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"2305.08809", "title": "Interpretability at Scale: Identifying Causal Mechanisms in Alpaca", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-16", "arxiv_id": "2305.08677", "title": "Natural Language Decomposition and Interpretation of Complex Utterances", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-16", "arxiv_id": "2305.08298", "title": "Symbol tuning improves in-context learning in language models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-16", "arxiv_id": "2305.08275", "title": "ULIP-2: Towards Scalable Multimodal Pre-training For 3D Understanding", "github": "https://github.com/salesforce/ULIP" }, { "date": "2023-05-16", "arxiv_id": "2305.07804", "title": "Dr. LLaMA: Improving Small Language Models in Domain-Specific QA via Generative Data Augmentation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-16", "arxiv_id": "2305.07677", "title": "Masked Audio Text Encoders are Effective Multi-Modal Rescorers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-16", "arxiv_id": "2305.08844", "title": "RL4F: Generating Natural Language Feedback 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"https://github.com/javieryu/nerf_bridge" }, { "date": "2023-05-18", "arxiv_id": "2305.10320", "title": "CostFormer:Cost Transformer for Cost Aggregation in Multi-view Stereo", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-18", "arxiv_id": "2305.10018", "title": "Transfer Learning for Fine-grained Classification Using Semi-supervised Learning and Visual Transformers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-18", "arxiv_id": "2305.10429", "title": "DoReMi: Optimizing Data Mixtures Speeds Up Language Model Pretraining", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-18", "arxiv_id": "2305.10266", "title": "Searching for Needles in a Haystack: On the Role of Incidental Bilingualism in PaLM's Translation Capability", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-18", "arxiv_id": "2305.10142", "title": "Improving Language Model Negotiation with Self-Play and In-Context Learning from AI Feedback", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-18", "arxiv_id": "2305.10005", "title": "DinoSR: Self-Distillation and Online Clustering for 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"github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-29", "arxiv_id": "2305.17126", "title": "Large Language Models as Tool Makers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-29", "arxiv_id": "2305.16867", "title": "Playing repeated games with Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.18295", "title": "RAPHAEL: Text-to-Image Generation via Large Mixture of Diffusion Paths", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.17216", "title": "Generating Images with Multimodal Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.18274", "title": "Reconstructing the Mind's Eye: fMRI-to-Image with Contrastive Learning and Diffusion Priors", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.17144", "title": "Ghost in the Minecraft: Generally Capable Agents for Open-World Enviroments via Large Language Models with Text-based Knowledge and Memory", "github": "https://github.com/OpenGVLab/GITM" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.17306", "title": "Chain-of-Thought Hub: A Continuous Effort to Measure Large Language Models' Reasoning Performance", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.17333", "title": "Fine-Tuning Language Models with Just Forward Passes", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.18264", "title": "Gen-L-Video: Multi-Text to Long Video Generation via Temporal Co-Denoising", "github": "https://github.com/G-U-N/Gen-L-Video" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.18247", "title": "TaleCrafter: Interactive Story Visualization with Multiple Characters", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.18231", "title": "High-Fidelity Image Compression with Score-based Generative Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.18292", "title": "Mix-of-Show: Decentralized Low-Rank Adaptation for Multi-Concept Customization of Diffusion Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-05-30", "arxiv_id": "2305.18286", "title": "Photoswap: 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"arxiv_id": "2307.03576", "title": "One Step of Gradient Descent is Provably the Optimal In-Context Learner with One Layer of Linear Self-Attention", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-07-10", "arxiv_id": "2307.03718", "title": "Frontier AI Regulation: Managing Emerging Risks to Public Safety", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-07-11", "arxiv_id": "2307.04725", "title": "AnimateDiff: Animate Your Personalized Text-to-Image Diffusion Models without Specific Tuning", "github": "https://github.com/guoyww/AnimateDiff" }, { "date": "2023-07-11", "arxiv_id": "2307.03869", "title": "Sketch-A-Shape: Zero-Shot Sketch-to-3D Shape Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-07-11", "arxiv_id": "2307.04686", "title": "VampNet: Music Generation via Masked Acoustic Token Modeling", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-07-11", "arxiv_id": "2307.04767", "title": "Semantic-SAM: Segment and Recognize Anything at Any Granularity", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-07-11", "arxiv_id": "2307.04721", "title": "Large 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"2023-07-28", "arxiv_id": "2307.15063", "title": "To Adapt or Not to Adapt? 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"title": "ToolLLM: Facilitating Large Language Models to Master 16000+ Real-world APIs", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-01", "arxiv_id": "2307.16372", "title": "LP-MusicCaps: LLM-Based Pseudo Music Captioning", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-01", "arxiv_id": "2307.15818", "title": "RT-2: Vision-Language-Action Models Transfer Web Knowledge to Robotic Control", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-01", "arxiv_id": "2307.15780", "title": "LLM-Rec: Personalized Recommendation via Prompting Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-01", "arxiv_id": "2307.15771", "title": "The Hydra Effect: Emergent Self-repair in Language Model Computations", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-01", "arxiv_id": "2307.16184", "title": "Unified Model for Image, Video, Audio and Language Tasks", "github": "https://github.com/mshukor/UnIVAL" }, { "date": "2023-08-01", "arxiv_id": "2307.16686", "title": "Guiding Image Captioning Models Toward More Specific Captions", "github": "" }, { 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"https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_flamingo" }, { "date": "2023-08-04", "arxiv_id": "2308.01825", "title": "Scaling Relationship on Learning Mathematical Reasoning with Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-04", "arxiv_id": "2308.01544", "title": "Multimodal Neurons in Pretrained Text-Only Transformers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-04", "arxiv_id": "2308.01546", "title": "MusicLDM: Enhancing Novelty in Text-to-Music Generation Using Beat-Synchronous Mixup Strategies", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-04", "arxiv_id": "2308.01477", "title": "HANDAL: A Dataset of Real-World Manipulable Object Categories with Pose Annotations, Affordances, and Reconstructions", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-04", "arxiv_id": "2308.01907", "title": "The All-Seeing Project: Towards Panoptic Visual Recognition and Understanding of the Open World", "github": "https://github.com/OpenGVLab/All-Seeing" }, { "date": "2023-08-04", "arxiv_id": "2308.01904", "title": "DETR 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"2023-08-08", "arxiv_id": "2308.03729", "title": "Tiny LVLM-eHub: Early Multimodal Experiments with Bard", "github": "https://github.com/OpenGVLab/Multi-Modality-Arena" }, { "date": "2023-08-08", "arxiv_id": "2308.03280", "title": "Mirror-NeRF: Learning Neural Radiance Fields for Mirrors with Whitted-Style Ray Tracing", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-08", "arxiv_id": "2308.03028", "title": "Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Industrial Control", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-08", "arxiv_id": "2308.03291", "title": "SynJax: Structured Probability Distributions for JAX", "github": "https://github.com/deepmind/synjax" }, { "date": "2023-08-08", "arxiv_id": "2308.03421", "title": "RecycleGPT: An Autoregressive Language Model with Recyclable Module", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-08", "arxiv_id": "2308.03290", "title": "FLIQS: One-Shot Mixed-Precision Floating-Point and Integer Quantization Search", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-08", "arxiv_id": "2308.02560", "title": 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"title": "Composable Function-preserving Expansions for Transformer Architectures", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-14", "arxiv_id": "2308.05960", "title": "BOLAA: Benchmarking and Orchestrating LLM-augmented Autonomous Agents", "github": "https://github.com/salesforce/BOLAA" }, { "date": "2023-08-14", "arxiv_id": "2308.06125", "title": "Improving Joint Speech-Text Representations Without Alignment", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-14", "arxiv_id": "2308.06261", "title": "Enhancing Network Management Using Code Generated by Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-15", "arxiv_id": "2308.07124", "title": "OctoPack: Instruction Tuning Code Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/bigcode-project/octopack" }, { "date": "2023-08-15", "arxiv_id": "2308.06873", "title": "SpeechX: Neural Codec Language Model as a Versatile Speech Transformer", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-15", "arxiv_id": "2308.07317", "title": "Platypus: Quick, Cheap, and Powerful 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"title": "VisIT-Bench: A Benchmark for Vision-Language Instruction Following Inspired by Real-World Use", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-16", "arxiv_id": "2308.07921", "title": "Solving Challenging Math Word Problems Using GPT-4 Code Interpreter with Code-based Self-Verification", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-16", "arxiv_id": "2308.07926", "title": "CoDeF: Content Deformation Fields for Temporally Consistent Video Processing", "github": "https://github.com/qiuyu96/CoDeF" }, { "date": "2023-08-16", "arxiv_id": "2308.07922", "title": "RAVEN: In-Context Learning with Retrieval Augmented Encoder-Decoder Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-16", "arxiv_id": "2308.07891", "title": "Link-Context Learning for Multimodal LLMs", "github": "https://github.com/isekai-portal/Link-Context-Learning" }, { "date": "2023-08-16", "arxiv_id": "2308.07903", "title": "Relightable and Animatable Neural Avatar from Sparse-View Video", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-08-16", 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"https://github.com/bytedance/MVDream" }, { "date": "2023-09-01", "arxiv_id": "2308.16271", "title": "Emergence of Segmentation with Minimalistic White-Box Transformers", "github": "https://github.com/Ma-Lab-Berkeley/CRATE" }, { "date": "2023-09-01", "arxiv_id": "2308.16246", "title": "Active Neural Mapping", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-01", "arxiv_id": "2308.16876", "title": "SportsSloMo: A New Benchmark and Baselines for Human-centric Video Frame Interpolation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-01", "arxiv_id": "2308.16891", "title": "GNFactor: Multi-Task Real Robot Learning with Generalizable Neural Feature Fields", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-01", "arxiv_id": "2308.16582", "title": "Any-Size-Diffusion: Toward Efficient Text-Driven Synthesis for Any-Size HD Images", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-04", "arxiv_id": "2309.00071", "title": "YaRN: Efficient Context Window Extension of Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/jquesnelle/yarn" }, { "date": "2023-09-04", "arxiv_id": "2309.00035", "title": "FACET: Fairness in Computer Vision Evaluation Benchmark", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-04", "arxiv_id": "2309.00359", "title": "Large Content And Behavior Models To Understand, Simulate, And Optimize Content And Behavior", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-04", "arxiv_id": "2309.00267", "title": "RLAIF: Scaling Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with AI Feedback", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-04", "arxiv_id": "2309.00610", "title": "CityDreamer: Compositional Generative Model of Unbounded 3D Cities", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-04", "arxiv_id": "2309.00398", "title": "VideoGen: A Reference-Guided Latent Diffusion Approach for High Definition Text-to-Video Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-04", "arxiv_id": "2309.00615", "title": "Point-Bind & Point-LLM: Aligning Point Cloud with Multi-modality for 3D Understanding, Generation, and Instruction Following", "github": "https://github.com/ZiyuGuo99/Point-Bind_Point-LLM" }, { "date": "2023-09-06", "arxiv_id": "2309.02285", "title": "PromptTTS 2: Describing and Generating Voices with Text Prompt", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-06", "arxiv_id": "2309.00754", "title": "Efficient RLHF: Reducing the Memory Usage of PPO", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-06", "arxiv_id": "2309.00986", "title": "ModelScope-Agent: Building Your Customizable Agent System with Open-source Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/modelscope/modelscope-agent" }, { "date": "2023-09-06", "arxiv_id": "2309.01770", "title": "StyleAdapter: A Single-Pass LoRA-Free Model for Stylized Image Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-06", "arxiv_id": "2309.01700", "title": "ControlMat: A Controlled Generative Approach to Material Capture", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-09-06", "arxiv_id": "2309.00908", "title": "MagicProp: Diffusion-based Video Editing via Motion-aware Appearance Propagation", "github": "" }, { 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"title": "Self-RAG: Learning to Retrieve, Generate, and Critique through Self-Reflection", "github": "https://github.com/AkariAsai/self-rag" }, { "date": "2023-10-19", "arxiv_id": "2310.11784", "title": "Progressive3D: Progressively Local Editing for Text-to-3D Content Creation with Complex Semantic Prompts", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-10-19", "arxiv_id": "2310.11954", "title": "MusicAgent: An AI Agent for Music Understanding and Generation with Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-10-20", "arxiv_id": "2310.12404", "title": "Loop Copilot: Conducting AI Ensembles for Music Generation and Iterative Editing", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-10-20", "arxiv_id": "2310.12931", "title": "Eureka: Human-Level Reward Design via Coding Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-10-20", "arxiv_id": "2310.12823", "title": "AgentTuning: Enabling Generalized Agent Abilities for LLMs", "github": "https://github.com/THUDM/AgentTuning" }, { "date": "2023-10-20", 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"DreamSpace: Dreaming Your Room Space with Text-Driven Panoramic Texture Propagation", "github": "https://github.com/ybbbbt/dreamspace" }, { "date": "2023-10-23", "arxiv_id": "2310.13639", "title": "Contrastive Prefence Learning: Learning from Human Feedback without RL", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-10-23", "arxiv_id": "2310.13545", "title": "ScaleLong: Towards More Stable Training of Diffusion Model via Scaling Network Long Skip Connection", "github": "https://github.com/sail-sg/ScaleLong" }, { "date": "2023-10-23", "arxiv_id": "2310.13355", "title": "SILC: Improving Vision Language Pretraining with Self-Distillation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-10-24", "arxiv_id": "2310.14566", "title": "HallusionBench: You See What You Think? 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"LayoutPrompter: Awaken the Design Ability of Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/microsoft/LayoutGeneration/tree/main/LayoutPrompter" }, { "date": "2023-11-14", "arxiv_id": "2311.07562", "title": "GPT-4V in Wonderland: Large Multimodal Models for Zero-Shot Smartphone GUI Navigation", "github": "https://github.com/zzxslp/MM-Navigator" }, { "date": "2023-11-14", "arxiv_id": "2311.07361", "title": "The Impact of Large Language Models on Scientific Discovery: a Preliminary Study using GPT-4", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-14", "arxiv_id": "2311.07069", "title": "Music ControlNet: Multiple Time-varying Controls for Music Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-14", "arxiv_id": "2311.06772", "title": "ChatAnything: Facetime Chat with LLM-Enhanced Personas", "github": "https://github.com/zhoudaquan/ChatAnything" }, { "date": "2023-11-14", "arxiv_id": "2311.07574", "title": "To See is to Believe: Prompting GPT-4V for Better Visual Instruction Tuning", "github": 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"arxiv_id": "2311.08692", "title": "Routing to the Expert: Efficient Reward-guided Ensemble of Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-16", "arxiv_id": "2311.08469", "title": "UNcommonsense Reasoning: Abductive Reasoning about Uncommon Situations", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-16", "arxiv_id": "2311.09204", "title": "Fusion-Eval: Integrating Evaluators with LLMs", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-16", "arxiv_id": "2311.09180", "title": "PEARL: Personalizing Large Language Model Writing Assistants with Generation-Calibrated Retrievers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-16", "arxiv_id": "2311.09179", "title": "SiRA: Sparse Mixture of Low Rank Adaptation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-16", "arxiv_id": "2311.08877", "title": "Llamas Know What GPTs Don't Show: Surrogate Models for Confidence Estimation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-16", "arxiv_id": "2311.08734", "title": "Thread of Thought Unraveling Chaotic Contexts", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-16", "arxiv_id": "2311.08552", "title": "UT5: Pretraining Non autoregressive T5 with unrolled denoising", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-17", "arxiv_id": "2311.09257", "title": "UFOGen: You Forward Once Large Scale Text-to-Image Generation via Diffusion GANs", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-17", "arxiv_id": "2311.09578", "title": "Tied-Lora: Enhacing parameter efficiency of LoRA with weight tying", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-17", "arxiv_id": "2311.09277", "title": "Contrastive Chain-of-Thought Prompting", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-17", "arxiv_id": "2311.09835", "title": "ML-Bench: Large Language Models Leverage Open-source Libraries for Machine Learning Tasks", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-17", "arxiv_id": "2311.10093", "title": "The Chosen One: Consistent Characters in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-17", "arxiv_id": "2311.10091", "title": "Adaptive Shells for Efficient Neural Radiance Field Rendering", 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"date": "2023-11-23", "arxiv_id": "2311.13600", "title": "ZipLoRA: Any Subject in Any Style by Effectively Merging LoRAs", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-23", "arxiv_id": "2311.13141", "title": "Diffusion360: Seamless 360 Degree Panoramic Image Generation based on Diffusion Models", "github": "https://github.com/ArcherFMY/SD-T2I-360PanoImage{https:" }, { "date": "2023-11-23", "arxiv_id": "2311.13435", "title": "PG-Video-LLaVA: Pixel Grounding Large Video-Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/mbzuai-oryx/Video-LLaVA" }, { "date": "2023-11-23", "arxiv_id": "2311.13073", "title": "FusionFrames: Efficient Architectural Aspects for Text-to-Video Generation Pipeline", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-11-23", "arxiv_id": "2311.13601", "title": "Visual In-Context Prompting", "github": "https://github.com/UX-Decoder/DINOv" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", "arxiv_id": "2312.00738", "title": "SeaLLMs -- Large Language Models for Southeast Asia", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", 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"2312.00763", "title": "Beyond ChatBots: ExploreLLM for Structured Thoughts and Personalized Model Responses", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", "arxiv_id": "2312.00589", "title": "Merlin:Empowering Multimodal LLMs with Foresight Minds", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", "arxiv_id": "2312.00575", "title": "Instruction-tuning Aligns LLMs to the Human Brain", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", "arxiv_id": "2312.00164", "title": "Towards Accurate Differential Diagnosis with Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", "arxiv_id": "2312.00109", "title": "Scaffold-GS: Structured 3D Gaussians for View-Adaptive Rendering", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", "arxiv_id": "2312.00252", "title": "PyNeRF: Pyramidal Neural Radiance Fields", "github": "https://github.com/hturki/pynerf" }, { "date": "2023-12-04", "arxiv_id": "2312.00063", "title": "MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions", "github": "https://github.com/EricGuo5513/momask-codes" 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"arxiv_id": "2312.02980", "title": "GPT4Point: A Unified Framework for Point-Language Understanding and Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-06", "arxiv_id": "2312.02179", "title": "Training Chain-of-Thought via Latent-Variable Inference", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-06", "arxiv_id": "2312.02201", "title": "ImageDream: Image-Prompt Multi-view Diffusion for 3D Generation", "github": "https://github.com/bytedance/ImageDream" }, { "date": "2023-12-06", "arxiv_id": "2312.02189", "title": "StableDreamer: Taming Noisy Score Distillation Sampling for Text-to-3D", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-06", "arxiv_id": "2312.02949", "title": "LLaVA-Grounding: Grounded Visual Chat with Large Multimodal Models", "github": "https://github.com/UX-Decoder/LLaVA-Grounding" }, { "date": "2023-12-06", "arxiv_id": "2312.02931", "title": "WhisBERT: Multimodal Text-Audio Language Modeling on 100M Words", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-06", "arxiv_id": "2312.02969", "title": 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"title": "Federated Full-Parameter Tuning of Billion-Sized Language Models with Communication Cost under 18 Kilobytes", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-12", "arxiv_id": "2312.05605", "title": "TCNCA: Temporal Convolution Network with Chunked Attention for Scalable Sequence Processing", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-12", "arxiv_id": "2312.06149", "title": "Unlocking Anticipatory Text Generation: A Constrained Approach for Faithful Decoding with Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-13", "arxiv_id": "2312.07537", "title": "FreeInit: Bridging Initialization Gap in Video Diffusion Models", "github": "https://github.com/TianxingWu/FreeInit" }, { "date": "2023-12-13", "arxiv_id": "2312.07536", "title": "FreeControl: Training-Free Spatial Control of Any Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Any Condition", "github": "https://github.com/genforce/freecontrol" }, { "date": "2023-12-13", "arxiv_id": "2312.07409", "title": "DiffMorpher: Unleashing the Capability of 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"title": "VL-GPT: A Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Vision and Language Understanding and Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-15", "arxiv_id": "2312.09244", "title": "Helping or Herding? 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"arxiv_id": "2312.10029", "title": "Challenges with unsupervised LLM knowledge discovery", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.10007", "title": "Faithful Persona-based Conversational Dataset Generation with Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.10003", "title": "ReST meets ReAct: Self-Improvement for Multi-Step Reasoning LLM Agent", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.09911", "title": "Amphion: An Open-Source Audio, Music and Speech Generation Toolkit", "github": "https://github.com/open-mmlab/Amphion" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.09767", "title": "DreamTalk: When Expressive Talking Head Generation Meets Diffusion Probabilistic Models", "github": "https://github.com/ali-vilab/dreamtalk" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.09579", "title": "MobileSAMv2: Faster Segment Anything to Everything", "github": "https://github.com/ChaoningZhang/MobileSAM{red{https:" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.10035", "title": "Point Transformer V3: Simpler, Faster, Stronger", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.09608", "title": "Faster Diffusion: Rethinking the Role of UNet Encoder in Diffusion Models", "github": "https://github.com/hutaiHang/Faster-Diffusion{FasterDiffusion" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.09571", "title": "Extending Context Window of Large Language Models via Semantic Compression", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.10034", "title": "SlimmeRF: Slimmable Radiance Fields", "github": "https://github.com/Shiran-Yuan/SlimmeRF" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.09323", "title": "Perspectives on the State and Future of Deep Learning -- 2023", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-18", "arxiv_id": "2312.09305", "title": "Stable Score Distillation for High-Quality 3D Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-19", "arxiv_id": "2312.10763", "title": "M3DBench: Let's Instruct Large 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"title": "DyBluRF: Dynamic Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields for Blurry Monocular Video", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-26", "arxiv_id": "2312.14302", "title": "Exploiting Novel GPT-4 APIs", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-26", "arxiv_id": "2312.14327", "title": "Parameter Efficient Tuning Allows Scalable Personalization of LLMs for Text Entry: A Case Study on Abbreviation Expansion", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-26", "arxiv_id": "2312.14238", "title": "InternVL: Scaling up Vision Foundation Models and Aligning for Generic Visual-Linguistic Tasks", "github": "https://github.com/OpenGVLab/InternVL" }, { "date": "2023-12-26", "arxiv_id": "2312.14187", "title": "WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhanced Instruction Tuning with Refined Data Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2023-12-26", "arxiv_id": "2312.14233", "title": "VCoder: Versatile Vision Encoders for Multimodal Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/SHI-Labs/VCoder" }, { "date": "2023-12-26", 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"title": "Agile But Safe: Learning Collision-Free High-Speed Legged Locomotion", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-01", "arxiv_id": "2401.17464", "title": "Efficient Tool Use with Chain-of-Abstraction Reasoning", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-01", "arxiv_id": "2401.18059", "title": "RAPTOR: Recursive Abstractive Processing for Tree-Organized Retrieval", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-01", "arxiv_id": "2401.18075", "title": "CARFF: Conditional Auto-encoded Radiance Field for 3D Scene Forecasting", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-01", "arxiv_id": "2401.17509", "title": "Anything in Any Scene: Photorealistic Video Object Insertion", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-01", "arxiv_id": "2401.17807", "title": "Advances in 3D Generation: A Survey", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-01", "arxiv_id": "2401.17895", "title": "ReplaceAnything3D:Text-Guided 3D Scene Editing with Compositional Neural Radiance Fields", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-02", "arxiv_id": "2402.00396", 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"2024-02-23", "arxiv_id": "2402.14797", "title": "Snap Video: Scaled Spatiotemporal Transformers for Text-to-Video Synthesis", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-23", "arxiv_id": "2402.14167", "title": "T-Stitch: Accelerating Sampling in Pre-Trained Diffusion Models with Trajectory Stitching", "github": "https://github.com/NVlabs/T-Stitch" }, { "date": "2024-02-23", "arxiv_id": "2402.14327", "title": "Subobject-level Image Tokenization", "github": "https://github.com/ChenDelong1999/subobjects" }, { "date": "2024-02-23", "arxiv_id": "2402.14289", "title": "TinyLLaVA: A Framework of Small-scale Large Multimodal Models", "github": "https://github.com/DLCV-BUAA/TinyLLaVABench" }, { "date": "2024-02-23", "arxiv_id": "2402.14261", "title": "Copilot Evaluation Harness: Evaluating LLM-Guided Software Programming", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-02-23", "arxiv_id": "2402.14034", "title": "AgentScope: A Flexible yet Robust Multi-Agent Platform", "github": 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"date": "2024-03-05", "arxiv_id": "2403.01444", "title": "3DGStream: On-the-Fly Training of 3D Gaussians for Efficient Streaming of Photo-Realistic Free-Viewpoint Videos", "github": "https://github.com/SJoJoK/3DGStream" }, { "date": "2024-03-05", "arxiv_id": "2403.02338", "title": "Twisting Lids Off with Two Hands", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-05", "arxiv_id": "2403.01823", "title": "RT-H: Action Hierarchies Using Language", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-05", "arxiv_id": "2403.00818", "title": "DenseMamba: State Space Models with Dense Hidden Connection for Efficient Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/WailordHe/DenseSSM" }, { "date": "2024-03-06", "arxiv_id": "2403.02884", "title": "MathScale: Scaling Instruction Tuning for Mathematical Reasoning", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-06", "arxiv_id": "2403.03206", "title": "Scaling Rectified Flow Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-06", "arxiv_id": 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"title": "NaturalSpeech 3: Zero-Shot Speech Synthesis with Factorized Codec and Diffusion Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-06", "arxiv_id": "2403.02460", "title": "MagicClay: Sculpting Meshes With Generative Neural Fields", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-06", "arxiv_id": "2403.02709", "title": "RT-Sketch: Goal-Conditioned Imitation Learning from Hand-Drawn Sketches", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-06", "arxiv_id": "2403.03194", "title": "MAGID: An Automated Pipeline for Generating Synthetic Multi-modal Datasets", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-06", "arxiv_id": "2403.02626", "title": "Modeling Collaborator: Enabling Subjective Vision Classification With Minimal Human Effort via LLM Tool-Use", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-07", "arxiv_id": "2403.03507", "title": "GaLore: Memory-Efficient LLM Training by Gradient Low-Rank Projection", "github": "https://github.com/jiaweizzhao/galore" }, { "date": "2024-03-07", "arxiv_id": "2403.03954", "title": "3D Diffusion 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"github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-13", "arxiv_id": "2403.07508", "title": "MoAI: Mixture of All Intelligence for Large Language and Vision Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-13", "arxiv_id": "2403.07128", "title": "FAX: Scalable and Differentiable Federated Primitives in JAX", "github": "https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/fax" }, { "date": "2024-03-13", "arxiv_id": "2403.07563", "title": "Learning Generalizable Feature Fields for Mobile Manipulation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-13", "arxiv_id": "2403.07487", "title": "Motion Mamba: Efficient and Long Sequence Motion Generation with Hierarchical and Bidirectional Selective SSM", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08295", "title": "Gemma: Open Models Based on Gemini Research and Technology", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08764", "title": "VLOGGER: Multimodal Diffusion for Embodied Avatar Synthesis", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08268", "title": "Follow-Your-Click: Open-domain Regional Image Animation via Short Prompts", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08763", "title": "Simple and Scalable Strategies to Continually Pre-train Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.07918", "title": "On the Societal Impact of Open Foundation Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08715", "title": "SOTOPIA-\u03c0: Interactive Learning of Socially Intelligent Language Agents", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08551", "title": "GaussianImage: 1000 FPS Image Representation and Compression by 2D Gaussian Splatting", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08540", "title": "Language models scale reliably with over-training and on downstream tasks", "github": "https://github.com/mlfoundations/scaling" }, { "date": "2024-03-14", "arxiv_id": "2403.08629", "title": "Scaling Up Dynamic 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"arxiv_id": "2403.12895", "title": "mPLUG-DocOwl 1.5: Unified Structure Learning for OCR-free Document Understanding", "github": "https://github.com/X-PLUG/mPLUG-DocOwl/tree/main/DocOwl1.5" }, { "date": "2024-03-20", "arxiv_id": "2403.12881", "title": "Agent-FLAN: Designing Data and Methods of Effective Agent Tuning for Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/InternLM/Agent-FLAN" }, { "date": "2024-03-20", "arxiv_id": "2403.12906", "title": "TexDreamer: Towards Zero-Shot High-Fidelity 3D Human Texture Generation", "github": "https://github.com/ggxxii/texdreamer" }, { "date": "2024-03-20", "arxiv_id": "2403.12962", "title": "FRESCO: Spatial-Temporal Correspondence for Zero-Shot Video Translation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-21", "arxiv_id": "2403.13248", "title": "Mora: Enabling Generalist Video Generation via A Multi-Agent Framework", "github": "https://github.com/lichao-sun/Mora" }, { "date": "2024-03-21", "arxiv_id": "2403.13064", "title": "SceneScript: 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"github": "https://github.com/boschresearch/VSTAR" }, { "date": "2024-03-21", "arxiv_id": "2403.13788", "title": "DepthFM: Fast Monocular Depth Estimation with Flow Matching", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-21", "arxiv_id": "2403.13802", "title": "ZigMa: Zigzag Mamba Diffusion Model", "github": "https://github.com/CompVis/zigma" }, { "date": "2024-03-21", "arxiv_id": "2403.13447", "title": "HyperLLaVA: Dynamic Visual and Language Expert Tuning for Multimodal Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/DCDmllm/HyperLLaVA" }, { "date": "2024-03-21", "arxiv_id": "2403.13187", "title": "Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes", "github": "https://github.com/SakanaAI/evolutionary-model-merge" }, { "date": "2024-03-22", "arxiv_id": "2403.14148", "title": "Efficient Video Diffusion Models via Content-Frame Motion-Latent Decomposition", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-22", "arxiv_id": "2403.14468", "title": "AnyV2V: A Plug-and-Play Framework For Any Video-to-Video 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"github": "https://github.com/OpenGVLab/InternVideo2" }, { "date": "2024-03-25", "arxiv_id": "2403.15360", "title": "SiMBA: Simplified Mamba-Based Architecture for Vision and Multivariate Time series", "github": "https://github.com/badripatro/Simba" }, { "date": "2024-03-25", "arxiv_id": "2403.15371", "title": "Can large language models explore in-context?", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-03-25", "arxiv_id": "2403.14773", "title": "StreamingT2V: Consistent, Dynamic, and Extendable Long Video Generation from Text", "github": "https://github.com/Picsart-AI-Research/StreamingT2V" }, { "date": "2024-03-25", "arxiv_id": "2403.15042", "title": "LLM2LLM: Boosting LLMs with Novel Iterative Data Enhancement", "github": "https://github.com/SqueezeAILab/LLM2LLM" }, { "date": "2024-03-25", "arxiv_id": "2403.15246", "title": "FollowIR: Evaluating and Teaching Information Retrieval Models to Follow Instructions", "github": "https://github.com/orionw/FollowIR" }, { "date": "2024-03-25", "arxiv_id": 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"arxiv_id": "2404.01197", "title": "Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-to-Image Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-02", "arxiv_id": "2404.00987", "title": "FlexiDreamer: Single Image-to-3D Generation with FlexiCubes", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-02", "arxiv_id": "2404.01258", "title": "Direct Preference Optimization of Video Large Multimodal Models from Language Model Reward", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-02", "arxiv_id": "2404.01143", "title": "Condition-Aware Neural Network for Controlled Image Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-02", "arxiv_id": "2404.00345", "title": "MaGRITTe: Manipulative and Generative 3D Realization from Image, Topview and Text", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-02", "arxiv_id": "2404.00399", "title": "Aurora-M: The First Open Source Multilingual Language Model Red-teamed according to the U.S. Executive Order", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-02", "arxiv_id": "2404.01292", "title": "Measuring Style 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"2024-04-05", "arxiv_id": "2404.03566", "title": "PointInfinity: Resolution-Invariant Point Diffusion Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-05", "arxiv_id": "2404.03118", "title": "LVLM-Intrepret: An Interpretability Tool for Large Vision-Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-05", "arxiv_id": "2404.03204", "title": "RALL-E: Robust Codec Language Modeling with Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Text-to-Speech Synthesis", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-05", "arxiv_id": "2404.03413", "title": "MiniGPT4-Video: Advancing Multimodal LLMs for Video Understanding with Interleaved Visual-Textual Tokens", "github": "https://github.com/Vision-CAIR/MiniGPT4-video" }, { "date": "2024-04-08", "arxiv_id": "2404.03683", "title": "Stream of Search (SoS): Learning to Search in Language", "github": "https://github.com/kanishkg/stream-of-search" }, { "date": "2024-04-08", "arxiv_id": "2404.03715", "title": "Direct Nash Optimization: Teaching Language Models to Self-Improve with 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"" }, { "date": "2024-04-08", "arxiv_id": "2404.04256", "title": "Sigma: Siamese Mamba Network for Multi-Modal Semantic Segmentation", "github": "https://github.com/zifuwan/Sigma" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.05595", "title": "UniFL: Improve Stable Diffusion via Unified Feedback Learning", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.05726", "title": "MA-LMM: Memory-Augmented Large Multimodal Model for Long-Term Video Understanding", "github": "https://github.com/boheumd/MA-LMM" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.04478", "title": "Diffusion-RWKV: Scaling RWKV-Like Architectures for Diffusion Models", "github": "https://github.com/feizc/Diffusion-RWKV" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.05014", "title": "MagicTime: Time-lapse Video Generation Models as Metamorphic Simulators", "github": "https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/MagicTime" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.05719", "title": "Ferret-UI: Grounded Mobile UI Understanding 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"arxiv_id": "2404.05666", "title": "YaART: Yet Another ART Rendering Technology", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.04319", "title": "SpatialTracker: Tracking Any 2D Pixels in 3D Space", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.04421", "title": "PhysAvatar: Learning the Physics of Dressed 3D Avatars from Visual Observations", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-09", "arxiv_id": "2404.05674", "title": "MoMA: Multimodal LLM Adapter for Fast Personalized Image Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-10", "arxiv_id": "2404.06429", "title": "Magic-Boost: Boost 3D Generation with Mutli-View Conditioned Diffusion", "github": "https://github.com/magic-research/magic-boost" }, { "date": "2024-04-10", "arxiv_id": "2404.06512", "title": "InternLM-XComposer2-4KHD: A Pioneering Large Vision-Language Model Handling Resolutions from 336 Pixels to 4K HD", "github": "https://github.com/InternLM/InternLM-XComposer" }, { "date": "2024-04-10", "arxiv_id": 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"github": "https://github.com/agneet42/robustness_depth_lang" }, { "date": "2024-04-15", "arxiv_id": "2404.08636", "title": "Probing the 3D Awareness of Visual Foundation Models", "github": "https://github.com/mbanani/probe3d" }, { "date": "2024-04-15", "arxiv_id": "2404.08639", "title": "COCONut: Modernizing COCO Segmentation", "github": "https://github.com/bytedance/coconut_cvpr2024" }, { "date": "2024-04-15", "arxiv_id": "2404.08197", "title": "Scaling (Down) CLIP: A Comprehensive Analysis of Data, Architecture, and Training Strategies", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-15", "arxiv_id": "2404.08495", "title": "Dataset Reset Policy Optimization for RLHF", "github": "https://github.com/Cornell-RL/drpo" }, { "date": "2024-04-16", "arxiv_id": "2404.09956", "title": "Tango 2: Aligning Diffusion-based Text-to-Audio Generations through Direct Preference Optimization", "github": "https://github.com/declare-lab/tango" }, { "date": "2024-04-16", "arxiv_id": "2404.09967", "title": 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"arxiv_id": "2404.08801", "title": "Megalodon: Efficient LLM Pretraining and Inference with Unlimited Context Length", "github": "https://github.com/XuezheMax/megalodon" }, { "date": "2024-04-16", "arxiv_id": "2404.09458", "title": "CompGS: Efficient 3D Scene Representation via Compressed Gaussian Splatting", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-16", "arxiv_id": "2404.09937", "title": "Compression Represents Intelligence Linearly", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-16", "arxiv_id": "2404.08856", "title": "On Speculative Decoding for Multimodal Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-16", "arxiv_id": "2404.09204", "title": "TextHawk: Exploring Efficient Fine-Grained Perception of Multimodal Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-17", "arxiv_id": "2404.10179", "title": "Scaling Instructable Agents Across Many Simulated Worlds", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-17", "arxiv_id": "2404.10301", "title": "Long-form music generation with latent 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"2404.13013", "title": "Groma: Localized Visual Tokenization for Grounding Multimodal Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/FoundationVision/Groma" }, { "date": "2024-04-23", "arxiv_id": "2404.13358", "title": "Music Consistency Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-23", "arxiv_id": "2404.14219", "title": "Phi-3 Technical Report: A Highly Capable Language Model Locally on Your Phone", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-23", "arxiv_id": "2404.14239", "title": "MultiBooth: Towards Generating All Your Concepts in an Image from Text", "github": "https://github.com/chenyangzhu1/MultiBooth" }, { "date": "2024-04-23", "arxiv_id": "2404.14394", "title": "A Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent", "github": "https://github.com/multimodal-interpretability/maia" }, { "date": "2024-04-23", "arxiv_id": "2404.13686", "title": "Hyper-SD: Trajectory Segmented Consistency Model for Efficient Image Synthesis", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-04-23", "arxiv_id": "2404.14396", 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"github": "https://github.com/AIRI-Institute/LLM-Microscope" }, { "date": "2024-05-22", "arxiv_id": "2405.12981", "title": "Reducing Transformer Key-Value Cache Size with Cross-Layer Attention", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-22", "arxiv_id": "2405.12979", "title": "OmniGlue: Generalizable Feature Matching with Foundation Model Guidance", "github": "https://github.com/google-research/omniglue" }, { "date": "2024-05-22", "arxiv_id": "2405.12970", "title": "Face Adapter for Pre-Trained Diffusion Models with Fine-Grained ID and Attribute Control", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.13195", "title": "CamViG: Camera Aware Image-to-Video Generation with Multimodal Transformers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.14677", "title": "RectifID: Personalizing Rectified Flow with Anchored Classifier Guidance", "github": "https://github.com/feifeiobama/RectifID" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.14598", "title": "Visual Echoes: A Simple 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"arxiv_id": "2405.14333", "title": "DeepSeek-Prover: Advancing Theorem Proving in LLMs through Large-Scale Synthetic Data", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.14857", "title": "Semantica: An Adaptable Image-Conditioned Diffusion Model", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.13817", "title": "Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.14129", "title": "AlignGPT: Multi-modal Large Language Models with Adaptive Alignment Capability", "github": "https://github.com/AlignGPT-VL/AlignGPT" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.14105", "title": "Distributed Speculative Inference of Large Language Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.14866", "title": "Tele-Aloha: A Low-budget and High-authenticity Telepresence System Using Sparse RGB Cameras", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-05-24", "arxiv_id": "2405.14871", "title": "NeRF-Casting: Improved View-Dependent 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"arxiv_id": "2406.00392", "title": "Artificial Generational Intelligence: Cultural Accumulation in Reinforcement Learning", "github": "https://github.com/FLAIROx/cultural-accumulation" }, { "date": "2024-06-04", "arxiv_id": "2406.00153", "title": "\u03bcLO: Compute-Efficient Meta-Generalization of Learned Optimizers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-04", "arxiv_id": "2406.00908", "title": "ZeroSmooth: Training-free Diffuser Adaptation for High Frame Rate Video Generation", "github": "https://github.com/ssyang2020/ZeroSmooth" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.02430", "title": "Seed-TTS: A Family of High-Quality Versatile Speech Generation Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.02230", "title": "I4VGen: Image as Stepping Stone for Text-to-Video Generation", "github": "https://github.com/xiefan-guo/i4vgen" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.01660", "title": "Self-Improving Robust Preference Optimization", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.02543", "title": "To Believe or Not to Believe Your LLM", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.02507", "title": "Guiding a Diffusion Model with a Bad Version of Itself", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.02523", "title": "RoboCasa: Large-Scale Simulation of Everyday Tasks for Generalist Robots", "github": "https://github.com/robocasa/robocasa" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.02511", "title": "V-Express: Conditional Dropout for Progressive Training of Portrait Video Generation", "github": "https://github.com/tencent-ailab/V-Express" }, { "date": "2024-06-05", "arxiv_id": "2406.02509", "title": "CamCo: Camera-Controllable 3D-Consistent Image-to-Video Generation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.03184", "title": "Ouroboros3D: Image-to-3D Generation via 3D-aware Recursive Diffusion", "github": "https://github.com/Costwen/Ouroboros3D" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02539", "title": "Parrot: Multilingual Visual Instruction Tuning", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02856", "title": "Xmodel-LM Technical Report", "github": "https://github.com/XiaoduoAILab/XmodelLM" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02844", "title": "Item-Language Model for Conversational Recommendation", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02657", "title": "Block Transformer: Global-to-Local Language Modeling for Fast Inference", "github": "https://github.com/itsnamgyu/block-transformer" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02897", "title": "LiveSpeech: Low-Latency Zero-shot Text-to-Speech via Autoregressive Modeling of Audio Discrete Codes", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.03344", "title": "Audio Mamba: Bidirectional State Space Model for Audio Representation Learning", "github": "https://github.com/mhamzaerol/Audio-Mamba-AuM" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02900", "title": "Scaling Laws for Reward Model Overoptimization in Direct Alignment Algorithms", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02886", "title": "PLaD: Preference-based Large Language Model Distillation with Pseudo-Preference Pairs", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.02884", "title": "PosterLLaVa: Constructing a Unified Multi-modal Layout Generator with LLM", "github": "https://github.com/posterllava/PosterLLaVA" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.03215", "title": "Searching Priors Makes Text-to-Video Synthesis Better", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-06", "arxiv_id": "2406.01014", "title": "Mobile-Agent-v2: Mobile Device Operation Assistant with Effective Navigation via Multi-Agent Collaboration", "github": "https://github.com/X-PLUG/MobileAgent" }, { "date": "2024-06-07", "arxiv_id": "2406.04324", "title": "SF-V: Single Forward Video Generation Model", "github": "https://github.com/snap-research/SF-V" }, { "date": "2024-06-07", "arxiv_id": "2406.04277", "title": "VideoTetris: Towards Compositional Text-to-Video Generation", "github": "https://github.com/YangLing0818/VideoTetris" }, { "date": "2024-06-07", "arxiv_id": "2406.04333", "title": "BitsFusion: 1.99 bits Weight Quantization of Diffusion Model", "github": "https://github.com/snap-research/BitsFusion" }, { "date": "2024-06-07", "arxiv_id": "2406.04271", "title": "Buffer of Thoughts: Thought-Augmented Reasoning with Large Language Models", "github": "https://github.com/YangLing0818/buffer-of-thought-llm" }, { "date": "2024-06-07", "arxiv_id": "2406.04151", "title": "AgentGym: Evolving Large Language Model-based Agents across Diverse Environments", "github": "https://github.com/WooooDyy/AgentGym" }, { "date": "2024-06-07", "arxiv_id": "2406.04268", "title": "Open-Endedness is Essential for Artificial Superhuman Intelligence", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-07", "arxiv_id": "2406.04314", "title": "Step-aware Preference Optimization: Aligning Preference 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"2024-06-10", "arxiv_id": "2406.04594", "title": "Boosting Large-scale Parallel Training Efficiency with C4: A Communication-Driven Approach", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-10", "arxiv_id": "2406.04391", "title": "Why Has Predicting Downstream Capabilities of Frontier AI Models with Scale Remained Elusive?", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-10", "arxiv_id": "2406.04770", "title": "WildBench: Benchmarking LLMs with Challenging Tasks from Real Users in the Wild", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-10", "arxiv_id": "2406.04370", "title": "Large Language Model Confidence Estimation via Black-Box Access", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-10", "arxiv_id": "2406.04523", "title": "Proofread: Fixes All Errors with One Tap", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06525", "title": "Autoregressive Model Beats Diffusion: Llama for Scalable Image Generation", "github": "https://github.com/FoundationVision/LlamaGen" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06474", "title": "Towards a Personal Health Large Language Model", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.05814", "title": "Unified Text-to-Image Generation and Retrieval", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.05370", "title": "VALL-E 2: Neural Codec Language Models are Human Parity Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.05768", "title": "MLCM: Multistep Consistency Distillation of Latent Diffusion Model", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06527", "title": "IllumiNeRF: 3D Relighting without Inverse Rendering", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06216", "title": "Lighting Every Darkness with 3DGS: Fast Training and Real-Time Rendering for HDR View Synthesis", "github": "https://github.com/Srameo/LE3D" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06469", "title": "Husky: A Unified, Open-Source Language Agent for Multi-Step Reasoning", "github": "https://github.com/agent-husky/Husky-v1" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.05981", "title": "ShiftAddLLM: Accelerating Pretrained LLMs via Post-Training Multiplication-Less Reparameterization", "github": "https://github.com/GATECH-EIC/ShiftAddLLM" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06316", "title": "Tx-LLM: A Large Language Model for Therapeutics", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06040", "title": "Vript: A Video Is Worth Thousands of Words", "github": "https://github.com/mutonix/Vript" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.06133", "title": "ExtraNeRF: Visibility-Aware View Extrapolation of Neural Radiance Fields with Diffusion Models", "github": "" }, { "date": "2024-06-11", "arxiv_id": "2406.05649", "title": "GTR: Improving Large 3D Reconstruction Models through Geometry and Texture Refinement", "github": "" } ]