[ { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: Rabbi Ishmael said: Metatron, the Angel, the Prince of the Presence, said to me: (1) When the ministering angels say \"Holy\" before the Holy One, blessed be He, in the proper way, then the servants of His Throne, the attendants of His Glory, go out with much happiness from under the Throne of Glory. (2) And each one carries in their hands thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand crowns of stars, similar in appearance to the planet Venus, and put them on the ministering angels and the great prince who sing the \"Holy.\" They place three crowns on each one of them: one crown because they say \"Holy\", and another crown, because they say \"Holy, Holy\", and a third crown because they say \"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts.\" (3) But in the moment that they do not sing the \"Holy\" in the right order, a consuming fire flashes out from the little finger of the Holy One, blessed be He, and descends into the middle of their ranks, which is divided into 496 thousand parts corresponding to the four camps of the ministering angels, and the fire burns up in a single moment those who did not say the \"Holy\" correctly. For it is written (Ps.? [/INST] ", "answer": "Rabbi Ishmael said: Metatron, the Angel, the Prince of the Presence, said to me: (1) When the ministering angels say \"Holy\" before the Holy One, blessed be He, in the proper way, then the servants of His Throne, the attendants of His Glory, go out with much happiness from under the Throne of Glory. (2) And each one carries in their hands thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand crowns of stars, similar in appearance to the planet Venus, and put them on the ministering angels and the great prince who sing the \"Holy.\" They place three crowns on each one of them: one crown because they say \"Holy\", and another crown, because they say \"Holy, Holy\", and a third crown because they say \"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts.\" (3) But in the moment that they do not sing the \"Holy\" in the right order, a consuming fire flashes out from the little finger of the Holy One, blessed be He, and descends into the middle of their ranks, which is divided into 496 thousand parts corresponding to the four camps of the ministering angels, and the fire burns up in a single moment those who did not say the \"Holy\" correctly. For it is written (Ps. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: orb of the moon and the orb of the sun, as well as Orion, the Pleiades and all the different luminaries of Raqia (heaven) were created. (2) These are the letters by which were created the Throne of Glory and the Wheels of the Merkaba (chariot), the letters by which were created the necessities of the worlds, (3) the letters by which were created wisdom, understanding, knowledge, prudence, meekness and righteousness by which the entire world is sustained. (4) And I walked by his side and he took me by his hand and raised me up on his wings and showed me those letters, all of them, that are engraved with a flaming iron pen on the Throne of Glory. Sparks go out from them and cover all the chambers of Araboth (the highest heaven).? [/INST] ", "answer": "orb of the moon and the orb of the sun, as well as Orion, the Pleiades and all the different luminaries of Raqia (heaven) were created. (2) These are the letters by which were created the Throne of Glory and the Wheels of the Merkaba (chariot), the letters by which were created the necessities of the worlds, (3) the letters by which were created wisdom, understanding, knowledge, prudence, meekness and righteousness by which the entire world is sustained. (4) And I walked by his side and he took me by his hand and raised me up on his wings and showed me those letters, all of them, that are engraved with a flaming iron pen on the Throne of Glory. Sparks go out from them and cover all the chambers of Araboth (the highest heaven). " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is described in the text: And I arranged all the works of creation for him. And I made him more powerful than all the ministering angels. (3) He gave Metatron-that is Enoch, the son of Jared- theauthority over all the storehouses and treasuries, and appointed him over all the stores (reserves) in every heaven. And I assigned the keys of each store into him. (4) I made him the prince over all the princes and a minister of the Throne of Glory and the Halls of Araboth (the highest heaven). I appointed him over the Holy Chayoth for him to open their doors of the Throne of Glory to me, to exalt and arrange it, and I gave to him wreathe crowns to place upon their heads. I sent him to the majestic Ophannim, to crown them with strength and glory. I sent him to the? [/INST] ", "answer": "And I arranged all the works of creation for him. And I made him more powerful than all the ministering angels. (3) He gave Metatron-that is Enoch, the son of Jared- theauthority over all the storehouses and treasuries, and appointed him over all the stores (reserves) in every heaven. And I assigned the keys of each store into him. (4) I made him the prince over all the princes and a minister of the Throne of Glory and the Halls of Araboth (the highest heaven). I appointed him over the Holy Chayoth for him to open their doors of the Throne of Glory to me, to exalt and arrange it, and I gave to him wreathe crowns to place upon their heads. I sent him to the majestic Ophannim, to crown them with strength and glory. I sent him to the " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: trembling and dread, with amazement and shivering, with honor and majesty and fear, terror, greatness and dignity, and with glory and power, with wisdom and knowledge and with a pillar of fire and flame and lightning- and their light is as lightning flashesof light-and with the likeness of the chashmal (the substance of heaven). (2) And they give glory to them and they answer and cry before them,\" Holy, Holy, Holy.\" And they lead them in a single line through every heaven as powerful and honorable princes. And when they bring them all back to the place of the Throne of Glory, then all the Chayoth by the Merkaba (chariot) open their mouth in praise of His glorious name, saying: \"Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.\"? [/INST] ", "answer": "trembling and dread, with amazement and shivering, with honor and majesty and fear, terror, greatness and dignity, and with glory and power, with wisdom and knowledge and with a pillar of fire and flame and lightning- and their light is as lightning flashesof light-and with the likeness of the chashmal (the substance of heaven). (2) And they give glory to them and they answer and cry before them,\" Holy, Holy, Holy.\" And they lead them in a single line through every heaven as powerful and honorable princes. And when they bring them all back to the place of the Throne of Glory, then all the Chayoth by the Merkaba (chariot) open their mouth in praise of His glorious name, saying: \"Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.\" " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: (Note: If all things were created in six days, then the souls of all people were created at that time. In Jewish mythology, the place that the souls were houses until birth was called the Guf (Guph). Each soul was created for a certain place, time, and destiny. According to one version of the myth, when the Guf (Gup) is emptied of souls, time ceases. In another version, when the last soul dies and returns to God, time will end. Enoch wrote 366 book in a 720 hour period containing information on all things, including, \"all souls who are prepared for eternity, before the formation of the world.\")? [/INST] ", "answer": "(Note: If all things were created in six days, then the souls of all people were created at that time. In Jewish mythology, the place that the souls were houses until birth was called the Guf (Guph). Each soul was created for a certain place, time, and destiny. According to one version of the myth, when the Guf (Gup) is emptied of souls, time ceases. In another version, when the last soul dies and returns to God, time will end. Enoch wrote 366 book in a 720 hour period containing information on all things, including, \"all souls who are prepared for eternity, before the formation of the world.\") " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nHow does the text: the wind.\" (17) And where do all these winds go? The Scripture teaches us, that they go out from under the wings of the Cherubim and descend on the globe of the sun, for it is written (Eccl. 1:6): \"The wind goes toward the south and h1rns around to the north; it turns around over and over in its course and the wind returns again to its route.\" And from the orb of the sun they return and go down on to the rivers and the seas, then up on the mountains and up on the hills, for it is written (Am. contribute to the overall narrative? [/INST] ", "answer": "the wind.\" (17) And where do all these winds go? The Scripture teaches us, that they go out from under the wings of the Cherubim and descend on the globe of the sun, for it is written (Eccl. 1:6): \"The wind goes toward the south and h1rns around to the north; it turns around over and over in its course and the wind returns again to its route.\" And from the orb of the sun they return and go down on to the rivers and the seas, then up on the mountains and up on the hills, for it is written (Am. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: removes the glorious crown from his head and bows himself to the ground. (17) And Gallisur YHWH, the prince, when he sees ZAKZAKIEL YHWH , the prince who is appointed to write down the merits of Israel on the Throne of Glory, he removes the glorious crown form his head and bows himself to the ground. (18) And Zakzakiel YHWH, the great prince, when he sees ANAPHIEL YHWH, the prince who keeps the keys of the heavenly Halls, he removes the glorious crown from his head? [/INST] ", "answer": "removes the glorious crown from his head and bows himself to the ground. (17) And Gallisur YHWH, the prince, when he sees ZAKZAKIEL YHWH , the prince who is appointed to write down the merits of Israel on the Throne of Glory, he removes the glorious crown form his head and bows himself to the ground. (18) And Zakzakiel YHWH, the great prince, when he sees ANAPHIEL YHWH, the prince who keeps the keys of the heavenly Halls, he removes the glorious crown from his head " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nCan you summarize the events described in: This section is very important to Jewish mystics and Cabbalists in that it sets the balance within the act of judgment between mercy and justice. If one were to strip down to the barest essentials the spiritual life of a person some may conclude it is to find balance bet-u1een mercy and justice. The books of life and death are records of the birth and death of individuals. This is not the same as the Book of Life referred to in the Bible, which contains the names of the righteous.? [/INST] ", "answer": "This section is very important to Jewish mystics and Cabbalists in that it sets the balance within the act of judgment between mercy and justice. If one were to strip down to the barest essentials the spiritual life of a person some may conclude it is to find balance bet-u1een mercy and justice. The books of life and death are records of the birth and death of individuals. This is not the same as the Book of Life referred to in the Bible, which contains the names of the righteous. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nHow does the text: Sophia cast her offspring out of pleroma (heaven), and hid her child within a thick cloud from the other aeons, because of her embarrassment and shame. Yaldabaoth was the first of the archon (\"ruler\") and he stole his mother's power, so that she wasn't able to escape from the cloud. Despite gaining Sophia's aeonic power, he was weak, but prideful, ambitious and power hungry. contribute to the overall narrative? [/INST] ", "answer": "Sophia cast her offspring out of pleroma (heaven), and hid her child within a thick cloud from the other aeons, because of her embarrassment and shame. Yaldabaoth was the first of the archon (\"ruler\") and he stole his mother's power, so that she wasn't able to escape from the cloud. Despite gaining Sophia's aeonic power, he was weak, but prideful, ambitious and power hungry. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nHow does the text: Blessed are the just who shall escape the great judgment, for they shall shine forth more than the sun sevenfold, for in this world the seventh part is taken off from all, light, darkness, food, enjoyment, sorrow, paradise, torture, fire, frost, and other things; he put all down in writing, that you might read and understand. contribute to the overall narrative? [/INST] ", "answer": "Blessed are the just who shall escape the great judgment, for they shall shine forth more than the sun sevenfold, for in this world the seventh part is taken off from all, light, darkness, food, enjoyment, sorrow, paradise, torture, fire, frost, and other things; he put all down in writing, that you might read and understand. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: Hear, my children, small and great! When man puts a good thought in his heart, it brings gifts from his labors before the Lord's face. But if his hands did not make them, then the Lord will turn away his face from the labor of his hand, and (that) man cannot find the labor of his hands.? [/INST] ", "answer": "Hear, my children, small and great! When man puts a good thought in his heart, it brings gifts from his labors before the Lord's face. But if his hands did not make them, then the Lord will turn away his face from the labor of his hand, and (that) man cannot find the labor of his hands. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nCan you summarize the events described in: orders of Creation were created. (2) And every single letter flashed out time after time like lightning, and time after time like lanterns, time after time like flames of fire, time after time rays like those of the rising of the sun and the moon and the planets.? [/INST] ", "answer": "orders of Creation were created. (2) And every single letter flashed out time after time like lightning, and time after time like lanterns, time after time like flames of fire, time after time rays like those of the rising of the sun and the moon and the planets. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: Pravuil, the archangel, is commanded to write down secret information about astronomy, climate, and language and give it over to Enoch. In other Enochian writings the same angel, also spelled \"Penemue \", is criticized for teaching humans to write.? [/INST] ", "answer": "Pravuil, the archangel, is commanded to write down secret information about astronomy, climate, and language and give it over to Enoch. In other Enochian writings the same angel, also spelled \"Penemue \", is criticized for teaching humans to write. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: Enoch purports to have been written around 100 AD., but its origins can only be traced to the late fourth or early fifth centuries. Other names for 3 Enoch include \"The Third Book of Enoch\" and \"The Book of the Palaces.\"? [/INST] ", "answer": "Enoch purports to have been written around 100 AD., but its origins can only be traced to the late fourth or early fifth centuries. Other names for 3 Enoch include \"The Third Book of Enoch\" and \"The Book of the Palaces.\" " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: The eight beings who are called YHWH may refer to those angels who have the Tetragrammaton as part of their name. These are highly ranked angels that are outside the normal system of authority. They are the ones God uses as his counsel.? [/INST] ", "answer": "The eight beings who are called YHWH may refer to those angels who have the Tetragrammaton as part of their name. These are highly ranked angels that are outside the normal system of authority. They are the ones God uses as his counsel. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: I described the treasure houses of the snow, and the storehouses of the cold and the frosty airs, and I observed the key-holders of the seasons. He fills the clouds with them, and it does not exhaust the treasure houses.? [/INST] ", "answer": "I described the treasure houses of the snow, and the storehouses of the cold and the frosty airs, and I observed the key-holders of the seasons. He fills the clouds with them, and it does not exhaust the treasure houses. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nHow does the text: Kedushah (Sacred Salutation of Holy, Holy, Holy) is a call to greet and glorifiJ God. KODOISH, KODOISH, KODOISH ADONA! contribute to the overall narrative? [/INST] ", "answer": "Kedushah (Sacred Salutation of Holy, Holy, Holy) is a call to greet and glorifiJ God. KODOISH, KODOISH, KODOISH ADONA! " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: As with 1 Enoch, the exact dating of this book is a difficult task, but some scholars believe it was completed around the time of the Babylonian Talmud, which was around the early 5th? [/INST] ", "answer": "As with 1 Enoch, the exact dating of this book is a difficult task, but some scholars believe it was completed around the time of the Babylonian Talmud, which was around the early 5th " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: \"Blessed is the man who has not been born or who has been born and shall not sin before the Lord's face, because he will not come into this place, nor bear the yoke of this place on himself.? [/INST] ", "answer": "\"Blessed is the man who has not been born or who has been born and shall not sin before the Lord's face, because he will not come into this place, nor bear the yoke of this place on himself. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is described in the text: (Note: Enoch was born on the 6th day of Tsivan. Tshian is the first month of the year. The sum is seven, one of the holy numbers. He lived 365 years.? [/INST] ", "answer": "(Note: Enoch was born on the 6th day of Tsivan. Tshian is the first month of the year. The sum is seven, one of the holy numbers. He lived 365 years. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: is the numerical value of the word Malkut (kingdom). These 496,000 angels are the ones who sing of the glory of God, singing \"Holy, Holy. Holy.\"? [/INST] ", "answer": "is the numerical value of the word Malkut (kingdom). These 496,000 angels are the ones who sing of the glory of God, singing \"Holy, Holy. Holy.\" " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: In some Jewish mystical \u00b7writings the attributes of Elijah and those of Enoch are interchangeable. Here Enoch takes the same trip to heaven on a fiery chariot.? [/INST] ", "answer": "In some Jewish mystical \u00b7writings the attributes of Elijah and those of Enoch are interchangeable. Here Enoch takes the same trip to heaven on a fiery chariot. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nCan you summarize the events described in: perfect power, which is the visage of the invisible. She is the pure, undefiled Spirit who is perfect. She is the first power. Adoil has that place is this myth.? [/INST] ", "answer": "perfect power, which is the visage of the invisible. She is the pure, undefiled Spirit who is perfect. She is the first power. Adoil has that place is this myth. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nCan you summarize the events described in: 92:3): \"A fire goes before him and burns up his adversaries\t( round about.\" (4) After that the Holy One, blessed be He, opens? [/INST] ", "answer": "92:3): \"A fire goes before him and burns up his adversaries\t( round about.\" (4) After that the Holy One, blessed be He, opens " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: But if his heart complains, he commits a double evil; ruin of himself and of that which he gives; and for him there will be no finding of reward because of that.? [/INST] ", "answer": "But if his heart complains, he commits a double evil; ruin of himself and of that which he gives; and for him there will be no finding of reward because of that. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: Those men showed me the great course of the moon. There are twelve great gates that are crowned from west to east, by which the moon comes and goes in its customary times.? [/INST] ", "answer": "Those men showed me the great course of the moon. There are twelve great gates that are crowned from west to east, by which the moon comes and goes in its customary times. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is described in the text: For there are many books, and in them you will learn all the Lord's works, all that has been from the beginning of creation, and will be until the end of time.? [/INST] ", "answer": "For there are many books, and in them you will learn all the Lord's works, all that has been from the beginning of creation, and will be until the end of time. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat happens in the text: If a man repents and is no longer wicked, the angels inflicts his punishment on a person who is still wicked and has not repented? [/INST] ", "answer": "If a man repents and is no longer wicked, the angels inflicts his punishment on a person who is still wicked and has not repented " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nCan you summarize the events described in: The generations of Enoch are as follows: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch.? [/INST] ", "answer": "The generations of Enoch are as follows: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is described in the text: My thought is my own counselor, my wisdom and my word creates, and my eyes observe how all things stand here and tremble with terror.? [/INST] ", "answer": "My thought is my own counselor, my wisdom and my word creates, and my eyes observe how all things stand here and tremble with terror. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat happens in the text: And I looked until that first bull came to her and quieted (calmed) her, and from that time onward she cried no more.? [/INST] ", "answer": "And I looked until that first bull came to her and quieted (calmed) her, and from that time onward she cried no more. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nCan you summarize the events described in: And I said to the sea: Behold I give you eternal limits, and you shall not break loose from your integral parts.? [/INST] ", "answer": "And I said to the sea: Behold I give you eternal limits, and you shall not break loose from your integral parts. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: And they shall tell another generation, and those others who, having read, shall afterward be glorified more than the first.? [/INST] ", "answer": "And they shall tell another generation, and those others who, having read, shall afterward be glorified more than the first. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: For tomorrow I shall go up to heaven, to the uppermost Jerusalem, to my eternal inheritance.? [/INST] ", "answer": "For tomorrow I shall go up to heaven, to the uppermost Jerusalem, to my eternal inheritance. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: And if they bring clean animals and birds for sacrifice, man has a cure. He cures his soul.? [/INST] ", "answer": "And if they bring clean animals and birds for sacrifice, man has a cure. He cures his soul. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat vision or message is conveyed in: Fifth heaven - The leaders of the fallen angels, the II Grigori\" (Greek? [/INST] ", "answer": "Fifth heaven - The leaders of the fallen angels, the II Grigori\" (Greek " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: My children, I measured and wrote out every work and every measure and every righteous judgment.? [/INST] ", "answer": "My children, I measured and wrote out every work and every measure and every righteous judgment. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is described in the text: And above the light there is nothing else, and then I rose up and looked up from my throne.? [/INST] ", "answer": "And above the light there is nothing else, and then I rose up and looked up from my throne. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: you, and commit a sin in front of the face of The Lord.11? [/INST] ", "answer": "you, and commit a sin in front of the face of The Lord.11 " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: From the spiritual realm he made all things that are physical, himself being spiritual.? [/INST] ", "answer": "From the spiritual realm he made all things that are physical, himself being spiritual. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: And there is no unfruitful tree here, and every place is blessed.? [/INST] ", "answer": "And there is no unfruitful tree here, and every place is blessed. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nHow does the text: Rabbi Ishmael said: contribute to the overall narrative? [/INST] ", "answer": "Rabbi Ishmael said: " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is described in the text: The explicit names fly from the Throne.? [/INST] ", "answer": "The explicit names fly from the Throne. " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat happens in the text: CHAPTER 48 - B? [/INST] ", "answer": "CHAPTER 48 - B " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nHow does the text: CHAPTER6 contribute to the overall narrative? [/INST] ", "answer": "CHAPTER6 " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat happens in the text: CHAPTER 16? [/INST] ", "answer": "CHAPTER 16 " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat happens in the text: Chapter 29? [/INST] ", "answer": "Chapter 29 " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat is the main theme of the text: CHAPTERS? [/INST] ", "answer": "CHAPTERS " }, { "question": "[INST] <>\nSystem prompt\n<>\nWhat significant event is mentioned in: CHAPTER2? [/INST] ", "answer": "CHAPTER2 " } ]