-DOCSTART- -X- O O f87ba000ebbffd8dfc076b693bce3397 Particularly O , O air B-climate-nature – I-climate-nature surface I-climate-nature fluxes I-climate-nature of O methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases and O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases are O of O interest O as O recent O observations O suggest O that O the O vast O stores O of O soil B-climate-nature carbon I-climate-nature found O in O the O Arctic O tundra B-climate-nature are O becoming O more O available O to O release O to O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature in O the O form O of O these O greenhouse O gases O . O We O present O here O a O two O - O year O micrometeorological O data O set O of O methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases and O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases fluxes O , O along O with O supporting O soil B-climate-nature pore I-climate-nature gas I-climate-nature profiles O , O that O provide O near O - O continuous O data O throughout O the O active O summer O and O cold O winter O seasons O . O Net O emission O of O methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases and O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases in O one O of O the O study O years O totalled O 3.7 O and O 89 O g O C O m O −2 O a O −1 O respectively O , O with O cold O - O season O methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases emission O representing O 54 O % O of O the O annual O total O . O In O the O other O year O , O net O emission O totals O of O methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases and O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases were O 4.9 O and O 485 O g O C O m O −2 O a O −1 O respectively O , O with O cold O - O season O methane B-climate-greenhouse-gases emission O here O representing O 82 O % O of O the O annual O total O – O a O larger O proportion O than O has O been O previously O reported O in O the O Arctic O tundra B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2760046c24e54b018c304556bbdb7057 Within O the O literature O , O concerns O have O been O raised O that O centralised O urban B-climate-assets water I-climate-assets systems I-climate-assets are O maladapted O to O challenges O associated O with O climate O change O , O population B-climate-problem-origins growth I-climate-problem-origins and O other O socio O - O economic O and O environmental O strains O . O This O paper O provides O a O critical O assessment O of O the O discourse O that O surrounds O emerging O approaches O to O urban B-climate-mitigations water I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations and O infrastructure B-climate-assets provision O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 41d1e197a02e34c72fa789e401bb03ef AbstractThis O paper O compares O three O existing O Palmer B-climate-properties Drought I-climate-properties Severity I-climate-properties Index I-climate-properties ( O PDSI B-climate-properties ) O formulations O for O simulating O summer O moisture B-climate-properties variability I-climate-properties in O western O Canada O and O a O preliminary O analysis O of O climate O change O impacts O on O summer O moisture B-climate-properties anomalies O . O In O all O formulations O , O potential B-climate-properties evapotranspiration I-climate-properties was O parameterized O by O the O Penman B-climate-models – I-climate-models Monteith I-climate-models method I-climate-models instead O of O the O traditional O Thornthwaite B-climate-models method I-climate-models . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 5265c1e7188eed477bb316eca09e5f3f An O important O result O is O that O the O possibility O of O a O climate B-climate-impacts catastrophe I-climate-impacts is O a O major O argument O for O greenhouse B-climate-mitigations gas I-climate-mitigations abatement I-climate-mitigations even O in O absence O of O continuous B-climate-impacts damage I-climate-impacts . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O cd2b3ae0c9c4c7ca08d5c899dda238f7 We O focus O on O the O impacts O of O irrigation B-climate-mitigations on O the O urban B-climate-nature water I-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature and O atmospheric B-climate-nature feedback I-climate-nature in O arid B-climate-nature and O semi B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature arid I-climate-nature cities O . O Our O objective O is O to O build O upon O previous O work O , O focusing O on O improving O the O representation O of O irrigated B-climate-mitigations urban B-climate-nature vegetation I-climate-nature in O the O numerical O weather O prediction O models O which O are O now O standard O tools O to O study O urban B-climate-nature - O atmosphere B-climate-nature interactions O . O Our O results O demonstrate O a O significant O sensitivity O of O WRF B-climate-models - I-climate-models UCM I-climate-models simulated O surface B-climate-nature turbulent I-climate-nature fluxes I-climate-nature to O the O incorporation O of O irrigation B-climate-mitigations . O The O evaluation O of O the O model O performance O via O comparison O against O CIMIS B-climate-datasets based O reference O ET B-climate-nature indicates O that O WRF B-climate-models - I-climate-models UCM I-climate-models , O after O adding O irrigation B-climate-mitigations , O performs O reasonably O during O the O course O of O the O month O , O tracking O day O to O day O variability O of O ET B-climate-nature with O notable O fidelity O . O soil B-climate-hazards moisture I-climate-hazards depletion I-climate-hazards leads O to O reduced O latent O heating O and O cooling O effects O of O urban B-climate-nature vegetation I-climate-nature . O Analysis O of O these O results O indicates O the O importance O of O accurate O representation O of O urban B-climate-mitigations irrigation I-climate-mitigations in O water O scarce O regions O such O as O Los O Angeles O metropolitan O area O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 39353585aa410c09ecb710940462cbef Nutrient B-climate-assets management O planning O is O necessary O for O many O livestock B-climate-assets producers O . O Manure B-climate-problem-origins nutrients B-climate-assets ( O e.g. O , O N O , O P O , O and O K O ) O equal O the O amounts O in O feed B-climate-assets consumed O minus O the O amounts O in O products O produced O ( O e.g. O , O milk B-climate-assets , O eggs B-climate-assets , O meat B-climate-assets , O or O offspring B-climate-assets ) O whereas O , O the O amount O of O manure B-climate-problem-origins dry O matter O is O an O inverse O function O of O the O ration O digestibility O . O The O percentage O compositions O of O nutrients B-climate-assets in O manure B-climate-problem-origins recovered O ( O accounting O for O nutrient B-climate-assets losses O as O well O as O uncollected O portions O ) O are O much O more O difficult O to O predict O than O total O amounts O that O should O be O collected O because O anaerobic B-climate-mitigations digestion I-climate-mitigations of O carbon O - O containing O compounds O that O was O initiated O in O the O large O intestines B-climate-problem-origins of I-climate-problem-origins animals I-climate-problem-origins continues O after O excretion O or O the O fermentation O shifts O to O aerobic O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O cc560f5c553e1b60e054abe1578227ff Non O - O identifiable O RHH O emergency O department O data O and O climate O data O from O the O Australian B-climate-organizations Bureau I-climate-organizations of I-climate-organizations Meteorology I-climate-organizations were O obtained O for O the O period O 2003 O - O 2010 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c4296764da322a0b2b3dbbbbb4cf0c5f The O analysis O is O carried O out O using O the O E3ME B-climate-models macro O - O econometric O model O , O which O provides O information O on O sectoral O impacts O , O together O with O the O Warwick B-climate-models Labour I-climate-models Market I-climate-models Extension I-climate-models model O for O occupational O analysis O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O c6dcfd09a4d1dd9d6f1026b75a0b8ecf multi O - O centennial O variability O of O open O ocean B-climate-nature deep B-climate-nature convection I-climate-nature in O the O Atlantic O sector O of O the O Southern O Ocean O impacts O the O strength O of O the O Atlantic B-climate-nature Meridional I-climate-nature Overturning I-climate-nature Circulation I-climate-nature ( O AMOC B-climate-nature ) O in O the O Kiel B-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Model I-climate-models . O The O northward O extent O of O Antarctic B-climate-nature Bottom I-climate-nature Water I-climate-nature ( O AABW B-climate-nature ) O strongly O depends O on O the O state O of O Weddell O Sea O deep B-climate-nature convection I-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 5f205022e0de68ef4ac90326c705a0ff Simulations O were O conducted O using O the O Weather B-climate-models Research I-climate-models and I-climate-models Forecasting I-climate-models model O using O the O pseudo O global O warming O method O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O d1b647e644b72e73320e0c53e1613c17 spatial O resolutions O ( O CMIP5 B-climate-models GCM O and O EURO B-climate-models - I-climate-models CORDEX I-climate-models regional O climate O models O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 9b83a413f9801d5a3beea9245e0ff2b7 The O Multivariate O Probit O model O was O preferred O as O it O takes O into O account O the O inter O - O relationships O of O the O technologies O as O well O as O heterogeneity O of O the O smallholder O farmers B-climate-assets for O more O robust O estimates O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 796915b6f1ded244f22d40e48746dc8f Fires B-climate-hazards are O an O important O component O in O Earth O system O models O ( O ESMs O ) O , O they O impact O vegetation B-climate-properties carbon I-climate-properties storage I-climate-properties , O vegetation B-climate-nature distribution O , O atmospheric O composition O and O cloud B-climate-nature formation O . O The O representation O of O fires B-climate-hazards in O ESMs O contributing O to O CMIP B-climate-models phase I-climate-models 5 I-climate-models was O still O very O simplified O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 2520bf6bd55457f37edfc2e0234aff97 A O major O part O of O the O analysis O is O based O on O aircraft O measurements O from O the O campaign B-climate-observations STABLE I-climate-observations , O which O was O carried O out O over O the O pack B-climate-nature ice I-climate-nature in O the O northern O Fram O Strait O in O March O 2013 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 62607400b7b50dec7253657cbd8419cf DryFlux B-climate-models explicitly O accounts O for O intra O - O annual O variation O in O water B-climate-assets availability I-climate-assets , O and O accurately O predicts O interannual O and O seasonal O variability O in O carbon O uptake O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 40371c0f311f8cafba444400245525b7 Global O emission O estimates O based O on O new O atmospheric O observations O are O presented O for O the O acylic B-climate-properties high B-climate-properties molecular I-climate-properties weight I-climate-properties perfluorocarbons B-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O PFCs B-climate-greenhouse-gases ): O decafluorobutane B-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O C4F10 B-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O , O dodecafluoropentane B-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O C B-climate-greenhouse-gases 5F12 I-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O , O tetradecafluorohexane B-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O C6F14 B-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O , O hexadecafluoroheptane B-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O C B-climate-greenhouse-gases 7F16 I-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O and O octadecafluorooctane B-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O C B-climate-greenhouse-gases 8F18 I-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O . O We O used O random O forests O ( O RF O ) O and O logistic O regression O ( O GLM O ) O to O model O current O and O potential O future O distributions O for O 2050 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 618857223ba9983c21debc305967b9af Recent O climate B-climate-mitigations regulations I-climate-mitigations include O increased O utilization O of O natural B-climate-mitigations gas I-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations fired I-climate-mitigations combined I-climate-mitigations cycle I-climate-mitigations ( O NGCC B-climate-mitigations ) O generators O as O a O means O for O offsetting O coal B-climate-problem-origins generation O to O reduce O carbon O emissions O . O Both O low O natural O gas O prices O and O the O Clean B-climate-mitigations Air I-climate-mitigations Interstate I-climate-mitigations Rule I-climate-mitigations ( O CAIR B-climate-mitigations ) O drive O increases O in O utilization O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 81b3b8707268d2acfbce324fc937d437 Reynolds O - O Averaged O Navier O - O Stokes O and O energy O equations O have O been O considered O , O where O ANSYS B-climate-models FLUENT I-climate-models code O has O been O employed O to O solve O the O resulting O mathematical O model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O bfe31a2677c6bd4527ca9fa248ba3bff It O uses O the O GLobal B-climate-models BIOsphere I-climate-models Management I-climate-models Model I-climate-models , O a O partial O equilibrium O model O of O the O global O agricultural B-climate-assets and O forestry B-climate-assets sectors O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O dbba14715dd4bce458b65b2142c584af model O algorithms O for O explanation O of O the O relationship O between O the O emergence O of O biological B-climate-organisms species I-climate-organisms and O habitat B-climate-organisms environments O were O reviewed O to O construct O the O environmental O data O suitable O for O the O six O models(GLM O , O GAM O , O RF O , O MaxEnt O , O ANN O , O and O SVM O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 10b50e3df8fe5848881f09b55f3333a7 This O study O developed O a O dynamic B-climate-models copula I-climate-models - I-climate-models based I-climate-models simulation I-climate-models model I-climate-models ( O DCSM B-climate-models ) O for O single O - O site O seasonal O rainfall B-climate-nature generation O , O observed O at O Beijing B-climate-observations Station I-climate-observations in O Haihe O River O basin O , O China O . O The O model O entailed O four O phases O : O ( O 1 O ) O nonstationary O modelling O of O the O margins O by O the O Generalized B-climate-models Additive I-climate-models Models I-climate-models for I-climate-models Location I-climate-models , I-climate-models Scale I-climate-models and I-climate-models Shape I-climate-models ( O GAMLSS B-climate-models ) O ; O ( O 2 O ) O dynamical O copula O method O to O describe O the O nonstationary O temporal O dependence O structure O of O rainfall B-climate-nature observed O at O adjacent O two O seasons O ; O ( O 3 O ) O a O dynamic O copula O - O based O conditional O quantile O function O to O generate O simulated O series O ; O ( O 4 O ) O performance O assessment O of O the O simulated O series O by O the O proposed O DCSM B-climate-models model O with O the O preservation O of O basic O statistics O of O each O sequence O and O simulation O accuracy O at O each O data O point O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O d0a4f7389c82fd46522218fcc5175d37 Reference B-climate-properties evapotranspiration I-climate-properties ( O ETref B-climate-properties ) O is O an O important O study O object O for O hydrological B-climate-nature cycle I-climate-nature processes O in O the O context O of O drought B-climate-hazards - O flood B-climate-hazards risks O of O the O Huai O River O Basin O ( O HRB O ) O . O In O this O study O , O the O FAO-56 B-climate-models Penman I-climate-models – I-climate-models Monteith I-climate-models ( O PM B-climate-models ) O model O was O employed O to O calculate O seasonal O and O annual O ETref B-climate-properties based O on O 137 O meteorological O station O data O points O in O HRB O from O 1961 O to O 2014 O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 720219ed4db5f7322fc759eb93a312df The O effective B-climate-properties density I-climate-properties ( O ρeff B-climate-properties ) O of O refractory O black B-climate-greenhouse-gases carbon I-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O rBC B-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O is O a O key O parameter O relevant O to O their O mixing O state O that O imposes O great O uncertainty O when O evaluating O the O direct O radiation B-climate-properties forcing I-climate-properties effect I-climate-properties . O In O this O study O , O a O novel O tandem O DMA B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations CPMA I-climate-observations - I-climate-observations SP2 I-climate-observations system O was O used O to O investigate O the O relationship O between O the O effective B-climate-properties density I-climate-properties ( O ρeff B-climate-properties ) O and O the O mixing O state O of O rBC B-climate-greenhouse-gases particles O during O the O winter O of O 2018 O in O the O Beijing O mega O - O city O . O During O the O experiment O , O aerosols B-climate-nature with O a O known O mobility B-climate-properties diameter I-climate-properties ( O Dmob B-climate-properties ) O and O known O ρeff B-climate-properties values O ( O 0.8 O , O 1.0 O , O 1.2 O , O 1.4 O , O 1.6 O , O and O 1.8 O g O / O cm3 O ) O were O selected O and O measured O by O the O SP2 B-climate-observations to O obtain O their O corresponding O mixing O states O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 4516817256e64da95dd92cf0fe0be66f play O important O roles O in O ecosystem O due O to O their O extensive O geographical O coverage O on O the O Qinghai O - O Tibetan O Plateau O ( O QTP O ) O . O The O key O environmental O factors O which O determined O Bryophytes B-climate-organisms ’s O habitats B-climate-organisms and O range O shifts O were O also O examined O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O e286f3e2a40021cf3d440580a95573af Agreeing O with O geo O - O sciences O I O do O not O understand O natural O disasters O ( O such O as O hurricanes B-climate-hazards , O earthquakes B-climate-hazards or O storm B-climate-hazards surges I-climate-hazards ) O as O single O events O , O like O journalism O mainly O covers O them O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 4f06b511e3b4a73b5ac2ba66171df7c7 Abstract O Study O region O The O Chancay O - O Huaral O ( O CH O ) O coastal B-climate-nature river I-climate-nature basin I-climate-nature in O the O Lima O Region O , O Peru O , O between O the O Pacific O Ocean O and O the O Andean O Cordillera O . O Therefore O , O bias O - O corrected O time O series O of O temperature B-climate-properties and O precipitation B-climate-nature from O 31 O General O Circulation O Models O ( O GCMs O ) O with O the O emission B-climate-problem-origins scenarios O RCP4.5 B-climate-datasets and O RCP8.5 B-climate-datasets ( O Representative O Concentration O Pathways O ) O were O used O as O inputs O for O the O Water B-climate-models Evaluation I-climate-models and I-climate-models Planning I-climate-models System I-climate-models model O ( O WEAP B-climate-models ) O . O Bias O correction O and O downscaling O of O the O GCMs O were O implemented O using O a O quantile O mapping O method O . O New O hydrological O insights O for O the O region O On O average O , O GCMs O indicate O increased O annual B-climate-properties mean I-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties by O 3.1 O ° O C O ( O RCP4.5 B-climate-datasets ) O and O by O 4.3 O ° O C O ( O RCP8.5 B-climate-datasets ) O and O precipitation B-climate-properties sum I-climate-properties by O 20 O % O ( O RCP4.5 B-climate-datasets ) O and O by O 28 O % O ( O RCP8.5 B-climate-datasets ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 28767921addeb63241b498b7080d1807 The O kinetic O formalism O developed O includes O the O coupling O of O the O rate O equations O of O each O of O the O different O species O considered O ( O electrons O , O ions O , O atoms O and O molecules O ) O with O the O Boltzmann O transport O equation O so O that O , O in O this O way O , O all O the O kinetics O is O self O - O consistent O , O although O , O in O the O present O approach O , O the O electrodynamics O ( O no O Poisson O equation O is O considered O ) O is O not O coupled O . O The O chemical O model O set O up O for O air O plasmas B-climate-nature includes O more O than O 75 O species O and O almost O 500 O reactions O . O This O study O also O considers O the O vibrational O kinetics O of O N2 O and O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases and O explicitly O evaluates O the O optical B-climate-properties emissions I-climate-properties associated O with O a O number O of O excited O states O of O N2 O , O O O 2 O , O O O in O the O visible O , O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases in O the O infrared O ( O IR O ) O and O ultraviolet O ( O UV O ) O emissions O of O sprite O streamers O due O to O the O N2 O Lyman B-climate-observations – I-climate-observations Birge I-climate-observations – I-climate-observations Hopfield I-climate-observations ( O LBH B-climate-observations ) O and O the O NO O - O γ O band B-climate-observations systems I-climate-observations . O All O the O calculations O are O conducted O for O midnight O conditions O in O mid O - O latitude B-climate-properties regions O ( O +38 O ◦ O N O ) O and O 0 O ◦ O longitude B-climate-properties , O using O as O initial O values O for O the O neutral O species O those O provided O by O the O latest O version O of O the O Whole B-climate-models Atmosphere I-climate-models Community I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O WACCM B-climate-models ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O 7fb6a223b2a349c2300a6e3e959b4b67 The O Biosphere B-climate-models Energy I-climate-models - I-climate-models Transfer I-climate-models and I-climate-models Hydrology I-climate-models model O ( O BETHY B-climate-models ) O is O used O to O simulate O global O photosynthesis B-climate-nature , O and O plant B-climate-organisms and O soil B-climate-nature respiration I-climate-nature embedded O within O the O full O energy O and O water B-climate-nature balance I-climate-nature , O based O on O 13 O years O of O meteorological O data O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O b8e14d567da2c96c1d9126b6418075ef Fires B-climate-hazards in O the O boreal B-climate-nature forests I-climate-nature of O North O America O are O generally O severe O , O killing B-climate-impacts the O majority O of O trees B-climate-organisms and O initiating O succession O that O may O last O over O a O century O . O Burn B-climate-impacts area I-climate-impacts across O Alaska O and O Canada O has O increased O in O the O last O few O decades O , O and O is O projected O to O be O substantially O higher O by O the O end O of O the O 21st O century O due O to O a O warmer O climate O with O longer O growing O seasons O . O Further O work O is O needed O to O integrate O all O the O climate O drivers O from O boreal O forest B-climate-hazards fires I-climate-hazards , O including O aerosols B-climate-nature and O greenhouse O gasses O , O and O to O incorporate O Eurasia O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O d5ed4d64bd716ca943bfbee19177a4ef Here O we O assess O the O analytic O utility O of O the O well O - O known O IPAT B-climate-models identity I-climate-models , O the O newly O developed O ImPACT B-climate-models identity I-climate-models , O and O their O stochastic O cousin O , O the O STIRPAT B-climate-models model O . O We O then O refine O the O STIRPAT B-climate-models model O by O developing O the O concept O of O ecological B-climate-properties elasticity I-climate-properties ( O EE B-climate-properties ) O . O To O illustrate O the O application O of O STIRPAT B-climate-models and O EE B-climate-properties , O we O compute O the O ecological B-climate-properties elasticities I-climate-properties of O population B-climate-properties , O affluence B-climate-properties and O other O factors O for O cross B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties national I-climate-properties emissions I-climate-properties of O carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases ( O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases ) O from O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuel I-climate-problem-origins combustion I-climate-problem-origins and O for O the O energy O footprint O , O a O composite O measure O comprising O impacts O from O fossil B-climate-problem-origins fuel I-climate-problem-origins combustion I-climate-problem-origins , O fuel B-climate-problem-origins wood I-climate-problem-origins , O hydropower B-climate-mitigations and O nuclear B-climate-mitigations power I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ofc04919547675a121cb0acf75f63c2b5 Measured O data O on O space B-climate-problem-origins heating I-climate-problem-origins is O not O available O on O country O scale O , O nor O are O highly O granular O estimates O . O The O method O is O presented O in O the O paper O " O Estimating O country O - O specific O space O heating B-climate-problem-origins threshold B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties from O national O gas B-climate-problem-origins and I-climate-problem-origins electricity I-climate-problem-origins consumption I-climate-problem-origins data O " O , O and O shows O that O current O results O can O improve O significantly O by O including O weather O and O primary O energy O use O . O With O a O careful O modelling O of O the O coefficient B-climate-properties of I-climate-properties performance I-climate-properties , O I O show O that O heat B-climate-mitigations pumps I-climate-mitigations become O more O economically O feasible O with O rising O ambient B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O93e8e89fbf2e0a69cfad0f8acbd47dbc The O design O of O pavement B-climate-assets structure O is O as O a O set O of O several O activities O related O to O the O design O of O road B-climate-assets construction O , O dimension O and O model O calculations O . O An O increase O in O air B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties is O assumed O , O with O an O increase O in O average B-climate-properties monthly I-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties of O 2.0 O to O 4.8 O ° O C O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O5dc497441bfb97397499483e461f3c0c Oklahoma O watersheds B-climate-nature and O urban O areas O are O subject O to O increased O water B-climate-hazards shortages I-climate-hazards , O woody B-climate-hazards plant I-climate-hazards encroachment I-climate-hazards , O and O other O socio O - O environmental O issues O . O Our O three O study O areas O represent O the O diversity O within O Oklahoma O : O Oklahoma O City O ( O urban O ) O , O Kiamichi O watershed O ( O timber B-climate-assets , O reservoir B-climate-mitigations ) O , O and O Cimarron O watershed O ( O agriculture B-climate-assets , O grassland B-climate-nature ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Of1be8507c3bbef488835a821280d421d Besides O the O factors O of O climate O change O , O fire B-climate-hazards , O plant B-climate-impacts diseases I-climate-impacts and O insect B-climate-hazards pests I-climate-hazards , O human B-climate-problem-origins damage I-climate-problem-origins activities I-climate-problem-origins , O the O influences O of O adaptive B-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations methods I-climate-mitigations to O the O factors O of O productivity O were O firstly O considered O in O the O model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3814a47de6c59d5cf7edd05ab94af571 Life O cycle O assessment O ( O LCA O ) O framework O will O be O utilised O as O a O method O for O both O economic O feasibility O and O climate O impact O evaluation O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O9d0ddf556b8ae379b631da671d7d6800 Renewable B-climate-mitigations energy I-climate-mitigations ( O RE B-climate-mitigations ) O generation O including O wind B-climate-mitigations and I-climate-mitigations solar I-climate-mitigations farms I-climate-mitigations has O experienced O significant O growth O due O to O the O challenge O of O climate O and O energy O crisis O . O In O this O paper O , O voltage B-climate-properties stability I-climate-properties L I-climate-properties - I-climate-properties index I-climate-properties is O proposed O as O the O constraint O of O the O primal O - O dual O interior O point O method O for O optimal O power O flow O by O considering O the O integration O of O wind B-climate-nature and O photovoltaic B-climate-mitigations cell I-climate-mitigations power I-climate-mitigations on O system O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O495412548716e741c1758bcffe9fe929 The O paper O ( O i O ) O describes O the O conceptual O design O of O the O Elbe B-climate-models - I-climate-models DSS I-climate-models , O ( O ii O ) O demonstrates O the O applicability O of O the O integrated O catchment O model O by O running O three O different O management O options O for O phosphate B-climate-mitigations discharge I-climate-mitigations reduction I-climate-mitigations ( O reforestation B-climate-mitigations , O erosion B-climate-mitigations control I-climate-mitigations and O ecological B-climate-mitigations - I-climate-mitigations farming I-climate-mitigations ) O under O the O assumption O of O regional O climate O change O based O on O IPCC O scenarios O , O ( O iii O ) O evaluates O the O effectiveness O of O the O management O options O , O and O ( O iv O ) O provides O some O lessons O for O the O DSS O - O development O in O similar O settings O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oc5cfe2ae2494e461d69e06ee6bd260f8 CIERA B-climate-organizations is O building B-climate-assets an O international O community O to O catalyze O emissions O research O by O facilitating O : O the O consistent O , O timely O , O and O transparent O development O of O emission B-climate-problem-origins inventories O at O all O scales O ; O evaluations O and O analyses O of O emissions B-climate-problem-origins datasets O ; O and O the O exchange O and O communication O of O emissions B-climate-problem-origins information O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa30e7ccfd008ac09618c2fa028f6675c Abstract O Understanding O the O impact O of O climate O change O on O borehole B-climate-assets yields I-climate-assets from O fractured O aquifers B-climate-nature is O essential O for O future O water B-climate-mitigations resources I-climate-mitigations planning I-climate-mitigations and I-climate-mitigations management I-climate-mitigations . O We O developed O a O simple O two O - O layered O radial B-climate-nature groundwater I-climate-nature flow I-climate-nature model O of O an O idealised O pumping B-climate-assets borehole I-climate-assets in O the O fractured O Chalk B-climate-nature aquifer I-climate-nature of O south O - O east O England O , O and O applied O 11 O VKD B-climate-properties profiles O based O on O a O simple O conceptual O representation O of O variation B-climate-properties in I-climate-properties hydraulic I-climate-properties conductivity I-climate-properties with I-climate-properties depth I-climate-properties in O the O Chalk B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O095139ddcef03ac156752c6cb1bfe90a For O thousands O of O years O , O the O Huang O - O Hai O Plain O in O northeast O China O has O been O one O of O the O most O productive O agricultural B-climate-assets regions O of O the O country O . O The O IPCC B-climate-organizations estimates O that O 40 O Pg O of O C O could O be O sequestered O in O cropland B-climate-assets soils B-climate-nature worldwide O over O the O next O several O decades O ; O however O , O changes O in O global O climate O may O impact O this O potential O . O To O assess O the O influence O of O these O management O practices O under O a O changing O climate O , O we O use O two O climate O change O scenarios O ( O A2 B-climate-datasets and O B2 B-climate-datasets ) O at O two O time O periods O in O the O EPIC B-climate-models agro O - O ecosystem O simulation O model O . O The O EPIC B-climate-models model O indicates O that O winter B-climate-assets wheat I-climate-assets yields O would O increase O on O average O by O 0.2 O Mg O ha O � O 1 O in O the O earlier O period O and O by O 0.8 O Mg O ha O � O 1 O in O the O later O period O due O to O warmer O nighttime B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties and O higher O precipitation B-climate-nature . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od4ce990cf7cf6d1b9b33810c03c9e558 In O this O paper O , O we O evaluate O the O impact O of O mineral B-climate-nature dust I-climate-nature ( O MD B-climate-nature ) O on O snow B-climate-nature radiative O properties O in O the O European O Alps O at O ground O , O aerial O , O and O satellite O scale O . O A O field O survey O was O conducted O to O acquire O snow B-climate-nature spectral B-climate-properties reflectance I-climate-properties measurements O with O an O Analytical B-climate-observations Spectral I-climate-observations Device I-climate-observations ( I-climate-observations ASD I-climate-observations ) I-climate-observations Field I-climate-observations Spec I-climate-observations Pro I-climate-observations spectroradiometer O . O An O overflight O of O a O four O - O rotor O Unmanned O Aerial O Vehicle O ( O UAV O ) O equipped O with O an O RGB O digital O camera O sensor O was O carried O out O during O the O field O operations O . O Finally O , O Landsat B-climate-observations 8 I-climate-observations Operational I-climate-observations Land I-climate-observations Imager I-climate-observations ( O OLI B-climate-observations ) O data O covering O the O central O European O Alps O were O analyzed O . O We O also O estimated O a O positive O instantaneous O radiative B-climate-properties forcing I-climate-properties that O reaches O values O up O to O 153 O W O / O m2 O for O the O most O concentrated O sampling O area O . O These O maps O show O the O spatial O distribution O of O MD O in O snow B-climate-nature after O a O natural O deposition O from O the O Saharan O desert O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O8188cbe873246fbee7885c7009446024 Previous O studies O have O confirmed O the O positive O influence O of O increasing O CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases on O photosynthesis O and O survival O of O the O temperate O eelgrass B-climate-organisms Zostera B-climate-organisms marina I-climate-organisms L. I-climate-organisms , O but O the O acclimation O of O photoprotective O mechanisms O in O this O context O has O not O been O characterized O . O This O study O aimed O to O quantify O the O long O - O term O impacts O of O ocean B-climate-hazards acidification I-climate-hazards on O photochemical O control O mechanisms O that O promote O photosynthesis O while O simultaneously O protecting O eelgrass B-climate-organisms from O photodamage O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O40cf3e88ecb323889a7e33322c6de2c0 RegCM4 B-climate-models is O driven O with O European B-climate-organizations Centre I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Medium I-climate-organizations - I-climate-organizations Range I-climate-organizations Weather I-climate-organizations Forecasts I-climate-organizations ( O ECMWF B-climate-organizations ) O ERA B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Interim I-climate-datasets 6 I-climate-datasets - O hourly O boundary O condition O fields O for O the O CORDEX B-climate-models - I-climate-models MENA I-climate-models / O Arab O domain O . O Besides O ERA B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Interim I-climate-datasets lateral O boundary O conditions O data O , O the O Climatic B-climate-organizations Research I-climate-organizations Unit I-climate-organizations ( O CRU B-climate-organizations ) O data O is O also O used O to O assess O the O performance O of O RegCM4 B-climate-models . O Overall O , O RegCM4 B-climate-models simulates O large O pressure B-climate-properties and O water B-climate-nature vapor I-climate-nature values O along O with O lower O wind B-climate-properties speeds I-climate-properties compared O to O the O driving O fields O , O which O are O the O key O sources O of O bias O in O simulating O rainfall B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties . O The O most O suitable O option O Grell B-climate-models over I-climate-models Land I-climate-models and I-climate-models Emanuel I-climate-models over I-climate-models Ocean I-climate-models in O wet O ( O GLEO B-climate-models wet O ) O delivers O a O rainfall B-climate-nature wet B-climate-properties bias I-climate-properties of O 2.96 O % O and O a O temperature B-climate-properties cold B-climate-properties bias I-climate-properties of O 0.26 O ° O C O , O compared O to O CRU B-climate-datasets data O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oa274dcc6a7364222319b75f364dd5655 The O rich O mountain B-climate-nature - O top O natural O forests B-climate-nature base O was O a O potential O livelihood B-climate-assets asset O ( O 93.2 O % O ) O . O Food B-climate-impacts insecurity I-climate-impacts and O income B-climate-assets poverty B-climate-impacts contributes O to O unsustainable B-climate-impacts livelihoods I-climate-impacts ( O 94.7 O % O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Od1e811320192266eb659bbb9ecd31b8d Thus O , O this O study O tries O to O identify O the O in O - O built O crop B-climate-assets production O technology O related O adaptation O and/or O risk O management O strategies O with O smallholder B-climate-assets farmers O ’ O perception O in O moisture B-climate-properties - O stressed O areas O of O the O central O rift O valley O of O Ethiopia O . O Results O of O descriptive O analysis O showed O that O high O temperature B-climate-properties , O short O rain B-climate-nature and O pests B-climate-hazards ( O indirectly O ) O have O been O the O most O important O phenomena O of O climate O change O causing O loss B-climate-impacts of I-climate-impacts crop I-climate-impacts production O , O exhaustion B-climate-impacts and O illness B-climate-impacts . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O708121b86d8c0d1450b80e52981a0ce5 The O Providing B-climate-models Regional I-climate-models Climates I-climate-models for I-climate-models Impacts I-climate-models Studies I-climate-models ( O PRECIS B-climate-models ) O regional O modeling O system O is O adopted O to O conduct O ensemble O simulations O in O a O continuous O run O from O 1950 O to O 2099 O , O driven O by O the O boundary O conditions O from O a O HadCM3 B-climate-models - O based O perturbed O physics O ensemble O . O Simulations O of O temperature B-climate-properties and O precipitation B-climate-nature for O the O baseline O period O are O first O compared O to O the O observed O values O to O validate O the O performance O of O the O ensemble O in O capturing O the O current O climatology O over O Ontario O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O0be4db59e5d250a53f4c444057e5989b Inland O - O penetrating O atmospheric B-climate-nature rivers I-climate-nature ( O ARs B-climate-nature ) O affect O the O United O States O Southwest O and O significantly O contribute O to O cool O season O precipitation B-climate-nature . O In O this O study O , O we O examine O the O results O from O an O ensemble O of O dynamically O downscaled O simulations O from O the O North B-climate-organizations American I-climate-organizations Regional I-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations Assessment I-climate-organizations Program I-climate-organizations ( O NARCCAP B-climate-organizations ) O and O their O driving O general O circulation O models O ( O GCMs O ) O in O order O to O determine O statistically O significant O changes O in O the O intensity O of O the O cool O season O ARs O impacting O Arizona O and O the O associated O precipitation B-climate-nature . O Future O greenhouse O gas O emissions O follow O the O A2 B-climate-datasets emission B-climate-problem-origins scenario O from O the O Intergovernmental B-climate-organizations Panel I-climate-organizations on I-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations Fourth B-climate-datasets Assessment I-climate-datasets Report I-climate-datasets simulations O . O We O find O that O there O is O a O consistent O and O clear O intensification O of O the O AR O - O related O water B-climate-nature vapor I-climate-nature transport O in O both O the O global O and O regional O simulations O which O reflects O the O increase O in O water B-climate-nature vapor I-climate-nature content O due O to O warmer O atmospheric B-climate-properties temperatures I-climate-properties , O according O to O the O Clausius O - O Clapeyron O relationship O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O30ee93b474fc6b121913a273233158b4 Visual O performance O related O simulations O are O executed O in O Grasshopper B-climate-models , O a O graphical O algorithm O editor O which O uses O plug O - O ins O to O apply O performance O simulations O . O These O simulations O showed O that O vertical O blinds B-climate-mitigations perform O well O with O low O angled O sun O ( O winter O conditions O ) O and O horizontal O blinds O with O high O angled O sun O ( O summer O conditions O ) O . O Polycarbonate O has O been O selected O in O this O case O based O on O its O transparent O , O tough O and O non O - O flammable O character O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O47466fc6d8cd80070ea97f11efc3a2a2 The O main O objective O of O this O study O was O to O develop O past O and O present O vulnerability O index O using O climate O and O socioeconomic O data O at O district O level O in O Nepal O based O on O IPCC B-climate-organizations 2007 O framework O of O vulnerability O . O The O assessment O was O carried O out O from O 1975 O to O 2012 O at O a O decadal O scale O . O NASA B-climate-organizations climate O and O land B-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties datasets O were O leveraged O to O advance O the O climate O change O portion O of O the O vulnerability O assessment O . O The O resultant O climate O change O and O geographic O vulnerability O index O were O combined O in O ArcMap B-climate-models to O derive O the O overall O vulnerability O index O . O Monitoring O potential O climate O change O using O NASA B-climate-organizations satellite O data O and O ESRI B-climate-models ArcGIS I-climate-models software O could O save O innumerable O in O situ O man O hours O and O expedite O the O environmental O monitoring O required O for O natural O hazard O early B-climate-mitigations warning I-climate-mitigations systems I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O565d8b22ade8a2a4b4c6813844447ee5 The O impact O of O climate O change O on O the O stability O of O soil B-climate-nature organic I-climate-nature carbon I-climate-nature ( O SOC B-climate-nature ) O remains O a O major O source O of O uncertainty O in O predicting O future O changes O in O atmospheric B-climate-nature CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases levels O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe8f5743d6eb66fb5f32501efbcc541f0 The O challenge O of O recent O years O is O represented O by O the O possibility O to O confer O a O sustainable O approach O to O disaster B-climate-mitigations relief I-climate-mitigations strategies I-climate-mitigations . O The O consequences O of O the O destruction B-climate-impacts of O Typhoon O Yolanda O in O the O Philip O - O pines O have O been O raised O as O case O study O for O the O rethinking O of O the O strategies O of O governments O with O respect O to O serious O calamities B-climate-impacts . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3c4e976a9f6a5ccc8eeda54436bde7cd The O paper O examines O innovative O and O promising O trends O in O in O the O design O of O high B-climate-assets - I-climate-assets rise I-climate-assets buildings O that O challenge O traditional O typologies O and O are O adapted O for O specific O climatic O conditions O . O The O purpose O of O the O study O is O to O investigate O modern O methods O of O designing O building B-climate-mitigations envelopes I-climate-mitigations for O bioclimatic O skyscrapers B-climate-assets taking O into O account O heat O impact O of O climate O on O the O thermal O balance O of O buildings B-climate-assets . O The O authors O analyze O the O efficiency B-climate-properties of O using O double B-climate-mitigations facades I-climate-mitigations in O different O climatic O conditions O with O account O of O their O interaction O with O other O technological O , O constructive O and O planning O elements O , O such O as O " O solar B-climate-mitigations chimney I-climate-mitigations " O , O passive B-climate-mitigations and I-climate-mitigations active I-climate-mitigations solar I-climate-mitigations control I-climate-mitigations systems I-climate-mitigations , O landscaping O , O intelligence O control O systems O of O temperature B-climate-properties and O humidity B-climate-properties conditions O in O premises O and O buildings B-climate-assets , O etc O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O59c54f8589aedb493dad2fa676e25453 The O functional O composition O of O plant B-climate-organisms communities O is O a O critical O modulator O of O climate O change O impacts O on O ecosystems O , O but O it O is O not O a O simple O function O of O regional O climate O . O In O the O Arctic O tundra B-climate-nature , O where O climate O change O is O proceeding O the O most O rapidly O , O communities O have O not O shifted O their O trait O composition O as O predicted O by O spatial O temperature B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties trait I-climate-properties relationships I-climate-properties . O We O consider O the O community O weighted O means O of O plant B-climate-organisms vegetative B-climate-properties height I-climate-properties , O as O well O as O two O traits O related O to O the O leaf O economic O spectrum O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O6879cc830ada3560be00e542b477a2f2 resulted O in O humid O bias O , O i.e. O , O an O increase O in O evapotranspiration B-climate-properties by O + O 0.5 O mm O d O −1 O ( O latent B-climate-properties heat I-climate-properties flux I-climate-properties is O 1.3 O MJ O m O −2 O d O −1 O ) O , O -DOCSTART- -X- O O7a02bd13025e5ee7c7012981b03d60a9 Bovine B-climate-impacts tuberculosis I-climate-impacts is O a O zoonosis B-climate-impacts which O affects O the O livestock B-climate-assets industry O , O the O public O health B-climate-assets sector O and O wildlife B-climate-mitigations reservoirs I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O47f520c8c659afe5603cd16b92ddb6fa Assessment O of O outdoor O thermal B-climate-properties comfort I-climate-properties provides O a O valuable O insight O into O the O performance O of O outdoor O built B-climate-assets environments I-climate-assets . O During O the O last O four O decades O the O number O of O the O thermal B-climate-properties comfort I-climate-properties studies O focused O on O the O impact O of O microclimate O parameters O on O human O health B-climate-assets and O wellbeing B-climate-assets has O increased O . O The O data O used O in O this O study O was O collected O during O three O rounds O of O the O field O surveys O consisting O of O measurement O and O questionnaire O surveys O . O Using O a O Socio O - O ecological O System O Model O ( O SESM O ) O as O the O research O framework O , O this O study O aimed O to O investigate O the O role O of O non O - O thermal O factors O that O are O classified O under O the O individual O environment O ( O gender B-climate-properties , O age B-climate-properties group O , O exposure B-climate-properties to I-climate-properties sun I-climate-properties , O level O of O activity O and O clothing B-climate-mitigations insulation I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O28a8b130cae164fdd877f50443c2675d Sea B-climate-hazards level I-climate-hazards rise I-climate-hazards ( O SLR B-climate-hazards ) O is O one O of O the O major O socioeconomic O risks O associated O with O global O warming O . O Mass O losses O from O the O Greenland O ice O sheet O ( O GrIS O ) O will O be O partially O responsible O for O future O SLR B-climate-hazards , O although O there O are O large O uncertainties O in O modeled O climate O and O ice B-climate-nature sheet I-climate-nature behavior O . O We O used O the O ice B-climate-nature sheet I-climate-nature model O SICOPOLIS B-climate-models ( O SImulation B-climate-models COde I-climate-models for I-climate-models POLythermal I-climate-models Ice I-climate-models Sheets I-climate-models ) O driven O by O climate O projections O from O 20 O models O in O the O fifth O phase O of O the O Coupled B-climate-models Model I-climate-models Intercomparison I-climate-models Project I-climate-models ( O CMIP5 B-climate-models ) O to O estimate O the O GrIS O contribution O to O global O SLR B-climate-hazards . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob9c65823fe403a7497046cc548b28a40 The O Tangxun O Lake O was O used O as O a O testbed O here O , O and O the O impacts O of O rainfall B-climate-nature intensity O and O urbanization B-climate-problem-origins on O lake B-climate-nature water O quality O was O discussed O through O the O scenario O analysis O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Ob5bb465968307ca3532597ed20842ac5 The O proposed O approach O was O applied O to O the O 20 O - O county O Atlanta O metropolitan O area O using O regional O climate O model O ( O RCM O ) O simulations O from O the O North B-climate-organizations American I-climate-organizations Regional I-climate-organizations Climate I-climate-organizations Change I-climate-organizations Assessment I-climate-organizations Program I-climate-organizations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O999875b15180b9673bb91a78afa8ccba The O ReCiPe B-climate-models 2016 I-climate-models Midpoint O and O Endpoint O characterization O model O was O used O for O the O data O expression O . O In O the O assessed O framework O , O pea B-climate-assets monocrops B-climate-assets or O intensively O fertilized O oat B-climate-assets monocrops B-climate-assets can O also O be O considered O as O alternatives O with O relatively O low O impact O on O the O environment O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3222950539971fa07f01a3625a1020c4 The O Antarctic O Peninsula O is O one O of O the O regions O on O the O Earth O with O the O clearest O evidence O of O recent O and O fast O air O warming O . O The O model O takes O into O account O sediment B-climate-nature and O population B-climate-properties dynamics I-climate-properties with O Lotka B-climate-models - I-climate-models Volterra I-climate-models competition I-climate-models , O a O sediment B-climate-nature - O dependent O mortality B-climate-impacts term O and O a O randomized O ice B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature scouring I-climate-nature biomass O removal O . O With O the O developed O algorithm O , O and O using O a O MATLAB B-climate-models environment O , O numerical O simulations O for O scenarios O with O different O sedimentation B-climate-properties and O ice B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties impact I-climate-properties rates I-climate-properties were O undertaken O in O order O to O evaluate O the O effect O of O this O phenomenon O on O biological O dynamics O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O595ea9c60e8faf5fb99fc08b809e05c0 In O the O current O study O , O we O present O and O document O the O development O of O a O new O simplified O set O - O up O within O the O ECHAM B-climate-models / O MESSy B-climate-models model O , O namely O the O dry O dynamical O core O model O set O - O up O ECHAM B-climate-models / I-climate-models MESSy I-climate-models IdeaLized I-climate-models ( O EMIL B-climate-models ) O . O The O set O - O up O is O achieved O by O the O implementation O of O a O new O submodel O for O relaxation O of O temperature B-climate-properties and O horizontal O winds B-climate-nature to O given O background O values O ( O the O RELAX B-climate-models submodel O ) O , O which O replaces O all O other O physics O submodels O in O the O EMIL B-climate-models set O - O up O . O The O RELAX B-climate-models submodel O incorporates O options O to O set O the O needed O parameters O ( O e.g. O equilibrium B-climate-properties temperature I-climate-properties , O relaxation O time O and O damping O coefficient O ) O to O functions O used O frequently O in O the O past O ( O given O by O Held O and O Suarez O , O 1994 O ; O Polvani O and O Kushner O , O 2002 O ) O . O Test O simulations O with O the O EMIL B-climate-models model O set O - O up O show O that O results O from O earlier O studies O with O other O dry O dynamical O core O models O are O reproduced O under O same O set O - O ups O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oab6cb78bf43eabd2596856f21fdc4c1d A O majority O of O IPCC B-climate-organizations scenarios O show O that O often O very O significant O amounts O ( O 20 O Gt O CO2e O / O yr O ) O of O Greenhouse O Gas O Removal O technologies O ( O GGRs O ) O are O required O to O reach O a O 2 O ° O C O target O by O 2100 O . O Given O that O most O models O fail O to O reach O a O 2 O ° O C O target O without O GGRs O , O it O seems O impossible O that O the O aspirational O target O of O 1.5 O ° O C O of O the O Paris B-climate-mitigations Agreement I-climate-mitigations could O be O met O without O GGRs O . O It O appears O that O sequestration O in O soils B-climate-nature and O vegetation B-climate-nature have O significant O potential O for O GGR O , O and O may O do O so O with O much O less O competition O for O land O , O water O and O nutrients O than O , O for O example O , O Bioenergy O with O Carbon O Capture O and O Storage O ( O BECCS O ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O >>> bpf FROM HERE ON LOOKED FOR MODELS (but not everything was one) -DOCSTART- -X- O Of76923e191ef686464ec0a15330975d4 Skills O in O reproducing O monthly O rainfall B-climate-nature over O Calabria O ( O southern O Italy O ) O have O been O validated O for O the O Climate B-climate-datasets Hazards I-climate-datasets group I-climate-datasets InfraRed I-climate-datasets Precipitation I-climate-datasets with I-climate-datasets Station I-climate-datasets data I-climate-datasets ( O CHIRPS B-climate-datasets ) O satellite O data O , O the O E B-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets OBS I-climate-datasets dataset O and O 13 O Global O Climate O Model O - O Regional O Climate O Model O ( O GCM O - O RCM O ) O combinations O , O belonging O to O the O ENSEMBLES B-climate-organizations project I-climate-organizations output O set O . O The O relative O mean O and O standard O deviation O errors O , O and O the O Pearson O correlation O coefficient O have O been O used O as O validation O metrics O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O851b71730174981ade32c27fda772d3d Keeping O this O in O mind O , O phase O five O of O the O Coupled B-climate-models Model I-climate-models Intercomparison I-climate-models Project I-climate-models ( O CMIP5 B-climate-models ) O , O for O the O first O time O , O provides O 10–30 O years O predictions O obtained O from O the O General O Circulation O Models O ( O GCMs O ) O . O This O study O aims O to O analyse O the O CMIP5 B-climate-models decadal O predictions O for O precipitation B-climate-nature over O five O sub O - O basins O of O river O Brahmaputra O . O Daily O precipitation B-climate-nature data O of O five O GCMs O , O namely O F B-climate-models - I-climate-models GOALS I-climate-models - I-climate-models g2 I-climate-models , O BCC B-climate-models - I-climate-models CSM1 I-climate-models - I-climate-models 1 I-climate-models , O IPSL B-climate-models - I-climate-models CM5A I-climate-models , O CanCM4 B-climate-models and O MRI B-climate-models - I-climate-models CGCM3 I-climate-models are O used O for O this O assessment O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Of79aef571d4f68304c875988c3a99763 Reliability O and O accuracy O of O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties datasets O are O essential O for O understanding O changes O in O regional O climate O such O as O precipitation B-climate-nature and O temperature B-climate-properties . O Soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties datasets O from O the O Essential O Climate O Variable O ( O ECV O ) O , O the O Coupled B-climate-models Model I-climate-models Intercomparison I-climate-models Project I-climate-models Phase I-climate-models 5 I-climate-models ( O CMIP5 B-climate-models ) O , O the O Inter B-climate-models - I-climate-models Sectoral I-climate-models Impact I-climate-models Model I-climate-models Intercomparison I-climate-models Project I-climate-models ( O ISIMIP B-climate-models ) O , O the O Global B-climate-models Land I-climate-models Data I-climate-models Assimilation I-climate-models System I-climate-models ( O GLDAS B-climate-models ) O , O and O reanalysis O products O are O widely O used O . O In O terms O of O unbiased O Root O - O Mean O - O Square O Difference O ( O unRMSE O , O i.e. O , O removing O the O differences O in O absolute O values O ) O , O all O modeled O datasets O obtain O performances O comparable O with O ECV O observations O . O In O winter O , O GLDAS B-climate-models performs O the O best O in O the O east O of O south O China O , O followed O by O the O Reanalysis O dataset O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O Oe61cef21ed616e4f9aa537388eef6b49 We O study O the O Sarychev O Peak O eruption O , O using O the O Community B-climate-models Earth I-climate-models System I-climate-models Model I-climate-models version I-climate-models 1.0 I-climate-models ( O CESM1 B-climate-models ) O Whole B-climate-models Atmosphere I-climate-models Community I-climate-models Climate I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O WACCM B-climate-models ) O – O Community B-climate-models Aerosol I-climate-models and I-climate-models Radiation I-climate-models Model I-climate-models for I-climate-models Atmospheres I-climate-models ( O CARMA B-climate-models ) O sectional O aerosol B-climate-nature microphysics O model O ( O with O no O a O priori O assumption O on O particle B-climate-properties size I-climate-properties ) O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O40515d17c1cb65c678e559ed76118d08 Simulations O were O performed O for O maize B-climate-assets and O soybean B-climate-assets using O the O pSIMS B-climate-models platform O across O the O U.S O Midwest O by O incrementally O accounting O for O five O sources O of O uncertainty O with O a O 7 O km×7 O km O resolution O using O the O APSIM B-climate-models and O DSSAT B-climate-models crop B-climate-assets growth O models O . O Then O , O a O series O of O nitrate B-climate-hazards leaching I-climate-hazards hotpots O were O identified O and O a O regional O maize B-climate-assets yield O productivity O index O was O estimated O by O decomposing O the O uncertainty O in O the O same O scenario O using O a O hierarchical O Bayesian O random O - O effect O model O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O540e95b9dd97f43e20971ddd6d625132 For O this O , O the O INteractive B-climate-models Fires I-climate-models and I-climate-models Emissions I-climate-models algoRithm I-climate-models for I-climate-models Natural I-climate-models environments I-climate-models ( O INFERNO B-climate-models ) O fire B-climate-hazards model O is O coupled O to O the O atmosphere B-climate-nature - O only O configuration O of O the O UK B-climate-models ’s I-climate-models Earth I-climate-models System I-climate-models Model I-climate-models ( O UKESM1 B-climate-models ) O . O This O fire B-climate-hazards - O atmosphere B-climate-nature interaction O through O atmospheric O chemistry O and O aerosols B-climate-nature allows O for O fire B-climate-hazards emissions I-climate-hazards to O influence O radiation O , O clouds B-climate-nature , O and O generally O weather O , O which O can O consequently O influence O the O meteorological O drivers O of O fire B-climate-hazards . O Additionally O , O INFERNO B-climate-models is O updated O based O on O recent O developments O in O the O literature O to O improve O the O representation O of O human O / O economic O factors O in O the O anthropogenic B-climate-problem-origins ignition I-climate-problem-origins and O suppression B-climate-mitigations of I-climate-mitigations fire I-climate-mitigations . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O60825be4f200cb922765c1141fd1eaf8 DAMOCLES B-climate-organizations ( O Developing B-climate-organizations Arctic I-climate-organizations Modeling I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Observing I-climate-organizations Capabilities I-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Long I-climate-organizations - I-climate-organizations term I-climate-organizations Environmental I-climate-organizations Studies I-climate-organizations ) O aimed O at O reducing O the O uncertainties O in O our O understanding O , O modeling O and O forecasting O of O climate O changes O in O the O Arctic O . O DAMOCLES B-climate-organizations was O especially O concerned O with O a O significantly O reduced O sea B-climate-properties - I-climate-properties ice I-climate-properties cover I-climate-properties and O the O impact O this O drastic O sea B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature ice I-climate-nature retreat I-climate-nature might O have O on O the O environment O and O on O human O activities O both O regionally O and O globally O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O3caf6c2b344e0cab6ab0d65ac0b304ba Highlights O during O SALTRACE B-climate-observations included O the O Lagrangian O sampling O of O a O dust B-climate-nature plume I-climate-nature in O the O Cape O Verde O area O on O 17 O June O which O was O again O measured O with O the O same O instrumentation O on O 21 O and O 22 O June O 2013 O near O Barbados O . O The O event O was O also O captured O by O the O ground O - O based O lidar B-climate-observations and O in O - O situ O instrumentation O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/fa8d288a6b10e694b1243326af60f683d8ef3331 An O Assessment O of O Spatial O Distribution O of O Four O Different O Satellite O - O Derived O Rainfall B-climate-nature Estimations O and O Observed O Precipitation B-climate-properties over O Bangladesh O . O Given O that O precipitation B-climate-properties is O a O major O component O of O the O earth O ’s O water O and O energy O cycles O , O reliable O information O on O the O monthly O spatial O distribution O of O precipitation B-climate-properties is O also O crucial O for O climate O science O , O climatological O water B-climate-nature - I-climate-nature resource I-climate-nature research O studies O , O and O for O the O evaluation O of O regional O model O simulations O . O In O this O paper O , O four O satellite O derived O precipitation B-climate-properties datasets O : O Climate B-climate-datasets Prediction I-climate-datasets Center I-climate-datasets MORPHING I-climate-datasets ( O CMORPH B-climate-datasets ) O , O Tropical B-climate-datasets Rainfall I-climate-datasets Measuring I-climate-datasets Mission I-climate-datasets ( O TRMM B-climate-datasets ) O , O the O Precipitation B-climate-datasets Estimation I-climate-datasets Algorithm I-climate-datasets from I-climate-datasets Remotely I-climate-datasets - I-climate-datasets Sensed I-climate-datasets Information I-climate-datasets using I-climate-datasets an I-climate-datasets Artificial I-climate-datasets Neural I-climate-datasets Network I-climate-datasets ( O PERSIANN B-climate-datasets ) O , O and O the O global B-climate-datasets Satellite I-climate-datasets Mapping I-climate-datasets of I-climate-datasets Precipitation I-climate-datasets ( O GSMaP B-climate-datasets ) O are O spatially O analyzed O and O compared O with O the O observed O precipitation B-climate-properties data O provided O by O Bangladesh B-climate-organizations Meteorological I-climate-organizations Department I-climate-organizations ( O BMD B-climate-organizations ) O . O For O this O study O , O the O different O precipitations B-climate-properties data O sets O are O spatially O analyzed O from O 2nd O May O 2019 O to O 4th O May O 2019 O at O the O time O of O Cyclone O “ O FANI O ” O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/233313e25b6d9f4760ad29252fb44df3980c7f9f Centennial O - O scale O variability O of O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties in O eastern O Australia O . O Soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties is O of O critical O importance O to O maintaining O agricultural B-climate-assets productivity I-climate-assets and O is O used O as O an O indicator O of O agricultural B-climate-assets drought B-climate-hazards . O In O - O situ O measurements O of O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties , O however O , O are O exceedingly O sparse O at O a O global O scale O compared O to O most O other O hydroclimatic B-climate-nature variables O , O and O the O temporal O coverage O of O most O records O is O limited O to O 15–20 O years O at O best O . O To O overcome O this O , O water B-climate-nature balance I-climate-nature models O have O been O developed O and O applied O to O evaluate O soil B-climate-nature water B-climate-assets availability I-climate-assets at O centennial O - O scales O . O These O include O the O Australian B-climate-organizations Water I-climate-organizations Availability I-climate-organizations Project I-climate-organizations ( O AWAP B-climate-organizations ) O Waterdyn B-climate-models model O , O and O the O Australian B-climate-models Water I-climate-models Resource I-climate-models Assessment I-climate-models ( O AWRA B-climate-models - I-climate-models L I-climate-models ) O models O ; O two O of O the O major O water B-climate-nature balance I-climate-nature models O used O in O Australia O . O This O study O looks O to O extend O on O their O validation O and O application O using O a O unique O in O - O situ O soil B-climate-properties moisture I-climate-properties data O set O from O the O Scaling B-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Assimilation I-climate-organizations of I-climate-organizations Soil I-climate-organizations Moisture I-climate-organizations and I-climate-organizations Streamflow I-climate-organizations ( O SASMAS B-climate-organizations ) O project O for O the O Krui O and O Merriwa O River O catchments O in O eastern O NSW O , O Australia O . O Modelled O outputs O were O compared O against O catchment B-climate-nature average O in O - O situ O data O and O validated O using O correlation O analyses O . O Many O studies O exist O that O look O at O this O issue O in O response O to O the O recent O Millennium O Drought B-climate-hazards across O the O MurrayDarling O Basin O , O however O , O the O East O Coast O of O Australia O is O identified O as O its O own O separate O climate O entity O . O -DOCSTART- -X- O O https://semanticscholar.org/paper/9bbcf4d55d8e781724c0c4e8fda3f69886a3715b Inundation B-climate-hazards mapping O using O C- B-climate-observations and I-climate-observations X I-climate-observations - I-climate-observations band I-climate-observations SAR B-climate-observations data O : O From O algorithms O to O fully O - O automated O flood B-climate-hazards services O . O Since O the O establishment O of O the O ZKI B-climate-organizations ( O Center B-climate-organizations for I-climate-organizations Satellite I-climate-organizations - I-climate-organizations Based I-climate-organizations Crisis I-climate-organizations Information I-climate-organizations ) O at O the O German B-climate-organizations Aerospace I-climate-organizations Center I-climate-organizations ( O DLR B-climate-organizations ) O , O the O development O of O EO O - O based O methodologies O for O the O rapid O mapping O of O flood B-climate-hazards situations O has O been O of O major O concern O . O These O requirements O have O led O to O the O development O of O dedicated O SAR B-climate-observations - O based O flood B-climate-hazards mapping O tools O which O have O been O utilized O during O numerous O rapid O mapping O activities O of O flood B-climate-hazards situations O . O With O respect O to O accuracy O and O computational O effort O , O experiments O performed O on O a O data O set O of O > O 200 O different O TerraSAR B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations X I-climate-observations scenes O acquired O during O flooding B-climate-hazards all O over O the O world O with O different O sensor O configurations O confirmed O the O robustness O and O effectiveness O of O the O flood B-climate-hazards mapping O service O . O processing O chain O has O recently O been O adapted O to O the O new O European B-climate-organizations Space I-climate-organizations Agency I-climate-organizations ’s O C B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations band I-climate-observations SAR B-climate-observations mission O Sentinel-1 B-climate-observations . O In O contrast O to O the O current O TerraSAR B-climate-observations - I-climate-observations X I-climate-observations based O thematic O service O , O Sentinel-1 B-climate-observations enables O a O systematic O disaster B-climate-impacts monitoring O with O high O spatial O and O temporal O resolutions O . O