### Dataset Summary This dataset is based on [olm/wikipedia](https://huggingface.co/datasets/olm/wikipedia). The main difference is that we add `Section::::` prefix to each section title to keep the section structure information. We also use `:` to join the hierarchical section titles. Following is an example. ```text Alison Jane Horner (born June 1966) is a British businesswoman, and, until it was sold in 2020, was the CEO of the Asian arm of the Tesco supermarket chain. Section::::Early life Alison Jane Horner was born in June 1966. She earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Manchester, and an MBA from Manchester Business School. Section::::Career Section::::Career:Tesco Horner joined Tesco as a personnel manager in 1999 and was on Tesco's executive committee from 2011. In October 2013, Horner became a founding member of The Guardian's Women in Leadership network. in 2015, she became a member of Alliance Manchester Business School's advisory board. Horner was Tesco' chief people officer (chief human resources officer) of Tesco until May 2018, when she was promoted to be chief executive of Tesco's Asia business in Malaysia and Thailand, until it was sold in late 2020. She was set to step down in February 2021 after 22 years with Tesco. Section::::Career:Carillion non-executive role Horner was a non-executive director of Carillion from December 2013, chairing the remuneration committee from June 2014. As of 30 December 2016 her basic compensation was £61,000. After the company went into liquidation in January 2018, Horner was one of the non-executive directors who gave evidence to the House of Commons Business and Work and Pensions select committees on 6 February 2018. In the final report of the Parliamentary Inquiry, published on 16 May 2018, Horner was criticised by MPs; the report concluded: "... Alison Horner presided over growing salaries and bonuses at the top of the company as its performance faltered. In her evidence to us, she sought to justify her approach by pointing to industry standards, the guidance of advisors, and conversations with shareholders. She failed to demonstrate to us any sense of challenge to the advice she was given, any concern about the views of stakeholders, or any regret at the largesse at the top of Carillion. Ms Horner continues to hold the role of Chief People Officer of Tesco, where she has responsibilities to more than half a million employees. We hope that, in that post, she will reflect on the lessons learned from Carillion and her role in its collapse." In January 2021, the Insolvency Service said it would seek to ban eight former Carillion directors, including Horner, from holding senior boardroom positions. Section::::References Living people 1966 births British businesspeople in retailing Tesco people Alumni of the University of Manchester Alumni of the Manchester Business School Carillion people ``` ### Data Fields - `title`: a `string` feature. - `text`: a `string` feature. ### How to use this dataset To load this dataset you need to install these first: ```shell pip install mwparserfromhell==0.6.4 multiprocess==0.70.13 ``` Then, you can load any subset of Wikipedia per language and per date this way: ```python from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset("intfloat/wikipedia", language="en", date="20230401") ``` For more information, please check out [olm/wikipedia](https://huggingface.co/datasets/olm/wikipedia). ## Supported Languages ``` aa ab ace ady af ak als am an ang ar arc arz as ast atj av ay az azb ba bar bat-smg bcl be be-x-old bg bh bi bjn bm bn bo bpy br bs bug bxr ca cbk-zam cdo ce ceb ch cho chr chy ckb co cr crh cs csb cu cv cy da de din diq dsb dty dv dz ee el eml en eo es et eu ext fa ff fi fiu-vro fj fo fr frp frr fur fy ga gag gan gd gl glk gn gom gor got gu gv ha hak haw he hi hif ho hr hsb ht hu hy ia id ie ig ii ik ilo inh io is it iu ja jam jbo jv ka kaa kab kbd kbp kg ki kj kk kl km kn ko koi krc ks ksh ku kv kw ky la lad lb lbe lez lfn lg li lij lmo ln lo lrc lt ltg lv mai map-bms mdf mg mh mhr mi min mk ml mn mr mrj ms mt mus mwl my myv mzn na nah nap nds nds-nl ne new ng nl nn no nov nrm nso nv ny oc olo om or os pa pag pam pap pcd pdc pfl pi pih pl pms pnb pnt ps pt qu rm rmy rn ro roa-rup roa-tara ru rue rw sa sah sat sc scn sco sd se sg sh si simple sk sl sm sn so sq sr srn ss st stq su sv sw szl ta tcy te tet tg th ti tk tl tn to tpi tr ts tt tum tw ty tyv udm ug uk ur uz ve vec vep vi vls vo wa war wo wuu xal xh xmf yi yo za zea zh zh-classical zh-min-nan zh-yue zu ```