-DOCSTART- -X- O O 0b67946e55e9780a2939fcfccbcfb167 The O outcomes O of O the O sensitivity O analysis O framework O suggest O that O flood B-climate-hazards risk O can O vary O dramatically O as O a O result O of O possible O change O scenarios O . O The O risk O components O that O have O not O received O much O attention O ( O e.g. O changes O in O dike B-climate-mitigations systems O and O in O vulnerability O ) O may O mask O the O influence O of O climate O change O that O is O often O investigated O component O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b270c8b103e19e6a09774c222e885aff A O parameterization O of O vertical B-climate-properties diffusivity I-climate-properties in O ocean B-climate-nature general O circulation O models O has O been O implemented O in O the O ocean B-climate-nature model O component O of O the O Community B-climate-models Climate I-climate-models System I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O CCSM B-climate-models ) O . O The O parameterization O represents O the O dynamics O of O the O mixing O in O the O abyssal B-climate-nature ocean I-climate-nature arising O from O the O breaking O of O internal B-climate-nature waves I-climate-nature generated O by O the O tides B-climate-nature forcing O stratified O flow O over O rough O topography B-climate-nature . O Diapycnal B-climate-nature mixing I-climate-nature in O the O ocean B-climate-nature is O thought O to O be O one O of O the O primary O controls O on O the O meridional B-climate-nature overturning I-climate-nature circulation I-climate-nature and O the O poleward B-climate-nature heat I-climate-nature transport I-climate-nature by O the O ocean B-climate-nature . O The O poleward B-climate-nature ocean I-climate-nature heat I-climate-nature transport I-climate-nature does O not O appear O to O be O strongly O affected O by O the O mixing O in O the O abyssal B-climate-nature ocean I-climate-nature for O reasonable O parameter O ranges O . O The O transport O of O the O Antarctic B-climate-nature Circumpolar I-climate-nature Current I-climate-nature through O the O Drake O Passage O is O related O to O the O amount O of O mixing O in O the O deep B-climate-nature ocean I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3c8e05c983415b10eb34adecaffdc75f A O wide O variety O of O aerosols B-climate-nature are O suspended O in O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature . O Especially O in O East O Asia O , O a O huge O amount O of O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuel I-climate-problem-origins burning O aerosols B-climate-nature are O emitted O throughout O the O year O . O Further O it O seems O that O the O characteristics O of O aerosols B-climate-nature change O with O the O season O , O and O hence O the O influence O impact O of O aerosols B-climate-nature over O the O climate O also O varies O according O to O the O season O . O This O work O is O based O on O the O Moderate B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations resolution I-climate-observations Imaging I-climate-observations Spectroradiometer I-climate-observations ( O MODIS B-climate-observations ) O data O and O the O simulation O results O with O a O three O - O dimensional O aerosol B-climate-nature transport O - O radiation O model O . O This O result O is O drawn O from O both O MODIS B-climate-observations data O and O model O simulations O . O MODIS B-climate-observations data O shows O that O the O sulfate O aerosols B-climate-nature are O much O more O dominant O in O summer O than O those O in O winter O at O Beijing O which O is O influenced O strongly O by O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuel I-climate-problem-origins burning O aerosols B-climate-nature . O From O the O present O study O I O can O draw O such O a O result O in O respect O of O surface B-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties budget O as O the O aerosol B-climate-nature impact O on O the O reduction O of O solar B-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties is O more O dominant O in O summer O than O that O in O winter O in O East O Asia O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 8064c445c2ddb2e7fc62737ce8ef5757 The O latest O changes O of O Earth O 's O climate O significantly O affect O human O ability O to O remain O food B-climate-assets production O sustainable O . O Expected O climate O changes O will O influence O environmental O conditions O suitable O for O diseases B-climate-impacts and O pests B-climate-hazards appearance O . O Results O obtained O in O this O assessment O study O indicate O that O , O meteorological O conditions O which O can O be O expected O in O Serbia O in O 2030 O and O 2050 O according O to O ECHAM B-climate-models climate O model O will O significantly O affect O time O of O appearance O and O probability O of O attack O of O plasmopara B-climate-hazards viticola I-climate-hazards which O is O causal O agent O of O downy B-climate-impacts mildew I-climate-impacts of O grapevine B-climate-assets . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9341b2d7b00dc274595420b4d2635eb7 Atmospheric B-climate-nature aerosols I-climate-nature influence O energy O balance O of O the O Arctic O region O via O scattering O solar B-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties , O influencing O albedo B-climate-properties and O lifetime B-climate-properties of O clouds B-climate-nature , O and O via O deposition O on O snow B-climate-nature and O ice B-climate-nature surfaces I-climate-nature . O To O know O about O the O impact O of O arctic O aerosols B-climate-nature is O crucial O , O because O the O Arctic O region O is O a O very O sensitive O area O and O an O important O factor O in O global O circulation O and O climate O . O State O - O of O - O the O art O algorithms O are O not O able O to O resolve O this O task O , O leading O to O gaps O in O aerosol B-climate-nature data O in O the O Polar O regions O . O The O algorithm O is O a O multi O - O angle O approach O , O based O on O the O dual O - O viewing O Advanced B-climate-observations Along I-climate-observations - I-climate-observations Track I-climate-observations Scanning I-climate-observations Radiometer I-climate-observations ( O AATSR B-climate-observations ) O onboard O ENVISAT B-climate-observations . O A O number O of O conducted O simulation O and O modeling O studies O preceded O the O establishment O of O automatic O snow B-climate-nature / O cloud B-climate-nature discrimination O algorithm O and O aerosol B-climate-nature optical B-climate-properties thickness I-climate-properties retrievals O in O the O visible O and O infrared O spectral O regions O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O bab0dca0eaf5dab9ed0911bfc8f79667 In O this O study O , O we O measure O pH B-climate-properties levels I-climate-properties in O a O transect O of O the O Kuroshio O Extension O , O a O turbulent O ocean B-climate-nature region O that O is O known O for O high O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases drawdown O in O late O winter O , O and O therefore O a O potential O site O for O intense O spatial O and O temporal O pH B-climate-properties changes I-climate-properties . O We O provide O baseline O pH B-climate-properties levels I-climate-properties down O to O 2000 O m O across O the O transect O using O the O spectrophotometric O procedure O and O find O that O surface B-climate-properties pH I-climate-properties decreases O 0.37 O pH O units O as O we O progressed O north O along O the O cruise O track O ( O 30 O - O 41 O ° O N O ) O . O We O compare O this O method O of O acquiring O pH B-climate-properties with O the O method O of O calculating O pH B-climate-properties from O alkalinity B-climate-properties and O dissolved O inorganic O carbon O . O Lastly O , O we O compare O current O calculated O pH B-climate-properties to O data O from O previous O cruises O ( O WOCE B-climate-organizations 1993 O and O CLIVAR B-climate-organizations 2007 O ) O to O assess O pH B-climate-properties changes I-climate-properties with O time O . O The O problem O of O ocean B-climate-hazards acidification I-climate-hazards is O a O fairly O recent O one O , O a O direct O result O of O human O activities O in O the O industrial O age O . O This O increase O in O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases has O dire O consequences O for O the O world O ’s O oceans B-climate-nature , O which O act O as O 2 O the O largest O sink O for O atmospheric B-climate-nature CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3275359b287ae82f0a525d99cb008b07 Sedimentary O characteristics O of O channel B-climate-nature fills I-climate-nature and O flood B-climate-nature beds I-climate-nature were O correlated O with O contemporaneous O discharge B-climate-nature records O ( O since O 1770 O AD O ) O and O major O geomorphological O changes O in O the O Lower O Rhine O floodplain B-climate-nature . O Discharges O of O palaeofloods B-climate-hazards were O calculated O from O the O established O regression O between O grain O - O size O characteristics O in O flood B-climate-hazards deposits O and O measured O discharges O , O and O hydraulic O modelling O based O on O the O elevation O of O slackwater B-climate-nature deposits I-climate-nature on O high O terrace B-climate-nature levels O in O the O Lower O Rhine O Valley O . O It O was O found O that O around O 4700 O years O ago O , O an O extreme O must O have O occurred O of O at O least O 13,250 O m3s-1 O , O larger O than O any O measured O discharge B-climate-properties . O Considering O anthropogenic O adjustments O , O this O discharge B-climate-properties corresponds O to O at O least O 14,000 O m3s-1 O in O the O present O situation O , O thus O reaching O similar O values O as O current O flood B-climate-hazards protection O levels O . O Other O floods B-climate-hazards of O similar O size O ( O millennium O floods O ) O occurred O around O 784 O and O 1374 O AD O , O and O 4500 O and O 6200 O years O ago O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9ad1062de7cd3528d4b18c09d250af7f Climate O change O threatens O global O ecosystems O and O the O maintenance O of O biodiversity B-climate-organisms via O its O impacts O on O the O survival B-climate-organisms of I-climate-organisms individual I-climate-organisms species I-climate-organisms and O the O preservation O of O their O ecological O functions O . O The O effects O of O climate O change O are O particularly O evident O in O the O mountainous B-climate-nature areas O of O southwestern O China O that O support O the O last O remaining O populations O of O giant B-climate-organisms pandas I-climate-organisms ( O Ailuropoda B-climate-organisms melanoleuca I-climate-organisms ) O . O In O this O paper O , O we O developed O a O mechanistic O model O that O uses O climatic O variables O ( O rather O than O biotic O variables O ) O to O ( O i O ) O examine O how O variation O in O landscape O scale O climate O influences O the O spatial O distribution O of O panda B-climate-organisms habitat O in O China O 's O Qinling O Mountains O , O and O ( O ii O ) O evaluate O how O the O distribution O and O extent O of O panda B-climate-organisms habitat B-climate-organisms will O change O in O the O future O under O forecast O climate O change O scenarios O . O We O found O that O there O was O substantial O variation O in O temperature B-climate-properties throughout O the O study O area O that O correlated O with O variation O in O altitude B-climate-properties . O Our O model O results O revealed O that O this O predicted O climate O change O could O reduce O the O extent O of O a O suitable O habitat O for O giant B-climate-organisms pandas I-climate-organisms by O up O to O 62 O % O ( O under O IPCC B-climate-organizations SRES B-climate-datasets A2 I-climate-datasets scenarios O ; O and O 37 O % O under O IPCC B-climate-organizations SRES B-climate-datasets B2 I-climate-datasets scenarios O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a295078f98f657aa156c4d9c5719f43f The O purpose O of O this O work O is O to O assess O the O sugarcane B-climate-assets yield O variation O in O regional O scale O through O NDVI B-climate-observations images O from O a O low O resolution O spatial O satellite O . O We O have O used O Principal O Component O Analysis O ( O PCA O ) O and O Cluster O Analysis O to O correlate O sugarcane B-climate-assets cultivated B-climate-assets land I-climate-assets with O multitemporal O NDVI B-climate-observations images O also O verifying O the O influence O of O climate O conditions O to O them O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 7db31c01274a29af6747ed637d1be1df Such O a O slight O change O in O the O thermohaline B-climate-nature circulation I-climate-nature does O not O have O any O significant O impact O on O the O heat O balance O of O the O northern O high O latitudes O between O 126 O and O 115 O kyr O BP O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2208f924c9e839b5bdd66b167bb5d587 Great O Lakes B-climate-nature are O facing O an O elevated O nutrients B-climate-problem-origins discharges B-climate-problem-origins from O agricultural B-climate-assets watersheds B-climate-nature that O could O lead O to O the O lakes B-climate-hazards impairment I-climate-hazards . O Non B-climate-hazards - I-climate-hazards point I-climate-hazards source I-climate-hazards ( O NPS B-climate-hazards ) O pollution B-climate-hazards is O the O leading O contributor O of O the O lakes B-climate-hazards impairment I-climate-hazards . O Policy O makers O are O required O to O establish O guidelines O and O polices O that O governs O and O distribute O agri O - O environmental O funds O to O minimize O the O agricultural B-climate-hazards NPS I-climate-hazards pollutions I-climate-hazards . O The O Soil B-climate-models and I-climate-models Water I-climate-models Assessment I-climate-models Tool I-climate-models ( O SWAT B-climate-models ) O is O the O most O used O model O to O simulate O watershed B-climate-nature and O BMPs B-climate-mitigations scenarios O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2ff9927985b0bccf130dbd23627389bf The O objective O of O this O study O is O to O examine O UHS B-climate-properties as O an O Urban B-climate-hazards Heat I-climate-hazards Hazard I-climate-hazards ( O UHH B-climate-hazards ) O based O on O Universal B-climate-datasets Temperature I-climate-datasets Climate I-climate-datasets Index I-climate-datasets ( O UTCI B-climate-datasets ) O and O Effective B-climate-datasets Temperature I-climate-datasets Index I-climate-datasets ( O ETI B-climate-datasets ) O in O University O of O Indonesia O . O Thermal O bands O of O Landsat B-climate-observations 8 I-climate-observations images O ( O the O acquisition O year O 2013 O - O 2015 O ) O were O used O to O create O LST B-climate-properties model O . O The O UTCI B-climate-datasets showed O “ O moderate O ” O and O “ O strong O heat B-climate-hazards stress I-climate-hazards ” O , O while O EFI B-climate-datasets showed O “ O uncomfortable O ” O and O “ O very O uncomfortable O ” O categories O during O that O period O . O Range O UHS B-climate-properties in O Campus O UI O on O 2013 O ( O 21.8 O - O 31.1 O o O C O ) O , O 2014 O ( O 25.0 O - O 36.2 O o O C O ) O and O 2015 O ( O 24.9 O - O 38.2 O o O C O ) O . O This O maximum O UHS B-climate-properties on O September O ( O 2014 O and O 2015 O ) O put O on O levelling O UTCI B-climate-datasets included O range O temperature B-climate-properties 32 O - O 35 O o O C O , O with O an O explanation O of O sensation B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties is O warm O and O sensation O of O comfort O is O Uncomfortable O , O Psychology O with O Increasing O Stress O Case O by O Sweating O and O Blood O Flow O and O Health B-climate-assets category O is O Cardiovascular B-climate-hazards Embarrassment I-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6a6478c27a4bac4b79fedb342f3d83f7 Land B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature sea I-climate-nature riverine I-climate-nature carbon I-climate-nature transfer I-climate-nature ( O LSRCT B-climate-nature ) O is O one O of O the O key O processes O in O the O global B-climate-nature carbon I-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature . O This O study O presents O an O integrated O framework O coupling O hydrological B-climate-nature modeling O , O field O sampling O and O stable O isotope O analysis O for O the O quantitative O assessment O of O the O impact O of O human B-climate-mitigations water I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations practices I-climate-mitigations ( O e.g. O irrigation B-climate-mitigations , O dam B-climate-mitigations construction I-climate-mitigations ) O on O LSRCT B-climate-nature under O different O hydrological B-climate-nature conditions O . O By O applying O this O approach O to O the O case O study O of O the O Nandu O River O , O China O , O we O find O that O carbon B-climate-properties ( I-climate-properties C I-climate-properties ) I-climate-properties concentrations I-climate-properties originating O from O different O land O - O uses O ( O e.g. O forest B-climate-nature , O cropland B-climate-assets ) O are O relatively O stable O and O outlet O C O variations O are O mainly O dominated O by O controlled O runoff B-climate-properties volumes I-climate-properties rather O than O by O input B-climate-properties C I-climate-properties concentrations I-climate-properties . O In O addition O , O isotope O analysis O also O shows O that O C B-climate-nature fluxes I-climate-nature influenced O by O human O activities O ( O e.g. O agriculture B-climate-assets , O aquaculture B-climate-assets ) O could O contribute O the O dominant O particulate O organic O carbon O under O typical O climatic O conditions O , O as O well O as O drought B-climate-hazards conditions O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O f8bbb24ee89032167e03047715d60657 Much O of O the O debate O on O global O climate O change O has O focused O on O direct O costs O of O mitigation O . O The O present O analysis O incorporates O a O linkage O between O air B-climate-hazards pollution I-climate-hazards and O ancillary B-climate-assets health I-climate-assets benefits I-climate-assets into O a O general O equilibrium O model O applied O to O Sweden O . O Health B-climate-assets benefits I-climate-assets are O compared O in O three O scenarios O for O attaining O the O Swedish O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases target O with O alternative O projected O and O harmful O emission O levels O . O Results O show O that O the O costs O of O climate B-climate-mitigations policy I-climate-mitigations could O be O overstated O when O not O accounting O for O ancillary O health B-climate-assets benefits I-climate-assets . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9a2a258aaf9b6e6f73aacc27bb235bff Concerns O have O been O raised O about O the O recent O arrival O of O Mikania B-climate-hazards micrantha I-climate-hazards Kunth I-climate-hazards in O south O Florida O and O its O potential O to O spread O and O invade O natural O and O managed O ecosystems O . O This O weed B-climate-hazards is O native O to O the O neotropics O , O and O has O been O introduced O into O many O Asian O countries O and O , O more O recently O , O into O Australia O . O In O Asia O , O M. B-climate-hazards micrantha I-climate-hazards is O particularly O problematic O in O plantation B-climate-assets crops I-climate-assets , O but O also O threatens O natural O areas O and O disturbed B-climate-hazards ecosystems I-climate-hazards . O Previous O biological B-climate-mitigations control I-climate-mitigations programs I-climate-mitigations provide O valuable O information O for O Florida O scientists O about O the O availability O of O natural B-climate-mitigations enemies I-climate-mitigations and O potential O areas O for O future O foreign O surveys O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3efb679b7455e038d3a64e730e566227 Quantifying O the O effect O of O the O seawater B-climate-properties density I-climate-properties changes I-climate-properties on O sea B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties variability I-climate-properties is O of O crucial O importance O for O climate O change O studies O , O as O the O sea B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties cumulative I-climate-properties rise I-climate-properties can O be O regarded O as O both O an O important O climate O change O indicator O and O a O possible O danger O for O human O activities O in O coastal B-climate-nature areas I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6b7d27cb337c5cb2fcef67166a04252f In O this O work O , O as O part O of O the O Ocean B-climate-nature Reanalysis I-climate-models Intercomparison I-climate-models Project I-climate-models , O the O global O and O regional O steric B-climate-properties sea I-climate-properties level I-climate-properties changes I-climate-properties are O estimated O and O compared O from O an O ensemble O of O 16 O ocean B-climate-nature reanalyses O and O 4 O objective O analyses O . O The O ensemble O mean O exhibits O a O significant O high O correlation O at O both O global O and O regional O scale O , O and O the O ensemble O of O ocean B-climate-nature reanalyses O outperforms O that O of O objective O analyses O , O in O particular O in O the O Southern O Ocean O . O Furthermore O , O the O impact O of O deep B-climate-nature ocean I-climate-nature layers I-climate-nature is O non O - O negligible O on O the O steric B-climate-properties sea I-climate-properties level I-climate-properties variability I-climate-properties ( O 22 O and O 12 O % O for O the O layers O below O 700 O and O 1500 O m O of O depth B-climate-properties , O respectively O ) O , O although O the O small O deep B-climate-nature ocean I-climate-nature trends O are O not O significant O with O respect O to O the O products O spread O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O ee87c5adfc8eee20b43508491ba85137 Recently O , O Wadi B-climate-hazards flash I-climate-hazards floods I-climate-hazards ( O WFFs B-climate-hazards ) O have O happened O frequently O in O arid B-climate-nature environments I-climate-nature , O resulting O in O great O damage B-climate-impacts the O society O and O the O environment O . O In O Oman O , O severe O WFFs B-climate-hazards have O occurred O repeatedly O within O the O last O 10 O years O causing O a O huge O impact O on O human B-climate-assets lives I-climate-assets and O properties O . O This O paper O aims O at O introducing O the O framework O of O an O international O collaboration O project O between O Japan O and O Oman O for O WFF B-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations considering O sediment B-climate-nature dynamics I-climate-nature and O climate O changes O . O The O detailed O field O survey O to O assess O the O deposited B-climate-nature sediment I-climate-nature in O a O dry O reservoir B-climate-mitigations by O using O sediment O bars O , O and O infiltration B-climate-properties test O , O as O well O as O drone O survey O were O addressed O . O Based O on O the O historical O rainfall B-climate-nature data O analysis O , O there O is O a O systematic O increasing O trend O of O the O annual B-climate-properties average I-climate-properties precipitation I-climate-properties with O remarkable O cycles O over O the O MENA O region O and O Oman O . O The O knowledge O obtained O from O this O project O is O expected O to O be O valuable O to O understanding O sediment B-climate-nature dynamics I-climate-nature at O Wadi O basins O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a6f2ce346e5cf3ef19c9d1ac051c6b37 The O most O important O decision O about O slurry B-climate-problem-origins spreading I-climate-problem-origins concerns O the O selection O of O spreading O date O and O the O selection O of O fields O which O are O likely O to O produce O only O moderate O leaching B-climate-impacts effects I-climate-impacts . O Climatic O variation O as O exemplified O in O the O three O meteorological B-climate-nature data O sets O , O produces O noticeable O and O significant O differences O in O both O N B-climate-impacts leached I-climate-impacts and O harvest B-climate-assets crop I-climate-assets totals I-climate-assets . O This O study O also O aims O to O identify O that O a O field O environmental O risk O assessment O ( O ERA O ) O using O a O physically O based O model O such O as O SOILN B-climate-models can O be O determined O such O that O strategic O agronomic O decisions O involving O N O management O can O be O made O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e98d546cc1e398014179f8b7e088d49f Abstract O Rainwater B-climate-mitigations harvesting I-climate-mitigations ( O RWH B-climate-mitigations ) O is O the O collection O and O storage B-climate-mitigations of I-climate-mitigations runoff I-climate-mitigations for O the O primary O purpose O of O groundwater B-climate-properties recharge I-climate-properties in O arid O and O semi O - O arid O regions O of O India O . O In O India O , O investment O in O RWH B-climate-mitigations for O groundwater B-climate-properties recharge I-climate-properties is O increasing O . O This O paper O therefore O proposes O a O method O to O explore O the O effects O of O RWH B-climate-nature in O a O case O study O catchment B-climate-nature of O the O 500 O km2 O ungauged O Arvari O River O Basin O in O Rajasthan O , O India O , O where O 366 O RWH B-climate-nature structures O have O been O built O since O 1985 O . O Discharge B-climate-properties over O anicuts B-climate-mitigations on O the O river B-climate-nature was O also O monitored O and O subsequent O water B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties rise I-climate-properties in O wells B-climate-assets . O The O groundwater B-climate-nature system O consists O of O an O unconfined B-climate-nature alluvial I-climate-nature aquifer I-climate-nature over O a O confined B-climate-nature hard I-climate-nature rock I-climate-nature aquifer I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 7b554c100b84842cbd39a0cfeb48db1f Certainly O land B-climate-problem-origins cover I-climate-problem-origins land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins ( O LCLU B-climate-problem-origins ) O changes O have O huge O impacts O on O countries O overall O ecological O balance O and O climate O change O . O The O present O study O is O an O attempt O : O ( O 1 O ) O to O examine O the O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins drivers O active O at O the O studied O landscape O of O coastal O Karnataka O in O India O and O ( O 2 O ) O to O model O the O LCLU B-climate-properties changes I-climate-properties in O pre O - O industrialized O period O using O Dyna B-climate-models - I-climate-models CLUE I-climate-models model O . O Binary O logistic O regression O was O used O to O categorize O land O change O drivers O and O to O estimate O the O probability O of O changes O . O They O being O slope B-climate-properties , O relative O relief B-climate-properties , O drainage B-climate-properties density I-climate-properties and O availability O of O ground B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature are O the O most O influential O drivers O for O most O of O the O land O classes O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6bbab0f8ad3b8ae7e175b45577ecd597 Future O changes O of O water B-climate-nature budget I-climate-nature of O the O Upper O Volga O catchment O area O were O estimated O from O : O past O and O present O dynamics O of O the O atmospheric B-climate-nature , O water B-climate-nature and O forest B-climate-nature conditions O , O different O climatic O scenarios O and O SVAT B-climate-models ( O Soil B-climate-models – I-climate-models Vegetation I-climate-models – I-climate-models Atmosphere I-climate-models Transfer I-climate-models ) O and O hydrological B-climate-nature models O . O During O the O last O 50–60 O years O the O mean B-climate-properties annual I-climate-properties air I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties increased O by O 1.2 O ° O C O , O and O annual B-climate-properties precipitation I-climate-properties increased O by O 140 O mm O . O However O , O no O significant O trend O of O annual B-climate-properties runoff I-climate-properties during O the O last O 20 O years O could O be O found O . O Air B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties and O precipitation B-climate-properties changes I-climate-properties were O significant O during O winter O and O spring O but O very O small O in O summer O . O Coniferous B-climate-nature and O mixed B-climate-nature coniferous I-climate-nature - I-climate-nature broadleaf I-climate-nature forests I-climate-nature cover O at O present O about O 72 O % O of O the O catchment B-climate-nature area I-climate-nature . O Transpiration O of O the O boreal B-climate-nature forest I-climate-nature ecosystem O measured O using O a O sap O flow O method O during O the O dry O summer O 1999 O was O limited O by O very O dry O soil B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature conditions O , O especially O for O spruce B-climate-organisms trees I-climate-organisms , O and O during O the O rainy O summer O 2000 O probably O by O lack O of O oxygen O in O the O rooting O zone O . O Transpiration B-climate-nature was O about O 10–20 O % O larger O for O broadleaf B-climate-organisms trees I-climate-organisms ( O birch B-climate-organisms , O aspen B-climate-organisms ) O than O for O spruce B-climate-organisms trees I-climate-organisms . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9fd1e4a13963002b632c9fd0cfe9659f We O construct O a O model O accounting O for O pollution B-climate-hazards damages B-climate-impacts and O the O option O to O use O a O depletable O and O a O renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations resource O in O production O . O We O start O by O setting O up O an O economy O including O for O pollution B-climate-hazards and O the O key O distinguishing O factors O between O depletable O and O renewable B-climate-mitigations resources I-climate-mitigations . O It O will O be O key O not O to O solely O rely O on O changes O in O the O energy B-climate-mitigations mix I-climate-mitigations but O to O move O to O an O economy O that O can O substitute O renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations resources O for O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuels I-climate-problem-origins . O - O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b4634a24d927260491efbc2843573447 Abstract O Drawing O on O ethnographic O fieldwork O in O Trinidad O , O this O paper O examines O how O the O framing O of O a O particular O apocalyptic O future O provided O a O moral O commentary O and O model O for O wellbeing O in O contemporary O everyday O life O . O These O more O recent O problems O originating O from O beyond O the O village O ( O such O as O climate O change O , O criminality O , O inequality O , O pollution B-climate-hazards , O neglect O by O the O State O ) O could O not O be O resolved O through O working O with O obeah O spirits O as O might O have O been O used O previously O for O more O local O issues O , O or O through O the O long O - O established O Catholic O and O Anglican O churches O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c2efdff889b2a56094a9edce2decde27 All O analyzed O risks O to O transport B-climate-assets infrastructure I-climate-assets are O found O to O increase O over O the O decades O ahead O with O accelerating O pace O towards O the O end O of O this O century O . O Mean O Fennoscandian O winter B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties by O the O end O of O this O century O may O match O conditions O of O rather O warm O winter O season O experienced O in O the O past O and O particularly O warm O future O winter B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties have O not O been O observed O so O far O . O Occurrence B-climate-properties frequencies I-climate-properties of O extreme B-climate-hazards climate I-climate-hazards phenomena I-climate-hazards triggering O landslides B-climate-hazards and O rutting B-climate-hazards events O in O Central O Europe O are O also O projected O to O rise O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e5359cbcca508f52f30dd3d2775c2197 The O fast O depletion O of O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuels I-climate-problem-origins , O climate O change O , O and O global O warming O have O become O major O worldwide O problems O and O alternatives O for O conventional B-climate-problem-origins transportation I-climate-problem-origins have O been O actively O researched O in O the O last O decade O . O Compared O to O available O conventional B-climate-problem-origins vehicles I-climate-problem-origins , O electric B-climate-mitigations vehicles I-climate-mitigations have O a O leading O position O due O to O their O environmentally B-climate-mitigations friendly I-climate-mitigations transportation I-climate-mitigations . O RDeployment O planning O of O charging O stations O is O very O important O for O driver O expectations O and O social O and O economic O impacts O of O electric B-climate-mitigations vehicles I-climate-mitigations . O In O this O regard O , O optimizing O the O number O of O charging O stations O and O their O locations O is O very O important O for O wide O - O scale O use O of O electric B-climate-mitigations vehicles I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 07ca9c1263845299130d406e271a5be7 The O analysis O has O been O conducted O with O a O Multi B-climate-models - I-climate-models sector I-climate-models Macroeconomic I-climate-models Model I-climate-models for I-climate-models the I-climate-models Evaluation I-climate-models of I-climate-models environmental I-climate-models and I-climate-models Energy I-climate-models policy I-climate-models ( O Three B-climate-models - I-climate-models ME I-climate-models ) O . O Three B-climate-models - I-climate-models ME I-climate-models estimates O the O carbon B-climate-mitigations tax I-climate-mitigations required O to O meet O emissions B-climate-mitigations reduction I-climate-mitigations targets I-climate-mitigations within O the O Mexican O “ O Climate B-climate-mitigations Change I-climate-mitigations Law I-climate-mitigations ” O , O and O assesses O alternative O policy O scenarios O , O ach O reflecting O a O different O strategy O for O the O recycling O of O tax O revenues O . O With O no O compensation O , O the O taxation B-climate-mitigations policy I-climate-mitigations if O successful O will O succeed O in O reducing O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases e O missions O by O more O than O 75 O % O by O 2050 O with O respect O to O Business O as O Usual O ( O BAU O ) O , O but O at O high O eco O nomic O costs O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 1ad4f6e90fe43cefdd1f6694a60b11ff Surface B-climate-nature melting I-climate-nature over O the O Antarctic O Peninsula O ( O AP O ) O may O impact O the O stability O of O ice B-climate-nature shelves I-climate-nature and O therefore O the O rate O at O which O grounded B-climate-nature ice I-climate-nature is O discharged O into O the O ocean B-climate-nature . O Energy B-climate-properties and I-climate-properties mass I-climate-properties balance I-climate-properties models O are O needed O to O understand O how O climatic O change O and O atmospheric B-climate-nature circulation I-climate-nature variability I-climate-nature drive O current O and O future O melting B-climate-nature . O In O this O study O , O we O evaluate O the O regional O climate O model O MAR B-climate-models over O the O AP O at O a O 10 O km O spatial O resolution O between O 1999 O and O 2009 O , O a O period O when O active O microwave O data O from O the O QuikSCAT B-climate-observations mission O is O available O . O A O comparison O of O MAR B-climate-models with O satellite O and O automatic O weather O station O ( O AWS O ) O data O reveals O that O satellite O estimates O show O greater O melt B-climate-properties frequency I-climate-properties , O a O larger O melt B-climate-properties extent I-climate-properties , O and O a O quicker O expansion O to O peak B-climate-properties melt I-climate-properties extent I-climate-properties than O MAR B-climate-models in O the O center O and O east O of O the O Larsen O C O ice O shelf O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 316dc9c4b4d159499ab7ee721bad02cf is O a O disease B-climate-impacts caused O by O the O chikungunya B-climate-hazards virus I-climate-hazards ( O CHIKV B-climate-hazards ) O , O a O mosquito B-climate-hazards - O borne O alphavirus B-climate-hazards that O is O emerging O and O re O - O emerging O in O different O parts O of O the O world O . O Urban B-climate-problem-origins expansion I-climate-problem-origins , O globalization O , O increase O in O human O travel B-climate-problem-origins and O tourism B-climate-problem-origins are O some O of O the O factors O increasing O the O risk O of O importation O of O the O disease B-climate-impacts in O new O areas O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O f6c5dfdbc7bd62328c3854ccfcbfd497 Land B-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature models O are O essential O parts O of O climate O and O weather O models O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9a62b7fd31e49b13c4648e036378a417 Abstract O The O runoff B-climate-nature regime O of O glacierized B-climate-nature headwater I-climate-nature catchments I-climate-nature in O the O Alps O is O essentially O characterized O by O snow B-climate-nature and O ice B-climate-nature melt I-climate-nature . O High O Alpine O drainage B-climate-nature basins I-climate-nature influence O distant O downstream O catchments B-climate-nature of O the O Rhine O River O basin O . O In O particular O , O during O the O summer O months O , O low O - O flow O conditions O are O probable O with O strongly O reduced O snow B-climate-nature and O ice B-climate-nature melt I-climate-nature under O climate O change O conditions O . O For O the O small O Silvretta O catchment O ( O 103 O km2 O ) O in O the O Swiss O Alps O , O with O a O glacierization B-climate-nature of O 7 O % O , O the O HBV B-climate-models model O and O the O glacio B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature hydrological I-climate-nature model O GERM B-climate-models are O applied O for O calculating O future O runoff B-climate-nature based O on O different O regional O climate O scenarios O . O Comparison O of O the O models O indicates O that O the O HBV B-climate-models model O strongly O overestimates O the O future O contribution O of O glacier B-climate-nature melt I-climate-nature to O runoff O , O as O glaciers B-climate-nature are O considered O as O static O components O . O Furthermore O , O we O provide O estimates O of O the O current O meltwater B-climate-nature contribution O of O glaciers B-climate-nature for O several O catchments B-climate-nature downstream O on O the O River O Rhine O during O the O month O of O August O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b7a2e4b95ce4e1e220a871c9ddf2c83f prevalence O study O have O been O conducted O in O Sidi O Kacem O province O in O Morocco O in O 2012 O , O 1201 O cattle B-climate-assets were O screened O using O single O comparative O intradermal O tuberculin O skin O test O , O the O apparent O prevalence O was O 20.4 O % O and O 57.7 O % O in O the O individual O and O herd O level O respectively O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3f630ff17ed3c987a9b84da06c15f577 Energy B-climate-properties efficiency I-climate-properties of O a O building B-climate-assets has O become O a O major O requirement O since O the O building B-climate-assets sector O produces O 40%–50 O % O of O the O global O greenhouse O gas O emissions O . O This O can O be O achieved O by O improving O building O ’s O performance O through O energy B-climate-mitigations savings I-climate-mitigations , O by O adopting O energy B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations efficient I-climate-mitigations technologies I-climate-mitigations and O by O reducing O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases emissions O . O Earth B-climate-mitigations pipe I-climate-mitigations cooling I-climate-mitigations system I-climate-mitigations is O one O of O them O , O which O works O with O a O long O buried O pipe O with O one O end O for O intaking O air O and O the O other O end O for O providing O air O cooled O by O soil B-climate-nature to O the O building B-climate-assets . O An O integrated O numerical O model O for O the O horizontal O earth B-climate-mitigations pipe I-climate-mitigations cooling I-climate-mitigations system I-climate-mitigations and O the O room O ( O or O building B-climate-assets ) O was O developed O using O ANSYS B-climate-models Fluent I-climate-models to O measure O the O thermal B-climate-properties performance I-climate-properties of O the O system O . O The O impact O of O air B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties , O soil B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties , O air B-climate-properties velocity I-climate-properties and O relative B-climate-properties humidity I-climate-properties on O room O cooling O performance O has O also O been O assessed O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 359336e84d97cfb3afa8bda3c01398c7 Warming O winters O due O to O climate O change O may O critically O affect O temperate B-climate-organisms tree I-climate-organisms species I-climate-organisms . O Insufficiently O cold O winters O are O thought O to O result O in O fewer O viable O flower B-climate-nature buds I-climate-nature and O the O subsequent O development O of O fewer O fruits B-climate-assets or O nuts B-climate-assets , O decreasing O the O yield O of O an O orchard B-climate-assets or O fecundity O of O a O species B-climate-organisms . O County O - O wide O yield B-climate-assets records O for O almond B-climate-assets ( O Prunus B-climate-assets dulcis I-climate-assets ) O , O pistachio B-climate-assets ( O Pistacia B-climate-assets vera I-climate-assets ) O , O and O walnut B-climate-assets ( O Juglans B-climate-assets regia I-climate-assets ) O in O the O Central O Valley O of O California O were O compared O with O 50 O years O of O weather B-climate-nature records O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 174556578ac968fa13ee4c7453e9ff77 The O enhancement O of O bioethanol B-climate-mitigations production O means O from O different O types O of O biomass O presents O significant O problems O and O engineering O challenges O . O Due O to O climate O and O a O wellestablished O sugar B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations cane I-climate-mitigations ethanol I-climate-mitigations production O , O Brazil O is O in O a O privileged O position O in O the O global O ethanol O production O scenario O . O Improvements O on O this O process O can O have O a O significant O effect O in O several O stages O of O production O , O once O the O production O process O is O used O both O for O first O and O secondgeneration B-climate-mitigations ethanol I-climate-mitigations . O Most O studies O have O investigated O how O to O improve O parameters O such O as O shear B-climate-properties stress I-climate-properties , O velocity B-climate-properties profiles I-climate-properties and O residence B-climate-properties time I-climate-properties , O and O of O the O influence O of O the O bioreactor O geometry O on O the O parameters O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3067f87dde415eb8ef7814f0a0695d5f In O order O to O limit O future O coastal B-climate-hazards flood I-climate-hazards risk O , O adaptation O is O necessary O . O This O study O presents O an O integrated O model O to O simulate O storm B-climate-hazards surge I-climate-hazards inundation I-climate-hazards risk O in O Osaka O Bay O under O climate O change O and O provide O a O cost O – O benefit O analysis O of O structure O adaptation O strategies O to O reduce O risk O . O Without O adaptation O measures O , O the O expected O annual O damage B-climate-impacts cost I-climate-impacts increases O from O 9.85 O billion O JPY O to O 69.17 O billion O JPY O in O Osaka O Bay O under O the O projected O RCP8.5 B-climate-datasets scenario O to O 2100 O . O The O results O indicate O that O raising O the O height B-climate-properties of O existing O dikes B-climate-mitigations can O reduce O inundation B-climate-hazards risk O effectively O . O Using O cost O – O benefit O analysis O , O we O find O that O upgrading O by O 1 O m O the O height B-climate-properties of O existing O dikes B-climate-mitigations is O the O most O cost O - O effective O strategy O for O Osaka O Bay O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3fc2c704c3708a2405ea90fd81838d1f Landscape O - O level O processes O such O as O fire B-climate-hazards regimes O , O increasing O disease B-climate-impacts prevalence O and O a O drying O climate O are O emerging O threats O affecting O plant B-climate-organisms groups O such O as O the O Proteaceae B-climate-organisms . O We O found O the O persistence O of O B. B-climate-organisms verticillata I-climate-organisms on O granite B-climate-nature inselbergs I-climate-nature is O strongly O influenced O by O fire B-climate-hazards frequency I-climate-hazards and O extent O , O as O well O as O the O prevalence O of O canker B-climate-impacts disease I-climate-impacts . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 42c35f310d2fef01828b7fe3c77e59bf This O study O isolates O the O impact O of O an O open O Southern O Ocean O gateway O upon O the O interhemispheric O asymmetry O in O transient O global O warming O by O forcing O a O fully O coupled O climate O model O with O an O increasing O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases scenario O with O and O without O a O land O bridge O across O Drake O Passage O ( O DP O ) O . O These O results O illustrate O that O part O of O the O interhemispheric O asymmetry O in O surface O warming O is O due O to O the O Antarctic B-climate-nature Circumpolar I-climate-nature Current I-climate-nature ( O ACC B-climate-nature ) O thermally O isolating O Antarctica O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b9f344daf90647aa62b988e54f23dff7 To O date O , O climate O change O vulnerability O assessments O have O largely O been O based O on O projected O changes O in O range B-climate-properties size I-climate-properties derived O from O the O output O of O species O distribution O models O ( O SDMs O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 34a98ef0ba09b6a7e3d78457dc3670b7 Subtropical B-climate-nature marine B-climate-nature stratocumulus I-climate-nature clouds I-climate-nature have O a O pronounced O impact O on O the O global O shortwave B-climate-nature radiation I-climate-nature budget I-climate-nature and O may O be O an O important O feedback O process O in O the O topic O of O global O climate O change O . O Large B-climate-models eddy I-climate-models simulation I-climate-models ( O LES B-climate-models ) O models O have O supplied O insight O into O these O cloudtopped B-climate-nature boundary I-climate-nature layers I-climate-nature ( O CTBLs B-climate-nature ) O and O show O that O cloud B-climate-nature macroscopic O properties O such O as O cloud B-climate-properties base I-climate-properties , O height B-climate-properties , O and O fraction O result O from O a O delicate O balance O between O surface B-climate-nature fluxes I-climate-nature , O cloud B-climate-nature radiative I-climate-nature fluxes I-climate-nature , O large O scale O subsidence B-climate-nature , O and O when O present O , O precipitation B-climate-nature in O the O form O of O drizzle B-climate-nature . O In O this O study O the O US B-climate-models Navy I-climate-models Coupled I-climate-models Ocean I-climate-models / I-climate-models Atmosphere I-climate-models Mesoscale I-climate-models Prediction I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O COAMPS I-climate-models †† O ; O Hodur O 1997 O ) O has O been O applied O to O a O case O of O coastal O California O summer O season O stratocumulus B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O >>> bpf complete annotation here -DOCSTART- -X- O O e319e8745b280c4e101220b8f1788537 The O workshop O was O convened O by O a O LIMPACS B-climate-organizations working I-climate-organizations group I-climate-organizations under O the O auspices O of O the O PAGES B-climate-organizations ( I-climate-organizations Past I-climate-organizations Global I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations ) I-climate-organizations program I-climate-organizations , O which O is O an O initiative O under O the O International B-climate-organizations Geosphere I-climate-organizations Biosphere I-climate-organizations Program I-climate-organizations ( O IGBP B-climate-organizations ) O . O LIMPACS I-climate-organizations focuses O on O lake B-climate-nature ecosystems O , O and O this O specific O working O group O within O LIMPACS B-climate-organizations considers O how O sediment B-climate-nature records O , O monitoring O , O and O modeling O can O be O integrated O to O better O understand O lake B-climate-nature ecosystems O and O climate O variability O in O semi O - O arid O regions O , O particularly O the O record O and O dynamics O of O saline B-climate-nature lakes I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O bc8d080577bd3ccf2280cfa00eb3c2b7 However O , O the O sustainability O of O this O practice O which O implies O systematic O removal O of O aerial B-climate-properties biomass I-climate-properties of O cereal B-climate-assets crops I-climate-assets is O a O controversial O issue O , O particularly O in O soils O having O a O low O soil B-climate-nature organic I-climate-nature carbon I-climate-nature ( O SOC B-climate-nature ) O content O . O This O study O aims O at O evaluating O a O simple O model O ( O AMG B-climate-models ) O to O predict O the O consequences O of O straw B-climate-assets export O on O SOC B-climate-nature evolution O in O various O cropping O and O pedoclimatic O conditions O . O The O dependence O of O model O parameters O ( O humification B-climate-properties and I-climate-properties mineralization I-climate-properties rates I-climate-properties ) O on O pedoclimatic O conditions O ( O soil B-climate-properties clay I-climate-properties content I-climate-properties and O temperature B-climate-properties ) O was O analyzed O and O compared O to O those O proposed O in O other O models O ( O DAISY B-climate-models , O CENTURY B-climate-models , O ROTHC B-climate-models , O CN B-climate-models - I-climate-models SIM I-climate-models ) O since O they O vary O widely O between O models O . O The O AMG B-climate-models model O was O used O to O simulate O the O impact O of O a O straw B-climate-assets export O scenario O in O nine O experiments O considering O a O systematic O straw B-climate-assets -DOCSTART- -X- O O f3ca78ee9e3cf36ab2dc676891272d17 This O study O develops O an O innovative O approach O that O combines O three O physical O climate O simulations O ( O Geophysical B-climate-organizations Fluid I-climate-organizations Dynamics I-climate-organizations Laboratory I-climate-organizations model O , O Goddard B-climate-organizations Institute I-climate-organizations of I-climate-organizations Space I-climate-organizations Studies I-climate-organizations model O , O and O the O United B-climate-organizations Kingdom I-climate-organizations Meteorological I-climate-organizations Office I-climate-organizations climate O model O ) O with O a O general O equilibrium O model O of O global O trade O in O order O to O study O the O real O economic O impacts O of O climate O change O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 19a23fe5aa6364986ea4ca3826a60dbf CCI B-climate-models - I-climate-models HYDR I-climate-models provides O three O scenarios O , O tailored O for O Belgium O every O decade O until O 2100 O . O In O contrast O , O KNMI B-climate-models - I-climate-models ADC I-climate-models tool O provides O 191 O scenarios O , O at O a O regional O level O and O for O two O horizons O ( O near O and O far O future O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 5ec835e0d28da27519cea99c99dcf8bf This O study O investigates O changes O in O hourly O extreme O driving B-climate-properties rain I-climate-properties wind I-climate-properties pressure I-climate-properties ( O DRWP B-climate-properties ) O —a O climatic O variable O used O in O building B-climate-assets design O in O Canada O — O for O future O periods O of O specified O global B-climate-properties mean I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties change O using O an O ensemble O of O a O Canadian B-climate-models regional I-climate-models climate I-climate-models model I-climate-models ( O CanRCM4 B-climate-models ) O driven O by O the O Canadian B-climate-models Earth I-climate-models system I-climate-models model I-climate-models ( O CanESM2 B-climate-models ) O under O the O Representative B-climate-datasets Concentration I-climate-datasets Pathway I-climate-datasets 8.5 I-climate-datasets scenario O . O Evaluation O of O the O model O shows O that O the O CanRCM4 B-climate-models ensemble O reproduces O hourly O extreme O wind B-climate-nature speeds I-climate-nature and O rainfall B-climate-nature ( O > O 1.8 O mm O / O h O ) O occurrence B-climate-properties frequency I-climate-properties and O the O associated O design O ( O 5 O - O year O return O level O ) O DRWP B-climate-properties across O Canada O well O when O compared O with O 130 O meteorological O stations O . O Future O risk O ratios O of O the O design O DRWP O are O highly O dependent O on O those O of O the O rainfall B-climate-nature occurrence O , O which O shows O large O increases O over O the O three O regions O , O while O they O are O partly O affected O by O the O increases O in O future O extreme O wind B-climate-nature speeds I-climate-nature over O western O and O northeastern O Canada O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 61b443a701f91758f5f38ada4f5128c7 Ahead O of O COP21 B-climate-organizations in O Paris O , O countries O have O tabled O their O emissions O reductions O pledges O in O the O form O of O Intended O Nationally O Determined O Contributions O ( O INDCs O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O ddb24f23a7a9fdb26e85d9479ca3291f SALTRACE B-climate-observations , O the O DLR B-climate-observations Falcon I-climate-observations research I-climate-observations aircraft I-climate-observations was O based O at O Sal O , O Cape O Verde O , O between O 11 O and O 17 O June O 2013 O , O and O at O Barbados O between O 18 O June O and O 11 O July O 2013 O . O Ground O - O based O lidar I-climate-observations and O in O - O situ O instruments O were O deployed O in O Cape O Verde O , O Barbados O and O Puerto O Rico O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c50ab4b826a30d23fbb085809ae7aa3f CRNS B-climate-observations moderated O neutron O counts O were O compared O to O manual O snow B-climate-nature survey O SWE O values O obtained O during O both O winter O seasons O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6c3ea1bc86380caf15491455c3879167 Among O US O studies O where O prevailing O methods O such O as O chemical O mass O balance O ( O CMB O ) O and O positive O matrix O factorization O ( O PMF O ) O models O have O allowed O for O estimation O of O more O refined O source O contributions O , O there O are O fewer O findings O showing O the O significance O of O biomass O burning O and O variable O findings O on O the O relative O proportion O of O BC B-climate-greenhouse-gases attributed O to O diesel B-climate-problem-origins versus O gasoline B-climate-problem-origins emissions O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 4fb290d09d64924e35766b15cd12a0b7 We O use O the O Weather B-climate-models Research I-climate-models and I-climate-models Forecast I-climate-models ( O WRF B-climate-models ) O model O driven O by O the O operational O analysis O of O the O European B-climate-organizations Centre I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Medium I-climate-organizations - I-climate-organizations Range I-climate-organizations Weather I-climate-organizations Forecasting I-climate-organizations ( O ECMWF B-climate-organizations ) O to O investigate O the O impact O of O these O events O on O the O positions O and O strength O of O the O heat O low O in O convection O - O permitting O simulations O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b237f39ef9d1589c5442af30f8c77b57 The O EPIC B-climate-models simulation O model O was O used O to O assess O the O impact O of O climate O change O ( O CC O ) O on O intensive O and O extensive O Mediterranean O forage B-climate-assets systems O to O study O the O effects O of O CC O and O adaptation O strategies O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O ddc20af19c2921f5bd0d702004f6262f Using O the O temperature B-climate-properties suitability O of O premium O winegrape B-climate-assets cultivation O as O a O climate O impacts O indicator O , O we O quantify O the O inter- O and O intra O - O ensemble O spread O in O three O climate O model O ensembles O : O a O physically O uniform O multi O - O member O ensemble O consisting O of O the O RegCM3 B-climate-models high O - O resolution O climate O model O nested O within O the O NCAR B-climate-models CCSM3 I-climate-models global O climate O model O ; O the O multi O - O model O NARCCAP B-climate-models ensemble O consisting O of O single O realizations O of O multiple O high O - O resolution O climate O models O nested O within O multiple O global O climate O models O ; O and O the O multi O - O model O CMIP3 B-climate-models ensemble O consisting O of O realizations O of O multiple O global O climate O models O . O In O addition O , O the O intra O - O ensemble O spread O is O similar O in O the O NARCCAP B-climate-models nested O climate O model O ensemble O and O the O CMIP3 B-climate-models global O climate O model O ensemble O , O suggesting O that O the O uncertainty O arising O from O the O model O formulation O of O fine O - O scale O climate O processes O is O not O smaller O than O the O uncertainty O arising O from O the O formulation O of O large O - O scale O climate O processes O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 1231d77f26db4695bf428973c1f21bf7 Based O on O the O time O series O of O the O normalized B-climate-observations difference I-climate-observations vegetation I-climate-observations index I-climate-observations ( O NDVI B-climate-observations ) O derived O from O satellite O observations O , O the O decadal O change O in O vegetation B-climate-nature can O be O examined O . O Additionally O , O we O suggest O that O the O relative O sparseness O of O the O boreal B-climate-nature forest I-climate-nature may O be O suitable O for O AGB B-climate-properties estimation O by O microwave O radar O remote O sensing O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 1fdec2dc60c5d9945c2e344e52df845f Methods O Crop B-climate-assets and O livestock B-climate-assets production O from O representative O systems O were O simulated O over O 40 O years O at O six O locations O spanning O Australia O 's O crop B-climate-assets - O livestock B-climate-assets zone O using O coupled O biophysical O production O simulation O models O , O APSIM B-climate-models for O cropping B-climate-assets enterprises O and O GRAZPLAN B-climate-models for O livestock B-climate-assets enterprises O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a123c43e4baeff22ce62bcdc874821ff In O this O study O , O the O outputs O of O mid O - O Holocene O , O pre O - O industrial O and O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases - O induced O warming O experiments O using O a O coupled O climate O model O ( O MPI B-climate-models - I-climate-models ESM I-climate-models - I-climate-models P I-climate-models ) O were O employed O to O examine O the O changes O in O extreme B-climate-hazards precipitation I-climate-hazards over O East O Asia O in O the O mid O - O Holocene O and O under O future O warming O scenario O , O respectively O . O Moisture O budget O analysis O shows O that O these O distinct O responses O come O from O different O changes O in O moisture B-climate-properties and O circulation O during O the O two O periods O . O During O the O mid O - O Holocene O , O higher O insolation B-climate-properties over O the O Northern O Hemisphere O leads O to O a O larger O ocean B-climate-nature – I-climate-nature land I-climate-nature thermal I-climate-nature contrast I-climate-nature and O a O stronger O East B-climate-nature Asian I-climate-nature summer I-climate-nature monsoon I-climate-nature ( O EASM B-climate-nature ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O fc714f51f3e52e379b82a79b3e60ce1f Coarse O grid O atmospheric B-climate-nature parameters O provided O by O GCM O models O for O A2 B-climate-datasets and I-climate-datasets B2 I-climate-datasets scenarios O of O IPCC B-climate-organizations [ O 1 O ] O are O downscaled O to O catchment B-climate-nature scale O by O the O application O of O Statistical O Downscaling O Model O ( O SDSM O ) O . O Flood B-climate-hazards discharge I-climate-hazards and O inundation B-climate-hazards along O the O Kelani O River O reach O below O Hanwella O was O analyzed O by O the O application O of O two O - O dimensional O flood B-climate-hazards simulation O model O ( O FLO-2D B-climate-models ) O . O Inflow O to O the O model O at O Hanwella O , O is O estimated O by O the O HEC- B-climate-models HMS I-climate-models model O under O future O extreme B-climate-hazards rainfall I-climate-hazards events O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O ef63f1a6bf67208cb5893281d880be27 However O , O RCMs O in O North B-climate-models American I-climate-models Coordinated I-climate-models Regional I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Downscaling I-climate-models Experiment I-climate-models ( O NA B-climate-models - I-climate-models CORDEX I-climate-models ) O and O convection O - O permitting O simulations O of O the O climate O of O North O America O exhibit O a O significant O decrease O in O surface B-climate-nature solar I-climate-nature radiation I-climate-nature over O large O areas O of O the O US O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O df3c85139ddd94edf102b40f6e848777 We O present O a O method O for O assessing O windstorm B-climate-nature damages B-climate-impacts in O forest B-climate-nature landscapes O based O on O a O two O - O stage O sampling O strategy O using O single O - O date O , O post O - O event O airborne B-climate-observations laser I-climate-observations scanning B-climate-observations ( O ALS B-climate-observations ) O data O . O The O total B-climate-properties volume I-climate-properties of O fallen B-climate-organisms trees I-climate-organisms is O then O estimated O using O a O two O - O stage O model O - O assisted O approach O , O where O variables O from O ALS B-climate-observations are O used O as O auxiliary O information O in O the O difference O estimator O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c8c07a53fd7bf7c6d5cb78c8579c1a27 The O Agri B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties environment I-climate-properties Footprint I-climate-properties Index I-climate-properties ( O AFI B-climate-properties ) O was O developed O as O a O generic O methodology O to O assess O farm B-climate-assets - O scale O changes O in O the O environmental O impacts O of O agriculture B-climate-assets and O to O assist O the O assessment O of O European O agri O - O environment O schemes O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 8babca50c8edebc7574abb5da73facf7 Within O the O project B-climate-observations KLIFF I-climate-observations , O experiments O were O combined O with O species B-climate-organisms distribution O modelling O for O this O task O in O the O region O of O Lower O Saxony O , O Germany O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 5ed3024380b9234ae2f0071650683fdf For O that O purpose O , O time O series O of O windpower B-climate-mitigations production O from O wind B-climate-properties speeds I-climate-properties derived O from O measurements O and O two O global O climate O reanalysis O models O ( O NCAR B-climate-models and O ECMWF B-climate-organizations ) O are O generated O and O validated O . O Our O validation O procedure O shows O that O ECMWF B-climate-organizations data O may O be O the O best O source O of O long O - O term O wind B-climate-nature time O series O as O it O better O reproduces O ground O measurements O than O NCAR B-climate-models . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3b8894241cee79f0b91b412991df19ef In O this O study O , O we O assess O potential O changes O in O fire B-climate-hazards weather O conditions O for O the O contiguous O United O States O using O the O Haines B-climate-properties Index I-climate-properties ( O HI B-climate-properties ) O , O a O fire B-climate-hazards weather O index O that O has O been O employed O operationally O to O detect O atmospheric O conditions O favorable O for O large O and O erratic O fire B-climate-hazards behavior O . O We O use O simulations O produced O by O the O North B-climate-models American I-climate-models Regional I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Change I-climate-models Assessment I-climate-models Program I-climate-models ( O NARCCAP B-climate-models ) O from O multiple O regional O climate O models O ( O RCMs O ) O driven O by O multiple O general O circulation O models O ( O GCMs O ) O to O examine O changes O by O midcentury O in O the O seasonal O percentage O of O days O and O the O consecutive O number O of O days O with O high O ( O values O ≥ O 5 O ) O HI B-climate-properties across O the O United O States O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 8c0b1552984eb997eb07eb0fade51a57 The O simulated O climate O scenarios O used O data O from O PRECIS B-climate-models RCM I-climate-models with O A2 B-climate-datasets and I-climate-datasets B2 I-climate-datasets scenarios O . O The O future O land O use O was O created O using O a O CA O Markov O model O . O Future O runoff O was O generated O using O a O SWAT B-climate-models model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 65197070b27f8ccae00e43d02b9555d7 physically O based O , O distributed O model O MIKE B-climate-models SHE I-climate-models was O used O to O simulate O hydrology O for O the O Lambourn O Observatory O -DOCSTART- -X- O O fa744d05565d6fa6dab123045cd3d977 Debris B-climate-nature influences O the O surface O energy O balance O and O therefore O glacier B-climate-nature melt I-climate-nature by O influencing O the O thermal O properties O ( O e.g. O albedo B-climate-properties , O thermal B-climate-properties conductivity I-climate-properties , O roughness B-climate-properties ) O of O the O glacier B-climate-nature surface O . O We O simulated O a O debris B-climate-nature - O covered O glacier B-climate-nature ( O Lirung O Glacier O , O Nepal O ) O at O a O high O - O resolution O of O 1 O m O with O the O MicroHH B-climate-models model O with O boundary O conditions O retrieved O from O an O automatic O weather O station O ( O temperature B-climate-properties , O wind B-climate-nature and O specific B-climate-properties humidity I-climate-properties ) O and O UAV O flights O ( O digital O elevation O map O and O surface B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties ) O , O and O the O model O is O validated O with O eddy B-climate-nature covariance O data O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 526bb950961c93bac7314c842070ce0f Here O we O reconstruct O the O dynamic O growth O of O thermokarst B-climate-nature lakes I-climate-nature and O basins B-climate-nature and O related O changes O of O depositional O conditions O preserved O in O sediment B-climate-nature sequences I-climate-nature using O a O combination O of O biogeochemical B-climate-nature data O and O robust B-climate-models grain I-climate-models - I-climate-models size I-climate-models endmember I-climate-models analysis I-climate-models ( O rEMMA B-climate-models ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a4ccab57a7915da26a506447dd57c79f In O this O study O , O the O Weather B-climate-models Research I-climate-models and I-climate-models Forecasting I-climate-models with I-climate-models Chemistry I-climate-models ( O WRF B-climate-models - I-climate-models Chem I-climate-models ) O community O model O , O a O state O - O of O - O the O - O art O coupled O meteorology O - O chemistry O modelling O system O , O along O with O experimental O data O collected O during O the O Narrowing B-climate-datasets the I-climate-datasets Uncertainties I-climate-datasets on I-climate-datasets Aerosol I-climate-datasets and I-climate-datasets Climate I-climate-datasets Change I-climate-datasets in O São O Paulo O State O ( O NUANCE B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets SPS I-climate-datasets , O FAPESP B-climate-organizations thematic O project O ) O campaigns O performed O in O 2012 O and O 2014 O , O were O used O in O order O to O examine O the O main O properties O of O atmospheric B-climate-nature aerosol B-climate-nature particles O over O the O Metropolitan O Area O of O São O Paulo O ( O MASP O ) O , O in O southeastern O Brazil O , O where O changes O in O fuel O blend O and O consumption O in O recent O years O have O affected O the O evolution O of O pollutant B-climate-properties concentrations I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2600aef1bffa023c8c9d9b4ff6106d1f In O this O paper O , O we O present O the O results O of O a O study O of O the O Weather B-climate-models Research I-climate-models and I-climate-models Forecasting I-climate-models ( O WRF B-climate-models ) O model O undertaken O in O order O to O assess O if O GPU O and O multicore O acceleration O of O this O type O of O numerical O weather O prediction O ( O NWP O ) O code O is O both O feasible O and O worthwhile O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 603dd24b337ff5b64aeb6056e7e3b4af Based O on O meteorological O and O satellite O data O , O spatiotemporal O dynamics O of O ET B-climate-nature were O detected O using O the O Surface B-climate-models Energy I-climate-models Balance I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O SEBS B-climate-models ) O model O , O and O effects O of O climate O variability O and O landscape B-climate-problem-origins pattern I-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins on O ET B-climate-nature dynamics O in O an O arid O to O semiarid O landscape O mosaic O during O the O growing O season O ( O April‐October O ) O from O 2001 O to O 2015 O in O Xilingol O League O , O China O were O evaluated O . O To O promote O effective O water O resource O utilization O , O landscape O managers O should O continue O to O moderately O implement O vegetation B-climate-mitigations restoration I-climate-mitigations projects I-climate-mitigations such O as O the O Grain B-climate-mitigations for I-climate-mitigations Green I-climate-mitigations Project I-climate-mitigations , O orient O with O conversion O of O low‐quality O cropland B-climate-assets into O grassland B-climate-nature , O and O conserve O large O areas O of O grassland B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O ba76b67e6108fa16e907d6ae80295ef7 These O lakes B-climate-nature generally O grow O , O coalesce O into O larger O lakes B-climate-nature that O may O produce O increased O downstream O hazards O and O risks O due O to O glacial B-climate-hazards lake I-climate-hazards outburst I-climate-hazards floods I-climate-hazards ( O GLOFs B-climate-hazards ) O . O This O study O assesses O such O hazards O of O Lower O Barun O Lake O located O near O Mount O Everest O , O Nepal O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b538694eca96c876e203f5a82a4192d7 Gasoline O transport O by O Kuwaiti B-climate-organizations National I-climate-organizations Petroleum I-climate-organizations Company I-climate-organizations ( O KNPC B-climate-organizations ) O was O selected O as O a O case O study O . O Consequently O , O an O incident O simulation O scenario O was O developed O by O ALOHA B-climate-models toolset O ( O a O dispersion O model O software O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 8c5aca190540cccc33707635d2db891f Cyclones B-climate-hazards and O associated O storm B-climate-hazards surges I-climate-hazards are O considered O as O some O of O the O most O disastrous O hazards O of O the O country O and O have O resulted O in O huge O number O of O deaths B-climate-impacts and O economic O damages B-climate-impacts in O the O past O . O During O the O years O from O 1797 O to O 2017 O , O there O have O been O 75 O events O of O cyclone O in O the O coastal O areas O of O Bangladesh O most O of O which O were O accompanied O by O storm B-climate-hazards surges I-climate-hazards . O This O study O focuses O on O storm B-climate-hazards surge I-climate-hazards modelling O for O Patuakhali O district O of O Bangladesh O located O in O the O south O central O part O of O Bangladesh O coast O . O For O this O study O , O maximum O cyclonic O winds B-climate-nature of O 5 O , O 10 O , O 20 O , O 50 O and O 100 O years O return O periods O were O calculated O using O Gumbel O distribution O of O annual B-climate-properties maximum I-climate-properties wind I-climate-properties speeds I-climate-properties in O Bangladesh O between O 1960 O and O 2017 O . O A O linear O decay O model O namely O the O Surge B-climate-models Decay I-climate-models Coefficient I-climate-models was O used O to O calculate O the O surge B-climate-nature decrease O with O distance B-climate-properties from O the O coast O . O Spatial O analysis O of O the O surge B-climate-properties height I-climate-properties , O linear O decay O model O and O Digital O Elevation O Model O ( O DEM O ) O are O used O to O produce O the O final O hazard O maps O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9542b576f635fe90cf1b8a95c9d4e67f derived O from O satellite O ( O SeaWiFS B-climate-observations ) O sea B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations surface I-climate-observations colour I-climate-observations observations I-climate-observations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O f9a37b3e79c8993ba2f8d569c318b68f In O this O study O , O five O open O access O gridded O precipitation B-climate-nature ( O GP O ) O products O ( O CFSR B-climate-models , O MSWEPv1.1 B-climate-datasets , O PERSIANN B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets CDR I-climate-datasets , O CMORPH B-climate-datasets , O and O CHIRPSv2.0 B-climate-datasets ) O and O local O climate O data O were O evaluated O over O the O Grande O de O San O Miguel O ( O GSM O ) O River B-climate-nature Basin I-climate-nature in O El O Salvador O . O Secondly O , O the O SWAT B-climate-models model O was O used O to O simulate O the O streamflow B-climate-properties regimen O based O on O the O precipitation B-climate-nature datasets O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c6801c47715a759de925b0aed506f2ef The O impacts O of O land O use O on O surface O vegetation B-climate-nature , O radiative B-climate-nature , O and O hydrological B-climate-nature properties O were O evaluated O using O Landsat B-climate-observations image O - O derived O biophysical O indices O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 373a3d9c5fab0d6cfe45f0b08ed9073f This O study O employs O sensitivity O analysis O on O an O emulated O perturbed O parameter O ensemble O of O the O global O aerosol O - O climate O model O ECHAM B-climate-models - I-climate-models HAM I-climate-models to O illuminate O the O impact O of O selected O CMP O cloud B-climate-nature ice I-climate-nature processes I-climate-nature on O model O output O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e5ce48dcee8b8303ee0cf585a999c317 The O first O experimental O evidence O that O radio O occultation O data O may O have O a O positive O impact O on O weather B-climate-nature prediction O systems O was O obtained O from O statistical O comparisons O of O the O GPS B-climate-observations / I-climate-observations MET I-climate-observations retrieved O refractivity B-climate-properties and O temperature B-climate-properties profiles O to O global O Numerical O Weather O Prediction O ( O NWP O ) O model O analysis O . O As O a O matter O of O fact O , O the O discrimination O of O the O water B-climate-properties vapour I-climate-properties quantities I-climate-properties and O of O the O temperature B-climate-properties profiles O is O not O possible O in O low B-climate-nature atmosphere I-climate-nature layers I-climate-nature by O the O only O analysis O of O GNSS B-climate-observations signals I-climate-observations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 8affa1ac4795875c3448b80efcb2397f This O study O provides O an O analysis O of O the O impact O of O global O climate B-climate-mitigations policies I-climate-mitigations on O mercury B-climate-hazards emissions I-climate-hazards using O the O Greenhouse B-climate-models Gas I-climate-models and I-climate-models Air I-climate-models Pollution I-climate-models Interactions I-climate-models and I-climate-models Synergies I-climate-models ( O GAINS B-climate-models ) O model O in O the O time O horizon O up O to O 2050 O . O The O time O evolution O of O mercury B-climate-hazards emissions I-climate-hazards is O based O on O projections O of O energy O consumption O provided O by O the O Prospective B-climate-models Outlook I-climate-models for I-climate-models the I-climate-models Long I-climate-models term I-climate-models Energy I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O POLES B-climate-models ) O model O for O a O scenario O without O any O global O greenhouse O gas O mitigation O efforts O , O and O for O a O 2 O ° O C O climate B-climate-mitigations policy I-climate-mitigations scenario O , O which O assumes O internationally O coordinated O action O to O mitigate O climate O change O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O cd2a01425f53908abfb0a703cbbd6ec7 Abstract O The O Madden B-climate-nature – I-climate-nature Julian I-climate-nature Oscillation I-climate-nature ( O MJO B-climate-nature Here O we O explore O a O non O - O linear O classification O method O , O the O self O - O organizing O map O ( O SOM O ) O , O a O type O of O artificial O neural O network O used O to O produce O a O low O - O dimensional O representation O of O high O - O dimensional O datasets O , O to O capture O more O accurately O the O life B-climate-assets cycle O of O the O MJO B-climate-nature and O its O global O impacts O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a4f40aa2c2fee49947e6ecec14be52c7 We O analyzed O the O spatiotemporal O evolution O of O drought B-climate-hazards frequency O in O China O at O grid O level O during O 1981 O - O 2019 O with O the O nonparametric O Mann O - O Kendall O trend O method O , O using O a O high O temporal O resolution O vegetation O health O index O dataset O at O week O - O scale O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2dfebda6e02f88d0d1d7df6a0cbb4557 Building B-climate-assets upon O a O recent O examination O of O the O univariate O relationships O between O synoptic O - O scale O weather O patterns O and O water B-climate-properties clarity I-climate-properties , O this O research O utilizes O nonlinear O autoregressive O models O with O exogenous O input O ( O NARX O models O ) O to O explore O the O multivariate O climate O - O to O - O water O clarity O relationship O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 717f130d80cbcb1070976c2f6fc5996f The O effects O of O CCV O are O assessed O in O relation O to O the O availability O of O irrigation B-climate-mitigations water O and O the O irrigation B-climate-mitigations needs O of O maize B-climate-assets . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6627c661c76b7663112dc3d52bf05217 Extreme B-climate-hazards climate I-climate-hazards events I-climate-hazards such O as O hurricanes B-climate-hazards can O influence O the O movement O and O distribution O of O fish B-climate-organisms and O other O aquatic O vertebrates O . O In O this O study O , O we O used O acoustic O telemetry O data O to O investigate O the O movement O patterns O of O common B-climate-organisms snook I-climate-organisms ( O Centropomus B-climate-organisms undecimalis I-climate-organisms ) O in O the O Florida O Coastal O Everglades O during O Hurricane O Irma O , O which O made O landfall O on O the O southwest O Florida O coast O as O a O Category O 3 O storm B-climate-nature on O 10 O September O 2017 O after O passing O in O close O proximity O to O our O study O site O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O fceae3c44bc06c70723a444cb10ef4df This O study O presents O an O analysis O of O surface B-climate-properties albedo I-climate-properties change O over O Greenland O using O a O 32 O - O year O consistent O satellite O albedo B-climate-properties product O from O the O global B-climate-observations land I-climate-observations surface I-climate-observations satellite I-climate-observations ( O GLASS B-climate-observations ) O project O together O with O ground O measurements O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O f0ec42fff593d1c177659764292fed4f With O the O help O of O a O regional O climate O model O , O NCEP B-climate-models re O - O analyses O , O spatially O disaggregated O lead B-climate-hazards emissions O from O road B-climate-problem-origins traffic I-climate-problem-origins and O point O sources O , O and O various O local O data O , O the O airborne O pathways O and O depositions O of O gasoline B-climate-hazards lead I-climate-hazards in O Europe O since O 1958 O were O reconstructed O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 14367299ea573bd9810d4b3db8bcb4b7 This O paper O applies O Ricardian O approach O to O measure O the O effect O of O climate O change O on O agriculture B-climate-assets performance O in O Togo O using O time O series O data O from O the O period O 1971 O - O 2004 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 62776abd387f148e5a1e77e9adf97a67 This O paper O used O three O MARKAL B-climate-models ( O MARKet B-climate-models ALlocation I-climate-models ) O family O models O , O that O is O , O MARKAL B-climate-models , O MARKAL B-climate-models - I-climate-models ED I-climate-models ( O MARKAL B-climate-models with I-climate-models elastic I-climate-models demand I-climate-models ) O , O and O MARKAL B-climate-models - I-climate-models MACRO I-climate-models , O to O study O China O energy O system O 's O carbon B-climate-mitigations mitigation I-climate-mitigations strategies I-climate-mitigations and O corresponding O impacts O on O the O economy O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 7b21f019c612cd87e6a0c7c84a469fdf The O Geneva O Canton O ( O Switzerland O ) O promotes O a O stormwater B-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations policy I-climate-mitigations at O the O plot O scale O aiming O at O better O controlling O / O mastering O the O floods B-climate-hazards in O densely O urbanised O areas O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3cda772cf79dffe26f6638b0a77c60e7 Input O climate O data O pertained O to O a O reference O period O and O SRES B-climate-datasets climate O scenarios O A1B I-climate-datasets , I-climate-datasets A2 I-climate-datasets and O RCP B-climate-datasets 8.5 I-climate-datasets applied O to O three O characteristic O climatic O areas O in O Bosnia O and O Herzegovina O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b1850692599586cbcc3dfbd77d692c7f In O this O paper O a O new O empirical O model O ( O ‘ O Temperature B-climate-models I15 I-climate-models ’ O model O ) O was O developed O to O predict O the O daily O maximum B-climate-properties 15 I-climate-properties - I-climate-properties min I-climate-properties rainfall I-climate-properties intensity I-climate-properties ( O I15 B-climate-properties ) O using O daily O minimum O and O maximum B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties and O daily O rainfall B-climate-properties totals I-climate-properties from O 12 O selected O pluviograph O stations O across O Australia O . O The O new O ‘ O Temperature B-climate-models I15 I-climate-models ’ O model O was O implemented O in O the O runoff B-climate-nature equation O of O the O Australia O - O wide O spatial O pasture O growth O model O AussieGRASS B-climate-models , O which O predicts O daily O water O balance O and O pasture B-climate-assets growth O for O 185 O different O pasture B-climate-assets communities O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 643aeb6c88b4e2fa6a2a06fe06c204df Structural O equation O models O confirmed O these O results O , O but O also O indicated O that O effects O of O climate O warming O on O nematodes B-climate-organisms were O indirect O primarily O through O shifts O in O plant B-climate-organisms and O microbial B-climate-organisms communities I-climate-organisms and O changes O of O soil B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature holding O capacity O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 7e95f3a149f1ecb0c4d28068ae4a10c7 Using O history O climate O data O and O two O representative O climate O change O scenarios O , O we O predicted O the O potential O distribution O of O bamboo B-climate-assets in O China O from O 1961 O to O 2099 O based O on O specie B-climate-organisms distribution I-climate-organisms models O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 33080ec684926d37878a2b86c8454707 Projected O changes O of O precipitation B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties , O derived O from O an O ensemble O of O 4 O climate O model O ( O CM O ) O runs O for O the O period O 2040 O - O 2070 O under O the O SRES B-climate-datasets A1B I-climate-datasets emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O , O have O been O downscaled O and O bias O corrected O before O using O them O as O climatic O forcing O in O a O hydrological B-climate-nature model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a39746fe890c2d28d30623176d6fd047 To O this O end O , O this O study O employs O the O state O - O of O - O the O - O art O global O integrated O assessment O model O MESSAGEix B-climate-models - I-climate-models GLOBIOM I-climate-models to O investigate O mid O - O century O decarbonization B-climate-mitigations strategies I-climate-mitigations for O developing O Asia O to O 2050 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 5829d62109cb2278cba2558af85a2747 Innovative B-climate-mitigations financing I-climate-mitigations models I-climate-mitigations are O emerging O globally O to O advance O nature B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations based I-climate-mitigations solutions I-climate-mitigations ( O NBS B-climate-mitigations ) O that O can O cost O - O effectively O enhance O infrastructure B-climate-assets performance O , O meet O Sustainable B-climate-mitigations Development I-climate-mitigations Goals I-climate-mitigations , O and O mitigate O the O negative O impacts O of O climate O change O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 317ca0cecdf88be3df4e2320340f6e37 A O spatially O explicit O model O ( O MIGRATE B-climate-models ) O was O used O to O investigate O the O effects O of O habitat B-climate-hazards loss I-climate-hazards and O fragmentation B-climate-hazards on O the O ability O of O species B-climate-organisms to O migrate O in O response O to O climate O change O . O Illustrative O simulations O were O run O using O parameters O that O represent O the O reproductive O and O dispersal O characteristics O of O the O wind O - O dispersed O tree B-climate-organisms Tilia B-climate-organisms cordata I-climate-organisms ( O small B-climate-organisms - I-climate-organisms leaved I-climate-organisms lime I-climate-organisms ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2ff860d6428fbac169f401f66a6966bf To O study O near B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature melt I-climate-nature changes I-climate-nature over O the O Greenland O ice O sheet O ( O GrIS O ) O since O 1979 O , O melt B-climate-nature extent I-climate-nature estimates O from O two O regional O climate O models O were O compared O with O those O obtained O from O spaceborne O microwave O brightness O temperatures O using O two O different O remote O sensing O algorithms O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b1ecf989ff8a1e7a31d00966d18ad1f7 The O GEOS B-climate-models - I-climate-models Chem I-climate-models model O shows O that O the O mercury B-climate-hazards concentrations I-climate-hazards for O all O tracers O ( O 1 O to O 3 O ) O , O elemental O mercury O ( O Hg(0 O ) O ) O , O divalent O mercury O ( O Hg(II O ) O ) O and O primary O particulate O mercury O ( O Hg(P O ) O ) O have O differences O between O 2000 O and O 2050 O in O most O regions O over O the O world O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a0e46ab4c2e33f109b728aea1f69802f MOPITT B-climate-datasets ( O Measurement B-climate-datasets Of I-climate-datasets Pollution I-climate-datasets In I-climate-datasets The I-climate-datasets Troposphere I-climate-datasets ) O satellite O data O have O been O assimilated O in O a O tropospheric B-climate-nature Chemistry B-climate-models Transport I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O CTM B-climate-models ) O to O obtain O global O fields O of O CO O . O MOPITT B-climate-datasets data O will O be O also O used O to O invert O sources O of O CO O and O CH B-climate-greenhouse-gases 4 I-climate-greenhouse-gases by O data O assimilation O techniques O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 91b08cb5ffb7adeba89995f0cdf7329f The O model O is O based O on O Powersim B-climate-models , O a O dynamic O simulation O software O package O capable O of O producing O web O - O accessible O , O intuitive O , O graphic O , O user O - O friendly O interfaces O . O The O model O is O used O in O a O University B-climate-organizations of I-climate-organizations Arizona I-climate-organizations undergraduate O class O and O within O the O Arizona B-climate-organizations Master I-climate-organizations Watershed I-climate-organizations Stewards I-climate-organizations Program I-climate-organizations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c408ccb10cfaef455d0adf98f1cd27ef No O previous O models O of O the O Ganga O Basin O integrate O all O these O aspects O , O and O this O is O the O first O time O that O a O participatory O approach O was O applied O for O the O development O of O a O Ganga O Basin O model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 66e0d7193ee798114a7e5308c5fa64ef A O Lagrangian O dispersion O model O is O used O in O combination O with O a O mean O emission B-climate-problem-origins inventory O and O emissions B-climate-problem-origins along O actual O flight B-climate-problem-origins tracks O . O Both O inventories O are O established O from O Measurement B-climate-datasets of I-climate-datasets Ozone I-climate-datasets and I-climate-datasets Water I-climate-datasets Vapor I-climate-datasets by I-climate-datasets Airbus I-climate-datasets In I-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Service I-climate-datasets Aircraft I-climate-datasets ( O MOZAIC B-climate-datasets ) O aircraft O position O data O in O the O North O Atlantic O Flight O Corridor O ( O NAFC O ) O over O a O 1 O - O year O period O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9fedc676682994d5088993b7c468cdbf In O this O paper O , O we O use O an O observational O dataset O built O from O Argo B-climate-observations in I-climate-observations situ I-climate-observations profiles I-climate-observations to O describe O the O main O large O - O scale O patterns O of O intraseasonal O mixed B-climate-properties layer I-climate-properties depth I-climate-properties ( O MLD B-climate-properties ) O variations O in O the O Indian O Ocean O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 15ae570a692988930d4dc05267b1198f For O this O purpose O , O we O construct O a O close O relative O of O the O DICE B-climate-models model O in O a O recursive O dynamic O programming O framework O . O We O analyze O different O ways O how O damage B-climate-impacts uncertainty O can O affect O the O DICE B-climate-models equations O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 7843f838b7cffae0ba958c23f1af87a7 The O model O is O based O on O the O underlying O assumptions O of O the O so O - O called O RAINS B-climate-models model O frequently O used O to O assess O the O potential O and O the O costs O for O reducing O air B-climate-hazards pollution I-climate-hazards in O Europe O . O The O results O also O indicate O that O although O it O is O clear O that O the O Eastern O European O countries O are O not O homogenous O in O terms O of O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases abatement O potential O and O costs O , O no O single O country O emerges O as O particularly O low O cost O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 0ced67e688d09ba8859cebb1c128935f Changes O in O climate B-climate-hazards extremes I-climate-hazards were O detected O by O Expert B-climate-organizations Team I-climate-organizations on I-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations Detection I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Indices I-climate-organizations ( O ETCCDI B-climate-organizations ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 36527d77b9d936a01b349e58f91f0b87 GPS B-climate-observations data O have O been O collected O during O the O grazing B-climate-assets season O in O 2010 O . O ArcGIS B-climate-models package O was O used O for O data O storage O , O management O , O visualization O and O analysis O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 8683fa38b15d0d70f86acadbd556051f Changes O in O climate O and O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins land I-climate-problem-origins cover I-climate-problem-origins ( O LULC B-climate-problem-origins ) O are O important O factors O that O affect O water B-climate-properties yield I-climate-properties ( O WY B-climate-properties ) O . O The O objectives O of O the O study O were O : O ( O 1 O ) O To O estimate O a O water B-climate-properties yield I-climate-properties model O using O integrated B-climate-models valuation I-climate-models of I-climate-models ecosystem I-climate-models services I-climate-models and I-climate-models tradeoffs I-climate-models ( O InVEST B-climate-models ) O , O and O ( O 2 O ) O to O test O the O sensitivity O of O water B-climate-properties yield I-climate-properties ( O WY B-climate-properties ) O to O changes O in O climate O variables O ( O rainfall B-climate-nature and O evapotranspiration B-climate-nature ) O and O in O LULC B-climate-properties . O The O integration O of O remote O sensing O ( O RS O ) O , O geographic O information O system O ( O GIS O ) O , O and O the O integrated B-climate-models valuation I-climate-models of I-climate-models ecosystem I-climate-models services I-climate-models and I-climate-models tradeoffs I-climate-models ( O InVEST B-climate-models ) O approach O were O used O in O this O study O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 92b62230997d6be9c63ddc04672899bf TRMM B-climate-datasets Multi I-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets satellite I-climate-datasets Precipitation I-climate-datasets Analysis I-climate-datasets ( O TMPA B-climate-datasets ) O satellite O precipitation O products O have O been O utilized O to O quantify O , O forecast O , O or O understand O precipitation B-climate-nature patterns O , O climate O change O , O hydrologic B-climate-nature models O , O and O drought B-climate-hazards in O numerous O scientific O investigations O . O In O this O study O , O we O evaluated O four O TMPA B-climate-datasets products O ( O 3B42 B-climate-datasets : I-climate-datasets V6 I-climate-datasets , I-climate-datasets V7temp I-climate-datasets , I-climate-datasets V7 I-climate-datasets , I-climate-datasets RTV7 I-climate-datasets ) O against O 125 O rain O gauges O in O Northern O Morocco O to O assess O the O accuracy O of O TMPA B-climate-datasets products O in O various O regimes O , O examine O the O performance O metrics O of O new O algorithm O developments O , O and O assess O the O impact O of O the O processing O error O in O 2012 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 5057e657eee7a8e6fd219fa204526a37 A O new O sunflower B-climate-assets module O was O released O in O the O Agricultural B-climate-models Production I-climate-models systems I-climate-models SIMulator I-climate-models APSIM B-climate-models version I-climate-models 2.0 I-climate-models in O February O 2001 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e3535b08b25a6d0ce77999d5fc32975f In O this O paper O , O a O Soil B-climate-models and I-climate-models Water I-climate-models Assessment I-climate-models Tool I-climate-models ( O SWAT B-climate-models ) O model O of O the O Niger O River O watershed B-climate-nature at O Koulikoro O was O successfully O calibrated O , O then O forced O with O the O climate O time O series O of O variable O length O generated O by O nine O regional O climate O models O ( O RCMs O ) O from O the O AMMA B-climate-models - I-climate-models ENSEMBLES I-climate-models experiment O . O The O RCMs O were O run O under O the O SRES B-climate-datasets A1B I-climate-datasets emissions B-climate-problem-origins scenario O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O f15832ccb26ce7fdf2d64efe05f2b9af For O the O purpose O of O simulation O , O a O LEED B-climate-mitigations Gold I-climate-mitigations certified I-climate-mitigations building B-climate-assets located O at O a O major O university O in O the O U.S. O was O modeled O , O benchmarked O , O and O calibrated O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 8f7751ae613e7f037c545ff3ba5666af In O this O study O , O we O used O a O regional O climate O model O , O the O Weather B-climate-models Research I-climate-models and I-climate-models Forecasting I-climate-models Model I-climate-models with I-climate-models Chemistry I-climate-models ( O WRF B-climate-models - I-climate-models Chem I-climate-models ) O to O project O air B-climate-hazards pollution I-climate-hazards in O NC O and O investigate O the O variations O of O air B-climate-hazards pollutions I-climate-hazards response O to O future O climate O changes O , O which O probably O has O an O implication O to O strategy O and O control O policy O for O air B-climate-assets quality I-climate-assets in O NC O . O A O comprehensive O model O evaluation O was O conducted O to O verify O the O simulated O aerosol B-climate-nature optical B-climate-properties depth I-climate-properties ( O AOD B-climate-properties ) O based O on O MODIS B-climate-observations and O MISR B-climate-observations datasets O , O and O the O model O also O showed O reasonable O results O in O aerosol B-climate-nature concentrations O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 5d7b292768262c32ad2076877bd557f7 The O objective O of O this O study O was O to O determine O optimum O irrigation B-climate-mitigations termination O periods O for O cotton B-climate-assets production O in O the O THP O under O full O and O deficit O irrigation B-climate-mitigations conditions O using O the O Decision B-climate-models Support I-climate-models System I-climate-models for I-climate-models Agrotechnology I-climate-models Transfer I-climate-models ( O DSSAT B-climate-models ) O CROPGRO B-climate-models - I-climate-models Cotton I-climate-models model O , O which O was O evaluated O in O a O prior O study O in O the O THP O using O measured O data O from O an O IWUE B-climate-properties field O experiment O at O Halfway O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 3c0d42a28f607e8af2454725edc7f61f We O assess O the O convergence O of O PFASST B-climate-models - I-climate-models SH I-climate-models upon O refinement O in O time O to O investigate O the O impact O of O the O coarsening O strategy O on O the O accuracy O of O the O scheme O , O and O specifically O on O its O ability O to O capture O the O high O - O frequency O modes O accumulating O in O the O solution O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O >>> bpf TEST DATA END, SEPTEMBER -DOCSTART- -X- O O >>> Now data from "test", to be used for training only -DOCSTART- -X- O O 4ac7512da5cf031a28054a88c5499def Large O areas O of O trees B-climate-organisms are O being O planted O in O Australian O agricultural B-climate-assets lands I-climate-assets for O a O range O of O environmental O , O ecological O and O economic O benefits O . O This O thesis O develops O and O applies O methods O to O quantify O the O benefits O of O woodlots B-climate-nature such O as O habitat B-climate-organisms for O woodland B-climate-organisms birds I-climate-organisms , O timber B-climate-assets production O , O shelter O for O neighbouring O agriculture O and O reduction O in O deep O drainage O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6a1689cde229b69c8eaee612ae437ad7 ambient B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties will O increase O heat B-climate-hazards stress I-climate-hazards on O workers O , O leading O to O impacts O upon O their O individual O health B-climate-assets and O productivity B-climate-assets . O In O particular O , O research O has O indicated O that O higher O ambient B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties can O increase O the O prevalence O of O urolithiasis B-climate-impacts . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 08c37f55de4c35b8c30ad9cac4986507 The O mean O particle B-climate-properties infiltration I-climate-properties ratio I-climate-properties in O Atlanta O was O 0.70 O ± O 0.30 O , O with O a O 0.21 O lower O ratio O in O summer O compared O to O transition O seasons O ( O spring O , O fall O ) O . O Particle B-climate-properties infiltration I-climate-properties ratios I-climate-properties were O 0.19 O lower O in O houses O using O heating B-climate-problem-origins , O ventilation O , O and O air B-climate-problem-origins conditioning I-climate-problem-origins ( O HVAC B-climate-problem-origins ) O systems O compared O to O those O not O using O HVAC B-climate-problem-origins . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 4971421cd6d265539457db450c2ddeaf The O potential O impact O of O a O changed O climate O on O river B-climate-nature basin I-climate-nature runoff B-climate-nature in O mountainous B-climate-nature regions O in O Slovakia O was O evaluated O using O a O simulation O of O the O runoff B-climate-nature changes O , O carried O out O using O a O monthly O time O step O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O ba37c4644538b08e3f16df5ea79ba4b7 One O element O of O a O large O telescope O corrector O might O be O a O one O meter O diameter B-climate-properties asphere O 0.2 O m O thick B-climate-properties and O , O with O stringent O homogeneity O and O surface O requirements O for O the O glass O , O represents O a O ~ O $ O 1 O M O investment O . O The O index B-climate-properties of I-climate-properties refraction I-climate-properties of O air O at O sea B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties under O standard O conditions O is O n O ≈ O 1.003 O . O Depending O upon O the O altitude B-climate-properties of O the O observatory O , O telescopes O look O through O ~ O 100 O km O of O atmosphere B-climate-nature so O the O optical B-climate-properties path I-climate-properties difference I-climate-properties ( O OPD B-climate-properties ) O of O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature is O one O to O two O meters O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 37d8a4565a70a94c1c09fd5c7b2c008f global B-climate-properties air I-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties continue O to O rise O in O response O to O climate O change O , O environmental O conditions O for O many O freshwater B-climate-organisms fish I-climate-organisms species O will O change O . O Warming O air B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties may O lead O to O warming O lake B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties , O and O subsequently O , O the O availability O of O suitable O thermal O habitat B-climate-organisms space O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2305723ba6c6d1095da58fcbfa89712f Malaysia O has O made O a O pledge O to O reduce O its O 2005 O GDP B-climate-properties emission I-climate-properties intensity I-climate-properties levels O by O up O to O 40 O % O by O 2020 O as O its O contribution O to O combat O climate O change O . O One O of O the O proposed O policies O to O achieve O this O goal O is O carbon B-climate-mitigations taxation I-climate-mitigations . O The O Malaysian O climate B-climate-mitigations policy I-climate-mitigations implies O a O gain O on O the O Malaysian O economy O of O around O 0.8 O % O of O GDP B-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O dd6132fc93f207bab70b965564769477 Aim O To O quantify O the O consequences O of O major O threats O to O biodiversity B-climate-organisms , O such O as O climate O and O land B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations use I-climate-mitigations change I-climate-mitigations , O it O is O important O to O use O explicit O measures O of O species B-climate-organisms persistence O , O such O as O extinction B-climate-hazards risk O . O We O evaluated O the O extinction B-climate-hazards risk O of O three O species B-climate-organisms under O different O climate O change O scenarios O in O three O different O regions O of O the O Mexican O cloud B-climate-nature forest I-climate-nature , O a O highly O fragmented O habitat B-climate-organisms that O is O particularly O vulnerable O to O climate O change O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6dfb787089ec7c0c24ffc733f48247af Geoengineering O can O be O defined O as O the O technologies O that O aim O to O deliberately O alter O geophysical O mechanisms O in O order O to O alleviate O the O impacts O of O climate O change O . O This O paper O studies O the O potential O benefits O from O geoengineering O in O a O standard O one O - O sector O growth O model O augmented O with O a O carbon B-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature and O a O climate O system O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O d83c30e1a831fe8ca12c093e54ce0e4f Population B-climate-properties , O GDP B-climate-properties , O crude B-climate-properties oil I-climate-properties reserve I-climate-properties , O air B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties , O and O precipitation B-climate-nature are O influential O factors O for O total B-climate-properties water I-climate-properties demand I-climate-properties . O The O model O helps O address O the O dynamics O of O sustainability O challenges O , O trade O - O offs O , O and O synergies O in O the O WEF B-climate-organizations systems O under O drivers O , O such O as O climate O change O , O population B-climate-problem-origins growth I-climate-problem-origins , O economic O development O , O and O adaptation O and O resilience O strategies O and O policies O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O abff89c8da99324aa107382c02277857 Here O we O outline O a O framework O and O preliminary O examples O of O applying O these O model O outputs O to O the O broad O spectrum O of O fields O associated O with O biodiversity B-climate-organisms in O the O midlands O region O of O Tasmania O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O >>> bpf STOPPED HERE AGAIN TO UPDATE DICTS (mostly), TOO SLOW. -DOCSTART- -X- O O 36ee755d3e65a51d843ada89d2a95527 Future O climate O and O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins changes I-climate-problem-origins will O have O implications O for O water B-climate-assets quantity I-climate-assets and I-climate-assets quality I-climate-assets and O could O make O attainment O of O targets O , O such O as O those O set O by O the O EU B-climate-mitigations Water I-climate-mitigations Framework I-climate-mitigations Directive I-climate-mitigations , O harder O to O achieve O . O For O the O climate O component O , O net O changes O in O mean B-climate-properties annual I-climate-properties runoff I-climate-properties and O seasonal B-climate-properties precipitation I-climate-properties were O identified O as O the O principal O drivers O affecting O pollutant B-climate-hazards availability O and O transport O . O A O range O of O different O pollutants B-climate-hazards was O considered O , O including O N O , O P O , O C O , O suspended B-climate-hazards solids I-climate-hazards , O pesticides B-climate-hazards and O faecal B-climate-hazards indicator I-climate-hazards organisms I-climate-hazards . O An O example O set O of O change O scenarios O was O developed O for O Scotland O based O on O data O from O the O UKCP09 B-climate-models climate I-climate-models projections I-climate-models and O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins changes I-climate-problem-origins linked O to O the O Scottish O Government O 's O Land O Use O Strategy O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O ddc396efb26381de1f2c2a23fd3d613f The O directionality O of O the O direct O solar B-climate-nature beam I-climate-nature introduces O an O asymmetry O in O the O atmospheric B-climate-nature heating I-climate-nature of O the O convective B-climate-nature motion I-climate-nature and O tilts O the O updraft O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 1d716a7ab56ba55950a444048dd83bc7 Mali O , O agricultural B-climate-assets production O systems O are O highly O dependent O on O rainfall B-climate-nature , O which O explains O the O direct O impact O of O climate O variability O on O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets and O livelihoods B-climate-assets of O agricultural B-climate-assets households I-climate-assets . O This O study O aims O to O analyze O the O determinants O of O FMNR B-climate-mitigations adoption O in O the O areas O of O Diema O and O Kolokani O , O in O Mali O . O Results O estimation O from O the O Logit O model O show O that O FMNR B-climate-mitigations training O , O harvesting O , O fertilizer B-climate-assets utilization O , O perceptions O of O field O fertility O and O income B-climate-assets increase O the O probability O of O FMNR B-climate-mitigations adoption O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6514ac1d83aec2ecb03ffb78ebc70b57 Finally O , O a O brief O case O study O on O direct B-climate-mitigations evaporative I-climate-mitigations cooling I-climate-mitigations thermal O performance O and O environmental O impact O was O conducted O as O part O of O a O field O trip O study O conducted O on O an O existing O large O scale O installation O in O Mina O Valley O , O Saudi O Arabia O . O It O was O found O that O the O evaporative B-climate-mitigations cooling I-climate-mitigations systems O used O for O space O cooling O in O pilgrims O ’ O accommodations O and O in O train O stations O could O reduce O energy O consumption O by O as O much O as O 75 O % O and O cut O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases emission B-climate-problem-origins by O 78 O % O compared O to O traditional O vapour B-climate-problem-origins compression I-climate-problem-origins systems I-climate-problem-origins . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e89e281b44eeff66442c949ad4a2a1e7 Within O Joshua O Tree O National O Park O ( O JTNP O ) O , O Joshua B-climate-organisms trees I-climate-organisms ( O Yucca B-climate-organisms brevifolia I-climate-organisms ) O reach O their O southern O - O most O distribution O . O Previous O research O modeling O distributional O shifts O of O Joshua B-climate-organisms trees I-climate-organisms in O response O to O climate O change O have O been O conducted O at O large O regional O scales O , O predicting O widespread O extirpation B-climate-hazards of O Joshua B-climate-organisms trees I-climate-organisms from O their O current O southern O and O central O distribution O . O Here O we O employed O the O Mahalanobis O D2 O statistic O and O constructed O a O finer O - O scale O model O of O the O Joshua B-climate-organisms tree I-climate-organisms ’s O current O distribution O within O and O surrounding O JTNP O , O and O then O assessed O their O sensitivity O to O a O gradient O of O climate O change O scenarios O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O a82613ae4d5ea6dbe73cd9e5cf9ca147 The O project O also O carried O out O on O - O ground O surveys O from O cotton B-climate-assets and O sugar B-climate-assets industry I-climate-assets and O conducted O modelling O to O assess O risks O and O the O role O of O insurance B-climate-mitigations for O cotton B-climate-assets and O sugar B-climate-assets cane I-climate-assets farmers O in O Queensland O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 63546017db5530cfda3a3b2be2c52ef7 This O study O aims O to O assess O the O effects O of O climate O variability O on O maize B-climate-assets yield O in O Tanzania O . O Regression O , O co O integration O and O ARIMA O models O were O applied O . O The O regression O results O showed O that O , O April O monthly B-climate-properties rainfall I-climate-properties for O Arusha O was O significant O ( O 0.0027 O ) O . O There O are O significant O positive O long O run O relationships O between O maize B-climate-assets yield O and O rainfall B-climate-nature for O Arusha O , O Dodoma O , O Songea O , O Tabora O and O Musoma O districts O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 500a8d8440f9876c1c245cf6272280cf It O catalogues O the O impact O of O climate O change O and O environmental O degradation O ranging O from O drought B-climate-hazards in O the O Amazon O to O floods B-climate-hazards in O Haiti O and O elsewhere O ; O vanishing B-climate-hazards glaciers I-climate-hazards in O Colombia O to O extreme B-climate-hazards cold I-climate-hazards in O the O Andes O ; O and O hurricanes B-climate-hazards , O not O only O in O Central O America O and O the O Caribbean O , O but O also O in O southern O Brazil O . O Across O the O region O the O capacity O of O natural O ecosystems O to O act O as O buffers O against O extreme B-climate-hazards weather I-climate-hazards events O and O other O shocks O is O being O undermined O leaving O people B-climate-assets more O vulnerable O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O dae0fb9cd1904a3d6681df1c3fb1a57f Carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases emissions B-climate-problem-origins from O electricity B-climate-problem-origins generation I-climate-problem-origins are O a O major O cause O of O anthropogenic O climate O change O . O The O deployment O of O wind B-climate-mitigations and I-climate-mitigations solar I-climate-mitigations power I-climate-mitigations reduces O these O emissions B-climate-problem-origins , O but O is O subject O to O the O variability O of O the O weather O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 94fcd9f9f3b67a4b5659947f5db348cf Climate B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations smart I-climate-mitigations agriculture I-climate-mitigations is O a O site O - O specific O and O knowledge O intensive O concept O that O urges O the O world O to O pay O attention O to O impacts O of O climate O change O on O agriculture B-climate-assets and O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets by O promoting O sustainable O practices O that O will O increase O agricultural B-climate-assets productivity I-climate-assets and O build O resilience O to O environmental O pressures O including O adaptation O to O climate O change O . O The O need O to O meet O food B-climate-assets demands O that O support O poor O small B-climate-assets - I-climate-assets scale I-climate-assets agricultural I-climate-assets producers O and O enhance O national O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets and O development O goals O is O emphasized O . O In O Southern O Africa O it O has O been O demonstrated O that O the O small B-climate-assets - I-climate-assets scale I-climate-assets agriculture I-climate-assets as O practiced O in O many O parts O is O dynamic O ; O the O small O - O scale O producers O often O come O up O with O innovations O that O are O the O result O of O very O complex O long O - O term O processes O and O networks O without O external O interventions O . O The O Response B-climate-organizations Farming I-climate-organizations Project I-climate-organizations initiated O to O fortify O the O small O - O scale O producers O ’ O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets by O helping O them O make O optimal O crop B-climate-mitigations planning I-climate-mitigations decisions O through O adapting O their O day O - O to O - O day O management O by O responding O to O anticipated O immediate O on O - O hand O crop B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations plant I-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations weather I-climate-mitigations situation O and O to O the O medium O term O forecasts O for O the O coming O weeks O attest O to O the O ability O of O small O - O scale O producers O to O respond O and O adapt O to O weather O and O climate O variability O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b194578e39e3fa77c3d1e3cedfa8223f evaluated O using O high O - O resolution O airborne O light B-climate-observations detection I-climate-observations and I-climate-observations ranging I-climate-observations ( O lidar B-climate-observations ) O snow B-climate-properties depth I-climate-properties data O -DOCSTART- -X- O O f9dc66f31a9d491744e48461cfbbb22f Arctic O environments O are O generally O believed O to O be O highly O sensitive O to O human O - O induced O climatic O change O . O In O this O paper O , O we O explore O the O impacts O on O the O hydrological O system O of O the O sub O - O arctic O Tana O Basin O in O Northernmost O Finland O and O Norway O . O In O contrast O with O previous O studies O , O attention O is O not O only O given O to O river B-climate-nature discharge B-climate-properties , O but O also O to O the O spatial O patterns O in O snow B-climate-nature coverage O and O evapotranspiration B-climate-properties . O We O used O a O distributed O water B-climate-nature balance I-climate-nature model O that O was O coupled O to O a O regional O climate O model O in O order O to O calculate O a O scenario O of O climate O change O by O the O end O of O this O century O . O Three O different O model O experiments O were O performed O , O adopting O different O approaches O to O using O the O climate O model O output O in O the O hydrological B-climate-nature model O runs O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 390030e549d721470d58ccfb61dc2d8f As O a O result O of O climate O change O , O many O lands O are O under O risk O due O to O the O rising B-climate-hazards sea I-climate-hazards levels I-climate-hazards ( O RSL B-climate-hazards ) O . O Lower O - O lying O islands B-climate-nature are O more O endangered O from O RSL B-climate-hazards . O One O of O such O islands B-climate-nature is O Failaka O , O a O small O island B-climate-nature in O Kuwait O lying O at O the O entrance O of O Kuwait O Bay O , O which O is O located O on O the O north O - O western O side O of O the O Arabian O Gulf O ( O Also O called O the O Persian O Gulf O ) O . O Most O of O Failaka O Island O is O lower O than O three O meters O . O To O detect O these O areas O , O spatial O analysis O of O the O Digital O elevation O model O ( O DEM O ) O are O used O . O The O CVI B-climate-models shows O that O the O eastern O coast O is O the O most O susceptible O with O regard O to O the O SLR O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e316c3882cdb7b830c18c0f4b538f97f It O has O determined O urban B-climate-mitigations form I-climate-mitigations characteristics I-climate-mitigations by O either O studying O urban O form O characteristics O separately O or O studying O the O previous O carbon B-climate-mitigations mitigation I-climate-mitigations efforts O that O mentioned O some O of O urban B-climate-mitigations form I-climate-mitigations characteristics I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 6ffac37a937f405842a55f375741fb8f We O used O simulation O modeling O to O assess O potential O climate O change O impacts O on O wildfire B-climate-hazards exposure O in O Italy O and O Corsica O ( O France O ) O . O Weather O data O were O obtained O from O a O regional O climate O model O for O the O period O 1981 O - O 2070 O using O the O IPCC B-climate-organizations A1B I-climate-datasets emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O . O Wildfire B-climate-hazards simulations O were O performed O with O the O minimum B-climate-models travel I-climate-models time I-climate-models fire I-climate-models spread I-climate-models algorithm O using O predicted O fuel B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties , O wind B-climate-properties speed I-climate-properties , O and O wind B-climate-properties direction I-climate-properties to O simulate O expected O changes O in O weather O for O three O climatic O periods O ( O 1981 O - O 2010 O , O 2011 O - O 2040 O , O and O 2041 O - O 2070 O ) O . O Overall O , O the O wildfire B-climate-hazards simulations O showed O very O slight O changes O in O flame B-climate-properties length I-climate-properties , O while O other O outputs O such O as O burn B-climate-properties probability I-climate-properties and O fire B-climate-properties size I-climate-properties increased O significantly O in O the O second O future O period O ( O 2041 O - O 2070 O ) O , O especially O in O the O southern O portion O of O the O study O area O . O The O projected O changes O fuel B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties could O result O in O a O lengthening O of O the O fire B-climate-hazards season O for O the O entire O study O area O . O This O work O represents O the O first O application O in O Europe O of O a O methodology O based O on O high O resolution O ( O 250 O m O ) O landscape O wildfire B-climate-hazards modeling O to O assess O potential O impacts O of O climate O changes O on O wildfire B-climate-hazards exposure O at O a O national O scale O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O cecbc4abcbe1395f7db7c1e15f8ba54f Recent O outbreaks O of O infectious B-climate-impacts pathogens I-climate-impacts such O as O Zika B-climate-impacts , O Ebola B-climate-impacts , O and O COVID-19 B-climate-impacts have O underscored O the O need O for O the O dependable O availability O of O vaccines B-climate-mitigations against O emerging B-climate-impacts infectious I-climate-impacts diseases I-climate-impacts ( O EIDs B-climate-impacts ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 41f4f67d43408eb5a6da442cce38b11f Soil B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature is O an O important O variable O in O agricultural B-climate-assets environments O as O it O contributes O to O yield O response O as O well O as O areas O of O environmental O concern O including O erosion B-climate-hazards , O runoff B-climate-nature , O and O nitrogen B-climate-hazards leaching I-climate-hazards ( O through O deep O drainage O ) O . O Crop B-climate-assets models O have O been O established O as O a O method O for O simulating O agricultural B-climate-assets production O and O examining O ecosystem O responses O . O The O objectives O of O our O experiments O are O to O ( O 1 O ) O evaluate O the O efficacy O and O feasibility O of O implementing O a O simple O data O assimilation O algorithm O for O near B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties in O the O DSSAT B-climate-models ( O Decision B-climate-models Support I-climate-models System I-climate-models for I-climate-models Agrotechnology I-climate-models Transfer I-climate-models ) O Model O and O ( O 2 O ) O examine O changes O in O yield O from O different O data O assimilation O cases O . O In O this O paper O we O use O direct O insertion O , O a O simple O data O assimilation O method O , O to O examine O how O assimilation O of O near B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature ( O 0 O – O 5 O cm O ) O soil B-climate-properties water I-climate-properties content I-climate-properties observations O impacts O maize B-climate-assets yields O . O The O CERES B-climate-models - I-climate-models Maize I-climate-models component O of O the O DSSAT B-climate-models Model O was O used O for O simulations O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O dd8e6468f601c6b06915ff9acbf024ff We O provide O evidence O that O lower B-climate-mitigations fertility I-climate-mitigations can O simultaneously O increase O income B-climate-assets per O capita O and O lower O carbon O emissions B-climate-problem-origins , O eliminating O a O trade O - O off O central O to O most O policies O aimed O at O slowing O global O climate O change O . O First O , O we O estimate O a O version O of O the O STIRPAT B-climate-models equation O on O an O unbalanced O yearly O panel O of O cross O - O country O data O from O 1950 O - O 2010 O . O Thus O , O regression O results O imply O that O 1 O % O slower O population B-climate-problem-origins growth I-climate-problem-origins could O be O accompanied O by O an O increase B-climate-assets in I-climate-assets income I-climate-assets per O capita O of O nearly O 7 O % O while O still O lowering O carbon O emissions B-climate-problem-origins . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 25aa979f33066df9e2691a9e47869e37 Censuses O used O identified O individuals O ( O n O = O 3780 O cirio B-climate-organisms and O 2246 O cardon B-climate-organisms ) O and O were O based O on O repeat O photography O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e3a397931fd676bda3cc82dab604e5f7 Clouds B-climate-nature play O a O major O role O in O the O radiation B-climate-nature budget I-climate-nature of O the O earth O - O atmosphere O system O . O They O contribute O to O a O high O amplitude O of O variation O on O the O time O scale O of O one O day O . O Current O cloud B-climate-nature parameterization O schemes O have O significant O deficiency O to O predict O the O diurnal O cycle O of O cloud B-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties a O few O days O in O advance O . O We O used O four O versions O of O the O Florida B-climate-models State I-climate-models University I-climate-models ( I-climate-models FSU I-climate-models ) I-climate-models global I-climate-models spectral I-climate-models model I-climate-models ( O GSM B-climate-models ) O including O four O different O cloud B-climate-nature parameterization O schemes O in O order O to O construct O ensemble O / O superensemble O forecasts O of O cloud B-climate-properties covers I-climate-properties . O Further O , O a O unified O cloud B-climate-nature parameterization O scheme O is O developed O for O climate O models O , O which O , O when O implemented O in O the O FSU B-climate-models GSM I-climate-models , O carries O a O higher O skill O compared O to O those O of O the O individual O cloud B-climate-nature schemes O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 30cc02745a68b9c63e26d60a3a5b9cb7 Current O status O of O emission B-climate-problem-origins inventories O in O five O South O American O countries O ( O Argentina O , O Brazil O , O Chile O , O Colombia O and O Peru O ) O was O presented O and O discussed O . O National O emission B-climate-problem-origins inventories O in O South O America O are O prepared O as O part O of O the O obligations O of O these O countries O to O the O United O Nations O Framework O Convention O on O Climate O Change O within O the O framework O of O their O national O communications O . O A O network O was O established O between O members O of O the O LA B-climate-organizations Emissions I-climate-organizations Inventory I-climate-organizations Group I-climate-organizations ( O LAEIG B-climate-organizations ) O from O five O countries O ( O Argentina O , O Brazil O , O Chile O , O Colombia O and O Peru O ) O and O international O researchers O with O the O aim O to O build O a O consistent O and O shared O emission B-climate-problem-origins inventory O in O the O near O future O for O these O five O countries O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 89bb73455b6cf53ad527b2f6a0b6da17 To O provide O a O full O assessment O , O simulations O with O the O global O chemical O transport O model O GEOS B-climate-models - I-climate-models CHEM I-climate-models driven O by O the O NASA B-climate-models Goddard I-climate-models Institute I-climate-models for I-climate-models Space I-climate-models Studies I-climate-models general I-climate-models circulation I-climate-models model I-climate-models ( O NASA B-climate-models / I-climate-models GISS I-climate-models GCM I-climate-models ) O are O conducted O . O To O isolate O the O effects O from O changes O in O climate O and O anthropogenic O emissions B-climate-problem-origins four O types O of O simulations O are O performed O : O ( O 1 O ) O present O - O day O climate O and O emissions B-climate-problem-origins ( O 2 O ) O future O climate O following O the O IPCC B-climate-organizations Special B-climate-datasets Report I-climate-datasets on I-climate-datasets Emission I-climate-datasets Scenarios I-climate-datasets ( O SRES B-climate-datasets ) O A1B B-climate-datasets scenario O and O present O - O day O anthropogenic O emissions B-climate-problem-origins of O ozone O precursors O ( O 3 O ) O present O - O day O climate O and O future O emissions B-climate-problem-origins and O ( O 4 O ) O future O climate O and O future O emissions B-climate-problem-origins . O Results O indicate O that O climate O change O impact O on O its O own O leads O to O an O increase O of O less O than O 3 O ppb O in O western O and O central O Europe O whereas O decreases O are O evident O for O the O rest O of O the O areas O with O the O highest O ( O about O 2.5 O ppb O ) O in O southeastern O Europe O ( O Italy O , O Greece O ) O . O Increases O are O attributed O to O the O increases O of O isoprene O biogenic B-climate-problem-origins emissions I-climate-problem-origins due O to O increasing O temperatures O whereas O decreases O are O associated O with O the O increase O of O water B-climate-nature vapor I-climate-nature over O sea O which O tends O to O decrease O the O lifetime B-climate-properties of O ozone O as O well O as O the O increased O wind B-climate-properties speeds I-climate-properties in O the O 2050 O climate O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c2dc647ef16a372b4d395cc1f105517f The O State O of O Texas O has O historically O faced O hurricane B-climate-hazards - O related O damage B-climate-impacts episodes O , O with O Ike O being O the O most O recent O example O . O It O is O expected O that O , O in O the O future O , O hurricanes B-climate-hazards will O intensify O due O to O climate O change O causing O greater O surges B-climate-hazards , O while O the O attenuating O effect O of O wetlands B-climate-nature on O storm B-climate-hazards surges I-climate-hazards will O also O be O modified O due O to O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards changes O in O wetland B-climate-nature vegetation I-climate-nature type O and O spatial O location O . O A O coupled O hydrodynamic O model O ( O ADCIRC B-climate-models ) O and O wave B-climate-nature model O ( O SWAN B-climate-models ) O was O employed O , O and O wetlands B-climate-nature were O characterized O using O Manning B-climate-properties 's I-climate-properties n I-climate-properties , O surface B-climate-properties canopy I-climate-properties , O and O surface B-climate-properties roughness I-climate-properties . O The O wetlands B-climate-nature parameters O were O developed O from O the O National B-climate-datasets Land I-climate-datasets Cover I-climate-datasets Dataset I-climate-datasets ( O NLCD B-climate-datasets ) O 1992 O and O 2001 O . O The O calibrated O coupled O model O for O the O historical O hurricane O Bret O was O used O to O simulate O the O storm B-climate-hazards surge I-climate-hazards for O each O scenario O . O The O results O for O the O sensitivity O analyses O comparing O the O scenarios O with O parameters O developed O from O NLCD B-climate-datasets datasets O with O four O hypothetical O scenarios O considering O very O high O and O low O Manning B-climate-properties 's I-climate-properties n I-climate-properties and O wind B-climate-properties stress I-climate-properties ( O surface B-climate-properties canopy I-climate-properties ) O values O showed O that O , O for O areas O inside O Nueces O Bay O , O the O storm B-climate-hazards surge I-climate-hazards high O could O vary O up O to O four O times O depending O on O the O parameter O selection O , O for O areas O inside O Corpus O Christi O Bay O , O the O storm B-climate-hazards surge I-climate-hazards high O varied O around O three O times O and O behind O the O barrier B-climate-mitigations island I-climate-mitigations the O storm B-climate-hazards surge I-climate-hazards high O variation O was O less O than O three O times O . O This O study O is O a O first O step O for O an O evaluation O of O the O impact O that O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards , O climate B-climate-impacts changed I-climate-impacts wetlands I-climate-impacts , O wetlands B-climate-mitigations restoration I-climate-mitigations , O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins , O and O wetlands B-climate-impacts degradation I-climate-impacts have O on O hurricane B-climate-hazards related O surge B-climate-properties elevation I-climate-properties and O extent O in O the O city O of O Corpus O Christi O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 7a3648d8b629f986ce4f40bda773aa2f Climate O change O is O increasingly O being O implicated O in O species B-climate-impacts ' I-climate-impacts range I-climate-impacts shifts I-climate-impacts throughout O the O world O , O including O those O of O important O vector B-climate-hazards and I-climate-hazards reservoir I-climate-hazards species I-climate-hazards for O infectious B-climate-impacts diseases I-climate-impacts . O In O North O America O ( O México O , O United O States O , O and O Canada O ) O , O leishmaniasis B-climate-hazards is O a O vector B-climate-impacts - I-climate-impacts borne I-climate-impacts disease I-climate-impacts that O is O autochthonous O in O México O and O Texas O and O has O begun O to O expand O its O range O northward O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O af46b1f3d5a9b01d71d89c06727906af Output O of O the O Hadley B-climate-models Centre I-climate-models Global I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O HadCM3 B-climate-models ) O was O used O to O provide O a O future O climate O scenario O for O precipitation B-climate-nature in O selected O western O stations O of O Iran O , O including O Ilam O , O Hamedan O , O Kermanshah O , O KhoramAbad O , O Sanandaj O , O Zanjan O . O Because O of O the O coarse O resolution O of O GCM O output O model O , O a O statistical O downscaling O method O , O LARS_WG B-climate-models , O was O applied O in O order O to O obtain O site O specific O daily O weather O Series O . O The O performance O of O LARS B-climate-models - I-climate-models WG I-climate-models during O the O validation O period O was O suitable O to O reproduce O daily O precipitation B-climate-nature series O , O therefore O this O model O was O used O to O provide O future O scenario O of O daily O precipitation B-climate-nature for O 2011 O - O 2030 O period O . O The O simulation O was O forced O by O the O A1B B-climate-datasets , O B2 B-climate-datasets and O A2 B-climate-datasets emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O for O HadCM3 B-climate-models . O The O most O percentage O change O is O obtained O by O 28 O % O in O the O Kermanshah O station O Under O B1 B-climate-datasets emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O during O near O future O , O but O the O increase O is O not O significant O . O SPI B-climate-properties was O calculated O for O long B-climate-hazards - I-climate-hazards time I-climate-hazards drought I-climate-hazards ( O 12 O months O ) O and O then O 2 O , O 5 O , O 10 O , O 20 O , O 25 O , O 50 O , O 100 O return O periods O were O estimated O for O all O stations O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O >>> bpf CHECK END IN TEST FILE -DOCSTART- -X- O O >>> bpf From here on original training data -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc48a50db77cab84cb87a3baf71306771 It O occurs O mainly O due O to O extreme B-climate-hazards weather I-climate-hazards conditions O ( O e.g. O heavy B-climate-hazards rainfall I-climate-hazards and O snowmelt B-climate-properties ) O and O the O consequences O of O flood B-climate-hazards events O can O be O devastating O . O For O a O sound O flood B-climate-mitigations risk I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations and O mitigation B-climate-mitigations , O a O proper O risk O assessment O is O needed O . O Anthropogenic O climate O change O causes O higher O intensity B-climate-properties of I-climate-properties rainfall I-climate-properties and O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards and O therefore O an O increase O in O scale O and O frequency B-climate-properties of O the O flood B-climate-hazards events O . O The O impacts O of O changes O in O risk O components O are O explored O by O plausible O change O scenarios O for O the O mesoscale O Mulde O catchment O ( O sub B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature basin I-climate-nature of O the O Elbe O ) O in O Germany O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob1987742e27afd45a1be182176d046b9 Mandatory O water B-climate-mitigations use I-climate-mitigations restrictions I-climate-mitigations have O become O a O common O feature O of O the O urban B-climate-mitigations water I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations landscape O in O countries O like O Australia O . O Most O interest O in O these O studies O emerged O in O times O of O drought B-climate-hazards , O when O the O severity O of O restrictions O and O their O deployment O had O increased O and O water B-climate-mitigations managers I-climate-mitigations contemplate O supply O augmentation O measures O . O A O question O thus O arises O as O to O whether O the O same O estimates O can O be O legitimately O deployed O to O water B-climate-assets supply I-climate-assets projects O undertaken O when O water O is O more O plentiful O . O We O report O the O results O of O a O comparison O between O two O surveys O , O undertaken O in O 2008 O and O 2012 O , O using O a O common O multiple O - O bounded O discrete O choice O contingent O valuation O design O , O administered O across O six O cities O in O Australia O , O covering O metropolitan O and O regional O settings O . O We O find O that O willingness O to O pay O estimates O significantly O change O over O time O in O most O regional O centres O but O this O is O not O the O case O for O the O major O cities O of O Sydney O and O Melbourne O , O once O changes O in O housing O prices O are O included O in O the O analysis O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9102a34e44a0a10e36390458280018a8 In O northern O countries O , O such O as O Finland O , O winter O climate O conditions O affect O the O functionality O of O society O in O many O ways O . O Changes O in O snow B-climate-nature and O ice B-climate-nature act O as O an O indicator O of O the O climate O conditions O in O a O region O . O The O main O results O of O this O work O are O based O on O gridded O observations O , O FMIClimGrid B-climate-datasets and O E B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets OBS I-climate-datasets , O and O CMIP5 B-climate-models global O climate O model O simulations O . O Using O these O , O the O observed O snow B-climate-nature , O temperature B-climate-properties and O precipitation B-climate-nature conditions O in O 1961 O - O 2014 O were O analyzed O , O and O the O future O changes O in O Baltic O Sea O ice B-climate-nature cover I-climate-nature were O projected O for O the O ongoing O century O . O In O addition O , O two O modeling O studies O were O performed O : O The O first O assessed O the O performance O of O ECHAM5 B-climate-models atmospheric O general O circulation O model O in O simulating O snow B-climate-properties melt I-climate-properties timing I-climate-properties in O spring O , O and O the O second O studied O the O ability O of O numerical O convection O - O permitting O weather O prediction O model O HARMONIE B-climate-models to O simulate O a O sea O - O effect O snowfall B-climate-nature case O . O The O annual O maximum O sea B-climate-properties ice I-climate-properties extent I-climate-properties and O sea B-climate-properties ice I-climate-properties thickness I-climate-properties in O the O Baltic O Sea O were O projected O to O decrease O during O the O ongoing O century O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Odd40a5ee7ba9129ca55c064267227098 ABSTRACT O For O Europe O to O meet O its O climate O targets O , O large O financial O investments O in O the O energy B-climate-problem-origins sector I-climate-problem-origins are O required O . O Cost O reductions O for O low B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations carbon I-climate-mitigations power I-climate-mitigations generation I-climate-mitigations are O critical O to O achieve O these O targets O . O The O cost O of O capital O has O a O bigger O impact O on O the O LCOE B-climate-properties for O renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations than O for O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuel I-climate-problem-origins - O based O power O production O . O Using O the O integrated O assessment O model O TIAM B-climate-models - I-climate-models ECN I-climate-models we O demonstrate O that O Europe O ’s O future O energy O system O is O highly O sensitive O to O the O level O of O financing O costs O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7c508bd7f9078bd70c6c5c856ed822b0 Alterations O to O indoor O and O outdoor O environments O resulting O from O urbanization B-climate-problem-origins , O industrialization B-climate-problem-origins , O and O climate O change O have O significant O implications O for O the O prevalence O and O management O of O allergic B-climate-impacts rhino I-climate-impacts - I-climate-impacts conjunctivitis I-climate-impacts . O Rising O temperatures B-climate-properties , O precipitation B-climate-nature and O more O extreme B-climate-hazards weather I-climate-hazards enable O longer B-climate-hazards pollen I-climate-hazards seasons I-climate-hazards and O greater O viability O of O indoor O and O outdoor O moulds B-climate-hazards and O result O in O increased O exposure O to O ( O and O allergenic O potential O of O ) O these O aeroallergens B-climate-hazards . O Outdoor O air B-climate-hazards pollution I-climate-hazards is O a O major O risk O factor O for O rhino B-climate-impacts - I-climate-impacts conjunctivitis I-climate-impacts ; O key O contributors O are O fuel B-climate-problem-origins combustion I-climate-problem-origins and O dust B-climate-nature storms I-climate-nature because O of O changes B-climate-problem-origins in I-climate-problem-origins land I-climate-problem-origins - I-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins and O development O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oac1ffa7abfe4031897d0c2a1e59dd74c Objectives O Many O studies O have O explored O the O relationship O between O short O - O term O weather O and O its O health B-climate-impacts effects I-climate-impacts ( O including O pneumonia B-climate-impacts ) O based O on O mortality B-climate-impacts , O although O both O morbidity B-climate-impacts and O mortality B-climate-impacts pose O a O substantial O burden O . O Methods O Daily O records O of O ER O visits O for O pneumonia B-climate-impacts over O a O 6 O - O year O period O ( O 2009 O - O 2014 O ) O were O collected O from O the O National B-climate-datasets Emergency I-climate-datasets Department I-climate-datasets Information I-climate-datasets System I-climate-datasets . O Corresponding O meteorological O data O were O obtained O from O the O National B-climate-datasets Climate I-climate-datasets Data I-climate-datasets Service I-climate-datasets System I-climate-datasets . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O42b2418b7f5e051209282f847144a831 The O experimental O protocol O consists O of O first O establishing O a O virtual O - O reality O reference O climate O over O a O fairly O large O area O by O using O the O Canadian B-climate-observations RCM I-climate-observations with O grid O spacing O of O 45 O km O nested O within O NCEP B-climate-organizations analyses O . O The O results O show O that O complex O topography B-climate-nature and O coastline B-climate-nature have O a O strong O positive O impact O on O the O downscaling O ability O of O the O one O - O way O nesting O technique O . O These O surface O forcings O , O found O to O be O responsible O for O a O large O part O of O small O - O scale O climate O features O , O act O primarily O locally O and O yield O good O climate O reproducibility O . O Precipitation B-climate-nature over O the O Rocky O Mountains O region O is O a O field O in O which O such O effect O is O found O and O for O which O the O nesting O technique O displays O significant O downscaling O ability O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9724d7676a60207553bfd0bccff07685 Also O , O it O is O found O that O an O update B-climate-properties frequency I-climate-properties of O four O times O a O day O leads O to O a O better O downscaling O than O twice O a O day O when O a O ratio O of O spatial O resolution O of O one O is O used O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O69156a2cec8df02d805526466b74e8f2 As O an O indicator O and O regulator O of O climate O and O environmental O change O , O the O Tibet O Plateau O is O an O important O barrier O for O ecological O security O . O However O , O despite O the O importance O of O soil B-climate-organisms microbial I-climate-organisms communities I-climate-organisms in O almost O all O soil O biochemical O processes O and O ecosystem O functions O , O the O biogeography O of O soil B-climate-organisms microbial I-climate-organisms communities I-climate-organisms on O the O Tibet O Plateau O is O poorly O understood O , O especially O at O large O scales O over O different O ecosystem O types O . O We O then O used O next O generation O high O - O throughput O sequencing O to O investigate O the O soil O prokaryote B-climate-organisms community O ( O i.e. O bacteria B-climate-organisms and O archaea B-climate-organisms ) O diversity B-climate-organisms and O spatial O patterns O and O to O explore O their O relationship O with O biotic O ( O e.g. O plant B-climate-organisms functional O group O diversity B-climate-organisms and O biomass O ) O and O abiotic O ( O e.g. O aridity B-climate-properties index I-climate-properties , O soil O carbon O and O nitrogen O levels O ) O factors O . O Among O the O four O alpine B-climate-nature grassland I-climate-nature types O ( O i.e. O alpine B-climate-nature meadow I-climate-nature , O alpine B-climate-nature steppe I-climate-nature , O alpine B-climate-nature shrub I-climate-nature and O alpine B-climate-nature desert I-climate-nature ) O sampled O in O this O study O , O alpine B-climate-nature meadow I-climate-nature had O the O highest O soil B-climate-organisms microbial I-climate-organisms biomass O and O alpine B-climate-nature desert I-climate-nature had O the O lowest O soil B-climate-organisms microbial I-climate-organisms richness O and O Shannon O diversity O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O0de36c3a42e93c73ddfe93e156bc40b3 The O Great B-climate-organizations Lakes I-climate-organizations Environmental I-climate-organizations Research I-climate-organizations Laboratory I-climate-organizations has O developed O conceptual O models O for O simulating O moisture B-climate-nature storages I-climate-nature in O and O runoff B-climate-nature from O the O 121 O watersheds B-climate-nature draining O into O the O Laurentian O Great O Lakes O , O overlake O precipitation B-climate-nature into O each O lake B-climate-nature , O the O heat B-climate-nature storages I-climate-nature in O and O evaporation B-climate-nature from O each O lake B-climate-nature , O connecting O channel B-climate-nature flows I-climate-nature and O lake B-climate-nature levels O , O and O regulation O of O flows O at O control O points O . O We O determine O net B-climate-properties water I-climate-properties supplies I-climate-properties and I-climate-properties levels I-climate-properties for O each O lake B-climate-nature to O consider O climate O change O scenarios O developed O from O atmospheric O general O circulation O models O through O linkages O on O air B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties , O precipitation B-climate-nature , O humidity B-climate-properties , O wind B-climate-properties speed I-climate-properties , O and O cloud B-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties . O Scenarios O of O a O doubling O of O atmospheric O CO B-climate-greenhouse-gases 2 I-climate-greenhouse-gases are O considered O by O abstracting O changes O in O linkages O , O making O these O changes O in O historical O data O , O observing O the O impact O of O the O changed O data O in O model O outputs O , O and O comparing O it O to O model O results O obtained O from O unchanged O data O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O11b2c16f79f83d4e807cc9db4e6b44a0 As O an O important O policy O instrument O for O climate O mitigation B-climate-mitigations , O the O carbon B-climate-mitigations tax I-climate-mitigations policy O design O and O its O consequent O social O - O economic O impact O calls O for O more O research O . O In O this O paper O , O a O dynamic O Computable O General O Equilibrium O ( O CGE O ) O model O – O CASIPM B-climate-models - I-climate-models GE I-climate-models model O is O applied O to O explore O the O impact O of O a O carbon B-climate-mitigations tax I-climate-mitigations and O different O tax B-climate-mitigations revenue I-climate-mitigations recycling I-climate-mitigations schemes O on O China O ’s O economy O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O60b1867718d4335030262fbe97a30d30 Abstract O We O examined O how O butterfly B-climate-organisms species O richness O is O affected O by O human O impact O and O elevation B-climate-properties , O and O how O species O ranges O are O distributed O along O the O elevational O gradient O ( O 200–2700 O m O ) O in O the O Isère O Department O ( O French O Alps O ) O . O A O total O of O 35,724 O butterfly B-climate-organisms observations O gathered O in O summer O ( O May O – O September O ) O between O 1995 O and O 2015 O were O analyzed O . O Estimations O were O also O performed O on O a O 500 O m O × O 500 O m O grid O at O low O altitude B-climate-properties ( O 200–500 O m O ) O to O test O for O the O human O impact O on O species O richness O using O generalized O least O squares O regression O models O . O Butterfly B-climate-organisms diversity B-climate-organisms is O exceptionally O high O ( O 185 O species O ) O in O this O alpine O department O that O represents O less O than O 5 O % O of O the O French O territory O and O yet O holds O more O than O 70 O % O of O all O the O Rhopalocera B-climate-organisms species O recorded O in O France O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O244eba7942630e0a0fbcbb9e31c657f3 The O results O also O highlight O the O need O to O further O develop O the O Aglink B-climate-models - I-climate-models Cosimo I-climate-models model O to O include O the O adop O tion O of O new O technologies O and O to O account O for O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases emissions O and O removals O related O to O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins changes I-climate-problem-origins , O to O get O a O broader O picture O of O the O possible O contribution O ( O and O resulting O impacts O ) O of O ag O riculture O to O a O global O low B-climate-mitigations carbon I-climate-mitigations economy I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O46cf7d4aee7f8bf0011c155e50c9901b In O this O part O of O the O Mediterranean O , O the O general O warming O trend O was O strongly O enhanced O by O changes O in O the O atmospheric B-climate-nature circulation I-climate-nature patterns O , O characterized O by O a O northward O extension O of O the O subtropical B-climate-nature high O pressure O domain O during O spring O and O summer O . O Although O annual O precipitation B-climate-nature did O not O follow O clear O trends O , O water O discharge B-climate-properties significantly O decreased O in O one O third O of O the O watersheds B-climate-nature and O accounted O for O an O estimated O 20 O % O reduction O of O the O water B-climate-nature resources I-climate-nature in O this O region O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od5b060fcbfc6aa69e9b70021ac00e343 We O examined O the O potential O added O risk O posed O by O global O climate O change O on O the O dengue B-climate-impacts vector O Aedes B-climate-hazards aegypti I-climate-hazards abundance O using O CLIMEX B-climate-models , O a O powerful O tool O for O exploring O the O relationship O between O the O fundamental O and O realised O niche O of O any O species O . O The O impact O of O climate O change O on O its O potential O distribution O was O assessed O with O two O global O climate O models O , O the O CSIRO B-climate-models - I-climate-models Mk3.0 I-climate-models and O the O MIROC B-climate-models - I-climate-models H I-climate-models , O run O with O two O potential O , O future O emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O ( O A1B B-climate-datasets and O A2 B-climate-datasets ) O published O by O the O Intergovernmental B-climate-organizations Panel I-climate-organizations on I-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations . O However O , O even O if O much O of O the O tropics B-climate-nature and O subtropics B-climate-nature will O continue O to O be O suitable O , O the O climatically O favourable O areas O for O A. B-climate-hazards aegypti I-climate-hazards globally O are O projected O to O contract O under O the O future O scenarios O produced O by O these O models O , O while O currently O unfavourable O areas O , O such O as O inland O Australia O , O the O Arabian O Peninsula O , O southern O Iran O and O some O parts O of O North O America O may O become O climatically O favourable O for O this O mosquito B-climate-hazards species O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O07541878e530a854779e772a55ccbd21 ABSTRACT O In O order O to O understand O better O on O medium O - O and O long O - O term O climate O change O issues O in O international O cooperation O of O the O Belt B-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Road I-climate-organizations Initiative I-climate-organizations ( O BRI B-climate-organizations ) O , O this O paper O is O meant O to O assess O the O implementation O of O National O Determined O Contributions O ( O NDCs O ) O of O the O BRI B-climate-organizations countries O and O the O emission O constraints O under O the O Paris B-climate-mitigations Agreement I-climate-mitigations to O hold O the O increase O in O the O global B-climate-properties average I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties to O well O below O 2 O ° O C O above O pre O - O industrial O levels O , O based O on O the O Belt B-climate-models and I-climate-models Road I-climate-models Integrated I-climate-models Assessment I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O BRIAM B-climate-models ) O and O the O best O available O data O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa4237bf52c53fddb5b3830f47ce82b3d Data O were O obtained O from O the O Australian B-climate-organizations Bureau I-climate-organizations of I-climate-organizations Meteorology I-climate-organizations ( O BoM B-climate-organizations ) O from O 136 O high O - O quality O weather O stations O . O To O reduce O spatial O complexity O , O climate O regionalization O was O used O to O divide O the O stations O in O homogenous O sub O - O regions O based O on O similarity O of O rainfall B-climate-nature patterns O and O intensity B-climate-properties using O principal O component O analysis O ( O PCA O ) O and O K O - O means O clustering O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa958aaec70c19a08e07c701ead762245 The O aim O of O this O thesis O was O to O examine O the O recovery O of O both O structural O and O functional O attributes O of O ecosystem O undergoing O restoration B-climate-mitigations using O the O Changting O model O restoration B-climate-mitigations site O as O a O case O . O Trees B-climate-organisms and O shrubs B-climate-organisms were O inventoried O in O field O and O carbon O stock O was O estimated O with O existing O allometric O equations O . O Understory B-climate-nature vegetation I-climate-nature and O forest B-climate-nature floor I-climate-nature detritus I-climate-nature were O harvested O and O soil B-climate-nature samples O collected O in O the O field O for O measuring O carbon O and O nitrogen O content O using O an O elemental O analyzer O . O General O liner O model O analysis O of O variance O ( O ANOVA O ) O was O preformed O to O determine O significant O differences O between O sites O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob6d0d8237090211f52beb76507ca23a2 The O total O soil B-climate-properties carbon I-climate-properties stock I-climate-properties decreased O in O the O following O order O : O SF O ( O 65 O ± O 12.3 O tC O ha⁻¹ O ) O , O OS O ( O 49.9 O ± O 21.3 O tC O ha⁻¹ O ) O , O YS O ( O 35.1 O ± O 21.1 O tC O ha⁻¹ O ) O and O DS O ( O 6.6 O ± O 3 O t O C O ha⁻¹ O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O6efe1eb0cf5148ea02b30a59b402d51b A O secondary O objective O is O to O improve O the O representation O of O climate O variability O within O IAM O 's O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Of68a4c86b58931f017dafcf37677e60a Change O in O seawater B-climate-properties pH I-climate-properties between O 1991 O and O 2006 O along O 152 O ° O W O in O the O North O Pacific O Ocean O . O Accurate O measurements O of O pH B-climate-properties are O necessary O for O scientists O to O make O such O time O - O lapse O observations O of O change O , O especially O in O regions O that O are O strongly O affected O by O physical O and O biological O conditions O such O as O the O Kuroshio B-climate-nature Extension I-climate-nature off O the O east O coast O of O Japan O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7f0838f648d437442f0fbde1ea87a9c9 Stipa B-climate-organisms tenacissima I-climate-organisms L. I-climate-organisms ( O Alfa B-climate-organisms grass I-climate-organisms ) O is O an O important O perennial O grass B-climate-organisms species O in O Tunisia O and O Northern O Africa O which O dominates O wide O arid B-climate-nature ecosystems I-climate-nature offering O multiple O services O . O To O investigate O the O potential O effects O of O climate O change O on O the O target O species O we O used O Maxent O modeling O algorithm O for O two O representative O concentration O pathways O ( O RCPs O ) O lower O emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O ( O RCP B-climate-datasets 2.6 I-climate-datasets ) O and O higher O emission O ( O RCP B-climate-datasets 8.5 I-climate-datasets ) O climate O forcing O scenarios O in O 2050 O and O 2070 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ofadf8d7c1179335056970678cc97ebe0 Predicting O weather O and O climate O and O its O impacts O on O the O environment O , O including O hazards O such O as O floods B-climate-hazards and O landslides B-climate-hazards , O is O a O big O challenge O that O can O be O efficiently O supported O by O a O distributed O and O heterogeneous O infrastructure B-climate-assets , O exploiting O several O kinds O of O computational O resources O : O HPC O , O Grids O and O Clouds O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O2e6a5e32557dec999b3af1e724791001 The O Northwestern O Hawaiian O Islands O ( O NWHI O ) O have O high O conservation O value O due O to O their O concentration O of O endemic B-climate-organisms , O endangered B-climate-organisms and I-climate-organisms threatened I-climate-organisms spe- I-climate-organisms cies I-climate-organisms , O and O large O numbers O of O nesting O seabirds B-climate-organisms . O Most O of O these O islands B-climate-nature are O low O - O lying O and O therefore O poten- O tially O vulnerable O to O increases O in O global B-climate-properties average I-climate-properties sea I-climate-properties level I-climate-properties . O Sea B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties is O expected O to O continue O increasing O after O 2100 O , O which O would O have O greater O impact O on O atolls B-climate-nature such O as O French O Frigate O Shoals O and O Pearl O and O Hermes O Reef O , O where O virtually O all O land O is O less O than O 2 O m O above B-climate-properties sea I-climate-properties level I-climate-properties . O Higher O elevation O islands B-climate-nature such O as O Lisianski O , O Laysan O , O Necker O , O and O Nihoa O may O provide O longer- O term O refuges O for O species B-climate-organisms . O The O effects O of O habitat B-climate-hazards loss I-climate-hazards on O NWHI O biota B-climate-organisms are O difficult O to O predict O , O but O may O be O greatest O for O endangered B-climate-hazards Hawaiian B-climate-organisms monk I-climate-organisms seals I-climate-organisms , O threatened B-climate-hazards Hawaiian B-climate-organisms green I-climate-organisms sea I-climate-organisms turtles I-climate-organisms , O and O the O endangered B-climate-hazards Laysan B-climate-organisms finch I-climate-organisms at O Pearl O and O Hermes O Reef O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O29f0dca5922896cc9ec8bd8c0713ea54 simulate O the O climate O - O driven O streamflow B-climate-properties in O data O - O scarce O mountain B-climate-nature basins I-climate-nature of O Northwest O China O , O we O developed O an O integrated O approach O by O using O downscaled O reanalysis O data O , O Mann O – O Kendall O test O , O ensemble O empirical O mode O decomposition O and O backpropagation O artificial O neural O networks O together O with O the O weights O connection O method O . O We O validated O the O approach O in O the O Kaidu O River O basin O located O in O the O Tianshan O mountains O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5d40271eb0ee584db433f4de4a8fee31 A O conceptual O hydrological B-climate-nature model O is O calibrated O on O data O from O four O mesoscale O , O mountainous B-climate-nature catchments I-climate-nature in O south O Ecuador O . O The O model O inputs O are O then O perturbed O with O anomalies O projected O by O 20 O GCMs O available O from O the O IPCC B-climate-organizations Data I-climate-organizations Distribution I-climate-organizations Centre I-climate-organizations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O76ad20c408787304edbe104404d48b75 A O global B-climate-properties warming I-climate-properties of O 2 O ° O C O is O predicted O to O drive O almost O half O the O world O ’s O lizard B-climate-organisms populations O to O extinction B-climate-hazards . O Urban B-climate-hazards heat I-climate-hazards island I-climate-hazards ( O UHI B-climate-hazards ) O effects O may O further O exacerbate O the O impacts O of O climate O change O on O organisms O that O are O sensitive O to O small O changes O in O temperature B-climate-properties . O Currently O , O the O Phoenix O metropolitan O region O in O Arizona O , O USA O , O is O an O average O of O 3 O ° O C O warmer O than O the O surrounding O desert B-climate-nature . O With O continuing O urbanization B-climate-problem-origins and O climate O change O , O thermal B-climate-hazards stress I-climate-hazards will O become O an O increasingly O important O facet O of O urban O ecology O in O coming O decades O . O The O main O objective O of O our O study O was O to O investigate O which O landscaping B-climate-mitigations styles I-climate-mitigations and O microhabitat B-climate-organisms variables O can O most O effectively O reduce O the O surface B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties experienced O by O lizards B-climate-organisms . O Using O a O bare O lot O as O a O control O , O we O placed O copper O lizard B-climate-organisms models O with O data O loggers O in O several O vegetation B-climate-nature and O irrigation B-climate-mitigations treatments O that O represent O the O dominant O backyard O landscaping B-climate-mitigations styles I-climate-mitigations in O Phoenix O ( O grassy B-climate-nature mesic I-climate-nature with O mist B-climate-mitigations irrigation I-climate-mitigations , O drip B-climate-mitigations irrigated I-climate-mitigations xeric B-climate-nature , O unirrigated B-climate-mitigations native O , O and O a O hybrid O style O known O as O oasis O ) O . O Shade B-climate-properties , O humidity B-climate-properties , O and O sky B-climate-properties view I-climate-properties factor I-climate-properties explained O the O majority O of O variation O in O temperature B-climate-properties at O a O sub O - O meter O scale O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob31d9dca636173d338eeb4edd2ef73d5 Meknes O has O an O agrarian O economy O and O wheat B-climate-assets production O is O of O paramount O importance O . O Rainfall B-climate-nature variability O is O assessed O utilizing O the O precipitation B-climate-properties concentration I-climate-properties index I-climate-properties and O the O variation O coefficient O . O Yields O fluctuated O from O 210 O to O 4500 O Kg O / O ha O with O 52 O % O of O coefficient O of O variation O . O Addressing O this O challenge O involves O the O recovery O and O recycling B-climate-mitigations of O materials O to O reduce O consumption O of O raw B-climate-assets materials I-climate-assets , O so O innovation O must O therefore O be O promoted O in O the O prevention O and O management O of O waste B-climate-problem-origins , O as O a O strategy O towards O a O sustainable O urban O development O . O Packaging B-climate-problem-origins is O part O of O our O current O culture O and O is O related O to O the O degree O of O development O of O countries O and O regions O ; O the O construction O sector O is O no O stranger O to O this O problem O and O generates O a O significant O amount O of O packaging B-climate-problem-origins waste I-climate-problem-origins in O the O site O works O , O which O nowadays O is O not O managed O properly O . O The O current O Construction B-climate-problem-origins Demolition I-climate-problem-origins Waste I-climate-problem-origins ( O CDW B-climate-problem-origins ) O management O model O is O ineffective O , O since O landfills B-climate-problem-origins continue O to O receive O large O amounts O of O recoverable O waste B-climate-problem-origins . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ocdb4e05866a25ac30b9c2be466a9f96a Storm B-climate-mitigations water I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations is O being O developed O to O restore O the O natural O state O of O water O cycle O undergoing O several O processes O which O were O hindered O such O as O infiltration B-climate-properties and O evapotranspiration B-climate-properties . O Low B-climate-mitigations Impact I-climate-mitigations Development I-climate-mitigations ( O LID B-climate-mitigations ) O was O established O in O order O to O reduce O the O negative O effects O of O urbanization B-climate-problem-origins to O our O environment O . O These O developments O can O be O used O to O respond O to O the O effects O of O climate O change O such O as O heat B-climate-hazards island I-climate-hazards phenomenon O . O This O study O was O conducted O to O simulate O the O urban B-climate-nature hydrologic I-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature simulation O on O Asan O - O Tangjeong O in O Korea O . O Lastly O , O this O study O generated O a O model O using O the O recently O updated O SWMM5 B-climate-models which O determined O the O hydrologic B-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature simulation O after O installation O of O LID B-climate-mitigations facilities O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O979a2b11e27c396bb99582eb5c81490d Fresh O groundwater B-climate-nature in O an O island B-climate-nature aquifer B-climate-nature is O an O extremely O important O resource O that O is O highly O vulnerable O to O variations O in O natural O weather O cycles O and O climate O change O effects O . O On O small O islands B-climate-nature , O precipitation B-climate-nature creates O subsurface B-climate-nature freshwater I-climate-nature lenses I-climate-nature that O float O on O top O of O coalesced O saltwater B-climate-nature that O has O intruded O from O the O surrounding O seawater B-climate-nature . O The O model O was O then O extended O to O simulate O a O freshwater B-climate-nature lens I-climate-nature in O Dauphin O Island O , O Alabama O , O to O assess O changes O in O freshwater B-climate-nature storage O under O realistic O wet O and O dry O recharge O cycles O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O79f3cee0054066b2ed3df151c06235ca This O study O used O the O APSIM B-climate-models - I-climate-models Wheat I-climate-models module O and O information O drawn O from O the O Special B-climate-datasets Report I-climate-datasets on I-climate-datasets Emission I-climate-datasets Scenarios I-climate-datasets ( O SRES B-climate-datasets ) O and O nine O climate O models O for O 2080 O . O The O most O likely O wheat B-climate-assets yield O changes O have O been O defined O under O combinations O of O changes O in O regional O rainfall B-climate-nature , O regional O temperature B-climate-properties and O atmospheric O CO2 B-climate-properties concentration I-climate-properties ( O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5467e6b792ea7b45ec84fa3d113b10a0 Here O we O explicitly O couple O bioclimatic O envelope O models O of O climate O and O habitat B-climate-organisms suitability O with O generic O life O - O history O models O for O 24 O species B-climate-organisms of O frogs B-climate-organisms found O in O the O Australian O Wet O Tropics O ( O AWT O ) O . O We O show O that O ( O i O ) O as O many O as O four O species B-climate-organisms of O frogs B-climate-organisms face O imminent O extinction B-climate-hazards by O 2080 O , O due O primarily O to O climate O change O ; O ( O ii O ) O three O frogs B-climate-organisms face O delayed O extinctions B-climate-hazards ; O and O ( O iii O ) O this O extinction B-climate-hazards debt O will O take O at O least O a O century O to O be O realized O in O full O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O239cb155ce50de839fb2dc13782c611d The O development O of O beneficial O management O practices O is O a O key O strategy O to O reduce O greenhouse O gas O ( O GHG O ) O emissions O from O animal B-climate-problem-origins agriculture I-climate-problem-origins . O The O objective O of O the O present O study O was O to O evaluate O the O impact O of O time O and O amount O of O hog B-climate-problem-origins manure I-climate-problem-origins application O on O farm O productivity O and O GHG O emissions O from O a O cow B-climate-assets – O calf B-climate-assets production O system O using O two O whole O - O farm O models O . O All O three O treatments O were O simulated O in O a O representative O cow O – O calf O production O system O at O the O farm O - O gate O using O the O following O whole O - O farm B-climate-assets models O : O a O Coupled O Components O Model O ( O CCM O ) O that O used O existing O farm B-climate-assets component O models O and O the O Integrated B-climate-models Farm I-climate-models System I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O IFSM B-climate-models ) O . O Annual O GHG B-climate-properties intensities I-climate-properties for O the O baseline O scenario O were O 17.7 O kg O CO2 O - O eq O / O kg O liveweight B-climate-properties for O CCM O and O 18.1 O kg O CO2 O - O eq O / O kg O liveweight B-climate-properties for O IFSM B-climate-models . O Of O the O total O farm O GHG O emissions O , O 73–77 O % O were O from O enteric B-climate-problem-origins methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases production O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O14a24454198644e4174109f5423d3de2 Vinecology B-climate-assets , O the O integration O of O ecological O and O viticultural B-climate-assets practices O , O focuses O on O the O working O landscapes O of O the O mediterranean B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature climate I-climate-nature biomes I-climate-nature to O make O wine B-climate-assets grape B-climate-assets production O compatible O with O species B-climate-organisms conservation I-climate-organisms . O We O examined O how O maintaining O remnant B-climate-nature native I-climate-nature vegetation I-climate-nature and O surrounding O natural O areas O in O and O around O vineyards B-climate-assets , O two O primary O practices O of O vinecology B-climate-assets , O may O influence O bird B-climate-organisms community O richness O and O composition O across O a O vineyard B-climate-assets landscape O . O We O used O generalized O linear O mixed O models O ( O GLMMs O ) O to O examine O individual O species B-climate-organisms responses O to O remnant B-climate-nature vegetation I-climate-nature in O the O vineyard B-climate-assets at O plot O scale O ( O 50 O m O radius O ) O given O the O extent O of O surrounding O natural O area O at O the O landscape O scale O ( O 500 O - O 1000 O m O annular O ) O . O We O used O Horn B-climate-properties similarity I-climate-properties index I-climate-properties to O explore O overall O community O differences O to O quantify O variations O in O endemic B-climate-organisms species I-climate-organisms , O guild O detection O levels O , O and O species O richness O between O site O types O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O08e8cb3e60279d29bb344405f0d6e5c0 The O near B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties surface I-climate-properties air I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties over O China O is O simulated O from O 1950 O to O 2099 O using O the O PRECIS B-climate-models model O from O the O Met B-climate-organizations Office I-climate-organizations Hadley I-climate-organizations Centre I-climate-organizations at O a O 25 O - O km O resolution O . O In O order O to O reflect O the O different O parametric O and O structural O uncertainties O in O future O temperature O projections O , O the O PRECIS B-climate-models model O is O driven O by O five O lateral O boundary O conditions O , O which O include O a O four O - O member O HadCM3 B-climate-models - O based O perturbed O - O physics O ensemble O ( O i.e. O , O HadCM3Q0 B-climate-models , O Q1 O , O Q7 O and O Q13 O ) O and O an O ECHAM5 B-climate-models model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O85a8d217b2c6cffc525b39ee53fde131 ABSTRACT O Achieving O long O - O term O climate O mitigation B-climate-mitigations goals O in O Japan O faces O several O challenges O , O starting O with O the O uncertain O nuclear B-climate-mitigations power I-climate-mitigations policy O after O the O 2011 O earthquake B-climate-hazards , O the O uncertain O availability O and O progress O of O energy O technologies O , O as O well O as O energy B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets concerns O in O light O of O a O high O dependency O on O fuel B-climate-problem-origins imports I-climate-problem-origins . O We O applied O a O general O equilibrium O energy O economic O model O to O assess O these O impacts O on O an O 80 O % O emission B-climate-mitigations reduction I-climate-mitigations target I-climate-mitigations by O 2050 O considering O several O alternative O scenarios O for O nuclear B-climate-mitigations power I-climate-mitigations deployment O , O technology O availability O , O end B-climate-mitigations use I-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations efficiency I-climate-mitigations , O and O the O price O of O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuels I-climate-problem-origins . O The O economic O impacts O of O limiting O nuclear B-climate-mitigations power I-climate-mitigations by O 2050 O ( O 3.5 O % O GDP B-climate-properties loss I-climate-properties ) O were O small O compared O to O the O lack O of O carbon O capture O and O storage O ( O CCS O ) O ( O 6.4 O % O GDP B-climate-properties loss I-climate-properties ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O05fd637e639f3f8eb8635d1cd78ca1b2 The O key O findings O of O the O Qilian O Mountains O Scientific O Expedition O were O as O follows O : O ( O 1 O ) O The O ecological O service O functions O of O the O Qilian O Mountains O are O promoted O by O tightening O eco B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations environmental I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations . O ( O 2 O ) O the O ecosystem O of O the O Qilian O Mountains O is O recovering O under O a O warm O and O wet O climate O , O and O the O population O of O rare B-climate-organisms species I-climate-organisms is O expanding O ; O but O localized O overgrazing B-climate-problem-origins is O causing O grassland B-climate-nature degradation B-climate-impacts in O some O areas O . O ( O 3 O ) O the O glacier B-climate-nature loss B-climate-properties rate I-climate-properties is O accelerating O , O and O the O contribution O of O glacial B-climate-nature melt I-climate-nature to O river B-climate-nature runoff I-climate-nature is O expected O to O exceed O the O critical O point O . O ( O 4 O ) O over O the O past O 10 O years O , O the O meltwater B-climate-nature from O permafrost B-climate-nature has O been O as O high O as O 1.18 O km3 O / O a O , O which O is O equivalent O to O 10 O % O of O the O annual B-climate-properties runoff I-climate-properties into O the O Qilian O Mountain O rivers B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oaf7235cd48d1cba89b4a00b01324766d Results O from O this O study O are O helpful O not O only O in O choosing O a O proper O timescale O but O also O in O evaluating O the O futuristic O drought B-climate-hazards dynamics O necessary O for O water B-climate-mitigations resources I-climate-mitigations planning I-climate-mitigations and I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O089f41b09edf3c3be7521ffa902fd1cb The O 100 O - O year O return O levels O of O joint O storm B-climate-hazards surges I-climate-hazards and O waves B-climate-nature are O used O to O map O the O spatial O extent O of O flooding B-climate-hazards in O more O than O 200 O sandy B-climate-nature beaches I-climate-nature around O the O Balearic O Islands O by O mid O and O late O 21st O century O , O using O the O hydrodynamical O LISFLOOD B-climate-models - I-climate-models FP I-climate-models model O and O a O high O resolution O ( O 2 O m O ) O Digital O Elevation O Model.

O -DOCSTART- -X- O O584ff65d06ec121aa2cda9a3bbad5adc For O experimental O modeling O , O the O laboratory O model O of O wind B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations powered I-climate-mitigations generator I-climate-mitigations with O a O horizontal O axis O was O used O that O operated O as O wind B-climate-mitigations turbine I-climate-mitigations in O optimal O mode O . O The O obtained O experimental O data O for O the O wake O dynamics O behind O the O model O of O wind O - O powered O generator O allowed O ascertaining O its O impact O on O slowing O down O of O incident O vortex O flow O and O determining O the O distance B-climate-properties at O which O its O impact O on O the O stream O disappears O , O and O the O deceleration O values O are O comparable O to O the O level O of O pulsations O of O incident O flow O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O651674baea0dc825cb5e22c08f400291 Rural O households O in O Sub O - O Saharan O Africa O face O several O microeconomic O challenges O including O food B-climate-impacts crisis I-climate-impacts of O many O dimensions O . O This O research O investigates O the O decisions O agricultural O households O make O in O land B-climate-mitigations and I-climate-mitigations crop I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations , O crop B-climate-mitigations portfolio I-climate-mitigations choices I-climate-mitigations and O postharvest O storage O to O cope O with O the O risks O they O encounter O and O improve O their O livelihood B-climate-assets . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3e1a32b6f3707bd07ef2db837f4f5ca9 In O a O changing O climate O , O the O impact O of O tropical B-climate-hazards cyclones I-climate-hazards on O the O United O States O Atlantic O and O Gulf O Coasts O will O be O affected O both O by O how O intense O and O how O frequent O these O storms B-climate-nature become O . O Consistent O with O previous O studies O , O we O find O that O basin O - O wide O and O landfalling B-climate-hazards tropical B-climate-hazards cyclone I-climate-hazards counts O are O significantly O correlated O with O one O another O , O lending O further O support O for O the O use O of O paleohurricane B-climate-hazards landfall B-climate-hazards records O to O infer O long O - O term O basin O - O wide O tropical B-climate-hazards cyclone I-climate-hazards trends O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oef0df818c6a445f55e97dde1ee87a2b3 The O impacts O of O climate O change O on O streamflow B-climate-properties in O the O upper O Yangtze O River O basin O were O studied O using O four O hydrological B-climate-nature models O driven O by O bias O - O corrected O climate O projections O from O five O General O Circulation O Models O under O four O Representative O Concentration O Pathways O . O An O analysis O of O variance O ( O ANOVA O ) O approach O was O used O to O quantify O the O uncertainty O sources O associated O with O the O climate O inputs O and O hydrological B-climate-nature model O structures O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O952609930b2129c742dc28f9ddbba0e4 Frequent O and O increasingly O severe O flooding B-climate-hazards in O Ho O Chi O Minh O City O has O raised O people O ’s O attention O on O the O issue O of O climate O change O in O recent O years O . O However O , O the O leading O cause O of O today O ’s O environmental O risks O is O not O entirely O due O to O climate O change O but O , O more O importantly O , O due O to O the O out O - O of O - O control O urban B-climate-problem-origins growth I-climate-problem-origins rate O . O This O paper O aims O to O improve O the O resilience O of O Ho O Chi O Minh O City O to O floods B-climate-hazards and O reduce O flood B-climate-impacts damage I-climate-impacts , O and O proposes O four O critical O urban O design O principles O : O 1 O ) O Urban O design O must O consider O flooding B-climate-hazards as O an O ecological O resource O ; O 2 O ) O Building O flood B-climate-mitigations storage I-climate-mitigations space I-climate-mitigations based O on O ecological B-climate-mitigations infrastructure I-climate-mitigations to O adapt O to O dynamic O changes O of O floods B-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O33a385977ec7b1041a1f855c1ef95345 Ocean B-climate-nature reanalyses O are O data O assimilative O simulations O , O aimed O at O estimating O the O four O - O dimensional O state O of O the O ocean B-climate-nature over O long O periods O , O in O a O way O as O consistent O over O time O as O possible O . O An O upgraded O version O of O the O Euro B-climate-organizations - I-climate-organizations Mediterranean I-climate-organizations Center I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations ( O CMCC B-climate-organizations ) O eddy O - O permitting O global O ocean B-climate-nature reanalysis O , O named O CMCC B-climate-models Global I-climate-models Ocean I-climate-models Reanalysis I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O C B-climate-models - I-climate-models GLORS I-climate-models ) O version O 4 O , O was O recently O released O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob0a23caa2ba77dc447d4cdaf34ba0f00 Pakistan O is O currently O facing O physical O and O economic O water B-climate-hazards scarcity I-climate-hazards issues O that O are O further O complicated O by O the O rapid O increase O in O its O population O and O by O climate O change O . O Many O studies O have O focused O on O the O physical O water B-climate-hazards scarcity I-climate-hazards using O hydrological B-climate-nature modeling O and O the O measurement O of O the O impact O of O climate O change O on O water B-climate-nature resources I-climate-nature in O the O Upper O Indus O Basin O ( O UIB O ) O . O However O , O few O studies O have O concentrated O on O the O importance O of O the O economic O water B-climate-hazards scarcity I-climate-hazards , O that O is O , O the O water B-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations issue O under O the O looming O impacts O of O climate O change O and O the O population B-climate-problem-origins explosion I-climate-problem-origins of O Pakistan O . O The O purpose O of O this O study O is O to O develop O a O management O strategy O which O helps O to O achieve O water B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets and O sustainability O in O the O Upper O Indus O Basin O ( O UIB O ) O with O the O help O of O different O socio O - O economic O and O climate O change O scenarios O using O WEAP B-climate-models ( O Water B-climate-models Evaluation I-climate-models and I-climate-models Planning I-climate-models ) O modeling O . O This O study O further O explores O the O importance O of O proposed O dams B-climate-mitigations ( O likely O to O be O built O until O 2025 O ) O by O WAPDA B-climate-organizations ( O Water B-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Power I-climate-organizations Development I-climate-organizations Authority I-climate-organizations ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5b79665f46ea08f4097596c833058432 In O the O present O study O , O we O use O ensemble O of O statistically O downscaled O precipitation B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties from O various O models O . O The O dataset O used O is O multi O - O model O ensemble O of O 10 O global O climate O models O ( O GCMs O ) O downscaled O product O from O CMIP5 B-climate-models daily O dataset O using O the O Bias O Correction O and O Spatial O Downscaling O ( O BCSD O ) O technique O , O generated O at O Portland B-climate-organizations State I-climate-organizations University I-climate-organizations . O The O multi O - O model O ensemble O of O both O precipitation B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties is O evaluated O for O dry O and O wet O periods O for O 10 O sub B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature basins I-climate-nature across O Columbia O River O Basin O ( O CRB O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa45b371926e8b2ba26c969fb63eed7e3 We O investigate O the O effects O of O promoting O simple O climate B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations friendly I-climate-mitigations diet I-climate-mitigations recommendations O in O Denmark O , O Finland O and O France O , O with O the O objectives O of O identifying O recommendations O that O lower O greenhouse O gas O emissions O , O improve O public O health B-climate-assets , O and O are O cost B-climate-assets - I-climate-assets beneficial I-climate-assets . O The O five O recommendations O considered O in O the O analysis O focus O on O consumption O of O fruits B-climate-assets and O vegetables B-climate-assets , O red B-climate-problem-origins meat I-climate-problem-origins , O all O meat B-climate-problem-origins and O all O animal B-climate-problem-origins products I-climate-problem-origins , O as O well O as O the O greenhouse O gas O emissions O arising O from O the O diet O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8d45d9d70761d2b5088f1f4f28e78f9d Utilizing O vegetation B-climate-nature indicators O derived O from O remotely O sensed O imagery O , O we O present O an O approach O to O forecast O shifts O in O the O future O distribution O of O vegetation B-climate-nature . O In O this O paper O we O developed O models O between O a O historical O time O series O of O Advanced B-climate-observations Very I-climate-observations High I-climate-observations Resolution I-climate-observations Radiometer I-climate-observations ( O AVHRR B-climate-observations ) O satellite O imagery O from O 1987 O to O 2007 O at O 1 O km O spatial O resolution O with O corresponding O climate O data O using O regression O tree O modeling O approaches O . O We O then O applied O these O models O to O three O climate O change O scenarios O produced O by O the O Canadian B-climate-organizations Centre I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Modeling I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Analysis I-climate-organizations ( O CCCma B-climate-organizations ) O to O predict O and O map O productivity O indices O in O 2065 O . O The O Coast O Mountains O of O the O Pacific O Maritime O region O and O high O elevation O edge O habitats B-climate-organisms across O British O Columbia O were O forecasted O to O experience O the O greatest O amount O of O change O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa031fc9fe2e751089e3847a5e8d12d24 Feedback O mechanisms O between O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties dynamics O and O meteorological O influences O are O key O factors O when O it O comes O to O understanding O the O occurrence O of O drought B-climate-hazards events O . O We O used O long O - O term O high O - O resolution O measurements O of O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties on O a O large O inclined O lysimeter O at O a O test O site O near O Karlsruhe O , O Germany O . O The O measurements O indicate O ( O i O ) O a O seasonal O evaporation B-climate-properties depth I-climate-properties of O over O two O meters O . O Largest O changes O occur O at O tipping O points O during O years O of O extreme O drought B-climate-hazards , O with O significant O changes O to O the O subsequent O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties levels O . O The O study O highlights O the O importance O of O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties measurements O for O the O understanding O of O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties fluxes O in O the O vadose B-climate-nature zone I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O53f5837586d6c0238ae896bbeaa95751 The O Middle O - O Late O Holocene O transition O around O 2,500 O B.C. O is O one O of O the O defining O episodes O of O regional O landscape O changes O in O the O Southeastern O United O States O area O and O throughout O the O world O . O The O influences O include O variations O in O the O earth O 's O rotational B-climate-nature tilt I-climate-nature , O solar B-climate-nature emissions I-climate-nature , O global O - O scale O volcanism B-climate-hazards , O and O atmospheric O chemistry O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O750591ea4e900f2a208d4f40db085b14 We O investigate O the O qualitative O properties O of O the O climate O - O economic O growth O model O introduced O by O Brock O et O al O . O , O ( O 2012 O ) O . O We O assume O that O the O mean O annual O distribution O of O solar B-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties energy O and O the O fraction O of O incoming O radiation B-climate-properties flux I-climate-properties absorbed O by O the O surface B-climate-nature have O a O specific O form O , O and O perform O a O rigorous O mathematical O analysis O when O the O time O scale O for O temperature B-climate-properties is O taken O to O be O faster O than O that O of O carbon O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O401c231b953382dd640b4f52e2ce20e9 Stimulating O renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations is O a O crucial O objective O in O view O of O tackling O climate O change O and O coping O with O future O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuel I-climate-problem-origins scarcity O . O In O France O , O fuelwood B-climate-mitigations appears O to O be O an O important O source O for O the O renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations mix O . O Using O the O French B-climate-models Forest I-climate-models Sector I-climate-models Model I-climate-models , O our O paper O aims O to O assess O the O impacts O of O three O policy O options O to O stimulate O fuelwood B-climate-mitigations consumption O : O a O consumer O subsidy O , O a O producer O subsidy O and O a O fixed O - O demand O contract O policy O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob036041d92e89a7f1f24bf2e85be1cfa Cotton B-climate-assets production O is O highly O vulnerable O to O climate O change O , O and O heat B-climate-hazards stress I-climate-hazards is O a O major O constraint O in O the O cotton B-climate-assets zone O of O Punjab O , O Pakistan O . O After O the O calibration O and O validation O against O field O data O , O the O Cropping B-climate-models System I-climate-models Model I-climate-models CSM B-climate-models – I-climate-models CROPGRO I-climate-models – I-climate-models Cotton I-climate-models in O the O shell O of O the O decision B-climate-models support I-climate-models system I-climate-models for I-climate-models agro I-climate-models - I-climate-models technology I-climate-models transfer I-climate-models ( O DSSAT B-climate-models ) O was O run O with O a O future O climate O generated O under O two O representative O concentration O pathways O ( O RCPs O ) O , O viz O . O RCPs B-climate-datasets 4.5 I-climate-datasets and I-climate-datasets 8.5 I-climate-datasets with O five O global O circulation O models O ( O GCMs O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc959eaa195280a5b07ab3fffe9665628 Heihe O River O Basin O is O the O second O largest O inland O river B-climate-nature basin I-climate-nature in O China O , O where O water B-climate-assets supply I-climate-assets service O in O the O upper O reach O has O greater O influence O on O the O sustainable O development O of O middle O and O lower O reaches O . O This O study O analyzed O the O influence O of O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins / I-climate-problem-origins land I-climate-problem-origins cover I-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins ( O LUCC B-climate-problem-origins ) O on O the O water B-climate-assets supply I-climate-assets service O in O the O upper O reach O by O carrying O out O scenario O simulation O . O Thereafter O three O scenarios O ( O precipitation B-climate-nature change O and O LUCC B-climate-problem-origins change O combined O , O LUCC B-climate-problem-origins change O only O , O and O precipitation B-climate-nature change O only O ) O were O established O to O analyze O the O impacts O of O LUCC B-climate-problem-origins and O precipitation B-climate-nature change O on O the O water B-climate-properties yield I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O880034977a4d6d576f35f22150a7e0ca The O annual B-climate-properties PDI I-climate-properties ( O APDI B-climate-properties ) O in O the O region O is O calculated O as O the O sum O of O the O PDI B-climate-properties , O defined O as O the O cube O of O the O maximum B-climate-properties sustained I-climate-properties wind I-climate-properties speed I-climate-properties at O landfall B-climate-hazards of O each O tropical B-climate-hazards cyclone I-climate-hazards ( O TC B-climate-hazards ) O making O landfall B-climate-hazards at O that O region O . O The O ENSO B-climate-nature and O basin O - O wide O mode O represents O the O PDI B-climate-properties patterns O associated O with O ENSO B-climate-nature events O and O the O overall B-climate-properties PDI I-climate-properties over O the O WNP O . O Based O on O the O steering O flow O ( O average O winds B-climate-nature within O the O 850–300 O hPa O layer O ) O near O the O East O Asian O coast O , O a O three O - O cell O model O for O TC O landfall O in O East O Asia O is O proposed O , O which O corresponds O to O three O major O modes O of O the O atmospheric B-climate-nature circulation I-climate-nature in O the O WNP O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O2acaf01b385ef13a51e216e2442c6e12 As O part O of O a O study O into O the O potential O impact O of O climate O change O on O Thailand O ’s O electricity B-climate-assets demand O it O has O been O necessary O to O find O an O efficient O and O effective O way O of O linking O climate O to O demand O levels O whilst O minimising O data O requirements O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O35341c31e1bc504655559c076e2e90d5 In O this O research O we O will O simulate O the O Canadian O Great O Lakes O basin O using O SWAT B-climate-models model O . O The O model O will O be O used O to O identify O the O major O NPS B-climate-hazards pollution I-climate-hazards contributing O watersheds B-climate-nature . O Additionally O , O scenarios O of O NPS B-climate-hazards pollution I-climate-hazards mitigation B-climate-mitigations methods O will O be O investigated O to O identify O the O most O cost O effective O BMPs B-climate-mitigations . O In O addition O , O the O tool O has O the O potential O to O aid O into O the O focus O of O the O Great O Lakes O Commission O on O reducing O phosphorus O loads O to O the O lakes B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od03f10085d8fe7c6a2db2f5f74dbd57a Abstract O The O impact O of O a O port B-climate-assets disruption B-climate-impacts can O reverberate O across O the O entire O economy O through O global O supply B-climate-assets chains I-climate-assets . O It O is O essential O to O ensure O the O regular O operation O of O seaborne B-climate-assets transportation I-climate-assets considering O all O risks O . O This O paper O proposes O an O approach O to O evaluate O the O economic O losses O due O to O port O disruptions B-climate-impacts caused O by O typhoon B-climate-hazards - O induced O wind B-climate-nature disasters O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O65a0dd0caaa3702a4b6b3cd7527fa8c9 We O summarise O modelling O studies O of O the O most O economically O important O cassava B-climate-assets diseases B-climate-impacts and O arthropods B-climate-organisms , O highlighting O research O gaps O where O modelling O can O contribute O to O the O better O management O of O these O in O the O areas O of O surveillance O , O control O , O and O host O - O pest B-climate-hazards dynamics O understanding O the O effects O of O climate O change O and O future O challenges O in O modelling O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O4f2379a5f516efc727c865803eaabbe9 In O this O study O we O combine O information O from O landscape O characteristics O , O demographic O inference O and O species B-climate-organisms distribution O modelling O to O identify O environmental O factors O that O shape O the O genetic O distribution O of O the O fossorial O rodent B-climate-organisms Ctenomys B-climate-organisms . O A O core O region O of O stable B-climate-properties suitable O habitat B-climate-organisms was O identified O from O the O Last O Interglacial O , O which O is O projected O to O remain O stable B-climate-properties into O the O future O . O This O region O is O also O the O most O genetically B-climate-organisms diverse I-climate-organisms and O is O currently O under O strong O anthropogenic O pressure O . O Results O reveal O complex O demographic O dynamics O , O which O have O been O in O constant O change O in O both O time O and O space O , O and O are O likely O linked O to O the O evolution O of O the O Paraná O River O . O The O protection O of O this O core O stable B-climate-properties habitat B-climate-organisms is O of O prime O importance O given O the O increasing O levels O of O human O disturbance O across O this O wetland B-climate-nature system O and O the O threat O of O climate O change O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa1b73110bec023c3afc9c8a81b6d799d Tropical B-climate-hazards cyclones I-climate-hazards are O one O of O the O major O reasons O for O catastrophic O damage B-climate-impacts in O low O - O altitude O coastal B-climate-nature regions I-climate-nature . O Our O aim O is O to O study O the O characteristics O of O the O high O - O intensity O tropical B-climate-hazards cyclones I-climate-hazards using O a O scientific O application O , O named O COAWST B-climate-models , O designed O to O understand O the O coastal B-climate-nature changes O caused O by O the O natural O processes O and O to O develop O a O faster O model O to O predict O the O probable O damage B-climate-impacts with O proper O warning O and O with O adequate O accuracy O on O the O Earth B-climate-models Simulator I-climate-models which O is O known O for O one O of O its O kind O in O the O efficient O simulation O of O the O natural O phenomenon O using O its O high O - O performance O vector O processor O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7331eb1137e6c5582fcb19ceebd78bc3 The O purpose O of O this O fact O sheet O is O to O explain O the O need O for O using O emerging O knowledge O about O climate O change O and O tree B-climate-organisms genetics O to O guide O post O - O disturbance O restoration O of O ponderosa B-climate-organisms pine I-climate-organisms in O the O Southwest O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oefbe49964c430f3d0fa375725163ac02 The O dynamics O of O the O rainfall B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties runoff I-climate-properties processes O are O complex O and O variable O both O spatially O and O temporally O . O There O is O a O rich O literature O on O physical O representation O of O streamflow B-climate-properties generation O processes O , O such O as O saturation O excess O overland B-climate-nature flow I-climate-nature , O often O at O small O scales O . O Yet O , O continental O - O scale O estimations O of O the O streamflow B-climate-properties generation O processes O in O zones O with O shallow O groundwater B-climate-nature systems O are O still O poor O . O This O has O led O to O inability O of O earth O system O models O or O large O - O scale O hydrologic B-climate-nature models O to O correctly O simulate O stream B-climate-properties flows I-climate-properties at O ( O un)gauged O basins B-climate-nature with O high O potential O for O the O presence O of O saturation O excess O overland B-climate-nature flow I-climate-nature . O We O have O evaluated O and O tested O the O ability O of O these O indices O in O locating O high O - O resolution O zones O of O shallow O groundwater B-climate-nature against O in O - O situ O observations O of O water B-climate-nature table I-climate-nature depth O . O Furthermore O , O as O a O significant O part O of O incoming O precipitation B-climate-nature is O transformed O to O overland B-climate-nature flow I-climate-nature due O to O oversaturation B-climate-nature , O these O datasets O could O be O introduced O as O a O useful O indicator O of O areas O with O flood B-climate-hazards and O erosion B-climate-hazards susceptibility O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ofd03cefe32902265cab9a7997b5642e9 Empirical O - O statistical O downscaling O ( O ESD O ) O methods O coupled O to O output O from O climate O model O projections O are O promising O tools O to O assess O impacts O at O regional O to O local O scale O . O However O , O most O ESD O methods O require O long O observational O time O series O at O the O target O sites O , O and O this O often O restricts O robust O impact O assessments O to O a O small O number O of O sites O . O The O approach O is O based O on O the O well O - O established O quantile O mapping O method O and O incorporates O two O major O steps O : O ( O 1 O ) O climate O model O bias O correction O to O the O most O representative O station O with O long O - O term O measurements O and O ( O 2 O ) O spatial O transfer O of O bias O - O corrected O model O data O to O represent O target O site O characteristics O . O The O method O 's O applicability O is O validated O using O ( O 1 O ) O long O - O term O weather O stations O across O the O topographically B-climate-nature and O climatologically O complex O territory O of O Switzerland O and O ( O 2 O ) O sparse O data O sets O from O Swiss O permafrost B-climate-nature research O sites O located O in O challenging O conditions O at O high O altitudes B-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Occ89e7e7f7462dde3f031203e067b09a A O major O effect O of O climatic O change O is O the O global O increase O in O forest B-climate-hazards fires I-climate-hazards , O which O potentially O creates O an O increase O in O food B-climate-assets availability O for O herbivorous B-climate-organisms species I-climate-organisms . O This O cascading O effect O of O forest B-climate-hazards fires I-climate-hazards might O have O implications O on O future O ecosystem O functioning O in O the O burned B-climate-properties area I-climate-properties , O and O more O knowledge O about O the O effects O of O landscape O features O on O predator‐prey B-climate-organisms interactions I-climate-organisms is O needed O to O adapt O conservation O and O wildlife B-climate-organisms management O policies O , O to O the O changing O climate O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa7aa1ab9397effcf6a1ea52c896003f3 I O tested O these O predictions O by O conducting O a O correlative O cross‐sectional O study O in O three O different O boreal B-climate-nature forests I-climate-nature in O the O north O of O Sweden O , O each O with O a O burned B-climate-hazards site I-climate-hazards that O burned O in O 2006 O and O an O equal O sized O unburned O control O site O . O The O herbivore B-climate-organisms community O there O is O predominantly O comprised O of O moose B-climate-organisms and O mountain B-climate-organisms hare I-climate-organisms . O Measurements O on O species B-climate-organisms passage O rates O and O the O time O they O spend O in O front O of O the O camera O are O derived O from O footage O obtained O from O remotely O triggered O cameras O with O a O PIR O sensor O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O792a78604862e2b84da53dbfcb268c90 The O impact O of O climate O change O on O bushfires B-climate-hazards is O predicted O to O completely O transform O fire B-climate-hazards regimes I-climate-hazards resulting O in O strong O ecological O disturbances O in O many O wildlife B-climate-organisms systems O , O and O a O huge O stress O across O many O taxa B-climate-organisms . O Despite O being O the O most O declining O vertebrate B-climate-organisms group O , O amphibians B-climate-organisms are O underrepresented O in O fire B-climate-hazards ecology O research O . O Amongst O these O Pseudophryne B-climate-organisms semimarmorata I-climate-organisms a O small O toadlet B-climate-organisms endemic B-climate-organisms to O south O - O eastern O Australia O , O is O particularly O under O - O researched O . O Twenty O - O three O sites O were O surveyed O using O Song B-climate-observations Meter I-climate-observations SM4 I-climate-observations Acoustic O Recorders O , O which O were O placed O on O the O western O end O of O the O park O , O and O 50 O on O the O eastern O end O using O 15 O minute O callplayback O surveys O . O Detection O and O occupancy O modelling O were O used O to O determine O the O impact O of O survey O covariates O ( O temperature B-climate-properties , O humidity B-climate-properties , O in B-climate-properties situe I-climate-properties wind I-climate-properties and O maximum B-climate-properties wind I-climate-properties and O rainfall B-climate-nature ) O and O site O covariates O ( O vegetation B-climate-nature structure O , O time B-climate-properties since I-climate-properties fire I-climate-properties , O number B-climate-properties of I-climate-properties fires I-climate-properties and O road B-climate-properties density I-climate-properties ) O on O the O detection O and O occurrence O of O P.semimarmorata B-climate-organisms and O other O frogs B-climate-organisms heard O . O Overall O , O we O were O able O to O test O the O impact O of O fire B-climate-hazards on O 3 O frogs B-climate-organisms : O Pseudophryne B-climate-organisms semimarmorata I-climate-organisms , O Geocrinia B-climate-organisms victoriana I-climate-organisms and O Litoria B-climate-organisms ewingii I-climate-organisms . O P.semimarmorata B-climate-organisms and O G.victoriana B-climate-organisms had O a O significantly O negative O relationship O with O roads B-climate-assets , O and O L.ewingii B-climate-organisms was O significantly O impacted O by O vegetation B-climate-nature structure O showing O a O preference O for O canopy B-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties and O leaf B-climate-nature litter I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe90c363166d4dc1d13962cf4c0a794ed Many O studies O have O identified O climate O warming O to O be O among O the O most O important O threats O to O biodiversity B-climate-organisms . O Climate O change O is O expected O to O have O stronger O effects O on O species B-climate-organisms with O low O genetic B-climate-organisms diversity I-climate-organisms , O ectothermic B-climate-properties physiology I-climate-properties , O small O ranges O , O low O effective O populations B-climate-properties sizes I-climate-properties , O specific O habitat B-climate-organisms requirements O and O limited O dispersal B-climate-properties capabilities I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O10c23e0390e16693b6f779c5310783a2 Natural O aerosols B-climate-nature are O a O key O component O of O many O biogeochemical B-climate-nature cycles I-climate-nature , O they O define O the O baseline O from O which O the O pre‒industrial O to O present‒day O anthropogenic O aerosol B-climate-nature radiative B-climate-properties forcing I-climate-properties is O calculated O , O and O they O dominate O the O net O effect O of O all O aerosols B-climate-nature on O the O incoming O solar B-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O2055457d1a7cc4e77534b20277e89c85 When O pre O - O industrial O fire B-climate-nature emissions I-climate-nature from O two O global O fire B-climate-hazards models O are O implemented O in O a O global O aerosol B-climate-nature model O , O pre O - O industrial O global O mean O cloud B-climate-nature condensation I-climate-nature nuclei I-climate-nature concentrations B-climate-properties increase O by O a O factor O 1.6 O - O 2.7 O relative O to O the O widely O used O AeroCom B-climate-datasets dataset O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Odda02c067a11b2e3e92a0c8067bb70aa Assessment O of O irrigation B-climate-mitigations water O requirement O ( O IWR O ) O is O a O prerequisite O for O planning O and O management O of O an O irrigation B-climate-mitigations scheme O , O particularly O for O a O water O short O scheme O . O In O this O context O , O this O study O was O conducted O to O estimate O the O current O and O future O IWR O under O A2 B-climate-datasets ( O very O heterogeneous O world O ) O and O B2 B-climate-datasets ( O world O in O which O emphasis O is O on O local O solutions O to O economic O , O social O , O and O environmental O sustainability O ) O scenarios O of O IPCC B-climate-organizations emission O for O Hakwatuna O Oya O irrigation B-climate-mitigations scheme O using O SDSM B-climate-models and O CROPWAT B-climate-models models O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od06a261ed7b20e63d58b4863b2bf3d6b The O significant O increase O in O the O world O population O living O within O close O proximity O to O coastlines B-climate-nature has O assigned O further O importance O to O coastal B-climate-mitigations protection I-climate-mitigations structures O . O This O research O provides O an O integrated O model O for O the O optimisation O of O maintenance O and O repair B-climate-mitigations for O rubble O - O mound O breakwaters B-climate-mitigations , O revetments B-climate-mitigations and O groins B-climate-mitigations under O simulated O climatic O conditions O . O The O model O starts O by O establishing O an O Asset O Inventory O Database O ( O AID O ) O , O a O Markov O - O Chain O ( O MC O ) O Deterioration O Engine O , O and O a O Genetic O Algorithm O ( O GA O ) O repair B-climate-mitigations and O maintenance O Optimisation O Engine O . O The O case O study O consists O of O a O group O of O rubble B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature mound I-climate-nature structures O in O Alexandria O , O Egypt O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O0206a04db1eae7a0df2ad4944a6edae3 temperatures B-climate-properties over O the O Arctic O region O have O been O increasing O twice O as O fast O as O global B-climate-properties mean I-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties , O a O phenomenon O known O as O arctic B-climate-properties amplification I-climate-properties . O One O main O contributor O to O this O polar O warming O is O the O large O decline O of O Arctic O sea B-climate-nature ice I-climate-nature observed O since O the O beginning O of O satellite O observations O , O which O has O been O attributed O to O the O increase O of O greenhouse O gases O . O There O is O considerable O variability O in O the O spatial O extent O of O ice B-climate-nature cover I-climate-nature on O seasonal O , O interannual O and O decadal O time O scales O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc0c68d6f349f2f2d5c3080dbf764f9dc Abstract O : O We O assessed O the O relative O hydrological O impacts O of O climate O change O and O urbanization B-climate-problem-origins using O an O integrated O approach O that O links O the O statistical O downscaling O model O ( O SDSM B-climate-models ) O , O the O Hydrological B-climate-models Simulation I-climate-models Program I-climate-models — I-climate-models Fortran I-climate-models ( O HSPF B-climate-models ) O and O the O impervious B-climate-models cover I-climate-models model I-climate-models ( O ICM B-climate-models ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5743830cea61ece75cebd939f35f4384 To O upscale O the O genetic O parameters O of O CERES B-climate-models - I-climate-models Rice I-climate-models in O regional O applications O , O Jiangsu O Province O , O the O second O largest O rice B-climate-assets producing O province O in O China O , O was O taken O as O an O example O . O Then O the O eight O genetic O parameters O of O CERES B-climate-models - I-climate-models Rice I-climate-models , O particularly O the O four O parameters O related O to O the O yield B-climate-assets , O were O modified O and O validated O using O the O Trial O and O Error O Method O and O the O local O statistical O data O of O rice B-climate-assets yield O at O a O county O level O from O 2001 O to O 2004 O , O combined O with O the O regional O experiments O of O rice B-climate-assets varieties O in O the O province O as O well O as O the O local O meteorological O and O soil O data O ( O Method O 1 O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O04fc50c820d7c1316e176e96afb09655 As O the O global O climate O changes O , O biological B-climate-organisms populations I-climate-organisms have O to O adapt O in O place O or O move O in O space O to O stay O within O their O preferred B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties regime I-climate-properties . O We O present O a O mathematical O tool O to O study O transient O behaviour O of O population O dynamics O within O such O moving B-climate-hazards habitats I-climate-hazards to O discern O between O populations O at O high O and O low O risk O of O extinction B-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oaf5dc60c0ccba450cff53b1c5120b185 Abstract O That O pollen B-climate-nature and O sedimentological O evidence O can O make O a O significant O contribution O to O our O understanding O of O the O nature O and O antiquity O of O agricultural B-climate-assets development O in O the O highlands B-climate-nature of O New O Guinea O has O long O been O recognised O and O promoted O by O Jack O Golson O . O Five O palaeoecological O sites O from O highland B-climate-nature valleys O ( O 1400 O - O 1890 O m O altitude B-climate-properties ) O that O cover O the O period O from O the O last O glacial O maximum O ( O 22 O 000 O cal O BP O ) O to O the O present O are O reviewed O and O the O implications O of O the O rate O and O direction O of O environmental O changes O are O evaluated O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O6dabd69dcf0a6b72a5c8becbf45b6fa4 While O the O economic O returns O to O using O chemical O fertilizer B-climate-assets in O Africa O can O be O large O , O application O rates O are O low O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O2de4896543df769ce24d00c71da54908 Here O we O present O a O macro O - O scale O analysis O of O climate O change O impacts O on O terrestrial B-climate-nature ecosystems I-climate-nature based O on O newly O developed O sets O of O climate O scenarios O featuring O a O step O - O wise O sampling O of O global B-climate-properties mean I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties increase O between O 1.5 O and O 5 O K O by O 2100 O . O These O are O processed O by O a O biogeochemical B-climate-nature model O ( O LPJmL B-climate-models ) O to O derive O an O aggregated O metric O of O simultaneous O biogeochemical B-climate-nature and O structural O shifts O in O land B-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature properties O which O we O interpret O as O a O proxy O for O the O risk O of O shifts O and O possibly O disruptions B-climate-impacts in O ecosystems O . O If O countries O fulfil O their O current O emissions B-climate-mitigations reduction I-climate-mitigations pledges I-climate-mitigations , O resulting O in O roughly O 3.5 O K O of O warming O , O this O area O expands O to O cover O half O the O land B-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature , O including O the O majority O of O tropical B-climate-nature forests I-climate-nature and O savannas B-climate-nature and O the O boreal B-climate-nature zone I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O664cd3500c45309e381a880e4543ee9a The O Swedish O soil B-climate-nature water B-climate-nature model O SOIL B-climate-models and O its O associated O nitrogen O cycle O model O SOILN B-climate-models has O been O used O to O simulate O the O long O - O term O impacts O ( O over O 12 O years O ) O of O 360 O management O scenarios O ; O three O slurry B-climate-problem-origins applications O with O 10 O spreading O dates O ( O involving O single O and O split O applications O ) O for O surface O spreading O and O injection O of O slurry B-climate-problem-origins , O and O three O fertiliser B-climate-problem-origins applications O with O two O spreading O dates O . O The O effects O of O the O N O management O scenarios O on O NO3 O – O N O drainage O flows O , O total O gaseous B-climate-properties N I-climate-properties losses I-climate-properties and O crop B-climate-assets yields I-climate-assets for O grass B-climate-assets , O winter O and O spring O cereals B-climate-assets is O investigated O . O Furthermore O , O seven O soils B-climate-nature with O varying O degrees O of O drainage O efficiency O and O three O climatic O conditions O ( O East O and O West O coast O Scotland O and O Southern O Ireland O ) O are O studied O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5e256f4b6e71db2a1f88ea243496ad3d Climate O variability O and O climate O change O have O negative O impacts O on O fisheries B-climate-assets ecosystems O and O people O who O derive O livelihoods B-climate-assets from O them O . O Zambian O climate O is O projected O to O increase O 2 O ° O C O in O mean B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties by O 2070 O , O and O further O reports O suggest O that O rainfall B-climate-nature will O drop O by O 8 O - O 30 O % O of O the O normal O average O . O The O major O statistical O techniques O employed O in O this O research O include O estimation O of O mean O frequencies O and O correlation O coefficients O , O as O well O as O multivariate O regression O analyses O , O to O determine O the O relationships O among O climate O ( O temperature B-climate-properties , O rainfall B-climate-nature ) O , O water B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties , O and O fish B-climate-assets yield I-climate-assets , O using O the O Statistical B-climate-models Package I-climate-models for I-climate-models Social I-climate-models Sciences I-climate-models . O The O results O showed O an O increase O in O temperature B-climate-properties of O 0.3 O ° O C O , O a O decrease O in O rainfall B-climate-nature of O 3 O % O and O a O water B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties level I-climate-properties loss I-climate-properties of O 1.7 O m O since O 1974 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc889a39b89148b5965fb55fdd06589ac Reindeer B-climate-assets husbandry I-climate-assets represents O a O major O land O use O in O the O Barents O region O , O and O has O been O predicted O to O be O adversely O affected O by O climate O change O . O Key O natural O factors O include O vegetation B-climate-nature distribution O , O and O a O range O of O meteorological O variables O including O temperature B-climate-properties , O wind B-climate-nature , O snow B-climate-nature cover I-climate-nature and O freezing B-climate-nature of O rivers B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa6f7c2158c8ea705d17f44c18b288e45 Upstream O range B-climate-hazards shifts I-climate-hazards of O freshwater B-climate-organisms fishes I-climate-organisms have O been O documented O in O recent O years O due O to O ongoing O climate O change O . O River B-climate-hazards fragmentation I-climate-hazards by O dams O , O presenting O physical O barriers O , O can O limit O the O climatically O induced O spatial B-climate-hazards redistribution I-climate-hazards of O fishes B-climate-organisms . O Andean O freshwater B-climate-nature ecosystems O in O the O Neotropical O region O are O expected O to O be O highly O affected O by O these O future O disturbances O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O29686cc4f254ca30a1c7f4a5e7e486c4 New O patterns O of O drought B-climate-hazards and O flooding B-climate-hazards dealing O harsh O blows O to O public O resources O are O already O being O perceived O , O as O well O as O countries O ’ O social O and O economic O basis O , O promoting O economic O , O environmental O and O public O health B-climate-assets problems O in O Latin O - O America O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O2b687cb54ef80ad5dbd3e594f88feac3 With O insights O from O historic O climate O change O and O subsequent O species B-climate-organisms ’ O responses O , O scientists O are O developing O refined O tools O to O evaluate O how O species B-climate-organisms change O may O continue O in O the O future O and O what O impact O this O may O have O on O biodiversity B-climate-organisms and O conservation O . O Furthermore O , O bioclimatic O envelope O models O do O not O account O for O species B-climate-organisms dispersal B-climate-properties constraints I-climate-properties or O those O imposed O by O disturbances O such O as O land B-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins or O fire B-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O150257284552ba26470a84be4a329895 two O cirrus B-climate-nature clouds I-climate-nature with O different O optical B-climate-properties depths I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob6e02bdab7a635723f7a77ac1288195c different O lidar B-climate-observations techniques O are O responsible O for O discrepancies O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od61a52a615bda46a3542c4e7971b8444 A O salt O - O hydrate O is O selected O in O this O case O , O based O on O its O nonflammable B-climate-properties and O non B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties toxic I-climate-properties character O , O high O latent O heat B-climate-properties storage I-climate-properties and O high B-climate-properties thermal I-climate-properties conductivity I-climate-properties . O Comsol B-climate-models is O a O simulation O platform O which O is O used O to O optimize O physic O - O based O designs O through O numerical O simulations O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3eae730e9cf1f67fd0ea02d678de5630 We O review O relevant O literature O on O the O contributions O of O soil B-climate-nature microarthropods B-climate-organisms to O soil B-climate-nature health B-climate-assets through O their O intersecting O roles O in O decomposition O and O nutrient B-climate-organisms cycling I-climate-organisms and O direct O and O indirect O suppression O of O plant B-climate-hazards pests I-climate-hazards . O Microarthropods B-climate-organisms can O impact O soil B-climate-nature and O plant B-climate-organisms health B-climate-assets directly O by O feeding O on O pest B-climate-hazards organisms O or O serving O as O alternate O prey O for O larger O predatory O arthropods B-climate-organisms . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oedeabc82d422c35c2d15f833343adfb0 Following O the O 9th O November O 2007 O east O coast O flood B-climate-hazards event O , O a O group O of O collaborators O within O the O FRMRC2 B-climate-organizations project O set O about O assessing O and O improving O the O operational O flood B-climate-hazards risk O modelling O . O Also O included O is O a O discussion O of O the O potential O effect O of O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards on O flood B-climate-hazards risk O due O to O extreme O events O . O It O is O likely O that O an O event O of O similar O strength O to O the O 2007 O event O should O occur O approximately O every O 100 O years O . O However O , O with O a O 0.5 O metre O sea B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties rise I-climate-properties , O such O an O event O would O be O likely O to O occur O every O 2 O years O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7b3f42c51b7698e294fdfc4d89383e6a the O influence O of O the O applied O lidar B-climate-observations technique O plays O a O more O fundamental O role O -DOCSTART- -X- O O43cd89ba72ca4233734bd1013a44322b Model O results O showed O that O the O suitable O distribution B-climate-organisms range I-climate-organisms for O C. B-climate-organisms minimus I-climate-organisms is O western O and O southern O Anatolia O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oec85783a6bff9512c241f04b4167f0c1 In O addition O to O that O , O the O results O of O the O change O analysis O showed O that O suitable O distribution B-climate-organisms areas I-climate-organisms for O the O species B-climate-organisms will O increase O between O 7 O % O and O 13.5 O % O with O time O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8d2d442050694dc04d63110fb168261d The O Three O - O River O Source O Region O ( O TRSR O ) O , O a O region O with O key O importance O to O the O ecological B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets of O China O , O has O undergone O climate O changes O and O a O shift O in O human O activities O driven O by O a O series O of O ecological B-climate-mitigations restoration I-climate-mitigations projects O in O recent O decades O . O To O reveal O the O spatiotemporal O dynamics O of O vegetation B-climate-nature dynamics O and O calculate O the O contributions O of O driving O factors O in O the O TRSR O across O different O periods O from O 1982 O to O 2012 O , O net B-climate-properties primary I-climate-properties productivity I-climate-properties ( O NPP B-climate-properties ) O estimated O using O the O Carnegie B-climate-models - I-climate-models Ames I-climate-models - I-climate-models Stanford I-climate-models approach I-climate-models model O was O used O to O assess O the O status O of O vegetation B-climate-nature . O Furthermore O , O the O relationships O of O NPP B-climate-properties with O different O climate O factors O and O human O activities O were O analyzed O quantitatively O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Obed9c52a42a05e5410702a358c882bbd ABSTRACT O Paddy B-climate-assets is O an O important O artificial O wetland B-climate-nature ecosystem O related O to O sustainable O development O of O agriculture B-climate-assets and O environment O . O The O rice B-climate-assets production O and O accompanied O environmental O issues O were O main O driving O factor O to O promote O paddy B-climate-assets research O . O A O group O of O developing O countries O led O by O China O and O India O played O important O role O in O global O paddy B-climate-assets research O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O799a694748aa68d2232e14e5f499844c Alternative O resources O , O such O as O renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations sources O ( O RESs B-climate-mitigations ) O , O used O in O electricity B-climate-assets grids I-climate-assets , O could O reduce O the O environmental O impact O . O Since O RESs B-climate-mitigations are O inherently O unreliable O , O during O the O last O decades O the O scientific O community O addressed O research O efforts O to O their O integration O with O the O main O grid O by O means O of O properly O designed O energy O storage O systems O ( O ESSs O ) O . O The O dynamics O of O the O hydrogen O - O based O ESS O have O been O modeled O by O means O of O the O mixed O - O logic O dynamic O ( O MLD O ) O framework O in O order O to O capture O different O behaviors O according O to O the O possible O operating O modes O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Occd69bbf40f83cb61ce3fa276ff4a6a4 Surface B-climate-nature runoff I-climate-nature during O the O spring O will O be O higher O but O summer O and O autumn O runoff B-climate-nature can O be O slightly O suppressed O by O higher O transpiration B-climate-properties of O deciduous B-climate-organisms tree I-climate-organisms species O . O Decreased O summer O precipitation B-climate-nature and O increased O transpiration B-climate-properties will O result O in O decreasing O ground B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature discharge B-climate-properties , O and O lowering O water B-climate-properties levels I-climate-properties of O Volga O river O and O of O the O Upper O Volga O lakes O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ocbbe1adbef421d915ee2c2e38d5d5288 Phytoplankton B-climate-organisms are O the O main O primary B-climate-organisms producers I-climate-organisms in O marine B-climate-nature ecosystems I-climate-nature , O supporting O important O food B-climate-organisms webs I-climate-organisms . O They O are O recognized O as O important O indicators O of O environmental O changes O in O oceans B-climate-nature and O coastal B-climate-nature waters O . O Ocean O colour O remote O sensing O has O been O extensively O used O to O study O phytoplankton B-climate-organisms throughout O the O world O , O yet O there O is O still O much O to O understand O in O terms O of O what O influences O phytoplankton B-climate-organisms variability O at O regional O scales O . O Satellite O chlorophyll B-climate-nature a I-climate-nature ( O CHL B-climate-nature ) O data O was O acquired O from O the O Copernicus B-climate-observations Marine I-climate-observations environment I-climate-observations Monitoring I-climate-observations Service I-climate-observations ( O CMEMS B-climate-observations ) O . O A O set O of O climate O indices O , O satellite O and O model O variables O were O then O used O as O environmental O predictors O in O Generalized O Additive O Models O ( O GAMs O ) O that O explained O between O 18.0 O to O 49.3 O % O of O the O total O variance O of O CHL B-climate-nature anomalies O calculated O from O a O detrended O and O deseasoned O dataset O . O In O the O northern O oceanic B-climate-nature region O positive O anomalies O were O linked O to O high O North B-climate-nature Atlantic I-climate-nature Oscillation I-climate-nature ( O NAO B-climate-nature ) O values O and O negative O anomalies O to O high O mixed B-climate-properties layer I-climate-properties depths I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe0ef394fa4e965c2e96da65b7891fcbc Use O of O exterior B-climate-mitigations shading I-climate-mitigations systems O is O important O to O increase O energy B-climate-mitigations savings I-climate-mitigations in O residential B-climate-assets sector O , O mainly O in O warmer O climates O exposed O to O direct O sunlight B-climate-nature . O This O study O employs O Life O Cycle O Assessment O ( O LCA O ) O to O compare O the O effects O of O three O different O shading B-climate-mitigations materials O on O building B-climate-assets energy O consumption O and O their O impacts O to O the O environment O within O five O major O climate O zones O defined O by O American B-climate-organizations Society I-climate-organizations of I-climate-organizations Heating I-climate-organizations , I-climate-organizations Refrigerating I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Air I-climate-organizations - I-climate-organizations conditioning I-climate-organizations Engineers I-climate-organizations ( O ASHRAE B-climate-organizations ) O . O The O LCA O framework O used O in O this O study O was O based O on O a O life O cycle O methodology O that O follows O the O International B-climate-organizations Organization I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Standardization I-climate-organizations ( O ISO B-climate-organizations ) O 14040 B-climate-mitigations standard I-climate-mitigations for O Life O Cycle O Assessment O and O the O ASTM B-climate-organizations standard O for O Multi O - O Attribute O Decision O Analysis O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc1254d44285120e679ddcbbc151c5f08 Especially O in O the O Himalayan O headwaters B-climate-nature of O the O main O rivers B-climate-nature in O South O Asia O , O shifts O in O runoff B-climate-nature are O expected O as O a O result O of O a O rapidly O changing O climate O . O In O recent O years O , O our O insight O into O these O shifts O and O their O impact O on O water B-climate-assets availability I-climate-assets has O increased O . O However O , O a O similar O detailed O understanding O of O the O seasonal O pattern O in O water B-climate-properties demand I-climate-properties is O surprisingly O absent O . O This O hampers O a O proper O assessment O of O water B-climate-hazards stress I-climate-hazards and O ways O to O cope O and O adapt O . O In O this O study O , O the O seasonal O pattern O of O irrigation B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties water I-climate-properties demand I-climate-properties resulting O from O the O typical O practice O of O multiple O cropping B-climate-assets in O South O Asia O was O accounted O for O by O introducing O double O cropping B-climate-assets with O monsoon B-climate-nature - O dependent O planting B-climate-mitigations dates I-climate-mitigations in O a O hydrology B-climate-nature and O vegetation B-climate-nature model O . O Crop B-climate-assets yields I-climate-assets were O calibrated O to O the O latest O state O - O level O statistics O of O India O , O Pakistan O , O Bangladesh O and O Nepal O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O0c82ce4a132bf9b4c76f9f0e9bf88240 In O the O wake O of O the O climate O change O debate O , O the O innovation O is O this O paper O is O to O add O a O renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations source O to O the O Dasgupta B-climate-models - I-climate-models Heal I-climate-models type I-climate-models of I-climate-models framework I-climate-models , O also O including O for O pollution B-climate-hazards . O This O paper O presents O an O intertemporal O planning O horizon O problem O in O the O presence O of O an O exhaustible B-climate-problem-origins resource I-climate-problem-origins , O a O renewable B-climate-mitigations resource I-climate-mitigations and O pollution B-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oda2b85015e48365cf4a765525fca9044 The O surge O in O these O prices O has O been O attributed O to O a O number O of O causes O , O including O the O production O of O first O generation O feedstock B-climate-assets to O meet O new O biofuels B-climate-mitigations demand O . O High O commodity O prices O can O be O detrimental B-climate-impacts for O households O ’ O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets , O in O fact O the O recent O price O surges O have O been O heavily O discussed O in O public O fora O and O have O been O a O serious O cause O for O concern O in O developing O countries O . O A O methodological O correction O is O proposed O and O sensitivity O to O the O assumption O is O reported O based O on O Peruvian O and O Tanzanian O data O . O Conclusions O on O welfare B-climate-assets impacts O of O price O increases O obtained O under O our O proposed O methodology O are O then O presented O for O the O case O of O Peru O . O Our O results O suggest O that O a O judgement O on O the O consequences O of O bioenergy B-climate-mitigations production O on O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets should O be O made O case O by O case O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9c79b4f91f4f50444bd724befc61a5ab the O last O years O of O university O it O was O born O in O me O the O clear O will O to O treat O as O a O subject O of O the O final O thesis O a O topic O related O to O disaster B-climate-mitigations relief I-climate-mitigations architecture I-climate-mitigations , O which O has O always O particularly O moved O my O sensibility O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7b560d54b7cbcc2b4b0acf15a02fccad One O problem O that O is O common O to O the O existing O research O on O future O climate O change O is O the O neglect O of O the O forces O of O the O market O mechanism O . O For O example O , O one O of O the O major O worries O in O the O studies O on O climate O change O is O that O higher O global B-climate-properties average I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties may O have O severe O adverse O effect O on O world O agricultural B-climate-assets production I-climate-assets . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od6d877c410735e68b2b959618be0dc52 The O paper O consists O of O three O phases O , O the O first O part O portrays O the O general O situation O of O the O Philippines O , O taking O into O analysis O its O inherent O components O that O can O help O in O the O understanding O of O the O problem O , O with O particular O attention O to O the O study O of O the O climate O of O the O archipelago B-climate-nature and O its O vulnerability O to O natural O disasters O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O4b9089afd2837b7287e579a2f5d960bc In O contrast O , O soil B-climate-organisms animals I-climate-organisms are O considered O key O regulators O of O decomposition B-climate-nature at O local O scales O but O their O role O at O larger O scales O is O unresolved O . O Soil B-climate-organisms animals I-climate-organisms are O consequently O excluded O from O global O models O of O organic B-climate-nature mineralization I-climate-nature processes O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O81950f606472cb02c085cfe91093229c Ice B-climate-nature clouds I-climate-nature have O an O important O role O in O climate O . O They O are O strong O modulators O of O the O outgoing B-climate-properties longwave I-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties and O the O incoming B-climate-properties shortwave I-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties and O are O an O integral O part O of O the O hydrological B-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature . O Climate O models O are O far O from O consensus O on O the O magnitude O and O spatial O distribution O of O several O cloud B-climate-nature parameters O , O including O the O column O integrated O cloud B-climate-nature ice I-climate-nature amount O , O called O Ice B-climate-properties Water I-climate-properties Path I-climate-properties ( O IWP B-climate-properties ) O . O Cloud B-climate-nature ice I-climate-nature retrievals O from O satellite O measurements O are O an O important O source O of O observations O , O since O they O are O global O and O continuous O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob80b2363badf935c82a1dafdf19de744 Boreal B-climate-nature forest I-climate-nature fires B-climate-hazards are O an O important O source O of O terrestrial O carbon O emissions O , O particularly O during O years O of O widespread O wildfires B-climate-hazards . O Most O carbon O emission O models O parameterize O wildfire B-climate-hazards impacts O and O carbon O flux O to O area B-climate-properties burned I-climate-properties by O fires B-climate-hazards , O therein O making O the O assumption O that O fires B-climate-hazards consume O a O spatiotemporally O homogeneous O landscape O composed O of O predominantly O spruce B-climate-organisms forests B-climate-nature and O peat B-climate-nature bogs B-climate-nature with O deep O duff B-climate-nature layers O . O We O examined O climate O , O land B-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties , O area B-climate-properties burned I-climate-properties , O and O fire B-climate-hazards impacts O for O large O fires B-climate-hazards ( O 2002 O to O 2009 O ) O across O the O Alaskan O boreal B-climate-nature landscape O to O address O the O validity O of O assumptions O made O by O carbon O emissions O models O for O boreal B-climate-nature fires B-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O646fbad716f393fb5c58789b211d2fb2 Australia O has O endured O one O of O the O most O horrific O bushfire B-climate-hazards seasons O in O recent O history O across O 2019 O and O 2020 O , O with O devastating O personal B-climate-impacts losses I-climate-impacts and O environmental B-climate-hazards impacts I-climate-hazards . O Taking O account O of O those O risks O is O certainly O not O legally O prohibited O by O the O shareholder O primacy O model O , O and O in O circumstances O where O those O risks O intersect O with O the O business B-climate-assets of O the O company O , O failing O to O take O those O risks O into O account O would O likely O be O a O breach O of O duty O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa772e12e30b0495e893ebd4485c3f088 In O order O to O evaluate O drought B-climate-hazards risk O at O upland B-climate-nature according O to O climate O change O scenario O ( O RCP8.5 B-climate-datasets ) O , O we O have O carried O out O the O simulation O using O agricultural O water B-climate-nature balance I-climate-nature estimation O model O , O called O AFKAE0.5 B-climate-models , O at O 66 O weather O station O sites O in O 2020 O , O 2046 O , O 2050 O , O 2084 O , O and O 2090 O . O Total B-climate-properties Drought I-climate-properties Risk I-climate-properties Index I-climate-properties between O the O first O month O ( O f O ) O and O last O month O ( O l O ) O ( O TDRI(f B-climate-properties / I-climate-properties l I-climate-properties ) O ) O and O maximum B-climate-properties continuous I-climate-properties drought I-climate-properties risk I-climate-properties index I-climate-properties ( O MCDRI(f B-climate-properties / I-climate-properties l I-climate-properties ) O ) O were O defined O as O the O index O for O analyzing O pattern O and O strength O of O drought B-climate-hazards simulated O by O the O model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc38569cd6a3d870dd662e777c2222d8b Soil B-climate-nature organic I-climate-nature matter I-climate-nature is O a O vast O store O of O carbon O , O with O a O critical O role O in O the O global O carbon B-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature . O Despite O its O importance O , O the O dynamics O of O soil B-climate-nature organic I-climate-nature carbon I-climate-nature decomposition B-climate-nature , O under O the O impact O of O climate O change O or O changing O litter B-climate-nature inputs O , O are O poorly O understood O . O Current O biogeochemical B-climate-nature models O usually O lack O microbial B-climate-organisms processes O and O thus O miss O an O important O feedback O when O considering O the O fate O of O carbon O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9ac59758cb965ab00aa64d03b7406773 West O Coast O sablefish B-climate-organisms are O economically O valuable O , O with O landings O of O 11.8 O million O pounds O valued O at O over O $ O 31 O million O during O 2016 O , O making O assessing O and O understanding O the O impact O of O climate O change O on O the O California O Current O ( O CC O ) O stock O a O priority O for O ( O 1 O ) O forecasting O future O stock O productivity O , O and O ( O 2 O ) O testing O the O robustness O of O management O strategies O to O climate O impacts O . O Sablefish B-climate-organisms recruitment O is O related O to O large O - O scale O climate O forcing O indexed O by O regionally O correlated O sea B-climate-properties level I-climate-properties ( O SL B-climate-properties ) O and O zooplankton B-climate-organisms communities O that O pelagic B-climate-nature young O - O of O - O the O - O year O sablefish B-climate-organisms feed O upon O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob63df54fc00da0b275b9f1dce3490162 Landuse B-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins significantly O alters O the O hydrologic B-climate-nature characteristics O of O the O land B-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature within O a O watershed B-climate-nature . O The O watershed B-climate-nature has O seven O major O landuse O classes O , O namely O agriculture B-climate-assets , O built B-climate-assets - I-climate-assets up I-climate-assets , O fallow B-climate-assets land I-climate-assets , O forest B-climate-nature , O grass B-climate-nature land I-climate-nature , O streams B-climate-nature , O and O water B-climate-nature bodies I-climate-nature . O Forest B-climate-nature is O the O most O affected O landuse O among O all O watershed B-climate-nature landuses O that O shrinked O by O 194.90 O ha O followed O by O agriculture B-climate-assets ( O 64.57 O ha O ) O , O grass B-climate-nature land I-climate-nature ( O 50.81 O ha O ) O , O streams B-climate-nature ( O 30.42 O ha O ) O , O fallow B-climate-assets land I-climate-assets ( O 21.86 O ha O ) O , O and O water B-climate-nature bodies I-climate-nature ( O 9.72 O ha O ) O . O Runoff B-climate-nature and O sediment B-climate-properties yield I-climate-properties for O the O landuse O of O the O years O 2006 O and O 2016 O were O simulated O by O the O WEPP B-climate-models model O using O two O climate O scenarios O ( O 2006 O and O 2016 O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc9a3a56f744a069d300fc98febc470ad Particularly O , O as O the O significant O changes O of O agriculture B-climate-assets land O and O forest B-climate-nature , O typical O characteristics O of O pattern O and O process O of O agroforestry B-climate-mitigations ecotone B-climate-nature change O formed O in O recent O decades O . O This O paper O took O agroforestry B-climate-mitigations ecotone B-climate-nature of O Nenjiang O River O Basin O in O China O as O study O region O and O simulated O temperature B-climate-properties change O based O on O land B-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties change O from O 1950s O to O 1978 O and O from O 1978 O to O 2010 O . O The O analysis O of O temperature B-climate-properties difference I-climate-properties sensitivity I-climate-properties to O land B-climate-problem-origins cover I-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins based O on O Weather B-climate-models Research I-climate-models and I-climate-models Forecasting I-climate-models ( O WRF B-climate-models ) O model O showed O that O the O land B-climate-problem-origins cover I-climate-problem-origins change I-climate-problem-origins from O 1950s O to I-climate-properties 1978 I-climate-properties induced O warming B-climate-properties effect I-climate-properties over O all O the O study O area O , O including O the O change O of O grassland B-climate-nature to O agriculture B-climate-assets land O , O grassland B-climate-nature to O deciduous B-climate-organisms broad B-climate-organisms - I-climate-organisms leaved I-climate-organisms forest B-climate-nature , O and O deciduous B-climate-organisms broad B-climate-organisms - I-climate-organisms leaved I-climate-organisms forest B-climate-nature to O shrub B-climate-nature land I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oebd017852b95a3f620496f057bf11ba0 Dynamic O vegetation O models O ( O DVMs O ) O used O to O predict O forest B-climate-nature dynamics O are O typically O based O on O simple O , O largely O data O - O free O ( O ‘ O theoretical O ’ O ) O mortality O algorithms O ( O MAs O ) O . O A O systematic O comparison O of O eight O MAs O ( O seven O inventory O - O based O , O one O ‘ O theoretical O ’ O ) O for O the O pan O - O European O tree B-climate-organisms species B-climate-organisms Pinus B-climate-organisms sylvestris I-climate-organisms L. I-climate-organisms was O carried O out O within O the O DVM O ForClim B-climate-models for O present O and O future O climate O scenarios O at O three O contrasting O sites O across O Europe O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O24c0978c0eeb0c9008e69729628bcdf5 Monthly B-climate-properties mean I-climate-properties maximum I-climate-properties and I-climate-properties minimum I-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties , O monthly B-climate-properties total I-climate-properties rainfall I-climate-properties and O monthly B-climate-properties mean I-climate-properties relative I-climate-properties humidity I-climate-properties were O positively O correlated O to O monthly O notification O of O Japanese B-climate-impacts encephalitis I-climate-impacts , O while O monthly B-climate-properties mean I-climate-properties air I-climate-properties pressure I-climate-properties was O inversely O correlated O . O Thresholds O of O 25.2 O degrees O C O for O maximum B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties and O 21.0 O degrees O C O for O minimum B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties were O also O detected O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oad3eb8b149eb30a7961d5fc10f22b09d In O order O to O address O carbon B-climate-problem-origins leakage I-climate-problem-origins and O preserve O the O competitiveness O of O domestic O industries O , O some O industrialized O Annex O I O countries O have O proposed O to O implement O carbon B-climate-mitigations tariffs I-climate-mitigations . O This O proposal O is O evaluated O using O an O energy O - O economic O model O of O the O global O economy O . O The O results O indicate O that O carbon B-climate-mitigations tariffs I-climate-mitigations could O raise O US$ O 3.5–24.5 O billion O ( O with O a O central O value O of O $ O 9.8 O billion O ) O for O clean O development O financing O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Odefc49b0f62c621e2c74d7649e1d52bb Abstract O Long O - O term O changes O in O wave B-climate-nature climate O have O potential O impacts O on O the O evolution O of O regional O coastlines B-climate-nature . O This O study O investigates O the O impact O of O variable O wave O climate O on O the O temporal O dynamics O of O longshore B-climate-nature sediment I-climate-nature transport I-climate-nature ( O LST B-climate-nature ) O , O which O plays O a O major O role O in O defining O the O overall O coastal B-climate-nature geomorphology O of O regional O coastlines B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Obc58fc1c76ce0b9dc963cebd440bebc8 and O decrease O in O surface B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties by O − O 1 O ∘ O C. O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe98b67dc32c17b385d7dacc54d40f45a Increasing O the O LCC B-climate-assets share O from O 28 O % O to O 38 O % O in O the O Kraichgau O region O led O to O a O decrease O in O latent B-climate-properties heat I-climate-properties flux I-climate-properties ( O LE B-climate-properties ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8ea20119b1b47c19b3529e81d2566fe2 Some O losses O of O N O to O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature are O unavoidable O , O at O least O 35 O % O of O excreted B-climate-problem-origins N I-climate-problem-origins in O best O case O scenarios O and O 60 O % O , O or O more O , O in O most O situations O . O To O achieve O environmentally O acceptable O nutrient O balances O , O many O animal B-climate-assets production I-climate-assets facilities O will O have O to O export O manure B-climate-problem-origins or O manure B-climate-problem-origins products O or O manipulate O nutrient O production O to O match O nutrient O needs O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O24677988fe867046e95a337086e5d5b0 Present O - O day O flood B-climate-hazards estimation O practise O is O underpinned O by O the O assumption O that O flood B-climate-hazards risk O in O a O future O climate O will O reflect O historical O flood B-climate-hazards risk O as O represented O by O the O instrumental O record O . O This O assumption O , O which O is O commonly O referred O to O as O the O assumption O of O stationarity O , O recently O has O been O questioned O as O a O result O of O both O an O increased O appreciation O of O the O natural O variability O in O our O hydroclimate B-climate-nature at O temporal O scales O beyond O that O of O the O instrumental O record O , O as O well O as O the O projected O intensification O of O the O hydrologic B-climate-nature cycle O due O to O anthropogenic O climate O change O . O These O developments O have O led O some O authors O to O suggest O that O the O stationarity O assumption O should O henceforth O be O considered O invalid O , O thereby O calling O into O question O all O the O methods O that O are O underpinned O by O it O , O including O flood B-climate-hazards frequency O analysis O using O observed O streamflow O records O , O and O rainfall B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties runoff I-climate-properties modelling O informed O by O instrumental O precipitation B-climate-nature and O streamflow B-climate-nature records O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob77d5d6a680f4e9545a5280b9f640398 In O Morocco O , O cattle B-climate-assets production O is O one O of O the O most O important O components O of O the O agricultural B-climate-assets economy O ; O a O sector O which O contributes O heavily O to O the O development O of O the O Moroccan O economy O . O The O development O of O this O sector O is O faced O by O many O problems O , O like O poor O infrastructure B-climate-assets , O lack O of O services O and O climate O change O , O in O addition O to O infectious O diseases B-climate-impacts like O bovine B-climate-impacts tuberculosis I-climate-impacts -DOCSTART- -X- O O35ed5f3f46657f3c809884fef3967da5 Under O the O impacts O of O climate O variability O and O human O activities O , O there O are O statistically O significant O decreasing O trends O for O streamflow B-climate-properties in O the O Yellow O River O basin O , O China O . O Therefore O , O it O is O crucial O to O separate O the O impacts O of O climate O variability O and O human O activities O on O streamflow B-climate-properties decrease O for O better O water B-climate-mitigations resources I-climate-mitigations planning I-climate-mitigations and I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations . O In O this O study O , O the O Qinhe O River O basin O ( O QRB O ) O , O a O typical O sub B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature basin I-climate-nature in O the O middle O reach O of O the O Yellow O River O , O was O chosen O as O the O study O area O to O assess O the O impacts O of O climate O variability O and O human O activities O on O streamflow B-climate-properties decrease O . O The O trend O and O breakpoint O of O observed O annual B-climate-properties streamflow I-climate-properties from O 1956 O to O 2010 O were O identified O by O the O nonparametric O Mann O – O Kendall O test O . O The O observed O annual B-climate-properties streamflow I-climate-properties decreased O by O 68.1 O mm O from O 102.3 O to O 34.2 O mm O in O the O two O periods O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O61d999271f30da6b2ebfccdfd43b267d Floods B-climate-hazards , O landslides B-climate-hazards , O and O mudslides B-climate-hazards are O frequent O phenomena O in O Rio O de O Janeiro O state O ( O RJ O ) O . O In O the O past O decades O , O several O catastrophic O events O have O occurred O and O caused O severe O damages B-climate-impacts to O people B-climate-assets and O infrastructure B-climate-assets . O In O contrast O , O the O persistent O droughts B-climate-hazards that O affected O Southeast O Brazil O between O 2014 O and O 2017 O are O phenomena O that O were O not O known O earlier O – O at O least O in O such O frequency B-climate-properties and O intensity B-climate-properties . O Furthermore O , O we O reconstruct O in O how O far O climate O variability O and O human O impact O ( O in O particular O deforestation B-climate-problem-origins ) O affected O the O occurrence O of O hydrometeorological B-climate-hazards hazards I-climate-hazards in O the O Holocene O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8b2c56dc6217307073ea5d0ae00647e4 Analyzing O the O critical O case O of O Copenhagen O in O a O degrowth B-climate-mitigations perspective O , O sheds O doubts O on O sustainable B-climate-mitigations urban I-climate-mitigations development I-climate-mitigations , O but O does O not O imply O the O rejection O of O all O its O typical O planning O measures O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Obdf2739f88cff3cdc1e7ce3502f915e4 In O this O study O the O distributed O , O process O - O oriented O , O physically O - O based O water B-climate-nature balance I-climate-nature model O MODBIL B-climate-models is O set O up O for O two O Kalahari O sub O - O catchments O in O northeastern O Namibia O and O northwestern O Botswana O to O show O possible O impacts O of O climatic O change O on O groundwater B-climate-properties recharge I-climate-properties . O The O results O of O the O 22 O - O year O - O long O calibration O period O are O verified O with O the O chloride O mass B-climate-properties balance I-climate-properties and O hydrographs O , O and O are O in O the O next O step O compared O with O results O of O a O prediction O simulation O . O With O this O approach O an O increase O in O mean O groundwater B-climate-properties recharge I-climate-properties and O interflow B-climate-nature is O predicted O for O the O two O catchments B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Of811b7acd89b1a50667103e8055c7e42 In O recent O years O , O natural O hazards O involving O large O mass O movements O such O as O landslides B-climate-hazards , O debris B-climate-hazards flows I-climate-hazards , O and O mudslides B-climate-hazards have O significantly O increased O in O frequency B-climate-properties due O to O the O influence O of O global O warming O and O climate O change O . O These O phenomena O often O carry O huge O rocks B-climate-nature and O heavy O materials O that O may O , O directly O or O indirectly O , O cause O damage B-climate-impacts to O structures O and O the O landscape O . O While O the O current O state O of O the O art O of O landslide B-climate-hazards prediction O using O numerical O methods O has O been O mainly O dominated O by O the O development O of O advance O geomechanical B-climate-nature models O suited O for O different O types O of O soil B-climate-nature materials O , O e.g. O multi O - O phase O unsaturated B-climate-nature soil I-climate-nature model O , O this O study O focuses O more O on O the O interaction O of O such O phenomena O with O the O installed O protective B-climate-mitigations structures I-climate-mitigations . O Here O , O an O implicit O formulation O of O material O point O method O ( O MPM O ) O is O implemented O to O model O the O landslides B-climate-hazards considering O finite O strain O assumption O . O Furthermore O , O a O staggered O coupling O scheme O with O the O Finite O Element O Method O is O proposed O to O simulate O accurately O and O robustly O the O dynamic B-climate-properties force I-climate-properties and O displacement O coupling O of O soil O - O structure O interaction O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O415912faeabe3c1bff5820ea3ea867fd We O use O a O random O coefficients O modeling O approach O to O examine O U.S. O relationships O between O the O intensity O of O impervious B-climate-problem-origins surface I-climate-problem-origins within O a O county O , O population B-climate-properties density I-climate-properties in O impervious B-climate-problem-origins areas I-climate-problem-origins , O and O carbon B-climate-properties intensity I-climate-properties of O well O - O being O ( O CIWB)—here O constructed O using O industrial O emissions O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3122494401bc5a9cddc54efa71e43de2 The O disasters O include O Cyclone O Nargis O in O Burma O ; O earthquakes B-climate-hazards in O China O , O India O , O Pakistan O , O Iran O , O Turkey O , O and O Greece O ; O Hurricane O Katrina O in O the O United O States O ; O the O tsunami B-climate-hazards in O Aceh O , O Sri O Lanka O , O and O other O territories O ; O drought B-climate-hazards in O Ethiopia O , O southern O Africa O , O and O Cuba O ; O famine B-climate-impacts in O North O Korea O ; O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards in O islands B-climate-nature ; O disasters O in O the O Philippines O ; O and O vaccination O and O casualty O identification O . O Among O multiple O pathways O of O disaster B-climate-mitigations diplomacy I-climate-mitigations leading O to O success O or O failure O , O four O broad O pathways O emerge O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe7512aae3d62c34d51074478020e88a9 We O test O this O indicator O using O Lepidopteran B-climate-organisms and O co O - O located O weather O data O collected O across O a O range O of O UK B-climate-organizations Environmental I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations Network I-climate-organizations ( O ECN B-climate-organizations ) O sites O . O We O compare O our O butterfly B-climate-organisms indicator O with O estimates O derived O from O an O alternative O , O previously O published O metric O , O the O Community B-climate-properties Temperature I-climate-properties Index I-climate-properties ( O CTI B-climate-properties ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe65c892f4ba633ffb07eef17c85c2b99 site O CTR B-climate-properties was O positively O correlated O with O mean B-climate-properties site I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties for O moths B-climate-organisms but O not O butterflies B-climate-organisms . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od9aecfafe766bebf7c7f20731311a5ab Oil B-climate-assets - I-climate-assets and I-climate-assets - I-climate-assets gas I-climate-assets networks I-climate-assets are O systems O of O pumps B-climate-assets and O pipelines B-climate-assets that O are O exposed O to O heterogeneous O threats O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O083e1ddd03178a11a776c0082f827464 Results O from O a O new O version O of O the O Hadley B-climate-models Centre I-climate-models atmospheric I-climate-models general I-climate-models - I-climate-models circulation I-climate-models model I-climate-models are O presented O in O which O the O sensitivity O of O the O model O to O the O inclusion O of O a O simple O aerosol B-climate-nature climatology O is O investigated O . O Without O aerosols B-climate-nature , O comparisons O with O clear B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties sky I-climate-properties reflected I-climate-properties short I-climate-properties - I-climate-properties wave I-climate-properties radiation I-climate-properties from O the O Earth B-climate-observations Radiation I-climate-observations Budget I-climate-observations Experiment I-climate-observations ( O ERBE B-climate-observations ) O and O the O Scanner B-climate-observations for I-climate-observations Radiation I-climate-observations Budget I-climate-observations ( O ScaRaB B-climate-observations ) O satellite O measurements O indicate O a O missing O scatterer B-climate-nature in O the O clear B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature sky I-climate-nature atmosphere B-climate-nature . O In O addition O , O recent O estimates O of O global O , O annual O mean O absorbed O short B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature wave I-climate-nature radiation I-climate-nature at O the O surface O , O which O used O the O Global B-climate-datasets Energy I-climate-datasets Balance I-climate-datasets Archive I-climate-datasets ( O GEBA B-climate-datasets ) O where O possible O for O verification O , O indicate O that O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature did O not O absorb O enough O short B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature wave I-climate-nature radiation I-climate-nature . O The O insertion O of O a O simple O aerosol B-climate-nature climatology O based O on O World B-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Research I-climate-organizations Programme I-climate-organizations recommendations O into O the O model O was O found O to O be O the O only O plausible O means O of O reducing O its O significant O short B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature wave I-climate-nature bias O compared O with O ERBE B-climate-observations and O ScaRaB B-climate-observations measurements O at O the O top O of O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature , O and O with O GEBA B-climate-datasets data O at O the O surface O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O27fa447fa7376e8a47748f68cf654093 Using O NDVI B-climate-datasets data O from O 1982 O to O 2015 O , O this O study O investigated O the O spatiotemporal O change O of O spring O green B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties up I-climate-properties date I-climate-properties ( O GUD B-climate-properties ) O across O the O Yellow O River O Basin O ( O YRB O ) O and O estimated O the O possible O effects O of O different O climatic O factors O on O it O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O0a8a3872322b14f3b03cd2be62786f79 Using O field O investigations O , O Geographical O Information O System O ( O GIS O ) O analyses O , O and O mathematical O and O conceptual O models O , O we O reveals O how O anthropogenic O activity O influences O processes O at O multiple O time O and O space O scales O , O with O enduring O effects O . O Using O the O earthquake B-climate-hazards - O induced O land B-climate-hazards - I-climate-hazards subsidence I-climate-hazards experienced O in O Christchurch O , O New O Zealand O , O as O a O relative O SLR B-climate-hazards example O ( O ‘ O Laboratory O Christchurch O ’ O ) O , O evidence O shows O that O coastal B-climate-nature settlements O are O likely O to O be O impacted O not O only O at O the O shore B-climate-nature but O further O inland O via O coast- B-climate-nature connected I-climate-nature waterways I-climate-nature , O where O drainage B-climate-nature is O impeded O due O to O an O increase O in O the O base O level O of O that O is O the O sea O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa88360284cf7e93221a7757744e5f294 Increasing O demographic B-climate-problem-origins pressure I-climate-problem-origins , O economic O development O and O resettlement O policies O in O the O Lower O Mekong O Basin O induce O greater O population O dependency O on O river B-climate-nature flow O to O satisfy O growing O domestic O and O agricultural B-climate-assets water B-climate-properties demands I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Obb7ab1fb437a59c7f22b4a5d5f562be3 In O this O study O relative O ecological O risk O assessment O was O done O for O future O potential O introductions O of O three O species B-climate-organisms in O the O Canadian O Arctic O : O periwinkle B-climate-organisms Littorina B-climate-organisms littorea I-climate-organisms , O soft B-climate-organisms shell I-climate-organisms clam I-climate-organisms Mya B-climate-organisms arenaria I-climate-organisms and O red B-climate-organisms king I-climate-organisms crab I-climate-organisms Paralithodes B-climate-organisms camtschaticus I-climate-organisms . O The O main O ports O of O Deception O Bay O and O Churchill O were O classified O as O being O at O moderate O to O high O relative O risk O for O L. B-climate-organisms littorea I-climate-organisms and O M. B-climate-organisms arenaria I-climate-organisms , O especially O from O domestic O vessels O , O while O relative O overall O risk O for O P. B-climate-organisms camtschaticus I-climate-organisms was O low O for O international O vessels O and O null O for O domestic O vessels O due O to O few O ships O transiting O from O its O range O of O distribution O to O Canadian O Arctic O ports O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3cbad3fa661b831573d10d1b5f7a0ed1 This O paper O presents O SAT B-climate-mitigations ( O the O Spanish O acronym O for O Early B-climate-mitigations Warning I-climate-mitigations System I-climate-mitigations ) O , O a O decision O support O system O ( O DSS O ) O , O for O assessing O the O risk O of O desertification B-climate-hazards in O Spain O , O where O 20 O % O of O the O land O has O already O been O desertified B-climate-hazards and O 1 O % O is O in O active O degradation O . O SAT B-climate-mitigations relies O on O three O versions O of O a O Generic B-climate-models Desertification I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O GDM B-climate-models ) O that O integrates O economics O and O ecology O under O the O predator O - O prey O paradigm O . O Given O the O general O nature O of O the O tool O and O the O fact O that O all O United B-climate-mitigations Nations I-climate-mitigations Convention I-climate-mitigations to I-climate-mitigations Combat I-climate-mitigations Desertification I-climate-mitigations ( O UNCCD B-climate-mitigations ) O signatory O countries O are O committed O to O developing O their O National B-climate-mitigations Plans I-climate-mitigations to I-climate-mitigations Combat I-climate-mitigations Desertification I-climate-mitigations ( O NPCD B-climate-mitigations ) O , O SAT B-climate-mitigations could O be O exported O to O regions O threatened O by O desertification B-climate-hazards and O expanded O to O cover O more O case O studies O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O802611dcabb20407785f557361cfb760 To O later O analyse O and O plan O European O GHG O mitigation B-climate-mitigations scenario O for O the O livestock B-climate-assets sectors O , O a O particular O effort O of O description O of O the O Livestock B-climate-assets Production O Systems O ( O LPS O ) O in O place O in O Europe O is O necessary O , O livestock B-climate-assets production O differing O largely O over O Europe O . O For O that O , O Work O Package O 2 O ( O WP2 O ) O of O the O GGELS B-climate-organizations project O has O to O focus O on O the O conceptualisation O and O build O up O of O a O new O LPS O typology O allowing O policy O makers O to O precisely O identify O LPS O diversity O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O025a6e490e1d3eb64effc682f5c00cb9 The O current O work O compares O the O drivers O of O hydrological B-climate-nature flux O changes O and O flood B-climate-hazards reoccurrences O in O the O Lijiang O River O basin O . O Using O satellite O images O , O SWAT B-climate-models and O HEC B-climate-models - I-climate-models HMS I-climate-models models O , O Mann O - O Kendall O and O Minitab O trend O tests O , O analysis O on O climatic O as O well O as O landuse B-climate-problem-origins / I-climate-problem-origins land I-climate-problem-origins cover I-climate-problem-origins changes I-climate-problem-origins ( O LULCC B-climate-problem-origins ) O were O carried O out O statistically O . O Landuse O maps O were O used O to O observe O the O watershed B-climate-nature land O conversion O during O pre O / O post O - O development O via O GIS O . O HEC B-climate-models - I-climate-models HMS I-climate-models model O results O revealed O negligible O changes O of O hydrographs O with O and O without O LULCC B-climate-problem-origins . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe367dc41006c3a99f0b03c16116d9645 -DOCSTART- -X- O O3010e028fce442543990bacf933a6b08 Reconstruction O of O interannual O variability O of O net B-climate-properties ecosystem I-climate-properties productivity I-climate-properties ( O NEP B-climate-properties ) O in O forests B-climate-nature provides O an O important O approach O to O analyse O impacts O of O future O climate O change O on O global O carbon O ( O C O ) O cycling B-climate-mitigations . O In O this O study O , O annual O NEP B-climate-properties at O 12 O Fluxnet B-climate-observations - O Canada O forest B-climate-nature sites O ( O 93 O site O - O year O ) O was O simulated O using O a O process O - O based O Integrated B-climate-models Terrestrial I-climate-models Ecosystem I-climate-models C I-climate-models - I-climate-models budget I-climate-models ( O InTEC B-climate-models ) O model O driven O by O forest B-climate-nature inventory O data O , O site O - O level O meteorological O measurements O , O site O - O specific O indicators O , O and O remote O sensing O observations O . O Our O results O indicate O that O the O InTEC B-climate-models model O can O capture O the O first O order O of O interannual O NEP B-climate-properties variability O with O coefficients B-climate-properties of I-climate-properties determination I-climate-properties ( O R2 O ) O of O 0.84 O ( O p O < O 0.001 O ) O between O simulated O and O measured O NEP B-climate-properties , O providing O a O significant O opportunity O to O reconstruct O long O - O term O climate O change O on O forest B-climate-nature C O dynamics O using O only O available O monthly O historical O climate O records O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O265726580bd9e9fb2a3c3846837bba24 ENSO B-climate-nature , O and O North B-climate-nature Atlantic I-climate-nature Oscillation I-climate-nature – O NAO B-climate-nature ) O can O be O used O as O independent O proxies O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Of93f17636d6590052573f0cbbbbef1f0 evaluating O Global B-climate-observations Ozone I-climate-observations Monitoring I-climate-observations Experiment I-climate-observations ( O GOME B-climate-observations ) O 2 O aboard O MetOp B-climate-observations A I-climate-observations -DOCSTART- -X- O O63d498f19279f868456086b7b371fbb4 Cau O River O Basin O is O located O in O the O North O - O East O of O Vietnam O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Of5c59104186c163acb0d0268d64205e2 European B-climate-observations Organisation I-climate-observations for I-climate-observations the I-climate-observations Exploitation I-climate-observations of I-climate-observations Meteorological I-climate-observations Satellites I-climate-observations ( O EUMETSAT B-climate-observations ) O Satellite B-climate-organizations Application I-climate-organizations Facility I-climate-organizations on I-climate-organizations Atmospheric I-climate-organizations Composition I-climate-organizations -DOCSTART- -X- O O3fb7e37a4703f6b617087f9f0cd7c26a Correlations O between O GOME-2A B-climate-observations total O ozone B-climate-nature and O the O Southern B-climate-properties Oscillation I-climate-properties Index I-climate-properties ( O SOI B-climate-properties ) O were O studied O over O the O tropical B-climate-nature Pacific O Ocean O after O removing O seasonal O , O QBO B-climate-nature , O and O solar O - O cycle O - O related O variability. O -DOCSTART- -X- O O2237c0d5c8266e8c3847a6932fd77bfb The O cork B-climate-organisms oak I-climate-organisms forest B-climate-nature is O an O ecosystem O playing O a O major O role O in O Moroccan O socio O - O economy O and O biodiversity B-climate-organisms conservation O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9d452e5e3c36eb4ef36180961752fc9a Advanced O system O analysis O tools O are O required O to O capture O the O multiple O dimensions O of O these O challenges O : O the O global O partial O equilibrium O model O of O agricultural B-climate-assets and O forest B-climate-nature sectors O , O Global B-climate-models Biosphere I-climate-models Management I-climate-models Model O , O developed O at O IIASA B-climate-organizations , O represents O the O state O of O the O art O in O model O linking O across O sectors O , O disciplines O , O and O spatial O scales O . O This O model O integrates O information O from O a O 1x1 O km O grid O where O the O land O characteristics O and O climate O are O defined O , O up O to O 30 O regional O aggregates O where O the O international O trade O is O represented O . O Crops B-climate-assets , O grass B-climate-nature , O livestock B-climate-assets , O and O forest B-climate-nature systems O are O parameterized O through O biophysical O models O which O capture O overall O production O and O environmental O impacts O such O as O carbon O and O nitrogen O balances O , O water O use O , O or O GHG O emissions O . O The O model O can O also O be O used O for O market O foresight O , O integrated O assessment O of O climate O change O impacts O and O adaptation O , O or O for O assessment O of O mitigation B-climate-mitigations options O by O providing O to O energy O system O models O , O such O as O Model B-climate-models for I-climate-models Energy I-climate-models Supply I-climate-models Strategy I-climate-models Alternatives I-climate-models and I-climate-models their I-climate-models General I-climate-models Environmental I-climate-models Impact I-climate-models ( O MESSAGE B-climate-models ) O at O IIASA B-climate-organizations , O economic O information O on O abatement O potential O through O emissions O reduction O , O carbon O sequestration O and O bioenergy B-climate-mitigations production O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Of8e8797222b309e4497b767fea74b912 After O the O classification O , O we O adopt O Analytical O Hierarchy O Process O ( O AHP O ) O to O calculate O the O weight O for O each O of O the O function O and O do O the O consistency O test O ; O second O , O we O apply O knowledge O of O economics O to O study O the O true O economic O costs O ; O third O , O after O getting O the O equation O of O the O true O economic O costs O , O we O realize O it O in O the O cost O - O benefit O analysis O . O In O order O to O make O our O work O more O accurate O and O complete O , O we O use O SWOT O Analysis O across O the O analytical O process O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O11a925eaf883b1ad3ae825dd9ccaedd3 Kazakhstan O is O located O in O the O foothills O of O the O Northern O Tien O Shan O Mountains O . O The O SALTMED B-climate-models crop B-climate-assets model O was O tested O for O its O ability O to O simulate O soil B-climate-properties water I-climate-properties content I-climate-properties ( O SWC B-climate-properties ) O , O and O final O grain B-climate-properties yield I-climate-properties ( O Y O ) O for O rain B-climate-nature - O fed O winter O wheat B-climate-assets and O irrigated O spring O maize B-climate-assets in O 2017 O and O 2019 O respectively O . O SALTMED B-climate-models is O able O to O simulate O SWC B-climate-properties with O a O high O degree O of O accuracy O in O both O field O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O85dcb181f26fb2b534629eac1e80fcf1 The O representation O of O orographic B-climate-nature drag I-climate-nature remains O a O major O source O of O uncertainty O for O numerical O weather O prediction O ( O NWP O ) O and O climate O models O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O0428cf5d70a488b08ff0639c610544a3 TRNSYS B-climate-models is O a O powerful O and O flexible O simulation O software O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3ca9ddc511730038d0b4bf3d79bb83e2 impacts O of O global O warming O on O Meiyu B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature Baiu I-climate-nature extreme B-climate-hazards rainfall I-climate-hazards and O the O associated O mid O - O latitude O synoptic O - O scale O weather O systems O over O the O Eastern O China O ( O EC O ) O and O the O Baiu B-climate-nature rainband I-climate-nature ( O Bu O ) O regions O in O East O Asia O have O been O examined O , O based O on O simulations O from O the O 20 O - O km O Meteorological B-climate-organizations Research I-climate-organizations Institute I-climate-organizations atmospheric O general O circulation O model O ( O MRI B-climate-models - I-climate-models AGCM3.2S I-climate-models ) O . O This O model O was O demonstrated O to O give O realistic O Asian O extreme B-climate-hazards rainfall I-climate-hazards , O when O compared O with O data O from O the O Tropical B-climate-datasets Rainfall I-climate-datasets Measuring I-climate-datasets Mission I-climate-datasets ( O TRMM B-climate-datasets ) O . O The O same O algorithm O was O applied O for O both O the O present O ( O 1979 O - O 2003 O ) O and O future O ( O 2075 O - O 2099 O ) O climate O simulations O from O the O AGCM O , O so O as O to O infer O the O impacts O of O global O warming O on O the O behavior O of O these O systems O . O This O can O be O attributed O to O more O strong O intensity O rainfall B-climate-nature , O which O increases O as O the O background B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties in O these O regions O warms O , O largely O following O the O Clausius O - O Clapeyron O relation O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O180861be1803604b941429205e6a4ae1 Forecasting O is O based O on O the O data O of O climate O modeling O within O the O project O CMIP3 B-climate-models with O « O A2 B-climate-datasets » O IPCC B-climate-organizations scenario O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O42d281845a31e5edc07e4806a91aa603 Numerous O atmosphere B-climate-nature models O anticipate O an O ideal O storm B-climate-nature in O the O 2020 O season O ( O the O India B-climate-organizations Meteorological I-climate-organizations Department I-climate-organizations has O additionally O since O formally O reported O ) O as O the O El B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature Nino I-climate-nature climate O wonder O , O that O upsets O precipitation B-climate-nature in O India O , O is O n't O apparent O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8f69842d729d71544edf153d45255ecb The O distribution O of O lightning B-climate-hazards around O the O planet O is O directly O linked O to O the O Earth O ’s O climate O , O which O is O driven O by O solar B-climate-properties insolation I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob6ba4d20ca052042b4fb7aecf1d3abac Therefore O , O we O considered O reconstructed O precipitation B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties fields O for O the O period O between O 1500 O and O 2000 O together O with O reconstructed O scPDSI B-climate-properties , O natural O proxy O data O , O and O observed O runoff B-climate-nature over O 14 O ~ O European O catchments B-climate-nature to O calibrate O and O validate O the O semi O - O empirical O hydrological B-climate-nature model O GR1A B-climate-models and O two O data O - O driven O models O ( O Bayesian O recurrent O and O long O short O - O term O memory O neural O network O ) O . O On O the O other O hand O , O the O data O - O driven O models O have O been O proven O to O correct O this O bias O in O many O cases O , O unlike O the O semi O - O empirical O hydrological B-climate-nature model O GR1A. B-climate-models -DOCSTART- -X- O O4240e314e88ce93b118df90a14b736b9 The O research O investigates O geographical O and O temporal O variability O of O hail B-climate-hazards incidence O based O on O conventional O stations O reports O on O hail B-climate-hazards days O from O 1891 O to O 2015 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od5e44901017ee979226a004d5c530359 In O the O current O study O , O FAO B-climate-organizations ’s O crop B-climate-properties water I-climate-properties productivity I-climate-properties model O ( O AquaCrop B-climate-models ) O was O calibrated O and O validated O with O field O data O in O Kabul O River O Basin O ( O KRB O ) O for O wheat B-climate-assets crop B-climate-assets to O simulate O four O different O water B-climate-hazards scarcity I-climate-hazards scenarios O ( O S O - O A O : O -DOCSTART- -X- O O88057bd36befbdf151337b3e02c2ce6b The O Glastir B-climate-organizations Monitoring I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Evaluation I-climate-organizations Programme I-climate-organizations ( O GMEP B-climate-organizations ) O ran O from O 2013 O until O 2016 O , O and O was O probably O the O most O comprehensive O programme O of O ecological O study O ever O undertaken O at O a O national O scale O in O Wales O . O As O such O , O GMEP B-climate-organizations included O a O large O field O survey O component O , O collecting O data O on O a O range O of O elements O including O vegetation B-climate-nature , O land B-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties and O use O , O soils B-climate-nature , O freshwaters B-climate-nature , O birds B-climate-organisms and O insect B-climate-organisms pollinators I-climate-organisms from O up O to O 300 O 1 O km O squares O throughout O Wales O . O The O field O survey O capitalised O upon O the O UKCEH B-climate-observations Countryside I-climate-observations Survey I-climate-observations of O Great O Britain O , O which O has O provided O an O extensive O set O of O repeated O , O standardised O ecological O measurements O since O 1978 O . O The O design O of O both O GMEP B-climate-organizations and O the O UKCEH B-climate-observations Countryside I-climate-observations Survey I-climate-observations involved O stratified O - O random O sampling O of O squares O from O a O 1 O km O grid O , O ensuring O proportional O representation O from O land O classes O with O distinct O climate O , O geology O and O physical O geography O . O One O such O repeat O survey O is O scheduled O for O 2021 O under O the O environment B-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Rural I-climate-organizations Affairs I-climate-organizations Monitoring I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Modelling I-climate-organizations Programme I-climate-organizations ( O ERAMMP B-climate-organizations ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O4619128d132318b2de9f61e95b44e20d We O also O characterized O the O major O vegetation B-climate-nature types O of O the O Peninsula O in O the O functional O space O defined O by O the O NDVI B-climate-observations dynamics O and O analyzed O the O climatic O controls O of O NDVI B-climate-observations dynamics O . O We O selected O as O reference O sites O only O homogeneous O pixels O occupied O by O natural O vegetation B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5a521a11f4d38b142e36df62f3164028 parameters O and O related O impacts O on O different O sectors O in O Mali O until O 2080 O under O different O climate O change O scenarios O ( O called O Representative O Concentration O Pathways O , O RCPs O ) O . O RCP2.6 B-climate-datasets represents O the O low O emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O in O line O with O the O Paris B-climate-mitigations Agreement I-climate-mitigations ; O RCP6.0 B-climate-datasets represents O a O medium O to O high O emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O . O Agro O - O ecological O zones O might O shift O , O affecting O ecosystems O , O biodiversity B-climate-organisms and O crop B-climate-assets production O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O465674ffe754b44ca8a65a699bb4f361 Requirements O for O various O policy O goals O related O to O land B-climate-problem-origins - I-climate-problem-origins use I-climate-problem-origins together O with O alternative B-climate-mitigations cropping I-climate-mitigations systems I-climate-mitigations and O a O demand O for O agricultural B-climate-assets produce I-climate-assets are O used O to O construct O the O linear O programming O model O GOAL B-climate-models ( O General B-climate-models Optimal I-climate-models Allocation I-climate-models of I-climate-models Land I-climate-models - I-climate-models use I-climate-models ) O . O The O scenarios O constructed O with O the O aid O of O the O GOAL B-climate-models model O explore O technical O possibilities O to O attain O a O set O of O well O - O founded O policy O objectives O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O67918e0ce35e1a5b0848853e4ade4764 To O evaluate O its O effectiveness O , O a O case O study O in O the O Upper O Yangtze O River O Basin O ( O UYRB O ) O of O China O was O conducted O . O The O results O suggest O that O the O SWAT B-climate-models - O based O method O is O the O best O approach O to O quantify O the O influences O of O climate O change O and O human O activities O on O streamflow B-climate-properties in O the O UYRB O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O808fe0ca49048b551f82dc37df162019 In O this O presentation O we O describe O a O participatory O approach O – O Tradeoff O Analysis O ( O TOA O ) O – O to O the O assessment O of O climate O change O impacts O and O to O the O design O and O assessment O of O adaptation O strategies O that O incorporates O the O spatial O variability O and O dynamics O of O farming B-climate-assets systems O . O For O the O implementation O of O the O quantitative O analysis O , O the O Tradeoff O Analysis O Software O is O available O which O integrates O spatially O - O referenced O data O with O crop B-climate-assets and O livestock B-climate-assets simulation O models O , O economic O simulation O models O , O and O environmental O impact O assessment O models O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oed9ccff4bb923cdaf91bd4c3bb02c28c This O submitted O work O analyses O the O impact O of O climate O change O on O the O wetland B-climate-nature ecosystems O of O Poiplie O , O which O is O situated O in O the O south O of O Slovakia O in O the O Ipeľ O river O basin O . O The O area O is O an O important O wetland B-climate-nature biotope B-climate-organisms with O rare B-climate-organisms plant I-climate-organisms and I-climate-organisms animal I-climate-organisms species I-climate-organisms , O which O mainly O live O in O open B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature areas I-climate-nature , O marshes B-climate-nature , O wet B-climate-nature meadows I-climate-nature and O alluvial B-climate-nature forests I-climate-nature . O To O evaluate O any O climate O change O , O the O CGCM B-climate-models 3.1 I-climate-models model O , O two O emission B-climate-problem-origins scenarios O , O the O A2 B-climate-datasets emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O ( O pessimistic O ) O and O the O B1 B-climate-datasets emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O ( O optimistic O ) O , O were O used O within O the O regionalization O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O568b06be70c55b521a42d699d615341a In O this O paper O , O we O present O results O of O the O 2 O reprocessing O of O all O data O from O 1996 O to O 2014 O from O all O stations O in O the O European B-climate-observations GNSS I-climate-observations permanent I-climate-observations network I-climate-observations as O performed O at O the O Geodetic B-climate-organizations Observatory I-climate-organizations Pecný I-climate-organizations ( O GOP B-climate-organizations ) O . O We O then O assessed O all O solutions O in O terms O of O the O repeatability O of O coordinates O as O an O internal O evaluation O of O applied O models O and O strategies O , O and O in O terms O of O zenith B-climate-properties tropospheric I-climate-properties delays I-climate-properties ( O ZTD B-climate-properties ) O and O horizontal O gradients O with O those O of O ERA B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Interim I-climate-datasets numerical O weather O model O ( O NWM O ) O reanalysis O . O When O compared O to O the O GOP B-climate-models Repro1 I-climate-models solution O , O the O results O of O the O GOP B-climate-models Repro2 I-climate-models yielded O improvements O of O approximately O 50 O % O and O 25 O % O in O the O repeatability O of O the O horizontal O and O vertical O components O , O respectively O , O and O of O approximately O 9 O % O in O tropospheric B-climate-nature parameters O . O Vertical O repeatability O was O reduced O from O 4.14 O mm O to O 3.73 O mm O when O using O the O VMF1 B-climate-models mapping I-climate-models function I-climate-models , O a O priori O ZHD B-climate-properties , O and O non O - O tidal O atmospheric B-climate-nature loading O corrections O from O actual O weather O data O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe5e9081bae4dcd9b1282942fed124161 A O new O global O model O using O the O GFDL B-climate-organizations ( O Geophysical B-climate-organizations Fluid I-climate-organizations Dynamics I-climate-organizations Laboratory I-climate-organizations ) O nonhydrostatic O Finite B-climate-models - I-climate-models Volume I-climate-models Cubed I-climate-models - I-climate-models Sphere I-climate-models dynamical I-climate-models core I-climate-models ( O FV3 B-climate-models ) O coupled O to O physical O parameterizations O from O the O National B-climate-organizations Center I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Environmental I-climate-organizations Prediction I-climate-organizations 's O Global B-climate-models Forecast I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O NCEP B-climate-organizations / O GFS B-climate-models ) O was O built O at O GFDL B-climate-organizations , O named O fvGFS B-climate-models . O This O modern O dynamical O core O has O been O selected O for O National B-climate-organizations Oceanic I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Atmospheric I-climate-organizations Administration I-climate-organizations ’s O Next B-climate-models Generation I-climate-models Global I-climate-models Prediction I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O NGGPS B-climate-models ) O due O to O its O accuracy O , O adaptability O , O and O computational O efficiency O , O which O brings O a O great O opportunity O for O the O unification O of O weather O and O climate O prediction O systems O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9f13cf3962ac35ea4f6a96345e042bb3 change O is O expected O to O cause O vegetation B-climate-nature change O in O Africa O , O with O profound O impacts O on O ecosystems O and O biodiversity B-climate-organisms . O We O use O the O adaptive B-climate-models Dynamic I-climate-models Global I-climate-models Vegetation I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O aDGVM B-climate-models ) O to O quantify O uncertainties O in O projected O African O vegetation B-climate-nature until O 2099 O . O High O - O resolution O climate O forcing O for O the O aDGVM B-climate-models , O was O generated O by O regional O climate O modelling O . O Projections O under O medium O - O impact O scenarios O ( O RCP B-climate-datasets 4.5 I-climate-datasets ) O still O predict O biome B-climate-organisms changes O for O around O a O quarter O of O Africa O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O920730102818251e9932ef6cc4dda3c0 The O evapotranspiration B-climate-nature is O the O transfer O of O energy O between O the O Earth B-climate-nature 's I-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature and O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature and O it O is O the O most O productive O mechanism O of O communication O between O the O hydrosphere B-climate-nature , O lithosphere B-climate-nature and O biosphere B-climate-organisms . O This O study O focuses O on O predicting O potential B-climate-properties evapotranspiration I-climate-properties in O Golpayegan O basin O as O a O response O to O climate O change O . O For O this O purpose O , O six O algorithms O including O Hargreaves B-climate-models - I-climate-models Samani I-climate-models , O Thornthwaite B-climate-models , O Romanenko B-climate-models , O Oudin B-climate-models , O Kharrufa B-climate-models and O Blaney B-climate-models - I-climate-models Criddle I-climate-models and O also O , O Penman- B-climate-models Monteith- I-climate-models FAO I-climate-models as O a O standard O algorithm O , O were O used O for O estimating O the O potential B-climate-properties evapotranspiration I-climate-properties . O The O results O showed O that O the O Hargreaves B-climate-models - I-climate-models Samani I-climate-models algorithm O performed O closer O to O the O Penman B-climate-models - I-climate-models Monteith I-climate-models - I-climate-models FAO I-climate-models standard O algorithm O compared O to O other O algorithms O . O After O that O , O the O amount O of O potential B-climate-properties evapotranspiration I-climate-properties using O general O circulation O models O ( O GCM O ) O was O estimated O under O RCP B-climate-datasets scenarios I-climate-datasets 2.6,4.5,8.5 I-climate-datasets for O near O , O middle O and O far O periods O of O 2021 O - O 2040 O , O 2041 O - O 2060 O and O 2061 O - O 2080 O by O the O LARS B-climate-models - I-climate-models WG6 I-climate-models model O using O the O HadGEM2 B-climate-models - I-climate-models ES I-climate-models climatic O model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oce8a7a8518f499344f496163d422fcd3 FORMIT B-climate-models - I-climate-models M I-climate-models is O a O widely O applicable O , O open O - O access O , O simple O and O flexible O , O climate O - O sensitive O forest B-climate-assets management I-climate-assets simulator O requiring O only O standard O forest B-climate-nature inventory O data O as O input O . O The O model O has O been O linked O to O the O global O forest B-climate-assets sector I-climate-assets model O EFI B-climate-models - I-climate-models GTM I-climate-models to O secure O consistency O between O timber B-climate-assets cutting O and O demand O , O although O prescribed O harvest B-climate-assets scenarios O can O also O be O used O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8ac63edf94f299301894ef930cde4abd Conceptual O rainfall O - O runoff O models O are O commonly O used O to O estimate O potential O changes O in O runoff B-climate-nature due O to O climate O change O . O The O development O of O these O models O has O generally O focused O on O reproducing O runoff B-climate-nature characteristics O , O with O less O scrutiny O on O other O important O processes O such O as O the O conversion O from O potential B-climate-properties evapotranspiration I-climate-properties ( O PET B-climate-properties ) O to O actual B-climate-properties evapotranspiration I-climate-properties ( O AET B-climate-properties ) O . O This O study O uses O three O conceptual O rainfall O - O runoff O models O ( O GR4J B-climate-models , O AWBM B-climate-models , O and O IHACRES_CMD B-climate-models ) O and O five O catchments B-climate-nature in O climatologically O different O regions O of O Australia O to O explore O the O role O of O ET O process O representation O on O the O sensitivity O of O runoff B-climate-nature to O plausible O future O changes O in O PET B-climate-properties . O The O changes O in O PET B-climate-properties were O simulated O using O the O Penman B-climate-models - I-climate-models Monteith I-climate-models model I-climate-models and O by O perturbing O each O of O the O driving O variables O ( O temperature B-climate-properties , O solar O radiation O , O humidity B-climate-properties , O and O wind B-climate-nature ) O separately O . O By O comparing O the O temporal O patterns O in O simulated O AET B-climate-properties with O eddy B-climate-nature - O covariance O - O based O observations O at O two O of O the O study O locations O , O we O highlighted O some O unrealistic O behavior O in O the O simulated O AET B-climate-properties from O AWBM B-climate-models . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O19e0fbf2a1adb561c69306f99cc3cca9 The O Community B-climate-models Atmosphere I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O CAM B-climate-models ) O is O the O atmospheric O component O of O the O Community B-climate-models Climate I-climate-models System I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O CCSM B-climate-models ) O and O is O the O primary O consumer O of O computer O resources O in O typical O CCSM B-climate-models simulations O . O Performance O engineering O has O been O an O important O aspect O of O CAM B-climate-models development O throughout O its O existence O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O50a58565a7d03a8a759de2277af46a81 Here O , O we O present O two O high O - O resolution O ( O 2 O km O ) O climate O simulations O of O precipitation B-climate-nature in O the O Alpine O region O , O evaluate O their O performance O over O Switzerland O and O develop O a O new O biascorrection O technique O for O precipitation B-climate-nature suitable O for O complex O topography B-climate-nature . O The O daily O evolution O and O the O annual O cycleof O precipitation B-climate-nature in O WRFERA B-climate-models closely O reproduces O the O observations O . O Conversely O , O WRFCESM B-climate-models shows O a O different O seasonality O with O peak O precipitation B-climate-nature in O winter O and O not O in O summer O as O in O the O observations O or O in O WRF B-climate-models - I-climate-models ERA I-climate-models . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O186a36dc5c5e7ce30bb8ae0865f15fcb Over O recent O decades O it O has O become O clear O that O the O middle B-climate-nature atmosphere I-climate-nature has O a O significant O impact O on O surface B-climate-nature and O tropospheric B-climate-nature climate O . O A O better O understanding O of O the O middle B-climate-nature atmosphere I-climate-nature and O how O it O reacts O to O the O current O increase O in O the O concentration B-climate-properties of O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O is O therefore O necessary O . O In O this O study O , O we O investigate O the O response O of O the O middle B-climate-nature atmosphere I-climate-nature to O a O doubling O of O the O CO2 B-climate-properties concentration I-climate-properties , O and O the O associated O changes O in O sea B-climate-properties surface I-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties ( O SSTs B-climate-properties ) O , O using O the O Whole B-climate-models Atmosphere I-climate-models Community I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O WACCM B-climate-models ) O . O We O use O the O climate B-climate-models feedback I-climate-models response I-climate-models analysis I-climate-models method I-climate-models ( O CFRAM B-climate-models ) O to O calculate O the O partial O temperature B-climate-properties changes I-climate-properties due O to O an O external O forcing O and O climate O feedbacks O in O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature . O In O this O study O , O we O discuss O the O direct O forcing O of O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases and O the O effects O of O the O ozone B-climate-nature , O water B-climate-nature vapour I-climate-nature , O cloud B-climate-nature , O albedo B-climate-properties and O dynamical O feedbacks O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5b9be7b42fa1ab22ec47916417434e0a The O transformation O of O water B-climate-nature masses I-climate-nature induced O by O air B-climate-nature – I-climate-nature sea I-climate-nature fluxes I-climate-nature in O the O South O Atlantic O Ocean O is O calculated O with O a O global O ocean O model O , O Ocean B-climate-models Circulation I-climate-models and I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Advanced I-climate-models Modeling I-climate-models ( O OCCAM B-climate-models ) O , O and O has O been O compared O with O several O observational O datasets O . O Air B-climate-nature – I-climate-nature sea I-climate-nature interaction O supplies O buoyancy B-climate-properties to O the O ocean B-climate-nature at O almost O all O density O levels O . O Further O analysis O of O the O buoyancy B-climate-properties budget O of O the O mixed B-climate-nature layer I-climate-nature in O the O OCCAM B-climate-models model O shows O that O diffusion O extracts O buoyancy B-climate-properties from O the O water O column O at O all O densities O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O6a134e00c03745a9240d5cb3646fdae2 Urban B-climate-mitigations water I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations has O become O more O challenging O and O expensive O in O the O global O change O context O . O The O main O goals O of O this O research O are O to O ( O 1 O ) O analyse O climate O change O impact O on O extreme B-climate-hazards precipitation I-climate-hazards patterns O , O and O ( O 2 O ) O conduct O iterative O stormwater B-climate-hazards simulation O for O alternative O on O - O site O stormwater B-climate-mitigations capture I-climate-mitigations measures O for O climate O change O adaptation O and O sustainable B-climate-mitigations urban I-climate-mitigations development I-climate-mitigations . O Impacts O of O climate O change O were O investigated O by O considering O precipitation B-climate-nature projections O of O multiple O GCMs O ( O Global O Climate O Models O ) O over O Yato O Watershed O , O Tokyo O . O Precipitation B-climate-properties IDF I-climate-properties curves I-climate-properties of O 2 O , O 5 O , O 10 O , O 25 O , O 50 O and O 100 O - O year O return O periods O for O present O and O future O climates O revealed O that O , O for O all O return O periods O and O durations O , O the O precipitation B-climate-nature intensities O are O significantly O greater O for O the O future O climate O than O the O present O climate O . O The O HEC B-climate-models - I-climate-models HMS I-climate-models tool O enabled O simulation O of O flood B-climate-hazards hydrographs O for O current O and O future O climate O conditions O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob8c7f8ba5b1d7e7f3a49375f64dc1ee1 The O costs O of O coastal B-climate-nature sector O impacts O from O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards ( O SLR B-climate-hazards ) O are O an O important O component O of O the O total O projected O economic O damages B-climate-impacts of O climate O change O , O a O major O input O to O decision O - O making O and O design O of O climate B-climate-mitigations policy I-climate-mitigations . O The O Coastal B-climate-models Impact I-climate-models and I-climate-models Adaptation I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O CIAM B-climate-models ) O determines O the O optimal O strategy B-climate-mitigations for I-climate-mitigations adaptation I-climate-mitigations at O the O local O level O , O evaluating O over O 12,000 O coastal B-climate-nature segments O , O as O described O in O the O DIVA B-climate-models database O ( O Vafeidis O et O al O , O 2006 O ) O , O based O on O their O socioeconomic O characteristics O and O the O potential O impacts O of O relative O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards and O uncertain O storm B-climate-hazards surge I-climate-hazards . O An O application O of O CIAM B-climate-models is O then O presented O to O demonstrate O the O model O 's O ability O to O assess O local O impacts O and O direct O costs O , O choose O the O least O - O cost O adaptation O , O and O estimate O global O net O damages B-climate-impacts for O several O probabilistic O SLR B-climate-properties scenarios O ( O Kopp O et O al O , O 2014 O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8df3cd38c79ca46fde27c346ad00d891 In O the O present O study O , O climate O change O effects O on O surface B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature availability O and O crop B-climate-assets water B-climate-properties demand I-climate-properties ( O CWD O ) O were O evaluated O in O the O Birr O watershed O ( O a O sub O - O watershed B-climate-nature of O Abbay O Basin O ) O , O Ethiopia O . O The O seasonal O and O annual O streamflow B-climate-properties trends O in O the O watershed B-climate-nature were O assessed O using O the O Mann O – O Kendall O ( O MK O ) O test O and O Sen O ’s O slope O at O 5 O % O significance O level O . O The O surface B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature availability O was O assessed O using O the O Hydrologiska B-climate-models Byråns I-climate-models Vattenbalansavdelning I-climate-models ( O HBV B-climate-models ) O model O . O The O HBV B-climate-models model O showed O a O satisfactory O performance O during O calibration O ( O R2 O = O 0.89 O ) O and O validation O ( O R2 O = O 0.85 O ) O . O The O future O projected O streamflow B-climate-properties indicates O that O minimum O flow O may O decrease O under O RCP4.5 B-climate-datasets and O RCP8.5 B-climate-datasets scenarios O , O revealing O significant O downward O shifts O in O the O years O 2035 O and O 2055 O , O respectively O . O Current O and O future O water B-climate-properties demand I-climate-properties for O the O maize B-climate-assets crop B-climate-assets was O estimated O using O the O CROPWAT B-climate-models . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7cc41789527d4fc00487c54ee2d2d620 Flood B-climate-hazards management O has O taken O a O new O look O , O whereby O flood B-climate-hazards risk O in O rivers B-climate-nature is O now O viewed O as O driven O by O not O just O climate O change O but O also O by O river B-climate-nature channel B-climate-mitigations morphological I-climate-mitigations adjustment I-climate-mitigations which O have O been O overlooked O in O the O past O . O This O study O aimed O at O evaluating O the O contributions O of O channel B-climate-mitigations morphological I-climate-mitigations adjustment I-climate-mitigations to O flood B-climate-hazards risk O in O rivers B-climate-nature using O river O Elbe O in O Germany O as O a O case O study O . O To O achieve O this O , O an O inundation B-climate-hazards model O for O the O June O 2013 O flood B-climate-hazards event O was O developed O using O the O LISFLOOD B-climate-models - I-climate-models FP I-climate-models model O . O It O was O concluded O that O any O discharge B-climate-properties rate I-climate-properties having O a O return O period O of O 5 O years O ( O 2544 O m3 O / O s O ) O and O more O would O likely O exceed O the O water B-climate-properties carrying I-climate-properties capacity I-climate-properties of O the O Elbe O river O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O0496fb574cc5d9dd70a923ba757a9360 Abstract O On O the O basis O of O the O output O of O 3 O General O Circulation O Models O ( O GISS B-climate-models , O GFDL B-climate-models , O and O UKMO B-climate-models GCMs I-climate-models ) O , O combined O with O the O local O current O daily O weather O data O from O 1961 O to O 2000 O ( O Baseline O ) O at O 19 O sites O and O the O 3 O hypotheses O about O increase O in O climatic O variability O ( O CV O ) O in O the O future O , O 9 O scenarios O of O ( O CC+ΔCV O ) O involving O both O climate O change O ( O CC O ) O and O its O variability O ( O ΔCV O ) O were O generated O at O the O 19 O sites O in O 3 O agro O - O ecological O zones O in O Northeast O China O using O the O Weather O Generator O WGEN B-climate-models as O a O tool O . O Four O crop B-climate-assets models O , O SOYGRO B-climate-models , O CERES B-climate-models - I-climate-models Maize I-climate-models , O CERES B-climate-models - I-climate-models Wheat I-climate-models , O and O CERES B-climate-models - I-climate-models Rice I-climate-models in O DSSAT B-climate-models , O were O used O as O effect O models O and O their O parameter O modification O , O validation O , O and O sensitivity O analyses O were O carried O out O using O the O baseline O weather O , O statistical O yield B-climate-assets data O of O the O 4 O crops B-climate-assets , O and O the O local O typical O soil B-climate-nature data O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8a4a400339559292a4cea2ded7aefd5b Summary O : O This O dataset O contains O projections O of O coastal B-climate-nature cliff B-climate-hazards - I-climate-hazards retreat I-climate-hazards rates O and O positions O for O future O scenarios O of O sea B-climate-hazards - I-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards ( O SLR B-climate-hazards ) O . O Projections O were O made O at O CoSMoS B-climate-models cross O - O shore B-climate-nature transects(CST O ) O spaced O 100 O m O alongshore O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O1164d11e04d3d1b809a75538fd169b25 To O better O understand O the O nature O of O forcing O from O below O on O the O coupled O thermosphere B-climate-nature / O ionosphere B-climate-nature system O , O this O study O uses O the O Specified B-climate-models Dynamics I-climate-models Whole I-climate-models Atmosphere I-climate-models Community I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Model I-climate-models eXtended I-climate-models ( O SD B-climate-models - I-climate-models WACCM I-climate-models - I-climate-models X I-climate-models ) O to O quantify O how O the O meteorology O of O the O underlying O atmosphere B-climate-nature impacts O the O thermosphere B-climate-nature . O For O this O study O , O global O meteorological O specifications O are O produced O by O a O high O - O altitude O version O of O the O Navy B-climate-models Global I-climate-models Environmental I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O NAVGEM B-climate-models - I-climate-models HA I-climate-models ) O , O which O assimilates O standard O meteorological O observations O from O the O surface O through O the O lower B-climate-nature atmosphere I-climate-nature , O and O satellite O - O based O observations O of O temperature B-climate-properties and O constituents O in O middle B-climate-nature atmosphere I-climate-nature ( O MA B-climate-nature ) O region O 10–90 O km O altitude B-climate-properties . O Two O SD B-climate-models - I-climate-models WACCM I-climate-models - I-climate-models X I-climate-models simulations O for O the O January O – O February O 2013 O period O are O performed O using O NAVGEM B-climate-models - I-climate-models HA I-climate-models specifications O produced O with O and O without O assimilation O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O931e251cfdc1e714ce8a85531e79e60a The O effect O of O fertigation B-climate-assets regimes O on O wheat B-climate-assets grown O in O sandy B-climate-nature soil I-climate-nature was O tested O in O two O field O experiments O in O Egypt O . O The O aim O of O the O study O was O to O determine O the O vulnerability O of O wheat B-climate-assets to O extreme B-climate-hazards weather I-climate-hazards event O under O climate O change O scenarios O . O Two O climate O change O sce- O narios O obtained O from O Hadley B-climate-models climate I-climate-models change I-climate-models model I-climate-models were O incorporated O in O CropSyst B-climate-models model O to O assess O wheat B-climate-assets yield O responses O to O fertigation O regimes O under O these O scenarios O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O556c79532c08a40c6227017a70e06281 Long O - O term O losses O of O soil B-climate-nature organic I-climate-nature carbon I-climate-nature ( O SOC B-climate-nature ) O have O been O observed O in O many O agriculture B-climate-assets lands O in O Northwest O China O , O one O of O the O regions O with O the O longest O cultivation O history O in O the O world O . O A O process O - O based O model O , O Denitrification B-climate-models - I-climate-models Decomposition I-climate-models or O DNDC B-climate-models , O was O adopted O in O the O study O to O quantify O impacts O of O farming B-climate-assets management O practices O on O SOC B-climate-nature dynamics O for O a O selected O region O , O Shaanxi O Province O . O The O selected O domain O , O with O 3 O million O hectares O of O cropland B-climate-assets across O different O climatic O and O farming B-climate-assets management O regimes O , O is O representative O for O the O major O agricultural O areas O in O Northwest O China O . O The O DNDC B-climate-models model O was O tested O against O long O - O term O SOC B-climate-nature dynamics O observed O at O five O agricultural B-climate-assets sites O in O China O . O The O agreement O between O the O observed O and O modeled O results O indicate O that O DNDC B-climate-models was O capable O of O capturing O patterns O and O magnitudes O of O SOC B-climate-nature changes O across O the O climate O zones O , O soil B-climate-nature types O , O and O management O regimes O in O China O . O The O Most O Sensitive O Factor O ( O MSF O ) O method O was O employed O in O the O study O to O quantify O the O uncertainties O produced O from O the O upscaling O process O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O1f01c1ca6b39222d75e742092d7d1f29 A O coupled O general O circulation O model O , O MIROC3.2 B-climate-models , O is O used O to O investigate O the O impacts O of O global O warming O on O the O El B-climate-nature Nio I-climate-nature - I-climate-nature Southern I-climate-nature Oscillation I-climate-nature ( O ENSO B-climate-nature ) O variability O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9e414b2440353255c755303925538e83 We O investigate O the O value O of O less O traditional O methods O such O as O Generalised O Additive O Models O for O Location O , O Scale O and O Shape O ( O GAMLSS O ) O adapted O for O time O series O data O to O accommodate O possible O non O - O linearities O between O herbarium O records O and O year O and/or O climate O ; O and O suggest O a O model O - O free O method O of O change O - O point O detection O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od68f2fee190e6428052d679cf436b578 [ O 1 O ] O Alongside O climate O change O , O anthropogenic O emissions O of O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases will O cause O ocean B-climate-hazards acidification I-climate-hazards ( O OA B-climate-hazards ) O , O which O will O impact O upon O key O biogeochemical B-climate-nature processes O in O the O ocean B-climate-nature such O as O net B-climate-properties primary I-climate-properties production I-climate-properties ( O NPP B-climate-properties ) O , O carbon B-climate-properties export I-climate-properties ( O CEX B-climate-properties ) O , O N2 B-climate-properties fixation I-climate-properties ( O NFIX B-climate-properties ) O , O denitrification B-climate-properties ( O DENIT B-climate-properties ) O , O and O ocean B-climate-nature suboxia I-climate-nature ( O SOX B-climate-nature ) O . O However O , O appraising O the O impact O of O OA O on O marine B-climate-nature biogeochemical B-climate-nature cycles I-climate-nature requires O ocean O general O circulation O and O biogeochemistry O models O ( O OGCBMs O ) O that O necessitate O a O number O of O assumptions O regarding O the O response O of O phytoplankton B-climate-organisms physiological O processes O to O OA O . O Of O particular O importance O are O changes O in O C B-climate-nature : I-climate-nature N I-climate-nature :P I-climate-nature stoichiometry I-climate-nature , O which O can O not O be O accounted O for O in O current O generation O OGCBMs O that O rely O on O fixed O Redfield O C B-climate-nature : I-climate-nature N I-climate-nature :P I-climate-nature ratios I-climate-nature . O We O developed O a O new O version O of O the O PISCES B-climate-models OGCBM O that O resolves O the O cycles O of O C O , O N O , O and O P O independently O to O investigate O the O impact O of O assumptions O that O OA O ( O 1 O ) O enhances O NPP B-climate-properties , O ( O 2 O ) O enhances O losses O of O fixed O carbon O in O dissolved O organic O forms O , O and O ( O 3 O ) O modifies O the O uptake O of O nutrients O by O phytoplankton B-climate-organisms . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O51e16eea9a0ffa24d564deef1294e315 We O applied O a O numerical O hydrodynamic B-climate-nature model O ( O DYRESM B-climate-models ) O to O two O large O , O deep O New O Zealand O lakes B-climate-nature that O are O characterised O by O deep O thermoclines B-climate-nature and O high O wind B-climate-nature forcing O , O to O assess O their O sensitivity O to O changes O in O climate O . O Predictions O from O downscaled O global O circulation O models O suggest O an O increase O in O mean B-climate-properties air I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties , O rainfall B-climate-nature , O and O wind B-climate-nature speeds I-climate-nature . O Compared O to O large O , O deep O lakes B-climate-nature in O the O Northern O Hemisphere O , O the O predicted O warming O rates O in O Lakes O Wanaka O and O Wakatipu O are O slower O , O due O partly O to O a O lower O predicted O rate O of O atmospheric B-climate-nature warming O and O the O absence O of O winter O ice B-climate-nature cover I-climate-nature in O these O lakes B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od9ffd2dae96f109cd4b978d80fd873da Abstract O Aerosol B-climate-nature feedbacks O are O becoming O more O accepted O as O physical O mechanisms O that O should O be O included O in O numerical O weather O prediction O models O in O order O to O improve O the O accuracy O of O the O weather O forecasts O . O The O default O set O - O up O in O the O Aire B-climate-organizations Limitee I-climate-organizations Adaptation I-climate-organizations dynamique I-climate-organizations Developpement I-climate-organizations INternational I-climate-organizations ( O ALADIN B-climate-organizations ) O — O High B-climate-models Resolution I-climate-models Limited I-climate-models Area I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O HIRLAM B-climate-models ) O numerical O weather O prediction O system O includes O monthly O aerosol B-climate-nature climatologies O to O account O for O the O average O direct O radiative O effect O of O aerosols B-climate-nature . O This O effect O was O studied O using O the O default O aerosol B-climate-nature climatology O in O the O system O and O compared O to O experiments O run O using O the O more O up O - O to O - O date O Max B-climate-models - I-climate-models Planck I-climate-models - I-climate-models Institute I-climate-models Aerosol I-climate-models Climatology I-climate-models version I-climate-models 1 I-climate-models ( O MACv1 B-climate-models ) O , O and O time O - O varying O aerosol B-climate-nature data O from O the O Monitoring B-climate-datasets Atmospheric I-climate-datasets Composition I-climate-datasets and I-climate-datasets Climate I-climate-datasets ( O MACC B-climate-datasets ) O reanalysis O aerosol B-climate-nature dataset O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O023992945f87716748eeea27a0120189 Ocean B-climate-nature biogeochemistry B-climate-nature , O land B-climate-nature vegetation I-climate-nature and O ice B-climate-nature sheets I-climate-nature are O included O as O components O of O the O ESM O . O The O Greenland O Ice O Sheet O ( O GrIS O ) O decays O in O all O simulations O , O while O the O Antarctic O ice O sheet O contributes O negatively O to O sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards , O due O to O enhanced O storage O of O water O caused O by O larger O snowfall B-climate-nature rates O . O Freshwater B-climate-nature flux I-climate-nature increases O from O Greenland O are O one O order O of O magnitude O smaller O than O total O freshwater B-climate-nature flux I-climate-nature increases O into O the O North O Atlantic O basin O ( O the O sum O of O the O contribution O from O changes O in O precipitation B-climate-nature , O evaporation B-climate-nature , O run B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature off I-climate-nature and O Greenland O meltwater B-climate-nature ) O and O do O not O play O an O important O role O in O changes O in O the O strength O of O the O North B-climate-nature Atlantic I-climate-nature Meridional I-climate-nature Overturning I-climate-nature Circulation I-climate-nature ( O NAMOC B-climate-nature ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O498d7b377fc563bdcb4f9343ba303be4 Three O major O soil B-climate-hazards erosion I-climate-hazards models O , O including O Environmental B-climate-models Policy I-climate-models Integrated I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models ( O EPIC B-climate-models ) O ( O formerly O the O Erosion B-climate-models - I-climate-models Productivity I-climate-models Impact I-climate-models Calculator I-climate-models ) O ; O Water B-climate-models Erosion I-climate-models Prediction I-climate-models Project I-climate-models ( O WEPP B-climate-models ) O ; O and O Wind B-climate-models Erosion I-climate-models Prediction I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O WEPS B-climate-models ) O , O are O reviewed O and O briefly O described O here O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O4d6cd8fb54ec3ff49dd4aab6403d3478 A O hydrologic B-climate-nature - O based O forage B-climate-assets production I-climate-assets simulation O model O ( O PHYGROW B-climate-models ) O and O a O population B-climate-models mixture I-climate-models simulation I-climate-models model I-climate-models ( O POPMIX B-climate-models ) O were O used O respectively O to O simulate O forage B-climate-assets production I-climate-assets and O carrying B-climate-properties capacity I-climate-properties of O a O subtropical B-climate-nature shrubland B-climate-nature complex O of O over O 34 O habitat B-climate-organisms grazed O by O various O ratios O of O cattle B-climate-assets and O goats B-climate-assets with O a O population O of O indigenous B-climate-organisms animals I-climate-organisms ( O white B-climate-organisms - I-climate-organisms tailed I-climate-organisms deer I-climate-organisms ) O over O a O 20 O year O simulated O weather O profile O . O The B-climate-models Farm I-climate-models Level I-climate-models Income I-climate-models and I-climate-models Policy I-climate-models Simulation I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O FLIPSIM B-climate-models ) O were O used O to O evaluate O and O quantify O the O impacts O of O alternative B-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations strategies I-climate-mitigations and O climate O change O on O grazingland B-climate-assets ecosystems O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O bpf Now looked for datasets (but more terms where something else) -DOCSTART- -X- O O8e2c5ff2616e5b0d941d2cafbc6ed561 Rare B-climate-organisms plant I-climate-organisms habitat B-climate-organisms are O the O most O vulnerable O components O of O vegetation B-climate-nature cover O under O climate O change O . O Climate O variables O from O CHELSA B-climate-datasets BIOCLIM I-climate-datasets and O topographic B-climate-nature variables O of O the O digital O elevation O model O were O used O as O predictors O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O177fb96a74adc70ab4926d35ed94d4f0 In O this O study O , O we O propose O a O statistical O methodological O framework O to O assess O the O quality O of O the O EURO O - O CORDEX O RCMs O concerning O their O ability O to O simulate O historic O observed O climate O ( O temperature B-climate-properties and O precipitation B-climate-nature ) O . O In O particular O , O the O proposed O methodology O is O applied O to O the O Sicily O and O Calabria O regions O ( O Southern O Italy O ) O , O where O long O historical O precipitation B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties series O were O recorded O by O the O ground O - O based O monitoring O networks O operated O by O the O former O Regional B-climate-organizations Hydrographic I-climate-organizations Offices I-climate-organizations . O The O density O of O the O measurements O is O considerably O greater O than O observational O gridded O datasets O available O at O the O European O level O , O such O as O E B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets OBS I-climate-datasets or O CRU B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets TS I-climate-datasets . O Results O show O that O among O the O models O based O on O the O combination O of O the O HadGEM2 B-climate-models global O circulation O model O ( O GCM O ) O with O the O CLM B-climate-organizations - I-climate-organizations Community I-climate-organizations RCMs O are O the O most O skillful O in O reproducing O precipitation B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties variability O as O well O as O drought B-climate-hazards characteristics O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5594fa465bee5d1f8b6f55aad2508a0d In O total O , O 8 O RCM O simulations O were O assessed O against O the O CRU B-climate-datasets observational O database O over O different O domains O , O among O them O two O from O the O Coordinated O Regional O Climate O Downscaling O Experiment O ( O CORDEX O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O73c8ca14812ca4dad153cd24878367d4 In O this O study O , O based O on O the O yearly O surface B-climate-properties air I-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties from O the O gridded O CRU B-climate-datasets TS I-climate-datasets 3.22 I-climate-datasets dataset O and O the O ensemble O empirical O mode O decomposition O method O ( O EEMD O ) O , O we O investigated O the O multiscale O evolution O of O temperature B-climate-properties variability O in O the O arid B-climate-nature region I-climate-nature of O Northwest O China O ( O ARNC O ) O from O 1901 O to O 2013 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O95d4b5e3040ae190df42a9230e58e364 The O INDECIS B-climate-organizations project I-climate-organizations ( O Integrated O approach O for O the O development O across O Europe O of O user O oriented O climate O indicators O for O GFCS B-climate-organizations high O - O priority O sectors O : O agriculture B-climate-assets , O disaster B-climate-mitigations risk I-climate-mitigations reduction I-climate-mitigations , O energy B-climate-assets , O health B-climate-assets , O water B-climate-assets and O tourism B-climate-assets ) O needs O to O address O the O homogenization O and O quality O control O of O daily O series O of O the O essential O climatic O variables O stored O in O ECAD B-climate-datasets . O The O series O of O two O different O regions O ( O southern O Sweden O and O Slovenia O ) O are O analyzed O to O evaluate O the O type O , O magnitude O and O frequency O of O the O inhomogeneities O to O be O introduced O in O homogeneous O test O series O generated O from O the O Regional O Climate O Model O RACMOv2 B-climate-models . O After O applying O the O available O homogenization O methods O , O their O results O will O be O compared O by O means O of O goodness O of O fit O metrics O and O the O best O methodologies O will O be O selected O to O debug O the O series O stored O in O ECAD B-climate-datasets , O in O order O to O calculate O relevant O climatic O indices O with O which O to O evaluate O the O impact O of O climate O change O in O priority O economic O sectors O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob7bb92b65e421d9bca7d118017fcaba3 Abstract O In O this O work O we O perform O a O statistical O downscaling O by O applying O a O CDF O transformation O function O to O local O - O level O daily O precipitation B-climate-nature extremes O ( O from O NCDC B-climate-organizations station O data O ) O and O corresponding O NARCCAP B-climate-organizations regional O climate O model O ( O RCM O ) O output O to O derive O local O - O scale O projections O . O The O downscaling O method O is O performed O on O 58 O locations O throughout O New O England O , O and O from O the O projected O distribution O of O extreme B-climate-hazards precipitation I-climate-hazards local O - O level O 25 O - O year O return O levels O are O calculated O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O39334ea10df6ab137dbcedad0e996f85 Differences O between O products O are O also O identified O , O with O ERA5 B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Land I-climate-datasets , O HadGEM3 B-climate-models , O and O BAM-1.2 B-climate-models showing O opposite O interactions O to O satellites O over O parts O of O the O Amazon O and O the O Cerrado O and O stronger O land B-climate-nature – O atmosphere B-climate-nature coupling O along O the O North O Atlantic O coast O . O Finally O , O HadGEM3 B-climate-models and O BAM-1.2 B-climate-models are O consistent O with O the O median O response O of O an O ensemble O of O nine O CMIP6 B-climate-models models O , O showing O they O are O broadly O representative O of O the O latest O generation O of O climate O models O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O89e169411896b909fdd642cc501e64e4 Temporal O stability O is O essential O but O can O be O altered O by O the O combination O of O multiple O satellite O sensors O and O their O degradation O , O or O by O the O assimilation O of O new O observations O at O a O certain O period O in O the O case O of O reanalysis O . O By O contrast O , O ERA5 B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Land I-climate-datasets is O more O stable O due O to O the O lack O of O data O assimilation O , O but O at O expense O of O worsening O its O accuracy O despite O having O a O finer O spatial O resolution O . O The O magnitude O of O most O of O these O artificial O trends O / O discontinuities O is O larger O than O actual O snow B-climate-nature cover I-climate-nature trends O and O Global B-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Observing I-climate-organizations System I-climate-organizations ( O GCOS B-climate-organizations ) O stability O requirements O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O97e56b32c71e1ce2cce7da30f448107c We O assessed O the O performance O of O the O resulting O seasonal O forecasts O of O discharge B-climate-properties and O water B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties by O comparing O them O with O hydrologic B-climate-nature and O lake B-climate-nature ( O pseudo)observations O ( O reanalysis O ) O . O We O used O the O current O seasonal B-climate-models climate I-climate-models forecast I-climate-models system I-climate-models ( O SEAS5 B-climate-models ) O and O reanalysis O ( O ERA5 B-climate-datasets ) O of O the O European B-climate-organizations Centre I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Medium I-climate-organizations Range I-climate-organizations Weather I-climate-organizations Forecasts I-climate-organizations ( O ECMWF B-climate-organizations ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O1e56cc93e8e6dff9dbf152e673162e02 In O this O study O , O spatial O scope O was O Korea O for O 10 O years O from O 1981 O to O 1990 O . O As O a O research O method O , O current O climate O was O estimated O on O the O basis O of O the O data O obtained O from O observation O at O the O GHCN B-climate-datasets . O Future O climate O was O forecast O using O 4 O GCMs O furnished O by O the O IPCC B-climate-organizations among O SRES B-climate-datasets A2 I-climate-datasets Scenario I-climate-datasets as O well O as O the O RCM O received O from O the O NIES B-climate-organizations of O Japan O . O Pearson O correlation O analysis O was O conducted O for O the O purpose O of O comparing O data O obtained O from O observation O with O GCM O and O RCM O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe946c76285e14a60702c277826b5f30b In O several O biomes B-climate-organisms , O including O croplands B-climate-assets , O wooded B-climate-nature savannas I-climate-nature , O and O tropical B-climate-nature forests I-climate-nature , O many O small O fires B-climate-hazards occur O each O year O that O are O well O below O the O detection O limit O of O the O current O generation O of O global O burned B-climate-properties area I-climate-properties products O derived O from O moderate O resolution O surface O reflectance O imagery O . O Here O we O developed O a O preliminary O method O for O combining O 1 O - O km O thermal B-climate-properties anomalies I-climate-properties ( O active O fires B-climate-hazards ) O and O 500 O m O burned B-climate-properties area I-climate-properties observations O from O the O Moderate B-climate-observations Resolution I-climate-observations Imaging I-climate-observations Spectroradiometer I-climate-observations ( O MODIS B-climate-observations ) O to O estimate O the O influence O of O these O fires B-climate-hazards . O We O estimated O small O fire B-climate-hazards burned B-climate-properties area I-climate-properties by O computing O the O difference B-climate-observations normalized I-climate-observations burn I-climate-observations ratio I-climate-observations ( O dNBR B-climate-observations ) O for O these O two O sets O of O active O fires B-climate-hazards and O then O combining O these O observations O with O other O information O . O In O a O final O step O , O we O used O the O Global B-climate-datasets Fire I-climate-datasets Emissions I-climate-datasets Database I-climate-datasets version I-climate-datasets 3 I-climate-datasets ( O GFED3 B-climate-datasets ) O biogeochemical B-climate-nature model O to O estimate O the O impact O of O these O fires B-climate-hazards on O biomass B-climate-hazards burning I-climate-hazards emissions I-climate-hazards . O Globally O , O accounting O for O small O fires B-climate-hazards increased O total O burned B-climate-properties area I-climate-properties by O approximately O by O 35 O % O , O from O 345 O Mha O / O yr O to O 464 O Mha O / O yr O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7fc9d3290de9b05d896debb2ffa3b593 The O spatial O and O temporal O pattern O of O fire B-climate-hazards activity O is O determined O by O complex O feedbacks O between O climate O and O plant B-climate-organisms functioning O through O and O biomass B-climate-nature desiccation I-climate-nature , O usually O estimated O by O fire B-climate-properties danger I-climate-properties indices I-climate-properties ( O FDI B-climate-properties ) O in O official O fire B-climate-mitigations risk I-climate-mitigations prevention I-climate-mitigations services O . O Contrasted O vegetation B-climate-nature types O from O fire O - O prone O Brazilian O biomes B-climate-organisms may O respond O differently O to O soil B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature deficit O during O the O fire B-climate-hazards season O . O We O computed O 12 O standard O FDIs- B-climate-properties at O 0.5 O ° O resolution O from O 2002 O to O 2011 O and O used O the O monthly O BA B-climate-properties from O four O BA B-climate-properties datasets O — O from O the O MODIS B-climate-observations sensor I-climate-observations ( O MCD45A1 B-climate-observations ) O , O the O MERIS B-climate-observations sensor I-climate-observations ( O MERIS B-climate-observations FIRE_CCI I-climate-observations ) O , O the O Global B-climate-datasets Fire I-climate-datasets Emission I-climate-datasets Database I-climate-datasets version I-climate-datasets 4 I-climate-datasets ( O GFED4 B-climate-datasets ) O and O version O 4s O including O small O fires B-climate-hazards ( O GFED4s B-climate-datasets ) O . O We O performed O a O Principal O Component O Analysis O ( O PCA O ) O on O the O coefficients O of O determination O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Off47b4c15bed214b841f8f7b9035325c Recent O increases O in O the O Natural B-climate-problem-origins Gas I-climate-problem-origins ( O NG B-climate-problem-origins ) O production O through O hydraulic B-climate-problem-origins fracturing I-climate-problem-origins have O called O into O question O the O climate O benefit O of O switching O from O coal B-climate-problem-origins - O fired O to O natural B-climate-problem-origins gas I-climate-problem-origins - O fired O power B-climate-problem-origins plants I-climate-problem-origins . O Higher O than O expected O levels O of O methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases , O Non B-climate-greenhouse-gases - I-climate-greenhouse-gases Methane I-climate-greenhouse-gases Hydrocarbons I-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O NMHC B-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O , O and O NOx B-climate-greenhouse-gases have O been O observed O in O areas O close O to O oil B-climate-problem-origins and O NG B-climate-problem-origins operation O facilities O . O We O assessed O the O uncertainties O around O oil B-climate-problem-origins and O NG B-climate-problem-origins emissions B-climate-problem-origins by O using O measurements O from O the O FRAPPE B-climate-observations and O DISCOVER B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations AQ I-climate-observations campaigns O over O the O Northern O Front O Range O Metropolitan O Area O ( O NFRMA O ) O in O summer O 2014 O . O Comparison O between O airborne O measurements O and O the O sensitivity O simulations O indicates O that O the O model O - O measurement O bias O of O ethane O ranged O from O −14.9 O ppb O to O −8.2 O ppb O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12213498 Harnessing O the O fire B-climate-hazards data O revolution O , O i.e. O , O the O abundance O of O information O from O satellites O , O government O records O , O social O media O , O and O human B-climate-assets health I-climate-assets sources O , O now O requires O complex O and O challenging O data O integration O approaches O . O Here O , O we O describe O Fire B-climate-models Events I-climate-models Delineation I-climate-models ( O FIRED B-climate-models ) O , O an O event O - O delineation O algorithm O , O that O has O been O used O to O derive O fire B-climate-hazards events O ( O N O = O 51,871 O ) O from O the O MODIS B-climate-datasets MCD64 I-climate-datasets burned B-climate-properties area I-climate-properties product O for O the O coterminous O US O ( O CONUS O ) O from O January O 2001 O to O May O 2019 O . O The O optimized O spatial O and O temporal O parameters O to O cluster O burned B-climate-properties area I-climate-properties pixels O into O events O were O an O 11 O - O day O window O and O a O 5 O - O pixel O ( O 2315 O m O ) O distance O , O when O optimized O against O 13,741 O wildfire B-climate-hazards perimeters O in O the O CONUS O from O the O Monitoring B-climate-datasets Trends I-climate-datasets in I-climate-datasets Burn I-climate-datasets Severity I-climate-datasets record O . O The O linear O relationship O between O the O size O of O individual O FIRED B-climate-models and O Monitoring B-climate-datasets Trends I-climate-datasets in I-climate-datasets Burn I-climate-datasets Severity I-climate-datasets ( O MTBS B-climate-datasets ) O events O for O the O CONUS O was O strong O ( O R2 O = O 0.92 O for O all O events O ) O . O The O open O , O flexible O FIRED B-climate-models algorithm O could O be O utilized O to O derive O events O in O any O satellite O product O . O We O hope O that O this O open O science O effort O will O help O catalyze O a O community O - O driven O , O data O - O integration O effort O ( O termed O OneFire B-climate-organizations ) O to O build O a O more O complete O picture O of O fire O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/dbc0dc3a2e8477b783960fdf80eb8e96bcf037e4 Four O Decades O of O Intensifying O Precipitation B-climate-properties from O Tropical B-climate-hazards Cyclones I-climate-hazards . O In O this O study O , O the O Precipitation B-climate-datasets Estimates I-climate-datasets from I-climate-datasets Remotely I-climate-datasets Sensed I-climate-datasets Information I-climate-datasets using I-climate-datasets Artificial I-climate-datasets Neural I-climate-datasets Networks I-climate-datasets ( O PERSIANN B-climate-datasets ) O - O Dynamic B-climate-datasets Infrared I-climate-datasets Rain I-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets rate I-climate-datasets model O ( O PDIR B-climate-datasets ) O product O , O using O a O consistently O measured O 40 O - O year O archive O of O satellite O - O measured O cloud B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature top B-climate-nature infrared O temperature B-climate-properties data O with O a O spatiotemporal O resolution O of O 0.04 O ° O and O 3 O - O hourly O as O forcing O data O , O is O used O . O The O mean O and O upper O tail O precipitation B-climate-properties rates O in O hurricanes B-climate-hazards are O shown O to O be O rapidly O increasing O , O with O the O greatest O increases O found O in O the O most O extreme O precipitation B-climate-properties rates O of O the O strongest O hurricanes B-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/d6f2c95d7a570c7b012f0d21a1d06838a92dbbfd ASSESSMENT O OF O FIRE B-climate-hazards SEVERITY O AND O POST O - O FIRE B-climate-hazards REGENERATION O BASED O ON O TOPOGRAPHICAL B-climate-nature FEATURES O USING O MULTITEMPORAL O LANDSAT B-climate-observations IMAGERY O : O A O CASE O STUDY O in O MERSIN O , O TURKEY O . O Satellite O based O remote O sensing O technologies O and O Geographical O Information O Systems O ( O GIS O ) O present O operable O and O cost O - O effective O solutions O for O mapping O fires B-climate-hazards and O observing O post O - O fire B-climate-hazards regeneration O . O Mersin O - O Gulnar O wildfire O , O which O occurred O in O August O 2008 O in O Turkey O , O selected O as O study O site O . O According O to O Turkish B-climate-organizations General I-climate-organizations Directorate I-climate-organizations of I-climate-organizations Forestry I-climate-organizations reports O , O it O caused O two O deaths B-climate-impacts and O left O hundreds O of O people B-climate-assets homeless B-climate-impacts . O Pre O - O fire B-climate-hazards and O post O - O fire B-climate-hazards Landsat B-climate-observations ETM+ B-climate-observations images O were O obtained O to O assess O the O related O fire B-climate-hazards severity O with O using O the O widely O - O used O differenced B-climate-properties Normalized I-climate-properties Burn I-climate-properties Ratio I-climate-properties ( O dNBR B-climate-properties ) O algorithm O . O Also O , O the O Normalized B-climate-observations Vegetation I-climate-observations Index I-climate-observations ( O NDVI B-climate-observations ) O and O Soil B-climate-datasets Adjusted I-climate-datasets Vegetation I-climate-datasets Index I-climate-datasets ( O SAVI B-climate-datasets ) O were O used O to O determine O vegetation B-climate-nature regeneration O dynamics O for O a O period O of O six O consecutive O years O . O In O addition O , O aspect B-climate-properties image O derived O from O Aster B-climate-datasets Global I-climate-datasets Digital I-climate-datasets Elevation I-climate-datasets Model I-climate-datasets ( O GDEM B-climate-datasets ) O were O used O to O determine O vegetation B-climate-nature regeneration O regime O of O the O study O area O . O Results O showed O that O 5388 O ha O of O area B-climate-properties burned I-climate-properties with O moderate O to O high O severity O damage B-climate-properties . O As O expected O , O NDVI B-climate-observations and O SAVI B-climate-datasets values O distinctly O declined O post O - O fire O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/b1f46b9943e20066666fe831cb6a00f3a9589785 A O Global O Climatology O of O Extratropical B-climate-hazards Transition I-climate-hazards . O The O authors O diagnose O tropical B-climate-hazards cyclones I-climate-hazards that O undergo O extratropical B-climate-hazards transition I-climate-hazards ( O ET B-climate-hazards ) O in O the O cyclone B-climate-hazards phase O space O ( O CPS O ) O on O a O global O basis O . O Two O reanalyses O are O employed O and O compared O for O this O purpose O , O the O Japanese B-climate-datasets 55 I-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets year I-climate-datasets Reanalysis I-climate-datasets ( O JRA-55 B-climate-datasets ) O and O the O ECMWF B-climate-datasets Interim I-climate-datasets Reanalysis I-climate-datasets ( O ERA B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Interim I-climate-datasets ) O . O The O classification O of O ET O storms B-climate-nature based O on O JRA-55 B-climate-datasets agrees O better O with O the O best O - O track O data O than O does O the O ERA B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Interim I-climate-datasets classification O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/8fdf8560e95bf665cfdccda38624d8fadc9fa471 Evaluation O of O Accuracy O and O Streamflow B-climate-nature Simulation O of O TRMM B-climate-datasets Satellite O Precipitation B-climate-properties Data O . O In O this O study O , O the O new O precipitation B-climate-properties product O ( O 3B42 B-climate-datasets V7 I-climate-datasets ) O of O Tropical B-climate-datasets Rainfall I-climate-datasets Measuring I-climate-datasets Mission I-climate-datasets ( O TRMM B-climate-datasets ) O was O evaluated O via O comparison O with O the O rain O gauge O precipitation B-climate-properties data O in O Xiangjiang O River O Basin O . O The O area O precipitation B-climate-properties of O TRMM B-climate-datasets data O showed O better O accuracy O in O humid O season O than O in O arid O season O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/71544554bdb44bb75a3d3ec01584e4591819a877 Improving O multimodel O weather O forecast O of O monsoon B-climate-nature rain B-climate-nature over O China O using O FSU B-climate-models superensemble I-climate-models . O Our O suite O of O models O includes O the O operational O suite O selected O by O NCARs B-climate-organizations TIGGE B-climate-datasets archives O for O the O THORPEX B-climate-organizations Program O . O These O are O : O ECMWF B-climate-organizations , O UKMO B-climate-models , O JMA B-climate-organizations , O NCEP B-climate-organizations , O CMA B-climate-organizations , O CMC B-climate-organizations , O BOM B-climate-organizations , O MF B-climate-organizations , O KMA B-climate-organizations and O the O CPTEC B-climate-models models O . O For O training O and O forecasts O validations O we O have O made O use O of O an O advanced O TRMM B-climate-datasets satellite O based O rainfall B-climate-nature product O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/5596a45e7728205e08e8e07d7980a3f84ab6066e For O doing O this O , O long O historical O series O of O precipitation B-climate-properties and O evapotranspiration B-climate-properties are O considered O ; O however O , O the O sources O of O this O observed O information O on O land O are O usually O limited O spatially O and O temporally O . O Thus O , O we O have O evaluated O the O use O of O the O reanalysis O databases O of O the O eartH2Observe B-climate-organizations project O ( O WFDEI B-climate-datasets & O MSWEP B-climate-datasets ) O in O the O Magdalena O - O Cauca O river O basin O in O Colombia O , O through O the O calculation O of O three O drought B-climate-hazards indicators O ( O SPI B-climate-properties , O SPEI B-climate-properties & O WCI B-climate-properties ) O . O Applying O statistical O and O a O Bootstrap O uncertainty O analysis O , O we O evaluate O the O performance O of O the O reanalysis O , O finding O that O the O use O of O the O MSWEP B-climate-datasets precipitation B-climate-nature product O has O a O good O potential O for O the O analysis O of O droughts B-climate-hazards in O Colombia O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/1571c88ce22eaea926032a9d58e89e5a8e80b970 ASSESSMENT O OF O SATELLITE O PRECIPITATION B-climate-properties PRODUCTS O IN O THE O PHILIPPINE O ARCHIPELAGO B-climate-nature . O Precipitation B-climate-properties is O the O most O important O weather B-climate-nature parameter O in O the O Philippines O . O Made O up O of O more O than O 7100 O islands B-climate-nature , O the O Philippine O archipelago B-climate-nature is O an O agricultural B-climate-assets country O that O depends O on O rain B-climate-nature - O fed O crops B-climate-assets . O Located O in O the O western O rim O of O the O North O West O Pacific O Ocean O , O this O tropical B-climate-nature island I-climate-nature country O is O very O vulnerable O to O tropical B-climate-hazards cyclones I-climate-hazards that O lead O to O severe O flooding B-climate-hazards events O . O Recently O , O satellite O - O based O precipitation B-climate-properties estimates O have O improved O significantly O and O can O serve O as O alternatives O to O ground O - O based O observations O . O These O data O can O be O used O to O fill O data O gaps O not O only O for O climatic O studies O , O but O can O also O be O utilized O for O disaster B-climate-mitigations risk I-climate-mitigations reduction I-climate-mitigations and O management O activities O . O This O study O characterized O the O statistical O errors O of O daily O precipitation B-climate-properties from O four O satellite O - O based O rainfall B-climate-nature products O from O ( O 1 O ) O the O Tropical B-climate-datasets Rainfall I-climate-datasets Measuring I-climate-datasets Mission I-climate-datasets ( O TRMM B-climate-datasets ) O , O ( O 2 O ) O the O CPC B-climate-datasets Morphing I-climate-datasets technique I-climate-datasets ( O CMORPH B-climate-datasets ) O of O NOAA B-climate-organizations and O ( O 3 O ) O the O Global B-climate-datasets Satellite I-climate-datasets Mapping I-climate-datasets of I-climate-datasets Precipitation I-climate-datasets ( O GSMAP B-climate-datasets ) O and O ( O 4 O ) O Precipitation B-climate-datasets Estimation I-climate-datasets from I-climate-datasets Remotely I-climate-datasets Sensed I-climate-datasets information I-climate-datasets using I-climate-datasets Artificial I-climate-datasets Neural I-climate-datasets Networks I-climate-datasets ( O PERSIANN B-climate-datasets ) O . O Results O show O GSMAP B-climate-datasets to O have O over O all O lower O bias O and O CMORPH B-climate-datasets with O lowest O Mean O Absolute O Error O ( O MAE O ) O and O Root O Mean O Square O Error O ( O RMSE O ) O . O In O addition O , O a O dichotomous O rainfall B-climate-nature test O reveals O GSMAP B-climate-datasets and O CMORPH B-climate-datasets have O low O Proportion O Correct O ( O PC O ) O for O convective B-climate-nature and O stratiform B-climate-nature rainclouds B-climate-nature , O respectively O . O TRMM B-climate-datasets consistently O showed O high O PC O for O almost O all O raincloud B-climate-nature types O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/08b5cb16730b30ef0398e3f5302653db6d3afe62 COMPARING O CITIES O OF O THE O WORLD O ACCORDING O TO O THEIR O FOOD B-climate-assets SECURITY I-climate-assets RISKS O AND O OPPORTUNITIES O . O Due O to O the O combined O effect O of O climate O change O , O expected O population B-climate-problem-origins growth I-climate-problem-origins and O increased O concentration O of O population B-climate-properties in O cities O and O towns O , O food B-climate-impacts insecurity I-climate-impacts in O urban B-climate-assets areas I-climate-assets is O becoming O of O increasing O concern O and O is O regarded O as O one O of O the O most O prominent O development O challenges O for O the O 21st O century O . O The O tool O “ O Global B-climate-models Metropolitan I-climate-models Detector I-climate-models ” O has O been O developed O to O compare O cities O of O the O world O based O on O different O dimensions O of O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets , O particularly O availability O , O accessibility O , O and O affordability O of O food B-climate-assets , O risk O of O floods B-climate-hazards and O climate O change O , O and O healthy B-climate-assets diets I-climate-assets . O Worldwide O publicly O available O datasets O , O e.g. O from O FAOSTAT B-climate-datasets , O EarthStat B-climate-datasets and O WorldClim B-climate-datasets , O are O used O . O These O are O separately O converted O ( O aggregated O / O disaggregated O ) O to O a O homogenous O 5 O arc O - O minute O grid O and O combined O in O the O tool O to O calculate O ( O by O weighted O average O ) O and O compare O the O demand O and O local O supply O of O food B-climate-assets , O including O the O required O area O of O land O to O meet O the O city O - O specific O consumption O needs O ( O measured O in O “ O Food O Metres O ” O ) O . O The O resulting O benchmark O of O cities O and O their O indicator O values O can O be O visualised O in O maps O showing O their O position O with O respect O to O food B-climate-assets security I-climate-assets in O general O , O or O investigate O particular O aspects O in O more O detail O , O e.g. O cities O having O low O / O high O flood B-climate-hazards risks O or O cities O that O are O better O able O to O meet O the O demand O of O ( O fresh O ) O vegetables B-climate-assets and O fruit B-climate-assets from O local O producers O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/8051bf77d31b1bc74546190bf9a91822989b4c21 White O ( O Trifolium B-climate-organisms repens I-climate-organisms L. I-climate-organisms ) O and O Arrowleaf O ( O Trifolium B-climate-organisms vesiculosum I-climate-organisms Savi I-climate-organisms ) O Clover B-climate-organisms Emergence O in O Varying O Loblolly B-climate-organisms Pine I-climate-organisms ( O Pinus B-climate-organisms taeda I-climate-organisms L. I-climate-organisms ) O Tree B-climate-organisms Alley O Spacings O . O Agroforestry B-climate-mitigations systems O have O the O potential O to O provide O year O - O long O income B-climate-assets opportunities I-climate-assets via O the O integrated O forage B-climate-assets or O crop B-climate-assets , O timber B-climate-assets , O and O livestock B-climate-assets . O Legumes B-climate-assets are O an O attractive O alternative O option O during O the O growing O season O when O more O traditional O forages B-climate-assets may O not O be O as O productive O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/ca3e1e5839cae43662262e4dfa93e6cec0e87b4d Assessing O Relations O Between O Changes O in O Tropical B-climate-hazards Cyclone I-climate-hazards Intensity O and O Lightning B-climate-hazards Patterns O Using O GIS O Based O Methods O . O 1 O . O Most O previous O efforts O have O focused O on O a O relatively O small O number O of O storms B-climate-nature in O near O - O coastal B-climate-nature areas O using O data O from O the O National B-climate-datasets Lightning I-climate-datasets Detection I-climate-datasets Network I-climate-datasets ( O NLDN B-climate-datasets ) O . O Vaisala B-climate-organizations ’s O recently O developed O Long B-climate-datasets Range I-climate-datasets Lightning I-climate-datasets Detection I-climate-datasets Network I-climate-datasets ( O LLDN B-climate-datasets ) O now O allows O us O to O examine O lightning B-climate-hazards in O storms B-climate-nature that O are O well O offshore O . O The O LLDN B-climate-datasets consists O of O sensors O from O the O NLDN B-climate-datasets , O the O Canadian B-climate-datasets Lightning I-climate-datasets Detection I-climate-datasets Network I-climate-datasets ( O CLDN B-climate-datasets ) O and O long O - O range O sensors O in O the O North O Pacific O and O Caribbean O ( O Demetriades O and O Holle O 2008 O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/f0f13b74d4494739e0d504c12d2abaeb88acf771 MONITORING O BAWAKARAENG O POST O - O LANDSLIDE B-climate-hazards USING O ALOS B-climate-observations PALSAR B-climate-observations DINSAR B-climate-observations AND O GROUND O MEASUREMENT O . O Indonesia O is O undeniably O true O is O one O of O the O most O disastrous B-climate-impacts country O in O the O world O when O it O comes O to O incidences O of O natural O disaster B-climate-impacts . O Besides O its O geologic O setting O of O being O squeezed O by O three O major O tectonic B-climate-nature plates I-climate-nature ( O Eurasian O , O Pacific O and O Indo O - O Pacific O plates O ) O , O its O location O in O tropical B-climate-nature region O makes O it O also O vulnerable O in O terms O weather B-climate-nature imposed O disaster B-climate-impacts such O as O flood B-climate-hazards , O landslides B-climate-hazards and O typhoon B-climate-hazards . O On O the O other O hand O , O remote O sensing O technology O has O been O developed O intensively O and O extensively O for O the O use O of O natural O disaster B-climate-impacts mapping O . O On O March O 24 O , O 2004 O , O one O of O the O major O landslides B-climate-hazards occurred O at O the O head O of O Jeneberang O River O in O Bawakaraeng O Mountain O inactive O volcano B-climate-hazards complex O bringing O huge O amount O of O debris B-climate-hazards flowing I-climate-hazards to O the O lower O stream B-climate-nature of O the O river B-climate-nature which O endangered B-climate-hazards the O Bili O - O Bili O Dam B-climate-mitigations in O the O district O of O Gowa O , O South O Sulawesi O . O The O Dam B-climate-mitigations is O very O essential O to O the O city O of O Makassar O for O the O supply O of O drinking B-climate-assets water I-climate-assets and O electrical O power B-climate-problem-origins plant I-climate-problem-origins . O This O study O aims O to O monitor O the O distribution O and O the O surface B-climate-properties displacement I-climate-properties of O the O uncontrolled O collapsed O material O of O the O previous O landslide B-climate-hazards from O the O potential O of O material O blockage O to O the O Bili O Bili O Dam B-climate-mitigations and O possibility O of O future O landslide B-climate-hazards by O utilizing O the O Japanese B-climate-observations Advanced I-climate-observations Land I-climate-observations Observation I-climate-observations Satellite I-climate-observations ( O ALOS B-climate-observations ) O with O Phased B-climate-observations Array I-climate-observations type I-climate-observations L I-climate-observations - I-climate-observations band I-climate-observations Synthetic I-climate-observations Aperture I-climate-observations Radar I-climate-observations ( O PALSAR B-climate-observations ) O images O in O the O Differential B-climate-observations Interferometric I-climate-observations of I-climate-observations Synthetic I-climate-observations Aperture I-climate-observations Radar I-climate-observations ( O DInSAR B-climate-observations ) O processing O technique O in O three O consecutive O years O of O 2007 O , O 2008 O and O 2009 O . O With O this O technique O the O surface O deformation O of O the O landslide B-climate-hazards area O can O be O measured O and O validated O with O ground O measurement O of O Global B-climate-observations Positioning I-climate-observations System I-climate-observations ( O GPS B-climate-observations ) O and O direct O ground O survey O . O Landsat B-climate-observations images O were O also O used O to O analyze O the O spatial O extent O of O the O area O . O In O conclusion O , O this O study O is O able O to O show O that O DInSAR B-climate-observations technique O with O ALOS B-climate-observations PALSAR B-climate-observations image O data O can O be O used O to O monitor O the O post O landslide B-climate-hazards area O and O to O support O the O creation O of O landslide B-climate-hazards susceptibility O map O of O the O area O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/27c837c84052fe4c7f7f473d98f85536be62ca00 The O High B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations Altitude I-climate-observations MMIC I-climate-observations Sounding I-climate-observations Radiometer I-climate-observations for O the O Global B-climate-observations Hawk I-climate-observations Unmanned O Aerial O Vehicle O : O Instrument O Description O and O Performance O . O The O Jet B-climate-organizations Propulsion I-climate-organizations Laboratory I-climate-organizations 's O High B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations Altitude I-climate-observations Monolithic I-climate-observations Microwave I-climate-observations Integrated I-climate-observations Circuit I-climate-observations ( I-climate-observations MMIC I-climate-observations ) I-climate-observations Sounding I-climate-observations Radiometer I-climate-observations ( O HAMSR B-climate-observations ) O is O a O 25 O - O channel O cross O - O track O scanning O microwave O sounder O with O channels O near O the O 60- O and O 118 O - O GHz O oxygen B-climate-properties lines I-climate-properties and O the O 183 O - O GHz O water B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties vapor I-climate-properties line I-climate-properties . O It O has O previously O participated O in O three O hurricane B-climate-hazards field O campaigns O , O namely O , O CAMEX-4 B-climate-observations ( O 2001 O ) O , O Tropical B-climate-observations Cloud I-climate-observations Systems I-climate-observations and I-climate-observations Processes I-climate-observations ( O 2005 O ) O , O and O NASA B-climate-organizations African B-climate-observations Monsoon I-climate-observations Multidisciplinary I-climate-observations Analyses I-climate-observations ( O 2006 O ) O . O The O HAMSR B-climate-observations instrument O was O recently O extensively O upgraded O for O the O deployment O on O the O Global B-climate-observations Hawk I-climate-observations ( O GH B-climate-observations ) O unmanned O aerial O vehicle O platform O . O One O of O the O major O upgrades O is O the O addition O of O a O front O - O end O low O - O noise O amplifier O , O developed O by O JPL B-climate-organizations , O to O the O 183 O - O GHz O channel O which O reduces O the O noise O in O this O channel O to O less O than O 0.1 O K O at O the O sensor O resolution O ( O ~2 O km O ) O . O In O 2010 O , O HAMSR B-climate-observations participated O in O the O NASA B-climate-organizations Genesis I-climate-observations and I-climate-observations Rapid I-climate-observations Intensification I-climate-observations Processes I-climate-observations campaign O on O the O GH O to O study O tropical B-climate-hazards cyclone I-climate-hazards genesis O and O rapid O intensification O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/8a96f025e06acc5a3573fa621c11476e9e149df5 Evaluation O of O JERS-1 B-climate-observations SAR B-climate-observations mosaics O for O hydrological B-climate-nature applications O in O the O Congo O river O basin O . O Two O JERS-1 B-climate-observations Synthetic B-climate-observations Aperture I-climate-observations Radar I-climate-observations ( O SAR B-climate-observations ) O mosaics O covering O central O Africa O were O investigated O with O respect O to O their O potential O usefulness O for O studies O of O seasonal O flooding B-climate-hazards dynamics O in O the O Congo O river O basin O . O Stage O data O contemporary O with O the O satellite O acquisitions O ( O 1996 O ) O were O derived O from O the O TOPEX B-climate-observations / I-climate-observations POSEIDON I-climate-observations Radar I-climate-observations Altimeter I-climate-observations and O supplemented O by O historical O in O situ O records O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/843025293a5f8cbf2e8bbe68a57ca2b3e14ba565 Can O Near O - O Real O - O Time O Satellite O Precipitation B-climate-properties Products O Capture O Rainstorms B-climate-nature and O Guide O Flood B-climate-hazards Warning O for O the O 2016 O Summer O in O South O China O ? O . O Near O - O real O - O time O ( O NRT O ) O satellite O precipitation B-climate-properties products O are O attractive O to O rainstorm B-climate-nature monitoring O and O flood B-climate-hazards warning O guidance O owing O to O its O combination O of O timeliness O , O high O spatiotemporal O resolution O , O and O broad O coverage O . O We O evaluate O the O performance O of O four O NRT O satellite O products O , O i.e. O , O Precipitation B-climate-datasets Estimation I-climate-datasets from I-climate-datasets Remotely I-climate-datasets Sensed I-climate-datasets Information I-climate-datasets using I-climate-datasets Artificial I-climate-datasets Neural I-climate-datasets Networks I-climate-datasets , O 3B42RT B-climate-datasets , O Global B-climate-datasets Satellite I-climate-datasets Mapping I-climate-datasets of I-climate-datasets Precipitation I-climate-datasets ( O GSMaP B-climate-datasets ) O NRT O , O and O Integrated B-climate-datasets Multi I-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets satellitE I-climate-datasets Retrievals I-climate-datasets for I-climate-datasets Global I-climate-datasets Precipitation B-climate-properties Measurement O ( O IMERG B-climate-datasets ) O The O IMERG B-climate-datasets Late O run O and O GSMaP B-climate-datasets NRT O perform O the O closest O - O to O - O ground O observations O . O 3B42RT B-climate-datasets detects O the O most O flood B-climate-hazards warning O events O due O to O its O notable O overestimation O of O actual O precipitation B-climate-properties . O