diff --git "a/kashmiri_zabaan.csv" "b/kashmiri_zabaan.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/kashmiri_zabaan.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,10146 @@ +category,englishExample,englishMeaning,headword,hindiExample,hindiMeaning,kashmiriExample +Adj,This house has been abandoned for last ten years.,abandoned,ترٛومُت,,"छोड़ा_हुआ,", +V,Ram was abducted by two gunmen.,abduct,اغوا کَرُن,,अपहरण_करना, +N,He has the ability to solve complex mathematical problems.,ability,قٲبلیت,,योग्यता, +Adj,Ram was able to lift the suitcase.,able,لایقِہ کار ،قٲبِل,,समर्थ, +Adj,Ram is the most able student in his class.,able,چالاک,,चतुर, +Prep,We were already aboard when he arrived.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, +Prep,We were already aboard ship when they arrived.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, +Prep,We were aboard ship when he arrived.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, +Prep,Our six members were aboard on aircraft.,aboard,منٛز سَوار,,पर सवार, +N,I don`t know his place of abode.,abode,مُقام,,आवास, +VI,To abort female foetus is a crime.,abort,اَڈلِیوٚک کَرُن,,गर्भपात_करना, +VI,Peace talks had to be aborted.,abort,اَڈٕوَتِہ ترٛاوُن,,छोड़_देना{अधूरा}, +N,Some communities are against abortion.,abortion,اََڈٕلیوٚک,,गर्भपात, +Adj,Mission that proved abortive was reported in the newspaper.,abortive,بےمطلب،ناکام,,निष्फल, +Prep,We will not talk about him.,about,مُتعلق,,के~बारे~में, +Adv,Boys were sitting about in the park.,about,ہُپٲرۍ یَپٲرۍ,,इधर_उधर, +Adv,She is about to finish her homework.,about,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग, +Adv,Let us not go complaining about it any longer now.,about,واریاہ زیادٕ,,बहुत_हो_गया, +Prep,I read a book about cricket.,about,مُتعلِق,,के_बारे_में, +Prep,I dropped the pen somewhere about here.,about,ییٚتی اورٕ یور,,आस_पास, +Prep,Please fix a mirror above the wash basin.,above,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के~ऊपर, +Adv,Grades B and above are considered satisfactory.,above,ہیوٚر,,ऊँचा, +Prep,The water rose above the danger mark.,above,پیٚٹھۍ،ہیوٚر,,ऊपर, +Prep,The house has a thached roof above.,above,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,के_ऊपर, +Prep,My brother lives in the flat above ours.,above,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_ऊपर_वाला, +Adj,Please reply at the above mentioned address.,above,پیٚٹِھۍ مِس,,ऊपर_का, +Adj,I read the abridged edition of Dickens`s `Oliver Twist`.,abridged,لۄکُٹ،ژھوٚٹ,,संक्षिप्त, +Adv,He has relatives both in India and abroad.,abroad,پردیسَس منٛز,,विदेश_में, +Adv,There is a rumour abroad about your having a love affair?,abroad,ژۄپٲرۍ,,प्रचलित, +Adj,The conversation was brought to an abrupt end.,abrupt,ہنٛگہٕ تہٕ منٛگہٕ,,आकस्मक, +Adj,Everybody dislikes his abrupt manners.,abrupt,أجیب,,रूखा, +Adj,It was an abrupt action.,abrupt,اَچانک,,असम्बद्ध, +Adv,He ended his speech abruptly.,abruptly,جلد ی منٛز، دٔستی منٛز,,आकस्मिक_रुप_से, +V,He is planning to abscond with his beloved.,abscond,ژَلُن،غٲب گَژُھن,,फरार_होना, +N,We shall not leave in his absence.,absence,غیر موجوٗدگی،غٲرحٲضری,,अनुपस्थिति, +Adj,He is always absent from the class.,absent,غیر حٲضر,,अनुपस्थित, +VT,You cannot choose to absent yourself from the chemistry class.,absent,غیرحٲضرآسُن،غیرموجوٗد آسُن,,अनुपस्थित_होना, +Adj,There is no absolute standard for beauty.,absolute,مُقرَر,,पूर्णतया, +N,Their belief in God is absolute.,absolute,حَتمی،یٔقیٖنی,,परम_सिद्धांत, +Adv,You are absolutely right.,absolutely,پوٗرٕپٲٹھۍ,,पूर्णतः, +VT,Dry sand absorbs water.,absorb,شرٛپُن,,सोखना, +VT,His business absorbs his time.,absorb,وَقٕت کھیوٚن,,ग्रहण_करना, +Adj,I was totally absorbed in the novel.,absorbed,مَس,,लीन/सोखा_हुआ, +N,You are requested to present the abstract of your paper.,abstract,خُلاصہٕ,,सारांश, +N,He is an abstract painter.,abstract,خیال,,भाव, +Adj,It is an abstract painting.,abstract,خیٲلی,,अमूर्त{कला_संबन्धी}, +Adj,Beauty and love are abstract.,abstract,خیٲلی,,निराकार, +Adj,He has an abstract notion to change the system.,abstract,خیٲلی,,गूढ़, +V,Two other points must be abstracted from the lecture.,abstract,ہٹاوُن،کڑُن,,हटा_लेना, +V,Most novels are abstract.,abstract,تَصوُرٲتی،خیٲلی,,संक्षिप्त_बनाना/संक्षेप_करना, +N,She always talks in abstractions.,abstraction,خیال,,अमूर्तिकरण, +N,He was gazing at the lawn with an air of abstraction.,abstraction,خیال,,अन्यमनस्कता, +Adj,I find his ideas absurd.,absurd,فضوٗل,,निरर्थक/बेतुका, +Adj,That dress makes them look absurd.,absurd,چور,,मूर्ख/बुद्धिरूद्ध, +N,Child abuse is rampant in the world.,abuse,زبردٔستی,,दुर्व्यवहार, +N,The opposition party hurled abuses on the ruling party.,abuse,لٮ۪کہٕ,,अपशब्द, +N,There is widespread abuse of energy resources.,abuse,پامٲلی,,अधिक_दुरुपयोग, +VT,The rowdies abused the journalist for reporting about their anti-social activities.,abuse,لٮ۪کٕہ کڑنِہ،لانٕہ تانٕہ کرُن,,दुर्व्यवहार_करना, +Adj,The academic standards differ in the institutions.,academic,تعلیٖمی,,शैक्षक, +Adj,His knowledge is purely academic.,academic,تعلیٖمی,,सैद्धांतक, +Adj,Mr.Anand is quite an academic person.,academic,تَھدِپایُک وۄستاد,,उच्च_श्रेणी_का_शिक्षक, +N,The Royal Academy of drama sponsored them.,academy,اٮ۪کڑَمی، اِدارٕ,,शिक्षा_या_शोध_संस्थान, +N,There seems to be no acceleration in their economic growth.,acceleration,وُژھ،تیٖزی,,त्वरण, +VT,The machine only accepts 1 Re. coin.,accept,رَٹُن,,स्वीकार_करना, +Adj,A cup of tea would be most acceptable.,acceptable,قٲبلہِ قبوٗل,,स्वीकार्य, +N,We have their acceptance on this issue as well.,acceptance,منظوٗری,,स्वीकृति, +N,He was refused an access to the hallway.,access,وَتھ,,पहुँच, +V,I have an access to on-line Library.,access,پِِلَن پایہِ,,पहुँचना, +N,He met a car accident.,accident,حٲدِثٕہ,,दुर्घटना, +V,The hotel can accommodate upto 100 guests.,accommodate,وٲتِتھ،روٗزِتھ,,रह[रख]_सकना, +V,These policies are designed to accomodate all classes.,accommodate,مُروَت کَرٕنۍ,,समाविष्ट_करना[कराना], +V,Dinosaurs couldn`t accomodate to the changing environment.,accommodate,ہَم آہنٛگ گَژُھن,,समायोजित_करना, +V,The banks accomodate poor farmers with loan.,accommodate,مَدت کَرٕنۍ، مُروَت کَرٕنۍ,,सहायता_करना, +N,We found accomodation near the railway station itself.,accommodation,جاے,,आवास, +N,Polar bear are facing accomodation problem due to the global warming.,accommodation,روزنُک انتظام,,समायोजन, +VT,I accompanied her to the station.,accompany,سۭتۍ آسُن،سۭتۍ گَژُھن,,साथ_होना[जाना], +VT,The singer was accompanied by his friend.,accompany,ساتھ دیُن,,संगत_करना, +VT,We can collectively accomplish the task of nabbing the murderers.,accomplish,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, +Adj,She is an accomplished artist.,accomplished,زانَن واجِنۍ,,निपुण, +N,Israel and Palestine signed a peace accord.,accord,مُہادٕ,,समझौता, +V,His thoughts and actions do not accord.,accord,مِیُل،رَلُن,,मिलना[मिलाना], +V,Ram was accorded this priviledge.,accord,دیُن,,देना, +N,The rules are in accordance with the custom.,accordance,ہِشَر، اِلحاد,,अनुरूप, +Prep,The work was done according to his instructions.,according,مُطٲبِق,,के_अनुसार, +Adv,You must work accordingly to the rules.,accordingly,تَمہِ مطٲبِق,,तदनुसार, +N,I have an account in the Central bank.,account,کھاتٕہ,,खाता, +N,He gave an account of his experience in trekking.,account,مُطالعہ,,विवरण, +VT,We could never account for this miscalculation.,account,خیال کَرُن,,कुछ_होने_की_आशंका, +VT,A person is accounted minor until 18 years.,account,مانٛنہٕ یُن,,मानना, +VT,The Indian market accounted for 40% of the total sales.,account,حِساب بوزُن,,निश्चित_मात्रा_में_होना, +N,The lawyer questioned the accuracy of my account.,accuracy,صداقت,,शुद्धता, +N,We can no more predict the changes with much greater accuracy.,accuracy,دُرُستی,,यथार्थता, +Adj,All his calculations are accurate.,accurate,صٔحیٖح،ٹھیٖک,,सही, +Adv,The article accurately reflects popular opinion.,accurately,صٔحیٖح پٲٹھۍ,,सही_ढंग_से, +VT,They will accuse us of incompetency.,accuse,تۄہمَتھ لاگٕنۍ،ہانٛژ لاگٕنۍ,,दोष_लगाना, +N,The accused was acquitted of the charge.,accused,قوٚصوٗر وار،خَطاوار,,अभियुक्त, +VT,He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life.,accustom,عادت گژھن,,अभ्यस्त_होना, +Adj,His accustomed thoroughness of work impressed me.,accustomed,عٲدی,,अभ्यस्त, +N,I just need an ace of diamond to win the game.,ace,یَکہٕ,,इक्का{ताश_का}, +N,V.Anand is an ace chess player of India.,ace,مٲہِر,,कुशल, +N,Pete Sampras hit 21 aces in yesterday`s match.,ace,ایس,,{टेनिस_में)सर्विस_जो_प्रतिद्वन्दी_नहीं_खेल_पाता, +Adj,V.Anand is an ace chess player.,ace,مٲہِر,,बहुत_अच्छा, +N,I am suffering from stomach ache since yesterday.,ache,دود،دَگ,,पीड़ा, +V,My heart aches on seeing her suffer.,ache,دَگ وۄتھٕنۍ,,दर्द_करना, +VT,She achieved her goal despite setbacks.,achieve,حٲصِل کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, +N,I congratulate you for your achievement.,achievement,کامیٲبی,,उपलब्धि, +N,This bottle contains acid.,acid,تیزٕآب,,तेजाब, +N,Irregular meals often release strong acid in the stomach.,acid,ژۄکٮ۪ر,,अम्ल, +VT,She will acquire the files by tommorrow.,acquire,حٲصِل کَرُن,,अर्जन_करना, +N,Acquisition of langauage is innate in a child.,acquisition,ہیٚچِھنۍ,,अर्जन, +N,The institute has been built on 35 acres of land.,acre,ایکَڑ,,एकड़{4840_वर्ग_गज_भूमि}, +Prep,We ran all across the fields to catch the hens.,across,اَپارِیَپور ،ہُتِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ یور,,के~पारसभी~ओर, +Adv,I helped the old lady across the busy road.,across,اَپارِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ یَپور,,आरपार, +Adv,We should be across the village by night.,across,اَپارِ,,उस_पार, +Adv,He leaned across to wait for us.,across,اَکی طَرفہٕ,,कोई_एक_दिशा_में, +Prep,The President`s address to the nation was broadcasted across the country.,across,ژۄپٲرۍ,,सभी_ओर, +Prep,My friend shouted from across the road.,across,ہُمِہ طَرفہٕ,,उस_पार_से, +Prep,She folded her arms across her chest while talking.,across,پٮ۪ٹھ ،بُتھِہ کَنِہ,,के_ऊपर_या_सामने, +Prep,The student drew a line across the sheet.,across,ہُتِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ یور تام,,वहाँ_से_यहाँ, +N,He shall certainly act in the play.,act,کٲم,,कार्य, +N,The murder of the King takes place in the first act of the play.,act,ڑرٛامُہک حِصٕہ،اٮ۪کٹ,,नाटक_का_अंग, +N,Parliament has passed an act which makes such sports illegal.,act,اٮ۪کٹ,,अधिनियम, +V,Many people speak but only few act.,act,عمَل کَرٕنۍ,,काम_करना, +V,She can act on the stage very well.,act,اداکٲری کَرٕنۍ,,अभिनय_करना, +Adj,The manager was acting on behalf of the president.,acting,حرکٔژ منٛز,,कार्यकारी, +N,She is not good at acting.,acting,اداکٲری,,अभिनय, +N,Her action offended everyone.,action,حَرکت,,क्रिया, +V,We can put the plan into action immediately.,action,عملہِ منٛز اَنُن,,कानूनी_कार्यवाही_करने_योग्य, +Adj,He is taking an active interest in the politics.,active,عَملی,,सक्रिय, +N,He is a sincere activist in the party.,activist,کار کُن,,सक्रिय, +N,The extra cirricular activity has to be implemented soon.,activity,کٲم،عمَل,,क्रिया-कलाप, +N,Ram is a good actor.,actor,اَداکار,,अभिनेता, +Adj,The actual cost of ring was much higher than we had expected.,actual,صٔحیح,,वास्तवक, +Adv,He is actually my relative.,actually,بزٲتی،ژَکِہ,,वास्तव_में/वस्तुत, +V,We can add some more sugar to the curd.,add,جَمع کَرُن,,जोड़ना, +V,I do not want to add onto my worries now.,add,بَڑاوُن,,बढाना, +V,Please add water to the concentrate.,add,رَلاوُن ،مِلاوُن,,मिलाना, +N,They will be useful addition to our company.,addition,جَمع,,जोड़, +N,This equipment is the latest addition to our office.,addition,ہُرٮ۪ر,,जोड़ी_गई_वस्तु, +N,The ventilation have been improved by the addition of windows.,addition,ہُرٮ۪ر,,जोड़ने_की_क्रिया, +Adj,There was an additional paper at the end of the seminar.,additional,علاوٕ,,अतिरिक्त, +N,I need an additional information on this topic.,additional,عَلاوٕ,,पता[अभिभाषण], +N,Please send the books on my home address.,address,نٮ۪ب,,पता, +N,The presidential address was very inspiring.,address,تَقریٖر,,भाषण, +V,The parcel has been addressed incorrectly.,address,نٮ۪ب لٮ۪کُھن,,पता_लिखना, +V,The president is about to address the nation.,address,تَقریٖر کَرُن,,भाषण_���ेना, +V,Please address all suggestions to the chairman.,address,شیٚچھ کَرنۍ,,निवेदन_करना, +V,You must address everyone in the meeting confidently.,address,وَنُن ،مُخٲطِب گَژُھن,,उपाधि_देना, +V,We need to address ourselves to the main problems of the group.,address,وٲقِف گَژُھن ،وٲقِف سَپدُن,,वाकिफ_करना[होना], +Adj,Drink adequate water and food to be energetic.,adequate,کٲفی ،سٮ۪ٹھا ہ،غَلبٕہ,,पर्याप्त, +Adj,The speech was not adequate to convince the gathering.,adequate,لایَق,,योग्य, +Adv,We are not adequately equipped to launch the new brand.,adequately,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ ،اَنٛد ہٮ۪تھ,,पर्याप्त_रूप_में, +N,Notorious is the adjective which best describes him.,adjective,صِفَت،باوُت,,विशेषण, +V,The coffee shops adjoin the reception of the hotel.,adjoin,لَرِلوٚر آسُن,,संयुक्त_होना[करना], +V,We have to adjust to the changing conditions of weather.,adjust,ہَم آہنٛگ کَرُن,,अनुकूल_बनाना, +V,You need to adjust the rear view mirror to get a clear view.,adjust,صٔحیح پٲٹھۍ تھاوُن،سیوٚد کَرُن,,व्यवस्थित_करना, +V,We can adjust the balance later on.,adjust,برابر کَرُن,,बराबर_करना, +N,The car tyres needed light adjustment to drive on the hilly area.,adjustment,سٮ۪زَر,,सुधार/समायोजन, +V,We need to administer the budget accordingly.,administer,اِنتِظام کَرُن ،بُندٕبَستہٕ کَرُن,,प्रबन्ध_करना/प्रशासन_करना, +V,The Court of Law is responsible to administer justice.,administer,عملہِ منٛز اَنُن،نٲفِز کَرُن,,प्रभाव_में_लाना, +V,A special team was called to administer relief to the cyclone hit victims.,administer,دیُن، مٔحِیا کَرُن,,देना, +N,He works efficiently in the school administration.,administration,اِنتِظامِیہ,,प्रशासन, +Adj,A complex administrative problem came up suddenly.,administrative,اِنتِظٲمی,,प्रशासनिक/शासन_सम्बन्धित, +N,He works as an administrator in the public works department.,administrator,انتِظٲمۍ، کار کُن,,शासक, +V,I admire him for his wit.,admire,خۄش کران,,प्रशंसा_करना, +N,He got an admission to the Union club.,admission,دٲخلٕہ ،دَرٕج,,प्रवेश, +N,He made an admission that he lied.,admission,آنکار، یقرار,,स्वीकृति, +V,I cannot admit this erronous judgement.,admit,مانُن,,स्वीकार_करना, +V,We will admit only the membership holders into the conference hall.,admit,اَژنہٕ دیُن,,प्रवेश_देना, +V,The school admits only 50 students in a session.,admit,دٲخلہٕ دیُن ،دَرٕج کَرُن,,भर्ती_करना, +N,The adolescence is a difficult phase.,adolescence,یاوُن,,किशोरावस्था, +V,My husband and me want to adopt a baby girl.,adopt,منٛگتہٕ رَٹُن,,गोद_लेना, +V,We need to adopt only suitable values.,adopt,پاناوُن,,ग्रहण_करना, +V,They will adopt his apology without any hassels..,adopt,تَسلیٖم کَرُن ،مانُن,,स्वीकार_करना, +V,We have to adopt nearly all the rules.,adopt,تَسلیٖم کَرُن،مانُن,,मानना, +N,There is an only adult in their family.,adult,بالینٛغ,,बालग, +Adj,Adult movies are mostly prohibited for minors.,adult,بالینٛغ,,वयस्क, +N,The flood shall advance in no time.,advance,پھٲلُن,,फैलना/फैलाव, +N,They made incomparable advance in their business.,advance,تَرقِی,,विकास{दीर्घकालीनर}, +N,Recent advances made in medicine are unimaginable.,advance,تَرقیٖ,,प्रगति, +N,The company paid an advance salary to its employees on New Year.,advance,مہوار,,अग्रिमराशि, +N,There was no advance in their economic state.,advance,ہُرٮ۪ر,,बढ़त, +N,She rejected his friendly advances.,advance,یارز،لول,,दोस्ती/प्यार_जताने_की_कोशिश, +N,We booked our tickets for the magic show in advance.,advance,برٛونٛہٕے,,पहले_ही, +N,His ideas are quite in advance of his times.,advance,اعلٰی ، تٔھد ۍ,,अग्रगामी, +Adj,The company did not give any advance notice of its closure.,advance,برٛونٛہٕے,,पूर्व, +V,The army was ordered to advance.,advance,برٛونٹھ پَکُن,,आगे_बढ़ना[बढाना], +V,The new policies led to an advance in the cost of shares.,advance,قۭمَت بَڑُن,,प्रगति_करना, +V,The government gave an advance to the farmers to help them buy good seeds.,advance,مہوار,,अग्रिम_राशि_देना, +V,The company has advanced a new policy.,advance,مشوَرٕدیُن,,विचार_या_सुझाव_देना, +V,The meeting advanced into late night due to the inconveniences in the city.,advance,برٛونٛہہ پَکناوُن,,निश्चित_समय_से_पूर्व_करना, +Adj,The advanced technology has resolved many complications.,advanced,تَرقی یافتہٕ,,उन्नत, +Adj,This version is meant for advanced learners.,advanced,مٲہِر,,उच्च_श्रेणी_के, +Adj,His advanced ideas proved profitable.,advanced,نٔوۍ,,नया/अभी_तक_सामान्य_रुप_से_स्वीकृति_ना_मिला_हुआ, +Adj,Their advanced age has not deterred them from travelling.,advanced,بَڑوٕنۍ,,बढ़ा_हुआ, +N,Raj made full advantage of the offer.,advantage,فٲیدٕ,,फायदा, +N,She is at an advantage for her knowledge of different languages.,advantage,فٲیدٕ,,बढ़त, +N,Her decision can be an advantage to the whole family.,advantage,مُژ،فٲیدٕ,,भलाई, +N,Pete Sampras won most of the advantage points in the game.,advantage,اٮ۪ڑوانٹیج,,एडवांटेज{टैनिस_के_केल_में_ड्युस_उपरांत_अर्जित_पहला_प्वाइंट}, +N,A tall basketball player has an advantage of his height.,advantage,فٲیدٕ,,पूरा_लाभ_उठाना, +V,He took advantage of her trust by not giving him the correct details..,advantage,غَلط فٲیدٕ تُلُن,,गलत_फायदा_उठाना, +V,His representation in the Student union made an advantage to all his classmates.,advantage,فٲیدٕ دیُن,,पूरा_फायदा_उठाना, +N,Jim Corbet`s adventures in Kumaon are very thrilling.,adventure,دِلیری،بہادُری,,जोखिम_भरा_अनुभव, +N,Adverb is a Part of Speech.,adverb,ڈکھہٕ کرٛاوُت,,क्रिया_विशेषण, +V,All big companies advertise their products.,advertise,اشتِہار دیُن، اَڈوٹایِز کَرُن,,विज्ञापन_देना, +N,The apartment was not as good as the advertisement claimed.,advertisement,اِشتِہار,,विज्ञापन, +N,The new methods of advertising are very creative.,advertising,اِشتِہار کرنُک ذٔریعہ,,विज्ञापन_की_प्रणाली, +N,He gave me a compatible advice.,advice,مشوَرٕ,,सलाह, +N,You cannot take this medicine without a physician`s advice.,advice,صَلاح،مشوَرٕ,,सलाह/उपदेश, +V,The doctor advised him a complete rest.,advise,مَشوَرٕ دیُن,,सलाह_देना, +V,Please advise us when you will arrive here.,advise,زان کٲری دِنۍ،خَبَر دِنۍ,,सूचित_करना, +Adj,An advisory committee was formed to resolve the issue of pension.,advisory,صَلاح کٔمیٖٹی,,सलाहकारी, +V,We all advocate an anti-nuclear policy.,advocate,وَکالَت کَرٕنۍ,,वकालत_करना, +N,He is a well known advocate.,advocate,ؤکیٖل,,वकील, +N,I advocate the revision of present syllabus.,advocate,طَرَف دار,,समर्थक, +N,Travel by aeroplane saves lot of time.,aeroplane,ہوٲیی جہاز،وُژٕپرٛنگ,,वायुमान/हवाई_जहाज, +Adj,She has developed a good aesthetic sense.,aesthetic,جمالِیٲتی,,सौंदर्य_परख, +Adj,There has a potential aesthetic sensibility.,aesthetic,جمٲلی,,सौंदर्यप्रेमी, +Adj,Her designs are aesthetically mature and appreciable.,aesthetic,خوشوٕنۍ،خوٗبصوٗرت,,सुरुचिपूर्ण, +N,Please keep your personal affair out from this discussion.,affair,معاملٕہ,,कारोबार/व्यापार, +N,She is having an affair with the boy next door.,affair,لولُک معاملہٕ،عٔشق،ماے,,प्रेम_सम्बन्ध, +N,I need a constant information about the current affairs.,affair,معاملات,,घटनाक्रम, +V,The new budget will certainly affect the masses.,affect,متٲثر,,प्रभाव_डालना, +V,The convict affected an air of innocence.,affect,ہِتھ رَٹُن ،بَہانہٕ بَناوُن,,बहाना_करना, +Adj,He expressed affected feelings of sadness on his uncle died.,affected,بٔلۍ,,बनावटी, +N,I have a deep affection for you family.,affection,لول,,स्नेह, +V,The village has been severly afflicted with floods.,afflict,نۄقصان واتُن،دَدارِٕ واتُن,,त्रस्त_होना[करना], +V,I can`t afford to buy myself this dress at the moment.,afford,گُزارٕ آسُن،طاقَت تھاون,,वहन_कर_पाना, +V,They cannot afford a car right now.,afford,طاقَت تھاوُن،گُزارٕ آسُن,,जुटा_पाना{धन}, +Adj,She was afraid for her childrren.,afraid,پھرٛٹہٕ ہوٚت,,भयभीत, +Adj,I am not afraid of dogs anymore.,afraid,خوف،ڈَر،پھرٛٹھ,,डरा_हुआ/भयभीत, +Prep,We will go for coffee after the meeting.,after,اَمِہ پَتہٕ,,के~बाद, +Adv,I will return after two weeks.,after,پَتٕہ,,बाद_में, +Adv,I was standing after him in the cue.,after,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,पीछे, +Prep,We shall meet here the day after tomorrow.,after,پَتٕہ,,के_बाद, +Prep,The was gazing long after the children left.,after,"تُکنُے،اُکنُے, یُکنے",,की_ओर, +Prep,The police are after him badly.,after,تٔمِس پَتَے,,के_बारे_में, +Prep,He was named after his grandfather.,after,تَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_अनुसरण_पर, +Adj,We shall rectify these problems in the after years.,after,پوٚتُس,,बाद_का, +N,I don`t like people spoiling my sunday afternoon.,afternoon,پیٚشِن،دُپہَر,,तीसरा_पहर, +Adv,We can eat afterwards.,afterward,پوٚتُس,,तत्पश्चात, +Adv,I will try again tomorrow.,again,بیٚیہِ,,फिर_से/एक_बार_फिर/दुबारा/पुन, +Adv,It is very efficient and again it has its own inefficiency and disadvantages.,again,بیٚیِہ,,लेकिन_फिर, +Prep,We are sloganeering against Anarchy.,against,اَتھ خٕلاف،مُخٲلِف,,के~विरुद्ध, +Prep,India played superb against South Africa.,against,خٕلاف,,के_विरुद्ध, +Prep,I was leaning against the board for a long time.,against,سۭتۍ,,के_सहारे, +Prep,He stood firmly against the culprit.,against,مُقابلس منٛز,,से_अलग, +N,It is hard to calculate the age of this tree.,age,وٲنٛس،عُمٕر,,वय/उम्र, +N,We waited nearly for ages for the match to begin.,age,واریاہ کال،واریاہَس وقتس,,लम्बा_समय, +N,Modern age is the age of technology.,age,"زَمانٕہ, وقت",,युग, +N,It is an age old custom of that community.,age,پَتٕہ وَتٕہ،پَتٕہ کالِہ,,युगों, +V,The illness has aged him?,age,بٕڑراوُن,,उम्र_बढ़ना, +V,Ram seems to have aged very quickly.,age,بوٚڑگَژُھن ،وٲنٛسِہ یُن,,बड़ा_हो_जाना, +V,The brandy is aged for a period of ten years.,age,یُن،کَھسُن,,पुराना_होना, +Adj,I helped an aged man to cross the road.,aged,بٕڑٕ ،مٔرۍدِ یادَم,,वृद्ध, +N,We are begining to start the travel agency.,agency,ایٚجَنسی,,संस्था_{कर्तृत्व}, +N,He is an insurance agent.,agent,رُکن,,प्रतिनिधि, +N,The agression of empires has lasted since antiquity.,aggression,حَملٕہ,,आक्रमण, +Adj,His aggressive attitude frightens me.,aggressive,طیٚشَل,,आक्रामक, +VT,The Union continues to agitate for higher pay?,agitate,"شور تُلُن, ہنگا مہٕ",,हलचल_मचाना, +Adv,They left this house ten years ago.,ago,برٛونٹھ,,पहले{बीता_हुआ}, +VI,We will not agree on all their terms and conditions.,agree,اتِفاق تھاوُن ،مانُن,,सहमत_होना, +N,Please sign the agreement.,agreement,اِلحادٕ،مُحادٕ,,राज़ीनामा, +N,The talks between the two groups failed to reach to an agreement.,agreement,سَمجھوتہٕ,,सहमति, +N,The whole family was in agreement with her.,agreement,مُہٲیدٕ,,अन्विति{व्याकरण_में_संख्या/लिंग_या_वचन_में_समानता}, +Adj,Our agricultural production was good due to good monsoon.,agricultural,زِرٲعتی,,कृषी_सम्बन्धी, +N,Indian economy depends on agriculture.,agriculture,زٔمیٖن دٲری,,खेती{कृषि}, +Adv,You can go ahead of us.,ahead,برٛونٛٛٛہہ کُن,,आगे, +N,We can mobilize the aid for flood victims.,aid,اِمداد,,मदद, +N,The schools are not equipped with the teaching aids.,aid,سامان,,साधन, +VT,He was accused of aiding the criminal.,aid,مَدَت کَرُن,,मदद_करना, +N,Her aim is to become a pilot.,aim,مَقصَد,,लक्ष्य, +V,She is aiming at a scholarship.,aim,مَقصَد آسُن,,लक्षित_करना, +V,My remarks were not aimed at you.,aim,نِشانہٕ بَناوُن,,निशाना_बनाना, +N,She has an air of confidence about her.,air,ہاو باو,,हवा/दिखावटी_रूप, +N,Kick the football high in the air.,air,ہوا,,वायु, +N,We went to Mumbai by air.,air,ہوٲیی,,हवाई_जहाज, +N,That fort has an air of mystery about it.,air,ماحول,,रंग-ढंग, +VT,Air the wet sheet to make it dry.,air,ہوا دِیُن,,हवा_देना, +VT,"Don`t air your views to every Tom,Dick and Harry.",air,باوُن,,व्यक्त_करना, +N,He owns an aircraft.,aircraft,ہوٲیی جہاز,,वायुयान, +N,Ram went to the airport.,airport,ہوٲیی اَڈٕ,,हवाई_अड्डा, +N,I have to go to the airport to recieve my sister.,airport,ہوٲیی اَڈٕ,,हवाई_अड्डा, +N,A new international airport has been built in Cochin.,airport,ہوٲیی اَڈٕ,,विमानपत्तन, +N,The news filled me with alarm.,alarm,ژینہٕ وٕنۍ,,खतरे_का_संकेत, +N,The alarm bell was set off in the bank.,alarm,خطرٕچ گھننٹی,,संकट-घंटी, +N,Addiction to alcohol is disasterous to health.,alcohol,شرٛاب،مۄے,,मद्यसार{अलकोहल}, +Adj,He is an alert listener in meetings.,alert,ہُشار,,सतर्क, +Adj,I felt like an alien with the new classmates.,alien,وۄپَر,,पराया, +N,I feel this celebration quite alien.,alien,نیٚبرِم،وۄپَر مُلکُک,,अन्यदेशी, +N,Depressive states of mind cause intense sense of alienation.,alienation,پَرژھیوٚن,,अन्यसंक्रमण, +Adv,They often think alike.,alike,ہِیوےٕ،اَکی طٔریٖقہٕ,,समान_रूप_से, +Adj,These two stories are almost alike.,alike,ہِشی,,समान, +Adj,Many people were buried here alive when the earthquake hit the area.,alive,زِنٛدٕ,,जीवित, +Adj,She is always alive and active.,alive,ترٛک،تٮ۪لنٛگہٕ,,फुर्तीला, +Adj,He is fully alive to the political issues.,alive,زٲنۍ یاب,,के_विषय_में_सचेत, +Det,They are all invited for the party.,all,تمام،،سٲری,,सभी, +Adj,His work was all mess.,all,سٲری,,सब, +Adj,We sat up all night.,all,پوٗرٕ,,सारा, +Adv,She lives all alone.,all,اَنٛدٕ وَنٛدٕ ،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रुप_से, +N,They gave away all of their fortune to the victims.,all,سورُے,,सबकुछ, +V,He alleged his friend of the murder.,allege,اِلزام دیُن,,बिना_सबूत_के_आरोप_लगाना, +N,They swear allegiance to the flag.,allegiance,فَرمان بَردٲری,,निष्ठा_{राजभक्ति}, +N,The Company entered into an alliance with the Bank.,alliance,مُہادٕ,,संगठन{संबंध}, +Adj,USA and allied forces started bombing Yugoslavia.,allied,پاسدار,,सहबद्ध, +VT,The government shall allocate separate apartments to the employees.,allocate,مُقرَر کَرن,,निर्धारित_करना, +VT,The company has allocated funds for the project.,allocate,مُشخَص کَرُن,,निर्धारित_करना, +N,The allocation of funds requires a responsible representative.,allocation,تَشخیص،مُقرَر,,निर्धारण, +N,The allotment of this plot is made to the medical college.,allotment,نام ذَد، اَلاٹ مینٹ,,आबंटन, +VT,We are allowed to use mobile phones inside the work place.,allow,اِجازت دیُن,,अनुमति_देना/आज्ञा_देना, +VT,The judge allowed her claim.,allow,جٲیِز قَرار دیُن,,स्वीकार_करना/मान_लेना, +N,The company paid the travel allowance.,allowance,ؤظیٖفہٕ,,भत्ता, +N,France is an ally of America.,ally,بوج,,मित्र/सहबद्ध, +VT,Italy and Japan allied with Germany in the second world war.,ally,سَمجوتہٕ کَرُن,,समबद्ध_करना, +Adv,Almost everybody passed in the exam.,almost,اَلہٕ پَلٕہ ،لگ بگ,,लगभग/अधिकतर, +Adv,He was alone when we met him.,alone,کُنُےٕ زوٚن,,अकेला, +Prep,Take your baggage along.,along,سۭتۍ,,साथ, +Prep,His little sister came along to see the movie.,along,سۭتۍ,,साथ, +Adv,We were walking along chatting.,along,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,आगे_बढना, +Prep,The truck drew up alongside the river bank..,alongside,سۭتۍ,,बगल~में, +Prep,My house is alongside the cinema hall.,alongside,سۭتۍ,,बगल_में, +Adv,Please read the passage aloud.,aloud,زورٕ سان,,ज़ोर_से, +N,Children are taught alphabets in nursery.,alphabet,اَچَھر,,वर्णमाला, +Adv,She had already graduated when I joined the college.,already,گۄڈے,,पहले_से, +Adv,She is also well versed in Persian poetry.,also,تِہ,,भी, +V,The examination schedule altered our travel plans.,alter,تَبدیٖلی اَنٕنۍ,,बदल_जाना, +N,"He was left with no other alternative,so he resigned.",alternative,گُنٛجٲیِش,,विकल्प, +Adj,We have to find an alternative means of transport to reach there.,alternative,مُتبادلہٕ,,वैकल्पक, +Conj,"Although I gave him money,yet he didn`t buy the book.",although,حالانٛکِہ,,यद्यपि, +Conj,"Although we gave him money,he didn`t buy the book.",although,حالانٛکِہ,,हालांि, +Adv,He earns altogether fifty thousand in a month.,altogether,کُل ہُم پٲٹھۍ،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्णरुप_से, +Adv,We talked less and less and eventually stopped talking altogether.,altogether,اَلٕہ پَلٕہ ،کُل ہُم پٲٹھۍ,,कुल_मिलाकर, +N,Aluminium foils are best to wrap the food in travel.,aluminium,مِس,,अलमुनियम, +Adv,I am always at home on Sundays.,always,پرٛٮ۪تھ وِزِ ،ہمیٚشہِ,,हमेशा, +Adv,I will always be there to help you.,always,ہَر وِزِ،ہَر ہمیٚشہِ,,हमेशा, +N,He is an amateur painter.,amateur,شوقیٖن,,अव्यवसायी, +V,I was amazed by her comments.,amaze,حٲران گَژُھن،تٲجِب گَژُھن,,चकित_करना, +Adj,She gave me an amazing look.,amazing,حٲرت اَنٛگیز,,आश्चर्यजनक, +N,He is presently posted as India`s Ambassador in China.,ambassador,سٔفیٖر,,राजदूत, +N,This attempt shall serve as an ambassador of good will between us.,ambassador,سٔفیٖر,,दूत, +Adj,She has a knack of using ambiguous sentences in her conversation.,ambiguous,ؤلِتھ،اَکِہ کھۄتٕہ زیادٕ مَطلب وول,,द्वयार्थी, +N,Her ambition in life is to achieve success.,ambition,مَقصَد،تَمَاہ,,महत्वाकांक्षा, +Adj,It is a highly ambitious schedule.,ambitious,مَقصَد وول,,महत्वाकांक्षी, +VT,The committee has to ammend the rules.,amend,دُرس کَرُن ،ٹھیٖک کَرُن,,संशोधन_करना, +N,The present budget passed without any amendments.,amendment,اِصلاح ،تبدیٖلی،تَرمیٖم,,संशोधन/शुद्धता, +Prep,He carried on his work amidst disruption.,amidst,منٛز,,बीच_में, +N,Huge illegal sale of arms and ammunition takes place at the borders.,ammunition,گولٕہ بوٚروٗد,,युद्ध_उपकरण/लड़ाई_का_सामान, +Prep,He picked the best one amongst a pile of old books.,amongst,سارِوے منٛز,,सबमें, +V,The total cost amounted to Rs.250.,amount,واتُن,,के_बराबर_होना, +N,They spent large amount of money on thier wedding.,amount,رَقَم,,रक़म, +N,You can expect some amount of confusion in the meeting.,amount,کینٛہہ,,कुछ_हद_तक, +Adj,The election was given ample coverage on T.V.,ample,وارِیاہ,,पर्याप्त_रूप_से/बहुत_बड़ा, +VT,The magician amused children.,amuse,مَن رَنٛزٕناوُن،دِل خۄش کَرُن,,मनोरंजन_करना, +N,He hunts for amusement.,amusement,دِل بٔہلٲیی,,मनोरंजन, +Adj,My grandfather told me an amusing story.,amusing,دِلچسٕپ,,विनोदी/मनोरंक, +V,They have analysed the market strategy properly.,analyse,وٮ۪ژھنے کَرٕنۍ,,विश्लेषण_करना, +V,Psychologist analysed the cause of depression.,analyse,وٮ۪ژھنَے کَرٕنۍ،تَجزِیہ کَرٕنۍ,,मनोविश्लेषण, +N,I was more interested in her analysis of the case study.,analysis,وٮ۪ژھٕنے ، تَجزِیہ,,विश्लेषण, +Adj,She has an analytic approach.,analytic,تَجزِیٲتی,,वैश्लेषक, +N,The failure of government to implement control can lead to anarchy.,anarchy,اَفراتَفری,,अव्यवस्था/अराजकता, +N,They brought the boat to harbour and dropped the anchor.,anchor,ہُکہٕ,,लंगर, +V,The sailor anchored the boat to the shore.,anchor,ہُکہٕ ترٛاوُن,,लंगर_डालना, +V,The foresightedness of manager helped to anchor the company successfully.,anchor,احتِماد حٲصِل کَرُن,,नींव, +Adj,India and China are the most ancient civilizations of the world.,ancient,پرٛون ،قٔدیٖم,,प्राचीन, +N,She could sense my anger.,anger,ژَکھ ،شرٛارَت,,क्रोध, +VT,He angered everyone in the family by talking rudely to his brother.,anger,ژَکھ کَھسٕنۍ ،شَرٛارَت کَھسُن,,क्रोधित_करना, +N,He wore his hat at a jaunty angle. angle.,angle,زٲوِیِہ,,कोण, +N,We can look at this problem from a different angle.,angle,نَظَریَہ,,दृष्टिकोण, +V,He was expertise in angling the fishing rod.,angle,وول ترٛاوُن,,काटे_से_मछली_पकड़ना, +V,He angled at the guard for a free entry.,angle,اِشارٕ کَرُن,,इशारे_से_माँगना, +Adj,He is an angry man.,angry,شَرارتی,,क्रोधित, +N,We should be kind to animals.,animal,جانوَر,,पशु, +Adj,He behaves with his wife as an animal.,animal,وحشِیانہٕ,,पाशविक/जंगली, +N,We were invited on their wedding anniversary.,anniversary,وَہَروٲر ،وٕہَروود,,वर्षगाँठ, +VT,She announced her engagemnet on new year party.,announce,اعلان کَرُن,,घोषणा_कर, +N,She made an announcement about the withdrawl of her support to the institute.,announcement,اعلان,,घोषणा, +V,Tim annoyed me in the meeting.,annoy,پَریشان کَرُن ،تنٛگ کَرُن,,परेशान_करना, +VT,I was annoyed when they abused me.,annoy,پَسرٕ یُن،تنٛگ گَژُھن,,चिढ़ाना/सताना, +N,I understand your reason of annoyance.,annoyance,رِش,,चिढ़, +Adj,We need to look at the annual reports of last one decade.,annual,سالانہٕ,,वार्षक, +Adv,You can pay the annually as well.,annually,ؤریہِ پتہٕ ؤریہِ،پرٛٮ۪تھ ؤرِیِہ,,वार्षिक_में, +N,No Example,anode,اےنوٚڈ,,अऐनोड, +Adj,There was a phone call from an anonymous person.,anonymous,گُمنام,,गुमनाम, +Det,Give me another cup af tea.,another,بیٛاکھ,,एक_और, +Adj,I want another piece of cake.,another,بیٛاکھ,,एक_और/दूसरा, +N,She didn`t answer to my question.,answer,جواب,,उत्तर, +V,She didn`t want to answer his question.,answer,جواب دیُن,,उत्तर_देना, +N,Ants have large and highly organized groups.,ant,ریٚیِہ,,चींटी, +V,He could anticipate the trouble.,anticipate,آگٲہی کَرٕنۍ,,पूर्वानुमान_करना, +N,We never had an anticipation that such a disaster will take place.,anticipation,آگٲہی,,पूर्वानुमान, +N,This explains his anxiety over the examination.,anxiety,پَریشٲنی,,चिन्ता/व्याकुलता, +N,Cricket lovers were watching the match with great anxiety.,anxiety,جوش،بٖٖےتٲبی,,उत्सुकता, +Adj,He is anxious about his future.,anxious,پَریشان,,चिन्तित, +Adj,He is an anxious father.,anxious,فِکِر منٛد,,चिन्ता_करनेवाला, +Adj,We had a few anxious moments before the plane landed safely.,anxious,پَریشان,,चिन्ताजनक, +Adj,They are anxious to know about the next President.,anxious,بٖٖےتاب,,उत्सुक, +det,Has she left any cake in the refrigerator.,any,کانٛہہ,,किसी_भी, +Adv,Are you feeling any better.,any,کُنِہ پٲٹھۍ,,किसी_भी_स्थिति_में, +Adj,I need any book from the shelf.,any,کانٛہہ تِہ,,कोई_भी, +Pron,Is there any water in the jug?,any,کینٛہہ,,कुछ/किंचित, +Pron,Anybody can come to lounge.,anybody,کانٛہہ تِہ,,कोई_भी, +Pron,I can`t lend my book to anybody.,anybody,کٲنٛسِہ تِہ,,किसी_को_भी, +Adv,Anyhow they managed to escape the police.,anyhow,کُنِہ پٲٹھۍ,,किसी_प्रकार_से, +Pron,Anyone of you can go and get the tickets.,anyone,کانٛہہ اَکھ,,कोई_एक, +N,Give me anything to eat.,anything,کینٛہہ تِہ,,कुछ_भी, +Pron,Do you want anything to eat?,anything,کینٛہہ,,कुछ_भी, +Adv,You can solve this problem in anyway.,anyway,کُنِہ پٲٹھۍ,,कैसे_भी, +Adv,You can find this food anywhere.,anywhere,کُنِہ تِہ جایِہ,,कहीं_भी, +Adv,The two buildings stood about 50m apart.,apart,دوٗر دوٗر,,पृथक, +Part,They decided to stay apart.,apart,بیوٚن،اَلَگ,,पृथक, +N,We live in a three room apartment.,apartment,روزَن جاے,,घर{बड़ी_इमारत_में}, +VT,The students apologized before the Principal for teasing freshers.,apologize,مٲفی مَنٛگٕنۍ,,क्षमा_माँगना, +N,He is supported by the life saving breathing apparatus.,apparatus,سامانٕہ,,उपकरण, +N,The whole apparatus of this theory seems falling apart.,apparatus,نِظام,,संगठन, +Adj,There was no apparent reason for his screaming..,apparent,واضِح,,स्पष्ट, +Adv,Apparently they have left the city for some time.,apparently,باسنہٕ کِنۍ,,ऊपरी_तौर_से/आभास_से, +N,He filed an appeal to release his imprisoned friend.,appeal,أپیٖل،گُزٲرِش,,अपील/याचना, +V,The government appealed to the public to donate blood for soldiers.,appeal,أپیٖل کَرٕنۍ،گُزٲرش کَرٕنۍ,,अपील_करना/याचना_करना, +V,He was found guilty but he appealed to High Court.,appeal,أپیٖل کَرٕنۍ,,पुनर्विचार_के_लिये_प्रार्थना_करना, +V,The idea of a vacation appeals to me.,appeal,خۄش کَرُن,,अच्छा_लगना, +V,He suddenly appeared in the doorway.,appear,لَبنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_पड़ना, +VI,He appears briefly in this movie.,appear,لَبنہٕ یُن،بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_पड़ना/दिख_पड़ना, +VI,He suddenly appeared at the wedding.,appear,ظٲہِر گَژُھن,,प्रकट_होना, +VI,Your name has not appeared yet on the roll.,appear,یِنۍ,,प्रकाशित_होना, +VI,He had to appear in the court last month.,appear,حٲظِر گَژُھن,,उपस्थित_होना, +VI,It appears that he is not going to come.,appear,باسان,,जान_पड़ना, +N,The hero made his appearance on the stage alone.,appearance,دَرشُن،دیٖدار,,प्रकटीकरण{दर्शन/दीदार}, +N,The spectators applause encouraged the players and artists.,applause,شابٲشی,,करतल_ध्वनि{सराहना}, +N,Please wash the apples before eating.,apple,ژوٗنٛٹھ,,सेब, +Adj,Some of the conditions are not applicable in your case.,applicable,موٚزوٗن,,लागू_होना, +N,Application forms are invited from the students.,application,دَرٛخاست،عرضی,,प्रार्थना_पत्र, +N,This design serves many applications.,application,اِستعمال,,प्रयोग, +Adj,The applied mathematics is much in vogue.,applied,اِستِفٲدی,,व्यावहारक, +V,These conditions apply only to some of you.,apply,لاگوٗ وگَژُھن,,लागू_कर[हो], +VI,Traffic rules must be applied strictly .,apply,لاگوٗ وکرُن،جٲری کَرُن,,लागू_करना, +VI,Apply some antiseptic on the wounds.,apply,مَتُھن،لاگُن,,लगाना, +VI,You must apply the breaks wherever necessary.,apply,کامِہ منٛز اَنُن ،اِستعمالَس منٛز اَنُن,,प्रयोग_में_लाना, +VI,We can also apply for the post of cashier.,apply,درخاص دیُن,,आवेदन_पत्र_देना, +VT,Mohan was appointed as the managing director. .,appoint,تعیِنات کَرُن,,नियुक्त_करना, +VT,She was appointed in the beginning of the month.,appoint,مُقرَر کَرُن,,नियत_करना, +N,Hari`s appointment in the bank is a sheer chance.,appointment,تعیِنات,,नियुक्ति, +N,We need to fix an appointment for the forthcoming meeting.,appointment,سَمکھَن وَقت,,नियोजित_भेंट, +VI,I appreciate your remarks.,appreciate,شابٲشی دِنۍ,,सराहा_जाना, +VT,We must appreciate the initiation of work by young aspirants.,appreciate,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ,,सराहना, +VT,The value of this property has appreciated over the years.,appreciate,تَضادٕ آسُن ،نِفاق آسُن,,वृद्धि_होना, +N,Good deeds deserve appreciation.,appreciation,شابٲشی,,सराहना, +N,You are required to write a critical appreciation on this poem.,appreciation,قَدٕر دٲنی,,समालोचना, +VT,The police could finally apprehend the thief after a long chase.,apprehend,گِرفتار کَرُن,,गिरफ्तार_करना, +VT,We can easily apprehend the meaning of a word written in the vernacular.,apprehend,سَمجُھن،کَڑن,,पकड़ना, +N,Mohan worked as an apprentice in the civil hospital laboratory.,apprentice,ژاٹھ,,अपरेंटिस{शिष्य}, +V,I apprenticed for 2 years before becoming a mechanic.,apprentice,ژاٹھ بَنُن،ژٲٹِل کَرٕنۍ,,शिष्य_बनना, +VT,The press reporters were apprised of the meeting.,apprise,آگاہ کَرُن،زٲنۍ یاب کرُن,,सूचित_करना, +N,We can easily approach the Director.,approach,پِلُن ،واتُن,,पहुँच/निकटता, +N,This approach can lead us to different conclusions.,approach,طٔریٖقہٕ,,पद्धति, +N,They made a collective approach to resolve this problem.,approach,راے,,प्रस्ताव, +VTI,It is dangerous to approach the uncaged lion.,approach,نزدیٖک گَژُھن,,पास_आना, +VTI,We should seriously consider how to approach this problem.,approach,وَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,पहुँचना, +Adj,The alliance will be declared at an appropriate time.,appropriate,موٚزون،مُنٲسِب,,उचित, +VT,Kumar was alleged to have appropriated the Institute Funds.,appropriate,ٹَپلہٕ کَرُن,,अनुचित_रूप_से_अपना_बना_लेना, +VT,We have appropriated enough amount of funds for the Conference.,appropriate,مُشخَص تھاوُن,,अलग_रखना, +N,The terms are subject to the approval of the managing committee.,approval,مَنظوٗری,,अनुमोदन, +VT,Your tour programme has been approved by the financial authorities.,approve,منظوٗری دنۍ،اجازت دیُن,,अनुमोदन_करना, +VT,I don`t approve of your behaviour with your classmates.,approve,پَسنٛد کرُن،خۄش کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, +Adv,All the prices have been assessed approximately.,approximately,تقریٖبَن ،لگ بھگ,,तकरीबन_रूप_से, +Adj,She is apt for this job.,apt,اَصٕل,,उपयुक्त, +Adj,She is quite apt at learning quickly.,apt,تیز,,प्रवण, +Adj,It is advised to include aqueous fruits and vegetables in the diet.,aqueous,ٲبی,,जलीय, +Adj,The arbitrary nominations by the party chief were widely criticised.,arbitrary,منشہِ مُطٲبِق,,मनमाना, +N,An arc will look beautiful over these windows.,arc,کَمان,,वृत्तांश, +N,The building looked magnificent with high arches.,arch,محراب,,मेहराब, +Adj,Her arch smile left him dreaming.,arch,نٔخرَل,,वक्र, +N,We must consult an architect for designing the house.,architect,مٲہِرِ تعمیٖرات،کٲرۍ گَر,,वास्तुकार, +N,This particular area is not easily accessible.,area,حَلقہٕ,,क्षेत्र, +N,The total area of this field is 1000 sq. metres.,area,رۄقبہٕ,,आयाम, +V,You should avoid to argue with your elders.,argue,بَہَژ کَرُن،وادواد کَرُن,,बहस_करना, +V,His point argues for a change in the policy decisions.,argue,زور دیُن,,प्रमाणित_करना, +N,The captain got into an argument with the umpire.,argument,بَہَژ,,बहस, +N,Ram`s arguements against capital punishment were convincing.,argument,بَہَژ,,तर्क, +N,The prisoner`s argument was that he was attacked first.,argument,بَہَژ,,दलील, +N,The main argument of the book centers on economic liberalization.,argument,بَہَژ,,विषय, +VI,He arose to such a high position by sheer hardwork.,arise,وۄتھٕنۍ,,उठना, +VI,Many problems arise due to lack of proper co-ordination.,arise,پٲدٕ گَژھان،وۄتھان,,खड़ा_होना, +N,My right arm is aching from past two months.,arm,نٔر,,बाँह, +N,It The northern arm of the lake is quite steep..,arm,اَنٛد,,शाखा, +N,She sat on the arm of the chair.,arm,نٔر,,हत्था, +VT,Two men armed with rifles entered and looted the bank.,arm,ہتھیار ہتھ,,शस्त्र_युक्त_करना, +N,They wore their armour and started for the battlefield.,armour,زِرَہ بَکتَر,,कवच, +N,The armour of these vehicles is quite protective.,armour,بَکتَر بَنٛد,,ढाल, +N,They sat off with their armours to invade state.,armour,فوج,,सेना, +N,The men were loaded with arms.,arms,ہتھیار,,अस्त्र_शस्त्र, +N,The army crossed the river during the night time.,army,فوج,,सेना, +Prep,Books were left around on the floor.,around,اورٕ یورٕ,,इधर~उधर, +Adv,"There are around 20,000 people inside the stadium today.",around,تقریٖبن،الٕہ پَلٕہ،لگ بھگ,,लगभग, +Adv,The children were running around in the garden.,around,ژۄپٲرۍ,,चारो_ओर, +Adv,The cost of the trip was around 5000 rupees.,around,تَقریٖبَن,,घेरेवाला, +Part,He looked around before seating himself.,around,ژۄپٲرۍ,,हर_ओर, +Part,There were insects scampering around.,around,أنٛدۍ پٔکۍ,,इधर_उधर, +Part,Several people were sitting around while watching the passers by.,around,أندۍ پٔکۍ,,कुछ_नहीं_करते_हुए, +Part,There were more fish around in the pool.,around,ہُپٲرۍ یَپٲرۍ,,इधर_उधर, +Part,There is no one around here.,around,أند ۍ پٔکۍ,,आस_पास, +Part,He turned around and walked back to the bus station.,around,پوٚت پھیرُن,,पीछे_की_ओर, +Prep,A large number of people were walking around the place.,around,اورٕ یورٕ,,इधर_उधर, +Prep,He had tied a cloth around his waist.,around,ژۄپٲرۍ,,चारों_ओर, +Prep,I saw him around the garden in the afternoon.,around,أند ۍ پٔکۍ،اورٕ یور,,आस_पास, +Prep,I walked around the side of the building.,around,أندۍ أندۍ,,घूम_कर, +VT,The prince was aroused by the sound of trumpet.,arouse,وُزناوُن،ہُشار کَرُن,,जगाना, +VT,He could manage to arouse her from apathy.,arouse,بیدار کَرُن,,उत्तेजित_करना, +VT,A girl in red always aroused him.,arouse,تَمبٕلاوُن,,वासना_जगाना, +VT,They have arranged a dinner in her honour.,arrange,انتِظام کَرُن ،بنٛدو بست کَرُن,,प्रबन्ध_करना, +VT,She was arranging flowers in a vase.,arrange,ترتیٖب وارتھاوُن،تَگِہ تَگِہ تھاوُن,,क्रम_से_लगाना, +N,The dinner arrangements were quite good.,arrangement,بنٛدو بست ،انتِظام,,प्रबन्ध, +N,She won the first prize for her flower arrangement.,arrangement,انتِظام,,क्रम_से_स्थापन, +N,I have worked out an arrangement with the authorities to work at home.,arrangement,مُہادٕ،سمجوتہٕ,,समझौता, +VT,The police arrested the thief.,arrest,رَٹُن ،گِرفتار ��َرُن ،قٲد کَرُن,,गिरफ्तार_करना/पकड़ना, +VT,Timely action arrested the falling share prices.,arrest,بٔنٛدش لاگٕنۍ،روک تھام کَرُن,,रोकना, +VT,Her musical voice immediately arrested my attention.,arrest,پانَس کُن مٲیِل کَرُن,,आकर्षित_करना, +N,Many arrests were made in connection to this case.,arrest,گِرِفتٲری,,गिरफ्तारी, +N,He suffered a cardiac arrest.,arrest,دورٕ,,अवरोध, +N,We anxiously waited for her arrival.,arrival,واتُن،یُن,,आगमन, +N,We are going to have a new arrival in our family.,arrival,یِنٕہ وول,,आगन्तुक, +VT,The train arrived quite late.,arrive,وٲژ,,पहुँचना, +VT,The car has arrived to drive you to the airport.,arrive,ووت,,आ_जाना, +N,Ram shot an arrow that hit a flying swan.,arrow,تیٖر,,तीर/बाण/शर, +N,He graduated from an art college.,art,فَن،ہُنَر,,कला, +N,It an art to lie.,art,ہُنرمٔنٛدی،فَن کٲری،کٲرۍ گٔری,,कौशल, +N,One of his artery was blocked.,artery,رَگ,,धमनी/रक्तवाहिनी, +N,the shop at the corner of the street keeps all articles of daily needs.,article,چیٖز،پَلو,,वस्तु/चीज़, +N,Article 51 of Section iii of the Indian Constitution refers to the Fundamental Rights.,article,دَفَعہ,,दफ़ा/धारा, +N,I completed the article on Snow last night.,article,مَضموٗن،مقالہٕ,,लेख/निबन्ध, +N,`a` is an indefinite article in English.,article,آٹِکل,,{एक_शब्द_वर्ग}, +Adj,We can put artificial flowers in the vase.,artificial,نَقلی,,कृत्रिम, +N,Hussain is working as an artillery in Army.,artillery,توپ خانُک فوٗجی,,तोपची_सैनक, +N,He provided new artillery to the Army.,artillery,توپ خانہٕ,,तोपखाना, +N,Ram is successful artist.,artist,فَن کار,,कलाकार/चित्रकार, +Adj,This building is quite artistic in the design.,artistic,فَن کارانہٕ,,कलात्मक, +Adj,She has artistic sensibilities.,artistic,فَن کارانہٕ,,कला_प्रेमी, +N,He took arts as main course in graduation.,arts,آٹٕس,,विज्ञानेतर_उच्चशिक्षा, +Prep,He works as a waiter.,as,ہیوٗو,,जैसे, +Prep,I news came as a shock to us.,as,یِتھ کٔنۍ,,के~रूप~में, +Conj,You can go earlier as you have to come from far.,as,یوٗتاہ,,जैसा, +Conj,As he was busy he could not come.,as,چوٗنٛکِہ، کیازکِہ,,चूँि, +Prep,Treat me as a friend.,as,پٲٹھۍ,,के_समान/के_रूप_में, +N,Drop the cigarette ash in the tray.,ash,سوٗر,,राख, +N,The forest was full of ash trees.,ash,اکِہ قٕسمُک کُل,,अंगू{एक_प्रकार_का_पेड़}, +Adj,She was deeply ashamed of her behavior at the party.,ashamed,شَرٛمنٛدٕ,,लज्जित, +Adv,Please stand aside until I park the car.,aside,اوٚک طرف,,रद्द_करना, +Adv,He pulled the curtains aside.,aside,پَتھ کُن,,अलग_रखना, +N,The informative aside about rural life make this guide relevant..,aside,رۄح رکان,,स्वगत_उक्ति, +VTI,You can ask him about the ring.,ask,پرٕٛژُھن,,पूछना, +VTI,They may be asking for advance rent.,ask,منٛگان,,माँगना, +VTI,I asked him to come to the party.,ask,پرٕٛژُھن، دعوت دِنۍ,,निमंत्रण_देना, +Adj,I found him fast asleep in his room.,asleep,شٔنٛگِتھ,,सोता_हुआ/सुशुप्त, +N,You must look at all aspects of the situation.,aspect,طرف,,पहलू, +N,The army made an assault on the enemy.,assault,حَملہٕ,,धावा, +VT,The police assaulted the unarmed demonstrators.,assault,حملہٕ کَرُن,,हमला_करना/आक्रमण_करना, +V,The students assembled in the main hall.,assemble,جَمع کَرُن,,एकत्रित_करना[होना], +VI,Group of people assembled before the Prime Minister`s office.,assemble,جَمع گَژُھن,,एकत्रित_होना, +VT,The spare parts of the vehicle were assembled in the garage.,assemble,جوڑُن,,इकट्ठा_करना, +N,The national assembly held a meeting to discuss the budget.,assembly,اٮ۪سَمبَلی ،,,सभा, +VT,She asserted that she would not yield to any pressure.,assert,زور دیُن,,बलपूर्वक_कहना, +VT,Everyone has to assert for the law to be passed.,assert,زور دیُن,,जोर_देना, +N,you may also put in your assessment of the situation.,assessment,تجزیہ،جٲیزٕ,,आँकलन/मूल्यांकन, +N,The income tax assessor came for a surprise check in the office.,assessor,مۄل کرن وول,,आँकलन_करने���ाला, +V,He assigned the work to different persons.,assign,طَے کَرُن,,निश्चित_करना, +V,The case was assigned to Ashok.,assign,مَٹِہ تھاوُن ،زِمٕہ تھاوُن,,नियुक्त_करना, +V,The teacher has assigned each of us a part in the drama.,assign,بٲگراوُن،زمہٕ تھاوُن,,बाँटना, +V,They assigned calculations to the management student only.,assign,مَٹِہ تھاوُن,,सौपना, +N,The assignment was completed successfully.,assignment,پٲرٕ,,सौंपा_हुआ_कार्य, +V,They assist each other in their works.,assist,پَل زُن،سادُن,,सहायता_करना/मदद_करना, +N,They did not receive any assistance.,assistance,اِمداد،مَدَت،اتھٕ روٚٹ,,सहायता/मदद, +N,They needed an assistant to finish the work on time.,assistant,مُنُش,,सहायक, +Adj,He is an associate member of the organization.,associate,بوج،حِصٕہ دار،شٔریٖک,,सहयोगी, +Adj,He is our new associate professor.,associate,نٲیب,,उप-, +N,He is my close associate.,associate,شٔریٖک،مدَدگار,,सहयोगी, +V,It is considered prestigious to be associated with him..,associate,شیرِکوٚت آسُن,,जुड़ना[जोड़ना], +N,He is a member of the Football Association.,association,سَمُت،جَماعت،مجلِس,,संघ, +N,The organisations have a long association.,association,ساتھ,,सहयोग, +N,He got the position because of his association with the ruling political party.,association,رٔلِتھ آسُن,,जुडा_होना, +VI,Let us assume that he was out of station on that day.,assume,فَرضی،خیٲلی,,कल्पना_करना/मान_लेना, +VI,The elected Prime Minister will assume office from tomorrow.,assume,کارٕبار سمبالُن،عہدٕسمبالُن,,कार्यभार_संभालना।, +VI,She assumed a happy look on her face,assume,ہاوُن,,रूप_धारण_करना, +VT,It was easy to assume that he was guilty.,assume,فَرٕض کَرُن,,कल्पना_कर_लेना, +N,I am afraid your assumption is not true.,assumption,خَیال,,अनुमान, +N,His assumption of supreme power in the office was not liked.,assumption,برٛم،خَیال,,अंगीकार_करना, +N,He gave me his assurance that he will finish the job on time.,assurance,لَفٕظ،بَرٛوسہٕ,,आश्वासन, +VT,I assure you that the work will be done.,assure,یٔقیٖن دیُن،لَفٕظ دیُن,,आश्वासन_देना, +VT,I was assured that these terms shall be implemented soon.,assure,یٔقیٖن دیُتمُت,,निश्चित_होना, +N,He knew his future by studying astrology.,astrology,عٔلمِہ نَجوٗمی,,ज्योतिष_शास्त्र, +N,The astronaut entered the space shuttle.,astronaut,خٕلاباز,,अन्तरिक्ष_यान_मे_प्रयाण_करने_वाला, +N,The science of astronomy is vast.,astronomy,عٔلمِہ نَجوٗمی,,खगोलविद्या, +N,The exile poet asked for an asylum.,asylum,چَھپَن جاے,,शरण{राजनैतिक}, +N,Ram was finally sent to an asylum for mental treatment.,asylum,شَفا خانٕہ,,आश्रम{रोगियों_के_लिये}, +Prep,There is a blind turn at the corner of the street.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,The function was held at the schoolground.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,वाला, +Prep,It is very cold at night.,at,کیُتھ,,को, +Prep,He is good at painting.,at,منٛز,,में, +Prep,The meeting was held at the Head Office..,at,منٛز,,में, +Prep,We reacted at his expulsion.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,I am at the head office.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,He was waiting for her at the platform.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,She works at a school for the handicapped.,at,منٛز,,में, +Prep,She stayed at her parents` for the whole vacation.,at,نِش,,के_यहाँ, +Prep,At night the sky was totally clear.,at,کیتُھ,,को{समय}, +Prep,Don`t throw stones at others.,at,پٮ۪ٹھ,,की_ओर, +Adj,Giri is an athletic man.,athletic,گِنٛدَن وول,,हृष्ट-पुष्ट, +N,Pollution causes great harm to the atmosphere.,atmosphere,ماحول،آب و ہوا,,वातावरण, +N,Atom is a minute unit of any substance.,atom,زَرٕ,,परमाणु, +Adj,They built two atomic energy plants.,atomic,اٮ۪ٹٕمی,,परमाण्वक, +VTI,I attached my photograph with the application form.,attach,سۭتۍآسُن,,जोड़ना, +VTI,You need to attach all the relevant papers.,attach,سۭتۍ تھاوُن,,नत्थी_करना, +VTI,The young puppy attached itself to my mother.,attach,ماے آسٕنۍ،لَگاوآسُن,,अपनाना, +VTI,His property was attached for non-payment of taxes.,attach,کُرٕکۍ کَرٕنۍ,,कुर्क_करना, +V,He is attached to his mother.,attached,لگاو آسُن،ماے آسٕنۍ,,अनुरक्त_होना, +N,The town was under attack.,attack,حَملٕہ,,धावा/आक्रमण, +VT,The enemy forces attacked the outpost during the night.,attack,حَملٕہ کَرُن,,धावा_करना, +VT,The editorial attacked the new president on his policies.,attack,حَملٕہ کَرُن,,आक्रमण_करना, +VTI,We attained our goals by hard work and sincerity..,attain,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_करना, +VTI,He wants to get over all his responsibilities before atttaining retirement.,attain,واتُن,,पहुँचना, +N,The rescue attempt for the victims were hindered by the bad weather.,attempt,کوٗشِش,,प्रयास, +VTI,The prisoners attempted to escape from the prison.,attempt,کوٖٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रयास_करना, +VTI,Many people attended the function.,attend,شَموٗلِیت کَرٕنۍ,,हिस्सा_लेना, +VTI,She attended to all his needs during his illness.,attend,خٕدمَت کَرٕنۍ،خَیال تھاوُن,,सेवा_करना, +VTI,He had a number of matters to attend to.,attend,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, +N,The issue came to his attention by the media reports.,attention,غور,,ध्यान, +N,The soldiers were commanded to stand in attention.,attention,خَبَردار،ہُشیار,,सावधान, +N,We dumped all the boxes in the attic.,attic,کٲنی,,अटारी, +N,Your attitude towards the work is not proper.,attitude,رٔویِہ،طور طٔریقہٕ,,रवैया, +N,Hari was his attorney in the lawcourt.,attorney,ؤکیٖل,,मुख्तार, +VT,His voice attracted everyone in the hall.,attract,کٔشِش گَژٕھنۍ,,आकर्षित_करना, +N,The place has several tourist attractions.,attraction,دِل کَش،پُرکٔشِش,,आकर्षण, +Adj,She has an attractive personality.,attractive,دِل کَش،لوٗبٕوُن,,आकर्षक, +N,His greatest attribute was his helpful nature.,attribute,خٲصِیت،صِفت،سیٖرت,,गुण/भाव, +VT,Their illness can be attributed to the poor diet.,attribute,مَٹِہ مَرُن,,सम्बन्ध_ठहराना, +N,The audience were enthralled by her performance.,audience,سامعیٖن،حاضِریٖن,,श्रोतागण, +N,The governor agreed to give an audience to the demonstrators.,audience,حاضرین,,विधि_पूर्वक_भेँट, +N,The auditorium was left open for the public.,auditorium,آڑِٹورِیَم,,प्रेक्षाभवन, +Adj,The members were honoured by the august presence of the poet.,august,ٲلی شان،تَھدِ شانُک،رُتبٕہ وول,,प्रतापी, +N,My aunt is coming to spend the vacations with us.,aunt,پۄپھ،ماس،مامٕنۍ،پیٚچِنۍ,,आंटी, +N,This summer he is visiting his aunt in Paris.,aunt,پیٚچِنۍ،پۄپھ،ماس،مامٕنۍ,,चाची/मामी/मौसी/फूफी, +Adj,It was not an authentic evidence to prove him guilty.,authentic,ٹھیٖک،صٔحیح,,असली, +Adj,He is an authentic man.,authentic,صٔحیح،دُرٛس،موتٕبرَ,,विश्वसनीय, +Adj,The corner shop keeps authentic French Cheese.,authentic,اَصلی,,विशुद्ध, +V,He authored some books.,author,لٮ۪کُھن,,रचना_करना, +N,Dostoevsky is my favorite author.,author,أدیٖب،لِکھٲرۍ,,लेखक, +N,Ram is the chief author of the proposal.,author,مََُصَنِف,,प्रवर्तक, +VT,Ram authorised him to handle the business.,authorise,اِختِیار دیُن,,अधिकार_देना, +VT,The area is not authorised for commercial purpose.,authorise,اِختِیار دِیُن،اِجازت دیُن,,अधिकृत_होना, +N,Ram has the authority to suspend his laborers.,authority,اِختِیار,,अधिकार, +N,It was done without the teacher`s authority.,authority,اِجازَت,,आज्ञा, +N,She`s an authority in her discipline.,authority,مٲہِر,,विशेषज्ञ, +N,It is on reliable authority that he is leaving the job.,authority,خاص ذٔرِیَو سۭتۍ,,विश्वस्त_सूत्र_से, +VT,Ram authorized him to handle his business.,authorize,اِختِیار دِیُن,,अधिकार_देना, +VT,His visit was not authorized.,authorize,اِختیار دِیُن،اِجازت دُین,,अधिकृत_होना, +N,The auto industry is booming.,auto,آٹو,,ऑटो, +Adj,We would prefer to buy fully automatic washing machine.,automatic,آٹومیٚٹِک،خۄد،,,स्वचालित, +Adj,The camera has an automatic focusing.,automatic,آٹومیٹِک،خۄد، پانے,,अविवेचित, +Adv,The door opened automatically.,automatically,پٲنۍ پانے,,अपने_आप, +N,The automobile boom has also created devastation of some kind.,automobile,موٹر گٲڑۍ,,मोटर-गाड़ी, +N,The University wants to have an autonomy from the government.,autonomy,خۄد مۄختٲری,,स्वशासन, +N,Trees shed leaves during autumn.,autumn,ہَرُد،ہَرُد کال,,शरद_ऋतु, +N,The ready availability of guns is responsible for wide spread violence.,availability,دٔستِیٲبی,,उपलब्धता, +Adj,They have to manage within the available space.,available,دٔستِیاب,,उपलब्ध, +Adj,Ram will be available in the afternoon.,available,میلان,,मिलता_है, +N,Hardwork is avenue to success.,avenue,وَتھ,,पथ{पेड़ों_से_आच्छादित}, +N,An avenue to success is shown by dedication and hardwor..,avenue,وَتھ,,पथ, +N,One crosses wide avenues before entering the forest.,avenue,وَتھ,,पेड़_दार_पथ, +Adj,The average marks for the admission to the course is 50%.,average,اَوسَط,,औसत, +N,This car runs an average of 40 miles an hour.,average,اَوسَط,,औसत, +VT,The doctors average 70 hours a week.,average,اَوسَط کَڑٕنۍ,,औसत_निकालना, +V,One should not avoid the responsibilities.,avoid,ٹالُن،دول دیُن,,टाल, +VT,Ram always tries to avoid driving during night.,avoid,ٹالُن,,से_बचना, +VT,I could not avoid hitting the car.,avoid,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, +VT,Farmers await for rain for their crops.,await,پیارُن,,बाट_जोहना, +VI,It is difficult to stay awake the whole night.,awake,وٕزُن,,जागना, +VT,Hari awoke Mina at six in the morning.,awake,وٕزناوُن,,जगाना, +Adj,The children were wide awake.,awake,بے دار،ہُشار،خَبر دار,,जागे_हुए, +N,She received an award for an excellent performance.,award,انعام,,पुरस्कार, +N,Ram received an award of 5000 rupees in the poetry contest.,award,ؤظیٖفہٕ,,अनुदान, +N,The teacher pronounced an award of Rs.1000/- for the winner in cycle race..,award,سَزا,,दंड, +VT,The Jury awarded the best film title to Shyam Benegal`s film.,award,انعام دیُن,,पुरस्कार_देना, +Adj,I was not aware of the time.,aware,باخَبَر،زٲنۍ یاب،آگاہ،وٲقف,,अवगत, +Adj,Be aware of the dogs.,aware,وٲقف,,सावधान, +N,Public awareness is needed to prevent the spread of AIDS.,awareness,زان کٲری,,जानकारी/अभिज्ञता, +Adv,My birthday is only a week away from today.,away,دوٗر,,दूर, +Adv,Preeti is away on vacation for one month.,away,نٮ۪بَر,,बाहर, +Adv,They worked away for three days to get it finished.,away,لگاتار,,लगातार, +Adj,The sight of starving children is too awful to see.,awful,ہٲبََتھ ناک,,डरावना, +Adj,It was an an awful movie.,awful,دَہشت ناک,,भद्दा, +Adj,He has an awkward mannerism.,awkward,عٔجیٖب،بے ڈول،بے شوٗب,,अजीब, +Adj,Driving down this road is quite awkward.,awkward,کَھروُن,,कष्टदायक, +Adj,She found herself in an awkward situation.,awkward,نوزُک,,नाजुक, +N,The earth moves on its axis.,axis,دُرٕ،مَنڑُل,,धुरी, +N,Rani is playing with ball.,ball,پینٛد,,गेंद, +N,Her baby girl is really cute.,baby,بَچٕہ,,शिशु, +VT,His parents pamper him like a baby.,baby,شُرۍ نَظَر کَرٕنۍ,,के_साथ_बच्चे_जैसा_व्यवहार_करना, +N,He hurt his back in an accident.,back,کَمبَر,,पीठ, +N,The football is at the back of the cupboard.,back,پٔتِم پاسہٕ,,पिछला_हिस्सा, +Adv,Sachin returned back to his grandparents house.,back,واپَس,,वापस, +Adv,She kept looking back for her friend.,back,پَتھ کُن,,पीछे_की_ओर, +Adv,She could no longer hold back her laughter.,back,حَدٕ روٚس,,नियंत्रण_में, +Adv,I saw the film a few years back.,back,برٛونٛہہ,,पहले, +VT,We must not turn back to our duties.,back,پَتھ روزُن,,पीछे_होना`, +VT,She is backed by the ruling party in her state.,back,حِمایَت کَرٕنۍ,,समर्थन_देना[पाना], +VT,Some funding agency has to back the research project.,back,مدَد دیُن،اِمداد کَرُن,,सहारा_देना, +V,He backed our project wholly.,backed,حمایَت کَرٕنۍ,,समर्थन_देना, +N,They were very conscious to inquire about her background.,background,ژوٚٚک,,पृष्ठभूमि, +N,The painting has a blue and green background.,background,پَسِہ منظر،پوٚت منظر,,चित्रभूमि, +Adj,We are financially backward in comparision to our friends.,backward,پَتھ کھورِ,,पिछड़ा_हुआ, +Adj,He gave a backward glance.,backward,پوٚت کُن،پَتھ کُن,,पीछे_क���_ओर, +Adj,These medicines are for bacterial infections.,bacterial,جَرٲسیٖمی,,जीवाणु, +Adj,The picnic was spoiled by bad weather.,bad,خَراب,,खराब, +Adj,He is going through a bad period.,bad,خَراب,,बुरा, +Adj,Ravi`s accident was quite a bad one.,bad,تَباہ کُن,,गम्भीर, +Adv,I`m afraid that I`ve badly hurt him.,badly,خطرناک پٲٹھۍ,,बुरी_तरह_से, +N,I carry the bag whenever I go to the market.,bag,ٹھیلہٕ ،بَستٕہ,,थैला, +N,Sita had dark bags under her eyes due to lack sleep.,bag,گۄژرِ,,उभरना, +VT,They bagged the best vegetables in the basket.,bag,ٹھیلَس منٛز تھاوُن,,थैले_में_रखना, +VT,She has already bagged the most comfortable chair.,bag,رَٹٕنۍ,,ले_लना, +VT,Her trousers were bagging from the knee.,bag,نَژان,,झूलना, +N,We need to strike a balance in between.,balance,ترٛکٕر،میزان,,तराज़ू, +V,One should try to achieve a proper balance between work and play.,balance,تَوازُن تھاوُن,,संतुलन_रख, +V,I can balance on one-foot effortlessly.,balance,بٲگراوُن,,संतुलन_रखना, +V,Our accountant has not yet found the balance of the company..,balance,بقایَت کَڑُن,,बकाया_निकालना, +N,Ram is playing with ball.,ball,پینٛد,,गेंद, +N,Rani is throwing his ball.,ball,پینٛد,,गेंद/गोला, +N,It is a very interesting ballet.,ballet,پٲتھر,,नृत्यनाटिका/नाटक, +Adj,This conclusion will drive me ballistic.,ballistic,پٲتھر,,नृत्यनाटिका/नाटक, +N,Many balloons were floating in the air.,balloon,پھۄکٕہ ڑیوٗنٛگ,,गुब्बारा, +N,They decided to hold a ballot.,ballot,ووٹ,,मत-पत्र, +V,The party decided to ballot its members.,ballot,ووٹ دیُن،ووٹ ترٛاوُن,,मतदान, +N,There is a ban on smoking in public places.,ban,ٹھاک،بٲن,,प्रतिबंध, +VT,The film was banned.,ban,ٹھاک لاگُن,,प्रतिबंध_लगाना, +N,Banana is good for health.,banana,کیل,,केला, +N,Do not forget to use the wrist band.,band,پٔٹ، رٮ۪ل,,पट्टी, +N,He was sitting on the river bank for a long time.,bank,بھوٚٹھ,,किनारा[बैंक], +N,I will deposit my money in the bank.,bank,بینٛک,,बैंक, +N,There were beautiful gardens developed on both the banks of river.,bank,بھوٚٹھ,,किनारा, +V,Ram banks his surplus money.,bank,بینٛکَس منٛز رۄپیِہ تھاونِہ,,बैंक_मेँ_रूपया_रखना, +N,Ram borrowed the money from the banker.,banker,،سوٗدخور,,बैंक_का_संचालक/साहूकार, +Prep,"Pizza is available at all times,barring sunday evenings.",bar,ورٲے،بغٲر,,को~छोड़~कर, +V,They immediately barred the door from inside and switched off the lights.,bar,تورِ سۭتۍ بنٛد کَرُن,,अर्गला_से_बंद_करना, +V,Troops barred the road so we had to turn back.,bar,بَنٛد کَرُن,,प्रतिबंधित_करना, +Prep,"The whole group is leaving, bar the two senior students.",bar,بَغٲر,,को_छोड़_कर, +N,I saw Ram walking into the bar.,bar,،شَراب خانٕہ,,शराबघर, +N,They fitted bars to their windows for safety.,bar,سیٖکھ,,सलाख/शलाका, +N,Poor health may be a bar to success in life.,bar,رُکاوَٹ,,रुकावट, +Adj,The hero was fighting with bare hands in the film.,bare,خٲلی,,निर्वस्त्र, +Adj,His bare dislike for capitalism is known to all.,bare,نَنٮ۪ر,,स्पष्ट, +Adj,He presented the bare facts of the case before the Jury.,bare,نٔنۍ,,अनलंकृत, +V,She bared her veiled face.,bare,ننگٕہ کَرُن،نوٚن کَڑُن,,निर्वस्त्र_करना, +V,He bared the facts of the case before the Jury.,bare,برٛونہہ کُن اَنُن,,प्रकट_करना, +Adv,Ram could barely pass in the final exam.,barely,مُشکِلَن,,मुश्किल_से, +Adv,He has barely paid 6% advance rent.,barely,تَقریٖبَن,,मात्र, +N,We will give you a good discount as part of the bargain.,bargain,دَرٕدَرٕ,,लेन-देन, +V,We have to bargain in order to buy something at less price.,bargain,چُکاو دُکاو کَرُن،درٕدرٕکَرٕنۍ,,मोल-भाव_करना, +N,Barge is used for carrying heavy loads on rivers or canals.,barge,ناو,,"बजरा,नौका", +N,The sparrow sat on the bark of the tree.,bark,کُلیُک دٮ۪ل,,वृक्ष_की_छाल, +VI,The dog was barking loudly at the night.,bark,وۄپھراے,,भौँकना, +N,Sometimes they stay overnight at the barn.,barn,کُچھ,,खलिहान, +N,Oil is stored in barrels.,barrel,پیٖپہٕ،ڈٛرم,,पीपा, +VT,Oil is barrelled before shipping to other countries.,barrel,ڈرٛمس منٛز بَرُن,,पीपे_मेँ_भरना, +N,Poor health can be a barrier to success.,barrier,رُکاوٹ،ٹھوٚر,,अवरोध/रोक, +Adj,They spend most of their time in discussing base motives.,base,بُنیٲدی,,तुच्छ/नीच, +N,His argument has no profound base.,base,بُنیاد,,आधार, +VT,My hypothesis is based on this research.,base,بُنیاد تھاوان,,आधारित_करना, +N,He plays baseball.,baseball,اَکھ کھیل,,अमरीका_का_राष्ट्रीय_खेल, +N,Goods are kept in the basement.,basement,تَہہ خانٕہ,,तहख़ाना, +Adj,Your basic qualification is apt for the job..,basic,بُنیٲدی، ژَکِہ ،موٗلٕہ,,बुनियादी, +N,His basic problem is with the spoken language.,basic,ژَکِہ،موٗلٕہ,,मूलतत्त्व, +Adv,Basically he is a hard-working fellow.,basically,،ژَکِہ کِنۍ,,मूलतः, +N,I didn`t find any basis in his argument.,basis,بُنِیاد,,आधार, +N,They picked three basket of apples.,basket,ٹوٗکٕر،ڈٲلۍ،پھۄتٕر,,डलिया, +N,I bought a new bat for my nephew.,bat,بیٹ,,बल्ला, +N,Bat is a mammal.,bat,راتٕہ کرٛیٖل,,चमगादड़, +V,Hari was batting when the game had to be abandoned due to rain.,bat,بیٚٹِنٛگ کَران,,बल्लेबाज़ी_करना, +N,Ram takes bath every morning.,bath,سرٛان,,नहाना, +V,You bathe in cold water.,bathe,سرٛان کَرُن,,नहलाना, +N,Please keep your bathroom hygenic.,bathroom,سرٛانٕہ کُٹھ,,स्नानघर, +N,They are all good batsmen.,batsman,کِھلٲڑۍ,,बल्लेबाज़, +N,He is a good batsman.,batsman,کِھلٲڑۍ,,बल्लेबाज, +N,There is a wooden batten in the drawing room.,batten,تَختٕہ,,तख्ता, +V,He battened on his father`s income.,batten,ٲش کَرٕنۍ,,फलना_फूलना, +N,The battery is not charged yet.,battery,بیٹٕری,,बैटरी, +N,He is the battery commander.,battery,توفہٕ خانٕہ,,तोपखाना, +N,He is placed second in the batting order.,batting,بیٚٹِنٛگ,,बल्लेबाज़ी, +N,Tipu Sultan was killed in the battle at Seringapatnam.,battle,لَڑاٲٖے،جَنٛگ,,लड़ाई/युद्ध, +VI,He is battling with his life in the hospital.,battle,لَڑُن,,लड़ना, +N,We sailed into a beautiful bay.,bay,سوٚتُھر,,खाड़ी, +N,I heard the bay of hunting dogs last night.,bay,وۄپٕھراے،وولُن,,कुत्तों_की_एक_विशेष_प्रकार_की_भौक, +N,We can add bay leaf to the dish.,bay,اَکِہ قٕسمُک کُل,,एक_प्रकार_का_पेड़_जिसके_हरे_पत्ते_और_जामुनी_फल_हो, +V,I heard hunting dogs baying at night.,bay,وۄپھراےکَرٕنۍ،وولُن,,भौंकना{शिकारी_कुत्तों_का}, +V,Let you be calm with this problem..,be,آسُن,,होना, +V,Don`t worry be happy.,be,چُھ,,है, +N,Goa is very famous for its beautiful beaches.,beach,سوٚدرُک بوٚٹھ,,समुद्रतट, +V,We have to find a proper place to beach the boat.,beach,بٔٹِھس لاگٕنۍ,,समुद्र_के_किनारे_पर_लाना, +N,Kingfisher has a long beak.,beak,تونٛتھ,,नुकीला_भाग, +N,He lifted the iron beam.,beam,تَھم,,तराजू_आदि_का_डण्डा, +N,A beam of light entered the room through the ventilator.,beam,گاشٕہ لَو,,प्रकाश_की_किरण, +N,She is always full of beam and happiness.,beam,تَبَسُم,,प्रसन्न_आकृति, +V,The sunrise beamed on the whole countryside.,beam,گاشِراوان,,प्रकाश_डालना, +V,She was beaming with joy.,beam,اَسان,,मुस्कुराना, +N,I like to have rice with beans.,bean,ہِمبٕہ,,सेम, +N,I saw a bear in the zoo.,bear,ہاپُت,,भालू, +VT,She bears the title of Duchess.,bear,دِنہٕ,,धारण_करना, +VT,I cannot bear his constant criticism.,bear,برَداش کَرُن,,बर्दाश्त_करना, +VT,She is bearing his child.,bear,ہینہٕ یُن,,वहन_करना, +N,My father has a long beard.,beard,ریٚش,,दाढ़ी, +V,He was brave enough to beard his senior on this issue.,beard,دَم دِنۍ,,ललकारना, +N,He could feel the beat of her heart.,beat,،دُبرٕہارَے,,धड़कन, +N,He heard the beat of a drum.,beat,تال,,ताल, +V,Agassi beat Becker in a tennis match.,beat,ہارٕناوُن,,हराना, +V,Thugs beat him up while walking down the street.,beat,لایُن ،مار دیُن,,वार_करना, +V,He kept on beating on the door but no one opened it.,beat,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن,,��टखटाना, +V,Her heart was beating fast.,beat,دُبرٕہارَے گَژٕھنۍ,,धड़कना, +V,Hailstorms beat against the windows.,beat,لاینہٕ یُن,,टकराना, +V,The sun was beating down on us,beat,تاپٕہ ژنٛڑپیٚنۍ,,तड़पाना, +V,I beat the egg whites to make omelette.,beat,پھینٛٹُن,,फेंटना, +V,She beat her breast out of fear.,beat,دوٚگ,,पीटना, +Adj,I saw a beautiful child in the park.,beautiful,لوٗبٕوُن ،خۄشوُن,,सुन्दर, +Adv,She handled this matter beautifully.,beautifully,لوٗبٕوُن انٛدازٕ ،خۄشوُن انٛداز,,सुन्दर_तरह_से, +N,Kashmir has emormous natural beauty.,beauty,خوٗبصوٗرتی,,सुन्दरता, +Conj,I couldn`t attend the class because I was not well.,because,کیازِ کِہ،تِکیازِ,,क्योँि, +V,I wish to become an actor.,become,بَنُن,,बनना, +V,He became irritable.,become,گَژُھن,,होना, +V,I want to become a doctor.,become,بَنُن,,हो_जा, +V,I wish to become a stage actor.,become,بَنُن,,बनना, +V,that color really becomes you.,become,زیب دیُن،شوٗبان,,फबना/उचित_होना, +Adj,It is a becoming hairstyle now a days.,becoming,لوٗبوُن,,युक्त/अनुरूप, +N,She has a room with a single bed.,bed,پَلنٛگ,,बिस्तर, +N,He sat on the edge of the bed.,bed,بِستَر،فَرٕش،وَتھرُن,,बिछौना, +N,The gardener watered the bed of roses.,bed,ڈوٗرۍ,,क्यारी, +N,He searched for treasure on the ocean bed.,bed,ژوٚک,,तल, +N,The railway tracks are laid on a bed of stones.,bed,وَتھرُن,,आधार, +N,I have to set a bed for her.,bed,بِستَر,,बिछौना/क्यारी, +N,He sat on the edge of the bed.,bed,بِستَر,,बिछौना, +N,The gardener watered the bed of roses.,bed,ڈوٗرۍ,,क्यारी, +N,He searched for treasure on the ocean bed.,bed,ژوٚک,,तल, +N,The railway tracks are laid on a bed of stones.,bed,وَتھرُن,,आधार, +VT,The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals.,bed,پَناہ دیُن,,रात_को_शरण_देना, +VT,The gardener bedded the roots in the compost.,bed,تھاوٕنۍ،کُلۍ رُوٕنۍ,,पौधा_लगाना, +VT,He has bedded many girls.,bed,ہم بِستَرگژُھن,,संभोग_करना, +N,Her bedroom is upstairs.,bedroom,شۄنٛگَن کُٹھ,,सोने_का_कमरा, +N,She was stung by a bee.,bee,تُلٕر,,मधुमक्खी, +Prep,I want you to be here before lunch.,before,برٛونٛٹھ,,के~पहले, +Prep,She was sitting before me.,before,برٛونٛٹھ کَنِہ,,के~आगे, +Prep,He stood up before a whole room ful.,before,بُتِھ کَنِہ,,के~सामने, +Conj,They partied before their parents returned home.,before,برٛونٛہےٕ,,इसके_पहले_ि, +Adv,I reached the cinema hall before you.,before,برٛونٛٹھےٕ,,के_पहले, +Prep,The issue before us has to be discussed first.,before,برٛونٛہہ کَنیُک,,के_आगे, +Prep,They danced before me.,before,برٛونٛہہ کَنِہ,,के_सामने, +Prep,I had known her before you introduced her to me.,before,گۄڈَے,,के_पहले, +Prep,I am talking of the fight before lunch.,before,برٛوٗنٛٹھِم,,के_पहले_वाला, +Prep,The pulpit before the altar got damaged.,before,برٛونٛہہ کَنیُک,,के_सामने_वाला, +Prep,She finished her homework before dinner.,before,برٛونٛہِےٕ,,से_पहले, +V,He has befuddled himself by drinking.,befuddle,نَشَس منٛز بۄڑُن,,याचना_कर, +V,He was begging in the street.,beg,بیٚچھان,,भीख_मांगना, +V,I beg you to stop drinking!,beg,زارٕ پارٕ کَرُن,,प्रार्थना_करना, +VI,The programme begins in the evening.,begin,شروع,,प्रारम्भ_होना, +VT,They will begin the programme in the evening.,begin,شرو ع کَرُن,,प्रारम्भ_करना, +N,I enjoyed my work in the beginning.,beginning,شروعات,,आरम्भ, +N,He addressed the council on behalf of the manager.,behalf,بَدلٕہ,,हेतु, +VI,He behaves decently with everyone.,behave,سوٚلوٗک کَرُن,,व्यवहार_करना, +N,He is known for his decent behaviour.,behaviour,طٔریٖقہٕ،بَرتاو,,बर्ताव, +Prep,She was sitting behind me.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,के~पीछे, +Prep,The sun disappeard behind the clouds.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,के_पीछे, +Adv,She came from behind.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,पीछे_से, +N,He fell on his behind.,behind,پٔتۍ کِنۍ,,कूल्हा, +N,We didnot know how it came into being.,being,زٲژ,,जीव, +N,I detest violence with my whole being.,being,ۂستی,,ह��्ती, +N,We all have our purpose of our being.,being,ووٚجوٗد,,अस्तित्व, +N,I have firm belief in Ram.,belief,پََژھ،یٔقیٖن,,विश्वास, +V,You should believe in God.,believe,پَژھ تھاوٕنۍ ،بَروسہٕ کَرُن،یٔقیٖن تھاوُن,,विश्वास_करना, +V,Her neighbours believe that she was murdered.,believe,یٔقیٖن کَرُن,,मानना, +N,He rang the church bell.,bell,گھنٹی,,घंटा, +N,Ravi fills his belly with nuts and chocolates.,belly,یَڑ،شِکَم,,पेट, +V,He belongs to a well-to-do family.,belong,تعلُق تھاوان,,सदस्य_होना, +Adj,Her beloved daughter is arriving tomorrow.,beloved,ٹٲٹھ,,प्रिय, +N,I miss my beloved very much.,beloved,ماشوق,,प्रिय, +Prep,She has scored above 80% marks.,below,کَم,,के~नीचे, +Prep,The pen was lying below the books.,below,تَلہٕ کَنِہ,,के_नीचे, +N,Hari bought a black leather belt for his son.,belt,کَمر بنٛد,,बैल्ट/पट्टा, +N,Pithampur is an industrial belt on the outskirts of Indore.,belt,علاقہٕ,,क्षेत्र, +N,He climbed the ben effortlessly.,ben,تینٛتول،تھوٚنٛگ,,शिखर, +N,Harish has been sitting on the bench for two hours.,bench,بٮ۪نچ,,बैंच, +N,The bench gave the judgement in his favour.,bench,عدالَت,,न्यायपीठ, +V,Please bend this wire.,bend,دوٚگُن کَرُن,,मुड़, +N,There is a bend ahead on the road.,bend,موڑ,,घुमाव, +VTI,It is very difficult to bend an iron rod.,bend,ہوٚل کَرُن,,मोडना[मुड़ना], +Prep,The cat huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets.,beneath,تَلہٕ,,नीचे, +Prep,I dumped all my things beneath the bed.,beneath,تَل,,नीचे, +N,There are many benefits of nuclear energy.,benefit,فٲیدٕ,,लाभ, +VT,The new facilities shall benefit the hostel inmates.,benefit,فٲیدٕ واتناوُن,,भला_करना, +Adj,He connected the tape with a bent wire.,bent,ۂجۍ,,टेढ़ा, +N,She has strong musical bent.,bent,رُجحان,,झुकाव, +VT,He has been recently bereaved and is off work.,bereave,تَھپِہ نیُن،محروٗم کَرُن,,छीन_लेना{वंचित_करना}, +N,I like berries.,berry,تُل,,झड़बेरी, +Prep,You can sit beside me.,beside,سۭتۍ،نَکھہٕ,,के~पास, +Prep,He walks beside me.,beside,لَرِ لوٚر،سۭتۍ,,बगल~में, +Prep,He sat beside me.,beside,نَکھہٕ,,पास, +Prep,There will be three of us for lunch besides the guests.,besides,علاوٕ,,के~अलावा, +Adv,I have to buy a jacket besides a sweater.,besides,اَمِہ بَغٲر,,के_अतिरिक्त, +Prep,We all will be there at the party besides the children.,besides,علاوٕ,,के_अलावा, +Adj,I want to buy his best collection.,best,جان، اَصٕل،زَبَر,,सर्वोत्तम, +Adv,I work best at morning hours.,best,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,सबसे_अच्छा, +N,I tried my level best to win the match.,best,جان،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,सर्वोत्तम, +N,We placed a bet on the gray horse.,bet,بایِہ،شَرٕت,,शर्त, +VT,He bets heavily on the horse-race.,bet,بایِہ بِہُن،شَرٕت لاگُن,,दाँव_लगाना, +VT,He was accused of betraying the organization.,betray,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن،دَغاہ دیُن,,विश्वासघात_करना, +Adj,I wish you a better luck next time.,better,بہتَریٖن ،رُت،زَبَر,,बेहतर, +Adv,I want to have a better view of the match.,better,بہتَر پٲٹھۍ،جان پٲٹھۍ،اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,बेहतर_तरीके_से, +N,I expected better results from him this year.,better,بہتَر،جان،اَصٕل,,और_योग्य_व्यक्ति, +V,We need to better the conditions for the disabled.,better,بہتَر بَناوُن،جان بناوُن,,बेहतर_बनाना, +Prep,The house is between two tall buildings.,between,منٛز,,के_बीच, +Prep,The rack between the two tables is broken.,between,مَنٛزَس,,के_बीच_वाला, +Prep,The money was equally distributed between us.,between,دَرمِیان,,के_बीच_में, +Prep,You have a choice between holiday or picnic.,between,منٛز,,में से, +Prep,The house was situated between the trees.,between,مَنٛزس,,के_बीच, +Prep,I will not go beyond my limits.,beyond,اَمِہ نٮ۪بَر,,के~पार, +Prep,His lectures are beyond my comprehension.,beyond,نٮ۪بَر,,के_पार, +N,I bought a new bicycle for myself.,bicycle,زَلہٕ گُر،سَیکَل,,साइकिल, +V,We bade her farewel at the airport.,bid,وَنُن،دَپُن,,कहना{शुभ्रात्रि-आदि}, +V,They made highest bid for the old writing table.,bid,بوٗلۍ لاگٕن��,,बोली_लगाना, +N,She made a bid of 7 lacs for the painting.,bid,بوٗلۍ,,नीलाम_की_बोली, +VT,They showed an interest in bidding for the company.,bid,بوٗلۍ لاگٕنۍ,,बोली_बोलना, +Adj,He had a big decision to make.,big,بوٚڑ,,बड़ा, +Adj,The big story was her wedding this week.,big,زِٹھ،بٔڑ,,उम्र_में_बड़ी/बड़ा, +Adj,This last match is a big match for India.,big,اَہَم,,महत्वपूर्ण, +Adj,He has big ideas and plans in his mind.,big,بٔڑۍ،تٔھد ۍ,,महत्वाकांक्षा, +Adj,Cartoon network is big among children.,big,مَشہوٗر,,प्रसिद्ध, +Adj,Its very big of him to donate half of his salary to the flood victims.,big,سٔخی،دِلہٕ ووٚتھ,,दयालु, +Adj,They are feeling big about the world tour.,big,بےتاب,,उत्तेजित, +N,Ram paid the bill at the hotel.,bill,بِل,,बिल, +N,The bill of the sparrow is pointed.,bill,تونٛتھ,,चोंच, +N,He invested a billion in the soft-ware industry.,billion,اَرَب,,अरब, +V,Please bind up these pages.,bind,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बाँध, +VT,We will bind the packages together.,bind,بَنٛد کَرُن،گَنٛڈ کَرُن,,बाँध, +Adj,The contract was not legally binding.,binding,ضوٚروٗری،لٲزِم,,आवश्यक, +Adj,Tight garments are uncomfortably binding?,binding,۔۔۔,,बंधनवाला, +N,The book has a shiny leather binding.,binding,جِلدٕ,,जिल्द, +Adj,Biological warfare are the current security concerns world wide.,biological,حیاتِیٲتی,,जीवविज्ञान_सम्बन्धी, +N,Large number of birds migrate during the winter months.,bird,جاناوار،وُڑوٕنۍ جاناوار,,चिड़िया/पक्षी, +N,He was eight pound at birth.,birth,زیوٚن,,जन्म, +N,Ram does not celebrate his birthday.,birthday,زا دۄہہ،وُہَر وود,,जन्मदिन, +N,The bishop was not in the church.,bishop,پادٕر ۍ,,बिशप, +N,A glass smashed into little bits.,bit,زَرٕ,,टुकड़ा, +N,The horse is not accustomed to the bit.,bit,لانٛکَم,,लगाम, +N,There are 8 bits in a byte.,bit,بِٹ,,बिट{कम्प्यूटर}, +N,He looked around for the right size bit.,bit,زَرٕ,,छोटा_अंश, +VT,His dog tried to bite her.,bite,ژوٚپ ہیوٚن,,काटना, +N,He ate the sandwich in one bite.,bite,ژوٚپ,,कौर/काट, +Adj,The almonds tasted bitter.,bitter,ٹیوٚٹھ,,कड़ुवा, +Adj,All the relatives shed bitter tears on his sudden death.,bitter,سَخ,,शोकमय, +Adj,She feels bitter about her childhood memories.,bitter,سَخ,,कठोर, +Adv,She complained bitterly.,bitterly,تَلخی سان,,कड़ुवाहट_के_साथ, +Adv,It was bitterly cold.,bitterly,سَخٕت پٲٹھۍ,,कस_के, +Adv,He was bitterly disappointed.,bitterly,سَخ پٲٹھۍ,,अधक, +N,He was full of bitterness after he lost his job.,bitterness,ٹیٚچَھر,,कड़ुवापन, +Adj,The shop specializes in black leather jackets.,black,کرٛہُن،سِیاہ,,काला/श्याम, +Adj,The future appeared black.,black,وٲران,,अंधेरा, +Adj,Her face turned black with fury.,black,خوف ناک,,भयंकर, +Adj,Sadat Mantoo was famous for black humor.,black,طَنٕز,,उदास/सोगी, +V,His hands were blackened with soot.,blacken,کرٛہُن گَژُھن,,काला_करना, +V,His name was balckened by the scandle.,blacken,رَب مَتھنہٕ یِنۍ، بَد نام گَژُھن,,बदनाम_करना, +V,He tried to blackmail his secretary.,blackmail,بِلیک میل کَرُن،رازَس فاش کَرنٕچ دمکی دِنۍ,,ब्लैकमेल_कर, +N,The manager is vulnerable to the blackmail.,blackmail,بلیک میل,,ब्लैकमेल, +N,The disease affected the blades of plants.,blade,پٔتٕر,,पत्ती, +N,Grinder has sharp blades.,blade,دار,,धार/फल{चाकू_आदि_का}, +N,He was blamed for the theft.,blame,اِلزام,,दोष, +VI,You cannot blame her for this problem.,blame,ہانٛژ لاگٕنۍ،اِلزام دیُن,,दोष_लगाना/अपराधी_ठहराना, +Adj,I need a pile of blank pages.,blank,خٲلی,,कोरा, +N,Please fill in the blanks on the question paper.,blank,خٲلی جاے,,रिक्त_स्थान, +N,The garden was covered with a blanket of snow.,blanket,ژادَر,,कम्बल/लोई, +N,There was a blast in the Town.,blast,دَماکہٕ,,विस्फोट, +VT,The building was blasted.,blast,دَماکہٕ کَرُن,,बारूद_से_उड़ा_देना, +VT,She tended to blast while speaking on a microphone.,blast,دٕنِراوُن،دونُن،زورٕسان وَنُن,,ज़ोर_से_बोलना, +VI,He was bleeding profusely.,bleed,خوٗن یُن,,लहू_निकलना, +VT,The dying man blessed his son.,bless,دۄیِہ خٲر کَرُن,,आशीर्वाद_देना, +Adj,She was blind since birth.,blind,اوٚن,,अंधा, +Adj,This was a blind attempt.,blind,ناکام،ہُش مُش,,असफल, +Adj,We can shorten the length of this coat by blind stiching.,blind,أندٕر ۍٹیب,,बन्द, +N,Shorten the length of this dress by blind stiching.,blind,أندٕرۍٹیب,,अंधा[आड़], +N,He gives lessons to the blind in the evening.,blind,اوٚن,,अंधा, +N,He waited impatiently in the blind.,blind,خامہٕ خاہ,,आड़, +N,Please put up the blinds.,blind,پَردٕ,,झिलमिली, +VT,The criminals were punished and blinded.,blind,اوٚن کَرُن,,अन्धा_करना, +N,The pyramids were built with large stone blocks.,block,پَل,,ब्लॉक, +N,He lives in the next block.,block,بُلاک,,खण्ड{समूह}, +N,He is going through the creative block.,block,رُکاوٹ,,रोक, +N,The engine had to be replaced because the block cracked.,block,کُنڈٕ,,कुन्दा, +N,They put their paintings on the block?,block,کیُل,,कील, +N,He threw a rolling block into the line backer.,block,پَل,,पतथर का बडा टुकडा, +VT,Please do not block the way.,block,بنٛد کَرٕنۍ،ٹھوٚرتھاوُن,,रोकना/बन्द_करना, +VT,The thick curtain blocked the sun light.,block,ٹھوٚر کَرُن،رُکاوَٹ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,बाधा_डालना, +VT,Make the block for printing.,block,بُلاک بناوُن,,ब्लाक_बनाना{प्रिंटिंग_का}, +VT,Block the graphs so one can see the results clearly.,block,بُلاک بناوٕنۍ,,ब्लॉक_बनाना, +N,Economic blockade is henious human right violation.,blockade,ناکہٕ بٔنٛدی,,नाकाबन्दी, +VT,The company has decided to blockade all imported goods for time being.,blockade,ناکہٕ بٔنٛدی کَرٕنۍ,,नाकाबंदी_करना, +N,He needed blood transfusion.,blood,رَتھ،خوٗن,,रक्त/खून/लहू, +N,He gave him a sharp blow in the stomach.,blow,ٹاس,,आघात, +N,He suffered a hard blow on his head in the accident.,blow,چوٹ,,चोट, +VI,The balloon is blowing high in the air.,blow,وٕڑان,,उड़ना, +VT,The breeze blew the shirt away.,blow,وُڑِت نیُن,,उड़ाना, +Adj,I want a blue colored sweater.,blue,نیوٗل،آسمٲنۍ,,नीला, +Adj,He has been a bit blue since his accident.,blue,نیٖجَر پھیرُن،دۄکھ پیوٚن,,दुखी_भावना, +Adj,He has a taste for blue movies.,blue,ننٛگہٕ ،عریانہٕ,,अश्लील, +N,The sky is blue in colour.,blue,نیوٗل,,नीला_रंग, +N,He won blue title for football at Cambridge.,blue,اٮ۪زاز,,उपाधि, +Adj,Blue music is still very popular.,blue,اَفسَردٕ,,उदास_संगीत, +N,The board of directors drafted a new policy.,board,جَماعت،اَنجُمَن،تَنظیٖم,,मंडल, +N,He put the score on the board.,board,بوٚڑ,,तख्ता/पट्टा, +VT,Rahul boarded the plane for London.,board,کھوٚت,,चढ़ना, +N,We crossed the river by a small boat.,boat,ناو,,नाव, +VI,We go boating on Hussain Sagar lake every Friday.,boating,ناوِ سَوٲرۍ کَرٕنۍ,,नौका-विहार_करना, +N,Bobcut was a very popular hairstyle in sixties.,bob,باب کَٹ,,छोटे_बाल_रखने_का_किस्म, +V,He bobbed his head in agreement.,bob,کَلہٕ ہِلاوُن,,ऊपर_नीचे_करना[होना], +N,You can go for a body massage.,body,تَن،جِسٕم،پان,,शरीर, +N,The whole body of doctors worked on this case.,body,جَماعت,,समिति, +N,The body of the truck was completely damaged.,body,ڈانٛچہٕ,,ढाँचा, +N,His toy aircraft fell in the bog.,bog,ڈٮ۪مب،نَمبَل,,दलदल, +N,He has a boil on his back.,boil,پھٮ۪پُھر,,फोड़ा, +N,Let the water come to the boil.,boil,گرٛٮ۪کھ,,उबाल, +VI,The water has been boiling for a long time.,boil,گرٮ۪کھ,,उबलना, +VT,Boil the potatoes first.,boil,گرٮ۪کناوُن,,उबालना, +Adj,She is a bold girl.,bold,جُرَت منٛد,,दबंग, +Adj,Write the headings in bold letters.,bold,ٹاکارٕ,,स्पष्ट, +N,The bomb was dropped near the school.,bomb,بَمب,,बम, +VT,The Americans bombed Dresden.,bomb,بَمبٲری کَرٕنۍ,,बम_गिराना, +N,Bombers were used during the second World war.,bomber,جٔنگی جہاز,,बमवर्षक, +N,The sisters had a strong bond between them.,bond,رِشتہٕ,,बन्धन, +N,You need to sign a bond before renting the place.,bond,یَقرار نامہٕ,,प्रतिज्ञा_पत्र, +N,He broke his collar bone.,bone,أڑِج,,हड्डी/अस्थि, +N,I am arranging my books today.,book,کِتاب,,पुस्तक/किताब, +VT,They have already booked a table at the Restaurant.,book,بُک کَرٕنۍ,,बुक_करना, +V,We manager reduced the ticket prices to boost the audience.,boost,پوچَھر،وٕتٕش دیُن,,बढ़ावा_देना, +N,These wishes will boost her morale.,boost,حوصلہٕ،وۄتھ بۄو,,बढ़ावा, +N,She bought a pair of boots for winter.,boot,بوٗٹھ،پٲزارٕ,,जूता, +N,You can put the luggage in the boot.,boot,ڑِکی,,कार_में_सामान_रखने_का_स्थान, +V,Boot the ball towards goalkeeper.,boot,لَتھ لایِنۍ,,लात_मारना, +N,The two countries have frequent border disputes.,border,سَرحَد,,सीमा, +N,She knitted a tablecloth with laced border.,border,اَنٛد,,किनारा, +V,Kashmir borders Pakistan and China.,border,سَرحَد رَلان,,से_लगा_हुआ_होना, +V,Her garden is bordered on three sides by hedge.,border,اَنٛد گٔنڑِتھ,,सीमा_बनाना, +V,They have to bore a tunnel through a mountain.,bore,گوٚد کَرُن,,छेद_करना_या_भेदना, +N,His father always carries twelve-bore shotgun.,bore,بٔنٛدوٗقٕچ نٔلۍ,,बन्दूक_की_नली, +V,I hope I am not boring you.,bore,تنٛگ گَژُھن,,जी_उबाना, +N,She is such a bore.,bore,خۄشٕک,,उबानेवाला, +N,Many persons died due to sudden bore in the sea.,bore,لہَر,,ज्वार_की_ऊँची_लहर, +V,I need to borrow some money from you.,borrow,وۄزُم ہِیوٚن,,उधार_लेना, +V,They have borrowed curtains from the neighbours.,borrow,وۄزُم ہیوٚن,,उधार_लिया_हुआ, +N,The boss hired three more men for the new job.,boss,زیُٹھ،صَحَب,,बॉस, +VT,He bosses around here.,boss,نَظَر گُزَر تھاوٕنۍ،پٮ۪ٹھاؤلی کَرٕنۍ,,प्रबन्ध_करना/देखभाल_करना, +Conj,I like both of them.,both,دۄنوَے،دۄشوَے,,दोनो/उभय, +Det,Both his parents are doctors.,both,دۄشوَے,,दोनो/उभय, +N,I know you do not want any bother.,bother,پریشٲنی,,परेशानी, +VT,You need not to bother yourself.,bother,تنٛگ کَرُن,,तंग_करना, +N,Vinegar is stored in the bottle.,bottle,بوتَل,,बोतल, +VT,You can bottle the pickle later.,bottle,بوتٕلِہ منٛز بَرُن,,बोतल_में_बन्द_करना/बंधन_में_रखना, +N,They started at the bottom of the hill.,bottom,دامَن,,सबसे_नीचे_का_भाग, +N,The ship had sunk to the bottom of the sea.,bottom,ژوٚک,,तल, +N,HIt the ball before it bounces.,bounce,ٹَپہٕ,,छलांग, +VI,The rubber ball bounced back forcefully.,bounce,ٹَپہٕ کھیوٚن,,उछल_पड़ना, +VI,The check bounced the third time.,bounce,واپَس یِنۍ,,वापिस_आना, +VI,His job is to bounce people at the club.,bounce,چَھکُن,,मारना, +Adj,He was bound to stick with the job.,bound,لاچار،مَجبوٗر,,लाचार/विवश, +Adj,Bring those bound volumes here.,bound,جِلدٕ دار,,जिल्दवाले, +Adj,It was bound to happen sooner or later.,bound,یٔقیٖنی,,गुज़रनेवाला, +N,The theif cleared the fence in one bound.,bound,وۄٹھ,,छलांग/उछल_कूद, +N,He realized the freedom bound within responsibilities.,bound,حَد,,सीमा, +VTI,The horse bounded across the meadow.,bound,وۄٹٕہ تُلنِہ,,कुलाँचे_मारना/उछलना, +N,They have fixed the boundary of the field using barbed wires.,boundary,اَنٛدٕ اَنٛدٕ,,सीमा/घेरा/मेढ़, +N,She was wearing a green bow.,bow,بو,,बो, +N,Hold the arrow in a bow.,bow,کَمان,,कमान, +V,The children bowed to the audience after the dance.,bow,جُکُن،نَمُن,,झुकना, +N,Fresh vegetables will help you improve your bowel movements.,bowel,أندرَم,,आँत, +N,I like ceramic bowls.,bowl,کَٹورٕ،ٹوٗرۍ پیالہٕ,,कटोरा/प्याला, +VT,The bowler bowled an off spin.,bowl,پٮ۪نٛد لَگاوٕنۍ,,गेंद_फेंकना, +N,He is a good bowler.,bowler,گینٛدٕباز،بالَر,,गेंदबाज, +N,Lift the box carefully.,box,ڈَبہٕ,,बौक्स, +N,He rummaged through a box of spare parts.,box,صٔندوٗق،ڈَبہٕ,,सन्दूक, +N,The flowchart contained many boxes.,box,خانہٕ,,वर्ग, +N,The sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold.,box,گارَت,,जगह, +N,I boxed him right in his face.,box,،مُش,,घूंसा, +VT,Please box the gift properly.,box,ڈَبَس منٛز بنٛد کَرُن,,बक्से_में_बन्द_करना, +VT,He boxed him on the ear.,box,مُش لگاوٕنۍ��دوٚمبوٗسٕہ لگاوُن,,घूंसा_मारना, +N,The boy in the park was playing ferociously.,boy,کوٚٹ،لٔڑکٕہ,,लड़का, +N,He likes to play golf with the boys.,boy,یار،دوس,,दोस्त, +VT,The opposition boycotted the meeting.,boycott,بَیِہ کاٹ کَرُن،تعلُق ژَٹُن,,बहिष्कार_करना, +N,He wore a brace on his knee.,brace,کوٚر,,धनुकोष्ठक, +VT,Brace your elbows while working on the potter`s wheel.,brace,مَظبوٗط کَرُن,,दृढ़_करना, +N,He died of brain tumour.,brain,کٲڑۍ,,बुद्धि, +N,My car brakes are not working properly.,brake,برٛیک,,ब्रेक/गतिरोधक, +N,A branch of grape vine has spread across the fence.,branch,لٔنٛڑ،شاخ,,शाखा, +V,This road branches off into three lanes from here.,branch,شاخ نیرٕنۍ,,विभाजित_होना, +N,There is a brand new actor in this movie.,brand,برٛانٛڈ,,ब्रांड{चिह्न}, +VT,She was branded a loose woman.,brand,ٹَھپہٕ لوٚگمُت,,चिह्न_बनाना, +N,The doors have brass handles.,brass,سَرتَل,,पीतल, +N,She had the brass to confront the authorities.,brass,بَدسوٚلوٗکی,,ढिठाई, +Adj,He is a brash young man.,brash,ظٲلِم,,धृष्ट, +N,His threats are nothing but sheer bravado.,bravado,۔۔۔,,डींग, +Adj,He was a brave chap in his youth.,brave,دِلاوَر،دِلہٕ دوٚر,,साहसी, +VT,Brave the natural disastors.,brave,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_करना/ललकारना, +N,The bakery has good quality brown bread.,bread,ژوٚٹ ،ڈَبَل ژوٚٹ,,ब्रेड, +N,He earns bread for the entire family all alone.,bread,روٗزی,,जीविका/रोज़ी, +N,We hope to avoid a break in our relation.,break,دوٗرٮ۪ر,,दरार, +N,He finally got the break to act.,break,موقعہٕ,,शुरुआत, +N,We need to take a break.,break,تَھک,,छुट्टी, +N,He was up two breaks in the second set.,break,وَقفہٕ,,अन्तर, +VT,Break the loaf of bread.,break,ژَٹُن,,भंग_करना, +VT,The horse was tough to break.,break,قوبوٗو کَرُن,,बल_तोड़ना, +VT,You need to break your habit of cigarette smoking.,break,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, +VT,She broke fiercely into tears.,break,پَھٹُن,,फूटना, +VT,At work things have been breaking pretty well.,break,پَکان،چَلان,,चलना, +VT,His death broke my strenght and hope.,break,پٕھٹہٕ راوُن،ژَٹُن,,तोड़ना, +VT,Your voice is breaking on the phone.,break,بٮ۪گُر گَژُھن،تَھر تَھرٕ گَژٕھنۍ,,फटना, +VT,You cannot break this blister.,break,پھاٹراوُن,,फोड़ना, +N,I want to have my breakfast in my room.,breakfast,برٛیک فاسٹہٕ,,नाशता, +N,This restaurant offers wide range for breakfast.,breakfast,برٛیک فاسٹہٕ,,जलपान, +N,He was breaking the glass panes in anger.,breaking,لَہہ لور,,टूट_फूट, +Adj,It is a breaking news.,breaking,تازٕ,,ताज़ा, +N,He beat his breast in anger.,breast,سیٖنہٕ،چھٲتۍ,,छाती, +N,He took a deep breath and dived into the pool.,breath,شاہ,,साँस, +N,In a breath of breeze her hat blew away.,breath,لَہر,,झोंका, +VTI,I can breathe better in the open.,breathe,شاہ کھالُن,,साँस_लेना, +VTI,He did not breathe a word about it.,breathe,کِینٛہہ نہٕ وَنُن,,कुच- न-कहना, +N,Deep breathing is very good for health.,breathing,۔۔۔,,श्वसन, +N,We requested for a special breed of dogs.,breed,زٲژ,,वंश, +VT,These birds breed in spring.,breed,نَسٕل کٔشی کَرٕنۍ,,पैदा_करना[करवाना], +N,The breeze was cool by the lake.,breeze,واوٕگرٛاے،واوٕ رنگِش,,मन्द_समीर, +N,He was accused of accepting the bribe from the students.,bribe,کوٚژھ،رُشوٕ,,रिश्वत, +VT,They bribed the officials to get the licence.,bribe,کوٚژھ دیُن،رُشوٕ دیُن,,रिश्वत_देना, +N,The chimney is to be made of bricks.,brick,سیٖر,,ईंट, +N,The bride was wearing bright red gown.,bride,مَہریٚنۍ,,नववधू/दुल्हन, +N,We can bridge this gap in between us.,bridge,کٔدٕل,,सेतु, +N,They spent the evening playing bridge.,bridge,تاس,,ताश_का_एक_खेल, +VT,We need to bridge the river.,bridge,کٔدٕل تارُن،کٔدٕل بَناوُن,,पुल_बाँधना, +VT,We can bridge their differences.,bridge,دوٗرٮ۪ر مِٹاوُن,,अंतर_मिटाना, +Adj,Give me a brief answer.,brief,مۄخصَر,,संक्षिप्त, +Adj,We could not participate because of our brief stay.,brief,ژھوٚٹ,,लघु, +N,In the beginning he presented a brief of the last meeting.,brief,مۄخصَر,,सारपत्र, +Adv,He gave his statement briefly.,briefly,ژھوٚٹ پٲٹھۍ,,संक्षिप्त_रूप_में, +Adj,The sun was bright and hot.,bright,پرٛزل وُن,,चमकीला, +Adj,She is full of bright ideas.,bright,تیز,,तेज़, +Adj,The room was bright and airy.,bright,گاشدار,,उज्ज्वल, +Adj,She has a bright future ahead.,bright,پرٛزَل وٕنۍ,,दीप्तिमान, +N,The brightness on her face was too picturesque.,brightness,چَمک،نوٗر،پٲراو,,चमक, +Adj,It was a brilliant performance.,brilliant,شاندار,,तेजोमय, +VT,I will certainly bring my collection of photographs.,bring,اَنُن,,लाना[ले_आना], +Adj,He has broad shoulders.,broad,کٔھلۍ,,चौड़ा{फैला_हुआ}, +Adj,The theft took place in the broad day light.,broad,واضح,,विस्तृत, +Adj,He gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave.,broad,واضح,,स्पष्ट, +Adj,They will broadcast it in the news.,broadcast,نَشرِیٲتی,,प्रसारित, +V,The news was broadcasted early morning.,broadcast,نَشٕر کَرُن,,प्रसारित_करना, +VTI,The event was broadcasted live on TV.,broadcast,نَشٕر کَرُن,,प्रसारित_करना, +N,I regularly watch the news broadcast on our local channel.,broadcast,نَشٕر,,प्रसारित, +Adj,There was a broken glass in the box.,broken,پُھٹمُت,,टूटा_हुआ, +Adj,Many children suffer from bronchial asthma.,bronchial,شَہہ رَگِہ ہُند,,श्वासनली_का, +N,The bitch moved to a new corner with her brood.,brood,شُرۍ،بَچہٕ,,बच्चे, +VI,He brooded over the argument all day long.,brood,فِکِر کَرٕنۍ,,चिन्ता_करना, +VI,Our hen is brooding the eggs.,brood,پَھہ دیُن,,अंडे_सेना, +N,There are lovely lilies near the brook.,brook,نالہٕ,,छोटी_नदी, +VT,I cannot brook any further nonsense.,brook,ژالُن,,सहना, +N,My brother lives with our parents.,brother,بوے,,भाई, +Adj,Rajini was wearing a brown sweater.,brown,کاژٕر,,भूरा, +N,His shirt has brown collar.,brown,کاژُر,,भूरा, +N,I need to buy brush for painting.,brush,بُرُش,,ब्रुश, +N,He writes beautifully with brush.,brush,بُرُش,,कूँची, +N,The brush of a fox looks beautiful from behind..,brush,رامہٕ ہوٗنۍسٕنٛز لٔٹ,,लोमड़ी_की_पूँछ, +N,He knocked the glass off the table with a brush of his coat.,brush,بُرُش,,कूँची, +N,The staff had a nasty brush with their manager.,brush,بَکواس,,भिडंत, +VT,I brush my teeth everyday.,brush,صاف کَرُن,,ब्रुश_से_झाडना_या_साफ_करना, +Adj,I do not like bubble gums.,bubble,ڈیٖنچٕر,,असार, +N,Happiness appears like a bubble at times.,bubble,بُبُر، ڈیٖنچٕر,,बुलबुला, +VI,The lava bubbled in the crater.,bubble,بُبَر کَھسٕنۍ,,खदबदाना/बुलबुले_उठना, +N,I saw three wild bucks in the bushes.,buck,ہِرَن،روٗسۍ کٔٹ,,मृग/हिरन, +N,She left the bucket under the tap.,bucket,بالٹیٖن,,बाल्टी, +N,We need to draw up a budget for the next year.,budget,بَجَٹ,,बजट, +Adj,She was wearing a buff color saree.,buff,بادٲمۍ، چھوٚت کاژُر,,बादामी, +N,Bags made from buff are very durable.,buff,دالہٕ,,भैंस_आदि_का_चमड़ा, +N,They own a couple of baffaloes.,buffalo,مٲش,,भैंसा, +N,This instrument can be used as a buffer to avoid friction.,buffer,بَفر,,बफर, +N,He behaves like a silly old buffer.,buffer,بٕڑٕ,,बूड़ा_आदमी, +N,He is of strong build with long hair.,build,بناوَٹ,,निर्माण/बनावट, +VT,We build a hut near the gate.,build,بَناوُن,,बनाना, +VT,We must put an effort to build our nation strong.,build,تٲمیٖر کَرُن,,निर्माण_करना, +VT,We cannot build their defense on such evidences.,build,بَناوُن,,स्थापित_करना/बल_देना, +VT,The plot successfully build suspense from the start.,build,بَڑان,,बढ़ना, +N,His father is a builder.,builder,ٹھیکہٕ دَر,,निर्माता, +N,There was a three-story building on the corner.,building,عِمارت,,इमारत, +V,Building the house is costing too much money.,building,بنَاوُن,,निर्माण, +N,We can buy the rice in bulk.,bulk,تھوک,,थोक, +VI,The parcel bulked in the transparent sack.,bulk,۔۔۔,,दिखना, +N,This party has chosen bull as their symbol.,bull,دانٛد,,साँड़, +N,He shot a bullet at her.,bullet,گوٗلۍ,,गोली, +N,The bulletin was full of new budget.,bulletin,خَبَر نامہٕ,,सरकारी_समाचार, +N,He gave her a bunch of flowers.,bunch,گوٚند,,गुच्छा, +N,Our house leads to the bunch of trees from behind.,bunch,جَنگُل,,झुरमुट, +VI,The children bunched together in the play ground.,bunch,جَمع گَژُھن,,एकत्र_होना, +N,Tie these papers into a bundle.,bundle,گٮ۪ٹھٕر,,गठ्ठा/गठरी/पुलिन्दा, +N,He retired to lie on the bunk on train.,bunk,جَہازَس یا ٹریٚنہِ منٛزشۄنٛگنہٕ خٲطرٕ جاے,,शायिका{जहाज_में}, +V,They bunk the classes very often.,bunk,لِپٕر تھاوٕنۍ,,न_जाना, +N,He has become a burden of responsibility.,burden,بور،بوج,,बोझ, +VT,She was burdened with the responsiblity of her handicapped father.,burden,بار آسُن,,लादना, +N,A bureau of teakwood was kept in the corner.,bureau,میز,,लिखने_की_मेज़, +N,Her burial shall be performed on Sunday.,burial,دَفناوُن ،ؤڑراوُن,,दफन_करना/मिट्टी_देना, +N,He received severe burns in the fire.,burn,آمہٕ تاو،دوٚد مُت,,जलने_का_घाव, +VI,Maple wood burns well.,burn,دَزان,,जलना, +VT,They burned all the old records.,burn,زول,,जलाना, +Adj,He accompanied them in burning fever.,burning,تَپہٕ مٔنٛڑۍ,,दाहक, +Adj,Her eloping was the burning issue of the group.,burning,تازٕ,,ज्वलन्त, +Adj,We need coal-burning stoves.,burning,زالَن وول,,जलानेवाला, +Adj,She felt a burning sensation after taking the medicine.,burning,دَزوُن,,जलता_हुआ, +N,There was a burst in the water-pipe.,burst,۔۔۔,,तड़क, +VI,The blisters bursted suddenly.,burst,پَھٹُن,,फटना, +VI,He burst out of the house into the cool night.,burst,ژَلُن,,निकल_भागना, +VI,The horizon burst into view at the dawn.,burst,ظٲہِر گَژُھن,,एकाएक_प्रकट_हो_जाना, +VT,She was buried later that evening.,bury,دَفناوُن,,दफ़नाना, +N,She travels by bus to reach her work place.,bus,گٲڑۍ،بَس،موٹَر,,बस, +N,He was hiding behind the bushes.,bush,کٔنڑۍ دۄپھ،کٔنٛڑۍ زنٛڑ,,झाड़ी, +N,We have invested huge money in this business.,business,کارٕبار,,व्यापार, +N,He took over his brother`s business.,business,کارٕبار,,उद्योग, +N,We do not share the same line of business.,business,کارٕبار,,व्यवसाय, +N,Our business is running smoothly.,business,کار,,धंधा, +N,This is our personal business so keep away.,business,معاملہٕ,,मामला, +N,My father is a businessman.,businessman,کاربٲرۍ,,व्यापारी, +Adj,She is busy with her work.,busy,آوُر,,व्यस्त, +N,I had bread and butter for my breakfast.,butter,تٔھنۍ,,मक्खन, +V,You have not buttered my toast properly.,butter,تھٔنۍ مَتھٕنۍ,,मक्खन_लगाना, +N,The elevator operates by a push button.,button,بۄٹُن،ٹنِ ٹُپ,,बटन, +VT,He always forgets to button his shirt.,button,بۄٹُن دیُن،بۄٹُن لاگُن,,बटन_लगाना, +VT,I cannot afford to buy this dress.,buy,مٔلۍ ہیوٚن،اَنُن,,ख़रीदना, +N,The best buys of this winter are carrots and peas.,buy,سودَہ,,खरीद, +N,We have booked a cabin on a train.,cabin,کوٗٹھٕر,,कोठरी, +N,I arranged all my trophies in the cabinet.,cabinet,اَلمٲرۍ,,सन्दूकचा, +N,I can sit and talk in the cafeteria.,cafeteria,قَہوٕ خانہٕ،کیفٹیرِیا,,कैफे{कहवाखाना}, +N,Leave the cage open for the parrots.,cage,ٹِھیُپ,,पिंजड़ा, +VT,The animals were caged in the zoo.,cage,بنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, +N,I want to have a cake.,cake,کیک,,केक, +V,Please calculate this amount of money.,calculate,گٔنٛزٕراوُن،حِساب کَرُن,,गणना_कर, +VT,We have to calculate the estimated cost of our journey.,calculate,حِساب کَرُن,,हिसाब_लगाना, +N,Candidates are not allowed to use calculators in exams.,calculator,کَل کُلیٹَر,,कैलकुलेटर, +N,I have already purchased a new calendar.,calendar,کٮ۪لنٛڈَر,,कैलेंडर, +N,Caliph is a title given to a religious muslim leader.,caliph,خٔلیٖفہٕ,,खलीफा, +V,Please give a call to the doctor.,call,ناد دیُن،آلو دیُن،,,बुलाना, +N,I couldn`t hear his call on the other end of the street.,call,آلَو,,पुकार, +V,I couldn`t hear his call on the other end of the street.,call,آلَو,,बुला, +V,What is her new baby girl called.,call,وَنان,,बुलाना, +N,Teaching can be an apt calling for females.,calling,پیٚشِہ,,व्यवसाय, +Adj,The streets are calm in the evenings.,calm,شُنِۍیاہ،ژھۄپہٕ,,शान्त, +N,I like the calm of midnight.,calm,ژھۄپہٕ،سُکوٗن,,शान्ति, +VT,The mother calmed her angry son.,calm,ژھۄپہٕ کَرناوُن,,शान्त_करना, +N,He bought a new camera from HongKong.,camera,کیمرا,,कैमरा, +N,Trekers have to return back to the base camp everyday.,camp,پَڑاو،تَھکہٕ پیٚنٛڈ,,पड़ाव, +V,We camped on Nilgiri hills during summer.,camp,ڑیرٕ ترٛاوُن،پَڑاو کَرُن,,पड़ाव_डालना, +N,Students launched a campaign against smoking on the campus.,campaign,مُظٲہِرٕ,,अभियान, +N,Our college campus is very big.,campus,کیمپَس، کالیج یا یُونِوَرسِٹی ہُنٛد صحَن,,परिसर, +N,The gardener was holding a watering can.,can,کین,,कैन, +V,I can look for a job for you.,can,ہٮ۪کُن,,सकना, +V,Please can the pickles immediately.,can,کینَس منٛز تھاوُن,,कैन_में_रखना, +V,He has cancelled the meeting.,cancel,منسوٗخ کَرُن،رَد کَرُن,,रद्द_कर, +VT,I have to cancel my train tickets also.,cancel,رَد کَرُن ،مَنسوٗخ کَرُن,,रद्द_करना, +N,His mother is suffering from throat cancer.,cancer,کینسَر,,कैन्सर, +N,We are looking for a bright candidate to fill in this vaccancy.,candidate,وۄمیدوار,,उम्मीदवार, +N,Light the candle if there is a power-cut.,candle,شَمَع،موم بٔتۍ,,मोमबत्ती, +N,I don`t like candies.,candy,مِٹھٲے،ماٹُم,,मिश्री, +N,There is a cannery near our place.,cannery,کارخانہٕ,,कैनरी, +N,Cannons were used in the past to fight battles.,cannon,توپھ,,तोप, +N,You can start painting on the canvas.,canvas,کینواس,,कैनवास, +N,The boy was wearing a blue cap.,cap,ٹوٗپۍ,,टोपी, +VT,The bottles were capped tightly.,cap,ٹھانٛڈٕ تھاوُن,,ढक्कन_लगाना, +N,He worked to the limits of his capability.,capability,صَلاحِیَت,,सामर्थ्य, +Adj,He is capable of winning.,capable,قٲبِل,,समर्थ, +N,The boy cannot work beyond his capacity.,capacity,وُسَعت،,,सामर्थ्य, +N,The pink cape on her shoulders looks beautiful.,cape,پٔنچھوٗو,,गरदनी/कंधे_का_वस्त्र, +Adj,Mark the heading in capital letters.,capital,بٔڑۍ اَچَھر,,बड़ा_अक्षर, +Adj,Capital punishment violates the basic ethics of humanity.,capital,سَزایِہ موت,,मृत्युदण्ड, +N,Delhi is the capital of India.,capital,راز دٲنۍ,,राजधानी, +N,We require a huge capital to start a business.,capital,سَرمایِہ,,पूँजी/मूलधन, +N,Capitalism encourages private enterprises.,capitalism,سَرمایِہ دٲری,,पूँजीवाद, +N,The captains of both teams agreed on the decision taken by an umpire.,captain,کپتان،أمیٖر،زیُٹھ,,कप्तान/सेनापति/जहाज़_का_अध्यक्ष/, +VT,Sachin Tendulkar captained Indian cricket team successfully.,captain,کپتٲنی کَرٕنۍ,,नेतृत्व_करना, +N,The convict evaded capture for a week.,capture,قٲد ،گِرِفتٲری,,पकड़े_जाना, +VT,Madhubala`s beauty captured many hearts.,capture,مٲیِل کَرُن,,बंदी_बनाना/जीत_लेना, +VT,The poet captured the essence of Spring in his poetry.,capture,بَنٛد کَرُن،قٲد کَرُن,,पकड़ना, +N,He needs a car to reach to his work place.,car,گٲڑۍ،موٹَر کار,,मोटरगाड़ी/पहियागाड़ी, +N,I will go to the dining car.,car,ریٚلِہ ڈَبہٕ,,ट्रेन_का_डिब्बा{विशेष_काम_के_लिये}, +N,Carbon occurs in its pure form as diamond.,carbon,کاربَن,,कोयला/कार्बन, +N,They send us one invitation card.,card,کارڈ,,कार्ड, +N,I like to play cards.,card,تاس,,ताश, +N,I used cardboard for packing.,cardboard,گَتہٕ,,गत्ता, +Adj,There is no cardinal rule to solve this problem.,cardinal,خاص ،اہَم,,मुख्य/प्रधान, +N,Handle this box with care.,care,،پَرواے,,परवाह, +N,She doesn`t care about her looks.,care,پَرواے,,ध्यान, +N,Man is seldom free from care.,care,فِکر,,चिन्ता, +N,One should always take care while travelling.,care,احتِیات,,सावधानी, +V,You need to take care after the treatment.,care,احتِیات کَرُن,,परवाह_कर, +V,I really care about my work.,care,فِکِر منٛد آسُن,,चिन्ता_करना/परवाह_करना, +N,The general had a distinguished career.,career,پیٚشہِ,,पेशा, +N,His career reached the zenith in youth.,career,مُستَقبٕل,,विकास, +VI,The cars careered down the cliff.,career,ڈُلہٕ گَژُھن,,सर��ट_जाना, +Adj,He is very careful.,careful,ہُشار,,सावधान, +Adj,Be careful while crossing the busy street.,careful,ہُشار,,चौकस/सावधान, +Adv,He works carefully.,carefully,احتِیات سان,,सावधानी_से, +Adj,She is careless about her clothes.,careless,لا پَرواہ،بےپَرواہ,,बेपरवाह, +N,The cat was sitting in a carriage.,carriage,گاڑِہُنٛد ڈَبہٕ,,गाड़ी_[का_डिब्बा], +N,We travelled in a second-class carriage.,carriage,ریٚلِہ ہُنٛد ڈَبہٕ,,रेलगाड़ी_का_डिब्बा, +N,In olden days horse carriages were the common means of transportation.,carriage,گٲڑۍ,,गाड़ी, +VT,You must carry your own water bottle.,carry,تُلُن,,ले_जाना/ढोना, +VT,She was carrying their second child.,carry,بیٚیِہ زُوٕ آسُن,,गर्भवती_होना, +VT,We may need to carry extra stuff too.,carry,تُلُن,,बोझ_ढोना, +VT,The bill was carried by 250 votes to 200.,carry,برٛونٛٹھ پَکہٕ ناوُن,,समर्थन_होना, +VT,I was carried by his speech.,carry,اَثَر ترٛاوُن,,प्रभावित_करना, +VT,She carries herself very well.,carry,رٔوٕیِہ آسُن,,चलन, +N,The carry of Bofors gun is superb.,carry,۔۔۔,,बंदूक_की_सीमा, +N,He used a cart to carry the rocks away.,cart,ریڈٕ,,छकड़ा_गाड़ी/गाड़ी, +V,I want a wood carved box as a token of sovenir.,carve,کَھنُن,,काट_कर_चित्र_बनाना, +N,This case is very complicated.,case,مَسلہٕ،معاملہٕ,,मामला[, +N,Cases of forgery are very common here.,case,مَسلہٕ,,मामला, +N,I kept all my ornaments in a case.,case,ڈَبہٕ,,डिबिया/पेटी, +N,Latin nouns have case and gender.,case,حالَت,,विभक्ति, +N,Peter solved the case of the missing heir.,case,مُقَدِمہٕ,,मुकदमा, +N,You will have to pay in cash.,cash,نَقٕد,,रोकड़, +V,I have to go to the bank to cash a cheque.,cash,کیش کَرٕنۍ,,रोकड़_में_बदलना, +N,He was cast first time in the movie.,cast,فَن کار,,नाटक_या_फिल्म_के_कलाकार, +N,My mother has an unusual cast of mind.,cast,رُجحان,,प्रकार_का, +V,I will not cast my vote in favor of any party.,cast,ترٛاوُن,,डालना, +V,He was cast as Hamlet in the play.,cast,اداکٲری خٲطرٕ چُنُن,,नाटक_केलिए_चुनना, +V,The sculpture of the poet was cast in silver.,cast,شَکٕل دِنۍ،آکار دیُن,,आकार_देना/बनाना, +N,There is much prevalence of caste system even now.,caste,ذات پات،خانٛدان,,जाति/वर्ण/गोत्र, +N,I like the architecture of medieval castles.,castle,قعلہٕ,,दुर्ग, +Adj,She felt offended at his casual remark.,casual,بِلامَقصد,,आकस्मक, +N,I saw a black cat.,cat,بیٲر,,बिल्ली, +N,I train my dog to catch the ball with the jaws.,catch,تھَپھ,,पकड़, +V,He caught the ball superbly.,catch,رَٹُن،تھَپھ دِنۍ,,पकड़ना, +N,He is a good catcher in the baseball.,catcher,رَٹَن وول,,पकड़नेवाला, +N,Both elements belong to the same category of metal.,category,زٲژ,,वर्ग, +V,We have to cater fifty people at the party.,cater,کھیاوناوٕنۍ، چاوناوٕنۍ,,खिलाना/पिलाना, +Adj,His father belongs to the Catholic school.,catholic,عیسٲین ہنٛداکھ فِرقہٕ,,सर्वसामान्य, +N,The street cattle strayed into our garden.,cattle,چاروٲے,,पशु/मवेशी, +N,It is hard to determine the cause of the plane crash.,cause,وَجہ،سَبَب,,कारण, +VT,Chewing tobacco can cause cancer.,cause,وَجہ بَنُن,,कारण_होना/उत्पन्न_करना, +N,We need to proceed with caution.,caution,احتِیات,,चेतावनी, +V,His father cautioned him from spending lavishly.,caution,خَبَردار کَرُن,,सावधान_करना, +N,India still has the largest cavalry in the world.,cavalry,شاہ سَوار,,अश्वारोही_सेना, +V,The rebels agreed to cease all operations.,cease,رُکاوُن،خَتٕم کَرُن,,विराम_लगाना, +N,They are trying to establish a cease-fire.,cease-fire,جَنٛگ بٔنٛدی,,युद्धविराम, +N,We need to polish the ceiling.,ceiling,تالَو,,भीतरी_छत, +N,Government imposed ceiling on price rise.,ceiling,اِنتِہٲیی مُقرَر قۭمَت,,उच्चतम_सीमा, +V,We celebrated Newyear with great vigor.,celebrate,مَناوُن,,उत्सव_मनाना, +Adj,He is a celebrated poet.,celebrated,ناموَر،مشہوٗر,,ख्यातिप्राप्त, +N,There was a grand celebration at her wedding.,celebration,جیٚشنہٕ مَناوُن،شوٚغلہٕ کَرُن,,उत्सव/खुशी_मनाना, +N,He was imprisoned in the cell..,cell,خانہٕ,,तहखाना, +N,Freedom fighters were imprisoned in cellars.,cellar,لَۄکٕٹ کوٗٹھٕر،قٲد خانہٕ,,तंग_कोठरी, +N,They own a cement factory.,cement,سیٖمَٹ,,सीमेंट, +VT,Our friendship is cemented with trust.,cement,مَظبوٗط کَرٕنۍ,,जोड़ना, +N,He lives besides the cemetry.,cemetery,مَقبَر,,समाधि_स्थल, +N,All his predictions of the cricket matches were cent percent correct.,cent,ہَتھ,,शत, +N,He is stationed at the center of the Industry.,center,مَرکَز,,केन्द्र, +N,Cut out a centimetre from this piece.,centimetre,سٮ۪نٹِہ میٖٹَر,,सेंटीमीटर, +Adj,I am transfered to the central office.,central,مَرکٔزی,,केन्द्रीय, +N,His career spanned more than half a century.,century,صٔدی,,शताब्दी, +N,Wheat and barley are rich cereals.,cereal,غَلہٕ،پٲداوار,,अन्न/अनाज_का_पौधा, +N,The inaugural ceremony will be held next week.,ceremony,تَقریٖب,,रीति, +Adj,I feel certain about this deal.,certain,مَخسوٗس,,निश्चित, +Pron,Certain guests sitting in the hall had enough to drink.,certain,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, +Adv,Certainly he will win the match.,certainly,یٔقیٖنَن,,निश्चित_रूप_से, +N,His victory in the match is a certainty.,certainty,لٲزِمی,,निश्चय, +N,The journal provides a detailed report on the chain of events.,chain,سِلسِلہٕ,,श्रृंखला, +N,The dog is tied to the post with a chain.,chain,زٔنجیٖر،ہانٛکَل,,ज़ंजीर, +N,I like to wear a gold chain.,chain,چین,,करधनी/तोड़ा, +V,I like to wear a gold chain.,chain,چین,,ज़ंजीर_से_बाँध[बँध], +V,The dog was chained to the post.,chain,گٔنٛڈِتھ,,सिकड़ी_बाँधना, +N,Nowadays plastic chairs are very commonly used.,chair,کُرسی,,कुर्सी, +V,He chaired the meeting yesterday.,chair,سَربَرٲہی کَرٕنۍ،صَدارَت کَرٕنۍ,,अध्यक्षता_निभाना, +N,Dr. Rao is the chairman of the company.,chairman,َصَدٕر,,अध्यक्ष/सभापति, +N,We need colored chalks for decorating the wall.,chalk,چاک,,खड़िया, +VT,We have to chalk the plan according to our budget.,chalk,حِسابَ تھاوُن,,चिह्न_लगाना, +N,His challenge to win the duel met with satire.,challenge,داوَہ,,चुनौती/दावा, +VT,She challenged his claims in the court.,challenge,داوَہ کَرُن,,चुनौती_देना, +N,He sits for hours in his chamber and reads.,chamber,کُٹھ،کَمبرٕ,,कक्ष, +N,The judge had a discussion with his lawyers in his chamber.,chamber,۔۔۔,,कचहरी, +N,The upper chamber is the Senate.,chamber,اَیوان,,सभा, +N,He was football champion of his college.,champion,سَرِفرِستہٕ,,शूरवीर, +N,I met him at the railway station by chance.,chance,اَچانَک,,संयोग, +N,I got a chance to speak to her.,chance,موقہٕ,,मौका, +V,I chanced to meet my old friend in the city.,chance,موقعہٕ مِلُن,,संयोगवश_हो_जाना, +N,I need an appointment with the University chancellor.,chancellor,چانٛسٕلَر,,कुलपति, +N,Ramu`s father is a chandler.,chandler,شَمع کٕنَن وول یا بَناوَن وول,,मोमबत्ती_बनानेवाला_एवं_बेचनेवाला, +N,Mohan chose to be a chandler.,chandler,۔۔۔,,जहाज_के_सामान_बेचनेवाला, +V,Please change my seat.,change,بَدلاوٕنۍ,,बदल्ना, +N,We need to change certain rules.,change,بَدلاو,,परिवर्तन, +N,He wants change for a thousand rupee note.,change,پٕھٹہٕ وٲٹھۍ پونٛسہٕ,,छुट्टा_पैसा, +V,His looks have changed so much.,change,بَدلُن,,बदल_जाना, +N,Small channels join the main river.,channel,نالہٕ,,नाला, +N,The application must pass on through official channel.,channel,وَتِہ,,मार्ग, +N,There are more than ninety television channels broadcasted in India now.,channel,ٹی وی چَنَل,,टीवी_के_चेनल, +N,He goes to the chapel every sunday.,chapel,گِرجہٕ,,छोटा_गिरजा, +N,I read only the last chapter of the book.,chapter,سَبَق،باب,,अध्याय, +N,The local chapter of Readers Association meet at the library..,chapter,اَنجُمَن،جَلسہٕ,,सभा, +N,Partition is a sad chapter in the history of Sub-Continent.,chapter,دور،کال,,समय/काल, +N,She is a woman of strong character.,character,خََصلَت،کِ��دار,,चरित्र, +N,The Greek has 24 characters.,character,اَچَھر,,चिह्न/अक्षर, +N,The scandal caused damage to her character.,character,کِردار,,कीर्ति, +N,His brother has strange character.,character,مِزاز,,अजीब_गुण_होना, +N,The main character in the play is acted by Helen.,character,کِردار,,नाटक_का_पात्र/नाटक_का_चरित्र, +Adj,He spoke in his characteristic style.,characteristic,خاص،اَلَگ،خصوٗصی,,विशेष, +N,Such remarks are not characteristic of him.,characteristic,خصوٗصیَت,,विशिष्ट_लक्षण, +VT,You can characterize his behavior as disgusting.,characterize,کِردار بَیان کَرُن,,चरित्र_चित्रण_करना, +N,Charcoal is used as a fuel.,charcoal,ژِنِہ,,लकड़ी_का_कोयला, +N,Captain Nair lead the charge on the enemy camp.,charge,حَملہٕ,,आक्रमण/धावा, +N,He was arrested on the charge of treason.,charge,اِلزام،تۄہمَت،ہانٛژ,,दोषारोपण, +N,He fixed the watch free of charge.,charge,پونٛسہٕ،مۄل,,मूल्य, +N,She left her child in charge of the maidservant.,charge,زِمِہ دٲری,,जिम्मेदारी, +N,He is in charge of the lab.,charge,زِمہٕ دٲری,,अधिकार, +V,The suspect was charged with murdering his wife.,charge,اِلزام دیُن،ہانٛژ لاگٕنۍ,,दोष_लगाना, +V,The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks.,charge,وُتٕش دیُن،ہٕس دیُن،تاو دیُن,,उत्तेजित_करना/होना, +V,He charged her with editing all the files by the weekend.,charge,زِمٕہ دٲری دِنۍ,,जिम्मेदारी_ड़ालना, +V,The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem.,charge,حُکُم دیُن,,आज्ञा_देना, +V,I need to charge my car battery.,charge,چارٕج کَرُن,,बिजली_संचय_करने_के_यंत्र_में_बिजली_भरना, +N,The police looked into his chargesheet and denied the bail.,chargesheet,فَردِ جُرُم,,आरोपपत्र, +N,She is a lady of great charm.,charm,حُسُن,,मनोहरता, +VT,She was charmed by his boyish manner.,charm,خۄش کَرُن،مٲیِل کَرُن,,मोहित_करना, +Adj,Her daughter is quite charming.,charming,خۄشوٕنۍ,,मोहक, +N,I have to draw a sales chart for the records.,chart,نَقشہٕ،چاٹ,,चार्ट{लेखाचित्र}, +N,The engineer carries the chart to the site.,chart,نَقشہٕ,,समुद्री_नक्शा, +N,This act contravened article 51 of the UN charter.,charter,فَرمان,,राजपत्र/अधिकारपत्र, +N,The minister arrived on a charter flight.,charter,جہاز،بَس بیترِ کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن,,निजी_कार्य_केलिए_उपयोग_किया_हुआ, +VT,The minister chartered an IAF aircraft.,charter,کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن,,निज_प्रयोग_के_लिये_किराये_पर_लेना, +N,The police abandoned the chase and returned back.,chase,پَتہٕ دورُن,,पीछा_करना, +VT,The police chased the robber.,chase,پَتہٕ لارُن,,पीछा_करना, +Adj,Bananas are available at cheap rates.,cheap,سَستہٕ,,सस्ता, +N,You are a real cheat.,cheat,ٹَھگ,,ठग, +V,He cheated his friend that cost him his life.,cheat,ٹَھگ کَرُن،دونٛکھٕ دیُن,,कपट_करना, +VT,Dams check the flow of river water.,check,رُکاوُن,,अचानक_रोकना, +VT,The vigilance is keeping an intense check on the corruption.,check,روک تھام کَرُن,,संयमित_करना, +VT,Please check out if the room is in order.,check,وُچُھن,,जाँचना, +VT,Check mate means the opponent is in danger at chess game.,check,چَک دِنۍ,,मात_देना{शतरंज_के_खेल_में}, +N,You must check again through your pockets..,check,جانٛچ، چھان بیٖن,,जाँच, +N,Keep your temper in check.,check,قابوٗو,,संयम, +N,Dams keep check to the flow of river water.,check,روک,,रोक, +N,He was in check after three moves itself.,check,چَک,,मात{शतरंज_के_खेल_में}, +N,He often put on check shirts.,check,خانہٕ,,चारखाना, +Adj,He was wearing a checked shirt.,checked,خانہٕ دار,,चारखाने_वाला, +N,She has got chubby cheeks.,cheek,گَل، بٕتھۍ لَب,,गाल, +Adj,She likes to be cheerful.,cheerful,خۄشوُن,,हर्षित, +Adj,I like her cheerful nature.,cheerful,خۄش باش، خۄشوُن,,आनन्दित, +N,I like pizza added with cheese.,cheese,ژامَن,,चीज़/पनीर, +Adj,The use of chemical warfare weapons must be banned.,chemical,کیٖمیٲوی,,रसायनक, +N,Chemicals are mixed in edible items also.,chemical,کیٖمِیا,,रसायनिक_द्रव्य, +N,She studied chemistry abroad.,chemistry,عٔلمِہ کیٖمِیا,,रसायन-शास्त्र, +N,I have to encash my cheque tomorrow.,cheque,چَک,,हुण्डी/चेक, +VT,I cherish my old friendships.,cherish,یاد کَرُن،مُحَبتہٕ سان یادتھاوُن,,स्नेहपूर्वक_रखना/ध्यान_करना, +N,He suffered from a pain in his chest.,chest,سیٖنہٕ،چھٲتۍ,,छाती, +N,An old chest full with clothes lay in the attic.,chest,پیٖٹۍ,,सन्दूक, +N,We are fond of chickens.,chicken,کۄکَر,,मुर्गी[मुर्गा], +N,She is chicken hearted.,chicken,کھوژٕ بٕڑٕ,,डरपोक, +Adj,The chief expenditure is on raw materials.,chief,خاص،مَشہوٗر,,मुख्य, +N,The chief of the army staff visited the border districts.,chief,زیُٹھ،حٲکِم،چیٖف,,प्रमुख, +Adv,His father is chiefly concerned about making money.,chiefly,خاص کٔرِتھ,,प्रधानतः, +N,They have a single child.,child,بَچہِ،شُر,,बच्चा, +N,I often memorize my childhood.,childhood,لۄکچار,,बचपन, +V,Let the pudding chill for an hour.,chill,تُرُن کَرُن،تٕرناوُن,,ठण्डा_हो_जाना, +N,There is a chill in the air today.,chill,تۭر،تٕرنیار,,ठण्ड, +N,The order of surrender chilled the soldiers.,chill,مایوٗس،سَرٕد,,उत्साह_हीन, +N,The factory chimneys emit lot of smoke into the air.,chimney,بُخٲرۍ،چُمٕنۍ,,चिमनी, +N,He climbed the mountain through the chimney.,chimney,گۄپھ,,पहाड़_मे_ऊपर_को_जाती_सुरंग, +N,She has a small chin.,chin,ہۄنٛگٕنۍ,,ठुड्डी, +N,I love to collect china wares.,china,چیٖن,,चीनी_मिट्टी, +N,A chip of the glass was lying on the floor.,chip,ریزٕ،ٹُکرٕ,,टुकड़ा, +V,Her tooth chipped off during dental treatment.,chip,کٔھنٛڑ وۄتھٕنۍ,,कोने_से_टूटना, +N,Chlorine is added to water for purification.,chlorine,کلوریٖن,,क्लोरीन, +N,I like chocolates very much.,chocolate,چاکلیٹ،مِٹھٲے,,चाकलेट, +Adj,They ordered a chocolate cake on her birthday.,chocolate,چاکلیٹ,,चॉकलेटी, +N,Your choice of colors was not good.,choice,ژٲر،اِنتِخاب,,चुनाव, +N,High cholesterol is harmful for the functioning of the heart.,cholesterol,کوٚلٮ۪سٹرٛال,,कॉलेस्ट्रॉल, +V,I always choose fish over mutton.,choose,ژارُن،اِنتِخاب کَرُن,,चुनना, +N,She finished the daily chores and went to sleep.,chore,کٲم,,काम, +N,They all answered in a chorus.,chorus,گٮ۪وَن والٮ۪ن ہٕنٛز جماعت،کورَس,,"समूह{गान,गायक}", +N,She is in the college function chorus.,chorus,گٮ۪وَن والٮ۪ن ہٕنٛز جماعت،کورَس,,गायक_वृंद, +N,Bharat sang the verses and rest of them joined him in the chorus.,chorus,اِکوَٹہٕ گٮ۪وُن,,वृंद_गान, +N,They responded in a chorus.,chorus,أکِسٕے آوازِ منٛز,,समवेत_स्वर, +Adj,The representative was chosen by all of us.,chosen,ژھونٛڈمُت، وُچھمُت,,चुना_हुआ, +V,He chucked the bits of paper in the bin.,chuck,دٲرِت ژٕھنُن,,बेपरवाह_फेंकना, +V,He was chucked from his job for absenteism.,chuck,تَرَک,,निकाल_देना, +N,Don`t be late for church.,church,گِرجہٕ گَر,,गिरजाघर, +N,Smoking cigarette is injurious to health.,cigarette,سِگریٹ,,सिगरेट, +N,I go to the cinema very often.,cinema,سٮ۪نِماہ,,चलचित्र/सिनेमा, +N,Draw a circle on the paper.,circle,وول،دٲیرٕ,,वृत्त/परिधि, +N,He is got into a bad friend circle.,circle,ٹولہٕ,,मण्डली, +V,The aircraft circled the airport before landing.,circle,نَژُن,,चक्कर_मारना, +V,The security forces circled the enemy camp.,circle,گیرٕ کَرُن,,घेरना, +N,The earth takes 365 days to make a circuit of the sun.,circuit,چَکَر،گَشتہٕ,,चक्कर, +N,The building caught fire due to short circuit.,circuit,سٔرکٮ۪ٹ,,विद्युत-परिपथ, +N,He was well known on the lecture circuit.,circuit,گَشتہٕ،دورٕ,,न्यायधीश_द्वारा_मुकद्दमा_सुनने_हेतु_किसी_स्थान_का_नियमित_भ्रमण_करना, +Adj,The planets move in circular motion.,circular,گول گول,,वृत्तीय, +N,He mailed the circular to all subscribers.,circular,سٔرکیوٗلَر,,सर्क्युलर, +N,This journal has the largest circulation in the University.,circulation,اِشاعَت,,प्रचलन, +N,Physical exercise enhances blood circulation in the body.,circulation,دورٕ،گَردِش,,रक्त_बहन, +N,The work can be completed under favourable circumstances.,circumstance,حالات,,हालात, +N,I had to take leave from office due to unfavourable circumstances.,circumstance,صوٗرَتِہ حال,,परिस्थिति/दशा, +V,Her work was often cited by the scholars.,cite,حوالہٕ دیُن,,उद्धरण_देना, +V,The teacher often cites examples from everyday life.,cite,حوالٕہ دیُن,,दृष्टान्त_देना, +V,Many people were cited to witness the proceedings.,cite,بُلاونہٕ یِنۍ,,बुलवाना, +N,I am a citizen of India.,citizen,باشَنٛدٕ,,नागरक, +N,We shifted to the city.,city,شَہَر,,शहर, +Adj,We must have civic sense to keep the city clean.,civic,---,,नागरक, +Adj,The town faced civil disorder during elections.,civil,---,,नागरक, +Adj,One needs to observe civil behaviour in public.,civil,---,,सभ्य, +Adj,The matter shall be referred to the civil court.,civil,لُکہٕ عدالت,,दीवानी{कानून_संबंधी}, +Adj,The civil government was overthrown in a military coup.,civil,---,,असैनक, +N,Civilians are not allowed to enter military area.,civilian,عام لُکھ,,असैनिक_कर्मचारी, +N,It is said that India and China have the oldest civilizations in the world.,civilization,تَہزیٖب,,सभ्य_समाज, +V,She claimed that the book was hers.,claim,داواہ کَرُن,,दावा_करना, +V,She claimed that she is the best cook in the town.,claim,داواہ کَرُن,,ज़ोर_देकर_कहना, +V,The victim in the accident claimed for damages.,claim,داوا ہ کَرُن,,मुआवज़ा_माँगना, +V,There are some unimportant matters in the newspaper that doesn`t claim attention.,claim,---,,का_पात्र_होना, +V,"The cyclone claimed more than 20,000 lives.",claim,نۄقصان گَژُن,,नुकसान_का_कारण_होना, +N,Despite her claim she was accused of being guilty.,claim,داواہ,,दावा, +N,The victim of the accident made claims for damages.,claim,معاوزٕ,,मुआवज़े_की_मांग, +N,She made no claims that she was the best speaker.,claim,داواہ,,ज़ोर_देकर_कहना, +N,There is lack of clarity in your lecture.,clarity,وَضاحَت,,स्पष्टता, +V,The cars clashed.,clash,ٹَکر گژُن,,टकराना, +V,The two events clashed so we had to miss one.,clash,سۭتۍ سۭتۍ گژُھن,,साथ_साथ_होना, +V,The colour of the picture clashed with the wall paint.,clash,میُل نٕہ آسُن,,बेमेल_होना, +N,There was violent clash between two groups in the old city.,clash,لڑٲے,,टकराहट, +N,There is a clash between two lectures.,clash,اَکی وَقتٕہ,,एक_ही_समय_पर_होना, +N,There is a clash in their synchrony in the dance.,clash,ہشرنہَ آسُن,,बेमेल, +N,I belong to the middle class.,class,طَبقہٕ,,वर्ग, +N,My sister and I study in the same class.,class,جَمٲژ,,कक्षा, +N,Hardy was in a different class from his contemporaries.,class,خصوٗصِیت,,विशेषता, +N,Our football team lacks a particular class.,class,رۄتبہٕ,,श्रेष्ठता, +N,I travel in second-class compartment of the train.,class,دَرجہٕ,,श्रेणी, +N,He always scored first class in the college.,class,اول دَرجہٕ,,प्रथम_स्थान, +N,Whales belong to the mammal class.,class,ذٲژ,,जाति, +Adj,He is a class actor.,class,اَوَل دَرجُک،جان,,विशेष, +V,We have to class these words in different categories.,class,تَرتیٖب دیُن,,वर्गीकरण_करना, +Adj,My library is full with classic literature.,classic,بہتٔریٖن،عُمدہ,,सर्वोच्च_कोटि_का, +Adj,He wore a classic suit for the party.,classic,بہتٔریٖن،جان,,उत्कृष्ट, +Adj,Tennyson`s `Ulysses`is based on the classic story.,classic,"یونٲنی, سنسکرت یا لاطیٖنی معیارُک",,ग्रीक_लैटीन_या_संस्कृत_के_स्तर_की, +N,I enjoy reading classics.,classic,کلاسِک,,प्राचीन_साहित्य/कला, +N,Today the boys played classic football match.,classic,بہتٔریٖن،جان،زَبَر,,श्रेष्टतम, +Adj,Bharatnatyam is a classical dance.,classical,رٮ۪وٲیتی,,शास्त्रीय, +Adj,He is clubbed among the classical actors.,classical,قٔدیٖم,,प्राचीन, +N,The classification of books is yet to be done.,classification,دَرجہٕ بٔنٛدی،تَرتیٖب,,वर्गीकरण, +Adj,I brought a classified catalogue of library books.,classified,دَرجہٕ بَنٛد,,वर्गीकृत, +Adj,These documents contain classified material.,classified,۔۔۔,,गोपनीय, +V,We can classify the books in alphabetical order of the titles.,classify,تَرتیٖب دیُن,,वर्गीकृत_करना, +N,We had small classrooms in our school.,classroom,جَمٲژ،کَلاس روٗم,,कक्षा, +N,This vase is made of china clay.,clay,پِشِج میٚژ,,सख्त_चिकनी_मिट्टी, +Adj,I like to keep my room clean.,clean,صاف،شِفاف,,स्वच्छ, +Adj,I took down the notes on a clean sheet of paper.,clean,چِٹہٕ،خٲلۍ,,खाली, +Adj,He always cracks clean jokes.,clean,صاف,,भद्र, +Adj,He has a clean career record.,clean,صاف،بےداغ,,शालीन, +Adj,Our team played a clean game.,clean,صاف,,नियमों_का_पालन_करते_हुए, +Adj,He hit a clean shot at the end of the game.,clean,سیوٚد,,बिना_किसी_गलती_के, +Adv,The doctor said that the accident caused clean break in the bone.,clean,سیٚدِ سیوٚد,,निस्सन्देह, +V,I clean my room everyday.,clean,صاف کَرُن، صَفٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,साफ_करना, +Adj,I want to make things clear.,clear,واضح,,स्पष्ट{व्यवधान_रहित}, +Adj,We got a clear picture of the cliff from our terrace.,clear,صاف,,स्पष्ट/साफ, +Adj,I have a clear idea about the topic of my research.,clear,واضح,,बिना_शंका_के, +Adj,Her death is a clear case of suicide.,clear,واضح,,बेशक, +Adj,He kept his priorities clear.,clear,واضح,,सग, +Adj,Bring a clear glass of water.,clear,صاف,,पारदर्शक, +Adj,I couldn`t get a clear view of the scene from a distance.,clear,صاف،واضح,,बिना_रुकावट_के, +Adj,you need to clear the garden of all the weeds.,clear,صاف,,विमल, +Adj,It takes clear two days to reach Indore from here.,clear,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, +Adv,I could hear her loud and clear.,clear,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,समझ_में_आना, +V,The sky was cleared of clouds after the storm.,clear,صاف,,हटना, +V,Clear the table after the lunch.,clear,صاف کَرُن,,साफ_करना, +V,The lawyer tried to clear all charges against his client.,clear,بےقصوٗر ثٲبِت کَرُن,,दोष_मुक्त_करना, +V,The culprit was cleared of all the charges.,clear,بٔری کَرُن,,निर्दोष_ठहराना, +V,I need to clear the cheque as soon as possible.,clear,پونٛسہٕ میلٕنۍ,,निकास_करना, +V,He cleared all his debts before passing away.,clear,نَکھہٕ والُن,,चुकता_करना, +N,Construction work is going on in the clearing.,clearing,صاف جایِہ,,सफ़ा_क्षेत्र, +N,Clearing of the post is done till 5p.m.,clearing,۔۔۔,,निकासी, +Adv,It takes clear two days to reach Indore.,clearly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्टतः, +Adv,He spoke very politely and clearly.,clearly,صاف صاف,,साफ-साफ, +N,All the clergies of the town attended the ceremony.,clergy,پادٕرۍ,,पादरी, +N,His father is a clerk.,clerk,کٕلٲرک,,लेखाकार, +Adj,He has clever plans for this programe..,clever,چالاک،گاٹُل,,चतुर, +N,The lawyer tried to defend his client.,client,موکِل,,मुवक्किल, +N,He is a regular client of our products.,client,خٔریٖدار,,उपभोगता, +N,We climbed the snow covered cliff.,cliff,تیٚنتول,,खड़ी_चट्टान, +N,I feel comfortable in moderate climate.,climate,آبہٕ ہَوا،موسَم,,जलवायु, +N,The present economic climate of the country is depressing.,climate,ماحول,,परिस्थति, +N,The climax of that movie was sad.,climax,عروٗج،ٲخٕر,,शिखर, +V,I cannot climb this mountain.,climb,کَھسُن,,चढ़, +V,We climbed the tree to pluck mangoes.,climb,وُلٕمَنِہ کَھسُن,,चढ़ना, +V,Our car climbed with difficulty up the mountain.,climb,چَڑایِہ کَھسُن,,आरोहण_करना, +V,He climbed to the top rank due to his hard work.,climb,تَرقی کَرٕنۍ,,उन्नति_करना, +N,It`s an hours climb to the summit.,climb,چڑٲے,,चढ़ाव, +V,The child clinged to its mother.,cling,لٲرِتھ گَژُھن,,कसकर_लिपट_जाना, +V,The smell of petrol clings for a long time.,cling,لٲرِتھ گَژھان,,बने_रहना, +V,His parents still cling to old ideas.,cling,لٲرۍ روزُن,,_चिपके_रहना, +V,Don`t cling to the railings.,cling,سۭتۍ روزُن,,टिके_रहना, +Adj,He seems to have very clinical attitude towards the kids.,clinical,غیر جَزبٲتی,,भाव_आवेग_के_बिना, +Adj,He was under clinical observation.,clinical,طِبی,,नैदानक, +Adj,Her flat is bare and clinical.,clinical,سادٕ,,सादगी, +N,The brought an old clock.,clock,گٔر,,घड़ी, +V,He clocked the last lap at ease.,clock,وَقٕت لَگُن,,समय_लगाना, +Adj,Our school is close to the theatre.,close,سۭتۍ،نَزدیٖک,,पास, +Adj,She is a close relative of mine.,close,نَزدیٖکی,,नज़दीकी, +Adj,There is no close resemblance between these twins.,close,ہِشَر,,समान, +Adv,He took a close look at the text.,close,غورٕ سان,,सूक्ष्म, +Adj,The match was a close contest.,close,برابر،ہیوٗوے,,बराबर_का, +Adj,The army advanced in close formation.,close,سۭتۍسۭتۍ،یِکوٹہٕ,,एकसाथ, +Adj,The razor gave a close shave.,close,صاف،چِٹہٕ,,बारीक, +Adj,She is kept in close confinement of her house.,close,نَظر بنٛد,,बन्द, +Adj,She is quite close about her past.,close,کٔھٹِتھ,,गोपनीय, +Adj,It is very close in this room.,close,دَم,,सवृत, +Adj,He is very close about his possessions.,close,کٔنجوٗس،کوٚنڈ,,कंजूस, +Adv,They sat close to each other in the bus.,close,نَزدیٖک،سۭتۍ سۭتۍ,,पास_में, +V,The door was closed at night.,close,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, +V,The shops in the city close by 11:00 pm.,close,بَڑاوُن،بَنٛد گَژُھن,,बन्द_होना, +V,The function closed with a song.,close,خَتٕم گَژُھن,,समाप्त_होना, +V,The gap between the runners are beginning to close.,close,نَزدیٖک یُن,,नज़दीक_आना, +N,It rained heavily at the close of first half in the football match.,close,خَتم,,समाप्ति, +Adj,The matter has been closed.,closed,بَند,,बन्धा_हुआ, +Adv,He closely resembles his father.,closely,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,निकटता_से, +Adv,She looked closely at his photograph.,closely,غورٕسان,,ध्यान_से, +N,I kept all my jewellery in the closet.,closet,اَلمٲرۍ,,अलमारी, +Adj,He is a closet alcoholic.,closet,پوٗشیٖدٕ,,गोपनीय, +V,They were closeted in the classroom with the Professor.,closet,رازٕچۍ کَتھ کَرنہٕ خٲطرٕکَمرَس مَنٛز بنٛد روزُن,,किसी_कार्य_में_मग्न_होना, +N,I need a black piece of cloth.,cloth,کَپُر,,कपड़ा, +V,She clothed herself in a new dress.,clothe,پَلَو لاگٕنۍ,,वस्त्र_पहनना, +N,I prefer to wear light clothes in summer.,clothes,پَلَو,,वस्त्र, +N,You can pick three items of clothing.,clothing,پَلَو,,वस्त्र, +N,The sky was full of clouds.,cloud,اوٚبُر,,बादल, +N,Clovers have white and pink flowers.,clover,اکِہ قٕسمُک کُل،رُگہٕ کُل,,एक_प्रकार_का_पौधा, +N,We opened a film club in our city.,club,کٕلَب,,क्लब, +N,My grandfather uses club while going for a walk.,club,لوٗر,,डंडा, +V,The dog was clubbed to death.,club,لورِ سٕتۍ مارُن,,डण्डे_से_मारना, +N,The murderer had left no clue.,clue,نٮ۪ب,,सूत्र, +N,We are going to the airport by coach.,coach,گٲڑۍ،ٹانٛگہٕ,,कोच, +N,They hired the best coach for training the team.,coach,ہیٚچھۍ ناوَن وول,,शिक्षक, +N,We travelled to the beach by coach.,coach,گاٲٚڑۍ، ٹانٛگہٕ,,बस, +N,They hired the best coach for training the team.,coach,ہیٚچھۍ ناوَن وول,,शिक्षक, +V,They will be coached for over a month.,coach,ہیٚچھۍ ناوُن,,शिक्षा_देना, +N,Coal is used as a fuel.,coal,ژِنِہ,,कोयला, +N,The government was formed in coalition.,coalition,رَلہٕ مِلہٕ سَرکار,,संगठन, +N,We can go to the coast in the evening.,coast,بوٚٹھ,,समुद्र_तट, +V,I coasted downhill on a bicycle.,coast,کٕھر ِوَسُن,,नीचे_ढाल_पर_फिसलना, +N,He was wearing a leather coat.,coat,کوٹھ,,कोट, +N,My pet cat has a smooth coat.,coat,جَہتھ,,{आवरण}जानवर_के_बाल, +N,Walls will need a double coat of paint.,coat,پَھش،وار,,लेप, +V,I like biscuits coated with chocolate.,coat,تَہہ آسُن،وار آسُن,,लेपना, +N,He gave me a diamond ring with platinum coating.,coating,گِلَٹ,,परत, +N,Passengers are not allowed to enter the cockpit.,cockpit,کاک پِٹ,,चालक_स्थान{वायुयान_में}, +N,They throw cocktail party very often.,cocktail,شَرابٕچ دعوَت,,मद्यपान_की_दावत, +N,The communicate with each other using codes.,code,کوڈ،ؤلِتھ,,कूट_संकेत, +N,The code for Hyderabad is 040.,code,کوڈ,,सांकेतिक_अंक, +N,The cadets are supposed to follow a disciplinary code.,code,کوڈ,,नियमावली, +V,The Intelligence agency coded all the messages.,code,ؤلِتھ وَنُن,,कूट_संकेत_देना, +N,I love filter coffee.,coffee,کٲفی,,कौफी, +N,They gifted him a gold coin.,coin,پونٛسہٕ,,सिक्का, +V,The word `pandemonium`was coined by John Milton.,coin,بَناوُن,,गढ़ना, +V,The deal may coin our business.,coin,نَفع دیُن,,फायदा_करना, +Adj,I feel very cold in the morning.,cold,تۭر,,ठंडा, +Adj,She extended a cold reception to us.,cold,بے غَرٕض,,निरुत्साही, +Adj,He was wearing a cold grey coloured shirt.,cold,چھوٚت,,हल्का, +Adj,It was a cold hunt to track down the stolen goods.,cold,سَخ,,कठिन, +Adj,She was cold for an hour after the accident.,cold,بے ہوش،بےحٮ۪س,,बेहोश, +N,I was shivering with cold at night.,cold,تۭر,,ठंड़, +N,I`m suffering from cold and cough.,cold,نٔزٕل،زُکام,,ज़ुकाम, +N,The kids made a collage of postcards.,collage,کولاج,,कोलाज, +V,The building collapsed due to earthquake.,collapse,ؤسۍ پیٚنۍ,,टूटकर_गिर_जाना, +V,He felt giddy and collapsed on the way to the hospital.,collapse,پیوٚن,,बिमार_पड़ना, +V,The company collapsed due to lack of capital.,collapse,بنٛد گَژٕھنۍ,,पतन_होना, +V,Share market collapsed due to economic depression.,collapse,گِراوَٹھ یِنۍ,,अचानक_गिरना, +V,Fold the chairs and collapse them in a heap.,collapse,ژَمُن,,सिमटना, +N,The collapse of Soviet Union seemed to end the cold war.,collapse,زَوال,,विध्वंस, +N,The collapse of negotiations resulted in a major strife.,collapse,ناکٲمی,,असफलता, +N,The collar of his shirt is always dirty.,collar,نال،گِریبان,,गरदनी, +N,The collar around the dog losened.,collar,پَٹہٕ,,गले_का_पट्टा, +V,The policeman collared the rowdy.,collar,نالَس تَھپھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,गिरफ्तार_करना, +N,We will join our colleagues at the bar.,colleague,سۭتۍ کٲم کَرَن وول،سۭتۍ بوج,,सहकार्यकर्ता, +V,I collected all the samples for the research.,collect,جَمع کَرُن,,संग्रहीत_करना, +V,A crowd collected near the town square.,collect,جَمع گَژُھن,,एकत्र_होना, +V,We are collecting for cyclone victims.,collect,چَندٕ جَمع کَرُن,,चंदा_इकट्ठा_करना, +V,She collected the first prize for extempore.,collect,رَٹُن,,मिलना, +V,The municipal worker collected all the garbage.,collect,نِیُن،جَمع کٔرِتھ نیُن,,लेजाना, +V,Somehow I collected myself after his departure.,collect,سَمبالُن,,स्वयं_पर_काबू_लाना, +N,Every morning we sing the collect.,collect,دُعا,,छोटी_प्रार्थना, +Adj,She stays composed and collected in any adversity.,collected,نَرم ، صٲبِر,,स्वस्थचित्त, +N,I have a huge collection of books.,collection,زٔخیٖرٕ،مَجموعہ,,संग्रहण, +N,There is no collection of stock this afternoon.,collection,۔۔۔,,इकट्ठा_निकालना, +N,There is a big show of winter collection here.,collection,سوٚمبرَن,,कपड़ो_का_संग्रह, +N,A collection of students attended at the symposium.,collection,وَفَد،جَماعت,,समूह, +Adj,This is our collective decision.,collective,اِجتِمٲعی,,सामूहक, +N,A workers collective held a meeting.,collective,وَفَد,,समूह, +N,I am getting late for college.,college,کالیج,,महाविद्यालय, +N,My father is a colonel in the army.,colonel,کَرنَل,,कर्नल, +Adj,There are still colonial style houses to be seen around.,colonial,نَوآبادِیٲتی,,उपनिवेशी, +N,Our colony has beautiful houses.,colony,بٔستی،کالنی,,बस्ती, +N,India was a British colony.,colony,نَو آبٲدی,,उपनिवेश, +Adj,She was wearing a colored scarf.,colored,رٔنٛگیٖن،رنٛگ دار,,रंगीन, +Adj,She wore a colorful dress.,colorful,رٔنٛگیٖن,,रंगीन, +N,The ribbons on the dress were in beautiful colours.,colour,رنٛگ,,रंग, +V,He coloured the pots in red.,colour,رَنٛگ کَرُن,,रंगना, +N,The mare was licking the colt.,colt,بَچھیرٕ,,बछेड़ा{घोड़े_का}, +N,The building had marble columns.,column,تَھم,,स्तम्भ, +N,The sixth column of the battalion was moving forward.,column,چھۄکھ,,सैन्यदल, +N,Each page of the journal has two columns.,column,کالم،حِصہٕ,,पृष्ठ_का_एक_खण्ड, +N,Please use you own comb.,comb,کَنٛگُو,,कंघा, +N,The cock had a colourful comb.,comb,مۄوَل,,कुक्कुटशिखा, +N,Don`t disturb the honeycomb.,comb,تُلرِ اول,,छत्ता, +VT,Comb your hair.,comb,کَنٛگٕنۍ کَرٛنۍ,,कंघी_करना, +VT,They combed the area for the missing child.,comb,چَپہٕ چَپہٕ ژھانٛڈُن، رَژِھ رَژِھ ژھانٛڈُن,,अच्छे_से_ढूँढना, +N,They combat was fierce.,combat,جَنٛگ,,युद्ध, +VTI,The villagers were combating dacoits.,combat,لَڑٲے کَرٕنۍ,,विरोध_करना, +N,They were a winning combination.,combination,اِتِحاد,,संयोजन, +N,He forgot the combination of number lock.,combination,میُل,,बन्दिश{अंकों_की}, +V,We need to combine different resources.,combine,"مِلاوُن,رَلاوُن",,मिलना[मिलाना], +V,She has come from Indore.,come,آمٕژ,,आना, +V,We have come a long distance.,come,سَفَر کَرُن,,यात्रा_करना, +V,He came running to her.,come,یُن,,एक_निश्चित_स्थलल_को_आना, +V,Duty comes first for soldiers.,come,یِوان,,एक_निश्चित_स्थान_गृहण_करना, +V,Women outfit come in various designs.,come,میلان،یِوان,,उपलब्ध_होना, +V,The handle of my bag has come loose.,come,گوٚمُت,,बनकर_आना, +V,I have come to believe his narration.,come,نٔتیجَس پٮ۪ٹھ واتُن,,तर्क_पर_पहुँचना, +V,How did you come to know about this accident?,come,لَگُن,,प्रश्न_में_प्रयोग_करना, +V,She tried to come innocent.,come,لاگُن,,अभिनय_करना, +V,She didn`t want to come.,come,یُن,,कामोत्ताप_करना, +V,He had to come at last.,come,آو,,किसी_दशा_का_आना/पहुँचना, +N,I like Shakespeare`s comedies.,comedy,مَزاحِیَہ,,हर्षप्रधान_नाटक, +N,He presence in the house is a comfort for everyone.,comfort,آرام,,आराम, +VT,The pillow doesn`t give me any comfort.,comfort,آرام دیُن,,आराम_देना, +Adj,This room is comfortable for us.,comfortable,آرام دِہہَ,,आरामदायक, +Adj,Buy some comfortable wear for me.,comfortable,آرام دِہہَ,,सुखदाई, +Adj,The coming generation has bright future.,coming,یِنہٕ واجنِہ,,भावी, +N,We are looking forward to the coming budget.,coming,یِنَس,,आगमन, +N,The command of the group is held by the leader.,command,لاکَم، کَمان,,शासन, +N,He was dismissed for violating the officer`s command.,command,حُکُم,,आज्ञा, +N,She has a good command over French.,command,عبوٗر,,वश/शक्ति, +VT,The general commanded a huge army.,command,قوٚبوٗ وکَرُن,,शासन_करना, +VT,This speaker commands a high fee.,command,مَنٛگُن,,माँगना, +N,Commander has thrown the dance party.,commander,کمانٛڈَر,,कमांडर{सेना_का_अफ़सर}, +N,I value your comments on this issue.,comment,تَبصُرٕ،راے,,टीका-टिप्पणी, +V,She commented on the policy severely.,comment,تبصُرٕ کَرُن،راے دِنۍ,,टीका-टिप्पणी_करना, +N,We are extending our commerce throughout the state.,commerce,تِجارَت,,वाणिज्य, +Adj,He has typically a commercial attitude.,commercial,تِجارتی,,व्यापारक, +N,The university commission investigated the corruption case.,commission,کٔمِشَن،مُختار نامہٕ,,आयोग, +N,He has secured commission to design buildings for the mall.,commission,حَق,,अधिकार, +N,You will get you due commission after the deal.,commission,درٛالَز،کٔمِشَن,,दलाली, +VT,Kumar has been commissioned as a pilot officer.,commission,حَق دیُن،تعیِنات کَرُن,,अधिकार_देना/नियुक्त_करना, +N,His father is a police commissioner.,commissioner,کٔمِشنَر,,आयुक्त/अधिकारी, +VT,She has committed herself to research work.,commit,زِمٕہ دٲری ہیٚنۍ،وَقٕف کَرُن,,समर्पण_करना, +VT,The patient was committed to the mental hospital.,commit,سوزُن,,भेजना, +VT,He has committed to marry her.,commit,وادٕ دیُن,,वादा_करना, +N,His business commitments are very reliable.,commitment,زِمٕہ دٲری،وادٕ,,वादा, +N,The committee has decided to promote him.,committee,کٔمیٖٹی,,समिति, +N,Almost all commodities are available in the super market.,commodity,مال،سامان,,सामग्री, +Adj,It is a common problem in adolescence.,common,عام,,सामान्य, +Adj,We need to agree on the common ground.,common,مُشترکہٕ,,सार्वजनक, +Adv,Rice is commonly consumed in India.,commonly,عام طور پٲٹھۍ،عٔموٗمَن,,सामान्यतः/साधारणतः, +N,The rallies shoud begin from the commonplace.,commonplace,عام جاے،معموٗلی جاے,,साधारण{विषयवस्तु}, +N,Jeans is commonplace outfit among youth.,commonplace,معموٗلی,,सामान्य/साधारण_विषय, +VT,Please communicate this message to all employees.,communicate,واتناوُن,,कहना/बतलाना/पहुँचाना/जताना, +N,Letter writing is a beautiful means of communication.,communication,رٲبِطہٕ,,सम्प्रेषण, +N,You must bridge the communication in your relationship.,communication,رٲبِطہٕ,,सम्पर्क, +N,I appreciate the ideology of communism.,communism,،اِشتِمالِیَت ،کُمنِزم,,साम्यवाद, +N,He is a communist.,communist,اِشتِمٲلی،کُمنِسٹ,,साम्यवादी, +N,He is well known in his community.,community,قوم،عَوام,,समुदाय, +N,His companions have spoiled his habit.,companion,بوج،یار،سٲتھی,,साथी, +N,His company is running in profit.,company,کَمپٔنی،اِدارٕ,,कम्पनी, +N,He is moving around with bad company.,company,صحبَت,,संगत, +Adj,His work is comparable with the best modern fiction.,comparable,مَدِ مُقابلہٕ،مُقابلَس لایَق,,तुलनीय, +Adj,He is studying comparative literature.,comparative,تَقابُلی,,तुलनात्मक, +Adv,This picture is comparatively good.,comparatively,مُقابَلس منٛز,,तुलना_में, +VT,John compared his haircut with his friend.,compare,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,तुलना_करना, +N,There is no comparison between these two books.,comparison,مُقابلہٕ,,तुलना, +Adj,We met a compatible married couple in the party.,compatible,مُوٲفِق,,अनुरूप, +VT,We compelled all the students to fill out this form.,compel,مَجبوٗر کَرُن،زَبَر دٔستی کَرٕنۍ,,विवश_करना, +N,The company paid the compensation for the loss.,compensation,مُعاوضہٕ,,हरजाना, +V,Several institutes are competing for the project.,compete,برابری کرٕنۍ،مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,बराबरी_करना, +N,No one doubts about her competence as a manager.,competence,قٲبلِیَت,,सामर्थ्यता, +Adj,He is a competent typist.,competent,قٲبِل,,समर्थ, +N,There is a cut throat competition in the global market.,competition,مُقابلہٕ,,स्पर्धा, +Adj,He is a highly competitive sales representative.,competitive,مُقابلَس لایَق,,प्रतियोगिता_संबन्धी, +N,Some competitors were nervous.,competitor,مُقابٕلۍ،مَدِ مُقابٕلۍ,,प्रतियोगी, +V,He complained to the police about the theft.,complain,شِکایَت کَرٕنۍ,,शिकायत_करना, +N,He launched a complaint against his neighbour.,complaint,شِکایَت,,शिकायत, +N,Champagne can be a perfect complement at the dinner.,complement,مُکَمَل,,समपूरक, +Adj,You need to submit complete information.,complete,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, +V,Please complete your work.,complete,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, +Adv,I finished my work completely.,completely,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूरी_तरह_से, +N,Her work is still far from completion.,completion,مُکَمَل,,समाप्ति, +Adj,He solved a complex problem in no time.,complex,مُشکِل،کُھرۍ لَد,,जटिल, +N,He enjoys the complexity of present political discourse.,complexity,کُھر,,जटिलता, +VT,The new development has complicated the plan.,complicate,کُھر اَنُن,,उलझाना, +Adj,He explained a complicated theory in a very simple way.,complicated,مُشکِل,,उलझा_हुआ, +Adj,The spare component parts of cars were dumped by the mechanic.,component,تَرکیٖبی,,आंशक, +N,The mechanic replaced damaged components of car.,component,جُز،حِصہٕ,,अंश, +VT,The lawyer will compose a letter for.,compose,بَنیوٚمُت,,बनाना, +VT,I like the symphonies composed by Beethoven.,compose,تَرتیٖب دیُن,,रचना, +VT,She had to compose herself for the reception.,compose,بَرداشت کَرُن،ژالُن،تاب کَرُن,,धैर्य_धारण_करना, +Adj,He was perfectly composed after hearing the news.,composed,دَم,,शांत, +N,Bach was a great composer.,composer,تَرتیٖب دِنہٕ وول,,रचयिता, +Adj,Aluminium is a composite metal.,composite,رَلہٕ مِلہٕ,,सम्मिश्र, +N,It is a beautiful composition.,composition,مَضموٗن نِگٲری,,संयोजन, +N,He got his composition published in the journal.,composition,مَضموٗن,,छोटी_सी_लेख, +N,Mostly fertilizers contain nitrogen compounds.,compound,مُرکَب,,मिश्रण, +N,Our school had a big compound.,compound,آنٛگُن,,आँगन, +V,The chemicals were compounded in the beaker.,compound,رَلٲوِت,,मिल_जाना, +Adj,We need a comprehensive report.,comprehensive,تَفصیٖل،وٮ۪ستار,,विस्तृत, +VT,The file comprised of several documents.,comprise,شٲمِل آسُن,,समाविष्ट_करना/सम्मिलित_करना, +N,I cannot make a compromise on the quality of the work.,compromise,سَمجوتہٕ,,समझौता, +VT,We have to make some compromises.,compromise,سَمجوتہٕ کَرُن,,समझौता_करना, +VT,The accountant took time to compute the accounts.,compute,گٔنٛزراوُن،حِساب کَرُن,,गणना_करना, +N,He has got a new computer.,computer,کَمپیوٗٹَر,,कम्प्यूटर, +V,She conceded at the verdict after the debate.,concede,مانُن,,मान_लेना, +V,She conceived with great difficulty.,conceive,گۄبِہ کھۄرروزُن،بیٚیِہ زُوٕ روزُن,,गर्भ_से_होना, +V,We cannot conceive of people being treated so badly.,conceive,خیال کَرُن،تَصَوُر کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, +V,I am not able to concentrate on my work.,concentrate,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, +V,The animals tend to concentrate near the water bodies.,concentrate,تَوَجہ دیُن,,समाहृत_करना, +N,I find it difficult to improve my power of concentration.,concentration,تَوَجہ,,एकाग्रता, +N,There is a large concentration of refugee population on the borders.,concentration,سٮ۪مُت,,समाहृतता, +N,We must stress on the basic concepts of the subject.,concept,تَصَوُر,,संकल्पना, +N,The conceptions of the party workers are not clear.,conception,تَصَوُر,,धारणा, +N,Women must take care after conception.,conception,حَمَل,,गर्भाधान, +N,This is not my concern.,concern,پریشٲنی،کٲم،فِکِر,,चिन्ता, +VT,She is very much concerned about her health.,concern,فِکِر مَنٛد آسُن,,चिन्तित_करना, +Adj,The concerned relatives rushed to the hospital to see the patient.,concerned,وابَسطہٕ,,संबन्धित/विषय_में, +Prep,The Board expressed doubts concerning the group action.,concerning,اَتھ مُتعلِق،اَتھ بارَس مَنٛز,,के_बारे_में, +N,I attended a music concert yesterday.,concert,کَنسۭٹ،گٮ۪وَن محفِل,,संगीत_सभा, +V,The paper concluded at an optimistic note.,conclude,اِختِتام پٔزیٖر سَپدُن,,पूरा_करना, +V,The concert concluded with rousing chorus.,conclude,اَنٛدواتناوُن,,निश्चित_करना, +V,The police concluded that it was a murder case.,conclude,نٔتیٖجَس پٮ۪ٹھ واتُن,,अनुमान_करना, +N,He reaches to the conclusion eventually.,conclusion,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,निष्कर्ष, +N,The programme will come to conclusion next week.,conclusion,اَنٛد,,समाप्ति, +Adj,I need concrete answers.,concrete,ٹھوس,,ठोस, +N,Now the buildings are constructed of concrete material.,concrete,پۄختہٕ،کَنکرٛیٖٹ,,कंकरीट, +VT,We condemn this act of our leader.,condemn,مَزمَت کَرٕنۍ,,दोष_लगाना, +N,She is in a very bad condition.,condition,حالَت,,हालत{शर्त}, +N,Her condition improved slowly.,condition,حالَت,,हालत/दशा, +N,They put too many conditions on her returning back.,condition,شَرٕط,,शर्त, +N,His conduct is admired in the public.,conduct,طور طٔریٖقہٕ,,आचरण/बर्ताव, +V,You cannot conduct the business without minimal security.,conduct,چَلٲوِت,,चलाना, +N,The bus conductor collects the fare.,conductor,کٔلیٖنَر،کَنڑَکٹَر,,परिचालक, +N,He was the chief conductor of the project.,conductor,ہِدایَت کار,,निर्देशक, +N,Wood is a bad conductor of electricity.,conductor,۔۔۔,,ताप_अथवा_विद्युत_चालक, +N,Ramu and his confederate got arrested for drug peddling.,confederate,سٲتھی،بوج,,साथ_में_काम_करनेवाला, +Adj,The confederate states of Soviet State collapsed.,confederate,مُتحدہ,,संधि_में_मिलाना, +N,A conference was held in the University.,conference,مَجلِس،کانفٕرَنس,,सम्मेलन, +N,He made the confession of his crime before the judge.,confession,مٹِہ ،اعتراف ،اِقرار,,अपराध_स्वीकृति, +N,I have enough confidence in our team.,confidence,بَروسہٕ،اعتِماد,,भरोसा, +Adj,He is a confident speaker.,confident,بَروسہٕ وول,,आ��्मविश्वासी, +V,His knowledge about life is confined to books only.,confine,محدوٗد آسُن,,सीमाबद्ध_करना, +Adj,They work in a confined space.,confined,محدوٗد,,सीमित, +V,I need the acknowledgement confirmed in writing.,confirm,تَصدیٖق کَرُن,,पक्का_करना, +V,She was Baptized and confirmed at the age of thirteen.,confirm,مُستَقٕل کَرُن,,ईसाई_समाज_में_लेना, +N,He is always in conflict with the family system.,conflict,تَضادٕ،نِفاق,,विरोध/संघर्ष, +V,The two projects conflict with existing strategy.,conflict,ٹَکراو گَژُھن,,विरोध_करना, +N,It is hard to be in conformity with every norm of the society.,conformity,اِطاعت،تعمیٖل,,स्वीकार/अनुसार, +VT,I feel nervous to confront the jury.,confront,برٛونہہ کَنِہ وُچھُن,,सामना_करना, +N,There were violent confrontations between police and the demonstraters.,confrontation,،بُتھۍ لاگے,,सामना, +V,These questions confuse the students.,confuse,دُلہٕ مُلَس منٛز گَژُھن،پریشان گَژُھن,,घबड़ा_जाना, +VT,I congratulated my friend on her success in exam.,congratulate,مُبارَک کَرُن،مُبارَک بٲدۍ دِنۍ,,बधाई_देना, +N,He is always present in the congregation.,congregation,اِجتِماع,,धार्मिक_सभा, +Adj,He regularly attends a Congregational meeting.,congregational,اِجتِمٲعی,,मंडली_का, +N,A congress of enviornmentalists was held in the city.,congress,کانٛگرس،مَجلِس,,कांग्रेस/व्यवस्थापिका_सभा, +Adj,Many members boycotted the congressional committee.,congressional,کانٛگرَسُک,,कांग्रेस_का, +N,A congressman has voluntered from our area.,congressman,کانٛگرَسُک نَفَر,,कॉंग्रेस_सदस्य, +V,Some verbs conjugate irregularly.,conjugate,گَردان کَرُن,,क्रिया_रूप_बनाना, +N,The researchers are working in conjunction on the book.,conjunction,میُل,,संयोग/मेल, +N,"The conjuctions connect words, phrases in a sentence.",conjunction,میُل،واٹھ,,समुच्चय_बोधक_अव्यय, +VT,Please connect the two loudspeakers.,connect,جوڑُن,,जोड़ना, +N,There was no connection between the two incidents.,connection,جوڑ،میُل,,संयोजन/जोड़, +N,There is a loose connection in the incidents.,connection,تَعلُق،واٹھ,,संबन्ध, +N,He has quite influential connections.,connection,تعلُقات,,संपर्क, +N,He has no conscience about his cruelty.,conscience,ضٔمیٖر,,विवेक, +Adj,He made a conscious effort to speak politely.,conscious,باخَبَر,,सचेत/चेतन, +Adj,His going to Delhi was a conscious move.,conscious,دٲنِشتٕہ,,साभिप्राय, +N,He lost consciousness while working.,consciousness,زون,,चेतना, +N,I married this guy after getting consent from my parents.,consent,اِجازَت،مَنظوٗری,,अनुमति, +VT,My parents consented with my decision to work abroad.,consent,مانُن،اِجازَت دیُن،مَنظوٗری دِنۍ,,मानना, +N,I was not bothered about the consequences.,consequence,نٔتیٖجٕہ،اَنٛجام,,परिणाम, +N,If it is of no consequence to motivate her.,consequence,اہمِیَتھ,,महत्व, +Adv,She met with an accident and consequently lost her eyesight.,consequently,اَمِہ کِنۍ،تَوَے,,अतः/इसलिये, +N,There was a crack in the window frame.,crack,رُم,,दरार, +N,The crack of a whip scared the house.,crack,ٹاس,,चटकने_की_आवाज़, +N,She has a crack attitude.,crack,نیٖٖم پاگَل,,सनकी, +N,There was a loud crack of thunder in the night.,crack,دَماکہٕ،آواز,,धमाका, +N,She fell down and got a crack on the head.,crack,زَخم,,करारी_चोट, +N,The police found several kilos of crack in his luggage.,crack,نَشاور دَوا,,क्रैक{एक_प्रकार_की_नशीली_दवा}, +VTI,The glass cracked when it was heated.,crack,پھوٚٹ,,चटकना, +VTI,The girl fell off from the cycle and cracked her elbow.,crack,پٕھٹُن,,टूटना, +VTI,Her lips are dry and cracked.,crack,پٔھٹۍمٕتۍ,,फटना, +VTI,She cracked her head on the wall.,crack,ٹھاسہٕ ناوُن,,जोर_से_टकराना, +VTI,The hunter`s rifle cracked and the fox fell dead.,crack,دَماکہٕ کَرُن,,धमाका_करना, +VTI,Her voice was cracking on the phone.,crack,بٮ۪گرٕنۍ,,भर्रा_जाना, +VTI,She finally cracked with the lawyers interrogation.,crack,زہنی دباوَس منٛز یُن,,मनोवैज्ञानिक_दवाब_में_आजाना, +VTI,We successfully cracked the code.,crack,ہَل کَڑُن,,समाधान_निकालना, +VTI,She is very good at cracking jokes.,crack,وَنُن,,कहना, +N,Traditional crafts of Kerala and Orissa are famous for their intricacy.,craft,دَستٕہ کٲری،اَتھہٕ کٲم,,शिल्प_कला/हस्त_कला, +N,The goldsmith works with intricate craft.,craft,ہُنَرمٔندی,,कुशलता, +N,She won the game by craft and guile only.,craft,دونکھہٕ,,छल, +N,The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.,craft,جہاز,,छोटी_नाव_या_जहाज, +N,The crash occurred during a thunderstorm.,crash,دَماکہٕ,,धमाका, +VI,The branch crashed down on my car.,crash,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,ढहना, +VI,The car crashed through the glass door.,crash,لاینہٕ یُن,,टकराना, +VI,My friends crashed our house last weekend.,crash,پرٛژھنہٕ روٚستُےیُن، بے دعؤتۍ یُن,,अनिमंत्रित_आना, +VI,My computer crashed last night.,crash,خَراب گَژُھن,,काम_करना_बन्द_कर_देना, +N,The traffic moved forward at a crawl.,crawl,وارٕ وارٕ پَکُن,,रेंगना/धीमी_चाल, +VI,The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed.,crawl,کھۄکھشِہ پََکُن،وارٕ وارٕ پَکُن,,रेंगना/धीरे_धीरे_चलना/घसीटते_चलना, +VI,The child crawled across the floor.,crawl,بٔرِتھ،ٹِپِتھ,,रेंगने_वाली_चीजों_से_भरा_होना, +Adj,She is crazy about him.,crazy,دٮ۪وانہٕ،پاگَل,,पागल, +Adj,The crowd went crazy.,crazy,بے قابوٗو,,उन्मत्त, +Adj,She is crazy about sports cars.,crazy,دٮ۪وانہٕ,,अति_उत्साही, +N,The team comprises of the cream members.,cream,اَصٕل،ذٔہیٖن,,मलाई/2.सर्वोत्म_अंश/सार/, +N,She applies cold cream in winter.,cream,کرٛیٖم,,एक_प्रकार_की_सौन्दर्यवर्धक_वस्तु, +VI,Skim cream from the surface of milk.,cream,ملٲے کَڑٕنۍ,,मलाई_बनना, +VT,Skim cream from the surface of milk.,cream,مَلٲے کَڑٕنۍ,,मलाई_उतारना/सत_निकाल_लेना, +VT,God has created the world.,create,بَناوُن،تخلیٖق کَرُن,,रचना/सृष्टि_करना/उत्पन्न_करना, +VT,Her rude behavior created a bad impression.,create,تصوُر,,बढ़ावा_देना, +VT,The company was created 25 years ago.,create,بَناونہٕ یُن,,निर्माण_करना, +VT,She can easily create a design.,create,تَخلیٖق کَرُن,,सृजन_करना, +N,This portfolio is her latest creation.,creation,تَخلیٖق,,सृजन, +Adj,Her creative writing is appriciated by all teachers.,creative,تَخلیٖقی,,सृजनात्मक_निर्माण_करने_की_शक्ति_वाला, +N,The creator of Walt Disney character is dead.,creator,بَناوَن وول،تَخلیٖق کَرَن وول,,सृष्टिकर्त्ता, +N,This breed of dog is a ferocious creature.,creature,زُو زٲژ,,जीव, +N,He was a charming young creature.,creature,نَفَر،زُوزٲژ,,व्यक्ति, +N,No credit is allowed at this shop.,credit,وۄزُم,,उधार, +N,I have a credit balance of Rs.1000.,credit,جَمع,,बैंक_के_खाते_मे_जमा_राशि, +N,The bank refused further credit to the factory.,credit,وۄزُم,,बैंक_द्वारा_उधार_दी_गयी_राशि, +N,A retired general was the man of highest credit.,credit,نیک نٲمی,,ख्याति_नेकनामी, +N,She is a credit to her teachers.,credit,بَروسہٕ,,विश्वास_भरोसा, +N,The captain was given credit for saving the ship.,credit,عِزَت اَفزٲیی,,श्रेय_लेना, +VT,We credited her for saving our jobs.,credit,مَل مٔلۍ گَنٛڑٕنۍ،عِزَت دیُن,,श्रेय_देना, +VT,It was hard to credit the stories we heard.,credit,ماننہٕ یِوان,,विश्वास_दिलाना, +VT,I cannot credit this work for prize.,credit,تَرجی دِنۍ,,मान्यता, +VT,Credit his account with Rs.100.,credit,جمع کَرُن,,किसी_खाते_में_जमा_करना, +N,The creek dried up every summer.,creek,"نٕہَر, کۄل",,सँकरी_खाड़ी/निवेशिका, +VI,The snake crept quietly towards the frog.,creep,زٔمیٖنَس یَڑ دِتھ پَکُن,,रेंगना, +VI,My friend crept up and peeked over the window.,creep,وارٕ وارٕ کَھسُن,,धीरे_धीरे_चलना, +VI,Ivy crept up the entire wall.,creep,پھٲلُن،چَھج وَہراوُن,,फ��लना{लता_इत्यादि}, +N,Officers and the crew of the ship are all alert.,crew,عملہٕ,,नाविकगण, +N,The crew members are efficient.,crew,اہلِہ کار,,कर्मचारी, +V,You can employ a crew for our ship.,crew,عَملہٕ,,जहाज_पर_नाविकों_को_लगाना, +N,His son loves to play cricket.,cricket,کِرکَٹ,,क्रिकेट, +N,cricket is a small brown insect.,cricket,وۄٹَل کیوٚم,,झींगुर, +N,Her maid was accused of committed crime.,crime,جُرُم,,अपराध, +Adj,No one can stop his criminal activities.,criminal,"یَچھ, جُرم یافتہٕ",,आपराधक, +Adj,He takes up only criminal cases.,criminal,جُرم یافتہٕ,,फौजदारी_का, +N,The locality is full of criminals.,criminal,مُجرِم,,अपराधी, +N,They went bankrupt during the economic crisis.,crisis,مشکِلات,,संकट, +N,She is her best critic.,critic,تَنقیٖد نِگار,,आलोचक/समीक्षक, +Adj,He looks at every thing with his critical views.,critical,تَنقیٖدی نظریہَ,,विवेचनात्मक, +Adj,The condition of the patient is very critical.,critical,نوزُک،اَبتَر,,नाज़ुक, +Adj,He was in a critical condition at the hospital.,critical,ابتر، نوزُک,,संकटमय, +VTI,She always criticises the team work.,criticise,کٕٹھ کَڑٕنۍ,,आलोचना_करना, +N,The senator received severe criticism from his opponent.,criticism,،تَنقیٖد,,आलोचना/समीक्षा, +VTI,You cannot criticize her without an argument.,criticize,کٕٹھ کَڑٕنۍ,,आलोचना_करना, +N,The major crops of Andhra Pradesh are rice and maize.,crop,فَصٕل، زراعت,,पैदावार, +N,The crop of junior students is efficient.,crop,کھیوٚل,,समूह, +N,This crop of junior students is good.,crop,کھیوٚل,,पोटा, +N,The pelican had three fish in the crop of his beak.,crop,بوس,,गलथैली, +N,Some riders use the crop very sparingly.,crop,چھانٛٹہٕ,,चाबुक, +Adj,Mary has got a crop cut.,crop,ژھوٚٹ مَس,,छोटे_बाल, +VI,She cropped her hair very short.,crop,ژَٹُن,,उत्पन्न_करना/देना, +VT,She cropped her hair very short.,crop,ژَٹُن,,काटना/तोड़ना/2.खेत_काटना, +Adj,He gave her a cross look.,cross,دولہٕ,,आड़ा/तिरछा/2.चिड़चिड़ा/हठी/3.प्रतिकूल, +N,The crop regions are marked on the map?,cross,ضرب,,गुणा_या_धन_का_निशान, +N,He is worn out with the responsible and cross.,cross,پَریشٲنی,,कष्ट/संकट, +N,A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.,cross,میُل,,संकर, +N,She wears a small gold cross chain?,cross,۔۔۔,,ईसाई_धर्म_का_चिह्न/क्रूश, +VT,Look before you cross the road.,cross,تَرُن,,पार_उतारना/पार_करना, +VT,A new idea crossed her mind.,cross,، یُن,,कोई_बात_ध्यान_मे_आना, +VT,These sentences have been crossed out.,cross,ژَٹُن,,किसी_गलत_बात_को_काटना, +VT,We crossed each other on the way.,cross,سَمکُھن,,मार्ग_में_मिलना, +VT,She was angry when her plans were crossed.,cross,رُکاونہٕ یِنۍ،رُکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,रोकना/विरोध_करना, +VT,The roads cross at the bridge.,cross,پانہٕ ؤنۍ رَلٕنۍ,,एक_दूसरे_को_काटना, +VT,She crossed herself as she passed the church.,cross,...,,क्रास_का_चिह्न_बनाना, +N,The main crossing is always busy.,crossing,ژُووٚت,,चौराहा, +VI,He crouched behind the bush.,crouch,کوٚٹھۍ نوٚمرِت بِہیوٚن,,दुबक_के_बैठना, +N,The crow makes very harsh sound.,crow,کاو,,कौआ/काक/काग, +VI,The crows crowed all morning.,crow,کاو کاو کَرُن,,काँव_काँव_करना/कुकुरू_कूं_करना, +VI,Her success is not something to crow about.,crow,تھٮ۪کُن,,शेखी_बघारना/डींग_हाकना, +N,A crowd gathered outside the bus stand.,crowd,ۂجوٗم ،جَماعت,,भीड़/समूह/रेला/ढेर, +V,Do not crowd outside the hospital ward.,crowd,،بِٹھ لاگٕنۍ,,भीड़_लगाना, +V,They do not work unless crowded.,crowd,دَباو ترٛاوُن,,दबाव_डालना, +V,Tourists crowded the bus.,crowd,ژٮ۪ل کَرُن,,ठूंसना/ठसाठस_भरना, +Adj,In summer Shimla is crowded with tourists.,crowded,بٔرِت,,भीड़_वाला, +N,The crown was kept in the museum.,crown,تاج,,राजमुकुट, +N,She won the crown in the beauty contest.,crown,تاج,,मुकुट, +N,The poet described the crown of Himalayas.,crown,بالہٕ تھوٚنگ,,शिखर, +VT,The Queen was crowned at the cermony.,crown,تاج پوٗشی کَرٕنۍ,,राज्याभिषेक_करना, +VT,The writer was crowned for his recent publication.,crown,اٮ۪زاز دیُن,,सम्मानित_करना, +VT,The mountaineers crowned the mountain with the flag.,crown,تیٚنتٲلِس پٮ۪ٹھ واتُن,,शिखर_पर_होना, +VT,The dentist put a crown on his wisdom tooth.,crown,کروُن,,दाँत_पर_खोल_चढाना, +Adj,He rescued me at a crucial moment.,crucial,اہم، نوزُک,,संकटपूर्ण, +Adj,We need some crude oil.,crude,خام,,अशोधित, +Adj,The boy made a crude sketch of the portrait.,crude,کوٚچ,,अपरिष्कृत, +Adj,He is known to be a cruel man.,cruel,ظٲلِم،سِتم گار،,,निर्दयी, +N,Cruelty is an offence.,cruelty,ظُلُم,,क्रूरता, +N,I could not get through the crush in the temple.,crush,بِرٕ,,भीड़, +VT,I crushed the fruits for juice.,crush,چیٖرُن,,कुचलना, +N,Their cry for help was responded.,cry,چِخ,,चीख, +N,The cry of the baby awakened her.,cry,وَدُن,,रोना, +VI,People cry when they are in pain.,cry,وَدان,,रोना, +VI,When the intruder entered her place she cried for help.,cry,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,चिल्लाना, +N,She could hear a baby crying from distance.,crying,وَدُن,,द्यान_देने_योग्या, +N,Quartz is a crystal.,crystal,کرٛسٹَل,,स्फटक, +N,The room is cubic.,cubic,مُکعب,,घनाकार, +N,Volume is experimented in cubic units.,cubic,مُرَکَب,,त्रिविमीय, +VT,Farmers cultivate the lands.,cultivate,فَصٕل وۄپداوُن,,खेती_करना, +VT,We must cultivate good relations with others.,cultivate,بَناوٕنۍ,,सम्बन्ध_बढाना, +Adj,Cultural activities are going on in the city.,cultural,تہزیٖبی،تَمَدُنی،ثَقافتی,,सांस्कृतक, +N,Institutions should be centres of culture.,culture,تہزیٖب,,संस्कार, +N,People from different cultures throng here.,culture,تہزیٖب,,संस्कृति, +N,A student is experimenting on the bacteria culture.,culture,۔۔۔,,जीवाणु_संवर्धन, +N,She dropped the cup on the floor.,cup,پیالہِٕ،کھوس,,प्याला, +VT,The girl was holding the berries in her cupped hands.,cup,تھوٚمب,,प्याले_के_रूप_देना, +N,Close the cupboard.,cupboard,اَلمٲرۍ,,अलमारी, +N,She needs cure for at least three months.,cure,علاج,,चिकित्सा, +VT,The doctors cured him of fear psychosis.,cure,علاج کَرُن,,निरोग_करना, +N,The boy opened the letter out of curiosity.,curiosity,تَزبزُب,,जिज्ञासा, +Adj,He is curious to know the result.,curious,بے قَرار,,जिज्ञासु, +Adj,A curious man appeared on the gate.,curious,أجیٖب،حٲران کُن,,अनोखा, +N,The girl looks pretty with a curl.,curl,وونٛک,,लट, +VT,She curled her hair with rollers.,curl,وانٛکہٕ کَرنِہ,,घुँघराला_बनाना, +Adj,Buy me a magazine on current affairs.,current,بدس کال، حال,,वर्तमानकालक, +N,He had to swim against the current.,current,لٕہر,,प्रवाह, +N,A sudden fluctuation in the current fused off the plug.,current,"کرٛنٹہٕ, بِجلی",,विद्युत_प्रवाह, +Adv,Tele-communication has improved currently in our country.,currently,اَز کَل,,आज-कल, +N,Computer is included in the curriculum at the schools.,curriculum,نِصاب,,पाठ्यक्रम, +N,The old woman cursed him.,curse,بَد دُعا،وُہَو,,शाप, +VT,Durvasa cursed Shakuntala.,curse,بددُعا,,शाप_देना, +Adj,She gave a curt reply.,curt,مۄکھہٕ پرٛتھ,,मुँहतोड़, +N,My daughters brought beautiful curtains for our house.,curtain,پَردٕ,,पर्दा, +VT,Put the curtains on the rings.,curtain,پردٕ ترٛاوٕنۍ،پردٕ لَگاوٕنۍ,,पर्दा_डालना, +N,There is a sharp curve on the road.,curve,موڑ,,वक्र_रेखा, +VTI,The road curved suddenly to the right.,curve,موڑ پِھرُن,,वक्र_होना, +N,I did embroidery on the cushion.,cushion,تٔکِیِہ,,गद्दी, +VT,The lady had to cushion her child`s seat.,cushion,گَدیلہٕ بناوُن,,गद्दी_लगाना, +N,The old customs are in vogue even today.,custom,رِواج,,रीति, +Adj,It is customary to welcome the guests.,customary,رٮ۪وٲیتی,,रूढगत, +N,A polite sales executive attracts customers.,customer,خٔریٖدار,,ग्राहक, +N,He paid custom duty on the goods.,customs,گُزَر،چُنگی,,सीमा_शुल्क, +V,I want to cut this apple.,cut,ژَٹُن,,काट, +N,The girl applied medicine to the deep cut.,cut,خَش,,चीरा, +N,The censor made several cuts in the film.,cut,ژَٹہٕ کپٹ,,घटाव, +VTI,She cut her finger with a knife.,cut,ژَٹٕنۍ,,चीरना, +VTI,The gardener cut out all the weeds.,cut,ژَٹُن,,काटना, +VTI,His remarks cut him deeply.,cut,زَکھ واتُن,,दु:ख_पहुँचना, +N,He took the cutting from the article.,cutting,کَٹِنٛگ,,कतरन, +N,Rose cuttings are planted here.,cutting,کَلَم,,कलम[वनस्पतियों_का], +N,We faced the steep cutting in front of us.,cutting,بےرحمی,,कटाव, +N,He bought a cycle recently.,cycle,سَیکٕل،زَلہٕ گُر,,साइकिल, +N,The event occured in a cycle,cycle,چَکَر,,समयचक्र, +N,Monsoon depends on the cycle of the seasons.,cycle,چَکَر,,चक्र, +N,Monsoon depends on the cycle of the seasons.,cycle,چَکَر,,चक्र, +N,The songs played in regular cycle.,cycle,چَکَر,,समयचक्र, +N,He bought a cycle recently.,cycle,سَیکٕل،زَلہٕ گُر,,साइकिल, +V,The boy cycled along the road.,cycle,سَیکٕل چَلاوُن,,साइकिल_चलाना, +N,Recent cyclone in Orissa devastated many crops.,cyclone,سَمَنٛدٔری طوٗفان,,तूफान, +N,The bottle has the shape of a cylinder.,cylinder,سِلنٛڑَر,,सिलेंडर, +N,My dad is standing behind the fence.,dad,مول،بَب,,पिता/बाप, +Adv,I go to school daily.,daily,پرٛٮ۪تھ دۄہ،ہَر دۄہ,,प्रतिदिन, +Adj,We are paid on daily basis.,daily,پٛرٮ۪تھ دُہُک,,दैनिक/प्रति_दिन_का, +Adv,The bus arrives daily at this time.,daily,ہَر دۄہ,,प्रति_दिन/प्रति_दिवस, +N,This story appeared in all the national dailies.,daily,دۄہ دِشِکۍ,,दैनिक_समाचार_पत्र, +N,We purchase milk from the local dairy.,dairy,دۄدٕ فارَم,,दुग्धशाला, +N,They are constructing a dam on the river.,dam,بنٛڈ,,बाँध, +N,The dam of these racehorses is an Arabian mare.,dam,جانوَرَن ہنٛز موج، ڈیم,,माता{पशुओं_की}, +VT,It is of no use daming the rivers that run dry in summers.,dam,بنٛڈ گَنڈُن,,बाँध_बाँधना, +N,There was major damage to his brain after the accident.,damage,زَکھ،صَدمہٕ،نۄقصان,,हानि/घाटा/क्षति, +VI,Some parasites damage good crop.,damage,نۄقصان واتناوُن،زَکھ واتناوُن,,बिगड़_जाना/नष्ट_हो_जाना, +VT,The snow damaged the roof.,damage,نۄقصان واتناوُن،زَکھ واتناوُن,,हानि_पहुँचाना/बिगाड़ना, +VT,Damn the rain for pouring in so suddenly.,damn,بَلاے اَنٕنۍ,,धिक्कारना, +Adj,It was a damned life of poverty.,damned,لعنَت,,निंदनीय, +Adj,His clothes were damp with perspiration.,damp,سرٛٮ۪ہہ،اوٚدُر,,नम/गीला, +N,She hung the damp clothes to dry properly.,damp,سرٛہِلۍ،أدٕرۍ,,नमी, +N,They overcame the damp caused by the accident.,damp,پَریشٲنی,,उत्साह_हीनता, +VT,"Don`t dampen the powder, it will get sticky.",damp,اوٚدُر کَرُن,,नम_करना, +VT,Their spirits dampened after this incident.,damp,واہ ؤسِتھ گَژٕھنۍ,,हतोत्साह_करना, +N,The dancer enjoyed the dance as much as the audience.,dance,نَژُن,,नाच/नृत्य, +VI,We can dance together.,dance,نَژُنہہ کَرُن,,नृत्य_करना/नाचना, +N,He is a very good dancer.,dancer,نَژَن وول,,नर्तक, +Adj,Rita`s brother is a dandy since his college days.,dandy,یاوٕ,,बाँका/छैला, +N,You are in no danger.,danger,خَطرٕ,,विपत्ति, +Adj,A dangerous criminal has run away from the jail.,dangerous,خَطَرناک,,खतरनाक, +V,You dared to call him a lair.,dare,جُرَتھ,,साहस_करना, +V,I dare challenge you for the fight.,dare,....,,ललकारना, +Adj,She has dark complexion.,dark,گیٚشوم,,साँवला, +Adj,She was sitting in a dark corner.,dark,اَنِہ گوٚٹ,,अंधेरा, +Adj,I prefer the dark shade.,dark,تیز،بوٚرُت ،چِٹہٕ,,गहरा, +Adj,She revealed many dark traits about her life.,dark,سِر،راز،پوٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖشیٖدٕ,,गुप्त, +Adj,We shared dark aspects of our lives.,dark,راز,,अस्पष्ट, +N,He was in the dark concerning their intentions.,dark,ٰ۔۔۔۔,,अंधेरा, +N,John has grown dark over the years.,dark,....,,साँवला, +N,His failures led him into the darkness.,darkness,گَٹہٕ,,अंधकार/धुंधलापन/अज्ञानता, +N,The younger children are the darlings of the family.,darling,خانہٕ مول،ٹوٹھ,,लाड़ला/आँखों_का_तारा, +N,We were commissioned to collect the data.,data,ڈیٹا,,डेटा, +N,His statistical data helped us to draw the conclusion.,data,زان کٲری,,बातें{दी_हुई_या_जानी_हुई}/निर्दिष्ट, +N,What is the date today?,date,تٲریٖخ,,तिथि, +N,I am going for a blind date today.,date,سَمکُھن،ڈیٹ,,डेट{लड़का_लड़की_का_साथ_बाहर_जाना}, +N,They are upto date.,date,وَقٕت،وَکھ،کال,,काल/समय/कालावधि, +N,His blind date turned out to be his old friend.,date,سٲتھی،معشوق,,साथी, +N,The store sells fresh dates.,date,خٔزٕر,,छुहारा/खजूर, +VT,The package is dated November 24.,date,تٲریٖخ ترٛاوُن,,तिथि_डालना, +V,His letter was dated 1st February.,dated,تٲریٖٖخ پیوٚمُت,,तारीख_पड़ी_होना, +Adj,He had some dated manuscripts on the historical events.,dated,پٛرٛٛٲنۍ,,पुराना, +N,Her daughter cared for her parents in their old age.,daughter,کوٗر,,बेटी, +N,We woke before dawn.,dawn,نِہَہ گٹہٕ,,उषाकाल, +N,The dawn of modernity is 18th century.,dawn,آغاز,,आरंभ/उद्भव/उदय, +VT,We started the journey as it was dawning.,dawn,گاش پھۄلُن,,सबेरा_होना, +VT,It dawned on him that she had betrayed him.,dawn,أچھ کُھلنِہ,,दिखाई_देना, +VT,The age of computers dawned late in Third world.,dawn,آغاز گَژُھن,,आरंभ_होना/उद्भव_होना, +N,They left after two days.,day,دۄہ,,दिन, +N,She may arrive any day.,day,وَکھ،وَقٕت,,समय, +N,We often remember our childhood days.,day,وَقتہٕ،ساتہٕ،کالہٕ,,काल, +N,Complete your work in the daylight.,daylight,دۄہلہِ,,दिन_का_उजाला/2.प्रकाश/स्पष्टता, +N,You hardly sleep in the daytime.,daytime,دۄہلِہ,,दिन_के_समय, +Adj,He was shot dead.,dead,موٗدمُت,,मृत, +Adj,She dropped dead hints at the party.,dead,سیوٚد نِشانہٕ,,सधा_हुआ, +Adj,There was dead silence inside the hall.,dead,سِمسان،دُہۍ ژھٮ۪تَے,,निश्चेष्ट, +Adj,This tradition is dead by now.,dead,نابوٗد,,निर्जीव, +N,They buried the dead.,dead,مۄردٕ,,मृतक, +N,He went for a walk in the dead of winter.,dead,سِمسان,,जिस_समय_सुनसान_हो, +Adj,The black snakes are usually deadly poisonous.,deadly,خَطرٕہوٚت،دُشمَنِہ جان,,प्राणनाशक/घातक, +Adj,They grew deaf to her warnings.,deaf,کَنہٕ ڈول,,बधिर/बहरा, +N,It was a profitable deal.,deal,ڈیٖل,,डील, +VTI,He deals fairly with his employees.,deal,برتاو کَرُن,,व्यवहार_करना, +VTI,This book deals with pregnancy.,deal,مُتعلِق آسُن,,वर्णन_करना, +VTI,I can deal with this problem alone.,deal,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_करना, +VTI,She deals in gold and silver ware.,deal,کاربار کَرُن,,व्यापार_करना/, +VTI,Now it is your deal.,deal,وٲرۍ,,चलाना, +N,My father is a carpet dealer.,dealer,کاربٲرۍ,,व्यापारी/लेन_देन_करनेवाला, +Adj,She is dear to me.,dear,عٔزیٖز،ٹوٹھ,,प्रिय, +Adj,I cannot afford to buy at the dear shop.,dear,درٛوٚگ,,बहुमूल्य/महँगा, +N,He is my dear son.,dear,خانہٕ مول،عٔزیٖز,,प्रिय/लाडला, +N,Her death was a terrible shock.,death,مَرُن,,मृत्यु/मरण, +N,We had a debate on political issue.,debate,بَحَژ,,बहस/वाद_विवाद/विवाद, +VT,We debated the question of abortion.,debate,بَحَژ کَرُن,,वाद_विवाद_करना/बहस_करना, +N,I lost the copy of debentures.,debenture,قَرضٕکۍ کاغذات,,उधार_पत्र, +N,He is badly in debt.,debt,قَرٕضہٕ,,उधार/ऋण, +N,This is his debut album.,debut,گۄڈنیُک,,पहला_प्रयास, +N,I have not seen him for decades.,decade,دہہَ ؤری,,दशक, +N,The corpse was in an advanced state of decay.,decay,ہۄژُن,,क्षय, +VT,The unoccupied house started to decay.,decay,خستہٕ گژُھن,,सड़ना/बिगड़ना/घटना/मुरझाना/नाश_होना, +N,He talked about all his deceits.,deceit,دونٛکھہٕ,,छल/झूठ/धोखा, +VT,I was deceived by the insurance company in covering the loss.,deceive,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,धोखा_देना, +Adj,Everyone deserves decent living.,decent,صٔحیح,,उचित, +Adj,The exhibition was quite decent.,decent,جان،زَبَر,,अच्छा, +Adj,He was wearing a decent dress.,decent,جان،زَبَر,,मर्यादित, +V,He was not able to decide to go for the movie.,decide,فٲصلہٕ نیُن,,निश्चय_करना, +V,The judge has to decide the case tomorrow.,decide,فٲصلہٕ دیُن,,निर्णय_देना, +V,The torture made her decide to quit the job.,decide,فٲصلہٕ,,निर्णय_तक_पहुँचना, +Adj,He had decided views about the book.,decided,أنزرومُت,,निश्चित, +Adj,The results differed only in decimals .,decimal,اعشارِیاہ,,डेसीमल, +V,The historical manuscripts were deciphered by historians.,decipher,مَطلَب کَڑُن,,अर्थ_निकालना, +N,The decision should be taken before the officer arrives.,decision,فٲصلہٕ,,निर्णय, +N,He made a firm decision before he left for the office .,decision,فٲصلہٕ,,निश्चय, +Adj,The decisive factor for the runners was the last lap.,decisive,اہَم,,निर्णायक, +Adj,A decisive person should lead the party.,decisive,فٲصلہٕ کُن,,दृढ़, +N,The crew members gather on the deck.,deck,ڑٮ۪ک,,डेक/जलपोत_की_छत, +N,The deck of the bus was crowded.,deck,چَھت,,बस_की_छत, +N,He pulled out an ace from the deck of the cards.,deck,تاسہٕ پَتہٕ,,ताश_के_पत्ते, +N,He gifted me a deck along with a good collection of cassettes.,deck,ڑٮ۪ک,,रेकार्डिंग_के_लिए_एक_यंत्र, +V,She decked her up nicely for the party.,deck,پٲراوُن,,सजाना, +N,The was no declaration about his arrival.,declaration,اعلان,,घोषणा, +N,A declaration was issued to him to quit the job.,declaration,....,,घोषण_पत्र, +V,He has to declare their marriage soon.,declare,اعلان کَرُن,,घोषित_करना, +V,The business man declared his income correctly.,declare,اعلان کَرُن,,विवरण_देना, +V,The captain will declare his team later.,declare,بَیان دیُن,,उद्घोषणा_करना, +V,He might decline the offer.,decline,مَنَہ کَرُن،اِنکار کَرُن,,मना_करना, +V,She met with an accident in the declining years of her life.,decline,سورےمٕتۍ,,क्षीण_हो_जाना, +N,There was a rapid decline in the sale of the engines.,decline,گِراوَٹ,,पतन/क्षय, +N,The process of decomposition of plants is very slow .,decomposition,ہۄژُن,,अपघटन, +V,She has come to decorate the bride.,decorate,پٲراون,,अलंकृत_करना, +V,We can decorate the place overnight.,decorate,سَجاوُن،پٲراوُن,,सजाना, +V,The headboy was decorated with medals for his service.,decorate,ایزاز دیُن,,पदक_प्रदान_करना, +V,The intensity of heat has decreased now.,decrease,کَم گَژُھن،سۄتُن,,घटना_या_घटाना, +N,There was a decrease in the speed of train near the station.,decrease,کٔمی,,कमी, +N,A decrease was noted in the crime rate.,decrease,کٔمی,,घटती, +V,She dedicated the book to her mother.,dedicate,ناوٕ کَرٕنٖٖٖۍ,,समर्पित_करना, +N,She dedicated the book to her mother.,dedicate,ناوٕکرٕنۍ,,समर्पित_करना, +Adj,He is a dedicated scholar.,dedicated,وقف کوٚرمُت,,समर्पित, +N,The priest was amazed by the dedication of the disciple.,dedication,وقف,,समर्पण, +V,He deems it a great honour to be invited for the meeting.,deem,سَمجُن،مانُن,,समझना, +Adj,She took out water from a deep well.,deep,سرٛوٚن,,गहरा, +Adj,His metaphors have deep meanings.,deep,سنٛجیٖد,,गम्भीर, +Adj,His involvement in the affair was very deep.,deep,مَستہٕ,,मग्न, +Adv,He was deep asleep when Ram came inside the house .,deep,مَس,,गहराई_से[में], +N,His heart is far and vast as deep.,deep,سرٛوٚن,,समुद्र, +Adv,He is deeply interested in religious matters.,deeply,سنٛجیٖد,,गहरापन, +N,He saw a deer in the zoo.,deer,رُوٗسۍ کٔٹ,,हिरण, +V,Our team was defeated badly in the match.,defeat,شِکستہٕ دِنۍ،ہَارناوُن,,हराना, +V,He was defeated at the arguments.,defeat,ہَارناوُن,,विफल_कर_देना, +N,They suffered a humiliating defeat.,defeat,ہار,,हार, +N,They fought for the defence of his country.,defence,بَچاو,,रक्षा, +N,He had nothing to say in his defence.,defence,صفٲیی,,सफाई, +N,He played in defence in the football team.,defence,بَچاو,,रक्षा_कड़ी, +V,He defended himself with an umbrella.,defend,بَچاو کَرُن,,रक्षा_करना, +V,He defended him about his claims.,defend,بَچاو کَرُن,,सर्मथन_देना, +V,He has to defend himself as a champion.,defend,برقرار تھاوُن,,अपना_स्थान_बनाए_रखना, +Adj,The army was deployed as a defensive force.,defensive,بَچاوَن وول,,बचाने_वाला, +Adj,He talked in defensive manner at the party meeting .,defensive,بَچاو,,रक्षक, +N,He faced a deficit after switching on to the new work.,deficit,گاٹہٕ,,घाटा, +V,I will define all the terms.,define,وٮ۪ژھناوُن,,भाषित_कर, +V,He simply defined the principle underlying the theory.,define,معنی بَیان کَرُن،وٮ۪ژھناوُن,,स्पष्ट_करना, +V,The border line of the country should be clearly defined.,define,واضِح کَرُن,,सीमांकन_करना, +V,The powers of a judge are defined in the constitution.,define,دارمَدار آسُن,,निर्धारित_होना, +Adj,He explained everything in a definite way.,definite,واضِح,,निश्चित, +Adv,He will definitely come to receive her at the airport.,definitely,بے شَک,,निश्चित_रूप_से, +Adv,He will definitely come to receive her at the airport .,definitely,شَکہٕ بَغٲر,,पक्का_करना, +Adv,He defined his views definitely.,definitely,واضِح پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्टता_से, +N,He quoted the definition of the law in the introduction.,definition,وَضاحَت,,परिभाषा, +N,The definition of a skilled writer is his ability for the appropriate words.,definition,تٲریٖف,,व्याख्या, +N,He brought a high definition television.,definition,صاف,,स्पष्ट, +N,He got a degree in medicine from the famous medical college.,degree,سَنَد،ڈِگری,,उपाधि, +N,The angle can be measured in degrees.,degree,دَرجٕہ,,अंश, +N,He shows a high degree of realiability in his deliverance.,degree,حَدَس تام,,कोटि, +V,You should not delay the procedure further.,delay,ژیر لاگُن,,देरी_करना[होना], +N,The function will start without any delay.,delay,دیٖری,,विलम्ब, +N,The workshop was conducted by delegates from different organizations.,delegate,نُمٲیَنٛدٕ,,प्रतिनिधि, +V,Sita is delegated with the management of the office.,delegate,اِختِیارات دِنۍ,,सौंपना, +V,Ram was delegated to the Internaional Conference by his Institute.,delegate,نُمایَنٛدٕ بَناوُن,,प्रतिनिधित्व_करने_के_लिये_भेजना, +Adj,There was a deliberate attempt to create communal roits.,deliberate,اَمدَن,,सुविचारित, +Adj,His way of talking is very soft and delibrate.,deliberate,سوٗنچِتھ سمجِتھ،,,ध्यानपूर्वक, +VT,They deleberated over the issue for full two hours.,deliberate,بَحَژ کَرُن,,विचार_करना, +Adv,They deleberately avoided the issue.,deliberately,زورٕ،زٲنِتھ مٲنِتھ,,जानबूझ_कर, +Adj,We should keep in mind the delicacy of their position.,delicate,نوزُک,,नाज़ुक, +Adj,Rose is a delicate flower.,delicate,نوزُک،مُلٲیِم،,,नाज़ुक/कोमल, +Adj,The delicate carving on the temple walls are very impressive.,delicate,نوزُک,,सूक्ष्म, +Adj,The eye surgery is very delicate operation.,delicate,نوزُک,,कुशलतापूर्ण, +Adj,The dogs have delicate sense of smell.,delicate,نوزُک,,संवेदनशील, +N,His delight to see her was obvious to all.,delight,شٲدۍ،خوشی,,खुशी, +V,The people of the village were delighted at the arrival of the leader.,delight,خۄش گَژُھن,,खुश_होना, +Adj,Her delighted smile made him forget all his sorrows.,delighted,خۄشوٕنۍ,,आनन्दित, +Adj,The comedy was delightful.,delightful,خۄشوٕنۍ,,आनंदप्रद, +VT,The postman comes to deliver the letters.,deliver,واتناوان,,पहुँचा_देना{पत्रादि}, +VT,The lecture was delivered by a well known scholar.,deliver,دیُن,,देना, +VT,She delivered twins at the hospital.,deliver,زاو,,जन्म_देना{कर्मवाच्य_में}, +VT,The boxer delivered couple of punches with great force.,deliver,لَگاوٕنۍ,,मारना, +VT,The police delivered the people from the dacoits.,deliver,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, +VT,I have to deliver the assignment in the following week.,deliver,حَوالہٕ کَرُن,,सौंपना, +VT,The postman comes to deliver the letters.,deliver,ترٛاونِہ,,पहुँचा_देना{पत्रादि}, +VT,The lecture was delivered by a well known scholar.,deliver,دیُن,,देना, +VT,She delivered twins at the hospital.,deliver,زاو,,जन्म_देना{कर्मवाच्य_में}, +VT,The boxer delivered the punches with great force .,deliver,لَگاوٕنۍ,,मारना, +VT,The police delivered the people from the dacoits .,deliver,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, +N,The company made delivery of the consignment on time.,delivery,سوزُن،رَوانہٕ کَرُن,,प्रदत्त, +N,Sonu went for the delivery of her baby to the hospital.,delivery,پرٛسنِہ،خَلاس گَژھنہِ,,प्रसूति, +N,His delivery of the ball is very fast.,delivery,کَش,,फेंकना, +N,Her delivery of Hindi is very poor.,delivery,بولنُک طٔریٖقہٕ,,भाषण_शैली, +Adj,The delivery van came with the parcels.,delivery,واتناوَن واجنۍ,,पहुँचाने_वाला, +N,Every demand of a child should not be fulfilled.,demand,منٛگ،مُطالبہٕ,,मांग, +VT,Women demand for their participation in the Board.,demand,مُطالبہٕ کَرُن،مَنٛگ کَرٕنۍ,,माँगना{अधीकार_से}, +VT,Child rearing demands a lot of patience.,demand,مَنٛگ کَرٕنۍ،تقاضہٕ کَرُن,,माँगना, +Adj,The job of a medical practitioner is highly demanding.,demanding,تَقاضہٕ وول,,माँगों_से_भरा, +VT,Demarcate the boundaries of the plot with lime.,demarcate,حَد بٔنٛدی کَرٕنۍ,,सीमांकन_करना, +N,Democracy is the government represented by people.,democracy,جموٗرِیَت,,प्रजातंत्र_राज्य, +N,India is the largest democracy.,democracy,جموٗرِیَت,,प्रजातांत्रिक_देश, +Adj,India has a democratic system of governance.,democratic,جموٗری,,प्रजातांत्रक, +VT,These figures clearly demonstrate the economic status.,demonstrate,ہاوُن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, +VT,Let him demonstrate the truth of his saying.,demonstrate,سَمجاوُن،اِظہار کَرُن,,प्रमाणित_करना, +N,The demonstration of this installation is delayed.,demonstration,دٔلیٖل دِنۍ,,प्रमाण_देना, +N,Dengue is a dangerous disease.,dengue,ڈینگیوٗو,,डेंगू, +N,There was denial of justice.,denial,اِنکار,,नकारना, +N,The denial of certain habits is quite difficult.,denial,تَرَک،رَد,,परित्याग, +N,This denomination of the project proved advantageous.,denomination,ناو(کُنِہ زٲژ ہُنٛد)۔,,नाम{किसी_जाति_या_प्रकार_का}, +VT,You should denounce oppression.,denounce,دوش دیُن،مُجرِم ٹٔھہراوُن،اِلزام دیُن,,दोषी_ठहराना, +VT,Ravi denounced to the police about the gang.,denounce,خَبَر دِنۍ,,के_बारे_में_सूचित_करना{अधिकारियों_को}, +VT,Both the nations have denounced peace treaty.,denounce,اِختِتٲمی اعلان کَرُن,,समाप्त_करना, +N,The density of population is quite high in Kerela.,density,گَنیر,,घनत्व, +VT,One cannot deny the truth.,deny,اِنکار کَرن,,अस्वीकार_करना/बात_काटना, +VT,Do not deny her due explaination.,deny,دوٗر تھاوُن،بے خَبر تھاوُن,,वंचित_करना, +N,The administration department is near the front gate.,department,شعبہٕ،محکَمہٕ,,विभाग, +N,I will call you before our departure from the Station.,departure,رَوانگی,,प्रस्थान, +V,I am financially dependent on my son.,depend,ماتحَت آسُن,,निर्भर_कर, +VT,I can`t depend on you any more.,depend,بَروسہٕ کَرُن,,भरोसा_रखना, +VT,We cannot depend on others for daily needs.,depend,ماتٕحَت روزُن,,आश्रित_होना, +Adj,The final decision is dependent on her verdict.,dependent,ماتٕحَت,,निर्भर, +VT,Merely deploring the increasing incidents of violence in the Valley is not enough.,deplore,مَزَمَت کَرٕنۍ,,निन्दा_करना, +V,The troops have been deployed along the border.,deploy,پھٲلاوِتھ,,फैलाना, +N,We need to make slight depression near the well.,depression,دَباو,,दबाव, +N,She was overwhelmed by feelings of depression.,depression,دِل موٚلوٗلی,,उदासी, +VT,He was deprived of the family inheritance.,deprive,أزٕل کَرُن,,वंचित_करना, +N,The depth of emotions is unimaginable.,depth,سرٛنٮ۪ر,,गहराई, +N,They shifted the house in the depth of winter.,depth,شِکمَ،,,मध्य, +N,The deputy manager is incharge of the new employment.,deputy,نٲیِب,,प्रतिनिधि, +Adj,The deputy commissionar of police spoke to press about the robbery.,deputy,نٲیِب,,उप-, +VT,She derives great pleasure from reading.,derive,حٲصِل کَران,,प्राप्त_करना, +VT,The present name is derived from an older form.,derive,کَڑنہٕ آمُت,,उत्पन्न_होना, +VT,They descended from the stairs carefully.,descend,وَسُن,,उतरना, +VT,He described the acccident elaborately.,describe,بَیان کَرُن,,वर्णन_करना, +VT,She describes herself as a preacher.,describe,وَنان,,बुलाना, +VT,The child described a perfect circle on the sand.,describe,بناوُن,,चित्र_खींचना, +N,The description of the event was reported on the newspaper.,description,وَضاحَت,,वर्णन, +N,The boats of all description were tied along the bank.,description,قٕسمٕکۍ,,प्रकार, +Adj,The descriptive variable is missing from the sentence.,descriptive,تَوصیٖفی,,वर्णनात्मक, +N,The desegregation of the company is not advisable at this stage.,desegregation,یَکجَہہ روزُن،یَکجوت,,वर्णभेद_दूरीकरण, +N,Deserts have a serene aura at sunset.,desert,ریگِستان,,रेगिस्तान, +V,The park was deserted towards the evening.,desert,شُنِۍیاہ گَژُھن،دُہۍ ژھٮ۪تَے گَژٕھنۍ,,वीरान_हो_जाना, +V,The soldier deserted the country.,desert,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़_देना, +VT,I think I deserve a reward for my work.,deserve,قٲبِل آسُن,,योग्य_होना, +N,This design is very fascinating.,design,نَقشہٕ,,बनावट, +N,The design of the trip was altered altogether.,design,خاکہٕ,,रूप, +N,He contributed majorly in the new design of the instrument.,design,نَقشہٕ,,रचना, +N,The curtains had beautiful designs on the borders.,design,نٔموٗنہٕ،نَقشہٕ,,नमूना, +N,He holds no good designs for future.,design,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजनाबद्ध, +V,We need to design a better work schedule.,design,نٔموٗنہٕ بَناوُن,,रूपाकार_देना, +V,She designed good excuse for her absence from the class.,design,مَنصوٗبہٕ بَناوُن,,योजना_बनाना, +Adj,He was a designated judge.,designate,نام ذدکرنہٕ آمُت,,पदनामित, +VT,The courtyard was designated as pollution free area.,designate,وَننہٕ یِوان,,निर्दिष्ट_करना, +VT,Ram was designated as the Police Chief.,designate,تعیِنات کَرُن,,नियुक्त_करना, +N,Hari is a textile designer.,designer,نَقشہٕ بَناون وول،نَقاش,,रूप_बनानेवाला, +Adj,Ram got the desirable job.,desirable,پَسَنٛدیٖدہ،دِلَس مُوٲفق,,वांछित, +N,He has strong desire to leave the country.,desire,حَسرَت،خٲہِش,,इच्छा, +N,She was his heart`s desire.,desire,حَسرَت،تَماہ،خٲہِش,,इच्छित, +VT,We desire for a peaceful life.,desire,حَسرَت تھاوٕنۍ,,चाहना, +N,This desk is too small.,desk,ڑٮ۪سٕک،میز,,डेस्क, +N,They were rescued from despair at the last moment.,despair,ناوۄمیدی،نااُمیٖدی,,निराशा, +VT,They began to despair of ever being rescued.,despair,ناوۄمید گَژُھن,,निराश_होना, +Adj,He is desperate to plea for help.,desperate,بے تاب,,आशारहित, +Adj,He is desperate to her friends.,desperate,اَمار,,निराशोन्मत्त, +Adv,He is waiting desperately to see her.,desperately,بے تٲبی سان,,उतसुकता से, +Prep,They enjoyed the picnic despite the bad weather.,despite,باووٚجوٗد,,होने~पर~भी, +N,It is better to resolve the despite in between.,despite,زٲتِیات,,बैर, +Prep,She managed to catch the flight despite being late.,despite,باووٚجوٗد,,बावजूद, +N,One can just believe in destiny.,destiny,تَقدیٖر,,नियति, +VT,The fire destroyed the house.,destroy,تَباہ کَرُن,,नष्ट_करना, +VT,The thieves destroyed the barking dog.,destroy,مارُن,,मार_डालना, +N,The flood did considerable destruction to the crops.,destruction,بَربٲدی،تبٲہی,,विनाश, +N,The flood caused lot of destruction in the village.,destruction,تبٲہی کَرٕنۍ,,तोड़_फोड़, +Adj,He proposed a policy quite destructive to the economy.,destructive,تَباہ کُن,,हानिकारक, +N,I want full details of the meeting.,detail,تَفصیٖل,,ब्यौरा, +N,Many details are missing from the document.,detail,تَفصیٖل,,व्यौरा, +N,A detail was sent to clear off the fallen trees.,detail,فوٗجی چھۄکھ,,सेना_की_टुकड़ी, +VT,The brochure details the operations of the machine.,detail,تَفصیٖل دیُن,,व्यौरेवार_वर्णन_करना, +VT,The ambulances were detailed to the accident site.,detail,تعیِنات کَرُن,,तैनात_करना, +Adj,A detailed plan was chalked out to free the captives.,detailed,تَفصیٖلی,,व्यौरेवार, +VT,They detected high level of lead in the drinking water.,detect,نِشان دِہی کَرٕنۍ,,देख_पाना, +Adj,I enjoy reading detective novels.,detective,جاسوٗسی,,जासूसी, +N,We appointed an efficient detective to solve the case.,detective,جاسوٗس,,जासूस, +N,I need detergent to wash the dishes.,detergent,چوٗرٕ صابَن،ڈِٹٔرجَنٛٹ,,डिटर्जन, +VT,The political situation deteriorated after the collapse of the government.,deteriorate,اَبتَر گَژٕھنۍ,,बिगड़ना, +N,He started the project work with great determination.,determination,اِرادٕ,,निश्चय{निर्धारण}, +VT,It can determine your further prospectus.,determine,فٲصلہٕ کَرُن,,निर्धारण_करना/निश्चय_करना, +Adj,He is a self determined person.,determined,ثٲبِت قَدم,,कृतसंकल्प, +Adj,It was tough for the army to fight a determined enemy.,determined,ثٲبِت قَدَم،مَنصوٗبہٕ بَنٛد,,दृढ़, +VT,We can develop a better strategy.,develop,تَکمیٖل کَرُن،وۄتھٕ بۄو دیُن,,विकसित_करना, +Adj,USA is a developed country.,developed,تَرقی یافتہٕ,,विकसित, +Adj,India is a developing country.,developing,کَھسوُن،نشونُما پاوَن وول,,विकासशील, +N,The new scheme for the development of villages is constructive.,development,تَرقی,,विकास, +N,The deviation from the party is seen as betrayal.,deviation,ڈَلُن,,लीक_से_हटना, +N,The minister was accused of deviation from the party code.,deviation,مُخٲلف,,उल्लंघन, +N,India has developed its own nuclear device.,device,بَمب,,उपकरण, +N,The poet has a distinct device of metaphorical expression.,device,طٔریٖقہٕ،تَدبیٖر,,लेखन_शैली, +N,His kids are little devils.,devil,شیطان,,शैतान, +V,They prefer devilled mutton.,devil,مَسالہٕ دار بَناوُن,,मसाले_एवं_तरल_पदार्थों_से_खाना_पकाना, +V,We devised a scheme to clean the city.,devise,تدبیٖر کَرٕنۍ,,योजना_बनाना, +VT,I devote a lot of time to my studies.,devote,وَقٕف کَرُن,,समर्पित_करना, +VT,I am devoted to my father.,devote,وَفادار آسُن,,वफादार, +Adj,He is a devoted husband.,devoted,وَفادار,,वफादार, +N,He has no devotion towards his family.,devotion,جان نِثٲری,,प्राणार्पण, +N,We need to measure the diameter of the round window.,diameter,قُطُر,,व्यास/मोटाई, +N,She bought a diamond studded ring.,diamond,ہیٖرٕ,,हीरा, +N,He lost all his cash in the game of dice.,dice,پانٛسہٕ,,पाँसा, +N,He is a dictator by nature.,dictator,تاناشاہ,,तानाशाह, +N,I want a software of this dictionary.,dictionary,لُغَت,,शब्दकोष, +V,She died from cancer.,die,مَرُن,,मरना, +N,The designs are to be prepeared on the new die.,die,ٹَھپہٕ، سانچِ,,ठप्पा_या_साँचा, +N,Each one must take healthy diet.,diet,غٕزَا,,भोजन, +VT,My views differ from my father`s views.,differ,اَلَگ نیرٕنۍ،مُختٔلِف آسٕنۍ,,भिन्न_होना, +N,There is a lot of difference between jazz and rock music.,difference,فَرَق,,भिन्नता, +Adj,Both of them took different approaches to the problem.,different,اَلَگ،مُختٔلِف,,अलग, +Adj,There is a differential salary structure in this project.,differential,وَکھرٕ,,अंतर_संबन्धी, +Adv,They looked at the problem differently.,differently,"اَلَگ اَلَگ طٔریٖقہٕ سان,مُختٔلِف پٲٹھۍ",,भिन्न_रूप_से, +Adj,It is difficult to convince her.,difficult,سَخ،مُشکِل،دُشوار,,कठिन, +N,There are lot of difficulties in framing this proposal.,difficulty,دُشوٲری،سَختی,,कठिनता, +N,There has been diffusion of communal tension in the area.,diffusion,پھٲلُن,,फैलाव, +N,The archeaologist carefully filled the dig with plaster.,dig,کھوٚنمُت,,खोदाई, +VT,The workers dug pits to plant trees.,dig,کَھنُن,,खोदना, +N,It was beneath his dignity to fight.,dignity,مَرتَبہٕ,,बड़प्पन, +N,You have put me in dilemma.,dilemma,دُلمُلہٕ،اِضتِراب,,दुविधा, +Adj,The dim lights obstruct clear sight.,dim,گوٚٹ,,धुंधला, +V,Lights in the theatre were dimmed as the movie began.,dim,گوٚٹ تٔھومٕژ,,धुंधला_होना/करना, +N,The refugee problem has added a new dimension to the border conflict.,dimension,پہلوٗو,,आयाम, +V,We dined in a five-star hotel .,dine,بَتہٕ کھیوٚن,,भोजन_करना, +N,Dinner is served from 7:30 pm in the hostel.,dinner,شامُک بَتہٕ,,रात_का_भोजन, +V,I dipped my pen into the inkpot.,dip,بٔڑراوُن,,डुबाना, +V,The value of rupee has dipped an all time low.,dip,کَم گَژُھن,,कम_होना, +V,The land dips towards the south.,dip,بۄن کُن یُن,,नीचे_को_आना, +N,There was a slight dip in petrol price this week.,dip,کٔمِی,,डुबाव, +N,Diplomacy has failed to meet its ends.,diplomacy,سِفارتی طٔریٖقہٕ,,देशों_के_बीच_राजनीतिक_संबन्ध, +N,He used diplomacy to persuade her for this act.,diplomacy,ژۄے,,व्यवहार_कुशलता, +N,A number of foreign diplomates participated in the function.,diplomat,سِفارت کار,,राजदूत, +N,He is quite popular among the bosses as a diplomat.,diplomat,حِکمَتِہ عَمَل,,व्यवहार_कुशल, +Adj,Their diplomatic efforts could not help to pacify the anger.,diplomatic,سِفارتی,,कूटनीतिज्ञ, +Adj,You may ask direct questions on the issue.,direct,سیوٚد,,सीधा, +VT,I directed them towards the town hall.,direct,وَتھ ہاوٕنۍ,,पथ_दिखाना, +N,He took a turn in the right direction.,direction,طَرَف,,दिशा, +N,A new council was set up under the direction of the president.,direction,ہِدایَت,,निर्देशन, +Adv,He directly asked her if she can marry him.,directly,سیٚدۍ پٲٹھۍ،سیوٚد سیوٚد,,सीधे_से, +N,A new council was set up under the direction of the president.,director,ہِدایَت,,निदेशक, +N,Mr.Nair is the director of this institute.,director,ہِدایَت کار,,अध्यक्ष, +N,Satyajit Ray is a well-known film director.,director,ہِدایَت کار,,निर्देशक, +N,There is lot of dirt in the room.,dirt,مَل,,मैल, +Adj,He was wearing a dirty shirt yesterday.,dirty,موٚکُر،مٔکٕرۍ,,गन्दा, +V,The moon disappeared behind the cloud.,disappear,غٲب گَژُھن,,अदृश्य_होना, +VT,I am very disappointed with my examination result.,disappoint,ناوۄمید گژُھن،ناوۄمید آسُن,,निराश_करना/होना, +Adj,He was disappointed for not being called on the interview.,disappointed,مایوٗس,,निराश, +N,The disapproval caused him immense disappointment.,disappointment,مایوٗسی،ناوۄمیدی,,आशाभंग, +N,There is a widespread disapproval of government policies.,disapproval,نااِتفاقی، ہِشَر نہَ اسُن,,असम्मति, +VT,The criminals were disarmed before leaving for the court.,disarm,اصلَحہ نِنۍ,,हथियार_छीन_लेना, +N,Their marriage is going to be sheer disaster.,disaster,مُصیٖبَت،حٲدِثہٕ،آفَت,,भाग्यहीनता, +N,A major train disaster was averted in Punjab.,disaster,حٲدِثہٕ,,दुर्घटना, +Adj,A disastrous cyclonic storm hit the coast.,disastrous,تَباہ کُن,,दुर्घटनापूर्ण, +VT,I was discharged from the hospital today.,discharge,چُھٹی دِنۍ,,जाने_की_आज्ञा_देना, +N,Students do not maintain discipline anymore.,discipline,تہزیٖب,,अनुशासन, +N,He is teaching in the humanities discipline.,discipline,شُعبہٕ,,विषय, +VT,Parents must discipline their children.,discipline,تہزیٖب دیُن,,अनुशासित_करना, +VT,He does not want to disclose his secret.,disclose,ظٲہِر کَرُن,,खोलना, +VT,We should discourage smoking among youth.,discourage,ہمَتھ پٕھٹرٛاوٕنۍ،حوصلہٕ پَستہٕ کَرُن,,हतोत्साहित_करना, +N,I faced discouragement from my family when I took up to modelling.,discouragement,پَس ہمتی,,हतोत्साह, +VT,We discoveered the child underneath the bed.,discover,دٔرِیافت کَرُن,,खोजना, +N,Discovery of electricity was a breakthrough in history.,discovery,دٔرِیافت,,खोज, +N,He divided the share at his discretion.,discretion,مرضی مُطابق،سہٗولیت مُطابق,,विवेक, +N,There is still discrimination between a girl-child and a boy-child in our society.,discrimination,فَرَق,,भेद_करना, +VT,We discussed our household budget at length.,discuss,بَحَژ کَرُن،کَتھہٕ دَلنِہ،کَتھہٕ مٕننِہ,,चर्चा_करना, +N,The book consists of excellent discussion on modal logic.,discussion,بَحَژ,,चर्चा, +N,He is suffering from some incurable disease.,disease,بیمٲرۍ,,बीमारी, +N,They served me a dish of rice.,dish,تھٲلۍ,,थाली, +N,I prefer vegetarian dishes.,dish,نعمت,,पकवान, +VT,We set dishes after all the guests arrived.,dish,بانہٕ تراوٕنٖۍ,,थाली_लगाना, +N,I lost my new disk.,disk,ڈِسٕک,,डिस्क, +N,My dislike for him was instinctive.,dislike,ناپَسٔنٛدی,,अरुचि, +VT,I really dislike his attitude.,dislike,ناپَسَنٛد آسُن,,पसंद_न_करना, +VT,The wind dislodged the tiles from the roof.,dislodge,تھوٚد تُلٕنۍ,,पूर्व_स्थान_से_हटाना, +VT,He was dismissed from the party on charges of corruption.,dismiss,خٲرِج کَرنہٕ یُن،بَرخاست کَرنہٕ یُن,,बरखास्त_करना, +V,The refugees were displaced due to the war threats.,displace,ہٹاوٕنۍ،پَننِہ جایِہ نِش ژٕلراوٕنۍ,,अपनी_जगह_से_हटा_देना, +V,Weeds displace vegetables and plants.,displace,جاے رَٹٕنۍ,,दूसरों_का_स्थान_लेना, +N,The displacement of tribals has created furore.,displacement,ہِجرَت....,,विस्थापन, +V,His photograph was displayed on the national newspaper.,display,ہاوُن،ظاہرکُرن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, +N,There was a display of firework on Republic Day.,display,نُمٲیِش,,दिखावा, +VT,He displayed his wealth infront of his friends.,display,ہاوٕنۍ,,दिखावा_करना, +N,The safe disposal of nuclear wastes is a major problem.,disposal,خٲتِمہٕ,,छुटकारा, +N,The disposal of some assests is unavoidable.,disposal,کاربارس منٛز)٠زٔمیٖن جاداد کٕنُن),,{व्यापार_में}जमीन/जायदाद_आदि_का_हिस्सा_बेचना, +VT,She disposed her family possessions.,dispose,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ تھاوٕنۍ,,ठीक_रखना, +Adj,I am not disposed to go there at this moment.,disposed,کینٛہہ کَرنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار,,कुछ_करने_केलिए_तैयार, +Adj,Her mother is disposed to new ideas.,disposed,جُکاو،رَغبَت,,कोई_या_कुछ_चीज_व्यर्थ_लगना, +VT,The workers disputed with the management about the bonus.,dispute,بَحَژ کَرُن,,विवाद_करना, +N,The workers are in dispute with the management.,dispute,لَڑٲے،بَحَژ,,विवाद, +N,The dissidents walked out of the meeting.,dissident,مُخٲلِف،اِختِلاف تھاوَن وول,,असन्तुष्ट, +VT,I dissolved sugar in water.,dissolve,غلُن،ہَل گَژُھن،رَلاوُن,,गलाना, +VT,Their marriage dissolved just after three months.,dissolve,اَنٛد واتُن،مۄکلُن,,कोई_व्यवस्था_का_खत्म_होना, +N,it is a walking distance from my house.,distance,دوٗرٮ۪ر،فٲصلہٕ,,दूरी, +VT,He distanced himself from the campus politics.,distance,دوٗر روزُن،پَتھ بِہُیوٚ ن,,स्वयं_को_किसी_से_दूर_करना, +Adj,A distant relative of mine passed away this month.,distant,دوٗر دَراز,,दूर_[का], +Adj,These varieties of plants are quite distinct.,distinct,مُختٔلِف,,भिन्न/पृथक, +Adj,I have noticed a distinct improvement in her performance.,distinct,واضح،صاف,,स्पष्ट/सुप्रकाश, +N,It is necessary to make distinction between these concepts.,distinction,فَرَق,,अन्तर/भेद/पहचान, +N,It has the distinction of being cheapest restaurant in town.,distinction,خٲصِیژ،خوٚصوٗصِیٔژ,,विशिष्टता/प्रमुखत्व, +Adj,He has a distinctive style of reciting poetry.,distinctive,اَلَگ،خاص,,भेदक, +Adj,The dish has a distinctive flavor.,distinctive,خاص،مَخصوٗص,,विशेष/भेद_बतानेवाला/सविशेष/विशेषक, +VT,You cannot distinguish him from the rest.,distinguish,فَرَق کَرٕنۍ,,अलग_कर{विशेष}, +VT,We distinguish between business and pleasure.,distinguish,اَلَگ کَرُن،فَرَق کَڑٕنۍ,,भेद_निकालना/पहचानना/अलग_करना, +VT,It is difficult to distinguish between the two shades.,distinguish,فَرَق کَڑٕنۍ,,अपने_को_प्रमुख_बनाना, +Adj,He had a distinguished career throughout his life.,distinguished,خاص،جان،مُۄمتاز,,विख्यात, +Adj,Our distinguished professor is retiring today.,distinguished,نٲمی،ناماوَر،مۄمتاز,,प्रसिद्ध/नामी/प्रतिष्ठित/विख्यात/उत्कृष्ट, +N,She is in distress since her failure in the examination.,distress,تَکلیٖف,,विपत्ति, +VT,The publisher wants to distribute the books in Asia first.,distribute,تَقسیم کَرُن,,बाँटना/वितरण_करना/विभाग_करना, +N,The distribution of goods was postponed.,distribution,تقسیٖم کٲری,,वितरण/बाँट, +N,They belongs to the same district.,district,ضِلعہٕ,,जिला/मंडल, +V,She disturbed me at the meeting.,disturb,خٕلَل ترٛاوٕنۍ,,���िघ्न_पड़[डाल], +VT,Some bad elements in the crowd disturbed the speech.,disturb,خٕلَل ترٛاوٕنۍ،دَرہَم بَرہَم کَرُن,,विघ्न_डालना/शांति_भंग_करना, +VT,She was disturbed about the communal violence.,disturb,پَریشان گَژُھن,,घबड़ाना, +VT,Don`t disturb him while reading.,disturb,پَریشان کَرُن،تنٛگ کَرُن،چھیڑُن,,छेड़ना/सताना, +N,The car fell in the ditch.,ditch,کھَے،دۄب,,खाई, +N,He went for a dive in the deep sea.,dive,وۄٹھ،گۄتہٕ,,डुबकी, +VI,He dived deep in the blue waters.,dive,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,डुबकी_मारना, +VI,He dived into the sea in search of pearls.,dive,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,खोह_में_जाना, +V,I want to divide my accessories aming my children.,divide,تقسیم کَرُن,,बाँट, +V,The mountain range divides the two countries.,divide,حِصہٕ کَرُن,,भाग_करना, +V,Divide the cake into three equal parts.,divide,تَقسیٖم کَرُن،بٲگراوُن,,भाग_करना, +V,The two countries were divided on ethnic lines.,divide,اَلَگ گَژُھن,,मित्रता_तोड़ना/भिन्नमत_होना, +V,I divined from his expression that the news was not good.,divine,اَندازٕ لَگاوُن,,भविष्यवाणी_कर, +Adj,They are awaiting the divine intervention.,divine,قۄدرتی,,ईश्वरीय/स्वर्गीय, +Adj,She has a divine aura around her.,divine,جان،پاک,,पवित्र, +Adj,The students treat their mentor as a divine being.,divine,شاندار....,,श्रेष्ठ, +N,They all agreed on the division of their ancestral property.,division,حِصہٕ بَٹٲے,,बटवारा, +N,They all agreed on the division of their ancestral property.,division,حِصہٕ بَٹٲے,,भाग{गणित_में}, +N,Two infantry divisions were held in reserve.,division,حِصہٕ,,हिस्सा, +N,They decided to have a divorce.,divorce,طَلاق،مۄکجار,,तलाक/विवाह_विच्छेद, +N,Julie wants a divorce from his spouse.,divorce,طَلاق،مۄکجار,,पृथकीकरण, +VT,The couple was divorced after only 6 months.,divorce,طَلاق کَرُن,,तलाक_देना/विवाह_विच्छेद_करना, +VT,His husband divorced her for no obvious reason.,divorce,طَلاق دیُن,,पृथक_करना, +V,I will do my work myself.,do,کَرُن,,कर, +VT,She is doing well in her new job.,do,کَران,,करना, +N,I have to consult my family doctor.,doc,ڈاکٹَر,,डाक्टर, +N,I felt so bad when I went to see my doctor.,doctor,ڈاکٹَر,,डाक्टर/वैद्य, +N,She has been awarded doctor of philosophy in physics.,doctor,فٲضِل,,विद्वान, +N,His doctrines are very orthodox in nature.,doctrine,اوٚصُول،عٔقیدٕ,,सिद्धांत-शिक्षण, +N,Please send me my documents.,document,دَستاویز,,लेख्य_पत्र/दस्तावेज़, +VT,The parents documented their child`s development.,document,لیٚکِھتھ تھاوُن,,लिखना, +VT,You need to document your claims.,document,لیٚکِھتھ دیُن,,लिखित_प्रमाण_देना/प्रमाण_पत्र_देना, +N,The dog barked all night.,dog,ہوٗن,,कुत्ता, +VT,His career was dogged by misfortune.,dog,پَتہٕ روزُن,,पीछे_लगना, +N,I need to borrow ten dollars.,dollar,ڈالَر,,डौलर, +N,This mosque has a huge dome.,dome,گُمبَنٛد,,गुंबज, +Adj,Domestic violence is the least discussed issue.,domestic,گَریلوٗو,,घरेलू, +Adj,Dog is a domestic animal.,domestic,پالتو,,पालतू, +N,He is our domestic servant.,domestic,گَریلوٗو,,चाकर/घर_का_नौकर, +Adj,Media plays a dominant role in shaping public opinion.,dominant,بااَثَر،جان،بوٚڑ بارٕ,,प्रबल/प्रधान, +VT,No one is allowed to dominate the team.,dominate,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ،غَلبہٕ پرٛاوُن,,वर्चस्व_रखना, +VT,Her husband dominates her.,dominate,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,शासन_करना, +N,The movie was based on one nation domination.,domination,حکوٗمت,,वर्चस्व/प्रधानता/2.शासन, +N,He is a don at Oxford in England.,don,اُستاد,,महाशय{स्पेन_की_भाषा_में}/उपाधि, +VT,He donned his clothes.,don,لاگُن,,पहनना/ग्रहण_करना, +N,This school gets donation from many organizations.,donation,زَکات,,दान, +N,He was the blood donor.,donor,دِنہٕٕ وول,,दाता, +N,He knocked on the door violently.,door,دَروازٕ,,दरवाज़ा, +N,He fell down near the doorway.,doorway,دَروازٕچ وَ��ھ,,द्वारपथ, +N,She wore a blue skirt with white dots.,dot,نُۄقطہٕ،پھیوٗر,,बिन्दु, +V,The students were asked to dot the cities on the map.,dot,نۄقطہٕ ترٛاوٕنۍ،پھیٖرۍ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,बिन्दु_से_चिह्नित_करना, +V,The sky was dotted with stars.,dot,چٔھکرٲوِت,,जगह-जगह_फैलाना, +Adj,His words carry double meanings.,double,دۄگنہٕ,,दुगुना, +Adj,He got double the amount invested in this scheme.,double,دۄگنہٕ,,दोगुना, +Adj,Turn right near the double doors.,double,ڈَبٕل,,दोहरा, +Det,He draws double the amount of salary than her.,double,دۄگنہٕ,,दुगनी, +Adv,Fold the blanket double to keep away the cold.,double,زٕزٕ,,दोहरा, +N,I paid double the price for this particular dress.,double,دۄگنہٕ،ژُپَنٛجٕہ,,दुगुनी_मात्रा_में, +V,The prices of the commodities have almost doubled.,double,دۄگنہٕ گَژُھن,,दुगना_करना[होना], +V,They doubled up laughing at my joke.,double,دۄگنہٕ گَژُھن,,दोहरा_हो_जाना, +N,The members doubt her honesty.,doubt,شَک,,संदेह, +V,I doubt whether he`ll come to the party.,doubt,شَک آسُن,,संदेह_करना, +Adj,His mental condition is doubtful.,doubtful,شَکاوَر,,संदिग्ध, +Prep,She fell down the stairs.,down,بۄن کُن,,के~नीचे, +Prep,You should not go down a hill.,down,بۄن,,के~तले, +Adv,He kept his face down.,down,بۄن کُن,,नीचे, +Adv,She has been down since her last exam results.,down,غَمگیٖن,,उदास/हतोत्साह, +Adv,We can`t work because the computer is down.,down,خَراب,,खराब, +Adv,The tree is down.,down,پیوٚمُت,,गिरा_हुआ, +N,Pillows are filled with down.,down,نَرٕم پَر,,रोवाँ/मुलायम_बाल, +Prep,You should run down a hill.,down,بۄنہٕ کَنہِ,,के_नीचे/के_तले, +VT,He downed three pegs before the dinner.,down,وٕٹھٕ کاوٕنۍ،چیٚنۍ,,नीचे_गिराना, +Adj,You can buy good dress material from the downtown.,downtown,بوٚنِم شہَر,,शहर_का_प्रमुख_भाग, +Adj,The market is showing a downward trend in the stock prices.,downward,وَسوُن,,नीचे_की_ओर, +Det,I need two dozen of pencils.,dozen,دَرجَن,,दर्जन/बारह, +N,Bananas cost 40 rupees a dozen.,dozen,دَرجَن,,दर्जन/बारह, +N,He have finalized the draft.,draft,ڈرٛافٹہٕ,,ड्राफ्ट/हुंडी, +N,The draft of the letter is ready.,draft,مُسوَدٕ,,मसौदा, +VT,Draft a propsal for the project.,draft,مُسوَدٕ بناوُن,,मसौदा_बनाना/लिखना, +VT,He was drafted in the army the previous year.,draft,بٔرتی کَرُن,,भर्ती_करना, +VT,They dragged the chairs.,drag,کَھکھٕر دِنۍ,,घसीटना/खींचना, +N,They cleaned all the drains.,drain,نٲلۍ,,नाली/पतनाला, +N,We can drain the resources for constructive purposes.,drain,نِکاس،پھیاننہٕ یُن,,बहाव, +VI,The rain water drains into this big vat.,drain,وَسُن,,बह_जाना/निकल_जाना, +VI,We drained the oil tank.,drain,خٲلی کَرُن،پھیانُن,,खाली_करना[होना], +N,They want to perform the drama in an open auditorium.,drama,ڈراما،تَماشہٕ,,नाटक/स्वांग, +N,He enjoys reading drama.,drama,ڈراما,,नाटक_सदृश_घटनाएँ, +Adj,She made a dramatic entrance into the hall.,dramatic,ڈرامٲیی طٔریٖقس پٮ۪ٹھ,,नाटकीय, +N,She emptied her cup of milk in one long draught.,draught,گرۄٹھ,,घूँट, +N,Let the cool draught come in through open window.,draught,گرٛاے،لہَر,,झोंका, +N,The doctor has given her a sleeping draught.,draught,خۄراک,,खुराक़, +V,I have to draw these pictures.,draw,بَناوُن,,खींच[चित्रित_कर], +VT,She draws life-size potraits brilliantly.,draw,بَناوٕنۍ,,चित्र_बनाना, +VT,Draw all the shades of this color.,draw,بَناوٕنۍ,,खींचना, +VT,Please draw the fork out of the box.,draw,نٮ۪بَر کَڑُن,,[बाहर]_निकालना, +VT,Draw the water from a well.,draw,لٔمِتھ کَڑُن,,खींच_कर_निकालना, +VT,He drew my attention to a very crucial point.,draw,زون پاوُن,,आकर्षित_करना, +VT,We can draw concluion from this report.,draw,کَڑُن,,निष्कर्ष_निकालना, +VT,She has drawn the information from different sources.,draw,جَمع کَرُن,,एकत्रित_करना, +VT,You can draw the name of the winner in a raffle.,draw,لٮ۪کُھن,,नम्बर_या_कार्ड_या_टिकट_उठा_कर_विजयी_घोषित_करना, +VT,Please draw a deep breath.,draw,نیُن,,गहरी_साँस_लेना, +VT,She was drawn to despair.,draw,ناوۄمید گَژُھن,,निराश_हो_जाना, +VT,Draw the water from the bucket.,draw,کَڑن,,बहाना, +VT,The will was drawn in his old age.,draw,لٮ۪کھنہٕ آمٕژ,,लिखना, +VT,He spent the day drawing landscape in the garden.,draw,خاکہٕ بَناوُن,,चित्र_बनाना, +VT,This motor can draw beyond 70 inches.,draw,سطَح,,पानी_की_निश्चित_सतह, +VT,Draw the iron rods into thin sheets.,draw,زیٹھراوُن,,खींचकर_बढ़ाना, +N,My lottery draw was announced before I arrived.,draw,لاٹری،نَمبَر لگُن,,लाटरी/नम्बर_निकलना, +N,The match ended with the draw.,draw,برابری,,ड्रॉ{प्रतियोगिता_जिसकी_हार_जीत_का_निर्णय_न_हो}, +N,The show must be a big draw to attract the crowd.,draw,دِلکَش,,भीड़_को_एकत्रित_करने_हेतु_कार्य_या_घटना, +N,Her comprehensin is a draw as compared to her mates.,draw,واریاہ کٲلۍ کانٛہہ چیٖز سَمجُن,,देरी_से_किसी_वस्तु_को_समझ_पाना, +N,I use my table drawres for keeping papers.,drawer,دَراز,,दराज, +N,The drawer of the cheque forgot to mark the date on it.,drawer,چَک لٮ۪کَھن وول,,चैक_लिखने_वाला, +N,He is a professional drawer.,drawer,مُصوِر،تَصویٖر بناون وول,,चित्रकार, +N,He has a very good hand at drawing human form.,drawing,تصویر بناونَس منٛز,,चित्रकारी, +Adj,She looked pale and drawn after the function was over.,drawn,اوٗرنہٕ یوٗرنہٕ,,मुर्झाया_सा, +N,He had a bad dream this morning.,dream,خاب,,स्वप्न, +V,She dreams of becoming a successful singer.,dream,خاب وُچٕھنۍ,,स्वप्न_देखना, +N,She purchased a wonderful dress for her wedding day.,dress,پۄشاک،لِباس,,लिबास, +V,He dressed well for the party.,dress,پلو لاگٕنۍ,,कपड़े_पहनना, +V,The girl was dressed like a bride.,dress,پٲرٲوت,,सजाना, +V,The nurse dressed the wounds of the patient.,dress,مَرہم پٔٹ کرٕنۍ,,पट्टी_करना, +V,The chicken was dressed well for the dinner.,dress,صاف کَرُن,,साफ_करना, +V,Their dressed rumours convinced her.,dress,مَسالہٕ کھالُن,,बढ़ा_चढ़ा_कर_कहना, +N,She takes time in dressing herself up.,dressing,پلو لاگٕنۍ,,कपड़ा_पहनना, +N,They must apply dressing on the wounds first.,dressing,مَرہَم پٔٹ لاگٕنۍ,,पटटी_बाँधना, +N,The salad had an attractive dressing.,dressing,سَجاوَٹ,,सजावट, +N,The pillow had a tight dressing.,dressing,ووٗر,,भराव, +N,Her drift of students from one discipline to another is inconvenient.,drift,اکِہ جایِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بیٚیِس جایِہ,,बहाव_संवहन, +N,Our young generation is drifting away from orthodox values.,drift,رُحجان,,अपवहन{डेविअटिओन्}, +N,It was easily related to the main discussion with her drift.,drift,مطلب،مَنشہٕ,,अभिप्राय_या_अर्थ, +N,The snow lay in deep muddy drifts.,drift,شیٖنہٕ ڈیر,,अपोढ़{डेपोसिट्}, +V,Their boat drifted out into river.,drift,یِرٕ گَژُھن,,बह_जाना, +V,The people drifted away from the Exhibition Ground.,drift,نیرُن,,निकलना, +V,The arguments drifted back to earlier conclusions.,drift,تَبدیٖل گَژُھن,,प्रवाहित_करना, +V,The sanddunes continously keep drifting in the deserts.,drift,واوٕسۭتۍ سیٚکِہ ہُنٛد ڈیر بَنُن,,अपोढ़_बालू_रेती, +N,The carpenter uses drill to make holes in the wall.,drill,زَدٕ کرَن واجنۍ مِشیٖن,,छेद_करने_वाली_मशीन, +N,The soldiers practise drill early morning.,drill,فوٗجی تَربِیَت,,फौजी_शिक्षा_कवायद, +N,The cadets were ordered to practise rifle drill.,drill,تَربِیت,,कठोर_अनुशासन_में_रह_कर_शिक्षा_देना, +N,We shall pursue the work in a proper drill.,drill,کُنہِ کامِہ ہُنٛد صٔحیح طٔریٖقہٕ,,किसी_काम_को_करने_का_सही_तरीका, +V,My neighbour is drilling a new borewell in the garden.,drill,زَدٕکَرُن,,छेद_करना, +V,The teacher drilled the whole class in pronounciation.,drill,مَشٕق دِنۍ,,अनुशासन_में_रह_कर_शिक्षा_देना, +N,We can have a drink before leaving.,drink,شَربَت,,पेय_या_शरबत, +N,Please make a drink for the guests.,drink,شَراب,,शराब, +V,Drink this orange juice.,drink,چیٚہ,,पी, +V,He drank three glasses of water after the dinner.,drink,چیوٚن,,पीना/पान_करना, +V,He has an aversion towards drinks.,drink,شَراب چیوٚن,,मदिरा_पान_करना, +V,She herself drives her car.,drive,چَلاوٕنۍ,,चलाना, +V,Drive cattles into the field.,drive,نِنۍ,,हाँकना, +V,Dry leaves were driven away by the strong wind.,drive,نِنۍ,,ले_जाना, +V,The thief was driven back by the watch dogs.,drive,ژٔلراوُن،لار کَرٕنۍ,,भगाना, +V,Hunger and poverty drove him to stealing.,drive,کَرناوُن,,बाध्य_करना, +V,Drive the nails slowly into a plank.,drive,ٹُھکُن,,ठोंकना/घुसा_देना, +V,He drove the ball into the basket.,drive,لَگاوٕنۍ,,गेंद_जोर_से_हिट_करना, +V,He was driven by his interest to work on the project.,drive,کھیوٚمُت,,प्रेरित_करना, +V,Drive cattles into the field.,drive,نِنۍ,,हाँकना, +V,She herself drives her car.,drive,چَلاوٕنۍ,,चलाना, +V,Dry leaves were driven away by the strong wind.,drive,نِنۍ,,ले_जाना, +V,The thief was driven back by the watch dogs.,drive,لار کَرٕنۍ،ژٔلراوٕنۍ,,भगाना, +V,Hunger and poverty drove him to stealing.,drive,مَجبوٗر کَرُن,,बाध्य_करना, +V,Drive the nails slowly into a plank.,drive,ٹُھکُن,,ठोंकना/घुसा_देना, +V,He drove the ball into the basket.,drive,ٹاس لایُن,,गेंद_जोर_से_हिट_करना, +V,A person driven by enthusiasm is capable of doing any work.,drive,کھیوٚمُت,,प्रेरित_करना, +N,He took her wife out for a drive.,drive,گاڑِ سٲلس,,सैर{कार_में}, +N,She practices backhand drive in tennis.,drive,ٹاس,,गेंद_में_हिट_लगाना, +N,Marine Drive is quite famous in Mumbai.,drive,ڈرٛایِو,,रमणीक_स्थल_से_जाने_वाला_मार्ग, +N,He has a great drive to become rich.,drive,کٔشِش،خٲیِش,,ऊर्जस्विता_कर्मशक्ति, +N,He prefers a car with left-hand drive.,drive,ڈرٛایِو,,यान्त्रिकत्व_शक्ति, +N,His drive to achieve big has taken a toll on his health.,drive,،ہمَت,,प्रबल_प्रेरणा, +N,He is a truck driver.,driver,ڈرٛایِوَر,,चालक/गाड़ीवान/कोचवान, +N,A drop of each sample was analyzed.,drop,ٹیوٚک,,बूँद, +N,There was a sudden drop in temperature last night.,drop,کٔمی،گِراوَٹ,,गिरावट, +VI,The bombs were dropped on the right targets.,drop,پیوٚن,,गिरना, +VI,She dropped into army jargon.,drop,گَژُھن,,चले_जाना, +VT,Don`t drop the dishes.,drop,دٲرِتھ دیُن,,गिराना, +VT,He was dropped in the following match.,drop,نٮ۪بَر کڑُن,,निकाल_देना, +VT,You can drop a hint.,drop,وَنُن،دِنۍ,,बताना, +VT,He droped a lawsuit.,drop,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, +VT,The cow dropped her calf this morning.,drop,زَنَم دیُن،دیُن,,जन्म_देना, +N,I saw a drove in the field.,drove,،کھیوٚل,,झुंड, +V,I was drowned in work.,drown,مٔتۍ گَژُھن,,डूबना[डुबाना], +N,You need to take the drug for cure.,drug,دَوَہ,,दवा, +VT,They drugged the tourist before kidnapping.,drug,بےحس کرُن,,दवा_देना/बेहोशी_की_दवा_देना, +N,I saw a drum in his room.,drum,ڈول,,ढोल, +VT,Rain drummed strongly against the windshield.,drum,ڈول وایُن,,ढोल_बजाना/बजाना, +Adj,He was drunk.,drunk,نَشس منٛزمَستہٕ گوٚمُت,,मत्त/नशे_में_चूर, +N,He gets drunk after a couple of pegs.,drunk,چٮ۪تھ,,मत्त_व्यक्ति, +Adj,You skin has grown dry.,dry,خۄشٕک,,सूखा/शुष्क, +VI,Leave the clothes to dry out in the sun.,dry,ہۄکھ ناوُن,,सूखना, +VT,Dry the clothes outside in the shade.,dry,ہۄکھ ناوُن,,सुखाना, +VT,I saw a French film dubbed into english.,dub,ڈَب کٔرِتھ,,एक भाषा की फिलम के संवाद दूसरी भाषा में रुपांतरित करना, +N,I saw a duck in a pond.,duck,بَطُخ,,बतख/2.शून्य{क्रिकेट_में}, +VI,He ducked and hit his forehead against the ladder.,duck,جُکُن,,झुकना/2.डुबकी_मारना, +Adj,My payment is not due yet.,due,وٲژمٕژ,,देय/ऋण, +Adj,Their baby is due in August.,due,نیرَن واجِنۍ,,प्रतीक्षित, +N,Give the children their due share.,due,حِصہٕ,,देय/ऋण, +N,The dug of the cow has swollen.,dug,وُمُل، تھن,,थन, +Adj,He was dull at the party.,dull,نٮ۪تہٕ سۄتہٕ,,सुस्त/मूढ़, +Adj,This dress has a dull print.,dull,ژھانٛپہٕ دار،گوٚٹ,,धुंधला, +Adj,I prefer dull color garments.,dull,ہَلکہٕ,,हल्का, +Adj,I heard a dull thud from the kitchen.,dull,مونٛڈ,,कुंद, +Adj,She felt a dull ache at her back.,dull,سوٚت سوٚت,,धीमा धीमा, +VT,The job dulled her appetite for travel.,dull,سُستہٕ گَژُھن,,सुस्त_करना, +VT,Over use has dulled the surface of the knife.,dull,خَستہٕ بَناوُن،بِگرُن,,कुंद_बनाना, +Prep,The bell rang during the meals.,during,دوران,,के~दौरान, +Prep,I was out of station during those days.,during,دوران,,के_दौरान, +N,The furniture was covered with dust.,dust,گَرٕد,,धूल, +VT,The artist dusted all his canvas drawings.,dust,گرٕد تُلٕنۍ,,धूल_झाड़ना, +VT,Dust the bread with flour.,dust,چَھکُن,,छिड़कना, +Adj,These summers roads were very dusty.,dusty,گردٕ گُبارٕ وٲلۍ,,धूल_धूसरित, +N,My Dutch friend is arrivng to stay at my place.,dutch,ڈَچ(ہالیٚنڈُک روزَن وول)۔,,हॉलैण्ड_देश_के_निवासी[भाषा], +N,It is the duty of people to maintain law and order.,duty,فرض,,कर्तव्य, +V,Their savings have dwindled to zero.,dwindle,وارٕ وارٕ ژَمُن,,क्षीण_हो_जाना, +Adj,He has a dynamic personality.,dynamic,چُستہٕ,,गतिशील, +Adj,Dynamic leadership is required for progress.,dynamic,بدلن وول,,परिवर्तनात्मक, +Adv,Each lunch plate cost hundred rupees.,each,پرٛٮ۪تھ,,हर, +Det,Put the flower vase in each corner of the room.,each,پرٛٮ۪تھ,,प्रत्येक, +Pron,Each flower has distinct smell.,each,ہَر کانٛہہ,,प्रत्येक, +Adj,I am eager to meet her.,eager,وٕتاولہٕ ،بےتاب,,उत्सुक, +N,He has an ear infection.,ear,کَن,,कान, +N,The wheat crop has healthy ears this year.,ear,ہیوٚل,,बाल{गेहूँ_चने_आदि_की}, +Adv,The workers went on vacation earlier this season.,earlier,برٛونٛہٕہ،برٛونٹھ،گۄڈَے،گۄڈنٮ۪تھ,,पहले_[का], +Adj,Atul spent his early childhood with her grandmother.,early,شُروٗع وٲتی,,आरंभ_का, +Adj,He is an early riser.,early,سُلی,,जल्दी, +Adv,He has to go to school early today .,early,سُلی،جَلدی,,जल्दी, +V,The institution earmarked a sum of money for research.,earmark,اَلَگ کُن تھاوُن,,अलग_से_रखना{किसी_उद्देश्य_विशेष_के_लिए}, +VT,We must earn by hardwork.,earn,کَماوُن،زینُن,,कमाना, +Adj,Susi is an earnest young woman.,earnest,سنٛجیٖدٕ،محنتی,,निषठवान, +Adj,He is an earnest student.,earnest,سنٛجیٖدٕ,,दृढ_संकल्प, +N,The election compaign has begun in earnest.,earnest,گۄڈے,,पूर्व_सूचना, +N,Susi`s earnings were good as a tutor.,earnings,کَمٲے,,कमाई, +N,We live on the planet Earth.,earth,زٔمیٖن,,पृथ्वी, +N,Cover the pit with earth.,earth,میٚژ,,मिट्टी, +VT,He earthed the electric wires near the pillar.,earth,دوٚبراوٕنۍ,,पृथ्वी_में_गाड़_देना, +N,An earthquake caused considerable devastation.,earthquake,بٕنیُل,,भूकम्प, +N,I feel at ease at her place.,ease,آرام،آسٲیِش,,आराम_का, +N,We kept the books here to have an ease of access.,ease,سہوٗلیت،آسٲنی,,सुगमता, +VT,He eased their burden by lending them money.,ease,آرام دیُن،سہوٗلیت واتناوٕنۍ,,आराम_देना, +VT,The medicines eased his pain.,ease,آرام واتُن,,तनाव_कम_करना, +VT,Tax rates have eased since May.,ease,کَم گژُھن،وَسُن،گِراوٹھ گژٕھنۍ,,मूल्य_कम_होना, +Adv,Ruchi completed the assignment easily.,easily,آسٲنی سان,,आसानी_से, +Adj,Trade was successfully carried on east coast.,east,مشرِق,,पूर्वी, +N,They come from the east.,east,مشرق,,पूर्व, +Adj,North-eastern parts of India are lush green.,eastern,مشرِقی,,पूर्वी, +Adj,The place is easy to reach.,easy,آسان،سہَل,,सरल, +Adj,She is easy to talk to.,easy,بےپھرُک,,आरामदायक, +Adj,He has an easy manner towards everyone.,easy,آسان,,सरल, +VI,The mat is eaten up by rats.,eat,کھیوٚن,,खाना, +VT,Eat a light breakfast.,eat,کھیوٚن,,खाना, +Adj,The economic strength of their family has undergone a change.,economic,اقتصٲدی,,अर्थशास्त्रीय, +Adj,It is wise to spend money in an economical way.,economical,کِفٲیتی,,अल्पव्यय_सम्बन्धी, +Adj,Travelling by train is more economical.,economical,سَستہٕ,,कमखर्चेवाला, +N,She is admitted in economics at new York University.,economics,معاشیات,,अर्थशास्त्र, +N,He is studying economics for his graduation.,economics,معاشِیات,,अर्थशास्त्र, +N,It is a priority to improve the economy of the country.,economy,معاشِیات,,अर्थ_प्रबन्धन, +N,This can aid to complete the work with precision and economy.,economy,کِفایَت,,किफायत, +Adj,There was a huge ecumenical service in the town.,ecumenical,۔۔۔,,गिरजाघरों_के_सदस्यों_का_सम्मेलन, +N,I was waiting at the edge of the bridge.,edge,دٔندٕر,,धार, +N,The boy stood on the edge of the cliff.,edge,دٔندٕر,,किनारा, +VT,The table-cloth is edged with lace.,edge,دٔندٕرِ لاگُن،اَنٛدن لاگُن,,किनारा_लगाना, +N,This is the first edition of the book.,edition,اَشاعَت,,संस्करण, +N,The editor has left for a meeting.,editor,اٮ۪ڑِٹَر،اَخبار نٔویٖس,,सम्पादक, +Adj,He does the editiorial jobs for the press.,editorial,اٮ۪ڑِٹَر سُنٛد,,सम्पादकीय, +N,The editorials deal with the current situation.,editorial,اِداریہ,,सम्पादकीय_लेख, +VT,We need to educate the masses.,educate,پَرناوٕنۍ،تعلیٖم دِنۍ,,शिक्षा_प्रदान_करना, +Adj,The new teacher is highly educated.,educated,خَواندٕ,,शिक्षित, +N,Education provides moral support.,education,تعلیٖم,,शिक्षा, +Adj,Educational standards have improved now.,educational,تعلیٖمی,,शैक्षणक, +N,Your criticism shall have no effect on him.,effect,اَثَر,,प्रभाव, +VT,They are working to effect a change.,effect,عَملہِ مَنٛز اَنُن,,पूरा_करना, +Adj,The villagers took effective measures to keep the place clean.,effective,عَملی,,प्रभावकारी, +Adj,The curfew was effective from midnight.,effective,لاگوٗ وکَرُن,,चालू_होना, +Adv,They completed their job effectively.,effectively,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ،اَثرٕ سان,,प्रभावकारी_रूप_से, +N,We have no doubts about the effectiveness of new employees.,effectiveness,پُراَثَر,,प्रभावपूर्णता, +N,She had very less personal effects.,effects,سامان،جاداد,,सामान, +N,Efficiency of the employer improves with time.,efficiency,لِیاقَت,,दक्षता, +Adj,Bill is an efficient worker.,efficient,کٲرۍ گَر،لایَق,,दक्ष, +N,Effluents from factories damage the environment.,effluent,ژھۄٹھ,,कूडा-करकट, +N,Students made great efforts to participate in the exhibition.,effort,کوٗشِش,,प्रयत्न, +N,She is allergic to egg.,egg,ٹھوٗل,,अण्डा, +Det,I need eight chairs for that room.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, +N,The number eight is lucky for him.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, +N,She is eight years old.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, +Art,They are eight in number.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, +Adj,She is in eighth class.,eight,ٲٹھ,,आठ, +det,This book has eighteen chapters.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, +N,She is eighteen years old.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, +Det,Bhagavat Gita has eighteen chapters.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठारह, +N,Bhagavat Gita has eighteen chapters.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठारह, +N,He has turned eighteen.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, +Art,Eighteen people are coming over for dinner.,eighteen,اَردہ,,अठ्ठारह, +Adj,She has scored eighteenth position in the examination.,eighteen,اَردٲہِم,,अठ्ठारह, +Pron,Either of the two candidates are fit for the recruitment.,either,کانٛہہ تِہ,,या_तो{....}, +Adj,They perform elaborate rituals.,elaborate,تَفصیٖل,,विस्तार_से_किया_हुआ, +VT,He elaborated on the previous topic.,elaborate,تَفصیٖل بَیان کَرٕنۍ,,विस्तार_करना, +Adj,I keep my schedule quite elastic.,elastic,نَرٕم,,लचीला, +N,They use good elastic for the waist band.,elastic,لاسٹِک,,इलास्टक, +N,Her elbow was hurt badly.,elbow,کھۄنٕہ وَٹھ,,कुहनी, +N,It is difficult to clean the chimney elbow.,elbow,کوٗن,,कोना, +Adj,Vasu is my elder brother.,elder,بوٚڑ،زیُٹھ,,ज्येष्ठ, +N,Respect your elders.,elder,بُزرٕگ,,बुज़ुर्ग, +Adj,He is our best elect candidate.,elect,مُنتَخٕب,,न���र्वाचित, +N,We elected him as our representative.,elect,مُنتَخٕب,,निर्वाचित_मनुष्य, +VT,Mr. Gupta was elected as president of the company for next term.,elect,مُنتَخٕب کَرُن،چُنُن,,निर्वाचन_करना, +VT,She elected to work on sunday as well.,elect,چُنُن ،ژارُن,,चुनना, +N,Election is held every five years.,election,انتخاب،الٮ۪کشَن,,चुनाव, +Adj,I am using electric water-heater.,electric,بِجلی ہُنٛد,,बिजली_का, +Adj,Students prefer to choose for electrical engineering.,electrical,بِجلی ہُنٛد,,बिजली_का, +N,We should save electricity.,electricity,بِجلی,,विद्युत_शक्ति/बिजली, +N,Electrons are found in atoms.,electron,اِلٮ۪کٹرٛان,,अतिसूक्ष्म_परमाणु, +Adj,He often uses electronic calculater.,electronic,الٮ۪کٹرٛانِک,,इलैक्ट्रॉनक, +Adj,Electronic goods are available in abundance here.,electronic,الٮ۪کٹرٛانِک,,इलैक्ट्रोन_की_क्रिया_पर_निर्भर_साधन, +N,Electronics is an interesting subject.,electronics,الٮ۪کٹرٛانِکٕس،برقِیات,,इलैक्ट्रानिक्स, +Adj,She wore an elegant dress for the convocation.,elegant,زبر،خۄش پوش،حٔسیٖن,,सुरुचिपूर्ण, +N,Lead is a dangerous element.,element,عنصُر,,तत्व, +N,The graduates are taught elements of psychology.,element,عنصُر,,मूलतत्त्व, +N,The party has radical elements.,element,مُخٲلف,,अवयव, +N,Periodic table has more than 100 elements.,element,عنصُر,,घटक, +N,Hurricane caused large devastation of elements.,element,...,,प्रकृति{विध्वंसक_रूप}, +N,The play has an element of pathos.,element,عنصُر,,अंश, +Adj,Elementary education is necessary for children.,elementary,بُنیٲدی،اِبتِدٲیی,,प्रारम्भक, +Adj,He found these difficulties quite elementary.,elementary,سَہَل،سادٕ,,आरंभिक_स्तर_की, +det,There are eleven players in a hockey team.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, +N,Eleven students are absent today.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, +Det,There are eleven candidates for the post.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, +N,There are eleven players in a cricket team.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, +N,Eleven people got injured in a bus accident.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, +Art,Eleven number is very lucky for me.,eleven,کاہ,,ग्यारह, +Adj,She is studing in eleventh class.,eleven,کٔہِمہِ,,ग्यारह, +Adj,He is eligible for the contest.,eligible,صَلٲحیَت وول,,योग्य, +VT,The unwanted elements need to be eliminated.,eliminate,خٲرِج کَرُن,,हटाना, +Adv,I will try at something else.,else,بیٚیِہ,,अन्य, +Adv,Leave now or else you`ll be late.,else,نَتٕہ,,अन्यथा, +Adv,The restaurant is full so we will go elsewhere.,elsewhere,بیٚیِس کُنِہ جایِہ,,और_कहीं, +N,Emancipation of women is needed to support progress.,emancipation,آزٲد ی,,मुक्ती/मोक्ष, +N,Mr. Kumar worked at Indian embassy.,embassy,سِفارَت,,राजदूतावास, +VI,He emerged as an important business man.,emerge,ظٲہِر گَژُھن،اُبرُن,,निकलना/उभरना/प्रकट_होना, +N,There is no emergency exit in the building.,emergency,ہَنٛگٲمی صوٗرتہِ حال,,आपात्-स्थिति, +N,The emission of smoke from vehicles causes pollution in the air.,emission,اِخراج،نیرُن,,उत्सर्जन, +N,He appealed to our emotions aptly.,emotion,احساس،جَزبٕہ,,भावना, +N,His voice was filled with emotion.,emotion,جَزبٕہ,,मनोद्वेग, +Adj,He is very emotional person.,emotional,جَزبٲتی,,भावनात्मक, +N,Ashoka was the great emperor of ancient India.,emperor,شَہَنشاہ،بادشاہ,,सम्राट, +N,The emphasis is laid on the quality of the work.,emphasis,اہمِیَت،زور،تاقیٖد,,ज़ोर, +V,He emphasized on the importance of good communications.,emphasize,زور دیُن،تاقیٖدکَرُن,,ज़ोर_दे, +N,The Romans had a large empire.,empire,سَلطَنَت,,साम्राज्य, +Adj,Her accounts were based on empirical facts.,empirical,تَجزی،عَملی,,प्रयोगसिद्ध, +V,I need to employ someone as a cashier.,employ,روزگار دیُن,,रोज़गार_दे, +V,She is employed as a shop assistant.,employ,کامِہ لاگُن,,काम_पर_लगा, +N,This company has over 1000 employees.,employee,موٚزوٗر،مُلٲزِم,,कर्मचारी, +N,The new employer treats his employees well.,employer,مٲلِک,,मालक, +N,He is not in regular employment.,employment,روزگار,,रोजागार, +N,The government is aiming at maximum employment.,employment,مُلازمَت,,रोज़गार, +Adj,He left the empty jug on the table.,empty,خٲلی,,शून्य, +VT,Ram emptied the overloaded box.,empty,خٲلی کَرُن,,खाली_करना, +VT,Morning walk enables one to strengthen the stamina.,enable,قٲبِل بَناوُن,,योग्य_बनाना, +V,They enclosed the park with a barbed wire fence.,enclose,بنٛد کَرُن,,चारों_ओर_से_बंद_करना, +V,I have enclosed a letter along with the application.,enclose,بنٛد کَرُن,,संलग्न_करना, +N,All the details of the project are given in the enclosure.,enclosure,اِحاطہ,,घेराबंदी, +N,The robbers were killed in an encounter with the police.,encounter,لَڑٲے،جنگ,,लड़ाई, +VT,They encountered different complications an the beginning of the project.,encounter,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن،گَژُھن,,सामना_होना[करना], +V,He always encouraged hardworking students.,encourage,ہمَت دِنۍ,,प्रोत्साहित_करना, +V,Her father encourages her to take up the singing profession.,encourage,"ہمت دِنۍ,حوصلہٕ دیُن",,प्रोत्साहित_करना, +VT,I always encourage Ashu to paint.,encourage,حوصلہٕ اَفزٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,उत्साहित_करना, +N,I could not achieve this without his encouragement.,encouragement,حوصلہٕ اَفزٲیی,,प्रोत्साहन, +N,The story came to an abrupt end.,end,خَتٕم،اَنٛد,,अन्त, +V,They ended the play with a dance.,end,خَتٕم کَرُن،اَنٛد واتناوُن,,समाप्त_कर्ना, +Adj,She expressed an endless patience.,endless,آنٛدٕروٚستٕے,,अन्तहीन, +N,She showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.,endurance,صَبَر,,सहन, +N,He has got some enemies here as well.,enemy,دُشمَن,,शत्रु, +N,He lacks energy to complete this task.,energy,تَوانٲیی،طاقَت,,ऊर्जा, +VT,The laws were enforced in the beginning of the neew year.,enforce,نٲفِز کَرُن،لاگوٗ وکَرُن,,लागू_करना, +N,They are showing slackness in the enforcement of rules and regulations.,enforcement,لاگوٗو,,प्रवर्तन, +V,She was engaged wholly in the novel.,engage,آوٕر,,एंगेज_कर[हो], +VT,We engaged ourselves in social work during vacations.,engage,آوُر تھاوُن,,स्वयं_को_बाँधना, +VT,Rahul was engaged to Anjali.,engage,نِشٲنۍ کَرٕنۍ,,सगाई_करना, +N,Rahul was engaged to Anjali.,engagement,نِشٲنۍ,,सगाई, +N,His vehicle needs a new engine.,engine,اِنجَن,,इंजन/कल, +N,Ravi is a qualified mechanical engineer.,engineer,اِنجیٖنَر,,इंजीनियर, +V,He engineered the plot to kill the gang leader.,engineer,چالٲکی کَرٕنۍ,,इंजीनियर, +N,He studied engineering at Manchester University.,engineering,اِنجیٖنٔری,,कल_बनाने_की_विद्या, +V,The sauce will enhance flavor of the dish.,enhance,بَڑاوُن,,बढ़ाना, +VT,The students enjoyed the tour very much.,enjoy,مَزٕتُلُن،لُطُف تُلُن,,आनंद_उठाना, +VT,The students enjoyed the tour very much.,enjoy,مَزٕ تُلُن,,रस_लेना, +N,The news spoiled our enjoyment at the picnic.,enjoyment,مَزٕ،لُطف,,मज़ा, +N,You should take some time off for enjoyment.,enjoyment,سۄخ،لُطُف،مَزٕ,,सुख/मजा/भोग, +Adj,An enormous amount was spent on the building.,enormous,واریاہ,,बहुत, +Adv,You have not eaten enough.,enough,سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,पर्याप्त, +V,She enquired about my health regularly.,enquire,پرٕٛژھ غٲر کَرٕنۍ,,पूछताछ_करना, +VT,His appointment was cancelled after the quarrel had ensued.,ensue,پَتٕہ لارُن،پَتہٕ پَتہٕ روزُن,,पीछा_करना, +V,Please ensure that the books are returned today.,ensure,یٔقیٖن دیُن,,पक्का_करना, +V,Knock the door before you enter into the room.,enter,دٲخٕل گَژُھن,,प्रवेश_कर, +VI,The ship entered an area of shallow marshes.,enter,اَنٛدر اژُن,,भीतर_आना, +VT,He entered her name in the school register.,enter,لٮ۪کُھن،دَرٕج کَرُن,,घुसाना, +N,They are up coming with a new enterprise.,enterprise,اِدارٕ,,साहसिक_कार्य, +VT,He entertained the notion of moving to South America.,entertain,آمادٕ گَژُھن،غور کَرُن,,सत्कार_करना, +N,Entertainment is very important in the busy schedule.,entertainment,شوٚغل,,मनोरंजन/आदर, +N,One needs enthusiasm to work.,enthusiasm,جوش،سٮ۪ٹھا�� دِلچَسپی,,उत्साह, +Adj,We received an enthusiastic response from the audience.,enthusiastic,پُر جوش,,उत्साहयुक्त, +Adj,An entire town was devastated by the earthquake.,entire,تَمام،پوٗرٕ،سورُے,,संपूर्ण, +Adv,They put the blame entirely on him.,entirely,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,सम्पूर्णतया, +VT,The officer entitled him to free medical aid.,entitle,حَق دیُن,,अधिकार_देना, +N,They waited at the entrance to the palace.,entrance,دَروازٕ,,प्रवेश_मार्ग, +N,She made her entry towards the end of the ceremony.,entry,دٲخلہٕ,,प्रवेश/प्रविष्टि, +N,Yash got an entry for participation in the exhibition.,entry,دٲخلہٕ,,प्रवेश/डेवढ़ी, +N,I received an unstamped envelope.,envelope,لِفافہٕ,,लिफ़ाफ़ा, +N,Environment is deterioting each day.,environment,ماحول،آبٕہ ہوا,,पर्यावरण, +N,He grew up in a conventional environment.,environment,ماحول,,वातावरण, +VT,The engineer envisaged the process for system breakdown.,envisage,خَیال تھاوُن،غور کَرُن,,संभावना_का_ध्यान_करना, +N,His research is based on epic literature.,epic,دٔلیٖل,,महाकाव्य, +Adj,The recent cyclone had epic proportions.,epic,خوفناک,,भव्य, +Adj,All citizens enjoy equal rights in democracy.,equal,ہیوُے،برابر,,समान, +N,Women are struggling for equality in the society.,equality,برابری,,समानता, +Adj,Wit and humor are equally important in writing.,equally,برابر,,समान_रूप_से, +N,We have a comfortable equation in our relation.,equation,مُساوات,,समीकरण, +V,All the soldiers were equipped with arms.,equip,سازوسامان ووٚفوٗر تھاوُن,,सज्जित_करना, +N,The laboratory is full with modern equipments.,equipment,سازو سامان,,उपकरण, +Adj,Her new work is equivalent to the older one.,equivalent,برابر,,बराबर, +Adj,He has an erect posture.,erect,سیوٚد کَھڑا,,सीधा_खडा, +V,Saleem erected that huge mansion in memory of his son.,erect,بناوُن،کَھڑا کَرُن,,बनाना/खडा_करना, +N,We canot afford to make an error.,error,غَلطی,,भूल, +N,There is no escape from the hardships of life.,escape,بَچاو,,छुटकारा, +N,He had a narrow escape.,escape,بال بال بَچُن,,बचाव, +VI,The convicted murderer escaped from the prison.,escape,ژَلُن,,भागना, +VI,We escaped to our summer house for few days.,escape,ژَلُن,,बच_कर_भाग_जाना, +Adv,I bought this especially for you.,especially,خاص پٲٹھۍ,,विशेषतः/विशेष_रूप_से, +N,He wrote an essay on environment.,essay,مَضموٗن,,निबन्ध, +N,I want you to write an essay for homework.,essay,مَضموٗن,,निबंध/प्रबन्ध/वर्णन/रचना, +N,---,essay,کوٗشِش,,यत्न, +VT,The procedure was first essayed in 1982.,essay,کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रयत्न_करना/परिश्रम_करना/जाँचना, +N,The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.,essence,اَصٕل,,सार, +N,The essence of knowledge is simplecity.,essence,خصوٗصِیژ,,तत्व/गुण, +N,Yet change is the very essence of life.,essence,اہم,,सार/भाव/मूलवस्तु, +N,I love the essence of voilet.,essence,مُشُک,,सुगन्ध, +Adj,Essential tools and materials.,essential,لٲزِمی،ضروٗری,,आवश्यक, +Adj,The essential feature.,essential,خاص,,प्रधान, +Adv,what he is saying is essentially true.,essentially,اَصٕل پاٹھۍ,,मूलभूत_रूप_से, +VT,Establish a new department,establish,تَشکیٖل کَرُن،بناوُن,,स्थापित_करना, +VT,The trompe l`oeil-illusion establishes depth.,establish,ثٲبِت کَرُن,,प्रमाणित_करना, +N,He works in military establishment.,establishment,اِدارٕ,,स्थापना[संस्था], +N,His main concern was linked with religious establishment.,establishment,محکَمٕہ,,स्थान, +N,The establishment of organizations dealing with women`s issues have made a difference.,establishment,بُنیاد,,स्थापन/संस्थापन, +N,The establishment of organizations dealing with women`s issues have made a difference.,establishment,بُنیاد،کٕن,,नींव, +N,He has set up a new establishment for his factory.,establishment,دَفتَر,,दफ्तर, +N,The entire establishment was against the the new policies.,establishment,مَحکَمٕہ,,संस्था, +N,The family owned a large estate in tea plantation.,estate,زٔمیٖن دٲری،رِیاسَت,,रि��ासत, +N,You can give me an estimate of whole cost.,estimate,راے قٲیِم کَرٕنۍ,,मूल्य_का_अनुमान, +VT,I estimate this ring to weigh three pounds.,estimate,اَنٛدازٕ لَگاوُن,,अंदाज़_लगाना, +Adj,Their argument is an eternal affair.,eternal,اَبدی,,अनन्त, +Adj,We are to maintain the ethical code.,ethical,اِخلٲقی,,नैतक, +N,The ethics of journalism are much debated.,ethics,اِخلٲقِیات,,नैतिकता, +Adj,The organization reflect ethnic mix.,ethnic,نسلِیات,,जातीय, +N,The data can help in critical evaluation of the treatment.,evaluation,مۄلہٕ ٲنکوَن,,मूल्यांकन, +N,He visited London on the eve of New Year.,eve,موقعہٕ,,पूर्वसन्ध्या, +Adj,Put an even coating of varnish on the door.,even,ہیوٗو,,एक_सा, +Adj,Add even amount of butter and sugar.,even,بَرابَر,,बराबर, +Adj,Even a child can comprehend it.,even,تٕہ,,भी, +Adv,He works even when he is ill.,even,تہٕ,,भी, +VT,Her brother has evened the score with a scholarship.,even,برابر کَرُن,,बराबर_करना, +N,I go for a walk every evening.,evening,شام،شام ژِھمبرَن,,संध्या/शाम, +N,It is the most important event in his life.,event,واقعہٕ,,घटना, +N,We will all participate in series of the social events.,event,اَتھ صوٗرتَس منٛز,,स्थिति, +Adv,He will understand eventually.,eventually,ٲخٕر کار,,अंत_में, +Adv,Did you ever smoke?,ever,زانٛہہ,,कभी_भी/, +Adv,She was ever so friendly.,ever,ہَمیٚشٕہ,,इतना, +Det,I go for walk every day.,every,ہَر دوہ ،پرٮ۪تھ دوہ,,प्रत्येक, +Pron,Everybody was anxiously waiting for the results.,everybody,ہَر کانٛہہ,,प्रत्येक_व्यक्ति, +Pron,Everyone was invited on the party.,everyone,پرٛٮ۪تھ کٲنٛسِہ,,प्रत्येक_व्यक्ति, +Pron,He donated everything to the orphanage.,everything,پرٛٮ۪تھ کانٛہہ چیٖز,,सब_कुछ, +Adv,There are general stores everywhere.,everywhere,ہر کُنِہ جایِہ،پرٛٮ۪تھ جایِہ,,सर्वत्र, +N,The murdered had left no evidence behind.,evidence,ثوٚبوٖت,,साक्ष्य, +Adj,His intensity is evident from his involvement.,evident,صاف،ظٲہِر,,स्पष्ट, +Adj,His intensity is evident from his involvement.,evident,ظٲہِر,,प्रत्यक्ष, +Adj,Her love for him was evident in all that she did.,evident,ظٲہِر,,प्रकट, +Adv,He was evidently upset by the news.,evidently,ظٲہِر پٲٹھۍ ،نٔنۍپٲٹھۍ,,प्रामाणिक_रूप_से, +Adj,These people have just evil intention.,evil,بَد،شیطان,,दुष्ट/बुरा/पापी, +N,He tolerates no evil.,evil,بُرٲیی،بٔدی,,बुराई/दुष्टता, +VT,The place evoked bygone memories.,evoke,تازٕ کَرُن,,आह्वान_करना, +N,I was working on the evolution of the languages.,evolution,اِرتِقا،نَشونُما,,विकास/उद्भेद, +N,The evolution of human beings is debatable.,evolution,اِرتِقا,,खुलाव/फैलाव, +Adj,Please give exact location of the institute.,exact,صٔحیح,,ठीक, +Adj,Please give exact location of the institute.,exact,بَرابَر,,शुद्ध, +Adj,Please give exact location of the Institute.,exact,بَرابَر,,निर्दोष, +Adj,The work demands an exact mind.,exact,ہُشار,,यथार्थ/समुचित, +VT,"The kidnappers exacted a ransom of Rs 2,00,000 from her family.",exact,جَبرَن ووٚصوٗل کَرُن,,बलपूर्वक_लेना, +Adv,She has narrated the incident exactly as it happened.,exactly,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,ठीक_ठीक/यथार्थतः, +N,Today is my final examination.,examination,اِمتِحان,,परीक्षा, +V,Doctor examined the patient very well.,examine,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرُن،معاینٕہ کَرُن,,परीक्षण_करना, +V,The doctor examined the patient for a long time.,examine,مُشاہِدٕ کَرُن،معاینٕہ کَرُن,,परीक्षा_करना, +N,The examiner was very arrogant.,examiner,معاینٕہ کَرَن وول,,परीक्षक, +N,We can support the statement with examples.,example,مِثال,,उदाहरण, +V,The expenditure on trip must not exceed our budget.,exceed,زیادٕ گژُھن,,अधिक_होना, +N,She excelled in mathematics.,excellence,جان,,श्रेष्ठता, +N,The school is noted for its academic excellence.,excellence,فٔضیٖلَت،شَرٕف,,श्रेष्ठता/उत्तमता, +Adj,He gave an excellent speech at the farewell ceremony.,excellent,اعلٰی،جان,,उत्तम, +Prep,Everybody was present except for you.,except,بَغٲر,,को~छोड़~कर, +Conj,I answered all the questions except for the last one.,except,صرف,,सिर्फ, +Prep,It is open on all days except saturday.,except,بغٲر,,को_छोड़_कर, +VT,Watching adult movies by children must be excepted.,except,اعتِراض آسُن،مَناہ کَرُن,,छोड़ना, +N,I enjoy all kinds of movies with an exception of horror films.,exception,ماسِواے,,अपवाद, +N,He is an exception in his family.,exception,بَغٲر،وَرٲے,,कोई_व्यक्ति_या_चीज_को_छोड़ना, +Adj,There is no exceptional matter in the novel.,exceptional,غیر معموٗلی,,विशिष्ट, +N,I`m working hard to lose excess of weight.,excess,زیادٕ,,बहुत_अधक, +Adj,Excessive charges of corruption were levelled against him.,excessive,واریاہ زیادٕ,,अधक, +N,They were given food in exchange for work..,exchange,اَدلٕہ بَدَل,,अदला_बदला, +VT,The players exchanged their addresses after the match.,exchange,اَدلہٕ بَدَل کَرُن,,अदला_बदला_करना, +VT,Nothing excites me at this stage in life.,excite,جوشَس منٛز یُن,,उत्तेजित_करना, +N,His heart was pounding with excitement.,excitement,جوش،پُر جوش,,हलचल/आवेश, +V,She exclaimed with grief upon hearing the news.,exclaim,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,चिल्लाना, +VT,The bad results were excluded from the report.,exclude,کٔڑِتھ ژُھنُن،خٲرِج کَرُن,,छोड़_देना, +Adj,She belongs to an exclusive club.,exclusive,مَخصوٗص،خاص,,निवारक, +Adv,This outlet is exclusively open for aesthetics.,exclusively,خاص کٔرِتھ،خصوٗصی پٲٹھۍ,,विशेष_रूप_से{जनसामान्य_के_लिये_नहीं}, +N,He always gives excuse for being late.,excuse,بَہانٕہ,,बहाना{क्षमा_का}, +VT,Please excuse my dirty hands.,excuse,ماف کَرُن,,क्षमा_करना, +VT,The murderer was finally executed.,execute,پھٲنٛسۍ دِنۍ,,फाँसी_देना, +VT,He executed all his plans carefully.,execute,عَملہِ منٛزاَنُن,,कार्यान्वित_करना, +N,They recommended an immediate execution of the plan.,execution,عَمَل کَرٕنۍ,,कार्य_सम्पादन, +N,Party members condemned the execution of the leader.,execution,پھٲنٛسۍ,,मृत्यु_दण्ड_सम्पादन, +Adj,He holds an executive post in the company.,executive,تھوٚد,,प्रबंधकारिणी, +N,He is an excutive in the company.,executive,حُکام,,प्रशासक, +N,We must exercise regularly.,exercise,وَرزِش,,व्यायाम, +N,I completed the last exercise in my maths book.,exercise,مَشٕق,,अभ्यास, +V,We must exercise regularly.,exercise,وَرزِش کَرٕنۍ,,व्यायाम_करना, +VT,The work exhausts me nowadays.,exhaust,تَھکُن،تٔھکٕراوُن,,थका_देना, +N,The museum had many exhibits of oriental art.,exhibit,نُمٲیِش,,प्रदर्शन, +VT,He frequently exhibits at the gallery.,exhibit,مُظٲہِرٕ کَرُن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, +N,An art exhibition was held in the city.,exhibition,نُمٲیِش,,प्रदर्शनी, +N,The leaders were sent to exile.,exile,جُلاے وَطَن,,देश_निकाला, +VT,Ram was exiled for 10 years.,exile,جُلاےوَطَن کَرُن,,देश_से_निकालना, +VI,He could barely exist on such low wages.,exist,زِنٛدٕ روزُن,,अस्तित्व_होना, +N,I don`t believe in existence of ghosts.,existence,آسُن،ووٚجوٗد,,अस्तित्व, +V,His business expanded rapidly.,expand,پھولُن,,फैल_जाना, +VT,After two years he is expected to expand his business.,expand,پٔھہلاوُن,,फैलाना, +N,He is planning about his business expansion.,expansion,ہُرٮ۪ر,,प्रसार, +VT,We were expecting a visit from our relatives.,expect,تَوقَع،اُمیٖد,,आशा_रखना, +N,We have faint expectation of winning the match.,expectation,اُمیٖد,,चाह, +N,Some trekers went on an expedition to Himalayas.,expedition,مُہِِم,,अभियान, +VT,He was expelled from the school for poor performance.,expel,کَڑُن،کٔڑِتھ ژُھنُن,,निकालना, +N,There is an increase in the expenditure from last two months.,expenditure,خَرچہٕ,,व्यय, +N,He maintained a record of expenses at the meeting.,expense,لاگَت،خَرچہٕ,,लागत, +Adj,She prefers to buy expensive clothes.,expensive,قۭمتی,,महँगा, +N,She has no experience in the field.,experience,تَجرُبہٕ,,अनुभव, +VT,I experienced horror for a flash of moment.,experience,تَجرُبہٕ کَرُن,,अनुभव_करन���, +Adj,She is an experienced teacher.,experienced,تَجرُبہٕ کار,,अनुभवी, +N,She is an experienced teacher.,experiment,تَجرُبہٕ وول,,प्रयोग, +N,Students are conducting an experiment in the lab.,experiment,تَجرُبہٕ,,परीक्षा, +V,The teachers are experimenting with the new methods.,experiment,تَجرُبٕہ کَرُن,,परीक्षा_करना, +Adj,The business is at the experimental stage.,experimental,تَجرُبٲتی,,प्रायोगक, +Adj,My mother is an expert cook.,expert,قٲبِل,,निपुण, +N,My mother is expert in cooking.,expert,قٲبِل,,निपुण, +VT,The teacher explained the theory to the students.,explain,سمجاوُن،وَضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,समझाना, +N,He gave a detailed explanation of the case.,explanation,تَشریٖح ،وَضاحَت,,व्याख्या, +Adj,She was quite explicit about why she has left.,explicit,واضِح,,स्पष्ट, +VI,The champagne bottle exploded.,explode,پَھٹُن,,फूटना, +N,He called for a careful exploration of the consequences.,exploration,خوج,,खोज, +VT,I like to explore new places.,explore,ژھانٛڑنہِ,,खोजना, +N,The explosion of firecrackers scared the children.,explosion,ٹاس,,भड़ाका, +Adj,The workers planted an explosive device inside the tunnel.,explosive,دَماکہٕ وول مَواد,,भक_से_उड़_जाने_वाला, +N,The barrack is reserved for the storage of explosives.,explosive,بوٚرٗود,,उड़ाऊ, +N,The company returned the export lot.,export,بَرآمَد,,निर्यात, +VT,India exports cotton to many countries.,export,نٮ۪بَر سوزُن,,निर्यात_करना, +VT,He exposed rampant scandal in his department.,expose,نٔنِراوُن,,खोलना, +VT,This news exposed him as a liar.,expose,نوٚن کَڑن,,विवरण, +N,Students need exposure to computer education.,exposure,وٕسَعت,,विवरण, +Adj,I have booked an express train.,express,جلدی پَکنَ واجنۍ,,शीघ्र_जाने_वाला, +Adj,It was her express wish to visit the pilgrimage sites.,express,صاف،واضح,,स्पष्ट, +VT,She expressed her feelings very clearly.,express,ظٲہِر کَرُن,,व्यक्त_करना, +N,I could easily read sad expressions on her face.,expression,آثار,,अभिव्यंजना, +V,The railway line has not yet been extended to this area.,extend,ؤسیٖع کَرُن،وَہراوُن,,फैलाना, +V,The school extended invitation to the parents on the annual day.,extend,دیُن،واتناوُن,,निमंत्रण_देना, +V,The group extended the tour.,extend,بَڑاوُن,,बढ़ाना, +N,The extension of internet facility has spread across the country.,extension,تَوسیٖع,,विस्तारण, +Adj,We made an extensive use of the public library.,extensive,۔۔۔,,बड़ा/व्यापक, +N,He worked beyond the extent of time limit.,extent,حَد,,सीमा, +Adj,The external examiner was very strict.,external,بیروٗنی،نیٚبرِم,,बाहरी, +N,Extortion is a common trend in the world.,extortion,جَبٕر,,छीन_छोर, +Adj,Shee always carries extra food to the college.,extra,عَلاوٕ,,अधक, +N,He always carried extras in apprehension of an emergency.,extra,عَلاوٕ,,अतिरिक्त_वस्तु, +Adj,The debate resulted in an extraordinary incident.,extraordinary,غیر معموٗلی,,अनोखी, +Adj,He has been endorsed with extraordinary authority.,extraordinary,خاص,,विशेष, +Adj,He carried the argument to extremes.,extreme,شٔدیٖد،اِنتِہٲیی,,चरम/अत्यन्त, +N,We have to go to the extreme edge of town to buy the commodity.,extreme,حَد,,सिरा, +Adv,She is extermely beautiful.,extremely,اِنتِہٲیی,,अत्यधक, +N,Her eyes are beautiful.,eye,أچھ,,आख, +N,She has an eye for fresh talent.,eye,نَظَر,,नज़र, +N,He tried his best to catch her eye.,eye,دیان,,ध्यान, +N,My eyelid has swollen.,eyelid,ٹور,,पलक, +Adj,The child has a great faculty for learning languages.,Faculty,قٲبِلِیَت,,योग्यता, +N,The entire fabric of the building needs renovation.,fabric,بناوٹ,,बनाव, +N,I prefer cotton fabrics.,fabric,پَلَو,,एक_प्रकार_का_कपड़ा, +N,He washed his face with warm water.,face,بُتھ,,चेहरा, +N,He washed his face with warm water.,face,بُتھ,,मुख/चेहरा, +N,The captain lost his face with the defeat in final game.,face,عِزَت,,प्रतिष्ठा, +V,Please stand with your face towards the wall.,face,بُتھ کَرُن،بُتھ تھاوُن,,सामना-होना/करना, +V,He faced the problem vary sensibly.,face,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_होना, +N,The house has extensive facilities.,facility,سٔہوٗلِیَت،آسٲنی,,सुगमता, +N,He is afraid of facing the family.,facing,بُتھ دیُن،مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना, +N,He supported his argument with an array of facts.,fact,حٔقیٖقَت,,तथ्य, +N,2 is a factor of 12.,factor,جُزوِ ضربی,,अंश{गणित}, +N,His loss of interest was a key factor of his failure.,factor,وَجَہ،عُنصر,,घटक/कारक/कारण, +N,We are thinking of setting up sugar factory.,factory,کارخانہٕ,,कारखाना, +V,The colour of these curtains faded very soon.,fade,گوٚٹ گَژُھن,,मुरझाना, +V,She failed to notice the step.,fail,زۄن نہٕ گَژُھن,,असफल_होना, +V,The crops have failed again.,fail,ناکام گَژُھن,,चूकना, +V,She failed to notice that her child was not in the cradle.,fail,زۄن نہٕ گَژُھن,,चूकना, +V,He failed in the board examination.,fail,ناکام گَژُھن,,असफल_होना, +V,Several companies failed to function during recession.,fail,بَنٛد گَژُھن,,समाप्त_हो_जाना/खत्म_होजाना, +V,She studied hard but failed nevertheless.,fail,ناکام گَژُھن,,अनुत्तीर्ण_होना, +V,She failed in her obligations as an obedient daughter-in-law.,fail,کٔمی آسٕنۍ,,कमी_होना, +V,The water supply for the town failed after a continous drought.,fail,بنٛد گَژُھن,,अपर्याप्त_होना, +N,We are often reminded about our failings.,failing,کَمزوٗری,,कमी, +Prep,"Buy her a new book, failing of which you can buy even a catalogue from the library.",failing,نَہ آسٕنۍ,,न_होने_पर/के_अभाव_में, +N,All my efforts to save her life ended in failure.,failure,ناکٲمی,,असफलता, +N,She was a failure as a teacher.,failure,ناکام,,असफल_व्यक्ति, +Adj,She fell faint with the illness.,faint,بےٚ ہوش,,निर्बल, +Adj,I only a faint idea of what she is doing at present.,faint,گوٚٹ,,अस्पष्ट, +Adj,I fell faint from the pain.,faint,بےٚ ہوش,,धीमा, +N,She fell into a dead faint on hearing this news.,faint,بےٚ ہوشی,,मूर्छा, +VI,She fainted during the assembly.,faint,بےٚ ہوش گَژُھن,,मूर्छित_होना, +Adj,The team played a fair game.,fair,اَصٕل,,काफी_अच्छा, +Adj,Her complexion is fair.,fair,پرٛون,,गोरा, +Adj,There is a fair chance to get oppointed.,fair,کٲفی,,काफी, +Adj,The city has a fair weather.,fair,جان،اَصٕل,,अच्छा, +Adj,He never makes a fair deal.,fair,جایز,,न्याय_संगत, +Adj,Her knowledge about her subject is only fair.,fair,ٹھیٖک,,ठीक-ठाक, +N,We went to the fair held in Paradise circle.,fair,مٲلہٕ,,मेला, +Adv,The contractor did not treat his labour fairly.,fairly,جان پٲٹھۍ,,न्यायपूर्वक, +Adv,He was fairly sure of the identity of the thief.,fairly,واریاہ حَدَس تام,,बहुत_हद_तक, +Adj,She imagines life like a fairy tale.,fairy,پٔری,,अप्सरा_जैसी, +N,I dreamt of fairies.,fairy,پٔرِیہِ,,अप्सरा, +N,She has tremendous faith in the Divine Power.,faith,بَروسٕہ,,विश्वास, +N,We can find people of various faiths in India.,faith,مَزہَب,,धर्म, +N,The fall of the currupt system is certain.,fall,پیوٚن,,पतन, +N,The fall of our hockey team was very disappointing.,fall,ہار,,पराजय, +N,He will visit us in the fall next year.,fall,ہرٕد,,शरत, +VI,The bicycle will fall off the stand.,fall,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,गिरना, +VI,Holi falls in the month of March.,fall,پٮ۪وان,,होना, +VI,He fell for the attractive offers at the shop.,fall,لالچِہ منٛز پیوٚن,,लालच_में_आना, +VI,His eyes fell upon the poor girl.,fall,پیٚنۍ,,पड़ना, +Adj,The fallen team had to leave the stadium.,fallen,ناکام,,पराजित, +N,The differences in the opinions might result in fallout of the team.,fallout,لَڑٲے,,लड़ाई, +Adj,He makes false promises.,false,اَپٕزۍ,,झूठा, +N,Rave has earned fame as the best medical practitioner.,fame,شُہَرَت,,प्रसिद्धि/प्रतिष्ठा, +Adj,David is a very familiar figure on campus.,familiar,ناموَر,,जाना-माना, +Adj,I am not very familiar with these people.,familiar,زان پہچھان,,परिचित, +N,He moved his family to Virginia.,family,عَیال,,परिवार, +N,He moved his family to Virginia.,family,کُمبٕہ,,कुटुम्ब, +Adj,He is a famous actor.,famous,مَشہوٗر,,प्रसिद्ध, +N,We need two fans in the room.,fan,پَکھہٕ,,पंखा, +N,I am a big fan of Amitabh.,fan,شوقیٖن,,चाहनेवाला, +VT,The servant is fanning his master.,fan,واو کَرُن,,पंखा_करना, +VT,Many political leaders fan communal violence for personal gains.,fan,وُتٕش دیُن,,भड़काना/उत्तेजित_करना, +N,He is a football fanatic.,fanatic,شوقیٖن,,अति_उत्साही, +Adj,She has a fancy calculator.,fancy,شوٗبِہ دار،جان،لوٗبٕوُن,,असामान्य, +Adj,The store sells only fancy items.,fancy,دٔرگۍ,,बढ़े_चढ़े, +N,He has curious adolescent fancies.,fancy,خَیال,,कल्पना, +N,She bought fancies on her birthday.,fancy,سَجاوَٹھ,,छोटा_सजा_हुआ_केक, +VT,I fancy colorful stamps.,fancy,پَسَنٛد کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, +VT,She fancies a cup of coffee after a long working session.,fancy,یَژھان,,इच्छा_होना, +VT,In the dark she fancied that she saw a ghost.,fancy,خَیال کَرُن,,सोचना, +Adj,I have got a fantastic idea.,fantastic,واریاہ اَصٕل,,अद्भुत, +N,School girls often thrive on fantasies.,fantasy,خَیالَن منٛز,,कोरी_कल्पना, +Adj,She stood at the far end of the street.,far,دوٗر,,दूर, +Adv,How far is the post-office from here?,far,دوٗر,,दूर, +Adv,Murali has fallen far behind his schedule.,far,واریاہ,,बहुत, +N,We arranged the farewell for out-going students.,farewell,رۄخسَت,,बिदा_का_प्रणाम, +N,Many people are working on the farm.,farm,کَھہَہ,,खेत, +VT,The farmer farms the land.,farm,زٔمیٖن دٲری کَرٕنۍ,,खेती_करना, +N,He is a farmer.,farmer,آرٲبۍ،زٔمیٖن دار,,किसान, +N,The villagers use modern methods of farming.,farming,زٔمیٖٖن دٲری,,खेती, +Adj,The stadium is in farther north of the city.,farther,دوٗر,,दूर, +Adv,You have to go farther to board the bus.,farther,دوٗر,,और_दूर, +VT,He was fascinated by her poetry.,fascinate,دٮ۪وانہٕ کَرُن,,मोह_लेना, +N,Wearing long coats is in fashion.,fashion,رٮ۪واج,,कार्य_प्रणाली, +N,Bell-bottom pants are no more in fashion.,fashion,رٮ۪واج،فٲشَن,,वेशभूषा_की_शैली, +VT,The potter fashioned pots from clay.,fashion,بناوُن,,विशेष_प्रकार_की_आकृति_प्रदान_करना, +Adv,You will have to act fast.,fast,تیٖزی سان,,तेज़ी-से, +Adv,He is my fast friend.,fast,پَکٕہ پٲٹھۍ,,दृढ़्ता-से, +Adv,He is in fast sleep.,fast,مَس,,गहरी, +Adj,Express trains run very fast.,fast,تیز,,तेज़, +Adj,The colours of the dress are very fast.,fast,تیز،توٚت,,पक्का, +N,I regularly fast on week ends.,fast,فاقے روزُن,,व्रत, +VI,He is not fasting today.,fast,فاقہٕ دیُن،روزٕ تھاونہِ,,व्रत_रखना, +VT,Fasten the lock onto the door.,fasten,لَگاوُن،دیُن,,जकड़ना, +Adj,It was a fat rope.,fat,موٚٹ,,मोटा, +N,Pizza is rich in fat content.,fat,چَرٕب,,चर्बी, +Adj,The fatal road accident took a heavy toll of life.,fatal,وٲناک,,जीवघातक, +N,I was her fate to meet the guy on trip.,fate,تَقدیٖر،قٕسمَت,,भाग्य, +N,His father was a poet.,father,مول,,पिता, +VT,He fatheres her kids very passionately.,father,مول بَنُن,,पिता_बनना, +N,It was not my fault to leave the drawers open.,fault,غَلطی،قوٚصوٗر،خَطاہ,,भूल, +N,I usually avoid asking for favours.,favour,مہربٲنی،ہمدَردی,,कृपा, +VT,He favoured me in the debate.,favour,مَدَت کَرُن,,कृपा_दृष्टि_रखना, +Adj,The public reaction to the new budget was not favourable.,favourable,موٲفِق,,हितकारी, +Adv,The new products compare favourably with other brands.,favourably,۔۔۔,,प्रशंसा_की_दृष्टि_से, +Adj,Ram was the favourite student of our class teacher.,favourite,ٹوٹھ,,प्रिय, +N,Mohan was trembling with fear near the accident.,fear,ڈَر،کھۄژُن,,भय, +V,Rama fears darkness.,fear,ڈَر آسُن،خوف آسُن,,भय_करना, +V,She does not fear death.,fear,ڈر،خوف,,डर, +Adj,It is feasible to complete this work on time.,feasible,قٲبلِہ عَمَل,,संभव/साध्य, +N,The wedding feast was excellent.,feast,دعوَت،سال,,भोज, +N,The festival was a feast of colours.,feast,جیٚشنہٕ,,संतोष, +N,New year has become greatest feast.,feast,جیٚشنہٕ,,त्यैहार, +V,Guests had a sumptuous feast at the wedding.,feast,سال کھیوٚن,,भोजन_करना, +V,Travelling around Kerala is a feast to eyes.,feast,مَزٕدار,,आन्नदित_करन, +N,Birds use their feathers for balance while in flight.,feather,پَکھ،پَر,,पंख/पर, +V,The hen feathered her chickens.,feather,پَکَھن تَل تھاوُن,,परों_से_ढकना, +N,Her facial features are very attractive.,feature,حِصٕہ,,नक्श, +N,The main feature of the play was stage setting.,feature,حِصہٕ,,विशेष_गुण, +N,I likea feature film than a documentary.,feature,سیٚنِماہٕچ فِلِم,,सिनेमा_की_फिल्म, +V,This film features an old actor.,feature,ہاوان,,प्रकट_करना, +V,Their logo features a red square.,feature,حِصٕہ نِیُن,,हिस्सा_लेना, +Adj,Medicine and defence are federal matters in U.S.,federal,دِفٲقی....,,राज्य_संबंधी, +Adj,Federal system of governence is controlled by central authhority.,federal,....,,संघी, +N,A Fedration was set up to overcome the economic crisis.,federation,دِفاق,,राज्य_संघ, +N,I need to pay the fee to appear in the examination.,fee,فیٖس,,शुल्क, +V,She has a large family to feed.,feed,پالُن,,खाना_खिलाना, +V,Mohan feeds the information to his immediate boss.,feed,دِنۍ,,देना, +V,It takes to feed a coin to make a call from the booth.,feed,ترٛاوُن,,डालना, +V,Violence feeds on hatred and envy.,feed,پھانٛپھٕ لاوُن,,पनपना, +N,The baby had the last feed two hours ago.,feed,کھٮ۪ن،غٕزا,,खाना, +N,The machine feed is blocked.,feed,۔۔۔,,माल{मशीन_में_इस्तेमाल_किये_जानेवाला}, +N,Petrol feed of the car is chocked up.,feed,پایِپ,,पाईप{जिससे_मशीन_को_तेल_आदि_देते_हैं}, +V,I can feel the complication of the situation.,feel,مَحسوٗس کَرُن,,महसूस_करना, +V,I feel safe when I go out with Richard at night.,feel,باسُن،مَحسوٗس کَرُن,,स्पर्श_से_अनुभव_करना, +V,He can feel his way in the dark.,feel,مَحسوٗس کَرُن,,टटोलना, +N,The feel of this place is very depressing.,feel,احساس,,अनुभव, +N,The speaker appealed to the feelings of the audience.,feeling,جَزبات,,भावना, +N,I have a bad feeling regarding this matter.,feeling,احساس,,बोध, +N,I have lost all feelings with this medication.,feeling,زُو,,चेतना, +N,The crowd was beating their feet with the music beats.,feet,کھۄر,,पैर{ब.}, +N,The tree is at a distance of about ten feet from the house.,feet,پُھٹ،پُھٹہٕ,,फुट{ब.}, +V,He felled down all the trees.,fell,ژَٹٕنۍ,,काट_गिराना, +N,We enjoyed our journey to Lakeland fells.,fell,۔۔۔,,९पहाड़ी_इलाका{उत्तरी_इंगलैंड_का}, +Adj,The government fell down in one swoop.,fell,پیوٚن,,गिराना{गिराना}, +N,He is a nice fellow.,fellow,شَخٕص,,व्यक्ति[साथी], +N,He is a good fellow.,fellow,نَفَر،شَخٕص,,व्यक्ति, +N,He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineers.,fellow,فیلو،نَفَر,,सभासद, +N,He was my fellow traveller on the journey.,fellow,ہَم سَفَر,,सहचर, +N,You should show fellowship towards collegues.,fellowship,دوستی،بٲیۍ بَندُت,,साहर्चय, +N,I got a fellowship at Royal Academy of music.,fellowship,مِمبَر,,सदस्यता, +N,He was relieved after receiving a fellowship from the college.,fellowship,ؤظیٖفہٕ,,अनुदान, +N,We prefer to buy hand-made felt.,felt,نَمدٕ,,नमदा/फैल्ट{कपड़ा}, +N,This female is very renowned for her wit.,female,زَنانہٕ،زٔنۍ,,स्त्री_जाति, +Adj,Female infanticide is a common practise.,female,کوٗر,,स्त्री_सबंधी, +Adj,She moves around only with her female friends.,female,زَنانہٕ,,स्त्री, +N,He has put up a fence around his garden.,fence,جَنٛگلہٕ,,बाढ़/बाड़ा, +V,The actors fenced with real swords on stage.,fence,تلوارِجَنٛگ کَرُن,,तलवार_या_गदा_की_लड़ाई, +V,He generally fences around the minor issues to avoid making decisions.,fence,گول مول جَواب دیُن,,घुमा_फिरा_के_बात_करना, +Adj,This land is very fertile for growing rice.,fertile,زَرخیز,,उर्वर, +N,Holi is the festival of colours.,festival,تَقریٖب،بوٚڑ دۄہ,,त्यौहार/उत्सव, +N,He is running very high fever.,fever,تَپھ,,बुखार, +N,I waited for my new car in fever of excitement.,fever,بے چیٚنی,,उत्तेजना, +Det,Few people know about this episode.,few,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, +Adj,I worked with this organisation for few years.,few,کینٛژن,,कुछ, +Adj,She is a woman of few needs.,few,کینٛہہ,,थोड़ा, +N,Fibre from cotton pods is spun to weave cloth.,fibre,ریٚشہٕ،داو,,तन्तु, +N,Fibre is essential for health.,fibre,ریشہٕ,,खाने_का_रेशे_वाला_भाग, +N,The president has a strong moral fibre.,fibre,کِردار,,चरित्रबल, +N,That book is a work of fiction.,fiction,خیٲلی,,कहानी{काल्पनिक}, +N,Stories of his bravery are written as beautiful fiction.,fiction,خیٲلی,,कल्पना, +N,Snow is a great book of fiction.,fiction,خیٲلی داستان,,कथा, +N,Cricket field of this club is maintained.,field,مٲدان,,मैदान, +N,He prefers to work in his fields during the holidays.,field,کَھہہ,,खेत, +N,His field of specialisation is Petrogeology.,field,شُعبٕہ,,विशेष_अध्ययन, +V,The player fielded the ball with great agility.,field,فیٖلڑینٛگ کَرٕنۍ,,क्षेत्र_रक्षण_करना, +V,In this election parties fielded less number of candidates.,field,مٲدانَس منٛزوَسُن,,क्षेत्र_में_उतारना{राजनीति_के_संदर्भ_में}, +Adj,The discussion aroused fierce aggression.,fierce,شٔدیٖد,,प्रचंड, +Adj,A fierce dog guards the house.,fierce,خَطَرناک,,बर्बर, +Adj,He has a fierce loyalty for his party.,fierce,سَخٕت,,उग्र, +N,She will be fifteen this year.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, +Pron,He has issued fifteen books on his name.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, +Det,There were fifteen types of dishes at the feast.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, +N,Fifteen is my lucky number.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, +Art,They are fifteen in number.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, +Adj,I took fifteen chocolates.,fifteen,پَنٛدَہ,,पन्द्रह, +N,He stood fifth in the class.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवा, +Pron,She will be here on the fifth of this month.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवा, +N,He stood fifth in the race.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवाँ, +Pron,He stood fifth in the race.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाँचवाँ, +Art,She lives on the fifth floor.,fifth,پوٗنٛژِم,,पाचवाँ, +N,I bought fifty cups for the party.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, +Pron,There were fifty passengers on the bus.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, +N,I have fifty names on the list.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, +Art,She scored fifty percent marks in the final examination.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, +Adj,She is fifty years old.,fifty,پَنٛژَہ,,पचास, +N,Fig is a tasty fruit.,fig,أنجوٗر,,अंजीर, +V,The kids were fighting over an ice cream.,fight,لَڑٲےکَرٕنۍ,,लडाई_करना, +N,There was a fight between two students.,fight,لَڑٲے,,लड़ाई, +N,There has a strong zeal for fight.,fight,لَڑنُک طاقَت,,लड़ने_की_क्षमता, +N,Gladiators were great fighters.,fighter,جَنٛگجوٗو,,योद्धा, +N,A great fighter does not give up easily.,fighter,جَنٛگجوٗو,,आसनी_से_हार_न_मानने_वाला, +N,Government invested considerable money to purchase new fighter planes.,fighter,جٔنٛگی,,लड़ाकू_हवाई_जहाज, +N,Monthly sales figures of the company show a declining trend.,figure,نَمبَر،شُمار,,अंक, +N,You have maintained your figure properly.,figure,شَکٕل و صوٗرَت,,आकृति{शारीरिक}, +N,I saw a figure approaching towards me from a distance.,figure,ژھاے,,व्यक्ति, +N,Hexagon is a six sided figure.,figure,شَکٕل,,आकृति{रेखाचित्र}, +N,Monthly sales figures of this company show a declining trend.,figure,نَمبَر،شُمار,,अंक, +N,She has maintained her figure properly.,figure,شَکٕل,,आकृति{शारीरिक}, +N,I saw a figure approaching from a distance.,figure,ژھاے,,व्यक्ति, +N,Hexagon is a six sided figure.,figure,شَکٕل,,आकृति{रेखाचित्र}, +V,His name figures in the list of winners.,figure,بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_देना, +V,He figured out the results approximately.,figure,خَیال کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, +Adj,I have some figured statues.,figured,نَقشہٕ دار,,अलंकृत, +N,I have labelled all the files.,file,فَیِل,,फाइल{कागज़_संभाल_कर_रखने_की_जिल्द}, +N,I have too many files on my hard disk.,file,فَیِل,,{कम्पयूटर_में_सूचना_रखने_का_तरीका}, +V,Please file my complaint on this issue.,file,دَرٕج کَرُن,,सूचना_दर्ज_करना, +N,There was a long file of people at the polling booth.,file,لٲن,,पंक्ति, +N,Please use the file to even the surface.,file,فَہرٕ واو,,रेती, +V,I need to file my nails.,file,رَگڑاوُن،گِسُن ،فہَرٕواو دیُن,,घ���सना, +V,He asked his son to fill the pit with the dry leaves.,fill,بَرُن,,भरना, +N,I had my fill of sweets at the wedding reception.,fill,یَڑ بٔرِتھ,,संतुष्टि, +N,Filling used in this Dosa is very tasty.,filling,بٔرِتھ,,भरावन, +N,The film shown at the theater is good.,film,کھیل،فِلِم,,सिनेमा, +N,Change the film in your camera.,film,ریٖل،فِلِم,,कैमरे_की_रील, +N,There is a film of oil on the water of this pond.,film,تہہ،زٮ۪ل,,झिल्ली, +Adj,The final chapter of this book is the most interesting.,final,ٲخری,,अंतिम, +N,He has reached the finals in the match.,final,ٲخری پَڑاو,,अंतिम_चरण, +V,After a long discussion they finalised the outline for the campaign.,finalise,مُکمَل کَرُن,,अंतिम_निर्णय_लेना, +Adv,The party finally broke up.,finally,ٲخٕرکار,,आखिरकार, +N,He financed his higher studies.,finance,رۄپیِہ،پونٛسہٕ,,आर्थिक_व्यवस्था, +V,Company has arranged the finance for new project through the loan.,finance,مٲلی اِنتِظام کَرُن،پونٛسہٕ لاگُن,,आर्थिक_प्रबन्ध, +Adj,Tokyo is a major financial centre in SouthEast Asia.,financial,مٲلی,,आर्थक, +V,I have to find a way out.,find,ژھانٛڑُن,,ढूँढ निकालना, +V,After a lot of hard work they found the error in the machine.,find,ژھونٛڑ,,पाना, +V,He finds that his colleagues are not very co-operative.,find,باسُن،خَیال کَرُن,,अनुभव_करना, +V,I found a gold ring on the pavement.,find,لَبُن,,मिलना, +N,Our new flat is a real find considering the rent charged.,find,دٔرِیافت,,खोज, +N,Findings of the enquiry are not in favour of the accused.,finding,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,जाँच_परिणाम, +Adj,I had a fine holiday at his farm.,fine,اَصٕل,,बढिया/अच्छा, +Adj,We purchased a blanket with fine needlework.,fine,زٲوِج,,बारीक, +Adj,This is a fine colour for your car.,fine,جان،ٹھیٖک،زَبَر,,सुन्दर, +Adj,My health is fine now.,fine,ٹھیٖک,,संतोषजनक, +Adj,The gold bars are made of fine metal only.,fine,صاف،شوٚد،خٲلِص,,शुद्ध, +Adj,The table was covered with fine dust.,fine,زٲوِج,,महीन, +Adj,This drawing is made by a nib with fine point.,fine,نِیُک،زٲویُل,,पतला, +Adv,She is fine now.,fine,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,ठीक_तरह_से, +Adv,There is a fine distinction between the textures.,fine,واریاہ کَم,,बहुत_कम_अन्तर_होना, +N,He had to pay a fine for wrong parking.,fine,جُرمانہٕ،ہَرجانہٕ,,जुर्माना, +V,He was summoned to pay a fine for court of contempt.,fine,جُرمانہٕ بَرُن،ہَرجانہٕ دیُن,,जुर्माना_लगाना, +N,His fingers are long and thin.,finger,اونٛگٕج,,उंगली, +V,She usually fingeres her necklace while talking.,finger,اونٛگجہِ لاگنہِ,,उंगली_से_छूना, +V,He has been asked to finish this work today.,finish,پوٗرٕ کَرٕنۍ,,पूर_करना, +V,Please finish your coffee quickly.,finish,مۄکلاوُن,,समाप्त_करना, +V,He has engaged some persons to finish Shyam.,finish,مارُن,,मार_डालना, +V,He has been asked to finish this work today.,finish,پوٗرٕ کَرُن،مُکَمَل کَرُن،اَنٛد واتٕناوُن,,पूर्ण_करना, +V,Please finish the coffee quickly.,finish,مۄکلاوٕنۍ,,समाप्त_करना, +V,He has engaged some persons to finish Shyam.,finish,مارُن,,मार_डालना, +N,This race will have an interesting finish.,finish,اَنٛد,,अन्त, +Adj,He was not finished with the work yet.,finished,مُکَمَل,,पूर्ण, +Adj,The finished product was exhibbited publicly.,finished,مُکَمَل,,समाप्त, +N,The fire at the cinema hall resulted in many deaths.,fire,نار،زونٛگ,,आग, +N,The police opened fire to hold back the mob.,fire,گوٗلۍ چَلاوٕنۍ,,गोली_चलाना, +V,He fired at the robbers.,fire,حَملہٕ کَرُن،گولہِ چَلاونہِ,,प्रहार_करना{बंदूक_या_तीर_से}, +V,He has recently been fired from his job.,fire,کڑنہٕ آمُت,,निकाल_देना, +V,These comments fired his imagination.,fire,طیٚشَس مَنٛز یُن،جوشَس مَنٛز یُن,,उत्तेजित_होना, +V,Bricks are fired in the klins to bake them.,fire,بٔٹَھس پٮ۪ٹھ بَناوُن,,भट्टी_में_पकाना, +N,The soldiers were trained for firing arms.,firing,بندوٗق چَلاوُن,,बंदूक_चलाना, +Adj,He began the work with firm determination.,firm,مَضبوٗط,,दृढ़, +Adj,He always remains firm on his decisions.,firm,پَکہٕ,,अचल, +Adj,Our decision is firm against their argument.,firm,پایدار,,स्थिर, +V,Please firm up your decision in this matter.,firm,پَکہٕ کَرُن,,दृढ़_करना, +Adv,The textile industry has now been firmly established.,firm,پَکہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,स्थिरता_होना, +N,There are many firms in this business.,firm,تِجارتی اِدارٕ,,व्यापारिक_कंपनी, +Adj,He always stands first in his class.,first,اَوَل,,प्रथम, +Adj,There is a huge crowd on the first train of the day.,first,گۄڈٕنِچہِ,,पहला, +Adv,He was the first to enter the hall.,first,گۄڈنِیُک,,सबसे_पहले, +Adv,I would like to finish the work first.,first,گۄڈٕ,,के_पहले, +N,The team had scored first goal before halftime.,first,گۄڈٕنِیُک,,प्रथम, +Art,He delivered his first lecture profoundly.,first,گۄڈنِیُک,,पहला, +Adj,Taxes are maintained in fiscal policy.,fiscal,مٲلی,,राजकर_संबन्धी, +N,We want fish fry for the dinner.,fish,گاڈ,,मछली, +V,I love to go for fishing on week ends.,fish,گاڈٕ رَٹنہِ,,मछली_पकड़ना, +N,Fishermen are advised to not to go into the sea during the storm.,fisherman,گاڈٕ وول،گاڈٕہٲنٛز,,मछुआरा, +N,Fishermen usually go for fishing before sunrise.,fishing,گاڈٕرَٹنہِ,,मछली_पकड़ना, +N,He fought with his fists.,fist,مُشتہٕ,,मुठ्ठी, +Adj,He keeps himself fit by regular excercises.,fit,صحَت منٛد,,स्वस्थ, +Adj,This water is not fit for drinking.,fit,ٹھیٖک,,उपयुक्त, +Adj,It is fit and proper to leave on sunday.,fit,ٹھیٖک,,उचित, +N,She gets epileptic fits.,fit,دورٕ,,दौरा, +N,He slapped his friend in a fit of anger.,fit,جوش,,आवेश, +N,His coat looks a good fit.,fit,میٖژُک,,नाप_का, +V,Only four persons can fit in this car.,fit,واتُن,,समाना, +V,The peg is a tight fit on this hole.,fit,صٔحیح بِہُن,,सही_बैठना, +Adj,He somehow fitted all his clothes in the bag.,fitted,واتناوٕنۍ,,समा_देना, +Adj,He gave a fitting speech on the occasion.,fitting,مُنٲسِب،صٔحیح,,सामायक, +N,All the fittings in this office are removable.,fitting,سامان,,सामान, +N,I prefer tailored fitting dresses.,fitting,فِٹِنٛگ,,कपड़े_बनवाना, +Det,There were five children on the bus.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, +N,She is only five years old.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, +Det,There were five persons sailing on the boat.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, +N,There were five persons sailing on the boat.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, +N,Five is an odd number.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, +Art,There were only five people in the office.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, +Adj,They own five shops in Mumbai.,five,پانٛژ,,पाँच, +V,Please fix this ceramic doll.,fix,جوڑُن،واٹھ دیُن,,जोडना, +V,We should fix the time for meeting.,fix,مُقرَر کَرُن,,निश्चित_करना, +V,Please fix up a meal for the guests tonight.,fix,تَیار کَرُن،رَنُن,,तैयार_करना, +V,I need to fix my bicycle.,fix,ٹھیٖک کَرٕنۍ,,ठीक_करना, +V,He has already fixed the complications with police.,fix,سَٹہٕ وَٹہٕ کَرُن,,साँठ_गाँठ_करना, +V,I fixed him nicely with this answer.,fix,سَزا دیُن،پٔٹھراوُن,,दंड_देना, +V,Please fix this photograph on the wall.,fix,لَگاوُن,,पुष्ट_करना, +N,She has put herself in a great fix.,fix,مُشکِل،مُصیٖبَت,,कठिनाई, +N,The culprit managed to get away because the case was a fix.,fix,بےایمٲنی,,बेइमानी, +N,A drug addict needs frequent fixes to keep calm.,fix,نَشاور دَوا,,नशीली_दवाई, +N,Please fix the positions accordingly.,fix,پَے،نٮ۪ب,,स्थापना, +Adj,All prices are fixed at this shop.,fixed,گٔنٛڑتھ، طے,,स्थिर_की_हुई, +Adj,He has fixed ideas about his son.,fixed,ڈٔٹِتھ,,दृढ_किया_हुआ, +Adj,I do not have any fixed time for lunch.,fixed,گٔنٛڑِتھ,,स्थापित_किया_हुआ, +N,The flag was fluttering in the breeze.,flag,جَنٛڑٕ,,झंडा, +N,Flag plant usually grow near water.,flag,اَکہِ قٕسمُک کُل,,एक_तरह_का_पेड़, +V,He flagged the taxi to stop.,flag,اِشارٕ ہاوُن,,संकेत_देना, +V,The interest in the project is flagging.,flag,دِلچَسپی کَم گَژٕھنۍ,,कमज़ोर_होना, +N,The building was in flames in the middle of the night.,flame,ریٚہہ,,लपट, +N,In autumn plane trees bloom in scarlet flames.,flame,شوخ رَنٛگ,,भ��कीला_रंग, +N,His love letter kindled the flame of passion in her.,flame,عٔشقُن نار,,तीव्र_चेतन, +N,He greeted his old flame warmly at the party.,flame,معشوق,,प्रेमी, +N,The flames of the fire were rising high in the sky.,flame,نارٕ برٛیہہ,,आग_की_ज्वाला, +N,The whole area was glowing with flames of the fire.,flame,ناروٗو....,,आग_का_रंग, +V,His face flamed with anger.,flame,شَرارت کَھسُن،نار چَھکُن,,क्रोधित_होना, +N,There was a sudden flash of lightening in the sky.,flash,زٕژ,,चमक, +N,A flash is needed for taking photographs in the dark.,flash,فٕلَش,,फ्लैश_यंत्र, +N,He wears flash of his rank at all functions.,flash,ہاو باو,,पद_का_संकेत, +Adj,He dressed in a flash outfit for the wedding.,flash,لوٗبوُن,,आकर्षक_व्सतु, +V,"When she is annoyed, her eyes flash angrily.",flash,زوتان,,चमकना, +V,The cars were flashing by at high speed on the highway.,flash,تیز ژَلان,,तीव्र_गति_से_जाना, +V,There was a flash in the news about the devastating floods.,flash,سُرخی وَنٕنۍ،تازٕ خَبَر دِنۍ,,समाचार_देना, +V,Please flash your identification before you enter.,flash,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, +Adj,This building has a flat roof.,flat,چَپٹہٕ،ہَم وار,,समतल, +Adj,He was speaking in a dull flat voice.,flat,لۄتہِ,,बिना_उतार_चढ़ाववाला, +Adj,The share market has been flat for quite sometime.,flat,ٹَھپ,,मंद, +Adj,The contractor is charging a flat rate for supply of labour.,flat,ہِشی,,एक_समान, +Adj,This symphony is in a flat musical note.,flat,ہَلکہٕ,,संगीत_का_एक_नोट, +Adj,This soda has become flat due to long storage.,flat,سادٕ,,पुराना_हुआ_पेय, +Adj,He had a flat tyre on his way to the office.,flat,پَنچَر دار,,पंक्चर_हुआ, +Adj,His car could not start as the battery was flat.,flat,بِہِتھ,,खराब_होना, +Adj,He could not be selected for the army as he had flat feet.,flat,چَپٹہٕ,,बिना_घुमाव_का_होना, +Adj,The restaurant serves flat food.,flat,سیوٚن,,फीका, +N,He lives in a flat on the third floor.,flat,مکان,,घर, +N,He slapped him with a flat hand.,flat,منٛز اَتھٕ,,समतल_भाग, +N,Salt is collected on flat areas near sea shores.,flat,۔۔۔,,समुद्र_किनारे_का_समतल_भाग, +Adv,The buildings were razed flat to the ground due to earthquake.,flat,زٔمیٖنَس لارُن,,गिरा_देना, +Adv,Keep the furniture flat against the wall.,flat,سیوٚد,,सीधा_रखना, +Adv,The singer sang all songs in a flat voice.,flat,سادٕ طَرزَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,बिना_उतार_चढ़ाव_के, +Adv,I will be able to complete this work in flat two days.,flat,سیوٚد,,अनुमानित, +N,Dinner has tasty flavour.,flavour,مَزٕ,,स्वाद, +N,This city has a distinct flavour of bygone times.,flavour,مَزٕ,,पुट, +V,She flavoured the rice-dish with mint.,flavour,مَزٕ دار بَناوُن,,खास_स्वाद_बनाना, +V,The crowd fled the market as soon as possible.,flee,ژَلُن,,भाग_जाना, +N,A fleet of ships was deployed to evacuate persons stranded on the coast.,fleet,جہازَن ہٕنٛد دَستہٕ,,जहाजी_बेड़ा, +N,The company maintained a fleet of cars for its officers.,fleet,جُنٛڑ,,गाड़ियों_का_समूह, +Adj,He has trained a fleet footed team for the up coming competition.,fleet,تیز,,तेज़, +N,They are flesh eating animals.,flesh,ماز,,माँस, +N,Flesh of apples is tasty to eat.,flesh,ماز،گوٗج,,गूदा, +V,You need to flesh the theses with some more data.,flesh,تَفصیٖل کَرٕنۍ,,विस्तार_में_जाना, +N,The plan has enough flexibility to suit the changes.,flexibility,نَرمی,,लचीलापन, +Adj,His body is flexible with regular excercises.,flexible,نَرٕم,,लचीला, +Adj,The plan for the trip should be flexible enough to consider the weather changes.,flexible,نَرٕم,,स्थिति_के_अनुरूप_ढालना, +N,A flock of birds took flight at once.,flight,وٕڑَو،پَرواز،ہَوٲیی سَفَر,,उड़ान, +N,The flight was quite pleasant.,flight,ہَوٲیی سَفَر,,हवाई_यात्रा, +N,You have to climb a steep flight of stairs to reach the top of the temple.,flight,ہیٖرٕ,,सीढ़ियाँ, +N,His riches are only his flight of imagination.,flight,وٕڑَو,,कल्पना_की_उड़ान, +N,There was a flight of residents from the border as the war began.,flight,لار,,पलायन, +V,After finishing the exams he flung the book into air.,fling,چَھکُن,,फेंकना, +V,He flunged the letter into tthe fire.,fling,دَکہٕ دیُن،دَب دیُن,,धक्का_देना, +V,She flung the books into the bag and walked out.,fling,ہِلاوُن،دَب دیُن,,हिलाना/पटक_देना, +V,They were flinging rude remarks on each other.,fling,کھالٕنۍ,,डालना, +N,The students had a wonderful fling before leaving the university.,fling,لُطُف,,आनन्दित_होना, +N,She has been having a fling with her boss.,fling,ناجٲیِز تعلوٗقات,,प्रेम_प्रसंग, +V,The dead body was found floating on the river.,float,یٖران,,बहना, +V,She kept on floating in the pool to relax.,float,سرٛانٛٹھ وایِنۍ,,तैरना, +V,He floated an idea for the promotion of the new product.,float,دیُن,,राय_देना, +V,This company has floated its first public issue.,float,جٲری کَرُن,,ज़ारी_करना, +V,Countries normally float their currency against the US Dollar.,float,بَرابٔری کَرٕنۍ,,मुद्रा_का_संतुलन_रखना, +N,Attach a float to the fishing rod to prevent its sinking.,float,پٮ۪ن کٔٹ,,तैरने_वाला_पदार्थ, +N,There were many interesting floats in the Republic Day parade.,float,جانٛکی,,झाँकी, +N,Bus conducters usually fall short of the float.,float,پُھٹہٕ ووٹ,,रेज़गारी, +V,The city was flooded due to inadequate drainage.,flood,سٔہلاب یُن,,पानी_भर_जाना, +V,The river is flooded due to heavy rains.,flood,سٔہلاب یُن,,बाढ़_आना, +V,The markets are flooded with many electronic goods.,flood,واریاہ تعدادَس مَنٛز,,बहुतायत_से, +V,This room is flooded with light as it has large windows.,flood,بٔرِتھ,,भर_जाना, +V,The leakage in the water pipe flooded the kitchen.,flood,سٔہلاب اَنُن,,भर_कर_बहना, +N,The rivers are in spate due to floods.,flood,سٔہلاب,,बाढ़, +N,The floor of the house is to be kept clean.,floor,پوٚتُھر,,फर्श, +N,Large volcanoes errupt from the sea floor.,floor,ژَکہِ,,तल, +N,We live on the tenth floor.,floor,پور،پۄہَر,,मंज़िल, +N,He took her to the floor on Christmas dance.,floor,خاص جاے,,खास_कार्यस्थल, +N,The wages have fallen on the floor.,floor,سرٛوٚگ,,निम्न_मूल्य, +V,He was floored by the argument.,floor,ہارناوُن،پاوُن,,हरा_देना, +V,The wrestler floored the opponent by a single punch.,floor,دَب دیُن،پَتَھر پاوُن,,गिरा_देना, +V,He preferred to have wooden flooring for the rooms.,floor,پٔتھرِس ترٛاوُن,,सतह_लगाना, +N,He went to the flour mill to get the grain ground.,flour,اوٹ,,आटा, +V,Cutlets are floured before frying.,flour,آٹہِ سۭتۍ وَلٕنۍ،اوٹ مَتُھن,,आटे_में_लपेटना, +V,Water began to flow as soon as the dam burst.,flow,وَسُن،پَکُن,,बहना, +V,The flow of trafic has increased nowadays.,flow,پَکُن,,सरकना, +V,Money flowed without restraints for his party.,flow,آبٕکۍ پٲٹھۍ خَرچُن,,अनवरत_प्रवाह, +V,Priests usually wear flowing robes.,flow,کٔھلۍ,,ढीले_ढाले, +V,I have no problem in the flow of money for this cause.,flow,خَرچاونَس,,बहुतायत_से, +N,The flow of blood from the wound stopped.,flow,وَسُن،نیرُن,,बहाव, +N,You cannot just go with the flow.,flow,لٕہِر,,धारा, +N,He speaks in a continous flow.,flow,رَوٲنی,,धारा_प्रवाह, +N,These flowers have pleasant fragrance.,flower,پوش,,फूल, +N,The kids are like the flowers in the family.,flower,گُل,,श्रेष्ठ_भाग, +V,Roses flower throughout the year.,flower,پھۄلان,,फूलों_का_खिलना, +V,Their understanding flowered eventually.,flower,بَڑُن,,बढ़ना, +N,The flue emits steam during the cooking.,flue,بُکھٲرۍ,,धुँए_का_निकास_मार्ग, +N,You need to consume lot of fluid.,fluid,آب,,द्रव_पदार्थ, +Adj,Milk is a nurishing fluid feed.,fluid,ٲبی,,तरल, +Adj,We have a fluid arrangement of work here.,fluid,نَرٕم,,लचीला, +N,The economy is in a constant state of flux.,flux,تَبدیٖلی,,बदलाव, +N,Our resources are in a state of flux.,flux,لٕہَر,,प्रवाह, +V,Birds fly in the air.,fly,وٕڑُن,,उड़[उड़ा], +V,The poor bird could not fly with a broken wing.,fly,وٕڑَو کَرُن,,उड़ना, +V,He flies his helicopter at times.,fly,وٕڑُن,,उड़ाना, +V,We will fly the flag later.,fly,لٔہراوُن,,फहराना, +V,The car was almost flying along the road.,fly,تیز پَکُن,,तेज़_रफ्तार_से_जाना, +V,He flew from the city.,fly,ژَلُن,,भागना, +N,There are many flies in the room.,fly,مٔچھ,,मक्खी, +N,He often replaces the fly for fishing.,fly,وول,,बंसी_में_लगाने_का_चारा, +Adj,There are many flying insects in this area.,flying,وٕڑوٕنۍ,,उड़ने_वाला, +N,He goes along with his family while flying.,flying,ہَوٲیی سَفَر,,हवाई_यात्रा, +N,The detergent produces dense foam.,foam,پوٚس,,झाग, +N,We arranged foam matresses for the occassion.,foam,فوم,,फोम, +V,The detergent foams a lot.,foam,پوٚس کَھسُن,,झाग_निकलना, +N,He was the center of focus at the party.,focus,مَرکَز,,केंद्र_बिंदु, +V,All credit focussed on the chairman.,focus,مَرکز بَناوٕنۍ,,केंद्रित_होना, +V,He is unable to focus in dimlight.,focus,صاف پٲٹھۍ وُچُھن,,साफ_दिखाई_देना, +V,Please focus the lense of the camera accordingly.,focus,فوکَس کَرُن,,केन्द्रित_करना, +N,Fog usually hampers smooth mobility.,fog,وُنَل,,कोहरा, +V,The glass panes were fogged by excessive steam.,fog,بَہَہ کَھسُن,,कोहरे_से_घिरना, +V,I am fogged by her response.,fog,دُل مُلَس مَنٛز گَژُھن,,भ्रम_पैदा_होना, +N,Aluminium foil keeps food fresh.,foil,وَرُق,,धातु_का_महीन_पत्तर, +N,The actor of the movie was a perfect foil for cynical manager.,foil,بٮ۪ن تہٕ ہشر,,परिपूरक, +V,He foiled the attempts made by Ram to get the job.,foil,روکاوَٹ پٲدٕ کَرٕنۍ,,रोड़े_अटकाना, +N,They make foils used in the competition.,foil,زٲوِج شَمشیر,,पतली_तलवार, +V,Fold the clothes properly before putting them in the drawer.,fold,تَہہ کَرُن,,तह_करना, +V,Please fold the chairs in the garden and stack them .,fold,بَنٛد کَرٕنۍ،وَٹٕنۍ,,बंद_करना, +V,The movie folded within a week in spite of vast publicity.,fold,بَنٛد گَژٕھنۍ،مۄکلٕنۍ,,समाप्त_होना, +N,Please see that the curtain hangs with proper folds.,fold,پٕھٹہٕ,,चुन्नट, +N,The folds on this paper are not proper.,fold,پٕھٹ,,मोड़ने_का_निशान, +N,The highway has too many folds.,fold,موڑ,,चट्टान_में_मोड़, +N,He pushed the sheep into the fold.,fold,گان,,भेडों_को_रखने_का_बाड़ा, +N,Many members decided to leave the party fold.,fold,انجُمن,,समुदाय, +Suffix,He earned tenfold profit in this investment.,fold,گَنہٕ,,गुना, +N,I am going to my village to meet my folks.,folk,لُکھ,,लोग, +N,The folks at my place are very friendly.,folk,لُکھ،عوام,,जनता, +N,Every culture has folk tales.,folk,لُکہٕ کَتھہٕ,,लोक_परम्परानुसार, +Adj,Folk art is in much demand.,folk,لُکہٕ,,लोक, +N,I translated some folklore from vernacular into english.,folklore,لُکہٕ ادب,,पौराणिक_कथा, +V,I will follow the proceedings.,follow,مُطٲبِق پَکُن,,अनुसरण_करना/अनुकरण_करना, +V,You better follow this bus along the highway.,follow,پَتہٕ پَتہٕ پَکُن,,पीछे_जाना, +V,He followed her upto her house.,follow,پَتہٕ لارُن،پَتہٕ دورُن,,पीछा_करना, +V,One needs to follow the rules of the company.,follow,مانُن،تٲبیدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,आज्ञा_मानना, +V,She is following the medical profession.,follow,اِختِیار کَرُن,,अनुगमन_करना, +V,You should try to follow the instructions of the teacher.,follow,سَمجُن،پَکُن,,समझना, +V,He was following every argument at the seminar.,follow,دیان دِتھ بوزُن,,ध्यान_से_सुनना, +V,The story followed in sequence about the life of the saint.,follow,پَکان,,वर्णन_करना, +V,A dispute is likely to follow after the meeting.,follow,گَژُھن,,घटित_होना, +V,It follows that she will not withdraw the case.,follow,مَطلَب کَڑُن,,अर्थ_निकलना, +N,He is a follower of a pious saint.,follower,مُریٖد,,अनुयायी, +Adj,The programme was held on the following day.,following,دوٚیمہِ,,अगला, +Adj,Consider the following examples.,following,برٛونٛہہ کُن دِژمٕژ,,आगे_दिया_हुआ, +N,The saint has a large following in our village.,following,مانن وٲلۍ,,शिष्य-समुदाय, +Prep,There was a major uprising following his arrest.,following,پٮ۪ٹھ,,होने_पर, +Prep,The conditions in the city worsened following his arrest.,following,پَتہٕ,,के_बाद, +Adj,I have very fond memories of childhood.,fond,خۄشوٕنۍ،ٹاچھہِ,,प्रिय, +N,We cannot survive without food.,food,غزا،کھٮ۪ن,,आहार, +N,He made a fool of himself at the party.,fool,بیقٕل،بیوقوٗف،اَحمَق,,मूर्ख, +VT,I was fooled by my friends on my birthday.,fool,بیقٕل بَناوُن،بیوقوٗف بَناوُن,,मूर्ख_बनाना, +Adj,It was foolish of her to go alone at night.,foolish,بیقلٲزی،بیوقوٗفی,,मूर्खतापूर्ण, +Adj,It would be foolish to believe such rumours.,foolish,بیوقوٗفی،بیقلٲزی,,मूर्ख, +N,She has thin feet.,foot,کھۄر,,पाँव[फुट], +N,My left foot was injured in the accident.,foot,کھۄر,,पाँव, +N,They erected a five foot wall in front of their house.,foot,فُٹہٕ,,फुट{नाप}, +N,The meanings are given at the foot of the page.,foot,حٲشیہِ,,पद{कविता_में}, +N,They camped at the foot of the hill.,foot,دامَن,,आधार, +N,I love to watch football match.,football,فُٹ بال,,फुटबॉल, +N,Pedestrians should always walk on the footpath.,footpath,وَتہِ پوٚد,,पैदलपथ, +N,Raj heard the sound of footsteps in the next room.,footstep,پَکُن,,क़दम, +Prep,I can do this for her.,for,خٲطرٕ,,के~लिये, +Prep,Ravi bought a book for Sonu.,for,خٲطرٕ,,के_लिये, +Prep,Speak for yourself first.,for,طَرفہٕ,,की_ओर_से, +Prep,She is too young for the practise.,for,حِسابہٕ، مُطٲبِق,,के_हिसाब_से, +Prep,He talked on and on for an hour on the telephone.,for,تام,,तक, +Prep,Everybody has a desire for comfort.,for,ہٕنٛز,,का, +Prep,We haven`t seen him for years.,for,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,से, +Prep,We had baked potatoes for lunch.,for,خٲطرٕ,,में, +Prep,I bought this book for Rs. 300.,for,منٛز,,में, +Prep,I bought this book for Rs. 300.,for,مَنٛز،پٮ۪ٹھ,,में, +Prep,He walked for five miles.,for,تام,,तक, +Conj,Rama was very angry with Madhu for she forgot to wish him newyear.,for,کیازِکہِ,,क्योंकि, +V,The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to young people.,forbid,منَع کَرُن,,निषेध_लगाना, +VT,My sense of humor forbids an offensive answer.,forbid,مَنع کَرُن,,मना_करना, +Adj,She was forbidden to see him.,forbidden,سَخٕت مَنع,,निषिद्ध, +N,They used force to open the jammed door.,force,طاقت،زور,,बल, +N,The police got away with the demonstrators by force.,force,زَبر دٔستی،جبرَن,,बलप्रयोग, +N,The Air force was trained to fly newly purchased fighter planes.,force,فوج,,सेना, +N,Women turned up in large force.,force,تعداد,,बड़ी_संख्या, +N,The new law will come into force next month.,force,لاگوٗ وگَژُھن,,लागू_होना, +V,She forced him to take up a job in the city.,force,مَجبوٗر کَرُن،جَبر کَرُن,,मजबूर_करना, +V,She was forced to throw the party.,force,زورٕ دِنۍ،زبَردٔستی دِنۍ,,जबरदस्ती_उत्पन्न_करना, +V,The cricketers forced their way through the crowd.,force,جبَرن اَژُن,,बलपूर्वक_घुसना/निकलना, +Adj,His resignation was forced.,forced,جَبری,,बलकृत/अनिवार्य, +Adj,He gave a forced smile.,forced,جَبرن،زَبَردٔستی,,कृत्रिम, +N,We drove through the ford to reach the village.,ford,پایاب,,उथली_जगह{नदी_के_पास}, +VT,Many people ford the river in boat.,ford,اَپور تَرُن,,पार_करना, +Adj,The fore part of the car was damaged in the accident.,fore,برٛنٛہِِم,,आगे_का, +Adv,He came to the fore to address the audience.,fore,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,आगे/सामने, +N,Sheila has pimples on her forehead.,forehead,ڑٮ۪کہٕ,,माथा, +Adj,She learns foreign languages during the vacations.,foreign,بیٖروٗنی،غٲر مُلکی،وۄپَر,,विदेशी, +N,Wild animals live in forests.,forest,وَن،جَنٛگل,,जंगल, +Adv,They remained friends forever.,forever,ہَمیٚشہٕ,,सदैव, +V,I forgot to bring your book.,forget,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूल_जाना, +VT,My mother forgave me for my mistakes.,forgive,مٲفی دِنۍ،بَخشُن,,क्षमा_करना, +N,He asked for forgiveness.,forgiveness,مٲفی,,क्षमा, +N,They eat with knife and fork.,fork,کانٛٹہٕ,,खाने_का_काँटा, +VI,This road forks across the bridge.,fork,ژھٮ۪ن گَژُھن،زٕ حِصہٕ گَژٕھنۍ,,विभाजित_होना, +VI,The farmer forked the manure into the soil.,fork,اَکہِ قٕسمُک زول,,काँटे_से_निकालना/खोदना_आदि, +N,The lawn was laid out in the form of a square.,form,شَکٕل,,ढाँचा-आकृति, +N,A dark form appeared at a distance.,form,ژھاے,,आकृति, +N,The past form of `write` is `wrote`.,form,حالَت,,शब्द_रूप, +N,I got an application form for you.,form,فارَم,,प्रारूप/छपा_हुआ_फार्म, +N,Water changes in three different forms.,form,حالت,,अवस्था, +N,The assignments should be printed in the prescribed form.,form,طور طٔریٖقہٕ,,कार्यविधि, +N,The modern form of painting is quite interesting.,form,طٔریٖقہٕ,,प्रकार, +V,He has alredy formed an opinion about his boss.,form,بَناوُن,,बनाना, +Adj,All were requested to come in formal dress code.,formal,رَسمی,,औपचारक, +Adv,He was formally invited to the party.,formally,رَسمی طور پٲٹھۍ,,औपचारिक_रूप_से, +N,The formation of the Board was complete today.,formation,بناوٹ،ترتیٖب,,बनावट, +Adj,The former chief was sceptical and short-sighted.,former,پرٛانِہ,,पुराना, +Adj,The former Vice Chancellor visited the university.,former,سٲبِقہٕ،گۄڈنیُک،پرٛون,,पूर्व, +Adj,"In the phrase `Jack and Jill`,Jack is former.",former,گۄڈنیُک،برٛونٛہِم,,दो_में_से_पहला, +Adj,The former rulers of the state designed certain policies.,former,سٲبِقہٕ،پٔتِم,,भूतपूर्व, +Adj,The former rule continues to be in practise.,former,گۄڈنِیُک,,पहला{दो_में_से}, +Adv,"Formerly, females were not emancipated financially.",formerly,گۄڈٕ,,बीते_हुए_समय_में, +Adj,Solving theorems is a formidable task for me.,formidable,سَخ,,दुर्जेय, +N,There is a formula to solve this problem.,formula,فارمُلا،تَرکیٖب,,सूत्र, +N,There is no easy formula for success.,formula,نُسخہٕ,,नुस्खा, +VT,The policy was carefully formulated in view of the inflation.,formulate,واضِح کَرُن,,सूत्र_रूप_में_बनाना, +N,New formulation of prices of various products is not listed yet.,formulation,تَشکیٖل,,सूत्रीकरण, +N,The forts have become places of tourist attraction.,fort,قعلہٕ,,किला, +Adv,He came forth to address the audience.,forth,برٛۄنٛہہ کُن,,आगे, +Adj,He is really very fortunate to secure admission in the college.,fortunate,خۄش قٕسمَت,,भाग्यशाली, +Adv,The weather remained good fortunately.,fortunately,خۄش قٕسمٔتی سان,,भाग्य_से, +N,May fortune shine on your family!,fortune,تَقدیٖر،قٕسمَت،نٔصیٖب,,सौभाग्य, +N,Forty people were present at the party.,forty,ژَتجی,,चालीस, +Adj,The forward seats in the bus are reserved for ladies.,forward,برٛونٛہمہِ,,अगला, +Adv,Lean forward to let the light come in.,forward,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,आगे_की_ओर, +V,The case was forwarded to the Supreme Court.,forward,برٛونٛہہ پَکناوُن,,बढ़ाना, +VT,She fostered the orphan.,foster,پالُن،پَرؤرِش کرٕنۍ,,पालना, +VT,Her father founded the hospital in 1958.,found,بُنیاد ترٛاوٕنۍ,,स्थापना_करना, +N,The foundation of the building was layed way back in 1997.,foundation,سنگِہ بُنیاد،کٔن,,आधार, +N,The foundation of a library in the town helped the students.,foundation,بُنیاد,,स्थापना, +N,Many foundations agreed to sponsor my research.,foundation,ادارٕ,,संस्था, +N,There was a beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden.,fountain,فنٛوارٕ،چیٚشمہٕ,,फव्वारा, +Det,I saw four people in the corridor.,four,ژور,,चार, +N,She is only four.,four,ژور,,चार, +Det,I saw four men coming towards our gate.,four,ژور,,चार, +N,I saw four men coming towards our gate.,four,ژور,,चार, +N,Four is my lucky number.,four,ژور,,चार, +Art,She is four years old.,four,ژور,,चार, +Adj,I have got four chocolates.,four,ژور,,चार, +Det,It took him fourteen days to complete the work.,fourteen,ژۄدَہ,,चौदह, +N,She is just fourteen.,fourteen,ژۄدَہ,,चौदह, +Det,It took me fourteen days to finish this work.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, +N,It took me fourteen days to finish this work.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, +N,I am fourteen.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, +Art,Fourteen people were killed in the bomblast.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, +Adj,This note is repeated fourteen times in the song.,fourteen,ژۄدہ,,चौदह, +Det,He lives in the fourth house from here.,fourth,ژوٗرِم,,चौथा, +Art,She has got fourth position.,fourth,ژوٗرِم,,चौथा, +N,I saw a fox in the bushes.,fox,رامہٕ ہوٗن,,लोमड़ी, +N,He is an old fox.,fox,مَکار,,कपटी_व्यक्ति, +V,He foxes every body with his behaviour.,fox,مَہ کٲری کرٕنۍ، دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,पशोपेश_में_डालना, +N,The bus left in a fraction of a second.,fraction,ژِہیوٗو،برٛونٛز,,टुकड़ा, +N,I want a fraction of share from our income.,fraction,رَژھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोड़ा_सा, +N,We can break it into equal fractions.,fraction,حِصہٕ,,खंड, +N,The door frames should be made of wood.,frame,چوکاٹ,,चौखट, +N,The main frame of the aircraft is ready.,frame,ڈانٛچہٕ,,ढाँचा, +N,I broke the frame of my spectacles.,frame,فرٛیم,,फ्रेम{चश्मे_का}, +N,We have to follow the time frame strictly.,frame,دٲیرٕ,,दायरा, +N,These door frames are made of teak wood.,frame,چوکاٹ,,चौखट, +V,A dense population of trees framed the hut.,frame,ژۄشوٕنی طَرفن آسُن,,चारों_ओर_होना, +V,He framed the plot for the play all alone.,frame,تَشکیٖل کرُن,,शब्दों_में_बाँधना, +V,He claimed that he was framed in the controversy.,frame,غلط اِلزام لاگٕنۍ,,झूठे_आरोप_लगाना, +Adj,He is very frank.,frank,صاف دِل،رلہٕ وُن،مِلن سار,,स्पष्टवादी, +Adj,You need to be frank in your reply.,frank,سیوٚد،پوٚز,,स्पष्टवादी/सरल, +V,They franked all the letters.,frank,ٹِکٹ لاگٕنۍ,,टिकट_लगा, +Adj,The slaves were set free.,free,آزاد,,स्वतंत्र, +Adj,We are the citizens of a free nation.,free,آزاد,,आज़ाद, +Adj,The other end of the rope is left free.,free,ڈیوٚل,,ढ़ीला, +Adj,Thousands of war prisoners were set free.,free,یَلہٕ,,मुक्त, +Adj,He got free tickets for the magic show.,free,مُفتٕے,,बिना_मूल्य_के, +Adj,The bathroom is free now.,free,خٲلی,,खाली, +Adj,Her brother is always free with suggestions for others.,free,آزاد,,स्वेच्छा_से_देने_को_तत्पर, +Adj,The new professor is too free in her attitude.,free,زیادٕ یلہٕ,,सबके_साथ_सीमा_से_अधिक_खुल_जाना, +Adv,Children under five usually travel free on buses and trains.,free,مُفت,,मुफ्त/बिना_मूल्य_के, +V,It took the rescuers two hours to free the people from the debris.,free,کَڑنہٕ,,निकालना, +V,Physical exercises can free your body and mind of tension.,free,سُکوٗن واتناوُن,,मुक्त_करना, +V,The A.P. government intends to free more funds for educational purpose.,free,مَنظوٗری دِنۍ,,किसी_विशेष_कारण_के_लिए_अनुमति_देना, +V,Winning the contest has freed her to take full-time practice.,free,آزٲد ی دِنۍ,,स्वतंत्रता_देना, +N,"After 5 years in prison, he was given his freedom.",freedom,آزٲدی,,स्वतंत्रता, +N,She enjoyed complete freedom to do as she wished.,freedom,آزٲدی،چھوٗٹ,,छूट, +N,Her son got freedom from fear.,freedom,آزٲدی,,ऐसी_स्थिति_जिस_पर_किसी_का_असर_न_पड़े, +Adv,Children under five usually travel free on buses and trains.,freely,مُفتَس منٛز,,मुक्त_भाव_से, +Adv,Nowadays drugs are freely available in every corner of the city.,freely,عام پٲٹھۍ,,खुले_आम, +Adv,People travel freely across the Nepal border.,freely,آزٲدِی سان،آرام سان,,स्वतन्त्र_रूप_से, +Adv,She freely admits that she has made many mistakes earliar.,freely,کُھلٕہ دِلہٕ سان,,स्वेच्छा_से, +Adv,She freely admits that she has made many mistakes earliar.,freely,کُھلہٕ دِلی سان،آسٲنی سان,,स्वेच्छा_से, +Adv,The painting featured freely brushed strokes.,freely,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,मुक्त_भाव_से, +VT,I would freeze to death in this office if the air condition is turned on for 24 hours.,freeze,لٔگِتھ گژُھن،شِٹھِتھ گَژُھن,,जमा_देना, +N,Indian railways have services for both passengers and freight.,freight,سامان،مال,,जहाज_या_रेलगाड़ी_पर_लदा_हुआ_माल, +V,Apples from this region are freighted all over the world.,freight,مال سوزُن,,माल_ले_जाना, +N,Road accidents have increased in frequency in recent years.,frequency,تعداد,,बारंबारता, +Adj,A frequent criticism of the proposal has been its high cost.,frequent,اَکثر,,अक्सर_आनेवाला, +Adj,There are no frequent bus services from here to Koti.,frequent,اَکثر,,अक्सर, +VT,He frequents to her place every now and then.,frequent,بار بار گَژُھن,,बार_बार_जाना, +Adv,He comes to my house frequently.,frequently,واریاہ پِھرِ،ا��کثر,,बहुता_बार, +Adv,He comes to my house frequently.,frequently,اَکثر,,बहुधा, +Adj,Have only fresh bread for breakfast.,fresh,تازٕ,,ताज़ा, +Adj,Have only fresh bread for breakfast.,fresh,تازٕ,,ताजा, +N,Friction between two stones enabled early men to lit fire.,friction,گٔکٕھر,,रगड़, +N,Friction arose between the two brothers over the ancestral property.,friction,اِختِلافات,,संघर्ष, +N,My friend visits me often.,friend,دوس،یار،بوج,,मित्र, +Adj,Our neighbours were very friendly when we moved to our house.,friendly,مِلَن سار,,स्नेहशील, +N,Rana and Rahul had strong ties of friendship between them.,friendship,دوٗستی,,मैत्री, +VT,Ravi`s anger frightened me.,frighten,کھوژناوُن,,डराना, +N,Their house is located on the fringe of the forest.,fringe,اَنٛد,,किनारा, +N,With a fringe in her hair she looks beautiful.,fringe,ٹوٚپ,,बालों_की_लट, +N,The lady made a fringe on her garment.,fringe,جھالَر,,फुंदना, +Prep,She is different from her sister.,from,نِش,,से, +Prep,The worker comes home from the factory.,from,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,से, +Prep,I got a letter from my brother.,from,سٕنٛدِطَرفہٕ,,के_यहाँ_से, +N,The front of the building needs whitewash.,front,برٛونٛہمِہ طَرفٕہ,,आगे, +VTI,Beautiful flowers fronted the fence.,front,بٕتھہِ یُن,,सामना_करना, +N,The frontier states are always in the danger of foreign invasions.,frontier,سَرحٔدی عَلاقہٕ,,सीमान्त, +Adj,Skating is done on frozen ice.,frozen,لوٚگمُت شیٖن,,जमी_हुई, +N,Fruits are good for health.,fruit,میوٕ,,फल, +N,Almond is a fruit.,fruit,میوٕ,,बीज, +N,We must nurture the fruits of the earth.,fruit,نِعمَت,,लाभ, +N,Susi enjoyed the fruits of her labour after getting her ph.D.,fruit,پَھل,,परिणाम, +V,The mango trees have fruited well this year.,fruit,میوٕ نیرُن,,फलना, +N,Fuel is used for cooking.,fuel,تیٖل,,ईंधन, +V,We must fuel [up] our car before a long trip.,fuel,تیٖل ترٛاوُن,,ईंधन_डालना, +V,He fulfilled his promise.,fulfill,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_करना, +V,The student fulfilled the conditions of entry to a college.,fulfill,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,अपेक्षाएँ_पूरी_करना, +Adj,The lake is full during rainy season.,full,بٔرِتھ,,भरा_हुआ, +Adj,She is full of energy.,full,بٔرِتھ,,पूर्ण, +Adj,I`m full. I cannot eat any more.,full,بٔرِتھ,,भरपेट, +Adj,The woman gave full information of the incident.,full,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, +Adj,Looking after the children is a full-time job.,full-time,دۄہَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,पूर्णकालक, +Adv,The superviser was fully satisfied with his work.,fully,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, +Adj,I did not find it so funny.,fun,مَزٕدار,,मज़ेदार, +N,Children had fun at the party.,fun,مَزٕ,,मज़ा, +N,The major function of the judiciary is to maintain law and order in a society.,function,کٲم,,प्रकार्य, +N,We have to attend a function in the evening.,function,تقریٖب,,सामाजिक_सम्मेलन, +Adj,keep functional clothing in the cupboard.,functional,ضروٗری،لاگٕنۍ لایَق,,क्रियात्मक, +N,The prime minister helped the flood victims from his fund.,fund,فَنٛڑ،مٲلی وَسٲیِل,,पूँजी, +V,The project is funded by WHO.,fund,مٲلی اِمداد دیُن,,पूँजी_लगाना, +Adj,We have a fundamental right of speech.,fundamental,بُنِیٲدی,,मूलभूत, +N,Learn the fundamentals of Algebra.,fundamental,اوٚصوٗل,,मूल_सिद्धान्त, +N,He took part in the funeral.,funeral,جِنازٕ,,क्रिया_कर्म, +Adj,Vidushaka in sanskrit plays engages everyone between the acts with funny jokes.,funny,مَزا یقَہ ،مَزاہِیا,,हास्यास्पद, +Adj,The refrigerator is making a funny noise.,funny,عٔجیٖب,,अजीब, +Adj,I feel a bit funny today.,funny,تَنٛگ،عٔجیٖبٕے,,अस्वस्थ, +N,Sheep has fur.,fur,جَتھ,,बाल{जानवरों_की_खाल_पर_मोटे_व_मुलायम_बाल}, +N,I find the food tasteless due to fur on my tongue.,fur,کٔنڑۍ,,बीमारी_में_जिह्वा_पर_होने_वाली_तह, +Adj,The teacher made a furious statement at the student.,furious,طیٚشہٕ ہوٚت,,कुपित, +Adj,A furious storm uprooted the trees.,furious,خَطَرناک,,भीषण, +VT,He furnished the house with ethnic curios.,furnish,سَجاوُن،فَرٕش ترٛاوُن,,सुसज्जित_करना, +VT,Furnish all the equipments for the expedition.,furnish,دٔستِیاب کَرُن,,देना{आवश्यक_सामग्री}, +N,Furniture adds decor to the room.,furniture,فٔرنیٖچَر،کُرسی میز،فَرٕش,,फर्नीचर, +Adj,The military thought that further movement could be risky.,further,برٛونٛہہ کَنِچ,,और_आगे_का, +Adv,I want to hear his speech further.,further,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,और_आगे, +Adv,He went further to explain the meaning.,further,برٛونٛہہ کُن,,अधिक_विस्तार_से, +Adv,"Further,it has come to my notice .",further,بیٚیِہ,,के_अलावा, +VT,Mahatma Gandhi furthered the cause of peace.,further,برٛونٛہہ پَکناوُن,,आगे_बढ़ाना, +Adv,I suggest you to buy this product. It is good and furthermore it is cheaper also.,furthermore,اَمِہ علاوٕ,,इसके_अतिरिक्त, +N,The teacher flew into a fury when the student did not complete his work.,fury,شَرارَت,,कोप, +N,The crops were devastated by the fury of the hurricane.,fury,تیٖزی,,तीव्रता, +N,Who knows what will happen in the future.,future,مُستَقبٕل،برٛونٛہہ کُن,,भविष्य, +Adj,Student`s work hard to get good positions in future.,future,مُستقبٕل,,भविष्य, +N,Who knows what will happen in the future.,future,یِنہٕ وول وَقٕت,,भावी[घटनाएँ], +N,A good student plans for his future.,future,مُستَقبٕل,,भविष्य, +N,No one works without any gain.,gain,حٲصِل،مَطلَب،فٲیدٕ,,प्राप्ति, +N,His business is bringing him a lot of gains.,gain,فٲیدٕ,,लाभ, +V,I gained a lot of information in the two-day workshop.,gain,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_होना, +V,His business gained him profit.,gain,واریاہ فٲیدٕ واتُن,,जरूरत_से_अधिक_मिलना, +V,"After six hours of cycling, he finally gained the finishing line.",gain,واتُن,,पहुंचना, +V,My wrist watch gains by five minutes.,gain,برٛونٛہہ آسُن,,घड़ी_आदि_का_तेजी_से_चलना, +N,I went to Archies gallery.,gallery,گٮ۪لٕری,,गैलरी, +N,"It was raining, so I sat in the gallery.",gallery,ووٚٹ,,मकानो_के_भीतर_जाने_का_मार्ग, +N,The Jehangir Art Gallery is a famous gallery.,gallery,گٮ۪لٕری,,प्रदर्शनी_लगाने_का_स्थान, +N,He has played a gamble by investing in stock market.,gamble,زار,,जुआ, +V,People gamble a lot on festivals.,gamble,زار گِنٛدُن,,जुआ_खेलना, +V,Yudhishthir gambled even his brothers and wife in the game of choupad.,gamble,داوَس لَگاوُن,,दाँव_पर_लगाना, +N,Gambling is very common all over the world.,gambling,زار,,जुआ_खेलना, +N,Cricket is the most popular game in India.,game,کھیل,,खेल, +Adj,He is game for dare-devil shows.,game,بہوٚدُر،کَلہٕ ژوٚٹ,,निडर, +Adj,He has quit playing as his left foot is game.,game,لَنٛجَر,,लँगड़ा, +N,A notorious gang of thieves was caught recently.,gang,جَماعت,,दल, +N,There is a gap on the wall.,gap,رُم،پھرٛاٹ,,दरार, +N,After a gap of 6years he returned to his native place.,gap,وَقفہٕ,,अन्तराल, +N,There is a wide gap between the haves and havenots.,gap,فَرَق,,अन्तर, +N,I have space for two cars in my garage.,garage,گِراج,,गैरेज, +N,He is maintaining a garage.,garage,گِراج,,मोटर_गाड़ी_आदि_सुधारने_की_जगह, +N,Bangalore is called the city of gardens.,garden,باغ,,उद्यान, +N,I bought some woollen garments for my parents.,garment,پَلَو,,कपड़ा, +N,Oxygen is the gas we breathe.,gas,گیس,,गैस, +N,Hamid talks all gas so don`t believe him.,gas,،ٹَر،اَپُز,,डींग, +V,She gassed herself to death.,gas,زہریٖلہٕ گیس چیوٚن,,ज़हरीली_गैस_लेना[देना], +N,The gate of the fort is made of iron and wood.,gate,دَروازٕ,,द्वार, +V,Th students who boycotted the classes were gated.,gate,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बंद_करना, +N,I like two gathers in my trousers.,gather,تَہہ,,कपड़े_की_तह, +V,I like to gather flowers.,gather,جمع کرُن,,इकठ्ठा_कर, +V,He gathered as many flowers as he could.,gather,جَمع کَرُن,,इकठ्ठा_करना, +V,I gather from the recent reports that external forces are trying to create problems.,gather,سَمجُھن,,परिणाम_निकालना, +N,There was a large gathering of devotees in the temple.,gathering,بِرٕ،ہُجوٗم,,भीड़, +Adj,Everybody seems to be gay and happy today.,gay,خۄش،شادمان,,आनन्दमय, +Adj,He is a gay person.,gay,زنٛدٕدِل،خۄش حال,,समलैंगक, +N,I carry all my sports gear in a kitbag.,gear,سامان,,सामान, +N,The Congress party seems to be moving into top gear.,gear,رَفتار,,गति, +N,He drives in second gear.,gear,گیر,,गियर, +Adj,Abhimanyu was a great general of the Pandavas.,general,سِپا ہ سالار,,सेनापति, +N,The general coaches of trains are always crowded.,general,عام,,साधारण/सामान्य, +Adv,I do not generally like to travel in the summer months.,generally,عام پٲٹھۍ,,प्राय, +VT,Atomic power plants generate electricity.,generate,دِوان,,उत्पन्न_करना, +VT,Atomic power plants generate electricity.,generate,پٲدٕ کَرُن,,जनना, +N,Our generation was born in India.,generation,نَسٕل,,पीढ़ी, +N,Today generators are common because of frequent power cuts.,generator,جَنٛریٹَر,,जेनरेटर, +Adj,Harish Chandra was a very generous king.,generous,فَیاض،سٔخی,,उदार, +N,He is genius.,genius,عَقٕل مَنٛد،ذٔہیٖن,,प्रतिभा[वाला], +N,Ramanuja was a genius in mathematics.,genius,ذٔہیٖن,,प्रतिभाशाली_व्यक्ति, +N,Raman`s genius as a scientist is still regarded as unique all over the world.,genius,ذِہانَت,,प्रतिभा, +Adj,Ram is a very gentle person.,gentle,شٔریٖف،نَرٕم,,सुशील, +Adj,A gentle breeze is blowing across the beach.,gentle,ہَلکہٕ,,सौम्य, +N,Men in uniform are thorough gentlemen.,gentleman,شٔریٖف اِنسان ،نیک اِنسان,,भद्र_पुरुष, +Adv,He gently put down the clay cup.,gently,نَرمی سان,,नरमी_से, +Adj,I have a genuine love for my country.,genuine,اَصلی،حٔقیٖقی,,अमिश्रित/वास्तवक, +Adj,India has a vast geographical area.,geographical,جغرافِیٲیی,,भूगोल_सम्बन्धी, +Adj,You can see geometric design on the ceiling.,geometric,جیوٚمیٹری,,ज्यामितीय, +Adj,He teaches in a German University.,german,جَرمَن,,जर्मनी_का, +N,They talked to each other across the room in gestures.,gesture,اِشارٕ,,शारीरिक_संकेत, +N,It was a very kind gesture by him to offer his seat to the lady.,gesture,وَرتاو،بَرتاو,,व्यवहार, +V,I will get that dress soon.,get,حٲصل کرُن,,लाना, +V,She wants to get a medical seat.,get,حٲصل کرُن,,प्राप्त_करना, +V,I did not get him.,get,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना, +V,Is your allergy getting better?,get,گَژُھن,,होना, +V,She gets upset if you mention her guilt.,get,گَژِھِ,,होना, +Adj,A giant T.V. screen was put up in pubs to show matches.,giant,واریاہ بوٚڑ,,बहुत_बड़ा, +N,Yetis are the giants of Himalayas.,giant,جِن,,दैत्य, +N,I have to get a gift for her.,gift,ڈٲلۍ،تۄحفہٕ,,उपहार, +N,I recieved lots of gifts on my birthday.,gift,ڈٲلۍ,,दान, +VT,I gifted a necklace to my wife on our marriage anniversary.,gift,ڈٲلۍ دِنۍ,,भेंट_देना, +N,Some girls drink gin.,gin,شراب,,जिन{मदिरा}, +N,That little girl is very cute.,girl,کوٗر،کٔٹ,,लड़की, +VT,Give me a pen please.,give,دیُن,,देना, +Adj,He is given to drinking alcohol.,given,ٲدی گَژُھن,,आदी, +Adj,The doctor arrived on the given time.,given,صٔحیٖح,,निश्चित, +Adj,I am glad that you have passed the exams.,glad,خۄش,,प्रसन्न, +V,He glanced at me.,glance,نَظَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,नजर_डालना, +N,We got to see a glance of the superstar.,glance,نَظَر,,नजर, +N,We bought glass bulbs for Diwali.,glass,شیٖشُو,,गिलास[काँच], +N,The glass of the window is broken.,glass,شیٖشہٕ,,काँच, +N,I drink water in a glass.,glass,گِلاس,,पीने_का_बर्तन, +N,I wear glasses while reading.,glasses,ٲنَک,,चश्मा, +N,The crowd had a glimpse of their favourite star.,glimpse,جَلَک,,झलक, +V,I glimpsed outside from the window.,glimpse,جَلدی نَظَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,जल्दी_से_एक_नज़र_ड़ालना, +N,I couldn`t see in the gloom.,gloom,نِیُک نِیُک گاش,,आंशिक_अंधकार, +N,People were in a state of gloom due to India`s defeat in the world cup.,gloom,مایوٗسی,,उदासी, +VT,The rain has gloomed the prospect of any further play.,gloom,کَم کَرُن,,धुंधला_करना, +Adj,Gupta Period was known as the glorious age in Indian history.,glorious,شانٛدار,,यशस्कर, +N,The soldiers have brought glory to the country.,glory,شان,,कीर्ति, +N,They sang paeans in the glory of God.,glory,تعریٖف،حَمُدوثَناہ,,परमेश्वर_का_गुणगान, +N,Nature`s glory is great.,glory,شان,,महिमा, +N,I took a snap of the glory of sunrise.,glory,جَلوٕ,,आभा, +V,She took glory in her victory at Wimbledon.,glory,ناماوَر گژُھن,,परमानन्द_लेना, +N,I wear gloves in winter.,glove,اَتھہٕ پَنٛجہٕ,,दस्ताना, +N,I could see the glow on her face due to happiness.,glow,چَمَک,,दीप्ति, +VI,The bulb is glowing.,glow,چَمکان,,चमकना, +N,Use glue to paste the envelope.,glue,گونٛد,,सरेश, +VT,He glued the broken chair.,glue,واٹھ دیُن,,सरेश_लगाना, +VT,Nowadays children remain glued to the television.,glue,لٲرِتھ گَژُھن,,चिपके_रहना, +V,I go to school everyday.,go,گَژُھن,,जाना, +V,These clothes go into that suitcase.,go,واتَن,,रखा_जाना, +V,This key will not go into that lock.,go,اَژٕنۍ,,समाना[जाना], +V,How did the meeting go?,go,گٔیہِ،روٗز,,चलना, +V,Have you gone mad?,go,گوٚمُت,,हो_जाना{स्थिति}, +V,The bell has gone for this period.,go,گٔمٕژ,,आवाज़_होना[करना], +V,The P.M. has already gone.,go,درٛامُت،گوٚمُت,,चले_जाना, +N,Always set goals in life.,goal,مقصد,,लक्ष्य, +N,Goat`s milk is good for health.,goat,ژھاوٕج,,बकरा, +N,I have faith in God.,god,خدا,,ईश्वर, +N,I was sad at his going to Banglore.,going,گَژھنَس,,प्रस्थान, +N,The cricket field is of rough going.,going,۔۔۔,,जमीन/पथ_आदि_की_स्थिति, +N,Becoming a tennis champion at the age of 18 is a great going.,going,۔۔۔,,प्रगति_की_दर, +N,Gold is a precious metal.,gold,سۄن,,सोना, +Adj,I bought a golden bangle for my mother.,golden,سۄنہٕ سُنٛد,,सुनहरा, +Adj,I missed a golden chance of meeting Bill Gates when he visited India.,golden,قۭمتی,,कीमती, +Adj,College days are considered as golden days by everybody.,golden,بہتٔریٖن،واریاہ اَصٕل,,बेहतरीन/बहुत_अच्छा, +N,Tiger Woods is the new world champion in golf.,golf,گاف,,गोल्फ़{एक_प्रकार_का_खेल}, +Adj,One should try to be a good human being.,good,اَصٕل،جان،رُت,,अच्छा, +N,His goodness and hardwork has helped him to reach the acme in his career.,goodness,نیٖکی،اَچھٲیی،رٕژَر,,अच्छाई, +N,Mails are carried by goods train.,goods,سامان,,सामान, +V,The British governed India for over two hundred years.,govern,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,राज्य_करना, +N,The present Indian government is formed by coalition of many parties.,government,حکوٗمت،سَرکار,,सरकार, +Adj,This land belongs to a governmental institution.,governmental,سَرکٲرۍ,,सरकारी, +N,He was recently appointed as the Governor of the Punjab.,governor,گَوَرنَر,,राज्यपाल, +N,She sleeps in a nightgown.,gown,چۄگہٕ,,चोगा, +V,Somebody grabbed my handbag.,grab,تَھپِہ نیُن،تَھپھ دِنۍ,,झपट, +VT,The police grabbed the thief.,grab,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना, +N,I am well by the grace of God.,grace,مَدَت,,कृपा, +V,A beautiful rose plant graces my garden.,grace,شوٗب اَنٕنۍ,,सुशोभित_करना, +N,He has been promoted to a very high grade.,grade,دَرجہٕ،عہدٕ,,पद, +N,He secured first grade in the annual exams.,grade,دَرجہٕ,,परीक्षा_आदि_में_स्थान/अंक, +N,He is a top grade tennis player.,grade,بہلہِ پایُک,,क्रम, +VT,The players were graded according to their recent performances.,grade,دَرجہٕ بٔنٛدی کَرٕنۍ,,क्रमानुसार_रखना, +N,There is a steep gradient on this road.,gradient,چَڑٲے,,ढाल, +Adj,There has been a gradual improvement in his studies.,gradual,دَرجہٕ بَہ دَرجہٕ,,क्रमक, +Adv,Gradually you will learn all the tricks of the game.,gradually,وارٕ وارٕ,,धीरे_धीरे, +N,He is a graduate in Biology.,graduate,گرٛیجویٹ,,स्नातक, +VI,Anil graduated from IIT Kanpur.,graduate,گرٛیجویٚشَن کَرٕنۍ,,उपाधि_प्राप्त_करना, +N,Grain is one of the export of this region.,grain,دانہِ,,अनाज, +N,I do not like gram.,gram,چَنہٕ,,चना, +N,I got low marks in grammar.,grammar,گرٛامَر,,व्याकरण, +Adj,The opening ceremony was a grand show.,grand,بوٚڑ,,बड़ा, +N,I love my grandfather.,grandfather,بٕڑِبَب,,दादा[नाना], +N,I stay with my grandmother.,grandmother,نانۍ,,दादी[नानी], +VT,His parents granted him permission to play.,grant,دیُن,,देना, +N,The graph of the company`s production is here.,graph,گرٛاف,,ग्राफ, +N,He has good grasp over the English language.,grasp,عُبوٗر,,पकड़, +VT,The baby tightly grasped his mother`s finger.,grasp,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना, +N,Herbivorous animals eat grass.,grass,گاسہٕ,,घास, +Adj,I shall always be grateful to you for the kindness shown to me.,grateful,احسان مَنٛد,,कृतज्ञ, +Adj,He is in grave danger of being attacked by the terrorists.,grave,سَخٕت,,गंभीर, +N,The graves are the reminders of great men.,grave,قَبَر،مَزار,,कब्र, +Adj,The sky was gray with dark clouds.,gray,سوٗرۍ,,सिलेटी, +Adj,He is a great personality.,great,عٔظیٖم,,महान, +Adj,Gandhiji was a great human being.,great,بوٚڑ،عٔظیٖم,,बड़ा, +Adv,Bose was greatly involved in the freedom movement.,greatly,پوٗرٕپٲٹھۍ,,अत्यन्त, +Adj,He is wearing a green shirt.,green,سَبٕز,,हरा, +N,The lawn is green.,green,سَبٕز,,हरियाली, +V,They greeted the Prime Minister.,greet,سَلام کَرٕنۍ,,प्रणाम_करना, +N,The Prime Minister sent his Diwali greetings to people.,greeting,مُبارَک باد,,शुभकामनाएँ, +Adj,She has got grey hair.,grey,سوٗرۍ,,सिलेटी[धूसर], +N,The death of her father was a moment of grief.,grief,دۄکھ,,दुख, +V,We are still grieving the death of our soldiers.,grieve,ماتَم کَرُن,,रंज_करना, +V,It grieves me to see them so sad.,grieve,دۄکھ واتُن,,शोक_पहुँचाना, +Adj,The future seems to be grim.,grim,خوف ناک,,भयानक, +N,He gave a grin of derision.,grin,بیقٕل اَسُن,,उपहास_रूपी_मुस्कुराहट, +V,She grinned with delight.,grin,خوشی سان اَسُن,,दाँत_दिखाते_हुए_मुस्कुराना, +V,We grind chilly in the mixer grinder.,grind,پِِہُن,,पीसना, +VT,I gripped the overhead rod in the bus.,grip,تَھپھ کَرٕنۍ,,पकड़ना, +Adj,Stop making such gross errors.,gross,گَنٛدٕ,,भद्दा, +N,The balloon came back to the ground.,ground,زٔمیٖن,,ज़मीन, +N,He is playing in a cricket ground.,ground,مٲدان,,मैदान, +N,Is there any ground on which you can base your argument?,ground,بُنِیاد,,आधार, +N,The balloon came back to the ground.,ground,زٔمیٖن,,पृथ्वीतल, +N,The students are playing in the ground.,ground,مٲدان,,मैदान, +N,Is there any ground on which you can base your argument?,ground,بُنِیاد,,आधार, +V,His bat was grounded.,ground,زٔمیٖنَس پٮ۪ٹھ تھاوُن,,धरती_पर_रखना, +N,A group of journalists were moving towards the court.,group,جَماعت,,झुंड, +N,The Goenka group is now under Mr.Vivek Goenka.,group,جَماعت,,समूह, +N,A group of journalists were moving towards the court.,group,جَماعت,,झुण्ड, +N,The Goenka group is now under Mr.Vivek Goenka.,group,جَماعت,,समूह, +V,The teacher grouped the students.,group,جَمع کَرُن,,इकट्ठा_होना, +N,Nagpur has many orange groves.,grove,کُلٮ۪ن ہُنٛد جَنٛگُل,,कुञ्ज, +VI,Children grow very fast.,grow,بَڑُن,,बढ़ना, +V,Sugarcane is grown mainly in Uttar Pradesh.,grow,وۄپداوُن,,उपजाना, +N,That child has an abnormal growth.,growth,بَڑُن,,बढ़वार, +N,The T.V. has come with a three year guarantee.,guarantee,گارنٛٹی،زِمہٕ وٲری,,ज़मानत, +VT,The teacher can`t guarantee you success in the exams.,guarantee,زِمِہ دٲری نِنۍ,,ज़िम्मा_लेना, +N,The guard at the gate checked my identity papers before allowing me to enter.,guard,چوٗکۍ دَر,,चौकीदार, +V,Guard yourself against diseases.,guard,بَچاو کَرُن,,सचेत_रहना, +VT,I am guarding the field against any cattle intrusion.,guard,پہرٕ دیُن،نِگرٲنی کَرٕنۍ,,रखवाली_करना, +N,He belonged to a guerrilla group.,guerrilla,گُریلا,,गुरिल्ला, +VT,Guess the answer to the question and win the prize.,guess,اَندازٕ کَرُن،گٮ۪ل دِنۍ دٲرِتھ,,अन्दाज़_लगाना, +N,We have guest at our place every Sunday.,guest,پوٚژھ,,अतिथि, +N,I am working under my supervisor`s guidance.,guidance,صَلاح,,सलाह, +N,The teacher is your best guide.,guide,وَتھ ہاوَن وول,,पथप्रदर्शक, +VT,My brother guided me in my work.,guide,ہِدایَت دِنۍ،وَتھ ہاوٕنۍ,,अगुवाई_करना, +N,She cannot get over her guilt.,guilt,گۄناہ,,अपराध_बोध, +N,Let the law punish him for his guilt.,guilt,گۄناہ,,अपराध, +Adj,He was found guilty of stealing money.,guilty,گۄناہ گار,,अपराधी, +N,I play the guitar very well.,guitar,۔۔۔,,गिटार{वाद्य_यंत्र}, +N,Most of the Gulf states are Islamic.,gulf,خلیٖج,,खाड़ी, +N,There is a wide gulf between the rich and the poor.,gulf,فَرَق,,अंतर_या_भेद, +N,Use some gum to paste the pictures on the chart.,gum,گونٛد,,गोंद, +N,I have pain in my gums.,gum,ماز بیر,,मसूड़ा, +N,Paste the papers with gum.,gum,گونٛد,,गोंद, +N,I lost my gun.,gun,بٔنٛدوٗق,,बंदूक, +N,The Bofors gun had been very useful in this war.,gun,توپ,,तोप, +N,He is the guru who gives discourses.,guru,رَہبَر,,गुरु, +N,These guys are very good players.,guy,نَفَر،شَخٕص,,पुरूष, +N,He has got into the `habit` of telling lies .,habit,عادَت,,आदत, +N,Jungle is the natural habitat of the animals .,habitat,روزن جاے، عَلاقہٕ,,पशु_व_पौधों_का_वास, +Adj,Mohan is habitual of coming late to the class.,habitual,عٲدی,,अभ्यस्त, +N,Hail damages crop during winter.,hail,ڈوٹھ,,ओलावृष्टि, +V,He hailed his friend .,hail,آلَو دیُن,,पुकारना, +N,Sujata has very beautiful hair .,hair,مَس,,केश, +Adj,We saw a hairy chimpanzee in the zoo .,hairy,جٔژَل,,घने_बालों_वाला, +N,He was born in the latter half of eighteenth century.,half,نٮ۪صف,,आधा, +Adj,Shyam gave half of the bread to his younger brother.,half,اوٚڑ,,आधा, +Adj,It is halfway between Bombay and Poona.,half-way,منٛزباگ,,आधा_रास्ता, +Adj,They reached the halfway point of the race-track and came back.,halfway,اَڑ ووٚت,,बीच_वाला, +Adv,The pilgrims of Maan Srovar came back from the half-way due to landslide.,halfway,اَڑ وَتہِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,आधा_रास्ता, +N,Guests were sitting in the hall.,hall,ہال،بوٚڑکُٹھ,,हाल, +N,There are four rooms and a hall in his house .,hall,بوٚڑ کُٹھ,,बड़ा_कमरा, +N,The truck came to a halt just in time to avoid hitting the wall.,halt,رُکُن,,विराम, +N,Troops are ordered to halt during a march.,halt,رُکُن,,रुकना, +V,The production was forced to halt due to a strike in the factory.,halt,بَنٛد کَرٕنۍ،رُکاوٕنۍ,,बंद_कर_देना, +N,She cooked a dish of ham today .,ham,سورٕ سٕنٛز ران,,सूअर_का_पुठ्ठा, +N,He is a ham.,ham,فَرضی اَداکار,,अस्वभाविक_अभिनेता, +V,Many actors ham in the pictures .,ham,فَرضی اَداکٲری کَرٕنۍ,,अस्वाभाविक_अभिनय_करना, +N,A blacksmith used a hammer to hit iron .,hammer,دۄکُر,,हथौड़ा, +V,He hammered a nail in the wall for hanging a calendar .,hammer,ٹھاسُن،ٹُھکُن,,हथौड़े_से_ठोकना, +N,My hand is clean .,hand,اَتھہٕ,,हाथ, +N,He broke the clock`s hands.,hand,سٕژَن,,घड़ी_की_सुई, +V,The tenant handed the house keys to the landlord .,hand,دِنۍ،پٔشراوٕنۍ,,देना, +N,Pratibha wiped away her tears with a handkerchief.,handkerchief,رُمال، دٔج,,रूमाल, +N,The handle of that knife is made up of ivory .,handle,تَھپھ,,मूठ, +V,It is too dangerous to handle a dynamite .,handle,تَھپھ کَرٕنۍ,,हाथ_से_छूना, +V,The new manager handled the crisis very skilfully.,handle,سَمبالُن,,सँभालना, +V,Please handle this case.,handle,اَتَھس مَنٛز نیُن,,प्रबन्ध_करना, +Adj,This knife is ivory handled .,handled,تَھپھ,,हत्था_लगा, +N,The doctor`s handling of the case was not proper.,handling,سَمبالُن,,प्रबन्ध, +N,He is very handsome.,handsome,جان،خۄش شٔکیٖل,,सुन्दर{पुरुष}, +Adj,Bharat is a handsome boy .,handsome,جان،خۄش شٔکیٖل,,सुन्दर{पुर}, +N,I climbed on a hang ladder.,hang,اَلونٛد،اَویزان,,लटकन, +V,The freedom fighter Bhagat Singh was hanged by Britishers.,hang,پھٲنسۍ دِنۍ,,फाँसी_लगाना, +V,I hanged all my clothes on the rope.,hang,اَلونٛد تھاوُن،اویزان تھاوٕنۍ,,लटक[लटका], +N,Paintings hanging on the wall look nice.,hanging,اَلونٛد,,लटकने_वाला, +N,She used three hanks to make a sweater.,hank,بالہٕ،کَلاو,,लच्छी, +V,It happens rarely.,happen,گَژُھن,,घटित_होना, +Adv,She received the award happily.,happily,خوشی سان,,सुखपूर्वक/संयोग_से, +N,The birth of a child brings happiness to all the family.,happiness,خوشی،شٲدۍ,,खुशी, +Adj,She is spending a happy life after marriage.,happy,خۄش حال,,सुखी, +V,He harboured a criminal.,harbour,پَناہ دیُن,,शरण_दे`, +N,A harbour is a safe place for ships.,harbour,بَنٛدَرگاہ,,बन्दरगाह, +Adj,He worked hard to get that position.,hard,سَخٕت,,कठोर, +Adv,He tried hard to finish the work in time.,hard,سَختی سان,,कठिन, +V,Things harden in the freezer.,harden,سَخٕت گَژٕھنۍ,,कड़ा_हो_जाना, +V,The mixture hardens as it cools.,harden,دوٚر گَژُھن,,कड़ा_करना, +Adv,He is so disturbed that he can hardly think.,hardly,مُشکِلی سان,,मुश्किल_से, +N,The people of Kashmir are spending their lives in hardship.,hardship,مُشکِلات،سَختی,,कठिनाइयाँ, +Adj,He is a hardy boy .,hardy,صحت منٛد,,तगड़ा, +V,I do not want to harm her any more.,harm,نۄقصان واتناوُن،سَختی اَنٕنۍ,,नुक्सान_पहुंचाना, +N,Riots cause harm to general public.,harm,نۄقصان,,हानि, +Adj,We must see the harmful effects of the war.,harmful,مُضِر,,हानिकारक, +Adj,Smoking is harmful to health.,harmful,مُضِر,,हानिकारक, +Adj,These are harmless creatures and can be released.,harmless,یُس نہٕ نۄقصان واتناوِ,,अहानिकर, +Adj,The sugarless tea is harmless for a diabetic patient.,harmless,مُفِیٖد,,हानि_रहित, +N,He was working towards harmony in the affairs of the state.,harmony,ہم آہنٛگی,,सामंजस्य, +N,There is a harmony between Govind and Raju.,harmony,میُل،مُطٲبِقَت,,मधुर_सम्बन्ध, +N,He held the harness and started off speedily.,harness,ساز,,लगाम, +N,The harness should be tightened before riding a horse.,harness,ساز,,घोड़े_का_साज, +Adv,He ate hastily.,hastily,جَلدی سان،جَلدی مَنٛز,,जल्दी_से, +Adv,Rama opened the door hastily .,hastily,جَلٕدبٲزی مَنٛز,,जल्दबाजी_से, +Adj,He made a hasty departure.,hasty,جَلٕد,,जल्द, +Adj,She took a hasty decision about her marriage.,hasty,جَلٕدبٲزی ہُنٛد,,जल्दबाज़ी_भरा, +N,He lost his hat.,hat,ٹوٗپۍ،ہٮ۪ٹ,,हैट, +N,The fashion of hats also change.,hat,ٹوٗپۍ,,टोपी, +V,I hate lies.,hate,نَفرَت کَرٕنۍ,,घृणा_करना, +N,Ritesh is full of hate towards Preeti.,hate,نَفرَت,,घृणा, +N,Hatred and anger are the enemies of humanity.,hatred,نَفرَت,,घृणा, +V,I do not have any chocolate now.,have,آسُن,,होना, +V,I want to have it.,have,کھیوٚن,,खाना, +V,My sister is having a baby.,have,زیوٚن,,जन्म_देन, +V,I have to clean my room by evening.,have,کَرُن,,करना, +V,We can have a cup of coffee together.,have,چیوٚن,,पीना, +V,I have all the addresses of my colleagues.,have,آسٕنۍ,,पास_होना, +V,They have accepted our decision.,have,مَنظوٗر کَرُن,,स्विकार_कर्ना, +V,I have no doubt that you are right.,have,آسُن,,होना, +V,I don`t have another copy of this document.,have,آسُن,,होना, +V,I want to have a party.,have,تھاوٕنۍ,,आयोजित करना, +V,I have a cold.,have,چُھ,,होना, +N,It is difficult to find a safe haven in that area.,haven,محفوٗظ جاے,,सुरक्षित स्थान, +N,Hawk is a flesh eating bird.,hawk,"شاہین,پٲز",,बाज़, +V,He hawks vegetables daily from door to door .,hawk,پھیٖرۍ کَرٕنۍ,,फेरी_लगाना, +N,Hay is used as fodder for cattle.,hay,گاسٕہ,,सूखी_घास, +Pron,He is a greedy man.,he,ہُہ,,वह, +VT,We will head towards the main street.,head,برٛونٛہہ کُن پَکُن,,की_ओर_बड़ना, +N,He has an injury on his head.,head,کَلہٕ,,सिर, +Adj,Hippopotamus is a large headed animal.,headed,کَلہٕ بوٚڑ,,सिरवाला, +N,What will be the heading of this story?,heading,سُرخی,,शीर्षक, +N,Police headquarters are near my home.,headquarters,صَدرِمُقام،ہیڑکُواٹَر,,मुख्यालय, +N,Health is wealth.,health,صحَت,,स्वास्थ्य, +Adj,We should take a morning walk to keep ourselves healthy.,healthy,صحت یاب،صحت منٛد,,स्वस्थ, +N,There is a heap of garbage near the house.,heap,ڈیر,,ढ़ेर, +V,The farmer heaped the crop in the field.,heap,ڈیر کَرُن,,ढेर_लगाना, +V,I hear your singing.,hear,بوزُن,,सुनना, +V,A deaf person cannot hear.,hear,بوٗزِتھ,,सुनाई_देना, +N,The child lost his hearing power due to the bomb blast.,hearing,بوزنُک,,श्रवण_शक्ति, +N,He has gone to the court for the hearing of his case.,hearing,تٲریٖخ,,सुनवाई, +N,Her heart is weak.,heart,وٲنِج،دِل,,ह्रृदय, +N,Her heart is weak .,heart,وٲنِج،دِل,,ह्रृदय, +N,He fainted because of heat.,heat,گَرمی،وٕشنیر,,ऊष्मा, +V,If we heat iron it becomes red.,heat,توٚت کَرُن,,गरम_करना, +Adj,There was a heated debate in the parliament.,heated,گَرم جوٗشی,,���वेगपूर्ण, +N,Heater is used to heat water and room .,heater,ہیٖٹر,,हीटर, +N,Good people go to heaven after death.,heaven,جَنت,,स्वर्ग, +Adv,They talked to each other quite heavily.,heavily,گۄبِرٕ سان,,भारी_रूप_से, +Adv,The bundle hung heavily on his back.,heavily,گۄبِرٕ سان,,भार_सहित, +Adv,A heavily loaded truck could not pass under the bridge.,heavily,۔۔۔,,ज़्यादा, +Adj,He has lifted a heavy bag on his shoulder.,heavy,گوٚب,,भारी, +V,The airline has been criticized for failing to heed.,heed,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, +N,The manager did not pay any heed to the consumer complaints.,heed,تَوَجہ,,ध्यान, +Adj,He has a down at heel appearance.,heel,بُرٕ حالت,,बुरी हालत मे होना, +N,My heels are aching.,heel,کھوٗر,,एड़ी, +N,The height of Ram is impressive.,height,تَھزَر,,ऊँचाई, +N,The injured person was ferried to hospital by helicopter.,helicopter,ہیلہِ کاپٹَر,,हेलिकोप्टर, +N,The last two weeks have been absolute hell.,hell,جہنَم,,नरक, +V,May I help you?,help,پَلزُن ،سادُن,,सहायता_करना, +N,Do you need any help?,help,مَدَت،اَتھہٕ روٚٹ,,सहायता, +Adj,He is a helpful person.,helpful,مَدَدگار،پَلزَن وول،سادَن وول,,सहायक, +N,Give me a small helping of pasta.,helping,ڈنٛگ،رَژھ,,एक_समय_में_परोसे_जाने_वाले_भोजन_की_मात्रा, +Adj,She is a helpless woman.,helpless,بِچٲر،بے بَس,,असहाय, +N,The northern hemisphere.,hemisphere,ہیٚمِہ سِفیر,,गोलार्ध, +N,I have five hens at home.,hen,کۄکٕر,,मुर्गी, +Adv,"The project will be completed at the end of the decade, hence ten years.",hence,اَمِہ وَجہ کِنۍ,,इस_कारण_से, +Pron,I do not like her.,her,سۄ،ہۄ,,उसको, +Det,Her brother is coming tomorrow.,her,تٔمۍ سُنٛد,,उसका{स्त्री}, +Pron,Can you call her?,her,تٔمِس,,उस{स्त्री}, +N,I saw a herd of sheep in the field.,herd,جَب،کھیوٚل,,पशुओं_का_झुण्ड, +V,John was herding the goats up the mountainside.,herd,کھیوٚل,,झुण्ड_में_एकत्रित_होना, +Adv,Will you please come here.,here,یور،یوٚتَتھ,,यहाँ, +N,These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South India.,heritage,وَراثَت,,परम्परा, +N,John is a hero.,hero,ہیٖرو,,वीर/नायक, +Adj,I love to do heroic acts.,heroic,بہوٚدُری,,वीरतापूर्ण, +Adj,This was really a heroic effort.,heroic,بہوٚدُری ہُنٛد,,वीरता विषयक, +Pron,This pen is hers.,hers,تَسُنٛد,,उस_स्त्री_का, +Pron,She will do her work herself.,herself,پانَے,,स्वयं, +Pron,She should work herself.,herself,پانَے,,वह_स्वयं[स्त्री], +V,Why do you hesitate to invite him?,hesitate,بہَرنُے نہٕ،جوٗرتٕھے نہٕ کَرُن,,हिचकिचा, +Adj,They found the ball hidden in the bushes.,hidden,ژوٗرِ,,छिपा_हुआ, +V,I do not hide things.,hide,ژوٗرِ تھاوُن،کٔھٹِتھ تھاوُن,,छिपाना, +N,This bag is made of sheep hide.,hide,چَمرٕ،بَستہٕ,,जानवर_की_खाल, +N,She must be in a hiding place.,hiding,کٔھٹِتھ,,गोपनीय, +Adj,He has got high standard.,high,بوٚڑ،تھوٚد,,पद_में_ऊँचा, +N,He has got high place in a society.,high,تٔھزجاے,,ऊँचा_स्थान, +Adv,The aeroplane was flying high up in the sky.,high,تَھزرَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,ऊँचाई_पर, +Adv,She is a highly placed lady.,highly,تھَدِ پایِچ,,अत्यधिक_ऊँचा, +N,She lives on the highway.,highway,شاہراہ,,प्रमुख_मार्ग, +V,Terrorists hijacked the plane.,hijack,اَغوا کَرُن,,अपहरण_करना, +N,Jack and Jill were walking on a hill.,hill,بال,,छोटी_पहाड़ी, +Pron,Please give this book to him.,him,تٔمِس,,उस{पु.}, +Pron,I want him to do his work himself.,himself,پانے,,स्वयं, +Pron,He should come himself to take his share.,himself,پانے,,स्वयं, +V,We will hire an Auto.,hire,کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ اَنُن,,मजदूरी_पर_रखना/किराये_पर_लेना, +N,The price includes flights and car hire.,hire,کِرایِہ,,किराया/भाड़ा, +Pron,This is his pen.,his,تَسُند،تٔمۍ سُنٛد,,उसका, +N,He is a historian.,historian,تٲریٖخ دان,,इतिहासकार, +Adj,He is a well known philospher of historic times.,historic,تٲریٖخی,,इतिहास-_प्रसिद्ध, +Adj,I love to read historical novels.,historical,تٲریٖخی,,ऐतिहासक, +N,I am not interested in history.,history,توٲریٖخ,,इतिहास, +V,Why did you hit me?,hit,مارُن،دَب لایُن,,प्रहार_करना, +N,The film was a big hit.,hit,کامیاب,,आघात/सफल, +V,Please hold the box carefully.,hold,رَٹُن,,पकड़ना{मज़बूती_से}, +N,Hold on your tickets.,hold,رَٹ,,पकड़, +N,Please fix the bulb in a holder.,holder,ہولڈَر,,धारक, +N,I am holding this tray from last two hours.,holding,رٔٹِتھ,,अधिसंपत्ति, +N,This glass has a big hole.,hole,زَدٕ،گوٚد,,छेद, +V,A Torpedo holed the ship below the water and it quickly sanked.,hole,زَدٕ کَرُن،گوٚد کَرُن,,छेद_बनाना, +N,I have to go for a holiday.,holiday,چُھٹی,,अवकाश_का_दिन, +Adj,This is a hollow box.,hollow,کھۄکُھر,,खोखला, +Adj,I love holy Quran.,holy,مُقَدَس،پاک,,पवित्र, +N,I want to go home.,home,گَرٕ,,घर, +Adj,I have a happy home life.,home,گَریلوٗو,,घरेलू, +Adv,After spending two hours in the garden I decided to turn homewards.,home,گَرٕ کُن,,घर, +V,Birds homed towards their nests.,home,گَرٕ یُن,,घर_लौटना, +Adj,He is an honest worker.,honest,ایٖمان دار،ایٖمانہٕ وول,,निष्कपट, +N,I like honey.,honey,ماچھ,,शहद, +N,It is an honor.,honor,عِزَت،وِقار,,सम्मान, +N,We should fight for the honour of our country.,honour,عِزت،احتِرام,,सम्मान, +V,He was honoured for his bravery.,honour,عِزت کَرُن،احتِرام کَرُن,,सम्मान_करना, +Adj,Honourable President will address the conference.,honourable,عِزتہٕ وول،قٲبلہِ احتِرام,,माननीय/सम्माननीय, +N,I found a fish hook.,hook,وول,,कुन्दा, +V,He hooked the trailer to his car.,hook,کُنڑٕ لَگاوُن,,काँटे_से_पकड़ना, +V,He hooked his opponent in boxing.,hook,ہُکہٕ لَگاوُن,,गेंद_मारने_की_एक_विधि, +N,You should not loose hope.,hope,اُمید،یٔقیٖن،آش,,आशा, +V,I hope to see you soon.,hope,اُمیٖد کَرٕنۍ،آش آسٕنۍ,,आशा_करना, +Adj,We are hopeful for a successful agreement.,hopeful,اُمیدوار,,आशापूर्ण, +N,Still I am hopeful that I will win the game.,hopeful,پوٗرٕاُمیٖد،اُمیٖدوار,,आशावान, +Adj,She was totally hopeless.,hopeless,نااُمیٖد،نااُمید,,निराश, +N,The moon sank below the horizon.,horizon,اُفَق،نبہٕ دوٚنٛد,,क्षितज, +N,Deer has beautiful horns.,horn,ہٮ۪نٛگ,,सींग, +Adj,I saw a horrible dream.,horrible,کھوژوُن،خوفناک,,डरावना, +N,The sight of snake pricked my skin with horror.,horror,ؤحشَت,,भय{बीभत्सता_लिये_हुए}, +N,I have a black horse.,horse,گُر,,घोड़ा, +N,She is in a hospital.,hospital,ہَسپَتال،شَفاخانہٕ,,अस्पताल, +N,She is a wonderful host.,host,میزبان,,मेज़बान, +N,There is a whole host of reasons why they didn`t get married.,host,واریاہ,,अधिक_संख्या, +N,I saw a host of people at the cermany.,host,واریاہ تعداد,,अधिक_संख्या, +N,He is a host.,host,میزبان,,मेजबान/किसी_आयोजन_का_सूत्रधार, +N,The terrorists have seized ten hostages.,hostage,گِرَو،یرغٕمال,,बंधक_व्यक्ति, +Adj,He gave them a hostile look.,hostile,دولہٕ,,शत्रुतापूर्ण, +N,He showed open hostility towards me.,hostility,دُشمَنُت،ذٲتۍ یات,,दुश्मनी, +Adj,Give me a hot cup of tea.,hot,توٚت,,गरम, +N,I have to stay in a hotel.,hotel,ہوٹَل,,होटल/किराये_का_विश्राम_स्थल, +N,You have to wait for an hour.,hour,گَنٛٹہٕ,,घंटा, +Adv,Trains call here hourly.,hourly,پرٛٮ۪تھ گَنٛٹہٕ پَتہِٕ,,हर_घंटे_बाद, +N,That is my house.,house,مَکان,,मकान, +V,It is difficult to house all the refugees.,house,گَرِ ٹٔھہراوٕنۍ,,घरमें_ठहराना, +N,"In earlier times, most households had not refrigerator.",household,گَرن,,घर_परिवार, +N,There is a shortage of cheap housing in the region.,housing,گَرٕ,,घर, +Adv,How are you John?,how,کِتھ پٲٹھۍ,,कैसे, +Adv,"This is one possible solution to the problem,however there are others.",however,توتہِ,,फिरभी, +Adj,Sun is a huge ball of gases.,huge,واریاہ بوٚڑ,,बृहत्_[काय], +Adj,The human body is composed of about 60% water.,human,اِنسٲنی,,मानवीय, +N,Humans are most intelligent among all living creatures.,human,اِنسان,,मानव, +N,One should help poor and disabled people for humanity.,humanity,اِنسٲنِیت,,मानवजाति, +Adj,Rita is a humble girl.,humble,نَرٕم،شٔریٖف,,नम्र/विनीत/सीधा_सादा, +V,The teacher was humbled by the student`s generosity.,humble,۔۔۔,,नीचादिखाना, +Adj,He is a humorous person.,humorous,اَسوُن،خۄش مِزاج،ٹَھٹھٕ باز,,विनोदी, +N,I really like his sense of humour.,humour,مَزاق,,हास्यवृत्ति, +N,There were hundreds of people at the party.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ/शत, +N,I have hundred students in my class room.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ, +Art,I need hundred barks more.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ, +Adj,This building has hundred rooms.,hundred,ہَتھ,,सौ, +Adj,The election was expected to result in a hung parliament.,hung,برابر,,बराबर, +N,I want to satisfy my hunger.,hunger,بۄچھہِ,,भूख, +Adj,A hungry baby was crying.,hungry,بۄچھہِ ہوٚت,,भूखा, +V,They hunted deer in the jungles of India.,hunt,شِکار کَرُن,,शिकार_कर, +N,After a long hunt we found her cottage.,hunt,ژھانٛڑَو,,आखेट_यात्रा, +N,Ram is a very good hunter.,hunter,شُکٲرۍ,,शिकारी, +N,I like hunting.,hunting,شِکار,,शिकार_का_खेल, +Adj,A hurried meal is not good for health.,hurried,بانٛبرِ ہوٚت,,जल्दबाज़ी_में_किया_हुआ, +N,I am in hurry.,hurry,جَلدی,,जल्दबाज़ी, +V,Hurry up or you will miss the flight.,hurry,جَلدی کَرُن،دٔستی کَرُن،ؤلۍ ؤلۍ کَرُن,,जल्दी_करना, +V,I hurt him badly.,hurt,زَخم دیُن,,क्षति_पहुँचाना, +Adj,She looks hurtful.,hurt,دُکھی,,आहत, +N,She has got hurt.,hurt,زَخم,,चोट, +N,My husband is a Navy officer.,husband,خانٛدار،روٗن,,पति, +V,You should husband your money.,husband,خانٛدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,मितव्ययता_के_साथ_प्रबंध_करना, +N,I saw a beautiful hut in a village.,hut,پٕۂر,,झोपड़ी, +N,I don`t believe in hypothesis.,hypothesis,فَرضی دعوا,,हाइपोथीसिस{प्रक्कल्पना}, +N,I put forward my idea of starting the business.,idea,خَیال،راے,,विचार, +N,I have an idea to start a business.,idea,تَجویٖز,,योजना, +N,I put forward my idea when I was asked to.,idea,خیال,,मत, +N,It was my idea that she would come.,idea,تَصَوُر,,अनुमान, +N,I have an idea of commerce.,idea,جان کٲری,,जानकारी, +N,I gave her the idea to do that work.,idea,مَشوَرٕ,,सुझाव, +Adj,She is an ideal person.,ideal,بہتٔریٖن،مِثٲلی,,पूर्ण/अभीष्ट, +Adj,This is an ideal story.,ideal,خَیٲلی,,काल्पनक, +Adj,M. K. Gandhi is an ideal for many Indians.,ideal,معیٲری,,आदर्श, +Adj,They were wearing identical shoes.,identical,ہِوی,,बिल्कुल_एक_से, +N,The identification of the accident victims took place last month.,identification,شِناخَت,,समीकर, +V,The criminal was identified.,identify,پَرزٕناونہٕ یُن,,पहचानना, +N,This job gave me a sense of identity.,identity,پٲرۍ زان، پہچان,,पहचान{स्वलक्षण}, +N,This ring is the identity of the killer.,identity,پہچان,,पहचान, +Adj,Our proposal was rejected on ideological basis.,ideological,نَظرِیٲتی,,आदर्शपूर्ण, +N,It happened because of your ignorance.,ignorance,بےخَبری،ناوٲقفیَت,,अज्ञान, +V,I said hello to her but she ignored me.,ignore,نَظَر اَنٛداز کَرُن,,अवज्ञा_करना, +Adj,"She felt ill, so she went to a doctor.",ill,بیمار,,अस्वस्थता, +Adv,She was ill treated.,ill,بَد سٔلوٗکی سان,,बुरी तरह से, +Adj,There are many illegal immigrants in our country.,illegal,غیر قونوٗنی,,नियम_विरुद्ध, +N,My grandfather died after a long illness.,illness,بیمٲرۍ،مَرٕض،دود,,रोग, +V,The streets were illuminated with lights.,illuminate,گاشراوُن,,प्रकाशयुक्त_करना, +N,She is under the illusion that he loves her.,illusion,دونٛکھہٕ، برٛم,,भ्रांति, +V,Our teacher makes the lessons interesting by giving illustrations.,illustrate,مِثال دِنۍ,,व्याख्या_करना, +N,This chapter has lots of illustrations.,illustration,مِثال،تَمثیٖل,,उदाहरण, +N,He is the (living) image of his brother.,image,تَصویٖر،شَکٕل,,प्रतिमा/प्रतिबिंब, +Adj,The story is purely imaginary.,imaginary,خَیٲلی,,काल्पनक, +N,This is just an imagination.,imagination,خَیال,,कल्पना, +N,This is her imagination and nothing else.,imagination,قَیاس آرٲیی ،خَیال آرٲیی,,भावना, +V,Can you imagine a house with no windows?,imagine,خَیال کَرُن،سونٛچُن،قَیاس کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, +V,I can`t imagine what she wants from me.,imagine,قَیاس کَرُن،خَیال کَرُن,,विचार_करना, +N,The wine that is sold in this shop is a pale imitation of the real thing.,imitation,نَقلی,,नकली/अनुकरण, +Adj,I have an immediate need for money.,immediate,فوٗری,,तात्कालक, +Adj,"For every action there is an equal, immediate and opposite reaction.",immediate,فوٗری,,अव्यवहित, +Adv,The cyclone victims were immediately shifted to the hospital.,immediately,فورن،یَک دَم,,तत्काल, +Adj,They want to give an immense time to this project.,immense,واریاہ،بِسِیار,,असीम, +Adj,I have spent an immense amount of money on this project.,immense,بِسِیار،حدٕ روٚس,,असीम, +N,Right brothers achieved immortality with the first powered flight.,immortality,اَبدِیت,,अमित, +V,Teacher`s speech impacted almost everybody in the assembly.,impact,اَثَر ترٛاوُن,,प्रभाव, +N,The impact caused a dent in the car.,impact,ٹَکَر,,टक्कर, +Adj,Lets keep the discussion impersonal.,impersonal,اِنفِرٲدی,,निरपेक्ष, +N,We should not let our children to play with sharp implements.,implement,اَوزار،سامان,,उपकरण, +V,Rita was also implicated in that scandal.,implicate,پَھساوُن,,फ़ँसाना, +N,They failed to consider the implications of their actions.,implication,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,विवक्षा, +N,This work consists of many implications.,implication,پَریشٲنی،ہۄدٕ ہُر,,उलझन, +V,His silence implies agreement.,imply,مَطلَب آسُن،نٔتیٖجہٕ آسُن,,का_अर्थ_होना, +V,We import cosmetics from abroad.,import,دَرآمَد کَرُن،نیٔبرٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ اَنُن,,आयात_करना, +N,This book is of great importance to me.,importance,اہمِیت,,महत्व, +Adj,There are many important works to be done yet.,important,اَہم،ضٔروٗری,,महत्वपूर्ण, +V,Government has imposed very high taxes on cigarettes.,impose,لاگوٗ وکَرُن,,लागू_करना, +Adj,It is really impossible for me.,impossible,نامُمکِن,,असम्भव, +V,The police has impounded his car.,impound,ضَبٕد کَرُن,,ज़ब्त_करना, +V,She knows how to impress her teachers.,impress,اَثَر ترٛاوُن،مُتٲثِر کَرُن,,प्रभावित_करना, +N,She has a very good impression.,impression,تٲثیٖر ،اَثَر,,गहरी_छाप, +N,It really creates a bad impression if you are late for the class.,impression,اَثَر،تٲثیٖر,,छाप, +Adj,His speech was impressive.,impressive,اَثَردار,,प्रभावशाली, +V,His uncle was imprisoned for fraud.,imprison,قٲد کَرُن,,क़ैद_करना, +V,He has improved a lot in his studies.,improve,سُدرُن،جان بَنُن,,सुधारना/सुधरना, +N,There is still room for improvement in your work.,improvement,بہتٔری,,सुधार, +V,The pianist improvised a tune.,improvise,بَناوُن,,तत्काल_तैयार_करना, +N,He felt an irresistible impulse to giggle and laugh.,impulse,جَزبہٕ,,आवेग, +N,We are planning to mount an invasion of South of the country.,invasion,۔۔۔,,चढाई, +N,He has shown a complete inability in this work.,inability,نا قٲبِلیَت,,असामर्थ्य, +Adj,He rejected $3 million offer as totally inadequate.,inadequate,کَم,,अपर्याप्त, +V,The president inaugrated the hospital.,inaugurate,آغازکرُن،اِبتِدا کَرٕنۍ,,उद्घाटन_करना, +N,Could you please move an inch?,inch,اِنٛچ،ٲنٛٹ,,इंच, +V,Can you help me inch this flowervase into the corner?,inch,وارٕ وارٕ برٛونٛہہ پَکُن,,धीरे_धीरे_आगे_बढ़ना, +N,I can`t forget that incident.,incident,واقَعہ،حٲدِثہٕ,,घटना, +Adv,"Incidentally, I wanted to have a word with you about your expenses claim.",incidentally,ضِمنَن,,अकस्मात, +V,He was expelled for inciting workers to violence.,incite,ہٕس دیُن,,उत्तेजित_करना, +V,Radha inclined her head in prayer.,incline,جُکاوُن،نٔمراوُن,,झुकना/झुकाना, +Adj,I`m inclined to trust him.,inclined,مٲیِل,,प्रवृत्त, +V,They included me in the hockey team.,include,شٲمِل کَرُن،دَرٕج کَرُن,,सम्मिलित_करना, +N,His income is very low.,income,آمدٔنی،کمٲے,,आय, +N,There is increase in the production of wheat this year.,increase,اِضافہٕ،ہُرٮ۪ر,,वृद्धि, +V,He increased his speed to overtake the car.,increase,بَڑاوٕنۍ،ہُراوٕنۍ,,वृद्धि_करना[होना], +N,Your performance was incredible.,incredible,ناقٲبلِہ یٔقیٖن,,अविश्वसनीय, +V,This production of the movie has incurred the anger of audiences.,incur,پانَس پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن,,अपने_ऊपर_लेना, +Adv,This is good news indeed.,indeed,حٔقیقَتَن,,वास्तव_में, +Adv,It was a very bad situation indeed.,indeed,حٔقیٖقتن,,अवश्य_ही/वास्तव_में, +N,It`s important that teachers should allow their students some independence.,independence,آزٲدی,,स्वाधीनता, +Adj,I want to live an independent life.,independent,آزاد،خۄد مۄختار,,स्वाधीन, +Adj,India is an independent country.,independent,آزاد,,स्वतंत्र, +N,He published an index of film titles.,index,اِشاریہَ,,सूचिपृष्ठ, +V,She indicated that situation is very bad.,indicate,اِشارٕ کَرُن،حٮ۪س دیُن,,सूचित_करना, +N,He gave no indication of having heard of us.,indication,عَلامَت،اِشارٕ،نِشان,,चिह्न, +N,I can`t bear indifference.,indifference,بے پروٲہی،بےرُخی,,उपेक्षा, +Adj,He gave few indirect remarks about my performance.,indirect,ؤلِتھ,,अप्रत्यक्ष, +Adv,This legislation will effect us indirectly.,indirectly,بِل واسطہٕ,,अप्रत्यक्ष_या_परोक्ष_रूप_से, +Adj,A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.,indispensable,ضٔروٗری,,अनिवार्य, +N,Every individual has its own principles.,individual,فَرٕد,,व्यक्ति_विशेष, +N,I will remember you as an individual who always helped people to stay happy.,individual,فَرٕد،نَفَر,,विशिष्ट, +Adv,He spoke to each member of a group individually.,individually,اَکِہ اَکِہ،اَلَگ اَلَگ,,वैयक्तिक_रूप_से, +Adj,Girls usually prefer indoor games.,indoor,أنٛدرِم،أنٛدروٗنی,,भीतरी, +V,Nothing could induce Ravi to step down from his position.,induce,آمادٕ کَرُن,,राज़ी_करना, +V,The party inducted several young and dynamic professionals.,induct,فٲیِز کَرُن,,नियुक्त_करना, +V,He loves to indulge in gossip.,indulge,لُطُف تُلُن,,आनंद लूटना, +V,She tries her best to indulge him.,indulge,خۄش تھاوُن,,प्रसन्न_करना, +V,Lets indulge ourselves with a bottle of champagne.,indulge,خۄش تھاوُن,,सन्तुष्ट_होना, +Adj,The industrial output in India is rising every year.,industrial,صَنعتی,,औद्योगक, +V,He invested money to industrialise the town.,industrialise,صنعت قٲیِم کَرنۍ,,औद्योगीकरण, +N,Ludhiana is famous for woollen industries.,industry,صنعت,,उद्योग, +N,His success was due to industry and thrift.,industry,محنت,,परिश्रम, +N,Ludhiana is famous for woollen industries.,industry,صنعت,,व्यवसाय, +N,His success was due to industry and thrift.,industry,محنت,,परिश्रम, +Adj,We have no option but to accept his inevitable decision.,inevitable,اَٹَل,,अपरिहार्य/अनिवार्य, +Adv,"Inevitably, this decision will result in more crimes.",inevitably,لٲزمی طور,,अवश्य, +N,The infantry was sent in advance.,infantry,گٔشتی,,पैदल_सेना, +VT,Your children have infected you with this bad cold.,infect,بیمٲرۍ پھٔلاوٕنۍ,,छूत_लगाना[लगना], +N,She is suffering from chest infection.,infection,وَبٲیی مَرٕض,,बीमारी_की_छूत, +Adj,TB is an infectious disease.,infectious,لاگ دار,,छूत_से_लगनेवाला, +N,There is high inflation over price rises for food and houses.,inflation,درٛۄجَر,,मुद्रास्फीति, +N,She used her parent`s influence to get the job.,influence,روٚسوٗک,,प्रभाव, +VT,He has influenced his students like anything.,influence,مُتٲثِر کَرُن,,प्रभावित_करना, +Adj,I want to do some influential work for the nation.,influential,اَثَر دار,,प्रभावशाली, +VTI,I informed him about the meeting.,inform,اِطلاع دِیُن،خَبَر دِنۍ,,सूचना_देना/सूचित_करना, +Adj,She was in informal dress.,informal,سیوٚد سادٕ،غیر رَسمی,,अनौपचारक, +Adj,The two prime ministers will meet for an informal discussion today.,informal,غیر رَسمی,,अनौपचारक, +N,I have no information about this project.,information,خَبَر،اِطلاع،معلوٗمات,,सूचना, +Adj,One should be well informed of the current affairs.,informed,باخَبَر،خَبَردار,,सुविज्ञ, +V,Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees.,inhabit,روزُن،سٔکوٗنَت کَرٕنۍ,,में_निवास_करना, +Adj,Singing and dancing are considered as inherent talents.,inherent,وَرا ثٔتی,,अन्तर्निहित, +V,Sheela inherited her good looks from her mother.,inherit,وَراثتَس مَنٛز میلُن,,उत्तराधिकार_में_प्राप्त_करना, +Adj,I had to face many problems in the initial stages.,initial,اِبتِدٲیی,,प्रारम्भक, +N,The child wrote his initials clearly.,initial,گۄڈنیُک لَفٕظ,,पहला_अक्षर{नाम_या_शब्द_का}, +VT,He initialled the document.,initial,دَستٕخَط کَرُن,,नाम_का_पहला_अक्षर_लिखना, +Adv,He cleared all his debts initially.,initially,گۄڈَے,,शुरू_में, +V,The Sutradhar initiated the sanskrit plays.,initiate,شروٗع کَرُن،پہل کَرٕنۍ,,आरम्भ_करना, +V,He was initiated into the art of golf by his uncle.,initiate,شٲمِل کَرُن,,दीक्षा_देना, +N,"After ablutions, the initiate started reciting vedas.",initiate,سٲدٕروار,,दीक्षित_व्यक्ति, +VTI,Rajaram Mohan Roy initiated social reforms.,initiate,شروٗع کَرٕنۍ,,आरम्भ_करना, +N,The peace initiative was welcomed by both parties.,initiative,شروعات،پَہل,,पहल, +VT,The boy was injured while playing cricket.,injure,زَخمی گَژُھن،چھۄکہٕ لَد گَژُھن,,घायल_करना, +Adj,The injured person was taken to hospital.,injured,چھۄکہٕ لَد،زَخمی,,घायल, +Adj,Smoking is injurious to health.,injurious,نۄقصان دِہَہ,,हानिकारक, +N,This injury should be immediately attended to.,injury,زَخم,,चोट, +N,The injury done to an honest man is irrepairable.,injury,نۄقصان,,क्षति, +N,We should not do injustice to anyone.,injustice,بے اِنصٲفی,,अन्याय, +N,The boy bought ink from the shop.,ink,میٖل,,स्याही, +VT,Please ink the roller of the zerox machine.,ink,میٖل لٲگٕنۍ,,स्याही_फेरना, +Adj,It is very difficult to know one`s inner feelings.,inner,أنٛدرِم,,भीतरी, +Adj,Mozart`s music touches one`s inner feelings.,inner,دِلی،أنٛدروٗنی,,आत्मिक[भावना], +N,He proved his innocence in the court.,innocence,معصوٗمِیَت،بےگۄنٲہی,,निर्दोषता, +N,He is very innocent.,innocent,معصوٗم،بےگۄناہ,,निर्दोष, +Adj,He is an innocent person.,innocent,معصوٗم،بےگۄناہ,,निर्दोष, +N,Input is essential for financial benefits.,input,۔۔۔,,आगत, +N,Computers give information from the input.,input,اِنپُٹ,,कम्प्यूटर_में_भरी_सामग्री, +V,Input the annual sales figures.,input,اِنپُٹ دیُن,,कम्प्यूटर_में`संगणन_करना, +VTI,The tourists inquired about the route.,inquire,پرٛژھہٕ غٲر کَرٕنۍ,,पूछ-ताछ_करना, +N,An inquiry into the matter is pointless.,inquiry,پرٛژھہٕ غٲر,,पूछताछ, +Adj,An insane person should be properly dealt with.,insane,پاگَل،دیوانہٕ,,पागल, +N,Remove the insect from the table.,insect,کیوٚم,,कीड़ा, +VT,The veterinary doctor inseminated the monkey.,inseminate,۔۔۔,,गर्भाधान_करना, +VT,Insert this key in the lock.,insert,ترٛاوُن،اَنٛدر یا مَنٛز تراوُن،بَرٕنۍ,,डालना{अन्दर_या_बीच_में}, +Prep,There is nothing inside the box.,inside,اَنٛدر,,के~अन्दर, +N,The inside of the temple was carved on marble.,inside,أندرِم,,अभ्यन्तर, +Prep,She is inside the house.,inside,أنٛدرٕ کَنہِ,,के_अन्दर, +N,Seers had the insight to go in search of truth.,insight,بٔصیٖرَت،نَظَر,,अन्तर्दृष्टि, +V,She insisted me to do this work.,insist,زور دیُن،زارٕ پارٕ کَرُن,,आग्रह_कर, +VI,My friend insisted me to attend the party.,insist,زارٕپارٕ کَرُن،زور کَرُن،تٲقیٖد کَرُن,,दृढ़_रहना, +N,His insistence on strict discipline helped him to lead a comfortable life.,insistence,اِسرار،تٲقیٖد,,आग्रह{बलपूर्वक}, +VT,The income-tax officers inspected her house.,inspect,معٲینہٕ کَرُن,,जाँचना, +N,Inspection is going on in the school.,inspection,معٲینہٕ,,निरीक्षण, +VT,I am inspired by the compositions of Sri Thyagaraja.,inspire,جوش پٲدٕ کَ��ُن,,प्रेरणा_देना, +VT,The electrician installed the water heater in our house.,install,لاگُن,,लगाना[यन्त्र], +VT,Emperor Ashoka installed many stupas to spread Buddhism.,install,مُنقٕد کَرٕنۍ،لاگٕنۍ,,स्थापित_करना, +N,Many people were present during the installation of the new machinery.,installation,لاگُن,,प्रतिष्ठापन, +N,The telephone installation took few minutes only.,installation,لاگُن,,यन्त्र_आदि_लगाना, +N,There have been several recent instances of planes taking off without adequate safety checks.,instance,۔۔۔,,उदाहरण/अवसर, +N,You can take the instance of identical twins.,instance,مِثال,,उदाहरण{विशेष}, +Adj,I will prefer instant food as I have to leave early.,instant,دٔستی,,तुरन्त, +Adj,I like instant coffee.,instant,دٔستی,,झटपट, +N,Her mood changed in an instant.,instant,ژِیہُہ,,क्षण, +Adv,He offered to help his colleague instantly.,instantly,جَلدی،فوٗری,,शीघ्र, +Adv,Neeta was ill so I went instead of her.,instead,تٔمۍ سٕنٛدِ بدلہٕ,,के_बदले_मेँ, +N,All his instincts told him to go to the hospital and consult a doctor.,instinct,جِبلَت,,सहजज्ञान, +N,I like to work in this institute of Information Technology.,institute,اِدارٕ,,संस्थान, +VT,Tatas have instituted a number of openings for mechanical engineers.,institute,اِدارٕ کھولٕنۍ,,संस्थापित_करना, +N,She is working in an Educational institution.,institution,اِدارٕ,,संस्था, +VT,Phonetics teacher was instructing students in the use of phonetic symbols.,instruct,ہِدایَت دِنۍ,,शिक्षा_देना, +N,Instructions should be followed strictly.,instruction,حُکُم،ہِدایَت,,आदेश, +N,Varieties of instruments are used in surgery.,instrument,اَوزار,,उपकरण, +N,I like to play instruments.,instrument,سازٕکۍ سامان,,वाद्य, +N,The instrument of his success was his perseverance.,instrument,ذٔرِیعہ,,माध्यम, +N,I can`t bear this insult.,insult,بےعزتی،زَلالَت,,अपमान, +VT,He insulted her with his rude remarks.,insult,بےعزتی کَرٕنۍ،ذٔلیٖل کَرُن،زَلالَت کَرٕنۍ,,अपमान_करना, +N,One should take insurance to cover the risk factors.,insurance,بیٖمہٕ،اِنشورَنٛس,,बीमा, +Adj,It is difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.,intact,ٹھیٖٖک،سَلامَت,,अखण्ड, +VT,I find it difficult to integrate socially.,integrate,یَکجوت کَرُن,,एकीकरण_करना, +N,Subramanya Bharati composed songs of integration.,integration,یَکجٲتی،یَکُت,,एकीकरण, +Adj,Child`s intellectual development depends on the upbringing and environment.,intellectual,ذہنی,,बुद्धिगत, +Adj,He is an intellectual person.,intellectual,دٲنِش وَر,,प्रज्ञावान, +N,Her intelligence impressed me.,intelligence,عقٕل،سَمٕجھ,,बुद्धिमत्ता, +N,We sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage.,intelligence,اِطلاع،خَبَر,,सूचना, +Adj,The student put forward intelligent questions.,intelligent,جان,,बुद्धिमान, +Adj,Computer is fed on an intelligent system.,intelligent,جان,,सुबोध, +VTI,I intend to complete this work by evening.,intend,اِرادٕ تھاوُن,,इरादा_रखना, +VTI,The party is really intended for new students so they can meet each other.,intend,تھاونہٕ آمٕژ,,निमित्त_होना, +Adj,The professor completed the book intended for class 8th.,intended,ترتیٖب,,उद्धिष्ट, +Adj,Tom has intense pain in his ankle.,intense,سَخ,,तीक्ष्ण/उत्कट/अतिमात्र, +Adj,Don`t go out in an intense heat.,intense,سَخ,,तेज, +Adj,He gets very intense when he talks about politics.,intense,شٔدیٖد,,गम्भीर, +N,The earthquake occured with intensity this time.,intensity,شِدَت,,उत्कटता, +N,The intensity of the tornado is unaccountable.,intensity,شِدَت,,प्रचंडता, +Adj,Intensive methods are implemented in the field of agriculture.,intensive,محدوٗد تہٕ زوروار,,वृद्धिकर, +Adj,An intensive search helped him to regain his possessions.,intensive,سَخ،زوروَر,,तीव्र, +Adj,Sam is watching the programme with an intent expression.,intent,پُرجوش،جوش و خَروش,,आसक्त_चित्त, +Adj,He was intent on getting promoted.,intent,پَکہٕ اِرادٕ,,निष्ठा, +N,His intent was to provide a new translation.,intent,مَقصَد,,उद्देश्य, +N,Chief Minister`s intention is to make Hyderabad a Hitech City.,intention,مَقصَد،مَنشہٕ,,लक्ष्य, +N,Interaction between the teacher and the students should be cordial.,interaction,کَتھ باتھ,,पारस्परिक_व्यवहार, +VT,The reporter intercepted the conversation.,intercept,روکاوُن، روکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,बीच_में_रोकना, +N,I have interest in music.,interest,دِلچَسپی,,रुचि, +N,I don`t have any interest in sports.,interest,دِلچَسپی,,रस, +N,He has best interests at heart.,interest,مُفاد,,हित, +N,She has got a loan from bank with an interest rate of 30%.,interest,سوٗد,,ब्याज, +VTI,After retirement he began to interest himself in voluntary work.,interest,واسطہٕ تھاوُن، دِلچَسپی تھاوٕنۍ,,रुचि_उत्पन्न_करना, +Adj,The interested people can join the group.,interested,دِلچَسپی تھاوَن وٲلۍ،عرٕض مَنٛد,,रुचि_रखनेवाला, +Adj,Arthur Hailey`s novels are interesting.,interesting,دِلچَسٕپ,,रोचक, +VI,I don`t want to interfere in their personal matters.,interfere,مُداخٕلَت کَرٕنۍ,,बीच_मेँ_पड़ना, +N,I can`t bear his interference any more.,interference,مُداخلَت,,हस्तक्षेप, +N,Interference from a foreign broadcasting system is causing disturbance.,interference,رُکاوَٹ,,बाधा, +Adj,An interior decor adds beauty to the house.,interior,أنٛدروٗنی،أنٛدرِم,,भीतरी, +N,The interior of salar jung museum needs attention.,interior,أندرِم,,भीतर, +Adj,The car stops at a number of intermediate junctions.,intermediate,دَرمِیٲنی,,मध्यवर्ती, +Adj,He knows the internal workings of the machine.,internal,أنٛدروٗنی,,आन्तरक, +Adj,He is a player of international repute.,international,بَین الاَقوٲمی,,अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय, +N,Austrailia will play five one-day internationals in india this year.,international,بین الاَقوٲمی,,अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय_संघटन, +VTI,He interpreted a poem in the class.,interpret,وَضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,वर्णन_करना, +VTI,Will you interpret the passage for me?,interpret,تَشریح کَرٕنۍ، وضاحت کرٕنۍ,,भाषान्तर_करना, +N,The evidence suggests a different interpretation of events.,interpretation,تَرجُمٲنی,,बयान, +VT,Trade between the two countries was interrupted by constant war.,interrupt,خَلَل ترٛاوٕنۍ,,भंग_करना, +VT,Please don`t interrupt me while I`m on the phone.,interrupt,خَلَل کَرٕنۍ،مُداخلَت کَرٕنۍ,,बोलने_में_बाधा_देना, +N,She worked whole day without interruption.,interruption,رُکاوٹ,,रुकावट, +N,I don`t want his interruption in my family matters.,interruption,مُداخلَت,,बाधा, +N,Road is broad at the intersection.,intersection,ژُووٚت,,चौराहा, +Adj,Many lorries ply in interstate highways.,interstate,۔۔۔,,अन्तर्राज्यीय, +N,She returned to work after an interval of about half an hour.,interval,وَقفہٕ,,अंतराल, +VI,The military intervened and the situation was brought under control.,intervene,مَنٛز پیوٚن,,बीच_मेँ_आना, +N,The intervention of teachers in the dance competion was criticized by many students.,intervention,مُداخلَت,,मध्यवर्त, +N,Applicants for posts were called for interview.,interview,اِنٹَرویو،مُلاقات,,भेँट, +V,We have to interview computer knowing people for this post.,interview,اِنٹَروِیوہیوٚن,,इंटरव्यू_लेना, +Adj,Intimate friendship should be encouraged.,intimate,قٔریٖبی،نَزدیٖکی,,आत्मीय, +Adj,He has an intimate knowledge of criminal law.,intimate,دِلی ، قٔریٖبی,,सुपरिचित, +Adj,"Kalidasa, the poet and the dramatist was intimate with nature.",intimate,قٔریٖبی,,अन्तरंग, +VT,He intimated his willingness to take part in the function.,intimate,اِشارٕ دیُن,,बतलाना, +Prep,Please put these things back into the cupboard.,into,مَنٛز,,के~अंदर, +Prep,Please come into the house.,into,مَنٛز,,अंदर_को, +Prep,5 into 10 is fifty.,into,ضَربہِ,,गुणित_करने_पर, +VT,Graham was introduced to me in the function.,introduce,تعارُف کَرُن,,परिचय_कराना[करना], +VT,A new word processor was introduced yesterday. .,introduce,رٲیِج کَرنہٕ یُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, +VT,The domestic appliances were introduced in the market.,introduce,شایَعہ کَرنہٕ یُن,,उपलब्ध_कराना, +N,The introduction of the new agricultural methods helped the farmers.,introduction,پیٚشکَش,,प्रस्तुति, +N,He is a person who needs no introduction.,introduction,تعارُف,,परिचय, +N,Apar gave a general idea of her research in introduction.,introduction,گۄڈٕ کَتھ,,भूमिका, +N,He had an intuition that something had gone wrong.,intuition,ژینہٕ ؤنۍ,,अन्तर्ज्ञान, +VT,Their air space was invaded by the enemy aircrafts.,invade,حَملہٕ کَرُن,,आक्रमण_करना, +VT,Many fans invaded the pitch.,invade,اَنٛدر اَژُن,,घुस_जाना, +Adv,The Minar Express is invariably late.,invariably,ہَمیٚشہٕ,,सर्वदा, +N,The invasion of the Mohammud Ghori started the muslim rule in India.,invasion,حَملہٕ,,आक्रमण, +N,We are planning to mount an invasion of the South of the country.,invasion,۔۔۔,,चढाई, +VT,Graham Bell invented telephone.,invent,ایٖجاد کَرُن,,आविष्कार_करना, +N,The invention of cell phone made human life comfortable.,invention,ایٖجاد,,आविष्कार, +N,We have a good inventory of all the household items at home.,inventory,فِہرستہٕ,,विस्तृत_सूची, +VT,He has invested large amount of money in the project.,invest,پونٛسہٕ لاگُن,,धन_लगाना, +VT,The vice-chancellor has been invested with full authority to act.,invest,عہدَس پٮ۪ٹھ فٲیز کَرُن،اِختِیار دیُن,,अधिकार_देना, +VT,The district attorney`s office investigated reports of possible irregularities.,investigate,تفتیٖش کَرٕنۍ،پرٛژٕھ غٲر کَرٕنۍ,,जाँचना, +VT,A team investigated the ruins of Dwarka city under the sea.,investigate,جانٛچ پَرتال کَرٕنۍ,,अनुसंधान_करना, +N,The income-tax officials completed the investigation on the actor.,investigation,جانٛچ،تفتیٖش,,जाँच, +N,The murder case is under investigation.,investigation,تَفتیٖش,,अनुसंधान, +N,Stocks are regarded as long-term investments.,investment,۔۔۔,,निवेशन, +N,Jamshed Tata was an investor who invested his money on industries and institutions.,investor,رَقَم لاگَن وول,,धन_लगाना, +N,We got the invitation for the concert.,invitation,دعوت،رۄقہٕ,,आमन्त्रण, +VT,We invited our relatives for our daughter`s marriage.,invite,سال کَرُن،دعوت کَرٕنۍ,,निमन्त्रण_भेजना, +VT,Leaving your vehicles unlocked is just inviting trouble.,invite,دعوت دِنۍ,,आकृष्ट_करना, +VT,The job will involve many workers.,involve,شٲمِل کَرُن,,शामिल_करना, +VT,All students were involved in the science exihibition.,involve,کامہِ لاگٕنۍ,,काम_में_लग_जाना, +VT,She was involved in a trouble.,involve,ہٮ۪نہٕ یُن,,खतरे_में_पडना, +Adj,Our actions do not reflect our inward nature.,inward,أنٛدروٗنی,,अन्दरूनी, +Adj,His latest CD gives a thoughtful and inward interpretation of the music.,inward,روٗحٲنی,,अन्तर्मुखी, +Adv,His fingers turned inwards while playing.,inwards,اَنٛدَر کُن,,अन्दर_की_ओर, +N,Iodine plays a vital role in our body.,iodine,آیوڈیٖن,,आयोडीन, +VT,It irks me to see money being wasted.,irk,شَرارَت کھالُن,,गुस्सा_दिलाना, +N,This toy is made of iron.,iron,شیشتٕٕر,,लोहा, +N,John will probably use a 2 or 3 iron for the shot.,iron,۔۔۔,,गोल्फ_खेलने_का_डंडा, +N,Doctor has advised her to take iron.,iron,اَیرَن,,पौष्टिक_दवाई, +N,He has an iron will.,iron,فَولٲدی,,दृढता, +N,The prisoner removed the irons from his hands.,iron,ہَتھکٔرۍ,,हथकडी, +VT,She listens to music while ironing.,iron,لۄہ کَرُن،کُنٛدۍ کَرٕنۍ,,इस्त्री_करना, +Adj,He gives irrelevant answers.,irrelevant,بےمَطلَب,,बेमतलब, +VT,Farmers irrigate the lands.,irrigate,آب پٲشی کَرٕنۍ،آب دیُن,,सीँचना, +N,Mauritius is an island.,island,جٔزیٖرٕ,,द्वीप, +VT,They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates.,isolate,علٰحیِدٕ کَرُن،اَلَگ کَرُن,,अलग_रखना, +VT,Scientists have isolated the virus from the gene.,isolate,اَلَگ کَرُن,,पृथक_करना, +N,I felt complete isolation when my sister got married.,isolation,کُنٮ۪ر,,अकेलापन, +N,I can`t think about it in isolation.,isolation,کُنٮ۪ر,,अकेलापन, +N,We have to discuss an important issue.,issue,مَسلہٕ,,विषय, +N,What is an issue?,issue,معاملہٕ,,मामला, +N,I am talking about the third issue of this book.,issue,مسلہٕ,,अंक, +N,The issue can be solved by government.,issue,مَسلہٕ,,विवादास्पद_विषय, +N,She found an old issue of the magazine in her cupboard.,issue,اِشاعَت,,प्रकाशित_वस्तु, +N,The king died without an issue.,issue,شُر، اَولاد,,संतति, +N,Smoke is issuing from the chimney.,issue,نیران,,बहाव, +VTI,The court issued an order.,issue,جٲری کَرُن,,आदेश_जारी_करना, +VTI,The school issued a new uniform to the children.,issue,دیُن,,देना, +VTI,The school issued the press with a statement about its plans.,issue,شایع کَرُن,,प्रकाशित_करना, +Pron,It is impossible to reach on time for the function.,it,یہِ,,यह, +Pron,It is my laptop.,it,یہِ,,वाक्यांश_प्रमुखता_बताना, +Pron,It is my book.,it,یہِ,,यह, +Pron,Is it your pen?,it,یہِ,,यह, +Pron,Is it your bag?,it,یہِ,,यह, +Pron,I want to do it right now.,it,یہِ,,यह, +Pron,It is mine.,it,یہِ,,यह, +N,He checked the items in the catalogue.,item,ذٲژ,,मद, +N,Budget is the item of news in today`s paper.,item,موضوٗع,,विषय, +Pron,The company has got itself into problems.,itself,پانَے,,स्वयम, +Adj,This ivory piece is remarkable.,ivory,ۂسۍ دَنٛدُک,,हाथी_दाँत_का, +N,Things made of ivory are expensive.,ivory,ۂسۍ دَنٛد,,गजदंत, +N,I don`t know how to use a jack.,jack,جَکھ,,भारी_बोझा_ऊपर_उठाने_का_यन्त्र, +N,Jack is a Court Card in a pack of playing cards.,jack,تاسَس مَنٛز غۄلام,,गुलाम{ताश_के_पत्तों_में}, +N,The speaker was connected to the tape recorder by a jack.,jack,اَکِہ قٕسمُک پٕلَگ,,एक_प्रकार_का_प्लग, +N,He wore a jacket yesterday.,jacket,جاکیٹ,,जाकेट, +N,The jacket of the novel `The God of Small Things` has a picture of lotus.,jacket,جِلدٕ,,आवरण, +N,The criminal was put in the jail.,jail,قٲد خانہٕ,,कारागार, +V,He was jailed for 10yrs.,jail,جیل گَژُھن,,कारावास_होना, +N,They painted the doors with japan which is usually hard and black.,japan,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ وارنِش,,एक_प्रकार_की_वार्निश, +V,They japaned the painted doors and windows.,japan,چَمکاوُن,,रोग़न_करके_चमकाना, +N,The pickles are kept in a jar.,jar,وٲر،مَٹھ,,मर्तबान, +V,His comments about my dress jarred me.,jar,ناگَوارآسُن,,खटकना, +V,His comments jarred on my ears.,jar,ناگَوار گُزرُن,,कर्कश_लगना, +V,He jarred his back while pushing the car.,jar,دَکہٕ لَگُن,,धक्का_लगना, +N,He injured his jaw in an accident.,jaw,ووٚٹ,,जबड़ा, +N,My friend and I had a jaw in the afternoon.,jaw,زیٖٹھ کَتھ باتھ,,लम्बी_बातचीत, +N,Jazz music has become popular in India also.,jazz,جیز,,गीतनाट्य, +Adj,I am never jealous of other`s success.,jealous,حَسدی,,ईर्ष्यालु, +N,The whole world looks at our unity with jealousy.,jealousy,حَسَد,,ईर्ष्या/जलन, +N,I have a jeep at home.,jeep,جیٖپ,,जीप, +N,My mother kept the jelly in the fridge.,jelly,جیٚلی,,जैली/लूआब, +N,He wore a jersey yesterday.,jersey,نرٔۍ دار بٔنیان,,स्वेटर, +N,He went to Delhi by jet.,jet,جیٹ جہاز,,जेट_विमान, +N,The pipe bursted and a jet of water sprayed across the room.,jet,آبہٕ فموار,,धारा, +VI,The pipe bursted and water jetted out.,jet,فموار نیرُن,,निकल_पड़ना, +N,There are lots of jewels on display in the museum.,jewel,قۭمتی کٔنۍ،لال،جوٲہر,,मणि, +N,Ladies are very fond of jewellery.,jewellery,زیوَر،جوٲہِرات،جاداد,,गहने, +N,My job in the office is to prepare reports.,job,کٲم،پیٚشہٕ,,काम, +VT,I have joined the two wires.,join,جوڑُن,,संयुक्त_करना, +VT,Lets join together to bring peace in the society.,join,مِلُن,,मिलना, +VT,I joined the Navy in 1998.,join,بٔرتی گَژُھن ، دٲخل گَژُن,,शामिल_होना, +Adj,The project is a joint venture between India and Russia.,joint,مُشترِکہٕ،اِکہٕ وَٹہٕ,,साझे_का, +N,She is suffering from joint pain.,joint,بَنٛد,,जोड़{शरीर_का}, +N,Khushwant Singh`s jokes are very popular.,joke,مَخولہٕ،ٹَھٹھہٕ,,चुटकुला, +V,I was just joking.,joke,ٹَھٹھٕہ کَرُن،مَخولہٕ کَرُن,,मज़ाक_करना, +N,I keep record of all my expenses in a journal.,journal,بٔہی کھاتہٕ,,बही_खाता, +N,Journals are very informative.,journal,رِسالہٕ,,समाचार_पत्र{साप्ताहिक_या_मासिक}, +N,Have a nice journey!,journey,سَفَر,,यात्रा, +V,I am planning to journey South.,journey,سَفَر کَرُن,,यात्रा_करना, +N,It is a joy to be with kids.,joy,خوشی،شٲدۍ,,आनन्द, +N,I want to become a judge.,judge,مُنصِف،قٲضۍ,,निर्णायक, +N,My uncle is a high court judge.,judge,جَج،مُنصِف،قٲضۍ,,न्यायाधीश, +N,He is a good judge of art.,judge,پَرکَھن وول,,पारखी, +V,You cannot judge a man by his face.,judge,پَرَکُھن،پرٛزٕناوُن,,निर्णय_लेना, +Adj,There will be a judicial enquiry about the train mishap.,judicial,عَدالتی,,न्यायक, +N,I like lemon juice.,juice,رَس،عٲرَق,,रस, +VT,The thief jumped over the wall.,jump,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,कूदना, +VT,The children were jumping on the ground.,jump,وۄٹہٕ ترٛاونہِ,,उछलना, +VT,The company`s profit has jumped from 2 to 6 percent this year.,jump,تھوٚد وۄتُھن,,उपर_उठना/बढ़ना, +VT,I jumped into a car.,jump,وۄٹھ لَگاوٕنۍ,,कूद लगाना, +N,Carl won the gold medal in the long jump.,jump,وۄٹھ,,कूद/छलाग, +N,Wild animals live in jungles.,jungle,جَنٛگَل،وَن,,जंगल, +N,Delay in any developmental work is due to the jungle of bureaucratic paperwork.,jungle,۔۔۔,,अव्यवस्थित_वस्तुओं_का_समूह, +N,She is junior to me in age.,junior,لۄکُٹ،جوٗنِیَر,,कनिष्ठ/छोटा, +N,My friend is three years junior to me.,junior,لۄکُٹ,,उम्र_में_छोटा, +N,It is under Supreme Court`s jurisdiction to solve water sharing dispute.,jurisdiction,تحویٖل,,न्याय_करने_का_अधिकार, +N,The jury in the high court has given the decision in my favour.,jury,جوٗری,,जूरी, +Adv,This is just one way of saving the property.,just,صِرِف,,सिर्फ, +Adj,Lord Dashrath was a just ruler.,just,اِنصاف پَسنٛد,,उचित, +Adj,The courts have to be just in their dealings.,just,مُنصِفانہٕ,,न्यायसंगत, +Adv,This blouse is just my size.,just,ٹھیٖٖک,,ठीक, +Adv,This is just the colour I wanted for my car.,just,سُے,,वैसा_ही, +Adv,This car is just right for me.,just,بِلکُل,,बिल्कुल, +Adv,I have just completed my home work.,just,وٕنۍ،یِتَھے کٔنۍ,,अभी/इसी_वक्त, +Adv,He is just as intelligent as his brother.,just,تِتُے,,उतना_ही, +N,The Constitution says that all people should be treated with justice.,justice,اِنصاف,,न्याय, +N,I can`t give any more justification on the statement.,justification,جَوٲزِیَت,,औचित्य, +V,Her excellent performance in the exam has justified her ability to succeed.,justify,جَوٲزِیَت دِنۍ,,सत्य_ठहराना, +N,There is an increase in the number of juveniles taking to crimes.,juvenile,نابالِغ,,किशोर_व्यक्ति, +Adj,There is an increase in cases of juvenile crimes.,juvenile,بَچَن ہِنٛدۍ,,तरुण_संबंधी, +Adj,He was a keen player of outdoor sports.,keen,تیز،جان,,उत्सुक, +Adj,She is keen to take on medical line.,keen,خٲیِش مَنٛد,,इच्छुक, +Adj,Eagle has a keen eyesight.,keen,تیز,,तीक्ष्ण/पैना/तेज़, +Adj,He has a keen mind.,keen,تیز,,कुशाग्र/तेज़, +Adj,Dogs have a keen sense of smell.,keen,تیز,,तेज़, +V,He is keen on your sister.,keen,دِلچَسپی تھاوٕنۍ,,दिलचस्पी_रखना, +V,He is keening over his dead brother.,keen,دۄکھ کَرُن،وَدُن,,विलाप_करना, +V,Keep it with you.,keep,تھاوُن,,रख, +N,He has to earn his keep.,keep,گُزارٕ،آمدٔنی,,निर्वाह, +N,Children live in their parent`s keep.,keep,نَظَرگُزَر,,देखरेख, +N,She was his keep.,keep,۔۔۔,,रख़ैल, +AuxV,I keep on thinking about your proposal.,keep,جٲری تھاوُن,,रहना/ज़ारी_रखना, +VT,He keeps his books in an order.,keep,تھاونہِ,,रखना, +VT,It is difficult to keep the records of all the firms.,keep,حِساب تھاوُن,,हिसाब_रखना, +VT,You should keep your promise.,keep,نِباوُن,,निभाना, +VT,He earns enough to keep himself and his family.,keep,گُزارٕ کَرُن,,निर्वाह_करना, +VT,How are you keeping now?,keep,خَبَر آسٕنۍ،صحت آسُن,,तबियत_होना, +N,She has her jewellery in the bank`s keeping.,keeping,نَظَر گُزَر,,देखरेख, +N,He left the book in my keeping.,keeping,اِختِیار,,अधिकार, +N,His clothes were not in keeping with the occasion.,keeping,مُطٲبِق,,सामंजस्य, +N,That lock opens with this key.,key,��ُنٛز,,कुंजी/चाबी/ताली, +N,All ragas are the combinations of different keys.,key,سُر,,सुर, +N,A kick from a donkey is enough to break your bones.,kick,لَتھ,,लात, +N,He gets a kick out of watching cricket.,kick,مَزٕ,,अत्यधिक_मज़ा_आना, +VT,He kicked the door in anger.,kick,لَتھ لگاوٕنۍ,,लात_मारना, +VT,The horse kicked the bucket of water.,kick,لَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,दुलत्ती_मारना, +VT,It is difficult to kick out a bad habit.,kick,ترٛاوٕنۍ،مٕشراوٕنۍ,,छुटकारा_पाना/छोड़ना, +VT,I felt like kicking myself because I couldn`t speak in the interview.,kick,لان تانہٕ کَرُن,,धिक्कारना, +N,I really like kids.,kid,بَچہِ,,बच्चा, +N,I saw a goat with a kid.,kid,چِھرٕ,,बच्चा{बकरी/हिरन/भेड़}, +V,He is kidding his sister.,kid,پَریشان کَرُن,,परेशान_करना, +V,He kidded his friend that he is not well.,kid,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن،گِنٛدُن,,धोखा_देना, +V,"Don`t take it seriously, I am just kidding.",kid,مَزاق کَرُن،گِنٛدُن,,मज़ाक_करना, +V,Three children have been kidnapped from the school yesterday.,kidnap,اَغوا کَرُن، اَغواگَژُھن,,अपहरण_करना[होना], +V,Many children have been kidnapped in this locality.,kidnap,اَغواکَرُن، اَغوا گَژُھن,,अपहरण_करना[होना], +N,It is a same place where kidnapping and looting is very common.,kidnapping,اَغوا,,अपहरण, +V,He likes to kill animals.,kill,مارُن,,मारना, +N,Hasish is a killer.,killer,مارَن وول،قٲتِل,,हत्यारा, +Adj,He gave him a killing look.,killing,خوفناک,,घातक, +N,This man has done many killings in the city.,killing,قَتٕل,,हत्या, +N,He has made a killing in his business.,killing,ہِمَت واجِنۍ کٲم,,सहसा_होने_वाला_लाभ, +N,She bought two kilo sugar from the supermarket.,kilo,کِلُو,,किलो, +N,She bought two kilograms of sugar from the supermarket.,kilogram,کِلُو گرٛام,,किलोग्राम, +N,He walks four kilometers daily.,kilometer,کِلُومیٖٹَر,,किलोमीटर, +N,He walks a kilometre to catch the bus.,kilometre,کِلُومیٖٹَر,,किलोमीटर, +N,"She is my kin, I can`t leave her alone.",kin,رِشتہٕ دار,,सगे संबंधी, +Adj,He is a very kind person.,kind,رحَم دِل,,दयालु, +Adj,It is very kind of you to help me in my studies.,kind,مہربٲنی,,आभार, +N,He is a different kind of person.,kind,طٔبِیَت,,प्रकार, +N,You can pay either in cash or in kind.,kind,جِنٕس,,वस्तु, +N,He put the kingbolt and went out.,kingbolt,۔۔۔,,बड़ा_बोल्ट, +N,People were very happy in Ashok`s kingdom.,kingdom,رِیاست,,राज्य, +N,He gave a flying kiss.,kiss,مۄنۍ,,चुम्बन, +V,He kissed the child on his forehead.,kiss,مۄنۍ کَرٕنۍ،بوسہٕ کَرُن,,चूमना, +V,The blossoms were kissed by the soft rain.,kiss,۔۔۔,,सहलाना, +N,She is cooking food in the kitchen.,kitchen,دانہٕ کُٹھ,,रसोई_घर, +N,She has a pain in her knees.,knee,کوٚٹھ,,घुटना, +V,She kneed the door.,knee,دکہٕ دیُن,,धक्का_देना, +V,She knelt down to say sorry.,kneel,جُکُن،نَمُن,,घुटने_टेकना, +V,He kneeled down and begged for forgiveness.,kneel,کۄٹھٮ۪ن پٮ۪ٹھ نمُن,,घुटने_के_बल_बैठना, +N,The knife is very sharp.,knife,شرٛاکھ،چُھرۍ,,चाकू, +V,Dacoits knifed him yesterday night.,knife,چُھرِ سٕتۍ مارُن,,चाकू_से_मारना, +N,There are still some knights in this world.,knight,فوج دار،سِپاہ,,योद्धा/सामन्त, +N,Knight is missing in this chess board.,knight,سَترنٛجُک گُر,,शतरंज_का_घोड़ा, +N,There was a knock on the door yesterday.,knock,ٹُھک ٹُھک,,दस्तक, +N,The sudden knock woke him up.,knock,ٹاس,,आघात, +V,Somebody is knocking on the door.,knock,ٹھُک ٹھُک کَرُن,,दस्तक_देना, +V,He knocked the glass against the wall.,knock,دکہٕ لایُن,,ठोकर_लगाना, +N,She is having number of knots in her ribbon.,knot,گَنٛڑ,,गाँठ, +N,Ship is moving at the speed of 30 knots per hour.,knot,ناٹ,,समुद्री_मील, +N,A small knot of women listened to his sermon.,knot,ٹوٗلۍ,,समूह, +V,Tie a knot to the string.,knot,گَنٛڑ ترٛاوُن,,गाँठ_लगना, +V,Knot the strings tightly to one another.,knot,گَنٛڑُن،گَنٛڑ کَرُن,,बाँधना, +V,The strange question had him all in knots.,knot,اِضتِرابَس ��َنٛز تھاوُن,,उलझाना, +V,I want to know who is winning the game.,know,زانُن,,जानना, +Adj,He is a knowing collector of rare books.,knowing,باخَبَر،زانَن وول,,जानकार, +N,There is a big difference in knowing and understanding.,knowing,زانُن,,जानना, +V,Knowing all the facts I will not hold this against you.,knowing,زٲنِٛتھ,,जानते_हुये, +N,Basic knowledge of mathematics is must for all children.,knowledge,عٔلِم,,ज्ञान, +N,It was not in my knowledge that you are changing the job.,knowledge,زان کٲری,,जानकारी, +N,He is known throughout the world.,known,مشہوٗر،ناماوَر,,विदित, +N,He is a known criminal.,known,نام نیٹھ,,जाना_हुआ, +V,Bhagvat Gita is known to every one.,known,عٔلِم آسُن,,ज्ञात_होना, +V,Ramesh was busy labelling all the products of his shop.,label,لیبٕل لاگٕنۍ,,नामित_कर, +N,Label on the centre of gramophone record must be prescribing the name of the singer.,label,پَرچہٕ,,पर्चा/नामपत्र, +N,The label of HMV on the cassette ensures its good quality.,label,ناو،لیبٕل,,नाम, +Adj,Rat is commonly used for zoology experiments in laboratory.,laboratory,تحقیٖٖقی گَرٕ،تَجرُبہٕ گاہ,,प्रयोगशाला, +N,Labour has to be done to complete this work.,labour,موٚزوٗرۍ,,श्रम/परिश्रम, +N,The factory is closed as the labours have gone on strike.,labour,مَزدوٗر،مُلٲزِم،موٚزوٗر,,श्रमिक/मजदूर, +V,I have been labouring (away) at this report all night.,labour,محنت کَرٕنۍ,,कडी_मेहनत_करना, +V,The van laboured up the steep mountain track.,labour,مُشکِلی سان کَھسُن,,मुश्किलों_से_चलना, +V,He lacks courage to face the audience.,lack,کٔمی آسٕنۍ،محروٗم آسُن,,कमी_होना, +N,He suffers from a lack of confidence.,lack,کٔمی,,कमी, +N,He is a fine lad.,lad,لٔڑکہٕ،کوٚٹ,,लडका/नवयुवक, +N,Use this ladder to climb up.,ladder,ہیر,,सीढी, +V,Those thin tights ladder easily.,ladder,ژھینِتھ یُن,,छेद होना, +N,All the ladies will assemble here.,ladies,زَنانہٕ،زَنہِ,,महिलाएँ, +N,She is a nice lady.,lady,زَنانہٕ،زٔنۍ,,महिला, +N,She is a fine lady.,lady,زَنان,,भद्रमहिला, +N,I have seen a tropical lagoon.,lagoon,لٔگوٗن،بحری,,लैगून, +N,Dal lake is my favourite lake.,lake,جیٖل,,झील, +N,The sheep was grazing with its lamb.,lamb,کَٹہٕ بَچہِ،چِھرٕ,,मेमना, +N,She is a clever girl while her brother is a poor lamb.,lamb,سیوٚد سادٕ,,भोला-भाला/भोंदू, +N,I have to get halogen lamps for my room.,lamp,بٔتۍ,,चिराग/दीपक/बत्ती, +N,Frog can survive both on land and water.,land,زٔمیٖٖن,,स्थल, +N,The land is reserved for animal grazing.,land,خاطہٕ،زٔمیٖٖن,,क्षेत्र, +N,I spent all my childhood on this land.,land,زٔمیٖٖن،وَطَن,,भूमि, +N,I inherited this land from my grand parents.,land,زٔمیٖٖن,,भूसम्पत्ति, +N,My motherland is known for its culture all over the world.,land,وَطَن,,देश, +V,Troops have been landed at several points.,land,والنہٕ یِنۍ,,उतरना/अवतरण_करना, +V,Try to catch that leaf before it lands.,land,پَتَھر پیوٚن,,कूद_के_या_गिर_के_जमीन_पर_पहुँचना, +V,The complain landed on the desk of the manager.,land,واتٕنۍ,,परेशानी_पैदा_करना, +V,Don`t worry you will land a good job.,land,حٲصِل کَرُن,,सफलता_प्राप्त_करना, +V,Jones landed several good punches in the first round.,land,لایِنۍ,,घूँसा_मारना, +Adj,He belongs to one of the oldest landed families in America.,landed,زَرعی زٔمیٖٖنہٕ وٲلۍ، جٲگیٖر وٲلۍ,,जागीरवाला, +N,The space travellers made successful landing on the moon.,landing,وَسُن,,अवतरण, +N,There was no landing for the boat.,landing,بوٚٹھ,,घाट{अवतरणस्थान}, +N,I left my case on the first floor landing.,landing,ہیرِ کَھسوٕنی جاے,,लैंडिंग{सीढ़ियों_के_खत्म_होने_की_जगह}, +N,I always enjoy landscapes near the sea.,landscape,خۄشکی ہُنٛد مَنٛظَر,,प्राकृतिक_दृश्य, +V,I have to landscape my new garden.,landscape,ہَیَت بَدلاوٕنۍ,,भूदृश्य_का_निर्माण_करना, +N,This is the narrowest lane of the city.,lane,کوچہٕ،گٔلی,,गली, +N,Hindi is the national language of our country.,language,زَبان،زٮ۪و,,भाषा, +N,John has a very bad language.,language,بولنُک طٔریٖٖقہٕ،زَبان,,बोलने_की_शैली, +N,Only advocates can understand the language of courtroom.,language,زَبان،زٮ۪و,,बोली, +V,The value of gold is languishing day by day.,languish,کَم گَژٕھان,,कम_होना, +N,Children like to sit on a lap.,lap,کھۄن,,गोद, +N,She collected the beautiful flowers in her lap.,lap,دامنہٕ،ہَلَم,,आंचल, +N,He crashed on the tenth lap.,lap,چَکَر,,चक्कर, +N,The next lap will take us to the mountains.,lap,سَفرُک اَکھ حِصہٕ,,यात्रा_का_एक_हिस्सा, +V,The dog was very thirsty and it soon lapped up the water.,lap,شۄر شۄر کَران چیوٚن,,लप-लप_पीना, +V,The noise was coming from the lapping of the waves on the beach against the boats.,lap,۔۔۔,,छप-छप_करना, +Adj,There was a large crowd in the market.,large,بوٚڑ،واریاہ،کُشاد,,विशाल, +Adj,This is a large and knotty problem.,large,کُشاد،بوٚڑ,,व्यापक, +Adv,It was largely an empty show.,largely,زیادٕ تَر,,मुख्यतया, +Adj,He was the last person in the queue.,last,ٲخری,,अन्तिम, +Adj,It was very cold last night.,last,رات،یَوٕ,,गत, +Adj,It was very cold last night.,last,راتھ,,अवशिष्ट, +Adj,Jill was the last candidate.,last,ٲخری,,चरम/अधम, +Adv,He spoke last on this issue.,last,ٲخرَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,सबसे_बाद_में, +Adv,I met him last in the market.,last,پٔتِمہِ لَٹہِ،ٲخری لَٹہِ,,अन्तिम_बार, +V,The bottle that he gave me lasted for a month.,last,روزٕنۍ،پوشِنۍ,,चलते_रहना, +V,How is it possible to last without food and water?,last,زِنٛدٕ روزُن,,जीवित_रहना, +N,He pulled down the latch and opened the door.,latch,چُٹکِنۍ،تور,,सिटकिनी, +V,Please latch the door before you go to bed.,latch,تور تھاوُن،چُٹکِنۍ کَرٕنۍ,,सिटकिनी_लगाना, +Adv,The train is late by an hour.,late,ژیٖٖرۍ,,देरी_से, +Adv,It is never too late to give up a bad habit.,late,ژیر,,देर, +Adv,He got the nobel prize in physics in his late forties.,late,پَتہٕ پَہَن,,बाद_के, +Adj,His late father was a very popular figure in this locality.,late,مَرحوٗم,,दिवंगत, +Adv,I have not met him lately.,lately,تازٕتازَے,,हाल_में, +Adv,I will see you later after the show.,later,پَتہٕ پَہن,,बाद_में, +Adv,I will do your work later.,later,پَتہٕ پہَن,,बाद_में, +Adv,I do not agree with the latter half of your observation.,latter,دوٚیمِس،پٔتِمِس,,अनुवर्ती, +V,He was lauded for his bold stand.,laud,تعریٖٖف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा_करना, +V,The child`s antics made everybody laugh.,laugh,اَسُن،اَسناوُن,,हँसना, +N,We had a good laugh at his embarrassment.,laugh,اَسُن,,हँसी, +N,Laughter is good for health.,laughter,اَسُن,,हँसी, +V,Our company has launched a new product.,launch,جٲری کَرُن,,आरम्भ_करना, +V,They are going to launch a ship.,launch,جہازٕ گۄڈنِچِہ پِھرِ آبَس والُن,,जलावतरण, +V,We have to launch a satellite.,launch,ترٛاوُن,,छोडना, +V,My company is going to launch a new model of car.,launch,۔۔۔,,प्रवर्त्तन_करना, +N,We took a launch to cross the lake.,launch,موٹَر بوٹ,,बडी_मोटर_बोट, +N,Government makes laws and people break them.,law,قونوٗن,,कानून, +N,You have to play under the laws of a game.,law,اوٚصوٗل,,नियम, +N,I have a very little knowledge about the laws of gravity.,law,قَوایِد,,सिसान्त, +N,His activities were noticed by the law (such as police).,law,قونوٗن,,विधि_रक्षक, +N,We get our lawn mowed every fortnight.,lawn,باغ،آنٛگُن,,लॉन/दूर्वाक्षेत्र, +N,I have to hire a lawyer to deal with my financial matters.,lawyer,ؤکیٖٖل,,वकील, +V,Please lay this photograph on the showcase.,lay,ترٛاوُن ،تھاوُن,,रखना, +V,Just go and lay down on your bed.,lay,ڈاپھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,लेटना, +V,Hailstorm has laid down the crop.,lay,ؤسۍ ژٕھنُن،دٲرِتھ دیُن,,गिरा_देना, +V,The foundation of this building was laid by the President.,lay,تھاوُن,,आधारशिला_रखना, +V,Workers are laying mines on the mountains.,lay,بِچھاوٕنۍ,,बिछाना, +V,His hen lays eggs everyday.,lay,ترٛاوُن,,अण्डे_देना, +Adj,He is a lay musician.,lay,نوٚوٕے,,नौसिखिया, +Adj,She is so lazy.,lazy,کٲ��ِل،نٮ۪تہٕ سۄتھ,,आलसी, +V,He led me to his room.,lead,وَتھ ہاوٕنۍ,,मार्ग_दिखाना, +V,The finger prints led the police to the criminal.,lead,وَتھ مِلٕنۍ،واتناوٕنۍ,,मार्ग_मिलना, +V,He is easily led away by other`s opinions.,lead,اَثَر پیوٚن,,प्रभावित_करना[होना], +V,Many people lead a miserable life due to poverty.,lead,گُزارٕنۍ,,व्यतीत_करना, +V,"This candidate is leading by 10,000 votes.",lead,برٛونٛہہ آسُن،سَرَس آسُن,,आगे_होना, +V,He led a heart.,lead,چال چَلٕنۍ,,चाल_शुरु_करना{ताश_आदि_में}, +V,The captain led his soldiers from the front.,lead,سَربَرٲہی کَرٕنۍ,,नेतृत्व_करना, +N,Survey results gave the lead about the virus`s origin.,lead,زان کٲری,,नेतृत्व/सीसा, +N,He has given the lead and others may follow it.,lead,قَیادَت,,नेतृत्व, +N,"His lead is now more than 10,000.",lead,چَڑٲے،بَڑَت,,बढ़त, +N,He is in the lead in this film.,lead,اہم کِردار,,मुख्य_भूमिका{नाटक_इत्यादि_में}, +N,The lead led to the arrest of the criminal.,lead,پَے,,सुराग, +N,Please bring that lead here.,lead,تار،لیٖڑ,,लीड{तार}, +N,Pencil has lead in it.,lead,لٮ۪ڑ,,सीसा, +N,He is our leader.,leader,سَردار،رہنُما,,नेता, +N,This company lacks leadership.,leadership,رہنُمٲیی،رہبٔری,,नेतृत्व, +Adj,He is a leading political thinker of the times.,leading,اہم،خاص,,मुख्य, +Adj,She is the leading lady in this episode.,leading,اَوَل دَرجُک,,प्रथम_स्थान_में, +N,Leaves are falling from the tree.,leaf,پَنہٕ ؤتٕھر,,पत्ता, +N,Turn the leaf of a book.,leaf,وَرُق,,पन्ना{पुस्तक_का}, +N,Get me silver or gold leaf.,leaf,وَرُق,,बरक{चाँदी_या_सोने_का}, +N,Shut one leaf of the door.,leaf,پوٚٹ,,पल्ला, +N,He belongs to the league of nations.,league,جماعت،لیٖگ,,संघ, +N,Our state league has won the match.,league,کھیلَن ہُنٛد دِفاق اَنجُمَن,,खेल_की_टीमों_का_समूह, +N,They pretended not to know each other but actually they were in league in the fraud.,league,مِلِتھ,,परस्पर_मिले_हुए, +V,Water is leaking from the vessel.,leak,نیٖرِتھ ژَلُن,,रिसना/चूकर_निकलना, +V,The examination paper has leaked out.,leak,گۄڈَے پَے آسٕنۍ,,प्रकट_हो_जाना, +N,The boat has a big leak.,leak,گوٚد,,छिद्र, +N,He has gone for a leak.,leak,پِھش،پیشاب,,मूत्रत्याग, +N,The government should be careful about security leaks.,leak,سِرُک فاش,,रहस्य_खुल_जाना, +V,She leaned out of the window.,lean,نَمُن,,झुकना, +V,The ladder is leaning against the wall.,lean,ڈَکَھس روزُن,,सहारे_टिकना, +V,He leant his stick against the wall.,lean,ڈٔکِھس تھاوُن,,सहारे_रखना, +V,She leans upon her mother for guidance.,lean,مۄحتاج آسُن,,निर्भर_होना, +V,His thinking leans towards communism.,lean,رَغبَت آسٕنۍ،پھیرُن,,प्रवृत्ति_होना, +Adj,She is very lean and thin.,lean,نِچ،کَمزور,,दुबला, +Adj,Last year was a lean year for my business.,lean,خَراب,,कम, +Adj,He has been advised to take a lean diet.,lean,پَرہیزدار,,मज्जाहीन, +N,He has rightist leanings.,leaning,رُجحان,,झुकाव, +V,He leapt across the barrier.,leap,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,उछलना, +V,The frog leapt into the tank.,leap,وۄٹھ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,छलांग_लगाना, +V,"Due to transporter`s strike, the prices of vegetables leapt up.",leap,اَچانَک کَھسُن,,अचानक_बढना{दाम_आदि}, +N,She crossed the stream in one leap.,leap,وۄٹھ,,छलांग, +N,The present leap in prices is totally unjustified.,leap,بَڑَھت,,उछाल, +V,I must learn driving.,learn,ہیٚچُھن،ہیٚچھِنۍ,,सीखना, +V,I have to learn my lesson.,learn,ہیٚچُھن،یاد کَرُن,,विद्या_अर्जन_कर, +V,He is learning new techniques of science.,learn,ہیٚچھان,,विद्या_अर्जन_करना, +V,He learnt swimming at a very early age.,learn,ہیٚچُھن,,सीखना, +V,She has learnt the poem by heart.,learn,یاد کَرُن,,रटना, +V,I learnt about his mother`s demise yesterday.,learn,پَے لگُن,,सूचना_पाना, +Adj,He is a learned professor.,learned,عٔلمہٕ وول,,विद्वान, +Adj,She belongs to a learned society.,learned,پٔرمٕژ لیٚچھۍ مٕژ,,पढे_लिखे_व्यक्तियों_का_समूह, +N,He is a man of learning.,learning,عٔلم,,ज्ञान/विद्या, +Pron,He is least experienced in this field.,least,کَمتٔریٖن،کَم,,न्यूनतम, +N,I like to wear leather shoes.,leather,بَستہٕ،چَمرٕ,,चमडा, +N,She wore leathers for the ride.,leather,چَمرٕ,,चमडे_के_कपडे, +V,I must leave this job for my parents.,leave,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, +V,She leaves for college early in the morning.,leave,گَژُھن،نیرُن,,चले_जाना, +V,Please don`t leave me alone.,leave,ترٛاوُن,,छोड_जाना, +V,Some workers deliberately leave the work for the evening.,leave,ٹالُن,,टालना, +V,Have you left any money in my purse?,leave,بَچُن،أتھۍ تھاوُن,,शेष_वचना, +V,Childhood memories do not leave you all your life.,leave,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूल_जाना, +V,"He left behind his wife, one daughter and two sons.",leave,پَتھ کُن روزُن,,शेष_रह_जाना{मृत्यु_के_बाद}, +V,He left all his money to the orphanage.,leave,حَوالہٕ کَرُن,,उत्तरदायित्व_सौंपना, +V,You can leave our house.,leave,ترٛاوِتھ,,[छोड़_]जा, +V,She leaves for college early in the morning.,leave,گَژُھن،نیرُن,,चले_जाना, +V,He left the city long ago.,leave,ترٛاوُن,,छोड_जाना, +V,Some workers deliberately leave the work for the evening.,leave,ٹالُن,,टालना, +V,Have you left any money in my purse?,leave,تھاوُن،ترٛومُت,,शेष_वचना, +V,Childhood memories do not leave you all your life.,leave,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूल_जाना, +V,"He left behind his wife, one daughter and two sons.",leave,پَتھ کُن روزُن,,शेष_रह_जाना{मृत्यु_के_बाद}, +V,He left all his money to the orphanage.,leave,حوالہٕ کَرُن,,उत्तरदायित्व_सौंपना, +N,He is on casual leave today.,leave,چُھٹی,,छुट्टी, +N,He applied for leave to file a suit.,leave,اِجازَت,,इजाजत, +N,His lecture impressed me.,lecture,تَقریٖر،واعظ,,व्याख्यान, +N,He gave me a lecture on my mistake.,lecture,لٮ۪کچَر,,लम्बा_कथन, +V,He lectures on ancient history twice a week.,lecture,خٕطاب کَرُن،تَقریٖر کَرُن،واعظ پَرُن,,व्याख्यान_देना, +V,Why are you lecturing me?,lecture,واعظ پَرُن,,आलोचना_करना, +N,We sheltered in the lee of the hill.,lee,واوَس نِش بَچنٕچ جاے,,हवा के झोंके से बचने का सथान, +Adj,Some people write with their left hand.,left,کھووُر,,बाँया, +Adj,He is from left parties.,left,کھوورِ دَرجٕچ,,वाम_पंथ, +N,A cow has four legs.,leg,زَنٛگ,,टांग, +N,The leg of my trouser is tight.,leg,یَزار نوٚر,,पाँयचा, +N,The leg of a chair has broken.,leg,زَنٛگ,,पाया, +N,This is the last leg of our journey.,leg,پَڑاو,,पडाव, +Adj,This is not a legal action.,legal,قونوٗنی,,कानूनी, +N,I heard legends of his adventures.,legend,داستان,,दंत_कथा, +N,He is a living legend.,legend,جانباز,,ख्याति_प्राप्त_व्यक्ति, +N,I have read a legend on a coin.,legend,سِکَس پٮ۪ٹھ لیٚچھمٕژ عِبارَت,,आलेख, +N,There is no legislation in this regard.,legislation,قونوٗن سٲزی,,विधि, +Adj,Experts should look into the legislative side of the issue.,legislative,قونوٗن سٲزی,,वैधानक, +N,The local legislator is fighting for the issue.,legislator,قونوٗن ساز,,विधायक, +N,The legislature of South Carolina passed a law forbidding new houses to be built on its coast.,legislature,مَجلِسہِ قونوٗن سازِیَہ,,विधानमण्डल, +Adj,His claim to the property is absolutely legitimate.,legitimate,جٲیِز،مُتحِق,,वैध, +Adj,Your objection is very legitimate.,legitimate,جٲیِز,,युक्ति-संगत, +N,Pick up some lemons when you go to the stores.,lemon,لیوٚمب,,नींबू, +Adj,She was wearing a lemon saree.,lemon,چھوٚت لیوٚدُر،زَرٕد,,हल्का_पीला_रंग, +V,He lent him some money.,lend,وۄزُم دیُن,,उधार_देना, +V,Can you lend me your car for a day?,lend,دِنۍ,,देना, +V,Her presence lent a grace to the occasion.,lend,اَنٕنۍ,,योगदान_देना, +N,Measure the lenght of this room.,length,زیچَھر,,लम्बाई, +Adj,His importance is lesser than the other workers in my factory.,less,کَم,,कम, +Pron,One must try to spend less money.,less,کَ��,,कम, +Adv,She goes out less now.,less,کَم,,कम, +Adj,He is a lesser known writer.,lesser,مَنفی,,न्यूनतर, +N,The fifth lesson of the book is on Indian History.,lesson,سَبَق,,पाठ, +N,It has been a lesson to me.,lesson,سَبَق,,सीख, +Conj,I should leave now lest I miss my train.,lest,نَتہٕ,,कहीं, +V,Please let her go.,let,دیُن,,देना, +V,Let him go to the market.,let,دیُن(یِنہٕ، گَژھنہٕ،کَرنہٕ)۔,,दो{आने/जाने/करने_इत्यादि}, +V,I have let my apartment to a family from north.,let,کِرایہِ پٮ۪ٹھ دیُن,,किराये_पर_देना, +N,I have to write a letter.,letter,چِٹھۍ,,पत्र[अक्षर], +N,My son can`t write all the letters of alphabet.,letter,اَچَھر,,अक्षर, +N,I have received your letter.,letter,چِٹھۍ,,पत्र, +Adj,The water level in the pond is not so high.,level,سَطَح,,समतल, +Adj,The workers were fighting to keep wages level with inflation.,level,بَرابَر,,समान_स्तरीय, +Adj,Both students are level pegging.,level,ہیوٗ،بَرابَر,,अपरिवर्तनशील, +N,The level of sugar in his blood has gone down.,level,سَطَح،لیوٕل,,स्तर, +N,He is at a lower level than his friend.,level,پایہِ,,सापेक्षिक_स्तर, +N,The level of the platform is very high.,level,سَطَح,,ऊँचाई, +N,Some pieces of pottery were found in the lowest level of the excavations.,level,تَہہ,,परत, +V,Positive discrimination is supposed to level the differences among the different social groups.,level,بَرابَر کَرُن,,समान_स्तर_का_बनाना, +V,The pitch has been well levelled.,level,ہیوٗ کَرُن,,समतल_करना, +N,A lever has been fixed to raise the iron door.,lever,بَرمہٕ,,उत्तेक, +N,I have lost my gear lever.,lever,بَرمہٕ,,हत्था, +N,He used a political lever to get this job.,lever,دَباو،زور,,दबाव, +V,Iron rods are often used to lever the logs.,lever,بَرمہٕ سۭتۍ تُلُن,,उत्तोलक_से_हटाना, +V,The government has levied agricultural products as well.,levy,عٲیِد کَرُن,,उगाहना, +N,Levy on imported cosmetics has gone up.,levy,ٹیکٕس,,उगाही, +Adj,He seems to be a liberal person.,liberal,فَیاض،سٔخی,,दान-शील, +Adj,He is very liberal in his views.,liberal,رَوادار،ؤسیع دِل,,उदार, +N,He is not liberal.,liberal,رَوادار,,उदार_व्यक्ति, +N,Liberalism is in vogue today.,liberalism,حُرِیَت پَسنٛدی,,उदार_विचार-धारा, +N,One should have liberty to hold one`s own views.,liberty,آزٲدی,,स्वतन्त्रता{वैयक्तिक}, +N,Giving too much liberty to children sometimes causes serious trouble to parents.,liberty,آزٲدی,,स्वेच्छाचारिता, +N,"What a liberty, you entered my room without even asking me!",liberty,بُرٕ سٔلوٗک,,अवांछनीय_व्यवहार, +N,The library is well-equipped with a large number of books and journals.,library,کُتُب خانہٕ,,पुस्तकालय, +N,Have you got a licence for this gun?,licence,سَرکٲرۍ اِجازَت,,लाइसेंस, +N,Liberalisation does not mean a licence to indulge in malpractices.,licence,۔۔۔,,स्वेच्छाचार, +N,He has a poetic licence.,licence,۔۔۔,,अतिशयोक्ति, +V,Having power does not license its misuse.,license,اِجازَت دیُن,,लाइसेंस_देना, +N,Please put the lid on this container.,lid,ٹھانٛڈٕ,,ढक्कन, +V,He lied to me.,lie,اَپُز وَنُن,,झूठ_बोलना, +V,He is lying to me.,lie,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,भ्रमित_करना, +N,Whatever he has said is a pack of lies.,lie,اَپُز,,झूठ, +V,Lie down on the bed.,lie,ڈاپھ ترٛاوٕنۍ،لَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,लेटना, +V,A thick sheet of snow is lying all around.,lie,ؤہرِتھ,,पडे_रहना, +V,The whole future lies before you.,lie,برٛۄنٛہہ کَنہِ آسُن,,स्थित_होना, +V,He lies fourth in the merit list.,lie,دَرجَس پٮ۪ٹھ آسُن,,स्थिति_में_होना, +N,He is a lieutenant in the army.,lieutenant,لیفٹِننٛٹ,,लेफ्टिनेंट, +N,He is a lieutenant.,lieutenant,نٲیِب,,सहायक, +N,Scientists have not yet found any evidence of life on other planets.,life,زِنٛدگی،عُمٕر،،حَیٲتی,,जीवन, +N,Trees have many characteristics of life common with man.,life,زِندگی,,जीवत्व, +N,Thousands of lives were lost in the earthquake.,life,زِندگٲنی،جان,,प्राणी, +N,Even at this old age he is full of life.,life,زِند دِلی,,जीवन्तता, +N,He plans to start a new life.,life,زِندگی،دُنِیاہ,,आजीविका/जीवनयापन-विधि, +N,He got a life in the last over.,life,زِندگی,,जीवनदान{खेल_में}, +V,I like to lift my child.,lift,تُلُن,,उठाना, +V,The appearance of the sun after four days of continuous rain lifted my spirits.,lift,بُلنٛد کَرُن,,आह्लादित_करना, +V,The fog has lifted.,lift,مۄکلُن,,हटना, +V,Somebody lifted his car last night.,lift,ژوٗرِنیُن,,चुराना, +V,The curfew has been lifted.,lift,تُلنہٕ یُن،وۄتُھن,,उठा_देना, +V,He will lift me from my office.,lift,تُلُن,,सवारी_में_ले_जाना, +N,There is no lift in his office.,lift,لِفٹہٕ,,लिफ्ट, +N,He will give me a lift.,lift,سَوٲرۍ،لِفٹہٕ,,सवारी_में_ले_जाने_की_प्रक्रिया, +N,I have experienced the upward lift of an aeroplane.,lift,پَڑاو,,उत्तोलन, +N,His advice gave me a tremendeous lift.,lift,بَلٔنٛدی,,उन्नयन, +N,One can see the light in the hut from a distance.,light,گاش،گاشہٕ لَو,,प्रकाश, +N,Switch on the light.,light,بٔتۍ،بِجلی,,प्रकाश-स्रोत, +Adj,I asked my friend to give me some light reading for the vacations.,light,سہَل، یُس جَلدی فِکرِ تَرِ,,समझ, +V,They lit the room with candles.,light,گاشراوُن,,प्रकाश_कर, +V,Can you light this candle?,light,زالُن,,जलाना, +V,This road is well-lighted.,light,گاشدار آسُن,,प्रकाशित_होना, +V,His face lighted up on listening the news of his success.,light,پرٛزلُن,,चमक_उठना, +Adj,This bat is very light in weight.,light,لوٚت,,हलका, +Adj,He made a light touch with his finger.,light,لۄتہِ,,बलाघातशून्य, +Adj,Have some light exercises every morning.,light,ہَلکہٕ,,थकावट_रहित, +Adj,Most people enjoy listening to light music.,light,ہَلکہٕ,,सरल, +Adj,Everybody likes light rain.,light,سوٚت سوٚت,,फुहार, +Adj,I would like to have a light meal.,light,کَم,,कम, +Adj,I feel so light hearted now.,light,فاریکھ,,भार_रहित, +Adv,She touched the child lightly.,lightly,وارٕ وارٕ,,हल्के_से, +Adv,The accused got off lightly.,lightly,آسٲنی سان,,कम_में, +Adv,He took her remarks very lightly.,lightly,لۄژرٕ سان,,गम्भीरता_रहित_होकर, +N,Luckily there was nobody in the house when the lightening struck it.,lightning,وٕزمَلہٕ,,तडित, +Adj,He struck his opponent with a lightning speed.,lightning,تیز,,शीघ्रतम, +Prep,He looks like my brother.,like,ہیوٗ,,जैसा, +Prep,He speaks like his father.,like,پٲٹھۍ,,तरह_का, +Prep,I look just like my sister.,like,ہیوٗ,,जैसा, +Prep,He behaves like his father.,like,پٲٹھۍ,,तरह, +V,She likes her sister very much.,like,خۄش کَرُن،ٹوٹھ آسُن,,पसंद_करना, +V,I didn`t like his remarks.,like,ٹھیٖک لَگٕنۍ,,उचित_लगना, +V,Would you like to go for a walk?,like,یَژُھن,,चाहना, +Prep,He speaks like his father.,like,پٲٹھۍ,,तरह_का, +Prep,It is like that.,like,ہُتھ پٲٹھۍ,,जैसा, +Adj,They are like minded people.,like,ہِوی,,एक_से, +Adj,I will definitely remind you about the meeting because you are likely to forget.,likely,قٲبلہِ یٔقیٖن،غٲلِبَن,,सम्भव, +Adj,He is a likely candidate for chairmanship.,likely,قٲبِل,,उपयुक्त, +Adv,The teacher writes in capital letters and the students are asked to do likewise.,likewise,تِتھَے پٲٹھۍ,,वैसे_ही, +Adv,"The presentation was excellent, likewise the contents.",likewise,یِتھے پٲٹھۍ,,तुलनीय, +N,A limb of the body is injured.,limb,نٔر،زَنٛگ,,अंग, +N,The limbs of the tree have fallen due to a heavy storm.,limb,شاخ،لٔنٛڑ,,शाखा, +N,Limits of metropolitan towns are expanding day by day.,limit,سَرحَد,,सीमा, +V,Limit your speech to five minutes.,limit,حَدَس مَنٛز رَٹُن,,सीमित_रहना, +N,"In administration, there is a limitation of powers of functionaries at different levels.",limitation,بٔندِش,,परिसीमा, +N,I know my limitations.,limitation,خٲمی,,कमी, +N,Limitations have been imposed on imports.,limitation,بٔنٛدِش,,बंधन, +Adj,Only limited persons are allowed to attend this show.,limited,مَحدوٗد,,सीमित, +N,Draw a horizontal line.,line,رِکھ,,लाइन/रेखा, +N,He crossed the line and so he was declared out.,line,رِکھ,,सीमा-रेखा, +N,"In battle fields, there are different lines of defence.",line,طٔریٖقہٕ,,स���रक्षा-पंक्तियाँ, +N,There are ten words in this line.,line,لٲن,,पंक्ति, +N,He comes from a family with a line of sportsmen.,line,۔۔۔,,वंशावली, +N,There is some problem with our telephone line.,line,لٲن,,डोरी/तार, +N,Don`t walk on a line of train.,line,پَٹٕر,,पटरी, +N,We are not sure which line of action he is going to adopt in this matter.,line,طٔریٖقہٕ,,प्रणाली, +N,He is working in a shipping line.,line,جہاز کَمپٔنی,,परिवहन_कम्पनी, +N,He has chosen business line.,line,پیٚشہٕ,,व्यवसाय, +N,He is going to join a technical line.,line,شُعبہٕ,,क्षेत्र, +N,I think our line has been disconnected because we have not paid our last bill.,line,لٲن,,विशेष_दूरसंचार_सेवा, +V,Draw a line joining A and B.,line,رِکھ,,रेखा_खींचना, +V,A blanket gives more warmth when lined up with a cotton sheet.,line,اَثتَر لٲگِتھ,,अस्तर_लगाना, +Adj,This is a linear measurement.,linear,سیٚدِسیوٚد,,रेखागत, +N,These are the links of a chain.,link,کُنٛڑٕ,,कडी, +V,Link the two pieces of the chains.,link,کُنٛڑٕ جوڑُن,,कडी_जोडना, +N,India is known for its lion population.,lion,سٕہہ,,सिंह, +N,He put the cigarette between his lips.,lip,وٕٹھ,,ओंठ, +N,The lip of the saucer is broken.,lip,دٔنٛدٕر,,किनारा, +N,We have had enough of your lip.,lip,۔۔۔,,अभद्र_व्यवहार, +N,Pour the liquid into another beaker.,liquid,پانیُل چیٖز,,द्रव, +Adj,Use liquid soap as a face wash.,liquid,پانیُل,,द्रव, +Adj,She has liquid blue eyes.,liquid,چَمَکدار،آبہٕ,,स्पष्ट_और_स्वच्छ, +Adj,I have a few liquid assets.,liquid,نَقٕد,,नकद, +N,Add some liquor in the cake.,liquor,شراب,,मदिरा, +N,This is a list of books.,list,فِہرسَت,,सूची, +V,List all the contents of this bag.,list,فِہرسَت بَناوُن,,सूचीबद्ध_करना, +V,The damaged boat was listing.,list,دولہٕ گَژُھن,,झुकना, +V,Please listen to me.,listen,بوزُن,,सुनना, +N,One should try be a good listener.,listener,بوزَن وول,,श्रोता, +Adj,Literal translation is difficult to understand.,literal,لَفظی,,शाब्दक, +Adj,His interpretation of the poem was too literal.,literal,لَفظی,,नीरस, +Adv,Proverbs and idioms cannot be translated literally.,literally,لَفظی پٲٹھۍ,,अक्षरश, +Adv,The burglars literally did not leave behind even a pin.,literally,پَزرٕ پٲٹھۍ،صحیح پٲٹھۍ,,वस्तुत, +Adj,I wrote a nice article on literary criticism.,literary,اَدبی,,साहित्यक, +N,He is a student of literature.,literature,اَدَب,,साहित्य, +N,Give me three litres of milk.,litre,لیٖٹَر,,लीटर, +Adv,It matters little to me what people think of me.,little,کَم,,कम, +Adj,Give me a little salt.,little,تھوڑا،رَژھ کَھنٛڈ,,थोडा, +Adj,She is a nice little girl.,little,لۄکٕٹ,,छोटा, +Adj,He has a little problem with his speech.,little,رَژِھ ہَنا,,महत्वहीन, +V,I don`t want to live anymore.,live,زِندٕ روزُن,,रहना, +V,Due to his ailment he will not live for long.,live,زِندٕ روزُن,,जीवित_रहना, +V,Where do you live?,live,روزان,,रहना, +V,Pleasant memories live longer.,live,یاد روزٕنۍ,,याद_रहना, +Adj,I need a live rat for dissection.,live,زِندٕ,,जीवित, +Adj,That was a live drama.,live,بَراہہِ راست,,जीवन्त, +Adj,He pulled out live coals from the furnace.,live,وٕہہ وٕنۍ,,दहकता_हुआ, +Adj,It is a live electric wire.,live,نَنٛگہٕ,,विधुन्मय, +Adj,Cancer is a live killer.,live,۔۔۔,,साम्प्रतक, +Adj,Viewing highlights is not so interesting as the live coverage of a match.,live,بَراہہِ راست,,घटित_होता_हुआ, +Adv,The match is going to be broadcast live.,live,بَراہہِ راست پٲٹھۍ,,घटित_होने_वाली, +V,We need food and water to live.,live,زِنٛدٕ روزُن,,[जीवित_]रह, +V,Due to his ailment he will not live for long.,live,زِندٕ روزُن,,जीवित_रहना, +V,Where do you live?,live,روزُن,,रहना, +V,Pleasant memories live longer.,live,یاد روزٕنۍ,,याद_रहना, +Adj,They gave a lively performance.,lively,زِنٛدٕدِل،پُر لُطُف,,जीवन्त, +Adj,This girl is very lively.,lively,زِنٛدٕ دِل,,फुर्तीला, +Adj,The atmosphere in the party was very lively.,lively,لُطُف اَنٛدوز,,सजीव, +Adj,He was a lively imagination.,lively,سَرگَرٕم,,��क्रिय, +N,Liver produces bile.,liver,جِگَر،کرٛہن ماز,,यकृत, +N,The farm has a large livestock.,livestock,جَب,,पशुधन, +Adj,These are all living organisms.,living,زِنٛدٕ،زُودار,,जीवित, +Adj,It is still a living custom there.,living,موجوٗد،زِنٛدٕ,,क्रियाशील, +N,Everybody has to work for a living.,living,زِنٛدٕگی,,आजीविका, +N,One should have simple living and high thinking.,living,زِنٛدٕگی,,जीवन_यापन_विधि, +Interj,"The door was opened and, lo, there stood the princess of his dreams.",lo,وٕچھِو,,देखो, +N,He has been advised not to lift any heavy load.,load,بوج،بار,,बोझा, +N,It is not even half load for this truck.,load,سامان,,लदान, +N,How much work load have you got?,load,کٲم,,कार्य-सीमा, +N,He is carrying a heavy load.,load,بوج،بار,,बोझख_ऐनह_अऐऐऊऊऊई_ंआग्हु_अमृल्गूश्रड्_ंब्_म्दलैऐऔऔऊ, +N,The available load is not enough to meet the requirements of the city.,load,سامان,,विद्युत-भार, +V,They have to load the truck.,load,بَرُن,,लादना, +V,I have to load the software.,load,بَرُن,,भरना, +Adj,It is a loaded dice.,loaded,بٔرِتھ,,भारित, +Adj,He carries a loaded gun.,loaded,بٔرِتھ,,भरा_हुआ, +Adj,He gave a loaded statement.,loaded,وَزَن دار,,निहित_अर्थ_होना, +N,Let everyone take a loaf.,loaf,ژوٚٹ,,रोटी, +V,He spends all day loafing about.,loaf,دَربٕدٔری کَرٕنۍ,,आवारागर्दी_करना, +N,He got a loan from the bank.,loan,قَرضہٕ،قَرٕض،وۄزُم,,ऋण, +V,He loaned me some money.,loan,وۄزُم دیُن،قَرضہٕ دیُن,,ऋण_पर_देना, +V,Somebody lobbed a grenade on the building killing many people on the spot.,lob,کَش لایُن،کَش لَگاوُن،کَش کَڑُن,,उछालकर_फेंकना, +N,He is waiting for you in the lobby.,lobby,لابی,,प्रतीक्षा-कक्ष, +N,Indian lobby in the American senate is quite active these days.,lobby,لابی,,लाबी{पक्ष_मे_जनमत}, +V,"In spite of intense lobbying, the government failed to secure a consensus on the bill.",lobby,۔۔۔,,अपने_पक्ष_में_जनमत_तैयार_करना, +Adj,He is a local resident.,local,مُقٲمی,,स्थानीय, +Adj,The local problem is affecting many areas.,local,مُقٲمی,,सीमित, +N,Locals are raising their voice against encroachment.,local,مُقٲمی لوٗکھ,,स्थानीय_निवासी, +V,The police has failed to locate the culprit.,locate,پَے لَگُن،پَتَہ لَگُن,,पता_लगाना, +V,Let me locate you.,locate,جاے ژھانٛڑٕنۍ,,स्थान_निर्धारण_करना, +V,I shall be happy to locate here.,locate,بَسُن,,बस_जाना, +N,They are looking for a suitable location to set up the factory.,location,جاے,,स्थान, +N,Locks are sealed daily in this office.,lock,قُلُف,,ताला, +N,Locks control the flow of the river.,lock,بَنٛڑ,,बन्ध, +N,This is a lock of hair.,lock,وونٛک,,गुच्छा, +V,Lock the door please!,lock,قُلُف کَرُن،قُلُف تھاوُن,,ताला_लगाना, +V,The scooter skidded because the brakes got locked suddenly.,lock,پَھسٕنۍ,,फँस_जाना, +N,I have booked my stay in a lodge.,lodge,مَکان،لۄکُٹ مَکان,,मकान, +V,He lodged a complaint in the police station.,lodge,دَرٕج کَرٕنۍ,,दर्ज_करना, +V,He was lodged in the outhouse.,lodge,ٹٔھہراوُن،تھاوُن,,ठहराना, +V,He is lodging in a family as a paying guest.,lodge,ٹٔھہرِتھ،روٗزِتھ,,ठहरना, +V,I lodged my money in the bank.,lodge,جَمع تھاوُن,,जमा_करना, +N,Board and lodging will be taken care of by the society.,lodging,کِرایِہ پٮ۪ٹھ کَمرٕ,,अस्थायी_निवास_स्थान, +N,Logs of wood are often used as beams in rural houses.,log,موٚنڈ,,तना, +N,The driver maintains a logbook.,log,لاگ بُک,,रोजनामचा, +V,"In protected forests, trees are logged with the convenience of the forest guards.",log,ژَٹٕنۍ,,वृक्ष_काटना, +N,He is studying logic.,logic,مَنٛطِق,,तर्क-शास्त्र, +N,I am poor at mathematical logic.,logic,مَنٛطِق,,गणितीय_तर्क, +N,Your logic does not convince me.,logic,قٲیِل کَرنٕچ صَلاحِیَت,,तर्क, +N,I don`t understand the logic of a computer program.,logic,۔۔۔,,गणक_तर्क, +Adj,His arguments were very logical.,logical,مَنٛطقی,,तार्कक, +Adj,He leads a lonely life.,lonely,تَنہِ تَنہا,,एकाकी, +Adj,I saw her after a long time.,long,زیوٗٹھ,,लम्बा, +N,It shouldn`t take long for you to solve the problem.,long,زیادٕکال,,लम्बा_समय, +Adv,Stay here as long as you like.,long,واریاہَس وَقتَس تام,,लम्बे_समय_तक, +V,I long to be there for the rest of my life.,long,یَژُھن،یَژھان,,इच्छा_करना, +V,Please look at it.,look,وٕچھُن,,देखना, +V,I am looking for a job.,look,ژھانٛڑُن,,तलाशना, +V,Look at these reports carefully.,look,غور کَرُن،وٕچُھن,,ध्यान_देना, +V,He looks so much like his father.,look,باسُن,,दिखाई_देना, +V,The school looks towards the garden.,look,بُتھ آسُن,,दिशा_की_ओर_होना, +N,Have a look at this book.,look,نَظَر,,दृष्टि, +N,He gave me pleasant look.,look,نَظَر,,अवलोकन, +N,She is in new look.,look,فٲشن,,फैशन, +N,She has a new look hairstyle.,look,قٕسٕم،قسمُک,,शैली, +N,I have had a good look at the shelf but I could`nt get that book.,look,ژھٲنٛڈ,,तलाश, +N,Handloom cloth is woven on handloom.,loom,لوٗم,,करघा, +V,Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.,loom,گوٚٹ تہٕ بوٚڑ نَظرِ یُن,,अस्पष्ट_छाया_दीखना, +V,The possibility of a sense storm loomed large in the eastern horizon.,loom,۔۔۔,,सम्भावना_होना, +N,The plane flew in a loop.,loop,۔۔۔,,घुमावदार_वक्त, +N,I need a loop to hang someone.,loop,پَھنٛدٕ,,फन्दा, +N,Do have a loop of electric current?,loop,تار,,परिपथ, +V,Electric wire has been looped around the branches of the tree to hang bulbs.,loop,وَلُن,,फन्दा_बनाना, +V,Loop the rope firmly round the log.,loop,گَنٛڈٕنۍ,,फन्दा_डालकर_बाँधना, +Adj,She was wearing a loose coat.,loose,کھوٚل,,ढीला, +Adj,The dog is roaming loose on the road.,loose,آوارٕ،یَلہٕ،آزاد,,बन्धनमुक्त_हुआ, +Adj,I need some loose papers.,loose,یَلہٕ,,अलग-अलग, +Adj,They have entered into a loose alliance.,loose,غیر زِمہٕ دارانہٕ,,अव्यवस्थित, +Adj,She has got loose thinking.,loose,غیر اِخلٲقی,,असंपत, +N,"He is the lord of this area, so everybody has to obey him.",lord,حٲکِم,,अधिपति, +N,The British Lords were not so good.,lord,اعلٰی،حٲکِم,,सामन्त, +N,We must praise the Lord every time.,lord,خُدا,,प्रभु, +N,They are the Lords of the treasury.,lord,حٲکِم,,लार्ड{उपाधि}, +V,The goons lord over the local residents.,lord,حُکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,अधिपत्य_दिखाना, +V,He lost his pen.,lose,راوُن,,खो_देना, +V,He lost a leg in the accident.,lose,ژھیٚنُن,,गँवा_देना, +V,He has lost his confidence.,lose,مۄکلُن,,मिट_जाना, +V,They lost the series by 2-0.,lose,ہارُن,,हार_जाना, +V,Twenty minutes were lost due to the drizzle.,lose,زایہِ گَژُھن,,बरबाद_होना, +V,My watch loses two minutes every twenty-four hours.,lose,پَتھ گَژُھن,,पीछे_हो_जाना, +N,The company has suffered huge losses.,loss,گاٹہٕ،نۄقصان,,घाटा, +N,The loss of life and property was unprecedented in the last earthquake.,loss,نۄقصان,,हानि, +N,His departure will be a big loss to the company.,loss,ہار,,अभाव, +Adj,It is a lost case.,lost,ہورمُت,,हारा_हुआ, +Adj,How could I get my lost property.,lost,اَتھہٕ گٔمٕژ،رٲومٕژ,,खोया_हुआ, +Adj,His is a lost case.,lost,ہورمُت،گوٚمُت,,गँवाया_हुआ, +N,This lot is meant for him.,lot,ڈیر,,ढेर, +N,Lots of people come to this temple every day.,lot,واریاہ,,बहुत_बडी_संख्या, +N,Here is a Parking lot.,lot,جاے,,स्थान_विशेष, +N,I am not happy with my lot.,lot,قٔسمَت,,भाग्य, +Det,I take tea with lots of sugar.,lots,واریاہ،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,ढेरों, +N,There are lots of books in a library.,lots,سٮ۪ٹھاہ،واریاہ,,ढेरों, +Adj,There was a loud applause when the play ended.,loud,زورٕ،بَڑِ,,ज्रोर_से, +Adj,I like loud music.,loud,بَڑِ، زورٕ,,ऊँचे_स्वर_वाला, +Adv,He speaks very loudly.,loudly,زورٕ سان،واریاہ بَڑِ,,ऊँचे_स्वर_में, +Adj,He speaks very loudly.,loudly,واریاہ بَڑِ،زورٕ,,ऊँचे_स्वर_में, +N,Everything is fear in love and war.,love,عٔشِق،مُحَبَت،لول,,प्रेम, +N,Their love left them indifferent to their surroundings.,love,لول،مُحَبَت،عٔشِق,,प्रेम/प्यार, +N,His love for his work is obvious.,love,ماے،دِلچَسپی,,रुचि, +N,The theater was her first love.,love,مُحبَت,,चाह, +N,It was 40 love.,love,مَنفی,,शून्य, +VTI,I love French food.,love,پَسَنٛد کَرُن،خۄش کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, +VTI,She loves her husband deeply.,love,مُحبَت کَرُن،لول بَرُن,,प्यार_करना, +Adj,She is a lovely girl.,lovely,حٔسیٖن,,सुन्दर, +Adj,The window offered a lovely view of the lake.,lovely,دِلفَریب،لوٗبہٕ وُن,,मनोहर, +N,Her lover accompanied her to the court.,lover,عاشِق،ماشوق,,प्रेमी, +Adj,We have low ceilings.,low,بۄن,,नीचा, +Adj,Temperature is very low.,low,کَم,,कम, +Adj,She spoke in a low murmur.,low,لۄتہِ,,धीमा, +Adj,The play is low comedy.,low,کَم زیادٕ,,निम्न_श्रेणी_का, +Adv,The branches hung low.,low,بۄن کُن,,नीचे, +Adv,Will you please speak lower?,low,لۄتہِ پہان,,धीरे_से, +VI,Please don`t low.,low,گٲو ہِنٛدۍ پٲٹھۍ ڈاکُر کَڑُن,,बैल_की_तरह_डकारना_या_बोलना, +VTI,Please lower the height of the ceiling.,lower,کَم کَرٕنۍ,,नीचा_करना, +VTI,The prices have been lowered for an election stunt.,lower,کَم کَرنہٕ یِنۍ،گَٹاوٕنۍ,,घटाना, +VTI,He lowered the chair onto the lawns.,lower,والٕنۍ,,उतारना, +Adj,She is my loyal friend.,loyal,وَفادار,,स्वामिभक्त, +N,He proved his loyalty to him by sticking to him during his hard period.,loyalty,وَفادٲری,,स्वामिभक्ति, +N,Bad luck caused his downfall.,luck,قٕسمَت،تَقدیٖر,,भाग्य, +Adj,He considered himself lucky that the tornado missed his house.,lucky,قٕسمَت وول,,भाग्यवान, +N,I will sell the lumber to get some money.,lumber,رٔدی چیٖز,,काठ_कबाड़, +VT,Hari was lumbered with the task of compiling his letters.,lumber,کٲم دِنۍ،بوج ترٛاوُن,,भार_देना, +N,He had a lump of clay in his hand.,lump,دۄگُل,,ढेला, +N,He bumped his head against the wall and soon developed a lump on his forehead.,lump,ٹِنیُل,,गुमड़ा, +VT,Lump together all the application forms.,lump,ڈیر کَرُن,,ढेर_लगाना, +N,I will meet you over lunch.,lunch,کوج,,दोपहर_का_खाना, +N,He has gone to attend an official luncheon.,luncheon,کوج,,दोपहर_का_खाना, +N,He has weak lungs.,lung,شِش نور,,फेफड़ा, +V,Offer higher salaries to lure more efficient workers.,lure,لالٕچ دِنۍ،کوٚژھ دیُن,,लालच_देना/लुभाना, +VI,They saw a man lurking in the dark.,lurk,ژوٗرِ روٗزِتھ,,छिप_कर_बैठना, +N,He lives in luxury.,luxury,عٲش,,भोग_विलास, +N,Gitagovind is a lyric.,lyric,کَلام,,गीतिकाव्य, +N,ma! I am leaving now.,ma,موج,,माँ, +N,Why don`t you buy a sewing machine?,machine,مِشیٖن,,मशीन/कल/यंत्र, +N,The clock has a very sound machinery.,machinery,اَوزار،مِشیٖنٔری،پُرزٕ,,कलयंत्र, +N,The government machinery needs to be restructured.,machinery,نِظام,,तंत्र, +Adj,He is a mad person.,mad,پاگَل،دٮ۪وانہٕ,,पागल, +Adj,"On hearing the arrival of her father, she ran like mad.",mad,پاگَل,,उत्तेजित, +Adj,Please don`t make me mad.,mad,شَرارَت,,गुस्सा, +N,May I carry your cases for you madame?,madame,بیگَم صٲب,,श्रीमती, +N,He is a madcap.,madcap,پاگَل,,पागल, +V,It maddens her that she could not make the trip.,madden,پاگَل گَژُھن(کَرُن)۔,,पागल_होना[करना], +N,Stardust is a monthly magazine.,magazine,رِسالہٕ,,पत्रिका, +N,The magazine is empty of bullets.,magazine,میگزیٖن,,पिस्तौल_का_पेट, +N,We saw a magic show at the fair.,magic,بٲزۍ گَر,,जादू, +N,Her singing is pure magic.,magic,جان،جادوٗگٔری,,माया, +Adj,He has a magnetic personality.,magnetic,پُر کٔشِش,,चुम्बकीय, +Adj,Taj Mahal is a magnificent monument.,magnificent,عٲلی شان,,भव्य, +N,The magnitude of Newton`s discovery in the field of Physics cannot be denied.,magnitude,اہمِیَت,,महत्ता, +N,The magnitude of the task was overwhelming.,magnitude,وُسعت,,विस्तार, +N,A maid comes to clean the house.,maid,داے،نوکرٲنۍ,,नौकरानी, +N,She is a maid.,maid,خانٛدرٕ روٚس زٔنۍ,,अववाहिता, +N,The letter came in the mail today.,mail,ڈاک,,डाक, +N,A coat of mail was worn by the soldiers.,mail,بۄکھتَر,,कवच, +V,I mailed the letter three days back.,mail,ڈاک سوزُن,,डाक_से_भेजना, +V,Several soldiers were maimed in the war.,maim,کھۄڑ زَد گَژٕھنۍ,,अपंग_बनना, +Adj,This is the main street of a city.,main,اہم,,प्रमुख, +Adj,He is playing a main role in this film.,main,اہَم,,प्रमुख, +Adv,You are mainly to blame for the mistake.,mainly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,मुख्यतः, +V,Destpite his erratic behaviour she has been maintaining her friendship with him.,maintain,بَرقَرار تھاوُن,,बनाए_रखना, +V,It is a big job to maintain a school.,maintain,نَظَر گُزَر تھاوٕنۍ,,देखरेख_करना, +V,He has always maintained that he is not guilty.,maintain,قٲیِم روزُن,,निश्चयपूर्वक_कहना, +V,He earns enough to maintain his family.,maintain,پالُن,,भरण_पोषण_करना, +N,The maintenance of this building is very costly.,maintenance,لاگَتھ,,अनुरक्षण, +N,He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.,maintenance,نان نَفَق,,पोषण, +N,He has played a major role in my success.,major,اہم،بوٚڑ,,प्रधान, +N,The majority of the members voted for national conference.,majority,اَکثرِیَت,,अधिकांश, +N,This government does not have an absolute majority.,majority,اَکثرِیَت,,बहुमत, +V,2 and 2 make 4.,make,بَناوُن,,बनाना, +V,Will you please make a drink for me?,make,بَناوُن,,बना[बन], +V,This table is made of wood.,make,بَنیومُت,,बनना[बनाना], +N,The machinery is of an excellent make.,make,بَناوٹ،ساخت,,गठन, +N,God is the maker of this universe.,maker,بَناوَن وول,,रचनाकार, +N,The film beautifully depicts the making of a great man.,making,بَناوَٹ،بَناونُک طٔریٖقہٕ,,बनाने_की_प्रक्रिया, +N,He has the making of a successful lawyer.,making,آثار،گۄن,,गुण, +Adj,My pet bitch has given birth to two male and three female pups.,male,نَر,,नर, +N,Males are in majority.,male,مَرٕد,,पुरुष, +N,I love my mama.,mama,موج,,माँ, +N,Man is a social animal.,man,اِنسان,,आदमी, +N,All men are born free.,man,اِنسان،آدَم ذات,,मानव, +N,He is a self made man.,man,مہنیوٗ،نَفَر,,नर, +N,All officers and men in the Army are brave.,man,جَوان,,सैनक, +N,My man will drive you home.,man,نوکَر ،مہنیوٗ,,नौकर, +V,The railway crossing at that point was not manned.,man,کامِہ لٔگِتھ آسُن,,आदमी_काम_पर_होना[लगाना], +V,He manages the shop single handed.,manage,سَمبالُن,,संभालना, +N,The government has a reputation for sound economic management.,management,بٔندُبَست،اِنتِظام,,प्रबंध, +N,My friend is a hotel manager.,manager,مَنیجَر,,प्रबंधक, +V,We have to manipulate the gears and levers of a machine.,manipulate,چَلاوٕنۍ,,चलाना, +V,He manipulates people with his sweet talk.,manipulate,۔۔۔,,जोड़_तोड़_करना, +N,The invention of the wheel was beneficial to the mankind.,mankind,آدَم ذات،اِنسان,,मानव_जाति, +N,He runs the business in a profitable manner.,manner,طٔریٖقہٕ,,ढंग, +N,She has very good manners.,manner,طور طٔریٖقہٕ,,आचरण, +N,He should not have behaved in this manner.,manner,طٔریٖقہٕ,,रीति, +N,The boy has no manners at all.,manners,تٔمیٖز،تہزیٖب,,व्यवहार, +N,There was a shortage of manpower in the factory.,manpower,نَفری,,मानवशक्ति, +N,He sat in front of the mantel.,mantel,أنٛگیٹھۍ ہُنٛد ٹھانٛڑٕ,,अँगीठी_पर_बनी_टाड, +N,He was wearing a beautiful mantle.,mantle,چۄگہٕ,,लबादा, +N,I saw the hills with a mantle of snow.,mantle,ژادَر,,आवरण, +V,He wants to manufacture cars.,manufacture,تَیار کَرُن،بَناوُن,,बनाना, +V,A news story was manufactured by unscrupulous journalists.,manufacture,بَناوٕنۍ،لٮ۪کھٕنۍ,,गढना, +N,My brother is a manufacturer of ornament boxes.,manufacturer,صنعت کار،کارخانہٕ وول,,निर्माता, +N,He had to incur heavily for the manufacturing processes.,manufacturing,بَناونٕکۍ طٔریٖقہٕ,,औद्योगिकीकरण, +Det,I saw many old manuscripts with my grandfather.,many,واریاہ,,बहुत_से, +Det,There were too many guests in the party.,many,سٮ۪ٹھاہ،واریاہ,,अनेक, +N,I want to see the map of Indian sub-continent.,map,نَقشہٕ,,मानचित्र, +V,She mapped out her ideas for the new project.,map,تَفصِیلات تَیار کَرٕنۍ،نَقشہٕ بَناوُن,,योजना_बनाना, +V,The text is marred by careless errors.,mar,خَراب کَرُن,,बिगा���, +N,The Taj Mahal is made of marble.,marble,سَنٛگہِ مَر مَر,,सगंमरमर, +N,He collects marbles as a hobby.,marble,بانٛٹہٕ,,कंचा, +V,The teacher ordered the students to march like a soldier.,march,مارٕچ کَرُن،تیز پَکُن,,प्रयाण_करना, +V,She marched into his office and demanded an apology.,march,تیز پَکُن,,तेज़ी_से_चलना, +N,He stole the mare and disappeared from the scene.,mare,گُرِنۍ,,घोडी, +Adj,These are marginal points and can be discussed later.,marginal,حٲشی دار,,हाशिये_का, +Adj,This product will have a marginal effect on the country`s economy.,marginal,واریاہ کَم,,बहुत_कम, +Adj,I love to see Marine animals.,marine,بحری،سَمَندٔری,,समुद्रीय, +N,There was a coffee mark on my white skirt.,mark,نِشانہٕ،داغ,,निशान, +N,He got the highest marks in maths.,mark,نَمبَر,,अंक, +N,The arrow missed its mark.,mark,نِشانہٕ،آے,,निशाना, +N,The war has left its mark on the country.,mark,مُہَر,,छाप, +N,He took off his hat as a mark of respect for my dead husband.,mark,نِشٲنی,,महत्त्व, +V,Mark the items which have been checked.,mark,نِشانہٕ تھاوُن,,पर_निशान_लगाना, +V,"You will be in trouble, just mark my words.",mark,غور کَرُن،ژٮ۪تَس تھاوُن,,पर_ध्यान_देना, +Adj,He has made a marked contribution in the field of science.,marked,قٲبلہِ زِکِر,,सुस्पष्ट, +N,Motorway marker posts show the way to the nearest telephone.,marker,نِشان,,निशान, +N,I have to go to the market to buy some vegetables.,market,بازَر،مٔنٛڑی,,बाज़ार, +N,Get these things from the market.,market,بازَر,,हाट, +N,She has gone to the market to buy vegetables.,market,بازَر,,हाट, +N,We should adopt high powered marketing strategies.,marketing,خٔریٖد فَروخت,,विपणन, +N,His marriage is on next Sunday.,marriage,خاندَر،،نیتٕھر,,शादी, +Adj,Only married couples are allowed there.,married,خاندرٕ وٲلۍ,,विवाहित, +V,Her uncle forced her to marry a rich person.,marry,خاندَر کَرُن,,विवाह_करना, +V,The children were marshalled into the ground by their teachers.,marshal,لٲنہِ تھاوٕنۍ,,क्रम_से_रखना, +N,We need a mason to complete the building.,mason,دٔسِل,,राजगीर, +N,There were masses of dark clouds in the sky.,mass,اَمبار,,परिमाण, +N,There were masses of people at the funeral.,mass,جَمات،کٔثیٖر,,समूह, +N,You should go to the mass.,mass,ماس,,क्रीस्त_याग, +V,The general massed his troops for final attack.,mass,جَمع کَرُن,,एकत्र_होना[करना], +N,There were masses of people at the ceremony.,masses,جَمات،کٔثیٖر,,जनसाधारण, +Adj,It is a massive machine.,massive,گوٚب,,भारी, +N,He is the master of the house.,master,خانٛدار،مٲلِک,,स्वामी, +N,The museum had some of the old masters`s classical paintings.,master,وۄستاد،وۄستہٕ,,उस्ताद/शिक्षक, +N,She kept the dead body on the mat.,mat,وَگُو،چَٹٲے،سَترٔنٛڑ,,चटाई, +V,This shirt does not match with my pants.,match,رَلُن,,मिलना, +V,He should match the things first.,match,مِلاوُن,,मिलाना, +N,I would like to watch a cricket match.,match,میچ,,मैच, +N,He would play a foodball match on sunday.,match,مُقابلہٕ,,मुकाबला, +N,I`ve found a vase that`s an exact match of one we already have.,match,جوٗرۍ,,जोड़ीदार, +N,She made a good match when she married him.,match,جوٗرۍ,,जो़डा, +N,Hard work was a material in his success.,material,سامان,,द्रव्यात्मक, +Adj,She has a fine mathematical brain.,mathematical,رِیٲضی,,गणित_सम्बन्धी, +N,He is poor in mathematics.,mathematics,حِساب,,गणित, +Adj,I like matt shades.,matt,چَمکہِ بَغٲر,,निष्प्रभ, +V,It really matters a lot.,matter,اہمِیَت آسٕنۍ,,महत्वपूर्ण_होना, +N,I don`t discuss private matters with my collegues.,matter,معاملہٕ,,विषय, +N,This is my personal matter.,matter,معاملہٕ,,द्रव्य, +N,"At times, he seems to have maturity beyond his years.",maturity,بالِغی,,प्रौढ़ता, +Adj,The maximum temperature recorded in July was 30 degree C.,maximum,زیادٕ کھۄتہٕ زیادٕ,,अधिकतम, +N,The maximum load for this truck is one ton.,maximum,زیادٕ کھۄتہ ٕزیادٕ,,महत्तम, +MV,This medicine may soothe your cough.,may,ما,,सम्भवतः, +Adv,May be I will leave tomorrow.,maybe,شایَد,,शायद, +N,People were annoyed when they found that the Mayor had deceived them.,mayor,صَدرِبَلدِیَت,,महापौर, +Pron,Can you give me this chair?,me,مےٚ,,मुझको, +Pron,I requested her to give the books back to me.,me,مےٚ,,मुझ, +N,The sight of thousands of sheep in the lush green meadow is enthralling.,meadow,گاسہٕ چَرٲے,,घास_का_मैदान, +N,A meal should be taken at the proper time.,meal,کھٮ۪ن،غزا,,भोजन, +N,"If you want to loose weight, stop eating between meals.",meal,کھٮ۪ن,,भोजन_का_समय, +N,They needed a good mean run rate to win.,mean,اوسط,,औसत, +N,You should find a means to reach there.,mean,طٔریٖقہٕ،ذٔرِیعہ,,साधन, +V,You should find a means to reach there.,mean,ذٔرِیعہ ژھانٛڑُن،طٔریٖقہٕ ژھانٛڑُن,,अर्थ_हो, +V,I didn`t mean to insult him.,mean,مَطلَب آسُن،،مَقصَد آسُن,,मतलब_होना, +Adj,He is a very mean person.,mean,کٔمیٖنہٕ،بَد ذات,,कमीना, +N,The meaning of the phrase was not very clear to me.,meaning,مَطلَب،معنی,,अर्थ, +Adj,The sentences you make should be meaningful.,meaningful,معنی دار,,अर्थपूर्ण, +Adj,It is meaningless to walk on without a goal.,meaningless,مَطلَبہٕ روٚس، بےٚ مَطلَب,,अर्थहीन, +N,The means are more important than the achievements.,means,ذٔرِیعہ,,साधन, +N,He does not have the means to support the professional education of his children.,means,آمدٔنی،گُزارٕ,,पैसा - संपति, +Adv,Meanwhile the people kept prospering.,meanwhile,أتھۍ دوران,,इसी_दौरान, +V,He measured the length of the room.,measure,مینُن,,नापना, +V,Can one really measure the ability of a candidate in a ten minute interview?,measure,پَتَہ لَگاوُن،پَے کَڑُن,,निर्णय_करना/पता_लगाना, +V,The lenght of the trouser measures 41 inches.,measure,زیچَھر,,नाप_का_होना, +V,She never measures the effect of what she is going to say.,measure,۔۔۔,,नाप_तोल_करना, +N,It is advisable to ascertain the correct measure of everything which we purchased.,measure,مِقدار,,माप, +Adj,His answers are always well measured.,measured,میٖنِتھ توٗلِتھ,,नपा-तुला, +N,The tailor made a mistake in the measurement.,measurement,ناپ,,नाप, +N,The doctors have advised that red meat may be harmful to the heart.,meat,ماز,,माँस, +N,The fifth chapter of the book is actually the meat of the author`s argument.,meat,خاص حِصہٕ,,प्रमुख_अंश, +N,It is better to consult a mechanic.,mechanic,میک نِک،کٲرۍ گَر,,मैकैनिक/कारीगर, +Adj,The students were being taught to read in a mechanical way.,mechanical,مِشیٖنی,,यांत्रक, +N,Parents have expressed doubts about school students` capability to cope with the complex subject of Mechanics.,mechanics,میک نِکٕس,,यंत्रविज्ञान, +V,There is a race to mechanise things today.,mechanise,مِشیٖنَن ہُنٛد اِستعمال کَرُن,,मशीनीकरण, +N,Not only the goal but the mechanism to achieve it should also be right.,mechanism,طٔریٖقہٕ,,तरीका, +Adj,Medical science has made tremendous progress in last few years.,medical,طِبی,,आयुर्विज्ञान_संबन्धी, +N,He has created Medical history.,medical,طِبی,,आयुर्विज्ञान, +N,The medicine is beyond my means.,medicine,دَوا,,औषधी, +N,We can learn a lot from medieval times history.,medieval,مٔنٛزِم,,मध्यकालीन, +N,They told the story through the medium of dance.,medium,ذٔرِیعہ,,माध्याम, +Adj,She has a medium height.,medium,دَرمِیٲنی,,मध्य, +Adj,"I don`t like too bright or too light colours, medium suits me fine.",medium,دَرمِیٲنی,,मध्य, +V,I would like to meet her first.,meet,مِلُن،سَمکھُن,,मिलना, +V,The Prime Minister met his cabinet for the talks.,meet,مُلاقات کَرٕنۍ,,से_भेंट_करना, +V,The Indian team met the Australians in the finals.,meet,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,सामना_करना, +V,It is impossible to meet the deadline under the present circumstances.,meet,پوٗرٕ کَرُن,,पूरा_कर_पाना, +N,The meeting was postponed due to the strike.,meeting,اِجلاس,,बैठक, +N,The meeting of the two friends after a gap of ten years was accidental.,meeting,مِلُن،سَمکھُن,,मिलन, +N,Her voice is full of melody.,melody,میٖٹھ,,मधुर_, +V,"Eat the ice-cream, don`t wait for it to melt.",melt,گَلُن,,पिघलाना[पिघलना], +N,Only a member is allowed in the club.,member,رُکُن،مِمبَر,,सदस्य, +N,He has finally received his membership card.,membership,میمبَرشِپ,,सदस्यता, +N,India Gate is a memorial for those who died to keep us safe.,memorial,یادگار,,स्मारक, +N,She has a sharp memory.,memory,یاداشت،یادٕ ووٚتُر,,स्मृति/याददाश्त, +V,Please mend my trousers.,mend,ٹھیٖک کَرُن،مَرمَت کَرٕنۍ,,ठीक_करना, +V,"There is no need of mending my shirt, I have rejected it.",mend,ٹھیٖک کَرٕنۍ,,ठीक_करना, +Adj,He is going through a lot of mental anguish.,mental,دٮ۪مٲغی,,मानसक, +Adv,He is not mentally fit.,mentally,دٮ۪مٲغی طور ،کاڈٮ۪و کِنۍ,,मानसिक_रूप_से, +Adj,"He is mentally challenged, not retarded.",mentally,ذہنی طور,,मानसिक_रूप_से, +N,Even the mention of his name makes her blush.,mention,ذِکِر,,उल्लेख, +V,Don`t mention about my trip to anyone.,mention,ذِکِر کَرُن,,उल्लेख_करना, +N,I`ve yet to see another mercenary like him.,mercenary,کِرایہِ پٮ۪ٹھ سِپاہ,,किराये_का_सैनक, +N,He is a merchant.,merchant,کار بٲرۍ،سوداگَر,,व्यापारी, +N,One must show mercy to others.,mercy,رحَم,,दया, +N,"Go jump in the mere, you`ll soon learn swimming.",mere,سَر,,पोखरा, +Adj,A mere Rs. 50/- cannot feed my family.,mere,صِرِف،خٲلی,,केवल, +Adv,She must be merely sixteen.,merely,محض،بَس,,सिर्फ, +N,The merger was okayed by the board.,merger,میُل,,विलयन, +N,He has obtained this job on merit.,merit,قٲبلِیَت,,योग्यता, +Adj,The party was merry.,merry,خۄشوٕنۍ,,आनन्दपूर्ण, +N,Lets eat in the mess.,mess,لَنٛگَر,,भोजनालय, +N,Please clear the mess.,mess,رۄلہٕ,,गड़बड़ी, +N,He is in a real mess.,mess,مُصیٖبَت،پَریشٲنی،مُشکِل,,झंझट, +N,They asked the kids to clean the mess in the room.,mess,ژھۄٹھ,,गंदगी, +N,I just gave him a message.,message,خَبَر،پٲغام,,संदेश, +N,Luckily the message reached on time.,message,خَبَر،پٲغام,,समाचार, +N,The messenger lost his way.,messenger,خَبَر دِنہٕ وول,,संदेशवाहक, +N,Gold is a precious metal.,metal,دھات,,धातु, +Adj,He published a paper on metaphysical theory.,metaphysical,۔۔۔,,तात्त्वक, +V,He regularly meted out punishment for his pupils.,mete,دیُن,,भोगना, +N,Please use another meter as this one is giving an incorrect reading.,meter,میٖژٕ،میٖٹَر,,मापक, +N,The method she adopted was correct.,method,طٔریٖقہٕ,,प्रणाली/तरीका, +N,The metre was very catchy.,metre,۔۔۔,,छंद, +N,I bought two metres of cotton cloth for her.,metre,میٖٹر,,मीटर, +Adj,We follow a metric system of measurement.,metric,میٖٹرَس مُتعلِق,,मीटर_का, +Adj,Delhi is the most polluted metropolitan city of India.,metropolitan,بوٚڑ شہَر,,महानगरीय, +N,Microscope helps to see the micro-organisms clearly.,microscope,مَیکرٛاس کوپ،خُردبیٖن,,सूक्ष्मदर्शी, +N,Don`t leave things in the middle of the room.,middle,مَنٛزباگ,,मध्यस्थल, +Adj,You have to reach some middle point in this case.,middle,مٔنزِم,,बीच_[का], +N,The middle-class is not happy with the budget.,middle-class,دَرمِیٲنی طَبقہٕ,,मध्यमवर्ग, +N,He comes from a middle-class family.,middle-class,دَرمِیٲنی طَبقہٕ,,मध्यमवर्गीय, +N,The earthquake at midnight woke up everyone.,midnight,نٮ۪صٕف رات,,मध्यरात्री, +N,She feels uncomfortable in the midst of strangers.,midst,مَنٛز باگ،دَرمِیان,,बीच, +N,He struggled with all his might to free himself from under the car.,might,طاقَت،زور,,बल, +AuxV,"Call before you go, as he might not be expecting you.",might,ما,,होगा{शायद}, +AuxV,He might get upset if we do not go there.,might,ما,,सकना, +Adj,He was a mighty king.,mighty,طاقَت وَر,,बलशाली, +Adv,She is mighty pleased with his achievements.,mighty,واریاہ,,बहुत, +N,No one heard a word as the mike was not functioning.,mike,مایِک,,माक, +Adj,He has a very mild nature.,mild,نَرٕم,,विनम्र, +Adj,He was given a mild punishment.,mild,معموٗلی,,नरम, +Adj,The taste of the food is mild in this restaurant.,mild,سادٕ,,सादा, +N,He was advised to jog a mile everyday.,mile,میٖل,,मील, +N,The vehicle had a good mileage.,mileage,مَیلیج,,मीलों_की_संख्या, +N,Ten militants were killed in police firing.,militant,جَنٛگ جوٗ،دہشَت گَرٕد،مُجٲہِد,,उग्रवादी, +Adj,The militant elements in the organization triggered the controversy.,militant,شَر پَسَنٛد عُنصر,,आक्रामक, +N,The military helped to restore peace in the region.,military,فوج,,सेना, +N,Drink a glass of milk everyday.,milk,دۄد,,दूध, +V,Some goats seem to milk better than others.,milk,دۄد دیُن,,दुहना, +N,John is working in a mill.,mill,مِل,,मिल, +N,I have to grind flour in a mill.,mill,گرٛٹہٕ,,चक्की, +V,Mill the wheat properly.,mill,پِِہُن،پیٖسُن,,पीसना, +N,The miller was a generous man.,miller,مِلہِ ہُنٛد مٲلِک,,मिल_मालक, +N,Only a few milligrams of the drug were lethal enough.,milligram,مِلہِ گرٛام,,मिलिग्राम, +N,I got nine million dollars.,million,دَہ لَچھ,,दस_लाख, +N,Her mind was full of scary thoughts.,mind,ذِہٮ۪ن,,मनःस्थिति, +N,He has a sharp mind.,mind,دٮ۪ماغ،عَقٕل,,बुद्धि, +N,This is the first thing that came into my mind.,mind,دٮ۪ماغ,,दिमाग, +N,He is one of the greatest minds of his period.,mind,عَقٕل مَنٛد،دٲنِشوَر,,बुद्धिशील{व्यक्ति}, +N,Do not let your mind deviate from your work.,mind,دٮ۪ماغ,,मन, +V,He does not mind the noise.,mind,حَرجہٕ آسُن,,आपत्ति_होना[करना], +V,You should mind your language.,mind,زَبان سَمبالٕنۍ,,ध्यान_देना, +Pron,This pen is mine.,mine,میون,,मेरा, +N,Ram is working in a coal mine.,mine,کھان,,खान, +V,They are mining for coal in this area.,mine,کھان کَھنٕنۍ,,खान_खोदना, +N,Gold is a valuable mineral.,mineral,معد نِیات,,खनज, +Adj,Fortunately there were no injuries and damage to the factory was minimal.,minimal,کَمٕے,,छोटे_से_छोटे, +Adj,We pay the minimum taxes.,minimum,کَم کھۄتہٕ کَم,,कम_से_कम, +N,The minimum you can do is grant her leave.,minimum,کَم کھۄتہٕ کَم,,कम_से_कम, +N,The minister was genuinely pleased by the work.,minister,ؤزیٖر,,मंत्री, +V,"Minister her properly, she`s the future queen.",minister,خٔدمَت کَرٕنۍ,,सेवा_करना, +N,He is young for this work.,minor,نابالِغ,,नाबालग, +N,It is a privileged minority of people who can afford two homes.,minority,اَقلِیَت,,अल्पसंख्यक, +N,The minute passed and she could not say anything.,minute,مِنَٹ,,मिनट, +N,The minutes of the meeting are not yet ready.,minute,میٖٹِنٛگِہ ہِنٛز کاروٲیی,,मीटिंग_का_विवरण, +Adj,It was a minute particle but hurt the eye badly.,minute,لۄکُٹ،نیُک,,सूक्ष्म, +N,The miracle left everyone speechless.,miracle,معجزہ,,चमत्कार, +N,She looked in the mirror.,mirror,ٲنہٕ،شیٖشہٕ,,दर्पण, +N,He gave her a job to rescue her from the misery.,misery,تَکلیٖف،مُصیٖبَت,,दुःख/विपत्ती, +V,He misquoted the meaning of my sentence.,misquote,غَلَط مَطلب کَڑُن,,गलत_उद्धरण_देना, +V,He was caught before he could misrepresent in the court.,misrepresent,غَلَط پٲٹھۍ پیش کَرُن,,गलत_प्रतिनिधित्व_करना, +V,She would never miss the target.,miss,پِھژٕنۍ,,चूक_जाना, +V,She missed the train.,miss,اَتھہٕ گَژٕھنۍ,,छूट_जाना, +V,I miss my sister.,miss,لول یُن,,कमी_महसूस_करना, +V,He was sure that he would not miss this time.,miss,ناکام گَژُھن,,असफल_होना, +N,She is a gorgeous miss.,miss,کوٗر,,कुमारी, +N,The missile technology has advanced a lot.,missile,میٖزٲیِل,,मिसाइल{फेंक_कर_मारने_योग्य_चीज}, +Adj,The missing tape was found intact.,missing,روومُت,,खोया_हुआ, +N,The mission returned successful and confident.,mission,مِشَن,,शिष्टमंडल, +N,He cherished his role as a missionary.,missionary,مِشنٔری،عیٖسٲیی مُبلِغ,,धर्म_प्रचार_करने_वाला, +N,Nothing was visible due to the mist.,mist,وٕنَل,,धुंध, +N,He admitted his mistake.,mistake,غَلطی,,गलती, +V,I mistook her for her sister.,mistake,غَلَط سَمجُھن،وَشفہٕ گَژُھن,,गलत_समझना, +Adj,It was a case of mistaken identity.,mistaken,غَلَط,,गलत, +N,Don`t misuse public property.,misuse,غَلَط اِستعمال,,गलत_प्रयोग, +V,She mixed the sounds to create the effect.,mix,مِلاوُن،رَلاوُن,,मिश्रण_करना, +V,Mix the coupons properly.,mix,مِلاوُن,,मिलाना, +V,The colors mix well.,mix,حَل گَژُھن،رَلُن,,घुलना, +N,Wait till the residue settles down in the mix.,mix,مُرکَب،مِل مِش,,मिश्रण/घोल, +Adj,She cooked mixed vegetables.,mixed,رَلہٕ مِلہٕ,,मिश्र/मिला_हुआ, +N,Churn the mixture well before pouring in the pan.,mixture,مُرکَب،مِلہٕ مِش,,घोल, +N,The police found difficult to control the mob.,mob,ہُجوٗم،جَم گوٚٹ،بِرٕ,,भीड़, +Adj,He was glad to be mobile again.,mobile,پھیروُن تُھروُن,,चलता_फिरता, +V,The work would be easily done if you could just mobilise the workers.,mobilise,حَرکٔژ مَنٛز اَنُن,,गतिशील_करना, +N,He is mod.,mod,فٲشنی,,आधुनक, +N,I have no ready mode of transportation to go there.,mode,طٔریٖقہٕ,,तरीका, +N,They prepared a computer model for the exhibition.,model,نموٗنہٕ,,नमूना, +N,She is a model.,model,ماڈَل,,माडेल, +Adj,He has a moderate income.,moderate,اَوسط,,औसत, +V,You have to learn to moderate your anger.,moderate,کَم کَرُن,,धीमा_करना[होना], +Adj,He has a very broad and modern outlook.,modern,جٔدیٖد ،نوٚو,,आधुनक, +Adj,She is not a modest person.,modest,نَرٕم مِزاز,,विनम्र, +V,We need to modify the system.,modify,تَبدیٖلی اَنٕنۍ,,सुधारना, +Adj,She studied molecular biology.,molecular,مالِقیوٗلَر,,आण्वक, +N,I will be ready just in a moment.,moment,ژیُہہ،برِٛنز,,क्षण, +N,The gathering momentum towards central control of the economy is worrying.,momentum,رَفتار,,गति, +N,I need money to buy some books.,money,پونٛسہ,,पैसा, +N,The monk was found to be a fraud.,monk,گۄسٲنۍ,,भिक्षु, +N,The monkey ate potatoes from the box.,monkey,پونٛز,,बंदर, +N,The company has a monopoly in the sharemarket.,monopoly,شٔرۍ کوٚت,,एकाधिपत्य, +N,The monsters were 8 feet high.,monster,کھوژٕوُن,,विरूप_प्राणी, +N,The monsoons are the main source of rainfall in the Southern parts of India.,monsoon,وَہرٲژ,,बरसाती_पवन, +N,There are 12 months in a year.,month,رٮ۪تھ,,महीना, +Adj,A monthly meeting is held by the shareholders.,monthly,ماہوار,,माहवार, +N,"The Taj mahal is a monument, built by Shahjahan in memory of his wife.",monument,یادگار,,स्मारक, +N,The colour combination in an office is very important in setting the mood of the employees and customers.,mood,مِزاز,,मनोदशा, +N,The moon is our natural source of light during the night.,moon,ژٔندٕر،زوٗن,,चन्द्रमा, +N,This is the moral of the story.,moral,مُدا,,सादाचार, +Adj,She is an extremely moral woman.,moral,اِخلٲقی,,नैतक, +N,"Inspite of the defeat, morale was still high in the team.",morale,حوصلہٕ،جَزبہٕ,,मनोदशा, +N,The standards of morality of the people are on the increase.,morality,اِخلاق,,नैतिकता, +Adv,More people live in the capital than in the rest of the country.,more,زیادٕ,,अधिक/ज्यादा, +Adv,"He did not turn up. Moreover, we know that he was sick.",moreover,اَمِہ علاوٕ,,इसके_अतिरिक्त, +N,Isn`t it a pleasant morning?,morning,صُبح ،فَجٕر,,सुबह/प्रभात, +N,They signed a mortgage agreement.,mortgage,گِروی,,गिरवी, +Adv,Which of you earns the most money?,most,زیادٕ,,सब्से_अधक, +Adj,She is the most beautiful girl in this group.,most,ساروٕے کھۄتہٕ زیادٕ,,सबसे_अधक, +Adv,We watch television mostly on Sundays.,mostly,عام پٲٹھۍ،عٔموٗمَن,,अधिकतर, +N,We went to a motel and took rest.,motel,سَرٲے,,सराय, +N,Mother is the best creation of God.,mother,موج,,माता/जननी, +V,"His attendants gathered round him, but he motioned them away.",motion,اِشارٕ کَرُن,,प्रवर्तन_कर, +N,They showed the goal again in slow motion.,motion,حَرکَت,,प्रवर्तन, +N,Newton`s laws of motion are widely accepted by the world.,motion,حرکَت,,गति, +V,My mother motivated me to choose this profession only.,motivate,مٲنِراوُن،آٹٕنۍ واٹٕنۍ اَنُن,,प्रेरित_करना, +N,There is a motive behind every plan of action.,motive,وَجہ،مقصد,,प्रयोजन, +N,The washing machine has an electric motor.,motor,موٹَر,,प्रेरक/चालक, +N,"When the jelly is set, turn the mould upside down to tip it out onto a plate.",mould,سانٛچہٕ,,साँचा, +V,The bricks are moulded by hand.,mould,شَکٕل دِنۍ,,गढ़ना, +N,There is a protective moulding around the car.,moulding,۔۔۔,,गढ़त, +N,Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.,mount,پہاڑ,,पर्वत, +V,He mounted the platform and begin to speak to the assembled crowd.,mount,کھسُن,,चढ़_���र_बैठना, +N,He was the first person to reach the mountain.,mountain,پٕہاڑ,,पर्वत, +N,The Himalayan mountains are on the borders of India.,mountain,پٕہاڑ,,पहाड़/पर्वत/गिरि, +V,She is mourning for her grandfather.,mourn,ماتَم کَرُن,,दुखी_होना, +N,The mouse was on the floor.,mouse,گَگٕر،گَگُر,,चुहिया/चूहा, +N,Please open your mouth.,mouth,ٲس,,मुँह, +N,We stood at the mouth of the cave.,mouth,گوٚل,,मुहाना, +Adj,Movable washing machines are good.,movable,پَکوٕنۍ,,एक_स्थान_से_दूसरे_स्थान_तक_ले_जाने_लायक, +V,Please move a bit.,move,پَکُن،ہِلُن,,चलना/हिलना, +N,The industrial movement brought about a great change all over the world.,movement,تحریٖک,,गति, +N,That was really a good movie.,movie,فِلِم,,चलचित्र, +Adj,The teacher gave a moving talk at the end of the fare well.,moving,جَزباتہٕ ہوٚت,,हृदय_स्पर्शी, +Adv,There is nothing much on TV tonight.,much,زیادٕ,,अधक, +Adj,I don`t like much sweets.,much,زِیادٕ,,बहुत, +N,There was a lot of mud in the play ground.,mud,رَب,,कीचड़, +Adj,I made multiple copies of the report.,multiple,واریاہ,,बहुत, +V,Multiply four with two to get eight.,multiply,ضرٕب دیُن،ضرٕب کَرُن,,गुणा_करना, +Adj,The municipal corporation of Hyderabad is incharge of the cleanliness of the city.,municipal,میونسِپٕل,,नगरीय, +N,He was charged with murder.,murder,قَتٕل,,खून, +N,The police are treating his death as a case of murder.,murder,قَتٕل,,हत्या, +N,He is a murderer.,murderer,قٲتِل،خوٗنی,,हत्यारा, +N,A murmur of agreement came from the crowd.,murmur,پِھس رارَے,,मर्मराहट, +N,Chetan has well developed muscles.,muscle,مَژھ,,पेशी/ताकत, +Adj,Ranjit is tall and muscular.,muscular,چۄٹہٕ مۄٹہٕ،صحتَس مَنٛز,,पेशीय, +N,The Salarjung museum has a huge collection of wonderful things.,museum,عَجٲیِب گَر,,संग्रहालय, +N,Music is a way of expressing emotions which cannot be expressed through words.,music,موسیٖقی,,संगीत, +Adj,The musical concert was attended by a large crowd.,musical,موسیٖقی دار,,संगीत, +N,Balakrishna Prasad is one of the famous musicians.,musician,موسیٖقار,,संगीतकार, +V,I must go there today.,must,پَزِ,,चाहिये, +N,They grow mustard in their fields.,mustard,تِلہٕ گۄگُل,,सरसों, +N,There were mutters that exams should be postponed.,mutter,پِھس پِھس,,बड़बड़ाहट, +VTI,He muttered to himself.,mutter,پِھپھرارَے کَرٕنۍ,,बड़बड़ाना, +Adj,"Despite differences in background and outlook, their relationship was based on mutual trust and understanding.",mutual,باہمی،پانہٕ ؤنۍ,,पारस्परक, +Pron,Sherly is my classmate.,my,میون،میٲنۍ,,मेरा, +ReflPron,I would love to do my work myself.,myself,پانَے,,स्वयं, +Pron,I have made all the report myself.,myself,پٲنۍ پانَے,,स्वयं, +Adj,The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms.,mysterious,پوٗشیٖدٕ,,रहस्यपूर्ण, +N,His death is a mystery.,mystery,راز,,रहस्य, +N,I don`t believe in myths.,myth,اوٚسطوٗر,,कल्पित_कथा, +VT,The policeman nabbed the thief near the shopping complex.,nab,تَھپھ ژٕھنٕنۍ,,एकाएक_पकड़_लेना, +N,You should cut your nails regularly.,nail,نَم,,नाखून, +N,He fixed the box with nails.,nail,کیُل,,कील, +VT,He nailed the box properly.,nail,کیُل دیُن,,कील_जड़ना, +Adj,The child is standing naked.,naked,نَنٛگَے,,नग्न/नंगा, +Adj,He could not tolerate the naked truth.,naked,صاف،شیوٚد,,स्पष्ट, +N,My name is Robin.,name,ناو,,नाम, +N,Leander Paes has made a name for himself in the tennis world.,name,ناو,,कीर्ति, +VT,I have named my son Kapil.,name,ناو تھاوُن,,नाम_रखना, +VT,He named the person accused of stealing.,name,ناو وَنُن،ناو دیُن,,नाम_बताना/पहचानना, +VT,He has been named the captain of the team.,name,بَناونہٕ یُن,,नियुक्त_करना, +Adv,"Asia has two most populous countries, namely China and India.",namely,یِتھہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,जैसे, +V,I narrated the whole story to my brother.,narrate,بَیان کَرُن،تَفصیٖل دِنۍ,,बयान_करना, +Adj,He is a professor of narrative literature.,narrative,نثرُک,,वर्णात्मक, +N,`The English Patient` novel contains more of narratives than dialogues.,narrative,داستان,,वर्णा��्मक_कहानी, +Adj,The streets in my village are very narrow.,narrow,تَنٛگ,,संकीर्ण, +VT,Please narrow the distance between two vehicles!,narrow,کَم کَرٕنۍ,,परिमित_या_तंग_करना, +Adj,He passed a nasty remark on her.,nasty,گَنٛدٕ،خَراب,,बुरा/हृदयहीन, +N,All the nations should go for disarmament.,nation,وَطَن،قوم،مُلک,,राष्ट्र, +Adj,The national flower of India is lotus.,national,قومی,,राष्ट्रीय, +N,All the foreign nationals have been asked to produce their passports.,national,فَرٕد,,नागरक, +V,The Government nationalised the banks.,nationalise,قومی مِلکِیَت بَناوُن,,राष्ट्रीयकरण, +N,Nationalism should not be confused with religious fanaticism.,nationalism,قوم پَرَستی,,राष्ट्रीयवाद, +Adj,Her native language is Hindi.,native,مُقٲمی,,देशी, +N,I am a native of M.P.,native,روزَن وول,,मूल_निवासी, +Adj,This place has a natural beauty.,natural,قدرتی,,प्राकृतक, +Adj,"After her recent accident, it is quite natural for her to be scared of vehicles.",natural,قدرتی,,स्वाभावक, +N,"She won`t have any troubles in this work, you can see she is a natural.",natural,قدرتی,,प्राकृतक, +Adv,It happens naturally.,naturally,قدرتی طور,,सहज_रूप_से, +Adv,He speaks quite naturally.,naturally,سٮ۪زرٕ سان،سیٚدۍ پٲٹھۍ,,स्वभाव_से, +N,This is one of the calamities caused by nature.,nature,قدرت,,प्रकृति, +N,It is in his nature to forgive.,nature,فِطرَت,,स्वभाव, +Adj,The naval force of that country is very huge.,naval,بحری,,सामुद्रक, +N,That boy joined the navy.,navy,بحری فوج,,समुद्री_सेना, +Prep,She was standing near the door.,near,سۭتۍ،نَزدیٖک,,के_पास, +Adj,His school is very near.,near,نَزدیٖک،نَکھہٕ,,निकट, +Adj,This is the nearest colour that you can get.,near,رَلہٕ وُن,,मिलता_जुलता, +Adv,I was standing just near enough to hear what they were saying.,near,نَکھہٕ،نَزدیٖک,,के_पास, +Adv,They are the same age or near enough.,near,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग, +Prep,She was standing near the door.,near,نَزدیٖک،نَکھہٕ,,निकट, +VI,The project is nearing completion.,near,نَزدیٖک واتُن,,निकट_पहुँचना, +Adj,you will get that in the nearby shop.,nearby,نَزدیٖکی,,पास_वाला, +Adv,The boy lives nearby.,nearby,نَزدیٖک،نَکھہٕ,,पास_में, +Adv,He is nearly as tall as his father.,nearly,تَقریٖبَن,,क़रीब_क़रीब, +Adj,He has got neat handwriting.,neat,صاف,,साफ, +Adj,He wore a neat dress.,neat,صاف,,स्वच्छ/साफ, +Adj,Hari is a neat worker.,neat,زَبَر،محنتی,,सुव्यवस्थित, +Adj,Her small neat face attracted everyone`s attention.,neat,صاف،پرٛزلہٕ وُن,,अच्छा, +Adv,The work was done neatly.,neatly,صفٲیی سان,,स्वच्छतापूर्वक/सफाई_से, +Adv,He does not have to necessarily go there.,necessarily,لٲزمی طور,,अनिवार्य_रूप_से, +Adj,It is not necessary to go there.,necessary,ضروٗری،لٲزمی،اہَم,,आवश्यक, +Adj,It is absolutely necessary to finish this job before the month ends.,necessary,اہَم،لٲزِمی،ضروٗری,,अनिवार्य, +N,The government should recognize the necessity for pollution control.,necessity,اہمِیت،ضروٗرَت,,आवश्यकता/अनिवार्यता, +N,She felt something crawling on her neck.,neck,گَردَن,,गरदन, +N,She was wearing a dress with a low neck.,neck,نال,,गला, +VT,They necked each other.,neck,نالہٕ موٚت کَرُن,,गले_मिलना, +V,You need to loose bit of weight.,need,ضروٗرت آسٕنۍ,,ज़रूरत_होना, +V,We need to find a solution to the problem of pollution.,need,ضروٗرت آسٕنۍ,,को_ज़रूरत_है, +N,There is a need to improve the situation.,need,ضروٗرَت,,ज़रूरत, +VTI,They need some evidence of her innocence.,need,ضروٗرت آسٕنۍ,,जरूरत_होना, +N,She used a very fine needle for the embroidery.,needle,سٕژَن,,सुई, +VI,Don`t needle that boy.,needle,پَریشان کَرُن,,परेशान_करना[होना], +N,She was met with all her needs.,needs,حاجَت،ضروٗرت,,ज़रूरतें, +Adj,He gave a negative reply.,negative,مَنفی,,नकारात्मक, +N,His response was negative.,negative,مَنفی,,नकार, +N,I don`t know where I have kept the negatives of these photographs.,negative,نَگیٹیوٗو,,निगेटिव{फोटो_का}, +N,The case was spoilt due to his neglect.,neglect,غَفلَت,,उपेक्षा, +V,Do not neglect your duties.,neglect,لوٚب ہیوٚن,,उपेक्षा_करना, +VTI,There is still a chance to negotiate.,negotiate,مُہادٕ کَرُن،چُکاو دُکاو کَرُن,,मोल_तोल_करना, +VTI,The path down the hill was hard to negotiate.,negotiate,تَرُن,,पार_करना, +N,He is good at negotiations.,negotiation,چُکاو دُکاو،مُہادٕ,,मोल_तोल, +N,The negotiations are necessary for reaching a satisfactory solution.,negotiation,کَتھ بات,,बातचीत, +N,Is he your neighbour?,neighbour,ہَمساے,,पड़ोसी, +N,This is a beautiful neighbourhood.,neighbourhood,مَحلہٕ،ہَمساےگٔری,,पड़ोस, +Conj,I have got two mobiles but neither works properly.,neither,کٕہنۍ تہِ,,न_तो, +Adv,I have not seen the film and neither has my sister.,neither,نہ,,न_ही, +Adv,I have not seen the film and neither has my sister.,neither,نہ,,न_ही, +Det,Neither of them was tall.,neither,کٕہنۍ تِہ نہٕ,,कोई_भी_नहीं, +N,The name was written with neon lights.,neon,اَکہِ قٕسمُک گیس,,एक_प्रकार_का_गैस, +N,Some of her finger nerves were badly damaged when she crushed her hands in the car door.,nerve,رَگ,,नस, +N,After her accident she lost her nerve to drive.,nerve,حوصلہٕ، ہمَت,,साहस, +VT,Nerve yourself for the finals.,nerve,تَیار کَرُن،پوٗرٕ کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,शक्ति_प्रदान_करना, +Adj,He was nervous about his results.,nervous,گابریومُت,,घबराया_हुआ, +Adj,She had a nervous breakdown.,nervous,دٮ۪مٲغی,,मानसक, +N,The sparrow made a beautiful nest.,nest,اول,,घोंसला, +VTI,The eagle nested on the tree.,nest,اول بَناوُن,,घोंसला_बनाना, +Adj,What is your net income?,net,کُل ہُم,,वास्तवक, +N,The fishes were caught in the net.,net,زال,,जाल, +VT,They netted many fishes.,net,زالَس مَنٛز رَٹُن,,जाली_मे_फाँसना, +N,I need the plans of underground cable network.,network,نیٹ ؤرک,,जाल{मार्गों_का}, +Adj,He is a neutral person.,neutral,غیر جٲنِبدارانہٕ,,तटस्थ, +N,That country supports all the countries which are neutral.,neutral,غیرجٲنِبدار,,निष्पक्ष, +V,Necessary actions were taken to neutralise the threat.,neutralise,بے اَثَر کَرُن,,निष्प्रभाव_करना, +Adv,I have never heard anything like this.,never,زٕہنۍ,,कभी_नहीं, +Adv,He has never come to the office.,never,زٕہنۍ,,[कभी_]नहीं, +Adv,What happened was inevitable but it was dissapointing nevertheless.,nevertheless,توتہِ,,तथापि, +Adj,This is a new shirt.,new,نٔو,,नया/नवीन/नूतन, +Adv,They are newly married.,newly,نوٚوُے نوٚوُے,,नया_नया, +Adv,That is a newly discovered planet.,newly,نوٚوُے,,नया, +N,I never miss the evening news.,news,خَبَر,,खबर, +N,I have read the newspaper.,newspaper,اَخبار,,समाचारपत्र, +Adj,What is the next word?,next,دوٚیُم،بیاکھ,,अगला, +Adv,We visited the shrine next.,next,پَتہٕ,,उसके_बाद, +Adj,He is a nice man.,nice,اَصٕل,,अच्छा, +N,The small nick in the cloth became big.,nick,دُک,,खरोंच, +VT,The barber`s knife nicked his cheek.,nick,کٕھش دین,,छेद_करना, +N,We sat up all night watching a movie.,night,رات,,रात, +N,This is the continuation of the last night of the play.,night,رات,,संध्या, +Det,Nine out of twelve students took part in the competition.,nine,نَو,,नौ, +N,Nine is john`s lucky number.,nine,نَو,,नौ, +Det,Nine out of ten children got good percentage.,nine,نَو,,नौ, +N,Nine out of ten children got good percentage.,nine,نَو,,नौ, +N,She is only nine.,nine,نَو,,नौ, +Art,Nine people are coming for dinner.,nine,نَو,,नौ, +Adj,I have nine friends.,nine,نَو,,नौ, +Det,She is nineteen years old.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, +N,Her room number is ninteen.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, +Det,Jack is nineteen years old.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, +N,Jack is nineteen.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, +N,A group of students were trapped in the cave for nineteen hours.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, +Art,Nineteen students are absent today.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, +Adj,I have nineteen students in my class.,nineteen,کُنوُہ,,उन्नीस, +Adj,The picnic has been arranged on the nineteenth of this month.,nineteenth,کُنوُہِم,,उन्नीसवाँ, +Art,Suzan is coming on nineteenth December.,nineteenth,کُنوُہِم,,उन्नीसवाँ, +Adj,She is in ninth standard.,ninth,نٔوِم,,नवाँ, +N,He gave her a ninth of the total amount.,ninth,نٔوِم,,नवाँ_अंश, +Art,This is her ninth birthday.,ninth,نٔوِم,,नवाँ, +Det,I have no friends.,no,کٕہنۍ,,[कुछ_]नहीं, +Adj,We have no fruits in the house.,no,کِہنۍ,,[कुछ_]नहीं, +Adj,`No smoking` was written at the door of the medical shop.,no,نہَ,,नहीं{अनुमत}, +Interj,"Is the shop open today? `No, it isn`t.`",no,نَہ,,नहीं, +Adj,Nehru belonged to a family of noble descent.,noble,شٔریٖف،اعلیٰ،عٔظیٖم,,कुलीन, +Adj,Martin Luther King died for a noble cause.,noble,عٔظیٖم,,नीतिवान, +N,He is noble and easily approachable.,noble,شٔریٖف,,कुलीन_मनुष्य, +N,Nobody can prevent him from taking part in the competition.,nobody,کٕہنۍ,,कोई_नहीं, +N,He gave a nod of agreement to his son.,nod,اِشارٕ، اِقرار,,हामी, +VTI,He nodded his head for approval.,nod,کَلہٕ ہِلاوُن,,सिर_हिलाना, +VTI,The old man was nodding in his chair.,nod,زۄلہٕ کَران,,ऊँघना, +VTI,The daffodils nodded in the wind.,nod,نَمُن،بۄن کُن گَژُھن,,झूमना, +N,There was a loud noise in the street.,noise,شور,,शोर, +N,The noise of the vehicles tires everyone.,noise,آواز،شور,,ध्वनि{प्रदूषण}, +N,Modern music is just noise to me.,noise,شور,,शोर, +VT,A.R.Rehman was nominated for the best music director in films.,nominate,نامزَد کَرنہٕ یُن,,नामांकित_करना, +N,None can predict the future.,none,کٕہنۍ تہِ,,कोई_नहीं, +N,He is talking nonsense.,nonsense,فضوٗل،بَکواس,,निरर्थक_बातें, +N,The guests arrived at noon.,noon,دُپہَر,,मध्याह्न, +Conj,Neither the train nor the bus will get us there on time.,nor,نہ,,और न, +N,We must adapt to the norms of the society we live in.,norm,اوٚصوٗل,,मानदंड, +N,Two children per family has become a norm in some societies.,norm,اوٚصوٗل,,सामान्य_स्तर, +Adj,People who commit such crimes are not normal.,normal,ٹھیٖک,,सामान्य, +Adj,He is a perfectly normal child.,normal,ٹھیٖک,,प्रकृत, +N,He is perfectly normal.,normal,ٹھیٖک,,प्रकृत, +Adv,We normally get up early in the morning.,normally,عام طور پٲٹھۍ,,सामान्यत, +Adj,He is staying in North London.,north,شُمٲلی,,उत्तरी, +N,Winter is severe in the north.,north,شُمال,,उत्तर, +N,The weather in the northeast is pleasant.,northeast,مَغرِبی شُمال,,उत्तर_पूर्व, +Adj,Canada and U.S are in the northern hemisphere.,northern,شُمٲلی,,उत्तरी, +N,The train is going towards the northwest.,northwest,شُمٲلی مَغرِب,,उत्तर_पश्चिम_की_दिशा, +N,His nose is blocked due to cold.,nose,نَس,,नाक, +N,The nose of the aircraft was damaged and was forced to land.,nose,تونٛت،بٕتھِم حِصہٕ,,अग्रभाग, +VT,The dog nosed the food.,nose,مُشٕک ہیوٚن,,सूंघना, +Adv,He does not speak French.,not,نہٕ,,नहीं, +Adj,Pearl.S.Buck is a notable novelist.,notable,قٲبلہِ زِکِر,,प्रसिद्ध, +Adv,He is notably a talented artist.,notably,خاص کٔرِتھ,,विशेषकर, +N,She took all the notes from her friend.,note,وَننہٕ ہنَا,,टिप्पणी, +N,Jim gave her a note for attending the party.,note,پَرچہٕ,,चिट्ठी, +N,The singer held the note too long.,note,سُر,,स्वर, +N,We gave him a hundred rupee note.,note,نوٹ,,नोट, +N,A brief note is given in the introduction of this book.,note,زِکِر,,टीका, +N,Take note of what he says.,note,تَوَجہ,,ध्यान, +VT,Please note it.,note,تَوَجہ دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, +Adj,M.S.Subbhalakshmi is a noted singer.,noted,مَشہوٗر،قٲبلِہ زِکِر,,विख्यात, +N,You have nothing to do with this.,nothing,کِہنۍ نہٕ,,कुच_नहीं, +Pron,There is nothing as refreshing as lemon juice.,nothing,کِہنۍ نہٕ,,कुछ_नहीं, +N,He received a notice from his office about the meeting.,notice,اِطلاع,,सूचना, +N,The book received good notices.,notice,تَوَجہ,,ध्यान/समीक्षा, +VT,I asked my mother to come with me but she didn`t take any notice.,notice,دیان دیُن,,ध्यान_देना, +VT,The critics noticed the books and reviewed.,notice,اِظہارِ خَیال کَرُن,,विचारना, +N,"All political systems are based on the notions of liberty, equality and fraternity.",notion,تَصَوُر ،خَیال،راے,,धारणा, +N,Pick out the nouns from the following sentences.,noun,اِسٕم,,संज्ञा, +Adj,The computer produced a completely novel proof of a well known theorem.,novel,نوٚو,,नवीन, +N,Aparna is a voracious reader of novels.,novel,ناوَل,,उपन्यास, +N,Jane Austin is a well known novelist.,novelist,ناوَل نٔویٖس,,उपन्यासकार, +Adv,She is not coming now.,now,وۄنۍ,,अब, +Conj,"Now that you have done it, I will see it.",now,اَچھا تہٕ,,फलतः, +N,Who is taking the class now?,now,وٕنکٮ۪س,,इस_समय, +Adv,I am going nowhere.,nowhere,کُنُے نہٕ,,कहीं_नहीं, +Adj,He sketched a nude women.,nude,نَنٛگہٕ،عُرِیان,,नंगा, +N,He was swimming in the nude.,nude,نَنٛگَے,,नग्न, +Adj,His fingers became numb due to the cold.,numb,واے,,सुन्न, +VT,The shock numbed her senses.,numb,حٮ۪س نہٕ روزُن,,सुन्न_कर_देना, +N,These magazines are produced in vast numbers.,number,نَمبَر،تعداد,,संख्या, +N,Every number has a unique position in the sequence.,number,نَمبَر,,अंक/संख्या, +N,He had a number of chores to do.,number,واریاہ,,बहुत_सारे, +N,She sang a beautiful number.,number,گٮ۪وُن،غَزٕل,,गाना/कविता, +VT,You should number the pages of your thesis.,number,گٔنٛزرُن,,गिनना, +Adj,There are tests for rating numerical aptitude.,numerical,عَددی,,संख्यात्म, +Adj,Numerous people saw the movie.,numerous,واریاہ,,बहुत_ज्यादा, +N,The nurse gave a lot of attention to that patient.,nurse,داے،نٔرٕس,,परिचारिका, +VT,He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs.,nurse,اعلاج کَرُن,,उपचर्या_करना, +V,She nursed her child.,nurse,دۄد چاوناوُن,,दूध_पिलाकर_बच्चे_को_पालना, +N,What kind of nut would leave a car on a railway track?,nut,فٲتِر،بیوقوٗف,,काष्ठफल[पागल], +N,He ate a lot of nuts.,nut,ڈوٗنۍ,,सुपारी, +N,The nut had been tightened with a lot of force.,nut,ڈِبٕر,,लोहे_की_ढिबरी, +N,He is a nut.,nut,بیوقوٗف،بیقٕل,,बुद्धु, +N,Have you gone nuts?,nuts,پاگَل,,पागल, +N,This cloth is made of nylon.,nylon,نَیلان,,नायलन, +N,The boss expects obedience from his employees.,obedience,تٲبِیدٲری,,आज्ञापालन, +VT,He refused to obey his teacher`s order.,obey,تٲبِیدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,आज्ञापालन_करना, +N,She loves to be surrounded by familiar objects.,object,چیٖز,,वस्तु, +N,I don`t know the object of the meeting.,object,مَسلہٕ،مُدٕ,,किसी_भवना_का_विषय, +N,His object was to hurt you.,object,مُدٕ،مقصد,,हेतू, +N,That is an example of an indirect object.,object,۔۔۔,,कर्म, +V,I object to his use of indecent language.,object,اعتِراض کَرُن,,आपत्ति_व्यक्त_करना, +N,You should not have any objection to this wise plan.,objection,اعتِراض,,आपत्ति, +N,Do you have any objection?,objection,اعتِراض,,एतराज़, +Adj,Locke believed in the objective perception of reality.,objective,غیر جٲنِبدارانہٕ,,विषयनिष्ठ, +Adj,The objective report was not appreciated.,objective,غیر جٲنِبدارانہٕ,,निष्पक्ष, +N,I did`nt get time to do your work as I had too many obligations.,obligation,فَرٕض,,बाध्यता, +V,He would be obliged to help.,oblige,مشکوٗر آسُن،احسان مَنٛد آسُن,,मदद_करने_उपकृत_करना, +V,No law can oblige children to take case of their aged parents.,oblige,جَبٕر کَرُن، مَجبوٗر کَرُن,,नैतिक_नियमों_से_मज़बूर_करना, +Adj,"Their policy has changed, for reasons that remain obscure.",obscure,غٲر واضح,,धुँधला, +Adj,That is an obscure example.,obscure,سَخ،غیر واضح,,कठिन{समझने_में}, +V,Reporters obscure facts.,obscure,پَردٕترٛاوُن,,बोझत्म_कर_देना, +N,Observance of college rules is necessary.,observation,مُشٲہِدٕ,,निरीक्षण, +N,"She is under close observation, don`t worry.",observation,معٲینہٕ,,निरख/अवलोकन, +N,Her observations are very sharp.,observation,مُشٲہِدٕ,,सोचविचार, +V,She observed that it would soon be time to stop for lunch.,observe,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرُن,,निरीक्षण_कर, +V,He observes minute details.,observe,سَنُن،وُچھُن,,निरखना, +V,He observes christmas.,observe,مانُن،پَژھ کَرٕنۍ,,रीतिरिवाज़ों_का_पालन_करना, +V,The youth does not observe speed limits.,observe,عمَل کَرٕنۍ،مانُن,,नियमों_का_पालन_करन��, +V,"`The colour is too gawdy`, she observed.",observe,راے قٲیِم کَرٕنۍ,,अप्ना_मत/सोचविचार_व्यक्त_करना, +N,You cannot be a detatched observer in this context.,observer,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرن وول,,प्रेक्षक, +N,V.P. Singh was an observer at the U.N. meet.,observer,مُشٲہِدٕ کَرن وول,,परिदर्शक, +V,How can I obtain my parents` permission?,obtain,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_करना, +V,These rules do not obtain any longer.,obtain,موٗجوٗد آسُن,,अस्तित्व_में_होना, +Adj,It is obvious that he hates her.,obvious,صاف،واضِح،ظٲہِر,,स्पष्ट{प्रकट}, +Adv,She was in tears and obviously very upset.,obviously,واضح طور پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्ट_रूप_से, +N,She sang a song specially written for the occasion.,occasion,موقعہٕ,,अवसर/प्रसंग, +N,There is no occasion to be so rude.,occasion,موقعہٕ,,मौका, +V,The child`s remarks occasioned lots of mirth.,occasion,بٲعث بَنُن,,निमित्तमात्र_होना, +Adj,She pays her village occassional visits.,occasional,کُنہِ کُنہِ وِزِ,,प्रासंगक, +Adv,He is kind occasionally.,occasionally,کُنہِ وَقتہٕ,,कभीकभी, +N,"Please write down your name, address and occupation on a piece of paper.",occupation,پیٚشہٕ،کٲم,,व्यवसाय, +N,The Nazi occupation hit france badly.,occupation,قَبضہٕ,,आक्रमण, +N,The new apartment is ready for occupation.,occupation,قبضہٕ,,अधिवास, +VT,The new flat was occupied immediately.,occupy,روزنہِ یُن،قَبضہٕ رَٹُن,,रहना, +VT,The army occupied the enemy`s capital.,occupy,قَبضہ ٕکَرُن,,कब्ज़ा_करना, +VT,He occupies a senior position in the firm.,occupy,فٲیز آسُن،اِقتِدار آسُن,,संभालना, +VT,The bed occupies a huge space.,occupy,جاے رَٹٕنۍ،جاے کھیٚنۍ,,ज़रूरत_होना, +V,Violence of some sort occurs in all the sections of society.,occur,واقع گَژُھن,,अस्तित्व_में_होना, +V,When did the accident occur?,occur,گَژُھن,,घटना, +V,A brilliant idea occured to Newton while watching the apple fall.,occur,یُن،آو,,सूझना, +N,Strike is an everyday occurrence in our society.,occurrence,واقعہ,,घटना, +N,Pacific is the deepest ocean.,ocean,سَمَندر,,महासागर, +Adj,Three is an odd number.,odd,طاق,,विषम, +N,We must face the odds in life.,odds,وۄگتہِٕ,,विषमता, +N,The odour coming from outside was not pleasant.,odour,مُشک,,गन्ध/बास, +Prep,He lives just off the main road.,off,نَکھہٕ,,पास, +Adj,He looked a bit off during the ceremony.,off,اِتھٲے ہیوٗ,,सुदूर, +Adv,The institute is still two kilometers off.,off,دوٗر,,से_दूर_हटकर, +Prep,He fall off a ladder.,off,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,पर_से, +N,He has been charged with a serious offence.,offence,جُرُم,,अपराध, +VTI,Her tactless remark offended me.,offend,ناگَوار گَژھُن،ناراض گَژُھن،ناخۄش گَژھُن,,अप्रसन्न_करना, +VT,She offered me a cup of coffee.,offer,پیٚش کَرُن،دیُن,,देना, +N,I am very happy for your kind offer of help.,offer,پیٚشکش,,प्रस्ताव, +VTI,The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting.,offer,پیٚش کَرُن,,प्रदान_करना, +N,He gave her a diamond ring as a peace offering.,offering,نَزرانہٕ،گُلِہ میوٚٹھ،وَرتاو,,भेंट, +N,He rented an office in the new building.,office,دَفتَر,,दफ़्तर, +N,He is the officer in charge of the ship`s engines.,officer,اَفسَر,,अधिकारी, +Adj,He has official powers to do anything.,official,حقیقی,,आधिकारक, +N,He is a government official.,official,اہلِکار,,अधिकारी, +Adv,"Officially, he is in charge.",officially,سَرکٲرۍ پٲٹھۍ,,सरकारी_तौर_से, +V,The goods were offloaded from the truck.,offload,بار والُن،سامان والُن,,भार_उतारना, +Adv,I`ve been there quite often.,often,اَکثَر،واریاہ لَٹہِ,,अक्सर, +N,Sunflower oil is good for health.,oil,تیٖٖل,,तेल, +VT,Oil the wooden surface.,oil,تیٖٖل دیُن،تیٖٖل مَتھُن,,तेल_लगाना, +Adj,I hope your parents are okay.,okay,ٹھیٖک,,ठीक_है, +Adv,Whatever you want to buy is okay with me.,okay,ٹھیٖٖک,,ठीक_है, +Adj,She was wearing an old dress.,old,پرٛون,,पुराना, +Adj,The old man had to walk a long way to catch the bus.,old,بٕڑٕ،بُزَرٕگ,,वृद्ध, +Adj,My father bought old-fashioned shoes for me.,old-fashioned,پرٛانہِ چالہِ ہُنٛد،پرٛانہِ آیُک,,पुरानी_चाल_का, +Prep,There is a fly on your hat.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,He will arrive on Tuesday.,on,کیُتھ,,को, +Prep,He came just on time.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,The cookies on the topmost shelf might be delicious than the one on the lowest shelf.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,वाला, +Adv,She talked on for two hours without stopping.,on,لَگاتار،جٲری,,लगातार, +Prep,The book is on the table.,on,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Adv,We went there once.,once,اَکہِ لَٹہِ,,एक_बार, +Adv,She won`t be able to cancel the contract once she has signed.,once,گۄڈَے,,पहले, +Pron,Is there any one to help me?,one,کانٛہہ,,कोई_इन्सान, +Det,I have one nice pen.,one,اَکھ,,एक, +N,She is always number one.,one,اَکھ,,एक, +Art,I want only one chocolate.,one,اَکھ,,एक, +Adj,I have only one friend.,one,اَکھ,,एक, +Pron,One has to live for oneself.,oneself,پَننہِ خٲطرٕ,,स्वयं/खुद, +N,I don`t like onions.,onion,گنٛڈٕ,,प्याज़, +Adj,Only he could do such a foolish thing.,only,صِرِف،بَس،وٲحِد,,केवल/अकेला, +Adv,He arrived only to find his wife dead.,only,صِرِف,,सिर्फ़, +N,At the very onset of his speech he started off in a fiery manner.,onset,شُروعات,,शुरुआत, +Prep,Should I put these things back onto the shelf?,onto,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,I would like to come onto my next point.,onto,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,Did you remember to get onto the plumber about the shower?,onto,پتہٕ لگُن,,पीछे_पड़ना[होना], +VTI,Mary opened the car door.,open,کھولُن,,खोलना, +VTI,He opened a new business.,open,شَروٗع کَرُن,,प्रारंभ_करना, +Adj,The thief escaped through the open gate.,open,کھُلہٕ،یَلہٕ,,खुला, +Adj,He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.,open,کھُلہٕ دِل، صاف دِل,,निष्कपट, +Adj,The matter was discussed and left open for the time being.,open,یَلہٕ،خٲلی,,अनिर्णीत, +Adj,You can go through the opening space of the fence.,open,یلہٕ,,छिद्र, +N,There was a small opening between the trees.,opening,یَلہٕ جاے،کُھلہٕ جاے,,खुली_जगह, +N,The opening received good critical reviews.,opening,اِبتدا,,उदघाटन, +N,There are few openings in publishing for new graduates.,opening,خٲلی اَسامہِ,,स्थान, +Adv,Let us discuss the subject openly.,openly,کھُلہٕ پٲٹھۍ،صاف پٲٹھۍ,,प्रकट_रूप_से, +N,I went to catch the new opera in town.,opera,اوپیرا,,संगीतिका, +VTI,The new machine is not operating properly.,operate,کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,काम_करना, +VTI,The doctors decided to operate him immediately.,operate,ژَٹہٕ واٹھ کَرُن،اوپریٹ کَرُن,,चीर_फाड़_करना, +N,The patient was said to undergo an operation.,operation,ژَٹہٕ واٹھ،اوپریشَن,,चीर_फाड़, +N,That rule is no longer in operation.,operation,چالو،عَملہِ مَنٛز,,संचालन, +N,It was a joint operation of the navy and air force.,operation,کاروٲیی,,कार्यवाही, +Adj,Some banks are operational even on holidays.,operational,یَلہٕ،کامہِ کار,,परिचालित, +N,My opinion differs from yours.,opinion,راے,,विचार, +N,He is addicted to opium.,opium,أفیٖم,,अफीम, +N,They easily defeated their opponents in the game.,opponent,مُخٲلِف,,विपक्ष, +N,The holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington.,opportunity,موقعہٕ,,मौका, +VTI,The senator said he would oppose the bill.,oppose,مُخٲلِفَت کَرٕنۍ,,विरोध_करना, +Prep,We are in the building opposite the government offices.,opposite,سیٚدِ سیوٚد,,के~सामने, +Adj,The medicine`s effect was opposite to that intended.,opposite,اَدلہٕ بَدَل,,विरुद्ध, +N,Hot and cold are opposites.,opposite,زِد،مُخٲلِف,,विरुद्ध, +Prep,I sat opposite to him during the meal.,opposite,بُتھہِ کَنہِ,,के_सामने, +N,Delegates expressed strong opposition to the proposal.,opposition,اِختِلاف,,विरोध, +N,There was a lot of opposition to the proposed changes.,opposition,مخٲلِفَت,,विपक्ष, +VT,The poor have always been oppressed.,oppress,دَباونہٕ یُن،لَتہ ٕمۄنٛجہِ کَرنہٕ یُن,,दमन_करना, +V,He opted to take science courses rather than humanities.,opt,چُنُن،ژارُن,,चुनना, +Adj,Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments.,optical,۔۔۔,,दृष्टि_संबंधी, +Adj,Optimal exercise is good for the heart.,optimal,دَرمِیٲنی,,अनुकूलतम, +N,Be full of optimism for the future.,optimism,اُمُیٖدوار،پُر اُمیٖد,,आशावाद, +Adj,We must be optimistic in our life.,optimistic,پُر اُمیٖد,,आशावादी, +Adj,The milk becomes curd at optimum temperature.,optimum,مُنٲسِب,,अनुकूलतम, +Adj,"For the last some decades, the oral tradition has disappeared.",oral,زَبٲنی,,मौखक, +Adj,Today the sky is of orange color.,orange,گۄسٲنۍ,,नारंगी, +N,Orange is a juicy fruit.,orange,سَنٛگتر,,नारंगी, +N,He plotted the orbit of the moon.,orbit,دٲیرٕ,,कक्षा, +N,I enjoyed a good orchestra in the marriage function.,orchestra,گٮ۪وُن,,वादक_समूह, +N,Write the names in alphabetical order.,order,تَرتیٖب,,अनुक्रम, +N,I want you to obey my order.,order,حُکُم,,आदेश, +VTI,The teacher ordered silence.,order,حُکُم دیُن،اِجازَت دیُن,,आज्ञा_देना, +VTI,I need time to order my thoughts.,order,تَرتیٖب دِنۍ،تَگہِ تَگہِ تھاوُن,,क्रम_में_रखना, +Adj,The class was very orderly.,orderly,تَرتیٖبہٕ وار,,सुव्यवस्थित, +Adv,Put the files in an orderly sequence.,orderly,تَرتیٖبہٕ سان,,सुव्यवस्थित_रूप_से, +N,The orderly laid out the general`s uniform.,orderly,چَپرٲسۍ,,अरदली, +Adv,He behaves quite ordinarily.,ordinarily,معموٗلی پٲٹھۍ,,सामान्य_रूप_से, +Adj,She was quite an ordinary girl.,ordinary,معموٗلی,,साधारण, +Adj,She was quite an ordinary girl.,ordinary,معموٗلی,,साधारण, +Adj,The ordinary people will suffer by the price hike.,ordinary,عام,,साधारण, +N,"We live in a perfectly, ordinary, undistinguished neighbourhood.",ordinary,عام،علاقٲیی,,स्थानीय_धर्माध्यक्ष, +N,The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department.,organ,لٔنٛڑ,,इन्द्रिय, +N,`The people`s daily` is the official organ of the Chinese communist party.,organ,لٔنٛڑ,,प्रकाशन, +Adj,He treats organic diseases.,organic,عضوی,,इन्द्रिय_संबंधी, +Adj,Hydrocarbons are organic compounds.,organic,۔۔۔,,कार्बनक, +N,He is the head of an organisation.,organisation,تنظیٖم,,संगठन, +V,He organised a seminar recently.,organise,اِنتِظام کَرُن,,संगठित_करना, +N,He was offered to supervise the organization of a new department.,organization,تَنظیٖم,,संगठन, +V,I have to organize a party.,organize,انتِظام کَرُن,,आयोजित_क्ररना/संगठित_करना, +VT,Can you help me to organize the files?,organize,تَرتیٖب تھاوُن,,संगठन_करना, +Adj,All India oriental conference is going on.,oriental,مَشرِقی,,पूर्वी, +N,The orientation of new programmes was carried out.,orientation,رۄخ,,दिशानुकूलन, +N,He comes from good origins.,origin,بُنِیاد، خانٛدان,,मूल, +Adj,This product is original.,original,اَصلی,,मौलक, +Adj,"The play is original, not an adaptation.",original,گۄڈنیُک،اَصلی,,मूल/आरंभक, +Adv,"They now live in Mumbai, but originally they came from Nepal.",originally,دَر اصٕل،اَصلی پٲٹھۍ,,मूलतः, +Adv,The plan was originally quite different.,originally,اَصلی پٲٹھۍ,,आदि_में, +VI,A new religious movement originated in that country.,originate,وجوٗدَس مَنٛز یُن,,आरंभ_होना_या_करना, +Adj,Her ideas were too orthodox.,orthodox,فَرسوٗدٕ,,प्रामाणक, +N,There is no other work available at the moment.,other,دٔیُم,,दूसरा, +Det,Ravi and two other men came to my place last night.,other,بیٚیِہ,,अन्य, +Det,We live at the other side of the river.,other,دٔیمہِ,,दूसरा, +Det,Give this book to Mohan and keep the others for Ram.,other,باقٕے,,बाकी, +Pron,Hameed first lifted the green book to read and then the other.,other,دٔیُم،بیٚاکھ,,दूसरा, +Pron,"Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat based diet.",other,باقٕے,,अन्य, +MV,You ought to apologize to me.,ought,پَزِ,,चाहिये, +Pron,Is it our table?,our,سون,,हमारा, +Det,Our university has so many departments.,our,سون،پَنُن,,हमारा/अपना, +Pron,Ours was an unhappy marriage.,ours,سٲنۍ،پَنٕنۍ,,हमारा/अपना, +Pron,We shouldn`t blame ourselves for what happenned.,ourselves,پانَس،پَنہٕ نِس پانَس,,स्वयम, +Pron,We shouldn`t blame ourselves for what happenned.,ourselves,پانَس،پَنہٕ نِس پانَس,,स्वयम्_[को], +Prep,My friend has just come out of hospital.,out,نٮ۪بَر,,के~बाहर, +Adv,It is bitterly cold out today.,out,ن��ٔبٕرۍ کِنۍ,,बाहर, +Adv,Cross out any words that are not on the list.,out,ژٔٹِتھ،خَتٕم,,ख़तम/अंत, +Adv,He was knocked out by a sharp blow to the head.,out,بےٚہوش,,बेहोश, +Prep,He leaned out of the window.,out,نٮ۪بَر,,के_बाहर, +VT,This actor was outed last week.,out,کَڑنہٕ یُن,,बाहर_निकालना, +N,What will be the outcome of the war?,outcome,نٔتیٖجہٕ,,परिणाम, +N,What was the outcome of your meeting with the Board of Directors.,outcome,مَقصَد،نٔتیٖجہٕ,,निष्कर्ष, +Adj,Tennis is an outdoor game.,outdoor,نیٚبرِم,,खुली_हवा_में, +Adj,The outer layer of skin is made of cells and follicles.,outer,نیٔبرِم,,बाह्य, +Adj,The address shows that he stays in outer Mangolia.,outer,دوٗر,,सुदूर, +Adj,There is some problem on the outer rim of the front wheel.,outer,نیٚبرِم،پیٚٹھِم,,केन्द्रावसारी, +N,Rita was wearing a beautiful outfit.,outfit,لِباس،پَلَو,,वेश/पहनावा, +N,He has his own bicycle repair outfit.,outfit,اَوزار,,हथियार, +N,The library has a small publishing outfit.,outfit,جَماعت,,लोकसमूह/मंडली, +N,Robin Hood was an outlaw.,outlaw,۔۔۔,,विधिबहिष्कृत, +V,Hacking should be outlawed.,outlaw,غیر قٲنوٗنی قَرار دیُن,,बहिष्कृत_करना, +N,She has a very positive outlook.,outlook,نَظرِیہِ،نُقطے نَظَر,,दृष्टिकोण, +N,The outlook for this weekend is not something to look forward to.,outlook,آثار,,अन्दाज़{भविष्य_के_बारें_में}, +N,Computer growth indicates a break outlook for the unemployed.,outlook,آثار,,संभव, +N,The house has a beautiful outlook.,outlook,نَظارٕ,,नज़ारा, +N,The output of Bajaj is 200 vehicles per day.,output,پٲداوار,,उत्पादन, +N,That bulb has an output of 200 watts.,output,۔۔۔,,प्रक्षेपण, +V,The computer can output uncountable bytes of information in a second.,output,دیُن,,प्रक्षेपण_करना, +Prep,Nobody outside this room must ever know what we have discussed.,outside,اَمہِ نٮ۪بَر,,के_बाहर, +Prep,He sat for two hours outside his room.,outside,نٮ۪بَر,,ओउट्सिडे{->[के]_बाहर}, +Adj,She is trying to get an outside line but they are all busy.,outside,نیٚبرِم,,बाह्य, +Adj,The outside call costs a lot.,outside,نیٚبرِم,,बाहर, +Adj,Steffi has an outside chance of returning to competitive tennis.,outside,کَم,,कम, +Adv,That job is outside my duty.,outside,نٮ۪بَر,,बाहर, +Adj,Vishwanath Anand`s game is outstanding.,outstanding,جان,,अप्रतिम, +Adj,That is an outstanding problem in that deal.,outstanding,یَتھ نہ ٕوٕنہِ حَل آسہِ,,सहजगम्य, +Adj,Lots of outstanding work crowds the daily transactions.,outstanding,یۄسہٕ کٲم کَرنَے آسہِ روٗزمٕژ,,अपूर्ण, +N,Take a loaf out of the oven.,oven,تٔندوٗر،اَوُن,,भट्टी, +Prep,There was a lamp hanging over the table.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_ऊपर, +Prep,Over 100 people died in the accident.,over,پیٚٹھۍ,,से_अधक, +Prep,She put a blanket over the sleeping child.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,The fire spread all over the place.,over,پرٛٮ۪تھ کُنہِ,,में, +Adv,The little girl fell over and started to cry.,over,پیوٚن,,नीचे_गिरा_हुआ, +prep,Turn the patient over carefully.,over,دوٚیمہِ طَرفہٕ،لَرِ,,दूसरी_ओर, +Adv,Many changes happened over the six months when she was in charge of the company.,over,تام,,तक, +Adv,Children over fifteen need a full ticket on the journey.,over,زیادٕ,,वर्ष_से_ज्यादा, +Adv,Is any food left over?,over,بچیوٚمُت,,बचा_हुआ, +Adv,That is all over.,over,خَتم,,खतम, +Adv,She has ruined it-now I`ll have to do it over!,over,بیٚیہِ،نَوِ سَرٕ,,बारबार, +Prep,Keep it over the cupboard.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,ऊपर, +Prep,It is impossible to build a bridge over Brahmaputra.,over,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,इस_ओर_से_उस_ओर_तक, +Prep,Snowfall is reported all over the country.,over,پوٗرٕ,,सुदूर, +Prep,Over 4 million copies of that book have been sold.,over,زیادٕ,,से_ज्यादा, +Prep,Discuss it over the lunch.,over,منٛز,,बीच, +Prep,We shall be at Madras over Christmas.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,दरमियाँ, +Prep,It will take her ages to get over the tragedy.,over,سَمبالُن,,कठिनाइयाँ_से_मुक्त, +Prep,I heard it over the radio.,over,پٮ۪ٹھ,,प्रसारित, +Prep,Nothing could be heard over the traffic din.,over,مَنٛز,,तेज़_आवाज़, +N,That was a wonderful over by Kapil Dev.,over,اَوَر,,क्रिकेट_की_ओवर, +Pref,That is a warm overcoat.,over,اَوَر کوٹ,,बाह्य, +Pref,The overarching bridge connects two main points.,over,اَپارِ یَپور,,आरपार, +Pref,She is over ambitious.,over,زیادٕ,,ज्यादा, +VT,She overcame the grief by engaging herself in work.,overcome,قابوٗ کَرُن,,वशीभूत_कर_लेना, +VT,Anand overcame Kaprov in the chess.,overcome,ہارناوُن,,हराना, +N,Overhaul of the car periodically will keep it trouble free.,overhaul,جانٛچ پَڑتال کَرٕنۍ,,निरीक्षण, +VT,You should overhaul your car engine.,overhaul,ٹھیٖک کَرُن,,निरीक्षण_करना, +Adj,There is an overhead railway bridge.,overhead,کَلہٕ پیٚٹھۍ,,सिर_के_ऊपर_से_होने_वाला, +Adv,Birds fly overhead.,overhead,کَلہٕ پیٚٹھۍ,,सिर_के_ऊपर, +Adv,We all stayed overnight at our friend`s place.,overnight,پوٗرٕ رٲژ,,रात_भर, +Adv,The singer became popular overnight.,overnight,راتوٗرات,,सहसा, +Adj,Their flight has an overnight stop at Germany.,overnight,روتٕلۍ,,रात_भर_का, +Adv,They are trying to build up overseas markets for their cars.,overseas,سَمَنٛدر پار,,समुद्र_पार, +VT,Aurangazeb overthrew his father.,overthrow,تَختہٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ والُن,,पद_से_निकालना, +VT,The guests were overwhelmed by our hospitality.,overwhelm,خۄش گَژُھن,,अधिक_भावना_प्रकट_करना, +Adj,The response was overwhelming for the concert.,overwhelming,واریاہ جان،واریاہ زَبَر,,अत्यधक, +VT,She owes me $200.,owe,قرضہٕ دارُن,,ऋणी_होना, +Det,It is her own idea to start a school.,own,پَنُن,,अपना, +VT,He owns a farm in Delhi.,own,مٲلِک آسُن,,स्वामी_होना, +N,He is the owner of that hotel.,owner,مٲلِک,,मालक, +N,The ownership of the land is under dispute.,ownership,مِلکِیَت,,स्वामित्व, +N,It is due to the oxidation of exposure that silver is dull.,oxidation,۔۔۔,,आक्सीकरण, +N,We need oxygen to live.,oxygen,آکسیٖجَن,,आक्सीजन, +N,Two paces forward from this point is the meeting place.,pace,قدم,,कदम, +N,He was walking at a slow pace.,pace,رَفتار,,गति, +V,He was pacing up and down the platform.,pace,اورٕ یورٕ کَرُن,,चहलकदमी_करना, +Adj,To give our problems a solution we should be pacific.,pacific,اَمَن پَسَنٛد،اَمَن دوس,,शांतिपुर्ण, +N,My father asked me to bring a pack of biscuits from the market.,pack,پاکیٹ,,पोटली, +N,A pack of scientists was sent to America for some research.,pack,ٹوٗلۍ,,समूह, +V,Pack your luggage as soon as possible.,pack,بَنٛد کَرُن,,गठरी_बनाना, +N,The postman has just delivered a package for you.,package,پارسَل,,पुलिन्दा, +V,The items were packaged neatly.,package,گٮ۪ٹھٕر بَناوٕنۍ,,गठरी_बनाना, +N,My mother asked me to bring a packet of biscuits from market.,packet,پاکیٹ,,पोटली, +N,He was packing his luggage for a holiday tour.,packing,بَنٛد کَرُن،گَنٛڑُن,,बाँधने_के_लिये_प्रयुक्त_पदार्थ, +N,I am reading fourth page of the book.,page,صَفہٕ,,पृष्ठ, +N,The symptoms of the disease include abdominal pain and vomiting.,pain,دَگ,,दर्द, +N,She took lot of pains to get her daughter educated.,pain,سَختی,,दुख़, +V,Romi`s leg is paining like anything.,pain,دَگ آسٕنۍ,,दर्द_होना, +Adj,His story was quite painful.,painful,تکلیٖف واجِنۍ،تَر دُد واجِنۍ،دُکھی,,दर्दनाक, +Adv,My fingers are painfully swollen.,painfully,دَگہِ سۭتۍ،دَگہِ سان,,दर्दनाक_तरीके_से, +N,Give the walls two coats of paint.,paint,رَنٛگہٕ پھَش,,रंगलेप, +V,They could not paint the ceiling since it was too high.,paint,رَنٛگ کَرُن,,रंग_लगाना[होना], +V,This amateur artist paints well.,paint,تَصویٖر بَناوٕنۍ,,चित्रकारी_करना, +N,M.F.Hussain is a famous painter.,painter,مُصَوِر,,चित्रकार, +N,The painter is painting the house.,painter,رَنٛگ ساز,,रंगनेवाला, +N,The painters are painting my shop.,painting,رَنٛگ کَرُن,,कलाकृति{चित्र}, +N,Raja Ravi Varma`s paintings are very famous.,painting,تَصویٖر,,रंगचित्र, +N,She is doing her post graduation in painting.,painting,مُصَوِری,,चित्रकारी, +N,I have got a pair of shoes for my daughter.,pair,جوٗرۍ,,ज��ड़ा, +VTI,She will be paired with her senior in a doubles match.,pair,جوٗرۍ بَناوٕنۍ,,जोड़ा_बनाना, +N,Raj Vilas palace has more than hundred rooms.,palace,مَحل,,महल, +Adj,Her face turned pale on hearing the news.,pale,زَردی ژَھٹھ،لیٚدرِ ژَھٹھ,,फीका, +VI,She paled with the shock of this news.,pale,لیٚدرِ ژَھٹھ پھیرٕنۍ,,फीका_पड़_जाना[कर_देना], +N,They have made a pale with barbed wire.,pale,جَنٛگلہٕ,,बाड़ा/खूँटा/घेरा, +N,Her palms are very soft.,palm,مَنٛز اَتھٕ,,हथेली, +N,There are a lot of palm trees along the beach.,palm,خٔزرٕ کُلۍ,,ताड़_का_पेड़, +VT,I suspected that he had palmed a playing card.,palm,مۄچھِِ مَنٛز تھاوُن,,मुठ्ठी_में_रखना, +VT,I had to palm the accountant to get my loan sanctioned.,palm,رِشوت دیُن,,घूस_देना, +N,They have distributed thousands of pamphlets for publicity.,pamphlet,پیمف لٮ۪ٹ,,पैम्फ़लेट, +V,The prospectors living in South Africa pan for gold and live their life.,pan,۔۔۔,,तसले_में_कुछ_धोना, +V,The prospectors living in South Africa pan for gold and live their life.,pan,۔۔۔,,तसले_में_कुछ_धोना, +V,The prospectors living in South Africa pan for gold and live their life.,pan,۔۔۔,,तसले_में_कुछ_धोना, +N,The door has a beautiful oak panels.,panel,تَختہٕ،دِلہٕ,,तख्ता`, +N,The door with painted panels looks beautiful.,panel,دِلہٕ,,फलक, +N,There are lace panels on all corners of my night suit.,panel,پَٹہٕ,,भाग, +N,"Due to the defect in control panel, the aircraft has to land in midway.",panel,پٮ۪نَل,,पैनल, +N,The panel of judges in SC sat down to solve the case of Jaisika Lal.,panel,اَرکان,,दल, +V,"During Deepawali, we panelled our house in all possible manners.",panel,دِلہٕ لَگاوٕنۍ,,दिल्ला_लगाना, +N,A decision made by me in panic effected me in the long run.,panic,جلٕدبٲزی,,सन्त्रास, +V,The sound of the fire shot panicked the people.,panic,تھَرٕ اَژٕنۍ,,सन्त्रास्त_होना, +N,My papa lives in New York.,papa,مول,,पिता, +N,Where did you keep that paper?,paper,کاغَز,,पेपर, +N,This is my paper.,paper,کاغَز,,पेपर, +N,Where is my packet of writing paper?,paper,کاغَز,,पत्र, +Adj,Can you give me your paper knife?,paper,کاغزو,,कागज़, +N,Papers of secret matters must be kept in secret places.,paper,دَستاویز,,दस्तावेज़, +N,The solved sample papers are now the need of students.,paper,پَرچہٕ,,प्रश्नपत्र, +N,He has given a good paper in the conference.,paper,اِدارِیہ,,लेख, +N,Par for the course is 62.,par,اوسط,,सामान्य~औसत, +N,The sky divers use parachutes for their jumps.,parachute,پَیراشوٗٹ,,हवाई_छतरी, +V,Her plan is to parachute into the town.,parachute,ہوٲیی جہازَ س مَنٛز وَسُن,,हवाई_जहाज_से_उतरना, +V,She came into the living room to parade her new clothes.,parade,نُمٲیِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रदर्शन_कर, +N,The general called the troops out for the parade.,parade,جٔلوٗسہٕ,,जलूस, +N,The third paragraph of the article deals with this issue.,paragraph,رُکوُع،پَیرا,,अनुच्छेद, +N,Draw parallel lines.,parallel,مُتوٲزی،ہِشے،ہِوے,,समानांतर, +N,A postman was carrying a parcel of books.,parcel,بۄکھچہِ،پارسَل,,गठरी, +N,She had actively sought a pardon from her Boss.,pardon,مٲفی,,माफी, +V,The offender was pardoned by the king.,pardon,معاف کَرُن,,माफ_करना, +N,Martina and George have recently become parent.,parent,مول موج,,माँ_बाप, +N,There is a big park in our colony.,park,باغ،پارَک,,उद्यान, +V,Park the car under the tree.,park,گٲڑۍ تھاوٕنۍ,,गाड़ी_खडा_करना, +N,Ashok is a member of parliament.,parliament,قونوٗن سٲزِیَہ,,संसद, +N,I took part in the chess competition.,part,حِصہٕ,,भाग, +N,I was given the part of Shri Rama in the play.,part,کِردار,,किरदार, +N,Please give me the property on part of my brother.,part,طَرفہٕ,,वास्ते, +V,He was parted from his family after division.,part,علحیِدٕ گَژُھن،اَلگ نیرُن,,अलगहोना, +Adj,He got part-time job in a college.,part-time,پاٹ ٹایِم,,अंशकालक, +V,I love to participate in social activities.,participate,حِصہٕ نیُن,,भाग_लेना, +V,Ram participated in the share of property.,participate,حِصہٕ نیُن،شِر کَت کَرٕنۍ,,भागीदार_होना, +N,Participation in acivities is good.,participation,شِرکَت،حِصہٕ دٲری,,भागीदारी, +N,"Participles are used in verb phrases such as`hurrying, hurried` and so on.",participle,اِسمہِ فٲعِل،اِسمہِ مفعوٗل,,कृदंत, +N,Each and every particle is made up of atoms.,particle,زَرٕ,,कण, +Adj,I am very particular about my studies.,particular,سٔنٛجیٖدٕ,,विशिष्ट, +N,When I was in deep trouble he helped me as a partisan of mine.,partisan,مدَدگار,,समर्थक, +Adv,Her attractiveness is partly due to her self-confidence.,partly,کُنہِ حَدَس تام,,कुछ_अंशों_में, +N,I made him my business partner.,partner,شٔریٖک,,साझीदार, +N,He was my partner in tennis tournament.,partner,بوج,,साथी, +N,We had partnership in the business.,partnership,شرۍ کوٚت,,साझीदारी, +N,I have to arrange a party.,party,پارٹی،دعوَت,,पार्टी, +N,Party of that area was given maximum votes.,party,جَمٲژ,,दल/जनसमूह, +V,The street was so crowded that the traffic was unable to pass.,pass,گُزرُن،نیرُن,,गुज़रना, +V,Read and pass on the newspaper.,pass,پِل ناوُن,,हस्तांतरित_करना, +V,Pass the shop and you will be in front of the school.,pass,ترٛاوُن,,पार_करना, +V,"This is her family trade, passed (down) from generation to generation.",pass,وَراثتَس مَنٛز میلُن,,उत्तराधिकार_में_पाना, +V,I don`t know much psychology but I have to pass my exams.,pass,پاس کَرُن,,उत्तीर्ण_होना, +V,The bill should be passed in this session only.,pass,مَنظوٗر گَژُھن,,मंज़ूर_होना, +V,Her provocative remarks passed without comment.,pass,برٛونٛٹھ پَکُن,,आगे बडना, +N,Read the following passage.,passage,۔۔۔,,अनुच्छेद, +N,No one can stop the passage of time.,passage,گُزرُن,,गमन, +N,They entered the passage from the side door.,passage,ووٚٹ,,गलियारा, +N,The small particle entered her nasal passage.,passage,وَتھ,,नालिका_मार्ग, +N,Most long distance passengers prefer the window seat.,passenger,مُسافِر،سَوٲرۍ,,यात्री, +Adj,I watched the passing procession.,passing,گُزرن وول,,गुज़रने_वाला, +Adj,It was just a passing thought.,passing,پٔتِم,,क्षणक, +N,One must have control over one`s passions.,passion,جَزبہٕ,,भावावेश, +N,She has a passion for music.,passion,دٮ۪وانگی,,सनक, +N,Many refugees have arrived at the border without passports.,passport,پاسپوٹ,,पासपोर्ट{पारपत्र}, +Adj,She has been ill for the past four days.,past,پٔتِۍ مٮ۪ن,,पिछला, +Adv,He drove past the playground.,past,نَزدیٖک یا بُتھۍ کِنۍ,,हो_कर/से, +N,"In the past, scientists had to rely on cutting up dead brains to find out about living ones.",past,پَتھ کال،ماضی,,भूतकाल, +Prep,This issue is past her understanding.,past,نٮ۪بَر,,परे, +Prep,Her grandmother is past eighty five.,past,تَمہِ زیادٕ،ہیوٚر,,से_अधक, +N,Close the envelope with the paste.,paste,گونٛد,,लेई, +N,Turmeric and sandalwood paste works as a good antiseptic.,paste,پیسٹ,,लसदार_मिश्रण, +VT,Let`s paste the posters on the walls.,paste,لاگُن،چِپہٕ کاوُن,,चिपकाना, +N,The new pastor has an authoritative voice.,pastor,پادٕرۍ,,पादरी, +N,The pastures have turned fresh and green in the rain.,pasture,گاسہٕ چرٲے,,चारागाह, +N,There is no more pasture left for the cows.,pasture,گاسہٕ,,चारा, +N,She was wearing a yellow dress with green patches on the flair.,patch,ٹُکرٕ,,टुकड़ा, +N,You need a patch for your wound.,patch,دَوَہ پٔٹ,,फाहा, +N,Bring the white horse with the black patch on his forehead.,patch,داگ,,धब्बा, +V,They tried to patch the leaking roof.,patch,جوڑُن,,जोड़ना, +Adj,He has put forward a patent question.,patent,واضِح،ظٲہَر,,प्रत्यक्ष, +N,He has obtained a patent for this new model of fridge.,patent,گارَنٛٹی,,किसी_आविष्कार_का_पूर्ण_अधिकार/अधिकार_पत्र, +VT,The company patented for their exclusively designed dish washer.,patent,گارَنٛٹی دِنۍ,,सनद_देकर_अधिकार_की_रक्षा_करना, +N,Hardwork is the path to success.,path,وَتھ,,पथ, +N,This path leads to the river through the forest.,path,وَتھ,,मार्ग, +N,All Gandhians tread on the path of truth and non-violence.,path,وَتھ,,कार्यविधि, +N,She has taken up pathology as her major subject.,pathology,علم الامراض,,रोग_लक्षण_विद्या, +N,I don`t have patience.,patience,صَبٕر،بَرداش،تاب,,धीरज, +Adj,She is a patient listener.,patient,صٲبِر,,धैर्यवान, +N,This patient is suffering from malaria.,patient,مٔریٖض،بیمار،زیٖرِعلاج شَخٕص,,मरीज़, +N,There is a police patrol at the end of the road.,patrol,گٔشتی پارٹی,,गश्ती_टोली, +N,The guards make an hourly patrol of this site.,patrol,گَشتہٕ,,गश्त_लगाना, +VTI,There are troops that regularly patrol along the border.,patrol,پَہرٕ دیُن،گَشتہٕ کَرُن,,पहरा_देना, +N,She bought a book of wallpaper patterns.,pattern,نٔموٗنہٕ،نَقشہٕ,,नमूना/प्रतिरूप, +N,The company`s export policy set the pattern for other companies.,pattern,مِثال,,आदर्श, +V,I used to pattern myself on my big sister.,pattern,نَقٕل کَرُن,,अनुकरण_करना, +Adj,I like these patterned wallpapers.,pattern,نَموٗنہٕ دار,,रचा_हुआ, +VI,He paused before answering my question.,pause,رُکُن,,रुकना, +N,He slipped out during a pause in the conversation.,pause,وَقفہٕ,,विराम, +V,You have to pay for your behaviour.,pay,معاوضہٕ دیُن،قۭمَت دیُن,,कीमत_दे, +N,They will get their pay by the end of this month.,pay,تَنخاہ,,तनख्वाह, +VTI,They always pay their rent on time.,pay,پونٛسہٕ دِنۍ,,पैसा_चुकाना, +VTI,He will pay for all his evil deeds.,pay,سَزا میلُن،سَزا تُلُن,,सजा_पाना, +VTI,It pays to be honest with the taxman.,pay,مُفیٖد آسُن،نَفع میلُن،فٲیدٕ مَنٛد روزُن,,लाभकर_होना, +N,Give me my payment.,payment,رَقَم،پونٛسہٕ,,भुगतान, +N,"After the sudden outbreak of war, now there is peace in the country.",peace,اَمَن،سٕکوٗن,,अमन, +N,She has lost her peace of mind.,peace,سکوٗن,,चैन, +Adj,She passed a peaceful evening in the meadows.,peaceful,پُر اَمُن,,शान्त, +N,K2 is the highest peak in India.,peak,تیٚنتول,,चोटी, +V,Land prices have peaked now-a-days.,peak,کھَسُن,,चोटी_पर_पहुँचना, +Adj,He has his won peculiar brand of humour.,peculiar,عٔجیٖب،مخصوٗص,,असामान्य, +N,"In cricket, Tendulkar has no peer where batting is concerned.",peer,جورٕ,,जोड़, +V,The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign.,peer,غورٕ سان وُچھن,,सावधानी_से_देखना/ताकना, +V,"I am already sad because of my half yearly results, so please do not peeve me further.",peeve,چِڑاوُن،تُلُن,,चिढ़ाना, +N,I have an infinite number of pens in my home.,pen,قَلَم,,कलम/लेखनी, +V,He penned a beautiful letter yesterday.,pen,لٮ۪کھُن,,लिखना, +V,She feels penned in by her life as a housewife.,pen,بَنٛد گََژُھن,,बाड़े_में_बन्द_करना, +N,I have made a beautiful pen for my animals.,pen,گان,,जानवरों_का_बाड़ा, +N,"Yesterday, I visited a kids` pen.",pen,جیل,,जेल, +N,In library you have to pay a penalty for returning a book late.,penalty,جُرمانہٕ،لَگہٕ,,दण्ड/सज़ा, +N,Have you sharpened your pencil.,pencil,پینسَل,,पेंसिल, +V,She penciled a beautiful room.,pencil,شَکٕل بَناوٕنۍ،خاکہٕ بَناوُن,,चित्रित_करना, +Adj,He has so much pending work in their office.,pending,نا مُکمل,,विचाराधीन, +V,The surgeons knife penetrated deep into the patient`s body.,penetrate,ژانُن،اَژُن,,घुसना, +Adj,She is enough penetrate to understand this long chapter.,penetrating,سَمٕجھ دار،ذٔہیٖن,,सूक्ष्म, +Adj,A penetrating cry was heard from neighbour`s house.,penetrating,نارٕ کرٛٮ۪کھ،کَنَن تٔرِتھ گَژھَن واجِنۍ کرٛٮ۪کھ,,वेधक, +N,Our penetration of the enemy`s defences is wonderful.,penetration,سَمَجھ،سونٛچ,,वेधन, +N,I have a penny in my coin collection.,penny,دوٚمبٕرۍ,,पेनी{ब्रिटिश_करेंसी}, +N,I met many people in the conference.,people,لُکھ،خَلَق,,लोग, +N,I love people of my country.,people,خَلَق،لُکھ,,जनता, +N,The spartans were a warlike people.,people,زٲژ،قوم,,जाति, +N,The people of Russia were ruled by Tzar kings.,people,عَوام,,देशवासी, +N,He needs the support of the people.,people,لُکھ,,लोग, +N,The chief minister will be elected by the people.,people,عوام,,प्रजा, +N,My people are very good in nature.,people,رِشتہٕ دار,,रिश्तेदार, +N,Pepper has got a special place in ayurveda to make some kinds of medicines.,pepper,مَرٕژ,,गोल_मिर्च, +N,Peppers stuffed with rice are tasty to eat.,pepper,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ سَبزی,,एक_प्रकार_का_सब्जी, +prep,He gets Rs.30 per day.,per,فی,,प्रति-, +N,Over 70 percent of the families in this area own a telephone.,percent,فی صٔدی،فی صَد,,प्रतिशत, +N,The sales girls get a percentage on each product they sell.,percentage,فی صٔدی,,प्रतिशतता, +N,What percentage of the students is awarded a fellowship.,percentage,فی صٔدی,,अंश, +N,The teachers should improve one`s power of perception.,perception,سونٛچ سَمَجھ,,प्रत्यक्ष_ज्ञान, +N,The doctor`s analysis on my disease showed a great perception.,perception,وٲقفِیَت،سَمَجھ,,प्रतिपत्ति_ज्ञान, +Adj,This car is very old but is in almost perfect condition.,perfect,بِلکُل صحیح،بِلکُل ٹھیٖک,,बिल्कुल_ठीक, +Adj,This is an absolutely perfect set of cutlery.,perfect,پُورٕ،مُکَمَل,,संपूर्ण, +Adj,This is the perfect copy of the original document.,perfect,صحیح،ٹھیٖک,,ही, +Adj,A perfect score made by the opening batsman gives hope to win the game.,perfect,جان,,आदर्श, +Adj,They speak perfect French.,perfect,صحیح,,परिशुद्ध, +Adj,I have eaten` is the present perfect tense of `eat`,perfect,۔۔۔,,भूतकाल_सम्बन्धी, +N,The verb is in the perfect.,perfect,۔۔۔,,पूर्णभूत, +V,She is an artist who spent years perfecting her creativity.,perfect,تَکمیٖل کَرُن,,परिपूर्ण_करना, +Adv,Now I am feeling perfectly well.,perfectly,بِلکُل،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्णत, +Adv,The trousers which were bought from readymade shop fit perfectly.,perfectly,بِلکُل,,बिल्कुल, +Adv,The patient is perfectly alright now.,perfectly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, +Adv,That was a perfectly horrible thing to say.,perfectly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, +Adv,She is perfectly alright.,perfectly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, +V,The play was first performed in the late 80`s.,perform,پیٚش کَرُن,,प्रदर्शन_करना, +N,Let`s go and attend the matinee performance of Remo.,performance,کار کَردٕگی,,प्रदर्शन, +N,This is a rare live performance of Lata Mangeshkar.,performance,کٲم،اَداکٲری,,अनुष्ठान, +N,It was an impressive performance of cricket players of India.,performance,کٲم,,क्रिया, +N,I am extremely impressed by his performance.,performance,کارکَردٕگی,,शीघ्रता_के_साथ_ठीक-ठाक_काम_करने_की_क्षमता, +N,I am not satisfied with your performance of duties.,performance,عَمَل،کٲم,,संपादन, +Adv,Perhaps I may not attend the class tomorrow.,perhaps,شایَد,,संभवतः, +Adv,It is perhaps the best known of his works.,perhaps,شایَد,,शायद, +N,Your duty will be to maintain the traffic system at peak periods.,period,زمانہٕ,,काल, +N,This statue was made during Akbar`s period.,period,وَقٕت،دور,,युग, +N,A movie is also made on the jurrasic period.,period,دور,,कल्प, +N,We have two periods of computer in a week.,period,گَنٛٹہٕ,,घण्टा, +N,She consulted the doctor for periods.,period,محؤری,,रजोधर्म, +Adj,She has now got a permanent job in a school.,permanent,مُستقِل,,स्थायी, +N,She has got the permission to enter the school.,permission,اِِجازَت,,इज़ाज़त, +N,No one can enter school premises without a permit.,permit,اِجازَت،اِختیار,,अनूज्ञा, +V,The security gaurd permitted the students into the museum.,permit,اِجازِت دیُن,,अनुमति_देना, +V,School admission should be reopened as soon as circumstances permit.,permit,کَرنہٕ دیُن,,करने_देना, +V,Perpetrate is a dreadful outrage.,perpetrate,گۄناہ کَرُن,,पाप_या_दोष_करना, +Adj,Be persistent-don`t give up.,persistent,ثٲبِت قَدَم,,ज़िद्दी`, +Adj,"He is persistent, he won`t give up.",persistent,ثٲبِت قَدَم,,दृढ/ज़िद्दी, +Adj,Symptoms of his illness include fever and persistent dry cough.,persistent,لَگاتار,,लगातार/निरन्तर, +N,He is that person whom Rita loves.,person,شَخٕص،نَفَر,,व्यक्ति, +N,He is the first person who has come for interview.,person,نَفَر,,पुरुष, +N,He is a nice person.,person,نَفَر,,आदमी, +Adj,My car is for my personal use only.,personal,ذٲتی،نِجی،اِنفَرٲدی,,वैयक्तक, +Adj,I`ll meet you later on to discuss some personal matters.,personal,ذٲتی،اِنفَرٲدی,,व्यक्तिगत, +Adj,Her work is personal for her.,personal,ذٲتی,,स्वयं, +N,Ram is having a strong personality.,personality,ووٚجُود,,व्यक्तित्व, +N,Good personality persons are known by every one.,personality,شخصِیَت,,विशेष_चरित्र, +Adv,She wants to do her work personally.,personally,بَزاتہِ خۄد,,स्वयं, +Adv,I don`t know him personally.,personally,ذٲتی طور,,व्यक्तिगत_रूप_से, +N,Army personnel are not allowed to leave on the base.,personnel,کارکُن،عَملہٕ,,कर्मचारी_वर्ग, +N,He is working in the personnel department.,personnel,۔۔۔,,कर्मचारी_विभाग, +N,The artist shows a fine command of pespective.,perspective,نَظٔرِیہِ,,परिप्रेक्ष्य, +V,It is very difficult to persuade her for this work.,persuade,مَناوُن,,राज़ी_कर, +V,I persuaded her to do my work.,persuade,مانہٕ راوُن,,के_लिए_राजी_करना, +V,The judge was not fully persuaded by the evidence.,persuade,یٖٔقین دیاوناوُن,,समझाना, +V,He was summoned for evidence pertaining to the case.,pertain,مُتعَلِق آسُن,,से_सम्बंध_रखना, +V,I am only interested in the parts of the proposals that pertain to local issues.,pertain,وابَستہٕ آسُن,,का_होना, +Adj,The teacher asked the students to ask pertinent questions.,pertinent,مُطٲبِق،مُتعلِق,,प्रासंगक, +V,The smell of flowers pervaded our garden.,pervade,پھٲلُن,,में_व्याप्त_होना, +N,I have got a pet dog.,pet,پالتو,,प्रेमपात्र, +V,Ram pets his little dog.,pet,رَچُھن,,दुलारना, +N,A petition against closing the steel works was signed by all the members.,petition,عَرضی,,निवेदनपत्र, +N,His wife made a petition for divorce.,petition,عرضی,,अर्ज़ी, +N,She is the petitioner of divorce.,petitioner,عرضی کَرَن وول،عرضی کَرَن واجِنۍ,,अर्ज़ीदार, +N,My son is going through a difficult phase.,phase,دور,,पहलू, +N,The first quarter is the brightest phase of the moon.,phase,۔۔۔,,कला, +N,The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.,phase,۔۔۔,,अवस्था, +V,The minister said that the reduction in armed forces would be phased over the next six to seven years.,phase,۔۔۔,,चरणों_में_करना, +N,Photosynthesis is a bio-chemical phenomenon.,phenomenon,۔۔۔,,दृग्विषय, +N,Gandhiji was a great philosopher.,philosopher,فِلاسفَر,,दार्शनिक/तत्त्वज्ञ, +Adj,Ramu is interested to particapate in philosophical discussions.,philosophical,فِلاسفِکَل,,दार्शनक, +N,I want to do masters in Philosphy.,philosophy,فِلاسفی,,दर्शन, +N,Indian philosophy is very rich.,philosophy,فِلاسفی,,दर्शन_[शास्त्र], +N,I have talked to my friend on phone.,phone,ٹیٚلیفون,,टेलीफ़ोन, +V,My father asked me to phone for a taxi.,phone,فون کَرُن,,फ़ोन_करना, +N,We took the photograph of Tajmahal when we went to Agra.,photograph,تَصویٖر،فوٹوٗ,,फ़ोटो, +V,I am photographing a rare plant.,photograph,فوٹوٗ تُلُن,,फ़ोटो_खींचना, +N,A group of words with special meaning is called a phrase.,phrase,فرٛیز,,वाक्यांश, +N,A phrase can be effectively used to emphasise a point.,phrase,محاورٕ,,मुहावरा, +Adj,Physical Education is must for every student.,physical,جِسمٲنی,,शारीरक, +Adj,It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.,physical,جِسمٲنی,,भौतक, +Adv,The class was so boring that all the students were physically there but mentally somewhere else.,physically,جِسمٲنی طور پٲٹھۍ,,शारीरक, +Adv,That`s physically impossible.,physically,جِسمٲنی طور,,प्राकृतिक_नियम_के_अनुसार, +N,I have to consult a physician.,physician,ڈاکٹَر،حٔکیٖم,,चिकित्सक/वैद्य, +N,Physics is one of the major branches of science.,physics,طِبیات,,भौतिक_विज्ञान, +Adj,Children undergo physiological changes.,physiological,عضویٲتی,,दैहक, +N,He is a pianist.,pianist,پیانو بَجاوَن وول,,पियानो_बजानेवाला, +N,The grand piano adorned the superstar`s living room.,piano,پیانو,,पियानो/महावाद्य, +V,She picked up the most beautiful dress.,pick,چُنُن ،ژارُن,,चुन_लेना, +V,He picked the red roses from the plant.,pick,ژَٹُن,,तोडना, +V,Please pick the hair on the floor.,pick,تُلُن,,साफ़_करना, +V,The burglars picked the lock of strong room.,pick,کھولُن,,किसी_नुकीली_वस्तु_से_ताला_खोलना, +N,We took delicious picnic with us on the way to Jaipur.,picnic,کھٮ۪ن چٮ۪ن،کھٮ۪ن خۄردٔنی,,वनभोज, +N,We`ll go for a picnic this sunday.,picnic,چَکرَس،سٲر،سٲلَس,,लघुयात्रा/पिकनक, +N,He made a beautiful picture.,picture,تَصویٖر,,चित्र, +N,Her birthday pictures were really nice.,picture,فوٹوٗ,,फ़ोटो, +N,Our TV has a 45 cm picture.,picture,فِلِم،سینِما,,सिनेमा_या_टेलिविज़न_का_पर्दा, +N,This is the debut picture of leonardo.,picture,فِلِم,,फ़िल्म, +N,Our teacher gave us a vivid picture of World war-II.,picture,مَنٛظر,,वर्णन, +N,My brother`s description helped the police to build up an accurate picture of what had happened.,picture,خَیال ،قَیاص,,मानसिक_चित्र, +N,My dad was a picture on the day of his anniversary.,picture,۔۔۔,,मनोहर_वस्तु, +V,I tried to picture how our India will be in 21st century.,picture,خَیال کَرُن،تَصَوُر کَرُن،قَیاس آرٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,कल्पना_करना, +V,He was often pictured as an outsider.,picture,ماننہٕ یُن,,चित्रित_करना/चित्र_द्वारा_प्रदर्शित_करना, +N,The sofa is delivered in pieces and we have to assemble it.,piece,حِصہٕ,,टुकडा, +N,A piece of the Tea set is missing.,piece,پیس,,एक_सेट_में_से_पृथक, +N,Leonardo Davince`s monalisa is his master piece.,piece,نٔموٗنہٕ,,खण्ड, +V,The police collected clues in order to piece together the details of murder case.,piece,جوڑُن,,जोडना, +V,I pieced together the parts of broken vase.,piece,جوڑُن,,जोडकर_बना_लेना, +V,The bullet pierced his hand.,pierce,گوٚد کَرُن,,छेदित_करना, +V,She pierced that pencil nib on my finger.,pierce,تُرٛس دیُن,,चुभाना, +V,Her speech pierced the audience.,pierce,اَثَر کَرُن،دِلَس سٔنِتھ گَژُھن,,प्रभावित_करना, +N,There are some pigs in the sty.,pig,سور،خٔنٛزیٖر,,सुअर, +N,Don`t be such a pig.,pig,لالچی,,लालची, +N,This work was an absolute pig.,pig,ناکارٕ،مُشکِل,,व्यर्थ_और_नीरस_कार्य, +V,We pigged out on pizza and chicken wings.,pig,واریاہ کھیوٚن،کھٮ۪نَس مَتُن,,बहुत_खाना, +N,The fishermen caught some pikes.,pike,اَکِہ قٕسمٕچ گاڈ,,तेज़_दाँतोंवाली_विशाल_मछली, +N,The old pike used by the soldiers is in museum now.,pike,نیزٕ,,भाला, +N,The langdale pikes of Britain are beautiful.,pike,پہاڑ ٕ تیٚنتول,,किसी_पहाड_की_नुकीली_चोटी, +N,There is a pile of book lying on my table.,pile,ڈیر,,ढेर, +N,I`ve got a pile of work to do.,pile,ڈیر,,बहुत_सारा, +N,Some tourist are tramping around his ancestral pile.,pile,عِمارَت,,इमारतों_का_समूह, +N,A pile driver hammers piles into the ground.,pile,ٹِکیُل,,खूँटा, +N,I have a carpet which has a deep pile.,pile,مخَمَل,,मखमल, +V,I have piled up some books for your use.,pile,ڈیرَس تھاوُن,,ढेर_लगना, +N,Take three pills daily after meals.,pill,پِل،دَوَہ پھوٚل,,गोली, +N,Mary`s doctor suggested her to go on for the pill.,pill,حَمَل رُکناونٕچ پِل,,गर्भनिरोधक_गोली, +N,My cousin is a fighter pilot.,pilot,پیلاٹ,,विमान_चालक, +N,The pilot of the canal is very experienced.,pilot,پیلاٹ,,जहाज़रान, +Adj,A pilot editon of a new language course was introduced recently.,pilot,۔۔۔,,प्रायोगक, +V,He was able to pilot the plane through the narrow valley.,pilot,چَلاوُن,,चलाना, +V,CBSE Board is piloting a new English course.,pilot,مَنصوٗبہٕ کَرُن,,प्रयोग_करना, +N,Get me a packet of pins.,pin,سٕژَن،پِن,,आलपीन, +N,Please don`t irritate me with this pin.,pin,سٕژَن,,सुई_की_नोक, +N,Rakesh hanged your coat on pin.,pin,کیُل،کُنٛڑٕ,,खूँटी, +N,Anu`s pins are affected by polio.,pin,زَنٛگ,,टाँग, +V,She pinned the bills together.,pin,پِن لاگٕنۍ,,पिन_लगाना, +N,Pine trees are found in cool northern regions and are used for making furniture.,pine,دیودار,,चीड_का_पेड/देवदारु, +V,A cat was pining for her kittens.,pine,سَخ تَما ہ کَرُن,,लालसा_करना, +Adj,Preeti came to the party in a pink coloured dress.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_रंग_का, +Adj,"During elections, everyone wants to be pink.",pink,واریاہ ��صٕل،جان,,बहुत_अच्छा, +N,Pink suits you a lot.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_रंग, +N,I like almost all colours except pink.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_कपडे, +N,Those roses are pink.,pink,گۄلٲبۍ,,गुलाबी_फूल, +V,A truck was making a lot of pink sound.,pink,شور کَرُن,,शोर_करना, +N,Thousands of viruses can be found in pinpoint.,pinpoint,سٕژنہِ پیوٚت,,सूच्यग्र/सूई_की_नोक, +Adj,The Pilot navigated the plane with pinpoint accuracy.,pinpoint,بِلُکُل صحیح,,सही, +N,They were the pioneers in the field of microsurgery.,pioneer,یُس گۄڈٕ کانٛہہ کٲم کَرِ,,अग्रगामी/पथप्रदर्शक, +N,Early man was the pioneer on the earth.,pioneer,گۄڈٕنِکۍ بَسَن وٲلۍ,,प्रथम_बसने_वाला, +V,He poineered research in this area.,pioneer,شروٗع کَرُن,,मार्ग_प्रशस्त_करना, +N,I have to get a water pipe.,pipe,پایِپ,,पाइप, +N,Nurse was told to put oxygen pipe on patient`s nose.,pipe,نٔلۍ,,नलिका, +N,Please lit my pipe.,pipe,چِلِم،پایِپ,,चिलम/पैप, +N,Lord Krishna plays pipe very well.,pipe,نَے,,बाँसुरी, +V,She is piping water into the garden.,pipe,آب دیُن,,नल_से_ले_जाना, +V,The bird is piping a song on the tree.,pipe,گٮ۪وُن,,चहकना, +N,The notorious pirate is shot dead.,pirate,سَمَندٔری ڈاکوٗ,,समुद्री_डाकू, +N,The pirate video cassettes are now banned.,pirate,نَقلی,,साहित्यिक_चोर, +N,The interference with radio reception was caused by pirates.,pirate,ژوٗر,,रास्ते_से_चुरा_लेनेवाले, +N,Where is my pistol?,pistol,پِستول,,पिस्तौल/तमंचा, +N,Put all the leaves in the pit.,pit,دۄب,,गहरा_गढ्ढा, +N,To go in coal mine pit is a risky job.,pit,دۄب,,कोयले_की_खान, +V,The acid had pitted the surface of zinc piece.,pit,گٔد ۍ کَرٕنۍ,,गड्ढे_बनाना, +V,I like to eat pitted dates.,pit,ٲنٛٹ کٔڑِتھ,,बीज_निकालना, +N,The cricket pitch is wet now.,pitch,پِچ,,खेल_के_लिए_स्थान, +N,She has high pitch.,pitch,آواز,,तारत्व/सुर/स्वर, +N,The dancer`s talent reached the pitch of perfection.,pitch,دَرجہِ،معیار,,ऊँचाई, +N,The basket ball player gave an exact pitch and the ball fell in the basket.,pitch,نِشانہٕ،آے,,फ़ेंक/क्षेपण, +N,The ship travelled on the sea with a pitch.,pitch,۔۔۔,,उचनिचाव, +V,Their prices are pitched lower than those of their competitors.,pitch,۔۔۔,,स्थिर_करना, +V,Pitch the transistor to maximum.,pitch,بَڑِ تھاوُن,,लगाना, +V,Pitch pebbles into that river.,pitch,لَگاوُن,,फ़ेंकना, +V,The ball pitched short.,pitch,ٹپہٕ کھیوٚن,,टप्पा_खाना, +V,The boy suddenly pitched forward out of his seat when the driver applied a sudden break.,pitch,ؤسۍ پیوٚن،دَکہٕ لَگُن,,गिरना{धडाम_से}, +V,The ship pitched in the sea due to tides.,pitch,جَہازُک ہیوٚر بۄن گَژُھن,,डूबना-उतराना, +V,We pitched camp near the river while trekking.,pitch,ڈیرٕ ترٛاوُن,,डेरा_डालना, +N,Pitch is a useful product in sealing gaps.,pitch,۔۔۔,,डामर/अलकतरा, +N,The pitchers are quite common in villages.,pitcher,نوٚٹ,,घडा, +N,Please serve a pitcher of cold drink to all.,pitcher,نوٚٹ،صُرَے,,घडे_आदि_में_गीले_पदार्थ_की_मात्रा, +N,The pitchers play a very important role in base ball.,pitcher,پِچَر,,पिचर{खेल_में}, +N,Have pity on animals.,pity,رَحم،آر,,दया, +N,It`s a pity that bad weather forecasting will not permit you to go to Delhi.,pity,اَفسوٗسٕچ کَتھ,,खैद_का_विषय, +N,The temple is a good place for worship.,place,جاے،مُقام,,स्थान/जगह, +V,He placed the documents on the table.,place,تھاوُن,,रखना, +V,The knife has been placed under the pillow.,place,تھاوُن,,रख_देना, +V,He looks so familiar but I can`t place him.,place,پرٛزٕناوُن,,पहचानना, +V,I placed the order for the fridge six weeks ago.,place,فَرمٲیِش کَرٕنۍ یا سوزٕنۍ,,जारी_रखना, +V,The company places many labourers a year.,place,نوکری دِنۍ,,नौकरी_देना, +N,Many agencies are offering placements in overseas.,placement,نوکری,,नियोजन, +Adj,I like plain food.,plain,سادٕ,,सादा, +Adj,She is very plain spoken.,plain,صاف، شوٚد,,स्फष्टतया, +N,We have the plains at the out skirts of the town.,plain,مٲدان,,समतल_भूमी, +Adv,The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village.,plainly,صاف پٲٹھۍ,,स्पष्ट_रूप_से, +N,The Government should make a plan to bring up the poor.,plan,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजना, +N,A building plan was approved by the authority.,plan,نَقشہٕ,,मापचित्र, +N,Aeroplanes are filled with gasoline.,plane,ہَوٲیی جَہاز,,हवाई-जहाज़, +N,A vertical plane was drawn.,plane,ہَموار,,तल, +N,The carpenter made the surface of the wood smooth by a plane.,plane,رَنٛدٕ,,रन्दा, +N,Planes have broad leaves and thin bark.,plane,اَکہِ قٕسمُک کُل,,चनार, +N,Earth is a planet.,planet,سَیارٕ,,ग्रह, +Adj,Earth is the part of the planetary system.,planetary,سَیٲری,,ग्रह_संबन्धी, +N,Plants need light and water.,plant,کُل,,पौधा, +N,The new plant is decided to develop the tools for artisans.,plant,کارخانہٕ,,संयन्त्र, +N,Plants need light and water.,plant,کُلۍ کٔٹۍ,,वनस्पति, +N,The new plant is decided to develop the tools for artisans.,plant,کارخانہٕ,,संयन्त्र, +V,I want to plant trees and bushes in my new garden.,plant,کُلۍ لَگاوٕنۍ,,रोपना, +V,I planted my feet into the clay and walked over.,plant,بٔڑراوُن,,बसाना, +N,Now a days Teak plantations are in passion.,plantation,شَجَرکٲری,,बगीचा, +N,A roof leak has damaged a section of ceiling plaster.,plaster,پَلَستَر,,प्लास्तर, +N,The plaster was applied on the surface.,plaster,پَلَستَر,,दीवार_पर_लगाने_का_मसाला, +N,Price of plastic items are cheaper than the metal ones.,plastic,پٕلاسٹِک,,प्लास्टक, +N,We brought paper plates to distribute the savoury.,plate,رِکٲبۍ,,प्लेट, +N,The plates of the Nizam are being exhibited.,plate,سۄنہٕ سٕنٛدۍ تہٕ رۄپہٕ سٕنٛدۍ بانہٕ,,सोने_चाँदी_के_बरतन, +N,The glass plate of the main door was broken.,plate,ناوٕ پٔٹ,,चद्दर, +N,We saw so many colour plates in the museum.,plate,تَصویٖر,,चित्र, +V,The copper trey is plated with silver.,plate,گِلَٹھ کھالٕنۍ,,मुलम्मा_लगाना, +N,He must be waiting for you on railway platform.,platform,پَلیٹ فارَم,,प्लेटफॉर्म, +V,I love to play cricket.,play,کھیل,,खेल, +V,He played a game of chess with his brother.,play,گِنٛدُن,,खेलना, +N,Our aim is to learn through play.,play,گِنٛدُن,,खेल, +N,That radio play was very good.,play,ڈراما,,नाटक, +N,I don`t get time for play.,play,گِنٛدُن،کھیل,,खेल, +N,New budget boons changed the market plays.,play,کٲم کاج,,गतिविधि, +N,Sachin is an excellent cricket player.,player,کھِلٲڑۍ,,खिलाडी, +N,He is a well known trumpet player.,player,ساز وایَن وول,,वादक, +N,Shahrukh is a good player.,player,اَداکار,,अभिनेता, +V,She pleaded for mercy from the king.,plead,دَرخاست کَرُن،گُزٲرِش کَرٕنۍ،زارٕ پارٕ کَرُن,,याचना_करना, +Adj,It is really a pleasant view.,pleasant,خۄشگَوار،دِلکَش,,मनोहर, +Interj,Could you please do it for me?,please,مہربٲنی,,क्रिपया, +V,It pleases me to see a well designed book.,please,خۄش کَرُن,,खुश_करना, +V,"She is always a good girl, friendly and eager to please.",please,خۄش گژُھن،خۄش کَرناوُن,,खुश_कर_[होना], +N,It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to such a renowned artist.,pleasure,سُکوٗن،خوشی،مَسَرت,,आनन्द, +N,Take pledge to help co-human beings.,pledge,عَہدٕ،قَسَم,,प्रतिज्ञा, +V,He pledged to fight for his nation`s security.,pledge,عَہدٕ کَرُن،قَسَم کھیٚون,,प्रतिज्ञा_कर[हो], +Pron,The people offered plenty of food to those who were hungry.,plenty,وُفوٗر،واریاہ,,पर्याप्त, +N,We have plenty of time left to do our work.,plenty,واریاہ،وُفوٗر،غَلبہٕ،کٲفی،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,पर्याप्त, +Adv,We have plenty more books to read.,plenty,کٲفی،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,अधिक_मात्रा_में, +N,I need several plots of land for my hotel.,plot,زٔمیٖٖن ٹُکرٕ،پٕلاٹ,,भूखण्ड, +N,That plot is on sale.,plot,زٔمیٖن ٹُکرٕ،پٕلاٹ,,भूखण्ड, +N,I saw a plot which was very beautiful with a small cottage and rose garden.,plot,زٔمیٖن ٹُکرٕ،پٕلاٹ,,भूभाग, +N,The plot of this novel is to spot out the murderer.,plot,قٕصہٕ,,कथानक, +N,The rebels in the party hatched a plot to bring the government down.,plot,سٲزِش,,कुचक्र, +V,I ploted a map of Asia on a paper.,plot,گرٛاف بَناوُن,,रूप_रेखा_बनाना, +V,Police ploted a plan for the murderer.,plot,سٲزِش کَرٕنۍ,,षड्यंत्र_रचना, +N,Farmers use plough for turning and loosening the soil.,plough,اَلبٲنۍ,,हल, +N,Plough is one of the brightest stars in the great bear group.,plough,۔۔۔,,सप्तर्षिमण्डल, +V,People plough the field to carry on their agricultural tasks.,plough,زٔمیٖن وایُن,,जोतना, +V,I plugged the bottle of cold drink after taking some out of it.,plug,ٹھانٛڑ دیُن,,डाट_लगाना, +V,The media plugged the achievements of the late prime minister.,plug,اَلمَن کھالُن،شہرَت کَرٕنۍ،نُمٲش کَرٕنۍ,,दोहराई_से_कहना, +V,I plugged the guy.,plug,مارُن,,मारना, +N,Fix this plug into the socket.,plug,پٕلَگ,,प्लग, +N,The supporters gave a plug in the form of advertisement to their leader.,plug,شہرت,,अनुकूल_प्रचार, +V,The municipal workers plunged the iron rods into the drain to clean up.,plunge,ٹُھکُن,,फँसाना, +V,I love to plunge in swimming pool for hours.,plunge,وۄٹھ دِنۍ،گۄتہٕ مارُن,,गोता_लगाना, +N,The car started with plunge.,plunge,وۄٹھ,,झपट, +N,I really enjoy a plunge in the swimming pool.,plunge,وۄٹھ لایِنۍ,,डुबकी, +N,The plural of boy is boys.,plural,جمع,,बहुवचन, +Prep,I don`t want to go to market-plus I don`t want to spend money any more.,plus,بیٚیہِ,,मिलाकर, +Prep,Three plus two is equal to five.,plus,جَمع,,मिलाकर, +N,He kept the letter in his pocket.,pocket,چَنٛدٕ,,जेब, +N,The plane entered an air pocket.,pocket,خانہٕ,,खाना, +V,I received the routine letter from him and pocketed it without reading.,pocket,چَنٛدَس تھاوُن,,जेब_में_रखना, +N,I like reading poems.,poem,نَظٕم,,कविता, +N,He is a gifted poet.,poet,شٲعِر,,कवि, +Adj,Her poetic compositions are wonderful.,poetic,شٲعِرانہٕ,,काव्यात्मक, +N,I like Kalidasa`s poetry.,poetry,شٲعِری,,काव्य, +N,The pencil has a sharp point.,point,پیوٚت,,नोक/अनी, +N,Put a point after completing the sentence.,point,نۄقطہٕ,,बिन्दु, +N,This is a good point from which to watch the race.,point,جاے،مُقام,,द्विग्बिंदु, +N,Sensitive points were summoned by the police during the procession.,point,جاے،مُقام,,स्थल, +N,I prepared the important points for the exam.,point,خاص کَتھ،اَہَم چیٖز,,अंस, +N,The student didn`t caught the point of the teacher.,point,مَطلَب،مَقصَد,,सारांश, +N,Sincerity is his main point.,point,خٲصیَت,,विशेषता, +N,Insert this plug into that point.,point,ساکیٹ,,विद्युत्_साँकेट, +N,The two trains collided at the points.,point,پویِنٛٹ,,रेल की पटरी के प्वाइंट, +N,The worker pushed the point to put the train on the other track.,point,پویِنٛٹ,,काँटा, +V,He pointed towards the broken window.,point,اِشارٕ ہاوُن,,इशारा_करना, +V,He pointed the gun at the lion.,point,نِشانہٕ رَٹُن,,निशाना_बाँधना/लक्ष्य_करना, +V,A rose plant`s spines point upwards.,point,طَرفہٕ آسُن,,की_ओर_होना, +V,This story points the duties and rights of the person.,point,واضِح کَرُن,,महत्त्व_देना, +V,He points the broken wall.,point,نِشانہٕ کَرُن,,टीप_करना, +Adj,This pencil has pointed edges on both sides.,pointed,پیٚتۍ دار,,नुकीला, +Adj,He gave a pointed talk on the issue.,pointed,واضِح،کُھلہٕ,,सुस्पष्ट, +N,The pointing used in the castle is of good quality.,pointing,۔۔۔,,टीपटाप/टिपकारी, +N,Potassium cyanide is a very strong poison.,poison,زہَر,,विष, +N,I won`t eat that poison.,poison,زہَر,,दूषित_आहार, +V,His so called friend poisoned him.,poison,زہَر دیُن,,विष_देना, +V,The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers and atmosphere.,poison,زہَریٖلہٕ کَرُن ، زہریٖلہٕ بَناوُن,,दूषित_कर_देना, +V,Don`t poison his mind.,poison,خَراب کَرُن,,बिगाडना, +Adj,Usually snakes are poisonous.,poisonous,زَہریٖلہٕ,,विषैला, +N,The thief used a pole to climb the high wall.,pole,کوٗٹ,,खम्बा, +N,The north pole region is very cold.,pole,قُطُب,,ध्रुव, +N,He informed the police about the robbery.,police,پُلیٖس,,पुलीस, +V,They are policing all the entry points to the city.,police,نَظَر تھاوٕ��ۍ,,निगरानी_रखना, +N,Policemen are patrolling the street.,policeman,سِپاہ،پُلسہٕ وول,,सिपाही, +N,Honesty is the best policy.,policy,حِکمَتہِ عَملی،عَمَل,,नीति, +N,British policy `divide and rule` has created so many problems in our country.,policy,حِکمَتہِ عَمَل،اوٚصوٗل,,शासन_की_चाल, +N,This is an insurance policy document.,policy,پالسی,,बीमा-पत्र, +V,"Before going to school, polish your shoes properly.",polish,چَمکاوُن,,चमकाना, +V,Please polish up your article before sending.,polish,ٹھیٖک کَرُن,,परिष्कृत_होना/संवारा_जाना, +Adj,Children should be always polite towards their parents and teachers.,polite,شٲیِستہٕ،تَربِیَت یافتہٕ,,नम्र, +Adj,A rude word should not be used in polite society.,polite,لٲزِم دار،تہزیٖب یافتہٕ,,सभ्य, +Adj,The issue was made political by people with vested interests.,political,سِیٲسی,,राजनैतक, +N,Her mother is a politician.,politician,سِیاسَت دان,,राजनीतिज्ञ, +N,People in this country take active interest in politics.,politics,سِیاسَت,,राजनीति, +N,She is reading politics in the University.,politics,علمِہ سِیاسَت,,राजनीति_शास्त्र, +N,There are pollutants in the air.,pollutant,آلوٗدٕ مواد,,प्रदूषक_पदार्थ, +V,Our vehicles are responsible for polluting our environment.,pollute,آلوٖٗدٕ کَرُن,,अपवित्र_करना, +N,The city is covered with pollution.,pollution,آلوٗدگی,,प्रदूषण, +Adj,He did polynomial equations in mathematics.,polynomial,۔۔۔,,बहुपदी, +N,The pond behind my home is full of fishes.,pond,تالاب,,तालाब, +N,Is there any swimming pool around?,pool,تالاب،پوٗل,,पोखरा, +N,A new pool is being built in the stadium.,pool,تالاب,,तैरने_का_तालाब, +V,All of Rani`s friends pooled money to buy her a gift.,pool,جَمع کَرُن,,इकट्ठा_करना, +N,"According to me, being poor is a curse for a human being.",poor,غٔریٖب,,दीन/दरिद्र, +N,This soil is poor in nutrients.,poor,کٔمی,,अल्प, +Adj,The material is of poor quality.,poor,خَراب,,खराब, +N,She is so poor.,poor,بِچٲرۍ،بَدقٕسمَت،غٔریٖب،مِسکیٖن,,अभागा/बेचारा, +Adj,"According to me, being poor is a curse for a human being.",poor,غریٖب،مِسکیٖن,,दीन/दरिद्र, +Adj,This soil is poor in nutrients.,poor,کٔمی,,अल्प, +Adj,The material is of poor quality.,poor,ؤسِتھ،خَراب,,खराब, +Adj,The poor girl has nothing to eat.,poor,بِچٲر،غریٖب،مِسکیٖن,,अभागा/बेचारा, +N,The election of a new pope is going on in this church.,pope,پوپ,,परमधर्माध्यक्ष, +Adj,He is very popular actor.,popular,مَشہوٗر,,लोकप्रिय, +N,Disc pubs are now-a-days very popular among youths.,popular,ناموَر،مَشہوٗر,,लोकप्रिय, +N,Ritu Beri`s designs are very popular among the people all over India.,popular,ناموَر،مَشہوٗر,,जनप्रिय, +Adj,This scheme has proved enormously popular.,popular,مَشہوٗر,,लोक-/जन-, +N,Now-a-days everyone seeks popularity.,popularity,مَشہوٗری,,लोकप्रियता, +V,Ram went to Bombay and populated there.,populate,بَسُن،بٔستی کَرٕنۍ,,बसना/बस_जाना, +N,Population is rising in India.,population,آبٲدی,,आबादी, +N,The entire working population is on strike.,population,خَلٕق,,जन_समुदाय, +N,I think this is a port.,port,گاٹھ,,पत्तन, +N,The ship was leaning over to port.,port,گاٹھ,,वामपार्श्व, +N,Sailors love to drink port.,port,تیز وۄزُل شَراب,,तेज़_लाल_शराब, +N,"Lot of porters are found in the railway station, airports etc.",porter,موٚزوٗر,,क़ुली, +N,He is working as a porter in a star hotel.,porter,چَپرٲسۍ,,द्वारपाल, +N,The train porter supplied blankets to all at night.,porter,چَپرٲسۍ,,पल्लेदार, +N,The central portion of the building collapsed.,portion,حِصہٕ,,भाग, +N,She gave me a soft portion of the black forest cake.,portion,حِصہٕ,,हिस्सा, +V,The family property was portioned.,portion,حِصہٕ کَرُن,,बाँट_देना, +N,She is a portrait painter.,portrait,شَکٕل،تصویٖر,,रूपचित्र, +N,The book contained a fascinating portrait of medieval times.,portrait,شکٕل,,शब्दचित्र, +V,Poverty poses a serious threat to the nation.,pose,پٲدٕ کَرُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, +V,She had to pose for the painting.,pose,تَصویٖرٕ خٲطرٕ کھڑاروزُن یا بِہُن,,चित्र_के_लिए_खडा_रहना_या_बैठना, +V,The thief posed as a relative at the wedding.,pose,بٔلۍ ہاوُن,,का_ढोंग_रचना/दिखावा_करना, +N,I made a comfortable pose for the camera.,pose,تَصویٖرٕخٲطرٕ بِہُن,,मुद्रा, +N,Her generosity is only a pose.,pose,دِکھاوٕ،اَپُز،دونٛکھہٕ,,छल-कपट, +N,The books were kept at their position.,position,جایِہ,,स्थान, +N,The soldiers have to stand for hours without changing position.,position,جاے,,अवस्थिति, +N,She has made her position very clear.,position,راے,,दृष्टिकोण, +N,The company`s financial position is very sound.,position,حالَت،حالات,,स्थिति, +N,I would like to apply for the position of principal.,position,جاے,,पद, +V,Alarms are positioned at strategic points around the prison.,position,تھاوٕنہٕ آمٕتۍ,,रख_देना, +Adj,Rahul always gives positive suggestions.,positive,۔۔۔,,रचनात्मक, +Adj,We have no positive evidence of her involvement.,positive,پَکہٕ ،ٹھوس,,निश्चयात्मक, +Adj,Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight?,positive,پَکہٕ بھَروسہٕ,,पक्का, +Adj,It`s great being with him because he has got such a positive attitude to everything.,positive,بااُمید،اَصٕل,,प्रभावयुक्त, +Adj,It was a positive miracle that we arrived on time.,positive,۔۔۔,,सुनिश्चित, +Adj,`+` is a positive sign in mathematics.,positive,پازِٹِو,,धनात्मक, +V,Rahul admitted possessing illegal drugs.,possess,آسُن,,का_स्वामी_या_मालिक_होना, +V,There are some actors who don`t possess some musical skills.,possess,آسُن,,से_सम्पन्न_होना, +V,She seemed to be possessed by the devil.,possess,اَثَر آسُن,,पर_नियन्त्रण_रखना, +N,The possession of a passport is must for foreign travel.,possession,آسُن,,स्वामित्व, +N,He lost all his possessions in the fire.,possession,جاداد,,सम्पत्ति, +N,The former colonial possessions are now independent states.,possession,حُکوٗمَت،مِلکِیَت,,अधिकृत_या_अधीन_क्षेत्र, +N,There is a possibility of my going to London.,possibility,آثار,,संभावना, +Adj,Is it possible to complete this work within a week?,possible,مُمکِن,,संभव, +Adv,We did all that we possibly could to persuade her to come.,possibly,مُمکِن,,सम्भवतः, +Adv,Ravi is possibly leaving next week to Canada.,possibly,شایَد,,संभवतः, +Adv,I will come as soon as possibly I can.,possibly,مُمکِن طور پٲٹھۍ,,संभव_हो_सकना, +V,Could you post this letter for me?,post,ڈاکَس مَنٛز ترٛاوُن،ڈاک کَرُن,,डाक_में_डालना, +V,After several years in Hyderabad he was posted to Delhi.,post,نوکری تھاوٕنۍ,,नियुक्त_करना, +V,They will post me the cheque as soon as they recieve my bill.,post,ڈاکہٕ ذٔریہِ سوزُن,,डाक_से_भेजना, +N,There was post for you this morning.,post,ڈاک,,डाक, +N,The soldiers are at their posts.,post,جایہِ,,स्थान, +N,She is trying for the post of typist.,post,جایہِ,,पद, +N,Tie the tennis net to the post.,post,کوٗٹ,,खंबा, +N,Tie the tennis net to the post.,post,کوٗٹ,,खंबा, +N,The soldiers are at their posts.,post,جایہِ,,स्थान, +N,She is trying for the post of typist.,post,جایہِ,,पद, +N,There was post for you this morning.,post,ڈاک,,डाक, +V,The results of the exam were posted on the notice board.,post,لاگنہٕ یِنۍ,,चिपकाना, +V,After several years in Hyderabad he was posted to Delhi.,post,تَبدیٖلی کَرٕنۍ,,नियुक्त_करना, +V,Could you post this leter for me?,post,ترٛاوٕنۍ،سوزٕنۍ,,डाक_में_डालना, +V,They will post me the cheque as soon as they recieve my bill.,post,سوزُن,,डाक_से_भेजना, +V,The match was postponed to saturday because of bad weather.,postpone,پَتھ گَژُھن,,आगे_बढाना, +N,Women make beautiful pots from black clay.,pot,بانہٕ,,बरतन, +N,Marigold plants are flourishing well in those tiny pots.,pot,گَملہٕ,,गमला, +N,The tea is ready in the tea pot.,pot,کِتَل,,चायदानी, +V,He is busy in potting plants.,pot,لاگٕنۍ,,गमले_में_लगाना, +V,He very neatly potted the black ball.,pot,لَگاوُن,,पिलाना{बिलियर्ड्स}, +V,They potted dozens of black birds.,pot,مارُن,,मारना, +N,I like potatoes.,potato,ٲلوٕ,,आ���ू, +Adj,Students having potential should be encouraged to work harder.,potential,مادٕ,,सामर्थ्य, +N,Do you have potential to do this work?,potential,طاقَت،مادٕ,,अन्तर्निहित_शक्ति, +N,Khurja is known for its pottery.,pottery,بانہٕ،کَتریوٗ بانہٕ,,बरतन, +N,I have twenty pounds in my pocket.,pound,پاوُنٛڑ،پونٛڑ,,पौण्ड{एक_माप}, +V,Someone was pounding at the door.,pound,ٹُھکرارَے کَرٕنۍ،ٹاسرارَے کَرٕنۍ,,मारना, +V,My heart was pounding.,pound,ٹاس ٹاس کَرُن، ٹاس ٹاس گَژھُن,,धडकना, +V,His tears were pouring down while he heard that news.,pour,وَسُن,,बहना, +V,She poured out all the remaining water.,pour,دٲرِتھ دیُن,,बहा_देना, +V,It`s pouring outside.,pour,روٗدٕ شرٛانہِ وَسنہِ,,मूसलधार_बरसना, +V,Commuters were pouring into the station.,pour,یِنۍ,,प्रवाहित_होना, +N,Dr. Ambedkar lived in poverty.,poverty,غریٖبی،مِسکیٖنی,,गरीबी, +N,Hilly areas have the poverty of iodine.,poverty,کٔمی,,कमी, +N,Children crushed chalks into fine powder.,powder,چوٗرٕ,,चूर्ण, +N,She is an increasingly important power in the company.,power,طاقَت,,सामर्थ्य, +N,He has lost his power of speech.,power,طاقَت,,शक्ति/क्षमता, +N,It is not in your power to cancel the meeting.,power,حَق,,अधिकार, +N,The government came into power at the last election.,power,اِقتِدار,,सत्ता, +N,He is an important power in the project.,power,اہم,,प्रभावशाली, +N,They have switched off the power.,power,پاوَر,,विद्युत्_शक्ति, +N,4 to the power of 3 is 64.,power,۔۔۔,,घात, +N,The power of microscope is not sufficient to see this clearly.,power,قُوَت,,ऊर्जा, +V,The toys are powered by batteries.,power,چلان,,समर्थ_होना[बनाना], +N,Hulk hogan is a man having powerful muscles.,powerful,طاقَت وَر,,शक्तिशाली, +N,Nuclear fusion is a sort of powerful explosion.,powerful,زوردار،طاقَت وَر,,प्रभावशाली, +Adj,He is at better practical tasks.,practical,عَملی,,व्यावहारक, +Adj,I need practical proposals for getting out of this mess.,practical,مُفیٖد,,उपयोगी, +Adv,This work should be done practically.,practically,عَملی پٲٹھۍ,,व्यावहारिक_रूप_से, +N,Untouchability is a common practice in this country.,practice,دٔستوٗر,,अभ्यास, +N,The idea would never work in practice.,practice,عَملَن,,व्यवहार, +N,Paying bills promptly is good financial practice.,practice,عادَت,,आदत, +N,My solicitor is no longer in practice.,practice,عمل,,व्यवसाय, +V,The teacher praised the student for his hard work.,praise,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा_करना, +V,We praise the God daily.,praise,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ،حَمُد کَرُن,,स्तुति_करना, +V,My teacher praises me for my hard work.,praise,تعریٖف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा, +V,They should be praised for their honesty.,praise,عِزَت اَفزٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,स्तुति, +V,They knelt down and prayed.,pray,عِبادَت کَرٕنۍ،دُعا کَرُن,,प्रार्थना_करना, +V,We are praying for a good weather tomorrow.,pray,مَنٛگُن,,आशा_करना, +N,Hari said his prayers before leaving for the new job.,prayer,دۄیہِ خٲر,,प्रार्थना, +V,Gautam Budha had preached non-violence.,preach,وَعظ پَرُن،پَرچار کَرُن,,प्रवचन_देना, +V,The president is preceded by security staff.,precede,گۄڈٕ یا برٛونٛہہ کَنہِ آسُن,,से_पहले_आना_या_घटित_होना, +Adj,The preceding group marched fast.,preceding,برٛوُنٛہِم,,पूर्वगामी, +Adj,My mother owns a very precious necklace of diamonds.,precious,مۄل دار،قۭمتی,,मूल्यवान, +Adj,This is the precious moment of my life.,precious,قۭمتی,,परमप्रिय, +Adj,The writer is well known for his precise writings.,precise,صحیح,,यथातथ्य, +Adv,She works slowly and precisely.,precisely,صحیح پٲٹھۍ,,यथातथ्य_रूप_से, +N,Talking with precision is a difficult task.,precision,ٹھیک،صحیح,,परिशुद्धता/यथार्थता, +V,It is possible to predict the time of eclipses with great accuracy.,predict,پیشَن گوٗیی کَرٕنۍ,,भविष्य_बतलाना, +V,I prefer coffee.,prefer,تَرجی دِنۍ،پَسَنٛد کَرُن,,पसन्द_करना, +Adv,"She wanted a pizza, preferably one with cheese toppings.",preferably,خاص ک��رِتھ,,अधिमानता, +Adj,She was four months pregnant when she died.,pregnant,گۄبِ خۄر،بیٚیہِ زُو،حاملہٕ,,गर्भवती, +Adj,We have two preliminary tests before our board examination.,preliminary,اِبتِدٲیی,,प्रारंभक, +N,"After a few polite preliminaries, I stated my ideas and intentions.",preliminary,اِبتِدٲیی تَیٲری,,प्रारंभिक_तैयारी, +Adj,Tata is the premier producer of steel in India.,premier,بہتٔریٖن,,प्रधान, +N,The first woman premier is Sirimao Bandarunayake.,premier,ؤزیٖرِ اعظَم,,प्रधान_मंत्री, +N,You cannot pass any examination without preparation.,preparation,تَیٲری,,तैयारी, +N,A preparation for AIDS is being invented by the Ayurvedic doctors.,preparation,دوا,,पाक, +V,My mother usually prepares a special dish on Saturday.,prepare,تَیار کَرُن,,तैयार_करना, +V,The doctor prescribed some pills to help me to sleep.,prescribe,نُسقہٕ دیُن,,निर्धारित_करना, +N,Your presence is requested at the meeting of shareholders.,presence,موجوٗدگی,,उपस्थिति, +N,The new officer has really made his presence felt.,presence,آسُن،موٗجوٗدگی,,व्यक्तित्व, +Adj,I was not present when the telegram came.,present,موجوٗد،حاضِر,,उपस्थित, +Adj,The present age is computer age.,present,وٕنۍ کٮ۪نُک وَقٕت،موجوٗدٕ وَقٕت,,वर्तमान, +N,At present he`s working abroad.,present,موجوٗدٕوَقٕت,,वर्तमानकाल, +N,I got this book as a present from my elder brother.,present,تحفہٕ,,उपहार, +V,The toppers were presented with medals.,present,اِنعام دیُن,,दे{उपहार}, +V,My father presented me a bicycle on my birthday.,present,تحفہٕ دیُن,,देना{उपहार}, +V,Present the entry-pass to go into the auditorium.,present,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, +V,She presented the report at the meeting.,present,ہاوُن،پیش کَرُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, +Adj,Present day life is stressful.,present-day,اَز کَلُک وَقٕت,,आज_कल_का, +N,She got a good response for her logical presentation.,presentation,پیٚشکَش,,प्रस्तुति, +Adv,The next programme will be broadcasted presently.,presently,دٔستی،وٕنی,,शीघ्र_ही, +Adv,Presently he is working in Riyadh.,presently,وٕنۍ کٮ۪ن,,संप्रति, +N,One should work for the preservation of biological diversities bestowed by nature.,preservation,تَحَفُظ،حِفاظَت,,परिरक्षित_फल_या_सुरक्षित_स्थान, +V,Efforts are being made to preserve the wildlife.,preserve,حِفاظت کَرنۍ،بَچاو کَرُن,,बनाए_रखना, +N,Baratanatyam among the classical dances is a south Indian preserve.,preserve,پرٛزنَتھ,,परिरक्षित_फल, +V,The head boy will preside at the student`s council.,preside,صَدارَت کَرٕنۍ,,संचालन_करना, +N,Dr. Rajendra prasad was the first president of India.,president,صَدرِ مَملِکَت,,राष्ट्रपति, +N,He was elected as the president of worker`s union.,president,صَدٕر,,अध्यक्ष, +Adj,He stood twice for the presidential election.,presidential,صَدارتی,,राष्ट्रपतीय, +N,The press was prohibited from meeting the prisoners of war.,press,پرٛٮ۪س,,पत्रकारिता, +N,Text-books are printed in the printing press.,press,پرٛٮ۪س،چھاپ گَر,,छापाखाना, +N,I wrote a book and prepared for the press.,press,چھَپٲے,,मुद्रण, +N,We bought a lemon press from the market.,press,لیٚمبۍ چیٖر,,निचोड़नेवाला, +N,Give a press to the shirt before wearing it.,press,لۄہہ،کُنٛدۍ،پرٛٮ۪س،اِستٔرۍ,,दबाव, +N,I get a way through the press of people in that market.,press,ہُجوٗم،اَرسات,,भीड-भाड, +N,I have a wooden press in my bed-room.,press,اِستٔرۍ,,इस्तरी, +V,I pressed my face against the pillow in anguish.,press,دَباوُن,,दबाना, +V,The orange was firmly pressed to get the juice.,press,چیٖرُن,,निचोडना, +V,The Hero gently pressed the Heroine`s arm.,press,مۄٹھ دِنۍ,,दबाव_डालना, +V,The police officials pressed the militants to surrender.,press,زور ترٛاوُن،دَباو ترٛاوُن,,घेर-लेना, +V,The bride`s saree needs pressing.,press,لۄہہ پھَش کَرُن،کُنٛدۍ کَرٕنۍ،اِستٔرۍ کَرٕنۍ,,इस्त्री_करना, +N,The factory manufactures pressings from aeroplane bodies.,pressing,دَباو ترٛٲوِتھ کانٛہہ چیٖز بَناوُن,,दबाव_डालकर_वस्तु_बनाना, +Adj,Employment for all is the pressing need for hour.,pressing,اہَم,,अत्यावश्यक, +N,The pressure of crowd made it difficult for police to maintain discipline.,pressure,دَباو,,दाब, +N,A band of low pressure was observed in Pacific Ocean.,pressure,دَباو,,दबाव, +N,"Being an executive`s daughter, Rani found it below prestige to marry a clerk.",prestige,حٔثِیَت,,प्रतिष्ठा, +Adv,They can presumably afford to buy a big house.,presumably,شایَد,,संभाव्यतः, +V,I pretended to be interested in the proposal.,pretend,لاگُن,,अभिनय_करना, +Adv,Her house is pretty big.,pretty,کٲفی،سٮ۪ٹھاہ,,काफ़ी, +Adj,Tanya was looking so pretty at the party.,pretty,لوٗبوٕنۍ،دِلکَش,,मनोहर, +V,The system of shaving the hair of widows prevailed in some traditional areas.,prevail,رِواج آسُن,,प्रचलित_होना, +V,I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end.,prevail,زینُن,,जीत_लेना, +Adj,We will have to look at the offer in the light of prevailing circumstances.,prevailing,موجوٗدٕ,,प्रचलित, +V,"Raj, being a righteous man tried his best to prevent his friend from taking drugs.",prevent,روکاوُن,,रोकना, +N,"For prevention of head injury, all two wheeler riders must wear a helmet.",prevention,احتِیاط,,रोकथाम, +Adj,Little children are administered polio drops as a preventive measure.,preventive,احتِیٲتی,,निवारक, +Adj,The students were asked to complete all of the exercises of the previous chapters.,previous,پٔتِم,,पूर्ववर्ती, +Adv,She had previously worked in this institution.,previously,برٛونٛہہ تہِ،گۄڈٕ تہِ,,पहले, +N,What`s the price of this pencil?,price,قۭمَت،مۄل,,मूल्य, +V,The articles are priced differently.,price,قۭمَت طَے کَرُن,,मूल्य_निर्धारित_करना, +Adj,Be careful! The tree is a bit prickly.,prickly,کٔنٛڑۍ دار,,काँटेदार, +Adj,This cloth is very prickly.,prickly,تُرٛسۍ دار,,झुनझुनी_पैदा_करने_वाला, +N,The pride of our nation was Bapu ji.,pride,غرور،فَخٕر,,अभिमान, +N,Don`t hurt one`s pride.,pride,خۄد دٲری,,आत्माभिमान, +N,There is a pride in the nearby forest.,pride,سٕہَن ہُنٛد کھیوٚل,,शेरों_का_समूह, +V,Pride yourself on your achievements.,pride,فَخٕر کَرُن,,गर्व_करना, +N,The temple priest was a generous man.,priest,پادٕرۍ,,पुरोहित, +Adv,Soccer is primarily a winter game.,primarily,خاص کٔرِتھ,,मुख्यतः, +Adj,The doctor cured the disease in its primary stage only.,primary,اِبتِدٲیی،گۄڈنِچ،اَبَلوُن,,आद्य, +Adj,The primary aim of N.S.S. is to produce social volunteers.,primary,بُنِیٲدی،اہَم,,मूल, +Adj,One must possess primary education for high school study.,primary,اِبتِدٲیی,,प्राथमक, +N,He won by a great margin in primary elections.,primary,۔۔۔,,एक_प्रकार_का_निर्वाचन, +Adj,The prime cause for this is not known.,prime,اَصلِی،بُنِیٲدی,,मुख्य, +N,He is in the prime of his life.,prime,بہتٔریٖن، اَصٕل,,बहार, +V,The workers were primed by their leader for strike.,prime,تَیار کَرٕنۍ،کانٛہہ تَیار کَرُن کُنہِ چیٖزٕ خٲطرٕ,,तैयार_करना, +Adj,Evidence of the primitive civilization has helped us to imagine our own history.,primitive,قٔدیٖم،پرٛٲنۍ,,प्राचीन, +N,Prince Edward`s marriage was viewed by thousands of people.,prince,شَہزادٕ,,राजकुमार, +Adj,He belongs to a princely state.,prince,شٲہی,,राजोचित, +Adj,He is the principal investigator of this project.,principal,بوٚڑ، اہَم,,प्रमुख, +N,The principal acknowledged our work.,principal,پرِٛنَسپٕل,,प्राचार्य, +N,The principal of the insititution is very popular among the members.,principal,صَدٕر,,प्रधान, +N,Mahatma Gandhi was known for his great Principles.,principle,اوٚصوٗل,,सिद्धान्त, +N,The novel is available in large print.,print,چَھپٲے,,छपाई, +N,The murderer gave a clue to the police by giving his foot prints.,print,نِشانہٕ,,निशान, +V,Story books are printed on a great scale.,print,چھاپُن،چَھپاوُن,,छापना, +N,"After the invention of printing, our society has changed a lot.",printing,چَھپٲے,,छपाई, +Adj,Mothers with young children have a prior claim on funds.,prior,گۄڈَے،گۄڈنٮ۪تھٕے,,पहले_से/पूर्व, +Adj,The teacher should have prior knowledge of the subject which he is going to teach.,prior,بُنِیٲدی,,���ूर्ववर्ती, +N,Now the government is giving priority to the defence of the nation.,priority,اَہمِیَت، تَرجیٖ,,प्रथमता, +V,The kidnappers prised the child from his mother.,prise,لٔمِتھ نیُن،نیُن,,बल_से_अलग_करना, +N,He was sent to prison for eight months.,prison,جیل ،قٲد خانہٕ,,कारागार, +N,Civil right`s groups are demanding the release of all political prisoners.,prisoner,قۭدۍ,,बन्दी, +Adj,A private letter was sent to the publisher for demanding the money.,private,ذٲتی,,व्यक्तिगत, +Adj,He revealed private chat with his boss.,private,ذٲتی,,साधारण, +Adj,"Don`t be a private citizen of the country, achieve something.",private,پوٗشیٖدٕ,,गोपनीय, +Adj,Private Industries are given a boon in the present central budget.,private,غیر سَرکٲری,,ग़ैर_सरकारी, +N,Officers on special duties are given special privileges.,privilege,اِمتِیٲزی حَق,,प्राधिकार, +N,Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature.,prize,اِنعام,,पुरस्कार, +Adj,Chetak was Rana pratap`s prize horse.,prize,ٹوٹھ ،قۭمتی,,मूल्यवान, +V,He prized his canary as a precious possession.,prize,ترجی دِنۍ,,महत्त्व_देना, +N,His aim is to become a golf pro.,pro,حٲمی,,पेशेवर, +N,The probability of his success is less.,probability,اِمکانات,,संभाव्यता, +N,The concept of probability was established in early 90`s.,probability,۔۔۔,,प्रायिकता{गणित}, +Adj,Increasing air-pollution is the most probable explanation to depleting ozone layer.,probable,اِمکٲنی,,संभवित, +N,Probables for the next year`s tournament were selected in the camp.,probable,۔۔۔,,संभाव्य, +Adv,Probably she missed the last bus.,probably,شایَد,,संभवतः, +N,The doctor used a probe to examine her throat.,probe,سَلَے,,सलाई, +N,A probe was ordered into the fodder scam by Supreme Court.,probe,تَحقیٖقات,,तहक़ीकात, +V,She probed the ground ahead with a stick.,probe,جانٛچ پَڑتال کَرٕنۍ,,जाँच_पडताल_करना, +N,We completed our work without any problem.,problem,مَسلہٕ,,समस्या, +N,Passing bills through the parliament is a complicated procedure.,procedure,طٔریقہٕ کار,,कार्यविधि, +V,The judge asked the lawyer to proceed with the case.,proceed,برٛونٛہہ پَکُن,,आगे_बढना, +N,Allegations of sextual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against two police officers.,proceeding,کاروٲیی,,कार्रवाई, +N,The proceeds from the show were donated to the orphanage.,proceeds,ؤصوٗلی,,मुनाफ़ा, +N,Learning a foreign language is a slow process.,process,عَمَل,,प्रक्रम, +N,Irregular eating habits interfere with the digestive process.,process,عمل,,प्रक्रिया, +N,Computer graphics have simplified the process of movie-making.,process,بَناونُک طٔریٖقہٕ,,विधि, +V,"They processed many fruits to make jams, jellies, etc.",process,عملہِ منٛز اَنُن،کامہِ منٛز اَنٕنۍ,,संसाधित_करना, +V,My laptop processes information much more quickly than my computer.,process,کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,अग्रेसर_होना, +N,Thousands of people joined the martyr`s funeral procession.,procession,جوٚلوٗس,,जलूस/शोभायात्रा, +N,The finance minister`s proclamation of the budget was accepted peacefully.,proclamation,اعلان,,घोषणा, +V,She promised to procure a copy of the law journal for me.,procure,پانَس نِش تھاوُن,,प्राप्त_करना, +V,His job was to procure young girls for his clients.,procure,درٛالٔز کَرٕنۍ,,दलाली_करना, +N,Procurement of raw material for the factory is his responsibility.,procurement,حاصل,,उपलब्धि, +V,My uncle`s factory produces shoes.,produce,بَناوُن,,उत्पादन_करना, +V,Monalisa was the best work produced by Picasso.,produce,پیٚش کَرُن،بَناوُن,,रचना_करना, +V,My arrival at home produced many problems for him.,produce,دَرپیش اَنُن,,परिस्थिति_उत्पन्न_करना, +V,The operator produced the bill immediately.,produce,پیش کَرُن,,प्रस्तुत_करना, +N,Paddy produce got ruined by heavy rains.,produce,پٲداوار,,उपज, +N,The factory sells its produce in the local markets.,produce,وۄپَد,,उत्पाद, +N,India is a producer of cotton clothes.,producer,وۄپداوَن وول,,उत्पादक, +N,Yash Chopra is a well known film producer.,producer,پیشکَش کَرَن وول,,निर्माता, +N,This newly launched product is showing great results.,product,پرٛوڑَکٹہٕ,,उत्पाद, +N,This documentary is the product of my hard work.,product,نٔتیٖجہِ,,परिणाम, +N,The product of three and four is twelve.,product,ضَرب,,गुणनफल, +N,There is no increase in the production of wheat this year.,production,پٲداوار,,उत्पादन, +N,He had to face a lot of problems during the production of new model of a computer.,production,بَناوٹ,,उत्पाद, +Adj,Productive methods are invited to implement the project.,productive,۔۔۔,,उत्पादक, +N,The productivity of agricultural land is low because of bad climate.,productivity,پٲداوٲری,,उत्पादकता, +N,The productivity of agricultural land is low because of bad climate.,productivity,پٲداوٲری,,उत्पादकता, +N,I have adopted teaching as my profession.,profession,پیٚشہِ,,पेशा, +N,I like medical profession.,profession,پیٚشہٕ,,स्वीकरण, +Adj,He is a professional model.,professional,پیٚشہٕ وَرانہٕ,,पेशेवर, +N,My grandpa was a chemistry professor in Roorkee University.,professor,پروفیسَر,,प्राध्यापक, +N,His profile came in front of my eyes.,profile,خاکہٕ,,पार्श्व_चित्र, +N,That magazine publishes profiles of eminent persons by every month.,profile,خاکہٕ,,रूपरेखा, +N,This time she didn`t get much profit out of this business.,profit,نَفع،مُنافہٕ,,लाभ/मुनाफ़ा, +V,A lot of companies will profit from the fall in interest rates.,profit,فٲیدٕ تُلُن,,लाभ_उठाना, +Adj,Selling of this book will be profitable for us.,profitable,نَفع بخٕش,,लाभदायक, +Adj,Life of Gandhiji had a profound influence on the youngsters during the independence movement.,profound,خاص,,गहरा, +N,T.V. programs have good as well as bad effect on children.,programme,پروگرام,,कार्यक्रम, +V,They have programmed the list and you are the first to speak.,programme,پروگرام بَناوُن,,कार्यक्रम_बनाना, +N,Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years.,progress,تَرقی,,प्रगमन, +V,One should progress in life in spite of hardships.,progress,برٛونٛہہ پَکُن،تَرقی کَرٕنۍ,,आगे_बढना, +Adj,India is progressive among South Asian countries.,progressive,تَرقی یافتہٕ،برٛونٛہہ پَکہٕ وُن,,प्रगतिशील, +N,Progressives and conservatives clash in communist countries.,progressive,تَرقی پَسَند,,प्रगतिशील, +N,A research project is being taken by the investigators.,project,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजना, +V,The literacy rate is projected to increase by 60%.,project,قَیاس کَرُن,,परियोजना_करना, +V,70% of the projected missiles will hit the target.,project,لَگٲوۍ مٕتۍ,,फेंकना, +V,The way she projected herself was really impressive.,project,عَکٕس ترٛاوُن,,डालना, +V,I saw a projecting beam in the lab.,project,۔۔۔,,बहिर्विष्ट_होना, +V,The doctor prolonged the patient`s life for some more days by a good treatment.,prolong,بَڑاوٕنۍ,,लम्बा_करना, +Adj,Ram always plays a prominent role in stage programmes.,prominent,نُمایا،اہَم,,प्रमुख, +Adj,The prominent development of the country is based on the ruling government.,prominent,نُمایا,,सुस्पष्ट, +Adj,The government plays a more prominent role in promoting human rights.,prominent,اہَم,,उदग्र, +N,Promises are meant to be broken.,promise,وَعدٕ,,वादा, +N,Ram promised Raj to return his money back.,promise,وعدٕ،قَسَم,,प्रतिज्ञा, +N,Her work shows great promise.,promise,ہونہٲری,,प्रत्याशा, +V,He promised to help me.,promise,قَسَم کھیوٚن،وَعدٕ کَرُن,,प्रतिज्ञा_करना, +V,He promised to come tomorrow.,promise,یقیٖن دیُن،وَعدٕ کَرُن,,विश्वास_दिलाना, +Adj,He is a promising upcoming artist.,promising,ہونہار،یٔقیٖنی,,आशाजनक, +V,The director promoted Rahul to the post of G.M.,promote,تَرقی دِنۍ,,पदोन्नति_करना, +V,"In spite of tough competition in the market, they succeeded in promoting their product.",promote,شہرَت کَرٕنۍ,,प्रचार_करना, +N,Hari was happy to hear the news of his promotion.,promotion,ترقی,,पदोन्नति, +N,The sales man was appreciated for promotion and marketing of the product.,promotion,ترقی,,प्रचार, +Adv,The emergency staff will act promptly in critical cases.,promptly,فوٗری,,तुरंत, +Adj,Rajni is prone to diseases.,prone,مٲیِل,,झुका_हुआ, +Adj,I saw Ravi in a prone position.,prone,دُبہٕ,,अध���मुख, +V,The movie was pronounced a success.,pronounce,قَرار دِنہٕ یُن,,उच्चारित_करना, +V,It`s still hard to pronounce these Latin words.,pronounce,بولُن,,उच्चारण_करना, +V,Ram pronounced that he would definitely go to the party.,pronounce,فٲصلہ ٕدیُن,,निर्णय_देना, +N,Sita has to give a proof of her identity.,proof,ثبوٗت,,प्रमाण, +N,Mira`s claim is not capable of proof.,proof,پروٗف، پَرکھٕنَس لایَق,,जाँच, +V,My wrist watch is proofed against water.,proof,ثٲبِت سَپدیمٕژ,,परखाना, +Adj,Their clothing was not proof against the bitter weather.,proof,بَچاو دِہہ,,जो झेल सके, +N,The political parties started their propaganda in full swing before the elections.,propaganda,تَبلیٖغ,,अधिप्रचार, +Adj,We should always be dressed in a proper way.,proper,مُنٲسِب,,उचित, +Adv,You should comb you hair properly.,properly,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ،اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,उचित_ढंग_से, +N,This property consists of land and building.,property,جاداد،مِلکِیت,,सम्पत्ति, +N,The proportion of water and acid should be equal.,proportion,حِصہٕ,,अंश, +Adj,There is no proportional peak to the kanchan Junga.,proportional,بَرابَر,,समानुपाती, +N,A proposal for computerised teaching in schools is being discussed.,proposal,تَجویٖز,,प्रस्ताव, +V,Rita has proposed me for the membership of the committee.,propose,تَجویٖز دِنۍ,,प्रस्ताव_रख, +V,The government has proposed a fly over in that area.,propose,تَجویٖز کَرنہٕ یُن,,प्रस्ताव_रखना_या_करना, +N,A commercial proposition was made between the government and some private companies to share the software technology.,proposition,تَجویٖز,,प्रस्ताव, +N,This is a tricky proposition.,proposition,مَسلہٕ,,समस्या, +N,This proposition is difficult to handle.,proposition,مَسلہٕ,,समस्या, +N,Khuswant singh is a well known prose writer.,prose,نَثٕر,,गद्य, +N,There is hardly any prospect of that party to coming into the rule.,prospect,اِمکانات,,संभावना, +V,Some villagers are prospecting the wild animals in the hill areas.,prospect,ژھانڈُن,,खोज़ना, +Adj,The prospective buyers gathered for the auction.,prospective,مُمکِن,,प्रत्याशित, +N,Hard work brings prosperity to life.,prosperity,کامیٲبی,,समृद्धि, +V,Mothers protect their babies.,protect,رٲچھۍ کَرٕنۍ,,रक्षा_करना, +N,Protection of babies against mosquitoes is very necessary.,protection,رٲچھۍ،رَفاقَت,,रक्षा, +Adj,Epithelial tissue is a protective sheath for body organs.,protective,حِفاظتی،بَچاو کَرَن وول,,संरक्षक, +N,Meat is rich in proteins.,protein,پروٹیٖن,,प्रोटीन, +V,Opposition party protested against the PM`s statement.,protest,احتِجاج کَرُن,,विरोध_करना, +N,The Mazdoor Union staged protest against the erraneous management.,protest,احتِجاج,,विरोध, +N,"In ancient times, protestants were punished very harshly.",protestant,پروٹیسٹنٹ,,प्रोटेस्टैन्ट, +Adj,"In ancient times, protestants were punished very harshly.",protestant,پروٹیٚسٹنٹ,,प्रोटेस्टैन्ट, +Adj,I am proud of my Children.,proud,فَخٕر,,गर्वित, +Adj,Parents of brilliant students always feel proud of them.,proud,فَخٕر,,गर्वित, +Adv,He proudly displayed his prize.,proudly,فَخرٕ سان,,गरव से, +V,You should prove your point by logical argumentation rather than raising your voice.,prove,ثٲبِت کَرُن,,सिद्ध_करना, +V,"In exams, some schools provide writing pads also with answer sheets.",provide,دیُن,,देना, +Conj,I will present you cycle provided (that) you would pass in 1st class.,provided,بَشَرطیکہِ,,बशर्ते, +N,I have a trust in divine providence.,providence,خۄداے سٕنٛز رَحمَت,,परमात्मा_का_विधान, +N,India has 26 provinces.,province,صوٗبہٕ,,प्रान्त/अधिकार_क्षेत्र, +N,Provisions are made by law to uplift the standards of Sc`s and St`s.,provision,اِنتِظام,,प्रबन्ध, +N,One should go with complete provision in board exam.,provision,تَیٲری,,पूर्वोपाय, +Adj,This seems to be a psychological case to me.,psychological,دٮ۪مٲغی،نفسِیٲتی,,मनोवैज्ञानक, +N,All people have their own psychology.,psychology,نَفسِیات,,मनोविज्ञान, +Adj,The campaign was designed to increase public awareness of the problem.,public,عوٲمی،عام,,सार्वजन���, +N,The public has a right to know what is in this report.,public,لُکھ،خَلَق,,जनता, +N,The book is ready for publication.,publication,اِشاعَت،شایع,,प्रकाशन, +N,I am waiting for the publication of my book.,publication,شایع ،اِشاعت,,प्रख्यापन, +N,They have done a lot of publicity of their new product.,publicity,شُہرَت,,प्रचार, +Adv,He wants to do his work publicly.,publicly,عوٲمی طور,,सार्वजनिक_रूप_से, +V,Most of the good books on English were published during the British rule.,publish,شایع کَرُن,,प्रकाशित_करना, +V,He pulled the rope of well to lift up the bucket.,pull,لَمُن,,खींचना, +V,Don`t pull the plug out.,pull,کٔڑِتھ اَنُن،کَڑُن,,उखाडना, +V,The contestant paid one thousand rupees to a person who pulled in forty voters in his favour.,pull,دییٚٲوۍ,,आकर्षित_करना, +V,The old machine pulled hard when it was operated after a time gap of one month.,pull,پَکُن،چَلُن,,आगे_बढना, +V,Ram was pulling some sort of work.,pull,غیر قونوٗنی کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,गैर_कानूनी_कार्य_करना, +N,A pull of the chain will stop the train.,pull,لَمُن,,खिंचाई, +N,Sensitiveness cannot tolerate the pulls.,pull,دباو,,दबाव, +N,I need to use your pull to get this job.,pull,اَثَر رٔسوٗک,,प्रभाव, +N,The magician took a long pull and finished the cigarette.,pull,کَش،دام,,कश, +N,The man took a small pull of wine in the party.,pull,دام,,घ्ऊट, +N,Mountaineers have to take several long pulls to reach their destination.,pull,چڑٲے,,लंबी_चडाई, +N,The door pull has got strucked by rust.,pull,ہانٛکَل,,हत्थी, +Adj,Oxygenated blood is brought by pulmonary arteries to the heart.,pulmonary,۔۔۔,,फुप्फुसीय, +N,The mechanic used pump to fill air in my bicycle.,pump,پَمپ,,पम्प/दमकल, +V,The doctor immediately pumped oxygen to the patient`s heart to bring his beat to normal.,pump,بَرُن،لاگُن,,भरना, +V,He used a motor to pump water from the well.,pump,کڑُن،کھالُن,,पानी_निकालना, +N,My friend has recently bought a beautiful pump for me.,pump,اکہِ قٕسمُک کھۄربانہٕ,,एक_तरह_के_हलके_जूते, +N,Rahul was given punishment by his teacher.,punishment,سَزا,,दण्ड, +N,There are hundred pupils in my class.,pupil,شاگِِرد،طٲلبِ علم،ژاٹھ,,छात्र, +N,The pupil of the eye becomes smaller in light.,pupil,گاشہٕ لال,,पुतली, +V,We are going to purchase a new house.,purchase,ہیوٚن,,खरीद लेना, +N,Please look at the purchase.,purchase,خٔریٖدٲری,,खरीदारी, +N,You can`t get purchase on flat surface.,purchase,سَمبلِتھ,,पकड, +Adj,This is pure water.,pure,شوٚد،صاف,,शुद्ध, +Adv,The decision was made purely for financial dealings.,purely,صِرف،صاف پٲٹھۍ,,केवल, +N,I have an important purpose to work over there.,purpose,غَرٕض،یَرادٕ,,उद्देश्य/प्रयोजन, +N,I lost my purse.,purse,بٔٹوٕ،گۄژٕر,,बटुआ, +Adj,The bill was finally given the pursuant and it became law.,pursuant,۔۔۔,,अनुसारी, +V,I have to pursue my goal.,pursue,پَتہٕ لَگُن,,पीछा_करना, +V,I want to pursue my studies.,pursue,جٲری تھاوُن,,जारी रखना, +N,One boy has been killed in high speed pursuits by the police.,pursuit,پَتہٕ لَگُن,,पीछे लगना, +N,I roamed each and every street in pursuit of a good maid.,pursuit,کھوج، ژھانٛڑَو,,खोज, +V,Please push the door.,push,دَکہٕ دیُن,,धक्का_दे, +N,Give a push to the door to be opened.,push,دَکہٕ,,धक्का, +N,The general ordered the soldiers to implement a push.,push,سَختی,,अभियान, +V,He put the magazine aside and turned to speak to me.,put,تھاوُن,,रखना, +V,Our company puts the emphasis on communication skills.,put,تَوَجہ دیُن,,महत्ता_देना, +V,I put a clear statement on this issue.,put,بَیان کَرُن,,व्यक्त_करना, +V,His new job has put a great strain on him.,put,ترٛومُت,,किसी को कुछ महसूस कराना, +V,His words puzzled me.,puzzle,پَریشان گَژُھن,,परेशान कर डालना, +N,We spent the whole day solving crossword puzzles.,puzzle,پَزٕل،پرٛٮ۪ژھ,,पहेली, +N,Her qualifications for the job are excellent.,qualification,تعلیٖم,,योग्यता, +N,She passed the project but not without qualifications.,qualification,شَرٕت,,शर्त, +Adj,Many qualified applicants applied for the job.,qualified,تعلیٖم یافتہٕ,,योग्यता_प्राप्त, +Adj,I got a qualified support for this idea.,qualified,۔۔۔,,परिमित, +VTI,Our cricket team was qualified for the semi-finals.,qualify,قٲبِل بَنُن,,योग्य_बनना[बनाना], +VTI,You should qualify these remarks.,qualify,ہٲوِتھ دیُن,,विशेषण_लगाना, +N,The goods are of high quality.,quality,اعلٰیٰ قٕسمُک یا دَرجُک,,गुण, +N,The quality of mercy is not strained.,quality,خوٗبی,,लक्षण, +N,We have enough quantity of provisions for the month.,quantity,مِقدار,,मात्रा, +N,One should judge people by the quality of their work rather than quantity.,quantity,مِقدار یا تعداد,,परिमाण, +N,The quarrel led to the divorce of Tim and Alice.,quarrel,لَڑٲے,,झगड़ा, +N,Ravi has no quarrel with Meera`s approach.,quarrel,نا اِتِفٲقی،اعتِراض,,असहमति, +V,The two brothers often quarrel over trivial issues.,quarrel,لَڑٲے کَرٕنۍ,,झगडा_करना, +VTI,Cut this apple into quarters.,quarter,ژور حِصہٕ,,चार_सम_भाग_करना, +VTI,Troops were quartered with the local villagers.,quarter,ٹھہراونہٕ یُن،رُکاونہٕ یُن,,ठहराना{घर_में}, +N,He has already finished a quarter of the work.,quarter,ژوٗرِم حِصہٕ,,चौथाई_भाग, +N,The sound came from some quarter of the room.,quarter,طَرفہٕ,,स्थान[दिशा], +N,It will take about an hour and a quarter to reach there.,quarter,سۄاد گَنٹہٕ،سۄاد,,चौथाई_भाग, +N,She will come at quarter past two.,quarter,سۄادٕ,,पन्द्रह_मिनट{सवा/पौन}, +N,We pay the school fees at the end of each quarter.,quarter,ترٛے رٮ۪تھ,,त्रिमास, +N,He has travelled to every quarter of the globe.,quarter,طَرفَس،کوٗنَس,,दिशा, +N,He found quarters for his family.,quarter,کواٹر,,घर, +N,Elizabeth became the queen of England after the death of King George.,queen,بادشاہ باے ،بیگم,,रानी, +N,Queen is a powerful piece in the game of chess.,queen,بیگم,,शतरंज_का_वजीर, +N,I saw a queen in the garden.,queen,گانٛدٕر,,अंडे देने वाली मधुमखी, +VT,She queens the Company.,queen,مٔلِکایہِ ہٕنٛدۍ پٲٹھۍ حکوٗمَت کَرٕنۍ,,रानी_जैसा_व्यवहार_करना, +N,I have a quest for truth.,quest,تَلاش,,तलाश, +V,He continued to quest for clues.,quest,ژھانٛڑُن,,तलाशना, +N,I have a number of questions on this issue.,question,سَوال,,प्रश्न, +N,His sincerety is beyond question.,question,شَک,,शक, +VTI,We must question your judgement in this matter?,question,سَوال کَرُن,,प्रश्न_कर, +N,Persistent questioning by the police made him unconscious.,questioning,پرٛژٕھج,,प्रश्न_पूछना, +N,Please answer the enclosed questionnaire.,questionnaire,سَوال نامہٕ,,प्रश्नावली, +Adj,He is quick to make friends.,quick,تیز,,तेज़, +Adj,"He is very quick, so he finishes his work in short time.",quick,وُژھ،پھُرتیلہٕ،رِنٛدٕ,,फुर्तीला, +Adv,Please do this work quickly.,quick,تیٖزی سان,,फुर्ती_से, +N,I cut my nail to the quick.,quick,ماز,,हस्तांगुलि_के_अध:_भाग, +Adv,He finishes the work quickly.,quickly,تیٖزی سان، فوٗری طور,,फुर्ती_से, +Adj,I want to live a quiet life.,quiet,پُر سکوٗن,,शान्तचित, +Adj,He is leading a quiet life.,quiet,پُر سکوٗن,,शान्त, +N,It was quiet in the evening.,quiet,ژھۄپہٕ,,शांति, +VT,She quietened down her crying baby.,quiet,ژھۄپہٕ کَرناوُن,,शांत_करना, +Adv,The class was going on quietly and intently.,quietly,ژھۄپہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,शांति_से, +N,His speech was concluded with a quip.,quip,مَخھولہٕ،طنزِیَہ جُملہٕ,,चुटकुला, +VTI,Taylor quipped:`Chicago is not a good town`.,quip,مَخھولہٕ کَرُن,,चुटकुला_कहना, +Adv,He writes quite well.,quite,کٲفی حدس تام،بِلکُل،سَراسَر,,काफी_हद_तक, +Adv,Are you quite sure?,quite,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूरी_तौर_से, +Adv,The food was quite delicious.,quite,پٔزی پٲٹھۍ,,सचमुच_ही, +Adv,They should talk about it like two adults. `Quite?`.,quite,ٹھیٖک,,ठीक_है_!, +Adv,The two answers are quite different.,quite,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पुरी तरह, +VT,He always quotes Shakespeare.,quote,کتھ دۄہراوٕنۍ,,उद्धृत_करना, +VT,I have to quote prices for these cars.,quote,مۄل لاگُن،قۭمَت لاگُن,,दाम_लगाना, +N,He put his remarks within quotes.,quote,نِشانہٕ,,उद्धरणचिह्न, +N,The race of time may leave you behind if you slumber.,race,دور,,तेज़_चाल, +VI,I don`t like to race.,race,تیز دورُن,,जल्दी_दौड़ना, +N,"We should not discriminate people on the grounds of sex, race or culture.",race,ذات,,कुल_वशं, +N,Breed a race of cattles which can survive drought.,race,ذٲژ،نَسٕل,,जीव-धारियों_की_श्रेणी, +N,Aryans were the people of ancient and noble race.,race,ذات,,मानव_जाति, +N,Journalists are an interesting race.,race,زات,,व्यक्तियों_का_समूह, +Adj,The fight will never end for racial equality.,racial,نَسلی،ذات پات,,प्रजातीय, +N,He is a racist.,racist,زات پات مانَن وول,,जातिवादी, +N,We can locate an aircraft by radar.,radar,راڑَر,,रडार, +N,We should not expose ourselves to ultraviolet radiation.,radiation,ریڑیٚشَن,,किरण_पात, +N,Doctors use radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.,radiation,ریڑیشَن,,रेडियो_धर्मी_पदार्थ_की_सहायता_से_इलाज_कराना, +Adj,There is some radical flaw in the system.,radical,اَصلی،بُنیٲدی,,मूल[_भूत]_विषयक, +Adj,We need a thorough radical changes in our society.,radical,مُکمل، ضروٗری,,मौलक, +Adj,Our government should bring a radical change in the foreign policy.,radical,بُنِیٲدی,,सुधारवादी, +Adj,He is a person with radical opinions.,radical,اَصٕل,,अतिवादी, +N,My Uncle was radical all his life.,radical,۔۔۔,,मूल, +N,Contact an aircraft by radio signals.,radio,ریڑیو,,बेतार_का_तार, +VTI,We radioed to the police control room that we are in trouble.,radio,پیغام دیُن,,बेतार_का_तार_भेजना, +N,She was trembling with rage.,rage,شَرارَت،ژَکھ,,रोष, +N,The storm`s rage continued.,rage,قہَر,,प्रकृति_का_उग्र_रूप, +N,His son has a rage for collecting stamps.,rage,سخ شوق,,प्रबल_इच्छा, +VI,He raged against me for disobeying him.,rage,وولُن،نٲلۍ گَژُھن,,झुंझलाना, +VI,An epidemic is raging throughout the country.,rage,تیزی سان پھٲلُن,,जोर_पकड़ना, +N,The commandos made a bombing raid on enemies.,raid,حَملہٕ,,धावा, +N,He was killed in an air raid.,raid,حملہٕ,,हवाई_हमला, +N,Police carried out a raid on the hideouts of the militants.,raid,چھاپہٕ,,छापा, +VT,Custom officers raided the houses of many film stars.,raid,چھاپہ ٕترٛاوُن,,छापा_मारना, +VT,The police raided the terrorists` hideouts last night.,raid,حَملہٕ کَرُن,,धावा_बोलना, +N,You can send your son by rail.,rail,ریل,,रेल, +N,We transported our goods by rail.,rail,ریل,,ट्रेन, +N,Children were walking on a rail.,rail,ریلہِ پٹٕر,,पटरी, +VTI,He railed against the staff.,rail,شِکایَت کَرٕنۍ,,शिकायत करना, +N,People in America use railroad for a comfortable journey.,railroad,ریلہِ وَتھ,,यू._एस.रेलवे, +N,My father is working in railway.,railway,ریلوے,,रेलवे, +N,The railway is still under construction in many villages.,railway,ریلوے,,रेलवे/रेल_की_पटरी, +N,I like to walk in rain.,rain,روٗد,,वर्षा, +N,There was a rain of bullets in Kargil region.,rain,بوٗچھار,,बौछार, +VTI,It rained heavily last night.,rain,روٗد پیوٚن,,वर्षा_होना, +VTI,Tears rained down her cheeks.,rain,دَدراے وَسٕنۍ,,लगातार_बहना, +Adj,Her son doesn`t like rainy season at all.,rainy,روٗدٕ,,बरसाती, +VT,Please raise your hands.,raise,تُلُن,,ऊपर_उठाना, +VT,Go and raise a fallen child.,raise,تھوٚد تُلُن,,खड़ा_करना, +VT,She raised her offer to Rs.3000.,raise,بَڑاوُن،کھالُن,,वृद्धि_करना_/बढ़ाना, +VT,Why don`t you raise funds for charity?,raise,جمع کَرُن،فراہم کَرُن،دیُن,,एकत्र_करना, +VT,"She told us all her jokes, but she couldn`t even raise a smile.",raise,ترٛاوُن,,उत्पन्न_करना, +VT,My parents died when I was young so I was raised by my aunt.,raise,پالُن،بوٚڑ کَرُن،پرؤرِش کَرٕنۍ,,बड़ा_करना, +VT,Many questions were raised against his paper.,raise,وۄتھٕنۍ,,घृणा_प्रकट_करना, +VT,My victory in the final raised my spirits.,raise,بَڑاوُن،وۄتھٕبَو دیُن,,प्रसन्न_होना, +VT,The opposition raised its voice against the women`s bill.,raise,کرٛٮ۪کھ تُلٕنۍ��مُخالفَت کَرٕنۍ,,विरोध_करना, +N,He uses rake for collecting fallen leaves.,rake,پَنٛجہِ,,पाँचा{घास_जमा_करने_का_औज़ार}, +N,He is a rake.,rake,لفنٛگہٕ،عَیاش,,दुराचारी, +VTI,She raked up the grass cuttings.,rake,جمع کَرُن,,जमा_करना, +VTI,He raked the almirah for the missing letter.,rake,ژھانٛڑُن،ژھٲنٛڑ دِنۍ,,तलाश_करना, +VTI,They raked an enemy trench with machine gun fire.,rake,گولہٕ لَگاوٕنۍ,,गोले_दागना, +Adj,Contestants were selected at random from the audience.,random,یِتَھے کٔنۍ،سونٛچنہٕ سمجَھنہٕ وَرٲے,,सहसा_उत्पन्न, +N,She has seen the beautiful mountain range.,range,سِلسِلہٕ,,पंक्ति_श्रृंखला, +N,The whole range of new stock of readymade garments has arrived in the market.,range,قٕسٕم,,श्रेणी, +N,It is difficult to find a good house within our price range.,range,حَد,,सीमा, +N,The gun has a range of five miles.,range,کش,,बंदूक_की_दूरी_जहाँ_तक_वह_मार_सकती_है, +N,The range of prices for steel is from Rs.85 to Rs100.,range,قۭمتُک حَد,,सीमाएं_परिसर, +VTI,The scouts ranged themselves along the route of the procession.,range,صَفَن مَنٛز تھاوُن،لٲنہِ مَنٛز تھاوُن,,कतार_में_बाँधना, +VTI,The price of wheat ranges from 180 to 250 rupees a kilo?,range,فرَق آسٕنۍ,,दो_सीमाओं_मे_बदलना, +VTI,This gun ranges over six miles.,range,واتُن,,मार_कर_सकना, +VTI,Cattle are ranging over the plains.,range,گاسہٕ کھٮ۪نہٕ خٲطرٕ پھیرُن,,चरने_के_लिये_पशुओं_को_छोड़_देना, +Adj,You should not eat rank meat.,rank,پھیوٗرمُت،ہوٚتمُت،سَڑیومُت,,बदबूदार, +N,The winner was a rank outsider.,rank,۔۔۔,,सम्पूर्ण, +Adj,It is a rank stupidity to swim running water.,rank,سَراسَر، پوٗرٕ,,अधिक_मात्रा_मे_उपज, +N,Ranks of marching infantry looks so organized.,rank,لٲن،صَفہٕ,,क़तार, +N,He is the writer of the highest rank.,rank,حٔثیَت، دَرجہِ,,श्रेणी, +N,You should try to rise from this rank.,rank,دَرجہِ,,फौज़_मे_मामूली_सैनक, +VTI,He ranks well ahead of his classmates in mathematics.,rank,پیٚٹھۍ مِس دَرجَس مَنٛز یُن,,किसी_विषेश_श्रेणी_मे_आना, +VTI,She ranks a good position in her field.,rank,عہدٕ،دَرجہِ,,पद_मे_ऊँचा_होना, +VTI,He was ranked among the best dressed men.,rank,دَرجہِ دیُن,,विशेष_श्रेणी_मे_रखना, +VTI,The colonel ranks all other officers in the squadron.,rank,تھوٚد رُتبہٕ آسُن,,पद_मे_ऊँचा_होना, +VT,I have ransacked his house for important papers but couldn`t find them anywhere.,ransack,ژھٲنڑ دِنۍ,,छान_मारना, +N,He was sentenced to jail for committing a rape.,rape,عَصمَت دٔری,,बलात्कार, +N,We have grown a rape at home.,rape,لیٚدرِ رَنگُک پوشہٕ دار کُل,,पीले_रंग_के_फूलों_वाला_पौधा, +VT,The girl claimed that she had been raped.,rape,ٰعصمت دٔری کَرٕنۍ، بےٚ ہُرمٔتی کَرٕنۍ,,बलात्कार_करना, +Adj,There has been a rapid increase in the prices of gold and silver recently.,rapid,جلٕد،تیز,,शीघ्र, +Adv,Her project work is progressing rapidly.,rapidly,تیٖزی سان,,शीघ्रता_से, +Adj,He has a huge collection of rare books in his library.,rare,نایاب,,दुर्लभ, +Adv,He is rarely seen in the colony nowadays.,rarely,کُنہِ کُنہِ ساتہٕ,,कदाचित, +N,Lots of rats are making menace in her neighbourhood.,rat,گَگُر,,चूहा, +N,I smelt a rat when she became kind to me all of sudden.,rat,یِنہٕ والٮ۪ن مُشکِلن ہُنٛد اَندازٕ گَژُھن,,आने_वाले_संकट_की_आशंका_करना, +VI,His friends dislike him as he often rats on them.,rat,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن,,अपने_साथियोँ_को_छोड़ना, +V,How do you rate her as an actress?,rate,قۭمت لَگاوُن،مۄل لاگُن,,मूल्य_लगाना, +N,He is walking at the rate of 5km an hour.,rate,رَفتار,,दर, +N,I am not prepared to marry her at any rate.,rate,کُنہِ تہِ حالتَس منٛز,,किसी_भी_हालत_मे, +N,"If you spend at this rate, you will soon be bankrupt.",rate,رَفتار,,मात्रा, +N,His pulse rate dropped suddenly.,rate,رَفتار,,अनुपात, +VTI,They rated the book quite high.,rate,قۭمت لگاوُن,,भाव_ठहराना, +VTI,They rate him kind and hospitable.,rate,مانُن,,मूल्याकंन_करना, +VTI,He was rated as a broker.,rate,ماننہٕ یُن,,वर्ग_या_श्रेणी_मे_रखना, +VTI,Those tasks rate low in my priority list.,rate,دَرجہِ آسُن,,निर्धारित_करना, +Adv,He came very late last night or rather in the wee hours this morning.,rather,بٔلِکہِ,,बलिकि, +N,The ratio between 75 and 25 is 3:1.,ratio,نِسبَت,,संबन्ध, +Adj,The patient seemed quite rational.,rational,عَقٕل مَنٛد,,सज्ञान, +Adj,Raw vegetables are good for health.,raw,نیٖجی,,कच्चा, +Adj,Raw material should be chemically treated first.,raw,خام,,प्राकृतिक_स्थिति_मे, +Adj,A raw hand in a factory doesn`t suit at all.,raw,نا تربِیت یافتہٕ,,अदक्ष, +Adj,You can feed raw data into a computer.,raw,۔۔۔,,कच्चे_आँकड़े, +Adj,There are many natives all over the world who still live raw.,raw,نٮ۪تھہٕ نٔنۍ,,वस्त्रहीन, +Adj,I can`t tolerate a raw deal.,raw,بُرٕ سٔلوٗک,,अनुचित_व्यवहार, +N,Sun rays produce ultraviolet rays.,ray,لَوٕ,,किरण, +N,Ray fish is very beautiful to look at.,ray,اکہِ قٕسمٕچ گاڈ,,मछली, +N,Ray is the second note of any major scale.,ray,سُر,,संगीत_का_सुर, +VI,A ray of light travels straight.,ray,گاشہ ٕلَوٕ پیٚنۍ,,किरण_निकालना, +N,She got very sharp razor for section cuttings.,razor,کھوٗر,,उस्तरा, +VI,Did any news reach your ears?,reach,واتُن,,पहुँचना, +VI,He reached out his hand for the book but it was too far away.,reach,پِلہٕ ناوُن,,आगे_बढ़ाना, +VI,My school reaches as far as the railway line.,reach,پھٲلِتھ، وَہرٲوِتھ,,फैला_होना, +VT,Could you reach me that book from the table?,reach,پِلہٕ ناوُن،دیُن,,पहुँचाना, +N,The rice bag is out of my reach.,reach,حَد,,पहुँच, +VTI,How did the audience react to his remarks?,react,ردِ عمل کَرُن,,प्रतिक्रिया_करना, +VTI,Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.,react,میلُن، رَلُن,,रासायनिक_परिवर्तन_पैदा_करना, +VTI,Acids react on metals.,react,اَثَر ہاوُن،اَثَر کَرُن,,किसी_पदार्थ_मे_परिवर्तन_करना, +N,What was his reaction to your proposal?,reaction,ردِ عمَل,,प्रतिक्रिया, +N,The forces of reaction upset the whole plan.,reaction,۔۔۔,,प्रगति_मे_बाधा, +N,I had a bad reaction after my penicillin injection.,reaction,اَثَر,,दवा_का_प्रभाव, +N,Nuclear reaction produces large amount of heat.,reaction,رِیَکشَن,,पदार्थों_का_एक_दूसरे_पर_रासायनिक_प्रभाव, +Adj,Reactionary forces oppose the improvement in our society.,reactionary,۔۔۔,,प्रतिक्रियात्मक, +N,This is the result of the reactivity of the chemical solution.,reactivity,اَثَر,,प्रतिक्रियात्मकता, +VTI,We should teach children how to read and write.,read,پَرُن,,पढ़ना, +VTI,A driver must be able to read traffic signs.,read,سَمجھُن,,समझना, +VTI,He is reading mathematics at Oxford.,read,پَرُن,,अध्ययन_करना, +VTI,I offered my hand to the astrologer to read it.,read,وُچھُن,,देखना, +VTI,The meter reads 4895 units.,read,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, +VTI,"The sign reads,`Keep Left`.",read,ہاوُن,,अर्थ_रखना, +N,She is a news reader on T.V.,reader,قٲری،پَرَن وول،پَرَن واجِنۍ,,पाठक, +N,He is a reader in physics.,reader,ریٖڑَر,,विश्वविद्द्यालय_का_अध्यापक, +N,He is employed as a reader in civil court.,reader,۔۔۔,,पेशकार, +N,She works as a proof reader in the press.,reader,پَرَن وول،پَرَن واجِنۍ,,प्रूफ_पढ़ने_वाला, +Adj,He readily agreed to accompany me to the station.,readily,آسٲنی سان،دٔستی,,तरन्त_ही, +N,The colonel declared its readiness to fight against enemies.,readiness,تَیٲری,,तैयारी, +N,He is a man of good reading.,reading,پَرَن وول,,पढ़ना, +N,Children should always do loud reading.,reading,پَرُن,,वाचन_पठन, +N,He has come for water meter reading.,reading,ریٖڑِنٛگ,,किसी_मीटर_डायल_आदि_द्वारा_चिह्नित_संख्या, +Adj,Are you ready to go for shopping?,ready,تَیار,,तैयार, +Adj,She has a keen mind and ready wit.,ready,حٲضِر ج��واب,,शीघ्र, +Adj,Keep a weapon ready at night.,ready,تَیار,,पहुँच_के_अन्दर, +Adj,Make yourself ready for the Prime Minister`s visit.,ready,تَیٲری,,तैयारी, +N,She is not having enough of the ready.,ready,مۄیسَر پونٛسہٕ,,प्राप्त_धन, +N,The watchman keeps his spear and torch ready.,ready,تَیار,,काम_मे_लाने_के_लिये_तैयार, +Adj,Are these facts real?,real,پوٚز،اَصلی,,सत्य, +Adj,He is the real manager of the institution.,real,اَصلی,,वास्तवक, +Adj,The excursion trip was a real disaster?,real,حٔقیٖقی,,पूर्णतः, +Adj,Her real income has gone up by 15% in the past year.,real,اَصلی,,आमदनी/सम्पत्ति, +Adv,He had a real good laugh after a long time.,real,حٔقیٖقتًن،پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,यथार्थ_में, +N,I believe in realism.,realism,حقیقت پَسَندی,,यथार्थता, +N,He accepts the realism even in the worst situation.,realism,حقیقت,,यथार्थवाद, +Adj,He is realistic.,realistic,حقیقت پَسَنٛدانہٕ,,यथार्थवादी, +N,You cannot escape from the reality of hard life.,reality,پَزَر،اَصلِیَت,,सच्चाई, +N,I was shocked by the realization that I would perhaps never see her again.,realization,اِحساس,,प्रत्यक्षीकरण, +VTI,She realized that Hari had been cheating her.,realize,احساس گَژھُن,,पता_चलना/बोध_होना, +VTI,His furniture realized Rs.10000 at the sale.,realize,قۭمت مِلُن،مۄل دیُن,,मूल्य_पाना, +Adv,What do you really think about yourself?,really,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ،پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,यथार्थ_मेँ, +Adv,She is really a charming lady.,really,پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,सचमुच, +Adv,"We are going to U.S.A. next week.`Oh, really?`",really,پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ،پٔزی,,आश्चर्य_प्रकट_करना, +N,Zamindar`s realm is nowhere now in India.,realm,علاقہٕ,,राज्य, +N,He has taken a photograph of the house from the rear.,rear,پٔتۍ کِنۍ،پٔتۍ مہِ طَرفہٕ,,पिछवाड़ा, +N,He kicked him on the rear.,rear,پٔتۍ کِنۍ،پُشت,,पीछे_का_भाग, +VTI,The snake reared its head.,rear,تھوٚد تُلُن,,उठाना, +VTI,The male tiger helps the female to rear the youngs.,rear,پالُن،پَرؤرِش کَرٕنۍ،رَچُھن,,पालन_पोषण_करना, +VTI,The horse reared up in fright.,rear,پٔتۍ مٮ۪ن زَنٛگن پٮ۪ٹھ کَھڑا گَژھُن,,पिछले_पैर_पर_खड़े_होना, +N,What is your reason for leaving the job?,reason,وَجہ,,कारण/प्रयोजन, +N,The conflict between faith and reason is going on.,reason,سَمَجھ،عَقٕل,,विवेक_बुद्धि, +VTI,She reasoned that if she started at 5 a.m. she would be there by noon.,reason,تَفصیل دِنۍ، وضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,तर्क_करना, +Adj,He is perfectly reasonable in his judgement.,reasonable,موقوٗل,,विवेकी, +Adv,He is perfectly reasonable in his judgement.,reasonably,موقوٗل طور,,तर्कशील, +Adv,Look at the problem reasonably.,reasonably,موقوٗل طورپٲٹھۍ,,विवेक_के_साथ/समझदारी_से, +Adv,He appears to be reasonably happy with the arrangement.,reasonably,مُنٲسِب طور,,काफी, +N,Her reasoning on this point is correct.,reasoning,سونٛچ,,तर्क_वितर्क, +N,Ravi has always been a rebel.,rebel,بٲگی,,विद्रोही, +VT,They rebelled against conventions.,rebel,بَغاوَت کرٕنۍ,,विद्रोह_करना, +N,She got a rebound in garments export.,rebound,پھیٖرِتھ,,पलटाव, +VI,The ball rebounded from the wall.,rebound,پتھ کُن واپَس یُن،واپَس یُن,,पीछे_को_उछल_आना, +VI,The evil we do may rebound upon ourselves.,rebound,واپَس پانَس پٮ۪ٹھ یُن,,ऊपर_आना, +VTI,She has rebutted all her charges.,rebut,غلط ثٲبِت کَرُن,,खण्डन_करना, +V,I have to recall that date.,recall,یاد کَرُن,,याद_कर[वापस_बुला], +N,A student is gifted with instant recall.,recall,یاداشت,,याददाश्त, +VT,Try to recall the information.,recall,یاد پیوٚن,,याद_आना, +VT,The speaker recalled the members of Parliament for a special debate.,recall,بیٚیِہ بُلاوُن,,फिर_बुलाना, +VT,She recalled (that) she had sent a parcel two months ago.,recall,یاد کَرُن,,याद_करना, +VTI,"As our ship advanced on the high seas, the sea shore slowly receded.",recede,پَتھ گَژُھن,,पीछे_हटना, +VI,When did you receive my telegram?,receive,رَٹُن,,लेना, +VI,I was warmly received by them.,receive,اِستقبال کَرُن,,स्वागत_करना, +VI,He received my good wishes for his success.,receive,رَٹُن,,सम्मान_या_आशीर्वाद_लेना, +VI,This building is ready to receive its new occupants.,receive,رَٹُن,,आने_देना, +Adj,His recent visit to Japan was fruitful.,recent,حالُک,,हाल_का, +Adv,He has recently been made a Vice Chancellor.,recently,حالٕے,,हाल_मेँ, +N,Her son`s wedding reception was good.,reception,اِستِقبال,,स्वागत, +N,That issue of the magazine had a favourable reception.,reception,مقبوٗلِیت,,ग्रहण_करने_का_ढ़ंग, +N,Reception of T.V. programmes is satisfactory in Delhi.,reception,۔۔۔,,अधिग्रहण, +N,The business is sliding into the depths of recession.,recession,خَرٲبی,,कम_होना, +VTI,She reciprocated by giving him a nice gift.,reciprocate,اَدٕلہٕ بَدَل کَرُن,,अदला_बदली_करना, +N,The government has announced the recognition of the Institute.,recognition,منظوٗری,,मान्यता, +N,They looked at each other without recognition.,recognition,زان,,पहचानना, +VT,I could recognize him from a distance.,recognize,پرٛزٕ ناوُن,,पहचानना, +VT,The new institution was not recognized by the govt.,recognize,منظوٗری دِنۍ,,मान्यता_देना, +VT,India recognizes Netaji`s services to the nation as a freedom fighter.,recognize,پہچان دِنۍ,,अधिकारिक_पहचान_देना, +VT,The hotel is highly recommended for its excellent services.,recommend,تعریف کَرٕنۍ,,प्रशंसा_करना, +VT,I recommend you to consult a good doctor.,recommend,مَشوَرٕ دیُن,,सलाह_देना, +N,I bought this T.V. set on the recommendation of my friend.,recommendation,سِفٲرِش,,सिफ़ारिश, +VT,The management was forced to reconsider its decision about the termination.,reconsider,دُبارٕ غور کَرُن,,फिर_देखना, +V,I have to record a speech.,record,رِکارڑ کَرُن,,रेकार्ड_कर, +N,Municipal corporation of India keeps the records of births and deaths.,record,دَستاویز,,सरकारी_काग़ज़, +N,You must keep a record of income and expenditure.,record,دَرٕج,,लेख-प्रमाण, +N,Her father had a distinguished war record.,record,ناو کموومُت,,किसी_वस्तु_या_व्यक्ति_के_सम्बन्धित_अतीत_का_ज्ञान, +N,Sunil Gavaskar has broken a number of records in cricket.,record,رِکارڑ,,उच्चमान, +VT,The programme was recorded in detail.,record,درٕج کَرُن,,रजिस्टर_मेँ_दर्ज_करना, +VT,Barometer recorded a pressure of 76cm of mercury.,record,ہاوُن,,अंकित_करना, +VT,Please record a programme from the radio.,record,رِکارڑ کَرُن,,प्रोग्राम_को_टेप_करना, +N,He made a video recording of the wedding.,recording,رِکارڑِنٛگ،ریٖل,,अभिलेखन, +VTI,Several bodies were recovered from the river after disastrous floods.,recover,بَرآمَد کَرُن,,बरामद_करना, +VTI,Light diet will help you to recover from weakness.,recover,ٹھیٖک گَژُھن,,ठीक_होना, +VTI,The skater quickly recovered his balance.,recover,سَمبالُن،سَندارُن,,पुनः_संभल_जाना, +VTI,He could finally recover his money from his customers.,recover,ؤصوٗل کَرُن,,वसूल_करना, +VTI,He is recovering after a long illness.,recover,بَلُن,,पुनः_स्वास्थ्य_लाभ_करना, +N,She has made a speedy recovery after a prolong illness.,recovery,صحت یٲبی,,पुनः_प्राप्ति, +N,The loser team staged a dramatic recovery in the second half of the match.,recovery,واپسی,,सही_हालत_मे_आ_जाना, +N,There is a secret behind the recovery of the missing jewellery.,recovery,لَبُن,,पुनर्लाभ, +N,She walks and climbs mountains for recreation.,recreation,تَفریٖح،چَکر,,मनोरंजन_आराम, +N,They are recruits in the army.,recruit,رنٛگروٗٹ,,रंगरूट, +VT,He has recruited some unemployed youths in his company.,recruit,بٔرتی کَرُن,,नयी_भर्ती_करना, +N,He is a rector of Roman Catholic Church.,rector,پادٕرۍ,,पादरी, +VI,"If the problem recurs, you can call me.",recur,بار بار یِنۍ،بیٚیہِ یِنۍ,,फिर_आना, +Adj,Maple leaves turn red in the autumn.,red,ۄوزُل,,लाल, +Adj,Nepal rolled out red carpet to welcome Princess Diana.,red,وۄزُل,,किसी_के_स्वागत_के_लिये_बिछाई_गयी_दरी, +Adj,Snobs of any type make him see red.,red,وۄشلُن,,क्रोध_मे_आपे_से_बाहर_हो_जाना, +Adj,The baby`s eyes were red with weeping.,red,وۄزجار،وۄزٕج,,लाल_आँखें, +Adj,She has seen a red squirrel.,red,وۄزُل،وۄزٕج,,लाल-भूरे_रंग_का, +N,Her favourate colour is red.,red,وۄزُل رَنٛگ,,लाल_रंग, +N,The continuous strike put many businesses in the red.,red,گاٹہٕ,,घाटे_मे, +N,Would you prefer red or white?,red,وۄزُل,,लाल, +VT,Giving up smoking reduces the risk of throat and lung cancer.,reduce,کَم کَرُن,,घटाना, +N,There is a special reduction on readymade garments.,reduction,کٔمی,,घटाव, +V,The murder case has been referred to high court.,refer,زِمہٕ کَرُن,,संदर्भ_दे, +VTI,Does this remark refer to you?,refer,اِشارٕ کرُن,,संकेत_करना, +VTI,The matter has been referred to the committee.,refer,حوالہٕ کَرُن,,सौंपना, +VTI,The advocate frequently referred to his notes.,refer,حوالہ ٕدیُن,,हवाला_देना, +VTI,The patient was referred to hospital.,refer,سوزُن,,परामर्श_हेतु_भेजना, +N,His book is full of references.,reference,حوالہٕ,,संदर्भ, +N,The article has a number of references from his book.,reference,حوالہٕ,,उल्लेख, +N,You should not have done it without reference to me first.,reference,مَشوَرٕ,,निर्देश, +N,I am writing with reference to your job application.,reference,حوالہٕ,,सम्बन्ध, +N,He has given his teacher`s name as a reference.,reference,حَوالہٕ,,हवाला, +VTI,See how beautifully the water reflects the sun.,reflect,عکٕس ترٛاوُن,,प्रतिबिम्ब_डालना, +VTI,The white clothes reflect the glare of the sun.,reflect,ٹَکر ترٛاوُن,,परावर्तित_करना, +VTI,"Before I decide, I need time to sit and reflect.",reflect,غور کرُن,,चिन्तन_या_विचार_करना, +N,Our education minister should carry out reforms in education system.,reform,سُدار,,सुधार, +VTI,She`s given up bad habits and is now a reformed personality.,reform,سُدریومُت،سُدریمٕژ,,सुधारना, +VT,Milk and icecream should be refrigerated.,refrigerate,تُرُن کَرُن،ہُندُر کَرُن,,ठण्डा_करना, +N,Fruits are kept in the refrigerator.,refrigerator,فرِٛج,,रेफ़्रीजरेटर, +N,So many refugees have come from Bangladesh.,refugee,مُہاجِر,,शरणार्थी, +VT,We assure you to refund your money in full if you are not satisfied with our policy.,refund,واپَس دیُن,,वापस_करना, +N,You should claim a tax refund.,refund,واپَس ادایگی,,वापसी, +N,His refusal to lend me his book is most annoying.,refusal,نَکار,,अस्वीकार, +N,Town refuse is dumped outside the town.,refuse,ژھۄٹھ,,तलछट, +VT,I refused to lend him extra money.,refuse,نکار کَرُن,,अस्वीकार_करना, +VT,She has regained consciousness.,regain,واپس یُن,,पुनः_प्राप्त_करना, +V,He is regarded as a nice person.,regard,ماننہٕ یُن,,मान[देख], +N,I have enough regard for my neighbours.,regard,احتِرام،لِحاز,,आदर, +N,I have nothing to say in this regard.,regard,مُتعلق,,सम्बन्ध/मामला, +N,Convey my regards to your parents.,regard,سَلام,,शुभकामनाएँ, +VT,I regard his behaviour unmanly.,regard,مانُن,,मानना, +VT,He is highly regarded as the best teacher in the school.,regard,احتِرام کَرُن،ماننہٕ یُن,,आदर_करना, +VT,He hardly regards my advice.,regard,پَرواہ کَرُن,,ध्यान_देना, +VT,He regarded me with some doubt.,regard,وُچھُن,,देखना, +Prep,I have no information regarding this matter.,regarding,مُتعلِق، اَمہ ِکِس بارسَس منٛز,,के~बारे~में, +Prep,He said so much regarding your request.,regarding,اَتھ مُتعلِق ، اَتھ بارسَس منٛز,,के_बारे_में, +Adj,I must make the decision regardless of any thing.,regardless,بے پرواہ,,बेपरवाह, +N,I hate the corrupt regime.,regime,حکوٗمَت،نِظامِہ حکوٗمَت,,शासन_व्यवस्था, +N,Free trade is not permissible under the present regime.,regime,دورِ حکوٗمَت,,शासन{व्यवस्था}, +N,Rajput and Gorkha regiments are very active.,regiment,فوٗجی پَلٹَن,,सैन्य_दल, +N,A whole regiment of volunteers turned up to help.,regiment,پَلٹن,,अधिक_संख्या, +N,The desert region is increasing rapidly in some countries.,region,شعبہٕ،خٕطہٕ,,प्रदेश_क्षेत्र, +N,Mira has accute pain in her lower abdominal region.,region,حِصہٕ,,हिस्सा, +Adj,Nowadays regional programmes are also telecasted on T.V.,regional,علاقٲیی,,क्षेत्रीय, +N,Sir could you sign the hotel register please?,register,رجسٹر,,बही, +N,The register of a flute is very high.,register,سُرٕچ آواز,,दूरी_जहाँ_तक_मनुश्य_या_बाजे_की_आवाज_सुनाई_पड़े, +VT,It is dificult to register a flute.,register,سُرٕچ آواز کَڑٕنۍ,,रजिस्टर_कर, +VT,You should always register the birth of a child.,register,دَرٕج کَرُن,,दर्ज_करना, +VT,Get yourself registered in the Employment Exchange.,register,دَرٕج کَرُن,,पंजीकृत_कराना, +VT,Rain Gauge registered 4.7 cm of rain fall.,register,ہاوُن,,प्रदर्शित_करना, +N,I have to pay the fees of registration.,registration,رَجسٹریشن،دٲخلہٕ,,पंजीकरण, +N,The registration of the students for M.C.A. is over.,registration,رجسٹریشن،دٲخلہٕ,,पंजीकृत_करना, +VT,I regret my inability to help you.,regret,اَفسوٗس کَرُن,,पश्चाताप_करना, +VT,I regret the loss of my wrist watch.,regret,دۄکھ گَژھُن،اَفسوٗس گَژُھن ،پھیرُن,,दुःखी_होना, +N,My only regret is that I have to leave the post.,regret,اَفسوٗس,,पश्चाताप, +Adj,You must follow your regular routine.,regular,حسبہِ معموٗل,,नियमित, +Adj,Do you want baby size bicycle or regular size?,regular,عام,,सामान्य, +Adj,They belong to regular forces of India.,regular,علاقٲیی,,स्थायी, +Adj,The sky was full of the birds flying in regular formation.,regular,باتَرتیٖب,,सम, +N,He is one of the regulars here.,regular,مُستَقِل,,नियमित_सैनक, +Adv,Her maid arrives regularly at seven every morning.,regularly,ہَر دۄہ،پرٛٮ۪تھ دۄہ,,नियमित_रूप_से, +VT,You should regulate your household expenses within means.,regulate,باقٲیدٕ بَناوُن,,नियमानुसार_ठहरना, +N,Generally people do not obey rules and regulations of the road.,regulation,قٲیدٕ,,बन्दोबस्त, +N,There is a rehabilitation centre for psychiatric patients.,rehabilitation,آبادکٲری,,बहाली, +VT,The government has reiterated its commitment to the upliftment of the poor.,reiterate,وِزِ وِزِ وَنُن،پِھرۍ پِھرۍ وَنُن,,बार_बार_कहना, +VT,Her proposal was finally rejected by the committee.,reject,نامنظوٗر کَرُن,,फेँकना, +VT,Imperfect articles are rejected by the editor.,reject,نا منظوٗر کَرُن،رَد کَرُن,,अस्वीकार_करना, +VT,The child was rejected by its parents.,reject,ترٛاوُن,,न_चाहना, +N,These pairs of shoes are export rejects.,reject,نامنظوٗر کوٚرمُت چیٖز,,अस्वीकृत_वस्तु, +VTI,My grandfather related the story of a clever fox.,relate,وَنُن,,वर्णन_करना, +VTI,This issue is not related to the concerned case.,relate,واسطہٕ تھاوُن,,सम्बंध_जोड़ना, +VTI,Is the new law related to reservation of seats for the handicapped?,relate,مُتعلِق آسُن,,सम्बद्ध_होना, +VTI,It is difficult for me to relate.,relate,ہمدردی ہاوٕنۍ,,हमदर्दी_प्रकट_करना, +Adj,We are going to discuss the proposal and the related issues.,related,مُتعلِق,,सम्बन्धी, +Adj,This issue is related to my family members.,related,مُتعلق,,संबंधित, +Adj,She is related to him by her mother`s side.,related,رِشتہ ٕدار,,बन्धु, +N,She is related to him by her mother`s side.,relation,رِشتہٕ,,सम्बन्ध, +N,She told me the relation of some amusing incident.,relation,۔۔۔,,वर्णन, +N,The relation between doctor and patient should be sincere.,relation,رِشتہٕ,,आपसी_सम्बन्ध, +N,Our business relations are very cordial.,relation,تعلُقات,,व्यवहार, +N,He invited all his relations on his son`s marriage.,relation,رِشتہٕ دار,,रिश्तेदारी, +N,You should chalk out your plan with relation to the future.,relation,مُطٲبِق,,सन्दर्भ, +N,Relations between the two neighbouring countries have improved.,relations,تعلُقات,,सम्बन्ध, +N,Her relationship with that boy broke up after six years of courtship.,relationship,تعلُقات,,सम्बन्ध/रिश्तेदारी, +Adj,The file relative to this case is missing.,relative,مُتعلِق،وابَستہٕ,,संबंधित, +Adj,The relative advantages of gas and electricity are different.,relative,۔۔۔,,तुलनात्मक, +Adj,This is the relative place where we met.,relative,ہوٗ بہ ہوٗ,,सम्बन्ध_वाचक_क्रिया-विषेशण, +Adj,` whom` is a relative pronoun in the sentence `The boy whom I met`.,relative,وابَستہٕ پٔرۍ ناوُت,,सम्बन्ध_वाचक_सर्वनाम, +N,She is my close relative.,relative,رِشتہٕ دار,,सगा, +Adv,"In spite of his bad health, he is relatively active.",relatively,نٮ۪سبَت،توتہِ,,तुलनात्मक_रूप_से, +VTI,Let your muscles relax slowly.,relax,یَلہٕ ترٛاوُن,,ढीला_करना[होना], +VTI,He likes to relax with a glass of wine when he gets home from office.,relax,آرام کَرُن,,विश्राम_करना[होना], +VTI,"I felt relaxed, when I came to know she is safe.",relax,آرام میلُن,,तनाव_मुक्त_होना[करना], +VTI,We would relax the admission fee slightly in your case.,relax,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, +N,Jailer got an order for Rahul`s release from prison.,release,رِہٲیی,,रिहाई, +N,The release of a new film is delayed.,release,نُمٲیِش کَرٕنۍ,,प्रदर्शन, +N,I don`t know the release mechanism of a lock.,release,کھولنُک طٔریٖقہٕ عَمل,,खुलने_की_क्रिया, +VT,The prisoner was released.,release,یَلہٕ ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, +VT,She gently released herself from him.,release,یَلہٕ کَرُن,,मुक्त_करना, +VT,The new edition of the book has been released.,release,شایَع کَرُن,,विमोचन/लोकार्पण_करना, +VT,This news has been released to the press.,release,خَبَر شایع کَرنہٕ خٲطرٕ سوزٕنۍ,,मोचन_करना, +VT,The bullet is released from the gun at a very high speed.,release,لَگاونہٕ یُن،نیرٕنۍ,,छोड़ना{यंत्र_का}, +VT,He has released his rights in favour of his nephew.,release,ترٛاوُن,,त्यागना, +Adj,Please have all the relevant documents ready for passport.,relevant,مُتعلقہٕ,,उपयुक्त, +Adj,Her servant is reliable.,reliable,بَروسہٕ مَنٛد,,विश्वास_योग्य, +N,She sent some relief to refugees.,relief,اِمداد,,सहायता{कोष}, +N,The injection gave the patient much relief.,relief,آرام,,आराम, +N,He performs his duty from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with only one hour`s relief.,relief,آرام,,विश्राम, +N,She heaved a sigh of relief when her son returned home safely.,relief,راحت,,राहत, +N,They got temporary financial relief from the tax due to severe drought.,relief,چھوٗٹ,,छूट, +Adj,Relief fund was collected for helping the quake victims.,relief,اِمدٲدی,,सहायता_कोष, +N,"A relief map of India shows mountains, valleys, gulfs, seas, etc.",relief,اِرتِشٲعی نَقشہٕ,,उभरी_हुई_नक्काशी, +N,The hills stood out in sharp relief against the dawn sky.,relief,۔۔۔,,रंग_और_शेडिंग_द्वारा_ऊँचाई_का_प्रदर्शन, +VT,Amrutanjan relieves headache.,relieve,کَم گَژھٕنۍ,,पीड़ा_कम_करना, +VT,He was relieved of his job.,relieve,بَرخاست کَرُن,,सेवा_से_मुक्त_करना, +VT,The flyovers relieve traffic jams in the city.,relieve,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, +VT,Now you should relieve the guard from his duty.,relieve,یَلہٕ ترٛاوُن,,कार्य_मुक्त_करना, +VT,Government is making efforts to relieve famine in Africa.,relieve,مَدَد کَرٕنۍ,,सहायता_करना, +Adj,We were relieved to hear you were safe and sound.,relieved,سکوٗن ،آرام،راحت,,चिन्ता_मुक्त, +N,Religion teaches us to live and let others live.,religion,مَزہَب,,धर्म, +N,She has a great sense of rhythm.,rhythm,تال,,ताल, +N,Indian basmati rice is famous for its aroma and long grain.,rice,تومُل,,चावल, +Adj,Rich countries like U.S.A. and Japan are getting richer day by day.,rich,أمیٖر,,सम्पन्न, +Adj,This year`s paddy harvest is rich because of good monsoon.,rich,غلبہٕ,,प्रचुर, +Adj,I don`t like rich food.,rich,تیز,,गरिष्ट, +Adj,She has a rich voice.,rich,شانٛدار،جان,,शानदार, +Adj,She always buys rich fabrics.,rich,بوٚرُت رنٛگہٕ دار,,भड़कीला, +VT,He wants to get rid of his bad company.,rid,نَجات,,मुक्त_करना, +N,He gave me a ride in his new car.,ride,سٲر،چکر,,सैर{घोड़े_या_गाड़ी_पर_सवार_होकर_सैर}, +VTI,He rode his jeep over the rough mountains.,ride,چَلاوُن,,सवारी_करना, +N,More than two billion riders are not allowed on two wheelers.,rider,سَوار,,सवार, +N,Himalayan mountains have many prominent ridges.,ridge,بالہٕ تھوٚنٛگۍ,,ढालू_टीला{_या_पहाड़ी}, +V,A slightly ridged and ploughed field is good for a healthy crop.,ridge,بیرٕگٔنٛڑِتھ,,मेड़_बनाना, +Adj,It is ridiculous to follow your stupid instructions.,ridiculous,بے ہوٗدٕ,,हास्यास्पद, +N,He has enrolled himself in a riding school.,riding,رَیڑِنگ,,सवारी, +N,"Don`t play with that rifle, it is loaded.",rifle,اَکہِ قٕسمُک بٔنٛدوٗق،رَیفٕل,,एक_प्रकार_की_बन्दूक, +VT,Someone has rifled through her bag.,rifle,ژھٲنٛڑ دِنۍ,,चप्पा ड्ँढ_लेना, +Adj,Place the books on the right side of the specs.,right,دٔچِھنۍ,,दाँया, +Adj,He is the right person for the job.,right,صحیح,,सही, +Adv,Nothing seems to be going right for him nowadays.,right,ٹھیٖک پٲٹھۍ,,ठीक, +Adv,"Please wait here for me, I will be right back.",right,دٔستی,,तुरन्त, +N,You have no right to stop me from going to Bombay.,right,حَق,,अधिकार, +N,The children should be able to distinguish between right and wrong.,right,صحیح,,सही, +Adj,Her boss is a man of rigid principles.,rigid,سَخٕت,,कड़ा, +N,She always wears diamond ring.,ring,وٲج,,अँगूठी, +N,He keeps all his keys in a key ring.,ring,کُنٛزٕترٛونٛگ,,छल्ला{चाभी/नेपकिन_का}, +N,The police stood in a ring around the officer.,ring,گیرٕ,,घेरा/मंडल/चक्र, +VI,I will answer the telephone for you if it rings.,ring,بَجُن,,बजना{घण्टियोँ_का}, +VT,Ring the bell for school assembly.,ring,وایِنۍ,,बजाना{घण्टीँ_का}, +N,Riots broke out in many sensitive areas.,riot,فَساد،فِتنہٕ,,दंगा, +VT,"During campaigning, protesters rioted with opposition.",riot,فَسادکَرُن،فِتنہٕ کَرُن,,दंगा_करना, +Adj,All the mangoes are ripe enough to eat.,ripe,پَپے مٕتۍ,,पका_हुआ, +VI,The smoke is rising from the chimney.,rise,وۄتھُن,,उठना, +VI,The sun rises in the east.,rise,کَھسُن,,उदित_होना, +VI,He rose from the death bed.,rise,زِنٛدٕ گَژھُن,,जी_उठना, +VI,The river has risen by one metre due to continuous raining.,rise,ہیوٚر کَھسُن,,बढना, +VI,My voice rose in anger.,rise,تَھدِ گَژٕھنۍ،بَڑِ گَژٕھنۍ,,तीव्र_होना, +VI,Her spirits rose after hearing the good news.,rise,شانہٕ وۄگٕنۍ,,प्रसन्न_हो_जाना, +VI,She rose from an attender to become an officer.,rise,تَرقی کَرٕنۍ,,उन्नति_करना, +Adj,Japan is a rising country.,rising,تَرقی یٖافتہٕ,,उन्नतिशील, +N,Para military forces were brought in to suppress the rising.,rising,بَغاوَت,,विद्रोह/उत्थान, +N,There is a risk of going out in the curfew.,risk,خَطرٕ,,ख़तरा, +VT,Don`t take any risk of your life.,risk,خَطرٕہیوٚن,,जोखिम_उठाना, +Adj,Tribal women performed the ritual dance in front of the guests.,ritual,رَسمی,,रस्म_संबंधी, +N,The wedding was performed with all the rituals.,ritual,رسٕم,,क्रियापद्धति, +N,"All three rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati meet at prayag.",river,دٔرِیاو,,नदी, +N,This road leads to the suburbs of the city.,road,سَڑَک، وَتھ,,सड़क, +N,The roar of the traffic was unbearable.,roar,شور,,दहाड़, +VI,Tigers are roaring in their cages.,roar,شور کَران,,दहाड़ना, +VI,His motorbike roared up the hill.,roar,گَڑ گَڑ کَرُن,,गड़गड़ाना, +VT,She has been robbed.,rob,لوٗٹنہٕ یُن,,लूटना, +VT,A last minute goal robbed them of almost certain victory.,rob,تَھپہِ نیُن,,छीनना, +N,They drilled the bore through many layers of rocks to reach the water.,rock,کٔنۍ،پَل,,चट्टान, +VTI,I have to rock a baby to sleep.,rock,ہِلاوُن،گوٗرٕ گوٗرٕ کَرُن,,हिलना, +VTI,The whole building rocked as the bomb exploded.,rock,ہِلُن،اَلہٕ اَلہٕ گَژھُن,,हिल_जाना{देना}, +N,Rockets are used to shoot missile or launch spacecraft.,rocket,راکیٹ,,बाण-हवाई, +V,Nowadays land prices are rocketing.,rocket,اَچانک واریاہ بَڑُن,,अचानक_बहुत_बढना, +N,He has played a variety of roles in the film.,role,کِردار,,भूमिका, +V,The rock rolled off the mountain.,roll,ڈُلہٕ گَژُھن,,लुढ़कना, +N,He has wasted a roll of film by exposing it.,roll,رول,,गोला, +N,They have not included their parents name in electoral roll.,roll,فِرِست,,सूची, +N,There was a loud drum roll from the restaurant.,roll,ڈھولٕچ دُھم دُھم آو��ز,,गड़गड़ाहट, +VTI,Keep the cameras rolling.,roll,نَژوُن,,घूमा, +VTI,The goat rolled down the hill.,roll,ڈُلہٕ گَژھُن,,लुढकना, +VTI,He always roll his cigarettes.,roll,وَٹُن,,लपेटना, +VTI,The high tides rolled the boat from side to side.,roll,نَژناوُن,,घुमाना, +VTI,The traffic rolled slowly.,roll,وارٕ وارٕ پَکُن,,धीमे_चलना, +VTI,Roll out the pizza dough.,roll,بیلُن,,बेलना, +Adj,He has roman coins.,roman,روٗمی,,रोमन, +Adj,Keats was one of the greatest romantic poets of his time.,romantic,روٗمٲنی,,रोमानी, +Adj,She has highly romantic ideas of life rather than reality.,romantic,روٗمٲنی,,कल्पित, +Adj,She has highly romantic ideas of life rather than reality.,romantic,روٗمٲنی,,कल्पित, +Adj,Keats was one of the greatest romantic poets of his time.,romantic,رومٲنی,,रोमानी, +N,That house has a sloping roof.,roof,چَھپرٕ،پَش,,छत, +VT,Her house is roofed with red tiles.,roof,پَش دِتھ,,छत_पाटना, +N,The house has a simply furnished living room.,room,کُٹھ،کَمرٕ,,कमरा, +N,This huge sofa takes up too much room.,room,جاے,,स्थान, +N,The room is full.,room,کُٹھ,,कमरा, +N,Eucalyptus has very long and deep roots.,root,موٗل,,जड़, +N,The square root of 64 is 8.,root,روٗٹ,,वर्गमूल, +N,The root word in `going` is `go`.,root,بُنِیٲدی,,धातु{क्रिया}, +VI,Some plants root easily.,root,موٗل دِنۍ,,जड़_पकड़ना, +VT,She always roots the tender saplings very carefully.,root,تھاوُن,,स्थापित_कर, +N,She tied a piece of rope to the branch with the help of a long stick.,rope,رَز,,रस्सी, +V,Mountain climbers roped themselves together for safety.,rope,رَزِ سۭتۍ گَنٛڑُن,,रस्सी_से_बाँधना{बँधना}, +N,I like roses.,rose,گۄلاب,,गुलाब, +N,There are many different types of roses in my garden.,rose,گۄلاب,,गुलाब_का_फूल_या_पौधा, +Adj,Her skin becomes very rough during the winter months.,rough,خۄشٕک,,खुरदरा, +Adj,I don`t like rough weather.,rough,توفٲنی,,तूफानी, +Adj,Show me a rough draft of your letter.,rough,رَف,,कच्चा, +Adj,Today was a rough day for me.,rough,مُشکِلات وول,,कठिनाई_भरा, +Adj,Your voice sounds rough to me.,rough,تَلَخ,,रूखा, +Adj,I feel pretty rough today.,rough,اوٗرۍ نہٕ یوٗرۍ، یِتَھے ہیوٗ,,अशान्त, +VT,You may have to rough it a little more if you come to stay in the hostel.,rough,مُصیٖبَت ژالُن,,कठिनाई_सहना, +Adv,It needs roughly two hours to reach Kazipet from here.,roughly,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग, +Adv,Do not handle the book roughly.,roughly,یِتَھے پٲٹھۍ,,असावधानी_से, +Adv,He treats his wife roughly.,roughly,سَختی سان,,अशिष्टता_से, +Prep,All of us sat round the fire.,round,أنٛدۍ أنٛدۍ,,चारों_ओर, +Adj,She has a beautiful round mirror.,round,گول,,गोल, +N,Cut the dough into small rounds for making biscuits.,round,پیرٕ,,वृत्त, +N,The next round of the peace talks between India and Pakistan will start next month.,round,دورٕ,,दौर, +N,The match only lasted three rounds.,round,مَرحَل,,पारी, +N,Now its my round to buy drinks for you all.,round,وٲرۍ,,बारी, +N,The children sat in a round.,round,گول,,घेरा, +N,The police fired several rounds at the thieves.,round,بوٗچھاڑ,,बौछार, +N,The doctor saw the patient on his daily round.,round,دورٕ,,फेरा, +VTI,Make a round shape of the object.,round,گول,,गोल_बनाना, +N,"Due to heavy rain, he drove home by the shortest route.",route,وَتھ,,मार्ग, +N,He has a regular routine.,routine,معموٗل,,नित्य_का_नियम, +N,They had a row again.,row,لَڑٲے,,झगड़ा, +N,She has arranged all her books in rows.,row,قَطار،لٲن,,पंक्ति, +VT,He rowed us across the Hussain sagar lake.,row,شِکارِ مَنٛز نیُن,,खेना, +VT,She is rowing again with her husband.,row,لَڑٲے کَرٕنۍ,,झगड़ना, +Adj,He belongs to a royal family.,royal,أمیٖر,,शाही, +N,The young royals enjoy life.,royal,أمیٖر,,शाही_खानदान_का_व्यक्ति, +N,Give your shoes a rub before you go out.,rub,پَھش,,रगड़, +VI,The long branches rubbed against each other.,rub,گٔکھٕر لَگٕنۍ,,रगड़ना, +VI,Stop rubbing otherwise paint will come off.,rub,گٔکھٕر دِنۍ,,घिसना, +VT,She rubbed her body with a towel.,rub,وَتھراوُن,,रगड़, +VT,She rubbed the cream on her back.,rub,مَتُھن,,मलना, +VT,The officer was rubbed out by the Mafia.,rub,قَتٕل کَرُن,,खुन करना, +VT,Who`s rubbed these answers?,rub,مِٹاوُن,,मिटाना, +N,The tubes are made of rubber.,rubber,رَبَر,,रबर, +Adj,He got annoyed with her rude behaviour.,rude,بَد،غَلَط،بُرٕ,,अशिष्ट, +Adj,Her city is surrounded by rocky and rugged mountains.,rugged,ہیوٚر بۄن,,ऊँचा-नीचा, +Adj,It was a rugged road going up the mountains.,rugged,ناہَموار،ہیوٚر بۄن,,ऊबड़_खाबड़, +Adj,He has a rugged face.,rugged,خۄشٕک,,सख्त, +Adj,Everybody knows that Tata Sumo is a rugged vehicle.,rugged,مظبوٗط,,मज़बूत, +VT,The crops were ruined by the delayed monsoon.,ruin,تَباہ گَژھُن,,नष्ट_कर, +N,The business is on the edge of ruin.,ruin,تَبٲہی,,विनाश, +N,You must do everything as per rules.,rule,قٲیدٕ،اوٚصوٗل,,नियम, +N,I can`t work under his rule.,rule,حکوٗمت,,शासन, +VT,Akbar ruled India for many years.,rule,حکوٗمت کَرٕنۍ,,शासन_कर, +VI,The judge ruled in favour of the accused.,rule,فٲصلہٕ دیُن,,निर्णय_कर, +VI,The judge ruled in favour of the accused.,rule,فٲصلہٕ دیُن,,निर्णय_कर, +N,You have to work under rules.,rule,قٲیدٕ,,नियम, +N,Hitlar was a very strict ruler of his time.,ruler,حُکُمران,,शासक, +N,There is an appeal against the court`s ruling.,ruling,فٲصلہٕ,,न्यायालय_का_निर्णय, +Adj,Ruling party didn`t do much for the uplift of the poors.,ruling,حُکوٗمَت کَرَن واجِنۍ,,प्रबल, +VI,She cannot run fast because her leg pains.,run,دورُن,,दौड़ना, +VI,I made him to run.,run,دورناوُن,,दौड़ाना, +VI,The derby will run in spite of his ill health.,run,پَکُن,,चलना, +VI,Can I run you to the airport?,run,نیُن,,ले_जाना, +VI,The GT road runs parallel to the Allahabad city.,run,پَکُن,,जाना, +VI,Could you run a hot bath for me?,run,چالوٗکَرُن,,चालू_करना, +N,She goes for a run every morning.,run,دور,,दौड़, +N,They have taken out their van for a run around the city.,run,سٲر,,सैर, +N,This ferry operates on the Albagh Bombay run.,run,وَتھ,,मार्ग, +N,`Shatranj ke khiladi `play had a good run in the country.,run,دور,,लम्बा_दौर, +V,That was a run of bad luck.,run,دور,,दौर, +N,She has a very big `chicken run` at her back yard. .,run,۔۔۔,,बाड़ा, +N,I have got a run in my shirt.,run,گوٚد,,छेद, +N,Indian cricket won the game by 20 runs.,run,رَن,,रन, +N,Indian cricket won the game by 20 runs.,run,رَن,,रन, +Adj,Martina Hingis won the world cup championship three times running.,running,لَگاتار،مُسَلسَل,,लगातार/एक_के_बाद_एक, +N,I gave him a rupee.,rupee,رۄپے,,रुपया, +N,She has enough rupees to spend lavishly.,rupee,رۄپیہِ,,रूपया, +Adj,He is from rural area.,rural,گٲمی,,देहाती, +V,The children rushed out of the school.,rush,تیزنیرُن،دٔستی نیرُن,,वेगपूर्वक_बढ़ना, +VI,"Don`t rush, take your time to get ready.",rush,وُژھ کَرٕنۍ,,जल्दबाज़ी_करना, +N,We left in the afternoon to avoid the evening rush.,rush,بِرٕ,,भीड़, +N,She made a rush for the shop.,rush,وُژھ,,हड़बड़ी/जल्दी_में, +N,The unexpected heavy monsoon caused a rush on raincoats.,rush,مَنٛگ,,बढ़ती_माग, +V,Don`t sabotage somebody`s plans.,sabotage,بِگاڑُن ،خَراب کَرُن,,बिगाड़ना, +N,They had to face an economic sabotage.,sabotage,تبٲہی,,ध्वंसन, +Adj,Her marriage is sacred to her.,sacred,مُتَبَرک،پاک,,पवित्र, +N,The sacrifice of young children in the temple is not a good practice.,sacrifice,قۄربٲنی,,बलिदान, +V,A large number of leaders of the national movement sacrificed their personal life for the national interests.,sacrifice,قۄربان گَژھُن,,त्याग, +Adj,John is sad because his dog has died.,sad,غَمگیٖن،پَریشان,,उदास, +Adj,It`s very sad that many of those who died in road accidents were under 25.,sad,دۄکھ,,बहुत_बुरा, +N,Sit on the saddle and ride the horse.,saddle,زیٖن,,जीन, +N,Sit on the saddle and lean forwards.,saddle,گٔد ۍ،کُرسی,,गद्दी/आसन/सीट, +N,This is a saddle of a lamb.,saddle,۔۔۔,,पीठ_का_पारचा, +Adj,This water is safe for drinking.,safe,مُفیٖد,,सुरक्षित{शारीरिक}, +Adj,Your secret is safe with me.,safe,محفوٗظ,,सुरक्षित, +Adj,The missing child was found safe and sound.,safe,ٹھیٖک ٹھاک،محفوٗظ,,सही-सलामत/सकुशल, +Adj,He is a safe driver.,safe,۔۔۔,,��ुरक्षित काम करने वाला, +N,Doctors are concerned for the safety of the patient.,safety,سَلامتی،حِفاظَت,,सुरक्षा{शारीरिक}, +V,She sailed on her boat.,sail,آٲبی سَفَر کَرُن,,जलयात्रा_करना, +V,When does the ferry sail?,sail,رَوانہ ٕگَژھُن,,रवाना_होना, +V,Sail the arms in a cruiser.,sail,اَپور تارٕنۍ,,पार_करना, +N,Shikha is going for a sale.,sailing,ٲبی سفر,,जलयात्रा, +N,Swami Vivekanand was a great saint.,saint,ؤلی،سادوٗ,,साधु/सन्त, +N,I can make sake easily.,sake,جاپٲنۍ شَراب,,भला/साके{जापानी_शराब}, +N,Please do it for my sake.,sake,خٲطرٕ,,भला, +N,For God`s sake! Please go away.,sake,پاسہٕ،خٲطرٕ,,के_लिये, +N,I took two pegs of sake last night.,sake,شَراب,,साके{चावलों_की_बनी_जापानी_शराब}, +N,Poor people cannot manage on their salary.,salary,تَنخاہ,,वेतन/तनखाह, +N,The winter wear is on sale.,sale,سیل,,सेल, +N,Ram is working as a salesman on Rayond Shopping Centre.,salesman,مُلٲزِم، سیلَز مین,,विक्रेता/विक्रयक, +Adj,Usually saline solution is used for cleaning of contact lenses.,saline,نُنہٕ دار ،نَمکیٖن,,लवणीय, +N,Salt is used to flavour the food.,salt,نوٗن,,नमक, +N,One should pray for the salvation of the world.,salvation,نَجات,,मुक्ति, +Adv,I treat all my students the same.,same,ہِوی پٲٹھۍ,,समान_रूप_से, +Adj,Handwriting of Priya and Vidushi is just same.,same,ہِشی,,समान/सदृश, +Pron,I will do the same again.,same,تی,,वही, +N,Ritu needs a sample of his handwritting.,sample,نموٗنہٕ,,नमूना, +V,We sampled openion among the people about changes in constitution.,sample,نموٗنہٕ بَناوُن,,नमूना_बनाना_या_लेना, +N,I didn`t get the official sanction yet.,sanction,مَنظوٗری,,मंज़ूरी, +N,There is the need for effective sanctions against computer hacking.,sanction,سَزا,,दण्डविधान, +V,They won`t sanction a further cut in interest rates.,sanction,مَنظوٗر کَرُن,,मंज़ूर_करना, +N,Mix sand and cement to make concrete.,sand,سٮ۪کھ,,रेत/सिकता, +N,The children are playing on the sands.,sand,سٮ۪کھ,,बालू-तट, +N,Moon is the satellite of the earth.,satellite,سَیارٕ,,उपग्रह, +N,It is a satellite state.,satellite,۔۔۔,,अधीन_राज्य, +N,She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.,satisfaction,تَسلی،اِطمِنان,,सन्तोष, +Adj,The result of the experiment was satisfactory.,satisfactory,تَسلی بَخٕش،جان,,सन्तोषजनक, +V,I couldn`t satisfy her with my explaination.,satisfy,تَسلی کَرُن,,सन्तुष्ट_करना, +V,She has satisfied the conditions for entry into the college.,satisfy,پوٗرٕ کَرٕنۍ,,पूरा_करना, +V,My assurances don`t satisfy him.,satisfy,اِطمِنان گَژھُن,,सन्देह_दूर_करना, +N,Reema likes to eat bread with sauce.,sauce,ژیٚٹِنۍ,,चटनी, +N,"That`s enough of your sause, Youngman!",sauce,بُرٕ سٔلوٗک,,रूखा_व्यवहार, +Adj,A savage lion attacked a little rabbit.,savage,جنٛگلی،وَحشی,,जंगली, +Adj,I am scared of savage dogs.,savage,وحشی,,निष्ठुर, +Adj,Some young people are becoming savage.,savage,جنٛگلی،وحشی,,वन्य, +Prep,The police found all the children save one.,save,سِواے,,सिवाय, +V,We must save plant life.,save,بچاوُن,,बचा_ले[दे], +V,He saved her from drowning.,save,بَچاوُن,,बचा_लेना[देना], +Adj,A great saving of money and time is needed for everyone.,saving,بَچَت,,बचाव, +V,I saw an accident yesterday.,saw,وُچُھن,,देखा, +N,The saw is used in cutting woods.,saw,لیٚتٕر،آرٕ,,आरा, +V,Do you want to say something?,say,وَنُن,,कह, +V,She says that she is a badminton champion.,say,وَنُن,,कहना, +N,Generally all the fishes have scales on their bodies.,scale,رَپُٹ,,छिलका, +N,Buds with a covering of sticky scales are beautiful to see.,scale,دٮ۪ل,,पपड़ी, +N,Scale is a kind of material that deposits inside the kettles.,scale,زیٚل,,कीट, +N,The world is facing economic crisis on a global scale.,scale,پَیمانہٕ,,माप, +N,There was corruption on a grand scale.,scale,پَیمانہٕ,,मापक्रम, +N,Decimal scale was first introduced in India.,scale,اِکایی,,मानदण्ड, +N,Vanya practises scales on the piano.,scale,سُر,,स्वरग्राम, +N,It was impossible to comprehend the full scale disaster.,scale,پَیمانہٕ,,पैमाना, +V,He scaled the fish to cook.,scale,رَپَٹ تُلُن,,छिलका_या_परत_उतारना, +N,That minister was arrested due to currency scam.,scam,بےایمٲنی،ژوٗر،گَپلہٕ,,घोटाला, +Adv,There were scarcely a hundred spectators in that match.,scarcely,مُشکِلی سان,,मुशकिल_से, +V,He was scared by the strange noises from the woods.,scare,کھوژُن,,डरना[डराना], +N,Her sudden appearance gave me a scare.,scare,ڈَر،خوف,,डर, +V,The flock of sheep was scattered when hunter came.,scatter,چھٔکراونہٕ یُن,,तितर-बितर_करना, +N,I saw the funeral scene in the movie.,scene,مَنظَر,,दृश्य[घटनास्थल], +N,I reached the scene late.,scene,جایہِ وٲرۍ داتھ,,घटनास्थल, +N,1st world war was a horrifying scene.,scene,مَنظَر,,घटना, +N,Please don`t create a scene.,scene,تَماشہٕ,,तमाशा, +N,Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet was very touching.,scene,سیٖن,,दृश्य, +N,Kashmir has many beautiful sceneries.,scenery,قُدرٔتی مَنظَر,,प्राकृतिक_दृश्य, +N,We designed a beautiful scenery for our class play.,scenery,مَنظر،سِٹیٚج,,मंच_सज्जा, +N,I couldn`t go to the market as I had very tight schedule.,schedule,مَصروٗفِیَت,,कार्यक्रम, +N,Schedule 4 of the companies act should be referred by any enterpreneur.,schedule,فِہرِست,,सूची, +V,The train is scheduled to arrive at one p.m.,scheduled,وقت مُقرَر کَرُن,,परिगणित, +N,She had to live for two years in hostel under training scheme.,scheme,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,योजना, +N,A co-ordinated lightning scheme is to be approved by the chairman.,scheme,سِکیٖم,,पद्धति, +V,The workers started scheming against the manager.,scheme,چال کَرٕنۍ,,योजना_बनाना, +N,He is a mathematics scholar.,scholar,فٲضِل،عٲلِم,,विद्वान, +N,He is a scholar.,scholar,عٲلِم،فٲضِل,,विद्तान, +N,Our school is located in Mawana.,school,مَدرَسہٕ،سکوٗل,,विद्यालय, +N,He is old enough to go for school.,school,تعلیٖم,,शिक्षा, +N,The school of dentistry is being established in our college.,school,مَکتَب,,शाखा, +V,My dad schooled me in a reputed educational institution.,school,تعلیٖم دِنۍ،پَرناوُن,,प्रशिक्षित_करना, +N,Science has changed the life of human beings.,science,ساینَس,,विज्ञान, +Adj,New scientific discoveries have made life very simple and comfortable.,scientific,ساینٔسی,,वैज्ञानक, +N,Scientists are helping to make our life easier.,scientist,ساینَس دان,,वैज्ञानक, +N,I need a pair of scissors.,scissors,کینٛچی،دُکٲرۍ,,कैँची, +N,There is a job having plenty of scope for new and original ideas.,scope,گُنجٲیِش,,गुंजाइष, +N,Police are broadening the scope of their enquiries.,scope,وُسعت,,विस्तार, +N,"In the world cup, India`s score was not very good.",score,سِکور،رَنہٕ,,प्राप्तांक, +N,The score of both teams was 235.,score,سکور،رَنہٕ,,अंक, +N,Musicians and Singers want to see the orchestral score.,score,ساز,,स्वरलिपि, +N,The score of Jatin Lalit given in the films is very melodious.,score,۔۔۔,,संगीतलेख, +N,Scores of people were dead in the earthquake.,score,واریاہ,,बहुत सारे, +N,Please score it first.,score,نِشانہٕ,,खरोंच, +V,We need to score 200 runs in 30 overs to win.,score,بَناوُن،کَرُن,,अंक_बनाना, +V,Who`s going to score?,score,سکور لٮ۪کُھن,,अंक_लिखाना, +V,I scored 98% in the Board examination.,score,نَمبَر میلٕنۍ،نَمبَر حٲصِل کَرٕنۍ,,अंक_पाना, +V,The songs of movie of Tall scored an instant success.,score,کامیاب گَژھُن،شہرت مِلٕنۍ,,विजयी_होना, +V,"Here is a piece scored for violin, viola and cello.",score,ساز بناوُن,,स्वरलिपि_तैयार_करना, +V,I scored the trees.,score,نِشانہٕ ترٛاوٕنۍ، زٕل دِنۍ,,खरोंचना, +N,Screams of laughter are being heard from the theatre.,scream,کھنٛگال,,चीख, +V,The fans screamed with delight when they saw him.,scream,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,चीखना, +N,Please pull the screen.,screen,پَردٕ,,परदा, +N,He was using his business activities as a screen for crime.,screen,پردٕ,,आड़, +N,I want to see you on a big screen.,screen,فِلمی پردٕ,,चित्रपट, +V,The trees screen the house from view.,screen,دولہٕ روزُن,,आड़_देना, +V,He screened my necklace from everyone because it is very costly.,screen,ژوٗرِ تھاوُن,,छिपाना, +V,Government employees are regularly screened by the security services.,screen,چھان بیٖن کَرٕنۍ,,जाँचना, +V,The wild life documentary will be screened tonight on discovery channel.,screen,ہاونہٕ یُن،پیش کَرنہٕ یُن,,प्रदर्शित_करना, +N,Their findings will require careful scrutiny.,scrutiny,جانٛچ،چھان بیٖن,,सूक्ष्म_परीक्षण, +N,Lakshadeep islands are in Arabian sea.,sea,سَمنٛدر،سوٚدُر,,समुद्र, +N,Group of seals can be seen at the coast.,seal,سیٖل(دٔریٲبی جانوَر)۔,,मोहर[सील_मछली], +N,Seals are found in coastal areas.,seal,سیٖل(دریٲبی جانوَر)۔,,सील_मछली, +N,Every official paper has the seal of central government on it.,seal,مُہَر،ٹَھپہٕ,,मोहर/मुद्रा, +N,There is no seal on your documents.,seal,ٹَھپہٕ ،مُہَر,,मुहर, +N,I bought a seal.,seal,دیوٗر,,जोड़ने_के_लिए_प्रयुक्त_होने_वाला_पदार्थ, +N,Ballot boxes were closed with a seal.,seal,سیٖل,,सुरक्षा_के_लिए_प्रयुक्त_होने_वाला_पदार्थ, +V,I sealed an envelope.,seal,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, +V,Official documents are sealed by government.,seal,مُہَر لَگاوٕنۍ,,मोहर_लगाना, +V,Indian government sealed borders of Rajasthan for protection.,seal,بَنٛد کَرُن،رُکاوَٹ کرٕنۍ,,रोक_लगाना, +V,I have to search my purse for money.,search,ژھانٛڑُن,,तलाश_कर, +V,I was searching for the encyclopedia in the library.,search,ژھانٛڑان،ژاران,,तलाश_करना, +N,A search for the culprit was made by police.,search,ژھانٛڑَو،تَلاش,,तलाश/खोज, +N,Spring season is very delightful.,season,موسَم,,ऋतु, +N,I like summer season.,season,موسَم,,मौसम, +N,I am sure that you will get success but you have to wait for a season.,season,موقعہٕ,,मौका, +V,I will season the food by using more spices.,season,مَزٕدار بَناوُن,,स्वादिष्ट_बनाना, +V,Furniture made of oak has been well seasoned.,season,پۄختہ ٕکَرُن,,सीअना, +N,Please take your seat.,seat,تَشریٖف,,आसन, +N,I have reserved two seats in the theatre.,seat,جاے,,स्थान, +N,Can you guess who will win the seat?,seat,مُقام،سیٖٹ,,पद, +N,Delhi is the seat of government of India.,seat,مَرکَز,,आधार/अधीष्ठान, +V,Seat the boy next to his brother.,seat,بہناوُن,,बैठाना, +V,Please be seated ladies and gentlemen.,seat,پَتَھر بِہُن,,बैठ_जाना, +V,It is a special bus that seats 100 people.,seat,واتان,,के_लिए_जगह_होना, +N,Wait a sec (second) for me.,sec,ژیُہہ،سٮ۪کَنٛڑ,,सेकण्ड़, +N,She is appointed as a sec (secretary ) in our office.,sec,سیکرِٹری,,सेक्रेटरी, +Det,She is his second wife.,second,دوٚیِم,,दूसरा, +Pron,This is my second project.,second,دوٚیُم,,दूसरा, +N,There are sixty seconds in a minute.,second,ژیُہہ،سیکنٛڑ,,क्षण, +N,I came to know that he has come second in B.A.,second,دوٚیُم دَرجہٕ,,द्वितीय_श्रेणी, +Adj,He stood second in his class.,second,دوٚیُمِ نَمبَر،دوٚیُم دَرجہٕ,,दूसरा/द्वितीय, +V,She seconded the proposal of making the old man as the president.,second,حِمایَت کَرٕنۍ,,समर्थन_कररना, +V,I was ably seconded in this research by my son.,second,مدَد کَرٕنۍ،حوصلہٕ دیُن,,सहारा_देना, +V,The police officer was seconded from a town to a district head quarters.,second,تَبدیٖل کَرُن,,स्थानान्तरित_करना, +Art,This is my second paper.,second,دوٚیُم,,दूसरा, +Adj,Luxury is a secondary thing in my life.,secondary,دوٚیُم,,अमुख्य, +Adj,Petrol is a secondary fuel obtained from crude petroleum.,secondary,دوٚیمہِ دَرجُک,,दूसरे_क्रम_का, +Adj,The secondary education is must to achieve success in one`s life.,secondary,ثانوی,,माध्यमक, +Adj,Secret meeting was held between the govt. and the revolutionaries.,secret,خُفِیَہ,,गुप्त, +Adj,He is a secret drinker.,secret,ژوٗرِژوٗرِ، کٔھٹِتھ,,छिपकर, +N,The wedding date is a big secret.,secret,راز,,रहस्य, +N,The secret of good design is simplicity.,secret,راز,,मर्म, +N,The secret of nature is difficult to understand.,secret,راز,,रहस्य, +N,She is my secretary.,secretary,سٮ۪کرِٹری,,सचिव, +N,Kindly contact my secretary to make an appointment.,secretary,سٮ۪کرِٹری,,मुंशी, +N,The secretary of Britain.,secretary,ؤزیٖر,,मंत्रि, +N,The business section of newspaper provides information regarding business.,section,شعبہٕ,,भाग, +N,Every section of the society has a right to establish its own religious institution.,section,فِرقہٕ,,वर्ग, +N,Each section will be examined under the microscope.,section,حِصہٕ,,काट, +N,The school library has a separate section for Hindi.,section,شعبہٕ,,विभाग, +Adj,I live in a secular state.,secular,۔۔۔,,धर्मनिरपेक्ष, +Adj,The new secular belongs to tribal cast.,secular,۔۔۔,,गृहस्थ_पादरी, +V,She secured 95% marks in board examination.,secure,حٲصِل کَرُن,,प्राप्त_कर_लेना, +V,Secure all the doors and windows before leaving.,secure,بَنٛد کَرُن,,कसकर_बाँधना, +V,We should secure our country from foreign attack.,secure,بَچاو کَرُن,,की_रक्षा_करना, +Adj,I don`t feel secure here.,secure,محفوٗظ,,सुरक्षित{मानसिक_रूप_से}, +Adj,Chidren need to feel secure.,secure,محفوٗظ،خَطرٕبَغٲر,,निश्चिंत, +Adj,I will make a secure investment.,secure,مُقرَر,,निश्चित, +Adj,This place is secure for you.,secure,محفوٗظ,,सुरक्षित, +Adj,Is that ladder secure?,secure,مضبوٗط,,सुदृढ़, +N,I need security.,security,حِفاظَت,,सुरक्षा{मानसिक}, +N,The minister asked for his security from the police.,security,حِفاظَت,,सुरक्षा, +N,Inspite of high security in the prison the criminal ran away.,security,حِفاظَت،سَختی,,प्रतिभू/ज़मानत, +V,I can see sun setting behind the sea.,see,وُچُھن,,देखना, +V,The principal wants to see you in the interval.,see,سمکُھن ،میلُن,,से_मिलना, +V,Just go and see what children are doing .,see,وُچُھن,,पता_लगाना, +V,He didn`t see the joke.,see,سَمجُھن,,समझना, +V,He has seen a great deal in his long life.,see,وُچھمُت,,अनुभव_करना, +V,I saw the old lady across the road.,see,سۭتۍ گَژھُن,,साथ_जाना, +V,Her colleagues see her as a future director.,see,خَیال کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, +N,I will sow some seeds in the garden.,seed,بیول,,बीज, +V,She is seeking jobs.,seek,ژھانٛڑُن,,ढूँढ़ना, +V,You must seek permission from the manager.,seek,منٛگُن، ہیوٚن,,माँगना, +V,They sought to mislead us.,seek,کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,कोशिश_करना, +V,It seems that it will rain heavily today.,seem,باسان،باسُن,,प्रतीत_होना/लगना/जान_पड़ना, +V,It seems that it will rain heavily today.,seem,باسُن،باسان,,लगना, +Adj,He is a seeming man.,seeming,باسان,,प्रतीयमान, +Adv,They were seemingly unaware of the decision.,seemingly,باسنہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,प्रतीयमानतः, +V,They segregated the seriously sick and sent them to the intensive care.,segregate,اَلَگ کَرُن،عَلحَیدٕ کَرُن,,पृथक_करना, +V,The police has seized his house.,seize,قبضٕہ کَرُن,,पकड़{बलपूर्वक}, +V,He seized my purse and ran away.,seize,تَھپہ ِنیُن,,छीनना, +V,The army has siezed power.,seize,حٲصِل کَرُن,,जीत_लेना, +V,All the company`s assets were seized.,seize,ضَبٕط کَرٕنۍ,,गिरफ़्तार_करना, +V,Sieze the chance to make some money.,seize,فٲیدٕ تُلُن,,से_लाभ_उठाना, +V,The condition of the destitute seized our heart.,seize,دۄکھ گَژھُن،کھَنجہِ گَژھنہِ,,छलनी_होना, +Adv,I seldom get the chance for party.,seldom,کُنہِ کُنہِ ساتہٕ,,बिरले_ही, +Adv,"Seldom do you receive any apology from your workers, when they mistakes are made.",seldom,زانٛہہ کٲلۍ,,बिरले_ही/कभी-कभार, +V,We want to select best candidates for IAS exams.,select,اِنتِخاب کَرُن،چُنُن,,चुनना/छाँटना, +N,I am delighted on my selection in Indian cricket team.,selection,اِنتِخاب,,चयन, +N,"If you want to enjoy literature, read selections from 18th century english literature.",selection,۔۔۔,,संकलन, +Adj,Cancer can be cured by selective medicines only.,selective,خاص,,चयनात्मक, +Adj,I am very selective about my diet.,selective,ژٲرۍ ژٲرۍ,,चयनशील, +N,One should be self dependent.,self,خۄد،پانَس,,स्व, +N,One day he will return to his own self.,self,۔۔۔,,व्यक्तित्व, +N,He is not concerned about his own self.,self,فٲیدٕ,,स्वार��थ, +N,He is a man of character and self-respect.,self-respect,خوددٲری,,स्वाभिमान, +V,He sold the stationary goods for a high price.,sell,کٕنُن,,बेचना, +N,The senate of the university had decided to take object steps against the law breakers.,senate,اَیوان,,सीनेट/अधिसभा, +V,He sent his daughter by air.,send,سوزُن,,भेजना, +Adj,My brother is a senior lecturer in that University.,senior,سیٖنِیَر,,वरिष्ठ, +Adj,"Being a senior, he is eligible to vote this time.",senior,بالِغ،بوٚڑ,,ज्येष्ठ, +N,A sensation of warmth came to his body.,sensation,احساس،حٮ۪س,,अनुभूति, +N,"With the sudden attack of paralysis, his legs lost sensation.",sensation,حٮ۪س,,स्पर्शज्ञान, +N,I have a strong sensation that today`s match will be won by India.,sensation,۔۔۔,,उत्तेजना, +N,The musical group `9 Star` became sensation overnight.,sensation,سَنسٔنی,,सनसनी, +N,I have lost my sense of hearing.,sense,حٮ۪س,,इंद्रिय, +N,"After her nasal operation, she lost her sense of smell.",sense,حٮ۪س,,ज्ञानेन्द्रिय, +N,His sense make him very popular among his classmates.,sense,عَقٕل،چالٲکی,,बुद्धि, +N,The child felt a sense of security in his mother`s arms.,sense,احساس,,होश, +N,There is a lot of sense in what she says.,sense,سَمَجھ,,समझ, +N,I hope she has enough sense to shut the door before she leaves.,sense,حٮ۪س،مَغٕز,,विवेक, +N,I couldn`t understand the sense of that word.,sense,مَطلَب ،معنی,,भाव/अर्थ, +V,"Sensing his importance, Rakesh started buttering him.",sense,سَمَجھ یُن، فِکرِ تَرُن,,अनुभव_करना, +V,"He didn`t say anything, but I could sense his anger.",sense,محسوٗس کَرُن,,मेहसूस_करना, +Adj,You are the most senseless person.,senseless,احمَق،بیوقوٗف,,बेवकूफ़, +Adj,He felt senseless and fell on the ground.,senseless,بےحٮ۪س,,बेहोश, +Adj,He is a sensible person.,sensible,سَمٕجھ دار,,समझदार, +Adj,You must wear a sensible cap.,sensible,جان،معقوٗل,,काफी/पर्याप्त, +Adj,You are very sensitive.,sensitive,نوزُک,,संवेदनशील, +Adj,Skin of some children is very sensitive.,sensitive,نَرٕم،نوزُک,,कोमल, +N,Poets are famous for their sensitivity.,sensitivity,جَزبات,,भावुकता, +VT,He was sentenced to death.,sentence,سَزا دیُن,,सज्आ_सुनाना, +N,Make a proper sentence.,sentence,جُملہٕ,,वाक्य, +N,Ravi has served a sentence of three years.,sentence,سَزا,,सज़ा, +N,There is no room for sentiments in the business.,sentiment,جَزبات,,भावना, +N,Public sentiment is against any change to the law.,sentiment,جَزبہٕ,,विचार, +Adj,He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace.,sentimental,جَزبٲتۍ,,भावुकतापूर्ण, +V,It is difficult to separate egg white from yolk.,separate,اَلَگ کَرُن,,अलग_हो, +Adj,The children sleep in seperate beds.,separate,عَلحَیدٕ،اَلَگ,,अलग/पृथक, +Adj,That is a separate issue and irrelevant to our discussion.,separate,اَلگ,,भिन्न, +N,The separation between hearts lead to many tensions.,separation,دوٗرٮ۪ر,,पृथक्करण, +N,Separation is the only option for that couple.,separation,اَلَگ,,वियुक्ति/विच्छेद, +N,Arrange these words in a sequence.,sequence,تَرتیٖب,,अनुक्रम, +N,He is a Sergeant.,sergeant,سارجَنٛٹ,,सार्जेंट, +N,India played a test series with West Indies last year.,series,سِلسِلہٕ,,श्रृंखला, +Adj,Garima is serious about her studies.,serious,سٔنجیٖدٕ,,गंभीर, +Adv,Teachers want their students to attend the class seriously.,seriously,پابٔنٛدی سان,,गंभीर_रुप_से, +N,I attended the sermon of priest.,sermon,واز,,धर्मोपदेश, +N,He was given a serum for snakebite.,serum,سِرَم,,सीरम, +N,He is our faithful servant.,servant,نوکَر،مُلٲزِم,,नौकर, +N,He is a faithful servant of the company.,servant,مُلٲزِم,,सेवक, +V,The servant serves his master faithfully.,serve,نوکرٲزی کَرٕنۍ,,सेवा_करना, +V,Tasty food was served in the party.,serve,دیُن،شیرُن,,परोसना, +V,This room can serve us for study.,serve,پوٗرٕ کَرُن،بَکار یُن,,पूरा_करना, +V,This packet of soup serves two.,serve,پوشُن,,के_लिए_पर्याप्त_होना, +V,They have served me shamefully.,serve,غَلط سٔلوٗک کَرُن,,के_सात_व्यवहार_करना, +V,Serve a court order on him.,serve,تعمیٖل کَر��ن,,तामील_करना, +V,It`s your turn to serve.,serve,بال لَگاوٕنۍ,,गेंद_चलाना, +V,His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow.,serve,۔۔۔,,फाँदना/लाँघना/बाहना, +N,I am doing govt. service.,service,نوکری،کٲم,,सेवा, +N,He is working in the Health service.,service,شعبہٕ,,विभाग, +N,Her services to the state have been immense.,service,خٔدمَت,,सहायता, +N,A good postal service is needed for every village.,service,سٔہوٗلِیَت,,व्यवस्था, +N,He attended the morning service in the temple.,service,عِبادَت,,उपासना/अनुष्टान, +N,"Take your car for service every 3,000 miles.",service,صَفٲیی تہ ٕمَرمَت,,सफ़ाई-धुलाई, +N,He bought a 30 piece dinner service.,service,سٮ۪ٹ,,सेट/बरतन, +N,The bill includes service charge also.,service,تعمیٖل,,तामील, +N,Her service has improved.,service,۔۔۔,,सर्विस{टेनिस_में}, +V,This machine has already been serviced.,service,صاف کٔرمٕژ,,सफ़ाई-धुलाई_करना, +V,The power station is serviced by road transport.,service,۔۔۔,,की_आपूर्ति_करना, +N,Suddenly a session is called for business transactions.,session,بیٹَھک،اِجلاس,,बैठक, +N,Can you get a cutlery set for me?,set,سٮ۪ٹ,,सेट, +N,The film had mega sets.,set,فِلمی سٮ۪ٹ,,दृश्यबन्ध, +N,Set of workers got buried under the debris.,set,جَماعت,,समूह, +N,He is solving the problems in the chapter sets.,set,سِلسِلہٕ,,समुच्चय, +V,She set the big tray down on the table.,set,تھاوُن,,रख_देना, +V,Hari set pen to paper to complete the letter.,set,لگُن,,लिपिबद्ध_करना, +V,Why don`t you set the alarm?,set,تھاوُن,,स्थापित_करना, +V,Her necklace was set with rubies.,set,جٔرِتھ,,जड़ना, +V,Ravi and Rita have not yet set a date for their wedding.,set,مُقَرر کَرُن،صحیح کَرُن,,निश्चित_करना, +V,She set a new world record for the marathon.,set,بَناوُن،قٲیِم کَرُن,,प्रवर्तित_करना, +V,The cement will take some time to set.,set,پۄختہٕ گَژھُن,,दृढ़_हो_जाना, +V,Have you set up the camera?,set,تَیار تھاوُن,,तैयार रखना, +V,The sergeon set her broken bone.,set,سیوٚد کَرٕنۍ,,बैठाना, +V,Poems were set by him.,set,لٮ۪کُھن,,कम्पोज़_करना, +V,The sun in northern countries sets much later in summer than in winter.,set,لوسُن،وَسُن,,अस्त_हो_जाना, +Adj,This Hotel serves meals at set times.,set,مُقََرر,,निश्चित, +Adj,She has very set ideas on womens` issues.,set,سَخٕت,,दृढ़, +Adj,She always has a set expression on her face.,set,ٹٔکرِتھ,,कृत्रिम, +Adj,The new political party looks set for victory in the general election.,set,تَیار,,तैयार, +Adj,They visit us on set days in every winter.,set,مُقَرَر,,निर्धारित, +N,The golf field is situated in perfect setting.,setting,ماحول,,वातावरण, +N,The cooker has several temperature settings.,setting,سٮ۪ٹِنگٕس,,विन्यास, +N,Can you give me your diamond ring with gold setting.,setting,۔۔۔,,जमावट, +N,Rehaman`s setting for vandemataram is very popular.,setting,طَرٕز,,संगीत, +V,We are going to settle in Taiwan.,settle,بَسُن,,बसना[बसाना], +V,The parties have not settled yet.,settle,سَمجھوتہٕ کَرُن,,समझौता_कर_लेना, +V,The bird settled on a very small branch.,settle,بِہُن,,बैठ_जाना, +V,"Everything is settled, I am joining the company next Wednesday.",settle,طے کَرُن,,निर्णय_करना, +V,I find difficult to settle the chidren.,settle,ژھۄپہٕ کَرناوٕنۍ,,शान्त_हो_जाना, +V,We`ll settle the bill later.,settle,چُکاوُن،بَرُن،اَدا کَرُن,,चुकाना, +V,Stir the tea to settle the leaves.,settle,ژٔکِس بِہُن,,धीरे_धीरे_नीचे_बैठना, +N,The settles are mainly used by old people for more comfort and support.,settle,بینچ,,बेंच, +N,The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.,settlement,سَمجھوتہٕ,,समझौता, +N,You can`t claim that land as you have lost the property settlement.,settlement,۔۔۔,,हस्तान्तरण, +N,Lambadi settlements have been discovered in the suburban areas.,settlement,بٔستی,,बस्ती, +N,I enclosed a cheque in settlement of your account.,settlement,ہَرجانہٕ,,भुगतान, +Det,There are seven days in a week.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, +N,They are seven in number.,seven,سَتھ,,सा��, +Det,There are seven days in a week.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, +N,There are seven days in a week.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, +N,My room number is seven.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, +Art,I had seven toffees.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, +Adj,I have seven friends.,seven,سَتھ,,सात, +N,He is seventeen.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्तरह/सत्रह, +N,Her roll number is seventeen.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्रह, +Art,I have got seventeen marks out of twenty.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्रह, +Adj,I have seventeen friends.,seventeen,سَدہ,,सत्रह, +Adj,Saturday is the seventh day of the week.,seventh,سٔتِم,,सातवाँ, +Art,She has got seventh rank.,seventh,سٔتِم,,सातवाँ, +Det,Several people were killed in bomb explosion.,several,واریاہ,,अनेक, +Pron,Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire.,several,کینٛہہ,,कई, +Adj,Romans gave severe punishments to slaves even for minor offences.,severe,سَخٕت,,कठोर, +Adj,The bomb threat caused severe disruption to the flights from Delhi.,severe,شٔدیٖد,,तीव्र, +Adj,"Before joining the armed forces, cadets have to pass severe tests.",severe,سَخٕت,,कठिन, +Adj,She wore a severe suit.,severe,سادٕ،،سیوٚد سادٕ,,अनलंकृत/सादा, +Adv,African slaves were severely treated by their masters.,severely,سَختی سان,,कठोरता_से, +V,She doesn`t know how to sew a button on to a shirt.,sew,سُوُن,,सीना/सिलाई_करना, +N,Sewage from the factories pollute the river water.,sewage,موٚکُر آب،گَنٛدٕ آب،مٔکریر,,गन्दा_पानी/मल_जल, +N,What sex is your dog?,sex,نَسٕل,,लिंग, +N,They often have sex together.,sex,۔۔۔,,काम-भावना, +Adj,He showed sexual desire and advanced towards her.,sexual,جِنسی,,यौन, +N,A shade is a cool place in summers.,shade,ژھاے,,छाया, +N,Choose a light shade.,shade,رَنٛگ,,रंग, +N,A word with many shades of meaning.,shade,واریاہ مَطلَب,,सूक्ष्म_अंतर, +N,I think it`s a shade warmer today.,shade,رَژھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोड़ा_सा, +V,The beautiful picture depicts the shades of life.,shade,رَنٛگ,,शेड_कर[लगा], +V,She shaded her eyes with her hands.,shade,بوٚرُتھ کَرُن,,आच्छादित_करना, +V,He shaded his eyes from the glare of the sun.,shade,۔۔۔,,ढकना, +V,The shaded areas on the map are very clear.,shade,بوٚرُتھ رَنٛگہٕ وول,,छायित_करना/गहराना, +V,The sky shaded from pink into dark red.,shade,وارٕ وارٕ تَبدیٖل گَژُھن،وارٕ وارٕ بَدلُن,,धीरे-धीरे_बदल_जाना, +N,See the shadow of a tree.,shadow,ژھاے,,परछाँई, +N,The chair cast a shadow on the wall.,shadow,ژھاے,,परछाई, +N,She has shadows under her eyes as she has been suffering from lack of sleep.,shadow,کرٛیہہ نیار,,छाया, +N,You can`t spend your life chasing shadows.,shadow,ژھاے,,छायाभास/मरीचिका, +V,Her face was shadowed by a wide brimmed hat.,shadow,ژھاے پیٚنۍ,,छाया_डालना[पड़ना], +V,He was shadowed by the police.,shadow,پَتہ ٕلَگُن,,पीछे_लगना, +Adj,The shadow ministers helped in solving the scandals of ruling party.,shadow,۔۔۔,,छायावत, +V,Shake the milk well.,shake,چھونٛپ دیُن،چھۄکھ دیُن,,हिलाना, +V,He was clearly terrified and shaking like a leaf.,shake,تھرٕ وۄتٕھنۍ،تھرٕ تھرٕ کَرٕنۍ,,काँपना, +V,They were badly shaken by the accident.,shake,کھوٗژۍ مٕتۍ,,घबरा_देना, +V,Her theory has been shaken by this new evidence.,shake,غَلَط ثٲبِت گَژُھن,,दुर्बल_कर_देना, +N,Give the jar a good shake.,shake,چھۄکھ,,हिलाना, +N,Give the jar a good shake.,shake,چھۄکھ,,स्पन्दन, +N,Hang on! I`ll be ready in two shakes.,shake,سٮ۪کنڑ,,क्षण, +MV,Shall we go to the party?,shall,پَزیَہ,,सुझाव या प्रसताव सूचक, +Adj,He was unable to swim even at the shallow end of the swimming pool.,shallow,یُس نہٕ سروٚن آسہِ,,छिछला, +N,He bowed his head in shame.,shame,شَرم،شَرمَنٛدٕگی,,लज्जा, +N,This is really a shame.,shame,شَرم,,शर्मिन्दगी, +N,He couldn`t bear the shame of a scandal.,shame,بَدنٲمی,,बदनामी, +N,The house is in good shape.,shape,شکٕل،صوٗرت,,बाह्याकृति, +N,The new building is in S shape.,shape,شَکٕل,,आकार, +N,I could just see two dim shapes in the gloom.,shape,ژھاے,,छाया, +N,What is the shape of the team now?,shape,حالَت,,स्थिति, +V,He shaped his career successfully.,shape,شَکٕل دِنۍ,,आकार_लेना, +N,The glass shards were all over the floor.,shard,شیٖشہٕ کھَنٛجہِ,,शीशे के टुकडे, +V,They shared the apartment.,share,حِصہٕ کَرُن,,साझा_करना, +N,Ram gave his share to his brother.,share,حِصٕہ,,हिस्सा, +Adj,She has got sharp memory.,sharp,تیز,,पैना, +Pron,She is my sister.,she,سۄ,,वह{स्त्री.}, +Pron,She is my friend.,she,سۄ,,वह{स्त्री}, +N,Is this cat he or she?,she,مادٕ,,स्त्री, +N,Sheep shearing is the main occupation of the people in the Garwal region.,shear,بَستہٕ والٕنۍ,,खाल_उतारना, +V,Her hair had been shorn off.,shear,کاسُن,,कतरना, +V,The bolt sheared off and the wheel came off.,shear,پٕھٹُن,,टूट_जाना, +N,He is watching the flock of sheep.,sheep,کَٹھ,,भेड़, +Adj,This is a sheer nonsense.,sheer,سَراسَر،مَحض،بِلکُل,,पूर्णतया, +Adj,She was wearing a beautiful dress of sheer satin.,sheer,صاف,,पारदर्शक, +Adj,Her car slipped at the sheer turn of the hill.,sheer,۔۔۔,,खड़ा, +Adv,"When he saw me coming, he sheered away in the opposite direction.",sheer,یَک دَم,,एकदम, +N,Give me some sheets of paper.,sheet,کاغَز,,[कागज़], +N,She painted the bed sheet beautifully.,sheet,ژادَر,,चादर, +N,The iron was beaten to form a thin sheet.,sheet,ژادَر,,चद्दर, +N,She spoiled many sheets while writing a letter.,sheet,وَرَق،کاغَز,,कागज़/पत्र, +N,"In the spring season, the garden looks like a sheet of flowers.",sheet,ژادَر,,परत, +N,The rain came down in sheets.,sheet,ژادَر,,विस्तार, +N,The rain came down in sheets.,sheet,ژادَر,,विस्तार, +N,I have kept a sheet of glass on the floor.,sheet,تَختہٕ,,शीशे आदि का पतर, +N,He piled up his book in the shelf.,shelf,طاق،طاقچہِ,,शेल्फ़, +N,The boat got struck on the rocky shelf.,shelf,۔۔۔,,रेती/सैकत, +N,It is dificult to break the shell of coconut.,shell,دٮ۪ل,,छिलका, +N,Only the shell of the building was left after the fire.,shell,ڈانٛچہٕ,,आवरण, +N,The room was full of artillary shells.,shell,گولہِ,,गोला, +V,He ate the nuts after shelling them off.,shell,کٔنڑ تُلٕنۍ,,छिलका_उतारना, +V,Continuous shelling in the border regions has made the life of local villagers absolutely miserable.,shell,گولہٕ بٲری کَرٕنۍ,,गोलाबारी_करना/गोली_बरसाना, +N,I need shelter for one night.,shelter,پَناہ،چَھپَن جاے,,सुरक्षा, +N,I gave shelter to a puppy.,shelter,پَناہ,,आश्रय, +N,He was appointed as a sheriff by Elizabeth-II.,sheriff,شٔریٖف,,शरीफ, +N,The warriors shield is made of iron.,shield,سِپَر,,ढ़ाल, +N,I won this shield in the art competition.,shield,شیٖلڑٕ,,गोलाकार_पुरस्कार, +N,A drawing or model of a shield displaying a court of arms is called shield.,shield,۔۔۔,,कुलचिह्न-फलक, +N,The gunman used the hostages as a (human) shield.,shield,سِپَر,,परिरक्षक, +N,The duke has sent a large shield to him.,shield,۔۔۔,,कवच, +V,The ozone layer shields the earth so as to protect us from harmful rays.,shield,بَچاوُن،بَچاو کَرُن,,रक्षा_करना/बचाना, +N,There is a shift in the direction of the wind.,shift,بَدلاو,,परिवर्तन, +N,He is on the night shift at the factory.,shift,شِفٹہٕ،وٲرۍ,,पाली, +N,The whole article had to be typed in small letters because the shift key was not working.,shift,شِفٹہٕ,,कम्प्यूटर_या_टाइपराइटर_पर_स्थित_एक_कुंजी, +V,The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London.,shift,بَدلُن،تَبدیٖل گَژُھن,,बदलना, +V,Don`t try to shift the responsibility onto others.,shift,بیٚیَن پٮ۪ٹھ ترٛاوُن,,दूसरे_पर_ड़ालना, +V,I have shifted my T.V. from drawing room to bedroom.,shift,جاے بَدلاوٕنۍ,,स्थानान्तरित_करना, +V,I like to watch the stars shining in the night sky.,shine,چَمکُن،نَپہٕ نَپہٕ کَرُن,,चमकना, +N,Give your shoes a good shine.,shine,چَمَک,,चमक, +V,Tonnes of cocain were shipped from Hong Kong to Indonesia.,ship,جہازَس مَنٛز رَوانہٕ کَرُن,,जहाज़_से_भेजना, +V,The canoe began to ship water.,ship,آب کَھسُن،آبہٕ سۭتۍ بَرنہٕ یُن,,पानी_से_भरना, +N,He boarded a ship to India.,ship,ٲبی جہاز,,जहाज़/पोत, +N,The goods are ready for shipment.,shipment,نٮ۪بَر سوزنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار مال,,नौ-परिवहन, +N,Here is a shipment of grain for West Africa.,shipment,نٮ۪بَر سوزنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار مال,,नौ-भार, +N,The canal is now open to shipping.,shipping,جہاز پَکنہٕ خٲطرٕ تَیار,,पोत-समूह, +N,Nowadays shipping helps us in earning a lot of foreign exchange.,shipping,جہازَس مَنٛز چیٖز اَکہِ جایہِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بیٚیِس جایہِ سوزٕنۍ,,पोत-परिवहन, +N,The teacher scolded the student for wearing a dirty shirt.,shirt,،قٔمیٖض,,कमीज़, +N,The news of his failure was a terrible shock to him.,shock,صَدمہٕ,,सदमा, +N,The bumper is designed to absorb shock on impact.,shock,ٹاس,,झटका, +V,He was shocked to see the results.,shock,روٗزِتھ گَژُھن،جھٹکہٕ لَگُن,,चौंकना, +N,My father bought a new shoe for me.,shoe,بوٗٹھ،کھۄر بانہٕ,,जूता, +V,Please don`t shoot.,shoot,گوٗلۍ چَلاوٕنۍ,,गोली_मारना, +V,It is not good to shoot animals.,shoot,مارٕنۍ,,घायल_करना, +V,Do you know how to shoot a pistol?,shoot,چَلاوُن,,चलाना, +V,Get a riffle that shoots straight.,shoot,گوٗلۍ چَلاوٕنۍ,,गोली_चलाना, +V,I have a licence to shoot pheasants.,shoot,شِکار کَرُن,,शिकार_खेलना, +V,Can you shoot?,shoot,فوٹوٗ تُلُن,,फ़ोटो_लेना/फ़िल्म_बनाना/चलचित्रित_करना, +N,The healthy green shoots on a plant enhance its beauty.,shoot,لَنٛجِہ،گۄڈ,,अंकुर, +N,Some people often make a visit to forest just to take pleasure of shoot.,shoot,شِکار,,शिकार, +N,A photographer was appointed for a special shoot on Rams birthday.,shoot,فوٹوٗ,,फोटो, +N,I went to the chemist`s shop to buy some medicines.,shop,دُکان،وان,,दुकान, +N,He is working in a machine shop.,shop,کارخانہٕ,,कारखाना, +V,I`m shopping for Christmas presents.,shop,خٔریٖدٲری کَرٕنۍ,,बाज़ार_करना, +N,He is a shopkeeper .,shopkeeper,دُکان دار،وانہٕ وول,,दुकानदार, +N,I saw a beautiful house on the shore of river Ganga.,shore,بوٚٹھ,,किनारा/तीर, +V,Shore up the side of an old house to stop it falling down.,shore,ڈَکھ دیُن,,टेक_या_गदम_लगाना, +Adj,They have to walk only a short distance to reach the station.,short,ژھوٚٹ،کَمٕے,,छोटा, +Adj,Students take short-term courses.,short-term,لۄکُٹ مۄکُٹ,,अल्पकालक, +N,Shortage of basic amenities leads to social problems.,shortage,کٔمی,,कमी, +V,The teacher asked him to shorten the essay.,shorten,لۄکُٹ کَرُن،ژھوٚٹ کَرُن,,छोटा_करना, +Adv,He arrived there shortly.,shortly,کَمٕے کٲلۍ،کَمسٕے کالَس مَنٛز,,अविलम्ब, +Adv,He will shortly be arriving here.,shortly,دٔستی، جَلدی,,जलदी, +N,Two of her shots hit the target.,shot,گوٗلۍ,,मार, +N,The photographer took a beautiful shot of the sight.,shot,تَصویٖر،شاٹ,,शाट/फ़ोटो/चित्र, +N,Have a shot of making a wine.,shot,کوٗشِش,,कोशिश, +N,WillianTell was a very good shot.,shot,نِشانہ ٕباز,,निशानेबाज़, +N,His shoulder got injured.,shoulder,پھیوٚک،شانہٕ,,कन्धा, +N,The shoulders of his new shirt are black in color.,shoulder,پھیوٚک،شانہٕ,,कमीज़_का_कँधा, +V,He shouldered the responsibility of his brother`s children after his brother`s death.,shoulder,شانَن پٮ۪ٹھ ہیوٚن،ذِمہٕ ہیوٚن,,कँधा_पर_उठाना{भार}, +V,Please don`t shout.,shout,چِکھ،کرٛٮ۪کھ,,चिल्ला, +N,The teacher asked the class not to shout.,shout,کرٛٮ۪کھ لاگٕنۍ،چِکھ دِنۍ,,चिल्लाहट, +N,Robert is the host of the cultural show.,show,تَماشہٕ,,प्रदर्शन, +N,The handicrafts of different states are on show at the exhibition.,show,نُمٲیِش,,प्रदर्शनी, +N,The sympathy given by the leaders to the injured was nothing but a show.,show,ہاو باو،دِکھاوٕ,,दिखावा, +V,He didn`t show any sympathy to victims.,show,ہاوٕنۍ,,दिखा, +V,I will show him how to do it.,show,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, +V,I showed him the way out.,show,وَنُن،ہاوُن,,बतलाना, +V,They think I can`t win but I`ll show them.,show,ہاوُن,,सिद्ध_करना/प्रमाणित_करना, +V,I waited for him whole day but he never showed.,show,بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखाई_देना, +N,There was a heavy shower of rain in the afternoon.,shower,روٗد,,वर्षा, +N,The gardener was watering the plants by a showering cane.,shower,پَمبَچھ,,फुहारा, +V,"She showered, changed and went out.",shower,سرٛان کَرُن,,नहाना{फुहार_में}, +V,Ash from the volcano showered on the nearby villages.,shower,وَسُن،پیٚون,,बरसना, +V,Most of the clothes shrink on the first wash.,shrink,ژَمُن,,सिकुड़ना, +V,She shrank trembling against the wall.,shrink,پَتھ کَھسُن,,पीछे_हटना, +V,He shrugged his shoulders.,shrug,شانہٕ ہِلاوُن,,कंधा_उचका, +V,He showed his helplessness by shrugging the shoulders.,shrug,شانہٕ ہِلاوُن,,कँधा_उचकाना_या_झाड़ना, +V,Don`t forget to shut the door.,shut,بَنٛد کَرُن,,बन्द_करना, +Adj,He has been sick for many days.,sick,بیمار,,अस्वस्थ, +Adj,While travelling in the crowded bus I felt sick.,sick,آولُن,,उलटी_आना, +Adj,She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it.,sick,تَنٛگ یُن,,ऊबा_हुआ, +Adj,We were pretty sick about losing the match.,sick,پَریشان,,व्याकुल, +N,The basin was littered with sick.,sick,درٛۄکھ,,उल्टी, +N,Admit the seriously sick first.,sick,بیمار,,अस्वस्थ, +V,The baby sicked up a little milk.,sick,واپَس یُن،ؤتھِتھ یُن,,वमन_करना, +N,"While driving, both sides should be watched carefully to avoid accidents.",side,طَرَف,,तरफ़, +N,He was lying on his side.,side,لَرِ,,बग़ल, +N,All the friends were my side.,side,طَرفہٕ,,ओर, +N,There was large crowd on the either side of the road.,side,طَرَف,,किनारा, +N,All sides of mountains were covered with snow.,side,طَرَف,,ढ़ाल, +N,All the six sides of a cube are equal.,side,طرَف,,फलक, +N,There are four sides in a square.,side,طَرَف,,भुजा, +N,There are faults on both sides.,side,دوٚر،طَرَف,,पक्ष/दल, +N,We must study all the sides of a problem and then try to solve.,side,پہلوٗ،طَرَف,,पहलू, +V,I always side with my mother against my father.,side,طَرَف ہیوٚن,,का_पक्ष_लेना/का_समर्थन_करना, +N,A baby was crawling on a sidewalk.,sidewalk,پَٹٕر,,पटरी, +V,He sighed in reply.,sigh,وۄش ترٛاوُن,,आह_भरना, +V,The wind sighed in the trees.,sigh,سۭں سۭں کَرُن,,सरसराना, +V,She sighed for meeting him.,sigh,تَرسُن،وۄش ترٛاوُن,,तरसना, +N,He lost his sight in an accident.,sight,گاش،بَصارَت,,दृष्टि, +N,After ten days at sea we had our first sight of land.,sight,نَظارٕ،شَکٕل,,दृश्य, +N,Radha`s father wants to marry her daughter but there was no one in sight.,sight,نَظرِ تَل,,निगाह, +N,The flowers are a lovely sight in spring.,sight,نَظارٕ,,नज़ारा, +N,The sight of a rifle has something in one`s sights.,sight,نِشانہٕ,,लक्षक, +V,"After a long tired journey, we sighted the refugee camp.",sight,وُچُھن,,देखना, +N,"Mathematics is a game of signs e.g(+, -, /,x?).",sign,عَلامَت,,चिह्न, +N,After avoiding lot of signs he arrived at his destination.,sign,اِشارٕ،عَلامَت,,चेतावनी_सूचक, +N,Signs on his face were full of sorrow.,sign,آثار,,भाव_मुद्रा, +V,The documents are not signed.,sign,دَستخَط کٔرِتھ,,हस्ताक्षर_करना, +N,He gave the signal to the ship for deciding the direction.,signal,اِشارٕ،سِگنَل,,संकेत, +V,He signalled for the removal of unwanted crowd.,signal,اِشارٕ کَرُن،سِگنَل دِنۍ,,संकेत_करना/सिगनल_देना, +Adj,It is a signal victory to him.,signal,بٔڑ،شانٛدار,,विशिष्ट/असाधारण, +N,Signatures are essential on a cheque.,signature,دَستخط,,हस्ताक्षर, +N,It is very difficult to grab the significance of his remarks.,significance,مَطلَب،معنی,,अर्थ/अभिप्राय, +N,We don`t feel the significance of a thing until we loose it.,significance,اَہمِیَت,,महत्त्व, +Adj,This work is significant.,significant,اَہم,,महत्त्वपूर्ण, +Adj,His presence was significant at the premiere of the film.,significant,معنی بوٚرُتھ,,सार्थक/अर्थपूर्ण, +Adv,"Significantly, he did not deny that he would not attend the meeting.",significantly,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,अर्थपूर्णता से, +N,There was silence in the room.,silence,ژھۄپہٕ,,चुप_कर, +N,A scream shattered the silence.,silence,ژھۄپہٕ،خاموشی,,सन्नाटा, +Adj,The boy became silent when his father asked him the reason for returning so late.,silent,ژھۄپہٕ دَم,,चुप, +Adj,`b` is silent in `comb`.,silent,سَیلَنٛٹ,,अनुच्चरित, +Adv,The boy stood silently beside his father.,silently,لۄتہ ِپٲٹھۍ,,चुपचाप, +N,High quality silk was exported by China in earlier centuries.,silk,ریٖشٕم,,रेशम, +Adj,I was rather silly to let the strangers in.,silly,بیکٕل,,अल्पबुद्दि, +N,Ganga plains are made up to fine silt brought down by Himalayan rivers.,silt,سٮ۪کھ ،میٚژ,,गाद, +V,Aluminium has silted up the swimming pool.,silt,تھوٚپ کَرُن,,मिट्टी_या_रेत_से_रास्ता_बन्द_करना/रेग_से_भरना, +N,Silver is used to electroplate reactive metals.,silver,رۄپھ,,चाँदी, +N,He won four silvers for his state.,silver,رۄپہٕ سُنٛدمٮ۪ڑَل,,चाँदी_का_पदक, +V,He owns a fine silvered bracelet.,silver,رۄپھ کھالُن,,चाँदी_चढ़ाना, +Adj,He has an attractive silver sports car.,silver,رۄپھ ہِش,,रजत/राजत, +Adj,Those twins are similar in physical features but different by nature.,similar,ہِوی,,समान/तुल्य, +Adj,He teaches in a simple way.,simple,سادٕ،آسان,,सरल, +Adj,He is the most simple person in the whole staff.,simple,سیوٚد،سادٕ,,निष्कपट, +Adj,She wore a very simple dress in the party.,simple,سادٕ,,सादा, +N,I like her simplicity.,simplicity,سادٕگی,,सरलता, +Adv,Answer as simply as you can.,simply,سادٕ پٲٹھۍ,,सरल_रूप_से, +Adv,I can`t do both the things simultaneously.,simultaneously,یَگجَہ,,समकालिक_तरह_से, +N,It is really a sin.,sin,گۄناہ,,पाप, +Adv,She went abroad three years before and I haven`t seen her since.,since,تَنہٕ پٮ۪ٹھٕ,,तब_से, +Conj,"Since you have got time to wait for the class, you can have a drink.",since,چونٛکہِ,,चूँकि, +Prep,We have been very good friends since five years.,since,تَنہٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,जब[तब]_से, +Adj,He is very sincere.,sincere,صادِق،پٔزۍ زیور,,निष्कपट, +V,I love to sing.,sing,گیوُن,,गाना, +V,He sings beautifully.,sing,گیوُن,,गाना_गाना, +V,The chicken was singed to remove the fine hairs.,singe,کَنٛزُن,,झुलसना/झुलसाना, +Adj,Please give me a single piece of paper.,single,اَکھ،اَکوے,,एक/एक_ही/एकमात्र, +N,The detectives were greatly puzzled by the singular nature of the crime.,singular,عٔجیٖب،غیرمعموٗلی,,असामान्य, +Adj,`boy` is in singular number.,singular,وٲحِد,,एकवचन, +V,Titanic sank in the Atlantic ocean.,sink,پَھٹُن,,डूबना, +V,The foundation of the house is begining to sink.,sink,ؤسِتھ گَژھُن,,धँसना, +V,The rupee has sunk to its lowest in comparision to dollar.,sink,گِراوَٹھ یِنۍ,,गिरना, +N,Utensils are washed in the kitchen sink.,sink,سٲندٕر,,हौदी, +N,How many sisters do you have?,sister,بیٚنہِ,,बहन, +V,He requested her to sit.,sit,بِہُن,,बैठना, +N,I`ll visit sacred site tomorrow evening.,site,جاے،مُقام,,स्थल, +N,He is looking for a sitter for the portrait he wants to make.,sitter,تصویٖر تُلہٕ ناوَن وول,,चित्र_खिंचाने_के_लिये_बैठा_व्यक्ति, +N,Let the sitting be over.,sitting,بیٹھَک,,बैठक/उपवेशन, +N,"First sitting is going on, so you have to wait.",sitting,بیٹھَک,,बैठक, +Adj,"Having six children and no income, I was badly situated.",situated,حالَت,,स्थित, +N,You should act reasonably in all situations.,situation,حالَت,,हालत, +Det,He is six years old.,six,شیٚے,,छः, +N,He is just six.,six,شیٚے,,छः, +N,I know that your lucky number is six.,six,شیٚے,,छः, +Art,Six guests are coming to our home tomorrow.,six,شیٚے,,छः, +Adj,I have got six chocolates.,six,شیٚے,,छः, +Pron,There are sixteen people in a tent.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, +N,She is only sixteen.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, +Art,Sixteen students are coming from outside to attend the seminar.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, +Adj,She has sixteen pens.,sixteen,شُرہ,,सोलह, +Det,Ten minutes is the sixth part of an hour.,sixth,شیٚیِم,,छठा, +Art,Sixth class has gone for picnic.,sixth,شیٚیِم,,छठा, +Pron,There are sixty minutes in an hour.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, +N,He started his business at the age of sixty.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, +Art,Sixty students have been selected for the trip.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, +Adj,He is sixty years old.,sixty,شیٹھ,,साठ, +Adj,The dinosaur was an ancient and sizable creature.,sizable,واریاہ بوٚڑ,,काफ़ी_बड़ा/बृहदाकार, +N,What is the size of this pole?,size,ناپ،قَد,,आकार{कद}, +N,The size of the card I want is 3/5 inches.,size,سایِز,,आकार, +N,My father bought me skate shoes for my birthday.,skate,سِکیٹ,,स्केट, +N,This is a skeleton of man.,skeleton,ڈانٛچہِ,,कंकाल, +N,The block is still just a skeleton of girders.,skeleton,ڈانٛچہِ,,ढ़ाँचा, +N,Her notes give us just the bare skeleton of her theory.,skeleton,مَنصوٗبہٕ,,सार, +N,The artist made many sketches in pencil before painting the portrait.,sketch,خاکہٕ,,खाका, +N,Painting needs great skill.,skill,ہُنَر مٔنٛدی,,प्रवीणता, +Adj,He is a skilled weaver.,skilled,ہُنَرمَند،کٲر ۍ گَر,,कुशल, +N,Africans have black skin.,skin,ژَم,,त्वचा, +N,Girls look beautiful in skirt.,skirt,سِکٲٹ,,घाघरा, +V,We skirted the field and crossed the bridge.,skirt,بَٹھہِ بَٹھہِ پَکُن,,के_किनारे_किनारे_चलना, +N,His skull is very thick.,skull,کَلہٕ کھاپٕر,,खोपड़ी/कपाल, +N,He is thinking about the sky.,sky,نَب،آسمان,,आसमान/आकाश, +V,She slammed the box on the table.,slam,دَب دیُن,,पटक_देना, +Adj,She was wearing a slate blue sari.,slate,سِلیٹی,,सिलेटी, +V,His article on the current political turmoil was slated by most critics.,slate,تَردیٖد کَرُن,,कड़ी_आलोचना_करना, +N,Government has banned the slaughter of animals.,slaughter,ذَبَح,,हत्या/वध, +N,Slaves were treated badly in America.,slave,غۄلام,,दास/गुलाम, +N,I don`t like slavery.,slavery,غۄلٲمی,,दास_प्रथा, +V,The butcher slay`s the animals.,slay,مارُن،ذَبح کَرُن,,मार_ड़ालना/वधा, +V,He slept early today.,sleep,شۄنٛگُن,,सोना, +N,Most of the people need eight hours of sleep a day.,sleep,نیٚندٕر,,नींद, +Adj,She has a slender physique.,slender,توٚن تہٕ تھوٚدٚ,,पतला, +V,The drawers slide in and out easily.,slide,کھٕر ِنیرُن,,फिसलना, +Adj,Do not speak slight language with me.,slight,گَنٛدٕ،مٔکٕر,,तुच्छ, +Adv,My friend is slightly taller than me.,slightly,رَژ ھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोड़ा_सा, +Adj,She dreams for a slim and trim figure.,slim,زٲوِج,,पतला, +Adj,The chances of India winning the match are very slim.,slim,کَم,,कम, +N,I have made many two slips in my paper.,slip,غلطی,,छोटी भूल, +V,She slipped on the ground.,slip,کھٕر گَژھٕنۍ,,फिसल, +V,The climber`s foot slipped and he fell.,slip,کھٕر گَژھٕنۍ،رِکِنۍ گَژھٕنۍ,,फ़िसलना, +V,The earth quakes are caused when the earth plates slip.,slip,نیٖرِتھ ژَلُن,,सरकना, +V,It had slipped my memory that you were arriving today.,slip,مٔشِتھ گَژُھن,,भूलना, +V,He seems to be slipping from his position.,slip,بۄن وَسُن,,स्थानभ्रंश_होना, +V,My brother slipped some money in my pocket.,slip,ژوٗرِ تھاوُن,,चोरी_से_रखना, +V,This path slopes up.,slope,کَھسوُن,,ढालू_हो, +N,You can find high slopes in hilly regions.,slope,چَڑٲے,,ढाल, +Adj,Patients suffering from jaundice make slow recovery.,slow,وارٕ وارٕ,,धीरे_धीरे, +Adj,He is slow in understanding.,slow,وارٕ وارٕ,,मंद_गति_वाला, +Adj,He is slow in his work.,slow,سُستہٕ,,सुस्त, +Adv,Do your work slowly.,slowly,آرامہٕ سان,,धीरे_से, +Adv,He walked slowly towards the platform.,slowly,لوٚت لوٚت،وارٕ وارٕ,,धीरे_धीरे, +N,Chemicals are usually sprayed to protect the crops from slug.,slug,کیوٚم,,घोंघा, +N,They all took a slug of brandy to ward off colds.,slug,دام,,शराब_का_छोटा_घूँट, +Adj,The hat is too small for me.,small,لۄکٕٹ,,छोटा, +Adj,He is a small man in the eyes of his boss.,small,لۄکُٹ،معموٗلی,,नगण्य, +Adj,She is very smart girl.,smart,اَصٕل،چالاک,,तेज़[आकर्षक], +Adj,Smart dress is the true index of a man`s character.,smart,صاف،جان,,स्वच्छ/सुव्यवस्थित, +V,I think your eyes are smarting with onions.,smart,دٕہَن لَگٕنۍ,,दूखना, +N,The plate hit the floor with a smash.,smash,ٹاس,,टकराने_की_ध्वनि, +N,The car collided with a loud smash.,smash,ٹاس,,टकराव, +N,Due to technical defects car smash took place at work.,smash,وٲرۍ داتھ,,दुर्घटना, +V,He smashed a ball on the ground.,smash,زورٕ لگاوُن,,ज़ोरसे_मारना, +V,World powers today are uniting to smash terrorism.,smash,خَتم کَرُن,,पराजित_करना/अंत_करना, +Adj,He is smashed.,smashed,چٮ۪تھ,,पिये_हुए{शराब}, +V,I can smell something burning.,smell,مُشٕک ہیوٚن,,सूँघना, +V,The dead body has begun to smell.,smell,مُشٕک وۄتھُن,,महकना, +N,Rose`s smell is captivating.,smell,خۄشبوٗ،مُشٕک,,गन्ध, +N,I saw a cheerful smile on his face.,smile,اَسنہ ٕ دٕہان,,मुस्कराहट/मुस्कान, +V,He smiled at my comment.,smile,اَسُن ترٛاوُن,,मुस्कराना, +N,He is a poor smith and hence cannot live happily.,smith,کھار،سۄنُر,,लोहार/सुनार, +N,A cloud of smoke was rising from the building.,smoke,دُہ,,धुआँ, +N,I like to have a smoke after a meal.,smoke,تَموکھ,,धूम्रपान, +N,He received only smoke in return of his efforts.,smoke,ناکامِیٲبی,,असफलता, +V,He smokes regularly after a meal.,smoke,تَموکھ چیوٚن,,धूम्रपान_करना, +V,They smoked salami for dinner.,smoke,دُہ دیُن,,धुँआ_देना, +Adj,She has a smooth face.,smooth,پِشُل,,चिकना, +Adj,The ice cream was smooth.,smooth,مٔدُر،مٕدٕر,,मधुर, +Adj,The path was smooth.,smooth,ہَموار,,बराबर, +Adj,The journey was smooth.,smooth,آسان,,निर्विघ्न, +Adj,The receptionist was smooth.,smooth,ژھوٚپ،نَرٕم,,शान्त, +N,All snakes are not poisonous.,snake,سۄرُپھ,,साँप, +V,The path snakes in the hilly areas.,snake,ہوٚل ہوٚل پَکُن,,रेंगना, +V,He snapped his finger.,snap,پٕھٹراوُن،پٕھٹراوٕنۍ,,तोड़_ड़ालना, +V,The snake snapped the boy`s feet.,snap,ٹۄپھ دِنۍ,,दंश_करना/काटना, +V,The teacher snapped `shut your mouth`.,snap,کرٛٮ۪کھ دِنۍ,,गुर्राना, +V,I snapped at the jumping boy.,snap,فوٹوٗ تُلُن,,फोटो_लेना, +N,I have a fine collection of holiday snaps.,snap,فوٹوٗ,,आशुचित्र, +N,Snap is an entertaining game.,snap,تاس,,ताश_के_पत्तों_का_एक_खेल, +Adj,This work is too snappy.,snap,فوٗری،دٔستی,,तात्कालिक/फ़ौरी/आसु, +Interj,Snap! your bag is similar to mine.,snap,۔۔۔,,समानता_पर_निकलनेवाला_आश्चर्य_भाव, +V,He managed to sneak in the restaurant.,sneak,ژوٗرِ پٲٹھۍ یُن گَژُھن,,चुपके_आना_जाना, +V,As she has been suffering from severe cold so she keeps on sneezing.,sneeze,پۄندٕ ترٛاونہِ,,छींकना, +N,The children are playing with snow.,snow,شیٖن,,बरफ़/हिम, +V,It was snowing when I woke up.,snow,شیٖن پیوٚن,,बरफ़_गिरना, +Adv,Don`t look so angry.,so,یوٗت,,इतना, +Adv,I am so glad to see you in my house.,so,واریاہ,,अत्यधक, +Adv,He is not so good as his brother.,so,تیُتھ,,उसी_तरह/समान_रूप_से, +Adv,I am not sure that she will succeed but I certainly hope so.,so,تہِ،تی,,ऐसा, +Adv,He is divorced and so am I.,so,بہٕ تہِ,,भी, +Conj,The shop was closed so I couldn`t get my requirements.,so,تَمہِ کِنۍ,,इसलिये, +Conj,I gave you a map so you wouldn`t get lost.,so,تاکہِ،یُتھ نہٕ,,ताकि, +Conj,So I have a couple of drinks on the way home.,so,تیٚلہِ,,तो_फिर, +Adj,Your so called friend will not help you.,so-called,وَننہٕ کِنۍ,,तथाकथित, +N,Every one in a family should have a separate soap.,soap,صابَن,,साबुन, +V,Ram soaped his hand when an insect touched his hand.,soap,صابَن دِنۍ,,साबुन_लगाना, +V,Can you soar like a pigeon?,soar,وٕڑُن,,उड़ना, +V,Prices soar when demand is high.,soar,بَڑُن,,बहुत_बढ़ना, +Adj,Were you completely sober when you said that?,sober,حٮ۪سَن ،مَغزَن,,अमत्त, +Adj,She is such a sober girl.,sober,سَمَجھ دار,,संयमी/समझदार, +Adj,Man is a social animal.,social,سَمٲجی,,सामाजक, +N,Socialism is necessary in the country.,socialism,اِشتِراکِیت,,समाजवाद, +N,India is a socialist country.,socialist,اِشتِرٲکی,,समाजवादी, +Adv,This work is not good socially.,socially,سَمٲجی طور,,सामाजिक_रूप_से, +N,Different people have different societies.,society,معاشِرٕ,,समाज, +N,The society of those people is good.,society,سماج,,सामाजिक_जीवन, +N,Join the societies of good persons.,society,جَماعت,,वर्ग, +N,He teaches sociology at the university.,sociology,سوشالجی,,समाज_शास्त्र, +N,A pair of socks cost nearly Rs. 35.,sock,موزٕ,,मोज़ा, +N,His shoe sock is damaged.,sock,بوٗٹُک أندرِم حِصہٕ,,जूते_का_भीतरी_तला, +V,I socked him on the jaw.,sock,مٕش کَڑٕنۍ,,मारना, +Adj,Small children like to play with soft things.,soft,نَرٕم,,नरम, +Adj,People who have dark complexion should wear soft colours.,soft,سادٕ,,सादा, +Adj,I like soft music.,soft,ہَلکہٕ,,मधुर, +Adj,One should not be of a soft character.,soft,نرٕم,,कमज़ोर, +V,Please soften this soil.,soften,نَرٕم کَرُن,,नरम_करना, +Adv,Mother touches her son softly.,softly,نَرمی سان,,कोमलता_से, +V,Children usually soil their clothes while playing.,soil,مٲلہٕ کَرُن,,मैला_करना, +N,One should love his soil.,soil,زٔمیٖن،وَطَن,,देश, +N,Plants are grown on upper layer of soil.,soil,میٚژ,,मिट्टी, +Adj,Solar energy is a vital source of energy.,solar,شَمسی,,सौर, +N,A soldier sacrifices his life for his country.,soldier,فوٗجی،سِپاہ,,सैनक, +N,Party head is the soldier of his party.,soldier,کارکُن,,प्रचारक, +N,This shoe has a rubber sole.,sole,تَلہٕ پوٚت,,पैर_की_तलवा, +N,Sole is mainly eaten by people living in wastal areas.,sole,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ گاڈ,,कुकुरजीभी, +Adj,His sole responsibility was of his parents.,sole,اَکھ،کُنی,,एकमात्र/अकेला, +Adv,I am doing this work solely for my parents.,solely,خٲلی،صِرِف,,मात्र, +Adj,Holy places are considered to be solemn.,solemn,مُقَدَس,,पवित्र, +Adj,Soldiers performed their duties with full solemn for their mother land.,solemn,سٔنٛجیٖدگی,,औपचारक, +Adj,He looked very solemn when he came to know about his uncle`s death.,solemn,سٔنٛجیٖدٕ,,गंभीर, +Adj,Iron is a solid metal.,solid,ٹھوس,,घनीभूत/ठोस, +Adj,Tigers are solitary animals.,solitary,کُنُے,,अकेला, +Adj,Antartica is a solitary place where no man lives.,solitary,وٲناک جاے,,निर्जन, +N,Do you have any solution for this problem?,solution,حَل،وَتھ,,समाधान, +N,India should find a solution to the kashmir problem.,solution,حَل،وَتھ,,समस्या_का_समाधान_करने_का_तरीका, +N,Problems in physics should be solved without seeing the soluton.,solution,جَواب,,उत्तर, +N,It is a solution of sugar and water.,solution,میُل,,घोल, +V,Can you solve this problem?,solve,حَل کَرُن,,हल_कर, +VT,Solving a differential equation is very difficult.,solve,حَل کَرُن,,किसी_प्रश्न_को_हल_करना, +VT,Problem of Kashmir should be solved by the government.,solve,حَل ژھانٛڑُن،وَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,हल_ढूंढ़ना, +Det,Please take some milk.,some,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, +Pron,Somebody is peeping through the window.,somebody,کُس تام،خَبَر کُس,,कोई{व्यक्ति}, +Adv,"Somehow, we should win the match.",somehow,کُنہِ طٔریقہٕ,,किसी_भी_तरह, +Adv,"Somehow, it didn`t seem important to him any more.",somehow,کُنہِ نَتہٕ کُنہِ طٔریقہٕ,,वह_कारण_जो_पता_न_हो, +Pron,Someone is peeping through the window.,someone,کُس تام،خَبَر کُس,,कोई{व्यक्ति}, +N,Give me something to eat.,something,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, +N,I have got something for you.,something,کانٛہہ چیٖز,,कोई_चीज़, +Pron,Do you have anything to eat?,something,کانٛہہ چیٖز,,कोई_चीज़, +Adv,He meets me sometimes.,sometimes,کُنہ ِکُنہِ ساتہٕ,,कभी_कभी, +Adv,He was somewhat angry.,somewhat,کُنہِ حَدَس تام,,कुछ, +Adv,She is waiting for me somewhere.,somewhere,کُنہِ جایہِ,,कहीं, +N,I want to have a son.,son,نیٚچُو,,पुत्र/बेटा, +N,Sir C.V. Raman was a great son of India.,son,۔۔۔,,सन्तति, +N,The new song by Daler is very good.,song,گٮ۪وُن,,गाना, +N,The car is going for a song at the shop.,song,سَستہٕ,,सस्ता, +Adv,I`ll soon come to your house.,soon,جَلدی،دٔستی,,शीघ्र, +Adv,He came sooner than expected.,sooner,سُلی،جَلدی,,अधिक_शीघ्र, +N,His sophistication is evident from the way he speaks.,sophisticate,تُلہٕ ترٛاو,,व्यवहार_कुशल, +Adj,They were working on a sophisticated computer system.,sophisticated,جان,,परिष्कृत, +Adj,He has got a sore finger.,sore,زَخمی,,चोट_खायी, +Adj,I am sorry that I could`nt pick you up.,sorry,معٲفی,,खेद, +Adj,I am sorry about my deed.,sorry,اَفسوٗس,,ग्लानि_से_भरपूर, +Adj,That was a sorry seen.,sorry,موٚکُر,,घटिया, +Adj,The school is in a sorry condition.,sorry,خَراب,,दयनीय, +N,These sorts of books are great.,sort,قٕسٕم,,प्रकार, +V,I have to sort out the letters from the post.,sort,چھانٛٹ دِنۍ,,छाँटना, +V,He asked me to sort the pens which do not work.,sort,اَلَگ کَرٕنۍ,,चुनना, +N,Some people do not believe in the immortality of the soul.,soul,رُح,,आत्मा, +N,"Deep down in his soul, he felt cheated.",soul,ضٔمیٖر,,अन्तःकरण, +N,He could hear a faint sound from the bushes.,sound,آواز,,ध्वनि/आवाज़, +Adj,His views on morality are very sound.,sound,صحیٖح,,युक्तियुक्त, +Adv,He was sound awake.,sound,پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,गहराई_के_साथ/अच्छी_तरह, +V,The bell is sounded every hour.,sound,وَزُن,,बजाना, +V,The `b` in`dumb` is not sounded.,sound,یُس نہٕ وَننہٕ یی,,उच्चारित_करना, +V,This job sounds interesting.,sound,باسُن,,लगना, +V,We can sound the depth of the sea with the help of an echo-sounder.,sound,مینُن,,समुद्र_की_गहराई_को_उपकरणौं_से_निकालना, +N,The soup was upto everyone`s liking.,soup,رَس,,शोरबा, +Adj,Milk becomes sour when turned into curd.,sour,ژوٚک,,खट्टा, +Adj,He gave me a sour look.,sour,دولہٕ,,बद्मज़ा, +N,I have got this information from a reliable source.,source,آگُر,,स्रोत, +N,The source of Ganga is in the Himalayas.,source,آگُر,,उद्गम, +N,Mexico lies to the south of U.S.A.,south,جٔنوٗب,,दक्षिण, +Adj,The pole star is seen in the southern direction.,southern,جٔنوٗبی,,दक्षिणी, +Adj,One must have a respect for the sovereign nations.,sovereign,خۄد مۄختار,,शासकीय, +N,King Dasaratha was a sovereign.,sovereign,حُکُمران,,शासक, +N,The government removed the sovereignty of the princes.,sovereignty,خۄد مۄختٲری,,प्रभुसत्ता, +N,Russia is not a soviet today.,soviet,سووِیٹ,,समिति, +N,We need a big space to play cricket.,space,جاے,,जगह, +N,Niel Armstrong was the first person to go in to the space.,space,شُنۍ,,अन्तरिक्ष, +N,The spacecraft exploded in mid air.,spacecraft,خٕلٲے جہاز,,अंतरिक्षयान, +N,We use spade to dig pits.,spade,بیل,,फावडा, +N,The arch has a span of 50 metres.,span,کَھجَر,,चौडाई, +N,The average human life span has decreased over the last few years.,span,عُمٕر،وٲنٛس,,अवधि, +Adj,There must be some spare food in the house.,spare,بَچیومُت، عَلاوٕ,,शेष, +V,We should always spare others when they are in danger.,spare,بَچاوُن,,बचाना, +V,Could you please spare me some money?,spare,دیُن,,दे_देना, +V,The little boy begged the terrorists to spare his parent`s life.,spare,بَچاوُن،رحَم کَرُن,,बचाना/दया_करना, +V,Why don`t you speak to me?,speak,بولُن،وَنُن،کَتھ کَرٕنۍ,,बोल, +V,He spoke to me regarding my studies.,speak,کَتھ باتھ کَرٕنۍ,,बातचीत_करना, +V,He speaks well on this topic.,speak,بولُن,,बोलना, +N,He is a french speaker.,speaker,بولَن وول،وَنَن وول,,वक्ता, +N,Spears were used as weapons in the war during the medieval period.,spear,نیزٕ,,भाला, +N,The backside of my house is full of spears.,spear,۔۔۔,,खेर, +N,My father was the spearhead of the last meeting of the housing society.,spearhead,سَر کَردٕ,,मुख्य_भूमिका_निभाने_वाला, +Adj,I have got a special work to do.,special,خاص,,ख़ास, +Adj,Last night I enjoyed some special dishes in a marriage party.,special,خاص,,असाधारण/ख़ास, +Adj,Vijay is a special guest in this party.,special,اَہم، ضٔروٗری،خاص,,महत्त्वपूर्ण, +Adj,You need a special tool to open this lock.,special,خٔصوٗصی,,विशेष_उद्देश्य_से_बना_हुआ, +V,He has specialised in vision techniques.,specialise,مٲہِر بَنُن,,विशेषज्ञता_प्राप्त_करना, +N,My brother is a specialist in computer graphics.,specialist,مٲہِر,,विशेषज्ञ, +V,He specializes in plastic surgery.,specialize,مٲہِر بَنُن،مٲہِر آسُن,,विशेषज्ञ_बनना/विशेष_अध्ययन_करना, +N,"In forest, different species of monkeys are found.",species,ذٲژ،نَسٕل,,जाति, +Adj,I use this pen for specific work.,specific,مَخصوٗص،خاص,,विशिष्ट/निर्दिष्ट, +Adv,I specifically told him not to go there.,specifically,خاص طور پٲٹھۍ,,खासतौर_पर, +V,The contract specifies red tiles for the roof.,specify,تَفصِیٖلات دِنۍ,,विशेष_विवरण_देना, +N,Show me the specimen.,specimen,نٔمونہٕ,,नमूना, +N,It is a special spectacle on 26th January this year.,spectacle,نَظارٕ,,प्रदर्शन/तमाशा, +Adj,There was a spectacular seen of the mountain.,spectacular,شانٛدار,,अच्छी_प्रदर्शन/शानदार, +N,"When light is passed through a prism, spectrum is formed.",spectrum,۔۔۔,,वर्णक्रम, +N,Human beings express thoughts through speech.,speech,بوٗلۍ,,बोली, +N,He always gives good speeches.,speech,تَقریٖر,,भाषण, +N,He gave a long speech.,speech,تَقریٖر,,कथन, +N,My brother always drives at an incredible speed.,speed,رَفتار,,गति, +N,What speed film should I take for taking photographs outdoor?,speed,تیز,,क्षिप्रता, +V,Speeding fast at corners is very dangerous.,speed,تیٖزی سان پَکُن،تیز پَکُن,,तेज़ी_से_चलना, +N,We had to face a spell of dry weather.,spell,دور,,दौर/वशीकरण, +N,The magician put a spell on John and he turned into monkey.,spell,جود،مٲتٕھر,,जादू, +V,Some great novelists like Shakespeare used to spell their names differently at different places.,spell,ہیٚجہِ کَڑنہِ,,उच्चारण_करना_या_लिखना, +V,He used to spend most of his time by reading books.,spend,گُزارُن,,बिताना, +V,I don`t want to spend my money on chocolates any more.,spend,خَرٕچ کَرُن,,खर्च_करना, +N,He is an extravagant spender.,spender,فضوٗل خَرچی کَرَن وول,,अपव्ययी, +Adj,He returned to home spent after his long journey.,spent,تھوٚکمُت,,थका-हारा, +N,Cricket ball is a sphere.,sphere,گول,,गोल_वस्तु, +N,Many African states in past have been under the Russian sphere of influence.,sphere,اِقتِدار,,आकाश, +VT,The girl spilled tea on boy`s parents.,spill,دٲرِتھ دِنۍ,,छलकाना, +VI,Don`t spill your milk.,spill,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,छलकना, +V,Can you spin the ball.,spin,نَژناوُن،گُماوُن,,घुमाना, +V,I can spin thread from cotton.,spin,پھَنٛب کَتُن ،ییرُن,,सूत_कातना, +N,Shane warne gives tremendous spin to the ball.,spin,سِپِن,,घुमाव, +N,The fighter plane crashed with a spin after being attacked by missiles.,spin,نََژان نَژان,,चक्रणी_पतन, +N,His holy spirit was always worried about his widow.,spirit,رُح,,आत्मा, +N,He is a man of unbending spirit.,spirit,خۄد دٲری,,स्वभाव, +N,"Whisky, brandy, jin and rum are all spirits.",spirit,شراب,,मद्यसार, +N,Have a glass of brandy to keep your spirits up.,spirit,حوصلہٕ،ہِمت,,भावना, +V,The wind spirited off his papers.,spirit,وٕڑِتھ نیُن,,उड़ा_ले_जाना, +V,The crowd spirited the Indian team.,spirit,حوصلہٕ اَفزٲیی کَرٕنۍ ،حوصلہ ٕدیُن,,उत्साह_बढ़ाना, +Adj,Saints generally lead spiritual life.,spiritual,روحٲنی,,आध्यात्मक, +N,He stole his classmate`s books out of spite.,spite,بۄغُض،حَسَد,,द्वेष, +Adj,Your house has a splendid design.,splendid,عٲلی شان،شانٛدار,,शानदार, +V,Why did you split my book into two?,split,ژَٹُن,,फ़ाड़ना/चीरना, +V,The commander told the soldiers to split into three groups.,split,تَقسیٖم گَژُھن,,विभाजित_हो, +N,Sew up a split in a seam.,split,ژھیوٚنمُت,,काट, +V,A mental elephant spoiled the field completely.,spoil,خَراب کَرُن،تَباہ کَرُن،تَہس نَہس کَرُن,,बिगाड़देना/खराब_कर_देना, +V,Our neighbours spoil their children.,spoil,خَراب کَرُن,,लाड़-प्यार_से_बिगाड़ना, +N,The spoils are distributed equally among the thieves.,spoil,ژوٗرِ ہُنٛد مال ،لوٗٹمُت مال,,लूट, +N,The officers shared spoils among themselves.,spoil,لوٗٹمُت مال,,फ़ायदा_मुनाफा, +N,The ball hit so hard that almost all spokes are broken.,spoke,سپوک،کَمرِ,,तीली{साइकिल_इत्यादि_की}, +V,The words you spoke are not liked by anyone.,spoke,ؤنِتھ ،بوٗلِتھ,,बोला, +N,Sponge is a sea animal.,sponge,سٕپَنٛج,,स्पंज/समुद्रसोख, +V,I will sponge the hall.,sponge,فومہٕ سۭتۍ چھلُن,,स्पंज_से_धोना, +N,Who is the sponsor of this program?,sponsor,پیٚش کَرن وول,,प्रायोजित_करनेवाला, +V,A company sponsors their new product named fairness.,sponsor,پیٚشکَش کَرُن,,प्रायोजित_करना, +Adj,He gave a spontaneous offer of help.,spontaneous,پانَے،پٲنۍ پانے,,मनमानी, +N,I need a spoon.,spoon,چَمچہٕ,,चम्मच, +V,Spoon sugar from the bowl.,spoon,چَمچہٕ سۭتۍ تُلُن,,चम्मच_से_लेना, +N,We have many types of sports in our school.,sport,کھیل,,खेल, +V,We sport many outdoor activities at our home.,sport,گِنٛدُن,,खेलना, +N,That poor black boy has many spots on his body.,spot,داغ،نِشان,,धब्बा/बिन्दु, +N,A single spot on the character spoils the life.,spot,داغ,,कलंक, +V,Many people spotted their leader in the mob.,spot,وُچھُن,,देखना, +Adj,"In J.P. academy, children wear blue spotted socks.",spotted,ٹیٚچَل,,धब्बेदार, +N,The spray of chloroform made the queen faint.,spray,چَھکھ،چِھرکاو,,फुहार, +V,Farmers spray pesticides on the crops.,spray,چَھکُن،چِھرکاوکَرُن,,छिड़कना, +N,How can we stop the spread of diseases.,spread,پھٲلاو,,फैलाव, +Adj,He was lying spread-eagled on the bed.,spread,زَنٛگہٕ نَرِ پھٲلٲوِتھ,,फैला_हुआ, +V,Who has spread this news?,spread,پھٲلاوُن,,फैलाना, +V,Don`t spring on bed it will break.,spring,وۄٹہٕ ترٛاونہِ ،وۄٹہٕ تُلنہِ,,उछलना, +N,Ram is suffering from spring tide fever.,spring,سِپرِنٛگ,,स्प्रिंग, +N,The best season is the spring season.,spring,سونٛتھ،بَہار,,वसन्त, +Adj,A spring matress is more comfortable than an ordinary one.,spring,سِپرِنٛگ دار،کَمٲنۍ دار,,स्प्रिंग_लगा_हुआ, +V,You have to sprint in order to catch the bus.,sprint,دورُن،دَوُن,,बड़ी_तेज़ी_से_दौड़ना, +N,A 100 m sprint was organised in our school.,sprint,دور،ریس,,लघु_दौड़, +Adj,The shirt is made of spun cotton.,spun,کوٚتمُت,,काता_हुआ, +N,The spurs of his boots were very sharp.,spur,مینٛکھ,,खार, +N,Failures are the spurs to success.,spur,۔۔۔,,प्रेरणा, +N,He was standing on the edge of the spur.,spur,پہاڑ,,पर्वत_स्कन्ध, +N,Trekkers usually follow spurs to reach their destination.,spur,لۄکٕٹ وَتھ،ژھوٚٹ وَتھ,,छोटा_रस्ता, +N,She was a German spy during world war II.,spy,جاسوٗس،مُکبِر,,जासूस/गुप्तचर, +V,He was hired to spy on the president.,spy,جاسوٗسی کَرٕنۍ,,जासूसी_करना, +V,I spied on the old man walking down the street.,spy,خَیال تھاوُن،نَظَر تھاوٕنۍ,,ध्यान_रखना, +V,Have you squared the room`s bill?,square,اَدا کَرُن,,चुकाना, +V,Tell the carpenter to square off the sides of the table.,square,ہَموار بَناوُن,,समकोण_बनाना, +V,The final game squared the one day series.,square,بَرابَر گَژھُن,,बराबर_करना, +V,Try to square the table with the saw.,square,چورُس بَناوُن,,चौकोर बनाना, +Adj,This is a square room.,square,ژُکوٗنل,,चौकोर, +Adj,I had a square meal today.,square,یَڑ بٔرِتھ,,पेटभर_भोजन, +Adj,"If you regularly do the exercises, you will be like that woman, of square frame.",square,ویوٚٹھ,,बलिष्ठ, +Adj,The length of the table was nine meter square.,square,مُرَبع,,वर्ग_मीटर, +Adj,You should always make a square deal while signing a business contract.,square,صاف،منصِفانہٕ،ایٖمان دار,,अच्छा_व्यवहार, +N,His house is situated near the Gurfam square.,square,چوک,,चौक, +V,Can you squeeze a lemon?,squeeze,چیٖرُن,,दबाना, +V,Squeeze your shirt before you hang it out to dry.,squeeze,چیٖرُن,,निचोड़ना, +V,He stabbed him in the stomach.,stab,چھُر ِسۭتۍ حملہٕ کَرُن،چُھرۍ ژھنٕنۍ,,प्रहार_करना, +N,He`s got stab wounds all over his chest.,stab,چُھر ۍہِنٛدۍ زَخم,,घाव, +N,He felt a stab in his head.,stab,دَگ,,दर्द, +N,He made a good stab in the badminton tournament.,stab,کوٗشِش,,कोशिश, +Adj,His condition has become more stable than before.,stable,ٹھیٖک,,स्थिर, +Adj,After the accident her mind has not been stable.,stable,ڈَنٛجہِ,,सन्तुलित, +Adj,His decision is stable.,stable,نہ بَدلن وول،ڈٔٹِھتھ،مَظبوٗط,,स्थायी, +N,The horses broke the door of stable.,stable,اَستَبَل,,अश्वशाला, +V,Please stack your chairs before you leave.,stack,لٲنہِ تھاوٕنۍ،اَکھ أکِس پٮ۪ٹھ تھاوٕنۍ,,गद्दियों_में_लगाना/ढ़ेर_लगाना, +N,A new football stadium was built near Shamerpet.,stadium,مٲدان,,स्टेडियम्/मैदान, +N,The staff of this shop is very helpful.,staff,اہلہِ کار،کارکُن،سِٹاف,,कर्मचारीगण, +N,The old man walking down the street had a staff.,staff,لوٗر,,लाठी, +N,He is arranging the stage for the play.,stage,سٹیٚج,,रंगमंच, +N,The oil stains could not be removed from his dress.,stain,داغ,,धब्बा, +V,My dress has become stained with oil.,stain,داغ گَژھُن,,धब्बा_डाल, +V,The grape juice stained the carpet.,stain,دٲغۍ کَرُن،داغ دیُن,,धब्बेवाला_करना, +N,He slipped on the stairs.,stairs,ہیر,,सीढ़ी, +N,An old man was walking with the help of a stake.,stake,لوٗر,,खूँटा, +V,They staked the saplings with small sticks.,stake,ڈکھ دیُن,,सहारा_देना, +V,Rama staked his money to save his friends.,stake,داوَس لاگُن,,दाँव_पर_लगाना, +N,Ramu runs a vegetable stall.,stall,دُکان,,दुकान, +N,His stable has different stalls for different horses.,stall,حِصہٕ,,अश्वशाला_के_अलग_अलग_कमरें, +N,Stalls in a theatre are usually reserved for VIP`s.,stall,سِٹال,,मंच_के_समीप_वाली_कुर्सियाँ, +N,There are specific stalls for christians in the church.,stall,گِرجہ ِگَرَس مَنٛز بہنٕچ جاے,,चर्चा_में_बैठने_का_निश्चित_स्थान, +V,Our car stalled at the main crossing.,stall,اِنجَن بَنٛد گَژُھن,,इंजन_का_बन्द_हो_जाना, +V,Less rainfall stalls the development of crops.,stall,رُکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,कार्य_को_बाधित_करना, +V,Financial crises stall the development of the country.,stall,رُکاوَٹ اَنٕنۍ,,प्रगति_को_रोकना, +V,She stamped her foot in anger.,stamp,دَب کَڑُن,,पैर_पटकना, +V,They refused to stamp my driving licence.,stamp,ٹَھپہٕ ترٛاوُن،مُہر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,ठप्पा_लगाना, +V,Please stamp this letter.,stamp,ٹِکَٹ لَگاوٕنۍ,,टिकट_लगाना, +V,He stamped every body by his encouraging speech.,stamp,اَثَر کَرُن،چھاپ ترٛاوٕنۍ,,प्रभावित_करना, +N,I have a good collection of stamps.,stamp,ٹِکَٹ,,टिकट, +N,Tata is a stamp of quality.,stamp,ٹَھپہٕ,,ठप्पा, +N,Industries of different stamps hold a very high position in our society.,stamp,قٕسٕم ،نٔموٗنہٕ,,प्रकार, +V,You should stand up when teacher enters the class.,stand,کَھڑا گَژُھن، تھوٚد وۄتھُن,,खड़ा_हो, +V,Due to weakness he was unable to stand.,stand,کَھڑا روزُن،تھوٚد ؤتِھتھ روزُن,,खड़ा_होना[रहना], +V,I will help you to stand up.,stand,کَھڑا کَرُن، تھوٚد تُلُن,,खड़ा_करना, +V,Try to stand on your own.,stand,پان کَھڑا کَرُن,,रहना, +V,Our school building stands 50 m high.,stand,آسُن، آسٕنۍ,,होना, +V,I can`t stand her any more.,stand,بَرداش کَرُن,,सहना, +V,We should be in operation to stand meals to our friends.,stand,کھیاوناوُن، کٲنٛسہِ کھیاوناونہٕ خٲطرٕ پونٛسہٕ خَرچاوٕنۍ,,के_लिये_रुपये_देना, +N,One of the cup stand at the fair had a good variety of cups.,stand,سِٹینٛڑ,,स्टैंड, +N,Witnesses must take the stand before telling something to the court.,stand,کَٹگرٕ,,कटघरा, +N,Ram has a very firm stand on the issue of economic liberalization.,stand,نَظرِیہَ,,दृढ़मत, +N,Appu Ghar has a taxi stand.,stand,اَڑٕ,,अड्डा, +N,She has a high standard.,standard,معیار,,स्टैंडर्ड, +N,Don`t let your standards to be vanished.,standard,رُتبہٕ،عُہدٕ,,आदर्श, +N,Meter is an internationally accepted standard for measuring length.,standard,پَیمانہٕ,,मानक, +N,We expect high standards of studies in convent schools.,standard,معیار،دَرجہٕ,,स्तर, +N,Now I am in the 10th standard.,standard,جَمٲژ,,कक्षा, +N,They have got high standard in the society.,standard,دَرجہٕ,,दरजा, +Adj,All languages should be accepted in standard form.,standard,معیٲری,,प्रामाणक, +Adj,NCERT textbooks are a standard for CBSE students.,standard,پَیمانہٕ,,मान्य, +Adj,Please charge the standard cost of this tea set.,standard,بُنِیٲدی،اَصلی,,मूल, +N,Don`t let your standards to be vanished.,standard,معیار,,आदर्श, +N,Meter is an internationally accepted standard for measuring length.,standard,پَیمانہٕ,,मानक, +N,We expect high standards of studies in convent schools.,standard,معیار,,स्तर, +N,Now I am in the 10th standard.,standard,جَمٲژ,,कक्षा/दरजा, +Adj,Russia is one of the standing member of UN.,standing,بَرقَرار،پرٛون,,स्थायी, +Adj,He has a good standing in the society.,standing,عِزَت،حٔثِیت،رُتبہٕ,,इज्जत, +Adj,He made a standing jump in the business.,standing,یَک دَم کُنہِ چیٖزٕچ شُروعات,,एकदम_से_किसी_चीज़_की_शुरुवात, +Adj,My friendship with you should be long standing.,standing,روزوٕنۍ،بَرقَرار،ہَمیٚشہٕ روزوٕنۍ,,रहने_का_समय, +N,There are infinite stars in the universe.,star,تارُک,,तारा, +N,One born under a lucky star is believed to be lucky.,star,سِتارٕ,,नक्षत्र, +N,Lata Mangeshkar is a well known star.,star,ناموَر شَخٕص،سِتارٕ,,प्रसिद्ध_व्यक्ति, +N,Stars are used to decorate trees at the time of festivals.,star,تارُک,,तारा_जैसा, +N,She was the star in this serial.,star,اَداکار،فِلمی سِتارٕ,,सितारा/तारिका/अभिनेत्री, +Adj,The starred lessons are to be read carefully.,star,نِشان دار,,तारांकित, +V,The man was staring outside for a long time.,stare,وُچُھن,,आँख_गड़ाकर_देखना, +V,They started to move.,start,شُروع کَرُن,,शुरू_करना, +N,Who is going to start the play?,start,شُروعات،اِبتِدا,,आरम्भ, +N,Give it a new start.,start,اِبتِدا،آغاز,,चौंक, +V,This magician startled everybody with his tricks.,startle,حٲران کَرُن,,चौंकाना, +Adj,The sound of the crackers is really startling.,startling,حٲران کُن,,चौंका_देने_वाला, +VI,The poor man starved to death.,starve,فاقَے مَرُن,,भूखा_मरना, +Adj,"I am starving, give me something to eat.",starve,بۄچھِ ہوٚت,,भूख_लगना, +Adj,Durga Puja is the state festival of west Bengal.,state,رِیاسَت,,राज्सी, +Adj,State education should be compulsory.,state,رِیاستی,,राज्य_से_सम्बन्धित, +V,State your problem in the meeting.,state,وَضاحَت کَرٕنۍ,,अभिव्यक्त_कर, +V,You are expected to state your views on this issue.,state,وَضاحَت دِنۍ,,अभिव्यक्त_करना, +N,No one can judge the state of affairs.,state,حالَت،رِیاسَت,,राज्य/अवस्था, +N,He was expelled from the state for being a criminal.,state,رِیاسَت,,राज्य, +N,It is the function of the state to make laws.,state,سَرکار,,सरकार, +N,He is in a state of shock.,state,حالَت,,दशा/परिस्थिति, +Adj,You must report at the office at the time stated.,stated,مَزکوٗرٕ,,निश्चित, +N,Principal is expected to present a public statement on this issue.,statement,بَیان,,कथन, +N,Ambala is the next station.,station,مُقام,,स्टेशन, +N,NDTV is the best TV station as per my views.,station,مَرکَز,,केन्द्र, +V,Where is your son stationed presently?,station,تعیِنات کَرُن,,तैनात_कर, +V,My brother`s regiment is stationed at Manali.,station,تعیِنات آسُن,,स्थित_होना, +Adj,He studied in a statistical institute.,statistical,شُمٲرِیٲتی,,सांख्यिकीय, +N,Every one should learn Statistics.,statistics,اعدادِ شُمار,,सांख्यिकी, +N,Newly constructed christ statue seems so lively.,statue,مُجَسمہٕ,,मूर्ति, +N,Don`t you find him small in stature?,stature,قَد و قامَت,,तन_की_प्राकृतिक_लम्बाई, +N,Aishwarya Rai proved herself as a real artist of national stature.,stature,۔۔۔,,क्षमता_या_उपलब्धि_से_कमाई_हुई_इज्जत_और_रूतबा, +N,Her growing status may lead her to the post of home minister.,status,رُتبہٕ،مَرتَبہٕ,,स्तर{सामाजिक_नैतिक_या_व्यावसायिक_पद}, +V,You have to stay in that cottage to save your life.,stay,روزُن,,रहना, +Adv,He works steadily.,steadily,ثٲبِت قَدمی سان,,स्थिरता_पूर्वक, +Adj,Sita is making steady progress in her writing.,steady,جان,,अनवरत, +Adj,Ram has been holding a steady job for past 10 years.,steady,۔۔۔,,नियमित, +Adj,A steady man is trusted by every one.,steady,ثٲبِت قَدَم,,गम्भीर, +V,John stole a cookie from the cookie`s store.,steal,ژوٗر کَرٕنۍ,,चोरी_करना, +V,She stole into the room.,steal,ژوٗرِ ژوٗرِ یُن گَژُھن,,चुपके_से_आना_जाना, +N,I got this shoe from Goerge town - it was a steal.,steal,سَستہٕ,,सस्ता_विक्रय, +V,I have to steam the fish for few minutes.,steam,بَہہ دیُن،سٹیٖم دِنۍ,,भाप_उठ[उठा], +Adj,These are steamed vegetables.,steam,بَہہ دار,,भाप_का, +N,Steam inhaling cures cold.,steam,بَہہ,,भाप, +N,Steel utensils are easy to wash.,steel,فولاد,,इस्पात, +Adj,Various kinds of steel weapons were used in IInd world war.,steel,فولٲدی,,इस्पात_से_निर्मित_शस्त्र, +V,She steeled herself before going for the interview.,steel,سَخٕت بَناوُن,,सख्त_बनना, +Adj,The mountain on which we went for trekking was very steep.,steep,کھَڑا چَڑٲے,,दुरारोह, +Adj,There was a steep decline in share values due to mid term elections.,steep,واریاہ,,अत्यधक, +Adj,Sewing of corn flakes with tea seems a bit steep to me.,steep,بے مَطلَب,,बेतुका, +N,The stem of a babool tree is very thick and broad.,stem,لٔنٛڑ،قَلَم،گۄڈ,,तना, +N,The stem of the wine glass has beautiful designs on it.,stem,تَھپ,,नली, +N,Sit is the stem of the forms sits and sitting.,stem,۔۔۔,,धातु, +V,Doctor bandaged the cut to stem the bleeding.,stem,رُکاوُن،بَنٛد کَرُن,,रोकना, +V,Ignorance is the stem of racial discrimination.,stem,موٗل،جَڑ,,जड़, +V,I stepped on to the stool to take the book from the shelf.,step,قَدَم تھاوُن,,कदम_उठाना, +N,Sunder Lal Bahugana is the stepping stone in the incremental upgradation.,step,ذٔرِیعہ،ؤسیٖلہٕ,,चरण, +N,She took a strong step towards this work.,step,قَدَم,,कदम, +N,The government took serious steps to check the dacoits.,step,اِقدام،کاروٲیی,,कार्यवाही, +N,I made the rangoli in three steps.,step,مَرحَلہٕ,,सोपान, +Adj,Hitler was a stern man.,stern,سَخٕت،ظٲلِم,,कठोर_या_निर्दय, +N,Old people generally use stick to walk properly.,stick,لوٗر,,लाठी, +N,My brother is a good player of stick games.,stick,لوٗر,,छड़ी, +N,Ram has got a very good speed at the drum stick.,stick,لوٗر,,ड्रम_छड़ी, +N,My servant kept away all the sticks after the furniture work was over.,stick,لوٗر,,लकड़ी, +N,The thieves are scared of the police stick.,stick,ڈنٛڑٕ,,पुलीस_का_ड़ंड़ा, +N,Ram is a funny old stick.,stick,عٔجیٖب,,असाधारण_व्यक्ति, +V,I tried to stick all the stickers on the cupboard.,stick,واٹھ دیُن،لَگاوُن،چِپکاوُن,,चिपकना, +V,Stick the iron nail into the wall.,stick,ٹُھکُن,,घुसेड़ना, +V,I can`t stick onto the TV for more than two hours.,stick,بَرداش کَرُن،ژالُن,,बरदाश्त_करना, +V,I want to stick the name of my company in the market scenario.,stick,تھاوُن,,सथापित_करना, +Adj,Gum produces a sticky effect on a paper.,sticky,مایہِ دار,,चिपचिपा, +Adj,"Due to moisture in the atmosphere, the weather was very sticky yesterday.",sticky,اوٚبرٕ دَم,,उमस, +Adj,I was all sticky after playing basket ball.,sticky,عٲرقہٕ سرٛان,,पसीने_में_लथपथ, +Adj,My fortune is undergoing a sticky situation.,sticky,بُرٕ وَقٕت،ناقٲبِلہِ بَرداش,,बुरा_समय, +Adj,My mother was a bit sticky in giving me money for the movie.,sticky,کٔنجوٗس،کوٚنٛڑ,,कंजूस, +Adj,The wire is too stiff to be bent.,stiff,سَخٕت,,कड़ा, +Adj,The examination paper was too stiff to be solved by the students.,stiff,مُشکِل،سَخٕت,,कठिन, +Adj,The manager of the five star hotel is very stiff.,stiff,خۄشٕک، سَخٕت,,हठीला, +Adj,The diamond necklace is too stiff to be bought by a common man.,stiff,واریاہ قۭمتِی,,भारी_कीमत, +N,It was a very pathetic sight when Rajan`s stiff was lying in the coffin for the funeral.,stiff,لاش,,लाश, +Adv,She still hasn`t finished her work.,still,وٕنیُک تام،وٕنۍ تہِ,,अभी_तक, +Adv,The carpenter is still willing to do the work.,still,وٕنہِ تہِ,,अभी_भी, +Adv,"Though we have reached September, it `s still very hot.",still,توتہِ,,तथापि, +Adv,Rama brings up still more good ideas.,still,توتہِ,,ज़्यादा, +Adv,She still hasn`t finished her work.,still,وٕنیُک تام،وٕنۍ تہِ,,अभी_तक, +Adj,The photographer asked me to stand still while clicking me.,still,أکِسٕے جایہِ،سیوٚد,,अचल/स्थिर, +Adj,The weather was absolutely still before the rain poured in.,still,صحیٖح,,शान्त, +Adv,"Though we have reached September, it `s still very hot.",still,توتہِ,,तथापि, +Adv,Rama brings up still more good ideas.,still,زیادٕ زیادٕ,,ज़्यादा, +N,Hard work acts as a stimulus to attain success.,stimulus,۔۔۔,,उत्तेजना, +N,The sting of a snake is very poisonous.,sting,ٹۄپھ,,डंक, +N,"When the sting of a cactus pricks the finger, it is very painful.",sting,کونٛڑ,,काँटा, +N,I can`t bear the sting of defeat.,sting,دَگ,,दर्द, +V,"When you trouble a wasp, it stings you.",sting,ٹۄپھ دِنۍ,,ड़ंक_मारना, +V,My legs were stinging due to excess walking.,sting,دَگ آسٕنۍ,,दर्द_होना, +V,Their comments stung him to get into a fight.,sting,تُلُن،ہٕس دیُن,,उकसाना, +V,The money lander stipulated that the money should be returned within five months.,stipulate,شَرٕط تھاوُن,,सौदा_तय_करना, +V,He sat there for two hours without stirring.,stir,ہِلُن,,हिलना, +V,She stirred the tea with a spoon.,stir,ہِلاوُن,,हिलाना, +N,I gave a stir to the tea in order to dissolve the sugar.,stir,گُلہٕ،چھونٛپ,,हलचल, +N,Her sudden death was quite a stir.,stir,ہے بُنٛگہٕ,,हिला_देनेवाला, +Adj,The story of the beggar was quite stirring.,stirring,سَدمہٕ واتناوَن وول,,सदमा_पहुँचानेवाला, +N,The Doctor had put six stitches on his wound.,stitch,ٹیبہٕ,,टांका, +N,I asked her to put two stitches on my skirt.,stitch,سِلٲے,,सीअन, +N,Button hole stitch is very common.,stitch,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ سِلٲے,,एक_प्रकार_की_सिलाई, +N,Excess running caused a stitch in my ankle.,stitch,دَگ,,दर्द, +V,My mother stitched a beautiful dress for me.,stitch,سُوُن,,सीना, +N,The shop has a stock of good quality rice.,stock,مال,,तिज़ारती_माल, +N,Our ancestors had a big cattle stock in the village.,stock,جَب,,पशु_धन, +N,His mother gave him all her stock so that he could start his business well.,stock,جَمع,,पूँज़ी, +N,She comes from an English business stock.,stock,نَسٕل,,पीढ़ी, +N,He possesses a good stock in other people`s mind.,stock,نام,,ख्याति, +N,Chicken stock enhances the taste of chicken soup.,stock,أڑِجہِ,,हड्डियों_से_बनाया_जाने_वाला_पदार्थ, +N,It`s difficult to support the stock of the gun on your shoulder.,stock,نٔلۍ,,तना, +Adj,The shopkeeper keeps bread as one of his stock items.,stock,جَمع مال,,भरपूर_मात्रा_में_रखा_जाने_वाला, +N,Rama is an army officer as well as a stockholder.,stockholder,۔۔۔,,साझीदार, +N,"I did not eat the dinner, as my stomach was full.",stomach,میادٕ,,पेट, +N,"When I came back from the school, I had the stomach to eat anything I get.",stomach,بۄچھہِ,,भूख, +N,"After a full day slog, I didn`t have the stomach to argue with my brother.",stomach,مَرضی,,इच्छा, +N,"During landslides, big stones fell down from the hills.",stone,کٔنۍ,,पत्थर, +N,Sapphire is a precious stone.,stone,کرٛانٛک,,रत्न, +N,There is a big stone inside every mango.,stone,ٲنٛٹ,,गुठली, +N,People having stone in their kidney suffer from serious pain.,stone,کٔنۍ,,अश्मरी, +N,Ram weighs 10 stones.,stone,سیر,,किलोग्राम का भार, +V,The mad man was stoned to death by the villagers.,stone,کَنہِ لاینہِ,,पत्थर_से_मारना, +V,She stoned the cherries for the dessert.,stone,ٲنٛٹ کَڑٕنۍ,,गुठली_निकालना, +V,Rain had stopped yesterday`s cricket.,stop,رُکاوُن,,रुकना, +V,She stopped studies.,stop,اَنٛد واتناوُن،خَتم کَرُن,,अन्त_करना, +V,I couldn`t stop myself from playing in the rain.,stop,رُکاوُن,,रोकना, +N,A sentence should always end with a full stop.,stop,نُقتہٕ،وَقفہٕ,,विराम, +N,I keep my storage in the cupboard.,storage,ذٔخیٖرٕ,,संग्रहण, +N,There is storage of grains in the godown.,storage,ذٔخیٖرٕ,,माल_की_रखावाई, +N,We have a storage of world`s encyclopaedia in our computer.,storage,جَمع,,जानकारी_का_संग्रह_करना, +N,We don`t have storage at home.,storage,گُدام,,गोदाम, +N,We keep things in a store.,store,سٹور،گٔنٛجیٖنہٕ,,स्टोर, +N,Good store of food is required in every house.,store,ذٔخیٖرٕ,,संचित_माल, +N,Benetlon has a good store of clothes.,store,جمَع،اَمبار,,भंड़ार, +N,There are several cosmetic stores in a city market.,store,دُکان,,दुकान, +V,Store the vegetables in an airtight container.,store,بَنٛد تھاوُن,,संचित_करना, +N,R.B. complex consists of seven storeys.,storey,پور,,मंज़िल, +N,The storm destroyed many villages.,storm,طوُفان،واو,,आँधी, +V,The troops stormed into the city.,storm,حَملہٕ کَرُن,,हमला_करना, +N,My father used to tell me bed-time stories.,story,دٔلیٖل،پاچَھہہ کَتھ,,कहानी, +N,The building has ten stories.,story,پور,,मंज़िल, +N,Rama put the pan on the stove.,stove,چُولہٕ،دان,,चूल्हा, +Adj,She went straight from the school to house.,straight,سیٚود,,सीधा, +V,I damaged the front bumper of my car and had to get it straightened.,straighten,سیٚود کَرُن,,सीधा_करना, +V,I had to strain myself to listen to her as she spoke in a very low voice.,strain,پوٗرٕ طاقَت لَگاوُن،پوٗرٕ کَن دیُن,,पूरी_शक्ति_लगाकर_देखना/सुनना, +V,During the last match he strained a foot muscle.,strain,وُتُن گَژُھن,,नस_खिंच_जाना, +V,The dispute has strained the relationship between the two families.,strain,دوٗرٮ۪ر گَژُھن،خَراب تعلُقات گَژٕھنۍ,,तनाव_आना, +V,Strain water from the boiled noodles before adding the vegetables.,strain,چھانُن،پھیانُن,,छानना, +N,It is rather hard to live with the strains of modern life.,strain,تَنازٕ,,तनाव{खिंचाव}, +N,He has a neck strain.,strain,رَگہِ پٮ۪ٹھ رَگ,,नस_खिंच_जाना, +N,She gave her speech in a cheerful strain.,strain,لہجہٕ،طٔریقہٕ,,बोलने या लिखने का लहजा या शैली, +N,I could hear the strains of the drums.,strain,ڈولٕچ آواز,,लय{अंश}, +N,A strain of madness runs in the family.,strain,خٲصِیَت,,प्रवृत्ति{अंश}, +N,He is from noble strain.,strain,خانٛدان,,वंश, +N,Now there are strains of mosquitoes which are resistant to normal pesticides.,strain,نَسٕل,,नसल, +Adj,Whatever she said was very strange.,strange,عٔجیٖب,,विचित्र/अनोखा, +Adj,Everybody makes fun of Hari as he wears strange clothes.,strange,عٔجیٖب و غٔریٖب، بَدلٕے,,अनोखा, +N,He is a stranger.,stranger,پَردیسی,,अजनबी, +N,Children should not talk to strangers.,stranger,اَجنٔبی,,अपरिचित_व्यक्ति, +Adj,His strategic knowledge is excellent.,strategic,۔۔۔,,युद्ध_कौशल_सम्बन्धी, +N,Straw is the main component of the roof of mud huts.,straw,کوٚم,,भूसा, +N,She likes to drink milk by straw.,straw,پایِپ,,तरल_पदार्थ_को_पीने_के_लिए_नली, +Adj,I think it is a stray dog.,stray,لاوٲرِس,,बेघर, +V,Bad company strayed him from the path of honesty.,stray,ڈالُن,,भटक_जाना, +N,Hilly areas are full of natural streams.,stream,نالہٕ,,जलधारा/स्रोता, +N,Students of commerce stream have large job opportunities.,stream,شاخ,,शाखा, +V,Sweat was streaming out of his body.,stream,یُن،نیرُن,,धारा_रूप_में_बहना, +N,Orphan children are mostly found on streets.,street,سَڑَک,,सड़क, +N,Subhash Chandra Bose possessed great strength of character.,strength,قُوَت،طاقَت,,बल/ताकत, +N,Pallavi`s strength is her command on language.,strength,طاقَت,,गुण/क्षमता, +N,The strength of class 8th is 70.,strength,تعداد,,कुल_संख्या, +V,Regular exercise is required to strengthen the muscles.,strengthen,طاقَت بَڑاوُن,,शक्ति_बढ़ना, +N,My teacher lays great stress on punctuality.,stress,زور,,बलाघात, +N,She put stress on the need of extra security in the border areas.,stress,زور,,बल, +N,"Due to long working hours, Ramu is always under stress.",stress,دَباو,,दबाव, +V,India should stress more on providing employment.,stress,زور دیُن,,बल_देना, +V,Stretch the rubber band to make it loose.,stretch,لَمُن،لٔمِتھ زیٹھراوُن,,खींचकर_बढ़ाना/ताना_जाना, +V,Sita stretched the rope tightly.,stretch,لَمُن,,ज़ोर_से_खींचना, +V,After walking we usually stretch our body.,stretch,کاڑ کَڑُن,,अंगड़ाई_लेना, +N,Physics is my favourite subject.,subject,موضوٗع,,विषय, +N,`He` is the subject in the sentence`He is going`.,subject,۔۔۔,,कर्ता, +N,The king treated his subjects well.,subject,عَوام,,प्रजा, +Adj,I don`t believe in subjective judgements.,subjective,۔۔۔,,व्यक्तिपरक, +Adj,Scientists generally use submarine to go under water to know some facts.,submarine,آبَس أنٛدٕرۍ جہازٕ،سَب مٔریٖن,,पनडुब्बी, +V,He submerged in the sea.,submerge,گۄتہٕ دیُن,,ड़ुबकी_लगाना, +V,They submitted the copies to the teacher.,submit,جمع کَرُن,,जमा_कर्ना, +V,They submitted the copies to the teacher.,submit,حوالہٕ کرُن,,सामने_रखना, +Adj,The first and all subsequent meetings gave a lot of help.,subsequent,باقٕے،اَمِہ پَتٕچہِ,,बाद_वाला, +Adj,The first and all subsequent meetings gave a lot of help.,subsequent,باقٕے،اَمِہ پَتٕچہِ,,के_बादवाला, +V,Gradually my headache began to subside.,subside,کَم گَژُھن,,कम_होना, +V,The flood water gradually subsided.,subside,واپَس وَسُن,,उतर_जाना, +V,Gradually my headache began to subside.,subside,کَم گَژُھن,,कम_हो_जाना, +V,The flood water gradually subsided.,subside,کَم گَژھُن,,घटना, +Adj,All other issues are subsidiary in front of our country`s problems.,subsidiary,غیر ضروٗری,,गौण, +Adj,All other issues are subsidiary in front of our country`s problems.,subsidiary,غیر ضروٗری,,गौण, +V,The college subsidised the fees for the students.,subsidise,اِمداد دیُن،مٲلی اِمداد دیُن,,आर्थिक_सहायता_देना, +V,Amar subsidized Kamal.,subsidize,اِمداد دیُن،اَتھہٕ روٚٹ کَرُن,,आर्थिक_सहायता_देना, +N,Agricultural subsidies reduces the level of subsidy.,subsidy,مٲلی اِمداد,,आर्थिक_सहायता, +N,We can find all types of substances in houses.,substance,چیٖز,,वस्तु, +N,Some black substance was coming out of the engine.,substance,چیٖز,,द्रव्य, +N,There was not much substance in what he said.,substance,مَطلَب،معنی,,अर्थ, +Adj,There was substantial improvement in his health.,substantial,کٲفی,,भरपूर, +Adj,There was substantial improvement in his health.,substantial,کٲفی,,अच्छी_मात्रा_में, +Adv,He helped him substantially in adversities.,substantially,جان پٲٹھۍ,,भरपूर_रूप_से, +N,There is no substitute for our parents.,substitute,بَدَل,,स्थानाप्पन, +N,There is no substitute for our parents.,substitute,مُقابَل,,प्रतिनिधि, +N,There is no substitute for our parents.,substitute,مُقابَل,,स्थानापन्न_व्यक्ति, +N,The plant grows well in any substrate.,substrate,بٔنِم حِصہٕ,,नीचे_का_स्तर, +Adj,Her mind is very subtle.,subtle,حَساس،جان,,सूक्ष्म, +V,Depreciation is subtracted from GNP (ie GNP depreciation )? to get NNP.,subtract,کَم کَرُن,,घटाना, +N,Suburb of Meerut is polluting at a very fast rate.,suburb,اوٚنٛد پوٚک,,उपनगर, +Adj,We can get fresh vegetables in the suburban markets.,suburban,نیٖم شہر,,उपनगरीय, +N,The subversion of the army by the enemy was stopped.,subversion,تَبٲہی,,उलट_देने_की_क्रिया, +V,She succeeded in her exams.,succeed,کامیاب گَژُھن,,सफलता_पा, +V,She`s absolutely determined to succeed in life.,succeed,کامیٲبی حٲصِل کَرٕنۍ,,सफलता_पाना, +N,He`s hoping to make a success in the business.,success,کامیٲبی,,सफ़लत, +Adj,My final attempt to fix it was successful.,successful,کامِیاب,,सफ़ल/कामयाब, +Adv,They have finished the project successfully.,successfully,کامِیٲبی سان,,सफलतापूर्वक, +N,Who is first in the line of succession to the throne?,succession,۔۔۔,,उत्तराधिकार, +N,Who is the successor of this house?,successor,وٲرِس,,वारिस, +V,The city succumbed after only a short siege.,succumb,ہَرُن،ۂرِتھ گَژھُن,,परास्त_होना, +V,The driver later succumbed to his injuries.,succumb,مَرُن,,मरना, +Pron,I don`t have such a good friend.,such,تیُتھ,,ऐसा, +Det,Have you seen such a movie?,such,تِژھ,,ऐसा, +Adj,Many such cases are reported everyday.,such,یِتھۍ ہِوۍ,,ऐसा, +Adj,Such is the case with you.,such,تِتھَے کٔنۍ,,वैसा-ही, +V,Mosquitoes suck blood from human body.,suck,ژٕہُن,,चूसना, +Adj,"All of a sudden, the front tyre bursted.",sudden,اَچا نَک,,अचानक, +Adv,She came here suddenly.,suddenly,اَچانَک,,अचानक, +V,She`s suing for a divorce.,sue,مُقدِمہٕ کَرُن,,किसी_पर_मुकदमा_कायम_करना, +V,She`s suing for a peace.,sue,دَرخواست کَرُن,,किसी_से_निवेदन, +V,She is suffering from jaundice.,suffer,ہٮ۪نہٕ یُن,,दुख_झेलना, +V,She is suffering from jaundice.,suffer,ہٮ۪نہٕ یُن,,सहना, +Adj,This food is sufficient for me and for my friends.,sufficient,سٮ۪ٹھاہ،کٲفی,,पर्याप्त, +Adv,He was not sufficiently dressed for the occasion.,sufficiently,صحیح پٲٹھۍ,,पर्याप्त_रूप_से, +N,How much sugar do you like in your coffee?,sugar,کھَنٛڑ،مٔدریر,,चीनी, +V,I suggest a tour to the museum.,suggest,تَجویٖز دِنۍ,,प्रस्ताव_रखना, +N,He gave me a good suggestion.,suggestion,صَلاح،مَشوَرٕ,,सुझाव, +N,He commited suicide due to lack of money.,suicide,کَرُن,,आत्महत्या, +V,Bombay`s climate doesn`t suit me well.,suit,راس یُن،وَیُن,,सुविधाजनक_होना, +V,That colour doesn`t suit your complexion.,suit,سَجُن,,अनुकूल_होना, +N,This suit is not suited for me.,suit,جورٕ،سوٗٹ,,सूट, +N,"The suits are spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs.",suit,تاسٕکۍ رَنٛگ,,रग, +Adj,I found Appu Ghar as the suitable place for a picnic.,suitable,صحیح،موزون,,सही/सुविधाजनक, +N,I packed all my suitacases before supper.,suitcase,سوٗٹ کیس,,सूट्केस, +N,The deluxe suite consisted of a bedroom and a bathroom.,suite,ہۄٹلُک کَمرٕ,,होटल_का_कमरा, +N,Sum of 3 and 4 is seven.,sum,جَمع,,योग, +N,Give me the summary of the poem.,summary,خُلاسہٕ,,सारांश, +Adj,We planned to go to Shimla in summer vacation.,summer,رٮ۪تہٕ کول,,ग्रीष्म, +V,Mirabai was summoned to appear before Rana.,summon,سَمَن واتٕنۍ,,पुकारना, +V,The court summoned the culprit to confess.,summon,سَمن جٲری کَرٕنۍ,,_समन_भेजना, +N,Sun is the main source of energy.,sun,آفتاب,,सूर्य, +V,She sung so beautiful yesterday that everyone was enchanted by her melodious voice.,sung,گیوٚو,,गाया, +N,"When I opened the window, sunlight spread all over my room.",sunlight,تاپھ,,धूप, +N,Dusk is known as sunset.,sunset,غٔروبِ آفتاب،آفتاب لوسُن,,सूर्यास्त, +Adj,Steffigraph is superb tennis player.,superb,شانٛدار,,उत्कृष्ट, +N,Mr. John is a superintendent.,superintendent,سُپراِنٹینڑَینٛٹ,,एक_पुलीस_अधिकारी, +Adj,A captain is superior to a lieutenant in the army.,superior,تَھدِ پایہِ,,वरिष्ठ, +Adj,The quality of wheat from the northern region is superior.,superior,اَوَل دَرجُک,,श्रेष्ठ, +N,Be respectful to your superiors.,superior,تَھدِ پایِکۍ نَفَر,,बड़े_लोग, +N,The new party proved its superiority over the old one.,superiority,بَرتٔری,,वरिष्ठता, +Adj,Ghosts are suspernatural creatures.,supernatural,مافَو قُ اُلفِطرَتی,,लोकातीत/अलौकक, +N,We should never believe in supernatural.,supernatural,ما فَو قُ الفِطرَت,,लोकातीत/अलौकक, +N,Some people cannot be trusted to work without supervision.,supervision,نِگرٲنی,,पर्यवेक्षण, +N,We take some light eatables and drinks for supper.,supper,شامُک بَتہٕ،کال,,रात्रि_भोजन, +Adj,He has a supple body.,supple,نَرٕم,,लचीला, +N,This project work provides a useful supplement to my ordinary income.,supplement,اِضافہٕ,,संपूरक/परिशिष्ट, +V,I supplement my income by working in the Restaurant in the evening.,supplement,اِضافہٕ کَرُن,,परिपूर्ण_करना, +V,The baker supplied bread to the flood victims.,supply,مٔہیا کَرُن,,सप्लाई_करना, +N,The supply of blood to the heart should be good.,supply,سَپلاے,,सप्लाई, +V,He supported his friend in his difficulties.,support,ڈَکھ کَرُن,,सहारा_देना, +V,He supported his family.,support,پالُن,,भरण_पोषण_करना, +N,I need your support.,support,سٕہارٕ،مَدَد,,सहारा, +N,He was their only means of support.,support,ڈَکھ،مَدَدگار,,आधार/सहारा, +V,I can`t suppose so.,suppose,مانُن,,मान_लेना, +V,Suppress your fear and go on with your work.,suppress,دَباوُن،خَتم کَرُن,,दबाना/दमन_करना, +Adj,He filled a petition for his case in the Supreme Court.,supreme,اعلیٰ,,सर्वोच्च, +N,In our country every tax has a surcharge.,surcharge,مٔزیٖد رَقَم,,अधिभार, +Adj,I am sure that Neha will pass in the examination.,sure,پوٗرٕ یٔقیٖن،پَژھ,,निस्संशय, +Adv,I surely believe that she will go for the party.,surely,یٔقیٖنہٕ سان,,निश्चित_रूप_से, +N,The surface of land is fertile.,surface,سَطَح,,ऊपरी_तल, +V,Geetika worked so hard that she surpassed Neha.,surpass,برٛونٛہہ نیرُن,,आगे_निकल_ज़ाना, +N,The company is producing large food surpluses.,surplus,اعلاوٕ،ضرورَت کھۄتہٕ زیادٕ,,अधिशेष/बढ़ती, +Adj,Farmers store the grains so that it should be surplus.,surplus,زیادٕ،ؤفوٗر,,अतिरिक्त, +N,Isn`t it a surprise?,surprise,حیرَت,,आश्चर्य, +V,He surprised everyone by his behaviour at the party.,surprise,حیرَت گَژھٕنۍ،تعجُب گَژُھن,,आश्चर्यचकित_करना, +Adj,Tajmahal is very surprising.,surprising,حیرَت ناک،حیرت اَنٛگیز,,आश्चर्यजनक, +Adv,Surprisingly no one came for the party.,surprisingly,حٲرتَن،حٲرٲنی سان,,आश्चर्यजनक_रूप_से, +V,We shall never surrender.,surrender,ۂتھِیار ترٛاوٕنۍ,,आत्मसमर्पण_करना, +N,He signed a treaty of surrender.,surrender,سَرینڈَر,,आत्मसमर्पण, +V,Police has surrounded the criminal`s house.,surround,گیرٕ کَرُن,,चारों_ओर_से_घेरना, +N,There is a fire place with a tiled surround.,surround,اَنٛد,,किनारा, +N,We went there for survey.,survey,پرٛژھٕج،پرٛژھہٕ گٲر,,जाँच, +V,Police had surveyed about the thief.,survey,جانٛچ پَڑتال کَرُن،پوٗچھ تاچھ کَرُن،پرٛژھہٕ گٲر کَرٕنۍ,,जाँचना/निरीक्षण_करना, +V,He is going to survey the plot of land.,survey,چھان بیٖن کَرٕنۍ,,सर्वेक्षण_करना, +V,He survived for a long time after an accident.,survive,زِندٕ روزُن،حالَے حَیات آسُن,,जीवित_रहना, +Adj,Two suspects ran away after seeing the police.,suspect,شَکاوَر,,सन्देहयुक्त_मनुष्य, +V,Police suspects Ram to be seen with the robbers.,suspect,شَک کَرُن,,सन्देह_करना, +V,He was suspended from his job for misconduct towards his superior.,suspend,مُعَطل کَرُن ،سَسپینٛڑ کَرُن،کٔڑِتھ ژھٕنُن,,निलम्बित_करना, +V,Police has suspended the case.,suspend,بَنٛد کَرُن,,स्थगित_करना, +N,He was arrested on suspicion.,suspicion,شَک,,शक, +V,Water sustains our life.,sustain,زِنٛدٕ تھاوُن,,जीवित_रखना, +V,The author has sustained his argument throughout the chapter.,sustain,قٲیِم تھاوُن,,निर्वाह_करना, +V,Snakes swallow their prey.,swallow,نٮ۪نٛگلاوُن,,निगलना, +V,"He flatters her outrageously, and she swallows it whole.",swallow,أچھۍ بَنٛد کٔرِتھ یٔقیٖن کَرُن,,आँख_मूँदकर_विश्वास_करना, +V,The air craft was swallowed in the clouds.,swallow,غٲب گَژُھن,,समा_लेना, +V,The cost of the trail swallowed up all their savings.,swallow,مۄکلاوُن,,समाप्त_करना, +N,A lone swallow sat on the tree stump.,swallow,اَبابیٖل،کٔتِج,,अबाबील, +N,She slipped in the swamp.,swamp,دَل دَل،لٮ۪مب,,दलदल, +V,"He didn`t tell me anything, I swear.",swear,قَسَم کھیوٚن,,कसम_खा, +V,She bumped her head in the door way and swore loudly.,swear,لٮ۪کہٕ کَڑنہِ,,गाली_बकना, +V,Soldiers swear by the nation`s safety while joining the army.,swear,قَسَم ہیوٚن,,शपथ_लेना, +N,He was covered in sweat after playing.,sweat,عٲرق,,पसीना, +V,"When I saw the exam paper, I started sweating.",sweat,عٲرَق یُن,,पसीना_निकलना, +N,We wear sweaters in winter.,sweater,بٔنیان,,जर्सी, +N,He is a chimney sweep.,sweep,بُکھٲرۍ صاف کَرَن وول,,चिमनी साफ करने वाला, +V,I sweep my room everyday.,sweep,صَفٲیی کَرٕنۍ,,सफ़ाई_करना, +Adj,Grapes are sweet at this time of the year.,sweet,موٚدُر ،میوٗٹھ،مَزٕدار,,मीठा, +Adj,She has a sweet voice.,sweet,میٖٹھ,,मधुर, +Adj,The garden air was sweet with the scent of tube roses.,sweet,خۄش نُما، اَصٕل,,भीनी, +Adj,"Once you enter the countryside, you can smell the pollution free sweet air.",sweet,تازٕ,,ताज़ा, +N,They distributed sweets on the festival.,sweet,مِٹھٲے,,मिठाई, +Adj,It is sweet in taste.,sweet,میوٗٹھ،اَصٕل,,मीठा, +N,Small kids always like sweets.,sweet,مِٹھٲے,,मिठाई, +V,His leg started to swell up.,swell,وَرٕم کھَسُن,,सूजना, +V,The group of onlookers soon swelled to a crowd.,swell,بَڑُن,,बढना, +V,Wet wood often swells.,swell,ہُنُن,,फूल_जाना, +Adj,He gave a swift response to my question.,swift,جلٕد،تیز,,तुरत/तेज़, +N,Swift can fly with rapid curving movements.,swift,کٔتِج,,बतासी{एक_पक्षी}, +Adv,He was driving swiftly.,swiftly,تیٖزی سان,,तेज़ी_से, +V,I like to swim.,swim,ژھرٛانٛٹ وایِنۍ,,तैरना, +N,He had a swim in the lake.,swim,ژھرٛانٛٹ,,तैराकी, +V,Most of the people swing their arms while walking.,swing,ہِلاوُن,,झूलना, +V,She was swinging in the garden.,swing,جوٗلہٕ سَوٲرۍ کھیٚنۍ,,झूलना, +V,A car swung sharply round the corner.,swing,نَژُُن,,घूमना, +N,Girls walk with slight swing.,swing,لَچَک,,झूम, +N,The children are playing on the swings.,swing,جوٗلہٕ,,झूला, +V,The dust is swirling in the streets.,swirl,وٕڑُن,,चक्कर_खाते_हुए_उड़ना, +N,How could I get out of this swirl?,swirl,مُصیٖبَت,,चक्कर, +N,Show me the switch of the light.,switch,سُچ,,स्विच, +V,I asked him to switch on the light.,switch,سُچ ترٛاوُن,,स्विच_दबाना, +V,Agriculture is switched to modern method.,switch,اَچانَک بَدلُن,,अचानक_बदलना, +N,Sword is a weapon which was used in battles in early times.,sword,شَمشیر،تَلوار,,तलवार, +N,White colour is a symbol of purity and serenity.,symbol,نِشٲنی,,निशान/प्रतीक, +N,Mg is the chemical symbol for magnesium.,symbol,نِشٲنی،عَلامَت,,संकेताक्षर, +Adj,The two ambassodors shook hands as a symbolic gesture of having resolved their differences.,symbolic,نِشٲنی,,प्रतीकात्मक, +V,Mahatma Gandhi symbolised India`s struggle for freedom.,symbolise,ہاوُن,,प्रतीक_द्वारा_प्रस्तुत_करना, +Adj,He was very sympathetic on the demise of her mother.,sympathetic,ہَمدَرٕد,,सहानुभूतिशील, +Adj,Mahesh is sympathetic.,sympathetic,ہَمدَرٕد،محبتی,,सहानुभूतिसूचक, +Adj,The devastation caused by earthquake was very sympathetic.,sympathetic,ہَمدَردانہٕ,,कारुणक, +N,Meeta has sympathy for animals.,sympathy,ہَمدَردی,,सहानुभूति, +N,A feeling (bond) of sympathy developed between the friends during their school days which continued throughout their life.,sympathy,بَرابٔری،یَکجوت,,मेल, +N,The orchestra at the night club was a symphony orchestra.,symphony,اَکہِ قٕسمُک ساز,,स्वरसंगति, +N,The sudden decrease in the body weight is a sure symptom of some disease.,symptom,عَلامَت,,रोगलक्षण, +N,The industrialists should not ignore the symptoms of discontent among the workers of the industry.,symptom,علامَت,,सूचक, +N,His poems are a synthesis of modern and traditional views.,synthesis,مُرَکب,,संश्लेषण, +N,It is difficult to handle education system.,system,نِظام,,व्यवस्था, +N,The railway system of the country is properly and efficiently laid out.,system,نِظام,,निकाय, +N,The alcohol is spoiling your system.,system,جِسٕم,,शरीर, +N,India has a democratic system of Govt.,system,نِظام,,वाद, +N,One must accept the traditional system.,system,نِظام,,पद्धति, +Adj,Rahul is very systematic in his studies.,systematic,باقٲیدٕ,,सुव्यवस्थित/क्रमबद्ध, +Adj,A systematic attempt to assassinate the president of the country was made by the terrorists.,systematic,باقٲیدٕ,,आयोजित, +N,Where is my table?,table,میز,,मेज़, +N,Don`t spread things on the table .,table,میز,,मेज, +N,You can see the table and check the prices.,table,ٹیبٕل,,सूची, +N,"He will go to the top of the league table, if he wins.",table,کِھلٲڑۍ سٕنٛز جاے,,प्रतियोगिता_में_खिलाडियो_का_स्थान, +N,Learn the table of three.,table,پہاڑٕ,,पहाडा, +VT,The minister will table the bill in the parliament on Monday.,table,پیش کَرُن,,प्रस्तावित_करना, +VT,He tackles the work efficiently.,tackle,کٲم کَرٕنۍ،کٲم أنٛزراوٕنۍ,,हाथ_में_लेना, +VT,He is no good at tackling.,tackle,۔۔۔,,फुटबाल_लेकर_दौडते_हुए_खिलाडी_को_पकडकर_रोक_लेना, +N,The player was brought to the ground with a tackle.,tackle,دَب (فُٹ بال یا ہاکی مَنٛز)۔,,धर_पकड{फुटबाल_या_हाकी_के_खेल_में}, +N,It is a fishing tackle.,tackle,گاڈٕ رَٹنٕچ بِسلٲے,,मछली_पकडने_का_उपकरण, +N,The tackle is ready to remove the goods from the anchored ship.,tackle,۔۔۔,,भारी_वस्तुओ_को_चढ़ाने_उतारने_का_यंत्र, +N,The coach taught all the tactics while playing the game.,tactic,۔۔۔,,युक्ति, +N,He adopted various tactics to win the race.,tactics,طٔریقہٕ,,दाँव_पेंच, +N,The tag of my shoe was lost.,tag,فیٖتہٕ,,फीते_की_घुण्डी, +N,The judge earned the tag of `Sir`.,tag,عُرُف,,उपनाम, +N,`Isn`t it?` is a tag question.,tag,ٹیگ,,आंशिक_प्रश्न, +VT,Tag the suitcase well with a knot.,tag,گَنٛڑُن,,बाँधना, +N,The monkey had an injury in the tail.,tail,لٔٹ,,पूँछ, +N,The tail of the comet is visible in the sky.,tail,پٔتِم حِصہٕ،لٔٹ,,पिछला_हिस्सा, +V,Please take this chocolate.,take,رَٹُن,,ले, +VI,He took the book from his friend.,take,رَٹُن,,लेना, +VI,Aurangazeb took his men and put them in prison.,take,گِرفتار کَرُن,,गिरफ्तार_करना, +VI,I will take up the job.,take,مانُن،رَٹُن,,स्वीकार_कर_लेना, +VI,The can takes 4 litres of water.,take,واتُن,,समाहित_करना, +N,I think she is taking drugs.,taking,کھٮ۪وان،چٮ۪وان,,लेता_हुआ_है_जो_वह, +N,Children like tales.,tale,دٔلیٖل،قٕصہٕ,,कहानी, +N,There were tales that the enemy will strike any moment.,tale,اَفوا,,अफवाह, +N,He is an orator of great talent.,talent,صَلٲحِیت,,प्रतिभा, +N,He is the new cricketing talent.,talent,قٲبِل,,प्रतिभाशाली_व्यक्ति, +N,Let`s have more work and less talk around here.,talk,کَتھ باتھ,,बातचीत, +N,There has been talk about you.,talk,کَتھ,,गपशप, +N,I attended an interesting talk on local history.,talk,بَحَث،کَتھ باتھ,,वाद-विवाद, +VT,We talked for a long time.,talk,کَتھ کَرٕنۍ,,बातचीत_करना, +VT,Children learn to talk faster.,talk,بولُن,,बोल_सकना, +Adj,He is a tall person.,tall,تھوٚد,,लम्बा, +N,The tally of the match is put up on the board.,tally,خاتہٕ,,लेखा, +N,The mathematics teacher taught tangent to the students.,tangent,ٹینجَنٛٹ,,स्पर्शरेखा, +Adj,The clerk had tangible evidence of his work.,tangible,واضِح,,वास्तवक, +Adj,He has a tangible skin.,tangible,اَصٕل,,स्पर्श_योग्य, +N,The artifacts in the museum are not tangible.,tangible,اَصلی,,स्पर्श_योग्य, +N,Water is released from the tank .,tank,ٹَنٛکی،خَزانہٕ،مٔٹ,,हौज, +N,Children were watching the tank in the museum.,tank,ٹینٛک،توپ,,तोप_से_सज्जित_इस्पाती_गाडी, +N,The water was dripping from the tap.,tap,نَلقہٕ,,नल, +N,Put a tap on his phone.,tap,ٹیپ,,टेलिफोन_में_गुप्त_सुनने_के_लिए_उपकरण, +VI,You have to tap the liquid carefully.,tap,کَڑُن,,टोंटी_से_तरल_पदार्थ_निकालना, +VI,He is tapping the rubber tree.,tap,رَس کَڑُن,,क्षार_निकालना, +VI,Minerals are to be tapped.,tap,کَڑٕنۍ,,निकालना, +VT,We have to tap the talent of the youth for their bright future.,tap,حٲصِل کَرُن,,निकालना, +V,He was tapping his fingers against the door.,tap,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن،کھَٹکھَٹاوُن,,खटखटा, +V,The milkman tapped the door.,tap,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن,,खटखटाना, +N,He used a piece of tape for a belt.,tape,فیٖتہٕ,,फीता, +N,The several recordings were combined on a master tape.,tape,آواز رِکارڑکَرٕنۍ,,आवाज_रेकार्ड_करने_की_पट्टी, +N,The athlete is nearing the tape.,tape,فیٖتہٕ,,दौड_समाप्ति_का_फीता, +V,Please tape the bundle.,tape,گَنٛڑُن,,फीते_से_बाँधना, +V,He taped his entire speech.,tape,رِکارڑ کَرُن,,अभिलेखन_करना, +N,One should place the target with aim.,target,نِشانہٕ,,निशाना, +N,Our target is to overthrow the enemies.,target,مَقصَد,,लक्ष्य, +N,Shyam finished the task which was assigned to him.,task,کٲم,,काम, +VT,I tasked him to look after the children.,task,کٲم دِنۍ,,नियत_काम_नियुक्त_करना, +N,The taste of goosebery is not so good.,taste,مَزٕ,,स्वाद, +N,Tim has a good taste for books.,taste,شوق،لَگاو,,रुचि, +N,He got a taste of life on the wild side.,taste,تَجرُبہٕ,,अनुभव, +VTI,Please taste this curry.,taste,مَزٕ وٕچھُن,,स्वाद_ले, +N,We have to pay tax regularly.,tax,ٹیکس,,टैक्स, +VT,His property was taxed.,tax,ٹیکس عٲیِد کَرُن،ٹیکس لاگُن,,कर_लगाना, +N,We took a taxi to go to the station.,taxi,ٹیکسی,,टैक्सी, +VTI,The pilot taxied the plane.,taxi,زٔمیٖنَس پٮ۪ٹھ چَلاوُن,,हवाई_जहाज़_को_ज़मीन_पर_चलाना, +N,He is a taxpayer.,taxpayer,ٹیکس اَدا کَرَن وول,,कर-दाता, +N,Green tea is good for health.,tea,چاے,,चाय, +N,We will have tea in the evening.,tea,چاے,,हल्का_नाश्ता_सहित, +VT,Ram taught me to drive the car .,teach,ہیٚچھناوُن,,सिखाना, +VT,The teacher taught maths to students.,teach,پَرناوُن,,शिक्षा_देना, +N,A teacher uses teaching aids to teach the children.,teacher,اُستاد,,शिक्षक, +N,Teaching is a good profession.,teaching,پَرناوُن,,शिक्षण, +N,The team is coming to play basket ball.,team,ٹیٖم,,टीम, +N,He is working with a team of foreign scientists.,team,جَماعت,,दल, +N,Tears started rolling down from his eyes when his mother died.,tear,اوٚش,,अश्रु, +VT,The tiger tore its prey.,tear,تٕرِٕپَچہِ کَرٕنہِ,,फाड़ना, +VT,The region was torn to conflicts.,tear,۔۔۔,,अशान्तिपूर्ण_होना, +Adj,There are many technical courses for students.,technical,تَکنیٖکی,,तकनीकी, +Adj,There are many technical terms in biology.,technical,تَکنیٖکی,,पारिभाषक, +Adj,The lawyer opened with a legal argument over a technical point.,technical,قونوٗنی,,कानूनी, +N,The doctors learn various techniques in medicine.,technique,تَکنیٖک,,तकनीक, +Adj,A major technological breakthrough has occured with the advent of the computers.,technological,تَکنِیٲتی,,तकनीकी_सम्बन्धी, +N,Technology brings comforts in life.,technology,تَکنیٖکی مہارَت,,प्रौद्योगिकी, +N,Telegraph is used by the defence frequently.,telegraph,تار,,तारयंत्र, +VT,He telegraphed all the details yesterday.,telegraph,تار سوزُن,,तार_से_समाचार_भेज, +N,Telephone is used for quick communication.,telephone,ٹیلِفون,,टेलीफ़ोन, +VT,He telephoned his friend to say that he would be late for the function.,telephone,ٹیلِفون کَرُن,,टेलीफोन_कर, +N,It is awe-inspiring to see the stars through a telescope.,telescope,دُربیٖن,,दूरबीन, +V,Tell me something about the movie.,tell,وَنُن,,बता, +VTI,He refused to tell the truth.,tell,وَنُن,,बताना, +VTI,The principal told the students about the seminar.,tell,آگاہ کَرُن،خَبَر دِنۍ,,सूचित_करना, +VTI,The age was beginning to tell on her face.,tell,بوزنہٕ یُن,,दिखने_लगना, +Adj,"In the exhibition, his was a telling painting among other posters.",telling,اَثَردار,,प्रभाव_पूर्ण, +N,He lost his temper when the dual started.,temper,۔۔۔,,मनोदशा, +VT,Steel is tempered by constant heating in the fire.,temper,نَرٕم بَناوُن,,लचीला_बनाना{धातु_इत्यादि_को}, +VT,His punishment was tempered by pardon.,temper,کَم کَرُن,,कम_करना, +N,The temperature varies every day.,temperature,دَرجہٕ حَرارَت,,तापमान, +N,Temples in South India have beautiful architecture.,temple,مٔندِر,,मंदिर, +N,The veins in his temple throbbed.,temple,مٮ۪نٛگہٕ,,कनपटी, +Adv,He worked temporarily in the tea plantation.,temporarily,عارضی,,थोड़े_दिन, +Adj,He has a temporary job.,temporary,عارضی,,अल्पकालक, +Det,It is a ten gallon barrel.,ten,دَہ,,दस, +N,It is a ten gallon barrel.,ten,دَہ,,दस, +N,They are ten in number.,ten,دَہ,,दस, +Art,Ten members are invited for the party.,ten,دَہ,,दस, +Adj,I have ten friends.,ten,دَہ,,दस, +V,The doctor is tending the injured.,tend,تیماردٲری کَرٕنۍ,,देखभाल_करना, +VTI,The cyclone tends to advance in the eastern direction.,tend,طَرفہ ٕگَژُھن,,प्रवृत्त_होना, +N,She has a tendency to skip the breakfast.,tendency,رُجحان,,प्रवृति, +Adj,A baby has tender skin.,tender,نَرٕم,,कोमल, +N,The company has sent tender.,tender,ٹینڑر,,निविदा, +N,Have you seen a tender?,tender,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ گٲڑۍ,,ईंधन_गाडी, +VT,The Company has tenderered application for the construction of the school building.,tender,پیش کَرُن,,पेश_करना{निविदा}, +N,He plays tennis everyday.,tennis,ٹینِس,,टेनिस[एक_प्रकार_का_खेल], +Adj,The ship is anchored with a tense rope.,tense,سَخٕت،چیٖرٕ,,कसा_हुआ, +Adj,He was in a tense mood.,tense,پَریشان,,तनावपूर्ण, +N,The verb in the following sentence is in the past tense `He laughed loudly`.,tense,زَمانہٕ,,काल{क्रिया_का}, +N,There was tension in the area after the riots.,tension,تَناو،مَخمَس,,तनाव, +N,There is tension on my leg muscles.,tension,دَباو،لَمُن,,दबाव, +N,Watch out for tension cables.,tension,ٹینشن,,विद्युत्_शक्ति, +N,A tent has to be pitched for the function.,tent,خۭمہٕ,,तम्बू, +VTI,He tented the tarpaulin on the river bank.,tent,خۭمہٕ دیُن,,डेरा_लगा, +Adj,He made a tentative statement in the assembly.,tentative,سَرسٔری,,बिना पर्ण निशचय के साथ कहा गया, +N,He agreed to work under certain terms.,term,شَرٕت,,अवधि[शर्त], +N,The teacher completed the portions in the first term.,term,۔۔۔,,अवधि, +N,My job is good in terms of salary.,term,لِحاظہٕ،معاملہٕ,,किसी के आधार पर, +N,A baby was born at full term.,term,مُقَرَر وَقت,,निश्चित_काल, +V,He has often been termed a perfectionist.,term,وَننہٕ یُن,,कहलाना, +VTI,The attender was terminated from the service.,terminate,بَرخاست کَرُن،کَڑُن,,समाप्त_करना, +Adj,He saw a terrible accident.,terrible,خوف ناک,,भयानक, +Adv,The villagers were attacked terribly by the dacoits.,terribly,سَختی سان،خوف ناک پٲٹھۍ,,भयानकता_से, +Adj,Territorial conflicts arise between the two countries.,territorial,عَلاقٲیی,,देशीय, +N,Every nation has to protect its territory.,territory,علاقہٕ,,क्षेत्र, +N,He was the terror of the neighbourhood.,terror,دَہشت،خوف,,आतंक/भय, +N,His neighbours are absolute terrors.,terror,دَہشت پَسَنٛد,,उपद्रवी, +N,The space programme was a test for our abilities.,test,اِمتِحان،آزمٲیِش,,परीक्षा, +VT,Mohan was tested and interviewed for the officer`s post.,test,اِمتِحان ہیوٚن,,जाँच_करना, +N,This is a testament from the bible.,testament,عہد نامہٕ,,विधान, +N,His promotion is a testimony for his abilities.,testimony,ثٔبوٗت,,प्रमाण, +N,The text of the book is in a narrative style.,text,سَبَق,,पाठ, +N,The preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon.,text,۔۔۔,,विषय_वाक्य, +N,There are many textile mills in Ahmedabad.,textile,کَپُر,,कपडा, +N,The exported garments have fine texture.,texture,بَناوَٹ,,बुनावट, +Prep,She is more beautiful than her sister.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,से, +Prep,I am taller than my friend.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,की~तुलना~में, +Conj,She got a better position this year than last year.,than,نِشہٕ,,से, +Conj,She got a better position this year than last year.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,से अधक, +Prep,Ram is taller than his sister.,than,کھۄتہٕ,,से[तुलना_में], +VT,I thanked him for his help.,thank,شُکرِیاکَرُن,,धन्यवाद_देना, +N,He expressed thanks to the guests.,thanks,شُکرِیا,,धन्यवाद, +Det,Look at that girl.,that,ہۄ,,वह[निर्धारक_अर्थ_में], +Det,That is the girl whom I love.,that,ہۄ,,वही, +Adv,It wasn`t that cold there.,that,تیوٗت,,उतना, +Conj,She said that she cannot write the exam.,that,زِ،کہِ,,Meaning_Hindi::1::ि, +Pron,That`s a beautiful garden.,that,سُہ,,वह, +Pron,The garden that is beautiful is mine.,that,یُس,,जो, +Rel Pron,The watch that you gave me is very handy.,that,یۄسہٕ,,जो/जिसे, +Art,This is the picture which we saw yesterday.,the,سۄ,,वह, +N,We went to the theatre to see a movie.,theatre,تھیٹَر,,रंगशाला, +Pron,"I call thee, Oh man! you are the protector.",thee,تٔمِس,,तुमको, +Pron,This is their house.,their,تِہُنٛد,,उनका, +Det,It is their shop.,their,تِمَن ہُنٛد,,उनका[इनका], +PossPron,Theirs is the daughter who is always first in class.,theirs,تِہٕنٛز,,उनका, +Pron,I told them that I am not coming to the show.,them,تِمَن,,उन, +N,My friend chose a good theme for her story.,theme,موضوٗع,,विषय, +Pron,They have purchased this cottage for themselves.,themselves,پانَس,,स्वयं, +Refl Pron,They have to blame themselves for the mess.,themselves,پننِس پانَس،پٲنۍ پانَس,,स्वयं, +Adj,I wanted to work there but my then wife didn`t allow me.,then,تَمہِ وَقتُک،تَمہِ وَقتٕچ,,तब का, +Adv,We were living in Holland then.,then,تَمہِ وِزِ,,तब, +Adv,Finish your work and then you play.,then,پَتہٕ,,तत्पश्चात, +Adj,There are theological books written by great philosophers.,theological,دیٖنِیٲتی,,आध्यात्मविद्या_सम्बन्धी, +N,There is a course in theology in our University.,theology,دیٖنِیات,,ब्रह्मविद्या, +N,The teacher taught a new theorem in Geometry.,theorem,کُلِیہَ،تھیوٚرَم,,प्रमेय, +Adj,Quantum theory is a theoretical subject.,theoretical,نَظرِیٲتی,,सैद्धान्तक, +Adj,I like to read theoritical books.,theoretical,نَظرِیٲتی,,मीमांसात्मक, +N,Experiment is supported by theory.,theory,۔۔۔,,सिद्धांत, +N,The therapist comes to the clinic everyday.,therapist,تٔھرپی ترٛاوَن وول,,उपचार_निर्धारक, +Adv,He went there in the morning.,there,تور,,वहाँ, +Adv,He went there in the morning.,there,توٚتَتھ,,वहाँ_पर, +Adv,There goes the last bus.,there,ہوٚ کیاہ,,वह{क्रिया_शब्दों_के_साथ_बल_देने_के_लिए}, +Interj,There you are! You will make it.,there,وُچھتہٕ,,���ो-देखो{प्रोत्साहन/परेशान_करना}, +Adv,Second world war ended in 1948 and thereafter U.N came into power.,thereafter,تَمہِ پَتہٕ,,उसके_बाद, +Adv,He paid cheque thereby avoiding any problems in the dealings.,thereby,تاکہِ,,उससे, +Adv,Raju has to go to school today therefore he cannot watch the cricket match.,therefore,تَمِہ کِنۍ,,अत, +Adv,"I need all the papers, together with the copies thereof.",thereof,تِمَن ہٕنٛزٕ,,इसका/उसका, +Adj,You must wear thermal stockings in this cold weather.,thermal,گَرٕم,,गर्मी_सम्बन्धी, +Det,Take these books and place them on the table.,these,یِم,,ये, +Det,These books are for my sister.,these,یِمہٕ,,ये, +Det,They are the men who are needed for this work.,they,یِمَے,,येही, +Pron,They went for a pilgrimage to Badrinath.,they,تِم,,वे, +Adj,It is a thick pencil.,thick,موٚٹ,,मोटा, +Adj,Don`t go in the thick forest lest you get lost.,thick,گوٚن,,घना, +Adj,It is a thick soup.,thick,موٚٹ,,गाढा, +Adv,"Children were playing with the snow balls, lying thick on the ground.",thick,لَگاتار,,लगातार, +N,We were in the thick of the talk.,thick,۔۔۔,,मध्य_में, +N,The tailor stitched the lining for the coat to give extra thickness.,thickness,مۄچَر,,मोटाई, +N,The thief ransacked their house.,thief,ژوٗر,,चोर, +Adj,The artist gave a thin coat of colour to his painting.,thin,توٚن،ہلَکہٕ,,पतला, +Adj,He is thin and emaciated.,thin,کَمزور،نیُک,,दुबला_पतला, +Adj,We heard a thin feeble cry.,thin,لوٚت,,क्षीण, +Adj,Air is thin at high altitudes.,thin,۔۔۔,,विरल, +Adj,She has a thin beard.,thin,کَم,,कम, +VI,He has thinned down a lot.,thin,نیُک گَژُھن,,पतला_होना, +VT,The silver foil is thinned by thrashing constantly.,thin,تٔنِراوُن,,पतला_या_कम_करना, +N,What is that thing moving there?,thing,چیٖز,,वस्तु, +N,He is interested in doing all the things.,thing,چیٖز،کٲم,,कार्य, +N,Don`t forget your things here.,thing,سامان,,सामान, +N,A terrible thing happened there.,thing,واقع,,घटना, +VTI,Think before you act.,think,سونٛچُن,,सोच, +VTI,Just think-you could be rich one day.,think,خَیال کَرُن,,कल्पना_करना, +VTI,I think it is not good.,think,سونٛچُن,,मनन_करना, +N,My way of thinking is totally different.,thinking,سونٛچ,,विचार_करने_की_क्रिया, +Adj,She got third position in the debate.,third,ترٛیٚیِم,,तीसरा, +Art,She is on third number.,third,ترٛیٚیِم,,तीसरा, +Det,He became professor at the age of thirty.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, +N,She is thirteen.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, +N,Thirty is my lucky number.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, +Art,Thirty people are coming for the lunch.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, +Adj,I have thirty workers in my office.,thirty,ترٕٛہ,,तीस, +Pron,Give this book to Ram.,this,یہِ,,यह, +Det,This book is for John.,this,یہِ,,यह[इस`], +Det,This book is for Ram.,this,یہِ,,यह, +Det,This is the book which Ram needs.,this,یِہے,,यही, +Adv,The plant is about this much high.,this,یوٗت,,इतना, +Adj,Doing this work is thorough waste of time.,thorough,پوٗرٕ,,पूरा, +Adj,Our accountant is thorough in the accounts.,thorough,ہوشِیار،خَبَردار,,अतिसावधान, +det,Those were the days which we spent in college.,those,تِم,,वे, +Det,Those roses are bewitching.,those,ہُم,,वेही, +Pron,Those are my books.,those,ہُم,,वे, +Pron,`Thou shall act in the drama` said Oliver.,thou,ژٕ,,तू, +Conj,"Though she was sick, she finished the task.",though,حالانٛکہِ,,यद्यपि, +Adv,Our team lagged behind. It was a good team though.,though,حالانٛکہِ,,यद्यपि, +N,The thought of resigning the job never struck him.,thought,خَیال,,विचार, +N,There are different principles of thought in Buddhism.,thought,نَظرِیات,,मत, +Adv,The decision was made thoughtfully.,thoughtfully,ہوش مٔنٛدی سان,,विचारपूर्वक, +Det,Thousand people were watching movie in the cinema.,thousand,ساس,,हज़ार, +Det,I paid ten thousand rupees for my flight.,thousand,ساس,,हजार, +VT,Tom was thrashed by his master for not earning a penny.,thrash,مار دیُن,,पीट, +VT,Indian team was thrashed by the West Indian team.,thrash,شِکَس دِنۍ,,[अनौपचारिक]पराजित_करना, +N,We will have a thrash after the exams.,thrash,شوٚغلہٕ,,संगीत_के_साथ_पार्टी, +N,Use the thread for stitching your frock.,thread,پَن,,डोरा, +N,The marble on the floor has fine threads of green.,thread,رِکھ,,धारी, +N,"After controlling the disturbance in the House, the Speaker tried to gather the threads of discussion.",thread,سِلسِلہٕ,,धारा, +N,The screw has lost all its threads.,thread,چوٗرِ,,चूल, +VT,Would you please thread the needle for me?,thread,سٕژنہِ پَن تارُن,,पिरोना, +N,Earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan.,threat,دمکی، ڈَر، خوف,,धमकी, +N,They were under threat of arrest.,threat,اَنٛدیٚشہٕ,,आशंका, +N,Pollution is a threat to the health of the future generations.,threat,خَطرٕ,,खतरा, +VT,The servant threatened his master for not paying him his salary.,threaten,دمکاوُن,,धमकाना, +VT,The clouds threaten rain.,threaten,اَنٛدیٚشہٕ دیُن,,चेताना, +Det,Please give me three bananas.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, +N,Please give me three bananas.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, +N,She is only three.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, +Art,Three members were not present in the party.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, +Adj,I have three children.,three,ترٛے,,तीन, +N,All the doors have wooden thresholds.,threshold,داسہٕ,,देहलीज, +N,He is only at the threshold of his career in music.,threshold,اِبتِدا،آغاز,,प्रारम्भ, +N,He has reached the threshold of his patience.,threshold,حَد,,सीमा, +N,Watching horror films gives him the thrills.,thrill,خوشی،لُطُف,,रोमांच, +VTI,The train ride thrilled the children.,thrill,خۄش کَرُن,,रोमांचित_करना, +N,I have to show my throat to the doctor.,throat,ہوٚٹ,,कण्ठ, +Prep,We went there through the forest.,through,مٔنٛزۍ,,में~से, +Prep,The thief entered the house through the window.,through,کِنۍ,,में_से, +Prep,We stayed there through two days and then left for Mumbai.,through,تانۍ،تام,,से_तक, +Prep,You can get good results through hard work.,through,ذٔریعہ,,के_द्वारा, +Prep,The children sat through the long concert.,through,گۄڈٕ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ اَندَس تام,,शुरु_से_अन्त_तक, +Prep,The accident ocurred through his careless driving.,through,وَجہ,,के_कारण, +Adv,Put the chemical in the filter and let it pass through.,through,مٔنٛزۍ,,एक_ओर_से_दूसरी_ओर, +Adv,It rained all through the August.,through,پوٗرٕ,,शुरू_से_अन्त_तक, +Adv,There was red signal but the car drove straight through.,through,سیوٚدُے,,प्रतिबन्ध_को_तोडते_हुए, +Adv,I tried to ring her but I couldn`t get through.,through,ذٔرِیعہ,,टेलिफोन द्वारा मिलना, +Prep,The students yawned throughout the class.,throughout,پوٗرٕ,,पूरे~में, +Adv,The rule works throughout the data.,throughout,سٲرۍ سٕے,,शुरू_से_अन्त_तक, +Prep,Christmas is celebrated throughout the country.,throughout,پوٗرٕ ،سٲرۍ سٕے,,पूरे_में, +N,Pete Sampras won the Wimbledon and his throw was great.,throw,کَش,,फेंक, +N,It was a throw of 60 meters.,throw,کَش,,फेंकने की दूरी, +VT,He threw the ball in the net.,throw,کَش کَڑُن,,फेंकना, +VT,The unruly elephant threw the mahaut down.,throw,دٲرِتھ دیُن,,नीचे_गिरा_देना, +VT,Her announcement threw everybody in a state of confusion.,throw,ترٛاوُن،ژھٕنُن,,में_होना, +VT,Don`t throw tantrums.,throw,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, +N,Pete Sampras won the Wimbledon and his throw was great.,throw,کَش,,फेंकना, +N,It was a throw of 60 meters.,throw,کَش,,फेंकने की दूरी, +VT,He threw the ball in the net.,throw,کَش کَڑُن,,फेंक, +VT,The unruly elephant threw the mahaut down.,throw,دٲارِتھ دیُن,,नीचे_गिरा_देना, +VT,Her announcement threw everybody in a state of confusion.,throw,ژھٕنُن،ترٛاوُن,,में_होना, +VT,Don`t throw tantrums.,throw,ہاوُن,,दिखाना, +N,He enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians.,thrust,زور,,बल, +VT,He thrust his chin forward.,thrust,برٛونٛہہ کُن کَڑُن,,ठेलना, +N,My thumb was injured in the accident.,thumb,نٮ۪ٹھ,,अँगूठा, +N,Ekalavya gave his thumb as Guru dakshina to Dronacharya.,thumb,نٮ۪ٹھ,,अंगूठा, +VTI,It was a well-thumbed book.,thumb,کِتاب خَراب کَرٕنۍ واریاہ لَٹہِ پھِرنہٕ سۭتۍ,,अंगूठा_लगाकर_पलटना{गन्दा_करना}, +N,He drew the attention of the people by a thump on the table.,thump,دَب دیُن,,धमाका, +N,Manoj gave Hari a thump.,thump,مُش,,मुक्का, +VTI,The minister thumped the table during the assembly proceedings.,thump,وایُن,,ठोकना, +VTI,She could hear somebody thumping at the door.,thump,ٹُھک ٹُھک کَرُن,,थपथपाना, +VTI,"When she saw the shadow in the dark, her heart thumped loudly.",thump,دِلَس دُبرٕہارَے گَژٕھنۍ,,धड़कना, +N,The thunder was frightening.,thunder,گگرایہِ,,गड़गड़ाहट{बिजली_की}, +VT,Ramesh thundered at Mohan.,thunder,روبہٕ داب کَرُن،وولُن,,गरजना, +VT,The bus thundered down the road.,thunder,بَڑِ شور کَرُن,,गड़गड़ाहट_करना, +N,A thunderstorm uprooted the trees.,thunderstorm,طوٗفان،واو,,तूफान, +Adv,"He worked very hard, thus obtained the good results.",thus,اَمہِ طٔریٖقہٕ،تَوَے,,इस_प्रकार, +Adv,"He is the eldest son of the king, thus becoming the rightful successor to the throne.",thus,اَوٕ مۄکھہٕ,,इसलिये, +Adv,"Having finished the work thus far, don`t leave it now.",thus,وٕنیُک تام,,इस_सीमा_तक, +VT,They are executing a plan to thwart his speech.,thwart,رُکاوُن,,रोकना, +N,He has thyroid problem and he needs attention.,thyroid,تھیرایِڑ,,अवटुग्रन्थि, +N,He gave me a ticket for the show .,ticket,ٹِکَٹ,,टिकट, +N,A ticket is attached to every item you purchase.,ticket,پَرچہِ،ٹِکَٹ,,लेबल, +V,The motorist was given a ticket for rash driving.,ticket,ٹِکَٹ دِنۍ,,टिकट_दे, +Adj,Rahul`s study room is tidy.,tidy,صاف شِفاف,,स्वच्छ, +VI,Please tidy up before the arrival of the guests.,tidy,صاف پٲٹھۍ تھاوُن,,व्यवस्थित_कर, +N,She bought a whole lot of tidies for her office table.,tidy,۔۔۔,,फुटकर_सामान, +N,He bought a tie for his brother.,tie,ٹَے,,टाई, +N,Ram and Mohan had strong ties of friendship.,tie,تعلُق,,बन्धन, +N,He nailed the rafters together with a tie beam.,tie,ٹَے,,टाई{दो_चीज़ों_के_बीच_में_जोड़ने_का_हिस्सा}, +N,He needed a tie for the packages.,tie,ڈوٗر,,बन्धनी, +N,The game ended in a tie.,tie,بَرابٔری،ٹَے,,प्रतिस्पर्धा_में_बराबरी, +N,See that the notes go with the tie.,tie,۔۔۔,,दो_सुरों_के_ऊपर_खीचीं_जाने_वाली_वक्र_रेखा, +N,Wood is preferably used to tie the rail tracks.,tie,۔۔۔,,स्लीपर[_लकडी_या_अन्य_पदार्थ_से_बने_स्लीपर_जिन_पर_रेल_की_पटरी_कसी_जाती_है], +VT,They tied their victim to the chair.,tie,گنٛڑُن,,बाँधना, +VT,I am tied to UNIX.,tie,وابَستہٕ آسُن,,से_सम्बद्ध_होना, +VI,The team score tied at the end.,tie,بَرابَر روزُن,,बराबर_रहना, +N,Children saw a tiger in the safari park.,tiger,شیر,,शेर/बाघ, +Adj,The knots are so tight that it is impossible to untie them.,tight,مَضبوٗط,,मज़बूत, +Adj,He found the knot tight.,tight,سَخٕت،کوٚسمُت,,कसा_हुआ, +Adj,She wears tight dresses.,tight,تَنٛگ,,तंग, +Adj,This bottle is too tight.,tight,بَنٛد,,दढ, +Adj,He has a tight schedule.,tight,سَخٕت,,अतिव्यस्त_कार्यक्रम, +Adj,It was a tight race.,tight,برابٔری ہٕنٛز,,बराबर_की, +Adj,"In these days, money is very tight at my home.",tight,تٔنٛگی،سختی,,अनुपलब्ध, +Adv,Bottles are tightly sealed.,tightly,مضبوٗطی سان,,कसके, +N,Tiles are used for roof .,tile,ٹٲل,,खपरैल, +N,She is sitting on a tile.,tile,ٹٲل,,पटिया, +VT,We are going to tile the lobby.,tile,ٹٲل لَگاوٕنۍ,,खपरैल लगाना, +Prep,I will not go there till june.,till,تام,,तक, +Conj,We didn`t eat till he came.,till,یوٚت تام,,जब_तक, +N,The pawn-broker keeps the money in the till.,till,اَکہِ قٕسمُک دَراز یَتھ مَنٛز رۄپیہِ تھاونہٕ یِوان چَھ,,गोलक, +VT,The farmer tills the land.,till,زٔمیٖن وایُن،زٔمیٖن کَھنُن,,खेत_जोतना, +N,Timber is used for the construction of buildings.,timber,لٔکٕر,,लकडी{इमारती}, +N,They have erected timber for the construction of the building.,timber,لٔکٕر,,कडी, +VT,The carpenter brought materials to timber the door .,timber,لٔکٕر لاگٕنۍ,,लकड़ी_लगा, +N,This time he succeeded.,time,وَقت,,समय, +N,Do you know what time it is?,time,وَقت,,वक्त{घड़ी_में}, +N,I have enough time for this work.,time,وَقت,,समय, +N,University stay was a good time for us.,time,وَقت,,अवसर, +N,We were talking about old times yesterday.,time,وَقت،دور,,युग, +N,Childhood is the best time of life.,time,وَقت,,कोई_��िश्चित_समय, +N,You should always go for work on time.,time,وَقت,,न जल्दी न देर से, +Adj,This work is time consuming.,time,واریاہ وَقت کھٮ۪نہٕ وول,,बहुत समय लेने वाला, +N,A new timetable is put on the notice board.,timetable,ٹایم ٹیبٕل,,समय_सारणी, +N,They have used tin for the roof of their house.,tin,ٹیٖن,,टिन, +N,Open a tin of fruits.,tin,ڈبہٕ,,टीन_की_चादर_से_बना_कोई_बर्तन, +VI,Fruit juices are tinned and exported.,tin,ڈَبَس مَنٛز بَنٛد کَرُن,,डिब्बे_में_बन्ध_करना, +Adj,Adam has a tiny pup in his house.,tiny,لۄکُٹ,,बहुत_छोटा, +N,The`Titanic` ship sunk after hitting the tip of the iceberg.,tip,تونٛتھ,,अग्रभाग, +N,He got a tip on the stock market.,tip,مشوَرٕ,,सुझाव, +VT,The hunter tipped the arrow with poison.,tip,پیٚتِس لاگُن,,सिरा_लगाना, +VT,Remember to tip the waiter.,tip,بخشِش دِنۍ,,बख्शीश_देना, +VT,The ball tipped the edge of the bat.,tip,لَگٕنۍ,,छू_जाना, +VTI,"Don`t exert too much, you will tire yourself.",tire,تھکاوَٹ یِنۍ،تَھکُن,,थक_जाना, +VT,We are tired of eating the same food.,tire,بٕتھۍ کِنۍ یُن,,ऊब_जाना, +N,We put a new tyre for our car.,tire,ٹٲر,,टायर, +N,The tissues in the stomach have been destroyed due to injury.,tissue,ٹِشوٗ,,ऊतक, +N,Can you do embroidery on the tissue?,tissue,ٹِشوٗ,,महीन_कपडा, +N,He looked for books with the word `jazz` in the title.,title,موضوٗع,,नाम, +N,The novel has a very catchy title.,title,موضوٗع,,शीर्षक, +N,He held the title for two years.,title,لَقَب,,उपाधि, +N,Professor didn`t like his friends to use his formal title.,title,ناو,,मानोपाधि, +N,What is your job title?,title,سر نامہٕ,,सिरनामा, +V,Ashoka was titled as`Ashoka the great`.,title,خطاب میلُن,,मानोपाधि_मिलना, +Prep,I need to tell her this news.,to,تٔمِس،تَس,,को, +Prep,I will not go to that place.,to,تور،تَتھ,,की_ओर, +Prep,She is married to an Indian.,to,سۭتۍ,,संबंधवाची, +Prep,Ram gave the book to Ranu.,to,تٔمِس،کٔمِس,,को, +Prep,The house has a garden extending to the river bank.,to,تام،تانۍ,,तक, +Prep,I went to the garden for jogging.,to,کُن,,की_ओर, +Prep,She is working as the secretary to the Executive Director.,to,سُنٛد،سٕنٛز,,की, +Prep,It takes 30 to 40 minutes to read this.,to,تام,,से, +Prep,The chances are 10 to 1.,to,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ,,के_मुकाबले_में, +Prep,There are 100 paise to one rupee.,to,مَنٛز,,में, +Prep,He was standing with his ear to the door and listening to the conversation inside the room.,to,سۭتۍ,,से_मिला_कर, +Prep,Dogs are devoted to their masters.,to,کُن,,के_प्रति, +Prep,"According to her, he will not come.",to,کِنۍ,,किसी से संबांधित, +Prep,The child went to his mother.,to,نِش,,के पास, +Prep,The road to London is very wide.,to,کُن,,की और, +Prep,The message to Rama is that he should not get late for school.,to,خٲطرٕ,,के लिए, +Prep,The order to go early was welcomed by all.,to,خٲطرٕ,,के लिए, +Prep,He went to London.,to,کُن,,की और, +N,Rama prepared toasts for breakfast.,toast,ٹوسٹ,,टोस्ट{सिकी_ब्रेड}, +N,They all proposed a toast for her birthday.,toast,شَراب گِلاس,,टोस्ट{किसी_के_स्वास्थ्य_या_शुभकामनाओं_के_लिये_शराब_पीने_की_क्रिया}, +VI,Please toast this bread.,toast,بٕزنہٕ یُن,,सिकना, +VT,She always toasts bread for breakfast.,toast,بٕزُن,,भून/सेंक, +VT,Let us toast the birthday girl!.,toast,شَراب گِلاس دیُن,,स्वास्थ्य_या_शुभकामना_के_लिए_शराब_पीना, +N,Tobacco is bad for health.,tobacco,تَموکھ,,तम्बाकू, +Adv,I can`t meet you today.,today,اَز,,आज, +N,Today is Monday.,today,اَز,,आज, +N,My toe is very small.,toe,کھۄر ٕنٮ۪ٹھ,,पाँव_का_अँगूठा, +N,Manuj hurt his toe while playing football.,toe,کھۄرٕ نٮ۪ٹھ,,पाँव_का_अंगूठा, +VT,The leader asked his deputy to toe his line.,toe,حُکُم مانُن,,आदेश_का_पालन_करना, +Adv,The two of them together went to the market.,together,اِکہٕ وَٹہٕ,,_एक_साथ, +Adv,Gather them together.,together,یَکجہَ,,इकठ्ठा, +Adv,All my friends seem to come together.,together,اَکی ساتہٕ,,एक ही साथ, +N,Toilets should be kept clean.,toilet,پاک خانہٕ,,शौचघर, +VTI,One could hear the church bells toll.,toll,گَنٛٹہٕ بَجُن,,धीमी_गति_से_घण्टा_बजाना{विशेषकर_मृत्यु_की_सूचना_देने_के_लिये}, +N,The car was stopped to pay the toll.,toll,حَرجانہٕ,,कर[मार्गकर], +N,The negligence of hygiene took a heavy toll of lives due to cholera.,toll,حَرجانہٕ,,क्षति, +Adv,I will play badminton tomorrow.,tomorrow,پَگہَہ,,कल{आनेवाला}, +N,Tomorrow is Monday.,tomorrow,پَگہَہ,,कल{आनेवाला}, +N,A ton is a measure of weight.,ton,ٹَن,,टन, +N,Tony plays an accordian which has an excellent tone.,tone,آواز,,तान, +N,The Beijing dialect uses four tones.,tone,لہجہِ,,स्वर-शैली, +N,They tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies.,tone,آواز,,आवाज, +N,She has got a picture in bright tones.,tone,رَنٛگ,,रंग, +N,His majestic walk shows that he has a good muscular tone.,tone,صحت یاب، مَضبوٗطی,,स्वास्थ्य, +N,The manager spoke to the employer in a indignant tone.,tone,آواز,,भाव, +VT,Let`s tone our muscles.,tone,مَژھہٕ کھالنہِ,,बढाना, +N,Clean your tongue well.,tongue,زٮ۪و,,जीभ, +N,He feels comfortable when he speaks in his mother tongue.,tongue,بوٗلۍ،زَبان,,बोली, +N,The tongue of my shoe has fallen somewhere.,tongue,زٮ۪و,,बहिर्विष्ट_पट्टी, +VT,He cannot control his tongue and hurts everyone.,tongue,زَبان چلاوٕنۍ,,बोल[व्यंग्य_से], +Adv,I am leaving Hyderabad tonight.,tonight,اَز رات کیُتھ,,आज_की_रात_को, +N,She will stay here tonight.,tonight,اَز راتَس,,आज_की_रात, +Adv,She speaks too much.,too,واریاہ,,बहुत, +Adv,This bag is too big to carry.,too,واریاہ,,ज्यादा_ही/बहुत, +Adv,He has a Mercedes too.,too,تہِ,,भी, +N,Take all the tools to repair your cycle.,tool,اَوزار,,औज़ार, +N,Computer has become a tool in every field of work.,tool,ضٔرورت,,साधन, +N,I need a tool to repair this machine.,tool,اَوزار،سامان,,कारीगर का सामान, +N,My tooth is broken.,tooth,دَنٛد,,दाँत, +N,The teeth of the saw are very sharp.,tooth,دَنٛد,,दाँते[आरा_या_गियर_का], +V,Rahul was very keen to tooth his friend.,tooth,پَھساوُن,,फँसाना, +Adj,All his relatives have occupied the top positions in the society.,top,تھوٚد,,टॉप, +Adj,He is a top man in the management.,top,خاص،اَہم,,मुख्य, +Adj,All his relatives have occupied the top positions in the society.,top,تھوٚد,,सर्वोच्च_स्थान, +Adj,He is a top man in the management.,top,اَہم،خاص,,मुख्य, +N,The mower cuts off the tops of the grass.,top,پیٚٹِھم حِصہٕ,,ऊपरी_भाग, +N,Put your books on top of the desk.,top,پٮ۪ٹھٕ,,फलक, +N,The boy is playing with a top.,top,بِربَتٕنۍ,,लट्टू, +N,The girl was at the top of her voice when the intruder entered.,top,بَڑِ,,खूब_चिल्लाकर, +N,He got a bright red top for his birthday.,top,کُرتہٕ،ٹاپ,,कुर्ता, +N,He removed the top of the carton.,top,ٹھانٛڑٕ,,ढक्कन, +VT,Top the cake with cream and chocolate.,top,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ ترٛاوُن,,ऊपर_डालना, +VT,We topped the mountain to have a clear view.,top,تیٚنتٲلِس واتُن،تَھزرس واتُن,,शिखर_पर_पहुँचना, +VT,He has topped the list by securing majority of votes.,top,پٮ۪ٹھہٕ روزُن،برٛونٛہہ آسُن،اَوَل روزُن,,से_बढकर_रहना, +VT,He lost the game because he topped the ball in the last round.,top,نِشانہٕ غَلط گَژُھن,,निशान_छूटना_[गोल्फ_में], +VT,The books toppled from the shelf.,topple,ؤسۍ پیوٚن,,गिर_पड़, +VT,The government was toppled by the opposition.,topple,گِرُن,,पद_को_खोना, +N,The torture was unaccountable for the jews.,torture,عزاب,,उत्पीडन, +VT,The innocents were tortured by the jailor.,torture,اِزا دیُن,,अति_कष्ट_देना, +N,They have lost the toss.,toss,تَھر نانُک,,उत्क्षेपण, +VTI,Let us toss the coin.,toss,تھر نانُک کَرُن,,उछालना, +VTI,The boy could not sleep and spent the night tossing in bed. .,toss,لَرپِھرٕنۍ دِنۍ,,करवटें_बदलते_रहना, +VTI,He tossed his head in anger.,toss,ہِلاوُن،گِلوُن,,हिलाना, +Adj,The total cost of the car is 3 lakhs.,total,مُکمَل،پوٗرٕ,,सम्पूर्ण, +N,India scored a total of 278 runs.,total,کُل,,जोड, +V,You havn`t done the total yet.,total,جمع کَرُن,,जोड_निकालना, +Adv,You are totally different from your sister.,totally,بِلکُل,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, +N,He longed for the touch of her hand.,touch,اَتھہٕ لاگُن,,स्पर्श, +N,There was a touch of sarcasm in his tone.,touch,رَژھ,,हलका_सा, +N,"At his touch, the room was filled with lights.",touch,اَتھہٕ لَگُن,,संसर्ग, +N,Garnish the salad with a touch of garlic.,touch,رَژھ کَھنٛڑ,,थोडा_सा, +N,His work depicts the professional touch.,touch,طٔریٖقہٕ,,तरीका, +N,His music has a touch of Mozart.,touch,اَثَر,,प्रभाव, +VTI,The two creepers are touching each other.,touch,لَگُن،اَکھ أکِس سۭتۍ لَگُن,,स्पर्श_कर, +VTI,Please don`t touch it.,touch,اَتھہٕ لاگُن,,छूना, +VTI,The museum was not touched by the fire.,touch,زَکھ واتُن,,हलकी_क्षति_पहुँचाना, +VTI,The news of his father`s death touched him deeply.,touch,اَثَر کَرُن,,असर_करना, +Adj,She was deeply touched by his story.,touched,مُتٲثِر,,प्रभावित_होना, +Adj,Charles Dicken`s stories are touching.,touching,اَثر دار,,करुणात्मक, +Adj,He is a tough person to deal with.,tough,سَخٕت,,कड़ा, +Adj,It is a tough glass.,tough,مَضبوٗط,,मजबूत, +Adj,Police are controlling the tough mob.,tough,خَطَرناک,,उद्दण्ड, +Adj,Police are tough with the criminals.,tough,سَخٕت,,कठोर, +Adj,It is rather a tough problem to solve.,tough,مُشکِل,,कष्टसाध्य, +N,We went on a tour to southern India.,tour,سٲر,,यात्रा, +VI,The Indian cricket team will be touring the West Indies next summer.,tour,دورٕ کَرُن,,दौरा_करना, +N,There is a large influx of tourists in our country.,tourist,سَیاح,,पर्यटक, +N,The truck gave him a tow to the garage.,tow,لَمُن,,खिंचाव, +VT,The car was towed to the garage by a truck.,tow,رَزِ گٔنڑِتھ لَمُن,,रस्सी_से_खींच, +Prep,We are coming towards your house.,toward,کُن,,की_ओर, +Adv,It gets cooler towards evening.,toward,کیُتھ,,समय के आसपास, +Prep,We walked towards the park.,toward,کُن,,की_ओर, +Prep,The concert was held towards the spirit of unity.,toward,کُنہِ موضوٗعَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_विषय_में, +Prep,We collected money towards orphanage.,toward,خٲطرٕ,,के_लिए, +Prep,Computer will dominate towards the end of the century.,toward,نزدیٖک،کُن,,के_निकट, +Prep,They are going towards his office.,towards,کُن,,की~ओर, +N,We saw the Sears tower at Chicago.,tower,میٖنار,,मीनार, +V,The building towered over the small houses in the area.,tower,تھوٚد آسُن,,ऊँचा_होना, +N,We went to the town to purchase provisions.,town,شہر،قصبہٕ,,नगर, +N,The whole town came to greet him.,town,قصبہٕ،شہر,,नगर_के_लोग, +N,The child is playing with a toy.,toy,تَماشہٕ,,खिलौना, +N,His latest toy is a computer.,toy,تَماشہٕ,,मनोरंजन की वस्तु, +Adj,He plays with a toy gun.,toy,تَماشہٕ,,बनावटी_वस्तु[खेलने_में_प्रयोग_हो], +V,He has been toying with the idea of starting a new venture.,toy,پیٚٹھۍ پیٚٹھۍ دِلچَسپی نِنۍ,,ऊपरी_तौर_से_दिलचस्पी_लेना, +V,She was toying with her chocolate.,toy,دِل بہلٲیی کَرٕنۍ ،گنٛدُن,,टूँगना, +N,The thieves disappeared without a trace.,trace,نِشان,,निशान, +N,There is a trace of white in his hair.,trace,کینٛہہ,,कुछ, +VT,You have to trace the bag which you have misplaced.,trace,ژھانٰٛڑُن,,ढूँढना, +VT,The book traces the causes of the downfall of the Mughal empire.,trace,کھوج کَڑُن,,जड़ें_खोज_निकालना, +VT,Trace the map of India.,trace,نَقٕل تارُن,,नकल_उतारना, +N,She covered all the traces of her crime.,trace,نِشانہٕ,,निशान, +N,It is a tracing of a picture.,tracing,نَقٕل,,पारदर्शक_कागज_में_नकल_उतारना, +N,The building has been constructed at the end of a dirt track.,track,وَتھ,,ट्रैक, +N,We followed the track of our friend`s vehicle.,track,نِشان,,लीक, +N,You should not walk across the railway track.,track,پَٹٕر,,वाहन_के_दो_पहियों_के_बीच_के_अन्दर_का_हिस्सा, +N,Tracks are ready for the races.,track,وَتھ,,दौडने_का_मार्ग, +N,A bulldozer is moving on the track.,track,وَتھ,,चक्रपट्टी_जिसके_कारण_टैंक_आदि_ऊँची_नीची_भूमि_पर_चलते_हैं, +N,Whitney Houston has given two tracks of her album.,track,ٹرٛیک،گٮ۪وُن,,ग्रामोफोन_रेकार्ड_के_भाग, +N,We followed the track of our friend`s vehicle.,track,چھاپ،نِشان,,लीक, +N,You should not walk across the railway track.,track,پَٹٕر,,वाहन_के_दो_पहियों_के_बीच_के_अन्दर_का_हिस्सा, +N,Tracks are ready for the races.,track,وَتھ،سڑَک,,दौडने_का_मार्ग, +N,A bulldozer is moving on the track.,track,وَتھ,,चक्रपट्टी_जिसके_कारण_टैंक_आदि_ऊँची_नीची_भूमि_पर_चलते_हैं, +N,Whitney Houston has given two tracks of her album.,track,ٹرٛیک،گٮ۪وُن,,ग्रामोफोन_रेकार्ड_के_भाग, +VI,The police tracked the hideouts of the dacoits.,track,پَے لَگاوُن,,का_पता_लगाना, +VI,The director took a tracking shot of the picture.,track,کیمرا ہس سٕتۍ پَکُن,,फिल्म_खींचते_समय_कैमरा_के_साथ_चलना, +N,The tract is cleared for the construction work.,tract,زٔمیٖن،حِصہٕ,,क्षेत्र, +N,There are various tracts in the anatomy of our body.,tract,۔۔۔,,शरीर_के_अंगों_की_कार्य_प्रणाली, +N,I have not read about political tract.,tract,۔۔۔,,धार्मिक_या_राजनीतिक_मामले_से_सम्बन्धित_लघु_निबन्ध_पुस्तिका, +N,He purchased a tractor.,tractor,ٹرٛیکٹَر,,ट्रैक्टर, +N,Romans carried trade with india.,trade,کاربار,,व्यापार, +V,The businessmen have to trade with other countries.,trade,کاربار کَرُن،تِجارَت کَرُن,,व्यापार_करना, +V,He traded his stamp-collection for a coin-collection.,trade,کاربار کَرُن ،سۄدا کَرُن,,वस्तु_विनिमय_करना, +N,He is a trader.,trader,کارٕبٲرۍ،تٲجِر,,व्यापारी, +N,It is our tradition.,tradition,رٮ۪واج,,परम्परा, +Adj,Farmers no longer use traditional methods in agriculture.,traditional,رِوایتی,,चलन_के_अनुसार, +N,The traffic was blocked.,traffic,ٹرٛیفِک،آمٕدرٛفت,,परिवहन, +N,There is an increase in the import and export traffic.,traffic,تِجارَت,,आदान_प्रदान, +N,Traffic has increased in the commercial sector.,traffic,آمٕدرٛفت,,माल_ढोने_का_व्यापार, +N,Traffic in drugs has become a major concern of several countries.,traffic,تِجارَت,,अवैध`व्यापार, +N,The fall of a school bus into the river was a great tragedy.,tragedy,حٲدِسہٕ،دۄکھ,,दुख_घटना, +N,Shakespeare wrote many tragedies.,tragedy,اَلمِیہ,,दुखान्त_नाटक, +Adj,The drama had a tragic end.,tragic,اَلمِیہ خیز،دُکھی,,दुखद, +N,The vagabond made a trail through the forest.,trail,وَتھ,,पगडंडी, +N,The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.,trail,نِشان,,चिह्न, +VT,Her dress was trailing along the floor.,trail,لِتھناوُن,,पीछे_पीछे_घिसटना, +VT,Jasmine creeper is trailing over the walls.,trail,پھٲلُن،چَھج وَہراوُن,,धरती_के_ऊपर_इधर-उधर_फैलना, +VT,The party is trailing badly in the polls.,trail,ہارُن,,हारना, +VT,Tired Shyam trailed behind his brother.,trail,تھٔکِتھ پَکُن،تھَکہٕ تھَکہٕ پَکُن,,थक_कर_चलना, +N,The boy saw the train coming.,train,ریل,,रेलगाडी, +N,We saw the baggage train.,train,لٲن,,कतार, +N,The actress was followed by a train of admirers.,train,لٲن,,परिकर, +N,His call obstructed my train of thoughts.,train,سِلسِلہٕ,,सिलसिला, +N,The girls are holding the train of the bride`s gown.,train,دامَن,,पुछल्ला, +VT,We have to train our children properly.,train,ہیٚچھناوُن,,शिक्षा_देना, +VT,They train their students well.,train,تَربِیَت دِنۍ,,प्रशिक्षित_करना, +VT,He trained the dog to look after the house.,train,تَربِیَت دِنۍ,,अभ्यास_करना, +VT,He trained his camera on the picturesque view.,train,سیٔزراوُن,,से_[किसी_पर]निशाना_बाँधना, +VT,I trained a creeper over the fence.,train,کھالُن,,अनुवर्धन_करना, +N,Anand got good training in chess.,training,تَربِیَت,,प्रशिक्षण, +VT,The cows trampled the garden.,trample,لَتہٕ مونٛڑ کَرٕنۍ,,कु��लना, +VT,I trampled him for his misbehaviour.,trample,زٔلیل کَرُن,,तिरस्कार_करना, +V,The idea is that love transcends everything else.,transcend,تَصَوُرٕ نٮ۪بَر آسُن,,से_बढकर_होना, +VI,He got the money transferred from the bank.,transfer,تَبدیٖل کَرُن,,अन्तरित_करना, +VI,Ajay was transferred from Delhi to Bhilai.,transfer,تَبدیٖلی گَژھٕنۍ,,स्थानान्तरित_करना, +VI,He transferred his property rights to his brother.,transfer,حَوالہٕ کَرُن,,सौंपना, +VI,Can you transfer the data from disk to tape?,transfer,نَقٕل کَرُن,,नकल करना, +N,Uma`s transfer was a surprise to her friends.,transfer,تَبدیٖلی,,स्थानान्तरण, +Adj,His job is not transferable.,transferable,تَبدیٖل گَژَھنَس لایَق,,स्थानान्तरणीय, +VT,The barren land was transformed into a beautiful garden.,transform,بَدلُن,,बदल_देना, +N,The new officer is responsible for this transformation in the official machinery.,transformation,تَبدیٖلی,,परिवर्तन, +N,My suitcase was lost in transit.,transit,سَفرَس,,पारगमन, +N,Adolescence is a transition from childhood to youth.,transition,بَدلاو,,परिवर्तन, +V,Can you translate this passage?,translate,تَرجُمہٕ کَرُن,,अनुवाद_करना, +N,Today`s computers help in translation.,translation,تَرجمہٕ,,अनुवाद/भाषान्तर, +N,We will see a live transmission from Wimbledon.,transmission,نَشرِیہ,,प्रसारण, +VT,Radio will transmit today`s programme.,transmit,نَشٕر کَرُن,,प्रसारित_करना, +VT,Did you transmit the message?,transmit,دیُن,,देना, +Adj,This is a tranparent material.,transparent,یٔمہِ مٔنٛزۍ بوزنہٕ یٖیِہ،تون,,पारदर्शक, +Adj,Banabhatta had a transparent style of diction.,transparent,شِفاف،صاف,,सुस्पष्ट, +N,There are various means of transport.,transport,سَوٲرۍ,,परिवहन, +V,You have to transport the goods in a lorry.,transport,اَکہِ جایِہ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بیٚیِس جایہِ نیُن,,वहन_करना, +V,The Britishers transported the freedom-fighters to far away.,transport,بَہ طورِ سزا دوٗر سوزُن,,सज़ा_देना{दूरवर्ती_स्थाण_में}, +N,Transportation of goods over a long distance has become fairly easy now.,transportation,چیٖز یا لُوٗکھ أکِس جایہِ پٮ۪ٹھہٕ بییِٚس جایہِ واتناوٕنۍ,,वहनीयता, +N,"During the World War, transportation was prevalent.",transportation,جُلاے وَطَن,,देशनिकाला, +N,The rat was caught in a trap.,trap,ژَھل,,घात, +N,The mouse was caught in the trap.,trap,ژَھل,,जाल, +V,He was trapped inside when the fire broke out.,trap,پَھسُن,,फँस_जाना, +V,The hunter hid behind the bushes to trap the antelope.,trap,زال ترٛاوُن,,जाल_लगाना, +V,I like to travel.,travel,سَفَر کَرُن,,यात्रा_करना, +V,This food will not travel for a long distance.,travel,روزُن,,चलना[की_ओर], +N,Ram`s travels are always adventurous.,travel,سَفَر,,यात्रा, +Adj,Take your travel bag.,travel,ٹرٛوٕل,,यात्रा_का, +N,They use trawls to catch big fish.,trawl,زال,,मछली_पकडने_का_महाजाल, +N,She brought two tea cups in a wooden tray.,tray,مجمہٕ ،ٹرٛے,,ट्रे, +N,He was sent out of the country for treason.,treason,بَغاوَت,,देशद्रोह, +N,They found a treasure.,treasure,خَزانہٕ,,खजाना, +N,She is a great treasure to everyone.,treasure,قۭمتی شَخص,,बहुमूल्य, +V,We should treasure our ancient monuments.,treasure,یاد تھاوُن،رٔژھرِتھ تھاوُن,,बहुमूल्य_समझना, +V,I shall treasure the memory of childhood.,treasure,سَمبٲلِتھ تھاوُن,,संजोए_रखना, +N,He was appointed as a treasurer recently.,treasurer,خَزانٛچی,,कोषाध्यक्ष, +N,Saint Ramdas works in the treasury.,treasury,خَزانہٕ,,राजकोष, +N,Gold reserves are kept in a treasury.,treasury,خَزانہٕ,,कोषागार, +VI,We should treat animals in a human way.,treat,سٔلوٗک کَرُن،پیش یُن,,व्यवहार_करना, +VI,Krishna treated Sudama as his close friend.,treat,مانُن,,मानना, +VI,He treats his workers like dirt.,treat,پیش یُن،سٔلوٗک کَرُن,,बिलकुल भी सम्मान न देना, +VI,She was treated for Jaundice.,treat,علاج کَرُن,,चिकित्सा_करना, +VI,Treat the crops with pesticide.,treat,دوَہ پوٗ��ی کَرٕنۍ,,संसाधित_करना, +VI,She treated her friends to an icecream.,treat,دَعوَت دِنۍ,,का_खर्च_करना, +N,The concert was a real treat for the music lovers.,treat,لُطُف,,आनन्द, +N,This is my birthday treat to you.,treat,دَعوَت,,खर्चा, +N,His treatment towards the guests was not cordial.,treatment,سٔلوٗک,,बर्ताव, +N,She is undergoing medical treatment.,treatment,علاج,,उपचार, +N,Kalidasa`s treatment of love in Meghasandesha is very vivid.,treatment,پیشکَش,,निरूपण, +N,Treaty helps two nations to have cordial relations.,treaty,مُہادٕ,,संधि, +N,They had a treaty with the auctioneer.,treaty,سَمجھوتہٕ,,समझौता, +N,She reads under the shade of a tree.,tree,کُل,,पेड, +VT,Her voice trembled with fear when she got the news.,tremble,تھَرٕ تھَرٕوۄتٕھنۍ,,काँपना, +VT,Leaves swayed and trembled by the cool breeze .,tremble,ہِلِٕنۍ،ہِلُن,,थरथराना, +N,She showed a tremble in her face.,tremble,تَھرِٕتھَرٕ ،خوف,,कम्पन, +Adj,He did a tremendous job.,tremendous,واریاہ جان,,बहुत_अच्छा, +N,Youths follow the general trends in fashion.,trend,رُجحان,,प्रवृत्ति, +N,It was just a trial.,trial,آزمٲیِش,,परीक्षण, +N,The new medicine has undergone trials before entering the market.,trial,تَجرُبہ ٕ،آزمٲیِش,,योग्यता_की_परीक्षा, +N,Trials for the olympic games will be held.,trial,مُقابلہٕ,,पूर्वाभ्यास, +N,My trial is in August.,trial,اِمتِحان,,परीक्षा, +N,The trial of the case begins tomorrow.,trial,مُکدِمہٕ,,मुकदमा, +N,He belongs to the Masai tribe.,tribe,قٔبیٖلہٕ,,जनजाति, +N,A tribe of social workers welcomed him.,tribe,جَمٲژ,,समुदाय, +N,She has to collect the sample tribes from the forest for the test.,tribe,ذٲژ,,[जीव_विज्ञान_में]प्राणि_तथा_पौधों_का_उपगण, +N,Our country paid tribute to the Jawans who laid their lives in the Kargil conflict.,tribute,خَراجہِ عٔقیٖدَت,,श्रद्धांजलि, +N,Aurangazeb was collecting tributes from the neighbouring states.,tribute,باج,,शुल्क, +N,Magic is nothing but a trick of hands.,trick,ژَھل,,ट्रक, +N,The students played a trick on the teacher.,trick,مَزاق,,शरारत, +N,Anand knows the chess tricks well.,trick,داو,,दाँव, +N,She should learn the trick of attending the guests.,trick,سٔلوٗک،بَرتاو,,व्यवहार_वैचित्र्य, +VT,Mohan was tricked by his friend.,trick,دونٛکھہٕ دیُن،ٹھَگُن,,ठगना, +N,Keep your finger on the trigger.,trigger,ٹرِٛگَر (بٔنٛدوٗق)۔,,यन्त्र_को_चालू_करने_का_पुर्जा, +N,His joining in the office was the trigger that brought profits to the company.,trigger,ذٔرِیعہ,,झट_प्रतिक्रिया, +VT,This food triggers my stomach ache.,trigger,ذٔرِیعہ بَنُن،وَجَہ بَنُن,,तीव्र क्रिया शुरूआत का कारण होना/बनना, +VT,Violence triggered off after the function.,trigger,شروٗع گَژھُن,,उत्तेजित_होना[करना], +Adj,She has a trim figure.,trim,زٲوِیل،ہَلکہٕ پُھلکہٕ,,ठीक-ठाक, +N,The garden was trim and nice.,trim,تَرتیٖب,,सुव्यवस्थित, +VT,He trimmed the hedges recently.,trim,ژَٹُن,,काट_छाँट_करना, +VI,The girl tripped over the dog.,trip,دَب لگُن,,उलझ_कर_गिरना, +VI,Trip the shutter of the video.,trip,کھولُن,,[यन्त्र]खोलना, +VI,His friend tripped after taking the drug.,trip,......,,लडखडाना, +VI,She came tripping down the stairs.,trip,دوران دوران یُن,,फुदकना, +N,We made a trip to Badrinath.,trip,سَفر،سٲر,,यात्रा, +N,The drug gave him a trip.,trip,نَشہِ,,लडखडाहट, +N,He is a tripper.,tripper,سٲر کَرَن وول,,सैर करने वाला, +N,It was a personal triumph for him.,triumph,کامیٲبی,,विजय, +VTI,Anand triumped over his partner in the chess.,triumph,زینُن,,जीतना, +N,We heard the footsteps of the troops from outside.,troop,فوٗجی,,दल, +N,Troops are marching in the parade.,troop,فوج,,फौज, +V,Jawans are trooping out of the camps.,troop,چھۄکہِ منٛزپَکُن,,दल_बाँधकर_चलना, +Adj,The tropical diseases require attention and care.,tropical,۔۔۔,,उष्णकटिबन्ध, +N,We are having trouble with our Television.,trouble,پَریشٲنی,,परेशानी, +N,I don`t want to give him trouble.,trouble,ت��کلیٖف,,तकलीफ, +N,There is always trouble in Ireland.,trouble,خراب حالت,,अशान्ति, +N,He had kidney trouble and he needs attention.,trouble,بیمٲرۍ,,बीमारी, +VT,The sprain in my neck is troubling me.,trouble,پَریشان کَرُن,,परेशान_करना, +VT,He took the book away without even troubling to ask.,trouble,تکلیٖف کرُن,,नम्रतापूर्वक_निवेदन_करना, +N,Atul bought a pair of trousers.,trousers,یَزار،پَتلوٗن,,पतलून, +N,They had a truce after the quarrel.,truce,عارضی صَلَح,,थोड़े_दिन_की_सन्धि, +N,Many trucks are playing on the road.,truck,ٹرٛک،چَھکڑٕ,,ट्रक, +VTI,Goods are being trucked into the town.,truck,چھَکڑَس مَنٛز سوزُن,,ट्रक मे भेजना, +Adj,It was a true story.,true,پوٚز,,सत्य, +Adj,He claimed to be the true owner of the land.,true,اَصلی,,असली, +Adj,The man showed the true document.,true,صحیح,,सही, +Adj,He is a true friend of mine.,true,خاص دوس,,सच्चा, +Adv,Truly I can`t do this work without your help.,truly,پٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ,,ईमानदारी से, +Adv,He is truly a great Politician.,truly,پٔزی,,सचमुच, +N,The storm uprooted the trunk.,trunk,گۄڈ,,तना, +N,The doctor is showing the anatomy of the trunk with the help of a diagram.,trunk,گۄڈ,,धड़, +N,A coolie is lifting the trunk.,trunk,صٔندوٗق,,सन्दूक, +N,An elephant lifts the trunk often.,trunk,کَر,,सूड, +N,They loaded the luggage in the trunk of the car.,trunk,ڈِکی,,गाडी_के_पीछे_सन्दूक_आदि_रखने_का_स्थान, +N,I have absolute trust in you.,trust,برٛوسہٕ,,भरोसा, +N,The children were left in the trust of the caretaker.,trust,حَوالہٕ، برٛوسہٕ,,सहारा, +N,He gave all his wealth to the trust.,trust,ٹرٛسٹ,,ट्रस्ट, +VTI,I trust you.,trust,برٛوسہٕ کَرُن,,भरोसा_करना, +VTI,I trust that he is in good health.,trust,اُمیٖد آسٕنۍ,,आशा_करना, +N,I have been asked to act as a trustee for my niece.,trustee,حوالہِ,,न्यासी, +N,Truth always wins.,truth,پَزَر,,सच्चाई, +N,You should always speak the truth.,truth,پوٚز,,वास्तविकता, +VTI,I will try my best to attend the function.,try,کوٗشِش کَرٕنۍ,,कोशिश_करना, +VTI,I have tried the new detergent.,try,ازماوُن,,परखना, +VTI,His case was tried in the sessions court.,try,قونوٗنی جانٛچ کَرٕنۍ,,कानूनी_जाँच_करना, +N,I will give it a try and see.,try,کوٗشِش,,प्रयास, +N,Try is used in the game of rugby.,try,۔۔۔۔,,ट्राइ[रगबै_खेल_में], +Adj,The workers had a trying day.,trying,مُشکِل،پَریشان,,कष्टकर, +N,Laboratory is equipped with tubes and glass containers.,tube,ٹیوٗب,,नली, +V,The child tumbled over the stairs.,tumble,ڈُلہ ٕگَژُھن,,अचानक_गिरना, +V,Share prices tumbled in the stock market.,tumble,قۭمَت وَسُن،ؤسِتھ گَژُھن,,मूल्य_गिरना, +V,The puppies are tumbling about in the grass.,tumble,وَلگتٕنۍ,,बार_बार_लुढकना, +N,There is a tumble in gold these days.,tumble,گِراوَٹ,,गिरावट, +N,All her things were in a tumble.,tumble,اورٕ یور,,अस्त_व्यस्त_की_स्थिति, +N,He died of brain tumour.,tumour,ٹیوٗمَر,,गिल्टी, +N,Play a tune correctly on the flute.,tune,طَرٕز,,धुन, +V,The violinist had to tune his instrument with the guitarist.,tune,طَرٕز مِلاوُن,,सुर_मिलाना, +V,He had to tune his car according to the sharp slopes.,tune,کُنہِ مُطٲبِق بَناوُن,,के_अनुकूल_बना_लेना, +V,His answers were finely tuned to what the interviewers wanted.,tune,بَرابَر آسُن,,के_अनुकूल_होना, +VT,He turned his car.,turn,موڑ کَرُن,,घुमाना, +VI,Please turn towards the left.,turn,پھیرُن,,मुड़ना, +N,The windmill took a turn with the course of the wind.,turn,نَژُن,,घुमाव, +N,Take a right turn.,turn,موڑ,,मोड, +N,Wait for your turn and then go.,turn,وٲرۍ,,बारी, +VTI,Please turn the wheel.,turn,نَژناوُن,,घुमाना, +Det,The book has twelve chapters.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, +N,He is only twelve.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, +Art,Tweve patients are in critical condition.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, +Adj,Twelve members are coming to attend the meeting.,twelve,بَہہ,,बारह, +Adj,Her twentieth birthday falls on this Thursday.,twentieth,وُہِم,,बीसवाँ, +N,She is coming on twentieth of june.,twentieth,وُہِمہِ,,बीसवाँ_अंश, +Art,Twentieth December is my unforgettable day.,twentieth,وُہِم,,बीसवाँ, +Det,Write the numbers till twenty.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, +N,I have twenty notebooks in my bag.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, +Art,Twenty Guests are coming to attend the seminar.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, +Adj,Twenty candidates are still waiting for an interview.,twenty,وُہ,,बीस, +Adv,I have already seen the movie twice.,twice,دۄیہِ لَٹہِ,,दो_बार, +Adv,He does twice as much work as his brother.,twice,دۄگنہٕ,,दुगुना, +VT,He twisted his head round to speak to his friend.,twist,پِھرُن،نَژناوُن,,मुडना, +VT,Twist the creeper into the arch.,twist,وَلُن,,गूथना, +VT,He twisted his face after eating bittergourd.,twist,ژٔکٕھرکَھسٕنۍ,,विकृत_करना, +VT,The nurse twisted the bandage round her arm.,twist,وَلُن,,लिपटना, +VT,The papers twisted everything.,twist,حالت بَدلٕنۍمطلب بَدلُن,,मिथ्या_अर्थ_देना, +N,He broke the handle with a violent twist.,twist,وَر,,घुमाव, +Det,There are two trees here.,two,زٕ,,दो, +N,I think her roll number is two.,two,زٕ,,दो, +Art,Two kids are swinging in the garden.,two,زٕ,,दो, +Adj,I have two sisters.,two,زٕ,,दो, +N,There are various types of roses in the garden.,type,قٕسٕم,,प्रकार, +VT,He has to type the script.,type,ٹایِپ کَرُن,,टाईप_करना{टंकण_करना}, +Adj,It is typical of him to speak the truth.,typical,عام طٔریقہٕ,,आदर्श_रूप, +Adv,She is typically of my taste.,typically,بِلکُل,,सामान्यतः, +Adv,"Typically, he missed the bus again.",typically,پرٛٮ۪تھ دۄہ پٲٹھۍ,,हर_बार_जैसे, +N,We put a new tyre for our car.,tyre,ٹٲر,,टायर, +N,We have to change all the tyres of our car.,tyre,ٹٲر,,टायर, +Adj,The picture was ugly.,ugly,بَدصوٗرت,,कुरूप, +Adj,This is her ultimate decision.,ultimate,ٲخری,,आख़िरी, +Adv,Ultimately she had to take the decision herself.,ultimately,ٲخٕرکار,,अन्त_में, +Adj,Ultraviolet rays are not good.,ultraviolet,اَلٹراویلٹ,,पराबैंगनी, +N,I use an umbrella to protect myself from rain.,umbrella,چٔھتٕر,,छतरी/छाता, +N,The police worked under the umbrella of the Army during riots.,umbrella,نِگرٲنی,,छत्र, +Adj,Dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately.,unable,نااہل,,असमर्थ, +Adj,The orphans seem to have an uncertain future.,uncertain,غیر یٔقیٖنی,,अनिश्चित, +N,He was anxious about the uncertainty of outcome of the meeting.,uncertainty,غیر یٔقیٖنی حالت,,अनिश्चय, +N,My uncle is going.,uncle,پیٚتٕر،مام,,अंकल, +N,His uncle arrived here yesterday.,uncle,مام،پیتٕر،پۄپھوٗ،ماسوٗ,,चाचा/मामा/फूफा/मौसा, +Adj,She lay unconscious on the floor.,unconscious,بے حٮ۪س،بے ہوش,,बेहोश, +Adj,He is unconscious of the new calamity at home.,unconscious,بے خَبَر,,अनजान, +Prep,Your book is under the table.,under,تَل کُن،تَلہٕ,,के~नीचे, +Prep,She is standing under the tree.,under,تَل,,नीचे, +Prep,"Under certain rules, you can do this work.",under,تحَت,,के~अधीन, +Prep,He is doing his doctorate under Prof.Mohan.,under,نِش,,के_नीचे/के_तले/से_कम/के_अधीन, +VT,Ram underwent medical treatment in Apollo hospital.,undergo,گُزرُن,,अनुभव_करना, +Adj,The underground shed is very dark.,underground,زَمیٖن تَلُک,,भूमि_के_नीचे_का, +Adv,The thief went underground to escape capture.,underground,ژوٗرِ پٲٹھۍ,,गुप्त, +V,The important words underlie in this paragraph.,underlie,بۄنہ ٕکَنہِ آسٕنۍ,,नीचे_पड़ा_होना, +Adj,The underlying theme was interesting.,underlying,بُنِیٲدی,,अन्दरूनी, +V,Please understand my problem.,understand,سَمجھُن,,समझ, +VTI,I can`t understand the complicated mathematical equations.,understand,سَمجھُن،فِکرِ تَرُن,,समझना, +N,He has virtually no understanding of business.,understanding,سونٛچ سَمَجھ,,समझ, +V,Who will undertake this project?,undertake,ذِمہٕ دٲری تُلٕنۍ،ذِمہٕ دٲری نِنۍ,,उत्तरदायित्व_ले, +VTI,We have undertaken a project to make the city clean.,undertake,ذِمہٕ دٲری ہیٚنۍ,,[का_]उत्तरदायित्व_लेना, +Adj,He is an underwater explorer.,underwater,آبہٕ تَلُک,,अन्तर्जलीय, +VT,Undo your neck-tie and relax!,undo,کھولٕنۍ,,खोल_डाल, +VT,You cannot undo the damage.,undo,مِٹٲوِتھ,,मिटा_द��ना, +Adv,She is undoubtedly very beautiful.,undoubtedly,بے شَک پٲٹھۍ،شَکہٕ وَرٲے,,निस्संदेह_रूप_से/बिना_शक_व_शुबह, +VT,The C.I.A unearthed the President`s killing.,unearth,پَتہَ لَگاوُن،نیب کَڑُن,,पता_लगाना, +Adj,She was feeling uneasy.,uneasy,بے سۄکھ,,व्याकुल, +N,Unemployment is a serious social evil.,unemployment,بے کٲری،بے روزگٲری,,बेरोजगारी/बेकारी/अनुद्योग, +Adj,The curtains opened to reveal a completely unexpected scene.,unexpected,غیر مُتَوَقع,,अनपेक्षित, +Adj,It was an unfortunate incident.,unfortunate,بَدقٔسمَت،بَد نٔصیٖب,,हतभाग्य, +N,"Despite all the unfortunates, she is solely supporting her family.",unfortunate,بَدقٕسمَتی،بَد نٔصیٖبی,,दुर्भाग्य, +Adv,"Unfortunately, he couldn`t get admission to the college of his choice.",unfortunately,بَدقٕسمٕتی سٕتۍ,,दुर्भाग्यवश, +Adj,They were unhappy over her departure.,unhappy,ناخۄش,,अप्रसन्न, +Adj,One can see uniform tall white buildings on MG street.,uniform,ہِوِی,,एकसमान, +N,Children wear uniform in school.,uniform,وَردی,,एक_रूप_का_वस्त्र, +N,There is strength in union.,union,اِتِفاق،یَکجوت,,संगठन, +N,There is strength in union.,union,اِتِفاق،بَرابٔری,,मेल/संयोग, +Adj,She speaks Hindi with a unique accent.,unique,خاص،اَلَگ,,अनुपम/अपूर्व, +N,The dollar is the United States` unit of currency.,unit,اِکٲی,,इकाई/टुकडी, +VTI,She unites charm with a good business sense.,unite,مِلاوُن،اِکہٕ وٹہٕ کَرُن,,संयुक्त_करना, +Adj,During elections all the regional political parties formed a united front.,united,مُتَحِدٕ,,संयुक्त/मिला_हुआ/एक_किया_हुआ/एक, +N,There is strength in unity.,unity,مِلہٕ ژار،اتِحاد،یَکجوت,,एकता, +Adj,Scientific theories are universal.,universal,عالَمگیٖر,,विश्वसम्बन्धी, +N,This universe is quite big.,universe,کایِنات,,ब्रह्मांड, +N,Our universe is mysterious.,universe,کایِنات,,सृष्टि/संसार/विश्व/जगत, +N,She will do research work in the university of California.,university,یونیؤرسِٹی,,विश्वविद्यालय, +Adj,This poem has been written by an unknown author.,unknown,نامعلوٗم,,अविदित/अज्ञात, +Conj,You will fail unless you work hard.,unless,اَگَر نہٕ ، ہَرگاہ,,यदि_नहीं/जो_नहीं/बिना/जबतक_नहीं, +Conj,You will fail unless you work hard.,unless,یوٚتام نہٕ,,जबतक_नहीं, +Adj,They are very unlike.,unlike,مُختٔلِف،اَلَگ,,से_भिन्न, +Adj,His condition is unlikely to improve.,unlikely,نامُمکِن,,असम्भव, +Adj,He took an unnecessary leave today.,unnecessary,غیر ضٔروری،فٔضوٗل,,अनावश्यक/व्यर्थ, +Adj,It was an unpleasant work.,unpleasant,نا پَسنٛد،ناگَوار,,अप्रिय/नापसन्द/अरूचिकर, +VT,Can you unravel the mystery?,unravel,حَل کَرُن,,सुलझाना, +VT,Try to unravel the tangle of string.,unravel,کھولُن،مٕژراوُن,,उधेड़ना, +Prep,You will not go there untill I tell you.,until,یوٚتام,,तक, +Conj,Let`s wait until she comes.,until,یوٚتام ،یوٚتَتھ تام,,तक/जब_तक, +Conj,Let`s wait until she comes.,until,یوٚتام,,जब_तक_नहीं, +Prep,He works until 9 `o`clock.,until,تام,,तक/जब_तक, +Prep,I will not speak to him unto he apologises to me.,unto,یوٚت تانۍ,,जब तक, +Prep,We promised to be faithful unto our last breath.,unto,تانۍ، تام,,तक, +Adj,The movie had scenes of unusual beauty.,unusual,غیر معموٗلی،عٔجیٖب,,असामान्य/अनोखा, +Prep,The kids followed their mother up the stairs.,up,تام,,पर, +Adv,Lift your head up!,up,پٮ۪ٹھ کُن، ہیوٚر کُن,,ऊपर_की_ओर, +Adj,His pay has moved up.,up,بَڑُن,,ऊपर/उच्च/ऊपर_वाला, +Prep,He ran up the stairs.,up,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,Look up in the sky.,up,ہیوٚر,,ऊपर, +N,The sales is on the up.,up,چَڑٲے,,चढ़ाव, +VT,He upped his offer to 1 million dollars.,up,کھالُن ، بَڑاوُن,,उठाना/चढ़ाना, +VT,It`s high time to update our thinking on women`s issues.,update,جٔدیٖد بَناوُن,,आधुनिक_बनाना, +N,The BBC brings the news updates.,update,وٕنٛکٮ۪ن تام ، وٕنیُک تام,,अभी_तक_का, +VT,We should upgrade the defence technology.,upgrade,پیٚٹھِمِس دَرجَس پٮ۪ٹھ اَنٕنۍ,,उन्नति_करना, +N,There has been a major upgrade in defence technology.,upgrade,چَڑٲے,,चढ़ाई, +VT,We should uphold the dignity of our nation.,uphold,بَرقَرار تھاوُن ،قٲیِم تھاوُن,,सम्भल, +Prep,She kept the book upon the table.,upon,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के~ऊपर, +Prep,You always depended upon me in the times of crises.,upon,بَروسہٕ,,बरोसा, +Prep,"He was so hungry, thus fell upon the bread.",upon,پٮ۪ٹھ,,पर, +Prep,The cat jumped upon the table.,upon,پٮ۪ٹھ,,के_ऊपर/ऊँचा/पर, +Prep,Could you please care to enlarge upon your said topic.,upon,وَضاحَت دِنۍ,,जानकारी देना, +Adj,They live in upper flat.,upper,پیٚٹھمِس,,ऊपरवाला, +Adj,The upper sections of a society are often unaware of the problems of the lower classes.,upper,بُلَنٛد، ہیٚرمہِ دَرجُک,,उच्चतर, +N,The leather uppers were not available with the cobbler.,upper,پیٚٹِھم حِصہٕ,,जूते_आदि_का_ऊपर_का_भाग, +Adj,It`s an upright post.,upright,سیوٚد,,सीधा/खड़ा, +Adj,He is an upright businessman.,upright,دِیانَت دار,,धार्मिक/खरा, +VT,The war uprooted many people.,uproot,ختم گژُن,,जड_से_उखाड़_डाल, +VT,The vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted.,uproot,مُلہٕ کَڑُن,,निर्मूल_कर, +N,His carelessness could have caused an ecological upset.,upset,خَرٲبی، دَرہَم بَرہَم,,अस्तव्यस्तता/विपर्यय/पलट, +N,This project has caused many upsets.,upset,گَڑ بَڑ ، پَریشٲنی,,घबड़ाहट/परेशानी, +Adj,I left the upstairs window open.,upstairs,ہیٚرِم,,ऊपरी, +Adv,They live upstairs.,upstairs,ہیٚرِمِس پورَس،ہیٚرِ کَنہِ,,ऊपरी_मंज़िल, +N,Bungalows do not have any upstairs.,upstairs,پیٚٹِھم پور، ہیٚرِم پور،دوٚیِم پور,,ऊपर_की_मंजिल/कोठा, +Adj,The prices of essential commodities are showing an upward trend.,upward,ہُرٮ۪ر،اِضافہٕ,,ऊपर_का, +Adj,I studied urban sociology in my college.,urban,شہری,,शहरी/नगर_का/नागरक, +V,I urged him to finish his studies.,urge,زور ترٛاوُن ،اُکساوُن,,उकसाना, +N,He has a strong urge to go to space.,urge,خٲہِش،شوق,,आवेग/प्रेरणा, +Adj,An urgent telephone call came for her.,urgent,اَہم ،ضٔروٗری,,अत्यावश्यक, +Pron,We took our pets with us for picnic.,us,اَسہِ،پانَس,,हमें/हम_को, +N,Difficult words can be remembered by usage.,usage,اِستِعمال,,इस्तेमाल, +N,That word is not in common usage anymore.,usage,رٮ۪واج ،دٔستوٗر,,व्यवहार/बर्ताव/रीति/चलन/चाल, +V,Can I use your pen?,use,اِستِعمال کَرُن,,उपयोग_कर, +N,It is of no use to me.,use,لایق,,उपयोग, +N,Computer has many uses.,use,ضٔروٗرِیات,,प्रयोग/भोग/सेवन, +N,He put his knowledge to good use.,use,کٲم ،اِستعمال,,आवश्यकता, +N,We were given the use of his boat.,use,فٲیدٕ,,लाभ/प्रयोजन, +VTI,She uses drugs rarely.,use,اِستعمال کَرُن,,प्रयोग_कर, +Adj,She gave useful information about the work.,useful,کارآمد ، مُفیٖد,,उपयोगी, +Adj,Her kitchen was full of useless gadgets.,useless,فضوٗل،بے کار، ناکار,,व्यर्थ, +Adj,It was his usual dress.,usual,عام ،دۄہ دِشُک ،روزمَرہ,,साधारण, +Adj,She grew the usual vegetables.,usual,عام,,सामान्य/साधारण/व्यावहारिक/सदा_का, +Adv,She grew the usual vegetables.,usually,دۄہ دِشِکۍ,,साधारणतयः, +Adv,Usually she was late.,usually,عموٗمَن ،ہَمیٚشہٕ پٲٹھۍ,,साधारण_रीति_से/सामान्यतः, +V,We must utilise the time properly.,utilise,اِستِعمال کَرُن,,उपयोग_कर, +N,A computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users.,utility,فٲیدٕ مَنٛد,,उपयोगिता/चैन/लाभ/उपयोग, +Adv,The theory was utterly confusing for me.,utterly,سَراسَر،پوٗرٕ پٲٹھۍ,,सम्पूर्ण_रूप_से, +VT,Students have to vacate the hostel.,vacate,ترٛاوُن,,छोड़ना, +N,We go on tour during our vacations.,vacation,چُھٹِیہِ,,अवकाश, +VT,To vacillate and delay decisions is not a good practice.,vacillate,بَدلُن، غیریٔقیٖنی,,निश्चय_न_कर_पाना, +N,Vacuum prevents oxidation.,vacuum,خٕلا,,शून्य_स्थान, +V,Vacuum(up) the container.,vacuum,خٲلی کَرُن,,खाली करना, +V,The death of her son has created a vaccum in her life.,vacuum,پَرٕژھیوٚٚن گَژُھن,,खालीपन होना, +Adj,The speaker was vague on the subject.,vague,دُل مُل,,अस्पष्ट, +Adv,I vaguely remember his first lecture.,vaguely,دُل مُل پٲٹھۍ,,अस्पष्ट_तरह_से, +Adj,It was a valid statement.,valid,لٲزِم,,प्रभावशाली, +Adj,The marriage was held to be valid.,valid,جٲیِز,,वैध, +N,The validity of the contract is not signed yet.,validity,مَنظوٗری,,वैधता, +N,You can see the valley from the top of the mountain.,valley,وادی,,घाटी, +Adj,Diamonds are valuable.,valuable,قۭمتی,,मूल्यवान, +N,Keep your valuables inside the locker.,valuable,قۭمتی چیٖز,,कीमती_चीज, +V,I have always valued my Supervisor`s advice.,value,مۄلہٕ ناوُن,,मोल_हो[लगा], +N,The value of the rupee has gone up.,value,مۄل,,मूल्य, +N,Youngsters have different sets of values.,value,اصوٗل،طٔریٖقہٕ,,सिद्धान्त_जिनमें_समाज_की_विशेष_आस्था_हो, +N,Find the value of `x`.,value,مۄل,,किसी_अक्षर_द्वारा_प्रदर्शित_राशि_का_मूल्य, +VT,He valued the car for rupees one lakh.,value,قۭمت کران,,मोल_लगाना, +VT,I value his friendship.,value,مۄل تھاوُن,,आदर_करना, +N,My friend bought a new van.,van,وین,,वैन, +N,The team is in the van to win.,van,برٛونٛہہ,,युद्ध_में_सेना_की_अग्रिम_पंक्ति, +N,He won the prize for the story entitled vanish.,vanish,غٲب,,लुप्त, +V,The culprits vanished from the scene.,vanish,غٲب گَژُھن,,लुप्त_होना, +N,The vapor condenses when cooled.,vapor,بَہَہ,,वाष्प, +N,The plate has vapours on it.,vapour,بَہَہ,,वाष्प, +Adj,Prices are variable in the supermarket.,variable,مُختٔلِف,,परिवर्तनशील, +N,Take `X` as a variable here.,variable,ویرِیبٕل،بَدلَن وول,,परिवर्तनशील_वस्तु, +N,Bullion rates are subject to variation.,variation,تَبدیٖلی,,विविधता, +N,The variation from spring to autumn is noticeable.,variation,فَرَق,,परिवर्तन, +Adj,Courses for the students are many and varied.,varied,مُختٔلِف,,नानारूप, +N,We all need variety in our dress.,variety,قٔسٕم وار,,अनेक_प्रकार, +N,He took the job for a variety of reasons.,variety,مُختٔلِف,,विविधता, +N,The students presented the shows in variety.,variety,قٔسٕم وار,,विविध_मनोरंजन, +N,We all need variety in our dress.,variety,قٔسٕمم,,विविधता, +N,He took the job for a variety of reasons.,variety,مُختٔلِف,,अनेक_प्रकार, +N,The students presented the shows in variety.,variety,قٔسٕم وار,,विविध_मनोरंजन, +Adj,Flowers are of various hues and colours.,various,واریاہ، مُختٔلِف,,भिन्न, +VT,Fish vary in sizes and shapes.,vary,مُختٔلِف آسٕنۍ,,तरह_तरह_का_होना, +VT,Prices of fruits vary from place to place.,vary,فَرَق آسٕنۍ,,भिन्न_होना, +VT,The artist wanted to vary the show.,vary,بَدلاوُن,,बदल_देना, +Adj,Construction is going on in a vast area.,vast,بوٚڑ,,विशाल, +N,Force is a vector quantity.,vector,وٮ۪کٹَر,,निश्चित_मात्रा_वाली_राशि, +N,The vector was positioned with army camps.,vector,وٮ۪کٹَر,,वायुमार्ग, +N,Vector is the carrier of a disease.,vector,بیمٲرۍ پھٲلاوَن وول کیوٚم,,रोगवाहक, +VTI,The truck veered off the road.,veer,رۄخ بدلُن,,दिशा_बदलना, +N,I like to eat green vegetables.,vegetable,سَبزی,,शाक_सब्ज़ी, +N,After the serious illness he is just a vegetable.,vegetable,یُس نہٕ کٕہنۍ تہِ کٲم چُھہ کَران,,मानसिक_रूप_से_निष्क्रिय, +N,Where have you passed your vehicle?,vehicle,گٲڑۍ,,गाड़ी, +N,They are using their business as a vehicle for crime.,vehicle,ذٔرِیعہ,,अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम, +Adj,My cottage has no vehicular access.,vehicular,گاڑِ مَنٛز گَژھنٕچ وَتھ,,गाडी से जाने का रसता, +N,She had an injury in the vein.,vein,رَگ,,शिरा, +N,A vein of melancholy was noted in her song.,vein,تار،خوٗبی,,व्याप्त_गुण, +N,The king and the vidushak had discussion in a lighter vein.,vein,طٔبِیَ��،لہجہٕ،مِزاز,,मनोदशा, +N,The wind blew with high velocity.,velocity,رَفتار,,वेग, +N,The velocity of the wind is terrible.,velocity,رَفتار,,वेग, +N,To climb the peak during the winter months is a tough venture.,venture,ہِمَت واجِنۍ کٲم,,साहसिक_कार्य, +VTI,The students ventured into the high-sea.,venture,ہِمَت کرٕنۍ ،جُرت کَرٕنۍ,,साहस_करना, +N,Make sentences with the following verbs.,verb,کَراوٕتۍ,,क्रिया, +Adj,Verbal communication helps people to communicate well.,verbal,زَبٲنۍ،رَوٲنی,,मौखक, +N,The convict will be given a verdict.,verdict,فٲصلہٕ,,पंचायत_का_विचार, +N,Milton`s verses are well known.,verse,مِصرٕ,,कविता, +N,He narrated his version of the incident.,version,۔۔۔,,वृतान्त, +N,The latest version of the book is out in the market.,version,۔۔۔,,आवृत्ति, +N,The pyramid has a vertex.,vertex,کوٗن,,त्रिभुज_का_शीर्ष, +N,The mountaineers saw the vertex of the mountain.,vertex,تینٛتول,,शिखर, +Adj,This is a vertical pole.,vertical,کَھڑا،سیوٚد,,लम्बरूप, +Adv,She sang very well.,very,واریاہ,,बहुत, +Adj,The flower is very beautiful.,very,واریاہ,,बहुत[उत्तमा_सूचक], +Adj,She was sitting in the very seat.,very,تٔتھۍ,,उसी, +Adv,She sang very well.,very,واریاہ,,अत्यंत, +N,Wash the vessels after the meal.,vessel,بانہٕ,,बर्तन, +N,He is wearing a vest under a shirt.,vest,واسکَٹ، بٔنٛدۍ,,अंगरखा, +VTI,The principal vested a student leader with authority.,vest,ذِمہٕ دٲری دِنۍ,,अधिकार_प्रदान_करना, +N,Gandhiji was a veteran freedom fighter.,veteran,مٲہِر,,अनुभवी, +N,The U.N put a veto on the resolution.,veto,پابٔنٛدی,,प्रतिनिषेध, +VT,India vetoed the proposal of armament of nations.,veto,پابٔنٛدی اَنٕنۍ,,कानून_का_मसूदा_अस्वीकृत_करना, +VT,Their lies would vex anyone.,vex,شَرارَتھ کَھسُن، ژَکھ یِنۍ,,गुस्सा_करना[होना], +VT,Her failures vexed him.,vex,فِکِر مَنٛد روزُن,,चिन्तित_होना, +Prep,This flight is via Jammu.,via,ذٔرِیعہ،کِنۍ,,की~राह~से, +Prep,She went to Boston via London.,via,ذٔرِیعہ،کِنۍ,,की_राह_से, +N,Seeing movies are one of my vices.,vice,خٲمی,,व्यसन, +N,Ram held her arm in a vice like grip.,vice,۔۔۔,,शिकंजा, +Adj,Hyde was a vicious person.,vicious,لَفَنٛگہٕ,,दुराचारी, +Adj,Leopard is a vicious animal.,vicious,خوٗن خار,,उग्र, +Adj,Jane is suffering from vicious migrane.,vicious,خَطَرناک,,कष्टदायक, +N,The victim was chased by the hunter.,victim,شِکار,,शिकार, +N,He became the victim of a conspiracy.,victim,مَظلوٗم,,पीडित_व्यक्ति, +N,The victor in the game was given a trophy.,victor,زینَن وول,,विजेता, +N,He was pleased with his victory.,victory,کامِیٲبی,,विजय, +VT,They vied with one another to win the competition.,vie,مُقابلہٕ کَرُن,,स्पर्धा_करना, +N,The town came into view.,view,نَظر,,दृष्टि, +N,There is a wonderful view from the top of the hill.,view,نَظارٕ,,दृश्य, +N,He was invited for the private view of the exhibition.,view,۔۔۔,,अवलोकन, +N,What is your view on this matter?,view,راے,,दृष्टिकोण, +VT,The problem should be viewed carefully.,view,نَظَر ترٛاوٕنۍ,,दृष्टि_डालना, +VT,The crowd is eagerly waiting to view the match.,view,وٕچُھن,,देखना, +VT,I didn`t get the chance to view your new house.,view,وٕچُھن,,निरीक्षण_करना[घर_या_जायदाद, +N,"According to my view point, this job is not good for girls.",viewpoint,نَظرِیَہ,,दृश्य_जो_सुगमता_से_देखा_जा_सके, +Adj,Politicians conducted a vigorous campaign.,vigorous,زوردار,,जोरदार, +N,The boy works with a vigour.,vigour,محنَت,,शक्ति/प्रभाव, +N,There is shortage of electricity in our village.,village,گام,,गाँव, +VT,These practices violate the basic human rights.,violate,پٕھٹراوُن,,तोड़ना, +N,Violation of human rights should not be encouraged.,violation,پٕھٹرَن,,तोड़ना, +N,Children are exposed to a lot of violence on TV.,violence,تَشَدُد,,हिंसा, +Adj,Many of the commercial films are extremely violent.,violent,تَشَدُد خیز,,हिंसात्मक, +N,He plays violin in his free time.,violin,وایلَن,,सारंगी, +Adj,Most boys want to marry a virgin girl.,virgin,صاف، پاک,,कुँआरी, +Adv,I virtually waited there for two hours.,virtually,لَگ بَگ,,लगभग{वास्तव_में_नहीं}, +N,Her virtues are uncountable.,virtue,صِفَت,,नैतिक_गुण, +N,Virus for common cold is highly contageous.,virus,وَےرَس,,छूत_के_रोगों_का_विष, +N,He applied for U.K visa.,visa,وِیٖزہ,,वीसा, +Adj,The moon was visible after the eclipse.,visible,نوٚن,,दृश्य, +N,Vitamin A improves vision.,vision,أچھۍ گاش,,दृष्टि, +N,The chief minister paid a visit to our University.,visit,دور,,मुलाकात, +VT,Tourists visit Taj Mahal in Agra.,visit,وٕچھنہِ گَژُھن,,देखने_जाना[आना], +N,He is a visitor.,visitor,سٲلٲنۍ,,आगन्तुक, +N,I had a stream of visitors the whole day.,visitor,سٲلٲنۍ,,भेंट_करनेवाला, +Adj,The visual images became real.,visual,۔۔۔,,दृश्य, +Adj,Her seminar was accompanied by interesting visuals.,visual,شَکلہٕ,,शैक्षिक_कार्य_में_सहायक_सामग्री, +Adj,Mahatma Gandhi played a vital role in the freedom struggle.,vital,بوٚڑ، اہَم,,महत्वपूर्ण, +Adj,She`s a vital person.,vital,زِنٛدٕ دِل,,जीवंत, +N,The music has good intonation and vitality.,vitality,۔۔۔,,स्फूर्ति, +Adj,The wall has been painted a vivid blue.,vivid,تیز,,चटकीला, +Adj,He gave a vivid description of what really happened there.,vivid,صاف,,प्रबल, +Adj,It is a piece of vocal music.,vocal,بولَن بَل,,वाचक, +N,This piece of music has Lata on vocals.,vocal,آواز,,कंठ_संगीत, +Adj,There are many vocational courses for students.,vocational,پیشاوَر,,व्यावसायक, +N,I heard a feeble voice from the house.,voice,آواز,,आवाज़, +N,The students want a voice in the decision making.,voice,راے,,विचार, +N,Change the sentence into a different voice.,voice,۔۔۔,,व्याकरणिक_क्रिया[कर्तृवाच्य/कर्मवाच्य/भाववाच्य], +N,I heard a feeble voice from the house.,voice,آواز,,आवाज, +N,The students want a voice in the decision making.,voice,راے,,विचार, +N,Change the sentence into a different voice.,voice,۔۔۔,,व्याकरणिक_क्रिया[कर्तृवाच्य/कर्मवाच्य/भाववाच्य], +VT,The protesters voiced their demands.,voice,آواز تُلٕنۍ، اِظہار کرُن,,विचार_व्यक्त_करना, +N,Many volcanoes are still active in Japan.,volcano,آتَش فِشان,,ज्वालामुखी, +N,Voltage fluctuations are common.,voltage,وولٹیج,,विद्युत_संचालन_शक्ति, +N,Read the first volume of Mahabharata.,volume,جِلٕد,,ग्रन्थ, +N,Pickles are stored in the jars of different volumes.,volume,ہجُم,,आयतन, +N,The volume of traffic is increasing day by day.,volume,مِقدار,,मात्रा, +N,The music was on full volume.,volume,آواز,,प्रबलता, +Adj,Many voluntary organisations came forward to help the needy.,voluntary,رَزاکٲری,,स्वैच्छक, +N,He is a volunteer.,volunteer,رَزاکار,,स्वयंसेवक, +V,He is a volunteer.,volunteer,رَزاکار,,अपनी_सेवाएँ_अर्पित_कर, +V,He volunteered to help the needy.,volunteer,رَزاکٲری کَرٕنۍ,,स्वेच्छा_से_काम_करना, +V,He volunteered the information.,volunteer,پانَے وَنُن,,स्वेच्छापूर्वक_कहना, +N,There were only seventeen votes in favour of the Congress.,vote,ووٹ,,मत/वोट, +VTI,He voted for the nation.,vote,ووٹ ترٛاوُن،ووٹ دیُن,,मत_देना, +N,A voter casts his vote.,voter,ووٹ ترٛاوَن وول,,मत_देने_वाला, +N,He took a vow never to drink again.,vow,قسم,,शपथ, +VTI,He vowed never to drink alcohol again.,vow,وادٕ کَرُن،قسم کھیوٚن,,वादा, +N,Languages have different vowel systems.,vowel,واویل,,स्वर, +N,This was his first voyage as a sailor.,voyage,ٲبی سَفَر,,यात्रा{जल_या_विमान}, +Adj,It is a vulnerable bridge.,vulnerable,کَمزور، خَطرٕہوٚت,,भेद्य, +Adj,He is vulnerable to diseases.,vulnerable,کَمزور,,कमजोर, +N,Workers get nominal wages.,wage,موٚزوٗرۍ,,मजदूरी, +VT,He had to wage his flat to get money.,wage,کِرایہِ دیُن,,किराया_करना, +N,They travelled by a wagon from the station.,wagon,اَکہِ قٕسمٕچ گٲڑۍ,,चौ_पहिया_छकड़ा, +N,Reema was wearing a dress that was very tight at the waist.,waist,کمَر,,कमर, +VTI,He waited at the bus stop.,wait,پیارُن,,प्रतीक्षा_करना, +N,He had a long wait for the train.,wait,اِنتِظار,,प्रतीक्षा, +N,They are talking to the waiter.,waiter,بٕۂرٕ،ویٹَر,,वेटर, +VTI,Do you wake up early in the morning?,wake,نیٔندرِوۄتُھن,,जगाना, +N,His walk is not straight.,walk,چال ڈال، ترٛاہۍ,,चाल, +V,They walked for two kilometers yesterday.,walk,پَکُن,,चलना, +N,A vagabond is a good walker.,walker,پَکَن وول,,चलनेवाला, +Adj,It is a walking distance.,walking,پَکوٕنۍ,,चलता-फिरता, +N,Walking improves your health.,walking,پَکُن,,चलना, +N,Don`t lean on the wall.,wall,دٮ۪وار،دۄس,,दीवार, +VT,The waves formed a wall of water.,wall,دٮ۪وار بَناوُن,,दीवार_से_घेरना, +VI,He wanders from place to place.,wander,پھیرُن تھورُن,,घूमना, +V,I want to do this job.,want,یَژُھن,,चाह, +N,People died from want of food.,want,ضٔروٗرَت,,आवश्यकता, +VTI,They want a good library.,want,یَژُھن,,चाहना, +Adj,Rita is wanting in good manners.,wanting,ضٔروٗرت,,अपर्याप्त, +Prep,She is perhaps a little wanting in beauty.,wanting,بَغٲر,,के_सिवा, +N,The border dispute led to war between the two nations.,war,جَنٛگ,,युद्ध, +Adj,Mohan is a ward boy in the state hospital.,ward,واڑ,,निगरानी, +VT,People believe that sincere prayers ward off the evils.,ward,رٲچھۍ کَرٕنۍ،دوٗر تھاوُن,,रक्षा_करना, +N,The young boy was Gita`s ward.,ward,بَچہٕ،اَولاد,,आश्रित, +N,They are skilful in modern warfare.,warfare,جَنٛگ,,युद्ध_उपकरण, +Adj,I need some warm water.,warm,سۄکھہٕ بُل،شیٖر گَرٕم,,गर्म{सुखद}, +Adj,Ram and Ravi struck a warm friendship.,warm,سَکھ,,गर्म, +VTI,Warm up the soup.,warm,وٕشُن کَرُن،وٕشنیر دیُن، وٕشناوُن,,गर्म_करना, +N,The blanket provides warmth in the cold weather.,warmth,گَرمی،وٕشنیر,,गर्मी, +VT,The teacher warned the students not to repeat the mistakes.,warn,آگاہ کَرُن,,चेतावनी_देना, +N,He got a warning for his behaviour.,warning,دَمکی,,चेतावनी, +N,The police showed the warrant to arrest the criminal.,warrant,وارَنٛٹ,,अधिकार_पत्र, +VT,He warranted the statement given by the lawyer.,warrant,زمانَت دِنۍ،ذِمہ ٕوٲری دِنۍ,,प्रमाणिक_ठहराना, +N,I saw the rabbit in a warren.,warren,خَرگوش وٲج,,खरगोशों_या_खरहों_के_पालने_का_बाड़ा, +N,The car needs a wash.,wash,صَفٲیی,,धोना, +VTI,Please wash my clothes.,wash,چَھلُن,,धोना, +N,Hang the washing on the rope.,washing,چٔھلِمٕتۍ پَلَو,,धुलाई, +Adj,Waste matter is recycled.,waste,رٔدی,,व्यर्थ, +N,This work is a waste of energy.,waste,زایہِ,,क्षय, +VT,Do not waste the food.,waste,زایہِ کَرُن,,नष्ट_करना, +N,I bought a new watch recently.,watch,گٔر,,घड़ी, +N,The doctor asked the nurse to keep a watch on the patient.,watch,نَظَر,,नज़र, +VTI,The man watched the children crossing the lane.,watch,وٕچھُن,,देखना, +N,Drink plenty of water to keep good health.,water,آب،ترٛیش,,पानी, +VTI,He waters the plants regularly.,water,سَگ دیُن,,सींचना, +VTI,His mouth watered when he saw the sweets.,water,آب یُن,,पानी_आना, +N,It is pleasant to watch the waves in the sea.,wave,لہَر,,लहर, +VTI,He waved his hands for help.,wave,ہِلاوُن,,लहराना, +N,Buy some wax for the party.,wax,موم,,मोम, +VI,"When the moon waxes, it appears larger and rounder each day.",wax,بَڑُن,,बढ़ना, +VT,Please wax the doll.,wax,موم مَتھُن,,मोम_लगाना, +N,This way leads to the field.,way,وَتھ,,रास्ता, +N,This way leads to the field.,way,وَتھ,,पथ, +Pron,We are leaving this place.,we,أسۍ,,हम, +Adj,Weak minded do not take risks.,weak,کَمزور,,कमज़ोर, +Adj,He is weak to be a commander.,weak,کوٚچ،ناقٲبِل,,निस्तेज, +Adj,I advised him not to invest in shares as the market is weak.,weak,نَرٕم,,मन्द, +Adj,The tea is weak.,weak,آب ہِش,,नीरस, +VT,Anti-biotics will weaken our system.,weaken,کَمزور کَرُن,,निर्बल_करना, +N,It is good to know our own strengths and weaknesses.,weakness,کَمزوٗری،خٲمی,,निर्बलता, +N,Watching movies is their weakness.,weakness,کَمزوٗری,,शौक, +N,Health is wealth.,wealth,دَولت,,धन, +N,It is a book with wealth of information.,wealth,کَثرَت،��ٔثیٖر،یَسلہٕ,,बाहुल्य, +N,Use of weapons should be banned.,weapon,سامان،ۂتِھیار,,अस्त्र, +N,Cottons are good for summer wear.,wear,پَلَو,,पहनावा, +N,The curtains will have a durable wear.,wear,دارٕدار,,जान, +N,The carpet is showing wear now.,wear,۔۔۔,,कट_फट/घिसावट, +VTI,Wear this jacket and go to market.,wear,لاگُن,,पहनना, +VTI,His face wore a sad look.,wear,آسُن,,भाव_होना, +VTI,The tyres are worn due to constant use.,wear,گِسنہٕ یُن، گَلُن,,घिस_जाना, +VTI,Fashionable clothes often do not wear very long.,wear,چلُن,,ज़्यादा_चलना, +Adj,He looked weary after the day`s hard work.,weary,تھوٚکمُت,,क्लान्त, +Adj,It was a weary journey by train for two days.,weary,تَھکہٕ وٕ نۍ,,उबाऊ, +V,The boy seems to weary of pedalling the cycle.,weary,تھکُن,,थकाना, +N,The weather is pleasant now.,weather,موسَم,,मौसम, +VTI,You should buy a suit that weathers well.,weather,موسمَس مُطٲبِق آسُن,,खुली_हवा_के_प्रभाव_को_झेलना, +VTI,She weathered the crisis well.,weather,ژالُن,,पार_करना, +VTI,Artisans weave and display handvoven textiles.,weave,وونُن,,कपडा_बनाना, +VTI,Their lives are woven into a narrative.,weave,وَلنہٕ یُن,,एक_ही_कथासूत्र_में_ग्रथित_करना, +VTI,The path weaves through bushes.,weave,دٔچِھنۍ کھووٕرۍ وَتھ کَڑٕنۍ,,दायें_बायें_चलना, +VTI,Tom wedded Mary.,wed,خاندَر کَرُن، نیتٕھر کَرُن,,ब्याह_करना, +N,We have to attend a wedding on Sunday.,wedding,خاندَر,,विवाहोत्सव, +N,A week has seven days.,week,ہَفتہٕ,,सप्ताह, +N,People go out in the weekends.,weekend,ویٖکٮ۪نڑ,,सप्ताह_का_अन्तिम_दिन, +Adj,His weekly trip was cancelled.,weekly,ہَفتٕوار,,साप्ताहक, +Adv,The lab must be checked weekly.,weekly,پرٛتھ ہَفتہٕ،ہَفتہٕ پَتہٕ ہَفتہٕ,,प्रति_सप्ताह, +N,I am reading a weekly.,weekly,ہَفتہٕ وار,,साप्ताहिक_पत्र, +VI,The child was weeping for his mother.,weep,وَدُن،رِوُن,,रोना, +N,He heard the weep of the solitary reaper.,weep,وَدُن،رِوُن,,रोदन, +VI,He weighs the grains on the scales.,weigh,تولُن,,तोलना, +VI,How much do you weigh?,weigh,وَزَن آسُن,,वजन_होना, +VI,We weighed anchor.,weigh,ہُک کَڑُن,,लंगर_उठाना, +N,Don`t carry too much weight.,weight,وَزَن,,भार, +VT,Please weight down these papers.,weight,وَزَن تھاوُن,,भार_बढाना, +Adj,The chief guest gave a welcome address.,welcome,اِستیقبال,,स्वागत, +N,We were touched by the warmth of their welcome.,welcome,اِستیقبال,,स्वागत, +VT,The Principal welcomed the gathering.,welcome,اِستیقبال کَرُن,,स्वागत_करना, +VT,Gifts are always welcomed by children.,welcome,خٲر مَقدَم کَرُن,,धन्यवाद_सहित_लेना_[किसी_वस्तु_को], +VT,The manager welcomed the suggestion warmly.,welcome,خٲر مَقدَم کَرُن,,विशेष_रूप_से_प्रभावित_होना, +N,We have to work for the welfare of the needy.,welfare,بہبُوٗدی،بَجٲیی،خۄش حٲلی,,कल्याण, +Adj,We are all well here.,well,ٹھیٖکھ ، وارَے,,निरोग, +Adj,One should have a sound mind and well disciplined body.,well,جان,,सन्तोषजनक, +Interj,"Well, what a thing to say!",well,واہ، خٲر,,अरे_वाह!, +N,There is a well near the tree.,well,کیوٗر,,कुँआ, +Adv,The students behaved well.,well,اَصٕل پٲٹھۍ,,अच्छी_तरह, +Adj,The cyclone has crossed the west coast.,west,مَشرِقی,,पश्चिमी, +Adv,Our house faces west.,west,مَشرِق کُن,,पश्चिम_की_ओर, +N,Sun sets in the west.,west,مَشرِق,,पश्चिम, +Adj,Go to the western block.,western,مَشرِقی,,पश्चिमी, +Adj,The carpet is wet.,wet,اوٚدُر,,गीला, +N,Keep away from the wet.,wet,سرٛہہ,,तर, +N,There is some wet on the wall.,wet,سرٛہہ,,गीलापन, +N,He seems to be a wet person.,wet,نٮ۪تہٕ سۄتہٕ,,नीरस, +VT,Don`t get wet in the rain.,wet,أدراوُن,,गीला_करना, +Conj,That is what I mean.,what,کیاہ,,क्या, +Pron,What are you reading?,what,کیاہ,,क्या, +Pron,What I like about her is that she is frank.,what,یہِ,,जो, +Adv,Whatever he did was unexpected.,what,یہِ کینٛہہ تہِ,,जो कुछ भी, +Det,What books are you reading?,what,کۄم,,क्या, +Pron,You can eat whatever you like.,whatever,یہِ تہِ,,जो_कुछ_भी, +Pron,You can eat whatever you like.,whatever,یہِ تہِ,,जो_भी, +N,Wheat is good for health.,wheat,کٕنٕک,,गेहूँ, +N,The wheel in the cycle is not moving.,wheel,ہَگُر,,पहिया, +VTI,He wheeled the goods from place to place.,wheel,رَوانہٕ کَرُن، نیُن,,पहियों_पर_ले_जाना, +Pron,Sunday is the day when I take rest.,when,ییٚلہِ,,जब, +Pron,When are you going there?,when,کَر,,कब, +Interro,When did you go there?,when,کَر,,कब, +Rel Pron,Sunday is the day when I take rest.,when,ییٚلہِ,,जब/जिस_समय, +Conj,Come to our place when you feel like it.,when,ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ،ییٚلہِ,,जब, +Adv,When did you go there?,when,کَر,,कब, +Adv,"Whenever he comes to India, he visits us.",whenever,ییٚلہِ تہِ,,जब_कभी, +Adv,"Whenever he comes to India, he visits us.",whenever,ییٚلہِ تہِ,,जब_भी, +Pron,The place where you are staying is very congested.,where,ییٚتِٮ۪تھ,,जहाँ, +Pron,Where do you stay?,where,کَتہِ,,कहाँ, +Interro,Where do you stay?,where,کَتہِ,,कहाँ, +Conj,I don`t know where did I keep my book.,where,کَتہِ,,कहाँ, +Rel Pron,The place where you are staying is very congested.,where,ییٚتٮ۪تھ,,जिस_स्थान_पर, +Conj,He is very strong whereas his brother is puny.,whereas,ییٚلہِ زَن,,क्योंकि[प्रतिकूलता], +Adv,He took tution whereby he can get through the examination.,whereby,ییٚمہِ سۭتۍ,,जिसके_द्वारा, +Adv,The dog follows him wherever he goes.,wherever,یوٚتَتھ تہِ,,जहाँ_कहीं, +Adv,The dog follows him wherever he goes.,wherever,یوٚتَتھ تہِ,,जहाँ_भी, +Conj,I don`t know whether he will come.,whether,کہِ,,कि, +Conj,You will get a momento whether you take part in the quiz or not.,whether,چاہے,,चाहें, +Pron,You can take the book which is on the table.,which,یۄسہٕ,,जो, +Pron,Which book do you want?,which,کۄسہٕ,,कौनसा, +Rel Pron,You can take the book which is on the table.,which,یۄسہٕ,,जो, +Interro,Which is your favourite game?,which,کۄسہٕ,,कौन_सा, +Conj,The maid comes in the morning at which time I am asleep.,which,ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ,,जब_ि, +Det,Take whichever dress suits you best.,whichever,یُس تہِ,,जिस_भी, +Det,Take whichever course you like.,whichever,یُس تہِ,,जो_भी, +Pron,Take whichever course you like.,whichever,یُس تہِ,,जो_भी, +conj,I saw her while driving.,while,ییٚلہِ،ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ,,जब, +conj,I like black tea while my husband takes it with milk.,while,ییٚلہِ زَن,,जब_ि, +Conj,I finished the novel while she was cooking.,while,ییٚمہِ ساتہٕ,,उस_अवधि_में, +Conj,I like black tea while my husband takes it with milk.,while,ییٚلہِ زَن,,जब_ि, +N,She worked in a school for a while before joining the college.,while,کِینٛژس کالَس,,काल, +V,We whiled away the time at the airport reading newspapers.,while,گُزارُن,,आराम_से_समय_गुजारना, +N,The man was punished with a whip.,whip,چھانٛٹہٕ,,चाबुक, +N,He was elected as the chief whip of the party.,whip,لاگُو گَژھنہٕ خٲطرٕ کانٛہہ قونُونی کاروٲیی,,उपस्थित_होने_के_लिए_लिखित_आदेश, +VTI,The teacher whipped the boy.,whip,کوڑٕ والٕنۍ,,चाबुक_मारना, +VTI,She whipped the cream.,whip,چھونٛپ دیُن,,फेंटना, +VTI,Chill winds whipped the desert.,whip,وٕڑُن,,दिशा_की_ओर_चलना, +VTI,The man whipped out a knife.,whip,یَک دَم کَڑُن,,झटके_से_निकालना, +N,The spy spoke in whispers.,whisper,پھِسرارَے، لوٚت,,काना_फूसी, +VTI,The student whispered in the class.,whisper,پِھسرارَے کَرٕنۍ,,काना_फूसी_करना, +VTI,A gentle breeze was whispering through the woods.,whisper,۔۔۔,,पत्तियों_के_टकराने_की_आवाज, +N,She has a whistle in her hand.,whistle,پِپِنۍ,,सीटी, +VTI,He whistled the whole song.,whistle,پِپِنۍ وایِنۍ،شِریٖنۍ وایِنۍ,,सीटी_बजाकर_बुलाना, +Adj,Spread the white cloth on the table.,white,سَفید,,सफेद, +Adj,He is a white man.,white,۔۔۔,,श्वेत_रंग[कुल], +Adj,He was white with illness.,white,سَفیدی,,तीव्र_उत्तेजना, +Pron,Who is the person in the red coat?,who,کۄسہٕ،کُس,,कौन/जो, +Pron,The boy who is tall came first.,who,یۄسہٕ ،یُس,,जो, +Pron,Who is the person in the red coat?,who,کۄسہ،کُس,,कौ���, +Pron,Whoever comes first will get a prize.,whoever,یُس کانٛہہ,,जो_कोई, +Pron,Whoever comes first will get a prize.,whoever,یُس تہِ,,जो_भी, +Adj,We spent the whole day watching movies.,whole,پوٗرٕ,,पुरा, +Adj,The whole village was washed away by the floods.,whole,سورُے,,पूरा, +N,They all together make a whole.,whole,جَمٲژ,,समस्त, +Adv,She wasn`t wholly satisfied by my suggestion.,wholly,پورٕ پٲٹھۍ,,पूर्ण_रूप_से, +Pron,Whom should I call for the party?,whom,کٔمِس,,किसे, +Pron,The boy whom you gave that book has come.,whom,ییٚمِس,,जिसको, +Pron,The boy whom you gave that book has come.,whom,ییٚمِس,,किसको, +Pron,"The boy whose book it is, will come later.",whose,ییٚمۍ سٕنٛز,,जिसका, +Pron,Whose book is this?,whose,کٔمۍ سٕنٛز,,किसका, +Rel Pron,"The boy whose book it is, will come later.",whose,ییٚمۍ سٕنٛز,,जिसका, +Interro,Whose car is that?,whose,کٔمۍ سٕنٛز,,किसका, +Pron,Why did you leave him?,why,کیازِ,,क्यों, +Interro,Why did you leave him?,why,کیازِ,,क्यों, +Adj,He is a wicked man.,wicked,آزٲرۍ،بَد کار,,दुष्ट, +Adj,This is a wide road.,wide,کھوٚل،کٔھج,,चौडा, +Adj,A wide audience watched the programme.,wide,بٔڑ,,विस्तृत, +Adj,`That was a wide ball` the umpire said.,wide,وایِڑ,,पहुँच_के_बाहर_हो{गेंद}, +Adv,We differ widely in our views.,widely,واریِہَو طٔریٖقَو کِنۍ,,पर्याप्त_मात्रा_में, +Adv,Arthur Hailey`s novels are widely read.,widely,تٔھدِس پَیمانَس پٮ۪ٹھ,,विशाल_क्षेत्र_में, +V,We must widen the discussion for certain reasons.,widen,بٔڑراوُن,,चौडा_हो`, +Adj,There was widespread damage due to cyclone.,widespread,پھٲلیومُت,,दूर_दूर_तक_फैला_हुआ, +N,He and his widowed mother stay there.,widow,مۄنٛڑ,,विधवा, +VT,She was widowed at an early age.,widow,مۄنٛڑ گَژُھن,,विधवा_करना, +N,The width of this corridor is eight feet.,width,کَھجَر,,चौड़ाई, +N,He is going out with his wife.,wife,خانٛدارِنۍ،گَرواجِنۍ,,पत्नी, +Adj,These flowers are wild.,wild,جَنٛگلی,,जंगली, +N,The solitary reaper walked in the wild.,wild,جَنٛگل،وَن,,जंगल, +N,Wildlife sanctuary is well protected in our country.,wildlife,یٲگی زُو ذٲژ,,वनजीवन, +Adv,The students rushed wildly from room to room.,wildly,ؤحشی پٲٹھۍ,,जंगली_रूप_से, +AuxV,Tomorrow will be Friday.,will,آسہِ,,होगा, +N,The ascetic showed great strength of will.,will,مَنشہٕ,,आत्म_संयम, +N,Always have goodwill towards others.,will,نِیَت,,अभिप्राय, +N,It is the will of God.,will,مَنشہٕ ،مَرضی,,अभिलाषा, +N,He has decided to write a new will.,will,ؤصیَت,,वसीयत, +VTI,He willed and every thing went accordingly.,will,یَژُھن,,चाहना, +Adj,The carpenter is willing to do the work.,willing,تَیار،رَضامَنٛد,,इच्छुक, +Adj,The carpenter is willing to do the work.,willing,تَیار،رَضامَنٛد,,उद्यत, +V,You have to win the match.,win,زینُن,,जीतना, +N,Skin should be protected against wind.,wind,واو،ہَوا,,हवा, +VT,The long climb completely winded us.,wind,شانٛش کَھسٕنۍ، پھرٛکھ کَھسُن,,हँफाना, +VTI,The road winds towards the mountain.,wind,پھیرُن,,मोड़ना, +N,Please open this window.,window,دٲر,,खिड़की, +N,He took wine in the party.,wine,شَراب,,मदिरा, +N,I don`t prefer wine.,wine,شَراب,,मदिरालय, +N,She belongs to the political wing.,wing,جَمٲژ,,पक्ष, +N,The wing of the swan was injured.,wing,پَر،پَکھ,,पंख, +VT,The birds are wingging their way towards the nest.,wing,پَکھہٕ واینہِ,,पंख_लगाना, +Adj,Ours is always the winning team.,winning,زینَن واجِنۍ,,विजयी, +N,Vegetables are fresh in winter.,winter,وَنٛدٕ,,जाड़ा, +VI,They wintered in the South this year.,winter,وَنٛدٕ کڑُُن,,जाड़ा_काटना, +V,I will wipe my hands first.,wipe,وۄَتھراوُن,,पोंछ, +N,Give the floor a good wipe.,wipe,تٕژھ,,पौंछा, +VT,Wipe the floor.,wipe,تٕژھ دِنۍ,,पौंछा_लगाना, +V,I have wired my jaws.,wire,تار لاگٕنۍ,,तार_लगा, +N,The electrician is using a wire for the fuse.,wire,تار,,तार, +VT,They have to wire the electric connections.,wire,تار ٕلاگٕنۍ,,तार_से_बाँधना, +N,Many saints are men of wisdom.,wisdom,علِم,,ज्ञान, +N,This curtain should be put lengthwise.,wise,طٔریٖقہٕ،آیہِ,,रीति, +Adj,Wise people think before they act.,wise,عقٕل مَنٛد،داناہ,,ज्ञानी, +N,Her wish was to serve the needy.,wish,اَرمان,,इच्छा, +N,I sent my new year wish to my daughter.,wish,دۄیہِ خٲر,,आशीर्वाद_देना, +VTI,I wished to be a doctor.,wish,اَرمان آسُن,,इच्छा_होना[करना], +VTI,I wish you success.,wish,دۄیہِ خٲر کَرُن,,शुभकामना_करना, +N,Birbal`s wit was par execellence.,wit,عقٕل،سَمٕجھ,,समझ, +N,Birbal is known for his wit.,wit,عقٕل مٔنٛدی,,वाकपटुता, +Prep,Fix the chair with glue.,with,سۭتۍ,,से, +Prep,Can you come with me?,with,سۭتۍ,,के~साथ, +Prep,Are you coming with us?,with,سۭتۍ,,के_साथ, +Prep,We watched the venus with a telescope.,with,سۭتۍ,,से, +Prep,She left the books with her friend.,with,نِش,,के_पास, +Prep,With all her faults he loved her.,with,اَمہِ مٔزیٖد,,के_बावजूद, +Prep,She was wearing a blue saree with a pink border.,with,وول,,वाला, +VTI,He withdrew from the match when he came to know that he will not win.,withdraw,پَتھ پھیرُن,,लौटा_लेना, +Prep,I have to complet this work within an hour.,within,مَنٛز,,के~भीतर, +Adv,Apply the paste within the mould.,within,مَنٛز,,भीतर, +Prep,I have to return within a day.,within,مَنٛز,,के_भीतर, +Prep,Poor people find it hard to live within their income.,within,مَنٛز,,की_सीमा_के_अन्दर, +Prep,I take bread without butter.,without,بَغٲر,,के~बिना, +Adv,You want your tea without milk.,without,روٚستُے,,बाहर, +Prep,The flood victims were without food for a day.,without,بَغٲر,,के_बिना, +N,He is the witness of the murder case.,witness,گَواہ,,गवाह, +N,The man is going to give witness about the case in the court.,witness,گَوٲہی,,गवाही, +VTI,You have to witness the scene.,witness,وُچھُن,,देखना, +N,Who is that woman?,woman,زَنانہٕ،زٔنۍ,,स्त्री, +N,A woman also has the right to vote.,woman,زَنانہٕ,,नारी, +V,India has won the match.,won,زیوٗنمُت,,जीता_हुआ, +N,This movie filled me with wonder.,wonder,حٲرت,,अद्भुतता, +N,We were filled with wonder when the total eclipse occurred.,wonder,حٲرت,,अचरज, +VT,Ramesh wondered at the young child`s achievement.,wonder,حٲران گَژُھن,,अचरज_होना[करना], +VT,I wonder whether they will come.,wonder,شَکَس مَنٛز روزُن،دُلمُلس مَنٛز روزُن,,कौतुक_होना, +Adj,It was a wonderful performance of the choir.,wonderful,حٲران کُن,,अद्भुत, +N,Windows are made of wood.,wood,لٔکٕر,,लकडी, +Adj,Lift the wooden box.,wooden,ہَچوٗ,,लकड़ी_का, +N,The woods are lovely.,woods,جَنٛگَل،وَن,,जंगल, +N,She is knitting with wool.,wool,یٖیَر,,ऊन, +N,Woollen clothes give warmth.,woollen,یٖیَرُو,,ऊनी, +N,Write the essay in your own words.,word,لفظ,,शब्द, +N,Great people give words of wisdom.,word,کَتھ,,कथन, +N,I give you my word that this will not happen again.,word,لفظ،زبان,,वचन, +VT,I was unable to word my feelings at the Ritu`s husband`s death.,word,باوُن ،بَیان کَرُن,,शब्दों_में_प्रकट_करना, +N,The school will complete the work of building soon.,work,کٲم,,काम, +N,Leo Tolstoy`s work is memorable.,work,کٲم,,रचना, +N,Work is the use of force to produce movement.,work,کٲم,,कार्य[भौतिक], +VT,The labourer works in the factory.,work,کٲم کَرٕنۍ,,काम_करना, +N,A factory worker is sleeping under the tree.,worker,مُلٲزِم،موٚزوٗر,,कर्मचारी, +N,Party workers have organized a big rally.,worker,مُلٲزِم,,कार्यकर्ता, +N,I have given my mixer in the workshop.,workshop,کارخانہٕ,,कारखाना{मरम्मत_का}, +N,The whole world will be affected by the nuclear power.,world,دُنِیا,,विश्व, +N,He is dissecting a worm.,worm,کیوٚم,,कीड़ा, +VI,The horses should be wormed often.,worm,کیٚمۍ کَڑٕنۍ,,कीडे_निकालना, +Adj,His shoes are worn.,worn,گِسیومُت,,घिसा_हुआ, +Adj,She looks worn after the day`s work.,worn,تھوٚکمُت،تٕھچ مٕژ,,थका_हुआ, +N,Each profession has its worries.,worry,فِکر,,चिंता, +VT,Raju is worried about his health.,worry,فِکر مَنٛد روزُن,,चिंतित_होना, +VT,"Don`t worry her, she is already disturbed.",worry,پَریشان کَرُن،توس تُلُن,,परेशान_करना, +Adv,It is raining worse than ever.,worse,خطرناک پٲٹ��ۍ,,और_भी_बुरे_प्रकार_से, +Adj,Your handwriting is worse than mine.,worse,واریاہ خَراب,,अधिक_खराब, +N,I have worse to tell you.,worse,خَراب,,और_बुरा, +N,Temples are places of worship.,worship,عِبادَت,,पूजा, +VT,People go to various religious places to worship.,worship,عِبادَت کَرٕنۍ,,सम्मान_करना, +N,Her condition is worst.,worst,خَراب,,सब_से_बुरा, +Adj,That was the worst moment of her life.,worst,مُشکِل,,कठिन, +Adj,This house is worth about 60 lakhs.,worth,مۄل,,मूल्य, +N,There was an auction for $6000 worth of artefacts.,worth,مۄل,,मूल्य, +Adj,The student is worthy of praise for his hard work.,worthy,لایق,,योग्य, +N,He is worthy for his contribution in the field of science.,worthy,قٲبِل,,माननीय_व्यक्ति, +V,He said he would be here at 6 `o`clock.,would,آسہِ,,होगा, +N,The child has a wound on the knee.,wound,زَخم,,घाव, +VT,He wounded a man by pelting stones at him.,wound,زَخمی کَرُن,,घायल_करना, +Adj,The veterinary doctor attended a wounded fawn.,wounded,زَخمی,,घायल_हुआ, +VT,The gifts were wrapped and kept on the table.,wrap,وَلُن,,लपेटना{कागज़_आदि_से}, +VT,The thief wrested the luggage from the passenger.,wrest,تَھپھ دِنۍ، تَھپہ ِنیُن,,छीन_लेना, +VT,I have to wrest control of the company.,wrest,سَختی سان حٲصِل کَرُن,,मुश्किल_से_प्राप्त_करना, +N,She had a beautiful watch on her wrist.,wrist,ہوٚژ,,कलाई, +N,The man got a writ from the court.,writ,سَمَن,,न्यायिक_आदेश{न्यायालय_द्वारा_अधिकारी_को_कार्यवाही_करने_या_न_करने_का_आदेश}, +VT,The child is learning to write early.,write,لٮ۪کُھن,,लिखना, +VT,Jane Austin wrote `Pride and Prejudice`.,write,لٮ۪کُھن,,रचना_करना, +N,Bhavabhuti was a writer of fame.,writer,لِکھٲرۍ,,लेक, +N,Arun does a bit of writing during leisure hours.,writing,لٮ۪کھان,,लेखन, +Adj,He sent a written request to the principal.,written,لیوٚکھمُت،لیٚچھۍ مٕژ,,लिखा_हुआ, +Adj,Her mathematical calculations are wrong.,wrong,غَلَط,,गलत, +Adv,Please don`t spell my name wrong.,wrong,غَلَط پٲٹھۍ,,गलतपूर्ण, +N,Noble men never do wrong.,wrong,غَلطی,,गलती/त्रुटि, +N,The lady complained of the wrongs she had suffered at her in-laws.,wrong,زیادتی,,अन्याय, +VT,He was deeply wronged by the charges.,wrong,زیادتی کَرٕنۍ,,अन्याय_करना, +N,Wrongdoing will lead to revenge.,wrongdoing,غَلَط کٲم,,गलत_कार्य, +N,"In Tamil Nadu, the bride wears 9 yard saree on her wedding.",yard,گَز,,गज़, +N,The backyard of my house is always kept clean.,yard,آنٛگُن,,आँगन/प्राँगण, +N,The yard of the boat got damaged due to cyclone.,yard,۔۔۔,,पाल_फैलाने_का_झँडा, +N,The material has fine quality home spun yarn.,yarn,پَن، یِیر,,सूत, +N,I think he is spinning a yarn about his bravery.,yarn,قٕصہٕ,,किस्सा, +Adv,"``Will you come?`` ``Yeah, sure``.",yeah,آ,,हाँ{समवयस्क}, +N,She is in first year.,year,ؤری,,वर्ष, +Adj,I have to prepare myself for my yearly exams.,yearly,سالانہٕ,,वार्षक, +VI,The crowd yelled at the players.,yell,کرٛٮ۪کہٕ دِنہِ، شور تُلُن,,चिल्लाना, +Adj,I have got a yellow dress.,yellow,زَرٕد، لیوٚدُر,,पीला, +N,Sita`s saree is yellow.,yellow,زَرٕد، لیوٚدُر,,पीला_रंग, +VTI,Her face was yellowed with fear.,yellow,زَرٕد گَژُھن، لیوٚدریار پھیرُن,,पीला_करना, +N,"Yes, of course, I`ll come to the party.",yes,آ، اَدٕ کیاہ,,हाँ, +Adv,He came here yesterday.,yesterday,رات,,कल, +N,Yesterday was a holiday.,yesterday,رات,,कल, +Adv,I haven`t found the book yet.,yet,وٕنیُک تانۍ,,अभी_तक, +Conj,"He is slow, yet good in his work.",yet,توتہِ,,तो_भी, +N,The yield of kharif crops was not good this season.,yield,پٲداوار,,उपज, +VI,He yielded to his boss`s pressure.,yield,نَمُن، مانُن,,अधीन_होना, +VT,She was forced to yield up her job.,yield,دیُن,,देना, +Pron,Why don`t you sit?,you,ژٕ، تُہۍ,,आप, +Adj,She has a young brother.,young,کَم وٲنٛسہِ،لۄکُٹ,,कम_उम्र/तरुण, +N,She is too young for marriage.,young,لۄکُٹ، لۄکُٹ,,बच्चा, +N,Some youngsters have joined the yoga class.,youngster,جَوان,,लड़का, +Pron,I like your dress.,your,چون، ت��ہُنٛد,,आपका, +Det,I like your dress.,your,تُہُنٛد,,आपका, +Pron,I`m always yours.,yours,چون، تُہُنٛد,,आपका, +Pron,Do your work yourself.,yourself,ژٕ،پانَے,,स्वयं, +Refl Pron,Enjoy yourself during holidays.,yourself,پانے، پانس,,तुम_ही, +N,He enjoyed his youth.,youth,جَوٲنی،لۄکچار,,यौवन, +N,The temperature fell below zero in Udampur and Punjab.,zero,صِفَر,,शून्य, +V,The missiles were zeroed in on the enemy camps.,zero,نِشانَس پٮ۪ٹھ لَگُن,,निशाना_साधना,