--- dataset_info: features: - name: index dtype: int64 - name: v_kmph dtype: float64 - name: ax_mpss dtype: float64 - name: ay_mpss dtype: float64 - name: yaw_rate_radps dtype: float64 - name: frame dtype: image - name: d_lanecenter_m dtype: float64 - name: alias dtype: string - name: steering_rack_pos_m dtype: float64 - name: steering_torque_N dtype: float64 - name: lane_curvature_radpm dtype: float64 - name: stationary dtype: float64 - name: segment dtype: int64 - name: split dtype: string - name: road_type dtype: string - name: driving_situation_rural dtype: string - name: driving_situation_federal dtype: string - name: driving_situation_highway dtype: string - name: rep_id dtype: int64 - name: frame_nr dtype: int64 splits: - name: val_val num_bytes: 9160076169.901 num_examples: 34767 - name: val_train num_bytes: 41105223625.104 num_examples: 138572 - name: pretrain num_bytes: 73729563090.513 num_examples: 304287 - name: pretrain_train num_bytes: 59523614752.871 num_examples: 242887 - name: pretrain_val num_bytes: 14759288492.4 num_examples: 61400 download_size: 193239069632 dataset_size: 198277766130.789 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: val_val path: data/val_val-* - split: val_train path: data/val_train-* - split: pretrain path: data/pretrain-* - split: pretrain_train path: data/pretrain_train-* - split: pretrain_val path: data/pretrain_val-* license: cc-by-4.0 pretty_name: SADC size_categories: - 1M **BibTeX:** ``` @misc{haselberger2024situation, title={Situation Awareness for Driver-Centric Driving Style Adaptation}, author={Johann Haselberger and Bonifaz Stuhr and Bernhard Schick and Steffen Müller}, year={2024}, eprint={2403.19595}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ``` **APA:** ``` Johann Haselberger, Bonifaz Stuhr, Bernhard Schick, & Steffen Müller. (2024). Situation Awareness for Driver-Centric Driving Style Adaptation. ```