Isor pora koi dise; “Ami taikhan bhitorte thakibo, aru taikhan bhitorte berabo; Aru ami taikhan laga Isor hobo, Aru taikhan amilaga manukhan hobo.”
Therefore, "Come out from among them, and be set apart," says the Lord. "Touch no unclean thing, and I will welcome you.
Itu nimite, “Taikhan majot pora ulaikena Ahibi, Aru apnikhan alag hobi,” Probhu koi ase, “Aru niom pora moila thaka saman nachubi,” “Aru ami apnikhan ke mani lobo.”
I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters," says the Lord Almighty.
“Aru apnikhan laga Baba hobo, Aru apnikhan amilaga chokra khan aru chukri khan hobo,” Sob pora Mohan Probhu pora koi ase.
Beloved, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves of all defilement of flesh and spirit. Let us perfect holiness in the fear of God.
Moi bisi morom kora khan, itu kosom khan thaka nimite, amikhan laga mangso aru atma laga letera khan pora nije ke sapha korilobo, aru Isor laga bhoi te thik pora pobitrota korilobo.
Make room for us! We have not wronged anyone. We have not corrupted anyone or taken advantage of anyone.
Amikhan nimite jaga bonabi! Kilekoile amikhan kun manu ke bi galti kora nai, amikhan kun manu ke bi misa-misi kora nai, amikhan kun manu ke bi thoga baji kora nai.
It is not to condemn you that I say this. For I have already said that you are in our hearts, for us to die together and to live together.
Ami apni khan ke golti janabole nimite itu kowa nohoi; kilekoile ami poila pora koise, amikhan laga mon bhitorte apnikhan ase, aru eke logote he moribo aru jinda thakibo nimite.
I have great confidence in you, and great is my boast about you. I am filled with comfort. I overflow with joy even in all our tribulation.
Ami bhoi nakorikena apnikhan logote kotha koi ase, ami apnikhan laga naam untcha koribole bisi ase: ami mon aram hoikena ase, amikhan laga sob dukh aru digdar te ami bisi khushi paikena ase.
When we came to Macedonia, our flesh had no rest. Instead, we were troubled in every way by conflicts on the outside and fears on the inside.
Kilekoile, jitia amikhan Macedonia te ahise, amikhan bisi dukh te thakise. Aru sob phale digdar pai se- bahar te lorai khan asele, aru bhitor te bhoi.
But God, who comforts the lowly, comforted us by the arrival of Titus.
Eneka hoile bi Isor, jun mon chutu hoikena thaka khan ke aram diye, Titus aha pora amikhan ke anondo dangor kori dise,
It was not only by his arrival that God comforted us. It was also by the comfort that Titus had received from you. He told us of your great affection, your sorrow, and your zeal for me. So I rejoiced even more.
Aru khali tai aha nimite he nohoi, kintu apnikhan pora tai ke mon dangor kori diya te amikhan bi anondo hoise, aru moike lok koribole itcha pora mon bhorta thaka, kandikena mon ghurai aha, moi logote milikena modot koribole itcha thaka, itu khan sob khobor huni kena moi arubi bisi khushi paise.
Even though my letter made you sorrowful, I do not regret it. But I did regret it when I saw that my letter made you sorrowful, though only for a little while.
Kilekoile moi laga ekta chithi pora apnikhan ke mon dukh koribole dise, hoile bi ami golti bhabona nai, -olop homoi nimite golti lagise, jitia moi dikhise apnikhan itu chithi nimite mon dukh hoise, khali ek ghanta nimite hoile bi.
Now I rejoice, not because you were sorrowful, but because your sorrow brought you to repentance. You experienced a godly sorrow, so you suffered no loss because of us.
Etiya ami khushi ase, apnikhan mon dukh huwa nimite nohoi, hoilebi apnikhan mon dukh lagi kena paap pora mon ghura nimite. Kilekoile apni khan ke bhal nimite mon dukh lagi bole dise, apnikhan mon ghura bole tak mon dukh hoise. Kilekoile, Isor laga itcha te apnikhan mon dukh hoise, aru itu nimite apnikhan to amikhan karone eku te nuksan nohobole nimite.
For godly sorrow brings about repentance that accomplishes salvation without regret. Worldly sorrow, however, brings about death.
Kilekoile Isor pora lagi thaka mon dukh to paap pora mon ghura bole diye juntu pora mon chinta nathaki kena poritran pai. Hoilebi itu prithibi laga mon dukh to mora he ane.
See what great determination this godly sorrow produced in you. How great was the determination in you to prove you were innocent. How great was your indignation, your fear, your longing, your zeal, and your desire to see that justice should be done! In everything you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.
Kilekoile sabi, juntu bhal nimite apni khan ke Isor pora mon dukh kori bole dise, itu pora apnikhan bhitorte kiman kaam korise. Kiman mon bhorta huwa, kiman nijor nimite safai koribo dise, kiman khong, kiman bhoi, kiman mon pora lagi thaka bhabona, kiman biya laga bodla lobole mon laga bhabona! Itu khan sob bhitorte apnikhan eku golti nathaka nijor pora dikhai dise.
Although I wrote to you, I did not write for the sake of the wrongdoer, nor for the one who suffered the wrong, but so that your earnestness toward us should be made known to you in the sight of God.
Itu nimite, ami apni khan ke poila likhi le bi, ami tai nimite likha nohoi jun golti korise, tai nimite bi likha nohoi jun galti nimite dukh paise, hoilebi Isor agete apni khan laga mon kiman bhorta ase itu apnikhan ke buja bole nimite hoise.
It is by this that we are encouraged. In addition to our own comfort, we also rejoiced even more because of Titus's joy, because his spirit was refreshed by all of you.
Itu nimite apnikhan laga mon aram te amikhan bi aram paise. Amikhan aru bi bisi mon aram pa-a to, Titus laga khushi nimite, kilekoile apnikhan sob pora tailaga atma ke aru bi notun takot kori dise.
For if I boasted to him about you, I was not put to shame. On the contrary, just as everything we said to you was true, our boasting about you to Titus proved to be true.
Kilekoile apnikhan nimite ami tai usorte kiba phutani kori le bi, ami sorom laga nai; hoilebi jineka amikhan apni khan ke sob hosa khan koi dise, eneka amikhan laga phutani bi, juntu ami Titus usorte korisile, itu hosa paise.
His affection for you is even greater as he remembers the obedience of all of you, how you welcomed him with fear and trembling.
Aru tai laga bhitor te apnikhan nimite aru bi morom bisi hoise, apnikhan sob pora kotha mana nimite tai apni khan ke bhabona kori thake, jineka bhoi aru kapikena apnikhan taike mani loise.
I rejoice because I have complete confidence in you.
Itu nimite ami khushi ase kilekoile sob te ami apnikhan uporte mon dangor koribole pare.
We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given to the churches of Macedonia.
Itu uporte, bhai khan, amikhan laga itcha ase apnikhan janibo Isor laga morom laga asis juntu Macedonia laga girja khan uporte dise,
During a great test of tribulation, the abundance of their joy and the extremity of their poverty have produced great riches of generosity.
Kineka digdar laga porikha te taikhan bisi khushi pora thakise aru taikhan bisi dukhiya hoile bi khuli kena di thakise.
For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond what they were able, and of their own free will
Kilekoile taikhan jiman parise eneka dise, ami nije jani ase, hoi, aru taikhan logot thaka pora bi nijor khushi pora dise,
they begged us with much earnestness for the privilege of sharing in this service to God's holy people.
Amikhan logote bisi morom-mangi kena prathana korise amikhan pobitro manukhan logote milikena kaam kora laga asis taikhan ke bi punchibo nimite.
This did not happen as we had hoped, but they first gave themselves to the Lord and then to us by the will of God.
Aru amikhan bhabona kora nisena nohoi, hoilebi poila taikhan nijorke Probhu logote dise, aru Isor laga monjur pora amikhanke bi dise.
So we urged Titus, who had already begun this task, to complete among you this act of grace.
Iman tak amikhan Titus nimite bhabona korise, jineka tai anugraha laga kaam shuru korise, eneka pora tai apnikhan bhitorte itu kaam pura koribole.
But you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us. So also make sure that you excel in this act of grace.
Itu nimite, jineka apni khan sob jinis te bisi hoikena ase, biswas te, kotha te, aru dimag te, aru hoshiar koikena kaam khan mon diya te, aru amikhan nimite apnikhan laga morom te, sabi kineka pora apnikhan anugraha laga asis te bi bisi hobole paribo.
I say this not as a command. Instead, I say this in order to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it to the eagerness of other people.
Ami hukum kotha koi diya nohoi, hoilebi dusra khan laga mon khula saikena, apnikhan laga sapha thaka morom ke porikha koribo nimite.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though he was rich, for your sakes he became poor, so that through his poverty you might become rich.
Kilekoile apnikhan pora amikhan laga Probhu Jisu Khrista laga anugraha jani ase, jineka, Tai dhuni hoile bi, apnikhan nimite tai dukhiya hoise, itu pora apnikhan dhuni hobole paribo nimite.
In this matter I will give you advice that will help you. One year ago, you not only started to do something, but you desired to do it.
Aru yate ami nije pora bujhai di ase: kilekoile itu apnikhan nimite thik ase, kilekoile apnikhan bisi itcha thakikena itu kaam to ek saal age te shuru korise.
Now finish it. Just as there was an eagerness and desire to do it then, may you also bring it to completion, as much as you can.
Itu nimite jineka kaam shuru koribole itcha thakisele, eneka he apunikhan logot te ki ase, itu loikena kaam to pura koribi.
For if you are eager to do this deed, it is a good and acceptable thing. It must be based on what a person has, not on what he does not have.
Kilekoile jodi ekjon tai laga ki ase itu pora inam dibole itcha thakile, itu he bhal ase, eku nathaka pora diya nohoikena.
For this is not as relief for others and tribulation for you. Instead, there should be fairness.
Amilaga motlob to apnikhan dukh paikena dusra khan hobi kuwa nohoi, kintu sob eke hobole nimite koi ase.
Your abundance at the present time will supply what they need. This is also so that their abundance may supply your need, and so that there may be fairness.
Kilekoile etiya apnikhan logot bisi thaka pora taikhan ke dile, taikhan laga bisi pora apnikhan ke bi dibole: titia tate sob eke nisena hobo,