{"Main Title": "STRUCTURE APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "Presentation of the module ", "Response": "The Structure Module is splitIn 4 different types of applications: 1 - Beams & Columns... Metal frames from a complete catalog 2 - Panels & Plates... Plates, pebbles, etc... 3 - Walls & Floors... Civil Engineering,... 4 - Stair, Ladder and Handrail Stairs, ladders and railings"} {"Main Title": "STRUCTURE APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "Hierarchy ", "Response": "AVEVA E3D allows you to create structural elements according to the following hierarchy model: Section and plates FRMW GENSEC 1,PANE1,SCTN2,GWALL,FLOOR,SCREED Walls and floors CFLOOR CSCREE CWALL FLOOR SCREED STWALLHANDRA STRFLT RLADDR "} {"Main Title": "SECTIONS ", "Sub Title": "Section Storage ", "Response": "The elements created via the Section discipline can be prioritized in two ways: In automatic via Grid Storage In manual via Manual StorageGrid Storage Structure: The sections will be automatically prioritized in a structure that will be created in relation to The associated \"Grid\" Storage Area (Frmw or Sbfr): Sections will be automatically prioritized in a framework or SubFRamework that will be created in relation to the associated \"Grid\" The elements created via the Section discipline can be prioritized in two ways: In automatic via Grid Storage In manual via Manual Storage Manual storage Structure: The sections will beStored in a Structure that will have been created manually by the user Storage Area (Frmw or Sbfr): The sections will be stored in a Framework or Sub-framework that has been Created manually by the user The Lock allows you to lock orNot the framework or Sub-Framework "} {"Main Title": "SECTIONS ", "Sub Title": "Specification ", "Response": "Specific menu: Selection of the classDefault selection of materials Selection of the justification Selection of the specification Selection of the type Selection of the profile Use of the current profile by default Profiles: Defined by 2 points and a specification modifiable at any time, the profiles have specific attachment points and Plines that are the edges of the profiles. "} {"Main Title": "SECTIONS ", "Sub Title": "Fitting ", "Response": "Allows you to create an assembly element (fitting). It can be used to represent any element that is attached to the structure but is not an integral part of it.Create > Fitting Step 1: Click to identify the section where the fitting will be placed Step 2: Select the specification and fitting Step 3: Graphically indicate the Pline where the fitting will be positioned Step 4: Move the fitting to the positionN desired on the previously selected pline "} {"Main Title": "Modification of a profile ", "Sub Title": "Bracing gaps", "Response": "Once the bracing has been created, it is possible to adjust the interval (Gaps) between the bracing and a reference element.Modify after Gaps Step 1 - Selection of the GENSEC composing the bracing (Yellow elements) Step 2 - Selection of the reference elements ( Cyan Elements) Step 3 - Modification of the Gap Gap: Distance between reference element and an element of the bracing The diDifferent bracing configurations: Diagonal Bracing Knee Bracing Cross Bracing Diamond Bracing K Bracing \u2022 Extend: Allows you to change the length of a Gensec in relation to a plan or panel. \u2022 Mitre Ends: Allows you to make a cut of the extremesIrons so that they are parallel to the bisector angle. \u2022 Daughter: Allows you to merge two irons to create a circular section \u2022 Merge: Allows you to make iron melts \u2022 Split: Allows you to make iron cuts in relation to an element\u2022 Splice: Allows you to make iron cuts compared to a plan \u2022 Fitting: Allows you to modify fitting specifications "} {"Main Title": "Nodes and connections ", "Sub Title": "Type of Knots ", "Response": "The creation of perm nodesAnd the connection of the elements between them. The installation of these connections makes it possible to quickly modify a frame, model the fasteners between irons and use some Design features. -Node for fixing with the GC (ENDATUM > FIXING)-Node for fixing metal frame / profile (JLDATU > PLDATU > FIXING) "} {"Main Title": "Nodes and connections ", "Sub Title": "Type of Knots ", "Response": "\u2022 Fixing knot with the GC Selection of the End DATUM tool then selection of the END of a structural iron\u2022 Metal frame fixing knot profile Use the Connect tool then select the main iron, then the secondary section(s) to connect, then Esc then Complete the action "} {"Main Title": "Nodes and connections ", "Sub Title": "Representation of joints ", "Response": "Once the connections have been made, it is possible to show the type of fixation/preparation of the profiles by defining a specification at the Joint (Fixing). After selecting modify -> Joint 1-SelectR its section (always the main section). 2-Click on its joint 3-Press enter 4-Select the attached type 5-Make \"Apply\" "} {"Main Title": "Nodes and connections ", "Sub Title": "Subordinate Node and Dominant Node ", "Response": "By default, the connection nodes between irons are subordinate, i.e. the direction of the connected iron has priority On the position of the connection node. By making a dominant node, its position takes precedence over the direction of the connected iron, so when youRestores the connections, the irons are adapted in length and direction. "} {"Main Title": "Data consistency ", "Sub Title": "DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES ", "Response": "This action makes it possible to checkIer the consistency of Piping & Structural data. CONSISTENCY CHECK DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES A230 CONNECTION TYPE HCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE The FBD-FBD connection types in this example must be the same. B230 CONNECTION TYPE TCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE The GBD-GBD connection types in this example must be the same. D430 BAD ARRIVE CONNECTION TYPE The GBD-FBD connection types in this example must be a compatible combination in COCO tables.E730 LEAVE CONNECTION TYPE (of the Flange) NOT COMPATIBLE WITH TCONN The FBD-GBD connection types in this example must be a compatible combination in COCO tables "} {"Main Title": "Data consistency ", "Sub Title": "ERRORS ON THE BRANCH HEAD ", "Response": "A10 HEAD REFERENCE NOT SET The header reference can only be entered (e.g. zero) if the head connection (HCONN) is of type OPEN, CLOSED or DRAN.A200 DIRECTION HDIR NOT SAME AS TERMINAL DIRECTIONIf the head is connected to an object such as a stitch or tee, then the HDIR position should always be identical to that of the p-point Appropriate of the object. A210 POSITION HPOS NOT SAME AS TERMINAL DIRECTION If the head is connected to an object such as aStitching or a tee, then the HPOS position should always be identical to that of the p-point Appropriate of the object. A230 CONNECTION TYPE HCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE If the head is connected to an object such as a stitching or a tee, then the positionItion HCONN should always be identical to that of the p-point Appropriate of the object. A300 REFERENCE HSTUBE UNSET There is more than one mm of tube between the head and the p-arrive of the first component (or tail), but the HSTUBE is not filled in. A310 REFERENCE HSTUBE REFERS TO A NONEXISTENT IS SPCOM This can happen if part of the specification has been deleted. A320 HSTUBE PROBLEM, CATREF IN SPCOM UNSET This indicates an error in the specification. A330 HSTUBE PROBLEM, CATREF IN THE SPCOM REFERS TO NONEXISTENT Catalogue COMPONENTThis can happen if part of the catalog has been deleted or if the CATREF is not filled in. A400 HBORE NOT SAME AS BORE OF HSTUBE The diameter of any component of the head (determined from the catalog) must be identical to the diameter of the HBORE head.A410 HCON NOT COMPATIBLE WITH CONNECTION TYPE OF HSTUBE The connection of any component of the head (determined from the catalog) must be identical to the connection of the head HCON. A420 ISPEC REFERENCE POINTS TO NONEXISTENT ELEMENT This wanderingUr occurs if, for example, the heat retardant specification pointed out by the ISPEC attribute has been deleted A20 HEAD REFERENCE POINTS TO NONEXISTENT ELEMENT This error is the result of a deletion of an element, such as a stitch to which a branch was initially connected.A30 BAD HEAD RETURN REFERENCE The head is connected to an element that does not refer to the branch reciprocally. This can happen when the head of the branch is Connected to another branch, which assumes that a tee must be placed somewhere along the branch.The error can also be Produce when two or more branches are connected to the same object. "} {"Main Title": "Data consistency ", "Sub Title": "ERRORS ON THE TAIL AND BRANCH ", "Response": "B10 TAIL REFERENCE NOT SET The queue reference can be unfilled (e.g. zero) only if the queue connection (TCONN) is of type OPEN, VENT, CLOS or DRAN. "} {"Main Title": "Data consistency ", "Sub Title": "ERRORS ON THE ENTIRE BRANCH ", "Response": "\nC500 TUBE TOO SHORT BETWEEN HEAD AND TAIL\nThe distance between the head position (HPOS) and the tail position (TPOS) is greater than zero and less than the minimum accepted tube length (default: 100mm).\n\nC510 BAD HEAD TO TAIL GEOMETRY\nEither the head position (HPOS) is not at a positive distance along the line passing through TPOS in the direction of TDIR, or the tail position (TPOS) is not at a positive distance along the line passing through HPOS in the direction of HDIR.\n\nC520 HBORE NOT SAME AS TBORE\nWhen there are no components on the branch, the diameter of the head (HBORE) should ideally be identical to the tail diameter (TBORE).\n\nC530 HCONN IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH TCONN\nThis means that the head is connected to the tail without a tube or pipe component between them, and therefore the head connection type (HCONN) must be compatible with the tail connection type (TCONN).\n\nC540 THIS BRANCH HAS NO COMPONENTS\nThis message does not necessarily indicate an error; it is just a warning.\n\nA410 HCON NOT COMPATIBLE WITH CONNECTION TYPE OF HSTUBE\nThe connection of any head component (determined from the catalog) must match the head connection (HCON).\n\nA420 ISPEC REFERENCE POINTS TO NONEXISTENT ELEMENT\nThis error occurs if, for example, the insulation specification pointed to by the ISPEC attribute has been deleted."} {"Main Title": "Data consistency ", "Sub Title": "DIAGNOSIS FOR ANY COMPONENT", "Response": "D100 REFERENCE SPREF UNSET This means that you probably forgot to choose the piping component correctly. D300 CONN REFERENCE NOT SET Multi-channel components can be left unconnected only if the type of conneXion of the p-point concerned is OPEN, VENT, DRAN or NULL. D310 CONN REFERENCE POINTS TO NON-EXISTENT BRANCH This can happen if the branch that is pointed to by CONN reference has been reconnected to another object. D400 ARRIVE TUBE LESS THAN TUBE MINIMUM. ACTUAL TUBE LENGTH IS...The distance between the arrival p-point of this component and the output p-point of the preceding component (or head) is greater than zero and less than the length of the minimum specified tube (default: 100mm) D410 BAD ARRIVE GEOMETRY The position and diRection of the p-point of arrival of this component is not correct vis-\u00e0-vis the p-point of exit of the previous component (or head). The error can be caused by incorrect positioning of this component, or the preceding component (or head) or both.D420 BAD ARRIVES BORE The diameter of the p-point of arrival of this component is different from the diameter of the preceding tube or, if this component is not preceded by the tube, from the diameter of the output p-point of the preceding component (or HBORE). DIAGNOSIS FOR N'IMPORTE WHICH COMPONENT D430 BAD ARRIVES connection TYPE The connection type of the p-end point of this component is not compatible with the preceding tube, or if this component is not preceded by the tube, with the connection type of the output p-point of the preceding component (or HCONN).D500 REFERENCE LSTUBE UNSET You probably forgot to select the D600 PIPE component LEAVE BORE NOT SAME AS BORE OF LSTUBE The diameter of the output p-point of this component is not the same as the diameter of the tube that follows the component.D610 LEAVE CONNECTION TYPE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH CONNECTION TYPE OF LSTUBE The connection type of the output p-point of this component is not compatible with the tube following the component. "} {"Main Title": "Data consistency ", "Sub Title": "DIAGNOSTICS SPECIFIC TO THE END COMPONENT ", "Response": "E700 LEAVE TUBE LESS THAN TUBE MINIMUM. ACTUAL LENGTH IS ... The distance between the output p-point of the current component and the position of the tail (TPOS), is greater than zero and less than theSpecified minimum tube length (default: 100mm) E710 BAD LEAVE GEOMETRY The position and direction of the p-point of this component is not correct with respect to the TPOS position, and the TDIR direction of the tail. The error can be caused by a positiIncorrect onnement of this component, the tail, or both. E720 LEAVE BORE NOT SAME AS TBORE The diameter of the output p-point of this component is not the same as that of the TBORE tail. DIAGNOSIS FOR ANY COMPONENT (CONTINUED) E730 LEAVE CONNECTION TYPE NOT COMPTAIBLE WITH TCONN The connection type of the output p-point of this component is not compatible with the TCONN queue. "} {"Main Title": "What is draw? ", "Sub Title": "What is draw? ", "Response": "AppealingTo MODEL databases, the DRAW module allows the processing of the elements of the 3D model in order to obtain a 2D plan In addition, this module allows the dressing of the generated plans, including Labels, Quotations, ..... DRAW databases allow the generation of these plans.All the information of the 3D graphic elements resides in the MODEL and CATALOGUE databases and cannot be modified from the DRAW module, These bases are only for reference. "} {"Main Title": "PRESENTATION OF THE DRAW ENVIRONMENT ", "Sub Title": "DRAW database ", "Response": "DRAW databases allow the creation, modification and storage of plans. DRAW represents the \"paper space\" of the AVEVA E3D system and allows the processing of the 3D model in hidden lines, as well as the dressing ofGenerated plans (quotes, tracking, annotations,...) Treatment Of Lines Hidden The information, geometries reside in the MODEL (Design) and PARAGON(Catalogue) and cannot be modified under DRAW However, a permanent link eXiste between the 2 types of databases. "} {"Main Title": "PRESENTATION OF THE DRAW ENVIRONMENT ", "Sub Title": "Draw explorer ", "Response": "Open: Display the sheet in the 2D view Attributes: Display attributes Rename: Rename the current itemDelete: Delete the current item Delete Members: Delete members of the current element Select Element: Make the current element active New Explorer: Show a new explorer For this element Copy: Copy (eg. Ctrl + C ) Paste: Paste (eg.Ctrl +V ) "} {"Main Title": "PRESENTATION OF THE DRAW ENVIRONMENT ", "Sub Title": "Use of the mouse in the graphic view ", "Response": "RIGHT BUTTON: PowerWheel MIDDLE BUTTON: Mollette: Zoom In / OUT Button: Pan SIMPLE LEFT CLICK:-Selection of an element (View,Line, Text...) -Rectangle selection DOUBLE LEFT CLICK: Selection of the work area (View, Region or Sheet) NOTE: When creating view dressing elements, selecting a work area makes navigation unnecessaryTion and positioning in the DRAW Explorer. NOTE: The Navigator menu allows you to navigate between the different work areas of the Sheet NOTE: A second menu is accessible by combining a right click with the Crtl key "} {"Main Title": "PRESENTATION OF THE DRAW ENVIRONMENT ", "Sub Title": "Property Grid & Attributs ", "Response": "The modification of the attributes of an element is done using a window containing the main attributes of it. Type of elements chosen (filter in case of multiple selection)Properties (attributes) of the element(s) Description of the property (attributes) Single / multiple selection Element selection (in the 2D window) "} {"Main Title": "CREATION OF A PLAN BOOK ", "Sub Title": "DRAWING (Plan notebook)", "Response": "It is strongly recommended to generate the plan books (DRWG) and folios (SHEE) according to a model predefined by the E3D system administrator. This allows the creation of homogeneous plans, and standardized by profession, here are some examples:It is possible to create a plan book without using a predefined template from the Create Explicitly Drawing menu under the TOOLS tab. In this case, the user must configure the plan book. This method is therefore not recommended."} {"Main Title": "CREATION OF A PLAN BOOK ", "Sub Title": "Adding a SHEET (Folio) ", "Response": "From the HOME tab after New This option allows the addition of a SHEET according to the model chosen when creating the DRAWING It isAlso possible to create a SHEET from a predefined model from HOME > New > Drawing Type ( choose Sheet in the subset Drawing Types "} {"Main Title": "Modification of a SHEET (Folio) ", "Sub Title": "Attributes and Cartridges ", "Response": "Modifying the attributes of a SHEET is done using the Property Grid: It is possible to change the format, cartridge, name and title of the Sheet, as well as Other attributes that could be usedS for filling the cartridge. "} {"Main Title": "Modification of a SHEET (Folio) ", "Sub Title": "Update of the 2D display ", "Response": "From the UPDATE tab > ..., it is possible to update: - l2D display linked to DRAW element attributes or linked to the MODEL database UPDATE > Annotation - The representation of MODEL elements in a VIEW (2D view) UPDATE > Design - Update all elements related to the attributes of DRAW elements And theI\u00e9s to the representation of the elements of MODEL UPDATE > All - The image of the plan generated by DRAW (stored in the projPIC directory) UPDATE > Pictures - The background of the plan in reference UPDATE > Backing Sheet - All links external to the current element UPDATE > InstancesUPDATE > Refs UPDATE > Names "} {"Main Title": "Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View) ", "Sub Title": "From the Model Explorer", "Response": "From the MODEL Explorer, and via a right mouse click, the Quick View Creation option allows the creation A 2D plan view of the chosen MODEL element. Values can be incremented manually. The tab key on the keyboard PermAnd select the field and space to lock it The choice of the position and dimension of the created 2D view is then available in the 2D view window. By default, the choice of size and position is made by defining the diagonal (Specify the first corner...Then Specify the opposite Corner) It is possible to define this 2D space from the center, then the width and height of the 2D view by the down key on the keyboard and then select \"Center\" "} {"Main Title": "Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View) ", "Sub Title": "Home design ", "Response": "This option allows the creation of a 2D view from a 3D view inserted into the 2D space. This 2D space is defined in the same way as when creating a Quick View. This view 3D generated in 2D space has the following features: - Drag & Drop from the Model Explorer - Definition of the direction of the view, and the limits of the view, of the center of rotation of the view on a right click - The addition and removal of an eleMent of MODEL in the Drawlist with a right click on the element in the view or from the Model Explorer Once the following elements are defined: - Drawlist (MODEL elements displayed) - Direction of view The finalization of the view is carried out either: -DepuIs the 2D view key on the keyboard and then select From the Ribbon Bar A context menu specific to defining a 2D view from a 3D space is then available Apply........... Validation and update of the VIEW Finish. ........... Validation and update of the VIEW (identical)Cancel......... Cancellation of changes "} {"Main Title": "Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View) ", "Sub Title": "Projection ", "Response": "It is possible to make projected views from a previous orthogonal VIEWEnt defined, as described below: Plan view (North to bottom) The projection of this view (at Below) will be a view in North elevation of the view Original version N North elevation view (West to the right) The projection of this view (right) Will be a view in west elevation of the viewOriginal version West North elevation view (East on the left) The projection of this view (left) Will be a view in East elevation of the view Original version "} {"Main Title": "Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View) ", "Sub Title": "Region ", "Response": "A REGION, is a 2D space at a predefined scale in which it is possible to draw a set of elements, representing a detail Not being present in MODEL. The definition of the 2D space of the REGION, is carried out in the same way as the definition of a VIEWThe definition of the scale of this space is achieved by a keyboard input Once the space has been created, it is then possible to draw in 2D all the shapes available under the DRAW tab. DRAW The drawing opposite was drawn on a scale of 1:20 The platiNe (RECTANGLE) drawn is 40mm side (i.e. 40 x 20 = 800mm) The drawn holes (CIRCLE) have a diameter of 4mm (i.e. 4 x 20 = 80 mm) "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF A 2D VIEW ", "Sub Title": "Modification of the 2D format", "Response": "When selecting a 2D view (VIEW), the VIEW Menu > 2D FORMAT appears. This menu allows you to modify the selected view. View / Section ) Representation Styles Modification of the type of representation of hidden lines and line processing rulesHidden and hatching Local Rules Management of user rules for processing hidden lines and hatching Drawlist Modification of the content of the lists of displayed items (Drawlist) Management of lists of displayed items (Drawlist) Update Update to jOr 2D view (graphic only) Creation of a projection, a detail view or a cutting plan from the current view Modify Modification of the 2D view from a 3D view (cf. 6.2.2 HOME > Design), Modifying the 2D view from the Limits Defined windowView or User-Defined View (PDMS method) Scale & Direction Adjustment of the 2D view scale Changing the direction and orientation of the 2D view "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF A 2D VIEW ", "Sub Title": "Modification of the 3D format ", "Response": "When selecting a 2D view (VIEW), the VIEW Menu > 2D FORMAT appears. By selecting the Edit in 3D option The VIEW Menu > 3D FORMAT appears Manage Management of the Drawlist (list of items displayed) Displaying the Navigate DrawlistChoice of navigation mode and display mode of the 3D Scale & Direction view Adjustment of the 2D view scale Changing the direction and orientation of the 2D View Define Limits Management of 3D and 2D view display limits "} {"Main Title": "DRESSING OF PLANS", "Sub Title": "Status Bar ", "Response": "Graphical hanging options are available at the bottom right of the interface. Enable / disable orthogonal constraint (F8) Show the grid (F7)Enable / disable hanging on the grid (F9) Enable / disable the polar coordinate system (F10) Enable / disable the display of stroke thicknesses Adjust the graphic hook / Drawing grid Enable / disable the automatic update of VIEWEnable / disable the graying of inactive elements Activate / deactivate the degraded background Enable / disable object hanging (F3) Enable / disable advanced modification on dimensions, outlines and cutting planes Activate / disable the affDynamic ichage of length and angle information (F12) "} {"Main Title": "DRESSING OF PLANS", "Sub Title": "Graphic hanging ", "Response": "Grid Settings Grid On: Activation of the grid Insertion: Intersection of 2D surfaces onlyPerpendicular: 2D perpendicular projection only Tangent: Tangent point Nearest: Approached point Parallel: Parallel hook P-point: P-point (MODEL) P-Line End Point: P-Line End(MODEL) P-Line Mid Point: P-Line Mid Point (MODEL) Owner: Origin of the OWNER (MODEL)Grid Spacing: Grid display spacing Grid Snap: Activation of the hooking on the grid Grid Snap On: Hanging space on the grid Style: Grid display style Draw rulers: Display of rulers at the edge of paper spaceObject Snap Object Snaps: Activation of object snapping Project Snaps onto LCS: Activation of projected object hanging Distance snap: Activation of remote hooking View: Hanging assigned to VIEWs Sheet/Region: Hanging assigned to SHEET and REGIONEndpoint: Segment end Midpoint: Middle point of segment Center: Center Node: Nodes (MODEL) Quadrant: Quadrant point Intersection: Intersection of 2 segments Extension: End of 2D objects only "} {"Main Title": "DRESSING OF PLANS", "Sub Title": "Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)", "Response": "AVEVA E3D Draw, uses two types of elements to differentiate elements in different layers, these two types of layers, called LAYER and Visual LAYER (VLAYER), oHave very distinct properties. "} {"Main Title": "Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)", "Sub Title": "LAYER ", "Response": "LAYER-type elements are native to PDMS and not E3D. Allowing you to order 2D elements in aVIEW, they appear in the following form in the hierarchy: Each of these LAYERs has a PURPOSE attribute that allows you to define the function of each of them; for example, the PURPOSE attribute filled in DIMA, allows you to Define a quotation layer (DImensionning), a LAYER whose PURPOSE is entered in LABA, allows you to define an element tracking layer (Labelling) and A LAYER whose PURPOSE is entered at NOTA, allows you to define a layer of annotations (2D Draughting) For more informationNs see ADMIN > System Defaults > Layer Purpose Definitions... in Administrator session LAYERs are defined under the hierarchy of a VIEW and are totally linked to it (position of the elements, dimensions, scale,...) "} {"Main Title": "Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)", "Sub Title": "Visual LAYER ", "Response": "Elements of type VISUAL LAYER, belong to and are linked to the SHEET. Members of a VISUAL LAYER SET, they allow you to \"group\" the dressing of plans by category, and to define a formattingCommon to all the elements attached to this Home Layer The creation of a VISUAL LAYER is carried out from HOME > Visual Layer "} {"Main Title": "Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)", "Sub Title": "Visual STYLE", "Response": "Visual Styles are 2D representation styles that define colors, fonts, text height, line styles, etc., for each type of 2D element. These styles are accessible from ANNOTATE > Active Visual Style. Each Visual Style is predefined by the administrator, ensuring consistent graphical standards across all project plans. Note: The chosen style determines the properties of newly created elements, while modifying an element is done through the Properties window."} {"Main Title": "Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)", "Sub Title": "2D and Visual LAYER elements ", "Response": "Each 2D element (drawing or annotation) can be assigned to a Visual LAYER. The assignment of an element to a Visual LAYER, allowsTo define its color, its line type as well as its display configuration and Of printing. When created, 2D elements are associated with the active Visual LAYER of the Active Properties window. Selection of the work area Selection of the Visual LAYERSelection of the type of line Color selection Assignment of the Visual LAYER and Properties to one or more 2D element(s) Identification of the Visual LAYER and Properties of a 2D element "} {"Main Title": "Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)", "Sub Title": "Creation ", "Response": "The quotation tools under ANNOTATE > Annotate, allow the realization of quotations under the Chained and Orthogonal Chained tools There are several types of quotations: - Orthogonal (orthogonal) - Aligned (aligned) Chained Orthogonal QuotationChained Aligned Quotation Orthogonal Quotation with Quotation Base on the left Orthogonal quotation with quotation base on the right Aligned Quotation with Quotation Base at the first point Offbeat Quotation with Quotation Base on the left Offbeat Quotation with Quotation Base on the rightOffbeat Quotation with Quotation Base at the first point The quotation can also be generated from 2D Space > Right click > Annotate > Orthogonal Chained "} {"Main Title": "Quotations ", "Sub Title": "Creation ", "Response": "The pointsTs of quotation are automatically generated when selecting a 2D or 3D object, attachments to 3D elements (cotation Associative) are indicated by a blue highlight. The cursor allows you to select several types of attachment: - Challenge pointNor by geographical coordinates (DPOI) Coordinates X Y Coordinates - Point associated with MODEL elements (DPPT) In the image opposite: Attachment to Ppoint 2 of the flange In this case, the element to which the quotation is attached appears in blue highlighted.- Point defined by the end, middle point, intersection, ... of a segment (DPOI) In the image opposite: Attachment to the midpoint of the segment "} {"Main Title": "Quotations ", "Sub Title": "Change ", "Response": "The modiFication of the points of a rib is carried out in 2D. The reallocation of existing points is carried out by selecting them with a left click and validating the New position by another left click. The modification of the textual information is carried out pAr a double click on the displayed text "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Label ", "Response": "The identification of MODEL elements is carried out by the creation of Label. These 2D elements attached to the 3D elements, can be under theIn the form of framed texts, or be formatted according to a predefined template by the system administrator. "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Type of Labels ", "Response": "General Label These Labels are simple benchmarks to set up entirely.Symbolic Label These Labels are benchmarks according to a model predefined by the system administrator "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Modification of a label (FORMAT - LABEL Tools menu) ", "Response": "Visual Style ModifyVisual style operator, this option allows you to change the Style of the selected General Labels and Symbolic Labels (According to the predefined models). Text Text modifier, this option allows you to change the formatting of the text part of the General Labels selected.Leader Reminder line modifier, this option allows you to modify the formatting of the Reminder line of the General Labels and Symbolic Labels selected. Frame Framing modifier, this option allows you to modify the formatting ofThe framework of the selected General Labels. Gaps Manager of the cache elements of the Lines leaders. "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Modification of a general label ", "Response": "General Labels During the seleCtion of the Label, it is possible to modify graphically, its position, orientation, attachment, as well as the setting in Form of the text. The formatting of the Leader Line and the Frame are managed from the FORMAT menu (LABELS TOOLS).The formatting of the text is most commonly carried out by a Double click on the General Label, giving access to the Text Editor "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Modification of a Smart Texts label ", "Response": "Smart textsGeneral Labels as well as Simple Texts (TEXP - Text Primitive), can use information from databases. Principle of intelligent texts #: key character for the search for an attribute (C2:5): Taking into account the attribute from character 2 to character 5(P1:3): Taking into account parts 1 to 3 of the attribute (name parts are delimited by the \"/\") Ex: Label on an elbow whose PIPE is named /BAT-001/PIPE/50-ERA-001 The code #PIPE(P3:3)(C2:) will give: 50-ERA-001 The code #PIPE(P3:)(C2:3) will give: 50The (C2:) allows you to eliminate the / at the beginning of the name; in the absence of an end character, the character string ends at the end of the name These intelligent texts can also be assigned to the projection text of the quotations (e.g. #SPREF(P2:)(C2:))To retrieve the specification of a profile On a rating between two beams or poles. "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Modification of a Symbolic Labels label ", "Response": "When selecting the Label, it is possibleBle to modify graphically, its position, orientation, attachment, as well as the scale of the associated symbol ( Template Reference - TMRF) The formatting of the callback line (Leader Line), is managed from the FORMAT menu (LABELS TOOLS). The betIn the form of the text cannot be modified on Symbolic Labels (managed by the system administrator) "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Symbols ", "Response": "Symbols accessible from ANNOTATE > Symbols are created asSymbolic Labels, referring to a 2D drawing model, alone Their position, orientation and size is modifiable. These elements do not have a callback line, but are attached to ELEMENTS of MODEL, and will be automatically replaced during theUpdate of a view for which the MODEL elements have been moved. "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "Verification of links ", "Response": "When updating a view, it may happen that some elements of the habilLage are linked to model elements that no longer exist. These elements are then no longer visible, or no longer informed. The Clean Up Annotation tool allows you to remove all annotation elements that are no longer linked to 3D elements. ActivationOf the Model Ref Check allows a real-time visualization of the links of the elements Dressing: In green: the dressing elements in connection with the model In red: the dressing elements unrelated to the model "} {"Main Title": "Label ", "Sub Title": "2D drawing ", "Response": "From the DRAW Menu, a 2D interface is accessible to launch queries on the positioning and dimensions of the elements of the 2D space. This menu also allows the 2D drawing plot in the es2D pace to reproduce installation details not present in MODEL. It is also possible thanks to these tools to add 2D dressing to the plans in order to make fully finalized documents under DRAW. Measure Verification of dimensionsWe have 2D and 3D elements in 2D space Querying 3D element information (position, name, etc.) Draw 2D drawing Construct Construction line tools Modify Tools for editing 2D elements Multiple Copy (Array) This tool allows a copyR move to an array, i.e. the multiple copy of an element or a selection of elements with a step Defined. "} {"Main Title": "Revision Control ", "Sub Title": "Revision Control ", "Response": "AVEVA E3D integrates a tool ofE management of revisions, with which it is possible to compare revisions with each other. When creating the revision by clicking on, the system generates a Snapshot of the Sheet. For each revision, it is possible to fill in all the parametersIdentification of the people who have worked or verified the plan. For each revision, a REVI element is created and stored under the SHEET in the Draw Explorer. Depending on the configuration of the cartridge used, the information of the REVI can automaticallyFill in the cartridge revision table. "} {"Main Title": "EXTRACTION OF PLANS ", "Sub Title": "Export ", "Response": "From the PROJECT > Export Menu, all the options defined by the system administrators are accessible."} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "The hierarchy", "Response": "Under the EQUIPMENT module, equipment modeling is conducted. This STOCKAGE entity is classified as an Equipment (EQUI). In AVEVA E3D, it comprises a collection of primitives grouped within the same EQUIPMENT, such as NOZZ, CYLI, and DISH."} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "Stall ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Xlength: Length(mm) on the X axis Ylength: Length(mm) on the Y axis Zlength: Length(mm) on the Z axis Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBSAccepted members: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "CYLINDER ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Height: Height (mm) Diameter: Diameter (mm)Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "NOZZLE ", "Response": "Specific attributes:Height: Height (mm) Catref: Catalogue Reference Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: No "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "CONE", "Response": "Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Dtop: Diameter at P1 Dbottom: Diameter at P2 Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Members accepted: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "SNOU ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Dtop: Diameter at P1 Dbottom: Diameter at P2 Xoffset / Yoffset: offset on X/Y Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBSAccepted members: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "PYRAMID ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Height: Height (mm) Xtop/Ytop: Dimension X/YTo P1 Xbot/Ybot: Dimension X/Y to P2 Xoffset / Yoffset: offset on X/Y Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Members accepted: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "RTORUS (Rectangular Torus) ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Rinside: Inner radius Routside: Outer radius Angle: Angle Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "CTORUS (Circular Torus) ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Rinside: Interior radius Routside: Outside radius Angle: Angle The diameter is defined byThe difference between ROUT and RINS Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "DISH (Bombed ground)", "Response": "Specific attributes: Diameter: Diameter Height: Height Radius: Radius Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "Sloped Cylinder (SLCY) ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Height: Height (mm) Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements Diameter: Diameter (mm) Angle: Angle"} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "Extrusion (EXTR) ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members:All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF AN EQUIPMENT ", "Sub Title": "Solid of Revolution (REVO) ", "Response": "Specific attributes: Angle: Angle Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBSAccepted members: All negative elements "} {"Main Title": "EQUIPMENT CREATION ", "Sub Title": "Creation of the EQUI element ", "Response": "Equipment creation after click on OK "} {"Main Title": "Creation of a primitive", "Sub Title": "Choice of the mode of creation ", "Response": "Once the primitive type has been selected, press the bottom arrow on the keyboard to select a primitive creation mode. TwoPoints: Creation of a primitive with 2 specific points (first and opposite corners) Three points: Creation of a primitive with 3 specific points (First, opposite and height) Four points: Creation of a primitive with 4 specific points (Origin, X, Y and Z)Explicit: Creation of a primitive from the center by defining length, width and height "} {"Main Title": "Creation of a primitive", "Sub Title": "Example of creation of the primitive ", "Response": "Step1: Choice of the type of primitive Step 2: Definition of the base point Step 3: Definition of the opposite point in the diagonal Step 4: Definition of the height of the box "} {"Main Title": "Creation of a primitive", "Sub Title": "Sub-Equipment ", "Response": "A Sub-equipment (SUBE), is a sub-assembly of equipment. It is a graphic group whose display can be managed Regardless of the equipment. It is most often used to dissociate several partiesAre of the same equipment (e.g. a motor, feet, a chassis, etc.) "} {"Main Title": "Sub-Equipment ", "Sub Title": "Change the origin of an Equipment / Sub-Equipment ", "Response": "ID Point: Placement of the oriGine to a P-point designated on the screen (it is possible to create a temporary primitive to place the origin of the equipment or sub-equipment. Explicit...: Displacement of the origin in one or more direction(s) In both cases a confirmation messageAtion/cancellation will be proposed to you (Return to the original origin YES: Cancellation NO: Confirmation of the action) "} {"Main Title": "Sub-Equipment ", "Sub Title": "Standard equipment ", "Response": "The eqStandard equipment are equipment created using a configurable template. They can be modified after their creation. Note: The Modify Properties window allows you to fill in the configurable dimensions of Standard equipment. We find there atUssi a \"Plotfile\" plan, which informs the dimensions Configurable. "} {"Main Title": "Level of representation ", "Sub Title": "Level of representation ", "Response": "Each primitive of theThe model is defined by a level of representation. It allows you to define the level of detail To which the primitive corresponds. There are several levels of representation: \u2022Level 0-3: Summary representation. \u2022Level 4-6: Detailed representation. \u2022NiCalf 7-10: Very detailed representation. \u2022Level 9-10: Representation of the volumes of obstructions and reservations. The definition of the level of representation of an equipment primitive is carried out when it is created. "} {"Main Title": "Level of obstruction ", "Sub Title": "Level of obstruction ", "Response": "Each primitive of the model is defined by a level of obstruction. There are three levels of obstruction \u2022Level 0: Clash none.Primitives are not taken into account in the Clasher \u2022Level 1: Clash soft. Possibility to choose whether primitives are taken into account or not in the Clasher \u2022Level 2: Hard clash. Primitives are always taken into account in the ClasherTo limit the calculation times of the Clasher it is advisable to create the primitives of an EQUI with an obstruction level 0 (image 1), and to create An obstruction level 2 primitive (image 2), which encompasses the total volume of the pump. "} {"Main Title": "Creation of an association ", "Sub Title": "Creation of an association ", "Response": "Rules for the association between equipment can be defined by the user. These rules allow a verification of the positioning of equipment.These rules are defined by a positioning constraint between 2 elements. At the end of the design, the user can check the state of these rules in order to validate the positioning of the elements. Associations are managed in a specific hierarchyThat, Available from the Associate Browser window "} {"Main Title": "Verification of associations ", "Sub Title": "Verification of associations ", "Response": "The rules of association can be consulted from the Association Manager.It allows you to check the status of the existing rules (Passed / Failed), and the criteria for them: -Type of association -Distance A summary table of the elements constituting the association is also presented. "} {"Main Title": "Their functions", "Sub Title": "Their functions", "Response": "Attachments are created in the same way as a piping component. They are used for various applications. We will detail the main ones.\n\nThe different types of ATTA are defined by setting the ATTY attribute.\n\n\u2022 ATTY Unset: Default type. It is used to mark the position of a support on the piping in the isometric.\n\n\u2022 ATTY CCCC: Allows you to add a note with a leader line on the isometric. The attachment will also be dimensioned (referred to as a dimensioned comment).\n\n\u2022 ATTY CCNN: Allows you to add a note with a leader line on the isometric. In this case, the attachment will not be dimensioned (referred to as an undimensioned comment).\n\n\u2022 ATTY Flow: Adds an arrow to indicate the direction of fluid flow on the isometric.\n\n\u2022 ATTY XXXX: Splits the piping line. This option is used if you want to break your isometric to make it easier to read.\n\n\u2022 ATTY SSSS: Defines the point from which an isometric should be divided on the next sheet. The same considerations apply as for an ATTY SSSS.\n\n\u2022 ATTY INPP: Defines the beginning and end points of insulation on an isometric.\n\nIf you want to add a comment to the attachment (in the case of CCCC or CCNN), you need to fill in the Stext attribute of the attachment."} {"Main Title": "Isometric Design ", "Sub Title": "Isometric Design ", "Response": "It is possible to pre-visualize the isometrics of the Piping discipline with the isometric Pipe function "} {"Main Title": "The Isodraft module ", "Sub Title": "The Isodraft module ", "Response": "You can access the Isodraft module by selecting Project > Modules > Isodraft... Once in the module, you can display the Model Explorer. CEci allows you to display Design databases. To produce an Isometric, select in the Model Explorer, the line or branch for which you want to create the Isometric. CE button: allows you to re-select a branch or Pipe using the Model Explorer.Option: allows you to choose the rules defined by the administrator, depending on the option chosen, you have several choices in the window Standard iso options, for example in our case, the Project option uses the FTN.MET rule (to take the Iso into a metric unit)Detail: Allows you to select the branches of a line, if you want to exit only part of the selected piping line. Produce: allows you to generate: - Transfer File: transfer file for use with other software - Batch MAcro: allows you to take out a large amount of isometric. - Bolt Report: allows you to take a bolt report out of the piping line "} {"Main Title": "Specific configurations ", "Sub Title": "Specific configurations ", "Response": "In order to improve the readability of an isometric or to provide additional clarification, the user can perform several operations on Pipes and pipe components: - Use of attachments - Information on the names of valves, instruments.... - Quotation of an element in relation to irons or rows Dmtype: NORT EAST ELEV POS Dmfarray 1 /Name of the element 2 /... - Exclusion of items from the material list (MTOC, MTOT, MTOH attributes) - ON: Includes the components in the material list and draws them normally- OFF: Excludes components from the material list and draws them normally - DOTD: Excludes the components of the material list, draws them in dotted and dimensions - DOTU: Excludes components from the list of equipment, draws them in poiNtill\u00e9s and do not size them "} {"Main Title": "What is laser application? ", "Sub Title": "What is the laser reading? ", "Response": "Recent developments in computer techniques and tools have made theLasergrammetry (recorded by 3D laser scanner) essential for the realization of TQC models (as built), the industrial installation survey for revamping studies... The advantages of this technology are multiple: time saving, pCircumcision, minimization of the risk of exposure in dangerous environments, 3D modeling... A laser scanner scans the surrounding space and collects millions of points thanks to its laser beam. A device can generate up to 1 million points per secondOf (each point being a measure in space, in 3D). A cloud of points can thus be generated in a few minutes and represent the environment accurately recorded. In order to obtain a complete model, it is necessary to make several stations ofE survey and compile all the point clouds obtained. "} {"Main Title": "Preparation of the point cloud ", "Sub Title": "Preparation of the point cloud ", "Response": "Before it can be operated under AVEVA E3D,The data extracted from the 3D laser scanners must be compiled by the AVEVA LFM Server software. "} {"Main Title": "Import of the point cloud ", "Sub Title": "Import of the point cloud ", "Response": "You have to be admIllustrator of the E3D2 project to import a point cloud The import of a point cloud is done from the ADMIN tab > LASER ACCESS > CREATE LASER MODEL Following the import, an XGEOM element is then created in the AVEVA E3D2 databases, it is visible in the Model Explorer.In the same way as any element of AVEVA E3D2, the point cloud can be displayed in the 3D view. "} {"Main Title": "BubbleView ", "Sub Title": "BubbleView ", "Response": "You have to be administeredAtor of the E3D2 project to import a point cloud The import of a point cloud is done from the ADMIN > LASER ACCESS > CREATE LASER MODEL tab Following the import, an XGEOM element is then created in the AVEVA E3D2 databases, it is visible in the Model Explorer.In the same way as any element of AVEVA E3D2, the point cloud can be displayed in the 3D view. From the Available Bubble views window or by graphically identifying a reading station via the Pick option, it is possible to switchThe 3D window in \"Bubble View\" mode The simultaneous display of a cloud of Points and 3D elements can allow A verification of the consistency of the 3D model and laser model. From this mode of viewing, The user can change stations from RelReference eve in order to move In the 3D model. The icon allows you to leave the \"Bubble View\" mode. "} {"Main Title": "HyperBubble ", "Sub Title": "HyperBubble ", "Response": "The HyperBubble tool allowsTo the user to work in an environment such as built fully immersed. The user is able to walk away from the scanner's position, move freely around the point cloud data in any direction. The HyperBubble is not available by default with the point cloud. To be able to use it, it must be created with the \"LFM Server\" software Once the HyperBubble is activated in Model (View > Laser > HyperBubble), use the \"Walk Mode\" or \"Fly MOde\" to navigate the point cloud. Walk Mode: Navigate the model as if you were walking in the model. Use the \"Space\" key on the keyboard to refocus the Fly Mode view: Navigate the model as in a flight simulator. CUse the \"F2\" key on the keyboard to show/hide the internal E3D windows (Model Explorer, Property grid etc...) "} {"Main Title": "Density of points ", "Sub Title": "Display Option ", "Response": "By dEfault, point clouds are represented with a low point density so as not to overload the software with data. From the Display Options tool, it is possible to define a volume and act on the density of the point cloud inside it.The volume must be defined via the \"CE Volume\" or \"Pick Volume\" options. Once the volume has been created, it is possible to modify it by double clicking graphically on the volume and using the graphic modification handles. The Display Re optionSet: Allows you to hide the volume The Edge Mode option: Allows you to optimize the edges of the reading to increase visibility (Passage in grayscale) The Low density option: Allows you to hide areas of the point cloud where the density is low "} {"Main Title": "Density of points ", "Sub Title": "Area ", "Response": "Thanks to an AREA, it is possible to define a volume and act on the density of the point cloud inside it. The volume may be more complex (Circular, pyramidal etc...) that a volume made with the Display Mode option and it will be saved in a project database via an Area Definition. 1 - Creation of an Area WORLD at the same level as a SITE in the Model Explorer ( GENERAL > AREA > WOLRD ) 2 - Creation of aArea SET ( GENERAL > AREA > SET ) 3 - Creation of an Area DEFINITION ( GENERAL > AREA > DEFINITION ) 4 - In the DEFINITION area, model primitives to define the limits of the volume to increase the density of points "} {"Main Title": "Demolition", "Sub Title": "Demolition", "Response": "In AVEVA E3D, it is possible to demolish a part of a point cloud.\n\n1 - Create a Demolition WORLD at the same level as a SITE in the Model Explorer (GENERAL > LASER DEMOLITION > WORLD)\n2 - Create a Demolition SET (GENERAL > LASER DEMOLITION > SET)\n3 - Create a Demolition PACKAGE (GENERAL > LASER DEMOLITION > PACKAGE)\n4 - In the Demolition PACKAGE, model primitives to define the boundaries of the volume of the area to be demolished in the point cloud.\n5 - Once the volume is defined, click on \"READY\" then \"DEMOLITION\" to demolish the desired area in the point cloud. To redisplay the demolished area, click again on \"DEMOLITION\". The BROWER option allows displaying a secondary hierarchy listing all the demolished elements in the point cloud of the project."} {"Main Title": "Measuring tool ", "Sub Title": "Measuring tool ", "Response": "The use of the measurement tool requires a graphic selection. The Positioning dialog boxControl allows you to configure the type of hook on the elements of the graphic view. To take measurements in relation to a point cloud, you must select the type of hook \"LASER data\" By default, the measurement is broken down into 3 axial dimensions (East, North and Up).The results are displayed in the Measure window and in the graphic view. It is possible to obtain only a horizontal dimension and a vertical dimension by activating the Perpendicular to option. The Show linear dimension option allows the display of direct measurement in the graphic view.The Unit Type drop-down menu allows you to select the unit in which the result is to be presented. "} {"Main Title": "Piping ", "Sub Title": "Piping ", "Response": "When creating a pipe and defining theHEAD and TAIL, it is possible to automatically retrieve a position and a diameter. Select the Pick branch in laser data option, then click on a pipe in the laser reading to retrieve the position and diameter of the pipe. This optIon is valid for the HEAD and TAIL Useful options: Nudge option allows you to move the head or tail along the axis of the pipe Option Opposite Direction allows you to reverse the direction of the head or tail "} {"Main Title": "Clasher ", "Sub Title": "Clasher ", "Response": "The clasher tool can be used to check the clashes between the new modeling made in MODEL and the point cloud. To check the clashes with the point cloud, you must add the XGEOM inS the list of elements of obstructions. "} {"Main Title": "Laser in Draw ", "Sub Title": "Display of the point cloud ", "Response": "E3D 2 allows the insertion of a point cloud into a 2D plan in the DRAW To insert aPoint cloud in DRAW, you must add the XGEOM of the point cloud in the drawlist of the view. Once the XGEOM is in the drawlist, a \"Laser Volume Representation Set\" (LAVOST) must be created via the Display tool. This element of Representation will be assOci\u00e9 to Area definition (AREADE) or demolition Package (DEMOPA). First, DRAW checks if the view is linked to a \"laser volume representation set\", if this Is not the case, a window opens to create a new laser volume representation.A laser volume representation is stored in the Library of the sheet and can be used by several Views. Once the laser volume representation is created, it must be linked to it one or more Area Definition or/and one or Several demolition package "} {"Main Title": "Laser in Draw ", "Sub Title": "Quotation and dressing of the plan ", "Response": "After inserting a point cloud in a view it is possible to create quotations and annotations in relation to this point cloud. For this he fAut adjust the graphic hooking on Laser, in order to select laser points. "} {"Main Title": "PANELS AND PLATES", "Sub Title": "Specification ", "Response": "Specific menu: Thickness of the panels Selection of the type of beam desired Specification of panelsSelection of materials for the panels Representation of the aretes Standard Plate: Smooth sheet metal Chequer Plate: Tear tin Standard Grating: Grating Each of these specifications Has a thickness range Clean Panel (PANE) It is defined by at least 3 vertex (PAVE), aSpecification or a thickness and justification. 1 "} {"Main Title": "PANELS AND PLATES", "Sub Title": "Creation of panels ", "Response": "Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK (SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been rTaught: For the creation of a panel, simply select graphically or manually enter the coordinates of the points. There are several options when creating a panel: FILLET: allows you to create a leave at a point of the panel ARC: permAnd create a rounded side JUSTIFICATION: allows you to choose between top, bottom or center for the creation of the BACK panel: return to the previous point FINISH: complete the creation of the panel "} {"Main Title": "PANELS AND PLATES", "Sub Title": "Modification of panels ", "Response": "After creating a profile, it is possible to edit it at any time: Specification: allows you to change the thickness of a panel with specification - Thickness: allows you to change the thickness of a panel without specification- Justification: allows you to modify the justification of the panel (Top, Center, Bottom) - Panel Origin: allows you to move the origin of the panel - Representation: allows you to modify the representation and level of obstruction of the panel - Drawing Edges: allows you toE modify the representation of the edges - Offset: allows you to modify the dimension of the panel - Split: allows you to section the panel by an element or plane - Merge: allows you to merge several panels "} {"Main Title": "PANELS AND PLATES", "Sub Title": "Opening creation ", "Response": "The Negative Extrusion creation tool allows you to create specific openings "} {"Main Title": "PANELS AND PLATES", "Sub Title": "Accessories for Panel ", "Response": "Specification: allows you to choose the desired type of accessory.Fitting group: displays the possible types for the current element (GTYPE) Fitting: allows you to choose the subtype of accessories (for example, a particular style, or a gusset thickness). Design Parameters: Allows you to modify the attributes of the selected fitting."} {"Main Title": "MODELING OF PIPING LINES ", "Sub Title": "The basics ", "Response": "This module allows you to create all the piping elements. "} {"Main Title": "MODELING OF PIPING LINES ", "Sub Title": "The branches ", "Response": "The Branches have two functions: 1. Define the start and finish points of a section of piping (Head/Tail) 2. Contain Head/Tail piping components:They define a position, direction and start or end diameter of the Piping. AVEVA E3D allows you to connect these points to elements such as tees, Nozzles, other branches, etc... and automatically retrieve the information NecessaryComponents: They define the passage of the piping, their order must remain the sense of the fluid! Thus, if two components are aligned, correctly oriented, and Of the same diameter, AVEVA E3D will automatically generate the tube between these 2 components "} {"Main Title": "MODELING OF PIPING LINES ", "Sub Title": "Configuration of Tools ", "Response": "The Piping Settings window allows the configuration of the default values of piping creation tools. Project > Options> Discipline > Piping > Piping Application Defaults "} {"Main Title": "MODELING OF PIPING LINES ", "Sub Title": "Creation of a Pipe ", "Response": "When creating a piping line, it It is mandatory to specify a line name andA piping specification. Possibly, it is also possible to Fill in the main DN, the specifications Tracing and heat insulation, temperature and The pressure of the line. If the piping line must be modeled With a slope, the value of it can beSpecified. Once the creation of the Pipe has been validated, the window Pipe Editor evolves and allows the creation and Definition of the Head/Tail of a Branch. "} {"Main Title": "MODELING OF PIPING LINES ", "Sub Title": "Creation of a branch", "Response": "The icon allows you to link the dialog box to your current item. Modification of the pipe attributes Modification of the attributes of the Highway branch branch: Modeling of the pipeline line in automatic. Creation of a new branCh in the current pipe Allows you to open the piping component creation window "} {"Main Title": "MODELING OF PIPING LINES ", "Sub Title": "Creation of components ", "Response": "Choice of Specifications (Piping/Heating/Tracing)Allows you to choose the specifications of the components to be created (Beware of spec changes they are visible on the Isometric). NOTE: The Auto-Create option allows the automatic creation of the components necessary to mount the created component (e.g. Flange, Gask)Choice of component type Choice and configuration of the component Choosing the type of item to be created, check your position in the Hierarchy, and meaning (forward/backward) Creation/Placement of the component Choose the item to create, check your position in the hierarchy, andThe meaning (forward/backward) The component can be created directly upstream or in Downstream of the current element (CE), or placed on a length Pipe line. "} {"Main Title": "Installation of a component", "Sub Title": "Use of Piping Component Editor tools ", "Response": "Position Through: Positions the component on the head of the branch Moves the component to align it to the previous Align the component to the previousMove the component to align it to the next Position the component on the tail of the branch Aligns the component to a graphic selection Copy of the current element Connects the current element to the previous element 1.7. Installation of a component 1.MODELING OF PIPING LINES 1.7.1. Use of Piping Component Editor tools: NOTE: Modification tools are dependent on the direction of creation (FORWARDS / BACKWARDS) "} {"Main Title": "Installation of a component", "Sub Title": "Use of the Model Editor: General ", "Response": "Each piping component can be moved and oriented with the Model Editor: The components connected to each other (excluding elbows) are considered a group. It is possible to move theGroups on sections of blue highlighted piping (the update of the hierarchy is automatic) From the context menu of a component, the options in the Select menu allow a selection ranging from all the components of the Pipe to the current component.A fast path mode is activated by clicking on the elastic of the branch. It makes it possible to create an elbow when changing direction. "} {"Main Title": "Installation of a component", "Sub Title": "Using the Model Editor: Contextual Menus", "Response": "Enter Offset...: allows you to enter a value of the offset from the current position in the direction of the current path. Enter Distance From: allows you to enter the absolute value between the handle and the connection point, the compo originHealth or the preceding or following change of direction. Align with Feature ...: allows you to align with an edge or point identified on the screen. Offset From Feature...: allows you to align with a offset at an edge or a point identified on the screen. Connect: allows you to connect the selection to the previous or next component. Move Handle: move the handle to one end of the selected group. Distance Feedback: allows you to choose how the routing handle graphically displays the distance. FrOm Arrive/Leave (distance from the connection point of the preceding or next component), From Origin (distance from the handle from the position of the origin of the change of direction), From Direction Change (Distance from the origin of the cha componentDirection), From Current Position (relative distance from the original position). ID PRESENTATION FLOW ARROWS: graphical help for the representation of fluid sense.Enter Offset...: allows you to enter a value of the offset from the current position in theDirection of the ongoing path. Enter Leg Length...: allows you to enter the absolute distance between the handle and the last Direction change component. Distance From Origin...: allows you to enter the absolute value between the handle and the position at The origin of the previous component.Extend Through Feature...: allows you to indicate on the screen an edge or a point on which you Want to align yourself. Offset From Feature...: allows you to align with a offset at an identified edge or point On the screen. No Slope / slope Angle: indication of the slope angleOrient To Point...: allows you to orient the handle towards the indicated point. Align with Direction...: allows you to indicate on the screen an edge or a point with which to align The handle. Explicit Direction...: allows you to explicitly enter the new direction of the handle.Component Choice: allows you to choose the type of component that will be created by the handle of Routing when a change of direction occurs. The component can be either an elbow, Or a bending. Distance Feedback: allows you to choose how the routing handle displaysGraphically the distance. Offset (offset from the previous position of the handle), Leg Length (distance from the handle from the position of the last change of direction), Or From Origin (distance from the handle from the position of the origin of the change ofDirection. Show Rotation Handles: allows you to display or not the rotation handles (hided by default). "} {"Main Title": "Installation of a component", "Sub Title": "Using the Model Editor: Alignment ", "Response": "By selecting the point...The elbow is placed perpendicular to the axis of travel passing through the point. By selecting the arrow... The elbow aligns with the plane defined by the direction of the arrow. "} {"Main Title": "Installation of a component", "Sub Title": "Slope management ", "Response": "When creating a pipe, it is possible to specify the value of the slope of the pipe. This menu allows you to apply the slope on all the elements of the branch Allows you to apply on the branch a slope veRs the bottom Allows to apply on the branch a slope upwards Do not apply a slope on the branch NOTE: The slope can be applied only has certain elements of piping "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF PIPING LINES", "Sub Title": "Modification of a pipe ", "Response": "The editing of a pipe or branch can be done at any time with the tools in the Modify Pipe dialog box (see 1.4. Creation of Pipe). "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF PIPING LINES", "Sub Title": "Component modification ", "Response": "All piping components can be moved and redirected with the tools in the Modify Component window (see 1.7. Installation of a component). The Model EditGold can also be used to modify a component. "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF PIPING LINES", "Sub Title": "Reselection of components ", "Response": "When a component already created must be replaced by another coMposing of the same type, it is possible to reselect it. The Reconnection function automatically moves the connected elements to the original one, so that they are always connected to the new component. "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF PIPING LINES", "Sub Title": "Change of specification ", "Response": "The Modify Components dialog box can be used to change the specifications of piping, heat insulation, tracing and also to change the diameter of the components.To access it: -Modify > Spec / Bore By using the right mouse click in the dialog box you bring up the context menu. Modify Specification: allows you to modify the specification of the selected component(s) Modify BorE: allows you to modify the diameter of the selected component(s) Modify Insulation Spec: allows you to modify the heat retardant specification of the selected component(s) Modify Tracing Spec: allows you to modify the tracing specification ofU or selected component(s) Select Component: allows a re-selection of the Select All component: allows you to select all the components present in the dialog box. Clear New Specification: allows you to clear the new specificationsThat you have given on all the elements or on those you will select. Export to Excel...: exports the table in Excel Print Preview format: allows the table to be printed in PDF or on paper "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF PIPING LINES", "Sub Title": "Removal of components ", "Response": "Piping components, like all E3D elements, can be deleted by the Delete tools. This option is also available in the component's context menu in the Model Explorer.In the Piping discipline, the Delete Range tool allows you to remove all the components of a section of piping located between 2 user-defined components: "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF PIPING LINES", "Sub Title": "Pipe line cutting ", "Response": "Cutting a line can be useful to make an isometric clearer or to meet a process need. Split Pipes on a Plane: This mode allows the cutting of one or more lines by a user-defined plan.The elements downstream of the section are moved into an identified branch (Existing), into a new pipe (New Pipe) or a new branch (New Branch). From the Assembly tab, the user can choose a typical assembly to insert on the cut.Split Pipes into Segments: This mode allows the cutting of a pipeline line into sections of defined lengths between 2 identified components. Each section can be created in a new branch or a new pipe.Split Pipes by moving Components:This mode allows the cutting of a piping line on a selected component. The elements located downstream of the section are moved into an identified branch (Existing), in a New pipe (New Pipe) or a new branch (New Branch). Merge Branch / pipe:This mode allows the fusion of 2 branches or 2 pipes. NOTE: it is strongly recommended to initiate a data consistency check when you modify a piping. "} {"Main Title": "MODIFICATION OF PIPING LINES", "Sub Title": "Slope management ", "Response": "When a piping line has been modeled without a slope, it is possible to generate a slope on the entire line or on only one section: Slope management on the entire Pipe Choice of the section ofWork Management of the slope on the current section "} {"Main Title": "THE ATTACHMENTS ", "Sub Title": "Their functions", "Response": "Attachments are created in the same way as a piping component. They are used for various applications. Let's detail the main ones. The different types of ATTA are defined by setting the attribute ATTY.\n\n- ATTY Unset: default type. It is used to mark the position of a support on the piping in the isometric.\n- ATTY CCCC: allows adding a note with a reference line on the isometric. The attachment will also be sided (called a sided comment).\n- ATTY CCNN: allows adding a note with a reference line on the isometric. In this case, the attachment will not be sided (called a non-sided comment).\n- ATTY Flow: allows adding an arrow to indicate the direction of the fluid on the isometric.\n- ATTY XXXX: allows splitting the piping line. This option is used if you want to cut your isometric to facilitate its reading.\n- ATTY SSSS: allows defining the point from which an isometric should be divided on the next sheet. These are the same considerations as for an ATTY SSSS.\n- ATTY INPP: allows defining the beginning and end points of insulation on an isometric. If you want to add a comment to the attachment (in the case of a CCCC or CCNN), you must fill in the Stext attribute of the attachment."} {"Main Title": "ISOMETRIC PRODUCTION ", "Sub Title": "Isometric Design ", "Response": "It is possible to pre-visualise the isometrics of the Piping discipline with the foNction Isometric pipe: NOTE: The plot of the isometric is in white, do not pass the background in white. Otherwise you will no longer see your isometric. The context menu has an option to change the background color. "} {"Main Title": "ISOMETRIC PRODUCTION ", "Sub Title": "The Isodraft module ", "Response": "You can access the Isodraft module by selecting Project > Modules > Isodraft... Once in the module, you can display the Model Explorer. This allows youTo display Design databases. To produce an Isometric, select in the Model Explorer, the line or branch for which you want to create the Isometric. CE button: allows you to re-select a branch or Pipe using the Model Explorer.Option: allows you to choose the rules defined by the administrator, depending on the option chosen, you have several choices in the Standard iso options window, for example in our case, the Project option uses the FTN.MET rule (to exit theEs Iso in metric unit) Detail: Allows you to select the branches of a line, if you want to exit only part of the selected piping line. Produce: allows you to generate: - Transfer File: transfer file for use withOther software - Batch Macro: allows you to take out a large amount of isometric. - Bolt Report: allows you to take out a bolting report from the piping line. "} {"Main Title": "ISOMETRIC PRODUCTION ", "Sub Title": "Specific configurations ", "Response": "In order to improve the readability of an isometric or to provide additional clarification, the user can carry out several operations on pipes and pipe components: - Use of fastenersMents - Information of the names of valves, instruments .... - Quotation of an element in relation to irons or files Dmtype: NORT EAST ELEV POS Dmfarray 1 / Name of the element 2 /... - Exclusion of elements from the list of equipment (attributes MTOC, MTOT, MTOH)- ON: Includes the components in the material list and draws them normally - OFF: Excludes the components from the material list and draws them normally - DOTD: Excludes the components of the material list, draws them in dotted and dimensionsIons - DOTU: Excludes components from the material list, draws them in dotted and does not size them "} {"Main Title": "VERIFICATION OF DATA CONSISTENCY ", "Sub Title": "CONSISTENCY CHECK DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES", "Response": "A230 CONNECTION TYPE HCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE The FBD-FBD connection types in this example must be the same. B230 CONNECTION TYPE TCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE The GBD-GBD connection types in this example must be the same.D430 BAD ARRIVE CONNECTION TYPE The GBD-FBD connection types in this example must be a compatible combination in COCO tables. E730 LEAVE CONNECTION TYPE (of the Flange) NOT COMPATIBLE WITH TCONN The FBD-GBD connection types in this exemPle must be a compatible combination in COCO tables. "} {"Main Title": "Stair Flight ", "Sub Title": "Stair Flight ", "Response": "Representation Mode: Choice of representation mode Layout: simple representation (modeling) Detail: detailed representation (design) General Attributes: Default: choiceX of the standard Name: Name of the element Description: Description of the element Width: Width of the staircase Click on Next to validate the data entered.Reference Points: the user defines the reference points (start and end) of the staircase: FROM Reference Point: Definition of the START reference point by graphic identification of a stop (iron, Panel....) The Modify Position option allows you to specify the coordinates of the START point TO Reference Point: Definition of the START reference point by ideGraphic ntification of a stop (iron, Panel....), or plan identification of a plan (panel, floor...) In Plane mode, after making the graphic selection, it is possible To reverse the direction of the staircase, and to specify between the plan and the point Of reference of the staircase.Click on Next to validate the data entered. Stair Configuration: the user defines the geometric configuration of the staircase: Handrail Configuration: Determination of the Position of the railings. Click on Next to validate the data Seized.Extensions: length of extensions Stringer Option: choice of the attachment of the staircase to a surface (available in Detailed mode) Landing Options: Configuration of the landings of the staircase Extensions and Landings: the user defines the extensions and landings of the staircase:Click on to finish creating a staircase "} {"Main Title": "Rung Ladder ", "Sub Title": "Rung Ladder ", "Response": "The procedure for creating a ladder is similar to that for creating a staircase. Exit Type: Configuration of the exit type (face, right or left) Width inside stile: Width of the scale Truncate Stile: Foot shortening Omit Cage: PresentThat of the protective cage Omit Top Rung: Presence of the upper step Safety Gate: Safety gate "} {"Main Title": "Handrail ", "Sub Title": "Handrail ", "Response": "The procedure for creating railings is similar to that of creating stairs. After configuring the types of railings to be created, simply identifyEr the remarkable points of the path of the railing, It is possible to modify the railing, in order to add openings in it: The management of openings is feasible under the OPENINGS menu Creating an opening Deleting an openingDisplacement of an opening Type of opening (single or gate) "} {"Main Title": "Modification of Handrail ", "Sub Title": "Modification of Handrail ", "Response": "The modification of a railing is possible from the same tool as for its creation.In Layout mode as in Detail mode It is also possible to modify, create or delete components of a railing from the Modify Handrail Component dialog box. This tool allows you to modify a railing locally or in its entirety.- Split Handrail: Railing cutting tool based on selection Of elements at intersection with the railing. - Merge Handrail: Tool for merging 2 railings. -Split Rails: Tool for cutting the rails of a railing compared to aElement or between 2 points. - Material: Tool for associating matter with an STH element. "} {"Main Title": "Presentation of the module ", "Sub Title": "Presentation of the module ", "Response": "The Structure Module is splitIn 4 different types of applications: 1 - Beams & Columns... Metal frames from a complete catalog 2 - Panels & Plates... Plates, pebbles, etc... 3 - Walls & Floors... Civil Engineering,... 4 - Stair, Ladder and Handrail Stairs, ladders and railings"} {"Main Title": "Section Storage ", "Sub Title": "Section Storage ", "Response": "Grid Storage Structure: The sections will be automatically prioritized in a structure that will be created in relation to The associated \"Grid\"Storage Area (Frmw or Sbfr): Sections will be automatically prioritized in a framework or SubFramework that will be created in relation to the associated \"Grid\" The elements created via the Section discipline can be prioritized in two ways: In automatic via Grid StorageIn manual via Manual Storage Manual storage Structure: The sections will be stored in a Structure that has been created manually by the user Storage Area (Frmw or Sbfr): The sections will be stored in a Framework or Sub-framework that has beenCreated manually by the user The Lock allows you to lock or not to lock the framework or Sub-Framework "} {"Main Title": "Specification ", "Sub Title": "Specification ", "Response": "Specific menu: Selection of the classDefault selection of materials Selection of the justification Selection of the specification Selection of the type Selection of the profile Use of the current profile by default Profiles: Defined by 2 points and a specification modifiable at any time, the profiles have specific attachment points and Plines that are the edges of the profiles. "} {"Main Title": "Creating a profile (GENSEC) ", "Sub Title": "Creating a profile (GENSEC) ", "Response": "Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK(SBFR) (Cf 2.1 Section storage) 1 - Definition of the Start point of the Shift section: move the gensec on a single axis. Option move allows you to easily move an element. Double click opens the model editor. Allows you to work in a plan.Tips 2 - Definition of the End point of the section "} {"Main Title": "Fitting Section ", "Sub Title": "Fitting ", "Response": "Allows you to create an assembly element (fitting). It can be used to represent any elementWhich is fixed to the structure but is not an integral part of it. Create > Fitting Step 1: Click to identify the section where the fitting will be placed Step 2: Select the specification and fitting Step 3: Graphically indicate theA Pliny where the fitting will be positioned Step 4: Move the fitting to the desired position on the previously selected pline "} {"Main Title": "Modification of a profile ", "Sub Title": "Bracing gaps", "Response": "Once the bracing is created, it is possible to adjust the gap between the bracing and a reference element.\n\nAfter selecting Modify > Gaps:\n\nStep 1 \u2013 Select the components (yellow elements) that compose the bracing (GENSEC).\nStep 2 \u2013 Select the reference elements (cyan elements).\nStep 3 \u2013 Adjust the gap.\nGap: Distance between the reference element and a bracing element.\n\nNOTE: During step 2, the number of reference elements to select will vary depending on the bracing configuration."} {"Main Title": "Modification of a profile ", "Sub Title": "Modification of a profile ", "Response": "Extend: Allows you to change the length of a Gensec in relation to a plane or panel. \u2022 Mitre Ends: Allows you to make a cut of the iron endsSo that they are parallel to the bisector angle. \u2022 Fillet: Allows you to merge two irons to create a circular section \u2022 Merge: Allows you to make iron fusions \u2022 Split: Allows you to make iron cuts in relation to an element \u2022 Splice: Allows you to make iron cuts compared to a plane \u2022 Fitting: Allows you to modify specifications of fittings NOTE: The above tools will not all be detailed, because they have already been described previously, or are easy to use.If you want more information, refer to the AVEVA E3D online manual. "} {"Main Title": "Nodes and connections ", "Sub Title": "Type of Knots ", "Response": "The creation of nodes allows the elements to be connected to each other.The installation of these connections makes it possible to quickly modify a frame, model the fasteners between irons and use certain design features. -Node for fixing with the GC (ENDATUM > FIXING) -Node for fixing frame withAllique / profile (JLDATU > PLDATU > FIXING)\u2022 Fixing node with the GC Selection of the End DATUM tool then selection of the END of a structural iron \u2022 Metal frame fixing knot profile Use of the Connect tool then selection of the prin ironCipal, then the secondary section(s) to be connected, then Esc then Complete the action "} {"Main Title": "Nodes and connections ", "Sub Title": "Representation of joints ", "Response": "Once the connections are made, it is poIt is possible to show the type of fixing/preparation of the profiles by defining a specification at the seal (Fixing). After selecting modify -> Joint 1-Select its section (always the main section). 2-Click on its joint 3-PressOn enter 4-Select the joint type 5-Make \"Apply\" "} {"Main Title": "Nodes and connections ", "Sub Title": "Subordinate Node and Dominant Node ", "Response": "By default, the connection nodes between irons are subordinated,That is, the direction of the connected iron has priority over the position of the connection node. By making a dominant node, its position takes precedence over the direction of the connected iron, so when the connections are restored, the irons areAdapted in length and direction. "} {"Main Title": "Specification ", "Sub Title": "Specification ", "Response": "Specific menu: Thickness of the panels Selection of the type of beam desired Specification of panels SelEction of materials for panels Representation of aretes Standard Plate: Smooth sheet Check Plate: Tear metal Standard Grating: Grating Each of these specifications has its own thickness range Panel (PANE) It is defined by at the mInimum 3 vertex (PAVE), a specification or thickness and justification "} {"Main Title": "Creation of panels ", "Sub Title": "Creation of panels ", "Response": "Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK(SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been filled in: For the creation of a panel, simply select graphically or manually enter the coordinates of the points. There are several options when creating a panel: FILLET: permeT to create a leave at a point of the ARC panel: allows you to create a rounded side JUSTIFICATION: allows you to choose between top, bottom or center for the creation of the BACK panel: return to the previous point FINISH: complete the creation of the panel NOTE: In representationBy default, the panels are represented in transparency. The combination of the \"T\" key and the left click allows you to select the elements under a panel. "} {"Main Title": "Modification of panels ", "Sub Title": "Modification of panels ", "Response": "After creating a profile, it is possible to edit it at any time: Specification: allows you to change the thickness of a panel with specification - Thickness: allows you to change the thickness of a panel without specification- Justification: allows you to modify the justification of the panel (Top, Center, Bottom) - Panel Origin: allows you to move the origin of the panel - Representation: allows you to modify the representation and level of obstruction of the panel - Drawing Edges: allows you toE modify the representation of the edges - Offset: allows you to modify the dimension of the panel - Split: allows you to section the panel by an element or plane - Merge: allows you to merge several panels "} {"Main Title": "Opening creation ", "Sub Title": "Opening creation ", "Response": "The Negative Extrusion creation tool allows you to create specific openings "} {"Main Title": "Specification ", "Sub Title": "WALLS ", "Response": "A wall (STWALL), like an iron section, is characterized by: - a line defined by 2 points - a section defined by a specification - a justification of the section on the line It can also include nodes and connections with other walls or sections. It is also possible toModel a wall without using a specification: GWALLs are defined as Floor or Screed. "} {"Main Title": "Specification ", "Sub Title": "FLOOR / SCREED ", "Response": "A floor or a screed, like a panel, isCharacterized by: - a sketch defined by vertexes - a thickness defined by a specification - a justification These elements can be connected in the same way as a panel. "} {"Main Title": "Creation of wall ", "Sub Title": "Creation of wall ", "Response": "Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK (SBFR), "} {"Main Title": "Creation of Floor / Screed ", "Sub Title": "Creation of Floor / Screed ", "Response": "Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK (SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been filled in: They are defined in the same way as the panels (PANEL). In general, Floors are used to represent GC slabs, and ScreedsFor the GC massifs. Openings can be made in these elements, in the same way as in a Panel. Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK (SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been filled in: The screeds can be modifiedS in order to be represented with a slope "} {"Main Title": "Element modification ", "Sub Title": "Element modification ", "Response": "Definition: allows you to redefine \"Start\" and \"End\" points - Specification: allows you to change the type of wall (thicknessAnd height) - Origin position: allows the displacement of the origin of a GWALL - Justification: allows you to change the justification of the wall (NA,CBOW, ITOW....) - Flip: allows you to change the orientation of the walls by switching their Start and End positions - DefinItion: allows you to redefine the points of the sketch - Justification: allows you to modify the justification of the element (NA,TOS, BOTTOM) - Thickness: allows you to modify the thickness of the element - Negative Extrusion: allows you to redefine the points of theQuisse - Origin Position: allows the displacement of the origin of the element -Specification: allows you to change the specification (thickness) "} {"Main Title": "Accessories for Iron ", "Sub Title": "Accessories for Iron ", "Response": "Specification: allows you to choose the type of accessories you want. Fitting group: displays the possible types for the current element (GTYPE) Fitting: allows you to choose the subtype of accessories (for example, a stylE particular, or a thickness of gusset). Design Parameters: Allows you to modify the attributes of the selected fitting. See page 20 of the manual for the steps of creating a fitting on Gensec NOTA: The movement of accessories can be carried out withC the Model Editor, by activating the Model Editing tool from the context menu of the element "} {"Main Title": "Accessories for Panel ", "Sub Title": "Accessories for Panel ", "Response": "Specification: allows you to choose the desired type of accessory.Fitting group: displays the possible types for the current element (GTYPE) Fitting: allows you to choose the subtype of accessories (for example, a particular style, or a gusset thickness). Design Parameters: Allows you to modify the attributes of the selected fitting."} {"Main Title": "Accessories for Wall", "Sub Title": "Accessories for Wall", "Response": "Specification Data: allows you to choose the type of accessories (Standard Doors, Standard Windows, etc). Current selection: summary of the selected subtypes Type: allows you to select the subtype of accessories, for example a particular type of window or door.Positioning: the drop-down menu allows you to specify the positioning in the thickness, elevation and distance from the origin of the wall. A click on the Pick Position icon displays the Positioning Control and Pick Fitting Position dialog boxes.The Properties icon: allows you to enter the values used in the definition of the accessory. The Plotfile icon: allows you to display a help plan of the accessory, if it is provided. "} {"Main Title": "Accessories for Floor and Screed ", "Sub Title": "Accessories for Floor and Screed ", "Response": "Specification Data: allows you to choose the type of accessories (Standard Doors, Standard Windows, etc). Current selection: summary of the selected subtypes Type: allows you to select the subtypeAccessories, for example a particular type of window or door. Positioning: the drop-down menu allows you to specify the positioning in the thickness, elevation and distance from the origin of the floor or screed A click on the Pick iconPosition displays the Positioning Control and Pick Fitting Position dialog boxes. The Properties icon: allows you to enter the values used in the definition of the accessory. The Plotfile icon: allows you to display a help plan of the accessory, if it is provided."} {"Main Title": "Stair Flight ", "Sub Title": "Stair Flight ", "Response": "Representation Mode: Choice of representation mode Layout: simple representation (modeling) Detail: det representationAill\u00e9 (design) General Attributes: Default: choice of the standard Name: Element name Description: Description of the element Width: Stair width Click on Next to validate the data entered. Reference Points: the user defines theReference points (beginning and end) of the staircase: FROM Reference Point: Definition of the START reference point by graphic identification of a stop (iron, Panel....) The Modify Position option allows you to specify the coordinates of the START point TO ReferencePoint: Definition of the START reference point by graphical identification of a stop (iron, Panel....), or plan identification of a plan (panel, floor...) In Plane mode, after making the graphic selection, it is possible To reverse the direction of the eScale, and specify between the plane and the point Of reference of the staircase. Click on Next to validate the data entered. "} {"Main Title": "Rung Ladder ", "Sub Title": "Rung Ladder ", "Response": "The procedure for creating a ladder is similar to that for creating a staircase. Exit Type: Configuration of the exit type (face, right or left) Width inside stile: Width of the scale Truncate Stile: Foot shortening Omit Cage: PresentThat of the protective cage Omit Top Rung: Presence of the upper step Safety Gate: Safety gate "} {"Main Title": "Handrail ", "Sub Title": "Handrail ", "Response": "The creation procedureOf railing is similar to that of creating stairs. After configuring the types of railing to be created, simply identify the remarkable points of the railing path, It is possible to modify the guard, It is possible to modifyProud the railing, in order to add openings in it: The management of openings is feasible under the OPENINGS menu Creating an opening Deleting an opening Displacement of an opening Type of opening (single or gate) "} {"Main Title": "Modification of Handrail ", "Sub Title": "Modification of Handrail ", "Response": "The modification of a railing is possible from the same tool as for its creation. In Layout mode as well as in Detail modeIt is also possible to modify, create or delete Components of a railing from the box of Dialogue Modify Handrail Component. This tool allows you to modify locally or in its Overall a railing. - Split Handrail: Slitting toolAge of railing based on selection Of elements at intersection with the railing. - Merge Handrail: Tool for merging 2 railings. -Split Rails: Tool for cutting the rails of a railing compared to a Element or between 2 points. - Mat\u00e9riAl: Tool for associating matter with an STH element. "} {"Main Title": "Clasher ", "Sub Title": "Display of Clashes ", "Response": "There are two solutions to use the Clash: - Auto Clash: which is activated using the iconAll collisions will be displayed as they take place when creating new objects. - Or you can control collisions at the end of a routing of a piping for example. In this case, the clasher opens from the icon"} {"Main Title": "Clasher ", "Sub Title": "Configuration of the clasher ", "Response": "The configuration of the Clasher is feasible with the tools available under the Options tab, Touch Gap: tangent tolerance OVerlap: overlap tolerance Clearance: spacing tolerance Keys are: -Are Included: support of tangents -Are Ignored: tangents ignored Clashes within Branch: -Are included: management of clashes in the same branch -Ignore aDjacent: management of clashes in the same branch, excluding Previous and following elements -Are ignored: interference in the same branch ignored Connections: -Are Included: support for tangents with connections (NOZZLE) -Are Ignored: tangents ignored-With Spec. are ignored: tangents ignored if the specification of Connections is identical to that of the controlled element. -Clashes Ignored Within: Ignores clashes between primitives belonging to the same element "} {"Main Title": "Clasher ", "Sub Title": "Obstruction list ", "Response": "The obstruction list defines all the elements of the special map with which collisions will be defined. By default, the obstruction list contains all the design elements of the MDB.It is possible to modify this list in order to generate an item collision list. The exclusion list contains all the elements that should not be taken into account when calculating collisions. By default, this list is empty. From the onglAnd Limits, a volume can be defined around one or more elements, or a region in order to create an obstruction space. Any element that is partially or entirely in this space will be checked. "} {"Main Title": "Clasher ", "Sub Title": "Visualization ", "Response": "Click on Check CE to check the current item, or enter the name of the item to be checked before clicking on Check. By navigating the list of collisions, a visualization of the collision sSelected is generated in a graphic area similar to the design graphic view. The Navigate to Clash Item option allows you to access the colliding object. The Navigate to Obstruction option provides access to the obstructed object "} {"Main Title": "History of the model ", "Sub Title": "Session Comment ", "Response": "At each Savework, a working session is opened by the user. The user has the possibility to comment on his sessions in order to facilitate theUnderstanding of the history of the elements. "} {"Main Title": "History of the model ", "Sub Title": "Comparison Date ", "Response": "It is possible to compare the state of an element of the model with its state on a defined date.The easiest way is to be able to use a stamp (revision) of the database. After choosing a comparison date and clicking on OK, the user can query the elements of the model on their previous state with the keyword \"OLD\".Ex: Q OLD NAME Q OLD POS "} {"Main Title": "History of the model ", "Sub Title": "Model Changes ", "Response": "The history of element creations and modifications is kept by AVEVA E3D. The Mode toolL Changes allows visibility of the entire history or just that of a particular element. It is therefore possible to know which user has modified an element and on what date. NOTE: The Q LASTMOD and Q USERMOD commands allow you to displayExpensive in the Command Window, the date and author of the last modification. "} {"Main Title": "DB Listing ", "Sub Title": "DB Listing ", "Response": "The DB Listing is the backup of one or more element(s) ofE the database in a text file. This backup is only compatible with AVEVA E3D and AVEVA PDMS, the versions may be different. This file (.txt) can be edited before being reused, it contains all the command lines for recreationR the same element identically (name, position, geometry). Only the hierarchy differs and depends on the hierarchy selected at the time of importing this file. Some elements of PDMS using references in CATALOGUE (Structure, Piping, Nozzle, etc...) are only compatible with a Project containing the same CATALOGUE. It is possible to use this tool to: -Save an element at a time \"t\" -Duplicate an element (requires to modify the text file) -Modify an existing element (requiresIte to modify the text file) "} {"Main Title": "Postponement ", "Sub Title": "Postponement ", "Response": "Reporting is the extraction of information about the 3D model into text files, Excel, or to the AVEVA E3D reporting editor. Files (.txt) or (.csv) can be edited.They contain all the information you want to extract from the model (name, position, geometry). This data can be modified and reinjected into the model. Some elements of E3D using references in CATALOGUE (Structure, Piping, Nozzle, etc...) are only compatible with a Project containing the same CATALOGUE. It is possible to use this tool to: -Check one or more existing elements -Edit one or more existing elements (requires to modify the text file) -Emblish a list ofE hardware (data extraction) For simple verification or modification operations, the Simple Report function is preferred: In the example opposite, we query all the EQUI-type elements located under the CE hierarchy. The attributesNAME, OWNER, PURPOSE, AREA and POSITION of each item found will be saved in the report.txt file "} {"Main Title": "Specification ", "Sub Title": "WALLS ", "Response": "A wall (STWALL), like an iron section, is characterized by: - a line defined by 2 points - a section defined by a specification - a justification of the section on the line It can also include nodes and connections with other walls or sections. It is also possible toModel a wall without using a specification: GWALLs are defined as Floor or Screed. "} {"Main Title": "Specification ", "Sub Title": "FLOOR / SCREED ", "Response": "A floor or a screed, like a panel, isCharacterized by: - a sketch defined by vertexes - a thickness defined by a specification - a justification These elements can be connected in the same way as a panel. "} {"Main Title": "Creation of wall ", "Sub Title": "Creation of wall ", "Response": "Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK(SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been filled in: Single Continuous Radial Position of the points compared to the previous NOTES: Without default specification,The profile appears in dotted Position of the points by coordinates X, Y and Z "} {"Main Title": "Creation of Floor / Screed ", "Sub Title": "Creation of Floor / Screed ", "Response": "Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK(SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been filled in: They are defined in the same way as the panels (PANEL). In general, Floors are used to represent GC slabs, and Screeds For the GC massifs. OpenUres can be carried out in these elements, in the same way as in a Panel. Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK (SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been filled in: The screeds can be modified to be represented with a slope"} {"Main Title": "Element modification ", "Sub Title": "Element modification ", "Response": "Definition: allows you to redefine \"Start\" and \"End\" points - Specification: allows you to change the type of wall (thicknessAnd height) - Origin position: allows the displacement of the origin of a GWALL - Justification: allows you to change the justification of the wall (NA,CBOW, ITOW....) - Flip: allows you to change the orientation of the walls by switching their Start and End positions - DefinItion: allows you to redefine the points of the sketch - Justification: allows you to modify the justification of the element (NA,TOS, BOTTOM) - Thickness: allows you to modify the thickness of the element - Negative Extrusion: allows you to redefine the points of theQuisse - Origin Position: allows the displacement of the origin of the element -Specification: allows you to change the specification (thickness) "} {"Main Title": "Accessories for Wall", "Sub Title": "Accessories for Wall", "Response": "Specification Data: allows you to choose the type of accessories (Standard Doors, Standard Windows, etc). Current selection: summary of the selected subtypes Type: allows you to select the subtype of accessories, for example a particular type of window or door.Positioning: the drop-down menu allows you to specify the positioning in the thickness, elevation and distance from the origin of the wall. A click on the Pick Position icon displays the Positioning Control and Pick Fitting Position dialog boxes.The Properties icon: allows you to enter the values used in the definition of the accessory. The Plotfile icon: allows you to display a help plan of the accessory, if it is provided. "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F2 Clear Canvas "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F3 Object Snap On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F4 Object Snap Projection On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F5 Toggle Walk Mode On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F6 Toggle Fly Mode On/Off"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F7 Grid On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F8 Orthogonal drawing On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F9 Grid Snap On/Off"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F10 Polar Tracking On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F11 Toggle Shaded/Wireline mode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "F12 Dynamic hints On/Off"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "General Keys "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Delete Deletes selected elements in 3D View with confirmation "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Tab Navigates between in-canvas input boxes "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Space Locks value in the in canvas input boxes / Repeat Command"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Home or Page Up Navigates to WORL* level in any Explorer "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "End or Page Down Navigates to Bottom Level in any Explorer "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Esc Exits current CIE Operation / cancels position input/ removes selection/exits edit mode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Arrow UP Shows In-Canvas command of last used CIE Operation "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Arrow Down Shows available Tile Icons during CIE Operation "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Insert Toggle Feature Highlight function On/Off"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Backspace Removes selection from 3D view "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Enter Confirms position, selects default option, executes command, etc. "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + A Select All Elements in the View "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CTrl + C Copies via Mid Position of all selected element(s)(Clipboard operation) "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + E Toggles Distance Snap Mode On/Off"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + F Triggers Find/Search form "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + G GETWORK "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + I Toggles Property Grid On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + P Print "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + S SAVEWORK "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + T Toggles Pick Through Translucency On/Off "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + V Paste Clipped "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + Y Redo "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + Z Undo "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Shift + F4 Toggles between Perspective and Parallel modes "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Shift + F7 Toggles between About Model and About an Eye modes "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Shift + Insert Paste Clipped "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Ctrl + Shift+ C Copies element(s) with basepoint(Clipboard operation) "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Alt + Left Arrow Pans 3D view towards Left"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Alt + Right Arrow Pans 3D view towards Right "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Alt + Up Arrow Pans 3D view towards Up "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Alt + Down Arrow Pans 3D view towards Down "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Alt + F4 Quit Application"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "In Canvas Commands (Model) "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Order Description "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDARC Invokes function to create AID type Arc"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDBIS Invokes function to create an AIDLIN bisecting between two non -parallel AIDLINs "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDCIR Invokes function to create AID type Circle "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDFIL Invokes function to create filleting AIDARC connecting two non-parallel AIDLINs "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDLIN or L Invokes function to create AID type Line "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDPOI Invokes function to create AID type Point "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDTAN Invokes function to create an AIDLIN taNgential to two circles which are non- concentric "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AIDTEXT Invokes function to create AID type Text"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Command Description "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "ANGLE To calculate angle between any two entities "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "AREA To create area arrangement "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "BRACING To specify bracing gaps for existing diagonal elements or members"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CAMERA Enables to lock view wrt an object. Also disables 3D orbit mode when it is enabled "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CANCEL Cancels any current operation in-progress "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CO or COPY Invokes function to copy selected entities with respect to a base point selected "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "COPYBASE Invokes function to copy selected entities with respect to a base point selected "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "COPYCLIP Invokes function to copy selected entities without any base point "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CONNECT Enables function to connect any two GENSECs "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CUTBASE Invokes function to CUT/PASTE selected entities with respect to a base point selected "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CUTCLIP Invokes function to CUT/PASTE selected entities"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CURVE To create curve from plane "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "D or LINDIM Invokes function to create db type Linear Dimension "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "DECKS To create decks "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "DELETE To delete selected entities "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "DISCONNECT Enables function to disconnect any two connected GENSECs "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "DIST or DI To calculate distance between any two entities "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "EM or EDITMODE Triggers Edit Mode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "ENDATUM Create an ENDATU Fixing at selected End of GENSEC."} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "EXTEND Enables function to extend the end of a structural element to a reference element. "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "FILLET To create a Fillet between two non-connected structural elements "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "FLY Enable FLY mode operation"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "FORCETRIM To trim an attached GENSEC to selective Pline of Owning GENSEC "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "FOVY Enables option to enter new Vertical field -of-view angle "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "GENSECDEF Triggers function to set default specification wrt. existing GENSEC "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "GFITT_CRE Enable function to create a GENSEC Fitting "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "GFITT_MODEnable function to modify a GENSEC Fitting "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "GRIDCY Invokes function to create a new GRID CYLINCER for Radial Grid only in In -Mode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "GRIDID Resets IDs of REFGRDs "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Command Description "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "GRIDPL Invokes function to create a new GRID PLANE for REFGRD in IN-Mode(Currently works for a "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Single REFGRD) "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "ID Queries Coordinate Positions at snapped position "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "IN Triggers IN or Include mode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "JMOD Enables user to modify joints on a SECTION "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "LCS Invokes opeRation to change Coordinate system between Local and World "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "LINDIMA Invokes function to create db type Aligned Dimensions"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "LOOKROUND Enables 3D Orbit mode option to look around a locked view in Perspective ProjMode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "M or MOVE Invokes function to move entities with respect to a base point selected a "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "MERGE To merge two members of the same element type "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "MI or MIRROR To mirror any selected Structural Elements by defining a Mirror Plane "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "MITRE Enables option to Mitre two ends of GENSECs "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "MLABEL InvokesA function that creates a Label in 3D Canvas "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "MREDO Enables user to REDO all previous actions or to desired no.Of actions "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NEXT To go Forwards through Views "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "OUT Trigger OUT mode by exiting IN mode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "OUTALL takes user all the way out "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "OSNAPD Triggers Distance Snap Mode function"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "P or PAN Enables REALTIME PAN option "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANARC Enables function to Create a ARC PANEL using three point or two point methods "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANCIRC Enables function to Create a CIRCULAR PANEL with multiple options "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANDIR Pans View towards selected PLAN VIEW directions "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANDISC EnablesFunction to Create a DISC PANEL using Centre+ or two point methods "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANELSURF To create panel from surface"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANELPLANAR To create pane from grid plane "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANELNXTRDISC Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Circular Shape in 3 different Modes "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANELNXTRMULT Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Rectangular Shape using Multiple Points "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANELNXTRRECT Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Rectangular Shape using Two Points "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANMULT Enables function to Create a RECTANGULAR PANEL with multiple points "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANOFFSET Enables function to Create an Offset Perimeter of PANEL with multiple points "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANRECT Enables function to Create a RECTANGULAR PANEL using two points "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Description "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PANRING Enables function to Create a RING PANEL using three point to two point methods "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PASTECLIP To paste any copied or cut elements that are available in current session "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PFITT_MOD Enable function to modify a PANEL Fitting"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PL or PLINE Enables function to create a Polyline "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PLAN Set the current View to Plan View mode "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PR or PROPERTIES Open Property Window if not opened already in the application "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PREV To go Back through Views "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PROJMODE Toggles between Projection modes Orthogonal or Perspective"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "RADIAL Enables option to create a Radial Grid "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "REDO Redo any operation that was previously called back(Performed Undo) "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "REFGRD Enables option to create a Reference Grid "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "RO or ROTATE Invokes function to rotate any object around any defined axis "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SCALE To Scale a StruCtural Element by selecting a Base Point "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SECARC Creates an ARC GENSEC and also gives multiple oPtions to choose the way they are created "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SECCUR Creates a Curved GENSEC and also gives multiplE options to choose the way they are created "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SECRING Creates a RING GENSEC and also gives multiPle options to choose the way they are created "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SECTION Creates a Straight GENSEC and gives multIple options to choose the way they are created "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SELALL To select all the elements in 3D View "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SPLICE To Splice any Structural Element(s) in multiple ways "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SPLIT To split any Structural Element(s) in multiple ways "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "STRETCH To Stretch any Structural Element along a defined path "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SURFACE To create Surface "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SPACE To create space arrangement "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "TOWER Enables option to create a Rectangular Tower Grid "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "TOWERT Enables option to create a Triangular Tower Grid "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "U To Undo any current operation "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "UNDO Enables user to UNDO all operation or to desired no.Of counts "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "WALK Enables user to WALK around a Model "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Z or ZOOM Enables Zoom options "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "-VIEW or -V To change any View between Isometric or Orthographic or Plan View "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "-PAN or -P PANs view wrt base point selection "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "In Canvas Commands (Primitives) "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "Command Description "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "BOX Invokes function to create BOX "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CYLI Invokes function to create CYLINDER "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CONE Invokes function to create CONE "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "CTOR Invokes function to create CIRCULAR TORUS "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "DISH Invokes function to create DISH "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "EXTR Invokes function to create EXTRUSION "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "PYRA Invokes function to create PYRAMID "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "RTOR Invokes function to create RECTANGULAR TORUS "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "REVO InvokesFunction to create REVOLUTION PRIMITIVE "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SLCY Invokes function to create SLOPING CYLINDER "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "SNOU Invokes function to create SNOUT "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NBOX Invokes function to create BOX "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NCYLInvokes function to create CYLINDER "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NCON Invokes function to create CONE "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NCTO Invokes function to create CIRCULAR TORUS "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NDIS Invokes function to create DISH "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NPYR Invokes function to create PYRAMID"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NRTO Invokes function to create RECTANGULAR TORUS"} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NREV Invokes function to create REVOLUTION PRIMITIVE "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NSLC Invokes function to create SLOPING CYLINDER "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NSNO Invokes function to create SNOUT "} {"Main Title": "Function Keys ", "Sub Title": "F1 AVEVA Help ", "Response": "NXTR Invokes function to create EXTRUSION"} {"Main Title": "Objectives ", "Sub Title": "PML 1&2 \u2014 Programming \u2022Acquire the basics of programming in PML \u2022Know the programming conventions \u2022Understand the cCommunication between DABACON databases and the PML language \u2022Be able to create a user interface \u2022Browsing development possibilities (PML/C# interface) ", "Response": "Programming \u2022Acquire the basics of programming in PML \u2022Know the programming conventions \u2022Understand the cCommunication between DABACON databases and the PML language \u2022Be able to create a user interface \u2022Browsing development possibilities (PML/C# interface) "} {"Main Title": "Simple macros ", "Sub Title": "Simple macros ", "Response": "Presentation of macros A macro is a sequence of commands interpreted and executed by PDMS software. These commands can be filled in one at One in the \"command window\" and will give the same result.To launch a macro, simply drag the .pmlmac file into the \"command window\" of PDMS or write the following line: $m Macro path, example: $m C:\\Path \\mySimpleMacro.pmlmac NOTE: A macro does not require a particular extension.A *.txt file can be a macro however, the *.pmlmac extension allows them to differentiate from Other text files. "} {"Main Title": "Simple macros with parameters", "Sub Title": "Simple macros with parameters", "Response": "Presentation of macros The parameterized macros allow, when launching them, to fill in arguments that will be used by macros. The arguments are read using the syntax: $1, $2, etc. The arguments are to rTeach following the macro call command and separated by a space. $m C: \\Path \\mySimpleMAcro.pmlmac MYEQUI 200 300 500 $1 $2 $3 $4 If an argument contains a space, we use the syntax: $m C: \\Path \\mySimpleMAcro.pmlmac $ 200 300 500 (for a description for example) $1 $2 $3 $4 "} {"Main Title": "Programmable macros ", "Sub Title": "Programmable macros ", "Response": "Presentation of macrosPML1 variables make it possible to program macros to make them intelligent. Variables are memory blocks that will make it possible to store data (numbers, string, etc.). The variables can be compared to Labeled drawers.For example, we can store the number \"32\" in the \"Age\" drawer. To define a variable in PML, the following syntax must be used: VAR! nameVariable value of the variable Or ! nameVariable = value of the variable To retrieve the value of the variable, you must use:$! nameVariable To display the value of the variable in the \"commands window\" you must write: $p $! nameVariable \u2192 Returns the value of the variable Or Q var! nameVariable \u2192 Returns the type and value of the variable \u25baThe variables are defined with one or two \"!\": \"! Variable\": to define a local variable (Usable only by the macro that created it). \u201c!! Variable\": to define a global variable (Usable by all macros during the same PDMS session). \u25baNever start the name of a variable with a digit.\u25baNever use \".\" or \"_\" in a variable name. NOTE: It is important to choose the name of the variables so that the code is as readable as possible. For this, he You must choose names that represent as much as possible the content of the variable.PML 1 PML 2 "} {"Main Title": "String (string) ", "Sub Title": "String (string) ", "Response": "Type of variables There are different types of variables that do not store data in the same way.NOTE: Lasyntax \"var! myVar \"works only for the definition of STRING variables. String-type variables can contain strings. Declaration of variable of type string: Var! myString 'String of characters' Or Var! myString |Character string|Or ! myString = |String| Real-type variables are used to store numerical values. Declaration of variable of type real: ! myReal = 23 Boolean variables can have values only equal to \"TRUE\" or \"FALSE\", ! myBOolean = TRUENOTA: It is preferable to use \"||\" rather than \"''\" For the definition of a string type variable. In Effect, with this syntax, the use of characters As \"'\", \"\u00e9\", is then possible. 2.2. Real (real) 2.3. Boolean (boul\u00e9ens) "} {"Main Title": "Array (tables) ", "Sub Title": "Array (tables) ", "Response": "Type of variables A table is a set of variables stored in a table. The tables must be defined as follows: ! myTable = array ()! myTable [1] = |Chain| ! myTable [2] = |de| ! myTable [3] = |characters| Or ! myTable.append (|Chaine|) ! myTable.append (|de|) ! myTable.append (|characters|) ! Brand = 1 ! Model = 2 ! Year = 3 ! Garage = array () ! Garage[1][! Brand] = |Citro\u00ebn| ! Garage[1][! Model ] = |Xsara|! Garage[1][! Year ] = |1999| ! Garage[2][! Brand] = |Renault| ! Garage[2][! Model ] = |Clio| ! Garage[2][! Year ] = |2003| ! Garage[3][! Brand] = |Alfa Romeo| ! Garage[3][! Model ] = |159| ! Garage[3][! Year ] = |2005|NOTA: In this case, we define the value of eachLines of the table. 2.5. Array of Array (multidimensional arrays) Citro\u00ebn ! garage[1][brand]Xsara ! Garage[1][ model ]1999 ! Garage[1][ year ] Renault ! garage[2][brand]Clio ! Garage[2][ model ]2003 ! Garage[2][ year ] Alfa Romeo ! Garage[3][brand]159! Garage[3][ model ]2005 ! Garage[3][ year ][brand] [ model ] [ year ] [1] [2] [3]NOTE: In this case, one increments a new Line atlatable with the value between Parentheses. "} {"Main Title": "G-string ", "Sub Title": "G-string ", "Response": "PML1 Var! nameOfCE NAME The variable! NameOfCE is of type string and will take the value of the NAME attribute of the current element. Var! posOfCE POS wrt/* The variable! posOfCE is of the string type and takes the valEur of the POSITION attribute of the current element. ! Real1 = 3 ! Real2 = 5 ! Sum =! Real1 +! Real2 ! Average = (! Real1 +! Real2 ) / 2 Operations +, -, *, / are possible in the same way.NOTA: This syntax can be used with all the attributes of an element.3.2. RealIt is possible to concatenate string-type variables. ! String1 = |Hello| ! String2 = |world| ! Result = ! String1 & | | & ! String2 Q var! Result 'hello world' 3.3. array Var! Listcollect all PIPE for CE ! List is a string arrayS containing the refnos of all PIPEs ('=23584/5442')PML 1 is a language for performing actions and manipulating variables. This version of the language is mainly used When it is necessary to obtain a value in one lIgne of code, otherwise we will prefer the use of PML2. "} {"Main Title": "PML3 ", "Sub Title": "PML3 ", "Response": "PML2 is a so-called object-oriented language. An object has its own functions (Objects will be more detailed later in this manual).When we define a variable as a STRING object, we associate it with all the functions specific to a STRING object. The functions are used as follows: ! Variable.function (Arguments) 4.1. G-string Here are some examples of essential functionsTielles to manipulate string-type variables. Function. PART( Part to be kept, 'Delimiter') returns a STRING type variable ! Identity = 'DUPONT -Fran\u00e7ois -18/08/1964' ! Name = ! Identity.part ( 1 , ' -' ) Q var! Behalf 'DUPONT' ! First name = !Identity.part ( 2 , ' -' ) Q var! First name 'Fran\u00e7ois' ! Test = ! Identity.part ( 1 , '/' ) Q var! Behalf 'DUPONT -Fran\u00e7ois -18' Function. SPLIT( 'Delimiter' ) returns a variable of type ARRAY ! identityArray = ! Identity.split ( '-' ) Q var!identityArray [1] 'DUPONT' [2] 'Fran\u00e7ois' [3] '18/08/1964 ' NOTE: An exhaustive list of functions that can be applied to each of the object types can be found in the \"Software Customisation Reference Manual \u00bb"} {"Main Title": "ARRAY", "Sub Title": "ARRAY", "Response": "Voici quelques exemples de fonctions essentielles pour manipuler les variables de type ARRAY.\nFonction .SIZE() retourne une variable de type REAL qui indique le nombre de lignes dans la table.\nFonction .DELETE( ) retourne une variable de type ARRAY, suppression de la ligne et de l\u2019index.\n!table[3]. delete ()\nQ var !table\n\n[1] 'un'\n[2] 'deux'\n[4] 'quatre\u2018\nFonction .REMOVE( REAL ) retourne une variable de type ARRAY, suppression de la ligne et d\u00e9calage de l\u2019index.\n!table.remove ( 3 )\nQ var !table\n\n[1] 'un'\n[2] 'deux'\n[3] ' quatre '\nFonction .FIND( STRING ) Retourne une variable de type ARRAY contenant les index des lignes correspondantes trouv\u00e9es.\nFonction .FINDFIRST( STRING ) Retourne une variable de type REAL contenant l\u2019index de la premi\u00e8re ligne correspondante trouv\u00e9 e\nNOTA surlesfoncions FIND etFINDFIRST : Siaucun \u00e9l\u00e9ment n\u2019est trouv\u00e9 alors une variable sera cr\u00e9\u00e9e mais pas renseign\u00e9e, elle\nsera alors en\u00abunset \u00bb.\nFonction .SORT() Retourne une variable de type ARRAY tri\u00e9e par ordre alphab\u00e9tique (si STRING) ou num\u00e9rique (si REAL)."} {"Main Title": "Real ", "Sub Title": "Real ", "Response": ". PML2 4.3. Real Variables of REAL types allow us to faIre of mathematical operations. Function. POWER(REAL) returns a variable of type REAL. Function. SQRT() returns a variable of type REAL. Function. SINE( ) returns a variable of type REAL. Function. COSINE( ) returns a variable of type REAL.Function. TANGENT( ) returns a variable of type REAL. Function. ASIN( ) returns a variable of type REAL. Function. ACOS( ) returns a variable of type REAL. Function. ATAN( ) returns a variable of type REAL. Function. LOG( ) returns a variable of type REAL."} {"Main Title": "It may be that a variable is not of the desired type it is possible to convert them using specific functions: ", "Sub Title": "It may be that a variable is not of the desired type it is possible to convert them using specific functions: ", "Response": ".Real(), .string(), . boolean (), position(), ... ! ageSTRING = |23| ! ageREAL =! ageSTRING.real () Q var! ageREAL 23Var! posSTRING POS WRT /* Q var! posSTRING 'E 12490mm N 12280mm U 2150mm' ! posPOSITION = ! posSTRING.position () Q var! posPOSITION E 12490mm N 12280mm U 2150mm WRT /* EAST 12490mm NORTH 12280mm ORIGIN =15392/0 UP 2150mmQ var! posPOSITION.north 12280mm 4 . PML2 4.4. Conversions NOTE: The conversion of variable types is applicable all the time when possible, an alpha and/or alphanumeric character chain does not Cannot be converted into REAL.( Ex:! AgeSTRING =|23years|)Pseudo -attribute \"sequen\": Give the order of the element In relation to his parent "} {"Main Title": "The conditions ", "Sub Title": "The conditions ", "Response": ". The conditions 5.1. Yew IF ( condition ) THEN OrdersENDIF Or, also: IF ( condition ) THEN Orders ELSEIF ( condition ORcondition AND condition ) THEN Orders ELSE Orders ENDIF$*IF (condition) THEN $*END $*IF ( condition ) THEN $*IF NOT IF ( condition ) THEN $*The AND has priority over the OR$*IF NOT $*END 5.2. Comparators EQ EQUAL NEQ NON EGAL GT BIGGER LT SMALLER GE BIGGER OR EQUAL THE SMALLEST OR EQUAL IF ( ! Age GE 18 ) THEN ! Major = TRUE ELSE ! Major = FALSE ENDIF NOTE: As soon as it is necessary to write a surplus orderLines (example the \"if\"), it becomes imperative to go through a macro file, the Window command requiring to validate each line a parune. "} {"Main Title": "The conditions ", "Sub Title": "The conditions ", "Response": ". The conditions5.3. Matchwild IF ( MATCHWILD( ! Name, |? ABC*|) ) THEN Orders ENDIF The MATCHWILD function returns the TRUE value if the search is Conclusion, orFALSE silachaine of characters is not present in The variable to test. 5.4. Game IF ( MATCH( ! Name, |? ABC*|) GE 1 ) THENOrders ENDIF The match function returns the number of times the search (|? ABC*|) Is present in the variable to be tested. The number is larger or equal to 1 is that the research is conclusing. NOTE: We use \"?\" ifUNcharacter is anyone. We Use \"*\"sAll a chain of characters is anyone. Condition matchwild "} {"Main Title": "The loops ", "Sub Title": "The loops ", "Response": ". The loops 6.1. C Loops allow you to execute the same command several times, TheyAre controlled by a counter. DO! X FROM 4 TO 10 BY 2 Orders ENDDO ! X Variable incremented automatically at each turn of the loop. If no variable is filled in, an unknown variable will be used. FROM Defines the initial value of the variable for the first round.If the initial value is not entered, then it will be equal to 1. TO Sets the final value of the variable for the last round. If the final value is not filled in, then the loop will be infinite. BY Defines the step of the increment. If the paS is not informed so it will be 1. 6.2. DO Index Using this syntax, the variable! X will value the index of each row of the table ! Mytable. DO! X INDEX! myTable Orders ENDDO 6.3. DO Value Using this syntax, the variable!X will hang the value of each row of the table! Mytable. DO! X VALUE! myTable Orders ENDDO "} {"Main Title": "The loops ", "Sub Title": "The loops ", "Response": ". The loops 6.4. Estate car If no final \"to\" condition isIs defined for the loop, then it will be infinite. It is possible to stop it by using the \"BREAK\" syntax Related to a condition. DO! X IF ( ! X GT 15 ) THEN Estate car ENDIF ENDDO 6.5. SKIP The \"SKIP\" command is used to go directly to the next value of!XDO! X BREAK IF (! X GT 15 ) ENDDO DO! X IF ( ! X GT 15 ) THEN SKIP ENDIF Orders ENDDODO! X SKIP IF ( ! X GT 15 ) Orders ENDDO NOTE: ! Inset variable (value 1, value 2,...) allows you to verify that the variable is part of a set of predefined values. "} {"Main Title": "Comments ", "Sub Title": "Comments ", "Response": "The comments Since the codes are not always explicit, it is important to comment on each operation carried out by the macro. This allows during a ModificationN of the code, to find the operation of it more quickly. Several methods are available to comment on a macro. --This is a new comment ! X = ! Y +! Z $*! X is equal to the sum of! Y and! Z $( New comment On several lines $)NOTE: By using the \"PML language\" option in notepad ++(c.f.pml_notepadd ++.xml), comments will be automatically displayed envert "} {"Main Title": "Handle ", "Sub Title": "Handle ", "Response": ". Error management \"HANDLE\" PendaNt the progress of a program, it is possible that some lines of code generate errors and block the continuation of the program. It is possible to manage them with the \"HANDLE\" blocks. HANDLE If errors are expected, the \"HANDLE\" syntax makes it possible not to stop theCode and enter specific commands in case of errors. ANY The command block will be read for any error. ERROR CODE (46, 28), the error code is specific to a specific error, the block of Orders will be read only for this errorELSEHANDLE Allows you to manage several errors NONE The command block will be read if there is no error ENDHANDLE Ends the command block HANDLE (46,28) Orders ELSEHANDLE ANY Orders ELSEHANDLE NONE Orders ENDHANDLE The \"HANDLE\" syntax must beFind directly below the line of code that can generate an error. NOTE: The syntax \"old/elementName\" allows you to decemmettre enCEsurl'element. "} {"Main Title": "Object oriented ", "Sub Title": "Object oriented ", "Response": ".PML2 object-oriented language The strength of PML2 is the use of objects that make it possible to optimize programs. This technology is inspired by other languages such as The C# developed by Microsoft.9.1. Notion of object !! PHONE Fon directory attributeCtion(argument) Call(number) Web(url)! myPhoneVariable Object ! myPhone = OBJECT PHONE() ! myPhone. directory [X] ! myFunction = ! myPhone.function (argument) ! myPhone.call ('0623589xxx') ! myWeb = ! myPhone.Web ('http://www.rg -services.fr/') "} {"Main Title": "Object oriented ", "Sub Title": "Object oriented ", "Response": ". PML2 object-oriented language 9.2. DBREF object DBREF objects are elements of the database, the object!! It's defined by default, so!! This.name will return the name of the element Running,!! This type, its type, etc. 9.3. Object COLLECTION() ! myCollection = Object COLLECTION() ! myCollection.scope (CE) ! myCollection.addType ('PIPE') ! allPipe = ! myCollection.results () The equivalent syntax in PML1 is as follows: Var! myCollect Collect all PIPE for CEHere is the variable! myCollect is a table of STRING ( Refno ) and not DBREF.Function(Argument) Reference Description Scope(DBREF) Defines the target for the collection AddType (STRING) Defines the type of item to be collected. Results () Array of DBREF RenvoIe the a table containing the search resultNOTA: The name of an element is stored in a variable in String format, it is then Possible to access the element in the database with the function ! nameElement .dbref () "} {"Main Title": "Functional repertoires", "Sub Title": "Functional repertoires", "Response": "Functional Directories\nIt is possible to add dialog boxes, functions, and objects to those already created by AVEVA. These files must be placed under a \"pmllib\" folder declared in the evars. In this folder, there is a file called \"pml.index\" generated by PDMS that lists all these elements. To update it, you must write in the commands window: Pmlrehash all.\nPMLLIB\nDesign\nForms\nFunctions\nObjects\nDraft Paragon\nPml.index\nNOTE: You can consult the PMLLIB folder in the software installation directory to take examples from the forms, functions, and objects developed by AVEVA."} {"Main Title": "Role ", "Sub Title": "Role ", "Response": ". Functions, Arguments and References The functions are used for coOf tasks frequently used by other developed programs. They are widely used to divide a development project into specific tasks. The file must have, as extension: *.pmlfnc Command to call the function: !! myFunction ()Create the function: Define Function!! myFunction () . . . EndFunction11.1. The functions ( function ) NOTE: Once the function is created in the \"Functions\" folder of dupmllib, it must Run a \"pml rehash all\" to refresh lepml.index. NOTE: The file *.pmLfnc must have the same name as the function. "} {"Main Title": "Role ", "Sub Title": "Role ", "Response": ". Functions, Arguments and References As with parameterized macros, it is possible to call a function with arguments.Command to call the function: !! myFunction (! Name,! Age,! City) Create the function: Define Function!! myFunction (! Name isstring,! Age isreal,! City isstring) . . . EndFunction11.2. Functions with arguments NOTE: It is not mandatory dedoNner the same name to the arguments in the call and in the definition of the function, only the order and type of the Arguments are important. It is still advisable to keep the names of the arguments used in the definition of the function. "} {"Main Title": "Role ", "Sub Title": "Role ", "Response": ". Functions, Arguments and References The functions are also able to return a result to a program that launched it. Command to call the function: ! Result = !! myFunction (! Name,! Age,!City) Create the function: Define Function!! myFunction (! Name isstring,! Age isreal,! City isstring) isarray ! myResult = array () . . . Return! myResult EndFunction11.3. Functions with referral "} {"Main Title": "Creation of objects ", "Sub Title": "Creation of objects ", "Response": ". Creation of objects Objects are composed of different methods. Methods are functions attached to an object or a \"form\". Methods Work on the same principle as the functions. It's-I.e. they can receive arguments and send values. One Variable defined in a method is unknown to other methods. To use a variable in several methods of an object, it is necessary to Define as a member of this object outIliser global variables (not recommended). Lavariable! This is automatically equal to the object or \"form\" in which it is used. The file containing the object code must be *.pmlobj to be recognized by PDMS. Define object myObject Member .Member1 is string Member .member2 is real endObject Define method . setMember () ! This.member1 = 'Hello' --! This= !! myObject EndMethod Define method .readmember () $p $! This.member1 EndmethodMembers MethodsObject NOTE: In the same object, two methods littleVent have the same name provided that their arguments are different. "} {"Main Title": "Creation of objects ", "Sub Title": "Creation of objects ", "Response": ". Creation of objects Members MethodsDeclaration of a Instance of the objectCalling a method On the object "} {"Main Title": "Example of creation ", "Sub Title": "Example of creation ", "Response": ". Example of c Reation Of a Diff It is possible to customize the main \"form\" by adding toolbars.You must first create a text file without extension in the Addins folder so that when it is opened, PDMS knows how to get the new Toolbar, with the following information: Then, you have to create an object placed in the folder:\\pmllib \\design \\objectsName: DIFFNAME Object: myOBJECT Directory: myOBJECT Synonym: CALL myOBJECT Define object myOBJECT Endobject Define method .modifyForm () ! This.toolbars () Endmethod Define method .toolbars () ! iconSize = !! comSysOpt.iconSize () Frame .myToolBar toolbar 'myFrame Tag' ! Pixmap = !! Pml.getpathname ('image.png') Button .myButton 'myButton Tag' pixmap \"$! \" width $! iconSize height $! iconSize callback | CallbackCommand | Exit !! appTbarCntrl.addToolbar (myToolBar ', 'ALL')endmethodKeywod ! Pixmap = path to an image in the PMLLIB folder Modules in which the new bar will be displayed Tools (ALL, DESIGN, PARAGON,... "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms)A dialog box is a set of gadgets (buttons, options, list, etc.) that offers a graphical interface between the user and the Programmed functions. The file containing the delaform code must be *.pmlfrm to be recognized by PDMS. Necessary and sufficient syntax:Setup form!! myForm $*Declaration of the form !! myForm .initCall =|! This.init()| $*Declaration of the initialization method Options: Setup form!! Myform DIALOG /DIALOG RESIZABLE /DIALOG DOCKING (SIZE width height) DIALOG: Fixed form RESIZEABLE: Non-fixed formDOCKING: Built-in and unfrozen shape (to embed the shape at its opening, it is enough to specify where to hang it, L=Left, R=Right, T=Top, B=Bottom, compared to the graphic view) !! myForm .quitcall =|! This.quit()| $*Definition of the closure method !! myForm .Autocall =|! This.autocall ()| $*Automatic method declaration, when any delaform attribute is Modified. 14.1. Definition "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) METHOD 1:Gadget 1 PATH DOWN $*Slet down HALIGN CENTRE $*Horizontal alignment Compared to the center VDIST $2*Vertical offset Of 2 units Gadget 2 Gadget $3*the information of Gadget 2 are always Valid PATH RIGHT $* Delay to the Right VALIGN BOTTOM $* Vertical alignmentCompared to the bottom HDIST $3* Horizontal offset Of 3 units Gadget 414.2. Position of gadgets Gadget1 Gadget 2 Gad.3Gadget5 "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) METHOD 2: Gadget1 at X3 Y3Gadget2 atXMIN.Gadget1 YMAX.Gadget1+114.2. Position of gadgets Gadget1X YYMINXMIN YMAXXMAX Gadget3 "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) Gadget2 atX...Y... Anchor Top + Right14.2. Position of gadgetsGadget2 Gadget3 "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.3. The Gadgets BAR: These are menus located under the title of the \"form\". Bar ! this.bar.add('Control', 'control') $*BAR.add('Text displayed', 'MENU Reference ')Menu .control ! This.control .add('CALLBACK', 'Select CE', '! This.init()') $*MENU .add('TYPE', 'Text displayed' ,'Reference' ) ! This.control .add('Separator ') ! This.control .add('MENU', 'Info', 'info' ) ! This.control .add('TOGGLE', 'active', 'this.activeMethod ()')MENU: The Menus can use: \u25baMenus \u25baMethods/functions \u25baDesToggles (boxes to check) POPUP: Including contextual menus called parunclicdroit. Menu .menupopup ! This.menupopup .add('CALLBACK', 'Select CE', '! This.init()') To attach a popup menu toungadget:! myGadget .setpopup (! This.menupopup ) NOTE: The forms of type DOCKING and RESIZEABLE do not netoledeBAR. "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.3. The Gadgets BUTTON: \u25baWithout icon: Button .myButton |BUTTON |atxpos ypos tooltip |description |CALLBACK |Callback Command |dock/ anchor With icon: Button .myButton pixmap width 50height 17atxpos ypos tooltip |desc |CALLBACK |Callback Command |dock/ anchor In the initialization method: ! This.myButton .addPixmap (!! pml.getPathname ('icon .png')) LinkLabel: Button .myButton LinkLabel|BUTTON |atxpos ypos tooltip |description |CALLBACK |Callback Command |dock/ anchor Attributes: . Tag: Title / name dugadget (STRING) . Val: Equal to TRUE when the button is clicked (BOOLEAN). Popup: Context menu attached (MENU) . Active: Greyed active (BOOLEAN) . Visible: Visible or not (BOOLEAN) . Callback:Command / Attached method (STRING) . Background:Background color (REAL /STRING)NOTE: The icons must be in the PMLLIB challenge folderNit for them to be filled in in lepml.index. "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.3. The Gadgets Toggle: The .valgarde attribute the TRUE value after the click Button .myButton TOggle| BUTTON |atxpos ypos tooltip |description |CALLBACK |Callback Command |dock/ anchor "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": "Dialog Boxes (Forms) - Gadgets\n\nLIST:\nList.myList |ListTitle|atxpos ypos dock/ anchor CALLBACK |Callback Command |multiple width 35 height 15\n\nAttributes:\n.Dtext: Visible field (ARRAY of STRING)\n.Rtext: Invisible field (ARRAY of STRING with the same number of values as Dtext)\n.Val: Number of selected line(s) (REAL or ARRAY for multiple selection)\n.Pickedfield: Last selected line (REAL)\n.Tag: Title of the gadget (STRING)\n.Active: Active or grayed out (BOOLEAN)\n.Visible: Visible or not (BOOLEAN)\n.Popup: Attached context menu (MENU)\n.Callback: Attached command/method (STRING)\nRetrieving values from selected fields:\n!val = !this.myList.val\n!dtext = !this.myList.dtext\n!rtext = !this.myList.rtext\nDO !refvalue !val\n$p$!dtext[$!ref]\n$p$!rtext[$!ref]\nENDDO\nSingle or multiple selection"} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.3. The Gadgets OPTION: Option .myOption |Option Title|atxpos ypos CALLBACK |Callback Command |dock/ anchor width 10\u25baAttributes: . Dtext: Visible field (ARRAY ofSTRING) . Rtext: Invisible field (ARRAY ofSTRING with the same number of values as ledtext) . Val: Selected line number (REAL or ARRAY silalisteesten multiple selection) . Pickedfield: Last line selected (REAL). Tag: Title dugadget (STRING) . Active: Greyed active (BOOLEAN) . Visible: Visible or not (BOOLEAN) . Popup: Context menu attached (MENU) . Callback:Command / Attached method (STRING) \u25baRetrieval of the values of the selected fields: The results are found more simply :$!this.myOption returns the delatable value of substitution (! this.myOption .rtext )of the selected field. "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.3. The Gadgets TEXT (The user can enter text):Text .myText dock/ anchor atxpos ypos tooltip |Desciption |CALLBACK |Command |width 20isSTRING \u25baAttributes: . Echo: Display of fields or****(BOOLEAN) . Val:Value entered in the field( =DATATYPE) . Scroll: Max length of characters (REAL) . Tag: Title (STRING). Active: Greyed active (BOOLEAN) . Datatype: 'STRING', 'REAL' or 'BOOLEAN' (STRING) . Popup: Context menu attached (MENU) . Callback:Command / Attached method (STRING) . Editable: Editable or frozen (BOOLEAN) PARAGRAPH (the user of a text is not possible):Paragraph .myPara dock/ anchor atxpos ypos text |Paragraph |width 10height 1 \u25baAttributes: . Val: Value duchamp (SRTING) . Tag: Title (STRING) . Active: Greyed active (BOOLEAN) . Popup: Context menu attached (MENU) . Background:Background color (REAL/STRING) TVariable ype (Isstring or isreal) "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.3. The Gadgets TOGGLE Checkbox: Toggle .myToggle |TEXTE| atxpos ypos tooltip |Desciption |tagwidth 10\u25baAttributes: .val:Returns TRUE sileTOGGLE is clicked (BOOLEAN) .tag:Title (STRING) COMBOBOX Combines a text and an option: Combobox .myCombo |Title|dock/ anchor atxpos ypos CALLBACK |command |tagwidth 10width 10 \u25baAttributes: . Val: Number of the line of the selected options (REAL). Dtext: Visible field (ARRAY ofSTRING) . Rtext: Invisible field (ARRAY ofSTRING having the same number of value as ledtext) . Editable: Editable or not (BOOLEAN) . Scroll: Max length of characters (REAL) . Count:Number of choices in the list(REAL)Tag lengthLength of the tag Length of the field of Seizure "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.3. The Gadgets FRAME: Frame .myFrame |Title|atxpos ypos dock/ anchor width 80height 15 \u25baAttributes:.tag:Title (STRING) .Visible: Visible or not (BOOLEAN) \u25baOption Foldup The foldup option allows you to make a drop-down Frame Frame .myFrame foldup |Title|atxpos ypos dock/ anchor width 80height 15 \u25baOption Tabset Allows you to have several tabs in a frameFrame .myFrame TABSET |Title|atxpos ypos dock/ anchor width 80height 15 Frame .tab 1 Exit Frame .tab 2 Exit Exit "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.4. Form structure Setup form!! myForm $*Declaration of the form !! myForm .initCall =|! This.init()| $*Declaration of the initialization method Frame .myFirstFrame Foldup ... $*Definition of theFrame Button .button 1... Button .button 1... Exit $*FindelaFrame Frame .mySecondFrame Foldup ... List.myList .... Toggle .myToggle ... Exit Menu .myMenu ! this.myMenu .add(....) Member .name isstring $*Definition of members of theForm Member .age isREAL EXIT $*End of theForm definition Define Method .myForm () $*Definition of the construction method that will be executed duringOrders $*from theForm download EndMethod Define Method .init() $*Definition of the initialization method that will be executed during Orders $*the delaform display EndMethod "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms)14.5. Example: main form "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.6. Example: methods of the form "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 14.5. ALERT() object ! myAlert =!! Alert .confirm (|Do you want to continue? |) If(! myAlert eq'YES')then Orders Endif NOTE: We see here that the same object can integrate several forms. Function(Argument) Reference Description Confirm (MessageSTRING)'YES' or 'NO' Displays a question with the possibility of answering 'YES' or 'NO' Error (Message STRING) 'YES' Displays an error message Message(Message STRING)'YES' Displays a message Question(Message STRING)'YES', 'NO', 'CANCEL'Post a questionWarning(Message STRING)'YES' Displays a message Input(Message STRING, Default value STRING)STRING Displays a field that the user must fill in, a value by Defect can be filled in. "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": ". Dialog boxes (Forms) 15.1. Syscom The easiest way to communicate with Windows is the integration of simple commands in DOS. --Sil'address! Directory does not exist, so create it ! Directory ='C:\\temp \\logFolder ' SYSCOM 'IFNOT EXIST \"$!Directory\" mkdir \"$! Directory\"' --File deletion! Line SYSCOM 'DEL \"$! File\"' --Opening a *.txt file SYSCOM 'Explorer .exe''C:\\temp \\test.txt'' ' NOTE: No referral is available with Syscom commands. "} {"Main Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Sub Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Response": "LeC#is a recommended language for programming on Windows, it is inspired by JAVA and C++. LeC#estassoci\u00e9 auneFramework . NET is a DLL library, a file format of software libraries files. NOTE: Libraries must be imported only once, otherwise an error message appears. It's for That it is wise to use the codeFollowing after importing the DLL: \"Handle any Endhandle \u00bb15.2. Introduction of the C# and the Framework. Net 15.3. Dynamic Link Librairy (DLL) or Assembly A DLL is a library containing ready-to-use function classes and data that can be used at the same time bySeveral programs. PDMS uses an uncertain number of DLLs that we find in the PDMS installation folder. We can, from macros programmed in PML, use these libraries provided that they are [PMLNetCallable ]. The PMLNet assembly.Dllestlapasserelle that allows you to integrate the DLLentant as reference in PDMS. It's only if DLLs use This gateway that they are [PMLNetCallable ], To use a DLL in a PML program, you must first load the library with the commAnde: import 'library name'. "} {"Main Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Sub Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Response": "Then you have to indicate the spaceNames used with the code:using namespace 'space name'. They bring together slots of variables, objects, Functions, this allows the program to know where to get its variables. A frequently used name space is 'Aveva. Pdms . Presentation '. LesbiLibraries that can contain several classes containing several functions themselves, we must define which one we want to use. It's necessary So define a PML object in this way:! Myvar =object nomobject () Once the object is defined, we can know ifMethods entering the command \"QMETH! myVar\" in the \"command window\". Recommended software: JetBrains dotPeek, Freeware It allows you to open and decompile the content of DLLUsingNameSpace1 \u2022! Name = Jacques \u2022! Age = 32 \u2022Function split()UsingNameSpace2 \u2022! Name = Francois\u2022Function create () Name of the DLL Namespace Object "} {"Main Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Sub Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Response": "DLL: 'PMLFileBrowser'\nNamespace: 'Aveva.Pdms.Presentation'\n\nOBJECT PMLFILEBROWSER:\nAllows displaying the Windows navigation window to save and open files.\nOur object must be defined with an argument ('SAVE' or 'LOAD') to indicate whether we want to save or open a file.\nThen, to display the file search window, we need to call the 'show' method of our Object with several arguments:\nstring path: Default path\nstring seedFile: Default file name\nstring title: Title of the window\nbool existFlag: Allows or disallows the creation of a new file\nstring filter: Type of file to save or open\ndouble filterIndex: If multiple filters are defined, the filterIndex indicates the default one.\n\nOnce the file is selected, its path must be retrieved using the 'file' method:\n!myFile = !browser.file()"} {"Main Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Sub Title": "Communicate with the Windows environment", "Response": "OBJECT PMLFOLDERBROWSER: Allows you to display the Windows navigation window to select a folder. For this object, there is no argument to enter when defining. To display the file search window, you must call the method'sHow' denotre Object with two arguments: String description: description text intended for the user Bool showNewFolderButton: the user right to create a new folder15.4. PMLFILEBROWSER.DLL Once the file is selected, it is necessary to recover itsNpath using the 'SelectedPath' method: ! myPath =! Browser . SelectedPath () "} {"Main Title": "Form Concepts Overview ", "Sub Title": "Form Concepts Overview ", "Response": "A type of object represented by a global variable Owns a set of predefined member variables and built -in Methods \uf0a8It can also have user -defined members Form variables, form gadgets It can also have user -defined methods Form members are always accessed using the dotNotation Example: !! MyForm.Textfield Form name Form member "} {"Main Title": "Form Concepts Overview ", "Sub Title": "Form Concepts Overview ", "Response": "GadgetS own a set of predefined member variables and Built-in methods and can be accessed using the dot Notation Example: !! MyForm.Textfield.Val \uf06eCallbacks are user -defined actions assigned to a form And its gadgets and that are executed when the Operator interacts with the formVantage Plant Design Software Customization Reference Manual con tains A list of all the members and methods of forms and gadget typesGadget as a member Member variable "} {"Main Title": "Naming Forms and ", "Sub Title": "Naming Forms and ", "Response": "Their Members Format: !! MyForm $* name of the form !! MyForm.GadgetName $* name of a gadget on a form !! MyForm.GadgetName.Val $* data value held by that Gadget Within the forM definition, the members should be referred to by Using! Thisto replace the form name part of the gadget name. From the above example: ! This.GadgetName $* just equal to !! Myform.GadgetName ! This.GadgetName.Val $* just equal to!! Myform.GadgetName.Val PML1 (obsolete method but still supported): _GadgetName $* just equal to !! Myform.GadgetName "} {"Main Title": "Forms ", "Sub Title": "Forms ", "Response": "Syntax: Setup form!! Formname............ Exit Example: Setup form!! Hello Paragraph . Message text 'Hello world ' Button . Bye 'Goodbye 'OK Exit paragraph command adds a paragraph gadget Message is the name of the gadget and the dot( .) indicates that the gadget is a Member of the form \uf0a8buttOncommand adds a button gadget named . Bye.The text on the button will be'Goodbye ' The keyword OKis aform control attribute that specifies that the action of this button is to Remove the form from the screen "} {"Main Title": "Form Attributes ", "Sub Title": "Form Attributes ", "Response": "Form Types: MAIN DOCUMENT DIALOG BLOCKINGDIALOG Examples: Setup form!! MyFormdialog dock left -creates a resizable docking dialogSetup form!! MyFormdialogresizeable -creates a resizable floating dialog Setup form!! MyFormdialog -creates a non -resizable floating dialog Setup form!! MyForm -creates a non -resizable floating dialog Setup form!! MyFormdocument -creates a resizable MDI child documentSetup form!! MyFormblock -creates a non -resizable blocking dialog Setup form!! MyFormblockresizeable -creates a resizable blocking dialog "} {"Main Title": "Form Attributes ", "Sub Title": "Form Attributes ", "Response": "Minimum Size and Resizability A form will automatically stretch to fit the gadgets you Add to it You can use the SIZEkeyword to give minimum size in Multiples of the character width and line height Setup form!! MyFormsize 25.5 10 \uf0a8TheRESIZEABLE command means that the form will be Displayed with re -sizing controls at its corners Setup form!! MyFormresizeable Setup form!! MyFormsize 25.5 10resizeable "} {"Main Title": "Form Title and Icon Title ", "Sub Title": "Form Title and Icon Title ", "Response": "TheTITLEsub-command is used to supply a string that is displayed in Its banner at the top of the form 's window TheICONTITLE sub-commandIs used to supply a string that is used When a form is iconized Setup form!! MyForm ............ TITLE 'My Form Title ' ICONTITLE 'Short Title ' ............ Exit Gold Setup form!! MyForm ............ ! This.FormTitle = 'My Form Title ' ! This.IconTitle = 'Short Title ' ............ Exit "} {"Main Title": "Form Callbacks ( Initcall) ", "Sub Title": "Form Callbacks ( Initcall) ", "Response": "The form 's initialization callback allows the form 's gadgets to beInitialized to reflect the current state of the application You can set the callback by assigning to the form 'sinitcallmember: Setup form!! MyForm ............ INITCALL '! This.init() ' ............ Exit Gold Setup form!! MyForm ............ !! Myform.InitCall = '! This.init() ' ............ Exit "} {"Main Title": "Form Callbacks ( OK) ", "Sub Title": "Form Callbacks ( OK) ", "Response": "TheOKCALL callback allows the operator to Approve the current gadget settings You can assign to the form 'sOKCALL member by: Setup form!! MyForm ............ OKCALL '! this.approveData1() ' ............ Exit You can modify the OK callback at any time using, ! this.OKCall= '! this.approveData2() ' "} {"Main Title": "Form Callbacks ( Cancel) ", "Sub Title": "Form Callbacks ( Cancel) ", "Response": "TheCANCELCALL callback allows the operator Not to proceed with the function of the form You can assign to the form 'sCANCELCALL Member by:Setup form!! MyForm ............ CANCELCALL '! this.cancelForm1() ' ............ Exit \uf06eYou can modify the Cancel callback at any time using, ! this.CancelCall = '! this.cancelForm2() ' "} {"Main Title": "Form Callbacks ( Quitcall ) ", "Sub Title": "Form Callbacks ( Quitcall ) ", "Response": "TheQUITCALL callback is executed whenever the user Presses the QUIT/CLOSE icon (X) on the title bar of forms You can assign to the form 'sQUITCALL member by:Setup form!! MyForm ............ QUITCALL '! this.quitForm1() ' ............ Exit \uf06eYou can modify the Quit callback at any time using, ! this.QuitCall= '! this.quitForm2() ' "} {"Main Title": "Form Control Attributes ", "Sub Title": "Form Control Attributes ", "Response": "A button may optionally have a form control Attribute which takes effect after the callback Command is invoked Control Attributes: OK APPLY CANCEL RESET HELP "} {"Main Title": "Form Control Attributes ", "Sub Title": "Form Control Attributes ", "Response": "Examples: Button . Ok 'OK 'callback'!! MyOKFunction 'OK Button . Apply 'Apply 'callback $'!! MyApplyFunction 'APPLY Button . Cancel 'Cancel 'callback $ '!! MyCancelFunction 'CANCEL Button . Reset 'Reset 'RESET Button . Help 'Help 'HELP You can only have one of each type of control Attribute on any form except for APPLY which may Be used on several buttons"} {"Main Title": "A Simple Form ", "Sub Title": "A Simple Form ", "Response": "Example ( simpleForm.pmlfrm ): Setup form!! simpleForm Title 'My Form ' Icontitle 'Myform'Paragraph .message text 'Hello world! ' Button .bye 'Goodbye 'ok Exit "} {"Main Title": "The Form Definition File", "Sub Title": "The Form Definition File", "Response": "Should be held one per file.\nThe file should be stored in a directory pointed to by the PMLLIB\nenvironment variable.\nFilename must have suffix .pmlfrm.\n!!MYFORM or!!MyForm or!!myform all correspond to myform.pmlfrm.\nBegins with setup form and ends with exit.\nAny method definitions should follow the exit command.\nEach method begins with define method and ends with end method.\nIn particular, it will contain the form's default constructor method.\nThis method has the same name as the form and no arguments.\nThe only method called automatically when the form is loaded.\nUsed to set default values for the gadgets of the form.\nThe form may be given an initialization method.\nWhich is run whenever the form is shown.\nNo executable statements should appear in the file outside the form\ndefinition or form methods.\nBut comments can be put anywhere in the file."} {"Main Title": "Loading and Displaying ", "Sub Title": "Loading and Displaying ", "Response": "Forms PML will automatically load an object or form from file When first used To display a form (can either be free -standing or as a member of A form family): Show!! Formname $* default is a child form Show!! Formnamefree \uf0a8Removing or hiding from the screen:Hide!! Formname Redefining a form once loaded: Pmlreload form!! Formname Loading a form: Loadform!! Formname "} {"Main Title": "Loading and Displaying ", "Sub Title": "Loading and Displaying ", "Response": "Forms Note: If you show the form again, it will appear on The screen but its definition is already known so it Will not be loaded again Removing a form definition: Kill!! Formname "} {"Main Title": "Some Built -in Methods ", "Sub Title": "Some Built -in Methods ", "Response": "For Forms A variety of useful method calls have been Provided: To show a form: !! MyForm.Show() !! MyForm.Show( 'FREE ') !! MyForm.Show( 'At ',0.3,0.5) $* automatically FREE To hide a form: !! MyForm.Hide() To query whether a form is currently shown: If (!! MyForm.Shown()) then ......... Endif "} {"Main Title": "Form Member Variables ", "Sub Title": "Form Member Variables ", "Response": "Used to store additional information on a form which will Not be displayed to the user \uf0a8These are variables which can be any of the PMLdata types, Including ARRAYS and OBJECTSSetup form!! MyForm ............ Member . MyNumberis REAL Member . MyStringis STRING Member . MyArrayis ARRAY ............ Exit The value of a form member can be set and used in just the Same way as an object member ! this.MyNumber= 42 ! this.MyString= 'Gadz ' ! Num = ! this.MyNumber"} {"Main Title": "Form Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Form Gadgets ", "Response": "There are many kinds of form gadgets Two common aims in defining gadgets on the Form Define tHe area to be taken up on the form Define the action to be taken if the gadget is Selected Each gadget size and position determines the Area taken up The action is defined by the gadget 'sCALLBACK "} {"Main Title": "Callbacks ", "Sub Title": "Callbacks ", "Response": "Any selectable gadget has a callback which Is defined at the time the gadget is created The callback can do one of the three things: Show a form Execute a command directly Run a function or method"} {"Main Title": "Callbacks ", "Sub Title": "Callbacks ", "Response": "Example: Setup form!! MyForm Paragraph . Message text 'Hello world ' Button . Change 'Change Message 'callback $|! this.Message.Val = 'Modified '| Button . Bye 'Goodbye 'OK Exit \uf0a8a gadget callback is defined by the callback command followed by a Command or PML functions enclosed in text delimiters \uf0a8for defining complicated callback, it is recommended to use a form Method"} {"Main Title": "Callback Example ", "Sub Title": "Callback Example ", "Response": "For a callback to call a function Setup form!! MyForm ............ Button . Query 'Query 'callback'!! queryCatalogueDetails () ' ............ Exit For a callback to call a method Setup form!! MyForm ............ Button . Query 'Query 'callback'! this.queryDetails () ' ............ Exit "} {"Main Title": "Callback Example ", "Sub Title": "Callback Example ", "Response": "Showing another form from a form gadget Setup form!! MyForm ............ Button . Gadz 'Show Gadz Form 'callback 'show!! gdzMainForm ' ............ Exit Gold Setup form!! MyForm ............ Button . Gadz 'Show Gadz Form 'form!! gdzMainForm ............ Exit "} {"Main Title": "Callbacks: Form Methods ", "Sub Title": "Callbacks: Form Methods ", "Response": "Most callbacks require more than a singThe command, so invoking a method Or function or macro is an essential requirement \uf0a8Example: Setup form!! MyForm Title 'Display Your Message ' Paragraph . Message width 15 height 1 Text. Capture 'Enter message: 'width 15 is STRING Button . Bye 'Goodbye 'OK ExitDefine method. MyForm() $* default constructor \u2013set gadget default values ! this.Message.Val = 'Hello world! ' ! this.Capture.Callback = '! this.Message.Val = ! this.Capture.Val ' ! this.OKcall= '! this.Success() ' Endmethod Define method. Success() ! this.Message.Val = 'Hello again! ' ! this.Capture.Val = '' Endmethod "} {"Main Title": "Callbacks: Form Methods ", "Sub Title": "Callbacks: Form Methods ", "Response": "The greAt advantage of methods is that you can pass Variables as arguments to the method and it can also Return a result just like a PML function Example: Define method. Success(! Output is GADGET, ! Input is GADGET) ! output.Val= 'Hello again! ' ! input.SetFocus()Endmethod Define method . setGadget(! Output is GADGET) is BOOLEAN ! output.Val= 'Gadget initialized! ' Handle any Return FALSE Endhandle Return TRUE Endmethod "} {"Main Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Sub Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Response": "When the operator interacts with a GUI, an event occurs Example: Types something into a field on a form Moves the cursor into a window Presses down a mouse button Etc. Application sOftware defines a set of meta-eventsfor Forms and gadgets \uf06eWhen a meta -event occurs, the application software Checks for user -defined callbacks and execute them "} {"Main Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Sub Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Response": "Simple assigned callback is insufficient to fully exploit the Gadget's possible behaviors To overcome this shortcoming, we can use OPEN CALLBACKS to Allow the AppWare to be informed whenever a meta event isEncountered Open Callback: Define method. Control(! Object is GADGET, ! Action is STRING) Object is aForms and Menus object (i.e. a form, gadget, or Menu)! Action is the meta -event that occurred on the object and Represents the action to be carried out by the method"} {"Main Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Sub Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Response": "The open callback is a string of the form: '! this.MethodName(' Note the open bracket '('(no arguments andNo closing bracket). The callback is to an openmethod or function "} {"Main Title": "PML Open Callbacks Example", "Sub Title": "PML Open Callbacks Example", "Response": "An open callback to a multi -choice list gadget: Setup form!! Open Title 'Test Open Callbacks ' List . Choose callback '! this.Control('multi width 15 height 8 Exit Define method. Open() Do! I from 1 to 10 ! Fields[! I] = 'list field $! I ' Enddo ! This.Choose.Dtext = ! Fields Endmethod Define method. Control(! Object is GADGET, ! Action is STRING) If (! Actioneq 'SELECT ') then --Find out all about our gadget object ! Form = ! object.Owner() ! Type = ! object.Type() ! Name = ! object.Name() ! Field = ! object.PickedField! Fieldtext= ! object.Dtext[! Field ] $P Selected $! Form$n. $! Name$! Type Field $! Field Dtext{$! Fieldtext } Elseif(! Actioneq 'UNSELECT ') then ! Field = ! object.PickedField $P Unselect field $! Field Endif Endmethod "} {"Main Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Sub Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Response": "It is also be essential if we use PML functions as Open callbacks Define function!! Control(! Object is GADGET, ! Action is STRING)............... Endfunction List of objects that can have open callbacks is Found Vantage Plant Design Software Customisation Guide Section,"} {"Main Title": "Gadget Definition Commands", "Sub Title": "Gadget Definition Commands", "Response": "Types of Gadgets:\nFRAME\nPARAGRAPH\nBUTTON\nTOGGLE\nRGROUP\nOPTION\nLIST\nDATABASE SELECTOR\nTEXT\nTEXTPANE\nVIEW\nSLIDER\nRTOGGLE"} {"Main Title": "Gadget Size Management ", "Sub Title": "Gadget Size Management ", "Response": "User Specifiable Tagwidth for TEXT, TOGGLE, OPTION And RGROUP Gadgets TEXT, TOGGLE, OPTION andRGROUP gadgets support theTagwidth syntax Tagwidth specifies the size of the gadget 's tag field in grid Width units Option. ELLISTtagwid7 |Element Id| width 4 \uf06eThe actual tag may have more characters than the Declared Tagwidth and still fit in the tag field "} {"Main Title": "Gadget Size Management ", "Sub Title": "Gadget Size Management ", "Response": "Specifying Gadget Size Relative to Other Gadgets Example: Frame .fr1 'Frame 1 'at x0 y0 width 10 height 10............... Exit Frame .fr2 'Frame 2 'atxminyminwidth.fr1 height 15 ............... Exit "} {"Main Title": "Gadget that Support Pixmaps", "Sub Title": "Gadget that Support Pixmaps", "Response": "some gadgets support pixmaps as content as an alternative to text e.g.Buttons,Toggles, andParagraphs Pixmaps arepixelated pictures held in files of type .png Default size for pixmaps is assumed to be 32x32 pixels Whenpixmaps are required, you will need to specify pathnames to the pixmap file \uf0a8Maximum required size of the image Button . But1pixmap/C:\\pic.pngwidth 26 height 26 \uf06eUsingAddPixmap ()Method: Button . But1pixmapwidth 26 height 26 \uf0a8In the constructor method: ! This.but1. AddPixmap( 'C:\\pic.png ') "} {"Main Title": "Gadget Members ", "Sub Title": "Gadget Members ", "Response": "Members Contained by All Gadgets Visible Active Callback Tag \uf0a8Making gadgets visible and invisible !! MyForm.List1. Visible = FALSE $* Invisible !! MyForm.List1. Visible = TRUE $* Visible Activating and de -activating gadgets !! MyForm.List1. Active = FALSE $* From -activate !! MyForm.List1. Active = TRUE $* Activate "} {"Main Title": "Gadget Members ", "Sub Title": "Gadget Members ", "Response": "Setting Keyboard Focus Thekeyboard focus defines which gadget will receive keystrokes !! MyForm.KeyboardFocus = !! MyForm.Gadget This can be moved at any time to another gadget using the SetFocus ()method !! MyForm.Textfield.SetFocus () "} {"Main Title": "Frame Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Frame Gadgets ", "Response": "Frame gadgets provide visual grouping of gadgets on a Form \uf0a8Frame Definition: Frame . MyFrameat x0 y3 'My Frame' ..................... Exit Frame Size: Automatically expands downwards and to the right when gadget is Added but you can specify default sizeFrame . MyFrameat x0 y3 'My Frame 'width 25 height 5 ..................... Exit "} {"Main Title": "TabsetFrames ", "Sub Title": "TabsetFrames ", "Response": "A frame with tab pages TabsetFrame Definition:Frame . MyFrametabsetwidth 25 height 5 Frame . Tab1 'Tab 1 ' ............... Exit Frame . Tab2 'Tab 2 ' ............... Exit Exit "} {"Main Title": "Paragraph Gadgets", "Sub Title": "Paragraph Gadgets", "Response": "Paragraph gadgets are simple named gadgets which Allow piece of text or a pixmap to be displayed on the Form Textual Paragraph Gadgets: Paragraph . Message text 'Text String ' Paragraph . Message at ......text 'Text String 'width 16 lines 7 Paragraph .Message at ......background 2 width 20 lines 2 Pixmap Paragraph Gadgets: Paragraph . Picture at ......pixmap/C:\\pic.png Paragraph . Picture at ......pixmap/C:\\pic.pngwidth 30 height 30 \uf06ePixmap may be changed any time by assigning a new value to the . Valmember: !! MyForm.Picture.Val = /C:\\newpic.png "} {"Main Title": "Button Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Button Gadgets ", "Response": "Also called control button , usually displays a child form or invoke aCallback (typically a PML Form method) Tag,pixmap, callback, and child form are all optional Button . SubForm 'More ...'form!! ChildForm Button . SubFormpixmap/C:\\pic.pngform!! ChildForm Button . Calculate 'Calculate 'callback '! this.Calculate() ' Button . But1 'More ...'At......width 10 height 1 Toggle Mode Buttons: Button . But1 toggle pixmap/C:\\unselectpic.png /C:\\selectpic.png/C:\\inactivepic.png width 16 height 16 Tooltip 'This is a toggle button ' "} {"Main Title": "Toggle Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Toggle Gadgets ", "Response": "Are used for independent on/offsettings Opposed to a radio group Example: Toggle . Bold 'Bold ' Toggle . Italic 'Italic' Toggle . Underline 'Underline ' \uf06eUsingPixmap: Toggle .GridOnpixmap/C:\\gridon.pngcallback '! this.enableGrid() ' "} {"Main Title": "RGroup Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "RGroup Gadgets ", "Response": "Used to allow selection of oneOf a small fixed number of choice s Example: rgroup.MyRGroup 'Choices: 'horizontal callback '! this.Select() ' Add tag 'Red 'select 'RED ' Add tag 'Blue 'select 'BLUE ' Add tag 'Green 'select 'GREEN 'callback '! this.RadAction() ' Exit TheSELECTkeyword inThe addcommand defines its replacement Text string (RTEXT) \uf06eWhen querying current selection using Selection() method, it will Return the RTEXTstring of the selected button If (!! MyForm.MyRGroup.Selection ()eq 'RED ') then ......... Endif "} {"Main Title": "RToggle Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "RToggle Gadgets ", "Response": "Very similar to TOGGLE gadget, but is allowed only in FRAMES, where they operate together to form a set of RaDio buttons similar to RGROUP gadget \uf06eExample: Frame . MyFrame 'Frame 'atxminymin rtoggle.Rad1 'Radio Button 1 'callback '! this.Control(' rtoggle.Rad2 'Radio Button 2 'callback '! this.Control(' rtoggle.Rad3 'Radio Button 3 'callback '! this.Control(' Exit "} {"Main Title": "Option Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Option Gadgets ", "Response": "Offers a single choice from a list of items The items on the list can be either pixmaps or Text strings but not a mixture Contains two parallel lists of the same length in ARRAY format Display values (DTEXT) \uf0a8Replacement values (RTEXT) "} {"Main Title": "Textual Option Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Textual Option Gadgets ", "Response": "Width of a textual option gadget must be Specified Example: Option. Colour 'Colours 'at......callback '!! MyFunc() 'width 10 ! ColourDtext[1] = 'Color Black ' ! ColourDtext[2] = 'Color White ' ! ColourDtext[3] = 'Color Red '! ColourRtext[1] = 'Black ' ! ColourRtext[2] = 'White ' ! ColourRtext[3] = 'Red ' ! this.Colour.Dtext = ! ColourDtext ! this.Colour.Rtext = ! ColourRtext "} {"Main Title": "Pixmap Option Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Pixmap Option Gadgets ", "Response": "Gadget shape must be specified using WIDTH Keyword and either HEIGHTorASPECT \uf0a8DTEXTmember will be the pixmap'sfilename Example: Option. Circle 'Circles 'at......callback '!! MyFunc() 'pixmapWidth 256 height 128 ! CircleDtext[1] = 'C:\\circle1.png ' ! CircleDtext[2] = 'C:\\circle2.png ' ! CircleRtext[1] = 'Circle 1 ' ! CircleRtext[2] = 'Circle 2 ' ! this.Circle.Dtext = ! CircleDtext ! this.Circle.Rtext = ! CircleRtext "} {"Main Title": "Option Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Option Gadgets ", "Response": "Setting and Getting the Current Selection Setting selection using Select() Method: !! MyForm.Colour.Select( 'Dtext ','ColorBlack ')!! MyForm.Colour.Select( 'Rtext ','Black ') !! MyForm.Circle.Select( 'Dtext ','C:\\circle1.png ') \uf0a8Reading the selection using Selection() Method: ! Selected = ! this.Colour.Selection () ! Selected = ! this.Colour.Selection( 'Dtext ') ! Selected = ! this.Colour.Selection( 'Rtext ')"} {"Main Title": "Slider Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Slider Gadgets ", "Response": "Allows you to interactively to Generate values in a specified Range, at specified steps Supports vertical andhorizontalFrame .fr1 'Slider 'atxminymaxwidth 10 Text .txt width 3 is REAL Slider .sldhorizontal callback '! this.ControlSlide (' Range-50 +50 step 5val0 width 5 Exit Responds to left -mouseSLIDER START, MOVE, andSTOP Events "} {"Main Title": "List Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "List Gadgets ", "Response": "Allows you to interactively to\ngenerate values in a specified\nrange, at specified steps\nSupports vertical andhorizontal\nframe .fr1 \u2018Slider \u2019atxminymaxwidth 10\ntext .txt width 3 is REAL\nslider .sldhorizontal callback \u2018!this.ControlSlide (\u2019\nrange-50 +50 step 5val0 width 5\nexit\nResponds to left -mouseSLIDER START, MOVE, andSTOP\nevents"} {"Main Title": "List Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "List Gadgets ", "Response": "Multiple Choice List Gadgets List . Components 'List 'multiple width 25 lines 15 ! ComponentDtext[1] = 'ELBO1 '! ComponentDtext[2] = 'FLAN1 ' ! ComponentRtext[1] = '=1565/1543 ' ! ComponentRtext[2] = '=1565/1544 ' ! this.Components.Dtext = ! ComponentDtext ! this.Components.Rtext = ! ComponentRtext Querying selected values Single choice list gadget returns a STRING MulTiple choice list gadget returns an ARRAY of STRINGS "} {"Main Title": "Form Exercise 1 ", "Sub Title": "Form Exercise 1 ", "Response": "Create the following form. Upon the form is initialized;Default value in textbox: 0 Default frame tag: 'Sequence Frame ' Upon choosing 'Fibonacci ' Button; Frame tag: 'Fibonacci Sequence ' The sequence is shown inside the Frame. Upon choosing 'Hailstone ' Button; Frame tag: 'Hailstone Sequence' The sequence is shown inside theFrame. "} {"Main Title": "Form Exercise 1 ", "Sub Title": "Form Exercise 1 ", "Response": "Use the functions you created in the previous exercises 3 & 4 Found in Part 1.Handle invalid input ( 0 and string ). Input should be a REAL Object. Define a constructor method. "} {"Main Title": "Multi-Column List Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Multi-Column List Gadgets ", "Response": "A list gadget with a COLUMNS keyword Column Oriented -SETCOLUMNS() List . Components columns single zeroselectionwidth 25 lines 15 ! Head[1] = 'Name ' ! Head[2] = 'Type ' ! Col[1][1] = 'Flange_B1 ' ! Col[1][2] = 'Elbow_B2 '! Col[2][1] = 'Type is Flange ' ! Col[2][2] = 'Type is Elbow ' ! Rtext[1] = '=156/256 ' ! Rtext[2] = '=157/257 ' ! this.Components.SetHeadings(! Head ) ! this.Components.SetColumns(! Col ) ! this.Components.Rtext = ! Rtext \uf06eCan be apply to Multiple Choice List gadget also"} {"Main Title": "Multi-Column List Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Multi-Column List Gadgets ", "Response": "Row Oriented -SETROWS() List . Components columns single zeroselectionwidth 25 lines 15! Head[1] = 'Name ' ! Head[2] = 'Type ' ! Row[1][1] = 'Flange_B1 ' ! Row[1][2] = 'Type is Flange ' ! Row[2][1] = 'Elbow_B2 ' ! Row[2][2] = 'Type is Elbow ' ! Rtext[1] = '=156/256 ' ! Rtext[2] = '=157/257 ' ! this.Components.SetHeadings(! Head ) ! this.Components.SetRows(!Row ) ! this.Components.Rtext = ! Rtext DTEXTstring is held as a 'horizontal tab 'character separated String of column data "} {"Main Title": "Database Selector Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Database Selector Gadgets ", "Response": "A special kind of list gadget Provides a mechanism for Displaying the current database Element along with its owner And members User can interact with a selector To change the current element Selector. Salt 'Selector: 'single width 12 height 5 DATABASE Selector. Selmultiple width 12 height 5 DATABASE OWNERS Selector. Selmultiple width 12 height 5 DATABASE MEMBERS Selector. Selsingle width 12 height 5 DATABASE AUTO Selector. Selcallback '! this.Mylist('single width 12Height 5 DATABASE "} {"Main Title": "Database Selector Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Database Selector Gadgets ", "Response": "DATABASE keyword is mandatory OWNERS andMEMBERS are optional AUTOandMULTIPLE cannot be used together To get and set values for a selector: Selection() \u2013get value Select() \u2013set value ! Element = ! this.Sel.Selection () RTEXTandDTEXTare always the same as one Another AUTOmeans the selector gadget is updated when YOu do action to the design explorer form "} {"Main Title": "Text Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Text Gadgets ", "Response": "A box that can display a Value and into which the User may type a value,Or edit an existing value Text. Number at ........width 10 is REAL Text. Str 'Username: 'callback '!! MyFunction 'width 10 Scroll 100 is STRING Text. Bore 'Bore: 'width 10 is BORE format!! FormatBore Text. Passwd 'Password: 'at......width 10 NOECHO is STRING Specify data type using ISSupply a FORMAT object Password type using NOECHO keyword "} {"Main Title": "Text Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Text Gadgets ", "Response": "Validating Input to Text Fields HAs an optional validation callback member which The user can specify ! textField.ValidateCall = Example: !! MyForm.Txt1. ValidateCall = '! this.Validate() ' VALIDATECALL is used to apply any checks if an error is encountered then the callback raises the errorAnd returns "} {"Main Title": "Textpane Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "Textpane Gadgets ", "Response": "Provides a box on a form into which a user may type And edit multiple lines of texttextpane.Txt 'Text: 'at......width 10 height 20 textpane.Txt 'Text: 'at......height 20 aspect 0.5 Its contents is an array of strings \uf06eEach element of the array corresponds to a line of text in the Gadget Setting contents: ! Lines[1] = 'Hello World ' ! Lines[2] = ''! Lines[3] = '' ! Lines[4] = 'Goodbye World' ! this.Txt.Val=! Lines "} {"Main Title": "Fast Access to Lists, Selectors and", "Sub Title": "Fast Access to Lists, Selectors and", "Response": "Textpanes using Do Loops To aLISTgadget: Do! Field list!! FormA.ListA ............ Enddo To aSELECTOR gadget: Do! Field selector!! FormA.SelectorA ............ Enddo To aTEXTPANE gadget: Do! Line pane!! FormA.TextpaneA ............ Enddo "} {"Main Title": "View Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "View Gadgets ", "Response": "Used to display and interact with alphanumeric or graphical view s Types of View Gadgets: ALPHA PLOT 2D Graphical Views3D Graphical Views Example (using multiple lines): View . MyViewat......PLOT Height 10 width 20 Cursortypepick Border on Setcolour15 Exit Example (using one line): View . MyViewat......PLOT height 10 width 20 bordonsetc15 exit "} {"Main Title": "View Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "View Gadgets ", "Response": "Defining ALPHA Views Views for displaying text output and/or allowing command input View . Input at ......ALPHA Height 10 width 20 Channel COMMANDSExit View . InputOutputat......ALPHA Height 10 width 20 Channel REQUESTS Channel COMMANDS Exit channel COMMANDS \u2013causes alpha view to have a command input Field and displays command lines and error messages in the messa ges In the scrollable output region chaNnel REQUESTS \u2013displays the output resulting from commands, in Particular, queries in the scrollable output region "} {"Main Title": "View Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "View Gadgets ", "Response": "Defining PLOT Views Views for displaying non -interactive 2Dplotfiles Setup!! MyForm ...... ...... View . Diagram at ......PLOT height 10 width 20 ......exit ! this.Diagram.Borders = false ! this.Diagram.Add( 'C:\\plot1.plt ') ...... Exit To define the content of thePlot view, specify the PLOTFILE pat h with theAdd()method "} {"Main Title": "View Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "View Gadgets ", "Response": "Defining DRAFT'sArea (2D) Views CoNtents of the view may be any valid 2D graphical element, such as Drat sheet, VIEW, LIBRARY, etc. To define the content of the view, use the PUTcommand \uf06eput CE -draws the current element put /SITE/SHEET -draws the named Sheet element Example: View . Drawing at ......AREA Height 10 width 20 Put /MDS-ABA-3-VIEWS(METRIC)-PS00001-AREA Limits 200 100 to 600 500 Exit ! this.Drawing.Background = 'beige' For DRAFT Module only "} {"Main Title": "View Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "View Gadgets ", "Response": "Defining DESIGN'sComparator (2D) Views Contents of the view may be any valid Process and Instrument Diagram sheet reference Example: View . Pidat......COMPARE Height 20 width 40 Put /SHEET CursortypepointerExit ! this.Pid.Background = 'darkslate ' "} {"Main Title": "View Gadgets ", "Sub Title": "View Gadgets ", "Response": "Defining DESIGN'sVolume (3D) Views Example: Setup form!! MyForm ...... View . Model at ......VOLUME Height 10 width 30 Auto limits Iso3 Exit ...... Exit Define method. MyForm() ...... ! this.Model.Borders = false ! this.Model.Shaded = true ...... Endmethod Full list of members and methods is found in VANTAGE Plant Desig n Software Customisation Reference Manual"} {"Main Title": "Form Layout", "Sub Title": "Form Layout", "Response": "Defining DESIGN\u2019sVolume (3D) Views\nExample:\nsetup form !!MyForm\n\u2026\u2026\nview .Model at \u2026\u2026VOLUME\nheight 10 width 30\nlimits auto\niso3\nexit\n\u2026\u2026\nexit\ndefine method .MyForm()\n\u2026\u2026\n!this.Model.Borders = false\n!this.Model.Shaded = true\n\u2026\u2026\nendmethod\nFull list of members and methods is found in VANTAGE Plant Desig n Software\nCustomisation Reference Manual"} {"Main Title": "Gadget Positioning ", "Sub Title": "Gadget Positioning ", "Response": "Form Coordinate System Gadgets are positioned on a form from top Left 0 0123456789 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y1 character width per unit 1 line height per unit "} {"Main Title": "Auto Gadget - Placement ", "Sub Title": "Auto Gadget - Placement ", "Response": "ThePATHcommand can be used to define the logical Position of subsequent gadgets PATH DOWN means that the next gadget will be below The current one, PATH RIGHT means that the next gadget Will be to the right of the current one The spacing between gadgets is controlled by VDIST andHDISTfor vertical and horizontal spacing If desperation calls!!! There are settings of HALIGN and VALIGN which can set the alignment LEFT,RIGHT,TOP, CENTRE, andBOTTOM "} {"Main Title": "Auto Gadget - Placement ", "Sub Title": "Auto Gadget - Placement ", "Response": "Example: Button . But1 $* default placement PATH DOWN HALIGN CENTRE VDIST 4.0 para.Par2 width 4 height 2 $* auto-placed Toggle . Tog3 $* auto-placed PATH RIGHT HDIST 6.0 VALIGN BOTTOM List . Lis4 width 5 height 4 $* auto-placedPATH UP HALIGN RIGHT para.Par5 width 6 height 5 $* auto-placed.But1 . Par2 . Tog3. Lis4. Par6 "} {"Main Title": "Relative Gadget Placement ", "Sub Title": "Relative Gadget Placement ", "Response": "\uf06eEach gadget has four label points \uf0a8XMIN \uf0a8XMAX \uf0a8YMIN \uf0a8YMAX \uf06eThese can be used for positioning using theATkeyword Paragraph .message at xminymaxtext 'Hello world! 'gadgetYMIN YMAX XMAXXMIN "} {"Main Title": "Relative Gadget Placement ", "Sub Title": "Relative Gadget Placement ", "Response": "Relative to the last gadget 0 0123456789 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y XMINYMAX YMAX + 2 Paragraph . Msg 'Hello! 'Atxminymax+2previously created gadget used asReference New paragraph gadget.Msg "} {"Main Title": "Relative Gadget Placement ", "Sub Title": "Relative Gadget Placement ", "Response": "Relative to the last gadget0 0123456789 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y XMIN.Para -5YMAX.Para YMAX.Para+5 Paragraph . Msg 'Hello! 'At xmin.Para-5 ymax.Para+5existing paragraph gadget New paragraph gadget.Para . Frm existing frame gadget . Msg "} {"Main Title": "Mixing Auto and Relative ", "Sub Title": "Mixing Auto and Relative ", "Response": "Investment Example: Toggle .t1 atxminymin Toggle .t2 atxmaxymax.t1+0.25 PATH DOWN VDIST 2.0 Toggle .t3 at xmin.t1 \uf0a8places.t3with respect to XMINof gadget .T2, whilstYcoordinate For.t3is auto-placed at current VDISTvalue (which is 2.0) below the Last placed gadget (which is .t2) "} {"Main Title": "Absolute Gadget Positioning ", "Sub Title": "Absolute Gadget Positioning ", "Response": "Example: Toggle . OnOffat 4 3.5 Toggle . OnOffat x 4 y 3.5 0 0123456789X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Note: Absolute positioning is not recommended way to define your ga dget positions, Use relative positioning "} {"Main Title": "Intelligent Positioning and Resizing ", "Sub Title": "Intelligent Positioning and Resizing ", "Response": "So far, we have considered the static layout ofThe form Defining intelligent positioning and resizing Behavior of gadgets is considered as Complex Form Layout \uf0a8These describes gadgets with DOCKandANCHOR Attributes "} {"Main Title": "Complex Form Layout ", "Sub Title": "Complex Form Layout ", "Response": "Defines form with intelligent positioning and Resizingbehaviour of gadgets using the DOCK andANCHOR attributes DOCKAttribute: Allows you to dock a gadget to the left, right, top, orBottom edge of its container, typically a form or a Frame: or you can cause the gadget to dock to all Edges, or to no edges ANCHOR Attribute: Allows you to control the position of an edge of the Gadget relative to the corresponding edge of its Container"} {"Main Title": "Complex Form Layout ", "Sub Title": "Complex Form Layout ", "Response": "DOCKAttribute Examples: For forms: Setup form!! MyFormdialog dock bottom For gadgets: Frame . MyFrameat......width 50heigth10 Button . But1 'This is a button 'dock fill Path down Frame . Fr1 'A Frame 'width 5 height 10 dock right Exit Exit "} {"Main Title": "Complex Form Layout ", "Sub Title": "Complex Form Layout ", "Response": "ANCHOR Attribute Examples: Only applicable to gadgets Frame . MyFrame 'My Frame 'at......anchor all textpane.Txt anchor all width 5 height 5 Button . Apply 'Apply 'anchor bottom + right at Xmax-size ymax+0.5 Path left Button . Cancel 'Cancel 'anchor bottom + right Exit "} {"Main Title": "Menus ", "Sub Title": "Menus ", "Response": "Menus are always members of forms but can Be employedIn various ways by the form and Its gadgets Two types of menus: Main menu Popup menu "} {"Main Title": "Defining a Bar Menu Gadget", "Sub Title": "Defining a Bar Menu Gadget", "Response": "Defined within a form definition Created with barsubcommand Use the bar 'sAdd()method to Add options Example: Setup form!! MyFormdialog size 25 1 Bar ! this.bar.Add( 'Choose ','Menu1 ') ! this.bar.Add( 'Window ','Window ') ! this.bar.Add( 'Help ','Help ')Exit "} {"Main Title": "Defining a Menu Object ", "Sub Title": "Defining a Menu Object ", "Response": "A Menu is a set of menu fields, each Representing an action that is invokedWhen the field is selected A menu field can do one of three things: Execute a callback \uf0a8Display a form Display a sub -menu "} {"Main Title": "Defining a Menu Object ", "Sub Title": "Defining a Menu Object ", "Response": "Example of a complete Menu definition: --Menu1 definition ! Menu1 = ! this.newMenu( 'MENU1 ','Main ') ! Menu1. Add( 'CALLBACK ','QueryElbows ','!! queryElbows() ') ! Menu1. Add( 'SEPARATOR ') ! Menu1. Add( 'MENU ','Pull-right ','PULLR ')--PULLR menu definition ! Pullr=! this.newMenu( 'PULLR ','Main ') ! pullr.Add( 'CALLBACK ','Menu1','show!! MyForm ') ! pullr.Add( 'FORM ','GadzMenu ','gdzMainForm ') "} {"Main Title": "Defining a Menu Object ", "Sub Title": "Defining a Menu Object ", "Response": "General Syntax: ! menu.Add ('','','',{''}) CALLBACK ,TOGGLE ,MENU,FORM Display text CALLBACK \u2013callback string TOGGLE \u2013callback string MENU -menuname string (cannot be blank) FORM \u2013formname string without '!!'( Cannot be blank) Optional argument (unique field name) "} {"Main Title": "Popup Menus ", "Sub Title": "Popup Menus ", "Response": "You can use any of your defined menus as popup menus For most interactive gadgets and for the form background As long as you have specified them as belonging to the Popup menu system Triggered using Right-clickA popup is added to a gadget or form using its SetPopup () Method Example (Using MENUkeyword): Button . But1 'A Button 'at...... Menu .pop1 popup ! This.pop1. Add( 'TOGGLE ','Active/Inactive ','') ! This.pop1. Add( 'CALLBACK ','Clear ','ALPHA REQUEST Clear ') ! This.But1. SetPopup(! This.pop1) "} {"Main Title": "Popup Menus ", "Sub Title": "Popup Menus ", "Response": "Another Way: Button . But1 'A Button 'at...... ! Popit=! this.newMenu( 'POPIT ','Popup ')! popit.Add( 'TOGGLE ','Active/Inactive ','! this.Control(') ! this.But1. SetPopup(! Popit) "} {"Main Title": "Toggle Menus ", "Sub Title": "Toggle Menus ", "Response": "A menu fIeld with a callback action and a tick -box to show that the Field has been selected or unselected \uf0a8By default, the field is unselected Example: Setup form!! MyformDialog size 30 5 ...... ! Menu = ! this.newMenu( 'Test ','popup ') ! Menu.add( 'TOGGLE ','Active/Inactive ','!This.toggle( ','OnOff ') ...... Exit Define method .toggle(! Menuis MENU, ! Action is STRING ) ! Name = ! menu.Fullname() ! Field = ! menu.PickedFieldName $P menu $! Name $! Action field: $! Field Endmethod "} {"Main Title": "ALERT Objects ", "Sub Title": "ALERT Objects ", "Response": "A menu field with a callback action and a tick -box to show that the\nfield has been selected or unselected\nBy default, the field is unselected\nExample:\nsetup form !!MyformDialog size 30 5\n\u2026\u2026\n!menu = !this.newMenu( \u2018Test \u2019,\u2018popup \u2019)\n!menu.add( \u2018TOGGLE ',\u2019Active/Inactive \u2019,'!this.toggle( \u2018,'OnOff ')\n\u2026\u2026\nexit\ndefine method .toggle(!menuis MENU, !action is STRING )\n!name = !menu.Fullname()\n!field = !menu.PickedFieldName\n$P menu $!name $!action field: $!field\nendmethod"} {"Main Title": "ALERT Objects ", "Sub Title": "ALERT Objects ", "Response": "INPUT Alerts allows the useR to obtain textual input from the operator via a Blocking alert which overrides all other interactive activities. The alert can be summoned by the alert methods: !! Alert.Input (! Prompt is STRING, ! Default is STRING) is STRING Examples: !! Alert.Error( 'Youcannot do this!') !! Alert.Message( 'Savingyour data now ') !! Alert.Warning( 'Donot press this button again! ') ! Answer = !! Alert.Confirm( 'Areyou sure? ') ! Answer = !! Alert.Question( 'OKto delete component? ') Confirm Alert returns: 'YES'or'NO'Strings Question Alert returns:'YES'or'NO'or'CANCEL 'Strings "} {"Main Title": "Form Exercise 2 ", "Sub Title": "Form Exercise 2 ", "Response": "Create the following form. When stretched;"} {"Main Title": "Form Exercise 2 ", "Sub Title": "Form Exercise 2 ", "Response": "The'Choose Template 'list gadget: It's contents is based in an option file; FirstRow means the Nameof the template Next row is for the description Third row is the plot files Forth row is the macro file of the template Last row means how many arguments are needed of the template The list only shows the name and the description of the templateUpon choosing each item on the list; The plot file will change based on the plot file defined in the option file The tag of the frame in the parameters frame will also change ba se on the name Disabling and enabling of the parameter fields are also handled Example (If the selected template 's required arguments are only 2, then parameter field 3 will be Disabled and parameter 1 and 2 will be enabled. Same concepts ap ply to all.) "} {"Main Title": "Form Exercise 2 ", "Sub Title": "Form Exercise 2 ", "Response": "The'Create'button: Upon clicking this button; Check validity of the name supplied (If already exists, etc.) Check validity of the hierarchy Check if all required fiElds of the chosen template are supplied by the user If successful to all checking, create the equipment and revert t he form's Mode to initialization mode. Form as initialized: The first item is the default selection of the form This means, the plot fiLe, parameter frame tag and enabled/disab led Parameter fields are also based on the default item selected Supplied files: \uf0a8The option file, plot files, and macro files will be supplied. It is delivered together with this manual under Form Exercise 2 folder"} {"Main Title": "That's All Folks! ", "Sub Title": "That's All Folks! ", "Response": "DISCLAIMER: This guide is for information purpose only. It is Recommended that users following this guide haveUndergone training first. You may use this manual at your own risk. In no Event shall the writer be liable for any direct, Indirect, incidental, exemplary or consequential Damages. All examples in this guide are tested in PDMS 11.6 SP3 and SP5. Author: RomelE.Daguplo Email:romeldhagz@gmail.com "} {"Main Title": "Customizing a Graphical User Interface ", "Sub Title": "1.1. Customizing a Graphical User Interface ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual2016 v.1. Page 10/178 The main features of PML2 are: \u2022 Available Variable Types - STRING, REAL, BOOLEAN, ARRAY \u2022 Built in Methods for commonly used actions \u2022 Global Functions supersede old style macros \u2022 User Defined Object Types \u2022 PML Search Path (PMLLIB)\u2022 Dynamic Loading of Forms, Functions and Objects \u2022 Aid objects for geometric modeling PML is now more consistent with other programming languages and more structured in Form. The new data types are now OBJECTS which can be operated by running METHODS .The old $ based variables are still valid, but are always treated as strings. Global functions Are macros which can be called more like subroutine s than traditional macros. e.g. a function Can be called between the brackets of an IF stateme nt and return a BOOLEAN result User-Defined object types enable a group of mixed variab les to be combined into packages. The Resulting object can then be used as a simple varia ble and the separate parts set or used as Attributes of the variable. Search paths and dynami c loading mean that it is no longerNecessary to pre load forms or have synonyms for ca lling macros. A large number of new Aid objects have been created so that users can do more graphical construction. Most AVEVA products make use of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to drive the Software.PML 2 has been specifically designed for writing and customizing the Forms and Menus for AVEVA products. Almost all the facilities avail able in PML 1 and the older Forms And Menus facilities continue to function as before even if they are not documented here.Before you begin customizing a GUI, you must have a good working knowledge of the Command syntax for the AVEVA product you are working g with. PML2 is almost an object-oriented language. Its ma in deficiency is that it lacks Inheritance. However, itDoes provide for classes o f built-in, system-defined and user-defined Object types. Objects have members (their own variables) and methods (their own Functions ). All PML Variables are an instance of a built-in, system-defined or user-defined Object type.Operators and methods are polymorphic - what they do (their behavior) Depends on the type of the variable. Overloading of functions and operators is supported for All variable types. There is no concept of private members or methods, everything is public .There are only two levels of scope for variables: Global and Local . Arguments to PML Functions are passed-by-reference with Read/Write a ccess so any argument can potentially Be used as an output argument. Note: From PDMS12.1, all textual informatiOn in PDMS is represented as Unicode. Unicode Is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of Text expressed in most of the world's writing system ms. Developed in conjunction with the Universal Character SetStandard and published in b ook form as The Unicode Standard, the Latest version of Unicode consists of a repertoire of more than 109,000 characters covering All PML string variables support Unicode values. Yo u can use Unicode characters in PML VariabLe names, PML object form and gadget names, P ML method and function names. All PML language files should either be UTF8 format wit h a BOM present or else strictly ASCII "} {"Main Title": "PML2 variables", "Sub Title": "2.1. PML2 variables", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n\u2022 Available Variable Types - STRING, REAL, BOOLEAN, ARRAY \n\u2022 Built in Methods for commonly used actions \n\u2022 Global Functions supersede old style macros \n\u2022 User Defined Object Types \n\u2022 PML Search Path (PMLLIB) \n\u2022 Dynamic Loading of Forms, Functions and Objects \n\u2022 Aid objects for geometric modeling \n \n PML is now more consistent with other programming languages and more structured in \nform. The new data types are now OBJECTS which can be operated by running METHODS . \nThe old $ based variables are still valid, but are always treated as strings. Global functions \nare macros which can be called more like subroutine s than traditional macros. e.g. a function \ncan be called between the brackets of an IF stateme nt and return a BOOLEAN result User-\ndefined object types enable a group of mixed variab les to be combined into packages. The \nresulting object can then be used as a simple varia ble and the separate parts set or used as \nattributes of the variable. Search paths and dynami c loading mean that it is no longer \nnecessary to pre load forms or have synonyms for ca lling macros. A large number of new \naid objects have been created so that users can do more graphical construction. \n Most AVEVA products make use of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to drive the \nsoftware. PML 2 has been specifically designed for writing and customizing the Forms and \nMenus for AVEVA products. Almost all the facilities avail able in PML 1 and the older Forms \nand Menus facilities continue to function as before even if they are not documented here. \nBefore you begin customizing a GUI, you must have a good working knowledge of the \ncommand syntax for the AVEVA product you are workin g with. \n PML2 is almost an object-oriented language. Its ma in deficiency is that it lacks \ninheritance. However, it does provide for classes o f built-in, system-defined and user-defined \nobject types. Objects have members (their own variables) and methods (their own \nfunctions ). All PML Variables are an instance of a built-in, system-defined or user-defined \nobject type. Operators and methods are polymorphic - what they do (their behavior) \ndepends on the type of the variable. Overloading of functions and operators is supported for \nall variable types. There is no concept of private members or methods, everything is public . \nThere are only two levels of scope for variables: Global and Local . Arguments to PML \nFunctions are passed-by-reference with Read/Write a ccess so any argument can potentially \nbe used as an output argument. \n \nNote: From PDMS12.1, all textual information in PDMS is represented as Unicode. Unicode \nis a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of \ntext expressed in most of the world's writing syste ms. Developed in conjunction with the \nUniversal Character Set standard and published in b ook form as The Unicode Standard, the \nlatest version of Unicode consists of a repertoire of more than 109,000 characters covering \nall PML string variables support Unicode values. Yo u can use Unicode characters in PML \nvariable names, PML object form and gadget names, P ML method and function names. All \nPML language files should either be UTF8 format wit h a BOM present or else strictly ASCII \n "} {"Main Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-3 ", "Sub Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-3 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 12/178 \u2022 ARRAY holds many values of any type. An ARRAY variable c an contain many values, Each of which is called an array element. An Array is created automatically by Creating one of its array elements.The system-defined object types 2.1.2. \u2022 Position, Orientation, DirE, P0, P1... \u2022 Bore, Hbore, Href ... \u2022 Dbref, Dbname, Dbfile... Examples: BLOCK blocks are used to store commands for a special fo rm of working on arrays. The Block contains a listOf commands and \"block Evalua tion\" is used to perform the actions on An array FILE file is in principle a file name, but the file obj ect contains built in methods for working on The file. DATETIME returns current Date and Time information DB a DB object is an object representing a database. Can be used to interrogate information About type, team, access, claim type DBREF a dbref object a ref to a database it has members (access, file, name, number, Foreign, type, description, claim (string) and team (team))DIRECTION a Direction object has members (direction, origin (dbref), up, east, north (real)) MDB MDB object has members (name and description, both strings) ORIENTATION an orientation object has members (alpha (real), o rigin (dbref), Gamma and Beta(reals))POSITION a position object has members (origin (dbref) up, east, north (reals) PROJECT a project object has one member (evar (string)) TEAM a team object has members (name and description (r eals)) USER a user object has members (access, name, descripti on (strings))FORMAT is a way of formatting data for example metric or imperial] The user-defined object types 2.1.3. You may find that the object types supplied with P ML 2 are enough. However, you can Define new object types if you need to. In any case, the following example may help youUnderstand objects, their members and how they are used. It is a good idea to use upper Case for object-type names, and mixed upper and low er case for variable names, the objects Themselves. For example, a type might be Employee, and a variable name might beNumberOfEmployees. Define object COMPANY Member . Name is STRING Member . Address is STRING Member . Employees is REAL Member . NumberOfEmpliyees is REAL Endobject The user-defined object type should by normally st ored in a file with a lowercase nameMatching the name of the object type and a .pmlobj suffix in PMLLIB directory. PML will Load a definition automatically when it is needed. Example above should have name Company.pmlobj . "} {"Main Title": "PML1 variables creation ", "Sub Title": "2.2.1. PML1 variables creation ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 13/178 2.2. Creation of variables For creating variable is used VAR command. As value in variable could be used text orSome attribute. As you may see there are used text delimiters to define any text as value. These delimiters could be used '' or vertical bars || as well. The most important fact is that Using the VAR command always create variable as str ing() object. Even if you use numbersOr Booleans. Of course that you can create an array by VAR command but array itself Contain array members. Through command VAR you just fill an array by string elements. REMEMBER THAT VAR COMMAND ALWAYS CREATES STRING OBJ ECT TYPE!!! Text - as string in PML2:VAR! PML1text 'THISisTEXT' VAR! PML1attribute1 NAME VAR! PML1attribute2 POS WRT /* Numbers - as real in PML2: VAR! X (32) VAR! Y (52) VAR! Z1 (! X + ! Y) VAR! Z2 ('! X' + '! Y') VAR! Z3 ('$! X' + '$! Y') VAR! Z4 (23 * 1.8 + 32) Boolean - as Boolean in PML2:VAR! T1 TRUE VAR! F1 FALSE VAR! T2 T VAR! F2 F VAR! T3 YES VAR! F3 NO VAR! T4 Y VAR! F4 N There are no BOOLEAN () object variables in PML1. V AR command always creates the STRING () object type. Array - as array in PML2: VAR! ARRAY[1] 'AVEVA'VAR! ARRAY[10] NAME VAR! ARRAY[20] (12) Using the PML2 syntax you will create not only the value for variable but you Automatically assign the object type according to d efined data. If it is simply text, then results As string object but some dataAs position are alre ady defined as some other object type. In This case the position is system defined object typ e therefore results as POSITION. This is The most important difference between PML1 and PML2 because PML2 is object oriented Language."} {"Main Title": "Members and Attributes ", "Sub Title": "2.3. Members and Attributes ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 14/178 String: ! PML2string = 'THISisTEXT'! PML2attribute1 = NAME ! PML2attribute2 = POS WRT /* (in PML1 will be stri ng in PML2 position object type) Real: ! X = 32 ! Y = 52 ! Z1 = (! X + ! Y) ! Z2 = ('! X' + '! Y') ! Z3 = ('$! X' + '$! Y') ! Z4 = (23 * 1.8 + 32) Boolean: ! T1 = TRUE! F1 = FALSE ! T2 = T ! F2 = F ! T3 = YES ! F3 = NO ! T4 = Y ! F4 = N Array: ! ARRAY = ARRAY() ! ARRAY[1] = 'AVEVA' ! ARRAY[2] = NAME ! ARRAY[3] = 12 ! ARRAY[4] = N ! ARRAY[5] = TRUE An object can contain one or more items of data re ferRed to as its members or attributes. Each member has a name. \u2022 STRING, REAL and BOOLEAN variables just have a val ue - no members. \u2022 ARRAY variables have numbered elements, not member s. User Defined Objects can contain any variable or o bject type as attributes or members.Information is grouped with an object for ease of reference and standard reference. User- Defined objects can also contain user-defined metho ds that will use the information stored Within the object. These methods may represent a ca lculation, or information retrieval.After An object has been declared as a variable, the meth ods can be applied to the variable. For Example: Define object ELEMENT Member . Type is STRING Member . Material is STRING Endobject Define method. FullDesc() is STRING Return! This.Type & ' ' &! this.Material Endmethod "} {"Main Title": "Naming conventions ", "Sub Title": "2.4. Naming conventions ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 14/178 String: \n \n!PML2string = 'THISisTEXT' \n !PML2attribute1 = NAME \n !PML2attribute2 = POS WRT /* (in PML1 will be stri ng in PML2 position object type) \n \nReal: \n \n !x = 32 \n !y = 52 \n !z1 = (!x + !y) \n !z2 = ('!x' + '!y') \n !z3 = ('$!x' + '$!y') \n !z4 = (23 * 1.8 + 32) \n \nBoolean: \n \n !T1 = TRUE \n !F1 = FALSE \n !T2 = T \n !F2 = F \n !T3 = YES \n !F3 = NO \n !T4 = Y \n !F4 = N \n \nArray: \n \n !ARRAY = ARRAY() \n !ARRAY[1] = 'AVEVA' \n !ARRAY[2] = NAME \n !ARRAY[3] = 12 \n !ARRAY[4] = N \n !ARRAY[5] = TRUE \n An object can contain one or more items of data re ferred to as its members or attributes. \nEach member has a name. \n \n\u2022 STRING, REAL and BOOLEAN variables just have a val ue - no members. \n\u2022 ARRAY variables have numbered elements, not member s. \n \n User Defined Objects can contain any variable or o bject type as attributes or members. \nInformation is grouped with an object for ease of r eference and standard reference. User-\ndefined objects can also contain user-defined metho ds that will use the information stored \nwithin the object. These methods may represent a ca lculation, or information retrieval. After \nan object has been declared as a variable, the meth ods can be applied to the variable. For \nexample: \n \ndefine object ELEMENT \n member .Type is STRING \n member .Material is STRING \nendobject \n \ndefine method .FullDesc() is STRING \n return !this.Type & \u2018 \u2018 & !this.Material \nendmethod "} {"Main Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-3 ", "Sub Title": "2.4. Naming conventions ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 16/178 Application Prefix Comments Area BasedADP!! ABA Add-in application Administration!! ADM Plus!! CDA Application Switching !! App Batch Handling!! BAT CADCentre!! CADC Draft!! CDR Draft Icon Location!! CD2D Icon pathnames Defaults!! DFLTS General!! CDC Plus!! CDD, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, P, S, U, V, W Specialized!! CE Plus!! ERROR, !! FMSYS The majority of the existing PML2 code has been giv en a 3or4 letter prefix to the full name. Application Prefix Comments Accommodation ACC ADM Administration Access, Stairs & Ladders ASL Area Based ADP ABA Add-in application Assembly ASSYAssociations ASSOC None apparent Common COMM Mixed Design DES Mixed Draft DRA Plus ADP, DGN, DXF Global GLB Hull Design HULL Hull Drafting HDRA None Integrator INT Application Prefix Comments Isometric ADP ISO Add-in application Marine DiagramsDIAG No appware except main form Monitor MON Paragon CAT Review Interface REVI None - Single file Spooler SPL Vantage Marine VMAR No appware except start-up Icons are named without regard to any rules, except on odd occasions. Application Prefix CommentsDesign DES Various Profile PRFL Various Schematic Model Viewer SMV Various Styles STY Plus FSTY "} {"Main Title": "PML 1 expressions ", "Sub Title": "3.1. PML 1 expressions ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS PrOgrammable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 17/178 3. PML expressions \u2022 Text values VAR! CEname NAME takes the current element's (ce) name attribute as string VAR! BRhbore HBORE takes bran bore on hbore, even if its number varia ble is stringVAR! X 'NAME' or VAR! X |NAME| sets the variable to the text string 'NAME' Note: Quotes ' ' or vertical bars | | may be used as tex t delimiters. \u2022 Number values VAR! X (32) VAR! Y (52) Expression VAR! Z (! X + ! Y) results as STRING 84!!! Expression VAR!Z ('! X' + '! Y') results as STRING! X! Y!!! Expression VAR! Z ('$! X' + '$! Y' ) results as STRING 3252!!! VAR! Temp (23 * 1.8 + 32) calculate a value and result is STRING 73.4 !!! Note: VAR always obtain STRING (text) value even if expr ession calculate numbers!!! \u2022 Boolean values VAR! X TRUE Note: This expression set variable! X as true. But this i s string text. This is not as PML2 Boolean where condition is TRUE or FALSE or 0 or 1. Booleans could be used as parameter In IF statement but from VAR evaluate STRING!!! \u2022 ARRAY (array is variable with many values in rows) VAR! ARRAY[1] 'AVEVA' VAR! ARRAY[10] NAME Note: VAR always obtain STRING (text) value even if coll ecting DB elements. The result is String value. \u2022 STRING ! Name = 'Fred' create STRING variable\u2022 REAL !! Answer = 42 create REAL variable: Expression! Z = ! X + ! Y where! X=32! Y=52 results as REAL 84!!! \u2022 BOOLEAN !! Flag = TRUE create BOOLEAN variable. If false than is Boolean 0. \u2022 ARRAY ! Newarray = ARRAY() create an empty ARRAY ! Newarray[1] = |xxx| or!Newarray[1] = 'xxx ' add first value to the empty ARRAY "} {"Main Title": "Deleting PML Variables ", "Sub Title": "3.4. Deleting PML Variables ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual2016 v.1. Page 18/178 3.3. Creating Unset and undefined variable Each new data type supports a String() method that returns a string representing the Value of the variable. For example: ! X = 2.5 $* defines a variable X of type REAL wit h 2.5 as its numeric value! S = ! X.String() $* will be a variable of type STR ING, with the value \u201c2.5\u201d ! X = REAL()! $* yields the string '(the empty stri ng) ! S = ! X.String() ! X = BOOLEAN() $* yields the string '' (the empty s tring) ! S = ! X.String() ! X = STRING() $* yields the string 'Unset'! S = ! X.String() ! X = ARRAY() $* yields the string 'ARRAY ! S = ! X.String() Other variable types are system-defined variables. Most of these have adopted the unset String 'Unset'. User-defined data types can also pr ovide a String() method. These alsoSupport an UNSET representation, and usually adopt the UNSET representation 'Unset'. For example: ! X = DIRECTION() $* yields the string 'Unset' ! S = ! X.String() All data types can have the value UNSET which indi cates that a variable does not have aValue. A variable created without giving it an init ial value in fact has the value UNSET: !! Answer = REAL()! Name = STRING() ! Grid = BOOLEAN()! Lengths = ARRAY() Variables with an UNSET value can be passed around and assigned, but use of anUNSET value where a valid item of data is required will always result in a PML error. The Presence of an UNSET value may be tested either wit h functions or methods: If ( Unset(! X) ) then if ( ! X.Unset() ) then If ( Set(! X) ) then if ( ! X.Set() ) thenAn UNDEFINED variable is one that does not exist. T he existence of a variable may be Tested with these functions: If ( Undefined(!! Y) ) then If ( Defined(!! Y) ) then There is no equivalent method call. If the variable does not exist, attempting to call a methodWould result in an error. A variable that exists can be explicitly made UNDE FINED with the Delete() method: !! Y.Delete() Warning: You must not attempt to delete members of objects or forms. Mixing PML1 and PML2 expressions could cause mixin g the variables types.Mixing the Variables types give error for example: \u201eCannot ass ign variable to result - incompatible types (REAL=STRING)\". With VAR you will always obtain a S TRING. You could have defined Variable type before you assign any value to the va riable: "} {"Main Title": "Expression operators ", "Sub Title": "3.6. Expression operators", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 18/178 3.3. Creating Unset and undefined variable \n Each new data type supports a String() method that returns a string representing the \nvalue of the variable. For example: \n \n!X = 2.5 $* defines a variable X of type REAL wit h 2.5 as its numeric value \n!S = !X.String() $* will be a variable of type STR ING, with the value \u201c2.5\u201d \n!X = REAL()! $* yields the string \u2019(the empty stri ng) \n!S = !X.String() \n!X = BOOLEAN() $* yields the string \u2018\u2019 (the empty s tring) \n!S = !X.String() \n!X = STRING() $* yields the string \u2018Unset\u2019 \n!S = !X.String() \n!X = ARRAY() $* yields the string \u2018ARRAY \n!S = !X.String() \n \n Other variable types are system-defined variables. Most of these have adopted the unset \nstring \u2018Unset\u2019. User-defined data types can also pr ovide a String() method. These also \nsupport an UNSET representation, and usually adopt the UNSET representation \u2018Unset\u2019. \nFor example: \n \n!X = DIRECTION() $* yields the string \u2018Unset\u2019 \n!S = !X.String() \n \n All data types can have the value UNSET which indi cates that a variable does not have a \nvalue. A variable created without giving it an init ial value in fact has the value UNSET: \n \n!!Answer = REAL() !Name = STRING() \n!Grid = BOOLEAN() !Lengths = ARRAY() \n \n Variables with an UNSET value can be passed around and assigned, but use of an \nUNSET value where a valid item of data is required will always result in a PML error. The \npresence of an UNSET value may be tested either wit h functions or methods: \n \nif ( Unset(!X) ) then if ( !X.Unset() ) then \nif ( Set(!X) ) then if ( !X.Set() ) then \n \nAn UNDEFINED variable is one that does not exist. T he existence of a variable may be \ntested with these functions: \n \nif ( Undefined(!!Y) ) then \nif ( Defined(!!Y) ) then \n \nThere is no equivalent method call. If the variable does not exist, attempting to call a method \nwould result in an error. \n A variable that exists can be explicitly made UNDE FINED with the Delete() method : \n \n!!Y.Delete() Warning: You must not attempt to delete members of objects or forms. \n Mixing PML1 and PML2 expressions could cause mixin g the variables types. Mixing the \nvariables types give error for example: \u201eCannot ass ign variable to result - incompatible types \n(REAL=STRING)\u201d. With VAR you will always obtain a S TRING. You could have defined \nvariable type before you assign any value to the va riable: "} {"Main Title": "Boolean Operators ", "Sub Title": "3.7. Boolean Operators ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual2016 v.1. Page 20/178! S = 30 * sin(45) ! T = pow(20,2) (raise 20 to the power 2 (=400)) ! F = (match (name of owner, |LPX|) GT 0) The Boolean, sometimes called Logical, operators h ave the following meanings: \u2022 EQ TRUE if two expressions have the same value.\u2022 NE TRUE if two expressions have different values. \u2022 LT TRUE if the first expression is less than the s econd. \u2022 GT TRUE if the first expression is greater than th e second. \u2022 LE OR LEQ TRUE if the first expression is less than n or equal to the second.\u2022 GE OR GEQ TRUE if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second. \u2022 NOT TRUE if the expression is FALSE. \u2022 AND TRUE if both expressions are TRUE \u2022 OR TRUE if either or both expressions are TRUE. Note: The operators EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE and GE are someti mes referred to as comparator Or relational operators; NOT, AND, and OR are somet imes referred to as Boolean operators. Refer to Precisions of Comparisons for tolerances i n comparing numbers. Several different types of expressions examples:Logical expressions - PDMS attributes Logical constants TRUE, ON, YES for true / FALSE, OFF, NO for false Logical Operators Comparator operators (EQ, NEQ, LT, GT, LEQ, GEQ) Boolean operators (NOT, AND, OR) Logical functions BADREF, DEFINED, UNDEFINED, CREATE, DELETED, EMPTY, MATCHWILD, MODIFIED, UNSET, VLOGICAL.... Logical array expressions PDMS attributes e.g. XLEN YLEN POHE POSITION ORIENT ATION Numeric operator -- + Add, - Subtract, * Multiply, / Divide Numeric function ABS, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, SIN, COS, TAN, MATCH, MAX, S QRT.. Real expressions - See numeric functions Text expressions - A text string, PDMS attributes, Text operators, Text functions Values to be concatenated are automatically conver ted to STRING by the '&' operator.Type the following onto the command line: ! A = 64! B = 32! M = 'mm' ! C = ! A & ! B & ! M Q var! C Compare this against the results of typing ! D = ! A +! B Q var! D "} {"Main Title": "Parameterized Macros", "Sub Title": "3.10. Parameterized Macros ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 21/178 3.9. Communicating with AVEVA Products in PML All commands need to be supplied to the command pr ocessor as STRINGS. This is ImportantT when working with element creation (using the NEW syntax) to expand the Contents of a PML variable into a string - put a $ in front of it! ! CompType = |ELBO| ! Dist = 5600 NEW $! CompType DIST $! Dist Macros can be parameterized. This means insteadOf hard coding the values through the Macro, the values can be referenced, allowing them to be varied. Simplemac.mac can be Parameterized as follows: NEW EQUIP /$1 NEW BOX XLEN $2 YLEN $3 ZLEN $4 NEW CYL DIA $3 HEI $4 CONN P1 TO P2 OF PREV IF no parameters are specified, the macro will fai l. To avoid this, default values can be put Inside the macro. This is done by specified $d1= at the top of the macro. For example: $d1=ABCDEF $d2=300 $d3=400 $d4=600 Synonyms are abbreviations of longer commands.The y are created by assigning the Command to a synonym variable: E.g. $SNewBox=NEW BOX XLEN 100 YLEN 200 ZLEN 300 E.g. $SNewBox=NEW BOX XLEN $S1 YLEN $S2 ZLEN $S3 (A parameterized synonym) To call the first version, type NewBox. For the secondVersion, type NewBox 100 200 300 If all synonyms are killed, the synonyms needed to run PDMS will be removed. This Means PDMS will no longer work properly and will re quire restarting. If synonyms are turned Off, some PDMS functionality will also be removed.The return this functionality, the Synonyms should be turned back on. To kill a synonym, type $SXXX= & all synonyms $sk To switch synonyms off and on $S- and $S+ Note: If all synonyms are killed, the synonyms needed to run PDMS will be removed.This Means PDMS will no longer work properly and will re quire restarting. If synonyms are turned Off, some PDMS functionality will also be removed. The return this functionality, the Synonyms should be turned back on. $S - defines a local synonym$G - defines a global synonym $U - prevents the deletion of a global synonym whic h has already been defined Global synonym ($G) works inside pml functions/meth ods while local ($S) does not. "} {"Main Title": "Using the Member Values of an Object ", "Sub Title": "3.13. Using the Member Values of an Object", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 21/178 3.9. Communicating with AVEVA Products in PML \n All commands need to be supplied to the command pr ocessor as STRINGS. This is \nimportant when working with element creation (using the NEW syntax) to expand the \ncontents of a PML variable into a string - put a $ in front of it! \n \n!CompType = |ELBO| !dist = 5600 \nNEW $!CompType \nDIST $!dist \n Macros can be parameterized. This means instead of hard coding the values through the \nmacro, the values can be referenced, allowing them to be varied. Simplemac.mac can be \nparameterized as follows: \n \nNEW EQUIP /$1 \nNEW BOX \nXLEN $2 YLEN $3 ZLEN $4 \nNEW CYL DIA $3 HEI $4 \nCONN P1 TO P2 OF PREV \n \n If no parameters are specified, the macro will fai l. To avoid this, default values can be put \ninside the macro. This is done by specified $d1= at the top of the macro. For example: \n$d1=ABCDEF $d2=300 $d3=400 $d4=600 \n Synonyms are abbreviations of longer commands. The y are created by assigning the \ncommand to a synonym variable: \n \ne.g. $SNewBox=NEW BOX XLEN 100 YLEN 200 ZLEN 300 \ne.g. $SNewBox=NEW BOX XLEN $S1 YLEN $S2 ZLEN $S3 (A parameterized synonym) \n \nTo call the first version, type NewBox. For the second version, type NewBox 100 200 300 \n \n If all synonyms are killed, the synonyms needed to run PDMS will be removed. This \nmeans PDMS will no longer work properly and will re quire restarting. If synonyms are turned \noff, some PDMS functionality will also be removed. The return this functionality, the \nsynonyms should be turned back on. \n \nTo kill a synonym, type $SXXX= & all synonyms $sk \nTo switch synonyms off and on $S- and $S+ \n \nNote: If all synonyms are killed, the synonyms needed to run PDMS will be removed. This \nmeans PDMS will no longer work properly and will re quire restarting. If synonyms are turned \noff, some PDMS functionality will also be removed. The return this functionality, the \nsynonyms should be turned back on. \n \n$S - defines a local synonym \n$G - defines a global synonym \n$U - prevents the deletion of a global synonym whic h has already been defined \nGlobal synonym ($G) works inside pml functions/meth ods while local ($S) does not. \n "} {"Main Title": "Storing and Loading PML Functions ", "Sub Title": "3.15. Storing and Loading PML Functions", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 23/178 define function!! LengthAndTrim(! Name is STRING, ! L ength is REAL) ! Name = ! Name.Trim() ! Length = ! Name.Length() Endfunction Arguments used for output must exist prIor to the c all and one that is also used as an input Argument must also have a value: ! Name = 'FRED'! Length = REAL() The function is called to set the value of a variab le! Length as follows: !! LengthAndTrim(' FRED ', ! Length) When an argUment value is changed within a PML Func tion its value outside the function is Also changed. The following call is incorrect, as t he function cannot modify a constant: !! LengthAndTrim(' FRED ' ,4 ) $* WRONG A PML Function returning a value may beUsed wherev er an expression or PML Variable Can be used, for example, this call to the! Area fu nction defined above: ! PartLength = 7! PartWidth = 6 ! SurfaceArea = !! Area(! PartLength, ! PartWidth) When a PML Function is called it is loaded automat iCally from its source file in a directory Located via the environment variable PMLLIB. The na me of the external file must be Lowercase and must have the .pmlfnc suffix. The sou rce of a PML Function invoked as !! AREA or !! Area or!! Area all correspond to the fi le named area.Pmlfnc. Note: The!! Means that the function is user-defined and that it is global - but!! Does not Form part of the external filename. All user-define d functions are global and only one may be Defined per file. The define function must be theF first line in the file and that its name and the File name must correspond. You may specify ANY as the type of an argument (an d even as the type of the function Return value). Note: The use of ANY should be the exception rather than the rule as it switches offArgument type checking - an important feature of PM L Functions to help ensure correct Functioning of your PML. In the case an argument of type ANY, a value of any type may be passed as the argument to The function: Define function!! Print(! Argument is ANY)$P $! Argument Endfunction Where an argument of type ANY is used, you may need to find out its actual type before you Can do anything with it. The ObjectType() method ca n be used for this purpose: "} {"Main Title": "PML Procedures ", "Sub Title": "3.17. PML Procedures ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 24/178 define function!! AnyType(! Argument is ANY) Type = ! Argument.pmlobjectType() If (! Type EQ 'STRING' ) then- - do something with a STRING Elseif (! Type EQ 'REAL' ) then - - do something with a REAL Elseif (! Type EQ 'DBREF' ) then - - do something with a DB Reference Else - - do something with all other types or give a n error EndifEndfunction A PML Procedure is a PML Function that does not re turn a result. A function is defined as A procedure by omitting the data type at the end of the define function statement: Define function!! Area( ! Length is REAL, ! Width is REAL, ! Result is REAL)! Result = ! Length * ! Width Endfunction Here we are using an output argument, ! Result, to r eturn the result rather than using a Function return value. The arguments to the!! Area procedure can be set as follows, and then The procedure invoked with the call command.! SurfaceArea = REAL() ! Partlength = 7 ! PartWidth = 6 Call!! Area(! PartLength, ! PartWidth, ! SurfaceArea) There will be an error if you attempt to assign the result of a PML Procedure because there Is no return value to assign. So, for example you c an say:Call!! Area(! PartLength, ! PartWidth, ! SurfaceArea) ! Answer = ! SurfaceArea But you cannot say: ! Answer = !! Area(! PartLength, ! PartWidth, ! SurfaceA rea) $* WRONG The ( ) parentheses after the name of a procedure o r function must always be present evenFor procedures that do not need arguments: Define function!! Initialize() ! TotalWeight = 0 !! MaxWeight = 0 Endfunction Call!! Initialize() Although the call keyword is strictly speaking opti onal, its use is recommended with Procedures. NOte: As well as procedures, you can invoke a PML Functi on that has a return value using Call, in which case the function result value is di scarded. "} {"Main Title": "Methods on User-Defined Object Types", "Sub Title": "3.19. Methods on User-Defined Object Types", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 24/178 define function !!AnyType(!Argument is ANY) \n Type = !Argument.pmlobjectType() \n if ( !Type EQ 'STRING' ) then \n - - do something with a STRING \n elseif ( !Type EQ 'REAL' ) then \n - - do something with a REAL \n elseif ( !Type EQ 'DBREF' ) then \n - - do something with a DB Reference \n else \n - - do something with all other types or give a n error \n endif \nendfunction \n A PML Procedure is a PML Function that does not re turn a result. A function is defined as \na procedure by omitting the data type at the end of the define function statement: \n \ndefine function !!Area( !Length is REAL, !Width is REAL, !Result is REAL) \n !Result = !Length * !Width \nendfunction \n \nHere we are using an output argument, !Result, to r eturn the result rather than using a \nfunction return value. The arguments to the !!Area procedure can be set as follows, and then \nthe procedure invoked with the call command. \n \n!SurfaceArea = REAL() \n!Partlength = 7 \n!PartWidth = 6 \ncall !!Area(!PartLength, !PartWidth, !SurfaceArea) \n \nThere will be an error if you attempt to assign the result of a PML Procedure because there \nis no return value to assign. So, for example you c an say: \n \ncall !!Area(!PartLength, !PartWidth, !SurfaceArea) \n!Answer = !SurfaceArea \n \nBut you cannot say: \n \n!Answer = !!Area(!PartLength, !PartWidth, !SurfaceA rea) \n$* WRONG \n \nThe ( ) parentheses after the name of a procedure o r function must always be present even \nfor procedures that do not need arguments: \n \ndefine function !!Initialize() \n !TotalWeight = 0 \n !!MaxWeight = 0 \nendfunction \ncall !!Initialize() \n \nAlthough the call keyword is strictly speaking opti onal, its use is recommended with \nprocedures. \n \nNote: As well as procedures, you can invoke a PML Functi on that has a return value using \ncall, in which case the function result value is di scarded. "} {"Main Title": "Method Overloading", "Sub Title": "3.20. Method Overloading ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 26/178 define method . Life() ! This.Answer = 42 Endmethod A method may return a result in just the same way a s a PML Function using the returnCommand. Set a member of the object using! This.mem bername. Define method. Answer() IS REAL Return! This.Answer Endmethod Define method. Answer( ! Value Is REAL) ! This.Answer =! Value Endmethod These methods might be used in the following way:! Marvin = object LIFE() -- The method . Life() was called automatically ! Number = ! Marvin.Answer() --! Number is set to the value 42 ! Marvin.Answer(40) ! Number = ! Marvin.Answer() --! Number now has the value 40 Warning: When you create a new objeCt type, or chan ge an existing definition, you Must load the definition by giving the command: Pml reload object _name_ Two or more methods on an object may share the sam e name providing they have Different arguments. This is called method overload ing.PML will invoke the method with the Arguments which match the method call. It is common practice: \u2022 To use a method with the same name as a member and one argument of the same Type to set the member's value. For example: ! Marvin.Answer(65) \u2022To use a method of the same name as a member retur ning a value of the same type But with no arguments to get the member's value. Fo r example: ! Number = ! Marvin.Answer() When an object is created, it is possible to suppl y arguments that are passed by PML to aConstructor method with matching arguments instead of the default constructor method: ! Marvin = object LIFE(40) This would invoke a method: Define method. Life(! Value IS REAL) "} {"Main Title": "Invoking a Method from Another Method ", "Sub Title": "3.23. Invoking a Method from Another Method ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 27/178 3.22. Overloading with ANY As with PML Functions, the type of a methOd argume nt may be specified as ANY. Yew Method overloading is being used, PML will invoke t he method with a matching set of Explicitly typed arguments in preference to calling a method with arguments of type ANY, Irrespective of the order the methodsAppeared in t he object definition file: Define method. SetValue(! Argument Is ANY) Define method. SetValue(! Argument Is REAL) Then: ! SomeObject.SetValue(100) will invoke the method with the REAL argument, but ! SomeObject.SetValue('Priceless' )Will invoke the method with the ANY argument. Within a method! This.Methodname() refers to anoth er method on the same object. So Our second LIFE constructor method, the one with an argument, could be defined as: Define method. Life(! Value IS REAL)! This.Answer(! Value) Endmethod Whenever you add a new method to an object, you ne ed to tell PML to re-read the object Definition, by giving the command: Pml reload object life It is not necessary to use this command if you are simply editing an existing method(Although you will have to use it if you edit a for m definition file, and change the default Constructor method, described in Form Definition Fi le.) In PML 2, forms are a type of global variable. Thi s means that a form cannot have the Same name as aNy other global variable or any other form. Note that a form definition is also The definition of an object, so a form cannot have the same name as any other object type. "} {"Main Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-2 ", "Sub Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-3 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 28/178 4. ARRAYs in PML An ARRAY variable can contain many values, each of which is called an array element. YearArray is created automatically by creating one o f its array elements. ! Array = Array() This is an empty variable but it has been defined a s an array. Adding elements to the array: Type 1 ! Array[1] = 'BOB'! Array[2] = 45! Array[10] = !! C E Type 2! Array.Append('BOB')! Array.Append(45)! Array.Appe nd(!! CE) Type 1 adds string values into exact position of a rray element (1,2 and 10). Type2 add String values to the end of lists (11,12,13). To ch eck array list query: Q var! Array [1] 'BOB'[2] 45 [10] 'KELLY' [11] 'BOB' [12] 'GEORGE' [13] 'KELLY' To check exact array member query: Q var! Array[1] 'BOB' Note: How array elements are referred to by means of a s ubscript expression in [ ] squareBrackets and that there must be no space between th e end of the array name and the Subscript. Array elements are accessed in the same way when using the value in an Expression: ! Average = ( ! Sample[1] +! Sample[2] +! Sample[3] ) / 3 ) The individualUal elements of an array variable can be set independently and in any order. Thus You can set! X[1] and ! X[10] without setting any of the intervening elements! X[2] to! X[9]. In Other words PML arrays are allowed to be 'sparse' a nd to have gaps between the subscriptNumbers which have values set. Negative subscripts are no longer permitted. An array Subscript of zero is allowed but you are advised ag ainst using it as many of the array Facilities ignore array element zero. An array subs cript may be an expression of anyComplexity provided it evaluates to a positive REAL result and may even include a call to a PML Function: ! Value = ! MyArray[! A + (! B * !! MyFunction() ) + ! C ] PML Arrays may be heterogeneous. That is to say the elements of a PML array do not haveTo be all of the same type. Array elements may even be user-defined objects. Values to be Concatenated are automatically converted to STRING by the '&' operator. Type the following Onto the command line: Non-existent array elements - after the last set element of the arrayAnd the non-existent elements in the gaps of a spar se array - are all UNDEFINED: the Function Undefined() will return TRUE and the funct ion Defined() will return FALSE for all These subscripts. "} {"Main Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Sub Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 29/178 4.1. Array methods \n Array methods are built-in functions for performin g a variety of operations on the array. \nThese methods are invoked with a dot following the array name. The method name must be \nfollowed by ( ) parentheses - even if the function has no arguments. Array methods : \n \n\u2022 !Array.Size() \n\u2022 !Array.Clear() \n\u2022 !Array.RemoveFrom(x,y) \n\u2022 !Array.Append() \n\u2022 !Array.Delete() or !Array[N].Delete() \n\u2022 !Array.Split() \n\u2022 !Array.Width() \n\u2022 !Array.Sort() \n\u2022 !Array.Inver() \n\u2022 !Array.SortUnique() \n\u2022 !Array.Unique() \n \nNote: Always use an array method, if one is available, i n preference to constructing a do \nloop as it is far more efficient. \n \n!Nelements = !MyArray.Size() \nThis method sets !Nelements to the number of elemen ts currently in the array. Its returns a \nREAL result which can be assigned to another variab le. \n \n!MyArray.Clear() \nThis is an example of a method which modifies the a rray by deleting all the array elements \nbut produces no-result value, so there is nothing t o assign to another variable. \n \n!NewArray = !OldArray.RemoveFrom(5,10) \nThis is an example of a method result which modifie s the array by removing 10 elements, \nstarting at element 5. NewArray value is a new arra y containing the 10 removed elements. If \nnot required, the result can be simply discarded by invoking the method as a command and \nnot assigning the result to a variable: !OldArray.RemoveFrom(5,10) \n \n!Result.Append(!NewValue) \nTo set a new element at the end of an existing arra y without needing to know which \nelements are already set, use the Append() method. The new array element to be created is \ndetermined automatically by adding 1 to the highest existing index for the array !Result. The \ndata are stored in !Result[1] if the array does not yet contain any elements. The array !Result \nmust exist before you can call this method. If nece ssary you can create an empty array (with \nno elements) beforehand: !Result = ARRAY() .If !Res ult exists already as a simple variable, \nyou will get an error and the command is ignored. \n \n!MyArray[N].Delete() \nTo destroy an array element use the Delete() method . The deleted array element would test \nas UNDEFINED. Note that the array continues to exis t even when you have deleted all its \nelements. Deleting the entire array, together with any existing array elements, use the Delete \nmethod on the array itself: !MyArray.Delete() \n \n!ArrayOfFields = !Line.split() \nYou can split a text string into its component fiel ds and store each field in a separate array \nelement using a text string\u2019s Split() method. This can be useful after reading a record from a \nfile into a variable. By default, the delimiter is any white-space character (tab, space or "} {"Main Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Sub Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 30/178 newline): ! Line = '123 456 789' The white-space is treated as a special case since Consecutive white-spaces are treated as a single deLimit and white-spaces at the start or Finish of the string are ignored. The result is to create the array-variable! ArrayOfFields (if it Does not already exist) with the element! FIELDS[1] set to '123', ! FIELDS[2] set to '456', and ! FIELDS[3] set to '789'.To specify a different del imiter, specify the required (single) Character as the argument to the Split() method: ! Line = '123 ,456 ,,789' ! ArrayOfFields = ! Line.split(',') In this example, comma is used as the delimiter. ! A rrayOfFields is created if it does notAlready exist with the element! FIELDS[1] set to '1 23', ! FIELDS[2] set to '456', ! FIELDS[3] Created but set to zero length, and! FIELDS[4] set to '789'. Note that in this case, unlike the White-space delimiter, consecutive occurrences of t he comma define empty elements.Note: The only way to set the special white-space delimit er is by default; that is, by not specifying Any delimiter as an argument to the Split() method. If a space is specified explicitly as the Delimiter (as ' '), it will behave in the same way as comma in this example.You can combine An array-append method with a text-string Split() m ethod in a single command to append the Fields of a text string to the end of an existing a rray variable, thus: ! ArrayOfFields.AppendArray(! Line.Split()) ! Width = ! List.width() ThE length of the longest element in an array can b e a useful thing to know, for example When you are outputting the values in table form. Y ou can do this using the Width() method. For example, in the array! LIST: ! LIST[1]'One'! LIST[2]'Two'! LIST[3]'Three'The command: ! Width = ! List.width() would set to! Width to the v alue 5, the length of the longest element in ! LIST, which is 'Three'. Note: If the array contain ed elements that were not strings, these are Ignored when calculating the maximum width. ! MyArray.Sort() & ! MyArray.Sort(). Invert() The simplest way of sorting an array is to use the Sort() method: ! MyArray.Sort() This is a No-result method that modifies the array by perform ing a sort in-situ. The sort is into Ascending order and will be aN ASCII sort on an arr ay of STRING elements and a NUMERIC Sort on an array of REAL values. The Sort() method returns the array itself as a list result, so It is possible to follow the call to the Sort() met hod immediately with a call to the Invert() MEthod, which will return a descending sort: ! MyArr ay.Sort(). Invert(). An alternative Approach is an indirect sort using the method Sorte dIndices() which returns a REAL array Representing new index positions for the array elem ents in their sorted positions:! NewPositions = ! MyArray.SortedIndices() The array can be sorted by applying the new Index values using the ReIndex() method: ! MyArray.R eIndex(! NewPositions) More important, The index values in! NewPositions can be used to so rt other arrays as well. To use some simple examples, imagine we had the arr ay! Animals that contained: [1] Wombat [2] Kangaroo [3] Gnu [4] Aardvark [5] An telope The command: ! Animals.Sort () Would move the array elements so that they now appe ared in the following order:[1] Aardvark [2] Antelope [3] Gnu [4] Kangaroo [5] Wombat The command: ! Animals.Invert () invert the sort to the following order: [1] Antelope [2] Aardvark [3] Gnu [4] Kangaroo [5] Wombat "} {"Main Title": "Subtotaling Arrays with the VAR Command ", "Sub Title": "4.3. Subtotaling Arrays with the VAR Command ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 31/178 4.2. Sorting Arrays using the VAR Command These facilities were dSigned to work with arrays of STRINGS. Where a multi-level sort Is required it is still necessary to use the older facilities of the VAR command to perform the Comes out. Using a different example, look at the arrays! Because,! Colour and! Year: VAR! Index SORT!Because CIASCII! Colour! Year NUMERIC Sorting Option Effect CIASCII Sorts in ascending case-independent alphabe tic order. DESCENDING Sorts in alphabetic in reverse order CIASCII DESCENDING Sorts in descending case-indepen dent alphabetic order. NUMERIC Forces an ascending numerical sort on numbe rs held as strings. NUMERIC DESCENDING Forces a descending numerical so rt on numbers held as strings. You can also modify the array to eliminate empty or repeated elements: UNIQUE - Eliminates instances of duplicated data.For exa mple: VAR! Unique SORT Index! Because CIASCII! Colour! Year N UMERIC NOUNSET NOEMPTY - Eliminates rows that contain only UNSET values. VAR! Index SORT NOUNSET! Because CIASCII! Colour! Year NUMERIC To sort these arrays and identify the last oCcurren ce of each group of the same car type, use The LASTINGROUP option: VAR! Index SORT! Because LASTINGROUP! Group Suppose we had sorted the array! Car and another ar ray! Value using the command: VAR! Index SORT! Because! Value LASTINGROUP! Group We can then generate an array of subtotals for each type of car with the following command: VAR! Totals SUBTOTAL! Values! Index! Group VAR! Variable SUBTOTAL - This will sum value strings that contain values with or without Unit qualifiers. Unit qUalifiers within the strings will be ignored. This is to allow REPORTER to Still operate with unit qualified value strings tha t may have been introduced by other VAR or $! Variable commands. VAR! Variable EVALUATE - Will return string variables andArrays of unit qualified values if The evaluation generates quantities with physical d imensions. VAR! D EVAL (DIAM) for all CYLI - sets! D to a set of strings such as '90cm' ' 60cm' etc. - when cm are the current length Units). The unit will be the current working unit.VAR! Variable ATTRIBUTE This sets the variable to a string that contains t he value AND The unit qualifier for attributes with of a physica l quantity VAR! X XLEN sets! X to '46cm' if Current units are cm) The unit will be the current working unit."} {"Main Title": "The Collection Syntax PML 1 ", "Sub Title": "5.1. The Collection Syntax PML 1 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 31/178 4.2. Sorting Arrays using the VAR Command \n These facilities were designed to work with arrays of STRINGS. Where a multi-level sort \nis required it is still necessary to use the older facilities of the VAR command to perform the \nsort. Using a different example, look at the arrays !Car, !Colour and !Year: \n \nVAR !Index SORT !Car CIASCII !Colour !Year NUMERIC \n \n Sorting Option Effect \nCIASCII Sorts in ascending case-independent alphabe tic order. \nDESCENDING Sorts in alphabetic in reverse order \nCIASCII DESCENDING Sorts in descending case-indepen dent alphabetic order. \nNUMERIC Forces an ascending numerical sort on numbe rs held as strings. \nNUMERIC DESCENDING Forces a descending numerical so rt on numbers held as strings. \n \nYou can also modify the array to eliminate empty or repeated elements: \n \nUNIQUE - Eliminates instances of duplicated data. For exa mple: \n \nVAR !Index SORT UNIQUE !Car CIASCII !Colour !Year N UMERIC \n \nNOUNSET NOEMPTY - Eliminates rows that contain only UNSET values. \n \nVAR !Index SORT NOUNSET !Car CIASCII !Colour !Year NUMERIC \n \nTo sort these arrays and identify the last occurren ce of each group of the same car type, use \nthe LASTINGROUP option: \n \nVAR !Index SORT !Car LASTINGROUP !Group \nSuppose we had sorted the array !Car and another ar ray !Value using the command: \n \nVAR !Index SORT !Car !Value LASTINGROUP !Group \n \nWe can then generate an array of subtotals for each type of car with the following command: \n \nVAR !Totals SUBTOTAL !Values !Index !Group \n \nVAR !variable SUBTOTAL - This will sum value strings that contain values with or without \nunit qualifiers. Unit qualifiers within the strings will be ignored. This is to allow REPORTER to \nstill operate with unit qualified value strings tha t may have been introduced by other VAR or \n$!variable commands. \n \nVAR !variable EVALUATE - Will return string variables and arrays of unit qualified values if \nthe evaluation generates quantities with physical d imensions. VAR !D EVAL (DIAM) for all \nCYLI - sets !D to a set of strings such as '90cm' ' 60cm' etc. - when cm are the current length \nunits). The unit will be the current working unit. \n \nVAR !variable ATTRIBUTE This sets the variable to a string that contains t he value AND \nthe unit qualifier for attributes with of a physica l quantity VAR !X XLEN sets !X to '46cm' if \ncurrent units are cm) The unit will be the current working unit. \n "} {"Main Title": "The Collection Syntax PML 1 ", "Sub Title": "5.1. The Collection Syntax PML 1 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 33/178 Expression search criteria applied to collection eq uates to \"with (GTYP eq 'BEAM')\" ! Expression = object EXPRESSION() ! expression.expression('GTYP eq ''BEAM''') Define Collection ! Collection = object COLLECTION() ! Collection.scope(! Scope)! collection.addType(! elementType) ! Collection.filter(! Expression) !! sectionPML2 = ! Collection.results() Example 2: PML 1 collection Var! myColl collect ALL (VALV INST) WITH (spec of s pref eq /INST ) FOR /TUB_PRUEBA /Tuberias_para_aplicacionesPML 2 Collection ! myColl = !! CollectAllFor('VALV INST', 'spec of spr ef eq /INST', /TUB_PRUEBA /Tuberias_para_aplicaciones ! Coll = object COLLECTION() ! Coll.type('') ! Coll.scope() ! Coll.filter() ! Coll.initialize() ! ListOfItems = !Coll.results() Note: Remember that this returns an array of DBREFS and not STRINGS Example 3: PML 1 collection Var! Test coll all pipe with matchw (purp,'*yourpur pose*') within vol ce 1000 Var! Test1 eval name for all from! Test ! Dat = 'c:/temp/excel.Csv' ! Output = object file (! Dat) ! Output.writefile ('WRITE',! Test1) ! Output.close() Syscom 'c:/temp/excel.csv&' Example 4: PML 2 collection ! Coll = object COLLECTION() ! coll.type('TRFAIL') ! Coll.scope(! Trinco) ! Coll.filter( object EXPRESSION('OWNER eq TRMLST') )! Coll.initialize() ! Scope = ! Coll.results() -- Create an array of list names (for the dropdown) ! listNames = object ARRAY() ! listNames.append('ExampleList') ! listNames.append('AnotherList') -- Create a corresponding list of numbers (the RTEX T in the dropdown)"} {"Main Title": "The Collection Syntax PML 1 ", "Sub Title": "5.1. The Collection Syntax PML 1 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 34/178! listNumbers = object ARRAY()! listNumbers.append('1') ! listNumbers.append('2') -- Create an array of strings for contents of the f irst list (names or refnos) ! listContents = object ARRAY() ! listContents.append('/P-MA') ! listContents.append('/P-GA') ! listContents.append('/P-16B')-- Add the array of contents to a global variable !! Cdlist1 = object ARRAY() !! Cdlist1.appendarray(! listContents) -- Repeat for a second list (optional) ! listContents = object ARRAY() ! listContents.append('/E-13') ! listContents.append('/S-13') !listContents.append('/P-16B') !! Cdlist2 = object ARRAY() !! Cdlist2.appendarray(! listContents) -- Update the form with the DTEXT and RTEXT !! cdcList.name.dText = ! listNames !! cdcList.name.rText = ! listNumbers -- Store the names in a global variable!! cdList = ! listNames Example 5: PML 2 collection ! E = !! CollectAllFor('SCTN','', !! This ) ! E = !! CollectAllFor('PIPE','Pspec eq |/A3|', world ) ! E = object COLLECT() ! E.classes = 'ALL' ! E.types = 'sctn' ! Tmp = !! Collect(! E) Note: There are more options, like!E.expression - this lets you add an expression to the Object, etc. The easiest way to see the options I t hink is to create the object then query it. ! E = object COLLECT() Q var! E ! A = Object Collection() ! a.scope(/VALIDELY) ! a.type('TYPE') Example 6: Conditions: Type: TEE Stype: RDTE (reducing tee in our DB) Bore: DN100 Cbore: DN50 (bore of tee connection) Spec: /SOME_SPEC "} {"Main Title": "Array sorting ", "Sub Title": "5.4. Array sorting", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 35/178 PML 1 collection Var! Tees coll all SPCO with ((GTYPE of catref eq ' TEE') and (STYPE eq 'RDTE' and PARAM1 of Catref eq 100)) for /SOME_SPEC Note: What you get is anArray of specifications matchin g criteria. In this case this would be All reducing tees in catalog. You still don't know how to select the tee with correct reduced DN. PML 2 collection ! Elbows = !! collectallfor(|ELBO|,|gtype of catref i nset('ELBO') AND stype inset('PPBA') AND P1BORE eq 50mm|,!! This) ! Directory = object file (|C:\\FOLDER|) ! dirFiles = ! Directory.files() -- Query! dirFiles: Q var! dirFiles -- If you want to get only the filenames: ! fileList = object array() Do! I clues!dirFiles ! File = ! dirFiles[! I].entry() ! fileList.append(! File) Enddo Q var! fileList ! Project = CURRENT PROJECT ! MyProj = ! Project.code() $p $p Project: $! MyProj $p ! xTab = | | Var! Pipes collect all (PIPE) ! Asz = ArraySize(! Pipes) $P Array size: $!Asz ! Output = object ARRAY() ! xRec = |'PIPE| & |$! xTab| & |ZONE| & |$! xTab| & |P SPEC| & |$! xTab| & |ISPEC| & |$! xTab| & |:STATUS'| ! Output.append($! xRec) Var! Names evaluate (name) for all from! Pipes ! NewPositions = ! names.SortedIndices() ! Names.Sort() Var! Zones evaluate (name of zone) for all from! Pi pes Var! Pspes evaluate (pspe) for all from! Pipes Var! Ispes evaluate (ispe) for all from! Pipes Var! Stats evaluate (:status) for all from! Pipes ! zones.ReIndex(! NewPositions) ! pspes.ReIndex(!NewPositions) ! ispes.ReIndex(! NewPositions) ! stats.ReIndex(! NewPositions) "} {"Main Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Sub Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual2016 v.1. Page 36/178 do! Pipe index! Pipes ! Record =! Names[! Pipe] & |$! xTab| & ! Zones[! Pipe ] & |$! xTab| & ! Pspes[! Pipe] & |$! xTab| & ! Ispes[! Pipe] & |$! xTab| & ! Stats[! Pip e] ! Output.append(! Record) Enddo ! File = object FILE('%PDMSuser%\\$!MyProj_PipeList.t xt') ! file.writefile('OVERWRITE',! Output) $p $p Macro finished Resulting sample output of PML report (623 records): PIPE ZONE PSPEC ISPEC :STATUS /1\"-D173015-11180-H4-0001 /PIP-17000-71 /11180-H4 = 0/0 1 /1\"-R172002-11085-R /PIP-17000-FLARE /11180-H4 =0/0 1/1\"-R17200X-11085-R /PIP-17000-FLARE /11180-H4 =0/0 1 /10\"-B172001-11380-H1-0001-1 /PIP-17000-FLARE /1138 0-H1 =0/0 1 /10\"-B172002-11380-H1-0001-1 /PIP-17000-FLARE /1138 0-H1 =0/0 1 /10\"-B172035-11380-H1-0001 /PIP-17000-FLARE /11380- H1 =0/0 1 /10\"-B172036-11380-H1-0001 /PIP-17000-FLARE /11380- H1 =0/0 1 PML 2 array sorting ! Project = CURRENT PROJECT ! MyProj = ! Project.code() $p $p Project: $! MyProj $p ! TwldX = |*| ! xTab = | | ! Output = object ARRAY() ! xRec = |'PIPE| & |$! xTab| & |ZONE| & |$!xTab| & |P SPEC| & |$! xTab| & |ISPEC| & |$! xTab| & |:STATUS'| ! Output.append($! xRec) ! Collect = object COLLECTION() ! Collect.scope(WORLD) ! Collect.type('PIPE') ! Collect.expression(object EXPRESSION('SUBSTR(NAME, 1,1) eq |/|') ) ! Pipes = ! Collect.Results() ! Names = object ARRAY() Do! Pipe values! Pipes ! Names.append(! Pipe.name) Enddo ! Clues = ! Names.sortedindices() ! Pipes.reindex(! Indices) ! Zones = ARRAY() ! PSpecs = ARRAY() ! ISpecs = ARRAY() ! udaSTATUS = ARRAY() ! I = 1 Do! Pipe values!Pipes -- $p $! Pipe.name ! Zones.append(! Pipe.owner.name) -- q var! Zones ! PSpecs.append(! Pipe.pspec.name) "} {"Main Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Sub Title": "Kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1 ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 36/178 do !Pipe index !Pipes \n !record = !names[!Pipe] & |$!xTab| & !zones[!Pipe ] & |$!xTab| & !pspes[!Pipe] & \n |$!xTab| & !ispes[!Pipe] & |$!xTab| & !stats[!Pip e] \n !output.append(!record) \nEnddo \n \n!file = object FILE('%PDMSuser%\\$!MyProj_PipeList.t xt') \n!file.writefile('OVERWRITE',!output) \n$p \n$p Macro finished \n \nResulting sample output of PML report (623 records) : \nPIPE ZONE PSPEC ISPEC :STATUS \n/1\"-D173015-11180-H4-0001 /PIP-17000-71 /11180-H4 = 0/0 1 \n/1\"-R172002-11085-R /PIP-17000-FLARE /11180-H4 =0/0 1 \n/1\"-R17200X-11085-R /PIP-17000-FLARE /11180-H4 =0/0 1 \n/10\"-B172001-11380-H1-0001-1 /PIP-17000-FLARE /1138 0-H1 =0/0 1 \n/10\"-B172002-11380-H1-0001-1 /PIP-17000-FLARE /1138 0-H1 =0/0 1 \n/10\"-B172035-11380-H1-0001 /PIP-17000-FLARE /11380- H1 =0/0 1 \n/10\"-B172036-11380-H1-0001 /PIP-17000-FLARE /11380- H1 =0/0 1 \nPML 2 array sorting \n!Project = CURRENT PROJECT \n!MyProj = !Project.code() \n \n$p \n$p Project: $!MyProj \n$p \n \n!TwldX = |*| \n!xTab = | | \n!output = object ARRAY() \n!xRec = |'PIPE| & |$!xTab| & |ZONE| & |$!xTab| & |P SPEC| & |$!xTab| & |ISPEC| & |$!xTab| & \n|:STATUS'| \n!output.append($!xRec) \n \n!Collect = object COLLECTION() \n!Collect.scope(WORLD) \n!Collect.type('PIPE') \n!Collect.expression(object EXPRESSION('SUBSTR(NAME, 1,1) eq |/|') ) \n \n!Pipes = !Collect.results() \n!Names = object ARRAY() \ndo !Pipe values !Pipes \n !Names.append(!Pipe.name) \nEnddo \n \n!Indices = !Names.sortedindices() \n!Pipes.reindex(!Indices) \n \n!Zones = ARRAY() \n!PSpecs = ARRAY() \n!ISpecs = ARRAY() \n!udaSTATUS = ARRAY() \n \n!i = 1 \ndo !Pipe values !Pipes \n -- $p $!Pipe.name \n !Zones.append(!Pipe.owner.name) \n -- q var !Zones \n !PSpecs.append(!Pipe.pspec.name) "} {"Main Title": "Functions, Macros and Object Definitions", "Sub Title": "6.1. Functions, Macros and Object Definitions ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 38/178 6. PML general futures Functions and Macros are PML Files that contain st ored sequences of commands. The PML FileIs invoked whenever this sequence of comma nds is required. The PML file may Also include control logic which alters the order i n which the commands are carried out and Special commands for handling errors. PML Files are normally created using a text editor.PML Functions and methods on objects (including for ms) are the recommended way of Storing command sequences because: \u2022 There is a check that they have been called with t he right type of arguments. \u2022 Arguments can return values. \u2022 A PML Function oR method can return a result of an y type. Most new AppWare code is written as methods on obj ects. PML Macros are explained in Macros as they are the basis of the older AppWare c ode. PML Macros are normally stored in A directory under the PDMSUI search-path.PML Funct ions are automatically loaded from a Directory under the PMLLIB search-path. Comments are additional text included in a PML Fil e for the benefit of someone reading The PML code. The PML processor ignores comments an d so they do not affect the way theCode executes. For a simple one line comment, begin the line with - - (two dashes) or $* (Dollar and asterisk). - - This is a new-style PML comment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $* The following lines calculate the new angleYou can also use $* to add an inline comment to any line of PML. A comment may extend Over several lines provided it is enclosed in the e scape sequences: $( and $) $( A comment containing Skip if (! X EQ! Y) More than one line $) At any point wiThin a PML File a return command wi ll stop further execution of the file and Return to the calling PML File, if there is one: If ( count EQ 0 ) then Return Endif For clarity, return can be used as the final line o f a PML Macro. However, the use of thisCommand is not essential and there will be no error if it is not used. Note: This is a different Use of return from the command used to set return v alues of variables. Everything written in PML, including keywords such as if, do and else means the sameThing in upper or lower case. The exception is text enclosed between quotes or vertical bars, Which is used exactly as it is typed. Throughout th is document you will see examples of PML Code using a mixture of upper and lower case for re adability. "} {"Main Title": "Special Character $ ", "Sub Title": "6.6. Special Character $ ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 39/178 6.5. Abbreviations Many commands have a minimumAbbreviation which ca n be used in place of the full Command. For readability it is recommended that you use the full form of the command \u2014 Note that it is not less efficient than using the a bbreviation. PML keywords such as if, else And do have no abbreviations.The $ character has a special meaning in PML. It i s an escape character, which means That together with the character which follows it a re treated as a special instruction to PML. The pair of characters beginning with $ is known as an escape sequence.$P is a commonly Encountered example, which is used to output a mess age to the screen: $P This text will be output to the screen A number of other escape sequences will be described ed later in this manual. The important Point to note here that if yOr need the dollar char acter itself as part of a command, you will Need to double it ($$). As the last character on a line, $ means that the next line is a Continuation line. For example: $P This is an example of a much longer message that will be $ output to the screen$! The PML variable following the! (Gold!!) Is expa nded as a string by using its own . STRING() Method. Note: Real values are automatically expanded with any un it qualify appended if the value is A physical quantity. This is useful on $P lines oR converting real values to strings in Commands. $newline command continues on next line w ithout being automatically closed. $M/filename execute a text file as a sequence of co mmands or an input macro. Named Using its filename or pathname. The Dollar $ symbol and its meanings$M = Runs a macro in pdms $! = Evaluate a variable $. = Terminates a macro $S = Defines a synonym $G = Defines a global synonym $S- = Turns synonyms off $S+ = Turns synonyms On $QS = Query's the synonyms $H = Help $Q = Another syntax help $P = PRints a line to your command line $$ = Adds a $ symbol $D = Default argument value To turn the pml trace on and off I use $R $R0 = Turn trace Off $R6 = Turn trace On $R1 = Tracing to shell window (default) $R2 = Tracing to requests window $R4 = Tracing of only input lines executed $R8 = Tracing of all input lines $R16 = Tracing without $ expression (Default off) $R32 = Tracing includes line numbers $R64 = Tracing of macro/function changes $R100 = General Debugging $R102 = capture trace in ALPHA LOGText strings must be enclosed in either single quo tes, or apostrophes, or vertical bars: ('Apostrophes' or |vertical bars| ). The apostrophe s and vertical bars are known as delimiters. Take great care to avoid unmatched delimiters as th is can lead to many lines of PML codeBeing included as part of the text string, and so l ost. "} {"Main Title": "Storing and Loading PML Files ", "Sub Title": "6.9. Storing and Loading PML Files", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 39/178 6.5. Abbreviations \n Many commands have a minimum abbreviation which ca n be used in place of the full \ncommand. For readability it is recommended that you use the full form of the command \u2014 \nnote that it is not less efficient than using the a bbreviation. PML keywords such as if, else \nand do have no abbreviations. \n The $ character has a special meaning in PML. It i s an escape character, which means \nthat together with the character which follows it a re treated as a special instruction to PML. \nThe pair of characters beginning with $ is known as an escape sequence. $P is a commonly \nencountered example, which is used to output a mess age to the screen: \n$P This text will be output to the screen \n \n A number of other escape sequences will be describ ed later in this manual. The important \npoint to note here that if you need the dollar char acter itself as part of a command, you will \nneed to double it ($$). As the last character on a line, $ means that the next line is a \ncontinuation line. For example: \n$P This is an example of a much longer message that will be $ output to the screen \n \n$! The PML variable following the ! (or !!) is expa nded as a string by using its own .STRING() \nmethod. \n \nNote: Real values are automatically expanded with any un it qualifier appended if the value is \na physical quantity. This is useful on $P lines or converting real values to strings in \ncommands. $newline command continues on next line w ithout being automatically closed. \n \n$M/filename execute a text file as a sequence of co mmands or an input macro. Named \nusing its filename or pathname. \n \nThe Dollar $ symbol and its meanings \n \n$M = Runs a macro in pdms \n$! = Evaluate a variable \n$. = Terminates a macro \n$S = Defines a synonym \n$G = Defines a global synonym \n$S- = Turns synonyms off \n$S+ = Turns synonyms On $QS = Query\u2019s the synonyms \n$H = Help \n$Q = Another syntax help \n$P = Prints a line to your command line \n$$ = Adds a $ symbol \n$D = Default argument value \n \nTo turn the pml trace on and off I use \n \n$R \n$R0 = Turn trace Off \n$R6 = Turn trace On \n$R1 = Tracing to shell window (default) \n$R2 = Tracing to requests window \n$R4 = Tracing of only input lines executed \n$R8 = Tracing of all input lines $R16 = Tracing without $ expression \n(default off) \n$R32 = Tracing includes line numbers \n$R64 = Tracing of macro/function changes \n$R100 = General Debugging \n$R102 = capture trace in ALPHA LOG \n Text strings must be enclosed in either single quo tes, or apostrophes, or vertical bars: \n('apostrophes' or |vertical bars| ). The apostrophe s and vertical bars are known as delimiters. \nTake great care to avoid unmatched delimiters as th is can lead to many lines of PML code \nbeing included as part of the text string, and so l ost. "} {"Main Title": "IF Construct ", "Sub Title": "7.1. IF Construct ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 41/178 7. PML Control logicThere are four types of construct for implementing control logic within a PML Function or Macro. These are: \u2022 The if construct for conditional execution of comm ands. \u2022 The do command for looping and the associated brea k and skip. \u2022 The golabel for jumping to a line with a label.\u2022 The handle construct for dealing with errors. The full form of an if-construct is as follows: If (! Word EQ 'Peanuts' OR! Word EQ 'Crisps') then ! Snacks = ! Snacks + 1 ! Meal = FALSE Elseif (! Word EQ 'Soup') then ! Starters = ! Starters + 1! Meal = TRUE Elseif (! Word EQ 'Fruit' Gold! Word EQ 'IceCream' ) t hen ! Puddings = ! Puddings + 1 ! Meal = TRUE Else ! MainCourse =! MainCourse + 1 ! Meal = TRUE Endif Each BOOLEAN expression, such as (! Word EQ 'Soup') , is examined in turn to seeWhether it is TRUE or FALSE. As soon as an expressi on that is TRUE is encountered, the Following block of commands is executed. Once a blo ck of commands has been executed, Everything else up to the endif is ignored. The els e command is optional. If it is included, youCan be sure that exactly one command block within t he if-construct will be executed. The Elseif commands are also optional. Once one of the elseif expressions has been found to be TRUE, any remaining elseif commands are ignored. Th us the simplest form of the if-Construct is: If (! Number LT 0 ) then ! Negative = TRUE Endif You may not concatenate the commands into one line, so the following expressions are not If (! TrueValue OR! UnsetValue) If (! FalseValue AND! UnsetValue) Don't know! UnsetValue if thE value is not required to determine the outcome of the expression. The same is true for PML Functions which have retur ned an error. Any if-construct may contain further if ... elseif ... endif constructs: If (! Number LT 0) then ! Negative = TRUEIf (! Number EQ -1 ) then ! OnlyJustNegative = TRUE Endif Endif It is particularly helpful with nested if construct s to indent the code so that the logic is clear. "} {"Main Title": "BOOLEAN Expressions and if Statements ", "Sub Title": "7.1.3. BOOLEAN Expressions and if Statements ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 42/178 7.1.2. IF, THEN, ELSEIF and ELSE Statements An IF construct can beExtended by adding addition al conditions. This is done by adding Either ELSEIF or ELSE to it. When an IF construct i s encountered, PML will evaluate its Condition. If the condition is FALSE, PDMS will loo k to the next ELSEIF condition. Once a ConditiOn is found to be TRUE, that code will be ru n that proportional of the code and the IF Construct is complete. If an ELSE condition is adde d, this portion of code will only be run if The other conditions are never met. This is a way o f ensuring some code is always run.If ($1 EQ 0) THEN $p Your value is zero Elseif ($1 LT 0) THEN $p Your value is less than zero Else $p Your value is Greater than zero Endif The ELSEIF and ELSE commands are optional, but ther e can only be one ELSE command In an IF construct.New expressions based on the operators such as EQ and GT give a BOOLEAN result That can be used directly in a PML2 if test: If (! NewValue - 1 GT 0) then The expression can be a simple variable provided it is a BOOLEAN type variable: ! Success =! NewValue GT 0If (! Success) then The expression could be a user-defined PML Function provided it returns a BOOLEAN Result: if (!! MyFunction() ) then Note: The BOOLEAN constants TRUE, FALSE, YES and NO and t heir single-letter abbreviations Not enclosed in quoTes return BOOLEAN results and s o can be used directly in expressions. For example: Code Result Type If ( TRUE ) BOOLEAN If ( FALSE ) If ( T ) BOOLEAN If ( F ) If ( YES ) BOOLEAN If ( NO ) If ( Y ) BOOLEAN If ( N ) The following do not retUrn BOOLEAN values and are therefore invalid: Code Result Type If ( 1 ) REAL If ( 0 ) If ( 'TRUE' ) STRING If ( 'FALSE' ) If ( 'T' ) STRING If ( 'F' ) Variable = 1 REAL If ($Variable) "} {"Main Title": "IF TRUE Expression ", "Sub Title": "7.1.4. IF TRUE Expression ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 43/178 For upward compatibility with PML1, STRING variable s set to 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'YES' or 'NO' or their singlE-letter abbreviations can be us ed in an if-test as long as they are Evaluated with a preceding $. For example: Code Result Type Variable = 'TRUE' STRING If ($Variable) There is a built-in PML Method and a function for c onverting a value to BOOLEAN:! MyString = 'TRUE' If (! MyString.Boolean() ) then The Boolean conversion is as follows: Code Result REAL zero FALSE $* All other positive and negative REAL values TRUE STRING 'FALSE, 'F', 'NO' and 'N' FALSE STRING 'false, 'f', 'no' and 'n' FALSESTRING 'TRUE', 'T', 'YES' AND 'Y' TRUE STRING 'true', 't', 'yes' and 'y' TRUE IF TRUE will return a value of the type defined by the second and third arguments. If the Initial Boolean expression is true, the result of t he first expression is returned.If false, the Result of the second expression is returned. Both t he second and third arguments are fully Evaluated regardless of the value of the Boolean. T his is because the function is evaluated Using reverse polish procedure (as is the case of t he expression design).This allows the IF Statement to be nest able with any of the arguments to IF capable of including other IF Functions. If logical1 expression is set to true, then value o f typeX1expression is returned If logical1 Expression is set to false, then vAlue of typeX1 ex pression is returned typeX1 and typeX2 Are two arguments of the same type which may be: Logical Logical Array Real Real Array ID ID Array Text Position Direction For upward compatibility with PML1, STRING variable es set to 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'YES' or'NO' or their single letter abbreviations can be us ed in an if test as long as they are Evaluated with a preceding $. For example: If ($Variable) where Variable = 'TRUE' STRING OK "} {"Main Title": "Stopping a DO loop: break and breakif ", "Sub Title": "7.2.1. Stopping a DO loop: break and breakif", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 43/178 For upward compatibility with PML1, STRING variable s set to \u2018TRUE\u2019, \u2018FALSE\u2019, \u2018YES\u2019 or \n\u2018NO\u2019 or their single-letter abbreviations can be us ed in an if-test as long as they are \nevaluated with a preceding $. For example: \n \nCode Result Type \nVariable = \u2018TRUE\u2018 STRING \nif ($Variable) \n \nThere is a built-in PML Method and a function for c onverting a value to BOOLEAN: \n \n!MyString = \u2018TRUE\u2019 \nif (!MyString.Boolean() ) then \n \nThe Boolean conversion is as follows: \n \nCode Result \nREAL zero FALSE \n$* All other positive and negative REAL values TRUE \nSTRING \u2018FALSE, \u2018F\u2019, \u2018NO\u2019 and \u2018N\u2019 FALSE \nSTRING \u2018false, \u2018f\u2019, \u2018no\u2019 and \u2018n\u2019 FALSE \nSTRING \u2018TRUE\u2019, \u2018T\u2019, \u2018YES\u2019 AND \u2018Y\u2019 TRUE \nSTRING \u2018true\u2019, \u2018t\u2019, \u2018yes\u2019 and \u2018y\u2019 TRUE \n IF TRUE will return a value of the type defined by the second and third arguments. If the \ninitial Boolean expression is true, the result of t he first expression is returned. If false, the \nresult of the second expression is returned. Both t he second and third arguments are fully \nevaluated regardless of the value of the Boolean. T his is because the function is evaluated \nusing reverse polish procedure (as is the case of t he expression design). This allows the IF \nstatement to be nest able with any of the arguments to IF capable of including other IF \nfunctions. \n \nIf logical1 expression is set to true, then value o f typeX1expression is returned If logical1 \nexpression is set to false, then value of typeX1 ex pression is returned typeX1 and typeX2 \nare two arguments of the same type which may be: \n \nLogical \nLogical Array \nReal \nReal Array \nID \nID Array \nText \nPosition \nDirection \n For upward compatibility with PML1, STRING variabl es set to \u2018TRUE\u2019, \u2018FALSE\u2019, \u2018YES\u2019 or \n\u2018NO\u2019 or their single letter abbreviations can be us ed in an if test as long as they are \nevaluated with a preceding $. For example: \n \nif ($Variable) where Variable = \u2018TRUE\u2019 STRING OK \n \n "} {"Main Title": "Nested DO Loops ", "Sub Title": "7.2.3. Nested DO Loops ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 45/178 do! X ! Number = ! Sample[! X] If ((INT(!Number/2) NE (! Number/2)) then Skip Endif ! Result = ! Result +! Number Enddo The skip if command can sometimes be more convenien t: Do! X ! Number = ! Sample[! X] Skip if (INT(! Number/2) NE (! Number/2)) ! Result = ! Result +! Number EnddoYou can nest do-loops one inside the other. The co unter for each loop must have a Different name. Do! X to 10 Do! Y ! Z = ! X +! Y Break if (! Y GT 5) Enddo Enddo The inner-most loop goes through all the values of! Y before the outer loop moves on to theSecond value of! X. Note that the break (or skip) c ommand acts just on the loop containing it - in this case the inner-most loop. DO Index and DO Values are ways of looping through arrays. This is an effective method For controlling the values used for the loops.Typi cally values are collected into an ARRAY Variable then looped through using the following: Do! X values! ARRAY ! X takes each ARRAY element (! X is an element!!!) Enddo Do! X index! ARRAY ! X takes a number from 1 to! ARRAY size (! X is a number!!!) Enddo Type out the following as an example of looping thr ough an ARRAY of values. VAR! Zones COLL ALL ZONES FOR SITE VAR! Names EVAL NAME FOR ALL FROM! Zones Q var! Names Do! X VALUES! Names Q var! X Enddo Do! X INDEX! Names Q var!Names[! X] Enddo "} {"Main Title": "Jumping to a Labelled Line ", "Sub Title": "7.3. Jumping to a Labelled Line ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 46/178 7.2.6. DO Values with Arrays of Objects Imagine that we have already defined an object typ e EMPLOYEE which contains a Member of type STRING. We create an array of EMPLOY EE objects and set the Name Member of each of each object. ! MyEmployees[1] = object EMPLOYEE()! MyEmployees[2] = object EMPLOYEE() ! MyEmployees[3] = object EMPLOYEE() ! MyEmployees[1]. Name = 'James' ! MyEmployees[2]. Name = 'Joe' ! MyEmployees[3]. Name = 'Mike' We then wish to create a new array containing just the employees' names. ! Names = ARRAY()Do! Person VALUES! MyEmployees ! Names.Append(! Person.Name) Enddo Each time round the do-loop, the do-variable become s an object of the appropriate type, Even if the array is a heterogeneous mixture of obj ects. The golabel command in PML allowYou to jump to a line with a matching label name LABEL /FRED : : GOLABEL /FRED The label name /FRED has a maximum length of 16 characters , excluding the / slash Which must be present. The next line to be executed will be the line following LABEL /FRED,Which could be before or after the GOLABEL command. Do! A Do! B to 3 ! C = ! A * ! B Golabel /finished if (! C GT 100) ! Total = ! Total +! C Enddo Enddo Label /finished $P Total is $! Total If the expression! C GT 100 is TRUE there wIll be a jump to LABEL /FINISHED and PML Execution will continue with the line $P Total is $! Total If the expression is FALSE , PML execution will continue with the line: ! Total = ! Total +! C "} {"Main Title": "Errors and Error Handling ", "Sub Title": "7.4. Errors and Error Handling ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 47/178 7.3.2. Illegal Jumping The following is an illegal jump into a nested do b lock. It is however allowed to jump out ofA nested block to a line in an enclosing block. Golabel /illegaL Do! Count to 5 ! Total = ! Total +! Count Label /illegal Enddo An error condition can occur because a command cou ld not complete successfully or Because of a mistake in a PML Macro or function.Th e presence of an error normally has Three effects: \u2022 An Alert box appears which the user must acknowled ge \u2022 An error message is output together with a trace b ack of any calling macros or Functions. \u2022 Any currently running PML Macros and functions are abandoned.This example of an error is caused by an attempt to use a PML Variable that does not exist: (46,28) ERROR - Variable FRED not defined The 46 is the module or program section which identified the error and is the error code itself Is 28 . If thE input line had been typed interactively th at is the end of the story. However, if the Input line was part of a PML Macro or function the error may optionally be handled. An error arising during the processing of a PML Ma cro or function does not immediatelyGive rise to an error message - this depends on the next line of input. Provided the next Command processed by PML is a matching handle comma nd, the error is not output and the Commands within the matching handleblock are proces sed instead. Elsehandle blocks mayOptionally also be present - if the handle block do es not match the error one elsehandle will Be processed - if it matches the error: $* a command causes Error(46, 28) Handle (46, 27) $* handle block - not processed this time Elsehandle (46, 28)$* The commands in this matching handle block are processed Next Elsehandle ANY $* An ANY Handle Block is processed for any error s. In this position it would handle errors Other than (46, 27) and (46,28) Elsehandle NONE $* A NONE Handle BloCk is processed only if there were no errors Endhandle $* This line is processed after the handle block. If (46,27) matches the error, PML processes the com mands in that handle block instead of Outputting an error. Processing of the current PML MAcro or function continues at the line After the endhandle command. "} {"Main Title": "Setting the ONERROR Behavior ", "Sub Title": "7.4.3. Setting the ONERROR Behavior", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 47/178 7.3.2. Illegal Jumping \nThe following is an illegal jump into a nested do b lock. It is however permitted to jump out of \na nested block to a line in an enclosing block. \n \ngolabel /illegaL \ndo !Count to 5 \n !Total = !Total + !Count \n label /illegal \nenddo \n An error condition can occur because a command cou ld not complete successfully or \nbecause of a mistake in a PML Macro or function. Th e presence of an error normally has \nthree effects: \n \n\u2022 An Alert box appears which the user must acknowled ge \n\u2022 An error message is output together with a trace b ack of any calling macros or \nfunctions. \n\u2022 Any currently running PML Macros and functions are abandoned. \n \nThis example of an error is caused by an attempt to use a PML Variable that does not exist: \n \n(46,28) ERROR - Variable FRED not defined \n \nThe 46 is the module or program section which identified the error and is the error code itself \nis 28 . If the input line had been typed interactively th at is the end of the story. However, if the \ninput line was part of a PML Macro or function the error may optionally be handled. \n An error arising during the processing of a PML Ma cro or function does not immediately \ngive rise to an error message - this depends on the next line of input. Provided the next \ncommand processed by PML is a matching handle comma nd, the error is not output and the \ncommands within the matching handleblock are proces sed instead. Elsehandle blocks may \noptionally also be present - if the handle block do es not match the error one elsehandle will \nbe processed - if it matches the error: \n \n$* a command causes Error(46, 28) \nhandle (46, 27) \n $* handle block - not processed this time \nelsehandle (46, 28) \n $* The commands in this matching handle block are processed \n next \nelsehandle ANY \n $* An ANY Handle Block is processed for any error s. In this position it would handle errors \nother than (46, 27) and (46,28) \nelsehandle NONE \n $* A NONE Handle Block is processed only if there were no errors \nEndhandle \n \n$* This line is processed after the handle block. \n \nIf (46,27) matches the error, PML processes the com mands in that handle block instead of \noutputting an error. Processing of the current PML Macro or function continues at the line \nafter the endhandle command. "} {"Main Title": "Handling Files and Directories ", "Sub Title": "7.5. Handling Files and Directories ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual2016 v.1. Page 49/178 return error You can also re-instate the error but suppress the alert using the command: Return error noalert To generate a new error (or replace an error with y our own error) plus an optional message, Use one of the followingReturn error 1 Return error 1 'Your error message' Return error 1 NOALERT To handle such an error there is a special form of the handle command: Handle 1 PML code to handle a user-defined error number Endhandle Reading and writing files isGreatly simplified by using the FILE object. This chapter Describes the methods most frequently used for read ing and writing. Methods are also Provided for moving, copying and deleting files and extracting information such as the Pathname of a file,Its size data and time last mod ified. A FILE object may refer to a directory Rather than a file and methods are provided for nav igating around the directory structure. For A complete list of the methods available, refer to the Software Customization ReferenceManual. A file object is created by invoking the FILE cons tructor with the name of the file as its Argument. For example: ! MyFile = object FILE ('c:\\users\\bob\\list.txt') ! MyFile = object FILE (/net/usr/bob/list') ! MyFile = object FILE ('%PDMSUSER%\\bob\\list.Txt') At this stage, the file may or may not exist \u2014 cre ating the FILE object does not open or Access the file in any way. This example reads pair s of numbers from file data, adds them Together and writes the answers to file RESULTS. ! Input = object FILE('DATA')! Input.Open('READ') ! Output = object FILE('RESULTS') ! Output.Open('WRITE') C ! Line = ! Input.ReadRecord() If (! Line.set()) then ! Array = ! Line.Split() ! Total = ! Array[1]. Real() +! Array[2]. Real() ! Output.WriteRecord( ! Total.String() )Else Estate car Endif Enddo ! Output.Close() ! Input.Close() "} {"Main Title": "Writing to Files ", "Sub Title": "7.5.3. Writing to Files ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 50/178 7.5.2. Reading from Files When reading a file one line at a time using the R eadRecord() method you must open the File first with the Open('READ') method and close i t afterwards with the Close() method. Each line read from the file wilL be returned as a STRING until the end of the file is reached, When you will get an UNSET STRING returned. The UNS ET string can be detected using The STRING object's Set() method (or Unset()) When you open a file for writing, the file will be created if it does not already exist.If you Use Open('WRITE') and the file already exists, the user will be shown an alert asking Whether the file can be overwritten. Alternatively you may specify OVERWRITE, to force Overwriting of a file if it already exists or APPEN D if you want to add to the end of a file if itAlready exists. You will obtain much quicker performance if you re ad or write an entire array in a single Operation. In particular you are recommended to use the ReadFile() method which returns The whole file as an array of strings, opening and closing the file automatically:! Input = object FILE('DATA') ! Output = object FILE('RESULTS') ! Lines = ! Input.ReadFile() ! ResultArray = ARRAY() Do! Line VALUES! Lines ! Numbers = ! Line.Split() ! Total = ! Numbers[1]. Real() +! Numbers[2]. Real() ! ResultArray.Append( ! Total.String() )Enddo ! Output.WriteFile('WRITE', ! ResultArray) Note: With the ReadFile() method you may optionally specify the maximum number r of Lines you are prepared to read and an error is rais ed if this number is exceeded. If not Specified, a limit of 10000 is imposed.Errors will mainly be encountered when an attempt is made to open a file that does not Exist, has been mistyped or to which you do not hav e access. Anticipated errors may be Dealt with in a handle command following use of the Open() method. The errors mostCommonly encountered include the following: (160,7) Argument to method is incorrect (160,9) File does not exist (160,36) Unable to read file record, file is not op en (160,37) Unable to write file record, file is not o pen (160,44) File exists, userDoes not want to overwri te it (160,47) File length has exceeded N lines (41,319) Cannot access file (Privileges insufficien t) "} {"Main Title": "PML Macros ", "Sub Title": "8.1. PML Macros ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 51/178 8. Macros Macros are command sequences that are stored in te xt files. To access a macro file and Input the command sequence to your program, you run the macro. The file is scanned line-By-line, with exactly the same effect as if you wer e typing the lines in from a keyboard. Macro files may include synonyms and user-defined v ariables. They may also act on data Which you define when you give the command to run t he macro (parameterized macros).Macros are permanent records which may be called fr om within any working session of a Program. A macro file can be given any name that conforms t o the naming conventions of the Operating system. The suffix .mac is often used to indicate that the filename is that of aMacro, but this is optional. The process of reading the contents of a macro file as program Input is known as running the macro . The program does not discriminate between input From the GUI, the keyboard, or a macro file. To run a macro, enter: $M filenameWhere filename is the pathname of the macro file. The filename may optionally be preceded By a slash (/) character. If you give only the name of the file, the program will look for it in the Directory from which you executed the program. An e rror meSsage will be output if the file Cannot be found and opened for reading. It is often convenient to write a macro in a gener alized form, using parameters to Represent dimensions, part numbers etc., and to ass ign specific values to those parameters Only when the macro is to be run.In the simplest c ase, parameters are allocated positions in The command lines as macro arguments by inserting e scape codes of the form $n where n is An integer in the range 1 to 9. These arguments are then specified as part of the command To run the macro.They follow the macro name, with spaces separating the individual Arguments. For example, if a macro named beam.mac i ncludes the command line NEW BOX XLEN $1 YLEN $2 ZLEN $3 Then the macro call $M/BEAM.MAC 5000 200 300 will run the macro and will set the lengthsDefined as $1, $2, $3 to 5000, 200 and 300 respecti vely. Arguments may be either values or Text, but note that a space in a text string will b e interpreted as a separator between two Different arguments. Apostrophes in text arguments are treated as parts of the arguments,Not as separators between them. For example, if a d demonstration macro arg.mac includes The lines: $P First Argument is $1 $P Second Argument is $2 $P Third Argument is $3 And is called by the command $M arg.mac 'Arg1a Arg1b' 'Arg2' 'Arg3' The resulting output will beFirst Argument is 'Arg1a' Second Argument is 'Arg1b' Third Argument is 'Arg2' Whereas the intended output was First Argument is 'Arg1a Arg1b' Second Argument is 'Arg2' Third Argument is 'Arg3' "} {"Main Title": "Using Macros and Functions Together ", "Sub Title": "8.2. Using Macros and Functions Together", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 51/178 8. Macros \n Macros are command sequences that are stored in te xt files. To access a macro file and \ninput the command sequence to your program, you run the macro. The file is scanned line-\nby-line, with exactly the same effect as if you wer e typing the lines in from a keyboard. \nMacro files may include synonyms and user-defined v ariables. They may also act on data \nwhich you define when you give the command to run t he macro (parameterized macros). \nMacros are permanent records which may be called fr om within any working session of a \nprogram. \n A macro file can be given any name that conforms t o the naming conventions of the \noperating system. The suffix .mac is often used to indicate that the filename is that of a \nmacro, but this is optional. The process of reading the contents of a macro file as program \ninput is known as running the macro . The program does not discriminate between input \nfrom the GUI, the keyboard, or a macro file. To run a macro, enter: $M filename \n \nwhere filename is the pathname of the macro file. The filename may optionally be preceded \nby a slash (/) character. If you give only the name of the file, the program will look for it in the \ndirectory from which you executed the program. An e rror message will be output if the file \ncannot be found and opened for reading. \n It is often convenient to write a macro in a gener alized form, using parameters to \nrepresent dimensions, part numbers etc., and to ass ign specific values to those parameters \nonly when the macro is to be run. In the simplest c ase, parameters are allocated positions in \nthe command lines as macro arguments by inserting e scape codes of the form $n where n is \nan integer in the range 1 to 9. These arguments are then specified as part of the command \nto run the macro. They follow the macro name, with spaces separating the individual \narguments. For example, if a macro named beam.mac i ncludes the command line \n \nNEW BOX XLEN $1 YLEN $2 ZLEN $3 \n \nthen the macro call $M/BEAM.MAC 5000 200 300 will run the macro and will set the lengths \ndefined as $1, $2, $3 to 5000, 200 and 300 respecti vely. Arguments may be either values or \ntext, but note that a space in a text string will b e interpreted as a separator between two \ndifferent arguments. Apostrophes in text arguments are treated as parts of the arguments, \nnot as separators between them. For example, if a d emonstration macro arg.mac includes \nthe lines: \n$P First Argument is $1 \n$P Second Argument is $2 \n$P Third Argument is $3 \n \nand is called by the command $M arg.mac \u2019Arg1a Arg1b\u2019 \u2019Arg2\u2019 \u2019Arg3\u2019 \n \nthe resulting output will be \nFirst Argument is \u2019Arg1a\u2019 \nSecond Argument is \u2019Arg1b\u2019 \nThird Argument is \u2019Arg2\u2019 \n \nwhereas the intended output was \nFirst Argument is \u2019Arg1a Arg1b\u2019 \nSecond Argument is \u2019Arg2\u2019 \nThird Argument is \u2019Arg3\u2019 "} {"Main Title": "PML2 Functions and Objects ", "Sub Title": "8.5. PML2 Functions and Objects ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 53/178 8.4. PML 1 Hierarchy All PML1 Macros are in a directory structure point ed at by the variable PDMSUI. The PDMSUI environment variable Set PDMSUI=C:\\AVEVA\\plant\\PDMS12.0.2\\pdmsui Picture Nr.2. - PML1 File hierarchy Standard AVEVA environment variable are set in a b at files called EVAR.bat in the Executable directory. All PML1 macros and forms ar e called using synonyms For example The macros and forms associated with piping are cal led using the synonym CALLP:$S CALLP=$M/%PDMSUI%/DES/PIPE/$s1 CALLP MPIPE Note: This is why if all synonyms are killed that PDMS w ill no longer work properly. It is normal practice to create a parallel hierarch y to contain any new or modified PML. These modifications canThen be called by modifying the PDMSUI variable to point at a multi Path. This can be done by putting a new file path i n front of the %PDMSUI% definition. This Will update the PDMSUI environment variable to incl ude the specified file path. Set PDMSUI=c:\\pmltraining\\PDMSUI %pdmsui% The new file path should go in front of %PDMSUI% so this area is checked first for content. Once content is found, other locations will not be searched. This modification should be Done after the PDMSUI environment variable has been defined.This can be done at the Bottom of the EVAR.bat file or in the PDMS.bat file (after the line which calls evar.bat). The Environment variables can be checked with PDMS by u sing the q evar syntax q evar PDMSUI Or q evar 'SAM000' . The PMLLIB environmentNt variable points to a PML2 di rectory structure. Set PMLLIB= C:\\AVEVA\\plant\\PDMS12.0.2\\pmllib Picture Nr.3. - PML2 File hierarchy There are 3 new file extensions .pmlfnc for Functi ons, .pmlfrm for Forms and .pmlobj for Objects, with these extensiOns the files will be lo aded by PDMS automatically when the Program is started. Functions are loaded by PDMS an d are run by typing the following !! Mymac(). This runs file mymac.pmlfnc. Forms are d isplayed by typing Show!! Myform or !! Myform.show()ObjEcts have to be assigned to a var iable before they can be used i.e.! X = Object MyObject() It is normal practice to create a parallel hierarc hy to contain any new or modified PML. These modifications can then be called by modifying the PMLLIB variable to point at a multi"} {"Main Title": "Updating PDMSUI and PMLLIB ", "Sub Title": "8.5.3. Updating PDMSUI and PMLLIB ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 54/178 path. This canBe done by putting a new file path i n front of the %PMLLIB% definition. This Will update the PMLLIB environment variable to incl ude the specified file path. Set pmllib=c:\\pmltraining\\PMLLIB %pmllib% The new file path should go in front of %PMLLIB% s o this area is checked first for Happy. Once content is found, other locations wil l not be searched. This modification should Be done after the PMLLIB environment variable has b een defined. This can be done at the Bottom of the EVAR.bat file or in the PDMS.Bat file (after the line which calls evar.bat). In AVEVA products environment variables can be checked using the q evar syntax i.e. q evar Pmllib. Edit the Evar.bat file to include multi paths for PDMSUI and PMLLIB. These settings Should be made at the bottom of the evar.Bat file Set pdmsui=c:\\pmltraining\\pdmsui %pdmsui% Set pmllib=c:\\pmltraining\\pmllib %pmllib% The setting of the variable can be checked in AVEV A Plant Design (PDMS) using the Following commands: q evar pdmsui and q evar pmllib . If a pmllib file is c once items haveBeen loaded by PDMS, it needs to be reloaded. This can be done by typing either pml Reload form!! NAME or pml reload object NAME If a new file is to pmllib, the files can be Remapped so PDMS knows where it is located. This is done by typing pml rehash onto theCommand line. This will update the first file locat ion in the search path. To update all search Paths, type pml rehash all . An object is a PML grouping of information. It may have MEMBERS (used to hold data) And METHODS (used to complete an action).Once assi gned to a variable, that variable Becomes an instance of that object. This means that variable will behave as the object Definition. While it is possible to create user-def ined objects (discussed later), PDMS is Supplied with a large number of built-in objects.A full list of these can be found in the PDMS Software Customization Reference Manual. For exampl e, type! Pos = object position() onto The command line. Query the variable and check the results against the members of a Position object listed in the reference manual.When working with built-in objects, there may also be BUILT-IN METHODS (object Dependents). These methods have been defined to com plete certain actions applicable to Object. For example, type the following into the co mmand line: ! Value = |56| !Result = ! Value * 2 This example will have caused an error as a string cannot be used in an expression like This. To avoid the error, refer to the STRING objec t in the Reference Manual and find the .Real() method. This method translates the variableE from a STRING to a REAL so that it can Be used in the expression. The! Value remains a str ing, but! Results now becomes a REAL E.g. ! Value = |56| ! Result = ! Value.real() * 2 "} {"Main Title": "Method Concatenation ", "Sub Title": "8.5.6. Method Concatenation", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 54/178 path. This can be done by putting a new file path i n front of the %PMLLIB% definition. This \nwill update the PMLLIB environment variable to incl ude the specified file path. \n \nSet pmllib=c:\\pmltraining\\PMLLIB %pmllib% \n \n The new file path should go in front of %PMLLIB% s o this area is checked first for \ncontent. Once content is found, other locations wil l not be searched. This modification should \nbe done after the PMLLIB environment variable has b een defined. This can be done at the \nbottom of the EVAR.bat file or in the PDMS.bat file (after the line which calls evar.bat). In \nAVEVA products environment variables can be checked using the q evar syntax i.e. q evar \npmllib. \n Edit the Evar.bat file to include multi paths for PDMSUI and PMLLIB. These settings \nshould be made at the bottom of the evar.bat file \n \nSet pdmsui=c:\\pmltraining\\pdmsui %pdmsui% \nSet pmllib=c:\\pmltraining\\pmllib %pmllib% \n \n The setting of the variable can be checked in AVEV A Plant Design (PDMS) using the \nfollowing commands: q evar pdmsui and q evar pmllib . If a pmllib file is c once items have \nbeen loaded by PDMS, it needs to be reloaded. This can be done by typing either pml \nreload form !!NAME or pml reload object NAME If a new file is to pmllib, the files can be \nremapped so PDMS knows where it is located. This is done by typing pml rehash onto the \ncommand line. This will update the first file locat ion in the search path. To update all search \npaths, type pml rehash all . \n An object is a PML grouping of information. It may have MEMBERS (used to hold data) \nand METHODS (used to complete an action). Once assi gned to a variable, that variable \nbecomes an instance of that object. This means that variable will behave as the object \ndefinition. While it is possible to create user-def ined objects (discussed later), PDMS is \nsupplied with a large number of built-in objects. A full list of these can be found in the PDMS \nSoftware Customization Reference Manual. For exampl e, type !pos = object position() onto \nthe command line. Query the variable and check the results against the members of a \nposition object listed in the reference manual. \n When working with built-in objects, there may also be BUILT-IN METHODS (object \ndependents). These methods have been defined to com plete certain actions applicable to \nobject. For example, type the following into the co mmand line: \n \n!value = |56| \n!result = !value * 2 \n \n This example will have caused an error as a string cannot be used in an expression like \nthis. To avoid the error, refer to the STRING objec t in the Reference Manual and find the \n.real() method. This method translates the variable from a STRING to a REAL so that it can \nbe used in the expression. The !value remains a str ing, but !results now becomes a REAL \ne.g. \n \n!value = |56| \n!result = !value.real() * 2 \n "} {"Main Title": "PML2 Functions ", "Sub Title": "8.5.8. PML2 Functions ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 56/178! Easting = !! CE.Href.Cpar[1] Cata parameter member (attribute) of a DBREF objec t. If the!! CE object member is an object with built-in metho ds, these methods can also be called: ! PosWRTValve = !! CE.Hpos.WRT(ZONE) POSITION object w.r.t the owning ZONE This process can also be reversed allowing the sett ing of attributes for the CE. This meansThat it is possible to record the current value of an attribute, modify and reassign back to the CE. For example, type out the following onto the co mmand line: ! Pos = !! CE.Pos Q POS ! Pos.Up = 2000 !! CE.Pos = ! Pos Q POS These lines will have moved the CE up by 2000.Try this example again with some other Attributes. Functions are new style macros which are pre-loade d by PDMS and can be called Directly. For example, to call the function called FuncName.pmlfnc, type!! FuncName() onto The command line. A function is defined within a .P mlfnc file stored within the PMLLIB file Path. For an example of a function, type the follow ing into a new file and save it as c:\\pmltraining\\pmllib\\functions\\NameCE.pmlfnc. Define function!! NameCE() ! This = !! CE.fullname $p $! This EndfunctionTo run this function, type!! NameCE() onto the comm and line. You will notice the full name is Printed below it. This is an example of a NON-RETUR N function with NO ARGUMENTS. Yew The function can be given arguments which are then assigned to variables with the function.If a variable is returned, this means that the func tion can be assigned to another variable or As part of a calculation. Type out the following, a nd save it as c:\\pmltraining\\pmllib\\functions\\Area.pmlfnc: Define function!! Area(! Radius is REAL) is REAL! CircleArea = ! Radius.Power(2) * 3.142 Return! CircleArea Endfunction As this function is an example of a RETURN function with an ARGUEMENT, it can be used As part of an expression. The returned value is bas ed the functions argument and its type(REAL in this case ). ! Height = 64 ! CylinderVolume = !! Area(2.3) *! Height Q var! CylinderVolume As indicated by the !!, functions are global. This means that once defined, they can be called By any form or method within PDMS minimizing repeti tive code."} {"Main Title": "Composing Text ", "Sub Title": "9.1. Composing Text ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 57/178 9. Using PML in AVEVA Products Most of this maNual describes how to use PML 2 to create and customize Forms and Menus. This chapter describes how to use PML within AVEVA products. Note that for tasks Such as defining Rules and Report Templates, you ar e restricted to the PML 1 expressions PackageDescribed in the Software Customization Reference Manual, and it is also Sometimes necessary to use the VAR command. It is sometimes necessary to arrange text in multi ple columns. The COMPOSE facility of The VAR command will help you do this. For examPle, if we create the following text string: ! A = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs' To compose the text we might use the following comm and: VAR! Table COMPOSE |$! A| WIDTH 11 C SPACES 2 |$! A| WIDTH 15 R This would give the following output:Index Value [1] The quick The quick brown' [2] brown fox jumped over' [3] jumped over the lazy dogs' [4] the lazy ' [5] dogs ' COMPOSE always returns an array with at least one element. The number of array Elements depends on the length ofThe text strings supplied and the width of each column. Notice that all of the STRING array elements are sp ace-padded to the same length. Following the COMPOSE keyword is a list of column d definitions. For each column, there is a Text string, such as |$!A| which evaluates to a tex t string, followed by the column layout Keywords in any order: Keyword Effect WIDTH n Specifies the space-padded width of this column. If not specified the width Of the column will be the length of the input strin g. SPACES n Specifies the number spaces between this and the ne xt column. L LEFT Specifies text is to be aligned along the left edge of the column. R RIGHT Specifies text aligned along the right edge of the column C CENTRE Specifies justification in the center of the column .DELIMITER ' ' This can optionally be used to specify an alternati ve delimiter at which to Break the input. By default the text will be split at a white-space character such as space Which may be removed from the output text. If the d elimiter is specified as an empty string,The text will be split at the column edge whatever the content. The following are used to pass the name of a varia ble into PDMS as part of a stored Expression so that the value is taken when PDMS pro cesses the stored expression rather Than PML extracTing the value at the time the line is read: VVALUE( ! X ) VTEXT(! AString ) VLOGICAL( ! Boolean) "} {"Main Title": "Accessing DB Elements As Objects ", "Sub Title": "9.3.1. Accessing DB Elements As Objects", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 58/178 9.3. Using PML in PDMS The following facilities are only applicable to PDM S. A special global variable!! CE has been provided w hich always refers to the current Element in the database.!! CE can be used to obtain the DB reference of the current Element: ! Item = !! THIS !! CE is of type DBREF so the new variable! Item wil l also be of type DBREF. The dot Notation can be used to access attributes and pseud o-attributes of a database element:! Bore = ! Item.bore This form of access can also be used directly on th e !! CE variable: ! Owner = !! CE.owner It is also possible to follow references between DB elements using this mechanism: ! Rating = !! CE.cref.pspec.rating Assigning a new reference to the!! CE variable make s the new reference the current element By navigating to it in the database: !! THIS =!! CE.owner P-points are accessed using the P-point number like an array subscript. For example, to Access the direction of P-point[1]: ! Dir = !! CE.Pdirection[1] $*! Dir is a DIRECTION ob ject To access the position of P-point[3]: ! Pos = !! CE.Pposition[3] $*! Pos is a POSITION obje ct A NULREF is treated as UNSET, so a NULREF can be te sted for in two ways: If (! MyDBRef EQ NULREF ) thenIf ( UNSET( ! MyDBRef ) ) then There is also the function BADREF which will detect whether a database reference is unset Or invalid (i.e. impossible to navigate to): If (BADREF(! MyDBRef ) ) then . . . Note: Use full-length names for attributesAs listed in the Appendix for compatibility with Future releases. You can assign a new value to aDBREF attribute, en suring that the type of the new value Matches the type of the attribute !! CE.Built = TRUE"} {"Main Title": "Accessing Information About a Session ", "Sub Title": "9.3.3. Accessing Information About a Session ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 59/178 You can still assign an attribute value in this way even if the PML DBREF is not the current Element': ! A = !! THIS !! THIS =!! CE.Owner ! A.Built = TRUE You can even assign a PML object, such as POSITION, where this corresponds to the typeOf the attribute: Note that where the type of an attribute is a PML o bject, it is not possible to set an object Member value, such as the up value of a POSITION, d irectly - this must be done in two Internships: ! Pos = !! CE.Position ! Pos.Up = 2000 !!CE.Position =! Pos A number of special commands have been provided to set a PML Variable with Information about the current session. The commands are: Current Session, Sessions, Projects, Teams, Users, MDBs, DBs These commands can be used as in the following exam ple.The SESSION object has a Method that returns name of the MDB in the current session. Hence: ! C = current session ! CurrentMDB = ! C.MDB() This will set! CurrentMDB to the name of the curren t MDB. Using the facilities described here you can createAn expression and have it evaluated for all Elements which satisfy particular selection criteri a. The results of the expression are then Placed in a named array. The command syntax is: VAR! Array EVALUATE (Expression) FOR select COUNTVA R! Counter Where: ! Array is the name of the array that will be created to c ontain the results of (expression) for All the elements selected within select. (Expression) is the expression that will be carried out for all the elements that match the Select criteria.Select is the selection criteria (see above, and the rele vant Reference Manual for your Product for details of selection criteria) COUNTVAR is an optional command which allows you to record how often the expression is Calculated in Counter , whichIs increased by one e ach time the expression is evaluated. You can append the results of such an evaluation to an existing array using the APPEND Keyword. For example: VAR! BOXES APPEND EVALUATE ( XLEN*YLEN ) FOR ALL BOXES will add the values calculationAted from the express ssion for all BOXES to the (already Existing) array BOXES. You can also overwrite eleme nts in the array by specifying the first Index in the array which you want to be overwritten . The specified index, and the indexes Following it,Will be overwritten by the results of the evaluation. For example: "} {"Main Title": "RAW keyword When setting Variables with VAR ", "Sub Title": "9.3.5. RAW keyword When setting Variables with VAR", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 60/178 VAR! BOXES[99] EVALUATE ( XLEN*YLEN ) FOR ALL BOXES Will place the result of the first evaluation for t he selected elements at index 99, overwriting Any existing item,And the following results in the subsequent array elements. Programs that use the Forms and Menus interface (e .g. the DESIGN, DRAFT and ISODRAFT modules) strip out line feeds and compress consecutive spaces to a single Space before text strings are assigned to array var iables.If this is not the effect you want, You can suppress this automatic editing by includin g the RAW keyword into the variable- Setting command line for these programs. The syntax for setting array variable elements to Unedited text strings is VAR! VarName RAW ... Where ... represents any of the standard VAR syntax f or setting variables. The Undo and Redo functionality has been exposed t o PML so you can create your own Set of undoable events. There are several ways PDMS adds entries to the undo system: \u2022 Using the MARKDB / ENDMARKDB commands. The syntax is as follows: MARKDB 'Text' \u2022 where text is an optional description to be includ ed with the mark. This causes a mark To be made in the database and an entry made in the undo stack. You should makeYour database changes, and then use the command END MARKDB \u2022 By creating a PML undoable object and adding it to the undo stack. See the Software Customization Reference Manual for a fuller descript tion of this object. You should Create an undoable objeCt, set up the undo and redo execution strings, and then Call the method add() to mark the database and add the undoable to the undo Stack. Make your database changes, and then call th e method end Undoable(). \u2022 Automatically whenever a model element iS moved us ing graphical interaction Techniques in Model Editor. Additionally you may re gister to be informed whenever An undo or redo operation has taken place, using th e PML PostEvents object. See The Software Customization Reference Manual for a fUller description of this object. After an undoable has been removed from the stack a nd its state recovered then the user Supplied method on the PostEvents object is called, and will be passed the description text That was associated with the undoable object."} {"Main Title": "Assignment ", "Sub Title": "10.1. Assignment ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 61/178 10. Copies and References Assignment using = , the assignMent operator, usua lly does what you would expect, but a Detailed explanation of how the different data type s are handled may be helpful. Assignment always makes a copy of the right-hand-s ide to replace what is on the left- Hand side. The following command copies!Y into! X: ! X = ! Y If, for example, ! Y is an array, this command will duplicate the entire array making a copy of Each of the array elements. The same is true if! Y is an OBJECT. The technical term for this Is deep copy. Following this copy! X[1] = 'New Value'Will change! X[1] but leave the original array! Y u nchanged. !! Form and!! Form.Gadget are both PML references. A fter the command: ! X = !! Form.Gadget ! X is now a new reference, but the gadget itself ha s not been copied. Both PML Variables Now refer to the same gadget.! X.val = 'New Value' !! Form.Gadget = 'New Value' Will both have the same effect and will assign a ne w value original gadget. You can think of a Reference as another name for the same object or va riable. !! CE is a DB reference. Following the command:! X = !! THIS ! X is now a new reference to the same DB element, b ut the element itself has not been Copied. ! Value = ! X.Attribute Will now return an attribute of the current element . When the current element changes, !! THIS Will point to a new DB element.In this example, ! X will not be changed but remains as a Reference to the previous current element. Because!! CE is special, !! THIS =! X Will navigate to a new current element provided! X is another DB reference. In this example The command would nAvigate to the previous current element. Where! Y is an array or object: ! X = ! Y "} {"Main Title": "Function Arguments ", "Sub Title": "10.4. Function Arguments ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual2016 v.1. Page 62/178 will make a deep copy of! Y. However, if any of the array elements is a reference (e.g. to a Gadget or DB element), a copy is made of the reference, but not of the object it refers to. In Other words a deep copy stops copying when it reach ed a reference.A function argument is a PML reference to a value or object outside the function. In effect The argument is another name for the original PML V ariable. If we define a PML Function Such as the following: Define function!! ChangeIt (! Argument is STRING)! Argument = 'New Value' $P! Argument $P!! Global Var Endfunction Then invoke the function like this: !! GlobalVar = 'Old Value' !! ChangeIt (!! GlobalVar) The values printed for! Argument and!! GlobalVar wi ll both be 'NewValue'. Warning: Be veryCareful about changing function arguments. It is a powerful feature capable of causing Unexpected results. Passing a constant as a function argument, such as a STRING in quotes, means the Argument is read only and cannot be assigned a new value. So if we define a functionDefine function!! ChangeString( ! Argument is STRING ) ! Argument = 'New Value' Endfunction The following will change the value of ! S: ! S = 'Old Value' !! ChangeString ( ! S ) However, the following will result in a PML error m essage because the value passed to theFunction as an argument is a CONSTANT STRING value which cannot be modified. !! ChangeString ( 'OldValue' ) $* WRONG A form or gadget value passed as a function argume nt is read only so cannot be Assigned a new value. If you wish to change the val ueOf a gadget passed as an argument, Pass the gadget itself as an argument, not its valu e: Define function!! ChangeValue( ! Argument is GADGET) ! Argument.val = 'NewValue' Endfunction PDMS Database Attribute are read only, and so they cannot be given new values byAssigning to them. "} {"Main Title": "Using Unicode Text ", "Sub Title": "11.1. Using Unicode Text", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 62/178 will make a deep copy of !Y. However, if any of the array elements is a reference (e.g. to a \ngadget or DB element), a copy is made of the refere nce, but not of the object it refers to. In \nother words a deep copy stops copying when it reach ed a reference. \n A function argument is a PML reference to a value or object outside the function. In effect \nthe argument is another name for the original PML V ariable. If we define a PML Function \nsuch as the following: \n \ndefine function !!ChangeIt ( !Argument is STRING) \n !Argument = 'New Value' \n $P !Argument \n $P !!Global Var \nEndfunction \n \nThen invoke the function like this: \n \n!!GlobalVar = \u2018Old Value\u2019 \n!!ChangeIt (!!GlobalVar) \n \nThe values printed for !Argument and !!GlobalVar wi ll both be 'NewValue'. Warning: Be very \ncareful about changing function arguments. It is a powerful feature capable of causing \nunexpected results. \nPassing a constant as a function argument, such as a STRING in quotes, means the \nargument is read only and cannot be assigned a new value. So if we define a function \n \ndefine function !!ChangeString( !Argument is STRING ) \n !Argument = 'New Value' \nEndfunction \n \nThe following will change the value of !S: \n \n!S = \u2018Old Value\u2019 \n!!ChangeString ( !S ) \n \nHowever, the following will result in a PML error m essage because the value passed to the \nfunction as an argument is a CONSTANT STRING value which cannot be modified. \n \n!!ChangeString ( 'OldValue' ) $* WRONG \n A form or gadget value passed as a function argume nt is read only so cannot be \nassigned a new value. If you wish to change the val ue of a gadget passed as an argument, \npass the gadget itself as an argument, not its valu e: \n \ndefine function !!ChangeValue( !Argument is GADGET) \n !Argument.val = 'NewValue' \nendfunction \n PDMS Database Attribute are read only, and so they cannot be given new values by \nassigning to them. \n "} {"Main Title": "File Transcoding Utility ", "Sub Title": "11.1.2. File Transcoding Utility ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 64/178 \u2022 UTF32BE UTF32 big-endian \u2022 ISO \u2022 LATIN1 ISO8859-1 \u2022 LATIN2 ISO8859-2\u2022 LATIN5 ISO8859-5 Cyrillic \u2022 Windows code page \u2022 CP932 Japanese shift-JIS \u2022 CP936 Simplified Chinese GBK \u2022 CP949 Korean \u2022 CP950 Traditional Chinese Big5 \u2022 CP1250 Central European \u2022 CP1251 Cyrillic \u2022 CP1252 LATIN1 + some extras (beware) \u2022 For backWards compatibility with legacy PDMS Proje cts \u2022 JAPANESE Japanese shift-JIS \u2022 CHINESE Simplified Chinese (EUC) \u2022 KOREAN Korean (EUC) \u2022 TCHINESE Traditional Chinese (used in Taiwan for e example) (EUC) PDMS provides a file transcoding utility transc.exE which users may find useful, particularly For moving files between PDMS12.1 and previous PDMS versions. Transc is a command line Application to transcode files from one encoding to another, and can also be used to add or Remove the BOM from existing UTF8 (or UTF16) files.The basic syntax is: Transc -encoding> -encoding> See Transc - text file transcoding utility.doc for more details. The major design decision for the Unicode conversi on of PDMS was to use (32bit) Unicode Scalar (US) iNstead of ASCII codes as it's integer character representation (holding Strings, with up to 4 bytes to represent 1 characte r. The section below describes a few Important properties of Unicode Scalars and the UTF 8 format. Character. Unicode assumes tHat the 32 bit range wi ll cope uniquely with all the world's Character sets. Codes. To be able to clearly distinguish the number of cha racters held and the number of bytes Needed to represent them - as they cannot be assume d to be the same. Either direction.Search in either direction, and every first byte yi elds the number of bytes in the character. /, &, space, ~ etc.) then subsequent bytes of the c haracter are never ASCII bytes. So when You've found an ASCII byte it is a genuine characte r and not part of another character."} {"Main Title": "Diagnostic Messages From Within PML Files ", "Sub Title": "11.3. Diagnostic Messages From Within PML Files ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual2016 v.1. Page 65/178 11.2. PML Tracing If a PML File does not appear to be running in the way you expect the easiest thing to do Is to turn on PML Tracing with the command: PML TRACE ON With PML Tracing switched on, each of the PML lines executed is output to the parentWindow together with its line number. Additional tr acing messages tell you when you have Begun to process a new PML File and when it has fin ished. To turn off tracing type: PML TRACE OFF These commands can also be put into a PML File on a temporary basis.You can also turn PML tracing on by setting the Environment Variable PMLTRACE to ON before you start the Program. For more precise control of PML tracing yo u can use the $R command. $R100 is The equivalent of PML TRACE ON and $R0 is the same as PML TRACE OFF.Type the Command $HR for online help on how to use the $R co mmand. It is often useful to output a line to the screen from within a running PML File to indicate That the execution of the program has reached a par ticular stage. Use the $P command: $P! Total is: $! Total and! Maximum is: $! Maximum Note: The use of $ to convert the value of a variable to a STRING. The alpha-log is a file containing a record of all the commands processed together with Any text output and error messages. To startRecord ing use one of the following commands: Alpha log /filename $* to open a new file Alpha log /filename OVERWRITE $* to replace an exis ting file Alpha log /filename APPEND $* to add to an existing file To finish recording and close the file use:Alpha log END The alpha-log does not include standard PML tracin g from the command PML TRACE ON. For PML tracing to be included in the alpha-log , PML tracing should be directed to the Alpha-window. For example, to obtain standard PML t racing in the alpha-log use theCommand: $R102 Refer to the online help given by $HR for other opt ions. If you cannot find out what is going wrong by mean s of PML trace output or writing out the Values of PML Variables, you may suspend a running PML File at a particular point byIncluding the command: "} {"Main Title": "Querying PML ", "Sub Title": "11.7. Querying PML ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual 2016 v.1. Page 66/178 $MYou Can then query the valuesOf any PML Variables of i nterest and even change the values of Some PML Variables. To resume processing of the sus pended PML File type into the Command line: $M+ Use these facilities only for debugging and do not leave these commands in a finished PMLFile. Note: These facilities do not apply to PML Functions or m ethods. A variety of queries are available to help diagnos e problems. Typically you might type These queries into the command line while a PML Fi le is suspended. Alternatively you couldInclude any of these commands temporarily within a PML File. If you are interested in the name of the currently running PML File and the other PML Files from which the current file was invoked use t he command: $QM The table below gives some usefuL commands for que rying PML Variables. Command Effect Q var! LocalName Queries the value of a specific local variable, u se the command. Q var LOCAL Queries the values of all local variables. Q var!! GlobalName Queries the value of a specific global variable.Q var GLOBAL Queries the values of all global variables Q var! MyArray[1] Queries the value of a specific element of an arr ay. Q var! MyArray Queries the values of all elements of an array. Q var! MyArray.Size() Queries the number of elements currently in an ar ray.When you are typing commands into a macro or into a command line, you may not Remember exactly what arguments are available or wh at other commands are related. You Will find full details in the appropriate Reference Manuals to the module, but you can also askThe command processor what sort of command or comma nds it is expecting next by typing: $Q This will produce a list of every valid command wor d or argument type that you may enter Next. The list may be long and could include every valid command for the module that youAre in. The $Q facility is also useful to establish what is allowed as the next component of a Command. Type the beginning of the command sequence followed by $Q. "} {"Main Title": "Querying PML ", "Sub Title": "11.7. Querying PML ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 66/178 $MYou \n \ncan then query the values of any PML Variables of i nterest and even change the values of \nsome PML Variables. To resume processing of the sus pended PML File type into the \ncommand line: \n \n$M+ \n \nUse these facilities only for debugging and do not leave these commands in a finished PML \nFile. \n \nNote: \nThese facilities do not apply to PML Functions or m ethods. \n A variety of queries are available to help diagnos e problems. Typically you might type \nthese queries into the command line whilst a PML Fi le is suspended. Alternatively you could \ninclude any of these commands temporarily within a PML File. \n If you are interested in the name of the currently running PML File and the other PML \nFiles from which the current file was invoked use t he command: \n \n$QM \n The table below gives some useful commands for que rying PML Variables. \n \nCommand Effect \nq var !LocalName Queries the value of a specific local variable, u se the command. \nq var LOCAL Queries the values of all local variables. \nq var !!GlobalName Queries the value of a specific global variable. \nq var GLOBAL Queries the values of all global variables \nq var !MyArray[1] Queries the value of a specific element of an arr ay. \nq var !MyArray Queries the values of all elements of an array. \nq var !MyArray.Size() Queries the number of elements currently in an ar ray. \n When you are typing commands into a macro or into a command line, you may not \nremember exactly what arguments are available or wh at other commands are related. You \nwill find full details in the appropriate Reference Manuals to the module, but you can also ask \nthe command processor what sort of command or comma nds it is expecting next by typing: \n$Q \n \nThis will produce a list of every valid command wor d or argument type that you may enter \nnext. The list may be long and could include every valid command for the module that you \nare in. The $Q facility is also useful to establish what is allowed as the next component of a \ncommand. Type the beginning of the command sequence followed by $Q. \n "} {"Main Title": "Difference between PML 1 and PML3", "Sub Title": "12.1. Difference between PML 1 and PML3", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 67/178 12. Upgrading from PML1 to PML2 \n\u2022 PML 1-First version of PML including loops, if sta tements, string handling , labels. \n\u2022 Is faster with simple single line definition and s ingle execution, \n\u2022 Returns array of strings of the references, \n\u2022 The scope can include volumetric limits (within \u2026) , \n\u2022 To obtain a value in PML 1 must be preceded with $ , var !value ($!number), \n\u2022 PML1 must be still used when an expression is used as an argument to a command \nand must be enclosed in () brackets, \n\u2022 PML 1 macros are in PDMSUI folder, \n\u2022 PML 2-Object oriented language builds on PML 1 and extends the facilities to be like \nother object based languages (VB, Smalltalk) \n\u2022 Is slower and initially more lines of code to set up the collection is necessary, \n\u2022 Returns array of database references and \n\u2022 Collection can be used as the scope of a collectio n, \n\u2022 Can be used with the TABLE object, \n\u2022 Can\u2019t use volumes to limit the scope, \n\u2022 To obtain a value in PML 2 is used =, !value = !nu mber, \n\u2022 PML2 may be of any complexity, may contain PML fun ctions and methods and form \ngadget values, !value = !!MyFunction(!arg) * !!Form .Gadget.Val / \n!MyArray.Method(), \n\u2022 PML2 may consist operators and operands (+,-,*,/,G T,AND,OR,&,EQ\u2026), \n\u2022 PML 2 macros are in PMLLIB, \n\u2022 Variable Types - STRING, REAL, BOOLEAN and ARRAY, \n\u2022 Built in methods for commonly used actions, \n\u2022 User Defined Object Types, \n\u2022 PML Search PATH (%PMLLIB%), \n\u2022 Dynamic Loading of Forms, Functions and Objects, \n\u2022 New Aid objects for geometric modelling, \n\u2022 $Wn - Will Break the GUI Software \n\u2022 Numbered Variables - Are no longer available \n\u2022 Macros - Avoid Mixing with PML Functions \n\u2022 Global Variables for results - Use Function \u201cRetur n\u201d \n\u2022 $M- $M+ $MK - Only for debugging, not LIVE code \n\u2022 $R+ $R- - Withdrawn, (PML TRACE ON/OFF) \n\u2022 Synonyms - Not permitted in PML Functions but work s in macros, \n\u2022 VAR Syntax - Use \u201c=\u201c Where possible \n\u2022 VAR Name READ - Use ALERT object or Form \n\u2022 Expressions in () - Brackets not needed after \u201c=\u201c \n\u2022 !VALUE = NAME - Use !VALUE = !!CE \n\u2022 $ - Use variables without $ \n\u2022 Don\u2019t Quote variables - With no $, quotes not need ed \n\u2022 @ cursor functions - Use Event Driven Graphics \n\u2022 !ARRAY[-ve] - Not allowed in PML2 \n\u2022 !ARRAY[0] - Not advised to use at PML2 \n\u2022 Dots \u201c.\u201d In Names - New meaning at PML2 \n\u2022 Form EDIT - syntax Use direct setting "} {"Main Title": "kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1", "Sub Title": "kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 68/178 12.2. Important differences \nOnly Algebraic expressions are allowed, (No reverse -polish notations after \u201c=\u201c sign) \n \nCreating numeric variable with \u201c=\u201c creates a REAL \n \nSome PML1 macros using the \u201c=\u201c will now create vari ables of the wrong type. \n \nVAR !name value will now create a STRING value. \n \nDO variables are now REAL rather than STRING \n \nIf \u201c=\u201c has been used in existing PML code and probl ems are found, re-write the code using \nPML2 technology, or revert to PML1 VAR technology. \n \nConversion utility \u201ceq2var\u201d (Currently runs through an \u201cawk\u201d script) \n \nDO variables in PML2 are automatically deleted to e nsure that they can be created, This can \nupset other variables if of the same name. \n \nOn exit DO variables remain REAL; previously they w ould have been STRING +1 if loop ran \nto completion. \n \nVariable in \u201cdo values\u201d is deleted on exit. \n \nDO from to are required to be REAL, Existing macros are unaffected by this ($) \n \nChange variable names to avoid DO variables \n \nCheck DO expressions, re-write as necessary \n \nResults of an expression in IF must be TRUE or FALS E. \n \nAn error will occur where ZERO=FALSE \n \ne.g. if ($value) then - - (PML1) \nwill have to be either if ($value EQ 1) then \n or if ( BOOLEAN($value)) then \n \nMost common occurrence \nPML1 if ( match ($!String1,$!String2)) then \nPML2 if ( match ($!String1,$!String2) GT 0 ) then \n \nCheck Form and Global Variable Names \n \nForms are now GLOBAL variables, and cannot have the same names as a Global Variable. \n \nForm and Gadget Names Must be Unique and Start with a Letter \n \nForms & Menus enforces the rule that gadget names m ust start with a letter, and must be \nunique, (Gadget names can be re-used in different f orms). \n \nNew Forms & Menus Error Messages. \n \nNo longer possible to use setup form from within .I NIT macro. "} {"Main Title": "kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1", "Sub Title": "kupdf.net_pdms-pml-manual-1", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 69/178 \nGadgets that are outside the form are now ERRORS. \n \nMore than one OK,CANCEL or HELP will generate an er ror. \n \nVar list & do list are restricted to LIST gadgets, for TEXTPANES & SELECTOR gadgets use \nvar pane,selector & do selector \n \nDOT in variable, Form and Gadget Names Is now used as separator between a Form or \nObject name and the name of one of its members or f unctions. \n \n!Array.size() \nvar !String \u2018comment\u2019 \n!Old.Name = \u2018!String\u2019 \n \ncould now use: \n!Size = $!.length() \nor \n!Size = $!Old.name$N.length() \n \nNegative Array Subscript is now an Error. \nArray subscripts MUST now be positive or zero, Zero is permitted but many of the array \nmethods ignore the zero\u2019th element. Macros which ma ke use of negative array subscripts \nwill need to be revised. \n \n$MKn & $MK-n Withdrawn. \n \nThese commands may have had a role when macros were run directly from a terminal, but \nare incompatible with form-driven software. \n \nMacros will have to be re-written. \n \nSynonyms are NOT Available in PML Functions but are still available in Macros. \n \n= in PDMS10 is not compatible with = in PDMS11 \n \nComponents in Function to the Right of \u201c=\u201c \n \nExisting \u201cvar\u201d code is not affected. \n \nAdd brackets if PML1 code has none. \n \nTo convert to \u201ctext\u201d add \u201c$\u201d \n \n!X = 32 , !Y = 52 \n!Z = !X + !Y Result = REAL \u2026..84 \n!Z = \u2018$!X\u2019 + \u2018$!Y\u2019 Result = STRING \u2026..3252 \n \n "} {"Main Title": "Overview ", "Sub Title": "13.1. Overview ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 70/178 13. PML Form concepts \n The AVEVA software module which provides the abili ty for users to customize the PDMS \ngraphical user interface using the PML is referred to as PML Forms & Menus (or just F&M). \nThe default \u2018system font\u2019 used by Forms and Menus t o display character data is Arial \nUnicode MS which contains a large number of the wor ld\u2019s alphabets. Internally F&M uses full \nUnicode, but can only display the characters access ible in its current \u2018system font\u2019. You will \nbe able to copy and paste Unicode characters from a nd to textual fields of F&M gadgets. \n \n In PML 2, forms are a type of object represented b y a global variable \u2014 the form\u2019s name, \nfor example !!EntryForm . This means that a form cannot have the same name as any other \nobject type, global variable, or any other form. Th e form object owns a set of predefined \nmember variables and built-in methods. In addition, you can define your own members \u2014 \nform variables and form gadgets \u2014 and your own form methods. All these will determine the \ncontent and functionality of the form. Gadget objec ts are user-defined members of the form \nobject. Form members are always accessed using the dot notation, for example \n \n!!EntryForm.TextField \n \nGadgets own a set of predefined member variables an d built-in methods which determine \nthe content and functionality of the gadget. For ex ample, the value of a text field gadget is \naccessed by: \n \n!!EntryForm.TextField.val. \n \nNote that gadgets do not support user-defined membe r variables or user-defined gadget \nmethods. \n \nCallbacks are user-defined actions assigned to a form and it s gadgets and that are \nexecuted when the operator interacts with the form, for example, by clicking a mouse button \non a gadget. The callbacks are supplied as text str ings and may be any valid PML \nexpression, PML Function or method call, including any form, gadget or user defined object \nmethod. Effectively, these callbacks determine the intelligence of the form. \n The following are examples of the format of form a nd member names: \n \n!!EntryForm The name of a form \n!!EntryForm .GadgetName The name of a gadget on a form \n!!EntryForm .GadgetName.val The data value held by that gadget \n \nNote: \nThat total length of the name is limited to 1024 ch aracters even though the length each \nindividual components is limited to 64 characters. Within the form definition, the members of \nthe form should be referred to by using !This to re place the form name part of the gadget \nname. For example: \n \n!This.GadgetName \n!This.GadgetName.val \n \nNote: The obsolete convention of using an underscore to r eplace the form name has been \nretained for compatibility with earlier versions. "} {"Main Title": "Adding a Gadget Callback ", "Sub Title": "13.3.1. Adding a Gadget Callback ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 71/178 13.3. Simple Form \n You define a form using a command sequence that st arts with: \n \nsetup form !!formname \n \nand ending with: \n \nexit \n \n Between these two commands come a number of option al subcommands which define \nthe gadgets on the form. The following example defi nes a small form, containing the text \n\u2018Hello World\u2019, and a button labelled \u2018 Goodbye\u2019 , which removes the form when pressed: \n \nsetup form !!hello \n paragraph .Message text 'Hello world' \n button .bye 'Goodbye' OK \nexit \n \nPicture Nr.4. - A simple form \n Some points to note about the above definition and the form it creates are: \n \n\u2022 there are no user-defined methods on this form, an d so the setup form . . . exit \nsequence is the complete form definition; \n\u2022 the paragraph command adds a paragraph gadget to t he form (a paragraph gadget is \njust a piece of text displayed on the form). The na me of the gadget is Message, and \nthe dot before the name indicates that the gadget i s a member of the form. The text \nitself is specified after the keyword TEXT. \n\u2022 the button subcommand adds a button gadget named . bye. The text on the button will \nbe \u2018Goodbye\u2019. The keyword OK is a form control attr ibute that specifies that the \naction of this button is to remove the form from th e screen. \n \nTo display the form in this example, you can use th e command: \n \nshow !!Hello \n To perform intelligent actions a form or gadget mu st invoke a callback.We will now add a \nsimple gadget callback to the hello form. We will a dd a second button, change message, \nwhich will execute a callback to modify the Message paragraph gadget. \n \nsetup form !!hello \n paragraph .Message text 'Hello world' \n button .change \u2018Change message\u2019 callback |!this.m essage.val = \u2018Modified\u2019| \n button .bye 'Goodbye' OK \nexit \n \nPicture Nr.5. - A form with gadget callback \n"} {"Main Title": "Form Definition File ", "Sub Title": "13.4. Form Definition File ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 72/178 A gadget callback is defined by the callback comma nd followed by a command or PML \nFunction enclosed in text delimiters. As we are giv ing a text string as part of the command \nwhich is itself supplied as a text string, we have had to use two kinds of delimiter: the \napostrophe, (\u2018) and the (|) vertical bar. \n \nNote: The use of this to mean the current form. When the callback is executed, \n \n!this.message.val = \u2018Modified\u2019 \n \nwill set the value member of the gadget Message on this form to read Modified rather than \nHello world. \n \nNote: The gadget callback could have been \n \n|!!OtherForm.Para.val = \u2018Modified\u2019| \n \nto change the value of a paragraph gadget on anothe r form named !!OtherForm. Typically a \ncallback will involve many commands and could be a complex piece of code in its own right. \nIn practice, the recommended way of defining a comp licated callback is to use a form \nmethod. \n Form definitions must be held one per file. The fi le name must be the form\u2019s name in \nlowercase with the file extension .pmlfrm. For example, our form !!Hello would be captured \nin a file called hello.pmlfrm. This definition file should be stored in a director y pointed to by \nthe PMLLIB environment variable. It will then be loaded autom atically on execution of the \nshow !!Hello command. The form definition file contains: \n \n\u2022 The form definition between setup form and exit. T his includes the commands which \ncreate the form itself, and set its attributes, suc h as its size and title, the commands \nwhich create the gadgets on the form and specify ho w they are arranged, and the \ndefinitions of any variables which are to be member s of the form. \n\u2022 Any method definitions should follow the exit comm and, each method beginning with \nthe define method command and ending with endmethod . Methods on forms are \njust like methods on any other kind of object. \n\u2022 In particular, it will contain the form's default constructor method. This is a method with \nthe same name as the form, and no arguments. It is the only method called \nautomatically when the form is loaded, and so it ca n be used, among other things, \nto set default values for the gadgets on the form. \n\u2022 The form may be given an initialization method, wh ich is run whenever the form is \nshown (as opposed to when it is loaded). \n\u2022 No executable statements should appear in the file outside of the form definition or \nform methods. The effect of misplaced executable st atements is indeterminate. You \ncan put comments anywhere in the file. \n A form definition must be loaded before the form c an be displayed. If you have stored the \ndefinition in a . pmlfrm file then loading will be automatic when the form is displayed for the \nfirst time. Normally, a form is displayed as a resu lt of the operator making a menu selection \nor pressing a button on a form. This is achieved ei ther by using the Form Directive in the \nmenu or button definition (see next section) or by means of the command show !!formname \nused in the gadget\u2019s callback. However, to display forms when you are developing them, you \nmay find it convenient to type the command: \nshow !!formname "} {"Main Title": "PML Directives ", "Sub Title": "13.6. PML Directives ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 73/178 Sometimes it is useful to force the loading of a f orm\u2019s definition file before the form is \nactually displayed, so that you can edit the form o r gadget attributes from another form\u2019s \ncallbacks before the form is actually displayed. Us ing the command \n \nloadform !!formname \n \nfrom a callback will force load the definition if t he form is unknown to PML, but do nothing if \nthe form has already been loaded. Once a form has b een displayed you can remove it from \nthe screen using the command \n \nhide !!formname \n \nNote that if you show it again it will appear on th e screen, but its definition is already known \nto PML and so it will not be loaded. It is possible to remove a form definition from PML using \nthe command \n \nkill !!formname \n \nThe form is then no longer known to PML until a new definition is loaded. \n \nNote: Earlier AppWare used form definitions in macro fil es which had to be loaded explicitly \nvia $M path-name-to-file. This mechanism still oper ates for backwards compatibility, but is \nstrongly discouraged when writing new AppWare. \n PML directives are commands used to control PML it self. For example, you use a PML \ndirective to instruct PML to re-make its index when you have added a new file. Some of \nthese directives have been described in Storing and Loading PML Files: the information is \nrepeated here, with additional directives for loadi ng forms. Note: Unlike the PML commands \ndescribed in How Forms are Loaded and Displayed, PM L directives should not be included \nin callbacks, but are generally for command line us e. You will need to use PML directives \nwhen you are developing new form definitions or mod ifying existing ones. PML directives are \ncommands of the form pml . . . The table below give s some useful PML directives. \n \nCommand Effect: \n \npml rehash When you create a new PML Form while an AVEVA prod uct is running, you \nmust link in the file storing the form by giving th is command. It causes PML to scan all the \ndirectories under the PMLLIB path, and to create a file pml.index, which contains a list of all \nthe .pmlfrm files in the directories. \npml index This command re-reads all the pml.index files in y our search path without \nrebuilding them. If other users have added PML File s and updated the appropriate pml.index \nfiles, you can access the new files by giving this command. \npml reload form !!formname When you edit an existing form while an AVEVA prod uct is \nrunning, you must use this directive to reload the form definition file. \nkill !!formname If you experience problems of an edited form defin ition not being re-loaded, \nyou can use this directive followed by the pml relo ad directive. \npmlscan directory_name This command runs a utility supplied with AVEVA pr oducts. \nWhen you are not running an AVEVA product, you can use this command to update the \npml.index file in a given directory. \n "} {"Main Title": "PML Directives ", "Sub Title": "13.6. PML Directives ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 74/178 13.7. Revisiting our Simple Form \nOur simple form !!Hello , which we constructed earlier in this chapter, is not very intelligent. \nOnce we have pressed the Change button the .Message paragraph will read \u2018Modified\u2019 for \never more, even if we hide the form and re-show it. The extended version of form !!Hello \nbelow: \n \n\u2022 illustrates the use of the form definition file; \n\u2022 illustrates form methods as callbacks; \n\u2022 introduces some important predefined form members. \n \nFirst save the definition in a file called hello.pm lfrm and ensure that its directory is in your \nPMLLIB search-path. \n \nsetup form !!hello \n title \u2018Display Your Message\u2019 \n paragraph .Message width 15 height 1 \n text .capture \u2018Enter message\u2019 width 15 is STRING \n button .bye 'Goodbye' OK \nexit \n \ndefine method .hello() \n -- default constructor - set gadget load-time def ault \n values \n !this.message.val = \u2018Hello world\u2019 \n !this.capture.callback = \u2018!this.message.val = !th is.capture.val\u2019 \n !this.Okcall = \u2018!this.success()\u2019 \nEndmethod \n \ndefine method .success() \n -- action when OK button is pressed \n !this.message.val = \u2018Hello again\u2019 \n !this.capture.val = \u2018\u2019 \nEndmethod \n \n \nPicture Nr.6. - A Smarter Form \n \nIn the form definition: \n \n\u2022 title sets the form title member and hence display s a title; \n\u2022 para adds a PARAGRAPH gadget size 15 chars by 1 li ne with no content; \n\u2022 text adds a TEXT field gadget with tag \u2018Enter mess age\u2019, width 15 chars, to hold data of \ntype STRING. \n \nThe constructor method .hello() does the following: \n \n\u2022 initializes the paragraph\u2019s default value to \u2018Hell o world\u2019; \n\u2022 defines the callback on the text input field: to i nsert its value into the paragraph; \n\u2022 sets the form member Okcall (in the line beginning !this.Okcall). This is a callback that \ngets executed when a button with control-type OK is pressed. \n \n"} {"Main Title": "PML Directives ", "Sub Title": "13.6. PML Directives ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 75/178 The definition of method .success() does the follow ing: \n \n\u2022 Sets the paragraph\u2019s value to \u2018Hello again\u2019. \n\u2022 Resets the text field\u2019s value to empty. \n \nNow load and show the form by typing: \n \nPML rehash \nshow !!Hello \n \n This will auto-load the form definition and execut e the default constructor method (which \nwill set the message paragraph to \u2018Hello world\u2019 and define the gadget and form callbacks). It \nwill also display the form. Type your message into the Enter message field and press the \nEnter key. This will execute the field\u2019s callback, which will write your typed text into the \nmessage paragraph. Type a new message and press Ent er. The paragraph updates to \nreflect what you typed. Click the Goodbye button. T his executes the form\u2019s Okcall action \nwhich calls the success() method. The success() met hod sets the paragraph to \u2018Hello again\u2019 \nand blanks out the text field. Finally, the OK cont rol action hides the form. \n \nShow the form again and observe that the paragraph reads \u2018Hello again\u2019 and not \u2018Hello \nworld\u2019. This demonstrates that when you re-show the form the form\u2019s constructor is not run, \nbecause the form is already loaded. If you want to reset the form every time it is shown, you \nmust define a form initialization callback. \n "} {"Main Title": "Callbacks: Expressions ", "Sub Title": "14.1. Callbacks: Expressions ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 76/178 14. Forms and Gadget callbacks \nA callback may be any valid expression, including a ny AVEVA product commands. For \nexample, the following is a PDMS command: \n\u2018new box xlen 10 ylen 20 zlen 50\u2019 \n \nIt can also include PML general commands like \n\u2018$m %pathname%/MyMacro\u2019 \n \nto execute a given command macro, or \n\u2018q var !!form\u2019 \n\u2018q var !!form.gadget\u2019 \n \nwhich will write out details of the form or gadget and its members. You might like to try \nit on the form !!Hello.Typical expressions for a ca llback are \n \n\u2018!this.gadget.val = !MyObject.count\u2019 \n\u2018!MyObject.count = !this.gadget.val\u2019 \n \nwhich get or set the value of a gadget on the form from or to a user-defined object. \n Most callbacks require more than a single command, so invoking a method or function (or \nmacro) is an essential requirement. The advantage o f using form methods as callbacks is \nthat this keeps the whole form definition in a sing le file. Forms defined in early versions of \nPML 2 used PML Functions as callbacks. This is stil l valid and is sometimes even essential \nas you may need to manage a group of forms; but mos tly the callbacks on a form are \nspecific to that form. \n \nsetup form !!hello \n title \u2018Display Your Message\u2019 \n paragraph .Message width 15 height 1 \n text .capture \u2018Enter message\u2019 width 15 is STRING \n button .bye 'Goodbye' OK \nexit \n \ndefine method .hello() \n !this.message.val = \u2018Hello world\u2019 \n !this.capture.callback = \u2018!this.message.val = !th is.capture.val\u2019 \n !this.Okcall = \u2018!this.success()\u2019 \nEndmethod \n \ndefine method .success() \n !this.capture.val = \u2018\u2019 \nendmethod \n \n The .success() method above could only deliver a f ixed string \u2018Hello again\u2019 to the \nmessage PARAGRAPH gadget. The great advantage of me thods is that you can pass \nvariables as arguments to the method, so it can be used more generally, for example as the \ncallback to several gadgets. \n \ndefine method .success( !output is GADGET, !message is STRING, !input is GADGET ) \n output.val = !message \n input.val = \u2018\u2019 \nendmethod "} {"Main Title": "PML Open Callbacks ", "Sub Title": "14.3. PML Open Callbacks ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 77/178 We have added three arguments, an output gadget, an input gadget and a message string \nvariable. This has made the method very general. We can still use it as the Okcall callback: \n \n!this.Okcall = |!this.success( !this.message, \u2018Hell o again\u2019,!this.capture )| \n \n When the OK button is pressed the Okcall action wi ll invoke the success() method, \npassing to it the message paragraph gadget as !outp ut, the message text \u2018Hello again\u2019 as \n!message and the text input field gadget capture as !input. The method will do just what it did \nbefore. However, we could use it differently. We co uld add another button gadget, Restart, to \nthe form: \n \nbutton .restore 'Restart' callback |!this.success( !this.message,\u2018Hello world\u2019, !this.capture )| \n \n When clicked, the Restart button\u2018s callback will e xecute and set the message paragraph \ngadget to read \u2018Hello world\u2019 and clear the capture text field, thus restoring the form to its \nstate when it was displayed for the very first time . If we invoked the success() method as: \n \n!this.success( !this.capture, \u2018Hello world\u2019, !this. message ) \n \nit would set the value \u2018Hello world\u2019 into the captu re text input field and clear the contents of \nthe message PARAGRAPH gadget. Not what you need her e perhaps, but you can see how \nversatile methods can be! \n \nNote: The arguments to methods can be any valid PML obje ct types, built in or user \ndefined. \nWhen the operator interacts with a GUI, an event oc curs. For example, when the operator: \n \n\u2022 types something into a field on a form; \n\u2022 moves the cursor into a window; \n\u2022 presses down a mouse button; \n\u2022 moves the mouse with button down; \n\u2022 let\u2019s the button up. \n \n The events are queued in a time-ordered queue. The application software services this \nqueue: it gets the next event, determines the objec t of the event (for example, form, gadget, \nmenu) and the event type (for example, enter, leave , select, unselect, popup etc.), deduces \nappropriate actions and carries them out. When one event is completed, the software looks \nfor the next event. \n There are a very large number of possible events, and most of them are very low level \nand have to be serviced very quickly to produce a u sable GUI. It would be inappropriate to \nallow the (interpreted) PML AppWare access to them all. However, the application software \ndefines a set of meta-events for forms and gadgets. When a meta-event occurs, th e \napplication software checks for user-defined callba cks and executes them. Hence callbacks \nare the AppWare\u2019s way of providing actions to be ca rried out at these meta-events. \n \n Callbacks provide a simple yet versatile mechanism for the AppWare to create and \nmanage the GUI. Sometimes there is more than one me ta-event associated with a gadget. \nIn this case, the simple assigned callback is insuf ficient to fully exploit the gadget's possible \nbehaviors. To overcome this shortcoming we can use open callbacks to allow the AppWare "} {"Main Title": "Using a PML Function in an Open Callback ", "Sub Title": "14.3.3. Using a PML Function in an Open Callback ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 78/178 to be informed whenever a meta-event is encountered . Open callbacks can be used \nwherever callbacks can be used. They always involve methods or PML Functions with a \nfixed argument list as follows: \n \ndefine method .Control( !object is FormsAndMenusObj ect, !action is STRING) \n \n\u2022 !object is a Forms and Menus object, for example, a form, gadget or menu. \n\u2022 !action is the meta-event that occurred on the obj ect and represents the action to be \ncarried out by the method. \n \nThe open callback is a string of the form: \n'!this.MethodName(' \n \nNote: The open bracket '(', no arguments and no closing b racket. The callback is to an open \nmethod or function. \n \nWe might assign an open callback to a multi-choice list gadget as follows: \n \nsetup form !!Open \n title 'Test Open Callbacks' \n list .choose callback '!this.control(' multi widt h 15 height 8 \nexit \ndefine method .open() \n do !i from 1 to 10 \n !fields[!i] = 'list field $!i' \n enddo \n !this.choose.dtext = !fields \nendmethod \ndefine method .Control( !object is GADGET, !action is STRING) \n if ( !action eq 'SELECT' ) then \n --find out all about our gadget object \n !form = !object.owner() $*get object\u2019s owner \n !type = !object.type() $*get object type \n !name = !object.name() $*get object name \n !field = !object.PickedField $*get picked field number \n !s = !object.DTEXT[!field] $*get DTEXT \n -- do something with the data \n $p selected $!form$n.$!name $!type field $!fiel d, D text{$!s} \n elseif (!action eq 'UNSELECT' ) then \n !n = !object.PickedField $*get picked field num ber \n $p unselected field $!n $*do something with data \n endif \nendmethod \n \nNote in the constructor method open() we have initializ ed the list so that field n will display \nlist field n. DTEXT is a shorthand for display-text , that is the text displayed in the list field. \n\u2022 Control is the method which manages interaction wi th the list. Note the open callback \n\u2022 defined in list choose. \n\u2022 Note the use of $* for in-line comments \n\u2022 Note the use of the printing command $p to print i nformation to the system Request \nchannel. $!form replaces the variable !form with it s current value as a string - this \nonly works for PML simple in-built scalars types RE AL, STRING, BOOLEAN. $n in \n$!form$n.$!name is a separator needed to separate $ !form from the following \u2018.\u2019 \nwhich would otherwise be thought of as part of the variable name. When a list field \nis clicked, the list\u2019s callback will be examined an d if it is an open method or function, \nthen the Forms and Menus software will supply the a rguments required to complete \nthe function. "} {"Main Title": "Using a PML Function in an Open Callback ", "Sub Title": "14.3.3. Using a PML Function in an Open Callback ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 79/178 Thus in this case the actual callback string execut ed will be \n \n|!this.control( !!Open.choose, \u2018SELECT\u2019 )| \n \n Inside the control() method we branch on the value of !action and access the data of \n!object (in this case our list). Finally we perform our application\u2019s resultant action - in this \ncase just printing out all we know about the operat or interaction using the $p command, \nwhich for a selection of an un-highlighted list fie ld will write: \n \nSelected OPEN.CHOOSE LIST field 5, Dtext{list field 5} \n \nNotice that the same method could be used to manage several or even all gadgets on our \nform since the variable !object is a reference to a gadget object and is supplied as \n!!Open.choose, the full name of the gadget includin g its form. This allows us to find \neverything about that object from its in-built meth ods, including its gadget type (LIST, \nTOGGLE, etc) and its owning form: \n \n!type = !object.type() \n!form = !object.owner() \nAll the examples so far have used form methods as o pen callbacks. The code would be \nessentially the same if we used PML Functions. The PML Function must be in a file of its \nown called control.pmlfnc. The body of the definiti on would be identical but must be \nbracketed by: \n \ndefine function !!Control( !object is GADGET, !acti on isSTRING) \nendfunction \n \nNote that the function has a global name !!control, that is, it is not a member of any form or \nobject and thus cannot use the !this variable The o pen callback on the choose list gadget \nwould become \n \nlist .choose callback '!!control(' multi width 15 h eight 8 \n \nThe rest of the story remains the same. \n Object Object Callback \nLIST multichoice Gadget SELECT,UNSELECT,START,STOP \nLIST singlechoice Gadget SELECT, UNSELECT \nOPTION Gadget SELECT, UNSELECT \nALPHA VIEW Gadget SELECT \nBUTTON Gadget SELECT, UNSELECT \nTOGGLE and RTOGGLE Gadget SELECT, UNSELECT \nMENU (command fields) Menu SELECT, INIT \nMENU (toggle fields) Menu SELECT, UNSELECT, INIT \nFORM Form INIT, QUIT, CANCEL, OK,KILLING, FIRSTSHOW N \nTEXT Gadget SELECT, MODIFIED, VALIDATE \nSLIDER Gadget START, STOP, MOVE \nFRAME Gadget SELECT, UNSELECT,SHOWN, HIDDEN \nNUMERICINPUT Gadget SELECT, MODIFIED \nCOMBOBOX Gadget SELECT, UNSELECT, VALIDATE \n \n "} {"Main Title": "Modules and Applications ", "Sub Title": "15.1. Modules and Applications ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 80/178 15. Forms \n A PDMS GUI module consists of a set of co-operatin g applications running within the \nApplication Window. Each module has: \n \n\u2022 A Main form to present the default application and to control access to the other \napplications. \n\u2022 One or more document forms usually displaying the application model. \n\u2022 Transient floating dialog forms that relate to spe cific tasks. \n\u2022 A small number of docking dialog forms to provide frequently required services. The \nMain form has a menu bar that provides access to al l the functionality of the current \napplication of the module, from its pull-down menus (the main menu system), and a \nset of toolbars, each containing gadgets (usually i con buttons, icon toggles and pull-\ndown lists) designed to give fast access to frequen tly used functions. The Main form \nis not displayed directly, but supplies all its men us and toolbars to be displayed in \nthe Application Window. \nThe form definition is a command sequence starting with: \n \nsetup form !!formname \n \nand ending with: \n \nexit \n \nThe sequence includes: \n \n\u2022 The commands which create the form itself and set its attributes, such as its minimum \nsize and title. \n\u2022 The commands which create the gadgets on the form, and specify how they are \narranged. \n\u2022 The definitions of any variables which are to be m embers of the form. \nAll the form attributes are optional and have sensi ble defaults. Those which can only be set \nonce must be specified on the setup form line. Thes e are: \n \n\u2022 Form type. \n\u2022 Layout mode. \n\u2022 Minimum size. \n\u2022 Resize. \n\u2022 Docking. \n\u2022 Form position. \n\u2022 NOQUIT \n\u2022 NOALIGN \n \nOther attributes are specified as sub-commands in t he setup form . . . exit sequence. They \ncan be edited after the form has been created by me ans of the form\u2019s in-built members and \nmethods. \n "} {"Main Title": "Layout Modes ", "Sub Title": "15.2.3. Layout Modes ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 81/178 15.2.2. Form Type \n The appearance and behaviour of a form is determin ed by its Type attribute: \n \nMAIN The form that will be swapped to as a Main form. T hese forms are not usually \ndisplayed directly, but serve to provide gadgets fo r the application\u2019s toolbar and menus for \nthe application\u2019s main menus. \nDOCUMENT Resizable form usually with a view gadget, but no menu bar. All document \nforms can be floated or un-floated using the right- mouse popup menu in the form\u2019s top \nborder. When it is floating, you can drag the form away from the MDI frame and position it \nand resize it without constraint. This allows you t o drag the document form away to another \nscreen of a multiscreen configuration. \nDIALOG This is the default type the form will assume if y ou give no type when you set up \nthe form. The default DIALOG form will be non-resiz able, floating, and non-docking. You can \nspecify the \nDOCKING attribute to allow the form to be docked within th e application frame. By default, a \ndocking dialog is displayed floating, and you can i nteractively dock it. When a dialog is \ndocked it will be resized to match the application frame edge to which it is docked, and so is \nresizable by default. The qualifiers LEFT, RIGHT, T OP, and BOTTOM, specify the edge of \nthe application frame to which the dialog form will be docked when first displayed. \nBLOCKING DIALOG Normal form layout and content, but will block acc ess to all other \nforms while it is displayed. \n \nHere are some examples of ways you can set up forms of different types: \n \nsetup form !!myform dialog dock left - Creates a re sizable docking dialog; \nsetup form !!myform dialog resizable - Creates a re sizable floating dialog; \nsetup form !!myform dialog - Creates a non-resizabl e floating dialog; \nsetup form !!myform - Creates a non-resizable float ing dialog; \nsetup form !!myform document - Creates a resizable MDI child document; \nsetup form !!myform document Float - Creates a floa ting resizable non-MDI document. \n Two layout modes are supported, namely VarChars an d FixChars. VarChars is a new \nlayout mode, based on measuring precise string widt hs. It is better suited to the use of \nvariably spaced fonts, and tends to produce smaller , more pleasing forms, without unwanted \nspace. The benefits of using VarChars are: \n \n\u2022 It tends to produce smaller, more pleasing forms, without unwanted space. \n\u2022 No text wrap-around, except possibly in conjunctio n with TagWidth. \n\u2022 No truncation of explicitly defined text except po ssibly in conjunction with TagWidth. \n \nThe recommended layout mode for all new forms is: \nsetup form !!formname . . . VarChars \n \n FixChars is the old layout mode (prior to PDMS12.1 ), which is based on the use of \nnotional character width to calculate the approxima te sizes of textual gadgets and gadget \ntags. Because the calculated sizes are only approxi mate, the user has to make frequent use \nof the gadget's Width specifier and TagWidth specif ier and considerable trial and error to \nachieve a desired layout. \n The default layout mode for setup form is FixChars, because this will be th e least \ndisruptive for existing user Appware, so FixChars m ode will currently result from either of \n \nsetup form !!formname . . . \nsetup form !!formname . . . FixChars "} {"Main Title": "Intelligent Resizable Forms ", "Sub Title": "15.2.5. Intelligent Resizable Forms ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 82/178 15.2.4. Minimum Size and Resizability \n A form will automatically stretch to fit the gadge ts you add to it. You can use the SIZE \nkeyword to give a minimum size in multiples of the character width and line height . For \nexample: \n \nsetup form !!New1 size 25.5 10 \n \n\u2022 Character width is the notional character width for the selected ch aracter font. \n\u2022 Line height is the height of the tallest single line gadget, th at is a TOGGLE , BUTTON , \n \nRADIO BUTTON, OPTION gadget or single-line PARAGRAPH for the selected character \nfont. The RESIZABLE command means that the form wil l be displayed with re-sizing controls \nat its corners. This will allow the user to change the size of the form. Docking forms and all \ndocument forms are resizable by default; but for ot her types, if you do not include the \nRESIZABLE command, the size of the form is fixed. \n \nsetup form !!New1 RESIZABLE \nsetup form !!New2 size 25 10 RESIZABLE \n All gadgets except ALPHA and VIEW gadgets have DOCK and ANCHOR attributes that \nallow you to define gadgets that have intelligent p ositioning and resizing behaviour when \ntheir container gadget resizes. \n \n This allows you to have more than one resizable ga dget on a form and still have \npredictable and potentially complex resize behaviou r. However, the DOCK and ANCHOR \nattributes are mutually exclusive: setting the DOCK attribute resets the ANCHOR to the \ndefault; setting the ANCHOR attribute resets DOCK t o none. \n \n ALPHA and VIEW gadgets do not support DOCK or ANCH OR attributes. They do, \nhowever, expand to fill their containers, so you ca n put them in a frame and set the frame\u2019s \nDOCK or ANCHOR attributes to get the behaviour you desire. \nCertain gadgets, known as the linear gadgets, have their centres auto-aligned \napproximately to aid simple layout without the user having to know about PATH and ALIGN \nconcepts. \n \n This pseudo-alignment gives sensible layout for si mple forms, but introduces small errors \nin all other circumstances and prevents accurate co ntrolled layout because the user doesn\u2019t \nknow the offsets applied. The NOALIGN keyword allow s you to switch off this pseudo \nalignment. \n The gadgets BUTTON, TOGGLE, TEXT, OPTION, single l ine PARGRAPH fit within 1 \nvertical grid unit and are by default drawn with th eir Y-coordinate adjusted so that they would \napproximately centre-align with an adjacent BUTTON. This pseudo-alignment introduces \nsmall errors in all but a few circumstances and pre vents accurate controlled layout. \nNOALIGN prevents this (historical) gadget auto-alig nment. Use NOALIGN in conjunction \nwith PATH RIGHT (the default path) and HALIGN CENTR E, as it gives a better layout, with \nfewer surprises. \nNote: It is bad practice to place one gadget on top of a nother. This may lead to gadgets \nbeing obscured. The commands to set modifiable attr ibutes are described after the syntax \ngraph. "} {"Main Title": "Form Title and Icon Title ", "Sub Title": "15.3.1. Form Title and Icon Title ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 83/178 15.3. Form Members \n The title sub-command is used to supply a string t hat is displayed in its banner at the top \nof the form's window. To set the title: \n \ntitle 'Quite a Long Title for a Form' \n \nYou can modify the title at any time using the Form Title member: \n \n!!MyForm.FormTitle = 'Modified Title' \n \nThe icontitle sub-command is used to supply a strin g that is used when a form is iconized. \nTo set the icon title: icontitle 'Short Title' \n \nYou can also modify the icon title at any time usin g the IconTitle member: \n \n!!MyForm.IconTitle = \u2018New Icon\u2019 \n The form\u2019s initialisation callback allows the form \u2019s gadgets to be initialised every time it is \nshown to reflect the current state of the applicati on and possibly to validate whether the form \ncan be displayed in the current context. You can se t the callback by assigning to the form\u2019s \ninitcall member. This can be done with the INITCALL command: \n \nINITCALL \u2018!This.InitCallBack()\u2019 \n \nor directly by \n \n!!MyForm.initcall = \u2018This.InitCallBack()\u2019 \n \nNote: The form initialisation callback must not attempt to display another form. You may \ninvoke an ALERT object but not otherwise seek any i nput from the user. If the callback \ndiscovers an error so serious that the form cannot be displayed it can abort the display of the \nform by returning an error. You can supply the text of an error message that is to be \npresented in an error alert in place of the form: \n \ndefine method .initcallback() \n return error 1 'You do not have write access to t his \n database' \nendmethod \n \nIf the initialisation callback has already caused a n alert to be raised then you can prevent the \nraising of a new error alert by using the NOALERT k eyword: \n \ndefine method .initcallback() \n return error 1 NOALERT \nendmethod \nThe form supports the concepts of OK and CANCEL act ions: \n \nThe OKCALL callback is executed when a form\u2019s OK bu tton is pressed or when the OK \nbutton of a form\u2019s ancestor has been pressed It all ows operators to approve the current \ngadget settings and carry out the function of the f orm. The form is then removed from the \nscreen. Typically this callback will gather all the data from the form\u2019s gadgets and perform "} {"Main Title": "Quit/Close Callback ", "Sub Title": "15.3.4. Quit/Close Callback ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 84/178 the form\u2019s major task. If you do anything of signif icance in callbacks on other gadgets you \nmay have a hard time undoing everything if the user presses the CANCEL button. You can \nassign to the form\u2019s OKCALL member using the comman d OKCALL \u2018CallbackString\u2019 . You \ncan modify the Okcallback at any time using !this.Okcall = \u2018CallbackString\u2019 . \n \nThe CANCELCALL callback is executed when a form\u2019s C ANCEL button is pressed, when \nthe CANCEL button of a form\u2019s ancestor is pressed ( see section on Form Families) or when \nthe window\u2019s CLOSE gadget is used. It allows the op erator not to proceed with the functions \nof the form. The form is then removed from the scre en and all gadgets are automatically \nreset to the values they had when the form was disp layed or when any APPLY button was \nlast pressed. Typically this callback allows you, t he PML programmer, to undo any actions \nalready carried out on the form that ought to be un done in the light of the CANCEL request \nYou can assign to the form\u2019s CANCELCALL member usin g the command CANCELCALL \n\u2018CallbackString\u2019 . \n \nYou can modify the CANCELcallback at any time using \n \n!this.Cancelcall = \u2018CallbackString \n All Forms have a QUITCALL member that you can pass a standard callback string. This \nis executed whenever the user presses the Quit/Clos e icon (X) on the title bar of forms and \nthe main application window. If an open callback is used then it is called with the FORM \nobject as its first parameter and \u2018QUIT\u2019 as its act ion string. QUITCALL for MAIN Forms For \nforms of type MAIN, the QUITCALL callback is execut ed, if present. This permits the user to \nterminate the application, and so the associated PM L callback should prompt the user for \nconfirmation. If the user confirms the quit, then t he callback should close down the \napplication, and not return. If the user decides no t to quit, then the callback should return an \nerror to indicate the decision to F&M. \n \n Use return error\u2026noalert if you want to avoid disp laying an error alert. If the form has no \nQUIT callback, then the QUIT event will be ignored. The following example shows a (global) \nPML function, that you could be use from all forms of type MAIN: \n \ndefine function !!quitMain( ) \n -- Sharable method Quit the application \n !str = !!Alert.Confirm('Are you sure you want to quit the application?') \n if( !str eq 'YES' ) then \n -- execute application termination command, whi ch should not return \n finish \n else \n return error 3 |user chose not to QUIT| noalert \n endif \nendfunction \n \nThis would be called from the form definition funct ion body or from its constructor method as \nshown below: \n \nSetup form !!myApplication MAIN \n quitCall \u2018!!quitMain( )\u2019 \nexit \ndefine method .myApplication( ) \n-- Constructor \n !this.quitCall = \u2018!!quitMain( )\u2019 \nendmethod \n "} {"Main Title": "FIRSTSHOWN callback ", "Sub Title": "15.3.5. FIRSTSHOWN callback ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 85/178 Essentially, if no QUIT callback is present, then t he form is cancelled (hidden with reset of \ngadget values). If a QUIT callback is provided then you can prevent the default Cancel \naction by returning a PML error, but you must hide the form from your callback method (It is \nmore efficient the use \u2018!this.hide()\u2019, rather than \u2018hide !!myform\u2018 from your form methods). \n \nNote: F&M does not display an alert for the returned err or, it is merely for communication. \nYou don\u2019t need a QUIT callback if you just want to allow the form to be hidden. For \nDOCUMENT forms (MDI children) only, the callback must not display an alert as this will \ncause some gadgets to malfunction afterwards. \nTypically assigned in the Constructor by \n \n!this.FirstShownCall = '!this.' \n \n The purpose is to allow the user to carry out any form actions which can only be \ncompleted when the form is actually displayed. Ther e are a variety of circumstances where \nthis arises and it is often difficult to find a rel iable solution. A couple of examples are given \nbelow. Commands which manipulate form, menu or gadg et visual properties, executed from \na PML macro, function or callback may not happen un til control is returned to the window \nmanager's event loop. For example, in the applicati on's start-up macro the command \nsequence show !!myForm \u2026 hide !!myform will result in the form not being displayed, but \nalso not becoming known at all to the window manage r. Attempts to communicate with this \nform via the External callback mechanism (possibly from another process) will not work. \n \nThis can be rectified by doing the '!this.hide()' w ithin the FIRSTSHOWN callback, because \nthe form will be guaranteed to be actually displaye d (and hence known to the window \nmanager), before it is hidden It is sometimes diffi cult to achieve the correct gadget \nbackground colour setting the first time the form i s displayed. This can be resolved by setting \nthe required colour in the FIRSTSHOWN callback. \nTypically assigned in the Constructor by \n \n!this.KillingCall = '!this.' \n \nThe purpose is to notify the form that it is being destroyed and allow the assigned callback \nmethod to destroy any associated resources, e.g. gl obal PML objects which would otherwise \nnot be destroyed. This may be necessary because PML global objects will survive an \napplication module switch, but may not be valid in the new module. \n \nNotes: \nthe form or to the Form itself (e.g. don't show or hide the form). Attempts to edit the form or \nits gadgets may cause unwanted side effects or poss ible system errors. \nkilling callbacks. \n It is often convenient to store additional informa tion on a form which will not be displayed \nto the user. This is achieved by defining form vari ables. These are variables which can be \nany of the PML data types, including ARRAYS and OBJ ECTS. These variables have the \nsame lifetime as the form and are deleted when the form itself is killed. \n "} {"Main Title": "Querying Form Members ", "Sub Title": "15.3.8. Querying Form Members ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 86/178 Form members are defined in just the same way as ob ject members: \n \nsetup form !!MyForm... \n member .MyNumber is REAL \n member .MyString is STRING \n member .MyArray is ARRAY \nexit \n \nThe value of a form member can be set and used in j ust the same way as an object \nmember: \n \n!!MyForm.MyNumber = 42 \n!Text = !This.MyNumber \n!ThirdValue = !This.MyArray[3] \n \nIn a callback function you can use !this. to repres ent 'this form': \n \n!ThirdValue = !This.MyArray[3] \nYou can query the members of a form using the comma nd: \n \nq var !!formname \n \nThis will list all the attributes of the form, and all the gadgets defined on it. This is a useful \ndebugging aid. To query all the gadgets of a form ( excludes USERDATA gadget) use: \n \n!!gadgetsarray = !!MyForm.gadgets() \n \nReturns array of GADGET. \n Forms are displayed on the screen either as free-s tanding forms or as a member of a \nform family. A form can be displayed as a free stan ding form, for example by show !!form \nfree. It then has no parent so it will not disappea r when the form which caused it to be \ndisplayed is hidden. \n \n When one form causes another form to be displayed, such as when a button with the \nFORM keyword is pressed or a gadget callback execut es a show !!form command the result \nis a child form. A form can have many child forms ( and grand-children\u2026) but a child form \nhas only one parent - the form which caused the chi ld form to be displayed. The nest of \nrelated forms is called a Form Family. \n \n The Form Family exists just as long as the forms a re displayed. If a form is already on the \nscreen when it is shown, it is brought to the front of the display. If the child form is already in \na Form Family it is transferred to the new parent. If the user presses the OK button of a \nparent form, the system in effect presses the OK bu ttons on each of the child forms, \n'youngest' first, invoking their OKCALL callbacks. The parent form and all child-forms are \nhidden and the Form Family then ceases to exist. If the user presses the CANCEL button or \nuses the window's CLOSE controls, the system in eff ect presses the CANCEL buttons of \neach of the child forms, 'youngest' first, invoking their CANCELALL callbacks, and all the \nforms in the Form Family are hidden. The action of RESET and APPLY buttons does not \naffect family members. "} {"Main Title": "Position of Forms on the Screen ", "Sub Title": "15.4.3. Position of Forms on the Screen ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 87/178 15.4.2. Loading and Showing Forms \n A form definition must be loaded before the form c an be displayed. If you have saved the \ndefinition in a .pmlfrm file then loading will be a utomatic when the form is displayed for the \nfirst time. Note: Earlier AppWare used form definit ions in macro files which had to be loaded \nexplicitly via \n \n$m path-name. \n \nThis mechanism still operates for backwards compati bility, but is strongly discouraged when \nwriting new AppWare. Normally, a form is displayed as a result of the operator making a \nmenu selection or pressing a button on a form. This is achieved either by using the Form \ndirective in the menu or button definition or by me ans of the command: \n \nshow !!formname \n \nused in the gadget\u2019s callback. In either case the f orm becomes a child of the menu\u2019s or \ngadget\u2019s owning form. A form may be displayed free- standing, i.e. not as a child, by: \n \nshow !!formname free \n \nSometimes it is useful to force the loading of a fo rm\u2019s definition file before the form is actually \ndisplayed, so that you can edit the form or gadget attributes from another form\u2019s callbacks \nbefore the form is actually displayed. Using the co mmand: \n \nloadform !!formname \n \nfrom a callback will force load the definition if t he form is unknown to PML, but do nothing if \nthe form has already been loaded. If you are sure t hat a form\u2019s definition has been loaded \nthen you can show the form as a child or free-stand ing respectively using the form methods: \n \n!!formname.show( ) \n!!formname.show( \u2018free\u2019 ) \n \nbut note that this will not dynamically load the fo rm definition. \n Mostly forms are automatically positioned by the s ystem according to their type and the \nway they are shown. The origin of a form is its top left hand corner. When a form is displayed \nas a child form then it is always positioned with r espect to its parent. For a form shown from \na MENU, its origin is at the origin of the parent. If the form is displayed from a BUTTON or \nany other gadget, its origin is at the centre of th e gadget. When a form is shown as a free \nform for the first time then its default position i s at the top left-hand corner of the screen. We \nstrongly recommend that you allow the system to pos ition forms whenever \npossible. \n \nYou can force the screen position of free-standing forms using the following commands or \nmethods: \n \nshow !!MyForm Free At xr 0.3 yr 0.5 \nshow !!MyForm Free Centred xr 0.5 yr 0.5 \n!!MyForm.show( 'At', 0.3, 0.5 ) \n!!MyForm.show( 'Cen', 0.5, 0.5 ) \n "} {"Main Title": "Hiding Forms ", "Sub Title": "15.4.4. Hiding Forms ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 88/178 The At option puts the origin of the form at the sp ecified position; alternatively the Cen option \nputs the centre of the form at the given position. The co-ordinate values are fractions of the \nscreen width or height respectively and are referre d to as screen co-ordinates. For example : \n \nshow !!MyForm free At xr 0.25 yr 0.1 \n \npositions the origin of !!MyForm one quarter of the way across from the left edge of the \nscreen, and one tenth of the way down from the top. \n \n!!MyForm.show( 'Cen', 0.5, 0.5 ) \n \ncentres !!MyForm at the middle of the screen. \n The recommended way for a form to be removed from the screen is for the user to press \na button with the OK or CANCEL attribute. Forms may also be cancelled by using the \nwindow\u2019s close controls. Both these mechanisms will remove the form and any of its children \nexecuting their OK or CANCEL \ncallbacks appropriately. \n \n Sometimes it is required to hide a form and other forms which are functionally associated \nbut not part of the form family or as a result of a button press on a form you may want to hide \nother associated forms but not the form whose butto n was pressed. The hide command or \nmethod allows this: \n \nhide !!MyForm \n!!MyForm.hide() \n \nNote: When you explicitly hide a form in this way i ts gadgets will be reset to their values at \ndisplay or at the last APPLY, just like a CANCEL ac tion, but the CANCELCALL callbacks for \nthe form and its nest will not be applied. This mea ns that before youexecute the hide you \nshould use any pertinent data from the forms to be hidden. \nYou can destroy a loaded form definition using the command kill !!MyForm \n \nThe form is hidden and then its definition is destr oyed so that it is then no longer known to \nPML. You cannot then access the form or its gadgets , members or methods (including its \n.show() method. Normally you will not need to inclu de the kill command within your \nAppWare. If you re-show the form using the show com mand then the system will attempt to \ndemand load the definition again. This is slow and expensive if you haven\u2019t modified the \ndefinition so avoid it: use loadform !!MyForm and ! !MyForm.show() instead. If you execute a \nsetup form !!MyForm... while the form !!MyForm alre ady exists then it is killed and a new \ndefinition is started. This mechanism may be useful because it makes it possible to generate \na form definition interactively from within your Ap pWare. This can be very powerful but \nshould be used with great care. \n You can stop forms from being hidden from the bord er close/quit pull-down menu by \nsetting the NOQUIT attribute: \n \nSetup form !!MyForm . . . NOQUIT \n \nBy default, you can quit from any user-defined form , except for the current system Main \nform. \n "} {"Main Title": "Menu Types and Rules ", "Sub Title": "16.1. Menu Types and Rules ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 89/178 16. Menus \n Menus are always members of forms but can be emplo yed in various ways by the form \nand its gadgets. Menus come in two types: main menu s and popup menus. You determine \nwhat type a menu is when you create it. If you do n ot specify the type, then the system will \ntry to infer its type from the context of its first use. \n \nFor example, if the first action in a form definiti on is to define the menubar, then the \nsystem will infer any menus referenced in the bar\u2026e xit sequence to be of type MAIN. Or, as \na second example, if a menu is assigned as the popu p for the form or a gadget of the form, \nthen the system will infer the menu to be of type P OPUP. \n Forms may have a bar menu gadget or main menu, whi ch appears as a row of options \nacross the top of the form. When you select one of the menu options, a pull-down menu is \ntemporarily displayed. Fields on a menu may have pu ll-right arrows (>) that open a pulldown \nsub-menu when selected. Forms and gadgets can have popup menus assigned to them. \nWhen you move the cursor onto them and press the mo use popup button, the menu pops-up \nat the cursor and you can then select from the disp layed options. The following rules \ndetermine how you can use menus: \n \n\u2022 Each menu belongs either to the Main menu system or to the Popup menu system, but \ncannot belong to both . \n\u2022 A menu in the Main system can appear only once. i. e. it cannot be a sub-menu of \nseveral menus. \n\u2022 A menu in the Popup system may appear only once in a given popup tree, but may be \nused in any number of popup trees. \n\u2022 A menu cannot reference itself , either directly as a pullright of one of its own fields or \nbe a pullright of another menu in its own menu tree . \n\u2022 Any pullright field of a menu references a sub-men u that will be inferred to be of the \nsame type as the referencing menu. \n A bar menu is defined within a form definition. Th e menu bar is created with the bar \nsubcommand. Note that its name is \u2018bar\u2019: there can be only one bar menu on a form. Then \nyou can use the bar\u2019s Add() method to add the optio ns. For example: \n \nsetup form !!MyForm Dialog size 30 5 \nbar \n!this.bar.add ( 'Choose', 'Menu1') \n!this.bar.add ( 'Window', ' ' ) \n!this.bar.add ( 'Help', ' ' ) \nexit \n \nThis code specifies the text of three options label led Choose, Window, and Help. \n \nPicture Nr.7. - A Simple Menu \n"} {"Main Title": "Defining a Menu Object ", "Sub Title": "16.2.1. Defining a Menu Object ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 90/178 \u2022 The Choose option when picked will open Menu1 as a pull-down \n\u2022 The Window and Help options will open the Window a nd Help system menus \n \nNote: That Menu1 need not exist when the bar is defined, it can be defined later in the form \ndefinition, but it must exist before the Choose opt ion is selected or an error alert will be \nraised. \n A menu is a set of menu fields, each representing an action that is invoked when the field \nis selected. The fields\u2019 display text indicates to the user what the actions are, and the fields\u2019 \nreplacement text defines what the actions are. With in the form definition a menu object can \nbe created using the form\u2019s NewMenu method or the m enu sub-command. You can then use \nthe menu\u2019s Add(), InsertAfter(), and InsertBefore() methods to add or insert named menu \nfields. A menu field can do one of three things: \n \n\u2022 Execute a callback. \n\u2022 Display a form. \n\u2022 Display a sub-menu. \n \nYou can also add a visual separator between fields. Below is an example of a complete \nmenu definition: \n \n!menu = !this.newmenu( 'file', \u2018main\u2019 ) \n!menu.add( 'MENU', 'Send to', 'SendList', 'SendTo' ) \n!menu.add( 'SEPARATOR', 'saveGroup' ) \n!menu.add( 'CALLBACK', 'Save', '!this.SaveFile()', 'Save' ) \n!menu.add( 'FORM', 'Save as...', 'SaveFile', 'SaveA s' ) \n!menu.add( 'SEPARATOR' ) \n--core-code managed field for Explorer Addin, ticke d. \n--Note no Rtext needed \n!menu.add( 'CORETOGGLE', 'Explorer', '', 'Expl' ) \n!menu.add( 'MENU', 'Pull-right1', 'Pull1') \n--initialise toggle field as ticked (typically in t he \nconstructor) \n!menu.SetField( 'Expl', 'Selected', true ) \n \nThis creates a new main menu called Menu with six f ields and two separators between \nthem. For example: \n \n\u2022 The SAVE field when picked will execute the callba ck command this.SaveFile(). \n\u2022 The Save as... field when picked will load and dis play the form !!SaveFile. By \nconvention, the text on a menu field leading to a f orm ends with three dots, which \nyou must include with the text displayed for the fi eld. \n\u2022 The SEPARATOR, usually a line, will appear after t he previous field. \n\u2022 The Pull-right1 field when picked will display the sub-menu !this.Pull1 to its right. A \n\u2022 menu field leading to a sub-menu ends with a > sym bol: this is added automatically. \n\u2022 Named Menu Fields \n \nYou can add menu fields with an optional fieldname that you can later refer to when editing \nthe menufield or modifying its attributes\u2019. If you do not specify a field name then you will not \nbe able to refer to the field again. You can also a ssign a name to separator fields, which \nallows separator group editing. The general syntax is: \n \n!menu.Add( \u2018\u2019,\u2019 \u2019, \u2018\u2019, { \u2018 \u2019 } ) \n!menu.Add( \u2018SEPARATOR\u2019, { \u2018\u2019 }) "} {"Main Title": "Window Menu ", "Sub Title": "16.2.2. Window Menu ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 91/178 Where the fields have the following meanings: \n \n has allowable values: \u2018CALLBACK\u2019, \u2018TOGGLE\u2019, \u2018MENU\u2019 , and \u2018FORM\u2019. \n is the display-text for the field (cannot be null or blank). May contain multi-byte \ncharacters. \n is the replacement-text for the field. A null stri ng indicates no replacement-text. The \nallowable values for RTEXT for the different field types are: \n \n\u2022 CALLBACK\u2019 - callback string \n\u2022 TOGGLE\u2019 - callback string \n\u2022 MENU\u2019 - menu name string (without preceding \u2018.\u2019). \n\u2022 It cannot be blank. \n\u2022 FORM\u2019 - form name string (without preceding \u2018!!\u2019). It \n\u2022 cannot be blank. \n \n is an optional argument, which, if present, is the \nunique field name within the menu. \nYou can add the system Window menu to a bar menu using: \n \n!this.bar.add (\u2018\u2019, \u2018window\u2019) \n \nThis menu is dynamically created on use with a list of the titles of the windows currently \ndisplayed as its fields. Selecting a field will pop that window to the front. This can be very \nuseful on a cluttered screen. \nYou can add the system Help menu with the specified display text to a bar menu using \n \n!this.bar.add (\u2018Dtext\u2019, \u2018Help') \n!this.bar.InsertAfter(\u2018window\u2019, \u2018\u2019, \u2018Help\u2019) \n \nWhen selected, this Help option displays a system-h elp pull-down menu that gives Access to \nthe application help system. The fields are: \n \nContents This displays the Help window so that you can find the required topic from the \nhierarchical contents list. \nIndex This displays the Help window with the Index tab s elected, so that you can browse for \nthe topic you want to read about from the alphabeti cally-arranged list. You can locate topics \nquickly by typing in the first few letters of their title. \nSearch This displays the Help window with the Search tab at the front so that you can find \nall topics containing the keywords you specify. \nAbout To see the product version information. \n \nYou can access On Window help by pressing the F1 ke y while the form has keyboard focus, \nor by including a Help button in the form\u2019s definit ion. \n \nNote: By convention, the help menu should be the last on e defined for the menu bar, which \nwill ensure that it appears at the right-hand end o f the menu bar. \n You can use any of your defined menus as popup men us for most interactive gadgets \nand for the form background as long as you have spe cified them as belonging to the popup \nmenu system. When the cursor is moved over it with the popup mouse button pressed down, "} {"Main Title": "Finding Who Popped up a Menu ", "Sub Title": "16.2.5. Finding Who Popped up a Menu ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 92/178 and then released, the menu will be displayed, and you can select from it in the normal way. \nA popup is added to a gadget or form using its Setp opup() method, with the popup menu as \nthe argument to the method. Note that the menu pop1 must exist when the Setpopup() \nmethod is executed. For example: \n \nsetup form !!MyForm resizable \n menu .pop1 popup \n !this.pop1.add( 'MENU', 'Options', 'optionmenu' ) \n !this.pop1.add( 'MENU', 'More', 'moremenu' ) \n !this.pop1.add( 'MENU', 'Last', 'Lastmenu' \n button .b1 ... \n !this.b1.setpopup( !this.pop1 ) \nexit \n You can find out whether a menu was popped up from a gadget, and if so, the gadget\u2019s \nname. The method is: \n \n!menu.popupGadget() is GADGET \n \nIf the menu was a popup on a gadget then the return ed GADGET variable is a reference to \nthe gadget. If the menu was popped up from a pulldo wn-menu or from a popup on the form \nitself, the value is UNSET. Example: \n \n!g = !menu.popupGadget() \nif !g.set() then \n !n = !g.name() \n $p menu popped up by gadget $!n \nelse \n !n = menu.owner().name() \n $p menu popped up by form $!n \nendif \n A menu TOGGLE field is a menu field with a callbac k action and a tick-box to show that \nthe field has been selected or unselected. By defau lt the field will be unselected so the box \nwill not be ticked. When picked the fields callback action will be executed and the tick-box \nticked. If you pick the field again the callback ac tion will again be executed and the tick \nremoved. Note that the open callback is an obvious candidate for toggle menus as the \nSELECT or UNSELECT action is returned as the second argument to the callback method. \nFor example, in your form definition you can add a toggle field as follows: \n \nsetup form !!Myform Dialog size 30 5 \n !menu = !this.newmenu(\u2018Test\u2019, \u2018popup\u2019) \n !menu.add( 'Toggle' ,\u2019Active/Inactive\u2019, '!this.to ggle(\u2018,'OnOff' ) \nExit \n \ndefine method .toggle( !menu IS MENU, !action IS ST RING ) \n !name = !menu.fullname() \n !field = !menu.PickedFieldName \n $P menu $!name $!action field: $!field \nEndmethod \n \nNote: How we use the PickedFieldName member of the menu object to obtain the last \npicked field. If you pick this menu field the callb ack method will print: \n \nmenu !!MyForm.Menu1 SELECT field: OnOff "} {"Main Title": "Inserting Menus into a Bar ", "Sub Title": "16.3.1. Inserting Menus into a Bar ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 93/178 16.3. Editing Bars and Menus \n The contents of menu bars and menus can be modifie d at any time using the members \nand methods of the bar menu gadget object and the m enu object. \n You can insert new fields into a menu bar using th e InsertBefore() and InsertAfter() \nmethods, which insert the new fields relative to ex isting named menus. The methods use \nnamed menus to determine the point where they shoul d insert the new menu. The general \nsyntax is: \n \nInsertBefore(, , ) \nInsertAfter(, , ) \n \nWhere the fields have the following meanings: \n \n is the name of the menu immediately before or afte r where you want \nthe new menu to go. \n is the display-text for the menu. \n is the unique name for the menu within the bar. \n \nFor example: \n \nsetup form !!MyForm Dialog size 30 5 \n bar \n -- adds a pulldown for menu1 labelled with \n !this.bar.Add( \u2018\u2019, \u2018menu1\u2019 ) \n -- adds a window pulldown labelled with \n !this.bar.Add( \u2018\u2019, \u2018Window\u2019 ) \n -- adds a help pulldown labelled with \n !bar.InsertAfter( \u2018Window\u2019, \u2018\u2019, \u2018Help\u2019 ) \nExit \n \n If you use the identifier \u2018Window\u2019 or \u2018Help\u2019 as th e name of the menu, the system will \ninterpret them as system Window and Help menus, alt hough they will still be displayed with \nthe string given in . Named menus and the me thods that create them are discussed \nin more detail in the rest of this section. \nYou can insert new fields into a menu using the Ins ertBefore() and InsertAfter() methods, \nwhich insert the new fields relative to existing na med menu fields. The methods use named \nmenu fields to determine the point where they shoul d insert the new field. The general \nsyntax is: \n \nInsertBefore(,,, ,{}) \nInsertBefore(\u2018SEPARATOR\u2019,{}) \nInsertAfter(,,,< Rtext> ,{}) \nInsertAfter(\u2018SEPARATOR\u2019,{}) \n \nWhere the fields have the following meanings: \n \n is the name of the field immediately before or aft er where you want the \nnew field to go. \n has allowable values: \u2018CALLBACK\u2019, \u2018TOGGLE\u2019, \u2018MENU\u2019 , and \u2018FORM\u2019. \n is the display-text for the field (cannot be null or blank). May contain multi-byte \ncharacters. "} {"Main Title": "Changing the State of Menufields ", "Sub Title": "16.3.3. Changing the State of Menufields ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 94/178 is the replacement-text for the field. A null stri ng indicates no replacement-text. The \nallowable values for RTEXT for the different field types are: \n \n\u2022 CALLBACK\u2019 - callback string \n\u2022 TOGGLE\u2019 - callback string \n\u2022 MENU\u2019 - menu name string (without preceding \u2018.\u2019). It cann ot be blank. \n\u2022 FORM\u2019 - form name string (without preceding \u2018!!\u2019). It can not be blank. \n \n is an optional argument, which, if present, is the unique field name within the \nmenu. \n There are two methods you can use to set and read the status of menu- and menu-field \nproperties. Setting Menu-Options\u2019 Status You can de -activate a menufield on a menu bar \nand a field in a menu with the SetFieldProperty() s o that it cannot be selected. Similarly, you \ncan make them invisible so the user cannot see them . You can also use SetFieldProperty() \nto hide a menu field and to select or unselect togg le-type fields. The general syntax is: \n \n!menu.SetFieldProperty (, , Boolean) \n \nWhere the fields have the following meanings: \n \n The name of the field you want to change. \n The name of the property you want to change in the named field. The \nallowed values are: \n \n\u2022 ACTIVE\u2019 - greyed in or out \n\u2022 VISIBLE\u2019 - visible or invisible \n\u2022 SELECTED\u2019 - selected or unselected (toggle type fi elds, only. Specifically, this value \ncannot be used with bars). \n \nBoolean The value, TRUE or FALSE, for the property. \n \nNote: The property names may optionally be truncated to the first three characters \u2018ACT\u2019, \n\u2018VIS\u2019, and \u2018SEL\u2019. For example: \n \n!bar = !!MyForm.bar \n!menu = !!MyForm.Menu1 \n \nsets local variables !bar and !menu to be reference s to the bar gadget and Menu1 of form \n!!MyForm. \n \nThen \n \n!bar.SetFieldProperty( 'Foo', \u2018ACTive\u2019, false) \n \nwill grey-out the menufield on bar that has the fie ld-name \u201cFoo\u201d. And \n \n!menu.SetFieldProperty ( 'Bar', \u2018ACTive\u2019, true) \n \nwill activate the menufield on Menu1 that has the f ield-name \u201cBar\u201d. \n \nYou can use the same method to change the selected status of a toggle menu field. \n "} {"Main Title": "Implied Menu-field Groups ", "Sub Title": "16.3.4. Implied Menu-field Groups ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 95/178 Reading the Status of Menus and Menus\u2019 Fields \nTo read the status of a menu or of a menu-field pro perty, you can use the FieldProperty() \nmethod. The general syntax is: \n \nBoolean = !menu.FieldProperty (, ) \n \nWhere the fields have the following meanings: \n \n is the name of the field you want to change. \n is the name of the property you want to change in the named field. The \nallowed values are: \n \n\u2022 \u2018ACTIVE\u2019 - greyed in or out \n\u2022 VISIBLE\u2019 - visible or invisible \n\u2022 \u2018SELECTED\u2019 - selected or unselected (toggle type f ields, only. Specifically, this value \ncannot be used with bars) \n \nNote: The property names may optionally be truncated to the first three characters \u2018ACT\u2019, \n\u2018VIS\u2019, and \u2018SEL\u2019. \n \nFor example: \n \n!bar = !!MyForm.bar \n \nsets local variable !bar to be a reference to the b ar gadget of form !!MyForm. \n \nThen \n \n!isSet = !bar.FieldProperty( 'Foo', \u2018ACT\u2019) \n \nwill get the greyed-out status of the menufield on bar that has the field-name \u201cFoo\u201d. You can \nuse the same method to change the selected status o f a toggle menu field. \n A separator field and all following fields up to b ut not including the next separator field \nimplies a menu-field group. You can modify the ACTI VE and VISIBLE properties of all fields \nin the group, by reference to its separator name. F or example, for the menu: \n \n!menu = !this.newmenu( 'file', 'Main' ) \n!menu.add( 'MENU', 'Send to', 'SendList', 'SendTo' ) \n!menu.add( 'SEPARATOR', 'SaveGroup' ) \n!menu.add( 'CALLBACK', 'Save', '!this.SaveFile()',' Save' ) \nmenu.add( 'FORM', 'Save as...', 'SaveFile', 'SaveAs ' ) \n!menu.add( 'SEPARATOR', 'explGroup' ) \n!menu.add( 'FORM', 'Explorer...', 'ExplFile', 'Expl ' ) \n \n is the name of the field you want to change. \n is the name of the property you want to change in the named field. The \nallowed values are: \n \n\u2022 ACTIVE\u2019 - greyed in or out \n\u2022 VISIBLE\u2019 - visible or invisible \n\u2022 SELECTED\u2019 - selected or unselected (toggle type fi elds, only. Specifically, this value \ncannot be used with bars) \n "} {"Main Title": "Creating Menus Dynamically ", "Sub Title": "16.3.5. Creating Menus Dynamically ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 96/178 Executing the method \n \n!menu.SetField( 'saveGroup', 'visible', false ) \n \nwill make the all the fields invisible for the grou p currently implied by the separator field \n\u2018SaveGroup\u2019, i.e. the fields SaveGroup, Save and Sa veAs. \n \nThe combination of named SEPARATOR fields, insertio n and field group visibility will be \nuseful for managing the sharing of menus between co -operating sub-applications. This \nfacility should be used with great care. \n You can create new menus from within your appware dynamically using the form method \nNewMenu(). For example, you could equip your form w ith the methods popupCreate() and \npopupAction() which would allow you create and serv ice a popup menu from an array of \nstrings. Executing !this.popupCreate(\u2018NewPopup\u2019, !f ieldArray) will create a new popup menu \nand assign it to the form. \n \ndefine method .popupCreate( !name is STRING, !field s is ARRAY ) \n --!fields is an array of field name strings \n !menu = !this.newmenu( !name, \u2018popup\u2019 ) \n --add all the fields with same open callback \n do !n from 1 to !fields.size() \n !menu.add( 'Callback', !fields[!n], '!this.menu Action(' ) \n enddo \n -- assign the new menu as the form\u2019s popup menu \n !this.setpopup( !menu ) \nendmethod \n \ndefine method .popupAction( !menu is MENU, !action is STRING ) \n -- General popup menu action routine \n if ( !action eq \u2018SELECT\u2019 ) then \n !name = !menu.fullname() \n !field = !menu.pickedField \n -- execute application actions according to the field selected \n $P selected field $!field of menu $!name \n else \n -- execute applications for unselected field (t oggle) \n endif \nendmethod \n "} {"Main Title": "System Font and Unicode characters ", "Sub Title": "17.1. System Font and Unicode characters ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 97/178 17. Form layout \nThe Form Layout section explains how to lay gadgets out on a form. \n F&M supports a system font which provides the character representations used w ithin \nany forms, gadgets and menus which you define. This system font has variable width \ncharacters (referred to as VarChars ), so different characters may have different width s. \nA notional character width for the font is also supported. This is a sort of a verage width \n(usually the width of upper-case X), and provides a rough guide to the width of a text string \nas (number of characters X notional width). The rec ommended system font also supports \nmany of the World's character sets, so forms can be designed to use non-English \ncharacters, and even to mix different languages on the same form. In order to achieve this \nPML and F&M now use the Unicode standard as their internal character format. \n Two layout modes are supported, namely VarChars an d FixChars. VarChars is a new \nlayout mode, based on measuring precise string widt hs. It is better suited to the use of \nvariably spaced fonts, and removes the need for mos t uses of the TagWidth specifier. The \nbenefits of using VarChars are: \n \n\u2022 It tends to produce smaller, more pleasing forms, without unwanted space. \n\u2022 No text wrap-around, except possibly in conjunctio n with TagWidth. \n\u2022 No truncation of explicitly defined text except po ssibly in conjunction with TagWidth. \n \nThe recommended layout mode for all new forms is: \n \nsetup form !!formname . . . VarChars \n \n FixChars is the old layout mode (prior to PDMS12.1 ), which is based on the use of \nnotional character width to calculate the (approx.) sizes of textual gadgets and gadget tags. \nBecause the calculated sizes are only approximate t he user has to make frequent use of the \ngadget's Width specifier and TagWidth specifier and considerable trial and error to achieve a \ndesired layout. The default layout mode for setup f orm is FixChars, because this will be the \nleast disruptive for existing user Appware, so FixC hars mode will currently result from either \nof \n \nsetup form !!formname . . . \nsetup form !!formname . . . FixChars \n \nSee the FMSYS object method \n \n!!FMSYS.SetDefaultFormLayout(layout is STRING) \n \nthat allows users to change the default layout mode for Setup form. This can be used to help \ntest any existing appware which is using setup form !!formname . . ., in either mode to \ndetermine which forms need layout adjustment. \n \nFuture Change to VarChars as Default Layout Mode \nThe intention is to change the recommended layout m ode to be VarChars at a subsequent \nPDMS release. It is probable that this will be achi eved by introducing the alternative, \noptional, form definition Syntax \nLayout form !! . . . exit \nThis will ensure VarChars mode (and NoAlign) by def ault. "} {"Main Title": "System Font and Unicode characters ", "Sub Title": "17.1. System Font and Unicode characters ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 98/178 17.3. Containers, Grid Co-ordinates and Gadget Boxe s \n The Form and its Frame gadgets act as containers for holding gadgets. Typically \ngadgets are laid out in their containers from left to right and from top to bottom. Each \ncontainer has a rectangular co-ordinate grid with origin (0, 0) at the top at the top left-hand \ncorner. Each gadget has an origin at its top left-hand corner and a width and height , which \ntogether define a notional gadget box , which contains the gadget including its tag-text if \ndefined. Layout involves positioning each gadget, b y its origin, at a specified position within \nthe grid of its container and indicating its width and height. \n \n\u2022 The grid horizontal pitch is the notional characte r width for the system font. Because \nthis font is variably spaced, n horizontal grid units do not equate to n characters. \nGenerally, it is more than n unless the string has a high proportion of wide \ncharacters e.g. capitals, numerals, w's, m's etc. I t is important that you understand \nthis concept when you specify gadget sizes. \n\u2022 The grid vertical pitch is the line-height , which is the height of the tallest of the textual \ngadgets: TOGGLE, BUTTON, OPTION, TEXT or single-lin e PARAGRAPH. \n \nPicture Nr.8. - Conceptual X and Y Coordinates \nFor the Form container its extremities are referred to as XMIN form , YMIN form , XMAX \nform and YMAX form . \n \nThe extremities of a gadget box are referred to as XMIN.gadget , YMIN.gadget , \nXMAX.gadget an YMAX.gadget . \n \nPicture Nr.9. - Gadget Box Extremeties \nWhen new gadgets are added to a container, the XMAX and YMAX extremities grow to \ninclude the gadget boxes. \n \n"} {"Main Title": "System Font and Unicode characters ", "Sub Title": "17.1. System Font and Unicode characters ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 99/178 17.4. Positioning, Alignment and Size of Gadgets \n We strongly recommend that you lay out your form u sing auto-placement in combination \nwith relative placement and use the NoAlign keyword. \n \nNote: This is vital because it allows gadgets to be added , removed, and repositioned, \nwithout having to adjust the geometry of all the ot her gadgets on the form. \n \nAuto-placement chooses a gadget's position coordinate automaticall y relative to the last \nplaced gadget. \nRelative placement uses the AT syntax to specify a gadget's position c oordinate relative to \na previously placed gadget. \nNoAlign switches off the default approximate centre-alignme nt of the gadgets TEXT, \nOPTION, COMBO, TOGGLE and single line PARAGRAPH for path right and path left, which \ninterferes with Auto-placement. \n \nA gadget's size component , width or height, is either a literal value, or a previous gadget's \nsize component, or an extension to a previous gadge t's co-ordinate limit, i.e. min or max. \nThe last option, referred to as sizing to Positional Extent , uses the width to\u2026 and height \nto\u2026 syntax. This makes it much simpler to lay out compl ex and resizable forms. \n \nThe following example form demonstrates layout of a simple, fixed size dialog form using the \nVarChars layout mode. Each gadget's position is set within t he gadget definition either, \nimplicitly using auto-placement , or using the AT syntax. Gadget sizes are set implicitly, or \nrelative to the size of other gadgets or to the pos itional extents of other gadgets. \n \nPicture Nr.10. - Form definition using the VarChars layout mode \nNote: No actual co-ordinate positions are required to sp ecify this form. It is mostly \nundesirable and unnecessary to specify a gadget's p osition as absolute grid coordinates, \ne.g. at x 12, y 5; we recommend defining the layout of each gadget relative to a predecessor. \nThis allows simple editing of the layout, without h aving to calculate new positions. There are \nexceptions, for example, for the first gadget in a form or frame, where you may want to \nestablish an initial x or y co-ordinate that is not at the default position. \n \nHere is the corresponding PML code for the form: us ingVarChars.pmlfrm. The 'layout' \nkeywords are emboldened and explained later in the chapter. \n \n"} {"Main Title": "Auto-placement ", "Sub Title": "17.5. Auto-placement ", "Response": "AVEVA PDMS Programmable Macro Language manual \n 2016 v.1. Page 100/178 setup form !!usingVarChars dialog Varchars NoAlign \n $*-- layout form !!usingVarChars dialog \n title |Form !!usingVarChars| \n path down \n paragraph .para1 text 'Simple form layout using V arChars' \n frame .frame1 |frame1: See my gadgets| \n paragraph .para2 text 'text positioned implicit ly in frame1' \n frame .frame2 |frame2: path right| \n toggle .tog1 |BBC news 24| \n path right \n toggle .tog2 |BBC 1| \n toggle .tog3 |BBC 2| \n path down \n vdist 0 \n frame .frame3 |frame3: path down, vdist 0| at xmin.frame2 width to max.frame2 \n -- path down, vdist 0 gives minimum vertica l spacing \n rtoggle .rad1 |ClassicFM| at xcen.frame3 - 0.5 * size \n rtoggle .rad2 |Caroline| \n rtoggle .rad3 |BBC Radio 2| \n exit \n exit \n exit \n button .cancel |CANCEL| at xmin form CANCEL \n path right \n button .ok |OK| at xmax form-size OK \nexit \n Auto-placement uses the PATH , DISTANCE and ALIGNMENT commands, which have \nthe following meanings: \n \n\u2022 PATH The direction in which the next gadget origin will be placed relative to the \nprevious gadget. \n\u2022 DISTANCE The distance increment between gadgets along the cu rrent path. \n\u2022 ALIGNMENT Specifies how the next gadget aligns to the previou s one for the current \npath. \nRelative placement means specifying the new gadget position by reference to the \nextremities of a previously defined gadget. It is a lso possible to position gadgets using \nexplicit form coordinates, but this is rarely neces sary. \n The path along which gadgets are to be added, is s et using a PATH attribute: Usually \nPATH right or PATH up, occasionally PATH left or PA TH down. The default direction is \nPATH right. The current path direction is set until you give a different PATH command. \n To specify the horizontal and vertical displacemen t between adjacent gadgets, use the \nHDISTANCE and VDISTANCE keywords, respectively. The default displacements are \nHDIST 0.2 grid units, VDIST 1.0 grid units. Note th at these specify clearance distances \nbetween gadgets (for example, the distance between the XMAX of one gadget and the XMIN \nof the next), not the distance between gadget origi ns, thus: \n \nPicture Nr.11. - Distances Between Gadgets \n"} {"Main Title": "1. CABLE TRAY APPLICATION", "Sub Title": "1.2. Configuration of tools ", "Response": "The Choose Options dialog box allows the configuration of component choices, as well as connection rules when they are created. It is possible to define a default component specification.The selected specification will then be recommended automatically when creating Cable Tray, Branch and Components. "} {"Main Title": "1. CABLE TRAY APPLICATION", "Sub Title": "1.3. Creation of cable path ", "Response": "CrCable Tray eation: Name of the cable path Specification Attributes Branch creation: Branch name Specification Attributes Attribute information window: Name Design Code Inspection Schedule Paint Schedule Tray Duty Material Reference FlUid Reference Case Reference Temperature Pressure etc... "} {"Main Title": "1. CABLE TRAY APPLICATION", "Sub Title": "1.4. Connections of the ends of branches ", "Response": "When creating a branch, it is possible to configureRer the Head and Tail connection points of this one These connections are managed manually, because unlike Piping, cable trays cannot be connected to nozzles Once one of the connections is configured, the branch appears dotted between the Head and the TailIt is also possible to connect the Head and Tail of a branch to cable tray components "} {"Main Title": "1. CABLE TRAY APPLICATION", "Sub Title": "1.5. Creation of components ", "Response": "Cable Tray Specicfication ChOix of Specifications Allows you to choose the specifications of the components to be created Creation/Re-selection mode of a component Choosing the type of elements to be created, Configuration of the direction of creation forward backward Position Modifications/position of a componentCreate Creating a component In the same way as in the Piping module it is possible to change the orientation and position of the components with the Model Editor Change Exit and Route Component allow the modification of inputs and outputs for multi-channel componentsThe Swap Branch function allows you to reverse multi-channel components The straight lengths of cable trays are automatically managed by AVEVA E3D In the majority of cases, the straight lengths are represented by a simple cylindrical volume representedFeeling the axis of the cable path The Fill With Straights and Remove Straights functions allow the automatic generation and deletion of straight sections whose maximum lengths are specified in the catalog Unlike cylindrical volumesBy default, whose length automatically adapts between 2 components, the sections are considered components in their own right and must be modified manually or regenerated "} {"Main Title": "1. CABLE TRAY APPLICATION", "Sub Title": "1.6. Nomenclatures and Isometrics ", "Response": "Piping pipe Isometrics The nomenclature of a cable path can be generated by a deferral From the bar ribbon, in the Piping discipline it is possible to edit an isometry and the nomenclature of a cable tray"} {"Main Title": "2. HVAC DESIGNER APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "2.1. The basics ", "Response": "This module allows the creation of HVAC parts AVEVA E3D allows you to create ventilation elements according to the following hierarchy model: HVAC BRANCH HVAC Components BEND STRAIGHT TRANSFORMATION... NOTE: The HVAC module is close to the Piping module. An HVAC element must contain a branch, it then has at least 2 ends, which are the Head and Tail of the branch. However, if he hasOf several branches, it can have more than 2 ends. "} {"Main Title": "2. HVAC DESIGNER APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "2.2. Tool configurations ", "Response": "Create HVAC Create an HVAC System Element HVAC Main Branch Create a Main BRanch Element Choice of Specifications and name. Selection of the direction and dimensions of the Head Choice of the specification and thickness of heat insulation. Head Start: defined where the head will be positioned. NOTE: To define the dimensions of the HeAd, use the Picture icon... "} {"Main Title": "2. HVAC DESIGNER APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "2.3. Creation of components ", "Response": "Categories Choose the category of components you want See chapter 2 4 for more informationAvailable Types Choose the type of components available in this category See chapter 2 4 for more information Once the category and type of elements have been selected A dialog box appears Fill in the dimensions (Attention this boIte differs depending on the category and type of element chosen) "} {"Main Title": "2. HVAC DESIGNER APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "2.4. Library of available items ", "Response": "Here is the library of items available in the HVAC moduleHVAC rectangular HVAC Circular HVAC Shape Transformation HVAC Extra Equipment HVAC Nozzle Items HVAC Inline Plant Equipment HVAC Branch Connectors "} {"Main Title": "1. INTRODUCTION A AVEVA E3D 3_1 ", "Sub Title": "Introduction ", "Response": "AVEVA E3D is a software that uses databases Indeed, work on AVEVA E3D does not use a so-called \"drawing\" file such as AutoCAD Microstation or SolidWorks To better understand, AVEVA E3D organizes the elements created in baIts of data that are prioritized in the following way PROJECT (ex: FTN) MDB Multiple Data Base (ex: FTN ALL) DB(Database) MODEL in writing DB(Database) CATALOGUE in read-only DB(Database) DRAW in writing NOTE: There is pOther types of DB (Database), the same database can be attached to several MDBs (Multiple Database), and can be read-only or write-only for the user. "} {"Main Title": "2. PRESENTATION OF AVEVA E3D 3.1 ", "Sub Title": "2.1. Starting the software ", "Response": "List and choice of project User name Password Choice of the MDB Stamp: Project backup choice Choice of E3D Model Draw Isodraft Spool Paragon module "} {"Main Title": "2. PRESENTATION OF AVEVA E3D 3.2 ", "Sub Title": "2.2. User Interface ", "Response": "Quick Access Toolbar Ribbon Model Explorer 3D graphic view view Properties "} {"Main Title": "3. THE HIERARCHY ", "Sub Title": "3.1. Common hierarchy ", "Response": "Elements common to allAll the hierarchies (PIPES, STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT,...) WORL Site Zone "} {"Main Title": "3. THE HIERARCHY ", "Sub Title": "3.2. Specific hierarchy (examples) ", "Response": "Zone EQUI SUBE Primitives ( BOX, CYLI, NOZZ ) PIPE BRAN Piping Components(VALV,ELBO,...) STRU FRMW SBFR STRUCTURAL Elements "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.1. Model Explorer ", "Response": "This dialog box allows you to view the elements of the database, and to position yourselfR also in this one The blue highlighted current element, corresponds to the active element It is called by the initials CE Current Element Drag and drop Drag and drop allows you to take an object from the Model Explorer and display it in the 3D view Right click menuAtttibutes display the attributes Rename rename the current element Delete delete the current item Add CE To Current Collection add to Active collection Add CE Members to Current Collection add members of the current item to the active collectionNew Explorer display a new explorer for this item Copy copy eg Ctrl C Paste paste eg Ctrl +V Add display in the graphic view Add Only display the item without its group Add Connected show the connected elements Add Supports show mediaAdd Supported Element display supported elements Add Within Volume display the elements in the volume Add Laser Within Volume display the laser in the volume Remove undisplay Remove Only Remove the item without its group Remove linked media Remove linked mediaHightlight highlight Unhightlight remove the highlight Command Window Add this: adds the object in the 3D view Rem ce: remove the object in the 3D view Rem all: remove all objects in the 3D view NOTE: It is essential to know how toEp\u00e9rer in the database thanks to this browser. It allows you to position yourself well to create the elements. "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.2. Using the mouse in a view ", "Response": "LEFT CLICK Selection of an itemMIDDLE BUTTON Mollette Front/Rear: Zoom IN / OUT Button: Refocus view RIGHT CLICK Power Wheel NOTE: The right-click menu is only accessible in the background of the view. "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.4. Graphic view", "Response": "Automatic representation: Enable by default this option allows the automatic management of the representation of the elements (transparency, edges) at their display Temporary representation: Allows you to manage the representation of future elementsDisplayed, these colors are only temporary, the undisplay of an element resets its representation "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.5. Setting the graphic view ", "Response": "View Setting: CuRrent View Allows the configuration of 3D window options. Projection adjustment of the view perspective Rotate adjustment of the rotation mode Effects Choice of visual effects (Disable Shadows to optimize performance) Tools Display of graphic orientation aidsBackground Choice of the background color of the view Capping Choice of the color of the cutting sections Lighting Brightness adjustment Anti-alias Enable or disable anti aliasing The level allows you to determine the fineness of the trace of a diagonal line PRead the level is higher, the more powerful the computer's processor must be Point cloud Enable or disable the display of a point cloud NOTE: The Background color allows you to change the background color of the 3D view, it is important to put it inWhite when printing screens. \"Graphics Drawlists\" Allows the configuration of the graphical representation of the elements in the 3D window. Tube representation of pipes Centreline representation of piping axes Holes Drawn representation of holes (negative)Flange Bolts representation of flange holes Tracing representation of tracing (pipes) Insulation representation of heat retardants (pipes) Hvac Tube Translucendy HVAC 3D Display Management Obstruction representation of the volumes of obstructionsArc Tolerance precision of the representation of the arcs Level :(see the Equipment Application manual) "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.6. Management of views ", "Response": "By default, only one graphic windowUe is active when the software is opened The items displayed in this window are listed in a drawlist collection It is possible to open several graphical windows, with drawlists that may be different Separate View CreatedEr an independent view with a drawlist different from that of the main view Cloned View Create a view identical to the main view but allowing a different orientation Local View Create a view whose drawlist content is the selection on the main viewNew Create an empty view with an independent drawlist Grid plane Create a grid "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.7. Selection of elements in the graphic view ", "Response": "Navigate to The Navig functionAte To Element allows the choice of primitives in the General Discipline, it does not work with the Model Editor. This function allows the selection of only one element (CE). Multiple selection: A multiple selection can be made with theA Ctrl key or by a selection rectangle with a left click The CE is not necessarily included in the selected elements Selection with left click It allows you to choose two selection options depending on the direction in which you create your selection rectangleSelection of the elements included entirely in the rectangle. Selection of all objects passing through the rectangle. "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.8. Keyboard shortcuts ", "Response": "F1 Help F2 Left windowF3 Object snaping F4 Project Snap onto LCS F5 Walk mode F6 Fly mode F7 Show grid F8 Orthogonal lock F9 Grid snap F10 Polar tracking F11 Wired mode F12 Dynamic hints "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.9. Quick Access Toolbar ", "Response": "Savework backup Getwork: recovery of the latest bases Undo / Redo: Cancel / Redo eq Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y) Discipline: Choice of discipline and associated tools NOTE: To add launch iconsNt quick function in the Quick Access Toolbar, just right-click on the tool to add and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar. "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.10. Tooltip", "Response": "When hovering the mouse over the elements of the graphic view, it is possible to display a table of information relating to the element by pressing \"shift\" "} {"Main Title": "4. THE AVEVA E3D 3 INTERFACE.1 ", "Sub Title": "4.11. Positioning of windows ", "Response": "When moving a window on the edges of the screen a location appears on the edges of the screen, to lock this position just let go of the left click "} {"Main Title": "5. AVEVA E3D 3.1 DATABASES ", "Sub Title": "5.1. Rules and conventions ", "Response": "AVEVA E3D is a CAD software, based on a database The user acts on this database and E 3 D makes it a graphic interpretationThis implies a few simple rules 1 Each element is identified in the database thanks to a n called the Refno reference number 2 Each Name name given to an element must be unique 3 In the same hierarchy, the name of the parent owner is transmitted toThe child member Ex Equipment /EQUI 01 Under equipment /EQUI 01 /CHASSIS 4 All names begin with \" / \" (not visible in the Model Explorer) 5 \" / \" is used as the default separator (of a parent/child hierarchy) 6 The current element CE isUnique, there can only be one element chosen in the explorer 7 AVEVA E3D uses a graphical interface that allows the selection of several elements These elements then become a graphic selection neg \u00c0 CE 8 A graphic group is a setWhich can be displayed or undisplayed independently The most common are the following EQUI Equipment Under Equipment SUBE Branch BRAN 9 The creation of SITES and generally ZONES are managed by the administrator "} {"Main Title": "5. AVEVA E3D 3.1 DATABASES ", "Sub Title": "5.2. Attributes ", "Response": "Home Attributes Each element of the database is determined by different attributes These attributes can be filled in directly by the user from the windowBe attribute, or through the creation and modification tools For example, a cylinder is determined by a Diameter attribute and a Height attribute Track CE Allows an automatic update of attributes on the CE It is possible to activateFilters on the attributes to facilitate reading in the Attributes window NOTE: The Q ATT command allows the display of the attributes of the current element in the command window Right-click menu in the dialog box Navigate To Navigate toThe target of the link that becomes CE Set Attribute Value to CE Fills the attribute by the name of the CE WRT Element Choice of repository Display P-Points Display of P-Points attributes (Primitive) Track CE Automatic window update Categorised/Alphabetical Sort attributes by category and alphabetical order Expand / Collapse Nodes Display of node attributes Modify / Category Filters Modify the display filters Manage Category Filters Management of filters by item Display standardD Attributes Displaying the main attributes Display UDAs Display of UDA (User Defined Attribtuts) attributes Display Pseudo attributes Display of pseudo attributes Columns Display of Columns Description and Data Type Settings Display of undefined attribute valuesExport to Excel Export attributes to Excel Print Preview Visualization before printing NOTE: UDAs are attributes created by the administrator. Some features are not usable with the Track CE function. "} {"Main Title": "5. AVEVA E3D 3.1 DATABASES ", "Sub Title": "5.3. Claimlist ", "Response": "MANAGE So that an element of the database is not modified by 2 users at the same time, each user has his own Claimlist The Claimlist regrUpe all the elements whose write access is reserved for the user It updates automatically according to the elements created or modified by the user In the event that an item cannot be added to the user's claimlistEur, this one will appear highlighted in red during its selection "} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.2. Rotation ", "Response": "HOME Rotate The Rotate option allows you to rotate according to any point First of all, simply choose your rotation point and then enter the desired rotation, the left click validates the rotation The Advanced option allows you to make more precise rotations than via the rotate option "} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.3. Orientation ", "Response": "HOME Rotate Each elementT E3D is oriented, i.e. it has a definition of its axes. These axes are defined as follows Y is N = Y axis in the North direction Z is U = Z axis in the Up direction This results in the third axis, which is rarely filled in X is EModification The modification of the orientation of these axes is not recommended. The use of rotation tools is preferable, or the use of the Model Editor Ex: If a ZONE has an orientation Y is E and Z is U, then any element created under this ZONE will be oriented Y is N and Z is U in relation to the ZONE and therefore Y is E and Z is U in relation to the World /* It is possible to retrieve the orientation attribute with the Q ORI command in the Command Line NOTE: Orientations Y is N and Z is U must beConsidered as a standard, and thus make it possible to preserve the compatibility of one element from one hierarchy to another. "} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.4. Investment tools ", "Response": "HOME Move or cGraphic order Type \"Move\" or \"M\" The Move option allows you to move according to any point First of all, simply choose your reference point and then enter the desired movement values, the left click validates the movement The Position optionDatum Selection of the reference point Designate Position allows you to define a reference position with the Positioning Control hooking tool Position Position of the chosen reference point in relation to the reference framework WRT referential The Posi Offset OptionTion By This tool can be associated with Positioning Control, which allows you to take a rib between 2 points to fill in the displacement values. NOTE: If your movement is only in 1 or 2 axis(s), lock the directions not concerned.The Advanced option Distance Allows the movement of an element in a direction at a specified distance, In relation to its current position or in relation to an identified element Through Allows the alignment of an element with an element identified in a specified planeClearance Allows the movement of an element until its obstruction volume is a game with an identified element Toward Allows the positioning of the element at a specified distance and direction of an identified element "} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.5. Graphic hook ", "Response": "The use of certain features requires a graphic selection The Positioning Control dialog box allows you to configure the type of hook on the elements of the graphic viewType of hook: Element: Origin of the element Ppoint: Key points of the elements Pliny: Edges of frame irons Graphics: Faces, Edges, vertices Aids Graphic help element Screen Point in the view (not recommended) Laser data: Laser reading pointsAny: Element, Ppoint or Pliny Hang-up mode: Snap: Particular point of the element Distance: Distance from a particular point of the element Midpoint: Middle of the element Explicit Position: Point coordinates Intersection: Intersection between 2 elementsCursor: Point clicked on the element Working Plane: Activates a work plane where the positions of the hanging points are projected. "} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.6. Measure ", "Response": "HOME Measure One myUre is made between 2 points identified by the user in the graphic view The selection of points is made thanks to the \"Object snaps\" object hooks option By default the measurement is broken down into 3 axial dimensions (East North and Up) The resultsAre displayed in at the mouse pointer level and in the graphic view Activation of the poster on 3 axes After selecting the points and clicking on the arrow at the bottom of your keyboard, it is possible to activate the \"Distance axes\" option as below"} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.7. Copy an item ", "Response": "Copy Offset This tool allows single or multiple copying of an element or more elements Element to copy Location of the copy Move RepositoryThe Object menu allows you to choose the item or elements to copy CE copy of the current element Collection copy of the elements of a collection Pick copy of a group of elements selected on the screen 1 by 1 The To menu allows you to choose the destination hierarchyTion of the copy CE copy in a specific hierarchy (place on the destination hierarchy and select CE in this menu) Rel Copy in the same hierarchy (following) Copy rotate This tool allows the single or multiple copying of an element orSeveral elements Item to be copied Location of the copy Number of copies Rotation angle Displacement Direction of the rotation axis Position of the rotation axis Repository The Offset menu allows you to define a movement vector between 2 elements (defined by 2 points on the screen)The Cursor menu allows you to place the axis of rotation on a point, an element, ... designated on the screen The Intersection menu allows you to place the axis of rotation at the intersection between 2 elements, points... These options can also redefine the direction of the axis of rotation.It should then be locked NOTE: This tool allows the rotation and movement of an element, it is advisable not to use the 2 options simultaneously when making multiple copies Copy Mirror Element to copy Location of the copy NumberCopying Angle of rotation Displacement Direction of the axis of rotation Position of the axis of rotation Repository The Cursor menu allows you to place the plane of symmetry on a point, an element, ... designated on the screen The Intersection menu allows you to place the planOf symmetry at the intersection between 2 elements, points... NOTE: Copies created with the Copy > Offset, Copy > Rotate and Copy > Mirror tools lose all information about the names of the elements. Copy rename (Name conversion) AVEVA E3DAllows you to copy an element while keeping the structure of names within the same hierarchy This type of copy requires that the copied hierarchy be named conventionally The hierarchy must keep the name of the parent to the child Example TeamMent: /1PRO10 BB002 Under Equipment: /1PRO10 BB002 /NOZZLES Primitive: /1PRO10 BB002/ PEN001 Once this condition is met, there are 2 ways to create a so-called \"rename\" copy \u2022 From the Design Explorer Copy Paste from the context menu The coPie of 1 PRO 10 BB 002 is renamed /Copy of 1 PRO 10 BB 002 \u2022 From the Window command Type the following command NEW EQUI /TEC PMP 02 COPY /TEC PMP 01 RENAME /TEC PMP 01 /TEC PMP 02 NOTE: The BY E 2500 command can be added afterwards to moveThe copy of 2500mm to the East at the same time "} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.8. Modification of the hierarchy ", "Response": "Hierarchy Include Destination Hierarchy Element(s) present in the hierarchyIe of destination Insertion position Navigator (eq. DesignNavigator) CE Include the current element (in the destination hierarchy CE Members Include all elements of the current element ( in the destination hierarchy Identified IncludeElements selected on the Pick screen in the destination hierarchy NOTE: The destination hierarchy must be similar to the original hierarchy Reverse hierarchy The reverse hierarchy function allows you to reverse the order of the elements of the parent or dU owner This option is very used to reverse the head and tail of a branch Hierarchy Reorder Original hierarchy Insertion position Desired hierarchy Blocking the Modify Lock hierarchy allows you to block elements so that it is not pPossible to move them in the hierarchy As well as their members Evaluate the rules This function allows you to evaluate whether the rules are respected thanks to the attributes of the elements Break the link with the Template This function allows you to remove an elementOf the Template to which it is attached "} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.9. Modify by macros ", "Response": "Inter DB Macros allows you to activate macros to modify elements in the model or in the hierarchy"} {"Main Title": "6. GENERAL APPLICATION ", "Sub Title": "6.10. Clipping Box ", "Response": "VIEW Add Within A Clipping Box allows you to see that the elements included within a defined volume, without being bothered by other elementsThis volume can be defined by From This the obstruction volume of the current element From Selected Element the obstruction volume of a selected element The Clip button allows you to display all the elements in the model or make them disappearTo see only the clipping box. The Cap button allows you to fill the cut elements The Modify button allows you to display the box in order to resize it To change the size of the clipping box simply use the model editor and then agrAndir or move the box as desired NOTE: Capping allows the filling of volumes cut by the Clipping Box"} {"Main Title": "7. SEARCH TOOLS ", "Sub Title": "7.1. Search ", "Response": "The Search tool allows the user to search for model elements in the different types of DB and list the search results In a tableName Contains Search for elements whose name contains a specific string Element Type Type of items to search for Search Within Allows you to define the search field The results are stored in a Search Results collection He isIt is possible to add additional criteria to refine the search Attribute Filter Added criteria on the attributes of the elements Free Filter Adding criteria per PML order Search Scope Adding a position criterion Manage Searches PerPuts to save the search Template "} {"Main Title": "7. SEARCH TOOLS ", "Sub Title": "7.2. Collection ", "Response": "The Collection tool allows the user to create lists of items to query or modify themThere are 3 types of System Collections Shared Collections My Collection To be able to work on a collection or on these elements, it must be made active by a double left click The user The user can add elements toThe active collection from the context menu of the model explorer The elements of the collection can be modified directly from the command line or from the Copy, Move tools It is also possible to add columns of atTributes to the array of items On the top right-click, then click on Column Setup A window opens, then just click on Add Column and enter the attribute(s) you want The table obtained can be exported directlyIn Excel, printed or processed by a Quick Report To delete content from a collection, click on Clear Grid on the context menu. "} {"Main Title": "8. FOLLOW-UP AND VERIFICATION ", "Sub Title": "8.1. Clasher ", "Response": "Display of ClashesHOME Clashes There are two solutions to use the Clash Auto Clash which is activated using the All collisions icon will be displayed as they take place when creating new objects Or you can control the collisiWe at the end of a routing of a piping for example In this case, the clasher opens from the icon NOTE: The levels of obstructions are taken into account in the calculation of the Clasher. It is therefore important to adjust them correctly Configuration of the clasherThe configuration of the Clasher is feasible with the tools available on the Options tab Touch Gap tangent tolerance Overlap overlap tolerance Clearance spacing tolerance Keys are included support for tangents are Ignored ignored tangentsClashes within Branch are included management of clashes in the same branch ignores adjacent management of clashes in the same branch, excluding previous and subsequent elements are ignored interferences in the same branch ignored Connections are Included pRise in charge of tangents with connections are Ignored ignored tangents With Spec are ignored ignored tangents if the specification of connections is identical to that of the controlled element Clashes Ignored Within Ignore the clashes between primitIves belonging to the same element Obstruction list The obstruction list defines all the elements of the special map with which collisions will be defined By default, the block list contains all the design elements of the MDBIt is possible to modify this list to generate an element collision list The exclusion list contains all the elements that should not be taken into account when calculating collisions By default, this list is empty From the L tabImitates a volume can be defined around one or more elements, or a region in order to create an obstruction space Any element that is partially or entirely in this space will be checked Visualization Click on Check CE to check the elementCurrent, or enter the name of the item to be checked before clicking on Check. By navigating the list of collisions, a visualization of the selected collision is generated in a graphic area similar to the design graphic view. LThe Navigate to Clash Item option allows you to access the colliding object. The Navigate to Obstruction option provides access to the obstructed object "} {"Main Title": "8. FOLLOW-UP AND VERIFICATION ", "Sub Title": "8.2. History of the model", "Response": "MANAGE History Comment Session At each Savework, a working session is opened by the user. The user has the opportunity to comment on his sessions in order to facilitate the understanding of the history of the elements. Comparison DateIt is possible to compare the state of an element of the model with its state on a defined date. The easiest way is to be able to use a stamp (revision) of the database. After choosing a comparison date and clicking OK, the userYou can question the elements of the model about their previous state with the keyword \"OLD\". NOTE: All attributes and a number of pseudo attributes can be used for comparisons. Model Changes The history of creations and moDifications of elements is kept by AVEVA E3D. The Model Changes tool allows visibility of this entire history or just that of a particular element. It is therefore possible to know which user has modified an element and on what date.NOTE: The Q LASTMOD and Q USERMOD commands allow you to display in the Command Window, the date and author of the last modification "} {"Main Title": "8. FOLLOW-UP AND VERIFICATION ", "Sub Title": "8.3. DB Listing ", "Response": "The DB LIsting is the backup of one or more element(s) of the database as a text file This backup is only compatible with AVEVA E3D and AVEVA PDMS, the versions may be different This file (.txt) can be edited before being reused, it contains all the command lines to recreate the same element identically (name, position, geometry). Only the hierarchy differs and depends on the hierarchy selected at the time of importing this file. Some elements of PDMS using dHe references in CATALOGUE (Structure, Piping, Nozzle, etc...) are only compatible with a Project containing the same CATALOGUE It is possible to use this tool to: - Save an item at a moment \"t\" - Duplicate an element (requires to modify the text file)- Modify an existing element (needs to modify the text file) "} {"Main Title": "8. FOLLOW-UP AND VERIFICATION ", "Sub Title": "8.4. Postponement ", "Response": "Reporting is the extraction of information about the 3D model toS text files, Excel, or to the AVEVA E3D reporting editor. Files (.txt) or (.csv) can be edited. They contain all the information you want to extract from the model (name, position, geometry). This data can be modifiedAre and reinjected into the model. Some elements of E3D using references in CATALOGUE (Structure, Piping, Nozzle, etc...) are only compatible with a Project containing the same CATALOGUE It is possible to use this tool to: - Check one or more existing elements- Modify one or more existing elements (requires to modify the text file) - Establish a list of equipment (data extraction) For simple verification operations or modifications, the Simple Report function is preferred: In the exOn the other hand, we question all the elements of the EQUI type located under the CE hierarchy. The NAME, OWNER, PURPOSE, AREA and POSITION attributes of each item found will be saved in the report.txt file"} {"Main Title": "1. CABLE TRAY APPLICATION", "Sub Title": "1.1. Introduction", "Response": "This module allow to create Cable trays\nAVEVA E3D enables users to create cable trays using the following hierarchy model :\nPIPE BRANCH Cable Tray Component BEND RISER TEE \u2026\nNOTE : The Cable Tray module is similar to piping module. A PIPE must contain a branch, meaning it must have two extremities, loca ted at the Head and Tail of the\nbranch. If the PIPE contains multiple branches, it may have more than two extremities.\n"}