(0:03 - 0:55) Good morning folks. 9 23 a.m. just turned 9 23. Friday, May 6. According to my little wolf buddy. That guy's cool. Huh, got a message. I just sent some stuff down to Deanna. She has to have scales and calibration, individual calibration weights to make sure the scales are right. I'm sending her a lot of stone. All the new waters are going to come through her. (1:01 - 1:09) I need to get this camera over here. Should we take pictures of you? It's not like you're not important. Hello. (1:18 - 2:30) Anyway, about the classes, the last two classes. I was going to have them on the 22nd. I'm not going to. I canceled them earlier. There's other things going on I need to prepare for. So, I need to deal with that. I enjoy doing the classes, but you know, look, three of them is enough to get things taken care of. I'm going to make a DVD about it too. It won't be as much as the class, but the thing about the class is you get to ask questions. Those of you taking the metaphysical brain class, the one that's on the 8th coming up, May 8th. There's one at 11 and one at 5, both decent standard times. I had my brain got changed last night and it's much better, but I'm trying to get used to it and there's adjustment being done, but it sure is better. (2:31 - 4:25) Keeps helping. They're working real hard on the other side to get me back to where I should have been before all this fighting I had to do. That hurt. It did. You know, you can't do what I did without hurting your brain. Anyway, speaking of brain, at least he didn't float too far off topic and here he goes again. Here he goes again. Please send me an email with your Skype address if we haven't, if I don't have it already. If we've already talked on Skype, I'll tell you what, go ahead and send me your Skype address and then I'm going to connect it to your name and I can print that out on a sheet so I have it. What I need is for you to call me. If I haven't called you, like the class is being 11 or 5, if I haven't called you, 10 minutes before the class already on Skype, then please go ahead and call me and as you do that, I'm going to hang up. I'm just going to hang up on you, turn around and call you back because I've got to call you, okay? I'm not very good with taking care of office stuff, okay? I can't not even sign my name anymore, okay? My brain won't even work like that, okay? It's being made to be what it needs to be for you, not for stuff for me and honestly, for it to be best for you is what's best for me. (4:30 - 4:48) So, I'll forget to get a hold of y'all and give you my Skype contact address. I'm not very professional, but hey, where's professional? Right here. I'm not that. (4:49 - 11:03) I am what I am and I want to be what I am. Just simple, plain, okay? Everyone needs to know what's going on as much as I can inform you with, you know, the information I can give you, as much as I can give you and help you with. Good, but you need to know you don't need to be strong, big, strong person. You don't need to be man or woman. You don't need to be from any kind of race. You don't need nothing but everything you already have, which is everything. It's just you. When I crank you up, I go in and I crank you up. I put source energy in there. I make you a lot stronger, but I take what you are and really concentrate on that. Some people have been solar plushed and they say, I want to see better with my pineal. I said, you're seeing good with your pineal. I mean, you know, like after a crank up, I said, you're seeing pineal good with your pineal. You see this and that. Well, yeah, but I want to see more of that. I said, you want me to change you from solar plushes to pineal while you're in a body? I said, number one, I would never do it. Number two, I'd never do it while you're in a body. That's wrong. And number three, I'd have to be out of body to do that. So three strikes, that concept is out of there. Okay. It's simple. Um, want, want, want, and need different. And you know, sometimes I just, uh, I just ran into some more family that I just contacted. Anyway, on the classes, uh, this video is for the class, uh, the information to put on the website for the classes. Um, so please, uh, uh, email me just the regular email, j.arrow.essex at gmail.com. And, uh, uh, just give, you know, come in the email, come in your name, give me your actual name. Um, and then, uh, your, uh, your dash Skype name. And then that'd be wonderful. I mean, you shouldn't have to, I shouldn't have to ask you to do that because I should have already done it myself, but folks, I'm doing everything I can. Okay. Um, all of you that know me know I'm here to serve and not serve myself. Um, okay, well that's pretty, Oh, Oh. And if you can, because Deanna can do so much, she's incredible. If I had the time, she could turn around and make the most beautiful blow out of the brain and, uh, um, all the different parts of it and everything. Um, I can't just take, uh, I can't teach it, hold a class and use other people's photos without getting their permission. And then that's a, that takes time and everything else. So I don't have a printout for you for that. Oh, the, uh, folks in a previous class, I got to get ahold of you. Um, I put some other information together and put it on there for you. The, uh, from the class we had in, uh, um, on April 30th. Um, uh, I've got the, uh, the, uh, video loaded on, uh, the class video loaded on, um, uh, Dropbox. Now it was a little, you know, messed up in and out. Okay. Um, I can't help that. All I can do is the best I can. And, uh, it's free. It doesn't cost anything. Um, so I'll be sending that out soon. Uh, as a matter of fact, it's my personal secretary, uh, send out class invites to Dropbox. Okay. Um, that's Captain Herky. He's so cool. I took some pictures of him this morning. Uh, I'm going to send out, he's not doing too good. He and I are both going down. I watch him going through the same thing in his body that I'm going through. It's the weirdest thing in the world. Anyway. Um, so if there's any question on any class stuff, send me an email. Okay. If it's not, you know, if it's not something that can be taken care of, like in class or something like that, please don't send it. I got enough to do. Okay. Um, I had one person send me something and then, um, actually it's happened more than once, but, um, send me an email and I didn't answer it. And she wrote back and got pissed. And I just kind of laughed. The first thing that comes in my mind is who the hell are you? Um, I'm doing so much for everybody. And, uh, you're upset. Cause I didn't your email answer your email. And there's thousands of them. And I'm doing, you know, what consults and everything else I work for everyone else. Don't anyone ever, please try to push me. Uh, cause that makes you fall right off the edge. God. Um, I don't owe anyone anything. Okay. I do what I want to do and I want to do everything I can for everyone. Um, those of you that know me, you know, I'm very loving. There's no limit to, my fortitude and my compassion. I have for everything. It tears me up that things are the way they are. I want the best for everyone. But sometimes individuals really, you know, you have to take care of yourself and put yourself before others. As far as like, you got to eat first. If you want to help people, cool. But you know, you got to maintain your life. It's like, when people said, Jay, if I have a sandwich and only one, I'll just give the whole thing away. (11:03 - 12:43) I said, why isn't it better to share it with someone to take half of it? And you, you keep yourself going so you can keep helping other people and you also help someone else. And besides, besides, he might be hungry, not just for food, but for companionship for a moment. Um, most of y'all that are here already knew me, but there's a lot of new people coming in now. Um, coming in, actually not many falling away at all. Um, uh, if what I say doesn't interest you, then, you know, there's other things you want to look at. Uh, but what I have for you is for everyone that wants to wake up again. Like I said, it's not, I'm not beating them up. I'm just saying, it's not the Cardassian channel or something like that, where there's movie stars or something. And Ooh, you know, no, this is about awakening. Now that stuff is cool. It's good to have it. You know, it helps put a little joy in your day. You know, I'm not knocking it. I'm just saying, that's not what I am. I'm here. I'm giving you a good food for thought to help things, to help your own abilities grow within you. Kind of like a farmer. Okay. Fertilizing the soil and planting the seed and then you just grow. Uh, that's part of my job. Anyway, look, um, love y'all. Um, if you'd help me out with that stuff in the class, I really appreciate it. Um, it'd be nice if I had someone with me all the time. I have someone that helps on and off, but as you know, it's just not enough to get things done because it's crazy over here. (12:43 - 13:01) And I, I keep seeing her key and it's killing me. Um, there's some of you out there know how much it means to me, but man, you have no idea how much, you know, how important he is. I love everyone and everything, but her key and I are very close. (13:02 - 13:11) Um, he was what's what kept me here and kept me from just sending myself home. And the other side knew it. That's why they've taken such good care of him. (13:13 - 13:55) But, uh, it'll be easier to get me out of here, out of this body when it's time and less conflict when I get out. If he's already home or preferably he's leaving right with me. And that's what they're, the thought they have that they're putting in my head. I almost couldn't spit out when I said, you know, him, it's, I can't even say it. I can't, but the idea is for him and I to leave early, uh, leave together, but earlier, as early as possible to get out of here. Um, anyway, um, and those of you guys out there big and strong, look, I'm tired. (13:55 - 16:26) I'm not a wussy, but you don't tired. I'm old. Okay. Um, I've been doused with gasoline, lit on fire, burned 60% of my body. Um, uh, 45 mile an hour head on collision with a bad seat belt, no airbag. You beat the hell out of the windshield, uh, bounced off a cliff on a 45 foot dive and then literally scaled up 150 foot cliff. So I can get to the top, get in my Volkswagen with a clutch and a drive all the way down to, um, uh, the Brooke army medical center in San Antonio and, um, uh, from Canyon lake and, uh, jump up on a gurney for, to get put up into the operating room to get surgery. Um, I had a pressure bandage. I put around my, uh, uh, left iliac crest on my left hip. Um, I used to do 600 sit-ups at a time, constant just for something to do. Um, I used to be a machine. Uh, I just have a lot of forward too. That's all. There's so many of you that, that I meet that are really strong and have such beautiful heart. We're meeting for a reason it's being done. His classes and everything else. I mean, this is important stuff. It's, it's, it's about you for you and about you and y'all are teaching other people. I'm just going to come and go. I'm not important, but what's going to happen? The new change in the new format that that's imperative that should have been done a long time ago, but it couldn't be, but it is now, this is about all of you. It's about when I say all of you. And I, I talk about people. Oh, um, I talk about people and, uh, being some other planets, the people that you've been in those bodies. Okay. Creation is not this crazy thing that we've been thought we've been pushed to think it is. It's not, this is a bunch of videos, all the videos that I put out. Okay. That I'm going to go through. I've actually done a couple of them already. This is a record of events that have happened. Um, that's almost completely relative to, um, the fight that happened with the Anunnaki with me and them. Um, and people, I don't expect, expect anyone to believe any of that. I don't care. (16:27 - 16:41) All I care about is the fact that I tell you that it happened because it is going to be relative later, whether it's a hundred years from now or not, doesn't matter. What does matter is that I tell you about it now. So you have it for later and it's not to glorify the old farting overalls. (16:41 - 18:42) Okay. This is about, you have an information that you find out, okay, this did happen. So this crazy old fart was not full of shit. That's what you need to have. Because when you have that, then you have, let's take another look at his books and the basic information that he had. And then as that's mostly for people who haven't woken up, but it is for everybody. People, sometimes people need something like that to start understanding there's something going on. Okay. Astrology is another one. The relativity to stars and everything. Well, you were born in this day, so you're going to have a life like this. No, no, you, it's, it's, it's important. Yes. This works, but for the other, for the opposite, it's just flipped around like everything else. It seems okay. In, in life today, um, because you are the frequencies that you are, it was important for you to be placed in a certain position and a certain time on a certain planet so that your energy literally would flow with the rest. It's like building, it's like a beautiful clock. That's all creation is how it moves. Okay. I know this stuff. I can access all kinds of stuff from being what I am inside. Our primary focal point. No, no better than a stick in mud, no better than mud. Just is. It's like, whatever. Giraffe, elephant, they're both really cool. So when I say people, I can be talking about plants, animals, um, uh, human type, uh, uh, energy and bodies, humanoid stuff. Um, that, that, you know, we're a big family folks and it's time for you to know this. And especially with the stuff that happened with the Anunnaki. There was seven groups of prisoners that were there and the seven clans that run the planet. (18:43 - 19:14) And they actually offered me part of the planet. And that was after my energy outside of my body. You remember this? I told all of you, you're so, the ones that are coming to me, most of most, all of you are so strong, your energy that if I take you as a physical body and put you in the middle of the U S and drop you in a helicopter, your energy is touching both oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific. That's how big you are. Okay. I was a freak as far as science and power goes, freak, biggest thing, strongest thing there is. (19:15 - 22:07) Okay. That that's left. He was made the strongest in the beginning. And I've had a 10.846 trillion lives. What's inside me is the main focal point of them. Um, it's not yay, Jay. Don't ever go there. Would you do whatever you want, but you can never go there with reason because that's not me. It's not what I am. It's not who I am. Those that are close to me understand. I've worked so hard to make so much. Then I just give it away. I've always been like that. People think I'm nuts. I don't care. I love him anyway. Um, it's not about me. I don't matter. My job does anyway. Um, you hear me say that a lot and it's cause I mean it. And I am pushing the fact, not the concept, the fact. Um, and if you look at my life, it justifies my words anyway. Um, so it's important. You have that information. Our error came out. Our was showing me my energy outside me was showing me look and I saw something happening. I got a little step ahead in time and I saw something that happened. This beautiful ship that one of our family members, he's source. Okay. He's a error energy inside and he's her poet and he's like the number four commander in this, um, um, uh, federation of planet thing. They're a military and he was attacked by a new ship and some new, um, aggressive, uh, reptilians. Um, they, they actually have some drop DNA, uh, mixed in with and they're really, they were young kids, only a couple of elder, uh, older people, elder type people on there and they attacked the ship and heard it. So it was protected, saved, um, beat up, but it's fixed. It's fixed now as best as can be. Um, uh, they're never like new when you fix a new car, so to speak. Um, a wrecked car, new car that got wrecked. Um, but literally I got, I fired up. I was real pissed. Um, the part of you that's in a body literally grabs and focuses the energy with your thought process. The strongest part of what you are is going to be the part that goes into the body. And it's the same with me. Um, and literally put a, I put a sphere around this thing and I was looking at it and I said, I need to do something. I said, I'm, I don't know what to do. And I was just mad and aggressive. And all of a sudden, the next thing I knew, when you make a sphere like this, your hands get hot. Or for me, they boil. They can start sweating. Okay. That comes from hard energy. All right. Now I started, and I mean, I can see it. I can feel it. It's, it's ridiculous. The amount of power I can put through my hands. How do you think it go in your heads and do stuff? Okay. When I pulled it that much power and I had such intention, then it just, it's like clicking a switch with my energy outside. (22:07 - 23:56) And that's the big thing. Okay. I could, if you tried to move all that energy through, through your physical body, it'd probably burn up like a little fuse. Okay. Um, and literally all of a sudden my hands went cold and that part of me took over and it compressed that ship into like a big marble, a huge ship, um, had a little less than 200 people on it, compressed everything into like a little marble. Then the next day there was, um, uh, a meeting. They just, I don't know, like he came over here and one of them freaked out. Herky, I went crazy. That was me. I started going in her heads. Yeah, thank you. Well, affirmation. I started, I started popping heads over there. Um, that I can do myself. I love you, Herky, honey. Um, Herky was right over here and one of the guys flared up and said, I'll kill you. A guy from, uh, um, Arkansas, big dude. Anyway, uh, look, uh, talk about that later. Anyway, um, didn't mean to spend so much time in this. Uh, folks love you. Um, please help me out with that class info. Make it easier. Um, and, uh, excuse me. Y'all have a kick butt day. Um, man, y'all rock. You really do. Y'all have some really cool future stuff coming. I'm coming, Herk. Oh, I'm gonna show everybody your new picture. That's right. I'm going to show everyone that new picture of you on your double silly post-op beds. That's right. Okay. I'm coming. Um, people say I'm a mess. You know what? They're right. I like it like that. It's nice. Gotta have a little joy in life. (23:56 - 23:57) Folks love you. Take care.