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In this example, [m] contains [string]\n values so its type is [string PairsMap.t].\n", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 19, "pos_bol": 1217, "pos_cnum": 1217 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 47, "pos_bol": 2185, "pos_cnum": 2187 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 19, "pos_bol": 1217, "pos_cnum": 1217 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 47, "pos_bol": 2185, "pos_cnum": 2187 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [] ], "pstr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 19, "pos_bol": 1217, "pos_cnum": 1217 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 47, "pos_bol": 2185, "pos_cnum": 2187 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ] ], "attr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 19, "pos_bol": 1217, "pos_cnum": 1217 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 47, "pos_bol": 2185, "pos_cnum": 2187 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ], "psig_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 19, "pos_bol": 1217, "pos_cnum": 1217 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 47, "pos_bol": 2185, "pos_cnum": 2187 }, "loc_ghost": false } }, { "psig_desc": [ "Psig_modtype", { "pmtd_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 49, "pos_bol": 2189, "pos_cnum": 2201 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 49, "pos_bol": 2189, "pos_cnum": 2212 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "txt2": "OrderedType" }, "pmtd_type": { "pmty_desc": [ "Pmty_signature", [ { "psig_desc": [ "Psig_type", [ "Recursive" ], [ { "ptype_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 51, "pos_bol": 2221, "pos_cnum": 2230 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 51, "pos_bol": 2221, "pos_cnum": 2231 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "txt2": "t" }, "ptype_params": [], "ptype_cstrs": [], "ptype_kind": [ "Ptype_abstract" ], "ptype_private": [ "Public" ], "ptype_manifest": null, "ptype_attributes": [ { "attr_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_ghost": true }, "txt2": "ocaml.doc" }, "attr_payload": [ "PStr", [ { "pstr_desc": [ "Pstr_eval", { "pexp_desc": [ "Pexp_constant", [ "Pconst_string", " The type of the map keys. 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Depending on the value of\n [y] where [y] is [f (find_opt key m)], the binding of [key] is\n added, removed or updated. If [y] is [None], the binding is\n removed if it exists; otherwise, if [y] is [Some z] then [key]\n is associated to [z] in the resulting map. If [key] was already\n bound in [m] to a value that is physically equal to [z], [m]\n is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then\n physically equal to [m]).\n @since 4.06 ", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 95, "pos_bol": 3845, "pos_cnum": 3849 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 104, "pos_bol": 4442, "pos_cnum": 4464 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 95, "pos_bol": 3845, "pos_cnum": 3849 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 104, "pos_bol": 4442, "pos_cnum": 4464 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [] ], "pstr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 95, "pos_bol": 3845, "pos_cnum": 3849 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 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If every binding in [m] satisfies [f],\n [m] is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then\n physically equal to [m])\n @since 3.12\n @before 4.03 Physical equality was not ensured. ", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 259, "pos_bol": 11025, "pos_cnum": 11029 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 264, "pos_bol": 11290, "pos_cnum": 11348 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 259, "pos_bol": 11025, "pos_cnum": 11029 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 264, "pos_bol": 11290, "pos_cnum": 11348 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [] ], "pstr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 259, "pos_bol": 11025, "pos_cnum": 11029 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 264, "pos_bol": 11290, "pos_cnum": 11348 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ] ], "attr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 259, 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"pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11368 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "txt2": "filter_map" }, "pval_type": { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_arrow", [ "Labelled", "f" ], { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_arrow", [ "Nolabel" ], { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_constr", "key", [] ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11373 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11376 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] }, { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_arrow", [ "Nolabel" ], { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_var", "a" ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11380 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11382 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] }, { 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"pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11404 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] }, { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_constr", "t", [ { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_var", "b" ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11408 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11410 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] } ] ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11408 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11412 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] } ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11400 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11412 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] } ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11370 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 266, "pos_bol": 11350, "pos_cnum": 11412 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] }, "pval_prim": [], "pval_attributes": [ { "attr_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_ghost": true }, "txt2": "ocaml.doc" }, "attr_payload": [ "PStr", [ { "pstr_desc": [ "Pstr_eval", { "pexp_desc": [ "Pexp_constant", [ "Pconst_string", " [filter_map ~f m] applies the function [f] to every binding of\n [m], and builds a map from the results. For each binding\n [(k, v)] in the input map:\n - if [f k v] is [None] then [k] is not in the result,\n - if [f k v] is [Some v'] then the binding [(k, v')]\n is in the output map.\n\n For example, the following function on maps whose values are lists\n {[\n filter_map\n (fun _k li -> match li with [] -> None | _::tl -> Some tl)\n m\n ]}\n drops all bindings of [m] whose value is an empty list, and pops\n the first element of each value that is non-empty.\n\n @since 4.11 ", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 267, "pos_bol": 11413, "pos_cnum": 11417 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 283, "pos_bol": 12070, "pos_cnum": 12092 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 267, "pos_bol": 11413, "pos_cnum": 11417 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/templates/map.template.mli", "pos_lnum": 283, "pos_bol": 12070, 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