""" """ # TODO try: import ir_datasets except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('ir-datasets package missing; `pip install ir-datasets`') import datasets IRDS_ID = 'disks45/nocr/trec-robust-2004/fold5' IRDS_ENTITY_TYPES = {'queries': {'query_id': 'string', 'text': 'string'}, 'qrels': {'query_id': 'string', 'doc_id': 'string', 'relevance': 'int64'}} _CITATION = '@misc{Voorhees1996Disks45,\n title = {NIST TREC Disks 4 and 5: Retrieval Test Collections Document Set},\n author = {Ellen M. Voorhees},\n doi = {10.18434/t47g6m},\n year = {1996},\n publisher = {National Institute of Standards and Technology}\n}\n@inproceedings{Voorhees2004Robust,\n title={Overview of the TREC 2004 Robust Retrieval Track},\n author={Ellen Voorhees},\n booktitle={TREC},\n year={2004}\n}\n@inproceedings{Huston2014ACO,\n title={A Comparison of Retrieval Models using Term Dependencies},\n author={Samuel Huston and W. Bruce Croft},\n booktitle={CIKM},\n year={2014}\n}' _DESCRIPTION = "" # TODO class disks45_nocr_trec_robust_2004_fold5(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): BUILDER_CONFIGS = [datasets.BuilderConfig(name=e) for e in IRDS_ENTITY_TYPES] def _info(self): return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features({k: datasets.Value(v) for k, v in IRDS_ENTITY_TYPES[self.config.name].items()}), homepage=f"https://ir-datasets.com/disks45#disks45/nocr/trec-robust-2004/fold5", citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): return [datasets.SplitGenerator(name=self.config.name)] def _generate_examples(self): dataset = ir_datasets.load(IRDS_ID) for i, item in enumerate(getattr(dataset, self.config.name)): key = i if self.config.name == 'docs': key = item.doc_id elif self.config.name == 'queries': key = item.query_id yield key, item._asdict() def as_dataset(self, split=None, *args, **kwargs): split = self.config.name # always return split corresponding with this config to avid returning a redundant DatasetDict layer return super().as_dataset(split, *args, **kwargs)