category,englishExample,englishMeaning,headword,hindiExample,hindiMeaning,kashmiriExample Adj,This house has been abandoned for last ten years.,abandoned,ترٛومُت,,"छोड़ा_हुआ,", V,Ram was abducted by two gunmen.,abduct,اغوا کَرُن,,अपहरण_करना, N,He has the ability to solve complex mathematical problems.,ability,قٲبلیت,,योग्यता, Adj,Ram was able to lift the suitcase.,able,لایقِہ کار ،قٲبِل,,समर्थ, Adj,Ram is the most able student in his class.,able,چالاک,,चतुर, Prep,We were already aboard when he arrived.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, Prep,We were already aboard ship when they arrived.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, Prep,We were aboard ship when he arrived.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, Prep,Our six members were aboard on aircraft.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, N,I don`t know his place of abode.,abode,مُقام,,आवास, VI,To abort female foetus is a crime.,abort,اَڈلِیوٚک کَرُن,,गर्भपात_करना, VI,Peace talks had to be aborted.,abort,اَڈٕوَتِہ ترٛاوُن,,छोड़_देना{अधूरा}, N,Some communities are against abortion.,abortion,اََڈٕلیوٚک,,गर्भपात, Adj,Mission that proved abortive was reported in the newspaper.,abortive,بےمطلب،ناکام,,निष्फल, Prep,We will not talk about him.,about,مُتعلق,,के~बारे~में, Adv,Boys were sitting about in the park.,about,ہُپٲرۍ یَپٲرۍ,,इधर_उधर, Adv,She is about to finish her homework.,about,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग, Adv,Let us not go complaining about it any longer now.,about,واریاہ زیادٕ,,बहुत_हो_गया, Prep,I read a book about cricket.,about,مُتعلِق,,के_बारे_में, Prep,I dropped the pen somewhere about here.,about,ییٚتی اورٕ یور,,आस_पास, Prep,Please fix a mirror above the wash basin.,above,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के~ऊपर, Adv,Grades B and above are considered satisfactory.,above,ہیوٚر,,ऊँचा, Prep,The water rose above the danger mark.,above,پیٚٹھۍ،ہیوٚر,,ऊपर, Prep,The house has a thached roof above.,above,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,के_ऊपर, Prep,My brother lives in the flat above ours.,above,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_ऊपर_वाला, Adj,Please reply at the above mentioned address.,above,پیٚٹِھۍ مِس,,ऊपर_का, Adj,I read the abridged edition of Dickens`s `Oliver Twist`.,abridged,لۄکُٹ،ژھوٚٹ,,संक्षिप्त, Adv,He has relatives both in India and abroad.,abroad,پردیسَس منٛز,,विदेश_में, Adv,There is a rumour abroad about your having a love affair?,abroad,ژۄپٲرۍ,,प्रचलित, Adj,The conversation was brought to an abrupt end.,abrupt,ہنٛگہٕ تہٕ منٛگہٕ,,आकस्मक, Adj,Everybody dislikes his abrupt manners.,abrupt,أجیب,,रूखा, Adj,It was an abrupt action.,abrupt,اَچانک,,असम्बद्ध, Adv,He ended his speech abruptly.,abruptly,جلد ی منٛز، دٔستی منٛز,,आकस्मिक_रुप_से, V,He is planning to abscond with his beloved.,abscond,ژَلُن،غٲب گَژُھن,,फरार_होना, N,We shall not leave in his absence.,absence,غیر موجوٗدگی،غٲرحٲضری,,अनुपस्थिति, Adj,He is always absent from the class.,absent,غیر حٲضر,,अनुपस्थित, VT,You cannot choose to absent yourself from the chemistry class.,absent,غیرحٲضرآسُن،غیرموجوٗد آسُن,,अनुपस्थित_होना, Adj,There is no absolute standard for beauty.,absolute,مُقرَر,,पूर्णतया, N,Their belief in God is absolute.,absolute,حَتمی،یٔقیٖنی,,परम_सिद्धांत, Adv,You are absolutely right.,absolutely,پوٗرٕپٲٹھۍ,,पूर्णतः, VT,Dry sand absorbs water.,absorb,شرٛپُن,,सोखना, VT,His business absorbs his time.,absorb,وَقٕت کھیوٚن,,ग्रहण_करना, Adj,I was totally absorbed in the novel.,absorbed,مَس,,लीन/सोखा_हुआ, N,You are requested to present the abstract of your paper.,abstract,خُلاصہٕ,,सारांश, N,He is an abstract painter.,abstract,خیال,,भाव, Adj,It is an abstract painting.,abstract,خیٲلی,,अमूर्त{कला_संबन्धी}, Adj,Beauty and love are abstract.,abstract,خیٲلی,,निराकार, Adj,He has an abstract notion to change the system.,abstract,خیٲلی,,गूढ़, V,Two other points must be abstracted from the lecture.,abstract,ہٹاوُن،کڑُن,,हटा_लेना, V,Most novels are abstract.,abstract,تَصوُرٲتی،خیٲلی,,संक्षिप्त_बनाना/संक्षेप_करना, N,She always talks in abstractions.,abstraction,خیال,,अमूर्तिकरण, N,He was gazing at the lawn with an air of abstraction.,abstraction,خیال,,अन्यमनस्कता, Adj,I find his ideas absurd.,absurd,فضوٗل,,निरर्थक/बेतुका, Adj,That dress makes them look absurd.,absurd,چور,,मूर्ख/बुद्धिरूद्ध, N,Child abuse is rampant in the world.,abuse,زبردٔستی,,दुर्व्यवहार, N,The opposition party hurled abuses on the ruling party.,abuse,لٮ۪کہٕ,,अपशब्द, N,There is widespread abuse of energy resources.,abuse,پامٲلی,,अधिक_दुरुपयोग, VT,The rowdies abused the journalist for reporting about their anti-social activities.,abuse,لٮ۪کٕہ کڑنِہ،لانٕہ تانٕہ کرُن,,दुर्व्यवहार_करना, Adj,The academic standards differ in the institutions.,academic,تعلیٖمی,,शैक्षक, Adj,His knowledge is purely academic.,academic,تعلیٖمی,,सैद्धांतक, Adj,Mr.Anand is quite an academic person.,academic,تَھدِپایُک وۄستاد,,उच्च_श्रेणी_का_शिक्षक, N,The Royal Academy of drama sponsored them.,academy,اٮ۪کڑَمی، اِدارٕ,,शिक्षा_या_शोध_संस्थान, N,There seems to be no acceleration in their economic growth.,acceleration,وُژھ،تیٖزی,,त्वरण, VT,The machine only accepts 1 Re. coin.,accept,رَٹُن,,स्वीकार_करना, Adj,A cup of tea would be most acceptable.,acceptable,قٲبلہِ قبوٗل,,स्वीकार्य, N,We have their acceptance on this issue as well.,acceptance,منظوٗری,,स्वीकृति, N,He was refused an access to the hallway.,access,وَتھ,,पहुँच, V,I have an access to on-line Library.,access,پِِلَن پایہِ,,पहुँचना, N,He met a car accident.,accident,حٲدِثٕہ,,दुर्घटना, V,The hotel can accommodate upto 100 guests.,accommodate,وٲتِتھ،روٗزِتھ,,रह[रख]_सकना, V,These policies are designed to accomodate all classes.,accommodate,مُروَت کَرٕنۍ,,समाविष्ट_करना[कराना], V,Dinosaurs couldn`t accomodate to the changing environment.,accommodate,ہَم آہنٛگ گَژُھن,,समायोजित_करना, V,The banks accomodate poor farmers with loan.,accommodate,مَدت کَرٕنۍ، مُروَت کَرٕنۍ,,सहायता_करना, N,We found accomodation near the railway station itself.,accommodation,جاے,,आवास, N,Polar bear are facing accomodation problem due to the global warming.,accommodation,روزنُک انتظام,,समायोजन, VT,I accompanied her to the station.,accompany,سۭتۍ آسُن،سۭتۍ گَژُھن,,साथ_होना[जाना], VT,The singer was accompanied by his friend.,accompany,ساتھ دیُن,,संगत_करना, VT,We can collectively accomplish the task of nabbing the murderers.,accomplish,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, Adj,She is an accomplished artist.,accomplished,زانَن واجِنۍ,,निपुण, N,Israel and Palestine signed a peace accord.,accord,مُہادٕ,,समझौता, V,His thoughts and actions do not accord.,accord,مِیُل،رَلُن,,मिलना[मिलाना], V,Ram was accorded this priviledge.,accord,دیُن,,देना, N,The rules are in accordance with the custom.,accordance,ہِشَر، اِلحاد,,अनुरूप, Prep,The work was done according to his instructions.,according,مُطٲبِق,,के_अनुसार, Adv,You must work accordingly to the rules.,accordingly,تَمہِ مطٲبِق,,तदनुसार, N,I have an account in the Central bank.,account,کھاتٕہ,,खाता, N,He gave an account of his experience in trekking.,account,مُطالعہ,,विवरण, VT,We could never account for this miscalculation.,account,خیال کَرُن,,कुछ_होने_की_आशंका, VT,A person is accounted minor until 18 years.,account,مانٛنہٕ یُن,,मानना, VT,The Indian market accounted for 40% of the total sales.,account,حِساب بوزُن,,निश्चित_मात्रा_में_होना, N,The lawyer questioned the accuracy of my account.,accuracy,صداقت,,शुद्धता, N,We can no more predict the changes with much greater accuracy.,accuracy,دُرُستی,,यथार्थता, Adj,All his calculations are accurate.,accurate,صٔحیٖح،ٹھیٖک,,सही, Adv,The article accurately reflects popular opinion.,accurately,صٔحیٖح پٲٹھۍ,,सही_ढंग_से, VT,They will accuse us of incompetency.,accuse,تۄہمَتھ لاگٕنۍ،ہانٛژ لاگٕنۍ,,दोष_लगाना, N,The accused was acquitted of the charge.,accused,قوٚصوٗر وار،خَطاوار,,अभियुक्त, VT,He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life.,accustom,عادت گژھن,,अभ्यस्त_होना, Adj,His accustomed thoroughness of work impressed me.,accustomed,عٲدی,,अभ्यस्त, N,I just need an ace of diamond to win the game.,ace,یَکہٕ,,इक्का{ताश_का}, N,V.Anand is an ace chess player of India.,ace,مٲہِر,,कुशल, N,Pete Sampras hit 21 aces in yesterday`s match.,ace,ایس,,{टेनिस_में)सर्विस_जो_प्रतिद्वन्दी_नहीं_खेल_पाता, Adj,V.Anand is an ace chess player.,ace,مٲہِر,,बहुत_अच्छा, N,I am suffering from stomach ache since yesterday.,ache,دود،دَگ,,पीड़ा, V,My heart aches on seeing her suffer.,ache,دَگ وۄتھٕنۍ,,दर्द_करना, VT,She achieved her goal despite setbacks.,achieve,حٲصِل کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, N,I congratulate you for your achievement.,achievement,کامیٲبی,,उपलब्धि, N,This bottle contains acid.,acid,تیزٕآب,,तेजाब, N,Irregular meals often release strong acid in the stomach.,acid,ژۄکٮ۪ر,,अम्ल, VT,She will acquire the files by tommorrow.,acquire,حٲصِل کَرُن,,अर्जन_करना, N,Acquisition of langauage is innate in a child.,acquisition,ہیٚچِھنۍ,,अर्जन, N,The institute has been built on 35 acres of land.,acre,ایکَڑ,,एकड़{4840_वर्ग_गज_भूमि}, Prep,We ran all across the fields to catch the hens.,across,اَپارِیَپور ،ہُتِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ یور,,के~पारसभी~ओर, Adv,I helped the old lady across the busy road.,across,اَپارِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ یَپور,,आरपार, Adv,We should be across the village by night.,across,اَپارِ,,उस_पार, Adv,He leaned across to wait for us.,across,اَکی طَرفہٕ,,कोई_एक_दिशा_में, Prep,The President`s address to the nation was broadcasted across the country.,across,ژۄپٲرۍ,,सभी_ओर, Prep,My friend shouted from across the road.,across,ہُمِہ طَرفہٕ,,उस_पार_से, Prep,She folded her arms across her chest while talking.,across,پٮ۪ٹھ ،بُتھِہ کَنِہ,,के_ऊपर_या_सामने, Prep,The student drew a line across the sheet.,across,ہُتِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ یور تام,,वहाँ_से_यहाँ, N,He shall certainly act in the play.,act,کٲم,,कार्य, N,The murder of the King takes place in the first act of the play.,act,ڑرٛامُہک حِصٕہ،اٮ۪کٹ,,नाटक_का_अंग, N,Parliament has passed an act which makes such sports illegal.,act,اٮ۪کٹ,,अधिनियम, V,Many people speak but only few act.,act,عمَل کَرٕنۍ,,काम_करना, V,She can act on the stage very well.,act,اداکٲری کَرٕنۍ,,अभिनय_करना, Adj,The manager was acting on behalf of the president.,acting,حرکٔژ منٛز,,कार्यकारी, N,She is not good at acting.,acting,اداکٲری,,अभिनय, N,Her action offended everyone.,action,حَرکت,,क्रिया, V,We can put the plan into action immediately.,action,عملہِ منٛز اَنُن,,कानूनी_कार्यवाही_करने_योग्य, Adj,He is taking an active interest in the politics.,active,عَملی,,सक्रिय, N,He is a sincere activist in the party.,activist,کار کُن,,सक्रिय, N,The extra cirricular activity has to be implemented soon.,activity,کٲم،عمَل,,क्रिया-कलाप, N,Ram is a good actor.,actor,اَداکار,,अभिनेता, Adj,The actual cost of ring was much higher than we had expected.,actual,صٔحیح,,वास्तवक, Adv,He is actually my relative.,actually,بزٲتی،ژَکِہ,,वास्तव_में/वस्तुत, V,We can add some more sugar to the curd.,add,جَمع کَرُن,,जोड़ना, V,I do not want to add onto my worries now.,add,بَڑاوُن,,बढाना, V,Please add water to the concentrate.,add,رَلاوُن ،مِلاوُن,,मिलाना, N,They will be useful addition to our company.,addition,جَمع,,जोड़, N,This equipment is the latest addition to our office.,addition,ہُرٮ۪ر,,जोड़ी_गई_वस्तु, N,The ventilation have been improved by the addition of windows.,addition,ہُرٮ۪ر,,जोड़ने_की_क्रिया, Adj,There was an additional paper at the end of the seminar.,additional,علاوٕ,,अतिरिक्त, N,I need an additional information on this topic.,additional,عَلاوٕ,,पता[अभिभाषण], N,Please send the books on my home address.,address,نٮ۪ب,,पता, N,The presidential address was very inspiring.,address,تَقریٖر,,भाषण, V,The parcel has been addressed incorrectly.,address,نٮ۪ب لٮ۪کُھن,,पता_लिखना, V,The president is about to address the nation.,address,تَقریٖر کَرُن,,भाषण_देना, V,Please address all suggestions to the chairman.,address,شیٚچھ کَرنۍ,,निवेदन_करना, V,You must address everyone in the meeting confidently.,address,وَنُن ،مُخٲطِب گَژُھن,,उपाधि_देना, V,We need to address ourselves to the main problems of the group.,address,وٲقِف گَژُھن ،وٲقِف سَپدُن,,वाकिफ_करना[होना], Adj,Drink adequate water and food to be energetic.,adequate,کٲفی ،سٮ۪ٹھا ہ،غَلبٕہ,,पर्याप्त, Adj,The speech was not adequate to convince the gathering.,adequate,لایَق,,योग्य, Adv,We are not adequately equipped to launch the new brand.,adequately,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ ،اَنٛد ہٮ۪تھ,,पर्याप्त_रूप_में, N,Notorious is the adjective which best describes him.,adjective,صِفَت،باوُت,,विशेषण, V,The coffee shops adjoin the reception of the hotel.,adjoin,لَرِلوٚر آسُن,,संयुक्त_होना[करना], V,We have to adjust to the changing conditions of weather.,adjust,ہَم آہنٛگ کَرُن,,अनुकूल_बनाना, V,You need to adjust the rear view mirror to get a clear view.,adjust,صٔحیح پٲٹھۍ تھاوُن،سیوٚد کَرُن,,व्यवस्थित_करना, V,We can adjust the balance later on.,adjust,برابر کَرُن,,बराबर_करना, N,The car tyres needed light adjustment to drive on the hilly area.,adjustment,سٮ۪زَر,,सुधार/समायोजन, V,We need to administer the budget accordingly.,administer,اِنتِظام کَرُن ،بُندٕبَستہٕ کَرُن,,प्रबन्ध_करना/प्रशासन_करना, V,The Court of Law is responsible to administer justice.,administer,عملہِ منٛز اَنُن،نٲفِز کَرُن,,प्रभाव_में_लाना, V,A special team was called to administer relief to the cyclone hit victims.,administer,دیُن، مٔحِیا کَرُن,,देना, N,He works efficiently in the school administration.,administration,اِنتِظامِیہ,,प्रशासन, Adj,A complex administrative problem came up suddenly.,administrative,اِنتِظٲمی,,प्रशासनिक/शासन_सम्बन्धित, N,He works as an administrator in the public works department.,administrator,انتِظٲمۍ، کار کُن,,शासक, V,I admire him for his wit.,admire,خۄش کران,,प्रशंसा_करना, N,He got an admission to the Union club.,admission,دٲخلٕہ ،دَرٕج,,प्रवेश, N,He made an admission that he lied.,admission,آنکار، یقرار,,स्वीकृति, V,I cannot admit this erronous judgement.,admit,مانُن,,स्वीकार_करना, V,We will admit only the membership holders into the conference hall.,admit,اَژنہٕ دیُن,,प्रवेश_देना, V,The school admits only 50 students in a session.,admit,دٲخلہٕ دیُن ،دَرٕج کَرُن,,भर्ती_करना, N,The adolescence is a difficult phase.,adolescence,یاوُن,,किशोरावस्था, V,My husband and me want to adopt a baby girl.,adopt,منٛگتہٕ رَٹُن,,गोद_लेना, V,We need to adopt only suitable values.,adopt,پاناوُن,,ग्रहण_करना, V,They will adopt his apology without any hassels..,adopt,تَسلیٖم کَرُن ،مانُن,,स्वीकार_करना, V,We have to adopt nearly all the rules.,adopt,تَسلیٖم کَرُن،مانُن,,मानना, N,There is an only adult in their family.,adult,بالینٛغ,,बालग, Adj,Adult movies are mostly prohibited for minors.,adult,بالینٛغ,,वयस्क, N,The flood shall advance in no time.,advance,پھٲلُن,,फैलना/फैलाव, N,They made incomparable advance in their business.,advance,تَرقِی,,विकास{दीर्घकालीनर}, N,Recent advances made in medicine are unimaginable.,advance,تَرقیٖ,,प्रगति, N,The company paid an advance salary to its employees on New Year.,advance,مہوار,,अग्रिमराशि, N,There was no advance in their economic state.,advance,ہُرٮ۪ر,,बढ़त, N,She rejected his friendly advances.,advance,یارز،لول,,दोस्ती/प्यार_जताने_की_कोशिश, N,We booked our tickets for the magic show in advance.,advance,برٛونٛہٕے,,पहले_ही, N,His ideas are quite in advance of his times.,advance,اعلٰی ، تٔھد ۍ,,अग्रगामी, Adj,The company did not give any advance notice of its closure.,advance,برٛونٛہٕے,,पूर्व, V,The army was ordered to advance.,advance,برٛونٹھ پَکُن,,आगे_बढ़ना[बढाना], V,The new policies led to an advance in the cost of shares.,advance,قۭمَت بَڑُن,,प्रगति_करना, V,The government gave an advance to the farmers to help them buy good seeds.,advance,مہوار,,अग्रिम_राशि_देना, V,The company has advanced a new policy.,advance,مشوَرٕدیُن,,विचार_या_सुझाव_देना, V,The meeting advanced into late night due to the inconveniences in the city.,advance,برٛونٛہہ پَکناوُن,,निश्चित_समय_से_पूर्व_करना, Adj,The advanced technology has resolved many complications.,advanced,تَرقی یافتہٕ,,उन्नत, Adj,This version is meant for advanced learners.,advanced,مٲہِر,,उच्च_श्रेणी_के, Adj,His advanced ideas proved profitable.,advanced,نٔوۍ,,नया/अभी_तक_सामान्य_रुप_से_स्वीकृति_ना_मिला_हुआ, Adj,Their advanced age has not deterred them from travelling.,advanced,بَڑوٕنۍ,,बढ़ा_हुआ, N,Raj made full advantage of the offer.,advantage,فٲیدٕ,,फायदा, N,She is at an advantage for her knowledge of different languages.,advantage,فٲیدٕ,,बढ़त, N,Her decision can be an advantage to the whole family.,advantage,مُژ،فٲیدٕ,,भलाई, N,Pete Sampras won most of the advantage points in the game.,advantage,اٮ۪ڑوانٹیج,,एडवांटेज{टैनिस_के_केल_में_ड्युस_उपरांत_अर्जित_पहला_प्वाइंट}, N,A tall basketball player has an advantage of his height.,advantage,فٲیدٕ,,पूरा_लाभ_उठाना, V,He took advantage of her trust by not giving him the correct details..,advantage,غَلط فٲیدٕ تُلُن,,गलत_फायदा_उठाना, V,His representation in the Student union made an advantage to all his classmates.,advantage,فٲیدٕ دیُن,,पूरा_फायदा_उठाना, N,Jim Corbet`s adventures in Kumaon are very thrilling.,adventure,دِلیری،بہادُری,,जोखिम_भरा_अनुभव, N,Adverb is a Part of Speech.,adverb,ڈکھہٕ کرٛاوُت,,क्रिया_विशेषण, V,All big companies advertise their products.,advertise,اشتِہار دیُن، اَڈوٹایِز کَرُن,,विज्ञापन_देना, N,The apartment was not as good as the advertisement claimed.,advertisement,اِشتِہار,,विज्ञापन, N,The new methods of advertising are very creative.,advertising,اِشتِہار کرنُک ذٔریعہ,,विज्ञापन_की_प्रणाली, N,He gave me a compatible advice.,advice,مشوَرٕ,,सलाह, N,You cannot take this medicine without a physician`s advice.,advice,صَلاح،مشوَرٕ,,सलाह/उपदेश, V,The doctor advised him a complete rest.,advise,مَشوَرٕ دیُن,,सलाह_देना, V,Please advise us when you will arrive here.,advise,زان کٲری دِنۍ،خَبَر دِنۍ,,सूचित_करना, Adj,An advisory committee was formed to resolve the issue of pension.,advisory,صَلاح کٔمیٖٹی,,सलाहकारी, V,We all advocate an anti-nuclear policy.,advocate,وَکالَت کَرٕنۍ,,वकालत_करना, N,He is a well known advocate.,advocate,ؤکیٖل,,वकील, N,I advocate the revision of present syllabus.,advocate,طَرَف دار,,समर्थक, N,Travel by aeroplane saves lot of time.,aeroplane,ہوٲیی جہاز،وُژٕپرٛنگ,,वायुमान/हवाई_जहाज, Adj,She has developed a good aesthetic sense.,aesthetic,جمالِیٲتی,,सौंदर्य_परख, Adj,There has a potential aesthetic sensibility.,aesthetic,جمٲلی,,सौंदर्यप्रेमी, Adj,Her designs are aesthetically mature and appreciable.,aesthetic,خوشوٕنۍ،خوٗبصوٗرت,,सुरुचिपूर्ण, N,Please keep your personal affair out from this discussion.,affair,معاملٕہ,,कारोबार/व्यापार, N,She is having an affair with the boy next door.,affair,لولُک معاملہٕ،عٔشق،ماے,,प्रेम_सम्बन्ध, N,I need a constant information about the current affairs.,affair,معاملات,,घटनाक्रम, V,The new budget will certainly affect the masses.,affect,متٲثر,,प्रभाव_डालना, V,The convict affected an air of innocence.,affect,ہِتھ رَٹُن ،بَہانہٕ بَناوُن,,बहाना_करना, Adj,He expressed affected feelings of sadness on his uncle died.,affected,بٔلۍ,,बनावटी, N,I have a deep affection for you family.,affection,لول,,स्नेह, V,The village has been severly afflicted with floods.,afflict,نۄقصان واتُن،دَدارِٕ واتُن,,त्रस्त_होना[करना], V,I can`t afford to buy myself this dress at the moment.,afford,گُزارٕ آسُن،طاقَت تھاون,,वहन_कर_पाना, V,They cannot afford a car right now.,afford,طاقَت تھاوُن،گُزارٕ آسُن,,जुटा_पाना{धन}, Adj,She was afraid for her childrren.,afraid,پھرٛٹہٕ ہوٚت,,भयभीत, Adj,I am not afraid of dogs anymore.,afraid,خوف،ڈَر،پھرٛٹھ,,डरा_हुआ/भयभीत, Prep,We will go for coffee after the meeting.,after,اَمِہ پَتہٕ,,के~बाद, Adv,I will return after two weeks.,after,پَتٕہ,,बाद_में, Adv,I was standing after him in the cue.,after,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,पीछे, Prep,We shall meet here the day after tomorrow.,after,پَتٕہ,,के_बाद, Prep,The was gazing long after the children left.,after,"تُکنُے،اُکنُے, یُکنے",,की_ओर, Prep,The police are after him badly.,after,تٔمِس پَتَے,,के_बारे_में, Prep,He was named after his grandfather.,after,تَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_अनुसरण_पर, Adj,We shall rectify these problems in the after years.,after,پوٚتُس,,बाद_का, N,I don`t like people spoiling my sunday afternoon.,afternoon,پیٚشِن،دُپہَر,,तीसरा_पहर, Adv,We can eat afterwards.,afterward,پوٚتُس,,तत्पश्चात, Adv,I will try again tomorrow.,again,بیٚیہِ,,फिर_से/एक_बार_फिर/दुबारा/पुन, Adv,It is very efficient and again it has its own inefficiency and disadvantages.,again,بیٚیِہ,,लेकिन_फिर, Prep,We are sloganeering against Anarchy.,against,اَتھ خٕلاف،مُخٲلِف,,के~विरुद्ध, Prep,India played superb against South Africa.,against,خٕلاف,,के_विरुद्ध, Prep,I was leaning against the board for a long time.,against,سۭتۍ,,के_सहारे, Prep,He stood firmly against the culprit.,against,مُقابلس منٛز,,से_अलग, N,It is hard to calculate the age of this tree.,age,وٲنٛس،عُمٕر,,वय/उम्र, N,We waited nearly for ages for the match to begin.,age,واریاہ کال،واریاہَس وقتس,,लम्बा_समय, N,Modern age is the age of technology.,age,"زَمانٕہ, وقت",,युग, N,It is an age old custom of that community.,age,پَتٕہ وَتٕہ،پَتٕہ کالِہ,,युगों, V,The illness has aged him?,age,بٕڑراوُن,,उम्र_बढ़ना, V,Ram seems to have aged very quickly.,age,بوٚڑگَژُھن ،وٲنٛسِہ یُن,,बड़ा_हो_जाना, V,The brandy is aged for a period of ten years.,age,یُن،کَھسُن,,पुराना_होना, Adj,I helped an aged man to cross the road.,aged,بٕڑٕ ،مٔرۍدِ یادَم,,वृद्ध, N,We are begining to start the travel agency.,agency,ایٚجَنسی,,संस्था_{कर्तृत्व}, N,He is an insurance agent.,agent,رُکن,,प्रतिनिधि, N,The agression of empires has lasted since antiquity.,aggression,حَملٕہ,,आक्रमण, Adj,His aggressive attitude frightens me.,aggressive,طیٚشَل,,आक्रामक, VT,The Union continues to agitate for higher pay?,agitate,"شور تُلُن, ہنگا مہٕ",,हलचल_मचाना, Adv,They left this house ten years ago.,ago,برٛونٹھ,,पहले{बीता_हुआ}, VI,We will not agree on all their terms and conditions.,agree,اتِفاق تھاوُن ،مانُن,,सहमत_होना, N,Please sign the agreement.,agreement,اِلحادٕ،مُحادٕ,,राज़ीनामा, N,The talks between the two groups failed to reach to an agreement.,agreement,سَمجھوتہٕ,,सहमति, N,The whole family was in agreement with her.,agreement,مُہٲیدٕ,,अन्विति{व्याकरण_में_संख्या/लिंग_या_वचन_में_समानता}, Adj,Our agricultural production was good due to good monsoon.,agricultural,زِرٲعتی,,कृषी_सम्बन्धी, N,Indian economy depends on agriculture.,agriculture,زٔمیٖن دٲری,,खेती{कृषि}, Adv,You can go ahead of us.,ahead,برٛونٛٛٛہہ کُن,,आगे, N,We can mobilize the aid for flood victims.,aid,اِمداد,,मदद, N,The schools are not equipped with the teaching aids.,aid,سامان,,साधन, VT,He was accused of aiding the criminal.,aid,مَدَت کَرُن,,मदद_करना, N,Her aim is to become a pilot.,aim,مَقصَد,,लक्ष्य, V,She is aiming at a scholarship.,aim,مَقصَد آسُن,,लक्षित_करना, V,My remarks were not aimed at you.,aim,نِشانہٕ بَناوُن,,निशाना_बनाना, N,She has an air of confidence about her.,air,ہاو باو,,हवा/दिखावटी_रूप, N,Kick the football high in the air.,air,ہوا,,वायु, N,We went to Mumbai by air.,air,ہوٲیی,,हवाई_जहाज, N,That fort has an air of mystery about it.,air,ماحول,,रंग-ढंग, VT,Air the wet sheet to make it dry.,air,ہوا دِیُن,,हवा_देना, VT,"Don`t air your views to every Tom,Dick and Harry.",air,باوُن,,व्यक्त_करना, N,He owns an aircraft.,aircraft,ہوٲیی جہاز,,वायुयान, N,Ram went to the airport.,airport,ہوٲیی اَڈٕ,,हवाई_अड्डा, N,I have to go to the airport to recieve my sister.,airport,ہوٲیی اَڈٕ,,हवाई_अड्डा, N,A new international airport has been built in Cochin.,airport,ہوٲیی اَڈٕ,,विमानपत्तन, N,The news filled me with alarm.,alarm,ژینہٕ وٕنۍ,,खतरे_का_संकेत, N,The alarm bell was set off in the bank.,alarm,خطرٕچ گھننٹی,,संकट-घंटी, N,Addiction to alcohol is disasterous to health.,alcohol,شرٛاب،مۄے,,मद्यसार{अलकोहल}, Adj,He is an alert listener in meetings.,alert,ہُشار,,सतर्क, Adj,I felt like an alien with the new classmates.,alien,وۄپَر,,पराया, N,I feel this celebration quite alien.,alien,نیٚبرِم،وۄپَر مُلکُک,,अन्यदेशी, N,Depressive states of mind cause intense sense of alienation.,alienation,پَرژھیوٚن,,अन्यसंक्रमण, Adv,They often think alike.,alike,ہِیوےٕ،اَکی طٔریٖقہٕ,,समान_रूप_से, Adj,These two stories are almost alike.,alike,ہِشی,,समान, Adj,Many people were buried here alive when the earthquake hit the area.,alive,زِنٛدٕ,,जीवित, Adj,She is always alive and active.,alive,ترٛک،تٮ۪لنٛگہٕ,,फुर्तीला, Adj,He is fully alive to the political issues.,alive,زٲنۍ یاب,,के_विषय_में_सचेत, Det,They are all invited for the party.,all,تمام،،سٲری,,सभी, Adj,His work was all mess.,all,سٲری,,सब, Adj,We sat up all night.,all,پوٗرٕ,,सारा, Adv,She lives all alone.,all,اَنٛدٕ وَنٛدٕ ،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रुप_से, N,They gave away all of their fortune to the victims.,all,سورُے,,सबकुछ, V,He alleged his friend of the murder.,allege,اِلزام دیُن,,बिना_सबूत_के_आरोप_लगाना, N,They swear allegiance to the flag.,allegiance,فَرمان بَردٲری,,निष्ठा_{राजभक्ति}, N,The Company entered into an alliance with the Bank.,alliance,مُہادٕ,,संगठन{संबंध}, Adj,USA and allied forces started bombing Yugoslavia.,allied,پاسدار,,सहबद्ध, VT,The government shall allocate separate apartments to the employees.,allocate,مُقرَر کَرن,,निर्धारित_करना, VT,The company has allocated funds for the project.,allocate,مُشخَص کَرُن,,निर्धारित_करना, N,The allocation of funds requires a responsible representative.,allocation,تَشخیص،مُقرَر,,निर्धारण, N,The allotment of this plot is made to the medical college.,allotment,نام ذَد، اَلاٹ مینٹ,,आबंटन, VT,We are allowed to use mobile phones inside the work place.,allow,اِجازت دیُن,,अनुमति_देना/आज्ञा_देना, VT,The judge allowed her claim.,allow,جٲیِز قَرار دیُن,,स्वीकार_करना/मान_लेना, N,The company paid the travel allowance.,allowance,ؤظیٖفہٕ,,भत्ता, N,France is an ally of America.,ally,بوج,,मित्र/सहबद्ध, VT,Italy and Japan allied with Germany in the second world war.,ally,سَمجوتہٕ کَرُن,,समबद्ध_करना, Adv,Almost everybody passed in the exam.,almost,اَلہٕ پَلٕہ ،لگ بگ,,लगभग/अधिकतर, Adv,He was alone when we met him.,alone,کُنُےٕ زوٚن,,अकेला, Prep,Take your baggage along.,along,سۭتۍ,,साथ, Prep,His little sister came along to see the movie.,along,سۭتۍ,,साथ, Adv,We were walking along chatting.,along,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,आगे_बढना, Prep,The truck drew up alongside the river bank..,alongside,سۭتۍ,,बगल~में, Prep,My house is alongside the cinema hall.,alongside,سۭتۍ,,बगल_में, Adv,Please read the passage aloud.,aloud,زورٕ سان,,ज़ोर_से, N,Children are taught alphabets in nursery.,alphabet,اَچَھر,,वर्णमाला, Adv,She had already graduated when I joined the college.,already,گۄڈے,,पहले_से, Adv,She is also well versed in Persian poetry.,also,تِہ,,भी, V,The examination schedule altered our travel plans.,alter,تَبدیٖلی اَنٕنۍ,,बदल_जाना, N,"He was left with no other alternative,so he resigned.",alternative,گُنٛجٲیِش,,विकल्प, Adj,We have to find an alternative means of transport to reach there.,alternative,مُتبادلہٕ,,वैकल्पक, Conj,"Although I gave him money,yet he didn`t buy the book.",although,حالانٛکِہ,,यद्यपि, Conj,"Although we gave him money,he didn`t buy the book.",although,حالانٛکِہ,,हालांि, Adv,He earns altogether fifty thousand in a month.,altogether,کُل ہُم پٲٹھۍ،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्णरुप_से, Adv,We talked less and less and eventually stopped talking altogether.,altogether,اَلٕہ پَلٕہ ،کُل ہُم پٲٹھۍ,,कुल_मिलाकर, N,Aluminium foils are best to wrap the food in travel.,aluminium,مِس,,अलमुनियम, Adv,I am always at home on Sundays.,always,پرٛٮ۪تھ وِزِ ،ہمیٚشہِ,,हमेशा, Adv,I will always be there to help you.,always,ہَر وِزِ،ہَر ہمیٚشہِ,,हमेशा, N,He is an amateur painter.,amateur,شوقیٖن,,अव्यवसायी, V,I was amazed by her comments.,amaze,حٲران گَژُھن،تٲجِب گَژُھن,,चकित_करना, Adj,She gave me an amazing look.,amazing,حٲرت اَنٛگیز,,आश्चर्यजनक, N,He is presently posted as India`s Ambassador in China.,ambassador,سٔفیٖر,,राजदूत, N,This attempt shall serve as an ambassador of good will between us.,ambassador,سٔفیٖر,,दूत, Adj,She has a knack of using ambiguous sentences in her conversation.,ambiguous,ؤلِتھ،اَکِہ کھۄتٕہ زیادٕ مَطلب وول,,द्वयार्थी, N,Her ambition in life is to achieve success.,ambition,مَقصَد،تَمَاہ,,महत्वाकांक्षा, Adj,It is a highly ambitious schedule.,ambitious,مَقصَد وول,,महत्वाकांक्षी, VT,The committee has to ammend the rules.,amend,دُرس کَرُن ،ٹھیٖک کَرُن,,संशोधन_करना, N,The present budget passed without any amendments.,amendment,اِصلاح ،تبدیٖلی،تَرمیٖم,,संशोधन/शुद्धता, Prep,He carried on his work amidst disruption.,amidst,منٛز,,बीच_में, N,Huge illegal sale of arms and ammunition takes place at the borders.,ammunition,گولٕہ بوٚروٗد,,युद्ध_उपकरण/लड़ाई_का_सामान, Prep,He picked the best one amongst a pile of old books.,amongst,سارِوے منٛز,,सबमें, V,The total cost amounted to Rs.250.,amount,واتُن,,के_बराबर_होना, N,They spent large amount of money on thier wedding.,amount,رَقَم,,रक़म, N,You can expect some amount of confusion in the meeting.,amount,کینٛہہ,,कुछ_हद_तक, Adj,The election was given ample coverage on T.V.,ample,وارِیاہ,,पर्याप्त_रूप_से/बहुत_बड़ा, VT,The magician amused children.,amuse,مَن رَنٛزٕناوُن،دِل خۄش کَرُن,,मनोरंजन_करना, N,He hunts for amusement.,amusement,دِل بٔہلٲیی,,मनोरंजन, Adj,My grandfather told me an amusing story.,amusing,دِلچسٕپ,,विनोदी/मनोरंक, V,They have analysed the market strategy properly.,analyse,وٮ۪ژھنے کَرٕنۍ,,विश्लेषण_करना, V,Psychologist analysed the cause of depression.,analyse,وٮ۪ژھنَے کَرٕنۍ،تَجزِیہ کَرٕنۍ,,मनोविश्लेषण, N,I was more interested in her analysis of the case study.,analysis,وٮ۪ژھٕنے ، تَجزِیہ,,विश्लेषण, Adj,She has an analytic approach.,analytic,تَجزِیٲتی,,वैश्लेषक, N,The failure of government to implement control can lead to anarchy.,anarchy,اَفراتَفری,,अव्यवस्था/अराजकता, N,They brought the boat to harbour and dropped the anchor.,anchor,ہُکہٕ,,लंगर, V,The sailor anchored the boat to the shore.,anchor,ہُکہٕ ترٛاوُن,,लंगर_डालना, V,The foresightedness of manager helped to anchor the company successfully.,anchor,احتِماد حٲصِل کَرُن,,नींव, Adj,India and China are the most ancient civilizations of the world.,ancient,پرٛون ،قٔدیٖم,,प्राचीन, N,She could sense my anger.,anger,ژَکھ ،شرٛارَت,,क्रोध, VT,He angered everyone in the family by talking rudely to his brother.,anger,ژَکھ کَھسٕنۍ ،شَرٛارَت کَھسُن,,क्रोधित_करना, N,He wore his hat at a jaunty angle. angle.,angle,زٲوِیِہ,,कोण, N,We can look at this problem from a different angle.,angle,نَظَریَہ,,दृष्टिकोण, V,He was expertise in angling the fishing rod.,angle,وول ترٛاوُن,,काटे_से_मछली_पकड़ना, V,He angled at the guard for a free entry.,angle,اِشارٕ کَرُن,,इशारे_से_माँगना, Adj,He is an angry man.,angry,شَرارتی,,क्रोधित, N,We should be kind to animals.,animal,جانوَر,,पशु, Adj,He behaves with his wife as an animal.,animal,وحشِیانہٕ,,पाशविक/जंगली, N,We were invited on their wedding anniversary.,anniversary,وَہَروٲر ،وٕہَروود,,वर्षगाँठ, VT,She announced her engagemnet on new year party.,announce,اعلان کَرُن,,घोषणा_कर, N,She made an announcement about the withdrawl of her support to the institute.,announcement,اعلان,,घोषणा, V,Tim annoyed me in the meeting.,annoy,پَریشان کَرُن ،تنٛگ کَرُن,,परेशान_करना, VT,I was annoyed when they abused me.,annoy,پَسرٕ یُن،تنٛگ گَژُھن,,चिढ़ाना/सताना, N,I understand your reason of annoyance.,annoyance,رِش,,चिढ़, Adj,We need to look at the annual reports of last one decade.,annual,سالانہٕ,,वार्षक, Adv,You can pay the annually as well.,annually,ؤریہِ پتہٕ ؤریہِ،پرٛٮ۪تھ ؤرِیِہ,,वार्षिक_में, N,No Example,anode,اےنوٚڈ,,अऐनोड, Adj,There was a phone call from an anonymous person.,anonymous,گُمنام,,गुमनाम, Det,Give me another cup af tea.,another,بیٛاکھ,,एक_और, Adj,I want another piece of cake.,another,بیٛاکھ,,एक_और/दूसरा, N,She didn`t answer to my question.,answer,جواب,,उत्तर, V,She didn`t want to answer his question.,answer,جواب دیُن,,उत्तर_देना, N,Ants have large and highly organized groups.,ant,ریٚیِہ,,चींटी, V,He could anticipate the trouble.,anticipate,آگٲہی کَرٕنۍ,,पूर्वानुमान_करना, N,We never had an anticipation that such a disaster will take place.,anticipation,آگٲہی,,पूर्वानुमान, N,This explains his anxiety over the examination.,anxiety,پَریشٲنی,,चिन्ता/व्याकुलता, N,Cricket lovers were watching the match with great anxiety.,anxiety,جوش،بٖٖےتٲبی,,उत्सुकता, Adj,He is anxious about his future.,anxious,پَریشان,,चिन्तित, Adj,He is an anxious father.,anxious,فِکِر منٛد,,चिन्ता_करनेवाला, Adj,We had a few anxious moments before the plane landed safely.,anxious,پَریشان,,चिन्ताजनक, Adj,They are anxious to know about the next President.,anxious,بٖٖےتاب,,उत्सुक, det,Has she left any cake in the refrigerator.,any,کانٛہہ,,किसी_भी, Adv,Are you feeling any better.,any,کُنِہ پٲٹھۍ,,किसी_भी_स्थिति_में, Adj,I need any book from the shelf.,any,کانٛہہ تِہ,,कोई_भी, Pron,Is there any water in the jug?,any,کینٛہہ,,कुछ/किंचित, Pron,Anybody can come to lounge.,anybody,کانٛہہ تِہ,,कोई_भी, Pron,I can`t lend my book to anybody.,anybody,کٲنٛسِہ تِہ,,किसी_को_भी, Adv,Anyhow they managed to escape the police.,anyhow,کُنِہ پٲٹھۍ,,किसी_प्रकार_से, Pron,Anyone of you can go and get the tickets.,anyone,کانٛہہ اَکھ,,कोई_एक, N,Give me anything to eat.,anything,کینٛہہ تِہ,,कुछ_भी, Pron,Do you want anything to eat?,anything,کینٛہہ,,कुछ_भी, Adv,You can solve this problem in anyway.,anyway,کُنِہ پٲٹھۍ,,कैसे_भी, Adv,You can find this food anywhere.,anywhere,کُنِہ تِہ جایِہ,,कहीं_भी, Adv,The two buildings stood about 50m apart.,apart,دوٗر دوٗر,,पृथक, Part,They decided to stay apart.,apart,بیوٚن،اَلَگ,,पृथक, N,We live in a three room apartment.,apartment,روزَن جاے,,घर{बड़ी_इमारत_में}, VT,The students apologized before the Principal for teasing freshers.,apologize,مٲفی مَنٛگٕنۍ,,क्षमा_माँगना, N,He is supported by the life saving breathing apparatus.,apparatus,سامانٕہ,,उपकरण, N,The whole apparatus of this theory seems falling apart.,apparatus,نِظام,,संगठन, Adj,There was no apparent reason for his screaming..,apparent,واضِح,,स्पष्ट, Adv,Apparently they have left the city for some time.,apparently,باسنہٕ کِنۍ,,ऊपरी_तौर_से/आभास_से, N,He filed an appeal to release his imprisoned friend.,appeal,أپیٖل،گُزٲرِش,,अपील/याचना, V,The government appealed to the public to donate blood for soldiers.,appeal,أپیٖل کَرٕنۍ،گُزٲرش کَرٕنۍ,,अपील_करना/याचना_करना, V,He was found guilty but he appealed to High Court.,appeal,أپیٖل کَرٕنۍ,,पुनर्विचार_के_लिये_प्रार्थना_करना, V,The idea of a vacation appeals to me.,appeal,خۄش کَرُن,,अच्छा_लगना, V,He suddenly appeared in the doorway.,appear,لَبنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_पड़ना, VI,He appears briefly in this movie.,appear,لَبنہٕ یُن،بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_पड़ना/दिख_पड़ना, VI,He suddenly appeared at the wedding.,appear,ظٲہِر گَژُھن,,प्रकट_होना, VI,Your name has not appeared yet on the roll.,appear,یِنۍ,,प्रकाशित_होना, VI,He had to appear in the court last month.,appear,حٲظِر گَژُھن,,उपस्थित_होना, VI,It appears that he is not going to come.,appear,باسان,,जान_पड़ना, N,The hero made his appearance on the stage alone.,appearance,دَرشُن،دیٖدار,,प्रकटीकरण{दर्शन/दीदार}, N,The spectators applause encouraged the players and artists.,applause,شابٲشی,,करतल_ध्वनि{सराहना}, N,Please wash the apples before eating.,apple,ژوٗنٛٹھ,,सेब, Adj,Some of the conditions are not applicable in your case.,applicable,موٚزوٗن,,लागू_होना, N,Application forms are invited from the students.,application,دَرٛخاست،عرضی,,प्रार्थना_पत्र, N,This design serves many applications.,application,اِستعمال,,प्रयोग, Adj,The applied mathematics is much in vogue.,applied,اِستِفٲدی,,व्यावहारक, V,These conditions apply only to some of you.,apply,لاگوٗ وگَژُھن,,लागू_कर[हो], VI,Traffic rules must be applied strictly .,apply,لاگوٗ وکرُن،جٲری کَرُن,,लागू_करना, VI,Apply some antiseptic on the wounds.,apply,مَتُھن،لاگُن,,लगाना, VI,You must apply the breaks wherever necessary.,apply,کامِہ منٛز اَنُن ،اِستعمالَس منٛز اَنُن,,प्रयोग_में_लाना, VI,We can also apply for the post of cashier.,apply,درخاص دیُن,,आवेदन_पत्र_देना, VT,Mohan was appointed as the managing director. .,appoint,تعیِنات کَرُن,,नियुक्त_करना, VT,She was appointed in the beginning of the month.,appoint,مُقرَر کَرُن,,नियत_करना, N,Hari`s appointment in the bank is a sheer chance.,appointment,تعیِنات,,नियुक्ति, N,We need to fix an appointment for the forthcoming meeting.,appointment,سَمکھَن وَقت,,नियोजित_भेंट, VI,I appreciate your remarks.,appreciate,شابٲشی دِنۍ,,सराहा_जाना, VT,We must appreciate the initiation of work by young aspirants.,appreciate,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ,,सराहना, VT,The value of this property has appreciated over the years.,appreciate,تَضادٕ آسُن ،نِفاق آسُن,,वृद्धि_होना, N,Good deeds deserve appreciation.,appreciation,شابٲشی,,सराहना, N,You are required to write a critical appreciation on this poem.,appreciation,قَدٕر دٲنی,,समालोचना, VT,The police could finally apprehend the thief after a long chase.,apprehend,گِرفتار کَرُن,,गिरफ्तार_करना, VT,We can easily apprehend the meaning of a word written in the vernacular.,apprehend,سَمجُھن،کَڑن,,पकड़ना, N,Mohan worked as an apprentice in the civil hospital laboratory.,apprentice,ژاٹھ,,अपरेंटिस{शिष्य}, V,I apprenticed for 2 years before becoming a mechanic.,apprentice,ژاٹھ بَنُن،ژٲٹِل کَرٕنۍ,,शिष्य_बनना, VT,The press reporters were apprised of the meeting.,apprise,آگاہ کَرُن،زٲنۍ یاب کرُن,,सूचित_करना, N,We can easily approach the Director.,approach,پِلُن ،واتُن,,पहुँच/निकटता, N,This approach can lead us to different conclusions.,approach,طٔریٖقہٕ,,पद्धति, N,They made a collective approach to resolve this problem.,approach,راے,,प्रस्ताव, VTI,It is dangerous to approach the uncaged lion.,approach,نزدیٖک گَژُھن,,पास_आना, VTI,We should seriously consider how to approach this problem.,approach,وَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,पहुँचना, Adj,The alliance will be declared at an appropriate time.,appropriate,موٚزون،مُنٲسِب,,उचित, VT,Kumar was alleged to have appropriated the Institute Funds.,appropriate,ٹَپلہٕ کَرُن,,अनुचित_रूप_से_अपना_बना_लेना, VT,We have appropriated enough amount of funds for the Conference.,appropriate,مُشخَص تھاوُن,,अलग_रखना, N,The terms are subject to the approval of the managing committee.,approval,مَنظوٗری,,अनुमोदन, VT,Your tour programme has been approved by the financial authorities.,approve,منظوٗری دنۍ،اجازت دیُن,,अनुमोदन_करना, VT,I don`t approve of your behaviour with your classmates.,approve,پَسنٛد کرُن،خۄش کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, Adv,All the prices have been assessed approximately.,approximately,تقریٖبَن ،لگ بھگ,,तकरीबन_रूप_से, Adj,She is apt for this job.,apt,اَصٕل,,उपयुक्त, Adj,She is quite apt at learning quickly.,apt,تیز,,प्रवण, Adj,It is advised to include aqueous fruits and vegetables in the diet.,aqueous,ٲبی,,जलीय, Adj,The arbitrary nominations by the party chief were widely criticised.,arbitrary,منشہِ مُطٲبِق,,मनमाना, N,An arc will look beautiful over these windows.,arc,کَمان,,वृत्तांश, N,The building looked magnificent with high arches.,arch,محراب,,मेहराब, Adj,Her arch smile left him dreaming.,arch,نٔخرَل,,वक्र, N,We must consult an architect for designing the house.,architect,مٲہِرِ تعمیٖرات،کٲرۍ گَر,,वास्तुकार, N,This particular area is not easily accessible.,area,حَلقہٕ,,क्षेत्र, N,The total area of this field is 1000 sq. metres.,area,رۄقبہٕ,,आयाम, V,You should avoid to argue with your elders.,argue,بَہَژ کَرُن،وادواد کَرُن,,बहस_करना, V,His point argues for a change in the policy decisions.,argue,زور دیُن,,प्रमाणित_करना, N,The captain got into an argument with the umpire.,argument,بَہَژ,,बहस, N,Ram`s arguements against capital punishment were convincing.,argument,بَہَژ,,तर्क, N,The prisoner`s argument was that he was attacked first.,argument,بَہَژ,,दलील, N,The main argument of the book centers on economic liberalization.,argument,بَہَژ,,विषय, VI,He arose to such a high position by sheer hardwork.,arise,وۄتھٕنۍ,,उठना, VI,Many problems arise due to lack of proper co-ordination.,arise,پٲدٕ گَژھان،وۄتھان,,खड़ा_होना, N,My right arm is aching from past two months.,arm,نٔر,,बाँह, N,It The northern arm of the lake is quite steep..,arm,اَنٛد,,शाखा, N,She sat on the arm of the chair.,arm,نٔر,,हत्था, VT,Two men armed with rifles entered and looted the bank.,arm,ہتھیار ہتھ,,शस्त्र_युक्त_करना, N,They wore their armour and started for the battlefield.,armour,زِرَہ بَکتَر,,कवच, N,The armour of these vehicles is quite protective.,armour,بَکتَر بَنٛد,,ढाल, N,They sat off with their armours to invade state.,armour,فوج,,सेना, N,The men were loaded with arms.,arms,ہتھیار,,अस्त्र_शस्त्र, N,The army crossed the river during the night time.,army,فوج,,सेना, Prep,Books were left around on the floor.,around,اورٕ یورٕ,,इधर~उधर, Adv,"There are around 20,000 people inside the stadium today.",around,تقریٖبن،الٕہ پَلٕہ،لگ بھگ,,लगभग, Adv,The children were running around in the garden.,around,ژۄپٲرۍ,,चारो_ओर, Adv,The cost of the trip was around 5000 rupees.,around,تَقریٖبَن,,घेरेवाला, Part,He looked around before seating himself.,around,ژۄپٲرۍ,,हर_ओर, Part,There were insects scampering around.,around,أنٛدۍ پٔکۍ,,इधर_उधर, Part,Several people were sitting around while watching the passers by.,around,أندۍ پٔکۍ,,कुछ_नहीं_करते_हुए, Part,There were more fish around in the pool.,around,ہُپٲرۍ یَپٲرۍ,,इधर_उधर, Part,There is no one around here.,around,أند ۍ پٔکۍ,,आस_पास, Part,He turned around and walked back to the bus station.,around,پوٚت پھیرُن,,पीछे_की_ओर, Prep,A large number of people were walking around the place.,around,اورٕ یورٕ,,इधर_उधर, Prep,He had tied a cloth around his waist.,around,ژۄپٲرۍ,,चारों_ओर, Prep,I saw him around the garden in the afternoon.,around,أند ۍ پٔکۍ،اورٕ یور,,आस_पास, Prep,I walked around the side of the building.,around,أندۍ أندۍ,,घूम_कर, VT,The prince was aroused by the sound of trumpet.,arouse,وُزناوُن،ہُشار کَرُن,,जगाना, VT,He could manage to arouse her from apathy.,arouse,بیدار کَرُن,,उत्तेजित_करना, VT,A girl in red always aroused him.,arouse,تَمبٕلاوُن,,वासना_जगाना, VT,They have arranged a dinner in her honour.,arrange,انتِظام کَرُن ،بنٛدو بست کَرُن,,प्रबन्ध_करना, VT,She was arranging flowers in a vase.,arrange,ترتیٖب وارتھاوُن،تَگِہ تَگِہ تھاوُن,,क्रम_से_लगाना, N,The dinner arrangements were quite good.,arrangement,بنٛدو بست ،انتِظام,,प्रबन्ध, N,She won the first prize for her flower arrangement.,arrangement,انتِظام,,क्रम_से_स्थापन, N,I have worked out an arrangement with the authorities to work at home.,arrangement,مُہادٕ،سمجوتہٕ,,समझौता, VT,The police arrested the thief.,arrest,رَٹُن ،گِرفتار کَرُن ،قٲد کَرُن,,गिरफ्तार_करना/पकड़ना, VT,Timely action arrested the falling share prices.,arrest,بٔنٛدش لاگٕنۍ،روک تھام کَرُن,,रोकना, VT,Her musical voice immediately arrested my attention.,arrest,پانَس کُن مٲیِل کَرُن,,आकर्षित_करना, N,Many arrests were made in connection to this case.,arrest,گِرِفتٲری,,गिरफ्तारी, N,He suffered a cardiac arrest.,arrest,دورٕ,,अवरोध, N,We anxiously waited for her arrival.,arrival,واتُن،یُن,,आगमन, N,We are going to have a new arrival in our family.,arrival,یِنٕہ وول,,आगन्तुक, VT,The train arrived quite late.,arrive,وٲژ,,पहुँचना, VT,The car has arrived to drive you to the airport.,arrive,ووت,,आ_जाना, N,Ram shot an arrow that hit a flying swan.,arrow,تیٖر,,तीर/बाण/शर, N,He graduated from an art college.,art,فَن،ہُنَر,,कला, N,It an art to lie.,art,ہُنرمٔنٛدی،فَن کٲری،کٲرۍ گٔری,,कौशल, N,One of his artery was blocked.,artery,رَگ,,धमनी/रक्तवाहिनी, N,the shop at the corner of the street keeps all articles of daily needs.,article,چیٖز،پَلو,,वस्तु/चीज़, N,Article 51 of Section iii of the Indian Constitution refers to the Fundamental Rights.,article,دَفَعہ,,दफ़ा/धारा, N,I completed the article on Snow last night.,article,مَضموٗن،مقالہٕ,,लेख/निबन्ध, N,`a` is an indefinite article in English.,article,آٹِکل,,{एक_शब्द_वर्ग}, Adj,We can put artificial flowers in the vase.,artificial,نَقلی,,कृत्रिम, N,Hussain is working as an artillery in Army.,artillery,توپ خانُک فوٗجی,,तोपची_सैनक, N,He provided new artillery to the Army.,artillery,توپ خانہٕ,,तोपखाना, N,Ram is successful artist.,artist,فَن کار,,कलाकार/चित्रकार, Adj,This building is quite artistic in the design.,artistic,فَن کارانہٕ,,कलात्मक, Adj,She has artistic sensibilities.,artistic,فَن کارانہٕ,,कला_प्रेमी, N,He took arts as main course in graduation.,arts,آٹٕس,,विज्ञानेतर_उच्चशिक्षा, Prep,He works as a waiter.,as,ہیوٗو,,जैसे, Prep,I news came as a shock to us.,as,یِتھ کٔنۍ,,के~रूप~में, Conj,You can go earlier as you have to come from far.,as,یوٗتاہ,,जैसा, Conj,As he was busy he could not come.,as,چوٗنٛکِہ، کیازکِہ,,चूँि, Prep,Treat me as a friend.,as,پٲٹھۍ,,के_समान/के_रूप_में, N,Drop the cigarette ash in the tray.,ash,سوٗر,,राख, N,The forest was full of ash trees.,ash,اکِہ قٕسمُک کُل,,अंगू{एक_प्रकार_का_पेड़}, Adj,She was deeply ashamed of her behavior at the party.,ashamed,شَرٛمنٛدٕ,,लज्जित, Adv,Please stand aside until I park the car.,aside,اوٚک طرف,,रद्द_करना, Adv,He pulled the curtains aside.,aside,پَتھ کُن,,अलग_रखना, N,The informative aside about rural life make this guide relevant..,aside,رۄح رکان,,स्वगत_उक्ति, VTI,You can ask him about the ring.,ask,پرٕٛژُھن,,पूछना, VTI,They may be asking for advance rent.,ask,منٛگان,,माँगना, VTI,I asked him to come to the party.,ask,پرٕٛژُھن، دعوت دِنۍ,,निमंत्रण_देना, Adj,I found him fast asleep in his room.,asleep,شٔنٛگِتھ,,सोता_हुआ/सुशुप्त, N,You must look at all aspects of the situation.,aspect,طرف,,पहलू, N,The army made an assault on the enemy.,assault,حَملہٕ,,धावा, VT,The police assaulted the unarmed demonstrators.,assault,حملہٕ کَرُن,,हमला_करना/आक्रमण_करना, V,The students assembled in the main hall.,assemble,جَمع کَرُن,,एकत्रित_करना[होना], VI,Group of people assembled before the Prime Minister`s office.,assemble,جَمع گَژُھن,,एकत्रित_होना, VT,The spare parts of the vehicle were assembled in the garage.,assemble,جوڑُن,,इकट्ठा_करना, N,The national assembly held a meeting to discuss the budget.,assembly,اٮ۪سَمبَلی ،,,सभा, VT,She asserted that she would not yield to any pressure.,assert,زور دیُن,,बलपूर्वक_कहना, VT,Everyone has to assert for the law to be passed.,assert,زور دیُن,,जोर_देना, N,you may also put in your assessment of the situation.,assessment,تجزیہ،جٲیزٕ,,आँकलन/मूल्यांकन, N,The income tax assessor came for a surprise check in the office.,assessor,مۄل کرن وول,,आँकलन_करनेवाला, V,He assigned the work to different persons.,assign,طَے کَرُن,,निश्चित_करना, V,The case was assigned to Ashok.,assign,مَٹِہ تھاوُن ،زِمٕہ تھاوُن,,नियुक्त_करना, V,The teacher has assigned each of us a part in the drama.,assign,بٲگراوُن،زمہٕ تھاوُن,,बाँटना, V,They assigned calculations to the management student only.,assign,مَٹِہ تھاوُن,,सौपना, N,The assignment was completed successfully.,assignment,پٲرٕ,,सौंपा_हुआ_कार्य, V,They assist each other in their works.,assist,پَل زُن،سادُن,,सहायता_करना/मदद_करना, N,They did not receive any assistance.,assistance,اِمداد،مَدَت،اتھٕ روٚٹ,,सहायता/मदद, N,They needed an assistant to finish the work on time.,assistant,مُنُش,,सहायक, Adj,He is an associate member of the organization.,associate,بوج،حِصٕہ دار،شٔریٖک,,सहयोगी, Adj,He is our new associate professor.,associate,نٲیب,,उप-, N,He is my close associate.,associate,شٔریٖک،مدَدگار,,सहयोगी, V,It is considered prestigious to be associated with him..,associate,شیرِکوٚت آسُن,,जुड़ना[जोड़ना], N,He is a member of the Football Association.,association,سَمُت،جَماعت،مجلِس,,संघ, N,The organisations have a long association.,association,ساتھ,,सहयोग, N,He got the position because of his association with the ruling political party.,association,رٔلِتھ آسُن,,जुडा_होना, VI,Let us assume that he was out of station on that day.,assume,فَرضی،خیٲلی,,कल्पना_करना/मान_लेना, VI,The elected Prime Minister will assume office from tomorrow.,assume,کارٕبار سمبالُن،عہدٕسمبالُن,,कार्यभार_संभालना।, VI,She assumed a happy look on her face,assume,ہاوُن,,रूप_धारण_करना, VT,It was easy to assume that he was guilty.,assume,فَرٕض کَرُن,,कल्पना_कर_लेना, N,I am afraid your assumption is not true.,assumption,خَیال,,अनुमान, N,His assumption of supreme power in the office was not liked.,assumption,برٛم،خَیال,,अंगीकार_करना, N,He gave me his assurance that he will finish the job on time.,assurance,لَفٕظ،بَرٛوسہٕ,,आश्वासन, VT,I assure you that the work will be done.,assure,یٔقیٖن دیُن،لَفٕظ دیُن,,आश्वासन_देना, VT,I was assured that these terms shall be implemented soon.,assure,یٔقیٖن دیُتمُت,,निश्चित_होना, N,He knew his future by studying astrology.,astrology,عٔلمِہ نَجوٗمی,,ज्योतिष_शास्त्र, N,The astronaut entered the space shuttle.,astronaut,خٕلاباز,,अन्तरिक्ष_यान_मे_प्रयाण_करने_वाला, N,The science of astronomy is vast.,astronomy,عٔلمِہ نَجوٗمی,,खगोलविद्या, N,The exile poet asked for an asylum.,asylum,چَھپَن جاے,,शरण{राजनैतिक}, N,Ram was finally sent to an asylum for mental treatment.,asylum,شَفا خانٕہ,,आश्रम{रोगियों_के_लिये}, Prep,There is a blind turn at the corner of the street.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,The function was held at the schoolground.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,वाला, Prep,It is very cold at night.,at,کیُتھ,,को, Prep,He is good at painting.,at,منٛز,,में, Prep,The meeting was held at the Head Office..,at,منٛز,,में, Prep,We reacted at his expulsion.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,I am at the head office.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,He was waiting for her at the platform.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,She works at a school for the handicapped.,at,منٛز,,में, Prep,She stayed at her parents` for the whole vacation.,at,نِش,,के_यहाँ, Prep,At night the sky was totally clear.,at,کیتُھ,,को{समय}, Prep,Don`t throw stones at others.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,की_ओर, Adj,Giri is an athletic man.,athletic,گِنٛدَن وول,,हृष्ट-पुष्ट, N,Pollution causes great harm to the atmosphere.,atmosphere,ماحول،آب و ہوا,,वातावरण, N,Atom is a minute unit of any substance.,atom,زَرٕ,,परमाणु, Adj,They built two atomic energy plants.,atomic,اٮ۪ٹٕمی,,परमाण्वक, VTI,I attached my photograph with the application form.,attach,سۭتۍآسُن,,जोड़ना, VTI,You need to attach all the relevant papers.,attach,سۭتۍ تھاوُن,,नत्थी_करना, VTI,The young puppy attached itself to my mother.,attach,ماے آسٕنۍ،لَگاوآسُن,,अपनाना, VTI,His property was attached for non-payment of taxes.,attach,کُرٕکۍ کَرٕنۍ,,कुर्क_करना, V,He is attached to his mother.,attached,لگاو آسُن،ماے آسٕنۍ,,अनुरक्त_होना, N,The town was under attack.,attack,حَملٕہ,,धावा/आक्रमण, VT,The enemy forces attacked the outpost during the night.,attack,حَملٕہ کَرُن,,धावा_करना, VT,The editorial attacked the new president on his policies.,attack,حَملٕہ کَرُن,,आक्रमण_करना, VTI,We attained our goals by hard work and sincerity..,attain,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_करना, VTI,He wants to get over all his responsibilities before atttaining retirement.,attain,واتُن,,पहुँचना, N,The rescue attempt for the victims were hindered by the bad weather.,attempt,کوٗشِش,,प्रयास, VTI,The prisoners attempted to escape from the prison.,attempt,کوٖٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रयास_करना, VTI,Many people attended the function.,attend,شَموٗلِیت کَرٕنۍ,,हिस्सा_लेना, VTI,She attended to all his needs during his illness.,attend,خٕدمَت کَرٕنۍ،خَیال تھاوُن,,सेवा_करना, VTI,He had a number of matters to attend to.,attend,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, N,The issue came to his attention by the media reports.,attention,غور,,ध्यान, N,The soldiers were commanded to stand in attention.,attention,خَبَردار،ہُشیار,,सावधान, N,We dumped all the boxes in the attic.,attic,کٲنی,,अटारी, N,Your attitude towards the work is not proper.,attitude,رٔویِہ،طور طٔریقہٕ,,रवैया, N,Hari was his attorney in the lawcourt.,attorney,ؤکیٖل,,मुख्तार, VT,His voice attracted everyone in the hall.,attract,کٔشِش گَژٕھنۍ,,आकर्षित_करना, N,The place has several tourist attractions.,attraction,دِل کَش،پُرکٔشِش,,आकर्षण, Adj,She has an attractive personality.,attractive,دِل کَش،لوٗبٕوُن,,आकर्षक, N,His greatest attribute was his helpful nature.,attribute,خٲصِیت،صِفت،سیٖرت,,गुण/भाव, VT,Their illness can be attributed to the poor diet.,attribute,مَٹِہ مَرُن,,सम्बन्ध_ठहराना, N,The audience were enthralled by her performance.,audience,سامعیٖن،حاضِریٖن,,श्रोतागण, N,The governor agreed to give an audience to the demonstrators.,audience,حاضرین,,विधि_पूर्वक_भेँट, N,The auditorium was left open for the public.,auditorium,آڑِٹورِیَم,,प्रेक्षाभवन, Adj,The members were honoured by the august presence of the poet.,august,ٲلی شان،تَھدِ شانُک،رُتبٕہ وول,,प्रतापी, N,My aunt is coming to spend the vacations with us.,aunt,پۄپھ،ماس،مامٕنۍ،پیٚچِنۍ,,आंटी, N,This summer he is visiting his aunt in Paris.,aunt,پیٚچِنۍ،پۄپھ،ماس،مامٕنۍ,,चाची/मामी/मौसी/फूफी, Adj,It was not an authentic evidence to prove him guilty.,authentic,ٹھیٖک،صٔحیح,,असली, Adj,He is an authentic man.,authentic,صٔحیح،دُرٛس،موتٕبرَ,,विश्वसनीय, Adj,The corner shop keeps authentic French Cheese.,authentic,اَصلی,,विशुद्ध, V,He authored some books.,author,لٮ۪کُھن,,रचना_करना, N,Dostoevsky is my favorite author.,author,أدیٖب،لِکھٲرۍ,,लेखक, N,Ram is the chief author of the proposal.,author,مََُصَنِف,,प्रवर्तक, VT,Ram authorised him to handle the business.,authorise,اِختِیار دیُن,,अधिकार_देना, VT,The area is not authorised for commercial purpose.,authorise,اِختِیار دِیُن،اِجازت دیُن,,अधिकृत_होना, N,Ram has the authority to suspend his laborers.,authority,اِختِیار,,अधिकार, N,It was done without the teacher`s authority.,authority,اِجازَت,,आज्ञा, N,She`s an authority in her discipline.,authority,مٲہِر,,विशेषज्ञ, N,It is on reliable authority that he is leaving the job.,authority,خاص ذٔرِیَو سۭتۍ,,विश्वस्त_सूत्र_से, VT,Ram authorized him to handle his business.,authorize,اِختِیار دِیُن,,अधिकार_देना, VT,His visit was not authorized.,authorize,اِختیار دِیُن،اِجازت دُین,,अधिकृत_होना, N,The auto industry is booming.,auto,آٹو,,ऑटो, Adj,We would prefer to buy fully automatic washing machine.,automatic,آٹومیٚٹِک،خۄد،,,स्वचालित, Adj,The camera has an automatic focusing.,automatic,آٹومیٹِک،خۄد، پانے,,अविवेचित, Adv,The door opened automatically.,automatically,پٲنۍ پانے,,अपने_आप, N,The automobile boom has also created devastation of some kind.,automobile,موٹر گٲڑۍ,,मोटर-गाड़ी, N,The University wants to have an autonomy from the government.,autonomy,خۄد مۄختٲری,,स्वशासन, N,Trees shed leaves during autumn.,autumn,ہَرُد،ہَرُد کال,,शरद_ऋतु, N,The ready availability of guns is responsible for wide spread violence.,availability,دٔستِیٲبی,,उपलब्धता, Adj,They have to manage within the available space.,available,دٔستِیاب,,उपलब्ध, Adj,Ram will be available in the afternoon.,available,میلان,,मिलता_है, N,Hardwork is avenue to success.,avenue,وَتھ,,पथ{पेड़ों_से_आच्छादित}, N,An avenue to success is shown by dedication and hardwor..,avenue,وَتھ,,पथ, N,One crosses wide avenues before entering the forest.,avenue,وَتھ,,पेड़_दार_पथ, Adj,The average marks for the admission to the course is 50%.,average,اَوسَط,,औसत, N,This car runs an average of 40 miles an hour.,average,اَوسَط,,औसत, VT,The doctors average 70 hours a week.,average,اَوسَط کَڑٕنۍ,,औसत_निकालना, V,One should not avoid the responsibilities.,avoid,ٹالُن،دول دیُن,,टाल, VT,Ram always tries to avoid driving during night.,avoid,ٹالُن,,से_बचना, VT,I could not avoid hitting the car.,avoid,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, VT,Farmers await for rain for their crops.,await,پیارُن,,बाट_जोहना, VI,It is difficult to stay awake the whole night.,awake,وٕزُن,,जागना, VT,Hari awoke Mina at six in the morning.,awake,وٕزناوُن,,जगाना, Adj,The children were wide awake.,awake,بے دار،ہُشار،خَبر دار,,जागे_हुए, N,She received an award for an excellent performance.,award,انعام,,पुरस्कार, N,Ram received an award of 5000 rupees in the poetry contest.,award,ؤظیٖفہٕ,,अनुदान, N,The teacher pronounced an award of Rs.1000/- for the winner in cycle race..,award,سَزا,,दंड, VT,The Jury awarded the best film title to Shyam Benegal`s film.,award,انعام دیُن,,पुरस्कार_देना, Adj,I was not aware of the time.,aware,باخَبَر،زٲنۍ یاب،آگاہ،وٲقف,,अवगत, Adj,Be aware of the dogs.,aware,وٲقف,,सावधान, N,Public awareness is needed to prevent the spread of AIDS.,awareness,زان کٲری,,जानकारी/अभिज्ञता, Adv,My birthday is only a week away from today.,away,دوٗر,,दूर, Adv,Preeti is away on vacation for one month.,away,نٮ۪بَر,,बाहर, Adv,They worked away for three days to get it finished.,away,لگاتار,,लगातार, Adj,The sight of starving children is too awful to see.,awful,ہٲبََتھ ناک,,डरावना, Adj,It was an an awful movie.,awful,دَہشت ناک,,भद्दा, Adj,He has an awkward mannerism.,awkward,عٔجیٖب،بے ڈول،بے شوٗب,,अजीब, Adj,Driving down this road is quite awkward.,awkward,کَھروُن,,कष्टदायक, Adj,She found herself in an awkward situation.,awkward,نوزُک,,नाजुक, N,The earth moves on its axis.,axis,دُرٕ،مَنڑُل,,धुरी, N,Rani is playing with ball.,ball,پینٛد,,गेंद, N,Her baby girl is really cute.,baby,بَچٕہ,,शिशु, VT,His parents pamper him like a baby.,baby,شُرۍ نَظَر کَرٕنۍ,,के_साथ_बच्चे_जैसा_व्यवहार_करना, N,He hurt his back in an accident.,back,کَمبَر,,पीठ, N,The football is at the back of the cupboard.,back,پٔتِم پاسہٕ,,पिछला_हिस्सा, Adv,Sachin returned back to his grandparents house.,back,واپَس,,वापस, Adv,She kept looking back for her friend.,back,پَتھ کُن,,पीछे_की_ओर, Adv,She could no longer hold back her laughter.,back,حَدٕ روٚس,,नियंत्रण_में, Adv,I saw the film a few years back.,back,برٛونٛہہ,,पहले, VT,We must not turn back to our duties.,back,پَتھ روزُن,,पीछे_होना`, VT,She is backed by the ruling party in her state.,back,حِمایَت کَرٕنۍ,,समर्थन_देना[पाना], VT,Some funding agency has to back the research project.,back,مدَد دیُن،اِمداد کَرُن,,सहारा_देना, V,He backed our project wholly.,backed,حمایَت کَرٕنۍ,,समर्थन_देना, N,They were very conscious to inquire about her background.,background,ژوٚٚک,,पृष्ठभूमि, N,The painting has a blue and green background.,background,پَسِہ منظر،پوٚت منظر,,चित्रभूमि, Adj,We are financially backward in comparision to our friends.,backward,پَتھ کھورِ,,पिछड़ा_हुआ, Adj,He gave a backward glance.,backward,پوٚت کُن،پَتھ کُن,,पीछे_की_ओर, Adj,These medicines are for bacterial infections.,bacterial,جَرٲسیٖمی,,जीवाणु, Adj,The picnic was spoiled by bad weather.,bad,خَراب,,खराब, Adj,He is going through a bad period.,bad,خَراب,,बुरा, Adj,Ravi`s accident was quite a bad one.,bad,تَباہ کُن,,गम्भीर, Adv,I`m afraid that I`ve badly hurt him.,badly,خطرناک پٲٹھۍ,,बुरी_तरह_से, N,I carry the bag whenever I go to the market.,bag,ٹھیلہٕ ،بَستٕہ,,थैला, N,Sita had dark bags under her eyes due to lack sleep.,bag,گۄژرِ,,उभरना, VT,They bagged the best vegetables in the basket.,bag,ٹھیلَس منٛز تھاوُن,,थैले_में_रखना, VT,She has already bagged the most comfortable chair.,bag,رَٹٕنۍ,,ले_लना, VT,Her trousers were bagging from the knee.,bag,نَژان,,झूलना, N,We need to strike a balance in between.,balance,ترٛکٕر،میزان,,तराज़ू, V,One should try to achieve a proper balance between work and play.,balance,تَوازُن تھاوُن,,संतुलन_रख, V,I can balance on one-foot effortlessly.,balance,بٲگراوُن,,संतुलन_रखना, V,Our accountant has not yet found the balance of the company..,balance,بقایَت کَڑُن,,बकाया_निकालना, N,Ram is playing with ball.,ball,پینٛد,,गेंद, N,Rani is throwing his ball.,ball,پینٛد,,गेंद/गोला, N,It is a very interesting ballet.,ballet,پٲتھر,,नृत्यनाटिका/नाटक, Adj,This conclusion will drive me ballistic.,ballistic,پٲتھر,,नृत्यनाटिका/नाटक, N,Many balloons were floating in the air.,balloon,پھۄکٕہ ڑیوٗنٛگ,,गुब्बारा, N,They decided to hold a ballot.,ballot,ووٹ,,मत-पत्र, V,The party decided to ballot its members.,ballot,ووٹ دیُن،ووٹ ترٛاوُن,,मतदान, N,There is a ban on smoking in public places.,ban,ٹھاک،بٲن,,प्रतिबंध, VT,The film was banned.,ban,ٹھاک لاگُن,,प्रतिबंध_लगाना, N,Banana is good for health.,banana,کیل,,केला, N,Do not forget to use the wrist band.,band,پٔٹ، رٮ۪ل,,पट्टी, N,He was sitting on the river bank for a long time.,bank,بھوٚٹھ,,किनारा[बैंक], N,I will deposit my money in the bank.,bank,بینٛک,,बैंक, N,There were beautiful gardens developed on both the banks of river.,bank,بھوٚٹھ,,किनारा, V,Ram banks his surplus money.,bank,بینٛکَس منٛز رۄپیِہ تھاونِہ,,बैंक_मेँ_रूपया_रखना, N,Ram borrowed the money from the banker.,banker,،سوٗدخور,,बैंक_का_संचालक/साहूकार, Prep,"Pizza is available at all times,barring sunday evenings.",bar,ورٲے،بغٲر,,को~छोड़~कर, V,They immediately barred the door from inside and switched off the lights.,bar,تورِ سۭتۍ بنٛد کَرُن,,अर्गला_से_बंद_करना, V,Troops barred the road so we had to turn back.,bar,بَنٛد کَرُن,,प्रतिबंधित_करना, Prep,"The whole group is leaving, bar the two senior students.",bar,بَغٲر,,को_छोड़_कर, N,I saw Ram walking into the bar.,bar,،شَراب خانٕہ,,शराबघर, N,They fitted bars to their windows for safety.,bar,سیٖکھ,,सलाख/शलाका, N,Poor health may be a bar to success in life.,bar,رُکاوَٹ,,रुकावट, Adj,The hero was fighting with bare hands in the film.,bare,خٲلی,,निर्वस्त्र, Adj,His bare dislike for capitalism is known to all.,bare,نَنٮ۪ر,,स्पष्ट, Adj,He presented the bare facts of the case before the Jury.,bare,نٔنۍ,,अनलंकृत, V,She bared her veiled face.,bare,ننگٕہ کَرُن،نوٚن کَڑُن,,निर्वस्त्र_करना, V,He bared the facts of the case before the Jury.,bare,برٛونہہ کُن اَنُن,,प्रकट_करना, Adv,Ram could barely pass in the final exam.,barely,مُشکِلَن,,मुश्किल_से, Adv,He has barely paid 6% advance rent.,barely,تَقریٖبَن,,मात्र, N,We will give you a good discount as part of the bargain.,bargain,دَرٕدَرٕ,,लेन-देन, V,We have to bargain in order to buy something at less price.,bargain,چُکاو دُکاو کَرُن،درٕدرٕکَرٕنۍ,,मोल-भाव_करना, N,Barge is used for carrying heavy loads on rivers or canals.,barge,ناو,,"बजरा,नौका", N,The sparrow sat on the bark of the tree.,bark,کُلیُک دٮ۪ل,,वृक्ष_की_छाल, VI,The dog was barking loudly at the night.,bark,وۄپھراے,,भौँकना, N,Sometimes they stay overnight at the barn.,barn,کُچھ,,खलिहान, N,Oil is stored in barrels.,barrel,پیٖپہٕ،ڈٛرم,,पीपा, VT,Oil is barrelled before shipping to other countries.,barrel,ڈرٛمس منٛز بَرُن,,पीपे_मेँ_भरना, N,Poor health can be a barrier to success.,barrier,رُکاوٹ،ٹھوٚر,,अवरोध/रोक, Adj,They spend most of their time in discussing base motives.,base,بُنیٲدی,,तुच्छ/नीच, N,His argument has no profound base.,base,بُنیاد,,आधार, VT,My hypothesis is based on this research.,base,بُنیاد تھاوان,,आधारित_करना, N,He plays baseball.,baseball,اَکھ کھیل,,अमरीका_का_राष्ट्रीय_खेल, N,Goods are kept in the basement.,basement,تَہہ خانٕہ,,तहख़ाना, Adj,Your basic qualification is apt for the job..,basic,بُنیٲدی، ژَکِہ ،موٗلٕہ,,बुनियादी, N,His basic problem is with the spoken language.,basic,ژَکِہ،موٗلٕہ,,मूलतत्त्व, Adv,Basically he is a hard-working fellow.,basically,،ژَکِہ کِنۍ,,मूलतः, N,I didn`t find any basis in his argument.,basis,بُنِیاد,,आधार, N,They picked three basket of apples.,basket,ٹوٗکٕر،ڈٲلۍ،پھۄتٕر,,डलिया, N,I bought a new bat for my nephew.,bat,بیٹ,,बल्ला, N,Bat is a mammal.,bat,راتٕہ کرٛیٖل,,चमगादड़, V,Hari was batting when the game had to be abandoned due to rain.,bat,بیٚٹِنٛگ کَران,,बल्लेबाज़ी_करना, N,Ram takes bath every morning.,bath,سرٛان,,नहाना, V,You bathe in cold water.,bathe,سرٛان کَرُن,,नहलाना, N,Please keep your bathroom hygenic.,bathroom,سرٛانٕہ کُٹھ,,स्नानघर, N,They are all good batsmen.,batsman,کِھلٲڑۍ,,बल्लेबाज़, N,He is a good batsman.,batsman,کِھلٲڑۍ,,बल्लेबाज, N,There is a wooden batten in the drawing room.,batten,تَختٕہ,,तख्ता, V,He battened on his father`s income.,batten,ٲش کَرٕنۍ,,फलना_फूलना, N,The battery is not charged yet.,battery,بیٹٕری,,बैटरी, N,He is the battery commander.,battery,توفہٕ خانٕہ,,तोपखाना, N,He is placed second in the batting order.,batting,بیٚٹِنٛگ,,बल्लेबाज़ी, N,Tipu Sultan was killed in the battle at Seringapatnam.,battle,لَڑاٲٖے،جَنٛگ,,लड़ाई/युद्ध, VI,He is battling with his life in the hospital.,battle,لَڑُن,,लड़ना, N,We sailed into a beautiful bay.,bay,سوٚتُھر,,खाड़ी, N,I heard the bay of hunting dogs last night.,bay,وۄپٕھراے،وولُن,,कुत्तों_की_एक_विशेष_प्रकार_की_भौक, N,We can add bay leaf to the dish.,bay,اَکِہ قٕسمُک کُل,,एक_प्रकार_का_पेड़_जिसके_हरे_पत्ते_और_जामुनी_फल_हो, V,I heard hunting dogs baying at night.,bay,وۄپھراےکَرٕنۍ،وولُن,,भौंकना{शिकारी_कुत्तों_का}, V,Let you be calm with this problem..,be,آسُن,,होना, V,Don`t worry be happy.,be,چُھ,,है, N,Goa is very famous for its beautiful beaches.,beach,سوٚدرُک بوٚٹھ,,समुद्रतट, V,We have to find a proper place to beach the boat.,beach,بٔٹِھس لاگٕنۍ,,समुद्र_के_किनारे_पर_लाना, N,Kingfisher has a long beak.,beak,تونٛتھ,,नुकीला_भाग, N,He lifted the iron beam.,beam,تَھم,,तराजू_आदि_का_डण्डा, N,A beam of light entered the room through the ventilator.,beam,گاشٕہ لَو,,प्रकाश_की_किरण, N,She is always full of beam and happiness.,beam,تَبَسُم,,प्रसन्न_आकृति, V,The sunrise beamed on the whole countryside.,beam,گاشِراوان,,प्रकाश_डालना, V,She was beaming with joy.,beam,اَسان,,मुस्कुराना, N,I like to have rice with beans.,bean,ہِمبٕہ,,सेम, N,I saw a bear in the zoo.,bear,ہاپُت,,भालू, VT,She bears the title of Duchess.,bear,دِنہٕ,,धारण_करना, VT,I cannot bear his constant criticism.,bear,برَداش کَرُن,,बर्दाश्त_करना, VT,She is bearing his child.,bear,ہینہٕ یُن,,वहन_करना, N,My father has a long beard.,beard,ریٚش,,दाढ़ी, V,He was brave enough to beard his senior on this issue.,beard,دَم دِنۍ,,ललकारना, N,He could feel the beat of her heart.,beat,،دُبرٕہارَے,,धड़कन, N,He heard the beat of a drum.,beat,تال,,ताल, V,Agassi beat Becker in a tennis match.,beat,ہارٕناوُن,,हराना, V,Thugs beat him up while walking down the street.,beat,لایُن ،مار دیُن,,वार_करना, V,He kept on beating on the door but no one opened it.,beat,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن,,खटखटाना, V,Her heart was beating fast.,beat,دُبرٕہارَے گَژٕھنۍ,,धड़कना, V,Hailstorms beat against the windows.,beat,لاینہٕ یُن,,टकराना, V,The sun was beating down on us,beat,تاپٕہ ژنٛڑپیٚنۍ,,तड़पाना, V,I beat the egg whites to make omelette.,beat,پھینٛٹُن,,फेंटना, V,She beat her breast out of fear.,beat,دوٚگ,,पीटना, Adj,I saw a beautiful child in the park.,beautiful,لوٗبٕوُن ،خۄشوُن,,सुन्दर, Adv,She handled this matter beautifully.,beautifully,لوٗبٕوُن انٛدازٕ ،خۄشوُن انٛداز,,सुन्दर_तरह_से, N,Kashmir has emormous natural beauty.,beauty,خوٗبصوٗرتی,,सुन्दरता, Conj,I couldn`t attend the class because I was not well.,because,کیازِ کِہ،تِکیازِ,,क्योँि, V,I wish to become an actor.,become,بَنُن,,बनना, V,He became irritable.,become,گَژُھن,,होना, V,I want to become a doctor.,become,بَنُن,,हो_जा, V,I wish to become a stage actor.,become,بَنُن,,बनना, V,that color really becomes you.,become,زیب دیُن،شوٗبان,,फबना/उचित_होना, Adj,It is a becoming hairstyle now a days.,becoming,لوٗبوُن,,युक्त/अनुरूप, N,She has a room with a single bed.,bed,پَلنٛگ,,बिस्तर, N,He sat on the edge of the bed.,bed,بِستَر،فَرٕش،وَتھرُن,,बिछौना, N,The gardener watered the bed of roses.,bed,ڈوٗرۍ,,क्यारी, N,He searched for treasure on the ocean bed.,bed,ژوٚک,,तल, N,The railway tracks are laid on a bed of stones.,bed,وَتھرُن,,आधार, N,I have to set a bed for her.,bed,بِستَر,,बिछौना/क्यारी, N,He sat on the edge of the bed.,bed,بِستَر,,बिछौना, N,The gardener watered the bed of roses.,bed,ڈوٗرۍ,,क्यारी, N,He searched for treasure on the ocean bed.,bed,ژوٚک,,तल, N,The railway tracks are laid on a bed of stones.,bed,وَتھرُن,,आधार, VT,The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals.,bed,پَناہ دیُن,,रात_को_शरण_देना, VT,The gardener bedded the roots in the compost.,bed,تھاوٕنۍ،کُلۍ رُوٕنۍ,,पौधा_लगाना, VT,He has bedded many girls.,bed,ہم بِستَرگژُھن,,संभोग_करना, N,Her bedroom is upstairs.,bedroom,شۄنٛگَن کُٹھ,,सोने_का_कमरा, N,She was stung by a bee.,bee,تُلٕر,,मधुमक्खी, Prep,I want you to be here before lunch.,before,برٛونٛٹھ,,के~पहले, Prep,She was sitting before me.,before,برٛونٛٹھ کَنِہ,,के~आगे, Prep,He stood up before a whole room ful.,before,بُتِھ کَنِہ,,के~सामने, Conj,They partied before their parents returned home.,before,برٛونٛہےٕ,,इसके_पहले_ि, Adv,I reached the cinema hall before you.,before,برٛونٛٹھےٕ,,के_पहले, Prep,The issue before us has to be discussed first.,before,برٛونٛہہ کَنیُک,,के_आगे, Prep,They danced before me.,before,برٛونٛہہ کَنِہ,,के_सामने, Prep,I had known her before you introduced her to me.,before,گۄڈَے,,के_पहले, Prep,I am talking of the fight before lunch.,before,برٛوٗنٛٹھِم,,के_पहले_वाला, Prep,The pulpit before the altar got damaged.,before,برٛونٛہہ کَنیُک,,के_सामने_वाला, Prep,She finished her homework before dinner.,before,برٛونٛہِےٕ,,से_पहले, V,He has befuddled himself by drinking.,befuddle,نَشَس منٛز بۄڑُن,,याचना_कर, V,He was begging in the street.,beg,بیٚچھان,,भीख_मांगना, V,I beg you to stop drinking!,beg,زارٕ پارٕ کَرُن,,प्रार्थना_करना, VI,The programme begins in the evening.,begin,شروع,,प्रारम्भ_होना, VT,They will begin the programme in the evening.,begin,شرو ع کَرُن,,प्रारम्भ_करना, N,I enjoyed my work in the beginning.,beginning,شروعات,,आरम्भ, N,He addressed the council on behalf of the manager.,behalf,بَدلٕہ,,हेतु, VI,He behaves decently with everyone.,behave,سوٚلوٗک کَرُن,,व्यवहार_करना, N,He is known for his decent behaviour.,behaviour,طٔریٖقہٕ،بَرتاو,,बर्ताव, Prep,She was sitting behind me.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,के~पीछे, Prep,The sun disappeard behind the clouds.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,के_पीछे, Adv,She came from behind.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,पीछे_से, N,He fell on his behind.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,कूल्हा, N,We didnot know how it came into being.,being,زٲژ,,जीव, N,I detest violence with my whole being.,being,ۂستی,,हस्ती, N,We all have our purpose of our being.,being,ووٚجوٗد,,अस्तित्व, N,I have firm belief in Ram.,belief,پََژھ،یٔقیٖن,,विश्वास, V,You should believe in God.,believe,پَژھ تھاوٕنۍ ،بَروسہٕ کَرُن،یٔقیٖن تھاوُن,,विश्वास_करना, V,Her neighbours believe that she was murdered.,believe,یٔقیٖن کَرُن,,मानना, N,He rang the church bell.,bell,گھنٹی,,घंटा, N,Ravi fills his belly with nuts and chocolates.,belly,یَڑ،شِکَم,,पेट, V,He belongs to a well-to-do family.,belong,تعلُق تھاوان,,सदस्य_होना, Adj,Her beloved daughter is arriving tomorrow.,beloved,ٹٲٹھ,,प्रिय, N,I miss my beloved very much.,beloved,ماشوق,,प्रिय, Prep,She has scored above 80% marks.,below,کَم,,के~नीचे, Prep,The pen was lying below the books.,below,تَلہٕ کَنِہ,,के_नीचे, N,Hari bought a black leather belt for his son.,belt,کَمر بنٛد,,बैल्ट/पट्टा, N,Pithampur is an industrial belt on the outskirts of Indore.,belt,علاقہٕ,,क्षेत्र, N,He climbed the ben effortlessly.,ben,تینٛتول،تھوٚنٛگ,,शिखर, N,Harish has been sitting on the bench for two hours.,bench,بٮ۪نچ,,बैंच, N,The bench gave the judgement in his favour.,bench,عدالَت,,न्यायपीठ, V,Please bend this wire.,bend,دوٚگُن کَرُن,,मुड़, N,There is a bend ahead on the road.,bend,موڑ,,घुमाव, VTI,It is very difficult to bend an iron rod.,bend,ہوٚل کَرُن,,मोडना[मुड़ना], Prep,The cat huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets.,beneath,تَلہٕ,,नीचे, Prep,I dumped all my things beneath the bed.,beneath,تَل,,नीचे, N,There are many benefits of nuclear energy.,benefit,فٲیدٕ,,लाभ, VT,The new facilities shall benefit the hostel inmates.,benefit,فٲیدٕ واتناوُن,,भला_करना, Adj,He connected the tape with a bent wire.,bent,ۂجۍ,,टेढ़ा, N,She has strong musical bent.,bent,رُجحان,,झुकाव, VT,He has been recently bereaved and is off work.,bereave,تَھپِہ نیُن،محروٗم کَرُن,,छीन_लेना{वंचित_करना}, N,I like berries.,berry,تُل,,झड़बेरी, Prep,You can sit beside me.,beside,سۭتۍ،نَکھہٕ,,के~पास, Prep,He walks beside me.,beside,لَرِ لوٚر،سۭتۍ,,बगल~में, Prep,He sat beside me.,beside,نَکھہٕ,,पास, Prep,There will be three of us for lunch besides the guests.,besides,علاوٕ,,के~अलावा, Adv,I have to buy a jacket besides a sweater.,besides,اَمِہ بَغٲر,,के_अतिरिक्त, Prep,We all will be there at the party besides the children.,besides,علاوٕ,,के_अलावा, Adj,I want to buy his best collection.,best,جان، اَصٕل،زَبَر,,सर्वोत्तम, Adv,I work best at morning hours.,best,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,सबसे_अच्छा, N,I tried my level best to win the match.,best,جان،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,सर्वोत्तम, N,We placed a bet on the gray horse.,bet,بایِہ،شَرٕت,,शर्त, VT,He bets heavily on the horse-race.,bet,بایِہ بِہُن،شَرٕت لاگُن,,दाँव_लगाना, VT,He was accused of betraying the organization.,betray,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن،دَغاہ دیُن,,विश्वासघात_करना, Adj,I wish you a better luck next time.,better,بہتَریٖن ،رُت،زَبَر,,बेहतर, Adv,I want to have a better view of the match.,better,بہتَر پٲٹھۍ،جان پٲٹھۍ،اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,बेहतर_तरीके_से, N,I expected better results from him this year.,better,بہتَر،جان،اَصٕل,,और_योग्य_व्यक्ति, V,We need to better the conditions for the disabled.,better,بہتَر بَناوُن،جان بناوُن,,बेहतर_बनाना, Prep,The house is between two tall buildings.,between,منٛز,,के_बीच, Prep,The rack between the two tables is broken.,between,مَنٛزَس,,के_बीच_वाला, Prep,The money was equally distributed between us.,between,دَرمِیان,,के_बीच_में, Prep,You have a choice between holiday or picnic.,between,منٛز,,में से, Prep,The house was situated between the trees.,between,مَنٛزس,,के_बीच, Prep,I will not go beyond my limits.,beyond,اَمِہ نٮ۪بَر,,के~पार, Prep,His lectures are beyond my comprehension.,beyond,نٮ۪بَر,,के_पार, N,I bought a new bicycle for myself.,bicycle,زَلہٕ گُر،سَیکَل,,साइकिल, V,We bade her farewel at the airport.,bid,وَنُن،دَپُن,,कहना{शुभ्रात्रि-आदि}, V,They made highest bid for the old writing table.,bid,بوٗلۍ لاگٕنۍ,,बोली_लगाना, N,She made a bid of 7 lacs for the painting.,bid,بوٗلۍ,,नीलाम_की_बोली, VT,They showed an interest in bidding for the company.,bid,بوٗلۍ لاگٕنۍ,,बोली_बोलना, Adj,He had a big decision to make.,big,بوٚڑ,,बड़ा, Adj,The big story was her wedding this week.,big,زِٹھ،بٔڑ,,उम्र_में_बड़ी/बड़ा, Adj,This last match is a big match for India.,big,اَہَم,,महत्वपूर्ण, Adj,He has big ideas and plans in his mind.,big,بٔڑۍ،تٔھد ۍ,,महत्वाकांक्षा, Adj,Cartoon network is big among children.,big,مَشہوٗر,,प्रसिद्ध, Adj,Its very big of him to donate half of his salary to the flood victims.,big,سٔخی،دِلہٕ ووٚتھ,,दयालु, Adj,They are feeling big about the world tour.,big,بےتاب,,उत्तेजित, N,Ram paid the bill at the hotel.,bill,بِل,,बिल, N,The bill of the sparrow is pointed.,bill,تونٛتھ,,चोंच, N,He invested a billion in the soft-ware industry.,billion,اَرَب,,अरब, V,Please bind up these pages.,bind,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बाँध, VT,We will bind the packages together.,bind,بَنٛد کَرُن،گَنٛڈ کَرُن,,बाँध, Adj,The contract was not legally binding.,binding,ضوٚروٗری،لٲزِم,,आवश्यक, Adj,Tight garments are uncomfortably binding?,binding,۔۔۔,,बंधनवाला, N,The book has a shiny leather binding.,binding,جِلدٕ,,जिल्द, Adj,Biological warfare are the current security concerns world wide.,biological,حیاتِیٲتی,,जीवविज्ञान_सम्बन्धी, N,Large number of birds migrate during the winter months.,bird,جاناوار،وُڑوٕنۍ جاناوار,,चिड़िया/पक्षी, N,He was eight pound at birth.,birth,زیوٚن,,जन्म, N,Ram does not celebrate his birthday.,birthday,زا دۄہہ،وُہَر وود,,जन्मदिन, N,The bishop was not in the church.,bishop,پادٕر ۍ,,बिशप, N,A glass smashed into little bits.,bit,زَرٕ,,टुकड़ा, N,The horse is not accustomed to the bit.,bit,لانٛکَم,,लगाम, N,There are 8 bits in a byte.,bit,بِٹ,,बिट{कम्प्यूटर}, N,He looked around for the right size bit.,bit,زَرٕ,,छोटा_अंश, VT,His dog tried to bite her.,bite,ژوٚپ ہیوٚن,,काटना, N,He ate the sandwich in one bite.,bite,ژوٚپ,,कौर/काट, Adj,The almonds tasted bitter.,bitter,ٹیوٚٹھ,,कड़ुवा, Adj,All the relatives shed bitter tears on his sudden death.,bitter,سَخ,,शोकमय, Adj,She feels bitter about her childhood memories.,bitter,سَخ,,कठोर, Adv,She complained bitterly.,bitterly,تَلخی سان,,कड़ुवाहट_के_साथ, Adv,It was bitterly cold.,bitterly,سَخٕت پٲٹھۍ,,कस_के, Adv,He was bitterly disappointed.,bitterly,سَخ پٲٹھۍ,,अधक, N,He was full of bitterness after he lost his job.,bitterness,ٹیٚچَھر,,कड़ुवापन, Adj,The shop specializes in black leather jackets.,black,کرٛہُن،سِیاہ,,काला/श्याम, Adj,The future appeared black.,black,وٲران,,अंधेरा, Adj,Her face turned black with fury.,black,خوف ناک,,भयंकर, Adj,Sadat Mantoo was famous for black humor.,black,طَنٕز,,उदास/सोगी, V,His hands were blackened with soot.,blacken,کرٛہُن گَژُھن,,काला_करना, V,His name was balckened by the scandle.,blacken,رَب مَتھنہٕ یِنۍ، بَد نام گَژُھن,,बदनाम_करना, V,He tried to blackmail his secretary.,blackmail,بِلیک میل کَرُن،رازَس فاش کَرنٕچ دمکی دِنۍ,,ब्लैकमेल_कर, N,The manager is vulnerable to the blackmail.,blackmail,بلیک میل,,ब्लैकमेल, N,The disease affected the blades of plants.,blade,پٔتٕر,,पत्ती, N,Grinder has sharp blades.,blade,دار,,धार/फल{चाकू_आदि_का}, N,He was blamed for the theft.,blame,اِلزام,,दोष, VI,You cannot blame her for this problem.,blame,ہانٛژ لاگٕنۍ،اِلزام دیُن,,दोष_लगाना/अपराधी_ठहराना, Adj,I need a pile of blank pages.,blank,خٲلی,,कोरा, N,Please fill in the blanks on the question paper.,blank,خٲلی جاے,,रिक्त_स्थान, N,The garden was covered with a blanket of snow.,blanket,ژادَر,,कम्बल/लोई, N,There was a blast in the Town.,blast,دَماکہٕ,,विस्फोट, VT,The building was blasted.,blast,دَماکہٕ کَرُن,,बारूद_से_उड़ा_देना, VT,She tended to blast while speaking on a microphone.,blast,دٕنِراوُن،دونُن،زورٕسان وَنُن,,ज़ोर_से_बोलना, VI,He was bleeding profusely.,bleed,خوٗن یُن,,लहू_निकलना, VT,The dying man blessed his son.,bless,دۄیِہ خٲر کَرُن,,आशीर्वाद_देना, Adj,She was blind since birth.,blind,اوٚن,,अंधा, Adj,This was a blind attempt.,blind,ناکام،ہُش مُش,,असफल, Adj,We can shorten the length of this coat by blind stiching.,blind,أندٕر ۍٹیب,,बन्द, N,Shorten the length of this dress by blind stiching.,blind,أندٕرۍٹیب,,अंधा[आड़], N,He gives lessons to the blind in the evening.,blind,اوٚن,,अंधा, N,He waited impatiently in the blind.,blind,خامہٕ خاہ,,आड़, N,Please put up the blinds.,blind,پَردٕ,,झिलमिली, VT,The criminals were punished and blinded.,blind,اوٚن کَرُن,,अन्धा_करना, N,The pyramids were built with large stone blocks.,block,پَل,,ब्लॉक, N,He lives in the next block.,block,بُلاک,,खण्ड{समूह}, N,He is going through the creative block.,block,رُکاوٹ,,रोक, N,The engine had to be replaced because the block cracked.,block,کُنڈٕ,,कुन्दा, N,They put their paintings on the block?,block,کیُل,,कील, N,He threw a rolling block into the line backer.,block,پَل,,पतथर का बडा टुकडा, VT,Please do not block the way.,block,بنٛد کَرٕنۍ،ٹھوٚرتھاوُن,,रोकना/बन्द_करना, VT,The thick curtain blocked the sun light.,block,ٹھوٚر کَرُن،رُکاوَٹ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,बाधा_डालना, VT,Make the block for printing.,block,بُلاک بناوُن,,ब्लाक_बनाना{प्रिंटिंग_का}, VT,Block the graphs so one can see the results clearly.,block,بُلاک بناوٕنۍ,,ब्लॉक_बनाना, N,Economic blockade is henious human right violation.,blockade,ناکہٕ بٔنٛدی,,नाकाबन्दी, VT,The company has decided to blockade all imported goods for time being.,blockade,ناکہٕ بٔنٛدی کَرٕنۍ,,नाकाबंदी_करना, N,He needed blood transfusion.,blood,رَتھ،خوٗن,,रक्त/खून/लहू, N,He gave him a sharp blow in the stomach.,blow,ٹاس,,आघात, N,He suffered a hard blow on his head in the accident.,blow,چوٹ,,चोट, VI,The balloon is blowing high in the air.,blow,وٕڑان,,उड़ना, VT,The breeze blew the shirt away.,blow,وُڑِت نیُن,,उड़ाना, Adj,I want a blue colored sweater.,blue,نیوٗل،آسمٲنۍ,,नीला, Adj,He has been a bit blue since his accident.,blue,نیٖجَر پھیرُن،دۄکھ پیوٚن,,दुखी_भावना, Adj,He has a taste for blue movies.,blue,ننٛگہٕ ،عریانہٕ,,अश्लील, N,The sky is blue in colour.,blue,نیوٗل,,नीला_रंग, N,He won blue title for football at Cambridge.,blue,اٮ۪زاز,,उपाधि, Adj,Blue music is still very popular.,blue,اَفسَردٕ,,उदास_संगीत, N,The board of directors drafted a new policy.,board,جَماعت،اَنجُمَن،تَنظیٖم,,मंडल, N,He put the score on the board.,board,بوٚڑ,,तख्ता/पट्टा, VT,Rahul boarded the plane for London.,board,کھوٚت,,चढ़ना, N,We crossed the river by a small boat.,boat,ناو,,नाव, VI,We go boating on Hussain Sagar lake every Friday.,boating,ناوِ سَوٲرۍ کَرٕنۍ,,नौका-विहार_करना, N,Bobcut was a very popular hairstyle in sixties.,bob,باب کَٹ,,छोटे_बाल_रखने_का_किस्म, V,He bobbed his head in agreement.,bob,کَلہٕ ہِلاوُن,,ऊपर_नीचे_करना[होना], N,You can go for a body massage.,body,تَن،جِسٕم،پان,,शरीर, N,The whole body of doctors worked on this case.,body,جَماعت,,समिति, N,The body of the truck was completely damaged.,body,ڈانٛچہٕ,,ढाँचा, N,His toy aircraft fell in the bog.,bog,ڈٮ۪مب،نَمبَل,,दलदल, N,He has a boil on his back.,boil,پھٮ۪پُھر,,फोड़ा, N,Let the water come to the boil.,boil,گرٛٮ۪کھ,,उबाल, VI,The water has been boiling for a long time.,boil,گرٮ۪کھ,,उबलना, VT,Boil the potatoes first.,boil,گرٮ۪کناوُن,,उबालना, Adj,She is a bold girl.,bold,جُرَت منٛد,,दबंग, Adj,Write the headings in bold letters.,bold,ٹاکارٕ,,स्पष्ट, N,The bomb was dropped near the school.,bomb,بَمب,,बम, VT,The Americans bombed Dresden.,bomb,بَمبٲری کَرٕنۍ,,बम_गिराना, N,Bombers were used during the second World war.,bomber,جٔنگی جہاز,,बमवर्षक, N,The sisters had a strong bond between them.,bond,رِشتہٕ,,बन्धन, N,You need to sign a bond before renting the place.,bond,یَقرار نامہٕ,,प्रतिज्ञा_पत्र, N,He broke his collar bone.,bone,أڑِج,,हड्डी/अस्थि, N,I am arranging my books today.,book,کِتاب,,पुस्तक/किताब, VT,They have already booked a table at the Restaurant.,book,بُک کَرٕنۍ,,बुक_करना, V,We manager reduced the ticket prices to boost the audience.,boost,پوچَھر،وٕتٕش دیُن,,बढ़ावा_देना, N,These wishes will boost her morale.,boost,حوصلہٕ،وۄتھ بۄو,,बढ़ावा, N,She bought a pair of boots for winter.,boot,بوٗٹھ،پٲزارٕ,,जूता, N,You can put the luggage in the boot.,boot,ڑِکی,,कार_में_सामान_रखने_का_स्थान, V,Boot the ball towards goalkeeper.,boot,لَتھ لایِنۍ,,लात_मारना, N,The two countries have frequent border disputes.,border,سَرحَد,,सीमा, N,She knitted a tablecloth with laced border.,border,اَنٛد,,किनारा, V,Kashmir borders Pakistan and China.,border,سَرحَد رَلان,,से_लगा_हुआ_होना, V,Her garden is bordered on three sides by hedge.,border,اَنٛد گٔنڑِتھ,,सीमा_बनाना, V,They have to bore a tunnel through a mountain.,bore,گوٚد کَرُن,,छेद_करना_या_भेदना, N,His father always carries twelve-bore shotgun.,bore,بٔنٛدوٗقٕچ نٔلۍ,,बन्दूक_की_नली, V,I hope I am not boring you.,bore,تنٛگ گَژُھن,,जी_उबाना, N,She is such a bore.,bore,خۄشٕک,,उबानेवाला, N,Many persons died due to sudden bore in the sea.,bore,لہَر,,ज्वार_की_ऊँची_लहर, V,I need to borrow some money from you.,borrow,وۄزُم ہِیوٚن,,उधार_लेना, V,They have borrowed curtains from the neighbours.,borrow,وۄزُم ہیوٚن,,उधार_लिया_हुआ, N,The boss hired three more men for the new job.,boss,زیُٹھ،صَحَب,,बॉस, VT,He bosses around here.,boss,نَظَر گُزَر تھاوٕنۍ،پٮ۪ٹھاؤلی کَرٕنۍ,,प्रबन्ध_करना/देखभाल_करना, Conj,I like both of them.,both,دۄنوَے،دۄشوَے,,दोनो/उभय, Det,Both his parents are doctors.,both,دۄشوَے,,दोनो/उभय, N,I know you do not want any bother.,bother,پریشٲنی,,परेशानी, VT,You need not to bother yourself.,bother,تنٛگ کَرُن,,तंग_करना, N,Vinegar is stored in the bottle.,bottle,بوتَل,,बोतल, VT,You can bottle the pickle later.,bottle,بوتٕلِہ منٛز بَرُن,,बोतल_में_बन्द_करना/बंधन_में_रखना, N,They started at the bottom of the hill.,bottom,دامَن,,सबसे_नीचे_का_भाग, N,The ship had sunk to the bottom of the sea.,bottom,ژوٚک,,तल, N,HIt the ball before it bounces.,bounce,ٹَپہٕ,,छलांग, VI,The rubber ball bounced back forcefully.,bounce,ٹَپہٕ کھیوٚن,,उछल_पड़ना, VI,The check bounced the third time.,bounce,واپَس یِنۍ,,वापिस_आना, VI,His job is to bounce people at the club.,bounce,چَھکُن,,मारना, Adj,He was bound to stick with the job.,bound,لاچار،مَجبوٗر,,लाचार/विवश, Adj,Bring those bound volumes here.,bound,جِلدٕ دار,,जिल्दवाले, Adj,It was bound to happen sooner or later.,bound,یٔقیٖنی,,गुज़रनेवाला, N,The theif cleared the fence in one bound.,bound,وۄٹھ,,छलांग/उछल_कूद, N,He realized the freedom bound within responsibilities.,bound,حَد,,सीमा, VTI,The horse bounded across the meadow.,bound,وۄٹٕہ تُلنِہ,,कुलाँचे_मारना/उछलना, N,They have fixed the boundary of the field using barbed wires.,boundary,اَنٛدٕ اَنٛدٕ,,सीमा/घेरा/मेढ़, N,She was wearing a green bow.,bow,بو,,बो, N,Hold the arrow in a bow.,bow,کَمان,,कमान, V,The children bowed to the audience after the dance.,bow,جُکُن،نَمُن,,झुकना, N,Fresh vegetables will help you improve your bowel movements.,bowel,أندرَم,,आँत, N,I like ceramic bowls.,bowl,کَٹورٕ،ٹوٗرۍ پیالہٕ,,कटोरा/प्याला, VT,The bowler bowled an off spin.,bowl,پٮ۪نٛد لَگاوٕنۍ,,गेंद_फेंकना, N,He is a good bowler.,bowler,گینٛدٕباز،بالَر,,गेंदबाज, N,Lift the box carefully.,box,ڈَبہٕ,,बौक्स, N,He rummaged through a box of spare parts.,box,صٔندوٗق،ڈَبہٕ,,सन्दूक, N,The flowchart contained many boxes.,box,خانہٕ,,वर्ग, N,The sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold.,box,گارَت,,जगह, N,I boxed him right in his face.,box,،مُش,,घूंसा, VT,Please box the gift properly.,box,ڈَبَس منٛز بنٛد کَرُن,,बक्से_में_बन्द_करना, VT,He boxed him on the ear.,box,مُش لگاوٕنۍ،دوٚمبوٗسٕہ لگاوُن,,घूंसा_मारना, N,The boy in the park was playing ferociously.,boy,کوٚٹ،لٔڑکٕہ,,लड़का, N,He likes to play golf with the boys.,boy,یار،دوس,,दोस्त, VT,The opposition boycotted the meeting.,boycott,بَیِہ کاٹ کَرُن،تعلُق ژَٹُن,,बहिष्कार_करना, N,He wore a brace on his knee.,brace,کوٚر,,धनुकोष्ठक, VT,Brace your elbows while working on the potter`s wheel.,brace,مَظبوٗط کَرُن,,दृढ़_करना, N,He died of brain tumour.,brain,کٲڑۍ,,बुद्धि, N,My car brakes are not working properly.,brake,برٛیک,,ब्रेक/गतिरोधक, N,A branch of grape vine has spread across the fence.,branch,لٔنٛڑ،شاخ,,शाखा, V,This road branches off into three lanes from here.,branch,شاخ نیرٕنۍ,,विभाजित_होना, N,There is a brand new actor in this movie.,brand,برٛانٛڈ,,ब्रांड{चिह्न}, VT,She was branded a loose woman.,brand,ٹَھپہٕ لوٚگمُت,,चिह्न_बनाना, N,The doors have brass handles.,brass,سَرتَل,,पीतल, N,She had the brass to confront the authorities.,brass,بَدسوٚلوٗکی,,ढिठाई, Adj,He is a brash young man.,brash,ظٲلِم,,धृष्ट, N,His threats are nothing but sheer bravado.,bravado,۔۔۔,,डींग, Adj,He was a brave chap in his youth.,brave,دِلاوَر،دِلہٕ دوٚر,,साहसी, VT,Brave the natural disastors.,brave,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_करना/ललकारना, N,The bakery has good quality brown bread.,bread,ژوٚٹ ،ڈَبَل ژوٚٹ,,ब्रेड, N,He earns bread for the entire family all alone.,bread,روٗزی,,जीविका/रोज़ी, N,We hope to avoid a break in our relation.,break,دوٗرٮ۪ر,,दरार, N,He finally got the break to act.,break,موقعہٕ,,शुरुआत, N,We need to take a break.,break,تَھک,,छुट्टी, N,He was up two breaks in the second set.,break,وَقفہٕ,,अन्तर, VT,Break the loaf of bread.,break,ژَٹُن,,भंग_करना, VT,The horse was tough to break.,break,قوبوٗو کَرُن,,बल_तोड़ना, VT,You need to break your habit of cigarette smoking.,break,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, VT,She broke fiercely into tears.,break,پَھٹُن,,फूटना, VT,At work things have been breaking pretty well.,break,پَکان،چَلان,,चलना, VT,His death broke my strenght and hope.,break,پٕھٹہٕ راوُن،ژَٹُن,,तोड़ना, VT,Your voice is breaking on the phone.,break,بٮ۪گُر گَژُھن،تَھر تَھرٕ گَژٕھنۍ,,फटना, VT,You cannot break this blister.,break,پھاٹراوُن,,फोड़ना, N,I want to have my breakfast in my room.,breakfast,برٛیک فاسٹہٕ,,नाशता, N,This restaurant offers wide range for breakfast.,breakfast,برٛیک فاسٹہٕ,,जलपान, N,He was breaking the glass panes in anger.,breaking,لَہہ لور,,टूट_फूट, Adj,It is a breaking news.,breaking,تازٕ,,ताज़ा, N,He beat his breast in anger.,breast,سیٖنہٕ،چھٲتۍ,,छाती, N,He took a deep breath and dived into the pool.,breath,شاہ,,साँस, N,In a breath of breeze her hat blew away.,breath,لَہر,,झोंका, VTI,I can breathe better in the open.,breathe,شاہ کھالُن,,साँस_लेना, VTI,He did not breathe a word about it.,breathe,کِینٛہہ نہٕ وَنُن,,कुच- न-कहना, N,Deep breathing is very good for health.,breathing,۔۔۔,,श्वसन, N,We requested for a special breed of dogs.,breed,زٲژ,,वंश, VT,These birds breed in spring.,breed,نَسٕل کٔشی کَرٕنۍ,,पैदा_करना[करवाना], N,The breeze was cool by the lake.,breeze,واوٕگرٛاے،واوٕ رنگِش,,मन्द_समीर, N,He was accused of accepting the bribe from the students.,bribe,کوٚژھ،رُشوٕ,,रिश्वत, VT,They bribed the officials to get the licence.,bribe,کوٚژھ دیُن،رُشوٕ دیُن,,रिश्वत_देना, N,The chimney is to be made of bricks.,brick,سیٖر,,ईंट, N,The bride was wearing bright red gown.,bride,مَہریٚنۍ,,नववधू/दुल्हन, N,We can bridge this gap in between us.,bridge,کٔدٕل,,सेतु, N,They spent the evening playing bridge.,bridge,تاس,,ताश_का_एक_खेल, VT,We need to bridge the river.,bridge,کٔدٕل تارُن،کٔدٕل بَناوُن,,पुल_बाँधना, VT,We can bridge their differences.,bridge,دوٗرٮ۪ر مِٹاوُن,,अंतर_मिटाना, Adj,Give me a brief answer.,brief,مۄخصَر,,संक्षिप्त, Adj,We could not participate because of our brief stay.,brief,ژھوٚٹ,,लघु, N,In the beginning he presented a brief of the last meeting.,brief,مۄخصَر,,सारपत्र, Adv,He gave his statement briefly.,briefly,ژھوٚٹ پٲٹھۍ,,संक्षिप्त_रूप_में, Adj,The sun was bright and hot.,bright,پرٛزل وُن,,चमकीला, Adj,She is full of bright ideas.,bright,تیز,,तेज़, Adj,The room was bright and airy.,bright,گاشدار,,उज्ज्वल, Adj,She has a bright future ahead.,bright,پرٛزَل وٕنۍ,,दीप्तिमान, N,The brightness on her face was too picturesque.,brightness,چَمک،نوٗر،پٲراو,,चमक, Adj,It was a brilliant performance.,brilliant,شاندار,,तेजोमय, VT,I will certainly bring my collection of photographs.,bring,اَنُن,,लाना[ले_आना], Adj,He has broad shoulders.,broad,کٔھلۍ,,चौड़ा{फैला_हुआ}, Adj,The theft took place in the broad day light.,broad,واضح,,विस्तृत, Adj,He gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave.,broad,واضح,,स्पष्ट, Adj,They will broadcast it in the news.,broadcast,نَشرِیٲتی,,प्रसारित, V,The news was broadcasted early morning.,broadcast,نَشٕر کَرُن,,प्रसारित_करना, VTI,The event was broadcasted live on TV.,broadcast,نَشٕر کَرُن,,प्रसारित_करना, N,I regularly watch the news broadcast on our local channel.,broadcast,نَشٕر,,प्रसारित, Adj,There was a broken glass in the box.,broken,پُھٹمُت,,टूटा_हुआ, Adj,Many children suffer from bronchial asthma.,bronchial,شَہہ رَگِہ ہُند,,श्वासनली_का, N,The bitch moved to a new corner with her brood.,brood,شُرۍ،بَچہٕ,,बच्चे, VI,He brooded over the argument all day long.,brood,فِکِر کَرٕنۍ,,चिन्ता_करना, VI,Our hen is brooding the eggs.,brood,پَھہ دیُن,,अंडे_सेना, N,There are lovely lilies near the brook.,brook,نالہٕ,,छोटी_नदी, VT,I cannot brook any further nonsense.,brook,ژالُن,,सहना, N,My brother lives with our parents.,brother,بوے,,भाई, Adj,Rajini was wearing a brown sweater.,brown,کاژٕر,,भूरा, N,His shirt has brown collar.,brown,کاژُر,,भूरा, N,I need to buy brush for painting.,brush,بُرُش,,ब्रुश, N,He writes beautifully with brush.,brush,بُرُش,,कूँची, N,The brush of a fox looks beautiful from behind..,brush,رامہٕ ہوٗنۍسٕنٛز لٔٹ,,लोमड़ी_की_पूँछ, N,He knocked the glass off the table with a brush of his coat.,brush,بُرُش,,कूँची, N,The staff had a nasty brush with their manager.,brush,بَکواس,,भिडंत, VT,I brush my teeth everyday.,brush,صاف کَرُن,,ब्रुश_से_झाडना_या_साफ_करना, Adj,I do not like bubble gums.,bubble,ڈیٖنچٕر,,असार, N,Happiness appears like a bubble at times.,bubble,بُبُر، ڈیٖنچٕر,,बुलबुला, VI,The lava bubbled in the crater.,bubble,بُبَر کَھسٕنۍ,,खदबदाना/बुलबुले_उठना, N,I saw three wild bucks in the bushes.,buck,ہِرَن،روٗسۍ کٔٹ,,मृग/हिरन, N,She left the bucket under the tap.,bucket,بالٹیٖن,,बाल्टी, N,We need to draw up a budget for the next year.,budget,بَجَٹ,,बजट, Adj,She was wearing a buff color saree.,buff,بادٲمۍ، چھوٚت کاژُر,,बादामी, N,Bags made from buff are very durable.,buff,دالہٕ,,भैंस_आदि_का_चमड़ा, N,They own a couple of baffaloes.,buffalo,مٲش,,भैंसा, N,This instrument can be used as a buffer to avoid friction.,buffer,بَفر,,बफर, N,He behaves like a silly old buffer.,buffer,بٕڑٕ,,बूड़ा_आदमी, N,He is of strong build with long hair.,build,بناوَٹ,,निर्माण/बनावट, VT,We build a hut near the gate.,build,بَناوُن,,बनाना, VT,We must put an effort to build our nation strong.,build,تٲمیٖر کَرُن,,निर्माण_करना, VT,We cannot build their defense on such evidences.,build,بَناوُن,,स्थापित_करना/बल_देना, VT,The plot successfully build suspense from the start.,build,بَڑان,,बढ़ना, N,His father is a builder.,builder,ٹھیکہٕ دَر,,निर्माता, N,There was a three-story building on the corner.,building,عِمارت,,इमारत, V,Building the house is costing too much money.,building,بنَاوُن,,निर्माण, N,We can buy the rice in bulk.,bulk,تھوک,,थोक, VI,The parcel bulked in the transparent sack.,bulk,۔۔۔,,दिखना, N,This party has chosen bull as their symbol.,bull,دانٛد,,साँड़, N,He shot a bullet at her.,bullet,گوٗلۍ,,गोली, N,The bulletin was full of new budget.,bulletin,خَبَر نامہٕ,,सरकारी_समाचार, N,He gave her a bunch of flowers.,bunch,گوٚند,,गुच्छा, N,Our house leads to the bunch of trees from behind.,bunch,جَنگُل,,झुरमुट, VI,The children bunched together in the play ground.,bunch,جَمع گَژُھن,,एकत्र_होना, N,Tie these papers into a bundle.,bundle,گٮ۪ٹھٕر,,गठ्ठा/गठरी/पुलिन्दा, N,He retired to lie on the bunk on train.,bunk,جَہازَس یا ٹریٚنہِ منٛزشۄنٛگنہٕ خٲطرٕ جاے,,शायिका{जहाज_में}, V,They bunk the classes very often.,bunk,لِپٕر تھاوٕنۍ,,न_जाना, N,He has become a burden of responsibility.,burden,بور،بوج,,बोझ, VT,She was burdened with the responsiblity of her handicapped father.,burden,بار آسُن,,लादना, N,A bureau of teakwood was kept in the corner.,bureau,میز,,लिखने_की_मेज़, N,Her burial shall be performed on Sunday.,burial,دَفناوُن ،ؤڑراوُن,,दफन_करना/मिट्टी_देना, N,He received severe burns in the fire.,burn,آمہٕ تاو،دوٚد مُت,,जलने_का_घाव, VI,Maple wood burns well.,burn,دَزان,,जलना, VT,They burned all the old records.,burn,زول,,जलाना, Adj,He accompanied them in burning fever.,burning,تَپہٕ مٔنٛڑۍ,,दाहक, Adj,Her eloping was the burning issue of the group.,burning,تازٕ,,ज्वलन्त, Adj,We need coal-burning stoves.,burning,زالَن وول,,जलानेवाला, Adj,She felt a burning sensation after taking the medicine.,burning,دَزوُن,,जलता_हुआ, N,There was a burst in the water-pipe.,burst,۔۔۔,,तड़क, VI,The blisters bursted suddenly.,burst,پَھٹُن,,फटना, VI,He burst out of the house into the cool night.,burst,ژَلُن,,निकल_भागना, VI,The horizon burst into view at the dawn.,burst,ظٲہِر گَژُھن,,एकाएक_प्रकट_हो_जाना, VT,She was buried later that evening.,bury,دَفناوُن,,दफ़नाना, N,She travels by bus to reach her work place.,bus,گٲڑۍ،بَس،موٹَر,,बस, N,He was hiding behind the bushes.,bush,کٔنڑۍ دۄپھ،کٔنٛڑۍ زنٛڑ,,झाड़ी, N,We have invested huge money in this business.,business,کارٕبار,,व्यापार, N,He took over his brother`s business.,business,کارٕبار,,उद्योग, N,We do not share the same line of business.,business,کارٕبار,,व्यवसाय, N,Our business is running smoothly.,business,کار,,धंधा, N,This is our personal business so keep away.,business,معاملہٕ,,मामला, N,My father is a businessman.,businessman,کاربٲرۍ,,व्यापारी, Adj,She is busy with her work.,busy,آوُر,,व्यस्त, N,I had bread and butter for my breakfast.,butter,تٔھنۍ,,मक्खन, V,You have not buttered my toast properly.,butter,تھٔنۍ مَتھٕنۍ,,मक्खन_लगाना, N,The elevator operates by a push button.,button,بۄٹُن،ٹنِ ٹُپ,,बटन, VT,He always forgets to button his shirt.,button,بۄٹُن دیُن،بۄٹُن لاگُن,,बटन_लगाना, VT,I cannot afford to buy this dress.,buy,مٔلۍ ہیوٚن،اَنُن,,ख़रीदना, N,The best buys of this winter are carrots and peas.,buy,سودَہ,,खरीद, N,We have booked a cabin on a train.,cabin,کوٗٹھٕر,,कोठरी, N,I arranged all my trophies in the cabinet.,cabinet,اَلمٲرۍ,,सन्दूकचा, N,I can sit and talk in the cafeteria.,cafeteria,قَہوٕ خانہٕ،کیفٹیرِیا,,कैफे{कहवाखाना}, N,Leave the cage open for the parrots.,cage,ٹِھیُپ,,पिंजड़ा, VT,The animals were caged in the zoo.,cage,بنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, N,I want to have a cake.,cake,کیک,,केक, V,Please calculate this amount of money.,calculate,گٔنٛزٕراوُن،حِساب کَرُن,,गणना_कर, VT,We have to calculate the estimated cost of our journey.,calculate,حِساب کَرُن,,हिसाब_लगाना, N,Candidates are not allowed to use calculators in exams.,calculator,کَل کُلیٹَر,,कैलकुलेटर, N,I have already purchased a new calendar.,calendar,کٮ۪لنٛڈَر,,कैलेंडर, N,Caliph is a title given to a religious muslim leader.,caliph,خٔلیٖفہٕ,,खलीफा, V,Please give a call to the doctor.,call,ناد دیُن،آلو دیُن،,,बुलाना, N,I couldn`t hear his call on the other end of the street.,call,آلَو,,पुकार, V,I couldn`t hear his call on the other end of the street.,call,آلَو,,बुला, V,What is her new baby girl called.,call,وَنان,,बुलाना, N,Teaching can be an apt calling for females.,calling,پیٚشِہ,,व्यवसाय, Adj,The streets are calm in the evenings.,calm,شُنِۍیاہ،ژھۄپہٕ,,शान्त, N,I like the calm of midnight.,calm,ژھۄپہٕ،سُکوٗن,,शान्ति, VT,The mother calmed her angry son.,calm,ژھۄپہٕ کَرناوُن,,शान्त_करना, N,He bought a new camera from HongKong.,camera,کیمرا,,कैमरा, N,Trekers have to return back to the base camp everyday.,camp,پَڑاو،تَھکہٕ پیٚنٛڈ,,पड़ाव, V,We camped on Nilgiri hills during summer.,camp,ڑیرٕ ترٛاوُن،پَڑاو کَرُن,,पड़ाव_डालना, N,Students launched a campaign against smoking on the campus.,campaign,مُظٲہِرٕ,,अभियान, N,Our college campus is very big.,campus,کیمپَس، کالیج یا یُونِوَرسِٹی ہُنٛد صحَن,,परिसर, N,The gardener was holding a watering can.,can,کین,,कैन, V,I can look for a job for you.,can,ہٮ۪کُن,,सकना, V,Please can the pickles immediately.,can,کینَس منٛز تھاوُن,,कैन_में_रखना, V,He has cancelled the meeting.,cancel,منسوٗخ کَرُن،رَد کَرُن,,रद्द_कर, VT,I have to cancel my train tickets also.,cancel,رَد کَرُن ،مَنسوٗخ کَرُن,,रद्द_करना, N,His mother is suffering from throat cancer.,cancer,کینسَر,,कैन्सर, N,We are looking for a bright candidate to fill in this vaccancy.,candidate,وۄمیدوار,,उम्मीदवार, N,Light the candle if there is a power-cut.,candle,شَمَع،موم بٔتۍ,,मोमबत्ती, N,I don`t like candies.,candy,مِٹھٲے،ماٹُم,,मिश्री, N,There is a cannery near our place.,cannery,کارخانہٕ,,कैनरी, N,Cannons were used in the past to fight battles.,cannon,توپھ,,तोप, N,You can start painting on the canvas.,canvas,کینواس,,कैनवास, N,The boy was wearing a blue cap.,cap,ٹوٗپۍ,,टोपी, VT,The bottles were capped tightly.,cap,ٹھانٛڈٕ تھاوُن,,ढक्कन_लगाना, N,He worked to the limits of his capability.,capability,صَلاحِیَت,,सामर्थ्य, Adj,He is capable of winning.,capable,قٲبِل,,समर्थ, N,The boy cannot work beyond his capacity.,capacity,وُسَعت،,,सामर्थ्य, N,The pink cape on her shoulders looks beautiful.,cape,پٔنچھوٗو,,गरदनी/कंधे_का_वस्त्र, Adj,Mark the heading in capital letters.,capital,بٔڑۍ اَچَھر,,बड़ा_अक्षर, Adj,Capital punishment violates the basic ethics of humanity.,capital,سَزایِہ موت,,मृत्युदण्ड, N,Delhi is the capital of India.,capital,راز دٲنۍ,,राजधानी, N,We require a huge capital to start a business.,capital,سَرمایِہ,,पूँजी/मूलधन, N,Capitalism encourages private enterprises.,capitalism,سَرمایِہ دٲری,,पूँजीवाद, N,The captains of both teams agreed on the decision taken by an umpire.,captain,کپتان،أمیٖر،زیُٹھ,,कप्तान/सेनापति/जहाज़_का_अध्यक्ष/, VT,Sachin Tendulkar captained Indian cricket team successfully.,captain,کپتٲنی کَرٕنۍ,,नेतृत्व_करना, N,The convict evaded capture for a week.,capture,قٲد ،گِرِفتٲری,,पकड़े_जाना, VT,Madhubala`s beauty captured many hearts.,capture,مٲیِل کَرُن,,बंदी_बनाना/जीत_लेना, VT,The poet captured the essence of Spring in his poetry.,capture,بَنٛد کَرُن،قٲد کَرُن,,पकड़ना, N,He needs a car to reach to his work place.,car,گٲڑۍ،موٹَر کار,,मोटरगाड़ी/पहियागाड़ी, N,I will go to the dining car.,car,ریٚلِہ ڈَبہٕ,,ट्रेन_का_डिब्बा{विशेष_काम_के_लिये}, N,Carbon occurs in its pure form as diamond.,carbon,کاربَن,,कोयला/कार्बन, N,They send us one invitation card.,card,کارڈ,,कार्ड, N,I like to play cards.,card,تاس,,ताश, N,I used cardboard for packing.,cardboard,گَتہٕ,,गत्ता, Adj,There is no cardinal rule to solve this problem.,cardinal,خاص ،اہَم,,मुख्य/प्रधान, N,Handle this box with care.,care,،پَرواے,,परवाह, N,She doesn`t care about her looks.,care,پَرواے,,ध्यान, N,Man is seldom free from care.,care,فِکر,,चिन्ता, N,One should always take care while travelling.,care,احتِیات,,सावधानी, V,You need to take care after the treatment.,care,احتِیات کَرُن,,परवाह_कर, V,I really care about my work.,care,فِکِر منٛد آسُن,,चिन्ता_करना/परवाह_करना, N,The general had a distinguished career.,career,پیٚشہِ,,पेशा, N,His career reached the zenith in youth.,career,مُستَقبٕل,,विकास, VI,The cars careered down the cliff.,career,ڈُلہٕ گَژُھن,,सरपट_जाना, Adj,He is very careful.,careful,ہُشار,,सावधान, Adj,Be careful while crossing the busy street.,careful,ہُشار,,चौकस/सावधान, Adv,He works carefully.,carefully,احتِیات سان,,सावधानी_से, Adj,She is careless about her clothes.,careless,لا پَرواہ،بےپَرواہ,,बेपरवाह, N,The cat was sitting in a carriage.,carriage,گاڑِہُنٛد ڈَبہٕ,,गाड़ी_[का_डिब्बा], N,We travelled in a second-class carriage.,carriage,ریٚلِہ ہُنٛد ڈَبہٕ,,रेलगाड़ी_का_डिब्बा, N,In olden days horse carriages were the common means of transportation.,carriage,گٲڑۍ,,गाड़ी, VT,You must carry your own water bottle.,carry,تُلُن,,ले_जाना/ढोना, VT,She was carrying their second child.,carry,بیٚیِہ زُوٕ آسُن,,गर्भवती_होना, VT,We may need to carry extra stuff too.,carry,تُلُن,,बोझ_ढोना, VT,The bill was carried by 250 votes to 200.,carry,برٛونٛٹھ پَکہٕ ناوُن,,समर्थन_होना, VT,I was carried by his speech.,carry,اَثَر ترٛاوُن,,प्रभावित_करना, VT,She carries herself very well.,carry,رٔوٕیِہ آسُن,,चलन, N,The carry of Bofors gun is superb.,carry,۔۔۔,,बंदूक_की_सीमा, N,He used a cart to carry the rocks away.,cart,ریڈٕ,,छकड़ा_गाड़ी/गाड़ी, V,I want a wood carved box as a token of sovenir.,carve,کَھنُن,,काट_कर_चित्र_बनाना, N,This case is very complicated.,case,مَسلہٕ،معاملہٕ,,मामला[, N,Cases of forgery are very common here.,case,مَسلہٕ,,मामला, N,I kept all my ornaments in a case.,case,ڈَبہٕ,,डिबिया/पेटी, N,Latin nouns have case and gender.,case,حالَت,,विभक्ति, N,Peter solved the case of the missing heir.,case,مُقَدِمہٕ,,मुकदमा, N,You will have to pay in cash.,cash,نَقٕد,,रोकड़, V,I have to go to the bank to cash a cheque.,cash,کیش کَرٕنۍ,,रोकड़_में_बदलना, N,He was cast first time in the movie.,cast,فَن کار,,नाटक_या_फिल्म_के_कलाकार, N,My mother has an unusual cast of mind.,cast,رُجحان,,प्रकार_का, V,I will not cast my vote in favor of any party.,cast,ترٛاوُن,,डालना, V,He was cast as Hamlet in the play.,cast,اداکٲری خٲطرٕ چُنُن,,नाटक_केलिए_चुनना, V,The sculpture of the poet was cast in silver.,cast,شَکٕل دِنۍ،آکار دیُن,,आकार_देना/बनाना, N,There is much prevalence of caste system even now.,caste,ذات پات،خانٛدان,,जाति/वर्ण/गोत्र, N,I like the architecture of medieval castles.,castle,قعلہٕ,,दुर्ग, Adj,She felt offended at his casual remark.,casual,بِلامَقصد,,आकस्मक, N,I saw a black cat.,cat,بیٲر,,बिल्ली, N,I train my dog to catch the ball with the jaws.,catch,تھَپھ,,पकड़, V,He caught the ball superbly.,catch,رَٹُن،تھَپھ دِنۍ,,पकड़ना, N,He is a good catcher in the baseball.,catcher,رَٹَن وول,,पकड़नेवाला, N,Both elements belong to the same category of metal.,category,زٲژ,,वर्ग, V,We have to cater fifty people at the party.,cater,کھیاوناوٕنۍ، چاوناوٕنۍ,,खिलाना/पिलाना, Adj,His father belongs to the Catholic school.,catholic,عیسٲین ہنٛداکھ فِرقہٕ,,सर्वसामान्य, N,The street cattle strayed into our garden.,cattle,چاروٲے,,पशु/मवेशी, N,It is hard to determine the cause of the plane crash.,cause,وَجہ،سَبَب,,कारण, VT,Chewing tobacco can cause cancer.,cause,وَجہ بَنُن,,कारण_होना/उत्पन्न_करना, N,We need to proceed with caution.,caution,احتِیات,,चेतावनी, V,His father cautioned him from spending lavishly.,caution,خَبَردار کَرُن,,सावधान_करना, N,India still has the largest cavalry in the world.,cavalry,شاہ سَوار,,अश्वारोही_सेना, V,The rebels agreed to cease all operations.,cease,رُکاوُن،خَتٕم کَرُن,,विराम_लगाना, N,They are trying to establish a cease-fire.,cease-fire,جَنٛگ بٔنٛدی,,युद्धविराम, N,We need to polish the ceiling.,ceiling,تالَو,,भीतरी_छत, N,Government imposed ceiling on price rise.,ceiling,اِنتِہٲیی مُقرَر قۭمَت,,उच्चतम_सीमा, V,We celebrated Newyear with great vigor.,celebrate,مَناوُن,,उत्सव_मनाना, Adj,He is a celebrated poet.,celebrated,ناموَر،مشہوٗر,,ख्यातिप्राप्त, N,There was a grand celebration at her wedding.,celebration,جیٚشنہٕ مَناوُن،شوٚغلہٕ کَرُن,,उत्सव/खुशी_मनाना, N,He was imprisoned in the cell..,cell,خانہٕ,,तहखाना, N,Freedom fighters were imprisoned in cellars.,cellar,لَۄکٕٹ کوٗٹھٕر،قٲد خانہٕ,,तंग_कोठरी, N,They own a cement factory.,cement,سیٖمَٹ,,सीमेंट, VT,Our friendship is cemented with trust.,cement,مَظبوٗط کَرٕنۍ,,जोड़ना, N,He lives besides the cemetry.,cemetery,مَقبَر,,समाधि_स्थल, N,All his predictions of the cricket matches were cent percent correct.,cent,ہَتھ,,शत, N,He is stationed at the center of the Industry.,center,مَرکَز,,केन्द्र, N,Cut out a centimetre from this piece.,centimetre,سٮ۪نٹِہ میٖٹَر,,सेंटीमीटर, Adj,I am transfered to the central office.,central,مَرکٔزی,,केन्द्रीय, N,His career spanned more than half a century.,century,صٔدی,,शताब्दी, N,Wheat and barley are rich cereals.,cereal,غَلہٕ،پٲداوار,,अन्न/अनाज_का_पौधा, N,The inaugural ceremony will be held next week.,ceremony,تَقریٖب,,रीति, Adj,I feel certain about this deal.,certain,مَخسوٗس,,निश्चित, Pron,Certain guests sitting in the hall had enough to drink.,certain,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, Adv,Certainly he will win the match.,certainly,یٔقیٖنَن,,निश्चित_रूप_से, N,His victory in the match is a certainty.,certainty,لٲزِمی,,निश्चय, N,The journal provides a detailed report on the chain of events.,chain,سِلسِلہٕ,,श्रृंखला, N,The dog is tied to the post with a chain.,chain,زٔنجیٖر،ہانٛکَل,,ज़ंजीर, N,I like to wear a gold chain.,chain,چین,,करधनी/तोड़ा, V,I like to wear a gold chain.,chain,چین,,ज़ंजीर_से_बाँध[बँध], V,The dog was chained to the post.,chain,گٔنٛڈِتھ,,सिकड़ी_बाँधना, N,Nowadays plastic chairs are very commonly used.,chair,کُرسی,,कुर्सी, V,He chaired the meeting yesterday.,chair,سَربَرٲہی کَرٕنۍ،صَدارَت کَرٕنۍ,,अध्यक्षता_निभाना, N,Dr. Rao is the chairman of the company.,chairman,َصَدٕر,,अध्यक्ष/सभापति, N,We need colored chalks for decorating the wall.,chalk,چاک,,खड़िया, VT,We have to chalk the plan according to our budget.,chalk,حِسابَ تھاوُن,,चिह्न_लगाना, N,His challenge to win the duel met with satire.,challenge,داوَہ,,चुनौती/दावा, VT,She challenged his claims in the court.,challenge,داوَہ کَرُن,,चुनौती_देना, N,He sits for hours in his chamber and reads.,chamber,کُٹھ،کَمبرٕ,,कक्ष, N,The judge had a discussion with his lawyers in his chamber.,chamber,۔۔۔,,कचहरी, N,The upper chamber is the Senate.,chamber,اَیوان,,सभा, N,He was football champion of his college.,champion,سَرِفرِستہٕ,,शूरवीर, N,I met him at the railway station by chance.,chance,اَچانَک,,संयोग, N,I got a chance to speak to her.,chance,موقہٕ,,मौका, V,I chanced to meet my old friend in the city.,chance,موقعہٕ مِلُن,,संयोगवश_हो_जाना, N,I need an appointment with the University chancellor.,chancellor,چانٛسٕلَر,,कुलपति, N,Ramu`s father is a chandler.,chandler,شَمع کٕنَن وول یا بَناوَن وول,,मोमबत्ती_बनानेवाला_एवं_बेचनेवाला, N,Mohan chose to be a chandler.,chandler,۔۔۔,,जहाज_के_सामान_बेचनेवाला, V,Please change my seat.,change,بَدلاوٕنۍ,,बदल्ना, N,We need to change certain rules.,change,بَدلاو,,परिवर्तन, N,He wants change for a thousand rupee note.,change,پٕھٹہٕ وٲٹھۍ پونٛسہٕ,,छुट्टा_पैसा, V,His looks have changed so much.,change,بَدلُن,,बदल_जाना, N,Small channels join the main river.,channel,نالہٕ,,नाला, N,The application must pass on through official channel.,channel,وَتِہ,,मार्ग, N,There are more than ninety television channels broadcasted in India now.,channel,ٹی وی چَنَل,,टीवी_के_चेनल, N,He goes to the chapel every sunday.,chapel,گِرجہٕ,,छोटा_गिरजा, N,I read only the last chapter of the book.,chapter,سَبَق،باب,,अध्याय, N,The local chapter of Readers Association meet at the library..,chapter,اَنجُمَن،جَلسہٕ,,सभा, N,Partition is a sad chapter in the history of Sub-Continent.,chapter,دور،کال,,समय/काल, N,She is a woman of strong character.,character,خََصلَت،کِردار,,चरित्र, N,The Greek has 24 characters.,character,اَچَھر,,चिह्न/अक्षर, N,The scandal caused damage to her character.,character,کِردار,,कीर्ति, N,His brother has strange character.,character,مِزاز,,अजीब_गुण_होना, N,The main character in the play is acted by Helen.,character,کِردار,,नाटक_का_पात्र/नाटक_का_चरित्र, Adj,He spoke in his characteristic style.,characteristic,خاص،اَلَگ،خصوٗصی,,विशेष, N,Such remarks are not characteristic of him.,characteristic,خصوٗصیَت,,विशिष्ट_लक्षण, VT,You can characterize his behavior as disgusting.,characterize,کِردار بَیان کَرُن,,चरित्र_चित्रण_करना, N,Charcoal is used as a fuel.,charcoal,ژِنِہ,,लकड़ी_का_कोयला, N,Captain Nair lead the charge on the enemy camp.,charge,حَملہٕ,,आक्रमण/धावा, N,He was arrested on the charge of treason.,charge,اِلزام،تۄہمَت،ہانٛژ,,दोषारोपण, N,He fixed the watch free of charge.,charge,پونٛسہٕ،مۄل,,मूल्य, N,She left her child in charge of the maidservant.,charge,زِمِہ دٲری,,जिम्मेदारी, N,He is in charge of the lab.,charge,زِمہٕ دٲری,,अधिकार, V,The suspect was charged with murdering his wife.,charge,اِلزام دیُن،ہانٛژ لاگٕنۍ,,दोष_लगाना, V,The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks.,charge,وُتٕش دیُن،ہٕس دیُن،تاو دیُن,,उत्तेजित_करना/होना, V,He charged her with editing all the files by the weekend.,charge,زِمٕہ دٲری دِنۍ,,जिम्मेदारी_ड़ालना, V,The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem.,charge,حُکُم دیُن,,आज्ञा_देना, V,I need to charge my car battery.,charge,چارٕج کَرُن,,बिजली_संचय_करने_के_यंत्र_में_बिजली_भरना, N,The police looked into his chargesheet and denied the bail.,chargesheet,فَردِ جُرُم,,आरोपपत्र, N,She is a lady of great charm.,charm,حُسُن,,मनोहरता, VT,She was charmed by his boyish manner.,charm,خۄش کَرُن،مٲیِل کَرُن,,मोहित_करना, Adj,Her daughter is quite charming.,charming,خۄشوٕنۍ,,मोहक, N,I have to draw a sales chart for the records.,chart,نَقشہٕ،چاٹ,,चार्ट{लेखाचित्र}, N,The engineer carries the chart to the site.,chart,نَقشہٕ,,समुद्री_नक्शा, N,This act contravened article 51 of the UN charter.,charter,فَرمان,,राजपत्र/अधिकारपत्र, N,The minister arrived on a charter flight.,charter,جہاز،بَس بیترِ کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن,,निजी_कार्य_केलिए_उपयोग_किया_हुआ, VT,The minister chartered an IAF aircraft.,charter,کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن,,निज_प्रयोग_के_लिये_किराये_पर_लेना, N,The police abandoned the chase and returned back.,chase,پَتہٕ دورُن,,पीछा_करना, VT,The police chased the robber.,chase,پَتہٕ لارُن,,पीछा_करना, Adj,Bananas are available at cheap rates.,cheap,سَستہٕ,,सस्ता, N,You are a real cheat.,cheat,ٹَھگ,,ठग, V,He cheated his friend that cost him his life.,cheat,ٹَھگ کَرُن،دونٛکھٕ دیُن,,कपट_करना, VT,Dams check the flow of river water.,check,رُکاوُن,,अचानक_रोकना, VT,The vigilance is keeping an intense check on the corruption.,check,روک تھام کَرُن,,संयमित_करना, VT,Please check out if the room is in order.,check,وُچُھن,,जाँचना, VT,Check mate means the opponent is in danger at chess game.,check,چَک دِنۍ,,मात_देना{शतरंज_के_खेल_में}, N,You must check again through your pockets..,check,جانٛچ، چھان بیٖن,,जाँच, N,Keep your temper in check.,check,قابوٗو,,संयम, N,Dams keep check to the flow of river water.,check,روک,,रोक, N,He was in check after three moves itself.,check,چَک,,मात{शतरंज_के_खेल_में}, N,He often put on check shirts.,check,خانہٕ,,चारखाना, Adj,He was wearing a checked shirt.,checked,خانہٕ دار,,चारखाने_वाला, N,She has got chubby cheeks.,cheek,گَل، بٕتھۍ لَب,,गाल, Adj,She likes to be cheerful.,cheerful,خۄشوُن,,हर्षित, Adj,I like her cheerful nature.,cheerful,خۄش باش، خۄشوُن,,आनन्दित, N,I like pizza added with cheese.,cheese,ژامَن,,चीज़/पनीर, Adj,The use of chemical warfare weapons must be banned.,chemical,کیٖمیٲوی,,रसायनक, N,Chemicals are mixed in edible items also.,chemical,کیٖمِیا,,रसायनिक_द्रव्य, N,She studied chemistry abroad.,chemistry,عٔلمِہ کیٖمِیا,,रसायन-शास्त्र, N,I have to encash my cheque tomorrow.,cheque,چَک,,हुण्डी/चेक, VT,I cherish my old friendships.,cherish,یاد کَرُن،مُحَبتہٕ سان یادتھاوُن,,स्नेहपूर्वक_रखना/ध्यान_करना, N,He suffered from a pain in his chest.,chest,سیٖنہٕ،چھٲتۍ,,छाती, N,An old chest full with clothes lay in the attic.,chest,پیٖٹۍ,,सन्दूक, N,We are fond of chickens.,chicken,کۄکَر,,मुर्गी[मुर्गा], N,She is chicken hearted.,chicken,کھوژٕ بٕڑٕ,,डरपोक, Adj,The chief expenditure is on raw materials.,chief,خاص،مَشہوٗر,,मुख्य, N,The chief of the army staff visited the border districts.,chief,زیُٹھ،حٲکِم،چیٖف,,प्रमुख, Adv,His father is chiefly concerned about making money.,chiefly,خاص کٔرِتھ,,प्रधानतः, N,They have a single child.,child,بَچہِ،شُر,,बच्चा, N,I often memorize my childhood.,childhood,لۄکچار,,बचपन, V,Let the pudding chill for an hour.,chill,تُرُن کَرُن،تٕرناوُن,,ठण्डा_हो_जाना, N,There is a chill in the air today.,chill,تۭر،تٕرنیار,,ठण्ड, N,The order of surrender chilled the soldiers.,chill,مایوٗس،سَرٕد,,उत्साह_हीन, N,The factory chimneys emit lot of smoke into the air.,chimney,بُخٲرۍ،چُمٕنۍ,,चिमनी, N,He climbed the mountain through the chimney.,chimney,گۄپھ,,पहाड़_मे_ऊपर_को_जाती_सुरंग, N,She has a small chin.,chin,ہۄنٛگٕنۍ,,ठुड्डी, N,I love to collect china wares.,china,چیٖن,,चीनी_मिट्टी, N,A chip of the glass was lying on the floor.,chip,ریزٕ،ٹُکرٕ,,टुकड़ा, V,Her tooth chipped off during dental treatment.,chip,کٔھنٛڑ وۄتھٕنۍ,,कोने_से_टूटना, N,Chlorine is added to water for purification.,chlorine,کلوریٖن,,क्लोरीन, N,I like chocolates very much.,chocolate,چاکلیٹ،مِٹھٲے,,चाकलेट, Adj,They ordered a chocolate cake on her birthday.,chocolate,چاکلیٹ,,चॉकलेटी, N,Your choice of colors was not good.,choice,ژٲر،اِنتِخاب,,चुनाव, N,High cholesterol is harmful for the functioning of the heart.,cholesterol,کوٚلٮ۪سٹرٛال,,कॉलेस्ट्रॉल, V,I always choose fish over mutton.,choose,ژارُن،اِنتِخاب کَرُن,,चुनना, N,She finished the daily chores and went to sleep.,chore,کٲم,,काम, N,They all answered in a chorus.,chorus,گٮ۪وَن والٮ۪ن ہٕنٛز جماعت،کورَس,,"समूह{गान,गायक}", N,She is in the college function chorus.,chorus,گٮ۪وَن والٮ۪ن ہٕنٛز جماعت،کورَس,,गायक_वृंद, N,Bharat sang the verses and rest of them joined him in the chorus.,chorus,اِکوَٹہٕ گٮ۪وُن,,वृंद_गान, N,They responded in a chorus.,chorus,أکِسٕے آوازِ منٛز,,समवेत_स्वर, Adj,The representative was chosen by all of us.,chosen,ژھونٛڈمُت، وُچھمُت,,चुना_हुआ, V,He chucked the bits of paper in the bin.,chuck,دٲرِت ژٕھنُن,,बेपरवाह_फेंकना, V,He was chucked from his job for absenteism.,chuck,تَرَک,,निकाल_देना, N,Don`t be late for church.,church,گِرجہٕ گَر,,गिरजाघर, N,Smoking cigarette is injurious to health.,cigarette,سِگریٹ,,सिगरेट, N,I go to the cinema very often.,cinema,سٮ۪نِماہ,,चलचित्र/सिनेमा, N,Draw a circle on the paper.,circle,وول،دٲیرٕ,,वृत्त/परिधि, N,He is got into a bad friend circle.,circle,ٹولہٕ,,मण्डली, V,The aircraft circled the airport before landing.,circle,نَژُن,,चक्कर_मारना, V,The security forces circled the enemy camp.,circle,گیرٕ کَرُن,,घेरना, N,The earth takes 365 days to make a circuit of the sun.,circuit,چَکَر،گَشتہٕ,,चक्कर, N,The building caught fire due to short circuit.,circuit,سٔرکٮ۪ٹ,,विद्युत-परिपथ, N,He was well known on the lecture circuit.,circuit,گَشتہٕ،دورٕ,,न्यायधीश_द्वारा_मुकद्दमा_सुनने_हेतु_किसी_स्थान_का_नियमित_भ्रमण_करना, Adj,The planets move in circular motion.,circular,گول گول,,वृत्तीय, N,He mailed the circular to all subscribers.,circular,سٔرکیوٗلَر,,सर्क्युलर, N,This journal has the largest circulation in the University.,circulation,اِشاعَت,,प्रचलन, N,Physical exercise enhances blood circulation in the body.,circulation,دورٕ،گَردِش,,रक्त_बहन, N,The work can be completed under favourable circumstances.,circumstance,حالات,,हालात, N,I had to take leave from office due to unfavourable circumstances.,circumstance,صوٗرَتِہ حال,,परिस्थिति/दशा, V,Her work was often cited by the scholars.,cite,حوالہٕ دیُن,,उद्धरण_देना, V,The teacher often cites examples from everyday life.,cite,حوالٕہ دیُن,,दृष्टान्त_देना, V,Many people were cited to witness the proceedings.,cite,بُلاونہٕ یِنۍ,,बुलवाना, N,I am a citizen of India.,citizen,باشَنٛدٕ,,नागरक, N,We shifted to the city.,city,شَہَر,,शहर, Adj,We must have civic sense to keep the city clean.,civic,---,,नागरक, Adj,The town faced civil disorder during elections.,civil,---,,नागरक, Adj,One needs to observe civil behaviour in public.,civil,---,,सभ्य, Adj,The matter shall be referred to the civil court.,civil,لُکہٕ عدالت,,दीवानी{कानून_संबंधी}, Adj,The civil government was overthrown in a military coup.,civil,---,,असैनक, N,Civilians are not allowed to enter military area.,civilian,عام لُکھ,,असैनिक_कर्मचारी, N,It is said that India and China have the oldest civilizations in the world.,civilization,تَہزیٖب,,सभ्य_समाज, V,She claimed that the book was hers.,claim,داواہ کَرُن,,दावा_करना, V,She claimed that she is the best cook in the town.,claim,داواہ کَرُن,,ज़ोर_देकर_कहना, V,The victim in the accident claimed for damages.,claim,داوا ہ کَرُن,,मुआवज़ा_माँगना, V,There are some unimportant matters in the newspaper that doesn`t claim attention.,claim,---,,का_पात्र_होना, V,"The cyclone claimed more than 20,000 lives.",claim,نۄقصان گَژُن,,नुकसान_का_कारण_होना, N,Despite her claim she was accused of being guilty.,claim,داواہ,,दावा, N,The victim of the accident made claims for damages.,claim,معاوزٕ,,मुआवज़े_की_मांग, N,She made no claims that she was the best speaker.,claim,داواہ,,ज़ोर_देकर_कहना, N,There is lack of clarity in your lecture.,clarity,وَضاحَت,,स्पष्टता, V,The cars clashed.,clash,ٹَکر گژُن,,टकराना, V,The two events clashed so we had to miss one.,clash,سۭتۍ سۭتۍ گژُھن,,साथ_साथ_होना, V,The colour of the picture clashed with the wall paint.,clash,میُل نٕہ آسُن,,बेमेल_होना, N,There was violent clash between two groups in the old city.,clash,لڑٲے,,टकराहट, N,There is a clash between two lectures.,clash,اَکی وَقتٕہ,,एक_ही_समय_पर_होना, N,There is a clash in their synchrony in the dance.,clash,ہشرنہَ آسُن,,बेमेल, N,I belong to the middle class.,class,طَبقہٕ,,वर्ग, N,My sister and I study in the same class.,class,جَمٲژ,,कक्षा, N,Hardy was in a different class from his contemporaries.,class,خصوٗصِیت,,विशेषता, N,Our football team lacks a particular class.,class,رۄتبہٕ,,श्रेष्ठता, N,I travel in second-class compartment of the train.,class,دَرجہٕ,,श्रेणी, N,He always scored first class in the college.,class,اول دَرجہٕ,,प्रथम_स्थान, N,Whales belong to the mammal class.,class,ذٲژ,,जाति, Adj,He is a class actor.,class,اَوَل دَرجُک،جان,,विशेष, V,We have to class these words in different categories.,class,تَرتیٖب دیُن,,वर्गीकरण_करना, Adj,My library is full with classic literature.,classic,بہتٔریٖن،عُمدہ,,सर्वोच्च_कोटि_का, Adj,He wore a classic suit for the party.,classic,بہتٔریٖن،جان,,उत्कृष्ट, Adj,Tennyson`s `Ulysses`is based on the classic story.,classic,"یونٲنی, سنسکرت یا لاطیٖنی معیارُک",,ग्रीक_लैटीन_या_संस्कृत_के_स्तर_की, N,I enjoy reading classics.,classic,کلاسِک,,प्राचीन_साहित्य/कला, N,Today the boys played classic football match.,classic,بہتٔریٖن،جان،زَبَر,,श्रेष्टतम, Adj,Bharatnatyam is a classical dance.,classical,رٮ۪وٲیتی,,शास्त्रीय, Adj,He is clubbed among the classical actors.,classical,قٔدیٖم,,प्राचीन, N,The classification of books is yet to be done.,classification,دَرجہٕ بٔنٛدی،تَرتیٖب,,वर्गीकरण, Adj,I brought a classified catalogue of library books.,classified,دَرجہٕ بَنٛد,,वर्गीकृत, Adj,These documents contain classified material.,classified,۔۔۔,,गोपनीय, V,We can classify the books in alphabetical order of the titles.,classify,تَرتیٖب دیُن,,वर्गीकृत_करना, N,We had small classrooms in our school.,classroom,جَمٲژ،کَلاس روٗم,,कक्षा, N,This vase is made of china clay.,clay,پِشِج میٚژ,,सख्त_चिकनी_मिट्टी, Adj,I like to keep my room clean.,clean,صاف،شِفاف,,स्वच्छ, Adj,I took down the notes on a clean sheet of paper.,clean,چِٹہٕ،خٲلۍ,,खाली, Adj,He always cracks clean jokes.,clean,صاف,,भद्र, Adj,He has a clean career record.,clean,صاف،بےداغ,,शालीन, Adj,Our team played a clean game.,clean,صاف,,नियमों_का_पालन_करते_हुए, Adj,He hit a clean shot at the end of the game.,clean,سیوٚد,,बिना_किसी_गलती_के, Adv,The doctor said that the accident caused clean break in the bone.,clean,سیٚدِ سیوٚد,,निस्सन्देह, V,I clean my room everyday.,clean,صاف کَرُن، صَفٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,साफ_करना, Adj,I want to make things clear.,clear,واضح,,स्पष्ट{व्यवधान_रहित}, Adj,We got a clear picture of the cliff from our terrace.,clear,صاف,,स्पष्ट/साफ, Adj,I have a clear idea about the topic of my research.,clear,واضح,,बिना_शंका_के, Adj,Her death is a clear case of suicide.,clear,واضح,,बेशक, Adj,He kept his priorities clear.,clear,واضح,,सग, Adj,Bring a clear glass of water.,clear,صاف,,पारदर्शक, Adj,I couldn`t get a clear view of the scene from a distance.,clear,صاف،واضح,,बिना_रुकावट_के, Adj,you need to clear the garden of all the weeds.,clear,صاف,,विमल, Adj,It takes clear two days to reach Indore from here.,clear,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, Adv,I could hear her loud and clear.,clear,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,समझ_में_आना, V,The sky was cleared of clouds after the storm.,clear,صاف,,हटना, V,Clear the table after the lunch.,clear,صاف کَرُن,,साफ_करना, V,The lawyer tried to clear all charges against his client.,clear,بےقصوٗر ثٲبِت کَرُن,,दोष_मुक्त_करना, V,The culprit was cleared of all the charges.,clear,بٔری کَرُن,,निर्दोष_ठहराना, V,I need to clear the cheque as soon as possible.,clear,پونٛسہٕ میلٕنۍ,,निकास_करना, V,He cleared all his debts before passing away.,clear,نَکھہٕ والُن,,चुकता_करना, N,Construction work is going on in the clearing.,clearing,صاف جایِہ,,सफ़ा_क्षेत्र, N,Clearing of the post is done till 5p.m.,clearing,۔۔۔,,निकासी, Adv,It takes clear two days to reach Indore.,clearly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्टतः, Adv,He spoke very politely and clearly.,clearly,صاف صاف,,साफ-साफ, N,All the clergies of the town attended the ceremony.,clergy,پادٕرۍ,,पादरी, N,His father is a clerk.,clerk,کٕلٲرک,,लेखाकार, Adj,He has clever plans for this programe..,clever,چالاک،گاٹُل,,चतुर, N,The lawyer tried to defend his client.,client,موکِل,,मुवक्किल, N,He is a regular client of our products.,client,خٔریٖدار,,उपभोगता, N,We climbed the snow covered cliff.,cliff,تیٚنتول,,खड़ी_चट्टान, N,I feel comfortable in moderate climate.,climate,آبہٕ ہَوا،موسَم,,जलवायु, N,The present economic climate of the country is depressing.,climate,ماحول,,परिस्थति, N,The climax of that movie was sad.,climax,عروٗج،ٲخٕر,,शिखर, V,I cannot climb this mountain.,climb,کَھسُن,,चढ़, V,We climbed the tree to pluck mangoes.,climb,وُلٕمَنِہ کَھسُن,,चढ़ना, V,Our car climbed with difficulty up the mountain.,climb,چَڑایِہ کَھسُن,,आरोहण_करना, V,He climbed to the top rank due to his hard work.,climb,تَرقی کَرٕنۍ,,उन्नति_करना, N,It`s an hours climb to the summit.,climb,چڑٲے,,चढ़ाव, V,The child clinged to its mother.,cling,لٲرِتھ گَژُھن,,कसकर_लिपट_जाना, V,The smell of petrol clings for a long time.,cling,لٲرِتھ گَژھان,,बने_रहना, V,His parents still cling to old ideas.,cling,لٲرۍ روزُن,,_चिपके_रहना, V,Don`t cling to the railings.,cling,سۭتۍ روزُن,,टिके_रहना, Adj,He seems to have very clinical attitude towards the kids.,clinical,غیر جَزبٲتی,,भाव_आवेग_के_बिना, Adj,He was under clinical observation.,clinical,طِبی,,नैदानक, Adj,Her flat is bare and clinical.,clinical,سادٕ,,सादगी, N,The brought an old clock.,clock,گٔر,,घड़ी, V,He clocked the last lap at ease.,clock,وَقٕت لَگُن,,समय_लगाना, Adj,Our school is close to the theatre.,close,سۭتۍ،نَزدیٖک,,पास, Adj,She is a close relative of mine.,close,نَزدیٖکی,,नज़दीकी, Adj,There is no close resemblance between these twins.,close,ہِشَر,,समान, Adv,He took a close look at the text.,close,غورٕ سان,,सूक्ष्म, Adj,The match was a close contest.,close,برابر،ہیوٗوے,,बराबर_का, Adj,The army advanced in close formation.,close,سۭتۍسۭتۍ،یِکوٹہٕ,,एकसाथ, Adj,The razor gave a close shave.,close,صاف،چِٹہٕ,,बारीक, Adj,She is kept in close confinement of her house.,close,نَظر بنٛد,,बन्द, Adj,She is quite close about her past.,close,کٔھٹِتھ,,गोपनीय, Adj,It is very close in this room.,close,دَم,,सवृत, Adj,He is very close about his possessions.,close,کٔنجوٗس،کوٚنڈ,,कंजूस, Adv,They sat close to each other in the bus.,close,نَزدیٖک،سۭتۍ سۭتۍ,,पास_में, V,The door was closed at night.,close,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, V,The shops in the city close by 11:00 pm.,close,بَڑاوُن،بَنٛد گَژُھن,,बन्द_होना, V,The function closed with a song.,close,خَتٕم گَژُھن,,समाप्त_होना, V,The gap between the runners are beginning to close.,close,نَزدیٖک یُن,,नज़दीक_आना, N,It rained heavily at the close of first half in the football match.,close,خَتم,,समाप्ति, Adj,The matter has been closed.,closed,بَند,,बन्धा_हुआ, Adv,He closely resembles his father.,closely,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,निकटता_से, Adv,She looked closely at his photograph.,closely,غورٕسان,,ध्यान_से, N,I kept all my jewellery in the closet.,closet,اَلمٲرۍ,,अलमारी, Adj,He is a closet alcoholic.,closet,پوٗشیٖدٕ,,गोपनीय, V,They were closeted in the classroom with the Professor.,closet,رازٕچۍ کَتھ کَرنہٕ خٲطرٕکَمرَس مَنٛز بنٛد روزُن,,किसी_कार्य_में_मग्न_होना, N,I need a black piece of cloth.,cloth,کَپُر,,कपड़ा, V,She clothed herself in a new dress.,clothe,پَلَو لاگٕنۍ,,वस्त्र_पहनना, N,I prefer to wear light clothes in summer.,clothes,پَلَو,,वस्त्र, N,You can pick three items of clothing.,clothing,پَلَو,,वस्त्र, N,The sky was full of clouds.,cloud,اوٚبُر,,बादल, N,Clovers have white and pink flowers.,clover,اکِہ قٕسمُک کُل،رُگہٕ کُل,,एक_प्रकार_का_पौधा, N,We opened a film club in our city.,club,کٕلَب,,क्लब, N,My grandfather uses club while going for a walk.,club,لوٗر,,डंडा, V,The dog was clubbed to death.,club,لورِ سٕتۍ مارُن,,डण्डे_से_मारना, N,The murderer had left no clue.,clue,نٮ۪ب,,सूत्र, N,We are going to the airport by coach.,coach,گٲڑۍ،ٹانٛگہٕ,,कोच, N,They hired the best coach for training the team.,coach,ہیٚچھۍ ناوَن وول,,शिक्षक, N,We travelled to the beach by coach.,coach,گاٲٚڑۍ، ٹانٛگہٕ,,बस, N,They hired the best coach for training the team.,coach,ہیٚچھۍ ناوَن وول,,शिक्षक, V,They will be coached for over a month.,coach,ہیٚچھۍ ناوُن,,शिक्षा_देना, N,Coal is used as a fuel.,coal,ژِنِہ,,कोयला, N,The government was formed in coalition.,coalition,رَلہٕ مِلہٕ سَرکار,,संगठन, N,We can go to the coast in the evening.,coast,بوٚٹھ,,समुद्र_तट, V,I coasted downhill on a bicycle.,coast,کٕھر ِوَسُن,,नीचे_ढाल_पर_फिसलना, N,He was wearing a leather coat.,coat,کوٹھ,,कोट, N,My pet cat has a smooth coat.,coat,جَہتھ,,{आवरण}जानवर_के_बाल, N,Walls will need a double coat of paint.,coat,پَھش،وار,,लेप, V,I like biscuits coated with chocolate.,coat,تَہہ آسُن،وار آسُن,,लेपना, N,He gave me a diamond ring with platinum coating.,coating,گِلَٹ,,परत, N,Passengers are not allowed to enter the cockpit.,cockpit,کاک پِٹ,,चालक_स्थान{वायुयान_में}, N,They throw cocktail party very often.,cocktail,شَرابٕچ دعوَت,,मद्यपान_की_दावत, N,The communicate with each other using codes.,code,کوڈ،ؤلِتھ,,कूट_संकेत, N,The code for Hyderabad is 040.,code,کوڈ,,सांकेतिक_अंक, N,The cadets are supposed to follow a disciplinary code.,code,کوڈ,,नियमावली, V,The Intelligence agency coded all the messages.,code,ؤلِتھ وَنُن,,कूट_संकेत_देना, N,I love filter coffee.,coffee,کٲفی,,कौफी, N,They gifted him a gold coin.,coin,پونٛسہٕ,,सिक्का, V,The word `pandemonium`was coined by John Milton.,coin,بَناوُن,,गढ़ना, V,The deal may coin our business.,coin,نَفع دیُن,,फायदा_करना, Adj,I feel very cold in the morning.,cold,تۭر,,ठंडा, Adj,She extended a cold reception to us.,cold,بے غَرٕض,,निरुत्साही, Adj,He was wearing a cold grey coloured shirt.,cold,چھوٚت,,हल्का, Adj,It was a cold hunt to track down the stolen goods.,cold,سَخ,,कठिन, Adj,She was cold for an hour after the accident.,cold,بے ہوش،بےحٮ۪س,,बेहोश, N,I was shivering with cold at night.,cold,تۭر,,ठंड़, N,I`m suffering from cold and cough.,cold,نٔزٕل،زُکام,,ज़ुकाम, N,The kids made a collage of postcards.,collage,کولاج,,कोलाज, V,The building collapsed due to earthquake.,collapse,ؤسۍ پیٚنۍ,,टूटकर_गिर_जाना, V,He felt giddy and collapsed on the way to the hospital.,collapse,پیوٚن,,बिमार_पड़ना, V,The company collapsed due to lack of capital.,collapse,بنٛد گَژٕھنۍ,,पतन_होना, V,Share market collapsed due to economic depression.,collapse,گِراوَٹھ یِنۍ,,अचानक_गिरना, V,Fold the chairs and collapse them in a heap.,collapse,ژَمُن,,सिमटना, N,The collapse of Soviet Union seemed to end the cold war.,collapse,زَوال,,विध्वंस, N,The collapse of negotiations resulted in a major strife.,collapse,ناکٲمی,,असफलता, N,The collar of his shirt is always dirty.,collar,نال،گِریبان,,गरदनी, N,The collar around the dog losened.,collar,پَٹہٕ,,गले_का_पट्टा, V,The policeman collared the rowdy.,collar,نالَس تَھپھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,गिरफ्तार_करना, N,We will join our colleagues at the bar.,colleague,سۭتۍ کٲم کَرَن وول،سۭتۍ بوج,,सहकार्यकर्ता, V,I collected all the samples for the research.,collect,جَمع کَرُن,,संग्रहीत_करना, V,A crowd collected near the town square.,collect,جَمع گَژُھن,,एकत्र_होना, V,We are collecting for cyclone victims.,collect,چَندٕ جَمع کَرُن,,चंदा_इकट्ठा_करना, V,She collected the first prize for extempore.,collect,رَٹُن,,मिलना, V,The municipal worker collected all the garbage.,collect,نِیُن،جَمع کٔرِتھ نیُن,,लेजाना, V,Somehow I collected myself after his departure.,collect,سَمبالُن,,स्वयं_पर_काबू_लाना, N,Every morning we sing the collect.,collect,دُعا,,छोटी_प्रार्थना, Adj,She stays composed and collected in any adversity.,collected,نَرم ، صٲبِر,,स्वस्थचित्त, N,I have a huge collection of books.,collection,زٔخیٖرٕ،مَجموعہ,,संग्रहण, N,There is no collection of stock this afternoon.,collection,۔۔۔,,इकट्ठा_निकालना, N,There is a big show of winter collection here.,collection,سوٚمبرَن,,कपड़ो_का_संग्रह, N,A collection of students attended at the symposium.,collection,وَفَد،جَماعت,,समूह, Adj,This is our collective decision.,collective,اِجتِمٲعی,,सामूहक, N,A workers collective held a meeting.,collective,وَفَد,,समूह, N,I am getting late for college.,college,کالیج,,महाविद्यालय, N,My father is a colonel in the army.,colonel,کَرنَل,,कर्नल, Adj,There are still colonial style houses to be seen around.,colonial,نَوآبادِیٲتی,,उपनिवेशी, N,Our colony has beautiful houses.,colony,بٔستی،کالنی,,बस्ती, N,India was a British colony.,colony,نَو آبٲدی,,उपनिवेश, Adj,She was wearing a colored scarf.,colored,رٔنٛگیٖن،رنٛگ دار,,रंगीन, Adj,She wore a colorful dress.,colorful,رٔنٛگیٖن,,रंगीन, N,The ribbons on the dress were in beautiful colours.,colour,رنٛگ,,रंग, V,He coloured the pots in red.,colour,رَنٛگ کَرُن,,रंगना, N,The mare was licking the colt.,colt,بَچھیرٕ,,बछेड़ा{घोड़े_का}, N,The building had marble columns.,column,تَھم,,स्तम्भ, N,The sixth column of the battalion was moving forward.,column,چھۄکھ,,सैन्यदल, N,Each page of the journal has two columns.,column,کالم،حِصہٕ,,पृष्ठ_का_एक_खण्ड, N,Please use you own comb.,comb,کَنٛگُو,,कंघा, N,The cock had a colourful comb.,comb,مۄوَل,,कुक्कुटशिखा, N,Don`t disturb the honeycomb.,comb,تُلرِ اول,,छत्ता, VT,Comb your hair.,comb,کَنٛگٕنۍ کَرٛنۍ,,कंघी_करना, VT,They combed the area for the missing child.,comb,چَپہٕ چَپہٕ ژھانٛڈُن، رَژِھ رَژِھ ژھانٛڈُن,,अच्छे_से_ढूँढना, N,They combat was fierce.,combat,جَنٛگ,,युद्ध, VTI,The villagers were combating dacoits.,combat,لَڑٲے کَرٕنۍ,,विरोध_करना, N,They were a winning combination.,combination,اِتِحاد,,संयोजन, N,He forgot the combination of number lock.,combination,میُل,,बन्दिश{अंकों_की}, V,We need to combine different resources.,combine,"مِلاوُن,رَلاوُن",,मिलना[मिलाना], V,She has come from Indore.,come,آمٕژ,,आना, V,We have come a long distance.,come,سَفَر کَرُن,,यात्रा_करना, V,He came running to her.,come,یُن,,एक_निश्चित_स्थलल_को_आना, V,Duty comes first for soldiers.,come,یِوان,,एक_निश्चित_स्थान_गृहण_करना, V,Women outfit come in various designs.,come,میلان،یِوان,,उपलब्ध_होना, V,The handle of my bag has come loose.,come,گوٚمُت,,बनकर_आना, V,I have come to believe his narration.,come,نٔتیجَس پٮ۪ٹھ واتُن,,तर्क_पर_पहुँचना, V,How did you come to know about this accident?,come,لَگُن,,प्रश्न_में_प्रयोग_करना, V,She tried to come innocent.,come,لاگُن,,अभिनय_करना, V,She didn`t want to come.,come,یُن,,कामोत्ताप_करना, V,He had to come at last.,come,آو,,किसी_दशा_का_आना/पहुँचना, N,I like Shakespeare`s comedies.,comedy,مَزاحِیَہ,,हर्षप्रधान_नाटक, N,He presence in the house is a comfort for everyone.,comfort,آرام,,आराम, VT,The pillow doesn`t give me any comfort.,comfort,آرام دیُن,,आराम_देना, Adj,This room is comfortable for us.,comfortable,آرام دِہہَ,,आरामदायक, Adj,Buy some comfortable wear for me.,comfortable,آرام دِہہَ,,सुखदाई, Adj,The coming generation has bright future.,coming,یِنہٕ واجنِہ,,भावी, N,We are looking forward to the coming budget.,coming,یِنَس,,आगमन, N,The command of the group is held by the leader.,command,لاکَم، کَمان,,शासन, N,He was dismissed for violating the officer`s command.,command,حُکُم,,आज्ञा, N,She has a good command over French.,command,عبوٗر,,वश/शक्ति, VT,The general commanded a huge army.,command,قوٚبوٗ وکَرُن,,शासन_करना, VT,This speaker commands a high fee.,command,مَنٛگُن,,माँगना, N,Commander has thrown the dance party.,commander,کمانٛڈَر,,कमांडर{सेना_का_अफ़सर}, N,I value your comments on this issue.,comment,تَبصُرٕ،راے,,टीका-टिप्पणी, V,She commented on the policy severely.,comment,تبصُرٕ کَرُن،راے دِنۍ,,टीका-टिप्पणी_करना, N,We are extending our commerce throughout the state.,commerce,تِجارَت,,वाणिज्य, Adj,He has typically a commercial attitude.,commercial,تِجارتی,,व्यापारक, N,The university commission investigated the corruption case.,commission,کٔمِشَن،مُختار نامہٕ,,आयोग, N,He has secured commission to design buildings for the mall.,commission,حَق,,अधिकार, N,You will get you due commission after the deal.,commission,درٛالَز،کٔمِشَن,,दलाली, VT,Kumar has been commissioned as a pilot officer.,commission,حَق دیُن،تعیِنات کَرُن,,अधिकार_देना/नियुक्त_करना, N,His father is a police commissioner.,commissioner,کٔمِشنَر,,आयुक्त/अधिकारी, VT,She has committed herself to research work.,commit,زِمٕہ دٲری ہیٚنۍ،وَقٕف کَرُن,,समर्पण_करना, VT,The patient was committed to the mental hospital.,commit,سوزُن,,भेजना, VT,He has committed to marry her.,commit,وادٕ دیُن,,वादा_करना, N,His business commitments are very reliable.,commitment,زِمٕہ دٲری،وادٕ,,वादा, N,The committee has decided to promote him.,committee,کٔمیٖٹی,,समिति, N,Almost all commodities are available in the super market.,commodity,مال،سامان,,सामग्री, Adj,It is a common problem in adolescence.,common,عام,,सामान्य, Adj,We need to agree on the common ground.,common,مُشترکہٕ,,सार्वजनक, Adv,Rice is commonly consumed in India.,commonly,عام طور پٲٹھۍ،عٔموٗمَن,,सामान्यतः/साधारणतः, N,The rallies shoud begin from the commonplace.,commonplace,عام جاے،معموٗلی جاے,,साधारण{विषयवस्तु}, N,Jeans is commonplace outfit among youth.,commonplace,معموٗلی,,सामान्य/साधारण_विषय, VT,Please communicate this message to all employees.,communicate,واتناوُن,,कहना/बतलाना/पहुँचाना/जताना, N,Letter writing is a beautiful means of communication.,communication,رٲبِطہٕ,,सम्प्रेषण, N,You must bridge the communication in your relationship.,communication,رٲبِطہٕ,,सम्पर्क, N,I appreciate the ideology of communism.,communism,،اِشتِمالِیَت ،کُمنِزم,,साम्यवाद, N,He is a communist.,communist,اِشتِمٲلی،کُمنِسٹ,,साम्यवादी, N,He is well known in his community.,community,قوم،عَوام,,समुदाय, N,His companions have spoiled his habit.,companion,بوج،یار،سٲتھی,,साथी, N,His company is running in profit.,company,کَمپٔنی،اِدارٕ,,कम्पनी, N,He is moving around with bad company.,company,صحبَت,,संगत, Adj,His work is comparable with the best modern fiction.,comparable,مَدِ مُقابلہٕ،مُقابلَس لایَق,,तुलनीय, Adj,He is studying comparative literature.,comparative,تَقابُلی,,तुलनात्मक, Adv,This picture is comparatively good.,comparatively,مُقابَلس منٛز,,तुलना_में, VT,John compared his haircut with his friend.,compare,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,तुलना_करना, N,There is no comparison between these two books.,comparison,مُقابلہٕ,,तुलना, Adj,We met a compatible married couple in the party.,compatible,مُوٲفِق,,अनुरूप, VT,We compelled all the students to fill out this form.,compel,مَجبوٗر کَرُن،زَبَر دٔستی کَرٕنۍ,,विवश_करना, N,The company paid the compensation for the loss.,compensation,مُعاوضہٕ,,हरजाना, V,Several institutes are competing for the project.,compete,برابری کرٕنۍ،مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,बराबरी_करना, N,No one doubts about her competence as a manager.,competence,قٲبلِیَت,,सामर्थ्यता, Adj,He is a competent typist.,competent,قٲبِل,,समर्थ, N,There is a cut throat competition in the global market.,competition,مُقابلہٕ,,स्पर्धा, Adj,He is a highly competitive sales representative.,competitive,مُقابلَس لایَق,,प्रतियोगिता_संबन्धी, N,Some competitors were nervous.,competitor,مُقابٕلۍ،مَدِ مُقابٕلۍ,,प्रतियोगी, V,He complained to the police about the theft.,complain,شِکایَت کَرٕنۍ,,शिकायत_करना, N,He launched a complaint against his neighbour.,complaint,شِکایَت,,शिकायत, N,Champagne can be a perfect complement at the dinner.,complement,مُکَمَل,,समपूरक, Adj,You need to submit complete information.,complete,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, V,Please complete your work.,complete,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, Adv,I finished my work completely.,completely,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूरी_तरह_से, N,Her work is still far from completion.,completion,مُکَمَل,,समाप्ति, Adj,He solved a complex problem in no time.,complex,مُشکِل،کُھرۍ لَد,,जटिल, N,He enjoys the complexity of present political discourse.,complexity,کُھر,,जटिलता, VT,The new development has complicated the plan.,complicate,کُھر اَنُن,,उलझाना, Adj,He explained a complicated theory in a very simple way.,complicated,مُشکِل,,उलझा_हुआ, Adj,The spare component parts of cars were dumped by the mechanic.,component,تَرکیٖبی,,आंशक, N,The mechanic replaced damaged components of car.,component,جُز،حِصہٕ,,अंश, VT,The lawyer will compose a letter for.,compose,بَنیوٚمُت,,बनाना, VT,I like the symphonies composed by Beethoven.,compose,تَرتیٖب دیُن,,रचना, VT,She had to compose herself for the reception.,compose,بَرداشت کَرُن،ژالُن،تاب کَرُن,,धैर्य_धारण_करना, Adj,He was perfectly composed after hearing the news.,composed,دَم,,शांत, N,Bach was a great composer.,composer,تَرتیٖب دِنہٕ وول,,रचयिता, Adj,Aluminium is a composite metal.,composite,رَلہٕ مِلہٕ,,सम्मिश्र, N,It is a beautiful composition.,composition,مَضموٗن نِگٲری,,संयोजन, N,He got his composition published in the journal.,composition,مَضموٗن,,छोटी_सी_लेख, N,Mostly fertilizers contain nitrogen compounds.,compound,مُرکَب,,मिश्रण, N,Our school had a big compound.,compound,آنٛگُن,,आँगन, V,The chemicals were compounded in the beaker.,compound,رَلٲوِت,,मिल_जाना, Adj,We need a comprehensive report.,comprehensive,تَفصیٖل،وٮ۪ستار,,विस्तृत, VT,The file comprised of several documents.,comprise,شٲمِل آسُن,,समाविष्ट_करना/सम्मिलित_करना, N,I cannot make a compromise on the quality of the work.,compromise,سَمجوتہٕ,,समझौता, VT,We have to make some compromises.,compromise,سَمجوتہٕ کَرُن,,समझौता_करना, VT,The accountant took time to compute the accounts.,compute,گٔنٛزراوُن،حِساب کَرُن,,गणना_करना, N,He has got a new computer.,computer,کَمپیوٗٹَر,,कम्प्यूटर, V,She conceded at the verdict after the debate.,concede,مانُن,,मान_लेना, V,She conceived with great difficulty.,conceive,گۄبِہ کھۄرروزُن،بیٚیِہ زُوٕ روزُن,,गर्भ_से_होना, V,We cannot conceive of people being treated so badly.,conceive,خیال کَرُن،تَصَوُر کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, V,I am not able to concentrate on my work.,concentrate,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, V,The animals tend to concentrate near the water bodies.,concentrate,تَوَجہ دیُن,,समाहृत_करना, N,I find it difficult to improve my power of concentration.,concentration,تَوَجہ,,एकाग्रता, N,There is a large concentration of refugee population on the borders.,concentration,سٮ۪مُت,,समाहृतता, N,We must stress on the basic concepts of the subject.,concept,تَصَوُر,,संकल्पना, N,The conceptions of the party workers are not clear.,conception,تَصَوُر,,धारणा, N,Women must take care after conception.,conception,حَمَل,,गर्भाधान, N,This is not my concern.,concern,پریشٲنی،کٲم،فِکِر,,चिन्ता, VT,She is very much concerned about her health.,concern,فِکِر مَنٛد آسُن,,चिन्तित_करना, Adj,The concerned relatives rushed to the hospital to see the patient.,concerned,وابَسطہٕ,,संबन्धित/विषय_में, Prep,The Board expressed doubts concerning the group action.,concerning,اَتھ مُتعلِق،اَتھ بارَس مَنٛز,,के_बारे_में, N,I attended a music concert yesterday.,concert,کَنسۭٹ،گٮ۪وَن محفِل,,संगीत_सभा, V,The paper concluded at an optimistic note.,conclude,اِختِتام پٔزیٖر سَپدُن,,पूरा_करना, V,The concert concluded with rousing chorus.,conclude,اَنٛدواتناوُن,,निश्चित_करना, V,The police concluded that it was a murder case.,conclude,نٔتیٖجَس پٮ۪ٹھ واتُن,,अनुमान_करना, N,He reaches to the conclusion eventually.,conclusion,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,निष्कर्ष, N,The programme will come to conclusion next week.,conclusion,اَنٛد,,समाप्ति, Adj,I need concrete answers.,concrete,ٹھوس,,ठोस, N,Now the buildings are constructed of concrete material.,concrete,پۄختہٕ،کَنکرٛیٖٹ,,कंकरीट, VT,We condemn this act of our leader.,condemn,مَزمَت کَرٕنۍ,,दोष_लगाना, N,She is in a very bad condition.,condition,حالَت,,हालत{शर्त}, N,Her condition improved slowly.,condition,حالَت,,हालत/दशा, N,They put too many conditions on her returning back.,condition,شَرٕط,,शर्त, N,His conduct is admired in the public.,conduct,طور طٔریٖقہٕ,,आचरण/बर्ताव, V,You cannot conduct the business without minimal security.,conduct,چَلٲوِت,,चलाना, N,The bus conductor collects the fare.,conductor,کٔلیٖنَر،کَنڑَکٹَر,,परिचालक, N,He was the chief conductor of the project.,conductor,ہِدایَت کار,,निर्देशक, N,Wood is a bad conductor of electricity.,conductor,۔۔۔,,ताप_अथवा_विद्युत_चालक, N,Ramu and his confederate got arrested for drug peddling.,confederate,سٲتھی،بوج,,साथ_में_काम_करनेवाला, Adj,The confederate states of Soviet State collapsed.,confederate,مُتحدہ,,संधि_में_मिलाना, N,A conference was held in the University.,conference,مَجلِس،کانفٕرَنس,,सम्मेलन, N,He made the confession of his crime before the judge.,confession,مٹِہ ،اعتراف ،اِقرار,,अपराध_स्वीकृति, N,I have enough confidence in our team.,confidence,بَروسہٕ،اعتِماد,,भरोसा, Adj,He is a confident speaker.,confident,بَروسہٕ وول,,आत्मविश्वासी, V,His knowledge about life is confined to books only.,confine,محدوٗد آسُن,,सीमाबद्ध_करना, Adj,They work in a confined space.,confined,محدوٗد,,सीमित, V,I need the acknowledgement confirmed in writing.,confirm,تَصدیٖق کَرُن,,पक्का_करना, V,She was Baptized and confirmed at the age of thirteen.,confirm,مُستَقٕل کَرُن,,ईसाई_समाज_में_लेना, N,He is always in conflict with the family system.,conflict,تَضادٕ،نِفاق,,विरोध/संघर्ष, V,The two projects conflict with existing strategy.,conflict,ٹَکراو گَژُھن,,विरोध_करना, N,It is hard to be in conformity with every norm of the society.,conformity,اِطاعت،تعمیٖل,,स्वीकार/अनुसार, VT,I feel nervous to confront the jury.,confront,برٛونہہ کَنِہ وُچھُن,,सामना_करना, N,There were violent confrontations between police and the demonstraters.,confrontation,،بُتھۍ لاگے,,सामना, V,These questions confuse the students.,confuse,دُلہٕ مُلَس منٛز گَژُھن،پریشان گَژُھن,,घबड़ा_जाना, VT,I congratulated my friend on her success in exam.,congratulate,مُبارَک کَرُن،مُبارَک بٲدۍ دِنۍ,,बधाई_देना, N,He is always present in the congregation.,congregation,اِجتِماع,,धार्मिक_सभा, Adj,He regularly attends a Congregational meeting.,congregational,اِجتِمٲعی,,मंडली_का, N,A congress of enviornmentalists was held in the city.,congress,کانٛگرس،مَجلِس,,कांग्रेस/व्यवस्थापिका_सभा, Adj,Many members boycotted the congressional committee.,congressional,کانٛگرَسُک,,कांग्रेस_का, N,A congressman has voluntered from our area.,congressman,کانٛگرَسُک نَفَر,,कॉंग्रेस_सदस्य, V,Some verbs conjugate irregularly.,conjugate,گَردان کَرُن,,क्रिया_रूप_बनाना, N,The researchers are working in conjunction on the book.,conjunction,میُل,,संयोग/मेल, N,"The conjuctions connect words, phrases in a sentence.",conjunction,میُل،واٹھ,,समुच्चय_बोधक_अव्यय, VT,Please connect the two loudspeakers.,connect,جوڑُن,,जोड़ना, N,There was no connection between the two incidents.,connection,جوڑ،میُل,,संयोजन/जोड़, N,There is a loose connection in the incidents.,connection,تَعلُق،واٹھ,,संबन्ध, N,He has quite influential connections.,connection,تعلُقات,,संपर्क, N,He has no conscience about his cruelty.,conscience,ضٔمیٖر,,विवेक, Adj,He made a conscious effort to speak politely.,conscious,باخَبَر,,सचेत/चेतन, Adj,His going to Delhi was a conscious move.,conscious,دٲنِشتٕہ,,साभिप्राय, N,He lost consciousness while working.,consciousness,زون,,चेतना, N,I married this guy after getting consent from my parents.,consent,اِجازَت،مَنظوٗری,,अनुमति, VT,My parents consented with my decision to work abroad.,consent,مانُن،اِجازَت دیُن،مَنظوٗری دِنۍ,,मानना, N,I was not bothered about the consequences.,consequence,نٔتیٖجٕہ،اَنٛجام,,परिणाम, N,If it is of no consequence to motivate her.,consequence,اہمِیَتھ,,महत्व, Adv,She met with an accident and consequently lost her eyesight.,consequently,اَمِہ کِنۍ،تَوَے,,अतः/इसलिये, N,There was a crack in the window frame.,crack,رُم,,दरार, N,The crack of a whip scared the house.,crack,ٹاس,,चटकने_की_आवाज़, N,She has a crack attitude.,crack,نیٖٖم پاگَل,,सनकी, N,There was a loud crack of thunder in the night.,crack,دَماکہٕ،آواز,,धमाका, N,She fell down and got a crack on the head.,crack,زَخم,,करारी_चोट, N,The police found several kilos of crack in his luggage.,crack,نَشاور دَوا,,क्रैक{एक_प्रकार_की_नशीली_दवा}, VTI,The glass cracked when it was heated.,crack,پھوٚٹ,,चटकना, VTI,The girl fell off from the cycle and cracked her elbow.,crack,پٕھٹُن,,टूटना, VTI,Her lips are dry and cracked.,crack,پٔھٹۍمٕتۍ,,फटना, VTI,She cracked her head on the wall.,crack,ٹھاسہٕ ناوُن,,जोर_से_टकराना, VTI,The hunter`s rifle cracked and the fox fell dead.,crack,دَماکہٕ کَرُن,,धमाका_करना, VTI,Her voice was cracking on the phone.,crack,بٮ۪گرٕنۍ,,भर्रा_जाना, VTI,She finally cracked with the lawyers interrogation.,crack,زہنی دباوَس منٛز یُن,,मनोवैज्ञानिक_दवाब_में_आजाना, VTI,We successfully cracked the code.,crack,ہَل کَڑُن,,समाधान_निकालना, VTI,She is very good at cracking jokes.,crack,وَنُن,,कहना, N,Traditional crafts of Kerala and Orissa are famous for their intricacy.,craft,دَستٕہ کٲری،اَتھہٕ کٲم,,शिल्प_कला/हस्त_कला, N,The goldsmith works with intricate craft.,craft,ہُنَرمٔندی,,कुशलता, N,She won the game by craft and guile only.,craft,دونکھہٕ,,छल, N,The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.,craft,جہاز,,छोटी_नाव_या_जहाज, N,The crash occurred during a thunderstorm.,crash,دَماکہٕ,,धमाका, VI,The branch crashed down on my car.,crash,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,ढहना, VI,The car crashed through the glass door.,crash,لاینہٕ یُن,,टकराना, VI,My friends crashed our house last weekend.,crash,پرٛژھنہٕ روٚستُےیُن، بے دعؤتۍ یُن,,अनिमंत्रित_आना, VI,My computer crashed last night.,crash,خَراب گَژُھن,,काम_करना_बन्द_कर_देना, N,The traffic moved forward at a crawl.,crawl,وارٕ وارٕ پَکُن,,रेंगना/धीमी_चाल, VI,The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed.,crawl,کھۄکھشِہ پََکُن،وارٕ وارٕ پَکُن,,रेंगना/धीरे_धीरे_चलना/घसीटते_चलना, VI,The child crawled across the floor.,crawl,بٔرِتھ،ٹِپِتھ,,रेंगने_वाली_चीजों_से_भरा_होना, Adj,She is crazy about him.,crazy,دٮ۪وانہٕ،پاگَل,,पागल, Adj,The crowd went crazy.,crazy,بے قابوٗو,,उन्मत्त, Adj,She is crazy about sports cars.,crazy,دٮ۪وانہٕ,,अति_उत्साही, N,The team comprises of the cream members.,cream,اَصٕل،ذٔہیٖن,,मलाई/2.सर्वोत्म_अंश/सार/, N,She applies cold cream in winter.,cream,کرٛیٖم,,एक_प्रकार_की_सौन्दर्यवर्धक_वस्तु, VI,Skim cream from the surface of milk.,cream,ملٲے کَڑٕنۍ,,मलाई_बनना, VT,Skim cream from the surface of milk.,cream,مَلٲے کَڑٕنۍ,,मलाई_उतारना/सत_निकाल_लेना, VT,God has created the world.,create,بَناوُن،تخلیٖق کَرُن,,रचना/सृष्टि_करना/उत्पन्न_करना, VT,Her rude behavior created a bad impression.,create,تصوُر,,बढ़ावा_देना, VT,The company was created 25 years ago.,create,بَناونہٕ یُن,,निर्माण_करना, VT,She can easily create a design.,create,تَخلیٖق کَرُن,,सृजन_करना, N,This portfolio is her latest creation.,creation,تَخلیٖق,,सृजन, Adj,Her creative writing is appriciated by all teachers.,creative,تَخلیٖقی,,सृजनात्मक_निर्माण_करने_की_शक्ति_वाला, N,The creator of Walt Disney character is dead.,creator,بَناوَن وول،تَخلیٖق کَرَن وول,,सृष्टिकर्त्ता, N,This breed of dog is a ferocious creature.,creature,زُو زٲژ,,जीव, N,He was a charming young creature.,creature,نَفَر،زُوزٲژ,,व्यक्ति, N,No credit is allowed at this shop.,credit,وۄزُم,,उधार, N,I have a credit balance of Rs.1000.,credit,جَمع,,बैंक_के_खाते_मे_जमा_राशि, N,The bank refused further credit to the factory.,credit,وۄزُم,,बैंक_द्वारा_उधार_दी_गयी_राशि, N,A retired general was the man of highest credit.,credit,نیک نٲمی,,ख्याति_नेकनामी, N,She is a credit to her teachers.,credit,بَروسہٕ,,विश्वास_भरोसा, N,The captain was given credit for saving the ship.,credit,عِزَت اَفزٲیی,,श्रेय_लेना, VT,We credited her for saving our jobs.,credit,مَل مٔلۍ گَنٛڑٕنۍ،عِزَت دیُن,,श्रेय_देना, VT,It was hard to credit the stories we heard.,credit,ماننہٕ یِوان,,विश्वास_दिलाना, VT,I cannot credit this work for prize.,credit,تَرجی دِنۍ,,मान्यता, VT,Credit his account with Rs.100.,credit,جمع کَرُن,,किसी_खाते_में_जमा_करना, N,The creek dried up every summer.,creek,"نٕہَر, کۄل",,सँकरी_खाड़ी/निवेशिका, VI,The snake crept quietly towards the frog.,creep,زٔمیٖنَس یَڑ دِتھ پَکُن,,रेंगना, VI,My friend crept up and peeked over the window.,creep,وارٕ وارٕ کَھسُن,,धीरे_धीरे_चलना, VI,Ivy crept up the entire wall.,creep,پھٲلُن،چَھج وَہراوُن,,फैलना{लता_इत्यादि}, N,Officers and the crew of the ship are all alert.,crew,عملہٕ,,नाविकगण, N,The crew members are efficient.,crew,اہلِہ کار,,कर्मचारी, V,You can employ a crew for our ship.,crew,عَملہٕ,,जहाज_पर_नाविकों_को_लगाना, N,His son loves to play cricket.,cricket,کِرکَٹ,,क्रिकेट, N,cricket is a small brown insect.,cricket,وۄٹَل کیوٚم,,झींगुर, N,Her maid was accused of committed crime.,crime,جُرُم,,अपराध, Adj,No one can stop his criminal activities.,criminal,"یَچھ, جُرم یافتہٕ",,आपराधक, Adj,He takes up only criminal cases.,criminal,جُرم یافتہٕ,,फौजदारी_का, N,The locality is full of criminals.,criminal,مُجرِم,,अपराधी, N,They went bankrupt during the economic crisis.,crisis,مشکِلات,,संकट, N,She is her best critic.,critic,تَنقیٖد نِگار,,आलोचक/समीक्षक, Adj,He looks at every thing with his critical views.,critical,تَنقیٖدی نظریہَ,,विवेचनात्मक, Adj,The condition of the patient is very critical.,critical,نوزُک،اَبتَر,,नाज़ुक, Adj,He was in a critical condition at the hospital.,critical,ابتر، نوزُک,,संकटमय, VTI,She always criticises the team work.,criticise,کٕٹھ کَڑٕنۍ,,आलोचना_करना, N,The senator received severe criticism from his opponent.,criticism,،تَنقیٖد,,आलोचना/समीक्षा, VTI,You cannot criticize her without an argument.,criticize,کٕٹھ کَڑٕنۍ,,आलोचना_करना, N,The major crops of Andhra Pradesh are rice and maize.,crop,فَصٕل، زراعت,,पैदावार, N,The crop of junior students is efficient.,crop,کھیوٚل,,समूह, N,This crop of junior students is good.,crop,کھیوٚل,,पोटा, N,The pelican had three fish in the crop of his beak.,crop,بوس,,गलथैली, N,Some riders use the crop very sparingly.,crop,چھانٛٹہٕ,,चाबुक, Adj,Mary has got a crop cut.,crop,ژھوٚٹ مَس,,छोटे_बाल, VI,She cropped her hair very short.,crop,ژَٹُن,,उत्पन्न_करना/देना, VT,She cropped her hair very short.,crop,ژَٹُن,,काटना/तोड़ना/2.खेत_काटना, Adj,He gave her a cross look.,cross,دولہٕ,,आड़ा/तिरछा/2.चिड़चिड़ा/हठी/3.प्रतिकूल, N,The crop regions are marked on the map?,cross,ضرب,,गुणा_या_धन_का_निशान, N,He is worn out with the responsible and cross.,cross,پَریشٲنی,,कष्ट/संकट, N,A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.,cross,میُل,,संकर, N,She wears a small gold cross chain?,cross,۔۔۔,,ईसाई_धर्म_का_चिह्न/क्रूश, VT,Look before you cross the road.,cross,تَرُن,,पार_उतारना/पार_करना, VT,A new idea crossed her mind.,cross,، یُن,,कोई_बात_ध्यान_मे_आना, VT,These sentences have been crossed out.,cross,ژَٹُن,,किसी_गलत_बात_को_काटना, VT,We crossed each other on the way.,cross,سَمکُھن,,मार्ग_में_मिलना, VT,She was angry when her plans were crossed.,cross,رُکاونہٕ یِنۍ،رُکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,रोकना/विरोध_करना, VT,The roads cross at the bridge.,cross,پانہٕ ؤنۍ رَلٕنۍ,,एक_दूसरे_को_काटना, VT,She crossed herself as she passed the church.,cross,...,,क्रास_का_चिह्न_बनाना, N,The main crossing is always busy.,crossing,ژُووٚت,,चौराहा, VI,He crouched behind the bush.,crouch,کوٚٹھۍ نوٚمرِت بِہیوٚن,,दुबक_के_बैठना, N,The crow makes very harsh sound.,crow,کاو,,कौआ/काक/काग, VI,The crows crowed all morning.,crow,کاو کاو کَرُن,,काँव_काँव_करना/कुकुरू_कूं_करना, VI,Her success is not something to crow about.,crow,تھٮ۪کُن,,शेखी_बघारना/डींग_हाकना, N,A crowd gathered outside the bus stand.,crowd,ۂجوٗم ،جَماعت,,भीड़/समूह/रेला/ढेर, V,Do not crowd outside the hospital ward.,crowd,،بِٹھ لاگٕنۍ,,भीड़_लगाना, V,They do not work unless crowded.,crowd,دَباو ترٛاوُن,,दबाव_डालना, V,Tourists crowded the bus.,crowd,ژٮ۪ل کَرُن,,ठूंसना/ठसाठस_भरना, Adj,In summer Shimla is crowded with tourists.,crowded,بٔرِت,,भीड़_वाला, N,The crown was kept in the museum.,crown,تاج,,राजमुकुट, N,She won the crown in the beauty contest.,crown,تاج,,मुकुट, N,The poet described the crown of Himalayas.,crown,بالہٕ تھوٚنگ,,शिखर, VT,The Queen was crowned at the cermony.,crown,تاج پوٗشی کَرٕنۍ,,राज्याभिषेक_करना, VT,The writer was crowned for his recent publication.,crown,اٮ۪زاز دیُن,,सम्मानित_करना, VT,The mountaineers crowned the mountain with the flag.,crown,تیٚنتٲلِس پٮ۪ٹھ واتُن,,शिखर_पर_होना, VT,The dentist put a crown on his wisdom tooth.,crown,کروُن,,दाँत_पर_खोल_चढाना, Adj,He rescued me at a crucial moment.,crucial,اہم، نوزُک,,संकटपूर्ण, Adj,We need some crude oil.,crude,خام,,अशोधित, Adj,The boy made a crude sketch of the portrait.,crude,کوٚچ,,अपरिष्कृत, Adj,He is known to be a cruel man.,cruel,ظٲلِم،سِتم گار،,,निर्दयी, N,Cruelty is an offence.,cruelty,ظُلُم,,क्रूरता, N,I could not get through the crush in the temple.,crush,بِرٕ,,भीड़, VT,I crushed the fruits for juice.,crush,چیٖرُن,,कुचलना, N,Their cry for help was responded.,cry,چِخ,,चीख, N,The cry of the baby awakened her.,cry,وَدُن,,रोना, VI,People cry when they are in pain.,cry,وَدان,,रोना, VI,When the intruder entered her place she cried for help.,cry,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,चिल्लाना, N,She could hear a baby crying from distance.,crying,وَدُن,,द्यान_देने_योग्या, N,Quartz is a crystal.,crystal,کرٛسٹَل,,स्फटक, N,The room is cubic.,cubic,مُکعب,,घनाकार, N,Volume is experimented in cubic units.,cubic,مُرَکَب,,त्रिविमीय, VT,Farmers cultivate the lands.,cultivate,فَصٕل وۄپداوُن,,खेती_करना, VT,We must cultivate good relations with others.,cultivate,بَناوٕنۍ,,सम्बन्ध_बढाना, Adj,Cultural activities are going on in the city.,cultural,تہزیٖبی،تَمَدُنی،ثَقافتی,,सांस्कृतक, N,Institutions should be centres of culture.,culture,تہزیٖب,,संस्कार, N,People from different cultures throng here.,culture,تہزیٖب,,संस्कृति, N,A student is experimenting on the bacteria culture.,culture,۔۔۔,,जीवाणु_संवर्धन, N,She dropped the cup on the floor.,cup,پیالہِٕ،کھوس,,प्याला, VT,The girl was holding the berries in her cupped hands.,cup,تھوٚمب,,प्याले_के_रूप_देना, N,Close the cupboard.,cupboard,اَلمٲرۍ,,अलमारी, N,She needs cure for at least three months.,cure,علاج,,चिकित्सा, VT,The doctors cured him of fear psychosis.,cure,علاج کَرُن,,निरोग_करना, N,The boy opened the letter out of curiosity.,curiosity,تَزبزُب,,जिज्ञासा, Adj,He is curious to know the result.,curious,بے قَرار,,जिज्ञासु, Adj,A curious man appeared on the gate.,curious,أجیٖب،حٲران کُن,,अनोखा, N,The girl looks pretty with a curl.,curl,وونٛک,,लट, VT,She curled her hair with rollers.,curl,وانٛکہٕ کَرنِہ,,घुँघराला_बनाना, Adj,Buy me a magazine on current affairs.,current,بدس کال، حال,,वर्तमानकालक, N,He had to swim against the current.,current,لٕہر,,प्रवाह, N,A sudden fluctuation in the current fused off the plug.,current,"کرٛنٹہٕ, بِجلی",,विद्युत_प्रवाह, Adv,Tele-communication has improved currently in our country.,currently,اَز کَل,,आज-कल, N,Computer is included in the curriculum at the schools.,curriculum,نِصاب,,पाठ्यक्रम, N,The old woman cursed him.,curse,بَد دُعا،وُہَو,,शाप, VT,Durvasa cursed Shakuntala.,curse,بددُعا,,शाप_देना, Adj,She gave a curt reply.,curt,مۄکھہٕ پرٛتھ,,मुँहतोड़, N,My daughters brought beautiful curtains for our house.,curtain,پَردٕ,,पर्दा, VT,Put the curtains on the rings.,curtain,پردٕ ترٛاوٕنۍ،پردٕ لَگاوٕنۍ,,पर्दा_डालना, N,There is a sharp curve on the road.,curve,موڑ,,वक्र_रेखा, VTI,The road curved suddenly to the right.,curve,موڑ پِھرُن,,वक्र_होना, N,I did embroidery on the cushion.,cushion,تٔکِیِہ,,गद्दी, VT,The lady had to cushion her child`s seat.,cushion,گَدیلہٕ بناوُن,,गद्दी_लगाना, N,The old customs are in vogue even today.,custom,رِواج,,रीति, Adj,It is customary to welcome the guests.,customary,رٮ۪وٲیتی,,रूढगत, N,A polite sales executive attracts customers.,customer,خٔریٖدار,,ग्राहक, N,He paid custom duty on the goods.,customs,گُزَر،چُنگی,,सीमा_शुल्क, V,I want to cut this apple.,cut,ژَٹُن,,काट, N,The girl applied medicine to the deep cut.,cut,خَش,,चीरा, N,The censor made several cuts in the film.,cut,ژَٹہٕ کپٹ,,घटाव, VTI,She cut her finger with a knife.,cut,ژَٹٕنۍ,,चीरना, VTI,The gardener cut out all the weeds.,cut,ژَٹُن,,काटना, VTI,His remarks cut him deeply.,cut,زَکھ واتُن,,दु:ख_पहुँचना, N,He took the cutting from the article.,cutting,کَٹِنٛگ,,कतरन, N,Rose cuttings are planted here.,cutting,کَلَم,,कलम[वनस्पतियों_का], N,We faced the steep cutting in front of us.,cutting,بےرحمی,,कटाव, N,He bought a cycle recently.,cycle,سَیکٕل،زَلہٕ گُر,,साइकिल, N,The event occured in a cycle,cycle,چَکَر,,समयचक्र, N,Monsoon depends on the cycle of the seasons.,cycle,چَکَر,,चक्र, N,Monsoon depends on the cycle of the seasons.,cycle,چَکَر,,चक्र, N,The songs played in regular cycle.,cycle,چَکَر,,समयचक्र, N,He bought a cycle recently.,cycle,سَیکٕل،زَلہٕ گُر,,साइकिल, V,The boy cycled along the road.,cycle,سَیکٕل چَلاوُن,,साइकिल_चलाना, N,Recent cyclone in Orissa devastated many crops.,cyclone,سَمَنٛدٔری طوٗفان,,तूफान, N,The bottle has the shape of a cylinder.,cylinder,سِلنٛڑَر,,सिलेंडर, N,My dad is standing behind the fence.,dad,مول،بَب,,पिता/बाप, Adv,I go to school daily.,daily,پرٛٮ۪تھ دۄہ،ہَر دۄہ,,प्रतिदिन, Adj,We are paid on daily basis.,daily,پٛرٮ۪تھ دُہُک,,दैनिक/प्रति_दिन_का, Adv,The bus arrives daily at this time.,daily,ہَر دۄہ,,प्रति_दिन/प्रति_दिवस, N,This story appeared in all the national dailies.,daily,دۄہ دِشِکۍ,,दैनिक_समाचार_पत्र, N,We purchase milk from the local dairy.,dairy,دۄدٕ فارَم,,दुग्धशाला, N,They are constructing a dam on the river.,dam,بنٛڈ,,बाँध, N,The dam of these racehorses is an Arabian mare.,dam,جانوَرَن ہنٛز موج، ڈیم,,माता{पशुओं_की}, VT,It is of no use daming the rivers that run dry in summers.,dam,بنٛڈ گَنڈُن,,बाँध_बाँधना, N,There was major damage to his brain after the accident.,damage,زَکھ،صَدمہٕ،نۄقصان,,हानि/घाटा/क्षति, VI,Some parasites damage good crop.,damage,نۄقصان واتناوُن،زَکھ واتناوُن,,बिगड़_जाना/नष्ट_हो_जाना, VT,The snow damaged the roof.,damage,نۄقصان واتناوُن،زَکھ واتناوُن,,हानि_पहुँचाना/बिगाड़ना, VT,Damn the rain for pouring in so suddenly.,damn,بَلاے اَنٕنۍ,,धिक्कारना, Adj,It was a damned life of poverty.,damned,لعنَت,,निंदनीय, Adj,His clothes were damp with perspiration.,damp,سرٛٮ۪ہہ،اوٚدُر,,नम/गीला, N,She hung the damp clothes to dry properly.,damp,سرٛہِلۍ،أدٕرۍ,,नमी, N,They overcame the damp caused by the accident.,damp,پَریشٲنی,,उत्साह_हीनता, VT,"Don`t dampen the powder, it will get sticky.",damp,اوٚدُر کَرُن,,नम_करना, VT,Their spirits dampened after this incident.,damp,واہ ؤسِتھ گَژٕھنۍ,,हतोत्साह_करना, N,The dancer enjoyed the dance as much as the audience.,dance,نَژُن,,नाच/नृत्य, VI,We can dance together.,dance,نَژُنہہ کَرُن,,नृत्य_करना/नाचना, N,He is a very good dancer.,dancer,نَژَن وول,,नर्तक, Adj,Rita`s brother is a dandy since his college days.,dandy,یاوٕ,,बाँका/छैला, N,You are in no danger.,danger,خَطرٕ,,विपत्ति, Adj,A dangerous criminal has run away from the jail.,dangerous,خَطَرناک,,खतरनाक, V,You dared to call him a lair.,dare,جُرَتھ,,साहस_करना, V,I dare challenge you for the fight.,dare,....,,ललकारना, Adj,She has dark complexion.,dark,گیٚشوم,,साँवला, Adj,She was sitting in a dark corner.,dark,اَنِہ گوٚٹ,,अंधेरा, Adj,I prefer the dark shade.,dark,تیز،بوٚرُت ،چِٹہٕ,,गहरा, Adj,She revealed many dark traits about her life.,dark,سِر،راز،پوٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖشیٖدٕ,,गुप्त, Adj,We shared dark aspects of our lives.,dark,راز,,अस्पष्ट, N,He was in the dark concerning their intentions.,dark,ٰ۔۔۔۔,,अंधेरा, N,John has grown dark over the years.,dark,....,,साँवला, N,His failures led him into the darkness.,darkness,گَٹہٕ,,अंधकार/धुंधलापन/अज्ञानता, N,The younger children are the darlings of the family.,darling,خانہٕ مول،ٹوٹھ,,लाड़ला/आँखों_का_तारा, N,We were commissioned to collect the data.,data,ڈیٹا,,डेटा, N,His statistical data helped us to draw the conclusion.,data,زان کٲری,,बातें{दी_हुई_या_जानी_हुई}/निर्दिष्ट, N,What is the date today?,date,تٲریٖخ,,तिथि, N,I am going for a blind date today.,date,سَمکُھن،ڈیٹ,,डेट{लड़का_लड़की_का_साथ_बाहर_जाना}, N,They are upto date.,date,وَقٕت،وَکھ،کال,,काल/समय/कालावधि, N,His blind date turned out to be his old friend.,date,سٲتھی،معشوق,,साथी, N,The store sells fresh dates.,date,خٔزٕر,,छुहारा/खजूर, VT,The package is dated November 24.,date,تٲریٖخ ترٛاوُن,,तिथि_डालना, V,His letter was dated 1st February.,dated,تٲریٖٖخ پیوٚمُت,,तारीख_पड़ी_होना, Adj,He had some dated manuscripts on the historical events.,dated,پٛرٛٛٲنۍ,,पुराना, N,Her daughter cared for her parents in their old age.,daughter,کوٗر,,बेटी, N,We woke before dawn.,dawn,نِہَہ گٹہٕ,,उषाकाल, N,The dawn of modernity is 18th century.,dawn,آغاز,,आरंभ/उद्भव/उदय, VT,We started the journey as it was dawning.,dawn,گاش پھۄلُن,,सबेरा_होना, VT,It dawned on him that she had betrayed him.,dawn,أچھ کُھلنِہ,,दिखाई_देना, VT,The age of computers dawned late in Third world.,dawn,آغاز گَژُھن,,आरंभ_होना/उद्भव_होना, N,They left after two days.,day,دۄہ,,दिन, N,She may arrive any day.,day,وَکھ،وَقٕت,,समय, N,We often remember our childhood days.,day,وَقتہٕ،ساتہٕ،کالہٕ,,काल, N,Complete your work in the daylight.,daylight,دۄہلہِ,,दिन_का_उजाला/2.प्रकाश/स्पष्टता, N,You hardly sleep in the daytime.,daytime,دۄہلِہ,,दिन_के_समय, Adj,He was shot dead.,dead,موٗدمُت,,मृत, Adj,She dropped dead hints at the party.,dead,سیوٚد نِشانہٕ,,सधा_हुआ, Adj,There was dead silence inside the hall.,dead,سِمسان،دُہۍ ژھٮ۪تَے,,निश्चेष्ट, Adj,This tradition is dead by now.,dead,نابوٗد,,निर्जीव, N,They buried the dead.,dead,مۄردٕ,,मृतक, N,He went for a walk in the dead of winter.,dead,سِمسان,,जिस_समय_सुनसान_हो, Adj,The black snakes are usually deadly poisonous.,deadly,خَطرٕہوٚت،دُشمَنِہ جان,,प्राणनाशक/घातक, Adj,They grew deaf to her warnings.,deaf,کَنہٕ ڈول,,बधिर/बहरा, N,It was a profitable deal.,deal,ڈیٖل,,डील, VTI,He deals fairly with his employees.,deal,برتاو کَرُن,,व्यवहार_करना, VTI,This book deals with pregnancy.,deal,مُتعلِق آسُن,,वर्णन_करना, VTI,I can deal with this problem alone.,deal,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_करना, VTI,She deals in gold and silver ware.,deal,کاربار کَرُن,,व्यापार_करना/, VTI,Now it is your deal.,deal,وٲرۍ,,चलाना, N,My father is a carpet dealer.,dealer,کاربٲرۍ,,व्यापारी/लेन_देन_करनेवाला, Adj,She is dear to me.,dear,عٔزیٖز،ٹوٹھ,,प्रिय, Adj,I cannot afford to buy at the dear shop.,dear,درٛوٚگ,,बहुमूल्य/महँगा, N,He is my dear son.,dear,خانہٕ مول،عٔزیٖز,,प्रिय/लाडला, N,Her death was a terrible shock.,death,مَرُن,,मृत्यु/मरण, N,We had a debate on political issue.,debate,بَحَژ,,बहस/वाद_विवाद/विवाद, VT,We debated the question of abortion.,debate,بَحَژ کَرُن,,वाद_विवाद_करना/बहस_करना, N,I lost the copy of debentures.,debenture,قَرضٕکۍ کاغذات,,उधार_पत्र, N,He is badly in debt.,debt,قَرٕضہٕ,,उधार/ऋण, N,This is his debut album.,debut,گۄڈنیُک,,पहला_प्रयास, N,I have not seen him for decades.,decade,دہہَ ؤری,,दशक, N,The corpse was in an advanced state of decay.,decay,ہۄژُن,,क्षय, VT,The unoccupied house started to decay.,decay,خستہٕ گژُھن,,सड़ना/बिगड़ना/घटना/मुरझाना/नाश_होना, N,He talked about all his deceits.,deceit,دونٛکھہٕ,,छल/झूठ/धोखा, VT,I was deceived by the insurance company in covering the loss.,deceive,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,धोखा_देना, Adj,Everyone deserves decent living.,decent,صٔحیح,,उचित, Adj,The exhibition was quite decent.,decent,جان،زَبَر,,अच्छा, Adj,He was wearing a decent dress.,decent,جان،زَبَر,,मर्यादित, V,He was not able to decide to go for the movie.,decide,فٲصلہٕ نیُن,,निश्चय_करना, V,The judge has to decide the case tomorrow.,decide,فٲصلہٕ دیُن,,निर्णय_देना, V,The torture made her decide to quit the job.,decide,فٲصلہٕ,,निर्णय_तक_पहुँचना, Adj,He had decided views about the book.,decided,أنزرومُت,,निश्चित, Adj,The results differed only in decimals .,decimal,اعشارِیاہ,,डेसीमल, V,The historical manuscripts were deciphered by historians.,decipher,مَطلَب کَڑُن,,अर्थ_निकालना, N,The decision should be taken before the officer arrives.,decision,فٲصلہٕ,,निर्णय, N,He made a firm decision before he left for the office .,decision,فٲصلہٕ,,निश्चय, Adj,The decisive factor for the runners was the last lap.,decisive,اہَم,,निर्णायक, Adj,A decisive person should lead the party.,decisive,فٲصلہٕ کُن,,दृढ़, N,The crew members gather on the deck.,deck,ڑٮ۪ک,,डेक/जलपोत_की_छत, N,The deck of the bus was crowded.,deck,چَھت,,बस_की_छत, N,He pulled out an ace from the deck of the cards.,deck,تاسہٕ پَتہٕ,,ताश_के_पत्ते, N,He gifted me a deck along with a good collection of cassettes.,deck,ڑٮ۪ک,,रेकार्डिंग_के_लिए_एक_यंत्र, V,She decked her up nicely for the party.,deck,پٲراوُن,,सजाना, N,The was no declaration about his arrival.,declaration,اعلان,,घोषणा, N,A declaration was issued to him to quit the job.,declaration,....,,घोषण_पत्र, V,He has to declare their marriage soon.,declare,اعلان کَرُن,,घोषित_करना, V,The business man declared his income correctly.,declare,اعلان کَرُن,,विवरण_देना, V,The captain will declare his team later.,declare,بَیان دیُن,,उद्घोषणा_करना, V,He might decline the offer.,decline,مَنَہ کَرُن،اِنکار کَرُن,,मना_करना, V,She met with an accident in the declining years of her life.,decline,سورےمٕتۍ,,क्षीण_हो_जाना, N,There was a rapid decline in the sale of the engines.,decline,گِراوَٹ,,पतन/क्षय, N,The process of decomposition of plants is very slow .,decomposition,ہۄژُن,,अपघटन, V,She has come to decorate the bride.,decorate,پٲراون,,अलंकृत_करना, V,We can decorate the place overnight.,decorate,سَجاوُن،پٲراوُن,,सजाना, V,The headboy was decorated with medals for his service.,decorate,ایزاز دیُن,,पदक_प्रदान_करना, V,The intensity of heat has decreased now.,decrease,کَم گَژُھن،سۄتُن,,घटना_या_घटाना, N,There was a decrease in the speed of train near the station.,decrease,کٔمی,,कमी, N,A decrease was noted in the crime rate.,decrease,کٔمی,,घटती, V,She dedicated the book to her mother.,dedicate,ناوٕ کَرٕنٖٖٖۍ,,समर्पित_करना, N,She dedicated the book to her mother.,dedicate,ناوٕکرٕنۍ,,समर्पित_करना, Adj,He is a dedicated scholar.,dedicated,وقف کوٚرمُت,,समर्पित, N,The priest was amazed by the dedication of the disciple.,dedication,وقف,,समर्पण, V,He deems it a great honour to be invited for the meeting.,deem,سَمجُن،مانُن,,समझना, Adj,She took out water from a deep well.,deep,سرٛوٚن,,गहरा, Adj,His metaphors have deep meanings.,deep,سنٛجیٖد,,गम्भीर, Adj,His involvement in the affair was very deep.,deep,مَستہٕ,,मग्न, Adv,He was deep asleep when Ram came inside the house .,deep,مَس,,गहराई_से[में], N,His heart is far and vast as deep.,deep,سرٛوٚن,,समुद्र, Adv,He is deeply interested in religious matters.,deeply,سنٛجیٖد,,गहरापन, N,He saw a deer in the zoo.,deer,رُوٗسۍ کٔٹ,,हिरण, V,Our team was defeated badly in the match.,defeat,شِکستہٕ دِنۍ،ہَارناوُن,,हराना, V,He was defeated at the arguments.,defeat,ہَارناوُن,,विफल_कर_देना, N,They suffered a humiliating defeat.,defeat,ہار,,हार, N,They fought for the defence of his country.,defence,بَچاو,,रक्षा, N,He had nothing to say in his defence.,defence,صفٲیی,,सफाई, N,He played in defence in the football team.,defence,بَچاو,,रक्षा_कड़ी, V,He defended himself with an umbrella.,defend,بَچاو کَرُن,,रक्षा_करना, V,He defended him about his claims.,defend,بَچاو کَرُن,,सर्मथन_देना, V,He has to defend himself as a champion.,defend,برقرار تھاوُن,,अपना_स्थान_बनाए_रखना, Adj,The army was deployed as a defensive force.,defensive,بَچاوَن وول,,बचाने_वाला, Adj,He talked in defensive manner at the party meeting .,defensive,بَچاو,,रक्षक, N,He faced a deficit after switching on to the new work.,deficit,گاٹہٕ,,घाटा, V,I will define all the terms.,define,وٮ۪ژھناوُن,,भाषित_कर, V,He simply defined the principle underlying the theory.,define,معنی بَیان کَرُن،وٮ۪ژھناوُن,,स्पष्ट_करना, V,The border line of the country should be clearly defined.,define,واضِح کَرُن,,सीमांकन_करना, V,The powers of a judge are defined in the constitution.,define,دارمَدار آسُن,,निर्धारित_होना, Adj,He explained everything in a definite way.,definite,واضِح,,निश्चित, Adv,He will definitely come to receive her at the airport.,definitely,بے شَک,,निश्चित_रूप_से, Adv,He will definitely come to receive her at the airport .,definitely,شَکہٕ بَغٲر,,पक्का_करना, Adv,He defined his views definitely.,definitely,واضِح پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्टता_से, N,He quoted the definition of the law in the introduction.,definition,وَضاحَت,,परिभाषा, N,The definition of a skilled writer is his ability for the appropriate words.,definition,تٲریٖف,,व्याख्या, N,He brought a high definition television.,definition,صاف,,स्पष्ट, N,He got a degree in medicine from the famous medical college.,degree,سَنَد،ڈِگری,,उपाधि, N,The angle can be measured in degrees.,degree,دَرجٕہ,,अंश, N,He shows a high degree of realiability in his deliverance.,degree,حَدَس تام,,कोटि, V,You should not delay the procedure further.,delay,ژیر لاگُن,,देरी_करना[होना], N,The function will start without any delay.,delay,دیٖری,,विलम्ब, N,The workshop was conducted by delegates from different organizations.,delegate,نُمٲیَنٛدٕ,,प्रतिनिधि, V,Sita is delegated with the management of the office.,delegate,اِختِیارات دِنۍ,,सौंपना, V,Ram was delegated to the Internaional Conference by his Institute.,delegate,نُمایَنٛدٕ بَناوُن,,प्रतिनिधित्व_करने_के_लिये_भेजना, Adj,There was a deliberate attempt to create communal roits.,deliberate,اَمدَن,,सुविचारित, Adj,His way of talking is very soft and delibrate.,deliberate,سوٗنچِتھ سمجِتھ،,,ध्यानपूर्वक, VT,They deleberated over the issue for full two hours.,deliberate,بَحَژ کَرُن,,विचार_करना, Adv,They deleberately avoided the issue.,deliberately,زورٕ،زٲنِتھ مٲنِتھ,,जानबूझ_कर, Adj,We should keep in mind the delicacy of their position.,delicate,نوزُک,,नाज़ुक, Adj,Rose is a delicate flower.,delicate,نوزُک،مُلٲیِم،,,नाज़ुक/कोमल, Adj,The delicate carving on the temple walls are very impressive.,delicate,نوزُک,,सूक्ष्म, Adj,The eye surgery is very delicate operation.,delicate,نوزُک,,कुशलतापूर्ण, Adj,The dogs have delicate sense of smell.,delicate,نوزُک,,संवेदनशील, N,His delight to see her was obvious to all.,delight,شٲدۍ،خوشی,,खुशी, V,The people of the village were delighted at the arrival of the leader.,delight,خۄش گَژُھن,,खुश_होना, Adj,Her delighted smile made him forget all his sorrows.,delighted,خۄشوٕنۍ,,आनन्दित, Adj,The comedy was delightful.,delightful,خۄشوٕنۍ,,आनंदप्रद, VT,The postman comes to deliver the letters.,deliver,واتناوان,,पहुँचा_देना{पत्रादि}, VT,The lecture was delivered by a well known scholar.,deliver,دیُن,,देना, VT,She delivered twins at the hospital.,deliver,زاو,,जन्म_देना{कर्मवाच्य_में}, VT,The boxer delivered couple of punches with great force.,deliver,لَگاوٕنۍ,,मारना, VT,The police delivered the people from the dacoits.,deliver,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, VT,I have to deliver the assignment in the following week.,deliver,حَوالہٕ کَرُن,,सौंपना, VT,The postman comes to deliver the letters.,deliver,ترٛاونِہ,,पहुँचा_देना{पत्रादि}, VT,The lecture was delivered by a well known scholar.,deliver,دیُن,,देना, VT,She delivered twins at the hospital.,deliver,زاو,,जन्म_देना{कर्मवाच्य_में}, VT,The boxer delivered the punches with great force .,deliver,لَگاوٕنۍ,,मारना, VT,The police delivered the people from the dacoits .,deliver,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, N,The company made delivery of the consignment on time.,delivery,سوزُن،رَوانہٕ کَرُن,,प्रदत्त, N,Sonu went for the delivery of her baby to the hospital.,delivery,پرٛسنِہ،خَلاس گَژھنہِ,,प्रसूति, N,His delivery of the ball is very fast.,delivery,کَش,,फेंकना, N,Her delivery of Hindi is very poor.,delivery,بولنُک طٔریٖقہٕ,,भाषण_शैली, Adj,The delivery van came with the parcels.,delivery,واتناوَن واجنۍ,,पहुँचाने_वाला, N,Every demand of a child should not be fulfilled.,demand,منٛگ،مُطالبہٕ,,मांग, VT,Women demand for their participation in the Board.,demand,مُطالبہٕ کَرُن،مَنٛگ کَرٕنۍ,,माँगना{अधीकार_से}, VT,Child rearing demands a lot of patience.,demand,مَنٛگ کَرٕنۍ،تقاضہٕ کَرُن,,माँगना, Adj,The job of a medical practitioner is highly demanding.,demanding,تَقاضہٕ وول,,माँगों_से_भरा, VT,Demarcate the boundaries of the plot with lime.,demarcate,حَد بٔنٛدی کَرٕنۍ,,सीमांकन_करना, N,Democracy is the government represented by people.,democracy,جموٗرِیَت,,प्रजातंत्र_राज्य, N,India is the largest democracy.,democracy,جموٗرِیَت,,प्रजातांत्रिक_देश, Adj,India has a democratic system of governance.,democratic,جموٗری,,प्रजातांत्रक, VT,These figures clearly demonstrate the economic status.,demonstrate,ہاوُن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, VT,Let him demonstrate the truth of his saying.,demonstrate,سَمجاوُن،اِظہار کَرُن,,प्रमाणित_करना, N,The demonstration of this installation is delayed.,demonstration,دٔلیٖل دِنۍ,,प्रमाण_देना, N,Dengue is a dangerous disease.,dengue,ڈینگیوٗو,,डेंगू, N,There was denial of justice.,denial,اِنکار,,नकारना, N,The denial of certain habits is quite difficult.,denial,تَرَک،رَد,,परित्याग, N,This denomination of the project proved advantageous.,denomination,ناو(کُنِہ زٲژ ہُنٛد)۔,,नाम{किसी_जाति_या_प्रकार_का}, VT,You should denounce oppression.,denounce,دوش دیُن،مُجرِم ٹٔھہراوُن،اِلزام دیُن,,दोषी_ठहराना, VT,Ravi denounced to the police about the gang.,denounce,خَبَر دِنۍ,,के_बारे_में_सूचित_करना{अधिकारियों_को}, VT,Both the nations have denounced peace treaty.,denounce,اِختِتٲمی اعلان کَرُن,,समाप्त_करना, N,The density of population is quite high in Kerela.,density,گَنیر,,घनत्व, VT,One cannot deny the truth.,deny,اِنکار کَرن,,अस्वीकार_करना/बात_काटना, VT,Do not deny her due explaination.,deny,دوٗر تھاوُن،بے خَبر تھاوُن,,वंचित_करना, N,The administration department is near the front gate.,department,شعبہٕ،محکَمہٕ,,विभाग, N,I will call you before our departure from the Station.,departure,رَوانگی,,प्रस्थान, V,I am financially dependent on my son.,depend,ماتحَت آسُن,,निर्भर_कर, VT,I can`t depend on you any more.,depend,بَروسہٕ کَرُن,,भरोसा_रखना, VT,We cannot depend on others for daily needs.,depend,ماتٕحَت روزُن,,आश्रित_होना, Adj,The final decision is dependent on her verdict.,dependent,ماتٕحَت,,निर्भर, VT,Merely deploring the increasing incidents of violence in the Valley is not enough.,deplore,مَزَمَت کَرٕنۍ,,निन्दा_करना, V,The troops have been deployed along the border.,deploy,پھٲلاوِتھ,,फैलाना, N,We need to make slight depression near the well.,depression,دَباو,,दबाव, N,She was overwhelmed by feelings of depression.,depression,دِل موٚلوٗلی,,उदासी, VT,He was deprived of the family inheritance.,deprive,أزٕل کَرُن,,वंचित_करना, N,The depth of emotions is unimaginable.,depth,سرٛنٮ۪ر,,गहराई, N,They shifted the house in the depth of winter.,depth,شِکمَ،,,मध्य, N,The deputy manager is incharge of the new employment.,deputy,نٲیِب,,प्रतिनिधि, Adj,The deputy commissionar of police spoke to press about the robbery.,deputy,نٲیِب,,उप-, VT,She derives great pleasure from reading.,derive,حٲصِل کَران,,प्राप्त_करना, VT,The present name is derived from an older form.,derive,کَڑنہٕ آمُت,,उत्पन्न_होना, VT,They descended from the stairs carefully.,descend,وَسُن,,उतरना, VT,He described the acccident elaborately.,describe,بَیان کَرُن,,वर्णन_करना, VT,She describes herself as a preacher.,describe,وَنان,,बुलाना, VT,The child described a perfect circle on the sand.,describe,بناوُن,,चित्र_खींचना, N,The description of the event was reported on the newspaper.,description,وَضاحَت,,वर्णन, N,The boats of all description were tied along the bank.,description,قٕسمٕکۍ,,प्रकार, Adj,The descriptive variable is missing from the sentence.,descriptive,تَوصیٖفی,,वर्णनात्मक, N,The desegregation of the company is not advisable at this stage.,desegregation,یَکجَہہ روزُن،یَکجوت,,वर्णभेद_दूरीकरण, N,Deserts have a serene aura at sunset.,desert,ریگِستان,,रेगिस्तान, V,The park was deserted towards the evening.,desert,شُنِۍیاہ گَژُھن،دُہۍ ژھٮ۪تَے گَژٕھنۍ,,वीरान_हो_जाना, V,The soldier deserted the country.,desert,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़_देना, VT,I think I deserve a reward for my work.,deserve,قٲبِل آسُن,,योग्य_होना, N,This design is very fascinating.,design,نَقشہٕ,,बनावट, N,The design of the trip was altered altogether.,design,خاکہٕ,,रूप, N,He contributed majorly in the new design of the instrument.,design,نَقشہٕ,,रचना, N,The curtains had beautiful designs on the borders.,design,نٔموٗنہٕ،نَقشہٕ,,नमूना, N,He holds no good designs for future.,design,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजनाबद्ध, V,We need to design a better work schedule.,design,نٔموٗنہٕ بَناوُن,,रूपाकार_देना, V,She designed good excuse for her absence from the class.,design,مَنصوٗبہٕ بَناوُن,,योजना_बनाना, Adj,He was a designated judge.,designate,نام ذدکرنہٕ آمُت,,पदनामित, VT,The courtyard was designated as pollution free area.,designate,وَننہٕ یِوان,,निर्दिष्ट_करना, VT,Ram was designated as the Police Chief.,designate,تعیِنات کَرُن,,नियुक्त_करना, N,Hari is a textile designer.,designer,نَقشہٕ بَناون وول،نَقاش,,रूप_बनानेवाला, Adj,Ram got the desirable job.,desirable,پَسَنٛدیٖدہ،دِلَس مُوٲفق,,वांछित, N,He has strong desire to leave the country.,desire,حَسرَت،خٲہِش,,इच्छा, N,She was his heart`s desire.,desire,حَسرَت،تَماہ،خٲہِش,,इच्छित, VT,We desire for a peaceful life.,desire,حَسرَت تھاوٕنۍ,,चाहना, N,This desk is too small.,desk,ڑٮ۪سٕک،میز,,डेस्क, N,They were rescued from despair at the last moment.,despair,ناوۄمیدی،نااُمیٖدی,,निराशा, VT,They began to despair of ever being rescued.,despair,ناوۄمید گَژُھن,,निराश_होना, Adj,He is desperate to plea for help.,desperate,بے تاب,,आशारहित, Adj,He is desperate to her friends.,desperate,اَمار,,निराशोन्मत्त, Adv,He is waiting desperately to see her.,desperately,بے تٲبی سان,,उतसुकता से, Prep,They enjoyed the picnic despite the bad weather.,despite,باووٚجوٗد,,होने~पर~भी, N,It is better to resolve the despite in between.,despite,زٲتِیات,,बैर, Prep,She managed to catch the flight despite being late.,despite,باووٚجوٗد,,बावजूद, N,One can just believe in destiny.,destiny,تَقدیٖر,,नियति, VT,The fire destroyed the house.,destroy,تَباہ کَرُن,,नष्ट_करना, VT,The thieves destroyed the barking dog.,destroy,مارُن,,मार_डालना, N,The flood did considerable destruction to the crops.,destruction,بَربٲدی،تبٲہی,,विनाश, N,The flood caused lot of destruction in the village.,destruction,تبٲہی کَرٕنۍ,,तोड़_फोड़, Adj,He proposed a policy quite destructive to the economy.,destructive,تَباہ کُن,,हानिकारक, N,I want full details of the meeting.,detail,تَفصیٖل,,ब्यौरा, N,Many details are missing from the document.,detail,تَفصیٖل,,व्यौरा, N,A detail was sent to clear off the fallen trees.,detail,فوٗجی چھۄکھ,,सेना_की_टुकड़ी, VT,The brochure details the operations of the machine.,detail,تَفصیٖل دیُن,,व्यौरेवार_वर्णन_करना, VT,The ambulances were detailed to the accident site.,detail,تعیِنات کَرُن,,तैनात_करना, Adj,A detailed plan was chalked out to free the captives.,detailed,تَفصیٖلی,,व्यौरेवार, VT,They detected high level of lead in the drinking water.,detect,نِشان دِہی کَرٕنۍ,,देख_पाना, Adj,I enjoy reading detective novels.,detective,جاسوٗسی,,जासूसी, N,We appointed an efficient detective to solve the case.,detective,جاسوٗس,,जासूस, N,I need detergent to wash the dishes.,detergent,چوٗرٕ صابَن،ڈِٹٔرجَنٛٹ,,डिटर्जन, VT,The political situation deteriorated after the collapse of the government.,deteriorate,اَبتَر گَژٕھنۍ,,बिगड़ना, N,He started the project work with great determination.,determination,اِرادٕ,,निश्चय{निर्धारण}, VT,It can determine your further prospectus.,determine,فٲصلہٕ کَرُن,,निर्धारण_करना/निश्चय_करना, Adj,He is a self determined person.,determined,ثٲبِت قَدم,,कृतसंकल्प, Adj,It was tough for the army to fight a determined enemy.,determined,ثٲبِت قَدَم،مَنصوٗبہٕ بَنٛد,,दृढ़, VT,We can develop a better strategy.,develop,تَکمیٖل کَرُن،وۄتھٕ بۄو دیُن,,विकसित_करना, Adj,USA is a developed country.,developed,تَرقی یافتہٕ,,विकसित, Adj,India is a developing country.,developing,کَھسوُن،نشونُما پاوَن وول,,विकासशील, N,The new scheme for the development of villages is constructive.,development,تَرقی,,विकास, N,The deviation from the party is seen as betrayal.,deviation,ڈَلُن,,लीक_से_हटना, N,The minister was accused of deviation from the party code.,deviation,مُخٲلف,,उल्लंघन, N,India has developed its own nuclear device.,device,بَمب,,उपकरण, N,The poet has a distinct device of metaphorical expression.,device,طٔریٖقہٕ،تَدبیٖر,,लेखन_शैली, N,His kids are little devils.,devil,شیطان,,शैतान, V,They prefer devilled mutton.,devil,مَسالہٕ دار بَناوُن,,मसाले_एवं_तरल_पदार्थों_से_खाना_पकाना, V,We devised a scheme to clean the city.,devise,تدبیٖر کَرٕنۍ,,योजना_बनाना, VT,I devote a lot of time to my studies.,devote,وَقٕف کَرُن,,समर्पित_करना, VT,I am devoted to my father.,devote,وَفادار آسُن,,वफादार, Adj,He is a devoted husband.,devoted,وَفادار,,वफादार, N,He has no devotion towards his family.,devotion,جان نِثٲری,,प्राणार्पण, N,We need to measure the diameter of the round window.,diameter,قُطُر,,व्यास/मोटाई, N,She bought a diamond studded ring.,diamond,ہیٖرٕ,,हीरा, N,He lost all his cash in the game of dice.,dice,پانٛسہٕ,,पाँसा, N,He is a dictator by nature.,dictator,تاناشاہ,,तानाशाह, N,I want a software of this dictionary.,dictionary,لُغَت,,शब्दकोष, V,She died from cancer.,die,مَرُن,,मरना, N,The designs are to be prepeared on the new die.,die,ٹَھپہٕ، سانچِ,,ठप्पा_या_साँचा, N,Each one must take healthy diet.,diet,غٕزَا,,भोजन, VT,My views differ from my father`s views.,differ,اَلَگ نیرٕنۍ،مُختٔلِف آسٕنۍ,,भिन्न_होना, N,There is a lot of difference between jazz and rock music.,difference,فَرَق,,भिन्नता, Adj,Both of them took different approaches to the problem.,different,اَلَگ،مُختٔلِف,,अलग, Adj,There is a differential salary structure in this project.,differential,وَکھرٕ,,अंतर_संबन्धी, Adv,They looked at the problem differently.,differently,"اَلَگ اَلَگ طٔریٖقہٕ سان,مُختٔلِف پٲٹھۍ",,भिन्न_रूप_से, Adj,It is difficult to convince her.,difficult,سَخ،مُشکِل،دُشوار,,कठिन, N,There are lot of difficulties in framing this proposal.,difficulty,دُشوٲری،سَختی,,कठिनता, N,There has been diffusion of communal tension in the area.,diffusion,پھٲلُن,,फैलाव, N,The archeaologist carefully filled the dig with plaster.,dig,کھوٚنمُت,,खोदाई, VT,The workers dug pits to plant trees.,dig,کَھنُن,,खोदना, N,It was beneath his dignity to fight.,dignity,مَرتَبہٕ,,बड़प्पन, N,You have put me in dilemma.,dilemma,دُلمُلہٕ،اِضتِراب,,दुविधा, Adj,The dim lights obstruct clear sight.,dim,گوٚٹ,,धुंधला, V,Lights in the theatre were dimmed as the movie began.,dim,گوٚٹ تٔھومٕژ,,धुंधला_होना/करना, N,The refugee problem has added a new dimension to the border conflict.,dimension,پہلوٗو,,आयाम, V,We dined in a five-star hotel .,dine,بَتہٕ کھیوٚن,,भोजन_करना, N,Dinner is served from 7:30 pm in the hostel.,dinner,شامُک بَتہٕ,,रात_का_भोजन, V,I dipped my pen into the inkpot.,dip,بٔڑراوُن,,डुबाना, V,The value of rupee has dipped an all time low.,dip,کَم گَژُھن,,कम_होना, V,The land dips towards the south.,dip,بۄن کُن یُن,,नीचे_को_आना, N,There was a slight dip in petrol price this week.,dip,کٔمِی,,डुबाव, N,Diplomacy has failed to meet its ends.,diplomacy,سِفارتی طٔریٖقہٕ,,देशों_के_बीच_राजनीतिक_संबन्ध, N,He used diplomacy to persuade her for this act.,diplomacy,ژۄے,,व्यवहार_कुशलता, N,A number of foreign diplomates participated in the function.,diplomat,سِفارت کار,,राजदूत, N,He is quite popular among the bosses as a diplomat.,diplomat,حِکمَتِہ عَمَل,,व्यवहार_कुशल, Adj,Their diplomatic efforts could not help to pacify the anger.,diplomatic,سِفارتی,,कूटनीतिज्ञ, Adj,You may ask direct questions on the issue.,direct,سیوٚد,,सीधा, VT,I directed them towards the town hall.,direct,وَتھ ہاوٕنۍ,,पथ_दिखाना, N,He took a turn in the right direction.,direction,طَرَف,,दिशा, N,A new council was set up under the direction of the president.,direction,ہِدایَت,,निर्देशन, Adv,He directly asked her if she can marry him.,directly,سیٚدۍ پٲٹھۍ،سیوٚد سیوٚد,,सीधे_से, N,A new council was set up under the direction of the president.,director,ہِدایَت,,निदेशक, N,Mr.Nair is the director of this institute.,director,ہِدایَت کار,,अध्यक्ष, N,Satyajit Ray is a well-known film director.,director,ہِدایَت کار,,निर्देशक, N,There is lot of dirt in the room.,dirt,مَل,,मैल, Adj,He was wearing a dirty shirt yesterday.,dirty,موٚکُر،مٔکٕرۍ,,गन्दा, V,The moon disappeared behind the cloud.,disappear,غٲب گَژُھن,,अदृश्य_होना, VT,I am very disappointed with my examination result.,disappoint,ناوۄمید گژُھن،ناوۄمید آسُن,,निराश_करना/होना, Adj,He was disappointed for not being called on the interview.,disappointed,مایوٗس,,निराश, N,The disapproval caused him immense disappointment.,disappointment,مایوٗسی،ناوۄمیدی,,आशाभंग, N,There is a widespread disapproval of government policies.,disapproval,نااِتفاقی، ہِشَر نہَ اسُن,,असम्मति, VT,The criminals were disarmed before leaving for the court.,disarm,اصلَحہ نِنۍ,,हथियार_छीन_लेना, N,Their marriage is going to be sheer disaster.,disaster,مُصیٖبَت،حٲدِثہٕ،آفَت,,भाग्यहीनता, N,A major train disaster was averted in Punjab.,disaster,حٲدِثہٕ,,दुर्घटना, Adj,A disastrous cyclonic storm hit the coast.,disastrous,تَباہ کُن,,दुर्घटनापूर्ण, VT,I was discharged from the hospital today.,discharge,چُھٹی دِنۍ,,जाने_की_आज्ञा_देना, N,Students do not maintain discipline anymore.,discipline,تہزیٖب,,अनुशासन, N,He is teaching in the humanities discipline.,discipline,شُعبہٕ,,विषय, VT,Parents must discipline their children.,discipline,تہزیٖب دیُن,,अनुशासित_करना, VT,He does not want to disclose his secret.,disclose,ظٲہِر کَرُن,,खोलना, VT,We should discourage smoking among youth.,discourage,ہمَتھ پٕھٹرٛاوٕنۍ،حوصلہٕ پَستہٕ کَرُن,,हतोत्साहित_करना, N,I faced discouragement from my family when I took up to modelling.,discouragement,پَس ہمتی,,हतोत्साह, VT,We discoveered the child underneath the bed.,discover,دٔرِیافت کَرُن,,खोजना, N,Discovery of electricity was a breakthrough in history.,discovery,دٔرِیافت,,खोज, N,He divided the share at his discretion.,discretion,مرضی مُطابق،سہٗولیت مُطابق,,विवेक, N,There is still discrimination between a girl-child and a boy-child in our society.,discrimination,فَرَق,,भेद_करना, VT,We discussed our household budget at length.,discuss,بَحَژ کَرُن،کَتھہٕ دَلنِہ،کَتھہٕ مٕننِہ,,चर्चा_करना, N,The book consists of excellent discussion on modal logic.,discussion,بَحَژ,,चर्चा, N,He is suffering from some incurable disease.,disease,بیمٲرۍ,,बीमारी, N,They served me a dish of rice.,dish,تھٲلۍ,,थाली, N,I prefer vegetarian dishes.,dish,نعمت,,पकवान, VT,We set dishes after all the guests arrived.,dish,بانہٕ تراوٕنٖۍ,,थाली_लगाना, N,I lost my new disk.,disk,ڈِسٕک,,डिस्क, N,My dislike for him was instinctive.,dislike,ناپَسٔنٛدی,,अरुचि, VT,I really dislike his attitude.,dislike,ناپَسَنٛد آسُن,,पसंद_न_करना, VT,The wind dislodged the tiles from the roof.,dislodge,تھوٚد تُلٕنۍ,,पूर्व_स्थान_से_हटाना, VT,He was dismissed from the party on charges of corruption.,dismiss,خٲرِج کَرنہٕ یُن،بَرخاست کَرنہٕ یُن,,बरखास्त_करना, V,The refugees were displaced due to the war threats.,displace,ہٹاوٕنۍ،پَننِہ جایِہ نِش ژٕلراوٕنۍ,,अपनी_जगह_से_हटा_देना, V,Weeds displace vegetables and plants.,displace,جاے رَٹٕنۍ,,दूसरों_का_स्थान_लेना, N,The displacement of tribals has created furore.,displacement,ہِجرَت....,,विस्थापन, V,His photograph was displayed on the national newspaper.,display,ہاوُن،ظاہرکُرن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, N,There was a display of firework on Republic Day.,display,نُمٲیِش,,दिखावा, VT,He displayed his wealth infront of his friends.,display,ہاوٕنۍ,,दिखावा_करना, N,The safe disposal of nuclear wastes is a major problem.,disposal,خٲتِمہٕ,,छुटकारा, N,The disposal of some assests is unavoidable.,disposal,کاربارس منٛز)٠زٔمیٖن جاداد کٕنُن),,{व्यापार_में}जमीन/जायदाद_आदि_का_हिस्सा_बेचना, VT,She disposed her family possessions.,dispose,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ تھاوٕنۍ,,ठीक_रखना, Adj,I am not disposed to go there at this moment.,disposed,کینٛہہ کَرنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار,,कुछ_करने_केलिए_तैयार, Adj,Her mother is disposed to new ideas.,disposed,جُکاو،رَغبَت,,कोई_या_कुछ_चीज_व्यर्थ_लगना, VT,The workers disputed with the management about the bonus.,dispute,بَحَژ کَرُن,,विवाद_करना, N,The workers are in dispute with the management.,dispute,لَڑٲے،بَحَژ,,विवाद, N,The dissidents walked out of the meeting.,dissident,مُخٲلِف،اِختِلاف تھاوَن وول,,असन्तुष्ट, VT,I dissolved sugar in water.,dissolve,غلُن،ہَل گَژُھن،رَلاوُن,,गलाना, VT,Their marriage dissolved just after three months.,dissolve,اَنٛد واتُن،مۄکلُن,,कोई_व्यवस्था_का_खत्म_होना, N,it is a walking distance from my house.,distance,دوٗرٮ۪ر،فٲصلہٕ,,दूरी, VT,He distanced himself from the campus politics.,distance,دوٗر روزُن،پَتھ بِہُیوٚ ن,,स्वयं_को_किसी_से_दूर_करना, Adj,A distant relative of mine passed away this month.,distant,دوٗر دَراز,,दूर_[का], Adj,These varieties of plants are quite distinct.,distinct,مُختٔلِف,,भिन्न/पृथक, Adj,I have noticed a distinct improvement in her performance.,distinct,واضح،صاف,,स्पष्ट/सुप्रकाश, N,It is necessary to make distinction between these concepts.,distinction,فَرَق,,अन्तर/भेद/पहचान, N,It has the distinction of being cheapest restaurant in town.,distinction,خٲصِیژ،خوٚصوٗصِیٔژ,,विशिष्टता/प्रमुखत्व, Adj,He has a distinctive style of reciting poetry.,distinctive,اَلَگ،خاص,,भेदक, Adj,The dish has a distinctive flavor.,distinctive,خاص،مَخصوٗص,,विशेष/भेद_बतानेवाला/सविशेष/विशेषक, VT,You cannot distinguish him from the rest.,distinguish,فَرَق کَرٕنۍ,,अलग_कर{विशेष}, VT,We distinguish between business and pleasure.,distinguish,اَلَگ کَرُن،فَرَق کَڑٕنۍ,,भेद_निकालना/पहचानना/अलग_करना, VT,It is difficult to distinguish between the two shades.,distinguish,فَرَق کَڑٕنۍ,,अपने_को_प्रमुख_बनाना, Adj,He had a distinguished career throughout his life.,distinguished,خاص،جان،مُۄمتاز,,विख्यात, Adj,Our distinguished professor is retiring today.,distinguished,نٲمی،ناماوَر،مۄمتاز,,प्रसिद्ध/नामी/प्रतिष्ठित/विख्यात/उत्कृष्ट, N,She is in distress since her failure in the examination.,distress,تَکلیٖف,,विपत्ति, VT,The publisher wants to distribute the books in Asia first.,distribute,تَقسیم کَرُن,,बाँटना/वितरण_करना/विभाग_करना, N,The distribution of goods was postponed.,distribution,تقسیٖم کٲری,,वितरण/बाँट, N,They belongs to the same district.,district,ضِلعہٕ,,जिला/मंडल, V,She disturbed me at the meeting.,disturb,خٕلَل ترٛاوٕنۍ,,विघ्न_पड़[डाल], VT,Some bad elements in the crowd disturbed the speech.,disturb,خٕلَل ترٛاوٕنۍ،دَرہَم بَرہَم کَرُن,,विघ्न_डालना/शांति_भंग_करना, VT,She was disturbed about the communal violence.,disturb,پَریشان گَژُھن,,घबड़ाना, VT,Don`t disturb him while reading.,disturb,پَریشان کَرُن،تنٛگ کَرُن،چھیڑُن,,छेड़ना/सताना, N,The car fell in the ditch.,ditch,کھَے،دۄب,,खाई, N,He went for a dive in the deep sea.,dive,وۄٹھ،گۄتہٕ,,डुबकी, VI,He dived deep in the blue waters.,dive,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,डुबकी_मारना, VI,He dived into the sea in search of pearls.,dive,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,खोह_में_जाना, V,I want to divide my accessories aming my children.,divide,تقسیم کَرُن,,बाँट, V,The mountain range divides the two countries.,divide,حِصہٕ کَرُن,,भाग_करना, V,Divide the cake into three equal parts.,divide,تَقسیٖم کَرُن،بٲگراوُن,,भाग_करना, V,The two countries were divided on ethnic lines.,divide,اَلَگ گَژُھن,,मित्रता_तोड़ना/भिन्नमत_होना, V,I divined from his expression that the news was not good.,divine,اَندازٕ لَگاوُن,,भविष्यवाणी_कर, Adj,They are awaiting the divine intervention.,divine,قۄدرتی,,ईश्वरीय/स्वर्गीय, Adj,She has a divine aura around her.,divine,جان،پاک,,पवित्र, Adj,The students treat their mentor as a divine being.,divine,شاندار....,,श्रेष्ठ, N,They all agreed on the division of their ancestral property.,division,حِصہٕ بَٹٲے,,बटवारा, N,They all agreed on the division of their ancestral property.,division,حِصہٕ بَٹٲے,,भाग{गणित_में}, N,Two infantry divisions were held in reserve.,division,حِصہٕ,,हिस्सा, N,They decided to have a divorce.,divorce,طَلاق،مۄکجار,,तलाक/विवाह_विच्छेद, N,Julie wants a divorce from his spouse.,divorce,طَلاق،مۄکجار,,पृथकीकरण, VT,The couple was divorced after only 6 months.,divorce,طَلاق کَرُن,,तलाक_देना/विवाह_विच्छेद_करना, VT,His husband divorced her for no obvious reason.,divorce,طَلاق دیُن,,पृथक_करना, V,I will do my work myself.,do,کَرُن,,कर, VT,She is doing well in her new job.,do,کَران,,करना, N,I have to consult my family doctor.,doc,ڈاکٹَر,,डाक्टर, N,I felt so bad when I went to see my doctor.,doctor,ڈاکٹَر,,डाक्टर/वैद्य, N,She has been awarded doctor of philosophy in physics.,doctor,فٲضِل,,विद्वान, N,His doctrines are very orthodox in nature.,doctrine,اوٚصُول،عٔقیدٕ,,सिद्धांत-शिक्षण, N,Please send me my documents.,document,دَستاویز,,लेख्य_पत्र/दस्तावेज़, VT,The parents documented their child`s development.,document,لیٚکِھتھ تھاوُن,,लिखना, VT,You need to document your claims.,document,لیٚکِھتھ دیُن,,लिखित_प्रमाण_देना/प्रमाण_पत्र_देना, N,The dog barked all night.,dog,ہوٗن,,कुत्ता, VT,His career was dogged by misfortune.,dog,پَتہٕ روزُن,,पीछे_लगना, N,I need to borrow ten dollars.,dollar,ڈالَر,,डौलर, N,This mosque has a huge dome.,dome,گُمبَنٛد,,गुंबज, Adj,Domestic violence is the least discussed issue.,domestic,گَریلوٗو,,घरेलू, Adj,Dog is a domestic animal.,domestic,پالتو,,पालतू, N,He is our domestic servant.,domestic,گَریلوٗو,,चाकर/घर_का_नौकर, Adj,Media plays a dominant role in shaping public opinion.,dominant,بااَثَر،جان،بوٚڑ بارٕ,,प्रबल/प्रधान, VT,No one is allowed to dominate the team.,dominate,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ،غَلبہٕ پرٛاوُن,,वर्चस्व_रखना, VT,Her husband dominates her.,dominate,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,शासन_करना, N,The movie was based on one nation domination.,domination,حکوٗمت,,वर्चस्व/प्रधानता/2.शासन, N,He is a don at Oxford in England.,don,اُستاد,,महाशय{स्पेन_की_भाषा_में}/उपाधि, VT,He donned his clothes.,don,لاگُن,,पहनना/ग्रहण_करना, N,This school gets donation from many organizations.,donation,زَکات,,दान, N,He was the blood donor.,donor,دِنہٕٕ وول,,दाता, N,He knocked on the door violently.,door,دَروازٕ,,दरवाज़ा, N,He fell down near the doorway.,doorway,دَروازٕچ وَتھ,,द्वारपथ, N,She wore a blue skirt with white dots.,dot,نُۄقطہٕ،پھیوٗر,,बिन्दु, V,The students were asked to dot the cities on the map.,dot,نۄقطہٕ ترٛاوٕنۍ،پھیٖرۍ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,बिन्दु_से_चिह्नित_करना, V,The sky was dotted with stars.,dot,چٔھکرٲوِت,,जगह-जगह_फैलाना, Adj,His words carry double meanings.,double,دۄگنہٕ,,दुगुना, Adj,He got double the amount invested in this scheme.,double,دۄگنہٕ,,दोगुना, Adj,Turn right near the double doors.,double,ڈَبٕل,,दोहरा, Det,He draws double the amount of salary than her.,double,دۄگنہٕ,,दुगनी, Adv,Fold the blanket double to keep away the cold.,double,زٕزٕ,,दोहरा, N,I paid double the price for this particular dress.,double,دۄگنہٕ،ژُپَنٛجٕہ,,दुगुनी_मात्रा_में, V,The prices of the commodities have almost doubled.,double,دۄگنہٕ گَژُھن,,दुगना_करना[होना], V,They doubled up laughing at my joke.,double,دۄگنہٕ گَژُھن,,दोहरा_हो_जाना, N,The members doubt her honesty.,doubt,شَک,,संदेह, V,I doubt whether he`ll come to the party.,doubt,شَک آسُن,,संदेह_करना, Adj,His mental condition is doubtful.,doubtful,شَکاوَر,,संदिग्ध, Prep,She fell down the stairs.,down,بۄن کُن,,के~नीचे, Prep,You should not go down a hill.,down,بۄن,,के~तले, Adv,He kept his face down.,down,بۄن کُن,,नीचे, Adv,She has been down since her last exam results.,down,غَمگیٖن,,उदास/हतोत्साह, Adv,We can`t work because the computer is down.,down,خَراب,,खराब, Adv,The tree is down.,down,پیوٚمُت,,गिरा_हुआ, N,Pillows are filled with down.,down,نَرٕم پَر,,रोवाँ/मुलायम_बाल, Prep,You should run down a hill.,down,بۄنہٕ کَنہِ,,के_नीचे/के_तले, VT,He downed three pegs before the dinner.,down,وٕٹھٕ کاوٕنۍ،چیٚنۍ,,नीचे_गिराना, Adj,You can buy good dress material from the downtown.,downtown,بوٚنِم شہَر,,शहर_का_प्रमुख_भाग, Adj,The market is showing a downward trend in the stock prices.,downward,وَسوُن,,नीचे_की_ओर, Det,I need two dozen of pencils.,dozen,دَرجَن,,दर्जन/बारह, N,Bananas cost 40 rupees a dozen.,dozen,دَرجَن,,दर्जन/बारह, N,He have finalized the draft.,draft,ڈرٛافٹہٕ,,ड्राफ्ट/हुंडी, N,The draft of the letter is ready.,draft,مُسوَدٕ,,मसौदा, VT,Draft a propsal for the project.,draft,مُسوَدٕ بناوُن,,मसौदा_बनाना/लिखना, VT,He was drafted in the army the previous year.,draft,بٔرتی کَرُن,,भर्ती_करना, VT,They dragged the chairs.,drag,کَھکھٕر دِنۍ,,घसीटना/खींचना, N,They cleaned all the drains.,drain,نٲلۍ,,नाली/पतनाला, N,We can drain the resources for constructive purposes.,drain,نِکاس،پھیاننہٕ یُن,,बहाव, VI,The rain water drains into this big vat.,drain,وَسُن,,बह_जाना/निकल_जाना, VI,We drained the oil tank.,drain,خٲلی کَرُن،پھیانُن,,खाली_करना[होना], N,They want to perform the drama in an open auditorium.,drama,ڈراما،تَماشہٕ,,नाटक/स्वांग, N,He enjoys reading drama.,drama,ڈراما,,नाटक_सदृश_घटनाएँ, Adj,She made a dramatic entrance into the hall.,dramatic,ڈرامٲیی طٔریٖقس پٮ۪ٹھ,,नाटकीय, N,She emptied her cup of milk in one long draught.,draught,گرۄٹھ,,घूँट, N,Let the cool draught come in through open window.,draught,گرٛاے،لہَر,,झोंका, N,The doctor has given her a sleeping draught.,draught,خۄراک,,खुराक़, V,I have to draw these pictures.,draw,بَناوُن,,खींच[चित्रित_कर], VT,She draws life-size potraits brilliantly.,draw,بَناوٕنۍ,,चित्र_बनाना, VT,Draw all the shades of this color.,draw,بَناوٕنۍ,,खींचना, VT,Please draw the fork out of the box.,draw,نٮ۪بَر کَڑُن,,[बाहर]_निकालना, VT,Draw the water from a well.,draw,لٔمِتھ کَڑُن,,खींच_कर_निकालना, VT,He drew my attention to a very crucial point.,draw,زون پاوُن,,आकर्षित_करना, VT,We can draw concluion from this report.,draw,کَڑُن,,निष्कर्ष_निकालना, VT,She has drawn the information from different sources.,draw,جَمع کَرُن,,एकत्रित_करना, VT,You can draw the name of the winner in a raffle.,draw,لٮ۪کُھن,,नम्बर_या_कार्ड_या_टिकट_उठा_कर_विजयी_घोषित_करना, VT,Please draw a deep breath.,draw,نیُن,,गहरी_साँस_लेना, VT,She was drawn to despair.,draw,ناوۄمید گَژُھن,,निराश_हो_जाना, VT,Draw the water from the bucket.,draw,کَڑن,,बहाना, VT,The will was drawn in his old age.,draw,لٮ۪کھنہٕ آمٕژ,,लिखना, VT,He spent the day drawing landscape in the garden.,draw,خاکہٕ بَناوُن,,चित्र_बनाना, VT,This motor can draw beyond 70 inches.,draw,سطَح,,पानी_की_निश्चित_सतह, VT,Draw the iron rods into thin sheets.,draw,زیٹھراوُن,,खींचकर_बढ़ाना, N,My lottery draw was announced before I arrived.,draw,لاٹری،نَمبَر لگُن,,लाटरी/नम्बर_निकलना, N,The match ended with the draw.,draw,برابری,,ड्रॉ{प्रतियोगिता_जिसकी_हार_जीत_का_निर्णय_न_हो}, N,The show must be a big draw to attract the crowd.,draw,دِلکَش,,भीड़_को_एकत्रित_करने_हेतु_कार्य_या_घटना, N,Her comprehensin is a draw as compared to her mates.,draw,واریاہ کٲلۍ کانٛہہ چیٖز سَمجُن,,देरी_से_किसी_वस्तु_को_समझ_पाना, N,I use my table drawres for keeping papers.,drawer,دَراز,,दराज, N,The drawer of the cheque forgot to mark the date on it.,drawer,چَک لٮ۪کَھن وول,,चैक_लिखने_वाला, N,He is a professional drawer.,drawer,مُصوِر،تَصویٖر بناون وول,,चित्रकार, N,He has a very good hand at drawing human form.,drawing,تصویر بناونَس منٛز,,चित्रकारी, Adj,She looked pale and drawn after the function was over.,drawn,اوٗرنہٕ یوٗرنہٕ,,मुर्झाया_सा, N,He had a bad dream this morning.,dream,خاب,,स्वप्न, V,She dreams of becoming a successful singer.,dream,خاب وُچٕھنۍ,,स्वप्न_देखना, N,She purchased a wonderful dress for her wedding day.,dress,پۄشاک،لِباس,,लिबास, V,He dressed well for the party.,dress,پلو لاگٕنۍ,,कपड़े_पहनना, V,The girl was dressed like a bride.,dress,پٲرٲوت,,सजाना, V,The nurse dressed the wounds of the patient.,dress,مَرہم پٔٹ کرٕنۍ,,पट्टी_करना, V,The chicken was dressed well for the dinner.,dress,صاف کَرُن,,साफ_करना, V,Their dressed rumours convinced her.,dress,مَسالہٕ کھالُن,,बढ़ा_चढ़ा_कर_कहना, N,She takes time in dressing herself up.,dressing,پلو لاگٕنۍ,,कपड़ा_पहनना, N,They must apply dressing on the wounds first.,dressing,مَرہَم پٔٹ لاگٕنۍ,,पटटी_बाँधना, N,The salad had an attractive dressing.,dressing,سَجاوَٹ,,सजावट, N,The pillow had a tight dressing.,dressing,ووٗر,,भराव, N,Her drift of students from one discipline to another is inconvenient.,drift,اکِہ جایِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بیٚیِس جایِہ,,बहाव_संवहन, N,Our young generation is drifting away from orthodox values.,drift,رُحجان,,अपवहन{डेविअटिओन्}, N,It was easily related to the main discussion with her drift.,drift,مطلب،مَنشہٕ,,अभिप्राय_या_अर्थ, N,The snow lay in deep muddy drifts.,drift,شیٖنہٕ ڈیر,,अपोढ़{डेपोसिट्}, V,Their boat drifted out into river.,drift,یِرٕ گَژُھن,,बह_जाना, V,The people drifted away from the Exhibition Ground.,drift,نیرُن,,निकलना, V,The arguments drifted back to earlier conclusions.,drift,تَبدیٖل گَژُھن,,प्रवाहित_करना, V,The sanddunes continously keep drifting in the deserts.,drift,واوٕسۭتۍ سیٚکِہ ہُنٛد ڈیر بَنُن,,अपोढ़_बालू_रेती, N,The carpenter uses drill to make holes in the wall.,drill,زَدٕ کرَن واجنۍ مِشیٖن,,छेद_करने_वाली_मशीन, N,The soldiers practise drill early morning.,drill,فوٗجی تَربِیَت,,फौजी_शिक्षा_कवायद, N,The cadets were ordered to practise rifle drill.,drill,تَربِیت,,कठोर_अनुशासन_में_रह_कर_शिक्षा_देना, N,We shall pursue the work in a proper drill.,drill,کُنہِ کامِہ ہُنٛد صٔحیح طٔریٖقہٕ,,किसी_काम_को_करने_का_सही_तरीका, V,My neighbour is drilling a new borewell in the garden.,drill,زَدٕکَرُن,,छेद_करना, V,The teacher drilled the whole class in pronounciation.,drill,مَشٕق دِنۍ,,अनुशासन_में_रह_कर_शिक्षा_देना, N,We can have a drink before leaving.,drink,شَربَت,,पेय_या_शरबत, N,Please make a drink for the guests.,drink,شَراب,,शराब, V,Drink this orange juice.,drink,چیٚہ,,पी, V,He drank three glasses of water after the dinner.,drink,چیوٚن,,पीना/पान_करना, V,He has an aversion towards drinks.,drink,شَراب چیوٚن,,मदिरा_पान_करना, V,She herself drives her car.,drive,چَلاوٕنۍ,,चलाना, V,Drive cattles into the field.,drive,نِنۍ,,हाँकना, V,Dry leaves were driven away by the strong wind.,drive,نِنۍ,,ले_जाना, V,The thief was driven back by the watch dogs.,drive,ژٔلراوُن،لار کَرٕنۍ,,भगाना, V,Hunger and poverty drove him to stealing.,drive,کَرناوُن,,बाध्य_करना, V,Drive the nails slowly into a plank.,drive,ٹُھکُن,,ठोंकना/घुसा_देना, V,He drove the ball into the basket.,drive,لَگاوٕنۍ,,गेंद_जोर_से_हिट_करना, V,He was driven by his interest to work on the project.,drive,کھیوٚمُت,,प्रेरित_करना, V,Drive cattles into the field.,drive,نِنۍ,,हाँकना, V,She herself drives her car.,drive,چَلاوٕنۍ,,चलाना, V,Dry leaves were driven away by the strong wind.,drive,نِنۍ,,ले_जाना, V,The thief was driven back by the watch dogs.,drive,لار کَرٕنۍ،ژٔلراوٕنۍ,,भगाना, V,Hunger and poverty drove him to stealing.,drive,مَجبوٗر کَرُن,,बाध्य_करना, V,Drive the nails slowly into a plank.,drive,ٹُھکُن,,ठोंकना/घुसा_देना, V,He drove the ball into the basket.,drive,ٹاس لایُن,,गेंद_जोर_से_हिट_करना, V,A person driven by enthusiasm is capable of doing any work.,drive,کھیوٚمُت,,प्रेरित_करना, N,He took her wife out for a drive.,drive,گاڑِ سٲلس,,सैर{कार_में}, N,She practices backhand drive in tennis.,drive,ٹاس,,गेंद_में_हिट_लगाना, N,Marine Drive is quite famous in Mumbai.,drive,ڈرٛایِو,,रमणीक_स्थल_से_जाने_वाला_मार्ग, N,He has a great drive to become rich.,drive,کٔشِش،خٲیِش,,ऊर्जस्विता_कर्मशक्ति, N,He prefers a car with left-hand drive.,drive,ڈرٛایِو,,यान्त्रिकत्व_शक्ति, N,His drive to achieve big has taken a toll on his health.,drive,،ہمَت,,प्रबल_प्रेरणा, N,He is a truck driver.,driver,ڈرٛایِوَر,,चालक/गाड़ीवान/कोचवान, N,A drop of each sample was analyzed.,drop,ٹیوٚک,,बूँद, N,There was a sudden drop in temperature last night.,drop,کٔمی،گِراوَٹ,,गिरावट, VI,The bombs were dropped on the right targets.,drop,پیوٚن,,गिरना, VI,She dropped into army jargon.,drop,گَژُھن,,चले_जाना, VT,Don`t drop the dishes.,drop,دٲرِتھ دیُن,,गिराना, VT,He was dropped in the following match.,drop,نٮ۪بَر کڑُن,,निकाल_देना, VT,You can drop a hint.,drop,وَنُن،دِنۍ,,बताना, VT,He droped a lawsuit.,drop,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, VT,The cow dropped her calf this morning.,drop,زَنَم دیُن،دیُن,,जन्म_देना, N,I saw a drove in the field.,drove,،کھیوٚل,,झुंड, V,I was drowned in work.,drown,مٔتۍ گَژُھن,,डूबना[डुबाना], N,You need to take the drug for cure.,drug,دَوَہ,,दवा, VT,They drugged the tourist before kidnapping.,drug,بےحس کرُن,,दवा_देना/बेहोशी_की_दवा_देना, N,I saw a drum in his room.,drum,ڈول,,ढोल, VT,Rain drummed strongly against the windshield.,drum,ڈول وایُن,,ढोल_बजाना/बजाना, Adj,He was drunk.,drunk,نَشس منٛزمَستہٕ گوٚمُت,,मत्त/नशे_में_चूर, N,He gets drunk after a couple of pegs.,drunk,چٮ۪تھ,,मत्त_व्यक्ति, Adj,You skin has grown dry.,dry,خۄشٕک,,सूखा/शुष्क, VI,Leave the clothes to dry out in the sun.,dry,ہۄکھ ناوُن,,सूखना, VT,Dry the clothes outside in the shade.,dry,ہۄکھ ناوُن,,सुखाना, VT,I saw a French film dubbed into english.,dub,ڈَب کٔرِتھ,,एक भाषा की फिलम के संवाद दूसरी भाषा में रुपांतरित करना, N,I saw a duck in a pond.,duck,بَطُخ,,बतख/2.शून्य{क्रिकेट_में}, VI,He ducked and hit his forehead against the ladder.,duck,جُکُن,,झुकना/2.डुबकी_मारना, Adj,My payment is not due yet.,due,وٲژمٕژ,,देय/ऋण, Adj,Their baby is due in August.,due,نیرَن واجِنۍ,,प्रतीक्षित, N,Give the children their due share.,due,حِصہٕ,,देय/ऋण, N,The dug of the cow has swollen.,dug,وُمُل، تھن,,थन, Adj,He was dull at the party.,dull,نٮ۪تہٕ سۄتہٕ,,सुस्त/मूढ़, Adj,This dress has a dull print.,dull,ژھانٛپہٕ دار،گوٚٹ,,धुंधला, Adj,I prefer dull color garments.,dull,ہَلکہٕ,,हल्का, Adj,I heard a dull thud from the kitchen.,dull,مونٛڈ,,कुंद, Adj,She felt a dull ache at her back.,dull,سوٚت سوٚت,,धीमा धीमा, VT,The job dulled her appetite for travel.,dull,سُستہٕ گَژُھن,,सुस्त_करना, VT,Over use has dulled the surface of the knife.,dull,خَستہٕ بَناوُن،بِگرُن,,कुंद_बनाना, Prep,The bell rang during the meals.,during,دوران,,के~दौरान, Prep,I was out of station during those days.,during,دوران,,के_दौरान, N,The furniture was covered with dust.,dust,گَرٕد,,धूल, VT,The artist dusted all his canvas drawings.,dust,گرٕد تُلٕنۍ,,धूल_झाड़ना, VT,Dust the bread with flour.,dust,چَھکُن,,छिड़कना, Adj,These summers roads were very dusty.,dusty,گردٕ گُبارٕ وٲلۍ,,धूल_धूसरित, N,My Dutch friend is arrivng to stay at my place.,dutch,ڈَچ(ہالیٚنڈُک روزَن وول)۔,,हॉलैण्ड_देश_के_निवासी[भाषा], N,It is the duty of people to maintain law and order.,duty,فرض,,कर्तव्य, V,Their savings have dwindled to zero.,dwindle,وارٕ وارٕ ژَمُن,,क्षीण_हो_जाना, Adj,He has a dynamic personality.,dynamic,چُستہٕ,,गतिशील, Adj,Dynamic leadership is required for progress.,dynamic,بدلن وول,,परिवर्तनात्मक, Adv,Each lunch plate cost hundred rupees.,each,پرٛٮ۪تھ,,हर, Det,Put the flower vase in each corner of the room.,each,پرٛٮ۪تھ,,प्रत्येक, Pron,Each flower has distinct smell.,each,ہَر کانٛہہ,,प्रत्येक, Adj,I am eager to meet her.,eager,وٕتاولہٕ ،بےتاب,,उत्सुक, N,He has an ear infection.,ear,کَن,,कान, N,The wheat crop has healthy ears this year.,ear,ہیوٚل,,बाल{गेहूँ_चने_आदि_की}, Adv,The workers went on vacation earlier this season.,earlier,برٛونٛہٕہ،برٛونٹھ،گۄڈَے،گۄڈنٮ۪تھ,,पहले_[का], Adj,Atul spent his early childhood with her grandmother.,early,شُروٗع وٲتی,,आरंभ_का, Adj,He is an early riser.,early,سُلی,,जल्दी, Adv,He has to go to school early today .,early,سُلی،جَلدی,,जल्दी, V,The institution earmarked a sum of money for research.,earmark,اَلَگ کُن تھاوُن,,अलग_से_रखना{किसी_उद्देश्य_विशेष_के_लिए}, VT,We must earn by hardwork.,earn,کَماوُن،زینُن,,कमाना, Adj,Susi is an earnest young woman.,earnest,سنٛجیٖدٕ،محنتی,,निषठवान, Adj,He is an earnest student.,earnest,سنٛجیٖدٕ,,दृढ_संकल्प, N,The election compaign has begun in earnest.,earnest,گۄڈے,,पूर्व_सूचना, N,Susi`s earnings were good as a tutor.,earnings,کَمٲے,,कमाई, N,We live on the planet Earth.,earth,زٔمیٖن,,पृथ्वी, N,Cover the pit with earth.,earth,میٚژ,,मिट्टी, VT,He earthed the electric wires near the pillar.,earth,دوٚبراوٕنۍ,,पृथ्वी_में_गाड़_देना, N,An earthquake caused considerable devastation.,earthquake,بٕنیُل,,भूकम्प, N,I feel at ease at her place.,ease,آرام،آسٲیِش,,आराम_का, N,We kept the books here to have an ease of access.,ease,سہوٗلیت،آسٲنی,,सुगमता, VT,He eased their burden by lending them money.,ease,آرام دیُن،سہوٗلیت واتناوٕنۍ,,आराम_देना, VT,The medicines eased his pain.,ease,آرام واتُن,,तनाव_कम_करना, VT,Tax rates have eased since May.,ease,کَم گژُھن،وَسُن،گِراوٹھ گژٕھنۍ,,मूल्य_कम_होना, Adv,Ruchi completed the assignment easily.,easily,آسٲنی سان,,आसानी_से, Adj,Trade was successfully carried on east coast.,east,مشرِق,,पूर्वी, N,They come from the east.,east,مشرق,,पूर्व, Adj,North-eastern parts of India are lush green.,eastern,مشرِقی,,पूर्वी, Adj,The place is easy to reach.,easy,آسان،سہَل,,सरल, Adj,She is easy to talk to.,easy,بےپھرُک,,आरामदायक, Adj,He has an easy manner towards everyone.,easy,آسان,,सरल, VI,The mat is eaten up by rats.,eat,کھیوٚن,,खाना, VT,Eat a light breakfast.,eat,کھیوٚن,,खाना, Adj,The economic strength of their family has undergone a change.,economic,اقتصٲدی,,अर्थशास्त्रीय, Adj,It is wise to spend money in an economical way.,economical,کِفٲیتی,,अल्पव्यय_सम्बन्धी, Adj,Travelling by train is more economical.,economical,سَستہٕ,,कमखर्चेवाला, N,She is admitted in economics at new York University.,economics,معاشیات,,अर्थशास्त्र, N,He is studying economics for his graduation.,economics,معاشِیات,,अर्थशास्त्र, N,It is a priority to improve the economy of the country.,economy,معاشِیات,,अर्थ_प्रबन्धन, N,This can aid to complete the work with precision and economy.,economy,کِفایَت,,किफायत, Adj,There was a huge ecumenical service in the town.,ecumenical,۔۔۔,,गिरजाघरों_के_सदस्यों_का_सम्मेलन, N,I was waiting at the edge of the bridge.,edge,دٔندٕر,,धार, N,The boy stood on the edge of the cliff.,edge,دٔندٕر,,किनारा, VT,The table-cloth is edged with lace.,edge,دٔندٕرِ لاگُن،اَنٛدن لاگُن,,किनारा_लगाना, N,This is the first edition of the book.,edition,اَشاعَت,,संस्करण, N,The editor has left for a meeting.,editor,اٮ۪ڑِٹَر،اَخبار نٔویٖس,,सम्पादक, Adj,He does the editiorial jobs for the press.,editorial,اٮ۪ڑِٹَر سُنٛد,,सम्पादकीय, N,The editorials deal with the current situation.,editorial,اِداریہ,,सम्पादकीय_लेख, VT,We need to educate the masses.,educate,پَرناوٕنۍ،تعلیٖم دِنۍ,,शिक्षा_प्रदान_करना, Adj,The new teacher is highly educated.,educated,خَواندٕ,,शिक्षित, N,Education provides moral support.,education,تعلیٖم,,शिक्षा, Adj,Educational standards have improved now.,educational,تعلیٖمی,,शैक्षणक, N,Your criticism shall have no effect on him.,effect,اَثَر,,प्रभाव, VT,They are working to effect a change.,effect,عَملہِ مَنٛز اَنُن,,पूरा_करना, Adj,The villagers took effective measures to keep the place clean.,effective,عَملی,,प्रभावकारी, Adj,The curfew was effective from midnight.,effective,لاگوٗ وکَرُن,,चालू_होना, Adv,They completed their job effectively.,effectively,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ،اَثرٕ سان,,प्रभावकारी_रूप_से, N,We have no doubts about the effectiveness of new employees.,effectiveness,پُراَثَر,,प्रभावपूर्णता, N,She had very less personal effects.,effects,سامان،جاداد,,सामान, N,Efficiency of the employer improves with time.,efficiency,لِیاقَت,,दक्षता, Adj,Bill is an efficient worker.,efficient,کٲرۍ گَر،لایَق,,दक्ष, N,Effluents from factories damage the environment.,effluent,ژھۄٹھ,,कूडा-करकट, N,Students made great efforts to participate in the exhibition.,effort,کوٗشِش,,प्रयत्न, N,She is allergic to egg.,egg,ٹھوٗل,,अण्डा, Det,I need eight chairs for that room.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, N,The number eight is lucky for him.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, N,She is eight years old.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, Art,They are eight in number.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, Adj,She is in eighth class.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, det,This book has eighteen chapters.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, N,She is eighteen years old.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, Det,Bhagavat Gita has eighteen chapters.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठारह, N,Bhagavat Gita has eighteen chapters.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठारह, N,He has turned eighteen.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, Art,Eighteen people are coming over for dinner.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, Adj,She has scored eighteenth position in the examination.,eighteen,اَردٲہِم,,अठ्ठारह, Pron,Either of the two candidates are fit for the recruitment.,either,کانٛہہ تِہ,,या_तो{....}, Adj,They perform elaborate rituals.,elaborate,تَفصیٖل,,विस्तार_से_किया_हुआ, VT,He elaborated on the previous topic.,elaborate,تَفصیٖل بَیان کَرٕنۍ,,विस्तार_करना, Adj,I keep my schedule quite elastic.,elastic,نَرٕم,,लचीला, N,They use good elastic for the waist band.,elastic,لاسٹِک,,इलास्टक, N,Her elbow was hurt badly.,elbow,کھۄنٕہ وَٹھ,,कुहनी, N,It is difficult to clean the chimney elbow.,elbow,کوٗن,,कोना, Adj,Vasu is my elder brother.,elder,بوٚڑ،زیُٹھ,,ज्येष्ठ, N,Respect your elders.,elder,بُزرٕگ,,बुज़ुर्ग, Adj,He is our best elect candidate.,elect,مُنتَخٕب,,निर्वाचित, N,We elected him as our representative.,elect,مُنتَخٕب,,निर्वाचित_मनुष्य, VT,Mr. Gupta was elected as president of the company for next term.,elect,مُنتَخٕب کَرُن،چُنُن,,निर्वाचन_करना, VT,She elected to work on sunday as well.,elect,چُنُن ،ژارُن,,चुनना, N,Election is held every five years.,election,انتخاب،الٮ۪کشَن,,चुनाव, Adj,I am using electric water-heater.,electric,بِجلی ہُنٛد,,बिजली_का, Adj,Students prefer to choose for electrical engineering.,electrical,بِجلی ہُنٛد,,बिजली_का, N,We should save electricity.,electricity,بِجلی,,विद्युत_शक्ति/बिजली, N,Electrons are found in atoms.,electron,اِلٮ۪کٹرٛان,,अतिसूक्ष्म_परमाणु, Adj,He often uses electronic calculater.,electronic,الٮ۪کٹرٛانِک,,इलैक्ट्रॉनक, Adj,Electronic goods are available in abundance here.,electronic,الٮ۪کٹرٛانِک,,इलैक्ट्रोन_की_क्रिया_पर_निर्भर_साधन, N,Electronics is an interesting subject.,electronics,الٮ۪کٹرٛانِکٕس،برقِیات,,इलैक्ट्रानिक्स, Adj,She wore an elegant dress for the convocation.,elegant,زبر،خۄش پوش،حٔسیٖن,,सुरुचिपूर्ण, N,Lead is a dangerous element.,element,عنصُر,,तत्व, N,The graduates are taught elements of psychology.,element,عنصُر,,मूलतत्त्व, N,The party has radical elements.,element,مُخٲلف,,अवयव, N,Periodic table has more than 100 elements.,element,عنصُر,,घटक, N,Hurricane caused large devastation of elements.,element,...,,प्रकृति{विध्वंसक_रूप}, N,The play has an element of pathos.,element,عنصُر,,अंश, Adj,Elementary education is necessary for children.,elementary,بُنیٲدی،اِبتِدٲیی,,प्रारम्भक, Adj,He found these difficulties quite elementary.,elementary,سَہَل،سادٕ,,आरंभिक_स्तर_की, det,There are eleven players in a hockey team.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, N,Eleven students are absent today.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, Det,There are eleven candidates for the post.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, N,There are eleven players in a cricket team.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, N,Eleven people got injured in a bus accident.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, Art,Eleven number is very lucky for me.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, Adj,She is studing in eleventh class.,eleven,کٔہِمہِ,,ग्यारह, Adj,He is eligible for the contest.,eligible,صَلٲحیَت وول,,योग्य, VT,The unwanted elements need to be eliminated.,eliminate,خٲرِج کَرُن,,हटाना, Adv,I will try at something else.,else,بیٚیِہ,,अन्य, Adv,Leave now or else you`ll be late.,else,نَتٕہ,,अन्यथा, Adv,The restaurant is full so we will go elsewhere.,elsewhere,بیٚیِس کُنِہ جایِہ,,और_कहीं, N,Emancipation of women is needed to support progress.,emancipation,آزٲد ی,,मुक्ती/मोक्ष, N,Mr. Kumar worked at Indian embassy.,embassy,سِفارَت,,राजदूतावास, VI,He emerged as an important business man.,emerge,ظٲہِر گَژُھن،اُبرُن,,निकलना/उभरना/प्रकट_होना, N,There is no emergency exit in the building.,emergency,ہَنٛگٲمی صوٗرتہِ حال,,आपात्-स्थिति, N,The emission of smoke from vehicles causes pollution in the air.,emission,اِخراج،نیرُن,,उत्सर्जन, N,He appealed to our emotions aptly.,emotion,احساس،جَزبٕہ,,भावना, N,His voice was filled with emotion.,emotion,جَزبٕہ,,मनोद्वेग, Adj,He is very emotional person.,emotional,جَزبٲتی,,भावनात्मक, N,Ashoka was the great emperor of ancient India.,emperor,شَہَنشاہ،بادشاہ,,सम्राट, N,The emphasis is laid on the quality of the work.,emphasis,اہمِیَت،زور،تاقیٖد,,ज़ोर, V,He emphasized on the importance of good communications.,emphasize,زور دیُن،تاقیٖدکَرُن,,ज़ोर_दे, N,The Romans had a large empire.,empire,سَلطَنَت,,साम्राज्य, Adj,Her accounts were based on empirical facts.,empirical,تَجزی،عَملی,,प्रयोगसिद्ध, V,I need to employ someone as a cashier.,employ,روزگار دیُن,,रोज़गार_दे, V,She is employed as a shop assistant.,employ,کامِہ لاگُن,,काम_पर_लगा, N,This company has over 1000 employees.,employee,موٚزوٗر،مُلٲزِم,,कर्मचारी, N,The new employer treats his employees well.,employer,مٲلِک,,मालक, N,He is not in regular employment.,employment,روزگار,,रोजागार, N,The government is aiming at maximum employment.,employment,مُلازمَت,,रोज़गार, Adj,He left the empty jug on the table.,empty,خٲلی,,शून्य, VT,Ram emptied the overloaded box.,empty,خٲلی کَرُن,,खाली_करना, VT,Morning walk enables one to strengthen the stamina.,enable,قٲبِل بَناوُن,,योग्य_बनाना, V,They enclosed the park with a barbed wire fence.,enclose,بنٛد کَرُن,,चारों_ओर_से_बंद_करना, V,I have enclosed a letter along with the application.,enclose,بنٛد کَرُن,,संलग्न_करना, N,All the details of the project are given in the enclosure.,enclosure,اِحاطہ,,घेराबंदी, N,The robbers were killed in an encounter with the police.,encounter,لَڑٲے،جنگ,,लड़ाई, VT,They encountered different complications an the beginning of the project.,encounter,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن،گَژُھن,,सामना_होना[करना], V,He always encouraged hardworking students.,encourage,ہمَت دِنۍ,,प्रोत्साहित_करना, V,Her father encourages her to take up the singing profession.,encourage,"ہمت دِنۍ,حوصلہٕ دیُن",,प्रोत्साहित_करना, VT,I always encourage Ashu to paint.,encourage,حوصلہٕ اَفزٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,उत्साहित_करना, N,I could not achieve this without his encouragement.,encouragement,حوصلہٕ اَفزٲیی,,प्रोत्साहन, N,The story came to an abrupt end.,end,خَتٕم،اَنٛد,,अन्त, V,They ended the play with a dance.,end,خَتٕم کَرُن،اَنٛد واتناوُن,,समाप्त_कर्ना, Adj,She expressed an endless patience.,endless,آنٛدٕروٚستٕے,,अन्तहीन, N,She showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.,endurance,صَبَر,,सहन, N,He has got some enemies here as well.,enemy,دُشمَن,,शत्रु, N,He lacks energy to complete this task.,energy,تَوانٲیی،طاقَت,,ऊर्जा, VT,The laws were enforced in the beginning of the neew year.,enforce,نٲفِز کَرُن،لاگوٗ وکَرُن,,लागू_करना, N,They are showing slackness in the enforcement of rules and regulations.,enforcement,لاگوٗو,,प्रवर्तन, V,She was engaged wholly in the novel.,engage,آوٕر,,एंगेज_कर[हो], VT,We engaged ourselves in social work during vacations.,engage,آوُر تھاوُن,,स्वयं_को_बाँधना, VT,Rahul was engaged to Anjali.,engage,نِشٲنۍ کَرٕنۍ,,सगाई_करना, N,Rahul was engaged to Anjali.,engagement,نِشٲنۍ,,सगाई, N,His vehicle needs a new engine.,engine,اِنجَن,,इंजन/कल, N,Ravi is a qualified mechanical engineer.,engineer,اِنجیٖنَر,,इंजीनियर, V,He engineered the plot to kill the gang leader.,engineer,چالٲکی کَرٕنۍ,,इंजीनियर, N,He studied engineering at Manchester University.,engineering,اِنجیٖنٔری,,कल_बनाने_की_विद्या, V,The sauce will enhance flavor of the dish.,enhance,بَڑاوُن,,बढ़ाना, VT,The students enjoyed the tour very much.,enjoy,مَزٕتُلُن،لُطُف تُلُن,,आनंद_उठाना, VT,The students enjoyed the tour very much.,enjoy,مَزٕ تُلُن,,रस_लेना, N,The news spoiled our enjoyment at the picnic.,enjoyment,مَزٕ،لُطف,,मज़ा, N,You should take some time off for enjoyment.,enjoyment,سۄخ،لُطُف،مَزٕ,,सुख/मजा/भोग, Adj,An enormous amount was spent on the building.,enormous,واریاہ,,बहुत, Adv,You have not eaten enough.,enough,سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,पर्याप्त, V,She enquired about my health regularly.,enquire,پرٕٛژھ غٲر کَرٕنۍ,,पूछताछ_करना, VT,His appointment was cancelled after the quarrel had ensued.,ensue,پَتٕہ لارُن،پَتہٕ پَتہٕ روزُن,,पीछा_करना, V,Please ensure that the books are returned today.,ensure,یٔقیٖن دیُن,,पक्का_करना, V,Knock the door before you enter into the room.,enter,دٲخٕل گَژُھن,,प्रवेश_कर, VI,The ship entered an area of shallow marshes.,enter,اَنٛدر اژُن,,भीतर_आना, VT,He entered her name in the school register.,enter,لٮ۪کُھن،دَرٕج کَرُن,,घुसाना, N,They are up coming with a new enterprise.,enterprise,اِدارٕ,,साहसिक_कार्य, VT,He entertained the notion of moving to South America.,entertain,آمادٕ گَژُھن،غور کَرُن,,सत्कार_करना, N,Entertainment is very important in the busy schedule.,entertainment,شوٚغل,,मनोरंजन/आदर, N,One needs enthusiasm to work.,enthusiasm,جوش،سٮ۪ٹھاہ دِلچَسپی,,उत्साह, Adj,We received an enthusiastic response from the audience.,enthusiastic,پُر جوش,,उत्साहयुक्त, Adj,An entire town was devastated by the earthquake.,entire,تَمام،پوٗرٕ،سورُے,,संपूर्ण, Adv,They put the blame entirely on him.,entirely,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,सम्पूर्णतया, VT,The officer entitled him to free medical aid.,entitle,حَق دیُن,,अधिकार_देना, N,They waited at the entrance to the palace.,entrance,دَروازٕ,,प्रवेश_मार्ग, N,She made her entry towards the end of the ceremony.,entry,دٲخلہٕ,,प्रवेश/प्रविष्टि, N,Yash got an entry for participation in the exhibition.,entry,دٲخلہٕ,,प्रवेश/डेवढ़ी, N,I received an unstamped envelope.,envelope,لِفافہٕ,,लिफ़ाफ़ा, N,Environment is deterioting each day.,environment,ماحول،آبٕہ ہوا,,पर्यावरण, N,He grew up in a conventional environment.,environment,ماحول,,वातावरण, VT,The engineer envisaged the process for system breakdown.,envisage,خَیال تھاوُن،غور کَرُن,,संभावना_का_ध्यान_करना, N,His research is based on epic literature.,epic,دٔلیٖل,,महाकाव्य, Adj,The recent cyclone had epic proportions.,epic,خوفناک,,भव्य, Adj,All citizens enjoy equal rights in democracy.,equal,ہیوُے،برابر,,समान, N,Women are struggling for equality in the society.,equality,برابری,,समानता, Adj,Wit and humor are equally important in writing.,equally,برابر,,समान_रूप_से, N,We have a comfortable equation in our relation.,equation,مُساوات,,समीकरण, V,All the soldiers were equipped with arms.,equip,سازوسامان ووٚفوٗر تھاوُن,,सज्जित_करना, N,The laboratory is full with modern equipments.,equipment,سازو سامان,,उपकरण, Adj,Her new work is equivalent to the older one.,equivalent,برابر,,बराबर, Adj,He has an erect posture.,erect,سیوٚد کَھڑا,,सीधा_खडा, V,Saleem erected that huge mansion in memory of his son.,erect,بناوُن،کَھڑا کَرُن,,बनाना/खडा_करना, N,We canot afford to make an error.,error,غَلطی,,भूल, N,There is no escape from the hardships of life.,escape,بَچاو,,छुटकारा, N,He had a narrow escape.,escape,بال بال بَچُن,,बचाव, VI,The convicted murderer escaped from the prison.,escape,ژَلُن,,भागना, VI,We escaped to our summer house for few days.,escape,ژَلُن,,बच_कर_भाग_जाना, Adv,I bought this especially for you.,especially,خاص پٲٹھۍ,,विशेषतः/विशेष_रूप_से, N,He wrote an essay on environment.,essay,مَضموٗن,,निबन्ध, N,I want you to write an essay for homework.,essay,مَضموٗن,,निबंध/प्रबन्ध/वर्णन/रचना, N,---,essay,کوٗشِش,,यत्न, VT,The procedure was first essayed in 1982.,essay,کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रयत्न_करना/परिश्रम_करना/जाँचना, N,The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.,essence,اَصٕل,,सार, N,The essence of knowledge is simplecity.,essence,خصوٗصِیژ,,तत्व/गुण, N,Yet change is the very essence of life.,essence,اہم,,सार/भाव/मूलवस्तु, N,I love the essence of voilet.,essence,مُشُک,,सुगन्ध, Adj,Essential tools and materials.,essential,لٲزِمی،ضروٗری,,आवश्यक, Adj,The essential feature.,essential,خاص,,प्रधान, Adv,what he is saying is essentially true.,essentially,اَصٕل پاٹھۍ,,मूलभूत_रूप_से, VT,Establish a new department,establish,تَشکیٖل کَرُن،بناوُن,,स्थापित_करना, VT,The trompe l`oeil-illusion establishes depth.,establish,ثٲبِت کَرُن,,प्रमाणित_करना, N,He works in military establishment.,establishment,اِدارٕ,,स्थापना[संस्था], N,His main concern was linked with religious establishment.,establishment,محکَمٕہ,,स्थान, N,The establishment of organizations dealing with women`s issues have made a difference.,establishment,بُنیاد,,स्थापन/संस्थापन, N,The establishment of organizations dealing with women`s issues have made a difference.,establishment,بُنیاد،کٕن,,नींव, N,He has set up a new establishment for his factory.,establishment,دَفتَر,,दफ्तर, N,The entire establishment was against the the new policies.,establishment,مَحکَمٕہ,,संस्था, N,The family owned a large estate in tea plantation.,estate,زٔمیٖن دٲری،رِیاسَت,,रियासत, N,You can give me an estimate of whole cost.,estimate,راے قٲیِم کَرٕنۍ,,मूल्य_का_अनुमान, VT,I estimate this ring to weigh three pounds.,estimate,اَنٛدازٕ لَگاوُن,,अंदाज़_लगाना, Adj,Their argument is an eternal affair.,eternal,اَبدی,,अनन्त, Adj,We are to maintain the ethical code.,ethical,اِخلٲقی,,नैतक, N,The ethics of journalism are much debated.,ethics,اِخلٲقِیات,,नैतिकता, Adj,The organization reflect ethnic mix.,ethnic,نسلِیات,,जातीय, N,The data can help in critical evaluation of the treatment.,evaluation,مۄلہٕ ٲنکوَن,,मूल्यांकन, N,He visited London on the eve of New Year.,eve,موقعہٕ,,पूर्वसन्ध्या, Adj,Put an even coating of varnish on the door.,even,ہیوٗو,,एक_सा, Adj,Add even amount of butter and sugar.,even,بَرابَر,,बराबर, Adj,Even a child can comprehend it.,even,تٕہ,,भी, Adv,He works even when he is ill.,even,تہٕ,,भी, VT,Her brother has evened the score with a scholarship.,even,برابر کَرُن,,बराबर_करना, N,I go for a walk every evening.,evening,شام،شام ژِھمبرَن,,संध्या/शाम, N,It is the most important event in his life.,event,واقعہٕ,,घटना, N,We will all participate in series of the social events.,event,اَتھ صوٗرتَس منٛز,,स्थिति, Adv,He will understand eventually.,eventually,ٲخٕر کار,,अंत_में, Adv,Did you ever smoke?,ever,زانٛہہ,,कभी_भी/, Adv,She was ever so friendly.,ever,ہَمیٚشٕہ,,इतना, Det,I go for walk every day.,every,ہَر دوہ ،پرٮ۪تھ دوہ,,प्रत्येक, Pron,Everybody was anxiously waiting for the results.,everybody,ہَر کانٛہہ,,प्रत्येक_व्यक्ति, Pron,Everyone was invited on the party.,everyone,پرٛٮ۪تھ کٲنٛسِہ,,प्रत्येक_व्यक्ति, Pron,He donated everything to the orphanage.,everything,پرٛٮ۪تھ کانٛہہ چیٖز,,सब_कुछ, Adv,There are general stores everywhere.,everywhere,ہر کُنِہ جایِہ،پرٛٮ۪تھ جایِہ,,सर्वत्र, N,The murdered had left no evidence behind.,evidence,ثوٚبوٖت,,साक्ष्य, Adj,His intensity is evident from his involvement.,evident,صاف،ظٲہِر,,स्पष्ट, Adj,His intensity is evident from his involvement.,evident,ظٲہِر,,प्रत्यक्ष, Adj,Her love for him was evident in all that she did.,evident,ظٲہِر,,प्रकट, Adv,He was evidently upset by the news.,evidently,ظٲہِر پٲٹھۍ ،نٔنۍپٲٹھۍ,,प्रामाणिक_रूप_से, Adj,These people have just evil intention.,evil,بَد،شیطان,,दुष्ट/बुरा/पापी, N,He tolerates no evil.,evil,بُرٲیی،بٔدی,,बुराई/दुष्टता, VT,The place evoked bygone memories.,evoke,تازٕ کَرُن,,आह्वान_करना, N,I was working on the evolution of the languages.,evolution,اِرتِقا،نَشونُما,,विकास/उद्भेद, N,The evolution of human beings is debatable.,evolution,اِرتِقا,,खुलाव/फैलाव, Adj,Please give exact location of the institute.,exact,صٔحیح,,ठीक, Adj,Please give exact location of the institute.,exact,بَرابَر,,शुद्ध, Adj,Please give exact location of the Institute.,exact,بَرابَر,,निर्दोष, Adj,The work demands an exact mind.,exact,ہُشار,,यथार्थ/समुचित, VT,"The kidnappers exacted a ransom of Rs 2,00,000 from her family.",exact,جَبرَن ووٚصوٗل کَرُن,,बलपूर्वक_लेना, Adv,She has narrated the incident exactly as it happened.,exactly,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,ठीक_ठीक/यथार्थतः, N,Today is my final examination.,examination,اِمتِحان,,परीक्षा, V,Doctor examined the patient very well.,examine,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرُن،معاینٕہ کَرُن,,परीक्षण_करना, V,The doctor examined the patient for a long time.,examine,مُشاہِدٕ کَرُن،معاینٕہ کَرُن,,परीक्षा_करना, N,The examiner was very arrogant.,examiner,معاینٕہ کَرَن وول,,परीक्षक, N,We can support the statement with examples.,example,مِثال,,उदाहरण, V,The expenditure on trip must not exceed our budget.,exceed,زیادٕ گژُھن,,अधिक_होना, N,She excelled in mathematics.,excellence,جان,,श्रेष्ठता, N,The school is noted for its academic excellence.,excellence,فٔضیٖلَت،شَرٕف,,श्रेष्ठता/उत्तमता, Adj,He gave an excellent speech at the farewell ceremony.,excellent,اعلٰی،جان,,उत्तम, Prep,Everybody was present except for you.,except,بَغٲر,,को~छोड़~कर, Conj,I answered all the questions except for the last one.,except,صرف,,सिर्फ, Prep,It is open on all days except saturday.,except,بغٲر,,को_छोड़_कर, VT,Watching adult movies by children must be excepted.,except,اعتِراض آسُن،مَناہ کَرُن,,छोड़ना, N,I enjoy all kinds of movies with an exception of horror films.,exception,ماسِواے,,अपवाद, N,He is an exception in his family.,exception,بَغٲر،وَرٲے,,कोई_व्यक्ति_या_चीज_को_छोड़ना, Adj,There is no exceptional matter in the novel.,exceptional,غیر معموٗلی,,विशिष्ट, N,I`m working hard to lose excess of weight.,excess,زیادٕ,,बहुत_अधक, Adj,Excessive charges of corruption were levelled against him.,excessive,واریاہ زیادٕ,,अधक, N,They were given food in exchange for work..,exchange,اَدلٕہ بَدَل,,अदला_बदला, VT,The players exchanged their addresses after the match.,exchange,اَدلہٕ بَدَل کَرُن,,अदला_बदला_करना, VT,Nothing excites me at this stage in life.,excite,جوشَس منٛز یُن,,उत्तेजित_करना, N,His heart was pounding with excitement.,excitement,جوش،پُر جوش,,हलचल/आवेश, V,She exclaimed with grief upon hearing the news.,exclaim,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,चिल्लाना, VT,The bad results were excluded from the report.,exclude,کٔڑِتھ ژُھنُن،خٲرِج کَرُن,,छोड़_देना, Adj,She belongs to an exclusive club.,exclusive,مَخصوٗص،خاص,,निवारक, Adv,This outlet is exclusively open for aesthetics.,exclusively,خاص کٔرِتھ،خصوٗصی پٲٹھۍ,,विशेष_रूप_से{जनसामान्य_के_लिये_नहीं}, N,He always gives excuse for being late.,excuse,بَہانٕہ,,बहाना{क्षमा_का}, VT,Please excuse my dirty hands.,excuse,ماف کَرُن,,क्षमा_करना, VT,The murderer was finally executed.,execute,پھٲنٛسۍ دِنۍ,,फाँसी_देना, VT,He executed all his plans carefully.,execute,عَملہِ منٛزاَنُن,,कार्यान्वित_करना, N,They recommended an immediate execution of the plan.,execution,عَمَل کَرٕنۍ,,कार्य_सम्पादन, N,Party members condemned the execution of the leader.,execution,پھٲنٛسۍ,,मृत्यु_दण्ड_सम्पादन, Adj,He holds an executive post in the company.,executive,تھوٚد,,प्रबंधकारिणी, N,He is an excutive in the company.,executive,حُکام,,प्रशासक, N,We must exercise regularly.,exercise,وَرزِش,,व्यायाम, N,I completed the last exercise in my maths book.,exercise,مَشٕق,,अभ्यास, V,We must exercise regularly.,exercise,وَرزِش کَرٕنۍ,,व्यायाम_करना, VT,The work exhausts me nowadays.,exhaust,تَھکُن،تٔھکٕراوُن,,थका_देना, N,The museum had many exhibits of oriental art.,exhibit,نُمٲیِش,,प्रदर्शन, VT,He frequently exhibits at the gallery.,exhibit,مُظٲہِرٕ کَرُن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, N,An art exhibition was held in the city.,exhibition,نُمٲیِش,,प्रदर्शनी, N,The leaders were sent to exile.,exile,جُلاے وَطَن,,देश_निकाला, VT,Ram was exiled for 10 years.,exile,جُلاےوَطَن کَرُن,,देश_से_निकालना, VI,He could barely exist on such low wages.,exist,زِنٛدٕ روزُن,,अस्तित्व_होना, N,I don`t believe in existence of ghosts.,existence,آسُن،ووٚجوٗد,,अस्तित्व, V,His business expanded rapidly.,expand,پھولُن,,फैल_जाना, VT,After two years he is expected to expand his business.,expand,پٔھہلاوُن,,फैलाना, N,He is planning about his business expansion.,expansion,ہُرٮ۪ر,,प्रसार, VT,We were expecting a visit from our relatives.,expect,تَوقَع،اُمیٖد,,आशा_रखना, N,We have faint expectation of winning the match.,expectation,اُمیٖد,,चाह, N,Some trekers went on an expedition to Himalayas.,expedition,مُہِِم,,अभियान, VT,He was expelled from the school for poor performance.,expel,کَڑُن،کٔڑِتھ ژُھنُن,,निकालना, N,There is an increase in the expenditure from last two months.,expenditure,خَرچہٕ,,व्यय, N,He maintained a record of expenses at the meeting.,expense,لاگَت،خَرچہٕ,,लागत, Adj,She prefers to buy expensive clothes.,expensive,قۭمتی,,महँगा, N,She has no experience in the field.,experience,تَجرُبہٕ,,अनुभव, VT,I experienced horror for a flash of moment.,experience,تَجرُبہٕ کَرُن,,अनुभव_करना, Adj,She is an experienced teacher.,experienced,تَجرُبہٕ کار,,अनुभवी, N,She is an experienced teacher.,experiment,تَجرُبہٕ وول,,प्रयोग, N,Students are conducting an experiment in the lab.,experiment,تَجرُبہٕ,,परीक्षा, V,The teachers are experimenting with the new methods.,experiment,تَجرُبٕہ کَرُن,,परीक्षा_करना, Adj,The business is at the experimental stage.,experimental,تَجرُبٲتی,,प्रायोगक, Adj,My mother is an expert cook.,expert,قٲبِل,,निपुण, N,My mother is expert in cooking.,expert,قٲبِل,,निपुण, VT,The teacher explained the theory to the students.,explain,سمجاوُن،وَضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,समझाना, N,He gave a detailed explanation of the case.,explanation,تَشریٖح ،وَضاحَت,,व्याख्या, Adj,She was quite explicit about why she has left.,explicit,واضِح,,स्पष्ट, VI,The champagne bottle exploded.,explode,پَھٹُن,,फूटना, N,He called for a careful exploration of the consequences.,exploration,خوج,,खोज, VT,I like to explore new places.,explore,ژھانٛڑنہِ,,खोजना, N,The explosion of firecrackers scared the children.,explosion,ٹاس,,भड़ाका, Adj,The workers planted an explosive device inside the tunnel.,explosive,دَماکہٕ وول مَواد,,भक_से_उड़_जाने_वाला, N,The barrack is reserved for the storage of explosives.,explosive,بوٚرٗود,,उड़ाऊ, N,The company returned the export lot.,export,بَرآمَد,,निर्यात, VT,India exports cotton to many countries.,export,نٮ۪بَر سوزُن,,निर्यात_करना, VT,He exposed rampant scandal in his department.,expose,نٔنِراوُن,,खोलना, VT,This news exposed him as a liar.,expose,نوٚن کَڑن,,विवरण, N,Students need exposure to computer education.,exposure,وٕسَعت,,विवरण, Adj,I have booked an express train.,express,جلدی پَکنَ واجنۍ,,शीघ्र_जाने_वाला, Adj,It was her express wish to visit the pilgrimage sites.,express,صاف،واضح,,स्पष्ट, VT,She expressed her feelings very clearly.,express,ظٲہِر کَرُن,,व्यक्त_करना, N,I could easily read sad expressions on her face.,expression,آثار,,अभिव्यंजना, V,The railway line has not yet been extended to this area.,extend,ؤسیٖع کَرُن،وَہراوُن,,फैलाना, V,The school extended invitation to the parents on the annual day.,extend,دیُن،واتناوُن,,निमंत्रण_देना, V,The group extended the tour.,extend,بَڑاوُن,,बढ़ाना, N,The extension of internet facility has spread across the country.,extension,تَوسیٖع,,विस्तारण, Adj,We made an extensive use of the public library.,extensive,۔۔۔,,बड़ा/व्यापक, N,He worked beyond the extent of time limit.,extent,حَد,,सीमा, Adj,The external examiner was very strict.,external,بیروٗنی،نیٚبرِم,,बाहरी, N,Extortion is a common trend in the world.,extortion,جَبٕر,,छीन_छोर, Adj,Shee always carries extra food to the college.,extra,عَلاوٕ,,अधक, N,He always carried extras in apprehension of an emergency.,extra,عَلاوٕ,,अतिरिक्त_वस्तु, Adj,The debate resulted in an extraordinary incident.,extraordinary,غیر معموٗلی,,अनोखी, Adj,He has been endorsed with extraordinary authority.,extraordinary,خاص,,विशेष, Adj,He carried the argument to extremes.,extreme,شٔدیٖد،اِنتِہٲیی,,चरम/अत्यन्त, N,We have to go to the extreme edge of town to buy the commodity.,extreme,حَد,,सिरा, Adv,She is extermely beautiful.,extremely,اِنتِہٲیی,,अत्यधक, N,Her eyes are beautiful.,eye,أچھ,,आख, N,She has an eye for fresh talent.,eye,نَظَر,,नज़र, N,He tried his best to catch her eye.,eye,دیان,,ध्यान, N,My eyelid has swollen.,eyelid,ٹور,,पलक, Adj,The child has a great faculty for learning languages.,Faculty,قٲبِلِیَت,,योग्यता, N,The entire fabric of the building needs renovation.,fabric,بناوٹ,,बनाव, N,I prefer cotton fabrics.,fabric,پَلَو,,एक_प्रकार_का_कपड़ा, N,He washed his face with warm water.,face,بُتھ,,चेहरा, N,He washed his face with warm water.,face,بُتھ,,मुख/चेहरा, N,The captain lost his face with the defeat in final game.,face,عِزَت,,प्रतिष्ठा, V,Please stand with your face towards the wall.,face,بُتھ کَرُن،بُتھ تھاوُن,,सामना-होना/करना, V,He faced the problem vary sensibly.,face,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_होना, N,The house has extensive facilities.,facility,سٔہوٗلِیَت،آسٲنی,,सुगमता, N,He is afraid of facing the family.,facing,بُتھ دیُن،مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना, N,He supported his argument with an array of facts.,fact,حٔقیٖقَت,,तथ्य, N,2 is a factor of 12.,factor,جُزوِ ضربی,,अंश{गणित}, N,His loss of interest was a key factor of his failure.,factor,وَجَہ،عُنصر,,घटक/कारक/कारण, N,We are thinking of setting up sugar factory.,factory,کارخانہٕ,,कारखाना, V,The colour of these curtains faded very soon.,fade,گوٚٹ گَژُھن,,मुरझाना, V,She failed to notice the step.,fail,زۄن نہٕ گَژُھن,,असफल_होना, V,The crops have failed again.,fail,ناکام گَژُھن,,चूकना, V,She failed to notice that her child was not in the cradle.,fail,زۄن نہٕ گَژُھن,,चूकना, V,He failed in the board examination.,fail,ناکام گَژُھن,,असफल_होना, V,Several companies failed to function during recession.,fail,بَنٛد گَژُھن,,समाप्त_हो_जाना/खत्म_होजाना, V,She studied hard but failed nevertheless.,fail,ناکام گَژُھن,,अनुत्तीर्ण_होना, V,She failed in her obligations as an obedient daughter-in-law.,fail,کٔمی آسٕنۍ,,कमी_होना, V,The water supply for the town failed after a continous drought.,fail,بنٛد گَژُھن,,अपर्याप्त_होना, N,We are often reminded about our failings.,failing,کَمزوٗری,,कमी, Prep,"Buy her a new book, failing of which you can buy even a catalogue from the library.",failing,نَہ آسٕنۍ,,न_होने_पर/के_अभाव_में, N,All my efforts to save her life ended in failure.,failure,ناکٲمی,,असफलता, N,She was a failure as a teacher.,failure,ناکام,,असफल_व्यक्ति, Adj,She fell faint with the illness.,faint,بےٚ ہوش,,निर्बल, Adj,I only a faint idea of what she is doing at present.,faint,گوٚٹ,,अस्पष्ट, Adj,I fell faint from the pain.,faint,بےٚ ہوش,,धीमा, N,She fell into a dead faint on hearing this news.,faint,بےٚ ہوشی,,मूर्छा, VI,She fainted during the assembly.,faint,بےٚ ہوش گَژُھن,,मूर्छित_होना, Adj,The team played a fair game.,fair,اَصٕل,,काफी_अच्छा, Adj,Her complexion is fair.,fair,پرٛون,,गोरा, Adj,There is a fair chance to get oppointed.,fair,کٲفی,,काफी, Adj,The city has a fair weather.,fair,جان،اَصٕل,,अच्छा, Adj,He never makes a fair deal.,fair,جایز,,न्याय_संगत, Adj,Her knowledge about her subject is only fair.,fair,ٹھیٖک,,ठीक-ठाक, N,We went to the fair held in Paradise circle.,fair,مٲلہٕ,,मेला, Adv,The contractor did not treat his labour fairly.,fairly,جان پٲٹھۍ,,न्यायपूर्वक, Adv,He was fairly sure of the identity of the thief.,fairly,واریاہ حَدَس تام,,बहुत_हद_तक, Adj,She imagines life like a fairy tale.,fairy,پٔری,,अप्सरा_जैसी, N,I dreamt of fairies.,fairy,پٔرِیہِ,,अप्सरा, N,She has tremendous faith in the Divine Power.,faith,بَروسٕہ,,विश्वास, N,We can find people of various faiths in India.,faith,مَزہَب,,धर्म, N,The fall of the currupt system is certain.,fall,پیوٚن,,पतन, N,The fall of our hockey team was very disappointing.,fall,ہار,,पराजय, N,He will visit us in the fall next year.,fall,ہرٕد,,शरत, VI,The bicycle will fall off the stand.,fall,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,गिरना, VI,Holi falls in the month of March.,fall,پٮ۪وان,,होना, VI,He fell for the attractive offers at the shop.,fall,لالچِہ منٛز پیوٚن,,लालच_में_आना, VI,His eyes fell upon the poor girl.,fall,پیٚنۍ,,पड़ना, Adj,The fallen team had to leave the stadium.,fallen,ناکام,,पराजित, N,The differences in the opinions might result in fallout of the team.,fallout,لَڑٲے,,लड़ाई, Adj,He makes false promises.,false,اَپٕزۍ,,झूठा, N,Rave has earned fame as the best medical practitioner.,fame,شُہَرَت,,प्रसिद्धि/प्रतिष्ठा, Adj,David is a very familiar figure on campus.,familiar,ناموَر,,जाना-माना, Adj,I am not very familiar with these people.,familiar,زان پہچھان,,परिचित, N,He moved his family to Virginia.,family,عَیال,,परिवार, N,He moved his family to Virginia.,family,کُمبٕہ,,कुटुम्ब, Adj,He is a famous actor.,famous,مَشہوٗر,,प्रसिद्ध, N,We need two fans in the room.,fan,پَکھہٕ,,पंखा, N,I am a big fan of Amitabh.,fan,شوقیٖن,,चाहनेवाला, VT,The servant is fanning his master.,fan,واو کَرُن,,पंखा_करना, VT,Many political leaders fan communal violence for personal gains.,fan,وُتٕش دیُن,,भड़काना/उत्तेजित_करना, N,He is a football fanatic.,fanatic,شوقیٖن,,अति_उत्साही, Adj,She has a fancy calculator.,fancy,شوٗبِہ دار،جان،لوٗبٕوُن,,असामान्य, Adj,The store sells only fancy items.,fancy,دٔرگۍ,,बढ़े_चढ़े, N,He has curious adolescent fancies.,fancy,خَیال,,कल्पना, N,She bought fancies on her birthday.,fancy,سَجاوَٹھ,,छोटा_सजा_हुआ_केक, VT,I fancy colorful stamps.,fancy,پَسَنٛد کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, VT,She fancies a cup of coffee after a long working session.,fancy,یَژھان,,इच्छा_होना, VT,In the dark she fancied that she saw a ghost.,fancy,خَیال کَرُن,,सोचना, Adj,I have got a fantastic idea.,fantastic,واریاہ اَصٕل,,अद्भुत, N,School girls often thrive on fantasies.,fantasy,خَیالَن منٛز,,कोरी_कल्पना, Adj,She stood at the far end of the street.,far,دوٗر,,दूर, Adv,How far is the post-office from here?,far,دوٗر,,दूर, Adv,Murali has fallen far behind his schedule.,far,واریاہ,,बहुत, N,We arranged the farewell for out-going students.,farewell,رۄخسَت,,बिदा_का_प्रणाम, N,Many people are working on the farm.,farm,کَھہَہ,,खेत, VT,The farmer farms the land.,farm,زٔمیٖن دٲری کَرٕنۍ,,खेती_करना, N,He is a farmer.,farmer,آرٲبۍ،زٔمیٖن دار,,किसान, N,The villagers use modern methods of farming.,farming,زٔمیٖٖن دٲری,,खेती, Adj,The stadium is in farther north of the city.,farther,دوٗر,,दूर, Adv,You have to go farther to board the bus.,farther,دوٗر,,और_दूर, VT,He was fascinated by her poetry.,fascinate,دٮ۪وانہٕ کَرُن,,मोह_लेना, N,Wearing long coats is in fashion.,fashion,رٮ۪واج,,कार्य_प्रणाली, N,Bell-bottom pants are no more in fashion.,fashion,رٮ۪واج،فٲشَن,,वेशभूषा_की_शैली, VT,The potter fashioned pots from clay.,fashion,بناوُن,,विशेष_प्रकार_की_आकृति_प्रदान_करना, Adv,You will have to act fast.,fast,تیٖزی سان,,तेज़ी-से, Adv,He is my fast friend.,fast,پَکٕہ پٲٹھۍ,,दृढ़्ता-से, Adv,He is in fast sleep.,fast,مَس,,गहरी, Adj,Express trains run very fast.,fast,تیز,,तेज़, Adj,The colours of the dress are very fast.,fast,تیز،توٚت,,पक्का, N,I regularly fast on week ends.,fast,فاقے روزُن,,व्रत, VI,He is not fasting today.,fast,فاقہٕ دیُن،روزٕ تھاونہِ,,व्रत_रखना, VT,Fasten the lock onto the door.,fasten,لَگاوُن،دیُن,,जकड़ना, Adj,It was a fat rope.,fat,موٚٹ,,मोटा, N,Pizza is rich in fat content.,fat,چَرٕب,,चर्बी, Adj,The fatal road accident took a heavy toll of life.,fatal,وٲناک,,जीवघातक, N,I was her fate to meet the guy on trip.,fate,تَقدیٖر،قٕسمَت,,भाग्य, N,His father was a poet.,father,مول,,पिता, VT,He fatheres her kids very passionately.,father,مول بَنُن,,पिता_बनना, N,It was not my fault to leave the drawers open.,fault,غَلطی،قوٚصوٗر،خَطاہ,,भूल, N,I usually avoid asking for favours.,favour,مہربٲنی،ہمدَردی,,कृपा, VT,He favoured me in the debate.,favour,مَدَت کَرُن,,कृपा_दृष्टि_रखना, Adj,The public reaction to the new budget was not favourable.,favourable,موٲفِق,,हितकारी, Adv,The new products compare favourably with other brands.,favourably,۔۔۔,,प्रशंसा_की_दृष्टि_से, Adj,Ram was the favourite student of our class teacher.,favourite,ٹوٹھ,,प्रिय, N,Mohan was trembling with fear near the accident.,fear,ڈَر،کھۄژُن,,भय, V,Rama fears darkness.,fear,ڈَر آسُن،خوف آسُن,,भय_करना, V,She does not fear death.,fear,ڈر،خوف,,डर, Adj,It is feasible to complete this work on time.,feasible,قٲبلِہ عَمَل,,संभव/साध्य, N,The wedding feast was excellent.,feast,دعوَت،سال,,भोज, N,The festival was a feast of colours.,feast,جیٚشنہٕ,,संतोष, N,New year has become greatest feast.,feast,جیٚشنہٕ,,त्यैहार, V,Guests had a sumptuous feast at the wedding.,feast,سال کھیوٚن,,भोजन_करना, V,Travelling around Kerala is a feast to eyes.,feast,مَزٕدار,,आन्नदित_करन, N,Birds use their feathers for balance while in flight.,feather,پَکھ،پَر,,पंख/पर, V,The hen feathered her chickens.,feather,پَکَھن تَل تھاوُن,,परों_से_ढकना, N,Her facial features are very attractive.,feature,حِصٕہ,,नक्श, N,The main feature of the play was stage setting.,feature,حِصہٕ,,विशेष_गुण, N,I likea feature film than a documentary.,feature,سیٚنِماہٕچ فِلِم,,सिनेमा_की_फिल्म, V,This film features an old actor.,feature,ہاوان,,प्रकट_करना, V,Their logo features a red square.,feature,حِصٕہ نِیُن,,हिस्सा_लेना, Adj,Medicine and defence are federal matters in U.S.,federal,دِفٲقی....,,राज्य_संबंधी, Adj,Federal system of governence is controlled by central authhority.,federal,....,,संघी, N,A Fedration was set up to overcome the economic crisis.,federation,دِفاق,,राज्य_संघ, N,I need to pay the fee to appear in the examination.,fee,فیٖس,,शुल्क, V,She has a large family to feed.,feed,پالُن,,खाना_खिलाना, V,Mohan feeds the information to his immediate boss.,feed,دِنۍ,,देना, V,It takes to feed a coin to make a call from the booth.,feed,ترٛاوُن,,डालना, V,Violence feeds on hatred and envy.,feed,پھانٛپھٕ لاوُن,,पनपना, N,The baby had the last feed two hours ago.,feed,کھٮ۪ن،غٕزا,,खाना, N,The machine feed is blocked.,feed,۔۔۔,,माल{मशीन_में_इस्तेमाल_किये_जानेवाला}, N,Petrol feed of the car is chocked up.,feed,پایِپ,,पाईप{जिससे_मशीन_को_तेल_आदि_देते_हैं}, V,I can feel the complication of the situation.,feel,مَحسوٗس کَرُن,,महसूस_करना, V,I feel safe when I go out with Richard at night.,feel,باسُن،مَحسوٗس کَرُن,,स्पर्श_से_अनुभव_करना, V,He can feel his way in the dark.,feel,مَحسوٗس کَرُن,,टटोलना, N,The feel of this place is very depressing.,feel,احساس,,अनुभव, N,The speaker appealed to the feelings of the audience.,feeling,جَزبات,,भावना, N,I have a bad feeling regarding this matter.,feeling,احساس,,बोध, N,I have lost all feelings with this medication.,feeling,زُو,,चेतना, N,The crowd was beating their feet with the music beats.,feet,کھۄر,,पैर{ब.}, N,The tree is at a distance of about ten feet from the house.,feet,پُھٹ،پُھٹہٕ,,फुट{ब.}, V,He felled down all the trees.,fell,ژَٹٕنۍ,,काट_गिराना, N,We enjoyed our journey to Lakeland fells.,fell,۔۔۔,,९पहाड़ी_इलाका{उत्तरी_इंगलैंड_का}, Adj,The government fell down in one swoop.,fell,پیوٚن,,गिराना{गिराना}, N,He is a nice fellow.,fellow,شَخٕص,,व्यक्ति[साथी], N,He is a good fellow.,fellow,نَفَر،شَخٕص,,व्यक्ति, N,He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineers.,fellow,فیلو،نَفَر,,सभासद, N,He was my fellow traveller on the journey.,fellow,ہَم سَفَر,,सहचर, N,You should show fellowship towards collegues.,fellowship,دوستی،بٲیۍ بَندُت,,साहर्चय, N,I got a fellowship at Royal Academy of music.,fellowship,مِمبَر,,सदस्यता, N,He was relieved after receiving a fellowship from the college.,fellowship,ؤظیٖفہٕ,,अनुदान, N,We prefer to buy hand-made felt.,felt,نَمدٕ,,नमदा/फैल्ट{कपड़ा}, N,This female is very renowned for her wit.,female,زَنانہٕ،زٔنۍ,,स्त्री_जाति, Adj,Female infanticide is a common practise.,female,کوٗر,,स्त्री_सबंधी, Adj,She moves around only with her female friends.,female,زَنانہٕ,,स्त्री, N,He has put up a fence around his garden.,fence,جَنٛگلہٕ,,बाढ़/बाड़ा, V,The actors fenced with real swords on stage.,fence,تلوارِجَنٛگ کَرُن,,तलवार_या_गदा_की_लड़ाई, V,He generally fences around the minor issues to avoid making decisions.,fence,گول مول جَواب دیُن,,घुमा_फिरा_के_बात_करना, Adj,This land is very fertile for growing rice.,fertile,زَرخیز,,उर्वर, N,Holi is the festival of colours.,festival,تَقریٖب،بوٚڑ دۄہ,,त्यौहार/उत्सव, N,He is running very high fever.,fever,تَپھ,,बुखार, N,I waited for my new car in fever of excitement.,fever,بے چیٚنی,,उत्तेजना, Det,Few people know about this episode.,few,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, Adj,I worked with this organisation for few years.,few,کینٛژن,,कुछ, Adj,She is a woman of few needs.,few,کینٛہہ,,थोड़ा, N,Fibre from cotton pods is spun to weave cloth.,fibre,ریٚشہٕ،داو,,तन्तु, N,Fibre is essential for health.,fibre,ریشہٕ,,खाने_का_रेशे_वाला_भाग, N,The president has a strong moral fibre.,fibre,کِردار,,चरित्रबल, N,That book is a work of fiction.,fiction,خیٲلی,,कहानी{काल्पनिक}, N,Stories of his bravery are written as beautiful fiction.,fiction,خیٲلی,,कल्पना, N,Snow is a great book of fiction.,fiction,خیٲلی داستان,,कथा, N,Cricket field of this club is maintained.,field,مٲدان,,मैदान, N,He prefers to work in his fields during the holidays.,field,کَھہہ,,खेत, N,His field of specialisation is Petrogeology.,field,شُعبٕہ,,विशेष_अध्ययन, V,The player fielded the ball with great agility.,field,فیٖلڑینٛگ کَرٕنۍ,,क्षेत्र_रक्षण_करना, V,In this election parties fielded less number of candidates.,field,مٲدانَس منٛزوَسُن,,क्षेत्र_में_उतारना{राजनीति_के_संदर्भ_में}, Adj,The discussion aroused fierce aggression.,fierce,شٔدیٖد,,प्रचंड, Adj,A fierce dog guards the house.,fierce,خَطَرناک,,बर्बर, Adj,He has a fierce loyalty for his party.,fierce,سَخٕت,,उग्र, N,She will be fifteen this year.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, Pron,He has issued fifteen books on his name.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, Det,There were fifteen types of dishes at the feast.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, N,Fifteen is my lucky number.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, Art,They are fifteen in number.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, Adj,I took fifteen chocolates.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, N,He stood fifth in the class.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवा, Pron,She will be here on the fifth of this month.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवा, N,He stood fifth in the race.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवाँ, Pron,He stood fifth in the race.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवाँ, Art,She lives on the fifth floor.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाचवाँ, N,I bought fifty cups for the party.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, Pron,There were fifty passengers on the bus.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, N,I have fifty names on the list.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, Art,She scored fifty percent marks in the final examination.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, Adj,She is fifty years old.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, N,Fig is a tasty fruit.,fig,أنجوٗر,,अंजीर, V,The kids were fighting over an ice cream.,fight,لَڑٲےکَرٕنۍ,,लडाई_करना, N,There was a fight between two students.,fight,لَڑٲے,,लड़ाई, N,There has a strong zeal for fight.,fight,لَڑنُک طاقَت,,लड़ने_की_क्षमता, N,Gladiators were great fighters.,fighter,جَنٛگجوٗو,,योद्धा, N,A great fighter does not give up easily.,fighter,جَنٛگجوٗو,,आसनी_से_हार_न_मानने_वाला, N,Government invested considerable money to purchase new fighter planes.,fighter,جٔنٛگی,,लड़ाकू_हवाई_जहाज, N,Monthly sales figures of the company show a declining trend.,figure,نَمبَر،شُمار,,अंक, N,You have maintained your figure properly.,figure,شَکٕل و صوٗرَت,,आकृति{शारीरिक}, N,I saw a figure approaching towards me from a distance.,figure,ژھاے,,व्यक्ति, N,Hexagon is a six sided figure.,figure,شَکٕل,,आकृति{रेखाचित्र}, N,Monthly sales figures of this company show a declining trend.,figure,نَمبَر،شُمار,,अंक, N,She has maintained her figure properly.,figure,شَکٕل,,आकृति{शारीरिक}, N,I saw a figure approaching from a distance.,figure,ژھاے,,व्यक्ति, N,Hexagon is a six sided figure.,figure,شَکٕل,,आकृति{रेखाचित्र}, V,His name figures in the list of winners.,figure,بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_देना, V,He figured out the results approximately.,figure,خَیال کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, Adj,I have some figured statues.,figured,نَقشہٕ دار,,अलंकृत, N,I have labelled all the files.,file,فَیِل,,फाइल{कागज़_संभाल_कर_रखने_की_जिल्द}, N,I have too many files on my hard disk.,file,فَیِل,,{कम्पयूटर_में_सूचना_रखने_का_तरीका}, V,Please file my complaint on this issue.,file,دَرٕج کَرُن,,सूचना_दर्ज_करना, N,There was a long file of people at the polling booth.,file,لٲن,,पंक्ति, N,Please use the file to even the surface.,file,فَہرٕ واو,,रेती, V,I need to file my nails.,file,رَگڑاوُن،گِسُن ،فہَرٕواو دیُن,,घिसना, V,He asked his son to fill the pit with the dry leaves.,fill,بَرُن,,भरना, N,I had my fill of sweets at the wedding reception.,fill,یَڑ بٔرِتھ,,संतुष्टि, N,Filling used in this Dosa is very tasty.,filling,بٔرِتھ,,भरावन, N,The film shown at the theater is good.,film,کھیل،فِلِم,,सिनेमा, N,Change the film in your camera.,film,ریٖل،فِلِم,,कैमरे_की_रील, N,There is a film of oil on the water of this pond.,film,تہہ،زٮ۪ل,,झिल्ली, Adj,The final chapter of this book is the most interesting.,final,ٲخری,,अंतिम, N,He has reached the finals in the match.,final,ٲخری پَڑاو,,अंतिम_चरण, V,After a long discussion they finalised the outline for the campaign.,finalise,مُکمَل کَرُن,,अंतिम_निर्णय_लेना, Adv,The party finally broke up.,finally,ٲخٕرکار,,आखिरकार, N,He financed his higher studies.,finance,رۄپیِہ،پونٛسہٕ,,आर्थिक_व्यवस्था, V,Company has arranged the finance for new project through the loan.,finance,مٲلی اِنتِظام کَرُن،پونٛسہٕ لاگُن,,आर्थिक_प्रबन्ध, Adj,Tokyo is a major financial centre in SouthEast Asia.,financial,مٲلی,,आर्थक, V,I have to find a way out.,find,ژھانٛڑُن,,ढूँढ निकालना, V,After a lot of hard work they found the error in the machine.,find,ژھونٛڑ,,पाना, V,He finds that his colleagues are not very co-operative.,find,باسُن،خَیال کَرُن,,अनुभव_करना, V,I found a gold ring on the pavement.,find,لَبُن,,मिलना, N,Our new flat is a real find considering the rent charged.,find,دٔرِیافت,,खोज, N,Findings of the enquiry are not in favour of the accused.,finding,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,जाँच_परिणाम, Adj,I had a fine holiday at his farm.,fine,اَصٕل,,बढिया/अच्छा, Adj,We purchased a blanket with fine needlework.,fine,زٲوِج,,बारीक, Adj,This is a fine colour for your car.,fine,جان،ٹھیٖک،زَبَر,,सुन्दर, Adj,My health is fine now.,fine,ٹھیٖک,,संतोषजनक, Adj,The gold bars are made of fine metal only.,fine,صاف،شوٚد،خٲلِص,,शुद्ध, Adj,The table was covered with fine dust.,fine,زٲوِج,,महीन, Adj,This drawing is made by a nib with fine point.,fine,نِیُک،زٲویُل,,पतला, Adv,She is fine now.,fine,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,ठीक_तरह_से, Adv,There is a fine distinction between the textures.,fine,واریاہ کَم,,बहुत_कम_अन्तर_होना, N,He had to pay a fine for wrong parking.,fine,جُرمانہٕ،ہَرجانہٕ,,जुर्माना, V,He was summoned to pay a fine for court of contempt.,fine,جُرمانہٕ بَرُن،ہَرجانہٕ دیُن,,जुर्माना_लगाना, N,His fingers are long and thin.,finger,اونٛگٕج,,उंगली, V,She usually fingeres her necklace while talking.,finger,اونٛگجہِ لاگنہِ,,उंगली_से_छूना, V,He has been asked to finish this work today.,finish,پوٗرٕ کَرٕنۍ,,पूर_करना, V,Please finish your coffee quickly.,finish,مۄکلاوُن,,समाप्त_करना, V,He has engaged some persons to finish Shyam.,finish,مارُن,,मार_डालना, V,He has been asked to finish this work today.,finish,پوٗرٕ کَرُن،مُکَمَل کَرُن،اَنٛد واتٕناوُن,,पूर्ण_करना, V,Please finish the coffee quickly.,finish,مۄکلاوٕنۍ,,समाप्त_करना, V,He has engaged some persons to finish Shyam.,finish,مارُن,,मार_डालना, N,This race will have an interesting finish.,finish,اَنٛد,,अन्त, Adj,He was not finished with the work yet.,finished,مُکَمَل,,पूर्ण, Adj,The finished product was exhibbited publicly.,finished,مُکَمَل,,समाप्त, N,The fire at the cinema hall resulted in many deaths.,fire,نار،زونٛگ,,आग, N,The police opened fire to hold back the mob.,fire,گوٗلۍ چَلاوٕنۍ,,गोली_चलाना, V,He fired at the robbers.,fire,حَملہٕ کَرُن،گولہِ چَلاونہِ,,प्रहार_करना{बंदूक_या_तीर_से}, V,He has recently been fired from his job.,fire,کڑنہٕ آمُت,,निकाल_देना, V,These comments fired his imagination.,fire,طیٚشَس مَنٛز یُن،جوشَس مَنٛز یُن,,उत्तेजित_होना, V,Bricks are fired in the klins to bake them.,fire,بٔٹَھس پٮ۪ٹھ بَناوُن,,भट्टी_में_पकाना, N,The soldiers were trained for firing arms.,firing,بندوٗق چَلاوُن,,बंदूक_चलाना, Adj,He began the work with firm determination.,firm,مَضبوٗط,,दृढ़, Adj,He always remains firm on his decisions.,firm,پَکہٕ,,अचल, Adj,Our decision is firm against their argument.,firm,پایدار,,स्थिर, V,Please firm up your decision in this matter.,firm,پَکہٕ کَرُن,,दृढ़_करना, Adv,The textile industry has now been firmly established.,firm,پَکہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,स्थिरता_होना, N,There are many firms in this business.,firm,تِجارتی اِدارٕ,,व्यापारिक_कंपनी, Adj,He always stands first in his class.,first,اَوَل,,प्रथम, Adj,There is a huge crowd on the first train of the day.,first,گۄڈٕنِچہِ,,पहला, Adv,He was the first to enter the hall.,first,گۄڈنِیُک,,सबसे_पहले, Adv,I would like to finish the work first.,first,گۄڈٕ,,के_पहले, N,The team had scored first goal before halftime.,first,گۄڈٕنِیُک,,प्रथम, Art,He delivered his first lecture profoundly.,first,گۄڈنِیُک,,पहला, Adj,Taxes are maintained in fiscal policy.,fiscal,مٲلی,,राजकर_संबन्धी, N,We want fish fry for the dinner.,fish,گاڈ,,मछली, V,I love to go for fishing on week ends.,fish,گاڈٕ رَٹنہِ,,मछली_पकड़ना, N,Fishermen are advised to not to go into the sea during the storm.,fisherman,گاڈٕ وول،گاڈٕہٲنٛز,,मछुआरा, N,Fishermen usually go for fishing before sunrise.,fishing,گاڈٕرَٹنہِ,,मछली_पकड़ना, N,He fought with his fists.,fist,مُشتہٕ,,मुठ्ठी, Adj,He keeps himself fit by regular excercises.,fit,صحَت منٛد,,स्वस्थ, Adj,This water is not fit for drinking.,fit,ٹھیٖک,,उपयुक्त, Adj,It is fit and proper to leave on sunday.,fit,ٹھیٖک,,उचित, N,She gets epileptic fits.,fit,دورٕ,,दौरा, N,He slapped his friend in a fit of anger.,fit,جوش,,आवेश, N,His coat looks a good fit.,fit,میٖژُک,,नाप_का, V,Only four persons can fit in this car.,fit,واتُن,,समाना, V,The peg is a tight fit on this hole.,fit,صٔحیح بِہُن,,सही_बैठना, Adj,He somehow fitted all his clothes in the bag.,fitted,واتناوٕنۍ,,समा_देना, Adj,He gave a fitting speech on the occasion.,fitting,مُنٲسِب،صٔحیح,,सामायक, N,All the fittings in this office are removable.,fitting,سامان,,सामान, N,I prefer tailored fitting dresses.,fitting,فِٹِنٛگ,,कपड़े_बनवाना, Det,There were five children on the bus.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, N,She is only five years old.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, Det,There were five persons sailing on the boat.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, N,There were five persons sailing on the boat.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, N,Five is an odd number.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, Art,There were only five people in the office.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, Adj,They own five shops in Mumbai.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, V,Please fix this ceramic doll.,fix,جوڑُن،واٹھ دیُن,,जोडना, V,We should fix the time for meeting.,fix,مُقرَر کَرُن,,निश्चित_करना, V,Please fix up a meal for the guests tonight.,fix,تَیار کَرُن،رَنُن,,तैयार_करना, V,I need to fix my bicycle.,fix,ٹھیٖک کَرٕنۍ,,ठीक_करना, V,He has already fixed the complications with police.,fix,سَٹہٕ وَٹہٕ کَرُن,,साँठ_गाँठ_करना, V,I fixed him nicely with this answer.,fix,سَزا دیُن،پٔٹھراوُن,,दंड_देना, V,Please fix this photograph on the wall.,fix,لَگاوُن,,पुष्ट_करना, N,She has put herself in a great fix.,fix,مُشکِل،مُصیٖبَت,,कठिनाई, N,The culprit managed to get away because the case was a fix.,fix,بےایمٲنی,,बेइमानी, N,A drug addict needs frequent fixes to keep calm.,fix,نَشاور دَوا,,नशीली_दवाई, N,Please fix the positions accordingly.,fix,پَے،نٮ۪ب,,स्थापना, Adj,All prices are fixed at this shop.,fixed,گٔنٛڑتھ، طے,,स्थिर_की_हुई, Adj,He has fixed ideas about his son.,fixed,ڈٔٹِتھ,,दृढ_किया_हुआ, Adj,I do not have any fixed time for lunch.,fixed,گٔنٛڑِتھ,,स्थापित_किया_हुआ, N,The flag was fluttering in the breeze.,flag,جَنٛڑٕ,,झंडा, N,Flag plant usually grow near water.,flag,اَکہِ قٕسمُک کُل,,एक_तरह_का_पेड़, V,He flagged the taxi to stop.,flag,اِشارٕ ہاوُن,,संकेत_देना, V,The interest in the project is flagging.,flag,دِلچَسپی کَم گَژٕھنۍ,,कमज़ोर_होना, N,The building was in flames in the middle of the night.,flame,ریٚہہ,,लपट, N,In autumn plane trees bloom in scarlet flames.,flame,شوخ رَنٛگ,,भड़कीला_रंग, N,His love letter kindled the flame of passion in her.,flame,عٔشقُن نار,,तीव्र_चेतन, N,He greeted his old flame warmly at the party.,flame,معشوق,,प्रेमी, N,The flames of the fire were rising high in the sky.,flame,نارٕ برٛیہہ,,आग_की_ज्वाला, N,The whole area was glowing with flames of the fire.,flame,ناروٗو....,,आग_का_रंग, V,His face flamed with anger.,flame,شَرارت کَھسُن،نار چَھکُن,,क्रोधित_होना, N,There was a sudden flash of lightening in the sky.,flash,زٕژ,,चमक, N,A flash is needed for taking photographs in the dark.,flash,فٕلَش,,फ्लैश_यंत्र, N,He wears flash of his rank at all functions.,flash,ہاو باو,,पद_का_संकेत, Adj,He dressed in a flash outfit for the wedding.,flash,لوٗبوُن,,आकर्षक_व्सतु, V,"When she is annoyed, her eyes flash angrily.",flash,زوتان,,चमकना, V,The cars were flashing by at high speed on the highway.,flash,تیز ژَلان,,तीव्र_गति_से_जाना, V,There was a flash in the news about the devastating floods.,flash,سُرخی وَنٕنۍ،تازٕ خَبَر دِنۍ,,समाचार_देना, V,Please flash your identification before you enter.,flash,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, Adj,This building has a flat roof.,flat,چَپٹہٕ،ہَم وار,,समतल, Adj,He was speaking in a dull flat voice.,flat,لۄتہِ,,बिना_उतार_चढ़ाववाला, Adj,The share market has been flat for quite sometime.,flat,ٹَھپ,,मंद, Adj,The contractor is charging a flat rate for supply of labour.,flat,ہِشی,,एक_समान, Adj,This symphony is in a flat musical note.,flat,ہَلکہٕ,,संगीत_का_एक_नोट, Adj,This soda has become flat due to long storage.,flat,سادٕ,,पुराना_हुआ_पेय, Adj,He had a flat tyre on his way to the office.,flat,پَنچَر دار,,पंक्चर_हुआ, Adj,His car could not start as the battery was flat.,flat,بِہِتھ,,खराब_होना, Adj,He could not be selected for the army as he had flat feet.,flat,چَپٹہٕ,,बिना_घुमाव_का_होना, Adj,The restaurant serves flat food.,flat,سیوٚن,,फीका, N,He lives in a flat on the third floor.,flat,مکان,,घर, N,He slapped him with a flat hand.,flat,منٛز اَتھٕ,,समतल_भाग, N,Salt is collected on flat areas near sea shores.,flat,۔۔۔,,समुद्र_किनारे_का_समतल_भाग, Adv,The buildings were razed flat to the ground due to earthquake.,flat,زٔمیٖنَس لارُن,,गिरा_देना, Adv,Keep the furniture flat against the wall.,flat,سیوٚد,,सीधा_रखना, Adv,The singer sang all songs in a flat voice.,flat,سادٕ طَرزَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,बिना_उतार_चढ़ाव_के, Adv,I will be able to complete this work in flat two days.,flat,سیوٚد,,अनुमानित, N,Dinner has tasty flavour.,flavour,مَزٕ,,स्वाद, N,This city has a distinct flavour of bygone times.,flavour,مَزٕ,,पुट, V,She flavoured the rice-dish with mint.,flavour,مَزٕ دار بَناوُن,,खास_स्वाद_बनाना, V,The crowd fled the market as soon as possible.,flee,ژَلُن,,भाग_जाना, N,A fleet of ships was deployed to evacuate persons stranded on the coast.,fleet,جہازَن ہٕنٛد دَستہٕ,,जहाजी_बेड़ा, N,The company maintained a fleet of cars for its officers.,fleet,جُنٛڑ,,गाड़ियों_का_समूह, Adj,He has trained a fleet footed team for the up coming competition.,fleet,تیز,,तेज़, N,They are flesh eating animals.,flesh,ماز,,माँस, N,Flesh of apples is tasty to eat.,flesh,ماز،گوٗج,,गूदा, V,You need to flesh the theses with some more data.,flesh,تَفصیٖل کَرٕنۍ,,विस्तार_में_जाना, N,The plan has enough flexibility to suit the changes.,flexibility,نَرمی,,लचीलापन, Adj,His body is flexible with regular excercises.,flexible,نَرٕم,,लचीला, Adj,The plan for the trip should be flexible enough to consider the weather changes.,flexible,نَرٕم,,स्थिति_के_अनुरूप_ढालना, N,A flock of birds took flight at once.,flight,وٕڑَو،پَرواز،ہَوٲیی سَفَر,,उड़ान, N,The flight was quite pleasant.,flight,ہَوٲیی سَفَر,,हवाई_यात्रा, N,You have to climb a steep flight of stairs to reach the top of the temple.,flight,ہیٖرٕ,,सीढ़ियाँ, N,His riches are only his flight of imagination.,flight,وٕڑَو,,कल्पना_की_उड़ान, N,There was a flight of residents from the border as the war began.,flight,لار,,पलायन, V,After finishing the exams he flung the book into air.,fling,چَھکُن,,फेंकना, V,He flunged the letter into tthe fire.,fling,دَکہٕ دیُن،دَب دیُن,,धक्का_देना, V,She flung the books into the bag and walked out.,fling,ہِلاوُن،دَب دیُن,,हिलाना/पटक_देना, V,They were flinging rude remarks on each other.,fling,کھالٕنۍ,,डालना, N,The students had a wonderful fling before leaving the university.,fling,لُطُف,,आनन्दित_होना, N,She has been having a fling with her boss.,fling,ناجٲیِز تعلوٗقات,,प्रेम_प्रसंग, V,The dead body was found floating on the river.,float,یٖران,,बहना, V,She kept on floating in the pool to relax.,float,سرٛانٛٹھ وایِنۍ,,तैरना, V,He floated an idea for the promotion of the new product.,float,دیُن,,राय_देना, V,This company has floated its first public issue.,float,جٲری کَرُن,,ज़ारी_करना, V,Countries normally float their currency against the US Dollar.,float,بَرابٔری کَرٕنۍ,,मुद्रा_का_संतुलन_रखना, N,Attach a float to the fishing rod to prevent its sinking.,float,پٮ۪ن کٔٹ,,तैरने_वाला_पदार्थ, N,There were many interesting floats in the Republic Day parade.,float,جانٛکی,,झाँकी, N,Bus conducters usually fall short of the float.,float,پُھٹہٕ ووٹ,,रेज़गारी, V,The city was flooded due to inadequate drainage.,flood,سٔہلاب یُن,,पानी_भर_जाना, V,The river is flooded due to heavy rains.,flood,سٔہلاب یُن,,बाढ़_आना, V,The markets are flooded with many electronic goods.,flood,واریاہ تعدادَس مَنٛز,,बहुतायत_से, V,This room is flooded with light as it has large windows.,flood,بٔرِتھ,,भर_जाना, V,The leakage in the water pipe flooded the kitchen.,flood,سٔہلاب اَنُن,,भर_कर_बहना, N,The rivers are in spate due to floods.,flood,سٔہلاب,,बाढ़, N,The floor of the house is to be kept clean.,floor,پوٚتُھر,,फर्श, N,Large volcanoes errupt from the sea floor.,floor,ژَکہِ,,तल, N,We live on the tenth floor.,floor,پور،پۄہَر,,मंज़िल, N,He took her to the floor on Christmas dance.,floor,خاص جاے,,खास_कार्यस्थल, N,The wages have fallen on the floor.,floor,سرٛوٚگ,,निम्न_मूल्य, V,He was floored by the argument.,floor,ہارناوُن،پاوُن,,हरा_देना, V,The wrestler floored the opponent by a single punch.,floor,دَب دیُن،پَتَھر پاوُن,,गिरा_देना, V,He preferred to have wooden flooring for the rooms.,floor,پٔتھرِس ترٛاوُن,,सतह_लगाना, N,He went to the flour mill to get the grain ground.,flour,اوٹ,,आटा, V,Cutlets are floured before frying.,flour,آٹہِ سۭتۍ وَلٕنۍ،اوٹ مَتُھن,,आटे_में_लपेटना, V,Water began to flow as soon as the dam burst.,flow,وَسُن،پَکُن,,बहना, V,The flow of trafic has increased nowadays.,flow,پَکُن,,सरकना, V,Money flowed without restraints for his party.,flow,آبٕکۍ پٲٹھۍ خَرچُن,,अनवरत_प्रवाह, V,Priests usually wear flowing robes.,flow,کٔھلۍ,,ढीले_ढाले, V,I have no problem in the flow of money for this cause.,flow,خَرچاونَس,,बहुतायत_से, N,The flow of blood from the wound stopped.,flow,وَسُن،نیرُن,,बहाव, N,You cannot just go with the flow.,flow,لٕہِر,,धारा, N,He speaks in a continous flow.,flow,رَوٲنی,,धारा_प्रवाह, N,These flowers have pleasant fragrance.,flower,پوش,,फूल, N,The kids are like the flowers in the family.,flower,گُل,,श्रेष्ठ_भाग, V,Roses flower throughout the year.,flower,پھۄلان,,फूलों_का_खिलना, V,Their understanding flowered eventually.,flower,بَڑُن,,बढ़ना, N,The flue emits steam during the cooking.,flue,بُکھٲرۍ,,धुँए_का_निकास_मार्ग, N,You need to consume lot of fluid.,fluid,آب,,द्रव_पदार्थ, Adj,Milk is a nurishing fluid feed.,fluid,ٲبی,,तरल, Adj,We have a fluid arrangement of work here.,fluid,نَرٕم,,लचीला, N,The economy is in a constant state of flux.,flux,تَبدیٖلی,,बदलाव, N,Our resources are in a state of flux.,flux,لٕہَر,,प्रवाह, V,Birds fly in the air.,fly,وٕڑُن,,उड़[उड़ा], V,The poor bird could not fly with a broken wing.,fly,وٕڑَو کَرُن,,उड़ना, V,He flies his helicopter at times.,fly,وٕڑُن,,उड़ाना, V,We will fly the flag later.,fly,لٔہراوُن,,फहराना, V,The car was almost flying along the road.,fly,تیز پَکُن,,तेज़_रफ्तार_से_जाना, V,He flew from the city.,fly,ژَلُن,,भागना, N,There are many flies in the room.,fly,مٔچھ,,मक्खी, N,He often replaces the fly for fishing.,fly,وول,,बंसी_में_लगाने_का_चारा, Adj,There are many flying insects in this area.,flying,وٕڑوٕنۍ,,उड़ने_वाला, N,He goes along with his family while flying.,flying,ہَوٲیی سَفَر,,हवाई_यात्रा, N,The detergent produces dense foam.,foam,پوٚس,,झाग, N,We arranged foam matresses for the occassion.,foam,فوم,,फोम, V,The detergent foams a lot.,foam,پوٚس کَھسُن,,झाग_निकलना, N,He was the center of focus at the party.,focus,مَرکَز,,केंद्र_बिंदु, V,All credit focussed on the chairman.,focus,مَرکز بَناوٕنۍ,,केंद्रित_होना, V,He is unable to focus in dimlight.,focus,صاف پٲٹھۍ وُچُھن,,साफ_दिखाई_देना, V,Please focus the lense of the camera accordingly.,focus,فوکَس کَرُن,,केन्द्रित_करना, N,Fog usually hampers smooth mobility.,fog,وُنَل,,कोहरा, V,The glass panes were fogged by excessive steam.,fog,بَہَہ کَھسُن,,कोहरे_से_घिरना, V,I am fogged by her response.,fog,دُل مُلَس مَنٛز گَژُھن,,भ्रम_पैदा_होना, N,Aluminium foil keeps food fresh.,foil,وَرُق,,धातु_का_महीन_पत्तर, N,The actor of the movie was a perfect foil for cynical manager.,foil,بٮ۪ن تہٕ ہشر,,परिपूरक, V,He foiled the attempts made by Ram to get the job.,foil,روکاوَٹ پٲدٕ کَرٕنۍ,,रोड़े_अटकाना, N,They make foils used in the competition.,foil,زٲوِج شَمشیر,,पतली_तलवार, V,Fold the clothes properly before putting them in the drawer.,fold,تَہہ کَرُن,,तह_करना, V,Please fold the chairs in the garden and stack them .,fold,بَنٛد کَرٕنۍ،وَٹٕنۍ,,बंद_करना, V,The movie folded within a week in spite of vast publicity.,fold,بَنٛد گَژٕھنۍ،مۄکلٕنۍ,,समाप्त_होना, N,Please see that the curtain hangs with proper folds.,fold,پٕھٹہٕ,,चुन्नट, N,The folds on this paper are not proper.,fold,پٕھٹ,,मोड़ने_का_निशान, N,The highway has too many folds.,fold,موڑ,,चट्टान_में_मोड़, N,He pushed the sheep into the fold.,fold,گان,,भेडों_को_रखने_का_बाड़ा, N,Many members decided to leave the party fold.,fold,انجُمن,,समुदाय, Suffix,He earned tenfold profit in this investment.,fold,گَنہٕ,,गुना, N,I am going to my village to meet my folks.,folk,لُکھ,,लोग, N,The folks at my place are very friendly.,folk,لُکھ،عوام,,जनता, N,Every culture has folk tales.,folk,لُکہٕ کَتھہٕ,,लोक_परम्परानुसार, Adj,Folk art is in much demand.,folk,لُکہٕ,,लोक, N,I translated some folklore from vernacular into english.,folklore,لُکہٕ ادب,,पौराणिक_कथा, V,I will follow the proceedings.,follow,مُطٲبِق پَکُن,,अनुसरण_करना/अनुकरण_करना, V,You better follow this bus along the highway.,follow,پَتہٕ پَتہٕ پَکُن,,पीछे_जाना, V,He followed her upto her house.,follow,پَتہٕ لارُن،پَتہٕ دورُن,,पीछा_करना, V,One needs to follow the rules of the company.,follow,مانُن،تٲبیدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,आज्ञा_मानना, V,She is following the medical profession.,follow,اِختِیار کَرُن,,अनुगमन_करना, V,You should try to follow the instructions of the teacher.,follow,سَمجُن،پَکُن,,समझना, V,He was following every argument at the seminar.,follow,دیان دِتھ بوزُن,,ध्यान_से_सुनना, V,The story followed in sequence about the life of the saint.,follow,پَکان,,वर्णन_करना, V,A dispute is likely to follow after the meeting.,follow,گَژُھن,,घटित_होना, V,It follows that she will not withdraw the case.,follow,مَطلَب کَڑُن,,अर्थ_निकलना, N,He is a follower of a pious saint.,follower,مُریٖد,,अनुयायी, Adj,The programme was held on the following day.,following,دوٚیمہِ,,अगला, Adj,Consider the following examples.,following,برٛونٛہہ کُن دِژمٕژ,,आगे_दिया_हुआ, N,The saint has a large following in our village.,following,مانن وٲلۍ,,शिष्य-समुदाय, Prep,There was a major uprising following his arrest.,following,پٮ۪ٹھ,,होने_पर, Prep,The conditions in the city worsened following his arrest.,following,پَتہٕ,,के_बाद, Adj,I have very fond memories of childhood.,fond,خۄشوٕنۍ،ٹاچھہِ,,प्रिय, N,We cannot survive without food.,food,غزا،کھٮ۪ن,,आहार, N,He made a fool of himself at the party.,fool,بیقٕل،بیوقوٗف،اَحمَق,,मूर्ख, VT,I was fooled by my friends on my birthday.,fool,بیقٕل بَناوُن،بیوقوٗف بَناوُن,,मूर्ख_बनाना, Adj,It was foolish of her to go alone at night.,foolish,بیقلٲزی،بیوقوٗفی,,मूर्खतापूर्ण, Adj,It would be foolish to believe such rumours.,foolish,بیوقوٗفی،بیقلٲزی,,मूर्ख, N,She has thin feet.,foot,کھۄر,,पाँव[फुट], N,My left foot was injured in the accident.,foot,کھۄر,,पाँव, N,They erected a five foot wall in front of their house.,foot,فُٹہٕ,,फुट{नाप}, N,The meanings are given at the foot of the page.,foot,حٲشیہِ,,पद{कविता_में}, N,They camped at the foot of the hill.,foot,دامَن,,आधार, N,I love to watch football match.,football,فُٹ بال,,फुटबॉल, N,Pedestrians should always walk on the footpath.,footpath,وَتہِ پوٚد,,पैदलपथ, N,Raj heard the sound of footsteps in the next room.,footstep,پَکُن,,क़दम, Prep,I can do this for her.,for,خٲطرٕ,,के~लिये, Prep,Ravi bought a book for Sonu.,for,خٲطرٕ,,के_लिये, Prep,Speak for yourself first.,for,طَرفہٕ,,की_ओर_से, Prep,She is too young for the practise.,for,حِسابہٕ، مُطٲبِق,,के_हिसाब_से, Prep,He talked on and on for an hour on the telephone.,for,تام,,तक, Prep,Everybody has a desire for comfort.,for,ہٕنٛز,,का, Prep,We haven`t seen him for years.,for,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,से, Prep,We had baked potatoes for lunch.,for,خٲطرٕ,,में, Prep,I bought this book for Rs. 300.,for,منٛز,,में, Prep,I bought this book for Rs. 300.,for,مَنٛز،پٮ۪ٹھ,,में, Prep,He walked for five miles.,for,تام,,तक, Conj,Rama was very angry with Madhu for she forgot to wish him newyear.,for,کیازِکہِ,,क्योंकि, V,The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to young people.,forbid,منَع کَرُن,,निषेध_लगाना, VT,My sense of humor forbids an offensive answer.,forbid,مَنع کَرُن,,मना_करना, Adj,She was forbidden to see him.,forbidden,سَخٕت مَنع,,निषिद्ध, N,They used force to open the jammed door.,force,طاقت،زور,,बल, N,The police got away with the demonstrators by force.,force,زَبر دٔستی،جبرَن,,बलप्रयोग, N,The Air force was trained to fly newly purchased fighter planes.,force,فوج,,सेना, N,Women turned up in large force.,force,تعداد,,बड़ी_संख्या, N,The new law will come into force next month.,force,لاگوٗ وگَژُھن,,लागू_होना, V,She forced him to take up a job in the city.,force,مَجبوٗر کَرُن،جَبر کَرُن,,मजबूर_करना, V,She was forced to throw the party.,force,زورٕ دِنۍ،زبَردٔستی دِنۍ,,जबरदस्ती_उत्पन्न_करना, V,The cricketers forced their way through the crowd.,force,جبَرن اَژُن,,बलपूर्वक_घुसना/निकलना, Adj,His resignation was forced.,forced,جَبری,,बलकृत/अनिवार्य, Adj,He gave a forced smile.,forced,جَبرن،زَبَردٔستی,,कृत्रिम, N,We drove through the ford to reach the village.,ford,پایاب,,उथली_जगह{नदी_के_पास}, VT,Many people ford the river in boat.,ford,اَپور تَرُن,,पार_करना, Adj,The fore part of the car was damaged in the accident.,fore,برٛنٛہِِم,,आगे_का, Adv,He came to the fore to address the audience.,fore,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,आगे/सामने, N,Sheila has pimples on her forehead.,forehead,ڑٮ۪کہٕ,,माथा, Adj,She learns foreign languages during the vacations.,foreign,بیٖروٗنی،غٲر مُلکی،وۄپَر,,विदेशी, N,Wild animals live in forests.,forest,وَن،جَنٛگل,,जंगल, Adv,They remained friends forever.,forever,ہَمیٚشہٕ,,सदैव, V,I forgot to bring your book.,forget,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूल_जाना, VT,My mother forgave me for my mistakes.,forgive,مٲفی دِنۍ،بَخشُن,,क्षमा_करना, N,He asked for forgiveness.,forgiveness,مٲفی,,क्षमा, N,They eat with knife and fork.,fork,کانٛٹہٕ,,खाने_का_काँटा, VI,This road forks across the bridge.,fork,ژھٮ۪ن گَژُھن،زٕ حِصہٕ گَژٕھنۍ,,विभाजित_होना, VI,The farmer forked the manure into the soil.,fork,اَکہِ قٕسمُک زول,,काँटे_से_निकालना/खोदना_आदि, N,The lawn was laid out in the form of a square.,form,شَکٕل,,ढाँचा-आकृति, N,A dark form appeared at a distance.,form,ژھاے,,आकृति, N,The past form of `write` is `wrote`.,form,حالَت,,शब्द_रूप, N,I got an application form for you.,form,فارَم,,प्रारूप/छपा_हुआ_फार्म, N,Water changes in three different forms.,form,حالت,,अवस्था, N,The assignments should be printed in the prescribed form.,form,طور طٔریٖقہٕ,,कार्यविधि, N,The modern form of painting is quite interesting.,form,طٔریٖقہٕ,,प्रकार, V,He has alredy formed an opinion about his boss.,form,بَناوُن,,बनाना, Adj,All were requested to come in formal dress code.,formal,رَسمی,,औपचारक, Adv,He was formally invited to the party.,formally,رَسمی طور پٲٹھۍ,,औपचारिक_रूप_से, N,The formation of the Board was complete today.,formation,بناوٹ،ترتیٖب,,बनावट, Adj,The former chief was sceptical and short-sighted.,former,پرٛانِہ,,पुराना, Adj,The former Vice Chancellor visited the university.,former,سٲبِقہٕ،گۄڈنیُک،پرٛون,,पूर्व, Adj,"In the phrase `Jack and Jill`,Jack is former.",former,گۄڈنیُک،برٛونٛہِم,,दो_में_से_पहला, Adj,The former rulers of the state designed certain policies.,former,سٲبِقہٕ،پٔتِم,,भूतपूर्व, Adj,The former rule continues to be in practise.,former,گۄڈنِیُک,,पहला{दो_में_से}, Adv,"Formerly, females were not emancipated financially.",formerly,گۄڈٕ,,बीते_हुए_समय_में, Adj,Solving theorems is a formidable task for me.,formidable,سَخ,,दुर्जेय, N,There is a formula to solve this problem.,formula,فارمُلا،تَرکیٖب,,सूत्र, N,There is no easy formula for success.,formula,نُسخہٕ,,नुस्खा, VT,The policy was carefully formulated in view of the inflation.,formulate,واضِح کَرُن,,सूत्र_रूप_में_बनाना, N,New formulation of prices of various products is not listed yet.,formulation,تَشکیٖل,,सूत्रीकरण, N,The forts have become places of tourist attraction.,fort,قعلہٕ,,किला, Adv,He came forth to address the audience.,forth,برٛۄنٛہہ کُن,,आगे, Adj,He is really very fortunate to secure admission in the college.,fortunate,خۄش قٕسمَت,,भाग्यशाली, Adv,The weather remained good fortunately.,fortunately,خۄش قٕسمٔتی سان,,भाग्य_से, N,May fortune shine on your family!,fortune,تَقدیٖر،قٕسمَت،نٔصیٖب,,सौभाग्य, N,Forty people were present at the party.,forty,ژَتجی,,चालीस, Adj,The forward seats in the bus are reserved for ladies.,forward,برٛونٛہمہِ,,अगला, Adv,Lean forward to let the light come in.,forward,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,आगे_की_ओर, V,The case was forwarded to the Supreme Court.,forward,برٛونٛہہ پَکناوُن,,बढ़ाना, VT,She fostered the orphan.,foster,پالُن،پَرؤرِش کرٕنۍ,,पालना, VT,Her father founded the hospital in 1958.,found,بُنیاد ترٛاوٕنۍ,,स्थापना_करना, N,The foundation of the building was layed way back in 1997.,foundation,سنگِہ بُنیاد،کٔن,,आधार, N,The foundation of a library in the town helped the students.,foundation,بُنیاد,,स्थापना, N,Many foundations agreed to sponsor my research.,foundation,ادارٕ,,संस्था, N,There was a beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden.,fountain,فنٛوارٕ،چیٚشمہٕ,,फव्वारा, Det,I saw four people in the corridor.,four,ژور,,चार, N,She is only four.,four,ژور,,चार, Det,I saw four men coming towards our gate.,four,ژور,,चार, N,I saw four men coming towards our gate.,four,ژور,,चार, N,Four is my lucky number.,four,ژور,,चार, Art,She is four years old.,four,ژور,,चार, Adj,I have got four chocolates.,four,ژور,,चार, Det,It took him fourteen days to complete the work.,fourteen,ژۄدَہ,,चौदह, N,She is just fourteen.,fourteen,ژۄدَہ,,चौदह, Det,It took me fourteen days to finish this work.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, N,It took me fourteen days to finish this work.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, N,I am fourteen.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, Art,Fourteen people were killed in the bomblast.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, Adj,This note is repeated fourteen times in the song.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, Det,He lives in the fourth house from here.,fourth,ژوٗرِم,,चौथा, Art,She has got fourth position.,fourth,ژوٗرِم,,चौथा, N,I saw a fox in the bushes.,fox,رامہٕ ہوٗن,,लोमड़ी, N,He is an old fox.,fox,مَکار,,कपटी_व्यक्ति, V,He foxes every body with his behaviour.,fox,مَہ کٲری کرٕنۍ، دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,पशोपेश_में_डालना, N,The bus left in a fraction of a second.,fraction,ژِہیوٗو،برٛونٛز,,टुकड़ा, N,I want a fraction of share from our income.,fraction,رَژھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोड़ा_सा, N,We can break it into equal fractions.,fraction,حِصہٕ,,खंड, N,The door frames should be made of wood.,frame,چوکاٹ,,चौखट, N,The main frame of the aircraft is ready.,frame,ڈانٛچہٕ,,ढाँचा, N,I broke the frame of my spectacles.,frame,فرٛیم,,फ्रेम{चश्मे_का}, N,We have to follow the time frame strictly.,frame,دٲیرٕ,,दायरा, N,These door frames are made of teak wood.,frame,چوکاٹ,,चौखट, V,A dense population of trees framed the hut.,frame,ژۄشوٕنی طَرفن آسُن,,चारों_ओर_होना, V,He framed the plot for the play all alone.,frame,تَشکیٖل کرُن,,शब्दों_में_बाँधना, V,He claimed that he was framed in the controversy.,frame,غلط اِلزام لاگٕنۍ,,झूठे_आरोप_लगाना, Adj,He is very frank.,frank,صاف دِل،رلہٕ وُن،مِلن سار,,स्पष्टवादी, Adj,You need to be frank in your reply.,frank,سیوٚد،پوٚز,,स्पष्टवादी/सरल, V,They franked all the letters.,frank,ٹِکٹ لاگٕنۍ,,टिकट_लगा, Adj,The slaves were set free.,free,آزاد,,स्वतंत्र, Adj,We are the citizens of a free nation.,free,آزاد,,आज़ाद, Adj,The other end of the rope is left free.,free,ڈیوٚل,,ढ़ीला, Adj,Thousands of war prisoners were set free.,free,یَلہٕ,,मुक्त, Adj,He got free tickets for the magic show.,free,مُفتٕے,,बिना_मूल्य_के, Adj,The bathroom is free now.,free,خٲلی,,खाली, Adj,Her brother is always free with suggestions for others.,free,آزاد,,स्वेच्छा_से_देने_को_तत्पर, Adj,The new professor is too free in her attitude.,free,زیادٕ یلہٕ,,सबके_साथ_सीमा_से_अधिक_खुल_जाना, Adv,Children under five usually travel free on buses and trains.,free,مُفت,,मुफ्त/बिना_मूल्य_के, V,It took the rescuers two hours to free the people from the debris.,free,کَڑنہٕ,,निकालना, V,Physical exercises can free your body and mind of tension.,free,سُکوٗن واتناوُن,,मुक्त_करना, V,The A.P. government intends to free more funds for educational purpose.,free,مَنظوٗری دِنۍ,,किसी_विशेष_कारण_के_लिए_अनुमति_देना, V,Winning the contest has freed her to take full-time practice.,free,آزٲد ی دِنۍ,,स्वतंत्रता_देना, N,"After 5 years in prison, he was given his freedom.",freedom,آزٲدی,,स्वतंत्रता, N,She enjoyed complete freedom to do as she wished.,freedom,آزٲدی،چھوٗٹ,,छूट, N,Her son got freedom from fear.,freedom,آزٲدی,,ऐसी_स्थिति_जिस_पर_किसी_का_असर_न_पड़े, Adv,Children under five usually travel free on buses and trains.,freely,مُفتَس منٛز,,मुक्त_भाव_से, Adv,Nowadays drugs are freely available in every corner of the city.,freely,عام پٲٹھۍ,,खुले_आम, Adv,People travel freely across the Nepal border.,freely,آزٲدِی سان،آرام سان,,स्वतन्त्र_रूप_से, Adv,She freely admits that she has made many mistakes earliar.,freely,کُھلٕہ دِلہٕ سان,,स्वेच्छा_से, Adv,She freely admits that she has made many mistakes earliar.,freely,کُھلہٕ دِلی سان،آسٲنی سان,,स्वेच्छा_से, Adv,The painting featured freely brushed strokes.,freely,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,मुक्त_भाव_से, VT,I would freeze to death in this office if the air condition is turned on for 24 hours.,freeze,لٔگِتھ گژُھن،شِٹھِتھ گَژُھن,,जमा_देना, N,Indian railways have services for both passengers and freight.,freight,سامان،مال,,जहाज_या_रेलगाड़ी_पर_लदा_हुआ_माल, V,Apples from this region are freighted all over the world.,freight,مال سوزُن,,माल_ले_जाना, N,Road accidents have increased in frequency in recent years.,frequency,تعداد,,बारंबारता, Adj,A frequent criticism of the proposal has been its high cost.,frequent,اَکثر,,अक्सर_आनेवाला, Adj,There are no frequent bus services from here to Koti.,frequent,اَکثر,,अक्सर, VT,He frequents to her place every now and then.,frequent,بار بار گَژُھن,,बार_बार_जाना, Adv,He comes to my house frequently.,frequently,واریاہ پِھرِ،اَکثر,,बहुता_बार, Adv,He comes to my house frequently.,frequently,اَکثر,,बहुधा, Adj,Have only fresh bread for breakfast.,fresh,تازٕ,,ताज़ा, Adj,Have only fresh bread for breakfast.,fresh,تازٕ,,ताजा, N,Friction between two stones enabled early men to lit fire.,friction,گٔکٕھر,,रगड़, N,Friction arose between the two brothers over the ancestral property.,friction,اِختِلافات,,संघर्ष, N,My friend visits me often.,friend,دوس،یار،بوج,,मित्र, Adj,Our neighbours were very friendly when we moved to our house.,friendly,مِلَن سار,,स्नेहशील, N,Rana and Rahul had strong ties of friendship between them.,friendship,دوٗستی,,मैत्री, VT,Ravi`s anger frightened me.,frighten,کھوژناوُن,,डराना, N,Their house is located on the fringe of the forest.,fringe,اَنٛد,,किनारा, N,With a fringe in her hair she looks beautiful.,fringe,ٹوٚپ,,बालों_की_लट, N,The lady made a fringe on her garment.,fringe,جھالَر,,फुंदना, Prep,She is different from her sister.,from,نِش,,से, Prep,The worker comes home from the factory.,from,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,से, Prep,I got a letter from my brother.,from,سٕنٛدِطَرفہٕ,,के_यहाँ_से, N,The front of the building needs whitewash.,front,برٛونٛہمِہ طَرفٕہ,,आगे, VTI,Beautiful flowers fronted the fence.,front,بٕتھہِ یُن,,सामना_करना, N,The frontier states are always in the danger of foreign invasions.,frontier,سَرحٔدی عَلاقہٕ,,सीमान्त, Adj,Skating is done on frozen ice.,frozen,لوٚگمُت شیٖن,,जमी_हुई, N,Fruits are good for health.,fruit,میوٕ,,फल, N,Almond is a fruit.,fruit,میوٕ,,बीज, N,We must nurture the fruits of the earth.,fruit,نِعمَت,,लाभ, N,Susi enjoyed the fruits of her labour after getting her ph.D.,fruit,پَھل,,परिणाम, V,The mango trees have fruited well this year.,fruit,میوٕ نیرُن,,फलना, N,Fuel is used for cooking.,fuel,تیٖل,,ईंधन, V,We must fuel [up] our car before a long trip.,fuel,تیٖل ترٛاوُن,,ईंधन_डालना, V,He fulfilled his promise.,fulfill,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, V,The student fulfilled the conditions of entry to a college.,fulfill,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,अपेक्षाएँ_पूरी_करना, Adj,The lake is full during rainy season.,full,بٔرِتھ,,भरा_हुआ, Adj,She is full of energy.,full,بٔرِتھ,,पूर्ण, Adj,I`m full. I cannot eat any more.,full,بٔرِتھ,,भरपेट, Adj,The woman gave full information of the incident.,full,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, Adj,Looking after the children is a full-time job.,full-time,دۄہَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,पूर्णकालक, Adv,The superviser was fully satisfied with his work.,fully,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, Adj,I did not find it so funny.,fun,مَزٕدار,,मज़ेदार, N,Children had fun at the party.,fun,مَزٕ,,मज़ा, N,The major function of the judiciary is to maintain law and order in a society.,function,کٲم,,प्रकार्य, N,We have to attend a function in the evening.,function,تقریٖب,,सामाजिक_सम्मेलन, Adj,keep functional clothing in the cupboard.,functional,ضروٗری،لاگٕنۍ لایَق,,क्रियात्मक, N,The prime minister helped the flood victims from his fund.,fund,فَنٛڑ،مٲلی وَسٲیِل,,पूँजी, V,The project is funded by WHO.,fund,مٲلی اِمداد دیُن,,पूँजी_लगाना, Adj,We have a fundamental right of speech.,fundamental,بُنِیٲدی,,मूलभूत, N,Learn the fundamentals of Algebra.,fundamental,اوٚصوٗل,,मूल_सिद्धान्त, N,He took part in the funeral.,funeral,جِنازٕ,,क्रिया_कर्म, Adj,Vidushaka in sanskrit plays engages everyone between the acts with funny jokes.,funny,مَزا یقَہ ،مَزاہِیا,,हास्यास्पद, Adj,The refrigerator is making a funny noise.,funny,عٔجیٖب,,अजीब, Adj,I feel a bit funny today.,funny,تَنٛگ،عٔجیٖبٕے,,अस्वस्थ, N,Sheep has fur.,fur,جَتھ,,बाल{जानवरों_की_खाल_पर_मोटे_व_मुलायम_बाल}, N,I find the food tasteless due to fur on my tongue.,fur,کٔنڑۍ,,बीमारी_में_जिह्वा_पर_होने_वाली_तह, Adj,The teacher made a furious statement at the student.,furious,طیٚشہٕ ہوٚت,,कुपित, Adj,A furious storm uprooted the trees.,furious,خَطَرناک,,भीषण, VT,He furnished the house with ethnic curios.,furnish,سَجاوُن،فَرٕش ترٛاوُن,,सुसज्जित_करना, VT,Furnish all the equipments for the expedition.,furnish,دٔستِیاب کَرُن,,देना{आवश्यक_सामग्री}, N,Furniture adds decor to the room.,furniture,فٔرنیٖچَر،کُرسی میز،فَرٕش,,फर्नीचर, Adj,The military thought that further movement could be risky.,further,برٛونٛہہ کَنِچ,,और_आगे_का, Adv,I want to hear his speech further.,further,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,और_आगे, Adv,He went further to explain the meaning.,further,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,अधिक_विस्तार_से, Adv,"Further,it has come to my notice .",further,بیٚیِہ,,के_अलावा, VT,Mahatma Gandhi furthered the cause of peace.,further,برٛونٛہہ پَکناوُن,,आगे_बढ़ाना, Adv,I suggest you to buy this product. It is good and furthermore it is cheaper also.,furthermore,اَمِہ علاوٕ,,इसके_अतिरिक्त, N,The teacher flew into a fury when the student did not complete his work.,fury,شَرارَت,,कोप, N,The crops were devastated by the fury of the hurricane.,fury,تیٖزی,,तीव्रता, N,Who knows what will happen in the future.,future,مُستَقبٕل،برٛونٛہہ کُن,,भविष्य, Adj,Student`s work hard to get good positions in future.,future,مُستقبٕل,,भविष्य, N,Who knows what will happen in the future.,future,یِنہٕ وول وَقٕت,,भावी[घटनाएँ], N,A good student plans for his future.,future,مُستَقبٕل,,भविष्य, N,No one works without any gain.,gain,حٲصِل،مَطلَب،فٲیدٕ,,प्राप्ति, N,His business is bringing him a lot of gains.,gain,فٲیدٕ,,लाभ, V,I gained a lot of information in the two-day workshop.,gain,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_होना, V,His business gained him profit.,gain,واریاہ فٲیدٕ واتُن,,जरूरत_से_अधिक_मिलना, V,"After six hours of cycling, he finally gained the finishing line.",gain,واتُن,,पहुंचना, V,My wrist watch gains by five minutes.,gain,برٛونٛہہ آسُن,,घड़ी_आदि_का_तेजी_से_चलना, N,I went to Archies gallery.,gallery,گٮ۪لٕری,,गैलरी, N,"It was raining, so I sat in the gallery.",gallery,ووٚٹ,,मकानो_के_भीतर_जाने_का_मार्ग, N,The Jehangir Art Gallery is a famous gallery.,gallery,گٮ۪لٕری,,प्रदर्शनी_लगाने_का_स्थान, N,He has played a gamble by investing in stock market.,gamble,زار,,जुआ, V,People gamble a lot on festivals.,gamble,زار گِنٛدُن,,जुआ_खेलना, V,Yudhishthir gambled even his brothers and wife in the game of choupad.,gamble,داوَس لَگاوُن,,दाँव_पर_लगाना, N,Gambling is very common all over the world.,gambling,زار,,जुआ_खेलना, N,Cricket is the most popular game in India.,game,کھیل,,खेल, Adj,He is game for dare-devil shows.,game,بہوٚدُر،کَلہٕ ژوٚٹ,,निडर, Adj,He has quit playing as his left foot is game.,game,لَنٛجَر,,लँगड़ा, N,A notorious gang of thieves was caught recently.,gang,جَماعت,,दल, N,There is a gap on the wall.,gap,رُم،پھرٛاٹ,,दरार, N,After a gap of 6years he returned to his native place.,gap,وَقفہٕ,,अन्तराल, N,There is a wide gap between the haves and havenots.,gap,فَرَق,,अन्तर, N,I have space for two cars in my garage.,garage,گِراج,,गैरेज, N,He is maintaining a garage.,garage,گِراج,,मोटर_गाड़ी_आदि_सुधारने_की_जगह, N,Bangalore is called the city of gardens.,garden,باغ,,उद्यान, N,I bought some woollen garments for my parents.,garment,پَلَو,,कपड़ा, N,Oxygen is the gas we breathe.,gas,گیس,,गैस, N,Hamid talks all gas so don`t believe him.,gas,،ٹَر،اَپُز,,डींग, V,She gassed herself to death.,gas,زہریٖلہٕ گیس چیوٚن,,ज़हरीली_गैस_लेना[देना], N,The gate of the fort is made of iron and wood.,gate,دَروازٕ,,द्वार, V,Th students who boycotted the classes were gated.,gate,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बंद_करना, N,I like two gathers in my trousers.,gather,تَہہ,,कपड़े_की_तह, V,I like to gather flowers.,gather,جمع کرُن,,इकठ्ठा_कर, V,He gathered as many flowers as he could.,gather,جَمع کَرُن,,इकठ्ठा_करना, V,I gather from the recent reports that external forces are trying to create problems.,gather,سَمجُھن,,परिणाम_निकालना, N,There was a large gathering of devotees in the temple.,gathering,بِرٕ،ہُجوٗم,,भीड़, Adj,Everybody seems to be gay and happy today.,gay,خۄش،شادمان,,आनन्दमय, Adj,He is a gay person.,gay,زنٛدٕدِل،خۄش حال,,समलैंगक, N,I carry all my sports gear in a kitbag.,gear,سامان,,सामान, N,The Congress party seems to be moving into top gear.,gear,رَفتار,,गति, N,He drives in second gear.,gear,گیر,,गियर, Adj,Abhimanyu was a great general of the Pandavas.,general,سِپا ہ سالار,,सेनापति, N,The general coaches of trains are always crowded.,general,عام,,साधारण/सामान्य, Adv,I do not generally like to travel in the summer months.,generally,عام پٲٹھۍ,,प्राय, VT,Atomic power plants generate electricity.,generate,دِوان,,उत्पन्न_करना, VT,Atomic power plants generate electricity.,generate,پٲدٕ کَرُن,,जनना, N,Our generation was born in India.,generation,نَسٕل,,पीढ़ी, N,Today generators are common because of frequent power cuts.,generator,جَنٛریٹَر,,जेनरेटर, Adj,Harish Chandra was a very generous king.,generous,فَیاض،سٔخی,,उदार, N,He is genius.,genius,عَقٕل مَنٛد،ذٔہیٖن,,प्रतिभा[वाला], N,Ramanuja was a genius in mathematics.,genius,ذٔہیٖن,,प्रतिभाशाली_व्यक्ति, N,Raman`s genius as a scientist is still regarded as unique all over the world.,genius,ذِہانَت,,प्रतिभा, Adj,Ram is a very gentle person.,gentle,شٔریٖف،نَرٕم,,सुशील, Adj,A gentle breeze is blowing across the beach.,gentle,ہَلکہٕ,,सौम्य, N,Men in uniform are thorough gentlemen.,gentleman,شٔریٖف اِنسان ،نیک اِنسان,,भद्र_पुरुष, Adv,He gently put down the clay cup.,gently,نَرمی سان,,नरमी_से, Adj,I have a genuine love for my country.,genuine,اَصلی،حٔقیٖقی,,अमिश्रित/वास्तवक, Adj,India has a vast geographical area.,geographical,جغرافِیٲیی,,भूगोल_सम्बन्धी, Adj,You can see geometric design on the ceiling.,geometric,جیوٚمیٹری,,ज्यामितीय, Adj,He teaches in a German University.,german,جَرمَن,,जर्मनी_का, N,They talked to each other across the room in gestures.,gesture,اِشارٕ,,शारीरिक_संकेत, N,It was a very kind gesture by him to offer his seat to the lady.,gesture,وَرتاو،بَرتاو,,व्यवहार, V,I will get that dress soon.,get,حٲصل کرُن,,लाना, V,She wants to get a medical seat.,get,حٲصل کرُن,,प्राप्त_करना, V,I did not get him.,get,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना, V,Is your allergy getting better?,get,گَژُھن,,होना, V,She gets upset if you mention her guilt.,get,گَژِھِ,,होना, Adj,A giant T.V. screen was put up in pubs to show matches.,giant,واریاہ بوٚڑ,,बहुत_बड़ा, N,Yetis are the giants of Himalayas.,giant,جِن,,दैत्य, N,I have to get a gift for her.,gift,ڈٲلۍ،تۄحفہٕ,,उपहार, N,I recieved lots of gifts on my birthday.,gift,ڈٲلۍ,,दान, VT,I gifted a necklace to my wife on our marriage anniversary.,gift,ڈٲلۍ دِنۍ,,भेंट_देना, N,Some girls drink gin.,gin,شراب,,जिन{मदिरा}, N,That little girl is very cute.,girl,کوٗر،کٔٹ,,लड़की, VT,Give me a pen please.,give,دیُن,,देना, Adj,He is given to drinking alcohol.,given,ٲدی گَژُھن,,आदी, Adj,The doctor arrived on the given time.,given,صٔحیٖح,,निश्चित, Adj,I am glad that you have passed the exams.,glad,خۄش,,प्रसन्न, V,He glanced at me.,glance,نَظَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,नजर_डालना, N,We got to see a glance of the superstar.,glance,نَظَر,,नजर, N,We bought glass bulbs for Diwali.,glass,شیٖشُو,,गिलास[काँच], N,The glass of the window is broken.,glass,شیٖشہٕ,,काँच, N,I drink water in a glass.,glass,گِلاس,,पीने_का_बर्तन, N,I wear glasses while reading.,glasses,ٲنَک,,चश्मा, N,The crowd had a glimpse of their favourite star.,glimpse,جَلَک,,झलक, V,I glimpsed outside from the window.,glimpse,جَلدی نَظَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,जल्दी_से_एक_नज़र_ड़ालना, N,I couldn`t see in the gloom.,gloom,نِیُک نِیُک گاش,,आंशिक_अंधकार, N,People were in a state of gloom due to India`s defeat in the world cup.,gloom,مایوٗسی,,उदासी, VT,The rain has gloomed the prospect of any further play.,gloom,کَم کَرُن,,धुंधला_करना, Adj,Gupta Period was known as the glorious age in Indian history.,glorious,شانٛدار,,यशस्कर, N,The soldiers have brought glory to the country.,glory,شان,,कीर्ति, N,They sang paeans in the glory of God.,glory,تعریٖف،حَمُدوثَناہ,,परमेश्वर_का_गुणगान, N,Nature`s glory is great.,glory,شان,,महिमा, N,I took a snap of the glory of sunrise.,glory,جَلوٕ,,आभा, V,She took glory in her victory at Wimbledon.,glory,ناماوَر گژُھن,,परमानन्द_लेना, N,I wear gloves in winter.,glove,اَتھہٕ پَنٛجہٕ,,दस्ताना, N,I could see the glow on her face due to happiness.,glow,چَمَک,,दीप्ति, VI,The bulb is glowing.,glow,چَمکان,,चमकना, N,Use glue to paste the envelope.,glue,گونٛد,,सरेश, VT,He glued the broken chair.,glue,واٹھ دیُن,,सरेश_लगाना, VT,Nowadays children remain glued to the television.,glue,لٲرِتھ گَژُھن,,चिपके_रहना, V,I go to school everyday.,go,گَژُھن,,जाना, V,These clothes go into that suitcase.,go,واتَن,,रखा_जाना, V,This key will not go into that lock.,go,اَژٕنۍ,,समाना[जाना], V,How did the meeting go?,go,گٔیہِ،روٗز,,चलना, V,Have you gone mad?,go,گوٚمُت,,हो_जाना{स्थिति}, V,The bell has gone for this period.,go,گٔمٕژ,,आवाज़_होना[करना], V,The P.M. has already gone.,go,درٛامُت،گوٚمُت,,चले_जाना, N,Always set goals in life.,goal,مقصد,,लक्ष्य, N,Goat`s milk is good for health.,goat,ژھاوٕج,,बकरा, N,I have faith in God.,god,خدا,,ईश्वर, N,I was sad at his going to Banglore.,going,گَژھنَس,,प्रस्थान, N,The cricket field is of rough going.,going,۔۔۔,,जमीन/पथ_आदि_की_स्थिति, N,Becoming a tennis champion at the age of 18 is a great going.,going,۔۔۔,,प्रगति_की_दर, N,Gold is a precious metal.,gold,سۄن,,सोना, Adj,I bought a golden bangle for my mother.,golden,سۄنہٕ سُنٛد,,सुनहरा, Adj,I missed a golden chance of meeting Bill Gates when he visited India.,golden,قۭمتی,,कीमती, Adj,College days are considered as golden days by everybody.,golden,بہتٔریٖن،واریاہ اَصٕل,,बेहतरीन/बहुत_अच्छा, N,Tiger Woods is the new world champion in golf.,golf,گاف,,गोल्फ़{एक_प्रकार_का_खेल}, Adj,One should try to be a good human being.,good,اَصٕل،جان،رُت,,अच्छा, N,His goodness and hardwork has helped him to reach the acme in his career.,goodness,نیٖکی،اَچھٲیی،رٕژَر,,अच्छाई, N,Mails are carried by goods train.,goods,سامان,,सामान, V,The British governed India for over two hundred years.,govern,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,राज्य_करना, N,The present Indian government is formed by coalition of many parties.,government,حکوٗمت،سَرکار,,सरकार, Adj,This land belongs to a governmental institution.,governmental,سَرکٲرۍ,,सरकारी, N,He was recently appointed as the Governor of the Punjab.,governor,گَوَرنَر,,राज्यपाल, N,She sleeps in a nightgown.,gown,چۄگہٕ,,चोगा, V,Somebody grabbed my handbag.,grab,تَھپِہ نیُن،تَھپھ دِنۍ,,झपट, VT,The police grabbed the thief.,grab,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना, N,I am well by the grace of God.,grace,مَدَت,,कृपा, V,A beautiful rose plant graces my garden.,grace,شوٗب اَنٕنۍ,,सुशोभित_करना, N,He has been promoted to a very high grade.,grade,دَرجہٕ،عہدٕ,,पद, N,He secured first grade in the annual exams.,grade,دَرجہٕ,,परीक्षा_आदि_में_स्थान/अंक, N,He is a top grade tennis player.,grade,بہلہِ پایُک,,क्रम, VT,The players were graded according to their recent performances.,grade,دَرجہٕ بٔنٛدی کَرٕنۍ,,क्रमानुसार_रखना, N,There is a steep gradient on this road.,gradient,چَڑٲے,,ढाल, Adj,There has been a gradual improvement in his studies.,gradual,دَرجہٕ بَہ دَرجہٕ,,क्रमक, Adv,Gradually you will learn all the tricks of the game.,gradually,وارٕ وارٕ,,धीरे_धीरे, N,He is a graduate in Biology.,graduate,گرٛیجویٹ,,स्नातक, VI,Anil graduated from IIT Kanpur.,graduate,گرٛیجویٚشَن کَرٕنۍ,,उपाधि_प्राप्त_करना, N,Grain is one of the export of this region.,grain,دانہِ,,अनाज, N,I do not like gram.,gram,چَنہٕ,,चना, N,I got low marks in grammar.,grammar,گرٛامَر,,व्याकरण, Adj,The opening ceremony was a grand show.,grand,بوٚڑ,,बड़ा, N,I love my grandfather.,grandfather,بٕڑِبَب,,दादा[नाना], N,I stay with my grandmother.,grandmother,نانۍ,,दादी[नानी], VT,His parents granted him permission to play.,grant,دیُن,,देना, N,The graph of the company`s production is here.,graph,گرٛاف,,ग्राफ, N,He has good grasp over the English language.,grasp,عُبوٗر,,पकड़, VT,The baby tightly grasped his mother`s finger.,grasp,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना, N,Herbivorous animals eat grass.,grass,گاسہٕ,,घास, Adj,I shall always be grateful to you for the kindness shown to me.,grateful,احسان مَنٛد,,कृतज्ञ, Adj,He is in grave danger of being attacked by the terrorists.,grave,سَخٕت,,गंभीर, N,The graves are the reminders of great men.,grave,قَبَر،مَزار,,कब्र, Adj,The sky was gray with dark clouds.,gray,سوٗرۍ,,सिलेटी, Adj,He is a great personality.,great,عٔظیٖم,,महान, Adj,Gandhiji was a great human being.,great,بوٚڑ،عٔظیٖم,,बड़ा, Adv,Bose was greatly involved in the freedom movement.,greatly,پوٗرٕپٲٹھۍ,,अत्यन्त, Adj,He is wearing a green shirt.,green,سَبٕز,,हरा, N,The lawn is green.,green,سَبٕز,,हरियाली, V,They greeted the Prime Minister.,greet,سَلام کَرٕنۍ,,प्रणाम_करना, N,The Prime Minister sent his Diwali greetings to people.,greeting,مُبارَک باد,,शुभकामनाएँ, Adj,She has got grey hair.,grey,سوٗرۍ,,सिलेटी[धूसर], N,The death of her father was a moment of grief.,grief,دۄکھ,,दुख, V,We are still grieving the death of our soldiers.,grieve,ماتَم کَرُن,,रंज_करना, V,It grieves me to see them so sad.,grieve,دۄکھ واتُن,,शोक_पहुँचाना, Adj,The future seems to be grim.,grim,خوف ناک,,भयानक, N,He gave a grin of derision.,grin,بیقٕل اَسُن,,उपहास_रूपी_मुस्कुराहट, V,She grinned with delight.,grin,خوشی سان اَسُن,,दाँत_दिखाते_हुए_मुस्कुराना, V,We grind chilly in the mixer grinder.,grind,پِِہُن,,पीसना, VT,I gripped the overhead rod in the bus.,grip,تَھپھ کَرٕنۍ,,पकड़ना, Adj,Stop making such gross errors.,gross,گَنٛدٕ,,भद्दा, N,The balloon came back to the ground.,ground,زٔمیٖن,,ज़मीन, N,He is playing in a cricket ground.,ground,مٲدان,,मैदान, N,Is there any ground on which you can base your argument?,ground,بُنِیاد,,आधार, N,The balloon came back to the ground.,ground,زٔمیٖن,,पृथ्वीतल, N,The students are playing in the ground.,ground,مٲدان,,मैदान, N,Is there any ground on which you can base your argument?,ground,بُنِیاد,,आधार, V,His bat was grounded.,ground,زٔمیٖنَس پٮ۪ٹھ تھاوُن,,धरती_पर_रखना, N,A group of journalists were moving towards the court.,group,جَماعت,,झुंड, N,The Goenka group is now under Mr.Vivek Goenka.,group,جَماعت,,समूह, N,A group of journalists were moving towards the court.,group,جَماعت,,झुण्ड, N,The Goenka group is now under Mr.Vivek Goenka.,group,جَماعت,,समूह, V,The teacher grouped the students.,group,جَمع کَرُن,,इकट्ठा_होना, N,Nagpur has many orange groves.,grove,کُلٮ۪ن ہُنٛد جَنٛگُل,,कुञ्ज, VI,Children grow very fast.,grow,بَڑُن,,बढ़ना, V,Sugarcane is grown mainly in Uttar Pradesh.,grow,وۄپداوُن,,उपजाना, N,That child has an abnormal growth.,growth,بَڑُن,,बढ़वार, N,The T.V. has come with a three year guarantee.,guarantee,گارنٛٹی،زِمہٕ وٲری,,ज़मानत, VT,The teacher can`t guarantee you success in the exams.,guarantee,زِمِہ دٲری نِنۍ,,ज़िम्मा_लेना, N,The guard at the gate checked my identity papers before allowing me to enter.,guard,چوٗکۍ دَر,,चौकीदार, V,Guard yourself against diseases.,guard,بَچاو کَرُن,,सचेत_रहना, VT,I am guarding the field against any cattle intrusion.,guard,پہرٕ دیُن،نِگرٲنی کَرٕنۍ,,रखवाली_करना, N,He belonged to a guerrilla group.,guerrilla,گُریلا,,गुरिल्ला, VT,Guess the answer to the question and win the prize.,guess,اَندازٕ کَرُن،گٮ۪ل دِنۍ دٲرِتھ,,अन्दाज़_लगाना, N,We have guest at our place every Sunday.,guest,پوٚژھ,,अतिथि, N,I am working under my supervisor`s guidance.,guidance,صَلاح,,सलाह, N,The teacher is your best guide.,guide,وَتھ ہاوَن وول,,पथप्रदर्शक, VT,My brother guided me in my work.,guide,ہِدایَت دِنۍ،وَتھ ہاوٕنۍ,,अगुवाई_करना, N,She cannot get over her guilt.,guilt,گۄناہ,,अपराध_बोध, N,Let the law punish him for his guilt.,guilt,گۄناہ,,अपराध, Adj,He was found guilty of stealing money.,guilty,گۄناہ گار,,अपराधी, N,I play the guitar very well.,guitar,۔۔۔,,गिटार{वाद्य_यंत्र}, N,Most of the Gulf states are Islamic.,gulf,خلیٖج,,खाड़ी, N,There is a wide gulf between the rich and the poor.,gulf,فَرَق,,अंतर_या_भेद, N,Use some gum to paste the pictures on the chart.,gum,گونٛد,,गोंद, N,I have pain in my gums.,gum,ماز بیر,,मसूड़ा, N,Paste the papers with gum.,gum,گونٛد,,गोंद, N,I lost my gun.,gun,بٔنٛدوٗق,,बंदूक, N,The Bofors gun had been very useful in this war.,gun,توپ,,तोप, N,He is the guru who gives discourses.,guru,رَہبَر,,गुरु, N,These guys are very good players.,guy,نَفَر،شَخٕص,,पुरूष, N,He has got into the `habit` of telling lies .,habit,عادَت,,आदत, N,Jungle is the natural habitat of the animals .,habitat,روزن جاے، عَلاقہٕ,,पशु_व_पौधों_का_वास, Adj,Mohan is habitual of coming late to the class.,habitual,عٲدی,,अभ्यस्त, N,Hail damages crop during winter.,hail,ڈوٹھ,,ओलावृष्टि, V,He hailed his friend .,hail,آلَو دیُن,,पुकारना, N,Sujata has very beautiful hair .,hair,مَس,,केश, Adj,We saw a hairy chimpanzee in the zoo .,hairy,جٔژَل,,घने_बालों_वाला, N,He was born in the latter half of eighteenth century.,half,نٮ۪صف,,आधा, Adj,Shyam gave half of the bread to his younger brother.,half,اوٚڑ,,आधा, Adj,It is halfway between Bombay and Poona.,half-way,منٛزباگ,,आधा_रास्ता, Adj,They reached the halfway point of the race-track and came back.,halfway,اَڑ ووٚت,,बीच_वाला, Adv,The pilgrims of Maan Srovar came back from the half-way due to landslide.,halfway,اَڑ وَتہِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,आधा_रास्ता, N,Guests were sitting in the hall.,hall,ہال،بوٚڑکُٹھ,,हाल, N,There are four rooms and a hall in his house .,hall,بوٚڑ کُٹھ,,बड़ा_कमरा, N,The truck came to a halt just in time to avoid hitting the wall.,halt,رُکُن,,विराम, N,Troops are ordered to halt during a march.,halt,رُکُن,,रुकना, V,The production was forced to halt due to a strike in the factory.,halt,بَنٛد کَرٕنۍ،رُکاوٕنۍ,,बंद_कर_देना, N,She cooked a dish of ham today .,ham,سورٕ سٕنٛز ران,,सूअर_का_पुठ्ठा, N,He is a ham.,ham,فَرضی اَداکار,,अस्वभाविक_अभिनेता, V,Many actors ham in the pictures .,ham,فَرضی اَداکٲری کَرٕنۍ,,अस्वाभाविक_अभिनय_करना, N,A blacksmith used a hammer to hit iron .,hammer,دۄکُر,,हथौड़ा, V,He hammered a nail in the wall for hanging a calendar .,hammer,ٹھاسُن،ٹُھکُن,,हथौड़े_से_ठोकना, N,My hand is clean .,hand,اَتھہٕ,,हाथ, N,He broke the clock`s hands.,hand,سٕژَن,,घड़ी_की_सुई, V,The tenant handed the house keys to the landlord .,hand,دِنۍ،پٔشراوٕنۍ,,देना, N,Pratibha wiped away her tears with a handkerchief.,handkerchief,رُمال، دٔج,,रूमाल, N,The handle of that knife is made up of ivory .,handle,تَھپھ,,मूठ, V,It is too dangerous to handle a dynamite .,handle,تَھپھ کَرٕنۍ,,हाथ_से_छूना, V,The new manager handled the crisis very skilfully.,handle,سَمبالُن,,सँभालना, V,Please handle this case.,handle,اَتَھس مَنٛز نیُن,,प्रबन्ध_करना, Adj,This knife is ivory handled .,handled,تَھپھ,,हत्था_लगा, N,The doctor`s handling of the case was not proper.,handling,سَمبالُن,,प्रबन्ध, N,He is very handsome.,handsome,جان،خۄش شٔکیٖل,,सुन्दर{पुरुष}, Adj,Bharat is a handsome boy .,handsome,جان،خۄش شٔکیٖل,,सुन्दर{पुर}, N,I climbed on a hang ladder.,hang,اَلونٛد،اَویزان,,लटकन, V,The freedom fighter Bhagat Singh was hanged by Britishers.,hang,پھٲنسۍ دِنۍ,,फाँसी_लगाना, V,I hanged all my clothes on the rope.,hang,اَلونٛد تھاوُن،اویزان تھاوٕنۍ,,लटक[लटका], N,Paintings hanging on the wall look nice.,hanging,اَلونٛد,,लटकने_वाला, N,She used three hanks to make a sweater.,hank,بالہٕ،کَلاو,,लच्छी, V,It happens rarely.,happen,گَژُھن,,घटित_होना, Adv,She received the award happily.,happily,خوشی سان,,सुखपूर्वक/संयोग_से, N,The birth of a child brings happiness to all the family.,happiness,خوشی،شٲدۍ,,खुशी, Adj,She is spending a happy life after marriage.,happy,خۄش حال,,सुखी, V,He harboured a criminal.,harbour,پَناہ دیُن,,शरण_दे`, N,A harbour is a safe place for ships.,harbour,بَنٛدَرگاہ,,बन्दरगाह, Adj,He worked hard to get that position.,hard,سَخٕت,,कठोर, Adv,He tried hard to finish the work in time.,hard,سَختی سان,,कठिन, V,Things harden in the freezer.,harden,سَخٕت گَژٕھنۍ,,कड़ा_हो_जाना, V,The mixture hardens as it cools.,harden,دوٚر گَژُھن,,कड़ा_करना, Adv,He is so disturbed that he can hardly think.,hardly,مُشکِلی سان,,मुश्किल_से, N,The people of Kashmir are spending their lives in hardship.,hardship,مُشکِلات،سَختی,,कठिनाइयाँ, Adj,He is a hardy boy .,hardy,صحت منٛد,,तगड़ा, V,I do not want to harm her any more.,harm,نۄقصان واتناوُن،سَختی اَنٕنۍ,,नुक्सान_पहुंचाना, N,Riots cause harm to general public.,harm,نۄقصان,,हानि, Adj,We must see the harmful effects of the war.,harmful,مُضِر,,हानिकारक, Adj,Smoking is harmful to health.,harmful,مُضِر,,हानिकारक, Adj,These are harmless creatures and can be released.,harmless,یُس نہٕ نۄقصان واتناوِ,,अहानिकर, Adj,The sugarless tea is harmless for a diabetic patient.,harmless,مُفِیٖد,,हानि_रहित, N,He was working towards harmony in the affairs of the state.,harmony,ہم آہنٛگی,,सामंजस्य, N,There is a harmony between Govind and Raju.,harmony,میُل،مُطٲبِقَت,,मधुर_सम्बन्ध, N,He held the harness and started off speedily.,harness,ساز,,लगाम, N,The harness should be tightened before riding a horse.,harness,ساز,,घोड़े_का_साज, Adv,He ate hastily.,hastily,جَلدی سان،جَلدی مَنٛز,,जल्दी_से, Adv,Rama opened the door hastily .,hastily,جَلٕدبٲزی مَنٛز,,जल्दबाजी_से, Adj,He made a hasty departure.,hasty,جَلٕد,,जल्द, Adj,She took a hasty decision about her marriage.,hasty,جَلٕدبٲزی ہُنٛد,,जल्दबाज़ी_भरा, N,He lost his hat.,hat,ٹوٗپۍ،ہٮ۪ٹ,,हैट, N,The fashion of hats also change.,hat,ٹوٗپۍ,,टोपी, V,I hate lies.,hate,نَفرَت کَرٕنۍ,,घृणा_करना, N,Ritesh is full of hate towards Preeti.,hate,نَفرَت,,घृणा, N,Hatred and anger are the enemies of humanity.,hatred,نَفرَت,,घृणा, V,I do not have any chocolate now.,have,آسُن,,होना, V,I want to have it.,have,کھیوٚن,,खाना, V,My sister is having a baby.,have,زیوٚن,,जन्म_देन, V,I have to clean my room by evening.,have,کَرُن,,करना, V,We can have a cup of coffee together.,have,چیوٚن,,पीना, V,I have all the addresses of my colleagues.,have,آسٕنۍ,,पास_होना, V,They have accepted our decision.,have,مَنظوٗر کَرُن,,स्विकार_कर्ना, V,I have no doubt that you are right.,have,آسُن,,होना, V,I don`t have another copy of this document.,have,آسُن,,होना, V,I want to have a party.,have,تھاوٕنۍ,,आयोजित करना, V,I have a cold.,have,چُھ,,होना, N,It is difficult to find a safe haven in that area.,haven,محفوٗظ جاے,,सुरक्षित स्थान, N,Hawk is a flesh eating bird.,hawk,"شاہین,پٲز",,बाज़, V,He hawks vegetables daily from door to door .,hawk,پھیٖرۍ کَرٕنۍ,,फेरी_लगाना, N,Hay is used as fodder for cattle.,hay,گاسٕہ,,सूखी_घास, Pron,He is a greedy man.,he,ہُہ,,वह, VT,We will head towards the main street.,head,برٛونٛہہ کُن پَکُن,,की_ओर_बड़ना, N,He has an injury on his head.,head,کَلہٕ,,सिर, Adj,Hippopotamus is a large headed animal.,headed,کَلہٕ بوٚڑ,,सिरवाला, N,What will be the heading of this story?,heading,سُرخی,,शीर्षक, N,Police headquarters are near my home.,headquarters,صَدرِمُقام،ہیڑکُواٹَر,,मुख्यालय, N,Health is wealth.,health,صحَت,,स्वास्थ्य, Adj,We should take a morning walk to keep ourselves healthy.,healthy,صحت یاب،صحت منٛد,,स्वस्थ, N,There is a heap of garbage near the house.,heap,ڈیر,,ढ़ेर, V,The farmer heaped the crop in the field.,heap,ڈیر کَرُن,,ढेर_लगाना, V,I hear your singing.,hear,بوزُن,,सुनना, V,A deaf person cannot hear.,hear,بوٗزِتھ,,सुनाई_देना, N,The child lost his hearing power due to the bomb blast.,hearing,بوزنُک,,श्रवण_शक्ति, N,He has gone to the court for the hearing of his case.,hearing,تٲریٖخ,,सुनवाई, N,Her heart is weak.,heart,وٲنِج،دِل,,ह्रृदय, N,Her heart is weak .,heart,وٲنِج،دِل,,ह्रृदय, N,He fainted because of heat.,heat,گَرمی،وٕشنیر,,ऊष्मा, V,If we heat iron it becomes red.,heat,توٚت کَرُن,,गरम_करना, Adj,There was a heated debate in the parliament.,heated,گَرم جوٗشی,,आवेगपूर्ण, N,Heater is used to heat water and room .,heater,ہیٖٹر,,हीटर, N,Good people go to heaven after death.,heaven,جَنت,,स्वर्ग, Adv,They talked to each other quite heavily.,heavily,گۄبِرٕ سان,,भारी_रूप_से, Adv,The bundle hung heavily on his back.,heavily,گۄبِرٕ سان,,भार_सहित, Adv,A heavily loaded truck could not pass under the bridge.,heavily,۔۔۔,,ज़्यादा, Adj,He has lifted a heavy bag on his shoulder.,heavy,گوٚب,,भारी, V,The airline has been criticized for failing to heed.,heed,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, N,The manager did not pay any heed to the consumer complaints.,heed,تَوَجہ,,ध्यान, Adj,He has a down at heel appearance.,heel,بُرٕ حالت,,बुरी हालत मे होना, N,My heels are aching.,heel,کھوٗر,,एड़ी, N,The height of Ram is impressive.,height,تَھزَر,,ऊँचाई, N,The injured person was ferried to hospital by helicopter.,helicopter,ہیلہِ کاپٹَر,,हेलिकोप्टर, N,The last two weeks have been absolute hell.,hell,جہنَم,,नरक, V,May I help you?,help,پَلزُن ،سادُن,,सहायता_करना, N,Do you need any help?,help,مَدَت،اَتھہٕ روٚٹ,,सहायता, Adj,He is a helpful person.,helpful,مَدَدگار،پَلزَن وول،سادَن وول,,सहायक, N,Give me a small helping of pasta.,helping,ڈنٛگ،رَژھ,,एक_समय_में_परोसे_जाने_वाले_भोजन_की_मात्रा, Adj,She is a helpless woman.,helpless,بِچٲر،بے بَس,,असहाय, N,The northern hemisphere.,hemisphere,ہیٚمِہ سِفیر,,गोलार्ध, N,I have five hens at home.,hen,کۄکٕر,,मुर्गी, Adv,"The project will be completed at the end of the decade, hence ten years.",hence,اَمِہ وَجہ کِنۍ,,इस_कारण_से, Pron,I do not like her.,her,سۄ،ہۄ,,उसको, Det,Her brother is coming tomorrow.,her,تٔمۍ سُنٛد,,उसका{स्त्री}, Pron,Can you call her?,her,تٔمِس,,उस{स्त्री}, N,I saw a herd of sheep in the field.,herd,جَب،کھیوٚل,,पशुओं_का_झुण्ड, V,John was herding the goats up the mountainside.,herd,کھیوٚل,,झुण्ड_में_एकत्रित_होना, Adv,Will you please come here.,here,یور،یوٚتَتھ,,यहाँ, N,These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South India.,heritage,وَراثَت,,परम्परा, N,John is a hero.,hero,ہیٖرو,,वीर/नायक, Adj,I love to do heroic acts.,heroic,بہوٚدُری,,वीरतापूर्ण, Adj,This was really a heroic effort.,heroic,بہوٚدُری ہُنٛد,,वीरता विषयक, Pron,This pen is hers.,hers,تَسُنٛد,,उस_स्त्री_का, Pron,She will do her work herself.,herself,پانَے,,स्वयं, Pron,She should work herself.,herself,پانَے,,वह_स्वयं[स्त्री], V,Why do you hesitate to invite him?,hesitate,بہَرنُے نہٕ،جوٗرتٕھے نہٕ کَرُن,,हिचकिचा, Adj,They found the ball hidden in the bushes.,hidden,ژوٗرِ,,छिपा_हुआ, V,I do not hide things.,hide,ژوٗرِ تھاوُن،کٔھٹِتھ تھاوُن,,छिपाना, N,This bag is made of sheep hide.,hide,چَمرٕ،بَستہٕ,,जानवर_की_खाल, N,She must be in a hiding place.,hiding,کٔھٹِتھ,,गोपनीय, Adj,He has got high standard.,high,بوٚڑ،تھوٚد,,पद_में_ऊँचा, N,He has got high place in a society.,high,تٔھزجاے,,ऊँचा_स्थान, Adv,The aeroplane was flying high up in the sky.,high,تَھزرَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,ऊँचाई_पर, Adv,She is a highly placed lady.,highly,تھَدِ پایِچ,,अत्यधिक_ऊँचा, N,She lives on the highway.,highway,شاہراہ,,प्रमुख_मार्ग, V,Terrorists hijacked the plane.,hijack,اَغوا کَرُن,,अपहरण_करना, N,Jack and Jill were walking on a hill.,hill,بال,,छोटी_पहाड़ी, Pron,Please give this book to him.,him,تٔمِس,,उस{पु.}, Pron,I want him to do his work himself.,himself,پانے,,स्वयं, Pron,He should come himself to take his share.,himself,پانے,,स्वयं, V,We will hire an Auto.,hire,کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ اَنُن,,मजदूरी_पर_रखना/किराये_पर_लेना, N,The price includes flights and car hire.,hire,کِرایِہ,,किराया/भाड़ा, Pron,This is his pen.,his,تَسُند،تٔمۍ سُنٛد,,उसका, N,He is a historian.,historian,تٲریٖخ دان,,इतिहासकार, Adj,He is a well known philospher of historic times.,historic,تٲریٖخی,,इतिहास-_प्रसिद्ध, Adj,I love to read historical novels.,historical,تٲریٖخی,,ऐतिहासक, N,I am not interested in history.,history,توٲریٖخ,,इतिहास, V,Why did you hit me?,hit,مارُن،دَب لایُن,,प्रहार_करना, N,The film was a big hit.,hit,کامیاب,,आघात/सफल, V,Please hold the box carefully.,hold,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना{मज़बूती_से}, N,Hold on your tickets.,hold,رَٹ,,पकड़, N,Please fix the bulb in a holder.,holder,ہولڈَر,,धारक, N,I am holding this tray from last two hours.,holding,رٔٹِتھ,,अधिसंपत्ति, N,This glass has a big hole.,hole,زَدٕ،گوٚد,,छेद, V,A Torpedo holed the ship below the water and it quickly sanked.,hole,زَدٕ کَرُن،گوٚد کَرُن,,छेद_बनाना, N,I have to go for a holiday.,holiday,چُھٹی,,अवकाश_का_दिन, Adj,This is a hollow box.,hollow,کھۄکُھر,,खोखला, Adj,I love holy Quran.,holy,مُقَدَس،پاک,,पवित्र, N,I want to go home.,home,گَرٕ,,घर, Adj,I have a happy home life.,home,گَریلوٗو,,घरेलू, Adv,After spending two hours in the garden I decided to turn homewards.,home,گَرٕ کُن,,घर, V,Birds homed towards their nests.,home,گَرٕ یُن,,घर_लौटना, Adj,He is an honest worker.,honest,ایٖمان دار،ایٖمانہٕ وول,,निष्कपट, N,I like honey.,honey,ماچھ,,शहद, N,It is an honor.,honor,عِزَت،وِقار,,सम्मान, N,We should fight for the honour of our country.,honour,عِزت،احتِرام,,सम्मान, V,He was honoured for his bravery.,honour,عِزت کَرُن،احتِرام کَرُن,,सम्मान_करना, Adj,Honourable President will address the conference.,honourable,عِزتہٕ وول،قٲبلہِ احتِرام,,माननीय/सम्माननीय, N,I found a fish hook.,hook,وول,,कुन्दा, V,He hooked the trailer to his car.,hook,کُنڑٕ لَگاوُن,,काँटे_से_पकड़ना, V,He hooked his opponent in boxing.,hook,ہُکہٕ لَگاوُن,,गेंद_मारने_की_एक_विधि, N,You should not loose hope.,hope,اُمید،یٔقیٖن،آش,,आशा, V,I hope to see you soon.,hope,اُمیٖد کَرٕنۍ،آش آسٕنۍ,,आशा_करना, Adj,We are hopeful for a successful agreement.,hopeful,اُمیدوار,,आशापूर्ण, N,Still I am hopeful that I will win the game.,hopeful,پوٗرٕاُمیٖد،اُمیٖدوار,,आशावान, Adj,She was totally hopeless.,hopeless,نااُمیٖد،نااُمید,,निराश, N,The moon sank below the horizon.,horizon,اُفَق،نبہٕ دوٚنٛد,,क्षितज, N,Deer has beautiful horns.,horn,ہٮ۪نٛگ,,सींग, Adj,I saw a horrible dream.,horrible,کھوژوُن،خوفناک,,डरावना, N,The sight of snake pricked my skin with horror.,horror,ؤحشَت,,भय{बीभत्सता_लिये_हुए}, N,I have a black horse.,horse,گُر,,घोड़ा, N,She is in a hospital.,hospital,ہَسپَتال،شَفاخانہٕ,,अस्पताल, N,She is a wonderful host.,host,میزبان,,मेज़बान, N,There is a whole host of reasons why they didn`t get married.,host,واریاہ,,अधिक_संख्या, N,I saw a host of people at the cermany.,host,واریاہ تعداد,,अधिक_संख्या, N,He is a host.,host,میزبان,,मेजबान/किसी_आयोजन_का_सूत्रधार, N,The terrorists have seized ten hostages.,hostage,گِرَو،یرغٕمال,,बंधक_व्यक्ति, Adj,He gave them a hostile look.,hostile,دولہٕ,,शत्रुतापूर्ण, N,He showed open hostility towards me.,hostility,دُشمَنُت،ذٲتۍ یات,,दुश्मनी, Adj,Give me a hot cup of tea.,hot,توٚت,,गरम, N,I have to stay in a hotel.,hotel,ہوٹَل,,होटल/किराये_का_विश्राम_स्थल, N,You have to wait for an hour.,hour,گَنٛٹہٕ,,घंटा, Adv,Trains call here hourly.,hourly,پرٛٮ۪تھ گَنٛٹہٕ پَتہِٕ,,हर_घंटे_बाद, N,That is my house.,house,مَکان,,मकान, V,It is difficult to house all the refugees.,house,گَرِ ٹٔھہراوٕنۍ,,घरमें_ठहराना, N,"In earlier times, most households had not refrigerator.",household,گَرن,,घर_परिवार, N,There is a shortage of cheap housing in the region.,housing,گَرٕ,,घर, Adv,How are you John?,how,کِتھ پٲٹھۍ,,कैसे, Adv,"This is one possible solution to the problem,however there are others.",however,توتہِ,,फिरभी, Adj,Sun is a huge ball of gases.,huge,واریاہ بوٚڑ,,बृहत्_[काय], Adj,The human body is composed of about 60% water.,human,اِنسٲنی,,मानवीय, N,Humans are most intelligent among all living creatures.,human,اِنسان,,मानव, N,One should help poor and disabled people for humanity.,humanity,اِنسٲنِیت,,मानवजाति, Adj,Rita is a humble girl.,humble,نَرٕم،شٔریٖف,,नम्र/विनीत/सीधा_सादा, V,The teacher was humbled by the student`s generosity.,humble,۔۔۔,,नीचादिखाना, Adj,He is a humorous person.,humorous,اَسوُن،خۄش مِزاج،ٹَھٹھٕ باز,,विनोदी, N,I really like his sense of humour.,humour,مَزاق,,हास्यवृत्ति, N,There were hundreds of people at the party.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ/शत, N,I have hundred students in my class room.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ, Art,I need hundred barks more.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ, Adj,This building has hundred rooms.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ, Adj,The election was expected to result in a hung parliament.,hung,برابر,,बराबर, N,I want to satisfy my hunger.,hunger,بۄچھہِ,,भूख, Adj,A hungry baby was crying.,hungry,بۄچھہِ ہوٚت,,भूखा, V,They hunted deer in the jungles of India.,hunt,شِکار کَرُن,,शिकार_कर, N,After a long hunt we found her cottage.,hunt,ژھانٛڑَو,,आखेट_यात्रा, N,Ram is a very good hunter.,hunter,شُکٲرۍ,,शिकारी, N,I like hunting.,hunting,شِکار,,शिकार_का_खेल, Adj,A hurried meal is not good for health.,hurried,بانٛبرِ ہوٚت,,जल्दबाज़ी_में_किया_हुआ, N,I am in hurry.,hurry,جَلدی,,जल्दबाज़ी, V,Hurry up or you will miss the flight.,hurry,جَلدی کَرُن،دٔستی کَرُن،ؤلۍ ؤلۍ کَرُن,,जल्दी_करना, V,I hurt him badly.,hurt,زَخم دیُن,,क्षति_पहुँचाना, Adj,She looks hurtful.,hurt,دُکھی,,आहत, N,She has got hurt.,hurt,زَخم,,चोट, N,My husband is a Navy officer.,husband,خانٛدار،روٗن,,पति, V,You should husband your money.,husband,خانٛدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,मितव्ययता_के_साथ_प्रबंध_करना, N,I saw a beautiful hut in a village.,hut,پٕۂر,,झोपड़ी, N,I don`t believe in hypothesis.,hypothesis,فَرضی دعوا,,हाइपोथीसिस{प्रक्कल्पना}, N,I put forward my idea of starting the business.,idea,خَیال،راے,,विचार, N,I have an idea to start a business.,idea,تَجویٖز,,योजना, N,I put forward my idea when I was asked to.,idea,خیال,,मत, N,It was my idea that she would come.,idea,تَصَوُر,,अनुमान, N,I have an idea of commerce.,idea,جان کٲری,,जानकारी, N,I gave her the idea to do that work.,idea,مَشوَرٕ,,सुझाव, Adj,She is an ideal person.,ideal,بہتٔریٖن،مِثٲلی,,पूर्ण/अभीष्ट, Adj,This is an ideal story.,ideal,خَیٲلی,,काल्पनक, Adj,M. K. Gandhi is an ideal for many Indians.,ideal,معیٲری,,आदर्श, Adj,They were wearing identical shoes.,identical,ہِوی,,बिल्कुल_एक_से, N,The identification of the accident victims took place last month.,identification,شِناخَت,,समीकर, V,The criminal was identified.,identify,پَرزٕناونہٕ یُن,,पहचानना, N,This job gave me a sense of identity.,identity,پٲرۍ زان، پہچان,,पहचान{स्वलक्षण}, N,This ring is the identity of the killer.,identity,پہچان,,पहचान, Adj,Our proposal was rejected on ideological basis.,ideological,نَظرِیٲتی,,आदर्शपूर्ण, N,It happened because of your ignorance.,ignorance,بےخَبری،ناوٲقفیَت,,अज्ञान, V,I said hello to her but she ignored me.,ignore,نَظَر اَنٛداز کَرُن,,अवज्ञा_करना, Adj,"She felt ill, so she went to a doctor.",ill,بیمار,,अस्वस्थता, Adv,She was ill treated.,ill,بَد سٔلوٗکی سان,,बुरी तरह से, Adj,There are many illegal immigrants in our country.,illegal,غیر قونوٗنی,,नियम_विरुद्ध, N,My grandfather died after a long illness.,illness,بیمٲرۍ،مَرٕض،دود,,रोग, V,The streets were illuminated with lights.,illuminate,گاشراوُن,,प्रकाशयुक्त_करना, N,She is under the illusion that he loves her.,illusion,دونٛکھہٕ، برٛم,,भ्रांति, V,Our teacher makes the lessons interesting by giving illustrations.,illustrate,مِثال دِنۍ,,व्याख्या_करना, N,This chapter has lots of illustrations.,illustration,مِثال،تَمثیٖل,,उदाहरण, N,He is the (living) image of his brother.,image,تَصویٖر،شَکٕل,,प्रतिमा/प्रतिबिंब, Adj,The story is purely imaginary.,imaginary,خَیٲلی,,काल्पनक, N,This is just an imagination.,imagination,خَیال,,कल्पना, N,This is her imagination and nothing else.,imagination,قَیاس آرٲیی ،خَیال آرٲیی,,भावना, V,Can you imagine a house with no windows?,imagine,خَیال کَرُن،سونٛچُن،قَیاس کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, V,I can`t imagine what she wants from me.,imagine,قَیاس کَرُن،خَیال کَرُن,,विचार_करना, N,The wine that is sold in this shop is a pale imitation of the real thing.,imitation,نَقلی,,नकली/अनुकरण, Adj,I have an immediate need for money.,immediate,فوٗری,,तात्कालक, Adj,"For every action there is an equal, immediate and opposite reaction.",immediate,فوٗری,,अव्यवहित, Adv,The cyclone victims were immediately shifted to the hospital.,immediately,فورن،یَک دَم,,तत्काल, Adj,They want to give an immense time to this project.,immense,واریاہ،بِسِیار,,असीम, Adj,I have spent an immense amount of money on this project.,immense,بِسِیار،حدٕ روٚس,,असीम, N,Right brothers achieved immortality with the first powered flight.,immortality,اَبدِیت,,अमित, V,Teacher`s speech impacted almost everybody in the assembly.,impact,اَثَر ترٛاوُن,,प्रभाव, N,The impact caused a dent in the car.,impact,ٹَکَر,,टक्कर, Adj,Lets keep the discussion impersonal.,impersonal,اِنفِرٲدی,,निरपेक्ष, N,We should not let our children to play with sharp implements.,implement,اَوزار،سامان,,उपकरण, V,Rita was also implicated in that scandal.,implicate,پَھساوُن,,फ़ँसाना, N,They failed to consider the implications of their actions.,implication,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,विवक्षा, N,This work consists of many implications.,implication,پَریشٲنی،ہۄدٕ ہُر,,उलझन, V,His silence implies agreement.,imply,مَطلَب آسُن،نٔتیٖجہٕ آسُن,,का_अर्थ_होना, V,We import cosmetics from abroad.,import,دَرآمَد کَرُن،نیٔبرٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ اَنُن,,आयात_करना, N,This book is of great importance to me.,importance,اہمِیت,,महत्व, Adj,There are many important works to be done yet.,important,اَہم،ضٔروٗری,,महत्वपूर्ण, V,Government has imposed very high taxes on cigarettes.,impose,لاگوٗ وکَرُن,,लागू_करना, Adj,It is really impossible for me.,impossible,نامُمکِن,,असम्भव, V,The police has impounded his car.,impound,ضَبٕد کَرُن,,ज़ब्त_करना, V,She knows how to impress her teachers.,impress,اَثَر ترٛاوُن،مُتٲثِر کَرُن,,प्रभावित_करना, N,She has a very good impression.,impression,تٲثیٖر ،اَثَر,,गहरी_छाप, N,It really creates a bad impression if you are late for the class.,impression,اَثَر،تٲثیٖر,,छाप, Adj,His speech was impressive.,impressive,اَثَردار,,प्रभावशाली, V,His uncle was imprisoned for fraud.,imprison,قٲد کَرُن,,क़ैद_करना, V,He has improved a lot in his studies.,improve,سُدرُن،جان بَنُن,,सुधारना/सुधरना, N,There is still room for improvement in your work.,improvement,بہتٔری,,सुधार, V,The pianist improvised a tune.,improvise,بَناوُن,,तत्काल_तैयार_करना, N,He felt an irresistible impulse to giggle and laugh.,impulse,جَزبہٕ,,आवेग, N,We are planning to mount an invasion of South of the country.,invasion,۔۔۔,,चढाई, N,He has shown a complete inability in this work.,inability,نا قٲبِلیَت,,असामर्थ्य, Adj,He rejected $3 million offer as totally inadequate.,inadequate,کَم,,अपर्याप्त, V,The president inaugrated the hospital.,inaugurate,آغازکرُن،اِبتِدا کَرٕنۍ,,उद्घाटन_करना, N,Could you please move an inch?,inch,اِنٛچ،ٲنٛٹ,,इंच, V,Can you help me inch this flowervase into the corner?,inch,وارٕ وارٕ برٛونٛہہ پَکُن,,धीरे_धीरे_आगे_बढ़ना, N,I can`t forget that incident.,incident,واقَعہ،حٲدِثہٕ,,घटना, Adv,"Incidentally, I wanted to have a word with you about your expenses claim.",incidentally,ضِمنَن,,अकस्मात, V,He was expelled for inciting workers to violence.,incite,ہٕس دیُن,,उत्तेजित_करना, V,Radha inclined her head in prayer.,incline,جُکاوُن،نٔمراوُن,,झुकना/झुकाना, Adj,I`m inclined to trust him.,inclined,مٲیِل,,प्रवृत्त, V,They included me in the hockey team.,include,شٲمِل کَرُن،دَرٕج کَرُن,,सम्मिलित_करना, N,His income is very low.,income,آمدٔنی،کمٲے,,आय, N,There is increase in the production of wheat this year.,increase,اِضافہٕ،ہُرٮ۪ر,,वृद्धि, V,He increased his speed to overtake the car.,increase,بَڑاوٕنۍ،ہُراوٕنۍ,,वृद्धि_करना[होना], N,Your performance was incredible.,incredible,ناقٲبلِہ یٔقیٖن,,अविश्वसनीय, V,This production of the movie has incurred the anger of audiences.,incur,پانَس پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن,,अपने_ऊपर_लेना, Adv,This is good news indeed.,indeed,حٔقیقَتَن,,वास्तव_में, Adv,It was a very bad situation indeed.,indeed,حٔقیٖقتن,,अवश्य_ही/वास्तव_में, N,It`s important that teachers should allow their students some independence.,independence,آزٲدی,,स्वाधीनता, Adj,I want to live an independent life.,independent,آزاد،خۄد مۄختار,,स्वाधीन, Adj,India is an independent country.,independent,آزاد,,स्वतंत्र, N,He published an index of film titles.,index,اِشاریہَ,,सूचिपृष्ठ, V,She indicated that situation is very bad.,indicate,اِشارٕ کَرُن،حٮ۪س دیُن,,सूचित_करना, N,He gave no indication of having heard of us.,indication,عَلامَت،اِشارٕ،نِشان,,चिह्न, N,I can`t bear indifference.,indifference,بے پروٲہی،بےرُخی,,उपेक्षा, Adj,He gave few indirect remarks about my performance.,indirect,ؤلِتھ,,अप्रत्यक्ष, Adv,This legislation will effect us indirectly.,indirectly,بِل واسطہٕ,,अप्रत्यक्ष_या_परोक्ष_रूप_से, Adj,A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.,indispensable,ضٔروٗری,,अनिवार्य, N,Every individual has its own principles.,individual,فَرٕد,,व्यक्ति_विशेष, N,I will remember you as an individual who always helped people to stay happy.,individual,فَرٕد،نَفَر,,विशिष्ट, Adv,He spoke to each member of a group individually.,individually,اَکِہ اَکِہ،اَلَگ اَلَگ,,वैयक्तिक_रूप_से, Adj,Girls usually prefer indoor games.,indoor,أنٛدرِم،أنٛدروٗنی,,भीतरी, V,Nothing could induce Ravi to step down from his position.,induce,آمادٕ کَرُن,,राज़ी_करना, V,The party inducted several young and dynamic professionals.,induct,فٲیِز کَرُن,,नियुक्त_करना, V,He loves to indulge in gossip.,indulge,لُطُف تُلُن,,आनंद लूटना, V,She tries her best to indulge him.,indulge,خۄش تھاوُن,,प्रसन्न_करना, V,Lets indulge ourselves with a bottle of champagne.,indulge,خۄش تھاوُن,,सन्तुष्ट_होना, Adj,The industrial output in India is rising every year.,industrial,صَنعتی,,औद्योगक, V,He invested money to industrialise the town.,industrialise,صنعت قٲیِم کَرنۍ,,औद्योगीकरण, N,Ludhiana is famous for woollen industries.,industry,صنعت,,उद्योग, N,His success was due to industry and thrift.,industry,محنت,,परिश्रम, N,Ludhiana is famous for woollen industries.,industry,صنعت,,व्यवसाय, N,His success was due to industry and thrift.,industry,محنت,,परिश्रम, Adj,We have no option but to accept his inevitable decision.,inevitable,اَٹَل,,अपरिहार्य/अनिवार्य, Adv,"Inevitably, this decision will result in more crimes.",inevitably,لٲزمی طور,,अवश्य, N,The infantry was sent in advance.,infantry,گٔشتی,,पैदल_सेना, VT,Your children have infected you with this bad cold.,infect,بیمٲرۍ پھٔلاوٕنۍ,,छूत_लगाना[लगना], N,She is suffering from chest infection.,infection,وَبٲیی مَرٕض,,बीमारी_की_छूत, Adj,TB is an infectious disease.,infectious,لاگ دار,,छूत_से_लगनेवाला, N,There is high inflation over price rises for food and houses.,inflation,درٛۄجَر,,मुद्रास्फीति, N,She used her parent`s influence to get the job.,influence,روٚسوٗک,,प्रभाव, VT,He has influenced his students like anything.,influence,مُتٲثِر کَرُن,,प्रभावित_करना, Adj,I want to do some influential work for the nation.,influential,اَثَر دار,,प्रभावशाली, VTI,I informed him about the meeting.,inform,اِطلاع دِیُن،خَبَر دِنۍ,,सूचना_देना/सूचित_करना, Adj,She was in informal dress.,informal,سیوٚد سادٕ،غیر رَسمی,,अनौपचारक, Adj,The two prime ministers will meet for an informal discussion today.,informal,غیر رَسمی,,अनौपचारक, N,I have no information about this project.,information,خَبَر،اِطلاع،معلوٗمات,,सूचना, Adj,One should be well informed of the current affairs.,informed,باخَبَر،خَبَردار,,सुविज्ञ, V,Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees.,inhabit,روزُن،سٔکوٗنَت کَرٕنۍ,,में_निवास_करना, Adj,Singing and dancing are considered as inherent talents.,inherent,وَرا ثٔتی,,अन्तर्निहित, V,Sheela inherited her good looks from her mother.,inherit,وَراثتَس مَنٛز میلُن,,उत्तराधिकार_में_प्राप्त_करना, Adj,I had to face many problems in the initial stages.,initial,اِبتِدٲیی,,प्रारम्भक, N,The child wrote his initials clearly.,initial,گۄڈنیُک لَفٕظ,,पहला_अक्षर{नाम_या_शब्द_का}, VT,He initialled the document.,initial,دَستٕخَط کَرُن,,नाम_का_पहला_अक्षर_लिखना, Adv,He cleared all his debts initially.,initially,گۄڈَے,,शुरू_में, V,The Sutradhar initiated the sanskrit plays.,initiate,شروٗع کَرُن،پہل کَرٕنۍ,,आरम्भ_करना, V,He was initiated into the art of golf by his uncle.,initiate,شٲمِل کَرُن,,दीक्षा_देना, N,"After ablutions, the initiate started reciting vedas.",initiate,سٲدٕروار,,दीक्षित_व्यक्ति, VTI,Rajaram Mohan Roy initiated social reforms.,initiate,شروٗع کَرٕنۍ,,आरम्भ_करना, N,The peace initiative was welcomed by both parties.,initiative,شروعات،پَہل,,पहल, VT,The boy was injured while playing cricket.,injure,زَخمی گَژُھن،چھۄکہٕ لَد گَژُھن,,घायल_करना, Adj,The injured person was taken to hospital.,injured,چھۄکہٕ لَد،زَخمی,,घायल, Adj,Smoking is injurious to health.,injurious,نۄقصان دِہَہ,,हानिकारक, N,This injury should be immediately attended to.,injury,زَخم,,चोट, N,The injury done to an honest man is irrepairable.,injury,نۄقصان,,क्षति, N,We should not do injustice to anyone.,injustice,بے اِنصٲفی,,अन्याय, N,The boy bought ink from the shop.,ink,میٖل,,स्याही, VT,Please ink the roller of the zerox machine.,ink,میٖل لٲگٕنۍ,,स्याही_फेरना, Adj,It is very difficult to know one`s inner feelings.,inner,أنٛدرِم,,भीतरी, Adj,Mozart`s music touches one`s inner feelings.,inner,دِلی،أنٛدروٗنی,,आत्मिक[भावना], N,He proved his innocence in the court.,innocence,معصوٗمِیَت،بےگۄنٲہی,,निर्दोषता, N,He is very innocent.,innocent,معصوٗم،بےگۄناہ,,निर्दोष, Adj,He is an innocent person.,innocent,معصوٗم،بےگۄناہ,,निर्दोष, N,Input is essential for financial benefits.,input,۔۔۔,,आगत, N,Computers give information from the input.,input,اِنپُٹ,,कम्प्यूटर_में_भरी_सामग्री, V,Input the annual sales figures.,input,اِنپُٹ دیُن,,कम्प्यूटर_में`संगणन_करना, VTI,The tourists inquired about the route.,inquire,پرٛژھہٕ غٲر کَرٕنۍ,,पूछ-ताछ_करना, N,An inquiry into the matter is pointless.,inquiry,پرٛژھہٕ غٲر,,पूछताछ, Adj,An insane person should be properly dealt with.,insane,پاگَل،دیوانہٕ,,पागल, N,Remove the insect from the table.,insect,کیوٚم,,कीड़ा, VT,The veterinary doctor inseminated the monkey.,inseminate,۔۔۔,,गर्भाधान_करना, VT,Insert this key in the lock.,insert,ترٛاوُن،اَنٛدر یا مَنٛز تراوُن،بَرٕنۍ,,डालना{अन्दर_या_बीच_में}, Prep,There is nothing inside the box.,inside,اَنٛدر,,के~अन्दर, N,The inside of the temple was carved on marble.,inside,أندرِم,,अभ्यन्तर, Prep,She is inside the house.,inside,أنٛدرٕ کَنہِ,,के_अन्दर, N,Seers had the insight to go in search of truth.,insight,بٔصیٖرَت،نَظَر,,अन्तर्दृष्टि, V,She insisted me to do this work.,insist,زور دیُن،زارٕ پارٕ کَرُن,,आग्रह_कर, VI,My friend insisted me to attend the party.,insist,زارٕپارٕ کَرُن،زور کَرُن،تٲقیٖد کَرُن,,दृढ़_रहना, N,His insistence on strict discipline helped him to lead a comfortable life.,insistence,اِسرار،تٲقیٖد,,आग्रह{बलपूर्वक}, VT,The income-tax officers inspected her house.,inspect,معٲینہٕ کَرُن,,जाँचना, N,Inspection is going on in the school.,inspection,معٲینہٕ,,निरीक्षण, VT,I am inspired by the compositions of Sri Thyagaraja.,inspire,جوش پٲدٕ کَرُن,,प्रेरणा_देना, VT,The electrician installed the water heater in our house.,install,لاگُن,,लगाना[यन्त्र], VT,Emperor Ashoka installed many stupas to spread Buddhism.,install,مُنقٕد کَرٕنۍ،لاگٕنۍ,,स्थापित_करना, N,Many people were present during the installation of the new machinery.,installation,لاگُن,,प्रतिष्ठापन, N,The telephone installation took few minutes only.,installation,لاگُن,,यन्त्र_आदि_लगाना, N,There have been several recent instances of planes taking off without adequate safety checks.,instance,۔۔۔,,उदाहरण/अवसर, N,You can take the instance of identical twins.,instance,مِثال,,उदाहरण{विशेष}, Adj,I will prefer instant food as I have to leave early.,instant,دٔستی,,तुरन्त, Adj,I like instant coffee.,instant,دٔستی,,झटपट, N,Her mood changed in an instant.,instant,ژِیہُہ,,क्षण, Adv,He offered to help his colleague instantly.,instantly,جَلدی،فوٗری,,शीघ्र, Adv,Neeta was ill so I went instead of her.,instead,تٔمۍ سٕنٛدِ بدلہٕ,,के_बदले_मेँ, N,All his instincts told him to go to the hospital and consult a doctor.,instinct,جِبلَت,,सहजज्ञान, N,I like to work in this institute of Information Technology.,institute,اِدارٕ,,संस्थान, VT,Tatas have instituted a number of openings for mechanical engineers.,institute,اِدارٕ کھولٕنۍ,,संस्थापित_करना, N,She is working in an Educational institution.,institution,اِدارٕ,,संस्था, VT,Phonetics teacher was instructing students in the use of phonetic symbols.,instruct,ہِدایَت دِنۍ,,शिक्षा_देना, N,Instructions should be followed strictly.,instruction,حُکُم،ہِدایَت,,आदेश, N,Varieties of instruments are used in surgery.,instrument,اَوزار,,उपकरण, N,I like to play instruments.,instrument,سازٕکۍ سامان,,वाद्य, N,The instrument of his success was his perseverance.,instrument,ذٔرِیعہ,,माध्यम, N,I can`t bear this insult.,insult,بےعزتی،زَلالَت,,अपमान, VT,He insulted her with his rude remarks.,insult,بےعزتی کَرٕنۍ،ذٔلیٖل کَرُن،زَلالَت کَرٕنۍ,,अपमान_करना, N,One should take insurance to cover the risk factors.,insurance,بیٖمہٕ،اِنشورَنٛس,,बीमा, Adj,It is difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.,intact,ٹھیٖٖک،سَلامَت,,अखण्ड, VT,I find it difficult to integrate socially.,integrate,یَکجوت کَرُن,,एकीकरण_करना, N,Subramanya Bharati composed songs of integration.,integration,یَکجٲتی،یَکُت,,एकीकरण, Adj,Child`s intellectual development depends on the upbringing and environment.,intellectual,ذہنی,,बुद्धिगत, Adj,He is an intellectual person.,intellectual,دٲنِش وَر,,प्रज्ञावान, N,Her intelligence impressed me.,intelligence,عقٕل،سَمٕجھ,,बुद्धिमत्ता, N,We sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage.,intelligence,اِطلاع،خَبَر,,सूचना, Adj,The student put forward intelligent questions.,intelligent,جان,,बुद्धिमान, Adj,Computer is fed on an intelligent system.,intelligent,جان,,सुबोध, VTI,I intend to complete this work by evening.,intend,اِرادٕ تھاوُن,,इरादा_रखना, VTI,The party is really intended for new students so they can meet each other.,intend,تھاونہٕ آمٕژ,,निमित्त_होना, Adj,The professor completed the book intended for class 8th.,intended,ترتیٖب,,उद्धिष्ट, Adj,Tom has intense pain in his ankle.,intense,سَخ,,तीक्ष्ण/उत्कट/अतिमात्र, Adj,Don`t go out in an intense heat.,intense,سَخ,,तेज, Adj,He gets very intense when he talks about politics.,intense,شٔدیٖد,,गम्भीर, N,The earthquake occured with intensity this time.,intensity,شِدَت,,उत्कटता, N,The intensity of the tornado is unaccountable.,intensity,شِدَت,,प्रचंडता, Adj,Intensive methods are implemented in the field of agriculture.,intensive,محدوٗد تہٕ زوروار,,वृद्धिकर, Adj,An intensive search helped him to regain his possessions.,intensive,سَخ،زوروَر,,तीव्र, Adj,Sam is watching the programme with an intent expression.,intent,پُرجوش،جوش و خَروش,,आसक्त_चित्त, Adj,He was intent on getting promoted.,intent,پَکہٕ اِرادٕ,,निष्ठा, N,His intent was to provide a new translation.,intent,مَقصَد,,उद्देश्य, N,Chief Minister`s intention is to make Hyderabad a Hitech City.,intention,مَقصَد،مَنشہٕ,,लक्ष्य, N,Interaction between the teacher and the students should be cordial.,interaction,کَتھ باتھ,,पारस्परिक_व्यवहार, VT,The reporter intercepted the conversation.,intercept,روکاوُن، روکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,बीच_में_रोकना, N,I have interest in music.,interest,دِلچَسپی,,रुचि, N,I don`t have any interest in sports.,interest,دِلچَسپی,,रस, N,He has best interests at heart.,interest,مُفاد,,हित, N,She has got a loan from bank with an interest rate of 30%.,interest,سوٗد,,ब्याज, VTI,After retirement he began to interest himself in voluntary work.,interest,واسطہٕ تھاوُن، دِلچَسپی تھاوٕنۍ,,रुचि_उत्पन्न_करना, Adj,The interested people can join the group.,interested,دِلچَسپی تھاوَن وٲلۍ،عرٕض مَنٛد,,रुचि_रखनेवाला, Adj,Arthur Hailey`s novels are interesting.,interesting,دِلچَسٕپ,,रोचक, VI,I don`t want to interfere in their personal matters.,interfere,مُداخٕلَت کَرٕنۍ,,बीच_मेँ_पड़ना, N,I can`t bear his interference any more.,interference,مُداخلَت,,हस्तक्षेप, N,Interference from a foreign broadcasting system is causing disturbance.,interference,رُکاوَٹ,,बाधा, Adj,An interior decor adds beauty to the house.,interior,أنٛدروٗنی،أنٛدرِم,,भीतरी, N,The interior of salar jung museum needs attention.,interior,أندرِم,,भीतर, Adj,The car stops at a number of intermediate junctions.,intermediate,دَرمِیٲنی,,मध्यवर्ती, Adj,He knows the internal workings of the machine.,internal,أنٛدروٗنی,,आन्तरक, Adj,He is a player of international repute.,international,بَین الاَقوٲمی,,अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय, N,Austrailia will play five one-day internationals in india this year.,international,بین الاَقوٲمی,,अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय_संघटन, VTI,He interpreted a poem in the class.,interpret,وَضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,वर्णन_करना, VTI,Will you interpret the passage for me?,interpret,تَشریح کَرٕنۍ، وضاحت کرٕنۍ,,भाषान्तर_करना, N,The evidence suggests a different interpretation of events.,interpretation,تَرجُمٲنی,,बयान, VT,Trade between the two countries was interrupted by constant war.,interrupt,خَلَل ترٛاوٕنۍ,,भंग_करना, VT,Please don`t interrupt me while I`m on the phone.,interrupt,خَلَل کَرٕنۍ،مُداخلَت کَرٕنۍ,,बोलने_में_बाधा_देना, N,She worked whole day without interruption.,interruption,رُکاوٹ,,रुकावट, N,I don`t want his interruption in my family matters.,interruption,مُداخلَت,,बाधा, N,Road is broad at the intersection.,intersection,ژُووٚت,,चौराहा, Adj,Many lorries ply in interstate highways.,interstate,۔۔۔,,अन्तर्राज्यीय, N,She returned to work after an interval of about half an hour.,interval,وَقفہٕ,,अंतराल, VI,The military intervened and the situation was brought under control.,intervene,مَنٛز پیوٚن,,बीच_मेँ_आना, N,The intervention of teachers in the dance competion was criticized by many students.,intervention,مُداخلَت,,मध्यवर्त, N,Applicants for posts were called for interview.,interview,اِنٹَرویو،مُلاقات,,भेँट, V,We have to interview computer knowing people for this post.,interview,اِنٹَروِیوہیوٚن,,इंटरव्यू_लेना, Adj,Intimate friendship should be encouraged.,intimate,قٔریٖبی،نَزدیٖکی,,आत्मीय, Adj,He has an intimate knowledge of criminal law.,intimate,دِلی ، قٔریٖبی,,सुपरिचित, Adj,"Kalidasa, the poet and the dramatist was intimate with nature.",intimate,قٔریٖبی,,अन्तरंग, VT,He intimated his willingness to take part in the function.,intimate,اِشارٕ دیُن,,बतलाना, Prep,Please put these things back into the cupboard.,into,مَنٛز,,के~अंदर, Prep,Please come into the house.,into,مَنٛز,,अंदर_को, Prep,5 into 10 is fifty.,into,ضَربہِ,,गुणित_करने_पर, VT,Graham was introduced to me in the function.,introduce,تعارُف کَرُن,,परिचय_कराना[करना], VT,A new word processor was introduced yesterday. .,introduce,رٲیِج کَرنہٕ یُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, VT,The domestic appliances were introduced in the market.,introduce,شایَعہ کَرنہٕ یُن,,उपलब्ध_कराना, N,The introduction of the new agricultural methods helped the farmers.,introduction,پیٚشکَش,,प्रस्तुति, N,He is a person who needs no introduction.,introduction,تعارُف,,परिचय, N,Apar gave a general idea of her research in introduction.,introduction,گۄڈٕ کَتھ,,भूमिका, N,He had an intuition that something had gone wrong.,intuition,ژینہٕ ؤنۍ,,अन्तर्ज्ञान, VT,Their air space was invaded by the enemy aircrafts.,invade,حَملہٕ کَرُن,,आक्रमण_करना, VT,Many fans invaded the pitch.,invade,اَنٛدر اَژُن,,घुस_जाना, Adv,The Minar Express is invariably late.,invariably,ہَمیٚشہٕ,,सर्वदा, N,The invasion of the Mohammud Ghori started the muslim rule in India.,invasion,حَملہٕ,,आक्रमण, N,We are planning to mount an invasion of the South of the country.,invasion,۔۔۔,,चढाई, VT,Graham Bell invented telephone.,invent,ایٖجاد کَرُن,,आविष्कार_करना, N,The invention of cell phone made human life comfortable.,invention,ایٖجاد,,आविष्कार, N,We have a good inventory of all the household items at home.,inventory,فِہرستہٕ,,विस्तृत_सूची, VT,He has invested large amount of money in the project.,invest,پونٛسہٕ لاگُن,,धन_लगाना, VT,The vice-chancellor has been invested with full authority to act.,invest,عہدَس پٮ۪ٹھ فٲیز کَرُن،اِختِیار دیُن,,अधिकार_देना, VT,The district attorney`s office investigated reports of possible irregularities.,investigate,تفتیٖش کَرٕنۍ،پرٛژٕھ غٲر کَرٕنۍ,,जाँचना, VT,A team investigated the ruins of Dwarka city under the sea.,investigate,جانٛچ پَرتال کَرٕنۍ,,अनुसंधान_करना, N,The income-tax officials completed the investigation on the actor.,investigation,جانٛچ،تفتیٖش,,जाँच, N,The murder case is under investigation.,investigation,تَفتیٖش,,अनुसंधान, N,Stocks are regarded as long-term investments.,investment,۔۔۔,,निवेशन, N,Jamshed Tata was an investor who invested his money on industries and institutions.,investor,رَقَم لاگَن وول,,धन_लगाना, N,We got the invitation for the concert.,invitation,دعوت،رۄقہٕ,,आमन्त्रण, VT,We invited our relatives for our daughter`s marriage.,invite,سال کَرُن،دعوت کَرٕنۍ,,निमन्त्रण_भेजना, VT,Leaving your vehicles unlocked is just inviting trouble.,invite,دعوت دِنۍ,,आकृष्ट_करना, VT,The job will involve many workers.,involve,شٲمِل کَرُن,,शामिल_करना, VT,All students were involved in the science exihibition.,involve,کامہِ لاگٕنۍ,,काम_में_लग_जाना, VT,She was involved in a trouble.,involve,ہٮ۪نہٕ یُن,,खतरे_में_पडना, Adj,Our actions do not reflect our inward nature.,inward,أنٛدروٗنی,,अन्दरूनी, Adj,His latest CD gives a thoughtful and inward interpretation of the music.,inward,روٗحٲنی,,अन्तर्मुखी, Adv,His fingers turned inwards while playing.,inwards,اَنٛدَر کُن,,अन्दर_की_ओर, N,Iodine plays a vital role in our body.,iodine,آیوڈیٖن,,आयोडीन, VT,It irks me to see money being wasted.,irk,شَرارَت کھالُن,,गुस्सा_दिलाना, N,This toy is made of iron.,iron,شیشتٕٕر,,लोहा, N,John will probably use a 2 or 3 iron for the shot.,iron,۔۔۔,,गोल्फ_खेलने_का_डंडा, N,Doctor has advised her to take iron.,iron,اَیرَن,,पौष्टिक_दवाई, N,He has an iron will.,iron,فَولٲدی,,दृढता, N,The prisoner removed the irons from his hands.,iron,ہَتھکٔرۍ,,हथकडी, VT,She listens to music while ironing.,iron,لۄہ کَرُن،کُنٛدۍ کَرٕنۍ,,इस्त्री_करना, Adj,He gives irrelevant answers.,irrelevant,بےمَطلَب,,बेमतलब, VT,Farmers irrigate the lands.,irrigate,آب پٲشی کَرٕنۍ،آب دیُن,,सीँचना, N,Mauritius is an island.,island,جٔزیٖرٕ,,द्वीप, VT,They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates.,isolate,علٰحیِدٕ کَرُن،اَلَگ کَرُن,,अलग_रखना, VT,Scientists have isolated the virus from the gene.,isolate,اَلَگ کَرُن,,पृथक_करना, N,I felt complete isolation when my sister got married.,isolation,کُنٮ۪ر,,अकेलापन, N,I can`t think about it in isolation.,isolation,کُنٮ۪ر,,अकेलापन, N,We have to discuss an important issue.,issue,مَسلہٕ,,विषय, N,What is an issue?,issue,معاملہٕ,,मामला, N,I am talking about the third issue of this book.,issue,مسلہٕ,,अंक, N,The issue can be solved by government.,issue,مَسلہٕ,,विवादास्पद_विषय, N,She found an old issue of the magazine in her cupboard.,issue,اِشاعَت,,प्रकाशित_वस्तु, N,The king died without an issue.,issue,شُر، اَولاد,,संतति, N,Smoke is issuing from the chimney.,issue,نیران,,बहाव, VTI,The court issued an order.,issue,جٲری کَرُن,,आदेश_जारी_करना, VTI,The school issued a new uniform to the children.,issue,دیُن,,देना, VTI,The school issued the press with a statement about its plans.,issue,شایع کَرُن,,प्रकाशित_करना, Pron,It is impossible to reach on time for the function.,it,یہِ,,यह, Pron,It is my laptop.,it,یہِ,,वाक्यांश_प्रमुखता_बताना, Pron,It is my book.,it,یہِ,,यह, Pron,Is it your pen?,it,یہِ,,यह, Pron,Is it your bag?,it,یہِ,,यह, Pron,I want to do it right now.,it,یہِ,,यह, Pron,It is mine.,it,یہِ,,यह, N,He checked the items in the catalogue.,item,ذٲژ,,मद, N,Budget is the item of news in today`s paper.,item,موضوٗع,,विषय, Pron,The company has got itself into problems.,itself,پانَے,,स्वयम, Adj,This ivory piece is remarkable.,ivory,ۂسۍ دَنٛدُک,,हाथी_दाँत_का, N,Things made of ivory are expensive.,ivory,ۂسۍ دَنٛد,,गजदंत, N,I don`t know how to use a jack.,jack,جَکھ,,भारी_बोझा_ऊपर_उठाने_का_यन्त्र, N,Jack is a Court Card in a pack of playing cards.,jack,تاسَس مَنٛز غۄلام,,गुलाम{ताश_के_पत्तों_में}, N,The speaker was connected to the tape recorder by a jack.,jack,اَکِہ قٕسمُک پٕلَگ,,एक_प्रकार_का_प्लग, N,He wore a jacket yesterday.,jacket,جاکیٹ,,जाकेट, N,The jacket of the novel `The God of Small Things` has a picture of lotus.,jacket,جِلدٕ,,आवरण, N,The criminal was put in the jail.,jail,قٲد خانہٕ,,कारागार, V,He was jailed for 10yrs.,jail,جیل گَژُھن,,कारावास_होना, N,They painted the doors with japan which is usually hard and black.,japan,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ وارنِش,,एक_प्रकार_की_वार्निश, V,They japaned the painted doors and windows.,japan,چَمکاوُن,,रोग़न_करके_चमकाना, N,The pickles are kept in a jar.,jar,وٲر،مَٹھ,,मर्तबान, V,His comments about my dress jarred me.,jar,ناگَوارآسُن,,खटकना, V,His comments jarred on my ears.,jar,ناگَوار گُزرُن,,कर्कश_लगना, V,He jarred his back while pushing the car.,jar,دَکہٕ لَگُن,,धक्का_लगना, N,He injured his jaw in an accident.,jaw,ووٚٹ,,जबड़ा, N,My friend and I had a jaw in the afternoon.,jaw,زیٖٹھ کَتھ باتھ,,लम्बी_बातचीत, N,Jazz music has become popular in India also.,jazz,جیز,,गीतनाट्य, Adj,I am never jealous of other`s success.,jealous,حَسدی,,ईर्ष्यालु, N,The whole world looks at our unity with jealousy.,jealousy,حَسَد,,ईर्ष्या/जलन, N,I have a jeep at home.,jeep,جیٖپ,,जीप, N,My mother kept the jelly in the fridge.,jelly,جیٚلی,,जैली/लूआब, N,He wore a jersey yesterday.,jersey,نرٔۍ دار بٔنیان,,स्वेटर, N,He went to Delhi by jet.,jet,جیٹ جہاز,,जेट_विमान, N,The pipe bursted and a jet of water sprayed across the room.,jet,آبہٕ فموار,,धारा, VI,The pipe bursted and water jetted out.,jet,فموار نیرُن,,निकल_पड़ना, N,There are lots of jewels on display in the museum.,jewel,قۭمتی کٔنۍ،لال،جوٲہر,,मणि, N,Ladies are very fond of jewellery.,jewellery,زیوَر،جوٲہِرات،جاداد,,गहने, N,My job in the office is to prepare reports.,job,کٲم،پیٚشہٕ,,काम, VT,I have joined the two wires.,join,جوڑُن,,संयुक्त_करना, VT,Lets join together to bring peace in the society.,join,مِلُن,,मिलना, VT,I joined the Navy in 1998.,join,بٔرتی گَژُھن ، دٲخل گَژُن,,शामिल_होना, Adj,The project is a joint venture between India and Russia.,joint,مُشترِکہٕ،اِکہٕ وَٹہٕ,,साझे_का, N,She is suffering from joint pain.,joint,بَنٛد,,जोड़{शरीर_का}, N,Khushwant Singh`s jokes are very popular.,joke,مَخولہٕ،ٹَھٹھہٕ,,चुटकुला, V,I was just joking.,joke,ٹَھٹھٕہ کَرُن،مَخولہٕ کَرُن,,मज़ाक_करना, N,I keep record of all my expenses in a journal.,journal,بٔہی کھاتہٕ,,बही_खाता, N,Journals are very informative.,journal,رِسالہٕ,,समाचार_पत्र{साप्ताहिक_या_मासिक}, N,Have a nice journey!,journey,سَفَر,,यात्रा, V,I am planning to journey South.,journey,سَفَر کَرُن,,यात्रा_करना, N,It is a joy to be with kids.,joy,خوشی،شٲدۍ,,आनन्द, N,I want to become a judge.,judge,مُنصِف،قٲضۍ,,निर्णायक, N,My uncle is a high court judge.,judge,جَج،مُنصِف،قٲضۍ,,न्यायाधीश, N,He is a good judge of art.,judge,پَرکَھن وول,,पारखी, V,You cannot judge a man by his face.,judge,پَرَکُھن،پرٛزٕناوُن,,निर्णय_लेना, Adj,There will be a judicial enquiry about the train mishap.,judicial,عَدالتی,,न्यायक, N,I like lemon juice.,juice,رَس،عٲرَق,,रस, VT,The thief jumped over the wall.,jump,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,कूदना, VT,The children were jumping on the ground.,jump,وۄٹہٕ ترٛاونہِ,,उछलना, VT,The company`s profit has jumped from 2 to 6 percent this year.,jump,تھوٚد وۄتُھن,,उपर_उठना/बढ़ना, VT,I jumped into a car.,jump,وۄٹھ لَگاوٕنۍ,,कूद लगाना, N,Carl won the gold medal in the long jump.,jump,وۄٹھ,,कूद/छलाग, N,Wild animals live in jungles.,jungle,جَنٛگَل،وَن,,जंगल, N,Delay in any developmental work is due to the jungle of bureaucratic paperwork.,jungle,۔۔۔,,अव्यवस्थित_वस्तुओं_का_समूह, N,She is junior to me in age.,junior,لۄکُٹ،جوٗنِیَر,,कनिष्ठ/छोटा, N,My friend is three years junior to me.,junior,لۄکُٹ,,उम्र_में_छोटा, N,It is under Supreme Court`s jurisdiction to solve water sharing dispute.,jurisdiction,تحویٖل,,न्याय_करने_का_अधिकार, N,The jury in the high court has given the decision in my favour.,jury,جوٗری,,जूरी, Adv,This is just one way of saving the property.,just,صِرِف,,सिर्फ, Adj,Lord Dashrath was a just ruler.,just,اِنصاف پَسنٛد,,उचित, Adj,The courts have to be just in their dealings.,just,مُنصِفانہٕ,,न्यायसंगत, Adv,This blouse is just my size.,just,ٹھیٖٖک,,ठीक, Adv,This is just the colour I wanted for my car.,just,سُے,,वैसा_ही, Adv,This car is just right for me.,just,بِلکُل,,बिल्कुल, Adv,I have just completed my home work.,just,وٕنۍ،یِتَھے کٔنۍ,,अभी/इसी_वक्त, Adv,He is just as intelligent as his brother.,just,تِتُے,,उतना_ही, N,The Constitution says that all people should be treated with justice.,justice,اِنصاف,,न्याय, N,I can`t give any more justification on the statement.,justification,جَوٲزِیَت,,औचित्य, V,Her excellent performance in the exam has justified her ability to succeed.,justify,جَوٲزِیَت دِنۍ,,सत्य_ठहराना, N,There is an increase in the number of juveniles taking to crimes.,juvenile,نابالِغ,,किशोर_व्यक्ति, Adj,There is an increase in cases of juvenile crimes.,juvenile,بَچَن ہِنٛدۍ,,तरुण_संबंधी, Adj,He was a keen player of outdoor sports.,keen,تیز،جان,,उत्सुक, Adj,She is keen to take on medical line.,keen,خٲیِش مَنٛد,,इच्छुक, Adj,Eagle has a keen eyesight.,keen,تیز,,तीक्ष्ण/पैना/तेज़, Adj,He has a keen mind.,keen,تیز,,कुशाग्र/तेज़, Adj,Dogs have a keen sense of smell.,keen,تیز,,तेज़, V,He is keen on your sister.,keen,دِلچَسپی تھاوٕنۍ,,दिलचस्पी_रखना, V,He is keening over his dead brother.,keen,دۄکھ کَرُن،وَدُن,,विलाप_करना, V,Keep it with you.,keep,تھاوُن,,रख, N,He has to earn his keep.,keep,گُزارٕ،آمدٔنی,,निर्वाह, N,Children live in their parent`s keep.,keep,نَظَرگُزَر,,देखरेख, N,She was his keep.,keep,۔۔۔,,रख़ैल, AuxV,I keep on thinking about your proposal.,keep,جٲری تھاوُن,,रहना/ज़ारी_रखना, VT,He keeps his books in an order.,keep,تھاونہِ,,रखना, VT,It is difficult to keep the records of all the firms.,keep,حِساب تھاوُن,,हिसाब_रखना, VT,You should keep your promise.,keep,نِباوُن,,निभाना, VT,He earns enough to keep himself and his family.,keep,گُزارٕ کَرُن,,निर्वाह_करना, VT,How are you keeping now?,keep,خَبَر آسٕنۍ،صحت آسُن,,तबियत_होना, N,She has her jewellery in the bank`s keeping.,keeping,نَظَر گُزَر,,देखरेख, N,He left the book in my keeping.,keeping,اِختِیار,,अधिकार, N,His clothes were not in keeping with the occasion.,keeping,مُطٲبِق,,सामंजस्य, N,That lock opens with this key.,key,کُنٛز,,कुंजी/चाबी/ताली, N,All ragas are the combinations of different keys.,key,سُر,,सुर, N,A kick from a donkey is enough to break your bones.,kick,لَتھ,,लात, N,He gets a kick out of watching cricket.,kick,مَزٕ,,अत्यधिक_मज़ा_आना, VT,He kicked the door in anger.,kick,لَتھ لگاوٕنۍ,,लात_मारना, VT,The horse kicked the bucket of water.,kick,لَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,दुलत्ती_मारना, VT,It is difficult to kick out a bad habit.,kick,ترٛاوٕنۍ،مٕشراوٕنۍ,,छुटकारा_पाना/छोड़ना, VT,I felt like kicking myself because I couldn`t speak in the interview.,kick,لان تانہٕ کَرُن,,धिक्कारना, N,I really like kids.,kid,بَچہِ,,बच्चा, N,I saw a goat with a kid.,kid,چِھرٕ,,बच्चा{बकरी/हिरन/भेड़}, V,He is kidding his sister.,kid,پَریشان کَرُن,,परेशान_करना, V,He kidded his friend that he is not well.,kid,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن،گِنٛدُن,,धोखा_देना, V,"Don`t take it seriously, I am just kidding.",kid,مَزاق کَرُن،گِنٛدُن,,मज़ाक_करना, V,Three children have been kidnapped from the school yesterday.,kidnap,اَغوا کَرُن، اَغواگَژُھن,,अपहरण_करना[होना], V,Many children have been kidnapped in this locality.,kidnap,اَغواکَرُن، اَغوا گَژُھن,,अपहरण_करना[होना], N,It is a same place where kidnapping and looting is very common.,kidnapping,اَغوا,,अपहरण, V,He likes to kill animals.,kill,مارُن,,मारना, N,Hasish is a killer.,killer,مارَن وول،قٲتِل,,हत्यारा, Adj,He gave him a killing look.,killing,خوفناک,,घातक, N,This man has done many killings in the city.,killing,قَتٕل,,हत्या, N,He has made a killing in his business.,killing,ہِمَت واجِنۍ کٲم,,सहसा_होने_वाला_लाभ, N,She bought two kilo sugar from the supermarket.,kilo,کِلُو,,किलो, N,She bought two kilograms of sugar from the supermarket.,kilogram,کِلُو گرٛام,,किलोग्राम, N,He walks four kilometers daily.,kilometer,کِلُومیٖٹَر,,किलोमीटर, N,He walks a kilometre to catch the bus.,kilometre,کِلُومیٖٹَر,,किलोमीटर, N,"She is my kin, I can`t leave her alone.",kin,رِشتہٕ دار,,सगे संबंधी, Adj,He is a very kind person.,kind,رحَم دِل,,दयालु, Adj,It is very kind of you to help me in my studies.,kind,مہربٲنی,,आभार, N,He is a different kind of person.,kind,طٔبِیَت,,प्रकार, N,You can pay either in cash or in kind.,kind,جِنٕس,,वस्तु, N,He put the kingbolt and went out.,kingbolt,۔۔۔,,बड़ा_बोल्ट, N,People were very happy in Ashok`s kingdom.,kingdom,رِیاست,,राज्य, N,He gave a flying kiss.,kiss,مۄنۍ,,चुम्बन, V,He kissed the child on his forehead.,kiss,مۄنۍ کَرٕنۍ،بوسہٕ کَرُن,,चूमना, V,The blossoms were kissed by the soft rain.,kiss,۔۔۔,,सहलाना, N,She is cooking food in the kitchen.,kitchen,دانہٕ کُٹھ,,रसोई_घर, N,She has a pain in her knees.,knee,کوٚٹھ,,घुटना, V,She kneed the door.,knee,دکہٕ دیُن,,धक्का_देना, V,She knelt down to say sorry.,kneel,جُکُن،نَمُن,,घुटने_टेकना, V,He kneeled down and begged for forgiveness.,kneel,کۄٹھٮ۪ن پٮ۪ٹھ نمُن,,घुटने_के_बल_बैठना, N,The knife is very sharp.,knife,شرٛاکھ،چُھرۍ,,चाकू, V,Dacoits knifed him yesterday night.,knife,چُھرِ سٕتۍ مارُن,,चाकू_से_मारना, N,There are still some knights in this world.,knight,فوج دار،سِپاہ,,योद्धा/सामन्त, N,Knight is missing in this chess board.,knight,سَترنٛجُک گُر,,शतरंज_का_घोड़ा, N,There was a knock on the door yesterday.,knock,ٹُھک ٹُھک,,दस्तक, N,The sudden knock woke him up.,knock,ٹاس,,आघात, V,Somebody is knocking on the door.,knock,ٹھُک ٹھُک کَرُن,,दस्तक_देना, V,He knocked the glass against the wall.,knock,دکہٕ لایُن,,ठोकर_लगाना, N,She is having number of knots in her ribbon.,knot,گَنٛڑ,,गाँठ, N,Ship is moving at the speed of 30 knots per hour.,knot,ناٹ,,समुद्री_मील, N,A small knot of women listened to his sermon.,knot,ٹوٗلۍ,,समूह, V,Tie a knot to the string.,knot,گَنٛڑ ترٛاوُن,,गाँठ_लगना, V,Knot the strings tightly to one another.,knot,گَنٛڑُن،گَنٛڑ کَرُن,,बाँधना, V,The strange question had him all in knots.,knot,اِضتِرابَس مَنٛز تھاوُن,,उलझाना, V,I want to know who is winning the game.,know,زانُن,,जानना, Adj,He is a knowing collector of rare books.,knowing,باخَبَر،زانَن وول,,जानकार, N,There is a big difference in knowing and understanding.,knowing,زانُن,,जानना, V,Knowing all the facts I will not hold this against you.,knowing,زٲنِٛتھ,,जानते_हुये, N,Basic knowledge of mathematics is must for all children.,knowledge,عٔلِم,,ज्ञान, N,It was not in my knowledge that you are changing the job.,knowledge,زان کٲری,,जानकारी, N,He is known throughout the world.,known,مشہوٗر،ناماوَر,,विदित, N,He is a known criminal.,known,نام نیٹھ,,जाना_हुआ, V,Bhagvat Gita is known to every one.,known,عٔلِم آسُن,,ज्ञात_होना, V,Ramesh was busy labelling all the products of his shop.,label,لیبٕل لاگٕنۍ,,नामित_कर, N,Label on the centre of gramophone record must be prescribing the name of the singer.,label,پَرچہٕ,,पर्चा/नामपत्र, N,The label of HMV on the cassette ensures its good quality.,label,ناو،لیبٕل,,नाम, Adj,Rat is commonly used for zoology experiments in laboratory.,laboratory,تحقیٖٖقی گَرٕ،تَجرُبہٕ گاہ,,प्रयोगशाला, N,Labour has to be done to complete this work.,labour,موٚزوٗرۍ,,श्रम/परिश्रम, N,The factory is closed as the labours have gone on strike.,labour,مَزدوٗر،مُلٲزِم،موٚزوٗر,,श्रमिक/मजदूर, V,I have been labouring (away) at this report all night.,labour,محنت کَرٕنۍ,,कडी_मेहनत_करना, V,The van laboured up the steep mountain track.,labour,مُشکِلی سان کَھسُن,,मुश्किलों_से_चलना, V,He lacks courage to face the audience.,lack,کٔمی آسٕنۍ،محروٗم آسُن,,कमी_होना, N,He suffers from a lack of confidence.,lack,کٔمی,,कमी, N,He is a fine lad.,lad,لٔڑکہٕ،کوٚٹ,,लडका/नवयुवक, N,Use this ladder to climb up.,ladder,ہیر,,सीढी, V,Those thin tights ladder easily.,ladder,ژھینِتھ یُن,,छेद होना, N,All the ladies will assemble here.,ladies,زَنانہٕ،زَنہِ,,महिलाएँ, N,She is a nice lady.,lady,زَنانہٕ،زٔنۍ,,महिला, N,She is a fine lady.,lady,زَنان,,भद्रमहिला, N,I have seen a tropical lagoon.,lagoon,لٔگوٗن،بحری,,लैगून, N,Dal lake is my favourite lake.,lake,جیٖل,,झील, N,The sheep was grazing with its lamb.,lamb,کَٹہٕ بَچہِ،چِھرٕ,,मेमना, N,She is a clever girl while her brother is a poor lamb.,lamb,سیوٚد سادٕ,,भोला-भाला/भोंदू, N,I have to get halogen lamps for my room.,lamp,بٔتۍ,,चिराग/दीपक/बत्ती, N,Frog can survive both on land and water.,land,زٔمیٖٖن,,स्थल, N,The land is reserved for animal grazing.,land,خاطہٕ،زٔمیٖٖن,,क्षेत्र, N,I spent all my childhood on this land.,land,زٔمیٖٖن،وَطَن,,भूमि, N,I inherited this land from my grand parents.,land,زٔمیٖٖن,,भूसम्पत्ति, N,My motherland is known for its culture all over the world.,land,وَطَن,,देश, V,Troops have been landed at several points.,land,والنہٕ یِنۍ,,उतरना/अवतरण_करना, V,Try to catch that leaf before it lands.,land,پَتَھر پیوٚن,,कूद_के_या_गिर_के_जमीन_पर_पहुँचना, V,The complain landed on the desk of the manager.,land,واتٕنۍ,,परेशानी_पैदा_करना, V,Don`t worry you will land a good job.,land,حٲصِل کَرُن,,सफलता_प्राप्त_करना, V,Jones landed several good punches in the first round.,land,لایِنۍ,,घूँसा_मारना, Adj,He belongs to one of the oldest landed families in America.,landed,زَرعی زٔمیٖٖنہٕ وٲلۍ، جٲگیٖر وٲلۍ,,जागीरवाला, N,The space travellers made successful landing on the moon.,landing,وَسُن,,अवतरण, N,There was no landing for the boat.,landing,بوٚٹھ,,घाट{अवतरणस्थान}, N,I left my case on the first floor landing.,landing,ہیرِ کَھسوٕنی جاے,,लैंडिंग{सीढ़ियों_के_खत्म_होने_की_जगह}, N,I always enjoy landscapes near the sea.,landscape,خۄشکی ہُنٛد مَنٛظَر,,प्राकृतिक_दृश्य, V,I have to landscape my new garden.,landscape,ہَیَت بَدلاوٕنۍ,,भूदृश्य_का_निर्माण_करना, N,This is the narrowest lane of the city.,lane,کوچہٕ،گٔلی,,गली, N,Hindi is the national language of our country.,language,زَبان،زٮ۪و,,भाषा, N,John has a very bad language.,language,بولنُک طٔریٖٖقہٕ،زَبان,,बोलने_की_शैली, N,Only advocates can understand the language of courtroom.,language,زَبان،زٮ۪و,,बोली, V,The value of gold is languishing day by day.,languish,کَم گَژٕھان,,कम_होना, N,Children like to sit on a lap.,lap,کھۄن,,गोद, N,She collected the beautiful flowers in her lap.,lap,دامنہٕ،ہَلَم,,आंचल, N,He crashed on the tenth lap.,lap,چَکَر,,चक्कर, N,The next lap will take us to the mountains.,lap,سَفرُک اَکھ حِصہٕ,,यात्रा_का_एक_हिस्सा, V,The dog was very thirsty and it soon lapped up the water.,lap,شۄر شۄر کَران چیوٚن,,लप-लप_पीना, V,The noise was coming from the lapping of the waves on the beach against the boats.,lap,۔۔۔,,छप-छप_करना, Adj,There was a large crowd in the market.,large,بوٚڑ،واریاہ،کُشاد,,विशाल, Adj,This is a large and knotty problem.,large,کُشاد،بوٚڑ,,व्यापक, Adv,It was largely an empty show.,largely,زیادٕ تَر,,मुख्यतया, Adj,He was the last person in the queue.,last,ٲخری,,अन्तिम, Adj,It was very cold last night.,last,رات،یَوٕ,,गत, Adj,It was very cold last night.,last,راتھ,,अवशिष्ट, Adj,Jill was the last candidate.,last,ٲخری,,चरम/अधम, Adv,He spoke last on this issue.,last,ٲخرَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,सबसे_बाद_में, Adv,I met him last in the market.,last,پٔتِمہِ لَٹہِ،ٲخری لَٹہِ,,अन्तिम_बार, V,The bottle that he gave me lasted for a month.,last,روزٕنۍ،پوشِنۍ,,चलते_रहना, V,How is it possible to last without food and water?,last,زِنٛدٕ روزُن,,जीवित_रहना, N,He pulled down the latch and opened the door.,latch,چُٹکِنۍ،تور,,सिटकिनी, V,Please latch the door before you go to bed.,latch,تور تھاوُن،چُٹکِنۍ کَرٕنۍ,,सिटकिनी_लगाना, Adv,The train is late by an hour.,late,ژیٖٖرۍ,,देरी_से, Adv,It is never too late to give up a bad habit.,late,ژیر,,देर, Adv,He got the nobel prize in physics in his late forties.,late,پَتہٕ پَہَن,,बाद_के, Adj,His late father was a very popular figure in this locality.,late,مَرحوٗم,,दिवंगत, Adv,I have not met him lately.,lately,تازٕتازَے,,हाल_में, Adv,I will see you later after the show.,later,پَتہٕ پَہن,,बाद_में, Adv,I will do your work later.,later,پَتہٕ پہَن,,बाद_में, Adv,I do not agree with the latter half of your observation.,latter,دوٚیمِس،پٔتِمِس,,अनुवर्ती, V,He was lauded for his bold stand.,laud,تعریٖٖف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा_करना, V,The child`s antics made everybody laugh.,laugh,اَسُن،اَسناوُن,,हँसना, N,We had a good laugh at his embarrassment.,laugh,اَسُن,,हँसी, N,Laughter is good for health.,laughter,اَسُن,,हँसी, V,Our company has launched a new product.,launch,جٲری کَرُن,,आरम्भ_करना, V,They are going to launch a ship.,launch,جہازٕ گۄڈنِچِہ پِھرِ آبَس والُن,,जलावतरण, V,We have to launch a satellite.,launch,ترٛاوُن,,छोडना, V,My company is going to launch a new model of car.,launch,۔۔۔,,प्रवर्त्तन_करना, N,We took a launch to cross the lake.,launch,موٹَر بوٹ,,बडी_मोटर_बोट, N,Government makes laws and people break them.,law,قونوٗن,,कानून, N,You have to play under the laws of a game.,law,اوٚصوٗل,,नियम, N,I have a very little knowledge about the laws of gravity.,law,قَوایِد,,सिसान्त, N,His activities were noticed by the law (such as police).,law,قونوٗن,,विधि_रक्षक, N,We get our lawn mowed every fortnight.,lawn,باغ،آنٛگُن,,लॉन/दूर्वाक्षेत्र, N,I have to hire a lawyer to deal with my financial matters.,lawyer,ؤکیٖٖل,,वकील, V,Please lay this photograph on the showcase.,lay,ترٛاوُن ،تھاوُن,,रखना, V,Just go and lay down on your bed.,lay,ڈاپھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,लेटना, V,Hailstorm has laid down the crop.,lay,ؤسۍ ژٕھنُن،دٲرِتھ دیُن,,गिरा_देना, V,The foundation of this building was laid by the President.,lay,تھاوُن,,आधारशिला_रखना, V,Workers are laying mines on the mountains.,lay,بِچھاوٕنۍ,,बिछाना, V,His hen lays eggs everyday.,lay,ترٛاوُن,,अण्डे_देना, Adj,He is a lay musician.,lay,نوٚوٕے,,नौसिखिया, Adj,She is so lazy.,lazy,کٲہِل،نٮ۪تہٕ سۄتھ,,आलसी, V,He led me to his room.,lead,وَتھ ہاوٕنۍ,,मार्ग_दिखाना, V,The finger prints led the police to the criminal.,lead,وَتھ مِلٕنۍ،واتناوٕنۍ,,मार्ग_मिलना, V,He is easily led away by other`s opinions.,lead,اَثَر پیوٚن,,प्रभावित_करना[होना], V,Many people lead a miserable life due to poverty.,lead,گُزارٕنۍ,,व्यतीत_करना, V,"This candidate is leading by 10,000 votes.",lead,برٛونٛہہ آسُن،سَرَس آسُن,,आगे_होना, V,He led a heart.,lead,چال چَلٕنۍ,,चाल_शुरु_करना{ताश_आदि_में}, V,The captain led his soldiers from the front.,lead,سَربَرٲہی کَرٕنۍ,,नेतृत्व_करना, N,Survey results gave the lead about the virus`s origin.,lead,زان کٲری,,नेतृत्व/सीसा, N,He has given the lead and others may follow it.,lead,قَیادَت,,नेतृत्व, N,"His lead is now more than 10,000.",lead,چَڑٲے،بَڑَت,,बढ़त, N,He is in the lead in this film.,lead,اہم کِردار,,मुख्य_भूमिका{नाटक_इत्यादि_में}, N,The lead led to the arrest of the criminal.,lead,پَے,,सुराग, N,Please bring that lead here.,lead,تار،لیٖڑ,,लीड{तार}, N,Pencil has lead in it.,lead,لٮ۪ڑ,,सीसा, N,He is our leader.,leader,سَردار،رہنُما,,नेता, N,This company lacks leadership.,leadership,رہنُمٲیی،رہبٔری,,नेतृत्व, Adj,He is a leading political thinker of the times.,leading,اہم،خاص,,मुख्य, Adj,She is the leading lady in this episode.,leading,اَوَل دَرجُک,,प्रथम_स्थान_में, N,Leaves are falling from the tree.,leaf,پَنہٕ ؤتٕھر,,पत्ता, N,Turn the leaf of a book.,leaf,وَرُق,,पन्ना{पुस्तक_का}, N,Get me silver or gold leaf.,leaf,وَرُق,,बरक{चाँदी_या_सोने_का}, N,Shut one leaf of the door.,leaf,پوٚٹ,,पल्ला, N,He belongs to the league of nations.,league,جماعت،لیٖگ,,संघ, N,Our state league has won the match.,league,کھیلَن ہُنٛد دِفاق اَنجُمَن,,खेल_की_टीमों_का_समूह, N,They pretended not to know each other but actually they were in league in the fraud.,league,مِلِتھ,,परस्पर_मिले_हुए, V,Water is leaking from the vessel.,leak,نیٖرِتھ ژَلُن,,रिसना/चूकर_निकलना, V,The examination paper has leaked out.,leak,گۄڈَے پَے آسٕنۍ,,प्रकट_हो_जाना, N,The boat has a big leak.,leak,گوٚد,,छिद्र, N,He has gone for a leak.,leak,پِھش،پیشاب,,मूत्रत्याग, N,The government should be careful about security leaks.,leak,سِرُک فاش,,रहस्य_खुल_जाना, V,She leaned out of the window.,lean,نَمُن,,झुकना, V,The ladder is leaning against the wall.,lean,ڈَکَھس روزُن,,सहारे_टिकना, V,He leant his stick against the wall.,lean,ڈٔکِھس تھاوُن,,सहारे_रखना, V,She leans upon her mother for guidance.,lean,مۄحتاج آسُن,,निर्भर_होना, V,His thinking leans towards communism.,lean,رَغبَت آسٕنۍ،پھیرُن,,प्रवृत्ति_होना, Adj,She is very lean and thin.,lean,نِچ،کَمزور,,दुबला, Adj,Last year was a lean year for my business.,lean,خَراب,,कम, Adj,He has been advised to take a lean diet.,lean,پَرہیزدار,,मज्जाहीन, N,He has rightist leanings.,leaning,رُجحان,,झुकाव, V,He leapt across the barrier.,leap,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,उछलना, V,The frog leapt into the tank.,leap,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,छलांग_लगाना, V,"Due to transporter`s strike, the prices of vegetables leapt up.",leap,اَچانَک کَھسُن,,अचानक_बढना{दाम_आदि}, N,She crossed the stream in one leap.,leap,وۄٹھ,,छलांग, N,The present leap in prices is totally unjustified.,leap,بَڑَھت,,उछाल, V,I must learn driving.,learn,ہیٚچُھن،ہیٚچھِنۍ,,सीखना, V,I have to learn my lesson.,learn,ہیٚچُھن،یاد کَرُن,,विद्या_अर्जन_कर, V,He is learning new techniques of science.,learn,ہیٚچھان,,विद्या_अर्जन_करना, V,He learnt swimming at a very early age.,learn,ہیٚچُھن,,सीखना, V,She has learnt the poem by heart.,learn,یاد کَرُن,,रटना, V,I learnt about his mother`s demise yesterday.,learn,پَے لگُن,,सूचना_पाना, Adj,He is a learned professor.,learned,عٔلمہٕ وول,,विद्वान, Adj,She belongs to a learned society.,learned,پٔرمٕژ لیٚچھۍ مٕژ,,पढे_लिखे_व्यक्तियों_का_समूह, N,He is a man of learning.,learning,عٔلم,,ज्ञान/विद्या, Pron,He is least experienced in this field.,least,کَمتٔریٖن،کَم,,न्यूनतम, N,I like to wear leather shoes.,leather,بَستہٕ،چَمرٕ,,चमडा, N,She wore leathers for the ride.,leather,چَمرٕ,,चमडे_के_कपडे, V,I must leave this job for my parents.,leave,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, V,She leaves for college early in the morning.,leave,گَژُھن،نیرُن,,चले_जाना, V,Please don`t leave me alone.,leave,ترٛاوُن,,छोड_जाना, V,Some workers deliberately leave the work for the evening.,leave,ٹالُن,,टालना, V,Have you left any money in my purse?,leave,بَچُن،أتھۍ تھاوُن,,शेष_वचना, V,Childhood memories do not leave you all your life.,leave,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूल_जाना, V,"He left behind his wife, one daughter and two sons.",leave,پَتھ کُن روزُن,,शेष_रह_जाना{मृत्यु_के_बाद}, V,He left all his money to the orphanage.,leave,حَوالہٕ کَرُن,,उत्तरदायित्व_सौंपना, V,You can leave our house.,leave,ترٛاوِتھ,,[छोड़_]जा, V,She leaves for college early in the morning.,leave,گَژُھن،نیرُن,,चले_जाना, V,He left the city long ago.,leave,ترٛاوُن,,छोड_जाना, V,Some workers deliberately leave the work for the evening.,leave,ٹالُن,,टालना, V,Have you left any money in my purse?,leave,تھاوُن،ترٛومُت,,शेष_वचना, V,Childhood memories do not leave you all your life.,leave,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूल_जाना, V,"He left behind his wife, one daughter and two sons.",leave,پَتھ کُن روزُن,,शेष_रह_जाना{मृत्यु_के_बाद}, V,He left all his money to the orphanage.,leave,حوالہٕ کَرُن,,उत्तरदायित्व_सौंपना, N,He is on casual leave today.,leave,چُھٹی,,छुट्टी, N,He applied for leave to file a suit.,leave,اِجازَت,,इजाजत, N,His lecture impressed me.,lecture,تَقریٖر،واعظ,,व्याख्यान, N,He gave me a lecture on my mistake.,lecture,لٮ۪کچَر,,लम्बा_कथन, V,He lectures on ancient history twice a week.,lecture,خٕطاب کَرُن،تَقریٖر کَرُن،واعظ پَرُن,,व्याख्यान_देना, V,Why are you lecturing me?,lecture,واعظ پَرُن,,आलोचना_करना, N,We sheltered in the lee of the hill.,lee,واوَس نِش بَچنٕچ جاے,,हवा के झोंके से बचने का सथान, Adj,Some people write with their left hand.,left,کھووُر,,बाँया, Adj,He is from left parties.,left,کھوورِ دَرجٕچ,,वाम_पंथ, N,A cow has four legs.,leg,زَنٛگ,,टांग, N,The leg of my trouser is tight.,leg,یَزار نوٚر,,पाँयचा, N,The leg of a chair has broken.,leg,زَنٛگ,,पाया, N,This is the last leg of our journey.,leg,پَڑاو,,पडाव, Adj,This is not a legal action.,legal,قونوٗنی,,कानूनी, N,I heard legends of his adventures.,legend,داستان,,दंत_कथा, N,He is a living legend.,legend,جانباز,,ख्याति_प्राप्त_व्यक्ति, N,I have read a legend on a coin.,legend,سِکَس پٮ۪ٹھ لیٚچھمٕژ عِبارَت,,आलेख, N,There is no legislation in this regard.,legislation,قونوٗن سٲزی,,विधि, Adj,Experts should look into the legislative side of the issue.,legislative,قونوٗن سٲزی,,वैधानक, N,The local legislator is fighting for the issue.,legislator,قونوٗن ساز,,विधायक, N,The legislature of South Carolina passed a law forbidding new houses to be built on its coast.,legislature,مَجلِسہِ قونوٗن سازِیَہ,,विधानमण्डल, Adj,His claim to the property is absolutely legitimate.,legitimate,جٲیِز،مُتحِق,,वैध, Adj,Your objection is very legitimate.,legitimate,جٲیِز,,युक्ति-संगत, N,Pick up some lemons when you go to the stores.,lemon,لیوٚمب,,नींबू, Adj,She was wearing a lemon saree.,lemon,چھوٚت لیوٚدُر،زَرٕد,,हल्का_पीला_रंग, V,He lent him some money.,lend,وۄزُم دیُن,,उधार_देना, V,Can you lend me your car for a day?,lend,دِنۍ,,देना, V,Her presence lent a grace to the occasion.,lend,اَنٕنۍ,,योगदान_देना, N,Measure the lenght of this room.,length,زیچَھر,,लम्बाई, Adj,His importance is lesser than the other workers in my factory.,less,کَم,,कम, Pron,One must try to spend less money.,less,کَم,,कम, Adv,She goes out less now.,less,کَم,,कम, Adj,He is a lesser known writer.,lesser,مَنفی,,न्यूनतर, N,The fifth lesson of the book is on Indian History.,lesson,سَبَق,,पाठ, N,It has been a lesson to me.,lesson,سَبَق,,सीख, Conj,I should leave now lest I miss my train.,lest,نَتہٕ,,कहीं, V,Please let her go.,let,دیُن,,देना, V,Let him go to the market.,let,دیُن(یِنہٕ، گَژھنہٕ،کَرنہٕ)۔,,दो{आने/जाने/करने_इत्यादि}, V,I have let my apartment to a family from north.,let,کِرایہِ پٮ۪ٹھ دیُن,,किराये_पर_देना, N,I have to write a letter.,letter,چِٹھۍ,,पत्र[अक्षर], N,My son can`t write all the letters of alphabet.,letter,اَچَھر,,अक्षर, N,I have received your letter.,letter,چِٹھۍ,,पत्र, Adj,The water level in the pond is not so high.,level,سَطَح,,समतल, Adj,The workers were fighting to keep wages level with inflation.,level,بَرابَر,,समान_स्तरीय, Adj,Both students are level pegging.,level,ہیوٗ،بَرابَر,,अपरिवर्तनशील, N,The level of sugar in his blood has gone down.,level,سَطَح،لیوٕل,,स्तर, N,He is at a lower level than his friend.,level,پایہِ,,सापेक्षिक_स्तर, N,The level of the platform is very high.,level,سَطَح,,ऊँचाई, N,Some pieces of pottery were found in the lowest level of the excavations.,level,تَہہ,,परत, V,Positive discrimination is supposed to level the differences among the different social groups.,level,بَرابَر کَرُن,,समान_स्तर_का_बनाना, V,The pitch has been well levelled.,level,ہیوٗ کَرُن,,समतल_करना, N,A lever has been fixed to raise the iron door.,lever,بَرمہٕ,,उत्तेक, N,I have lost my gear lever.,lever,بَرمہٕ,,हत्था, N,He used a political lever to get this job.,lever,دَباو،زور,,दबाव, V,Iron rods are often used to lever the logs.,lever,بَرمہٕ سۭتۍ تُلُن,,उत्तोलक_से_हटाना, V,The government has levied agricultural products as well.,levy,عٲیِد کَرُن,,उगाहना, N,Levy on imported cosmetics has gone up.,levy,ٹیکٕس,,उगाही, Adj,He seems to be a liberal person.,liberal,فَیاض،سٔخی,,दान-शील, Adj,He is very liberal in his views.,liberal,رَوادار،ؤسیع دِل,,उदार, N,He is not liberal.,liberal,رَوادار,,उदार_व्यक्ति, N,Liberalism is in vogue today.,liberalism,حُرِیَت پَسنٛدی,,उदार_विचार-धारा, N,One should have liberty to hold one`s own views.,liberty,آزٲدی,,स्वतन्त्रता{वैयक्तिक}, N,Giving too much liberty to children sometimes causes serious trouble to parents.,liberty,آزٲدی,,स्वेच्छाचारिता, N,"What a liberty, you entered my room without even asking me!",liberty,بُرٕ سٔلوٗک,,अवांछनीय_व्यवहार, N,The library is well-equipped with a large number of books and journals.,library,کُتُب خانہٕ,,पुस्तकालय, N,Have you got a licence for this gun?,licence,سَرکٲرۍ اِجازَت,,लाइसेंस, N,Liberalisation does not mean a licence to indulge in malpractices.,licence,۔۔۔,,स्वेच्छाचार, N,He has a poetic licence.,licence,۔۔۔,,अतिशयोक्ति, V,Having power does not license its misuse.,license,اِجازَت دیُن,,लाइसेंस_देना, N,Please put the lid on this container.,lid,ٹھانٛڈٕ,,ढक्कन, V,He lied to me.,lie,اَپُز وَنُن,,झूठ_बोलना, V,He is lying to me.,lie,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,भ्रमित_करना, N,Whatever he has said is a pack of lies.,lie,اَپُز,,झूठ, V,Lie down on the bed.,lie,ڈاپھ ترٛاوٕنۍ،لَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,लेटना, V,A thick sheet of snow is lying all around.,lie,ؤہرِتھ,,पडे_रहना, V,The whole future lies before you.,lie,برٛۄنٛہہ کَنہِ آسُن,,स्थित_होना, V,He lies fourth in the merit list.,lie,دَرجَس پٮ۪ٹھ آسُن,,स्थिति_में_होना, N,He is a lieutenant in the army.,lieutenant,لیفٹِننٛٹ,,लेफ्टिनेंट, N,He is a lieutenant.,lieutenant,نٲیِب,,सहायक, N,Scientists have not yet found any evidence of life on other planets.,life,زِنٛدگی،عُمٕر،،حَیٲتی,,जीवन, N,Trees have many characteristics of life common with man.,life,زِندگی,,जीवत्व, N,Thousands of lives were lost in the earthquake.,life,زِندگٲنی،جان,,प्राणी, N,Even at this old age he is full of life.,life,زِند دِلی,,जीवन्तता, N,He plans to start a new life.,life,زِندگی،دُنِیاہ,,आजीविका/जीवनयापन-विधि, N,He got a life in the last over.,life,زِندگی,,जीवनदान{खेल_में}, V,I like to lift my child.,lift,تُلُن,,उठाना, V,The appearance of the sun after four days of continuous rain lifted my spirits.,lift,بُلنٛد کَرُن,,आह्लादित_करना, V,The fog has lifted.,lift,مۄکلُن,,हटना, V,Somebody lifted his car last night.,lift,ژوٗرِنیُن,,चुराना, V,The curfew has been lifted.,lift,تُلنہٕ یُن،وۄتُھن,,उठा_देना, V,He will lift me from my office.,lift,تُلُن,,सवारी_में_ले_जाना, N,There is no lift in his office.,lift,لِفٹہٕ,,लिफ्ट, N,He will give me a lift.,lift,سَوٲرۍ،لِفٹہٕ,,सवारी_में_ले_जाने_की_प्रक्रिया, N,I have experienced the upward lift of an aeroplane.,lift,پَڑاو,,उत्तोलन, N,His advice gave me a tremendeous lift.,lift,بَلٔنٛدی,,उन्नयन, N,One can see the light in the hut from a distance.,light,گاش،گاشہٕ لَو,,प्रकाश, N,Switch on the light.,light,بٔتۍ،بِجلی,,प्रकाश-स्रोत, Adj,I asked my friend to give me some light reading for the vacations.,light,سہَل، یُس جَلدی فِکرِ تَرِ,,समझ, V,They lit the room with candles.,light,گاشراوُن,,प्रकाश_कर, V,Can you light this candle?,light,زالُن,,जलाना, V,This road is well-lighted.,light,گاشدار آسُن,,प्रकाशित_होना, V,His face lighted up on listening the news of his success.,light,پرٛزلُن,,चमक_उठना, Adj,This bat is very light in weight.,light,لوٚت,,हलका, Adj,He made a light touch with his finger.,light,لۄتہِ,,बलाघातशून्य, Adj,Have some light exercises every morning.,light,ہَلکہٕ,,थकावट_रहित, Adj,Most people enjoy listening to light music.,light,ہَلکہٕ,,सरल, Adj,Everybody likes light rain.,light,سوٚت سوٚت,,फुहार, Adj,I would like to have a light meal.,light,کَم,,कम, Adj,I feel so light hearted now.,light,فاریکھ,,भार_रहित, Adv,She touched the child lightly.,lightly,وارٕ وارٕ,,हल्के_से, Adv,The accused got off lightly.,lightly,آسٲنی سان,,कम_में, Adv,He took her remarks very lightly.,lightly,لۄژرٕ سان,,गम्भीरता_रहित_होकर, N,Luckily there was nobody in the house when the lightening struck it.,lightning,وٕزمَلہٕ,,तडित, Adj,He struck his opponent with a lightning speed.,lightning,تیز,,शीघ्रतम, Prep,He looks like my brother.,like,ہیوٗ,,जैसा, Prep,He speaks like his father.,like,پٲٹھۍ,,तरह_का, Prep,I look just like my sister.,like,ہیوٗ,,जैसा, Prep,He behaves like his father.,like,پٲٹھۍ,,तरह, V,She likes her sister very much.,like,خۄش کَرُن،ٹوٹھ آسُن,,पसंद_करना, V,I didn`t like his remarks.,like,ٹھیٖک لَگٕنۍ,,उचित_लगना, V,Would you like to go for a walk?,like,یَژُھن,,चाहना, Prep,He speaks like his father.,like,پٲٹھۍ,,तरह_का, Prep,It is like that.,like,ہُتھ پٲٹھۍ,,जैसा, Adj,They are like minded people.,like,ہِوی,,एक_से, Adj,I will definitely remind you about the meeting because you are likely to forget.,likely,قٲبلہِ یٔقیٖن،غٲلِبَن,,सम्भव, Adj,He is a likely candidate for chairmanship.,likely,قٲبِل,,उपयुक्त, Adv,The teacher writes in capital letters and the students are asked to do likewise.,likewise,تِتھَے پٲٹھۍ,,वैसे_ही, Adv,"The presentation was excellent, likewise the contents.",likewise,یِتھے پٲٹھۍ,,तुलनीय, N,A limb of the body is injured.,limb,نٔر،زَنٛگ,,अंग, N,The limbs of the tree have fallen due to a heavy storm.,limb,شاخ،لٔنٛڑ,,शाखा, N,Limits of metropolitan towns are expanding day by day.,limit,سَرحَد,,सीमा, V,Limit your speech to five minutes.,limit,حَدَس مَنٛز رَٹُن,,सीमित_रहना, N,"In administration, there is a limitation of powers of functionaries at different levels.",limitation,بٔندِش,,परिसीमा, N,I know my limitations.,limitation,خٲمی,,कमी, N,Limitations have been imposed on imports.,limitation,بٔنٛدِش,,बंधन, Adj,Only limited persons are allowed to attend this show.,limited,مَحدوٗد,,सीमित, N,Draw a horizontal line.,line,رِکھ,,लाइन/रेखा, N,He crossed the line and so he was declared out.,line,رِکھ,,सीमा-रेखा, N,"In battle fields, there are different lines of defence.",line,طٔریٖقہٕ,,सुरक्षा-पंक्तियाँ, N,There are ten words in this line.,line,لٲن,,पंक्ति, N,He comes from a family with a line of sportsmen.,line,۔۔۔,,वंशावली, N,There is some problem with our telephone line.,line,لٲن,,डोरी/तार, N,Don`t walk on a line of train.,line,پَٹٕر,,पटरी, N,We are not sure which line of action he is going to adopt in this matter.,line,طٔریٖقہٕ,,प्रणाली, N,He is working in a shipping line.,line,جہاز کَمپٔنی,,परिवहन_कम्पनी, N,He has chosen business line.,line,پیٚشہٕ,,व्यवसाय, N,He is going to join a technical line.,line,شُعبہٕ,,क्षेत्र, N,I think our line has been disconnected because we have not paid our last bill.,line,لٲن,,विशेष_दूरसंचार_सेवा, V,Draw a line joining A and B.,line,رِکھ,,रेखा_खींचना, V,A blanket gives more warmth when lined up with a cotton sheet.,line,اَثتَر لٲگِتھ,,अस्तर_लगाना, Adj,This is a linear measurement.,linear,سیٚدِسیوٚد,,रेखागत, N,These are the links of a chain.,link,کُنٛڑٕ,,कडी, V,Link the two pieces of the chains.,link,کُنٛڑٕ جوڑُن,,कडी_जोडना, N,India is known for its lion population.,lion,سٕہہ,,सिंह, N,He put the cigarette between his lips.,lip,وٕٹھ,,ओंठ, N,The lip of the saucer is broken.,lip,دٔنٛدٕر,,किनारा, N,We have had enough of your lip.,lip,۔۔۔,,अभद्र_व्यवहार, N,Pour the liquid into another beaker.,liquid,پانیُل چیٖز,,द्रव, Adj,Use liquid soap as a face wash.,liquid,پانیُل,,द्रव, Adj,She has liquid blue eyes.,liquid,چَمَکدار،آبہٕ,,स्पष्ट_और_स्वच्छ, Adj,I have a few liquid assets.,liquid,نَقٕد,,नकद, N,Add some liquor in the cake.,liquor,شراب,,मदिरा, N,This is a list of books.,list,فِہرسَت,,सूची, V,List all the contents of this bag.,list,فِہرسَت بَناوُن,,सूचीबद्ध_करना, V,The damaged boat was listing.,list,دولہٕ گَژُھن,,झुकना, V,Please listen to me.,listen,بوزُن,,सुनना, N,One should try be a good listener.,listener,بوزَن وول,,श्रोता, Adj,Literal translation is difficult to understand.,literal,لَفظی,,शाब्दक, Adj,His interpretation of the poem was too literal.,literal,لَفظی,,नीरस, Adv,Proverbs and idioms cannot be translated literally.,literally,لَفظی پٲٹھۍ,,अक्षरश, Adv,The burglars literally did not leave behind even a pin.,literally,پَزرٕ پٲٹھۍ،صحیح پٲٹھۍ,,वस्तुत, Adj,I wrote a nice article on literary criticism.,literary,اَدبی,,साहित्यक, N,He is a student of literature.,literature,اَدَب,,साहित्य, N,Give me three litres of milk.,litre,لیٖٹَر,,लीटर, Adv,It matters little to me what people think of me.,little,کَم,,कम, Adj,Give me a little salt.,little,تھوڑا،رَژھ کَھنٛڈ,,थोडा, Adj,She is a nice little girl.,little,لۄکٕٹ,,छोटा, Adj,He has a little problem with his speech.,little,رَژِھ ہَنا,,महत्वहीन, V,I don`t want to live anymore.,live,زِندٕ روزُن,,रहना, V,Due to his ailment he will not live for long.,live,زِندٕ روزُن,,जीवित_रहना, V,Where do you live?,live,روزان,,रहना, V,Pleasant memories live longer.,live,یاد روزٕنۍ,,याद_रहना, Adj,I need a live rat for dissection.,live,زِندٕ,,जीवित, Adj,That was a live drama.,live,بَراہہِ راست,,जीवन्त, Adj,He pulled out live coals from the furnace.,live,وٕہہ وٕنۍ,,दहकता_हुआ, Adj,It is a live electric wire.,live,نَنٛگہٕ,,विधुन्मय, Adj,Cancer is a live killer.,live,۔۔۔,,साम्प्रतक, Adj,Viewing highlights is not so interesting as the live coverage of a match.,live,بَراہہِ راست,,घटित_होता_हुआ, Adv,The match is going to be broadcast live.,live,بَراہہِ راست پٲٹھۍ,,घटित_होने_वाली, V,We need food and water to live.,live,زِنٛدٕ روزُن,,[जीवित_]रह, V,Due to his ailment he will not live for long.,live,زِندٕ روزُن,,जीवित_रहना, V,Where do you live?,live,روزُن,,रहना, V,Pleasant memories live longer.,live,یاد روزٕنۍ,,याद_रहना, Adj,They gave a lively performance.,lively,زِنٛدٕدِل،پُر لُطُف,,जीवन्त, Adj,This girl is very lively.,lively,زِنٛدٕ دِل,,फुर्तीला, Adj,The atmosphere in the party was very lively.,lively,لُطُف اَنٛدوز,,सजीव, Adj,He was a lively imagination.,lively,سَرگَرٕم,,सक्रिय, N,Liver produces bile.,liver,جِگَر،کرٛہن ماز,,यकृत, N,The farm has a large livestock.,livestock,جَب,,पशुधन, Adj,These are all living organisms.,living,زِنٛدٕ،زُودار,,जीवित, Adj,It is still a living custom there.,living,موجوٗد،زِنٛدٕ,,क्रियाशील, N,Everybody has to work for a living.,living,زِنٛدٕگی,,आजीविका, N,One should have simple living and high thinking.,living,زِنٛدٕگی,,जीवन_यापन_विधि, Interj,"The door was opened and, lo, there stood the princess of his dreams.",lo,وٕچھِو,,देखो, N,He has been advised not to lift any heavy load.,load,بوج،بار,,बोझा, N,It is not even half load for this truck.,load,سامان,,लदान, N,How much work load have you got?,load,کٲم,,कार्य-सीमा, N,He is carrying a heavy load.,load,بوج،بار,,बोझख_ऐनह_अऐऐऊऊऊई_ंआग्हु_अमृल्गूश्रड्_ंब्_म्दलैऐऔऔऊ, N,The available load is not enough to meet the requirements of the city.,load,سامان,,विद्युत-भार, V,They have to load the truck.,load,بَرُن,,लादना, V,I have to load the software.,load,بَرُن,,भरना, Adj,It is a loaded dice.,loaded,بٔرِتھ,,भारित, Adj,He carries a loaded gun.,loaded,بٔرِتھ,,भरा_हुआ, Adj,He gave a loaded statement.,loaded,وَزَن دار,,निहित_अर्थ_होना, N,Let everyone take a loaf.,loaf,ژوٚٹ,,रोटी, V,He spends all day loafing about.,loaf,دَربٕدٔری کَرٕنۍ,,आवारागर्दी_करना, N,He got a loan from the bank.,loan,قَرضہٕ،قَرٕض،وۄزُم,,ऋण, V,He loaned me some money.,loan,وۄزُم دیُن،قَرضہٕ دیُن,,ऋण_पर_देना, V,Somebody lobbed a grenade on the building killing many people on the spot.,lob,کَش لایُن،کَش لَگاوُن،کَش کَڑُن,,उछालकर_फेंकना, N,He is waiting for you in the lobby.,lobby,لابی,,प्रतीक्षा-कक्ष, N,Indian lobby in the American senate is quite active these days.,lobby,لابی,,लाबी{पक्ष_मे_जनमत}, V,"In spite of intense lobbying, the government failed to secure a consensus on the bill.",lobby,۔۔۔,,अपने_पक्ष_में_जनमत_तैयार_करना, Adj,He is a local resident.,local,مُقٲمی,,स्थानीय, Adj,The local problem is affecting many areas.,local,مُقٲمی,,सीमित, N,Locals are raising their voice against encroachment.,local,مُقٲمی لوٗکھ,,स्थानीय_निवासी, V,The police has failed to locate the culprit.,locate,پَے لَگُن،پَتَہ لَگُن,,पता_लगाना, V,Let me locate you.,locate,جاے ژھانٛڑٕنۍ,,स्थान_निर्धारण_करना, V,I shall be happy to locate here.,locate,بَسُن,,बस_जाना, N,They are looking for a suitable location to set up the factory.,location,جاے,,स्थान, N,Locks are sealed daily in this office.,lock,قُلُف,,ताला, N,Locks control the flow of the river.,lock,بَنٛڑ,,बन्ध, N,This is a lock of hair.,lock,وونٛک,,गुच्छा, V,Lock the door please!,lock,قُلُف کَرُن،قُلُف تھاوُن,,ताला_लगाना, V,The scooter skidded because the brakes got locked suddenly.,lock,پَھسٕنۍ,,फँस_जाना, N,I have booked my stay in a lodge.,lodge,مَکان،لۄکُٹ مَکان,,मकान, V,He lodged a complaint in the police station.,lodge,دَرٕج کَرٕنۍ,,दर्ज_करना, V,He was lodged in the outhouse.,lodge,ٹٔھہراوُن،تھاوُن,,ठहराना, V,He is lodging in a family as a paying guest.,lodge,ٹٔھہرِتھ،روٗزِتھ,,ठहरना, V,I lodged my money in the bank.,lodge,جَمع تھاوُن,,जमा_करना, N,Board and lodging will be taken care of by the society.,lodging,کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ کَمرٕ,,अस्थायी_निवास_स्थान, N,Logs of wood are often used as beams in rural houses.,log,موٚنڈ,,तना, N,The driver maintains a logbook.,log,لاگ بُک,,रोजनामचा, V,"In protected forests, trees are logged with the convenience of the forest guards.",log,ژَٹٕنۍ,,वृक्ष_काटना, N,He is studying logic.,logic,مَنٛطِق,,तर्क-शास्त्र, N,I am poor at mathematical logic.,logic,مَنٛطِق,,गणितीय_तर्क, N,Your logic does not convince me.,logic,قٲیِل کَرنٕچ صَلاحِیَت,,तर्क, N,I don`t understand the logic of a computer program.,logic,۔۔۔,,गणक_तर्क, Adj,His arguments were very logical.,logical,مَنٛطقی,,तार्कक, Adj,He leads a lonely life.,lonely,تَنہِ تَنہا,,एकाकी, Adj,I saw her after a long time.,long,زیوٗٹھ,,लम्बा, N,It shouldn`t take long for you to solve the problem.,long,زیادٕکال,,लम्बा_समय, Adv,Stay here as long as you like.,long,واریاہَس وَقتَس تام,,लम्बे_समय_तक, V,I long to be there for the rest of my life.,long,یَژُھن،یَژھان,,इच्छा_करना, V,Please look at it.,look,وٕچھُن,,देखना, V,I am looking for a job.,look,ژھانٛڑُن,,तलाशना, V,Look at these reports carefully.,look,غور کَرُن،وٕچُھن,,ध्यान_देना, V,He looks so much like his father.,look,باسُن,,दिखाई_देना, V,The school looks towards the garden.,look,بُتھ آسُن,,दिशा_की_ओर_होना, N,Have a look at this book.,look,نَظَر,,दृष्टि, N,He gave me pleasant look.,look,نَظَر,,अवलोकन, N,She is in new look.,look,فٲشن,,फैशन, N,She has a new look hairstyle.,look,قٕسٕم،قسمُک,,शैली, N,I have had a good look at the shelf but I could`nt get that book.,look,ژھٲنٛڈ,,तलाश, N,Handloom cloth is woven on handloom.,loom,لوٗم,,करघा, V,Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.,loom,گوٚٹ تہٕ بوٚڑ نَظرِ یُن,,अस्पष्ट_छाया_दीखना, V,The possibility of a sense storm loomed large in the eastern horizon.,loom,۔۔۔,,सम्भावना_होना, N,The plane flew in a loop.,loop,۔۔۔,,घुमावदार_वक्त, N,I need a loop to hang someone.,loop,پَھنٛدٕ,,फन्दा, N,Do have a loop of electric current?,loop,تار,,परिपथ, V,Electric wire has been looped around the branches of the tree to hang bulbs.,loop,وَلُن,,फन्दा_बनाना, V,Loop the rope firmly round the log.,loop,گَنٛڈٕنۍ,,फन्दा_डालकर_बाँधना, Adj,She was wearing a loose coat.,loose,کھوٚل,,ढीला, Adj,The dog is roaming loose on the road.,loose,آوارٕ،یَلہٕ،آزاد,,बन्धनमुक्त_हुआ, Adj,I need some loose papers.,loose,یَلہٕ,,अलग-अलग, Adj,They have entered into a loose alliance.,loose,غیر زِمہٕ دارانہٕ,,अव्यवस्थित, Adj,She has got loose thinking.,loose,غیر اِخلٲقی,,असंपत, N,"He is the lord of this area, so everybody has to obey him.",lord,حٲکِم,,अधिपति, N,The British Lords were not so good.,lord,اعلٰی،حٲکِم,,सामन्त, N,We must praise the Lord every time.,lord,خُدا,,प्रभु, N,They are the Lords of the treasury.,lord,حٲکِم,,लार्ड{उपाधि}, V,The goons lord over the local residents.,lord,حُکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,अधिपत्य_दिखाना, V,He lost his pen.,lose,راوُن,,खो_देना, V,He lost a leg in the accident.,lose,ژھیٚنُن,,गँवा_देना, V,He has lost his confidence.,lose,مۄکلُن,,मिट_जाना, V,They lost the series by 2-0.,lose,ہارُن,,हार_जाना, V,Twenty minutes were lost due to the drizzle.,lose,زایہِ گَژُھن,,बरबाद_होना, V,My watch loses two minutes every twenty-four hours.,lose,پَتھ گَژُھن,,पीछे_हो_जाना, N,The company has suffered huge losses.,loss,گاٹہٕ،نۄقصان,,घाटा, N,The loss of life and property was unprecedented in the last earthquake.,loss,نۄقصان,,हानि, N,His departure will be a big loss to the company.,loss,ہار,,अभाव, Adj,It is a lost case.,lost,ہورمُت,,हारा_हुआ, Adj,How could I get my lost property.,lost,اَتھہٕ گٔمٕژ،رٲومٕژ,,खोया_हुआ, Adj,His is a lost case.,lost,ہورمُت،گوٚمُت,,गँवाया_हुआ, N,This lot is meant for him.,lot,ڈیر,,ढेर, N,Lots of people come to this temple every day.,lot,واریاہ,,बहुत_बडी_संख्या, N,Here is a Parking lot.,lot,جاے,,स्थान_विशेष, N,I am not happy with my lot.,lot,قٔسمَت,,भाग्य, Det,I take tea with lots of sugar.,lots,واریاہ،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,ढेरों, N,There are lots of books in a library.,lots,سٮ۪ٹھاہ،واریاہ,,ढेरों, Adj,There was a loud applause when the play ended.,loud,زورٕ،بَڑِ,,ज्रोर_से, Adj,I like loud music.,loud,بَڑِ، زورٕ,,ऊँचे_स्वर_वाला, Adv,He speaks very loudly.,loudly,زورٕ سان،واریاہ بَڑِ,,ऊँचे_स्वर_में, Adj,He speaks very loudly.,loudly,واریاہ بَڑِ،زورٕ,,ऊँचे_स्वर_में, N,Everything is fear in love and war.,love,عٔشِق،مُحَبَت،لول,,प्रेम, N,Their love left them indifferent to their surroundings.,love,لول،مُحَبَت،عٔشِق,,प्रेम/प्यार, N,His love for his work is obvious.,love,ماے،دِلچَسپی,,रुचि, N,The theater was her first love.,love,مُحبَت,,चाह, N,It was 40 love.,love,مَنفی,,शून्य, VTI,I love French food.,love,پَسَنٛد کَرُن،خۄش کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, VTI,She loves her husband deeply.,love,مُحبَت کَرُن،لول بَرُن,,प्यार_करना, Adj,She is a lovely girl.,lovely,حٔسیٖن,,सुन्दर, Adj,The window offered a lovely view of the lake.,lovely,دِلفَریب،لوٗبہٕ وُن,,मनोहर, N,Her lover accompanied her to the court.,lover,عاشِق،ماشوق,,प्रेमी, Adj,We have low ceilings.,low,بۄن,,नीचा, Adj,Temperature is very low.,low,کَم,,कम, Adj,She spoke in a low murmur.,low,لۄتہِ,,धीमा, Adj,The play is low comedy.,low,کَم زیادٕ,,निम्न_श्रेणी_का, Adv,The branches hung low.,low,بۄن کُن,,नीचे, Adv,Will you please speak lower?,low,لۄتہِ پہان,,धीरे_से, VI,Please don`t low.,low,گٲو ہِنٛدۍ پٲٹھۍ ڈاکُر کَڑُن,,बैल_की_तरह_डकारना_या_बोलना, VTI,Please lower the height of the ceiling.,lower,کَم کَرٕنۍ,,नीचा_करना, VTI,The prices have been lowered for an election stunt.,lower,کَم کَرنہٕ یِنۍ،گَٹاوٕنۍ,,घटाना, VTI,He lowered the chair onto the lawns.,lower,والٕنۍ,,उतारना, Adj,She is my loyal friend.,loyal,وَفادار,,स्वामिभक्त, N,He proved his loyalty to him by sticking to him during his hard period.,loyalty,وَفادٲری,,स्वामिभक्ति, N,Bad luck caused his downfall.,luck,قٕسمَت،تَقدیٖر,,भाग्य, Adj,He considered himself lucky that the tornado missed his house.,lucky,قٕسمَت وول,,भाग्यवान, N,I will sell the lumber to get some money.,lumber,رٔدی چیٖز,,काठ_कबाड़, VT,Hari was lumbered with the task of compiling his letters.,lumber,کٲم دِنۍ،بوج ترٛاوُن,,भार_देना, N,He had a lump of clay in his hand.,lump,دۄگُل,,ढेला, N,He bumped his head against the wall and soon developed a lump on his forehead.,lump,ٹِنیُل,,गुमड़ा, VT,Lump together all the application forms.,lump,ڈیر کَرُن,,ढेर_लगाना, N,I will meet you over lunch.,lunch,کوج,,दोपहर_का_खाना, N,He has gone to attend an official luncheon.,luncheon,کوج,,दोपहर_का_खाना, N,He has weak lungs.,lung,شِش نور,,फेफड़ा, V,Offer higher salaries to lure more efficient workers.,lure,لالٕچ دِنۍ،کوٚژھ دیُن,,लालच_देना/लुभाना, VI,They saw a man lurking in the dark.,lurk,ژوٗرِ روٗزِتھ,,छिप_कर_बैठना, N,He lives in luxury.,luxury,عٲش,,भोग_विलास, N,Gitagovind is a lyric.,lyric,کَلام,,गीतिकाव्य, N,ma! I am leaving now.,ma,موج,,माँ, N,Why don`t you buy a sewing machine?,machine,مِشیٖن,,मशीन/कल/यंत्र, N,The clock has a very sound machinery.,machinery,اَوزار،مِشیٖنٔری،پُرزٕ,,कलयंत्र, N,The government machinery needs to be restructured.,machinery,نِظام,,तंत्र, Adj,He is a mad person.,mad,پاگَل،دٮ۪وانہٕ,,पागल, Adj,"On hearing the arrival of her father, she ran like mad.",mad,پاگَل,,उत्तेजित, Adj,Please don`t make me mad.,mad,شَرارَت,,गुस्सा, N,May I carry your cases for you madame?,madame,بیگَم صٲب,,श्रीमती, N,He is a madcap.,madcap,پاگَل,,पागल, V,It maddens her that she could not make the trip.,madden,پاگَل گَژُھن(کَرُن)۔,,पागल_होना[करना], N,Stardust is a monthly magazine.,magazine,رِسالہٕ,,पत्रिका, N,The magazine is empty of bullets.,magazine,میگزیٖن,,पिस्तौल_का_पेट, N,We saw a magic show at the fair.,magic,بٲزۍ گَر,,जादू, N,Her singing is pure magic.,magic,جان،جادوٗگٔری,,माया, Adj,He has a magnetic personality.,magnetic,پُر کٔشِش,,चुम्बकीय, Adj,Taj Mahal is a magnificent monument.,magnificent,عٲلی شان,,भव्य, N,The magnitude of Newton`s discovery in the field of Physics cannot be denied.,magnitude,اہمِیَت,,महत्ता, N,The magnitude of the task was overwhelming.,magnitude,وُسعت,,विस्तार, N,A maid comes to clean the house.,maid,داے،نوکرٲنۍ,,नौकरानी, N,She is a maid.,maid,خانٛدرٕ روٚس زٔنۍ,,अववाहिता, N,The letter came in the mail today.,mail,ڈاک,,डाक, N,A coat of mail was worn by the soldiers.,mail,بۄکھتَر,,कवच, V,I mailed the letter three days back.,mail,ڈاک سوزُن,,डाक_से_भेजना, V,Several soldiers were maimed in the war.,maim,کھۄڑ زَد گَژٕھنۍ,,अपंग_बनना, Adj,This is the main street of a city.,main,اہم,,प्रमुख, Adj,He is playing a main role in this film.,main,اہَم,,प्रमुख, Adv,You are mainly to blame for the mistake.,mainly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,मुख्यतः, V,Destpite his erratic behaviour she has been maintaining her friendship with him.,maintain,بَرقَرار تھاوُن,,बनाए_रखना, V,It is a big job to maintain a school.,maintain,نَظَر گُزَر تھاوٕنۍ,,देखरेख_करना, V,He has always maintained that he is not guilty.,maintain,قٲیِم روزُن,,निश्चयपूर्वक_कहना, V,He earns enough to maintain his family.,maintain,پالُن,,भरण_पोषण_करना, N,The maintenance of this building is very costly.,maintenance,لاگَتھ,,अनुरक्षण, N,He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.,maintenance,نان نَفَق,,पोषण, N,He has played a major role in my success.,major,اہم،بوٚڑ,,प्रधान, N,The majority of the members voted for national conference.,majority,اَکثرِیَت,,अधिकांश, N,This government does not have an absolute majority.,majority,اَکثرِیَت,,बहुमत, V,2 and 2 make 4.,make,بَناوُن,,बनाना, V,Will you please make a drink for me?,make,بَناوُن,,बना[बन], V,This table is made of wood.,make,بَنیومُت,,बनना[बनाना], N,The machinery is of an excellent make.,make,بَناوٹ،ساخت,,गठन, N,God is the maker of this universe.,maker,بَناوَن وول,,रचनाकार, N,The film beautifully depicts the making of a great man.,making,بَناوَٹ،بَناونُک طٔریٖقہٕ,,बनाने_की_प्रक्रिया, N,He has the making of a successful lawyer.,making,آثار،گۄن,,गुण, Adj,My pet bitch has given birth to two male and three female pups.,male,نَر,,नर, N,Males are in majority.,male,مَرٕد,,पुरुष, N,I love my mama.,mama,موج,,माँ, N,Man is a social animal.,man,اِنسان,,आदमी, N,All men are born free.,man,اِنسان،آدَم ذات,,मानव, N,He is a self made man.,man,مہنیوٗ،نَفَر,,नर, N,All officers and men in the Army are brave.,man,جَوان,,सैनक, N,My man will drive you home.,man,نوکَر ،مہنیوٗ,,नौकर, V,The railway crossing at that point was not manned.,man,کامِہ لٔگِتھ آسُن,,आदमी_काम_पर_होना[लगाना], V,He manages the shop single handed.,manage,سَمبالُن,,संभालना, N,The government has a reputation for sound economic management.,management,بٔندُبَست،اِنتِظام,,प्रबंध, N,My friend is a hotel manager.,manager,مَنیجَر,,प्रबंधक, V,We have to manipulate the gears and levers of a machine.,manipulate,چَلاوٕنۍ,,चलाना, V,He manipulates people with his sweet talk.,manipulate,۔۔۔,,जोड़_तोड़_करना, N,The invention of the wheel was beneficial to the mankind.,mankind,آدَم ذات،اِنسان,,मानव_जाति, N,He runs the business in a profitable manner.,manner,طٔریٖقہٕ,,ढंग, N,She has very good manners.,manner,طور طٔریٖقہٕ,,आचरण, N,He should not have behaved in this manner.,manner,طٔریٖقہٕ,,रीति, N,The boy has no manners at all.,manners,تٔمیٖز،تہزیٖب,,व्यवहार, N,There was a shortage of manpower in the factory.,manpower,نَفری,,मानवशक्ति, N,He sat in front of the mantel.,mantel,أنٛگیٹھۍ ہُنٛد ٹھانٛڑٕ,,अँगीठी_पर_बनी_टाड, N,He was wearing a beautiful mantle.,mantle,چۄگہٕ,,लबादा, N,I saw the hills with a mantle of snow.,mantle,ژادَر,,आवरण, V,He wants to manufacture cars.,manufacture,تَیار کَرُن،بَناوُن,,बनाना, V,A news story was manufactured by unscrupulous journalists.,manufacture,بَناوٕنۍ،لٮ۪کھٕنۍ,,गढना, N,My brother is a manufacturer of ornament boxes.,manufacturer,صنعت کار،کارخانہٕ وول,,निर्माता, N,He had to incur heavily for the manufacturing processes.,manufacturing,بَناونٕکۍ طٔریٖقہٕ,,औद्योगिकीकरण, Det,I saw many old manuscripts with my grandfather.,many,واریاہ,,बहुत_से, Det,There were too many guests in the party.,many,سٮ۪ٹھاہ،واریاہ,,अनेक, N,I want to see the map of Indian sub-continent.,map,نَقشہٕ,,मानचित्र, V,She mapped out her ideas for the new project.,map,تَفصِیلات تَیار کَرٕنۍ،نَقشہٕ بَناوُن,,योजना_बनाना, V,The text is marred by careless errors.,mar,خَراب کَرُن,,बिगाड़, N,The Taj Mahal is made of marble.,marble,سَنٛگہِ مَر مَر,,सगंमरमर, N,He collects marbles as a hobby.,marble,بانٛٹہٕ,,कंचा, V,The teacher ordered the students to march like a soldier.,march,مارٕچ کَرُن،تیز پَکُن,,प्रयाण_करना, V,She marched into his office and demanded an apology.,march,تیز پَکُن,,तेज़ी_से_चलना, N,He stole the mare and disappeared from the scene.,mare,گُرِنۍ,,घोडी, Adj,These are marginal points and can be discussed later.,marginal,حٲشی دار,,हाशिये_का, Adj,This product will have a marginal effect on the country`s economy.,marginal,واریاہ کَم,,बहुत_कम, Adj,I love to see Marine animals.,marine,بحری،سَمَندٔری,,समुद्रीय, N,There was a coffee mark on my white skirt.,mark,نِشانہٕ،داغ,,निशान, N,He got the highest marks in maths.,mark,نَمبَر,,अंक, N,The arrow missed its mark.,mark,نِشانہٕ،آے,,निशाना, N,The war has left its mark on the country.,mark,مُہَر,,छाप, N,He took off his hat as a mark of respect for my dead husband.,mark,نِشٲنی,,महत्त्व, V,Mark the items which have been checked.,mark,نِشانہٕ تھاوُن,,पर_निशान_लगाना, V,"You will be in trouble, just mark my words.",mark,غور کَرُن،ژٮ۪تَس تھاوُن,,पर_ध्यान_देना, Adj,He has made a marked contribution in the field of science.,marked,قٲبلہِ زِکِر,,सुस्पष्ट, N,Motorway marker posts show the way to the nearest telephone.,marker,نِشان,,निशान, N,I have to go to the market to buy some vegetables.,market,بازَر،مٔنٛڑی,,बाज़ार, N,Get these things from the market.,market,بازَر,,हाट, N,She has gone to the market to buy vegetables.,market,بازَر,,हाट, N,We should adopt high powered marketing strategies.,marketing,خٔریٖد فَروخت,,विपणन, N,His marriage is on next Sunday.,marriage,خاندَر،،نیتٕھر,,शादी, Adj,Only married couples are allowed there.,married,خاندرٕ وٲلۍ,,विवाहित, V,Her uncle forced her to marry a rich person.,marry,خاندَر کَرُن,,विवाह_करना, V,The children were marshalled into the ground by their teachers.,marshal,لٲنہِ تھاوٕنۍ,,क्रम_से_रखना, N,We need a mason to complete the building.,mason,دٔسِل,,राजगीर, N,There were masses of dark clouds in the sky.,mass,اَمبار,,परिमाण, N,There were masses of people at the funeral.,mass,جَمات،کٔثیٖر,,समूह, N,You should go to the mass.,mass,ماس,,क्रीस्त_याग, V,The general massed his troops for final attack.,mass,جَمع کَرُن,,एकत्र_होना[करना], N,There were masses of people at the ceremony.,masses,جَمات،کٔثیٖر,,जनसाधारण, Adj,It is a massive machine.,massive,گوٚب,,भारी, N,He is the master of the house.,master,خانٛدار،مٲلِک,,स्वामी, N,The museum had some of the old masters`s classical paintings.,master,وۄستاد،وۄستہٕ,,उस्ताद/शिक्षक, N,She kept the dead body on the mat.,mat,وَگُو،چَٹٲے،سَترٔنٛڑ,,चटाई, V,This shirt does not match with my pants.,match,رَلُن,,मिलना, V,He should match the things first.,match,مِلاوُن,,मिलाना, N,I would like to watch a cricket match.,match,میچ,,मैच, N,He would play a foodball match on sunday.,match,مُقابلہٕ,,मुकाबला, N,I`ve found a vase that`s an exact match of one we already have.,match,جوٗرۍ,,जोड़ीदार, N,She made a good match when she married him.,match,جوٗرۍ,,जो़डा, N,Hard work was a material in his success.,material,سامان,,द्रव्यात्मक, Adj,She has a fine mathematical brain.,mathematical,رِیٲضی,,गणित_सम्बन्धी, N,He is poor in mathematics.,mathematics,حِساب,,गणित, Adj,I like matt shades.,matt,چَمکہِ بَغٲر,,निष्प्रभ, V,It really matters a lot.,matter,اہمِیَت آسٕنۍ,,महत्वपूर्ण_होना, N,I don`t discuss private matters with my collegues.,matter,معاملہٕ,,विषय, N,This is my personal matter.,matter,معاملہٕ,,द्रव्य, N,"At times, he seems to have maturity beyond his years.",maturity,بالِغی,,प्रौढ़ता, Adj,The maximum temperature recorded in July was 30 degree C.,maximum,زیادٕ کھۄتہٕ زیادٕ,,अधिकतम, N,The maximum load for this truck is one ton.,maximum,زیادٕ کھۄتہ ٕزیادٕ,,महत्तम, MV,This medicine may soothe your cough.,may,ما,,सम्भवतः, Adv,May be I will leave tomorrow.,maybe,شایَد,,शायद, N,People were annoyed when they found that the Mayor had deceived them.,mayor,صَدرِبَلدِیَت,,महापौर, Pron,Can you give me this chair?,me,مےٚ,,मुझको, Pron,I requested her to give the books back to me.,me,مےٚ,,मुझ, N,The sight of thousands of sheep in the lush green meadow is enthralling.,meadow,گاسہٕ چَرٲے,,घास_का_मैदान, N,A meal should be taken at the proper time.,meal,کھٮ۪ن،غزا,,भोजन, N,"If you want to loose weight, stop eating between meals.",meal,کھٮ۪ن,,भोजन_का_समय, N,They needed a good mean run rate to win.,mean,اوسط,,औसत, N,You should find a means to reach there.,mean,طٔریٖقہٕ،ذٔرِیعہ,,साधन, V,You should find a means to reach there.,mean,ذٔرِیعہ ژھانٛڑُن،طٔریٖقہٕ ژھانٛڑُن,,अर्थ_हो, V,I didn`t mean to insult him.,mean,مَطلَب آسُن،،مَقصَد آسُن,,मतलब_होना, Adj,He is a very mean person.,mean,کٔمیٖنہٕ،بَد ذات,,कमीना, N,The meaning of the phrase was not very clear to me.,meaning,مَطلَب،معنی,,अर्थ, Adj,The sentences you make should be meaningful.,meaningful,معنی دار,,अर्थपूर्ण, Adj,It is meaningless to walk on without a goal.,meaningless,مَطلَبہٕ روٚس، بےٚ مَطلَب,,अर्थहीन, N,The means are more important than the achievements.,means,ذٔرِیعہ,,साधन, N,He does not have the means to support the professional education of his children.,means,آمدٔنی،گُزارٕ,,पैसा - संपति, Adv,Meanwhile the people kept prospering.,meanwhile,أتھۍ دوران,,इसी_दौरान, V,He measured the length of the room.,measure,مینُن,,नापना, V,Can one really measure the ability of a candidate in a ten minute interview?,measure,پَتَہ لَگاوُن،پَے کَڑُن,,निर्णय_करना/पता_लगाना, V,The lenght of the trouser measures 41 inches.,measure,زیچَھر,,नाप_का_होना, V,She never measures the effect of what she is going to say.,measure,۔۔۔,,नाप_तोल_करना, N,It is advisable to ascertain the correct measure of everything which we purchased.,measure,مِقدار,,माप, Adj,His answers are always well measured.,measured,میٖنِتھ توٗلِتھ,,नपा-तुला, N,The tailor made a mistake in the measurement.,measurement,ناپ,,नाप, N,The doctors have advised that red meat may be harmful to the heart.,meat,ماز,,माँस, N,The fifth chapter of the book is actually the meat of the author`s argument.,meat,خاص حِصہٕ,,प्रमुख_अंश, N,It is better to consult a mechanic.,mechanic,میک نِک،کٲرۍ گَر,,मैकैनिक/कारीगर, Adj,The students were being taught to read in a mechanical way.,mechanical,مِشیٖنی,,यांत्रक, N,Parents have expressed doubts about school students` capability to cope with the complex subject of Mechanics.,mechanics,میک نِکٕس,,यंत्रविज्ञान, V,There is a race to mechanise things today.,mechanise,مِشیٖنَن ہُنٛد اِستعمال کَرُن,,मशीनीकरण, N,Not only the goal but the mechanism to achieve it should also be right.,mechanism,طٔریٖقہٕ,,तरीका, Adj,Medical science has made tremendous progress in last few years.,medical,طِبی,,आयुर्विज्ञान_संबन्धी, N,He has created Medical history.,medical,طِبی,,आयुर्विज्ञान, N,The medicine is beyond my means.,medicine,دَوا,,औषधी, N,We can learn a lot from medieval times history.,medieval,مٔنٛزِم,,मध्यकालीन, N,They told the story through the medium of dance.,medium,ذٔرِیعہ,,माध्याम, Adj,She has a medium height.,medium,دَرمِیٲنی,,मध्य, Adj,"I don`t like too bright or too light colours, medium suits me fine.",medium,دَرمِیٲنی,,मध्य, V,I would like to meet her first.,meet,مِلُن،سَمکھُن,,मिलना, V,The Prime Minister met his cabinet for the talks.,meet,مُلاقات کَرٕنۍ,,से_भेंट_करना, V,The Indian team met the Australians in the finals.,meet,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_करना, V,It is impossible to meet the deadline under the present circumstances.,meet,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_कर_पाना, N,The meeting was postponed due to the strike.,meeting,اِجلاس,,बैठक, N,The meeting of the two friends after a gap of ten years was accidental.,meeting,مِلُن،سَمکھُن,,मिलन, N,Her voice is full of melody.,melody,میٖٹھ,,मधुर_, V,"Eat the ice-cream, don`t wait for it to melt.",melt,گَلُن,,पिघलाना[पिघलना], N,Only a member is allowed in the club.,member,رُکُن،مِمبَر,,सदस्य, N,He has finally received his membership card.,membership,میمبَرشِپ,,सदस्यता, N,India Gate is a memorial for those who died to keep us safe.,memorial,یادگار,,स्मारक, N,She has a sharp memory.,memory,یاداشت،یادٕ ووٚتُر,,स्मृति/याददाश्त, V,Please mend my trousers.,mend,ٹھیٖک کَرُن،مَرمَت کَرٕنۍ,,ठीक_करना, V,"There is no need of mending my shirt, I have rejected it.",mend,ٹھیٖک کَرٕنۍ,,ठीक_करना, Adj,He is going through a lot of mental anguish.,mental,دٮ۪مٲغی,,मानसक, Adv,He is not mentally fit.,mentally,دٮ۪مٲغی طور ،کاڈٮ۪و کِنۍ,,मानसिक_रूप_से, Adj,"He is mentally challenged, not retarded.",mentally,ذہنی طور,,मानसिक_रूप_से, N,Even the mention of his name makes her blush.,mention,ذِکِر,,उल्लेख, V,Don`t mention about my trip to anyone.,mention,ذِکِر کَرُن,,उल्लेख_करना, N,I`ve yet to see another mercenary like him.,mercenary,کِرایہِ پٮ۪ٹھ سِپاہ,,किराये_का_सैनक, N,He is a merchant.,merchant,کار بٲرۍ،سوداگَر,,व्यापारी, N,One must show mercy to others.,mercy,رحَم,,दया, N,"Go jump in the mere, you`ll soon learn swimming.",mere,سَر,,पोखरा, Adj,A mere Rs. 50/- cannot feed my family.,mere,صِرِف،خٲلی,,केवल, Adv,She must be merely sixteen.,merely,محض،بَس,,सिर्फ, N,The merger was okayed by the board.,merger,میُل,,विलयन, N,He has obtained this job on merit.,merit,قٲبلِیَت,,योग्यता, Adj,The party was merry.,merry,خۄشوٕنۍ,,आनन्दपूर्ण, N,Lets eat in the mess.,mess,لَنٛگَر,,भोजनालय, N,Please clear the mess.,mess,رۄلہٕ,,गड़बड़ी, N,He is in a real mess.,mess,مُصیٖبَت،پَریشٲنی،مُشکِل,,झंझट, N,They asked the kids to clean the mess in the room.,mess,ژھۄٹھ,,गंदगी, N,I just gave him a message.,message,خَبَر،پٲغام,,संदेश, N,Luckily the message reached on time.,message,خَبَر،پٲغام,,समाचार, N,The messenger lost his way.,messenger,خَبَر دِنہٕ وول,,संदेशवाहक, N,Gold is a precious metal.,metal,دھات,,धातु, Adj,He published a paper on metaphysical theory.,metaphysical,۔۔۔,,तात्त्वक, V,He regularly meted out punishment for his pupils.,mete,دیُن,,भोगना, N,Please use another meter as this one is giving an incorrect reading.,meter,میٖژٕ،میٖٹَر,,मापक, N,The method she adopted was correct.,method,طٔریٖقہٕ,,प्रणाली/तरीका, N,The metre was very catchy.,metre,۔۔۔,,छंद, N,I bought two metres of cotton cloth for her.,metre,میٖٹر,,मीटर, Adj,We follow a metric system of measurement.,metric,میٖٹرَس مُتعلِق,,मीटर_का, Adj,Delhi is the most polluted metropolitan city of India.,metropolitan,بوٚڑ شہَر,,महानगरीय, N,Microscope helps to see the micro-organisms clearly.,microscope,مَیکرٛاس کوپ،خُردبیٖن,,सूक्ष्मदर्शी, N,Don`t leave things in the middle of the room.,middle,مَنٛزباگ,,मध्यस्थल, Adj,You have to reach some middle point in this case.,middle,مٔنزِم,,बीच_[का], N,The middle-class is not happy with the budget.,middle-class,دَرمِیٲنی طَبقہٕ,,मध्यमवर्ग, N,He comes from a middle-class family.,middle-class,دَرمِیٲنی طَبقہٕ,,मध्यमवर्गीय, N,The earthquake at midnight woke up everyone.,midnight,نٮ۪صٕف رات,,मध्यरात्री, N,She feels uncomfortable in the midst of strangers.,midst,مَنٛز باگ،دَرمِیان,,बीच, N,He struggled with all his might to free himself from under the car.,might,طاقَت،زور,,बल, AuxV,"Call before you go, as he might not be expecting you.",might,ما,,होगा{शायद}, AuxV,He might get upset if we do not go there.,might,ما,,सकना, Adj,He was a mighty king.,mighty,طاقَت وَر,,बलशाली, Adv,She is mighty pleased with his achievements.,mighty,واریاہ,,बहुत, N,No one heard a word as the mike was not functioning.,mike,مایِک,,माक, Adj,He has a very mild nature.,mild,نَرٕم,,विनम्र, Adj,He was given a mild punishment.,mild,معموٗلی,,नरम, Adj,The taste of the food is mild in this restaurant.,mild,سادٕ,,सादा, N,He was advised to jog a mile everyday.,mile,میٖل,,मील, N,The vehicle had a good mileage.,mileage,مَیلیج,,मीलों_की_संख्या, N,Ten militants were killed in police firing.,militant,جَنٛگ جوٗ،دہشَت گَرٕد،مُجٲہِد,,उग्रवादी, Adj,The militant elements in the organization triggered the controversy.,militant,شَر پَسَنٛد عُنصر,,आक्रामक, N,The military helped to restore peace in the region.,military,فوج,,सेना, N,Drink a glass of milk everyday.,milk,دۄد,,दूध, V,Some goats seem to milk better than others.,milk,دۄد دیُن,,दुहना, N,John is working in a mill.,mill,مِل,,मिल, N,I have to grind flour in a mill.,mill,گرٛٹہٕ,,चक्की, V,Mill the wheat properly.,mill,پِِہُن،پیٖسُن,,पीसना, N,The miller was a generous man.,miller,مِلہِ ہُنٛد مٲلِک,,मिल_मालक, N,Only a few milligrams of the drug were lethal enough.,milligram,مِلہِ گرٛام,,मिलिग्राम, N,I got nine million dollars.,million,دَہ لَچھ,,दस_लाख, N,Her mind was full of scary thoughts.,mind,ذِہٮ۪ن,,मनःस्थिति, N,He has a sharp mind.,mind,دٮ۪ماغ،عَقٕل,,बुद्धि, N,This is the first thing that came into my mind.,mind,دٮ۪ماغ,,दिमाग, N,He is one of the greatest minds of his period.,mind,عَقٕل مَنٛد،دٲنِشوَر,,बुद्धिशील{व्यक्ति}, N,Do not let your mind deviate from your work.,mind,دٮ۪ماغ,,मन, V,He does not mind the noise.,mind,حَرجہٕ آسُن,,आपत्ति_होना[करना], V,You should mind your language.,mind,زَبان سَمبالٕنۍ,,ध्यान_देना, Pron,This pen is mine.,mine,میون,,मेरा, N,Ram is working in a coal mine.,mine,کھان,,खान, V,They are mining for coal in this area.,mine,کھان کَھنٕنۍ,,खान_खोदना, N,Gold is a valuable mineral.,mineral,معد نِیات,,खनज, Adj,Fortunately there were no injuries and damage to the factory was minimal.,minimal,کَمٕے,,छोटे_से_छोटे, Adj,We pay the minimum taxes.,minimum,کَم کھۄتہٕ کَم,,कम_से_कम, N,The minimum you can do is grant her leave.,minimum,کَم کھۄتہٕ کَم,,कम_से_कम, N,The minister was genuinely pleased by the work.,minister,ؤزیٖر,,मंत्री, V,"Minister her properly, she`s the future queen.",minister,خٔدمَت کَرٕنۍ,,सेवा_करना, N,He is young for this work.,minor,نابالِغ,,नाबालग, N,It is a privileged minority of people who can afford two homes.,minority,اَقلِیَت,,अल्पसंख्यक, N,The minute passed and she could not say anything.,minute,مِنَٹ,,मिनट, N,The minutes of the meeting are not yet ready.,minute,میٖٹِنٛگِہ ہِنٛز کاروٲیی,,मीटिंग_का_विवरण, Adj,It was a minute particle but hurt the eye badly.,minute,لۄکُٹ،نیُک,,सूक्ष्म, N,The miracle left everyone speechless.,miracle,معجزہ,,चमत्कार, N,She looked in the mirror.,mirror,ٲنہٕ،شیٖشہٕ,,दर्पण, N,He gave her a job to rescue her from the misery.,misery,تَکلیٖف،مُصیٖبَت,,दुःख/विपत्ती, V,He misquoted the meaning of my sentence.,misquote,غَلَط مَطلب کَڑُن,,गलत_उद्धरण_देना, V,He was caught before he could misrepresent in the court.,misrepresent,غَلَط پٲٹھۍ پیش کَرُن,,गलत_प्रतिनिधित्व_करना, V,She would never miss the target.,miss,پِھژٕنۍ,,चूक_जाना, V,She missed the train.,miss,اَتھہٕ گَژٕھنۍ,,छूट_जाना, V,I miss my sister.,miss,لول یُن,,कमी_महसूस_करना, V,He was sure that he would not miss this time.,miss,ناکام گَژُھن,,असफल_होना, N,She is a gorgeous miss.,miss,کوٗر,,कुमारी, N,The missile technology has advanced a lot.,missile,میٖزٲیِل,,मिसाइल{फेंक_कर_मारने_योग्य_चीज}, Adj,The missing tape was found intact.,missing,روومُت,,खोया_हुआ, N,The mission returned successful and confident.,mission,مِشَن,,शिष्टमंडल, N,He cherished his role as a missionary.,missionary,مِشنٔری،عیٖسٲیی مُبلِغ,,धर्म_प्रचार_करने_वाला, N,Nothing was visible due to the mist.,mist,وٕنَل,,धुंध, N,He admitted his mistake.,mistake,غَلطی,,गलती, V,I mistook her for her sister.,mistake,غَلَط سَمجُھن،وَشفہٕ گَژُھن,,गलत_समझना, Adj,It was a case of mistaken identity.,mistaken,غَلَط,,गलत, N,Don`t misuse public property.,misuse,غَلَط اِستعمال,,गलत_प्रयोग, V,She mixed the sounds to create the effect.,mix,مِلاوُن،رَلاوُن,,मिश्रण_करना, V,Mix the coupons properly.,mix,مِلاوُن,,मिलाना, V,The colors mix well.,mix,حَل گَژُھن،رَلُن,,घुलना, N,Wait till the residue settles down in the mix.,mix,مُرکَب،مِل مِش,,मिश्रण/घोल, Adj,She cooked mixed vegetables.,mixed,رَلہٕ مِلہٕ,,मिश्र/मिला_हुआ, N,Churn the mixture well before pouring in the pan.,mixture,مُرکَب،مِلہٕ مِش,,घोल, N,The police found difficult to control the mob.,mob,ہُجوٗم،جَم گوٚٹ،بِرٕ,,भीड़, Adj,He was glad to be mobile again.,mobile,پھیروُن تُھروُن,,चलता_फिरता, V,The work would be easily done if you could just mobilise the workers.,mobilise,حَرکٔژ مَنٛز اَنُن,,गतिशील_करना, N,He is mod.,mod,فٲشنی,,आधुनक, N,I have no ready mode of transportation to go there.,mode,طٔریٖقہٕ,,तरीका, N,They prepared a computer model for the exhibition.,model,نموٗنہٕ,,नमूना, N,She is a model.,model,ماڈَل,,माडेल, Adj,He has a moderate income.,moderate,اَوسط,,औसत, V,You have to learn to moderate your anger.,moderate,کَم کَرُن,,धीमा_करना[होना], Adj,He has a very broad and modern outlook.,modern,جٔدیٖد ،نوٚو,,आधुनक, Adj,She is not a modest person.,modest,نَرٕم مِزاز,,विनम्र, V,We need to modify the system.,modify,تَبدیٖلی اَنٕنۍ,,सुधारना, Adj,She studied molecular biology.,molecular,مالِقیوٗلَر,,आण्वक, N,I will be ready just in a moment.,moment,ژیُہہ،برِٛنز,,क्षण, N,The gathering momentum towards central control of the economy is worrying.,momentum,رَفتار,,गति, N,I need money to buy some books.,money,پونٛسہ,,पैसा, N,The monk was found to be a fraud.,monk,گۄسٲنۍ,,भिक्षु, N,The monkey ate potatoes from the box.,monkey,پونٛز,,बंदर, N,The company has a monopoly in the sharemarket.,monopoly,شٔرۍ کوٚت,,एकाधिपत्य, N,The monsters were 8 feet high.,monster,کھوژٕوُن,,विरूप_प्राणी, N,The monsoons are the main source of rainfall in the Southern parts of India.,monsoon,وَہرٲژ,,बरसाती_पवन, N,There are 12 months in a year.,month,رٮ۪تھ,,महीना, Adj,A monthly meeting is held by the shareholders.,monthly,ماہوار,,माहवार, N,"The Taj mahal is a monument, built by Shahjahan in memory of his wife.",monument,یادگار,,स्मारक, N,The colour combination in an office is very important in setting the mood of the employees and customers.,mood,مِزاز,,मनोदशा, N,The moon is our natural source of light during the night.,moon,ژٔندٕر،زوٗن,,चन्द्रमा, N,This is the moral of the story.,moral,مُدا,,सादाचार, Adj,She is an extremely moral woman.,moral,اِخلٲقی,,नैतक, N,"Inspite of the defeat, morale was still high in the team.",morale,حوصلہٕ،جَزبہٕ,,मनोदशा, N,The standards of morality of the people are on the increase.,morality,اِخلاق,,नैतिकता, Adv,More people live in the capital than in the rest of the country.,more,زیادٕ,,अधिक/ज्यादा, Adv,"He did not turn up. Moreover, we know that he was sick.",moreover,اَمِہ علاوٕ,,इसके_अतिरिक्त, N,Isn`t it a pleasant morning?,morning,صُبح ،فَجٕر,,सुबह/प्रभात, N,They signed a mortgage agreement.,mortgage,گِروی,,गिरवी, Adv,Which of you earns the most money?,most,زیادٕ,,सब्से_अधक, Adj,She is the most beautiful girl in this group.,most,ساروٕے کھۄتہٕ زیادٕ,,सबसे_अधक, Adv,We watch television mostly on Sundays.,mostly,عام پٲٹھۍ،عٔموٗمَن,,अधिकतर, N,We went to a motel and took rest.,motel,سَرٲے,,सराय, N,Mother is the best creation of God.,mother,موج,,माता/जननी, V,"His attendants gathered round him, but he motioned them away.",motion,اِشارٕ کَرُن,,प्रवर्तन_कर, N,They showed the goal again in slow motion.,motion,حَرکَت,,प्रवर्तन, N,Newton`s laws of motion are widely accepted by the world.,motion,حرکَت,,गति, V,My mother motivated me to choose this profession only.,motivate,مٲنِراوُن،آٹٕنۍ واٹٕنۍ اَنُن,,प्रेरित_करना, N,There is a motive behind every plan of action.,motive,وَجہ،مقصد,,प्रयोजन, N,The washing machine has an electric motor.,motor,موٹَر,,प्रेरक/चालक, N,"When the jelly is set, turn the mould upside down to tip it out onto a plate.",mould,سانٛچہٕ,,साँचा, V,The bricks are moulded by hand.,mould,شَکٕل دِنۍ,,गढ़ना, N,There is a protective moulding around the car.,moulding,۔۔۔,,गढ़त, N,Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.,mount,پہاڑ,,पर्वत, V,He mounted the platform and begin to speak to the assembled crowd.,mount,کھسُن,,चढ़_कर_बैठना, N,He was the first person to reach the mountain.,mountain,پٕہاڑ,,पर्वत, N,The Himalayan mountains are on the borders of India.,mountain,پٕہاڑ,,पहाड़/पर्वत/गिरि, V,She is mourning for her grandfather.,mourn,ماتَم کَرُن,,दुखी_होना, N,The mouse was on the floor.,mouse,گَگٕر،گَگُر,,चुहिया/चूहा, N,Please open your mouth.,mouth,ٲس,,मुँह, N,We stood at the mouth of the cave.,mouth,گوٚل,,मुहाना, Adj,Movable washing machines are good.,movable,پَکوٕنۍ,,एक_स्थान_से_दूसरे_स्थान_तक_ले_जाने_लायक, V,Please move a bit.,move,پَکُن،ہِلُن,,चलना/हिलना, N,The industrial movement brought about a great change all over the world.,movement,تحریٖک,,गति, N,That was really a good movie.,movie,فِلِم,,चलचित्र, Adj,The teacher gave a moving talk at the end of the fare well.,moving,جَزباتہٕ ہوٚت,,हृदय_स्पर्शी, Adv,There is nothing much on TV tonight.,much,زیادٕ,,अधक, Adj,I don`t like much sweets.,much,زِیادٕ,,बहुत, N,There was a lot of mud in the play ground.,mud,رَب,,कीचड़, Adj,I made multiple copies of the report.,multiple,واریاہ,,बहुत, V,Multiply four with two to get eight.,multiply,ضرٕب دیُن،ضرٕب کَرُن,,गुणा_करना, Adj,The municipal corporation of Hyderabad is incharge of the cleanliness of the city.,municipal,میونسِپٕل,,नगरीय, N,He was charged with murder.,murder,قَتٕل,,खून, N,The police are treating his death as a case of murder.,murder,قَتٕل,,हत्या, N,He is a murderer.,murderer,قٲتِل،خوٗنی,,हत्यारा, N,A murmur of agreement came from the crowd.,murmur,پِھس رارَے,,मर्मराहट, N,Chetan has well developed muscles.,muscle,مَژھ,,पेशी/ताकत, Adj,Ranjit is tall and muscular.,muscular,چۄٹہٕ مۄٹہٕ،صحتَس مَنٛز,,पेशीय, N,The Salarjung museum has a huge collection of wonderful things.,museum,عَجٲیِب گَر,,संग्रहालय, N,Music is a way of expressing emotions which cannot be expressed through words.,music,موسیٖقی,,संगीत, Adj,The musical concert was attended by a large crowd.,musical,موسیٖقی دار,,संगीत, N,Balakrishna Prasad is one of the famous musicians.,musician,موسیٖقار,,संगीतकार, V,I must go there today.,must,پَزِ,,चाहिये, N,They grow mustard in their fields.,mustard,تِلہٕ گۄگُل,,सरसों, N,There were mutters that exams should be postponed.,mutter,پِھس پِھس,,बड़बड़ाहट, VTI,He muttered to himself.,mutter,پِھپھرارَے کَرٕنۍ,,बड़बड़ाना, Adj,"Despite differences in background and outlook, their relationship was based on mutual trust and understanding.",mutual,باہمی،پانہٕ ؤنۍ,,पारस्परक, Pron,Sherly is my classmate.,my,میون،میٲنۍ,,मेरा, ReflPron,I would love to do my work myself.,myself,پانَے,,स्वयं, Pron,I have made all the report myself.,myself,پٲنۍ پانَے,,स्वयं, Adj,The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms.,mysterious,پوٗشیٖدٕ,,रहस्यपूर्ण, N,His death is a mystery.,mystery,راز,,रहस्य, N,I don`t believe in myths.,myth,اوٚسطوٗر,,कल्पित_कथा, VT,The policeman nabbed the thief near the shopping complex.,nab,تَھپھ ژٕھنٕنۍ,,एकाएक_पकड़_लेना, N,You should cut your nails regularly.,nail,نَم,,नाखून, N,He fixed the box with nails.,nail,کیُل,,कील, VT,He nailed the box properly.,nail,کیُل دیُن,,कील_जड़ना, Adj,The child is standing naked.,naked,نَنٛگَے,,नग्न/नंगा, Adj,He could not tolerate the naked truth.,naked,صاف،شیوٚد,,स्पष्ट, N,My name is Robin.,name,ناو,,नाम, N,Leander Paes has made a name for himself in the tennis world.,name,ناو,,कीर्ति, VT,I have named my son Kapil.,name,ناو تھاوُن,,नाम_रखना, VT,He named the person accused of stealing.,name,ناو وَنُن،ناو دیُن,,नाम_बताना/पहचानना, VT,He has been named the captain of the team.,name,بَناونہٕ یُن,,नियुक्त_करना, Adv,"Asia has two most populous countries, namely China and India.",namely,یِتھہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,जैसे, V,I narrated the whole story to my brother.,narrate,بَیان کَرُن،تَفصیٖل دِنۍ,,बयान_करना, Adj,He is a professor of narrative literature.,narrative,نثرُک,,वर्णात्मक, N,`The English Patient` novel contains more of narratives than dialogues.,narrative,داستان,,वर्णात्मक_कहानी, Adj,The streets in my village are very narrow.,narrow,تَنٛگ,,संकीर्ण, VT,Please narrow the distance between two vehicles!,narrow,کَم کَرٕنۍ,,परिमित_या_तंग_करना, Adj,He passed a nasty remark on her.,nasty,گَنٛدٕ،خَراب,,बुरा/हृदयहीन, N,All the nations should go for disarmament.,nation,وَطَن،قوم،مُلک,,राष्ट्र, Adj,The national flower of India is lotus.,national,قومی,,राष्ट्रीय, N,All the foreign nationals have been asked to produce their passports.,national,فَرٕد,,नागरक, V,The Government nationalised the banks.,nationalise,قومی مِلکِیَت بَناوُن,,राष्ट्रीयकरण, N,Nationalism should not be confused with religious fanaticism.,nationalism,قوم پَرَستی,,राष्ट्रीयवाद, Adj,Her native language is Hindi.,native,مُقٲمی,,देशी, N,I am a native of M.P.,native,روزَن وول,,मूल_निवासी, Adj,This place has a natural beauty.,natural,قدرتی,,प्राकृतक, Adj,"After her recent accident, it is quite natural for her to be scared of vehicles.",natural,قدرتی,,स्वाभावक, N,"She won`t have any troubles in this work, you can see she is a natural.",natural,قدرتی,,प्राकृतक, Adv,It happens naturally.,naturally,قدرتی طور,,सहज_रूप_से, Adv,He speaks quite naturally.,naturally,سٮ۪زرٕ سان،سیٚدۍ پٲٹھۍ,,स्वभाव_से, N,This is one of the calamities caused by nature.,nature,قدرت,,प्रकृति, N,It is in his nature to forgive.,nature,فِطرَت,,स्वभाव, Adj,The naval force of that country is very huge.,naval,بحری,,सामुद्रक, N,That boy joined the navy.,navy,بحری فوج,,समुद्री_सेना, Prep,She was standing near the door.,near,سۭتۍ،نَزدیٖک,,के_पास, Adj,His school is very near.,near,نَزدیٖک،نَکھہٕ,,निकट, Adj,This is the nearest colour that you can get.,near,رَلہٕ وُن,,मिलता_जुलता, Adv,I was standing just near enough to hear what they were saying.,near,نَکھہٕ،نَزدیٖک,,के_पास, Adv,They are the same age or near enough.,near,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग, Prep,She was standing near the door.,near,نَزدیٖک،نَکھہٕ,,निकट, VI,The project is nearing completion.,near,نَزدیٖک واتُن,,निकट_पहुँचना, Adj,you will get that in the nearby shop.,nearby,نَزدیٖکی,,पास_वाला, Adv,The boy lives nearby.,nearby,نَزدیٖک،نَکھہٕ,,पास_में, Adv,He is nearly as tall as his father.,nearly,تَقریٖبَن,,क़रीब_क़रीब, Adj,He has got neat handwriting.,neat,صاف,,साफ, Adj,He wore a neat dress.,neat,صاف,,स्वच्छ/साफ, Adj,Hari is a neat worker.,neat,زَبَر،محنتی,,सुव्यवस्थित, Adj,Her small neat face attracted everyone`s attention.,neat,صاف،پرٛزلہٕ وُن,,अच्छा, Adv,The work was done neatly.,neatly,صفٲیی سان,,स्वच्छतापूर्वक/सफाई_से, Adv,He does not have to necessarily go there.,necessarily,لٲزمی طور,,अनिवार्य_रूप_से, Adj,It is not necessary to go there.,necessary,ضروٗری،لٲزمی،اہَم,,आवश्यक, Adj,It is absolutely necessary to finish this job before the month ends.,necessary,اہَم،لٲزِمی،ضروٗری,,अनिवार्य, N,The government should recognize the necessity for pollution control.,necessity,اہمِیت،ضروٗرَت,,आवश्यकता/अनिवार्यता, N,She felt something crawling on her neck.,neck,گَردَن,,गरदन, N,She was wearing a dress with a low neck.,neck,نال,,गला, VT,They necked each other.,neck,نالہٕ موٚت کَرُن,,गले_मिलना, V,You need to loose bit of weight.,need,ضروٗرت آسٕنۍ,,ज़रूरत_होना, V,We need to find a solution to the problem of pollution.,need,ضروٗرت آسٕنۍ,,को_ज़रूरत_है, N,There is a need to improve the situation.,need,ضروٗرَت,,ज़रूरत, VTI,They need some evidence of her innocence.,need,ضروٗرت آسٕنۍ,,जरूरत_होना, N,She used a very fine needle for the embroidery.,needle,سٕژَن,,सुई, VI,Don`t needle that boy.,needle,پَریشان کَرُن,,परेशान_करना[होना], N,She was met with all her needs.,needs,حاجَت،ضروٗرت,,ज़रूरतें, Adj,He gave a negative reply.,negative,مَنفی,,नकारात्मक, N,His response was negative.,negative,مَنفی,,नकार, N,I don`t know where I have kept the negatives of these photographs.,negative,نَگیٹیوٗو,,निगेटिव{फोटो_का}, N,The case was spoilt due to his neglect.,neglect,غَفلَت,,उपेक्षा, V,Do not neglect your duties.,neglect,لوٚب ہیوٚن,,उपेक्षा_करना, VTI,There is still a chance to negotiate.,negotiate,مُہادٕ کَرُن،چُکاو دُکاو کَرُن,,मोल_तोल_करना, VTI,The path down the hill was hard to negotiate.,negotiate,تَرُن,,पार_करना, N,He is good at negotiations.,negotiation,چُکاو دُکاو،مُہادٕ,,मोल_तोल, N,The negotiations are necessary for reaching a satisfactory solution.,negotiation,کَتھ بات,,बातचीत, N,Is he your neighbour?,neighbour,ہَمساے,,पड़ोसी, N,This is a beautiful neighbourhood.,neighbourhood,مَحلہٕ،ہَمساےگٔری,,पड़ोस, Conj,I have got two mobiles but neither works properly.,neither,کٕہنۍ تہِ,,न_तो, Adv,I have not seen the film and neither has my sister.,neither,نہ,,न_ही, Adv,I have not seen the film and neither has my sister.,neither,نہ,,न_ही, Det,Neither of them was tall.,neither,کٕہنۍ تِہ نہٕ,,कोई_भी_नहीं, N,The name was written with neon lights.,neon,اَکہِ قٕسمُک گیس,,एक_प्रकार_का_गैस, N,Some of her finger nerves were badly damaged when she crushed her hands in the car door.,nerve,رَگ,,नस, N,After her accident she lost her nerve to drive.,nerve,حوصلہٕ، ہمَت,,साहस, VT,Nerve yourself for the finals.,nerve,تَیار کَرُن،پوٗرٕ کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,शक्ति_प्रदान_करना, Adj,He was nervous about his results.,nervous,گابریومُت,,घबराया_हुआ, Adj,She had a nervous breakdown.,nervous,دٮ۪مٲغی,,मानसक, N,The sparrow made a beautiful nest.,nest,اول,,घोंसला, VTI,The eagle nested on the tree.,nest,اول بَناوُن,,घोंसला_बनाना, Adj,What is your net income?,net,کُل ہُم,,वास्तवक, N,The fishes were caught in the net.,net,زال,,जाल, VT,They netted many fishes.,net,زالَس مَنٛز رَٹُن,,जाली_मे_फाँसना, N,I need the plans of underground cable network.,network,نیٹ ؤرک,,जाल{मार्गों_का}, Adj,He is a neutral person.,neutral,غیر جٲنِبدارانہٕ,,तटस्थ, N,That country supports all the countries which are neutral.,neutral,غیرجٲنِبدار,,निष्पक्ष, V,Necessary actions were taken to neutralise the threat.,neutralise,بے اَثَر کَرُن,,निष्प्रभाव_करना, Adv,I have never heard anything like this.,never,زٕہنۍ,,कभी_नहीं, Adv,He has never come to the office.,never,زٕہنۍ,,[कभी_]नहीं, Adv,What happened was inevitable but it was dissapointing nevertheless.,nevertheless,توتہِ,,तथापि, Adj,This is a new shirt.,new,نٔو,,नया/नवीन/नूतन, Adv,They are newly married.,newly,نوٚوُے نوٚوُے,,नया_नया, Adv,That is a newly discovered planet.,newly,نوٚوُے,,नया, N,I never miss the evening news.,news,خَبَر,,खबर, N,I have read the newspaper.,newspaper,اَخبار,,समाचारपत्र, Adj,What is the next word?,next,دوٚیُم،بیاکھ,,अगला, Adv,We visited the shrine next.,next,پَتہٕ,,उसके_बाद, Adj,He is a nice man.,nice,اَصٕل,,अच्छा, N,The small nick in the cloth became big.,nick,دُک,,खरोंच, VT,The barber`s knife nicked his cheek.,nick,کٕھش دین,,छेद_करना, N,We sat up all night watching a movie.,night,رات,,रात, N,This is the continuation of the last night of the play.,night,رات,,संध्या, Det,Nine out of twelve students took part in the competition.,nine,نَو,,नौ, N,Nine is john`s lucky number.,nine,نَو,,नौ, Det,Nine out of ten children got good percentage.,nine,نَو,,नौ, N,Nine out of ten children got good percentage.,nine,نَو,,नौ, N,She is only nine.,nine,نَو,,नौ, Art,Nine people are coming for dinner.,nine,نَو,,नौ, Adj,I have nine friends.,nine,نَو,,नौ, Det,She is nineteen years old.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, N,Her room number is ninteen.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, Det,Jack is nineteen years old.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, N,Jack is nineteen.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, N,A group of students were trapped in the cave for nineteen hours.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, Art,Nineteen students are absent today.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, Adj,I have nineteen students in my class.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, Adj,The picnic has been arranged on the nineteenth of this month.,nineteenth,کُنوُہِم,,उन्नीसवाँ, Art,Suzan is coming on nineteenth December.,nineteenth,کُنوُہِم,,उन्नीसवाँ, Adj,She is in ninth standard.,ninth,نٔوِم,,नवाँ, N,He gave her a ninth of the total amount.,ninth,نٔوِم,,नवाँ_अंश, Art,This is her ninth birthday.,ninth,نٔوِم,,नवाँ, Det,I have no friends.,no,کٕہنۍ,,[कुछ_]नहीं, Adj,We have no fruits in the house.,no,کِہنۍ,,[कुछ_]नहीं, Adj,`No smoking` was written at the door of the medical shop.,no,نہَ,,नहीं{अनुमत}, Interj,"Is the shop open today? `No, it isn`t.`",no,نَہ,,नहीं, Adj,Nehru belonged to a family of noble descent.,noble,شٔریٖف،اعلیٰ،عٔظیٖم,,कुलीन, Adj,Martin Luther King died for a noble cause.,noble,عٔظیٖم,,नीतिवान, N,He is noble and easily approachable.,noble,شٔریٖف,,कुलीन_मनुष्य, N,Nobody can prevent him from taking part in the competition.,nobody,کٕہنۍ,,कोई_नहीं, N,He gave a nod of agreement to his son.,nod,اِشارٕ، اِقرار,,हामी, VTI,He nodded his head for approval.,nod,کَلہٕ ہِلاوُن,,सिर_हिलाना, VTI,The old man was nodding in his chair.,nod,زۄلہٕ کَران,,ऊँघना, VTI,The daffodils nodded in the wind.,nod,نَمُن،بۄن کُن گَژُھن,,झूमना, N,There was a loud noise in the street.,noise,شور,,शोर, N,The noise of the vehicles tires everyone.,noise,آواز،شور,,ध्वनि{प्रदूषण}, N,Modern music is just noise to me.,noise,شور,,शोर, VT,A.R.Rehman was nominated for the best music director in films.,nominate,نامزَد کَرنہٕ یُن,,नामांकित_करना, N,None can predict the future.,none,کٕہنۍ تہِ,,कोई_नहीं, N,He is talking nonsense.,nonsense,فضوٗل،بَکواس,,निरर्थक_बातें, N,The guests arrived at noon.,noon,دُپہَر,,मध्याह्न, Conj,Neither the train nor the bus will get us there on time.,nor,نہ,,और न, N,We must adapt to the norms of the society we live in.,norm,اوٚصوٗل,,मानदंड, N,Two children per family has become a norm in some societies.,norm,اوٚصوٗل,,सामान्य_स्तर, Adj,People who commit such crimes are not normal.,normal,ٹھیٖک,,सामान्य, Adj,He is a perfectly normal child.,normal,ٹھیٖک,,प्रकृत, N,He is perfectly normal.,normal,ٹھیٖک,,प्रकृत, Adv,We normally get up early in the morning.,normally,عام طور پٲٹھۍ,,सामान्यत, Adj,He is staying in North London.,north,شُمٲلی,,उत्तरी, N,Winter is severe in the north.,north,شُمال,,उत्तर, N,The weather in the northeast is pleasant.,northeast,مَغرِبی شُمال,,उत्तर_पूर्व, Adj,Canada and U.S are in the northern hemisphere.,northern,شُمٲلی,,उत्तरी, N,The train is going towards the northwest.,northwest,شُمٲلی مَغرِب,,उत्तर_पश्चिम_की_दिशा, N,His nose is blocked due to cold.,nose,نَس,,नाक, N,The nose of the aircraft was damaged and was forced to land.,nose,تونٛت،بٕتھِم حِصہٕ,,अग्रभाग, VT,The dog nosed the food.,nose,مُشٕک ہیوٚن,,सूंघना, Adv,He does not speak French.,not,نہٕ,,नहीं, Adj,Pearl.S.Buck is a notable novelist.,notable,قٲبلہِ زِکِر,,प्रसिद्ध, Adv,He is notably a talented artist.,notably,خاص کٔرِتھ,,विशेषकर, N,She took all the notes from her friend.,note,وَننہٕ ہنَا,,टिप्पणी, N,Jim gave her a note for attending the party.,note,پَرچہٕ,,चिट्ठी, N,The singer held the note too long.,note,سُر,,स्वर, N,We gave him a hundred rupee note.,note,نوٹ,,नोट, N,A brief note is given in the introduction of this book.,note,زِکِر,,टीका, N,Take note of what he says.,note,تَوَجہ,,ध्यान, VT,Please note it.,note,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, Adj,M.S.Subbhalakshmi is a noted singer.,noted,مَشہوٗر،قٲبلِہ زِکِر,,विख्यात, N,You have nothing to do with this.,nothing,کِہنۍ نہٕ,,कुच_नहीं, Pron,There is nothing as refreshing as lemon juice.,nothing,کِہنۍ نہٕ,,कुछ_नहीं, N,He received a notice from his office about the meeting.,notice,اِطلاع,,सूचना, N,The book received good notices.,notice,تَوَجہ,,ध्यान/समीक्षा, VT,I asked my mother to come with me but she didn`t take any notice.,notice,دیان دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, VT,The critics noticed the books and reviewed.,notice,اِظہارِ خَیال کَرُن,,विचारना, N,"All political systems are based on the notions of liberty, equality and fraternity.",notion,تَصَوُر ،خَیال،راے,,धारणा, N,Pick out the nouns from the following sentences.,noun,اِسٕم,,संज्ञा, Adj,The computer produced a completely novel proof of a well known theorem.,novel,نوٚو,,नवीन, N,Aparna is a voracious reader of novels.,novel,ناوَل,,उपन्यास, N,Jane Austin is a well known novelist.,novelist,ناوَل نٔویٖس,,उपन्यासकार, Adv,She is not coming now.,now,وۄنۍ,,अब, Conj,"Now that you have done it, I will see it.",now,اَچھا تہٕ,,फलतः, N,Who is taking the class now?,now,وٕنکٮ۪س,,इस_समय, Adv,I am going nowhere.,nowhere,کُنُے نہٕ,,कहीं_नहीं, Adj,He sketched a nude women.,nude,نَنٛگہٕ،عُرِیان,,नंगा, N,He was swimming in the nude.,nude,نَنٛگَے,,नग्न, Adj,His fingers became numb due to the cold.,numb,واے,,सुन्न, VT,The shock numbed her senses.,numb,حٮ۪س نہٕ روزُن,,सुन्न_कर_देना, N,These magazines are produced in vast numbers.,number,نَمبَر،تعداد,,संख्या, N,Every number has a unique position in the sequence.,number,نَمبَر,,अंक/संख्या, N,He had a number of chores to do.,number,واریاہ,,बहुत_सारे, N,She sang a beautiful number.,number,گٮ۪وُن،غَزٕل,,गाना/कविता, VT,You should number the pages of your thesis.,number,گٔنٛزرُن,,गिनना, Adj,There are tests for rating numerical aptitude.,numerical,عَددی,,संख्यात्म, Adj,Numerous people saw the movie.,numerous,واریاہ,,बहुत_ज्यादा, N,The nurse gave a lot of attention to that patient.,nurse,داے،نٔرٕس,,परिचारिका, VT,He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs.,nurse,اعلاج کَرُن,,उपचर्या_करना, V,She nursed her child.,nurse,دۄد چاوناوُن,,दूध_पिलाकर_बच्चे_को_पालना, N,What kind of nut would leave a car on a railway track?,nut,فٲتِر،بیوقوٗف,,काष्ठफल[पागल], N,He ate a lot of nuts.,nut,ڈوٗنۍ,,सुपारी, N,The nut had been tightened with a lot of force.,nut,ڈِبٕر,,लोहे_की_ढिबरी, N,He is a nut.,nut,بیوقوٗف،بیقٕل,,बुद्धु, N,Have you gone nuts?,nuts,پاگَل,,पागल, N,This cloth is made of nylon.,nylon,نَیلان,,नायलन, N,The boss expects obedience from his employees.,obedience,تٲبِیدٲری,,आज्ञापालन, VT,He refused to obey his teacher`s order.,obey,تٲبِیدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,आज्ञापालन_करना, N,She loves to be surrounded by familiar objects.,object,چیٖز,,वस्तु, N,I don`t know the object of the meeting.,object,مَسلہٕ،مُدٕ,,किसी_भवना_का_विषय, N,His object was to hurt you.,object,مُدٕ،مقصد,,हेतू, N,That is an example of an indirect object.,object,۔۔۔,,कर्म, V,I object to his use of indecent language.,object,اعتِراض کَرُن,,आपत्ति_व्यक्त_करना, N,You should not have any objection to this wise plan.,objection,اعتِراض,,आपत्ति, N,Do you have any objection?,objection,اعتِراض,,एतराज़, Adj,Locke believed in the objective perception of reality.,objective,غیر جٲنِبدارانہٕ,,विषयनिष्ठ, Adj,The objective report was not appreciated.,objective,غیر جٲنِبدارانہٕ,,निष्पक्ष, N,I did`nt get time to do your work as I had too many obligations.,obligation,فَرٕض,,बाध्यता, V,He would be obliged to help.,oblige,مشکوٗر آسُن،احسان مَنٛد آسُن,,मदद_करने_उपकृत_करना, V,No law can oblige children to take case of their aged parents.,oblige,جَبٕر کَرُن، مَجبوٗر کَرُن,,नैतिक_नियमों_से_मज़बूर_करना, Adj,"Their policy has changed, for reasons that remain obscure.",obscure,غٲر واضح,,धुँधला, Adj,That is an obscure example.,obscure,سَخ،غیر واضح,,कठिन{समझने_में}, V,Reporters obscure facts.,obscure,پَردٕترٛاوُن,,बोझत्म_कर_देना, N,Observance of college rules is necessary.,observation,مُشٲہِدٕ,,निरीक्षण, N,"She is under close observation, don`t worry.",observation,معٲینہٕ,,निरख/अवलोकन, N,Her observations are very sharp.,observation,مُشٲہِدٕ,,सोचविचार, V,She observed that it would soon be time to stop for lunch.,observe,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرُن,,निरीक्षण_कर, V,He observes minute details.,observe,سَنُن،وُچھُن,,निरखना, V,He observes christmas.,observe,مانُن،پَژھ کَرٕنۍ,,रीतिरिवाज़ों_का_पालन_करना, V,The youth does not observe speed limits.,observe,عمَل کَرٕنۍ،مانُن,,नियमों_का_पालन_करना, V,"`The colour is too gawdy`, she observed.",observe,راے قٲیِم کَرٕنۍ,,अप्ना_मत/सोचविचार_व्यक्त_करना, N,You cannot be a detatched observer in this context.,observer,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرن وول,,प्रेक्षक, N,V.P. Singh was an observer at the U.N. meet.,observer,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرن وول,,परिदर्शक, V,How can I obtain my parents` permission?,obtain,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_करना, V,These rules do not obtain any longer.,obtain,موٗجوٗد آسُن,,अस्तित्व_में_होना, Adj,It is obvious that he hates her.,obvious,صاف،واضِح،ظٲہِر,,स्पष्ट{प्रकट}, Adv,She was in tears and obviously very upset.,obviously,واضح طور پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्ट_रूप_से, N,She sang a song specially written for the occasion.,occasion,موقعہٕ,,अवसर/प्रसंग, N,There is no occasion to be so rude.,occasion,موقعہٕ,,मौका, V,The child`s remarks occasioned lots of mirth.,occasion,بٲعث بَنُن,,निमित्तमात्र_होना, Adj,She pays her village occassional visits.,occasional,کُنہِ کُنہِ وِزِ,,प्रासंगक, Adv,He is kind occasionally.,occasionally,کُنہِ وَقتہٕ,,कभीकभी, N,"Please write down your name, address and occupation on a piece of paper.",occupation,پیٚشہٕ،کٲم,,व्यवसाय, N,The Nazi occupation hit france badly.,occupation,قَبضہٕ,,आक्रमण, N,The new apartment is ready for occupation.,occupation,قبضہٕ,,अधिवास, VT,The new flat was occupied immediately.,occupy,روزنہِ یُن،قَبضہٕ رَٹُن,,रहना, VT,The army occupied the enemy`s capital.,occupy,قَبضہ ٕکَرُن,,कब्ज़ा_करना, VT,He occupies a senior position in the firm.,occupy,فٲیز آسُن،اِقتِدار آسُن,,संभालना, VT,The bed occupies a huge space.,occupy,جاے رَٹٕنۍ،جاے کھیٚنۍ,,ज़रूरत_होना, V,Violence of some sort occurs in all the sections of society.,occur,واقع گَژُھن,,अस्तित्व_में_होना, V,When did the accident occur?,occur,گَژُھن,,घटना, V,A brilliant idea occured to Newton while watching the apple fall.,occur,یُن،آو,,सूझना, N,Strike is an everyday occurrence in our society.,occurrence,واقعہ,,घटना, N,Pacific is the deepest ocean.,ocean,سَمَندر,,महासागर, Adj,Three is an odd number.,odd,طاق,,विषम, N,We must face the odds in life.,odds,وۄگتہِٕ,,विषमता, N,The odour coming from outside was not pleasant.,odour,مُشک,,गन्ध/बास, Prep,He lives just off the main road.,off,نَکھہٕ,,पास, Adj,He looked a bit off during the ceremony.,off,اِتھٲے ہیوٗ,,सुदूर, Adv,The institute is still two kilometers off.,off,دوٗر,,से_दूर_हटकर, Prep,He fall off a ladder.,off,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,पर_से, N,He has been charged with a serious offence.,offence,جُرُم,,अपराध, VTI,Her tactless remark offended me.,offend,ناگَوار گَژھُن،ناراض گَژُھن،ناخۄش گَژھُن,,अप्रसन्न_करना, VT,She offered me a cup of coffee.,offer,پیٚش کَرُن،دیُن,,देना, N,I am very happy for your kind offer of help.,offer,پیٚشکش,,प्रस्ताव, VTI,The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting.,offer,پیٚش کَرُن,,प्रदान_करना, N,He gave her a diamond ring as a peace offering.,offering,نَزرانہٕ،گُلِہ میوٚٹھ،وَرتاو,,भेंट, N,He rented an office in the new building.,office,دَفتَر,,दफ़्तर, N,He is the officer in charge of the ship`s engines.,officer,اَفسَر,,अधिकारी, Adj,He has official powers to do anything.,official,حقیقی,,आधिकारक, N,He is a government official.,official,اہلِکار,,अधिकारी, Adv,"Officially, he is in charge.",officially,سَرکٲرۍ پٲٹھۍ,,सरकारी_तौर_से, V,The goods were offloaded from the truck.,offload,بار والُن،سامان والُن,,भार_उतारना, Adv,I`ve been there quite often.,often,اَکثَر،واریاہ لَٹہِ,,अक्सर, N,Sunflower oil is good for health.,oil,تیٖٖل,,तेल, VT,Oil the wooden surface.,oil,تیٖٖل دیُن،تیٖٖل مَتھُن,,तेल_लगाना, Adj,I hope your parents are okay.,okay,ٹھیٖک,,ठीक_है, Adv,Whatever you want to buy is okay with me.,okay,ٹھیٖٖک,,ठीक_है, Adj,She was wearing an old dress.,old,پرٛون,,पुराना, Adj,The old man had to walk a long way to catch the bus.,old,بٕڑٕ،بُزَرٕگ,,वृद्ध, Adj,My father bought old-fashioned shoes for me.,old-fashioned,پرٛانہِ چالہِ ہُنٛد،پرٛانہِ آیُک,,पुरानी_चाल_का, Prep,There is a fly on your hat.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,He will arrive on Tuesday.,on,کیُتھ,,को, Prep,He came just on time.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,The cookies on the topmost shelf might be delicious than the one on the lowest shelf.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,वाला, Adv,She talked on for two hours without stopping.,on,لَگاتار،جٲری,,लगातार, Prep,The book is on the table.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Adv,We went there once.,once,اَکہِ لَٹہِ,,एक_बार, Adv,She won`t be able to cancel the contract once she has signed.,once,گۄڈَے,,पहले, Pron,Is there any one to help me?,one,کانٛہہ,,कोई_इन्सान, Det,I have one nice pen.,one,اَکھ,,एक, N,She is always number one.,one,اَکھ,,एक, Art,I want only one chocolate.,one,اَکھ,,एक, Adj,I have only one friend.,one,اَکھ,,एक, Pron,One has to live for oneself.,oneself,پَننہِ خٲطرٕ,,स्वयं/खुद, N,I don`t like onions.,onion,گنٛڈٕ,,प्याज़, Adj,Only he could do such a foolish thing.,only,صِرِف،بَس،وٲحِد,,केवल/अकेला, Adv,He arrived only to find his wife dead.,only,صِرِف,,सिर्फ़, N,At the very onset of his speech he started off in a fiery manner.,onset,شُروعات,,शुरुआत, Prep,Should I put these things back onto the shelf?,onto,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,I would like to come onto my next point.,onto,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,Did you remember to get onto the plumber about the shower?,onto,پتہٕ لگُن,,पीछे_पड़ना[होना], VTI,Mary opened the car door.,open,کھولُن,,खोलना, VTI,He opened a new business.,open,شَروٗع کَرُن,,प्रारंभ_करना, Adj,The thief escaped through the open gate.,open,کھُلہٕ،یَلہٕ,,खुला, Adj,He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.,open,کھُلہٕ دِل، صاف دِل,,निष्कपट, Adj,The matter was discussed and left open for the time being.,open,یَلہٕ،خٲلی,,अनिर्णीत, Adj,You can go through the opening space of the fence.,open,یلہٕ,,छिद्र, N,There was a small opening between the trees.,opening,یَلہٕ جاے،کُھلہٕ جاے,,खुली_जगह, N,The opening received good critical reviews.,opening,اِبتدا,,उदघाटन, N,There are few openings in publishing for new graduates.,opening,خٲلی اَسامہِ,,स्थान, Adv,Let us discuss the subject openly.,openly,کھُلہٕ پٲٹھۍ،صاف پٲٹھۍ,,प्रकट_रूप_से, N,I went to catch the new opera in town.,opera,اوپیرا,,संगीतिका, VTI,The new machine is not operating properly.,operate,کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,काम_करना, VTI,The doctors decided to operate him immediately.,operate,ژَٹہٕ واٹھ کَرُن،اوپریٹ کَرُن,,चीर_फाड़_करना, N,The patient was said to undergo an operation.,operation,ژَٹہٕ واٹھ،اوپریشَن,,चीर_फाड़, N,That rule is no longer in operation.,operation,چالو،عَملہِ مَنٛز,,संचालन, N,It was a joint operation of the navy and air force.,operation,کاروٲیی,,कार्यवाही, Adj,Some banks are operational even on holidays.,operational,یَلہٕ،کامہِ کار,,परिचालित, N,My opinion differs from yours.,opinion,راے,,विचार, N,He is addicted to opium.,opium,أفیٖم,,अफीम, N,They easily defeated their opponents in the game.,opponent,مُخٲلِف,,विपक्ष, N,The holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington.,opportunity,موقعہٕ,,मौका, VTI,The senator said he would oppose the bill.,oppose,مُخٲلِفَت کَرٕنۍ,,विरोध_करना, Prep,We are in the building opposite the government offices.,opposite,سیٚدِ سیوٚد,,के~सामने, Adj,The medicine`s effect was opposite to that intended.,opposite,اَدلہٕ بَدَل,,विरुद्ध, N,Hot and cold are opposites.,opposite,زِد،مُخٲلِف,,विरुद्ध, Prep,I sat opposite to him during the meal.,opposite,بُتھہِ کَنہِ,,के_सामने, N,Delegates expressed strong opposition to the proposal.,opposition,اِختِلاف,,विरोध, N,There was a lot of opposition to the proposed changes.,opposition,مخٲلِفَت,,विपक्ष, VT,The poor have always been oppressed.,oppress,دَباونہٕ یُن،لَتہ ٕمۄنٛجہِ کَرنہٕ یُن,,दमन_करना, V,He opted to take science courses rather than humanities.,opt,چُنُن،ژارُن,,चुनना, Adj,Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments.,optical,۔۔۔,,दृष्टि_संबंधी, Adj,Optimal exercise is good for the heart.,optimal,دَرمِیٲنی,,अनुकूलतम, N,Be full of optimism for the future.,optimism,اُمُیٖدوار،پُر اُمیٖد,,आशावाद, Adj,We must be optimistic in our life.,optimistic,پُر اُمیٖد,,आशावादी, Adj,The milk becomes curd at optimum temperature.,optimum,مُنٲسِب,,अनुकूलतम, Adj,"For the last some decades, the oral tradition has disappeared.",oral,زَبٲنی,,मौखक, Adj,Today the sky is of orange color.,orange,گۄسٲنۍ,,नारंगी, N,Orange is a juicy fruit.,orange,سَنٛگتر,,नारंगी, N,He plotted the orbit of the moon.,orbit,دٲیرٕ,,कक्षा, N,I enjoyed a good orchestra in the marriage function.,orchestra,گٮ۪وُن,,वादक_समूह, N,Write the names in alphabetical order.,order,تَرتیٖب,,अनुक्रम, N,I want you to obey my order.,order,حُکُم,,आदेश, VTI,The teacher ordered silence.,order,حُکُم دیُن،اِجازَت دیُن,,आज्ञा_देना, VTI,I need time to order my thoughts.,order,تَرتیٖب دِنۍ،تَگہِ تَگہِ تھاوُن,,क्रम_में_रखना, Adj,The class was very orderly.,orderly,تَرتیٖبہٕ وار,,सुव्यवस्थित, Adv,Put the files in an orderly sequence.,orderly,تَرتیٖبہٕ سان,,सुव्यवस्थित_रूप_से, N,The orderly laid out the general`s uniform.,orderly,چَپرٲسۍ,,अरदली, Adv,He behaves quite ordinarily.,ordinarily,معموٗلی پٲٹھۍ,,सामान्य_रूप_से, Adj,She was quite an ordinary girl.,ordinary,معموٗلی,,साधारण, Adj,She was quite an ordinary girl.,ordinary,معموٗلی,,साधारण, Adj,The ordinary people will suffer by the price hike.,ordinary,عام,,साधारण, N,"We live in a perfectly, ordinary, undistinguished neighbourhood.",ordinary,عام،علاقٲیی,,स्थानीय_धर्माध्यक्ष, N,The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department.,organ,لٔنٛڑ,,इन्द्रिय, N,`The people`s daily` is the official organ of the Chinese communist party.,organ,لٔنٛڑ,,प्रकाशन, Adj,He treats organic diseases.,organic,عضوی,,इन्द्रिय_संबंधी, Adj,Hydrocarbons are organic compounds.,organic,۔۔۔,,कार्बनक, N,He is the head of an organisation.,organisation,تنظیٖم,,संगठन, V,He organised a seminar recently.,organise,اِنتِظام کَرُن,,संगठित_करना, N,He was offered to supervise the organization of a new department.,organization,تَنظیٖم,,संगठन, V,I have to organize a party.,organize,انتِظام کَرُن,,आयोजित_क्ररना/संगठित_करना, VT,Can you help me to organize the files?,organize,تَرتیٖب تھاوُن,,संगठन_करना, Adj,All India oriental conference is going on.,oriental,مَشرِقی,,पूर्वी, N,The orientation of new programmes was carried out.,orientation,رۄخ,,दिशानुकूलन, N,He comes from good origins.,origin,بُنِیاد، خانٛدان,,मूल, Adj,This product is original.,original,اَصلی,,मौलक, Adj,"The play is original, not an adaptation.",original,گۄڈنیُک،اَصلی,,मूल/आरंभक, Adv,"They now live in Mumbai, but originally they came from Nepal.",originally,دَر اصٕل،اَصلی پٲٹھۍ,,मूलतः, Adv,The plan was originally quite different.,originally,اَصلی پٲٹھۍ,,आदि_में, VI,A new religious movement originated in that country.,originate,وجوٗدَس مَنٛز یُن,,आरंभ_होना_या_करना, Adj,Her ideas were too orthodox.,orthodox,فَرسوٗدٕ,,प्रामाणक, N,There is no other work available at the moment.,other,دٔیُم,,दूसरा, Det,Ravi and two other men came to my place last night.,other,بیٚیِہ,,अन्य, Det,We live at the other side of the river.,other,دٔیمہِ,,दूसरा, Det,Give this book to Mohan and keep the others for Ram.,other,باقٕے,,बाकी, Pron,Hameed first lifted the green book to read and then the other.,other,دٔیُم،بیٚاکھ,,दूसरा, Pron,"Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat based diet.",other,باقٕے,,अन्य, MV,You ought to apologize to me.,ought,پَزِ,,चाहिये, Pron,Is it our table?,our,سون,,हमारा, Det,Our university has so many departments.,our,سون،پَنُن,,हमारा/अपना, Pron,Ours was an unhappy marriage.,ours,سٲنۍ،پَنٕنۍ,,हमारा/अपना, Pron,We shouldn`t blame ourselves for what happenned.,ourselves,پانَس،پَنہٕ نِس پانَس,,स्वयम, Pron,We shouldn`t blame ourselves for what happenned.,ourselves,پانَس،پَنہٕ نِس پانَس,,स्वयम्_[को], Prep,My friend has just come out of hospital.,out,نٮ۪بَر,,के~बाहर, Adv,It is bitterly cold out today.,out,نیٔبٕرۍ کِنۍ,,बाहर, Adv,Cross out any words that are not on the list.,out,ژٔٹِتھ،خَتٕم,,ख़तम/अंत, Adv,He was knocked out by a sharp blow to the head.,out,بےٚہوش,,बेहोश, Prep,He leaned out of the window.,out,نٮ۪بَر,,के_बाहर, VT,This actor was outed last week.,out,کَڑنہٕ یُن,,बाहर_निकालना, N,What will be the outcome of the war?,outcome,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,परिणाम, N,What was the outcome of your meeting with the Board of Directors.,outcome,مَقصَد،نٔتیٖجہٕ,,निष्कर्ष, Adj,Tennis is an outdoor game.,outdoor,نیٚبرِم,,खुली_हवा_में, Adj,The outer layer of skin is made of cells and follicles.,outer,نیٔبرِم,,बाह्य, Adj,The address shows that he stays in outer Mangolia.,outer,دوٗر,,सुदूर, Adj,There is some problem on the outer rim of the front wheel.,outer,نیٚبرِم،پیٚٹھِم,,केन्द्रावसारी, N,Rita was wearing a beautiful outfit.,outfit,لِباس،پَلَو,,वेश/पहनावा, N,He has his own bicycle repair outfit.,outfit,اَوزار,,हथियार, N,The library has a small publishing outfit.,outfit,جَماعت,,लोकसमूह/मंडली, N,Robin Hood was an outlaw.,outlaw,۔۔۔,,विधिबहिष्कृत, V,Hacking should be outlawed.,outlaw,غیر قٲنوٗنی قَرار دیُن,,बहिष्कृत_करना, N,She has a very positive outlook.,outlook,نَظرِیہِ،نُقطے نَظَر,,दृष्टिकोण, N,The outlook for this weekend is not something to look forward to.,outlook,آثار,,अन्दाज़{भविष्य_के_बारें_में}, N,Computer growth indicates a break outlook for the unemployed.,outlook,آثار,,संभव, N,The house has a beautiful outlook.,outlook,نَظارٕ,,नज़ारा, N,The output of Bajaj is 200 vehicles per day.,output,پٲداوار,,उत्पादन, N,That bulb has an output of 200 watts.,output,۔۔۔,,प्रक्षेपण, V,The computer can output uncountable bytes of information in a second.,output,دیُن,,प्रक्षेपण_करना, Prep,Nobody outside this room must ever know what we have discussed.,outside,اَمہِ نٮ۪بَر,,के_बाहर, Prep,He sat for two hours outside his room.,outside,نٮ۪بَر,,ओउट्सिडे{->[के]_बाहर}, Adj,She is trying to get an outside line but they are all busy.,outside,نیٚبرِم,,बाह्य, Adj,The outside call costs a lot.,outside,نیٚبرِم,,बाहर, Adj,Steffi has an outside chance of returning to competitive tennis.,outside,کَم,,कम, Adv,That job is outside my duty.,outside,نٮ۪بَر,,बाहर, Adj,Vishwanath Anand`s game is outstanding.,outstanding,جان,,अप्रतिम, Adj,That is an outstanding problem in that deal.,outstanding,یَتھ نہ ٕوٕنہِ حَل آسہِ,,सहजगम्य, Adj,Lots of outstanding work crowds the daily transactions.,outstanding,یۄسہٕ کٲم کَرنَے آسہِ روٗزمٕژ,,अपूर्ण, N,Take a loaf out of the oven.,oven,تٔندوٗر،اَوُن,,भट्टी, Prep,There was a lamp hanging over the table.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_ऊपर, Prep,Over 100 people died in the accident.,over,پیٚٹھۍ,,से_अधक, Prep,She put a blanket over the sleeping child.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,The fire spread all over the place.,over,پرٛٮ۪تھ کُنہِ,,में, Adv,The little girl fell over and started to cry.,over,پیوٚن,,नीचे_गिरा_हुआ, prep,Turn the patient over carefully.,over,دوٚیمہِ طَرفہٕ،لَرِ,,दूसरी_ओर, Adv,Many changes happened over the six months when she was in charge of the company.,over,تام,,तक, Adv,Children over fifteen need a full ticket on the journey.,over,زیادٕ,,वर्ष_से_ज्यादा, Adv,Is any food left over?,over,بچیوٚمُت,,बचा_हुआ, Adv,That is all over.,over,خَتم,,खतम, Adv,She has ruined it-now I`ll have to do it over!,over,بیٚیہِ،نَوِ سَرٕ,,बारबार, Prep,Keep it over the cupboard.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,ऊपर, Prep,It is impossible to build a bridge over Brahmaputra.,over,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,इस_ओर_से_उस_ओर_तक, Prep,Snowfall is reported all over the country.,over,پوٗرٕ,,सुदूर, Prep,Over 4 million copies of that book have been sold.,over,زیادٕ,,से_ज्यादा, Prep,Discuss it over the lunch.,over,منٛز,,बीच, Prep,We shall be at Madras over Christmas.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,दरमियाँ, Prep,It will take her ages to get over the tragedy.,over,سَمبالُن,,कठिनाइयाँ_से_मुक्त, Prep,I heard it over the radio.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,प्रसारित, Prep,Nothing could be heard over the traffic din.,over,مَنٛز,,तेज़_आवाज़, N,That was a wonderful over by Kapil Dev.,over,اَوَر,,क्रिकेट_की_ओवर, Pref,That is a warm overcoat.,over,اَوَر کوٹ,,बाह्य, Pref,The overarching bridge connects two main points.,over,اَپارِ یَپور,,आरपार, Pref,She is over ambitious.,over,زیادٕ,,ज्यादा, VT,She overcame the grief by engaging herself in work.,overcome,قابوٗ کَرُن,,वशीभूत_कर_लेना, VT,Anand overcame Kaprov in the chess.,overcome,ہارناوُن,,हराना, N,Overhaul of the car periodically will keep it trouble free.,overhaul,جانٛچ پَڑتال کَرٕنۍ,,निरीक्षण, VT,You should overhaul your car engine.,overhaul,ٹھیٖک کَرُن,,निरीक्षण_करना, Adj,There is an overhead railway bridge.,overhead,کَلہٕ پیٚٹھۍ,,सिर_के_ऊपर_से_होने_वाला, Adv,Birds fly overhead.,overhead,کَلہٕ پیٚٹھۍ,,सिर_के_ऊपर, Adv,We all stayed overnight at our friend`s place.,overnight,پوٗرٕ رٲژ,,रात_भर, Adv,The singer became popular overnight.,overnight,راتوٗرات,,सहसा, Adj,Their flight has an overnight stop at Germany.,overnight,روتٕلۍ,,रात_भर_का, Adv,They are trying to build up overseas markets for their cars.,overseas,سَمَنٛدر پار,,समुद्र_पार, VT,Aurangazeb overthrew his father.,overthrow,تَختہٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ والُن,,पद_से_निकालना, VT,The guests were overwhelmed by our hospitality.,overwhelm,خۄش گَژُھن,,अधिक_भावना_प्रकट_करना, Adj,The response was overwhelming for the concert.,overwhelming,واریاہ جان،واریاہ زَبَر,,अत्यधक, VT,She owes me $200.,owe,قرضہٕ دارُن,,ऋणी_होना, Det,It is her own idea to start a school.,own,پَنُن,,अपना, VT,He owns a farm in Delhi.,own,مٲلِک آسُن,,स्वामी_होना, N,He is the owner of that hotel.,owner,مٲلِک,,मालक, N,The ownership of the land is under dispute.,ownership,مِلکِیَت,,स्वामित्व, N,It is due to the oxidation of exposure that silver is dull.,oxidation,۔۔۔,,आक्सीकरण, N,We need oxygen to live.,oxygen,آکسیٖجَن,,आक्सीजन, N,Two paces forward from this point is the meeting place.,pace,قدم,,कदम, N,He was walking at a slow pace.,pace,رَفتار,,गति, V,He was pacing up and down the platform.,pace,اورٕ یورٕ کَرُن,,चहलकदमी_करना, Adj,To give our problems a solution we should be pacific.,pacific,اَمَن پَسَنٛد،اَمَن دوس,,शांतिपुर्ण, N,My father asked me to bring a pack of biscuits from the market.,pack,پاکیٹ,,पोटली, N,A pack of scientists was sent to America for some research.,pack,ٹوٗلۍ,,समूह, V,Pack your luggage as soon as possible.,pack,بَنٛد کَرُن,,गठरी_बनाना, N,The postman has just delivered a package for you.,package,پارسَل,,पुलिन्दा, V,The items were packaged neatly.,package,گٮ۪ٹھٕر بَناوٕنۍ,,गठरी_बनाना, N,My mother asked me to bring a packet of biscuits from market.,packet,پاکیٹ,,पोटली, N,He was packing his luggage for a holiday tour.,packing,بَنٛد کَرُن،گَنٛڑُن,,बाँधने_के_लिये_प्रयुक्त_पदार्थ, N,I am reading fourth page of the book.,page,صَفہٕ,,पृष्ठ, N,The symptoms of the disease include abdominal pain and vomiting.,pain,دَگ,,दर्द, N,She took lot of pains to get her daughter educated.,pain,سَختی,,दुख़, V,Romi`s leg is paining like anything.,pain,دَگ آسٕنۍ,,दर्द_होना, Adj,His story was quite painful.,painful,تکلیٖف واجِنۍ،تَر دُد واجِنۍ،دُکھی,,दर्दनाक, Adv,My fingers are painfully swollen.,painfully,دَگہِ سۭتۍ،دَگہِ سان,,दर्दनाक_तरीके_से, N,Give the walls two coats of paint.,paint,رَنٛگہٕ پھَش,,रंगलेप, V,They could not paint the ceiling since it was too high.,paint,رَنٛگ کَرُن,,रंग_लगाना[होना], V,This amateur artist paints well.,paint,تَصویٖر بَناوٕنۍ,,चित्रकारी_करना, N,M.F.Hussain is a famous painter.,painter,مُصَوِر,,चित्रकार, N,The painter is painting the house.,painter,رَنٛگ ساز,,रंगनेवाला, N,The painters are painting my shop.,painting,رَنٛگ کَرُن,,कलाकृति{चित्र}, N,Raja Ravi Varma`s paintings are very famous.,painting,تَصویٖر,,रंगचित्र, N,She is doing her post graduation in painting.,painting,مُصَوِری,,चित्रकारी, N,I have got a pair of shoes for my daughter.,pair,جوٗرۍ,,जोड़ा, VTI,She will be paired with her senior in a doubles match.,pair,جوٗرۍ بَناوٕنۍ,,जोड़ा_बनाना, N,Raj Vilas palace has more than hundred rooms.,palace,مَحل,,महल, Adj,Her face turned pale on hearing the news.,pale,زَردی ژَھٹھ،لیٚدرِ ژَھٹھ,,फीका, VI,She paled with the shock of this news.,pale,لیٚدرِ ژَھٹھ پھیرٕنۍ,,फीका_पड़_जाना[कर_देना], N,They have made a pale with barbed wire.,pale,جَنٛگلہٕ,,बाड़ा/खूँटा/घेरा, N,Her palms are very soft.,palm,مَنٛز اَتھٕ,,हथेली, N,There are a lot of palm trees along the beach.,palm,خٔزرٕ کُلۍ,,ताड़_का_पेड़, VT,I suspected that he had palmed a playing card.,palm,مۄچھِِ مَنٛز تھاوُن,,मुठ्ठी_में_रखना, VT,I had to palm the accountant to get my loan sanctioned.,palm,رِشوت دیُن,,घूस_देना, N,They have distributed thousands of pamphlets for publicity.,pamphlet,پیمف لٮ۪ٹ,,पैम्फ़लेट, V,The prospectors living in South Africa pan for gold and live their life.,pan,۔۔۔,,तसले_में_कुछ_धोना, V,The prospectors living in South Africa pan for gold and live their life.,pan,۔۔۔,,तसले_में_कुछ_धोना, V,The prospectors living in South Africa pan for gold and live their life.,pan,۔۔۔,,तसले_में_कुछ_धोना, N,The door has a beautiful oak panels.,panel,تَختہٕ،دِلہٕ,,तख्ता`, N,The door with painted panels looks beautiful.,panel,دِلہٕ,,फलक, N,There are lace panels on all corners of my night suit.,panel,پَٹہٕ,,भाग, N,"Due to the defect in control panel, the aircraft has to land in midway.",panel,پٮ۪نَل,,पैनल, N,The panel of judges in SC sat down to solve the case of Jaisika Lal.,panel,اَرکان,,दल, V,"During Deepawali, we panelled our house in all possible manners.",panel,دِلہٕ لَگاوٕنۍ,,दिल्ला_लगाना, N,A decision made by me in panic effected me in the long run.,panic,جلٕدبٲزی,,सन्त्रास, V,The sound of the fire shot panicked the people.,panic,تھَرٕ اَژٕنۍ,,सन्त्रास्त_होना, N,My papa lives in New York.,papa,مول,,पिता, N,Where did you keep that paper?,paper,کاغَز,,पेपर, N,This is my paper.,paper,کاغَز,,पेपर, N,Where is my packet of writing paper?,paper,کاغَز,,पत्र, Adj,Can you give me your paper knife?,paper,کاغزو,,कागज़, N,Papers of secret matters must be kept in secret places.,paper,دَستاویز,,दस्तावेज़, N,The solved sample papers are now the need of students.,paper,پَرچہٕ,,प्रश्नपत्र, N,He has given a good paper in the conference.,paper,اِدارِیہ,,लेख, N,Par for the course is 62.,par,اوسط,,सामान्य~औसत, N,The sky divers use parachutes for their jumps.,parachute,پَیراشوٗٹ,,हवाई_छतरी, V,Her plan is to parachute into the town.,parachute,ہوٲیی جہازَ س مَنٛز وَسُن,,हवाई_जहाज_से_उतरना, V,She came into the living room to parade her new clothes.,parade,نُمٲیِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रदर्शन_कर, N,The general called the troops out for the parade.,parade,جٔلوٗسہٕ,,जलूस, N,The third paragraph of the article deals with this issue.,paragraph,رُکوُع،پَیرا,,अनुच्छेद, N,Draw parallel lines.,parallel,مُتوٲزی،ہِشے،ہِوے,,समानांतर, N,A postman was carrying a parcel of books.,parcel,بۄکھچہِ،پارسَل,,गठरी, N,She had actively sought a pardon from her Boss.,pardon,مٲفی,,माफी, V,The offender was pardoned by the king.,pardon,معاف کَرُن,,माफ_करना, N,Martina and George have recently become parent.,parent,مول موج,,माँ_बाप, N,There is a big park in our colony.,park,باغ،پارَک,,उद्यान, V,Park the car under the tree.,park,گٲڑۍ تھاوٕنۍ,,गाड़ी_खडा_करना, N,Ashok is a member of parliament.,parliament,قونوٗن سٲزِیَہ,,संसद, N,I took part in the chess competition.,part,حِصہٕ,,भाग, N,I was given the part of Shri Rama in the play.,part,کِردار,,किरदार, N,Please give me the property on part of my brother.,part,طَرفہٕ,,वास्ते, V,He was parted from his family after division.,part,علحیِدٕ گَژُھن،اَلگ نیرُن,,अलगहोना, Adj,He got part-time job in a college.,part-time,پاٹ ٹایِم,,अंशकालक, V,I love to participate in social activities.,participate,حِصہٕ نیُن,,भाग_लेना, V,Ram participated in the share of property.,participate,حِصہٕ نیُن،شِر کَت کَرٕنۍ,,भागीदार_होना, N,Participation in acivities is good.,participation,شِرکَت،حِصہٕ دٲری,,भागीदारी, N,"Participles are used in verb phrases such as`hurrying, hurried` and so on.",participle,اِسمہِ فٲعِل،اِسمہِ مفعوٗل,,कृदंत, N,Each and every particle is made up of atoms.,particle,زَرٕ,,कण, Adj,I am very particular about my studies.,particular,سٔنٛجیٖدٕ,,विशिष्ट, N,When I was in deep trouble he helped me as a partisan of mine.,partisan,مدَدگار,,समर्थक, Adv,Her attractiveness is partly due to her self-confidence.,partly,کُنہِ حَدَس تام,,कुछ_अंशों_में, N,I made him my business partner.,partner,شٔریٖک,,साझीदार, N,He was my partner in tennis tournament.,partner,بوج,,साथी, N,We had partnership in the business.,partnership,شرۍ کوٚت,,साझीदारी, N,I have to arrange a party.,party,پارٹی،دعوَت,,पार्टी, N,Party of that area was given maximum votes.,party,جَمٲژ,,दल/जनसमूह, V,The street was so crowded that the traffic was unable to pass.,pass,گُزرُن،نیرُن,,गुज़रना, V,Read and pass on the newspaper.,pass,پِل ناوُن,,हस्तांतरित_करना, V,Pass the shop and you will be in front of the school.,pass,ترٛاوُن,,पार_करना, V,"This is her family trade, passed (down) from generation to generation.",pass,وَراثتَس مَنٛز میلُن,,उत्तराधिकार_में_पाना, V,I don`t know much psychology but I have to pass my exams.,pass,پاس کَرُن,,उत्तीर्ण_होना, V,The bill should be passed in this session only.,pass,مَنظوٗر گَژُھن,,मंज़ूर_होना, V,Her provocative remarks passed without comment.,pass,برٛونٛٹھ پَکُن,,आगे बडना, N,Read the following passage.,passage,۔۔۔,,अनुच्छेद, N,No one can stop the passage of time.,passage,گُزرُن,,गमन, N,They entered the passage from the side door.,passage,ووٚٹ,,गलियारा, N,The small particle entered her nasal passage.,passage,وَتھ,,नालिका_मार्ग, N,Most long distance passengers prefer the window seat.,passenger,مُسافِر،سَوٲرۍ,,यात्री, Adj,I watched the passing procession.,passing,گُزرن وول,,गुज़रने_वाला, Adj,It was just a passing thought.,passing,پٔتِم,,क्षणक, N,One must have control over one`s passions.,passion,جَزبہٕ,,भावावेश, N,She has a passion for music.,passion,دٮ۪وانگی,,सनक, N,Many refugees have arrived at the border without passports.,passport,پاسپوٹ,,पासपोर्ट{पारपत्र}, Adj,She has been ill for the past four days.,past,پٔتِۍ مٮ۪ن,,पिछला, Adv,He drove past the playground.,past,نَزدیٖک یا بُتھۍ کِنۍ,,हो_कर/से, N,"In the past, scientists had to rely on cutting up dead brains to find out about living ones.",past,پَتھ کال،ماضی,,भूतकाल, Prep,This issue is past her understanding.,past,نٮ۪بَر,,परे, Prep,Her grandmother is past eighty five.,past,تَمہِ زیادٕ،ہیوٚر,,से_अधक, N,Close the envelope with the paste.,paste,گونٛد,,लेई, N,Turmeric and sandalwood paste works as a good antiseptic.,paste,پیسٹ,,लसदार_मिश्रण, VT,Let`s paste the posters on the walls.,paste,لاگُن،چِپہٕ کاوُن,,चिपकाना, N,The new pastor has an authoritative voice.,pastor,پادٕرۍ,,पादरी, N,The pastures have turned fresh and green in the rain.,pasture,گاسہٕ چرٲے,,चारागाह, N,There is no more pasture left for the cows.,pasture,گاسہٕ,,चारा, N,She was wearing a yellow dress with green patches on the flair.,patch,ٹُکرٕ,,टुकड़ा, N,You need a patch for your wound.,patch,دَوَہ پٔٹ,,फाहा, N,Bring the white horse with the black patch on his forehead.,patch,داگ,,धब्बा, V,They tried to patch the leaking roof.,patch,جوڑُن,,जोड़ना, Adj,He has put forward a patent question.,patent,واضِح،ظٲہَر,,प्रत्यक्ष, N,He has obtained a patent for this new model of fridge.,patent,گارَنٛٹی,,किसी_आविष्कार_का_पूर्ण_अधिकार/अधिकार_पत्र, VT,The company patented for their exclusively designed dish washer.,patent,گارَنٛٹی دِنۍ,,सनद_देकर_अधिकार_की_रक्षा_करना, N,Hardwork is the path to success.,path,وَتھ,,पथ, N,This path leads to the river through the forest.,path,وَتھ,,मार्ग, N,All Gandhians tread on the path of truth and non-violence.,path,وَتھ,,कार्यविधि, N,She has taken up pathology as her major subject.,pathology,علم الامراض,,रोग_लक्षण_विद्या, N,I don`t have patience.,patience,صَبٕر،بَرداش،تاب,,धीरज, Adj,She is a patient listener.,patient,صٲبِر,,धैर्यवान, N,This patient is suffering from malaria.,patient,مٔریٖض،بیمار،زیٖرِعلاج شَخٕص,,मरीज़, N,There is a police patrol at the end of the road.,patrol,گٔشتی پارٹی,,गश्ती_टोली, N,The guards make an hourly patrol of this site.,patrol,گَشتہٕ,,गश्त_लगाना, VTI,There are troops that regularly patrol along the border.,patrol,پَہرٕ دیُن،گَشتہٕ کَرُن,,पहरा_देना, N,She bought a book of wallpaper patterns.,pattern,نٔموٗنہٕ،نَقشہٕ,,नमूना/प्रतिरूप, N,The company`s export policy set the pattern for other companies.,pattern,مِثال,,आदर्श, V,I used to pattern myself on my big sister.,pattern,نَقٕل کَرُن,,अनुकरण_करना, Adj,I like these patterned wallpapers.,pattern,نَموٗنہٕ دار,,रचा_हुआ, VI,He paused before answering my question.,pause,رُکُن,,रुकना, N,He slipped out during a pause in the conversation.,pause,وَقفہٕ,,विराम, V,You have to pay for your behaviour.,pay,معاوضہٕ دیُن،قۭمَت دیُن,,कीमत_दे, N,They will get their pay by the end of this month.,pay,تَنخاہ,,तनख्वाह, VTI,They always pay their rent on time.,pay,پونٛسہٕ دِنۍ,,पैसा_चुकाना, VTI,He will pay for all his evil deeds.,pay,سَزا میلُن،سَزا تُلُن,,सजा_पाना, VTI,It pays to be honest with the taxman.,pay,مُفیٖد آسُن،نَفع میلُن،فٲیدٕ مَنٛد روزُن,,लाभकर_होना, N,Give me my payment.,payment,رَقَم،پونٛسہٕ,,भुगतान, N,"After the sudden outbreak of war, now there is peace in the country.",peace,اَمَن،سٕکوٗن,,अमन, N,She has lost her peace of mind.,peace,سکوٗن,,चैन, Adj,She passed a peaceful evening in the meadows.,peaceful,پُر اَمُن,,शान्त, N,K2 is the highest peak in India.,peak,تیٚنتول,,चोटी, V,Land prices have peaked now-a-days.,peak,کھَسُن,,चोटी_पर_पहुँचना, Adj,He has his won peculiar brand of humour.,peculiar,عٔجیٖب،مخصوٗص,,असामान्य, N,"In cricket, Tendulkar has no peer where batting is concerned.",peer,جورٕ,,जोड़, V,The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign.,peer,غورٕ سان وُچھن,,सावधानी_से_देखना/ताकना, V,"I am already sad because of my half yearly results, so please do not peeve me further.",peeve,چِڑاوُن،تُلُن,,चिढ़ाना, N,I have an infinite number of pens in my home.,pen,قَلَم,,कलम/लेखनी, V,He penned a beautiful letter yesterday.,pen,لٮ۪کھُن,,लिखना, V,She feels penned in by her life as a housewife.,pen,بَنٛد گََژُھن,,बाड़े_में_बन्द_करना, N,I have made a beautiful pen for my animals.,pen,گان,,जानवरों_का_बाड़ा, N,"Yesterday, I visited a kids` pen.",pen,جیل,,जेल, N,In library you have to pay a penalty for returning a book late.,penalty,جُرمانہٕ،لَگہٕ,,दण्ड/सज़ा, N,Have you sharpened your pencil.,pencil,پینسَل,,पेंसिल, V,She penciled a beautiful room.,pencil,شَکٕل بَناوٕنۍ،خاکہٕ بَناوُن,,चित्रित_करना, Adj,He has so much pending work in their office.,pending,نا مُکمل,,विचाराधीन, V,The surgeons knife penetrated deep into the patient`s body.,penetrate,ژانُن،اَژُن,,घुसना, Adj,She is enough penetrate to understand this long chapter.,penetrating,سَمٕجھ دار،ذٔہیٖن,,सूक्ष्म, Adj,A penetrating cry was heard from neighbour`s house.,penetrating,نارٕ کرٛٮ۪کھ،کَنَن تٔرِتھ گَژھَن واجِنۍ کرٛٮ۪کھ,,वेधक, N,Our penetration of the enemy`s defences is wonderful.,penetration,سَمَجھ،سونٛچ,,वेधन, N,I have a penny in my coin collection.,penny,دوٚمبٕرۍ,,पेनी{ब्रिटिश_करेंसी}, N,I met many people in the conference.,people,لُکھ،خَلَق,,लोग, N,I love people of my country.,people,خَلَق،لُکھ,,जनता, N,The spartans were a warlike people.,people,زٲژ،قوم,,जाति, N,The people of Russia were ruled by Tzar kings.,people,عَوام,,देशवासी, N,He needs the support of the people.,people,لُکھ,,लोग, N,The chief minister will be elected by the people.,people,عوام,,प्रजा, N,My people are very good in nature.,people,رِشتہٕ دار,,रिश्तेदार, N,Pepper has got a special place in ayurveda to make some kinds of medicines.,pepper,مَرٕژ,,गोल_मिर्च, N,Peppers stuffed with rice are tasty to eat.,pepper,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ سَبزی,,एक_प्रकार_का_सब्जी, prep,He gets Rs.30 per day.,per,فی,,प्रति-, N,Over 70 percent of the families in this area own a telephone.,percent,فی صٔدی،فی صَد,,प्रतिशत, N,The sales girls get a percentage on each product they sell.,percentage,فی صٔدی,,प्रतिशतता, N,What percentage of the students is awarded a fellowship.,percentage,فی صٔدی,,अंश, N,The teachers should improve one`s power of perception.,perception,سونٛچ سَمَجھ,,प्रत्यक्ष_ज्ञान, N,The doctor`s analysis on my disease showed a great perception.,perception,وٲقفِیَت،سَمَجھ,,प्रतिपत्ति_ज्ञान, Adj,This car is very old but is in almost perfect condition.,perfect,بِلکُل صحیح،بِلکُل ٹھیٖک,,बिल्कुल_ठीक, Adj,This is an absolutely perfect set of cutlery.,perfect,پُورٕ،مُکَمَل,,संपूर्ण, Adj,This is the perfect copy of the original document.,perfect,صحیح،ٹھیٖک,,ही, Adj,A perfect score made by the opening batsman gives hope to win the game.,perfect,جان,,आदर्श, Adj,They speak perfect French.,perfect,صحیح,,परिशुद्ध, Adj,I have eaten` is the present perfect tense of `eat`,perfect,۔۔۔,,भूतकाल_सम्बन्धी, N,The verb is in the perfect.,perfect,۔۔۔,,पूर्णभूत, V,She is an artist who spent years perfecting her creativity.,perfect,تَکمیٖل کَرُن,,परिपूर्ण_करना, Adv,Now I am feeling perfectly well.,perfectly,بِلکُل،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्णत, Adv,The trousers which were bought from readymade shop fit perfectly.,perfectly,بِلکُل,,बिल्कुल, Adv,The patient is perfectly alright now.,perfectly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, Adv,That was a perfectly horrible thing to say.,perfectly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, Adv,She is perfectly alright.,perfectly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, V,The play was first performed in the late 80`s.,perform,پیٚش کَرُن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, N,Let`s go and attend the matinee performance of Remo.,performance,کار کَردٕگی,,प्रदर्शन, N,This is a rare live performance of Lata Mangeshkar.,performance,کٲم،اَداکٲری,,अनुष्ठान, N,It was an impressive performance of cricket players of India.,performance,کٲم,,क्रिया, N,I am extremely impressed by his performance.,performance,کارکَردٕگی,,शीघ्रता_के_साथ_ठीक-ठाक_काम_करने_की_क्षमता, N,I am not satisfied with your performance of duties.,performance,عَمَل،کٲم,,संपादन, Adv,Perhaps I may not attend the class tomorrow.,perhaps,شایَد,,संभवतः, Adv,It is perhaps the best known of his works.,perhaps,شایَد,,शायद, N,Your duty will be to maintain the traffic system at peak periods.,period,زمانہٕ,,काल, N,This statue was made during Akbar`s period.,period,وَقٕت،دور,,युग, N,A movie is also made on the jurrasic period.,period,دور,,कल्प, N,We have two periods of computer in a week.,period,گَنٛٹہٕ,,घण्टा, N,She consulted the doctor for periods.,period,محؤری,,रजोधर्म, Adj,She has now got a permanent job in a school.,permanent,مُستقِل,,स्थायी, N,She has got the permission to enter the school.,permission,اِِجازَت,,इज़ाज़त, N,No one can enter school premises without a permit.,permit,اِجازَت،اِختیار,,अनूज्ञा, V,The security gaurd permitted the students into the museum.,permit,اِجازِت دیُن,,अनुमति_देना, V,School admission should be reopened as soon as circumstances permit.,permit,کَرنہٕ دیُن,,करने_देना, V,Perpetrate is a dreadful outrage.,perpetrate,گۄناہ کَرُن,,पाप_या_दोष_करना, Adj,Be persistent-don`t give up.,persistent,ثٲبِت قَدَم,,ज़िद्दी`, Adj,"He is persistent, he won`t give up.",persistent,ثٲبِت قَدَم,,दृढ/ज़िद्दी, Adj,Symptoms of his illness include fever and persistent dry cough.,persistent,لَگاتار,,लगातार/निरन्तर, N,He is that person whom Rita loves.,person,شَخٕص،نَفَر,,व्यक्ति, N,He is the first person who has come for interview.,person,نَفَر,,पुरुष, N,He is a nice person.,person,نَفَر,,आदमी, Adj,My car is for my personal use only.,personal,ذٲتی،نِجی،اِنفَرٲدی,,वैयक्तक, Adj,I`ll meet you later on to discuss some personal matters.,personal,ذٲتی،اِنفَرٲدی,,व्यक्तिगत, Adj,Her work is personal for her.,personal,ذٲتی,,स्वयं, N,Ram is having a strong personality.,personality,ووٚجُود,,व्यक्तित्व, N,Good personality persons are known by every one.,personality,شخصِیَت,,विशेष_चरित्र, Adv,She wants to do her work personally.,personally,بَزاتہِ خۄد,,स्वयं, Adv,I don`t know him personally.,personally,ذٲتی طور,,व्यक्तिगत_रूप_से, N,Army personnel are not allowed to leave on the base.,personnel,کارکُن،عَملہٕ,,कर्मचारी_वर्ग, N,He is working in the personnel department.,personnel,۔۔۔,,कर्मचारी_विभाग, N,The artist shows a fine command of pespective.,perspective,نَظٔرِیہِ,,परिप्रेक्ष्य, V,It is very difficult to persuade her for this work.,persuade,مَناوُن,,राज़ी_कर, V,I persuaded her to do my work.,persuade,مانہٕ راوُن,,के_लिए_राजी_करना, V,The judge was not fully persuaded by the evidence.,persuade,یٖٔقین دیاوناوُن,,समझाना, V,He was summoned for evidence pertaining to the case.,pertain,مُتعَلِق آسُن,,से_सम्बंध_रखना, V,I am only interested in the parts of the proposals that pertain to local issues.,pertain,وابَستہٕ آسُن,,का_होना, Adj,The teacher asked the students to ask pertinent questions.,pertinent,مُطٲبِق،مُتعلِق,,प्रासंगक, V,The smell of flowers pervaded our garden.,pervade,پھٲلُن,,में_व्याप्त_होना, N,I have got a pet dog.,pet,پالتو,,प्रेमपात्र, V,Ram pets his little dog.,pet,رَچُھن,,दुलारना, N,A petition against closing the steel works was signed by all the members.,petition,عَرضی,,निवेदनपत्र, N,His wife made a petition for divorce.,petition,عرضی,,अर्ज़ी, N,She is the petitioner of divorce.,petitioner,عرضی کَرَن وول،عرضی کَرَن واجِنۍ,,अर्ज़ीदार, N,My son is going through a difficult phase.,phase,دور,,पहलू, N,The first quarter is the brightest phase of the moon.,phase,۔۔۔,,कला, N,The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.,phase,۔۔۔,,अवस्था, V,The minister said that the reduction in armed forces would be phased over the next six to seven years.,phase,۔۔۔,,चरणों_में_करना, N,Photosynthesis is a bio-chemical phenomenon.,phenomenon,۔۔۔,,दृग्विषय, N,Gandhiji was a great philosopher.,philosopher,فِلاسفَر,,दार्शनिक/तत्त्वज्ञ, Adj,Ramu is interested to particapate in philosophical discussions.,philosophical,فِلاسفِکَل,,दार्शनक, N,I want to do masters in Philosphy.,philosophy,فِلاسفی,,दर्शन, N,Indian philosophy is very rich.,philosophy,فِلاسفی,,दर्शन_[शास्त्र], N,I have talked to my friend on phone.,phone,ٹیٚلیفون,,टेलीफ़ोन, V,My father asked me to phone for a taxi.,phone,فون کَرُن,,फ़ोन_करना, N,We took the photograph of Tajmahal when we went to Agra.,photograph,تَصویٖر،فوٹوٗ,,फ़ोटो, V,I am photographing a rare plant.,photograph,فوٹوٗ تُلُن,,फ़ोटो_खींचना, N,A group of words with special meaning is called a phrase.,phrase,فرٛیز,,वाक्यांश, N,A phrase can be effectively used to emphasise a point.,phrase,محاورٕ,,मुहावरा, Adj,Physical Education is must for every student.,physical,جِسمٲنی,,शारीरक, Adj,It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.,physical,جِسمٲنی,,भौतक, Adv,The class was so boring that all the students were physically there but mentally somewhere else.,physically,جِسمٲنی طور پٲٹھۍ,,शारीरक, Adv,That`s physically impossible.,physically,جِسمٲنی طور,,प्राकृतिक_नियम_के_अनुसार, N,I have to consult a physician.,physician,ڈاکٹَر،حٔکیٖم,,चिकित्सक/वैद्य, N,Physics is one of the major branches of science.,physics,طِبیات,,भौतिक_विज्ञान, Adj,Children undergo physiological changes.,physiological,عضویٲتی,,दैहक, N,He is a pianist.,pianist,پیانو بَجاوَن وول,,पियानो_बजानेवाला, N,The grand piano adorned the superstar`s living room.,piano,پیانو,,पियानो/महावाद्य, V,She picked up the most beautiful dress.,pick,چُنُن ،ژارُن,,चुन_लेना, V,He picked the red roses from the plant.,pick,ژَٹُن,,तोडना, V,Please pick the hair on the floor.,pick,تُلُن,,साफ़_करना, V,The burglars picked the lock of strong room.,pick,کھولُن,,किसी_नुकीली_वस्तु_से_ताला_खोलना, N,We took delicious picnic with us on the way to Jaipur.,picnic,کھٮ۪ن چٮ۪ن،کھٮ۪ن خۄردٔنی,,वनभोज, N,We`ll go for a picnic this sunday.,picnic,چَکرَس،سٲر،سٲلَس,,लघुयात्रा/पिकनक, N,He made a beautiful picture.,picture,تَصویٖر,,चित्र, N,Her birthday pictures were really nice.,picture,فوٹوٗ,,फ़ोटो, N,Our TV has a 45 cm picture.,picture,فِلِم،سینِما,,सिनेमा_या_टेलिविज़न_का_पर्दा, N,This is the debut picture of leonardo.,picture,فِلِم,,फ़िल्म, N,Our teacher gave us a vivid picture of World war-II.,picture,مَنٛظر,,वर्णन, N,My brother`s description helped the police to build up an accurate picture of what had happened.,picture,خَیال ،قَیاص,,मानसिक_चित्र, N,My dad was a picture on the day of his anniversary.,picture,۔۔۔,,मनोहर_वस्तु, V,I tried to picture how our India will be in 21st century.,picture,خَیال کَرُن،تَصَوُر کَرُن،قَیاس آرٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,कल्पना_करना, V,He was often pictured as an outsider.,picture,ماننہٕ یُن,,चित्रित_करना/चित्र_द्वारा_प्रदर्शित_करना, N,The sofa is delivered in pieces and we have to assemble it.,piece,حِصہٕ,,टुकडा, N,A piece of the Tea set is missing.,piece,پیس,,एक_सेट_में_से_पृथक, N,Leonardo Davince`s monalisa is his master piece.,piece,نٔموٗنہٕ,,खण्ड, V,The police collected clues in order to piece together the details of murder case.,piece,جوڑُن,,जोडना, V,I pieced together the parts of broken vase.,piece,جوڑُن,,जोडकर_बना_लेना, V,The bullet pierced his hand.,pierce,گوٚد کَرُن,,छेदित_करना, V,She pierced that pencil nib on my finger.,pierce,تُرٛس دیُن,,चुभाना, V,Her speech pierced the audience.,pierce,اَثَر کَرُن،دِلَس سٔنِتھ گَژُھن,,प्रभावित_करना, N,There are some pigs in the sty.,pig,سور،خٔنٛزیٖر,,सुअर, N,Don`t be such a pig.,pig,لالچی,,लालची, N,This work was an absolute pig.,pig,ناکارٕ،مُشکِل,,व्यर्थ_और_नीरस_कार्य, V,We pigged out on pizza and chicken wings.,pig,واریاہ کھیوٚن،کھٮ۪نَس مَتُن,,बहुत_खाना, N,The fishermen caught some pikes.,pike,اَکِہ قٕسمٕچ گاڈ,,तेज़_दाँतोंवाली_विशाल_मछली, N,The old pike used by the soldiers is in museum now.,pike,نیزٕ,,भाला, N,The langdale pikes of Britain are beautiful.,pike,پہاڑ ٕ تیٚنتول,,किसी_पहाड_की_नुकीली_चोटी, N,There is a pile of book lying on my table.,pile,ڈیر,,ढेर, N,I`ve got a pile of work to do.,pile,ڈیر,,बहुत_सारा, N,Some tourist are tramping around his ancestral pile.,pile,عِمارَت,,इमारतों_का_समूह, N,A pile driver hammers piles into the ground.,pile,ٹِکیُل,,खूँटा, N,I have a carpet which has a deep pile.,pile,مخَمَل,,मखमल, V,I have piled up some books for your use.,pile,ڈیرَس تھاوُن,,ढेर_लगना, N,Take three pills daily after meals.,pill,پِل،دَوَہ پھوٚل,,गोली, N,Mary`s doctor suggested her to go on for the pill.,pill,حَمَل رُکناونٕچ پِل,,गर्भनिरोधक_गोली, N,My cousin is a fighter pilot.,pilot,پیلاٹ,,विमान_चालक, N,The pilot of the canal is very experienced.,pilot,پیلاٹ,,जहाज़रान, Adj,A pilot editon of a new language course was introduced recently.,pilot,۔۔۔,,प्रायोगक, V,He was able to pilot the plane through the narrow valley.,pilot,چَلاوُن,,चलाना, V,CBSE Board is piloting a new English course.,pilot,مَنصوٗبہٕ کَرُن,,प्रयोग_करना, N,Get me a packet of pins.,pin,سٕژَن،پِن,,आलपीन, N,Please don`t irritate me with this pin.,pin,سٕژَن,,सुई_की_नोक, N,Rakesh hanged your coat on pin.,pin,کیُل،کُنٛڑٕ,,खूँटी, N,Anu`s pins are affected by polio.,pin,زَنٛگ,,टाँग, V,She pinned the bills together.,pin,پِن لاگٕنۍ,,पिन_लगाना, N,Pine trees are found in cool northern regions and are used for making furniture.,pine,دیودار,,चीड_का_पेड/देवदारु, V,A cat was pining for her kittens.,pine,سَخ تَما ہ کَرُن,,लालसा_करना, Adj,Preeti came to the party in a pink coloured dress.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_रंग_का, Adj,"During elections, everyone wants to be pink.",pink,واریاہ اصٕل،جان,,बहुत_अच्छा, N,Pink suits you a lot.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_रंग, N,I like almost all colours except pink.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_कपडे, N,Those roses are pink.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_फूल, V,A truck was making a lot of pink sound.,pink,شور کَرُن,,शोर_करना, N,Thousands of viruses can be found in pinpoint.,pinpoint,سٕژنہِ پیوٚت,,सूच्यग्र/सूई_की_नोक, Adj,The Pilot navigated the plane with pinpoint accuracy.,pinpoint,بِلُکُل صحیح,,सही, N,They were the pioneers in the field of microsurgery.,pioneer,یُس گۄڈٕ کانٛہہ کٲم کَرِ,,अग्रगामी/पथप्रदर्शक, N,Early man was the pioneer on the earth.,pioneer,گۄڈٕنِکۍ بَسَن وٲلۍ,,प्रथम_बसने_वाला, V,He poineered research in this area.,pioneer,شروٗع کَرُن,,मार्ग_प्रशस्त_करना, N,I have to get a water pipe.,pipe,پایِپ,,पाइप, N,Nurse was told to put oxygen pipe on patient`s nose.,pipe,نٔلۍ,,नलिका, N,Please lit my pipe.,pipe,چِلِم،پایِپ,,चिलम/पैप, N,Lord Krishna plays pipe very well.,pipe,نَے,,बाँसुरी, V,She is piping water into the garden.,pipe,آب دیُن,,नल_से_ले_जाना, V,The bird is piping a song on the tree.,pipe,گٮ۪وُن,,चहकना, N,The notorious pirate is shot dead.,pirate,سَمَندٔری ڈاکوٗ,,समुद्री_डाकू, N,The pirate video cassettes are now banned.,pirate,نَقلی,,साहित्यिक_चोर, N,The interference with radio reception was caused by pirates.,pirate,ژوٗر,,रास्ते_से_चुरा_लेनेवाले, N,Where is my pistol?,pistol,پِستول,,पिस्तौल/तमंचा, N,Put all the leaves in the pit.,pit,دۄب,,गहरा_गढ्ढा, N,To go in coal mine pit is a risky job.,pit,دۄب,,कोयले_की_खान, V,The acid had pitted the surface of zinc piece.,pit,گٔد ۍ کَرٕنۍ,,गड्ढे_बनाना, V,I like to eat pitted dates.,pit,ٲنٛٹ کٔڑِتھ,,बीज_निकालना, N,The cricket pitch is wet now.,pitch,پِچ,,खेल_के_लिए_स्थान, N,She has high pitch.,pitch,آواز,,तारत्व/सुर/स्वर, N,The dancer`s talent reached the pitch of perfection.,pitch,دَرجہِ،معیار,,ऊँचाई, N,The basket ball player gave an exact pitch and the ball fell in the basket.,pitch,نِشانہٕ،آے,,फ़ेंक/क्षेपण, N,The ship travelled on the sea with a pitch.,pitch,۔۔۔,,उचनिचाव, V,Their prices are pitched lower than those of their competitors.,pitch,۔۔۔,,स्थिर_करना, V,Pitch the transistor to maximum.,pitch,بَڑِ تھاوُن,,लगाना, V,Pitch pebbles into that river.,pitch,لَگاوُن,,फ़ेंकना, V,The ball pitched short.,pitch,ٹپہٕ کھیوٚن,,टप्पा_खाना, V,The boy suddenly pitched forward out of his seat when the driver applied a sudden break.,pitch,ؤسۍ پیوٚن،دَکہٕ لَگُن,,गिरना{धडाम_से}, V,The ship pitched in the sea due to tides.,pitch,جَہازُک ہیوٚر بۄن گَژُھن,,डूबना-उतराना, V,We pitched camp near the river while trekking.,pitch,ڈیرٕ ترٛاوُن,,डेरा_डालना, N,Pitch is a useful product in sealing gaps.,pitch,۔۔۔,,डामर/अलकतरा, N,The pitchers are quite common in villages.,pitcher,نوٚٹ,,घडा, N,Please serve a pitcher of cold drink to all.,pitcher,نوٚٹ،صُرَے,,घडे_आदि_में_गीले_पदार्थ_की_मात्रा, N,The pitchers play a very important role in base ball.,pitcher,پِچَر,,पिचर{खेल_में}, N,Have pity on animals.,pity,رَحم،آر,,दया, N,It`s a pity that bad weather forecasting will not permit you to go to Delhi.,pity,اَفسوٗسٕچ کَتھ,,खैद_का_विषय, N,The temple is a good place for worship.,place,جاے،مُقام,,स्थान/जगह, V,He placed the documents on the table.,place,تھاوُن,,रखना, V,The knife has been placed under the pillow.,place,تھاوُن,,रख_देना, V,He looks so familiar but I can`t place him.,place,پرٛزٕناوُن,,पहचानना, V,I placed the order for the fridge six weeks ago.,place,فَرمٲیِش کَرٕنۍ یا سوزٕنۍ,,जारी_रखना, V,The company places many labourers a year.,place,نوکری دِنۍ,,नौकरी_देना, N,Many agencies are offering placements in overseas.,placement,نوکری,,नियोजन, Adj,I like plain food.,plain,سادٕ,,सादा, Adj,She is very plain spoken.,plain,صاف، شوٚد,,स्फष्टतया, N,We have the plains at the out skirts of the town.,plain,مٲدان,,समतल_भूमी, Adv,The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village.,plainly,صاف پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्ट_रूप_से, N,The Government should make a plan to bring up the poor.,plan,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजना, N,A building plan was approved by the authority.,plan,نَقشہٕ,,मापचित्र, N,Aeroplanes are filled with gasoline.,plane,ہَوٲیی جَہاز,,हवाई-जहाज़, N,A vertical plane was drawn.,plane,ہَموار,,तल, N,The carpenter made the surface of the wood smooth by a plane.,plane,رَنٛدٕ,,रन्दा, N,Planes have broad leaves and thin bark.,plane,اَکہِ قٕسمُک کُل,,चनार, N,Earth is a planet.,planet,سَیارٕ,,ग्रह, Adj,Earth is the part of the planetary system.,planetary,سَیٲری,,ग्रह_संबन्धी, N,Plants need light and water.,plant,کُل,,पौधा, N,The new plant is decided to develop the tools for artisans.,plant,کارخانہٕ,,संयन्त्र, N,Plants need light and water.,plant,کُلۍ کٔٹۍ,,वनस्पति, N,The new plant is decided to develop the tools for artisans.,plant,کارخانہٕ,,संयन्त्र, V,I want to plant trees and bushes in my new garden.,plant,کُلۍ لَگاوٕنۍ,,रोपना, V,I planted my feet into the clay and walked over.,plant,بٔڑراوُن,,बसाना, N,Now a days Teak plantations are in passion.,plantation,شَجَرکٲری,,बगीचा, N,A roof leak has damaged a section of ceiling plaster.,plaster,پَلَستَر,,प्लास्तर, N,The plaster was applied on the surface.,plaster,پَلَستَر,,दीवार_पर_लगाने_का_मसाला, N,Price of plastic items are cheaper than the metal ones.,plastic,پٕلاسٹِک,,प्लास्टक, N,We brought paper plates to distribute the savoury.,plate,رِکٲبۍ,,प्लेट, N,The plates of the Nizam are being exhibited.,plate,سۄنہٕ سٕنٛدۍ تہٕ رۄپہٕ سٕنٛدۍ بانہٕ,,सोने_चाँदी_के_बरतन, N,The glass plate of the main door was broken.,plate,ناوٕ پٔٹ,,चद्दर, N,We saw so many colour plates in the museum.,plate,تَصویٖر,,चित्र, V,The copper trey is plated with silver.,plate,گِلَٹھ کھالٕنۍ,,मुलम्मा_लगाना, N,He must be waiting for you on railway platform.,platform,پَلیٹ فارَم,,प्लेटफॉर्म, V,I love to play cricket.,play,کھیل,,खेल, V,He played a game of chess with his brother.,play,گِنٛدُن,,खेलना, N,Our aim is to learn through play.,play,گِنٛدُن,,खेल, N,That radio play was very good.,play,ڈراما,,नाटक, N,I don`t get time for play.,play,گِنٛدُن،کھیل,,खेल, N,New budget boons changed the market plays.,play,کٲم کاج,,गतिविधि, N,Sachin is an excellent cricket player.,player,کھِلٲڑۍ,,खिलाडी, N,He is a well known trumpet player.,player,ساز وایَن وول,,वादक, N,Shahrukh is a good player.,player,اَداکار,,अभिनेता, V,She pleaded for mercy from the king.,plead,دَرخاست کَرُن،گُزٲرِش کَرٕنۍ،زارٕ پارٕ کَرُن,,याचना_करना, Adj,It is really a pleasant view.,pleasant,خۄشگَوار،دِلکَش,,मनोहर, Interj,Could you please do it for me?,please,مہربٲنی,,क्रिपया, V,It pleases me to see a well designed book.,please,خۄش کَرُن,,खुश_करना, V,"She is always a good girl, friendly and eager to please.",please,خۄش گژُھن،خۄش کَرناوُن,,खुश_कर_[होना], N,It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to such a renowned artist.,pleasure,سُکوٗن،خوشی،مَسَرت,,आनन्द, N,Take pledge to help co-human beings.,pledge,عَہدٕ،قَسَم,,प्रतिज्ञा, V,He pledged to fight for his nation`s security.,pledge,عَہدٕ کَرُن،قَسَم کھیٚون,,प्रतिज्ञा_कर[हो], Pron,The people offered plenty of food to those who were hungry.,plenty,وُفوٗر،واریاہ,,पर्याप्त, N,We have plenty of time left to do our work.,plenty,واریاہ،وُفوٗر،غَلبہٕ،کٲفی،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,पर्याप्त, Adv,We have plenty more books to read.,plenty,کٲفی،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,अधिक_मात्रा_में, N,I need several plots of land for my hotel.,plot,زٔمیٖٖن ٹُکرٕ،پٕلاٹ,,भूखण्ड, N,That plot is on sale.,plot,زٔمیٖن ٹُکرٕ،پٕلاٹ,,भूखण्ड, N,I saw a plot which was very beautiful with a small cottage and rose garden.,plot,زٔمیٖن ٹُکرٕ،پٕلاٹ,,भूभाग, N,The plot of this novel is to spot out the murderer.,plot,قٕصہٕ,,कथानक, N,The rebels in the party hatched a plot to bring the government down.,plot,سٲزِش,,कुचक्र, V,I ploted a map of Asia on a paper.,plot,گرٛاف بَناوُن,,रूप_रेखा_बनाना, V,Police ploted a plan for the murderer.,plot,سٲزِش کَرٕنۍ,,षड्यंत्र_रचना, N,Farmers use plough for turning and loosening the soil.,plough,اَلبٲنۍ,,हल, N,Plough is one of the brightest stars in the great bear group.,plough,۔۔۔,,सप्तर्षिमण्डल, V,People plough the field to carry on their agricultural tasks.,plough,زٔمیٖن وایُن,,जोतना, V,I plugged the bottle of cold drink after taking some out of it.,plug,ٹھانٛڑ دیُن,,डाट_लगाना, V,The media plugged the achievements of the late prime minister.,plug,اَلمَن کھالُن،شہرَت کَرٕنۍ،نُمٲش کَرٕنۍ,,दोहराई_से_कहना, V,I plugged the guy.,plug,مارُن,,मारना, N,Fix this plug into the socket.,plug,پٕلَگ,,प्लग, N,The supporters gave a plug in the form of advertisement to their leader.,plug,شہرت,,अनुकूल_प्रचार, V,The municipal workers plunged the iron rods into the drain to clean up.,plunge,ٹُھکُن,,फँसाना, V,I love to plunge in swimming pool for hours.,plunge,وۄٹھ دِنۍ،گۄتہٕ مارُن,,गोता_लगाना, N,The car started with plunge.,plunge,وۄٹھ,,झपट, N,I really enjoy a plunge in the swimming pool.,plunge,وۄٹھ لایِنۍ,,डुबकी, N,The plural of boy is boys.,plural,جمع,,बहुवचन, Prep,I don`t want to go to market-plus I don`t want to spend money any more.,plus,بیٚیہِ,,मिलाकर, Prep,Three plus two is equal to five.,plus,جَمع,,मिलाकर, N,He kept the letter in his pocket.,pocket,چَنٛدٕ,,जेब, N,The plane entered an air pocket.,pocket,خانہٕ,,खाना, V,I received the routine letter from him and pocketed it without reading.,pocket,چَنٛدَس تھاوُن,,जेब_में_रखना, N,I like reading poems.,poem,نَظٕم,,कविता, N,He is a gifted poet.,poet,شٲعِر,,कवि, Adj,Her poetic compositions are wonderful.,poetic,شٲعِرانہٕ,,काव्यात्मक, N,I like Kalidasa`s poetry.,poetry,شٲعِری,,काव्य, N,The pencil has a sharp point.,point,پیوٚت,,नोक/अनी, N,Put a point after completing the sentence.,point,نۄقطہٕ,,बिन्दु, N,This is a good point from which to watch the race.,point,جاے،مُقام,,द्विग्बिंदु, N,Sensitive points were summoned by the police during the procession.,point,جاے،مُقام,,स्थल, N,I prepared the important points for the exam.,point,خاص کَتھ،اَہَم چیٖز,,अंस, N,The student didn`t caught the point of the teacher.,point,مَطلَب،مَقصَد,,सारांश, N,Sincerity is his main point.,point,خٲصیَت,,विशेषता, N,Insert this plug into that point.,point,ساکیٹ,,विद्युत्_साँकेट, N,The two trains collided at the points.,point,پویِنٛٹ,,रेल की पटरी के प्वाइंट, N,The worker pushed the point to put the train on the other track.,point,پویِنٛٹ,,काँटा, V,He pointed towards the broken window.,point,اِشارٕ ہاوُن,,इशारा_करना, V,He pointed the gun at the lion.,point,نِشانہٕ رَٹُن,,निशाना_बाँधना/लक्ष्य_करना, V,A rose plant`s spines point upwards.,point,طَرفہٕ آسُن,,की_ओर_होना, V,This story points the duties and rights of the person.,point,واضِح کَرُن,,महत्त्व_देना, V,He points the broken wall.,point,نِشانہٕ کَرُن,,टीप_करना, Adj,This pencil has pointed edges on both sides.,pointed,پیٚتۍ دار,,नुकीला, Adj,He gave a pointed talk on the issue.,pointed,واضِح،کُھلہٕ,,सुस्पष्ट, N,The pointing used in the castle is of good quality.,pointing,۔۔۔,,टीपटाप/टिपकारी, N,Potassium cyanide is a very strong poison.,poison,زہَر,,विष, N,I won`t eat that poison.,poison,زہَر,,दूषित_आहार, V,His so called friend poisoned him.,poison,زہَر دیُن,,विष_देना, V,The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers and atmosphere.,poison,زہَریٖلہٕ کَرُن ، زہریٖلہٕ بَناوُن,,दूषित_कर_देना, V,Don`t poison his mind.,poison,خَراب کَرُن,,बिगाडना, Adj,Usually snakes are poisonous.,poisonous,زَہریٖلہٕ,,विषैला, N,The thief used a pole to climb the high wall.,pole,کوٗٹ,,खम्बा, N,The north pole region is very cold.,pole,قُطُب,,ध्रुव, N,He informed the police about the robbery.,police,پُلیٖس,,पुलीस, V,They are policing all the entry points to the city.,police,نَظَر تھاوٕنۍ,,निगरानी_रखना, N,Policemen are patrolling the street.,policeman,سِپاہ،پُلسہٕ وول,,सिपाही, N,Honesty is the best policy.,policy,حِکمَتہِ عَملی،عَمَل,,नीति, N,British policy `divide and rule` has created so many problems in our country.,policy,حِکمَتہِ عَمَل،اوٚصوٗل,,शासन_की_चाल, N,This is an insurance policy document.,policy,پالسی,,बीमा-पत्र, V,"Before going to school, polish your shoes properly.",polish,چَمکاوُن,,चमकाना, V,Please polish up your article before sending.,polish,ٹھیٖک کَرُن,,परिष्कृत_होना/संवारा_जाना, Adj,Children should be always polite towards their parents and teachers.,polite,شٲیِستہٕ،تَربِیَت یافتہٕ,,नम्र, Adj,A rude word should not be used in polite society.,polite,لٲزِم دار،تہزیٖب یافتہٕ,,सभ्य, Adj,The issue was made political by people with vested interests.,political,سِیٲسی,,राजनैतक, N,Her mother is a politician.,politician,سِیاسَت دان,,राजनीतिज्ञ, N,People in this country take active interest in politics.,politics,سِیاسَت,,राजनीति, N,She is reading politics in the University.,politics,علمِہ سِیاسَت,,राजनीति_शास्त्र, N,There are pollutants in the air.,pollutant,آلوٗدٕ مواد,,प्रदूषक_पदार्थ, V,Our vehicles are responsible for polluting our environment.,pollute,آلوٖٗدٕ کَرُن,,अपवित्र_करना, N,The city is covered with pollution.,pollution,آلوٗدگی,,प्रदूषण, Adj,He did polynomial equations in mathematics.,polynomial,۔۔۔,,बहुपदी, N,The pond behind my home is full of fishes.,pond,تالاب,,तालाब, N,Is there any swimming pool around?,pool,تالاب،پوٗل,,पोखरा, N,A new pool is being built in the stadium.,pool,تالاب,,तैरने_का_तालाब, V,All of Rani`s friends pooled money to buy her a gift.,pool,جَمع کَرُن,,इकट्ठा_करना, N,"According to me, being poor is a curse for a human being.",poor,غٔریٖب,,दीन/दरिद्र, N,This soil is poor in nutrients.,poor,کٔمی,,अल्प, Adj,The material is of poor quality.,poor,خَراب,,खराब, N,She is so poor.,poor,بِچٲرۍ،بَدقٕسمَت،غٔریٖب،مِسکیٖن,,अभागा/बेचारा, Adj,"According to me, being poor is a curse for a human being.",poor,غریٖب،مِسکیٖن,,दीन/दरिद्र, Adj,This soil is poor in nutrients.,poor,کٔمی,,अल्प, Adj,The material is of poor quality.,poor,ؤسِتھ،خَراب,,खराब, Adj,The poor girl has nothing to eat.,poor,بِچٲر،غریٖب،مِسکیٖن,,अभागा/बेचारा, N,The election of a new pope is going on in this church.,pope,پوپ,,परमधर्माध्यक्ष, Adj,He is very popular actor.,popular,مَشہوٗر,,लोकप्रिय, N,Disc pubs are now-a-days very popular among youths.,popular,ناموَر،مَشہوٗر,,लोकप्रिय, N,Ritu Beri`s designs are very popular among the people all over India.,popular,ناموَر،مَشہوٗر,,जनप्रिय, Adj,This scheme has proved enormously popular.,popular,مَشہوٗر,,लोक-/जन-, N,Now-a-days everyone seeks popularity.,popularity,مَشہوٗری,,लोकप्रियता, V,Ram went to Bombay and populated there.,populate,بَسُن،بٔستی کَرٕنۍ,,बसना/बस_जाना, N,Population is rising in India.,population,آبٲدی,,आबादी, N,The entire working population is on strike.,population,خَلٕق,,जन_समुदाय, N,I think this is a port.,port,گاٹھ,,पत्तन, N,The ship was leaning over to port.,port,گاٹھ,,वामपार्श्व, N,Sailors love to drink port.,port,تیز وۄزُل شَراب,,तेज़_लाल_शराब, N,"Lot of porters are found in the railway station, airports etc.",porter,موٚزوٗر,,क़ुली, N,He is working as a porter in a star hotel.,porter,چَپرٲسۍ,,द्वारपाल, N,The train porter supplied blankets to all at night.,porter,چَپرٲسۍ,,पल्लेदार, N,The central portion of the building collapsed.,portion,حِصہٕ,,भाग, N,She gave me a soft portion of the black forest cake.,portion,حِصہٕ,,हिस्सा, V,The family property was portioned.,portion,حِصہٕ کَرُن,,बाँट_देना, N,She is a portrait painter.,portrait,شَکٕل،تصویٖر,,रूपचित्र, N,The book contained a fascinating portrait of medieval times.,portrait,شکٕل,,शब्दचित्र, V,Poverty poses a serious threat to the nation.,pose,پٲدٕ کَرُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, V,She had to pose for the painting.,pose,تَصویٖرٕ خٲطرٕ کھڑاروزُن یا بِہُن,,चित्र_के_लिए_खडा_रहना_या_बैठना, V,The thief posed as a relative at the wedding.,pose,بٔلۍ ہاوُن,,का_ढोंग_रचना/दिखावा_करना, N,I made a comfortable pose for the camera.,pose,تَصویٖرٕخٲطرٕ بِہُن,,मुद्रा, N,Her generosity is only a pose.,pose,دِکھاوٕ،اَپُز،دونٛکھہٕ,,छल-कपट, N,The books were kept at their position.,position,جایِہ,,स्थान, N,The soldiers have to stand for hours without changing position.,position,جاے,,अवस्थिति, N,She has made her position very clear.,position,راے,,दृष्टिकोण, N,The company`s financial position is very sound.,position,حالَت،حالات,,स्थिति, N,I would like to apply for the position of principal.,position,جاے,,पद, V,Alarms are positioned at strategic points around the prison.,position,تھاوٕنہٕ آمٕتۍ,,रख_देना, Adj,Rahul always gives positive suggestions.,positive,۔۔۔,,रचनात्मक, Adj,We have no positive evidence of her involvement.,positive,پَکہٕ ،ٹھوس,,निश्चयात्मक, Adj,Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight?,positive,پَکہٕ بھَروسہٕ,,पक्का, Adj,It`s great being with him because he has got such a positive attitude to everything.,positive,بااُمید،اَصٕل,,प्रभावयुक्त, Adj,It was a positive miracle that we arrived on time.,positive,۔۔۔,,सुनिश्चित, Adj,`+` is a positive sign in mathematics.,positive,پازِٹِو,,धनात्मक, V,Rahul admitted possessing illegal drugs.,possess,آسُن,,का_स्वामी_या_मालिक_होना, V,There are some actors who don`t possess some musical skills.,possess,آسُن,,से_सम्पन्न_होना, V,She seemed to be possessed by the devil.,possess,اَثَر آسُن,,पर_नियन्त्रण_रखना, N,The possession of a passport is must for foreign travel.,possession,آسُن,,स्वामित्व, N,He lost all his possessions in the fire.,possession,جاداد,,सम्पत्ति, N,The former colonial possessions are now independent states.,possession,حُکوٗمَت،مِلکِیَت,,अधिकृत_या_अधीन_क्षेत्र, N,There is a possibility of my going to London.,possibility,آثار,,संभावना, Adj,Is it possible to complete this work within a week?,possible,مُمکِن,,संभव, Adv,We did all that we possibly could to persuade her to come.,possibly,مُمکِن,,सम्भवतः, Adv,Ravi is possibly leaving next week to Canada.,possibly,شایَد,,संभवतः, Adv,I will come as soon as possibly I can.,possibly,مُمکِن طور پٲٹھۍ,,संभव_हो_सकना, V,Could you post this letter for me?,post,ڈاکَس مَنٛز ترٛاوُن،ڈاک کَرُن,,डाक_में_डालना, V,After several years in Hyderabad he was posted to Delhi.,post,نوکری تھاوٕنۍ,,नियुक्त_करना, V,They will post me the cheque as soon as they recieve my bill.,post,ڈاکہٕ ذٔریہِ سوزُن,,डाक_से_भेजना, N,There was post for you this morning.,post,ڈاک,,डाक, N,The soldiers are at their posts.,post,جایہِ,,स्थान, N,She is trying for the post of typist.,post,جایہِ,,पद, N,Tie the tennis net to the post.,post,کوٗٹ,,खंबा, N,Tie the tennis net to the post.,post,کوٗٹ,,खंबा, N,The soldiers are at their posts.,post,جایہِ,,स्थान, N,She is trying for the post of typist.,post,جایہِ,,पद, N,There was post for you this morning.,post,ڈاک,,डाक, V,The results of the exam were posted on the notice board.,post,لاگنہٕ یِنۍ,,चिपकाना, V,After several years in Hyderabad he was posted to Delhi.,post,تَبدیٖلی کَرٕنۍ,,नियुक्त_करना, V,Could you post this leter for me?,post,ترٛاوٕنۍ،سوزٕنۍ,,डाक_में_डालना, V,They will post me the cheque as soon as they recieve my bill.,post,سوزُن,,डाक_से_भेजना, V,The match was postponed to saturday because of bad weather.,postpone,پَتھ گَژُھن,,आगे_बढाना, N,Women make beautiful pots from black clay.,pot,بانہٕ,,बरतन, N,Marigold plants are flourishing well in those tiny pots.,pot,گَملہٕ,,गमला, N,The tea is ready in the tea pot.,pot,کِتَل,,चायदानी, V,He is busy in potting plants.,pot,لاگٕنۍ,,गमले_में_लगाना, V,He very neatly potted the black ball.,pot,لَگاوُن,,पिलाना{बिलियर्ड्स}, V,They potted dozens of black birds.,pot,مارُن,,मारना, N,I like potatoes.,potato,ٲلوٕ,,आलू, Adj,Students having potential should be encouraged to work harder.,potential,مادٕ,,सामर्थ्य, N,Do you have potential to do this work?,potential,طاقَت،مادٕ,,अन्तर्निहित_शक्ति, N,Khurja is known for its pottery.,pottery,بانہٕ،کَتریوٗ بانہٕ,,बरतन, N,I have twenty pounds in my pocket.,pound,پاوُنٛڑ،پونٛڑ,,पौण्ड{एक_माप}, V,Someone was pounding at the door.,pound,ٹُھکرارَے کَرٕنۍ،ٹاسرارَے کَرٕنۍ,,मारना, V,My heart was pounding.,pound,ٹاس ٹاس کَرُن، ٹاس ٹاس گَژھُن,,धडकना, V,His tears were pouring down while he heard that news.,pour,وَسُن,,बहना, V,She poured out all the remaining water.,pour,دٲرِتھ دیُن,,बहा_देना, V,It`s pouring outside.,pour,روٗدٕ شرٛانہِ وَسنہِ,,मूसलधार_बरसना, V,Commuters were pouring into the station.,pour,یِنۍ,,प्रवाहित_होना, N,Dr. Ambedkar lived in poverty.,poverty,غریٖبی،مِسکیٖنی,,गरीबी, N,Hilly areas have the poverty of iodine.,poverty,کٔمی,,कमी, N,Children crushed chalks into fine powder.,powder,چوٗرٕ,,चूर्ण, N,She is an increasingly important power in the company.,power,طاقَت,,सामर्थ्य, N,He has lost his power of speech.,power,طاقَت,,शक्ति/क्षमता, N,It is not in your power to cancel the meeting.,power,حَق,,अधिकार, N,The government came into power at the last election.,power,اِقتِدار,,सत्ता, N,He is an important power in the project.,power,اہم,,प्रभावशाली, N,They have switched off the power.,power,پاوَر,,विद्युत्_शक्ति, N,4 to the power of 3 is 64.,power,۔۔۔,,घात, N,The power of microscope is not sufficient to see this clearly.,power,قُوَت,,ऊर्जा, V,The toys are powered by batteries.,power,چلان,,समर्थ_होना[बनाना], N,Hulk hogan is a man having powerful muscles.,powerful,طاقَت وَر,,शक्तिशाली, N,Nuclear fusion is a sort of powerful explosion.,powerful,زوردار،طاقَت وَر,,प्रभावशाली, Adj,He is at better practical tasks.,practical,عَملی,,व्यावहारक, Adj,I need practical proposals for getting out of this mess.,practical,مُفیٖد,,उपयोगी, Adv,This work should be done practically.,practically,عَملی پٲٹھۍ,,व्यावहारिक_रूप_से, N,Untouchability is a common practice in this country.,practice,دٔستوٗر,,अभ्यास, N,The idea would never work in practice.,practice,عَملَن,,व्यवहार, N,Paying bills promptly is good financial practice.,practice,عادَت,,आदत, N,My solicitor is no longer in practice.,practice,عمل,,व्यवसाय, V,The teacher praised the student for his hard work.,praise,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा_करना, V,We praise the God daily.,praise,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ،حَمُد کَرُن,,स्तुति_करना, V,My teacher praises me for my hard work.,praise,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा, V,They should be praised for their honesty.,praise,عِزَت اَفزٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,स्तुति, V,They knelt down and prayed.,pray,عِبادَت کَرٕنۍ،دُعا کَرُن,,प्रार्थना_करना, V,We are praying for a good weather tomorrow.,pray,مَنٛگُن,,आशा_करना, N,Hari said his prayers before leaving for the new job.,prayer,دۄیہِ خٲر,,प्रार्थना, V,Gautam Budha had preached non-violence.,preach,وَعظ پَرُن،پَرچار کَرُن,,प्रवचन_देना, V,The president is preceded by security staff.,precede,گۄڈٕ یا برٛونٛہہ کَنہِ آسُن,,से_पहले_आना_या_घटित_होना, Adj,The preceding group marched fast.,preceding,برٛوُنٛہِم,,पूर्वगामी, Adj,My mother owns a very precious necklace of diamonds.,precious,مۄل دار،قۭمتی,,मूल्यवान, Adj,This is the precious moment of my life.,precious,قۭمتی,,परमप्रिय, Adj,The writer is well known for his precise writings.,precise,صحیح,,यथातथ्य, Adv,She works slowly and precisely.,precisely,صحیح پٲٹھۍ,,यथातथ्य_रूप_से, N,Talking with precision is a difficult task.,precision,ٹھیک،صحیح,,परिशुद्धता/यथार्थता, V,It is possible to predict the time of eclipses with great accuracy.,predict,پیشَن گوٗیی کَرٕنۍ,,भविष्य_बतलाना, V,I prefer coffee.,prefer,تَرجی دِنۍ،پَسَنٛد کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, Adv,"She wanted a pizza, preferably one with cheese toppings.",preferably,خاص کٔرِتھ,,अधिमानता, Adj,She was four months pregnant when she died.,pregnant,گۄبِ خۄر،بیٚیہِ زُو،حاملہٕ,,गर्भवती, Adj,We have two preliminary tests before our board examination.,preliminary,اِبتِدٲیی,,प्रारंभक, N,"After a few polite preliminaries, I stated my ideas and intentions.",preliminary,اِبتِدٲیی تَیٲری,,प्रारंभिक_तैयारी, Adj,Tata is the premier producer of steel in India.,premier,بہتٔریٖن,,प्रधान, N,The first woman premier is Sirimao Bandarunayake.,premier,ؤزیٖرِ اعظَم,,प्रधान_मंत्री, N,You cannot pass any examination without preparation.,preparation,تَیٲری,,तैयारी, N,A preparation for AIDS is being invented by the Ayurvedic doctors.,preparation,دوا,,पाक, V,My mother usually prepares a special dish on Saturday.,prepare,تَیار کَرُن,,तैयार_करना, V,The doctor prescribed some pills to help me to sleep.,prescribe,نُسقہٕ دیُن,,निर्धारित_करना, N,Your presence is requested at the meeting of shareholders.,presence,موجوٗدگی,,उपस्थिति, N,The new officer has really made his presence felt.,presence,آسُن،موٗجوٗدگی,,व्यक्तित्व, Adj,I was not present when the telegram came.,present,موجوٗد،حاضِر,,उपस्थित, Adj,The present age is computer age.,present,وٕنۍ کٮ۪نُک وَقٕت،موجوٗدٕ وَقٕت,,वर्तमान, N,At present he`s working abroad.,present,موجوٗدٕوَقٕت,,वर्तमानकाल, N,I got this book as a present from my elder brother.,present,تحفہٕ,,उपहार, V,The toppers were presented with medals.,present,اِنعام دیُن,,दे{उपहार}, V,My father presented me a bicycle on my birthday.,present,تحفہٕ دیُن,,देना{उपहार}, V,Present the entry-pass to go into the auditorium.,present,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, V,She presented the report at the meeting.,present,ہاوُن،پیش کَرُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, Adj,Present day life is stressful.,present-day,اَز کَلُک وَقٕت,,आज_कल_का, N,She got a good response for her logical presentation.,presentation,پیٚشکَش,,प्रस्तुति, Adv,The next programme will be broadcasted presently.,presently,دٔستی،وٕنی,,शीघ्र_ही, Adv,Presently he is working in Riyadh.,presently,وٕنۍ کٮ۪ن,,संप्रति, N,One should work for the preservation of biological diversities bestowed by nature.,preservation,تَحَفُظ،حِفاظَت,,परिरक्षित_फल_या_सुरक्षित_स्थान, V,Efforts are being made to preserve the wildlife.,preserve,حِفاظت کَرنۍ،بَچاو کَرُن,,बनाए_रखना, N,Baratanatyam among the classical dances is a south Indian preserve.,preserve,پرٛزنَتھ,,परिरक्षित_फल, V,The head boy will preside at the student`s council.,preside,صَدارَت کَرٕنۍ,,संचालन_करना, N,Dr. Rajendra prasad was the first president of India.,president,صَدرِ مَملِکَت,,राष्ट्रपति, N,He was elected as the president of worker`s union.,president,صَدٕر,,अध्यक्ष, Adj,He stood twice for the presidential election.,presidential,صَدارتی,,राष्ट्रपतीय, N,The press was prohibited from meeting the prisoners of war.,press,پرٛٮ۪س,,पत्रकारिता, N,Text-books are printed in the printing press.,press,پرٛٮ۪س،چھاپ گَر,,छापाखाना, N,I wrote a book and prepared for the press.,press,چھَپٲے,,मुद्रण, N,We bought a lemon press from the market.,press,لیٚمبۍ چیٖر,,निचोड़नेवाला, N,Give a press to the shirt before wearing it.,press,لۄہہ،کُنٛدۍ،پرٛٮ۪س،اِستٔرۍ,,दबाव, N,I get a way through the press of people in that market.,press,ہُجوٗم،اَرسات,,भीड-भाड, N,I have a wooden press in my bed-room.,press,اِستٔرۍ,,इस्तरी, V,I pressed my face against the pillow in anguish.,press,دَباوُن,,दबाना, V,The orange was firmly pressed to get the juice.,press,چیٖرُن,,निचोडना, V,The Hero gently pressed the Heroine`s arm.,press,مۄٹھ دِنۍ,,दबाव_डालना, V,The police officials pressed the militants to surrender.,press,زور ترٛاوُن،دَباو ترٛاوُن,,घेर-लेना, V,The bride`s saree needs pressing.,press,لۄہہ پھَش کَرُن،کُنٛدۍ کَرٕنۍ،اِستٔرۍ کَرٕنۍ,,इस्त्री_करना, N,The factory manufactures pressings from aeroplane bodies.,pressing,دَباو ترٛٲوِتھ کانٛہہ چیٖز بَناوُن,,दबाव_डालकर_वस्तु_बनाना, Adj,Employment for all is the pressing need for hour.,pressing,اہَم,,अत्यावश्यक, N,The pressure of crowd made it difficult for police to maintain discipline.,pressure,دَباو,,दाब, N,A band of low pressure was observed in Pacific Ocean.,pressure,دَباو,,दबाव, N,"Being an executive`s daughter, Rani found it below prestige to marry a clerk.",prestige,حٔثِیَت,,प्रतिष्ठा, Adv,They can presumably afford to buy a big house.,presumably,شایَد,,संभाव्यतः, V,I pretended to be interested in the proposal.,pretend,لاگُن,,अभिनय_करना, Adv,Her house is pretty big.,pretty,کٲفی،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,काफ़ी, Adj,Tanya was looking so pretty at the party.,pretty,لوٗبوٕنۍ،دِلکَش,,मनोहर, V,The system of shaving the hair of widows prevailed in some traditional areas.,prevail,رِواج آسُن,,प्रचलित_होना, V,I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end.,prevail,زینُن,,जीत_लेना, Adj,We will have to look at the offer in the light of prevailing circumstances.,prevailing,موجوٗدٕ,,प्रचलित, V,"Raj, being a righteous man tried his best to prevent his friend from taking drugs.",prevent,روکاوُن,,रोकना, N,"For prevention of head injury, all two wheeler riders must wear a helmet.",prevention,احتِیاط,,रोकथाम, Adj,Little children are administered polio drops as a preventive measure.,preventive,احتِیٲتی,,निवारक, Adj,The students were asked to complete all of the exercises of the previous chapters.,previous,پٔتِم,,पूर्ववर्ती, Adv,She had previously worked in this institution.,previously,برٛونٛہہ تہِ،گۄڈٕ تہِ,,पहले, N,What`s the price of this pencil?,price,قۭمَت،مۄل,,मूल्य, V,The articles are priced differently.,price,قۭمَت طَے کَرُن,,मूल्य_निर्धारित_करना, Adj,Be careful! The tree is a bit prickly.,prickly,کٔنٛڑۍ دار,,काँटेदार, Adj,This cloth is very prickly.,prickly,تُرٛسۍ دار,,झुनझुनी_पैदा_करने_वाला, N,The pride of our nation was Bapu ji.,pride,غرور،فَخٕر,,अभिमान, N,Don`t hurt one`s pride.,pride,خۄد دٲری,,आत्माभिमान, N,There is a pride in the nearby forest.,pride,سٕہَن ہُنٛد کھیوٚل,,शेरों_का_समूह, V,Pride yourself on your achievements.,pride,فَخٕر کَرُن,,गर्व_करना, N,The temple priest was a generous man.,priest,پادٕرۍ,,पुरोहित, Adv,Soccer is primarily a winter game.,primarily,خاص کٔرِتھ,,मुख्यतः, Adj,The doctor cured the disease in its primary stage only.,primary,اِبتِدٲیی،گۄڈنِچ،اَبَلوُن,,आद्य, Adj,The primary aim of N.S.S. is to produce social volunteers.,primary,بُنِیٲدی،اہَم,,मूल, Adj,One must possess primary education for high school study.,primary,اِبتِدٲیی,,प्राथमक, N,He won by a great margin in primary elections.,primary,۔۔۔,,एक_प्रकार_का_निर्वाचन, Adj,The prime cause for this is not known.,prime,اَصلِی،بُنِیٲدی,,मुख्य, N,He is in the prime of his life.,prime,بہتٔریٖن، اَصٕل,,बहार, V,The workers were primed by their leader for strike.,prime,تَیار کَرٕنۍ،کانٛہہ تَیار کَرُن کُنہِ چیٖزٕ خٲطرٕ,,तैयार_करना, Adj,Evidence of the primitive civilization has helped us to imagine our own history.,primitive,قٔدیٖم،پرٛٲنۍ,,प्राचीन, N,Prince Edward`s marriage was viewed by thousands of people.,prince,شَہزادٕ,,राजकुमार, Adj,He belongs to a princely state.,prince,شٲہی,,राजोचित, Adj,He is the principal investigator of this project.,principal,بوٚڑ، اہَم,,प्रमुख, N,The principal acknowledged our work.,principal,پرِٛنَسپٕل,,प्राचार्य, N,The principal of the insititution is very popular among the members.,principal,صَدٕر,,प्रधान, N,Mahatma Gandhi was known for his great Principles.,principle,اوٚصوٗل,,सिद्धान्त, N,The novel is available in large print.,print,چَھپٲے,,छपाई, N,The murderer gave a clue to the police by giving his foot prints.,print,نِشانہٕ,,निशान, V,Story books are printed on a great scale.,print,چھاپُن،چَھپاوُن,,छापना, N,"After the invention of printing, our society has changed a lot.",printing,چَھپٲے,,छपाई, Adj,Mothers with young children have a prior claim on funds.,prior,گۄڈَے،گۄڈنٮ۪تھٕے,,पहले_से/पूर्व, Adj,The teacher should have prior knowledge of the subject which he is going to teach.,prior,بُنِیٲدی,,पूर्ववर्ती, N,Now the government is giving priority to the defence of the nation.,priority,اَہمِیَت، تَرجیٖ,,प्रथमता, V,The kidnappers prised the child from his mother.,prise,لٔمِتھ نیُن،نیُن,,बल_से_अलग_करना, N,He was sent to prison for eight months.,prison,جیل ،قٲد خانہٕ,,कारागार, N,Civil right`s groups are demanding the release of all political prisoners.,prisoner,قۭدۍ,,बन्दी, Adj,A private letter was sent to the publisher for demanding the money.,private,ذٲتی,,व्यक्तिगत, Adj,He revealed private chat with his boss.,private,ذٲتی,,साधारण, Adj,"Don`t be a private citizen of the country, achieve something.",private,پوٗشیٖدٕ,,गोपनीय, Adj,Private Industries are given a boon in the present central budget.,private,غیر سَرکٲری,,ग़ैर_सरकारी, N,Officers on special duties are given special privileges.,privilege,اِمتِیٲزی حَق,,प्राधिकार, N,Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature.,prize,اِنعام,,पुरस्कार, Adj,Chetak was Rana pratap`s prize horse.,prize,ٹوٹھ ،قۭمتی,,मूल्यवान, V,He prized his canary as a precious possession.,prize,ترجی دِنۍ,,महत्त्व_देना, N,His aim is to become a golf pro.,pro,حٲمی,,पेशेवर, N,The probability of his success is less.,probability,اِمکانات,,संभाव्यता, N,The concept of probability was established in early 90`s.,probability,۔۔۔,,प्रायिकता{गणित}, Adj,Increasing air-pollution is the most probable explanation to depleting ozone layer.,probable,اِمکٲنی,,संभवित, N,Probables for the next year`s tournament were selected in the camp.,probable,۔۔۔,,संभाव्य, Adv,Probably she missed the last bus.,probably,شایَد,,संभवतः, N,The doctor used a probe to examine her throat.,probe,سَلَے,,सलाई, N,A probe was ordered into the fodder scam by Supreme Court.,probe,تَحقیٖقات,,तहक़ीकात, V,She probed the ground ahead with a stick.,probe,جانٛچ پَڑتال کَرٕنۍ,,जाँच_पडताल_करना, N,We completed our work without any problem.,problem,مَسلہٕ,,समस्या, N,Passing bills through the parliament is a complicated procedure.,procedure,طٔریقہٕ کار,,कार्यविधि, V,The judge asked the lawyer to proceed with the case.,proceed,برٛونٛہہ پَکُن,,आगे_बढना, N,Allegations of sextual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against two police officers.,proceeding,کاروٲیی,,कार्रवाई, N,The proceeds from the show were donated to the orphanage.,proceeds,ؤصوٗلی,,मुनाफ़ा, N,Learning a foreign language is a slow process.,process,عَمَل,,प्रक्रम, N,Irregular eating habits interfere with the digestive process.,process,عمل,,प्रक्रिया, N,Computer graphics have simplified the process of movie-making.,process,بَناونُک طٔریٖقہٕ,,विधि, V,"They processed many fruits to make jams, jellies, etc.",process,عملہِ منٛز اَنُن،کامہِ منٛز اَنٕنۍ,,संसाधित_करना, V,My laptop processes information much more quickly than my computer.,process,کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,अग्रेसर_होना, N,Thousands of people joined the martyr`s funeral procession.,procession,جوٚلوٗس,,जलूस/शोभायात्रा, N,The finance minister`s proclamation of the budget was accepted peacefully.,proclamation,اعلان,,घोषणा, V,She promised to procure a copy of the law journal for me.,procure,پانَس نِش تھاوُن,,प्राप्त_करना, V,His job was to procure young girls for his clients.,procure,درٛالٔز کَرٕنۍ,,दलाली_करना, N,Procurement of raw material for the factory is his responsibility.,procurement,حاصل,,उपलब्धि, V,My uncle`s factory produces shoes.,produce,بَناوُن,,उत्पादन_करना, V,Monalisa was the best work produced by Picasso.,produce,پیٚش کَرُن،بَناوُن,,रचना_करना, V,My arrival at home produced many problems for him.,produce,دَرپیش اَنُن,,परिस्थिति_उत्पन्न_करना, V,The operator produced the bill immediately.,produce,پیش کَرُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, N,Paddy produce got ruined by heavy rains.,produce,پٲداوار,,उपज, N,The factory sells its produce in the local markets.,produce,وۄپَد,,उत्पाद, N,India is a producer of cotton clothes.,producer,وۄپداوَن وول,,उत्पादक, N,Yash Chopra is a well known film producer.,producer,پیشکَش کَرَن وول,,निर्माता, N,This newly launched product is showing great results.,product,پرٛوڑَکٹہٕ,,उत्पाद, N,This documentary is the product of my hard work.,product,نٔتیٖجہِ,,परिणाम, N,The product of three and four is twelve.,product,ضَرب,,गुणनफल, N,There is no increase in the production of wheat this year.,production,پٲداوار,,उत्पादन, N,He had to face a lot of problems during the production of new model of a computer.,production,بَناوٹ,,उत्पाद, Adj,Productive methods are invited to implement the project.,productive,۔۔۔,,उत्पादक, N,The productivity of agricultural land is low because of bad climate.,productivity,پٲداوٲری,,उत्पादकता, N,The productivity of agricultural land is low because of bad climate.,productivity,پٲداوٲری,,उत्पादकता, N,I have adopted teaching as my profession.,profession,پیٚشہِ,,पेशा, N,I like medical profession.,profession,پیٚشہٕ,,स्वीकरण, Adj,He is a professional model.,professional,پیٚشہٕ وَرانہٕ,,पेशेवर, N,My grandpa was a chemistry professor in Roorkee University.,professor,پروفیسَر,,प्राध्यापक, N,His profile came in front of my eyes.,profile,خاکہٕ,,पार्श्व_चित्र, N,That magazine publishes profiles of eminent persons by every month.,profile,خاکہٕ,,रूपरेखा, N,This time she didn`t get much profit out of this business.,profit,نَفع،مُنافہٕ,,लाभ/मुनाफ़ा, V,A lot of companies will profit from the fall in interest rates.,profit,فٲیدٕ تُلُن,,लाभ_उठाना, Adj,Selling of this book will be profitable for us.,profitable,نَفع بخٕش,,लाभदायक, Adj,Life of Gandhiji had a profound influence on the youngsters during the independence movement.,profound,خاص,,गहरा, N,T.V. programs have good as well as bad effect on children.,programme,پروگرام,,कार्यक्रम, V,They have programmed the list and you are the first to speak.,programme,پروگرام بَناوُن,,कार्यक्रम_बनाना, N,Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years.,progress,تَرقی,,प्रगमन, V,One should progress in life in spite of hardships.,progress,برٛونٛہہ پَکُن،تَرقی کَرٕنۍ,,आगे_बढना, Adj,India is progressive among South Asian countries.,progressive,تَرقی یافتہٕ،برٛونٛہہ پَکہٕ وُن,,प्रगतिशील, N,Progressives and conservatives clash in communist countries.,progressive,تَرقی پَسَند,,प्रगतिशील, N,A research project is being taken by the investigators.,project,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजना, V,The literacy rate is projected to increase by 60%.,project,قَیاس کَرُن,,परियोजना_करना, V,70% of the projected missiles will hit the target.,project,لَگٲوۍ مٕتۍ,,फेंकना, V,The way she projected herself was really impressive.,project,عَکٕس ترٛاوُن,,डालना, V,I saw a projecting beam in the lab.,project,۔۔۔,,बहिर्विष्ट_होना, V,The doctor prolonged the patient`s life for some more days by a good treatment.,prolong,بَڑاوٕنۍ,,लम्बा_करना, Adj,Ram always plays a prominent role in stage programmes.,prominent,نُمایا،اہَم,,प्रमुख, Adj,The prominent development of the country is based on the ruling government.,prominent,نُمایا,,सुस्पष्ट, Adj,The government plays a more prominent role in promoting human rights.,prominent,اہَم,,उदग्र, N,Promises are meant to be broken.,promise,وَعدٕ,,वादा, N,Ram promised Raj to return his money back.,promise,وعدٕ،قَسَم,,प्रतिज्ञा, N,Her work shows great promise.,promise,ہونہٲری,,प्रत्याशा, V,He promised to help me.,promise,قَسَم کھیوٚن،وَعدٕ کَرُن,,प्रतिज्ञा_करना, V,He promised to come tomorrow.,promise,یقیٖن دیُن،وَعدٕ کَرُن,,विश्वास_दिलाना, Adj,He is a promising upcoming artist.,promising,ہونہار،یٔقیٖنی,,आशाजनक, V,The director promoted Rahul to the post of G.M.,promote,تَرقی دِنۍ,,पदोन्नति_करना, V,"In spite of tough competition in the market, they succeeded in promoting their product.",promote,شہرَت کَرٕنۍ,,प्रचार_करना, N,Hari was happy to hear the news of his promotion.,promotion,ترقی,,पदोन्नति, N,The sales man was appreciated for promotion and marketing of the product.,promotion,ترقی,,प्रचार, Adv,The emergency staff will act promptly in critical cases.,promptly,فوٗری,,तुरंत, Adj,Rajni is prone to diseases.,prone,مٲیِل,,झुका_हुआ, Adj,I saw Ravi in a prone position.,prone,دُبہٕ,,अधोमुख, V,The movie was pronounced a success.,pronounce,قَرار دِنہٕ یُن,,उच्चारित_करना, V,It`s still hard to pronounce these Latin words.,pronounce,بولُن,,उच्चारण_करना, V,Ram pronounced that he would definitely go to the party.,pronounce,فٲصلہ ٕدیُن,,निर्णय_देना, N,Sita has to give a proof of her identity.,proof,ثبوٗت,,प्रमाण, N,Mira`s claim is not capable of proof.,proof,پروٗف، پَرکھٕنَس لایَق,,जाँच, V,My wrist watch is proofed against water.,proof,ثٲبِت سَپدیمٕژ,,परखाना, Adj,Their clothing was not proof against the bitter weather.,proof,بَچاو دِہہ,,जो झेल सके, N,The political parties started their propaganda in full swing before the elections.,propaganda,تَبلیٖغ,,अधिप्रचार, Adj,We should always be dressed in a proper way.,proper,مُنٲسِب,,उचित, Adv,You should comb you hair properly.,properly,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ،اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,उचित_ढंग_से, N,This property consists of land and building.,property,جاداد،مِلکِیت,,सम्पत्ति, N,The proportion of water and acid should be equal.,proportion,حِصہٕ,,अंश, Adj,There is no proportional peak to the kanchan Junga.,proportional,بَرابَر,,समानुपाती, N,A proposal for computerised teaching in schools is being discussed.,proposal,تَجویٖز,,प्रस्ताव, V,Rita has proposed me for the membership of the committee.,propose,تَجویٖز دِنۍ,,प्रस्ताव_रख, V,The government has proposed a fly over in that area.,propose,تَجویٖز کَرنہٕ یُن,,प्रस्ताव_रखना_या_करना, N,A commercial proposition was made between the government and some private companies to share the software technology.,proposition,تَجویٖز,,प्रस्ताव, N,This is a tricky proposition.,proposition,مَسلہٕ,,समस्या, N,This proposition is difficult to handle.,proposition,مَسلہٕ,,समस्या, N,Khuswant singh is a well known prose writer.,prose,نَثٕر,,गद्य, N,There is hardly any prospect of that party to coming into the rule.,prospect,اِمکانات,,संभावना, V,Some villagers are prospecting the wild animals in the hill areas.,prospect,ژھانڈُن,,खोज़ना, Adj,The prospective buyers gathered for the auction.,prospective,مُمکِن,,प्रत्याशित, N,Hard work brings prosperity to life.,prosperity,کامیٲبی,,समृद्धि, V,Mothers protect their babies.,protect,رٲچھۍ کَرٕنۍ,,रक्षा_करना, N,Protection of babies against mosquitoes is very necessary.,protection,رٲچھۍ،رَفاقَت,,रक्षा, Adj,Epithelial tissue is a protective sheath for body organs.,protective,حِفاظتی،بَچاو کَرَن وول,,संरक्षक, N,Meat is rich in proteins.,protein,پروٹیٖن,,प्रोटीन, V,Opposition party protested against the PM`s statement.,protest,احتِجاج کَرُن,,विरोध_करना, N,The Mazdoor Union staged protest against the erraneous management.,protest,احتِجاج,,विरोध, N,"In ancient times, protestants were punished very harshly.",protestant,پروٹیسٹنٹ,,प्रोटेस्टैन्ट, Adj,"In ancient times, protestants were punished very harshly.",protestant,پروٹیٚسٹنٹ,,प्रोटेस्टैन्ट, Adj,I am proud of my Children.,proud,فَخٕر,,गर्वित, Adj,Parents of brilliant students always feel proud of them.,proud,فَخٕر,,गर्वित, Adv,He proudly displayed his prize.,proudly,فَخرٕ سان,,गरव से, V,You should prove your point by logical argumentation rather than raising your voice.,prove,ثٲبِت کَرُن,,सिद्ध_करना, V,"In exams, some schools provide writing pads also with answer sheets.",provide,دیُن,,देना, Conj,I will present you cycle provided (that) you would pass in 1st class.,provided,بَشَرطیکہِ,,बशर्ते, N,I have a trust in divine providence.,providence,خۄداے سٕنٛز رَحمَت,,परमात्मा_का_विधान, N,India has 26 provinces.,province,صوٗبہٕ,,प्रान्त/अधिकार_क्षेत्र, N,Provisions are made by law to uplift the standards of Sc`s and St`s.,provision,اِنتِظام,,प्रबन्ध, N,One should go with complete provision in board exam.,provision,تَیٲری,,पूर्वोपाय, Adj,This seems to be a psychological case to me.,psychological,دٮ۪مٲغی،نفسِیٲتی,,मनोवैज्ञानक, N,All people have their own psychology.,psychology,نَفسِیات,,मनोविज्ञान, Adj,The campaign was designed to increase public awareness of the problem.,public,عوٲمی،عام,,सार्वजनक, N,The public has a right to know what is in this report.,public,لُکھ،خَلَق,,जनता, N,The book is ready for publication.,publication,اِشاعَت،شایع,,प्रकाशन, N,I am waiting for the publication of my book.,publication,شایع ،اِشاعت,,प्रख्यापन, N,They have done a lot of publicity of their new product.,publicity,شُہرَت,,प्रचार, Adv,He wants to do his work publicly.,publicly,عوٲمی طور,,सार्वजनिक_रूप_से, V,Most of the good books on English were published during the British rule.,publish,شایع کَرُن,,प्रकाशित_करना, V,He pulled the rope of well to lift up the bucket.,pull,لَمُن,,खींचना, V,Don`t pull the plug out.,pull,کٔڑِتھ اَنُن،کَڑُن,,उखाडना, V,The contestant paid one thousand rupees to a person who pulled in forty voters in his favour.,pull,دییٚٲوۍ,,आकर्षित_करना, V,The old machine pulled hard when it was operated after a time gap of one month.,pull,پَکُن،چَلُن,,आगे_बढना, V,Ram was pulling some sort of work.,pull,غیر قونوٗنی کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,गैर_कानूनी_कार्य_करना, N,A pull of the chain will stop the train.,pull,لَمُن,,खिंचाई, N,Sensitiveness cannot tolerate the pulls.,pull,دباو,,दबाव, N,I need to use your pull to get this job.,pull,اَثَر رٔسوٗک,,प्रभाव, N,The magician took a long pull and finished the cigarette.,pull,کَش،دام,,कश, N,The man took a small pull of wine in the party.,pull,دام,,घ्ऊट, N,Mountaineers have to take several long pulls to reach their destination.,pull,چڑٲے,,लंबी_चडाई, N,The door pull has got strucked by rust.,pull,ہانٛکَل,,हत्थी, Adj,Oxygenated blood is brought by pulmonary arteries to the heart.,pulmonary,۔۔۔,,फुप्फुसीय, N,The mechanic used pump to fill air in my bicycle.,pump,پَمپ,,पम्प/दमकल, V,The doctor immediately pumped oxygen to the patient`s heart to bring his beat to normal.,pump,بَرُن،لاگُن,,भरना, V,He used a motor to pump water from the well.,pump,کڑُن،کھالُن,,पानी_निकालना, N,My friend has recently bought a beautiful pump for me.,pump,اکہِ قٕسمُک کھۄربانہٕ,,एक_तरह_के_हलके_जूते, N,Rahul was given punishment by his teacher.,punishment,سَزا,,दण्ड, N,There are hundred pupils in my class.,pupil,شاگِِرد،طٲلبِ علم،ژاٹھ,,छात्र, N,The pupil of the eye becomes smaller in light.,pupil,گاشہٕ لال,,पुतली, V,We are going to purchase a new house.,purchase,ہیوٚن,,खरीद लेना, N,Please look at the purchase.,purchase,خٔریٖدٲری,,खरीदारी, N,You can`t get purchase on flat surface.,purchase,سَمبلِتھ,,पकड, Adj,This is pure water.,pure,شوٚد،صاف,,शुद्ध, Adv,The decision was made purely for financial dealings.,purely,صِرف،صاف پٲٹھۍ,,केवल, N,I have an important purpose to work over there.,purpose,غَرٕض،یَرادٕ,,उद्देश्य/प्रयोजन, N,I lost my purse.,purse,بٔٹوٕ،گۄژٕر,,बटुआ, Adj,The bill was finally given the pursuant and it became law.,pursuant,۔۔۔,,अनुसारी, V,I have to pursue my goal.,pursue,پَتہٕ لَگُن,,पीछा_करना, V,I want to pursue my studies.,pursue,جٲری تھاوُن,,जारी रखना, N,One boy has been killed in high speed pursuits by the police.,pursuit,پَتہٕ لَگُن,,पीछे लगना, N,I roamed each and every street in pursuit of a good maid.,pursuit,کھوج، ژھانٛڑَو,,खोज, V,Please push the door.,push,دَکہٕ دیُن,,धक्का_दे, N,Give a push to the door to be opened.,push,دَکہٕ,,धक्का, N,The general ordered the soldiers to implement a push.,push,سَختی,,अभियान, V,He put the magazine aside and turned to speak to me.,put,تھاوُن,,रखना, V,Our company puts the emphasis on communication skills.,put,تَوَجہ دیُن,,महत्ता_देना, V,I put a clear statement on this issue.,put,بَیان کَرُن,,व्यक्त_करना, V,His new job has put a great strain on him.,put,ترٛومُت,,किसी को कुछ महसूस कराना, V,His words puzzled me.,puzzle,پَریشان گَژُھن,,परेशान कर डालना, N,We spent the whole day solving crossword puzzles.,puzzle,پَزٕل،پرٛٮ۪ژھ,,पहेली, N,Her qualifications for the job are excellent.,qualification,تعلیٖم,,योग्यता, N,She passed the project but not without qualifications.,qualification,شَرٕت,,शर्त, Adj,Many qualified applicants applied for the job.,qualified,تعلیٖم یافتہٕ,,योग्यता_प्राप्त, Adj,I got a qualified support for this idea.,qualified,۔۔۔,,परिमित, VTI,Our cricket team was qualified for the semi-finals.,qualify,قٲبِل بَنُن,,योग्य_बनना[बनाना], VTI,You should qualify these remarks.,qualify,ہٲوِتھ دیُن,,विशेषण_लगाना, N,The goods are of high quality.,quality,اعلٰیٰ قٕسمُک یا دَرجُک,,गुण, N,The quality of mercy is not strained.,quality,خوٗبی,,लक्षण, N,We have enough quantity of provisions for the month.,quantity,مِقدار,,मात्रा, N,One should judge people by the quality of their work rather than quantity.,quantity,مِقدار یا تعداد,,परिमाण, N,The quarrel led to the divorce of Tim and Alice.,quarrel,لَڑٲے,,झगड़ा, N,Ravi has no quarrel with Meera`s approach.,quarrel,نا اِتِفٲقی،اعتِراض,,असहमति, V,The two brothers often quarrel over trivial issues.,quarrel,لَڑٲے کَرٕنۍ,,झगडा_करना, VTI,Cut this apple into quarters.,quarter,ژور حِصہٕ,,चार_सम_भाग_करना, VTI,Troops were quartered with the local villagers.,quarter,ٹھہراونہٕ یُن،رُکاونہٕ یُن,,ठहराना{घर_में}, N,He has already finished a quarter of the work.,quarter,ژوٗرِم حِصہٕ,,चौथाई_भाग, N,The sound came from some quarter of the room.,quarter,طَرفہٕ,,स्थान[दिशा], N,It will take about an hour and a quarter to reach there.,quarter,سۄاد گَنٹہٕ،سۄاد,,चौथाई_भाग, N,She will come at quarter past two.,quarter,سۄادٕ,,पन्द्रह_मिनट{सवा/पौन}, N,We pay the school fees at the end of each quarter.,quarter,ترٛے رٮ۪تھ,,त्रिमास, N,He has travelled to every quarter of the globe.,quarter,طَرفَس،کوٗنَس,,दिशा, N,He found quarters for his family.,quarter,کواٹر,,घर, N,Elizabeth became the queen of England after the death of King George.,queen,بادشاہ باے ،بیگم,,रानी, N,Queen is a powerful piece in the game of chess.,queen,بیگم,,शतरंज_का_वजीर, N,I saw a queen in the garden.,queen,گانٛدٕر,,अंडे देने वाली मधुमखी, VT,She queens the Company.,queen,مٔلِکایہِ ہٕنٛدۍ پٲٹھۍ حکوٗمَت کَرٕنۍ,,रानी_जैसा_व्यवहार_करना, N,I have a quest for truth.,quest,تَلاش,,तलाश, V,He continued to quest for clues.,quest,ژھانٛڑُن,,तलाशना, N,I have a number of questions on this issue.,question,سَوال,,प्रश्न, N,His sincerety is beyond question.,question,شَک,,शक, VTI,We must question your judgement in this matter?,question,سَوال کَرُن,,प्रश्न_कर, N,Persistent questioning by the police made him unconscious.,questioning,پرٛژٕھج,,प्रश्न_पूछना, N,Please answer the enclosed questionnaire.,questionnaire,سَوال نامہٕ,,प्रश्नावली, Adj,He is quick to make friends.,quick,تیز,,तेज़, Adj,"He is very quick, so he finishes his work in short time.",quick,وُژھ،پھُرتیلہٕ،رِنٛدٕ,,फुर्तीला, Adv,Please do this work quickly.,quick,تیٖزی سان,,फुर्ती_से, N,I cut my nail to the quick.,quick,ماز,,हस्तांगुलि_के_अध:_भाग, Adv,He finishes the work quickly.,quickly,تیٖزی سان، فوٗری طور,,फुर्ती_से, Adj,I want to live a quiet life.,quiet,پُر سکوٗن,,शान्तचित, Adj,He is leading a quiet life.,quiet,پُر سکوٗن,,शान्त, N,It was quiet in the evening.,quiet,ژھۄپہٕ,,शांति, VT,She quietened down her crying baby.,quiet,ژھۄپہٕ کَرناوُن,,शांत_करना, Adv,The class was going on quietly and intently.,quietly,ژھۄپہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,शांति_से, N,His speech was concluded with a quip.,quip,مَخھولہٕ،طنزِیَہ جُملہٕ,,चुटकुला, VTI,Taylor quipped:`Chicago is not a good town`.,quip,مَخھولہٕ کَرُن,,चुटकुला_कहना, Adv,He writes quite well.,quite,کٲفی حدس تام،بِلکُل،سَراسَر,,काफी_हद_तक, Adv,Are you quite sure?,quite,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूरी_तौर_से, Adv,The food was quite delicious.,quite,پٔزی پٲٹھۍ,,सचमुच_ही, Adv,They should talk about it like two adults. `Quite?`.,quite,ٹھیٖک,,ठीक_है_!, Adv,The two answers are quite different.,quite,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पुरी तरह, VT,He always quotes Shakespeare.,quote,کتھ دۄہراوٕنۍ,,उद्धृत_करना, VT,I have to quote prices for these cars.,quote,مۄل لاگُن،قۭمَت لاگُن,,दाम_लगाना, N,He put his remarks within quotes.,quote,نِشانہٕ,,उद्धरणचिह्न, N,The race of time may leave you behind if you slumber.,race,دور,,तेज़_चाल, VI,I don`t like to race.,race,تیز دورُن,,जल्दी_दौड़ना, N,"We should not discriminate people on the grounds of sex, race or culture.",race,ذات,,कुल_वशं, N,Breed a race of cattles which can survive drought.,race,ذٲژ،نَسٕل,,जीव-धारियों_की_श्रेणी, N,Aryans were the people of ancient and noble race.,race,ذات,,मानव_जाति, N,Journalists are an interesting race.,race,زات,,व्यक्तियों_का_समूह, Adj,The fight will never end for racial equality.,racial,نَسلی،ذات پات,,प्रजातीय, N,He is a racist.,racist,زات پات مانَن وول,,जातिवादी, N,We can locate an aircraft by radar.,radar,راڑَر,,रडार, N,We should not expose ourselves to ultraviolet radiation.,radiation,ریڑیٚشَن,,किरण_पात, N,Doctors use radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.,radiation,ریڑیشَن,,रेडियो_धर्मी_पदार्थ_की_सहायता_से_इलाज_कराना, Adj,There is some radical flaw in the system.,radical,اَصلی،بُنیٲدی,,मूल[_भूत]_विषयक, Adj,We need a thorough radical changes in our society.,radical,مُکمل، ضروٗری,,मौलक, Adj,Our government should bring a radical change in the foreign policy.,radical,بُنِیٲدی,,सुधारवादी, Adj,He is a person with radical opinions.,radical,اَصٕل,,अतिवादी, N,My Uncle was radical all his life.,radical,۔۔۔,,मूल, N,Contact an aircraft by radio signals.,radio,ریڑیو,,बेतार_का_तार, VTI,We radioed to the police control room that we are in trouble.,radio,پیغام دیُن,,बेतार_का_तार_भेजना, N,She was trembling with rage.,rage,شَرارَت،ژَکھ,,रोष, N,The storm`s rage continued.,rage,قہَر,,प्रकृति_का_उग्र_रूप, N,His son has a rage for collecting stamps.,rage,سخ شوق,,प्रबल_इच्छा, VI,He raged against me for disobeying him.,rage,وولُن،نٲلۍ گَژُھن,,झुंझलाना, VI,An epidemic is raging throughout the country.,rage,تیزی سان پھٲلُن,,जोर_पकड़ना, N,The commandos made a bombing raid on enemies.,raid,حَملہٕ,,धावा, N,He was killed in an air raid.,raid,حملہٕ,,हवाई_हमला, N,Police carried out a raid on the hideouts of the militants.,raid,چھاپہٕ,,छापा, VT,Custom officers raided the houses of many film stars.,raid,چھاپہ ٕترٛاوُن,,छापा_मारना, VT,The police raided the terrorists` hideouts last night.,raid,حَملہٕ کَرُن,,धावा_बोलना, N,You can send your son by rail.,rail,ریل,,रेल, N,We transported our goods by rail.,rail,ریل,,ट्रेन, N,Children were walking on a rail.,rail,ریلہِ پٹٕر,,पटरी, VTI,He railed against the staff.,rail,شِکایَت کَرٕنۍ,,शिकायत करना, N,People in America use railroad for a comfortable journey.,railroad,ریلہِ وَتھ,,यू._एस.रेलवे, N,My father is working in railway.,railway,ریلوے,,रेलवे, N,The railway is still under construction in many villages.,railway,ریلوے,,रेलवे/रेल_की_पटरी, N,I like to walk in rain.,rain,روٗد,,वर्षा, N,There was a rain of bullets in Kargil region.,rain,بوٗچھار,,बौछार, VTI,It rained heavily last night.,rain,روٗد پیوٚن,,वर्षा_होना, VTI,Tears rained down her cheeks.,rain,دَدراے وَسٕنۍ,,लगातार_बहना, Adj,Her son doesn`t like rainy season at all.,rainy,روٗدٕ,,बरसाती, VT,Please raise your hands.,raise,تُلُن,,ऊपर_उठाना, VT,Go and raise a fallen child.,raise,تھوٚد تُلُن,,खड़ा_करना, VT,She raised her offer to Rs.3000.,raise,بَڑاوُن،کھالُن,,वृद्धि_करना_/बढ़ाना, VT,Why don`t you raise funds for charity?,raise,جمع کَرُن،فراہم کَرُن،دیُن,,एकत्र_करना, VT,"She told us all her jokes, but she couldn`t even raise a smile.",raise,ترٛاوُن,,उत्पन्न_करना, VT,My parents died when I was young so I was raised by my aunt.,raise,پالُن،بوٚڑ کَرُن،پرؤرِش کَرٕنۍ,,बड़ा_करना, VT,Many questions were raised against his paper.,raise,وۄتھٕنۍ,,घृणा_प्रकट_करना, VT,My victory in the final raised my spirits.,raise,بَڑاوُن،وۄتھٕبَو دیُن,,प्रसन्न_होना, VT,The opposition raised its voice against the women`s bill.,raise,کرٛٮ۪کھ تُلٕنۍ،مُخالفَت کَرٕنۍ,,विरोध_करना, N,He uses rake for collecting fallen leaves.,rake,پَنٛجہِ,,पाँचा{घास_जमा_करने_का_औज़ार}, N,He is a rake.,rake,لفنٛگہٕ،عَیاش,,दुराचारी, VTI,She raked up the grass cuttings.,rake,جمع کَرُن,,जमा_करना, VTI,He raked the almirah for the missing letter.,rake,ژھانٛڑُن،ژھٲنٛڑ دِنۍ,,तलाश_करना, VTI,They raked an enemy trench with machine gun fire.,rake,گولہٕ لَگاوٕنۍ,,गोले_दागना, Adj,Contestants were selected at random from the audience.,random,یِتَھے کٔنۍ،سونٛچنہٕ سمجَھنہٕ وَرٲے,,सहसा_उत्पन्न, N,She has seen the beautiful mountain range.,range,سِلسِلہٕ,,पंक्ति_श्रृंखला, N,The whole range of new stock of readymade garments has arrived in the market.,range,قٕسٕم,,श्रेणी, N,It is difficult to find a good house within our price range.,range,حَد,,सीमा, N,The gun has a range of five miles.,range,کش,,बंदूक_की_दूरी_जहाँ_तक_वह_मार_सकती_है, N,The range of prices for steel is from Rs.85 to Rs100.,range,قۭمتُک حَد,,सीमाएं_परिसर, VTI,The scouts ranged themselves along the route of the procession.,range,صَفَن مَنٛز تھاوُن،لٲنہِ مَنٛز تھاوُن,,कतार_में_बाँधना, VTI,The price of wheat ranges from 180 to 250 rupees a kilo?,range,فرَق آسٕنۍ,,दो_सीमाओं_मे_बदलना, VTI,This gun ranges over six miles.,range,واتُن,,मार_कर_सकना, VTI,Cattle are ranging over the plains.,range,گاسہٕ کھٮ۪نہٕ خٲطرٕ پھیرُن,,चरने_के_लिये_पशुओं_को_छोड़_देना, Adj,You should not eat rank meat.,rank,پھیوٗرمُت،ہوٚتمُت،سَڑیومُت,,बदबूदार, N,The winner was a rank outsider.,rank,۔۔۔,,सम्पूर्ण, Adj,It is a rank stupidity to swim running water.,rank,سَراسَر، پوٗرٕ,,अधिक_मात्रा_मे_उपज, N,Ranks of marching infantry looks so organized.,rank,لٲن،صَفہٕ,,क़तार, N,He is the writer of the highest rank.,rank,حٔثیَت، دَرجہِ,,श्रेणी, N,You should try to rise from this rank.,rank,دَرجہِ,,फौज़_मे_मामूली_सैनक, VTI,He ranks well ahead of his classmates in mathematics.,rank,پیٚٹھۍ مِس دَرجَس مَنٛز یُن,,किसी_विषेश_श्रेणी_मे_आना, VTI,She ranks a good position in her field.,rank,عہدٕ،دَرجہِ,,पद_मे_ऊँचा_होना, VTI,He was ranked among the best dressed men.,rank,دَرجہِ دیُن,,विशेष_श्रेणी_मे_रखना, VTI,The colonel ranks all other officers in the squadron.,rank,تھوٚد رُتبہٕ آسُن,,पद_मे_ऊँचा_होना, VT,I have ransacked his house for important papers but couldn`t find them anywhere.,ransack,ژھٲنڑ دِنۍ,,छान_मारना, N,He was sentenced to jail for committing a rape.,rape,عَصمَت دٔری,,बलात्कार, N,We have grown a rape at home.,rape,لیٚدرِ رَنگُک پوشہٕ دار کُل,,पीले_रंग_के_फूलों_वाला_पौधा, VT,The girl claimed that she had been raped.,rape,ٰعصمت دٔری کَرٕنۍ، بےٚ ہُرمٔتی کَرٕنۍ,,बलात्कार_करना, Adj,There has been a rapid increase in the prices of gold and silver recently.,rapid,جلٕد،تیز,,शीघ्र, Adv,Her project work is progressing rapidly.,rapidly,تیٖزی سان,,शीघ्रता_से, Adj,He has a huge collection of rare books in his library.,rare,نایاب,,दुर्लभ, Adv,He is rarely seen in the colony nowadays.,rarely,کُنہِ کُنہِ ساتہٕ,,कदाचित, N,Lots of rats are making menace in her neighbourhood.,rat,گَگُر,,चूहा, N,I smelt a rat when she became kind to me all of sudden.,rat,یِنہٕ والٮ۪ن مُشکِلن ہُنٛد اَندازٕ گَژُھن,,आने_वाले_संकट_की_आशंका_करना, VI,His friends dislike him as he often rats on them.,rat,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,अपने_साथियोँ_को_छोड़ना, V,How do you rate her as an actress?,rate,قۭمت لَگاوُن،مۄل لاگُن,,मूल्य_लगाना, N,He is walking at the rate of 5km an hour.,rate,رَفتار,,दर, N,I am not prepared to marry her at any rate.,rate,کُنہِ تہِ حالتَس منٛز,,किसी_भी_हालत_मे, N,"If you spend at this rate, you will soon be bankrupt.",rate,رَفتار,,मात्रा, N,His pulse rate dropped suddenly.,rate,رَفتار,,अनुपात, VTI,They rated the book quite high.,rate,قۭمت لگاوُن,,भाव_ठहराना, VTI,They rate him kind and hospitable.,rate,مانُن,,मूल्याकंन_करना, VTI,He was rated as a broker.,rate,ماننہٕ یُن,,वर्ग_या_श्रेणी_मे_रखना, VTI,Those tasks rate low in my priority list.,rate,دَرجہِ آسُن,,निर्धारित_करना, Adv,He came very late last night or rather in the wee hours this morning.,rather,بٔلِکہِ,,बलिकि, N,The ratio between 75 and 25 is 3:1.,ratio,نِسبَت,,संबन्ध, Adj,The patient seemed quite rational.,rational,عَقٕل مَنٛد,,सज्ञान, Adj,Raw vegetables are good for health.,raw,نیٖجی,,कच्चा, Adj,Raw material should be chemically treated first.,raw,خام,,प्राकृतिक_स्थिति_मे, Adj,A raw hand in a factory doesn`t suit at all.,raw,نا تربِیت یافتہٕ,,अदक्ष, Adj,You can feed raw data into a computer.,raw,۔۔۔,,कच्चे_आँकड़े, Adj,There are many natives all over the world who still live raw.,raw,نٮ۪تھہٕ نٔنۍ,,वस्त्रहीन, Adj,I can`t tolerate a raw deal.,raw,بُرٕ سٔلوٗک,,अनुचित_व्यवहार, N,Sun rays produce ultraviolet rays.,ray,لَوٕ,,किरण, N,Ray fish is very beautiful to look at.,ray,اکہِ قٕسمٕچ گاڈ,,मछली, N,Ray is the second note of any major scale.,ray,سُر,,संगीत_का_सुर, VI,A ray of light travels straight.,ray,گاشہ ٕلَوٕ پیٚنۍ,,किरण_निकालना, N,She got very sharp razor for section cuttings.,razor,کھوٗر,,उस्तरा, VI,Did any news reach your ears?,reach,واتُن,,पहुँचना, VI,He reached out his hand for the book but it was too far away.,reach,پِلہٕ ناوُن,,आगे_बढ़ाना, VI,My school reaches as far as the railway line.,reach,پھٲلِتھ، وَہرٲوِتھ,,फैला_होना, VT,Could you reach me that book from the table?,reach,پِلہٕ ناوُن،دیُن,,पहुँचाना, N,The rice bag is out of my reach.,reach,حَد,,पहुँच, VTI,How did the audience react to his remarks?,react,ردِ عمل کَرُن,,प्रतिक्रिया_करना, VTI,Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.,react,میلُن، رَلُن,,रासायनिक_परिवर्तन_पैदा_करना, VTI,Acids react on metals.,react,اَثَر ہاوُن،اَثَر کَرُن,,किसी_पदार्थ_मे_परिवर्तन_करना, N,What was his reaction to your proposal?,reaction,ردِ عمَل,,प्रतिक्रिया, N,The forces of reaction upset the whole plan.,reaction,۔۔۔,,प्रगति_मे_बाधा, N,I had a bad reaction after my penicillin injection.,reaction,اَثَر,,दवा_का_प्रभाव, N,Nuclear reaction produces large amount of heat.,reaction,رِیَکشَن,,पदार्थों_का_एक_दूसरे_पर_रासायनिक_प्रभाव, Adj,Reactionary forces oppose the improvement in our society.,reactionary,۔۔۔,,प्रतिक्रियात्मक, N,This is the result of the reactivity of the chemical solution.,reactivity,اَثَر,,प्रतिक्रियात्मकता, VTI,We should teach children how to read and write.,read,پَرُن,,पढ़ना, VTI,A driver must be able to read traffic signs.,read,سَمجھُن,,समझना, VTI,He is reading mathematics at Oxford.,read,پَرُن,,अध्ययन_करना, VTI,I offered my hand to the astrologer to read it.,read,وُچھُن,,देखना, VTI,The meter reads 4895 units.,read,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, VTI,"The sign reads,`Keep Left`.",read,ہاوُن,,अर्थ_रखना, N,She is a news reader on T.V.,reader,قٲری،پَرَن وول،پَرَن واجِنۍ,,पाठक, N,He is a reader in physics.,reader,ریٖڑَر,,विश्वविद्द्यालय_का_अध्यापक, N,He is employed as a reader in civil court.,reader,۔۔۔,,पेशकार, N,She works as a proof reader in the press.,reader,پَرَن وول،پَرَن واجِنۍ,,प्रूफ_पढ़ने_वाला, Adj,He readily agreed to accompany me to the station.,readily,آسٲنی سان،دٔستی,,तरन्त_ही, N,The colonel declared its readiness to fight against enemies.,readiness,تَیٲری,,तैयारी, N,He is a man of good reading.,reading,پَرَن وول,,पढ़ना, N,Children should always do loud reading.,reading,پَرُن,,वाचन_पठन, N,He has come for water meter reading.,reading,ریٖڑِنٛگ,,किसी_मीटर_डायल_आदि_द्वारा_चिह्नित_संख्या, Adj,Are you ready to go for shopping?,ready,تَیار,,तैयार, Adj,She has a keen mind and ready wit.,ready,حٲضِر جَواب,,शीघ्र, Adj,Keep a weapon ready at night.,ready,تَیار,,पहुँच_के_अन्दर, Adj,Make yourself ready for the Prime Minister`s visit.,ready,تَیٲری,,तैयारी, N,She is not having enough of the ready.,ready,مۄیسَر پونٛسہٕ,,प्राप्त_धन, N,The watchman keeps his spear and torch ready.,ready,تَیار,,काम_मे_लाने_के_लिये_तैयार, Adj,Are these facts real?,real,پوٚز،اَصلی,,सत्य, Adj,He is the real manager of the institution.,real,اَصلی,,वास्तवक, Adj,The excursion trip was a real disaster?,real,حٔقیٖقی,,पूर्णतः, Adj,Her real income has gone up by 15% in the past year.,real,اَصلی,,आमदनी/सम्पत्ति, Adv,He had a real good laugh after a long time.,real,حٔقیٖقتًن،پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,यथार्थ_में, N,I believe in realism.,realism,حقیقت پَسَندی,,यथार्थता, N,He accepts the realism even in the worst situation.,realism,حقیقت,,यथार्थवाद, Adj,He is realistic.,realistic,حقیقت پَسَنٛدانہٕ,,यथार्थवादी, N,You cannot escape from the reality of hard life.,reality,پَزَر،اَصلِیَت,,सच्चाई, N,I was shocked by the realization that I would perhaps never see her again.,realization,اِحساس,,प्रत्यक्षीकरण, VTI,She realized that Hari had been cheating her.,realize,احساس گَژھُن,,पता_चलना/बोध_होना, VTI,His furniture realized Rs.10000 at the sale.,realize,قۭمت مِلُن،مۄل دیُن,,मूल्य_पाना, Adv,What do you really think about yourself?,really,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ،پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,यथार्थ_मेँ, Adv,She is really a charming lady.,really,پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,सचमुच, Adv,"We are going to U.S.A. next week.`Oh, really?`",really,پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ،پٔزی,,आश्चर्य_प्रकट_करना, N,Zamindar`s realm is nowhere now in India.,realm,علاقہٕ,,राज्य, N,He has taken a photograph of the house from the rear.,rear,پٔتۍ کِنۍ،پٔتۍ مہِ طَرفہٕ,,पिछवाड़ा, N,He kicked him on the rear.,rear,پٔتۍ کِنۍ،پُشت,,पीछे_का_भाग, VTI,The snake reared its head.,rear,تھوٚد تُلُن,,उठाना, VTI,The male tiger helps the female to rear the youngs.,rear,پالُن،پَرؤرِش کَرٕنۍ،رَچُھن,,पालन_पोषण_करना, VTI,The horse reared up in fright.,rear,پٔتۍ مٮ۪ن زَنٛگن پٮ۪ٹھ کَھڑا گَژھُن,,पिछले_पैर_पर_खड़े_होना, N,What is your reason for leaving the job?,reason,وَجہ,,कारण/प्रयोजन, N,The conflict between faith and reason is going on.,reason,سَمَجھ،عَقٕل,,विवेक_बुद्धि, VTI,She reasoned that if she started at 5 a.m. she would be there by noon.,reason,تَفصیل دِنۍ، وضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,तर्क_करना, Adj,He is perfectly reasonable in his judgement.,reasonable,موقوٗل,,विवेकी, Adv,He is perfectly reasonable in his judgement.,reasonably,موقوٗل طور,,तर्कशील, Adv,Look at the problem reasonably.,reasonably,موقوٗل طورپٲٹھۍ,,विवेक_के_साथ/समझदारी_से, Adv,He appears to be reasonably happy with the arrangement.,reasonably,مُنٲسِب طور,,काफी, N,Her reasoning on this point is correct.,reasoning,سونٛچ,,तर्क_वितर्क, N,Ravi has always been a rebel.,rebel,بٲگی,,विद्रोही, VT,They rebelled against conventions.,rebel,بَغاوَت کرٕنۍ,,विद्रोह_करना, N,She got a rebound in garments export.,rebound,پھیٖرِتھ,,पलटाव, VI,The ball rebounded from the wall.,rebound,پتھ کُن واپَس یُن،واپَس یُن,,पीछे_को_उछल_आना, VI,The evil we do may rebound upon ourselves.,rebound,واپَس پانَس پٮ۪ٹھ یُن,,ऊपर_आना, VTI,She has rebutted all her charges.,rebut,غلط ثٲبِت کَرُن,,खण्डन_करना, V,I have to recall that date.,recall,یاد کَرُن,,याद_कर[वापस_बुला], N,A student is gifted with instant recall.,recall,یاداشت,,याददाश्त, VT,Try to recall the information.,recall,یاد پیوٚن,,याद_आना, VT,The speaker recalled the members of Parliament for a special debate.,recall,بیٚیِہ بُلاوُن,,फिर_बुलाना, VT,She recalled (that) she had sent a parcel two months ago.,recall,یاد کَرُن,,याद_करना, VTI,"As our ship advanced on the high seas, the sea shore slowly receded.",recede,پَتھ گَژُھن,,पीछे_हटना, VI,When did you receive my telegram?,receive,رَٹُن,,लेना, VI,I was warmly received by them.,receive,اِستقبال کَرُن,,स्वागत_करना, VI,He received my good wishes for his success.,receive,رَٹُن,,सम्मान_या_आशीर्वाद_लेना, VI,This building is ready to receive its new occupants.,receive,رَٹُن,,आने_देना, Adj,His recent visit to Japan was fruitful.,recent,حالُک,,हाल_का, Adv,He has recently been made a Vice Chancellor.,recently,حالٕے,,हाल_मेँ, N,Her son`s wedding reception was good.,reception,اِستِقبال,,स्वागत, N,That issue of the magazine had a favourable reception.,reception,مقبوٗلِیت,,ग्रहण_करने_का_ढ़ंग, N,Reception of T.V. programmes is satisfactory in Delhi.,reception,۔۔۔,,अधिग्रहण, N,The business is sliding into the depths of recession.,recession,خَرٲبی,,कम_होना, VTI,She reciprocated by giving him a nice gift.,reciprocate,اَدٕلہٕ بَدَل کَرُن,,अदला_बदली_करना, N,The government has announced the recognition of the Institute.,recognition,منظوٗری,,मान्यता, N,They looked at each other without recognition.,recognition,زان,,पहचानना, VT,I could recognize him from a distance.,recognize,پرٛزٕ ناوُن,,पहचानना, VT,The new institution was not recognized by the govt.,recognize,منظوٗری دِنۍ,,मान्यता_देना, VT,India recognizes Netaji`s services to the nation as a freedom fighter.,recognize,پہچان دِنۍ,,अधिकारिक_पहचान_देना, VT,The hotel is highly recommended for its excellent services.,recommend,تعریف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा_करना, VT,I recommend you to consult a good doctor.,recommend,مَشوَرٕ دیُن,,सलाह_देना, N,I bought this T.V. set on the recommendation of my friend.,recommendation,سِفٲرِش,,सिफ़ारिश, VT,The management was forced to reconsider its decision about the termination.,reconsider,دُبارٕ غور کَرُن,,फिर_देखना, V,I have to record a speech.,record,رِکارڑ کَرُن,,रेकार्ड_कर, N,Municipal corporation of India keeps the records of births and deaths.,record,دَستاویز,,सरकारी_काग़ज़, N,You must keep a record of income and expenditure.,record,دَرٕج,,लेख-प्रमाण, N,Her father had a distinguished war record.,record,ناو کموومُت,,किसी_वस्तु_या_व्यक्ति_के_सम्बन्धित_अतीत_का_ज्ञान, N,Sunil Gavaskar has broken a number of records in cricket.,record,رِکارڑ,,उच्चमान, VT,The programme was recorded in detail.,record,درٕج کَرُن,,रजिस्टर_मेँ_दर्ज_करना, VT,Barometer recorded a pressure of 76cm of mercury.,record,ہاوُن,,अंकित_करना, VT,Please record a programme from the radio.,record,رِکارڑ کَرُن,,प्रोग्राम_को_टेप_करना, N,He made a video recording of the wedding.,recording,رِکارڑِنٛگ،ریٖل,,अभिलेखन, VTI,Several bodies were recovered from the river after disastrous floods.,recover,بَرآمَد کَرُن,,बरामद_करना, VTI,Light diet will help you to recover from weakness.,recover,ٹھیٖک گَژُھن,,ठीक_होना, VTI,The skater quickly recovered his balance.,recover,سَمبالُن،سَندارُن,,पुनः_संभल_जाना, VTI,He could finally recover his money from his customers.,recover,ؤصوٗل کَرُن,,वसूल_करना, VTI,He is recovering after a long illness.,recover,بَلُن,,पुनः_स्वास्थ्य_लाभ_करना, N,She has made a speedy recovery after a prolong illness.,recovery,صحت یٲبی,,पुनः_प्राप्ति, N,The loser team staged a dramatic recovery in the second half of the match.,recovery,واپسی,,सही_हालत_मे_आ_जाना, N,There is a secret behind the recovery of the missing jewellery.,recovery,لَبُن,,पुनर्लाभ, N,She walks and climbs mountains for recreation.,recreation,تَفریٖح،چَکر,,मनोरंजन_आराम, N,They are recruits in the army.,recruit,رنٛگروٗٹ,,रंगरूट, VT,He has recruited some unemployed youths in his company.,recruit,بٔرتی کَرُن,,नयी_भर्ती_करना, N,He is a rector of Roman Catholic Church.,rector,پادٕرۍ,,पादरी, VI,"If the problem recurs, you can call me.",recur,بار بار یِنۍ،بیٚیہِ یِنۍ,,फिर_आना, Adj,Maple leaves turn red in the autumn.,red,ۄوزُل,,लाल, Adj,Nepal rolled out red carpet to welcome Princess Diana.,red,وۄزُل,,किसी_के_स्वागत_के_लिये_बिछाई_गयी_दरी, Adj,Snobs of any type make him see red.,red,وۄشلُن,,क्रोध_मे_आपे_से_बाहर_हो_जाना, Adj,The baby`s eyes were red with weeping.,red,وۄزجار،وۄزٕج,,लाल_आँखें, Adj,She has seen a red squirrel.,red,وۄزُل،وۄزٕج,,लाल-भूरे_रंग_का, N,Her favourate colour is red.,red,وۄزُل رَنٛگ,,लाल_रंग, N,The continuous strike put many businesses in the red.,red,گاٹہٕ,,घाटे_मे, N,Would you prefer red or white?,red,وۄزُل,,लाल, VT,Giving up smoking reduces the risk of throat and lung cancer.,reduce,کَم کَرُن,,घटाना, N,There is a special reduction on readymade garments.,reduction,کٔمی,,घटाव, V,The murder case has been referred to high court.,refer,زِمہٕ کَرُن,,संदर्भ_दे, VTI,Does this remark refer to you?,refer,اِشارٕ کرُن,,संकेत_करना, VTI,The matter has been referred to the committee.,refer,حوالہٕ کَرُن,,सौंपना, VTI,The advocate frequently referred to his notes.,refer,حوالہ ٕدیُن,,हवाला_देना, VTI,The patient was referred to hospital.,refer,سوزُن,,परामर्श_हेतु_भेजना, N,His book is full of references.,reference,حوالہٕ,,संदर्भ, N,The article has a number of references from his book.,reference,حوالہٕ,,उल्लेख, N,You should not have done it without reference to me first.,reference,مَشوَرٕ,,निर्देश, N,I am writing with reference to your job application.,reference,حوالہٕ,,सम्बन्ध, N,He has given his teacher`s name as a reference.,reference,حَوالہٕ,,हवाला, VTI,See how beautifully the water reflects the sun.,reflect,عکٕس ترٛاوُن,,प्रतिबिम्ब_डालना, VTI,The white clothes reflect the glare of the sun.,reflect,ٹَکر ترٛاوُن,,परावर्तित_करना, VTI,"Before I decide, I need time to sit and reflect.",reflect,غور کرُن,,चिन्तन_या_विचार_करना, N,Our education minister should carry out reforms in education system.,reform,سُدار,,सुधार, VTI,She`s given up bad habits and is now a reformed personality.,reform,سُدریومُت،سُدریمٕژ,,सुधारना, VT,Milk and icecream should be refrigerated.,refrigerate,تُرُن کَرُن،ہُندُر کَرُن,,ठण्डा_करना, N,Fruits are kept in the refrigerator.,refrigerator,فرِٛج,,रेफ़्रीजरेटर, N,So many refugees have come from Bangladesh.,refugee,مُہاجِر,,शरणार्थी, VT,We assure you to refund your money in full if you are not satisfied with our policy.,refund,واپَس دیُن,,वापस_करना, N,You should claim a tax refund.,refund,واپَس ادایگی,,वापसी, N,His refusal to lend me his book is most annoying.,refusal,نَکار,,अस्वीकार, N,Town refuse is dumped outside the town.,refuse,ژھۄٹھ,,तलछट, VT,I refused to lend him extra money.,refuse,نکار کَرُن,,अस्वीकार_करना, VT,She has regained consciousness.,regain,واپس یُن,,पुनः_प्राप्त_करना, V,He is regarded as a nice person.,regard,ماننہٕ یُن,,मान[देख], N,I have enough regard for my neighbours.,regard,احتِرام،لِحاز,,आदर, N,I have nothing to say in this regard.,regard,مُتعلق,,सम्बन्ध/मामला, N,Convey my regards to your parents.,regard,سَلام,,शुभकामनाएँ, VT,I regard his behaviour unmanly.,regard,مانُن,,मानना, VT,He is highly regarded as the best teacher in the school.,regard,احتِرام کَرُن،ماننہٕ یُن,,आदर_करना, VT,He hardly regards my advice.,regard,پَرواہ کَرُن,,ध्यान_देना, VT,He regarded me with some doubt.,regard,وُچھُن,,देखना, Prep,I have no information regarding this matter.,regarding,مُتعلِق، اَمہ ِکِس بارسَس منٛز,,के~बारे~में, Prep,He said so much regarding your request.,regarding,اَتھ مُتعلِق ، اَتھ بارسَس منٛز,,के_बारे_में, Adj,I must make the decision regardless of any thing.,regardless,بے پرواہ,,बेपरवाह, N,I hate the corrupt regime.,regime,حکوٗمَت،نِظامِہ حکوٗمَت,,शासन_व्यवस्था, N,Free trade is not permissible under the present regime.,regime,دورِ حکوٗمَت,,शासन{व्यवस्था}, N,Rajput and Gorkha regiments are very active.,regiment,فوٗجی پَلٹَن,,सैन्य_दल, N,A whole regiment of volunteers turned up to help.,regiment,پَلٹن,,अधिक_संख्या, N,The desert region is increasing rapidly in some countries.,region,شعبہٕ،خٕطہٕ,,प्रदेश_क्षेत्र, N,Mira has accute pain in her lower abdominal region.,region,حِصہٕ,,हिस्सा, Adj,Nowadays regional programmes are also telecasted on T.V.,regional,علاقٲیی,,क्षेत्रीय, N,Sir could you sign the hotel register please?,register,رجسٹر,,बही, N,The register of a flute is very high.,register,سُرٕچ آواز,,दूरी_जहाँ_तक_मनुश्य_या_बाजे_की_आवाज_सुनाई_पड़े, VT,It is dificult to register a flute.,register,سُرٕچ آواز کَڑٕنۍ,,रजिस्टर_कर, VT,You should always register the birth of a child.,register,دَرٕج کَرُن,,दर्ज_करना, VT,Get yourself registered in the Employment Exchange.,register,دَرٕج کَرُن,,पंजीकृत_कराना, VT,Rain Gauge registered 4.7 cm of rain fall.,register,ہاوُن,,प्रदर्शित_करना, N,I have to pay the fees of registration.,registration,رَجسٹریشن،دٲخلہٕ,,पंजीकरण, N,The registration of the students for M.C.A. is over.,registration,رجسٹریشن،دٲخلہٕ,,पंजीकृत_करना, VT,I regret my inability to help you.,regret,اَفسوٗس کَرُن,,पश्चाताप_करना, VT,I regret the loss of my wrist watch.,regret,دۄکھ گَژھُن،اَفسوٗس گَژُھن ،پھیرُن,,दुःखी_होना, N,My only regret is that I have to leave the post.,regret,اَفسوٗس,,पश्चाताप, Adj,You must follow your regular routine.,regular,حسبہِ معموٗل,,नियमित, Adj,Do you want baby size bicycle or regular size?,regular,عام,,सामान्य, Adj,They belong to regular forces of India.,regular,علاقٲیی,,स्थायी, Adj,The sky was full of the birds flying in regular formation.,regular,باتَرتیٖب,,सम, N,He is one of the regulars here.,regular,مُستَقِل,,नियमित_सैनक, Adv,Her maid arrives regularly at seven every morning.,regularly,ہَر دۄہ،پرٛٮ۪تھ دۄہ,,नियमित_रूप_से, VT,You should regulate your household expenses within means.,regulate,باقٲیدٕ بَناوُن,,नियमानुसार_ठहरना, N,Generally people do not obey rules and regulations of the road.,regulation,قٲیدٕ,,बन्दोबस्त, N,There is a rehabilitation centre for psychiatric patients.,rehabilitation,آبادکٲری,,बहाली, VT,The government has reiterated its commitment to the upliftment of the poor.,reiterate,وِزِ وِزِ وَنُن،پِھرۍ پِھرۍ وَنُن,,बार_बार_कहना, VT,Her proposal was finally rejected by the committee.,reject,نامنظوٗر کَرُن,,फेँकना, VT,Imperfect articles are rejected by the editor.,reject,نا منظوٗر کَرُن،رَد کَرُن,,अस्वीकार_करना, VT,The child was rejected by its parents.,reject,ترٛاوُن,,न_चाहना, N,These pairs of shoes are export rejects.,reject,نامنظوٗر کوٚرمُت چیٖز,,अस्वीकृत_वस्तु, VTI,My grandfather related the story of a clever fox.,relate,وَنُن,,वर्णन_करना, VTI,This issue is not related to the concerned case.,relate,واسطہٕ تھاوُن,,सम्बंध_जोड़ना, VTI,Is the new law related to reservation of seats for the handicapped?,relate,مُتعلِق آسُن,,सम्बद्ध_होना, VTI,It is difficult for me to relate.,relate,ہمدردی ہاوٕنۍ,,हमदर्दी_प्रकट_करना, Adj,We are going to discuss the proposal and the related issues.,related,مُتعلِق,,सम्बन्धी, Adj,This issue is related to my family members.,related,مُتعلق,,संबंधित, Adj,She is related to him by her mother`s side.,related,رِشتہ ٕدار,,बन्धु, N,She is related to him by her mother`s side.,relation,رِشتہٕ,,सम्बन्ध, N,She told me the relation of some amusing incident.,relation,۔۔۔,,वर्णन, N,The relation between doctor and patient should be sincere.,relation,رِشتہٕ,,आपसी_सम्बन्ध, N,Our business relations are very cordial.,relation,تعلُقات,,व्यवहार, N,He invited all his relations on his son`s marriage.,relation,رِشتہٕ دار,,रिश्तेदारी, N,You should chalk out your plan with relation to the future.,relation,مُطٲبِق,,सन्दर्भ, N,Relations between the two neighbouring countries have improved.,relations,تعلُقات,,सम्बन्ध, N,Her relationship with that boy broke up after six years of courtship.,relationship,تعلُقات,,सम्बन्ध/रिश्तेदारी, Adj,The file relative to this case is missing.,relative,مُتعلِق،وابَستہٕ,,संबंधित, Adj,The relative advantages of gas and electricity are different.,relative,۔۔۔,,तुलनात्मक, Adj,This is the relative place where we met.,relative,ہوٗ بہ ہوٗ,,सम्बन्ध_वाचक_क्रिया-विषेशण, Adj,` whom` is a relative pronoun in the sentence `The boy whom I met`.,relative,وابَستہٕ پٔرۍ ناوُت,,सम्बन्ध_वाचक_सर्वनाम, N,She is my close relative.,relative,رِشتہٕ دار,,सगा, Adv,"In spite of his bad health, he is relatively active.",relatively,نٮ۪سبَت،توتہِ,,तुलनात्मक_रूप_से, VTI,Let your muscles relax slowly.,relax,یَلہٕ ترٛاوُن,,ढीला_करना[होना], VTI,He likes to relax with a glass of wine when he gets home from office.,relax,آرام کَرُن,,विश्राम_करना[होना], VTI,"I felt relaxed, when I came to know she is safe.",relax,آرام میلُن,,तनाव_मुक्त_होना[करना], VTI,We would relax the admission fee slightly in your case.,relax,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, N,Jailer got an order for Rahul`s release from prison.,release,رِہٲیی,,रिहाई, N,The release of a new film is delayed.,release,نُمٲیِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रदर्शन, N,I don`t know the release mechanism of a lock.,release,کھولنُک طٔریٖقہٕ عَمل,,खुलने_की_क्रिया, VT,The prisoner was released.,release,یَلہٕ ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, VT,She gently released herself from him.,release,یَلہٕ کَرُن,,मुक्त_करना, VT,The new edition of the book has been released.,release,شایَع کَرُن,,विमोचन/लोकार्पण_करना, VT,This news has been released to the press.,release,خَبَر شایع کَرنہٕ خٲطرٕ سوزٕنۍ,,मोचन_करना, VT,The bullet is released from the gun at a very high speed.,release,لَگاونہٕ یُن،نیرٕنۍ,,छोड़ना{यंत्र_का}, VT,He has released his rights in favour of his nephew.,release,ترٛاوُن,,त्यागना, Adj,Please have all the relevant documents ready for passport.,relevant,مُتعلقہٕ,,उपयुक्त, Adj,Her servant is reliable.,reliable,بَروسہٕ مَنٛد,,विश्वास_योग्य, N,She sent some relief to refugees.,relief,اِمداد,,सहायता{कोष}, N,The injection gave the patient much relief.,relief,آرام,,आराम, N,He performs his duty from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with only one hour`s relief.,relief,آرام,,विश्राम, N,She heaved a sigh of relief when her son returned home safely.,relief,راحت,,राहत, N,They got temporary financial relief from the tax due to severe drought.,relief,چھوٗٹ,,छूट, Adj,Relief fund was collected for helping the quake victims.,relief,اِمدٲدی,,सहायता_कोष, N,"A relief map of India shows mountains, valleys, gulfs, seas, etc.",relief,اِرتِشٲعی نَقشہٕ,,उभरी_हुई_नक्काशी, N,The hills stood out in sharp relief against the dawn sky.,relief,۔۔۔,,रंग_और_शेडिंग_द्वारा_ऊँचाई_का_प्रदर्शन, VT,Amrutanjan relieves headache.,relieve,کَم گَژھٕنۍ,,पीड़ा_कम_करना, VT,He was relieved of his job.,relieve,بَرخاست کَرُن,,सेवा_से_मुक्त_करना, VT,The flyovers relieve traffic jams in the city.,relieve,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, VT,Now you should relieve the guard from his duty.,relieve,یَلہٕ ترٛاوُن,,कार्य_मुक्त_करना, VT,Government is making efforts to relieve famine in Africa.,relieve,مَدَد کَرٕنۍ,,सहायता_करना, Adj,We were relieved to hear you were safe and sound.,relieved,سکوٗن ،آرام،راحت,,चिन्ता_मुक्त, N,Religion teaches us to live and let others live.,religion,مَزہَب,,धर्म, N,She has a great sense of rhythm.,rhythm,تال,,ताल, N,Indian basmati rice is famous for its aroma and long grain.,rice,تومُل,,चावल, Adj,Rich countries like U.S.A. and Japan are getting richer day by day.,rich,أمیٖر,,सम्पन्न, Adj,This year`s paddy harvest is rich because of good monsoon.,rich,غلبہٕ,,प्रचुर, Adj,I don`t like rich food.,rich,تیز,,गरिष्ट, Adj,She has a rich voice.,rich,شانٛدار،جان,,शानदार, Adj,She always buys rich fabrics.,rich,بوٚرُت رنٛگہٕ دار,,भड़कीला, VT,He wants to get rid of his bad company.,rid,نَجات,,मुक्त_करना, N,He gave me a ride in his new car.,ride,سٲر،چکر,,सैर{घोड़े_या_गाड़ी_पर_सवार_होकर_सैर}, VTI,He rode his jeep over the rough mountains.,ride,چَلاوُن,,सवारी_करना, N,More than two billion riders are not allowed on two wheelers.,rider,سَوار,,सवार, N,Himalayan mountains have many prominent ridges.,ridge,بالہٕ تھوٚنٛگۍ,,ढालू_टीला{_या_पहाड़ी}, V,A slightly ridged and ploughed field is good for a healthy crop.,ridge,بیرٕگٔنٛڑِتھ,,मेड़_बनाना, Adj,It is ridiculous to follow your stupid instructions.,ridiculous,بے ہوٗدٕ,,हास्यास्पद, N,He has enrolled himself in a riding school.,riding,رَیڑِنگ,,सवारी, N,"Don`t play with that rifle, it is loaded.",rifle,اَکہِ قٕسمُک بٔنٛدوٗق،رَیفٕل,,एक_प्रकार_की_बन्दूक, VT,Someone has rifled through her bag.,rifle,ژھٲنٛڑ دِنۍ,,चप्पा ड्ँढ_लेना, Adj,Place the books on the right side of the specs.,right,دٔچِھنۍ,,दाँया, Adj,He is the right person for the job.,right,صحیح,,सही, Adv,Nothing seems to be going right for him nowadays.,right,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,ठीक, Adv,"Please wait here for me, I will be right back.",right,دٔستی,,तुरन्त, N,You have no right to stop me from going to Bombay.,right,حَق,,अधिकार, N,The children should be able to distinguish between right and wrong.,right,صحیح,,सही, Adj,Her boss is a man of rigid principles.,rigid,سَخٕت,,कड़ा, N,She always wears diamond ring.,ring,وٲج,,अँगूठी, N,He keeps all his keys in a key ring.,ring,کُنٛزٕترٛونٛگ,,छल्ला{चाभी/नेपकिन_का}, N,The police stood in a ring around the officer.,ring,گیرٕ,,घेरा/मंडल/चक्र, VI,I will answer the telephone for you if it rings.,ring,بَجُن,,बजना{घण्टियोँ_का}, VT,Ring the bell for school assembly.,ring,وایِنۍ,,बजाना{घण्टीँ_का}, N,Riots broke out in many sensitive areas.,riot,فَساد،فِتنہٕ,,दंगा, VT,"During campaigning, protesters rioted with opposition.",riot,فَسادکَرُن،فِتنہٕ کَرُن,,दंगा_करना, Adj,All the mangoes are ripe enough to eat.,ripe,پَپے مٕتۍ,,पका_हुआ, VI,The smoke is rising from the chimney.,rise,وۄتھُن,,उठना, VI,The sun rises in the east.,rise,کَھسُن,,उदित_होना, VI,He rose from the death bed.,rise,زِنٛدٕ گَژھُن,,जी_उठना, VI,The river has risen by one metre due to continuous raining.,rise,ہیوٚر کَھسُن,,बढना, VI,My voice rose in anger.,rise,تَھدِ گَژٕھنۍ،بَڑِ گَژٕھنۍ,,तीव्र_होना, VI,Her spirits rose after hearing the good news.,rise,شانہٕ وۄگٕنۍ,,प्रसन्न_हो_जाना, VI,She rose from an attender to become an officer.,rise,تَرقی کَرٕنۍ,,उन्नति_करना, Adj,Japan is a rising country.,rising,تَرقی یٖافتہٕ,,उन्नतिशील, N,Para military forces were brought in to suppress the rising.,rising,بَغاوَت,,विद्रोह/उत्थान, N,There is a risk of going out in the curfew.,risk,خَطرٕ,,ख़तरा, VT,Don`t take any risk of your life.,risk,خَطرٕہیوٚن,,जोखिम_उठाना, Adj,Tribal women performed the ritual dance in front of the guests.,ritual,رَسمی,,रस्म_संबंधी, N,The wedding was performed with all the rituals.,ritual,رسٕم,,क्रियापद्धति, N,"All three rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati meet at prayag.",river,دٔرِیاو,,नदी, N,This road leads to the suburbs of the city.,road,سَڑَک، وَتھ,,सड़क, N,The roar of the traffic was unbearable.,roar,شور,,दहाड़, VI,Tigers are roaring in their cages.,roar,شور کَران,,दहाड़ना, VI,His motorbike roared up the hill.,roar,گَڑ گَڑ کَرُن,,गड़गड़ाना, VT,She has been robbed.,rob,لوٗٹنہٕ یُن,,लूटना, VT,A last minute goal robbed them of almost certain victory.,rob,تَھپہِ نیُن,,छीनना, N,They drilled the bore through many layers of rocks to reach the water.,rock,کٔنۍ،پَل,,चट्टान, VTI,I have to rock a baby to sleep.,rock,ہِلاوُن،گوٗرٕ گوٗرٕ کَرُن,,हिलना, VTI,The whole building rocked as the bomb exploded.,rock,ہِلُن،اَلہٕ اَلہٕ گَژھُن,,हिल_जाना{देना}, N,Rockets are used to shoot missile or launch spacecraft.,rocket,راکیٹ,,बाण-हवाई, V,Nowadays land prices are rocketing.,rocket,اَچانک واریاہ بَڑُن,,अचानक_बहुत_बढना, N,He has played a variety of roles in the film.,role,کِردار,,भूमिका, V,The rock rolled off the mountain.,roll,ڈُلہٕ گَژُھن,,लुढ़कना, N,He has wasted a roll of film by exposing it.,roll,رول,,गोला, N,They have not included their parents name in electoral roll.,roll,فِرِست,,सूची, N,There was a loud drum roll from the restaurant.,roll,ڈھولٕچ دُھم دُھم آواز,,गड़गड़ाहट, VTI,Keep the cameras rolling.,roll,نَژوُن,,घूमा, VTI,The goat rolled down the hill.,roll,ڈُلہٕ گَژھُن,,लुढकना, VTI,He always roll his cigarettes.,roll,وَٹُن,,लपेटना, VTI,The high tides rolled the boat from side to side.,roll,نَژناوُن,,घुमाना, VTI,The traffic rolled slowly.,roll,وارٕ وارٕ پَکُن,,धीमे_चलना, VTI,Roll out the pizza dough.,roll,بیلُن,,बेलना, Adj,He has roman coins.,roman,روٗمی,,रोमन, Adj,Keats was one of the greatest romantic poets of his time.,romantic,روٗمٲنی,,रोमानी, Adj,She has highly romantic ideas of life rather than reality.,romantic,روٗمٲنی,,कल्पित, Adj,She has highly romantic ideas of life rather than reality.,romantic,روٗمٲنی,,कल्पित, Adj,Keats was one of the greatest romantic poets of his time.,romantic,رومٲنی,,रोमानी, N,That house has a sloping roof.,roof,چَھپرٕ،پَش,,छत, VT,Her house is roofed with red tiles.,roof,پَش دِتھ,,छत_पाटना, N,The house has a simply furnished living room.,room,کُٹھ،کَمرٕ,,कमरा, N,This huge sofa takes up too much room.,room,جاے,,स्थान, N,The room is full.,room,کُٹھ,,कमरा, N,Eucalyptus has very long and deep roots.,root,موٗل,,जड़, N,The square root of 64 is 8.,root,روٗٹ,,वर्गमूल, N,The root word in `going` is `go`.,root,بُنِیٲدی,,धातु{क्रिया}, VI,Some plants root easily.,root,موٗل دِنۍ,,जड़_पकड़ना, VT,She always roots the tender saplings very carefully.,root,تھاوُن,,स्थापित_कर, N,She tied a piece of rope to the branch with the help of a long stick.,rope,رَز,,रस्सी, V,Mountain climbers roped themselves together for safety.,rope,رَزِ سۭتۍ گَنٛڑُن,,रस्सी_से_बाँधना{बँधना}, N,I like roses.,rose,گۄلاب,,गुलाब, N,There are many different types of roses in my garden.,rose,گۄلاب,,गुलाब_का_फूल_या_पौधा, Adj,Her skin becomes very rough during the winter months.,rough,خۄشٕک,,खुरदरा, Adj,I don`t like rough weather.,rough,توفٲنی,,तूफानी, Adj,Show me a rough draft of your letter.,rough,رَف,,कच्चा, Adj,Today was a rough day for me.,rough,مُشکِلات وول,,कठिनाई_भरा, Adj,Your voice sounds rough to me.,rough,تَلَخ,,रूखा, Adj,I feel pretty rough today.,rough,اوٗرۍ نہٕ یوٗرۍ، یِتَھے ہیوٗ,,अशान्त, VT,You may have to rough it a little more if you come to stay in the hostel.,rough,مُصیٖبَت ژالُن,,कठिनाई_सहना, Adv,It needs roughly two hours to reach Kazipet from here.,roughly,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग, Adv,Do not handle the book roughly.,roughly,یِتَھے پٲٹھۍ,,असावधानी_से, Adv,He treats his wife roughly.,roughly,سَختی سان,,अशिष्टता_से, Prep,All of us sat round the fire.,round,أنٛدۍ أنٛدۍ,,चारों_ओर, Adj,She has a beautiful round mirror.,round,گول,,गोल, N,Cut the dough into small rounds for making biscuits.,round,پیرٕ,,वृत्त, N,The next round of the peace talks between India and Pakistan will start next month.,round,دورٕ,,दौर, N,The match only lasted three rounds.,round,مَرحَل,,पारी, N,Now its my round to buy drinks for you all.,round,وٲرۍ,,बारी, N,The children sat in a round.,round,گول,,घेरा, N,The police fired several rounds at the thieves.,round,بوٗچھاڑ,,बौछार, N,The doctor saw the patient on his daily round.,round,دورٕ,,फेरा, VTI,Make a round shape of the object.,round,گول,,गोल_बनाना, N,"Due to heavy rain, he drove home by the shortest route.",route,وَتھ,,मार्ग, N,He has a regular routine.,routine,معموٗل,,नित्य_का_नियम, N,They had a row again.,row,لَڑٲے,,झगड़ा, N,She has arranged all her books in rows.,row,قَطار،لٲن,,पंक्ति, VT,He rowed us across the Hussain sagar lake.,row,شِکارِ مَنٛز نیُن,,खेना, VT,She is rowing again with her husband.,row,لَڑٲے کَرٕنۍ,,झगड़ना, Adj,He belongs to a royal family.,royal,أمیٖر,,शाही, N,The young royals enjoy life.,royal,أمیٖر,,शाही_खानदान_का_व्यक्ति, N,Give your shoes a rub before you go out.,rub,پَھش,,रगड़, VI,The long branches rubbed against each other.,rub,گٔکھٕر لَگٕنۍ,,रगड़ना, VI,Stop rubbing otherwise paint will come off.,rub,گٔکھٕر دِنۍ,,घिसना, VT,She rubbed her body with a towel.,rub,وَتھراوُن,,रगड़, VT,She rubbed the cream on her back.,rub,مَتُھن,,मलना, VT,The officer was rubbed out by the Mafia.,rub,قَتٕل کَرُن,,खुन करना, VT,Who`s rubbed these answers?,rub,مِٹاوُن,,मिटाना, N,The tubes are made of rubber.,rubber,رَبَر,,रबर, Adj,He got annoyed with her rude behaviour.,rude,بَد،غَلَط،بُرٕ,,अशिष्ट, Adj,Her city is surrounded by rocky and rugged mountains.,rugged,ہیوٚر بۄن,,ऊँचा-नीचा, Adj,It was a rugged road going up the mountains.,rugged,ناہَموار،ہیوٚر بۄن,,ऊबड़_खाबड़, Adj,He has a rugged face.,rugged,خۄشٕک,,सख्त, Adj,Everybody knows that Tata Sumo is a rugged vehicle.,rugged,مظبوٗط,,मज़बूत, VT,The crops were ruined by the delayed monsoon.,ruin,تَباہ گَژھُن,,नष्ट_कर, N,The business is on the edge of ruin.,ruin,تَبٲہی,,विनाश, N,You must do everything as per rules.,rule,قٲیدٕ،اوٚصوٗل,,नियम, N,I can`t work under his rule.,rule,حکوٗمت,,शासन, VT,Akbar ruled India for many years.,rule,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,शासन_कर, VI,The judge ruled in favour of the accused.,rule,فٲصلہٕ دیُن,,निर्णय_कर, VI,The judge ruled in favour of the accused.,rule,فٲصلہٕ دیُن,,निर्णय_कर, N,You have to work under rules.,rule,قٲیدٕ,,नियम, N,Hitlar was a very strict ruler of his time.,ruler,حُکُمران,,शासक, N,There is an appeal against the court`s ruling.,ruling,فٲصلہٕ,,न्यायालय_का_निर्णय, Adj,Ruling party didn`t do much for the uplift of the poors.,ruling,حُکوٗمَت کَرَن واجِنۍ,,प्रबल, VI,She cannot run fast because her leg pains.,run,دورُن,,दौड़ना, VI,I made him to run.,run,دورناوُن,,दौड़ाना, VI,The derby will run in spite of his ill health.,run,پَکُن,,चलना, VI,Can I run you to the airport?,run,نیُن,,ले_जाना, VI,The GT road runs parallel to the Allahabad city.,run,پَکُن,,जाना, VI,Could you run a hot bath for me?,run,چالوٗکَرُن,,चालू_करना, N,She goes for a run every morning.,run,دور,,दौड़, N,They have taken out their van for a run around the city.,run,سٲر,,सैर, N,This ferry operates on the Albagh Bombay run.,run,وَتھ,,मार्ग, N,`Shatranj ke khiladi `play had a good run in the country.,run,دور,,लम्बा_दौर, V,That was a run of bad luck.,run,دور,,दौर, N,She has a very big `chicken run` at her back yard. .,run,۔۔۔,,बाड़ा, N,I have got a run in my shirt.,run,گوٚد,,छेद, N,Indian cricket won the game by 20 runs.,run,رَن,,रन, N,Indian cricket won the game by 20 runs.,run,رَن,,रन, Adj,Martina Hingis won the world cup championship three times running.,running,لَگاتار،مُسَلسَل,,लगातार/एक_के_बाद_एक, N,I gave him a rupee.,rupee,رۄپے,,रुपया, N,She has enough rupees to spend lavishly.,rupee,رۄپیہِ,,रूपया, Adj,He is from rural area.,rural,گٲمی,,देहाती, V,The children rushed out of the school.,rush,تیزنیرُن،دٔستی نیرُن,,वेगपूर्वक_बढ़ना, VI,"Don`t rush, take your time to get ready.",rush,وُژھ کَرٕنۍ,,जल्दबाज़ी_करना, N,We left in the afternoon to avoid the evening rush.,rush,بِرٕ,,भीड़, N,She made a rush for the shop.,rush,وُژھ,,हड़बड़ी/जल्दी_में, N,The unexpected heavy monsoon caused a rush on raincoats.,rush,مَنٛگ,,बढ़ती_माग, V,Don`t sabotage somebody`s plans.,sabotage,بِگاڑُن ،خَراب کَرُن,,बिगाड़ना, N,They had to face an economic sabotage.,sabotage,تبٲہی,,ध्वंसन, Adj,Her marriage is sacred to her.,sacred,مُتَبَرک،پاک,,पवित्र, N,The sacrifice of young children in the temple is not a good practice.,sacrifice,قۄربٲنی,,बलिदान, V,A large number of leaders of the national movement sacrificed their personal life for the national interests.,sacrifice,قۄربان گَژھُن,,त्याग, Adj,John is sad because his dog has died.,sad,غَمگیٖن،پَریشان,,उदास, Adj,It`s very sad that many of those who died in road accidents were under 25.,sad,دۄکھ,,बहुत_बुरा, N,Sit on the saddle and ride the horse.,saddle,زیٖن,,जीन, N,Sit on the saddle and lean forwards.,saddle,گٔد ۍ،کُرسی,,गद्दी/आसन/सीट, N,This is a saddle of a lamb.,saddle,۔۔۔,,पीठ_का_पारचा, Adj,This water is safe for drinking.,safe,مُفیٖد,,सुरक्षित{शारीरिक}, Adj,Your secret is safe with me.,safe,محفوٗظ,,सुरक्षित, Adj,The missing child was found safe and sound.,safe,ٹھیٖک ٹھاک،محفوٗظ,,सही-सलामत/सकुशल, Adj,He is a safe driver.,safe,۔۔۔,,सुरक्षित काम करने वाला, N,Doctors are concerned for the safety of the patient.,safety,سَلامتی،حِفاظَت,,सुरक्षा{शारीरिक}, V,She sailed on her boat.,sail,آٲبی سَفَر کَرُن,,जलयात्रा_करना, V,When does the ferry sail?,sail,رَوانہ ٕگَژھُن,,रवाना_होना, V,Sail the arms in a cruiser.,sail,اَپور تارٕنۍ,,पार_करना, N,Shikha is going for a sale.,sailing,ٲبی سفر,,जलयात्रा, N,Swami Vivekanand was a great saint.,saint,ؤلی،سادوٗ,,साधु/सन्त, N,I can make sake easily.,sake,جاپٲنۍ شَراب,,भला/साके{जापानी_शराब}, N,Please do it for my sake.,sake,خٲطرٕ,,भला, N,For God`s sake! Please go away.,sake,پاسہٕ،خٲطرٕ,,के_लिये, N,I took two pegs of sake last night.,sake,شَراب,,साके{चावलों_की_बनी_जापानी_शराब}, N,Poor people cannot manage on their salary.,salary,تَنخاہ,,वेतन/तनखाह, N,The winter wear is on sale.,sale,سیل,,सेल, N,Ram is working as a salesman on Rayond Shopping Centre.,salesman,مُلٲزِم، سیلَز مین,,विक्रेता/विक्रयक, Adj,Usually saline solution is used for cleaning of contact lenses.,saline,نُنہٕ دار ،نَمکیٖن,,लवणीय, N,Salt is used to flavour the food.,salt,نوٗن,,नमक, N,One should pray for the salvation of the world.,salvation,نَجات,,मुक्ति, Adv,I treat all my students the same.,same,ہِوی پٲٹھۍ,,समान_रूप_से, Adj,Handwriting of Priya and Vidushi is just same.,same,ہِشی,,समान/सदृश, Pron,I will do the same again.,same,تی,,वही, N,Ritu needs a sample of his handwritting.,sample,نموٗنہٕ,,नमूना, V,We sampled openion among the people about changes in constitution.,sample,نموٗنہٕ بَناوُن,,नमूना_बनाना_या_लेना, N,I didn`t get the official sanction yet.,sanction,مَنظوٗری,,मंज़ूरी, N,There is the need for effective sanctions against computer hacking.,sanction,سَزا,,दण्डविधान, V,They won`t sanction a further cut in interest rates.,sanction,مَنظوٗر کَرُن,,मंज़ूर_करना, N,Mix sand and cement to make concrete.,sand,سٮ۪کھ,,रेत/सिकता, N,The children are playing on the sands.,sand,سٮ۪کھ,,बालू-तट, N,Moon is the satellite of the earth.,satellite,سَیارٕ,,उपग्रह, N,It is a satellite state.,satellite,۔۔۔,,अधीन_राज्य, N,She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.,satisfaction,تَسلی،اِطمِنان,,सन्तोष, Adj,The result of the experiment was satisfactory.,satisfactory,تَسلی بَخٕش،جان,,सन्तोषजनक, V,I couldn`t satisfy her with my explaination.,satisfy,تَسلی کَرُن,,सन्तुष्ट_करना, V,She has satisfied the conditions for entry into the college.,satisfy,پوٗرٕ کَرٕنۍ,,पूरा_करना, V,My assurances don`t satisfy him.,satisfy,اِطمِنان گَژھُن,,सन्देह_दूर_करना, N,Reema likes to eat bread with sauce.,sauce,ژیٚٹِنۍ,,चटनी, N,"That`s enough of your sause, Youngman!",sauce,بُرٕ سٔلوٗک,,रूखा_व्यवहार, Adj,A savage lion attacked a little rabbit.,savage,جنٛگلی،وَحشی,,जंगली, Adj,I am scared of savage dogs.,savage,وحشی,,निष्ठुर, Adj,Some young people are becoming savage.,savage,جنٛگلی،وحشی,,वन्य, Prep,The police found all the children save one.,save,سِواے,,सिवाय, V,We must save plant life.,save,بچاوُن,,बचा_ले[दे], V,He saved her from drowning.,save,بَچاوُن,,बचा_लेना[देना], Adj,A great saving of money and time is needed for everyone.,saving,بَچَت,,बचाव, V,I saw an accident yesterday.,saw,وُچُھن,,देखा, N,The saw is used in cutting woods.,saw,لیٚتٕر،آرٕ,,आरा, V,Do you want to say something?,say,وَنُن,,कह, V,She says that she is a badminton champion.,say,وَنُن,,कहना, N,Generally all the fishes have scales on their bodies.,scale,رَپُٹ,,छिलका, N,Buds with a covering of sticky scales are beautiful to see.,scale,دٮ۪ل,,पपड़ी, N,Scale is a kind of material that deposits inside the kettles.,scale,زیٚل,,कीट, N,The world is facing economic crisis on a global scale.,scale,پَیمانہٕ,,माप, N,There was corruption on a grand scale.,scale,پَیمانہٕ,,मापक्रम, N,Decimal scale was first introduced in India.,scale,اِکایی,,मानदण्ड, N,Vanya practises scales on the piano.,scale,سُر,,स्वरग्राम, N,It was impossible to comprehend the full scale disaster.,scale,پَیمانہٕ,,पैमाना, V,He scaled the fish to cook.,scale,رَپَٹ تُلُن,,छिलका_या_परत_उतारना, N,That minister was arrested due to currency scam.,scam,بےایمٲنی،ژوٗر،گَپلہٕ,,घोटाला, Adv,There were scarcely a hundred spectators in that match.,scarcely,مُشکِلی سان,,मुशकिल_से, V,He was scared by the strange noises from the woods.,scare,کھوژُن,,डरना[डराना], N,Her sudden appearance gave me a scare.,scare,ڈَر،خوف,,डर, V,The flock of sheep was scattered when hunter came.,scatter,چھٔکراونہٕ یُن,,तितर-बितर_करना, N,I saw the funeral scene in the movie.,scene,مَنظَر,,दृश्य[घटनास्थल], N,I reached the scene late.,scene,جایہِ وٲرۍ داتھ,,घटनास्थल, N,1st world war was a horrifying scene.,scene,مَنظَر,,घटना, N,Please don`t create a scene.,scene,تَماشہٕ,,तमाशा, N,Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet was very touching.,scene,سیٖن,,दृश्य, N,Kashmir has many beautiful sceneries.,scenery,قُدرٔتی مَنظَر,,प्राकृतिक_दृश्य, N,We designed a beautiful scenery for our class play.,scenery,مَنظر،سِٹیٚج,,मंच_सज्जा, N,I couldn`t go to the market as I had very tight schedule.,schedule,مَصروٗفِیَت,,कार्यक्रम, N,Schedule 4 of the companies act should be referred by any enterpreneur.,schedule,فِہرِست,,सूची, V,The train is scheduled to arrive at one p.m.,scheduled,وقت مُقرَر کَرُن,,परिगणित, N,She had to live for two years in hostel under training scheme.,scheme,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजना, N,A co-ordinated lightning scheme is to be approved by the chairman.,scheme,سِکیٖم,,पद्धति, V,The workers started scheming against the manager.,scheme,چال کَرٕنۍ,,योजना_बनाना, N,He is a mathematics scholar.,scholar,فٲضِل،عٲلِم,,विद्वान, N,He is a scholar.,scholar,عٲلِم،فٲضِل,,विद्तान, N,Our school is located in Mawana.,school,مَدرَسہٕ،سکوٗل,,विद्यालय, N,He is old enough to go for school.,school,تعلیٖم,,शिक्षा, N,The school of dentistry is being established in our college.,school,مَکتَب,,शाखा, V,My dad schooled me in a reputed educational institution.,school,تعلیٖم دِنۍ،پَرناوُن,,प्रशिक्षित_करना, N,Science has changed the life of human beings.,science,ساینَس,,विज्ञान, Adj,New scientific discoveries have made life very simple and comfortable.,scientific,ساینٔسی,,वैज्ञानक, N,Scientists are helping to make our life easier.,scientist,ساینَس دان,,वैज्ञानक, N,I need a pair of scissors.,scissors,کینٛچی،دُکٲرۍ,,कैँची, N,There is a job having plenty of scope for new and original ideas.,scope,گُنجٲیِش,,गुंजाइष, N,Police are broadening the scope of their enquiries.,scope,وُسعت,,विस्तार, N,"In the world cup, India`s score was not very good.",score,سِکور،رَنہٕ,,प्राप्तांक, N,The score of both teams was 235.,score,سکور،رَنہٕ,,अंक, N,Musicians and Singers want to see the orchestral score.,score,ساز,,स्वरलिपि, N,The score of Jatin Lalit given in the films is very melodious.,score,۔۔۔,,संगीतलेख, N,Scores of people were dead in the earthquake.,score,واریاہ,,बहुत सारे, N,Please score it first.,score,نِشانہٕ,,खरोंच, V,We need to score 200 runs in 30 overs to win.,score,بَناوُن،کَرُن,,अंक_बनाना, V,Who`s going to score?,score,سکور لٮ۪کُھن,,अंक_लिखाना, V,I scored 98% in the Board examination.,score,نَمبَر میلٕنۍ،نَمبَر حٲصِل کَرٕنۍ,,अंक_पाना, V,The songs of movie of Tall scored an instant success.,score,کامیاب گَژھُن،شہرت مِلٕنۍ,,विजयी_होना, V,"Here is a piece scored for violin, viola and cello.",score,ساز بناوُن,,स्वरलिपि_तैयार_करना, V,I scored the trees.,score,نِشانہٕ ترٛاوٕنۍ، زٕل دِنۍ,,खरोंचना, N,Screams of laughter are being heard from the theatre.,scream,کھنٛگال,,चीख, V,The fans screamed with delight when they saw him.,scream,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,चीखना, N,Please pull the screen.,screen,پَردٕ,,परदा, N,He was using his business activities as a screen for crime.,screen,پردٕ,,आड़, N,I want to see you on a big screen.,screen,فِلمی پردٕ,,चित्रपट, V,The trees screen the house from view.,screen,دولہٕ روزُن,,आड़_देना, V,He screened my necklace from everyone because it is very costly.,screen,ژوٗرِ تھاوُن,,छिपाना, V,Government employees are regularly screened by the security services.,screen,چھان بیٖن کَرٕنۍ,,जाँचना, V,The wild life documentary will be screened tonight on discovery channel.,screen,ہاونہٕ یُن،پیش کَرنہٕ یُن,,प्रदर्शित_करना, N,Their findings will require careful scrutiny.,scrutiny,جانٛچ،چھان بیٖن,,सूक्ष्म_परीक्षण, N,Lakshadeep islands are in Arabian sea.,sea,سَمنٛدر،سوٚدُر,,समुद्र, N,Group of seals can be seen at the coast.,seal,سیٖل(دٔریٲبی جانوَر)۔,,मोहर[सील_मछली], N,Seals are found in coastal areas.,seal,سیٖل(دریٲبی جانوَر)۔,,सील_मछली, N,Every official paper has the seal of central government on it.,seal,مُہَر،ٹَھپہٕ,,मोहर/मुद्रा, N,There is no seal on your documents.,seal,ٹَھپہٕ ،مُہَر,,मुहर, N,I bought a seal.,seal,دیوٗر,,जोड़ने_के_लिए_प्रयुक्त_होने_वाला_पदार्थ, N,Ballot boxes were closed with a seal.,seal,سیٖل,,सुरक्षा_के_लिए_प्रयुक्त_होने_वाला_पदार्थ, V,I sealed an envelope.,seal,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, V,Official documents are sealed by government.,seal,مُہَر لَگاوٕنۍ,,मोहर_लगाना, V,Indian government sealed borders of Rajasthan for protection.,seal,بَنٛد کَرُن،رُکاوَٹ کرٕنۍ,,रोक_लगाना, V,I have to search my purse for money.,search,ژھانٛڑُن,,तलाश_कर, V,I was searching for the encyclopedia in the library.,search,ژھانٛڑان،ژاران,,तलाश_करना, N,A search for the culprit was made by police.,search,ژھانٛڑَو،تَلاش,,तलाश/खोज, N,Spring season is very delightful.,season,موسَم,,ऋतु, N,I like summer season.,season,موسَم,,मौसम, N,I am sure that you will get success but you have to wait for a season.,season,موقعہٕ,,मौका, V,I will season the food by using more spices.,season,مَزٕدار بَناوُن,,स्वादिष्ट_बनाना, V,Furniture made of oak has been well seasoned.,season,پۄختہ ٕکَرُن,,सीअना, N,Please take your seat.,seat,تَشریٖف,,आसन, N,I have reserved two seats in the theatre.,seat,جاے,,स्थान, N,Can you guess who will win the seat?,seat,مُقام،سیٖٹ,,पद, N,Delhi is the seat of government of India.,seat,مَرکَز,,आधार/अधीष्ठान, V,Seat the boy next to his brother.,seat,بہناوُن,,बैठाना, V,Please be seated ladies and gentlemen.,seat,پَتَھر بِہُن,,बैठ_जाना, V,It is a special bus that seats 100 people.,seat,واتان,,के_लिए_जगह_होना, N,Wait a sec (second) for me.,sec,ژیُہہ،سٮ۪کَنٛڑ,,सेकण्ड़, N,She is appointed as a sec (secretary ) in our office.,sec,سیکرِٹری,,सेक्रेटरी, Det,She is his second wife.,second,دوٚیِم,,दूसरा, Pron,This is my second project.,second,دوٚیُم,,दूसरा, N,There are sixty seconds in a minute.,second,ژیُہہ،سیکنٛڑ,,क्षण, N,I came to know that he has come second in B.A.,second,دوٚیُم دَرجہٕ,,द्वितीय_श्रेणी, Adj,He stood second in his class.,second,دوٚیُمِ نَمبَر،دوٚیُم دَرجہٕ,,दूसरा/द्वितीय, V,She seconded the proposal of making the old man as the president.,second,حِمایَت کَرٕنۍ,,समर्थन_कररना, V,I was ably seconded in this research by my son.,second,مدَد کَرٕنۍ،حوصلہٕ دیُن,,सहारा_देना, V,The police officer was seconded from a town to a district head quarters.,second,تَبدیٖل کَرُن,,स्थानान्तरित_करना, Art,This is my second paper.,second,دوٚیُم,,दूसरा, Adj,Luxury is a secondary thing in my life.,secondary,دوٚیُم,,अमुख्य, Adj,Petrol is a secondary fuel obtained from crude petroleum.,secondary,دوٚیمہِ دَرجُک,,दूसरे_क्रम_का, Adj,The secondary education is must to achieve success in one`s life.,secondary,ثانوی,,माध्यमक, Adj,Secret meeting was held between the govt. and the revolutionaries.,secret,خُفِیَہ,,गुप्त, Adj,He is a secret drinker.,secret,ژوٗرِژوٗرِ، کٔھٹِتھ,,छिपकर, N,The wedding date is a big secret.,secret,راز,,रहस्य, N,The secret of good design is simplicity.,secret,راز,,मर्म, N,The secret of nature is difficult to understand.,secret,راز,,रहस्य, N,She is my secretary.,secretary,سٮ۪کرِٹری,,सचिव, N,Kindly contact my secretary to make an appointment.,secretary,سٮ۪کرِٹری,,मुंशी, N,The secretary of Britain.,secretary,ؤزیٖر,,मंत्रि, N,The business section of newspaper provides information regarding business.,section,شعبہٕ,,भाग, N,Every section of the society has a right to establish its own religious institution.,section,فِرقہٕ,,वर्ग, N,Each section will be examined under the microscope.,section,حِصہٕ,,काट, N,The school library has a separate section for Hindi.,section,شعبہٕ,,विभाग, Adj,I live in a secular state.,secular,۔۔۔,,धर्मनिरपेक्ष, Adj,The new secular belongs to tribal cast.,secular,۔۔۔,,गृहस्थ_पादरी, V,She secured 95% marks in board examination.,secure,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_कर_लेना, V,Secure all the doors and windows before leaving.,secure,بَنٛد کَرُن,,कसकर_बाँधना, V,We should secure our country from foreign attack.,secure,بَچاو کَرُن,,की_रक्षा_करना, Adj,I don`t feel secure here.,secure,محفوٗظ,,सुरक्षित{मानसिक_रूप_से}, Adj,Chidren need to feel secure.,secure,محفوٗظ،خَطرٕبَغٲر,,निश्चिंत, Adj,I will make a secure investment.,secure,مُقرَر,,निश्चित, Adj,This place is secure for you.,secure,محفوٗظ,,सुरक्षित, Adj,Is that ladder secure?,secure,مضبوٗط,,सुदृढ़, N,I need security.,security,حِفاظَت,,सुरक्षा{मानसिक}, N,The minister asked for his security from the police.,security,حِفاظَت,,सुरक्षा, N,Inspite of high security in the prison the criminal ran away.,security,حِفاظَت،سَختی,,प्रतिभू/ज़मानत, V,I can see sun setting behind the sea.,see,وُچُھن,,देखना, V,The principal wants to see you in the interval.,see,سمکُھن ،میلُن,,से_मिलना, V,Just go and see what children are doing .,see,وُچُھن,,पता_लगाना, V,He didn`t see the joke.,see,سَمجُھن,,समझना, V,He has seen a great deal in his long life.,see,وُچھمُت,,अनुभव_करना, V,I saw the old lady across the road.,see,سۭتۍ گَژھُن,,साथ_जाना, V,Her colleagues see her as a future director.,see,خَیال کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, N,I will sow some seeds in the garden.,seed,بیول,,बीज, V,She is seeking jobs.,seek,ژھانٛڑُن,,ढूँढ़ना, V,You must seek permission from the manager.,seek,منٛگُن، ہیوٚن,,माँगना, V,They sought to mislead us.,seek,کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,कोशिश_करना, V,It seems that it will rain heavily today.,seem,باسان،باسُن,,प्रतीत_होना/लगना/जान_पड़ना, V,It seems that it will rain heavily today.,seem,باسُن،باسان,,लगना, Adj,He is a seeming man.,seeming,باسان,,प्रतीयमान, Adv,They were seemingly unaware of the decision.,seemingly,باسنہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,प्रतीयमानतः, V,They segregated the seriously sick and sent them to the intensive care.,segregate,اَلَگ کَرُن،عَلحَیدٕ کَرُن,,पृथक_करना, V,The police has seized his house.,seize,قبضٕہ کَرُن,,पकड़{बलपूर्वक}, V,He seized my purse and ran away.,seize,تَھپہ ِنیُن,,छीनना, V,The army has siezed power.,seize,حٲصِل کَرُن,,जीत_लेना, V,All the company`s assets were seized.,seize,ضَبٕط کَرٕنۍ,,गिरफ़्तार_करना, V,Sieze the chance to make some money.,seize,فٲیدٕ تُلُن,,से_लाभ_उठाना, V,The condition of the destitute seized our heart.,seize,دۄکھ گَژھُن،کھَنجہِ گَژھنہِ,,छलनी_होना, Adv,I seldom get the chance for party.,seldom,کُنہِ کُنہِ ساتہٕ,,बिरले_ही, Adv,"Seldom do you receive any apology from your workers, when they mistakes are made.",seldom,زانٛہہ کٲلۍ,,बिरले_ही/कभी-कभार, V,We want to select best candidates for IAS exams.,select,اِنتِخاب کَرُن،چُنُن,,चुनना/छाँटना, N,I am delighted on my selection in Indian cricket team.,selection,اِنتِخاب,,चयन, N,"If you want to enjoy literature, read selections from 18th century english literature.",selection,۔۔۔,,संकलन, Adj,Cancer can be cured by selective medicines only.,selective,خاص,,चयनात्मक, Adj,I am very selective about my diet.,selective,ژٲرۍ ژٲرۍ,,चयनशील, N,One should be self dependent.,self,خۄد،پانَس,,स्व, N,One day he will return to his own self.,self,۔۔۔,,व्यक्तित्व, N,He is not concerned about his own self.,self,فٲیدٕ,,स्वार्थ, N,He is a man of character and self-respect.,self-respect,خوددٲری,,स्वाभिमान, V,He sold the stationary goods for a high price.,sell,کٕنُن,,बेचना, N,The senate of the university had decided to take object steps against the law breakers.,senate,اَیوان,,सीनेट/अधिसभा, V,He sent his daughter by air.,send,سوزُن,,भेजना, Adj,My brother is a senior lecturer in that University.,senior,سیٖنِیَر,,वरिष्ठ, Adj,"Being a senior, he is eligible to vote this time.",senior,بالِغ،بوٚڑ,,ज्येष्ठ, N,A sensation of warmth came to his body.,sensation,احساس،حٮ۪س,,अनुभूति, N,"With the sudden attack of paralysis, his legs lost sensation.",sensation,حٮ۪س,,स्पर्शज्ञान, N,I have a strong sensation that today`s match will be won by India.,sensation,۔۔۔,,उत्तेजना, N,The musical group `9 Star` became sensation overnight.,sensation,سَنسٔنی,,सनसनी, N,I have lost my sense of hearing.,sense,حٮ۪س,,इंद्रिय, N,"After her nasal operation, she lost her sense of smell.",sense,حٮ۪س,,ज्ञानेन्द्रिय, N,His sense make him very popular among his classmates.,sense,عَقٕل،چالٲکی,,बुद्धि, N,The child felt a sense of security in his mother`s arms.,sense,احساس,,होश, N,There is a lot of sense in what she says.,sense,سَمَجھ,,समझ, N,I hope she has enough sense to shut the door before she leaves.,sense,حٮ۪س،مَغٕز,,विवेक, N,I couldn`t understand the sense of that word.,sense,مَطلَب ،معنی,,भाव/अर्थ, V,"Sensing his importance, Rakesh started buttering him.",sense,سَمَجھ یُن، فِکرِ تَرُن,,अनुभव_करना, V,"He didn`t say anything, but I could sense his anger.",sense,محسوٗس کَرُن,,मेहसूस_करना, Adj,You are the most senseless person.,senseless,احمَق،بیوقوٗف,,बेवकूफ़, Adj,He felt senseless and fell on the ground.,senseless,بےحٮ۪س,,बेहोश, Adj,He is a sensible person.,sensible,سَمٕجھ دار,,समझदार, Adj,You must wear a sensible cap.,sensible,جان،معقوٗل,,काफी/पर्याप्त, Adj,You are very sensitive.,sensitive,نوزُک,,संवेदनशील, Adj,Skin of some children is very sensitive.,sensitive,نَرٕم،نوزُک,,कोमल, N,Poets are famous for their sensitivity.,sensitivity,جَزبات,,भावुकता, VT,He was sentenced to death.,sentence,سَزا دیُن,,सज्आ_सुनाना, N,Make a proper sentence.,sentence,جُملہٕ,,वाक्य, N,Ravi has served a sentence of three years.,sentence,سَزا,,सज़ा, N,There is no room for sentiments in the business.,sentiment,جَزبات,,भावना, N,Public sentiment is against any change to the law.,sentiment,جَزبہٕ,,विचार, Adj,He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace.,sentimental,جَزبٲتۍ,,भावुकतापूर्ण, V,It is difficult to separate egg white from yolk.,separate,اَلَگ کَرُن,,अलग_हो, Adj,The children sleep in seperate beds.,separate,عَلحَیدٕ،اَلَگ,,अलग/पृथक, Adj,That is a separate issue and irrelevant to our discussion.,separate,اَلگ,,भिन्न, N,The separation between hearts lead to many tensions.,separation,دوٗرٮ۪ر,,पृथक्करण, N,Separation is the only option for that couple.,separation,اَلَگ,,वियुक्ति/विच्छेद, N,Arrange these words in a sequence.,sequence,تَرتیٖب,,अनुक्रम, N,He is a Sergeant.,sergeant,سارجَنٛٹ,,सार्जेंट, N,India played a test series with West Indies last year.,series,سِلسِلہٕ,,श्रृंखला, Adj,Garima is serious about her studies.,serious,سٔنجیٖدٕ,,गंभीर, Adv,Teachers want their students to attend the class seriously.,seriously,پابٔنٛدی سان,,गंभीर_रुप_से, N,I attended the sermon of priest.,sermon,واز,,धर्मोपदेश, N,He was given a serum for snakebite.,serum,سِرَم,,सीरम, N,He is our faithful servant.,servant,نوکَر،مُلٲزِم,,नौकर, N,He is a faithful servant of the company.,servant,مُلٲزِم,,सेवक, V,The servant serves his master faithfully.,serve,نوکرٲزی کَرٕنۍ,,सेवा_करना, V,Tasty food was served in the party.,serve,دیُن،شیرُن,,परोसना, V,This room can serve us for study.,serve,پوٗرٕ کَرُن،بَکار یُن,,पूरा_करना, V,This packet of soup serves two.,serve,پوشُن,,के_लिए_पर्याप्त_होना, V,They have served me shamefully.,serve,غَلط سٔلوٗک کَرُن,,के_सात_व्यवहार_करना, V,Serve a court order on him.,serve,تعمیٖل کَرُن,,तामील_करना, V,It`s your turn to serve.,serve,بال لَگاوٕنۍ,,गेंद_चलाना, V,His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow.,serve,۔۔۔,,फाँदना/लाँघना/बाहना, N,I am doing govt. service.,service,نوکری،کٲم,,सेवा, N,He is working in the Health service.,service,شعبہٕ,,विभाग, N,Her services to the state have been immense.,service,خٔدمَت,,सहायता, N,A good postal service is needed for every village.,service,سٔہوٗلِیَت,,व्यवस्था, N,He attended the morning service in the temple.,service,عِبادَت,,उपासना/अनुष्टान, N,"Take your car for service every 3,000 miles.",service,صَفٲیی تہ ٕمَرمَت,,सफ़ाई-धुलाई, N,He bought a 30 piece dinner service.,service,سٮ۪ٹ,,सेट/बरतन, N,The bill includes service charge also.,service,تعمیٖل,,तामील, N,Her service has improved.,service,۔۔۔,,सर्विस{टेनिस_में}, V,This machine has already been serviced.,service,صاف کٔرمٕژ,,सफ़ाई-धुलाई_करना, V,The power station is serviced by road transport.,service,۔۔۔,,की_आपूर्ति_करना, N,Suddenly a session is called for business transactions.,session,بیٹَھک،اِجلاس,,बैठक, N,Can you get a cutlery set for me?,set,سٮ۪ٹ,,सेट, N,The film had mega sets.,set,فِلمی سٮ۪ٹ,,दृश्यबन्ध, N,Set of workers got buried under the debris.,set,جَماعت,,समूह, N,He is solving the problems in the chapter sets.,set,سِلسِلہٕ,,समुच्चय, V,She set the big tray down on the table.,set,تھاوُن,,रख_देना, V,Hari set pen to paper to complete the letter.,set,لگُن,,लिपिबद्ध_करना, V,Why don`t you set the alarm?,set,تھاوُن,,स्थापित_करना, V,Her necklace was set with rubies.,set,جٔرِتھ,,जड़ना, V,Ravi and Rita have not yet set a date for their wedding.,set,مُقَرر کَرُن،صحیح کَرُن,,निश्चित_करना, V,She set a new world record for the marathon.,set,بَناوُن،قٲیِم کَرُن,,प्रवर्तित_करना, V,The cement will take some time to set.,set,پۄختہٕ گَژھُن,,दृढ़_हो_जाना, V,Have you set up the camera?,set,تَیار تھاوُن,,तैयार रखना, V,The sergeon set her broken bone.,set,سیوٚد کَرٕنۍ,,बैठाना, V,Poems were set by him.,set,لٮ۪کُھن,,कम्पोज़_करना, V,The sun in northern countries sets much later in summer than in winter.,set,لوسُن،وَسُن,,अस्त_हो_जाना, Adj,This Hotel serves meals at set times.,set,مُقََرر,,निश्चित, Adj,She has very set ideas on womens` issues.,set,سَخٕت,,दृढ़, Adj,She always has a set expression on her face.,set,ٹٔکرِتھ,,कृत्रिम, Adj,The new political party looks set for victory in the general election.,set,تَیار,,तैयार, Adj,They visit us on set days in every winter.,set,مُقَرَر,,निर्धारित, N,The golf field is situated in perfect setting.,setting,ماحول,,वातावरण, N,The cooker has several temperature settings.,setting,سٮ۪ٹِنگٕس,,विन्यास, N,Can you give me your diamond ring with gold setting.,setting,۔۔۔,,जमावट, N,Rehaman`s setting for vandemataram is very popular.,setting,طَرٕز,,संगीत, V,We are going to settle in Taiwan.,settle,بَسُن,,बसना[बसाना], V,The parties have not settled yet.,settle,سَمجھوتہٕ کَرُن,,समझौता_कर_लेना, V,The bird settled on a very small branch.,settle,بِہُن,,बैठ_जाना, V,"Everything is settled, I am joining the company next Wednesday.",settle,طے کَرُن,,निर्णय_करना, V,I find difficult to settle the chidren.,settle,ژھۄپہٕ کَرناوٕنۍ,,शान्त_हो_जाना, V,We`ll settle the bill later.,settle,چُکاوُن،بَرُن،اَدا کَرُن,,चुकाना, V,Stir the tea to settle the leaves.,settle,ژٔکِس بِہُن,,धीरे_धीरे_नीचे_बैठना, N,The settles are mainly used by old people for more comfort and support.,settle,بینچ,,बेंच, N,The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.,settlement,سَمجھوتہٕ,,समझौता, N,You can`t claim that land as you have lost the property settlement.,settlement,۔۔۔,,हस्तान्तरण, N,Lambadi settlements have been discovered in the suburban areas.,settlement,بٔستی,,बस्ती, N,I enclosed a cheque in settlement of your account.,settlement,ہَرجانہٕ,,भुगतान, Det,There are seven days in a week.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, N,They are seven in number.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, Det,There are seven days in a week.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, N,There are seven days in a week.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, N,My room number is seven.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, Art,I had seven toffees.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, Adj,I have seven friends.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, N,He is seventeen.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्तरह/सत्रह, N,Her roll number is seventeen.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्रह, Art,I have got seventeen marks out of twenty.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्रह, Adj,I have seventeen friends.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्रह, Adj,Saturday is the seventh day of the week.,seventh,سٔتِم,,सातवाँ, Art,She has got seventh rank.,seventh,سٔتِم,,सातवाँ, Det,Several people were killed in bomb explosion.,several,واریاہ,,अनेक, Pron,Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire.,several,کینٛہہ,,कई, Adj,Romans gave severe punishments to slaves even for minor offences.,severe,سَخٕت,,कठोर, Adj,The bomb threat caused severe disruption to the flights from Delhi.,severe,شٔدیٖد,,तीव्र, Adj,"Before joining the armed forces, cadets have to pass severe tests.",severe,سَخٕت,,कठिन, Adj,She wore a severe suit.,severe,سادٕ،،سیوٚد سادٕ,,अनलंकृत/सादा, Adv,African slaves were severely treated by their masters.,severely,سَختی سان,,कठोरता_से, V,She doesn`t know how to sew a button on to a shirt.,sew,سُوُن,,सीना/सिलाई_करना, N,Sewage from the factories pollute the river water.,sewage,موٚکُر آب،گَنٛدٕ آب،مٔکریر,,गन्दा_पानी/मल_जल, N,What sex is your dog?,sex,نَسٕل,,लिंग, N,They often have sex together.,sex,۔۔۔,,काम-भावना, Adj,He showed sexual desire and advanced towards her.,sexual,جِنسی,,यौन, N,A shade is a cool place in summers.,shade,ژھاے,,छाया, N,Choose a light shade.,shade,رَنٛگ,,रंग, N,A word with many shades of meaning.,shade,واریاہ مَطلَب,,सूक्ष्म_अंतर, N,I think it`s a shade warmer today.,shade,رَژھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोड़ा_सा, V,The beautiful picture depicts the shades of life.,shade,رَنٛگ,,शेड_कर[लगा], V,She shaded her eyes with her hands.,shade,بوٚرُتھ کَرُن,,आच्छादित_करना, V,He shaded his eyes from the glare of the sun.,shade,۔۔۔,,ढकना, V,The shaded areas on the map are very clear.,shade,بوٚرُتھ رَنٛگہٕ وول,,छायित_करना/गहराना, V,The sky shaded from pink into dark red.,shade,وارٕ وارٕ تَبدیٖل گَژُھن،وارٕ وارٕ بَدلُن,,धीरे-धीरे_बदल_जाना, N,See the shadow of a tree.,shadow,ژھاے,,परछाँई, N,The chair cast a shadow on the wall.,shadow,ژھاے,,परछाई, N,She has shadows under her eyes as she has been suffering from lack of sleep.,shadow,کرٛیہہ نیار,,छाया, N,You can`t spend your life chasing shadows.,shadow,ژھاے,,छायाभास/मरीचिका, V,Her face was shadowed by a wide brimmed hat.,shadow,ژھاے پیٚنۍ,,छाया_डालना[पड़ना], V,He was shadowed by the police.,shadow,پَتہ ٕلَگُن,,पीछे_लगना, Adj,The shadow ministers helped in solving the scandals of ruling party.,shadow,۔۔۔,,छायावत, V,Shake the milk well.,shake,چھونٛپ دیُن،چھۄکھ دیُن,,हिलाना, V,He was clearly terrified and shaking like a leaf.,shake,تھرٕ وۄتٕھنۍ،تھرٕ تھرٕ کَرٕنۍ,,काँपना, V,They were badly shaken by the accident.,shake,کھوٗژۍ مٕتۍ,,घबरा_देना, V,Her theory has been shaken by this new evidence.,shake,غَلَط ثٲبِت گَژُھن,,दुर्बल_कर_देना, N,Give the jar a good shake.,shake,چھۄکھ,,हिलाना, N,Give the jar a good shake.,shake,چھۄکھ,,स्पन्दन, N,Hang on! I`ll be ready in two shakes.,shake,سٮ۪کنڑ,,क्षण, MV,Shall we go to the party?,shall,پَزیَہ,,सुझाव या प्रसताव सूचक, Adj,He was unable to swim even at the shallow end of the swimming pool.,shallow,یُس نہٕ سروٚن آسہِ,,छिछला, N,He bowed his head in shame.,shame,شَرم،شَرمَنٛدٕگی,,लज्जा, N,This is really a shame.,shame,شَرم,,शर्मिन्दगी, N,He couldn`t bear the shame of a scandal.,shame,بَدنٲمی,,बदनामी, N,The house is in good shape.,shape,شکٕل،صوٗرت,,बाह्याकृति, N,The new building is in S shape.,shape,شَکٕل,,आकार, N,I could just see two dim shapes in the gloom.,shape,ژھاے,,छाया, N,What is the shape of the team now?,shape,حالَت,,स्थिति, V,He shaped his career successfully.,shape,شَکٕل دِنۍ,,आकार_लेना, N,The glass shards were all over the floor.,shard,شیٖشہٕ کھَنٛجہِ,,शीशे के टुकडे, V,They shared the apartment.,share,حِصہٕ کَرُن,,साझा_करना, N,Ram gave his share to his brother.,share,حِصٕہ,,हिस्सा, Adj,She has got sharp memory.,sharp,تیز,,पैना, Pron,She is my sister.,she,سۄ,,वह{स्त्री.}, Pron,She is my friend.,she,سۄ,,वह{स्त्री}, N,Is this cat he or she?,she,مادٕ,,स्त्री, N,Sheep shearing is the main occupation of the people in the Garwal region.,shear,بَستہٕ والٕنۍ,,खाल_उतारना, V,Her hair had been shorn off.,shear,کاسُن,,कतरना, V,The bolt sheared off and the wheel came off.,shear,پٕھٹُن,,टूट_जाना, N,He is watching the flock of sheep.,sheep,کَٹھ,,भेड़, Adj,This is a sheer nonsense.,sheer,سَراسَر،مَحض،بِلکُل,,पूर्णतया, Adj,She was wearing a beautiful dress of sheer satin.,sheer,صاف,,पारदर्शक, Adj,Her car slipped at the sheer turn of the hill.,sheer,۔۔۔,,खड़ा, Adv,"When he saw me coming, he sheered away in the opposite direction.",sheer,یَک دَم,,एकदम, N,Give me some sheets of paper.,sheet,کاغَز,,[कागज़], N,She painted the bed sheet beautifully.,sheet,ژادَر,,चादर, N,The iron was beaten to form a thin sheet.,sheet,ژادَر,,चद्दर, N,She spoiled many sheets while writing a letter.,sheet,وَرَق،کاغَز,,कागज़/पत्र, N,"In the spring season, the garden looks like a sheet of flowers.",sheet,ژادَر,,परत, N,The rain came down in sheets.,sheet,ژادَر,,विस्तार, N,The rain came down in sheets.,sheet,ژادَر,,विस्तार, N,I have kept a sheet of glass on the floor.,sheet,تَختہٕ,,शीशे आदि का पतर, N,He piled up his book in the shelf.,shelf,طاق،طاقچہِ,,शेल्फ़, N,The boat got struck on the rocky shelf.,shelf,۔۔۔,,रेती/सैकत, N,It is dificult to break the shell of coconut.,shell,دٮ۪ل,,छिलका, N,Only the shell of the building was left after the fire.,shell,ڈانٛچہٕ,,आवरण, N,The room was full of artillary shells.,shell,گولہِ,,गोला, V,He ate the nuts after shelling them off.,shell,کٔنڑ تُلٕنۍ,,छिलका_उतारना, V,Continuous shelling in the border regions has made the life of local villagers absolutely miserable.,shell,گولہٕ بٲری کَرٕنۍ,,गोलाबारी_करना/गोली_बरसाना, N,I need shelter for one night.,shelter,پَناہ،چَھپَن جاے,,सुरक्षा, N,I gave shelter to a puppy.,shelter,پَناہ,,आश्रय, N,He was appointed as a sheriff by Elizabeth-II.,sheriff,شٔریٖف,,शरीफ, N,The warriors shield is made of iron.,shield,سِپَر,,ढ़ाल, N,I won this shield in the art competition.,shield,شیٖلڑٕ,,गोलाकार_पुरस्कार, N,A drawing or model of a shield displaying a court of arms is called shield.,shield,۔۔۔,,कुलचिह्न-फलक, N,The gunman used the hostages as a (human) shield.,shield,سِپَر,,परिरक्षक, N,The duke has sent a large shield to him.,shield,۔۔۔,,कवच, V,The ozone layer shields the earth so as to protect us from harmful rays.,shield,بَچاوُن،بَچاو کَرُن,,रक्षा_करना/बचाना, N,There is a shift in the direction of the wind.,shift,بَدلاو,,परिवर्तन, N,He is on the night shift at the factory.,shift,شِفٹہٕ،وٲرۍ,,पाली, N,The whole article had to be typed in small letters because the shift key was not working.,shift,شِفٹہٕ,,कम्प्यूटर_या_टाइपराइटर_पर_स्थित_एक_कुंजी, V,The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London.,shift,بَدلُن،تَبدیٖل گَژُھن,,बदलना, V,Don`t try to shift the responsibility onto others.,shift,بیٚیَن پٮ۪ٹھ ترٛاوُن,,दूसरे_पर_ड़ालना, V,I have shifted my T.V. from drawing room to bedroom.,shift,جاے بَدلاوٕنۍ,,स्थानान्तरित_करना, V,I like to watch the stars shining in the night sky.,shine,چَمکُن،نَپہٕ نَپہٕ کَرُن,,चमकना, N,Give your shoes a good shine.,shine,چَمَک,,चमक, V,Tonnes of cocain were shipped from Hong Kong to Indonesia.,ship,جہازَس مَنٛز رَوانہٕ کَرُن,,जहाज़_से_भेजना, V,The canoe began to ship water.,ship,آب کَھسُن،آبہٕ سۭتۍ بَرنہٕ یُن,,पानी_से_भरना, N,He boarded a ship to India.,ship,ٲبی جہاز,,जहाज़/पोत, N,The goods are ready for shipment.,shipment,نٮ۪بَر سوزنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار مال,,नौ-परिवहन, N,Here is a shipment of grain for West Africa.,shipment,نٮ۪بَر سوزنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار مال,,नौ-भार, N,The canal is now open to shipping.,shipping,جہاز پَکنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار,,पोत-समूह, N,Nowadays shipping helps us in earning a lot of foreign exchange.,shipping,جہازَس مَنٛز چیٖز اَکہِ جایہِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بیٚیِس جایہِ سوزٕنۍ,,पोत-परिवहन, N,The teacher scolded the student for wearing a dirty shirt.,shirt,،قٔمیٖض,,कमीज़, N,The news of his failure was a terrible shock to him.,shock,صَدمہٕ,,सदमा, N,The bumper is designed to absorb shock on impact.,shock,ٹاس,,झटका, V,He was shocked to see the results.,shock,روٗزِتھ گَژُھن،جھٹکہٕ لَگُن,,चौंकना, N,My father bought a new shoe for me.,shoe,بوٗٹھ،کھۄر بانہٕ,,जूता, V,Please don`t shoot.,shoot,گوٗلۍ چَلاوٕنۍ,,गोली_मारना, V,It is not good to shoot animals.,shoot,مارٕنۍ,,घायल_करना, V,Do you know how to shoot a pistol?,shoot,چَلاوُن,,चलाना, V,Get a riffle that shoots straight.,shoot,گوٗلۍ چَلاوٕنۍ,,गोली_चलाना, V,I have a licence to shoot pheasants.,shoot,شِکار کَرُن,,शिकार_खेलना, V,Can you shoot?,shoot,فوٹوٗ تُلُن,,फ़ोटो_लेना/फ़िल्म_बनाना/चलचित्रित_करना, N,The healthy green shoots on a plant enhance its beauty.,shoot,لَنٛجِہ،گۄڈ,,अंकुर, N,Some people often make a visit to forest just to take pleasure of shoot.,shoot,شِکار,,शिकार, N,A photographer was appointed for a special shoot on Rams birthday.,shoot,فوٹوٗ,,फोटो, N,I went to the chemist`s shop to buy some medicines.,shop,دُکان،وان,,दुकान, N,He is working in a machine shop.,shop,کارخانہٕ,,कारखाना, V,I`m shopping for Christmas presents.,shop,خٔریٖدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,बाज़ार_करना, N,He is a shopkeeper .,shopkeeper,دُکان دار،وانہٕ وول,,दुकानदार, N,I saw a beautiful house on the shore of river Ganga.,shore,بوٚٹھ,,किनारा/तीर, V,Shore up the side of an old house to stop it falling down.,shore,ڈَکھ دیُن,,टेक_या_गदम_लगाना, Adj,They have to walk only a short distance to reach the station.,short,ژھوٚٹ،کَمٕے,,छोटा, Adj,Students take short-term courses.,short-term,لۄکُٹ مۄکُٹ,,अल्पकालक, N,Shortage of basic amenities leads to social problems.,shortage,کٔمی,,कमी, V,The teacher asked him to shorten the essay.,shorten,لۄکُٹ کَرُن،ژھوٚٹ کَرُن,,छोटा_करना, Adv,He arrived there shortly.,shortly,کَمٕے کٲلۍ،کَمسٕے کالَس مَنٛز,,अविलम्ब, Adv,He will shortly be arriving here.,shortly,دٔستی، جَلدی,,जलदी, N,Two of her shots hit the target.,shot,گوٗلۍ,,मार, N,The photographer took a beautiful shot of the sight.,shot,تَصویٖر،شاٹ,,शाट/फ़ोटो/चित्र, N,Have a shot of making a wine.,shot,کوٗشِش,,कोशिश, N,WillianTell was a very good shot.,shot,نِشانہ ٕباز,,निशानेबाज़, N,His shoulder got injured.,shoulder,پھیوٚک،شانہٕ,,कन्धा, N,The shoulders of his new shirt are black in color.,shoulder,پھیوٚک،شانہٕ,,कमीज़_का_कँधा, V,He shouldered the responsibility of his brother`s children after his brother`s death.,shoulder,شانَن پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن،ذِمہٕ ہیوٚن,,कँधा_पर_उठाना{भार}, V,Please don`t shout.,shout,چِکھ،کرٛٮ۪کھ,,चिल्ला, N,The teacher asked the class not to shout.,shout,کرٛٮ۪کھ لاگٕنۍ،چِکھ دِنۍ,,चिल्लाहट, N,Robert is the host of the cultural show.,show,تَماشہٕ,,प्रदर्शन, N,The handicrafts of different states are on show at the exhibition.,show,نُمٲیِش,,प्रदर्शनी, N,The sympathy given by the leaders to the injured was nothing but a show.,show,ہاو باو،دِکھاوٕ,,दिखावा, V,He didn`t show any sympathy to victims.,show,ہاوٕنۍ,,दिखा, V,I will show him how to do it.,show,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, V,I showed him the way out.,show,وَنُن،ہاوُن,,बतलाना, V,They think I can`t win but I`ll show them.,show,ہاوُن,,सिद्ध_करना/प्रमाणित_करना, V,I waited for him whole day but he never showed.,show,بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_देना, N,There was a heavy shower of rain in the afternoon.,shower,روٗد,,वर्षा, N,The gardener was watering the plants by a showering cane.,shower,پَمبَچھ,,फुहारा, V,"She showered, changed and went out.",shower,سرٛان کَرُن,,नहाना{फुहार_में}, V,Ash from the volcano showered on the nearby villages.,shower,وَسُن،پیٚون,,बरसना, V,Most of the clothes shrink on the first wash.,shrink,ژَمُن,,सिकुड़ना, V,She shrank trembling against the wall.,shrink,پَتھ کَھسُن,,पीछे_हटना, V,He shrugged his shoulders.,shrug,شانہٕ ہِلاوُن,,कंधा_उचका, V,He showed his helplessness by shrugging the shoulders.,shrug,شانہٕ ہِلاوُن,,कँधा_उचकाना_या_झाड़ना, V,Don`t forget to shut the door.,shut,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, Adj,He has been sick for many days.,sick,بیمار,,अस्वस्थ, Adj,While travelling in the crowded bus I felt sick.,sick,آولُن,,उलटी_आना, Adj,She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it.,sick,تَنٛگ یُن,,ऊबा_हुआ, Adj,We were pretty sick about losing the match.,sick,پَریشان,,व्याकुल, N,The basin was littered with sick.,sick,درٛۄکھ,,उल्टी, N,Admit the seriously sick first.,sick,بیمار,,अस्वस्थ, V,The baby sicked up a little milk.,sick,واپَس یُن،ؤتھِتھ یُن,,वमन_करना, N,"While driving, both sides should be watched carefully to avoid accidents.",side,طَرَف,,तरफ़, N,He was lying on his side.,side,لَرِ,,बग़ल, N,All the friends were my side.,side,طَرفہٕ,,ओर, N,There was large crowd on the either side of the road.,side,طَرَف,,किनारा, N,All sides of mountains were covered with snow.,side,طَرَف,,ढ़ाल, N,All the six sides of a cube are equal.,side,طرَف,,फलक, N,There are four sides in a square.,side,طَرَف,,भुजा, N,There are faults on both sides.,side,دوٚر،طَرَف,,पक्ष/दल, N,We must study all the sides of a problem and then try to solve.,side,پہلوٗ،طَرَف,,पहलू, V,I always side with my mother against my father.,side,طَرَف ہیوٚن,,का_पक्ष_लेना/का_समर्थन_करना, N,A baby was crawling on a sidewalk.,sidewalk,پَٹٕر,,पटरी, V,He sighed in reply.,sigh,وۄش ترٛاوُن,,आह_भरना, V,The wind sighed in the trees.,sigh,سۭں سۭں کَرُن,,सरसराना, V,She sighed for meeting him.,sigh,تَرسُن،وۄش ترٛاوُن,,तरसना, N,He lost his sight in an accident.,sight,گاش،بَصارَت,,दृष्टि, N,After ten days at sea we had our first sight of land.,sight,نَظارٕ،شَکٕل,,दृश्य, N,Radha`s father wants to marry her daughter but there was no one in sight.,sight,نَظرِ تَل,,निगाह, N,The flowers are a lovely sight in spring.,sight,نَظارٕ,,नज़ारा, N,The sight of a rifle has something in one`s sights.,sight,نِشانہٕ,,लक्षक, V,"After a long tired journey, we sighted the refugee camp.",sight,وُچُھن,,देखना, N,"Mathematics is a game of signs e.g(+, -, /,x?).",sign,عَلامَت,,चिह्न, N,After avoiding lot of signs he arrived at his destination.,sign,اِشارٕ،عَلامَت,,चेतावनी_सूचक, N,Signs on his face were full of sorrow.,sign,آثار,,भाव_मुद्रा, V,The documents are not signed.,sign,دَستخَط کٔرِتھ,,हस्ताक्षर_करना, N,He gave the signal to the ship for deciding the direction.,signal,اِشارٕ،سِگنَل,,संकेत, V,He signalled for the removal of unwanted crowd.,signal,اِشارٕ کَرُن،سِگنَل دِنۍ,,संकेत_करना/सिगनल_देना, Adj,It is a signal victory to him.,signal,بٔڑ،شانٛدار,,विशिष्ट/असाधारण, N,Signatures are essential on a cheque.,signature,دَستخط,,हस्ताक्षर, N,It is very difficult to grab the significance of his remarks.,significance,مَطلَب،معنی,,अर्थ/अभिप्राय, N,We don`t feel the significance of a thing until we loose it.,significance,اَہمِیَت,,महत्त्व, Adj,This work is significant.,significant,اَہم,,महत्त्वपूर्ण, Adj,His presence was significant at the premiere of the film.,significant,معنی بوٚرُتھ,,सार्थक/अर्थपूर्ण, Adv,"Significantly, he did not deny that he would not attend the meeting.",significantly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,अर्थपूर्णता से, N,There was silence in the room.,silence,ژھۄپہٕ,,चुप_कर, N,A scream shattered the silence.,silence,ژھۄپہٕ،خاموشی,,सन्नाटा, Adj,The boy became silent when his father asked him the reason for returning so late.,silent,ژھۄپہٕ دَم,,चुप, Adj,`b` is silent in `comb`.,silent,سَیلَنٛٹ,,अनुच्चरित, Adv,The boy stood silently beside his father.,silently,لۄتہ ِپٲٹھۍ,,चुपचाप, N,High quality silk was exported by China in earlier centuries.,silk,ریٖشٕم,,रेशम, Adj,I was rather silly to let the strangers in.,silly,بیکٕل,,अल्पबुद्दि, N,Ganga plains are made up to fine silt brought down by Himalayan rivers.,silt,سٮ۪کھ ،میٚژ,,गाद, V,Aluminium has silted up the swimming pool.,silt,تھوٚپ کَرُن,,मिट्टी_या_रेत_से_रास्ता_बन्द_करना/रेग_से_भरना, N,Silver is used to electroplate reactive metals.,silver,رۄپھ,,चाँदी, N,He won four silvers for his state.,silver,رۄپہٕ سُنٛدمٮ۪ڑَل,,चाँदी_का_पदक, V,He owns a fine silvered bracelet.,silver,رۄپھ کھالُن,,चाँदी_चढ़ाना, Adj,He has an attractive silver sports car.,silver,رۄپھ ہِش,,रजत/राजत, Adj,Those twins are similar in physical features but different by nature.,similar,ہِوی,,समान/तुल्य, Adj,He teaches in a simple way.,simple,سادٕ،آسان,,सरल, Adj,He is the most simple person in the whole staff.,simple,سیوٚد،سادٕ,,निष्कपट, Adj,She wore a very simple dress in the party.,simple,سادٕ,,सादा, N,I like her simplicity.,simplicity,سادٕگی,,सरलता, Adv,Answer as simply as you can.,simply,سادٕ پٲٹھۍ,,सरल_रूप_से, Adv,I can`t do both the things simultaneously.,simultaneously,یَگجَہ,,समकालिक_तरह_से, N,It is really a sin.,sin,گۄناہ,,पाप, Adv,She went abroad three years before and I haven`t seen her since.,since,تَنہٕ پٮ۪ٹھٕ,,तब_से, Conj,"Since you have got time to wait for the class, you can have a drink.",since,چونٛکہِ,,चूँकि, Prep,We have been very good friends since five years.,since,تَنہٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,जब[तब]_से, Adj,He is very sincere.,sincere,صادِق،پٔزۍ زیور,,निष्कपट, V,I love to sing.,sing,گیوُن,,गाना, V,He sings beautifully.,sing,گیوُن,,गाना_गाना, V,The chicken was singed to remove the fine hairs.,singe,کَنٛزُن,,झुलसना/झुलसाना, Adj,Please give me a single piece of paper.,single,اَکھ،اَکوے,,एक/एक_ही/एकमात्र, N,The detectives were greatly puzzled by the singular nature of the crime.,singular,عٔجیٖب،غیرمعموٗلی,,असामान्य, Adj,`boy` is in singular number.,singular,وٲحِد,,एकवचन, V,Titanic sank in the Atlantic ocean.,sink,پَھٹُن,,डूबना, V,The foundation of the house is begining to sink.,sink,ؤسِتھ گَژھُن,,धँसना, V,The rupee has sunk to its lowest in comparision to dollar.,sink,گِراوَٹھ یِنۍ,,गिरना, N,Utensils are washed in the kitchen sink.,sink,سٲندٕر,,हौदी, N,How many sisters do you have?,sister,بیٚنہِ,,बहन, V,He requested her to sit.,sit,بِہُن,,बैठना, N,I`ll visit sacred site tomorrow evening.,site,جاے،مُقام,,स्थल, N,He is looking for a sitter for the portrait he wants to make.,sitter,تصویٖر تُلہٕ ناوَن وول,,चित्र_खिंचाने_के_लिये_बैठा_व्यक्ति, N,Let the sitting be over.,sitting,بیٹھَک,,बैठक/उपवेशन, N,"First sitting is going on, so you have to wait.",sitting,بیٹھَک,,बैठक, Adj,"Having six children and no income, I was badly situated.",situated,حالَت,,स्थित, N,You should act reasonably in all situations.,situation,حالَت,,हालत, Det,He is six years old.,six,شیٚے,,छः, N,He is just six.,six,شیٚے,,छः, N,I know that your lucky number is six.,six,شیٚے,,छः, Art,Six guests are coming to our home tomorrow.,six,شیٚے,,छः, Adj,I have got six chocolates.,six,شیٚے,,छः, Pron,There are sixteen people in a tent.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, N,She is only sixteen.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, Art,Sixteen students are coming from outside to attend the seminar.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, Adj,She has sixteen pens.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, Det,Ten minutes is the sixth part of an hour.,sixth,شیٚیِم,,छठा, Art,Sixth class has gone for picnic.,sixth,شیٚیِم,,छठा, Pron,There are sixty minutes in an hour.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, N,He started his business at the age of sixty.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, Art,Sixty students have been selected for the trip.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, Adj,He is sixty years old.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, Adj,The dinosaur was an ancient and sizable creature.,sizable,واریاہ بوٚڑ,,काफ़ी_बड़ा/बृहदाकार, N,What is the size of this pole?,size,ناپ،قَد,,आकार{कद}, N,The size of the card I want is 3/5 inches.,size,سایِز,,आकार, N,My father bought me skate shoes for my birthday.,skate,سِکیٹ,,स्केट, N,This is a skeleton of man.,skeleton,ڈانٛچہِ,,कंकाल, N,The block is still just a skeleton of girders.,skeleton,ڈانٛچہِ,,ढ़ाँचा, N,Her notes give us just the bare skeleton of her theory.,skeleton,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,सार, N,The artist made many sketches in pencil before painting the portrait.,sketch,خاکہٕ,,खाका, N,Painting needs great skill.,skill,ہُنَر مٔنٛدی,,प्रवीणता, Adj,He is a skilled weaver.,skilled,ہُنَرمَند،کٲر ۍ گَر,,कुशल, N,Africans have black skin.,skin,ژَم,,त्वचा, N,Girls look beautiful in skirt.,skirt,سِکٲٹ,,घाघरा, V,We skirted the field and crossed the bridge.,skirt,بَٹھہِ بَٹھہِ پَکُن,,के_किनारे_किनारे_चलना, N,His skull is very thick.,skull,کَلہٕ کھاپٕر,,खोपड़ी/कपाल, N,He is thinking about the sky.,sky,نَب،آسمان,,आसमान/आकाश, V,She slammed the box on the table.,slam,دَب دیُن,,पटक_देना, Adj,She was wearing a slate blue sari.,slate,سِلیٹی,,सिलेटी, V,His article on the current political turmoil was slated by most critics.,slate,تَردیٖد کَرُن,,कड़ी_आलोचना_करना, N,Government has banned the slaughter of animals.,slaughter,ذَبَح,,हत्या/वध, N,Slaves were treated badly in America.,slave,غۄلام,,दास/गुलाम, N,I don`t like slavery.,slavery,غۄلٲمی,,दास_प्रथा, V,The butcher slay`s the animals.,slay,مارُن،ذَبح کَرُن,,मार_ड़ालना/वधा, V,He slept early today.,sleep,شۄنٛگُن,,सोना, N,Most of the people need eight hours of sleep a day.,sleep,نیٚندٕر,,नींद, Adj,She has a slender physique.,slender,توٚن تہٕ تھوٚدٚ,,पतला, V,The drawers slide in and out easily.,slide,کھٕر ِنیرُن,,फिसलना, Adj,Do not speak slight language with me.,slight,گَنٛدٕ،مٔکٕر,,तुच्छ, Adv,My friend is slightly taller than me.,slightly,رَژ ھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोड़ा_सा, Adj,She dreams for a slim and trim figure.,slim,زٲوِج,,पतला, Adj,The chances of India winning the match are very slim.,slim,کَم,,कम, N,I have made many two slips in my paper.,slip,غلطی,,छोटी भूल, V,She slipped on the ground.,slip,کھٕر گَژھٕنۍ,,फिसल, V,The climber`s foot slipped and he fell.,slip,کھٕر گَژھٕنۍ،رِکِنۍ گَژھٕنۍ,,फ़िसलना, V,The earth quakes are caused when the earth plates slip.,slip,نیٖرِتھ ژَلُن,,सरकना, V,It had slipped my memory that you were arriving today.,slip,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूलना, V,He seems to be slipping from his position.,slip,بۄن وَسُن,,स्थानभ्रंश_होना, V,My brother slipped some money in my pocket.,slip,ژوٗرِ تھاوُن,,चोरी_से_रखना, V,This path slopes up.,slope,کَھسوُن,,ढालू_हो, N,You can find high slopes in hilly regions.,slope,چَڑٲے,,ढाल, Adj,Patients suffering from jaundice make slow recovery.,slow,وارٕ وارٕ,,धीरे_धीरे, Adj,He is slow in understanding.,slow,وارٕ وارٕ,,मंद_गति_वाला, Adj,He is slow in his work.,slow,سُستہٕ,,सुस्त, Adv,Do your work slowly.,slowly,آرامہٕ سان,,धीरे_से, Adv,He walked slowly towards the platform.,slowly,لوٚت لوٚت،وارٕ وارٕ,,धीरे_धीरे, N,Chemicals are usually sprayed to protect the crops from slug.,slug,کیوٚم,,घोंघा, N,They all took a slug of brandy to ward off colds.,slug,دام,,शराब_का_छोटा_घूँट, Adj,The hat is too small for me.,small,لۄکٕٹ,,छोटा, Adj,He is a small man in the eyes of his boss.,small,لۄکُٹ،معموٗلی,,नगण्य, Adj,She is very smart girl.,smart,اَصٕل،چالاک,,तेज़[आकर्षक], Adj,Smart dress is the true index of a man`s character.,smart,صاف،جان,,स्वच्छ/सुव्यवस्थित, V,I think your eyes are smarting with onions.,smart,دٕہَن لَگٕنۍ,,दूखना, N,The plate hit the floor with a smash.,smash,ٹاس,,टकराने_की_ध्वनि, N,The car collided with a loud smash.,smash,ٹاس,,टकराव, N,Due to technical defects car smash took place at work.,smash,وٲرۍ داتھ,,दुर्घटना, V,He smashed a ball on the ground.,smash,زورٕ لگاوُن,,ज़ोरसे_मारना, V,World powers today are uniting to smash terrorism.,smash,خَتم کَرُن,,पराजित_करना/अंत_करना, Adj,He is smashed.,smashed,چٮ۪تھ,,पिये_हुए{शराब}, V,I can smell something burning.,smell,مُشٕک ہیوٚن,,सूँघना, V,The dead body has begun to smell.,smell,مُشٕک وۄتھُن,,महकना, N,Rose`s smell is captivating.,smell,خۄشبوٗ،مُشٕک,,गन्ध, N,I saw a cheerful smile on his face.,smile,اَسنہ ٕ دٕہان,,मुस्कराहट/मुस्कान, V,He smiled at my comment.,smile,اَسُن ترٛاوُن,,मुस्कराना, N,He is a poor smith and hence cannot live happily.,smith,کھار،سۄنُر,,लोहार/सुनार, N,A cloud of smoke was rising from the building.,smoke,دُہ,,धुआँ, N,I like to have a smoke after a meal.,smoke,تَموکھ,,धूम्रपान, N,He received only smoke in return of his efforts.,smoke,ناکامِیٲبی,,असफलता, V,He smokes regularly after a meal.,smoke,تَموکھ چیوٚن,,धूम्रपान_करना, V,They smoked salami for dinner.,smoke,دُہ دیُن,,धुँआ_देना, Adj,She has a smooth face.,smooth,پِشُل,,चिकना, Adj,The ice cream was smooth.,smooth,مٔدُر،مٕدٕر,,मधुर, Adj,The path was smooth.,smooth,ہَموار,,बराबर, Adj,The journey was smooth.,smooth,آسان,,निर्विघ्न, Adj,The receptionist was smooth.,smooth,ژھوٚپ،نَرٕم,,शान्त, N,All snakes are not poisonous.,snake,سۄرُپھ,,साँप, V,The path snakes in the hilly areas.,snake,ہوٚل ہوٚل پَکُن,,रेंगना, V,He snapped his finger.,snap,پٕھٹراوُن،پٕھٹراوٕنۍ,,तोड़_ड़ालना, V,The snake snapped the boy`s feet.,snap,ٹۄپھ دِنۍ,,दंश_करना/काटना, V,The teacher snapped `shut your mouth`.,snap,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,गुर्राना, V,I snapped at the jumping boy.,snap,فوٹوٗ تُلُن,,फोटो_लेना, N,I have a fine collection of holiday snaps.,snap,فوٹوٗ,,आशुचित्र, N,Snap is an entertaining game.,snap,تاس,,ताश_के_पत्तों_का_एक_खेल, Adj,This work is too snappy.,snap,فوٗری،دٔستی,,तात्कालिक/फ़ौरी/आसु, Interj,Snap! your bag is similar to mine.,snap,۔۔۔,,समानता_पर_निकलनेवाला_आश्चर्य_भाव, V,He managed to sneak in the restaurant.,sneak,ژوٗرِ پٲٹھۍ یُن گَژُھن,,चुपके_आना_जाना, V,As she has been suffering from severe cold so she keeps on sneezing.,sneeze,پۄندٕ ترٛاونہِ,,छींकना, N,The children are playing with snow.,snow,شیٖن,,बरफ़/हिम, V,It was snowing when I woke up.,snow,شیٖن پیوٚن,,बरफ़_गिरना, Adv,Don`t look so angry.,so,یوٗت,,इतना, Adv,I am so glad to see you in my house.,so,واریاہ,,अत्यधक, Adv,He is not so good as his brother.,so,تیُتھ,,उसी_तरह/समान_रूप_से, Adv,I am not sure that she will succeed but I certainly hope so.,so,تہِ،تی,,ऐसा, Adv,He is divorced and so am I.,so,بہٕ تہِ,,भी, Conj,The shop was closed so I couldn`t get my requirements.,so,تَمہِ کِنۍ,,इसलिये, Conj,I gave you a map so you wouldn`t get lost.,so,تاکہِ،یُتھ نہٕ,,ताकि, Conj,So I have a couple of drinks on the way home.,so,تیٚلہِ,,तो_फिर, Adj,Your so called friend will not help you.,so-called,وَننہٕ کِنۍ,,तथाकथित, N,Every one in a family should have a separate soap.,soap,صابَن,,साबुन, V,Ram soaped his hand when an insect touched his hand.,soap,صابَن دِنۍ,,साबुन_लगाना, V,Can you soar like a pigeon?,soar,وٕڑُن,,उड़ना, V,Prices soar when demand is high.,soar,بَڑُن,,बहुत_बढ़ना, Adj,Were you completely sober when you said that?,sober,حٮ۪سَن ،مَغزَن,,अमत्त, Adj,She is such a sober girl.,sober,سَمَجھ دار,,संयमी/समझदार, Adj,Man is a social animal.,social,سَمٲجی,,सामाजक, N,Socialism is necessary in the country.,socialism,اِشتِراکِیت,,समाजवाद, N,India is a socialist country.,socialist,اِشتِرٲکی,,समाजवादी, Adv,This work is not good socially.,socially,سَمٲجی طور,,सामाजिक_रूप_से, N,Different people have different societies.,society,معاشِرٕ,,समाज, N,The society of those people is good.,society,سماج,,सामाजिक_जीवन, N,Join the societies of good persons.,society,جَماعت,,वर्ग, N,He teaches sociology at the university.,sociology,سوشالجی,,समाज_शास्त्र, N,A pair of socks cost nearly Rs. 35.,sock,موزٕ,,मोज़ा, N,His shoe sock is damaged.,sock,بوٗٹُک أندرِم حِصہٕ,,जूते_का_भीतरी_तला, V,I socked him on the jaw.,sock,مٕش کَڑٕنۍ,,मारना, Adj,Small children like to play with soft things.,soft,نَرٕم,,नरम, Adj,People who have dark complexion should wear soft colours.,soft,سادٕ,,सादा, Adj,I like soft music.,soft,ہَلکہٕ,,मधुर, Adj,One should not be of a soft character.,soft,نرٕم,,कमज़ोर, V,Please soften this soil.,soften,نَرٕم کَرُن,,नरम_करना, Adv,Mother touches her son softly.,softly,نَرمی سان,,कोमलता_से, V,Children usually soil their clothes while playing.,soil,مٲلہٕ کَرُن,,मैला_करना, N,One should love his soil.,soil,زٔمیٖن،وَطَن,,देश, N,Plants are grown on upper layer of soil.,soil,میٚژ,,मिट्टी, Adj,Solar energy is a vital source of energy.,solar,شَمسی,,सौर, N,A soldier sacrifices his life for his country.,soldier,فوٗجی،سِپاہ,,सैनक, N,Party head is the soldier of his party.,soldier,کارکُن,,प्रचारक, N,This shoe has a rubber sole.,sole,تَلہٕ پوٚت,,पैर_की_तलवा, N,Sole is mainly eaten by people living in wastal areas.,sole,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ گاڈ,,कुकुरजीभी, Adj,His sole responsibility was of his parents.,sole,اَکھ،کُنی,,एकमात्र/अकेला, Adv,I am doing this work solely for my parents.,solely,خٲلی،صِرِف,,मात्र, Adj,Holy places are considered to be solemn.,solemn,مُقَدَس,,पवित्र, Adj,Soldiers performed their duties with full solemn for their mother land.,solemn,سٔنٛجیٖدگی,,औपचारक, Adj,He looked very solemn when he came to know about his uncle`s death.,solemn,سٔنٛجیٖدٕ,,गंभीर, Adj,Iron is a solid metal.,solid,ٹھوس,,घनीभूत/ठोस, Adj,Tigers are solitary animals.,solitary,کُنُے,,अकेला, Adj,Antartica is a solitary place where no man lives.,solitary,وٲناک جاے,,निर्जन, N,Do you have any solution for this problem?,solution,حَل،وَتھ,,समाधान, N,India should find a solution to the kashmir problem.,solution,حَل،وَتھ,,समस्या_का_समाधान_करने_का_तरीका, N,Problems in physics should be solved without seeing the soluton.,solution,جَواب,,उत्तर, N,It is a solution of sugar and water.,solution,میُل,,घोल, V,Can you solve this problem?,solve,حَل کَرُن,,हल_कर, VT,Solving a differential equation is very difficult.,solve,حَل کَرُن,,किसी_प्रश्न_को_हल_करना, VT,Problem of Kashmir should be solved by the government.,solve,حَل ژھانٛڑُن،وَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,हल_ढूंढ़ना, Det,Please take some milk.,some,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, Pron,Somebody is peeping through the window.,somebody,کُس تام،خَبَر کُس,,कोई{व्यक्ति}, Adv,"Somehow, we should win the match.",somehow,کُنہِ طٔریقہٕ,,किसी_भी_तरह, Adv,"Somehow, it didn`t seem important to him any more.",somehow,کُنہِ نَتہٕ کُنہِ طٔریقہٕ,,वह_कारण_जो_पता_न_हो, Pron,Someone is peeping through the window.,someone,کُس تام،خَبَر کُس,,कोई{व्यक्ति}, N,Give me something to eat.,something,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, N,I have got something for you.,something,کانٛہہ چیٖز,,कोई_चीज़, Pron,Do you have anything to eat?,something,کانٛہہ چیٖز,,कोई_चीज़, Adv,He meets me sometimes.,sometimes,کُنہ ِکُنہِ ساتہٕ,,कभी_कभी, Adv,He was somewhat angry.,somewhat,کُنہِ حَدَس تام,,कुछ, Adv,She is waiting for me somewhere.,somewhere,کُنہِ جایہِ,,कहीं, N,I want to have a son.,son,نیٚچُو,,पुत्र/बेटा, N,Sir C.V. Raman was a great son of India.,son,۔۔۔,,सन्तति, N,The new song by Daler is very good.,song,گٮ۪وُن,,गाना, N,The car is going for a song at the shop.,song,سَستہٕ,,सस्ता, Adv,I`ll soon come to your house.,soon,جَلدی،دٔستی,,शीघ्र, Adv,He came sooner than expected.,sooner,سُلی،جَلدی,,अधिक_शीघ्र, N,His sophistication is evident from the way he speaks.,sophisticate,تُلہٕ ترٛاو,,व्यवहार_कुशल, Adj,They were working on a sophisticated computer system.,sophisticated,جان,,परिष्कृत, Adj,He has got a sore finger.,sore,زَخمی,,चोट_खायी, Adj,I am sorry that I could`nt pick you up.,sorry,معٲفی,,खेद, Adj,I am sorry about my deed.,sorry,اَفسوٗس,,ग्लानि_से_भरपूर, Adj,That was a sorry seen.,sorry,موٚکُر,,घटिया, Adj,The school is in a sorry condition.,sorry,خَراب,,दयनीय, N,These sorts of books are great.,sort,قٕسٕم,,प्रकार, V,I have to sort out the letters from the post.,sort,چھانٛٹ دِنۍ,,छाँटना, V,He asked me to sort the pens which do not work.,sort,اَلَگ کَرٕنۍ,,चुनना, N,Some people do not believe in the immortality of the soul.,soul,رُح,,आत्मा, N,"Deep down in his soul, he felt cheated.",soul,ضٔمیٖر,,अन्तःकरण, N,He could hear a faint sound from the bushes.,sound,آواز,,ध्वनि/आवाज़, Adj,His views on morality are very sound.,sound,صحیٖح,,युक्तियुक्त, Adv,He was sound awake.,sound,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,गहराई_के_साथ/अच्छी_तरह, V,The bell is sounded every hour.,sound,وَزُن,,बजाना, V,The `b` in`dumb` is not sounded.,sound,یُس نہٕ وَننہٕ یی,,उच्चारित_करना, V,This job sounds interesting.,sound,باسُن,,लगना, V,We can sound the depth of the sea with the help of an echo-sounder.,sound,مینُن,,समुद्र_की_गहराई_को_उपकरणौं_से_निकालना, N,The soup was upto everyone`s liking.,soup,رَس,,शोरबा, Adj,Milk becomes sour when turned into curd.,sour,ژوٚک,,खट्टा, Adj,He gave me a sour look.,sour,دولہٕ,,बद्मज़ा, N,I have got this information from a reliable source.,source,آگُر,,स्रोत, N,The source of Ganga is in the Himalayas.,source,آگُر,,उद्गम, N,Mexico lies to the south of U.S.A.,south,جٔنوٗب,,दक्षिण, Adj,The pole star is seen in the southern direction.,southern,جٔنوٗبی,,दक्षिणी, Adj,One must have a respect for the sovereign nations.,sovereign,خۄد مۄختار,,शासकीय, N,King Dasaratha was a sovereign.,sovereign,حُکُمران,,शासक, N,The government removed the sovereignty of the princes.,sovereignty,خۄد مۄختٲری,,प्रभुसत्ता, N,Russia is not a soviet today.,soviet,سووِیٹ,,समिति, N,We need a big space to play cricket.,space,جاے,,जगह, N,Niel Armstrong was the first person to go in to the space.,space,شُنۍ,,अन्तरिक्ष, N,The spacecraft exploded in mid air.,spacecraft,خٕلٲے جہاز,,अंतरिक्षयान, N,We use spade to dig pits.,spade,بیل,,फावडा, N,The arch has a span of 50 metres.,span,کَھجَر,,चौडाई, N,The average human life span has decreased over the last few years.,span,عُمٕر،وٲنٛس,,अवधि, Adj,There must be some spare food in the house.,spare,بَچیومُت، عَلاوٕ,,शेष, V,We should always spare others when they are in danger.,spare,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, V,Could you please spare me some money?,spare,دیُن,,दे_देना, V,The little boy begged the terrorists to spare his parent`s life.,spare,بَچاوُن،رحَم کَرُن,,बचाना/दया_करना, V,Why don`t you speak to me?,speak,بولُن،وَنُن،کَتھ کَرٕنۍ,,बोल, V,He spoke to me regarding my studies.,speak,کَتھ باتھ کَرٕنۍ,,बातचीत_करना, V,He speaks well on this topic.,speak,بولُن,,बोलना, N,He is a french speaker.,speaker,بولَن وول،وَنَن وول,,वक्ता, N,Spears were used as weapons in the war during the medieval period.,spear,نیزٕ,,भाला, N,The backside of my house is full of spears.,spear,۔۔۔,,खेर, N,My father was the spearhead of the last meeting of the housing society.,spearhead,سَر کَردٕ,,मुख्य_भूमिका_निभाने_वाला, Adj,I have got a special work to do.,special,خاص,,ख़ास, Adj,Last night I enjoyed some special dishes in a marriage party.,special,خاص,,असाधारण/ख़ास, Adj,Vijay is a special guest in this party.,special,اَہم، ضٔروٗری،خاص,,महत्त्वपूर्ण, Adj,You need a special tool to open this lock.,special,خٔصوٗصی,,विशेष_उद्देश्य_से_बना_हुआ, V,He has specialised in vision techniques.,specialise,مٲہِر بَنُن,,विशेषज्ञता_प्राप्त_करना, N,My brother is a specialist in computer graphics.,specialist,مٲہِر,,विशेषज्ञ, V,He specializes in plastic surgery.,specialize,مٲہِر بَنُن،مٲہِر آسُن,,विशेषज्ञ_बनना/विशेष_अध्ययन_करना, N,"In forest, different species of monkeys are found.",species,ذٲژ،نَسٕل,,जाति, Adj,I use this pen for specific work.,specific,مَخصوٗص،خاص,,विशिष्ट/निर्दिष्ट, Adv,I specifically told him not to go there.,specifically,خاص طور پٲٹھۍ,,खासतौर_पर, V,The contract specifies red tiles for the roof.,specify,تَفصِیٖلات دِنۍ,,विशेष_विवरण_देना, N,Show me the specimen.,specimen,نٔمونہٕ,,नमूना, N,It is a special spectacle on 26th January this year.,spectacle,نَظارٕ,,प्रदर्शन/तमाशा, Adj,There was a spectacular seen of the mountain.,spectacular,شانٛدار,,अच्छी_प्रदर्शन/शानदार, N,"When light is passed through a prism, spectrum is formed.",spectrum,۔۔۔,,वर्णक्रम, N,Human beings express thoughts through speech.,speech,بوٗلۍ,,बोली, N,He always gives good speeches.,speech,تَقریٖر,,भाषण, N,He gave a long speech.,speech,تَقریٖر,,कथन, N,My brother always drives at an incredible speed.,speed,رَفتار,,गति, N,What speed film should I take for taking photographs outdoor?,speed,تیز,,क्षिप्रता, V,Speeding fast at corners is very dangerous.,speed,تیٖزی سان پَکُن،تیز پَکُن,,तेज़ी_से_चलना, N,We had to face a spell of dry weather.,spell,دور,,दौर/वशीकरण, N,The magician put a spell on John and he turned into monkey.,spell,جود،مٲتٕھر,,जादू, V,Some great novelists like Shakespeare used to spell their names differently at different places.,spell,ہیٚجہِ کَڑنہِ,,उच्चारण_करना_या_लिखना, V,He used to spend most of his time by reading books.,spend,گُزارُن,,बिताना, V,I don`t want to spend my money on chocolates any more.,spend,خَرٕچ کَرُن,,खर्च_करना, N,He is an extravagant spender.,spender,فضوٗل خَرچی کَرَن وول,,अपव्ययी, Adj,He returned to home spent after his long journey.,spent,تھوٚکمُت,,थका-हारा, N,Cricket ball is a sphere.,sphere,گول,,गोल_वस्तु, N,Many African states in past have been under the Russian sphere of influence.,sphere,اِقتِدار,,आकाश, VT,The girl spilled tea on boy`s parents.,spill,دٲرِتھ دِنۍ,,छलकाना, VI,Don`t spill your milk.,spill,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,छलकना, V,Can you spin the ball.,spin,نَژناوُن،گُماوُن,,घुमाना, V,I can spin thread from cotton.,spin,پھَنٛب کَتُن ،ییرُن,,सूत_कातना, N,Shane warne gives tremendous spin to the ball.,spin,سِپِن,,घुमाव, N,The fighter plane crashed with a spin after being attacked by missiles.,spin,نََژان نَژان,,चक्रणी_पतन, N,His holy spirit was always worried about his widow.,spirit,رُح,,आत्मा, N,He is a man of unbending spirit.,spirit,خۄد دٲری,,स्वभाव, N,"Whisky, brandy, jin and rum are all spirits.",spirit,شراب,,मद्यसार, N,Have a glass of brandy to keep your spirits up.,spirit,حوصلہٕ،ہِمت,,भावना, V,The wind spirited off his papers.,spirit,وٕڑِتھ نیُن,,उड़ा_ले_जाना, V,The crowd spirited the Indian team.,spirit,حوصلہٕ اَفزٲیی کَرٕنۍ ،حوصلہ ٕدیُن,,उत्साह_बढ़ाना, Adj,Saints generally lead spiritual life.,spiritual,روحٲنی,,आध्यात्मक, N,He stole his classmate`s books out of spite.,spite,بۄغُض،حَسَد,,द्वेष, Adj,Your house has a splendid design.,splendid,عٲلی شان،شانٛدار,,शानदार, V,Why did you split my book into two?,split,ژَٹُن,,फ़ाड़ना/चीरना, V,The commander told the soldiers to split into three groups.,split,تَقسیٖم گَژُھن,,विभाजित_हो, N,Sew up a split in a seam.,split,ژھیوٚنمُت,,काट, V,A mental elephant spoiled the field completely.,spoil,خَراب کَرُن،تَباہ کَرُن،تَہس نَہس کَرُن,,बिगाड़देना/खराब_कर_देना, V,Our neighbours spoil their children.,spoil,خَراب کَرُن,,लाड़-प्यार_से_बिगाड़ना, N,The spoils are distributed equally among the thieves.,spoil,ژوٗرِ ہُنٛد مال ،لوٗٹمُت مال,,लूट, N,The officers shared spoils among themselves.,spoil,لوٗٹمُت مال,,फ़ायदा_मुनाफा, N,The ball hit so hard that almost all spokes are broken.,spoke,سپوک،کَمرِ,,तीली{साइकिल_इत्यादि_की}, V,The words you spoke are not liked by anyone.,spoke,ؤنِتھ ،بوٗلِتھ,,बोला, N,Sponge is a sea animal.,sponge,سٕپَنٛج,,स्पंज/समुद्रसोख, V,I will sponge the hall.,sponge,فومہٕ سۭتۍ چھلُن,,स्पंज_से_धोना, N,Who is the sponsor of this program?,sponsor,پیٚش کَرن وول,,प्रायोजित_करनेवाला, V,A company sponsors their new product named fairness.,sponsor,پیٚشکَش کَرُن,,प्रायोजित_करना, Adj,He gave a spontaneous offer of help.,spontaneous,پانَے،پٲنۍ پانے,,मनमानी, N,I need a spoon.,spoon,چَمچہٕ,,चम्मच, V,Spoon sugar from the bowl.,spoon,چَمچہٕ سۭتۍ تُلُن,,चम्मच_से_लेना, N,We have many types of sports in our school.,sport,کھیل,,खेल, V,We sport many outdoor activities at our home.,sport,گِنٛدُن,,खेलना, N,That poor black boy has many spots on his body.,spot,داغ،نِشان,,धब्बा/बिन्दु, N,A single spot on the character spoils the life.,spot,داغ,,कलंक, V,Many people spotted their leader in the mob.,spot,وُچھُن,,देखना, Adj,"In J.P. academy, children wear blue spotted socks.",spotted,ٹیٚچَل,,धब्बेदार, N,The spray of chloroform made the queen faint.,spray,چَھکھ،چِھرکاو,,फुहार, V,Farmers spray pesticides on the crops.,spray,چَھکُن،چِھرکاوکَرُن,,छिड़कना, N,How can we stop the spread of diseases.,spread,پھٲلاو,,फैलाव, Adj,He was lying spread-eagled on the bed.,spread,زَنٛگہٕ نَرِ پھٲلٲوِتھ,,फैला_हुआ, V,Who has spread this news?,spread,پھٲلاوُن,,फैलाना, V,Don`t spring on bed it will break.,spring,وۄٹہٕ ترٛاونہِ ،وۄٹہٕ تُلنہِ,,उछलना, N,Ram is suffering from spring tide fever.,spring,سِپرِنٛگ,,स्प्रिंग, N,The best season is the spring season.,spring,سونٛتھ،بَہار,,वसन्त, Adj,A spring matress is more comfortable than an ordinary one.,spring,سِپرِنٛگ دار،کَمٲنۍ دار,,स्प्रिंग_लगा_हुआ, V,You have to sprint in order to catch the bus.,sprint,دورُن،دَوُن,,बड़ी_तेज़ी_से_दौड़ना, N,A 100 m sprint was organised in our school.,sprint,دور،ریس,,लघु_दौड़, Adj,The shirt is made of spun cotton.,spun,کوٚتمُت,,काता_हुआ, N,The spurs of his boots were very sharp.,spur,مینٛکھ,,खार, N,Failures are the spurs to success.,spur,۔۔۔,,प्रेरणा, N,He was standing on the edge of the spur.,spur,پہاڑ,,पर्वत_स्कन्ध, N,Trekkers usually follow spurs to reach their destination.,spur,لۄکٕٹ وَتھ،ژھوٚٹ وَتھ,,छोटा_रस्ता, N,She was a German spy during world war II.,spy,جاسوٗس،مُکبِر,,जासूस/गुप्तचर, V,He was hired to spy on the president.,spy,جاسوٗسی کَرٕنۍ,,जासूसी_करना, V,I spied on the old man walking down the street.,spy,خَیال تھاوُن،نَظَر تھاوٕنۍ,,ध्यान_रखना, V,Have you squared the room`s bill?,square,اَدا کَرُن,,चुकाना, V,Tell the carpenter to square off the sides of the table.,square,ہَموار بَناوُن,,समकोण_बनाना, V,The final game squared the one day series.,square,بَرابَر گَژھُن,,बराबर_करना, V,Try to square the table with the saw.,square,چورُس بَناوُن,,चौकोर बनाना, Adj,This is a square room.,square,ژُکوٗنل,,चौकोर, Adj,I had a square meal today.,square,یَڑ بٔرِتھ,,पेटभर_भोजन, Adj,"If you regularly do the exercises, you will be like that woman, of square frame.",square,ویوٚٹھ,,बलिष्ठ, Adj,The length of the table was nine meter square.,square,مُرَبع,,वर्ग_मीटर, Adj,You should always make a square deal while signing a business contract.,square,صاف،منصِفانہٕ،ایٖمان دار,,अच्छा_व्यवहार, N,His house is situated near the Gurfam square.,square,چوک,,चौक, V,Can you squeeze a lemon?,squeeze,چیٖرُن,,दबाना, V,Squeeze your shirt before you hang it out to dry.,squeeze,چیٖرُن,,निचोड़ना, V,He stabbed him in the stomach.,stab,چھُر ِسۭتۍ حملہٕ کَرُن،چُھرۍ ژھنٕنۍ,,प्रहार_करना, N,He`s got stab wounds all over his chest.,stab,چُھر ۍہِنٛدۍ زَخم,,घाव, N,He felt a stab in his head.,stab,دَگ,,दर्द, N,He made a good stab in the badminton tournament.,stab,کوٗشِش,,कोशिश, Adj,His condition has become more stable than before.,stable,ٹھیٖک,,स्थिर, Adj,After the accident her mind has not been stable.,stable,ڈَنٛجہِ,,सन्तुलित, Adj,His decision is stable.,stable,نہ بَدلن وول،ڈٔٹِھتھ،مَظبوٗط,,स्थायी, N,The horses broke the door of stable.,stable,اَستَبَل,,अश्वशाला, V,Please stack your chairs before you leave.,stack,لٲنہِ تھاوٕنۍ،اَکھ أکِس پٮ۪ٹھ تھاوٕنۍ,,गद्दियों_में_लगाना/ढ़ेर_लगाना, N,A new football stadium was built near Shamerpet.,stadium,مٲدان,,स्टेडियम्/मैदान, N,The staff of this shop is very helpful.,staff,اہلہِ کار،کارکُن،سِٹاف,,कर्मचारीगण, N,The old man walking down the street had a staff.,staff,لوٗر,,लाठी, N,He is arranging the stage for the play.,stage,سٹیٚج,,रंगमंच, N,The oil stains could not be removed from his dress.,stain,داغ,,धब्बा, V,My dress has become stained with oil.,stain,داغ گَژھُن,,धब्बा_डाल, V,The grape juice stained the carpet.,stain,دٲغۍ کَرُن،داغ دیُن,,धब्बेवाला_करना, N,He slipped on the stairs.,stairs,ہیر,,सीढ़ी, N,An old man was walking with the help of a stake.,stake,لوٗر,,खूँटा, V,They staked the saplings with small sticks.,stake,ڈکھ دیُن,,सहारा_देना, V,Rama staked his money to save his friends.,stake,داوَس لاگُن,,दाँव_पर_लगाना, N,Ramu runs a vegetable stall.,stall,دُکان,,दुकान, N,His stable has different stalls for different horses.,stall,حِصہٕ,,अश्वशाला_के_अलग_अलग_कमरें, N,Stalls in a theatre are usually reserved for VIP`s.,stall,سِٹال,,मंच_के_समीप_वाली_कुर्सियाँ, N,There are specific stalls for christians in the church.,stall,گِرجہ ِگَرَس مَنٛز بہنٕچ جاے,,चर्चा_में_बैठने_का_निश्चित_स्थान, V,Our car stalled at the main crossing.,stall,اِنجَن بَنٛد گَژُھن,,इंजन_का_बन्द_हो_जाना, V,Less rainfall stalls the development of crops.,stall,رُکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,कार्य_को_बाधित_करना, V,Financial crises stall the development of the country.,stall,رُکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,प्रगति_को_रोकना, V,She stamped her foot in anger.,stamp,دَب کَڑُن,,पैर_पटकना, V,They refused to stamp my driving licence.,stamp,ٹَھپہٕ ترٛاوُن،مُہر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,ठप्पा_लगाना, V,Please stamp this letter.,stamp,ٹِکَٹ لَگاوٕنۍ,,टिकट_लगाना, V,He stamped every body by his encouraging speech.,stamp,اَثَر کَرُن،چھاپ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,प्रभावित_करना, N,I have a good collection of stamps.,stamp,ٹِکَٹ,,टिकट, N,Tata is a stamp of quality.,stamp,ٹَھپہٕ,,ठप्पा, N,Industries of different stamps hold a very high position in our society.,stamp,قٕسٕم ،نٔموٗنہٕ,,प्रकार, V,You should stand up when teacher enters the class.,stand,کَھڑا گَژُھن، تھوٚد وۄتھُن,,खड़ा_हो, V,Due to weakness he was unable to stand.,stand,کَھڑا روزُن،تھوٚد ؤتِھتھ روزُن,,खड़ा_होना[रहना], V,I will help you to stand up.,stand,کَھڑا کَرُن، تھوٚد تُلُن,,खड़ा_करना, V,Try to stand on your own.,stand,پان کَھڑا کَرُن,,रहना, V,Our school building stands 50 m high.,stand,آسُن، آسٕنۍ,,होना, V,I can`t stand her any more.,stand,بَرداش کَرُن,,सहना, V,We should be in operation to stand meals to our friends.,stand,کھیاوناوُن، کٲنٛسہِ کھیاوناونہٕ خٲطرٕ پونٛسہٕ خَرچاوٕنۍ,,के_लिये_रुपये_देना, N,One of the cup stand at the fair had a good variety of cups.,stand,سِٹینٛڑ,,स्टैंड, N,Witnesses must take the stand before telling something to the court.,stand,کَٹگرٕ,,कटघरा, N,Ram has a very firm stand on the issue of economic liberalization.,stand,نَظرِیہَ,,दृढ़मत, N,Appu Ghar has a taxi stand.,stand,اَڑٕ,,अड्डा, N,She has a high standard.,standard,معیار,,स्टैंडर्ड, N,Don`t let your standards to be vanished.,standard,رُتبہٕ،عُہدٕ,,आदर्श, N,Meter is an internationally accepted standard for measuring length.,standard,پَیمانہٕ,,मानक, N,We expect high standards of studies in convent schools.,standard,معیار،دَرجہٕ,,स्तर, N,Now I am in the 10th standard.,standard,جَمٲژ,,कक्षा, N,They have got high standard in the society.,standard,دَرجہٕ,,दरजा, Adj,All languages should be accepted in standard form.,standard,معیٲری,,प्रामाणक, Adj,NCERT textbooks are a standard for CBSE students.,standard,پَیمانہٕ,,मान्य, Adj,Please charge the standard cost of this tea set.,standard,بُنِیٲدی،اَصلی,,मूल, N,Don`t let your standards to be vanished.,standard,معیار,,आदर्श, N,Meter is an internationally accepted standard for measuring length.,standard,پَیمانہٕ,,मानक, N,We expect high standards of studies in convent schools.,standard,معیار,,स्तर, N,Now I am in the 10th standard.,standard,جَمٲژ,,कक्षा/दरजा, Adj,Russia is one of the standing member of UN.,standing,بَرقَرار،پرٛون,,स्थायी, Adj,He has a good standing in the society.,standing,عِزَت،حٔثِیت،رُتبہٕ,,इज्जत, Adj,He made a standing jump in the business.,standing,یَک دَم کُنہِ چیٖزٕچ شُروعات,,एकदम_से_किसी_चीज़_की_शुरुवात, Adj,My friendship with you should be long standing.,standing,روزوٕنۍ،بَرقَرار،ہَمیٚشہٕ روزوٕنۍ,,रहने_का_समय, N,There are infinite stars in the universe.,star,تارُک,,तारा, N,One born under a lucky star is believed to be lucky.,star,سِتارٕ,,नक्षत्र, N,Lata Mangeshkar is a well known star.,star,ناموَر شَخٕص،سِتارٕ,,प्रसिद्ध_व्यक्ति, N,Stars are used to decorate trees at the time of festivals.,star,تارُک,,तारा_जैसा, N,She was the star in this serial.,star,اَداکار،فِلمی سِتارٕ,,सितारा/तारिका/अभिनेत्री, Adj,The starred lessons are to be read carefully.,star,نِشان دار,,तारांकित, V,The man was staring outside for a long time.,stare,وُچُھن,,आँख_गड़ाकर_देखना, V,They started to move.,start,شُروع کَرُن,,शुरू_करना, N,Who is going to start the play?,start,شُروعات،اِبتِدا,,आरम्भ, N,Give it a new start.,start,اِبتِدا،آغاز,,चौंक, V,This magician startled everybody with his tricks.,startle,حٲران کَرُن,,चौंकाना, Adj,The sound of the crackers is really startling.,startling,حٲران کُن,,चौंका_देने_वाला, VI,The poor man starved to death.,starve,فاقَے مَرُن,,भूखा_मरना, Adj,"I am starving, give me something to eat.",starve,بۄچھِ ہوٚت,,भूख_लगना, Adj,Durga Puja is the state festival of west Bengal.,state,رِیاسَت,,राज्सी, Adj,State education should be compulsory.,state,رِیاستی,,राज्य_से_सम्बन्धित, V,State your problem in the meeting.,state,وَضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,अभिव्यक्त_कर, V,You are expected to state your views on this issue.,state,وَضاحَت دِنۍ,,अभिव्यक्त_करना, N,No one can judge the state of affairs.,state,حالَت،رِیاسَت,,राज्य/अवस्था, N,He was expelled from the state for being a criminal.,state,رِیاسَت,,राज्य, N,It is the function of the state to make laws.,state,سَرکار,,सरकार, N,He is in a state of shock.,state,حالَت,,दशा/परिस्थिति, Adj,You must report at the office at the time stated.,stated,مَزکوٗرٕ,,निश्चित, N,Principal is expected to present a public statement on this issue.,statement,بَیان,,कथन, N,Ambala is the next station.,station,مُقام,,स्टेशन, N,NDTV is the best TV station as per my views.,station,مَرکَز,,केन्द्र, V,Where is your son stationed presently?,station,تعیِنات کَرُن,,तैनात_कर, V,My brother`s regiment is stationed at Manali.,station,تعیِنات آسُن,,स्थित_होना, Adj,He studied in a statistical institute.,statistical,شُمٲرِیٲتی,,सांख्यिकीय, N,Every one should learn Statistics.,statistics,اعدادِ شُمار,,सांख्यिकी, N,Newly constructed christ statue seems so lively.,statue,مُجَسمہٕ,,मूर्ति, N,Don`t you find him small in stature?,stature,قَد و قامَت,,तन_की_प्राकृतिक_लम्बाई, N,Aishwarya Rai proved herself as a real artist of national stature.,stature,۔۔۔,,क्षमता_या_उपलब्धि_से_कमाई_हुई_इज्जत_और_रूतबा, N,Her growing status may lead her to the post of home minister.,status,رُتبہٕ،مَرتَبہٕ,,स्तर{सामाजिक_नैतिक_या_व्यावसायिक_पद}, V,You have to stay in that cottage to save your life.,stay,روزُن,,रहना, Adv,He works steadily.,steadily,ثٲبِت قَدمی سان,,स्थिरता_पूर्वक, Adj,Sita is making steady progress in her writing.,steady,جان,,अनवरत, Adj,Ram has been holding a steady job for past 10 years.,steady,۔۔۔,,नियमित, Adj,A steady man is trusted by every one.,steady,ثٲبِت قَدَم,,गम्भीर, V,John stole a cookie from the cookie`s store.,steal,ژوٗر کَرٕنۍ,,चोरी_करना, V,She stole into the room.,steal,ژوٗرِ ژوٗرِ یُن گَژُھن,,चुपके_से_आना_जाना, N,I got this shoe from Goerge town - it was a steal.,steal,سَستہٕ,,सस्ता_विक्रय, V,I have to steam the fish for few minutes.,steam,بَہہ دیُن،سٹیٖم دِنۍ,,भाप_उठ[उठा], Adj,These are steamed vegetables.,steam,بَہہ دار,,भाप_का, N,Steam inhaling cures cold.,steam,بَہہ,,भाप, N,Steel utensils are easy to wash.,steel,فولاد,,इस्पात, Adj,Various kinds of steel weapons were used in IInd world war.,steel,فولٲدی,,इस्पात_से_निर्मित_शस्त्र, V,She steeled herself before going for the interview.,steel,سَخٕت بَناوُن,,सख्त_बनना, Adj,The mountain on which we went for trekking was very steep.,steep,کھَڑا چَڑٲے,,दुरारोह, Adj,There was a steep decline in share values due to mid term elections.,steep,واریاہ,,अत्यधक, Adj,Sewing of corn flakes with tea seems a bit steep to me.,steep,بے مَطلَب,,बेतुका, N,The stem of a babool tree is very thick and broad.,stem,لٔنٛڑ،قَلَم،گۄڈ,,तना, N,The stem of the wine glass has beautiful designs on it.,stem,تَھپ,,नली, N,Sit is the stem of the forms sits and sitting.,stem,۔۔۔,,धातु, V,Doctor bandaged the cut to stem the bleeding.,stem,رُکاوُن،بَنٛد کَرُن,,रोकना, V,Ignorance is the stem of racial discrimination.,stem,موٗل،جَڑ,,जड़, V,I stepped on to the stool to take the book from the shelf.,step,قَدَم تھاوُن,,कदम_उठाना, N,Sunder Lal Bahugana is the stepping stone in the incremental upgradation.,step,ذٔرِیعہ،ؤسیٖلہٕ,,चरण, N,She took a strong step towards this work.,step,قَدَم,,कदम, N,The government took serious steps to check the dacoits.,step,اِقدام،کاروٲیی,,कार्यवाही, N,I made the rangoli in three steps.,step,مَرحَلہٕ,,सोपान, Adj,Hitler was a stern man.,stern,سَخٕت،ظٲلِم,,कठोर_या_निर्दय, N,Old people generally use stick to walk properly.,stick,لوٗر,,लाठी, N,My brother is a good player of stick games.,stick,لوٗر,,छड़ी, N,Ram has got a very good speed at the drum stick.,stick,لوٗر,,ड्रम_छड़ी, N,My servant kept away all the sticks after the furniture work was over.,stick,لوٗر,,लकड़ी, N,The thieves are scared of the police stick.,stick,ڈنٛڑٕ,,पुलीस_का_ड़ंड़ा, N,Ram is a funny old stick.,stick,عٔجیٖب,,असाधारण_व्यक्ति, V,I tried to stick all the stickers on the cupboard.,stick,واٹھ دیُن،لَگاوُن،چِپکاوُن,,चिपकना, V,Stick the iron nail into the wall.,stick,ٹُھکُن,,घुसेड़ना, V,I can`t stick onto the TV for more than two hours.,stick,بَرداش کَرُن،ژالُن,,बरदाश्त_करना, V,I want to stick the name of my company in the market scenario.,stick,تھاوُن,,सथापित_करना, Adj,Gum produces a sticky effect on a paper.,sticky,مایہِ دار,,चिपचिपा, Adj,"Due to moisture in the atmosphere, the weather was very sticky yesterday.",sticky,اوٚبرٕ دَم,,उमस, Adj,I was all sticky after playing basket ball.,sticky,عٲرقہٕ سرٛان,,पसीने_में_लथपथ, Adj,My fortune is undergoing a sticky situation.,sticky,بُرٕ وَقٕت،ناقٲبِلہِ بَرداش,,बुरा_समय, Adj,My mother was a bit sticky in giving me money for the movie.,sticky,کٔنجوٗس،کوٚنٛڑ,,कंजूस, Adj,The wire is too stiff to be bent.,stiff,سَخٕت,,कड़ा, Adj,The examination paper was too stiff to be solved by the students.,stiff,مُشکِل،سَخٕت,,कठिन, Adj,The manager of the five star hotel is very stiff.,stiff,خۄشٕک، سَخٕت,,हठीला, Adj,The diamond necklace is too stiff to be bought by a common man.,stiff,واریاہ قۭمتِی,,भारी_कीमत, N,It was a very pathetic sight when Rajan`s stiff was lying in the coffin for the funeral.,stiff,لاش,,लाश, Adv,She still hasn`t finished her work.,still,وٕنیُک تام،وٕنۍ تہِ,,अभी_तक, Adv,The carpenter is still willing to do the work.,still,وٕنہِ تہِ,,अभी_भी, Adv,"Though we have reached September, it `s still very hot.",still,توتہِ,,तथापि, Adv,Rama brings up still more good ideas.,still,توتہِ,,ज़्यादा, Adv,She still hasn`t finished her work.,still,وٕنیُک تام،وٕنۍ تہِ,,अभी_तक, Adj,The photographer asked me to stand still while clicking me.,still,أکِسٕے جایہِ،سیوٚد,,अचल/स्थिर, Adj,The weather was absolutely still before the rain poured in.,still,صحیٖح,,शान्त, Adv,"Though we have reached September, it `s still very hot.",still,توتہِ,,तथापि, Adv,Rama brings up still more good ideas.,still,زیادٕ زیادٕ,,ज़्यादा, N,Hard work acts as a stimulus to attain success.,stimulus,۔۔۔,,उत्तेजना, N,The sting of a snake is very poisonous.,sting,ٹۄپھ,,डंक, N,"When the sting of a cactus pricks the finger, it is very painful.",sting,کونٛڑ,,काँटा, N,I can`t bear the sting of defeat.,sting,دَگ,,दर्द, V,"When you trouble a wasp, it stings you.",sting,ٹۄپھ دِنۍ,,ड़ंक_मारना, V,My legs were stinging due to excess walking.,sting,دَگ آسٕنۍ,,दर्द_होना, V,Their comments stung him to get into a fight.,sting,تُلُن،ہٕس دیُن,,उकसाना, V,The money lander stipulated that the money should be returned within five months.,stipulate,شَرٕط تھاوُن,,सौदा_तय_करना, V,He sat there for two hours without stirring.,stir,ہِلُن,,हिलना, V,She stirred the tea with a spoon.,stir,ہِلاوُن,,हिलाना, N,I gave a stir to the tea in order to dissolve the sugar.,stir,گُلہٕ،چھونٛپ,,हलचल, N,Her sudden death was quite a stir.,stir,ہے بُنٛگہٕ,,हिला_देनेवाला, Adj,The story of the beggar was quite stirring.,stirring,سَدمہٕ واتناوَن وول,,सदमा_पहुँचानेवाला, N,The Doctor had put six stitches on his wound.,stitch,ٹیبہٕ,,टांका, N,I asked her to put two stitches on my skirt.,stitch,سِلٲے,,सीअन, N,Button hole stitch is very common.,stitch,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ سِلٲے,,एक_प्रकार_की_सिलाई, N,Excess running caused a stitch in my ankle.,stitch,دَگ,,दर्द, V,My mother stitched a beautiful dress for me.,stitch,سُوُن,,सीना, N,The shop has a stock of good quality rice.,stock,مال,,तिज़ारती_माल, N,Our ancestors had a big cattle stock in the village.,stock,جَب,,पशु_धन, N,His mother gave him all her stock so that he could start his business well.,stock,جَمع,,पूँज़ी, N,She comes from an English business stock.,stock,نَسٕل,,पीढ़ी, N,He possesses a good stock in other people`s mind.,stock,نام,,ख्याति, N,Chicken stock enhances the taste of chicken soup.,stock,أڑِجہِ,,हड्डियों_से_बनाया_जाने_वाला_पदार्थ, N,It`s difficult to support the stock of the gun on your shoulder.,stock,نٔلۍ,,तना, Adj,The shopkeeper keeps bread as one of his stock items.,stock,جَمع مال,,भरपूर_मात्रा_में_रखा_जाने_वाला, N,Rama is an army officer as well as a stockholder.,stockholder,۔۔۔,,साझीदार, N,"I did not eat the dinner, as my stomach was full.",stomach,میادٕ,,पेट, N,"When I came back from the school, I had the stomach to eat anything I get.",stomach,بۄچھہِ,,भूख, N,"After a full day slog, I didn`t have the stomach to argue with my brother.",stomach,مَرضی,,इच्छा, N,"During landslides, big stones fell down from the hills.",stone,کٔنۍ,,पत्थर, N,Sapphire is a precious stone.,stone,کرٛانٛک,,रत्न, N,There is a big stone inside every mango.,stone,ٲنٛٹ,,गुठली, N,People having stone in their kidney suffer from serious pain.,stone,کٔنۍ,,अश्मरी, N,Ram weighs 10 stones.,stone,سیر,,किलोग्राम का भार, V,The mad man was stoned to death by the villagers.,stone,کَنہِ لاینہِ,,पत्थर_से_मारना, V,She stoned the cherries for the dessert.,stone,ٲنٛٹ کَڑٕنۍ,,गुठली_निकालना, V,Rain had stopped yesterday`s cricket.,stop,رُکاوُن,,रुकना, V,She stopped studies.,stop,اَنٛد واتناوُن،خَتم کَرُن,,अन्त_करना, V,I couldn`t stop myself from playing in the rain.,stop,رُکاوُن,,रोकना, N,A sentence should always end with a full stop.,stop,نُقتہٕ،وَقفہٕ,,विराम, N,I keep my storage in the cupboard.,storage,ذٔخیٖرٕ,,संग्रहण, N,There is storage of grains in the godown.,storage,ذٔخیٖرٕ,,माल_की_रखावाई, N,We have a storage of world`s encyclopaedia in our computer.,storage,جَمع,,जानकारी_का_संग्रह_करना, N,We don`t have storage at home.,storage,گُدام,,गोदाम, N,We keep things in a store.,store,سٹور،گٔنٛجیٖنہٕ,,स्टोर, N,Good store of food is required in every house.,store,ذٔخیٖرٕ,,संचित_माल, N,Benetlon has a good store of clothes.,store,جمَع،اَمبار,,भंड़ार, N,There are several cosmetic stores in a city market.,store,دُکان,,दुकान, V,Store the vegetables in an airtight container.,store,بَنٛد تھاوُن,,संचित_करना, N,R.B. complex consists of seven storeys.,storey,پور,,मंज़िल, N,The storm destroyed many villages.,storm,طوُفان،واو,,आँधी, V,The troops stormed into the city.,storm,حَملہٕ کَرُن,,हमला_करना, N,My father used to tell me bed-time stories.,story,دٔلیٖل،پاچَھہہ کَتھ,,कहानी, N,The building has ten stories.,story,پور,,मंज़िल, N,Rama put the pan on the stove.,stove,چُولہٕ،دان,,चूल्हा, Adj,She went straight from the school to house.,straight,سیٚود,,सीधा, V,I damaged the front bumper of my car and had to get it straightened.,straighten,سیٚود کَرُن,,सीधा_करना, V,I had to strain myself to listen to her as she spoke in a very low voice.,strain,پوٗرٕ طاقَت لَگاوُن،پوٗرٕ کَن دیُن,,पूरी_शक्ति_लगाकर_देखना/सुनना, V,During the last match he strained a foot muscle.,strain,وُتُن گَژُھن,,नस_खिंच_जाना, V,The dispute has strained the relationship between the two families.,strain,دوٗرٮ۪ر گَژُھن،خَراب تعلُقات گَژٕھنۍ,,तनाव_आना, V,Strain water from the boiled noodles before adding the vegetables.,strain,چھانُن،پھیانُن,,छानना, N,It is rather hard to live with the strains of modern life.,strain,تَنازٕ,,तनाव{खिंचाव}, N,He has a neck strain.,strain,رَگہِ پٮ۪ٹھ رَگ,,नस_खिंच_जाना, N,She gave her speech in a cheerful strain.,strain,لہجہٕ،طٔریقہٕ,,बोलने या लिखने का लहजा या शैली, N,I could hear the strains of the drums.,strain,ڈولٕچ آواز,,लय{अंश}, N,A strain of madness runs in the family.,strain,خٲصِیَت,,प्रवृत्ति{अंश}, N,He is from noble strain.,strain,خانٛدان,,वंश, N,Now there are strains of mosquitoes which are resistant to normal pesticides.,strain,نَسٕل,,नसल, Adj,Whatever she said was very strange.,strange,عٔجیٖب,,विचित्र/अनोखा, Adj,Everybody makes fun of Hari as he wears strange clothes.,strange,عٔجیٖب و غٔریٖب، بَدلٕے,,अनोखा, N,He is a stranger.,stranger,پَردیسی,,अजनबी, N,Children should not talk to strangers.,stranger,اَجنٔبی,,अपरिचित_व्यक्ति, Adj,His strategic knowledge is excellent.,strategic,۔۔۔,,युद्ध_कौशल_सम्बन्धी, N,Straw is the main component of the roof of mud huts.,straw,کوٚم,,भूसा, N,She likes to drink milk by straw.,straw,پایِپ,,तरल_पदार्थ_को_पीने_के_लिए_नली, Adj,I think it is a stray dog.,stray,لاوٲرِس,,बेघर, V,Bad company strayed him from the path of honesty.,stray,ڈالُن,,भटक_जाना, N,Hilly areas are full of natural streams.,stream,نالہٕ,,जलधारा/स्रोता, N,Students of commerce stream have large job opportunities.,stream,شاخ,,शाखा, V,Sweat was streaming out of his body.,stream,یُن،نیرُن,,धारा_रूप_में_बहना, N,Orphan children are mostly found on streets.,street,سَڑَک,,सड़क, N,Subhash Chandra Bose possessed great strength of character.,strength,قُوَت،طاقَت,,बल/ताकत, N,Pallavi`s strength is her command on language.,strength,طاقَت,,गुण/क्षमता, N,The strength of class 8th is 70.,strength,تعداد,,कुल_संख्या, V,Regular exercise is required to strengthen the muscles.,strengthen,طاقَت بَڑاوُن,,शक्ति_बढ़ना, N,My teacher lays great stress on punctuality.,stress,زور,,बलाघात, N,She put stress on the need of extra security in the border areas.,stress,زور,,बल, N,"Due to long working hours, Ramu is always under stress.",stress,دَباو,,दबाव, V,India should stress more on providing employment.,stress,زور دیُن,,बल_देना, V,Stretch the rubber band to make it loose.,stretch,لَمُن،لٔمِتھ زیٹھراوُن,,खींचकर_बढ़ाना/ताना_जाना, V,Sita stretched the rope tightly.,stretch,لَمُن,,ज़ोर_से_खींचना, V,After walking we usually stretch our body.,stretch,کاڑ کَڑُن,,अंगड़ाई_लेना, N,Physics is my favourite subject.,subject,موضوٗع,,विषय, N,`He` is the subject in the sentence`He is going`.,subject,۔۔۔,,कर्ता, N,The king treated his subjects well.,subject,عَوام,,प्रजा, Adj,I don`t believe in subjective judgements.,subjective,۔۔۔,,व्यक्तिपरक, Adj,Scientists generally use submarine to go under water to know some facts.,submarine,آبَس أنٛدٕرۍ جہازٕ،سَب مٔریٖن,,पनडुब्बी, V,He submerged in the sea.,submerge,گۄتہٕ دیُن,,ड़ुबकी_लगाना, V,They submitted the copies to the teacher.,submit,جمع کَرُن,,जमा_कर्ना, V,They submitted the copies to the teacher.,submit,حوالہٕ کرُن,,सामने_रखना, Adj,The first and all subsequent meetings gave a lot of help.,subsequent,باقٕے،اَمِہ پَتٕچہِ,,बाद_वाला, Adj,The first and all subsequent meetings gave a lot of help.,subsequent,باقٕے،اَمِہ پَتٕچہِ,,के_बादवाला, V,Gradually my headache began to subside.,subside,کَم گَژُھن,,कम_होना, V,The flood water gradually subsided.,subside,واپَس وَسُن,,उतर_जाना, V,Gradually my headache began to subside.,subside,کَم گَژُھن,,कम_हो_जाना, V,The flood water gradually subsided.,subside,کَم گَژھُن,,घटना, Adj,All other issues are subsidiary in front of our country`s problems.,subsidiary,غیر ضروٗری,,गौण, Adj,All other issues are subsidiary in front of our country`s problems.,subsidiary,غیر ضروٗری,,गौण, V,The college subsidised the fees for the students.,subsidise,اِمداد دیُن،مٲلی اِمداد دیُن,,आर्थिक_सहायता_देना, V,Amar subsidized Kamal.,subsidize,اِمداد دیُن،اَتھہٕ روٚٹ کَرُن,,आर्थिक_सहायता_देना, N,Agricultural subsidies reduces the level of subsidy.,subsidy,مٲلی اِمداد,,आर्थिक_सहायता, N,We can find all types of substances in houses.,substance,چیٖز,,वस्तु, N,Some black substance was coming out of the engine.,substance,چیٖز,,द्रव्य, N,There was not much substance in what he said.,substance,مَطلَب،معنی,,अर्थ, Adj,There was substantial improvement in his health.,substantial,کٲفی,,भरपूर, Adj,There was substantial improvement in his health.,substantial,کٲفی,,अच्छी_मात्रा_में, Adv,He helped him substantially in adversities.,substantially,جان پٲٹھۍ,,भरपूर_रूप_से, N,There is no substitute for our parents.,substitute,بَدَل,,स्थानाप्पन, N,There is no substitute for our parents.,substitute,مُقابَل,,प्रतिनिधि, N,There is no substitute for our parents.,substitute,مُقابَل,,स्थानापन्न_व्यक्ति, N,The plant grows well in any substrate.,substrate,بٔنِم حِصہٕ,,नीचे_का_स्तर, Adj,Her mind is very subtle.,subtle,حَساس،جان,,सूक्ष्म, V,Depreciation is subtracted from GNP (ie GNP depreciation )? to get NNP.,subtract,کَم کَرُن,,घटाना, N,Suburb of Meerut is polluting at a very fast rate.,suburb,اوٚنٛد پوٚک,,उपनगर, Adj,We can get fresh vegetables in the suburban markets.,suburban,نیٖم شہر,,उपनगरीय, N,The subversion of the army by the enemy was stopped.,subversion,تَبٲہی,,उलट_देने_की_क्रिया, V,She succeeded in her exams.,succeed,کامیاب گَژُھن,,सफलता_पा, V,She`s absolutely determined to succeed in life.,succeed,کامیٲبی حٲصِل کَرٕنۍ,,सफलता_पाना, N,He`s hoping to make a success in the business.,success,کامیٲبی,,सफ़लत, Adj,My final attempt to fix it was successful.,successful,کامِیاب,,सफ़ल/कामयाब, Adv,They have finished the project successfully.,successfully,کامِیٲبی سان,,सफलतापूर्वक, N,Who is first in the line of succession to the throne?,succession,۔۔۔,,उत्तराधिकार, N,Who is the successor of this house?,successor,وٲرِس,,वारिस, V,The city succumbed after only a short siege.,succumb,ہَرُن،ۂرِتھ گَژھُن,,परास्त_होना, V,The driver later succumbed to his injuries.,succumb,مَرُن,,मरना, Pron,I don`t have such a good friend.,such,تیُتھ,,ऐसा, Det,Have you seen such a movie?,such,تِژھ,,ऐसा, Adj,Many such cases are reported everyday.,such,یِتھۍ ہِوۍ,,ऐसा, Adj,Such is the case with you.,such,تِتھَے کٔنۍ,,वैसा-ही, V,Mosquitoes suck blood from human body.,suck,ژٕہُن,,चूसना, Adj,"All of a sudden, the front tyre bursted.",sudden,اَچا نَک,,अचानक, Adv,She came here suddenly.,suddenly,اَچانَک,,अचानक, V,She`s suing for a divorce.,sue,مُقدِمہٕ کَرُن,,किसी_पर_मुकदमा_कायम_करना, V,She`s suing for a peace.,sue,دَرخواست کَرُن,,किसी_से_निवेदन, V,She is suffering from jaundice.,suffer,ہٮ۪نہٕ یُن,,दुख_झेलना, V,She is suffering from jaundice.,suffer,ہٮ۪نہٕ یُن,,सहना, Adj,This food is sufficient for me and for my friends.,sufficient,سٮ۪ٹھاہ،کٲفی,,पर्याप्त, Adv,He was not sufficiently dressed for the occasion.,sufficiently,صحیح پٲٹھۍ,,पर्याप्त_रूप_से, N,How much sugar do you like in your coffee?,sugar,کھَنٛڑ،مٔدریر,,चीनी, V,I suggest a tour to the museum.,suggest,تَجویٖز دِنۍ,,प्रस्ताव_रखना, N,He gave me a good suggestion.,suggestion,صَلاح،مَشوَرٕ,,सुझाव, N,He commited suicide due to lack of money.,suicide,کَرُن,,आत्महत्या, V,Bombay`s climate doesn`t suit me well.,suit,راس یُن،وَیُن,,सुविधाजनक_होना, V,That colour doesn`t suit your complexion.,suit,سَجُن,,अनुकूल_होना, N,This suit is not suited for me.,suit,جورٕ،سوٗٹ,,सूट, N,"The suits are spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs.",suit,تاسٕکۍ رَنٛگ,,रग, Adj,I found Appu Ghar as the suitable place for a picnic.,suitable,صحیح،موزون,,सही/सुविधाजनक, N,I packed all my suitacases before supper.,suitcase,سوٗٹ کیس,,सूट्केस, N,The deluxe suite consisted of a bedroom and a bathroom.,suite,ہۄٹلُک کَمرٕ,,होटल_का_कमरा, N,Sum of 3 and 4 is seven.,sum,جَمع,,योग, N,Give me the summary of the poem.,summary,خُلاسہٕ,,सारांश, Adj,We planned to go to Shimla in summer vacation.,summer,رٮ۪تہٕ کول,,ग्रीष्म, V,Mirabai was summoned to appear before Rana.,summon,سَمَن واتٕنۍ,,पुकारना, V,The court summoned the culprit to confess.,summon,سَمن جٲری کَرٕنۍ,,_समन_भेजना, N,Sun is the main source of energy.,sun,آفتاب,,सूर्य, V,She sung so beautiful yesterday that everyone was enchanted by her melodious voice.,sung,گیوٚو,,गाया, N,"When I opened the window, sunlight spread all over my room.",sunlight,تاپھ,,धूप, N,Dusk is known as sunset.,sunset,غٔروبِ آفتاب،آفتاب لوسُن,,सूर्यास्त, Adj,Steffigraph is superb tennis player.,superb,شانٛدار,,उत्कृष्ट, N,Mr. John is a superintendent.,superintendent,سُپراِنٹینڑَینٛٹ,,एक_पुलीस_अधिकारी, Adj,A captain is superior to a lieutenant in the army.,superior,تَھدِ پایہِ,,वरिष्ठ, Adj,The quality of wheat from the northern region is superior.,superior,اَوَل دَرجُک,,श्रेष्ठ, N,Be respectful to your superiors.,superior,تَھدِ پایِکۍ نَفَر,,बड़े_लोग, N,The new party proved its superiority over the old one.,superiority,بَرتٔری,,वरिष्ठता, Adj,Ghosts are suspernatural creatures.,supernatural,مافَو قُ اُلفِطرَتی,,लोकातीत/अलौकक, N,We should never believe in supernatural.,supernatural,ما فَو قُ الفِطرَت,,लोकातीत/अलौकक, N,Some people cannot be trusted to work without supervision.,supervision,نِگرٲنی,,पर्यवेक्षण, N,We take some light eatables and drinks for supper.,supper,شامُک بَتہٕ،کال,,रात्रि_भोजन, Adj,He has a supple body.,supple,نَرٕم,,लचीला, N,This project work provides a useful supplement to my ordinary income.,supplement,اِضافہٕ,,संपूरक/परिशिष्ट, V,I supplement my income by working in the Restaurant in the evening.,supplement,اِضافہٕ کَرُن,,परिपूर्ण_करना, V,The baker supplied bread to the flood victims.,supply,مٔہیا کَرُن,,सप्लाई_करना, N,The supply of blood to the heart should be good.,supply,سَپلاے,,सप्लाई, V,He supported his friend in his difficulties.,support,ڈَکھ کَرُن,,सहारा_देना, V,He supported his family.,support,پالُن,,भरण_पोषण_करना, N,I need your support.,support,سٕہارٕ،مَدَد,,सहारा, N,He was their only means of support.,support,ڈَکھ،مَدَدگار,,आधार/सहारा, V,I can`t suppose so.,suppose,مانُن,,मान_लेना, V,Suppress your fear and go on with your work.,suppress,دَباوُن،خَتم کَرُن,,दबाना/दमन_करना, Adj,He filled a petition for his case in the Supreme Court.,supreme,اعلیٰ,,सर्वोच्च, N,In our country every tax has a surcharge.,surcharge,مٔزیٖد رَقَم,,अधिभार, Adj,I am sure that Neha will pass in the examination.,sure,پوٗرٕ یٔقیٖن،پَژھ,,निस्संशय, Adv,I surely believe that she will go for the party.,surely,یٔقیٖنہٕ سان,,निश्चित_रूप_से, N,The surface of land is fertile.,surface,سَطَح,,ऊपरी_तल, V,Geetika worked so hard that she surpassed Neha.,surpass,برٛونٛہہ نیرُن,,आगे_निकल_ज़ाना, N,The company is producing large food surpluses.,surplus,اعلاوٕ،ضرورَت کھۄتہٕ زیادٕ,,अधिशेष/बढ़ती, Adj,Farmers store the grains so that it should be surplus.,surplus,زیادٕ،ؤفوٗر,,अतिरिक्त, N,Isn`t it a surprise?,surprise,حیرَت,,आश्चर्य, V,He surprised everyone by his behaviour at the party.,surprise,حیرَت گَژھٕنۍ،تعجُب گَژُھن,,आश्चर्यचकित_करना, Adj,Tajmahal is very surprising.,surprising,حیرَت ناک،حیرت اَنٛگیز,,आश्चर्यजनक, Adv,Surprisingly no one came for the party.,surprisingly,حٲرتَن،حٲرٲنی سان,,आश्चर्यजनक_रूप_से, V,We shall never surrender.,surrender,ۂتھِیار ترٛاوٕنۍ,,आत्मसमर्पण_करना, N,He signed a treaty of surrender.,surrender,سَرینڈَر,,आत्मसमर्पण, V,Police has surrounded the criminal`s house.,surround,گیرٕ کَرُن,,चारों_ओर_से_घेरना, N,There is a fire place with a tiled surround.,surround,اَنٛد,,किनारा, N,We went there for survey.,survey,پرٛژھٕج،پرٛژھہٕ گٲر,,जाँच, V,Police had surveyed about the thief.,survey,جانٛچ پَڑتال کَرُن،پوٗچھ تاچھ کَرُن،پرٛژھہٕ گٲر کَرٕنۍ,,जाँचना/निरीक्षण_करना, V,He is going to survey the plot of land.,survey,چھان بیٖن کَرٕنۍ,,सर्वेक्षण_करना, V,He survived for a long time after an accident.,survive,زِندٕ روزُن،حالَے حَیات آسُن,,जीवित_रहना, Adj,Two suspects ran away after seeing the police.,suspect,شَکاوَر,,सन्देहयुक्त_मनुष्य, V,Police suspects Ram to be seen with the robbers.,suspect,شَک کَرُن,,सन्देह_करना, V,He was suspended from his job for misconduct towards his superior.,suspend,مُعَطل کَرُن ،سَسپینٛڑ کَرُن،کٔڑِتھ ژھٕنُن,,निलम्बित_करना, V,Police has suspended the case.,suspend,بَنٛد کَرُن,,स्थगित_करना, N,He was arrested on suspicion.,suspicion,شَک,,शक, V,Water sustains our life.,sustain,زِنٛدٕ تھاوُن,,जीवित_रखना, V,The author has sustained his argument throughout the chapter.,sustain,قٲیِم تھاوُن,,निर्वाह_करना, V,Snakes swallow their prey.,swallow,نٮ۪نٛگلاوُن,,निगलना, V,"He flatters her outrageously, and she swallows it whole.",swallow,أچھۍ بَنٛد کٔرِتھ یٔقیٖن کَرُن,,आँख_मूँदकर_विश्वास_करना, V,The air craft was swallowed in the clouds.,swallow,غٲب گَژُھن,,समा_लेना, V,The cost of the trail swallowed up all their savings.,swallow,مۄکلاوُن,,समाप्त_करना, N,A lone swallow sat on the tree stump.,swallow,اَبابیٖل،کٔتِج,,अबाबील, N,She slipped in the swamp.,swamp,دَل دَل،لٮ۪مب,,दलदल, V,"He didn`t tell me anything, I swear.",swear,قَسَم کھیوٚن,,कसम_खा, V,She bumped her head in the door way and swore loudly.,swear,لٮ۪کہٕ کَڑنہِ,,गाली_बकना, V,Soldiers swear by the nation`s safety while joining the army.,swear,قَسَم ہیوٚن,,शपथ_लेना, N,He was covered in sweat after playing.,sweat,عٲرق,,पसीना, V,"When I saw the exam paper, I started sweating.",sweat,عٲرَق یُن,,पसीना_निकलना, N,We wear sweaters in winter.,sweater,بٔنیان,,जर्सी, N,He is a chimney sweep.,sweep,بُکھٲرۍ صاف کَرَن وول,,चिमनी साफ करने वाला, V,I sweep my room everyday.,sweep,صَفٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,सफ़ाई_करना, Adj,Grapes are sweet at this time of the year.,sweet,موٚدُر ،میوٗٹھ،مَزٕدار,,मीठा, Adj,She has a sweet voice.,sweet,میٖٹھ,,मधुर, Adj,The garden air was sweet with the scent of tube roses.,sweet,خۄش نُما، اَصٕل,,भीनी, Adj,"Once you enter the countryside, you can smell the pollution free sweet air.",sweet,تازٕ,,ताज़ा, N,They distributed sweets on the festival.,sweet,مِٹھٲے,,मिठाई, Adj,It is sweet in taste.,sweet,میوٗٹھ،اَصٕل,,मीठा, N,Small kids always like sweets.,sweet,مِٹھٲے,,मिठाई, V,His leg started to swell up.,swell,وَرٕم کھَسُن,,सूजना, V,The group of onlookers soon swelled to a crowd.,swell,بَڑُن,,बढना, V,Wet wood often swells.,swell,ہُنُن,,फूल_जाना, Adj,He gave a swift response to my question.,swift,جلٕد،تیز,,तुरत/तेज़, N,Swift can fly with rapid curving movements.,swift,کٔتِج,,बतासी{एक_पक्षी}, Adv,He was driving swiftly.,swiftly,تیٖزی سان,,तेज़ी_से, V,I like to swim.,swim,ژھرٛانٛٹ وایِنۍ,,तैरना, N,He had a swim in the lake.,swim,ژھرٛانٛٹ,,तैराकी, V,Most of the people swing their arms while walking.,swing,ہِلاوُن,,झूलना, V,She was swinging in the garden.,swing,جوٗلہٕ سَوٲرۍ کھیٚنۍ,,झूलना, V,A car swung sharply round the corner.,swing,نَژُُن,,घूमना, N,Girls walk with slight swing.,swing,لَچَک,,झूम, N,The children are playing on the swings.,swing,جوٗلہٕ,,झूला, V,The dust is swirling in the streets.,swirl,وٕڑُن,,चक्कर_खाते_हुए_उड़ना, N,How could I get out of this swirl?,swirl,مُصیٖبَت,,चक्कर, N,Show me the switch of the light.,switch,سُچ,,स्विच, V,I asked him to switch on the light.,switch,سُچ ترٛاوُن,,स्विच_दबाना, V,Agriculture is switched to modern method.,switch,اَچانَک بَدلُن,,अचानक_बदलना, N,Sword is a weapon which was used in battles in early times.,sword,شَمشیر،تَلوار,,तलवार, N,White colour is a symbol of purity and serenity.,symbol,نِشٲنی,,निशान/प्रतीक, N,Mg is the chemical symbol for magnesium.,symbol,نِشٲنی،عَلامَت,,संकेताक्षर, Adj,The two ambassodors shook hands as a symbolic gesture of having resolved their differences.,symbolic,نِشٲنی,,प्रतीकात्मक, V,Mahatma Gandhi symbolised India`s struggle for freedom.,symbolise,ہاوُن,,प्रतीक_द्वारा_प्रस्तुत_करना, Adj,He was very sympathetic on the demise of her mother.,sympathetic,ہَمدَرٕد,,सहानुभूतिशील, Adj,Mahesh is sympathetic.,sympathetic,ہَمدَرٕد،محبتی,,सहानुभूतिसूचक, Adj,The devastation caused by earthquake was very sympathetic.,sympathetic,ہَمدَردانہٕ,,कारुणक, N,Meeta has sympathy for animals.,sympathy,ہَمدَردی,,सहानुभूति, N,A feeling (bond) of sympathy developed between the friends during their school days which continued throughout their life.,sympathy,بَرابٔری،یَکجوت,,मेल, N,The orchestra at the night club was a symphony orchestra.,symphony,اَکہِ قٕسمُک ساز,,स्वरसंगति, N,The sudden decrease in the body weight is a sure symptom of some disease.,symptom,عَلامَت,,रोगलक्षण, N,The industrialists should not ignore the symptoms of discontent among the workers of the industry.,symptom,علامَت,,सूचक, N,His poems are a synthesis of modern and traditional views.,synthesis,مُرَکب,,संश्लेषण, N,It is difficult to handle education system.,system,نِظام,,व्यवस्था, N,The railway system of the country is properly and efficiently laid out.,system,نِظام,,निकाय, N,The alcohol is spoiling your system.,system,جِسٕم,,शरीर, N,India has a democratic system of Govt.,system,نِظام,,वाद, N,One must accept the traditional system.,system,نِظام,,पद्धति, Adj,Rahul is very systematic in his studies.,systematic,باقٲیدٕ,,सुव्यवस्थित/क्रमबद्ध, Adj,A systematic attempt to assassinate the president of the country was made by the terrorists.,systematic,باقٲیدٕ,,आयोजित, N,Where is my table?,table,میز,,मेज़, N,Don`t spread things on the table .,table,میز,,मेज, N,You can see the table and check the prices.,table,ٹیبٕل,,सूची, N,"He will go to the top of the league table, if he wins.",table,کِھلٲڑۍ سٕنٛز جاے,,प्रतियोगिता_में_खिलाडियो_का_स्थान, N,Learn the table of three.,table,پہاڑٕ,,पहाडा, VT,The minister will table the bill in the parliament on Monday.,table,پیش کَرُن,,प्रस्तावित_करना, VT,He tackles the work efficiently.,tackle,کٲم کَرٕنۍ،کٲم أنٛزراوٕنۍ,,हाथ_में_लेना, VT,He is no good at tackling.,tackle,۔۔۔,,फुटबाल_लेकर_दौडते_हुए_खिलाडी_को_पकडकर_रोक_लेना, N,The player was brought to the ground with a tackle.,tackle,دَب (فُٹ بال یا ہاکی مَنٛز)۔,,धर_पकड{फुटबाल_या_हाकी_के_खेल_में}, N,It is a fishing tackle.,tackle,گاڈٕ رَٹنٕچ بِسلٲے,,मछली_पकडने_का_उपकरण, N,The tackle is ready to remove the goods from the anchored ship.,tackle,۔۔۔,,भारी_वस्तुओ_को_चढ़ाने_उतारने_का_यंत्र, N,The coach taught all the tactics while playing the game.,tactic,۔۔۔,,युक्ति, N,He adopted various tactics to win the race.,tactics,طٔریقہٕ,,दाँव_पेंच, N,The tag of my shoe was lost.,tag,فیٖتہٕ,,फीते_की_घुण्डी, N,The judge earned the tag of `Sir`.,tag,عُرُف,,उपनाम, N,`Isn`t it?` is a tag question.,tag,ٹیگ,,आंशिक_प्रश्न, VT,Tag the suitcase well with a knot.,tag,گَنٛڑُن,,बाँधना, N,The monkey had an injury in the tail.,tail,لٔٹ,,पूँछ, N,The tail of the comet is visible in the sky.,tail,پٔتِم حِصہٕ،لٔٹ,,पिछला_हिस्सा, V,Please take this chocolate.,take,رَٹُن,,ले, VI,He took the book from his friend.,take,رَٹُن,,लेना, VI,Aurangazeb took his men and put them in prison.,take,گِرفتار کَرُن,,गिरफ्तार_करना, VI,I will take up the job.,take,مانُن،رَٹُن,,स्वीकार_कर_लेना, VI,The can takes 4 litres of water.,take,واتُن,,समाहित_करना, N,I think she is taking drugs.,taking,کھٮ۪وان،چٮ۪وان,,लेता_हुआ_है_जो_वह, N,Children like tales.,tale,دٔلیٖل،قٕصہٕ,,कहानी, N,There were tales that the enemy will strike any moment.,tale,اَفوا,,अफवाह, N,He is an orator of great talent.,talent,صَلٲحِیت,,प्रतिभा, N,He is the new cricketing talent.,talent,قٲبِل,,प्रतिभाशाली_व्यक्ति, N,Let`s have more work and less talk around here.,talk,کَتھ باتھ,,बातचीत, N,There has been talk about you.,talk,کَتھ,,गपशप, N,I attended an interesting talk on local history.,talk,بَحَث،کَتھ باتھ,,वाद-विवाद, VT,We talked for a long time.,talk,کَتھ کَرٕنۍ,,बातचीत_करना, VT,Children learn to talk faster.,talk,بولُن,,बोल_सकना, Adj,He is a tall person.,tall,تھوٚد,,लम्बा, N,The tally of the match is put up on the board.,tally,خاتہٕ,,लेखा, N,The mathematics teacher taught tangent to the students.,tangent,ٹینجَنٛٹ,,स्पर्शरेखा, Adj,The clerk had tangible evidence of his work.,tangible,واضِح,,वास्तवक, Adj,He has a tangible skin.,tangible,اَصٕل,,स्पर्श_योग्य, N,The artifacts in the museum are not tangible.,tangible,اَصلی,,स्पर्श_योग्य, N,Water is released from the tank .,tank,ٹَنٛکی،خَزانہٕ،مٔٹ,,हौज, N,Children were watching the tank in the museum.,tank,ٹینٛک،توپ,,तोप_से_सज्जित_इस्पाती_गाडी, N,The water was dripping from the tap.,tap,نَلقہٕ,,नल, N,Put a tap on his phone.,tap,ٹیپ,,टेलिफोन_में_गुप्त_सुनने_के_लिए_उपकरण, VI,You have to tap the liquid carefully.,tap,کَڑُن,,टोंटी_से_तरल_पदार्थ_निकालना, VI,He is tapping the rubber tree.,tap,رَس کَڑُن,,क्षार_निकालना, VI,Minerals are to be tapped.,tap,کَڑٕنۍ,,निकालना, VT,We have to tap the talent of the youth for their bright future.,tap,حٲصِل کَرُن,,निकालना, V,He was tapping his fingers against the door.,tap,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن،کھَٹکھَٹاوُن,,खटखटा, V,The milkman tapped the door.,tap,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن,,खटखटाना, N,He used a piece of tape for a belt.,tape,فیٖتہٕ,,फीता, N,The several recordings were combined on a master tape.,tape,آواز رِکارڑکَرٕنۍ,,आवाज_रेकार्ड_करने_की_पट्टी, N,The athlete is nearing the tape.,tape,فیٖتہٕ,,दौड_समाप्ति_का_फीता, V,Please tape the bundle.,tape,گَنٛڑُن,,फीते_से_बाँधना, V,He taped his entire speech.,tape,رِکارڑ کَرُن,,अभिलेखन_करना, N,One should place the target with aim.,target,نِشانہٕ,,निशाना, N,Our target is to overthrow the enemies.,target,مَقصَد,,लक्ष्य, N,Shyam finished the task which was assigned to him.,task,کٲم,,काम, VT,I tasked him to look after the children.,task,کٲم دِنۍ,,नियत_काम_नियुक्त_करना, N,The taste of goosebery is not so good.,taste,مَزٕ,,स्वाद, N,Tim has a good taste for books.,taste,شوق،لَگاو,,रुचि, N,He got a taste of life on the wild side.,taste,تَجرُبہٕ,,अनुभव, VTI,Please taste this curry.,taste,مَزٕ وٕچھُن,,स्वाद_ले, N,We have to pay tax regularly.,tax,ٹیکس,,टैक्स, VT,His property was taxed.,tax,ٹیکس عٲیِد کَرُن،ٹیکس لاگُن,,कर_लगाना, N,We took a taxi to go to the station.,taxi,ٹیکسی,,टैक्सी, VTI,The pilot taxied the plane.,taxi,زٔمیٖنَس پٮ۪ٹھ چَلاوُن,,हवाई_जहाज़_को_ज़मीन_पर_चलाना, N,He is a taxpayer.,taxpayer,ٹیکس اَدا کَرَن وول,,कर-दाता, N,Green tea is good for health.,tea,چاے,,चाय, N,We will have tea in the evening.,tea,چاے,,हल्का_नाश्ता_सहित, VT,Ram taught me to drive the car .,teach,ہیٚچھناوُن,,सिखाना, VT,The teacher taught maths to students.,teach,پَرناوُن,,शिक्षा_देना, N,A teacher uses teaching aids to teach the children.,teacher,اُستاد,,शिक्षक, N,Teaching is a good profession.,teaching,پَرناوُن,,शिक्षण, N,The team is coming to play basket ball.,team,ٹیٖم,,टीम, N,He is working with a team of foreign scientists.,team,جَماعت,,दल, N,Tears started rolling down from his eyes when his mother died.,tear,اوٚش,,अश्रु, VT,The tiger tore its prey.,tear,تٕرِٕپَچہِ کَرٕنہِ,,फाड़ना, VT,The region was torn to conflicts.,tear,۔۔۔,,अशान्तिपूर्ण_होना, Adj,There are many technical courses for students.,technical,تَکنیٖکی,,तकनीकी, Adj,There are many technical terms in biology.,technical,تَکنیٖکی,,पारिभाषक, Adj,The lawyer opened with a legal argument over a technical point.,technical,قونوٗنی,,कानूनी, N,The doctors learn various techniques in medicine.,technique,تَکنیٖک,,तकनीक, Adj,A major technological breakthrough has occured with the advent of the computers.,technological,تَکنِیٲتی,,तकनीकी_सम्बन्धी, N,Technology brings comforts in life.,technology,تَکنیٖکی مہارَت,,प्रौद्योगिकी, N,Telegraph is used by the defence frequently.,telegraph,تار,,तारयंत्र, VT,He telegraphed all the details yesterday.,telegraph,تار سوزُن,,तार_से_समाचार_भेज, N,Telephone is used for quick communication.,telephone,ٹیلِفون,,टेलीफ़ोन, VT,He telephoned his friend to say that he would be late for the function.,telephone,ٹیلِفون کَرُن,,टेलीफोन_कर, N,It is awe-inspiring to see the stars through a telescope.,telescope,دُربیٖن,,दूरबीन, V,Tell me something about the movie.,tell,وَنُن,,बता, VTI,He refused to tell the truth.,tell,وَنُن,,बताना, VTI,The principal told the students about the seminar.,tell,آگاہ کَرُن،خَبَر دِنۍ,,सूचित_करना, VTI,The age was beginning to tell on her face.,tell,بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखने_लगना, Adj,"In the exhibition, his was a telling painting among other posters.",telling,اَثَردار,,प्रभाव_पूर्ण, N,He lost his temper when the dual started.,temper,۔۔۔,,मनोदशा, VT,Steel is tempered by constant heating in the fire.,temper,نَرٕم بَناوُن,,लचीला_बनाना{धातु_इत्यादि_को}, VT,His punishment was tempered by pardon.,temper,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, N,The temperature varies every day.,temperature,دَرجہٕ حَرارَت,,तापमान, N,Temples in South India have beautiful architecture.,temple,مٔندِر,,मंदिर, N,The veins in his temple throbbed.,temple,مٮ۪نٛگہٕ,,कनपटी, Adv,He worked temporarily in the tea plantation.,temporarily,عارضی,,थोड़े_दिन, Adj,He has a temporary job.,temporary,عارضی,,अल्पकालक, Det,It is a ten gallon barrel.,ten,دَہ,,दस, N,It is a ten gallon barrel.,ten,دَہ,,दस, N,They are ten in number.,ten,دَہ,,दस, Art,Ten members are invited for the party.,ten,دَہ,,दस, Adj,I have ten friends.,ten,دَہ,,दस, V,The doctor is tending the injured.,tend,تیماردٲری کَرٕنۍ,,देखभाल_करना, VTI,The cyclone tends to advance in the eastern direction.,tend,طَرفہ ٕگَژُھن,,प्रवृत्त_होना, N,She has a tendency to skip the breakfast.,tendency,رُجحان,,प्रवृति, Adj,A baby has tender skin.,tender,نَرٕم,,कोमल, N,The company has sent tender.,tender,ٹینڑر,,निविदा, N,Have you seen a tender?,tender,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ گٲڑۍ,,ईंधन_गाडी, VT,The Company has tenderered application for the construction of the school building.,tender,پیش کَرُن,,पेश_करना{निविदा}, N,He plays tennis everyday.,tennis,ٹینِس,,टेनिस[एक_प्रकार_का_खेल], Adj,The ship is anchored with a tense rope.,tense,سَخٕت،چیٖرٕ,,कसा_हुआ, Adj,He was in a tense mood.,tense,پَریشان,,तनावपूर्ण, N,The verb in the following sentence is in the past tense `He laughed loudly`.,tense,زَمانہٕ,,काल{क्रिया_का}, N,There was tension in the area after the riots.,tension,تَناو،مَخمَس,,तनाव, N,There is tension on my leg muscles.,tension,دَباو،لَمُن,,दबाव, N,Watch out for tension cables.,tension,ٹینشن,,विद्युत्_शक्ति, N,A tent has to be pitched for the function.,tent,خۭمہٕ,,तम्बू, VTI,He tented the tarpaulin on the river bank.,tent,خۭمہٕ دیُن,,डेरा_लगा, Adj,He made a tentative statement in the assembly.,tentative,سَرسٔری,,बिना पर्ण निशचय के साथ कहा गया, N,He agreed to work under certain terms.,term,شَرٕت,,अवधि[शर्त], N,The teacher completed the portions in the first term.,term,۔۔۔,,अवधि, N,My job is good in terms of salary.,term,لِحاظہٕ،معاملہٕ,,किसी के आधार पर, N,A baby was born at full term.,term,مُقَرَر وَقت,,निश्चित_काल, V,He has often been termed a perfectionist.,term,وَننہٕ یُن,,कहलाना, VTI,The attender was terminated from the service.,terminate,بَرخاست کَرُن،کَڑُن,,समाप्त_करना, Adj,He saw a terrible accident.,terrible,خوف ناک,,भयानक, Adv,The villagers were attacked terribly by the dacoits.,terribly,سَختی سان،خوف ناک پٲٹھۍ,,भयानकता_से, Adj,Territorial conflicts arise between the two countries.,territorial,عَلاقٲیی,,देशीय, N,Every nation has to protect its territory.,territory,علاقہٕ,,क्षेत्र, N,He was the terror of the neighbourhood.,terror,دَہشت،خوف,,आतंक/भय, N,His neighbours are absolute terrors.,terror,دَہشت پَسَنٛد,,उपद्रवी, N,The space programme was a test for our abilities.,test,اِمتِحان،آزمٲیِش,,परीक्षा, VT,Mohan was tested and interviewed for the officer`s post.,test,اِمتِحان ہیوٚن,,जाँच_करना, N,This is a testament from the bible.,testament,عہد نامہٕ,,विधान, N,His promotion is a testimony for his abilities.,testimony,ثٔبوٗت,,प्रमाण, N,The text of the book is in a narrative style.,text,سَبَق,,पाठ, N,The preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon.,text,۔۔۔,,विषय_वाक्य, N,There are many textile mills in Ahmedabad.,textile,کَپُر,,कपडा, N,The exported garments have fine texture.,texture,بَناوَٹ,,बुनावट, Prep,She is more beautiful than her sister.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,से, Prep,I am taller than my friend.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,की~तुलना~में, Conj,She got a better position this year than last year.,than,نِشہٕ,,से, Conj,She got a better position this year than last year.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,से अधक, Prep,Ram is taller than his sister.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,से[तुलना_में], VT,I thanked him for his help.,thank,شُکرِیاکَرُن,,धन्यवाद_देना, N,He expressed thanks to the guests.,thanks,شُکرِیا,,धन्यवाद, Det,Look at that girl.,that,ہۄ,,वह[निर्धारक_अर्थ_में], Det,That is the girl whom I love.,that,ہۄ,,वही, Adv,It wasn`t that cold there.,that,تیوٗت,,उतना, Conj,She said that she cannot write the exam.,that,زِ،کہِ,,Meaning_Hindi::1::ि, Pron,That`s a beautiful garden.,that,سُہ,,वह, Pron,The garden that is beautiful is mine.,that,یُس,,जो, Rel Pron,The watch that you gave me is very handy.,that,یۄسہٕ,,जो/जिसे, Art,This is the picture which we saw yesterday.,the,سۄ,,वह, N,We went to the theatre to see a movie.,theatre,تھیٹَر,,रंगशाला, Pron,"I call thee, Oh man! you are the protector.",thee,تٔمِس,,तुमको, Pron,This is their house.,their,تِہُنٛد,,उनका, Det,It is their shop.,their,تِمَن ہُنٛد,,उनका[इनका], PossPron,Theirs is the daughter who is always first in class.,theirs,تِہٕنٛز,,उनका, Pron,I told them that I am not coming to the show.,them,تِمَن,,उन, N,My friend chose a good theme for her story.,theme,موضوٗع,,विषय, Pron,They have purchased this cottage for themselves.,themselves,پانَس,,स्वयं, Refl Pron,They have to blame themselves for the mess.,themselves,پننِس پانَس،پٲنۍ پانَس,,स्वयं, Adj,I wanted to work there but my then wife didn`t allow me.,then,تَمہِ وَقتُک،تَمہِ وَقتٕچ,,तब का, Adv,We were living in Holland then.,then,تَمہِ وِزِ,,तब, Adv,Finish your work and then you play.,then,پَتہٕ,,तत्पश्चात, Adj,There are theological books written by great philosophers.,theological,دیٖنِیٲتی,,आध्यात्मविद्या_सम्बन्धी, N,There is a course in theology in our University.,theology,دیٖنِیات,,ब्रह्मविद्या, N,The teacher taught a new theorem in Geometry.,theorem,کُلِیہَ،تھیوٚرَم,,प्रमेय, Adj,Quantum theory is a theoretical subject.,theoretical,نَظرِیٲتی,,सैद्धान्तक, Adj,I like to read theoritical books.,theoretical,نَظرِیٲتی,,मीमांसात्मक, N,Experiment is supported by theory.,theory,۔۔۔,,सिद्धांत, N,The therapist comes to the clinic everyday.,therapist,تٔھرپی ترٛاوَن وول,,उपचार_निर्धारक, Adv,He went there in the morning.,there,تور,,वहाँ, Adv,He went there in the morning.,there,توٚتَتھ,,वहाँ_पर, Adv,There goes the last bus.,there,ہوٚ کیاہ,,वह{क्रिया_शब्दों_के_साथ_बल_देने_के_लिए}, Interj,There you are! You will make it.,there,وُچھتہٕ,,लो-देखो{प्रोत्साहन/परेशान_करना}, Adv,Second world war ended in 1948 and thereafter U.N came into power.,thereafter,تَمہِ پَتہٕ,,उसके_बाद, Adv,He paid cheque thereby avoiding any problems in the dealings.,thereby,تاکہِ,,उससे, Adv,Raju has to go to school today therefore he cannot watch the cricket match.,therefore,تَمِہ کِنۍ,,अत, Adv,"I need all the papers, together with the copies thereof.",thereof,تِمَن ہٕنٛزٕ,,इसका/उसका, Adj,You must wear thermal stockings in this cold weather.,thermal,گَرٕم,,गर्मी_सम्बन्धी, Det,Take these books and place them on the table.,these,یِم,,ये, Det,These books are for my sister.,these,یِمہٕ,,ये, Det,They are the men who are needed for this work.,they,یِمَے,,येही, Pron,They went for a pilgrimage to Badrinath.,they,تِم,,वे, Adj,It is a thick pencil.,thick,موٚٹ,,मोटा, Adj,Don`t go in the thick forest lest you get lost.,thick,گوٚن,,घना, Adj,It is a thick soup.,thick,موٚٹ,,गाढा, Adv,"Children were playing with the snow balls, lying thick on the ground.",thick,لَگاتار,,लगातार, N,We were in the thick of the talk.,thick,۔۔۔,,मध्य_में, N,The tailor stitched the lining for the coat to give extra thickness.,thickness,مۄچَر,,मोटाई, N,The thief ransacked their house.,thief,ژوٗر,,चोर, Adj,The artist gave a thin coat of colour to his painting.,thin,توٚن،ہلَکہٕ,,पतला, Adj,He is thin and emaciated.,thin,کَمزور،نیُک,,दुबला_पतला, Adj,We heard a thin feeble cry.,thin,لوٚت,,क्षीण, Adj,Air is thin at high altitudes.,thin,۔۔۔,,विरल, Adj,She has a thin beard.,thin,کَم,,कम, VI,He has thinned down a lot.,thin,نیُک گَژُھن,,पतला_होना, VT,The silver foil is thinned by thrashing constantly.,thin,تٔنِراوُن,,पतला_या_कम_करना, N,What is that thing moving there?,thing,چیٖز,,वस्तु, N,He is interested in doing all the things.,thing,چیٖز،کٲم,,कार्य, N,Don`t forget your things here.,thing,سامان,,सामान, N,A terrible thing happened there.,thing,واقع,,घटना, VTI,Think before you act.,think,سونٛچُن,,सोच, VTI,Just think-you could be rich one day.,think,خَیال کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, VTI,I think it is not good.,think,سونٛچُن,,मनन_करना, N,My way of thinking is totally different.,thinking,سونٛچ,,विचार_करने_की_क्रिया, Adj,She got third position in the debate.,third,ترٛیٚیِم,,तीसरा, Art,She is on third number.,third,ترٛیٚیِم,,तीसरा, Det,He became professor at the age of thirty.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, N,She is thirteen.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, N,Thirty is my lucky number.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, Art,Thirty people are coming for the lunch.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, Adj,I have thirty workers in my office.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, Pron,Give this book to Ram.,this,یہِ,,यह, Det,This book is for John.,this,یہِ,,यह[इस`], Det,This book is for Ram.,this,یہِ,,यह, Det,This is the book which Ram needs.,this,یِہے,,यही, Adv,The plant is about this much high.,this,یوٗت,,इतना, Adj,Doing this work is thorough waste of time.,thorough,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, Adj,Our accountant is thorough in the accounts.,thorough,ہوشِیار،خَبَردار,,अतिसावधान, det,Those were the days which we spent in college.,those,تِم,,वे, Det,Those roses are bewitching.,those,ہُم,,वेही, Pron,Those are my books.,those,ہُم,,वे, Pron,`Thou shall act in the drama` said Oliver.,thou,ژٕ,,तू, Conj,"Though she was sick, she finished the task.",though,حالانٛکہِ,,यद्यपि, Adv,Our team lagged behind. It was a good team though.,though,حالانٛکہِ,,यद्यपि, N,The thought of resigning the job never struck him.,thought,خَیال,,विचार, N,There are different principles of thought in Buddhism.,thought,نَظرِیات,,मत, Adv,The decision was made thoughtfully.,thoughtfully,ہوش مٔنٛدی سان,,विचारपूर्वक, Det,Thousand people were watching movie in the cinema.,thousand,ساس,,हज़ार, Det,I paid ten thousand rupees for my flight.,thousand,ساس,,हजार, VT,Tom was thrashed by his master for not earning a penny.,thrash,مار دیُن,,पीट, VT,Indian team was thrashed by the West Indian team.,thrash,شِکَس دِنۍ,,[अनौपचारिक]पराजित_करना, N,We will have a thrash after the exams.,thrash,شوٚغلہٕ,,संगीत_के_साथ_पार्टी, N,Use the thread for stitching your frock.,thread,پَن,,डोरा, N,The marble on the floor has fine threads of green.,thread,رِکھ,,धारी, N,"After controlling the disturbance in the House, the Speaker tried to gather the threads of discussion.",thread,سِلسِلہٕ,,धारा, N,The screw has lost all its threads.,thread,چوٗرِ,,चूल, VT,Would you please thread the needle for me?,thread,سٕژنہِ پَن تارُن,,पिरोना, N,Earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan.,threat,دمکی، ڈَر، خوف,,धमकी, N,They were under threat of arrest.,threat,اَنٛدیٚشہٕ,,आशंका, N,Pollution is a threat to the health of the future generations.,threat,خَطرٕ,,खतरा, VT,The servant threatened his master for not paying him his salary.,threaten,دمکاوُن,,धमकाना, VT,The clouds threaten rain.,threaten,اَنٛدیٚشہٕ دیُن,,चेताना, Det,Please give me three bananas.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, N,Please give me three bananas.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, N,She is only three.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, Art,Three members were not present in the party.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, Adj,I have three children.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, N,All the doors have wooden thresholds.,threshold,داسہٕ,,देहलीज, N,He is only at the threshold of his career in music.,threshold,اِبتِدا،آغاز,,प्रारम्भ, N,He has reached the threshold of his patience.,threshold,حَد,,सीमा, N,Watching horror films gives him the thrills.,thrill,خوشی،لُطُف,,रोमांच, VTI,The train ride thrilled the children.,thrill,خۄش کَرُن,,रोमांचित_करना, N,I have to show my throat to the doctor.,throat,ہوٚٹ,,कण्ठ, Prep,We went there through the forest.,through,مٔنٛزۍ,,में~से, Prep,The thief entered the house through the window.,through,کِنۍ,,में_से, Prep,We stayed there through two days and then left for Mumbai.,through,تانۍ،تام,,से_तक, Prep,You can get good results through hard work.,through,ذٔریعہ,,के_द्वारा, Prep,The children sat through the long concert.,through,گۄڈٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ اَندَس تام,,शुरु_से_अन्त_तक, Prep,The accident ocurred through his careless driving.,through,وَجہ,,के_कारण, Adv,Put the chemical in the filter and let it pass through.,through,مٔنٛزۍ,,एक_ओर_से_दूसरी_ओर, Adv,It rained all through the August.,through,پوٗرٕ,,शुरू_से_अन्त_तक, Adv,There was red signal but the car drove straight through.,through,سیوٚدُے,,प्रतिबन्ध_को_तोडते_हुए, Adv,I tried to ring her but I couldn`t get through.,through,ذٔرِیعہ,,टेलिफोन द्वारा मिलना, Prep,The students yawned throughout the class.,throughout,پوٗرٕ,,पूरे~में, Adv,The rule works throughout the data.,throughout,سٲرۍ سٕے,,शुरू_से_अन्त_तक, Prep,Christmas is celebrated throughout the country.,throughout,پوٗرٕ ،سٲرۍ سٕے,,पूरे_में, N,Pete Sampras won the Wimbledon and his throw was great.,throw,کَش,,फेंक, N,It was a throw of 60 meters.,throw,کَش,,फेंकने की दूरी, VT,He threw the ball in the net.,throw,کَش کَڑُن,,फेंकना, VT,The unruly elephant threw the mahaut down.,throw,دٲرِتھ دیُن,,नीचे_गिरा_देना, VT,Her announcement threw everybody in a state of confusion.,throw,ترٛاوُن،ژھٕنُن,,में_होना, VT,Don`t throw tantrums.,throw,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, N,Pete Sampras won the Wimbledon and his throw was great.,throw,کَش,,फेंकना, N,It was a throw of 60 meters.,throw,کَش,,फेंकने की दूरी, VT,He threw the ball in the net.,throw,کَش کَڑُن,,फेंक, VT,The unruly elephant threw the mahaut down.,throw,دٲارِتھ دیُن,,नीचे_गिरा_देना, VT,Her announcement threw everybody in a state of confusion.,throw,ژھٕنُن،ترٛاوُن,,में_होना, VT,Don`t throw tantrums.,throw,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, N,He enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians.,thrust,زور,,बल, VT,He thrust his chin forward.,thrust,برٛونٛہہ کُن کَڑُن,,ठेलना, N,My thumb was injured in the accident.,thumb,نٮ۪ٹھ,,अँगूठा, N,Ekalavya gave his thumb as Guru dakshina to Dronacharya.,thumb,نٮ۪ٹھ,,अंगूठा, VTI,It was a well-thumbed book.,thumb,کِتاب خَراب کَرٕنۍ واریاہ لَٹہِ پھِرنہٕ سۭتۍ,,अंगूठा_लगाकर_पलटना{गन्दा_करना}, N,He drew the attention of the people by a thump on the table.,thump,دَب دیُن,,धमाका, N,Manoj gave Hari a thump.,thump,مُش,,मुक्का, VTI,The minister thumped the table during the assembly proceedings.,thump,وایُن,,ठोकना, VTI,She could hear somebody thumping at the door.,thump,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن,,थपथपाना, VTI,"When she saw the shadow in the dark, her heart thumped loudly.",thump,دِلَس دُبرٕہارَے گَژٕھنۍ,,धड़कना, N,The thunder was frightening.,thunder,گگرایہِ,,गड़गड़ाहट{बिजली_की}, VT,Ramesh thundered at Mohan.,thunder,روبہٕ داب کَرُن،وولُن,,गरजना, VT,The bus thundered down the road.,thunder,بَڑِ شور کَرُن,,गड़गड़ाहट_करना, N,A thunderstorm uprooted the trees.,thunderstorm,طوٗفان،واو,,तूफान, Adv,"He worked very hard, thus obtained the good results.",thus,اَمہِ طٔریٖقہٕ،تَوَے,,इस_प्रकार, Adv,"He is the eldest son of the king, thus becoming the rightful successor to the throne.",thus,اَوٕ مۄکھہٕ,,इसलिये, Adv,"Having finished the work thus far, don`t leave it now.",thus,وٕنیُک تام,,इस_सीमा_तक, VT,They are executing a plan to thwart his speech.,thwart,رُکاوُن,,रोकना, N,He has thyroid problem and he needs attention.,thyroid,تھیرایِڑ,,अवटुग्रन्थि, N,He gave me a ticket for the show .,ticket,ٹِکَٹ,,टिकट, N,A ticket is attached to every item you purchase.,ticket,پَرچہِ،ٹِکَٹ,,लेबल, V,The motorist was given a ticket for rash driving.,ticket,ٹِکَٹ دِنۍ,,टिकट_दे, Adj,Rahul`s study room is tidy.,tidy,صاف شِفاف,,स्वच्छ, VI,Please tidy up before the arrival of the guests.,tidy,صاف پٲٹھۍ تھاوُن,,व्यवस्थित_कर, N,She bought a whole lot of tidies for her office table.,tidy,۔۔۔,,फुटकर_सामान, N,He bought a tie for his brother.,tie,ٹَے,,टाई, N,Ram and Mohan had strong ties of friendship.,tie,تعلُق,,बन्धन, N,He nailed the rafters together with a tie beam.,tie,ٹَے,,टाई{दो_चीज़ों_के_बीच_में_जोड़ने_का_हिस्सा}, N,He needed a tie for the packages.,tie,ڈوٗر,,बन्धनी, N,The game ended in a tie.,tie,بَرابٔری،ٹَے,,प्रतिस्पर्धा_में_बराबरी, N,See that the notes go with the tie.,tie,۔۔۔,,दो_सुरों_के_ऊपर_खीचीं_जाने_वाली_वक्र_रेखा, N,Wood is preferably used to tie the rail tracks.,tie,۔۔۔,,स्लीपर[_लकडी_या_अन्य_पदार्थ_से_बने_स्लीपर_जिन_पर_रेल_की_पटरी_कसी_जाती_है], VT,They tied their victim to the chair.,tie,گنٛڑُن,,बाँधना, VT,I am tied to UNIX.,tie,وابَستہٕ آسُن,,से_सम्बद्ध_होना, VI,The team score tied at the end.,tie,بَرابَر روزُن,,बराबर_रहना, N,Children saw a tiger in the safari park.,tiger,شیر,,शेर/बाघ, Adj,The knots are so tight that it is impossible to untie them.,tight,مَضبوٗط,,मज़बूत, Adj,He found the knot tight.,tight,سَخٕت،کوٚسمُت,,कसा_हुआ, Adj,She wears tight dresses.,tight,تَنٛگ,,तंग, Adj,This bottle is too tight.,tight,بَنٛد,,दढ, Adj,He has a tight schedule.,tight,سَخٕت,,अतिव्यस्त_कार्यक्रम, Adj,It was a tight race.,tight,برابٔری ہٕنٛز,,बराबर_की, Adj,"In these days, money is very tight at my home.",tight,تٔنٛگی،سختی,,अनुपलब्ध, Adv,Bottles are tightly sealed.,tightly,مضبوٗطی سان,,कसके, N,Tiles are used for roof .,tile,ٹٲل,,खपरैल, N,She is sitting on a tile.,tile,ٹٲل,,पटिया, VT,We are going to tile the lobby.,tile,ٹٲل لَگاوٕنۍ,,खपरैल लगाना, Prep,I will not go there till june.,till,تام,,तक, Conj,We didn`t eat till he came.,till,یوٚت تام,,जब_तक, N,The pawn-broker keeps the money in the till.,till,اَکہِ قٕسمُک دَراز یَتھ مَنٛز رۄپیہِ تھاونہٕ یِوان چَھ,,गोलक, VT,The farmer tills the land.,till,زٔمیٖن وایُن،زٔمیٖن کَھنُن,,खेत_जोतना, N,Timber is used for the construction of buildings.,timber,لٔکٕر,,लकडी{इमारती}, N,They have erected timber for the construction of the building.,timber,لٔکٕر,,कडी, VT,The carpenter brought materials to timber the door .,timber,لٔکٕر لاگٕنۍ,,लकड़ी_लगा, N,This time he succeeded.,time,وَقت,,समय, N,Do you know what time it is?,time,وَقت,,वक्त{घड़ी_में}, N,I have enough time for this work.,time,وَقت,,समय, N,University stay was a good time for us.,time,وَقت,,अवसर, N,We were talking about old times yesterday.,time,وَقت،دور,,युग, N,Childhood is the best time of life.,time,وَقت,,कोई_निश्चित_समय, N,You should always go for work on time.,time,وَقت,,न जल्दी न देर से, Adj,This work is time consuming.,time,واریاہ وَقت کھٮ۪نہٕ وول,,बहुत समय लेने वाला, N,A new timetable is put on the notice board.,timetable,ٹایم ٹیبٕل,,समय_सारणी, N,They have used tin for the roof of their house.,tin,ٹیٖن,,टिन, N,Open a tin of fruits.,tin,ڈبہٕ,,टीन_की_चादर_से_बना_कोई_बर्तन, VI,Fruit juices are tinned and exported.,tin,ڈَبَس مَنٛز بَنٛد کَرُن,,डिब्बे_में_बन्ध_करना, Adj,Adam has a tiny pup in his house.,tiny,لۄکُٹ,,बहुत_छोटा, N,The`Titanic` ship sunk after hitting the tip of the iceberg.,tip,تونٛتھ,,अग्रभाग, N,He got a tip on the stock market.,tip,مشوَرٕ,,सुझाव, VT,The hunter tipped the arrow with poison.,tip,پیٚتِس لاگُن,,सिरा_लगाना, VT,Remember to tip the waiter.,tip,بخشِش دِنۍ,,बख्शीश_देना, VT,The ball tipped the edge of the bat.,tip,لَگٕنۍ,,छू_जाना, VTI,"Don`t exert too much, you will tire yourself.",tire,تھکاوَٹ یِنۍ،تَھکُن,,थक_जाना, VT,We are tired of eating the same food.,tire,بٕتھۍ کِنۍ یُن,,ऊब_जाना, N,We put a new tyre for our car.,tire,ٹٲر,,टायर, N,The tissues in the stomach have been destroyed due to injury.,tissue,ٹِشوٗ,,ऊतक, N,Can you do embroidery on the tissue?,tissue,ٹِشوٗ,,महीन_कपडा, N,He looked for books with the word `jazz` in the title.,title,موضوٗع,,नाम, N,The novel has a very catchy title.,title,موضوٗع,,शीर्षक, N,He held the title for two years.,title,لَقَب,,उपाधि, N,Professor didn`t like his friends to use his formal title.,title,ناو,,मानोपाधि, N,What is your job title?,title,سر نامہٕ,,सिरनामा, V,Ashoka was titled as`Ashoka the great`.,title,خطاب میلُن,,मानोपाधि_मिलना, Prep,I need to tell her this news.,to,تٔمِس،تَس,,को, Prep,I will not go to that place.,to,تور،تَتھ,,की_ओर, Prep,She is married to an Indian.,to,سۭتۍ,,संबंधवाची, Prep,Ram gave the book to Ranu.,to,تٔمِس،کٔمِس,,को, Prep,The house has a garden extending to the river bank.,to,تام،تانۍ,,तक, Prep,I went to the garden for jogging.,to,کُن,,की_ओर, Prep,She is working as the secretary to the Executive Director.,to,سُنٛد،سٕنٛز,,की, Prep,It takes 30 to 40 minutes to read this.,to,تام,,से, Prep,The chances are 10 to 1.,to,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,के_मुकाबले_में, Prep,There are 100 paise to one rupee.,to,مَنٛز,,में, Prep,He was standing with his ear to the door and listening to the conversation inside the room.,to,سۭتۍ,,से_मिला_कर, Prep,Dogs are devoted to their masters.,to,کُن,,के_प्रति, Prep,"According to her, he will not come.",to,کِنۍ,,किसी से संबांधित, Prep,The child went to his mother.,to,نِش,,के पास, Prep,The road to London is very wide.,to,کُن,,की और, Prep,The message to Rama is that he should not get late for school.,to,خٲطرٕ,,के लिए, Prep,The order to go early was welcomed by all.,to,خٲطرٕ,,के लिए, Prep,He went to London.,to,کُن,,की और, N,Rama prepared toasts for breakfast.,toast,ٹوسٹ,,टोस्ट{सिकी_ब्रेड}, N,They all proposed a toast for her birthday.,toast,شَراب گِلاس,,टोस्ट{किसी_के_स्वास्थ्य_या_शुभकामनाओं_के_लिये_शराब_पीने_की_क्रिया}, VI,Please toast this bread.,toast,بٕزنہٕ یُن,,सिकना, VT,She always toasts bread for breakfast.,toast,بٕزُن,,भून/सेंक, VT,Let us toast the birthday girl!.,toast,شَراب گِلاس دیُن,,स्वास्थ्य_या_शुभकामना_के_लिए_शराब_पीना, N,Tobacco is bad for health.,tobacco,تَموکھ,,तम्बाकू, Adv,I can`t meet you today.,today,اَز,,आज, N,Today is Monday.,today,اَز,,आज, N,My toe is very small.,toe,کھۄر ٕنٮ۪ٹھ,,पाँव_का_अँगूठा, N,Manuj hurt his toe while playing football.,toe,کھۄرٕ نٮ۪ٹھ,,पाँव_का_अंगूठा, VT,The leader asked his deputy to toe his line.,toe,حُکُم مانُن,,आदेश_का_पालन_करना, Adv,The two of them together went to the market.,together,اِکہٕ وَٹہٕ,,_एक_साथ, Adv,Gather them together.,together,یَکجہَ,,इकठ्ठा, Adv,All my friends seem to come together.,together,اَکی ساتہٕ,,एक ही साथ, N,Toilets should be kept clean.,toilet,پاک خانہٕ,,शौचघर, VTI,One could hear the church bells toll.,toll,گَنٛٹہٕ بَجُن,,धीमी_गति_से_घण्टा_बजाना{विशेषकर_मृत्यु_की_सूचना_देने_के_लिये}, N,The car was stopped to pay the toll.,toll,حَرجانہٕ,,कर[मार्गकर], N,The negligence of hygiene took a heavy toll of lives due to cholera.,toll,حَرجانہٕ,,क्षति, Adv,I will play badminton tomorrow.,tomorrow,پَگہَہ,,कल{आनेवाला}, N,Tomorrow is Monday.,tomorrow,پَگہَہ,,कल{आनेवाला}, N,A ton is a measure of weight.,ton,ٹَن,,टन, N,Tony plays an accordian which has an excellent tone.,tone,آواز,,तान, N,The Beijing dialect uses four tones.,tone,لہجہِ,,स्वर-शैली, N,They tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies.,tone,آواز,,आवाज, N,She has got a picture in bright tones.,tone,رَنٛگ,,रंग, N,His majestic walk shows that he has a good muscular tone.,tone,صحت یاب، مَضبوٗطی,,स्वास्थ्य, N,The manager spoke to the employer in a indignant tone.,tone,آواز,,भाव, VT,Let`s tone our muscles.,tone,مَژھہٕ کھالنہِ,,बढाना, N,Clean your tongue well.,tongue,زٮ۪و,,जीभ, N,He feels comfortable when he speaks in his mother tongue.,tongue,بوٗلۍ،زَبان,,बोली, N,The tongue of my shoe has fallen somewhere.,tongue,زٮ۪و,,बहिर्विष्ट_पट्टी, VT,He cannot control his tongue and hurts everyone.,tongue,زَبان چلاوٕنۍ,,बोल[व्यंग्य_से], Adv,I am leaving Hyderabad tonight.,tonight,اَز رات کیُتھ,,आज_की_रात_को, N,She will stay here tonight.,tonight,اَز راتَس,,आज_की_रात, Adv,She speaks too much.,too,واریاہ,,बहुत, Adv,This bag is too big to carry.,too,واریاہ,,ज्यादा_ही/बहुत, Adv,He has a Mercedes too.,too,تہِ,,भी, N,Take all the tools to repair your cycle.,tool,اَوزار,,औज़ार, N,Computer has become a tool in every field of work.,tool,ضٔرورت,,साधन, N,I need a tool to repair this machine.,tool,اَوزار،سامان,,कारीगर का सामान, N,My tooth is broken.,tooth,دَنٛد,,दाँत, N,The teeth of the saw are very sharp.,tooth,دَنٛد,,दाँते[आरा_या_गियर_का], V,Rahul was very keen to tooth his friend.,tooth,پَھساوُن,,फँसाना, Adj,All his relatives have occupied the top positions in the society.,top,تھوٚد,,टॉप, Adj,He is a top man in the management.,top,خاص،اَہم,,मुख्य, Adj,All his relatives have occupied the top positions in the society.,top,تھوٚد,,सर्वोच्च_स्थान, Adj,He is a top man in the management.,top,اَہم،خاص,,मुख्य, N,The mower cuts off the tops of the grass.,top,پیٚٹِھم حِصہٕ,,ऊपरी_भाग, N,Put your books on top of the desk.,top,پٮ۪ٹھٕ,,फलक, N,The boy is playing with a top.,top,بِربَتٕنۍ,,लट्टू, N,The girl was at the top of her voice when the intruder entered.,top,بَڑِ,,खूब_चिल्लाकर, N,He got a bright red top for his birthday.,top,کُرتہٕ،ٹاپ,,कुर्ता, N,He removed the top of the carton.,top,ٹھانٛڑٕ,,ढक्कन, VT,Top the cake with cream and chocolate.,top,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ ترٛاوُن,,ऊपर_डालना, VT,We topped the mountain to have a clear view.,top,تیٚنتٲلِس واتُن،تَھزرس واتُن,,शिखर_पर_पहुँचना, VT,He has topped the list by securing majority of votes.,top,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ روزُن،برٛونٛہہ آسُن،اَوَل روزُن,,से_बढकर_रहना, VT,He lost the game because he topped the ball in the last round.,top,نِشانہٕ غَلط گَژُھن,,निशान_छूटना_[गोल्फ_में], VT,The books toppled from the shelf.,topple,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,गिर_पड़, VT,The government was toppled by the opposition.,topple,گِرُن,,पद_को_खोना, N,The torture was unaccountable for the jews.,torture,عزاب,,उत्पीडन, VT,The innocents were tortured by the jailor.,torture,اِزا دیُن,,अति_कष्ट_देना, N,They have lost the toss.,toss,تَھر نانُک,,उत्क्षेपण, VTI,Let us toss the coin.,toss,تھر نانُک کَرُن,,उछालना, VTI,The boy could not sleep and spent the night tossing in bed. .,toss,لَرپِھرٕنۍ دِنۍ,,करवटें_बदलते_रहना, VTI,He tossed his head in anger.,toss,ہِلاوُن،گِلوُن,,हिलाना, Adj,The total cost of the car is 3 lakhs.,total,مُکمَل،پوٗرٕ,,सम्पूर्ण, N,India scored a total of 278 runs.,total,کُل,,जोड, V,You havn`t done the total yet.,total,جمع کَرُن,,जोड_निकालना, Adv,You are totally different from your sister.,totally,بِلکُل,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, N,He longed for the touch of her hand.,touch,اَتھہٕ لاگُن,,स्पर्श, N,There was a touch of sarcasm in his tone.,touch,رَژھ,,हलका_सा, N,"At his touch, the room was filled with lights.",touch,اَتھہٕ لَگُن,,संसर्ग, N,Garnish the salad with a touch of garlic.,touch,رَژھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोडा_सा, N,His work depicts the professional touch.,touch,طٔریٖقہٕ,,तरीका, N,His music has a touch of Mozart.,touch,اَثَر,,प्रभाव, VTI,The two creepers are touching each other.,touch,لَگُن،اَکھ أکِس سۭتۍ لَگُن,,स्पर्श_कर, VTI,Please don`t touch it.,touch,اَتھہٕ لاگُن,,छूना, VTI,The museum was not touched by the fire.,touch,زَکھ واتُن,,हलकी_क्षति_पहुँचाना, VTI,The news of his father`s death touched him deeply.,touch,اَثَر کَرُن,,असर_करना, Adj,She was deeply touched by his story.,touched,مُتٲثِر,,प्रभावित_होना, Adj,Charles Dicken`s stories are touching.,touching,اَثر دار,,करुणात्मक, Adj,He is a tough person to deal with.,tough,سَخٕت,,कड़ा, Adj,It is a tough glass.,tough,مَضبوٗط,,मजबूत, Adj,Police are controlling the tough mob.,tough,خَطَرناک,,उद्दण्ड, Adj,Police are tough with the criminals.,tough,سَخٕت,,कठोर, Adj,It is rather a tough problem to solve.,tough,مُشکِل,,कष्टसाध्य, N,We went on a tour to southern India.,tour,سٲر,,यात्रा, VI,The Indian cricket team will be touring the West Indies next summer.,tour,دورٕ کَرُن,,दौरा_करना, N,There is a large influx of tourists in our country.,tourist,سَیاح,,पर्यटक, N,The truck gave him a tow to the garage.,tow,لَمُن,,खिंचाव, VT,The car was towed to the garage by a truck.,tow,رَزِ گٔنڑِتھ لَمُن,,रस्सी_से_खींच, Prep,We are coming towards your house.,toward,کُن,,की_ओर, Adv,It gets cooler towards evening.,toward,کیُتھ,,समय के आसपास, Prep,We walked towards the park.,toward,کُن,,की_ओर, Prep,The concert was held towards the spirit of unity.,toward,کُنہِ موضوٗعَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_विषय_में, Prep,We collected money towards orphanage.,toward,خٲطرٕ,,के_लिए, Prep,Computer will dominate towards the end of the century.,toward,نزدیٖک،کُن,,के_निकट, Prep,They are going towards his office.,towards,کُن,,की~ओर, N,We saw the Sears tower at Chicago.,tower,میٖنار,,मीनार, V,The building towered over the small houses in the area.,tower,تھوٚد آسُن,,ऊँचा_होना, N,We went to the town to purchase provisions.,town,شہر،قصبہٕ,,नगर, N,The whole town came to greet him.,town,قصبہٕ،شہر,,नगर_के_लोग, N,The child is playing with a toy.,toy,تَماشہٕ,,खिलौना, N,His latest toy is a computer.,toy,تَماشہٕ,,मनोरंजन की वस्तु, Adj,He plays with a toy gun.,toy,تَماشہٕ,,बनावटी_वस्तु[खेलने_में_प्रयोग_हो], V,He has been toying with the idea of starting a new venture.,toy,پیٚٹھۍ پیٚٹھۍ دِلچَسپی نِنۍ,,ऊपरी_तौर_से_दिलचस्पी_लेना, V,She was toying with her chocolate.,toy,دِل بہلٲیی کَرٕنۍ ،گنٛدُن,,टूँगना, N,The thieves disappeared without a trace.,trace,نِشان,,निशान, N,There is a trace of white in his hair.,trace,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, VT,You have to trace the bag which you have misplaced.,trace,ژھانٰٛڑُن,,ढूँढना, VT,The book traces the causes of the downfall of the Mughal empire.,trace,کھوج کَڑُن,,जड़ें_खोज_निकालना, VT,Trace the map of India.,trace,نَقٕل تارُن,,नकल_उतारना, N,She covered all the traces of her crime.,trace,نِشانہٕ,,निशान, N,It is a tracing of a picture.,tracing,نَقٕل,,पारदर्शक_कागज_में_नकल_उतारना, N,The building has been constructed at the end of a dirt track.,track,وَتھ,,ट्रैक, N,We followed the track of our friend`s vehicle.,track,نِشان,,लीक, N,You should not walk across the railway track.,track,پَٹٕر,,वाहन_के_दो_पहियों_के_बीच_के_अन्दर_का_हिस्सा, N,Tracks are ready for the races.,track,وَتھ,,दौडने_का_मार्ग, N,A bulldozer is moving on the track.,track,وَتھ,,चक्रपट्टी_जिसके_कारण_टैंक_आदि_ऊँची_नीची_भूमि_पर_चलते_हैं, N,Whitney Houston has given two tracks of her album.,track,ٹرٛیک،گٮ۪وُن,,ग्रामोफोन_रेकार्ड_के_भाग, N,We followed the track of our friend`s vehicle.,track,چھاپ،نِشان,,लीक, N,You should not walk across the railway track.,track,پَٹٕر,,वाहन_के_दो_पहियों_के_बीच_के_अन्दर_का_हिस्सा, N,Tracks are ready for the races.,track,وَتھ،سڑَک,,दौडने_का_मार्ग, N,A bulldozer is moving on the track.,track,وَتھ,,चक्रपट्टी_जिसके_कारण_टैंक_आदि_ऊँची_नीची_भूमि_पर_चलते_हैं, N,Whitney Houston has given two tracks of her album.,track,ٹرٛیک،گٮ۪وُن,,ग्रामोफोन_रेकार्ड_के_भाग, VI,The police tracked the hideouts of the dacoits.,track,پَے لَگاوُن,,का_पता_लगाना, VI,The director took a tracking shot of the picture.,track,کیمرا ہس سٕتۍ پَکُن,,फिल्म_खींचते_समय_कैमरा_के_साथ_चलना, N,The tract is cleared for the construction work.,tract,زٔمیٖن،حِصہٕ,,क्षेत्र, N,There are various tracts in the anatomy of our body.,tract,۔۔۔,,शरीर_के_अंगों_की_कार्य_प्रणाली, N,I have not read about political tract.,tract,۔۔۔,,धार्मिक_या_राजनीतिक_मामले_से_सम्बन्धित_लघु_निबन्ध_पुस्तिका, N,He purchased a tractor.,tractor,ٹرٛیکٹَر,,ट्रैक्टर, N,Romans carried trade with india.,trade,کاربار,,व्यापार, V,The businessmen have to trade with other countries.,trade,کاربار کَرُن،تِجارَت کَرُن,,व्यापार_करना, V,He traded his stamp-collection for a coin-collection.,trade,کاربار کَرُن ،سۄدا کَرُن,,वस्तु_विनिमय_करना, N,He is a trader.,trader,کارٕبٲرۍ،تٲجِر,,व्यापारी, N,It is our tradition.,tradition,رٮ۪واج,,परम्परा, Adj,Farmers no longer use traditional methods in agriculture.,traditional,رِوایتی,,चलन_के_अनुसार, N,The traffic was blocked.,traffic,ٹرٛیفِک،آمٕدرٛفت,,परिवहन, N,There is an increase in the import and export traffic.,traffic,تِجارَت,,आदान_प्रदान, N,Traffic has increased in the commercial sector.,traffic,آمٕدرٛفت,,माल_ढोने_का_व्यापार, N,Traffic in drugs has become a major concern of several countries.,traffic,تِجارَت,,अवैध`व्यापार, N,The fall of a school bus into the river was a great tragedy.,tragedy,حٲدِسہٕ،دۄکھ,,दुख_घटना, N,Shakespeare wrote many tragedies.,tragedy,اَلمِیہ,,दुखान्त_नाटक, Adj,The drama had a tragic end.,tragic,اَلمِیہ خیز،دُکھی,,दुखद, N,The vagabond made a trail through the forest.,trail,وَتھ,,पगडंडी, N,The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.,trail,نِشان,,चिह्न, VT,Her dress was trailing along the floor.,trail,لِتھناوُن,,पीछे_पीछे_घिसटना, VT,Jasmine creeper is trailing over the walls.,trail,پھٲلُن،چَھج وَہراوُن,,धरती_के_ऊपर_इधर-उधर_फैलना, VT,The party is trailing badly in the polls.,trail,ہارُن,,हारना, VT,Tired Shyam trailed behind his brother.,trail,تھٔکِتھ پَکُن،تھَکہٕ تھَکہٕ پَکُن,,थक_कर_चलना, N,The boy saw the train coming.,train,ریل,,रेलगाडी, N,We saw the baggage train.,train,لٲن,,कतार, N,The actress was followed by a train of admirers.,train,لٲن,,परिकर, N,His call obstructed my train of thoughts.,train,سِلسِلہٕ,,सिलसिला, N,The girls are holding the train of the bride`s gown.,train,دامَن,,पुछल्ला, VT,We have to train our children properly.,train,ہیٚچھناوُن,,शिक्षा_देना, VT,They train their students well.,train,تَربِیَت دِنۍ,,प्रशिक्षित_करना, VT,He trained the dog to look after the house.,train,تَربِیَت دِنۍ,,अभ्यास_करना, VT,He trained his camera on the picturesque view.,train,سیٔزراوُن,,से_[किसी_पर]निशाना_बाँधना, VT,I trained a creeper over the fence.,train,کھالُن,,अनुवर्धन_करना, N,Anand got good training in chess.,training,تَربِیَت,,प्रशिक्षण, VT,The cows trampled the garden.,trample,لَتہٕ مونٛڑ کَرٕنۍ,,कुचलना, VT,I trampled him for his misbehaviour.,trample,زٔلیل کَرُن,,तिरस्कार_करना, V,The idea is that love transcends everything else.,transcend,تَصَوُرٕ نٮ۪بَر آسُن,,से_बढकर_होना, VI,He got the money transferred from the bank.,transfer,تَبدیٖل کَرُن,,अन्तरित_करना, VI,Ajay was transferred from Delhi to Bhilai.,transfer,تَبدیٖلی گَژھٕنۍ,,स्थानान्तरित_करना, VI,He transferred his property rights to his brother.,transfer,حَوالہٕ کَرُن,,सौंपना, VI,Can you transfer the data from disk to tape?,transfer,نَقٕل کَرُن,,नकल करना, N,Uma`s transfer was a surprise to her friends.,transfer,تَبدیٖلی,,स्थानान्तरण, Adj,His job is not transferable.,transferable,تَبدیٖل گَژَھنَس لایَق,,स्थानान्तरणीय, VT,The barren land was transformed into a beautiful garden.,transform,بَدلُن,,बदल_देना, N,The new officer is responsible for this transformation in the official machinery.,transformation,تَبدیٖلی,,परिवर्तन, N,My suitcase was lost in transit.,transit,سَفرَس,,पारगमन, N,Adolescence is a transition from childhood to youth.,transition,بَدلاو,,परिवर्तन, V,Can you translate this passage?,translate,تَرجُمہٕ کَرُن,,अनुवाद_करना, N,Today`s computers help in translation.,translation,تَرجمہٕ,,अनुवाद/भाषान्तर, N,We will see a live transmission from Wimbledon.,transmission,نَشرِیہ,,प्रसारण, VT,Radio will transmit today`s programme.,transmit,نَشٕر کَرُن,,प्रसारित_करना, VT,Did you transmit the message?,transmit,دیُن,,देना, Adj,This is a tranparent material.,transparent,یٔمہِ مٔنٛزۍ بوزنہٕ یٖیِہ،تون,,पारदर्शक, Adj,Banabhatta had a transparent style of diction.,transparent,شِفاف،صاف,,सुस्पष्ट, N,There are various means of transport.,transport,سَوٲرۍ,,परिवहन, V,You have to transport the goods in a lorry.,transport,اَکہِ جایِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بیٚیِس جایہِ نیُن,,वहन_करना, V,The Britishers transported the freedom-fighters to far away.,transport,بَہ طورِ سزا دوٗر سوزُن,,सज़ा_देना{दूरवर्ती_स्थाण_में}, N,Transportation of goods over a long distance has become fairly easy now.,transportation,چیٖز یا لُوٗکھ أکِس جایہِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بییِٚس جایہِ واتناوٕنۍ,,वहनीयता, N,"During the World War, transportation was prevalent.",transportation,جُلاے وَطَن,,देशनिकाला, N,The rat was caught in a trap.,trap,ژَھل,,घात, N,The mouse was caught in the trap.,trap,ژَھل,,जाल, V,He was trapped inside when the fire broke out.,trap,پَھسُن,,फँस_जाना, V,The hunter hid behind the bushes to trap the antelope.,trap,زال ترٛاوُن,,जाल_लगाना, V,I like to travel.,travel,سَفَر کَرُن,,यात्रा_करना, V,This food will not travel for a long distance.,travel,روزُن,,चलना[की_ओर], N,Ram`s travels are always adventurous.,travel,سَفَر,,यात्रा, Adj,Take your travel bag.,travel,ٹرٛوٕل,,यात्रा_का, N,They use trawls to catch big fish.,trawl,زال,,मछली_पकडने_का_महाजाल, N,She brought two tea cups in a wooden tray.,tray,مجمہٕ ،ٹرٛے,,ट्रे, N,He was sent out of the country for treason.,treason,بَغاوَت,,देशद्रोह, N,They found a treasure.,treasure,خَزانہٕ,,खजाना, N,She is a great treasure to everyone.,treasure,قۭمتی شَخص,,बहुमूल्य, V,We should treasure our ancient monuments.,treasure,یاد تھاوُن،رٔژھرِتھ تھاوُن,,बहुमूल्य_समझना, V,I shall treasure the memory of childhood.,treasure,سَمبٲلِتھ تھاوُن,,संजोए_रखना, N,He was appointed as a treasurer recently.,treasurer,خَزانٛچی,,कोषाध्यक्ष, N,Saint Ramdas works in the treasury.,treasury,خَزانہٕ,,राजकोष, N,Gold reserves are kept in a treasury.,treasury,خَزانہٕ,,कोषागार, VI,We should treat animals in a human way.,treat,سٔلوٗک کَرُن،پیش یُن,,व्यवहार_करना, VI,Krishna treated Sudama as his close friend.,treat,مانُن,,मानना, VI,He treats his workers like dirt.,treat,پیش یُن،سٔلوٗک کَرُن,,बिलकुल भी सम्मान न देना, VI,She was treated for Jaundice.,treat,علاج کَرُن,,चिकित्सा_करना, VI,Treat the crops with pesticide.,treat,دوَہ پوٗشی کَرٕنۍ,,संसाधित_करना, VI,She treated her friends to an icecream.,treat,دَعوَت دِنۍ,,का_खर्च_करना, N,The concert was a real treat for the music lovers.,treat,لُطُف,,आनन्द, N,This is my birthday treat to you.,treat,دَعوَت,,खर्चा, N,His treatment towards the guests was not cordial.,treatment,سٔلوٗک,,बर्ताव, N,She is undergoing medical treatment.,treatment,علاج,,उपचार, N,Kalidasa`s treatment of love in Meghasandesha is very vivid.,treatment,پیشکَش,,निरूपण, N,Treaty helps two nations to have cordial relations.,treaty,مُہادٕ,,संधि, N,They had a treaty with the auctioneer.,treaty,سَمجھوتہٕ,,समझौता, N,She reads under the shade of a tree.,tree,کُل,,पेड, VT,Her voice trembled with fear when she got the news.,tremble,تھَرٕ تھَرٕوۄتٕھنۍ,,काँपना, VT,Leaves swayed and trembled by the cool breeze .,tremble,ہِلِٕنۍ،ہِلُن,,थरथराना, N,She showed a tremble in her face.,tremble,تَھرِٕتھَرٕ ،خوف,,कम्पन, Adj,He did a tremendous job.,tremendous,واریاہ جان,,बहुत_अच्छा, N,Youths follow the general trends in fashion.,trend,رُجحان,,प्रवृत्ति, N,It was just a trial.,trial,آزمٲیِش,,परीक्षण, N,The new medicine has undergone trials before entering the market.,trial,تَجرُبہ ٕ،آزمٲیِش,,योग्यता_की_परीक्षा, N,Trials for the olympic games will be held.,trial,مُقابلہٕ,,पूर्वाभ्यास, N,My trial is in August.,trial,اِمتِحان,,परीक्षा, N,The trial of the case begins tomorrow.,trial,مُکدِمہٕ,,मुकदमा, N,He belongs to the Masai tribe.,tribe,قٔبیٖلہٕ,,जनजाति, N,A tribe of social workers welcomed him.,tribe,جَمٲژ,,समुदाय, N,She has to collect the sample tribes from the forest for the test.,tribe,ذٲژ,,[जीव_विज्ञान_में]प्राणि_तथा_पौधों_का_उपगण, N,Our country paid tribute to the Jawans who laid their lives in the Kargil conflict.,tribute,خَراجہِ عٔقیٖدَت,,श्रद्धांजलि, N,Aurangazeb was collecting tributes from the neighbouring states.,tribute,باج,,शुल्क, N,Magic is nothing but a trick of hands.,trick,ژَھل,,ट्रक, N,The students played a trick on the teacher.,trick,مَزاق,,शरारत, N,Anand knows the chess tricks well.,trick,داو,,दाँव, N,She should learn the trick of attending the guests.,trick,سٔلوٗک،بَرتاو,,व्यवहार_वैचित्र्य, VT,Mohan was tricked by his friend.,trick,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن،ٹھَگُن,,ठगना, N,Keep your finger on the trigger.,trigger,ٹرِٛگَر (بٔنٛدوٗق)۔,,यन्त्र_को_चालू_करने_का_पुर्जा, N,His joining in the office was the trigger that brought profits to the company.,trigger,ذٔرِیعہ,,झट_प्रतिक्रिया, VT,This food triggers my stomach ache.,trigger,ذٔرِیعہ بَنُن،وَجَہ بَنُن,,तीव्र क्रिया शुरूआत का कारण होना/बनना, VT,Violence triggered off after the function.,trigger,شروٗع گَژھُن,,उत्तेजित_होना[करना], Adj,She has a trim figure.,trim,زٲوِیل،ہَلکہٕ پُھلکہٕ,,ठीक-ठाक, N,The garden was trim and nice.,trim,تَرتیٖب,,सुव्यवस्थित, VT,He trimmed the hedges recently.,trim,ژَٹُن,,काट_छाँट_करना, VI,The girl tripped over the dog.,trip,دَب لگُن,,उलझ_कर_गिरना, VI,Trip the shutter of the video.,trip,کھولُن,,[यन्त्र]खोलना, VI,His friend tripped after taking the drug.,trip,......,,लडखडाना, VI,She came tripping down the stairs.,trip,دوران دوران یُن,,फुदकना, N,We made a trip to Badrinath.,trip,سَفر،سٲر,,यात्रा, N,The drug gave him a trip.,trip,نَشہِ,,लडखडाहट, N,He is a tripper.,tripper,سٲر کَرَن وول,,सैर करने वाला, N,It was a personal triumph for him.,triumph,کامیٲبی,,विजय, VTI,Anand triumped over his partner in the chess.,triumph,زینُن,,जीतना, N,We heard the footsteps of the troops from outside.,troop,فوٗجی,,दल, N,Troops are marching in the parade.,troop,فوج,,फौज, V,Jawans are trooping out of the camps.,troop,چھۄکہِ منٛزپَکُن,,दल_बाँधकर_चलना, Adj,The tropical diseases require attention and care.,tropical,۔۔۔,,उष्णकटिबन्ध, N,We are having trouble with our Television.,trouble,پَریشٲنی,,परेशानी, N,I don`t want to give him trouble.,trouble,تَکلیٖف,,तकलीफ, N,There is always trouble in Ireland.,trouble,خراب حالت,,अशान्ति, N,He had kidney trouble and he needs attention.,trouble,بیمٲرۍ,,बीमारी, VT,The sprain in my neck is troubling me.,trouble,پَریشان کَرُن,,परेशान_करना, VT,He took the book away without even troubling to ask.,trouble,تکلیٖف کرُن,,नम्रतापूर्वक_निवेदन_करना, N,Atul bought a pair of trousers.,trousers,یَزار،پَتلوٗن,,पतलून, N,They had a truce after the quarrel.,truce,عارضی صَلَح,,थोड़े_दिन_की_सन्धि, N,Many trucks are playing on the road.,truck,ٹرٛک،چَھکڑٕ,,ट्रक, VTI,Goods are being trucked into the town.,truck,چھَکڑَس مَنٛز سوزُن,,ट्रक मे भेजना, Adj,It was a true story.,true,پوٚز,,सत्य, Adj,He claimed to be the true owner of the land.,true,اَصلی,,असली, Adj,The man showed the true document.,true,صحیح,,सही, Adj,He is a true friend of mine.,true,خاص دوس,,सच्चा, Adv,Truly I can`t do this work without your help.,truly,پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,ईमानदारी से, Adv,He is truly a great Politician.,truly,پٔزی,,सचमुच, N,The storm uprooted the trunk.,trunk,گۄڈ,,तना, N,The doctor is showing the anatomy of the trunk with the help of a diagram.,trunk,گۄڈ,,धड़, N,A coolie is lifting the trunk.,trunk,صٔندوٗق,,सन्दूक, N,An elephant lifts the trunk often.,trunk,کَر,,सूड, N,They loaded the luggage in the trunk of the car.,trunk,ڈِکی,,गाडी_के_पीछे_सन्दूक_आदि_रखने_का_स्थान, N,I have absolute trust in you.,trust,برٛوسہٕ,,भरोसा, N,The children were left in the trust of the caretaker.,trust,حَوالہٕ، برٛوسہٕ,,सहारा, N,He gave all his wealth to the trust.,trust,ٹرٛسٹ,,ट्रस्ट, VTI,I trust you.,trust,برٛوسہٕ کَرُن,,भरोसा_करना, VTI,I trust that he is in good health.,trust,اُمیٖد آسٕنۍ,,आशा_करना, N,I have been asked to act as a trustee for my niece.,trustee,حوالہِ,,न्यासी, N,Truth always wins.,truth,پَزَر,,सच्चाई, N,You should always speak the truth.,truth,پوٚز,,वास्तविकता, VTI,I will try my best to attend the function.,try,کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,कोशिश_करना, VTI,I have tried the new detergent.,try,ازماوُن,,परखना, VTI,His case was tried in the sessions court.,try,قونوٗنی جانٛچ کَرٕنۍ,,कानूनी_जाँच_करना, N,I will give it a try and see.,try,کوٗشِش,,प्रयास, N,Try is used in the game of rugby.,try,۔۔۔۔,,ट्राइ[रगबै_खेल_में], Adj,The workers had a trying day.,trying,مُشکِل،پَریشان,,कष्टकर, N,Laboratory is equipped with tubes and glass containers.,tube,ٹیوٗب,,नली, V,The child tumbled over the stairs.,tumble,ڈُلہ ٕگَژُھن,,अचानक_गिरना, V,Share prices tumbled in the stock market.,tumble,قۭمَت وَسُن،ؤسِتھ گَژُھن,,मूल्य_गिरना, V,The puppies are tumbling about in the grass.,tumble,وَلگتٕنۍ,,बार_बार_लुढकना, N,There is a tumble in gold these days.,tumble,گِراوَٹ,,गिरावट, N,All her things were in a tumble.,tumble,اورٕ یور,,अस्त_व्यस्त_की_स्थिति, N,He died of brain tumour.,tumour,ٹیوٗمَر,,गिल्टी, N,Play a tune correctly on the flute.,tune,طَرٕز,,धुन, V,The violinist had to tune his instrument with the guitarist.,tune,طَرٕز مِلاوُن,,सुर_मिलाना, V,He had to tune his car according to the sharp slopes.,tune,کُنہِ مُطٲبِق بَناوُن,,के_अनुकूल_बना_लेना, V,His answers were finely tuned to what the interviewers wanted.,tune,بَرابَر آسُن,,के_अनुकूल_होना, VT,He turned his car.,turn,موڑ کَرُن,,घुमाना, VI,Please turn towards the left.,turn,پھیرُن,,मुड़ना, N,The windmill took a turn with the course of the wind.,turn,نَژُن,,घुमाव, N,Take a right turn.,turn,موڑ,,मोड, N,Wait for your turn and then go.,turn,وٲرۍ,,बारी, VTI,Please turn the wheel.,turn,نَژناوُن,,घुमाना, Det,The book has twelve chapters.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, N,He is only twelve.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, Art,Tweve patients are in critical condition.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, Adj,Twelve members are coming to attend the meeting.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, Adj,Her twentieth birthday falls on this Thursday.,twentieth,وُہِم,,बीसवाँ, N,She is coming on twentieth of june.,twentieth,وُہِمہِ,,बीसवाँ_अंश, Art,Twentieth December is my unforgettable day.,twentieth,وُہِم,,बीसवाँ, Det,Write the numbers till twenty.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, N,I have twenty notebooks in my bag.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, Art,Twenty Guests are coming to attend the seminar.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, Adj,Twenty candidates are still waiting for an interview.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, Adv,I have already seen the movie twice.,twice,دۄیہِ لَٹہِ,,दो_बार, Adv,He does twice as much work as his brother.,twice,دۄگنہٕ,,दुगुना, VT,He twisted his head round to speak to his friend.,twist,پِھرُن،نَژناوُن,,मुडना, VT,Twist the creeper into the arch.,twist,وَلُن,,गूथना, VT,He twisted his face after eating bittergourd.,twist,ژٔکٕھرکَھسٕنۍ,,विकृत_करना, VT,The nurse twisted the bandage round her arm.,twist,وَلُن,,लिपटना, VT,The papers twisted everything.,twist,حالت بَدلٕنۍمطلب بَدلُن,,मिथ्या_अर्थ_देना, N,He broke the handle with a violent twist.,twist,وَر,,घुमाव, Det,There are two trees here.,two,زٕ,,दो, N,I think her roll number is two.,two,زٕ,,दो, Art,Two kids are swinging in the garden.,two,زٕ,,दो, Adj,I have two sisters.,two,زٕ,,दो, N,There are various types of roses in the garden.,type,قٕسٕم,,प्रकार, VT,He has to type the script.,type,ٹایِپ کَرُن,,टाईप_करना{टंकण_करना}, Adj,It is typical of him to speak the truth.,typical,عام طٔریقہٕ,,आदर्श_रूप, Adv,She is typically of my taste.,typically,بِلکُل,,सामान्यतः, Adv,"Typically, he missed the bus again.",typically,پرٛٮ۪تھ دۄہ پٲٹھۍ,,हर_बार_जैसे, N,We put a new tyre for our car.,tyre,ٹٲر,,टायर, N,We have to change all the tyres of our car.,tyre,ٹٲر,,टायर, Adj,The picture was ugly.,ugly,بَدصوٗرت,,कुरूप, Adj,This is her ultimate decision.,ultimate,ٲخری,,आख़िरी, Adv,Ultimately she had to take the decision herself.,ultimately,ٲخٕرکار,,अन्त_में, Adj,Ultraviolet rays are not good.,ultraviolet,اَلٹراویلٹ,,पराबैंगनी, N,I use an umbrella to protect myself from rain.,umbrella,چٔھتٕر,,छतरी/छाता, N,The police worked under the umbrella of the Army during riots.,umbrella,نِگرٲنی,,छत्र, Adj,Dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately.,unable,نااہل,,असमर्थ, Adj,The orphans seem to have an uncertain future.,uncertain,غیر یٔقیٖنی,,अनिश्चित, N,He was anxious about the uncertainty of outcome of the meeting.,uncertainty,غیر یٔقیٖنی حالت,,अनिश्चय, N,My uncle is going.,uncle,پیٚتٕر،مام,,अंकल, N,His uncle arrived here yesterday.,uncle,مام،پیتٕر،پۄپھوٗ،ماسوٗ,,चाचा/मामा/फूफा/मौसा, Adj,She lay unconscious on the floor.,unconscious,بے حٮ۪س،بے ہوش,,बेहोश, Adj,He is unconscious of the new calamity at home.,unconscious,بے خَبَر,,अनजान, Prep,Your book is under the table.,under,تَل کُن،تَلہٕ,,के~नीचे, Prep,She is standing under the tree.,under,تَل,,नीचे, Prep,"Under certain rules, you can do this work.",under,تحَت,,के~अधीन, Prep,He is doing his doctorate under Prof.Mohan.,under,نِش,,के_नीचे/के_तले/से_कम/के_अधीन, VT,Ram underwent medical treatment in Apollo hospital.,undergo,گُزرُن,,अनुभव_करना, Adj,The underground shed is very dark.,underground,زَمیٖن تَلُک,,भूमि_के_नीचे_का, Adv,The thief went underground to escape capture.,underground,ژوٗرِ پٲٹھۍ,,गुप्त, V,The important words underlie in this paragraph.,underlie,بۄنہ ٕکَنہِ آسٕنۍ,,नीचे_पड़ा_होना, Adj,The underlying theme was interesting.,underlying,بُنِیٲدی,,अन्दरूनी, V,Please understand my problem.,understand,سَمجھُن,,समझ, VTI,I can`t understand the complicated mathematical equations.,understand,سَمجھُن،فِکرِ تَرُن,,समझना, N,He has virtually no understanding of business.,understanding,سونٛچ سَمَجھ,,समझ, V,Who will undertake this project?,undertake,ذِمہٕ دٲری تُلٕنۍ،ذِمہٕ دٲری نِنۍ,,उत्तरदायित्व_ले, VTI,We have undertaken a project to make the city clean.,undertake,ذِمہٕ دٲری ہیٚنۍ,,[का_]उत्तरदायित्व_लेना, Adj,He is an underwater explorer.,underwater,آبہٕ تَلُک,,अन्तर्जलीय, VT,Undo your neck-tie and relax!,undo,کھولٕنۍ,,खोल_डाल, VT,You cannot undo the damage.,undo,مِٹٲوِتھ,,मिटा_देना, Adv,She is undoubtedly very beautiful.,undoubtedly,بے شَک پٲٹھۍ،شَکہٕ وَرٲے,,निस्संदेह_रूप_से/बिना_शक_व_शुबह, VT,The C.I.A unearthed the President`s killing.,unearth,پَتہَ لَگاوُن،نیب کَڑُن,,पता_लगाना, Adj,She was feeling uneasy.,uneasy,بے سۄکھ,,व्याकुल, N,Unemployment is a serious social evil.,unemployment,بے کٲری،بے روزگٲری,,बेरोजगारी/बेकारी/अनुद्योग, Adj,The curtains opened to reveal a completely unexpected scene.,unexpected,غیر مُتَوَقع,,अनपेक्षित, Adj,It was an unfortunate incident.,unfortunate,بَدقٔسمَت،بَد نٔصیٖب,,हतभाग्य, N,"Despite all the unfortunates, she is solely supporting her family.",unfortunate,بَدقٕسمَتی،بَد نٔصیٖبی,,दुर्भाग्य, Adv,"Unfortunately, he couldn`t get admission to the college of his choice.",unfortunately,بَدقٕسمٕتی سٕتۍ,,दुर्भाग्यवश, Adj,They were unhappy over her departure.,unhappy,ناخۄش,,अप्रसन्न, Adj,One can see uniform tall white buildings on MG street.,uniform,ہِوِی,,एकसमान, N,Children wear uniform in school.,uniform,وَردی,,एक_रूप_का_वस्त्र, N,There is strength in union.,union,اِتِفاق،یَکجوت,,संगठन, N,There is strength in union.,union,اِتِفاق،بَرابٔری,,मेल/संयोग, Adj,She speaks Hindi with a unique accent.,unique,خاص،اَلَگ,,अनुपम/अपूर्व, N,The dollar is the United States` unit of currency.,unit,اِکٲی,,इकाई/टुकडी, VTI,She unites charm with a good business sense.,unite,مِلاوُن،اِکہٕ وٹہٕ کَرُن,,संयुक्त_करना, Adj,During elections all the regional political parties formed a united front.,united,مُتَحِدٕ,,संयुक्त/मिला_हुआ/एक_किया_हुआ/एक, N,There is strength in unity.,unity,مِلہٕ ژار،اتِحاد،یَکجوت,,एकता, Adj,Scientific theories are universal.,universal,عالَمگیٖر,,विश्वसम्बन्धी, N,This universe is quite big.,universe,کایِنات,,ब्रह्मांड, N,Our universe is mysterious.,universe,کایِنات,,सृष्टि/संसार/विश्व/जगत, N,She will do research work in the university of California.,university,یونیؤرسِٹی,,विश्वविद्यालय, Adj,This poem has been written by an unknown author.,unknown,نامعلوٗم,,अविदित/अज्ञात, Conj,You will fail unless you work hard.,unless,اَگَر نہٕ ، ہَرگاہ,,यदि_नहीं/जो_नहीं/बिना/जबतक_नहीं, Conj,You will fail unless you work hard.,unless,یوٚتام نہٕ,,जबतक_नहीं, Adj,They are very unlike.,unlike,مُختٔلِف،اَلَگ,,से_भिन्न, Adj,His condition is unlikely to improve.,unlikely,نامُمکِن,,असम्भव, Adj,He took an unnecessary leave today.,unnecessary,غیر ضٔروری،فٔضوٗل,,अनावश्यक/व्यर्थ, Adj,It was an unpleasant work.,unpleasant,نا پَسنٛد،ناگَوار,,अप्रिय/नापसन्द/अरूचिकर, VT,Can you unravel the mystery?,unravel,حَل کَرُن,,सुलझाना, VT,Try to unravel the tangle of string.,unravel,کھولُن،مٕژراوُن,,उधेड़ना, Prep,You will not go there untill I tell you.,until,یوٚتام,,तक, Conj,Let`s wait until she comes.,until,یوٚتام ،یوٚتَتھ تام,,तक/जब_तक, Conj,Let`s wait until she comes.,until,یوٚتام,,जब_तक_नहीं, Prep,He works until 9 `o`clock.,until,تام,,तक/जब_तक, Prep,I will not speak to him unto he apologises to me.,unto,یوٚت تانۍ,,जब तक, Prep,We promised to be faithful unto our last breath.,unto,تانۍ، تام,,तक, Adj,The movie had scenes of unusual beauty.,unusual,غیر معموٗلی،عٔجیٖب,,असामान्य/अनोखा, Prep,The kids followed their mother up the stairs.,up,تام,,पर, Adv,Lift your head up!,up,پٮ۪ٹھ کُن، ہیوٚر کُن,,ऊपर_की_ओर, Adj,His pay has moved up.,up,بَڑُن,,ऊपर/उच्च/ऊपर_वाला, Prep,He ran up the stairs.,up,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,Look up in the sky.,up,ہیوٚر,,ऊपर, N,The sales is on the up.,up,چَڑٲے,,चढ़ाव, VT,He upped his offer to 1 million dollars.,up,کھالُن ، بَڑاوُن,,उठाना/चढ़ाना, VT,It`s high time to update our thinking on women`s issues.,update,جٔدیٖد بَناوُن,,आधुनिक_बनाना, N,The BBC brings the news updates.,update,وٕنٛکٮ۪ن تام ، وٕنیُک تام,,अभी_तक_का, VT,We should upgrade the defence technology.,upgrade,پیٚٹھِمِس دَرجَس پٮ۪ٹھ اَنٕنۍ,,उन्नति_करना, N,There has been a major upgrade in defence technology.,upgrade,چَڑٲے,,चढ़ाई, VT,We should uphold the dignity of our nation.,uphold,بَرقَرار تھاوُن ،قٲیِم تھاوُن,,सम्भल, Prep,She kept the book upon the table.,upon,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के~ऊपर, Prep,You always depended upon me in the times of crises.,upon,بَروسہٕ,,बरोसा, Prep,"He was so hungry, thus fell upon the bread.",upon,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, Prep,The cat jumped upon the table.,upon,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_ऊपर/ऊँचा/पर, Prep,Could you please care to enlarge upon your said topic.,upon,وَضاحَت دِنۍ,,जानकारी देना, Adj,They live in upper flat.,upper,پیٚٹھمِس,,ऊपरवाला, Adj,The upper sections of a society are often unaware of the problems of the lower classes.,upper,بُلَنٛد، ہیٚرمہِ دَرجُک,,उच्चतर, N,The leather uppers were not available with the cobbler.,upper,پیٚٹِھم حِصہٕ,,जूते_आदि_का_ऊपर_का_भाग, Adj,It`s an upright post.,upright,سیوٚد,,सीधा/खड़ा, Adj,He is an upright businessman.,upright,دِیانَت دار,,धार्मिक/खरा, VT,The war uprooted many people.,uproot,ختم گژُن,,जड_से_उखाड़_डाल, VT,The vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted.,uproot,مُلہٕ کَڑُن,,निर्मूल_कर, N,His carelessness could have caused an ecological upset.,upset,خَرٲبی، دَرہَم بَرہَم,,अस्तव्यस्तता/विपर्यय/पलट, N,This project has caused many upsets.,upset,گَڑ بَڑ ، پَریشٲنی,,घबड़ाहट/परेशानी, Adj,I left the upstairs window open.,upstairs,ہیٚرِم,,ऊपरी, Adv,They live upstairs.,upstairs,ہیٚرِمِس پورَس،ہیٚرِ کَنہِ,,ऊपरी_मंज़िल, N,Bungalows do not have any upstairs.,upstairs,پیٚٹِھم پور، ہیٚرِم پور،دوٚیِم پور,,ऊपर_की_मंजिल/कोठा, Adj,The prices of essential commodities are showing an upward trend.,upward,ہُرٮ۪ر،اِضافہٕ,,ऊपर_का, Adj,I studied urban sociology in my college.,urban,شہری,,शहरी/नगर_का/नागरक, V,I urged him to finish his studies.,urge,زور ترٛاوُن ،اُکساوُن,,उकसाना, N,He has a strong urge to go to space.,urge,خٲہِش،شوق,,आवेग/प्रेरणा, Adj,An urgent telephone call came for her.,urgent,اَہم ،ضٔروٗری,,अत्यावश्यक, Pron,We took our pets with us for picnic.,us,اَسہِ،پانَس,,हमें/हम_को, N,Difficult words can be remembered by usage.,usage,اِستِعمال,,इस्तेमाल, N,That word is not in common usage anymore.,usage,رٮ۪واج ،دٔستوٗر,,व्यवहार/बर्ताव/रीति/चलन/चाल, V,Can I use your pen?,use,اِستِعمال کَرُن,,उपयोग_कर, N,It is of no use to me.,use,لایق,,उपयोग, N,Computer has many uses.,use,ضٔروٗرِیات,,प्रयोग/भोग/सेवन, N,He put his knowledge to good use.,use,کٲم ،اِستعمال,,आवश्यकता, N,We were given the use of his boat.,use,فٲیدٕ,,लाभ/प्रयोजन, VTI,She uses drugs rarely.,use,اِستعمال کَرُن,,प्रयोग_कर, Adj,She gave useful information about the work.,useful,کارآمد ، مُفیٖد,,उपयोगी, Adj,Her kitchen was full of useless gadgets.,useless,فضوٗل،بے کار، ناکار,,व्यर्थ, Adj,It was his usual dress.,usual,عام ،دۄہ دِشُک ،روزمَرہ,,साधारण, Adj,She grew the usual vegetables.,usual,عام,,सामान्य/साधारण/व्यावहारिक/सदा_का, Adv,She grew the usual vegetables.,usually,دۄہ دِشِکۍ,,साधारणतयः, Adv,Usually she was late.,usually,عموٗمَن ،ہَمیٚشہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,साधारण_रीति_से/सामान्यतः, V,We must utilise the time properly.,utilise,اِستِعمال کَرُن,,उपयोग_कर, N,A computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users.,utility,فٲیدٕ مَنٛد,,उपयोगिता/चैन/लाभ/उपयोग, Adv,The theory was utterly confusing for me.,utterly,سَراسَر،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,सम्पूर्ण_रूप_से, VT,Students have to vacate the hostel.,vacate,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, N,We go on tour during our vacations.,vacation,چُھٹِیہِ,,अवकाश, VT,To vacillate and delay decisions is not a good practice.,vacillate,بَدلُن، غیریٔقیٖنی,,निश्चय_न_कर_पाना, N,Vacuum prevents oxidation.,vacuum,خٕلا,,शून्य_स्थान, V,Vacuum(up) the container.,vacuum,خٲلی کَرُن,,खाली करना, V,The death of her son has created a vaccum in her life.,vacuum,پَرٕژھیوٚٚن گَژُھن,,खालीपन होना, Adj,The speaker was vague on the subject.,vague,دُل مُل,,अस्पष्ट, Adv,I vaguely remember his first lecture.,vaguely,دُل مُل پٲٹھۍ,,अस्पष्ट_तरह_से, Adj,It was a valid statement.,valid,لٲزِم,,प्रभावशाली, Adj,The marriage was held to be valid.,valid,جٲیِز,,वैध, N,The validity of the contract is not signed yet.,validity,مَنظوٗری,,वैधता, N,You can see the valley from the top of the mountain.,valley,وادی,,घाटी, Adj,Diamonds are valuable.,valuable,قۭمتی,,मूल्यवान, N,Keep your valuables inside the locker.,valuable,قۭمتی چیٖز,,कीमती_चीज, V,I have always valued my Supervisor`s advice.,value,مۄلہٕ ناوُن,,मोल_हो[लगा], N,The value of the rupee has gone up.,value,مۄل,,मूल्य, N,Youngsters have different sets of values.,value,اصوٗل،طٔریٖقہٕ,,सिद्धान्त_जिनमें_समाज_की_विशेष_आस्था_हो, N,Find the value of `x`.,value,مۄل,,किसी_अक्षर_द्वारा_प्रदर्शित_राशि_का_मूल्य, VT,He valued the car for rupees one lakh.,value,قۭمت کران,,मोल_लगाना, VT,I value his friendship.,value,مۄل تھاوُن,,आदर_करना, N,My friend bought a new van.,van,وین,,वैन, N,The team is in the van to win.,van,برٛونٛہہ,,युद्ध_में_सेना_की_अग्रिम_पंक्ति, N,He won the prize for the story entitled vanish.,vanish,غٲب,,लुप्त, V,The culprits vanished from the scene.,vanish,غٲب گَژُھن,,लुप्त_होना, N,The vapor condenses when cooled.,vapor,بَہَہ,,वाष्प, N,The plate has vapours on it.,vapour,بَہَہ,,वाष्प, Adj,Prices are variable in the supermarket.,variable,مُختٔلِف,,परिवर्तनशील, N,Take `X` as a variable here.,variable,ویرِیبٕل،بَدلَن وول,,परिवर्तनशील_वस्तु, N,Bullion rates are subject to variation.,variation,تَبدیٖلی,,विविधता, N,The variation from spring to autumn is noticeable.,variation,فَرَق,,परिवर्तन, Adj,Courses for the students are many and varied.,varied,مُختٔلِف,,नानारूप, N,We all need variety in our dress.,variety,قٔسٕم وار,,अनेक_प्रकार, N,He took the job for a variety of reasons.,variety,مُختٔلِف,,विविधता, N,The students presented the shows in variety.,variety,قٔسٕم وار,,विविध_मनोरंजन, N,We all need variety in our dress.,variety,قٔسٕمم,,विविधता, N,He took the job for a variety of reasons.,variety,مُختٔلِف,,अनेक_प्रकार, N,The students presented the shows in variety.,variety,قٔسٕم وار,,विविध_मनोरंजन, Adj,Flowers are of various hues and colours.,various,واریاہ، مُختٔلِف,,भिन्न, VT,Fish vary in sizes and shapes.,vary,مُختٔلِف آسٕنۍ,,तरह_तरह_का_होना, VT,Prices of fruits vary from place to place.,vary,فَرَق آسٕنۍ,,भिन्न_होना, VT,The artist wanted to vary the show.,vary,بَدلاوُن,,बदल_देना, Adj,Construction is going on in a vast area.,vast,بوٚڑ,,विशाल, N,Force is a vector quantity.,vector,وٮ۪کٹَر,,निश्चित_मात्रा_वाली_राशि, N,The vector was positioned with army camps.,vector,وٮ۪کٹَر,,वायुमार्ग, N,Vector is the carrier of a disease.,vector,بیمٲرۍ پھٲلاوَن وول کیوٚم,,रोगवाहक, VTI,The truck veered off the road.,veer,رۄخ بدلُن,,दिशा_बदलना, N,I like to eat green vegetables.,vegetable,سَبزی,,शाक_सब्ज़ी, N,After the serious illness he is just a vegetable.,vegetable,یُس نہٕ کٕہنۍ تہِ کٲم چُھہ کَران,,मानसिक_रूप_से_निष्क्रिय, N,Where have you passed your vehicle?,vehicle,گٲڑۍ,,गाड़ी, N,They are using their business as a vehicle for crime.,vehicle,ذٔرِیعہ,,अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम, Adj,My cottage has no vehicular access.,vehicular,گاڑِ مَنٛز گَژھنٕچ وَتھ,,गाडी से जाने का रसता, N,She had an injury in the vein.,vein,رَگ,,शिरा, N,A vein of melancholy was noted in her song.,vein,تار،خوٗبی,,व्याप्त_गुण, N,The king and the vidushak had discussion in a lighter vein.,vein,طٔبِیَت،لہجہٕ،مِزاز,,मनोदशा, N,The wind blew with high velocity.,velocity,رَفتار,,वेग, N,The velocity of the wind is terrible.,velocity,رَفتار,,वेग, N,To climb the peak during the winter months is a tough venture.,venture,ہِمَت واجِنۍ کٲم,,साहसिक_कार्य, VTI,The students ventured into the high-sea.,venture,ہِمَت کرٕنۍ ،جُرت کَرٕنۍ,,साहस_करना, N,Make sentences with the following verbs.,verb,کَراوٕتۍ,,क्रिया, Adj,Verbal communication helps people to communicate well.,verbal,زَبٲنۍ،رَوٲنی,,मौखक, N,The convict will be given a verdict.,verdict,فٲصلہٕ,,पंचायत_का_विचार, N,Milton`s verses are well known.,verse,مِصرٕ,,कविता, N,He narrated his version of the incident.,version,۔۔۔,,वृतान्त, N,The latest version of the book is out in the market.,version,۔۔۔,,आवृत्ति, N,The pyramid has a vertex.,vertex,کوٗن,,त्रिभुज_का_शीर्ष, N,The mountaineers saw the vertex of the mountain.,vertex,تینٛتول,,शिखर, Adj,This is a vertical pole.,vertical,کَھڑا،سیوٚد,,लम्बरूप, Adv,She sang very well.,very,واریاہ,,बहुत, Adj,The flower is very beautiful.,very,واریاہ,,बहुत[उत्तमा_सूचक], Adj,She was sitting in the very seat.,very,تٔتھۍ,,उसी, Adv,She sang very well.,very,واریاہ,,अत्यंत, N,Wash the vessels after the meal.,vessel,بانہٕ,,बर्तन, N,He is wearing a vest under a shirt.,vest,واسکَٹ، بٔنٛدۍ,,अंगरखा, VTI,The principal vested a student leader with authority.,vest,ذِمہٕ دٲری دِنۍ,,अधिकार_प्रदान_करना, N,Gandhiji was a veteran freedom fighter.,veteran,مٲہِر,,अनुभवी, N,The U.N put a veto on the resolution.,veto,پابٔنٛدی,,प्रतिनिषेध, VT,India vetoed the proposal of armament of nations.,veto,پابٔنٛدی اَنٕنۍ,,कानून_का_मसूदा_अस्वीकृत_करना, VT,Their lies would vex anyone.,vex,شَرارَتھ کَھسُن، ژَکھ یِنۍ,,गुस्सा_करना[होना], VT,Her failures vexed him.,vex,فِکِر مَنٛد روزُن,,चिन्तित_होना, Prep,This flight is via Jammu.,via,ذٔرِیعہ،کِنۍ,,की~राह~से, Prep,She went to Boston via London.,via,ذٔرِیعہ،کِنۍ,,की_राह_से, N,Seeing movies are one of my vices.,vice,خٲمی,,व्यसन, N,Ram held her arm in a vice like grip.,vice,۔۔۔,,शिकंजा, Adj,Hyde was a vicious person.,vicious,لَفَنٛگہٕ,,दुराचारी, Adj,Leopard is a vicious animal.,vicious,خوٗن خار,,उग्र, Adj,Jane is suffering from vicious migrane.,vicious,خَطَرناک,,कष्टदायक, N,The victim was chased by the hunter.,victim,شِکار,,शिकार, N,He became the victim of a conspiracy.,victim,مَظلوٗم,,पीडित_व्यक्ति, N,The victor in the game was given a trophy.,victor,زینَن وول,,विजेता, N,He was pleased with his victory.,victory,کامِیٲبی,,विजय, VT,They vied with one another to win the competition.,vie,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,स्पर्धा_करना, N,The town came into view.,view,نَظر,,दृष्टि, N,There is a wonderful view from the top of the hill.,view,نَظارٕ,,दृश्य, N,He was invited for the private view of the exhibition.,view,۔۔۔,,अवलोकन, N,What is your view on this matter?,view,راے,,दृष्टिकोण, VT,The problem should be viewed carefully.,view,نَظَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,दृष्टि_डालना, VT,The crowd is eagerly waiting to view the match.,view,وٕچُھن,,देखना, VT,I didn`t get the chance to view your new house.,view,وٕچُھن,,निरीक्षण_करना[घर_या_जायदाद, N,"According to my view point, this job is not good for girls.",viewpoint,نَظرِیَہ,,दृश्य_जो_सुगमता_से_देखा_जा_सके, Adj,Politicians conducted a vigorous campaign.,vigorous,زوردار,,जोरदार, N,The boy works with a vigour.,vigour,محنَت,,शक्ति/प्रभाव, N,There is shortage of electricity in our village.,village,گام,,गाँव, VT,These practices violate the basic human rights.,violate,پٕھٹراوُن,,तोड़ना, N,Violation of human rights should not be encouraged.,violation,پٕھٹرَن,,तोड़ना, N,Children are exposed to a lot of violence on TV.,violence,تَشَدُد,,हिंसा, Adj,Many of the commercial films are extremely violent.,violent,تَشَدُد خیز,,हिंसात्मक, N,He plays violin in his free time.,violin,وایلَن,,सारंगी, Adj,Most boys want to marry a virgin girl.,virgin,صاف، پاک,,कुँआरी, Adv,I virtually waited there for two hours.,virtually,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग{वास्तव_में_नहीं}, N,Her virtues are uncountable.,virtue,صِفَت,,नैतिक_गुण, N,Virus for common cold is highly contageous.,virus,وَےرَس,,छूत_के_रोगों_का_विष, N,He applied for U.K visa.,visa,وِیٖزہ,,वीसा, Adj,The moon was visible after the eclipse.,visible,نوٚن,,दृश्य, N,Vitamin A improves vision.,vision,أچھۍ گاش,,दृष्टि, N,The chief minister paid a visit to our University.,visit,دور,,मुलाकात, VT,Tourists visit Taj Mahal in Agra.,visit,وٕچھنہِ گَژُھن,,देखने_जाना[आना], N,He is a visitor.,visitor,سٲلٲنۍ,,आगन्तुक, N,I had a stream of visitors the whole day.,visitor,سٲلٲنۍ,,भेंट_करनेवाला, Adj,The visual images became real.,visual,۔۔۔,,दृश्य, Adj,Her seminar was accompanied by interesting visuals.,visual,شَکلہٕ,,शैक्षिक_कार्य_में_सहायक_सामग्री, Adj,Mahatma Gandhi played a vital role in the freedom struggle.,vital,بوٚڑ، اہَم,,महत्वपूर्ण, Adj,She`s a vital person.,vital,زِنٛدٕ دِل,,जीवंत, N,The music has good intonation and vitality.,vitality,۔۔۔,,स्फूर्ति, Adj,The wall has been painted a vivid blue.,vivid,تیز,,चटकीला, Adj,He gave a vivid description of what really happened there.,vivid,صاف,,प्रबल, Adj,It is a piece of vocal music.,vocal,بولَن بَل,,वाचक, N,This piece of music has Lata on vocals.,vocal,آواز,,कंठ_संगीत, Adj,There are many vocational courses for students.,vocational,پیشاوَر,,व्यावसायक, N,I heard a feeble voice from the house.,voice,آواز,,आवाज़, N,The students want a voice in the decision making.,voice,راے,,विचार, N,Change the sentence into a different voice.,voice,۔۔۔,,व्याकरणिक_क्रिया[कर्तृवाच्य/कर्मवाच्य/भाववाच्य], N,I heard a feeble voice from the house.,voice,آواز,,आवाज, N,The students want a voice in the decision making.,voice,راے,,विचार, N,Change the sentence into a different voice.,voice,۔۔۔,,व्याकरणिक_क्रिया[कर्तृवाच्य/कर्मवाच्य/भाववाच्य], VT,The protesters voiced their demands.,voice,آواز تُلٕنۍ، اِظہار کرُن,,विचार_व्यक्त_करना, N,Many volcanoes are still active in Japan.,volcano,آتَش فِشان,,ज्वालामुखी, N,Voltage fluctuations are common.,voltage,وولٹیج,,विद्युत_संचालन_शक्ति, N,Read the first volume of Mahabharata.,volume,جِلٕد,,ग्रन्थ, N,Pickles are stored in the jars of different volumes.,volume,ہجُم,,आयतन, N,The volume of traffic is increasing day by day.,volume,مِقدار,,मात्रा, N,The music was on full volume.,volume,آواز,,प्रबलता, Adj,Many voluntary organisations came forward to help the needy.,voluntary,رَزاکٲری,,स्वैच्छक, N,He is a volunteer.,volunteer,رَزاکار,,स्वयंसेवक, V,He is a volunteer.,volunteer,رَزاکار,,अपनी_सेवाएँ_अर्पित_कर, V,He volunteered to help the needy.,volunteer,رَزاکٲری کَرٕنۍ,,स्वेच्छा_से_काम_करना, V,He volunteered the information.,volunteer,پانَے وَنُن,,स्वेच्छापूर्वक_कहना, N,There were only seventeen votes in favour of the Congress.,vote,ووٹ,,मत/वोट, VTI,He voted for the nation.,vote,ووٹ ترٛاوُن،ووٹ دیُن,,मत_देना, N,A voter casts his vote.,voter,ووٹ ترٛاوَن وول,,मत_देने_वाला, N,He took a vow never to drink again.,vow,قسم,,शपथ, VTI,He vowed never to drink alcohol again.,vow,وادٕ کَرُن،قسم کھیوٚن,,वादा, N,Languages have different vowel systems.,vowel,واویل,,स्वर, N,This was his first voyage as a sailor.,voyage,ٲبی سَفَر,,यात्रा{जल_या_विमान}, Adj,It is a vulnerable bridge.,vulnerable,کَمزور، خَطرٕہوٚت,,भेद्य, Adj,He is vulnerable to diseases.,vulnerable,کَمزور,,कमजोर, N,Workers get nominal wages.,wage,موٚزوٗرۍ,,मजदूरी, VT,He had to wage his flat to get money.,wage,کِرایہِ دیُن,,किराया_करना, N,They travelled by a wagon from the station.,wagon,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ گٲڑۍ,,चौ_पहिया_छकड़ा, N,Reema was wearing a dress that was very tight at the waist.,waist,کمَر,,कमर, VTI,He waited at the bus stop.,wait,پیارُن,,प्रतीक्षा_करना, N,He had a long wait for the train.,wait,اِنتِظار,,प्रतीक्षा, N,They are talking to the waiter.,waiter,بٕۂرٕ،ویٹَر,,वेटर, VTI,Do you wake up early in the morning?,wake,نیٔندرِوۄتُھن,,जगाना, N,His walk is not straight.,walk,چال ڈال، ترٛاہۍ,,चाल, V,They walked for two kilometers yesterday.,walk,پَکُن,,चलना, N,A vagabond is a good walker.,walker,پَکَن وول,,चलनेवाला, Adj,It is a walking distance.,walking,پَکوٕنۍ,,चलता-फिरता, N,Walking improves your health.,walking,پَکُن,,चलना, N,Don`t lean on the wall.,wall,دٮ۪وار،دۄس,,दीवार, VT,The waves formed a wall of water.,wall,دٮ۪وار بَناوُن,,दीवार_से_घेरना, VI,He wanders from place to place.,wander,پھیرُن تھورُن,,घूमना, V,I want to do this job.,want,یَژُھن,,चाह, N,People died from want of food.,want,ضٔروٗرَت,,आवश्यकता, VTI,They want a good library.,want,یَژُھن,,चाहना, Adj,Rita is wanting in good manners.,wanting,ضٔروٗرت,,अपर्याप्त, Prep,She is perhaps a little wanting in beauty.,wanting,بَغٲر,,के_सिवा, N,The border dispute led to war between the two nations.,war,جَنٛگ,,युद्ध, Adj,Mohan is a ward boy in the state hospital.,ward,واڑ,,निगरानी, VT,People believe that sincere prayers ward off the evils.,ward,رٲچھۍ کَرٕنۍ،دوٗر تھاوُن,,रक्षा_करना, N,The young boy was Gita`s ward.,ward,بَچہٕ،اَولاد,,आश्रित, N,They are skilful in modern warfare.,warfare,جَنٛگ,,युद्ध_उपकरण, Adj,I need some warm water.,warm,سۄکھہٕ بُل،شیٖر گَرٕم,,गर्म{सुखद}, Adj,Ram and Ravi struck a warm friendship.,warm,سَکھ,,गर्म, VTI,Warm up the soup.,warm,وٕشُن کَرُن،وٕشنیر دیُن، وٕشناوُن,,गर्म_करना, N,The blanket provides warmth in the cold weather.,warmth,گَرمی،وٕشنیر,,गर्मी, VT,The teacher warned the students not to repeat the mistakes.,warn,آگاہ کَرُن,,चेतावनी_देना, N,He got a warning for his behaviour.,warning,دَمکی,,चेतावनी, N,The police showed the warrant to arrest the criminal.,warrant,وارَنٛٹ,,अधिकार_पत्र, VT,He warranted the statement given by the lawyer.,warrant,زمانَت دِنۍ،ذِمہ ٕوٲری دِنۍ,,प्रमाणिक_ठहराना, N,I saw the rabbit in a warren.,warren,خَرگوش وٲج,,खरगोशों_या_खरहों_के_पालने_का_बाड़ा, N,The car needs a wash.,wash,صَفٲیی,,धोना, VTI,Please wash my clothes.,wash,چَھلُن,,धोना, N,Hang the washing on the rope.,washing,چٔھلِمٕتۍ پَلَو,,धुलाई, Adj,Waste matter is recycled.,waste,رٔدی,,व्यर्थ, N,This work is a waste of energy.,waste,زایہِ,,क्षय, VT,Do not waste the food.,waste,زایہِ کَرُن,,नष्ट_करना, N,I bought a new watch recently.,watch,گٔر,,घड़ी, N,The doctor asked the nurse to keep a watch on the patient.,watch,نَظَر,,नज़र, VTI,The man watched the children crossing the lane.,watch,وٕچھُن,,देखना, N,Drink plenty of water to keep good health.,water,آب،ترٛیش,,पानी, VTI,He waters the plants regularly.,water,سَگ دیُن,,सींचना, VTI,His mouth watered when he saw the sweets.,water,آب یُن,,पानी_आना, N,It is pleasant to watch the waves in the sea.,wave,لہَر,,लहर, VTI,He waved his hands for help.,wave,ہِلاوُن,,लहराना, N,Buy some wax for the party.,wax,موم,,मोम, VI,"When the moon waxes, it appears larger and rounder each day.",wax,بَڑُن,,बढ़ना, VT,Please wax the doll.,wax,موم مَتھُن,,मोम_लगाना, N,This way leads to the field.,way,وَتھ,,रास्ता, N,This way leads to the field.,way,وَتھ,,पथ, Pron,We are leaving this place.,we,أسۍ,,हम, Adj,Weak minded do not take risks.,weak,کَمزور,,कमज़ोर, Adj,He is weak to be a commander.,weak,کوٚچ،ناقٲبِل,,निस्तेज, Adj,I advised him not to invest in shares as the market is weak.,weak,نَرٕم,,मन्द, Adj,The tea is weak.,weak,آب ہِش,,नीरस, VT,Anti-biotics will weaken our system.,weaken,کَمزور کَرُن,,निर्बल_करना, N,It is good to know our own strengths and weaknesses.,weakness,کَمزوٗری،خٲمی,,निर्बलता, N,Watching movies is their weakness.,weakness,کَمزوٗری,,शौक, N,Health is wealth.,wealth,دَولت,,धन, N,It is a book with wealth of information.,wealth,کَثرَت،کٔثیٖر،یَسلہٕ,,बाहुल्य, N,Use of weapons should be banned.,weapon,سامان،ۂتِھیار,,अस्त्र, N,Cottons are good for summer wear.,wear,پَلَو,,पहनावा, N,The curtains will have a durable wear.,wear,دارٕدار,,जान, N,The carpet is showing wear now.,wear,۔۔۔,,कट_फट/घिसावट, VTI,Wear this jacket and go to market.,wear,لاگُن,,पहनना, VTI,His face wore a sad look.,wear,آسُن,,भाव_होना, VTI,The tyres are worn due to constant use.,wear,گِسنہٕ یُن، گَلُن,,घिस_जाना, VTI,Fashionable clothes often do not wear very long.,wear,چلُن,,ज़्यादा_चलना, Adj,He looked weary after the day`s hard work.,weary,تھوٚکمُت,,क्लान्त, Adj,It was a weary journey by train for two days.,weary,تَھکہٕ وٕ نۍ,,उबाऊ, V,The boy seems to weary of pedalling the cycle.,weary,تھکُن,,थकाना, N,The weather is pleasant now.,weather,موسَم,,मौसम, VTI,You should buy a suit that weathers well.,weather,موسمَس مُطٲبِق آسُن,,खुली_हवा_के_प्रभाव_को_झेलना, VTI,She weathered the crisis well.,weather,ژالُن,,पार_करना, VTI,Artisans weave and display handvoven textiles.,weave,وونُن,,कपडा_बनाना, VTI,Their lives are woven into a narrative.,weave,وَلنہٕ یُن,,एक_ही_कथासूत्र_में_ग्रथित_करना, VTI,The path weaves through bushes.,weave,دٔچِھنۍ کھووٕرۍ وَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,दायें_बायें_चलना, VTI,Tom wedded Mary.,wed,خاندَر کَرُن، نیتٕھر کَرُن,,ब्याह_करना, N,We have to attend a wedding on Sunday.,wedding,خاندَر,,विवाहोत्सव, N,A week has seven days.,week,ہَفتہٕ,,सप्ताह, N,People go out in the weekends.,weekend,ویٖکٮ۪نڑ,,सप्ताह_का_अन्तिम_दिन, Adj,His weekly trip was cancelled.,weekly,ہَفتٕوار,,साप्ताहक, Adv,The lab must be checked weekly.,weekly,پرٛتھ ہَفتہٕ،ہَفتہٕ پَتہٕ ہَفتہٕ,,प्रति_सप्ताह, N,I am reading a weekly.,weekly,ہَفتہٕ وار,,साप्ताहिक_पत्र, VI,The child was weeping for his mother.,weep,وَدُن،رِوُن,,रोना, N,He heard the weep of the solitary reaper.,weep,وَدُن،رِوُن,,रोदन, VI,He weighs the grains on the scales.,weigh,تولُن,,तोलना, VI,How much do you weigh?,weigh,وَزَن آسُن,,वजन_होना, VI,We weighed anchor.,weigh,ہُک کَڑُن,,लंगर_उठाना, N,Don`t carry too much weight.,weight,وَزَن,,भार, VT,Please weight down these papers.,weight,وَزَن تھاوُن,,भार_बढाना, Adj,The chief guest gave a welcome address.,welcome,اِستیقبال,,स्वागत, N,We were touched by the warmth of their welcome.,welcome,اِستیقبال,,स्वागत, VT,The Principal welcomed the gathering.,welcome,اِستیقبال کَرُن,,स्वागत_करना, VT,Gifts are always welcomed by children.,welcome,خٲر مَقدَم کَرُن,,धन्यवाद_सहित_लेना_[किसी_वस्तु_को], VT,The manager welcomed the suggestion warmly.,welcome,خٲر مَقدَم کَرُن,,विशेष_रूप_से_प्रभावित_होना, N,We have to work for the welfare of the needy.,welfare,بہبُوٗدی،بَجٲیی،خۄش حٲلی,,कल्याण, Adj,We are all well here.,well,ٹھیٖکھ ، وارَے,,निरोग, Adj,One should have a sound mind and well disciplined body.,well,جان,,सन्तोषजनक, Interj,"Well, what a thing to say!",well,واہ، خٲر,,अरे_वाह!, N,There is a well near the tree.,well,کیوٗر,,कुँआ, Adv,The students behaved well.,well,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,अच्छी_तरह, Adj,The cyclone has crossed the west coast.,west,مَشرِقی,,पश्चिमी, Adv,Our house faces west.,west,مَشرِق کُن,,पश्चिम_की_ओर, N,Sun sets in the west.,west,مَشرِق,,पश्चिम, Adj,Go to the western block.,western,مَشرِقی,,पश्चिमी, Adj,The carpet is wet.,wet,اوٚدُر,,गीला, N,Keep away from the wet.,wet,سرٛہہ,,तर, N,There is some wet on the wall.,wet,سرٛہہ,,गीलापन, N,He seems to be a wet person.,wet,نٮ۪تہٕ سۄتہٕ,,नीरस, VT,Don`t get wet in the rain.,wet,أدراوُن,,गीला_करना, Conj,That is what I mean.,what,کیاہ,,क्या, Pron,What are you reading?,what,کیاہ,,क्या, Pron,What I like about her is that she is frank.,what,یہِ,,जो, Adv,Whatever he did was unexpected.,what,یہِ کینٛہہ تہِ,,जो कुछ भी, Det,What books are you reading?,what,کۄم,,क्या, Pron,You can eat whatever you like.,whatever,یہِ تہِ,,जो_कुछ_भी, Pron,You can eat whatever you like.,whatever,یہِ تہِ,,जो_भी, N,Wheat is good for health.,wheat,کٕنٕک,,गेहूँ, N,The wheel in the cycle is not moving.,wheel,ہَگُر,,पहिया, VTI,He wheeled the goods from place to place.,wheel,رَوانہٕ کَرُن، نیُن,,पहियों_पर_ले_जाना, Pron,Sunday is the day when I take rest.,when,ییٚلہِ,,जब, Pron,When are you going there?,when,کَر,,कब, Interro,When did you go there?,when,کَر,,कब, Rel Pron,Sunday is the day when I take rest.,when,ییٚلہِ,,जब/जिस_समय, Conj,Come to our place when you feel like it.,when,ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ،ییٚلہِ,,जब, Adv,When did you go there?,when,کَر,,कब, Adv,"Whenever he comes to India, he visits us.",whenever,ییٚلہِ تہِ,,जब_कभी, Adv,"Whenever he comes to India, he visits us.",whenever,ییٚلہِ تہِ,,जब_भी, Pron,The place where you are staying is very congested.,where,ییٚتِٮ۪تھ,,जहाँ, Pron,Where do you stay?,where,کَتہِ,,कहाँ, Interro,Where do you stay?,where,کَتہِ,,कहाँ, Conj,I don`t know where did I keep my book.,where,کَتہِ,,कहाँ, Rel Pron,The place where you are staying is very congested.,where,ییٚتٮ۪تھ,,जिस_स्थान_पर, Conj,He is very strong whereas his brother is puny.,whereas,ییٚلہِ زَن,,क्योंकि[प्रतिकूलता], Adv,He took tution whereby he can get through the examination.,whereby,ییٚمہِ سۭتۍ,,जिसके_द्वारा, Adv,The dog follows him wherever he goes.,wherever,یوٚتَتھ تہِ,,जहाँ_कहीं, Adv,The dog follows him wherever he goes.,wherever,یوٚتَتھ تہِ,,जहाँ_भी, Conj,I don`t know whether he will come.,whether,کہِ,,कि, Conj,You will get a momento whether you take part in the quiz or not.,whether,چاہے,,चाहें, Pron,You can take the book which is on the table.,which,یۄسہٕ,,जो, Pron,Which book do you want?,which,کۄسہٕ,,कौनसा, Rel Pron,You can take the book which is on the table.,which,یۄسہٕ,,जो, Interro,Which is your favourite game?,which,کۄسہٕ,,कौन_सा, Conj,The maid comes in the morning at which time I am asleep.,which,ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ,,जब_ि, Det,Take whichever dress suits you best.,whichever,یُس تہِ,,जिस_भी, Det,Take whichever course you like.,whichever,یُس تہِ,,जो_भी, Pron,Take whichever course you like.,whichever,یُس تہِ,,जो_भी, conj,I saw her while driving.,while,ییٚلہِ،ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ,,जब, conj,I like black tea while my husband takes it with milk.,while,ییٚلہِ زَن,,जब_ि, Conj,I finished the novel while she was cooking.,while,ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ,,उस_अवधि_में, Conj,I like black tea while my husband takes it with milk.,while,ییٚلہِ زَن,,जब_ि, N,She worked in a school for a while before joining the college.,while,کِینٛژس کالَس,,काल, V,We whiled away the time at the airport reading newspapers.,while,گُزارُن,,आराम_से_समय_गुजारना, N,The man was punished with a whip.,whip,چھانٛٹہٕ,,चाबुक, N,He was elected as the chief whip of the party.,whip,لاگُو گَژھنہٕ خٲطرٕ کانٛہہ قونُونی کاروٲیی,,उपस्थित_होने_के_लिए_लिखित_आदेश, VTI,The teacher whipped the boy.,whip,کوڑٕ والٕنۍ,,चाबुक_मारना, VTI,She whipped the cream.,whip,چھونٛپ دیُن,,फेंटना, VTI,Chill winds whipped the desert.,whip,وٕڑُن,,दिशा_की_ओर_चलना, VTI,The man whipped out a knife.,whip,یَک دَم کَڑُن,,झटके_से_निकालना, N,The spy spoke in whispers.,whisper,پھِسرارَے، لوٚت,,काना_फूसी, VTI,The student whispered in the class.,whisper,پِھسرارَے کَرٕنۍ,,काना_फूसी_करना, VTI,A gentle breeze was whispering through the woods.,whisper,۔۔۔,,पत्तियों_के_टकराने_की_आवाज, N,She has a whistle in her hand.,whistle,پِپِنۍ,,सीटी, VTI,He whistled the whole song.,whistle,پِپِنۍ وایِنۍ،شِریٖنۍ وایِنۍ,,सीटी_बजाकर_बुलाना, Adj,Spread the white cloth on the table.,white,سَفید,,सफेद, Adj,He is a white man.,white,۔۔۔,,श्वेत_रंग[कुल], Adj,He was white with illness.,white,سَفیدی,,तीव्र_उत्तेजना, Pron,Who is the person in the red coat?,who,کۄسہٕ،کُس,,कौन/जो, Pron,The boy who is tall came first.,who,یۄسہٕ ،یُس,,जो, Pron,Who is the person in the red coat?,who,کۄسہ،کُس,,कौन, Pron,Whoever comes first will get a prize.,whoever,یُس کانٛہہ,,जो_कोई, Pron,Whoever comes first will get a prize.,whoever,یُس تہِ,,जो_भी, Adj,We spent the whole day watching movies.,whole,پوٗرٕ,,पुरा, Adj,The whole village was washed away by the floods.,whole,سورُے,,पूरा, N,They all together make a whole.,whole,جَمٲژ,,समस्त, Adv,She wasn`t wholly satisfied by my suggestion.,wholly,پورٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, Pron,Whom should I call for the party?,whom,کٔمِس,,किसे, Pron,The boy whom you gave that book has come.,whom,ییٚمِس,,जिसको, Pron,The boy whom you gave that book has come.,whom,ییٚمِس,,किसको, Pron,"The boy whose book it is, will come later.",whose,ییٚمۍ سٕنٛز,,जिसका, Pron,Whose book is this?,whose,کٔمۍ سٕنٛز,,किसका, Rel Pron,"The boy whose book it is, will come later.",whose,ییٚمۍ سٕنٛز,,जिसका, Interro,Whose car is that?,whose,کٔمۍ سٕنٛز,,किसका, Pron,Why did you leave him?,why,کیازِ,,क्यों, Interro,Why did you leave him?,why,کیازِ,,क्यों, Adj,He is a wicked man.,wicked,آزٲرۍ،بَد کار,,दुष्ट, Adj,This is a wide road.,wide,کھوٚل،کٔھج,,चौडा, Adj,A wide audience watched the programme.,wide,بٔڑ,,विस्तृत, Adj,`That was a wide ball` the umpire said.,wide,وایِڑ,,पहुँच_के_बाहर_हो{गेंद}, Adv,We differ widely in our views.,widely,واریِہَو طٔریٖقَو کِنۍ,,पर्याप्त_मात्रा_में, Adv,Arthur Hailey`s novels are widely read.,widely,تٔھدِس پَیمانَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,विशाल_क्षेत्र_में, V,We must widen the discussion for certain reasons.,widen,بٔڑراوُن,,चौडा_हो`, Adj,There was widespread damage due to cyclone.,widespread,پھٲلیومُت,,दूर_दूर_तक_फैला_हुआ, N,He and his widowed mother stay there.,widow,مۄنٛڑ,,विधवा, VT,She was widowed at an early age.,widow,مۄنٛڑ گَژُھن,,विधवा_करना, N,The width of this corridor is eight feet.,width,کَھجَر,,चौड़ाई, N,He is going out with his wife.,wife,خانٛدارِنۍ،گَرواجِنۍ,,पत्नी, Adj,These flowers are wild.,wild,جَنٛگلی,,जंगली, N,The solitary reaper walked in the wild.,wild,جَنٛگل،وَن,,जंगल, N,Wildlife sanctuary is well protected in our country.,wildlife,یٲگی زُو ذٲژ,,वनजीवन, Adv,The students rushed wildly from room to room.,wildly,ؤحشی پٲٹھۍ,,जंगली_रूप_से, AuxV,Tomorrow will be Friday.,will,آسہِ,,होगा, N,The ascetic showed great strength of will.,will,مَنشہٕ,,आत्म_संयम, N,Always have goodwill towards others.,will,نِیَت,,अभिप्राय, N,It is the will of God.,will,مَنشہٕ ،مَرضی,,अभिलाषा, N,He has decided to write a new will.,will,ؤصیَت,,वसीयत, VTI,He willed and every thing went accordingly.,will,یَژُھن,,चाहना, Adj,The carpenter is willing to do the work.,willing,تَیار،رَضامَنٛد,,इच्छुक, Adj,The carpenter is willing to do the work.,willing,تَیار،رَضامَنٛد,,उद्यत, V,You have to win the match.,win,زینُن,,जीतना, N,Skin should be protected against wind.,wind,واو،ہَوا,,हवा, VT,The long climb completely winded us.,wind,شانٛش کَھسٕنۍ، پھرٛکھ کَھسُن,,हँफाना, VTI,The road winds towards the mountain.,wind,پھیرُن,,मोड़ना, N,Please open this window.,window,دٲر,,खिड़की, N,He took wine in the party.,wine,شَراب,,मदिरा, N,I don`t prefer wine.,wine,شَراب,,मदिरालय, N,She belongs to the political wing.,wing,جَمٲژ,,पक्ष, N,The wing of the swan was injured.,wing,پَر،پَکھ,,पंख, VT,The birds are wingging their way towards the nest.,wing,پَکھہٕ واینہِ,,पंख_लगाना, Adj,Ours is always the winning team.,winning,زینَن واجِنۍ,,विजयी, N,Vegetables are fresh in winter.,winter,وَنٛدٕ,,जाड़ा, VI,They wintered in the South this year.,winter,وَنٛدٕ کڑُُن,,जाड़ा_काटना, V,I will wipe my hands first.,wipe,وۄَتھراوُن,,पोंछ, N,Give the floor a good wipe.,wipe,تٕژھ,,पौंछा, VT,Wipe the floor.,wipe,تٕژھ دِنۍ,,पौंछा_लगाना, V,I have wired my jaws.,wire,تار لاگٕنۍ,,तार_लगा, N,The electrician is using a wire for the fuse.,wire,تار,,तार, VT,They have to wire the electric connections.,wire,تار ٕلاگٕنۍ,,तार_से_बाँधना, N,Many saints are men of wisdom.,wisdom,علِم,,ज्ञान, N,This curtain should be put lengthwise.,wise,طٔریٖقہٕ،آیہِ,,रीति, Adj,Wise people think before they act.,wise,عقٕل مَنٛد،داناہ,,ज्ञानी, N,Her wish was to serve the needy.,wish,اَرمان,,इच्छा, N,I sent my new year wish to my daughter.,wish,دۄیہِ خٲر,,आशीर्वाद_देना, VTI,I wished to be a doctor.,wish,اَرمان آسُن,,इच्छा_होना[करना], VTI,I wish you success.,wish,دۄیہِ خٲر کَرُن,,शुभकामना_करना, N,Birbal`s wit was par execellence.,wit,عقٕل،سَمٕجھ,,समझ, N,Birbal is known for his wit.,wit,عقٕل مٔنٛدی,,वाकपटुता, Prep,Fix the chair with glue.,with,سۭتۍ,,से, Prep,Can you come with me?,with,سۭتۍ,,के~साथ, Prep,Are you coming with us?,with,سۭتۍ,,के_साथ, Prep,We watched the venus with a telescope.,with,سۭتۍ,,से, Prep,She left the books with her friend.,with,نِش,,के_पास, Prep,With all her faults he loved her.,with,اَمہِ مٔزیٖد,,के_बावजूद, Prep,She was wearing a blue saree with a pink border.,with,وول,,वाला, VTI,He withdrew from the match when he came to know that he will not win.,withdraw,پَتھ پھیرُن,,लौटा_लेना, Prep,I have to complet this work within an hour.,within,مَنٛز,,के~भीतर, Adv,Apply the paste within the mould.,within,مَنٛز,,भीतर, Prep,I have to return within a day.,within,مَنٛز,,के_भीतर, Prep,Poor people find it hard to live within their income.,within,مَنٛز,,की_सीमा_के_अन्दर, Prep,I take bread without butter.,without,بَغٲر,,के~बिना, Adv,You want your tea without milk.,without,روٚستُے,,बाहर, Prep,The flood victims were without food for a day.,without,بَغٲر,,के_बिना, N,He is the witness of the murder case.,witness,گَواہ,,गवाह, N,The man is going to give witness about the case in the court.,witness,گَوٲہی,,गवाही, VTI,You have to witness the scene.,witness,وُچھُن,,देखना, N,Who is that woman?,woman,زَنانہٕ،زٔنۍ,,स्त्री, N,A woman also has the right to vote.,woman,زَنانہٕ,,नारी, V,India has won the match.,won,زیوٗنمُت,,जीता_हुआ, N,This movie filled me with wonder.,wonder,حٲرت,,अद्भुतता, N,We were filled with wonder when the total eclipse occurred.,wonder,حٲرت,,अचरज, VT,Ramesh wondered at the young child`s achievement.,wonder,حٲران گَژُھن,,अचरज_होना[करना], VT,I wonder whether they will come.,wonder,شَکَس مَنٛز روزُن،دُلمُلس مَنٛز روزُن,,कौतुक_होना, Adj,It was a wonderful performance of the choir.,wonderful,حٲران کُن,,अद्भुत, N,Windows are made of wood.,wood,لٔکٕر,,लकडी, Adj,Lift the wooden box.,wooden,ہَچوٗ,,लकड़ी_का, N,The woods are lovely.,woods,جَنٛگَل،وَن,,जंगल, N,She is knitting with wool.,wool,یٖیَر,,ऊन, N,Woollen clothes give warmth.,woollen,یٖیَرُو,,ऊनी, N,Write the essay in your own words.,word,لفظ,,शब्द, N,Great people give words of wisdom.,word,کَتھ,,कथन, N,I give you my word that this will not happen again.,word,لفظ،زبان,,वचन, VT,I was unable to word my feelings at the Ritu`s husband`s death.,word,باوُن ،بَیان کَرُن,,शब्दों_में_प्रकट_करना, N,The school will complete the work of building soon.,work,کٲم,,काम, N,Leo Tolstoy`s work is memorable.,work,کٲم,,रचना, N,Work is the use of force to produce movement.,work,کٲم,,कार्य[भौतिक], VT,The labourer works in the factory.,work,کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,काम_करना, N,A factory worker is sleeping under the tree.,worker,مُلٲزِم،موٚزوٗر,,कर्मचारी, N,Party workers have organized a big rally.,worker,مُلٲزِم,,कार्यकर्ता, N,I have given my mixer in the workshop.,workshop,کارخانہٕ,,कारखाना{मरम्मत_का}, N,The whole world will be affected by the nuclear power.,world,دُنِیا,,विश्व, N,He is dissecting a worm.,worm,کیوٚم,,कीड़ा, VI,The horses should be wormed often.,worm,کیٚمۍ کَڑٕنۍ,,कीडे_निकालना, Adj,His shoes are worn.,worn,گِسیومُت,,घिसा_हुआ, Adj,She looks worn after the day`s work.,worn,تھوٚکمُت،تٕھچ مٕژ,,थका_हुआ, N,Each profession has its worries.,worry,فِکر,,चिंता, VT,Raju is worried about his health.,worry,فِکر مَنٛد روزُن,,चिंतित_होना, VT,"Don`t worry her, she is already disturbed.",worry,پَریشان کَرُن،توس تُلُن,,परेशान_करना, Adv,It is raining worse than ever.,worse,خطرناک پٲٹھۍ,,और_भी_बुरे_प्रकार_से, Adj,Your handwriting is worse than mine.,worse,واریاہ خَراب,,अधिक_खराब, N,I have worse to tell you.,worse,خَراب,,और_बुरा, N,Temples are places of worship.,worship,عِبادَت,,पूजा, VT,People go to various religious places to worship.,worship,عِبادَت کَرٕنۍ,,सम्मान_करना, N,Her condition is worst.,worst,خَراب,,सब_से_बुरा, Adj,That was the worst moment of her life.,worst,مُشکِل,,कठिन, Adj,This house is worth about 60 lakhs.,worth,مۄل,,मूल्य, N,There was an auction for $6000 worth of artefacts.,worth,مۄل,,मूल्य, Adj,The student is worthy of praise for his hard work.,worthy,لایق,,योग्य, N,He is worthy for his contribution in the field of science.,worthy,قٲبِل,,माननीय_व्यक्ति, V,He said he would be here at 6 `o`clock.,would,آسہِ,,होगा, N,The child has a wound on the knee.,wound,زَخم,,घाव, VT,He wounded a man by pelting stones at him.,wound,زَخمی کَرُن,,घायल_करना, Adj,The veterinary doctor attended a wounded fawn.,wounded,زَخمی,,घायल_हुआ, VT,The gifts were wrapped and kept on the table.,wrap,وَلُن,,लपेटना{कागज़_आदि_से}, VT,The thief wrested the luggage from the passenger.,wrest,تَھپھ دِنۍ، تَھپہ ِنیُن,,छीन_लेना, VT,I have to wrest control of the company.,wrest,سَختی سان حٲصِل کَرُن,,मुश्किल_से_प्राप्त_करना, N,She had a beautiful watch on her wrist.,wrist,ہوٚژ,,कलाई, N,The man got a writ from the court.,writ,سَمَن,,न्यायिक_आदेश{न्यायालय_द्वारा_अधिकारी_को_कार्यवाही_करने_या_न_करने_का_आदेश}, VT,The child is learning to write early.,write,لٮ۪کُھن,,लिखना, VT,Jane Austin wrote `Pride and Prejudice`.,write,لٮ۪کُھن,,रचना_करना, N,Bhavabhuti was a writer of fame.,writer,لِکھٲرۍ,,लेक, N,Arun does a bit of writing during leisure hours.,writing,لٮ۪کھان,,लेखन, Adj,He sent a written request to the principal.,written,لیوٚکھمُت،لیٚچھۍ مٕژ,,लिखा_हुआ, Adj,Her mathematical calculations are wrong.,wrong,غَلَط,,गलत, Adv,Please don`t spell my name wrong.,wrong,غَلَط پٲٹھۍ,,गलतपूर्ण, N,Noble men never do wrong.,wrong,غَلطی,,गलती/त्रुटि, N,The lady complained of the wrongs she had suffered at her in-laws.,wrong,زیادتی,,अन्याय, VT,He was deeply wronged by the charges.,wrong,زیادتی کَرٕنۍ,,अन्याय_करना, N,Wrongdoing will lead to revenge.,wrongdoing,غَلَط کٲم,,गलत_कार्य, N,"In Tamil Nadu, the bride wears 9 yard saree on her wedding.",yard,گَز,,गज़, N,The backyard of my house is always kept clean.,yard,آنٛگُن,,आँगन/प्राँगण, N,The yard of the boat got damaged due to cyclone.,yard,۔۔۔,,पाल_फैलाने_का_झँडा, N,The material has fine quality home spun yarn.,yarn,پَن، یِیر,,सूत, N,I think he is spinning a yarn about his bravery.,yarn,قٕصہٕ,,किस्सा, Adv,"``Will you come?`` ``Yeah, sure``.",yeah,آ,,हाँ{समवयस्क}, N,She is in first year.,year,ؤری,,वर्ष, Adj,I have to prepare myself for my yearly exams.,yearly,سالانہٕ,,वार्षक, VI,The crowd yelled at the players.,yell,کرٛٮ۪کہٕ دِنہِ، شور تُلُن,,चिल्लाना, Adj,I have got a yellow dress.,yellow,زَرٕد، لیوٚدُر,,पीला, N,Sita`s saree is yellow.,yellow,زَرٕد، لیوٚدُر,,पीला_रंग, VTI,Her face was yellowed with fear.,yellow,زَرٕد گَژُھن، لیوٚدریار پھیرُن,,पीला_करना, N,"Yes, of course, I`ll come to the party.",yes,آ، اَدٕ کیاہ,,हाँ, Adv,He came here yesterday.,yesterday,رات,,कल, N,Yesterday was a holiday.,yesterday,رات,,कल, Adv,I haven`t found the book yet.,yet,وٕنیُک تانۍ,,अभी_तक, Conj,"He is slow, yet good in his work.",yet,توتہِ,,तो_भी, N,The yield of kharif crops was not good this season.,yield,پٲداوار,,उपज, VI,He yielded to his boss`s pressure.,yield,نَمُن، مانُن,,अधीन_होना, VT,She was forced to yield up her job.,yield,دیُن,,देना, Pron,Why don`t you sit?,you,ژٕ، تُہۍ,,आप, Adj,She has a young brother.,young,کَم وٲنٛسہِ،لۄکُٹ,,कम_उम्र/तरुण, N,She is too young for marriage.,young,لۄکُٹ، لۄکُٹ,,बच्चा, N,Some youngsters have joined the yoga class.,youngster,جَوان,,लड़का, Pron,I like your dress.,your,چون، تُہُنٛد,,आपका, Det,I like your dress.,your,تُہُنٛد,,आपका, Pron,I`m always yours.,yours,چون، تُہُنٛد,,आपका, Pron,Do your work yourself.,yourself,ژٕ،پانَے,,स्वयं, Refl Pron,Enjoy yourself during holidays.,yourself,پانے، پانس,,तुम_ही, N,He enjoyed his youth.,youth,جَوٲنی،لۄکچار,,यौवन, N,The temperature fell below zero in Udampur and Punjab.,zero,صِفَر,,शून्य, V,The missiles were zeroed in on the enemy camps.,zero,نِشانَس پٮ۪ٹھ لَگُن,,निशाना_साधना,